TOMMY THUMB'S SONG-BOOK, FOR ALL LITTLE MASTERS AND MISSES. To be Sun* to them by their Nurfes till they can ling them themfelves. BY NURSE LOVECBILD. To which is prefixed A Letter from a Lady on Nursing* GLASGOW: Published by I. LUMSBEN & SON. 1814. TO NURSE LO 7ECHILD. Dear Nurfe, Your diligence and tendernefs in bringing up mv children, wi>l al- w ivs com mad ny utmo t endea- vours to ferve you. And as I can- not but approve, fo I recommend this your liud^ble defign, of com- piling a Collection of Songs, fo ; for the capacities of Infants,, both in words and tunes, by which they are ofien lull'd to re It, when crois, and in great pain. The fir it Songs are very iuitably com- pof'd for a Baby ; but pray be careful, not to ling them too loud; lei you frighten the child, when you deogn to lull it to sleep* or divert it; for you know, great care ought to be obferved as to the early fenfe of childaen, fome 5 srrlv'ng to a knowledge, and fo- lic ot animals and their founds^ much earlier than others. And now I am fpeaking of frig! ts. I will recommend a me- * thod that is very uftful, to pre- vent them in fome cafes, luch as in maki g them familiar with domehic, or other anip- als, as the Dog, Cat, Horfe, ow, &c by > perfuading them to uroue, or toucn them, as they happen to fail in their way, which will make them as they grow up f bold in their carriage, to all inch crea- tures, otherwise timorous to a misfortune* I But this in particular, I infift ©n, above all others, that you ne- ver mention a Bui! Begg r, 1 om Poker, Raw Head and Bloody Banes, &c» left you ai&ke fuch 9 frightful impressions on their ten- der minds, as may never be era- dicated. Likewise, as many o£ the fol- lowing songs while the Nurses are singing them, are attended with dancingj or exercifing in- fants, I seriously intreat all who have the care of children, not to swing them by the arms with their heels backwards, left they dislo-, cate their Backs, which has ruin- ed many a fine child. I hope your experienced lifter Nur;es will not be displeased, as my design is not to dire£t them ; but as it very often happens, that young girls are entrusted with the care of children, I think these pre- cautions and songs may be of use to them.j as they have been to> | ARTIFICIAL MEMORY FOR. INFANTS; WHEREBY They may Acquire THE KNOWLEDGE of ANIMALS, AND Some of their Sounds, BEFORE They can go §r speak* Although this invention is calculated foi the diverfton of infants, yet it will afiord great oleafure to the Parent and X'urle, to oblerve the progress, and furorif'ng difference in the early fenfe of their chldrcn The method I p»opofe, is that you firft ihew the child the following 3«i« xtials, one at a time, and pronounce iu foand, as for example. A Ik which if* the D n O ? then point to it, then afk what the D JG lays, then fay, BOW, WOW, WOW. and fo on to the reft, by which means, the child in a ftiort time, will be able to da the fame. Tommy Thumb's Song-Booh. Sort Booh 11 Song- Book* iHTTOMnmiiininni IS Roar, Roar. Roar. Song-Book. 16 Song-Book. 18 Tetntny Thumb's THE FEATURES. Brow hen^er Eve peeper. bjt Nofe drooper* Mo nl) e?rer> I S Chin chopper Song- Book BABY BUNTING, LylHby Raby Bunting", Your father's #one a hunting,, To catch a raKbit for a skin, wrap the Baby .B anting* 20 Tommy Thumbs BABY ON THE TREE TO Hush a by baby, On the tree top ; When the wind Vow*, The cradle will rock- When the bough breaks, The cradle will fall ; Dowu tumbles baby, The cradle and all* Song-Book. PATTY CAKE. 21 IPatty cake, patty cake, Baker's man ; That I will master, As faft as I can, 'Pricket, and Pricket, ) And mark it with a T ; And there will be enough I For Tommy and thee* 22 Tommy Thumi* PENNY A DAY. ran i mmMmmm fill Se. faw, a penny a day, Tommy ftia I have a new msfter. Why muft he have but a ixnay a c kc work &o fafter« Song-Book. LONDON BELLS; Two fticks and an Apple, Ring the beiU at White chapd, [Id father bald pate, Ring the Dclib at Aidgate. tVlaid ^ in whste aprons, Etn^ the bells at Si ^athrinescf Dranges and lemons, lit.g the beiis at St Clements, p hen w ill you pay rnc ? ling the bells at Old Bailey « 24 Tommy Thumb's When I am rich, Rmg the bellh at F!eetditek> W iien m\\ thac >e ? Ri:;^ the bells at Stepnejr. Whtn i am old, Rift^ the bell© ac dc Paul's. Svng- Book. n LONDON BRIDGE, London bridge Is broken ^own, bar ce over my Lady Lee x London bridge Is broken down s with a eav lid v. How [hall we build It up ^oin, Fith Build it uo with Gravel and ft one, Panee over mj Lady Lee a 26 Tctnmy Thumb 9 s Build it up with Gravel and ftonc> With a gay Lady. Gravel and ft one Will warn away, Dance over my Lady Lec : Gravel and ftone \\ ill wafh away, With a gay Lady Build it up with | Iron and It eel, . Dance over my Lady Lee : Build it up with Iron and steel, With a gay Lady. Iron and iteel Will bend and bow, Dance over my l ady Lees Iron and lk:el Will bend and bow? With a > ay Lady. Build it up with Silver and gold Song- Booh. Jance over my Lady Lee Build it up with Silver and gold fkh a gay !^ady Silver and ^old Will be rtoi'n awav, lance over my L^ Jy uee : Silver and go'd Will be ilol'n away, Ifith a ^ay Lady. Then #e will fet \ man to watch, ance over my Ltdy Lees Then we will let A. man to watck lith a gay jLady* &8 Tommy Thumb's TOM THUMB and NURSE, Little ^ommy Thnmh, With hi^ little pipe and drum, come to £tve you a dance : And Lovtc^Hd fo taper, Will fhew you a caoer, urove 1 * brought from France, f^be **s olea r, d that you look 3 Int«> her lit r 1 e book, And !ik* her songs fo well, Thut he rtgn -8 you know, Before t^at yon can go, And fing them beiore you can «pd Soug- Fooko ROBIN AND 1 03B N. We will go to the w^od, "'ays Robin 'o Ro v h«n* * _ We will go to *he ' ood, Says Richard to M ohin a We will go to the wood, Savs John *nd a'one, We will eo to the wood Says every one. We w' 11 (hoot it a wren, Says Robin to Bobbin* 30 Tommy Thumbs We will {hoot at a wren, Says Richard to Robin* Wc will fhoot, &c. She is down, fhe is down, Says Kobfn, to Bobbin, She is dowr, fi e is down, Says Richard to Robin, She is down, 6*c. How /hall we get her home Says Robin to Fobbin, How fhall we £et her home Says Richard to Robbin. How fnall we get, &c. We will hire a cart, /? ' , Says Robin to Bobbin, We will hire a c^rt, s *ya Richard to Rohm, We will hire, &c. Seng-Book. Then hoift her, ho'ft her, Says Robin to Bobbin, Then h ift her, hoift her, Says Richard to ftobin. Then hoift her, 5rc t She is no, fhe is up, Says Robin to B bb?n* Sbe is up, (he is up, Says Richard to R©fc!n~ She is up, &c» % 3 11 <4 o