This is a reproduction of a book from the McGill University Library collection. Title: [“Nativities” and “Decumbitures, 1678” [manuscript] / C. Barnard [sic]] Author: Bernard, Francis, 1627-1698 Volume: 1 Publisher, year: [ca. 1678-1683] The pages were digitized as they were. The original book may have contained pages with poor print. Marks, notations, and other marginalia present in the original volume may also appear. For wider or heavier books, a slight curvature to the text on the inside of pages may be noticeable. ISBN of reproduction: 978-1-77096-210-1 This reproduction is intended for personal use only, and may not be reproduced, re-published, or re-distributed commercially. For further information on permission regarding the use of this reproduction contact McGill University Library. McGill University Library . k [BERNARD (Francis) 1627-98.] 7 C 22 . In Latin and English, on paper : written mainly by Francis Bernard about 1678- 1683: 13 X 8J and I2fx8| in.,xxn+2oo leaves and xxxii+366 pages. ‘ c. Barnard [sic]. Nativities ’ and ‘ De- I cumbitures, 1678’, two vols. thus lettered [on the modern binding, but c ontaining en-_ I graved horoscope blanks filled up in the [handwriting of Francis Bernard. Vol. 1, I horoscopes of eminent persons and others, I some having biographical notes by Bernard, I or with additions by later hands. There are I two I9th-cent. indexes. Foil. 40 and 125 (have been cut out. Vol. 2, decumbitures of I Bernard’s patients, with ‘ Aphorismi de De- I cubitu vel Visitatione Prima ’ (pp. 1-4) an d I his daily receipts, including ‘ Hospital salary £%. ’, from June 1678 to May 1679 (7 pp. I at end). ^ / 7 '? . c. ' R. D. Combe ’ is stamped and written on p. 7, vol. 2. ‘ 1959 ’ in some collection or catalogue. Inserted : letters from Sir N. Moore, who identi- ! fied the handwriting, and from F. Wm. Cock. Francis Bernard (or Barnard), whose faith in astrology was well known (cf. no. 4839), had been apothecary to St. Bartholomew's Hospital since , 1661, and was awarded £25 in the plague year for his care of the patients in the absence of the physi- cians. In 1678 (the date of these vols.) he obtained his M.D. and was appointed assistant physician. His brother Charles (1650-1711) became surgeon to the Hospital in 1686. Both were learned men and collected notable libraries. See Moore, no. 6134, ii. / h s 1 fy -a f~- > - -0 \ I F R O M THE LIBRARY OK SIR WILLIAM OS LE R , Baht . OXFORD MAYFAIR 537. < ^v • ff’/fft 67, GLOUCESTER PLACE, PORTMAN SQUARE, W. AgOr /C£fUU nvfeftvf, fa, W-fitrrA m fti. '/W/ fiCjTy& Z- ■ £***&■ A^JUUlnl /^ j wyH^e£) 4** Avvtd & recu/fr'ftr' foA&Jb&tyy" i^v tpt&J *yf 7 r &L Sy^fCffH, CSX Ml #i> 6 &f ■ #t C&AvdL / /fa i '~f' Y T-lAA^Ug^ o££j£/J £t^A\^ fiyS MAYFAIR 537. ^ fil/VtAA~ ^tA^y //’ / ^ ( (o w 67, GLOUCESTER PLACE, PORTMAN SQUARE, W. tsluj ctcc^y*' / ¥*” 5 CL (ft*. rCfaWAAtZ 4 (& * /(T>v hrur. /J/tf- • /’ n ^yv^t ^4 /^ 5 Ci/ypx/v^ '- ex, ^ Ti^ouajL eye JfsdL ‘Y&yj W? . U) m*u^i W f > 7 ? 'll i- * j r > C^V •V > i jUk • i o \J , i) P 'h V * 1 4 i i Uj ] j! - - 1 H rt I ^ 3 v i m 4 3 4 j , < i * ;i - r ii .4 z#7 / >? 1 1 *6~ l\t<" f i 4 i o V notes an; , Astrot.oger. — C an any Q.’ give me some data as to lave lately seen two volumes iting — one of “ Nativities,” “ Deeumbitures.” In the 3 horoscopes of such famous l, Pepys, Petty, and William fees cf visits (in the “ Decum- 1 to patients are in 1078 ■re is also a long list of money •d. Pepys does not mention T. A. Malloch, M.D. r. f 1 H 1 4 'TS U, // 1 ' ir r-^i-aaaS^ • ' 1 - : ’ A -*&!. // 5. *«• S«4* 4S 242 NOTES AN] C. Barnard, Astrologer. — Can any reader of ; N. & Q.’ give me some data as to this man ? I have lately seen two volumes in his handwriting — one of “ Nativities,” the other of “ Decumbitures.” In the former he gives horoscopes of such famous men as Dryden, Pepys, Petty, and William Penn. The dates cf visits (in the “ Decum- bitures”) paid to patients are in 1678 and 1079. There is also a long list of money paid to Barnard. Pepys does not mention him. T. A. Malloch, M.D. V X % of. i A /2 AW— /2* a. 4^'7 • ^ / ^ A /A AA 7 - ... ,U ^ Ai Oy y /9^ f - ^ flu-^iAU /b/y/ ^ r >#y*^ *» tfouyh ** *~ fi, U^ ** /$!,,A t//^ ^ca 4 x. tT* /2/cj^vk> yv- «/ j> 32 /U+}0>iy / ££7 A *pp ^ VI ^+- 37 y^cX/r %n cA. / ; «_ A/ AnS&~-/*>& / ' 2_ 'ft, 7 k / ff i py /3 r> S /7 y/iY// //i/Ac^ X sfo/£> 3 / Y&// //jyvy^ iY // S' //Xu^y /y f /Av*"Y '?/ t 44 *~ £A> xY ^ yy fu / Ai d / 3 $ /je O /buiy £’ / i /t^yYY 7 Ay /3 /> h'{ AC- AXA (v/-/d>t-yysA //$ , t(r/y/Ut~y // 4 'ZffiL'fa T y /U 4 L-- //) fyAJe*v /y- yzryy w^yy *-* « ’ T 7 uYs^ 3.3 s r /fr)//C /AS /5^£~~V fhy/nvJ/'L *? /Isy^+s^X yy^v /y Ytty/z+ys/wY j t. X^tyTT/uy $y S£AC f 3 ? /v/ y*//y //^ / 7 $ yXtf/tt OfX yyA' /f X f^t/ivAst^-v/ /y& /is// is /wfilJ /yjE-rx For Mr, A, kosenberg, University of Nebraska, January, 1951, Copy of two handwritten letters inserted In Bernard’s "Nativities". 1678 Osier Library, no, 7522, vol, 1, 9 * lk, Faadoiph .toad, iiaida Hill, W# Dear Osier, Dec, 27, 1915 1 **9SL n °°Py "Horoscope" is stated in the author* a handwriting to be r, Bernard, Q»ere is a MS, list at the beginning of the book in another head, altho* a con temporary one, in this the same attribution is given, tic's both say Shis puts Bernard the surgeon ou ^ for ac .ar I kaov, the tore Dr, among the educated at that was lijpi oec to graduates and X don’t £eem to remember «ny reference to 2nt^ 1C a Seneric 006 for fhdul ty till the middle of the 18th "Is there no hope? The richaan sttd The silent Doctor shook his head And took his leave with signs of sorrow, Despair lag of hia fee tomorrow, * ibraa here, it is a feetaJcing physician who is mentioned, not an apothecary or Surgeon. The quotation is from an edition of Gay* s Fables but X believe the lines are not his. Barrett's Hist, Hoc, Apoth, 4*° 1905, page 117, says (tiarth) "He is especially hard on Dr, Francis Bernard who had once been an apothecary and whom he designates as Horoscope," I can let you have spare copies of the Unlv, Coll, Mag, with the three papers, They were amalgamated in the American Journal into one with all the illustrations, I have only two or three copies left# I have never been able to find if Liston’s Aneurysm is still in existence, nor if it ever existed as a specimen, I wrote to Norwich, Cambridge, Bdinboro», Hunted up all the shelves and references at U, C, H. Museum, Talked to old men, tut the result was nil and I am almost of opinion that "never was no such a thing". Are you & member of the Athenaeum? If so my turn for eloction earner on next spring. Verb, sat adp. All kind greeting#, Xrs sincerely. F, William Cock 19 Randolph itoad, Maldu Hill, W, Dee, 28, 191S Dear Osier, Dr, Francis Bernard had a good deal to do with Apoth* Hall* hlocted to a warden ship, he paid a fine, rather than serve, &c, &e, it is quite possible there ware two of the sane name. But Horoscope according to Garth was a scoundrel and your Bart*s physician am' to have been a decent fine gentleman. Neither the list at your beginning nor the naao on page 18 of «y copy of the Disp* have the Christian aume prefixed ooth are B ih*, Bernard». A note on a flyleaf xn one of ay copies reads B i“or the names of parsons in the i - ^ 9 - — ” — "V WM ruiAJkt; 4Uv-iVxi 4 Xv UP| V/JT course it must be r^eiaoered coat many reputaoxe men at this Delievea in Astrology, but fattier ‘ s description of this Bernard ***** him out to have a common ahop full of the usual apparatus of the quack astrologies fortune teller. All good aopes for the new year. ~ U.*t . ^ l UyU^.4S A C<1 cri f wJLs , !h«j~ J? 0>*cr*c efe ^ AA/Pb U/CL. ^ CL. S C iTZ t-c-t V ^ V- /5 'c~ <*■ ** ^ ° & \ * / XeJfU* J 4 U *■ ^ , ‘*r %.gv <1./^- 'J f u~t ^ 7 *<• ^ UuJ ** •?/ - /» /c At <’ i c / l( /A5 ^ A z< * ^ ^ w / $ U Z 7 ^ / J e^jctyi ^. £“?*' f, ‘ *., jL A~n . ^ / . y/ 4 _. v- / rl . y h- ^nTV' , -v f " * A yt^ a * 4/f " * “. fe - U-U^ l " A****-*!^ Tier ti-tt-*^- ^ ~ y Hu! ma***~ 4 *~ o , , n f - tcL*~* * <-ax~*w- *+■ 0l< ^ 1 . //,,<, a ZAA *p- C 4 ^ » r~ ^ ~~ ., /A Azn A ^ , I/' 7 // z£ t / *" r ^ ■ vn j? 19, Randolph Road, ^ Maida Hill, W. Jbc- 2y- (m? ^ u / / Cf A ' ln,^£ C /Jty rzrr/rycefa_ to X h & * ^ ^ /*<0^, k L /y- n** 't*. <5»^l 9. ^ /1/- ^ ^ gst*' yjtffc ^ /L £ c*rv< V*^ /~ *^e */v ^vc■•* ^ ‘‘*^ 5 J/twV lattt -& ^ li r 7 Wuif ‘ R 'M i’m L /W £ / // '** £- '•^/^ ^ ^ j y r l-Cl < c€ * a 7 //v ^ / {<■ J J *■ c< *- ^/ M uC *<-+ 7 l /Ia - '■/*- tit C- IA ££* CX*-t £(sLc c { ^1 *.* . r Qac/iry s/erSA /^ , / » ’ 7 *-> /£ /!<-* /gsu^e StsZ'// sS V —» — 7 >« // 7 ^ y « ^ i^gr ry iez/* ititttf sj ii- / -. ^ ^ , It ‘I* * r c vn £ .f' v c<> (< *s 4^ / ^tri*^st) llJ> a l cTK *. CA>iy ' v ^ a , _ < / < 'i? /4 f »^ C/ C 0 l< Ulus, rn & r U 1 ^r i(\jdb**' J Cuau-^v ' u **?"***- »~ ■hit a^> o&~ n ' t u.c k-t io,c 3 (MU - ! A L M-i Ul< ^'LaaCU t-ttA r+i 4 -{-te~- 1 yt Sfh^y i ■ ^ ^ - u ( ~ - ■* / U In icJL. i c (/» 4 ' i i v i v.: ? — Ir^ . . /77^/7 r?< tA/Z/ /s/ 7 Z. 02 ZA/tk/ ty£/?7t/^ t/Zsti-A dzZ/Zz/// tsdtte/Zv/sz tZ-Z/AlA 7/7 2 '? jZ 47? 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V/ ^ X/ /f // 'V / - 2/^ TA^rs/ft/ZZ /#- 7*- fx /32- /3 3 A/7 /*cr ///J /f// /y ’/777/6 ^7/7(Z/z7/y -_ ^//6/ zt ZyJi qTsz/z a* sy*/— zy^ W «? . /2y 7 / zzzs 'Azzt^y /Sy tA/ z/t? y y z//^i/zzi/77i- /y iZziz^y^ zz /y 7/^^ ^ y&~ &rYZtf/2SZZl/' /?/ ///'/ / A/zz/zyi /Sy //fez/zzzZ? /y^/iuAy // ///’Zdi-y'Zzy //z^ £ ! 79" #Z //7 y /Z/ /Z7 /yd /y6 z /33 // /> '¥ l()L m AvCrfux. ' / A >"! h ** 7^/1 * • 2 r-. /^ // ' ^ J Q A Vcu >* J u , /$#&- //^ '- * r. iff 6 . ff i/ A i - 7 J ' A ft y- ryy § '«w X ■1 u v yjJ TTT d>X A.* i &/1 . 2f-t. wJ. /,.// aoo*.k. •x»/^ s .m ,* c/lA /va. >nu S f < ■ A* //^a ai1 A./ /< 't K /7? i SI& . . 4 . V*7 / . , ***■/*1 .f-fu r T n '" f,< ; i* / ( «?>- / X' -’1 ff £t'rt- ' 5 ) . // . ■ - " " r»' /o'J. 313 ■ r. fro * 3 tr£ -yQ . * 3 . y/ ■4 C tforjfi. s\ L \ ■ m- z 2 3 x % . ^ 1* /r/. sf udo vi e Xmi ‘ VCJC L^itftU’ U « Sty*- /- 0 / 1 . / > . 'yf&tf?-. ‘~LSa’ / 7 -* . f. // /7 . -Z ' t !(f*j *• u.% ttry c n i> t ‘A ( 'u./i.a. /t3 . r ny / t< tx ,:' *•« // X^dfcXit L A tit MO £ o -^£ 7 ///* //7arA 3 ' ' *S y£r pro^oc Lnf c/rc. fir> »(//1 flc/. //^ ■ | a 2 - Ad- T&Jiqp. A&r. 9^-11 tKzT -X-y jw. ^ jiL 2- ;> n_ l 39- ?> Z'L/nc. ^ f / O O / ^ £. /r. r\ //<»' A' ' / /i** 4 r ff- ^/ v / - '7^' / t j u />i tn <- ->■/ 'nxy^- "*?/• f- 'f r f- / j /^MA'fo-. AoO (j ■ < } ?3. 4tj 4 s' / to, to^o. . f>t?C. (i), / >y^ (Qfsr/ --■ i)ott i ‘y^^ C6yl£*nc;&Jsr , ,ss* i^Z/rr/t/ ^ys/f/s/Ci S~ - * it /x /fff 7 " s' " y Q a s' t / J 0 < 0 O^/. / 6 - 2 / / '-?■ /.'/ P'ffl. K nJt //«#&?. 4 *. ,,. ,»H. yW/'Ayffr I ,/ / ^ ‘ 0 ¥ ' c**y*~y /**.■* . n <>(% Lrlan.< A&UJ-. flcv. /;>. 'Ss&( 'Ut-£&n A(?tn /i~. f(0jy C T '%>( tf}. 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Xf*s** t *t Ct.sC. r-tv /%- Xf+ /C sis/ /ft. Xf/i-Xff /rf-cXt'X'/*-*. /tfslXf. , (■ stXX~~ /^Xf fiu < J> f* /^4y. *#**,. L X&xC-/- tf 0/e.X 2 X/i+Xr fXe-^s.** X Xy^^^xfTD . *■, f/Xp sC X/ r s *~c c {*-+ VC* yX*Kj &.M, /tec-. /£-//?/ ~ j * //* J. X / X/^* efsCi r^C* /t/ / A /^ r x (f ^r •x-'Xtf A,XXXsi4-p^c^t,.^ /fftr X-f^py y 2 f 7 ^ *W >Oi- . xf- Xs* sX'/i^X -S'f-S- sXc^y- l xfe X- XCt^A — Pii. si A ~ At* S^fi^AA r£ //'//'. - /A>Z. /**. , / ,,,A A A* //js* /r„c/ A^/^tA, .-tcsA A* SntL r ■P-Z- S7tv~£ fi*-/r* < , s /- AA*~ ^y^t -//'// -AsctS Ar/A ,/ S?tiA. /At <£-t/ /• rt/A-t&rv- AvJ7 - AA<- *■ t tf£c.'*S <&*,** AAc A^f-ru* f/ Sr~ vA.'jf*' A* Sy.prt* / 'fti> ^r sc fc-X <^cYt¥c*/zS /"tAv^tcA tffest-AAl l^^z-C'At_ ff tA Alf S*+<- Arc4r-cc } ^‘ve-tn nSK.pccm.tA JB**m A d c. 6/ /’m.ncc nfic fi%t/i/'Acn4’ MurTntt S coryvr&rft't c&Am, f£r ea , n ^ AC r^ (JWP'/m irri'&l an. 6m 4 co^/^nyfitfr ^ arc A /UU,- A orU,..„, Cttuf/r* < M ,Vrt. tntn c-i i suj a/tchi, ' pifir-tn'ct/- ^ djc/m -Orij^p m_+ fy,, r omnS Uh ^ rfiffa- no Sis tnc/rr- tay ^ j / ■ * < ^ -V ^ ptcrSAy^p/A’/ ordr-f' n VAV A ^ /-> V lx 4 r*y ytl ci Afifdaf ~~d~ fieri p pt< ayp /1 r“" w ' ^ «*<*<*>* y.rr,^ A,,. . , y ' '' “'• V,c 4 >,« AtS - tc. c / <*/. y iff / ? a~>-zc7*-£ >^?r ~C /??r /7 j£. u^ ! jr Ay)roptt* . ^r/. 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L ■ <$/. yC- /:,£*: fyfa*», y- o'. 'Zcp tf. f 2 ^

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'<^3 Aosme'Jy yfjy k. t// c ,y i ■ tnSJ. j?u»\ . jt ^ H ■ f /j^p/u-Jr /jh^/ Z^ 1 ^' f UT- r¥ z 3 l* \ ' . /> 7 . in yy 39 JlUjflft'/ jOnnc/plt sft4,r<£L{C 0 flao . ^r, , A > . //cP Agfrf* fiLj&n} VG&fftjts/. /lav. tj.,f yy A /// ■•■*< t,A +J>& jcr // 'A %yZ f** y %4 V ~ ^>rr^ Ati Z; ’ H " f - / (P . yee^t cj4 * &f'* L f. k bH- /> (Jtil & / 72 <■,*£./$ fpt' i,. 0 •X a/-/ e < ’>Sl ■ ( tyCr n S* ef^o Pc/-. /6 >j ft*yi / a > «/>«- c* *»/£ ^ /2^ ✓;« cP //{ sf/y/rtyf'tr f*i «'Z-ag s?7t\ srisn/i ' s*t £)*€!• > /, 1 . ./ S? 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CJk ^ fi 'n /1 £ //l < ■!’ H '1/$CZ7<3 < **£. dK «„ nu ^ /Bf-Kf. f y c ^ ^cOfcC- fid-o- lu-rcy tfrr—rrt. //~l/7 , . 1. /S7< ‘ // // X*( e+t^Si/trC '&-V-&/**' St^- p^/yi sC . /// /f~ /C<- sh- 1 y t £t~i-Cs vfZfesty SLt.y P'Si aU-S^si*, Sr r ti /"/y *• £ f> */ 1 £ ^,c/. Sl~ l*rc^6 Sst'c^y, ~t< rWV /t^sc Sc^/C &yy_/£ /fWStSl^ J*U, e *S -*/-AU-£.*4 ^'\ ✓^-V - ■a* rtsrvs St* * f ^ ^ ^ SZ*~fC- ^ stc,,-iy // ' / /4/^svif / . S °- a f- <*• yy. y • y* a A. 2-. 7 V>'V' 'l*' a 3 n 3d) d. ' , . /?A+/u*fv />''?< 32A 4^y i,.yv 7/, i <* a^cYri-**^ r -<*~r“‘V ' / 7 ^ ‘y • '->7 76 ✓, />-<« <,*<-* " ' ~ '"I <> / * ^ A^ //- 2,A~..~6:. 7 “ : ^ *~~T ■ ?«*"<* «4- A i r A rr/c^ uey /^Laa+j c~ ^ 2 ^ ^ 4 Lt~Ydr«^ ‘f O AaV/^tW ^2^ c* Ar — — rtv'k 7' tUJ u*~l (O m k fi/h SfZT S t *. fifi. SSy /fi <77? ^7. ^ ^ ^ ... c<_ '/fi £ C •Y fifiA s^~ 2 c/// /-/t>-tiyr c~s -■rsc-e^/Se < tssfe t*_ fiY fi z~zrx. r ^rz*-> 2 . . foe f, t /eoe-? ^ Yifirt/fy . //j .0 3. 3 ^ "j?t~A/~sc /U , fi. yfi • <^/. c*. 4 ^ /^w/ A, fa /fa; (**fiu fifi 7 - Krt. ^> / Cfar/fa/s. eYx^xm/sx^ _ — fi-e^y. fifiA YF«- fC fa tfii //*C efaz*Y Zx*44. lir-pL-t Ax f/ L’fi~£ A— fitfi2fiAfa~ fi?l*i./(.-f ' ~ /«~ /Ajf/ Ai^-Sfl-cx # //-fiL- ' £o . / 4 rfi>/. fit fa -Sa-c^p £/- /itf/t trYfiy _ ,X 7 lrr./J> fi ftrztuxc.? fa £ ‘X-X XyC S 7 V *fa% fa> /%Kt? 7 lr *P^Al~ A/zt-AzfU. cfl fazi-'tv * fiz //// ?d /V/- /? z'fiY-fi.. AZ zt-ArzlA. cA zJ- /i filc/c- /faiit- fi- yAtC-S /hzxS-Cx/; z/Zc^fic4./y dm. •- -A. 7 '-^- _ '’X^ 2 7 * A tu*. »** tfh- //«>■* <- c y. fin A 0 *, piiLknu:^ , c <***/■ *'»■ iX cr/sn +0< flr/Z, /na' ' £*/**<- V • A-*y - A'V< ! < / ~ tAsyf <-C *c-t~- si A- a- /s, I /mr **i AjL.Ayt fj-f'f s- c f-t, ,£>''* /rrr^ pA^xct'/4ce*et- AA £*e- ~r?0 A«<(a j^t ce ,, fCyt.k. AfcJ. SctfCst <. /f*. *a w ‘ tsA^, A f . 7 „ / *-" c orf. 4,/r^sU. scry y*i **, 7>fik*. Jfky 'T e T 4YC ^ ^ 'V fet ^‘r jua ssA*u ju_ y^'wiC 7~- /*<. *rt*L^c. if?, st ,, ^t_ . /7, J-sz—^s, -> >*• > . <~ ' /* s ' ^ s ^~ ' -~> A--A- £.***<. ^.~A/ ^ 'a*/* fiu.,.6^ " r “ rt ^*~*’ r ^ ^ / • /C*+m-£c~-Is ^ C*si < t'U>c* /Im*^ jbt» /^*j 'fi,$t. ■/£., tf /Ajsf? , f ■ ^4/^2 y^e /3fsr fA. Aftn, */ A/ Ais-i. t-Ay 2 fisu^_ tv'/^.cfiC Jfy — Adck^f^y, A*. Y A\s^. A/ A Yfi AtP /mf) '/d A A X* jy« &/ A* Art, " ' r> '- ff/L. J?/ '6 Zjf- At-./ f+t&yc, A /r+tkA A A ,i At fL. fAss ^ /0 v * v A- /*'£-<- &fr< tA'Ai ^ o,,, q /Ac jrL ' ** «<>V^ .^7^*4*^. &/’&-*? 4L*^ /*r>^^ >■ ‘.' " w >C-f ^ /V *L^ * ftv / /^, «X<-< /,sl /At Sk*^-./ Uxcren.^uxit- Se/>t. ft .(pj n clL 0 J). \ h / V. rro 9. ? /& V 3%^ ___ /£_ /^3 . 1rl 3" '••’V . 'i • I i i i ♦ y sih/c/'*'/' /nif/hr#>rrL v t uSclx 4/f< tjyy jy? 4 //W*~ X OS ^ f ^ Syi. fcajT %. yn fy y £ 4 *y , V I Jacr^diffi 'S? xn “' lin ^ nx "i /P)£ 4sn.eArJ, r}l /?n.hvtryi. ^ s/aStt fxar/f cf *x*.y,/£y u S^ n j g ^)ri>M/»«y 5^r. y a. /v f o • $ l -]/• i •* \ . ^ i£tt /T 3 *-« - i . . ' ' ■ 1 t/ . si. 4. a. fjS j * ^ /x-J 7 a?.J; /77 y if ,r . r O, *st' «wjy^S i ft i 'di 'i* o. <> * ,rr (j) (T. /3 ■ 3 $. sfoy. 3 t£>. p-2 . Tz. >r. /r *33 • 13 - ^TU» \ *Or l > % > r. t't /X-', ^ /. iT. r*- 3>-r- w.\ '- l ’ «‘-rtf’Act'l . y ?- 1 " s&Aj asi »«. $ Z~., A &r ,i.Jy f)< 9 c. /Z " . °J l y* ^yy^r. / fa y **• ° '* ^>- A*'»" St/fr*.* ,ft, is „ c/ '> ‘ v o*jl- Ay./Kf. , • f I, I Ocf) /St *7' r. J'/i c a. refry a. Cl* STL /itfip- y. ihr*. C ^ ca /? •* c y r *- '*■'*« &*■** /f^A? &£?*?% y //’ca'/c- Zf/X/s/Zz/s) /X/crn/f/ s/ s/ct ^ys/fy/tss 7*Zy/s / ZZz/Zr //icX/r/Z ZX/rZ ~ Xnc^tg/Z/ZyX/i >///^ Zt < 7 'y/sytlf/risxyc y?j /Z Sjk+S/^C /‘''/Zs ?>Z//ns /tetoU/wC ZZ/rr/ yZ/s^Zj Sty/>M /fc Zs si //^r?t fZ/ZZy/l/ssZz? s/Z t//Z/y ^ZZs/y7s **<'/, Z'zc/srst/sS/ X-J 'C/l/iZ X/Z> S 7 /SSs , /Ss^tfytJt/// / X/i-ZXj t-T St / Zyy /y/Z/ ZsZ/Z Zp//tj - /Zs //X /t Zpst s-Z yr /}.-/ /Zy/zr/t y/Z/ZX,?) Z c /(//tyytttA y/tfZ ( tyt/h Zac It/ZtvSis/wi Si' // 7 > sstfLyt rz/Zs'C /sCsSl^/yis r Sps i yj, 7 s,tr / Z’ 2?.( //0 Z?/Zsi/2„c/ ZZ/'/ / //s6/lXZk///2//.- sZ/ f/sO’Ss, ^ Tzr/ tt/crz ffl . /)t^. yj. , . . . s, s ./ ? — . , / / . t - Z 3 +/St-/j///n /j /t/Zt/ispZZ» /6 t// s?u/?s , i/z/ Zxrf/y/sC ZoZ/y? /lZ/;?/? ,,scsV Z f Zc/x /£a,sy s zZf/. / Z7/1 6 JV /yZ?y /yZ/ 2 -yZ/zi- Z/y f st ts? Z/f/s ZX/ XzCS- Z/,, Zt /sf/zs/j Z/), Zy Z*/tr/ 'ZZ// ZstZu (Zs - ' yyty SVZ/iZsn /y Zt 2 -X_ / 2 s / ///, fDcZyysi/s /yi Tfyy/t/L Zc J), /f Z ut. Z2//1 1 •-/ j Zyfoc- s s 7 /y/> Z'j Jt*Z /y ///tZZ‘ *y ^y/s/sr>~^ 7 1 ■ V p'Uarfi. anno f/a rto/'. y . to. &>~t ( itftini /u. /rn< • ft,. ,^ z ^ — Cfitn.<.y// Ofij tP/i //.y . ^ S( f. i i' '**r. P/s/ //^ ^ ~ A " / V-~ ^ /-^p. fj /Z'Dt'j/, > / %I J- ^ ojr a xX-oYt: (, erYt/zn YYi / tee^ ^/( t/~ 7 * < 3 f L C*-&Z. £^&-us*eis£-^t tceri. \r ''r^* 4 L ‘Y< rt fA , Pic? ^A.c /ttyie-'L cl/ YY •*Cst f Cl* rt *i, cc StC^X'l- Cl/ Y/ 'At' 1 fC 2* re etc C^tec <-&/. Ytxx-ae* sf-CP/rc-et. ft & V er t(-r t '-fee r trcCQ* t^- -C ty 'P/AcY-rc e w — Yt.c cY c-c. cC CZ&fr-c, / <3 c^Ce'e Cf txYj&C - //d r c (// “^(VtcVy fP-c ~h -*7 12 cnizU} A yij±-~$ 3* -// 4 orf. 23 r f* pQ z P.2, /J - 3 f 2 -^ { ^fOO 3fr. LL zo o \ ar Xj OfSyy . 33^ 3 - » ' *» />• //. -•A ''i? //• ^ ^T ✓V- 2«» J^X' \ (f) a9 ci*. . c - a . m°{ /ji. c) m-v' J7 f ““/'/’ ,«r /<;■/«.‘( ‘t u /'f 1 1‘r'V /-ft/Z/t . y-v- 3 f t. tyf * 0 ? • '•J ' ' "» ])(“>-<{*. 'fyy ^ -7 j ? i$ip ij) to ^ i/l’Jb /H19- fXX ' L II m 1 1 ■ It: s | /l 'c - C ^A' ,p ■ 4/ •2 f f i . o' nj- ri /i Socia CoZf*mr¥,». - '-v, / "S**"** ^ w £> Jrj, ^ | ^ “I Jysoa (4>t if ^ „ ,. iys. ti/i <9 iiA/m ' fir/-:*# (4* ~4r<*4i — ffu/'/Ley- £ mn.**.-* Sie/i'/i'a yCcc'A -> «. // * «fl ' ^ fJC. .f-\ ' '" f / ' y) ’y> -■& * ■ ,/- o? £./. a/ /7? . Skn f,' /3 >1 1' 1 1 Jt-ctn/0 fu/n wi- >* .., / ‘ " ‘ • <~ *’« -/ r A. /*.? ,» ‘r C^hy tx 'Ahc/im. ex ///, .If,* /Z', ‘ . 'si c&uUer tc/*, / ’ ^ «<•>*.«. mortti .k ,/S^k tJ, ”T T too \ I //I ay. T-tC. 3> /6 \? 'AOO' f 3 fP/7? /7 »*■*>- Ja {IstiL 'v / 3. y. , ^ - 4 / &)»)'* /)i9t . t&y iJn //'"’ /,/Sy ZSsVii, /-&&,, yL *. /,, ?/? , /,y f^/A x s-< sl/-— A>y,.^y AT. As/AY, Aks< A ///^J S'" ^sS AyAsi, Allisi/, /A/jl7 &/£,>, */* A~ ^ S r /^,rA.WAS Cs,/^/? fr&f* 'f'S%y„ i S S,,„c. //jrZr ^ ' ' / d ’7~7 > . /CLy^A^ 7s sz 7%y . / t r /As AT-irrvy s?ls a, Y Ts**'/'/ — ’ A t/p/fecA-,y Ar \s&?>7y Acrs/iSi^cAAs /C/s-* , A AY J^s,,y6>fs> s A ^cy^> p /?7c? &/*+** ,> 1 A v 7* 77? s7is. - yZr(/-e., /77~Ay A- /A/ A77>^ ^/7 y/y jT^s^^/Tcsk, 77s tx- 7 st. •Ac'A A/TAs ses-c*.. cccuyA^, */t£n . 5 - s-'-* >-*>» J* Ah&l^-n- ,A*~ S sc ^ Ss^rS y/^AAsst u.-L 7 s yj-yisC. Asc A S t s>~s etts7 /# ^ A t- J7. /t' 2-4^2 7r-7. 2. s/ts/sCu<*/**/ /?lt/. J^CdCse '/%, , sT^tsy Ao-is/st*/ r r*is y7 O t\ ix if. h cPfial.'" c/\ . xu \ — % J/l/nj: 3i> 3j '* 3*13° £2i • «* * A3 3• 11 Ml . o. ; — ■ 3> 3o o °<* ~ i / L9 : 'i • r/ . ^ ‘2J HIM riO) isJ%, 27% r>. r$ ^jJ Tgg , 33. <7, < ^1 72 -22 2S&IOI. pj 3-2 - r? ^ % /£5. Of <2227 Ctl / 6o~> /2 . 2?- ri- , f Ilii, 13 ** s/)yf &?/.-£ f/ euzt? /6 / ^ (7&«1«^ /^.y y^ //3 » v^s ee /st yyfa/c- /~~ a 'f 7 - /jyy?. j ( 33.o 3f rx. # jL sy /CAe>rA Ai--<'£- YY^Ae / $*£-''& t^r^csY— ?Y -YYti^z*^-- ^Ac^/ey ^ Y CgZ jY%Z -Ytc. tYr *?*, AsycYsn ■^stZt'vS v^&yfy^e-zr 1 Aty dr&ztY- s<^st-L£* sY }£ yZe^s Of &YC SU y*-7S'2 Y%C (%3e v-r-Yeu'Yrcr- SY^Tzm^-f c£e ttectc sY S* "/£ 'cy«-^_ S e*-'/ ^ 're* iscpK-dr t. r~^yJzje r t-Yz&C. fA c-C 0 - *1/ Antic m ^7^/t Yr< <&*> i ytsA<* ~&< f Qzts t, ** ^ yfftezsu , - ScYYftSt/^ /if~~AAL--S^4ze ecz<*c? Arruty P? */C+UnY /(rALc /bn-^ f~/- c a* t -~L~ r - //::. ) /■: . . .-'- *2 /rt v IncarytJ < r ^}. y *" +J~*C & ^ ^ l*-/ £ & C Lc d\ « £ ) v ^ & *? G /nvj/ l c'u.„ c: tff,y U , K ypr-. i r hv 2 -a r/cPt 17 -> t ^ 1 ^ -f=P yi/ ¥ % *< '-^J i y *r >"» *<#.: «fMv&y*, ", „/v 7 -/ fjy-y /, f y - V '«<■- <* < ^ja) fns. ' *• ,i - ; yy/./^ 2- t s~f <¥/ & &fc r-C. .//j o 4‘ >'cy c, x ° Jif r n °'V^/*/ “'•'■■ « *>. .^L,- „..y.^ « fV r .. ^ eis/ M limt 3j/°> 0 JO 3J.JJ 7 L _2 t- rj£. 373 Ji ■»- \ y3 • 9 J ) , 94 <"/. 5 /? yZd^- « * ■ * '*v v- , ' ■v *V [iy. \ , y ■' C frr&'tr* in f^y . <% Q . rtutjt- f/a 'btu/’Jjn- / ,/7 ,.. . . ra . &,)# fa /fa* ^y/J: . y S" ^ " ck ‘"*~s ~*‘ / «s~~r /)*<%«. ,* T "* x ' ' HMjli h‘ f I knS * v .^. y j J ‘ w w/ ^ * '*>• ^ r/^ /«, Jj ,. , 1 L I » ',tt •■.- . .. .... .... 'jo/* hJi -2 J 2-7 ■' >f njh jee y */ ' /< C7 <57 33/ n. .<" .!*•»- 1 7 . 5 r- . . j|4 7£? ' 2 ^ £ l f ' h ft C 'V ' Ur %x. etrc $ *7 ~fr f } X- C {7 . . /. y C j *7 |- 4 d £ / • -- ! ■ ' H fA > 7 / ^ astcJ*. /?l fly. ( i> >^ {&-ur*e/. may. t *>S? (/ a;-, j]*/i/. ( /T />; <-U. »,« a* - jy-LifiL*-*- n, / \P/u/-/!a- //?<$, >, (/-ss) j O '(?<■■ /S/drA //rr\«$J70 \(mc jy ^ Jys/f c 4 jjd c h cai^J^yfy. i&'t S> ■ I I '/ / / / / / , X /?> l b . f jj-y-gf j /ft-* r 6 lk ■ -f 1 "- ,f ■'>" /• /,_ / . 4 m ****** ■* — a, 'y£f- / tAZr-r. ~A? - U? f f: *- f . . A , J? '^/,Z/7Z A^.Z y✓>* <■ c-t // ' //'V X 'XL 7 X . ^ - r/rJ sXftr^A* cXan> (-/ S’ ■**-<_ y~ £c«y/L ■({ (,$ JtrS-c/t' (rO /7 h - 7 '4' /i'"v ( . 7 ^ / 1 « ' /J no/ o.fiiy <- 0.1'^ cl / y i (Aff rt cAA? z i -cAAsc t j2 u t£s£-A *4 Ac/ A/ //,\ tccsvtrH '. /f/ <&«■ S~\ L „ 7 . 's , / A y /WA';;. sw./A. y //' aQa./ ^ v / / * 7 S>r*+,<*,z> Su„, s/„,S! /u i j4 n y / n >0 v /r ■ }. f/sAe/^A/ y* *1 yy a 0 0 A 0 .AAs h .-WE. c K'S jj ■fscnJSy A ^ ^ l \ | . n A tf^tA frZ/iSSsiM s*&/n c i, A 1 '7' X ■ ^ > rn /y As^tS jS'rast' .SXXs -*X>, Aa / j;' / ./ /7 " fc ; w ^ *XwwX>x ; X < ■1 ; H ft I*/* A^) -ny^/Zy ., ' ' S , f X X - -X- JH J^/aA^a & jf/* V ^ (W/c- ^ ' 7 V t'v^ v/b/L/rXr. s^/scSAir / ^pTuscys- L-e c<- At / yS/f- '*■ > ZrZ s/sl- ^ X-,x^ ^ f?s/ /r/Z/Z. ofc AhyJ^ . t^Zrz,/' 7 A^crt-C t&^ /tsls c*hyf,s*. S/^fa,,,£ryT- &■ -'~y /*-A /'a-cma'/I? try.*.. sf-SAft y''^ yj'iyy/i A — ^ W / / /> A'^m/s?'-/ Ayr t/’ X^XV.'X- S^+rrC cArf, t s*ng , ' , JSr Z?fA X. f?r /&*> • /?u /A^--z*^jL ■ / cr/r// /*». aJtt^Lcc, sit,rc ?/ty*r&t. A? cr/^ r/ - 1 , /- f ■ Jtt'i'-tC e^A ey/e. ecssi C t( ^ //2sTt,<-/{. rtfenty t,*/ ^rAC^f^,r £- f£—j£/ Ac /^ //jAL fjj. ie/a . ,*C ///-, y^r ALZ—f^strStfs i /tc. 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