eae a gee = aie a ram s pes x . . MeeGTu. UNIVER- Ee oes LIBRARY Pa hk O; ™! , ic oe <> « es —_ PE Ne SER Tet Py PERS OTS RTE 65th Paar asleeteien eeemtaiatiatiactiat eT WVritte pa] PACTS ETE #7 RE TET SEE ahs SOE LTE ray ‘ONS saeeauneneeesieenemieinemreneeeemennnsenen tetas Printed by 7. S. for Thomas Are] at his Shop in Popes-f | Limasiechage. 1G yx - & : is Opens hipi 7 F | thin you ngs, C of hand p ~ : cuer fuch Affro. all into the righe ites deeper iif ood. : ward path, ~ ae vith Sp g ay i 510 C seu tI k cub ? iit, ; < Ja ent ; x f ne es 4 - : ca ui Ai , 7 a bac ae irom ¢to pleafure, 5 r Argos. dg rato y 34 tw b& 4. ¢ 8, th clo iat ¢ = i , S r yy V7 4 aagat? y & ht y We P ne ~ > a f , BA es hat sy A Petan] sifsad whic K 7 Ings to fly ulehe pei ¥ é ; t ¢C Harpour { 1¢ doe net Mo ra — ‘surat Vie OF = + Fi f aT $, TO Ik > ~ €£ } 4 ” Bt ¢ 4 5 Py Nut widioets ore a o' at — God bene Car ra e% ey st? Leu i ile his L the a dont J “ NViad fro 4 | WwW: Y « 7 SF e i iré as ce atl hus fer irawes | e ce eae, V5 $4 ha D if AP. al de OF : AD mH . » seo ype Py A * pm ¢ €s z ; ryt a2gen8 A £7 & wat & SEAAS iy ; : = T rm ae rt A > gf f a> rt J * y e. ~ 2 a —a H ey fF P So Lbé thlatzate Andi amfree asayre. Youofmy fexe, t . te yn é 94 ia e- » es w% : — - . ye rik ft Hoy ¥ OF YOUN Vie YOU the tweers : * . » VT te te Re 1 ‘7 4 i 7, 43% £8 q a : yweto your proper Deautl ere tn DDC 45 4 - ..e 4 rat 7 r ~~ ge ’ ~ : ATG i( >] a Waine >F rieW Cat fyi¢ . rj coat i ; f meé v ‘ pinen pDiav : |, na ¥ : it Zmitw WS bdANAL DAY e j & @hit vil | i rats be 5] ‘ / j ; ; ail : ~* e = | : . Here is a Man of a molt miide aipedct Q + ¢% : aes, ? ¢ ” : | : : als rate, ' fi : ate, eeiivs ‘ ie * a4 : 5 ; 4 ehmeak : t'r 2 “ « 3 CJné tnat with ournti 2 af GOP fiatil) puUrlucd ¢ 4! : Tr me Fae n L. : < : . th Al nati b4 i= latil i) CUE] ‘ ‘ ' d= 3 . f F a : . 8 rma tere ' P, } ny » = bow * 2/2) ff er aS him lo RCS, i008 i n 18 : akg : ; ] a? ry r ir + > 2 4 es “ : } rit God Ol af UC nceni MiIWiiLIY I ' ; . 4 The fe iii e Deirie 4 leheic| fi Pe } : eit RLGX RE(tIC oa {}; owed ai Lae Lf ba Dt a f i iT, t. {.. > « ey ANG Deautie On A$ face > that eve w [une s hole lirse 1 ¢ L.s eb if ur a the uy 3 2 i} a we BAND WES nis fiat wonne i. SOWA PPE ie : - : : . i “Rs. ree > ; } “a -, 22 2 Tr es — 7 aC VITQin-Diuin Zetama s : Nerée thev meee. . t. 8 C = 3 £ > “3 ; 7 ¢ 7 y % » 9 ¥ : ge ws) 5) " 9- hil @ iacred VIIOGe AVA Y [ ords, i A4Q544 intTeate f 9 “ " : ré evr PRil@ “xr? yt % ; a gre Ee ; = get 9 7 an ae i ma 1 ¥ P a2gf Aawnne A Alam ai Cmnes. VA €cooey vou LjaG) Ve fo X58 (7 HIAG ANG Aiszala, soe. ler lf {i 8 a ng mf . . -B B. . Vis ,_ OFT d,\ vith 1 y\ o16 Taue Cy ncc : erence. LV4 ae At Te + t | d i mraty row ee free 7 aes y 4 p I Ol q Y Aaly aU G. et Ole y IL W OO euctT Y Loe LY : J " } é ’ In this phrafe you doe me? R 0b, ft airelt, till no Ws Loue was an Infantin my Oratory. Hiab, Andkitlethustvo? Rob, I nee’r was {o kift, leaue thus to pleafe, Flamesinto flames, feas thou pou aki Sissi _ fat Pray frowne my Lord, let me fee how ma ny wiue You'll haue. Heigh-ho,y« ou'll bury me fee, >. In the Swans dow yne,and t Ot mbe theeint imine armes. ame J spa i ae {~ > P| f " . mi: Ey : llab, Then tolikes {hail | pray invaine roi¢na me¢ re(t, Away, youre {uch anether medling Lora. Reb. By heauen my loue’sas chatteas thou art faire, «kj And both exceedecompariton : by this That crownes me Monarch of another world Superiour to thefirft,, faire, thou fhalt fee As vnto heanen,my love fo vntoth ( jab, Alas poore creatures,when we are onceo ae > ee fe »o erm ry 7 = t re }) ok + Poy nm ™ Nalibe Oo nine ic i eS 110 § rowalre ith ‘Eatt, ’ L- = t. hew that thou would it | prou€ a ¢ conepilleel . a ~ Zz a ge ~ e Sead rh - A main = ” ont i“ 2 ° fat | a - = es — S| y J Sil O ic rhee from) Mec, His Meffias fhall noetat ' Llefendtheeto him in. coliops. ~ a f on od ox Pe : | ‘ st C7 ¢ edrien, (DJirynot in choles iQ oir. ; KS = | ‘ r scoters eric Dara: fre tf, Fin Ae ver M ountedancke with thiy © cu: nfticaii ac TOD, . z ; K a > 6k u \ é re : > ae ow Kt ai tv EX, (40107 5 A [7900 EFS, 4 | ; ae" 3 : ii 4: ilie (3 i t Civic hs i 4 Onlul "a 2 Sie | 1 ’ ot * ee ase . i te Faas BY the vertucs OF mei 2 > ‘at H 2 oy f sack ialne B c 4 hi KO Si ui] INV OLOAci ( Juackiaiuers ait Ci oppofle im 4 meein my Nuptials 2? No. but Ile fhew fi ake trer mettall tO ince hii mny NU eiais oud — 0), 07UEE i: Sit 4 : c ‘ { . B ‘ then ere the Gallemawfrey his father eke 7 hou feumme of his melting pots, that wert chriftned ip a Crufoile,vvith Mercuricsw ater r,to fhew 5 ou we end if be a flinging AC pis;torall thou fpit (tis equa foriw.andchy br catty danite pound of poyfons{ Pe y iif f] wali ,hadfithou the {caly.nyde of a Crocodile, as thou art partly of bis na- ture, [would Jeaue thee a s bareasan Anato my atthetecond COS Clarsd. Thou Tew,of the Tribe of Gad, that fure, there were none here but thou and I, would’ft teach mee the Art of breathing, chou would{trunr iclikea Dromidarie. Clar. Thou that art thetal{t man of ‘Chriftendome.when thou art alone, if thoudoft maintaine this tomy faces Ie make theeskip like an Ounce. Atends Nay,good fir, be yo uftill.. Rogers Let the Quackfa Rober in¢ His father was {till, and ftill, and (till a seta Clarid, By the Vicsctins i ftudy Negroniancy butll¢ be reueng’d, Arfen, Gentlemen, leaue thefe diilentions, vignior Rogere, you are a man of worth. Clarid. Truc, all the Gitie points at him for a Knaue. d Ar} few, Youare of like reputatio a Signior C larsdiana: f The hatred twixt-your Grandfires firftbeganne, Imputeitto the folly of ie age. Thefe your diflentions may ereéta faction, Like ec one, If I pleale one thing, he ‘. S c ey tain e 71 \ no hall ; + ii¢ [oO k Ope > who fhall teach mee to yvfe the - f _ are in mineé owne hand? why, wee two 7 nt “ c @ 5 vo tomighicn whnild henna ht L are, OF s oy WITHOLIE Willis WOUIC DE NO NVA Icke, ’ pm - f oy e : yy" ef Fa Vala wieha Derr he NS Fo on EF ; fay } 7 f af Fie Prick Be ar. of wg fife 4 b } 5 ai i CisNES mi it eae 2 £16 & Ong WV Céy ef hal ¢ . ohy- sa Our ht iSOan as, "4 g* re rn fi g i} vyror \1 ‘eles’ bt nf 4 ey £9 @ f i, cl / nats, i WULIONS fOr oWINeS- cin O (NC Orit ¢ rilde, tf Kile lisele Tew 2? ABRAT eH billethe h. LLY « VVEEL COLE GALE EU all i fO KIC CilY husband PA ‘ 4 t ; tf 4 a " . “ nim Papal WS auc ; - i Y DOM the iCalt OCLUY-are, This will mad @em eee on 3 pe a eg ee eee: CE Pp ae : aa a a a ae pithy > rt Cr what fay youto a afine ealiz a ‘ a “E He ti] iftare one “oF & J can tell’yc ou, I am amad estes . But DY the Vertue i ee feat ea in you, Andt bythe: vi By lietle ( wpsa, 23 that i ism mig! ity nam d, a ’ iw loofer | ise 4g a And ¢ can command my loofer follies downe, *, all I n - Be har knoe es inforced matriace To be the Furi¢stilter, Thinke of me T. Poe = t. e/4 is Ha, na na RA 2 } Ho ? Y actu ro fir A ‘Veehtia: g oP Bie ; (VAG Fe AU W LIU Butt i mat : COy 5s. yt ], a8 Cie ¥ lay CrtNl « No, my ] Ora, NOT doc. we take VOUr toy, asthey lav: h This isachildes birth, that mult not be Acdiueted biforea man, Though y rour Lordfhip might be a Mid-wife for your chinne. ¢ t Mena de Send bavi ay riddle isStnotr yOu ione tit be nigne Thaw, No,my Lord, womens longing comes aftertheir mat riage night. Sifter, fee you be conftant now. ebig. ade doft thinke Ile make my Husband Cuckold © herethey come. Enter at ‘cueral doores Count Arfena, with CLARIDIANA: GVIDO, with ROGER O, at another doore, 'M NDOSA meetes them, Mend, Signior Rogero,are you yet qualified ? Rogero, Yes : does any man thinke Ile goelike a fheepe to the be flaughter?Hands off my Lord, your L ordfhip may chance come ynder my hands: lf you doe hy hall fhew my felfea Citiz en,and | His fight would make me¢ gn But etc the beauty with , In whom the Gracesand the Vertues meete: In herafpeét milde Honour fits and fmiles And who lookes ne bs were it But would deriue new Burto be reconcil’d fenhy for him, Were mankindeto be loft againe, Ide let it, Anda new heape of ftones fhould ftocketheworld. In heauen andearththis power beauty hath, HR 2 I¢ all, Ct f ; ny: ll not vnder-goe my cenfure. n 7) ra i , E » CIn.p 4 » hea $~ matty fh, eo s cn if = FOLIC felfeat 1Oear LEP Gs <> f he s rs 7 | ES iWwet ew: oque had f you e : 2 or Fo: inell. hew dare -topiny mn bm Vitec c a2 . 5 es oh Be a i { : ian] 3 no Bea 3 rongu¢ PIDs és t¢ 3 rr sae ve b & Ne & - ‘p. oF; Z Uv ¢ Cf i if % - ¢ , Husband ‘Ou, A © % J - Waidalhi J & thy (# ‘Of TH Sn, ee a Pa a ee LIE fist . +i A > ¥o3 6 hey & 9 oS 4 WUE ret _ - No Ty pared, Sef . cP (remeneag treme al purl 1 wre COUNT [Cs 9 another forme, asa Rhimatrix oraRi- a rr Cc 3 } m it} 23 nfee tobe reconcil a in an mocher FOS. NE. " * VOUr hands Gri ft, a fi lends with you (‘faith : thereupon] embrace you, kitle your Wi ife,an id God g giue a ’ a . - e 2 EArt @alr © ye hath o me i h ; its #4 o} (lar. Youtake the meaning better then thetpeecn, Lady. ” ye ? : t : : 7? na py is ym LL & 4 f}, 7 bs - » er ¢ ° He rhe like i, Of e7, ERC LIKE ai dy VU i 4 ty Beek 240k ‘9 K P| i ner ot 4 Be s4t. ¥ © b+ oom Ath Al G enerecrore wilh hk Rise ty» Ry thishricht licht that is deriu’d from ; (far. OY (NiS OFS kisesk cs af iS GCTIUG trom thee, es f fe . 2 ¢ .: - “~ Thais. Sofir, you make me‘ very lightcreature, “vs ¢ }- 3 £ f saw ete > 4 : Fa cy ei far. But that thou arta ble alk 5 8 ingel AC Lil ‘5 e f nehe C; e - attone mortall men OWT =Trogd Seis SFPi7Uie & AttOT C. SF | FERGAL KLIS e + F a £ ; is abe i 17 . —— a.) : eel Z =] ; PuParry “~S : , ; I would navetne Os *4 rdaeeces Devoncd aii IVS ti oughts And executed more vpon his Corps? a rt. 7. : * 2. = ey a Tt: a a l~ce Seen, Nnbestte D aS : : >» : ee teas _— Be a . > as ne . . om, - ' at hoe deur a ~ . wwe " L 2 F ‘ ] . . het ie 7" 4 JA : . _ . a3 eat — | o> a) be my P? ey ’ > oN wed po : ) 3 vant au wns iF a | po > | vel oe os a) fm * a « € 7 t fe a *J pasag = a on val be @ ero 1 = * ong ert tJ ot wudnt ein Laces 4 Ns ™s — 85 4 ) 8 po Neel cue > eo : si } Leena, vt ct po ~. : a ® g . ms ey . er] wat 8 pep on thes 1) « + “ we he Rd + yan raw ae SES A, S ~~ om 8 ie ee ee ee i peor duowy oaieniell we 2 ~ t pana. yer >», * eee re ~~ Sa ww ~ 2) ( mi . n” e , - i a Sy mat an one : es Gp cit ina enh a = 2 Fine +A “e- om, : , > fle OO iy. : » ov x Ned a. ws SS SS ke oe ee SO = ros 4 A - oe ; -_ “41 . 7 a thd os > | f ~e So - oy rt a we me, “4 4 4 - ot : ; ad | m . > 3 ~ a al ae Pts oe . n aed | re eg ” ‘venom? cae ve oh ; a ' ae ho — a alt 2 beosrt FE re) tt as o o5 “a veo ay x4 “4 — } . . : z % a: tana e Med er wa. & ey) natin a ae . - ¥) —_ : vue ; Pend “td — Neer - , : al? ; “4 a. & c Senge eno ce penn te S os any Ines ne aH rm Ba a : hs es > 4 avn * = OWS mee } oe aA ee -_ a Pe nx awe 7 . ~t J ce * serra ig ta es eee eenee €3 v oo C4 ~ C? as — om Beg aes } Fa p=. @ rs i) ve eh 1 ie < gered ¢ a pera? n bia 4 vino » oe —s 4 = i “i — a 7 aod ain | 2 tee «= eed 2R ent aay - ro ) = 2 3 i ‘ ant? 7 gr been? Nene? CA sated pu Beeb om Ns a F “t3 ta o . i, be —_— SS ae “2 (ye he | me ~ = |e pineell an - $ ee \ a pee woh ety “ee peti iene ce = a ge 2 oe <2 Go ey n- ~ z “ ¢ : ra2e i ne noeeet aes : ‘ > ts . 4 . >. e3 " oe —.: -< ‘a, one ws ee SO alee © Ss RYO st ~ e rt e — = | —— i =2«3FT et oa > a oR " rm, ff » Sa S eeu > A , is > - Py’ tech? > ay Noma ‘wo lg a see om oe =D eon : i roug men bode ; « en z - f oe “ LF grt a? = LP) Lar Pp Ge F — af y vem, : | VS awe | svete abe a a bens 4a ? rf ie a2 } vert yee J ; fi a3 Ls aid i on FO gray = rt wy ™ ; usd ese a © — eg ahead pa e oe - 4 | fi . 4 om. ~ am | rat Y omy €) leew “ So* q Wes, 7 roy nad? AS < we ds . : Oe me a2 is) rs . > _ Nef’ , ead De ~ a. on &? ~ 4 «? a" E . “ od rae a . | n amp ve) wt o fos ne pa a 9" _ ow j oye = >) a prey at a 7] = w dene = : ~ P — tereyeredy ; rm" f ‘ p * co f . ” — @} a — 4 : . rad Pe) - ,, a ee r as ED nt 9 ty a) deere Pad rag : mong ba wf f root 7 | st | ee . . = des ey a) , > A i, Ham ce ¥ t Ww 7" ~~ ' - ? Fee) a ethos » €, , ™ amid : ‘oe 1 & a? —_— ne % = ‘ = a fe RS mS 1 ar — 3 ay oy rn or senate wal a , oy c a — * Pf) St fw = ¢ wag © bd pee © Le my pom t o ke + ms 4 ot . ¢ { . a pus “ wud 4 eH z * wo Aen an SoS -— « &@ Vg A= a a, . me O SS I aw Ort nw BBS Ges SS ~ > ) 2 == c & “ie A, as > . : ; t cb emg an soe 306 S65 oH | * me CS. aw Se eS ee StS = oo" geht —_ _ ee * : Bed 7 , 2 " — J “ © pl ot ed “ee = a : | os . esi «fi 4 ® a | ‘ 4 eerfl ta, et = EP _ —— his ¢: : ’ fee Ss "Oo ft Sa @ Bono bells age >. me } a | + wrens 7 “A = t r werent J cf a 5 aye ue ~ wot ~ Ste _—" 2 fe we " a | D ee «x : - —~ . > ‘ = @ ~ yo 7s S, Zz te yy are ‘S 7 oc i ott ¢ ja a” 4 ip nne let 9 Laie? - ahs eit w 1¢ Su ooamy Lo i jap, G Cara, T rf f PVE) ab Bee «; "Derebesies “2 £7¢ : ~ € : ‘ Faire Bride, (o sme fe ‘ruant of yO are that Nere imitates To haue fele the heate of Loue bredin your brightnefle, Bur fetting thus from him, by wad i ke onely here a ac knowle dg erh your power, And muft « expect beames of a morrow Sunne. Lent, Lor d Brid egrooine, Wu ly ouenterprete Me: ? Rober, A fable Shield :the word, Vsdua W h at hit forlo rneho ve in blacke - de! {pairing ? Lady Lentulu b is this the badgeof all your Sutors ? Zent. Iby my troth my Lordsit they come to me. Reb. Lcould giueit anc ther in terp retation, Methinkes this oner has learn’d,of women, to deale by contraries ; iffo,then here he flayecs, the \ Widow is his onely hoy iC, L ent. No: good iny Lord, letthe Fe(t {tande er, qe quire of him, an od backs re(oluethe.doube, eAbiz. What's here ?a Ship failing nigh her haven ? With ened ware ¢ belike : tis well ballaft, Thais ©, your this device {mels of the Marchant . What's our ()} hips name, I pray ? Tbe Codie: Hope ? Abite ail, No: The Aterchant Royatt. Thais Andwhy not a Ak ae gt “rer 2 eAbiz. Youtfe eno likelihood of that: would it not faine be inthe haven? The word, 7t tancerem ‘Portum, Marry, for ought I know, God grancit, W hat’s there 2 Thais. Miné’s an Azure fhield: m arry what elfe; I fhould ecll chee more then Teatakliendsbun the vvord is, Aut precio, aut precibus, or ef [pe 6 Abigail. 11,fomeCommon-countell deuice. 7 bey take the woe Mend. Faire widow,how like youthischar Ne? men, ang dance Lent, | chang dtoo lately to like any, the first change. Mend, O your husband ! you weare his memo ry likea Reathe- For heavens louethinke of meeas of the man (head. Whole dancing dayes youlee are not yerdone. Lent. Yetyou finkeapace fir, Mend, Thefault’sin my Vv ’phol (terer, Lady. Kogere Thou fhaltas foone finde T ruth \ telling alye, Vertue a Bawd, Honeltiea robe er, The infatiate C ouBperle, Pa) Ts" “\ In : - “ 3 As meturn d réecreant to thy leaft deligne €? L. Ot Ue I akes me {peake, ana i} “ {yi ai C$ 10 a ' Jiiite segs {x} ray 147 a tan 7 s? ; 5 ee ~~ Rerseaie - . s ete ee ct ab 7 y Z Rats. Vy J Lil G i.O Fie oe AJ LAA al Ace id y 4‘ 8 EO e burt r tS tits o iC Ne a Te 2 sf 5 To let VSilirict ci * hee ‘ ir €\ 4 ¢ ’ =“. ~ Bi . a a = 7 = yr : : an ~~ 3 4 u . “ ; Abig, You gra{pe my hand too hard ifaith, faire fir, Holding ber é ‘ i ; * 7 ; - er meee i. > ary s.serkh ave neeesd ‘ieurt tite — nas aan C lar. Ne yas YOu sraipc my rakes NWHiin?g wanton 7 BY the bata» , = de O) Were but my breaft bare and Anatomized, Thou fhouldt oc there how thou tortur’(t it: Andas o-tpp pelles limb’d : In her rig So may i soc fairer, but crueller. Abig. Well fir,your vizor ae ~ —_ “ ~ * . ‘* . oe 4 - y Uéar. Grace mefo weare this fauour, “fh tater : ¢ hat vailesto your eyes, though not to th’Eagles, Andin ex change “SN uc mé one word of comfort, dhen fal. ; : CTI « i marr; veliikethi# wooer ¥ eli: gree J es 7 Hee ll win’s ple cafure out O i (tones. Tbe fecon: i chang re, lf, Change is no robbery:vetin this chan ge dfat Lelia tals in tome Thou rob {t me of ny h hart,{ lure (7 7 ‘pia $ a ae with R ogera when Dit gUis d like a pretty T¢ rch-bearer, the changers [peak, And makes his brand a Torch.that with more fleigh He may intrap weake women: herethe {parkes Fly asin tna sane es Fathers Anuile, O powerfull Boy ! my heart’s on fire, and vnto mine eyes The raging ames iene: liketotwo Beacons, Summoning my {tr ongefl powers; butal all too late, The Conquerour alread ly opes the ga Twill not aske deo name, foie. You dare put it into my Ade nd. £01 un ds, his 0€ VOL poeme s. y fend. all rein = doe, “He doe in fecret. My husband goes to Mucaue to renew the Farme he has, Min, Well, what ume g oes the fakes-farmer ? 4c. Hefhalln lot belong out, but you fhall put in,I warrant land iult oa nicke anoet: (INc.a you, ; Hane a care that you | Clockein the cuening; my Maide fhali conduct you vp,to faué C v4 ji eit "4 fe Wilke COUN E||e 4 [ 4 mine honor youn ult come vp darkling,and to auoid fulpition, “4 : a ah ape iy iy p Téa, “£3 as y 8! UdGWINCK Cy ab is at ) OU Ll OF pen all {weet Lady, ) ' ?" er 109 i if ' Yw lj ahi w § 3 if a ft. L4end > AHH S Lithi i€ i all ta Lie Pe Ga y irk. 7 ee : . Z i} Te i - i : 2 e4bio. Tyetiis ring falt, you may De iure fo kno a att t. = a: - ‘ 2 sos Sag NSARM Le an 7 soe ie ¥ ou li brae oF this, now you paue D1 pias Ine to the b y, Mena, Foxe oO this Mafque : would’twere done,I aia ” “ > ; c To my Aporhecaries for lom e itirring mecates, a é 1% : 7 ha. Me thinkes : paper ent y i blufh e’enthrough yourvizor, ¥ ie 7“ tO dance Out f ~ 4 rie re(t., ~ | lowes amarble quarry s bee - : * = —— seers oot fue — Rooert. J he worl emy fate el Hat p cu as mM ore | Kinde, halte fo true.as mine, Dance they char lift] faile againitthe winde. r, betray not your infirmities, lusb andi jealous by an 1d bys Weill thinke of you,andth lat pre fently. Guid, The Spheares neerdanc’d vntoa better tune. 5 _ Mulickethere. fab, “Twas Mufickethathe f{pake,. -Thethirdchanze ended, Rob, Gallants] th Pf 4 UMFGCILE 2 5 eT ti Im la? . E ; ; : ; AT, rie i ‘er ih 7 , - 7 ed 42 ¢ ina y & I , Pi oe8 - & uae Tt You'll makemy Ff 7 lanke you; and Ladies fall off. Beginne a health-to your Miltretles, 3.07 A. AJ airethankes fit ] Bri Spear’ Hab, He {peakesnortothis pledge, has heno Miflrefle? meats might che(eo: eens fie may be Regere dances Heedoth adore a brighter Starrethen wee. A Lanalto, or & Rob, Sit Ladies fit, you haue had {landing long. Galsard, @ in Men, Bletle the man.{p ritly and 1 a done, the midft of if, Thais, What, is your Ta .difhip hur falleth soto the Tfab. Ono,an ealie fall, Bredes lap; but Was I not deepe enoug gh. | frratght leapes But! mutt further wade? I am his now, vp,and dancete As {ure as [uno’s Zo i men take flight, it ont, And fee not me, ‘tis not my weddi ight. Exit J/abella, Card. The Bri jes de eparted, difc ontent it feemes, Rob, Wee'llaiter her, Gallants, vama(que pray, And taltea honey banquet we entreate, Exit Rob, Cards ava Lights, Ww a Lecnai oo? (het ereey, pw ay, Yea? te C) i/4 O a 2 Neer a dere = dead aaey | tae rod Ne Nw, S So. ’ ye toed ) 6 Oh ia oe Pee yok F P dhe aS on & PIG FFFy ri P tide w Clarid. (Candids Erniges | alae cht Aen. Come Widow, lle be bo id dto put youin My Lord will you hauea fociate Exit T hast. Rog. Good gentlemen tf I haueat v.ineerelt in you, Lent, Abige Let me depart vnknowne, isa sa Of an eternal! Mend, What the fall my Lord,as commonathing as can be, the (tiftett nianin italy may fali Detweene a womans ay : : ro at s77%99 Fe T ane actrt Cia’. VW { uid I h ad chal iP d pl; ALES with YOU iit) Lord,would ; yu 140 bec née ny Liap, Ko; 7, What Cuckol Idlaid his hornes in my way? Basen it Sienic Tr C "t ‘rsAsa wa you were by the Lady V ynen 5 tell, Doe you thi ink Cc i hurt her (lar, You ee not her, my Lord, betweenethe legs, Rov. Whats ‘va el Fell vvithall fend. A cr fic oint my Lord. ‘ynknowne, Ro * Crotiec “pc OW nt indees ies sVVE i] if ) Ol tOue me,ict me pence call Face Se rays Can flew Clem Ateud ine file ncé yours the difgrac BeAS owne _. k2% C1Ar 2 Atetde Enter 1SABELLA witoa oslt Goblet and mectes ROGER OC, Ifab. Sir, if Wine were Nectar Tle! beginnea health, TO ner th . were > molt gracious in yi our eye; Yet daigne,as fi aan ‘tis the gift of Bacchus, ue her pledge thar drinkes.: this God of Wine Cal snot inflame me more tO appetite, T hough he be co-fupreme with mightie Loue, me thy faire (} 1ape. Roz, Zoundsfhe comes to deride me, Vad, Thar kite fhall ferue To bea pledge alchough my lips (hould {tarue, lo tricke to get that vizor fr om his face? 12 if hence, and fo concealedilgrace, Ifab, Sir, haue you left nought behinde : Rog. Yes, Lady butthe Fates will, not permit 4 Fa) ms on (As lems once loft arefeldome, or neuer found) I fhould conuay it vvith me. Sweete Good-night. age bends to mee? there's my-fall againe, Exit, (ab, He's gone, that lightning thata vvhile doth Strike C3 Our a Toa Ee BEES Sipe - bos gb § hv aTP e219) V OEE bed? WORPLET [Ee Our ¢yes with ama z d brightnetle, and onafludden Leaués vs in priloned dark ne fe. bi (ith ou art hie; : - My {miles nn: ay Wi “tl come from the Sky oF : 4+ - a7 NA, ek GZ, Fintey ANN Ac Anna, Madame, did ye . I/ab, Follow yond itranger, thee learne his name: Wee may di Sopher apg we hesea . Low I deate ? Exit Anna, Is hee nota God | : Ad oi! cee ice tend Oa ere That Cal ncomi and \A nat other méen wouia Winne or 5 _ seem ef OF ogee {i reat m Hi fey WU ith rhe h ard tt ad | Uarntage or ae TLILT auc iM, Or thadow- sgien en his necting iteps. cx? if CallA.ced Ahvela Were r as “Dapbne, anda.ne Scena cnale, Though I reject dy eFppollees lous, Andlike a Dreame be: tui his wandring (teps, Shot ild he purfue me throug! itheneighbourr ring groue, Fach Cowllip (talke fhould trip-a willing fall, Till hee were mine, wi ho tillthen am his thrall : Nor will Pblufh, fince worthy is my chance, ‘Tis faid that Vem ws with a Satyre flept, And how much fhort came the of my faireaime? T hen Queene of Louea prefident He be, Toteach faire women fearrie to love of mee. Speake Muficke, what's his name. Enter ANNA, «una, Madame, It wasthe worthy Count Mafiine, ifab. Blelt be thy tongue : che worthy Count side ede, The worthielt of the Worthies. Trofty ana, Hatt thou pack'd vpthofe Monies, Plate;and Iewels I gaue direction for? efune. Yes, Madame, I have ~ vp them, chat many A proper man has beene trultvp Ifab, ¥ thankethee, takeche wings :ofnig ht, Beloued Secretary, and pofte with them to Swenia, There furnifh vp fome ftately Pallace Worthy co entertaine the King of Loues Prepare itfor' my comming anid my Loues; Ere Phebus Steedes oncemore vnharneft be, Or ere he {port with hisbeloued Therx, & ‘Bhe oss Li € oA] ALIA E 8 BHLES) 7? The filuer-footed Gc defile of the Sea, Weew ill fet f forward. Fj ly¢ like the Nort bern \ 4x? vinde, Or {wifter,e-4nna, fieere like to my minde, ein, Lamiultof your minde Madame i am gone, Exit eA7a. lfab, Soto the houfe of Deaththe mourner goes That is bereft of what his foule defir’d, 4 AsI'to bed, I to my nupriall non | The heauen onearth : fo tothoughrfl woe ters went The pale «4ndrome Ad bedew’d d with teares, When euery minute fhe ex acitak gripes wv a fell montfter, Andinvaine bewail’d the act of = creation. Sullen Night that look’ ftwith fanck ¢¢yeson my nuptiall bed, — ne er a Starrethat {miles v por the end, Mend thy flacke pace, and lend th ¢ malecontent, The hoping louer,and the wifhing ; Bride Beaines that too long thou fhadowelt: not In {pig ght of thy fixe front w hie enmy beets d ice Shall {truggle in due pleafure for his righe, 2 He think’t my loue, and:die in that ~ = Exit. Enter hak ag cuerali doores ABIGA 34 THA! Abig, Thats, youre an eately rier; I haue: ri to fhew willmake your hayre {land an-end. Thais: Well Ladyjandi hauethatto! thew) rou will bring your courage downe, What w ould you fay, and 4 would 1 1ame a part tie faw your Husband court, kiffe, nay almoft goethrough for the hole ? e-fbiz, How, how, what would fay? nay, by this light, what would I not doe? If euer Amazon fought better,or n wore at the face then Ile doe, let mé neuer be thought ita new married vvife. Come vnma(que her: ’tis fome admirable creature,vvhole beau- tic you neede not paint. I warrant you, tis done to your hand. Thais. Wouldany vvoman but I, beabuledto her face 2 Prethee reade the contents: Know'f{t thou the Character ? Aig, Tis my Husbands hand,anda Lone- Lette: But for the contents! findenonein it, Hasthe luftfull monfter, All backe and belly-{teru’d me thus 2? What defe@ does he fee in mice ? Ile be {wornewench, I am of as pliant and yeelding body to to him,e’en vvhich way hee vvill, heemay turne mee as hee lil himfelfe. a we ? and dedicate to thee 74 Matt Ys here’sa {tile {o his gh aga man cannot helpe a Dog 0 ¢r it. i WAS wont fo write tO meéeip a Citic ya) fe. My.g2oo d As PAu s nere $ Aftonifhment of nature unparale ld excelent V5 wid meaft UNeg ual ravitse of creations Three fuch wordes will rurne _ ho por voman in the world ? : cue till he ce know not vvhat Reads Lany of chefe: you (heete,that your huft ot thinke to hips ind, bur for -as)s Sh | sefis as cuer > hee has not lefr:out a noichiet warrant j b nhiftee de me any good, but the Law's : rought by his red be d hi would prouta . [ pony as and ees kdeyhec doks _ ch of: mein» : cn,\ fely intime fecke for preuen- th te | 1d am as | amafraid betrueto thee,though a r Ht isbands bilk like a (fine ce nobght — ay: loue can QC ts ViOICHE parions pric a priuate friend, th he pea ure ret nN bed : Ttolde eae re Ly iu pane was tO zoe to} o day,torenewa Farme hee has, din the meanetim ‘igh e tenance at will,tovfe mines this ; falle-fire has “aa yoke with bi at he’s ravifhtafore hee CC ome. L i aie sees sarap ont iim ot red : doft know this? isM's Points tothe riage @ Mise E Now i iiny ‘A. us ree re wi if be ha : whi: in ‘ xg ra st if thee anon, And thou canft meete hitn clofely; ey’ j, Thais. By my faith I would be »Abiz, Imeanethus: the fame occafion wil _ rue him: too, they are birds of a feath ier, 2 nd vvill Aye to: » I vvarrant & thee ri . thee wench, appoint him rocome: + ay that for Mawrano, and telilmeeanone if pana bloud {pring, for toy, in his face. Thaw. | cngeae you not all this while thy of a Abig. Then th’art a barren woman, and no meruaile If thy Husband loue thee not : the peas: for both to 2 some iattte, 2 dark time Gt for lealideise s:and vv ith cle anly conuayance into Our bead- by the niglers our maids, they "aol ie ceans fared a bere, Your Husband into mine, and mine into yours. ey? ro ey } Tl $ > ait 4 Tbass, Butyou meat ye the -y fhall comein at the backe-aores Ab 7 WV Th rf ; Fut eee 21a V and they “eerie mein arthe £é Vi A} ) , Oui r isSb 20 2 iia y esas bias. 3 COPLsIC GHG ibd oes Feat = ant ar f ton a i? eh 4&4) sg at re | bes - fore- dores, there will 40 pieaiure int, BU we twO. Wii cHmDE ouer our gardene P ales, and conie in that vvay (th ech alte pat r : 2 . ec . : £o ¥ > Ps « e e? shh grein Venice vv it firay for ct BOCd turne jan: 3 thus vvitt thuy veil ok. + = wee be beftowed, you into my foufe to your hus and, and I into your houfe to my husband, and vvarrant thee sbefore a month come'to an end, theyll cracke louder of this nights« lodging thenthe B ed-{teads.. : T hair. Allisif our Ma ids keepe fecret. Abi, Minc.isa Maid Ile befworne, thee has kept her fecrets hitherto. —— Troath, andI neuer hadany Sea-captaine borded in y houle. Abiz, Goetothen : and the better to auoid fufpition, Thus wee mult infilt, chey muft come vp dar! ing, recreate themfelues with their delight an houre or two,and rafter a a mil- lion of kiiles, or fo. Thais. But is my husband content tocome darkling ? eMfbig, What notto faue mine honour ? heethat vvillrun through fire, as hee has profeft, will by the heate of his lou, grope in thedarke. I warrant him! hethall faue mine honor 7 bass, lamafraid my voye sci dkoneesiaen. Abig. Why then, youre belt fay nothing, and take it thus quietly when your hu isband comes. Thais. 1, but you know a vvoman cannot chufe but {peake -in thefe cafes. we , «si fh aoe a Ou; Exe, ¥ J Tant f ¥ 2 ¢ 7 . luft ; lin my q 3 a Oo 4 . ae me Oy Be wun 3 ve mult T ; ain} D> 1 bu if te > : 39 445 Io VY a a4 a? 23 rr S447 re es sw .. eee > a2 ? ‘ee as : wi AS q ne sr oO oi S. ? BE q Z S$, la Aa 73 ta 2 Ag ME 4 ; Mizal, “$ x our cfofle-po y ay ar ints y rc} >. e - ? - rf face fe ft 2 7 % 7; j , ¢¢ 1m} = 2 y that thou not f5 hiuer i¢ i : de 7 0G cvVpo BY a, iT NA No, & ot & wo of “a ~4 ‘ P) ¥v0U rer Tote ari & SS 2 the w TS HtO Come backe Thattamesa Loue-letrer? ¢y> ; 4 y i¢ 7 t - . as 4°AFC. AG R Ges é i Vi ire rr 5 7] OLE t AT - : - : e! thereto mo ce bah ee AER CU VES Toholdtl OHO i vi i< } ; { rie 4 bi ae P t Raat | ' Ts by ry ee { : ~~ 4 th he Be ok fy 4 SO WLR LAG 4 *% Baasis bane a is B4 : p £ t / t : i . ' $2 4 ‘ ' : : WiC f & a aoe + 2 - ry ’ ae 1h, ii ' a ¢ a WR 4 4 2. yf i . 7! ‘ ; 7 7 a 3 s 7% Aj 8 VV GIAEG ie ore ; : | & ofond? ~~ * - an f tote re m o Rad hae Wille Methe Letter, thy icife ihaiit Cit, - 7 o 2 - rye? ; ‘ — Receeuk a “a 2 ike Yet I fhou lk 2tCare it in the oreaKking Ope, J - % : _ , 1 all A e ras cys i” 2 rugrws Laer ow tere = > : g ay } Dadel ANG WARE MN ty 2a u OTipei ca re nthee: j j fa ' Ht ¢ ty —- } = i . Arn iay rric J : 3. ij ; fr : ; : ° r - 4 a . : : ay Tan sree } n t 5 a av ¥ Wi Mm. Aion - eae) : ~ On VY th a= ays Bets RLS ‘3 3 : : as : Ly ‘ Ti wk ’ fe | ol ‘ ¥ i. 1 Fold 4 ' MR BRASS E EEL Y i i sa Ale FAUIG CMU S GCC Gd GOCTMOO 1OUC Nim, ‘ Sa = Sb ; a eS ee ‘ ; . i Sfva ie om 8s a4 inegees errs ins ae Butit He thninkeio did him come to me, AD : Elm es TF 2 } ' t | — : : . PSY See £5QA GSK CASA LITE ta its it og 5 lim réaions. I] > {I iw i | 7 2 i ¥ : : iP f Cinew Hil Dial yWiv t Cannot ioue Nim ~ : v ; . ; rist > rye 7 ~ Pe o4 os Sacts A th Et $34 ai -i/ a os } ee tiy ii arit . 4 F, g = ‘ : : P a . ; + aa : - as " 1 ae * a x Or chance to telith¢e that the vvordesvvere{weer. - : Vander thofe Syren vvordes,and how | mean To vie himy vviien L have him at my yvill : For then chou wilt deftroy che plot chat'slaid, And make him feare to yeeld vvhen doe vvift ‘ 1 oe ee then dicinic my lewde en tent, : a PS re ral » ik ee - _er7eria mre F iL. > + Oncly to haue him yeeld; for vvhen | ae bigs. - ges FSX ' : if ae iy 3 tat tte 7¥ ; : eS 5 aon : None bu it my cite fhall know how I vvill vfe him, } taye {? thou? vet retur Ac againe, . Why doftrhou come againé 21-bad thee goe, If I fay, Goe, never returne againe. Exit Page, My bloud, like iucable Ocean, . Cu if d vvith the Wi ades, incertaine where to reft, Buts at the vtmofi fhare of every limbe, My Husband's not the man I vvould haue had O my ne w thought s to this braue[prighitly Lord, 2 4s wr) ape TB) abIaee ae Ee: 4 t : co} H cus Eee “ | i * iy a8 Axtto th at PuiGg dha ge CPS ACe é a cates, vat needes-t nfkb recede a furfeits kt yet abe bella thinke obl Gentleman, young, wife, And richy’thinke what Fate followes thee, inoughe but Luft. t doth blinde thy worthy love: 17%. Ono, it 2 ay o) ng Cot yeares away y ftriving | = m to ftay. aine gale rrults into Sea ‘hing Barke, now neare theleas {bri ings met —— cnn nes Sd ~- rtsagaine: Ne as si (hot? not Ester Count it eA a, and a Pag ‘i Page. aoseqe ie sunt. Rez. Sofellt oiar cetera on the Greeke, And bore away his anifhe prize to Troy: : For fuch a be -autie, brig sheer tl hen his Dana, Jone fhould (me thinkes) now come himfelfe againe: Loucly // Habellay! corm fetle me mortall: Not worthy to ferue thee in thought, I {weare ¥ ct fhall not this fame ouer-How of fauour Diminil h my vow’ddutie to your beauty. Ijab. Your loue,my Lord,I blufhingly prociaimet, Hath power to draw me throughawildernedie, Wer't arm’d with Furies, as with furious Beafts, Boy,bid our T raine be ready,wee lito horfe,: .Ex.Page, My Lord,! fhould fay fomething, butT blafh, 7% Courting is not befitting to our fexe. Rog, lle teach you how to woo, Say you hauclou ‘dmelong, ie kk od a ee Pare " — od ae ~ F And tell me that a womans feeble tongue Wag never tuned ynto a wooing-{tring; Yet formy fake you will forget your fexe, And court my Loue with flrain'd Immodeftic, Then bid-me make you happy witha kille, If, Sit,though women doe not woo, yet for your fake, Tam content to leaue that ciuillcultome, | And pray you kiffe mee. | Rog. Now vie fome vnex pect vimbages, To draw me further into C/s#écanes Net. Tfab. You-loue not mée fo wellas I loue you. ‘Koo. Faire Lady, but I.doe. ifab. Then thew your louc, Reg. Why inthis kiile! (hew’t,and ir This wHoing thall fuffice, ’t To make the current of a filver- Convert his owing backeward to.his Spring, rhenturnea woman wooer, There’s no caule Can turne the fetled courfe of Natures Lawes, Ifab. My Lord, will you purfue the plot? Rog. The Letter giues direction here for Pauie. To horfe, to horfe, thus once Ersaace, With lookes regardiant, did the Thracian gaze, And loft his gift, while he defir'd the fight. But wifer 1,lead by more powerfull charme; Ide feethe world winne thee fromoutmine arme. Exennt. Enter at fener all doores, CLARIDIANA ana GViDO. Gui-Zounds, isthe Huritano comming? Claridiana what's the 4 trampi; is eafier farre lver-brooke gts ; aa ie - * TPRte ErTsRninres ay LmMy yvoweso ieruice, 4 Clar. The Countelle of Sweuia has newtaken horle, (master? of Horfes Flye Phoebus ,flye,the houre is ixea clocke, beasd, Guid, Whither is thee going Signior? Clarid. Euenas Jose went co meete his fimile. T othe Diuell I thinke. Guido. Youknow not wherefore? Clar. To fay foothI doenot, Soin immorrall wife fhall I ariue. | Guide Atthe Gallowes, What ina pation Signior ? he aire? ap with ting int ~ ) yarren Coldneés ? * y chance, ; GHA 4 DD 3 J 1S THOT ae asé& leaft 4 ? : : Or opese ) aoe prety MPTeAat a & \. ek af a , - s nok wwe ve tr : f] : = 4 rigs oro Cy < es 2 nzue Brad pas pred Whenrth ' parte Te py erepuvewys eerreee tse e Where tiny chafte Phade hits, inthron’d ‘mong thoughts So purely good, brings her co heauenon earth, { er hath foules in conteémpiation. po Such pow eset | Sing boy(though nl ghey et)like the mornings Larke: Muficke A foulethat’s cleare is light,chough heauen be darke. player. The Lady LENTVLYVS, at ber Witarw, Lent. Who fpeakes in Muficke to vst Mend. Sweet,’tisl. Boy, leaueme¢, andto bed... Exst Page, Lent. Lthanke youfor your M uficke : now good-night, Men. Leaue not the World yet, Queene of Chattitie, Keepe promife with thy Loue £ndmuion, And Ict mee meete theethere on Latmus top, "Tis whofe vertuous hopes atefirmely xt Onthe fruition of thy chafte vow'd louc. Lent,My Lord,yeur honor made me pro mife your alcentinto my houfe, finceumy vow barr’d my doores, By fome wits engine, made for theft and luft: ¥ct for your Honour, and my humble fame, Checke your blouds paflions, and returne deare Lord: Sufpitionisa Dogge that ftill doth bite. Withouta caufe, thisaét giues foode to Enuy$ Swolne big, it burfts, and poyfons our cleare flames. Men, Enuy is ftinglefle when the lookes on thet. Lent, Enuy isblinde, my Lord, and cannot fee. Men. if you breake promile,faire,you breake my hart. Lent, Thencome, Yet flay. Afcend. Yet let vs part. I feare, yet know notwhat I feare: Your Loue’s precious, yet mine Honor's deare. Mend. If doe fainethy Honor with fouleluff, May Thunder ftrikeme,to fhew Joxe is iult. Lent, T hencome my Lord,on earth your vow is given. This aide lle lend yous He throwes up aladder of cords, M.Thus | mount my heauen, which foe makes faft to forme part Recciue me fweete. of the window, he afends, ands i Lent. QO mevnhappywretch, -topfals. How fares your Honour ? fpeake Fate-croft Lord. If life retaine his feate within you, {peake; r Ene ats 35 i ir Pe Ve F- PR SS | fi. i il Cc ite: . ive on * fF na - ; es ”™™ on ‘ oo TJ ii¢ fe Pe iC yh Oi : 4 ~ nman,! r aA +, Jou more ti eto mens n oe vill betray i : ¥ 30fF lene + heir {p = 5 \ : rit tnou ce : fe face * | ; ee ae . ae Que tny LOTT ; A ce lic m hen ITO iTt re: cannot, yor ee ory ntroul co Loue Fate CT} i. Ratt is th ine itnic bi a : tf tes £2 eh: te iv LOrroOW. a gi “Ges iF eb atadecat igi ttid (1, if 7 ; AVS ON, and 5 aowne, yh ~ -t- +t Pe at 3 Tat sy oo Lait Pais ; ® * Fen] . iy out elined t ‘s ohe py Oak f aC ] feare me, gi J % <. Oe > s nor take two ra . n.has no mo- our duty 7 tof vy ORES, . a 1407 ] Gf %4L sti 7 j ns t | Ae oly {2 a: C Ca ré ii on 4 tar wi aee © 200,Ti LATS wth A a3 c f ~ cre a : é W : rs bs ad | : | | : Fe 1G ture, {Se Fa ae “i & Weak i iB Py | { mot Mmoue, i eten foue. ' vvith Loue, neil dee @ a@ as, » t we ¥ ter git eT Ww rs m¢ ‘ aa SLi ALi & ¢ al vv & ry Ne it CON ESL ¢ ie is FP rf : } es ’ & te : i . fare, ke ] ; ry ADT hse >] ath re 7 : fi } 4 Mea A 64 » vvjle ' cib] - : 2 a oe m7 ws os an 7 WS a) se | as > ginatio AAeA Tryry4 LJ iH \ hiha + : ' : 4 = Lil ee ; a4 uy _ L aeaeet | Lad - * + fe -~ ye cH e r ¢¢ Ciera ri tat Se hh AP 423 ilijOns. tea i ¥ 7S stage tire one 5 imeet wn hd howe wnt oaet! Deut ite 4 eo pe “pe ) ee vent few) ue ma as Ut ey | J weed * » bc pennants : ; fence: wnt worry Jamra ae continually 2 oe I t: . | na % a27 79 jefa g! | + ry nN ae sit wa ee & Se “(Tf 1 at haue {to fk fhe “ fate, iON, ~ % 1¢ has com piled an lat fal Cex es. "asi 2 fh into thy fhape, riudge vs by y d but Ye at 4 ai? > 4 i fa 9 = the liue at our plea- 3 5 iit sf ad cals his booke } : » a ct : : ¢,though vviththe her, and then zoe heare o 2 . ¢ it Leen : D, a ie put at bh a) & ax" al ; | £3 £3 t g Of a reat men woul i { ick 7 es - ~ & be h ; > cain{t wen | , Tae t « WiC § ag tod f re = ai | é P— i é | oalyl c 4 ~~ ~© =e b~y c 1€ OF Itt & tty san SAIN : i I = a T MOU paula y ash. ti S hit Beit HTC GE iitine a, - - 8 i : Z " 7 s4 b soa 4) ¥ oy = 2) zt : : bY > = . . f bts Kall ww ALS Ton Mme iki BAG. ES. i¢)} if “E918 | go¢ Fey » fae an me o? ey . ye LZ a fing! x ~ — My hot defire of vengeance fhall {trike wonder R Lic ng in WOMmMaNn falS KE areaa@ruls nunacr Fs wT, / Thy viher-like attendance on the Staires, Being truc fignes softhy Humilitie. e fauna, | goal did difel Gud, Vihers (hould hauemuch vvit, but litrle haire: ve ~ of beth futhcient: prethee leaue mee, , if tho uf al tan ho} ne{t La ] 4 cormmend meto her, Burt {hee is none, Exit Aana,manes Guide. Farewell chou private {trumpet worfe then common, ; Man were on earn an Ane el put ror woman. - e+ i. if E " Phar feauen-fold branch of hellfrom them doth grow q : AA vis } ay ; = Prid we & uit. and Wi LITaCT, they raife from below, “ ; if “a sete f it, : fsens y= @ Fak -™ — _ " With all theit fellow Linnes. Women were made i Of blood, wirhaurt foules : vvhen their beauties fade, : y2 } ep ae : i eheir aut § patt.auarice or Dawary Pe wees ee 3 t : re Mal kes the m ity Ilo ua: _- enthcv DUy Veneri¢c, Brib ine Gainnation, ana | hire prot! ell iiaues. ~~+ o% ch ~ 5 u Sav arg i Ps er Fé ey +; 7 . - 7.7. Shame s tncir exccufors. in a ther srTaues, Your painting vvil ll wipe off, vvhich Are did : s a7% iii ie i¢, And thew your vgly fhapein (pi te of pride, Farewell i/abe“a age ore in foule andfame, Lleaue thee rich in nothing but in fhaime. Then foul ele eile men know, whofe fa:ths e hollow, ¥ our lult bidagt os ench'd,abloudy attmult follow, Exit. Finis Aci ws terty. ia 2 A .ctus agnie in the r¢ NV a 2 urdererg A Tt A 1 ; a c teary es reer ee vm er rter pets ets POLES AMET OT epee arte ep ree, th} cv ; irs bd i€ + na i Peeters. 2 sa8 ELIOT eters ¥ o e &@eoai % ; 38) =o an deren ad wb tue poem gm, re dpeothard had shoe “oro 4 fea ee f provbonney Coumte fle rive hie Tis alye, r, andthou ftodd’ft by. ne & hang thy felfe?no I {(corneitis this ft: kill’d him Duke, at ie = ‘ aS i Chal Gi big 7 hou halt alwayes bene croffe to me,an¢ 1 wilt be tomy death, ‘Ss i lau iC i taken ail ich 118 paine esto bring thee tO hanging,and ri Jolt gt fk i¥ in a tale till we come to the gallowes, roffe- point, if youcrotle me thus, at that, or it {hall coltmea fall: yi lero be Sat Fe toe bec sisfechs ou {corn *(t my COM. pany : but itthall be knowne I am as good a man as thy felfe,and inthefe actions will ke pe com pany W ith thy berrers lew, Clar. Monfter. De JIS= ekiller, Clar.Be hecer, 7 bey bufile, _ Part ti Duke. ne \eth, part em. Rog H se vs,and quarter vs,we fhall ne’er be parted til then, Duke, You doc confefle the murther done by both. { lare But that I vvould not haue the flaue laughatmee, | And count mea coward,I hauea very goodmindrolive, Afde, But Iamrcfolute:’tis bueaturne. I doe confefle. Keg, Sadocl, Pronounce our doome, wee are prepardto dye. 1 Sen, We fentence youto hang till you be dead: Since you were men eminent in place andvvorth, ~ “?e giuea Chriftian buriall to you both, (agree, lar, $i tin one graue — feech you,wee fhall ne'er eg, He fcornes my company,till the day of ludgement, Ve not hang vvith him. Dake, You hang together, that fhall make you friends, An eucilafting hatred death foone ends : To prifon with them till the day of death; Kings words like Fate, mult neuer change their breath, Rog. You malice-monger, Ile be hang’d afore thee, And’ ‘be but to vexe thee. t,. X o. Lhe infatiare Contrei/e, ’ Cla,lle doe you as good aturne or the hangman, & thallfallour? Exeust ambe fuarden, Enter MEND OSA ins bis wight rowneand cap guarded, with the Captaines Duke. Now to our kinfman,: fhame to rovyallblood, Bring him before ys, Theftin a Princeis facrilege to honour ‘Tis vercues {candall, death of \oyalry, I bluth to fee my fhame ; Nephew fit downe Tuftice that{miles on thofe on him muft frowne; Speake freely Captaine,where found you him wounded? (apt. Betweene the widowes houfe &thefle croffe neighbors, Befides an Artificiall laddder made ofropes Was faftned to her window which he confeft He brought to rob her of Iewelsand coine: My knowledge yeelds no further circumfance, Deke. Thou know'fttoo much, would I were paft allknow- ledge, : i might forget my griefefprings from my fhame, Thou montter of my blood, aniwere im briefe Tothefe Aflertions made againgt thy life, Is thy foule guilty of {0 bafe a faQ? (Mend. 1 doe confeflel didintend to rob her? In the attcmptI fell and hurt my felfe Lawes thunder is but death, I dreadit net, So my Leatulustonorbe preferu’d From black fufpition of aluftfall night. Duke. Thy head’s thy. forfeit for thy harts offence, Thybloods prerogatiue may claime that fauour, Thy perfon then to death doonib'd by inftlawes,: « Thy death is infamous, but worfe the caute. Enter ISARELLA alone Gv india following ber. Lfabella, O heauns that I was borne te be hates flave, The foade of Rumor,that devour’s my fame; am call’d Infatiat Counteffe lufts parainowre ‘A glorious Diucll, and wise whore, mF he peafaera te ( OUMbe pes. Tam fice, vext; and tormented, O reucnge. “5 Gina: On wi hom Wou id my 4 [fabella be reuengs d e I fab. Vpona' a, \ Viper, sthat does get mine honour, £ Hick Iw ill not name himtill L.bereuc eng a, See, her’s the Libdls are diunig "da gainiitme, An nine rlatting { (4 ind jail ro m y ee And thus the villen writes in my d lifgrace, Shereads. Who loues fabe eld the infatiate, Needs e4t/as back for to ce onrent herluft, That wandring Serumpet, an id chafte wedlockes hate) That renders eniths deceipt, for loyalltruft; Thatfacrilegious thiefe:to Hamens rights, Making her luither God ipheau’n ber delight ‘ Sv yell not proud heart; i le qu iench thy griefe in blood; Defire in wot man cannetbe withRood. : Guiaca. lle bethy championfweet gaint all the weit! Na 9 but ‘“ villaine that defames chee: thus, fab, Dare thy hand execute,whom my tongue condemnes, | “ n a thou truely valiant, mine forever,” ~ , Bur if chou fain (t, hare muft ourtrue howe fever: Guiaca. By my dead fathers foule, my mothers verrues,? © | And by my knight. hood and gentilizie; Hebes reueng d On all the Authors of your oe tie? ‘Name him. Ifa, Ragero, Guiaca. Ha. o: | Tfab, What does his name affticht dhetiews ard Lord? Be mad [fabella, curfe on chy: reuenge, : | This Lord was knighted :for his fathers worth,” Wot for his owne. Farewell thou petiur'd man, He leawe youll; You all confpire to workerhine honors fall. Guid. Stay my Lfabellaswere he my fathers fonne; Compofed of me, he dies, | oi Delight fill keepe with thee: ?pocin, Tfabella. Thowart infec Reuenge to me is AWweeter aw then fut) See mw eS. Se a Pe ana wT 7 nun ne oN Fee. dams i a oa © 4 Be 7) oa eee eo we ; Enter Gy itv o vthey (ee oneanother and draw and Apa fe; thén enter Ana. a . y Lee TAL A holies ripe | ea Jace “34 ~~ o f oA nnd. W Ha ime 3 © YOU NODES, Vi if] YOu kill Cach other é etmbo, Hold. G#ide.s Thou fhame to frien dfhip, what intendsthy hate Guiaca. Léwe Arines my hand; ‘makes my foule valiane: Tfabellas wrongs now fits ¥ pon my fword, To fallmore héa auie téthy'c owards hea: a: Then thunderbolts vpon Tones tifted Oakes - Deny thy {cantdallor defend thy’ life. Guido, What? hath thy faith and andreafon left thee both? That thou art onely fleth withotit a foule: «Haft thou no feeli ifs ofthy felfeand me? Blindrage that will nor letthee fee thy felfe; Gwiaca, Lcomenot to difpute but execute: And thus comes death, eAnether paffe, Guide. And thus] breake thy dart,her’s “—_ whores face, Guiaca, “Tis milt: here’s at thy heart, (tay, lee vs breath, Guide. Let reafon gouerne rage “yet let Vs leaue, Although moft wrong ibe mine, I can forgiue’s In this attempt, thy fhame will éuer line. Guiaed: Thou hatt wrong d the Phenix of all women rarefft, She that’s moft wife,moftlouing,chafte and faireft, Guid. Thou dotelt vpona diuell, nota woman, Thatha’s bewitcht thee with her Sorceric, And drown'd thy foule in leathy faculties, Her vieleffe luft has benumb’d thy knowledge, Thy intcleétuall powers, oblivion fmothers, That thou are nothing but forgetfulneffe, Guiaca, What's this tomy Ifabella, my finnes mine ewne, jer faults were none, vntill thou madeft em knowne. Guido, Leaue her, and leauethy fhame where firftthou found’ft irc: Elfe liue a bondflaue to difeatea Juft, Deuour d in her guife-like appetite And infamy. fhall write thy Epitaph, , G 3 Thy oa oP Cais poe at ie oO 8 is. asaaad # Hi@ f . 7S ~ £F | a , by ‘eo 4 oh Thy. sitorg leat es nothing but thy crimes, 4 ir a P ras slney ramerim Ure Teiftiire tte. A feandall fo tov Mame Ab ieee Kei beh: ot | Gala, Pur vp your | weapon, 1 dare here you further , Infatiat luff is Sire {tillto murtner, ee Guido, Belécuc it friend, if her neart- bloud were vext, Though you kill ing, Be WwW p eafure makes YOU HEAL. ¢ She Jou’d me deerer,then fhe loues you, now, Shee ‘ill nere be faithfull, hastwice broke henvow. This curfe purfues femall Adulterie, F « bei '? oe ; ber are 1. ; mm re - Cin y 4% . : . “ . ~~ bE. ty » tae eRAAl Fe ar 7 Fheir pleafure hike a fea groundieiic and wide, 4 - : — A womans luft was neuer fatishied, Guia, Feare whilpersin my-breft, lL haueafoule That blufhes red, for tending bloudy faéts, Forgiue me friend, if can be forgiven, Thy*counfell isthe path leades me to heauen. Guia, Ldoeembrace thy reconciled loue, Guiaca,, Thatdeath or danger, now fhall ne'er rémoue, Goetell thy Infaciate Countefle edna, We haue efcap*c the {nares of her fale Loue, Vowing for euer to abandon her, » Guid... Youhauc heard our Refolution, pray be gone,. Anna. My office cuer refied.at your pleature, Y was the Jvdian, yer you hadthe treafure, My faction often fWweates, and ofttakes cold Then gilde true diligence o'er with gold. Guia. Thy ipeech deleru's itthere’s gold, .. .eives ber gold. Be honeft now,and not loues Noddy, : Turn'd vp and plaidonwhil'tthoukeep tithe Rock, *Prethe formally let’sha thy abfence, eAnua.| Lordstarewell,. Exit Anuas Guido. {Tis Wheres and Panders,that makes earthlike hell, Gusaca. Nowlam got out of lus Lab crinth, i willto Venice, fora certaine time, To recreate my muchabufed fpirits,. Hyd then reuiht Pain and my fricad, a Guido, Ie ~ tie «Me bring you on your wa . ike » Attva, and will ewer burne, : 3.2 i+ : as 7 fee Dat 7 a zi ~ mm tx 4% cv “y roars t H ay ¢ ; sin tin Genre 13 ree bRaMmM ac | $ . 4 eal ag 1 ; rh ==. aie A ees a y Till i toah aki IoWwes he ii, nas iii pas e faith, L.vthne Ainge. Tlabelia. ie ierin le Bako meffen; OCT Of ny rcéuenge 5 death 7 oO” Anna, VY pon mine honeltie they a are ynited, Hfabella, Thy honeftie? thow-vaflaile.comy pleafure take that. ; Strike her, Dar'ft thou controule me, whenl fayno? Art not my footeftoole, didnot Lerogte ghee? And madethee ry being | be yrne abegger: Thou haftbeene my womans Pandarforacrowne, Aviddoft thou eae | lypon ny hoi neftier JAxuna. 1am swhat youplea cMadame to eis ts T fab, * Sieger ran efle thou fay a wind, No, ho,no Madame dfabella. Thaue my humo ry tho vol tl hey new be falfe, Faint-hearted coward getthee from my fight, When villaine halt, and. come not nere me, Anna Madame: I run,her fight like death doth feareme, Fx, Tilabella, ois Gious spree et ira Sat hues Venecians, anc 4 be reconcil’d with words: © tat 1 had Guiaca ance more here, Within chis oes mn, made of fiefh and bone, Ide noe truft Thun oy with my fell reuenge But mine owne hands, fhould doe the dire exploit, And fame fhould-Chroniclea womans acts: My rage refpects the perfon snot the facts, There place ; and worths hath po’ wer to defame me, Meane hate is ftinglefle, and does onely name mic; I not regard it, ‘tis high bloud that {wels, Giue me sewenge, and damne me into hels, > " oF Eanes dae abe soe oD alt are ty, fe Ent Don Sage aG Orene se ta wth a band of Souldiers ~ ~~ “es ‘ % a .» € L ; P rf ¢€ ~mrrin ese mnyr i; 1, 24 te ares la nie St Atiiditay AN REI AEA SIL SR cake > | A. gallant Sp . . Gay fen t} tb Moe echiefle, ¢ ere [2 heart ae bre cake, Sago. “hit : Wave let soos : Dif fi, In quartering of our Troi SDs With Nor feperated into many ftreetes, That fhewes weake joue; but not found policie, Diuifion in fmall numbers makes all weake, Forces vnitedare the nerves of wore Mother and nurfe ofiob fer ation, Whofe rare inge nious fpright, fils all che world By look ing on it felfe with piercing eyes, Will looke through ftrah cers iaibeetli tiest Therefore be carefull, Lieft, All fhallbe ordred fitting your command, For thefe three gifts which makes a Souldiour rare, Is loue and dutie with a valiane cave.” Extent, Lieft, ‘iv Sculdbine: Sago, WhatYarietie of women feeds my fight, And leades smy fences in amaze of wonder? Sees ber Bellona, thou wert my miftris till I faw that fhape But now my fword, lle confecrate toher, Leaue (Mars and become { mpids Martialift, Beauty can turne the rugged faceof waire, And make him {mile vpon déligheful bpeace, Courting ber {moothly like'a'® alli, Igrowa tous vnto my por Laue, Whote power.change hb . .$,makeour fate remoue. Ifabella. Reuenge h'st;Pleaftiré now ore-rules my blood, Rage thrall dcown Ganctous ta crimfon flood, And werehe caught, de make him murders hand, Sage: Me chitkes twere loy to dieat her command, Ile {peake to heare her. fpeech, whofe powerfull breath; Is ableto infufe life ints pine | Tfabella, He comes to {peakeshee’ s mine, by louche is mine, “Sage. Lady, thinkeboldintrulion curtefie, Tie | ETE RG RERBRS Sheers B78 eT, 0 Tis but imagination alters them, T hen’tis your thoughts, nor I, thar doe offend. Tfabella, Sir, yourintrufion yet’s bur. surtefic, V nleffe your fucure: humor alter it: Sage, Why then Diuineft woman, know m Ly foule Is dedicated to thy fhrine of -beaury, To pray for mercy, ahd repentthe wrongs Done againft lone, and femall: pliritie. Thouabfrad drawné fiom natures empty ftore-howfe, Tamthy flawe,cammand my fword, my heart The foule i is tri ak D eft by the b Odics (mart, Ifabella, Youarea ranger to this land andme, What madneffle ift formetotruft you then? Tocofen women .is.3 trade’ mong ft men, Smooth promufes;faine pafsions with -alye, eceiucs our fex of fit and chaftitie ; What danger durft you hazard for my lone? Saga. Perils that chat neuer mortall durfta approue. Tle doubleal ithe workes of Hercules, Expoie my felfe in combat ’gainft an Hofte, Meete danger in'a, place of certaine death; Yet neuer fhrinke, or giuc!way to my. Fates Bare-brefted- meere the murderous Tattars dart, Orany fatall Engine made: for, death: Such power ha’s loue and beauty: fronnyour eyes, Hé that dies refolute, does néuer dic: “Tis feare giues death his ftrength, which I refilted, Death is bus emptie Aire, the Fates haue twill ed, Ifo, Dare you reuenge my quarrell,"gainft a foe ? Sago. -F heaaske me if L dare embr: ace you thus, Or kifle your hand, or gazeon fee bright eye, Where Cupid dances; onthofe globes of loue, Feare is my. vaffall, when I frowne he flyes, A hundred times adie 2 cowarddies, Ifabella, Ynorfufpectyourvalor,but your will. Sage Togaine your lotic; my fathers bloud Te f, pill, Tabi aii mf “53 say is base COMME ye. Ma any haue {: worne the like, yer broke theft vows Saco, My W it ole ende LIOUr{tO your vith fhall bow, Tam your sik to {cour ge your enemies, : Tfabella, gies me your promile, and énioy yout pleafice)) f Gecnd my Ioues'Di owry, that is womens trealite’s gs ¥ : ifthy x ‘e{o lutior . dread t the triall: he world, a Spani iar dwas difloyall, Relate your griefe inne ngte hearecheir names, bat tard {pis its yt hy true worth defames: andall obi’ “ vhentheit heares bleeds es dit ence betwixt: words and deeds, | poifo n,bloed fhall wath thee white, mr tlefle honor,is a flaue to {pite : 3 mnonfers Venice coth bring forth, pticioules are bankerupt of true worth, Falie Count Guido , treacherous GHiaca, Counteffe of Gazia, and o: F rich Maflino. Then t if thow beeft a Knight, help the oppreft, eye z Through danger fafetic comes through trouble reft, And f fo my loue, Sag 2, Ignoble villens, theirbeft bloud fhall proue, Reuenge fals heauy, that is rais’d by lous, Lfab. Thinke what reproch is to a womans name, Honor’d by birth, by marriage, and by beautie; Be God on earth, pte! reucnge innocence, oO —— Spaniard,on my knecs I begee, Forget the perfons, thinke on their offence. Sage. Bythe white foule of honour, ,by heaw’ns Ioue: They die if their, death canattaine your Joue, lfab, Thus will Iclip thy wafte, embrace thee thus Thus dal] ly with thy haire, and kifechee thus: Our Plea{; ures Pothean-like’; infundry fhapes, Shall wit'h varietie fir re daliance. Sage, Lamimmortall, O diuinett creature : | eae Thou do’ Rexcell cheGods.in witand feature, vals Palle Com: uts you dicsreuengenoy fhakes hjs rods ¢ ~ 2 cauitic ees ae, SS ee er ae a hs ai ee seers Beautie con den mines you, {tr ongerth 1en the Gods. Ifab. Come Mars of louers, Vulcan is not here, Make vengeance likemy bed, quitevoide offe _ Sago, My fences are intranft, and in this flu mber, I calte heau’ nsioyes bi urcannotcountthenumber. Ew, debdt Erter LApyY L ENTVLVS, ABIGALL and THAES. Abigal, Well Mada me: you feeche deftinie thatfollowss mariage, Our husbands are quict now, and muft fuffer the law. That. If my husband hac Fines 1€ Worth the begging fome ’ Courtier w ould hauehad him: he might be beg 'd well inoue for he raphe: Hot his owne wife f from anothe i e% Lady Lent, vou TL a couple of tr ulty Wer ches. . to decciue Your danted shuis. Abig. Ifweehad not deceiu’d themchy s, we had been Truk wenches. | Thaw. Our husbands will be hang’d, becaufe they thinke themfelu’s Cuckold Abig. {fall Soctchal ds were of that minde, thehangman would be thericheft occupat:on,and more wealthie widdowes, then there be yonger brothers tom rry them, Thais. . The Marchantventurers would be ave ry {mall come panie. : Abag. “Tistwelueto one of that , how cuerthereft tfcape, I fhallfearea maflacre. Thais. \f my husband hereafter for his wealth chance to be dub’d: Me haue him cal'dthe Knight of the fuppofed horne. Abag. Faith, and itTounds well, Lady. Come madcaps leaue iefting, and let’s deliuer them elit & a8. out of their-car thly purgation; you are the fpirits th lat torment them: but my loue and. Lord, kinde «Mendofa, will loofe his life, to preferue mine honor, not for. hate to others: Abig, By my troth, if I had beenchis iudge, I fhould haus hane’d himfor hauing no more wit, I {peake as It} binks, would not be hang’d He ne ¢r aman ynder the heau'ns, a tern © eg ed 3 ewe = Fy a Thats. Faith; I thinke I fhould fot eray Hust based. hdd nord hold the opinion of the Pr bilofoph er, that writes we love them belt, that weinio y r fit ft: I a oreft ‘Thane my husband bettety then age ena t did} know me.be = Abig..So doelyyet life and pleature aretwo fweetthings to a Wo ita th, Lady, He thax’s willing to die-to faue mine’ honor, Pledieto beleeue ic who rhac lift, wee loue’aliuely man] Ora} ri? +? Ob rb a J ine : - > 7) ste . Burro maintaine that life, Flene’re confentro die, 2 ae Sch se 4t me fe 2 (4344 * ' § oot ee { fj This is arule i (trl wil keepe in bref, OH > Kt ahd © v¥ 14 43 and wench, but thy felfe beft: lowed your counfell het herto; and meane Lady, Come: we ne egle e&t our bufineffe , tis no ieftingy Fo motraw they areexc uted: leaffe we reprietie them, Nee be thei irdeftinies to 5 cath their fate. . aor $3 ii Oe. -Tfeare not té cothelate. Exeunr, e? ter DoN'SAGO SOLVS with a cafe aie’ | Sage, Day was my nicht; andnighemuft be my day + The fuane fhin’don my pleafure, with. my lone, And darknefle muft 1enddide to my reuenge, The Rage ofheau’n, is hung with folemne black, Atime bet fitting, to Act Tragedies, | The nights great ‘Queene, that maiden goue cotta Mufters black ‘clouds, to hide her from che'world, 3 Afraide to looke on my bold: enterprife, * ee Curd creatures meffengérs of death, pofletie' the world; Wight-Rauens, feritch-owles, and vore-killing Mandrskes, The gliofts of mifers, that itiprifon’d gold, Within che hari ele bowels of the €a arth, Are nights companions: bawdes to lu and imubde Be alkpropitious, to my Act ofinitice; 7 Vpon the fcandalizers of hex fame, « wr That isthe life-blood of delicioufnepte,! Deem re, Cupids: Treafure s a ES Whofe foule containes the ric} 1 . = ref" ~~ oy ‘ . 3 ~— & wa ; Her beautie froro my heart, feare doth expel The he rellifh pleatue b elt, that deead not hel eo iz ' oy ed ) € « a P. Bees thor - ge eh a oh a i4 — - a Sere, sr. ihiend Co thee, itchy intents be iuft 8 he “| ee v9 1 rs ; G ; a #} & : "5 1 j t if aT y 7B i eaUe« : <> 2 3 a Ag ae bed NA unt LOPE “s ty aKe > & ait cic watch, ! F ; 6 Ne Les baal Ett a PP ae Po Pp Ps Kog ero, M Hamme is Reve 6:;aoittnhou Know mes ? C . . VY, .| : sti ' ai SACa Ce anderowse villen. wsorfe nl? ai Ag 6 » 2S ilande: OW = bbs‘ ts nul ie Vi © )) b] iOt quis lé, RN eg eS a ae ; Whole poilon d breath, ha’s {peck 3 - » rd » ¢ . Fy rf 7 if . '& And made a Leper of //abel/a’s fame Thar icac fry lefle - ¢ ct * “Seah 12 aS IDOCE »a$ s the e¢cye orneau n RES ~~ $3 % ~ ¥ te ve a ® | t itting pw LEAL. hae Ka > t eo re % ‘ 4 ? ie if 4 iy 4 6% B “a rr be ~ bg | 7s a a o ft ee” Ure OF ji idden Ocathn, eau fh Caninotiaue, gn Sea “5 = ~ sai gi ad &p £7 34 Oe. ATT > i Titer ry A eae f A Le 5 Count Rog. Art not Geiaca turn d Apoftata, ha’s ple . = = i aine a diuell, art not Guiaca ? hah i ree oa tet ip ex” SS eee 43raA th te ge OAL G, LU brat I were, then would I ftab my felfe ‘* : ee t For he ismark’t for death, as well as thee: 5 Nt : Jam Dox s, age thy mortal! enemie Whofe hand lo m akes thy executioner 4 a e Rogero. t kno’ yw thee yaliant Spaniard, and to thea =. ie ; ” 3 Murders more hatef full,chen i facrilege ~~ 3! é = i. Th 1y actions euer haue been honourable. 4 Sago, And ae the crowne of all m y Actions To purge the-earth,of fuch aman turn’d mo nfter. P _Kogero. Ineuer wrong d thee Spania ; Vie make thee fatisfaction like a fouldi ur, Tellbimall the A true Italian, anda Gentlemar : Piot, Thy rage is treacherie without.a caufe, Sago, My rageisiuft, and thy heart blow He that wrongs *beautie, muft be honors foe: 4 {abels quarrell, armes the Spaniards fpirit. Ropero, Murder fhould keepe with alent not With Tle anfwere theeto niorrow by my foulé, H 3 "a 2 e gn ey ontiaan ge = ) th i C a £723 OF i, Mp | tR s eve, ts , 4 m : : a ey * aft o norab i ‘d clé iTé fac ‘t Vertue, d {hall know, © my os Fe | ake fl at ng) a Fae And eleatethy ¢ doub $5 or fatis > thy ATi SAL rice 's Warres beft, f an with fafety Hers Take this-to night, now me secs mi eto morrow, Shei I come Ifabella, hal fe thy | hate is dead; Valenr makes murder | light, which feare makes dead, Capt. The piftoll was thothere feize him, ~~ » &xter Capt, Bringlights,what Don Saga ollonel llof che horfe? witha band Ring the Alarum bell, raifethe whole Citie; of Soldiors, His Tro: opsarcinthet tow! ne, 1 feare treacherie ; : Whofe thislies murdred, ff peak ke bloud-thirftie Spaniard, Sago. Lhaue not fpoil’d ce, you may know his vifnomy, Cc ‘apt. ‘Tis Count ‘Roger 0, sec conuay him hences hy life epral ud Sp: aniard, anfweres this offence, ey Be o onard for srifon tf. the citiespowers Rife ro refcuc hi um, | Revirt him with fouldionrs. Sago. Whatnee ds this frit fe? Know flaues,if prize reuenge a above sn y life, Fames repifter a fitare cimes {hall te il oi 5 ‘That by Den Sage, Count Ragero fell. Exeunt omnas, = Finis ACs. Quarti, nore ese, SRBiestan rar arte rr eT ereea ae ake WS a te AGus quintus Scena prima. Tat -auienennnn eeadadiemamnmmmmmaaiaaeiaianns Enter Mepina,. the dead body of Gvino Alias Count eAr lena, and Sosldieurs, Dou Sago guarded, Exe~ “entioner, Sta ff els "), On Sago quak’ftthounot to behold this tietacle EP This innoceht fherifice murdred- noblenes, ay When bleudthe maker ever promi ifeth, Shall though with flow yer with fure vengeance eke. atis a guerdones cart a, end mult be paide, es A {ure reuenge, as i itis { Tnee'r knew. murder ver; oeke cic “dd, Canit thou after { fo many fearefull confli&s Dorh S84 i men inte o incontin nce: fn * | : 7 Whofe tongue flowes ouer with harmefull ¢ Aoquence, Canft thou If ay t epentthis hainous Ad, : : g sa Be Andilearne to loath, that killing e C ockatrice’ 2 ~ Cs Pe) a . ; ’ “ ~ » t fe (i SAGO, By this frefh blood, that frome! hy rranly breft, I cowardly fluct out,Iv Fromthis fad minute, fill the davof.doomes: To ange >yaine Afculapi And fill c} efe cris mfon conduit ts, feel ¢ che Gre Dueto the damned, and this horrid fat c Me din ¢ Vponmy foule, brane Spaniae®, Tbeleeuecthee, afero weepein ble vod, or teach me. too, The bul wbbling wo inds, doe murmure for reueng gs This is the end of | lu, where menmay fee, Murders the fbadow.:: Aduiterie : And followesitto Jeath. (Medina, But! anaes Lord; w ye doe col niniferate, Thy bewitch't fortunes, a free pardon gine: On this thy true and ma ce pen litence. With all we make thee Collonell of ourhbor Leuied againft the proud i Venecian { ate, ps Sago. Jdfedina,\ thanke thee not, giue life t That fits with Rifus,and the full ch eek’t The rich and mig! ity Monarchs of thee To me life is ten times more terrible, Then death can beto me, O breake my hreaft: Diuines and dying men may talke of hell, But in my heart che feucral | torments dwell. . What Tanais, Nilus 2 or what Tioris fwift ? What Rhenus ferics' then the Cataradh? : és = eg Although. a ahh eo" ‘im dae 8 2 pe 2 p : y AlchoughNepeo cold, the waues of all che northerne fea} cheauch eet , ouiltiehands ever through PENe2e Bue ’ a Show ld a O' Wi ts ~ i b daioer aa € . 4 frre ~% . - : . ; a Vet the fant PUING yi lent Ahsigt would extant be Le lt > | elie ch we do 3 “a ¢ Medina. ( FO aps al rdo Cre a ¥ oo ; ; Mit 4 iE rer A HAL fi, ey Ere Tel fb 700t E at © P Ww F * rr > ji Meflenger. The Cou ntefle comes my Lord, vite the death: ut (o ee fi gly, and vopt epar'd Us a. the fumme id pound, (F 5 i. at fi im oP | “ } ~ hat fheis rather forft, thinkin; ; . - Pi. Si on errs m™ oF be 4 tal =} | . +c Shefent t tO you Or TWer ty thoul fan LA? ney m6 : 4 e 71 ita ‘ eo a al aoe i) plo ee bag ’ = r vv f. 4 oe & > one pa d : rae yf ife. Pas ¥¥ Ould baue aliured ne re : ag Ate aisen 2 ffeaiferns ; ~. A ¥ 1 ann tt. 8 ; | is {j 1¢ HOT wea ari »wetoriuit ana a as Ly, A Ce ae ff". W, aie FS ee: nee di ds a % tiad it been C Pe weFVPCaLIN, TH ein uld haute ic id vy 4 4a cy a 4s ~~ 7 * whe Ae a i g* or | a4 Her goods by law, are all confifcate ewe q ans” i 88 4e 6 e == And die fhee fhall; ner Luit = 2 | eG, 5 See y See 2 \Vould make a flau ghter houfe of Italy. E Ere fheattain’d to foure and twen ity yeeres, ee Easles, one Vi, icount}and this valiant Spaniard, Are knowne to Been: the fuellto her lug: Befides her fecrer louers, which ¢ charitably I iudge to haue beene but few, but fome they were, Here is a glaffe, wherein to view her foule, A Noble, butvnfortunatre Gentle “mat, Cropt by hia hand, as fome rnde paffenger Doth pluck the tender Rofés in the budde, a Murder and luff, che leaft of Which js death, : a And hath fhe yet any falfe’ hopé of breath | - 3 Enter Isaseti a, with Ber baire hanging aowne, a chaplet of flowers on her head, a nojegay in her hand, Pie 2 citioner before her and with ber aC ardinall | : Tfabella. Wha t plac E1S this > et aed ay @ Cardin. Madame,the Caftle preenes | 92 8 6 : Fab. There fhould: be daiicing on a greene Ithinke. * ( ard; Madame: t6 ‘yon none other then your dance ofdeath.. sf Lfabell, Good my Lord’ Cardinal doe Rot thunder thus, TE q 1 fentto 9 day tomy Phifician, a And + ss Andas he fay's he findes.no figne of death Card, Good Mac jame,doe nm ot ieftaway your foule, Ifab.O feruant,how haft thou betraidmy life? 763464, Th Ou att my leant] LOUCT DOW fe Thou wiitnot leaue me,til! my Very death. Blef%t be thy hand, Ifactincea kifle Toitand vengeance : worthily He died deferuedly, not content. to.iniey My youthand beaury, riches.aind my forcunes But like a Chronicles of his owne vice, Tn Epigrams and fongs, he.tun’d my, name, Renown'd'me for a Strumpet intheC ourts, Of the French King, » and the great Emperor. Didi thou not kill | him druncke, Medina. O fhamelefle woman.! Ifab. Thou fhouldeft, orinthe emi bracesof his luft, It might h vaue beene a Womansvengenlices, Yer I thanke thee Saga, and.would.nue0t wilh.him liming): Were my life inftancranfome, Card, OM: adame -in yourfoulehaue charitic. Ifab. Fher's money for the poote. Gines hivt waeney, Cards O'Lady this is, buta branch, of.chariti¢e, : An oftentation, or a slibeval pride ; Let me. infirué your foule, for thar,lfeare, Within the painted fepulcher of fieth, Lies in.a dead confumption: good Madame, read, gimei a Tfab.- You put mete my books my Lord, will beoke. not that faue me, Card, YesMadame;in.the es jerlafing world, Sago, Amen, Amen, | Hab. While thou wertmy,-feruant, thou hafteuer faid, Amen to all my withes, witneffe this ipectacle : Wher 's my Lord Medina? fedina. Here Tabella,, What’ would you? Jfab, May we hot bexeprisnd 2 Maing a . ge he Wile OC EME: Atedsua.. Mine honors p aft,y Ou Mey not. @/ab.No,tis my honor paft, , Modina. Fhine honors paft indeed, dfab. Then ther'’s no hope of abfoluve remiffion, Medina, For that yourholy Confeflor will tell you ; : c Re, ce ots E mee aaa. world, for Ifweare you dye, fathers caughter, r f?. ,* * FTI JS SL SSP = is : 7 gl" & . a i ae. (an You d oc Notnin ped my a. OF d Cardinall ? ff aA £ { si 2 v Lara, More then the world fweet Lady, hel pto fae Be dead to this cc us 2% x y ited Wine er Au-mne v¥ Circ You mM y } 2 . apliy ™ 79 a mom yg C ig g Wh eB = ater n wwe mee € Sie : 2 . Whathand of man, wants power to defiro y: - s F a f ‘ ra *¢ q Ls i L, « a g t re | u ihab. Youw'rall for this wo rid, then why net 1? Were you in health and youth, likeme my Lord, Although you merited the crowne of life, And {teed in fate of grace, affur'd of it : Yet inthis fearefull feparation , Old as youare,c'ne till yourlateft gafpe, rs an u¢ ‘A ot sth i. ey Mis. > ‘ You'd craue the help of the Phifition + nd wifh your dayeslengehn'd one fammer longer, Though all be priefe, labourand mifery, *etnone will pare witht, chat can fee. | Medina, Vp to the fcaffold withher, “tis Late. #fab. Betterlatethen neuer my good Lord you thinke: Youviefquare dealing. Medina’é mighty Dukes 69° 9 Tytant of France,feat hither by the diuell, She afcends the dedina, The fitter to meete you, Scaffold, - Card. Peace: Good my Lord in death doe fot prouoke her, Lfab.Seruant low as my deftiny Ikneele to thee, ~ To Sago, Honouring in death, thy manly loyaltie: ~~’ ogy elas And what fo eer become of my poore foule,’ -— ote ‘ Theioyes of both worlds.ewermore be thine, ‘Cemmend-meto the Noble Count Guices That fhould hauefhared chy-yal our, andiny hatred: ‘Teli him pray his pardon, and < ss." Medina, art yet infpir'd froin heap oe - |S _Shew thy Creators Image; belike him,’ ~ / —Bathex of mercy. ga : q < =e y — nt ~ eat og eS i lt BRR 5 + . hl a “. it F5 r a Radi ee. ee 12 Le] Aiea ic Ws wiv res oF} Cs (Medind, Head $ man, doe thine office. Tat ‘< No VW Cod ¢ flayvall chy fj nuesypon tay ly * ad. dé And finke thee \ with them, to infernall darknefle. Thou teacher of the furtes cruelty. Card © Mad Lines teach your feite a better pyayel 3a ¥ = {4 L 3 , > / , , . ia ™ uy Thisis your latef{ hower, ™ — » a ay " _- 1. .t?. See PP) ee See a ee I fab. He } iS mine © enemic, mis peu SOrments rc, aaa : oy ee I thal! not aie in Guic i Atea, T] le be Po > with ner hes A iy fe pe FPP Or vie Le 5 ne: WiCh ner neac there, Zee Tfab. Taki it t Cnou G ifHeht.to rorture Oiliercver Suc] i. ic cle i Bey cnou in the day or aoome, , ES eae TED FS, pa MR. Let on etp r > 7 ; 4 * H4Te & 3 ra ry7 47 mm 7" TS iIiPes ¢ # J Ss ould wv Ms — tet i= 7 i 2 se Abi sa ¥ : a tt } titi iis a9 i CF it PEF 4 3 e f . ¥ + os - To haue he I Mme conference With the pritoners Comet at f ‘gneve J @ul AUIIIC COLIC ICICe VVEtib oie PAALAILAVL Pe els rR ial & ; t sPPres : f Roberto. It isin priuate, W hat Lhaue to fay , %% Friers weeds. With fauour of your father-hood (ard, Frier sin Gods name welcome, Roberto afcends oe itf{eemes your ¢ye is ful tne fame, bo Lfabella. Forgetfull of wha , Doe not you iy now me then? I fab. Hol y Sir: fo. farre you are gone from my memerie, I mufttake truce with tim 9 ere Lcan know yeu, Rovert, Bearerecord all, you blefled Saints inheau’n, i come not to tormentthee in thy death: For of himfelfe hee’s terrible enough, But call to mindea Ladie like your felfe. And thinke howillin fuch a beautcous foule, Vpon the inftant morrowof her nuptials; Apoftafic and vilde rcudlt would fhew: Wich all imagine that (he had a Lord, Yealous, the Aire fhould rauifh her chaftelookes; Doating like the creator in his models, Whe viewes them euery minute, and with care Mixt in his feare oftheir obedience to him, Suppofe he fung through famous Italy More common then the lo oferfongs of Petrarch; To cuery feucrall Zanies infrument, ] A aie Abe > a ewarnis G¢ fl. ee 14 SL SED Ee 38 Ou aS beh¢ Id, rt # ; wa a - a ae este Abd HIVES we FEES E Ue ree WT etch, hoping fome b better fate, 2h Ye _ And he poc Mig ghe Cal \j he z bac k fromt nec Aduite rate purpofe: Bika | in obf{cu a almoft ynknowne life, Till hearing, that fhe is conde aise dto die: For! he once fou d her, beh ds his pined corps, Motion to bri ng hice | to her ftag of honour Where drown din woe at her fo cs:difinallchance, He clafpe: sher: thus he fals into a trance, Tfab.-© ) my 0 offended Lord lift vp your eyes: Buc yet auert them from my loathed fight. Had | with you inioyed the lawfull pleafure, To which belongs,nor feare, nor publi ike fhames Tinighe | hae liu din he onour, died in fame. Your pardon on my fa altring knees I begges Which fhall confirme more peace vnto my death, Then all te stauc inftructions of the Charch. Roberto: \Patdon'bs longs vatomy holy weeds, Freely thou haftir, farewell my Ifabelta, etthy deathraniome e thy foule, O Odiea rare-exampley The kiffegthou gau yr ine imthe:church,heretrake, ” oe As I leaue thee, fothouthe world forfake, Exit Roberto; Clarid. Rare acciderit; ill welcome noble Lord: Madame: your executioner defires you to forgiue him, Tfab. Yes and giue him too, whac mutt] doe my frienda Executioner, Madame: enstyie vp your-haire. Tfabella. O thefe golden nets That have infnar’d fomany w antes youthes, a one but ha’s beene hela thired of fife; nd {uperftitioufly dependedon, ge tothebleck, we mutt vaile » what elfe? Executioner, Madame: Fmuttinitreat you blind your eyes. ie abella, Thaueliuedtcolong'in darkneffe my friend: And yet mine cies with their maieficque lighe, Haue gotnew Mufes, in a Poets {pright, 7 . icy haue beenemote gazed at thenthe Godof Days ig brightnes Auer could bef Lat tered, on ai ‘ eee a ay | a 8 bow oa EN | Bataan ae Theisfatiate Counte/fe, Yet chow command’it afixed cloud of Lawne, To Ecclipfe eternally thefe minuggs oflight. Whatelfe? Executioner, Now Madame:-al's done, And when youpleafe, lle execute my office. Tfabella. Wewill be for thee ftraighr, Giue me your bleffing my Lord Cardinall: Lord, Iam well prepar’d: Murder and luft, downe with my afhes finke. But like ingratefull feede perifh in earth, That you may neuer {pring againft my foule, Like weedes to choake itimthe heauenly harucft: I fallto rife, mount tothy maker, fpiric, Leaue here thy body, death ha’s her demerit, Sctike. Carain, Anhoftof Angels be thy conucy hence, (Medina, To funerall with her body, and this Lords: None here Thope can taxe vs of ininftice : She died: deferuedly, and may like fate, Atcend all women: fo infatiate. E-xeunt omnes, Enter AMAGO the Duke, the Watch and Senators, Duke lamamazed at'this maze of wonder, Wherein no thred or clue prefents ic felfe, Towinde vs fromthe obfcure paflages, What faies my Nephew? Watch, Still refolute my Lord, and doth confeffe the theft. Dukg Wee'llvfe him likea fellon, cut him af: Forfeare he doe pollute our founder parts. Yet why fhouldhefteale:, Thatis aloaden Vine? riches to him, Were adding fands into the Libian fhore, Or farreleffe charitie:what fay the other prifoners ? Watch, Like men iy Lord, fit forthe other world, They tak’t ypon their death, they flew your Nephew. Duke, And he is yet aliue, keepe them afunder We may {ent out the wile, iz Euter ™* Pye Aine 5 rhe selatia 6 COMB tie. ? + : BR i : : CrARIPIANA da KROGERO bound swith a Ss ? ~~ - she ee 1444 - 7 ay P i ICE AI {4 iGe? 2 t ft . fd , ys fi 4 . #* «@ : e . 7 a a ” mm, i -in gh 8 AYR A Covamrie te 3 He rigour 01 Lome ae Re re My friend; is itehe rigour or the jaw Ew * e ate yy 44 ww BS a ® « « Sy , “ ' Lt. hate (lie weonerone Tih ould betied thus. mara, Lic. yncerRoc it-: 1 : Tr te “k eT vert i } ; 4 ue< cle re mf {er i} "a; it, ¢; O whore, whore, oy ; act } a" § Jeatt | ili {ria tle 2 Arvid, Sir: Lam to-aic a dopges § sde ath, and Wi Cé . C0 ik ere gy a a Acthe old Segnior, y olhare onecay a bk arenthelis, — J . J a Woich | Willieauve ourcoft my execra tions 3 but firft. Py ee “ees 44 a dena eniswatoae «+ | eA £934 le Re Se gee 4 VY Re ale i Oour ais 07448 Wities, £Aat makes VS Cry our yVOwCUs Sr f e ‘ Tey + + 2 * i , a An red Wapilai ictters,i0 ¥, are cuc olds; () ext Te / “a les : 54 es ee Se an mF he ~ Baftard bearing with the panges of ichil dbirth be him: may they have.cucrewins ‘ee weekes in trauellbet ‘weene, may they be; j Ania be thre C a9 t1? 2 Ee Se, Sa a Spe Ee a b So Rivell-d with painting Dy tnatt ime > they are thirty, thatit. May beheld a worke.of condigne merit > 4 ; rg Butto looke vpon.“em, may haniiin Toride in triumph in'a Dung-care And be crown’d with al the odious ceremonies socom hee fe May the cucking ftoole be their recreation, : Andadunoeon salad dying: ch eh May they hate ninelinueslikeaC ‘at, to endure-thisatid more; May they be burnt for.witches ofiad fudden, Ant dlafily, may the opinion of Philofophets Proue truce, that women hauc hofoules. Cuter TuAIS dred ABYGA bl Thais. What-husband?.at-yor ous prayer s foferioutly { lari. Xessafew orllant 5 3 Frierthov thatch taal boeweene The foules of men hed Keepe thefe fernale is Orl will renounce my Abig. Oh husband, ea ben” a7 Ry: ‘ ped nti : = vcard aba G81 Sf Le om Rogers. > where 9 i iittle t oe ee ial Ma pees ot ae wait, iam Ppouermmoul OLrtnis caitie Or corn onersic3 Py 3 me? My graue will be ftumbi: dat, thou a ] might aue luvd like a Marchane, Rove? Oo ecace,t the su art Verie quicke w : “Rogen eC. = baitard,.a Dba > linn dd 1s] ~~ ry erie tm ew a8 } might ahi GiUKe &@ Pentieman. : ' * ae Bi 2 “~% : ; 3 ‘ yn ta ur » thats s 7 .o. ae Varat-s «| : as a a She VW tric a Cs & DOT ch v\ SLOTCT RTs La ii@} af An a runne tArOouln an Alpnabet of ictpruie 4 es 4 \ ~ Doe not ex] ect a GiOOnKE trom me¢ Abi 7. O. ie 4 ' _— © sae O tothinke whil itweare Rinias new tune is inuenting, by.iome . SS 5 EE eee: Se ay Sere To oafcurt uie B. yaliad OF our dcata, aes Sie 444 , y ‘ ea ae €ifi and pieuG cannct Sta : T thall bur@ itifthou doof. thats, Tusband, 1 doe befeech y« : ¥ 3? MA eP Pye fo al With ¥ , ie thha ha t. 33¢ J may Out : aie KE VW yous i ic Winhe yous ¢ | i Apstarest To i sethneen nobharme: were L free ve : : c Beloofer then thou; For dgamemnuons daughter that was facrif oF Thou fhould’f t indure, I'de make thee Oftn ner, then'that Eatlow sl that by his continual pra rctile lopes to become Drum Maios, 13 od rt A P T -7 ' ., sateaael 3 tive : Sratief ty Yet I will take irpatiently like agraue: Hangman, tie not my. halter of a true bit 5 PR * st g oy - * ; = oe cy RAD Se AGA ? | wer 2: < he Db tod 4 * Ai?ve rawr RO? A@ble APA ASIA 9uU On My knees, ; ana lay. +: tet 1} ti couianoe : ediyv ie =" +s lam bound oil For a pood winde, felt but.a blafiof the torments: ’ a) vo et YF Phe infatiaté Countelfe. What faidtthou to tickling to death with bodkins? But thou hat laught coo much at me alreadie, whore, Tuftice O Duke; and let me not hang in fufpence. Abig. Husband : Ve naile me to the earth, but Ile Winne your pardon. : My lewe els, ioincure, all Yhauefhall five : Apparel, be -dding, Ple not leauea Rugege; : So you Mm: ay come off faire ly. be Clarid, Tle come off fairely. ‘Thenbeg my pardon; [had rather Chirurgions hall fhould begge my dead'bodie ap an Anatomie, the n thou begge my life : ‘Duke. Signier, tl inke, and dally not with heawen, a But freely tell vs, did you ‘doe the murther? Rogero, Thaue confeftit, co my ghoftly father, ee And done the Sacrament of penance for it. sa Ww hat would your highnefle more? Clar. The like haue I, what would your highnefle more? Andhere before you all tak ‘to’ my death. Duke. In Gods namethen on to the death with them;' For the poore widdowes that you leaue behinde, Though by the law, their goods are all confifcate, . a Yet wee ll be their ‘260d Lord, and giue ‘em them Clari, Ohhell of F hels, Why did not we hire fome villaitie to fire our houfes ? 7 Rog. I thought'noc ofthat, my minde was altogether of the = fe gallowes.: j 5 Clar, May the wealth I leaue behinde me, helpto damne en, ee And as the curfed fate of curtezan, | Whatfhe gleanes with her traded art, May oneas amoft duc plague cheatfrom, © © ° . = fo Inthe laft dorage of her tired lug, e Seo = pee And leaué heran vnpittiedage of woe! : S108 aa _ eee Rogere. Amen, Amen. ma ee Watchm. T neuer heard men pray more feriently. is Lave OS Sil vd that aman had the inftingt of 2 Bien eee et rr Osa Ds Ny SHORT ioe Abeer ear heen Saat eS hess. ues er an " PP He CURES HART Ne Wie ek The infatiate Counté}je, Heknowes whenthe Lionefle placefalstohim ; But thefe folaces, thefe women, They bring man to gray haires ‘eh ek he be thirtie, Yet they eat outiuch miftes of flatterie fromtheit breath That amansloft a; gajne; fure] fell nto my marriage bec -dounke: Like the Leopard, well with fober eyes would I had auoided ‘it ; Come graue and hide me from my blafted fame;. Exenut Ambo O that thou could’fias wel conceale my yfhame, with officers. 2 Thaw.Your pardon & your fauoregracious. Duke Women kneele, At once swe dogimplore, pe :{olone. mene ud d your rovalle xpe étation, : Aflur’ dG that the : Cc Omick Ani iHtin 5 V P> Will moue your {fpleene, vnto the proper \ Of mirch, your naturall linclination : And wipe away the watery couloured anger, From your inforc heek Faire Lord, beguile Them and.your faf't, with “e's afing {mile, Duke. Now by rmy life I doe, faire Ladies rife, Inee’r did purpofe any other ak: To themandthefe deGgnes, I was inforim’d, Offo me notorious-crrour, as I fate in iudgementr. And doe you heare? thefe night workes requirea Cats eyes, rx) q raae \ Cer CucerR 5 To im pierce deiected darknefle: call back the pri fone rs, Clari. Now what other troubled.newes; Enter Claria. That we muft-back thus? ana hagett Has any Senator! beg’ d my pardon, with officers. Vpon my. wiues : proftitution to him. : , Rog. What afpighe’s this, I had kept in my breathof pur Thit ikingto ¢ 7Oe aw. ay th 1¢ qui ieter,and muftwe now backe? Duke, “Since you are.to dic, wee -1 giue you winding ihcetes, Whercin you fhall be fhrouded aliue, By which we windeoutall thefe miferies Segni or Reger beftow awhile your eye, And readehere of your true wines chattity, . Gives bima Letter. Rovere, £% ashe oy iP iy Bib Hit eyye 7 ‘ale 1eLr CX pe é& a Te! fu wites recantation ¢ t the wreat lurkes conue wtfor ¥ , then het chattitie, T> ™4T ' oy an t Sa 8 mm t eri lt 44 e rey rs VYardon my le1ge, wii not | mire cy mds 4 47 E ron eS oye ala is ‘iif - “PILE rhe VW We V¥ OMEN ANC WitreiS, Wild ACCEL bite yrel\* , (7 .¥ er ~a~§ f * 2 eee ma . = 1 ; _ . —maAaranme Or VoOuUr lie C, fi b y IJ URE, Tre like yi! iS af pal art we: Uti £440 G fot ar yy tA Ae a oe a orn ror a y fe (, Cilar. ha Vhot Pmy wile r-chaitesnas yor ur grace YOur Lene, ~ A conmiurer may 1 ‘faphis prayers W ith ecm Cy Then her Ananthne Had fhe! been an H lermaphrodite fies {) There motion is faxt, like to the poole of Stix. or y Of his quick eyes, comes commet traines of fire: an ClarThy fetuant fo made eek his s Afiré‘on your wandring ft Rog. isan ee A t Cla, Peace, fedu am branded in the forehead With your Agite-eiutk Garres-dr ‘opypon thee, ° Aad with theit filphare yadpoirs cliogke'thee; eve thou ‘ Come at the gallowes. : Rogere, Stretch not my opt (Atahomer, | Clarid. Termagant that will firetch net. patience, T. 7 ee ae : 5 a Z pt op 3 pi would icarce hath giuen creditto you, e . ac) Let t him t nat natn drunke loue Grugs Ct ult vs 8 woman, & } ' PEAR Sei f... EOE St roe eee . Dy heaun i think , the aire is rot more common, — o~ i ae A Bi a ay ee Ee AR 5 BS ES .+ d “ t & Dure. Then weimpoiecattrict commanay pony Ous . & os o, A f = = j " FE 3 . . 4 Onvyour Alegeance, reace what there is writ. n. ref ts > 2 ee eee oe Clai A Writ of error, on my H+Fe 1715 rege, a a ¢ 2 . tf "See ie Pak pe aes ; Duke. You’ie finde itlolfeare, i ee hy? tid. VV hat naue we nere tre Art of bt! achi rap vy ookes Ont Thais. Hee’s ftung already, as if his eye es were turti’d on Per. eAbic, Yonders our flames, and fromthe hollow Arches, 4 E Hi ae Burfing like : den furies,from their Canes, Reades, : age We — the fleepe ofall ie feize you ,reade againe. (tars, Regero, Reads agame, og ere holt tempted my wife?>" To Clarida. | Rogero. Had 1 ‘knowne this I would hae poifon’d thee m- ye i rie Chalice 9 This: : : on . ‘ Sera pie — = ee te rt bet ad ties s 8. Ea beats ae pee otab - a) ne eee ees ae da? wey Pt ap Pam of oP Tes be a § Letter, ah » a bp ty Le ad a4P ¢ . > ae ey a ake 2 i+ ie : | tt vt} Pye | ‘ne wy fw esto Fry : : hei wv 4 a af wr 7, oro Pa ms tee tt sae er wa 4s v7 > | ' ¥ t a iS o ure CORITC nat rs Ww & 4 tha de; made¢s 7 i PP “a a ens b A ecreaty odin &: G yy ure é u fain , : bag} : : a4) &. aER SSE THLE RNA [| | Yhe snjatiate Conntelfe, Thento cut off all miftaking, Cuckolds are of womens ‘Making. .) Dk q ig 3 r a | ; ty wre From whole (nares, go00 Lora celiuer vs, ‘ Clays, Amen, Amen Before I would proue a Cuckoid; 10 ouldindure a winters Pil. gclmage inthe Frozen Zone, ar Goe ftarke naked through Mufcoula, where the Climate is 9. } y . aes, oS deprees colder thea ice, i, | eo ec a ~ all STEP ved : say And thus much fo aul Marry €a men. Now I fee greatreafon why Louefhould mary icloulies Since mans beft of lifes fame, C3 | : ! £ He had neede preferue thet the fame. AF tL, " “a @ | 5) t cu4r a ke oy ry Hen tis if g Wy omans Pw pings Letnot Argos eyes be fiecping. The poxe ts vnto Pandeérs given By the better powers of heaucns That contayaes pure chattity, And each Virgin fouecraignety, W antonly the op’t and loft : Gift whereof,a God might boat. Therefore fhouldtt thou Diana wed, Yetbeicalousof her bed. : Duke, Night, likea Mafque,is entred heauens great hall, With thoufand Torches vihering the way : To Rifas will wee confeeratethis Evening, Like Atiffermis cheating of the brack. Weele make this nightthe day. Faire ioyes befall Vs and our AGtions, Are you pleafed all? Extunt omnes, ”~ t Fai oa FIINIS, QD iat add ints a, Wine cae ese tere iit te = le Aeiecah + EOE (4 SA) rising ane ee ; EW ye aS eace arn Bhd wal nn Me att toe a t ow eet, ds : wp nos Saadleganaph eon: any csr SS RE EY a 9 he ETS RS RR i ; se eiapaaaee ie Rede oS RR Sects SADE (gat Ta Saat, | : ad ' : ee! Me nee are eS FR tee et CR een er : : : aay ; yn sae: Omar, ROR eens tN tate “aes : y y S ’ ; Raper es eae aro age . heaton se i abipgigasenren . Oo fase : RE PO ty eo ea eth Bers d Shr td tee : ¥ ah ET eT os WR 2 BSF: aig asi s eles: apts hea 1B} Le sileatiaee eas oe ty, arial > ry a LS ihe ire 4 Ml) daisies we ce : | RY es ae yet ; , Seer ° ab: ‘ Veet ee = “15; ab a 28 DR Sate Me Sie cee es 4 . Se ee ee en ek Weert Seg SPS a ne oS tee | 7 | : att er t nea om ole wert ee : NS tal ene aaa Na RCT i ie ae) ees \ yh Spe “iN & hae aiaih ea Sheen gta Aa os pris eee: Z yee » “4 “ . igegt obs -4guts ee or NUL ee line “ a2" “ i) sake: saab ba twat helene Shed SPS es = FE ge et eed tee 7 SCAND ARR AUF apg) 20! SOE Fi els an BER Reh SR GN RLS eer W rin pRRcahaly Sasa Se AU oS we, aie es FSD tee Orin yy ee Ot Liaifess ie 4 On Sea Mena wae 2 03 Trg sks TEMS ae a ea aE ‘ Kno SGM Sal nt vie ‘ Py . a 2a abs Sais Ute M at mn ee ie.) AE Seto rel ss dabteamtas aya se ti ake % Ac ‘ - hal LN aS aie ae Mage Se Sr) Bra a Ss SRR ne etic Ree eae ic nS CRENOMR «cn TE ia ae BRB 8s eg ccnp at ree Lace ai ae oa, im So Rtes oe 8 er 7 I = . m ‘ ~ " “ > *., ~~ + — A