THE BEGGAR'S PETITION, DATS T ,E TO HER BALE PERSEUS, AND LINES OV A MALEFACTOR UNDER CONDEMNATION. LONDON; PUBLISHED AT J. T. WARD AND CO.V 3, Bread-SUfeet-Hill, Cfa^psidc* THE BEGGARS PETITION Pity the sorrows of a poor old man, Whose trembing limbs have borne him ; your door, Whose days are dwindled to the shorte Oh! give relief !. and Heaven will ble: your store* These tatter'd clothes my poverty besptai These hoary locks proclaim my lengthen 1 ! T years; And many a furrow in my grief-worn clieel Has been the channel to a flood of tears. I 3 ■on house, erected on the rising ground with tempting aspect drew me from my road ; lor Plenty there a residence has founds ■nd Grandeur a magnificent abode. lard is the fate of the infirm and poor ■ere, as I crav'd a morsel of their bread, I pamper'd menial drove me from the door , ■o seek a shelter in an humbler shed. ■h ! take me to your hospitable dome ; Been blows the wind, and piercing is the I cold ! mod is my passage to the friendly tomb, lor I am poor and miserably old. ftould I reveal the sources of my grief, I soft humanity e'er touch'd your breast, ■our hands would not withhold the kind I relief, f d tears of Pity would not be represt. 4 Heaven sends misfortunes ; why shoi we repine ? 'Tis Heaven has brought me to the stat vou see ; And your condition may be soon like mine The child of Sorrow and of Misery, A little farm was my paternal lot, Then like the lark I sprightly hul'dfl morn, But ah ! oppression forc'cl me from myci My cattle died, and blighted was my cot. My daughter, once the comfort of my aj( Lur'd. by a villain from her native home. Is cast abanclon'don the world's wide stay. And doom'd in scanty poverty to roam, My tender wife, sw r eet soother of my caw Struck with sad anguish at the stern decree. Fell,— lingering fell, a victim to despair, And left the world to wretchedness an