THE NORWOOD GIPSY'S London :-W. S. PORTBY, Wholesale Juvenile Book Printer, 2 & 3> Monmouth Court, Bloonisbnrr. THE NORWOOD GIPSY'S London :— W. S. FORTEY, Wholesale Juvenile Book Printer, 2 & 3> Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. CARDS. Ik the first place, take a pack of Cards and shuffle them well three times over, and make your significator which queen you please (if a lady perform the operation for herself, or a king if a gentleman) ; then proceed to lay them on a table, nine in a row, and wherever you find yourself placed, count nine cards every way, not forgetting your said significator, and then you will see what cards your significator comes in company with, and whatever it is , jSQ.i t will happen to you. If two red tens come against your said significator, it is a sign of mar- riage or prosperity^! the ace of diamonds is a ring, the ace of hearts is your house, the aut if the nine of spades is next to you, you must then judge to the con- trary, for that is a disappointment; however, you may try three times, taking the majority of testimonies for a ground whereon to place your judgment. FORTUNE TELLER. Ace of Glubt, promises great wealth. King, announces & man who is humane, upright, affec- tionate, and faithful. Queen, shews a loving person. Knave, shews a generous friend. Nine, shews that you will displease a friend. Ten denotes great riches from an unexpected quarter; but it also threatens that you will lose a dear friend. Light, shews the person is covetous. Seven, promises the most brilliant fortune. Six, shews that you will engage in a very lucrative part- nership, and your children will behave well. Five, declares that you will shortly be married to some person who will mend your circumstances. Four, shews inconstancy for the sake of money, Tray, shews that you will be three times married, and each time to a wealthy person. Deuce, shews that there will be some unfortunate oppo- sition to our favourite inclination. Ace of Diamonds, shews a person who is fond of rural sports, and a great builder. King, shews a fiery temper. Queen, signifies that a woman will rot be industrious. Knave, however nearly related, will look more after his own interest than yours. Ten, promises a country husband or wife, with great wealth and many children. Nine, declares that the person will be of a roving disposition tight, that the person runs the risk of dying unmarried. Seven, shews that you will spend your happiest days in the country. Six, shews an early marriage and widowhood. Five, shews you a well-assorted marriage. Four, shews the inconstancy of the person you will bo married to. Tray, shews that you will be engaged in law-suits and domestic disagreements. Deuce, shews that your heart will be engaged early. Ace of Hearts, signifies merry-making and good humour. King, shews a man of lair complexion, good disposition, but inclined to passion. Queen, shews a woman of a very fair complexion, and ft great boauty. v- FOETUNE TELLER. Knam y is yofesr dearest friend, though probably not accord- ing to yonr taucy as he will be industrious to prerent your schemes. Ten. shews good nature and many children, it corrects the bad tidings of the other cards. Nine, promises great wealth and high esteem, if the cards are not unfavourable that stand near it. Eight, points out a strong inclination to get intoxicated. Seven, shews the person to be of a fickle disposition, and addicted to roaming. Six. shews a generous disposition. Five, shews a wavering disposition. Four, the person will not be married early. Tray, will experience much ill-will ot others. Deuce, shews that success will attend the person. Ace of Spades, totally relates to the affairs of love, with- out specifying whether lawful or unlawful. King, shews a man who is ambitious, and certainly suc- cessful at court, or with some great man. Queen, shews a person will be corrupted by the great of both sexes. Knave, shews a person who although he has your welfare at heart, will be indolent of it. 2 en, is a card of bad import, it will in a great measure counteract the good of the others Nine, is the worst card in the whole pack, it portends dangerous sickness and loss of fortune. Eight shews that you will experience strong opposition from your Iriends in love. Seven, shews the loss of a most valuable friend. • Six, announce; the mediocrity ol fortune, and a great uncertainty in your undertakings. Five, will give very little interruption to your suocess ; it promises good luck in a wife. Four, shews speedy sickness, and that your friends wffl injure your fortune. Tray, shews that you will be unfortunate in Deuce, always signifies a coffin. f THE NEW FORTUNE TELLER. PALMISTRY. The palms of the hands contain a great variety of lines running in different direction, every one of which bears a certain relation to the events of a person's life ; and from them, with the mo** infallible certainty, can be told every circumstance that will happen to an? one, by observing them properly. It is, therefore, recommended to pay particular attention to this subject, as by that means you will undoubtedly gain very excel- lent knowledge for your pains. First is given the names of the several lines as they hold their places, and then to particularise their qualities. & There are five principal lines in tho hand, viz. : — The Line of Life, The Line of Death. The Table Line. The Girdle of Venus. The Lin* of Fortune. Besides these there are other Lines, as the Line of Saturn, the Lever Line, and some others, but these only serve to explain the principal Lines. The chief lane on which persons of the profession lay the greatest stress is the Line of Life, which generally takes its rise where the thumb joint plays with the wrist on the inside, and runs in an oblique direction to the inside of the innermost joint of the fore-finger. The next is the Line of Death, which separates the fleshy part of the hand on the little finger side from the hollow of the hand, running in various directions in different people. The Table line originates with the Line of Life at the wrist, and runs through the hollow of the hand towards the middle finger. The girdle of Venus take its course from the extremity of the inner- most joint of the little finger and forming a curve, terminates between the fore and middle fingers. The Line of Fortune strikes from behind the ball, or mount of the forefinger, across the palm and Line of Life, and loses itself in or near the fleshy part of the hand, on the little finger side. If the Line of Life is crossed by other lines at or near the wrist, the person will meet with sickness in the beginning of life, and the sickness will be proportioned to the size, length, and breadth of the intervening lines. If the Line of Life runs far and uninterrupted, the person will enjoy good health ; and, according to its length towards the outside of the fore finger, you may judge if the person will live long, as longer the line the longer the life. -a If the Line of Life is short, and runs even, without being broken or divided, it shows that the person will enjoy good length of days, and not subject to many maladies, out if it is interrupted, it shows that the person's life will be endangered by sickness. If this line ends abruptly and with a broad point, it shows that the person will die suddenly; if it goes off in a tapering point, the last sickness will be slow, and consuming by degrees. If other lines run across it, the person will be of a weakly and infirm habit ©f body, often incapable of following any hare or laborious business. THE NEW FORTUNE TELLER. Tbo Line of Fortune, by its approach to the Girdle of Venus, shew« that there is a itrong kindred between them, and their distance, at their two extremities, clearly points out that love is inconsistent with childhood and old age ; yet. in those where the cross lines approach from one to the other near the ends, prove that the person were or will be, susceptible of love in childhood or old age. For example, if the cross lines are at the beginning of the Girdle of Venus, and bear towards the tail of the Line of Fortune, it evidently indicates that the person was susceptible of love at an eailier period than usual ; if these lines of communication are crossed by other small lines, the person has been disappointed in his wishes, or severely punished for gratifying them; if plain and straight, he has been successful ; if the lines rise from the}* ii of the Girdle towards the head of the Line of Fortune, the person will be loving in his old age ; and ac- cording to the traverse lines, will be successful or unfortunate in his affairs : if the Line of Fortune runs smooth, broad and clear, the person will enjoy affluence through life, and be very prosperous in all his uuder- DIBECTIONS TO CHOOSE A HUSBAND BY THE COLOUR OF HIS HAIR. Black.— Stout and healthy, but apt to be cross and surly; if very black and smooth, and a large quantity, will be fond of where he fixes his attachment, not addicted to jilting, make a good husband and take care of his family ; but if short and curly, be of an unsettled temper, given to drinking, somewhat quarrelsome, will shew much fondness at first paying his addresses, but be unsteady and forgetful afterwards. White or Fair.— Will be of a weak constitution, rather stupid, very fond of music, will cut no great figure in the world, very moderate in his wishes, but will be the father of a large family. Yellow. — Inclinable to jealousy. Light Brown —Neither very good nor very bad, middling in all respects, rather fond of the female sex, but upon the whole a good Dark Proton.— Sensible and good humoured, careful and attentive to business, generally makes a good husband. Very Dark Brown. — Ut a robust constitution, and of a grave dispo- sition, but good tempered and sensible, very fond of his wile, though he may chance now and then to be careless. 'ft ec l win be artful, cunning and deceitful, and make love to any woman he may come across ; loves his wife so well, that she will scarcely hare any clothing to her back ; but is generally of a lively temper. TIIK NEW FORTUNE TELLER CHARMS AND CEREMONIES. To See a Future Husband. — On Midsummer eve, just at sunset, three, five, or seven young women are to go into a garden, in which there is no other person, and each gather a sprig of red sage, and then going into a room by themselves, set a stool in the middle of the room, and on it a clean bason full of water, in which the sprigs of sage are put, and tying a line across the room, on one side of the stool, each woman is to hang on it a clean apron turned the wrong side outwards, then all are to sit down in a row, ont ne opposite side of the stool, as far distant as the room will admit not speaking the whole time, whatever they see, and in a few minutes after twelve each one's future husband will take her sprig out of the rose water and sprinkle her with it. Another Way to See a Spouse in a Dream. — The party inquiring must be in a different county from that in which she commonly resides, and on going to bed must knit the left garter about the right leg stocking letting the other garter and stocking alone ; and as you rehearse the fol- lowing verses, at every comma knit a knot : — This knot I knit, to know the thing I know not yet, That I may see, the man that shall my husband be, How he goes, and what he wears, And what he does all days and years. Accordingly in a dream, he will appear with the insignia of his trade and profession. To know if your present Sweetheart will marry you.— Let any un- married woman take the blade bone of a shoulder of lamb, and borrowing a pen knife (but be sure not to mention for what purpose) on going to bed stick the knife once through the bone every night, for nine nights in different places, repeating every night, while sticking the knife, these words : — 'Tis not this bone I mean to stick, But my lover's heart I mean to prick, Wishing him neither rest or sleep, Till he comes to speak. Accordingly at the end of the nine days, or shortly after, he will ask for something to put to a wound he will have met with during the time you were eharming him. To know whether a Woman will hove the Man she wishes. — Get two lemon peels, wear them all day, one in each pocket ; at night rub the four posts of the bedstead with them. If she is to suuceeed the person will appear to her whilst asleep, and present her with a couple of kmons ; if not, there is no hope. THE NEW FORTUNE TELLER. MOLES. A mole in the middle of the forehead, if blaok, shows a person guilty of many criminal things through luxury. If it be a honey colour, it is better; if red still better. rises like a wart, it is lather good than bad. In a woman it shows her to be of a petulant temper : if black she is impudent and vile. When a mole appears on the upper part ofthe right temple, above tfie eye, near the hair, it shows a man shall have a hearty and very long life, and enjoy the goods of fortune. If honey colour, or red, he is studious — ifblack, it lessens the good things — if it appear as a wart the good is augmented. To a woman it signifies a good and happy fortune by marriage — if it appears black she will bury her first husband. A mole on the right side of the forehead or right temple signifies that the person will arrive to sndden wealth and honour. A mole on the right eyebrow announces speedy marriage, the husband to possess many good analities and a large fortune. A mole discernable under the left eye, near the nose, is of the same nature as the preceding. A molt/ a&ddr the hollow ofthe right eye, by the inward part of the nose, shows a man to b« of a choleric, hasty, proud, and furious spirit. It shows a woman to be proud and puffed up with coaceit, and a fomenter of strife and mischief to her own destruction. A mole on either eye denotes the person to be of a sober, steady and serious disposition- A mole on either cheek signifies that the person will never rise above mediocity in point of .ortune. A. mole on the nose shows that the person will have good success to his or her undertakings. "a mole on the rightside ofthe upper lip, about a finger's breadth above the mouth, signifies to a man or woman a good fortune and happy marriage ; they will be healthy, careful for the things of this life, and live happy A mole on eithor lip proves the person to be fond of delicate things, and much given t«. love in which he or she will most commonly be successful. A mole on the chip, indicates that the person will be attended with great prosperity, and be highly esteemed. A person having a mole on the right side of the chin, denotes good understanding and ingenuity, and will realise a good fortune. It likewise implies a happy marriage and long life. A mole on the side ef the neck shows that the person will narrowly escape suffocation, but will afterwards rise to great consideration by an unexpected legacy or inheritance. A mole on the throat denotes that the person shall become rich by marriage. A mole on the right shoulder predicts a man to be happy, and fortunate in all his afiairs and enter- prises. A woman having this mole will be diligent, and help to preserve her husband's estate. A mole ou the left shoulder denotes strength, vigour, and an undaunted courage. A mole on either arm declares resolutiou and victory in battle. A mole on the right breast declares the person to be exposed to a sudden reverse of fortune by un- avoidable accidents. * f A mole on the left breast over the heavt signihes success in undertakings and an disposition * A moie on the bosom portends mediocity of health and fortune. A mole on the back declares a contentious and ungovernable spirit. A mole on either elbow denotes restlessness, a roving and unsteady temper; also a disoontentednoss with those which they are obliged to live with. A mole under the left breast foreshows that a man wiH be of a warm disposition, unsettled ia mind, fond of rambling and light in his conduct. In a lady it shows sincerity in love, A mole on the belly shows the person to be addicted to sloth and gluttony, and not »*>ry ohou» iti point of dress. A mole on either hip shows that the person will have many children, and that they will be very healthy and possess much patience. A mole on any part from the shoulders to the loins, is indicative of imperceptible decline and decay whether of health or fortune. A mole on the right thigh is an indication of riches, and much happiness in the marriage state. A mole on the left thigh denotes poverty and want of friends through the enmity and injustice of others. A mole on the right knee- shows the person will be fortunate in the choice of a partner for life, and meet a few of the troubles and misfortunes of this world. A mole on the left knee portends that the person will be rash, inconsiderate, and hasty, but modest when in oool blood. A mole on either leg shows that the person is indolent, thoughtless, and indifferent as to wfaatevev may happen, A mole on either ankle denotes a man to be inclined to effimaoy and elegance of dress. A lady, to be courageous, active, and industrious, and a trifle of the termagant. A mole on either foot forbodes sudden illness or unexpected misfortune, and is in general m#t* Bnfnrtunate. bOS^ ■*■*! "THE CATNACH PRE (ESTABLISHED ISIS.) aS,""! WILLIAM S. F0RTi.1T, (Sole Successor to the late .7. Catnach,) mMM^, AMI) WHOLESALE STATIONER, 2 & 3, MONMOUTH COURT, SEVEN DIALS, LONDON, W.O. The Cheapest and Greatest Variety in the Trade of Large Coloured Penny Books; Half- penny Coloured Books ; Farthing Books ; Penny and Halfpenny , anoramas; School Books; Penny and Halfpenny Song Books*, Memorandum Books; Poetry Cards; Lotteries; Ballads ^4,000 sorts) and Hymns; Valentines; Scripture Sheets; Christmas Pieces; Twelfth Night Characters • Carols ; Book and Sheet Almanacks, Envelopes, Note Paper, &c. W. S. FORTEY begs to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that after 19 years service he has succeeded to the business of his late employers (A, Ryle and Co. ), and intends carrying on the same, trusting that his long experience will be a recommendation, and that no exertion shall be wanting on his part to merit a continuance of those favours th^t have been so liberally bestowed on that Esta- blishment during the last 46 years. v> 1869.