ittarv iSrotDit^ ®o t?)t Hit of “JWaru Bfanj.” ITfte prfte of all f^e bale arounb, Ct>e pcatse of eaclj goung iioton, S»till teign'b tijat mobest, lobelg matb, ffl:j)e artless JHatp licoton. ®er eges toete brigfjt as rubies, oft ! ^ Nought e’er coulb mafee her froton; — Siome boto’b that eb’rg charm anb grace jl^ab met in ittarg Broton. ©h ■ wag J^ate guarb stoeet jWarg Broton ! Still h^aben’s smile her course pursue > ®h ! mag dFate shielb fair J«arg Broton, »nb life’s best gifts pour boton ! 5 one iag, to J®[arg’s church— Ef)e hour Sol’s beams bib croton; esahfu, toith a merrg group in tohite, Chfte smileb our Jttarg Broton. ®h * glabsome ’ttoas inbeeb to bieto ?ftoto legmen’s aib can croton; — £n bribal robes anb innocence, 212ahat gueen lifee Jttarg Broton! ©h * wag jFate guarb, ifc. Jt rtaneeb, tohen some ttoelbe months hab speb, Co the same dFane I came, cZahPn lo !— anb nursing near the fount— Stoob her so fenoton to fame, a happg toife— a mother ?l?aith logs earh cross to broton;— If butg’s blest retoarb gou’b fenoto, iLearn but of ittarg Broton. ©h! still proceeb, goob i«arg Broton I Chough birtue gains its meeb e’en here; ©h! still go on, goob iHarg Broton! Cill toon’s the last great croton. MARCH, 1848 . ®ofbam: iJJiintcli at ©batltg ^ptfbau ^prm.