wr LONDON : T;-G0ODE, 80, AYLESBURY STREET, CLERK E.N WELL. ^v c £2S3 OTS £K\ 0SS %SS ?3XS ? ' Q(£* ^ ?? s« J ■>»\1 '/V JOB '.-'. 4fe €» Ding dong bell, puss is in the Well, Who put her in ? Httie Johnny Green* What a naughty boy was that, To drown poor pussy cat. Who never did him any harm, &od kill'd the mice in his tnther's barn. little boy Blue, come h*ow y* The sheep is in the mea4 ? ®w^ the ** in the com*, Where is the boy, that looks a er the ah feder the haycock fa*t asleep, «j €1 J&OMAN ALPHABET. P^r-^ir- ROMAN GUTTERS. ABC D E F G H IJKL M NOP RSTTVWX Y w A 3MALL HUMAN LETTERS. abcde-f gki j ki ui nopqrstuv w xyz FIGURES. 19 3 456189 ITALIC LETTERS ABCDEFGHIJKL JTOPQRSTUVirXYZ SMALL ITALIC LETTERS. abed efy hijklmnopqrst u v w xyz DOUBLE LRTTEAft, § fl if ffi ffl ae ob ™*1 Jack and Jill went up the-, bo* To fetch a pail of .-water jack fell down and broke ..hie ^awr^ And Jill earae t*iiabi?ng h&fe*. Ill .< I. i'hi re wa> a iimt.: ( And he bad a little gun, AmJ his bullets were made of i* ««8hol J..hnnv Sprig- 9 jiiroucr! lt i lem ^ 1(i|eofhis And knocked it off" hi. head. ■^ H 8 little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, bating of curds and whey, ^ ^auug u : ^ ..j down beside tar. Lip came a spider, ai '£.»»*