THE CHILD'S ALPHABET, WITH WORCESTER: PUBLISHED BY J, GROUT, JR, A a-corn. Acorns are nuts or seeds which grow on oak trees. Pigs are very fond of them. B buck. The buck is the male deer, and is distinguished from the female by his long branching horns. Deer are very nimble. 4 C cow. Cows are useful animals. Their milk is the food of little boys and girls. D dog. The dog is a tractable creature ; he is taught to watch his master's goods, in which he is very faithful. s E eg All the feathered race lay eggs, from which their young ones are hatched. F frog* Frogs live both on the land and in the water. They are very ex- pert at leaping. 6 Gr goose. Geese are fond of swimming in water. Of their feathers beds are made, and their quills are gener- ally used to write w th. H horse. The horse is a noble animal ; he draws the plough and the wag* on, and is particularly useful in travelling. 7 I ink. Ink is an article of great use in writing : it is made of different colors. Jugs are made of clay, and baked in a furnace, which renders them hard ; after which they are made smooth by glazing. JAMES AND HIS SISTER, 8 K kite. Flying the kite is a very pleas- ing amusement for good boys ; but they should not practice it in public highways, where there is danger of frightening horses. Li lion. The Lion is a native of Asia and Africa ; he is called the king of beasts ; and his roaring is tre- mendously frightful. 9 M mill. There are many kinds of mills ; the most useful is the grist-mill, in which grain is ground into flour, for bread and cakes. N nest. Birds of all kinds make nests in which they lay eggs and hatch their young. Do not rob their nests, for it is very cruel. 10 O owl. The owl is a solitary bird ; it sees best in the night, and stirs least by day. P puss. Pass catches the rats and the mice ; therefore you must not hurt poor puss. 11 €| quail. The quail is a pretty bird, and lays about twenty eggs. She is very fond of wheat. It rab-bit. Rabbits have long ears, large eyes, and short tails. They live mostly on browse, and when fat, their flesh is excellent food. 12 8 squir-rcl. Squirrels are very nimble little animals : they live mostly on nuts. T turkey. Turkeys are domestic fowls : their flesh is excellent food, when well roasted. They are particular favorites about Thanksgiving time. 13 U u-rus. The urus, or wild bull, grows very large ; he is found in the for- ests of Poland, V vul-ture. The vulture is a large bird of prey, and is very fond of carrion > or dead animals. 14 W whale. The whale is the largest crea- ture known. Its home is the sea, from whence it is taken by the wonderful art of man, who pur- sues it for the sake of the oil it furnishes. X xe-bec. A small vessel with three masts, navigated in the Mediterranean sea. 15 Y yoke. A yoke, as my readers know, is the wooden apparatus or frame that is put on the necks of oxen, by which they draw their heavy loads. Z ze-bra. The zebra is a beautiful animal, nearly as large as the horse, that is found in Africa. It is white, with regular black stripes round the body. 3*W