POOR • BIT MHS. S AUTHOR OF '^ Little Henry and kis B eater ^'^ S^c. Sfc, '^^S?^ g§ ^3g^5S«* LONDON : PRINTED FOR HOULSTON AND SON. 65, Paternoster- Row, AKD AT WELLiN^Gl^ON, SALOP.- Price One Penny. Entf.rtnl HX Stationerj^.' Ha]|*i L FRONTISPIECE. See Pa^e 12, FOOJR BURRUFIF ^S0<^ -/ li?:j^ • • ^--'^^4^nt^ *,. BY .^^>^/^€..^. ^9 MRS. SHERWOOD, Author of ^^ Little Henry and his Bearer, &c. &c. y> SKVENTH EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HOULSTON AND SON, ^>hy Pateruoster-Row, AND AT WELLINGTON, SALOP. 1838. [Entered at Stiitioners* Hall.] L JPOOR MUMRUFF. W OULD you like to know the his- tory of Poor BurrufF? if so, you will find it in this little book. But who was BurrufF? was he a man, or a beast? He was a dog, and he was born in India. He was a ve- ry common sort of dog : he had not a fine shape, but his coat was quite white ; this was the reason of his be- ing called BurrufF, because hurruffh snow, and he was supposed to be as white as snow. BurrufF was nursed within the walls of a clay hut, which stood on the side of a heath, near Meerut, in India. This clay hut had once belonged to a beggar, but no one lived in it at the time when BurrufF's mother took pos- session of it. I cannot tell how Bur- rufF lived when he was old enough to be left by his mother ; but I dare say that he had a very hard life, and had 6 POOR BURRUFF. many a kick from the black people, who are always cruel to animals. Now there was a little English boy at that time living at Meerut ; he was the son of an officer, and his name was Marten. This little boy used to be carried out every morning at sun- rise, by Nerkon his bearer, and he was just old enough to be able to pra^^ \\y:> hf^ History of SUSAN GRAY. Price Is. 6d. History of LUCY CLARE. Price Is. 6cl. INFANT'S GRAVE. Price Is. 6d. Memoirs of SERGEANT DALE. Price Is. AYAH and LADY. Price Is. RE-CAPTURED NEGRO. Price Is. Little EMILY and her MOTHER. Price Is. Introduction to ASTRONOMY. Price 6d. DRIVE through LONDON. Price 6d. ORPHAN BOY. Price 6d. A PRIMER ; or First Book. Price 6d. INFIRMARY. Price 4d, ERRAND-BOY. Price 4d. TWO SISTERS. Price 4d. MAY-BEE. Price 4d. EDWARD MANSFIELD. Price 4d. JULIAN PERCIVAL. Price 4d. Little GEORGE and his PENNY. Price 2d. EMILY and her BROTHERS, Price 2d. ROSE. Price 2d. BUSY-BEE. Price 2d. WISHING-CAP, Price 2d. Easy Questions for a little CHILD. Price 2d. ROBERT and the OWL. Price 2d. The TWO. DOLtS. Price 2d. Sunday-School CHILD'S Reward. Price Id Little ARTHUR. Price Id,