THE OK, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS IN RHYME, FOR THE littk Cljilbmt of % Cfeuxcjr. By MKS. BRADLEY. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. NEW YORK: GEN. PROT. EPISC. S. S. UNION AND CHURCH BOOK SOCIETY, And when I kneel to Jesus, lie takes my little prayer, And bears it np to Heaven To win a blessing there. Dear Saviour! thou has sent me This guardian angel sweet, To linger ever near me, And guide my heedless feet. r Oh, never let me grieve him, Or drive him far away, But all 1 1 is gentle warnings May I with joy obey : And when the last night cometh, And death is near to me, Let him stand waiting for me, And bear my soul to thee! THE INVITATION. Come now, my little children, And gather round my knee ; I will teach to you the holy truths The Church has taught to me. And hearken with an earnest heart, For in Her teachings lie The secret of a happy life, And safety when you die. You are the children of the Church; Upon each little head The holy dew of Baptism In infancy Avas shed; And through this sacrament divine, Each one of you by name, Member of Christ, and child of God, And heir of Heaven became. So, now that you are older grown, 'Tis well that you should know The meaning of this precious thing From which such blessings flow. And may our loving Saviour, Who gave us the command, His blessing grant, and help you all To learn and understand, THE INVITATION. Not only this, but all His Word- Each blessed truth beside. That He has left to strengthen us To purity, and guide, — "ill men shall know the saying ti lie spoke in other days, That " out of babes and sucklings' He hath ordained his praise!" TO MY OWN PEAR LITTLE CHILDREN, Coriule, (Tom, $ a bine Hub 3£conarb, THIS TINY BOOK IS LOVINGLY PRESENTED, BY MAMMA. fit THE INFANT CATECHISM, Question!^- child, can you teh 1 me who gave you your name ? Answer. My Sponsors in Baptism gave me the same. Q. And what is your Baptism? A. A Sacrament given By Jesus to make us more ready for Heaven. Q. What blessings may you from your Baptism claim ? A. A member of Christ's Holy Church I became. Q. And what more than this? A. It was given to me, God's child, and the heir of His Kingdom to be? -^mmmmmr 8 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. Where then is His Kingdom? A. The home of (She blest, The faithful on earth, and the saints in their rest. Q. And what is an heir? A. One who shall receive, On the death of their owner, the goods he may leave. Q. Then how should you live, this fair Kingdom to win ? A. With care, and with prayer that I yield to no sin. Q. What now are your Sponsors? Can any one say? A. The people who promised that I should obey THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. How many things then did they promise for you? A. Three tilings they did promise and vow I should do. Q. Now tell me the first ? A. That I keep from all evil, And give up the works of the world and the devil. Q. And what was the second? A. That I should be- lieve All truths that a Christian child ought to receive. Q. And the third was? A. To think upon God's holy will, Obey His commandments, and walk in them still. Q. These promises then must you take for your own ? A. Yes, truly, and keep them, when old enough grown. Q. But how can a child God's commandments obey? A. My Fatlier in Heaven will teach me the way. Q. Does He care then for child! fen as little as you ? A. Ah yes, and He knows every thing that we do. Q. Does Jesus let children so young be baptized? A. Yes, even the least of us is not despised. 1 A IQ THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. Do you know what He said when young children were brought? A. " Let the little ones come to Me, hinder them not." Q. How then should you thank Him for blessing you 2 A. By trying to please Him, wherever I go. Q. Did Jesus come into the world as a child ? A. He once was an infant, but holy and mild. Q. And where was He born— in a king's palace grand? A. Oh no ! in a stable, with oxen at hand. Q. But was not Ilis cradle of costly things made? .4. Oh, no! 'twas a manger in which he was laid. Q. Did any kind mother watch over Him there? A. The sweet Virgin Mary, with tenderest care. Q. And who was His father? A. They called Joseph so, But God was His father in truth, we all know. Q. Then why did He leave Him, and come here to dwell? A. That we might be saved, and delivered from hell. Q. And why did we need to be saved, do you know? A. Because Adam's sin brought the world into wo. 12 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. What now can you tell me of Adam, my dear? A. That he was the first of our kind to appear. Q. And who was his wife, and where did they live? A. In the garden of Eden, and she was called Eve. Q. "What wrong did they do in that garden so sweet? A. They took of the fruit God forbade them to eat. Q. "Who tempted them this disobedience to do? A. The serpent deceitful, with speeches untrue. Q. And when they had eaten it ? A . Oh, then they tried Amongst the green fig-trees from God's sight to hide. Q. Can any one ever escape from God's sight? A. His eye is upon us by day, and by night. Q. Did God find them out? A. Yes, He called, and they came. And trembled before Him in sorrow and shame. Q. How then were they punished? A. God sent them away From their beautiful home, in the desert to stay. Q. Was that the first sin that the world ever knew? A. Yes: from it all sorrow and wickedness grew. THE INFANT CATRCTTISM. 13 Q. Were cliildren to Adam and Eve ever given? A. Yes, after they had from the Garden been driven. Q. Who was their first son, and what wrong did lie do? A. It was Cain, and his own brother, Abel, he slew. Q. Were any more people born after the fall? A. So many, a child could not number them all. Q. And these as they grew, were they wicked or good? A. So wicked that God by and by sent a flood. Q. And what happened then \ A. < >b, it rained night and day, Till rocks, trees and houses were all swept away. 14 'J' TIE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. And where were the people? A. Drowned under the wave, For the whole earth was turned to a watery grave ; The wild, stormy sea overflowed all the land, And left not a spot where a creature could stand. Q. Were all then destroyed in this terrible sea? A. No; Noah was saved, with his whole family. Q. And why was this family spared by the Lord ? A. Because they had feared Him and honored His word. Q. What were they ail saved in? A. A strangely-built Ark, Which bore them secure o'er the waters so dark. u 16 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. But who had warned Noah this Ark to prepare ? A. God told him to build it, with patience and care. Q. "Were animals ordered within it to pass ? A. Yes; birds, beasts and insects of every class. Q. For how many days did the Deluge descend ? A. Full forty long days, ere it came to an end. Q. How long on the earth did the waters abide ? A. One hundred and fifty days, ere they were dried. Q. What birds from the window did Noah let fly? A. A raven at first, and a dove by and by. Q. Did the dove bring them any thing? A. Yes, she was seen Bearing home in the evening an olive-leaf green. THE INFANT CATECHISM, 17 Q. Were they glad when they saw it? A. Oh yes, for they knew That the earth soon again would appear to their view. Q. Where rested the Ark when the waters were dry ? A. It rested on top of Mount Ararat high. (J. When ISToah came out of it, what did he raise ? A. An altar to God for his worship and praise. Q. And what did God promise him ? A. Never again To send such a flood on the children of men. Q. What token was given ? A. A how in the sky, That still we can see when a storm has gone by ? For age after age has His promise prevailed, And seed-time and harvest-time never have failed. Q. Since that time have people heen wicked no more? A. Oh yes! very soon they were had as before. 1 n 18 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. Can we of ourselves be obedient and good? A. No; but we are helped, if we ask as we should. Q. Who helps us? A. God does, if we ask Him with faith In Jesus, who suffered to save us from death. Q. But how does His suffering save us? A. Because He bled and he died for God's broken laws. The sins of the world were all laid on his head, And the wo we deserved, Jesus bore in our stead. Q. Shall we then our punishment ever receive? A. Not if we repent, and in Jesus believe. Q. But must we not die ? A. Yes, yet we shall rise, And live with our Saviour again in the skies. Q. And how do you know we shall rise, as you said ? A. I know, because Jesus arose from the dead. ( Q. What day was our Saviour born ? do you remember ? A. Oh yes! on the twenty-fifth day of December. Q. Is Christmas a time of rejoicing on earth? A. We welcome it always, with gladness and mirth. The Fikst ( 'units im as. 20 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. And how does the Church show it honor and praise ? A. By making it great among festival days; By wreathing her churches with evergreens fair, And calling her children to praise and to prayer. Q. When Jesus was horn, who were first to be told ? A. The s-hepherds, by night, as they guarded their fold. Q. Who told them ? A. An angel, and marvellous glory Filled Heaven and earth at the wonderful story. Q. Now say what he told them when they were afraid ? A. " Fear not, for I bring you good tidings," he said. " Unto you in the city of David, this morn, A Saviour, the promised Messiah, is born." Q. What sign did he give them? A. The heavenly stranger, In swaddling-clothes wrapped, they should find in a manger. Q. And who then appeared? A. Oh, a wonderful throng — A host of bright angels all chanting this song : U AU glory to God in the highest /" and then, "Let peace he on earth, and good will towards men." ■man — 22 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. Did the shepherds go quickly their Lord to behold ? A. Oh yes, and found all as the angel had told. Q. And who came to see ITim besides, from afar? A. Wise men from the East, who were led by a star. Q. What offerings costly and fine did they bring ? A. Gold, myrrh and frankincense, the gifts for a king. Q. What feast in the Church for this deed do we find ? A. Epiphany brings it each year to our mind. Q. And what do you mean by EjAphany, then ? A. A manifestation, or shotting, to men. Q. And what was this showing of Christ to foretell? A. That He was a Saviour for Gentiles as well. Q. The wise men were Gentiles, then? A. Yes, and we use This name for all people who were not born Jews. Q. Did Jesus in Bethlehem afterwards stay? A. ls T o ; Joseph by night bore the Child far away. Q. And why? A. Because God by an angel, sent word King Herod was waiting to murder the Lord. —iw — 24 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. What made Herod plan such a horrible thing? A. The wise men had told him that Christ should be king. Q. Do you know where the angel told Joseph to go ? A. To Egypt, where Jesus was safe from his foe. Q. Did Herod persist in his wickedness still ? A. Yes ; sending his soldiers the children to kill. Q. What children? A. All those in the country around, Wherever he thought that the Lord might be found ; The poor little babies were cruelly slain, While mothers, heart-broken, were pleading in vain. Q. What day is appointed their death to remember ? A. The Lnnocents' Day, twenty-eighth of December. Q. How long did our Saviour in Egypt remain ? A. Till Herod was dead, when he came back again. THE INFANT CATECHISM. 25 Q. To Bethlehem? A. No, to a place by the sea, A city called Nazareth, in Galilee. Q. What calling, or labor, did Joseph pursue? A. The trade of a carpenter : J esus did, too. Q. Did He to his parents obedience show ? A. Yes, truly ; we also must ever do so. Q. How long did He stay with them, have we been told? A. Until He had lived to be thirty years old. Q. What then did He do ? A. He went out amongst men And taught them, and worked many miracles, then. Q. And what is a miracle— answer me true ? A. A wonderful thing that God only can do. Q. What miracle first proved His power divine? A. The water at Cana was turned into wine. Q. What else did He do ? A. He made dumb people talk, And deaf men to hear, and the lame ones to walk. q And any thing more ? A. The blind received sight, The sick when he touched them recovered outright. I 4 ZK > THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. Did the winds and the waters submit to His will? A. The tempest was calmed when He said " Peace ! be still!" Q. Could He without sinking upon the sea stand ? A. As firm, and as fearless as we on the land. Q. Did He unto life any dead person raise ? A, Yes; Lazarus, who had been buried three days. Q. Who came before Jesus, His ways to prepare ? A. John Baptist, clad roughly in coarse camel's hair. Q. What place was his home, and what food did he eat ? A. Wild honey and locusts he used for his meat, And lived in the desert, where many drew near To hear him foretelling how Christ should appear. Q. Why is the word Baptist applied to his name ? A. Because he baptized many people that came, Q. Did Jesus go to him for baptism, too? A. Yes ; showing what all of His children should do. Q. What miracle after His baptism was done? A. A voice cried from Heaven, " Lo, this is my Son !» And lightly and brightly, in shape like a dove, The Spirit descended from Heaven above. ^ 8 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. Where then was He led by the Spirit away ? A. He went to the desert, to fast and to pray. Q. How long in the wilderness drear did He fast? A. For forty long days, and was hungered at last. Q. Who came to Him, tempting Him then to do evil ? A. The Spirit of Darkness, whose name is the Devil. Q. What way did he tempt Him ? A. He mockingly said, " If thou art God's Son, turn these stones into bread." Q. What else ? A. Setting Christ on a pinnacle tall, He dared Him to peril His life by a fall. Q. And any thing more ? A. Yes, with promises fair, He tempted onr Saviour to worship Aim there. Q. Did Jesus rebuke him, and send him away? A. Yes, truly, and Satan was forced to obey. Q. What lesson is taught you in this ? A. That if I The devil resist, he will certainly fly. Q. And does he tempt people to wickedness still ? A. He watches and waits to persuade them to ill. THE INFANT CATECHISM. 29 Q. Who helps us to conquer and drive him away? A. Our Saviour, whenever we earnestly pray. Q. But if we yield to him ? A. hike him we shall grow, And live at the last in his kingdom of wo. Q. When Satan left Jesus, who came to his need ? A. God sent His good angels to help Him with speed. Q. Do good angels come any more unto men? A. Not openly now as they used to do then ; But though to our eyes they may never appear, We know they watch over and care for us here. 30 THE INFANT CATECHISM. (?. What serves to . our minds our Lord's fasting to bring? A. The long fast of Lent which we keep in the spring. Q. When does it begin, and how long does it last? A. From Ash-Wednesday, till forty days are all past. Q. What ought we to do in this time, can you say ? A. We ought to do good, and to fast, and to pray. Q. Now tell me what day, and what way Jesus died ? A. The Jews on Good Friday our Lord crucified. Q. And where did they take Him this deed to fulfil? A. They planted His Cross upon Calvary hill. Q. How long did He stay on the Cross, do you know ? A. Six hours he suffered, in anguish and wo. Q. Then what did he say ? A. "It is Jin ished," He said : His head was bowed down, and our Saviour was dead. Q. What then was done with Him ? A. His body was laid In Joseph's new tomb, from the solid rock made. Q. How long did lie lie in' this sepulchre then? A. For parts of three days ere He rose up again. 32 THE INFANT OATECniSM. Q. When did He arise ? A. The first day of the week And Mary came early the Master to seek But ^ found the tomb empty, and left it wi'th speed lo tell that the Lord had arisen indeed Q- The meaning of Easter can any one tell? A. Jt signifies rising, we know very well. Q : And how do we keep it? A. With anthems of praise, As the holiest, happiest, highest of day.,. Q- Wlo, after fhb did onr Saviour remain? -'• His disciples to cheer and sustain; Q When these days were over, where then did He go i A. He went up to Heaven, they watching Mow. °* THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. What day is kept holy for this, every year ? A. Ascension-day always we love and revere. Q. What promise did Christ to His followers give ? A. The Holy Ghost they very soon should receive. Q. And was it fufilled? A. Yes, when Whitsun-day came, There rested on each of them tongues as of flame. Q. What power did it give them ? 4g It gave them the power In every strange language to speak, from that hour. Q. How many Gods are there ? A. One only, we know, But Three Persons in Him, the Scriptures do show. Q. Who is the First Person in this Sacred Three ? A. The F atiiee, who made Heaven, earth, and the sea. THE INFANT CATECHISM. 3 5 Q. What has He done for you? A. lie made me, and gave His Son to redeem me from sin and the grave. Q. And who is the Second? A. The Son, whom we call Christ Jesus, our Lord, and the Saviour of all. Q. Wh& did He do for you? A. To save me from loss, He suffered, and gave up His life on the Cross. Q. Who is the Third Person ? A. The Spirit of Truth, Whom Jesus has sent as the guide of our youth. Q. And what does He for you ? A. He helps me to pray, And comforts and teaches me day after day. d0 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. Where now is our Saviour ? A. He reigns up on high, And sits at the right hand of God in the sky. Q. And will He forever in Heaven remain ? A. No : He will return to the earth once again. Q. For what will He come, can you tell me, and when ? A. At the end of the world, as the Judge of all men. Q. How will He appear in that terrible hour ? A. With His angels around Him, in glory and power. Q. For what will He judge us? A. For word and for deed, And each secret thought of our hearts He will read. Q. And where will the good he placed then ? A. They shall stand, As the " blessed of the Father," at Jesus' right hand. Q. And what shall be done with the wicked? A. Ah me ! Shut out from His presence and love they shall be. o>7 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q How must we prepare for His judgment that day ? 1 His word we must trust, His commandments obey. Q. What are His commandments? X To love is the whole : Love God with our heart, and our strength, and our soul ; "The first and the greatest is this," says the text, And our neighbor to love as ourself, is the next. q Tell now of the Sacraments what you have heard? A. Two sacraments Jesus appoints in His Word. Q What are they ? A. Baptism is first as we know, The Lord's Supper next, His atonement to show. Q, How are we baptized? A. Pure water is poured Upon us with prayer, in the name of the Lord. 38 THE INFANT CATECHISM. Q. For whom is Baptism intended ? A For all- For parents and children, for great and for small. f J™ babie ! Wh0 **>" «* • word that h said ? Oh yes, tor their Sponsors make tows in their stead. -1. W hen they have grown older and learned the right way. b & What must they do then *A. To the Church they must go, And there be confirmed hy tie Bishop, you know. Q. And how does the Bishop confirm them when there ? A. By haying his Lands on their heads, with a prayer. THE INFANT CATECHISM. 39 Q. Who take the Lord's Supper? A. All they may receive When confirmed, who repent, and who love and he- lieve. Q. Should all people go to it? A. All may indeed, Who truly are trying a good life to lead. Q. And if so, what benefit do they obtain ? 1. New strength every time, and new comfort they gain. Q But if they go carelessly? A. It is a sin, _ And judgment instead of a blessing they win. Q Will Tcnowing all this be enough when you die? A. Oh no, I must do it— at least I must try. Q And if you try earnestly, who will help you ? 1 My Saviour will strengthen me all things to do. THE GUARDIAN A $ G E L , I lay me down to slumber Without a single fear, For I am sure an angel Is watching very near. I cannot see him shining I In robes of purest white, * Nor even hear the rustle "Of airy wings so light; And yet I know lie lingers Close by my little bed, ,And keeps away all evil ' And danger from my head. He docs not leave me, either, When night has gone away, But follows on my footsteps And guards me through the day. He helps mo when I'm trying My parents' will to mind, *To conquer naughty tempers, And grow more meek and kind ; The lonely night has vanished, And through the window-pane God sends His sun-light shining To wake me up again. Our Father keep me Through all this day so long, trouble and iron, danger, And doing any wrong. Let me he quick and willing My parents to ohey, Alld patient with my brothers And sisters, atOnrpW- revive m, wh,n Vm na« 131ess all my friends, and take Our souls at last to Heaven,- I ask for Jesus 1 sake. CRAT) L E-H YM Sleep, little babe of mine ! Night and the darkness are here ; But Jesus looks down thro' shadows that frown, And baby has nothing to fear. Shut, little sleepy blue eyes J Dear little head, be at rest; Jesus, like yon, was a baby once, too, And lay on His own mother's breast. CRADLE-HYMN. Sleep, little darling of mine! Soft on yonr pillows so white; Jesus is here to watch over you dear And nothing shall harm you to-night, 47 Oh. little Ijaby of mine! What can you know of the to The comfort 1 keep, awake and asleep, Because T am certain of this . AT EIGHT. In my pretty little bed, I lay down my weary head. Jesus, keep me safe, I pray, Till the coming of the day ; Or, if I to-night must die. Take me to Thee in the sky. U THE MOMOG. I have slept in peace all night, Now I thank Thee for the light. Jesus, listen to my prayer, Keep me in thy loving care. Do not let me do or say Any naughty thing to-day: But make me, Thy little child, Gentle, loving, good and mild, And obedient to Thee, As a lamb of Thine should be ; So when nights and days are past, I shall live with Thee at last.