IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES SHIFTS IN SHIFT -MAKING! From « The Merchants Ware-home Laid Open; or. The Plain-Dealing Lmnen-Draper;’—by J. F., l2mo., London, 1696. , „ . because Shifts begin with the Letter S- 1 Shall here give you such Instructions, which if well observed and followed you may thereby know how to Cut out a Shift out of two Ells of Holland’ as most People shall do out of two Ells and a quarter, and shall be both as long and ^ Jarge, for example ; If you will Cut out but one Shift Ell 1 long, take two Ells of Holland, and slit it through the middle; let it be Ell wide as the bigness of your body requires, and when it IS split through the middle, instead of taking one half bredth, and iust the same length of the other half bredth for the Body, cut l-8th of an Ell olf clone of the half bredths, and just the same length off of the other half bredth, which take for the body of your Shifts, then take the remainder of one of the half bredths and double it, then lay it across, and cut it for your (joars, then take the other remainder of the bredth, and double it, and cut It in ^e middle, which makes just a pair of Sleeves, then you wantonly for '^•11 ont of the hollowing of the Neck of your Shin, which Itule you may observe in cutting out two, four, or six Shifts, for whM you cut out two, take a body of one of the half bredths, and a body off of the other, and when you cut four, take two Bodies off of one of t e half bredths, and two Bodies off of the other, and when you cut six, take three off of one of the half bredths, and three off of the other, and by that means you may cut them what length in reason you please ; whereas if Bodies all of one piece, you can make them but two Ells long, cu-ft ^ T ® quarter of an Ell in the Cutting out of each Shitt. J could give you other Instructions for Cutting out half-Ell Cloth, that you might Cut a Shift as large out of a Cloth half-Ell, as others should do out ot a Cloth three quarters wide, but I shall be forced to omit this, by reason it would make me out-run the limits of my Book, and for that I shall treat of it in my next Edition.” — Page 38. Great Totham: Printed at Charles Clark's Private Press,