FOB OF UPWELL, In the Isle of Elyy the be toned IVife of Mr. Frederick Ihbereon* She departed thin Life February 20thy 1843 ,— the early Age of 23. (AN ACROSTIC.) E*^ntomb’€l beneath this sacred ground, L,— ies her once loved by all around : |— n youth away by Death though snatch’d, U — eal like to her’s was seldom match’d! /\— ml though her husband, left b hind, B- emoans a partner true and kind,— £ — 'ach of her kindred, too, in tears, *|p_o see her oifspring’s want of years; H— er well-spent life, of that the thought, |— nspire all with fresh hopes it ought! B— ut want of faith much grief betrays; B— leas'd still are God's unerring ways!— £— ach vice, oh ! Reader, e’er eschew,— B— €*si8t temptations that pursue; S— ecu re, at length, you’ll then remain Q— Vr every earthly grief and pain,— |\|— e’er ceasing with the bless’d to reign ! C. C. GREAT TOTHAM, 1843.