>ROUP How TO PR3TENT IT. A tcrpondent of the New York Mirror, *m mediMi praclitiooerj io ao article oo tbit eubjtpt^ aayt-— ** Tbtt preinoniitry Ajaiptomt of a croup fa a ebriH eonorout cough. The patient is not tick— hut no fe?er, as often in a common oold-^it lLveiy« perhapa even gayer than usual, hit hands are cool, hit face not flush, probably a shade paler than Usual* Thit solitary tyuiptoni may last for a few days, with no material increase or abate- rneut, without attracting any notice ; suddenly, however, the disease hilherte latsnt, bursts forth in aii its fatal fury, and too often oontituiet its reTagesut}eheckea,to the dreadful coosummation. The retnetiies for this system of oronp are simple, and in most ioetancea perfectly eflioient. They are t a mustard poultice, or a strip of flannel dip- ped in oil ofiurpentiue orspirili of hartshoru, ap- plied to the throat, and naateatiog doses of Hive’s iyrup to be contioued as long as the cough re> maint* By this timely employment of these ipild agents, I unhesitatingly assert that a moI« tUude of lives might be saved evety week that are now lost through geglig ^ay a nd delay* ’’ SoARLBT Fhvh*. — This form of fever is jost now very prevalent in England. The Liver- pool Mercury contains a letter recommending a preventative for this disease. The writer says “ This potent remedy consists chiefly of bella- donna, as prepared by the homeopathic che- mists, and can be obtained from them for chil- dren and adultp. The best form for adnlts is , tincture ; for children, globoles. For an adult, mix six drops of tincture belladonna No. 1 in a, cup of cold water, and give a teaspoonful for a dose flight aud morning ; and for very young children, give two globules No. 3 in a tea- apoonfnl ot water at bed- time. BelJadona thus given when scarlet fever is in the house or neighborhood, will generally act as a preven- tive to an attack, and may be safely persevered in fo^ some weeks.” In scarlet fever, belladona is, we believe, the rsQiedy. Great care should be taken in admin- | isterlug it, as belladona is a very powerfnl , poison. _____ _ ' CONVENIENT FACTS TO KNOW. Windows may be kept free from ice by painting the glass with ^cohol with a brush or sponge* Odors from boiling ham, cabbage, &o., may I be prevented by throwing red pepper pods or , a few pieces of charcoal into the pot* Pigeons are hatched in 18 days ; chickens, 21 ; turkeys, 26 ; ducks and geese, 30. A cement which is a good protection against weather, water, and fire to a certain es:tent, is made by mixing a ^llon of water with two gallons of brine, in two and a half pounds of brown sugar and three pounds of common salt* Put it on with a brush like paint* Commoti cut-nails or screws, are easily driven into hard wood, if rubbed with a little so^ hard or soft To* remove iron stains, the iron is first dis- solved by a solution of oxalic acid in water,< The oxalate of iron thus produced, which^ unlike iron rust, is soluble, is readily re- moved by washing or soaking* Ink spots (tan- nogflJlate of iron) upon thf^ printed hmves of books, are removed in the same way, but the lamp black of the printer’s ink is not at all afiected* If fresh, such spots may be wholly effaced ; if old and dry, a very little remain. To get rid of bed-bugs, wash the bed-stead with salt and water, fiUing the cracks where they frequent with salt, and you may look in vain for them* Salt seems inimical to bed- bugs, and they will not trail through it*. It is preferable to all ointments, and the bu^r requires no certificate as to itsgenuine- — It i« ijlaimed that metallic iron affords i the readiest and simplest means of disinfect- 1 ing water an^f keeping it fresh. The water | of the Thames, V^ken to sea in iron tanks, soon, becomes perfectly sweet' and remains so dur-i ing a long voyage. A sm^I piece of iron or^ 'a few nails in the water in which cut-flowers are put will keep the Water sweet. The ex- periment has been tried of putting someiroh- fllings in a vessel with a ^ery small quantity of water and then placing^ leech"* therein.! After six months had passe^the water was found quite fresh and the leech alive and ^healthy. These facts are curious and siigges-' q tive. ' , • ^ How Ta BID OF CoCBROACH*^ — kesbury, of NoUingham. io a letter to ’be iWanx Sun, Boya: — “I forward an e»§y, clean, and •ertaia method of eradicating theBe iQBectaicom dwelling hooeea. , A few years ago my house wa^ infeeted with cockroacbea (or ‘ clocks,* as they / are called here,) and 1 was recommended te try cucumber peelings as a remedy* I accordingly, immediately before bed-time, strewed the floor of Ihoso parts of the houso moat infested with the vermin with the greon peel, cot not very thin from the cucumberj anti* rat up half an hour later than, ^paual to watch the effect Before the expiration of that time the floor where the peel lay was com- pletely covered with cockroaches, so much so that the vegetable could cot be seen, so voraciously wdre they engaged in eoeking the poisonous moist- ure from it* 1 adopted the same fflan the follow . ing night, but my visitors were not near so nu- merous — 1 sbonld think not more than a fourth of the previous night. On the third night I didi not discover one; but anxious to ascertain wbeib^ > the house was quite ^lear of them, 1 examined tW peel after I had laid it down about half an fcour| and poroeived that it was oovored with myriads of minute cockroaches about the size’^ of a^ floa* therefore allowed the peel to lie till morning, aojd from that moment I have not sefrn a eockxpach iif the house. Jkia a very old building ; aud I am' certain ifle'aDove fenhedy/buiy requireeto be 'pefv||ered ‘u for^ three or four nights, to com- ptel>fy ewdichte the pest* Of course it sirauld 1 ^ T rfeBh d ucumber peel every night. ^Builder, ] Protecting Roofs from Fire — The Fire- man's Journal, which ought to he good authori- ty on such matters, says ; A wash composed of lime, salt and fine sand, or wood ashes, put on in the ordinary way of white- wash, is said to render the roof fifty fold more safe against taking fire from falling cinders or otherwise in case of fire in the vicinity. It pays the ex- pense a hundredfold in its preserving influ- ence against the effect of the weather ; the older and more weather-beaten the shingles, the more benefit derived. Such shingles are generally more or less warped, rough aud cracked. The application of wash, by \yetting the upper surface, restores them to their ori- ginal or first form, thereby ^closing the spaces between the shingles ; and the lime aud sand, "I ling UT) the cracks, prevents it I Jane Eleanor Platt. Pharmaceutical and home remedy book, written in black ink (4 pages in pencil at the end), all in the same hand. Montreal, 1847. [2], 25-38, 43-48, 58-61, 70-73, 76-79, 88-91, 98-101, IM- HO, 122-125, 138-183, [4] pp. (with pp. 91, 98-100, [3 pages at end] blank). News clippings of recipes and preventive instructions pasted on to the endpapers. Bound in marbled paper boards, quarter-bound in calf. Binding intact but worn, leather dry and chipped, marbled paper dull and lacking on the boards at various spots. 170 x 208 mm. This manuscript book contains many recipes and cures: miscellaneous nostrums; cure for rheumatism; for the dropsy-extreme case; to purify the blood; for fumigating hospitals; tooth powder; making ink; receipt for preventing the hair from falling off; recipe for diarrhea by Henry Wakefield surgeon to House of Correction; wash for the teeth 8t gums; to clean alabaster; Exeter poor soup; to wash woolens; etc. A wonderful, unique piece of Canadiana from the point of view of domestic science and history of medicine. Cq)3M i/ iOAr^A^ ^ L^/< A <^ ^^cLA-^i^ L^ (^Aa) ^ L0A£> '7^/f A/zf- 7cj>^' c^y/h"EA^ A '13^^7~7/Arc7A ^^g/crsjs i_ a?^ A-A<^ 7X i^r^g&o oa / //^; (1-- , , /f.-^^'/C LJa^ 77 0/t7i'~r C?7 aj^^ /to > 0 :^ AA'i^o\J AT B 0)A^-‘^ (^/V^ K JtA ) ^ ^ . /^i r^iJii. - ^ /h^', 'ilj '^/l^L^f /■- J,/ /I. fc// ^ &- ,, _ ^ \£ /,!-// Z;^ -6:^/£- . - •-- ^4- ^r~ / z /A' -/ ^/Z ./ zA... A.// :/■- ■ . Z gi^^^Jr tZ" /ZZ- . -- . ^Iv f^-r- y^-r-7 r Z‘ — « * — ^/Iz^ - ^ ^-^4 ^ a 4L_-/? e,z//- A- y/Jz^ /4L_ / /i^ 44^ ^ ^.-_ ^ /Z^ //Z.. /:Z- ZZ Zf- Z-~ //4 /Z..._ .. 4 4 "Z/Z: /^.^ZZ /Z~ y ^ Z“ yt-Z, JZ // Z-. /^ .4:^ .. Z.,.-..- zZ.„Z-Z -< — — „Z Z-,^.^Zfe--^._ ^ zZ , /■> z-jZZ a.z, ZZ'— /Z. ^Z/Z f Z^/r. ^zC Jz~~ ^ / ir / z z -t, ^ A. £ZzL-4-^7t. X 1, .,/ ^ " ^ 7^ - ■ - J. - CA^~^'!-~Z'^ 'Z /^ f>-^"-''-Z^ ) '-^' hy ,.i. d,..u. - //- /; fr i.- yj- fay- A LZ-.-1 Z Ja / Z^L-. -i- Zji/J. 1 Z.^jU Z- — f JZ~hi^- ^ __ ILZ. /z./.._.^ : ffM .Z /-£/- / /.-.JJ<- Z^\\ M/ ,/^JJly.^ ^ Zj. jJZ --^.A- /C. 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A^ .:tz: y V ^ 7 -t^t—'C, *1 7 f— ll ALflh /^/iL A-^jL £^d'^ — iA~-^-AjL i' Adj.- /Xi,/ z£ , 7 ^^ . -— , A . .*xL ✓ d d-dz^- -^dj/i z , . /'-, . / y .L.^JIL rL AL^^ZzL - di^O, ^i. ir / / ' M J yC,— .-^ . '(■■- 1 .^/zjL d ^ A-.xlr A jij J^Ju^ a/ /Z^ /- ,7 Z .t-Z- ^ , /i^L ^L-J^ /^-Z_ . Zl^- /?: ’/^: ./ . / 'X. x-iZl- * -*--^ x2 // 1/ <"7 ■L^.-^,-£/^ /-./ / / L— /!--«- ■« — »Z_ 5 »- -. ///7' Z » — _ j-^ ^-u^i-, ZZ tZ-Z r «/ — ZZ^'Z, ZA^/Z3z^_ / a/ 'I- /Z ^--i^ . /l' Z-T_ /V" / // . /; y/"^- ,y^" // /: _^€. //_ /^l_ 7-7' . „ A. C,- , J e /4v^l_ u-/-^ /-^;i / V' ' j ^ / ^ 4.^«- ^ .* II if- ^ * — ’ . ''X y - .7 z./* ■ .Zl-:./, ^^.7^ /X.-- /A /. Aa.:-4JU^, 4 . V 7 / *-^. 7 - A -.- 7 . V > ^ . P| ■' //>— i ■' /• / It /XjI , , JjJ I A. ■ / ^ t- « * t -r \. .r < V./' v_^ ^ ' ~ Ja . /r /.- 4 - /< A. A-/- I JS Kw Ta I f RID DJ»'<|qCK«^ACHK^ j A Z Ac-*^ -A ^/z't-A:. — -A -^A. ^ ^ >^c— i • /.< / / A-Z, i^-L_- c^ //_ . _ — />-^, 4 L.^/ A- /-, _.X_- 'A^' J y ///-^ .-V ^/ ^/. 1 _ f .^y i^i/iL ^ fj^^ _ / /- ^ 7t / ' ^ ;^-«~ V. /-»'-! At A ~~ J^ - a y-/—. // y..^^ -- — . ■ ■ /J L- /^- J/^.w j.iy.t t c /?_.y'.^. - / v/ ^ ^ - / V, a.-/y~J 0 — ^ ^ * - ' ' - y /A:-f.t — Ja^ o- -/ / /J / c /~~ . Z - .a. / A- t ■tr-i^~^-‘*- - -- Ji) € I 'J. ij^ f ^ J/ /^/-- ' jL/ ... ;.y. //•/ — / , ^'. .-I.,^ . - A,. ,/-A/l^- ^ jj I ■ . . i^r ■ / i^/ r, * iL - ^ ^ ^ ^ — » -t. 4/ //4^ ^/ A-,/ ^ ^ • 4 ,^ 4 ' 4 .^ .4 '1 L .- y ^ fijA ': y . yjA . 4 ^- / .. .. / I?! 3 ^ 1^1 .^liiT^t* '&0W TO OBT KID' 0^ Cockroach K 9. -'-|iTr' , 9i^ . u_-i_-_i_— .^X — c — -» T - — i^ m:— *,— y_— ^ — *---« — — J/ fi^< Z X /_ //,^ /^/ u-s^zr:. , £ I. A:-. i i /u^^ -r ji f/i'U^UL X hX- X /Jt^. — X /Ui^ ’.£^ A-jy -it-X ^ -r-t--^ • — - A — X//r^Jr X^^xmr '/ ^ X i,-^-, /i^ l^.^ X ),—.^/-X'-/^ ri rtx A^d .1 Xl^ (L±xJyy , X,/i , a\ aXJI yX-XA j- -xi^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ ( .^1 /:h f // ■ . i-.> Xy~-»- l^- .tz-xJ, JJ/L. / / / / X/i /f / if: jj //fL-- 'Z-^v jZ_/v/Z k.- l/^jL^- /.. — .JL-- ij . . . , ///z . ... -/-^//- ■/ //^ Z;.7 ' ■ • ZZ*-^ . ^ A-, .A.A.y. .Z /Z_ . /..^j-^y i-^-z/i. A.ZZ A-TZ ZZ- / .Z~ ^.^-Z I a_a-.£ ZZ.i >Z1 Z/f -l_ ^ /Z»— ^— . Z- — -c^ZZ-* — Z— . Z^Z.- «_ y^ — // ^ K^ ||| ^ '^y ^y--T>^ — .t— ^ Z'Z*^ — A\ — Z« ^ . — — /yM y 7 -»t. ^ ^^-r -^t-y • I J /^W/- , JC - y^y^^yy /-^i~ [|j^ ^ ^ V — . ^ / / .y ' ' / , 'Y ^ y .X n : j;| £T <^ zy C <^ Z^^yX/Y/tpC. ^* > iYtAl^/J^ dA /. ^" , / / ■ / f / . t. .V-^-< yjy ^ ,- s^f'^Jl JyA- /•;V. J f^}jLc.^4M^ J i^AAiy^ A-2^i^ ^ ^ ^ Az^ ^ t' (/ ^ A-tA^ , » KID il f! ft!?* :‘i^ -fctei -ii|;l! ! f m- fti' . }i i arIjW I % ■’1 P|:E til lr r(i I !i^4l 'M' tm% I I'li - ^ 4,^ Ut-A^L ' ' l>i^ y<-e-A^ ^^^-^..-.-lA--^ aAI jAyA— I / C'/^UA--*-— AA4^~~- ' /-lUyA — Mi^4ZuiA^ y->x_ ^ — AA Ai^ /j-A-*A~ j/i„-t,xAA~ £yf- A*^rA drtA^ AL-- JAAA^ 4-^ ^ cj p^TrAjf 4iA dcA/A / 4 ( 4 L." t/'T^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — -• ^-i — / " /, ,:g a'it—4^i'^^ , £> ' :/ fli\ /-^ cP^pC.,^^^ ■i » <■ I //^ u 'rLa - 1 // /■ .M^Ur. z;^ ^ iy-y/ y .^yy ^ ^ // y y yl^ -y iv'\ ^■'iy /Ly- i--CcY r/ J..i.Ar-cy~ ^f-z-y ju/aL £y4L^/^yy /yLyy^^ 4 Ay-T^yAc— . yr ^yyAf^i A- ^i4j^ ,.^1-*-^ y f^yd, A-y- y / /■ ^'' ^ yji yCyy ^-y ■ / • . / ^ Cy^y ^y u f.y ijy^^ ijjyy / ^ y?fe^.v^^yy-i Atry/^ ACyr’A'^yy— y^ yyy A-^-yy y~ ^ • /y_ d-c^£—. yd^'^ ^ ^ ^ yiylfAy Ph--0^ A-^—r Acj^-£-*Zdy~ — <■ ' " j^ //6 A /l y™ J ^ JZ^rZt^ |j t'^Al^ — Zr-z-r^Z:-^ — y^-t_ <^-, ^^-zrr-T-r - ^ (^' ^ f tm if .| ‘I . 3i ^ Ai :/ d 4 /^^ A ,, /r « r ^ UpJ ^ Z -< Z ^^ //. TU -. zY ^ — ■ ''^ /'-ll— Az'-ZtA-^- cJ ' ; i ‘ t " / i-t Z z-t-^ , ( XA - Z - /— X / . A/A ZjCLJIj — t A MdJ A ^ JZ -^ jL - JUa/t /,/ ; /'Lc-A.-^ Y ''^2- y7r--r-Y:-^%l A •£.//. zfZZi^r ZA \ A Y " / A - A ] 34W WSi* R!D dy eocK«4>ACHfg« -^iVliP> ' 4_ Zi TiuZ^ — /" ^v'z£zL. Jtr-C'l^^ / i/~ — /^. /' >4-^ /i^_/ ^ . hi: i,; I : JiiBjf I !>«■ U :1 ^ i.L-*'* f» B lii ^ 11.1 ■ 4- 4^-ta4— ^ / f ^ Zt/ A-^^/-^-z>zZ, - Av^^Z^IZAf-^.y — . rn* 'Ijlll ' /^.Jr/z,-^/ Ze^^zZA- Zr , ' ^ ' X^/4£> /^ Z'Az.Aif A^/Az /^z-^t^- ^ 'A— /tc^A /^A-’-^A-^ /At!--. Zi'ty’ A/ lii [■ V:,/ -‘VrVtf" ‘;, i ."ai P mi i.4--". ’^C.iZ A- -,';i 4^'i'tix, itZA- ZxZ- ^ ^ fi '//t*- SJ y y ^ ^ 0 A 'Uzr f^. *- l^ f'UijU i^-LL Jx-CAim 4trt^L A/Z0^ /i A.'CcAz u^^/, uad .//r . 2 ?: ^ ^ ' 'K, ! ' ^ i-<- z j — / 4 ^ ^ _ A z^.-j_/A z Z A . ^Z. ^ Z~ f % \ /y^ i A i_/C, j "■-S.: tA . 4 '§'. ? g '^lr\‘. / >t 4 4 A'-:: /f //’.• f Z' ,. ZL ^ ^-Z-i^ f-r ZZ Z^ zZ,^ ^ ^ '^Z z Z~Z^i\ZZ: Ml p| / /f.:Z /Za... Zcl^ Z^. £ _^/.-ZyZ aJi^-Ji zyjL..::j~. // J-iZ '^ ^-,- c Zz . ,y-AZy . __ A iZ^ Z^^ ZZZ.-. /^,tZ. . •« w L / Z- ' ^ • ^ • •■ Z *^ z _4 ^ f t t * — , /t-- 9 ~. d ^ *■ - — \/Z-x^ .'f'<-^ ^''1 '^'-f ;/, ^•-*''- ^‘*'4 /tz^.._ ivf. L:._y ^ Mm T9 RID O^'CoCKHOAOllit* — J| //. Ji I v—^i \ 4 ^' - /^ // /^':5 Z’ /a/ ‘kl- '/-'■ ,/ /"/; y / / fi i //. X ..-/- CP LP ^ ^ • .1/4 ,/z^ '/ . ^' . . ^ X^.-. i_:-^ .y/hr /, Z// w A_V- , i ^ /-.^/ 4 — A.m.- Jt. ,./ - i ICuSA: . '/y. „.e ,/ f4^ .u "'//.. f^- _ , - ' yjLy^-.. /LjI. . Z-^.. .^Z . _ Z.„ Z/ ^ k^A — 6 ^ (f. . . i -Z- /^ ^ . /h~ --fj,../.-/^. .Ojy M ✓♦...✓. J.-.IA- /Z'- - /, J.y-r / , .^jk _ J^.ff^ k~ A-~ i ^Ia.. - A-^A^.y A^j-- yi^-x /T-z-t-ZA^^^ ~ A ‘^— M- .> p^ Aa^jL A//A.A A A^A ^ f-^Al 4- 'tL-U-^^r.-' a^^^aA- , /rM^^ A e^AA ,L i j.L_y/l -t/i .„/ y ,r- fi JJr ,/ A,. J-IA- ^ -/.d- /A' A"‘~ '■/-*^ ^ “ ■ '-^y A., A rL-^ A-^'-y- '^- l.dJ'd- AI^- <-/ ' .I.V /A_ 6 jJ-.lAU A- h . ^A-^t-jA a-A-A- A ,y /Z.- 4 -. 1^#* Ol !l^ iIAa A / ./ X A' A—-t,- ,A^ a^ -Aa . ViH |-- II/IaJi^ \fi^ ftAk U Idi VIm, 'wv^ U ti iip-- - (\^ ■ Jl 1 .. kA tj" Vv^ ^ . f'. . ' I ^ ti ' ' m \ t W-?;. ; MS I i ©W^TQ 4wf BID OF CoCKS^ACHg* — Mjf- ^JJL Mjt' ILj-^-^jL ^ - - -^Lz^ 1 ^- i' 'J: A£^ / 7^ /sL ../«-. _ /j~d^ A-_ r -d,.. ,J/- K v^t- ^ -A , Ar- A~x. — o — W-. ^4- V_. ^ fy — ^ ^A- €.-^'4L / . 4 - - 7::^“ /«-.<^- / /_v^^ - /x/,^. !"-^if?JjL - //.Z, /-. - ,.-x/- yz,' /• /?,. yV, '>X. V' / ^ - 'A A^- / y ^ * ^ J-el AyU^^y. ■‘7‘^ /L- Tf- //, 1,Z- If z£^,' -1^ /^. ._/' 4^.._ / / A:/._ .t- ,/ /.Zti.._|| / /,:-.„iZ^^ztz. y^li/, .^/jC / #< ^ ZZ .ZZL-. . _ :Z“v - /- Zl /. z^. ^ . .z . • _ iz- ^ / / ■■ /,Z_ h^zts.:^fZ Z- Z'-— /-/^/ 4 . ^ »Z jy* 7 ^.yr :£': x_ .,z^ z. Z /Cz ZL_Z_/’ , _ .^.„- . /i'y. z^..ZZi:.-..:rzz- z, //z. , a/, / yy/L ^ v^z#. 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A-^ A^ ' 1/ /^A AA“'A- "A-, .-V :/ J — *'"' — ^ *" — e- — a — . - -w ^ irZ' ^ ^ ^ ^ z^._ y C^ ,4 /Ct~^ /y^—, , . zf; A-^-— - /^A/AAr 'A yiA Az^ X— sA^Ar' r/A . /A l-> /,..y.^ y A zAt 'A /A..^ .A/ /L / -f. - ^cJ .1/1 •J i^Lu^ iJiz. yj / 'f A.y ^./ ' V ,^/, __ £/ .-/o . _ _. . ^ ~ -y ^-y_ /yd / , u eA.^.uijC . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^-'C- ^ 1. ^t. ^ ,,C/i^ / .. /-./^ -^- iLil^-yCt- i— A^/-~ X ^-L^ i ^ / , , .- y ■ ^ ■ ^ / / z -» ^ ^ ^ ^ ^-c: ^-l 'Z<. J >^ -* r / / t^- 41 ^ //.^A~ ' - ^ z.. /r~ A /,, . //r. -<1_ , //^//^^ a..-A~ Vil^ ^ /_X df, / 4_ /r r /-r--i-.L_ /^-^ . r -T t }'r A^ , ■ t2ly _ Ai 4^ ./ j, /^-r- A-^ — i<.a/ST^ ^ 4./AZZI a-^aA-,.^^ . v.^ — J / / / ./• y ^ /A ^ rJ . ^ / A ^ k/^, // Jt: ^ ^ . : , ,V,.. . r-^j /: / A ^^tt' -^^Tt //^ /2-i'\. ^ % t l /O I /y ■Q ii-'i-fL/^-r - . ^ . / ^#' f '^y .fi^'i't - /yjA/^’ i^yit^/i cf) y ''■“ y / ■■ / "y yy' ■' „.- •* — v '/ iy^y y h b' 'y '>' u. y ¥- /k> / yh^ ^ . yA^. fi'i JA^A ■■^’'y yO /x- u^i. - : / . •' t: . S' ’ ^v*- ’ '^AA /-C^/t'7 /a ^ ^ ' / A ■ •/ //, y A / y /^ >^'' c/^y€^/^\*/iOyy -^ c^. ■ .A A . / A . /it A . ' / A / ^ 2A £^i iiy A, nctness. Being thus penetmUng, le very bust application for feverish sores for inflamed or dry surfaces, simply from its quality ot penetration and evaporability If ortWi'^*‘V- surface of the throat, in diphtheria, in a few minutes Its permeative quality enables it to sink between the molecules of the false membrane It i» detaching it in a few hours’ It 18 the best application known in case of burps. — Rjiraltxf ^ ‘ Watebing Plants with Hot Water. — It has lately been shown, by careful experiment, that sickly potted plants, even some that have al- most died out, can be greatly benefited, and sometimes, indeed, entirely restored to vigor, by applying warm water to them instead of cold. In certain cases, oleanders which" had never bloomed, or did so only imperfectly, after being treated with hike-warm water, in- creasing the temperature gradually from 140 ® up to 1 70 F., produced the most mag- nificent luxuriance of bloom. Similar results occurred with an old plant of Hoya, ancj.also ; with an Ipdia rubber tree which had nearly withered away. In all these cases the appli- cation of water heated to about 110® F., with- out any other precaution, caused a new and flouriRhing growth. ^ —- Wire clotnes nixv.« cflFe getting to be used by all persona who have found out how much superior they are to the common rope. We have had one in use more than a year. It is never removed, and if the suppoiding posts Me firm there is no sagging. Qf coui'se it ■ mns^be galvanized wire, about the thickness i .SLth^t used for telegraphs . _ ■^SPIBifPSP'UMMOS'rA BY AN OLD UOU8BWIPB. Sisters* in household labors, have you any . ea what a very use hare in the house ? ij. _ I ; Jidea what a very usefal thing ammonia iS to’ ^^^y little of the manifold u'ses tha/ can be rf: § hare in the house? If not, give your maid ,, , of all work ten cents and an empty bottle at once and send her to the first cheiuist’s for a supply. Tell her to be sure to get the spirits of ammonia ; it’s the same, as hartshorn, but if she asks for that they’ll give her, for tSc same money, a few drops in a smelling bottle not as big as her thumb. While she’s goife I’ll tell you how to use it. For washing paint, put a tablespoonful^in ' quart of moderately hot water, dip in flannel cloth, and with this simply wipe o|S I wood work ; no scrubbing will be neeessaril^^: ‘ For taking grease spots from any fabric, use the ammonia nearly pure, then lay white blotting-paper over the spot and iron lightly. In washing laces put about twelve drops in a pint of warm suds. To clean silver, mix two teaspoonfuls of ammonia in a quart of jhot soap-suds, put in your silver ware and ?wash it, using an old nail brush or tooth-brush yor the purpose. For cleaning hair-brushes, pc., simply shake the brushes up and down in fa mixture of one teaspoonful of ammonia to ; one pint of hot water ; when they are cleansed [rinse them in cold water and stand them in ' i hhe wind or in a hot place]t» dry. For wash- I ‘ dng finger marks from looking-glasses or \ i windows, put a few drops of ammonia on a j . moist rag and make quick work of it. Farmers and chenusts are profound con- ’ceming the native article in its free state and admit its all-important Services, but house- wives throughout the country really know very little of the manifold uses that can be made of a pint of the spirits <‘kept in the house, bottled and labelled.” I say emphati- cally, labelled, because it is a sin not to have all such things so conspicuously marked tha no mistake need occur. ^ Let Bfio add here, by way of caution, that ammonia directly applied is not good for the eyes. It has a way of melting them that is How TQ Writing iNDELfBLB.— ^ oorreapond&Bt of Rural Now Yorker” gives the following information, which may prove serviceable to some of our readers; — ^ CAirffPTrS A SUBSTITUTK FOU EqQS I\ PuDDIXC.C.— IS not generally known, and will not, perhap.s, be creditecB when jMs observed that boiled carrots when properly pre pared, form * an admirable succedanemn for s in th| making of puddings. They mttst, for this pmmo.se, b^1 boiled and mashed and afterwards passed through a coarse’ cloth, or horse hair sieve. The pulp, when thus cleared i ot any fibrous or granular master, may be introducedj I among other ingredients constituting the pudding, with thd I total omission of eggs, in a quantity proportionate to th| size of the former. A pudding composed of the abo material will be found to be con.^ ings are written in pencil, The follow inga tea-spoonfnl of alum a quart of warmS simple process will make lead pencil writinglwater. When cold stir in flour to give it th(?? ^ ^ pj “ Or drawing as indelible as if done with ink.lconsistency of thick cream, being particular J. o ^ ^ Jiay the writing in a shallow dish and pour to beat up all the lumps: stir in as mucli^5 ^ ^ y I skimmed milk upon it ^ Any spots not wet at rosin as will lie on a dime, ando^ -^2 ” first may have the milk placed upon them throw in half a doeen cloves, to give a plea- ^ ^ ^ lightly with s feather. When tha paper ig Have on the fire a teacup ojS | - - all wet over with the milk take it up' and i I the milk drain off, and whip off with tlm fea-\f weU all the time, in a few mmutea| « 2 * “ it Will be of the consistency of mush. Pour<^ 2 ::2 f ther the drops which /50llect on tbq lower ^ earthen or china vessel ; let it cool :h ^ ^ c edge. Dry it carefully, and it ^ it into a cool place.1^ § . « ^ tobe perfectly indelible. It cannot be re- ^hen needed for use, take out a portion and^ o ^ 1 moved even with India rubbir. It is an old jt with warm water. reQip.e and ajtoii4.fin5^ _ . — r- ^ a ^ t/.' m Five ’Ways to Destroy Ants. — 1. If you want to make your house-plants to^ copiously, hot water, as near the boiling pq_ -a " t r i m ^ t£2 -H A ^ flourish, put a few drO| S of the spirits in every pint of water used in watering. A teaspoon- ful in a basin of cold water adds much to the refreshing effects of a bath. Nothing is better than ammonia for cleansing the hair. In every case rinse oft the ammonia with clear water. Ammonia is used as a rising in cake mak- ing &c., but 1 cannot recommend it for that ! purpose ; and ten drops in a wine-glass of water are said to be an excellent remedy for 1 .headache and acidity of stomach, but I don’t believe in newspaper doctoring, and so will j not endorse the remedy. However, for a score ( of needed practical household purposes, spirits I of ammonia are invaluable, and I am not I ^ afrai d tq pro claim it. :hi as possible, down their burrows, and oV — their hills, and repeat the operation several times. 2. Entrap the ants by means of narrow sheets of stiff paper, or strips of board, cover- ed with some sweet, sticky substance. The ants are afttracted by the sweets, and, sticking fast, can be destroyed as often as a sufticient number are entrapped. 3. Lay fresh bones around their haunts. They will leave everything else to attack these, and when thus accumulated, can be dipped in hot water. 4 Pour two or three spoonfuls of coal oil into theif holes, and they will abandon the I nesL " ' • / ^ 5. BnrJ^ a few slices of onions in their nests, jind they will abandon them. j / r <=> 3 fe ' tc C8 OQ ^ ■ }*“■ 3 9 / o / F r'.