CIRCUS ROYAL, COLCHESTER. / AFTER VISITING HIS OLYMPIC PAVILION, NOW AT COLCHESTER. *«You have good judgment in Horsemanship.” Constable of France^ Hail ! hail ! to thee, famed BATTY ! Their lyres bards must be stringing, When such praises flow from every beau, And e’en belles the same are ringing ! Yes, with his troop, all “fire” and beauty, Colchester welcomes gaily Him who nightly now the proud laurel bough Gains at the Castle BaiAey \ Your splendid Circus, ’tis A round of pleasures sprightly; As represents each of the gents. And squires you’re pleasing — nightly I Your horses cleverer are Than any we e’er saw, Sir; Though fine and fleet, your every seat Shows nightly how they ^^draWy' Sir ! As at once the work they do Of both cart-horse and “ blood,” Sir, You must — they’re such — have studied much To produce so rare a study Sir ! That they’re no common steeds E’en greens*' have clearly proved. Sir; For who’ll gainsay time was when they In the “first circles** moved. Sir I Each the “luxury of Sure, owns when breath he’s taking; And they show, all say, how our horses may Be “mended” by good breaking i Poor Malthus, oh ! if he e’er saw Your troop, you set him fearing ; For there are, one knows, in your circle those That oft indeed are — rearing * All the “strait-laced” to BATTY’S, ’Tis plain, should wend instanter ; For — compared with you— none of that crew Can half perform the canter ! See ! when you. Sir, RIDE SIX, What gatherings — what dividings ! Such horsemanship, declares each lip. Beats e’en famed Yorkshire’s ^‘Ridings!”' As famous as the Alpine Are your mountings y all would own. Sir; But, then, beat you e’en Rothchild do Whene’er you “stand a-lone** Sir! Really, you’d make a good M. P., So, at least. Sir, we’ve a notion ; For no tongue can tell, when you ride, how well You can “ se-coiid a motion /” Though great are all the feats You present to charm our sight. Sir, — How strange when we YOU, too, oft see (Amidst the gas) — a-lighty Sir ! Such VARIETY you give us, The thought when we attend is,— None but an elf he-side himself Can doubt to please your end is ! Such notice have you gain’d around, ’Tis plain, there’s no disputing That, with all we meet, feat after featy In a place, leads to — s. footing /” Now saucy wags so many Abound in regions British Excuse his fun who loves a pun — like your steeds — seems skittish I Triumphantly may you each feat Continue long to show. Sir; And may we spy like “ Gooseberry** The current to you flow. Sir ! GREAT TOTHAM, September, 1842.