I- J. 1 LIFE o ON ^^Ua^P^ ' fun CL44 IN AMUSING HHTME. ^^^^^^--h NEW YORK: KIGGTNS & KELLOGG, 88 JOHN STREET. EiL-£j LIFE ON THE FARM The cock is crowing, The cows are lowing, The ducks are quacking, Jane's tongue is clacking, The geese are gabbling, The brook is 1)abbling, Oh, deary me, what a noise The bees all are hiiniming, Little George is drumming, Moll water is splashing, Old Joe is thrashing, Little Joe is yelling, Jim a tree is felling, Was there ever such a noise ? Tom his scythe is whetting, Old Snsette is fretting, The pigs they are squeaking The barn-door is creaking, Old Peter is talking, The parrot is mocking, Who can endure such a noise ? The dull ass is braying, The black horse is neighing, The baby is squalling, The nurse she is bawling, The horn it is soundin*^?, The hammer is pounding, The sheep are baa-baaing, And the boys ha-haing, Mercy on us what a noise ! 8 Robin-redbreast is singing, The dinner-belPs ringing, The swallows are twittering The girls they are tittering, The old cat is mewing, The cook she is tewinof, The watch -doP[ is howlin^:, Old Towser is growling, Fm most crazy with the noise 8 The grindstone is turning, And Nabby is churning, Goody Dobson is preaching, The peacock is screeching, I can not live in such a noise ! 3hnCiH^ islSK3iOBassnra!HBnneiraaHMM»aM»nu?«n< I it KIGGINS & KELLOGG, Puhlisher$f Booksellers^ and Stationers^ 123 & 125 William St. Also Manufacturers of all descriptions of AecoHiit BookSf MEMORANDUM and PASS BOOKS, a large Stock of which is constantly kept on hand. Their assortment of SCHOOL AND MISCELLAKEOTJS BOOKS, and of Foreign and Domestic stationery/ j J || is very compfcte, to the inspeGtion of j which they would invite CouNf|tTr I .Merchants ^>'^^(^»-'^ buying elsewhere. iit: t !« ..! ■ill! rUST PUBLISKED, III '*^^ EEBMELB'S TOY. BOOKS, : ^ ] Four Series of Twelve Books eaok, j BEAUf IVltLLV iJLLUSTEATED* : *»■ ':'- . ■■■•.'■■- if 1 1 Frii^e, One, Two^ Four, and Su Cmis, i