THE OSLEH LIDRARV MCGTEL UNIVERSITY 1 j 11 The Official Medical Handbook for the Great Plague of London 19 CERTAIN NECESSARY DIRECTIONS, as well For the Cure of the Plague, As for preventing the Infection : With Many easie Medicines of small Charge, very profitable to His Set down by the Colledge of Physicians London, by John Bill and Christopher Barker, . . . 1665. Sm. 4to, First Edition, (viii), 35 pp., including the first leaf with the Royal Coat-of-Arms and Proclamation, half red morocco extra. Wing C.1708. Huntington, Harvard and Columbia copies recorded in America. As the official publication of the CoUege of Physician, this ,“ position of considerable importance in the history of medicine. It .^5^® than 30 prescriptions and directions, of which a number are of a preventati nature. __—— - Uni I '.A f •> c'C ;/..i *^sv :-Tti:;s 1 V. . ..;; c-’a X i I fiotjiiv ■':in^ Lfic 2U ^I 'f ’Kl't u Ua . - iil!^o5 «. _ o .1 ^55Jji r,;fio ;• t ,lh.wo3 xvn‘l jd; ^oiiirfjo jisIAdU eiH A i fYiosi.:£: . .1*. 4^ . .' ; .4 aiupjihafi Y»^ [ ob :.'r/\i^nii. ^hn^^n.ta' ^ ni zm r.^^i^dui ’ox'J *::rff^i b Ziiz[y\i’\^ sJr v^i nvv- z:bi^ o3 J '13 ' :A. i .uj ioi L^inr^n^:.;’>^ U.13 /. V- * - • ^ * , . ..,,,. . ..'.<» . -1 I y. -n:; .-tuis;;.:!,-.: 7 ^^' ::'’';• -: .UUU 03 ; ;o bn. ?orn;; J ‘‘ * ‘ ' ', ‘V '. ' ;' ’; V.' - ‘i-- C:.i 'h-jj-ji. OS' 'ji'j3S0 '•o.'id* 3iri ni ^ si; " *. - • .'■> -Ut? - ■■- fr , . i..- . - 1.1-. i ; . i j.i 'I hm -v' / rro'.' ■oo.; I-. : ‘ -v-/ igiL lisuit o. , :v. ’ An Advice (ct Sown by the Col- ledge of Phyliciaiis by His Majellies fpecial Command, containing certain ncceflaiy' Dire^ions, as well for the Cure of the Plague, as for preventing the Intoion j with many eahe Me¬ dicines, and of Imall charge, the life whereof may be very profitable to His Majeliies Subje(5ts. I. Dolors,Apothecaries,and Cliirurgions. ' bring ficft obferbei) in former times, 3 ft might be befireb, that bp the < 5 obernment of the dtt? there be appointeb fip o| four S?oao|s atlcaftytbhu map applp tbemfelbes '15 M-l The of tottje dure of tt>c SfufetteD > anD t^jat tl^fe SDotto^is l3e ©ttpenDtariejK to tpe Ctfp fo? ttjeir lit)f js > ani) tl^at to eat^j SDotto? tpere be afftgneU ttoo apotbetartejsf ant) tb?«e dbtrurgtonjst, topoare alfo to be fttpenbeb bp ipedttp ^ tpat fo Due anbtrue rare map be tafeen tn all tptng^j tpat tpe People pe- rilp not tottbout help, anb that tpe 3!nfeitt- on fp?eab not, topile none tafee particular care to refill it, ae^ in Paris, Venice, anb Pa¬ dua, anb manp other dttte«f» ^anb if anp SDotio?, Japotberarp, o^ Cbi-- rurgion (lipcnbeb bp tbe €ttp, IbaU happen to bte in the ferbice of the ^tfenbance of the Plagne, then their IGElibotojs furhihing Iball babe thrir PenGoius! buring their Ubejy.. n. Prevention of propagating the Infedlionfrom place to place. . A % the pjobiftoii alrcabp mabe bp9u» tho?itp, upon occafton, of prohibiting perfon0 anb (Scobs coming from foreign dountreps anb places tnfeaeb, to be lanb-- eb fo? foiirtp baps, is moll rational, To? prebenting the bringing in of the donta* gicn from anp fuch Piafcs) fo it is abbifa- blc, that feme futable probifion he mabe in relation to perCons Unthin the filingbom, b)hO' the t'hyiicians. totjo map remote o? tratel from jpiatejs mutt infeitetjto founl):a05CDat none mtgtt tratel toittout Certificate of SJcaltt* ttat |??erfonie« jufilp fuCpectet) migtt not be fuf^ feret to enter futt Platen free from 3fn* fettton, but fpiebilp Cent atoap, o? feept tit fome^oufe o? 5>oufe0 fet apart to reteibe fucb perfone; (mitt accommobatton of ne* teifartefif) fo? fourtp o? tbtrtp bape? at leaft, till tbeir founbnefjs might appear» ^nb that anp ©cobe; coming from the libe )piate0 might be openeb anb aireb, before recetbeb into l|)DufejSi free anb clear. m. Prevention of diiperfing the Contagion aniongft Perfons. I is: 10 abbifable, Chat all nablefs^ Con* tourfe0 of People be p^ohibitebi Chat the P©? be reliebeb anb fet at ipo^fe, anb OSeggerfit not fuffereb to go about» Chat allfale of cD?rupt p?obifion fo^ fab be re* flrainebJ Chat Stritt/3 anb ^aiifee^ be a^ biligentlp anb carefullp ag map be, bept clean} the ©rreetjs bialheb anb cwleb a0 tnucha^map be^bp the plentiful running of the COnbuit0anb‘torer otherbJife pJoru; reb. ^nbitbjereto be toilheb, thatiUault/s fo? P2ibie0 might be emptieb onelp in CBintertanb that ^oap*fub0 anb Ltquour^ . bohereitt TheA, tpat none toill gipe notice of anp fufpitton of tbe J^lague againft tbemfelPee! 5 PJberefo^e tpat mutt be tbe €)Perfier 0 rare> upon anp notice o| fufpition of 3!nfeaion j bp tbe befp of tbe Dottour^j, (Jbirurgionjef, IRieperjs o| ©eatcberi®, to ftnP out tbe truth thereof, anP fo to p^oceeP atfOiPinglp, butnottoPe^ penP upon the teftimonpof 20omen fearcb* t%fssXom^ ptredions the Phyficians. . V. Direflrions for the Searchers. !♦ ^^¥^5)eparetotab notice tntether thetr 1 be anp ^taelltngia; Etftngsf, o? Xottb unber the €ar, about the JSeefe, on eitbtr ®tDe,o^ unber tbe of either ©the, oi tbe®?oin05 ant of iwhattnetiefj ant tobetbet foofeen o? unb?ofeen» 2. caibetber there be an? 'Blatnef tohtch wap rife in anp part of the 'Botp in the fo?m of a TSliftetj much bigger than t^ Small Pop, of a ftrato colout oilititco* (our, tihich latter iiB the tJ0?(ec j either of them hath a rettilh Circuit, fomething ftjollen rount about it, which Cinutt remainjK after the ISlitter it b^oben, en* tompading the So?e* 9» (KHhether there be anp Carbuncle, Which it fomething libe the OSlain, but mD?e fierp ant co?rrftbe,. eaftlp eating beep into the fle^, anb fometimet hating a blatbtruO upon it, but aiwaptcompadeb about With a terp fierp ret (o? litib) flat anb hart tumour, about a (inger=bgeatth mogeog left: tbit ant the Xlain map ap¬ pear in anp part of the 'IBobp. 4. (OKhether there be anp Cobent, Which arefpott ariftng upon thetbin, chieflp a- bout theXgeall t ')! 5 acb,but fomeimet alfo in ^ other . 6 The A&d^e of ottitr pattjs > tpeit colour tjsfometpitig 1 ^=* rtotifS!, fomettmejat mo?e rcDt)tft),'fomettmts: incUntng a little tolwar^) a faint blue, anU fomettmejs b^otnnilli tntjct tottbblue> tbe reb oneef babe often a purple»tirtle about them,tbe b^otuntibja rebbiib ♦ 5* (DEttbetber tbenecfe anb other limbiaiare rigib o? ftiff, oi mo?e flexible anb limber than in other beabbobiejj* VI. to be taken when a Houie is vifited. ’T^Jpatupontbebifcoberp of the 3 fnfettion in anp 8 >oufe, there be piefentlp meanjs ufeb to p?eferbe the OUhole, ais tnell son to cure the Iinfecteb: Slnb that no Cick perfon be remobeb out of anp houfe, though to another of hijs^omn,without notice thereof to be giben to the ®berfeer0,anbto be bp them app?obeb j o? if the bJhole be to be remobeb, that notice be giben to the ©berfeerjs of their remobe, anb that caution be giben that thepiball not toanber about till thep be fownb. , ^ Che houfe that iis known to be 3 [nfetteb, though none be beab therein, to be Iljut up, anb rartfullp kept Watcheb bp mo|e truftp men then o?oinarp tSUarberis, till a time after the Partpbe wellrecobereb, anb that timetobe fourtp bapss atthe leaft, oi ra* ther the Ph^cians. 7 tijet remote ttem all immetiatel]? to tU jg)e(H)ou(ej?«. VII. Caution about Apparel and HoufholdftufF. T l[)at no Apparel 0^ ll)oulljolt)ftuff be remotet), o? (olb out of tpe tnfettet toufe, fo| ftp monetbjs after tbe mfettioit to teafebintbe boufe; ^nb that alltpe kero, anbtnfcrtoiCrpero fo? Apparel be re- ftraineb in tpat bebalf, anb fiitb Sipparel 0^ 5)oul^olbftuff to be ^treb anb IFumeb^ VIII. Correftion of the Air. F Jreomabe tn tbe llreeto, anb often tjftb ©ttnfe-poto,anb goob fireo kept in ant about tbe boufeo of furb ao are tiltteb, ant tbetrJSetgbbouro map co?re£t tbe infcttiouo Sir 5 ao alfo freciuent bifcbargins of ©uno* aifoJFumco of tbeCe following matettalo > Eoftn, Pitch,Carre, 'Curpenttnc, iFrank' tntenfe, ^prrbe, ^mberi Cbe tjooboof 3 (m ntper,€pp?efo,€ebar 5 Cbelrateo oflbapo, Eofemarpi to mbttb, efpectallp to tbe lefo grateful fentet, map be abbet lometJbat of • Labdanuin, Storax, Benzoin, Lignum aloes : one 0? mo?e of tbeCe, ao tbep are at bant, 01 mapbep^ocureb, are to be put upon ( 2 f 6 alo anD conCumeBtott^) tBe leaft flame tBat ma]j. Be, m EoomjS!, ^joufeief, CBurcBeief, otBec place0f 'B^tmfltine burnt plenttfull|> in an^ room D? place, tBougbtll to BeenBureBfo^ tbep^e* fear, map effeauallp to^rert tbe ^tr foi tpe future* caapour0 from HJtneger epBaleB in anp room, map Babe tbe lifeeeffitacpiefpectallp after itbatij been imp^egnateB, bp infuftng 0 ? Geeptng in itanp oneo? mo?e of tbcfe Jn-- greBient0> tDao^mtnooB, ^gelica, Rafter* bJo^t, Xap-'leabe^, Eofcmarp, Eue, "^age, Scordiuin, oi CSflater-germanBer, fHalert- um, 0^ ©ettoal^roofjjeBoarie, Campbire* Co bobtcb Hineger alCo^to renBer itlef0 un* grateful, map be aDBeB Eofetuater, to a fourth 0? tbirB part: Cbefe are cooler, anB Co mo^e proper fo? bot feafon^* Cbe bapour of naincger raifeO bp flawing of JLime in ft, map effettuallp co^rca tbe §ltr neer about it* Cafee ©alt'peter,' amber, X^imflone, of facbtmo part0, of 31 umper one part > mtjc them in a potoBcr, put tbeteofupon a reB Bot iron, o? coal0, a little at once* I X. Per- r the Phyficians. IX. Perfuming of Apparel. attb tnap p?efert)e from tnfettfon, ^ feeing Done fep Come of tfee mo?e grateful a! tfee feip fume0 of tfee®umm0, &c. fee* foie menttonefe to fee feurnti anfe feettoeeit tofetle0 freguent (feifttng anfe airing of ap* parel map fee, efpetiallp feptfee iFire, oiin tfee ^n, tfee moie effectual) tfei0 to fee feone tfeeratfeer,tf one featfe tome in feanger of infection* X. By carrying about of Perfumes* CCQltfe a 0 are to go afeioafe, Ifeall feo tnell to tarrp IBlue, Angelica, ^affertooit, ^prrfee,®co|feium, oi fflUater-germanfeer, fflaoimtooofe, iKalerian, oi ©ettoalbroot, tairginiamfnafee root, oi Zefeoarie intfeeir feanfe0 tofmell tos anfe of tfeofe tfeep map bolfe oi cfeeto a little in tfeeir moutfe0 00 tfeep go in tfee ftreet0 5 Cfeep map anoint tfeeir iSoflril0 toitfeopl of ^mfeer, 0? Teal* Cam of ®ulpfeur i efpetiallp if tfeep fee a* fraife of anp plate: iFear, aftoell a0 fumption, feeing feurtful. , , Cafee Eue one feanfeful, uamp tt tn^ moiter, put tfemto aiineger enoug||to moiftenit, mi')rtl&^m toeU,t^en Oram out t\>t jupce^eta piece of ^pungCjO? a toaftof U?oixinlj?eai) tpecein, tpe tritt atl?m clot!?, Pear it aPout to fmell to. Cafec tpe root of ^ngeltta Peaten gcollp, tpe tjjeigpt of Cf pence, of Eue,anP fSEfo^m- wooP, Jof eacp tpe Poeigpt of four pence, ©ettPall tpe pjeigpt of tpiee pence* P?uife tpefe, tpen fieep t^m tn afitile fDKtne4Kt* negcr, tpe tpem in a linnen clotpi tnpicp tpep nmp tarrp intpeir panPef, oi^ ittn*^ to a Juniper Pop fuUof pole^i to fmell to*. , Or they may ufe this Pomander. ike Slngelica,.Eue, ZePoarie^of eatp _ pnlfaP^m,^pctpetrDoP?a;ttp0f5€am* p^ire graitm, tSSiij: onP Labdanum of eacp ttpop^mo, mo?e oi lefo, a^i (Pall Pe mt ngo* tpougpt Kt to mip toitp tpe otper . make perkOf a Ml to carr^ about mm ^ou tnai? ealilp make a pole in it, anP fo poear it aPout pour netk t^tp a Qring .tlie tidier fcrtmay tnaket^tiftPi^ t Pomander.- tain dit atoadoi intljtl; irpeRct, « putit4ii< ofeatj f Qum 01 vT [ll'sr % the Phyfieians. II atjjam, t)eUot»@atinUer0,ljgnum aloes, of ta 4 one fCtuplejGdliae Mofchataefour fctU* OBen?oi«,of m\} onetJ?aw, SamoMre Op grains, Labdanum ti2am0, ©um'Ctagatantb btOolbeO tn Eotetjjater, enough to make itupmtq a pomantjet, putthetetoOph^ of spirit S Eofessf, intloCe it in an 3 lho??-hop, taeat it about poue neck. XIII. By inward Medicines. L ift none go IFaOingfoith, eberpone ai^ co^b(nga» the? canp?otute,let fonietute rttng map tafcc ^tUck OSi^cc, a Clobej tma o? th?ee, atto?btng asj it mall aatee iwith their hohiejx i feme map take fSg, fome of the (JEiettuarp m«hFtSg< snb’Eae heteafter eppieOeh; Come map ufc L^don^ISrteatleithe Weight of eight pewe in 16*’wojmns, wMnS «*?* thd to tbe aae of thepartp», after otiehout let them eatfome other ^ anh Gutter ©age WOrtlneb SJttte water With fa hufwQea, o? well hom^a?^th flour of IBfln^one^o? Wimpoon It 5 The'Advice of ft, a« ounce in ptnt0, to a quart} a ti^augOt t)eing tafcen etjerp mointng, pat|i p^beO effectual anOfucceC^L < CoQecpEue,(BIl0?mtJJooD, or Sage all mgpt m tbetr Oiinfe, anO to O^tnfe a gooO t)?aug|jt in tl?e ino?ning fading, t;e berp topolefom, or to brink a braugjjt of fucp brtnkafter tpe tafeing of anpof tbecreferba*' ttbeeftuillbeberpgoob, 'Cafee of Sage bruifeb t»ell,tb)o banb" ml0,of( banbful, of Eue half abanbful, put t^em into a3fugg of four quarts, put to them of mflb 'Beer reabp to brink four quarta} in tbe morning letebe^ tp one of tbe familp brink a braugpt of it together eating after ft Xreab anb Cake of the root» of Petafltis, or 'Butter* burre ^ ounteof, root® of elecampane ^padertoort, anb Angelica, of each an ounce anb ^Igjleabeaof ^eaboto^toeet, Scordi- of eaeb ttoohanbfttl0,Eue anb ®0ormbjoob of each one banbful, Citron (orUmon ) peel, JSutmeg, of each half an ' ounce, of 3luniper-berrie0 ripe anb Wpep tbjo ounces, of Carbuu^feeb one ounce}9ii Julpprepareb bpeutting anbbruifing,are to ijunk a iWuBtttWtj memtosMB mn^ the PhyCcians. 'Ealie of tl^e ConCetbe of tllBooti'foitel ttoo ouncej^e, of IDtafco^btum ttoo O^amia, of tOe flour of 'Bitmflone berp flnelp grounO one li?am, of feaflron tbjeegrainjsf, of rup of (DKooO'fo^rel ajs! mucp ajes t 0 fufftti* ent to mafee an OEltctuarp: IFo? p^ebentton, tafeeaO^ameberp moaning fading, During tpe imminent Danger: l^ettpe JpartpDiink after it a Draught of topite^toine poffetjtoitb a (poonful anD palf of tpe plague-boater in itinbeD, of of tbijJf boater folloteing* Cabe of Stilgelica, Cadmu bene^iftus, &age, Scordivtm, Petafitis, 0 ? TSutter-burre, Xaume,anD plantain, of eacpfourpanD* fuU, of ^ettoall anD ISoiage of each ttoo panDfulo, of ^int one panDful, of tobite^ Wne ttoo quarto > Difltl tpem in a tolO©t eat rtpereof at pleaferce* 5ln OHettuarp of TSole-^ttftdttatfe, a« mutb ajaf pou pleafe» o? of tbe pobjberss inbtteof tbe C^eatle Diatefleron ijet mabe, mijceb up toftb'^pntpe of laineget^ o? an ^lertuarpbf ^felfcarfe, tbidy^pi^nf Itf* monjj, ate eafffp mabe^ anb berpeffemialj being taben aia tbe fo^met* * 3In all ^ummer-plaguejy itiball be goob to ufe ^ojrel*fa4»fet» be^atm ^‘tpe mom* ing toitb b?eab; amb in tbe faff of tbe leaf to ufe tbe of ’^atbatfesf tbitb t?eab affo^ Mthidat^ his Medicine of *T^be of goobItgjEf^anb (Saalnut^feemte, ^ of each ttoentp fouti Eue pfrtteb tbuo fjanbffdjjf, of ©altbaif an ounte b? tome* babat die_ j - toljat tettet: IFirfl flamp pout ftgg» antj ©UalnutiS UJell together tn a ftone nioitet, tpcn aOO pour Eue, an^ laft of all pout ®alt, mijct ^cm tjCcccDing toell > mU of tl«j5 mature tPetp m6?«tug fafting, tpe toetgpt of pence, to cpilOien anD toeafe UoDte-e! le( 0 > .:;i ^ XVI. . Or this will be efife^lual alfo; 'Tiafee tttentp ?SHalnut«,'pttt^em,lp)3: ^ 0ftee», Euea^ooOp^Oful, ta^o^nifen- ti^roor0'tp?« i)?aim, IBole^^rmontacfe a 1}^ anua palt ftamp pout tootsf, ttjm pout Ftgje? ant ®eet 0 , tpen aUDpoBt crainut»,r tpen puttojout Eue ai!t don-CteatJe^ antttoo 0 ? li|oohful« of TOne^tjfnegct, mip i^jem tteH tn a flone^ moitet, anttalieof tttt^ePetpmonnngj^ (luantttp of a goot IButmeg fafttng $ ^p ttat pate caufe to go mucp ab^oat, map tabe ao much mo?etn tpe»obout 0 befoiefuppet* Cabe of IFtgi^ talf a pount, of (EKalnut^ ibetne^ ttno ouiicej^, of tiiet Eue'leaA^ejQi fine ounce, of ®alt paff an ounce, of itpe Ecut Petafiris op t?amj@^, Gontrayerva- Etot, tattgkianSnabe^jSaU oi Pru¬ nella, of ta^ 8t?am ent W, ofZctoatfe The of atiam, of ©ugat: IjfffolteO ttt to a @Kupeenoug|)to male all into an «le-' auarp* 8)ertof map te talen a 2?iam o? m quantitp of a JRutmeg et»rp morning anD et>enmg» XVII. For Women with child. Children, and fuch as cannot take bitter things, oie this. T Ut ConCerbe of EtO-KofeiSf, Con- fetbe of fSQ[(Dti-1&o|t^el, of earbttoo o^nce^f, Conferbei» of ISo^age, of ©age-fiotoerio, of each dj: o^amo, OSole* ^montael, ibabtngaof fijarta^bom, fbop m4ft0a f of 'eatb tma: o^ama, pelloto oi 4atflonone fcruple,®p?uw of ®Io)li'®o?rel, enousb to male it a maitt Cleauarp j mbc them toelL tale fo mutb aa a Cbe^ut at a time, once oi ttoicea Oap, ai?^pou#allitno caufe* xvra. For the richer fort. T % RwWnS* of WtSftWin, of teart, of «o?al, ®o?ment«.ww:, ZeOoane, ttUO Terra Sigillata, of eatO one ^aro, aitton.piUo, yelbto, tobt te ant) reo ©aunbeta, of eat/balf a bjam' fobite the PhyfidsinsI totitte ^tmber, |[)|>atttttl)*fione meparetj, of eacfj mo ftruplejs, 'Be?oar4one of tpe Cafl, Po^OjOf eatp four ant) ttnen* tp gratng,"Citron anP ©?ange p»l» canOt* 0l3,0f eacp Lignum Aloes Olte fttuple, tjjpite ®ttgar»tanPte ttoice tpe ttietgpc of all tpe reRi mtp tpem tDell,Petng maPe into a ^;ePge«poisPet^ Cafte tpe toetgpt of ttoelPe*pence at a time tpcrp mointng fatting, anP alfo in tpe ePen* tngaPoutttPe acloeP, oi an pour Pefote fupper* ®0ttp tpefe potoPerje: anP Sugar tpere map Pe maPe £o?enge0, o? Manus Chrifti's, anp toitp tonPenient ConferPejo tpep map Pe maPeintodeauatieiOt ^ll vopttp, anP manp mo?c tpeir Jpealtluipep map paPc PptpeaPPtte anP Pfretttonio of tpetropjn PPpftctanjK: o?, aof Pae pope, PPpCttana t»iUnotPeP)anttng toPtrea tpem a»tpep map papa nerp, to tpe fo? tparttp Cpep map alfo ufe TSejoar^Piater, o? Creatle-toater PiftilleP, tompounPeP bp tpe ipppftttans! of London, anplmoton bp tpe name of Aqua Theriacalis ftillatitia , rnpicp tpep map ufe fimplp > o| tpep map imp tpem alfo mitp all tpetr ^ntiPoteef, a» otcatton Ipall require* Cafee of amber-grpfe a (trunle, PtffolPe it in four euntej® of tpe Pew Spirit of "D SatP> iS ThfArf^ceof tafee moaning a ttm^ pie, tettl) crumbj^ of TOite-lJica^ anu fu- gar of EofejJ* ')5alfam of ©ulptiur to four gtJe D^opjKjO? Elixir Proprictatis to ttoentj oi tijtrtp 0?opjK, tn tomej o? l»ater anu fu* gar, maj) be effectual. Cbe ufe of London-Creatle t0 geob, both to p^eferbe from tbe ^tckneljs;, aef affo to cure tbe ^tcb, being taben upotv tbe ffrff app^ebenfton in a greater quantitp, a® to a man ttoo b^aum, but lef» to a roeab bo* bp, oi a tbtlb, in Carbuuef o? iDragon* mater. Cabe of tbe fined tlear JSLloajO pou can bup, of Cinnamon, of of eacp of tbefe tbe bcietgbt of tb^ee French Crotono, o? of CbM anb tmentp penre of our ^onep, of. Cfobe/?, -^ace, l^gnupi Akje&, of ^a* fficfe, of‘^ole iDnentajl, of cacb of tbefe half an ounce 5 mingle them together, anb beat them into a berp fine potober, of tbe mbtcb tabe eberp meaning fading tbe metgbf of ;a ‘0?oat in tSKbire-mine belupeb mitb mater. I5:abe a b?p IFtg, anb open it, anb put tbe bernef of a Malnut into tbe feme, being cut berp. jfmall, tb?^ o^ four Jltatte^ of I3,tte, tommonlp callelki^erb (Sswee, a tibn of ©alti then rod tbe fig anb eat ittoarm, fad tb?ie oi four bouro after it, Snb ufe tbi 0 tmueintbeimctfe.. • the Phyfidatis. Cafee tlje PotoDer af Co?menttl t|)e of fip pence, tmttJ ©oirel o?®cab^ oujK-'tttaterftt ^mmer, anU in tte TOntec toitp tpe tjjatet of iHalectan, o? common JDnnk, twperein Ijatl) tan infufeP tt)e foie* namel) ll)erb) 0 ;* flDi elfe,tn one Pap tpep map tafee a little tBoim*moDP anP ISalevtan, toitp a ®|dm of ®alt^ in anotper Pap tpep map tafeefe* ten oi eigptTBecrteiEf of Juntpee P?teP, anP put in PotJper, anp taking tpe ftimt tnitt^ common SDitnk, oitJtfP C)|rn% mtopirp ©ttoimtjcop anp Rue patp llcrpep all ntgbt* ^IfO tpe treacle talleP Diateffaron^ toptcp im mape Put of fourtptngo of Itgpt piice, eofie ta_hMi^Jii-J2Llie JfngwPtentO are, ©enttan, 'Bap-Percieo, ^p?rpe, anp Ariftolocbiatpe tounPjin equal p|opo|tton, maPe into an ®leituarp tortp tp|le timcjs tpe toe^pt of Iponep* 3lfo tpe Rmt of Elicampane taken fn PomPec PJitpX>?infc. Lifectoife a piece of flD|rto-r«t keptfu tpemoutp aefmen pafo Intpe (lratjy» Cake ftpLeaPeo of ®o?re!, tjaip tpem "Ijjttt OUater anP cainegtr, let tpem lie th tpe fatP tHUatcr anp atineger a mptle, tpen eat tpem falling, anP keep in pour moutp anpcpet) notjjanPtpen euper^ettoall, o| tpe JBUot of Angelica, oi a little Cinamon, •S) 2 0| 20 Thei^ tcmceof D| four of di fa mut^j of Eatrte»fnalie rcot: ®oat 0 Eue ma]? lie eaten ttfSalaOje!, o^lje 3futceo? SDecottton tt)eteof . tn 'Bioatf? >o^ j^oSet'O^tnh, map l>e CoufeO tot)erpg(QD putpofe* GiHcfjafif ate tteD to neteffacp attenliance ^ ontpe SlnfetteD, ajs alfo fuel) ao Ute tn fiStfiteti Ipoufej^^f^all Do mell to caufe lifueja: to \)t maDe tn tliett 9tm0 o^lLeg^:, 0| Pot^? a^tpe Pl^pfittan (Ijall tpmli 6t« XX. Bleeding, Purging, Vomiting.’ T Jpefe ti)^ great EemeWeief tarelp patje place in tlje Plague, but are generallp Uangeroujsi, (ano mott of allspurgfng bp anp flrong^eOtctneie()anb therefore not to be ufeb but upon fame tp lrao?btnarp urgent tnbtrant o? juO otta-- 0£in,anbtottb tbe greatefl caution, tobtcb onelp an able Pbpfittan tan jubge of i anb tberefoje, no ^bbtce tn general canbegi'^ bemflDnelp tf anp perfon be taben ftcfe up* on a full Domatbj from eating latelp be¬ fore, 0 ? g^eat unbtgefteb > 3It i!s abbtfable that futb perfon bifcbarge oi get tl^Oo* macb the PByTicians. mat^j emptieD twitp all fpeeD tp a large quantitp of €art)uu0, o| plain poflct-D?mfe, 0^ toarm t»ater> pioPohing bp a feather o? Hnger in the tb?oat aj? tis ufual: Sinb topen neeb requires, to open o? beep folublc the bobp, the ptWff of Rufus, commonlp calleD Peftilentiai-Pills, aretpe beOanD moft p^o^ pee to beufeb. XXI. Medicines «xpul(iye. •"Tlpe poifon 10 etpelleb bed bp ©tpeat* 1 tng, p?obobeb bp pottet=ale,mabe toitp IFennelanb i^arpgolb0in iBinter,attb tpitp ®o^rel, 'Buglof0, anb “Boiage in ©urn* mers toitb tpe lojbicb in both tinted tpep muft mingULondon-Creacletbe bjeigpt of ttpo b?am0, anb~TiJWIpemfrlbe0 fpitp * aUquietnef0toftpeat. jfo? ibofe that are able to pear it, tbi0 courfe i0 effertual, anb batbp?obebfuctef0*' ful* Let the Partp tafeealarge S^ofe of anp of tbefe €o?bial0 that i0 nept at banb,. that i0 to tap, of London-Creacle, o? "DU afcorbium,of either half an ounce, o? of ^e? thribatea quarterof an ounce, o?tjf Venice- Creacle half a quarter, o? a quarter of ann¬ ounce at mod, tn ab?aughtof Podet-bnnk mabe b)ith®Hhite't»ine,oi iHinegeri then let be put to beb to fi»eat,ti)eU cotjereD, in a blanfeetj Without bi0 ©hirt ^fo? 24 hour0$ tjourjji 5 etjerjv Oouc renet»)i'ng l)iis Co?tital, but m bait tbe quanttt? former* Ip Di'recteDj between tabtlejK tefrelping btm bjttb IPoffet'bitnfe, Oatmeal-tauble, tbin 'B^otbjef mabe o? 5)art}5* twin gellp* 3If tbe petCon be unapt to ftoeat, lap ttoo 0 ? tb?ee 'B?tcfe 0 quentbeb tn ©tneger, toiappeb up tn atooollen tlotb^ to bt '0 bobp to promote iu at tbe tame time that be appltetb bitn* Celt to Ctneat, be muQ applp 15lt0er0 to tbe part0 of bi0 bobp, 00 10 elCeinbere birertebi SD? Eotnelling toitb Xrponpjl^el- lebor, 0 } ^ettetb)o?t'root 0 , both epceebing toell on tbe fame occafiom Cake of angeltta^root tbjo eu«ee 0 >of Co?- menttl»root an ounce anbbaUe, make a beco- ttton in ttno pint0 of matec to a pint anb bait, abbe tb?ee om>ce 0 of iupte of ILimon, 0 ? an ounce anb half of ©inegeti let tbe ftck b^nk a b?augbt 80 be can bear, anb repeat it at ttoo oitbiee bour 0 biftanre» Cake of ^itb?tbate to tbe quantity of ttoo b?am0, 0 ? of London-Creacle, oi of 2>iafco|biumtotb?eeb?am0, 0 ? of Venice- Cteacle toa b?am anb balfi bidolbe ei¬ ther of them in a quarter of a pint offai- neger, anb b?inkit* Cake of Venice*Creacle a b?am, 'DO afco^bium ttoo feruple0, ©alt of l!Bo?m- tooob the Phyficians. eatlj a fcruple,Creatle^ toatcr an ounc^ anO palf, jupce of ItmoniOf, tatnfg^r ttjjo euncj 0 , fo^ oneDofe^ f 0 ? tbe rure of tpe InfetteD upon tpe firfi app^epenfi'on 5 Xurr*feet)0 , Cotptnele, ^otwDtrof JpartjK-'po^n, Cttron-fect-e;, one 0 ? moie of tpcm, tottp a fet» gratn«{ of (Jampbtrc, aregooDto be gtten tn (Jartu* ujs 01 I^^agon^mtec, 0 ? tPitp fame Ctea* tk'twaier* Cabe of QEpite*tDtne aJtneget from palf a Quarter to a Quarter of a pint, mtreP mitt) ®alt, from ttoentp grains! to fourtp> it ttiarm,anO fmeat upon it* tafee tpe jupce of frefl)€ot»-'Bung, ftraineP mirp aiineger, from tpiee fpoonfuf 0 to (ePen* ’ x5cn7^^ Avicen’s Medicine* ^^feeof Xpfe'^rmeftfatfe atiawjof iupte of fl).?ange palt an ounce, of ffiHptte* mine an ounce , of EeO^roee mater tmo ounces 5 mip tpem, anO gibe it afCoon a 0 tpe ^artp fufpette t!)e Otfeafc v if it be PomiteD X t^P^at it again^ 31f PomiteP a* gain, repeat it tpe feconp time* Cafee of 'Burr-'fetO 0 palf a P?am, of Cocpinele palf a fcruple, of Campptre gpe grains > mtp tPefe P3itp tmo ouncee of €arPuu0, o? P^agon-matetj paff an ounce of 24 The Atmce of of Crearte-toater, ©prupe of (SKoofi-'fo?^ tel a fpoonful, mtp tljefe, gtPe tt tpe ent toacm, cotec ptm to fpjeat > you may a fetonU D^augOt after rtoelbe I)our0 > Het t)tm D^tnkno coll) Poffet'Ditnfe, 0? tpe ltfee, totll l)e gooli to fltbetl)e IKifitcD liberally. Cabe €ttron-feebjB; fit oi ei'gbtj n)al)ingja{ of |)art)2<*bo|ttbalf8 b^m, London-Crea- tie one biam, mtt them tottb ttoo ounces of CarbuuiK'toater;, o| tottb tbiee ounteia of tbe pieftrtbeb JPofiet*b?ink3 b^mfe it toarm, anb Colte toftoeat^ Cafee ®o?rel'tbater, 6 beo? ft'tfpoonfuli?, Creatle'teater one fpoonful,London-ti:rea* tic one b?am anb a balf> mit them toell, gibe it twarm, aub fn fay tbe jPattentto ftbeat* CafeeCiJ^menttr, anb (Eelanbme*rooti», of each four ounteo, Scabtouo anb Eue, of each onepanbful anb an half, tBapite- tntne aitneger tbieeptnto* bopl tbefe till one pint be toaOeb, Orain out tbe Itquo;, tobicb referbe fo? tbe ufe of tbe Slnfeaeb: let it be tafeen tbuo* Cafee of tbto l-tquo?, anb of CatbuuO' toate^ of each one ounce anb an half, Lon- don-Creacle one b^am anb an half, 'Bole* ^rmematb balfe a fcruple, put thereto a little feugar, mit them toell, let tbe Bar* . ty bnnb It tbarm,8nb cober bim toftneau In % kxiir. In Summer this is good.’ Ha? ibe qpafee tt&- 3 fuice of ttoo l)ii* * outtcejf, 3Iutce of iLtmoii 0 otte J to ounce, 2i)iafco|Dtuni one Diam, Cinamon ftjc gcainjet, ©inegec |)alf an ounce i gtt>e it Hfiit tjjariti, anlj lap tije fitfe party to ftneat» tta^ life tijtfif in cafe of IFlupeies of tfie '35eUp> oi ueis Xoant of reft* itto fc it of 'SCreacle of (Andromachus 0? Vemce-Creacle, from tJalf a B?am to a llte, t)?am> 0 ? of EleiTtuariura de Ovo, from rta- a fcruple to ^alf a D?am, in tuarm Pof- til, Uv^U, affton ai 0 £ you fufpttt your felf fo infcttet), going to heir, ani) Cheating up-- on it» in Cf^e of the IBUotef • ot 'Butterhurre, the inner Xarfe of ?l(hr of each a pounh 5 JS,ue, @co?ittun>, 9ngelit4, ^eahoto^Stoert, ' 2^(^agonja(,* Carijuu#?, of each th?« hanhMjSf, ©Bhite^Oame ant) lUincger of each tPJO I Ciuart 0 > let them tnfufe fo? a hay o? ttoo, anh after be hiOtllehi the reft u (if to be hah) Cjc hanhful^ of the green Etnh0 of tDEUatnut^; let the ffiftatcr be fuiutneh tuith @y?upe of tEcoh ©o?rel, a ahhing to thro quarts half a h?am of Cam* r Phire, anh th^ce ti?am 0 of ©pirit of ”26 The Adyice of *ulpt)ur» fflHatec map be giben from ttoo ounceifif to four* Cabe of tbeiBUoffifof Xutterburreetgbt ounces;, lettpem be mfufebina gallon of- Stle fo? four aitD ttoentp hours;, anbtbert , Oiftilleb tn a JLtmberfe, aDbe to the UMleb GXHater ftp ptntjs of a ftrong 3 Z>etortioti of (JfarlHtus, anO tn tbefe Lt(iuour0 tnfufe Eojtsof 'Butterburre, ^aftertoo.2t,^ange- lica, JHalertan, of each ftp ounces; ®tf= campane^rccit an ounce, leabeiS of Scor- dium, Batum, of each tbi® banbful^, of 3[umper=berctej5 half an ounce i 9 fter four anb tbjentp hours; fnfuft'ng in a Bath oi hot mater, mafee a feconh Dtfttllatton* SDf this ®aater map be gtben th?» o? four ounces; mith toarm Poffet-^le* Cabe of the Ecot Butterburre, other- mtfe talleh Pefltlent^toon, one ounce, of the Eojt of ®?eat-(Haleriait a quarter of an ounce, of ©o?rel an hanOfulr botl all theft tn a quart of mater to a pint, then flratn tt, anb put thereto tmo fptonful^ of iBltneger, anb btffolbe tn tt tmo ounces; of goib ©ugar: Let the 3 [ntetteb b?inb of thtie;? fo hot as; he map fuffertt, a gojb biaught, anb tf he chance to call it up again, let him tabe the fame quantttp Oratghtmap upon it, anb p^otobe htmfclf tofmeat* Cabe the Ph^cians. tlTafee of potoDec of gcotj lejef, tlje^ujKfe tafeen at»a|)fromtt)em before tljcp be b|teD,o? of 31bp'berne0 toell bneb^a fpcDit-- fulilettbe Patient bitnb tbijs bJfll mtngleb in a Draught of gcob ftale ^le oi 'BtetjO? bJttb a Draught of t5abite»b)tne,anl) go to beD, anD taft btmfelf into a ftneat, anb forbear fltep* Cabe tbe tntoarb 'Barb of tbe ^fij-tree one pounb, of CBalnutjs tottb tbe ©?een outtnarb to tbe number of fift^, tut tbefe fmall 5 of ^rabtoue^, of ©erbin, of each a banbful, of Saffron ttoo b^am/?, pour upon tbefe tbe ftrongeft Sltnegeryou tan get, four pintisf, let them a little boil together upon a berjJ foft fire, anb then ftanb in a berj? tlofe pot tnell ftopt all a nigbt upon tbe ^Emberiff, after bifttl them toitb a foft fire, anb reteibe tbe toater tlofe bept. ®ibe unto tbe patient laib in beb anb tnell tobereb toitb tlotbe^ j iboo ounces of tbifi! boater to b?tnfe, anb let bim be p^obobeb to (meat > anb eberi* eight bour^buringtbe fpate of four anb ttoentp bourfif, gibe him the fame quantity to b?tnl?* €are mull be ta%en in the ufe of tbefe ftoeating Coibial^, that the part]? infeneb ftoeat mo o? tbiie bour^, o? rather mutb longetj if be babe (Irengtb, anb fleep not till the fbjeat be ober, anb that be babe bien toell bJipeb twitb boarm linen, anb € 3 toben The been let tjtm moutb tDitb ©aatcr ani). taweget mtm, anb let l)t 5 « Irate anb be mlbeb tjjitb tbe fame* fiBben tbefe tbtngjK ace bone, gibe btm a goob b?augljt of X?otb mabe ibttb , anb ^acpsolbje. i 0? elCe CSHatec^gcetwel, toitb Eofemac)?,anti ®KinteC‘@abo??,o|Cb?me, panabo feafoneb toitb BecwtCr nMupce of tBcbb=©oitel: fo? tbeiriX>?infe, fetit be fmall 'Beer bjarmeb, bJttb a toft >0^ aBatec boi>leb bJttb (Earcatna]? feeb, €ar* buu0»feeb, anb a cruft of B^eab, o? (utb Poffer»b?infe 00 10 mentfoneb before in tbf fetonb ^ebtetnei after fome JSutriment let them fleep 0? reft:, often bjaftjmg tbeir ^outb toitp GHater anb Bincger* Cbefe €o^btal0 muft be ^repeateb onte tn eight, ten, 0^ ttuelbe bour^ at tbefiir* theft. 31 f the Partj) fnferteb bomit up pt0 ^e» bittne, then repeat it piefentlp. XXIV. Medicines External. \7<2fi'tatone0 applpeb behwb the ^Ear^j ▼ abbur thetio^iftb, neer the^m'pttb, on the inftbe of the Chighi»j awb neer the ^iotn0, toiU b?aiw fo?th the Benome* IFoj SIIW, iU : art 5 i 0 tl| p,aiiD ’tuiti) l)P) !|UpC( 3 ll, 0 ! ^(Ut( jnlllJ 100 t$e(r oorp :t|e ^ficiails. 29 tiif« ojtotbt ®!oineis, (Oey wofl, Sa^ WWn%tl)«hD etpawwaiffl.bipte *“ «We Koure, n® watb ino!c ffiaSrte» an® IBlainw Bffi«innK Hte an® eSill of tppertfflbKutsion: i^utnot to leate t^e 4)oo?er Co?t Deftttute S“ gooi> MttwBfeov ibctc folUiwwB atcBt- rtettotBeesrloom-tbe tatlst^of S.lSSSSSiSsSSS D&“e poitW'!»io 0o»S'’ffi XXV. To break the Tiimour* TSiae a Stoat ■a!)mpn,'iW«o» iVP« 1 .into it: aifftSv ®“o a bjam of v«hic€-‘Cieatle, it rtme flopt tn a mt paper, .herft y auiftp it pat unto tpe li^i^titur, wp one after ^^iwt^ r Aet^one «T»« on MD JFiS apart, tpt ®Mon SnnS^^r^* tol&ole, anD ti^n, tijat all be beaten anb mtteb together* STafee rootj 3 f of tobtte Itllie-o, iFtg», Leefej rpQeb, of each an ounce, of line* feeb half an ounce, let them be beat to* getber in a moiter, anb mtjceb toitb fie b?am0 of olb four leben, abbtng aa tnutb opl of liltea aa map gibe a bue confidence > let it be applieb to tbe Ctimour till it ripen anb bieafe > mbirfi tad, if It bo not in a longtime, it map be openeb bp incifion, o; a eaudteb, ap^ plteb upon, o? a little beloto it* ©cabioua anb "©o^rel rodeb in tbe ^mhera, mipt toitb a little drong le* wn, ^b tome 'Barroboa-greafe, anb a ^?tab it* Cabe miE»o? tb^ee rodeb £>niona, a yte*raot oi tluo, roadeb, a banbfuiof Scabtoua rodeb, four o? fibe iFtga, a piece of leben, anb a little Rue, damp*^ Si tbefe together i if it be too b^p, put to it of opl of itliea aa much aa Ifcall be neebful, o? fo much fait Gutter > mabe a #ultefa, applp it hot, after it bath lien rbiee four boura tabe it off, anb burn It, anb applp a ftelb mim of the fame, if It p?Dbe barb to b?eab, abb a little burnt Copperafa to the Jpultefa* .. oiopw the Ph}fekns; Or this, nr^fee tlje IFlotJ)eru« of di)cr0 ttoo tjanli-' A fui0, Rotfeet'ffPD IjjutfeD one ounce, f>igeon0 Dung D?am0: ftamp t!jefe togetpet, put to tpem a little flDpl of Lt^ ltf0,mafee thereof a IPultefe, applp it, anD cjjange it a0 pou DiD tpe former ♦ XXVI. To draw. W l^en it i 0 D|Ofeen, to D^aUj it, anD peal it, tabe tpe ^iolb of an ®ggF, one ounce of ll)onep of Eofe 0 , Curpentine palf an ounce, (SI%«'ffour a little, Lon- don-Creacle a D|am anP a palf > mip tpefe tnell, fp?eaD it upon leatpec, tpangeit twice a Pap, o} talc Diachylon cum Gummis. V XXVII. For the Carbuncle. A potential €auterp> X\ laping a SDefenfatiPe of'BolC'^rme-' niacl, 0? Terra Sigillata, inipcP tOitp Hint' ger, anP tpe lEMpite of an ^^gge, rounP about tpe Cumour, Put not upon iu Cale 32 Th.eAdjJiceof Calie o? four Clobeig of r Cake a tnhite ^nion tut in of Jrelh Iftutter th?«e ounces?, of Leaben the fneight of ttoelbep|nce, of ^Uomo one hanhful, of .^tahtoius one hanhful, of tlobes? m <$arlick the b^ght of ttoentp pence* Xoft them on the. fite in (uSttient boater," anh make a Pultefe of it, anh la? it boarmto thefe^e. F Another. \ f i- T ^U ttoo twnijfuljsf of JHafettaii, ttjjo Duneejsof 2 ?ane*t»o|t, an IjanOful of ©manage o? ILoOagej^fetlje t^em all in 'Bttttec anO ©Hater, a* feU)^ Crumbs of X^eat), anO mdfee a jpultefjs tljereof, anD lap ittoarm to tlie fe2e till it Anotheri. -- I IF pou tannot |)ate t^efe l^erbjs,it i» gcoij to lap a loaf of '}$|eaO to it Oot, 00 it cometljoul of tOeSDtjen CtoDtcl)afterU)arO lljall fee burnt 0? burieB in tbe eartb) 0^ tbe leabeo of ©cabiouo o^©o^rel roReb, oi ttoo o? tb?fe littp-rooto roReb unber bero, beaten anb applieb^ 3(t tbilibe gob to foibedt all trube anb moiR IFtuito , ao (Sueumbero , ^elono, iPlumbO:, Cbtrrieo, Pedtbeo Vattl^"rdtb |>erb 0 anb©allabo,ao lettictr ©linage, Eabilb? onb futblibe > oi to be moberate in tbe life of tbeui r mtpt loitb ^pl anb \ f i- r the Phyfidans. 9 T 5 )ofe tt)at ate beltgOtet tottl) CDp* mital 89 et)ictnej» onelp, map mafee ufe of fome of tljefe fbUoming, ins iJoneOlp p?epareD atcoiWng to t(je Ve^ fcrtptton^of tt)e ^utl^outief, anO cauttoullp aOmtnifttePv Elixir Pcftilentiale. Elixir Proprietatis. Sulphur album & fixum. Tinftura auri & Sulphuris fixi in-* cremabilis. Mixtura BezoarSica; Extradum Pcftilentiale. Aurum Diaphorcticum. Aurum vitae. Bezoardicum minerale pulffura* fcens. Bezoardicum minerale diaphoreti-^ cum. Turpetum minerale diaphoreticum. . Aqua gratix Dei. Spiritus Antipeftiferus. Praecipitatus auri diaphoreticus. ^oom R gggiS-t, 144 S' Byi