THE MARRIAGE AT TOTHAM AN ACROSTIC, Composed after witnessing the Nuptials, this morning, at Great Totham, of Cuthhert Wm. Johnson, Esq. of Gray’s Inn, London, and Miss Elizabeth Gower, of Ipswich. »HAIL, WEDDED LOVE!” Q«»lorious Hymen ! mark again how he speeds in his bright career J — oin, O ! join in sounding his praise till stunned is each mortal ear ! Q— bserve how, now — triumphantly at Totham’s altar fair— esteem he wins, by the union blest of a good and happy pair* VV— hen such the link the god doth forge, and such his silken tether, H— ow plain that they’re but cynics dull who shun him altogether ! ^_ach day, our pair’s affection pure, yet stronger still it grew ; |\| — one ever with his gifts so dear did Cupid more endues— eblest by Fortune may they be as circling years shall wend : S — till may her most benignant smiles their daily course attend ! 0~n them may Heaven each earthly good yet more and more bestow, |\|— e’er ceasing till that home they’ve reach’d surpassing all below ! C. C. GREAT TOTHAM, JUNE 4, 1844.