CHEAP REPOSITORY. SUNDAY READING. JOSEPH in PRISON. PART II. Sold by J. MARSHALL, (Printer to the Cheap Repository for Moral and Re- ligious Trafls) No. 17, Queen-Street, Cheapfide, and No. 4, Aldermary Church-Yard, and R. WHITE, Pic- cadilly, London. By S. HAZARD, at Bath ; J. Elder, at Edinburgh, and by all Bookfellers, Newfmen, and Hawkers, in Town and Country. Great Allovjance will be made to Shopkeepers and Hawkers. PRICE ONE PENNY. Or 4s. 6d. per 100. — 2s. 6d. for 50. — is. 6d. for 25. A Cheaper Edition for Hawkers. [Entered at Stationers tlalW\ 'Alt ( 3) ' *> cmm— .. LyiMiJl-o^X t JOSEPH in PRISON. H O W little do we know whether the things which befal us will turn out for our happi- nefs or mifery ! If I was to be made a king tG- morrow, I am not fure that it would not prove to my hurt ; and if on the contrary I was to be {'old to- morrow for a (lave, it is far from being clear 'hat it might not be for my good, for God has all events under his dire&ion, and he can bring Orange things to pafs juft as he pleafts. Jofeph (as we have already told you) was fold by his Brethren as a {lave to a company of Midia • nitifh merchants. Now 44 the Midianites brought Jofeph down to Egypt and fold him to Potiphar, who was an officer or captain of the guard to king Pharaoh." Jofeph fell, as it. feems, into good hands, but the Scriptures take care to inform us to what caufe his was to be attributed, for there : we read that A 2 ■ ( 4 ) €i the Lord was with Jofeph:" hence it was that J* he became a profperous man, and he was taken into the houfe of his mailer the Egyptian. " And his mafter faw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made all that Jofeph did to profper in his hand." * What a great thing is it to have God's bleffing with us in every thing we do ! Some people are always talking G f their good or bad luck, and ac- cording to fueh perfons Jofeph was merely a lucky perloa; he was lucky firft, they would fay, in get- ting fo good a mafter, and ftill more lucky in find- ing every thing go well to which he fet his hand. In fa a however, there is no fuch thing as luck, as we have obferved before, and as we fhall have oc- cafion again and again to obferve in telling this ilory. Let us learn therefore to thank God and not to thank our ftars, or to thank fortune whenever we fucceed in any thing, for whatever it be, we fuc- ceed only becaufe the Lord is with us in that thing, Jofeph by degrees*found fuch favor in his maf- ter's fight that " he was made ov v erfeer of the houfe, and all that Potiphar had was put into his hands." Such was the confidence placed in him, that at laft Potiphar leeros to have done nothing for himfelf, but to have left it all to Jofeph, for we read that " he knew not ought that he had, fave the bread that he did eat," which is as much as to fay, that he knew indeed what food was fet before him at his