COB B'S TOYS, THIRD SERIES, No. lO. PRETTY VERSES FOR ALL GOOD CHILDREN; IN WORDS OF ONE, TWO, AND THREE SYLLABLES* NEWARK, (NX): BENJAMIN OLDS* 1836. *i FRiCE THREE CENTS* ^ J f 1 € O B B*» T O Y «, THIRD SERIES, *v No, 10. PRETTY VERSES FOR ALL GOOD CHILDREN; IN WORDS OP ONE, TWO, AND THREE SYLLABLES. ^■i. ^ £^&^ --'ge-*?*s~^g=gg NEWARK, (N. J.) : BENJAMIN OLDS. 1836. FMOE THREE CENT& Entered,. aeeorufatg ?o rtae A?? ^f Congress m ch« ▼ear i836. by I.yj&kh Coon, in the Clerk's office of the district Court of the Southern District of New York. -Ty ^-.^ ' , 1 . Tpn PREFACE fO THE THIRD SERIES. This Series of Toys contains a more extensive and iiiinute description of Animals. Birds. Fishes, Articles of Manufacture,