D VNCED FOR IT FIDDLED FOR IT SKIPT FOR IT • L-^sa^a^ TOOK IT Zealous that all good Boys and Girls should be acquainted with his Familv, he sat down and wrote the History of it. C^CTAv/c? SO P O E TRY . EVENING HYMN i . And now a-noth-er day is gone, 1 11 sing my Ma-ker's praise ; My corn-forts ev-e-ry hour make known His prov-i-dence and grace. 2. But how my child-hood runs to waste, My sins, how great their sum : fiord, give me par-don for the past, And strength for days to come. 3. I lay my bo-dy down to sleep ; Let an-gels guard my head, And through the hours of dark-ness keep Their watch a-round mv bed * 4. With cheer-ful heart I close my eyes , Since thou wilt not re- move ; And in the morn-ing let me rise, Re-joic-ing in thy love. #