NOR&ING”'SIGK BY A TRAINED NURSE \ FOR \ f .AMATEUR /NURSING/ 2T AT HOME l /> The b. & L. Menthol Plaster FOR THE EFFECTUAL and PERMANENT RELIEF OF PAIN M ost Wonderful PLASTER in the World. McGill Osier Library Montreal IT ALLAYS NERVOUS EXCITEMENT, RELIEVES TED.” DAVIS CURES NERVE DISORDERS, PAIN and STITCHES, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, PLEURISY, HEADACHE, PAIN IN THE SIDE, and is the ANTI-RHEUMATIC PLASTER OF THE AGE. N. B- setid by mi and we will NURSING THE SICK Practical Information BY A Trained Nurse DIRECTIONS FOR AMATEUR NURSING AT HOME. Entered according’ to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year 1897 by Davis & Lawelenck Co., Ltd., at the Department of Agriculture. PUBLISHED BY DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Ltd. MONTREAL 1897. PREFACE This little book is issued by the publishers with the hope that it will pi ove an acceptable acquisition to every household in which it may find its way. It is full oi valuable information and is written in a plain, concise and accurate manner by one in the profession and we are rare that it will be felt asa “ friend in need ” in all cases of sickness or disease with which it treats. It deals with all the principles to be observed in nursing the sick and gives accurate instructions of how to carry them out. There is a chapter on “ Nursing at Home,” which deals in gene^aities only, a chapter on “Ventilation,” which giw s very explicit directions how to supply the sick room wi'.h pure fresh air without exposing the patient to draughts, and thereby endangering his life, and other equally important instructions on this subject. Then there are chapters on how to “ bathe ” a sick person, the care of the “bed,” howto prepare all kinds of “poul- tices,” “ stimulating applications,” on “Food” and how to prepare it, as well as chapters upon “Accidents,” * * Emergencies ” and “Disinfection,” each and every subject being carefully and fully explained. Making it very simple and easy to carry out by the most inexper- ienced person, and we feel confident that it will be highly appreciated by all those who need such instructions in the care of the sick. DAV'S & LAWRENCE CO., Ltix Montreal, January 1898. Nursing at Home CHAPTER I. NURSING AT HOME. the care of the sick, the nurse is second in importance o«ljp to the doctor. Very often as far as the comfort of the pa~ tient is concerned, she occupies the first place The doctor conies, prescribes, and goes. It is many hours before th© patient sees him again, and in the meanwhile he is left to the tea* der mercies of the nurse. However wise and j udicious the doctor’s method of treatment may be, the full effect cannot be obtained unless it is intelligently carried out. If he orders a poultice, in inflammation of the lungs, tie wants a warm, soft mass of the proper consistency applied, sc that it shall not soil the skin or clothing of the patient. He want* (t changed at regular intervals, and in such a way as not to give the sufferer cold every time it is removed Unless the nurse know© how to manage it, the poull ice is likely to do as much harm sc good. Let any woman ask herself, “ could I give a bath to a person is bed without wetting the clothing or change the under sheet while the bed was occupied? ” and she will smile at the seeming im* possibility. When once she is shown how to do it, she only won- ders that she did not discover the right way herself. Sick person* in well-to-do families are sometimes allowed to wear the same clothing for a week and to remain unwashed during a long illnesa, because the friends believe it impossible to care for them without Injuring them. $ In this little book, practical directions are given for the perform- ance of all these necessary offices. The knowledge of any of them is not taken for granted, and the writer has tried to do it it?- such a plain and simple manner that no *one need mistake the easiest way. 4 NURSING THIS SICK. CHAPTER II. ^ VENTILATION. B HE first requisite in the sick room is pure air. Emanations from the body and the breath of the patient are constantly tainting it, and it must be removed or else the soiled air is inhaled over and over again, poisoning both sufferer and nurse. Fresh air can be admitted only through the windows. Two points mu6t be observed. Supply heat to keep the room at a proper temperature, and protect the sick person from draughts. Those in bed rarely take cold — never, if properly protected. Lower the window at the top a few inches. If the upper sash is not made to open, remove the cleats underneath it and move them down the required distance. Where the upper and lower sash lap, there is a space which ad- mits a constant current of fresh air. If the bed is near the window, place a screen between them. If the weather is too cold to permit of the window being kept open, cover the patient’s head and all, with an extra blanket, and open the window three or four times a day, keeping on the extra covering until the room is warm again. If a room is cold, it is no sign the air is fresh. Cold air may have been breathed over and over until it is as impure as warm air. The only safety lies in constantly changing the air. A thermometer should hang in every sick room and the temperature be kept at 68°, except in fever, and then at 65°. An open fire is the best heat pro- ducer, because it helps to carry the bad air up the chimney and acts as a ventilator as well. In summer, place a lighted lamp in the fire place, or if there is a stove-pipe hole in the chimney, take the tin stopper out of it. When the room is heated by a stove, a coil of pipes, or a register, keep a saucepan of boiling water on it to give off steam to moisten the air. In order to keep the air pure, no vessel that has been used must be allowed to remain in the room, a moment longer than is abso- lutely necessary. A little disinfectant solution should be kept standing in them. Covers should be provided, and the moment the patient has finished using one, it should be carried away and emptied, well scalded with boiling water and rinsed in the disin- fectants. Vessels of the proper shape for use in bed can be obtained at a small expense, and no sick person should be allowed to get out of bed for any purpose whatever. It exhausts the strength un- necessarily and is a fruitful source of colds. The India rubber bed NURSING THE SICK. pans and urinals are verv valuable, particularly the former, for use when the sufferer is thin and cannot bear the coutact with thehard surface of an earthen one. They require to be rinsed in a strong solution of chloride of lime or carbolic acid after each using. If possible, the carpets .should be removed from the floor and the surface wiped every day with a damp cloth wrung out of a solution of corrosive sublimate. The woodwork should be dusted with a similar cloth, and any article of furniture lightly gone over with the same. This makes the room perfectly fresh and sweet. If the carpet cannot be taken up, sweep with a carpet sweeper or a broom covered with a cloth dampened in corrosive sublimate, and burn the dust. Remove curtains from windows and bed, all draperies and unnecessary pieces of furniture, to leave no hiding place for dust. Perfect cleanliness does much towards keeping the air in the room pure. CHAPTER III. BATHING. S NLESS the doctor specially forbids it, a sick person should have a bath every day. This keeps open the pores of the skin, and enables the system to throw off through them a vas £ amoun t of waste matter which cannot be retained in the body without injury to it. A sponge bath can be easily and quickly given without causing an undue amount of fatigue. Before beginning, collect at the bedside all the things that will be needed : two blankets, two towels, a basin of tepid water, a pitcher of warm water to replenish it as it cools, a wash cloth and soap, Palrno- Tar or Palmo Sulphur soaps are valuable in diseases of the skin, and Palmo-Carbol ic soap in any infectious diseases, ai scarlet fever or measles. They can be obtained at any drug store. if the night clothes are to be changed, have the clean ones, aired and warmed, close at hand. Fold one of the blankets end to end, and beginning at the ends roll it about half its width. Move the patient over to one side of the bed and tuck the upper bed clothes around him. On the cleared space lay the blanket with the roll toward the patient. Tuck the free edge under the mattress. Lift the patient over the roll on the / NUKS1MG THE SICK. tl!»^ a ° ther SMe ' Lay the Second blank et over e upper bed clothes, and, holding it in place with one hand, draw Uiem away underneath it, leaving the patient covered with it alone « second blanket can be added if one seems to light a covering. To remove the night-dress draw it up at the back until the whole length lies in folds under the neck. Lay the arms above the head on the pillow. Raise the head with one hand, and with the other, slip the folds over the bead, holding them gathered in the hand for the purpose. Keep the upper blanket well up to the chin, and under its shelter draw the night-dress ofFthe arms and take it away. Bathe the face neck and ears carefully, and dry them. Pass the band holding the wash-doth under the blanket and wash one arm • wipe it and then do the other. When this is finished bathe the of H ; fT i f nt ° U the Side acd do the back 1 a ^o the back, t e th’ghs, drying each part before wetting the next. Turn. again on the back and bathe the front of the thighs, the legs and feet. Attend carefullv to the nails, paring them ?f nUessary JS'hJJ ^ d6Sired t0 r Cllange the Under Sheet - have the clean one rolled half way across from side to side. Lay the roll next the patient pushing the soiled sheet before it. Tuck the free edge under the mattress, lay the patient on the smooth place go to the sr oir ”‘ ,ed ” r °" - To change the upper sheet without exposing the patient lav the clean one on top of the bed clothes with a blanket over it and draw them out underneath it. ’ is Sf b £* teet ^ with a cleaa ra g d; pped in borax water, or what en l r , ; S Ju ' m y ° Ur drUggist 3 bottle of Alkaline and Anti- eptic Tablets. They are cleansing and very refreshing. HiSs Horn ” PS °; a ? r ° Ugh ° r Cha PP ed - moisten them with . J 4 Cr '“' “ d •» In bathing a baby that is afraid ofwat^r t>larf> * email i 4 -r «“> » * -d le^Tl'Tf b n hS are given t0 reduce the heat ° f the body in NUKSING THE SICK. CHAPTER IV. THE BED. JHE best bed for a sick person is a wire woven mattress with a soft hair mattress over it. A feather bed should not be used if it is possible to avoid it. To make the bed, spread a clean sheet on the mattress, tuck it under and pin it at the four corners underneath the mattress. This keeps it smooth and tight, an important point in the prevent tion of bed sores. Rubber sheeting can be bought by the yard, and is not expensive. Have a strip one yard wide and long enough to lie across the bed, and tuck well under on each side. Fold this strip in a sheet, and place it in the middle of the bed, pinning the ends under the mattress on each side. This saves the lower sheet, and can be easily changed with very little disturbance to the patient. Tuck the top sheet in at the foot of the bed and leave the sides free. Add as many blankets as are required, but no more. F lor* ence Nightingale says, “ Feverishness is supposed to be a symp- tom of fever ; nine times out of ten it is a symptom of bedding.” Have one or two pillows as required. Do not let the invalid lie with his head in a hole. Turn the pillows frequently to present a tool, fresh surface to the hot face. If the sufferer is very thin, along, narrow pillow placed between the legs to prevent the knees from touching, prevents chafing. When the bed is frequently wet or soiled, it is well to keep an old sheet folded several times under the patient or, to use a small one as a napkin, arranging it like a child’s. In these cases, special at tention must be paid to washing, drying and powdering the parts touched by the discharges. Continued pressure on any part of the body stops the circulation of the blood through it, and as no nourishment ia carried to it, the tissue dies. This is the reason why bed sores form in those places where the weight rests as the sick person lies in bed. The lower part of the spine, the hips, elbows and heels must be bathed every day with alcohol, and when that dries off, powdered with cornstarch. This helps to toughen the skin. The moment any redness appears, a wash made of equal parts of Goulard Water and Tincture of Catechu, which can be ob- tained from any druggist, should be used to still further harden it. BED SORES 8 NURSING THK SICK. The patient must be frequently turned on one side, to give the affec- ted parts relief. If lie is too weak for this, then a rubber cushion* with a hole in the middle, must be placed under him, so that the sore spot will rest over the hole. Thick pillows can be arranged above and below, to take the weight off it, if a rubber cushion can- not be had. Keeping the cross sheet free from crumbs, the patient dry, well rubbed with alcohol and powdered, and when possible, frequent change of position, will usually prevent them. If, in spite of every precaution, the skin shows signs of cracking, rub it with oxide of zinc ointment, and relieve it from pressure at any cost. If matter forms, wash it every day with water containing a little carbolic acid, and dress it with the oxide of zinc or boro glyceride ointment, spread on a piece of soft linen fastened on with strips of adhesive plaster. Do not let this plaster cross the sore, but strap it along the sides of the square of the linen, leaving it long enough to take a firm hole on the well skin beyond. Bed sores often take away the patient’s last chance 01 dfe, by exhausting his strength, so precautions against them cannot be taken too soon. The points to be remembered are, keep the under sheet smooth and dry ; change the position several times a day ; if this cannot be done, arrange something to take the pressur e off the part. CHAPTER V. POULTICES. ^m%^LAXSEED meal is the best material for poultices. Have MlJOg a sufficient quantity ol water boiling in a saucepan ; a g pint is enough to make a good sized poultice. Stir in handfuls of the meal until the mass is thick enough not to run when spread, but not too stiff. It need not boil. Have ready a square of cotton about two inches larger each way than the poultice is to be when finished. Spread the flaxseed on this about half an inch thick, leaving a margin of cotton all around it. Turn this margin up on the poultice like a hem to prevent its running out. Have a square of cheese cloth or muslin to lay over the poultice, to prevent the flaxseed from touching the skin. If it is not applied to a discharging wound the flaxseed can ,be scraped off the cotton into the sauce-pan when it is cold, and heated Men’s Surgical Ward— In a Modern Hospital, NURSING THE SICK. 9 again, more water being added if it is too stiff, or meal if it is too thin. When onions are ordered, bake them until tender, mash with a spoon, spred on the cotton, cover with muslin, and apply. A poultice should always be changed before it gets cold, once in two hours is a good rule if they are not ordered oftener. Have the fresh one ready to put on before removing the other, and bring it lo the bedside rolled up on a hot plate to keep it warm. When a poultice is discontinued, dry the skin thoroughly, and cover the part with one or two thicknesses of flannel. A poultice jacket is made of oiled muslin lined with cotton bat- ting. Have it in two pieces to cover the back and chest, and fasten on the shoulders and under the arms with strings. Put the poul- tices on underneath it, making them as large as is necessary. It is a good plan to cover any poultice with a newspaper' folded in flannel, to keep in the heat. If weight is no objection an India Rubber Ilot Water Bag, half filled with hot water, can be laid over it. This prevents the need of changing it so frequently. These are lighter than poultices, and more quickly got ready. FOMEN- ThCy . mUSt be chan S ed ver y oft -en as they cool al- TATIONS. most i mm ediately. Provide two pieces of flannel large enough to be folded once, a stout towel, a ba- iin, and a kettle of boiling water. hay the towel in the basin with the ends hanging over the sides, in the middle of it place one piece A the flannel folded, pour on enough boiling water to cover it. Take the dry ends of the towel, one in each hand, and twist them in opposite directions at the same time lifting it out of the water. This will squeeze it perfectly dry, without burning the hands. Un- twist the towel, take out the hot, moist flannel, shake it and lay it on the patient. After the fomentations are discontinued, dry the part and cover it with warm, dry flannel. See that the night-dress and sheet are not wet. Sometimes mustard is added to the water when there is great pain ; a heaping teaspoonful to the pint. The mustard water can be heated more than once. A hot water bottle is invaluable as a means of applying dry heat. Persons who suffer from sleeplessness usually have ORf HEAT, cold feet. The hot water bottle relieves this symp- tom by drawing the blood to them. The pressure on the brain being lessened, sleep follows. The steady heat is very soothing to sufferers from rheumatism, neuralgia, face-ache, or ear- ache. The plain ones should be wrapped in a towel before apply mg. When a hot water bottle cannot be obtained, a stone jug or a common bottle can be used, but it is a clumsy .substitute, and the weight is in many cases a great objection. r\ NURSING THE SICK. It CHAPTER VI. STIMULATING APPLICATIONS. ^£>EDICINAIv plasters come prepared ready to put on, and _ the nurse has only to follow the directions in applying them. Those of mustard should always be kept in the house for an emergency. If it is a home made one, take two spoonfuls of mustard to one of wheat flour, rub them smooth with a little water, and with a knife spread the paste evenly on a square of cotton. Cover it with a piece of thin muslin, and turn the edges up as directed for a poultice. Lay it on the part and examine it in a few minutes, to see that it is not blistering. As soon as the skin is very red, remove it, and wipe the part dry with a soft cloth. Twenty minutes is usually long enough to leave it on. If the burning is intense after its removal, dust the place thickly with flour or toilet powder. The D. & L. Menthol Plaster is u^ed with great success in all muscular pains, stiffness, backache^ neuralgia, and rheumatism. Wring a flannel out of hot water, sprinkle it thickly with Perry Davis* Pain-Killer and apply. This is a good appli* COM " cation, for it does not blister, and is quickly made PRESS. ’ ready. To give an enema to a person in bed, lay the patient on the left side, arrange the bed clothes carefully to prevent any ENEMAS. unnecessary exposure, place a square of rubber sheeting to catch any drops that may fall. Oil thf nozzle and insert it gently. If it meets with any resistance withdraw it partially, change the direction a little and try again. For a pur- gative enema use from two to four pints of warm soap-suds. Fill the syringe once or twice to expel the air before using it, and in- ject the fluid very slowly. After using, squeeze clean water through it a few times, wipe if and hang it up by the open end to dry. . When there is obstinate constipation, salt is added to the water, or olive oil mixed with it, four tablespoon fuls to the pint. Never use oil or turpentine in a soft rubber syringe. Starch and laudanum are used for prolonged diarrhoea. Thirty- drops of laudanum to four tablespoonfuls of thin, cold starch. \2 NURSING THE SICK, These are much used in uterine diseases. They can be given with any bulb syringe, a Fountain or combination. DOUCHES. If one has to be given in bed, as is the case after confinement, raise the hips on pillow or folded blanket, place a basin in position if a bed-pan is not obtainable, use the vaginal nozzle. It is dangerous to give a douche with a nozzle perforated at the end, as air may be injected into the uterus. The water should flow out as rapidly as it flows in, and the douche be continued until it comes away clear. The bed must be protected with a square of rubber sheeting. CHAPTER VII. LIQUID FOOD. « N serious illness, the stomach cannot digest solid food, and life has to be supported upon fluids. It is very important that the nurse should know how to prepare a variety, so that the patient may not become disgusted with any one article of diet. Milk alone will sustain life for a long time. Sometimes it is too rich and must be diluted with limewater, or otherwise prepared for digestion. To make limewater, procure a lump of lime, put it in an earthern MILK AND j ?r and pour cold water upon it. Let it stand until LIME- it subsides and the particles of lime fall to the bot- WATER. tom. Four off the clear liquid, strain and bottle it. The quantity of water put on the lime is of no consequence. Add two tablespoonfuls of the lime water to a cup of milk. This is milk already partially digested by means of its prepara- PEP- tion with pancreatin. Take about a quarter of a TONIZED teaspoonful of the pancreatic extract and a pinch of M I LK. common baking soda. Dissolve these in half a cup of water, and add this to one pint of milk. Pour the whole into a bottle and stand it in warm water of a temperature of no° by the thermometer. Keep the water at this point for half an hour. Re- move the bottle and put it on ice to stop the digestive process. If ice cannot be obtained, boil the milk for a minute. Peptonized milk will be retained when a sensitive stomach would reject it in other forms. Gruel can be peptonized in the same way when it is made with milk. HCJRSING TITE SICK* 13 One quart of fresh milk, a quarter of a compressed yeast cake, one tablespoonful of sugar syrup. KOUMISS. Make the syrup by covering one tablespoonful of sugar with water and boiling a few minutes until dear. Dissolve the yeast cake in warm water. Put this and the syrup into the milk and all into a bottle. Shake well to na;x the ingredients thoroughly. Cork with a cork that has previously been soaked in hot water until .soft. Drive the cork in well and tie it down with a strong string. Put it in a cool place, a tem- perature of 5 2 0 is desirable, and let it remain for sixty hours. After that, keep it in the refrigerator or a dark, cold cellar. Open with a champagne tap, as it flies over everything if the cork is drawn. It is used with great success in diseases of the stomach, consump- tion, chronic bronchitis, fevers, and any wasting disease* It helps to produce sleep without leaving any bad after effects. Albumen is an important part of an invalid’s diet, and as white MILK AND of egg is nearly pure albumen, it is very valuable. White OF It can be given in milk, witnout the patient being EGG - aware of its presence. Put a teacupful of milk and the white of an egg into a bottle, cork tightly and shake for three minutes. A few grains of salt can be added, or sugar if preferred. Water can be substituted for the milk, with a teaspoonful of lemon juice to give it flavor. Haifa pint of milk, one tablespoonful of brandy, or two of whis- MILK key, or three of sherry, a little sugar and grated Punch. nutmeg. Pour into a bottle, and shake three mi- nutes. Crush two “ Rennecine Ta* Ms ” and dissolve in a tablespoonfu! MILK water> acl< * to one P lnt sl 4> kLl y warmed, WhEY. a ^ rm cur( i will be produced. When the curd is set, break it up with a fork ; let it stand half an hour and pour off the whey. Sherry may be added to flavor it if desi- red, and sugar if it is liked. Beat an egg light ; stir in a scant teaspoonful of sugar, pu x it in a glass and fill with milk. A few drops of F ,yal Ex- CGG NOG tract of Vanilla can be added, or the yellow of a lemon rind carefully grated so that none of the white pith comes off with it, this is a pleasant flavoring. It 14 NURSING THE SICK. last, as the alcohol cooks the egg and hardens the sugar if pnt In before the milk. Have ready in a saucepan one pint of boiling water. Moisten one heaping tablespoonful of oatmeal with two ta- OATiVt E AL blespoonfuls of cold water, add salt, and stir the oatmeal with the boiling water. Let it boil slowly one hour. The gruel can be sweetened or flavored with cinnamon dr lemon juice to taste. It can also be made with milk instead of Water. If too thick, it can be thinned with milk after it is cooked, INDIAN Make the same as oatmeal gruel without the flavor- M CAL ing. Long, slow boiling is essential to success with GRUEL. gruels. Wash two nice CREAM. tablespoonfuls of rice and boil in one quart of water for an hour. Add lemon juice or Royal Extract of Lemon and sugar to taste, or if sweet is not liked, a little salt or the lemon juice alone. Neck of beef is the best part for beet tea or beef juice. Cut one pound of meat in inch square pieces removing any BEEF TEA. particle of fat. Pour over it one pint of cold water and add a little salt. Put it in a saucepan on the feack of the stove where it will heat gradually. When it comes to the boiling point, put a hot cover under it and let it stand one hour, hot but not boiling. Pour off the juice, holding back the meat with a spoon. Do not strain it. Cut half a pound of juicy beef as fine as possible. Cover it with one pint of cold water, add five drops of muriatic EXTRACT ac ^ anc * a P* ucl1 °* saH ‘ ^et stanc * an k° ur an< l a half, strain off the juice and give either hot or cold. If heated do not allow it to boil. Have a thick slice of juicy steak cut from the top of the round. Cut it in strips ; hold it on a gridiron over a clear fire for a minute to draw the juice to the surface, JUICE* 1 . Press out the juice with a lemon squeezer or any pressure that can be brought to bear on it. Either this recipe or the following one is valuable when nourish- ment is to be given by enema. Add one grain of pepsin to each tablespoonful of beef juice and let it stand half an hour in warm water at ioo° Fahr. This partially digests the food before it enters NURSING THE SICK. the bowel*, and enables it to be more easily absorbed to natiriafc the body. Half a pint of oysters, half a pint of milk, one teaspoonful of OYSTER butter, one dessertspoonful of flour, salt to taste SOUP. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour, stir tf prevent burning until it is thoroughly blended. Poui in the oyster juice gradually, add the milk, and when the mix- ture boils put in the oysters. Let them cook about two minute* until they are plump and the edges curl. Wash half a dozen hard shelled clams and place them in a kettle C LA M ° Ver tlle fire S * X ta ^ les P oonfuls boiling water. BROTH When the shells open remove them. Strain off the juice, season with salt and pepper and serve. If liked, half a pint of milk can be added, with a little buttei and flour to thicken it. Cut two pounds of lean mutton into squares, removing every- particle of fat. Cover with one quart of cold water, BROTH let i- come to the boil, and simmer slowly two hours.- Twenty minutes before it is taken up, add one table- spoonful of well washed rice. Put in salt and pepper to taste. Weigh the fowl, an old one is best, and to each pound allow one pint of cold water. Break the bones and cut the CHICKEN BROTH. meat small. Cover with the water and add one tablespoonful of rice. After it comes to the boil, le* It simmer for two hours. Strain, season with salt and a little pej>~ per, and serve hot. Only half the fowl need be used at once. CHAPTER VIII. SOLID FOOD. MILK TOAST. a thin slice of bread, toast it evenly a delicate yellow whKc brown, put it on a hot plate, cut it in four pieces, remo*- ing the crust, and pour over it half a pint of boiling milk previously thickened with one teaspoonful of flour robbed smooth Vith a little cold milk and boiled in it. Salt to taste. /O i6 NURSING THR SICK. WHIPPED CREAM. Cream to be whipped should stand on the ice until thoroughly chilled, and be at least twenty-four hours old. Put it in a cold bowl and beat with an egg-beater until it is solid. Sugar and any of the Royal Flavoring Extracts desired may be added before it is beaten. If old enough and cold enough it will become a solid mass in ten minutes. Do not skim out the froth nor lift out the beater until it is done. It may be eaten alone, or with bread, or toast, and is a delicious addition to any of the following dishes. One tablespoonful of cornstarch, one teacupful of boiling water, LEMON one egg, sugar to taste, one teaspoonful of butter, CORN- juice and grated rind of half a small lemon. Mix the STARCH. cornstarch with a little cold water, add the boiling water and let it boil ten minutes. Put in tne sugar and pour the mixture on the yolk of the egg well beaten. Add the lemon juice and grated rind. Pour into a small pudding dish and bake ten minutes. Beat the white of the egg with two tablespooufulsof sugar and spread it on the top. Return the dish to the ovt*n for a few moments to color the Meringue a delicate brown. Serve cold. Half a pint of water, half an ounce ot gelatine, whites of two eggs, a quarter of a pound of sugar, juice of one large lemon. Soak the gelatine in enough warm water to cover it until it is perfectly soft. Heat the half pint or water and poor over it. Add the sugar and lemon juice, beat in the egg, it Deuig first well beaten. Let the mixture get very hot out not quite boil. Pour into the dish in which it is to be served. Half a small box ot gelatine, halt a pint of cold water, eight tablesp-xmluls of boiling water, half a cup oi sugar, the whites of two eggs, juice and grated peel of one lemon. Dissolve the gelatine in the boiling water. When cool ; add the other ingredients except the eggs. When the mixture stiffens, add the whites of egg beaten to a froth, and beat all together until light like new fallen snow. Maxe a custard with halt pint of milk and the yolks of the two eggs, a little sugar and grated lemon peel, and pour arc und the snow jelly. Dishes made with gelatine are better prepared the day before they are to be used. Boil a quarter of a pound of rice in one quart of wa- ter for an hour, strain off the water, sweet ©d to taste and add the juice of a small lemon. Pour into’ a mould to form. LEMON SPONGE. SNOW JELL/. RICE JELLY. nursing the sick. 17 One ounce of gelatine, three quarters of a pint of strong oifear coffee, a quarter of a pint of cold water. {Soak the gelatine in the water. Heat the coffee, sweeten to taste and pour it on the gelatine. Stir until per- fectly dissolved and pour it into a mould. Serve surrounded with whipped cream. COFFEE JELLY. LEMON JELLY. One ounce of gelatine, half a pint of cold water, half a cupful of sugar, the juice of one large lemon and enough cold water add d to it to make half a pint of liquid. Soak the gelatine in the water and dissolve it by setting the bowl containing it on the top of a boiling tea kettle. When dissolved, add the other ingredients, the sugai hist, stir well and pour into a mould. It need not be boiled or strained. Twelve tablespoon fuls of milk and four of strong coffee, sweeten to taste and let it come to the boil. Pour the boiling COFFEE mixture on the well-beaten yolk of an egg. If boiled CUSTARD. custard is desired, return it to the saucepan, set it on the fire and stir until it thickens, but do not let it boil or the egg will curdle. If a baked custard is preferred, instead of pouring the mixture into the saucepan, put it into a kitchen cup, set the cup in a pan of boiling water, and put it in the oven for ten or fifteen minutes until it is set This can be made in the same way, using the yolk PLAIN Q f an e ^g to balf a pint of milk, sugar to taste, and CUSTARD. ^ of the “ Royal Flavoring Extracts/ as desired. Wash one tablespoonful of rice. Boil a pint of milk and pour over the rice. Let it cook for half an hour, stirring RICE three times at intervals of ten minutes. Then add PUDDING. ^ tab i eS poonful of sugar. As the milk boils away, fill up the dish to the original quantity with hot milk. Cook two hours in all. This gives the rice a delicious flavor. Keep the dish where it will not burn while cooking. Sweeten one pint of milk to taste, add four tablespoonfuls of Sherry, or a little of any of the “ Royal Flavoring RENNET Extracts,” or no flavoring at all if the taste of the CUBD ' milk is liked. Warm until the chill is taken off, about the same temperature as the milk is when it comes from the caw. Crush two “Renneeine Tablets” and dissolve in a table- spoonful of water and add to the milk, a little more if Sherry is used. i8 nursing the; sick. ICE CREAM. Stir thoroughly and set it away for the curd to form. Serve plain or whipped cream. Sweeten a pint of eream to taste and add vanilla, orange, lemon. or rose “ Royal Flavoring Extract.” If this is too rich for the patient half milk and add the whites of two eggs beaten with the sugar. If a small ice cream freezer is not at hand one can be readily ItnDro vised by u^itig any tin vessel with a tight. Siting covet. Put the cream in this and have a larger jar or vessel that will hold it. Pack around it in the outside jar, ice and salt in the proportion of one-third of the latter to two-thirds of the former. While the ice cream is freezing, lift the cover from the inner vessel several times and scrape the frozen cream from the sides, beating the mixture thoroughly. This rnai&es it smooth and velvety. Half a tablespoonful of gelatine soaked in four tablespoonfuls of cold water, add four tablespoon fuls of boiling water, SHERBET, when dissolved, add baif a cup of sugar melted in half a cup of cold watei. Stir in a teacupful of orange juice and freeze like ice cream. Lemon juice may be used instead, adding more sugar ; or tne juice of raspberries, or strawberries. The syrup from canned pea- ches is delicious. CHAPTER IX. NURSING IN SPECIAL DISEASES. S HBk are some simple ailments that can be successfully treated by au inexperienced person without the help of * doctor ; but when there is any doubt whether a case i * serious or not, he should always be sent for. It is a thousand times better to send for him ten times unnecessarily, than once to put it off until it is too late, and it saves money, time and strength in the end to have his advice early in the illness. If rest, warmth and abstaining from solid food for ten or twelve hours, with a free movement of the bowels, does not bring about a change for the better, it is a case for the doctor, and he should be called at once. Symptoms : — An almost constant, fixed pain, aching, heaviness* a sense of weight, fullness, or pressure and discom- J e-?, o N f° rt after eatin g* Remedies : — Plenty of exercise, in the open air if U SING TUK SICK. possible, using the arras and chest muscles as in sawing wood at a creeping. Soda Mint Tablets, two at <««^rv&l9 of ten minutes after eating .'eptonic Pills often afford relief when everything else fails. Tak/s ane or two immediately after eating. Fellows* Compound Syrup of Hvpophosphites is of great use in giving tone to the system. k . •> w umrw 20 Ml/JOi-NG TilJj, m.CK. “ D. & L. ' Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites ot Lime and Soda is also of great value in such cases. The bowels should be regulated by a daily enema of hot water, or by some simple laxative as Campbell’s Cathartic Compound. Diet : — What agrees with one will not with another, so different kinds of food must be tried— such as Koumiss, Peptonized Milk, Oatmeal gruel or porridge, Cracked Wheat, Rye Bread, soft boiled or poached eggs, rare meat, raw beef scraped, mixed with bread crumbs, made into pats and heated through on a gridiron ; baked potatoes, broiled fish, rice pudding, or any simple blanc mange. Stimulants should be avoided, and tea or coffee used in moderation. A good Malt Extract owing to the process it has gone through, if it has been carefully prepared is a capital thing as it is at once taken up by the system without taxing the digestive organs in the least. It is an excellent assistant to digestion and a “Nutritive Tonic.” Wyeths is the best. This proceeds from a variety of causes, and various remedies must be tried. C°N- Moist applications over the bowels may be tried. ST I PATIO N ^ pi ece of flannel wrung out of warm water and squeezed as dry as possible, can be bound on with a broad bandage, and worn for two or three hours a day. Kneading the bowels .—Every morning before rising, the bowels should be pressed or kneaded, beginning low down on the right side working up across the abdomen and down the left side, finish- ing with a general pressing and rubbing of the whole surface. The ■operation should continue about ten minutes. Fluid : — Sometimes a glass of cold water before breakfast, and another at ten o’clock will be effectual. Diet : — Brown bread, Indian meal porridge with molasses, oat- meal, fresh fruit, vegetables, very little meat, stewed prunes and apples, figs soaked over night and eaten in the morning, and coffee without sugar. This is a symptom that the digestive tract is out of order, rather than a disease in itself. When it becomes chronic, DIARRHCEA it requires medical treatment, but if taken in time ts seldom severe. Remedies .—Rest in bed. A broad flannel bandage wound around the bowels. Abstinence from solid food, and a spoonful of Perry Davis’ Pain-Killer in hot milk and water occasionally. lORSING the sick. 21 Diet; — Boiled milk and lime water, Rice water, Wheat flour gruel, Koumiss. Later, milk toast. Medicine —A dose of castor oil, Irom a dessertspoonful to a tablespoonful , to carry off the undigested food that is causing the trouble If the movements are frequent, causing much distress, an enema of four table s^onfuls of thin starch, with thirty drops of laudanum after each one. This is an inflammation of the large intestine and more serious than diarrhoea. D YS E N - Symptoms -—A painful desire to have a movement TERY ' without the power of accomplishing it. Blood in the motions. Great pain in the bowels. Treatment .—Perfect rest in bed. Warm Pain-Killer applications to abdomen to relieve pain. Medicine : — Compressed Ipecac and Opium Pills, five grains, once in four hours, will give relief. Diet .—Boiled milk, rice water and rice gruel, all given luke- warm. Return very gradually to solid food. Symptoms —Violent pain in the intestines, cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea. The motions are a greenish yellow. CHOLERA Treatment — Vomit the patient with mustard and MORBUS. warm water if the trouble is due to indigestible food. Give at once a teaspoonful of Pain-Killer in a wine glass of hot water with a little sugar. Repeat the same dose every half-hour until the pain is relieved. Rub the stomach and bowels with the hand wet in Pain-Killer. Wring out flannels in very hot water to which a tablespoonful of Pain-Killer has been added, and put across the stomach and the bowels. Change them every twenty minutes. If there is much vomiting, settle the irritated stomach by drinking freely of hot water to a cupful of which a few drops of Pain-Killer have been added. Diet : The same as in diarrhoea when the patient is able to eat. Symptoms —Nausea after eating, flatulence, distension ( of bow- els, cold feet, pain in the back of neck, disagreeable BILIOUS- taste in ^ mou th, depression of spirits, yellow NESS. A tinge in white of eyes. Remedies —Abstinence from food for eight hours. A dose of 44 D. & L.” Liver Pills repeated two or three times. A tumbler of soda-water every three hours, or even of plain cold wafer. nursing the sick. £Het:—JHo meat, plenty of vegetables, fresh fruit, especially grapes ; bread, tapioca or rice pudding, gruels, mutton broth, le- monade, no coffee. © Coryza is the technical term for a cold in the head. At the first symptoms of a bad cold, take a warm bath, go to COLDS. bed between blankets with a rubber hot water bottle at the feet, drink a tumbler of hot lemonade, and *ake a Compressed Dover Powder, five grains. If the head feels hot and oppressed, soak the feet for twenty minutes in twelve quarts of very h®t water, with three tablespoonfuls of mustard stirred in it. If the mouth is dry, let a Chlorate of Potash Lozenge, five grains, dissolve in it once in three hours. If this treatment Joes not break it up, take a dose of D. & L- Liver Pills, next night. When the chest is sore, rub it with olive oil or camphorated oil, warmed in a teacup, set in boiling water. Cover it with two thick- nesses of flannel or cotton wool. Wear this for several days, remov- ing a small piece at a time. If there is much pain, apply a mustard paste, or what is better still a Pain-Killer compress. When there is a cough, Pyny Pectoral may be used to relieve it. Diet .—Porridge, bread and milk, eggs, blanc mange, plain puff- ings. Avoid meats and stimulants for a time. When a throat is slightly inflamed it can be cured by wringing * piece of cotton out of cold water, binding it on the SORE neck all night and covering it with a strip of flan- TH ROAT, Sometimes a mustard poultice left on until the *kin is well reddened will relieve, or a Pain-Killer compress ap- plied on going to bed. If the throat is relaxed a gargle of alum and water will relieve it. If it feels rough and rasped, a teaspoonful of chlorate of potash, two tablespoonfuls of honey or glycerine stirred into a tumbler of water and used as a gargle is good. If the throat seems full of mucous, a dessertspoonful of salt dissolved in a glass of water is beneficial. All these gargles must be used at least once in half an hour to be of any use. Diet .—Milk, egg nog, beef juice, cocoa, gruel, rare juicy meat, or any nourishing food that can be taken. Acute rheumatism, or rheumatici fever, is excruciating, involving great suffering to the patient. The sufferer should RH EU- ]ie between blankets and wear a flannel nightdress. MAT ISM. There is always excessive perspiration. €»The body must be often rubbed off with warm soft towels, passing the band under the night-dress to do it. A warm sponge bath of strong ~®alt and water twice a day, morning and night, is good. The vessel* NURSING THE SICK, 25 - •»d werTthlng used about him must be warmed before they ar« Introduced into the beti. Diet -—Milk in every form in which it can be prepared, as gruel® made with it, blanc mange, puddings, custard, koumiss, eggs and vegetable soups. Persons who suffer from chronic rheumatism should wear red dannel next the skin day and night avoid exposure to the cold, stimulants and meat diet, living on milk, eggs, vegetables and far- inaceous food Cooked apples, prunes and oranges are good, ana lemonade and lime-juice as a drink. Give Anti-Rheumatic Tablete 0 f Lithium and Potassium, following Elixir of Salicylic acid, o« Salycilate of Soda Tablets, say ten grains twice a day. This is often caused by constipation, and the bowels should be regulated by a gentle laxative. Campbell s Cathartic N EU- Compound will be found excellent for the purpose. RALGIA. “Wyeth’s’* Beef, Iron and Wine will give tone tc the system ; or what might prove better still, “ D. & b.” Emulsion □f Cod Liver Oil with Ilypophosplutes of Lime and Soda. A Rubber hot water bottle applied to the seat of pain gives ease. Th© application of a Menthol Plaster will drive it away ; or a Pain-Killei compress bound on. ., Diet : Plenty of milk, eggs and nourishing food. That prescrib- ed for constipation will be of use. Meat may be eaten in mod- eration, if not fried. B Threadworms — Symptoms in children: fretfulness, itching the anus and nose, pain in the stomach, occasionally convulsions and unconsciousness. The tiny worms, like pieces of white thread, are sometimes seen i» Le motions. . , r Remedies : Two teaspoonfuls of Castor oil every other night feu three uights. Soak a tablespoonful of the chips of Quassia wood m a pint of water for an hour, strain it and add a tablespoon ful of fine salt. With a bulb syringe inject a quarter of a pint of this fusion into the rectum every day until the whole is used. Sometimes the worms are large, round and a very bght bro^ The best remedy for this species is Santonin. Give two Santo ni* and Chocolate Lozenges at bed time for two nights. After the worm* have been expelled, small doses of the ■« D. & L.^ Emulsion of cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, which is sold by all druggists, should be given to build up the system, of, “ Wyeth *’ Liquid Malt Extract. Diet : While the worms are present this should consist largely < H milk. Afterwards meat, eggs and other nourishing food should DC given. ' Parents whose children are liable to croup should keep in th« house powders of Turpeth Mineral, three grain#, CROUP. each, as this is the best emetic to use. A very**; ) venient and excellent remedy is . Pyny Pectdtal when used according to directions which accompany each bottle. WORMS the motions. 24 NURSING THE SICK. Symptoms : Phvsicians divide this disease into true and false croup but the early stages of both are much alike to the non-pro- fessional eve. The child wakens between ten and twelve o’clock with a loud, barking cough, great difficulty in breathing, flushed face, quick pulse and hot skin. Treatment: Put the child at once into a hot bath. Give the emetic until it has vomited freely. Let it breathe the steam from a pitcher of boiling water, and if possible put a small lump of lnne in the pitcher before pouring in the water. If the case is progress in«- favorably the child falls asleep, the face is less flushed, the pulse slower and the breathing easier. If this improvement does not take place within an hour, send for the doctor. Dress the child in flannel, and do not let it go out in the cold or damp air for some days. . , Diet : Give plenty of milk and gruels, beef tea and eggs. Avoid meat, too much candy, or any unwholesome food. Regulate the bowels to s. cure a movement every day. Diphtheria is really a disease of the blood which shows itself in the throat. This is covered with a grayish white DI PHTH E- membrane. Symptoms: Feverishness, difficulty in Rl A. swallowing, stiffness of the neck and swelling of the glands of the throat outside. Treatment : Send for the doctor. There is no time for trifling with home remedies. Follow his directions exactly. Isolate the patient. Gargle the throat with chlorate of potash tablets dissolved m water, until the doctor comes.* If there is not a camel’s liair brush at hand make a little swab for applying lotions to the throat by twisting a clean rag on a piece of stick. See that these appli- cations are put in the throat when it is left to you, and that food and medicine are swallowed. Provide old soft cloths to receive the discharge from nose and mouth and burn them as soon as used. Disinfect everything that leaves the sick-room. If there are broken places anywhere in the skin keep them covered with carbolized vaseline, especially about the nose and mouth. Diet: This must be the most nourishing possible and concen- trated on account of the difficulty in swallowing. Beef juice, beef extract mixed with an equal proportion of cream, milk and white of egg. If brandy is ordered give it in milk. Do not allow the patient to gut out of bed or sit up without the Doctor’s permission, even in convalescence, as there is danger of paralysis of the heart. Symptoms: Headache and feverishness for two days, then a bright red rash appears, first on the face and neck. SCARLET it spreads evenly over the surface of the skin, and is FEVER. not raised to the touch as the rash of measles is. Fever runs high and the throat is sore. The rash is sometimer visible before it appears outside. It is not infectious uni- 1 throat begins to be sore. r\ NURSING THE SICK. 25 Treatment : Isolate the patient. Keep him in bed, and the room at a temperature of 65*. Give him a warm sponge bath, avoiding exposure. As the disease progresses and the skin begins to peel, keep the body well rubbed with vaseline. Ventilation is very important, but draughts must be avoided. “Wyeth’s” Liquid M It Extract is an invaluable nutritive tome for convales- cents and does not only nourish but strengthens the system increasing the appetite and acting on other foods as a digestive. Convalesence is slow and many complications may occur. Waten the w iter that is passed, and report to the doctor if it diminishes in quantity. About three pints should be passed by an adult in twenty four hours. Let no symptom escape unnoticed, and mention to the doctor even those that seem trifling. Diet : This must be liquid until the fever subsides ; milk, plain and with white of an egg, meat broths, koumiss, lemonade, plenty of cold water, not iced, pieces of ice to suck. Symptoms : A cold in the head. After four days a rash appears on the forehead and face, soon extending to the body. MEAS.ES. A is a darker red than in scarlet fever and feels raised under the skin. The eyes and cnest are me points of attack. Treatment : If the eyes are weak keep the room darkened. Supply fresh air, but guard against draughts and sudden chills. The temperature : hould be 6^. Cold may bring on bronchitis. Isolate the patient on the first symptom, as it may be conveyed before the rash comes out. Give a warm sponge bath daily. Keep the chest protected and the bowels regulated. Diet : Gruels, broths and milk while the fever is high, then toast, bl me mange, porridge ami light puddings, finally digestible meats a 1 1 vegetables. Flaxseed tea helps to relieve the cough. Avoid e fin £ er or a blunt stick ; if not too large. A fork and the handle of a spoon, can be passed, one above and one below it to draw it out. Tick ling the throat will cause vomiting, which will e^pel small substances. NUKbiXG THE SICE. 3 * In Nose , — A pinch of snuff, or a few grains of red pepper to excite sneezing will usually remove it. If not, bend the end of k piece of fine wire slightly, work it up behind the obstruction and hook it down. In Ear. — Turn the head with the ear downwards, and give it a smart slap on the other side. If this does not succeed, syringe the ear gently with warm water from a bulb syringe and it will float out. • In the Eye.— Bathe the eye with warm water. Draw down the lower lid and if the particle that is causing the trouble can be seen, remove it, a fold of handkerchief over the head of a pin is a good instrument. If it is under the upper lid, lay a pencil outside the eye and turn the edge of the lid up over it, then take out the atom, If it is a spick of lime, or any alkali, bathe the eye in weak vinegar. If it is a drop of acid, wash it in baking soda and water. Keep down the inflammation by applying one thickness of doth wrung out of ice water and not allowed to get dry. In the Stomach . — Children often swallow tacks, marbles and oiher indigestible articles. G’.ve a good meal of oatmeal porridge biead and milk, bread pudding, or any soft food and it will in a ) probability pass away without any trouble. Keep watch of the motions for a day or two, to see that it is discharged. When poison has been swallowed, the treatment must be prompt to be of any use. There are two classes of remedied POISON- to be administered, and whichever is most readily 1 N G * to be got should be given first, these are 1. Emetics. 2. Antidotes. Get the poison out of the stomach as soon as possible by a® tmetic. Tickling the back of the throat with the finger, or a feather, will cause vomiting. One tumbler after another of luke-warm water will do the same, The principal classes of poisons are : Alkalies, as potash, ammonia, etc. For these, acids are the anti- dotes as vinegar, lemon juice, etc. Acids as oxalic acid, carbolic acid, etc., tor which Alkalies are die antidotes, as baking soda, lime water, magnesia, etc. ‘s ”«”I‘!Srcl, di»lvrf ,n cold „«t«r and thickened with boilln, water, arrowroot made in the same way, etc. frrit ® t noisons • as corrosive sublimate, arsenic, saltpetre, cal*. The symtoms are much the aame as in aend poisonsf but they affect the bowels more permanently. The anti- dote is albumen, as wF.e of egg stirred into water, wheat flour in water, milk, etc. 32 NURSING THK SICK. Narcotic poisons, as opium in its various forms, such as lauda- num, paregoric, morphine, etc., tobacco, belladonna, digitalis, etc. Gi ^strong coffee, apply cold to head and warmth to feet, rub the limbs and supply fresh air. Try to keep the patient roused and awake. General directions ; It is always safe to give plenty of milk. If the pois»n was of an irritating nature, it soothes the inflamed membrane. When the pulse is weak, give some stimulant, whiskey or brandy, mixed with water. If the mouth and throat are burned by the poison, give the stimulant as an enema mixed with an equal quantity of luke-warm milk. Use a bulb syringe and inject very slowly. Keep the patient in bed and perfectly quiet. When out of danger, give a dose of castor oil to carry off any traces of poison that may linger in the stomach or bowels. Give light diet for a few days. Do not keep liniments, which often contain poison, in the sam« place as medicines that are to be taken internally. CHAPTER XI DISINFECTION. DISINFECTION can be thoroughly carried out with a very m few disinfectants. Boiling water, Corrosive sublimate, Sulphur, Copperas. It should be understood that pure air is the best disinfectant. If a case of infectious disease could be nursed out of doors there would be little need of disinfectants. Supply warm air and keep the windows open as much as possible. If the sick room communicates with another room, do not use the door from the sick room into the hall, but keep it locked, and pass through the adjoining room, where the windows should be always open. If there is only one door out of the sick room, hang a sheet over the doorway and keep it constantly wet with a solution of corrosive sublimate. Use as far as possible old clothing that can be burned. Have a tub half full of a solution of corrosive sublimate and into this put every article of clothing from patient, or bed, that is to be washed. After soaking in this for some hours, wring them out, and send them to the laundry, where they must be washed alone and boiled . After a vessel has been used, before emptying it, fill it with copperas water, after emptying, wash it in hot water, rinse in cop- peras water, scald with boiling water, and leave it outside the sick room until it is needed again. Do not let cups, spoons, plates, or any dishes used in the sick room leave your h an ds until they are washed and rinsed in scalding water. When the patient recovers, he must have a full bath of water, in which a pound of powdered borax has been dissolved and Palmo NURSING THE SI CPI. Car belie Soap used bis hair washed, and every article of clothin* changed before he is allowed to mix with the family. When the patient leaves the sick room, open the window an carry away soiled clothing to be disinfected. Put maUre^es and Tows out in the sun, sprinkle them with co^ve sublimate solu Son, and after twenty-four hours send them to be made over. Open drawers and closets. Take an old eoal-seuUeorgoodtm pail without holes in the bottom, throw in some paper sha e over that two pounds ol sulphur. Close windows and doors, an they do not fit tightly, underTe ^.d and door open to go out by. Light the p p and if necessary leave the room. Paste the keyhole of th s h^r a ' the cracks, from the outside. In twen^tow bourn go m ^ the windows. When it is P? s ?’'’' e .° h cor ^ C sive sublimate solution, floor and woodwork washed, fi llave the walls scraped, then with plenty of hot water and soa P* . , papered. The VU hi , «... cannot he boiied or treated as described. , , . wn cl, e d After death from an infectious ihsea^the^ ys^o^^.^ pad in corrosive sublimate solution, a ‘ h , t body wrapped soaked in it should be pinned sublimate, and in a sheet wrung out of asolutionofcorrosrve^ to see the buried as soon ai possible. No one should be perrni remains. Tk Corrosive sublimate solution. Fifteen grains of corrosive sublimate. Fifteen grains of muriate of ammonia. a'Sth of , P .rt « * n* \ are a very convenient from, as they i*' »» •* pint of water. & Copperas Water. Copperas four pounds. Hot water ten quarts. S ur wilh a stick until mor „ing Throw hand Ws o and evening, and flush shovelfuls of copperas and If a dry closet ,s use , \ h or coal ashes. cover the surface herself responsible for the prevention of The nurse should hold her. 1 her duty, it is impossible for the spread of infection, as, * . an d. it to extend beyond tlie . cab ^ th ‘ e ext remely poisonous character of these N.B.— Caution must be taken a disinfectants. PAIN-KILLER. KNOWN THE WORLD OVER 4S THE MOST rSEFUL NIEDUCINAL PREPARATION IN EXISTENCE. SHOULD BE to EVERY HOUSE. JUST THE THINS NEEDED AT HOME FOR ALL THE COMMON PAINS WE Are SUBJECT TO WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD IN CASES OF ACCIDENT OR SUDDEN ILLNESS. PAIN-KI LLER A sure cure for Sore Throat ’ Coughs, Chills, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. ' Cramps, Cholera, and all Bowel Complaints. PAIN-KILLER T ^ e ^ e8t reme( *y k nown for S® a Sickness, Sick Headache, rains I» — Back or Side, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. PAIN-KILLER Is tlie Best Iiiniment mad 0 - It brings speedy and Permanent relief in cases of Bruises, Cuts, Sprains. Severe Burns, &c. buy it. It li & re^lar ^e. It caTbe ent to any arae reqv^d. TO PROVE THE EFFICACY OF Pyny-Pectoral THE GREAT MODERN COUGH REMEDY THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF The Aant END0K5EnENT5 Received. The Concensus of Opinion of Resfecteo ANft Well Known People is Universal in Praise of Fyny- Fector/il. A Well Known Oxford Co. f Ont. Fanner Writes ; For several years past my business has been of a character to rentier unadvoidable niv exposure to the most inclement weather; in consequence of which I have frequently contracted severe and tlist reusing colds coughs, etc. Your PYN Y-PKCTO* A I, I have r»und a most effectual remedy in relieving these even the most aggravated cases. From tny personal experience l feel warranted in saving that your remedy is invaluable in all cases of coughs colds sore throat, and all ordiuary afTectious of the throat aud respiratory orgaus. CHAR BRA DBFR NT, Delmer, UuL., Novembei 21st. , 1896. An Enterprising Merchant’s Story. Having been troubled with a very bad cold T tried several mixtures., none of which seemed to give me any relief Noticing one of your PYN Y-PKCTORAL samples on the shelf I triedit with surprising results, l ook for just one week, following direc- tions carefully and it effected a complete cure. Have since recommended it to some of my customers who have all expressed satisfaction from its use. H ToURANOKACJ, General Merchant. Varennes. Quebec, January 14th, 1897. One Selected from the Nova Scotia Pile. As a cure for colds and cowrfts PYXY-PKCTORAL ^ ha 1 « severe cold. leave In-- PYNY Pht/fORAT, and it cured her. I can re- commend its use with consistency. MRS K. DF AN, Ship Harbour, N S., September nth, 1896. A Wisper from Cape Breton. a «u 0 fi Six 1 - mo . ntl ?’t r 1 wastr °nbbd with a severe cough and final y decided to t-v PYVY PR TOR A I. after tuVone t partic < le her medicmes which Lad not beuehted ^ pita1 co,, * h remedy restored have°ever used! ' 11 ,S the best cough remedy I MARY SMYTH, Judique, Cape Breton, November 13th, 1896. Very large bottf© 25 cts. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT. WYETH’S BEEF, IRON & WINE. THIS PREPARATION has been before the public now for more than a quarter of a century and has been freely pres- cribed by the physicians of Canada with most satisfactory results. The sales have been very extensive amounting to many millions of bottles. ITS STIMULANT rROFEKTIES.— In this preparation are combined the stimulant properties of Wine and the nutriment of Beef, with the tonic powers of Iron, the efTect of which on the blood is so justly valued. For many cases in which there is Pallor, Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, with much nervous disturbance, this article will be found especially adapted. TO SUFFERERS FROM WEAKNESS Tt is a Nutritive Tonic, indicated in the treatment of impaired Appetite, Im- poverishment of the Blood, and in all the various forms of General Debility. Prompt results will follow its use in cases of Sudden Exhaustion, arising either from acute or chronic diseases. CROWINQ CHILbREN.— Especially those who are sickly, get great benefit from this preparation. FEOFLE WHO ARE QETTINQ OLb. who * nd ^ strength is not what it used to be, experience a decidedly tonic effect from its use as occasion requites. CLERGYMEN, TEACHERS and members .of other pro- fessions, who suffer from weakness, you will find \\ \ LTH S BEEF IRON AND WINE very effectual in restoring strength and tone to the system after the exhaustion pro duced by over mental exercise. OVERWORK —Many men and women know that the con- tinuous^ feeling they labor under is due to overwork still they find it impossible just yet to take complete rest. ,i?Sch wo would «, 0.0 WYETH'S BEEF, IEOH AND WINE. _ .• been much disappointed in the benefit NOTH— Physicians and patients ha b ^en experienced from the use of the anticipated, and often 1,1 or as good as WYETH’S. In purchas- many imitatons claiming to »e ine an d do not be persuaded to ing or prescribing please ask for WYnm take any other. P. & L. Liver Pill, (Sugar Coated) 0. 4 L. Liver Pill. (Sugar Coated.) 0, & L. Liver Pill. (Sugar Coated.) 0. & L. Liver Pill. (Sugar Coated.) 0. & L. Liver Pill. (Sugar Coated.) 0, & L. Liver Pill. (Sugar Coated.) MILD, SURE AND SAFE. /t*HIS PILL was prepared especially to regelate the system and to free the bile duct of obs- tructions. It also acts gently but surely in the bowels and will eventually change a constipated habit to a natural one. It is therefore well named A Perfect Regulator of the System. It Regulates the Bowels, prevents Constipatio* and Piles, relieves all forms of Biliousness, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Pain in the Side, Dragging Feeling, Sallow Skin, etc. Prevents Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion w : th Sour Stamach. A CASE WORTH NOTING. Fd two years past I have suffered from stomach and liver complaints. I have tried several remedies for these troubles, but none have brought me any relief. Two months ago a friend of mine, who had used some of your “D & L,” Liver Pills with satisfactory results, recommended me to try them ; I did so, and to- day, I am happy to say, that after using a few bottles of them, I am so much- better that my stomach and liver troubles have almost disappeared. Yours, etc. F. LAPOINTE, 35a Visitation St., Montreal. CURED AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING. “Please send me one gross of “D. & L-” Liver Pills. It is the best pill on the market. It gives satisfaction to all my customers. Mrs. Turcot was very weak for three years, her strength completely returned after using six boxes of these pills. GEO. TURCOT, Ste. Julie, P.Q., March 25th, 1896. A simple pill after dinner will give the best results In cases of indigestion . To clear the complexion and to stimulate the Liver and Kidneys take one or two pills at bed time. PURELY VEGETABLE. D. & L. Liver Pill (Sugar Coated.) D. & L. Liver Pill (Sugar Coated.) D. & L. Liver Pill (Sugar Coated.) D & L. Liver Pill, (Sugar Coated.) Put up in neat Screw Cap Bottles convenient for pocket. D. & L. Liver Pill. DAVIS A LAWRENCE CO., Ltd., Montreal A New York. (Sugar Coated.) N. B. — If you cannot get these from your druggist or dealer send amount to us and same will be sent you by mail prepaid. D, & L. Liver Pitt (Sugar Coated.) Fellow’s Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites NOTICE-CAUTION. T HE success Of FELLOWS SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES has tempted certain persons to offer imitations of it for sale. Some of these falsely assert to having been m our employ, where the mode of preparing the genuine Syrup was obtained. Mr. Fellows, who has examined sample.- of several of these mixtures, finds that no two of them are identical, and that all of them differ from the original in composition, in freedom from acid reaction, in suscep tibility to the effects of oxygen when exposed to light and heat, in the property of retaining the strychnine in solution, and in the medicinal effects. As a precaution, it is advisable that the Syrup shoulo oe purchased in the original bottles ; the distinguishing mark, which the bottles (and the wrappers surrounding them) bear, can then be examined, and the genuineness^* otherwise- of the contents thereby proved. For sale by all Druggists in the Dominion. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Ltd., SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DOMINION OF CANADA. MONTREAL PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER Opinions of Prominent People. the following which There is an old saying that “ the proof of the pudding is in the eating” the same simile might be truthfully applied to medicines, the efficacy of which are only tested by those who have tried them and have been benefitted by them. Perry Davis 4 Pain has been in use now for nearly sixty years by all peoples and in every part of the globe. The flattering words which have been said for this remedy are not exaggerated and their genuineness are guaranteed by the thousands of letters we have received lauding its praises. We subjoin are a few of the numerous ones received. The Story of Capt. J T. Clarke, Police Force, Montreal. “I have us**d Perry Davis’ Pain Killer on se\ eral occasions and have found it very valuable in cases of sudden p tins in t lie stomach. 1 accompanied the Roval Engineers on the ked kiver Expedition about 30 years ago under Col. Wo'lseley and on that occasion did not emit to take a supply of this grand medicine and was thankful for it before many davs had passed. Owing to drinking bad water the men were often seized with cramps and bv using Pain Killer the pain was a.wavs removed and it was found to be the most g recious article in camp and worth its weight in go d. We use it here in No. 7 tation and 1 can with confidence recommend it to any one suffering from 1,41x1 ‘ Jas. P. Clarke, March 1st, 1897. Capt. No. 7, Police Division. A well known Clergyman s Views. “I have known your Pain-Killer for many years and have much pleasure in testifying to its valuable properties in alleviating pain. 1 consider it a most useful preparation.” * ^ (Rev.) H. J. Evans, December 16th, 1896. 497 St. Ur bain St., Montreal. Nothing like It in the World. “I have been using your Pain-Killer for the last four years and I am satisfied that there is nothing like it in the world for cramps and all stomach troubles.” January 12th, 1897. (Mrs) James McMurray, Black Brook, N.B . A Preparation of great Virtue. “I may say that from my own personal knowledge of Pain-Killer I hav© found it without doubt one of great virtue giving general satisfaction both as to its sale and use. For neuralgic pains, cramps, colic, and ail bowel com- plaints, toothache, etc., it is far ahead of all others. Far mers and everybody living at a distance from a doctor or druggist should keep a bottle of Perry Davis’ Pain-Killer in the house at all times. It will save many a doctors visit.” Edmund Jenner, Sherbrooke Drug Store. October 14th, 1896. Sherbrooke, N. So A Wonderful cure Effected. “Last winter my wife was suffering intense pain from the effects of a paralytic stroke in her side and but for the application of your Pain-Killer at the most critical stage of b r illness she would have lost her life. This was endorsed by the doctor at ending her at the time. I cannot say too much foe Pain-Killer and would not be without it in the house.” October 24th, 1896. Jos Lucie*., McGregor , Onto pv rwvfr \r getting a bottle of this valuable medicine but secure \_f\J nUl one a t once an l have it handy for cases of emergency or sudden attacks of pain. See tuat you get the genuine and avoid all sub- stitutes which are frauds. Ask for PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN= KILLER. WONDERFUL Cinu*» MAT* B«J!N bkfijctjsd by tbs US* or Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry and testimonials from thousands are sufficient proof of its remarkable curative properties. It is the inus*t reliable pre S a ration in the world for the cure of Coughs, lnfb»enra f ronchl Is, Whooping Cough, Croup, and all Throat ami L**ng Troubles, and in many well attested Consumption has yielded to its wonderful influence. Wistar's K® Balsam jxoes not dry tip a cough and leave the cause behind, but loosens it, cleanses th« * lmu g8, aud allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. Sold by dealers generally. PREPA.RBD BY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, BOSTON. FOWLE'S Pile & Humor Cure for the cure of PILES, SCROFULA ECZEMA, SALT RHEUM, CAN- CEROUS and ULCERATED SORES, and all diseases of the Skin mid Blood. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. HENRY D. FOWLE, BOSTON. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited. General Agents. Montreal. n YOUR TEETH NEED DENTINE than the inferior articles which are on the market and guarantees to you some- thing that will cleanse and whiten your teeth without doing them an injury. Crown Tooth Wash __ 15 THE BEST ! ! ! It Frwhena and Sweetens the Mouth. Gires Sweet Fragrance to the Breath. Impart* frory whiteness to the Teeth. Hardens and Soothes the Gums. Absolutely free from Injurious Ingredients. What more can any anyone wish for. tfse it once and you will us« ft always. IN NEW STYLE SPRINKLER BOTTLES 25 cents. Write direct to us if your dealer does not keep it. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, Montreal and New York. For the HAIR. Delightfully Perfumed. Imparts Glossy Finish, and Keeps it Smooth and in Position. PREVENTS : Greyness, Baldness and Diseases of the Head and Scalp. PRODUCES: Luxuriant Growth and Beautifies and Strengthens the Hair. Price 50 Gents per Bottle- 1 your dealer does not keep It we will marl direct on receipt of price. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO.. Limited, Montreal and New York. Wyeth’s Sal Volatile very Effectual in cases of Fatigue and Fainting Spells. Delicately Per- fumed. Most Agreeable. Effective in allaying the irritation or inflam' tnation of mosquito bites. Price 50 Cents per bottle. Just the thing for the Sick room. By leaving the Stopper out for a few minutes the air in a room is purified- for sale by all dealers or sent on receipt of price. DAVIS & LAWRENCE Co., Limited, Montreal and New York. In Handsome Octagon BOTTLES GLASS Stopper Tied with SILK. Drop a Pebble to pick up a Diamond » r* In other words expend a small sum by buying a bottle of “D.&L.” Emulsionj*_ Cod Liver Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIHE & SODA and recuperate your health. This preparation challenges attention for the rea ly invaluable virtues of medicinal worth which it possesses. If you are losing weight, your health is running down and you are also losing good looks and comfort, you want something that will resist THE CAUSE OF DISEASE and that something will be found in the D. & L Emulsion. The sooner you begin taking it the more quickly you will get back your former vigor and strength. DOCTORS PRESCRIBE AND RECOMMEND IT. I have much pleasure in testifying to the good results obtained from the use of your D. & 1,. Emulsion in my practice. W. E. Ham ill, M.D., Port Perry, OnL J. R. Dodds, the well-known drug* gist of Orangeville Ont., writes, res- pecting the D. & L. Emulsion.— It is a pleasure to recommend this prepara- tion, as all to whom I have yet intro- duced it speak in the highest terms of its good effects and pleasant taste. It has an agreable taste and aids digestion Will cure consumptiop In its early stages, makes fat and is invaluable in all cases of Lung Disease* Two Sizes 50 cts. and $ 1 .00 For sale by all Druggists. Ii your druggist does not keep K. write direct to us. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited Montreal and New York. “I have given your D & T,. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil a careful and thorough trial in a great variety of cases, and find that it the best and most palat- able Emulsion of any I have heretofore used. It is particularly adaptable and agreeable to delicate stomachs. In fact I use now no other preparation of “Cod Liver Oil,” when an Emulsion js indicated. I can cheerfully endorse its good qualities, and all physicians should at least give it a thorough trial before using other preparations ” f - G. Goulding, M.D., M.C.P. &S.M. Late Surgeon Pacific Division, C.P.Ry Virden, Man. Ufa I rr, n T„ ~ c n n n Especially adapted for the f dllSIU 1 dr DOdp Toilet, Bath, Nursery and Shampooing. By its use it prevents coniag.^uo ureases, Eruptions are hea ed and Irritations allayed. It produces a Clear Smooth Skin a d a Brilliant Complexion. For Baby, it is the Best Soap Known. All Druggists Keen it. Or sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. FOR LARGE TABLET. davi t s° r Carbolic Salve, Just the thing to have in a handy place for cases of emergency. A Perfect Cure. For Wounds, Cuts, Bruises, also unequalled by any known ointment for its curative and healing properties. Obstinate Ulcers, Ringworm, Eczema, Files all Skin Diseases and all Con- tused or Inflamed Surfaces disappear in a very short time after using. For General Use. As a Family Salve it has no equal. - IN TIN BOXES 25 CENTS EACH. Sold by Druggists and otner Dealers or sent post paid on rtceipt of price. Address as betow. My Baby was cured of running sores by I’almo-Tar Soap in a very Bbort time. It made the skin smooth and white and tlie child is perfectly well. Can strongly recommend its use, for children.” Mas. nOLTZMAN, Creditor!, Ont. PRICE 25 CENTS An agreeable yet potent preparati n for the relief and cure of that class of disorders attendant upon a L«>wo'' Reduced State of Health and accompanied by Pallor, Weakness and Palpitation of the heart is Campbell’s Tonic Elixir # An Anti-Dyspeptic and Invigorating Cordial prepared from PURE DRUGS and free from anything injurious t > the most delicate. Prompt results will follow its u>e in cases of Sudden Exhaustion, Loss of Blood and Wasting Fevers. Put up in pint bottles and sold by all dealers in medicine at $1.00 per bottle or 6 bottles for $5.00. If your dealer does not keep it, write direct to us. AN EPICURE’S DELIGHT is to have his Deserts Flavored with Flavoring ♦ They are superior to any made and there superiority consists in their PERFECT PURITY and GREAT STRENGTH. They are also more economical than ordinary flavoring extracts as a lesser quantity will be sufficient. ICE CREAM, RUSSES and CUSTARDS are made perfect by its use. SOME OF THE FLAVORS : LEMON, ORANGE, ROSE, CLOVER, VANILLA, PEPPERMINT, CINNAMON. ALMOND AND WINTERGREEN. Consumers will fin.l it to their advantage to buy the larger sized bottles as shown herewith : — SMALL SIZE. or 2bo. bottle, eontains I y K ounces Liquid QUARTER PINT SIZE, or 50c. " *' * HALF PINT SIZE, or 75c. 8 If you cannot secure them from your dealer write direct to us. DAVIS AND LAWRENCE CO., Limited, Montreal and New York. A MOST VALUABLE REMEDY for the diseases of HORSES, CATTLE, SHE EP and POULTRY i s GU"" C 7 ' H J Powders. Condition Many VALUABLE ANIMALS have been saved bv their use. A WELL KNOWN STOCK BREEDERS EXPERIENCE. A WtLL KNUWH ^ more of your “Maud S. M Condition. Okntt.kmkn. — 1 ’lease send ma at onc f. ° “ without them on auv account. 1 have used then* Powders. I do notwaut to run out Ml I f^.jL fnr the various dWkww tor which they are reoom- lora lo. g time, an.l have great faith in their em "T thfJin Mit h preat bv -til in my poultry yard. As ■ended. Beside* tiring for my cattle and b"iw*. » « t i have proved to my entire fitMVtmn wu are aware, I raise a larife nnuiljer of hens amt „ f or keeping them iu a perfectly healthy ftat there in nothing to e.fual the “Maud ». Condition 1 owaera F coadltiou. JQHN IR^NE, Milkman and Stock-Breeder, Westmount, Montreal. One nackage of ‘‘Maud S.” Condition Powders contains more real mSicinfl virtue than twice its weight of any other Powder. Reduced prices, # lb. Tins. 25 eta. X lb- Packages, 15 cts. SOLD EVERYWHERE. D/WIS & LAWRENCE Co.. Limited. Montreal and New York. K. B. — If your dealers does not keep these write direct to us. AN EFFECTUAL +1EALTM RESTORER and BLOOD PURIFIER DOCTOR CHANNINO’S SARSAPARILLA. Will CURE the worst form of SKIN DISEASE, Rheumatism, Salt Rheunv Pimples and Blotches, Scurvy, Dyspepsia, Boils and Humors. Will restore the Appetite and Renew the System. Is successful when other remedies fail and is recommended by Leading Physicians. Sold by all MEDICINE DEALERS. Price SI. 00 per bottle. Six bottles $5.00. N B,— See that you ge' “Dr CHANNING’S” and that other lubstitutes not as good are not forced upon you. Always the same A STANDARD OF WORTH ! ! ! HIND’S An Indispensable TOILET ARTICLE for the LADIES. [ H ON EY aa ALMO ND Soothing and Refreshing For Gentlemen After Shaving. Unexcelled for Sunburn and Ghapped Skin “ I have used your Honey & almond Cream for a long time in families where 1 have been called, and consider it invaluable for chafing and irritation of in- fants. 1 invariably recommend it in pre- ference to anything else, and have always derived great satisfaction from its use. Mrs. H. J. Potter, Nurse, 124 Emery St., Portland, Me. “ Three weeks ago I came home from the beach with my face and arms covered with sores caused by the sun and salt water while in bathing. A week ago I began to use your wonderful Honey & Almond Cream, and to-day my face is as smooth and soft as one could wish. I think your Cream is simply wonderful.” Ella L. Friend, Nashua, N. H. A LEADING OPERA SINCER.-I consider your Honey & Almond Cream the Cream I have ever used for the complexion. Camille d’Arvtllk. Price 50 Gents. For Sale by all Druggists. C4VIS A Lf.WREUCE Co., limited Montreal and New York To Beautify The Complexion i Paimo - Sulphur Soap. | The effect ot Palmo-Sulphnr Soap when used in Use the bath represents in an exaggerated degree all the medicinal effect ol a genuine Sulphur Spring Hath Linens and woolens washed with it are made beautifully white aud are disinfected when disease germs exist in the material. For sale by all Drug-gists and Dealers, or sent post paid on receipt of 25 Cts. Elegantly put up in large tablets. DAVIS AND LAWRENCE CO., Limited, Montreal and New York. Host Delicious Perfume A m ° st lasting a ” d . d f cious p er fume, one which has not that strong obnoxious odor so noticeable in cheap perfumes, but a delicate and- sweet smell which permeates the clothing and is noticeable for days is LOTUS OF THE NILE. It is made from the Beautiful Flower from which it takes its name and which was admired and cherished by the ladies of Ancient Egypt in Centuries past. All functions ^ f the Kings of the east where not complete without the Delicate Odor of the Lotus. Price 75 Cents per Bottle. Ask for it at youi 1 Druggists. Can you write your name goods, silk and cotton you possess. It is neat, systematic and will secure you your own clothes many times when gone astray in the wash. PRINCESS MARKING INK is the article fo mark them with. It is used with a common pen and produces a beautiful EBONY BLACK INK and CANT WASH OUT. Ask for it at your Stationer’s, Storekeeper or Druggist, Price 25 cents per bottle. DAVIS &, LAWRENCE CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL & NEW YORK. of above articles of your dealer same wil£ N.B. — If you cannot procure any be sent you by us ou reo^ipt o* j~\ce ALLEN’S LUNG BALSAM. Perfectly pure, contains no Orium, cures Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup and all Diseases of the Lungs and Bronchial Tubas, tha bast to give relief. “ I have been troubled for about four years with lung disease, and will say without hesitation, “Allan’s hung Balsam” was the only remedy I could find to give me any relief. I feel quite satisfied that were it not for it I would be in my grave. I recommend it to any one troubled with lung disease.” C. YOUNG, Young s Point, Out. Endorsed oy the MedicarProfession, Praised by the Public. Price 25c., COc. and SI. 00 per bottle. SHUN SUBSTITUTES. A BEASTLY HEADACHE ! Wyeth’s Menthol Inhaler & Pencil WILL CURL IT. proidp^nTctiou" 11 ^' mad ° fr ° m PUre Meutho1 Crystal, very effective and 4m ^ 0 n Vy<>th ’ 8 '? 1 entho1 1 " ha, ? r is a vor 7 P"w»rfil enemy to headache. Its effect 5 ” J rZ X 7 : ' 0,, V ,, 1 tr ” a,, "‘ nt U-iui-wlie, Pace ache, Neuralg.a. ir.y Fnver, told m li -ad, Insomnia, N.-rvonsn. ss, *c. It is also used as a pencil br /if C "?‘i 0,1 the ,>PMcil over the affected«, a sense of •coolness, followed by a slight smanine, is experienced; in a few minute* SL mT a B 5 8e,,8a f ,0n *"* thft P*in dis .pp ars. Jt is perfectly Jr xzb zinZ ::z w ‘ u * “ afuiy oa a,,y part ° f «• •*£ SnM i'* r s " r ? “' ,d «>•' .Fr Wt ’ , in Ni r keI Si, ' r " r T T'» d ''">- Price 40 cent. Sold tv. VJ where; ,, r will be sent by .,n receipt of p.iee. Beware of imit»ti..iu. Price 26 cent. " * *“ aU ° pul Up “ Mculljo1 belicil alone, in wooden Holder*. Davis & Lawrence Co,, Lim., General Agents. MOM REAL. RENNECINE TABLETS. (TRADE MARK.) The public will be glad to know that they can now obtain Rennet in the more convenient form of compressed Rennecine tablets. r DIETS the lightest and most toothsome are made by them. _ INVALIDS AND CHILDREN. — As a diet for invalids and children Rennet is unsurpassed. Families with children living in the country where fresh milk Is plentiful should not be without a bottle of Rennecine Tablets. Price 25 cents p;r bottle. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND GENERAL STORES. Davis & Lawrence Co., Limited, Montreal & New York. P.S. — Any of above sent on receipt of price. /atJYiaAaJo. vh '~uryyo . tW'TrVA d 92 A §jUc]~, i ^/cc £JU 0^t~ ^0U. k an kua^ Vdtu^, S' h^prunM \ 7~ r7 F n i\ ' < '-'* * ^ - dLt fcrn- df~ Prof V U>T&0k 0>l •cL £o /huh <^rhyd %&ad- i^rty/L. ithnrnu &MJyryi L r* ~r~i S) J#Um/c J "s A n > / e ; 0< — '*' ■ . * 1 7 a , ( Urt/shdo j C£t/y> . S^vcsj^d Aij.%~ jJ- QtXx&J^* J ' 4i A^^lo 'M yfa \ C -* v\lh 9T > L / i » r07 ** $-*£^ 2 . ( ^ datu & f - istiLC ' 9 iry - o - f ^ c ^. , i f ... o ~> o ^ aU . ctert' t oifcto^ *CL sin * X % p S *~ ti>€^Y U ^ / i*2- ^i-ViSK i Qrrya/J; A , >0 % I \ ; nm [ cU - ftwfc - , Wrf , ; .\j2yoJl x^yz^/u cllltuh/j OrrT^ cL ovryc^ J2sf&^ ■ hycukx. jdcu)&7i-f~ isrr ^pJvi^oJU- ^cn _ 9 ^ £l^ ^ t£ @ t %*2JLO ‘wvr.i. e*r£+*#*^+<0. /py^ * O ;/' >r f * t W\ 1 ~£ ' ^ & V'Vin &fr\j j vvvrr<~Jr ■t^o*** \ ■v® tfjC' 'fvwffr^r^ ' tf l .9 / /£^ • -•■» <**>/?&<* n <*r09fy v ’ ’ ^ Mr 7^/4^? **f- 0 & ,.J TV: .iX c 1 6 Pe l< j o£ T *-V trV-Ww* 'tuA anc ren tha to a tez S$>9 ? 7 is F»*% ren T'-cp^o-g-S £ t /^ ta /ya4 9nii4v I Ql^f^Zh^.ttccr, cyj l&ftZ oJUwvlv «W ( 3 i Cairncross & Lawrence/ prescription Chemists, 216 DUN DA Js ST., COR. PARK AVE , ELEPHONE 255. BRANCH : OR. RICHMOND & PICCADilft' ST8. TELEPHONE 495 ul jme, London, ont. f io to ii a.m. Sunday Hours A «to4 p.m. f 1 8 to 9.30 p m. 9 — ' 4 e-l 4^5 Oitki v» ' h OV: r Jfc> £4 OkAA^-> CL^( ' f / lA$—S ' iu. i 77 , - *r v AAA- ^ f k AAnjCferj <3 ^ h /a — .. .» . / *■# 6V-y CC. . | ^ - / 7 v. I ‘^t /- & u A 7 / //M- //el vjr> 0 A X • :/ \ V KA,/ I ^llan ^oyal TAil jTae, 4*C" ~ Pi' a a j-'-r RAIS. r< 9 — ' ” 3 ^ / £ *ff L ’ s * *a<^j (3&^-. <3p"\ ^< 7 /^. . / v 7^Ls*^ ft^03jSU^C^, (pp2^r?^c. , A/ .•**.*" - r i c, , ^ • ‘j , — ' Ck/-s 4 31 ,