FASTING AT TERLING, ESSEX ( 1785 ) I should be glad if the following lines can be inserted in the Chelmsford paper ; they are the performance of a parishioner of Terling, who says he did it for the Glory of God ; the words, and the manner of placing them, are his own ; and he desired me neither to add to them nor diminish from them. I* B. The PAPER begins thus, JN the year of our Lord 1785, on Advent Sunday, the 27th, November, (Almighty Everlasting and Eternal God, The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, by his Power, Wisdom, Goodness, Love, Mercy, and Truth, Righteous- ness and Peace, in me, and with me, and for me,) begun to Fast 16 days and 16 nights: The 13th day of December, (Almighty Everlasting and Eternal God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, by their Power, Wisdom, Goodness, Love, Mercy, and Truth, Righteousness and Peace, in me, and with me, and for me,) began again to Eat and to Drink. Psalm CXXIV. Verse 8, Our help is in the name of the Lordy who made Heaven and Earth. JOHN WILLSHEIRE, of Terling, in the county of Essex, carpenter, 76 years and 10 months old. REPRINTED DECEMBER, 1844. QBBAT TOTHAM I PBIlfTBD AT CHABLBS CLABK’s FBIVATB FBBSS.