THE BUTTERFLY'S BALL, AND THE GRASSHOFPKR's FEAST. By Mr. RC SCOE. TO WHICH IS ADDED } AN ORIG^AL POEM, ENTITLED A Winter's Day. By Mr. SMITH, of Stand. LONDON: PR IK TED FOR J. HARRIS, SUCCESSOR TO E. NEWBEtY, AT THE ORICINAL JUVENILE LIBRARY, CORNJifc of st. Paul's church-yard, * 180.8, S. Bryer, Printer, Bridge-Street, Bhckfrkrs, THE BUTTERFLY'S BALL. CoME take up your Hats, and away let ui haste To the Butterfitfs Ball, and the Grasshopper's Feast, The Trumpeter, Gad-fly, has summon'd the Crew, And the Revels are now only waiting for * So said little Robert, and pacing along, His merry Companions came forth in a Throng. And on the smooth Grass, by the side of a Wood, Beneath a broad Oak that for Ages had stood, Saw the Children of Earth, and the Tenants of Air, For an Evening's Amusement together re pair. 5 And there came the Beetle, so blind and io black, Who carried the Emmet, his Friend, on hi* Back. And there was the Gnat, and the Dragon-fly too, With all their Relations, Green, Orange, and BLue. And there came the Moth, with his Plu- mage of Down, \nd the Hornet in Jacket of Yellow and Brown ; 6 Who with him the Wasp, his Companion, did bring, But they promis'd, that Evening, to lay by their Sting. And the sly little Dormouse crept out of his Hole, And brought to the Feast his blind Brother, the Mole. And the Snail, with his Horns peeping out of his Shell, Came from a great Distance, the Length o: an Ell. 1 A Mushroom their Table, and on it was laid A Water-dock Leaf, which a Table-cloth made. The Viands were various, to each of their Taste, And the Bee brought her Honey to crown the Repast. Then close on his Haunches, so solemn and wise, The Frog from a Corner, lookM up to the Skies. And the Squirrel well pleas' d such Diver- sions to see, Mounted high over Head, and look'd down from a Tree. Then out came the Spider , with Finger so fine, To shew his Dexterity on the tight Line. From one Branch to another, his Cobwebs he slung, Then quick as an Arrow he darted along, i ? lit just iii the Middle, — Oh ! shocking t© tell, torn his Rope, in an Instant, poor Harle- quin fell. et he touch'd not the Ground, but with Talons outspread, ung suspended in Air, at the End of a Thread. hen the Grasshopper came with a Jerk and a Spring, ery long was his Leg, though but short was his Wing ; 10 Retook but three Leap;, and was soon out of Sight, Then chirp' d his own Praises the rest of the Might, With Step so majestic the Snail did ad- vance, And promis'd the Gazers a Minuet to dance. But they all laugh' d so loud that he pull'cl in his Head, And went in his own little Chamber to Bed. I ] hen, as Evening gave Way to the Shadows of Night, 'heir Watchman, the Glow-worm, came out with a Light. 'hen Home let us hasten, while yet we can see, 'or no Watchman is waiting for you and for me. >o said little Robert, and pacing along, lis merry Companions returned in a Throng. END OF THE BUTTERFLY'S BALL. A WINTER'S DA Y. £NOW the Architect, Frost, with his Fingers so fine ■ O'er the still lucid Lake, draws his exqui- site Line; Spreads his Rafters and Beams, with a Sci- ence his own, Till the Roof stands completed, as solid as Stone. mm* *3 wet restrain'd not to Labours like these, he displays, Ils an Artist, his Talents, with Spirit and Grace ; Isfot a poor Cottage Window forlorn, will he pass, Without leaving his Landscape portray' d on . the Glass. ■And the Downy-win g>d Snow, from his station aloft, [Spreads beneath him his Feathers so while and so soft, 14 That the Flocks in their Pastures unhousM and unfed, Shake the c Fleeces in Silence, and shrink to their Shed. Then the boistVous Winds, of their Music so proud, As they sweep the wild Heath, pipe so surly and loud, That the terrified Brutes, at the Storm of their Song, The safe Covert to gain, swiftly scurrj along. knd the Cannoneer, Thunder, with horrible Sound, from his sulphurous Cloud, pours his Vol- lies around : ■While the Light-troops of Hail, that his Vanguard compose, Pelt their sharp -pointed Shot in the Face of their Foes. jBut the Waterman, Rain, from his weeping Urn, pours [The mild Tears which distil from his fast falling Showers ; These, with magic Effect, the rude BJus. terers astound, While the rest, all dissolved, in his Bosom are found. Yet more pleasant and mild than the Water- man's Sway, Is the Archer's, who guides the bright Orb of the Day : Through calm Ether he shoots his mild Arrows of Light, Till reflected they shine from the Queen of the Night. the mo,