' IN Y A \ t 1? 4 A TT T m \; L li D 1 v h. L h Ck A L r J I ,N Y t L i 1 1\ ; ^ A V 1 T -\ A V v£ ta IT 1 \ i V- $ r - Ji, VA i JL. JL L V I Ji - 2- U £i s' V s ' M O H (S A N A v's v V 1 rh\ /, (X ii t Cco^U- iT71 /,( (AlajL f * Coy U' IX /p < /^CL%Hx^r 7 /luieAt /IUl^Uaj CT /bhn^rK /o fthanxrcz / f f&nvic /3 tkyurUcuiJl /U ^ATlx^o /fb -Cci'P y\CAx /&* fi^A wux d L(Vvk La\s 0 \/Cl<) C CxAAAyux ^ (^(X^^&Vvx '*< O^Aa^MtVvvc^ CJLoA/3 / tLO*^- iss/ from ^fjecu^ ^ Sex Religion &Cause of Death (^d/TTut Buried in the. fpUtUyrW the l%rJkl j0t4U, Cemetery on 188, REMARKS j'ltAXTlA^ JLo^AAaSIm-TW' / 2-~ ^188 Name deceived Sex *JJ*&Aa, Religion Buried in the the . S ‘'CununJjuv fro m .*au2 Cause of Death Buriedl in the __- Cemetery on REMARKS : Name . LLcuvU. J’tUaLv-L U deceived ~j 1883 from dL_ Sex w. fflttiAtL _ Cause of Death -- Buried in the ...^AHAQfXsJXZ&r’£±C..... the .. Cemetery on 188 L+ REMARKS: Name Ltth^L dftmivctl 10 18m® from •r Sex^lim* Religion / L£~IUM Cause of Death Buried in the _ . CcZiturLe the ..._.......188 Cemetery on REMARKS: JV'am.e ^ LC^XCtcC / Received (Mp{u* -jr; 188 "5 from Sex^tlu^ULr- Religion Cause of Death Buried in the _ fy~Lc*~AA^ ..... the 188 IU REMARKS Cemetery on Name .... ^fCdml \k& ‘ 188? from. Sex/tCu^u m-c Religion Cause of Death Buried in the .____ the ------ 188 Cemetery on REMARKS: Name . fy . ^ ..... Received /f ^~2 VczuUd. ia 88$ from Religion ftfNUiJL Cause of Death . Buried in the .. QiNLu-Au. ZZZv^Cif .... the __ 'jL...... < %l~ : ... . 188^ < I Cemetery on REMARKS: Name Received / 2 _/ £ ^ 18 s^A from Ut^/iaCj. . Sex*^-*^*- Religion Cause of Death Buried in the M the - . Cemetery on 188 REMARKS : 'QjtJZaruA. Name C^JzN / 4 __ .. Received ”2. *^j(LttiuLr-Lj 188^ from Sex fChuMjL Religion /^LiHhvs^ Cause of Death Buried in the .. (lrreUS3^.... . the ---. 188 Cemetery on REMARKS REMARKS: Name huu Sex ^CCdvctt Ifc 188 ^ f roin t$XfU* PffTu/c &4uj/lcu^ Religion Cause of Death . Buried in ike _ /' the - Cemetery on ..... 188 REMARKS : Name JjMmJuL 'tfv-tkvu __ deemed <70-^ 188 /C~ from l/^r Sex^L^JdL Religion Cause o f Death _ Buried in the _ _..._. (SItiujlxa. the ----- 188 UdU . Cemetery on REMARKS: Name §MMi Sex Religion Buried in the . the —.--- REMARKS: 2^188 # from c llfXelxxa^t Cause of Dea th .-. 188 Cemetery on REMARKS : REMARKS: Name 14 Received ^CLaxcA Ip ^ I6$ty- tm from /fiufiu ftniUTcluffliiH*. Sex. ifc/L'ic. Religion fAfr&A&ixt Cause of Death Buried in the., the ___ hmuitA^Al du U . 188 Cemetery on REMARKS Name Received JkM^Ar (0^ 1**4- from hmUJL Cause of Death Buried in the - tfeiflCe .... Cemetery on the _.■_.......... 188 REMARKS: Name s/ 1 Sex *iltU4^L Religion Cause of Dea th Buried in the _ /^TT^d^,t @ the . 188 Name ftawed — /C 188 lj- from Sex ^iliAA&r-Religion & Cause of Death f Buried in the T-vClXt*- Ql\ &*=tdzt£ the __ 188 T Cemetery on REMARKS: Name 17 IffCWd Xdt // 188 ^ from, $Uw>?, S/H/!,/*/ Sex ^CcuA-lt Religion /x- (Sjchy^- „ Sex ULlU Religion Mnru Cause of Death nuneci in me /v^ ia the . 188 -.. ... uemetery on REMARKS Name 2Uceivcd Sex^^M/tkli-Religion Buried in the the - 188 /f from . Jh^l^ Sc &Arr^vr\JL Cause of Death _ . /£ irch\^.(\&s t . (L ix^ / tc ff^A N ,.. Cemetery on 188 REMARKS: Name (~...vL . 188^4- from Sex Religion ^t~7Y\L Cause of Death Buried in the / < %/V~yvi 4 vii/ . .. ......_... 188 REMARKS: Name • 20 \Uu^ tJL.. Cause of Death .... Buried in the (3 cols. C .... the 2—*$ ^ . 188^ Cemetery on REMARKS: Name _ Received _ hf-zd* 188 from I bfr'lvt £) ft h Sex llL fi t*- Religion .. ($D2?yJ Cause of Death . 23 Buried in the....- ._ iriJL^A.'tA @ A. 'CUitZi. f the . sdJdLNt&L . ^ ^ ____188 N Cemetery on REMARKS Name P&lUdAJ^b- yjjiCD Ji 188 // from ffrjh.li Received Sex Religion Pi^t Cause of Death Buried in the..— . ^ICTiA^tiA ..... . . the St fr-Sfc- '.tut* U.. 1885* REMARKS Cemetery on Name IMMI Sex 444Dij>djL~Religion Buried in the ... O^H^aL44._ the — . *3— ^ ^ 188 188//- from . (^Nhifr/lxc feTTfryS Cause of Death _ .... Cemetery on REMARKS: Name deceived <0 Sex KlMxAdc Religion J Buried in the . L Cause of Death /UK 0(UA\ALi Cl CUlit the 4-~ ^^huUY l ks Cemetery on 188 N REMARKS : Name Cuuli ^ClrurvLs Received See t9>fcr 18H U- from Sex ^CtAA4^J^ieligion uLjTTTxJl Cause of Death Buried in the __ Cci/krAc e . the . .. 188^ 7 DX Cemetery on REMARKS : i/m t. Name N. ^CCCircd &CC / 188 At from Sex j^Uu-dJ^L Religion 1*Li>—Cause of Death Buried in the the 2~ . ‘p/tT ' ^u i+t A> . i88 5“ Cemetery on REMARKS: Name IkLthst deceived _ feta. 3 ~ 188£ from Sex MdSdUjL Religion Cause of Death Buried in the __ ^tUc^UA. (diMufeht __ .. the . . . JL&fkjfeu ....188 “5” REMARKS 25 Cemetery on Name l'I^TU~X4A^rVd Received &€£ 3- q. fcr is*//- f roin flay ZiuuN) Sex ikuaUL Religion Cause of Death Buried in the .._ Cemetery on the . . .... 188 S' REMARKS : Buried in the Q.aA*Ne ._ the /KiI t Cf v ^ - 188 4 Cemetery on REMARKS: Name .____ ilcCfU’Ctl .....^ /tu. /$ fk. L88if~ from i 26 Sex^tiuj^t Religion Cause of Death Buried iu the _ the Jl Cause of Death Buried in the .. the _:... 188 REMARKS : U Cemetery on Marne fc/ iriftAA/UtsliAJl . (&(.... . Q —*.. .. §MM CtylA U- 188^" from 1 }&LjuUjlA Sex... Re l i g io n-fficJpMi _ Cause of Death ___ Buried in the ... Cemetery on the -- 188 REMARKS: Name .. dtiCCCiVftl .....(tyl'lii 'l/t . 1885~ from Jhrht Odu Sex Religion.- Cause of Death Buxeed itt the — .—. kaJAxArlCe --- the .........___ 188 REMARKS : 30 Cemetery on Name Ol (NUa^ . d^CCCirf rt -fft 188-5" from 49 LXM> Sex pCljd-ti Religion ^O—t txj? Cause of Death . Buried in the SjtPkLJL44. ^&ttL4/lC€ _ Cemetei'y on the .... 188 REMARKS : Name 'Tbhruhil |UttM QfinU 1885" from Sex IAXa^JuLR eligiori...^...^^f4kd.... Cause of Death REMARKS: Buried in the _________ Cemetery on the ..... 188 REMARKS : Name . djkJV X REMARKS: V Name c/jtUvs bd^cluSLCVruL Ljkf SJi 188 1> from Sex (jjLiiXt- Religion Cause of Dea th Buried in the _ _ - UUh) Cemetery on the 188 REMARKS : Name A* ._ deceived CL^ irt' 188 from. ._ Sex^fitiitAjld. Religion . Cause of Death -- Buried in the ...... Cemetery on the ____-. 188 REMARKS: Name /khhjt flu ^CmVCtl A/^^1885* from, ^CXRf-cl AJUm Sex LLA-JbCm- Religion Cause of Death -r- .. Buried in the _ . (fifiMA AM _ _ Cemetery on the ....... 188 REMARKS : Name $cecivcrt O^A^ej “ 2 -—/ ^ 188 'S from Sex . Buried in the the- ------- 188 Religion 1/IdCM\f. .. Cause of Death N-jhuk . QaJfc&c. . Cemetery on REMARKS: Name s*. pun red . 1885" from^Mc Sex MM± Religion /t0~ Hl£ Cause of Death Buried in the RttUK, 44^ Qjlttu^e _ the ..... g . . 188 Jo u Cemetery on REMARKS : Name ComNlou deemed dicftuuiu/V lo^ 188 5" from /tdrtlt 2) CdU SexMtlUk Religion $fltw Cause of Death Buried in the _ the . 188 Cemetery on REMARKS : Name . ^.I.Mf.SdA,.. . ±L _ deceived . 188 from . Ile/hc . 'fy&tccA. Sex... Religion Cause of Death . Buried in the . _..-. __ Cemetery on the __ 188 REMARKS: REMARKS: Name V deceived (HU- t> He 188 ^" from ^ ^jLixt^cid Ih/^jui^c^ Sex ftiuUi Religion Cause of Death Buried in the 0 afflurUe, _ Cemetery on the ... 188 REMARKS : Name ^CCCirdl . ^'hrV lo 188 y from .. fa 4 ddd4... Sex.~sJihd i h Cl Religio n Cause of Death (^CfC.. . C~...j . . . _ Cemetery on Buried in the the __ 188 REMARKS : Name .. P deceived sJfyfriuUu# ljltl.N88$ /rom Sex JLaU Religion lluJ&uruHi Cause of Death 3 ? Buried in the., the .. Cemetery on 188 REMARKS : Name v Received ^JrirU (~j!L i88$~ /y-om, /}wtJal+ 1 /hvt/u/srf Sex 41 aIl Religion Cause of Death Buried in the -------- Cemetery on the ....... 188 REMARKS : Name . f’a^LDi . i? IAA 4a A\, .. ... ; ■deceived % sif' T ~0 3 0 ~t 188 'S’ from . &!Uf/t fc444 BeX-jh&tkfa . Religion (^tni^xaL Cause of Death Buried in the ... QSf&Si tSeuC.. __ Cemetery on the __-<_____ 188 REMARKS: Name ...... $MtMMiDtt^AdLdLCause of Death .».. Buried in the . ... the -- 188 Cemetery on REMARKS: Name H t .rikr dLX.It ~^ JZXa^c\ . h from the ._. 188 REMARKS : Name ilcCClVCll ^ 188 from Sex hi^vU. Religion Cause of Dea th 39 . tt . ....1884 from Sex dtUAAtk Religion Cause of Death . Buried in the —. /2tOr^CL^ $UMwltt Cemeter y on Jrpu^}tri4^ Buried ' in the . the Cemetery on 188 REMARKS Name t-c *2— 188^ from- eQ/'lduCNN Sex Ui^tiXx — Religion-.. ctittecC^ — Cause of Death Buried in the _ wxzxzcz:. a / Cemetery on the ---- 188 REMARKS: Name . _ * * 4l0l Name . r ftttrfved hjk. £&j1 1**/ from YbU' 188 L Cemetery on J/u li- - REMARKS: Jr$ H- |tcccivcd huvlL i!p (fc rnTb from fkni/v&lQu^r-tU /hl/uj*J. Sex Religion /W ( *o /Cause of Death m _ Buried in the __________■_ Cemetery on Name 4 the - $ IdUJsUJ- REMARKS : Name ft iUjuasL (fftufBft tyimmft ^ 188 / from . ^ v Sex Religion H^a Cause of Death Burif d in the . /Lett ^ the .. L^ y /fe~ 188'' REMARKS : Name One deceived £ T ; r ^- 188 ^ from lDtZl.fl* Sex .../JfjldL . Religion . Cause of Death I n /* , / J / / // r_ Buried in the the _ CLAt) !h 188 1 Cemetery on REMARKS: i ill Name *UmVCd . .188 & from Sex Religion Cause of Death Buried in the _ the . .—._jL 188 ^ L I ^ REMARKS 0 / 0 52 Cemetery on \ldU^C * 7 — 7 -f-^ 188 ^ from ^Cjix/c Name Received Sex * It44L 4 4t Religion / ^R^llltU^Cause of Death Buried in the _ JiiNNlkl A /i.. . _ Cemetery the sUllUUjAJAJld^L .. 188 */ on REMARKS : Name _ JtNUc (hjijUl&tL . J-tX&f/HCd . Received /— tj /iv”~ 188 h from i ^ /Sex .. Religion Cause of Heath— Buried in the _. Cemetery on the £-. 188 ^ REMARKS i>l Name fa&tqatcA litnnwiHi . PrtVtilAu-fy l~J /it L88 i fr 53 Sex Religion / 4 rtUSZuf Cause of Death Pa Buried in the ... . !b 6 & yi^dQd^Uki^.. lljPU* Jt the ... 188 7 Cemetery on CL fort . A ClA l^tlU. AjU , REMARKS: Name j Received jTWux<^^x?> u y issl f r0 m tMaA*+*A Sex fa\jAt- Rdligiou P^O~~l*^a— Cause of Dea th .. Buried in the .^ . Cemetery on the MiAOttA / 2r^il£ 188 I REMARKS : Name itLUxj AiSfH; _ 3 &WtMd. * 4 ! (MF~ / Z^df ,r ^ 188 ^ from Itfty*/. v^) Sex JdfCUd^ ReligionPlffe^^ Cause of Death Buried in the .. Q£nJJa*u?cPa-£.^ the v L V tt- Xsf A'Sr' ~i^..rrZ^- ' 188 $? 188 b from Name . %/TlA(hcL4L c^C<^ Received Sex-Jt *.4 Religion ArPHC Buried in the the ___ 54 fhrt/u/uf -jj Cause of Death A t*. luU/tQ \MjM- A _ 'VjP Jgg *J Cemetery on REMARKS: Name . &it*4NLo aIQ- Relid ion C/\mth 'iflm/fcujii' Death &ID4 * ^ Bwriecl in the. .. the . ltC Cemetery on 188 l REMARKS : Name fc i ss7 from ^UlUxiait (^luajU ^hd/ufa/ |^| Sex ^IhvL ftlA/i -iA^/cA/i. Jc yiftyv^A //}(* / ft ftt a'll/ /7f i ft ft',l J', ft<^//< 4 - _- . /fra. a.^/ ft** ft^ft* ft/lAUyJ ftOs*~l /& jlSl'K-tftft /liAi^/Ui / /jU/tn-*. ft**’ Ale ft Name . ' wHA . A~fat^/T%c Received ibfr-iL fa fatr~ 'O IheUtL o\. Sex rtr^^- Religion Buried in the _ r the .—.—.... \l 188 7 from . Cause of Death .... . Cemetery on 188 . / f) - REMARKS: llACsd hx 0<~xx*A- Jfo 0-~J A /£ REMARKS : Name . ^{dAAAdTl^ "PcL^ t^tX Received i88 from ULt\, Sex fl/UUt . Religionx . fi^t~lA/\Jl Cause ojf Death (hwryiUtMZ* _ Buried in the *-*L .... Cemetery on the i'Z 188 *^. REMARKS: mmmi Pf'W Name crvruNu Received . ®mAj 188 y f rom __ . Sex-WMSk- Religion vitjyJL Cause o£ Death Buried in the— . /* i the £'?’*#• sji/'c * / O * -4i/ . 18 8^? REMARKS : 5 ? /5 Cemetery on Name J'Lturu. / LCtftisu, \jPfrtftU- (jLO^CcZii^^ .. Cemetery on the _ jLfUTt. 188 REMARKS : Name ^{jjMcuoejL ^uriuJJjJ- /u jdtcdvtd Oj~ c ^' 188 Y from ivD Sex 'Thd/Oi Religion /El QiOJL . Cause of Death dCdd^AdTK^ -- _ Buried in the the _ H.C Hujlu* dxmdu Cemetery on 188 7 dro a< REMARKS: Name % CLV\ Hcmvcd kA^aHL 188 7 from kAInbL*C 7?r j //o’/^^L Cause of Death Sex Buried in the the - Cemetery on .... .. 188 Jro REMARKS : 22 - Name Hah \Lruxa. ddCfCU’Cd (LftwtA v) 188 ^ from .. SexAtLjJJlA^ Religio n (ffitUMm. Cause of Death - — — Buried in the _____ Cemetery on the __—... 188 Jr< REMARKS: * 2 - 4 . Name . iMiiXvthUA lUmwd Q^aaI ’ i % ffc _ i 8 8 y y> 0 'r*-' « 59 M Sex dCxij. Religion Buried in the the .-. % r L r ^ i&k,. m' Cause of Death - Cemetery on . 188 £, Jfo IU-. REMARKS : Name JtaeM (Lfrsu^ ^ \ggy f r0 m Sex . Religiofedt ^h^As^d-Cause of Death Buried in the OieL . Cemetery on the 7 . 1 ^ . l&CUuUus- . 188 £ REMARKS : Name JMM diT^ 188 Y from IkstkfteiL. i _ Sex sMuiJjr Religion fflfrlA 4 .£. — Cause of Death _ . — Buried in the . _ i/&>~uaax- 4 a . Q&dtZLc ..... _ Cemetery on the __...—. 188 REMARKS: Name - ^ , IC-&uO*. P Uaaj. \LjiaanAl, fl WeW . (tyfAt&trfkr 188 ^ from /^y .. Sex'kiMNkU Religion Cause of Death .. Buried in the . filtlUMi* (UttAic . —--- - -- Cemetery on the . .1 88 J . REMARKS: i Name fi/hLC §Ucmf(l (aJ/vAj /fc 188 *j from ^vAl ( 2 ^-j^u^ Sex Religion v^S~IajJI Ca use o f Death Buried in the ..._ fhiiUuiL QcUL+ldb . 1_ Cemetery on the .. 2 ,%^ fy‘%ctu+Lu^ .‘li !/ 188 7 vfa)' /Q, REMARKS : Name deceived ^ huLsLjf 188 */ fr •om . /nr UmN Sex MddldM Religio n (^iC~rr^- Cause of Death fouNc fntfTTt/Z ..— Buried in the ...._.-. Cemetery on the {(e . 188 $ 'Jfo Ha. REMARKS: *•: / , /iCu^TJUj Z&lUtZiJU '-uua A ‘&LMtvuIui c/t^^A^c ^yi iVUuu 7 - tlsitfiA CTic^/nyrt £ > fysiAUuriLue i&irw A „ tLrA^A- (/^STAuufekst** tn* /! t iTL/L^t^u^yrtec J^/rtA^ v h- , J$ hru c UcJ~ Ah ■ ^ CUi^JL /A / 5 "- f^nw^k. I iff < CL^ 0 ^ i Ciw ItfZdL^CL*^ r n Name f i jj/[A^tJA / _ ' * ^ A §mmA tiSk from Ihrfll V tea _ $ex bu^JjL Religion ^^irpyu Cause of Death fc'lUd > /<'//’> Buried in the....... rUfU^^ . CtiXUlT^T ___ Cemetery on the .... ki4Lsyz , REMARKS Name Itcceivd 'I'UaaJL l&fif 188 y from^{/l *iy from vv * (/I* y Sex Religion Cause of Dea th i ^ Buried in the ..... Cemetery on the _ Lx. 4 / . 188 # t-4— REMARKS : Name Wtiwl l&i&J 188^7 from yLid/Nsi^S.A. ' A /) /*- < Cause of Death -..l~1 SexfHJJUJLLL.. ReliQ io n.h-.&NydL.... Burwd in the . (iN£l4±i**±. . C~ (h'ChjfZcg the .. JZ^..^.. . 188$, .... Cemetery on iu> 6, REMARKS: Name QjxhAJLhN. $Mwd_ jbk DftK . 1937 f rom f L ftu i. Pasd z Sex Sut*h-Religion ‘dtOy^. Cause of Death tilOnJl&n t0,' Buried in the Q-tX^L+lit . AJL* fciUeuUu*/ __ . 18 |f, Cemetery on the Jrt 5^ REMARKS: Name P^XThtjN P Ulr^o-cuf ^CCCiVCCl 1 88 ^ from H^Lf jOm SexhxcOj Religion wOK£ Cause of Death . Buried in the . 4Lpc the ... /O e i£*-<+*X±*~N' is/f LCt-t Cemetery on dU-J.. REMARKS : Name /r 188 7 f r ° m _ i Received Sex t&luetJetJleli^ io n $dC7' y%j Buried in the _ dcUlakc the .. ^ % L^f . 188^ Cause of Death bo % .. Cemetery on REMARKS: A'//«'* luw: *. A < lyi-n 64 . 188 from Sex r^M^eicReligion Cause of Heath ^ Buried in the /l^BPrn _CD ^utCttL *. r the ... %'h . $ .. 188 ^ Cemetery on jhU- REMARKS : Name t iri4 Qiu ru it dfitcccivcct issY from /-irt*-yjt^£ (feju./< i/J-Jif Religion fuONU. Cause of Death ... Sex Buried in the the .. %rCL / ~ i ^' . 188 ^ Cemetery on REMARKS : 2 - Name — —. p .. t J h dtJcCCit’CCl 188 ^ from Atld-MlMl - Sex^UlukU. Religion^ . (fifth* . Cause of Death Cff Buried in the the /2Q±SLf^ /4i88 $ . Cemetery on CA/Uil/u^^r REMARKS: I E Name 9*CML . / I \tttfost& /•j/krlf-l/-- ish^ from Sex rfh*XjL Religion flo~~n^JL ~ Cause of Death . Buried in the . Cemetery on the — _. 2 at* ^)iu^ «7v /T, 188^7 from Cause of Death 188 7 - REMARKS: / __ Cemetery on Name..... CAdLi^ti. Ld 1 Kffucil 7 from Sex HIU*MJ;, U«i„„ ry\c Cause of Death Buried in the. . Qa.Xic/2\x . ... 2z'V —.-._ Cemetery on the : 1881 REMARKS: mi Name t(ds?vsJir7% MttnvtA Jury S’rfk . 188^7 froi Sex 'M*m**i& Religion f&7fh£ Cause of Dea th Buried in the _ _ the ... 2l U M * + ~*U> %UU>U\ i 88 REMARKS Cemetery on 3B=_ Name iUccivcd fur v— H...k. 1887 from A*/ &3tf5 ^JJj^ffljlRelig io n C^4ryy^j^Cause of Death ._ (^C^^CtA. . ..........__ Buried in the _ . Cemetery on the 7?*k^Q &4=&£t*z4x=t^ lH8y /6/t7pL*su£ 76 REMARKS : Name 7p / / . 'foUuA v tvUAJl dc 0 HUttiwtf 'TN'rCtfid'N ' 188^7 from-.. Religion... fficrmjL . Cause of Death Buried in the -...._.--— t he . / ® ^ d 188 *g Cemetery on do %3, REMARKS: Name .CUA~ Received 'Qet 'xffk 188 ^ from ffjd^lUa/ 8ex MiNLLi Religion Cause of Death Jl) t4^dA£' ._ Buried in the £... ... .. Cemetery on the~~ fflx *7 Z^iyU^j C^u. • RE MARKS: ^ / /^N7/Cc 7>-ew / 1 ; \J IIP 4 XLa4a{l l blk/§b$ tfcuu- a/rdu^ dud*-#- 'h^YHl Wl£in^ * t v w^UhX- ^Tn -7>yl Cause of Death ^M,An~7UUu£ _ Buried in the Cemetery on the 188 REMARKS : ^0 /tt C • fyi <*_< ACe^J^ Name a/cl\.&J k k^LIc^ ^uf Received ityiul tykr 188^ from ^(tiu-Il iLOr^/dii i**. Sex hiUr*lc Religion Co,use of Dea th fldrtfjfj, .. 2(2- Buried in the . /hr%4r*-ii+4. ^cJtur^dC ... _._.... -». Cemetery on the .... 188 REMARKS : Name . JLm>. §**™* A 1 7r -t^tX ___ / 0~fu. Ct^vUrf, 188t? from. . £ Sex 72- fir .. Religion Buried in the y^Otwu^. the --—-- 188 tf fro m 7 AC..Culva^ Ct/X^itNCc.^ .— Cemetery on the __-. I®® REMARKS: Name pWWWA ^ t(n . Sex JttU^ Religion Cause of Death UuUtuCc t>U OoZccKS Buried in the $Cru^a^ &c*~ZiZirCCc - Cemetery on the — —... ... .., 188 REMARKS : Name dftfCfivCtl / *Z-^ 188$ from /* (x {XlAjjfua+N Sex i^Axc^i-t Religion fyvyr^A- Cause of Death '^ArttNxuC 9l£ r ?n-Cu,-Qx ’_ Buried in the ^(Oyy.Ci^ ..— . — _■ Cemetery on the ....-.-.— 188 REMARKS : Name iUcCU’Ctl . 188 8 from _ Sex Religion Cause of Death . Buried in the l2rJ~Th.fi***-d aC^tCCc - - Cemetery on the 188 REMARKS: 1 SUil \ , * wA- V* V k n S' Name sJ.CU a^JL Q flJjfcOtuA. ... ... ^/ ^ 188£ from t $ ex lUh Religion... $/?7VC .... Cause of Death /^C A / r : t~ fouicaAlJl, BztwC'd z>Yb tfo& . (LdtCtMe, & the —......... 188 76 REMARKS: (v CU> jjvdf kA^> "J- fa.X v/C, Cemetery on rt> Vv^ Name %tmm\ y^Uui2 ihh ? from iJidfe Jba47i£ Sex ^t lujk/jL Religion Cause of Dea th Buried in the '/h the * Sex Ax^^c Religion O' .. Cause of Death Buried in the the _ 188 AX' //A ^ •:..V.. Cemetery on REMARKS: Warn* . ^ Received from Sex d*z*4 &Jg: -.—.. Cemetery on Buried in the. the .—... 188 REMARKS: REMARKS : jufi*A -c / Z Ljf&< d^CCdVCtl . *3 188

* c .& / 188? from A 9 j/ *i Sex/? 1 w . Religion n se of Death 6 ^^jjtvT jint; ^6 */\r Bwried in the. the Cemetery on 188 REMARKS deceived 3Lchu <- v' 188^ from /L 'tZ&L ^ ^ 188^ from ^£ //Lot ' -O' Sex/it t* deceived 'O Se.2ttii*c~4cQ)N^ SeJhitrU-. Religion . _ Cause of Death Buried in the . Cemetery on the --—.......... 188 REMARKS : ■£. £-Zc- •, Sex/fl~**NN- Religion yfC? . Buried in the ___ the . ..... om A. u C4 89 c<~*A> Cause of Death Cemetery on { ■ . 188 REMARKS : Name j£, f> Sex Ti^Nc Religion Buried in the ___ the —... <£’*“ (? 188 ^ from Cause of Dea th — ___ Cemetery on ____ 188 REMARKS Name ULd*- Sex^ir^kCiLr...... Religion Buried in the .. the - ClN 188 f from *// I $ P - ~ ..^NaS-.-...- . Cause of Death . /... _*_ Cemetery on 188 REMARKS: Sexfoucli . Religion /€X?. . - Cause of Death - Buried in the . Cemetery on the ______ Nam/ ^SS'CCCitTiCCT. / ' . 188 from Sex Religion /? e. 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This Company shall not be responsible for messael office by one of the Company s messengers he acts for that purpose as the sender’s agent; if by telephone f conditions for the sender. This Company shall not be liable in any case for damages, unless the same be ell _ _ . _ No employee of the Coin pT H. P. DWIGHT, General Manager. ^ Sent No. Sent by Rec’d by Time Sent. S£a^L^5 xy XL £ A A //. ^ 5 Ua; Out^ y? (J /y. £( y ^ ^ ijhjL^X p 2~ CsptL^ (z-j vV /