- MSGILL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES, DURING A RESIDENCE OF NEARLY SIX YEARS IN THE SOUTH SEA islands; INCLUDING DESCRIPTIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY AND SCENERY OF THE ISLANDS—WITH REMARKS ON THE HISTORY, MYTHOLOGY, TRADITIONS, GOVERNMENT, ARTS, MANNERS, AND CUSTOMS OF THE INHABITANTS. BY WILLIAM ELLIS, MISSIONARY TO THE SOCIETY AND SANDWICH ISLANDS, AND AUTHOR OF THE “ TOUR OF HAWAII.” “In so vast a field, there will be room to acquire fresh knowledge for centuries to come, coasts to survey, countries to explore, inhabitants to describe, and perhaps to render more happy.” COOKE. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: FISHER, SON, & JACKSON, NEWGATE STREET, M,DCCC,XXIX. The Directors and Supporters OF THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY; THESE VOLUMES, DESCRIBING TIIE SCENES OF THEIR EARLIEST EXERTIONS, AND THE IMPORTANT RESULTS OF THEIR OPERATIONS, AMONG THOSE WHO WERE THE FIRST OBJECTS OF THEIR BENEVOLENT SOLICITUDE, ARE RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY THEIR OBLIGED, AND OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE AUTHOR V ♦ < . > - PREFACE. Accurate information respecting the different parts of the world, is probably possessed in a greater degree, and diffused to a wider extent, at the present day, than it has been at any former period. The mariner has encountered the dangers of untraversed and hitherto impenetrable 6eas; and the traveller has explored remote and inhospitable countries, in order to increase general knowledge, and add new facilities to the prosecution of enlightened philosophical research. Without depreciating the pursuits of science, or the advantages of a more enlarged acquaintance with the natural history of our globe, the Christian philanthropist directs his attention to objects still more important, uid is led to contemplate, with growing intensity of interest, the moral and spiritual condition of mankind. The dominion and extent of delusive and sanguinary idolatries, with their moral debasement and attendant misery, have excited his liveliest concern; and to the melioration of human wretchedness thus induced, and the extension of true religion, as the only solid basis of virtue and happiness, his energies are directed, and his resources consecrated.—Animated by the predictions of inspiration which refer to the moral renovation of the world, and cheered by “the signs of the times/' his O, F COQ VI PREFACE. anticipations of ultimate success are strengthened by the effects that already reward his exertions. The results of efforts combined for the accomplish¬ ment of these objects, though various, have been such as materially to affect some of the most interesting portions of the human race. Their influence is at the present moment felt among the aborigines of Africa, the victims of colonial slavery, the millions of civilized China and India, the population of the inhospitable regions of Siberia and Greenland, and the inhabitants of the distant -• islands of the South Sea. In this latter part of the world the author has spent a number of years, endeavouring to promote the knowledge of Christianity among the natives; and while engaged in this pursuit, he regarded it as perfectly consistent with his office, and compatible with its duties, to collect, as opportunity offered, information on various subjects relative to the country and its inhabitants. Although circumscribed in geographical extent, and comparatively insignificant in amount of population, the South Sea Islands have been regarded with unusual interest ever since their discovery; and the descriptions already given to the public, of the loveliness of their general appearance, and the peculiar character and en¬ gaging manners of their Inhabitants, have excited a strong desire to obtain additional information relative to the varied natural phenomena of the Islands themselves ; the early history; the moral, intellectual, and physical character of the people, and the nature of their ancient institutions. All their usages of antiquity having been so entirely superseded by the new order of things that has followed the subversion of their former system, the knowledge PREFACE. i » VII of but few of them is retained by the majority of the inhabitants, while the rising generation is growing up in total ignorance of all that distinguished their ancestors from themselves. The present, therefore, seems to be the only time in which a variety of facts, connected with the former state of the Inhabitants, can be secured ; and to furnish, as far as possible, an authentic record of these, and thus preserve them from oblivion, is one design of the following Work. To those whose attention has been directed to the systems of polytheism that have at different times pre¬ vailed among mankind, the account of the ancient religion of the Islanders will not be uninteresting. Although established among a people scarcely above the rudest barbarism, destitute of letters, hieroglyphics, and symbols, and by their isolated situation deprived of all intercourse with the rest of the world; it is, as a system, singularly complete. The invention displayed in the fabrication and adjust¬ ment of its several parts, the varied and imposing imagery under which it was exhibited, and the mysterious nnd complicated machinery which sustained its opera- lions, were truly remarkable; and, in the standard of \ irtue which it fixed, in the future destinies it unfolded, and in its adaptation to the untutored but ardent mind, the Polynesian system will not suffer by comparison with any systems which have prevailed among the most polished and celebrated nations of ancient or modern times. 1 he following work will exhibit numerous facts, which may justly be regarded as illustrating the essential charac¬ teristics of idolatry, and its influence on a people, the simplicity of whose institutions affords facilities for PREFACE. Vlll observing its nature and tendencies, which could not be obtained in a more advanced state of society. In some respects, the mythology of Tahiti presents features peculiarly its own: in others it exhibits a strik¬ ing analogy to that of the nations of antiquity. In each, the light of truth occasionally gleams through a mass of darkness and error. The conviction that man is the subject of supernatural dominion, is recognized in all, and the multiplied objects of divine homage, which dis¬ tinguished the polytheism of the ancients, marked also that of the rude islanders. Nor was the fabulous religion of the latter deficient in the mummeries of sorcery and witchcraft, the delusion of oracles, and the influence of other varieties of juggling, and oppressive spiritual domination. The South Sea Islanders appear under circumstances peculiarly favourable to happiness, but their idolatry exhibits them as removed to the farthest extreme from such a state. The baneful effects of their delusion was increased by the vast preponderance of malignant deities, frequently the personifications of cruelty and vice. They had changed the glory of God into the image of cor¬ ruptible things, and instead of exercising those affections of gratitude, complacency, and love, in the objects of their worship, which the living God supicmely lequiies, they regarded their deities with horrific dread, and wor¬ shipped only with enslaving fear. While the false system of Tahiti shews the distance to which those under its influence departed from the knowledge and service of the true God 3 it also furnishes additional confirmation of the fact, that polytheism, whether exhibited in the fascinating numbers of classic poetry, the splendid imagery of eastern fable, or the rude PREFACE. IX traditions of unlettered barbarians, is equally opposed to all just views of the being and perfections of the only proper object of religious homage and obedience; and that, whether invested with the gorgeous trappings of a cumbrous and imposing superstition, or appearing in the naked and repulsive deformity of rude idolatry, it is alike unfriendly to intellectual improvement, moral purity, individual happiness, social order, and national pros¬ perity. These volumes also contain a brief, but it is hoped satisfactory history of the origin, progress, and results of the Missionary enterprise, which, during the last thirty years, has, under the Divine blessing, transformed the barbarous, cruel, indolent, and idolatrous inhabitants of Tahiti, and the neighbouring Islands, into a compara¬ tively civilized, humane, industrious, and Christian people. They also comprise a record of the measures pursued by the native governments, in changing the social economy of the people, and regulating their com¬ mercial intercourse with foreigners, in the promulgation of a new civil code, (a translation of which is given,) the establishment of courts of justice, and the introduction of trial by jury. Besides information on these points, the present work furnishes an account of the intellectual culture, Christian experience, and general conduct, of the converts; the proceedings of the Missionaries in the several depart¬ ments of their duty; the administration of the ordi¬ nances of Christianity; the establishment of the first churches, with their order and discipline; the ad¬ vancement of education; the introduction of arts; the improvement in morals; and the progress of civili¬ zation. b X PREFACE. During an absence of ten years from England, the author made copious notes of much that came under his notice, and, while residing in the South Seas, kept a daily journal. From these papers, from the printed and manuscript documents in the possession of the London Missionary Society, (to which the most ready access has been afforded,) from the very ample communications by the Missionaries in the islands, especially his respected colleagues Mcssis. Barff and Williams, and from information derived by daily intercourse for several years with many of the natives, who have been identified with the most important events of the last thirty years in Tahiti, the present volumes have been written. He has studiously and constantly endeavoured to render the accounts accurate, and trusts they will prove not only interesting, but useful. For the defects that may appear in the execution of the work, he feels it necessary to apologize. It has been prepared amidst incessant public engagements, and some parts have passed through the press during his absence on a distant journey in behalf of the Missionary Society. To the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, A. M. of London, who amidst his numerous and important engagements, has kindly inspected most of the sheets, and to Captain R. Elliot, R. N. who has favoured the author with the use of his drawings for the embellishment of the Work, he takes this opportunity of tendering his sincere and grateful acknowledgments. July t 1829. CONTENTS OF VOL. L CHAP. I. Historical notice of the discovery of the Pacific—Voyage of Magellan— Discoveries of Cook—Impressions produced by his voyages—Missionary appointment to the South Sea Islands—Embarkation at Portsmouth— Last view of England. Reflections on leaving our native country— View of Madeira—Arrival at Rio de Janeiro—Appearance of the harbour—Slave ship—Incidents on shore—Voyage to New Holland— Tempest off the coast—Residence in New South Wales—Observations on the aborigines.Page 1 to 22. CHAP. II. Voyage to New Z3aland—Intercourse with the inhabitanfs—Sabbath on shore—Visit to Waikadie— Instance of parental tenderness_Forest scenery—Sham-fight and war-dances—Character of the New Zealanders —Prospects of the Mission—Arrival at the island of Rapa— Sin■ * *. - POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. CHAP. I. Historical notice of the discovery of the Pacific—Voyage of Magellan— Discoveries of Cook—Impressions produced by his voyages—Missionary appointment to the South Sea Islands—Embarkation at Portsmouth— Last view of England. Reflections on leaving our native country— View of Madeira—Arrival at Rio de Janeiro—Appearance of the harbour—Slave ship—Incidents on shore—\ oyage to New Holland— Tempest off the coast—Residence in New South Wales—Observations on the aborigines. The Pacific, the largest ocean in the world; extending over more than one third of the surface of our globe, was discovered in the year 1513, by \ asco Nugnez de Balboa, a courageous and enterprising Spaniard, governor of the Spanish colony of Santa Maria, in the isthmus of Darien. The desire of finding a more direct communication with the East Indies had prompted Columbus to the daring voyage which resulted in the discovery of the new world. In that immense and unexplored region, his followers pursued their career of enterprise, until Balboa, by discovering the great South Sea, accomplished what Columbus, notwithstanding his most splendid achieve¬ ments, had in vain attempted. In his march across the isthmus which separates the Atlantic from the Pacific, an enterprise designated by Robertson as the boldest on p o POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. which the Spaniards had hitherto ventured in the New World, Balboa, having been informed by his Indian guides, that he might view the sea from the next moun¬ tain, advanced alone to its summit; and beholding the vast ocean spread out before him in all its majesty, fell on his knees, and rendered thanks to God for having conducted him to so important a discovery. He hastened towards the object he had so laboriously sought, and, on reaching its margin, plunged up to his middle in its waves, with his sword and buckler, and took possession of it in the name of his sovereign, Fer¬ dinand of Spain. Seven years after this important event, Magellan, a Portuguese, despatched by the court of Spain to ascertain the exact situation of the Molucca Islands, sailed along the eastern coast of South America, discovered the straits that bear his name; and, passing through them, first launched the ships of Europe in the Southern Sea. It is, however, probable, that neither Balboa, while he gazed with transport on its mighty waters, nor Magellan, when he first whitened with his canvass the waves of that ocean whose smooth surface induced him to call it the Pacific, had any idea either of its vast extent, of the numerous islands that studded its bosom, the diver¬ sified and beautiful structure of those foundations, which myriads of tiny architects had reared from the depths of the ocean to the level of its highest wave, or ol the varied tribes of man by whom they were inhabited. Boldly pursuing his w r ay across the untraversed surface ol this immense ocean, Magellan discovered the Ladrone, and subsequently the Philippine islands. The object ol the voyage w^as ultimately accomplished ; the Y ictory, the vessel in which Magellan sailed, having performed POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. O the first voyage ever made round the world, returned to Europe: but the intrepid commander of the expedition terminated his-life without reaching his original destina¬ tion^ having been killed in a quarrel with the natives of one of the Philippine Islands. Several distinguished Spanish, Dutch, and British navigators followed the adventurous course of Magellan across the waters of the Pacific, and were rewarded by the discoveries they made in that part of the world, which, under the appellation of Polynesia, from a Greek term signifying many islands , geographers have since denominated the sixth division of the globe.* But, although many single islands, and extensive groups of diversified forms and structure, some inhabited by iso- lated families of men, others peopled only by pelicans or aquatic birds, have been visited and explored, fresh dis¬ coveries continue to be made by almost every voyager; and it is by no means improbable, that there are still many islands, and even groups of islands, which remain unknown to the inhabitants of the other parts of the globe. Most of the early voyages of discovery in this ocean attracted unusual attention ; but none appear to have excited a livelier interest, or produced a deeper impres¬ sion, than those performed by Captain Cook, in the latter part of the eighteenth century. These were instrumental, in a great degree, in diverting public attention from the * According to Pinkerton, Malte Brun, and others, Polynesia includes the various islands found in the Pacific, from the Ladrones to Easter Island. The principal groups are, the Ladrone Islands—the Carolinas— the Pelew Islands—the Sandwich Islands—the Friendly Islands—the Navigators’ Islands—the Harvey Islands—the Society Islands—the Georgian Islands, and the Marquesas. 4 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. splendid and stupendous discoveries in the New World, and directing it to the clustering islands spread over the Pacific; exhibiting them in all the loveliness of their natural scenery, the interesting simplicity, and novel manners, of their inhabitants. I he influence of Cook s discoveries appears to have been felt by voyagers and travellers of other countries, as well as by those of his own. Humboldt, speaking of his laborious rescan lies in South America, remarks, that, “the savages of America inspire less interest, since the celebrated navigators have made known to us the inhabitants of the South Sea, in whose character we find such a mixture of perversity and meekness i the state ol halt- civilization in which these islanders are found, gives a peculiar charm to the description of their manners. Here, a king, followed by a numerous suite, comes and presents the fruits of his orchard; there, the funeral festival embrowns the shade of the lofty forest. Such pictures, no doubt, have more attraction than those which portray the solemn gravity of the inhabitants of the Missouri or the Maranon.” Since the death of Captain Cook, several intelligent and scientific men from England, France, and Russia, have undertaken voyages of discovery in the South Seas, and have favoured the world with the result of their enterprises. Their accounts are read with interest by the philosopher, who seeks to study human na¬ ture under all its diversified forms; and by the natu¬ ralist, who investigates the phenomena of our globe, and the varied productions of its surface. Voyages of dis¬ covery are also favourite volumes with the juvenile reader. They impart to the youthful mind many delightful and glowing impressions relative to the strange and interest- POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. ing scenes they exhibit, which in after life are seldom obliterated.—There are few who do not retain the vivid recollections of their first perusal of Prince Leeboo, or Captain Cook’s Voyages. Often, when a school-boy* I have found the most gratifying recreation, for a winter’s evening, in reading the account of the wreck of the Antelope, the discovery of Tahiti, and other narratives of a similar kind. Little, however, did I suppose, when in imagination I have followed the discoverer from island to island in the Pacific, and have gazed in fancy on the romantic hills and valleys, together with their strange but interesting inhabitants, that I should ever visit any of these scenes, the description of which afforded me so much satisfaction. Yet this, in the providence of God, has since taken place; and I have been led, not indeed on a voyage of discovery, commer¬ cial adventure, or naval enterprise, but, as a Christian Missionary, on an errand of instruction; not only to visit, but to reside a number of years among the inte¬ resting natives of those isolated regions. Letters written in 1812 by my esteemed pastor, the Rev. J. Campbell, during a journey in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society, first directed my attention to Missionary en¬ gagements. Subsequent events led me to devote my life to these pursuits, and, under the patronage of the above Society, I was, in the year 1815, appointed a Missionary to the South Seas. In the month of January, 1816, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Threlkeld, Mrs. Ellis and myself sailed from Portsmouth for the Georgian and Society Islands. It was the morning of the Sabbath when we embarked. Our friends in Gosport were preparing to attend public G POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. worship, when we heard the report of a signal-gun. I lie sound excited a train of feelings, which can be under¬ stood only by those who have been placed in similar circumstances. It was a report announcing the arrival of that moment which was to separate, perhaps for ever, from home and all its endearments, and rend asunder every band which friendship and affection had entwined around the heart. The report we had heard might have proceeded from some other vessel ; we hastened, therefore, to the windows, which commanded an extensive view of the sea, and, looking towards the anchorage, saw the small cloud of smoke rising up among the rigging, and the signal for sailing flying from the mast of our vessel. Instead of proceeding to the place of worship, we directed our steps towards the sea shore; but, before we left our dwelling, we united in prayer with our friends, and were by them affec¬ tionately committed to the guardian care of Him, in obedience to whose sacred injunction, “ Go, teach all nations,” we were about to embark; and on whose protection and blessing we alone depended for safety and success. A number of kind friends attended us to the beach, where, after waiting a few moments, we bade them farewell, and then raised the last foot from that earth which was our native soil, over which we had often trod under all the varied emotions of our earliest and maturer years, but which we never expected to tread again. Among those who had walked with us to the shore, several dear brethren, students in the Missionary semi¬ nary at Gosport, anxious to defer, as long as possible, the final parting, took their seats beside us in the boat, and accompanied us to the ship. The wind was POLYNESIAN- RESEARCHES. *r / liigh, the sea rough, and the snow fell thickly around us. The inclemency of the weather favoured the silence we felt disposed to indulge; and although these were the last moments we were to spend with those whom kindness had prompted to attend us to the ship, the length and nature of the voyage before us, the thoughts that lingered with those, to whom, as we supposed, we had bidden adieu for ever, and the conviction that we must soon part with those who still sat beside us. to meet no more on earth, gave a melancholy solem- nity to our thoughts, and predisposed us to silence and reflection, rather than to conversation. When we reached the vessel, a scene was presented very incon- genial with the frame of our minds, and unlike the still¬ ness of the Sabbath. All was bustle and confusion. The decks w r ere crowded with live stock, vegetables, &c. the cabins filled with packages and trunks, and the sailors all engaged in the various labours incident to getting ready for sea. The moment had now arrived when we were to separate from our last friends—we took an affectionate* though rather hurried leave of them, and committing each other to the benediction of Heaven, exchanged the parting hand at the vessel’s side. As their boat pushed off from the ship, they again bade us farewell by a signal, which we involuntarily returned, while we continued with indescribable emotion to watch their progress, until the intervention of some vessel, or the sv oiling of the waves, hid them entirely from our view. 5 * The\ shortly afterwards embarked, and commenced their labours in the East nearly as soon as we reached the distant islands in the South : two of them, however, I believe, only remain; the others have died in the Missionary field, and, after a short and laborious course, under a most inhospitable clime, have ended their toil, and entered into rest. 8 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. Although we had embarked in the forenoon, the bustle and activity of every one on board, the adjusting and securing different articles in the cabin, brought on the close of the day, before we felt in any degree settled. Towards evening, however, I left the cabin for the deck, and enjoyed an hour of solemn, and, I trust, profitable meditation. Our ship was now under way, and pro¬ ceeding steadily, though not rapidly, through the water. Every headland we passed on the Isle of Wight, and every point of land on the Hampshire coast, as it receded from my view, awakened the impression that I should never behold it again. I lingered with intensity of feeling on each passing scene, until the shadows of night gathered thickly around, and the only objects visible from the ship were a few distant lights, glim¬ mering amidst the darkness in which every thing besides was concealed. After gazing on these lights until a late hour, I directed, as I supposed, a last glance towards them, and the coasts they illuminated, and retired to rest. The next morning I hastened on deck, and looking abroad upon the expanse of waters, distinguished with delight a point of land. It was England; my eye rested on it with strong and painful interest; the mighty waters, like those of the deluge, appeared to rise higher and higher ; until, at last, the waves of the distant and naked horizon appeared to have rolled over it; and our vessel, like the ark, seemed all that remained to us of the terrestrial world. In every direction there was nothing now to be seen, but one wide waste of water below, and the outstretched heavens above. England, with all its associations and its enjoyments, its tenderest earthly ties, and its distinguished religious privileges, had vanished. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 9 My feelings, though strong, were not discouraging, nor did my choice awaken one emotion of regret; my desire to engage in the work, was as ardent as when my services were first tendered. From many sources of hap¬ piness, and sacred Christian privileges long enjoyed, I felt myself, indeed, about to be removed; while dangers and trials, hitherto unknown, could not but be antici¬ pated. The Divine promise, however, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world,” was my support, and under its cheering influence I could appro¬ priate the language of the poet, and exclaim— O thou great Arbiter of life and death ! Nature’s immortal, immaterial sun ! Whose all-prolific beam late called me forth From darkness, teeming darkness, where I lay The worm’s inferior—and, in rank, beneath The dust I tread on—high to bear my brow, To drink the spirit of the golden day, And triumph in existence ; and couldst know No motive but my bliss; and hast ordained A rise in blessing! with the Patriarch’s joy Thy call I follow to the land unknown : I trust in thee, and know in whom I trust: Or life or death is equal; neither weighs; All weighs in this—O let me live to Thee !” The parting scenes, the embarkation, the last view taken of his native land, when leaving it for a distant clime, in which he expects to end his days, awaken indescribable emotions, and render it a season to which a Missionary is accustomed to look back, during subse¬ quent periods of his life, with no ordinary interest. I have witnessed these emotions in others, as well as experienced them myself, and shall not soon forget c 10 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. the evident feeling with which Mr. Nott, who, after an absence of thirty years, visited England in the summer of 1826, exclaimed, as he a second time left the British shore, to return to the South Sea Islands, not, in the language of the poet, (Camocns,) u Ungrateful country, thou shalt not possess my bones ,’ 9 but, u Io nei oe e tau fenua ! eita vau e talii faaliou adu ia oe Fare¬ well, my native land, I shall never step on you again. Out of sight of land, and proceeding every day farther from it, the feelings in immediate connexion therewith gradually began to subside, our thoughts were in¬ creasingly occupied with the novel scenes by which we were surrounded 5 and our attention was engaged by the pursuits which, at sea, we were able to follow. About three weeks after leaving Portsmouth, we touched at Madeira, and, proceeding on our voyage to Rio Janeiro, cast anchor at the mouth of its beautiful harbour in the evening of the 20th of March, 1816. The light of the next morning presented before us one of the most magnificent and extensive landscapes I ever beheld. The mass of granite rock, surmounted by the fort of Santa Cruz on our right, the towering Sugar- loaf mountain on our left, the picturesque island at the mouth of the harbour, the distant town of St. Sebastian, the turrets of the castle, the convent of St. Antonio, the lofty range of mountains in the interior, whose receding summits were almost lost in aerial perspective, where “Distance lends enchantment to the view,” all successively met the eye, together with the widely expanded and beautiful hay, one of the finest in the world, studded with verdant islands, rendered more picturesque by the white cottages with which they were adorned. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. J1 The whole scene was enlivened by the numerous boats, with their white and singularly shaped sails, incessantly gliding to and fro on the smooth surface of the water, and the shipping of different nations riding at anchor in the bay, or moored to the shore. Among the vessels, which exhibited almost every variety of size and form, those by no means least interesting to us, were two British frigates; one of which was the Alceste, on her way to China, to join Lord Amherst’s embassy. These objects excited in our minds a variety of pleasing sensations, heightened by the circumstance of the country before us being almost the first land we had seen since leaving England. There is something very exhilarating in approaching land, or entering a friendly port, after a long voyage ; and the pleasure we felt on this occasion was so much in¬ creased by the novel and delightful landscapes inces¬ santly opening to our view, as we sailed along the bav, that we were unwilling for a moment to leave the deck. Our enjoyment was, however, interrupted by a spectacle adapted to awaken sensations very different indeed from those inspired by the loveliness and peace of the scenery around us. We had proceeded about half way to the anchorage, when we approached a brig sailing also into the harbour, which, as we came alongside of her, appeared to be a slave ship returning from the coast of Africa. The morning was fine and the air refreshing, and this had probably induced the cruel keepers to bring their wretched captives up from the dungeons of pestilence and death in which they had been confined. The central part of the deck was crowded with almost naked Africans, con¬ stituting part of the cargo of the gloomy looking vessel. 12 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. Though their ages appeared various, the majority seemed to have just arrived at that period of human life, when the prospects of man are brightest, and the hopes of future happiness more distinct and glowing, than during any other portion of his existence; they were most of them, so far as we could judge, from fourteen to eighteen or twenty years of age; some were younger. We regarded them with a degree of melancholy interest, which for a time rendered us insensible to the beauties of nature every where spread before our eyes. Our passing, how¬ ever, appeared to affect them but little. The greater part of these unhappy beings stood nearly motionless, though we did not perceive that they were chained : some directed towards us a look of seeming indifference; others, with their arms folded, appeared pensive in sadness; while several, leaning on the ship’s side, were gazing on the green islands of the bay, the rocky mountains, and all the wild luxuriance of the smiling landscape ; which probably awakened in their bosoms thoughts of “home and all its pleasures,” from which they had so recently been torn; and, judging of the future by the past short period of their wretched bondage, their minds were perhaps dis¬ tressed with painful anticipations of the toils and suffer¬ ings that would await them on the foreign shore they were approaching! Circumstances detained us at Rio Janeiro above six weeks, and although on our arrival we were perfect strangers, we experienced the greatest hospitality and kindness from the English merchants and other residents there. During the whole of our stay, two of these gentle¬ men accommodated us at their country houses, a few miles distant from the city, where all that friendship could devise for our enjoyment was generously furnished, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 13 and every thing provided, when we left, that could make the remaining part of our voyage comfortable. The heat of the climate was rather oppressive, but the mornings and evenings were pleasant, and, during the forenoon, the sea breezes in general refreshing. The habits of the people, the singularity of the buildings, the narrow streets, projecting balconies, and trellis- work doors and windows, the varied productions of the country, with the sublime grandeur and romantic beauty of the scenery, were all adapted to arrest the attention of those who now, for the first time, found themselves in a foreign land. 1 o us, the moral and religious state of the people was the subject of greatest interest; and, every observation we made, was adapted to awaken the liveliest gratitude to Him who had cast our lot in a happier land. Ignorance, and disregard of all religious principle, or the substitu¬ tion oi ceremony in its place, appeared every where prevalent. To the freedom of the press, and liberty of conscience, the inhabitants were perfect strangers. No book, we were informed, was allowed to be printed or imported for circulation, without the inspection of individuals appointed for this duty, whose censorship, it appeared, was such as to extinguish every source (if light, and perpetuate the darkness of the people. Popery is the religion of the country; and we had an opportunity of beholding it in its own element. The demise of the queen-dowager of Portugal took place about the time of our arrival; and I had an opportunity of witnessing the funeral, which took place by torch-light. Numbers of ecclesiastics, in the habits of their respec¬ tive orders, appeared in the procession, mounted on mules, which were led by persons bearing large burning tapers 14 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. or torches; and on the occasion of a ceremony, connected, as we were informed, with the passage of her soul from purgatory to the regions of glory, the royal chapel was most splendidly illuminated. Desiring to see, for myself, their kind of worship, and the appearance of the wor¬ shippers, I frequently went to the royal chapel, on our first arrival. The rich gilding and numerous paintings, the images, massy silver candlesticks, and other costly ornaments of the building; the novel habits and sonor¬ ous voices of the priests; and, above all, the music mixed with many of their rites, were certainly adapted to produce a powerful impression upon the feelings of the majority of those who resorted thither; the greater part of whom had perhaps never seen a Bible ! But notwithstanding there was so much that was imposing in its accompaniments, their worship often appeared a mere heartless attendance on customary ceremonies. Images of the Virgin Mary appeared at the corners of some of the principal streets, in little glass-cases, and in the evening a small lamp was placed before them. In front of these, the poor ignorant Catholic, kneel¬ ing in the streets, and offering his prayers to the image, together with other ceremonies performed at this season of the year, presented a most lamentable spectacle. Scenes, the most ludicrous imaginable, some¬ times occurred. I was surprised one morning, about the time of Good Friday, to behold what I thought was a man suspended from a tree, on the opposite side of the road: observing my attention attracted, the family informed me that it was the day on which the Catho¬ lics were accustomed to hang Judas. I was surprised to see this representation of the traitor, exhibited in a fashionable coat, waistcoat, and pantaloons, with a POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 15 pair of Hessian boots, and a cocked hat! The figure hung there till about noon, when it was taken down, and fastened upon the back of a young ox: one end of a rope was tied to each of the animal’s horns, and the other end held at a distance of six or eight yards by two young men; who, keeping opposite sides of the road, ran backwards and forwards with the animal, till it became quite furious, and at last, dislodging the image of Judas from its back, the ox tore it to pieces with its horns and its feet. The spectators appeared to derive no small gratification from the exhibition; but such a scene, partaking, according to their opinion, in some degree, of a religious observance, could not be witnessed by a Christian without emotions of pain. I draw no invidious comparisons between Roman Catholics and Protestants; I desire to cultivate towards the former, as individuals, every feeling of Christian kind¬ ness and charity; but I could contemplate Popery with no satisfaction, not because its extension circumscribes the influence of Protestantism, but because it has always appeared to me one of the most absurd and fatal delu¬ sions which the powers of darkness ever invented for the destruction of mankind. Here, for the first time, we came into actual contact with slavery. There are, perhaps, few places where the slaves meet with milder treatment; but it was most . distressing, on passing the slave market, to observe the wretched captives there bought and sold like cattle; or to see two or three interesting looking youths, wear¬ ing a thin dress, and having a new red cotton hand¬ kerchief round their heads, led through the streets by a slave-dealer, who, entering the different houses or workshops as he passed along, offered the young 1G POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. negroes for sale; yet scarcely a clay passed while we were in the town, during which we did not meet these heartless traffickers in human beings thus employed. In the English or Portuguese families with which we had any opportunities of becoming acquainted, although the domestic slaves did not appear to be treated with that unkindness which the slaves in the field often experience, yet, even here, the whip was frequently employed in a manner, and under circumstances, revolting to every feeling of humanity. While we continued in Rio, I had several oppor¬ tunities of preaching on the Sabbath in the dwelling houses of two of the merchants whom we were visit¬ ing. This was shortly after the treaty of peace with Great Britain, which secured to British subjects resid¬ ing in Brazil, the right of public Protestant worship, but not of proselyting the inhabitants. Several of the English families attended; by whom proposals were made, requesting me to remain as a minister of religion among them. There were at that time fifty-seven British mercantile houses—two hundred and fifty English; and dependent upon them, six hundred servants, including blacks. Having, however, devoted my life to the service of the heathen, I felt it my duty to decline their invita¬ tion, and to proceed to my original destination. During the first week of May, we took leave of our friends, thankful for the attentions and kindness we had ex¬ perienced. Severe domestic affliction detained my col¬ league, the Rev. L. E. Threlkeld, at Rio, and we were under the necessity of proceeding alone on the remainder of our voyage. Sailing from Rio, we directed our course across the Atlantic, doubled the Cape of Good Hope, and, travers- POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 17 ing the Indian ocean, proceeded towards New South Wales. Our passage was pleasant, and eleven weeks after leaving Brazil, we made the western coast of \ an Diemen’s Land. We passed through Bass’s Straits on the same day, and sailed along the eastern shore of New Holland towards Port Jackson. Soon after day¬ light the next morning, we perceived a sail some miles before us, which we found on nearer approach to be a small schooner. Our captain on visiting her found only three men on board, who were in the greatest distress. They had been at Kangaroo Island procuring seal-skins, with a quantity of which they were now bound to Syd¬ ney. They had remained on the island, catching seals, till their provisions were nearly expended; and during their voyage, they had encountered much heavy weather, had been nearly lost, and were so exhausted by fatigue, want of food, and constant exposure, that they could not e\ en alter the sails, when a change in the wind rendered it necessary. -They had been for some time living on seal-skins; pieces of which were found in a saucepan over the fire, when the boat’s crew boarded them. The men from our ship trimmed their sails, and our captain offered to take them in tow; but as they were so near ihrir port, which they hoped to reach the next day, they declined accepting his proposal. When he returned to the ship, he sent them some bread and beef, a bottle of wine, and some water; which the poor starving men received with an indescribable degree of eagerness and joy. The seamen who conveyed these supplies returned to the ship, and we kept on our way. We did not, however, hear of their arrival, and as we remained nearly six months in Sydney after this time, and received no tidings of them, it is probable their crazy bark was wrecked, or foundered D 18 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. during a heavy storm that came on in the course of the following day. The wind from the south continued fresh and favour¬ able, and in the forenoon of the next day we sailed towards the shore, under the influence of exhilarated spirits, and the confident expectation of landing in Port Jackson before sunset. About noon we found ourselves near enough the coast to distinguish different objects along the shore, and soon discovered the flagstaff erected on one of the heads leading to Sydney, our port of destina¬ tion, about four miles distant from us, but rather to windward. The captain and officers being strangers to the port, some little time was spent in scanning the coast, in the hope of finding an opening still farther northward; but at twelve o’clock our apprehensions of having missed our port were confirmed, as the latitude was then found, by an observation of the sun, to be four miles to the northward of Sydney heads. We had, in fact, sailed with a strong but favourable wind, four miles past the harbour which we ought to have entered. Hope, which had beamed in every eye, and lighted up every countenance with anticipated pleasure, when we first neared the land, had alternated with fear, or given way to most intense anxiety, when we witnessed the uncer- * tainty that prevailed among our companions, as to our actual situation; but disappointment the most distress¬ ing, was now strongly marked in every countenance. 66 About ship,” exclaimed the captain ; immediately the ship’s head was turned from the land, and, steering as near the wind as possible, we proceeded towards the open sea. After sailing in this direction for some time, the ship was again turned towards the shore; but the wind, which during the forenoon had been so favour- POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 19 able, was now against us, and as soon as we could dis¬ tinguish the flagstaff on the coast, we found ourselves far¬ ther from it than before. The wind increased : and as the evening advanced, a heavy storm came on, which raged with fearful violence. The night was unusually dark; the long and heavy waves of the Pacific rolled in foam around our vessel; the stormy wind howled through the rigging ; all hands were on deck, and twice or thrice, while in the act of turning the ship from the land, the sails were rent by the tempest; while the hoarse and hollow roaring of the breakers, and the occasional glim¬ mering of lights on the coast, combined to convince us of our situation, and the proximity of our danger. The depiession of spirits, resulting from the disappointment, which had been more or less felt by all on board, the noise of the tempest, the vociferations and frequent im¬ precations of the officers, the hurried steps and almost incessant labours of the seamen on deck, and the heavy and violent motion of the vessel, which detached from tin ii fastenings, and dashed with violence from one side of the ship to the other, chests of drawers, trunks, and barrels, that had remained secure and stationary dur¬ ing the voyage, produced a state of mind peculiarly dis¬ tressing. The general disorder that prevailed, with the constant apprehension of striking on some fatal rock, that might lie unseen near the craggy and iron-bound shore, and being either ingulfed in the mighty deep, or wrecked on the inhospitable coast, rendered the n'urht altogether one of the most alarming and anxious that we had passed since our departure from England. Amidst the confusion by which we were surrounded; we expe- lienced comparative composure of mind; resting on our God: 20 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. h When c/cr the fearful depth "we hung. High on the broken wave, We knew He was not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save.” In such a season, confidence in Him who holdeth the wind in his fists, and the waters in the hollow of his hand, can alone impart serenity and support. As the morning advanced, the storm abated; and at sunrise we found ourselves at a considerable distance from the shore. Contrary winds kept us out at sea for nearly a fortnight, which was by far the most irksome part of our voyage. At length we again approached the coast, and were delighted, as we sailed along it on the morning of the eleventh day, to behold a pilot-boat steer¬ ing towards us. Our vessel had been several times seen from the shore, since the day of our first disappointment; and as soon as we had appeared in sight this morning, the governor of New South Wales, then lcs.ding at Sid¬ ney, had despatched the pilot, with orders to go out even sixty miles, rather than return without bringing the vessel in. He boarded us about twenty miles from Port Jackson, and conducted us safely within the heads, in the evening of the same day. Early the next morning, we proceeded to Sydney Cove, where we cast anchor on the 22d of July, after a passage, including our stay in Rio Janeiro, of only a few days more than six months. Five months elapsed before we could meet with a con¬ veyance to the Society Islands. This detention, how¬ ever, favoured me with an opportunity of visiting the chief settlements of New South Wales, and beholding several of the rare and interesting animals and vege¬ table productions of that important colony. I was happy also to become acquainted with Mr. Leigh, the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 21 Wesleyan minister, and to experience, during this period, the friendship and kind attentions of the Rev. S. Mars- den, senior chaplain of the colony, the steady and inde¬ fatigable friend of Missions and Missionaries in the South Seas. He resided at Paramatta, where we passed the greater part of our stay in New South Wales very pleasantly, in the family of the late Mr. Hassel, formerly a Missionary in Tahiti. Mr. and Mrs. Hassel landed at Matavai from the ship Duff, in 1797? but had retired to Port Jackson, in consequence of an attack made by the natives on the Missionaries. In company with Mr. S. O. Hassel, I made several ex¬ cursions into the interior of the country, where w r e fre¬ quently saw the inhabitants more completely in a state of nature, than those we met with in the vicinity of the principal towns. The aborigines are but thinly spread over that part of New Holland bordering on the colony • and though the population has been estimated at three millions, I am disposed to think, that, notwithstanding the geographical extent of the country, it does not con¬ tain so many inhabitants. Their appearance is gene¬ rally repulsive, their faces looking more deformed from their wearing a skewer through the cartilage of the nose. Their colour is dark olive, or black, and their hair rather crisped than woolly. In proportion to the body, their limbs are small and weak, while their gait is exceedingly aw r kward. Excepting in the neigh¬ bourhood of the chief tow r ns, they were usually destitute of clothing, though armed with a spear or lance, with which at a great distance they are fatal marksmen. They are represented as indolent, treacherous, and cruel. Agriculture is unknown among them, although the indigenous productions of the country yield them 22 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. little if any subsistence. Their food is frequently scanty, precarious, and loathsome, sometimes consisting of grubs and reptiles taken in the hollow or decayed trees of the forest. Occasionally, however, they procure excellent fish from the sea, or the lakes, rivers, &c. Their dwellings are low huts of bark, and afford but a mere temporary shelter from the weather. They are a distinct people from the inhabitants of New Zealand, or the South Sea Islands; altogether inferior to them, and apparently the lowest grade of human kind. Their habits are fugitive and migratory, and this has per¬ haps greatly contributed to the failure of the benevolent at¬ tempts that have been made by the government and others to meliorate their condition, and elevate their character. The school for aboriginal children, under the patronage of the government, was a most interesting institution : I frequently visited it, and was surprised to learn that, though treated with every kindness, the young scholars, when an opportunity occurred, frequently left the school, and fled to their native woods, where every effort to discover the retreat, or to reclaim them, proved ineffectual. Notwithstanding their present abject con¬ dition, and all the existing barriers to their improve¬ ment, it is most ardently to be hoped, and most con¬ fidently to be anticipated, that the period will arrive, when this degraded and wretched people will be raised to the enjoyment of all the blessings of intelligence, civilization, and Christianity. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 23 CHAP. II. Voyage to New Zealand—Intercourse with the inhabitants—Sabbath onshore—Visit to Waikadie—Instance of parental tenderness—Forest scenery—Sham fight and war-dances—Character of the New Zealanders —Prospects of the Mission—Arrival at the Island of Rapa—Singularity of its structure—Appearance of the natives—Violent proceedings on board—Remarkable interposition of Providence—Visit of the natives to Tahiti—Introduction of Christianity to Rapa—Increased geographical acquaintance with the Pacific. On the tenth of December, 1816, we sailed from Sydney in the Queen Charlotte, a brig belonging to J. Bimie, Esq., bound for the Society and Marquesan Islands. On the 21st of the same month, we reached New Zealand; and here for the first time saw the rude, untutored inha¬ bitants of the South Sea Islands, in their native state. At daylight, on the morning after our arrival on the coast, we found ourselves off Wangaroa bay, where, six \ ears before, the murderous quarrel took place, in which the crew of the Boyd were cut off by the natives, and near which, subsequently, the Methodist Missionary sta¬ tion at Wesley dale, established in 1823, has been, through the alarming and violent conduct of the inha¬ bitants, abandoned by the Missionaries, and utterly destroyed by the natives. Several canoes, with three or four men in each, approached our vessel at a very early hour, with fish, fishing-lines, hooks, and a few curiosities for sale. Their canoes were all single, ge¬ nerally between twenty and thirty feet long, formed 24 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. out of one tree, and nearly destitute of every kind of ornament. The men, almost naked, were rather above the middle stature, of a dark copper colour, their features frequently well formed, their hair black and bushy, and theii faces much tataued, and ornamented, or rather disfigured, by the unsparing application of a kind of white clay and led ochre mixed with oil. Their appearance and conduct, during our first interview, was by no means adapted to inspire us with prepossessions in their favour. Our cap¬ tain refused to admit them into the ship, and after bar¬ tering with them for some of their fish, we proceeded on our voyage. On reaching the Bay of Islands we were cordially wel¬ comed by our Christian brethren, the Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society, who had been about two years engaged in promoting instruction and civilization among the New Zealanders. They were the first Missionaries we had seen on heathen ground, and it afforded us plea¬ sure to become acquainted with those who were in some respects to be our future fellow-labourers. Having been kindly invited to spend on shore the next day, which was the Sabbath, we left the ship soon after breakfast, on the morning of the 22nd. When we reached the landing place, crowds of natives thronged around us, with an idle but by no means ceremonious curiosity, and some time elapsed before we could proceed from the beach to the houses of our friends. The Missionaries had on the preceding day invited me to officiate for them, and I was happy to have an op¬ portunity of preaching the gospel on the shores ot New Zealand. Several of the natives appeared in our little congregation, influenced probably by curiosity, as the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. service was held in a language unintelligible to them. I could not, however, but indulge the hope that the time was not distant, when, through the influence of the schools already established, and the general instructions given by the Missionaries ; my brethren would have the pleasure of preaching, on every returning Sabbath, the unsearch¬ able riches of Christ, to numerous assemblies of attentive Christian hearers. The circumstance of its being exactly two years, this Sabbath day, since Mr. Marsden, who visited New Zealand in 1814—1815, for the purpose of establishing a Christian Mission among the people, preached, not far from this spot, the first sermon that was ever delivered in New Zealand, added to the feelings of interest connected with the engagements of the day. Circumstances detaining us about a week in the Bay of Islands, afforded me the means of becoming more fully acquainted with the Missionaries, making excursions to different parts of the adjacent country, and witnessing many of the singular manners and customs of the people. I visited, in company with the captain of our ship, and Mr. Hall, one or two of the forests which produce the New Zealand pine, recently discovered to be so valuable as spars for vessels. In one of these excursions, shortly after leaving the Bay of Islands, we reached Kowakowa, where Mr. Hall proposed to land. As we approached the shore, no trace of inhabitants appeared, but we had scarcely landed when we were somewhat surprised by the appearance of Tetoro and a number of his people. The chief ran to meet us, greeting us in English, with “How do you do?” He per¬ ceived I was a stranger, and, on hearing my errand and destination, he offered me his hand, and saluted me, according to the custom of his country, by touching my E 26 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. nose with his. He was a tall, fine-looking man, about six feet high, and proportionably stout, his limbs firm and muscular, and when dressed in his war-cloak, with all his implements of death appended to his person, he must have appeared formidable to his enemies. When ac¬ quainted with our business, he prepared to accompany us; but before we set out, an incident occurred that greatly raised my estimation of his character. In front of the hut sat his wife, and around her played two or three little . children. In passing from the hut to the boat, Tetoro struck one of the little ones with his foot 5 the child cried, and though the chief had his mat on, and his gun in his hand, and was in the act of stepping into the boat where we were waiting for him, he no sooner heard its cries, than he turned back, took the child up in his arms, stroked its little head, dried its tears, and giving it to the mother hastened to join us. His conversation in the boat, during the remainder of the voyage, indicated no infe¬ riority of intellect nor deficiency of information, as far as he had possessed the means of obtaining it. On reaching Waikadie, about twenty miles from our ship, we were met by Waivea, Tetoro’s brother; but his relationship appeared to be almost all that he possessed in common with him, as he was both in appearance and in conduct entirely a savage. We accompanied them to the adjacent forests. T.he earth was completely covered with thick-spreading and forked roots, brambles, and creeping plants, overgrown with moss, and interwoven sc as to form a kind of uneven matting, which rendered travelling exceedingly difficult. The underwood was in many parts thick, and the trunks of the lofty trees rose like clusters of pillars supporting the canopy of interwoven boughs and verdant POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 2/ foliage, through which the sun’s rays seldom penetrated. There were no trodden paths, and the wild and dreary solitude of the place was only broken by the voice of some lonely bird, which chirped among the branches of the bushes, or, startled by our intrusion on its retire¬ ment, darted across our path. A sensation of solemnity and awe involuntarily arose in the mind, while con¬ templating a scene of such peculiar character, so unlike the ordinary haunts of man, and so adapted, from the silent grandeur of his works, to elevate the soul with the sublimest conceptions of the Almighty. I was remarkably struck with the gigantic size of many of the trees, some of which appeared to rise nearly one hundred feet, without a branch, while two men with extended arms could not clasp their trunks. About three in the afternoon we left Waikadie, but the darkness of night veiled every object from our view, long before we reached our vessel. Near the settlement at Rangehoo, a small field had been tilled by the Missionaries, in the European manner. I visited it in company with Mr. King, and was pleased to see one of the first crops of wheat that had ever grown, under European culture, in New Zealand, looking green and flourishing. Two years before this, Duatere and Honghi had received wheat from Mr. Marsden, which they had carefully sown, and which had arrived at perfection. The introduction of the European methods of culture, and subsequent processes of converting it into bread, may naturally be expected to encourage the natives to facili¬ tate its more extensive growth. In several parts of the low-lands the native flax-plant ,phormium tenax, was grow¬ ing remarkably strong. It is by no means like the flax or hemp plants of England, but resembles, in its appear- 28 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. ance and manner of growth, the flag or iris; the long broad sword-shaped leaves furnish the fibre so useful in making dresses for the natives, fishing lines, twine, and strong cordage employed as running rigging in most of the vessels that trade with the islanders. It is a most valuable plants and will probably furnish an important article of commerce with New South Wales, or England. An unusual noise from the land aroused us early on the morning of the 25th, and, on reaching the deck, a number of war-canoes were seen lying along the shore, while crowds of natives on the beach were engaged in war dances, shouting, and firing their muskets at frequent intervals. On inquiry, we found that on the day we had visited Waikadie, a chief of Rangehoo had committed suicide, by throwing himself from a high rock into the sea. This event had brought the chiefs and war¬ riors of the adjacent country, to investigate the cause of his death; armed and prepared for revenge, in the event of his having been murdered. A council was held for some hours on the beach, when the strangers, being satis * fied as to the cause and manner of the chief’s death, pre¬ parations for war were discontinued, the people of Ran¬ gehoo repaired to their fields, to procure potatoes for their entertainment. It was Christmas-day, and about twelve o’clock we went on shore to dine ith one of the Mission families. In the afternoon, I walked through the encampment of the strangers, which was spread along the sea-shore. Their long, stately, and in many instances beautifully carved canoes, were drawn up on the pebbly beach, and the chiefs and warriors were sitting in circles, at a small distance from them. Each party occupied the beach opposite their canoes, while the slaves or domestics at some distance further from POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 29 the shore, were busied round their respective fires, preparing their masters’ food. Near his side, each war¬ rior's spear was fixed in the ground, while his patupatu, a stone weapon, the tomahawk of the New Zealander, was hanging on his arm. Several chiefs had a large iron hatchet or bill-hook, much resembling those used by woodmen or others, in mending hedges in England. These, which in their hands were rather terrifying wea¬ pons, appeared to be highly prized; they were kept clean and polished, and generally fastened round the wrist by a braided cord of native flax. The patupatu was sometimes placed in the girdle, in the same manner as a Malay would wear his knife or dagger, or a Turk his pistol. They were generally tall and well-formed men, altogether such as it might be expected the warriors of a savage nation would be. Several of these fighting- men were not less than six feet high; their limbs were muscular and firm, and their bodies stout, but not cor¬ pulent. The dress of the chiefs and warriors consisted, in general, of a girdle round the loins, and a short cloak or mantle, worn over the shoulders, and tied with cords <>f braided flax in front. The rank of the chief appeared to be sometimes indicated by the number of his cloaks fastened one upon the other; that which was smallest, but generally most valuable, being worn on the outside: the whole resembled in this respect the capes of a travelling-coat. Their physiognomy, indicating any thing but weak¬ ness or cowardice, often exhibited great determination. They wore no helmet, or other covering for the head. 1 heir black and shining hair sometimes hung in ring¬ lets on their shoulders, but was frequently tied up on the crown of their heads, and usually ornamented by a tuft 30 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. Of waving feathers. Their dark eyes, though not large, were often fierce and penetrating; their prominent fea¬ tures in general well formed; but their whole countenance was much disfigured by the practice of tatauing. Each chief had thus imprinted on his face, the marks and invo¬ lutions peculiar to his family or tribe; while the figures tataued on the faces of his dependants or retainers, though fewer in number, were the same in form as those by which the chief was distinguished. The accompanying representation of the head and face of ’Honglii, * the cele¬ brated New Zealand warrior, who was among the party that arrived this morning at the settlements, will convey no inaccurate idea of the effect of this singular practice. The tatauing of the face of a New Zealander, answering the * The bust, from which, by the kindness of the Secretary of the Church Missionary Society, the drawing of the above is taken, was executed with great fidelity by ’Honglii during a visit to Port Jackson. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 31 purpose of the particular stripe or colour of the High¬ lander's plaid, marks the clan or tribe to which he belongs. It is considered highly ornamental, and, in addition to the distinguishing lines or curves, the intri¬ cacy and variety of the pattern, thus permanently fixed on the face, constitutes one principal distinction between the chiefs and common people, and may be regarded as the crest, or coat of arms, of the New Zealand aristocracy. Tatauing is said to be also employed as a means of enabling them to distinguish their enemies in battle. In the present instance, its effect on the countenance, where its marks are more thickly implanted than in any other part of the body, was greatly augmented by a preparation of red ochre and oil, which had been liberally applied to the cheeks and the forehead. Quan¬ tities of oil and ochre adhered to my clothes, from close contact with the natives, which I found it impossi¬ ble to prevent; but this was the only inconvenience I experienced from my visit. The warriors of New Zealand delight in swaposed be¬ longed to a man he had killed in a battle at sea. The scantiness of the population favoured the opinion that the present race had but recently become inhabitants of this abode; and the subsequent visits of Missionaries from Tahiti; with the residence of native teachers among the people; have furnished additional evidence that the present Tubuaian population is but of modern origin, compared with that inhabiting the island of Raivavai on the east, or Rurutu and Rimatara on the west. Tubuai is compact, hilly, and verdant; many of the hills appeared brown and sunburnt, while others were partially wooded. It is less picturesque than Rapa, but is surrounded by a reef of coral, which protects the low¬ land from the violence of the sea. As we approached this natural safeguard to the level shore, a number of natives came out to meet us. Their canoes, resembling those of Rapa, were generally sixteen or twenty feet long; the lower part being hollowed out of the trunk of a tree, and the sides, stem, and stern formed by pieces of thin plank sewn together with cinet made of the fibrous husk of the 54 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. cocoa nut. The stem projected nearly horizontally, but the stern being considerably elevated, extended obliquely from the seat occupied by the steersman. The sterns were ornamented with rude carving, and, together with the sides, painted with a kind of red ochre, while the seams were covered with the feathers of aquatic biids. -a tabu had been recently laid on the island by the priests, which they had supposed would prevent the arrival of any vessel, and they were consequently rather discon¬ certed by our approach. Among the nati\es who came on board, was a remarkably fine, tall, well-made man, who appeared, from the respect paid him by the others, to be a chief. His body was but partially tataued, his only dress was a girdle or broad bandage round his loins, and his glossy black and curling hair was tied in a bunch on the crown of his head, while its extremities hung in ringlets on his shoulders. His disposition appeared mild and friendly. His endeavours to induce us to land were unremitted, until it was nearly sunset \ when, find¬ ing them unavailing, and receiving from the captain an assurance that he would keep near the island till the morrow, he remained on board, although considerably affected by the motion of the vessel. The next morning we stood in close to the reefs, and a party from the ship accompanied the chief to the shore ) the population appeared but small, the people were friendly, and readily bartered fowls, taro, and mountain plantains for articles of cutlery and fish-hooks. 1 heir gardens were unfenced, and the few pigs they had, were kept in holes or wide pits four or five feet deep, and fed with biead- fruit and other vegetables. Only one was brought on board, and very readily purchased. Many of the nati\ es, in addition to the common bandage encircling their bodies, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 55 and a light cloth over their shoulders, wore large folds of white or yellow cloth bound round their heads, in some degree resembling a turban, which gave them a remark¬ ably Asiatic appearance. They also wore necklaces of the nuts of the pandanus; the scent of which, though strong, is grateful to most of the islanders of the Pacific. A few weeks before our arrival, a canoe from Tahiti, bound to the Paumotu or pearl islands, had been drifted on Tubuai; and the people on board, although peace¬ able in their conduct, had incurred the displeasure of the inhabitants by endeavouring to persuade them to renounce idolatry and embrace Christianity. The strangers, though plundered and otherwise ill-treated, forbore to retaliate^ from the influence of Christian principles which they had imbibed at Tahiti. Subsequently, the Tubuaians heard more ample details of the change that had taken place in the adjacent island of Rurutu, as well as in the Society Islands—that the inhabitants had renounced their idolatry, and erected places for the worship of the true God—and determined to follow their example. In the month of March, 1822, they sent a deputation to Tahiti, requesting teachers and books. The messengers from Tubuai were kindly wel¬ comed, and not only hospitably entertained by the Tahi¬ tian Christians, but led to their schools and their places of public worship. Two native teachers were selected by the church in Matavai, and publicly designated by the Missionaries to instruct the natives of Tubuai. The churches in Tahiti, so far as their means admitted, furnished them with a supply of articles most likely to be useful in their missionary station ; and the 13th of June, 1822, they embarked for the island of Tubuai. Mr. Nott the senior Missionary in Tahiti, embarked in 56 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. the same vessel, for the purpose of preaching to the peo¬ ple, and affording the native Missionaries every assist¬ ance in the commencement of their undertaking. Finding, on their arrival, the whole of the small population of the island engaged in war, and on the eve of a battle, Mr. Nott and his companions repaired to the encampment of Tamatoa, who was, by hereditary right, the king of the island; acquainted him with the design of their visit, and recommended him to return to his ordinary place of abode. The king expressed his willingness to accede to the proposal, pro\ ided his ri\ al, who was encamped but a short distance from him, and whom he expected on the morrow to engage, would also suspend hostilities. Paofai, a chief who accompanied Mr. Nott, went to Tahuhuatama, the chief of the oppo¬ site party, with a message to this effect. He was kindly received, his proposal agreed to, and a time appointed for the chiefs to meet midway between the hostile par¬ ties, and arrange the conditions of peace. . On the same evening, or early the next morning, the chieftains with their adherents, probably not exceeding one hundred on either side, quitted their encampments, which were about a mile and a half or two miles apart, and proceeded to the appointed place of rendezvous. When they came within fifty yards of each other, they halted. The chiefs then left their respective bands, and met mid¬ way between them; they were attended by the Mission¬ aries, and after several propositions had been made by one party, and acceded to by the other, peace was con¬ cluded. The chiefs then embraced each other; and the % A warriors in each little army, wherein the nearest relations were probably arranged against each other, perceiving the reconciliation of their chiefs, dropped their imple- POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 57 ments of war, and, rushing into each other’s arms, pre¬ sented a scene of gratulation and joy very different from the murderous conflict in which they expected to have been engaged. They repaired in company to the resi¬ dence of the principal chief, where an entertainment was provided. Here the Missionaries had a second interview with the chiefs, who welcomed them to the island, and expressed their desires to be instructed concerning the true God, and the new religion, as they usually denomi¬ nated Christianity. On the following morning, the inhabitants of Tubuai were invited to attend public worship, when Mr. Nott delivered, in a new building erected for the purpose, the first Christian discourse to which they had ever listened. It was truly gratifying to behold those, who had only the day before expected to have been engaged in shedding each other’s blood, now mingled in one cpiiet and atten¬ tive assembly, where the warriors of rival chieftains might be seen sitting side by side, and listening to the gospel of peace. Mr. Nott was unexpectedly detained several weeks at Tubuai; during this time he made the tour of the island, conversed with the people, and preached on every favour¬ able occasion that occurred. The Queen Charlotte at length arrived; when, having introduced the native teachers to the chiefs and people, and recommended them to their protection, he bade them farewell, and prosecuted his voyage to High Island. The chiefs had desired that one teacher might be left with each; and, in order to meet their wishes, two, Hapunia and Samuela, from the church at Papeete, were stationed by Mr. Nott in this island, one with each of the chiefs. The native Mission¬ aries found the productions of Tubuai less various and i 58 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. abundant than those of Tahiti^ and the adjacent islands. The habits of the natives were remarkably indolent, and inimical to health, especially the practice of dress¬ ing their bread-fruit, &c. only once in five days. Against this the teachers invariably remonstrated, and presented to them, also, a better example, by cooking for themselves fresh food every day. Since that time, a distressing epi¬ demic has, in common with most of the islands, pievailed in Tubuai, and has swept off many of the people. Never¬ theless, the native teachers continue their labours, and the condition of the people is improved. In February, 1826, when Mr. Davies visited them, the profession of Christianity was general; 38 adults and four children were baptized. The chiefs and people were assisting the teachers in building comfortable dwellings, and erecting a neat and substantial house for public w oi - ship. In the afternoon of the 4tli of February we sailed from Tubuai; but, in consequence of unfavourable winds, did not reach Tahiti till the 10th. As we approached its southern shore, a canoe came off with some natives, who brought a pig and vegetables for sale; but the wind blowing fresh, we soon passed by, and had little more than a glance at the people. About sunset we found ourselves a short distance to the northward of Point"V enus, having sailed along the east and northern shores of Tahiti, charmed with the rich and varied scenery of the island, justly denominated the queen of the Pacific, whose landscapes, though circumscribed in extent, are “ So lovely, so adorned With hill, and dale, and lawn, and winding; vale, Woodland, and stream, and lake, and rolling seas,” i POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 59 that they are seldom surpassed, even in the fairest por¬ tions of the world. On the morning of the 16th of February, 181/, as the light of the day broke upon us, we discovered that during the preceding night we had drifted to a con¬ siderable distance from the island; the canoes of the natives, however, soon surrounded our vessel; numbers of the people were admitted on board, and we had the long desired satisfaction of intercourse with them, through the medium of an interpreter. They were not altogether so prepossessing in person as, from the dif¬ ferent accounts I had read, I had been led to anticipate. The impression produced by our first interview was, notwithstanding, far from being unfavourable; we were at once gratified with their vivacity, and soon after with the simple indications of the piety which several exhibited. A good-looking native, about forty years of age, who said his name was Maine, and who came on board as a pilot, was invited to our breakfast. We had nearly finished when he took his seat at the table ; yet, before tasting his food, he modestly bent his head, and, shading his brow with his hand, implored the Divine blessing on the provision before him. Several of the officers were much affected at his seriousness; and though one attempted to raise a smile at his ex¬ pense, it only elicited from him an expression of com¬ passion. To me it was the most pleasing sight I had yet beheld, and imparted a higher zest to the enjoy¬ ment I experienced in gazing on the island, as we sailed along its shores. There is no reason to suppose that Tahiti, or any other island of the group, is altogether volcanic in its origin, as Hawaii and the whole of the Sandwich Islands decidedly 60 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. are. The entire mass of matter composing the latter, has evidently been in a state of fusion, and in that state has been ejected from the focus of an immense volcano, or volcanoes, originating, probably, at the bottom of the sea, and forming, by their action through successive ages, the whole group of islands ; in which, nothing like primitive or secondary rock has yet been found. In Tahiti, and other islands of the southern cluster, there are basalts, whinstone dykes, and homogeneous earthy lava, retaining all the convolutions which cooling lav a is know n to assume; there are also kinds of hornstone, limestone, silex, breccia, and other substances, which have never, under the action of fire, altered their original form. Some are found in detached fragments, otheis in laige masses. The wild and broken manner, however, in which the rocks now appear, warrants the inference, that since their formation, which was probably of equal antiquity with the bed of the ocean, they have been thrown up by some volcanic explosion, the disruptions of an earthquake, or other violent convulsions of the earth ; and have, from this circumstance, assumed theii bold, irregular, and romantic forms. Midday was past before we entered Matavai bay. As we sailed into the harbour, we passed near the coial reef, on which Captain Wallis struck on the 19tli of June, 1767, when he first entered the bay. His ship remained stationary nearly an hour ; and, in consequence of this circumstance, the reef has received the name of the Dolphin rock. As we passed by it, we felt grate¬ ful that the winds were fair and the weather calm, and that we had reached our anchorage in safety. Ma-ta-vai, or Port Royal, as it was called by Captain Wallis, is situated in latitude 17°* 36'. S. and longitude 149°. 35 . W. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 61 It is rather an open bay, and although screened from the prevailing trade winds, is exposed to the southern and westerly gales, and also to a considerable swell from the sea. The long flat neck of land which forms its northern boundary, was the spot on which Captain Cook erected his tents, and fixed his instruments for observing the transit of Venus ; on which account, it has ever since been called Point Venus. Excepting those parts enclosed as gardens, or plantations, the land near the shore is covered with long grass, or a species of con¬ volvulus, called by the natives pohue; numerous clumps of trees, and waving cocoa-nuts, add much to the beauty of its appearance. A fine stream, rising in the interior mountains, winds through the sinuosities of the head of the valley, and, fertilizing the district of Matavai, flows through the centre of this long neck of land, into the sea. Such, without much alteration, in all probability, was the appearance of this beautiful bay, when discovered by Captain Wallis, in 1/6/ ; and two years after, when first visited by Captain Cook; or when Captain Bligh, in the Bounty, spent six months at anchor here in 1788 and 1789; when Captain Vancouver arrived in 1792; Captain New, of the Daedalus, in 1793; and Captain Wilson, in the Duff, who anchored in the same bay on the 6th of March, 1797* It was on the northern shores of this bay, that eighteen of the Missionaries, who left England in the Duff, first landed, upwards of thirty years ago. They wer° u -the messengers Of peace, and light and life, whose eye unsealed Saw up the path of immortality, Far into bliss. Saw men, immortal men, Wide wandering from the way, eclipsed in night. 62 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. Dark, moonless, moral night, living like beasts. Like beasts descending to the grave, untaught Of life to come, unsanctified, unsaved.” To reclaim the inhabitants from error and superstition, to impart to them the truths of revelation, to improve their present condition, and direct them to future blessedness, were the ends at which they aimed; and here they commenced those labours which some of them have continued unto the present time; and w hich, under the blessing of God, have been productive of the moral change that has since taken place among the inhabitants of this and the adjacent islands. Decishe and extensive as that change has since become, it was long before any salutary effects appeared as the result of their endeavours. And, although the scene before me was now one of loveliness and quietude, cheeiful, yet placid as the smooth waters of the bay, that scaicoly rippled by the vessel s side, it has often v\ orn a a c, 1 y different aspect. Here the first Missionaries frequently heard the song accompanying the licentious areois dance, the deafening noise of idol worship, and saw the human victim carried by for sacrifice: here, too, they often heard the startling cry of war, and saw their frighted neighbours fly before the murderous spear and plundering hand of lawless power. The invaders torch reduced the native hut to ashes, while the lurid flame seared the green foliage of the trees, and clouds of smoke, rising up among their groves, darkened for a time surrounding objects. On such occasions, and they were not infrequent, the contrast between the country, and the inhabitants, must have been most affecting, appearing as if the demons of darkness had lighted up infernal fires, even in the bowers of paradise. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. G3 Within sight of the spot where our vessel lay, four of the Missionaries were stripped and maltreated by the natives, two of them nearly assassinated, from the anger of the king, and one of them was murdered. Here the first Missionary dwelling was erected, the first temple for the worship of Jehovah reared, and the first Missionary grave opened; and here, after having been obliged to convert their house into a garrison, and watch night and day in constant expectation of attack, the Missionaries were obliged, almost in hopeless despair, to abandon a field, on which they had bestowed the toil and culture of twelve anxious and eventful years. On the 7th of March, 1/9/, the first Missionaries went on shore, and were met on the beach by the late Pomare and his queen, then called Otoo and Tetua; by them they were kindly welcomed, as well as by Paitia, an aged chief of the district. They w T ere conducted to a large, oval-shaped native house, which had been but recently finished for Captain Bligh, whom they expected to return^. Their dwelling was pleasantly situated on the western side of the river, near the extremity of Point Venus. The natives were delighted to behold foreigners coming to take up their permanent residence among them; as those they had heretofore seen, with the excep¬ tion of a Spaniard, had been transient visitors. The Spa¬ niard had saved his life by escaping from Langara’s ship, while it was lying at anchor in Tairabu, in March 17/3, at which time three of his shipmates were executed. The benefit the natives had derived from this individual, and the mutineers of the Bounty, prior to their appre¬ hension by the people of the Pandora, and the residence of several of the crew of the Matilda, which had been wrecked on a reef not far distant, led them to desire the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 64 residence of foreigners. The inhabitants of Tahiti had never seen any European females or children, and were consequently filled with amazement and delight, when the wives and children of the Missionaries landed. Several times during the first days of their residence on shore, large parties arrived from different places in front of the house, requesting that the white women and chil¬ dren, would come to the door and shew themselves. The chiefs and people were not satisfied with giving them the large and commodious Fare Beritani (British House,) as they called the one they had built for Bligh, but readily and cheerfully ceded to Captain Wilson and the Missionaries, in an official and formal manner, the whole district of Matavai, in which their habitation was situated. The late Pomare and his queen, with Otoo his father, and Idia his mother, and the most influential per¬ sons in the nation, were present, and Haamanemane, an aged chief of Raiatea, and chief priest of Tahiti, was the principal agent for the natives on the occasion. The ac¬ companying plate, representing this singular transaction, is taken from an original painting in the possession of Mrs. Wilson, relict of the late Captain Wilson. It exhibits, not only the rich luxuriance of the scenery, but the complexion, expression, dress, and tatauing of the natives, with remarkable fidelity and spirit. The two figures on men’s shoulders are the late king and queen. Near the queen on the right stands 1 eter the Swede, their interpreter, and behind him stands Idia, the mother of the king. The person seated on the right hand is Paitia, the chief of the district; behind him stand Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Mr. Jefferson, and others. The principal person on this side is Captain Wilson; between him and his nephew Captain W. W ilson, stands a child I POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 65 of Mr. Hassel; Mrs. Hassel with an infant is before them. On the left, next to the king, stands his father Pom are, the upper part of his body uncovered in homage to his son, and behind him is Hapai, the king’s grand¬ father. Haamanemane, the higli-priest, appears in a crouching position, addressing Captain Wilson, and sur¬ rendering the district.—Haamanemane was also the taio , or friend, of Captain Wilson; and rendered him con¬ siderable service, in procuring supplies, facilitating the settlement of the Mission, and accomplishing other ob¬ jects of his visit. Presentations of this kind were not uncommon among the islanders, as a compliment, or matter of courtesy, to a visitor ; and were regulated by the rank and means of the donors, or the dignity of the guests. Houses, plantations, districts, and even whole islands, were sometimes presented; still, those who thus received them, never thought of appropriating them to their own use, and excluding their original proprietors, any more than a visitor in England, who should be told by his host to make himself perfectly at home, and to do as he would if he were in his own house, would, from this declaration, think of altering the apartments of the house, or removing from it any part of the furniture. It is, however, probable, that such was their estimate of the advantages that would result from the residence of the Mission families among them, that, in order to afford every facility for the accomplishment of an object so desirable, and hold out every inducement to confidence for the Missionaries, as to their future support, they were sincere in thus ceding the district. They might wish them to reside in it, exercise the office of chiefs over the whole, cultivate as much of it as they desired, and K 66 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. receive tribute from those who might occupy the remaining parts; but by no means, perpetually to alienate it from the king, or chief, to whom it originally belonged. This they knew could not be done without their permission, and that permission they could at any time withhold. In 1801, when the Royal Admiral arrived, Pomare was asked, when the Missionaries were intro¬ duced to him, if they were still to consider the district theirs; and though he replied in the affirmative, and even asked if they wished the inhabitants to remove, it afterwards appeared that the natives considered them only as tenants at will. All they desired was, the per¬ manent occupation of the ground on which their dwell¬ ings and gardens were situated; yet, in writing to the Society, in 1804, they remark, in reference to the district, “ The inhabitants do not consider the district, nor any part of it, as belonging to us, except the small sandy spot we occupy with our dwellings and gardens ; and even as to that, there are persons who claim the ground as theirs/’ Whatever advantages the kings or chiefs might expect to derive from this settle¬ ment on the island, it must not be supposed that it was from any desire to receive general or religious instruc¬ tions. This was evident, from a speech once made by Haamanemane, who said that they gave the people plenty of the parau (word) talk and prayer, but very few knives, axes, scissors, or cloth. These, however, were soon afterwards amply supplied. A desire to possess such property, and to receive the assistance of the Europeans in the exercise of the mechanic arts, or in their wars, was probably the motive by which the natives were most strongly influenced. Captain Wilson was, however, happy to find the king, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 67 chiefs, and people so willing to receive the Missionaries, and so friendly towards them; and the latter being now settled comfortably in their new sphere of labour, the Duff sailed for the Friendly Islands on the 26th of March. Having landed ten Missionaries at Tongatabu, in the Friendly Islands, Captain Wilson visited and surveyed several of the Marquesan Islands, and left Mr. Crook a Missionary there; he then returned to Tahiti, and on the 6th of July, the Duff again anchored in Matavai Bay. The health of the Missionaries had not been affected by the climate. The conduct of the natives had been friendly and respectful; and supplies in abundance had been fur¬ nished during his absence. While the ship remained at Tahiti, Mr. W. W ilson made the tour of the island; the iron, tools, and other siq^plies for the Mission, were landed: the Missionaries, and their friends on board, hav- ing spent a month in agreeable intercourse, now affection¬ ately bade each other farewell. Dr. Gilham having inti¬ mated to Captain W. his wish to return to England, was taken on board, and the Duff finally sailed from Matavai on the 4th of August, 1797* The Missionaries return¬ ing from the ship, as well as those on shore, watched her course as she slowly receded from their view, under no ordinary sensations. They now felt that they were cut off from all but Divine guidance, protection, and support, and had parted with those by whose counsels and pre¬ sence they had been assisted in entering upon their labours, but whom on earth they did not expect to meet again. Captain Wilson coasted along the south and western shores of Huahine, and then sailed to Tongatabu; where, after spending twenty days with the Missionaries, who appeared comfortably settled, he sailed for Canton, where he received a cargo, with 68 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. which he returned to England, and arrived safely in the Thames; having completed his perilous voyage, under circumstances adapted to aflord the high¬ est satisfaction, and to excite the sinccrest gratitude from all who were interested in the success of the important enterprise. The departure of the Duff did not occasion any diminu¬ tion in the attention of the natives to the Missionaries in Tahiti. Pomare, Otu, Haamanemane, Paitia, and other chiefs, continued to manifest the truest friendship, and liberally supplied them with such articles as the island afforded. The Missionaries, as soon as they had made the habitation furnished by the people for their accommoda¬ tion in any degree comfortable, commenced with energy their important work. Their acquaintance with the most useful of the me¬ chanic arts, not only delighted the natives, but raised the Missionaries in their estimation, and led them to desire their friendship. This was strikingly evinced on several occasions, when they beheld them use their carpenters' tools ; cut with a saw a number of boards out of a tree, which they had never thought it possible to split into more than two, and make with these, chests, and arti¬ cles of furniture. When they beheld a boat, built up¬ wards of twenty feet long, and six tons burden, they were pleased and surprised; but when the blacksmith’s shop was erected, and the forge and anvil were first employed on their shores, they were filled with astonishment. They had long been acquainted with the properties and uses of iron, having procured some from the natives of a neighbouring island, where a Dutch ship, belonging to Roggewein s squadron, had been wrecked many years before they were visited by Captain Wallis, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 69 When the heated iron was hammered on the anvil, and the sparks flew among them, they fancied it was spitting at them, and were frightened, as they also were with the hissing occasioned by immersing it in water; yet they were delighted to see the facility with which a bar of iron was thus converted into hatchets, adzes, fisli-spears, and fish-hooks, &c. Pomare, entering one day when the blacksmith was employed, after gazing a few minutes at the work, was so transported at what he saw, that he caught up the smith in his arms, and, unmindful of the dirt and perspiration inseparable from his occupa¬ tion, most cordially embraced him, and saluted him, according to the custom of his country, by touching noses. Iron tools they considered the most valuable articles they could possess; and a circumstance that occurred during the second visit of the Duff, will shew most strikingly the comparative value they placed upon gold and iron. The ship’s cook had lost his axe, and Captain Wilson gave him ten guineas to try to pur¬ chase one with, supposing that the intercourse the natives had already had with Europeans, would enable them to form some estimate of the value of a guinea, on I the number of articles they could procure with it, from any other ship that might visit the island; but, although the cook kept the guineas more than a u eek, he could meet with no individual among the natives who would part with an axe, or even a hatchet, in exchange for them. W hile some of the Missionaries were employed in the exercise of those arts which were adapted to make the most powerful impression upon the minds of the natives, others were equally diligent in exploring the adjacent country, planting the seeds they had brought with them yo POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. from Europe and Brazil, and studiously endeavouring to gain an acquaintance with the native language, which they justly considered essential to the accomplishment of their objects. This was a most laborious and tedious undertaking. The language was altogether oral; consequently, neither alphabet, spelling-book, grammar, nor dictionary existed. On their arrival, they found two Swedes, Peter Hager- steine, and Andrew Cornelius Lind; the former had been wrecked in the IVIatilda, and the latter had been left by Captain New of the Daedalus, only a few years before the Missionaries arrived. Peter had a slight knowledge of the colloquial language of the natives; and in all their early communications with the chiefs and people, the Missionaries were glad to avail themselves of his aid as interpreter. He was a man of low education and bad principles; and if he did not intentionally misre¬ present the communications of the Missionaries, his statements must often have conveyed to the natives’ minds very erroneous impressions of their sentiments and wishes. From him, as an instructor, they could derive no advantage; as he seldom came near them excepting when he bore some message from the king, or the chief with whom he resided. The remarks of former voyagers, and the specimens of the language they had given, were of little service, as they could only be the names of the principal persons and things that had come under the notice of such individuals, and even in the representation of these, the orthography was as various as the winters had been numerous. In reference to their attempts to acquire the knowledge of Tahitian, they remarked, that they foimd all Europeans, who had visited Tahiti, had mistaken the language as to spelling, pronunciation, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. \ and ease of acquisition. In addition to the printed specimens, they had a small vocabulary, compiled by one of the officers of the mutineers in the Bounty, who had resided some months in Tahiti, prior to the arrival of the Pandora; when he was arrested, and brought a prisoner to England, where he was executed at Portsmouth. This vocabulary he left with the worthy clergyman who attended him in his confinement, and by him it was kindly given to the Missionaries; who found it more useful than every aid besides. On their voyage, they had carefully studied it, but though they were thus put in possession of a number of words, in their proper collocation they discovered they had everv thing to leam. They had arranged a number of words in sen¬ tences according to the English idiom, which they sup¬ posed would be serviceable on landing; but the use of which they soon found it necessary to discontinue. One of these sentences, Mity po tuaana , often afterwards amused the king, when he came to know what they intended by it. Maitai is good, po is night, and tuaana brother. Good-night, brother, was the sentiment in- t< nded ; but if the natives understood the English word mighty, it would mean. Mighty night, brother; or,’ if they understood mity as their word maitai , the phrase would be an assertion to this effect, Good (is the) night, brother. This circumstance shews the difficulties they had to contend with, even when they had acquired the meaning of many of the substantives and adjectives in the language. In these embarrassments they had no elementary books to consult, no preceptors to whom they could apply, but " ere obliged, partly by gestures and signs, to endeavour to obtain the desired information from the natives; who ^2 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. often misunderstood the purport of their questions, and whose answers must, as often, have been quite unintelligible to the Missionaries. A knowledge of the language was, however, indispensable ; and many of the Missionaries employed much of their time among the natives, making excursions through the neighbouring districts, spending several days together with the chiefs at their own habitations, for the purpose of observing their customs, and obtaining an acquaintance with the words which they employed in social intercourse among themselves. This was the more necessary, as the natives who reside in those parts visited by shipping, soon pick up a few of the most common English phrases, which they apply almost indiscriminately, supposing they are thereby better understood, than they would be if they used only native words; yet these words are so changed in a native’s mouth, who cannot sound any sibilant, or many of our consonants, and who must also introduce a vowel between every double consonant, that no English¬ man would recognize them as his own, but would write them down as native words. Pickaninny is a specimen of this kind. It was not in words only, but also in their application, that the most ludicrous mistakes were made by the peo¬ ple. “Oli mani,” a corruption of the English words “ old man,” is the common term for any thing old; hence, a blunt, broken knife, and a threadbare or ragged dress, is called lfered in sacrifice the bodies of the slain, and united in ir confederacy the districts of Papara, and the whole •>f the south-west side of the larger peninsula, cross¬ ed the isthmus, marched at once to Tautira, and attacked the king and Pomare; who, ever since their arrival with the idol they had seized in Atehuru, had been engaged in offering human sacrifices, and, by other acts of worship, propitiating the favour of Oro. The rebels conducted their expedition with so much secrecy and despatch, that the king was taken by surprise. Notwithstanding this, the assailants were, in their first onset, repulsed ; but, renewing their attack in the night | \2 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. although Pomare’s party had forty muskets, and those in the hands of the rebels were not more than fourteen, they threw the king’ s forces into confusion, killed a , chief of influence, a near relative of Pomare’s, and, driving his warriors to their canoes, retook the object of their murderous contention, the image of Oro, and remained masters of the whole of Tairabu, as well as of the south and western side of the large peninsula. Pomare, with his vanquished forces, pursued their voyage to Matavai, where he and his son were received ; with respect by Captain Bishop and his companions. His affairs appeared desperate, and he entertained no j thoughts of security, but by flight to Eimeo. When, ^ however, he beheld the manner in which the English j had prepared to defend themselves, if attacked; and was assured by Captain Bishop, and his companions, that if he ■was conquered, they were not \ and that they w ould , support him in the present critical state of the nation, and assist in the restoration of his government, his prospects appeared to brighten, and he again indulged the hope that his affairs might be retrieved. The rebels were now masters of the greater part of the island; and, as the Missionaries had every reason to believe they would attempt the conquest of the remainder, and knew that their establishment was the only point u here they were likely to meet with the slightest resistance, they neglected no means of defence. The Mission-house was converted into a garrison. The enclosures of the garden were destroyed, the bread-fruit and cocoa-nut trees cut down, to prevent their affording shelter to the enemy, and the means of annoyance from their muskets or their slings. Their chapel was also pulled down, lest the enemy should occupy it or burn it, and from it set fne POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 113 to their own dwelling. A strong paling, or stockade, was planted round the house ; boards, covered with nails* were sunk in the paths leading to it; and thither the Missionaries, Captain Bishop, Captain House, commander of the vessel that had been wrecked, and the seamen under their orders, now retired, as they daily received the most alarming accounts of the intention of the rebels to make their next attack upon them. The veranda in front of their dwelling was protected by chests, bedding, and other articles, so as to afford a secure defence from musket-balls; and the sides of the house, which were only boarded, were fortified with similar materials. Four brass cannon, which had been saved from the wreck of the Norfolk, were fixed in two of the upper rooms, and the inmates of the dwelling were placed under arms, as far as the number of muskets would admit. The Missionaries, as well as the seamen, stood sentinels in turn, night and day, in order to prevent surprise. Their situation at this time must have been most dis¬ tressing. Independently of the desolation that surrounded them, and the confusion and disquietude that must m cessarily have attended their being all confined in one * ise, together with the two captains and their seamen, 1 hey were daily expecting an attack. Sometimes they heard that the rebels were entering Matavai from the east, at other times from the west, and sometimes they received intelligence that they had divided their forces, and intended to commence the attack from two opposite points at the same time. Pomare erected some works on One-tree Hill, to arrest their progress, should they attempt the district in that direction; and, hearing they were still ravaging the peninsula of Tairabu, sent a strong party to tabu-te ohua , Q 114 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. strike their encampment at home. His party readied Atehuru, without molestation, late at night; and, after a short concealment, falling upon the unconscious and defenceless victims, under the cover of the darkness of midnight, in two hours destroyed nearly two hundred men, women, and children. The men who remained at home, in times of war, were generally either aged or sick, and incapable of bearing arms. This unprovoked act of cruelty, on the part of Pomare, heightened to such a degree the rage of the rebels, that they vowed the entire destruction of the reigning family. While the affairs of the island remained in this un¬ settled state, the Nautilus arrived, and Pomare prevailing on the captain to furnish him with a boat manned by British seamen armed, went to Atehuru to present some costly offering to Oro, whose favour he still considered to be the only means of restoring his authority. Although that idol was now in the hands of his enemies, yet, as his errand was of a sacred charactoi, the Ateliu- ruans, notwithstanding they would not admit him to the temple, allowed him to present his offerings, which he deposited on a part of the beach near the temple, and peaceably retired. When Pomare returned, he solicited from the captains, men and arms to go against the insurgents ; and on the 3d of July, Captain Bishop and the mate of the Nautilus, with twenty-three Europeans, well supplied with ammu¬ nition, arms, and a four-pound cannon, accompanied Pomare’s forces to the attack. All the Missionaries re¬ mained at Matavai, excepting one, who accompanied Captain Bishop as surgeon. On reaching Atehuru, they found the rebels had taken refuge in their Pare or natural fortress, about four miles and a half from the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 115 beach. This retreat was rendered by nature almost impregnable to the native warriors, and the only avenues leading to it being defended by the barriers its occupants had thrown up, it appeared difficult, if not impossible, to take it by storm, even with the foreign aid by which the king was supported. After spending the day in almost harmless firing at the enemy, the English and the natives were on the point of embarking to return, when the rebels having been decoyed from their encampment by the daring and challenges of an active and courageous young man, who had assumed the name of To-morrow morning , chased him and his companions down to the sea-side. Here they were checked by Pomare’s musketeers, and retreated a few moments, when they halted, and faced their pursuers; but on the arrival of the English, they were seized with a panic, and fled. Seven¬ teen of the rebel warriors, including Rua, one of their leaders, were taken, and killed on the spot by Pomare ; whose followers, according to their savage rules of war, t reated their bodies with the most wanton brutality. I *omare and his English allies marched the next morn- ig to the strong-hold of the natives, and were much ippointed at finding it filled with men determined > defend it to the last. A female was sent, as a herald, with a flag of truce to the warriors in the fortress, in¬ forming them of the number slain, and proposing to them the king’s terms of peace. Taatahee, the remaining chief of the rebels, who was related to Pomare, directed her t o tell him that when they had done to him, as they had done to Rua the slain chief, then, and not till then, there would be peace. As it appeared improbable that the place could be attacked with advantage to the assailants, and equally improbable that its occupants would accept any 116 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. terms of capitulation that the king would offer. Captain Bishop returned to Matavai, and on the day following Pomare sailed about twelve miles towards Pare. Here he fixed his encampment; and, although peace was not concluded, hostilities appear to have been for some time suspended. Soon after the return of Captain Bishop, the Nautilus sailed ; and the Venus having returned to Tahiti, on the 19th of the following month, Captain Bishop with his men left the island. Dreadful and alarming as these superstitious and bloody contests had been, and though still exposed to the horrors of savage war, the Missionaries, protected in their work by the care of God, felt that they were “-devote to God and truth, And sworn to man’s eternal w'eal, beyond Repentance sworn, or thought of turning back. and determined, in dependence on Divine protection and support, to maintain their station; diligently to labour and patiently to wait for the reward of their toil. They beheld, with deepest distress, their gardens destroyed, their trees cut down, the fences they had reared with so much care demolished, the country around a desolate wilderness, and the inhabitants reduced to a state of destitution and wretchedness; yet they could not con¬ template the remarkable interposition of Providence, in affording them the means of perfect security amidst the surrounding destruction, without unmingled emotions of admiration and gratitude. The cessation of hostilities afforded the Missionaries a respite from anxious watching, and allowed them to pur- POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 117 sue their former avocations. Their gardens were again enclosed, and such seeds as they had preserved were committed to the ground. The study of the language, which, under the guidance and assistance of Mr. Nott, had been regularly pursued one or two evenings every week, was resumed. In the instruction of the children, the greatest difficulties had been experienced from the restless unrestrained dispositions and habits of the scholars, who, unaccustomed to any steady application or to the least control, seldom attended to their lessons long enough to derive any advantage from the efforts of their teachers. As opportunity offered, the Missionaries also preached to the people, and catechized the children. The natives, however, continued their depredations on the little remaining property of the Mission; and, in order to deter others, one of them, who had been detected, was publicly flogged by the king’s order. Towards the close of the year 1802, Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Scott made the tour of Tahiti, for the pur¬ pose of preaching to the people. In most of the places they were hospitably entertained, though, on one occa- M " i| i chief refused them lodging, because a former ionary had not rewarded him for his attentions. I * i ome instances, the natives appeared to listen with attention and interest to their message, but they fre¬ quently found great difficulty in inducing them to attend and often observed with pain that their instructions v, ere received with indifference or with ridicule. At ° lie place, though the people on their first arrival wel- comed them cordially, yet when they understood the object of their visit, a very marked, and by no means pleasing change, appeared in their behaviour, lor many years, the first Missionaries were annoyed 118 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. in almost all tlieir attempts to preach to the people. Sometimes, when they had gone to every house in a vil¬ lage, and the people promising to attend had left their houses, they often found, on reaching the appointed place, that only two or three had arrived there; at other times they either talked all the while about their dress, complexion, or features, and endeavoured to irritate them by false insinuations as to the objects of their visit; or to excite the mirth of their companions by ludicrous gestures, or low 'witticisms on the statements that were made. Brainard remarks, that while he was preaching, the Indians sometimes played with his dog: but the first teachers in Tahiti were often disturbed by a number of natives bringing their dogs, and setting them to fight on the outside of the circle they were addressing; or they would bring their fighting cocks, and set them at each other, so as completely to divert the audience, who would at once turn with avidity from the Missionary, to the birds or the dogs. On some occasions, while they have been preaching, a number of Arcois , or strolling players, passing by, have commenced their pantomime or their dance, and drawn away every one of the hearers. At such times, those who had stood round the Missionary only to insult him by their insinuations, ridicule him by their vulgar wit, or afflict his mind by their death like apathy and indifference to the important truths he had declared, have instantly formed a ring around the areois, and have gazed on their exhibitions of folly and of vice with interest and pleasure. In addition to these sources of disturbance, they were sometimes charged with being the authors of all the disasters and suffering of the people, in consequence of praying to their God, whom the natives called a bad God POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 119 when compared with Oro. Under these circumstances, it required no small degree of forbearance and self- possession, as well as patient toil, to persevere in preaching the gospel among a people whose spirit and conduct afforded so little encouragement to hope it would ever be by them received. Hitherto their labours had been confined to Tahiti; but in December 1802, Mr. Bicknell, accompanied by Mr. Wilson, made a voyage to Eimeo, and, travelling round it, preached “ the unsearchable riches of Christ** to its inhabitants, many of whom appeared to listen with earnestness, and desired to be more fully instructed. The same year, in the month of November, Teu, an aged and respected chief, the father of Pomare, and the grand¬ father of the king, died at his habitation not far from the Mission-house. He was remarkably venerable in his appearance, being tall and well made, his coun¬ tenance open and mild, his forehead high, his hair blanched with age, and his beard, as white as silver, hanging down upon his breast.* He had led a quiet an I peaceful life ever since the arrival of the Mission, probably the oldest man in the island, and, what is ' ' 1 unusual, died apparently from the exhaustion •>i nature, or old age. He was esteemed by the natives, and supposed to be a favourite with the gods, but whenever the Missionaries had endeavoured to p'uir into his benighted mind the rays of divine light and truth, revealed in the sacred volume, it was a cir- c iinstance deeply regretted by them, that he had gene¬ rally manifested indifference or insensibility. In the plate of the Cession of Matavai, lie appears standing on the ngbf hand of the king, and immediately behind Pomare. 120 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. The family at Matavai were exposed to trials not only from the evils of war, the opposition of the heathen to their instructions, but also from the false reports which were circulated against them. An instance of this occurred early in the following year, 1803, when the Unicorn, a London ship, arrived on her return from the north-west coast of America. Otu the king suddenly left Matavai, and repaired to his dwelling in Pare, incensed against some of the Missionaries, who, he had been informed, had been endeavouring to excite prejudices in the mind of the captain against him, that he might not receive any presents, and had prevented him from giving the natives the price they had asked for their pigs. This report was most unfounded, and it was hoped the effects were soon removed. About this time the Margaret, in which Captain Byers and Mr. Turnbull had visited the islands for pur¬ poses of commerce, was wrecked on a reef about 200 miles distant; Mr. Turnbull had remained in Tahiti; Captain Byers, his officers, and crew, consisting of sixteen in¬ dividuals, with the mate’s wife and child, safely reached that island in a long kind of chest, or boat, which they had built with the fragments of the wreck. Towards the close of the last year, Otu’s brother Teariinavahoroa, the young prince of Tairabu, removed from the smaller peninsula in consequence of the increase of his disorder, which appeared to be consumption. Pomare, his mother, Idia, his brother and sister, and the chiefs, paid him every attention ; human sacrifices were offered; and both Pomare and Otu frequently invoked their gods in his favour, and presented the most costly offerings. For a number of days no fires were allowed to be lighted, in order that these might be PC LYNESI AN R ES E A R C H ES. 121 effectual: but all were unavailing; the young chief, who had scarcely arrived at the age of manhood, died in the district of Pare on the 19th of June 1803. The Mis¬ sionaries frequently visited him after his arrival in Pare, and, as far as their scanty means would allow, ad¬ ministered cordials suited to his languid state. They were, however, most anxious to direct his mind to the great Physician of souls, and to lead him to apply for those remedies that would heal his spiritual maladies, and prepare him for his approaching dissolution. On this subject, they noticed with distress not only the unwillingness of his friends that any thing should be said, but also the insensibility of the young chieftain himself. It was supposed by the people, that his illness and death were occasioned by the incantations of Metia, a priest of Oro, a famous wrestler and sorcerer, whose influence, ceremonies, and prayers, had induced the evil spirits to enter into the young prince, and destroy him. Coun¬ ter ceremonies were performed; prayers, called faatere, were offered, to drive the evil spirits from him, and these, it was imagined, would all be unavailing, Imiiki the Europeans direct his mind to any other i irce, or offer on his behalf prayers to any other god, and hence in part may have proceeded the aver¬ sion of his friends to the presence and efforts of the Missionaries. Another large meeting of chiefs, priests, and warriors, was held during the summer of 1803 at Atehuru, and rumours of war were again spread through the land. Here Otu once more demanded the body or image of the great god Oro, which the chiefs agreed ultimately to give up to the custody of the king, but which they were not so ready at once to surrender. R 122 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. The state of the people was at this time most affecting. Diseases, introduced by Europeans, were spreading, un¬ mitigated, their destructive ravages, and some members of almost every family were languishing under the influence of foreign maladies, or dying in the midst of their days. The survivors, jealous of the Missionaries, viewed them as the murderers of their countrymen, under the supposi¬ tion that these multiplied evils were brought upon them by the influence of the foreigners with their God. They did not scruple to tell them that He was killing the people; but that by and by, when Oro gained the ascen¬ dency, they should feel the effects of his vengeance. In addition to the diseases resulting from their immorality, there were others of a contagious and often fatal character, to which the natives were formerly strangers. These had been conveyed to the islands either by the visits of ships, or the desertion of seamen afflicted with them; they produced the most distressing sickness and mortality among the people; and, although nothing could be more absurdly imagined, yet, according to their ideas of the causes of disease and death, that they originated in the displeasure of some offended deity, or were in¬ flicted in answer to the prayers of some malignant enemy, they were, from the representations of some, and the conjectures of others, led to suppose that these dis¬ eases were sent by the God of the Missionaries, in answer to their prayers, and because they would not reject Oro, and join in their worship. At this time an event transpired, which threatened at first a revival of all the confusion and desolation of war. This was the demise of Pomare, the father of Otu the king. His death was sudden; he had taken his dinner, and was proceeding with two of his attendants in a POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 123 single canoe towards the Dart, a vessel on the point of sailing from the bay. While advancing towards the ship, he felt a pain in his back, which occasioned him involun¬ tarily to start in his seat; and, placing his hand on the part affected, he fell forward in the canoe, and instantly expired. The suddenness and circumstances of his death, taken in connexion with the troubles in which he had recently been engaged with the greater part of the people oi the island, on account of his violent seizure of the idol at Atehuru, strengthened in no small degree the idola¬ trous veneration with which the natives regarded their god; and the anger of Oro was by them supposed to be the direct cause of Pomare’s death. In person, Pomare, like most of the chiefs of the South Sea Islands, was tall and stout; in stature he was six feet four inches high, his limbs active and well pro¬ portioned, his whole form and gait imposing. He was often seen at Matavai, walking along with firm steady steps, and using with ease as a walking-stick a club of polished iron-wood, that would have been almost suffi¬ cient for an ordinary native to have carried. His coun- 1 on nee was open and prepossessing, his conversation 1 *le, though his manner was grave and dignified. He w, s originally only a chief of the district of Pare, but his natural enterprise and ambition, together with the attention shewn him by the commanders of British ves¬ sels, their presents of fire-arms and ammunition, and the aid of European seamen, especially the mutineers of the Bounty, had enabled him to assume and maintain the supreme authority in Tahiti. Though not possessed of the gieatest personal courage, he was a good politician, and a man of unusual activity and perseverance. He laboured diligently to multiply the resources of the island. 124 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. and improve the condition of the people, and his adherents were always w T cll furnished with all that the island afforded. The uncultivated sides of the mountains, and the low flat sandy parts of the shore, seldom tilled hy the natives, were reclaimed by his industry; and many extensive groves of cocoa-nut trees in 4 aliiti and Eimeo, which the inhabitants say were planted by Pomare, remain as monuments of his industry, and yield no small emolument to their present proprietors. In all these labours he endeavoured to infuse Jus own spirit into the bosom of his followers, and to animate them hy his example, usually labouring with his people, and planting with his own hands many of the trees. To the Mission families he was uniformly kind. Shortly before his death, he recommended them to the protection of his son; though the more he understood the chief object of their Mission, the greater aversion he seemed to manifest to it. To the favour of the gods he considered himself indebted for all the aggrandisement of his person and family; and if the Missionaries would have allowed the claims of Oro or Tane to have received an equal degree of attention to that which they required for Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, Pomare would readily have admitted them; but when required to renounce his dependence upon the idols of his ancestors, and to acknowledge Jehovah alone as the true God, he at once rejected their message. He was justly considered as the principal support of the idolatry of his country. In patronizing the idols, and adhering to all the requirements of the priests, &c. he appears to have been influenced by the constant apprehension of the anger of his gods. Ten, his father, was a Tahitian prince; his mother was a POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 125 native of Raiatea; he was born in the district of Pare; and at the time of his deaths which took place on the 3d of September, 1803, was between fifty and sixty years of age. In the circumstances attending the formation of his character, and in the commencement, progress, and result of his public career, there w r as a striking resemblance between Pomare, the first king of that name in Tahiti, and his contemporary, Tamehameha, the first king of the Sandwich Islands. Both rose from a comparatively humble station in society, to the supreme authority; both owed their elevation principally to their own energies, and the aid they derived from their intercourse with foreigners; both appeared the main pillars of the idolatry of their respective countries; and both left to their heirs the undisputed government of the islands they had conquered. Each appeared to have possessed natural endowments of a high order, and both were probably influenced by ambition. Pomare was distinguished by laborious and patient perseverance; Tamehameha, by bold and daring enterprise. The characters of their immediate descendants were in some respects similar • * ach other, though both were very different persons 1 om their respective predecessors. Otu the king was at Atehuru at the time of his father’s death. He sent several messengers to Pare, commanding the body to be brought to him; but to this the raatiras, or resident chiefs, objected. When the Missionaries paid a visit of condolence, Idia requested them to tell her son it was her wish that the body should remain at Pare; and to this the king consented. The death of Pomare did not alter the political state of Tahiti; its only influence on the people was such as POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 126 tended to confirm them in their superstition; for, on the occasion of a religious ceremony, wherein his spirit was invoked, and which took place shortly after his decease, it was declared that he was seen by Idia, and one of the priests. To the latter it was said he appeared, above the waters of the sea, having the upper part of his person bound with many folds of finely braided cinet. From this circumstance his favourite wife assumed the name of Tane rurua , from Tane, a husband, and rurua, bound round, or bound repeatedly. Towards the middle of the year 1804, the king went over to Eimeo, taking with him the great idol Oro, to propitiate whom, so many of the inhabitants had been sacrificed. About the same time, Mr. Caw, a ship¬ wright from England, joined the Mission. Otu now assumed the name of Pomare, which has ever since been the regal name in Tahiti. Its assumption by his father was, as many names are among the Tahitians, perfectly accidental. He was travelling, with a number of his followers, in a mountainous part of Tahiti, where it was necessary to spend the night in a temporary encamp¬ ment. The chiefs’ tent was pitched in an exposed situation; a heavy dew fell among the mountains; he took cold, and the next morning was affected with a cough; this led some of his companions to designate the preceding night by the appellation of po-mare , night of cough, from po , night, and mare , cough. The chief was pleased with the sound of the words thus associated, adopted them as his name, and was ever afterwards called Po-ma-re. With the name he also associated the title of majesty, styling himself, and receiving the appellation of, “His Majesty Pomare.” Peace continued during the remainder of the year, and POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 127 the Missionaries were enabled to persevere in their labours, although they were cheerless, and apparently useless. Great attention had, during the last year, been paid to the instruction of the children in the short catechism, in which the first principles of Christianity were familiarly exhibited to the minds of the young people. Mr. Davies, in particular, had devoted much of his time to this work; and although it had hitherto been found impracticable to teach the children letters, a number had committed the catechism to memory. The gospel was preached, not only in the immediate neigh¬ bourhood of Matavai, but in every district in Tahiti and Eimeo; yet the people seemed more than ever disposed to neglect or ridicule the message. Some¬ times they said, We will hear our own gods ; at other times they scoffingly asked the Missionaries, if the people of Matavai had attended to their word; if the king, or any of his family, had cast away Oro; declaring, that when the king and chiefs heard the word of Jehovah, then they would also. Early in January, 1805, the Missionaries prepared a ! u ger catechism; and, on the 6th of March, they adopted i i Tahitian alphabet. In forming this, the Roman < Uaracters were preferred ; sounds in the Tahitian language attached to them, and a native name affixed to each, for the purpose of facilitating the introduction of letters among the people. It was, however, a long time before any, among the native inhabitants of Tahiti, could be induced to learn the letters of the alphabet. The Missionaries continued their labours in preaching to the people, and teaching the catechism to the children. One or two vessels arrived, but brought no letters or supplies; and, towards the close of the year, they expe- 128 PO LY N ESI AN R BSE AR CH ES. rienced a heavy loss, in the destruction of a large and flourishing plantation. Three of the Missionaries had cleared, enclosed, and cultivated it; and had rendered it, as far as the pro¬ ductions of the island were available, subservient to their interests. They had stocked it with cocoa-nuts, oranges, limes, and citrons, of which, not fewer than six hundred plants, with other productions, were growing remarkably well. In one hour, however, the whole of the fence was burnt to the ground, and the plantation destroyed, or the few plants that remained were so much injured as to be nearly useless. Great as was the loss ex¬ perienced on this occasion, they had reason to fear it was caused by some of their neighbours, who had designedly set fire to the long dry grass immediately to windward of the plantation. This was probably done from motives of jealousy, lest, by cultivating the land, and reaping the fruits of it, the foreigners should suppose it had become theirs, and the natives cease to be its proprietors. On this acount, much as they suffered by its destruction, they deemed it inex¬ pedient to complain to the king. In the month of January, 1806, Pomare returned from Eimeo, bringing with him the idol Oro, which was kept in his sacred canoe; while the human sacrifices, offered on his arrival, were suspended on the trees around. The Missionaries paid a visit to the king, soon after his return ; and, as he had become remarkably fond of using his pen, he intimated his wish that they should build him a small plastered house, near their own, in which he could attend to his writing without the interruptions he experienced in his own dwelling. Early in the year 1806, the Mission was again POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 129 weakened by the departure of Mr. Shelly, with his family. He relinquished Missionary pursuits, and sailed for Port Jackson on the ninth of March. In the month of July, following, the queen of Tahiti died, in the district of Pare, after an illness of nearly eight weeks. About the time her indisposition com¬ menced, she had become the mother of a still-born child; tlie sickness that followed, and the fatal termina¬ tion to which it led, were supposed to be the results of a cruel and unnatural practice, that cannot be described— a species of infanticide often resorted to by females of high rank in the island, although not unfrequently issuing, as was imagined on the present occasion, in the death of the perpetrator. Pomare had offered his prayers to the gods of his family, and many ceremonies had been performed, but to no purpose. The queen was in person about the middle stature; mild and affable in her behaviour; addicted to all the vices of her country; and was cut oil in the prime of life, being about twenty-four years of age at the time of her death. The king and his mother appeared affected with their loss; and the f i u f of his relatives was severe, as the death of so manv •iibers of Pom are’s family threatened, at no very remote period, its total extinction. Pomare was left a widower and childless, all the children of the late queen having been destroyed. Although reports of war were heard during the year, there was no actual hostility; and, under discourage¬ ments every day increasing, the Missionaries were enabled to prosecute their labours. Having found it difficult to engage the attention of the children, while attempting to teach them in the presence of the adults, who ridiculed the idea of their learning letters, they s 130 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. opened a school in a part of their own dwelling. In October, Mr. Davies proposed to begin with the boys attached to their own houses, and met them three nights in the week for the purpose of instructing them in the catechism, and teaching them to read those few specimens of writing they had been able to prepare. At the same time, Messrs. Nott and Davies were re¬ quested to draw up a brief summary of the leading events, and a short account of the principal persons mentioned in the Old Testament, in the form of a scripture history, for the use of these scholars. In the course of the following year, a spelling book, which Mr. Davies had composed and used, was sent to Eng¬ land. Here it was printed, and afterwards transmitted to the islands, for the use of the schools. No long period had elapsed since the first establish¬ ment of the Mission, without a vessel’s touching at Tahiti. By many of these the Missionaries had been able to write to the directors and their friends in Eng¬ land, and from several they had secured a small supply of such articles as they most needed. But since the arrival of the Royal Admiral, in July, 1801, although the directors had repeatedly sent out articles to Port Jack- son for Tahiti, yet the Missionaries had received neither supplies nor letters from England. Many vessels had sailed from Port Jackson, where the supplies were lying, and had afterwards touched at the island; but the captains, having no intention of doing so when they sailed, had refused to take the goods on board. Tea and sugar, and many other comforts, they had long been destitute of; and their apparel was scarcely such as to enable them to appear respectably in the company of any of their coun¬ trymen who might visit the island. Several of them were POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 131 some years with only one pair of shoes ; and often, in many of their journeys undertaken for the purpose of preaching and instructing the natives, they had travelled barefoot. In addition to these privations, the gloom and discouragement that depressed their spirits, on account <>1 l lie total want of success attending their labours, must have been increased, in no ordinary degree, by the un¬ certainty and anxiety of remaining, at that remote distance from home, five years without even once hearing by letter from their native country, or their friends, lwom this distressing state of feeling, they were in a great measure relieved by the arrival of the Hawkesbury, a colonial vessel, which anchored in Matavai bay on the 20th of November, 1806. Since the year 1804, the Society in England had authorized Mr. Marsden to expend annually, for the support of the Missionaries, two hundred pounds, and had also sent out supplies. Unable to meet, in Port Jackson, with any vessel proceeding to Tahiti, Mr. Marsden had at length engaged the Hawkesbury, a small sloop of about twenty tons burden, to take out the letters arid articles that had been so long delayed. The com- i ications from England conveyed to the Missionaries tin welcome assurance that they were not forgotten by their friends at home; but most of the articles, especially the clothing, from the length of time it had been lying at Port Jackson, and the wretched state of the vessel in which it was sent, were so injured as to be almost useless; ihe packages were wet with the sea-water, and their contents consequently spoiled. The repeated trials with which the Missionaries were exercised, the privations they endured, and the painful and protracted discouragements by which, at this period, 132 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. they were depressed, were of no ordinary character. Few among modern Missionaries have been called to endure such afflictions; and it is matter of devout ac¬ knowledgment, that, notwithstanding the darkness of their prospects and the destitution of their circum¬ stances, they were still enabled to persevere, and leave the event with Him, at whose command they had entered on their work. Peace continuing in the island during the close of 1806, and the beginning of 1807* allowed the teach¬ ers to pursue uninterruptedly their endeavours to plant Christianity among the inhabitants, although at that time with little prospect of success. The ravages of diseases originating in licentiousness, or nurtured by the vicious habits of the people, and those first brought among them by European vessels, ap¬ peared to be tending fast to the total desolation of Tahiti. The survivors of such as were carried off by these means, feeling the incipient effects of disease themselves, and beholding their relatives languishing under maladies of foreign origin, inflicted, as they supposed, by the God of the foreigners, were led to view the Missionaries as in some degree the cause of their suffering; and frequently, not only rejected their message, but charged them with being the authors of their misery, by praying against them to their God. When the Missionaries spoke to them on the subject of religion, the deformed and diseased were sometimes brought out and ranged before them, as evidences of the efficacy of their prayers, and the destructive power of their God. The feelings of the people on this subject, were frequently so strong, and their language so violent, that the Missionaries have been obliged to hasten from places POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 133 where they had intended to have addressed the people. Instead of listening with attention, the natives seemed only irritated by being, as they said, mocked with pro¬ mises of advantage from a God by whom so much suffering had been inflicted. Under these circumstances, their distresses were somewhat relieved by the arrival ft of Mr. Warner; who, after due preparation, had been sent from England in the capacity of surgeon to the Mission, which he joined on the 12th of May, 1807- The strength, however, which his arrival added to their establishment, was somewhat counterbalanced by the removal of Mr. Youl, one of those who had arrived in the Royal Admiral, and who departed in the vessel that conveyed Mr. Warner to Tahiti. In the month of June, the flame of war was rekindled in Taiarabu, and the district of Atehuru, where the king’s party suddenly attacked the inhabitants; and, after killing upwards of one hundred, including their principal chiefs, covered the country with all the murder and desolation that usually attended the march of the infuriated bands through the territories of those v, ho were too weak to oppose their progress. Having ! en to the mountains such as had escaped the laughter in the assault, plundered their houses, and afterwards reduced them to ashes, the king took the bodies of the slain on board his fleet; and, sailing to Tautira, offered them in sacrifice to Oro. Towards the close of the year, the Mission sustained a heavy loss in the death of Mr. Jefferson. He was one of those Missionaries that arrived in the ship Duff; he had borne frophet of Oro, attacked the rebels; who were not only superior in numbers, but favoured in the conflict by the occupation of an advantageous position. Notwithstanding the prophet’s prediction of victory, Po¬ mare was defeated, and fled with precipitation to Pare; leaving a number of muskets in the hands of his ene¬ mies, and several principal warriors among the slain. ( onvinced, that though the chiefs of the victorious army might be friendly to them, yet that they could not re- T 138 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. strain their followers, who, in time of war, threw off all subordination; and expecting that the victors, after this success, would instantly attack their dwelling, and that their lives were no longer secure, the Missionaries re¬ maining at Tahiti fled to Eimeo, where they were shortly after joined by the king. Some months afterwards, three others were compelled to follow their companions to Huahine. During their residence here, some among them ♦ had made the tour of the island, and endeavoured, with but little prospect of success, to instruct the inhabitants. The melancholy prospect of affairs, their expulsion from Tahiti, the total destruction of the settlement, and the little probability of a restoration of peace, induced them to determine on removing by the first opportunity to Port Jackson. This occurred in the course of the year ; and on the 26th of October 1809, they all sailed from the islands, excepting Mr. Hayward, who remained in Huahine, and Mr. Nott, who still resided in Eimeo with the king. After the victory of the 22d of December 1808, the rebels plundered the district of Matavai and Pare, and, devoting to destruction every house and plantation, re¬ duced the whole country to a state of the wildest desola¬ tion and ruin. The Mission houses were ransacked and burnt, and whatever the insurgents were unable to carry away was destroyed. Every implement of iron was con¬ verted into a weapon of war. The most valuable books were either committed to the flames, or distributed among the warriors for the purpose of making cartridge papers, and the printing types were melted into musket balls. During such seasons, it was not merely apprehension, but actual danger, to which all the Europeans were POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 139 exposed. On one occasion, Mr. Nott, returning from a visit to the king, was resting in a native house, when a party of the rebels approached the spot; his native com¬ panion, one of Pom are’s warriors, observing them, touched him on the shoulder, and urged him to fly to the canoe lying on the beach : he and his fellow-traveller had scarcely pushed off from the shore, when the men came up, and, finding they had escaped, invited them to land, or requested the native to allow the foreigner to walk. Mr. Nott’s companion assured him, however, that if he landed, his life would certainly be taken, merely because he was a friend to the king. The natives followed the canoe for some miles, but Mr. Nott was mercifully pre¬ served, and reached Matavai in safety, indebted, under God, to the vigilance and promptitude of his Tahitian friend for his life. Before this time, a musket ball (aimed at a native who had taken shelter in his house) was fired through the window of the room in which he was sitting; and during another war, the spear of one of the king’s enemies was already poised, and would in all probability have inflicted a fatal wound in his body, >i- i the interference of one of Mr. Nott’s friends at H'»‘ oment,saved him from the deadly thrust. It is not easy to form an accurate idea of the distress of i lie last Missionaries who reluctantly left Tahiti, when they beheld their gardens demolished, their houses plun¬ dered and burnt, their pupils engaged in all the barbarity of a savage war; and the people, among whom they had hoped to introduce order, and peace, and happiness, doomed to the complicated miseries attending anarchy, idolatry, and all the varied horrors of cruelty and of vice. The enterprise in which they had embarked, had at its commencement united in bonds of disinterested philan- MO POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. thropy, parties before but seldom associated; and had, by a vigorous and combined movement, in force and magnitude surpassing any thing that had been hitherto attempted by British Christians, introduced a new era in the Missionary efforts of modern times.—It had excited among all classes the liveliest interest, called forth the most splendid efforts of sacred eloquence, and the noblest deeds of Christian benevolence; but, painful and deeply humiliating as it was, it now appeared to those devoted servants of God, who had, amidst protracted and severe privations, maintained their ground till life was no longer secure—after having engaged the prayers of the people of God, and waited in vain for the results of patient and self-denying toil, during twelve eventful years—that the scene of their labour must be abandoned. Their enemies became bold in denouncing the enter¬ prise as the wild project of extravagance and folly, and stamping upon its projectors and conductors the impress of the blindest fanatacism. Even those who, though they had not condemned the scheme as Utopian and visionary, had withheld their sanction and their aid, now pointed to the deserted field as a demonstra¬ tion of the soundness of their judgment, and an ex¬ planation of their conduct. There were others also, who, whatever might be their opinion of the measure itself, and however they might approve or disapprove of the choice of those with whom it originated, in the selection of the most distant, isolated, and, as it regarded the moral character of its inhabitants, the most unpromising parts of the world, for the first field of their labours, con¬ sidered its projectors as influenced in a great degree by self-confidence, and a desire of aggrandisement or POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 141 applause. It lias sometimes been unwarrantably insi¬ nuated, that the founders of the Missionary Society expected to convert the heathen to Christianity by their own energy; and the allegation has been occa¬ sionally repeated since those days,—perhaps in some instances, to increase the impression produced by the accounts of the recent changes which have taken place in those islands, contrasting the former and latter results of Missionary labours, and representing them as demon¬ strations of the impotency of man, and the power of the Most High. The lively feeling that attended the establishment of the Missionary Society, the liberality ol the principles recognized as its basis, and the com¬ bination ot different parties in its support, were at that time adapted to excite in minds of a cautious and delibe¬ rative habit, and fearful of innovation, the apprehension that it had originated in a desire, on the part of its projectors, to signalize themselves, and secure a name and influence in the Christian world, to which they were not otherwise entitled. Individuals, w hose minds were deeply imbued with the subject, who had iden¬ tified themselves with its progress and its results, and 1 * 1 embarked not only their influence, but much of their property, in the undertaking, might, and probably did, under the ardour of their feelings, indulge on some occa¬ sions in a splendour of imagery, and a richness of de¬ scription, that exceeded the sober realities of fact: but they never imagined that they could subvert any system of idolatry by their ow n agency ; or, that their efforts w ould be in any degree effectual for the conversion of thf* people, but as they were attended by the influence of the Holy Spirit. There might be, and perhaps w'as, a more confident hope of the speed)' accomplishment of the 142 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. object than now prevails ; but the appeals and addresses, delivered at that period, manifest a deep conviction of human insufficiency, and breathe a spirit of entire dependence upon the blessing of God. But although Tahiti was, by the departure of the Missionaries, surrendered, for a season, as a prey to the spoiler, and subjected to the rule of ignorance, barbarism, and idolatry, it was not abandoned by Him, in obedience to whose command to “go and teach all nations,” the Mission had been undertaken. He had still “ thoughts of mercy” towards its inhabitants, and was, by this dis¬ tressing event, teaching those who had undertaken the work—and instructing his church, in regard to all their future efforts to extend his gospel—that singleness of aim, purity of motive, and patient diligence in labour, were of themselves insufficient for the work; that it was by His Spirit that the heathen were to be converted; and that without His blessing, Paul might plant, and Apollos might water, in vain. The rebels were no sooner masters of the island, than they determined to murder the captain and officers, and seize the first vessel that should arrive. The Mission¬ aries, aware of this, wrote a letter, which they gave to a native, to hand to the master of the first ship that might touch there. The Venus schooner, however, arrived, and was seized by the people, before the native could deliver his letter: the master and seamen were not murdered, but kept prisoners, to be offered in sacrifice to Oro. The Hibernia, Captain Campbell, also arrived shortly afterwards; but Captain Campbell, receiving the letter, was warned of his danger, and not only secured his own vessel, but succeeded in rescuing the schooner and her crew. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 143 Although most of the Missionaries returned to the islands, and resumed their labours in Eimeo in 1811 and 1812, yet their efforts in Tahiti were not resumed till the close of 181so that on my arrival I found no one here. Hence, I have been induced to give the foregoing brief historical sketch of the leading facts connected with the establishment and termination of the first Mission to Tahiti, in connexion with my first visit to Matavai. 144 POLYNJBSfAN RESEARCHES. CHAP. VI. Anchorage in Matavai—Visit from Pomare—Landing his horse—Inter¬ view with the queen and princess—Astonishment of the natives on viewing the horse and his rider—Description of Eimeo—Opunohu, or Taloo harbour—Landing at Eimeo—AVelcome from the natives—First night on shore—Present from the chiefs—Visit to the schools—First Sabbath in the islands—Appearance and behaviour of native congre¬ gations—Voyage to Afareaitu—Native meal—Description of Afareaitu —Removal thither—Means of conveyance—Description of the various kinds of canoes used in the Society Islands—Origin of the name— Account of Tetuaroa, the watering-place of Tahiti—Methods of navi¬ gating their canoes—Danger from sharks—Affecting wreck—Accident in a single canoe—Length of the voyages occasionally made. The sea had been calm, the morning fair, the sky without a cloud, and the lightness of the breeze had afforded us leisure for gazing upon the varied, picturesque, and beautiful scenery of this most enchanting island. We had beheld successively, as we had slowly sailed along its shore, all the diversity of hill and valley, broken or stupendous mountains, and rocky precipices, clothed with every variety of verdure, from the moss of the jutting promontories on the shore, to the deep and rich foliage of the bread-fruit tree, the Oriental luxu¬ riance of the tropical pandanus, or the waving plumes of the lofty and graceful cocoa-nut grove. The scene was enlivened by the waterfall on the mountain’s side, the cataract that chafed along its rocky bed in the recesses of the ravine, or the stream that slowly wound ro LYX ESI AN R ESE A RC H ES. 145 its way through the fertile and cultivated valleys, and the whole was surrounded by the white-crested waters of the Pacific, rolling their waves of foam in splendid majesty upon the coral reefs, or dashing in spray against its broken shore. 1 he cataracts and waterfalls, though occasionally seen, are by no means so numerous on any part of the Tahitian coast, as in the north-eastern shores of Hawaii. The mountains of Tahiti are less grand and stupendous than those of the northern group—but there is a greater richness of verdure and variety of landscape ; the moun¬ tains are much broken in the interior, and deep and frequent ravines intersect their declivity from the centre to the shore. As we advanced towards the anchorage, I had time to observe, not only the diversified scenery, but the general structure and form, of the island. Tahiti, excepting a border of low alluvial land, by which it is nearly surrounded, is altogether mountainous, and highest in the centre. The mountains frequently diverge in short ranges from the interior towards the shore, though some rise like pyramids with pointed summits, and others present a conical, or sugar-loaf form, while the outline of several is regular, and almost circular. Orohena, the central and loftiest mountain in Tahiti, is six or seven thousand feet above the sea. Its summit is generally enveloped in clouds; but when the sky is clear, its appearance is broken and picturesque. The level land at the mouth of Matavai valley is broad, but along the eastern and southern sides the mountains approach much nearer to the sea. A dark-coloured sandy beach extends all round the bay, except at its southern extremity, near One-tree Hill, where the shore is u 146 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. rocky and bold. Groves of bread-fruit and cocoa-nut trees appear in every direction, and amid the luxuriance of vegetation, every where presented, the low and rustic habitations of the natives gave a pleasing variety to the delightful scene. Most of the islanders who had boarded us in the morning continued in the ship, others arrived as we approached the bay, and long before we anchored, our decks were crowded w T ith natives. Our prepossessions in their favour continued to increase, and we viewed them with no ordinary interest, as those among whom we were to spend the remainder of our days. Many of them wore some article of European dress, and all were attired in native cloth, though several had only a maro, or broad girdle, round the waist. There was a degree of openness in their countenances, and vivacity in their manners, which was not unpleasing. We had not been long at anchor, before Pomare sent us a large albicore, and a variety of provisions, and shortly after came on board. I was struck with his tall and almost gigantic appearance; he was upwards of six feet high, and seemed about forty years of age. His forehead was rather prominent and high, his eyebrows narrow, well defended, and nearly straight; his hair, which was combed back from his forehead, and the sides of his face, was of a glossy black colour, slightly curled behind; his eyes were small, some¬ times appearing remarkably keen, at others rather heavy ; his nose was straight, and the nostrils by no means large, his lips were thick, and his chin projecting. He was arrayed in a handsome tiputa of native manufacture. His body was stout, but not disproportioned to his height; and his limbs, though well formed, were not firm POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 147 and muscular. He welcomed me to Tahiti; but, at the same time, appeared disappointed when he learned that only one Missionary had arrived, having been led to expect several. His acquaintance with English was very partial, and mine with Tahitian much more so; our conversation was, consequently, neither very free nor animated. He inquired after King George, Governor Macquarrie, and Mr. Marsden, the time of our departure from New Holland, the nature of our voyage, &c. These inqui¬ ries I answered, and handed him a number of small presents which I had brought from England, adding a curious penknife of my own, which he had appeared desirous to possess. He had a small English Bible, and, at his request, I read to him one or two chapters. He appeared to understand, in some degree, the English language, although unable to speak it. After spending some time in the cabin, the king went to see the cattle we had brought from New South Wales, and particu¬ larly a horse, which the owners of the ship had sent him as a present. Pomare was greatly delighted with the horse ; and, in the course of the afternoon, the poor animal, after having been hung in slings, and unable to lie down during the greater part of the voyage, was hoisted out of the hold, to be taken ashore in a large pair of canoes which the king had ordered alongside for that purpose. During this transition, while the horse was suspended midway between the gangway and the yard-arm, some of the bandages gave way; when the animal, after hanging some time by the neck and fore-legs, to the great terror both of Pomare and the captain, slipped through the slings, and, clearing the ship’s side, fell into the sea. He instantly rose to the surface; and, snorting. 148 POLY N BS IAN R BSE A RC H ES. as if glad, even under these circumstances, to gain his freedom, swam towards the shore; hut the natives no sooner saw him at liberty, than they plunged into the water, and followed like a shoal of sharks or porpoises after him. Some seizing his mane, others his tail, endeavoured to hold him, till the terrified creature appeared in great danger of a watery grave. The captain lowered down the boat; the king shouting, directed the natives to leave the horse to himself; but his voice was lost amid the din and clamour of the crowds that accompanied the exhausted and frightened animal to the land. At length he reached the beach in safety; and, as he rose out of the water, the natives on the shore fled with precipitation, climbing the trees, or crouching behind the rocks and the bushes for security. When, however, they saw one of the seamen, who had landed with the captain from the ship, take hold of the halter that was on his neck, they returned, to gratify their curiosity. Most of them had heard of horses, and some of them had, per¬ haps, seen those belonging to Mai, (Omai,) landed on the island by Captain Cook, forty years before; but it was undoubtedly the first animal of the kind the greater part of them had ever seen. The king had not been long on board, when the queen arrived, and was ushered into the cabin. Her person was about the middle stature; her complexion fairer than any other native I have ever seen; her form elegant, and her whole appearance remarkably pre¬ possessing. Her voice, however, was by no means soft, and her manners were less engaging than those of several of her companions. She was attired in a light loose and flowing dress of beautifully white native cloth, tastefully fastened on the left shoulder, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 149 and reaching to the ankle; her hair was rather lighter than that of the natives in general; and on her head she wore a light and elegant native bonnet* of green and yellow cocoa-nut leaves; each ear was perforated* and in the perforation two or three flowers of the fragrant Cape jessamin were inserted. She was accompanied by her sister* Pomare Yahine. Aimata* the young princess* only daughter of Pomare and the queen* who appeared about six years of age* was brought by her nurse* and followed by her attendants into the cabin. A Ye delivered the few presents w T e had brought for them* regretting that we could not enter into con¬ versation. They spent about two hours on board; and then* followed by their numerous retinue* returned to the shore. Soon after sunrise the next morning* our vessel was surrounded with canoes* and provisions in abundance were offered for barter. Pomare also sent us a present. About nine o'clock* I saw crowds of natives repairing towards the place where the horse had been tied up* in charge of one of Pomare’s favourite chiefs ; and shortly afi r wards he was led out* while the multitude gazed at ‘ with great astonishment. Soon after breakfast* our captain landed with the saddle and bridle* and other presents* which Mr. Bernie* of Sydney* had sent out with the horse. They were delivered to Pomare, who requested that the saddle and bridle might be put on the horse* and that the captain would ride him. His wishes were complied with* and the multitude appeared highly delighted when they saw the animal walking and running along the beach* with the captain on his back. They called him buaa-horo-fenua and huaa-afai-taata; land-running pig, and man-carrying pig. About mid- 150 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. day the captain returned to the ship; and we shortly afterwards weighed anchor, and sailed for the island of Eimeo. Moorea, the name most frequently given by the natives to this island, was discovered by Captain Wallis, and by him called Duke of York Island. It is situated about twelve or fourteen miles west from Tahiti, and is twenty-five miles in circumference. In the varied forms its mountains exhibit, the verdure with which they are clothed, and the general romantic and beautiful character of its scenery, this island far exceeds any other, in either the Georgian or Society groups. A reef of coral, like a ring, sunounds the island 5 in some places one or two miles distant from the shore, in others united to the beach. Several small and verdant islands adorn the reef: one lies opposite the district of Afareaitu on the eastern side 5 two others, a few miles south of Papetoai; the latter are covered with the elegantly growing Casuarina, or Aito trees, and were a favourite retreat of Pomare the Second. Eimeo is not only distinguished by its varied and beautiful natural scenery, but also by the excellence of its harbours, which are better than those in any of the other islands. On the north side is Taloo harbour, in lat. 17° 3 (/ north, long. 150° west: one of the most secure and de¬ lightful anchoring places to be met with in the Pacific; Opunohu is the proper name of this harbour; near the mouth of which, on the right-hand side, there is a small rock, called by the natives Tareu , towards which, it is possible, Captain Cook was pointing, or looking, when he inquired of the natives the name of the harbour his ship was then entering. Tareu might be easily under¬ stood as if spelled Taloo, and the name of the rock POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 151 thus mistaken for that of the harbour. Separated from Opunoliu by a high mountain, is another capacious bay, t ailed, after its discoverer, Cook’s harbour; it is equally convenient for anchorage with the former, but is rather more difficult of access. On the north-eastern side of Eimeo, between the moun¬ tain and the sea, is an extensive and beautiful lake, called Tamai, on the border of which stands a sequestered village, bearing the same name. The lake is stocked with fish, and is a place of resort for flocks of wild ducks, which are sometimes taken in great numbers. The rivers of Eimeo are but small, and are principally mountain streams, which originate in the high lands, roll down the rocky bottoms of the deep ravines, and wind their way through the valleys to the sea. The mountains are broken, and considerably elevated, but by no means so high as those of Tahiti, which are probably 7000 feet above the level of the sea. We enjoyed a most delightful sail along the northern part of Eimeo, the next morning, and soon after twelve o’< lock anchored in the spacious and charming bay of Opunohu, or, as it is usually called, by foreigners. The ha -mr of Taloo. Eong before we anchored, Messrs. Bicknell, Wilson, I ferny, and Davies, came on board, followed by the other members of the Mission, who greeted our arrival with satisfaction. We accompanied them to the shore, and landed on the western side of the bay, in tlie afternoon of the 13th of February, 1817, happy, under circumstances of health and comfort, to enter upon our field of future labour, and grateful for the merciful providence by which we had been conducted in safety to the end of our long and eventful voyage. 152 POL YN ESI AN ItESEA R C H ES. On reaching the habitations of the Missionaries, we were cordially welcomed to their society, and were rejoiced to behold them cheered by the intelligence we had brought, and the prospect of receiving a still greater accession to their numbers. The evening passed pleasantly and rapidly away; many of the pious inhabitants and chiefs, in the neighbourhood, came to greet our arrival, with evident emotions of delight ; among them was one, whose salutation I shall never forget: “ la ora na oe i te Atua, la ora oei te haere raa max io ?iei y no te Arolia o teA+ua oe i tae mai ai ,” “ Blessing on you from God, peace to you in coming here, on account of the love of God are you come.” These were his words. His person was tall and commanding, his hair black and curling, his eyes benignant, and his whole countenance beamed with a joy that declared his tongue only obeyed the dictates of his heart. His name was Auna, a native of Raiatea, formerly an areoi and a warrior, who had arrived, with numbers of his countrymen, to the support of Pomare, after his expulsion from Tahiti, but whose heart had been changed by the power of the gospel of Christ. He was afterwards associated with us at Huahine, subsequently became my fellow-labourer in the Sandwich Islands, and was, when I last heard from the islands, about to be ordained pastor of a Christian church in Sir Charles Sanders’s Island. At a late hour we retired to rest, but not to sleep. We needed and sought repose, but the incidents of the day had produced a degree of excitement that did not speedily subside; in addition to which, the constant and loud roaring of the surf kept us awake till nearly daybreak. The house in which we lodged was near the shore; and the long heavy billows of the sea rolling POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 153 in successive surges over the coral reefs that surround the island, kept up, through the night, a hollow and heavy sound,* resembling that produced by the rumbling of carriages in a vast city, heard at a distance in the stillness of evening. The wall, or outside of the dwelling, was composed only of large sticks, or poles, placed perpendicularly from the floor to the roof, two or three inches apart, so that we could see the ocean on one side, and the dark outline of the inland mountains on the other; while looking up through the roof, we could easily discern the stars twinkling in a blue and cloudless sky. We did not, however, feel the air too cool; and our lodging was quite as good as that in which the Missionaries to the Sandwich Islands passed their flrst night in Honoruru; and much better than Mr. Marsden, and his companion, procured in New Zealand. The first night he passed on shore, he slept on the earthern floor, by the side of a warrior, the murderer of the crew of the Boyd, and a cannibal; and the spot on which he lay was encircled by native spears fixed in the ground. hi the morning we arose somewhat refreshed; and, in • ' nurse of the day, landed our goods from the vessel. ' house had been prepared, by the king, for the expected Missionaries; but, as it was damp, and our residence at Papetoai w r as not likely to be permanent, we took up our abode in a dwelling already occupied in part by Mr. Crook and his family. I w r as astonished at the accounts I now received, of the change that had taken place among the people. The profession of Christianity was general, many had learned to read, and were teaching others; all were regular in their exercises of devotion; and, in many of the small x 151 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. gardens attached to the native houses, it was pleasing to see the little fare bare kuna , house for hidden prayer. The greater part of the Missionaries, who had fled to Port Jackson, when expelled from Tahiti in 1808, having been invited by Pomare, returned in 1812. In 1816 they were joined by Mr. Crook, who had been stationed by Captain Wilson in the Marquesas : they had visited Tahiti, for the purpose of preaching to the inhabitants, but they had not been able to re-establish the Mission in their original station, and were, consequently, all residing at Eimeo when we arrived. The chiefs of the district, and island, soon visited us, received a few articles as presents, and appeared highly gratified with what they saw, especially with some engravings of natural history. They sent us a present of food; or, as they call it, “faaamua ” a feeding; con¬ sisting of two or three large pigs, which were dragged along by force, squalling terribly all the way, and tied to a stick near the door; a number of bunches of plantains, bananas, cocoa-nuts, and bread-fruit, were also brought, and piled up in three heaps on the sand, near the pigs. I was then called out, and a native repeated the names of the chiefs who had sent us the food; and, pointing to the heaps of fruit and the pigs, said one was for me, and another for Mrs. Ellis, and the third for our infant daughter. He then directed the native servants of the house to take care of it, and departed. Soon after my arrival, I visited the school, and was greatly delighted to behold numbers of adults, as well as children, under the direction of Messrs. Davies and Tessier, learning their alphabet and their spelling, or reading with distinctness their lessons, ’which were principally extracts from Scripture. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 155 The building, in which they were taught, stood near the sea-beach, under the shade of a clump of cocoa-nut trees. Though of no very durable kind, it appear¬ ed well adapted to the purpose to which it was appropriated. It was upwards, of sixty feet long, and rather narrow. The thatch was composed of the leaves of the pandanus, neatly fastened on rafters of purau or hibiscus, and the walls, or sides and ends, were formed with straight branches resembling the rafters, and planted in the ground about two inches asunder. There was a door at each end; windows were altogether unnecessary in such a building, as the space between the poles, forming the outside, admitted light and air in abundance; and wind, with rain, sometimes in larger quantities than was quite agreeable. The floor, which was of sand, was covered with long dry grass. A rustic sort of table, or desk, between three and four feet high, stood on one side, equally distant from each end, and the whole of the building was filled with low forms, on which the natives were sitting; while, on one side I saw one or two forms longer and broader t! 1 the rest, with small ledges on the sides, filled • sand, for the purpose of teaching writing, after the manner of the national schools in England. A number of pillars in the centre supported the ridge pole, or rather the different ridge poles, which unitedly sustained the roof of the building. The different joints in these, and the narrow horizontal boards supporting the bottoms of the rafters, presented a kind of chrono¬ logical index to the history of the place. It was first erected by the liberality of a gentleman in London. He presented to Tapioi, the Marquesan youth who accon> panied Mr. Bicknell to England, the articles with which 156 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. the natives were hired to build this first school and chapel in Eimeo. It was then much more compact, and the width better proportioned than it now appeared. It had always been employed, not only as a school, but also as a chapel. When the number of scholars and worshippers of the true God increased, so as to render accommodation difficult, one of the ends had been taken down, a new piece of timber joined to the ridge pole, the building lengthened about twelve or fifteen feet, and the end then closed up. When the place became again too small, a similar enlargement had been made; and, as the new piece which supported the roof, was laid upon the former ridge pole, it dis¬ tinctly marked the increase of Christian worshippers at the place within the last four or five years. The first Sabbath I spent in the islands, was a day of deep and delightful interest. The Missionaries were accustomed to meet for prayer at sun-rise, on the morn¬ ing of the Sabbath. This service I attended, and was also gratified to find, that not fewer than four or five hundred of the natives, imitating their teachers in this respect, met for the purpose of praise and supplication to the true God, during the interval of public worship, which was held early in the morning, and four in the afternoon. About a quarter before nine in the morning, I accom¬ panied Mr. Crook to the public worship of the natives, held in the same house in which I had visited the school a day or two before. It was, indeed, a rude and perishable building, totally destitute of every thing im¬ posing in effect, or exquisite in workmanship; yet I beheld it with emotions of pleasure, as the first roof under which the natives of Tahiti had assembled, in POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 157 any number, to receive the elements of useful knowledge, to listen with sincerity and satisfaction to the word of God, and to render publicly unto Him the homage of their grateful praise ; for, “ Though gilded domes, and splendid fanes, And costly robes, and choral strains, And altars richly dress’d ; And sculptur’d saints, and sparkling gems, And mitred priests, and diadems, Inspire with awe the breast: u ’Tis not the pageantry of show That can impart devotion’s glow, Nor sanctify a prayer. The soul enlarged, devout, sincere, With equal piety draws near The holy house of God, That rudely rears its rustic head, Scarce higher than the Indians’ shed ; By Indians only trod.” The place was thronged with people, and numbers were standing or sitting round the doors and the outside of the building. When we arrived, they readily made v > for us to enter; when a scene, destitute indeed of )'■' l uificence and splendour as to the structure itself, or ! richness in personal adornment of its inmates, but certainly the most delightful and affecting I had ever beheld, appeared before me. Between five and six hun¬ dred native Christians were there assembled, to worship the true God. Their persons were cleanly, their apparel neat, their countenances either thoughtful, or beaming with serenity and gladness. The heads of the men were uncovered, their hair cut and combed, and their beards shaven. Their dress was generally a pareu round the waist; and a native tiputa, over their shoulders. 158 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. which covered the upper part of the body, excepting the arms. The appearance of the females was equally interesting; the greater part of them wore a neat and tasteful bonnet, made with the rich yellow-tinted cocoa-nut leaf. Their countenances were open and lively; many of them had inserted a small bunch of the fragrant and delicately white gardinia, or Cape jessamine flowers, in their hair; in addition to which, several of their chief women wore two or three fine native pearls fastened together with finely braided human hair, and hanging pendent from one of their ears, while the other was adorned with a native flower. Their dress was remarkably modest and becoming, being generally what they term aim bu , which consists of large quantities of beautifully white native cloth, wound round the body, then passed under one arm, and fastened on the other shoulder, leaving uncovered only the neck and face, and part of one arm. The assembly maintained the most perfect silence, until Mr. Davies, who officiated on the occasion, and was seated behind the table, which answered the double purpose of a desk for the schoolmaster, and a pulpit for the minister, rose up, and gave out a hymn in the native language. The whole congregation now rose, and many of them joined in the singing. A prayer was then offered, during which the congregation remained stand¬ ing; another hymn was sung; the people then sat down, and listened attentively to a discourse, delivered by the Missionary standing on the ground behind the desk. When this was ended, a short prayer was offered, the benediction pronounced, and the service closed. The assembly dispersed with the utmost propriety and order; many of them, as they passed by, cordially shook me by POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 159 the hand, and expressed their joy at seeing me among them. My joy, and excitement of feeling, was not less than theirs. There was something so pleasing and novel in their appearance, so peculiar in their voices when singing, and in their native language, both during the prayers and sermon, and something so solemn and earnest in their attention, with such an air of sincerity in devotion during the whole service, that it deeply affected my heart. I was desirous of speaking to them in return, and expressing the grateful satisfaction with which I had beheld their worship ; but the scene before me had taken such a powerful hold of my feelings, that 1 returned home in silence, filled with astonishment at the change that had taken place, and deeply im¬ pressed with the evidence it afforded of the efficacy of the gospel, and the power of the Almighty. At eleven o’clock I attended public worship in the English language. At four in the afternoon the natives again assem¬ bled, and I attended at their worship. Though I could not understand their language, I was pleased with the large attendance, and the serious and earnest m t in which the people listened to an ani- n it.r ! discourse delivered by Mr. Nott. In the even¬ ing several of the Missionaries met for social worship, and with this sacred exercise we closed our first Sabbath in the Society Islands, under a deep impression of the advantages of Christianity, and the pleasing effects which we had that day witnessed, of Divine influence over the hearts of the most profligate idolaters. In the afternoon of the succeeding Sabbaths, I visited a number of Christian chiefs at their own houses. We usually found them either reading together, conversing ICO POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. on the contents of their books, or some other religious subject. At Hitoti’s dwelling which, I visited on the second Sabbath after my arrival, the household were about to kneel down for prayer when we entered ; we joined them, and several of the petitions which the chief offered up to God, appeared, when interpreted by my companion, remarkably appropriate and expressive. In the course of my first week on shore, I made several excursions in different parts of the district. The soil, in all the level part of the valley, was a rich vegetable mould, with a small portion of alluvial, washed down from the surrounding hills, which are generally covered with a stiff kind of loam or brownish-red ochre. Several large plantations were well stocked with the different productions of the island ; but a large portion of the valleys adjacent to the settlement, were altogether uncul¬ tivated, and covered with grass or brush-wood, growing with all the rank luxuriance that a humid atmosphere, a tropical sun, and a fertile soil, would combine to pro¬ duce. I also accompanied one of the Missionaries on a voyage to the opposite side of the island, about twenty miles distant from the settlement at Papetoai. Two natives paddled our light single canoe along the smooth water within the reefs till we reached Moru, where we landed, to take some refreshment at the house of a friendly chief. This was the first native meal I had sat down to, and it was served up in true Tahitian style. When the food was ready, we were requested to seat ourselves on the dry grass that covered the floor of the house. A number of the broad leaves of the purau, hibiscus tile- aceus, having the stalks plucked off close to the leaf, were then spread on the ground, in two or three succes- POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 161 sive layers, with the downy or underside upwards, and two or three were handed by a servant to each individual, instead of a plate. By the side of these vegetable plates, a small cocoa-nut shell of salt water was placed for each person. Quantities of fine large bread-fruit, roasted on hot stones, were now peeled and brought in, and a number of fish that had been wrapped in plantain leaves, and broiled on the embers, were placed beside them. A bread-fruit and a fish was handed to each individual, and, having implored a blessing, we began to eat, dip¬ ping every mouthful of bread-fruit or fish into the small vessel of salt water,—without which, to the natives, it would have been unsavoury and tasteless. I opened the leaves, and found the fish nicely broiled; and, imitating the practice of those around me, dipped several of the first pieces I took into the dish placed by my side : but there was a bitterness in the sea water which rendered it rather unpalatable, I therefore dispensed with the further use of it, and finished my meal with the bread- fruit and fish. \bout two o’clock in the afternoon, we resumed our jninney; travelling sometimes along the sea-beach, and i >er times availing ourselves of the canoe until near mi set, when we reached Afareaitu—and created by our arrival no small stir among the people. The next morning we examined the district, and were delighted with its fertility, extent, and resources. Afareaitu is on the eastern side of Eimeo, opposite the di trict of Atehuru in Tahiti, and is certainly one of the finest districts in the island. It comprises two valleys, or rather one large valley partially divided by a narrow hilly ridge extending from the mountains in the in¬ terior, towards the shore. The soil of the bottom of Y 162 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. the valley is rich and fertile, well stocked with cocoa- nuts and bread-fruit trees. The surrounding hills are clothed with shrubs or grass, and the lofty and romantic mountains forming the central boundary, are adorned with trees or bushes even to their summits. Several broad cascades flowed in silvery streams down the sides of the mountain, and, broken occasionally by a jutting rock, presented their sparkling waters in beautiful con¬ trast with the rich and dark foliage of the stately trees, and the flowering shrubs that bordered their course. A number of streams originating in these water-falls pursued their course through the valley, and one, receiving in its way the tributary waters of a number of sequestered streamlets, swelled at times into what in these islands might be called a river, and flowed along the most fertile portions of the district into the sea. A small bay was formed by an elliptical indentation of the coast, an opening in the reef opposite the bay ad¬ mitted small vessels to enter, and a picturesque little coral island, adorned with two or three clumps of hibis¬ cus and cocoa-nut trees, added greatly to the beauty of its appearance. There was no swamp or marshy land between the shore and the mountains ; the ground was high, and the whole district not only remarkably beautiful, but apparently dry and healthy. The abun¬ dance of natural productions, the apparent salubrity of the air, the convenience of the stream of water, the facility of the harbour, combined to recommend it as an eligible spot for at least the temporary residence of a part of the Missionaries. We therefore waited on the principal chiefs, one of whom had accompanied us from Papetoai, and inquired if it would be agreeable to them for us to come and reside there. They expressed POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 163 themselves pleased with the prospect of such an event, and promised every assistance in the erection of our houses, &c. Having accomplished the object of our visit, we left Afareaitu, and returned to Papetoai the same evening. The circumstances of the inhabitants of the wind¬ ward and leeward islands, most of whom had renounced idolatry, and their earnest desire to receive religious instruction, rendered it exceedingly desirable, that the Missionaries should no longer remain altogether at Pa¬ petoai, but establish themselves in the different islands; but the vessel which they had commenced building in 1813, being still unfinished, and the anticipation of a con¬ siderable accession to their numbers, induced them to defer forming any new station, until such reinforcement should arrive. The natives in the several islands were in want, not only of teachers, but also of books. I had taken out a printing-press and types, and having, at the request of the Directors, learned the art of printing in England, it was proposed, that as a temporary measure, to supply 11n existing demand for books, the press should be up at Afareaitu. By this arrangement two stations ' I be formed in Eimeo, and the whole of the inhabi¬ tants be brought more fully under religious instruction. ! n order to carry these plans into effect, we left Papetoai on the 25th of March, with Mr. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. C rook and family. Mrs. Ellis, and myself, with an infant and her nurse, set out in a native canoe, having most of our goods and luggage on board. Mr. Crook and family preceded us in a fine large double canoe, called “Tiaitoerau” literally “ wait for the west wind,” from tiai to wait, and toerau west wind. It was between thirty and forty feet in length, very strong, and, as a 164 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. piece of native workmanship, well built. The keel, or bottom, was formed with a number of pieces of tough Tamanu wood, inophyllum callophyllum , twelve or six¬ teen inches broad, and two inches thick, hollowed on the inside, and rounded without, so as to form a convex angle along the bottom of the canoe; these were fastened together by lacings of tough elastic cinet, made with the fibres of the cocoa-nut husk. On the front end of the keel, a solid piece, cut out of the trunk of a tree, so contrived as to constitute the forepart of the canoe; was fixed with the same lashing; and on the upper part of it, a thick board or plank projected horizontally, and formed a line parallel with the surface of the water. This front piece, usually five or six feet long, and twelve or eighteen inches wide, was called the ihu vaa , nose of the canoe, and, without any joining, comprised the stem, bows, and bowsprit of the vessel. The sides of the canoe were composed of two lines of short plank or board, an inch and a half or two inches thick. The lowest line was convex on the outside, and nine or twelve inches broad; the upper one straight. The stern was considerably elevated, the keel was inclined upwards, and the lower part of the stern resembled the bottom of a pointed shield, while the upper part of the noo, or stern, was nine or ten feet above the level of the sides. The whole was fastened together with cinet, not continued along the seams, but by two, or at most, three holes made in each board, within an inch of each other, and corresponding holes made in the opposite piece, and the cinet passed through from one to the other. A space of nine inches or a foot was left, and then a similar set of holes made. The joints or seams were not grooved together, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 165 but the edge of one simply laid on that of the other, and fitted with remarkable exactness by the adze of the work¬ man, guided only by his eye : they never used line or rule. The edges of their planks were usually covered with a kind of pitch or gum from the bread-fruit tree, and a thin layer of cocoa-nut husk spread between them. The husk of the cocoa-nut swelling when in contact with the water, fills any apertures that may exist, and, considering the manner in which they are put together, the canoes are often remarkably dry. The two canoes forming Tiaitoerau, which was a double one, were fasten¬ ed together by strong curved pieces of wood, placed hori¬ zontally across the upper edges of the canoes, to which they were fixed by strong lashings of thick cinet. Skreened Canoe . I'he space between the two bowsprits, or broad planks projecting from the front of our canoe, was covered with boards, and furnished a platform of con¬ siderable extent; over this a kind of temporary awning of platted cocoa-nut leaves was spread, and under it H passengers sat during the voyage. The upper part of each of the canoes was not above twelve or fifteen inches wide; little projections were formed on the inner part of the sides, on which small moveable thwarts or seats were fixed, whereon the men sat who paddled it 166 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. along, while the luggage was either placed in the bot¬ tom, piled up against the stern, or laid on the ele\ated stage between the two canoes. The heat of the sun was extreme, and we found that our i ustic awning afforded a grateful shade. The rowers appeared to labour hard. Their paddles, being made of the tough wood of the hibiscus, ^vcic not heavy; yet, having no pins in the sides of the canoe, against which the handles of the paddles could bear, but leaning the whole body over the canoe, hist on one side, and then on the other, and working the paddle with one hand near the blade, and the other at the upper end of the handle, and shovelling as it were the water, appeared a great waste of strength. They often, however, paddle for a time with remarkable swiftness, keeping time with the greatest regularity. The steersman stands or sits in the stern, with a large paddle ; the rowers sit in each canoe two or three feet apart, the leader sits next, the steersman gives the signal to start, by striking his paddle violently against the side of the canoe, every paddle is then put in and taken out of the water with every stroke at the same moment; and after they have thus continued on one side for five or six minutes, the leader strikes his paddle, and the rowers instantly and simultaneously turn to the other side, and thus alternately working on each side of the canoe, they go along at a considerable rate. There is generally a good deal of striking the paddle when a chief leaves or approaches the shore, and the effect pretty much resem¬ bles that of the smacking of the whip, or sounding of the horn, at the starting or arrival of a coach. The isolated situation of the islanders, and their dependence on the sea for a large proportion of the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. \ftj means of subsistence, necessarily impart a maritime character to their habits, and render the building lilting, and managing of the vessels one of the most general and important of their avocations. It also procures no small respect and emolument for the Tahua tarai vaa, builder of canoes. Vaa waa , or vaka , is the name of a canoe, in most of the islands of the Pacific; though by foreigners they are uniformly called canoes, a name first given to this sort of boat by the natives of the Caribbean Islands,* and adopted by Europeans ever since, to designate the rude boats used by the uncivilized natives in every part of the world. 1 lie canoes ol the Society Islanders are various, both in size and shape, and are double or single. The canoes belonging to the principal chiefs, and the vaa mataaina, public district canoes, were in general large—fifty, sixty, or nearly seventy feet long, and each about two feet wide, and three or four feet deep; the sterns remarkably high, sometimes fifteen or eighteen feet above the water, and frequently ornamented with rudely carved hollow cylinders, square pieces, or grotesque figures, r - ‘1 tiis. The rank or dignity of a chief was supposed, in ne degree, to be indicated by the size of his canoe, iJ arving and ornaments with which it was embellish- erl, and the number of his rowers.—Next in size to these was the pahi, or war canoe. I never saw but one of these: the stern was low, and covered, so as to afford a shelter from the stones of the assailants; the bottom was round, the upper part of the sides * After his first interview with the natives of the newly discovered islands, in the Caribbean sea, w r e are informed by Robertson, that Co¬ lumbus returned to his ship, accompanied by many of the islanders in their boats, which they called canoes', and though rudely formed out of the trunk of a single tree, they rowed them with surprising dexterity. 168 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. was narrower, and perpendicular; a rude imitation of the human head, or some other grotesque figure, was carved on the stern of each canoe. The stern, often ele¬ vated and curved like the neck of a swan, terminated in the carved figure of a bird’s head, and the whole was more solid and compact than the other vessels. There was a kind of platform in the front, or generally near the centre, on which the fighting men were stationed : these canoes were sometimes sixty feet long, between three and four feet deep, and with their platforms in front, or in the centre, were capable of holding fifty fighting men.* War Canoe . The vaatii, or sacred canoe, was always strong and large, more highly ornamented with carving and feathers than any of the others. Small houses were erected in each, and the image of the god, sometimes in the shape of a large bird, at other times resembling a hollow cylinder ornamented with various coloured feathers, * In Cookes voyages, a description is given of some, one hundred and eight feet long; but I never saw any so large. M POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 169 was kept in these houses. Here the prayers were frequently preferred, and the sacrifices offered. Their war canoes were generally strongs well built, and highly ornamented. They formerly possessed large and magnificent fleets of these, and other large canoes; and, at their general public meetings, or festivals, no small portion of the entertainment was derived from the regattas, or naval reviews, in which the whole fleet, ornamented with carved images, and decorated with flags and streamers, of various native coloured cloth, went through the different tactics with great precision. On these occasions the crews by which they were navigated, anxious to gain the plaudits of the king and chiefs, emulated each other in the exhibi¬ tion of their seamanship. The vaatii, or sacred canoes, formed part ot every fleet, and were generally the most imposing in appearance, and attractive in their decora¬ tions. f l lie peculiar and almost classical shape of the large Tahitian canoes, the elevated prow and stern, the rude figures, carving, and other ornaments, the loose folding dr | ry of the natives on board, and the maritime aspect ir general places of abode, are all adapted to pro- 1,111 ’ a singular effect on the mind of the beholder. I Jirai often thought, when I have seen a fleet of thirty or forty approaching the shore, that they exhibited no l.iint representation of the ships in which the Argonauts sailed, or the vessels that conveyed the heroes of Homer to the siege of Troy. Hvery canoe, of any size, had a distinct name, always arbitrary, but frequently descriptive of some real or imaginary excellence in the canoe, or in memory ol some event connected with it. Neither the names z POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 170 of any of their gods, or chiefs, were ever given to their vessels; such an act, instead of being considered an honour, would have been deemed the greatest insult that could have been offered. The names of canoes, in some instances, appear to have been perpetuated, as the king's state canoe was always called Anuanua, or the rain¬ bow. The most general and useful kind of canoe is the tipairua, or common double canoe, usually from twenty to thirty feet long, strong and capacious, with a projection from the stem, and a low shield-shaped stern. These are very valuable, and usually form the mode of conveyance for every chief of respectability or influence, in the island. They are also used to transport provisions, or other goods, from one place to another. They have also a remarkably neat double canoe, called Maihi, or twins, each of which is made out of a single tree, and are both exactly alike. The stem and stern are usually sharp; although, occasionally, there is a small board projecting from each stem. These are light, safe, and swift, easily managed, and seldom used but by the chiefs. A canoe of this kind was a favourite conveyance with the late king Pomare. The single canoes are built in the same manner, and with the same materials, as the double ones. Their usual name is tipaihoe , single landing, and they are more various in their kind than the others. The small buhoe , the literal name of which is single shell, is generally a trunk of a tree, seldom more than twenty feet in length, rounded on the outside, and hollow within ) sometimes sharp at both ends, though generally only at the stem. It is used by fishermen among the reefs, and also along the shore, and in shallow water. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 171 seldom carrying more than two persons. The single mailii is only a neater kind of buhoe. • he vaa motu, island-canoe, is generally a large, strong, single vessel, built for sailing, and principally used in distant voyages, from one island to another. In addition to the ordinary edge, or gunwale, of the canoe, planks, twelve or fifteen inches wide, are fastened along their sides, after the manner of wash-boards in a European boat. The same are also added to double canoes, when employed on long voyages. A single vaa is never used without an outrigger, varying in size with the vessel; it is usually formed with a light spar of the hibiscus, or of the erythrina, which was highly prized as an ama, or outrigger, on account of its being both light and strong. This is always placed on the left side, and fastened to the canoe by two hori¬ zontal poles, from five to eight feet long; the front one is straight and firm, the other curved and elastic; it is so fixed, that the bark, when empty, does not float upright, being rather inclined to the left; but, when sunk into the water, on being laden, &c. it is generally e ,v i while the outrigger, which is firmly and in¬ i'- 'sly fastened to the sides by repeated bands of l' ig cinet, floats on the surface. In addition to this, the island-canoes have a strong plank, twelve or fourteen feet iong, fastened horizontally across the centre, in an inclined position, one end attached to the outrigger, and 'be other extending five or six feet over the opposite ■uid perhaps elevated four or five feet above the sea. A small railing of rods is fastened along the sides of this plank, and it is designed to assist the navigators in balancing the keel, as a native takes his station on the one side or the other, to counteract the inclination which “*r 172 PO L YN ESI A N R ESE A R C H ES. the wind or sea might give to the vessel. Sometimes they approach the shore with a native standing or sitting on the extremity of the plank, and presenting a singular appearance, which it is impossible to behold without expecting every undulation of the sea will detach him from his apparently insecure situation, and precipitate him into the water. Single , or Island Canoe . This kind of canoe is principally employed in the voyages which the natives make to Tetuaroa , a cluster of islands, five in number; the names of which are Rimatu, Onehoa, Moturua, Hoatere, and Reiona; these are enclosed in one reef, in which there is an opening on the north-west, but only such as to admit, and that with difficulty, their own canoes. The whole cluster is called Tetuaroa. They are low coralline islands, the highest parts being not more than three or four feet above the water, and the only soil they contain is composed of sand and fragments of coral, with which is mingled vegetable mould produced on the islands, or carried from Tahiti. The chief article of food produced in these islands is the fruit of the cocoa-nut POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 173 tree; with extensive and verdant groves of which they are adorned. They seem, at a distance, as if they were gron ing on the surface of the water, and the roots and stems of many are washed by the spray, or by the tide when it rises a few inches higher than usual. Upon the kernel of the cocoa-nut, and the fish taken among the reefs, the inhabitants principally subsist. Tetuaroa , the long, or distant, sea, is part of the here¬ ditary possessions of the reigning family, and is attached to the district of Pare. Most of the inhabitants of these little islets occupy, under the king, a part of his own land, from which they are supplied with bread-fruit and taro. They arc much employed in fishing, and formerly brought over large quantities of fish, carrying to the islands in return bread-fruit, and other edible productions of Tahiti. In the wars which disturbed the conclusion of the reign of Pomare the First, and the commencement of that of his successor, many of the inhabitants were cut off; and the decrease of population, thus occasioned, has dimi¬ nished the intercourse between these islands and Tahiti. In addition to the fishery carried on here, Tetuaroa has I been a kind of watering-place for the royal family, a ' . frequent resort for what might be called the 1 Inunable and gay of Tahiti.—Hither the areois, dan¬ cers, and singers, were accustomed to repair, together with those whose lives were professedly devoted to indo¬ lent pleasures. It was also frequented by the females of 1 lie higher class, for the purposes of hdupori* increas¬ ing the corpulency of their persons, and removing, by luxurious ease under the embowering shade of the cocoa-nut groves, the dark tinge which the vertical sun of 1 ahiti might have burnt upon the complexions. So great was the intercourse formerly, that a hundred of 174 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES these island-canoes have been seen at a time upon the beach of Tetuaroa. In navigating their double canoes, the natives frequently use two sails, but in their single vessels only one. The masts are moveable, and are only raised when the sails are used. They are slightly fixed upon a kind of step placed across the canoe, and fastened by strong ropes or braces extending to both sides, and to the stem and stern. The sails were made with the leaves of the pandanus split into thin strips, neatly woven into a kind of matting. The shape of the sails of the island-canoes is singular, the side attached to the mast is straight, the outer part resembling the section of an oval, cut in the longest direction. The other sails are commonly used in the same manner as sprit or lugger sails are used in European boats. The ropes from the corners of the sails are not usually fastened, but held in the hands of the natives. The rigging is neither varied nor complex ; the cordage is made with the twisted bark of the hibiscus, or the fibres of the cocoa-nut husk—of which a very good coiar rope is manufactured. The paddles of the Tahitians are plain, having a smooth round handle, and an oblong-shaped blade. Their canoes have no rudder, but are steered by a man in the stern, with a paddle generally longer than the rest. In long voyages they have two or three steering paddles, in¬ cluding a very large one, which they employ in stormy weather, to prevent the vessel from drifting to leeward. The tataa , or scoop, with which they bale out the leakage, is generally a neat and convenient article, cut out of a solid piece of wood. Their canoes were formerly ornamented with streamers of various coloured cloths, and tufts of fringe and tassels of feathers were POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 175 attached to the masts and sails, though they are now seldom used. A small kind of house or awning was en cted in the centre, or attached to the stern, to skreen the passengers from the sun by day and the damp by night. The latter is still used, though the former is but seldom seen. They do not appear ever to have orna¬ mented the body or hull of their vessels with carving or painting; but, notwithstanding this seeming deficiency, they had by no means an unfinished appearance. In building their vessels, all the parts were first accu¬ rately fitted to each other, the whole was taken to pieces, and the outside of each plank smoothed by rubbing it with a piece of coral and sand moistened with water; it was then dried, and polished with fine dry coral. The wood was generally of a rich yellow colour, the cinet nearly the same, and a new well-built canoe is perhaps one of the best specimens of native skill, ingenuity, and perseverance, to be seen in the islands. Most of the natives can hollow out a buhoe, but it is only those who have been regularly trained to the work, that can build a 1: * canoe, and in this there is a considerable division - i ! i hour, —some laying down the keel and building the huli. ome making and fixing the sails, and others fasi ning the outriggers, or adding the ornaments. The principal chiefs usually kept canoe-builders attached to their establishments, but the inferior chiefs generally hired workmen, paying them a given number of pigs, or fathoms of cloth, for a canoe, and finding them in pro- vi n while they are employed. The trees that are cut down in the mountains, or the interior of the islands, are often hollowed out there, sometimes by burning, but generally by the adze, or cut into the shape designed and then brought down to the shore. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 176 Idolatry was interwoven with their naval architecture, as well as every other pursuit. The priest had certain ceremonies to perform, and numerous and costly offerings were made to the gods of the chief, and of the craft or profession, when the keel was laid down, when the canoe was finished, and when it was launched. Valuable canoes were often among the national offerings presented to the gods, being ever afterwards sacred to the service of the idol. The double canoes of the Society Islands were larger, and more imposing in appearance, than most of those used in New Zealand or the Sandwich Islands, but by no means so strong as the former, nor so neat and light as the latter. I have, however, made several voyages in them. In fine weather, and with a fair wind, they are tolerably safe and comfortable; but when the weather is rough, and the wind contrary, they are miserable sea- boats, and are tossed about completely at the mercy of the winds. Many of the natives that have set out on voyages from one island to another have been carried from the group altogether, and have either perished at sea, or drifted to some distant island. In long voyages, single canoes are considered safer than double ones, as the latter are sometimes broken asunder, and are then unmanageable ; but, even though the former should fill or upset at sea, as the wood is specifically lighter than the water, there is no fear of their sinking. When a canoe is upset or fills, the natives on board jump into the sea, and all taking hold of one end, which they press down, so as to elevate the other end considerably above the sea, a great part of the water runs out; they then suddenly loose their hold of the canoe, which falls upon the water, emptied in some POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 177 degree of its contents. Swimming along by the side of it, they bale out the rest, and then climb into it again, and pursue their voyage. This has frequently been the case; and, unless the canoe is broken by upsetting or filling, they are seldom prevented from accomplishing their voyage. The only evil they fear in such circum¬ stances is that of being attacked by sharks, which have sometimes made sad havock among those who have been wrecked at sea. An instance of this kind occurred a few years ago, when a number of chiefs and people, all together thirty two, were passing from one island to another, in a large double canoe. They w 7 ere overtaken by a severe tempest, the violence of which tore their canoes asunder, and separated them from the horizontal spars by which they were united. It was in vain for them to endeavour to place them upright, or empty out the water, for they could not keep them in an erect position, nor prevent their incessant overturning. As their only resource, they collected the scattered spars and boards, and constructed a r»f< on which they hoped they might drift to land. Th veight of the w r hole number, who were now col- f • 1 >n the raft, was so great as to sink it so far below ih urface, that they sometimes stood above their knees in water. They made very little progress, and soon became exhausted by fatigue and hunger. In this con¬ dition they were attacked by a number of sharks. Destitute of a knife, or any other weapon of defence, |l fell an easy prey to these rapacious monsters. One altci another was seized and devoured, or carried away by them; and the survivors, w'ho with dreadful anguish beheld their companions thus destroyed, saw the num¬ ber of assailants apparently increasing, as each body 2 a 178 PO LYN ES I AN R ES EARCHES. was carried away, until only two or three remained. The raft, thus lightened of its load, rose to the sur¬ face of the water, and placed them beyond the reach of the voracious jaws of their relentless destroyers. The voyage on which they had set out, was only from one of the Society Islands to another, conse¬ quently they were not very far from land. The tide and the current now carried them to the shore, where t they landed, to tell the melancholy fate of their fellow- voyagers. But for the sharks, the South Sea Islanders would be in comparatively but little danger from casualties in their voyages among the islands ; and although when armed they have sometimes been known to attack a shark in the water, yet when destitute of a knife or other weapon, they become an easy prey, and are consequently much terrified at such merciless antagonists. Another circumstance also, that added to this dread of sharks, was, the superstitious ideas they entertained relative to some of the species. Although they would not only kill, but eat certain kinds of shark; the large blue sharks, squalus glaucus , were deified by them, and, rather than attempt to destroy them, they would endeavour to propitiate their favour by prayers and offerings. Temples were erected, in which priests officiated, and offerings were presented to the deified sharks, while fishermen and others, who were much at sea, sought their favour. Many ludicrous legends were formerly in circulation among the people, relative to the regard paid by the sharks at sea, to priests of their temples, whom they were always said to recognize, and never to injure. I received one from POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 1/9 the mouth of a man, formerly a priest of an akua mao , shark god; but it is too absurd to be recorded. The principal motives, however, by which the people appear to have been influenced in their homage to these crea¬ tures, was the same that operated on their minds in refe¬ rence to other acts of idolatry; it was the principle of fear, and a desire to avoid destruction, in the event of being exposed to their anger at sea. The superstitious fears of the people have now entirely ceased. T was once in a boat, on a voyage to Borabora, when a ravenous shark approaching the boat, seized the blade of one of the oars, and bein«* detached from that, darted at the keel of the boat, which he attempted to bite. While he was thus em¬ ployed, the native whose oar he had seized, leaning over the side of the boat, grasped him by the tail, suc¬ ceeded in lifting him out of the water, and, with the help of his companions, dragged him alive into the boat, where he began to flounder and strike his tail with great rage and violence. We were climbing up on the seats out of his way, but the natives, giving hii i 1 wo or three blows on the nose with a small u ■ i : n mallet, quieted him, and then cut off his head. W landed the same evening, when I believe they baked and ate him. I he single canoes, though safer at sea, were yet liable to accident, notwithstanding the outrigger, which re¬ quired to be fixed with care, to prevent them from upsetting. To the natives this is a matter of slight inconvenience, but to a foreigner it is not always plea¬ sant or safe. Mrs. Osmond, Mrs. Barf, Mrs. Ellis, and myself, with our two children, and one or two natives, were once crossing the small harbour at Fare, in Hua- 180 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. liine; a female servant was sitting in the fore part of the canoe, with our little girl in her arms, our little boy was at his mother’s breast, and a native, with a long light pole, was paddling the canoe along, when a small buhoe, with a native youth sitting in it, darted out from behind a bush that hung over the water, and before we could turn, or the youth could stop his canoe, it ran across our outrigger. This in an instant went down, our canoe was turned bottom upwards, and the whole party precipitated into the sea. The sun had set soon after we started from the opposite side, and the twilight being very short, the shades of evening had already thickened around us, and prevented the natives on the shore from perceiving our situation. The native woman held our little girl up with one hand, and swam with the other towards the shore, aiding, as well as she could, Mrs. Osmond, who had caught hold of her dark hair, which floated on the water behind her ; Mrs. Barf, on rising to the surface, caught hold of the outrigger of the canoe that had occasioned our disaster, and, call¬ ing out for help, informed the people on the shore of our danger, and speedily brought them to our assistance. Mr. Osmond no sooner reached the beach, than he plunged into the sea; Mrs. O. leaving the native by whom she had been supported, caught hold of her hus¬ band, and not only prevented his swimming, but sunk him so deep in the water, that, but for the timely arrival of the natives, both would probably have found a watery grave. Mahine-vahine, the queen, sprang in, and con¬ veyed Mrs. Barf to the shore. I came up on the side opposite to that on which the canoe had turned over, and found Mrs. Ellis struggling in the water, with the \ POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 181 child still at her breast. I immediately climbed upon the canoe, and raised her so far out of the water, as to allow the little boy to breathe, till a small canoe came off to our assistance, into which she was taken, when I swam to the shore, grateful for the deliverance we had expe¬ rienced. It was not far from the beach where this occurred, yet the water was deep, and several articles which we had in the canoe, were seen the next day lying at the bottom, among coral and sand, seventeen or eighteen fathoms below the surface. Accidents of this kind, however, 1 11 ^ut seldom ; and though we have made many voy¬ ages, this is the only occasion on which we have been in danger. 1 he natives of the eastern isles frequently come down to the Society Islands in large double canoes, which the Tahitians dignify with the name of paid, the term for a ship. They are built with much smaller pieces of wood than those employed in the structure of the Tahi¬ tian canoes, as the low coralline islands produce but very small kinds of timber, yet they are much superior bol I for strength, convenience, and sustaining a tempest ai • They are always double, and one canoe has a pri manent covered residence for the crew. The two masts are also stationary, and a kind of ladder, or wooden shroud, extends from the sides to the head of the mast. The sails are large, and made with fine matting. Several of the principal chiefs possess a pahi paumotu, which they use as a more safe and convenient mode of conveyance than their own canoes. One canoe, that brought over a chief from Rurutu, upwards of three hundred miles, was very large. It was somewhat in the shape of a crescent, the stem and stern high and pointed. 182 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. and the sides deep ; the depth from the upper edge of the middle to the keel, was not less than twelve feet. It was built with thick planks of the Barringtonia, some of which were four feet wide; they were sewn together with cocoa- nut cinet, and although they brought the chief safely, probably more than six hundred miles, they must have been very ungovernable and unsafe in a storm or heavy sea. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 183 I CHAP. VII. Account of the remarkable change in the South Sea Islands—Discourag¬ ing impressions under which the Missionaries abandoned the islands— Invitation from Pomare to return—State of the king’s mind during his exile in Eimeo—His reception of the Missionaries—Death of three of their number—Influence of domestic bereavement on the Missionary life—Pomare’s profession of Christianity—Application for baptism— Demonstration of the impotency of their idols—Proposal to erect a place of worship—Extracts from his correspondence—Influence of his steady adherence to Christianity—Ridicule and persecution to which he was exposed—Visit of Missionaries to Tahiti—Oitu and Tuahine— Description of the scenery of the valleys in Tahiti—Explanations of the plate of Matavai. Previous to our embarkation from England, we bad heard that a favourable change, in regard to Christianity, had taken place, in the minds of the king of Tahiti and a f ■ • vv of the people. On our arrival in Port Jackson, utelligence was confirmed, and we were also i a mraged by the accounts we received of the abolition of idolatry by the whole of the inhabitants of the Georgian or Windward Islands. Here we also saw the family idols of Pomare, which had been sent from the islands to be forwarded to England, as specimens of the objects they had been accustomed to worship. When we reached the islands, we found, not only that the reports we had heard were correct, but that the change had progressively advanced, becoming daily more extensive in its influence, 184 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. and decisive in its character, and that the whole of the inhabitants were no longer idolaters, but either pro¬ fessors of Christianity, or desirous to receive religious instruction. We had now spent some weeks with the Missionaries and people at Papetoai; this had afforded us the means of learning from those who had been on the spot, many of the particulars connected with this amazing and important work. We had also witnessed something of its effects in the conversation and deportment of numbers who had experienced its moral influence, and evinced its benign and elevating power. It was naturally a matter of the deepest interest to a Missionary’s mind, important in all its bearings on the object nearest to his heart, and first in the aims and the purposes of his life. The accounts given by the Missionaries, on my first arrival, and the many interesting facts which subsequently came to my knowledge, when I had acquired such an acquaintance with the language of the people, as to be able to pursue my inquiries among them, have not only excited the highest delight, but convinced me, that, in the circumstances under which the change occurred, the agency by which it was accomplished, and the per¬ manency of its effects, it is altogether one of the most remarkable displays of Divine power that has occurred in the history of mankind, and is, perhaps, unparalleled since the days of the apostles. Detached notices of this event have been transmitted to Eng¬ land in the letters of the Missionaries, and in the different publications of the Missionary Society, No connected and regular account has, however, yet been furnished ; and, notwithstanding all that has been POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 185 recorded, it may still be affirmed in the language of the deputation sent by the Society to the South Seas, that “ God has indeed done great things here.” It is much to be regretted, that the Missionaries on the spot—who were intimately acquainted with every indication of the moral and spiritual process that was going on, even in its incipient stages, and e\ery event which marked its gradual development, until, in the language of the natives on another hut similai occasion, it burst upon them like the light ol the morn¬ ing—did not, at the time, prepare a full and particular account of the work which, under God, they had been instrumental in effecting : but their motto alw aj s w as, to “ say too little rather than too much/’ to persevere in labour, rather than employ their time in detailing their engagements ; and to exercise the greatest caution and brevity in speaking of any thing connected with themselves, or the people around them, lest subsequent events should disappoint the anticipations which present favourable appearances might originate. Ibis piu- dential reserve, on some accounts, cannot be too highly commended; yet, it is possible to carry it too far; a I in the present instance, however honourable to il: individuals who maintained it, it cannot be doubted that the world has been thereby deprived of a full record of events, intimately connected with the destinies of the people among whom they transpired, and with the propagation of the gospel in the most distant parts of the world, during every future age of the Christian church. Before proceeding to narrate the leading matters connected with our residence in Afareaitu, some account of that change may, perhaps, be neither impro- 2 u 186 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. perly nor . unacceptably introduced in this place, where our Missionary life may be said to have com¬ menced. It was on my first arrival in Eimeo, that the accounts of this work, although partial, produced the greatest effect on my own mind, and left an impression that was only deepened by subsequent details from the natives themselves ; and which, through whatever scenes I may yet pass, will never be effaced. I would, how¬ ever, only ofier it as a substitute for the more explicit statement which my predecessors in the islands might render; and if, by attracting their attention to the subject, I should induce them to furnish such a deside¬ ratum, my attempts will not have been altogether in vain. Should this be elicited, they will confer no ordinary benefit on the cause of Missions, and afford great satis¬ faction to the Christian world. In the year 1809, Mr. Nott alone remained with the king and the people in the island of Eimeo; the other Missionaries, with the exception of Mr. Hayward, removed from Huahine to Port Jack- son. Although the gospel had been fully, faithfully, and constantly preached, for some years in Tahiti, occasionally in most of the other islands, and many of the people had imbibed a tolerably clear speculative knowledge of the leading doctrines taught in the sacred volume, yet there was no individual on whom they could look, as having been benefited by their instructions—no one whose mind was savingly enlightened, or whose heart had experienced any moral change. Discouraging as these circumstances were, the Missionaries would not ha\e abandoned their station, but for the destruction with which the civil war, and the defeat of the king, seriously threatened them; and, in addition to this darkened aspect POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 187 of affairs, as it regarded the success of their enterprise, the state of feeling bordering on hopeless despair, under which they departed from the islands, greatly augmented their distress. While in Port Jackson, they received affectionate and encouraging letters from the Society, and their friends in England, and communications of a most touching, yet confident kind, from the king, who invited their return. The way being thus opened for the resumption of their work, and depending on the blessing of God, they again embarked, in the autumn of 1811, for the islands. During their absence, Pomare had remained excluded from his hereditary dominions, and in exile on the island of Eimeo. Whether the melancholy reverses he had experienced, and the depression of spirits con¬ sequent upon the dissolution of his government, and the desolation of his family, led him to doubt the truth of that system of idol-worship to which he had been devoted, and on which he had invariably relied for suc- ce s in every military, civil, and political enterprise, whether the leisure it afforded for contemplation inquiry, under the influence of these feelings, inclined him to reflect more seriously on the truth of those declarations he had often heard respecting the true God, and to consider his present condition as the chastening of that Being whom he had refused to acknowledge,—it is impossible to determine ; but these disastrous events had evidently subdued his spirit, and softened his heart. When the Missionaries who returned from Port Jack - son landed in Eimeo, the king received them with the warmest demonstrations of joy. Mr. and Mrs. Bicknell, 188 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. the first who arrived, resided some time in the same house with him. He spent much of his time in reading and writing, in conversation, and in earnest inquiry about God, and the way of acceptance with Him,—and sometimes spoke in terms astonishing even to the Mis¬ sionaries themselves. One or two other natives appeared also favourably impressed in regard to the religion of the Bible. Under these auspicious appearances, although prevented by the unsettled state of laliiti from resuming their station in Matavai, the Missionaries were enabled to commence their labours in the island of Eimeo. They also indulged a hope of establishing a Mission in Raiatea, one of the Leeward or Society Islands, when a series of domestic trials frustrated all their plans of extended usefulness, and confined them for several years to this island. On the 28th of July, 1812, Mrs. Henry finished her earthly career. She had accompanied her husband from her native country in the ship Duff, with the first Mis¬ sionaries who landed in Tahiti. In all the trials of the Mission she had sustained her part; and, with unwaver¬ ing devotedness to its interests, had endeavoured to per¬ form with efficiency and cheerfulness the duties of her station, until her life fell a sacrifice to the privations and toils of her eventful and perilous career. It was, how¬ ever, a sacrifice cheerfully offered on her part. Her memory was greatly esteemed by those who had borne with her the burden of the day, and survived her in the field. In a letter to the Directors of the London Mis¬ sionary Society, under the date of June 24, 1813, the Rev. S. Marsden thus wrote of Mrs. Henry—“No woman, in my opinion, could be more sincere, and more devoted to the work, than she was. Her natural POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 189 disposition was amiable, her piety unaffected, and her love for the poor heathens unfeigned. I trust she is now resting from her labours in Abraham’s bosom; and that some poor heathens, amongst whom she had lived, have gone before, and that some will follow after, to glory.” This afflictive bereavement was followed by another equally painful, viz. the death of Mrs. Davies, which took place on the fourth of the following September. Her disconsolate partner had scarcely received the sym¬ pathies of his companions in exile and labour, when the newly closed grave of the mother was opened again, to receive the remains of an infant daughter, who sur¬ vived its parent but three short weeks. In one week more, Mrs. Hayward terminated in death her sufferings, and was buried by the side of her departed sisters. The letters which conveyed to England the animating tidings of the first dawning of a brighter day on Tahiti, conveyed also the sad recital of these inroads of death ; and well might the Missionaries on that occasion “ sing of mercy and of judgment.” When death enters a family, and removes a wife in : lie listened almost entranced with the propriety and glowing language of devotion, then employed, until his feelings could be restrained no longer. Tears of joy started from his gladdened eye, and rolled in swift succession down his cheeks, while he could hardly forbear rushing to the spot, and clasping in his arms the unconscious author of his ecstacy. He stood trans¬ fixed as it were to the spot, till the native retired; when he bowed his knees, and, screened from human obser¬ vation by the verdant shrubs, offered up, under the 200 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. canopy of heaven, his grateful adoration to the Most High, under all the melting of soul, and the excite¬ ment of spirit, which the unprecedented, unexpected, though long-desired events of the morning had inspired. When the Missionaries met at the house in which they had lodged, the good tidings were communicated; the individual was sought out; and they were cheered with the simple yet affecting account he gave of what God had done for his own soul, and of the pleasing state of the minds of several of his countrymen. His name was then Oito , though it is now Petero; he had formerly been ail inmate of the Mission family at Matavai, and had received instructions there. He has since been a useful member of the community, and is still a consistent member of a Christian society; in which he has for some years sustained, with credit to himself and advantage to the church, the office of deacon. He had occasionally been with the king since his return to Tahiti, and some remarks from Pomare had awakened convictions of sin in his conscience. Anxious to obtain direction and relief, yet having no one to whom he could unburden his mind with hopes of suitable guidance, he applied to Tuahine , who had for a long time lived with the Missionaries; hence Oito inferred he would be able to direct his mind aright. Tuahine has since rendered the most important services to the Mission, in aiding Mr. Nott with the translations. When the Gospel by John, and the Acts of the Apostles, were finished, and Mr. Nott left Huahine, in July 1819, he removed to Raiatea, his native island, and has since been not only a useful member of society, and an ornament to the religion he professes, but an officer in the Christian church in Raiatea. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 201 TuRhine’s mind, on the subject of the Christian reli¬ gion, was in a state resembling that of Oito’s. Their crun ersation deepened their impressions; they frequently met afterwards for this purpose, and often retired to the privacy of the sequestered valleys or verdant shrub¬ beries adjacent to their dwellings, for conversation and prayer. The singularity of their conduct, together with the report of the change in the sentiments of the king, soon attracted observation: many derided them, but several young men and boys attached themselves to Oito and Tuahine, and this little band, without any Missionary to teach them, or even before any one was acquainted with the circumstance, agreed to refrain from worshipping the idols—from the evil practices of their country—to observe the Sabbath-day,—and to worship Jehovah alone. They had established among themselves a prayer-meeting, w T hich they held on the Sabbath, and often assembled at other times for social worship. This intelligence was like life from the dead to the Missionaries ; they thanked God, and took courage ; but before commencing their journey round Tahiti, they \> rote to their brethren in Eimeo an account of what 1 1 ' had seen and heard : declaring all that they had In ird was true, that God had “also granted to the Gentiles repentance unto life,” that some had cast away t heir idols, and were stretching out their hands in prayer to God, &c. The effect of their letter was scarcely less on the minds of the Missionaries in Eimeo, than the V recital had been to themselves in Tahiti. They were d* eply affected, even unto tears. I have often heard Mr. Nott speak, with evident indications of strong feeling, of the emotions with which this letter was read. And when we consider the long and cheerless years, which he 2d 202 PO L YN ES IAN R ESEARCUES. and some of his associates had spent in fruitless, hope¬ less toil, on that unpromising field, the slightest pros¬ pect of an ultimate harvest, which these facts certainly warranted, was adapted to produce unusual and exalted joys,—emphatically a Missionary’s own,—joys “that a stranger intermeddleth not with.” Messrs. Scott and Hayward made the tour of Tahiti, preaching to the people whenever they could collect a congregation, and then returned to Eimeo with Tuahine, Oito, and their companions,—who accompanied them, in order to attend the school, and receive more full instruction in those things, respecting which, though formerly so indifferent, they were now most anxious to be informed. Tuahine was born in the island of Raiatea, but had been some time residing in the inland parts of the dis¬ trict of Pare. Oito was an inhabitant, if not a native, of Hautaua, and in this lovely, verdant, and sequestered valley, the first native meeting for prayer was held, and the first associated vows were paid to heaven. I have often passed along the mouth or opening of this valley, and regret that I never had an opportunity of traversing its interior, and visiting the abode of Oito, or the sites of the rural oratories of the first Christians in Tahiti. Hautaua valley is an interesting spot, not only on account of the events connected with the early history of Christianity, which transpired within its bor¬ ders, but also from the peculiarity of its scenery. In the exterior, or border landscapes, of Tahiti and the other islands, there is a variety in the objects of natural beauty; a happy combination of land and water, of precipices and level plains, of trees, often hanging their branches clothed with thick dark foliage over the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 203 ;-ea, tid distant mountains shewn in sublime outline and 11, best hues ; and the whole often blended in the harmony oi nature, produces sensations of admiration and delight. The inland scenery is of a different character, but not less impressive. The landscapes are occasionally exten- -.ivc, but more frequently circumscribed. There is, how¬ ever^ a startling boldness in the towering piles of basalt, often heaped in romantic confusion near the source or margin of some cool and crystal stream, that flows in silence at their base, or dashes over the rocky fragments that arrest its progress : and there is the wildness of nuance about the deep and lonely glens, around which the mountains rise like the steep sides of a natural amphitheatre, till the clouds seem supported by them— this arrests the attention of the beholder, and for a time suspends his faculties in mute astonishment. There is also so much that is new in the character and growth of trees and flowers, irregular, spontaneous, and luxuriant in the vegetation, which is sustained by a prolific soil, it I matured by the genial heat of a tropic clime, that it if dapted to produce an indescribable effect. Often, h, n, either alone, or attended by one or two com- >ns, I have journeyed through some of the inland rts of the islands, such has been the effect of the nery through which I have passed, and the unbroken stillness which has pervaded the whole, that imagination, unrestrained, might easily have induced the delusion, that we were walking on enchanted ground, or passing over ; ry lands. It has at such seasons appeared as if we had been carried back to the primitive ages of the world, and beheld the face of the earth, as it was perhaps often exhibited, when the Creator’s works were spread over it in all their endless variety, and all the vigour of ex- 204 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. haustless energy, and before population had extended, or the genius and enterprise of man had altered, the aspect of its surface. The valleys of Tahiti present some of the richest inland scenery that can be imagined. Those in the southern parts are remarkable for their beauty, but none more so than those of Hautaua, Matavai, and Apaiano. Those portions of them, in which the incipient effects of the advancement of civilization appear, are the most interesting; presenting the *neat white plastered cot¬ tages in beautiful contrast with the picturesque appear¬ ance of the mountains, and the rich verdure of the plains. The accompanying plate represents a scene in the valley of Matavai, near the bank of the river which flows through the district. It was taken on the spot by Capt. Elliot, who spent some time at Matavai, in the begin¬ ning of 1821 . The rustic building by the side of the stream is a Missionary’s cottage, and was at that time occupied by Mr. Nott. The surrounding scenery is delineated with accuracy and care 5 but the effect of the lofty mountain in the centre, which often appeared en¬ circled with clouds, through which its romantic peaks sometimes penetrated, and of the rich purple hue that glowed on its sides, with other parts of the landscape, are such as to surpass the efforts of the graphic art. /'ts/n-r. Son &* CY London, WZU. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 205 CHAP. VIII. First record of the names of the professors of Christianity—Taaroarii's rejection of idolatrous ceremonies—Determination of Patii, the priest of Papetoai—Idols publicly burnt at Uaeva, in Eimeo—Increase of the scholars—Contempt and persecution on account of the profession of Christianity—Baneful influence of idolatry on social intercourse— Humiliating circumstances to which its institutes reduced the female sex—Happy change in domestic society, attending the introduction of Christianity—Persecution of the Christians—Worshippers of the true God sought as victims, for sacrifice to the pagan idols—Notice of Abrahama—Martyrdom in Tahiti. Soon after the return of Messrs. Scott and Hayward from Tahiti, indications of the same convictions and inquiry were occasionally manifested in Eimeo; and on the 25th of July, 1813, which was the Sabbath, the first place for public worship erected in the island of Eimeo was opened. It was also the first build¬ ing in the islands ever used by the natives for this sacred purpose. The exercises of the day were highly interesting both to the Missionaries and their little band of followers. At the close of the evening service Mr. Davies gave notice, according to previous arrangements, that on the following morning a public meeting would be held; when all who had sincerely renounced their false gods, who had desired also to relinquish their evil customs, to receive Jehovah for their God, and to be instructed in his word, were invited to attend. Forty 200 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. natives came at the time appointed; the design of the meeting was explained by Mr. Noft. It was, to urge those who were undecided, and wished to become sincere disciples of Jesus Christ, to make their desires known—that the Missionaries might pay them special attention, and give them suitable instruc¬ tions : they listened attentively, and many appeared deeply affected. They were afterwards individually inter¬ rogated as to their desires in reference to these impor¬ tant matters : during this inquiry thirty-one declared they had renounced the idols, their worship, and every prac¬ tice connected with idolatry; wishing to abandon every thing contrary to the word of God. These thirty-one requested to have their names written down as those that desired to worship God, and to become disciples of Christ. Others said they intended to cast away their idols, but did not wish to have their names written down at that time. All who felt inclined to come were invited, but none were urged. The names of these thirty-one were written down; and among the first of them, Oito and Tualiine’s were to be seen. In writing down the names of those who thus publicly professed Christianity, the Missionaries were influenced by a desire, not only to instruct them more fully, but to become personally acquainted with them, and to exercise over them a guardian care, which they could not do without knowing their names, places of abode, &c. To their number, eleven more were soon added; and with these they afterwards held frequent meetings, for the purpose of informing their minds, and encouraging them to faithfulness in their attachment to the Redeemer. Among the last number was Taaroarii, the young chief of Huahine and Sir Charles Sanders’ Island, and Matapuupuu, a principal POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 207 areoi, and chief priest of Huahine, who had long* been one of the main pillars of idolatry in the island to which he belonged. On the 28th of July, 1813, a number of areois visited Taaroarii's encampment at Teataebua, five miles from Papetoae, the Missionary settlement; prepared an enter¬ tainment, invited him to attend, and, before it com¬ menced, were about to perform some heathen rites con¬ nected with the food they were to eat, and to deliver an oration, in which his rank, descent, and connexion with the gods by origin and family, and his future place among them, were to have been detailed. This, Taaroarii strictly prohibited; declaring that he intended no longer to acknowledge the gods of Tahiti, which were no gods ; that no more ceremonies should be performed on his account, as he purposed to worship Jehovah. He was anxious to know more respecting God, and wished them also to hear about Him; and, therefore, sent a message to Mr. Nott, requesting him to come down and preach to the people at his place of abode. Mr. Nott gladly complied with his request, and, ac- panied by Mr. Hayward, repaired a few days after- 1 ' to his encampment. When they arrived at Tiatai- I; Puru, the king of Huahine, and the chief of Eimeo, received them very cordially : said his son Taaroarii wished to be instructed in the word of God, to learn about Jehovah and Jesus Christ, of whom he had so 1 requently heard Pomare speak. The chief added, that bough he had no desire after these things himself. In did not wish to oppose his son, or prevent his hearing whatever Mr. Nott might have to communicate. The fi i! ger oi the Almighty was strikingly exhibited in the door thus effectually opened for the preaching of the gospel. 208 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. Puru and his adherents had not been much with the Missionaries. The people of Huahine and their chief were certainly among the most superstitious and idola¬ trous tribes of the Pacific. Pomare, and not the Mis¬ sionary, had on this occasion been employed as the agent, under God, in influencing the mind of the young chief, who was likely to become the king of Huahine and Eimeo, and in a way which at once demonstrated that it was the purpose of God that he should be made ac¬ quainted with divine truth. Hence he was induced to pro¬ hibit an acknowledgment to the gods of his ancestors, and to invite the messengers of salvation to his camp, to speak unto him and his adherents words whereby they might be saved. While the Missionaries admired the means by which God had thus shewn them that the work was His, and not theirs, and thus deprived them of attributing any thing to their own influence, they rejoiced in the opportunity now afforded of proclaiming the tidings of mercy from the most High. Mr. Nott conversed a long time with them, and preached an instructive and affect¬ ing discourse from Isa. xlix. 7- I have often^heard the young man's mother-in-law, and other members of the household, speak of this discourse as having deeply impressed their minds. When Mr. Nott left them, he invited the chief and his adherents to visit the station on the Sabbath, and cultivate an intercourse with other Christian chiefs. On the following Sabbath, Taaroarii attended; his father also became, a few months afterwards, a sincere convert. They accompanied us to Huahine in 1818. Taaroarii died rather suddenly in 1821. His father is the venerable king of Huahine ; and has, ever since his return, proved not only a father to the people, but a POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 209 uniform and bright ornament to the religion of the Cross. \ ; i iesides these regular periods of instruction and times of public worship* the Missionaries frequently held special meetings with those whose names they had written down* for the purpose of unfolding more fully the sublime doctrines of revelation* and uniting with them in social worship. They had the delightful satisfaction of hearing some of the new converts engage in prayer, and were surprised and gratified* in a high degree* with their fluency and fervour* as well as the appropriateness of their language* when engaged in this sacred duty. They also learned with pleasure* that they were accustomed to retire morning and evening for secret prayer. In one of the visits which Mr. Nott made to the residence of Taaroarii* for the purpose of preaching to his people* he was followed by Patii* the priest of the temple in Papetoai* the district in which the Missionaries resided. This individual appeared to listen • • t attentively to what was said; and after the con- ion of the service* he and Mr. Nott proceeded toge- along the beach towards the settlement. As they dked* Patii fully disclosed the feelings of his mind to Mr. Nott* and assured him that on the morrow* at a cer¬ tain hour, he would bring out the idols under his care* and publicly burn them. The declaration was astound¬ ing ; it was too decisive and important in its nature* tnd promised results almost too momentous to be true. Mr. Nott replied* u I fear you are jesting with me, and stating what you think we wish* rather than what you intend. I can scarcely allow myself to believe what you say/’ “ Don’t be unbelieving,” replied 2 E 210 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. Patii, “ wait till to-morrow, and you shall see/’ The religion of Jesus Christ was the topic of conversation until they reached the settlement; when Patii took his leave, and Mr. Nott informed his colleagues of the suc¬ cess of his visit to the young chief of Huahine, and the determination which the priest of the district had made known to him. The impression which the intelligence of these events produced upon their minds, was that of mingled admiration, gratitude, and hope, to a degree that may be better imagined than expressed. The arrival of the evening of the following day was awaited with an unusual agitation and excitement of feeling. Hope and fear alternately pervaded the minds of the Missionaries and their pupils, with regard to the burning of the idols, and the consequent tumult, devasta¬ tion, and bloodshed that might follow. The adherents of Christianity were but few, (less than fifty,) and sur¬ rounded by jealous and cruel idolaters—who already began to wonder “whereunto this thing might grow.” Patii, however, was punctual to his word. He, with his friends, had collected a quantity of fuel near the sea- beach ; and, in the afternoon, the wood was split, and piled on a point of land in the western part of Papetoai, near the large national Marae, or temple, in which he had officiated. Hie report of his intention had spread among the people of the district, and multitudes assem¬ bled to witness this daring act of impiety, or the sudden vengeance which they expected would fall upon the sacrilegious criminal. The Missionaries and their friends also attended. The varied emotions of hope and fear, of dread and expectation, with a strange air of mysterious foreboding, agitating the bosoms of the multitude, were strongly marked in the countenances POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 211 of the spectators; resembling, perhaps in no small degree, the feeling depicted in the visages of the assem¬ bled Israelites, when the prophet Elijah summoned them to prove the power of Baal, or to acknowledge the omnipotence of the Lord God of Israel. short time before sun-set, Patii appeared, and ordered his attendants to apply fire to the pile. This being done, he hastened to the sacred depository of his gods, brought them out, not in¬ deed as he had been on some occasions accustomed to do, that they might receive the blind homage of the waiting populace,—but to convince the deluded multitude of the impotency and the vanity of the objects of their adora¬ tion and their dread. When he approached the burning pile, he laid them down on the ground. They were small carved wooden images, rude imitations of the human figure; or shapeless logs of wood, covered with finely braided and curiously wrought cinet of cocoa-nut fibres, and ornamented with red feathers. The accom¬ panying representations will convey some idea of the shape and appearance of the former kind. 212 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. Patii tore off the sacred cloth in which they were enve¬ loped, to be safe from the gaze of vulgar eyes; stripped them of their ornaments, which he cast into the fire; and then one by one threw the idols themselves into the crack¬ ling flames—sometimes pronouncing the name and pedi¬ gree of the idol, and expressing his own regret at having worshipped it—at others, calling upon the spectators to behold their inability even to help themselves. Thus were the idols which Patii, who was a powerful priest in Eimeo, had worshipped, publicly destroyed. The flames became extinct, and the sun, which had never before shed his rays upon such a scene in those islands, cast his last beams, as he sunk behind the western wave, upon the expiring embers of that fire, which had already mingled Avitli the earth upon which it had been kindled—the ashes of the once obeyed and dreaded idols of Eimeo. Patii on this occasion was not prompted by a spirit of daring bravado, but by the conviction of truth, deeply impressed upon his heart, and a desire to undeceive his deluded countrymen; probably consi¬ dering, that as his conduct and instruction had hereto¬ fore done much to extend and propagate the influence of idolatry, so his thus publicly abandoning it, and exposing himself to all the consequences of their dreaded ire, would most effectually weaken their confidence in the gods, and lead them to desire instruction concerning that Being, who, he was convinced, was the only living and true God,—who was a spirit, and was to he wor¬ shipped, not with human or other sacrifices, save those of a broken heart and a contrite spirit, or the sacri¬ fices of thanksgiving and of praise. Although many of the spectators undoubtedly viewed Patii with feelings analogous to those with which POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 213 the Melitians viewed the apostle Paul when the viper fastened on his hand, and were, many of them, evidently disappointed when they saw no evil befall him, they did not attempt to rescue the gods, when insulted, and perhaps riven by the axe, or stripped to be cast into the flames. No tumult followed, and no one came forward to revenge the insult offered to the tute¬ lar deities of their country. Probably, Gamaliel-like, they thought it best not to interfere at that time, as their belief in the power of the gods had hitherto remained unshaken, and they doubtless expected that, in their own way, the gods would take signal vengeance on those by whom, in the sight of the nation, they had been thus dishonoured. The watchful providence of God, over His infant cause in these islands, was remarkably conspicuous in pre¬ serving Patii and his friends, and allowing them, after the events of the evening, safely and peacefully to return. There were many present, who w T ere indig¬ nant at the insult, and filled with rage at the impiety of 11 ;tct, as well as convinced, that if this conduct should !»• Militated by others, not only would their craft and emoluments be endangered, but they would no longer be able to exercise that unquestioned influence over the people, to which they had hitherto been accus¬ tomed ; nor to indulge their base propensities, and live in that luxurious ease they then enjoyed. Had any popular tumult followed this heroic act, the idolaters - 4 -*e so numerous and powerful, and the Christians so w r eak, that their destruction would have been inevitable; and even the lives of the Missionaries, who would have been considered as the cause of all the dis¬ turbances, might not have been secure. God, however, 214 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. preserved them, and they returned, to render to him the thanks and the glory due unto his name. The conduct of Patii, when it became more extensively known, produced the most decisive effects on the priests and people. Numbers in Tahiti and Eimeo were em¬ boldened, by his example—not only in burning their idols, but demolishing their maraes or temples; their altars were also stripped and overthrown, and the wood employed in their construction converted into fuel, and used in the native kitchens. Patii became the pupil of the Missionaries, and a constant worshipper of the true God, persevering amidst much ridicule and persecution. Whether his mind had at this time undergone a divine and decisive change, it is not necessary now to inquire; every evidence that could be required, has since been given, of the sincerity of his profession of Christianity, and the influence of its principles on his heart. His conduct, from this period, has been uniformly moral and upright, his mind humble, his disposition affectionate and mild, and his habits of life reformed and industrious. The in¬ fluence of his character in Papetoai, where he is best know n, has occasioned his election to an important office in the Christian church. He is a valuable and steady friend, and an assistant, in whom the Mis¬ sionaries can repose confidence. Although not a chief of the highest rank, he had been raised by the kmg and people to the office of a magistrate, in his own district. His conduct on the above occasion gave idolatry a stab more deadly than any which it had before received, and inflicted a wound, from which, with all the energy subsequently manifested, it never could recover. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 215 In the month of March, 1814, Mr. Nott, accompanied by Mr. Hayward, visited Huahine, Raiatea, and Tahaa, the principal of the Society Islands, conversing with the inhabitants, travelling round the islands, and preaching to the people wherever it was convenient. In every place they were welcomed and entertained with hos¬ pitality. The inhabitants frequently assembled to hear their instructions, as soon as they knew of their arrival in a district or village; whereas, on every former occasion, it had required much time and labour, by personal application, to assemble the smallest congre¬ gations. Many appeared to listen with earnestness and satisfaction to the message they delivered, called God the good spirit, and scrupled not to designate their own gods as varua maamaa y and varua ino y foolish spirits, and evil spirits. In the autumn of the same year, Mr. Wilson went on board a vessel at Eimeo, which was driven to the leeward islands, where contrary winds detained him and his companions for three months. During this p< < iod he was much among the people, preached to »< • idive congregations on the Sabbath and other days, " ■ w as happy to find that those whose names had been written down at Tahiti continued steadfast. He also added to their number thirty-nine others, whose names, at their own desire, were recorded as the professed wor¬ shippers of the true God. When he left them, they t xpressed the deepest regret, and requested that one of Missionaries would come and reside among them. Before Mr. Nott visited the Society Islands, he finished the translation of the Gospel of Luke; and, in the course of the same year, the Missionaries sent a copy of their catechism to New South Wales, to be 21(5 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. printed there. They were exceedingly anxious to obtain a supply of elementary books, as the spelling books from England were expended, and the desire for instruction had increased to such a degree, that upwards of two hundred scholars attended their school at Papetoai. About this time, several of the chiefs of the Society Islands, and many of their adherents, who had come up in 1811 to assist Pomare in the recovery of his government and authority in Tahiti, returned to their own dominions; not, however, without most earnestly requesting the Missionaries to send them teachers and books. Tamatoa and his brother, with other chiefs, had been residing for some time at the Missionary station in Eimeo, they had attended the school and public in¬ struction in the place of worship; and several, among the most promising, of whom was Paumoana, at present a valuable native Missionary in the Harvey islands, appeared to be under the decisive influence of Christian principle. After an absence of two years, during which he had resided in Tahiti, vainly expecting the restoration of his government, and endeavouring to recover his authority in his hereditary dominions, Pomare returned to Eimeo in the autumn of 1814, accompanied by a large tiain of adherents and dependants, all professors, at least, of Christianity. These regularly attended the school, and increased the congregation to such a degree, that it was necessary to enlarge the place of worship. The king had been unable to withstand the temptation with which he had been assailed at Tahiti, to use ardent spirits; and although not addicted to entire POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 217 intoxication, yet it induced the Missionaries to fear that he, like Agrippa, was but almost a Christian. They could not but indulge unfavourable apprehensions on his account; yet, considering his previous habits, that intemperance had ever been the vice to which he was most addicted, and the peculiar temptations to which his residence in Tahiti had exposed him, they could not readily relinquish the hopes they had entertained re¬ specting him. The numerous attendance and increasing earnestness of the people, induced the Missionaries to meet them for Divine worship twice on the Lord's day, and once during the week. In addition to these public instruc¬ tions, they held a meeting every Sabbath evening with those whose names had been written down as the disciples of Christ, and spent much time in more private endeavours to direct the views, and confirm the belief, of those who were desirous to be added to their number. These sacred exercises were enlivened by the natives, who united with their teachers in celebrating the praises of Jehovah, a number of the natives having been taught to sing hymns that had been < m«i r ;ed in the native language. The Missionaries had often, with mingled feelings of horror and pity, heard their songs of licentiousness or of war, as well as the cantillations of their heathen worship, and their songs in honour of their idols; and it is hardly possible to form an adequate idea of the delightful transport with which, at first, they must have heard the high praises of the Almighty ascend from native voices. Upaparu , a principal chief in the eastern part of Tahiti, came over to Eimeo for the express purpose of seeking Christian instruction, and attending the 218 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. assemblies for public worship. He was accompanied by twelve of his people* ecpially anxious with himself* and his wife* Maihota* to know more respecting these important matters. On the 15th of April they reached the Missionary station. The following day was the Sabbath. They attended public worship in the fore¬ noon ; and when they saw the congregation standing up* and heard them sing the praises of Jehovah in their native tongue* they w T ere for some time mute with as¬ tonishment, and some of them so deeply affected* as to be unable to refrain from tears. An excellent discourse was afterwards delivered by Mr. Scott* to which they listened with mingled feelings of wonder and delight. A variety of events occurred at this time* to confirm the attachment of those who had professed themselves favourable to Christianity* and to induce those who were undecided to join them. On one occasion* a family in Eimeo were plunged into great distress* on account of the sufferings of one of its members* and the prospect of a fatal issue. A priest was sent for* who implored the assistance of his god; but* continuing his inter¬ cession for a long time* without any apparent relief to the sufferer* he deserted* and left the family in hopeless disappointment. A native* who was a worshipper of Jehovah* was among the attending friends. He kneeled down* and offered up a fervent prayer to the true God. While he was thus engaged* relief was afforded* and the weeping and forebodings of the family turned into grateful wonder* and joyous gratulations.* I simply In recording this incident, it is proper to state, that the Missionaries disclaim all idea of miraculous interposition. At the same time, the provi¬ dential coincidence of the events, and the encouragement which the word of God gives to “ fervent and effectual prayer,” demand attentive con¬ sideration, and grateful acknowledgment.—Psalm cvii. 43. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 219 state the fact, as it is recorded by the Missionary in the island at the time, without making any comment; which, indeed, it neither requires nor admits. On the minds of the family, and the inhabitants of the place, it pro¬ duced a powerful impression. They hastened to the idol temple of the district, which they demolished, breaking down the altars, and bringing forth their gods, which they execrated as false, and publicly committed to the flames. A similar instance occurred early in this year. One of the scholars, the wife of an areoi, who had for some time, with her husband’s consent, attended the school, was suddenly taken ill. The members of the family were alarmed; and, accustomed to attribute every calamity to the anger of the gods, immediately concluded that her illness was occasioned by their dis¬ pleasure, which she had probably incurred by attending the school and the Christian worship of the Missionaries. Patii , the priest of the district, was instantly sent for. On his arrival, a small pig and a young plantain were (>i cured, and handed to Patii; who, in offering them to hi god, thus addressed him : O Satani! eialia oe e riri , / /, faaora, Teie te hapa , ua faarue ia oe, ua haava - n hta e te papaa , Teie te buaa, eialia e riri; u O Satan ! be not angry, restore, restore; this is the sin, deceived by the foreigners (she) has forsaken you. Here is a pig (as an atonement,) be not angry.” In this address ii is singular to notice the application of the term Satan * the god Patii invoked. It was introduced by the Missionaries, and at this time adopted by the Christians, when speaking of any of the idols of Tahiti. Although dangerously ill at the time these efforts were made, the woman recovered; and, notwithstanding all the fearful 220 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. representation of consequences, made by her friends, attended the school again, so soon as her strength admitted. Her infatuation, as they conceived it to be in this respect, not only encouraged her school-fellows, but, with other circumstances which occurred about the same time, made a considerable impression on the minds of the idolaters, and occasioned some of the priests publicly to declare their firm conviction 66 that the religion of the foreigners would prevail, in spite of all opposition” The progress of Divine truth was so rapid among the natives, that, in the close of 1814, not fewer than 300 hearers regularly attended the preaching of the gospel. Upwards of 200 had given in their names, as professors of Christianity. Three hundred scholars attended the means of instruction in Eimeo; besides which, there were a number in Sir Charles Sander’s Island, Huahine, and Raiatea; so that, at this time there is reason to believe that between five and six hundred had renounced idol-worship. These encouraging appearances, in regard to the affairs of the new converts, only appeared to arouse the anger of their idolatrous enemies, who were no longer satisfied with simply ridiculing, and treating with con¬ tempt, the objects of their hatred, but proceeded to more alarming plans of resistance against the progress of those new principles which were daily gaining ground among the people. It was by no means an uncontested triumph, nor an undisputed possession, that Christianity acquired in those islands ; every inch was reluctantly sur¬ rendered ; and, at several periods, persecution raged, amid the Elysian bowers of Tahiti and Eimeo, as much as ever it had done in the valleys of Piedmont, or the metropolis POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 221 of the Roman empire. Many, in Tahiti especially, were plundered of their property, banished from their homes and their possessions, their houses were burnt, and they themselves hunted for sacrifices to be offered to Oro, merely because they were Bure Atua prayers to God. In some places, the persecutions were so invete¬ rate as to produce remonstrances, even from several of the inferior chiefs, who were themselves idolaters. The commencement of the year 1815 is distinguished, in the annals of Tahiti, by changes in society, affecting deeply, not only the religious, but the domestic condi¬ tion of the people, especially of the females. Idolatry had exerted all its withering and deadly influence, not only over every moment of their earthly existence, but every department of life, destroying, by its debasing and unsocial dictates, every tender feeling, and all the en¬ joyments of domestic intercourse. The father and the mother, with their children, never, as one social happy band, surrounded the domestic hearth, or, assembling under the grateful shade of the verdant grove, partook together, as a family, of the bounties of Providence, nameless but delightful emotions, experienced on " occasions, were unknown to them, and all that u are accustomed to distinguish by the endearing ippellation of domestic happiness. The institutes of Oro and Tane inexorably required, not only that the wife should not eat those kinds of food of which the husband partook, but that she should not eat in the same place, or prepare her food at the same fire. This restriction applied not only to the wife, with regard to her husband, but to all the individuals of the female sex, from their birth to the day of their death. In sickness or pain, or whatever other circumstances, \ 222 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. the mother, the wife, the sister, or the daughter, might be brought into, it was never relaxed. The men, especially those who occasionally attended on the ser¬ vices of idol worship in the temple, were considered ra 9 or sacred; while the female sex, altogether, was con¬ sidered noa , or common : the men were allowed to eat the flesh of the pig, and of fowls, and a variety of fish, cocoa-nuts, and plantains, and whatever was presented as an offering to the gods, which the females, on pain of death, were forbidden to touch; as it was supposed, they would pollute them. The fires at which the men’s food was cooked, were also sacred, and were forbidden to be used by the females. The baskets in which their pro¬ vision was kept, and the house in which the men ate, were also sacred, and prohibited to the females under the same cruel penalty. Hence the inferior food, both for wives, daughters, &c. was cooked at separate fires, deposited in distinct baskets, and eaten in lonely solitude by the females, in little huts erected for the purpose. The most offensive and frequent imprecations which the men were accustomed to use towards each other, referred also to this degraded condition of the females. E taha miti noa oe no to medua , Mayest thou become a bottle, to hold salt water for thy mother ; or another, Mayest thou be baked as food for thy mother; were im¬ precations they were accustomed to denounce upon each other: or, Take out your eye-ball, and give it to your mother to eat. To this cheerless and debasing distinction, the female sex had been for ages subject, from the direct injunctions of their false system of religion ; and as its cumbrous fabric began to give way, this barbarous and arbitrary requisition was pro port ionably disregarded. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 223 Not only were the sacred materials with which the altars, and the apendages of the temple, had been constructed, com crted into fuel; but the food, considered sacred, was esteemed so no longer, the invidious and debasing dis¬ tinctions attached to the females were removed, and both sexes, among those who professed Christianity, sat down together to their cheerful meal. Under the influence of these encouraging prospects, although enfeebled by frequent indisposition, the Mis¬ sionaries prosecuted their work; their scholars increased in the same degree that the profession of Christianity prevailed, and a supply of four hundred copies of their abridgment of the New Testament, and a thousand copies of small elementary books, which had been printed in New South Wales, arrived very opportunely about this time; spelling books they were still much in want of, as those formerly printed in England had long been expended. Such was the pleasing state of things in the com- mcncement of 1815. The importance and advantages of edur it ion appeared to be more extensively appreciated, ' I i tween forty and fifty, principally adults, regularly M 11 * h*d the Mission school. The agents of vice, ido- Liifv, and cruelty, were not inactive. The struggle I) tween light and darkness, truth and error, order, and anarchy, benevolence and barbarism, had never ap¬ peared more intense and conspicuous, than at this time. The little band of scholars in the Mission school, and worshippers in the chapel, unwilling to enjoy their privileges alone, employed every proper and persuasive means to induce their friends and relatives to attend to these things ; at least to make a trial of the school, and to hear what was said about 224 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. the true God. The latter, however, frequently became indignant at the very proposal, charging the God of the foreigners with all the maladies under which they suffered, and the disturbances that agitated the country; accusing them also of bringing down the vengeance of their own gods upon the family, by deserting their altars, and worshipping with the strangers. Frequently, however, they answered their entreaties only with ridi¬ cule and scorn, tauntingly inquiring, Where is the good of which you speak so much—the salvation of which you tell us ? the foreigners themselves die, their pupils die, or suffer the same pain that we do; and what good have you derived from going to their schools ? Let us see—if you go this week, and bring home a good bundle of cloth, or scissors, or knives, or any thing else worth having, then we will go too; if not, we will have nothing to do with such profitless work. The state of things resembled greatly that described by the Saviour, when speaking of the results that should follow the promulga¬ tion of his gospel. In many a family, the husband was an idolater, and the wife a Christian,—or the reverse; the parents addicted to the gods of their ancestors, and the child a disciple of Jesus Christ; and many a wife was beaten by her husband, and many a child driven from the parental roof, solely on account of their attachment to the new religion. In Tahiti, the idolaters proceeded to the greatest acts of lawless violence and horrid murder. More than once, individuals were selected to be offered in sacrifice to the gods, only because they were Christians. Mr. Davies, in his journey round Tahiti, in 1816, met with the murderer of the young man who was offered in sacrifice by the people of Taia- POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 225 rabii. to insure success in their last attack upon the pe< >ple of Atehuru and Papara, and whose tragical death he justly considered, ought to be recorded, because it is hoped it was “the last human sacrifice offered in Tahiti,” and because the victim was selected “on account of his attachment to Christianity.” Aberahama, an interesting and intelligent young man, who was a pupil in our school at Eimeo, was marked out as a victim; and, when the servants of the priests came to take him, being obliged to fly for his life, he was pursued by the murderers, shot at, wounded, and but narrowly escaped. When he received the ball, he fell, and, unable to save himself by flight, crawled among the bushes, and hid himself so completely, as to elude the vigilant search of his enemies, although it was continued for some time, and they often passed near his retreat. Under cover of the darkness of night, he crept down to the dwelling of his friends, who dressed his wound, and conveyed him to a place of safety. But, although he recovered from the shot, and lives, not only to enjoy the blessings of the gospel in this world, and to be useful imparting its benefits to others, he will, to adopt the '"age of Mr. Davies, “carry the honourable scar to his grave.” An immolation, equally affecting, was related to me by Mr. Nott. A fine, intelligent young man, on becoming a disciple of Christ, and a public worshipper of Jehovah, was ridiculed by his family; this proving ineffectual, flattering promises were made of temporal advantages, if he would again unite with those who had been his former associates in idol worship ; these he also declined. He then was threatened with all their weight of vengeance; and still remaining firm 2 G , PyI McGill university library 391638 • •• \/ . • . 4-l/6?53tf 228 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. and Christian principle. Before, however, these feelings could be exercised, and the earth had drank up his blood, or his insulted corpse was deposited on their altar, his liberated and ransomed spirit had winged its Avay to the realms of blessedness, received the welcome greeting of his Saviour, and, invested with the robes of victory, the palm of triumph, and the crown of glory, had joined “ the noble army of martyrs;” and united in ascriptions of grateful homage unto Him who had loved him, and not only made him faithful to the end, but triumphant over death. Those who heard the young man’s dying words, and witnessed his calm unshaken firmness in the moment of trial, with many, among whom the report circulated, were probably led to think differently of the religion he professed, than they had done before. The blood of the martyrs has ever been the seed of the church; and, from an exhibition of principles so unequivocal in their nature, and so happy in their effects, it is not too much to presume that it proved so on the present occasion. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 229 CHAP. IX. Distillation of ardent spirits—Description of a native still—Materials employed in distillation—Murderous effects of intoxication—Seizure of the Queen Charlotte—Murder of the officers—Escape of Mr. Shelly —Seizure of the Daphne—Massacre of the captain and part of the crew —Upaparu removes to Eimeo—First Christians denominated Bure Vtua —Public triumph over idolatry in Eimeo—Visit of the Queen and her sister to Tahiti—Emblems of the gods committed to the flames—Account of Farefare—Projected assassination of the Bure Atua—Manner of their escape—War in Tahiti—Pomare’s tour of Eimeo. Intemperance at this time prevailed to an awful and unprecedented degree. By the Sandwich Islanders, who had arrived some years before, the natives had been taught to distil ardent spirits from the saccha¬ ric ti root, which they now practised to a great t nt, and exhibited, in a proportionate degree, lie demoralizing and debasing influence of drun¬ kenness. Whole districts frequently united, to erect w r hat might Ik* termed a public still. It was a rude, unsightly machine, yet it answered but too well the purpose for which it was made. It generally consisted of a large ; e luent of rock, hollowed in a rough manner, and fixed firmly upon a solid pile of stones, leaving a space under¬ neath for a fire-place. The but-end of a large tree was then hollowed out, and placed upon the rough stone boiler for a cap. The baked ti root, Drcicance terminalis, ‘230 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. macerated in water, and already in a state of fermenta¬ tion, was then put into the hollow stone, and covered with the unwieldy cap. The fire was kindled under¬ neath ; a hole was made in the wooden cap of the still, into which a long, small, bamboo cane, placed in a trough of cold water, was inserted at one end, and, when the process of distillation was commenced, the spirit flowed from the other into a calabash, cocoa-nut shell, or other vessel, placed underneath to receive it. Tahitian Still . When the materials were prepared, the men and boys of the district assembled in a kind of temporary house, erected over the still, in order to drink the ava , as they called the spirit. The first that issued from the still being the strongest, they called the ao; it was carefully received, and given to the chief; that subse¬ quently procured, was drunk by the people in general. In this employment they were sometimes engaged for several days together, drinking the spirit as it issued from the still, sinking into a state of indescribable POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 231 wretchedness, and often practising the most ferocious barbarities. Travellers among the natives experienced greater inconvenience from these district stills than from any other cause, for when the people were either prepar¬ ing one, or engaged in drinking, it was impossible to obtain either their attention, or the common offices of hospitality. Under the unrestrained influence of their intoxicating draught, in their appearance and actions they resembled demons more than human beings. Sometimes, in a deserted still-house might be seen the fragments of the rude boiler, and the other ap¬ pendages of the still, scattered in confusion on the ground; and among them the dead and mangled bodies of those who had been murdered with axes or billets of wood in the quarrels that had terminated their dis¬ sipation. It was not only among themselves that their unbridled passions led to such enormities. One or two European vessels were seized, and the crews inhumanly murdered. Me first was the Queen Charlotte, of Port Jackson, the \ c iel by which we arrived in the islands. wards the autumn of 1813, Mr. Shelly, formerly a Missionary in Tongatabu, and subsequently in Matavai, * rrived as master of the Queen Charlotte, at Eimeo, on his way to the Paumotu, or Pearl Islands. These lie to 1 - H ‘ eastward of Tahiti, and form what is denominated ! he Dangerous Archipelago. The vessel was but irnper- t iy manned, and a number of natives, of Raiatea and i aliiti, were taken on board, to dive among the lagoon islands for the pearl oyster. They proceeded to their destination, but had scarcely commenced their pearl¬ fishing, when the natives attacked the crew, barbarously 232 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. murdered the first and second officers, who were men of fine stature and benevolent dispositions; and killing one of the seamen, took possession of the ship. Mr. Shelly’s life was threatened, and only spared at the instance of two lahitians, who, anxious to save him, requested that he might be kept, to navigate the vessel to Tahiti, whither they intended to return. One of these natives was Upaparu, a chief of rank, present secretary to the government of Tahiti, and a steady friend to foreigners. When the vessel arrived at Tahiti, Po- mare succeeded in securing to Mr. Shelly its restoration, though most of the property had been plundered. Mat¬ ting was procured for sails, and the vessel reached Port Jackson in safety. Flushed with the success that had attended the savage and daring effort of the Raiateans, the Tahitians, whom Captain Fodger had employed on board his vessel, the Daphne, for the purpose of diving among the pearl islands, rose upon the ship’s company, murdered the captain and some of the men, took possession of the vessel, and brought her to Tahiti. Mr. G. Bicknell, a nephew of Mr. Bicknell, was on board at the time, but his life was spared, amidst the general carnage that attended the assault. The mutinous natives returned to their own island, but were met as they were about to enter the harbour at Tahiti, by Captain Walker of the Endeavour, who succeeded in retaking the vessel, and thus deprived them of their plunder. These acts of daring outrage and appalling crime, on the one side, and of increasing and decided attachment to the principles of order, humanity, and religion, on the other, seemed to indicate that matters in Tahiti were last verging to an important issue, and that, before long, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 233 some violent convulsion in society must follow. The Missionaries could not view these things with insensi¬ bility, as they saw what they had to expect, should they fall into the hands of those who had been guilty of such wanton cruelty; their support was, however, derived f'om the conviction, that their God was governor among- i he nations, and that the Lord omnipotent reigned. Towards the close of the year 1813, one of the early scholars departed to the world of spirits, under the consolation that pure religion imparts in the hour of death. He was often heard to say, while confined !<• his couch, when he saw his former companions going to the school, or the place of worship, “ My feet cannot follow, but my heart goes with you.” He did not pre¬ tend to know much, but he knew that he was a sinner, and that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, and this knowledge removed from his mind the fear of death. Early in the same year, the number of pupils, and id (hose who professed Christianity, considerably in¬ creased in Eimeo, and favourable intelligence continued to arrive from the adjacent island. 1 e report of the increase of the Christians, and their ini • oicement in knowledge, &c. had already circulated i! i roughout Tahiti; the minds of many were unsettled, dini numbers were halting between two opinions. Upa- pai u, a chief of rank and influence in the eastern part ol ) ahiti, with his wife, and twelve or thirteen of his people, came over to Eimeo, in order to receive instruction. The inhabitants of the Leeward Islands, whose encampment he passed when on his way to I apetoai, strongly persuaded him to join their party, and carry the flag of the gods to Raiatea, entreat- 2 H 234 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. ing him to adhere to the religion of his fathers, and to beware of Matupuupuu , a man of influence, an areoi, and a higli-priest, from Huahine, who had recently joined the Christian converts, and Utami, a well- informed and enterprising man, chief in the island of Tahaa, who, with his wife, had also attached himself to their number. Fifty had now given in their names, as having renounced idolatry, desiring to acknowledge Jehovah alone as the true God, and to he instructed in the obedience his word required. Others attended in such numbers, that it was found necessary to enlarge the first place of worship they had ever used in the islands. The converts were punctual and regular in their ob¬ servance of the outward ordinances of religion, in frequent social meetings for prayer, and seasons of retirement for private devotion. Their whole moral conduct seemed changed; the things they once delighted in, they now abhorred, and found enjoyment in what had formerly been a source of ridicule or aversion. Their habit of invariably asking a blessing, and returning thanks after meals, and their frequent attention to prayer, attracted the notice of their coun¬ trymen, and procured for them, as a term of reproach from their enemies, the designation of Bure Atua , literally Prayers to God; from Bure , to pray, and Atua , God; the meaning of which was, the people who prayed to God, or the praying people. Bure Atua is a designation in no respect dishonourable to those to whom it was ap¬ plied, and of which they have never been ashamed, though considered as an epithet of contempt or oppro¬ brium, and applied in a manner similar to that in which the term Saint or Methodist is used in the present day, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 235 or the designation of Nazarene or Christian was given to the first disciples. Since the profession of Christianity lias become general, it has been much less used than formerly. Haapii parau, learners, or brethren, friends, and disciples, are the terms most frequently employed by the converts themselves. In the close of 1814, Pomare-vahine, the daughter of the Icing of Paiatea, and the sister of Pomarc s queen, paid a visit to Eimeo, from the Leeward Islands, and in the month of May, 1815, made a voyage to Tahiti, in com¬ pany with her sister the queen, with a numerous train of companions and attendants, most of whom professed to be Christians. Their object was to make the tour of Tahiti, " it h the \ is it or from the Leeward Islands. Previously, however, to their embarkation, a signal triumph was achieved in favour of Christianity, at a public festival, in which they were the most conspicuous party. It has ever been considered a mark of respect due to every distinguished visitor, to prepare, soon after t -"’ arrival of such an individual, a sumptuous feast, termed by the natives a faamuraa , or feeding. Not, however, by furnishing a rich and splendid entertain- at the habitation of the proprietors, and inviting guests the parties in honour of whom it was pre¬ pared, but by cooking a number of whole pigs, fowls, and li.-di, with a proportionate accompaniment of roots and vegetables, puddings, and what may be called their made- dishes, and carrying the whole to the encampment of the visitor, with a considerable addition of the choicest fruits the season may afford. An expensive and sumptuous entertainment of this kind was furnished by the chiefs of Eimeo for the queen’s sister. A large quantity of every valuable kind 236 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. of food was dressed and presented, together with several bundles of native cloth. On such occasions, it was cus¬ tomary for a priest or priests to attend; and before any of it was eaten, to offer the whole to the gods, by taking parts of the animals, and particular kinds of the fruit, to the temple, and depositing them upon the altar. The king and his friends were desirous on this occasion to prevent such an acknowledgment. When, therefore, the food was presented to Pomare - vahine, before any article was touched by the attendants, and while the spectators were expecting the priests to select the customary offerings to the idols, one of her principal men, who was a Christian, came forward, uncovered his head, and, looking up to heaven, offered in an audible voice theii acknowledgments and thanksgivings to Jehovah, who liberally gave them food and raiment and every earthly blessing, lhe assembled multitude w'ere con¬ founded and astonished ; and the food being, by this act, offered as they considered to Jehovah, no one dared to take any part of it to the idol temple. When the party reached Tahiti, they landed in Pare, the hereditary district of Pomare’s family, where they were welcomed by the friends of the king, and the guar¬ dian ot Aimata, his only child, who with her nurse resided here. From the few Christians in the neighbourhood, they w’ere happy to learn that the inhabitants of large sections of Pare, and the adjacent district of Matavai. the former residence of their teachers, had renounced idolatry, and were desirous to receive Christian in- truction. Bjr the queen, or her sister, the king sent over a new book to Aimata, his infant daughter, which being con- F>OLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 23 / sidered as an indication of his purpose that she should be trained up in the new religion, was a source of great encouragement to the converts, and of corresponding- dissatisfaction to the idolaters, who already began to meditate on the means of their destruction. T( was not in Pare and Matavai alone that the pro¬ fessed worshippers of God were to be found. Some there were who openly avowed their attachment to the new order of things, maintaining, in the midst of the heathen around them, daily worship in their families, and morning and evening private devotion; others, who, for fear of giving offence to their chiefs or neighbours, maintained secretly their profession, and at the hour of midnight met together, as the persecuted Christians in England have often formerly done, in the depths of the woods, or the retired glens of the valleys, for conference or social prayer. The state of affairs in Tahiti was such, as to prevent the queen and her sister from proceeding on their in- tended tour of the island; but while they remained at Care, a circumstance occurred similar to that which had tr pired in Eirneo, though probably more decisive and important in its immediate results. - hen a present of food and cloth was brought to the visitors by some of the chiefs of Tahiti, the priests also attended, and, observing the party disinclined to acknowledge or render the customary homage to the gods, began to expatiate on the power of the gods, and, pointing to some bunches of ura, or red feathers, which < always considered emblematical of their deities, em¬ ployed insulting language, and threatened with vengeance tlie queen’s companions. One of Pomare-vahine’s men, the individual who had offered their acknowledgments to 238 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. God, oil the presentation of food in Eimeo, hearing this, and pointing to the feathers, said, “ Are those the mighty things you so extol, and with whose anger you threaten us ? If so, I will soon convince you of their inability even to preserve themselves.’* Running at the same time to the spot where they w r ere fixed, he seized the bunches of feathers, and cast them into a large fire close by, where they were instantly consumed. The people stood aghast, and uttered exclamations of horror at the sacrilegious deed; and it is probable that this act in¬ creased the hatred already rankling in the bosoms of the idolatrous party. The individual who acted so heroic and con¬ spicuous a part on these occasions was Farefau , a native of JBorabora, but attached to the household of Pomare-vahine, with whom he had arrived from the Leeward Islands in 1814. When he reached Eimeo, he was an idolater, but soon became a pupil in the school; and, in the close of the same year, desired that his name might be recorded among the converts. He occupied a prominent station in all the struggles between paganism and true religion; and maintained an un¬ blemished character, and an unwavering profession, through the varied scenes of that unsettled period. He engaged with diligence in teaching the inhabitants of the remote and rocky parts of Taiarabu the cate¬ chism and the art of reading; and after a lingering illness, during which he enjoyed the presence and support which true religion alone can impart, delivered, as he expressed himself on the last day of his life, from the fear of death, and having his hopes fixed or relying on the Son of God as the only Saviour, he died in peace, at our Missionary station in Afareaitu, on the POLYNESIAV RESEARCHES. 239 29th of July, 181/, nearly two years after the total overthrow of idolatry in 1815. lie Avas a man of decision and daring enterprise: and though on the occasion in Tahiti ahoA'e referred to, he may ha\e acted AA’itli a degree of zeal some— "hat imprudent, it was a zeal resulting, not from ignorant rashness, but enlightened principle, and holy indignation against the boasting threatenings and lying vanities of the priests of idolatry; to whose arts of deception he had formerly been no stranger. The influence of the Bure Atua in the nation, from the rank many of them held, and the confidence with which they maintained the superiority of their religion, together Avith the accessions that were daily made to their numbers from various parts of the island, not only increased the latent enmity against Chris¬ tianity which the idolaters had always cherished, but awakened the first emotion of apprehension lest this neAV Avord should ultimately prevail, and the gods, their temples, and their Avorship, be altogether disregarded. To avoid this, they determined on the destruction, the toi:'l annihilation, of every one in Tahiti who was known to pray to Jehovah. project was formed by the pagan chiefs of Pare, Matavai, and Hapaiano, to assassinate, in one night, every individual of the Bure Atua. The persecuted party was already formidable in point of numbers and rank, and the idolaters, in order to ensure success in their murderous design, invited the chiefs of Atehuru ■ mI Papara to join them. The time was fixed for the perpetration of this bloody deed. At the hour of mid¬ night they Avere to be attacked, their property plun¬ dered, their houses burnt, and every prisoner secured, 210 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. to be slaughtered on the spot. The parties, who for a long time had been inveterate enemies to each other, readily agreeing to the proposal, were made friends on the occasion, and cordially assented to the plan of destroying the Christians. The intended victims of this treachery were unconscious of their danger, until the evening of the 7th of July; when, a few hours only before the horrid massacre was to have commenced, they received secret intelligence of the ruin that was ready to burst upon them. Circumstances, unforeseen and uncontrollable by their enemies, had prevented the different parties from arriving punctually at their respective points of ren¬ dezvous ; otherwise, even now escape would have been impracticable, and destruction inevitable, as the Porionu, inhabitants of Pare, Matavai, and Hapaiano, would have been on the one side, and in their rear, and the party from Atehuru and Papara on the other. The delay in the arrival of some of these, afforded the only hope of deliverance. At this remarkably critical period, the whole of the party having to attend a meeting either for public worship, or for some other general purpose, assembled in the evening near the sea. No time was to be lost. Their canoes were lying on the beach. They were instantly launched; and, hurrying away what few things they could take, they embarked soon after sunset, and reached Eimeo in safety on the following morning, grateful for the happy and surprising deliverance they had experienced. The different parties, as they arrived towards midnight, learned, with no ordinary remorse and disappointment, that their prey had been alarmed, and had escaped beyond their power. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 241 A large body of armed and lawless warriors, be¬ longing to different and rival chieftains, thus brought together under irritated feelings, and perhaps mutually accusing each other as the cause of their disappointment, were not long without a pretext for commencing the of death among themselves. Ancient animosities, restrained only for the purpose of crushing what they considered a common enemy, were soon revived, and led to an open declaration of war between the tribes assembled. The inhabitants of Atehuru and Papara, who had been invited by the Porionu to join them in destroying the Bure Atua, attacked the Porionu; and, in the battle that followed, obtained a complete victory over them, killing one of their principal chiefs, and obliging the vanquished to seek their safety in flight. After this affair, the people of Taiarabu joined the victors. The whole island was again involved in war, and the conquering party scoured the coast from Atehuru to the eastern side of the isthmus, burning every house, destroying every plantation, plundering rv. ry article of property, and reducing the verdant and I ntiful districts of Pare, Faaa, the romantic valleys ' I autaua, Matavai, and Hapaiano, and the whole of i north-eastern part of the island, to a state of barren¬ ness and desolation. Success did not bring peace or rest to the victorious party. Proud of their triumph, insolent in crime, and impatient of control, the Atehuruans and natives of Papara quarrelled with the Taiarabuans, who had joined them in destroying the Porionu. A battle followed. The natives of Taiarabu were defeated, and fled to their •"itiesses in the mountains of their craggy peninsula, leaving the Oropaa masters of the island. 2 i \ 242 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. Numbers of the vanquished fled to Eimeo, where they were received by the king, or protected by the chiefs, who had taken no part whatever in the wars that were now desolating Tahiti, and who determined to observe the strictest neutrality; or, if they acted at all, to do so only on the defensive, should invasion be at¬ tempted. Besides the refugees, who in consequence of defeat in Tahiti had taken shelter in Eimeo, numbers who had secretly embraced Christianity, and feared ultimate destruction from the idolaters, although religion ap¬ peared to have no influence in the present commotion, came over to Eimeo, and joined the Christians. The aggregate of those whose names were written down as such, amounted at this period to nearly four hundred, and the pupils in the school were between six and seven hundred. Want of books alone prevented its being very considerably enlarged. Notwithstanding the Bure Atua had escaped the ma¬ chinations of their enemies, and the murderous counsel of the idolaters had issued in their own defeat, yet it was impossible, that, amidst the agitation which prevailed in Tahiti, the adjacent island of Eimeo should remain free from apprehension and disquiet; and although the king had sent repeated messages of a peaceable ten¬ dency to the conquerors, and had received assurances that there was no feeling of hostility towards him and his adherents, yet they knew, by past experience, that no reliance was to be placed on such professions, and were not without daily fears that a hostile fleet might disembark an invading army on their shores. When the queen and her sister went over to Tahiti, Pomare undertook a journey round Eimeo, purposing POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 243 to travel by short stages, and, by conversation with the chiefs of the different districts, to inform them of the nature of Christianity, endeavour to induce them to receive it, and recommend it to the people. He w r as not at first exempt from some degree of ridicule in this undertaking ; for many of the chiefs and landed proprietors in Eimeo, were by no means strongly attached to his family. They were, moreover, at that time the firm supporters of idolatry, and considered his neglect of the gods of his ancestors, as the cause of his own troubles, and the disastrous war then desolating Tahiti, his hereditary kingdom. He was not, however, discouraged; and it must have been truly gratifying to have beheld him thus usefully engaged. Whatever may have been the influence of Christian principles on his own mind, in subsequent periods of his life, Pomare certainly was employed by the Almighty, as an instrument most effectually to promote the im¬ portant process, at this time changing altogether the moral, civil, and religious aspect of the nation. The success that attended his endeavours appears from a letter which he addressed to the Missionaries while encamped in the district of Maatea, on the side of the island nearly opposite to that in which the Euro¬ pean settlement stood. In this letter he stated his delight in beholding the chiefs inclined to obey the word of God ; which, he said, Jehovah himself was causing to grow, so that it prospered exceedingly. Thirty-four or thirty-six, in one district, had, to use his own expression, “laid hold of the 'word of God,” though there were others who paid no attention to those things. 244 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. At Haumi, the adjoining district, but few were pre¬ vailed upon to forsake paganism; but among them was an intelligent man* who was a priest. At Maatea, the district from which the king wrote, ninety-six renounced idolatry while he was there, in addition to others who had done so before. The change appeared to be general here. The chiefs, priests, and people publicly committed their idols to the flames, attended public worship, requested to have their names written down as desirous of becoming Christians, and importuned the king and his attendants to pro¬ tract their visit, that they might be more fully in¬ formed in all the matters connected with the profes¬ sion they had now made. The Bure Atua had hitherto escaped the ruin intended for them by their enemies; and, though these were masters of Tahiti, in Eimeo, and secretly in Tahiti, the number of those who had joined the Christians w r as greatly increased. This state of things could not long remain. The haughty and turbulent spirit of the victors was such as to prevent it: and in the event of their pro¬ ceeding to the object for which they had taken up arms, viz. the suppression of Christianity, it was by no means improbable that both the native Christians and their teachers, if they were not destroyed by their enemies, might be expelled from Tahiti and Eimeo. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 245 CHAP. X. The refugees in Eimeo invited to return to Tahiti—Voyage of the king and his adherents—Opposition to their landing—Public worship on the Sabbath disturbed by the idolatrous army—Courage of the king— Circumstances of the battle of Bunaaui'a—Death of the idolatrous chieftain ^ ictory of the Christians—Clemency of the king and chiefs—Destruction of the image temple and altars of Oro—Total sub¬ version of paganism—General reception of Christianity—Consequent alteration in the circumstances of the people—Pomare’s prayer_ Tidings of the victory conveyed to Eimeo—Its influence in the adjacent islands Remarks on the time, circumstances, means, and agents, con¬ nected with the change. In the commencement of the year 1815, the affairs of Tahiti and Eimeo, in reference to the supremacy of Christianity or idolatry, were evidently tending to a crisis ; and although the converts had carefully avoided all interference in the late wars which had deso¬ lated the larger island, they were convinced that the time was not very remote, when their faith and principles must rise pre-eminent above the power and influence of that system of delusion and crime, of which they had so long been the slaves. To maintain the Chris¬ tian faith, and enjoy a continuance of their present peace and comfort, they foresaw would be impossible. Under the influence of these impressions, the 14th of July, 1815, was set apart as a day of solemn fasting and prayer to God, whose guidance and protection was implored. A chastened and dependent frame of mind was very generally experienced at this period by the 246 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. Christians, which led them to be prepared for what¬ ever in the course of Divine providence might tran¬ spire. Soon after this event, the pagan chiefs of Tahiti sent messengers to the refugees in Eimeo, inviting them to re¬ turn, and re-occupy the lands they had deserted. This invitation they accepted \ and, as the presence of the king was necessary in several of the usages and cere¬ monies observed on these occasions, Pomare went over about the same time, formally to reinstate them in their hereditary possessions. A large number of Po- mare’s adherents, who were professors of Christianity, and inhabitants of Huahine, Raiatea, and Eimeo, with Pomare-vahine and Mahine, the chief of Eimeo and Hua¬ hine, accompanied the king and the refugees to Tahiti. When they approached the shores of this island, the idolatrous party appeared in considerable force on the beach, assumed a hostile attitude, prohibited their landing, and repeatedly fired upon the king’s party. Instead of returning the fire, the king sent a flag ot truce and a proposal of peace. Several messages were exchanged, and the negociations appeared to terminate in confidence and friendship. The king and his followers were allowed to land, and several of the people returned un¬ molested to their respective districts and plantations. Negociations for the adjustment of the differences that had existed between the king and his friends, and the idolatrous chiefs, w T ere for a time carried on, and at length arranged, apparently to the satisfaction of the respective parties. The king, and those attached to his in¬ terest, were not however without suspicion, that it was only an apparent satisfaction ; and they were not mis¬ taken. The idolaters had indeed joined with them in POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 24 7 bending the wreath of amity and peace, while they were at the same time secretly and actively concerting measures for their destruction. The 12th of November, 1815, was the most eventful day that had yet occurred in the history of Tahiti. It was the Sabbath. In the forenoon, Pomare, and the people who had come over from Eimeo, probably about eight hundred, assembled for public worship at a place called Narii, near the village of Bunaaula, in the district of Atehuru. At distant points of the district, they sta¬ tioned piquets ; and when divine service was about to commence, and the individual who was to officiate stood up to read the first hymn, a firing of muskets was heard; and, looking out of the building in which they were assembled, a large body of armed men, preceded and attended by the flag of the gods, and the varied emblems of idolatry, were seen marching round a distant point of land, and advancing towards the place where they were assembled. It is war! It is war! was the cry which re-echoed through the place; as the approaching army were seen from the different parts of the building. Many, agreeably to the precautions of the Missionaries, had met for worship under arms ; others, who had not, were preparing to return to their tents, and arm for the battle. Some degree of confusion consequently prevailed* Pomare arose, and requested them all to remain quietly in their places ; stating, that they were under the special protection of Jehovah, and had met together for his worship, which was not to be forsaken or disturbed even by the approach of an enemy. Auna , formerly an areoi and a warrior, now a Christian teacher, who was my informant on these points, then read the hymn, and the congregation sang it. A portion of scripture was read, a prayer 248 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. offered to the Almighty, and the service closed. Those who were unarmed, now repaired to their tents, and procured their weapons. In assuming the posture of defence, the king’s friends formed themselves into two or three columns, one on the sea-beach, and the other at a short distance towards the mountains. Attached to Pomare’s camp, was a number of refugees, who had, during the late commotions in Tahiti, taken shelter under his protec¬ tion, but had not embraced Christianity; on these the king and his adherents placed no reliance, but stationed them in the centre, or the rear, of the column. The Bure Atua requested to form the viri or frontlet, ad¬ vanced guard ; and the paparia , or cheek of their forces ; while the people of Eimeo, immediately in the rear, formed what they called the tcipono , or shoulder, of their army. In the front of the line, Auna , Upaparu , Hitote , and others equally distinguished for their steady adhe¬ rence to the system they had adopted, took their station on this occasion, and shewed their readiness to lay down their lives rather than relinquish the Christian faith, and the privileges it conferred. Mahine, the king of Huahine, and Pomare-vahine, the heroic daughter of the king of Raiatea, with those of their people who had pro¬ fessed Christianity, arranged themselves in battle-array immediately behind the people of Eimeo, forming the body of the army. Mahine on this occasion wore a curious helmet, covered on the outside with plates of the beauti¬ fully spotted cowrie, or tiger shell, so abundant in the islands; and ornamented with a plume of the tropic, or man-of-war bird’s feathers. The queen’s sister, like a daughter of Pallas, tall, and rather masculine in her sta¬ ture and features, walked and fought by Mahine’s side \ POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 249 clothed in a kind of armour of net-work, made with small and strongly twisted cords of romctha, or native flax, and armed with a musket and a spear. She was sup- poited on one side by Farcfau, her steady and courageous friend, who acted as her squire or champion ; while Mahine was supported on the other by Patini, a fine, tall, manly chief, a relative of Mahine’s family • and one who, with his wife and two children, has long enjoyed the parental and domestic happiness resulting from Chris¬ tianity,—but whose wdfe, prior to their renunciation of idolatry, had murdered twelve or fourteen children. Pomare took his station in a canoe with a number of musketeers, and annoyed the flank of his enemy nearest the sea. A swivel mounted in the stern of another canoe, which was commanded by an Englishman, called Joe by the natives, and who came up from Raiatea, did considerable execution during the engagement. Before the king’s friends had properly formed them¬ selves for regular defence, the idolatrous army arrived, and the battle commenced. The impetuous attack of the idolaters, attended with all the fury, imprecations, and boasting shouts, practised by the savage when rush¬ ing to the onset, produced by its shock a temporary con¬ fusion in the advanced guard of the Christian army : some were slain, others wounded, and Upaparu, one of Pomare’s leading men, saved his life only by rushing into the sea, and leaving part of his dress in the hands of the antagonist* with whom he had grappled. Not- * This man was afterwards an inmate of my family, and, in conversa¬ tion on the subject, has often declared that he did not go to battle to support idolatry, about which he was indifferent; but from the allegiance he owed to his chief, in whose cause he felt bound to fight, and who was leader of the idolatrous army. 250 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. withstanding this* the assailants met with steady and determined resistance. Overpowered* however* by numbers* the viri, or front ranks* were obliged to give way. A kind of running fight commenced* and the parties were intermingled in all the confusion of barbarous warfare. “ Here might the hideous face of war be seen, Stript of all pomp, adornment, and disguise.” The ground on which they now fought* excepting that near the sea-beach* was partially covered with trees and bushes; which at times separated the contending parties* and intercepted their view of each other. Under these circumstances it was* that the Christians* when not actually engaged with their enemies* often kneeled down on the grass* either singly or two or three together* and offered up an ejaculatory prayer to God—that he would cover their heads in the day of battle* and* if agreeable to his will* preserve them* but especially prepare them for the results of the day* whether victory or defeat* life or death. The battle continued to rage with fierceness ; several were killed on both sides; the idolaters still pursued their # T way* and victory seemed to attend their desolating march* until they came to the position occupied by Mahine* Pomare-valiine* and their companions in arms. The advanced ranks of these united bands met, and arrested the progress of the hitherto victorious idolaters. One of Mahine’s men* Raveae,* pierced the body of Upufara * * In 1818 this individual accompanied us to Huahine, where he died a short time before I left the islands. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 251 the chief of Papara, and the commander - in - chief of the idolatrous forces. The wounded warrior fell, and shortly afterwards expired. As he sat gasping on the sand, his friends gathered round, and endeavoured to stop the bleeding of the wound, and afford every assist¬ ance his circumstances appeared to require. “Leave me,” said the dying warrior; “mark yonder man, in front of Maliine’s ranks; he inflicted this wound ; on him revenge my death.” Two or three athletic men instantly set off for that purpose. Raveae was retiring towards the main body of Mahine’s men, when one of the idolaters, who had outrun his companions, sprang upon him before he was aware of his approach. Unable to throw him on the sand, he cast his arms around his neck, and endea- vouied to strangle, or at least to secure his prey, until some of his companions should arrive, and despatch him. Raveae was armed with a short musket, which he had reloaded since wounding the chief; of this, it is supposed, the man who held him was unconscious. Extend¬ ing his arms forward, Raveae passed the muzzle of his musket under his own arm, suddenly turned his body on one side, and, pulling the trigger of his piece at the same instant, shot his antagonist through the body, who immediately lost hold of his prey, and fell dying to the ground. The idolatrous army continued to fight with obstinate fury, but were unable to advance, or make any impres¬ sion on Mahine and Pomare-valiine’s forces. These not only maintained their ground, but forced their adversaries back ; and the scale of victory now appeared to hang in doubtful suspense over the contending parties. Tino, the idolatrous priest, and his companions, had, in the name of Oro, promised their adherents a certain and an 252 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. easy triumph. This inspired them for the conflict, and made them more confident and obstinate in battle than they would otherwise have been ; but the tide of conquest, which had rolled with them in the onset, and during the early part of the engagement, was already turned against them, and as the tidings of their leader's death became more extensively known, they spread a panic through the ranks he had commanded. The pagan army now gave way before their opponents, and soon fled precipitately from the field, seeking shelter in their pari’s, strong-holds, or hiding places, in the mountains ; leaving Pomare, Mahine, and the princess from Raiatea, in undisputed possession of the field. Flushed with success, in the moment of victory, the king's warriors were, according to former usage, pre¬ paring to pursue the flying enemy. Pomare approached, and exclaimed, Atira! It is enough !—and strictly prohi¬ bited any one of his warriors from pursuing those who had fled from the field of battle; forbidding them also to repair to the villages of the vanquished, to plunder their property, or murder their helpless wives and children. While, however, the king refused to allow his men to pursue their conquered enemies, or to take the spoils of victory, he called a chosen band, among which was Farefau, who had offered up the public thanksgiving at the festival in Eimeo and Patini, a near relative of Mahine, who had been his champion on that day, and sent them to Tautira, where the temple stood in which the great national idol, Oro, was deposited. He gave them orders to destroy the temple, altars, and idols, with every appendage of idolatry that they might find. In the evening of the day, when the confusion of POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. battle had in some degree subsided, Pomare and the chiefs invited the Christians to assemble, probably in the place in which they had been during the morning disturbed—there to render thanks to God, for the pro¬ tection he had, on that eventful day, so mercifully afforded. Their feelings on this occasion must have been of no common order. From the peaceful exercise of sacred worship, they had been that morning hurried into all the confusion and turmoil of murderous conflict with enemies, whose numbers, equipment, implacable hatred, and superstitious infatuation from the prediction of their prophets, had rendered them unusually formidable in appearance, and terrible in combat. Defeat and death had, as several of them have more than once declared, appeared, during several periods of the engagement, almost certain ; and, in connexion with the anticipated extirpation of the Christian faith in their country, the captivity of those who might be allowed to live, the momentous realities of eternity, upon which, ere the close of the day, it appeared to themselves by no means improbable they would enter; had combined to produce a deep agitation, unknown in the ordinary course of human affairs, and seldom perhaps experienced even in the field of battle. They now celebrated the subversion of idolatry, under circumstances that, but a few hours before, had threatened their own extermination, with the overthrow of the religion they had espoused, and on account of which their destruction had been sought. The Lord of hosts had been with them, the God of Jacob was their helper, and to him they rendered the glory and the praise for the protection he had bestowed, and the victory they had obtained. In this sacred act they were joined by numbers, who heretofore had wor- 254 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. shipped only the idols of their country, but who now desired to acknowledge Jehovah as God alone. The noble forbearance and magnanimity of the king and chiefs, in the hour of conquest, when under all the intoxi¬ cating influence of recent victory and conscious power, were no less honourable to the principles which they professed, and the best feelings of their hearts, than con¬ ducive to the cause of Christianity. This generous tem¬ per did not terminate with the command issued on the held of contest, but it was a prominent feature in all their subsequent conduct. When the king despatched a select band to demolish the idol temple, he said, “ Go not to the little island, where the women and children have been left for security ; turn not aside to the villages or plantations; neither enter into the houses, nor destroy any of the property you may see; but go straight along the high road, through all your late enemy’s districts.” His direc¬ tions were attended to; no individual was injured, no fence broken down, no house burned, no article of pro¬ perty taken. The bodies of the slain were not wantonly mangled, nor left exposed to the elements, or to be devoured by the wild dogs from the mountains, and the swine that formerly would have been allowed to feed upon them; but they were all decently buried by the victors, and the body of the fallen chief, Upufara, was conveyed to his own district, to be interred among the tombs of his forefathers. Upufara, the late chief of Papara, was an intelli¬ gent and interesting man; his death w r as deeply regretted by Tati, his near relative, and successor in the government of the district. His mind had been for a long time wavering, and he was, almost to the morning POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 255 of the battle, undetermined whether he should renounce the idols, or still continue their votary. One of his intimate companions informed me, that a short time before his death, he had a dream which somewhat alarmed him. He thought he saw an immense oven, (such as that used in preparing opio,) intensely heated, and in the midst of the fire a large fish writhing in apparent agony, unable to get out, and yet unconsumed, living and suffering in the midst of the fire. An im¬ pression at this time fixed itself on his mind, that perhaps this suffering was designed to shew the intensity of the torments which the wicked would endure in the place of punishment. He awoke in a state of great agitation of mind, with profuse perspiration covering his body, and was so affected, that he could not sleep again that night. The same individual who resided with Upufara stated also, that only a day or two before the battle, he said to some one, with whom he was conversing, cc Perhaps we are wrong : let us send a message to the king and Tati, and ask for peace; and also for books, that we may know what this new word, or this new religion, is.” But the priests resisted his proposal, and assured the chiefs, that Oro would deliver the Bure Atua into their hands, and the hau and mana , government and power, would be with the gods of Tahiti. In addition to this, and any latent conviction that still might linger in his mind, of the power of Oro, and the result of his anger should he draw back; he stood / pledged to the cause of the gods, and probably might feel a degree of pride influencing his adherence to their interest, lest he should he charged with cowardice in wishing to avoid the war, on which the chiefs, who were united to suppress Christianity, had determined. 256 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. The party sent by the king to the national temple at Tautira, in Taiarabu, proceeded directly to their place of destination. It was apprehended that, notwithstand¬ ing what had befallen the adherents of idolatry in battle, the inhabitants of Taiarabu, who were at that time more zealous for the idols than those of any other part of the island, who considered it an honour to be entrusted with the custody of Oro, and also regarded his presence among them as the palladium of their safety, might, perhaps, rise en masse , to protect his person from insults, and his temple from spoliation. No attempt of this kind, however, was made. The soldiers of Pomare, soon after reaching the district, proceeded to the temple, acquainted the inhabitants of the place and keepers of the temple with the events of the war, and the purpose of their visit. No remonstrance was made, no opposition offered—they entered the depository of Tahiti's former god; the priests and people stood round in silent expectation; even the soldiers paused a moment, and a scene was exhibited, probably strikingly analogous to that which was witnessed in the temple of Serapis in Alexandria, when the tutelar deity of that city was destroyed by the Roman soldiers. At length they brought out the idol, stripped him of his sacred cover¬ ings and highly valued ornaments, and threw his body contemptuously on the ground. It was a rude, un¬ carved log of aito wood, casuarina equisatifolia , about six feet long. The altars were then broken down, the temples demolished, and the sacred houses of the gods, together with their covering, ornaments, and all the appendages of their worship, committed to the flames. The temples, altars, and idols, all round Tahiti, were shortly after destroyed in the same way. The log of POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 257 wood, called by the natives the body of Oro, into which they imagined the god at times entered, and through which his influence was exerted, Pomare’s party bore away on their shoulders, and, on returning to the camp, laid in triumph at their sovereign’s feet. It was subse¬ quently fixed up as a post in the king’s kitchen, and used in a most contemptuous manner, by having bas¬ kets of food suspended from it; and, finally, it was ii\en up for fuel. This was the end of the principal idol of the Tahitians, on whom they had long been so deluded as to suppose their destinies depended; v hose fa\ our, kings, and chiefs, and warriors had sought; whose anger all had deprecated; and who had been the occasion of more bloody and desolating wars, for the preceding thirty years, than all other causes combined. Their most zealous devotees were in general now convinced of their delusion, and the people united in declaring that the gods had deceived them, were unworthy of their confidence, and should no longer be objects of respect or trust. Thus was idolatry abolished in Tahiti and Eimeo; the idols hurled from the thrones they had for ages occupied; and the remnant of the people liberated from the slavery and delusion in which, by the cunningly devised fables of the priests, and the cc doctrines of devils,” they had been for ages held as in fetters of iron. It is impossible to contemplate the mighty deliverance thus effected, without exclaiming, “What hath God wrought!” and desiring, with regard to other parts of the world, the arrival of that promised and auspicious era, when the gods “ that have not made the heavens” shall be destroyed, and “the idols shall be utterly abolished.” 2 L 258 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. The total overthrow of idolatry, splendid and im¬ portant as it was justly considered, was but the begin¬ ning of the amazing work that has since advanced progressively in those islands. It resembled the dis¬ mantling of some dark and gloomy fortress, or the razing to its very foundation of some horrid prison of despotism and cruelty, with the materials of which, when cut and polished and adorned, a fair and noble structure was, on its very ruins, to be erected, rising in gran¬ deur, symmetry, and beauty, to the honour of its pro¬ prietor, and the admiration of every beholder. The work was but commenced, and the abolition of idolatry was but one of the great preliminaries in those designs of mercy, and arrangements of divine provi¬ dence, which were daily unfolded, with increasing interest and importance, in their influence on the destiny of the people. The conduct of the victors, on the memorable 12th of November, had an astonishing effect on the minds of the vanquished, who had sought shelter in the mountains. Under cover of the darkness of night, they sent spies from the retreats to their habitations, and to the places of security in which they had left their aged and helpless relatives, their children, and their wives. These found every one remaining as they had left them on the morning of the battle, and were in¬ formed, by the wives and relatives of the defeated war¬ riors, that Pomare and the chiefs had, without any excep¬ tion, sent assurances of security to all who had fled. Tins intelligence, when conveyed to those who had taken refuge in the mountains, appeared to them incredible. After waiting, however, some days in their hiding-places, they ventured forth, and singly, or in small parties, returned POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 259 to their dwellings; and when they found their planta¬ tions uninjured; their property secure* their wives and children safe* they were utterly astonished. From the king they received assurances of pardon* and were not backward in unitedly tendering submission to his autho¬ rity* and imploring his forgiveness for having appeared in arms against him. Pomare was now* by the unani¬ mous will of the people* reinstated on the throne of his father* and raised to the supreme authority in his dominions. His clemency in the late victory still continued to be matter of surprise to all parties who had been his opponents. u Where/’ said they* “ can the king and the Bure Atua have imbibed these new principles of humanity and forbearance ? We have done every thing in our power* by treachery* stratagem* and open force* to destroy him and his adherents; and yet* when the power was placed in his hand* victory on his side* we at his mercy* and his feet upon our necks* lie has not only spared our lives* and the lives of our families* but has respected our houses and our property !” While making these inquiries* many of them* doubtless* recollected the conduct of his father* in sending one night* when the warriors of Atehuru had gone over to Tautira* a body of men* who at midnight fell upon their defenceless victims* the aged relations* wives* and children of the Atehuruans* and in cold blood cruelly murdered upwards of one hundred helpless individuals* and this probably made the conduct of Pomare II. appear more remarkable. At length* they concluded that it must be from the new religion* as they termed Chris¬ tianity ; and hence they unanimously declared their de¬ termination to embrace it* and to place themselves and their families under the direction of its precepts. 260 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. The family and district temples and altars, as well as those that were national, were demolished, the idols destroyed by the very individuals who had but recently been so zealous for their preservation, and in a very short time there was not one professed idolater remain¬ ing. Messengers were sent by those who had hitherto been pagans, to the king and chiefs, requesting that some of their men might be sent to teach them to read, and to instruct them concerning the true God, and the worship and obedience required by his word. Those who sent them expressed at the same time their determination to renounce every evil practice connected with their former idolatrous life, and their desire to become alto¬ gether a Christian people. Schools were built, and places for public worship erected; the Sabbath was ob¬ served, divine service performed ; child-murder, and the gross abominations of idolatry, were discontinued. What an astonishing and happy change must have taken place in the views, feelings, and pursuits of the inhabitants of Tahiti, in the course of a few weeks, from the battle of Narii, or Bunaau’ia ! A flood of light, like the rays of the morning, had broken in upon the in¬ tellectual and spiritual night, which, like a funeral pall, had long been spread over the inhabitants of the val¬ leys and hills of Tahiti, and had rendered their abodes, though naturally verdant and lovely as the bowers of Eden, yet morally cheerless and desolate as the region of the shadow of death ! If the spirits of departed prophets, from their seats of bliss, look down upon our globe; how must Judah’s royal bard have bent with rapture, to behold the accomplish¬ ment of triumphs, which, while he swept the hallowed harp of prophecy, he had foretold :—The multitude of POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 261 the isles made glad* under Jehovah’s reign, and the kings of the isles bringing presentsf to his Son ! And what new transport must have thrilled Isaiah’s ardent spirit, when he now beheld a partial accomplishment of what, in distant ages, he had delighted to sing. “ The wilder¬ ness rejoiced—the desert blossomed as the rose—the sword was beaten into the ploughshare—the wolf and the lamb dwelt together—and the islands sang the praises of Jehovah!”! With equal transport, and with greater sympathy, those happy disembodied spirits of just men made perfect, who have more recently entered on their everlasting rest, if they have a knowledge of what passes on earth, must have viewed the change! And if angels, who have none of those sympathies which the redeemed must feel, experience an addition to their joy, in every sinner that by penitence returns to God, it seems an inference not unwarranted by revelation, that the spirits of de¬ parted believers may have a knowledge of events and moral changes, which transpire in our world, especially with those relating to the progress of the Messiah’s reign among mankind. Then with what augmented joy must that honoured and distinguished saint,§ in strict obedience to wiiose last bequest and dying charge, the South Sea Mission was attempted, with those holy and devoted men wiio first matured, and subsequently aided so nobly, the plan of sending the gospel to Tahiti, have viewed the pleasing change. Those patient labourers, also, who had toiled in the field, but had been called away before the first waive-sheaf was gathered in, must have felt their joy increased, as the enlarged spiritual * Psalm xcvii. 1, f Psalm lxxii. 10. J Isaiah xlii. 10. § The late Countess of Huntingdon. 262 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. perceptions which they possess enabled them to look not only on the outward change in circumstances and in conduct, but on that more delightful transformation of character, which every day unfolded to their \ iew some new and lovely features. And with what loud ecstatic songs of gratitude and praise, must they have welcomed, to those realms of happiness, the first arrivals fiom those clustering isles, of redeemed and purified spirits, who had been made partakers of the grace of lift, and heirs with them of immortality. The knowledge of the spiritual nature of Christianity, possessed by many of the new converts, was doubtless but imperfect, their acquaintance with the will of God but partial, and probably on many points at first erro¬ neous, but still there was a warmth of feeling, an undis¬ guised sincerity, and an ardour of desire, (in scripture called “the first-love”) that has never been exceeded.Aged chiefs and priests, and hardy warriors, with their spelling-books in their hands, might be seen sitting, hour after hour, on the benches in the schools, by the side, perhaps, of some smiling little boy or girl, by whom they were now thankful to be taught the use of letters. Others might be often seen employed in pulling down the houses of their idols, and erecting temples for the worship of the Prince of peace, working in happy companionship and harmony with those whom they had met so recently upon the field of battle. Their Sabbaths must have presented spectacles on which angels might look down with joy. Crowds, who never had before attended any worship but that of their demon gods, might now be seen repairing to the rustic and lowly temple erected for Jehovah’s praise; amidst their throng, mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 263 who never were before allowed to join the other sex in any acts of worship. Few remained behind; all the inhabitants of the district or village, who were able, attended public worship. It is true, there was no Missionary to preach the gospel to them, or to lead their public service, yet it was performed with earnest¬ ness, propriety, and devotional feeling. The more intelligent among the natives, who had been longest under instruction at Eimeo, usually presided. They sung a hymn; a portion of their scripture history, which was entirely composed of scripture extracts, was read; and prayer, in simplicity of language but sincerity of heart, was offered up to God. Those who had not printed books, wrote out portions of scripture for these occasions, and sometimes the prayers they used. These were often remarkably simple, expressive, and appropriate: I have one of Pomare’s by me, in his own hand-writing, furnished by Mr. Nott. There is no date affixed to it, but from the evident frequency with which it has been used, and the portion of scripture written on the preceding pages of the same sheet of paper, I am inclined to think it was written about this period. The prayer is excellent, and the translation, which I also received from Mr. Nott, will require from the Christian reader no apology for its insertion, as a speci¬ men of the style and sentiments employed by the natives of Tahiti in their devotional services. It is as follows : “ Jehovah, thou God of our salvation, hear our prayers, pardon thou our sins, and save our souls. Our sins are great, and more in number than the fishes* in the * This is, perhaps, the most natural and expressive figure, or com¬ parison, an Islander could make. There is no idea of multitude more familiar to his mind than that of a shoal of fishes, by which the shores he inhabits are occasionally or periodically visited. 264 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. sea, and our obstinacy lias been very great; and without parallel. Turn thou us to thyself, and enable us to cast oft’ every evil way. Lead us to Jesus Christ; and let our sins be cleansed in his blood. Grant us thy good Spirit to be our sanctifier. Save us from hypocrisy. Suffer us not to come to thine house with carelessness; and return to our own houses and commit sin. Unless thou have mercy upon US; we perish. Unless thou save us, unless we are prepared and made meet for thy habitation in heaven, we are banished to the fire, we die; but let us not be banished to that unknown world of fire. Save thou us through Jesus Christ, thy Son, the prince of life; yea, let us obtain salvation through him. Bless all the inhabitants of these islands, all the families thereof; let every one stretch out his hands unto God, and say, Lord save me, Lord save me. Let all these islands, Tahiti with all the people of Moorea, and of Huahine, and of Raiatea, and of the little islands around, partake of thy salvation. Bless Britain, and every country in the world. Let thy word grow with speed in the world, so as to exceed the progress of evil. Be merciful to us and bless us, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen." While these delightful changes were advancing in Tahiti, the king and his friends were not unmindful of those who had been left behind in a state of painful uncertainty at Eimeo. As soon as possible after the battle, a canoe was despatched by Mahine, king of Eimeo and Huahine, with the tidings of its result. Matapuupuu, or, as he is now called, Taua, was the bearer of the gladdening intelli¬ gence, and was a very suitable person to be sent on such an errand. He was a native of Huahine, where he had been chief priest since the death of his elder brother, who had sustained that office before him. He POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 265 came up from Huahine to Pomare’s assistance in 1811; early in the year 1813, he had made a profession of Christianity, and was among the first whose names were written down at Eimeo. He was not only a priest, but an areoi, and a warrior of no ordinary prowess. When his canoe appioached the shore of Eimeo, the teachers and their pupils hastened to the beach, under the conflicting emotions of hope and fear. The warrior was seen stand¬ ing on the prow of his light skiff, that seemed impatiently dashing through the spray, and rushing along the tops of the waves towards the shore, which its keel scarcely touched, when, with his light mat around his loins, his scarf hanging loosely over his shoulder, and his spear in his hand, he leaped upon the sandy beach. Before they had time to ask a single question, he exclaimed, “ Ua pau ! Ua pau ! i te bure anaeVanquished ! vanquished ! b }' prayer alone ! His words at first seemed but as words of irony or jest; but the earnestness of his manner, the details he gave, and the intelligence he brought from the king and some of the chiefs, confirmed the declara- tion. The Missionaries were almost overcome with surprise, and hastened to render their acknowledgments of grateful praise to the Most High, under feelings that it would be impossible to describe. It was, indeed, a joy unspeakable, the joy of harvest. In that one year they reaped the harvest of sixteen laborious seed-times, sixteen dreary and anxious winters, and sixteen unpro¬ ductive summers. They now enjoyed the unexpected but exhilarating satisfaction resulting from the pleasure of the Lord prospering in their hands, in a degree and undei circumstances that few are privileged to experience. 266 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. As soon as possible, Mr. Nott was despatched by his companions to Tahiti. On reaching the shores of this island, from which five years before he had been obliged to flee for his life, he found it was all true that had been told them, that the people were in that interesting state described by the prophet, when, enraptured by the visions of Messiah’s future glories, he exclaimed, “ The isles shall wait for his law.” In this delightful situation, as he travelled round the islands, he literally found them not merely willing to be instructed, but anxious to hear ; meeting together of their own accord, and often spend¬ ing the hours of night in conversation and inquiry on the important matters connected with the religion of Jesus Christ. When he returned, Mr. Bicknell went over on the same errand; and observed every where the most encouraging attention, on the part of the people, to the instructions he communicated. The school at Papetoai was greatly increased; and hundreds, who had been early scholars there, were now stationed as teachers among the adjacent islands, imparting to others the knowledge they had received. Not fewer than three thousand persons at this time pos¬ sessed a knowledge of the books in their native language, which were in daily use. Besides eight hundred copies of the Abridgment of Scripture, and many copies of part of the Gospel of St. Luke in manuscript, about two thousand seven hundred spelling-books had already been distributed among the pupils at Eimeo, or sent over to Tahiti; still they were unable to meet the daily increas- in# demand of tlie people. The mighty workings of the Spirit of God, in pio- ducing this remarkable change, were not confined to Tahiti, Eimeo, and the adjacent islands, forming t e POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 26/ Georgian group, it extended also to the Leeward or Society Islands. A simultaneous movement appears to have taken place among the rulers of the people, to throw off the yoke of pagan priestcraft, to rend asunder their fetters, and remove from the eyes of the nation, in its remote extremities, the veil of delusion by which they had so long been blinded. Tamatoa, the king of Raiatea, shortly after his return from Tahiti, publicly renounced idol-worship, and declared himself a believer in Jehovah and Jesus Christ. Many of the chiefs, and a number of the people, followed his example. The prince of darkness, the author of paganism, whose sway had been unrivalled, and whose seat and stronghold had long been here, as well as in the other islands, did not tamely surrender his dominions. The idolatrous chiefs and inhabitants took up arms, to defend the cause of the gods, and revenge the insult offered by the king. Their efforts, however, were but as the ragings of an expiring monster, whose fangs were broken and whose heart had been pierced. The idolaters were de¬ feated, and afterwards treated with the same clemency and lenient conduct which the Christian conquerors in Tahiti had manifested, and Christianity was firmly established. The vanquished, however, though spared and liberated by the generosity of Tamatoa, shewed themselves un¬ worthy of the kindness with which they had been treated, by still talking of war on behalf of the idols. But as their numbers were few, their influence small, and as the great body of the people were doubtless favourable to the new order of things, hopes of success were comparatively faint, and no further attempt was made. The chiefs and greater part of the population of Tahaa, an island included in the same reef with Raiatea, imitated 268 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. the example of Tamatoa and the Raiatean Christians, and destroyed their idols. The intelligent and enterprising chiefs of Borabora, Mai, and Tefaaora, were remarkably active in weakening the influence of the gods on the minds of the people under their government, undermining and subverting every species of idol-worship that prevailed in the islands. They succeeded, at length, in inducing the inhabitants, by their example and persuasion, to seek an acquaintance with that more excellent way revealed in the word of God, for whose worship they erected a convenient and respectable building. Mahine sent a special message to Huahine, and the same change took place in that island; which was per¬ haps, for its size and population, more attached to its idols than any other. Idol-worship, with all its attend¬ ant cruelty and moral degradation, was discontinued. The temples were demolished, and the gods committed to the flames. Thus, in one year, the system of false worship, which had, from the earliest antiquity of its popu¬ lation, prevailed in these islands, was happily abolished, it is hoped to be revived no more. In the course of the following year, the loss sustained by the death of Mr. Scott was repaired by the arrival of Mr. Crook from New South Wales; he reached the islands in the month of May, and rendered important service in the prosecution of the common enterprise. During the same year, the profession of Christianity became general throughout the whole of the Society Islands. Several of the chiefs and people of Borabora and Raiatea visited Maurua, the most westerly of the Leeward Islands, and succeeded in persuading the chiefs and people to demolish their temples and idols, and POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 269 receive Christian instruction. The most pleasing results continued to attend the efforts of the new converts in Tahiti. Pomare sent most of his own family idols to the Missionaries, that, as he observed in a letter accom¬ panying them, dated February 19th, 1816, “ they might either commit them to the flames, or send them to England.” These idols I saw at Port Jackson, in 1816; they are now deposited in the Missionary Museum, Austin Friars. It is impossible to behold them without sympathizing in the feelings of Pomare, when he calls them—Tahiti’s foolish gods. A number of interesting and important inquiries is naturally suggested by this amazing change ; and we are anxious to be made acquainted with every fact, in the application of those means which induced its commencement, and sustained its progress. In all its departments, and under every circumstance, it bears the impress, and exhibits, in the clearest manner, the sove¬ reignty and the power, of the Almighty, in regard alike to the time of its commencement, the circumstances of its progress, and the means of its accomplishment. In regard to the time of its occurrence. During no period in the history of the Mission, could “ the time to favour” the nation have appeared more unlikely than the present. The king’s mind appears to have been first seriously exercised in reference to the declaration which he subsequently made, after the dispersion of the Mission¬ aries, and their departure from the islands, when only one (viz. Mr. Nott) remained with him; and when, in consequence of the state of perpetual alarm and agitation in which the people were kept by the war, none could be induced to attend preaching or instruction. POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 2/0 It is probable that at that period public ordinances were altogether discontinued. The first public or open indications of the change, were given at a time which, according to human probabilities, was but little favourable to such events. The Missionaries had but recently- returned from their banishment, and the work of instruc¬ tion had scarcely been resumed 5 it was the beginning, and but the beginning, of a second attempt to plant the gospel in those islands. The Missionaries considering the whole of the twelve years spent in Tahiti as so much time lost, were commencing afresh their endeavours on another island, and could hardly expect that at this time, after such a protracted delay, God would at once prosper their undertaking. The circumstances of the nation, and of the Mission, were by no means favourable to such a change. It was not a time of peace, and leisure, but of protracted, obsti¬ nate, and barbarous war—the king and his adherents were in exile, alternately agitated by the entreaties of their auxiliaries to attempt to retrieve their affairs by a descent upon Tahiti, or expecting their retreat to be in¬ vaded by their audacious and rebellious conquerors. It was a period of humiliation, darkness, and distress; while the population of Tahiti itself was torn by factions, and desolated by wars, that threatened its extinction. Their teachers were not much more favourably circumstanced. Few in number, compared with what they had been when they maintained their former station in Matavai, and suffering under the heaviest domestic bereavements ; pre¬ vented by personal indisposition, and other circum¬ stances, from engaging, either very frequently or ex¬ tensively, in the main work of instructing the people; their exertions, greatly to their own regret, were POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 2/1 exceedingly circumscribed. In addition to these dis¬ couragements, the prejudices of many of the king’s most warm and valuable friends were unusually strong, as they considered the continuance of his misfortunes to result, in part, from the countenance he was giving, and the inclination he manifested towards the religion of the foreigners. In the means employed there was nothing extraordinary. It is recorded, in the history of the Greenland Missions, that the Moravian brethren, for five or seven years, laboured patiently and diligently in teaching their hearers what are termed the first principles of religion,—incul¬ cating the doctrines of the being and attributes of God, and the requirements of his law,—without making the least favourable impression upon them, or being, in many instances, able to secure the attention of the people to their instructions. The first instance of decisive and salutary effect from their teaching, was, we are in¬ formed, what would, in general, be termed accidental, and occasioned by their reading to some native visitors an account of the sufferings and death of the Saviour, which they were translating into the vernacular tongue. The attention of one of the party was arrested, his heart deeply affected, and ultimately his character entirely changed. This circumstance led to a complete alteration in the instructions they gave. The incarna¬ tion, the life, especially the sufferings and death, of the Lord Jesus Christ, were, from this time, the principal subjects brought before the minds of their hearers, and the results were such as to shew the propriety of the alteration. Where they had before been unable to make the least impression, they now beheld numbers deeply affected, and on whom these truths appeared to 272 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. produce an entire change of character and deportment. I do not, however, suppose we are to infer from the account that is given of this amazing work in Greenland, that, during the first five or seven years of their labours there, the being and character of God, &c. were inculcated, to the exclusion or neglect of the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. Their teaching would, in that case, have been more defective than I am willing to suppose it was. Nor do I think we are to conclude, that, after the change in their instruction, the doctrines of the Saviour’s advent, sufferings, and death, were insisted on, to the exclusion of the former ; this mode of exhibiting scripture truth would have been almost as defective as the other: but I suppose that, during the earliest years of their labours, the first prin¬ ciples of religion were more frequent and prominent in their instructions, than the doctrines peculiar to the gospel, and that, subsequently, these points .received that more frequent attention, which the character, being, and law of God, had formerly obtained. No alteration, even of this kind, however, appears to have taken place in the kind of doctrines inculcated by the Missionaries among the Tahitians. From the time of my arrival in the islands, I had always a great desire to know whether any change had been made by the early preachers in their discourses, and other means employed at this period : I have not, however, been able to learn that there was any thing extraordinary; they do not appear in any re¬ spect to have varied the manner, or the matter, of their instructions. I have often asked Mr. Nott, and others who were on the spot, if there was any alteration in the mode of instruction, or the nature of their addresses, as to the prominency of any of the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 273 doctrines of the gospel, which had not been so fully exhibited before; but I have invariably learned, that they were not aware of the least difference in the kind of instruction, or the manner of representing the truths taught at this period, and those inculcated during their former residence in Tahiti. Their aim had always been to exhibit fully, and with the greatest possible simplicity, the grand doctrines and precepts taught in the Bible, giving each that share of attention which it appeared to have obtained in the volume of revelation. God, they had always endeavoured to represent as a powerful, benevolent, and holy Being, justly requiring the grate¬ ful homage, and willing obedience, of his creatures. Man, they had represented as the Scripture described him, and their own observation represented him to he, a sinner against his Maker, and exposed to the conse¬ quences of his guiltthe love of God, in the gift of his only begotten Son as a propitiation for sin, and the only medium of reconciliation with God, restoration to the enjoyment of his favour, and the blessing of immor¬ tality ; faith in this atonement, and the sinner’s justifica¬ tion before God, were truths frequently exhibited. The doctrine of Divine benevolence thus displayed, was altogether new to the Tahitians; nothing analo¬ gous to it had ever entered into any part of their mythology. Its impression on their minds was at this time proportionate. The necessity also of Divine influences, to make the declaration of these truths effectual to conversion, and to meeten those who believed for the heavenly state, had ever been inculcated in the catechetical and other exercises of the school, in the meetings for reading the Scriptures and conversation, 2 N 2/4 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. and in the discourses delivered in their assemblies for public worship. The wonderful change that now seemed to be wrought in the minds and hearts of many, did not appear to be more the immediate result of instructions gi\ en at the time, than the remote but certain effect of truth im¬ parted, and precious seed, which, having been scattered years before, was now revived with a power, that the individuals themselves could not comprehend, nor on ordinary principles explain. This circumstance should never be lost sight of; it is a wonderful mani¬ festation of the faithfulness of God, who has declared that his word shall not return unto him void, but shall be found even after many days; and it is remarkably adapted to cheer the hearts of all who are called to labour and wait patiently, sowing season after season in hope, without reaping the wislied-for harvest. The universal, and in many instances permanent, moral and religious change, that has been effected in the South Sea Islands, (of the commencement, and more important parts of which, a regular, though necessarily brief account, has now been given,) appears, in whatever view we can possibly contemplate either its nature or its results, nothing less than a moral miracle. A change so important in its character, so rapid in its progress, so decisive in its influence, sublime almost in proportion to the feebleness of the agency by which it was, under God, accomplished, although effected on but a small tribe or people, is perhaps not exceeded in the history of nations, or the revolutions of empires, that have so often altered the moral and civil aspect of our world. This great and important event, confirmed in its results, and strengthened in its character, by the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 2/5 extension of its influence, and the increasing power of the principles it implanted, during the last fourteen years, already occupies no inferior place among the modern evidences of Christianity, and the demonstra¬ tions of its legitimate tendency to ameliorate the condi¬ tion, and elevate the moral and intellectual character, of the most wretched and depraved among mankind. Emotions of astonishment, admiration, and gratitude, involuntarily arise in every mind in the least degree sus¬ ceptible of humanity or religion ; while increasing con¬ victions of the divine origin of revelation must fasten on the understanding, and additional encouragement strengthen the hopes, of every individual who, accord¬ ing to the promise of God, is anticipating the arrival of a period, when a transformation, equally decisive and lovely, shall change the moral deserts of the earth into regions of order and beauty, and the wilderness shall become as the garden of the Lord. In order more fully to illustrate the kind of scripture truth that appears, in connexion with others, to have affected deeply the minds of the people, one single instance, among many that might be adduced, will shew, that in the mild and verdant islands of the south, as well as the frozen and barren regions of the north, in Tahiti as well as in Greenland, the attrac¬ tions of the Cross move and melt the human heart. It was the custom of the Missionaries, not only to instruct the natives in the school, preach to them in the chapel, and itinerate through the villages, but to assemble them for the purpose of reading, from manuscript, such portions of the scripture as were deemed suitable to their circumstances. On one of these occasions, Mr. Nott was reading the* first portions 2/8 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. incorrect ideas of the work, or mistaken views of the qualifications necessary for its accomplishment. It is not, however, to those who abandoned the task, that I refer so much, as to those who (except when driven from it by the approaching desolations of murderous war) maintained their post, and died in the field; or who, after having sustained the privation and toil of thirty years of exile from country and from home, are still willing to end their days among the people with whose interests and destiny they have identified them¬ selves. Their family connexions may not indeed have been of the highest class, neither may the individuals them¬ selves have enjoyed the advantages of a very liberal edu¬ cation, nor possessed any very extensive acquaintance with the world. It is only in comparatively recent times that individuals of this class have, by embarking person¬ ally on the arduous and self-denying work of propagat¬ ing Christianity amongst the pagan nations, exhibited some noble examples of Christian devotedness. Many of the first Missionaries to the South Sea Islands were acquainted with the most useful of the mechanic arts, which w^ere adapted to produce a very favourable im¬ pression upon the minds of the people. They had obtained a creditable English, if not a classical, educa¬ tion, a due knowledge of the scriptures, and an experi¬ mental aquaintance with the principles of Christianity ; while some, with great mental vigour combined no small degree of intellectual culture. Their own improvement, and the preparation for the work, was prosecuted contem¬ poraneously with their efforts to instruct the people; and the numerous and respectable philological and other manuscripts which these have transmitted to England, POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 279 although never published, shew that they were far from being unqualified for their work. Had the first Mission to the South Seas been com¬ posed entirely of individuals eminent for their scientific knowledge and classical attainments, they would proba¬ bly have been less suitable agents than those who actually went; as, it may be presumed, their previous habits of life would not have furnished the best prepara¬ tives for the privations and difficulties to which they would have been exposed. Yet it would undoubtedly have been highly advantageous to the Mission, had some such gifted individuals been included among its mem¬ bers. Such were not, however, at that time so ready, as they have subsequently been, to engage in the enter¬ prise, and the service necessarily devolved on those who were willing, under every accompanying disadvantage, to undertake it. They were not perhaps distinguished by brilliancy of genius, or loftiness of intellect; but in uncompromising sternness of principle, unaffected piety, ardour of devotedness, uncomplaining endurance of privations, not easily comprehended by those who have always remained at home, or visited only civilized portions of foreign climes, in undeviating perseverance in exertion under discouragements the most protracted and depressing, and in plain and honest detail of their endeavours and success, they have been inferior to few who have been honoured to labour in the Missionary field. I have known some of these devoted men, who, though not insensible to the endearments of kindred and home, and the comforts of civilized life, have for years been deprived of what most would deem the necessaries of life. These self-denying individuals have been so destitute of a change of apparel, that they could 280 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. not, without some sacrifice of feeling, meet any of their own countrymen by whom the island might be visited; and, often rising in the morning from the rustic bed, without knowing whence the supplies of even native food for the day were to be derived, they have sent out a native servant-boy to seek for bread-fruit in the moun¬ tains, or to solicit a supply from the trees of some friendly chief in the neighbourhood, while they have repaired to the school, and pursued their daily exercises of instruction, cheered and encouraged only by the pro¬ gress of their scholars. Such are the men who have long laboured in these islands ; and though others may have been associated with them, who have turned back, or proved themselves unequal to the station, where many, who stand firm at their post at home, would perhaps have fainted, or have fallen under the discouragements inseparable from it—they have been faithful. They seek not the praise that cometh from man, but the testimony of their con¬ sciences and the approval of Heaven; and irrespective of the honour God has put upon them, they are entitled, from their steady and successful course, to be a highly esteemed for their works’ sake.” POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 281 .CHAP. XI. Account of the music and amusements of the islanders—Description of the sacred drum—Heiva drum, &c. Occasions of their use—The bu or trumpet Ihara—The vivo, or flute—General character of their songs Ballads, a kind of classical authority—Entertainments and amusements—Taupiti, or festival—Wrestling and boxing—Effects of victory and defeat—Foot-races—Martial games—Sham fights— Naval reviews—Apai, bandy or cricket—Tuiraa, or foot-ball—The haruraa puu, a female game—Native dances—Heiva, &c.—The te-a, 01 archery Bows and arrow r s—Religious ceremonies connected with ~ the game Cock-fighting—Aquatic sports—Swimming on the surf_ Danger from sharks—Juvenile amusements. With the ancient idolatry of the people, their music, their dances, and the whole circle of their amuse¬ ments, had been so intimately blended, that the one could not survive the other. When the former was abolished, the latter were also discontinued. Their music wanted almost every quality that could render it agreeable to the ear accustomed to harmony, and was deficient in all that constitutes excellence. It was generally boisterous and wild, and^ with the exception of the soft and plaintive warblings of the native flute, was distinguished by nothing so much as its discordant, deafening sounds. The principal musical instrument used by the South Sea Islanders, was the pahu , or drum. This varied in size and shape, according to the purpose for which it was designed. Their drums were all cut out of a solid piece of wood. The block out of which they 2 o were 282 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. made, being hollowed out from one end, remaining solid at the other, and having the top covered with a piece of shark's skin, occasioned their frequently resembling, in construction and appearance, a kettle¬ drum. The pua and the reva, which are remarkably close-grained and durable, were esteemed the most suit¬ able kinds of wood for the manufacture of their drums. The pahu ra , sacred drum, which was rutu, or beaten, on every occasion of extraordinary ceremony at the idol temple, was particularly large, standing sometimes eight feet high. The sides of one, that I saw in Tane’s marae at Maeva, was not more than a foot in diameter, but many were much larger. In some of the islands, these instruments were very curiously carved. One which I brought from High Island, and have deposited in the Missionary Museum, is not inelegantly decorated; others, however, I have seen, exhibiting very superior workmanship. Tahitian Drums. The drums used in their heivas and dances were ingeniously made. Their construction resembled that of those employed in the temple, the skin forming the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 283 head was fastened to the open work at the bottom by strings of finely-braided cinet, made with the fibres of the cocoa-nut husk. The drums beaten as accompani¬ ments to the recital of their songs, were the same in shape, but smaller. They were all neatly made, and finely polished. The large drums were beaten with two heavy sticks, the smaller ones with the naked hand. When used, they were not suspended from the shoulders of the performers, but fixed upon the ground, and con¬ sequently produced no very musical effect. The sound of the large drum at the temple, which was sometimes beaten at midnight, was most terrific. The inhabitants of Maeva, where my house stood within a few yards of the ruins of the temple, have frequently told me, that at the midnight hour, when the victim was probably to be offered on the following day, they have often been startled from their slumbers by the dull, deep, thrilling sound of the sacred drum; and as its portentous sounds have reverberated among the rocks of the valley, every individual through the whole district has trem¬ bled with fear of the gods, or apprehension of being- seized as the victim for sacrifice. The sound of the trumpet, or shell, a species of murex used by the priests in the temple, and also by the herald, and others on board their fleets, was more horrific than that of the drum. The largest shells were usually selected for this purpose, and were sometimes above a foot in length, and seven or eight inches in diameter at the mouth. In order to facilitate the blow¬ ing of this trumpet, they made a perforation, about an inch in diameter, near the apex of the shell. Into this they inserted a bamboo cane, about three feet in length, which was secured by binding it to the shell with 284 POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. finely-braided cinet; the aperture was rendered air-tight by cementing the outsides of it with a resinous gum from the bread-fruit tree. These shells were blown when any procession marched to the temple, at the in¬ auguration of the king, during the worship at the temple, or when a tabu, or restriction, was imposed in the name of the gods. We have sometimes heard them blown. The sound is extremely loud, but the most monotonous and dismal that it is possible to imagine. The Trumpet Shell . The ihara was another exceedingly noisy instrument. It was formed from the single joint of a large bamboo cane, cut off a short distance beyond the two ends or joints. In the centre, a long aperture was made from one joint towards the other. The ihara, when used, was placed horizontally on the ground, and beaten with sticks. It was not used in their worship, but simply as an amusement; its sounds were harsh and discordant. The vivo , or flute, was the most agreeable instrument the Tahitians appear to have been acquainted with. It was usually a bamboo cane, about an inch in diameter, and twelve or eighteen inches long. The joint in the POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES. 285 cane formed one end of the flute ; the aperture through which it was blown was close to the end; it seldom had more than four holes, three in the upper side covered with the fingers, and one beneath, against which the thumb was placed. Sometimes, however, there were four holes on the upper side. It was occasionally plain, but more frequently ornamented, by being partially scorched or burnt with a hot stone, or having fine and beautifully plaited strings of human hair wound round it alternately with rings of neatly-braided cinet. It was not blown from the mouth, but the nostril. The per¬ former usually placed the thumb of the right hand upon the right nostril, applied the aperture of the flute, which he held with the fingers of his right hand, to the other nostril, and, moving his fingers on the holes, produced his music. The sound was soft, and not unpleasant, though the notes were few; it was generally played in a plain¬ tive strain, though frequently used as an accompaniment to their pehes , or songs. These were closely identified both with the music and the dances. The ihara , the drum and the flute, were generally accompanied by the song, as was also the native dance. Their songs were generally historical ballads, and varied in their nature with the subjects to which they referred. They were exceedingly numerous, and adapted to every department of society, and every period of life. The children were early taught these uhus , and took great delight in their recital. Many of their songs referred to the legends or achievements of the gods, some to the exploits of their distinguished heroes and chieftains; while others were of a more objectionable character They were often, when recited on public occasions, accompanied with gestures and actions corresponding to