From the “Chelmsford Chronicle” of Friday February 13, 1795. Occasioned by the Death of Mr. GRAHAM, Gardener to JOHN BULLOCK, ESQ. of Faulkbourn Hall , who was unfortunately Drowned on Tuesday Nighty the 27th ult . near Chipping Hilly Witham. THE silver stream which gently us’d to flow In smooth meanders through the vale below, O’erflow’d its banks, impell’d by sudden rains, And spread impetuous o’er the neighb’ring plains. The sun had sunk beneath the western main, And night succeeded with her sable train. When our dear friend advent’red on the road, (Which oft before with safety he had trod,) But rapid streams, with unresisted sway. Had form’d with flakes of ice a treach’rous way ; He, fatally secure, — with grief we tell. Beneath the pond’rous ice a victim fell. So when a weary traveler, faint with toil, At night bewild’red in a marshy soil. Beholds an Ignis Fatuus in the air. He contemplates a friendly cottage near,— With renovated strength pursues the cheat, ’Till his deluded eyes betrays his feet; Sudden he quits the unpropititious shore. The flood o’erwhelms him, and he’s seen no more. ******* This tribute’s due— an honest fame he bore. And his untimely fate we all deplore. A. B. C. CHELMSFORD, FEB. 4th 1795. REPRINTED DECEMBER, 1844. GBBAT TOTHAM I PRINTED AT CHABLBS CLARK’S PRIVATE FRBSS.