FOR MR. JOHN HOLLAMBT, HAILSHAM, SUSSEX. All even when the weather’s found to prove both wet and shivery, ^No postman good lets midwives e’en surpass him for delivery^ This note, I trust to find it was with equal care dispatch’d That sly mammas are known to take their girls to get well match’d ! Good Postmen, then, the question is, — 1 request you’ll go in quest Of a Miller who, at HAILSHAM, makes of dumpling-dust the best. A town well-known in SUSSEX ’tis where this my friend gains fame, And, to prevent your venting “growls,” JOHN HOLLAMBY’s his name. An upright y downright honest man, whose “toll-dish” ne’er did rob. For, though a dusty, — (unlike P l) — he’s not a scaly** Bob 1 He, too, than jobbing, robbing Bob pursues far better tracks. For our memories — and not our cash — is all he’ll ever tax ! The doings of our “c?o”-ing Bob of late have been so queer. Some swear he’ll prove — like Goldsmith’s priest — “to all the country dear!** And thousands now for England’s fate with grief exclaim “Oh, lor!” For, while Bob’s “out” about the corny there’s Vic. oft “in the straw!** But soon, ’tis hoped — instead of brats — she'll ^^bear** but in her mind. Or we, too, shall need delivery y if thus she’s still ‘^confined!** Though light letters than “light” lasses, sure, less faulty you’d pronounce. For a poundy Good Messrs. Postmen, this does not exceed an ounce!