X i -^ GI FOR A LITTLE CHILD. CONCORD, N. H. PUBLISHED BY R. MERRILL. 1843 M The Alphabet.^ F ■Gk§\ * ^ i j k 1 alicdefgh pqrstiiT 3 W X V z THE GIFT. Of butterflies there are many kinds. How wonder- ful the various changes of this class of insects! The butterflies lay their eggs from these hatch out worms or caterpillars, which change their skins several times, and finally becomes chrysales or silk-worms, out of which come the beautiful butter flies, • Of the dragon fly, which by many is called spindles, there are 'various species. They all have two very large eyes, covering the whole sur- face of the head. They fly very swiftly, and prey upon the wing, clearing the air of innumerable little flies. The great ones live about water, but the smaller are common about hedges and gardens. Grasshoppers are too com- mon to need description, as they abound wherever there is green grass. One summer is their period of life : they are hatched in the spring, and die in the fall ; previous to which, they deposit their eggs in the earth, which the warmth of the next season brings tolife. They are food for many of the feathered race. 6 ■*»r Here is a hen scratching the dirt to find some worms or seeds for her chickens, which are all around her to pick up whatever they can find that is good to eat. A hen has sometimes a family of from ten to fifteen ohick- ens to provide for, .{H P i.,l i . a* The spider is a very sin- gular insect. It lives entire- ly on insects, such as flies, small bugs, &lc. To pro- cure their food, they weave webs in the corners of rooms and in .the branches of trees, in such a manner as to de- ceive the flies, who get en- tangled in the trap thus set for them by the ingenious spider. 8 3«6 Here is a picture of a fine tree, with two pots under it, containing flower plants. — Trees grow natural in the woods, and grow very large and tall. They are often transplanted near to houses, and in rows along the sides of streets in villages. . .. _ w 1 b „ tf> ^" I -•••• A r: vj JUST PUBLISHED BY S, MERRILL, concor!), n, h, Webster's First Boole, Or Introduction to the Spell- ing Book. By Noah Web- ster, LL.D. Price 6 cents. Mo. I, or one Cent Toys, containing 12 Nos. To be continued to 18 Nos. No., 2, or two Cent Toys f containing 12 Nos. of useful and amusing matter. Ho* 4:, or six Cent Toys, in press, to contain 12 Nos. on natural history, &c. » ALSO, Tiie Infant School Primer, By Mrs. Lovechild. * The whole to be embellished with handsome wood cuts.