» i PUBLISHED BY TheWIhcateChemicalCo Limited MONTR EA L. CANADA -X •' Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Hons, etc. — Price, 250. .... Stanton s Pain Relief FOR INTERNE RND EXTERNE USE. This popular remedy is now used all over the work! This popui _ t act ion and its easy mode ^^lSon tends to make it the ' tnost popular House- administration or application tenus iold Remedy of the day. STANTON’S PAIN RELIEF i — ^, tt« T nr the tat otta selling. - . .tat <*»>» in “» ,ton ” h ’ and CUvJ y C A THESE TESTIMONIALS VERIFY WHAT WE SAY : a -DkSabee, P. 0 . t TTonrv McArthur, of Tyne S’, feel it my duty to announce to and have been to Matheson , 3 Drug store, OuTary, and fining it to V* C^Tytm ".rMciTwill ejerhold dear, “ totafruuul a friend indeed^ »<«.w»iaufJisasts y Yours truly, IiENllY McABTHUB, Tyne Valley, P.h.l The Wingate Chemical Co., Lta Montreal, Canada. Quebec, Sept. 27th, 1901. Tho Wingate Chemical Cm, p Q n . ftT Qirs — While attending to my regular DeSable, P.E.I. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd. , 1 uc vv © Montreal, Canada. Dear Sirs — Eor six months, I had suffered very much with pain in my shoulders, shifting Iroin shoulder to shoulder got settled m my left Bide and up one side of the neck and head, was hardly able to do any work, the more I would suffer afterwards. I could hardly rest in bed at all but turning from side ' to a idt - I got a bottlo of St vnton s Pain rubbed it to both shoulders and neck and took half a teaspoonful in sweetenfd water, went to b?d and rested well for the first time in three or four weeks. I followed taking and rubbing every night and before X finished one bottle I wae all right. X cannot recommend it too highly for anyone suffering in the same way. Trusting that Stanton’s Pain Keoiiw will do as well for others as it has for me and wishing you success, J Believe me, Sincerely y0 nrs, JOHN McKAY. Port Hill, Lot 13, P.E.I. PearSirs,-Itak eB reatrleasureinwrittogyou t few lines to let you know the great reliet 1 derived from using Stanton’s Pain Belief for Neuralgia: I have suffered for three years and pot but 8 little rest night ?r day, till I bought bottle of Stanton s and before I had finished nHiner it I was a great deal better and I feel certain, if I follow it up, I will be completely cured of my pains. I have every confidence in it and can truly recommend it. Tours truly, . foHN E . RAMSAY. THE BOEEOWING IS A BIST OP OUR STANDARD REMEDIES and Proprietary Preparations. Wingate’s Dyspepsia Tablets — Cure ail Stomach troubles, Impaired Digestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Heartburn— Price, 50c. Wingate’s Pulmonic Troches — An old and well tried remedy for Coughs, Hoarseness, Bronchial and Throat Affections. Speakers and Singers will find them effectual in giving Tone and Clear- ness to the Voice. — Price 25c. Wingate’s Plasters — An excellent Strengthening and Pain Relieving Plaster. — Price 25c. Wingate’s Worm Do^enges — A safe^ prompt and certain remedy for Worms— easy to take. — Price, 25c. Wingate's Condition Powders — A perfect Tonic and Alterative for Horses and Cattle.— Trice, 15c and 25c per package. Dr. Coderre’s Infants’ Syrup — For Children Teething, Infantile Diar- rhoea, Colic and Sleeplessness— o ver 50 years in use.- Price, 25c. Dr. Coderre’s Anti -Asthmatic Powder — For the relief and cure of Asthma, Hay Fever and Bronchial Affections. — Price, 50c and $1.00. Dr. Coderre’s Expectorating Syrup — For Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness and Lung Troubles generally.— Price, 25c and 50c per * bottle. Dr. Coderre’s Worm Pastilles — One of the nicest Worm remedies for children ; they are small, easy to take, and cause no nausea.— Price, 25c per box. Dr. Coderre’s Curative Plasters — Will relieve and cure Kidney Troubles, Backache, Rheumatism, Pains in the Chest or Side and Female Complaints. — Price, 25c. Dr. Coderre’s Tonic Blixir - A powerful Tonic and Bloodmaker for weak and delicate people. — Price, 50c. Persons requiring any information In reference to any of the above preparations will please-address ; The Wingate Chemical Co., Limited, Montreal. (Continued on next page) Our Preparations FORWARDED BY MAIE ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. / I,IST OF OUR Standard Remedies am Proprietary Preparatioos Stanton’s Pain Relief -For Internal and External use. Free from Opium, Chloroform, Ether * or any other deleterious substance. It acts quickly. — Price, 25c. Jameson's Cholera Mixture-The most reliable Mixture for Canadian Cholera, Cholera Morbus or ordinary Diarrhoea-Price, 25c per bottle. Morgan’s Oil— An external Remedy for Man and Beast ; a fast healing, curative oil for^ Cuts, Wounds and Scratches, Quarter Cracks, Saddle or Harness Galls, Sprains, Bruises, Rheumatism, etc. -Price, 25c. Gregory’s Toothache Core -For relieving Toothache without injury to the Teeth or Gums.— Price, 15c per bottle. McGale’s Butternut Pills- For Biliousness, Torpid Liver, Habitual Constipation, Jaundice, Sick Headache, etc. Price, 25c. McGale’s Sprucine— For Coughs, Colds, Bronchial and Throat Affec- tions, Whooping Cough, etc.— Price, 25c. McGale’s Corn Salve-For removing Corns and Warts permanently Without Pain or Ache. It is safe and easy to apply.-Price, 15c. Me Gale’s Foot Powder-A speedy and agreeable cure for Tender, Sweating, Aching, Swollen and Irritable Feet-Price, 25c. McGale’s Pile Cure -“ Cukes Piles ’’-Itching or Blind, Bleeding or Mucous Piles -Price, 25c, or by mail on receipt of price. Meftale’ s Improved Plaster -Used with marked success for relieving Pains in the Side, Chest and Back ; for Lumbago and Rheumatism, etc.- Price, 25c. ___ ___ The Wingate Chemical Co., Limited. Montreal. s : : Write for any Information to OUR ^Remedies. LIVER AND BOWELS. : : i Biliary disorders arising from derangements of the Liver and Bowels are so frequent that those who are more or less subject to such bilious complaints, by which the general health is greatly impaired, should strictly attend to the prevention or at least the alleviation of these accompaniments of a diseased state of the Liver ; and as they are so much under individual control, have a special claim upon our attention. Some persons are so constituted that they have a much greater tendency to BILIOUSNESS than others, particularly those who suffer from Sick Head- ache, Foul Stomach, Bad Breath and Sallow Skin. It is necessary to regulate diet, use plain substancial food, plenty of exercise, and friction over the region of the LIVER and KIDNEYS. . “McGale’s Butternut Pills* * have no equal as a Liver and Kidney Pill : they are purely vegetable, carefully prepared from a concentrated extract made from unripe Butternuts and scientifically combined with other purely vegetable principles which render them, without doubt, the best Liver and Kidney pill for general use. “McGALE’S BUTTERNUT PILLS” possess the power of acting specially upon the diseased organs, stimulating to action the dormant energies of the system, thereby removing disease and restoring general health. For sale everywhere. Price : 25c per box, or 5 boxes $1 .00. By mail on receipt of price. THE WINGATE CHEMICAL CO., Ltd., MONTREAL, CANADA. Adamsville, P.Q. B. E. McGalc, Esq., Montreal, P.Q. Sit, — Having used McGale’8 Butternut Pills and received so much benefit thereby, in acknowledgment of their worth and for public benefit, I have’no hesitation in stating that if 1 could not purchase them for less, I would give a dollar for each pill. Yours sincerely, F. B. FABER, Ex-Mayor, East Farnham, P.Q. Montreal, January 5th, 1888. Mr. B. E. McGale. Dear Sir,— >1 have used your Butternut Pills for Bilious attacks from which I suffer from time to time, they are the only remedy which I have over taken that relieves me promptly and without any unpleasantness Whenever I feel these attacks coming on I take a dose and I am alright, whereas formerly I was laid up for days. Truly Yours, Jno, CAMPBELL, 509 Sherbrooke St. : I Dr. Coderre’s Infants' Syrup { Sssr For Painful Dentition, 5 Colic and Cramps.— • 35C. • 4h 26m p.m. 6h 34m p.m. 7h 13m p.m. 8h 52m p.m. New Year’s Day Jan. 1 Epiphany “ 6 Scptuagesima Feb. 8 Quinquagesima— Shrove Sun. . “ 22 Ash Wednesday “ 25 St. David’s Day Mar. 1 St. Patrick’s Day 4 4 17 Annunciation— Lady Day “ 25 Palm Sunday April 5 Good Friday ‘ 10 Easter Sunday “ 12 Easter Monday “ 13 Low Sunday “ 19 St. George’s Day “ 23 Rogation Sunday May 17 Ascension Day— Holy Thuis. . . “ 21 Victoria Day “ 24 ECLIPSES IN 1903. In the year 1903 there will be four eclipses, two of the Sun (©) and two of theMocm(«L f eclipse of the Sun (O), March 28 ; invisible here, hut visible in the Philippine Islands, Eastern Asia, a great portion of the Northern Pacific Ocean Alaska.^ o£ fche Moon <«), April the 11th ; partly visible here. The beginning visible generally in Africa, Europe, the western portions of Asia, and the eastern parts of South America ; the ending visible generally in Africa • Europe. South America, and the eastern portions of North America. Time of the eclipse is as follows : EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Moon enters penumbra Moon enters shadow Jia Middle of eclipse < Moon leaves shadow ii5 iau ™ Moon leaves penumbra P- ra * HI.— A total eclipse of the Sun (©), September 20th ; invisible here ; visible to the extreme southern part of Australia, and to the greater portion of the IV — A partial eclipse of the Moon (d), October 6th ; not visible here, but the beginning visible generally in Africa and the Pacific Ocean ; the ending visible generally in Africa, the eastern portions of Europe and the Pacific Ocean. MORNING AND EVENING STARS FOR 1903. The Planet Venus ( ? ) begins as evening star and continues as such until September 17th, after which date she will be morning star to the end of the year. The Planet Mars (cf) is morning star until March 29th, and then evening star the Juptter(^) will be evening star until February 19th, then morning star until September 12th, and then evening star to end of the year. The Planet Saturn (h) is evening star until January 21st, then morning star until July 30th, and then evening star the rest of the year. CHURCH FESTIVALS, HOLIDAYS, Etc. Penticost — Whit Sunday . . . , , May 31 Trinity Sunday June / Corpus Christi ; . LI Accession of Queen Victoria. . . St. Jean-Baptiste " St. Peter and St. Paul 2 J Dominion Day J ul y J Labor Day Sept. 7 Michaelmas 2 V All Saints ■•■••Nov. 1 King Edward VIPs Birthday. . ^ 9 First Sunday in Advent ^ St. Andrew’s Day J9 Conception Dec. o St. Thomas’s Day 21 Christmas v 25 legal and BANK HOLIDAYS. For the Dominion — New Year’s Day, January X; Good Friday, April 10 ; • Easter Monday, April 13; Victoria Day, May 24; Dominion Day, July 1; • Labor Day, September 7 ; King’s Birthday, November 9 ; Christmas December Zo. • • For the Province of Quebec — All the above, and Epiphany, January 6 ; Ascen- 0 2 Sion, May 21 All Saints’ Day, November X ; Conception, December 8. • . Coderre’s Worm Pastilles A SAFE, PLEASANT AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR WORMS IN ADULTS OR CHILDREN Symptoms of worms in children are often neglected, and the irritation they cause produces restlessness, disorders of the stomach and bowels, convulsions or fits, and a long train of evils which can be avoided by a timely use of this valuable remedy, the UNRIVALLED SUCCESS of which is the best proof of its efficacy. Being entirely free from all unpleas- ant, taste or odor, the Pastilles are easily administered, and in every case pro- duce the best possible results, eradicating every trace of worms, if they exist. They do not, like other remedies usually prescribed for worms, require to be followed by nauseous doses of physic, as they are sufficiently laxative in their action to remove all unhealthy accumulations and regulate the s^retions of the alimentary canal. They are not only prompt and certain in action, but are PERFECTLY SAFE AND HARMLESS , containing nothing that will injure the most delicate child— a very important consideration that should not be overlooked when administering medicine to children, particularly when not under the care of a physician. The presence of worms in children is indicated by restlessness , starting in sleep y irregular appetite , paleness, itching of the nose., grinding of the teeth , bad breath , flashed cheeks, swelled lips and hard swelled stomach. Whenever these Symptoms are observable in children, they require immediate attention, and no time should be lost in administering THE ONLY CERTAIN REMEDY that will eradicate every species of worms, and give the best possible results with safety. Buy only the genuine Dr. Coderre’s Worm Pastilles, which are protected by the Photograph and Signature of Dr.Coderre, and can always be relied upon. They have been used with so much success in all parts of the world, that they have become in fact a standard article in almost every house- hold where children are found. Price, 25c. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd., Montreal .. . i • ) Cured by using: WINGATE’S Indigestion and Dyspepsia i sa*™?" us****- PILES THOR TREATMENT. In order to treat conveniently a known disease, it is of vital importance to determine first the existing cause of the said disease. In recommending “ McGale’s Pile Ointment ” , we wish to draw the attention of our suffering clients to the ordinary cause of this disease, and to offer a remedy liable to cure them. It is, of course, understood that we cannot guarantee success in every case, as there are sometimes certain constitutional conditions that will render our efforts useless. But in the majority of cases we can promise Immediate Relief of Itching or Blind, Bleeding or Mucous Piles, and in other cases a complete cure. Piles are engorged or congested blood vessels adjacent to the anus, and may be either internal or external , accompanied at times by bleeding, always by pain and distress, sometimes . by an intense itching which is aggravated by irritation and so annoying at night, after retiring, as to render life almost intolerable. This condition is not confined to the anus, but may extend to the private parts of men and women, exhibiting itself in the form of an eruption which is sometimes accompanied by an exudation resembling perspiration. The most prominent cause of Piles is probably irregularity of living, excesses in eating and drinking, thereby producing a disturbed circulation through the Liver, and a consequent engorged condi- tion of the hemorrhoidal vessels. Therefore, in the use of “ McGale s Pile Ointment,” of first importance is the regulation of the mode of life, by observing a more careful regime and the most infallible curative effect of the remedy will be obtained, as we can substantiate by the many letters and testimonials in our possession. “ McGale’s Pile Ointment *’ is soothing and prompt in its action, giving almost immediate relief, | 25c per box, or by mail, on receipt of price. THE WINGATE CHEMICAL CO., Ltd., MONTREAL, CANADA. A. fast pain-relieving anP *3 1 SUN. 2 Mon. 3 Tuks- 4 Wed. 5 Thur, 6 Frid. 7 Sat. 8 SUN. 9 Mon. 10 Tues. 11 Wed. 12 Thur. 13 Frid. 14 Sat. 15 SUN. 16 Mon. 17 Tuks. 18 Wed. 19 Thur. 20 Frid. 21 Sat. 22 SUN. 23 Mon- 24 Tues. 25 Wed. 26 Thur. 27 Frid. 28 Sat. 29 SUN. 30 Mon. 31 Tue. Weather Forecasts- CHRO -OLOGICAL EVENTS, ETC- Gold freezing weather. Pope Leo XIII. born, 1810. Deficiency in rainfall- First U. S- Congress, 1789. Rough, stormy and generally Maroh-like. Canadians reach Carnarvon, 1900. Gales over the Great Lakes. Theatre Francais, Paris, burned, 1900. Equally, from Manitoba to Atl’ntic Coast. King Edward VII. married, 1863. Stormy. Cold period. Heavy frosts and freezing weather. Mexico evacuated by French, 1667. Changeable. Moderating. Mild period. Foggy, Lake Region and AQantio Coast- Capture of Lucknow, 1858. Prinoess Louise married, 1871. Threatening. Heavy gales, Lakes and Atlantic Coast. Riel’s revolt began, 1885. Snow and bluster general. Thames tunnel opened, 1843. Moderating. Monthly temperature below the average. Duke of Albany died, 1884. Windy. Rising temperature, threatening weather. F. Joseph Haydn bom, 1732. For Moutreat, Quebec und regions of St. l^iwrence and Ottawa Rivers. For Toronto and Prov- ince of Ontario, lying on and bet the Great Lake* Sun Rises. Sun Sets. | Moon Sets. Sun Rises. Sun Sets. Moon Sets. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. 6 39 5 47 8 25 6 37 5 48 8 24 6 37 5 48 9 31 6 35 5 49 9 29 6 35 5 50 10 39 6 33 5 50 10 36 6 33 5 51 11 46 6 31 5 52 11 42 6 31 5 52 morn. 6 30 5 53 morn. 6 29 5 53 0 51 6 28 5 54 0 47 6 27 5 55 | 1 54 6 26 5 56 1 49 6 26 5 56 | 2 50 6 24 5 57 2 46 6 24 5 57 3 40 6 22 5 58 3 36 6 22 5 59 4 25 6 21 5 59 4 21 6 20 6 00 5 02 6 19 6 01 5 00 6 18 6 02 5 37 6 17 6 02 5 36 6 16 6 03 rises. 6 15 6 03 rises. 6 14 6 04 7 43 6 14 6 04 7 42 6 12 6 06 8 52 6 12 6 05 8 50 6 10 6 07 ! 958 6 10 6 07 9 55 6 09 6 08 i 11 02 6 08 6 08 10 58 6 07 6 09 1 morn. 6 06 6 09 11 55 6 05 6 11 I 0 01 6 05 6 11 morn. 6 03 6 12 j 0 53 6 03 6 12 0 49 6 01 6 13 1 41 0 01 6 13 1 37 5 59 6 15 2 24 5 59 6 14 2 20 5 57 6 16 i 3 02 5 57 6 16 2 58 5 55 6 17 3 36 5 56 6 17 3 33 5 54 6 19 4 08 5 54 6 18 4 06 5 52 6 20 4 35 5 52 6 19 4 34 5 50 6 21 5 03 5 51 6 20 5 02 5 48 6 23 5 31 5 49 6 22 5 31 5 46 6 24 sets. 5 47 6 23 sets. 5 44 6 25 8 27 5 45 6 24 8 24 5 42 6 27 9 37 5 44 6 25 9 33 Moon’s Phases. First Quarter.. Full Moon — Last Quarter.- New Moon — 75th Meridian. 6d 13d 20d 28d 2h 14m ev. 7h 13m m. 9h 8m ev- 8h 26m ev. 90th Meridian. 6d lh 14m ev. 13d 6h 13tn in. 20d 8h 8 m cv. 28d 7h 26m ev. I 105th Meridian. 6d 13d 20d 28d Oh 14m ev. 5h 13m m. 7h 8m ev. 6h 26m ev. Corns cured by using McGale’s Corn Salve — prompt and painless.— Price, 15c. It is by no means vainly That she is educated well ; She’s able, when she sees a mouse. To give her college yell. Hacking Coughs cured by Sprucine. The Tailor— Heafens undt earth ! Ninety-six undtahal-luf ! The Customer— Surprised, are you? The Tailor— S’ help me Moses, I ’ll nefer gif annuder brice on a suit of glothes,vithoutfirsttakin’ dermeasure » Smithers— I wonder what was the origin of the saying “ It will all come out in the wash ?” Rinktums— Don’t know. I supposed it referred to the indelible marking fluid. Rounder— If all the poolrooms should be closed up, there’d be nothing left to bet on. Old Sport— You might gamble on their being opened again. Stanton’s Pain Relief — Cures Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Backache.— Price, 25c per bottle. 4 ^ n n ■ I Ilur For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, SPRUCIIl t Croup, &c. - - • Price 25c. •ft#««4*»***»e**»»***+*#*##*****4*< WINGATE’S CAVALRY CONDITION POWDER. This Powder is by far the best pre- paration known for improving the horses’ condition, purifying their blood, and imparting to their coats a glossy and shining appearance. This Pow- der is abso- lutely gua- ranteed to be freefromany ingredient which can prove inju- rious to the constitution, and is perfectly Safe for any horse, no matter what his situation or condition may be* WINGATE'S CAVALRY CONDITION POW- DER, unlike many cheap and worthless preparations under the name of “ Con- dition Powders,” with which the coun- try is flooded, these Powders contain no inert ingredients put in merely to make up a large package, and so deceive the purchaser into thinking he is getting good value for his money ; but every ingredient used in their composition is of Essential Value and of tried and proven efficacy. They are to be used at all times when a horse loses his appetite or is in a poor condition, and also in cases of heaves, and when the horse does not shed his coat well, or seems dull and lifeless, they have proved of great value. Full directions with every package. Sold everywhere for 15c. and 35c., or by mail on receipt of price. for Cooking fricassee chicken. Cut up two young chickens, put them in a stewpan with just enough cold water to cover them. Cover closely and let them heat very slowly, then stew them over an hour or until ten- der. If they are old chickens, they will require long, slow boiling, often from three to four hours. When tender, season with salt and pepper, a piece of butter as large as an egg, and a little celery, if liked* Stir up two tablespoon- fuls of flour in a little water or milk and add to the stew also two well- beaten yolks of eggs ; let all boil up one minute; arrange the chicken on a warm platter, pour some of the gravy over it, and send the rest to the table in a boat. The egg should be added to a little of - the cooled gravy before putting with the hot gravy. Pain in the Stomach, Cramps in the Bowels and Colie relieved by a dose of Stanton’s Pain Relief. fricassee rabbit. Clean two young rabbits, cut into joints, and soak in salt and water half an hour. Put into a saucepan with a pint of cold water, a bunch of sweet herbs, an onion finely minced, a pinch of mace, half a nutmeg, a pinch of pep- per, and half a pound of salt pork cut in small thin slices. Cover and stew until tender. Take out the rabbits and set in a dish where they will keep warm . Add to th e gravy a cu p of cream (or milk), two well -beaten eggs stirred in a little at a time, a tablespoonful of butter, and a thickening made of a tablespoonful of flour and a little milk. Boil up once ; remove the saucepan from the fire, squeeze in the juice of a lemon, stirring all the while, and pour over the rabbits. Do not cook the head or neck. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd., MONTREAL, CANADA* For Coughs, Bronchial and Bung troubles, use SPRTJCINB. Coderre’s Tonic Elixir. A Powerful Tonic and Blood MaKer. Price 50c. !":; THE WINGATE ALMaNAC. 45 , . — * • * 4th Month APRIL, 1903. 30 Days ! 3* • © hi © © W ED. Thur. Frid. 8at. sus. Mon- Tubs. Wkd. Thur. Frid. Sat. SUN. Mon. Tubs. Wkd. Thur. Fbid. Sat. SUN. Mon- Tubs. Wed. Thur. Frid. Sat. SUN. Mon Tubs- Wed. Thur. Weather Forecasts, CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS; ETC For MontreuJ.<4u*:Ueou.ui regions of St. Lawrence anti Ottawa River*. Sun Sun Rises. Sets. Cooler, Prince Bismarck born, 1815 Freezing weather with killing frost Temperature for the month cooler than the average. Canada discovered, 1497. Stormy Great eclipse. 1652. Precipitation about the average- Mild period. Spanish- A mer. war declared ended, 1899. Spring-like, Foggy over Lake region and Atlantic sea- board. Changeable. Benj. Franklin died, 1790. Storms iu many localities. Kruger sees Queen of Holland, 1900, High temperatures for April. Napoleon III. born, 1808. Gonerally f air West, and threatening East, Cortez lands in Mexico, 1519. Storm period- Rain or Snow. Montreal Parliament burned, 1849- Tornado period- Gen. Grant born, 1822. Wind, rain and sleet- Hard fighting ut Thaba N’chu, 1900. Foggy, h in. 5 41 5 39 5 37 5 35 5 33 6 31 5 29 5 27 5 25 5 24 5 22 5 20 5 18 5 16 5 14 5 12 6 11 5 09 5 07 5 05 5 04 5 02 5 00 4 59 4 57 4 56 4 64 4 53 4 51 4 50 h.m. 6 27 6 29 6 30 6 31 6 32 6 34 6 35 6 36 6 38 6 39 6 40 6 41 6 43 6 44 6 45 6 46 6 48 6 49 6 50 6 52 6 53 6 54 6 56 6 57 6 59 7 00 7 01 7 03 7 04 7 05 Moon Sets. h.m. 10 44 11 47 morn. 0 46 1 38 2 23 3 02 3 37 4 09 4 41 rises, 7 41 8 45 9 47 10 43 11 34 mom. Q 19 * 59 1 35 2 06 2 35 3 02 3 29 4 01 4 32 sets, 8 31 9 37 10 40 tor lorontu and Frov-* ince of Ontario, lying on* and bet. the Great Lake*.© Sun Sun Rises. Sets. h.m. 5 42 5 40 5 38 5 37 5 35 5 33 5 31 6 30 5 28 6 26 5 24 5 23 5 21 5 19 5 17 5 16 5 14 5 12 5 10 5 08 6 07 5 05 5 04 5 02 5 00 4 59 4 57 4 66 4 54 4 53 h.m. 6 27 6 28 6 29 6 30 6 31 6 32 6 34 6 35 6 36 6 37 6 38 6 40 6 41 6 42 6 43 6 44 6 45 6 46 6 48 6 49 6 50 6 51 6 53 6 54 6 55 6 56 6 68 6 59 7 00 7 02 Moon S Sets. • Moon’s Phases. 1 First Quarter Full Moon . . . Last Quarter New Moon . . 75th Meridian. 90th Meridian. 105th Meridian. 4d 8h 51nj ev. 4d 7h 51m ev. 4d 6h 61m ev. lid 7h 18m ev. lid 6h 18m ev. lid 5h 18m ev. 19d 4h 30m ev. 19d 3h 30m ev. 19d 2h 30m ev. 27d 8h 31 m m. 27d 7h 31m m . 27d 6h 31m m- 7 It is quite enough to make ordinary stockholders nervous when the court puts their property in the hands of a receiver and the receiver stands around with his hands in his pocket. Sore and Tender Feet immediately relieved by using McGale’s Foot Pow- der.— 25c per box. ’Tis a trouble with 0.11 troubles, and seems to triple trouble's powers, That other people tell us theirs before we get to tell them ours. For Coughs and Colds use Sprucine. “ ‘ Money makes the Mare go,’ does it?” said the Jockey who rode Lady Flyaway, as he put twenty ten-dollar bills in his pocket and agreed with the bookmaker to pull his mount. Dr. Coderre’s Antj-Asthmatic Powder cures Asthma. Never spoil a good story by insisting that your hearers shall believe it. Yellow and Sallow Skin made fresh and healthy by a few doses of McGale’s Butternut Pills.— 25c per box. n* nnnCDDC’C INCAllTC’ CVDIID TlieonI y Sootl,in £Svrup recommended© 111. bUllCnriL O ml All IV UinUr by the medical profession. rrice25c. J •©©••©•••©©•©•©•••••©©©^•©©©•••••••©©•••©•••o®®©©©©*©©©©®©®©©©© ©•#©©©•• Recipes for Cooking. POTATOES A LA DELMONICO. VOR M S Cut the potatoes with a vegetable cutter into small balls about the size of a marble ; put them in to a stewpan with plenty of butter and a good sprinkling of salt ; keep the saucepan covered and shake occasionally until they are quite done, which will be in about an hour. WINGATE’S) DYSPEPSIA \ TABLETS i relieve Flatulency, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Price, 50c. per box. GREEN TOMATO PICKLES (Sweet). One peck of green tomatoes, sliced the day before you are ready for pick- ling, sprinkling them through and through with salt not too heavily ; in the morning drain off the liquor that will drain from them. Have a dozen good -sized onions rather coarsely sliced; take a suitable kettle §nd put in a layer of the sliced tomatoes, then of onions, and between each layer, sprinkle the following spices : Six red peppers chop- ped coarsely, one cup of sugar, one tablespoon ful of ground allspice, one tablespoonful of ground cinnamon, a tablespoonful of cloves, one tablespoon- ful of mustard. Turn over three pints of good vinegar, or enough to com- pletely cover them. Boil until tender. This is a choice recipe. If the flavor of onions is objectionable, the pickle is equally as good without them . -v DR. CODERRE’S WORM are the nicest and most common -sense Worm Remedy in use. They positively eradicate worms PASTILLES without causing any injurious or after effects. This remedy is in the form of a VERY SMALL CHOCOLATE PASTILLE, being con- sidered the best and simplest shape to administer to children ; being small, it is easy to give, pleasant to the eye and palatable to the taste. Where children refuse to take the pastilles in their original form, crush and give as a powder. Full directions for children and adults with each package. AS FL FOR Dr. CODERRE’S Worm Pastilles and make sure you get the genuine. Every package bears his signature and portrait. Price, 25c. per box, or by mail on receipt of price. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd. HONTREAL, Can. St- Jean de Dieu, P.Q. McGale’s Pile Oint- ment, positively cures Blind, Bleeding, Itching and External Piles. Price, 25c. MACARONI A LA CREME. Boil one-quarter of a pound of maca- roni in plenty of hot water, salt it, until tender, put a half-pint of milk in a double boiler, and when it boils, stir into it a mixture of two tablespoonfuls of butter and one of flour. Add two tablespoonfuls of cream, a little white and cayenne paper ; salt to taste, and from one-quarter to one-hali pound of grated cheese, according to taste. Drain and dish the macaroni ; pour the boiling sauce over it and serve immediately. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd., Montreal . Dear Sirs I am very much satisfied with the sample of DR. CODERRE’S ANTI-ASTHMA- TIC POWDER that you were kind enough to send me. I think a great deal of this preparation, as since I have started to use it I feel much better. You can use my testimonial in favor of this remedy. You ask for ten names of people suf- fering from ASTHMA I am happy to send them to you, as your remedy deserves it. If you forward to me the box of powder promised, I will be very glad, as I find it very efficacious. Believe me, Sirs, EMILE DUMONT. SICK HEADACHE McGADF’S^ relieved, by a dose of butternut pidls. Price, 25c. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••; THE WINGATE ALMANAC. t 5th Month. MAY, 1903. 31 Days. • c* IS on# : : : • : : I s 1 Frid- 2 Sat 3 SUN. 4 Mon. Tubs. 5 6 Wed. 7 Thur. 8 Frid. 9 Sat. 10 SUN. 11 Mon. Tubs. 12 13 Wed. 14 Thur. 15 Frid. 16 Sat. 17 SUN. 18 Mon. 19 Tubs- 20 Wed. Thur. 21 22 Frid, 23 Sat. 24 SUN. 25 Mon. 26 Tubs. 27 Wed. 28 Thur. 29 Frid. 30 Sat. 31 SUN. Weather Forecasts. CHRONOLOGICAL ENENTS, ETC. For Montreal, Quebec and region* of St Lawrence and Ottawa River*. Alfred de Musset died, 1857. Thunder storms over Lake region. Columbus discovered Jamaica, 1494. Sharp frosts with cool nights East & West Battle of Prague, 1757. Lord Rosebery born, 1847. Very warm. The month warmer than the average. Indian Mutiny began, 1857. High temperatures for May. Earl Stafford executed, 1641. Threatening. Monthly precipitation about the average Louis Riel surrendered, 1885. Gaeat Fire at Quebec, 1889. Showers. Local storms of great seventy. Dark day in N. E., 1780. Thunder storms in Eastern Canada. Montreal riots, 1832. R. Wagner born, 1813. Variable. . Queen Victoria born, 1819. Electrical activity throughout the East. American oivil war ends, 1865. Dry conditions in the far West. Earl Russell died, 1878. Empress Josephine died, 1814. Joan of Arc burned, 1431. For To i onto aud Pi ince of Ontario lying o and bet .theOreat Lake! Sun Rises. Sun Sets. Moon Sots. Sun Rises. Sun Sets. Moon Sets. h.: m- h. m. h.m. h. m. b. m- h.m. 4 48 7 07 11 34 4 51 7 03 11 30 4 47 7 08 morn. 4 50 7 04 morn. 4 46 7 09 0 23 4 48 7 06 0 19 4 44 7 11 1 04 4 47 7 07 0 01 4 42 7 12 1 40 4 46 7 08 1 38 4 41 7 14 2 12 4 45 7 09 2 11 4 40 7 15 2 41 4 44 7 10 2 41 4 38 7 16 3 12 4 42 7 11 3 13 4 37 7 17 3 43 4 41 7 12 3 45 4 36 7 18 4 14 4 40 7 14 4 16 4 34 7 20 rises. 4 39 7 15 rises 4 33 7 21 8 33 4 38 7 16 8 29 4 32 7 22 9 27 4 37 7 17 9 22 4 31 7 23 10 14 4 36 7 18 10 10 4 29 7 25 10 56 4 35 7 19 10 52 4 28 7 26 11 34 4 34 7 20 11 30 4 27 7 ?7 mom. 4 33 7 21 mom. 4 26 7 28 0 07 4 32 7 22 0 04 4 25 7 29 0 37 4 31 7 23 0 34 4 24 7 30 1 04 4 30 7 24 1 02 4 23 7 31 130 4 29 7 25 1 29 4 22 7 32 1 58 4 28 7 26 1 59 4 21 7 33 2 29 4 27 7 27 2 30 4 20 7 34 3 00 4 27 7 28 3 02 4 19 7 35 3 36 4 26 7 29 3 39 4 18 7 36 4 18 4 25 7 30 4 22 4 17 7 37 sets. 4 25 7 30 sets 4 17 7 38 926 4 24 7 31 9 22 4 16 7 39 10 19 4 23 7 32 10 15 4 15 7 40 11 04 4 22 7 33 11 01 4 15 7 41 11 43 4 22 7 34 11 40 Moon’s Phases. 75th Meridian. 90th Meridian. 105th Meridian. ! OtlflPtfiP 4d 2h 26m m. lid 8h 18m m. 19d 10h 18m m. 26d 5h 50m ev. 4d lh 26m m. lid 7h 18m m. 19d 9h 18m m. 26d 4h 50m ev. 4d Oh 26m m. 1 lid 6h 18m m. 19d 8h 18m m. i 26d 3h 50m ev. Pull moon T.aat OllArtfif. . . . . VbUcvl wvl * • • • • • • • • • n 0w iuuuu • •••••* •• ••••• : : : # # # # # # f Children— Teething Pains, Sleepless- ness and Colic quickly relieved by a few doses of Dr. Coderre s Infant’s Syrup Tommy— Why shouldn’t I ever call any one a liar? , .. , Uncle Jack— Because, my lad, if he isn’t, it will hurt his feelings ; and if he is, he will hurt yours. Little Willy— Did you have a good Christmas dinner at your house yester- Yittle Bob— Good ? Well, say 1 I et so much that I was n’t hungry again for ’most an hour and a half ! ^ Mrs. Newlywed— Oh, Mother ! John said this morning I was one woman in a hundred. Her Mother— I see in that no cause for tears. Mrs. Newlywed— But, Mother he used to say I was one woman in a thousand 1 MALES FOOT POWDER For Sore and Tender Feet, Soft Corns and Ingrowing Nails. - Price, 25c. Do not marvel that the “fossil’s” views are sometimes approved Even the clock that is stopped, is right, twice a day. Bronchial and Chest troubles promptly relieved by using Sprucine. —25c per bottle. ! Recipe for Cooking. VEAL POT-PIE. Procure a nice breast or brisket of veal, well jointed. Put the pieces into the pot with one quart of water to every five pounds of meat ; put the pot over a slow fire ; just before it comes to a boil, skim it well and pour in a teacupful of cold water; then turn cfver the meat in order that all the scum may rise ; remove all the scum, boil quite hard, season with pepper and salt to your taste, always remembering that the crust will take up part of the seasoning ; when this is done cut off your crust in pieces of equal size, but do not roll or mould them; lay them on top of the meat so as to cover it ; put the lid on the pot closely, let the whole boil slowly one hour. If the lid does not fit the pot closely, wrap a cloth around it in order that no steam shall escape, and by no means allow the pot to stop boiling. The crust for pot-pie should be raised with yeast. To three pints of flour add two ounces of butter, a little salt, and wet with milk sufficient to make a soft dough ; knead it well and set away to rise ; when quite light, mould and knead it again, and let it stand, in winter one hour, in summer one-half hour, when it will be ready to cut. In summer, you had better add one-half a teaspoonful of soda, when you knead it the second time, or you may wet it with water and add another bit of butter. Weak fDr. Coderre’s Tonic Elixir Women ■ ^ he B J.9 0d . Maker and Nerve Tonic for Weak and Delicate Women. PRICE, 50C BEEFSTEAK FIE. Cut up rump or flank steak into strips two inches long and about an inch wide. Stew them with the hone, in just enough water to cover them, until partly cooked; have half a dozen of cold hoiled potatoes sliced ; line a bak- ing-dish with pie paste, put in a layer of meat •with salt, pepper and a little of thinly-sliced onion, then one of the sliced potatoes, with hits of butter dotted over them; then the steak, alternated with layers of potato until the dish is full; add the gravy or broth, having .first, thickened it with brown flour; cover with a top crust, making a slit in the middle ; brush a little beaten egg over it and bake until quite brown. JAUNDICE. This disease is caused by some de- rangement in the secretions of the Liver, by obstructions in the tubes, or the canal or gall gut, or by the Bile becoming so thick that it cannot flow freely into the intestines. In this case, the bile not being ap- propriated to its natural use is ab- sorbed into the Vascular System and diffused through the blood which is quickly manifested by the yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes, loss of appetite, disinclination to move about, vomiting and sick stomach. The urine is also of a deep, yellow color and will stain anything a dis- tinct yellow. “McGale’s Butternut Pills,” used when the symptoms first appear, will, in the majority of cases, prevent JAUNDICE, by relaxing the bile ducts, and turning the bile into its proper channel. In all liver com- plaints, these pills will relieve and prevent disease and chronic trouble. For Sluggish Liver, Pains over the Kidneys and Constipation, use noth- ing else. Read the directions carefully and you will find “ McGALE’S BUT- TERNUT PILLS ” vour friend and remedy. PRICE : 25 c per box, 5 boxes, $1 .00. For Sal© Evarywhere or by Mall on Receipt of Price. THE WINGATE CHEMICAL CO., LTD. MONTREAL, CANADA. For Ulcerated Sore Throat, Inflamed Tonsils — • Use strictly as directed and i . v get quick relief. Stanton’s Pain Relief »••••••••!•••••••••« m THE WINGATE ALMANAC. 6th Month. JUNE, 1903. 30 Days, ill fi Day Week. • * 1 Mon. 25 2 Tubs. S 3 Wed. S i Thur. • 5 Frid. J 6 Sat- * 7 SUN. • 8 Mon. * 9 Tubs. • 10 Wed. i 11 Thur. : 12 Frid. 3 13 Sat. 2 14 SUN. 3 15 Mon. 3 16 Tuks. 3 17 Wed. 2 18 Thur. 3 19 Frid. *20 Sat. 3 21 SUN. 3 22 Mon. J 23 Tubs. 3 24 Wbd. * 25 Thur. f 26 Fri. 3 27 Sat. 3 28 SUN. * 29 Mon. { 30 Tubs. Weather Forecasts. CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS, ETC* Foggy period, generally cloudy. Garibaldi died, 1882. Temperature about the average* Fine seasonable weather. Light frosts in some sections. Great fire in Montreal, 1803. Warmer. Clouds. Charles Dickens died, 1870. Cool. Sir John Franklin died, 1847. Pleasant. Cool wave, mild seasonable weather. Battle of Marengo, 1800. Mild and seasonable. Edward I- of England born, 1239. Rainfall about the normal. Battle of Waterloo, 1815. Destructive storms over the West. Great fire at St. John, N.B., 1877. Heavy local rains over the East. Gen. Dundonald at StandertoD, 1900. Warm wave. High range of temperature Defeat of Custer, 1876. High range of temperature. John Smith, the Mormon, died, 1854. Great electrical activity. British Columbia united to Canada, 1871. Tornadoes. Moon’s Phases. 75th Meridian. 90th Meridian. 1 First Quarter 2d 8h 24m m. 9d lOh 8m ev. 18d lh 44m m. 26d lh 11m m. 2d 7h 21m m. 9d 9h 8m ev. 18d Oh 44m m. 25d Oh 11m m . Full Moon at, Quarter N«w Mor - Coderre’s Infant Sy- rup. Price, 25c. SCRAMBLED MUTTON. Two cups of chopped cold mutton, two tablespoonfuls of not water, and a piece of butter as large as an English walnut. When the meat is hot, break in three eggs, and constantly stir until the eggs begin to stiffen. Season with pepper and salt. SPRUCINE Taken with Cod Liver Oil in the first stages of Comsumption, it will be found invaluable. THE WINGATE ALMANAC. 9th Month. SEPTEMBER, 1903. 30 Days. 1 Tubs. 2 Wed. 3 Thur. 4 Frid. 5 Sat. 6 SUN. 7 Mon. 8 Tues. 9 Wed. 10 Thur. 11 Frid. 12 Sat. 13 SUN. 14 Mon. 15 Tues. 16 Wed. 17 Thur. 18 Frid. 19 Sat. 20 SUN. 21 Mon. 22 Tubs. 23 Wed. 24 Thur. 25 Frid. 26 Sat. 27 SUN. 28 Mon. 29 Tues. 30 Wed. Weather Forecasts, Chronological Events, Etc. Mild period. Pleasant. „ „ , Oliver Cromwell died, 1653. Tornado period. The rainfall will be above the average. General Lafayette born, 1757. Warm wave. , w High temperaturei East and West. Invasion of Canada, 1775. Dry and hot. Threatening Clouds. Gen. French in fight at Barberton, 1900. High winds. Thunder storms. Destructive local storms. Lonis XVIIL died, 1824. Cooler. Clear. Sharp frosts in Western sections. Methuen routs Boors, Hart River, 1900. Sir Walter Scott died, 1832, Hebrew New Year, 5084. Martinez, former Gov. of Cuba, did 1900 Heavy fogs over Lake region. Balaklava occupied, 1854. Storm wave. . Severe wind storm over Atlantic seaboard Elections in England, 1900. regions of St. Lawrence and Ottwaa Rivers. ince of Ontario, lying on# and bet. the Great Laikea.0 Sun Sun Moon Sun Sun Moon • Rises. Sets. Sets. Rises. Sets. Sets. • h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m • 5 21 6 38 0 15 5 24 6 35 019 : 6 22 6 36 1 07 5 25 6 34 l u • 5 23 6 34 2 02 5 26 6 32 2 06 2 5 24 6 32 2 59 5 27 6 30 3 02 $ 5 26 6 30 3 58 5 28, 6 28 4 00 2 527 6 28 rises. 5 & 6 26 rises. 2 5 28 6 26 6 38 5 30 6 24 6 38 S 5 29 6 24 7 10 5 31 6 22 711 1 5 30 6 22 7 38 5 32 6 20 739 l 5 31 6 20 8 08 5 33 6 19 8 10 S 5 33 6 18 8 42 5 34 6 17 8 45 • 5 34 6 16 9 22 5 35 6 15 9 26 2 5 35 6 15 10 09 5 36 6 14 10 13 i 5 36 6 13 11 02 5 37 6 11 11 06 # 5 38 6 11 morn. 5 39 6 09 morn. 2 5 39 6 09 0 04 5 40 6 08 0 08 • 5 40 6 07 1 12 5 41 6 06 118 2 5 42 6 07 2 25 5 42 6 05 2 28 2 5 43 6 03 3 40 5 43 6 03 3 42 • 5 44 6 01 4 56 5 44 6 01 4 58 2 5 45 5 59 sets. 5 46 5 59 sets. 2 5 47 5 57 6 52 5 47 5 57 6 54 J 5 48 5 56 7 24 5 48 5 56 7 26 • 5 49 5 54 7 59 5 50 5 54 8 02 2 5 50 5 52 8 38 5 51 5 52 8 43 • 5 52 5 50 9 21 5 52 5 50 9 26 2 5 53 5 48 10 08 5 53 5 48 10 13 2 5 54 5 46 10 59 5 55 5 47 11 01 S 5 56 5 44 11 63 5 56 5 45 11 57 2 5 57 5 42 morn. 5 57 5 43 morn. 2 Moon’b Phases. 75th Meridian. 90th Meridian. 105th Meridian. 2 Full Moon 6d 7h 20m ev- 14d 8h Dm m- 20d llh 31m ev. 28d 8h 8m m- 6d 6h 20m ev. 14d 7h 14m m. 20d lOh 31m ev. 28d 7h 8m m. 6d 5h 20m ev. 2 14d 6h 14m m. • 2()d 9h 31m ev. 2 23d 6h 8m m- 2 Last Quarter ^ew Moon. • First Quarter Worms. — The symptoms of Worms particularly with children are often neglected, and the irritation they cause produces restlessness, convulsions, or fits, foul breath, disordered stomach, and a number of other troubles. The use of Dr. Coderre’s Worm Pastilles will quickly expel them and relieve the suffering little ones at once. Safe and easy to take. Small Boy— Do you see that big drum in the window ? Storekeeper— Yes, my lad. Small Boy— Well, you keep it under the counter for a few days. Santa Claus will be around here to get it for me. Ranston Storms {loftily)— l am going to appear at a Broadway theatre in a couple of months. Harkison Legree— Well, you want to have the price of a ticket with you most of them don’t recognize the pro- fession any more. Socrates and Solomon were both wise men; yet many a fool has married wiser than either. Stanton’s Pain Relief acts like a charm in Quinsy, Inflammation of the Tonsils, and ordinary sore throats. Its action is wonderful ; do not be negli- gent ; keep it by you. Dr. Coderre’s Infants’ Syrup Has been used by many of our leading physicians and our best families for over fifty years with satisfaction. Recipes for Cooking APPLE CUSTARD PIE. Three cupfuls of milk, four eggs and one cupful of sugar, two cupfuls of thick stewed apples strained through a colander. Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs lightly and mixthevoiks well with the apples, flavoring with nutmeg, then beat into this the milk, and lastly, the whites. Let the crust partly bake before turning in this filling. To be baked with only the one crust, like all custard pies. Mammama ( Thinness of Blood, Nervous I Lack of Energy an _ f *\ General Debility. Prostration co derre , sTonic ■ Elixir. GINGER COOKIES. One cup sugar, one cup molasses, one cup butter, one egg, one tahlespoonful vinegar, one tablespoonful ginger, one teaspoon ful soda dissolved in boiling water, m ix like cooky dough, rather soft. PLAIN GINGER BREAD. One cup of dark cooking molasses, one cup of sour cream, one egg, one tea- spoonful of soda dissolved m a little warm water, a teaspoon ful of salt and one heaping teaspoonful of ginger ; make about as thick as cup cake. To be eaten warm. FRUIT JUMBLES. Two cups of sugar, one cup of butter, five cupfuls of flour, five eggs, one small teacupful of milk, in which dissolve half a teaspoon ful of soda ; cream the butter, add the sugar, cream again ; then add yolks of eggs, the milk, beaten whites and flour ; a little cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and ground cloves and one-quarter of a pound of currants, rolled in flour. A RECEIPT FOR KISSES. To one piece of dark piazza add a little moonlight; take for granted two people. Press in two strong ones a small, soft hand. Sift lightly two ounces of attrac- tion, one of romance ; add a large mea- sure of folly; stir in a floating ruffle or two, one or two whispers. Dissolve half a ydozen glances in a well of silence; dust in a small quantity of hesitation, one ounce of resistance, two of yielding; place the kisses on a flushed cheek or two lips ; flavor with a slight scream and set aside to cool, This will succeed in any climate, if directions are carefully followed. i##®#*®!®#®® * 9 ® 09900*0*00000** * . * JDyCoderre’s Curative Plaster. 5 For the relief and cure of Kidney Troubles, Backache, Rheumatism, Pains in the Chest or Side, Female Com- plaints, and Pains and Aches in any part of the body'. These plasters are carefully prepared, according to the private formula of Dr. J. Emery Coderre, Professor of Materia Medica, Montreal School of Medicine, and can be conscientiously recommend- ed as an External Curative Agent of marked value in the above mentioned complaints. Dr. Coderre’s portrait and signature are on every plaster, 25c. each, or by mail on receipt of price. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd. MONTREAL, CAN. Asthmatics read carefully. St. Sylvestre, Que. Th^ Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd. Montreal. Dear Sirs : I received your sample package of Dr. CODERRE’S ANTI-ASTHMATIC POWDER and thank you very much for it. I think this remedy of great value ; as for me, I am very much better. Yours truly, MAGLOIRE SAVOIE. Village des Adlnaies, P.Q. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd. Montreal. Dear Sirs : I beg to acknowledge receipt of the sample package of Dr. CODERRE’S ANTI- ASTHMATIC POWDER that you were kind enough to send me and for which please accept ray thanks. I could not reply to your letter before this date, owing to my r illness. This powder did me a great deal of good for the Asthma and loss of voice; I am better now, but if ever I need it again, you can rest assured that I will write you at once. Yours truly, Mde JOSEPH FOURNIER. * • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I f&miiy remedy and home physician.- Stanton’s Pain Relief 00 ® 00000000 ® 00000 ® 000 000 ® 00000000 € i — — — — j pet - bottle. g, ••••00000000000900000000 0 vi* THE 10th Month. *«***## *ft#+*fc+e#******++»+4#*#«&»*+*«***6*ftd* WINGATE ALMANAC. I .fc — • OCTOBER, 1903. 31 Days. I • wS • « a «« • 8 S i Thur- • 2 Frid- o 3 Sat. ® 4 SUN. • 5 Mon. i e Tites. A 7 Wed. % 8 Thur. • 9 Frid. • 10 Sat. S ii HUS . ! 1 12 Mon. 2 13 Tubs. S 14 Wed. 9 15 Thur. • 16 Frid. •17 Sat. • 18 • 19 Mon. • 20 Tubs. • 21 Wed. •22 Thur. S 23 Fri. • 24 Sat. • 25 HUN. '% 2 6 Mon. • 27 Tubs. •23 Wed. S 29 Thur. • 30 Frid. % 31 Sat. Weather Forecasts. CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS* ETC. Cool period. Fin© Fall weather. Frosty nights. Mild period. Genial Autumn days. Brilliant star- lit skie3. General White arrives at Durban, 1899. Threatening. Cloudy. Rain. Rainfall for the month below the average Lord Lindhurst died, 1863. There will he excesses in temperature. Mi hi period, cloudy, foggy condition. Mild. Variable weather over the West. Queen of Holland betrot hed, 1900. Foggy over Lake region. Cold period for October. Cooler. Cold period. Very low temperature in tho West. Peace of Westphalia, 1618. Milder. Warm. Cool nights and trie as ant sunshiny days. Unsettled, variable, stormy. Liberty statue erected in New York, 1886. Threatening. Gales nnd damaging storms. Surrender o* Dijon, Franc \ 1870. ( 75th ; Meridian. 6d 10h 24m m. 13d 2h 56m ov. 2nd 10b 30m m. 28d 3h 32m m. tor iUoiurcui, (Quebec and re»ioj)s of St. Lawrence and Ottawa Rivera. Sun Rises. Sun Sets. Moon Sets. Sun Rises Sun Sets. Moon Sets. h. m. h. m. h. .TO. h. .ra. h, ■ in. h •m. 5 58 5 40 0 59 5 57 5 40 0 53 6 00 5 39 1 49 5 59 5 39 1 51 6 01 5 37 2 49 6 00 5 38 2 51 6 02 5 as 3 50 0 01 5 36 S 51 6 03 5 33 4 55 6 02 5 34 4 55 6 05 5 ;u rbes. 6 04 5 33 rises. 6 06 5 29 6 09 6 05 5 31 6 11 3 07 5 27 6 44 6 06 5 29 6 47 6 09 5 25 7 21 8 07 5 28 7 25 6 10 5 23 8 07 6 03 5 26 8 11 0 11 5 22 8 58 6 09 5 24 9 02 6 13 5 20 9 56 6 10 5 23 10 00 6 14 5 18 11 00 6 12 5 21 11 04 6 15 5 17 morn. 6 13 5 19 morn. 6 16 5 15 0 10 0 13 5 18 0 13 6 18 5 13 1 22 6 15 5 16 1 24 6 19 5 n 2 as 6 16 5 14 2 37 6 21 5 10 3 49 6 18 5 13 3 50 6 22 5 08 5 00 0 19 5 11 4 59 6 23 5 07 6 12 6 20 5 09 6 10 6 25 5 05 sets. 6 22 5 08 sets. 3 28 5 03 6 32 0 23 5 06 6 36 6 27 5 02 7 13 6 24 5 05 7 18 6 29 5 00 8 00 0 25 5 m 8 04 ; 6 30 4 58 8 50 6 27 5 01 8 54 ! 6 31 4 57 9 43 0 28 5 00 9 47 1 6 32 4 66 10 38 6 29 4 58 10 42 ; o 34 4 54 11 37 6 31 4 56 11 40 1 6 35 4 53 morn. 0 32 4 55 morn. * 6 36 4 50 0 35 0 33 4 53 0 38 ; 6 38 4 49 1 37 6 34 4 61 1 38 ! Jtr'or Toronto and Rrov $ ince of Ontario, lying cm® and bet.the Great Lalcea.# - • -S 90th Meridian. 6d 9h 24m m. 13h lh 56m ev. 20d 9h 30m m. 28d 2h 32m m. <3> 0 O. l 9 9 Moon’s Phases. Full Moon . . . Last Quarter.. New Moon . . . First Quarter. 105th Meridian* 6d 8h 24m m- 13d Oh 56m ev. 1'Od 8h 30m ra. 28d lh 32m m. : For diseases -arising from Impover- ished Blood or General Debility — Dr. Coderre’s Tonic: Elixir will be found invaluable, ft is a Blood maker and a Nerve Tonic. Poverty is no disgrace to the indus trious ; but it is hardly a gilt-edged testimonial of ability. “ I understand that Mr. Grimm has a very tyrannical and overbearing way with his wife/’ “ Yes ; he habitually treats her with as much arrogance as if she was his partner in a game of whist.” Penelope -Did she have many wed" ding presents ? Perdita— Enormous l Why, she says it will take her nearly a year to ex- change them all ! A glance down the line is likely to impress one with the idea that a man’s ability to earn money is in indirect ratio to his capacity for spending it. Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Tickling in the Throat immediately relieved by a dose or two of Sprucine. Be sure you get the genuine, and use as directed. STANTON S PAIN RELIEF worth its welghUn Goldf^ ^jKJcef^Sc!^ ••••••• Mo thdf s and Nurses. Recipes for Cooking CORN MEAL FRITTERS. J One pint of sour milk, one teaspoon- 2 ful of salt, three eggs, one tablespoon- 3 ful of molasses or sugar, one handful • of flour, and corn meal enough to 2 make a stiff batter; lastly, stir in a 2 small teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in • a little warm water. This recipe is 3 very nice made of rye flour. QUICK PUDDING. • Soak and split some crackers, lay 3 the surface over with raisins and 2 citron, put the halves together, tie .2 them in a bag, and boil 15 minutes, in 2 milk and water ; delicious with rice 3 sauce. • ORANGE ROLY-POLY. Make a light dough the same as for apple dumplings ; roll it out into a long narrow sheet about a quarter of an inch thick — spread thickly over it peeled and sliced orange ; sprinkle plentifully with white sugar ; scatter over all a teaspoonful of grated orange peel, then roll it up, fold the edges well together to keep the juices from running out ; boil in a floured cloth for an hour and a half. Serve it with lemon sauce — Fine. RASPBERRY VINEGAR. Put a c[uart of raspberries into a suitable dish ; pour over them a quart of good vinegar ; let it stand twenty- four hours, then strain through a flan- nel bag and pour this liquor on another quart of berries ; do this for three or four days successively, and strain ; make very sweet with loaf sugar. Strain and seal it. The infantile mortality in our midst is something enormous, and undoubt- edly the greater number of deaths are caused by the negligence of the mother or nurse in not attending to the in- fant’s ailments in time. In cases of Diarrhoea, Teething Pains, Colic, etc., I>r. Coderre's Infants 9 Sy- rup will be found invaluable. It is recommended by our leading physi- cians, and may be given with safety. Sleep of Children. The repose of the muscular system is never completed, except by sleep. With this the child’s system is invigo- rated, strengthened and the organism bestowed by nature confirmed by growth, strength and health. When children suffer from sleepless- ness caused by Teething Pains or Cramps in the Stomach or Bowels, give a few doses of Dr. Coderre’s In- fants’ Syrup and the child will get ease, and refreshing sleep will follow. — CLIMATIC. All children suffer more or less dur- ing any season and in any climate, with derangements of the Bowels and Stomach brought on by various causes. A few doses of Dr. Coderre's Infants 9 Syrup will relieve the suffering little ones, and, in the ma- jority of cases, will save them from an early grave. Worms. Children suffering from worms, become irritable, and dull. Coderre’s Worm Pastilles does the work. CORNS AND WARTS Removed without Pain or Blemish by McGAI,E>S CORN SAWE, Price i5Cts. per box. 5 f THE WINGATE ALMANAC. S NOVEMBER, 1903. 30 Days. u -3 Z ai c So = # S # A Day Week. # S i SUN. ? 2 Mon. 3 3 Tubs. # 4 Wed. 2 5 Thur. # 6 Frid. • 7 Sat. 2 8 SUN. 2 9 Mon • 10 Tuks. 2 11 Wed. # 12 Thur. # 13 Frid. 2 14 Sat. 2 15 SUN. # 16 Mon. 2 17 Tubs. S 18 Wed. 2 19 Thur. 2 20 Frid. • 21 Sat. • 22 SUN. 223 Mon. 2 24 Tubs. © 25 V\ ED. g 26 Thur. #27 Frid. o 28 Sat. 2 29 SUN. 2 30 Mon. Weather Forecasts. CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS, ETC. Wet period. Dillon and O’Brien at N. Y., 1890. Threatening weather over Lake region, General Peabody died, I860. Local rains West. High winds and snow squalls East. Battle of Pensacola, 1814. John Milton died, 1674. W armer and more genial. H. M. S. Serpent wrecked, 1890- Chicago Hay market riots, 1887. Threatening. Admiral Oahlgren born, 1809. Sleet and Snow High winds and heavy snows. Louis Riel executed, 1885. Moderating. Funeral of Wellington, 1852. Mild period. W armer. Fort Niagara bombarded, 1812. Clear. Sir John Barrow died, 1848. Fine Autumn weather. The precipitation about the average. Sandwich Islands discovered, 1778. Windy. Cold wave, cold weather for November. Cardinal Wolsey died, 1530. Mark Twain born, 1835. Jb'o-Nioulituj^ueiAjc ant regions oc St Lawrence and Ottawa RlveiB. Moon's Phases. • _ • Full Moon. % Last Quarter.. • New Moon...., • First Quarter 75th Meridian- 5d Oh 27m m. lid 9h 46m ev- 19d Oh 10m m. 27d Oh 37 m in- Sun Rises. Sui Sets. Moon Sets. Sud Rises Sun Sets. h .m. h .in. h. m h, in. h .m. 6 6 39 4 47 2 39 6 36 4 50 41 4 45 .3 42 6 37 4 49 6 42 4 44 4 45 6 89 4 48 6 43 4 42 5 51 6 40 4 46 6 45 4 41 rises. 6 41 4 45 6 46 4 40 6 02 6 43 4 44 f> 48 4 38 6 53 6 44 4 43 6 49 4 37 7 49 6 46 4 41 6 51 4 36 8 64 6 47 4 40 6 52 4 35 10 01 6 48 4 39 6 53 4 34 11 11 6 50 4 38 6 55 4 33 mom. 6 51 4 37 6 56 4 32 0 23 6 52 4 86 6 57 4 31 1 35 6 54 4 35 6 59 4 30 2 46 6 55 4 34 7 00 4 29 3 54 6 56 4 33 7 01 4 28 5 05 6 58 4 32 7 03 4 27 6 13 6 59 4 31 7 04 4 26 sets. 7 00 4 30 7 05 4 25 5 51 7 01 4 30 7 07 4 24 6 38 7 02 4 29 7 08 4 24 7 32 7 03 4 28 7 09 4 23 8 26 7 04 4 28 7 11 4 23 9 23 7 06 4 27 7 12 4 21 10 23 7 07 4 27 7 13 4 21 11 22 7 08 4 25 7 14 4 20 mom. 7 09 4 25 7 16 4 20 0 23 7 11 4 25 7 17 4 19 1 26 7 10 4 25 7 18 4 18 2 26 7 12 4 24 For ioronto and Prov-# ince of Ontario, lying on# and bet. the Great Lakes.# 90th Meridian- 4d llh 27m ev. lid 8h 46m ev. 18d llh lftm ev. 2«d lih 37m ev. : # # . • l : • : : S l , # # i ? 105th Meridian. 2 Moon 2 Sets. • h. m. 2 2 40 • 3 41 • 4 43 2 5 49 • rises, 5 6 06 2 6 57 7 53 8 58 10 05 11 14 morn. • 0 25 ‘ 1 36 2 45 363 5 03 6 10 sets. 555 6 42 7 36 8 30 9 26 10 25 11 24 morn, 0 24 1 26 2 25 4d 10h 27m ev. lid 7h 46m ev. 18d l()h 10m ev. 26d lOh 37m ev. Mothers ! look to the comfort and health of your children. If suffering from Colic, Teething Pains or Diar- rhoea, give them Dr. Coderre’s In- fants’ Syrup as directed and get relief. Fools rush in where angels fear t° tread ; that is, both fools and angels are necessary to social progress. Briggs— Spriggins married one of those Kind, motherly girls, who knows how to take care of a man when he is Rick. Griggs — But can she take care of him when he is well ? Ho— I never approved of wrappers, my dear. Can’t you come down to breakfast in something else ? She— Certainly, darling! It will cost about one hundred dollars. Colton says: “That which we ac- quire with most difficulty we retain the longest.” Colton never acquired a straight tip on Wall Street stock. Sudden Chills, Bad Colds and Sore Throats speedily relieved by Stanton’s Pain Belief. Coderre’s Tonic Elixir Blood maker Tonic Price, 50 cento. yETERJNARY. THRUSH Is an inflammation of the lower structure of the sensitive frog, during which pus is secreted. Clean the foot thoroughly, and apply or pour on the sore parts about a teaspoonful of But- ter of Antimony, night and morning, for two or three days, or longer if necessary. Keep the foot as dry as possible. WIND GALLS. Bathe well with cold water, dry thoroughly, and then apply to the swollen parts, night and morning, “ Morgan's Oil.” Give the horse all the rest possible* SCRATCHES, MUD FEVER. Tut on the sore parts a good hot poultice of bran and leave this on over night, Then wash clean with hot Castile Soapsuds, and apply the following, night and morning, with a piece of soft flannel or sponge Copperas - - - 2 ozs. Water - - - - 1 pint. Dissolve, let it dry on the parts, then grease well with lard or veterinary vaseline. C0L7C . Keep the horse blanketed and give him as a drench : 1 oz. Laudanum 1 oz. Sweet Spirits of Nitre. i pint Water. Mix and give all at one time. If this is not at hand, mix a bottle of Stan- ton's Pain Relief with £ pint of water, and give all at. one dose. Keep the horse moving about for half an hour after giving above. ROUGH COAT, HIDE-BOUND, STOMACH WORMS & URINARY TROUBLES. “ Wingate's Cavalry Condition Powders” gi ven regularly for a week or 10 days will banish stomach worms, give the animal a soft silky coat, loosen the hide, and stimulate the stomach and kidneys. 25c per pack- age or by mail on receipt of price. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd., MONTREAL,, CANADA. mI^A LE’S IMPROVED SEIDLITZ POWDERS. A superior Seidlitz Powder for family and general use, full weight, best material, put up in tin boxes containing twelve powders. Every powder bears the name and signature. These Seidlitz Powders are p repared from the purest material and with the greatest care and accuracy ; they are a harmless, pleasant, saline laxative, regulating the action of the stomach and bowels. Beware of cheap Seidlitz Powders, they are generally made with ordinary Baking Soda and common Tartaric Acid, each powder being light weight, the box containing only two-thirds of the required number. McGale's Improved Seidlitz Powders are guaranteed in every particular, and in purchasing see that every powder bears the name : — “McGale's Improved Seidlitz Powders, ” and his signature. For sale everywhere, or by mail on receipt of price, 25c per box. # The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd., MONTRRAI,, CANADA. | Heavy Breathing ] Asthma, Bronchitis, Kay Fever and affections Z of the respiratory organs, Dr. Coderre’s Anti- • Asthmatic Powder. — Price, 50c and $1 per box. • # TIIE WINGATE ALMANAC. • • 12th Month. m DECEMBER, 1903- For Montreal. Quebec and For 31 Days. 3 Toronto and i'rov-# rs i 10 { n • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 ; 17 : is 19 ; 20 , 21 ' 22 ! 23 J 24 • 26 J 26 2 27 # 28 1 29 2 30 r TuES. Wei>. Thur. Frid. Sat. NUN. Mon. Toes. Wed. Thur. Frid. Sat. SUN. Mon. Tubs. Wed. Thur. Frid. Sat. SUN. Mon. Tubs. Wed. Thur. Fbid. Sat- SUN. Mon. Tubs. Wed. Thur, Weather Forecasts, chronological events, etc. Cold. John Brown hanged, 1859. Robert Louis Stevenson died, 1891. Moderating. Martin Van Buren born, 1782- Generally clear to fair weather. First railroad in Germany, 1835, Foggy over La' ASTHM j\^A ©©©«©©«c-®®c©©©©©e& ce< AND HAY FEVER. ASTHMA is an affection of the chest and respiratory organs. Although a nervous or spasmodic trouble, it is frequently connected with actual changes in the I^ungs ; Asthma may occur at any period of life, but it is more general about middle age. •v ASTHMA CAN BE CURED. “DR. CODBRRE’S ANTI-ASTHMATIC POWDER.” Dr. J. Emery Coderre’s long experience (extending over a period of 50 years) in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs is a sufficient guarantee as to the efficiency of his ANTI-ASTHMATIC POWDER. In Asthmatical, Bronchial and climatic affections of the respiratory organs, it gives immediate relief. The marked success attained by the use of DR. CODERRE’S FAMOUS ANTI- ASTHMATIC POWDER has induced us to give everybody suffering from any of these painful diseases an opportunity of testing its efficacy before purchasing. We will mail to any sufferer a free trial package post paid, on receipt of their address. We would ask them to give the package a thorough trial. It is perfectly safe and can be used by the most delicate patient. St. Germain de Grantham, Que. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd., Montreal. Gentlemen I feel it my duty to write you. You will pardon my delay, but I hoped to meet some person suffering from the same disease as I did, and for which I found your remedy was wonderfully good. I cannot be thankful enough and you can rest assured that I will lose no opportunity to recommend it highly. To all those Ruffering from “ASTHMA, * I will sav : “ Try DR. CODERRE’S ANTI- ASTHMATIC POWDER. There is not a better remedy for this disease.” Before I started to use it, I was dis- couraged. 1 had consul red several physicians, and they did not know of any cure for asthma. I thank you once more, and if ever I feel the same symptoms again, I will know how to get relief with this excel- lent preparation. Believe me, Yours truly, Mde JOS. LAPLANTE. Cavignac, P.Q., March 25, 1901. The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd., Montreal. Gentlemen Find enclosed $1.00 for a box of DR. CODERRE’S ANTI-ASTHMATIC POWDER. I have used it, and it has done me a great deal of good ; the attacks are less frequent and not so severe, and I assure you the relief given me is a blessing. Yours sincerely, IJLDERIC PARADIS. Labkdle, Que. (Church’s Lumber Mills). The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.Q. Dear Sirs I have suffered from ASTHMA for many years and have tried nearly every possible remedy recommended for this fearful affliction. Havingread your advertisement recommmiding DR. CODERRE’S ANTI-ASTHMATIC POWDER, I decided to try it. I have been using it from time to time for several months and I feel like a new man. The attacks are milder, less frequent and not so fatiguing. I sleep well and can do a good day’s work. I have no hesitation in recom- mending DR, CODERRE’S ANTI- ASIHMATiC POWDER to anybody suffering from ASTHMA. Yours faithfully, J. L. MARCOUX. n - Pnrfarra’c CURATIVE ( For pains in the side, Back and Chest, J Ul. LUUulTC b PLASTERS < and Kidney troubles.- Price, 25C. NEVER FAIL TO CURE! These Tablets contain an active diqestive orincinlp nf the na«*..; n .. with other valuable agents, combined with sugar and gums, being* in tills form^ readdy soluble m the stomach, and far more palatable and efficient than the ordinary remedies. SaSSS® 8 *'?® aiw^f b S se° IbS wWWe is awelk £d d d?s*Xe7s“ decllST Sl L t f 8 f00d en ° u?h for the P r °P er n °urishmeirt™f C the C body 1 and t mn^ii.to I a o By toning: up the stomach to the performance of its pro ner funotirma IZT%T^ 0 ™- d f l gestion e06B on * and a marked improvement toecUy tkkes place. For this purpose there can be nothing better than the Tablets. Y taKes si w^ P r,*,?r M * " a “ u ““ ■“““ “ For Salt Everywhere — 50o PER BOX-or hy wail on receipt of price. | The Wingate Chemical Co., Ltd. Hontreal. HHS NO R 1 1£ H L STANT0N ’ S PAIN RELIEF for Internal • ••••••••••••••«»«•. . 1 *“* *^ *— and External Use. Price, 25c. • : THE GREATEST REMEDY FOR ALL LUNG TROUBLES Consumption, Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, if promptly attended to are easily managed, but on the contrary, if neglected, generally prove the forerunner or more serious troubles. Most consumptives date their affliction from a neglected Cough or Cold caused by exposure to cold and damp weather, and wet and unseasonable clothing. In any case do not neglect a cold no matter from what source it comes. SPRUCINE is a scientific preparation carefully put together of Spruce Gum, Wild Cherry and Hoarhound. One of the most reliable preparations yet introduced to the public for the immediate relief and cure of .Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Taken with Cod L iver Oil in the first stages of Consumption it will be found invaluable . The well known medicinal qualities of SPRUCE GUM, WILD CHERRY and HOABHOUND, as curative agent* in diseases of the Throat, Lungs and chest, are too widely known to need further comment. Suffice it to say, that SPRUCINE is a positive combination of the THREE scientifically put together in the form of an agreeable and palatable Elixir. In obstinate Cough*, Pulmonary Consumption, Ac., Ac., where Cod Liver Oil is recommended, a dose of SFRUCINI takeu with a dose of the former, will make an agreeable and convenient vehicle for the administration of the Oil, and largely promote its efficiency. 25c per bottle, or by mail on receipt of price. THE WINGATE CHEMICAL CO., Ltd., MONTREAL, CANADA. Montreal, March 21st, 1888. B. E. McGalk, Dear Sir: — We have used your Spbucine in our convent for the past four or five years, and we can conscientiously recommend it as a good and faithful remedy for Coughs, Cold* and Bronchial affections. I sent some to our Mother House, and they are also thoroughly satisfied with it. Sprucine cannot bo too highly recommended, as it decidedly does all you claim for it. The Sister Superior, St. Ann's Academy, Montreal. Mississippi Station. Mr. B. E. McGale, Dear Sir You will judge from the quan- tity of Sprucine I sell, that its qualities must be thoroughly appreciated by my customers, I have kept a general store for nearly ten years, and during that time, I have handled a large number of proprietary remedies of all descrip- tions, and can safely say that Sprucine has given more satisfaction than any I have ever sold. It gives me much pleasure to recommend Sprucine for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial affections to my friends and customers, as in doing so I feel confident they will be thorough- ly satisfied. Yours sincerely, W. D. Macp, Backache S Pains over the Kidneys and Liver and in the Side, relieved by Dr. Coderre’s Curative Plaster. 25c, each, or by mail on receipt of price. -4 r ed $ f Dr. Coderre s Infants' Syrup As prepared by Dr. J. Emery Coderre, Professor of Materia Medic and Therapeutics. USED IN DR. CODERRE’S PRIVATE PRACTICE EOT* PERIOD OF 5 . YEARS, AS WBU, AS ABROAD A Sr pre r g — - - general use in the nursing of children ’ ( T- ^ COuId recon ™end fo -d suffering consequenf which would relieve the pai injury ; such is Dr. Coderre’s 2S 7 ’ T t° mg them ^ lastin throughout the length and breadth of t> f 7 *? 1 !’ W ^ 1Ch 1S hailed with J° ^ ^ " niV " Sally acknowledged tobethe’ ? BES 1 AND SAFEST SOOTHING SYR UP IN USE. " " p ' e,,a,»« and children. p.be.uj&kx 1 ™ n ofe p so r r of Surg0r7 and C,inical s «r«ppy- THOS. K. D'Ob’eT D>b^ONNE\S M**? r’'?'’'” and CliuicaI Medicine. 2 E B T CRAm L J I ? R ’ M - D ’ r-fe-or oi hJSSST* and “““acentice. V £ BBOSSE^f o° f D “J ° f Lega ' M ’ d ci “ a ' ld Botany. 1 ' A’ M ' D *> Professor of Botany. x. O. BEAUDRY, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy D. B. DUROCHER, M. D 7 ' O. RAYMOND, M. D. D. W. ARCHAMBAULT, M D A. P. DELYECHIO, M. D. alex. Germain, m . d ELZEAR PAQUIN, M. D. J. A. ROY, M. D. EVERY WRAPPER BEARS Dr. CODERRE’S SIGNATURE AND PORTRAIT, verywhere, Pri ce 25 c. per bottle, or b y Mail on Receipt of Price. INGATE CHEMICAL CO., Ltd. MONTREAL, CANADA. Pastilles For Children and Adults. Small in sifce, Easy to take. Price 25c. AH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL REMEDY FOR COLIC, CHjKJ. rheumatisiT C“3