BY THE Ul EEiY. A PROCLAMATION For Uniting the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick into One Dominion under the Name of GAN AD A. VICTORIA R. ’WMTHEREAS by an Act of Parliament passed on the Twenty-ninth Day of March One Y Y thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, in the Thirtieth Year of Our Reign, intituled “ An Act for the Union of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and the “ Government thereof, and for Purposes connected therewith,” after divers Recitals, it is enacted, that “ it shall he lawful for the Queen, by and with the Advice of Her Majesty’s most Honorable “ Privy Council, to declare by Proclamation that on and after a Day therein appointed, not being “ more than Six Months after the passing of this Act, the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and “ New Brunswick shall form and be One Dominion under the Name of Canada, and on and after “ that Day those Three Provinces shall form and be One Dominion under that Name accordingly And it is thereby further enacted, that “ such Persons shall be first summoned to the Senate as “ the Queen, by Warrant under Her Majesty’s Royal Sign Manual, thinks fit to approve, and “ their Names shall be inserted in the Queen’s Proclamation of UnionWe therefore, by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council, have thought fit to issue this Our Royal Proclamation, and We do Ordain, Declare, and Command, that on and after the First Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick shall form and be One Dominion under the Name of Canada. And We do further Ordain and Declare, that the Persons whose Names are herein inserted and set forth are the Persons of whom We have, by Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual, thought fit to approve as shall be first summoned to the Senate of Canada. FOB, THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. FOB THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. FOB THE PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. FOB THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. JOHN HAMILTON, RODERICK MATHESON, JOHN ROSS, SAMUEL MILLS, BENJAMIN SEYMOUR, WALTER HAMILTON DICKSON, JAMES SHAW, ADAM JOHNSTON FERGUSON BLAIR, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, DAVID CHRISTIE, JAMES COX 41 KINS, DAVID REESOR, ELIJAH LEONARD, WILLIAM 1A CHASTER, ASA ALLWORTH BURNHAM, JOHN SIMPSON, JAMES SKEAD, DAVID LEWIS MACPHERSON, GEORGE CRAWFORD, DONALD MACDONALD, OLIVER BLAKE, BILLA FLINT, WALTER M CREA, GEORGE WILLIAM ALLAN. JAMES LESLIE, ASA BELKNAP FOSTER, JOSEPH NOEL BOSSE, LOUIS A. OLIVIER, JACRIJE OLIVIER BUREAU, CHARLES MALHIOT, LOUIS RENAUD, LUC LETELLIER HE ST. JUST, ULRIC JOSEPH TESSIER, JOHN HAMILTON, CHARLES CORMIER, ANTOINE JUCISEREAU DUCHESNAY, DAVID EDWARD PRICE, ELZEAR II. J. DUCHESNAY, LEANDRE DUMOUCHEL, LOCIS LACOSTE, JOSEPH F. ARMAND, CHARLES WILSON, WILLIAM HENRY CHAFFERS, JEAN BAPTISTE GUEYREMONT, JAMES FERRIER, Sir NARCISSE FORTUNAT BELLEAU, Knight, THOMAS RYAN, JOHN SEWELL SANBORN. EDWARD KENNY. JONATHAN M*CULLY, THOMAS D. ARCHIBALD, ROBERT B. DICKEY, JOIN I. ANDERSON, JOHN HOLIES, JOHN W. RITCHIE, BENJAMIN WIER, JOHN LOCKE, CALEB I?. BILL, JOHN BOURINOT, WILLIAM MILLER. AMOS EDWIN BOTSFORD, EDWARD BARRON CHANDLER, JOHN ROBERTSON, ROBERT LEONARD HAZEN, WILLIAM HUNTER ODELL, DAVID WARK, WILLIAM HENRY STEEYES, WILLIAM TODD, JOHN FERGUSON, ROBERT DUNCAN WILMOT, ABNER REID M CLELAN, PETER MITCHELL. Given at Our Court at Windsor Castle, this Twenty-second Hay of May, In the Year ot our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and in the Thirtieth Year of Our Reign. God save the Queen. LONDON: Printed by GEORGE EDWARD EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to tfee Queen’s most Excellent Majesty. 1867.