eee win THE OSLER LIBRARY MCGILL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL AGG. E. M. RENOUF, PUBLISHER, Sookseller and Stutioner, SUCCESSOR TO Dawson Bros. Brancn Business. SSSSSSSSSN * 7 SSS TELEPHONE 4084, 2238 St. CATHERINE STREET, SSE ARERR SSE SEE Rat ~ ‘ a oe es rr rr / <= ao OS SNS SSNS ~ SSA ENTRANCE TO COLLEGE GROUNDS. I ae ———— r——— Se a STR Sa ie oo Fic USTRATIONS OF THE MEDICAL: FAG Ey] MeGibt UNIVERSIL. @ , __GY¥@ BYP ® PKO~O —O~ ES Published by permission ef the Faculty 2 (OFS yO Eee ——— 5 ~C—-OC~- EX 2 ®) 6 ‘ @ BM AEN eUF., MONTREAL. pp 2ze SSN SS RR TN TE . SRS RRS S Se SS SS . SSS SSS SSE SS SSS ~ SSS SSS SSS SSS Introduction. ee BHE Faculty of Medicine of McGill University is this year (1898) entering on its seventieth academic session as a teaching body, The Faculty is a direct continuation of the Montreal Medical Institu- tion founded in connection with the Montreal General Hospital in 1822, Twenty-five students attended the first session in 1824. The number in 1844 was fifty. In 1864 it had increased to one hundred and eighty; in 1884 to two hundred and thirty-six, and in 1894 to four hun- dred three, The total number enregistered for the Session of 1897-98 was four hundred and twenty-five. Assisted by a staff of nine Lecturers and twenty-five Demonstrators, the following constitute the Faculty of Medicine for 189821899, Witi1aM Peterson, M.A., LL.D., Principal. James Stewart, M.D, Professor of Medicine and Clinical Medicine ALEXANDER Jounson, M.A., LL.D., Vice Principal. GeorGeE Wi Lkixs, M.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, and Lec- Roxpert Craik, M.D., LL.D,, Dean. * turer on Histology. R. F. Rurray. B.A., M.D., Registrar. D. P. PexnaLiow, B.Sc., M.A.Sc, Professor of Botany. J. G. Apami, M.A., M.D., Director of the Museum. WesteY Minis, M.A., M.D. Professor of Physiology. F, G. Finitey, M.B. (Lon.), M.D. (McGill), Librarian. z James Cuatmers Cameron, M.D., Professor of Midwifery and Diseases ; : of Infancy. EMERITUS PROFESSORS, Atex. D. Buackaper, B.A., M.D., Professor of Pharmacology and WittrAm Wricut, M D., Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Lecturer on Diseases of Children. Duncan C. MacCatium, M.D, Midwifery. » R. F. Rurray, B.A., M.D., Professor of Practical Chemistry. Sir Wiiu1Am Dawson, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S., Natural History. JAMES Bei, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery. eee J. G, Apami, M.A., M.D., (Cantab.), Professor of Pathology. PROFESSORS. I. G. Fintey, M.B. (Lond.), M.D. (McGill), Assistant Professor ot Ropert Craik, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Public Health, and Preven- * Medicine, and Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine. tive Medicine. Henry A. Larieur, B.A., M D., Assistant Professor of Medicine and G. P. Girpwoop, M.D., Professor of Chemistry. Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine. Tuomas G. Roppick, M.D., Professor of Surgery. * Georce E. Armstrone, M.D., Associa e Professor of Clinical Surgery. WILLIAM GARDNER, M.D)., Professor of Gynecology. H. S. Birkett, M.D., Professor of Laryngology. Francis J. Suepuerpd, M.D., Professor of Anatomy. Wyatr Jounxston, M.D., Assistant Professor of Public Health and Frank Buiter, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology. * Lecturer on Medico-Legal Pathology. a ee ios ‘HO aM ere ee - | ". Lorn STRATHCONAS e G of a oR MOUS ONE CS > PRESIDE ES ta CHANC cet fe eae x SSS SASS SSS Soe ee SAAS Soe SSN SVS SS SSS ZHE home of the Faculty of Medicine is an irregular collection of buildings situated in the north-east portion of the University grounds. These buildings may be reached either from the main drive which leads up to the Arts Building from Sherbrooke street, or by entering the grounds from Univer- sity street, by the University street gates. On the west side they face Carlton Road and the City Reservoir. This road connects the University grounds with Pine Avenue, on which is situated the Royal Victoria Hospital. The medical buildings have grown up in response to the needs of the school. The front building, of plain stone, is the oldest; and was presented to 5) the Faculty of Medicine, in 1872, by the Governors of the University. In direct connection with this are two additional buildings, the intermediate structure, chiefly of brick, was erected in 1872 by the Faculty, and the larger new stone building behind this was erected in 1894 by the late John H. R. Molson to meet the increasing demand for laboratory space. ~ SS SS SS a — ow a Se ~ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSA SSSSSSSSSASS A SSS SSS SS S CS PrAOMI NSIRECTLY attached to this building, on the north, is the wing for path- a) ology. This was a stone dwelling house which was completely altered VOWS? to meet the requirements of a modern pathological laboratory, The total length of the main corridor of the Medical Building is two hun- dred and seventy-eight feet, and the ground area covered is over twenty-two thousand five hundred square feet. The total available floor area of the Faculty buildings is about fifty-five thousand square feet. The first building reached from the College grounds has two entrances, the main entrance with its limestone portico leads to the main floor of the build- ings. The second, on the east side, is the students’ entrance and leads to cloak rooms, lavatories, locker rooms, etc., and is connected with the janitor’s apart- ments. The ground floor is laid in asphalt throughout, and the walls are panelled in ash. ‘The lavatories have both walls and floors tiled. SSS SN / i; an a Sa aa Ea kD a a ae aaa a ‘ ~~ ———$——$3. $e tHE Library is reached by the first door to the left of the main entrance. The first room on entering is the general reading room for the use of students and strangers. "This formed the Professors Library and Faculty Room of the original building erected by the Governors. In 1895 it was converted into the Reading Room for the use of the Students, who have free access to all books in the Library—a privilege highly appreciated and never abused. This room connects with the stack room, behind which is the Faculty room, and Professors’ reading room. ‘The library, which is entirely medical, contains about fifteen thousand volumes, among which are complete sets of most of the standard periodicals in English and German, and also many rare volumes of interest to the antiquary. The library has between five and six thousand readers per annum. SSS ‘N the opposite side of the hall from the library is the pathological museum, consisting of two rooms, each with a gallery. The first of these is reserved for calculi and bone specimens, the second contains only moist prepara- tions and models. This has been newly renovated, and presents not a few features which may appeal to those interested in museums. The moist preparations are arranged in open shelves and grouped for teaching purposes. Water color drawings made from fresh specimens are mounted on swinging frames and form a frieze at the ceiling. These serve to recall the fugitive colors of these preparations which become more or_less ‘altered on keeping. The rooms are finished in white, a deep olive green serving as a back groud for the specimens on the shelves. ook Ht RRR fees rte - gi EFL SIPITIILIVITIFITFIIAT I SAALEE TITTLE oa |! ft Y ATT F MATT MIL AL Dees LIBRARY «© FACULTY’ ROOM. SS : Ss RES SSSA SSS SSS SSS SES SS SSS SSS SN ee Ree Sana), See ca a Mi IS PATHOLOGICAL ae Eee SS HT ST SERRA = SSS SERS SES "ARN DJOINING the museum is the office of the Registrar and Bursar of the Faculty; a rise of three steps marks the beginning of the second build- ing, the main floor of which is occupied on the right by the chemical laboratories. The chemical laboratories in this building are for the practical courses. The pre- paration laboratories for the lecture courses are in t1 Lecture Room No. III. ie new building adjoining The Students’ laboratory is a room 60 by 45 feet, with separate work tables arranged for 124 students. It is lighted cn thre sides, and has adjoining it a large private laboratory for the Professor of Practical Chemistry, and an out-door laboratory which is used in summer months for dangerous or explosive ex- periments. Opposite the laboratories is Lecture room No. I., with a seating capacity of 250. Adjoining ‘the lecture room is the professors’ cloak and waiting room. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSASSSSAS SSS SSS SS SS j idl a SSS SSS S , = SSeS ww es SSS Se SSS SIG = See S eee SS Seon Sa oa eo) ete - es. ke “ Pa hy E aes) ‘ea . ; e we ; Me. b oR } ‘ SSS és eA. = *S } - , LEA \ eee 2 c: i SALA I Lee ees, Ze, (HE new wing is reacked by a short flight of steps. Passing the students’ wt reading and waiting room and a small cloak room on the left, the en- trance to lecture room No. 3 is reached. This room is rectangular, and has a seating capacity of over four hundred. It is reached by two doors, one above on the next floor for students’ use. Behind this lecture room are two preparation laboratories for the use of the Professor of Chemistry and an ante-room. Below the seats are the store rooms for appliances. On the opposite side of the hall is the private room of the Professor of Surgery, and the private entrance to the pathological wing. ‘This leads to the small research laboratories, preparation rooms and the private laboratory of the Professor of Pathology. Ss SS Se SS ores sD aaa Ste neh oct eae ae ORNEROF STUDENTS READING & WAITING ROOM. R'S. OFFICE ~S a ce Le 3, a = . ae ™.D. J PROF F.BULLER Sesser a tes oy UP OOKING { A ATRE wi — SSSA SSS ~ NS SSS IIS SSS SSS \; BOVE these rooms is the large students’ laboratory for pathology, open- ing into the main building and connected with the private -laboratories. Tables and microscopes for thirty to forty students are here provided. ‘This room is also fully equipped with incubators, sterilizers, etc., for work in bac- teriology and _ disinfection. Adjoining it in the main building is also a smaller laboratory for experimental work in disinfection. The floor above this is for the use of the curators and the articulators of the pathological and anatomical museums. SSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS | : | i R.QDA| a ry ROM the students’ entrance to the laboratory the mezzanine floor is reached, in which is the upper entrance to the lecture room and the museum of hygiene, which contains interesting working models of filter plants, steam disinfectors, ventilating contrivances, etc. One of the smaller rooms opposite is used to illustrate the water carriage system of removal of house refuse, including modern plumbing. The botanical laboratories are in the Arts Building adjoining, and are especially equipped for practice courses in morphology and physiology of plants. On the floor above this are, beginning on the right, the laboratory for normal histology, with two sets of tables for microscopes at different levels and an adjoining private laboratory for special work. on Be i Nich laeanbnte ete SA ASA HA'— SD aS W oe a eA a’ ~ ee : ee ee A ee A ee . ee ae S S e Ee koa. a ss Se: Be A te Te & A, Ss n ui — ee 4, eNom ele Nas laasiselsec ts aces 3 r= ; e — ee ee Paes EBA. \ SS SS se SS Ee, aT = SX 2 Be ~: y ka. aie GW Ss u = SF Le Rae 3 : u: Tt, i | \W-EXT to this is the laboratory and museum of pharmacology, containing a classified collection of typical drugs and therapeutic agents, together with appliances for instruction in pharmacy and elementary experimental phar- macology. The rest of this flat is occupied by the laboratories for the study of Phy- siology. They are four in number, one large laboratory for the use of students, two smaller ones connected for special work and the Professor’s private labora- tory. The students’ laboratory is arranged for demonstrations as well as for individual work at the smaller tables. SS ts Raa tae = ~ ee I MLS SS SS a SS TT SSSSVQn . Wes SSS SSS IL SS SS SSS SSS SS re.d ood eee oe SOS A SSS LABORATORIES HISTOLOGICAL LABORATORIES SSS \ ESCENDING the staircases near the entrance to the physiological labora- YAY tory, the upper floor of the middle and front buildings is reached, This floor is practically reserved for the study of anatomy. ‘The lecture room has the seats arranged in a semi-circle and will seat about three hundred. Beneath this is a small private dissecting room and demonstrator’s room. The private room of the professor of anatomy connects the lecture room with the anatomical museum. ‘This museum contains besides the usual moist and dry preparations and casts illustrating human anatomy (1) an interesting col- lection of kuman brains made by Prof. Osler; (2) a collection of skeletons and bones of the extremities of the various orders and classes of vertebrata; (3) numerous frozen cross sections of the human body and a complete set of Steger’s brain sections, Ss SSS SSS SSS SS TTS SA SSS SSS SS SSS SS SS SSNS SSS SS SS SSS" SSS SESS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SS SSS SS SS SSS SS ee IS eae Se Sr SN RR Se SSS SSS - SSSSw SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS NN WHE dissecting room opposite is L shaped, one arm of which is seventy- six feet long by thirty-one feet wide, the other forty-five feet long by thirty-two feet wide. It contains tables for thirty subjects. The floor 1s of lead; the room is well lighted for work by day or night. It occupies the south and west of the first or oldest building of the series. wit CP Lae? SE, ¢ 1 | ! ] Ia ar iF % : i : ) € ~~ MAIN MUSEUM. BY id ad Le HALL MAIN CORRIOOR SSS SS SSS .> SSS y < SSS SS SSS SSS Sos SS SSS | | SSE ISS SS SSS SS SSS SS SSS SSS SSS SS aS eee oo, SSSSSSS|SSS SSS SSS SSS . SS SSS SS x 7 = "aS fe “ay y ia . ax z a= pee e232 se — -~ ° : vow Br cesta =i SS ~~) TN eee may h , 5 ta 2 a : ; i : ' : \ 1 \ SS S ~S ! s — ~ i ~~ f SS S = ‘7 ~ ; S SS Ss SS S ~S SS SS S | S ' S : ~ ~~ ; S S | 3 \ I | ne eG | , 5 ‘ ? , | ‘ SS ee aes — sae SESS EEE aaa eee aes SES ae | es fore salle a TORT R= 2a ee TIS cei Ae ae Date Due SSS SSS SSS 5 EEK SSS SSS yj YY YY) Ss ~ SS =~ S SS SS ~ Sy SS SS = Lit gue eS S 5 A aw Saas —_ — _ ee ee SE ne rete ee anaes veces ae r he fi L y vy | yy vi Ais YY YY MILL