&4 1 Q O O liC \r mm Q Q O Q O Q ro Jo fa fo O a fo o p o fo fo! fo o Q O HISTORY AND OF T WITH BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS. NEW HAVEN. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY S. BABCOCK. ■nan o l2J [21 o, HE ELEPHANT, rci 01 o bl c b o 13 *k- • ••' OS G?%J«V^-i f £2 THE ELEPHANT. & V- SCi m ft i s The Elephant- is the largest, the ^ most intelligent, and most powerful of A all land animals. He is an inhabitant W of India, Africa, and the island of Ceylon, in the great forests of which $ d he runs wild. *■ In shape this animal can not be compared to any other. His back is high and arched ; his body is very || large and remarkably round ; his neck g short and thick ; his ears broad ; his eyes small, but brilliant, and lull off! expression ; his legs thick and long, and his feet divided into five short A and rounded toes. His nose is con- % tinned out so as to form a probocis, or trunk, the end of which reaches to the ™ ground. The trunk of the Elephant is of^ more use to him than our hands are to |l V9p '^Ki^ THE ELEPHANT. us. At the end of it are the nostrils through which he draws in water and £| piits in his mouth when he wishes to drink. In the picture one Elephant is seen taking up the water, and the f^ other in the act of drinking. With his trunk the Elephant also W gathers and puts the food into his mouth, selects herbs and flowers, defends himself from his enemies, |§ ^ and breathes through it — so that it f| serves him for a nose, as well as j~' hands. With it he often throws clods |g| and stones with great force and precis- 1| ion. There was an Elephant once «# vT in France, 1 believe — that was taught to play at ball. He would throw the ||£ ball with more force than a man, and with nearly as good aim. On each side of his trunk there I; grows out of his mouth a large white *$j tusk, which is ivory. These two'$ £ tusks he uses, as well as his trunk, to defend himself from his enemies. Jpl With them he can toss the largest m * ELEPHANTS DRINKING. 5 «fc 6 THE ELEPHANT. Buffalo into the air/. Terrible battles sometimes take place between the Elephant and the Rhinoceros ; but the former generally retreats, if possible. The picture reprepresents a Rhinoce- ros attacking two Elephants. The skin of the Elephant is thick and rough, resembling the bark of an old tree. A full grown one will weigh from eight to ten thousand pounds, or as much as eight or ten fatted oxen, and often much more. His back is about as high as the head of a man would be, if he stood on the shoulders of another man. They are from eight to thirteen feet high, and from ten to fifteen feet long. His color is commonly a dark bluish brown ; but some are milk white. White Elephants are so highly prized by the princes of the East, as to be sometimes the occasion of wars. The king of Pegu, hearing that the king of Siam had two white Elephants, sent messengers to him to ?^P#« m> &-3BM&** w RHINOCEROS AND ELEPHANTS. THE ELEPHANT. .n ■/-. buy them, offering any sum that should be asked. But the king of Siam refused to part with them. This so enraged the king of Pegu, that he very wickedly 'and unjustly sent an army and con- quered the king of Siam, and took not only his two white Elephants, but his whole country from him. The common food of the Elephant is roots, leaves, and small branches of trees, which he pulls down with his trunk, as seen in the picture. He also eats hay, oats, and almost every kind of fruit. In each jaw he has four grinders, which weigh from three to four pounds each, and measure from eight to nine inches in length. His hearing is remarkably fine, and he delights in music. His smell is very delicate, and he takes great pleasure in the scent of sweet flowers and herbs. The sense of touch is equally nice, in the end of his trunk, for he can feel the smallest thing, and can pick up a piece of money, or a straw from the floor. **m YOUNG ELEPHANTS BROWSING. 9 10 HANT ©>' * Ms >5 rf>> # Jh ^ a Elephants delight in marshy places, and in hot weather will go into the water to cool and refresh themselves, where they draw up water in their trunks, and then spout it over their whole bodies, as if from a fountain. The picture represents two Elephants playing in the water, and spouting at each other. An Elephant, in passing a tailors shop, put the end of his trunk into an open window. One of the workmen pricked the trunk with his needle, just for sport. Upon this, the Elephant marched off, and coming to a pool of dirty water, filled his trunk and went back to the shop, where he again put it within the window, and spouted the dirty water all over the offender and his companions. No animal is more tractable and obedient than the Elephant, and none more easily tamed. Most other ani- mals must be taken quite young, in order to render them perfectly tame i, X: m & IS H m <§**■ iiwjuijiwvqpvai FV PLAYING IN THE WATER. ■f- THE ELEPHANT and docile. But the Elephant may be taken at any time of life, and soon be || taught perfect obedience to the com- mands of his master. A well trained Elephant will readily swim or wade, with his driver on his back. The picture shows one in the act of crossing a river, with some men \ on his back. You see how he holds his trunk out of the water. If his body were to sink quite under the water, he would not drown, so long as the end of his trunk is above, for he can breathe through his trunk. But in that case, f| the men would be obliged to stand up on his back, or they would receive a ] good ducking. This animal is mild and peaceable in his disposition, and when well used, harmless and even affectionate. But he remembers an insult for a long" time, and will not fail to avenge it. A gentleman, to try this memory of 3 injuries, gave an Elephant a quantity" of cayenne pepper between two pieces <| CROSSING A RIVER. fifr-3 JX: rrttili m 1 1 i I i i in mmtmmm ii 14 THE ELEPHANT. m i of bread. The animal was much of- fended; and about six weeks after, when the gentleman went to fondle him, he endured his caresses with much composure, but finished by spirt- ing dirty water all over him. In India and Africa, he is one of the most useful of animals. His great strength and wonderful sagacity are there employed in all kinds of work. He is used for carrying the hunters When they go out to kill Tigers, Lions, and other wild beasts which are found in that country. He also draws the timber for building ships and houses ; carries heavy loads from one place to another; helps to load and unload ves- sels ; launches ships ; and performs all kinds of labor that he is set about. One was once employed in assist- ing to launch a ship ; but the part as- signed to him proved to be beyond his strength. The overseer, in a pet, or- dered the driver to "take away that lazy beast and bring another." On %, #1 S8S m t, oasK&s Hji< 2» % air V *•& & Z\* 5V >» THE ELEPHANT. this, the poor Elephant made another great effort, fractured his skull, and died on the spot. Sometimes the kings and princes of that country indulge in the cruel sport of making Elephants fight with each other ; or with a Lion, a Tiger, or a Leopard. But such amusements as these can only be delighted in by weak and unenlightened minds. The Bible forbids such scenes of cruelty. It is true that God has given us power over all these brutes ; but it is only that we may make them of use to us. We must not torment them to gratify a de- praved and barbarous disposition. Let us hope the time is not far dis- tant, when such savage sports will be done away on all parts of the globe. And let us be thankful that we live in a land where we are taught to find our amusements in more humane acts than torturing the dumb creatures which our Heavenly Father has kindly placed here for our comfort and support. %&&. it rV fe H i 7L.V H Hi. i iff f m a 3* !p5"5i w~ n ~-*--v rv /^*S A3^CL*jgg *^- MORAL, INSTRUCTIVE, AND EN TERTAINING TOY BOOKS, BEAUTIFULLY EMBELLISHED WITH SUPERIOR ENGRAVINGS FOR THE MIND AND THE EYE. j 5? OF ALL THE DIFFERENT SIZES, JUST PUBLISHED. /I5 y