Charles the Bold ; OR, THE RECLUSE OF THE WILD MOUNTAIN, & mit of m tfteentt) mntuv%, BY THE MARQUIS D'ARLINCOURT. Friar Laurence. — Is the bride ready to go to church ! Capulet. — Ready to go but never to return : O Son, the night before the wedding day, Death hath embraced thy bride : — see, there she lies, Flower ai she was. nipped in the bud. Romeo and Juliet. PRINTED FOR WILLIAM COLE, (LATE HODGSON AND CO.) No. 10, NEWGATE STREET. Sixpence. mmtye fa*?" m * h jw, M .iff*Mwf*US. 2 "he lie rlusc Si Eledt's in Ufa. Hcnttwase