i i ^ THE f CRIBS OF LONDON, I FOR THE 4 i ! INSTRUCTION I f AND I AMUSEMENT op GOOD CHILDREN. • 4 T f YORK: I | Printed by J. Ken drew, Collier gate* \ 4 * FRONTISPIECE. This man doth wander round the {own With fruit, both fresh and sweet, r those who do attend their book, A lid go both clean and neat. THE CB1ES OF LOMB0N, v FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT OF GOOD CHILDREN. DECORATED WITH WOOD-CUTS FROM LIFE* YORK : Printed by J. Kemlrew 5 Collieigate. Roman Capital Letters. ABCDEFQHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ i£S JBWj«.iiat"i irrt i f— * Old English Capital and Small Letters, Italic Capital and Small Letters. 4 B C I) E F G H I J K L M N P QliSTUViVXYZ JE (E a h c d cfg h ij k I m no p q r s t u v n> x jj z cc Ji ft ft CRIES OF LONDON. § Come buy my fine Writing Ink ! 6 CRIES OF LONDON* Green large Cucumbers twelve a penny. A penny a dozen Cucumbers, Taylors, hallo ! hallo ! Now from the shop-board each man For Cucumbers below, (runs CfRIBS OF tXNDON* Dainty Sweet Briar. T ■sun ^^^^ |, tT^^^'^i.^ » ! W/r|'iuiniiiii|iiit(iif sense, Thais jjoodMiss WhaiViK.i~narue-a, 28 CRIES OF LONDON. Buy my Flounders. With flounders caught upon the Thames, This man supplies the town ; Thro' every street he cries the same ; And rambles up and down. 2,9 THE DEAD TWINS. Twas Summer, and a Sabbath eve, And balmy was the air, [ saw a sight that made me grieve ; And yet the sight was fair, Within two little Coffins lay, Two lifeless Babes as s vv ect as May, 30 THE DEAD TWINS Like waxen Dolls that Infants dress. The little bodies were ; A look of placid happiness, Did on each face appear ; And in the Coffins short and wide, They lay together, side by side. A rose-bud nearly closed I found, Each little Hand within ; And many a pink was strew'd around, With sprigs of Jessamine ; And yet the flowers that round them lav, Were not to me more fair than they. Their mother as a Lilly pale, Sat by them on a bed, And bending o'er them told her tale, And many a tear she shed ; Yet oft she cried amidst her pain, My Babesandl shall meet ay ami" 31 My little Masters all attend, And see with your own eyes, This Book contains unto the end Most of the London Cries. Which you may for one penny buy, And when you've read it o'er, Go to the shop again and try, You may buy twenty more. FINIS, Printed and Sold bv J. Kendrew, Colliergate. 3 PENNY BOOKS PRINTED and SOLD BY J* KENDREW, COLLIERGATE, YORK. Mrs. Lovechild's Golden Present Silver Penny - - • * Death and Burial of Cock Robin Little Red Riding Hood The Cries of York Surprising Adventures of Puss in Boots Sister's Gift ; or the Bad Boy Reformed Tom Thumb's Folio The History of Giles Gingerbread Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe The Hermit of the Forest - * Entertainments at the Royal Circus m The House that Jack Built The World turned Upside Down The Cries of London - Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her Dog, in Three Parts - * Cinderilla ; or, the Little Glass Slipper A New-Year's Gift A Collection of Fables * , Riddles *