TM E LIFE axd DEATH OF A very small book, At a very small charge. To learn them to read Before they grow large. YORK : Printed by J. K undrew, Colli ?r*ate. 2 As little Jenny Wren Was sitting by her shed, She waggled with her tail, And nodded with her head. She waggled with her tail, And nodded with her head, As little Jenny Wren Was sitting bv her shed. 6 THE LIFK OF LITTLE JENNY WREN. How she was sick And got well again. Jenny Wren fell sick Upon a merry time ; In came Robin Red-Breast, And brought her sops and wine. 4 Eat well of the sops, Jenny, Drink well of the wine, Thank you, Robin, kindly, Yon shall be mine. Here's Jenny on the glass, Eating the sops very fast enny she got well, And stood upon her feet, km! told Robin plainly. She lov'd him not a bit. enny's very naughty tho* To use her husband Robin so. 6 Robin being angry, Hopped on a twig Saying, out upon you, Fie upon you, bold-faced jig. So Jenny got well, And made Robin sad, Tho' her health was now good, Her behaviour was bad. 7 THE DEATH OF LITTLE JENNY WREN. And \yhat the doctors All said then, Jenny Wren was sick again,. And Jenny Wren did die., Tho' doctors vow'd they'd cure her, Or know the reason why. 8 Dot" or Hawk's a clever fellow, 1 -e pinched her wrist enoug kill her. 9 Shell do very well yet, Thew said Doctor Fox, If ^he ta .es but one pill, From out of this box. Ah ! Doctor Fox, You are very cunning, For, if she's (lead, You will not get one in. 10 With hartshorn in hand, Came doctor Tom- Tit, Saying, really, good sirs, It's onlv a (it. You're right, Doctor Tit, You need make no doubt on, But death is a fit, Folks seldom get out on. 11 Doctor Cat says, indeed, I don't tliink she's dead, I believe if I try, She yet might be bled. You need not a lancet, Miss Pussy, indeed, Your claws is enough, A poor Wren to bleed, ] 2 I think puss you're foolish, Thetl says Doctor Goose, For to bleed a dead Wren, Can be of no use. 13 Doctor Jwek Ass then said'j See this balsam I make it, She vet may survive, If you get her to take it. What vou sav, D^eior Ass, Perhaps may be true ; I ne'er saw the dead drink tho' Pray Doctor did you. 14 Doctor Owl then declared, Thpt the cause of Jier death, He really believed, was — The want of more breath. Indeed, Doctor Owl, You are much in the right.. You as well might have said, The day was not nig lit, 15 Says Robin, get out, You're a parcel of quacks, Or I'll lay this good whip, On each of your backs. Then Robin begun For to bang them about, They staid for no fees, But where glad to get out. 16 Poor Robin Ions; for Jennv fisnevea. At last he cover d her with leaves; Yet near the place a mournful lav, ror Jenny Wren kings every day. Now if you'd more of Robin know, Where voa btroght this I'd have vou^o, And then, for what for this you gave, You there Cock Rabin's life may have. J. Kenc h-e >■/.. Printer, York.