.4 McGill University Libraries BV 4920 A65 1819 Alarm to unconverted sinners : 3 001 167 268 K - * V-i % / ALARM TO UNCONVERTED SINNERS, IN A SERIOUS TREATISE: SHEWING I. What Conversion is not, and correcting some Mistakes about it. II. What Conversion is, and where¬ in it consisteth. III. The Necessity of Conversion. IV. The Marks of the Uncon verted. V. The Miseries of the Uncon verted. VI. Directions for Conversion. VII. Motives to Conversion. WHEREUNTO ARE ANNEXED, ©tbtrs ^factual £asc1. OGLE, GLASGOW; OGLE, DUNCAN & CO., LONDON; AND JOHNSTON & DEAS, DUBLIN. To all the ignorant , carnal , and ungodly, who are lovers of pleasure more than God , and seek this world more than the life everlasting . and live after the flesh and not after the spirit , these calls and counsels are directed, in hope of their conversion to God, and of their salva¬ tion. HE THAT HATH AN EAR TO HEAR, LET HIM HEAR. Miserable Soul! There is that life, and light, and love, in every “ true believer,” but especially in every faithful Mi¬ nister of Christ, which engageth them to long and la¬ bour for your salvatron. Life is communicative and active; it maketh us sensible that faith is not a fan¬ tasy, nor true religion a stage play, nor our hopes of eternal happiness a dream. And, as we desire nothing more for ourselves than to have more of the holy life, (which we have, alas ! in so small a measure) so what is it we should more desire for others? With the eye of an infallible (though too weak) faith, we see the heaven which you neglect, and the blessed souls in glory with Christ, whose companions you might be for ever. We see the multitudes of souls in hell, who came thither in the same way that you are going in, who are shut out of the glorious presence of God, and are now among those devils that deceived them, re¬ membering that they had their “ good things’’ here, Luke xvi. 25. and how they spent the day of their vi¬ sitation, and how light they once set by God, by Christ, by heaven, by mercy, whilst mercy was an earnest so¬ licitor for their hearts : And, with our bodily eyes, we see at the same time abundance of poor sinners liv¬ ing about us, as if there were no God, no Christ, no heaven, no hell, no judgment, no, nor any death to be expected ; as if a man were but a master-beast to rule the rest, and feed upon and perish with them. And, if it were your own case, to see what souls do in hea¬ ven and hell, and at once to see how unbelievingly. IV AN EPISTL] HE carelessly, and senselessly most men live on earth, as if there were no such difference in another world, would it not seem a pitiful sight to you ? If you had once seen the five brethren of Dives on earth, eating, drinking, laughing, and merry, clothed, and faring daily with the best, and at the same time seen their brother’s soul in hell, begging in vain for a little ease, and wishing that one from the dead might go warn them, that they come not to that place of torment, would it not seem to you a pitiful sight? Would not pity have made you think, “ Is there no way to to open these gentlemen’s eyes ? No way to acquaint them what is become of their brother, and where La¬ zarus is, and whither they themselves are going? No one driveth or forceth them into hell, and will they go thither of themselves ? And is there noway to stop them or keep them back ?” Did you but see yourselves what we see by faith, (believing God,) and at once behold the saints in heaven, the lost despairing souls in hell, and the senseless sensual sinners on earth, that yet will lay none of this to heart, surely it would make you wonder at the stupidity of mankind. Would you not say, O what a deceiver is the devil, that can thus lead on souls to their own damnation ! O what a cheat is this transitory world, that can make men “ so for¬ get the world” where they must live for ever ! O what an enemy is this flesh, that thus draweth down men’s souls from God ! O what a besotting thing is sin, that turneth a reasonable soul into worse than a beast \ What a bedlam is this wicked world, when thousands are so busy, labouring to undo themselves and others, and gratifying the devil, against their God and Savi¬ our, who would give them everlasting blessed life. And, as we have such a sight as this, by faith, to make us pity, so we have so much taste of the good¬ ness of God, the sweetness of his ways, and the happi¬ ness of believers, as must needs make us wish that you had but once tried the same delights; it would turn the pleasure of sin into detestation. God knows, we desire nothing more for ourselves than the perfection UNCONVERTED READER. V and eternity of this holiness and happiness which we believe and taste: And should we not desire the same for you ? And, being thus moved with necessary pity, we ask of God what he would have us do for your salvation. And he hath told us in Scripture, That the preaching of his gospel to acquaint you plainly with the truth, and earnestly and frequently entreat you to turn from the flesh and world to God, by Jesus Christ, is the means with which his grace is ready to concur for your salvation, when obstinate resistance causeth the Holy Spirit to forsake the sinner, and leave him to himself to pursue his own counsels, lusts, and will. In this hope we undertook the sacred ministry, and gave up ourselves to this great and most important work. In the great sense of our own unworthiness, but yet in a sense of our soul’s necessity, we were not such fools, at our first setting out, as not to know it must be a life of labour, self-denial, and patience, and that the devil would do his worst to hinder us, that all his instruments would be ready to serve him against our labours and against your souls, Christ, our cap¬ tain, saved by patient conquest, and so must we save ourselves and you: and so must you save yourselves under Christ, if ever you be saved. It was no strange thing to Paul, that bonds and afflictionsdid everywhere attend him ; nor did he account his life dear, that he might finish his course with joy, and the ministry committed to him by the Lord, Acts xx. 24. It was no strange thing to him to be forbidden preaching to the “ Gentiles, that they might be saved,” by such as were 6t filling up the measure of their sins,” and were under God’s “ utmost wrath” on earth, l Thess. ii. 16. Devils and Pharisees, and most where they came, both high and low, were against the Apostles preaching of the gospel, and yet they would not sacrilegiously and cruelly break their covenant with Christ, and perfidi¬ ously desert the souls of men ; even as their Lord, for the love of souls, did call Peter Satan , that would have Vi THE AN EPISTIL tempted him to save his life and flesh, instead of mak¬ ing it a sacrifice for our sins, Matt xvi. 23. What, think you, should make us undertake a call¬ ing so contrary to our fleshly ease and interest? Do we not know the way of ease and honour, wealth and pleasure, as well as others ? And have we not flesh as well as others? Could we not be content that the cup of reproach, scorn, slander, poverty, and labours, might pass from us, if it were not for the will of God your salvation ? Why should we love to be the lowest, and trodden down by malignant pride, and counted as the filth of the world, and the off-scouring of all things, and represented to rulers, whom we honour, as schis¬ matics, disobedient, turbulent, unruly, by every church- usurper whom we refuse to make a God of? Why give we not over this preaching of the gospel at the will of Satan, who is for the everlasting “ suffering of your souls,” under pretence of making us suffer ? Is not all this that you may be converted and saved? If we be herein beside ourselves, it is for you: Could the words of the ignorant or proud have persuaded us, that either your wants or dangers are so inconsiderable (or your other supplies and helps sufficient) that our labours had been unnecessary to you, God knoweth, we should readily have obeyed the “ silencing sort of pastors,” and have betaken us to some other land, where our service had been more necessary. Let shame be the hypocrite’s reward, who takes not the saving of souls and pleasing of God for a sufficient re¬ ward, without ecclesiastical dignities, preferments, or worldly wealth. I have told you our motives, I have told you our business, and the terms of our undertaking. It is God and you sinners that next must tell us, what our enter¬ tainment and success shall be: Shall it still be neglect and unthankful contempt, and turning away your ears and hearts, and saying, “ We have somewhat else to mind ?” Will you still be cheated by this deceitful world, and spend all your days in pampering your gut, UNCONVERTED BEADER. vii and providing for the flesh, that must be rotting shortly in a grave? Were you made for no better use than this? May we not bring you to some sober thoughts of your condition, not one hour seriously to think whi¬ ther yOu are going ? What ! not one awakened look into the world where you must be for ever; not one heart piercing thought of everlasting glory; not one heart-piercing thought of your Saviour’s love ; not one tear for all your sinful lives \ 0, God forbid ! Let not our labours be so despised: Let not your God, your Saviour, and your souls, be so light set by ; O let there be no more profane persons among you, like Esau, who “ for one morsel sold his birth-right!” Poor sinners ! we talk not to you as on a stage, in customary words, and as if talking were our trade ; we are in as good earnest with you as if we saw you mur¬ dering yourselves, and are persuading you to save your¬ selves. Can any man be in jest with you, who believeth God, who by faith foreseeth whither you are going, and what you lose, and where the game of sin will end ? It is a little better to jest with you now in a pulpit, or in private, than to stand jesting over your departing souls, when at death you are breathing out your last. Alas 1 with shame and grief we confess, we never speak to you of these things as their truth and weight deserve, nor with the skill and wisdom, the affection and fervency, that beseem men engaged in the saving of souls; but yet you may perceive that we are in ear¬ nest with you (for God is so.) What else do we study for, labour for, suffer for, live for? Why else do we so much trouble ourselves, and trouble you with this ado, and anger them that would have made us silent? tor my own part, I will make my free confession to you, to my shame, that I never grow cold, and dull, and pitiless, to the souls of others, till 1 first grow too cold and careless of my own (unless when weakness or spe¬ culative studies cool me, which I must confess they often do.) We never cease pitying you, till we are grow¬ ing too like you, and oft have need of pity ourselves. When, through the mercy of my Lord, the prospect of the world of souls, which I am going to, hath any I MU AN EPESTLETtO THE powerful operation on myself, 0 ! then I could spend and he spent for others. No weirds are too earnest, no labour too great, no cost too dear; the frowns and wrathof malignant opposers of the preaching ofChrist’s gospel are nothing to me: But, when the world of spirits disappears, or my soul is clouded, and receiveth not the vital-illuminating influences of heaven, “ I grow cold, first to myself, and then to others.” Come then, poor sinners, and help us, who are wil¬ ling at any time to help you. As we first crave God’s help, so we next crave yours: Help us; for we cannot serve you against your wills, nor save you without your consent and help. God himself will not save you with¬ out you, and how shall we? We know that the devil is against us, and will do his utmost to hinder us, and so will all his ministers, by what names or titles soever dignified or distinguished: But all this is nothing, if you will but take our parts; I mean, if you will take Christ’s part andyour own, and will not beagainstyour¬ selves. Men and devils cannot either help or hinder us in saving you, as you may do yourselves: “ If God and you be for us, who shall be against us ?” And “will you help us ?” Give over striving against God and conscience ; give over fighting against Christ and his spirit; take part no more with the world and flesh, which in your baptism you renounced; set your hearts to the message, which we bring; allow it your manlike, sober thought; search the Scriptures, and see whether the things we speak of be so or not. We offer you nothing but what we have resolvedly chosen our¬ selves, and that after the most serious deliberation we can make. We have many times looked round about us, to know what is the happiness of man ; and had we found better for ourselves, we had offered better to you. If the world would have served our turns, it would have served yours also, and we would not have troubled you with the talk of “ another world;” but it will not, I am sure it will not, serve yftur turns to make you happy, nor shall you long make that self-deceiving shift with it as now ye do. But, if ye will not think of these things, if ye will UNCONVERTED READER. 1X not use the reason of men, alas! what can we do to save your souls? O pity them. Lord, that they may pity themselves; have mercy on them, that they may have some mercy on themselves; help them, that they may help themselves and us. It you still ret use, will not your loss be more than ours? It we lose our la- bour, (which to ourselves we shall not,) if we lose our hopes of your salvation, what is this to your everlasting loss of salvation itself? And what are our sufferings for your sake, in comparison ot your endless sufferings. But, O ! this it is, that breaketh our hearts, that we leave you under more guilt than we tound you; and, when we have laid our life and labour to save you, impenitent souls must have their pains increased for refusing these calls; and that it will be part of your hell to think for ever he w madly you refused our coun¬ sel, and what pains, cost, and patience, were used to have saved you, and ah in vain. It will be so, it must needs be so. Christ saith, - It shall be easier tor So¬ dom and Gomorrah, in the day ot judgment, than tor the rejecters of his go>pei-calls. The nature ot the thing, and the nature of justice, certainly inform you it must be so. . . O turn not our complaints to God against you. turn us not from besseching you to be reconciled to God, to tell him you will not be reconciled; force us not to say, that “ we earnestly invited you to the hea¬ venly feast, and you would not come!” force us not to bear this witness against you: “ Lord, we could have borne all our labour and sufferings for them much easier, if they would but have yielded to thy grace. But it was they themselves that broke our hearts, that lost our labour, that made us preach and entreat in vain: It was easier to preach without maintenance than without success It was they that were woise to us than all the persecutors in the world. How oft would we have gathered them, but they would not, but are ungathered still 1” How many holy, faithlul ministers have I known, theseeleven years last past, who have lived in pining poverty and want, and hardly x. 4 AN EFISTLE TO THE by charity got bread and clothing; and yet, if they could but have truly said “ Lord, the sermons which i preach privately, and in danger, have won many souls to thee,” it would have made their burden easy. But I tell thee, senseless and impenitent sinner, thou deniest God in thy heart; and thou, that deniest them thy conversion, which was the end of all their labours, hast dealt much more cruelly with them than they that denied the Levites bread. Poor sinners! I know that I am speaking all this to those that are “ dead in sinbut it is a “ death consisting” with a “natural life,” which hath a “ca¬ pacity “ of spiritual life,” or else I would no more speak to you than to a stone. And I know that you are “ blind to sin,” but it is a blindness consisting with a reasonable faculty, which is capable of spiritual illu¬ mination, or else I would no more persuade you than I do a beast. And I know that you are in the fetters of “your own lusts:” your wills, your love, your hearts, are turned away from God, and strongly bewitched with the dreams and dalliances of the flesh and world ; but your wills are not forced into this captivity ; surely those wills may be changed, by God’s grace, when you clearly see sufficient reason to change them; else I would as soon preach (were I capable)*to “devils and damned souls.” Your case is not yet desperate; O make it not desperate! There is just the same “ hope of your salvation” as there is of your “ conver¬ sion and perseverance,” and no more. Without it there is “ no hope;” and with it you are safe, andJhave no cause to doubt and fear. Heaven may yet be yours if you will. Nothing but your own wills, re¬ fusing Christ and a holy life, can keep you out: And shalt thou do it? shall “hell be your own choice? and will you say you will not be saved ?” O think better what “ you do!” God’s terms are reasonable; his words and ways are good and equal; Christ’s “ yoke is easy, and his'burden light,” and his commands are not grievous to any, but so far as blind¬ ness and a bad heart make them so. You have no UNCONVERTED READER. XI true reason to be unwilling: God and conscience shall one day tell you, and “ all the world, that you have no reason for it. You may as wisely pretend reason to cut your throats, to torment yourselves, as plead reason against a true “conversion unto God. Were I persuading you not to kill yourselves, 1 would make no question but you would be persuaded; and yet must I be hopeless when I persuade you from ever¬ lasting misery, and not to prefer the world and flesh “ before your Saviour and your God,” and before a sure everlasting joy: “ God forbid! Reader, I take it for a great mercy of God, that, before my head lies down in the dust, and I go to give up my account unto my judge, I have this oppor¬ tunity once more earnestly to bespeak thee for thy own salvation I beg it of thee, as one that must shortly'be called away and speak to thee no more till we come into our endless* state, that thou would*! but sometimes retire into thyself, and use the reason of a man, and “ look before” thee whither thou art going, and “ look behind” thee how thou hast lived, and what thou hast been doing in the world till now ; and “ look within” thee, what a case thy soul is in, and whether it be fit to enter upon eternity; and “look above” thee, what « heaven of glory thou dost neglect, and that thou hast God to be thine everlasting “ friend or enemy,” as thou choosest and as thou livest, and that thou art always in his sight: Yea, and “ look below” thee,.and think where they are that die unconverted. And* then thou hast soberly thought of all these things, theirdo as God and true reason shall direct thee. And is this an unreasonable request ? I appeal to God, and to all wise men, and to thy own conscience, when . it shall be awakened, if I speak “ against thee” or if alfcfchis be not for thy good; or, if it be not true and sure, then regard not what 1 say; if I speak not that message which God hath commanded his ministers to speak,’then let it be refused as contemptuously as thou wilt. But, if I do but, in .Christ’s name and stead, beseech thee to be reconciled to God, 2 Cor. v. 20. B 2 AN EPISTl r 0 THE refuse it at thy peril. And, if God’s beseeching thee shall not prevail against thy sloth, thy lust, thy appetite, against the desires of the flesh, against the dust and shadows of the world, remember it, when, with fruit¬ less cries and horror, thou art beseeching him too late. I know, poor sinner, that flesh is brutish, and lust and appetite have no reason; but I know thou hast reason thyself, which was given thee to overrule them ; and that lie, that will not be a man, cannot be a “ saint nor happy man.” I know thou livest in a tempting and wicked world, where things and persons will be daily hindering thee: but I know that this is no more to a man that by faith sees heaven and hell before him, than a grain of sand to a kingdom, or a blast of wind to one that is fighting or flying for his life, Luke xii. 4. O man ! that thou didst but know the difference be¬ tween that which the devil and sin will give thee, if thou wilt sell thy soul and heaven, and that which God hath promised and sworn to give thee, if thou wilt heartily give up thyself to him! I know thou mayst possibly fall into company (at least among some sots and drunkards) that will tell thee, “ All this is but troublesome preciseness, and making more ado than needs;” but I know withal what that man deserveth, who will believe a fool before his Maker ^(for he can be no better than a miserable fool that will contradict and revile the word of God, even the word of grace that would save men’s souls.) And, alas! it is possible thou mayst hear some of the tribe of Levi (or rather of Cain) deriding this “ serious godliness,” as mere *« hypocrisy, and fanati¬ cism, and self-conceitednessAs if you must be no better than the “ devil’s slaves,” lest you be proud in thinking that you are better than they; that is, you must go with them to hell, lest in heaven ye be “ proud hypocrites,” for thinking yourselves happier than they. It may be, they will tell you, that this talk of con¬ version is fitter for pagans and infidels to hear than for u Christians and Protestantsbecause such men’s k UNCONVERTED READER. big look or coat may make the poison be ^*5 taken down. I will entreat thee but (as before to answer these following questions, or to get t ’ answered, and then judge whether it be they or v - that would deceive thee; and whether as men use ter talk against learning that have none themselves, such men prate against conversion and the “ Spirit of GOD,” because they have no such thing themselves. Q. 1. I pray ask them whether it be a puritan or fanatic opinion that men must die; and what all the pomp, wealth, and pleasure of the world will signify to a departing soul? Ask them, whether they will live on earth for ever, and their merry hours and lordly looks will have no end; and whether it be but the conceit of “ hypocrites and schismatics, that^ their carcass must he rotting in a “ darksome grave P Q. 2 . Ask them, whether they have not an “ im¬ mortal soul ?” and a longer life to live when this is ended ? Luke xii. 4, 5. Q. 3. Ask them, whether reason requires not every man to think more seriously of the place or state where he must be for ever, than of that where lie must be for a little while, and whence he is posting day and night: And whether it be not wiser to lay up our treasure where we must stay than where we must not stay, but daily look to be called away, and never more to be seen on earth ? Q. 4. Ask them, whether God should not be “loved with all your heart, and soul, and might,” Matt. xxii. 37. add whether it be not the mark of an ungodly miscreant to be a “ a lover of pleasure more than God,” 2 Tim. iii. 4. and a “ lover of this world above him,” 1 John ii. 15. and whether we must not seek “ first God’s kingdom and his righteousness,” Matt vi. 33. and “labour most for the meat that never perisheth,” John vi. 27 « and strive to enter in at the strait gate,” Luke xiii. 24. and “ give all diligence to make our calling and eleclion sure?” 2 Pet. i. 10. Q 5. Ask them, w'hether, without holiness, any shall see God, Heb xii. 14. Matt. v. 8. Tit. ii. 14 and whether the “ carnal mind” is not “enmity to God,” xiv U AN EPISTLE TO THE and “to be spiritually minded is life and peaceand whether, “ if you live after the flesh,” you shall not die and he condemned, and they “ shall not live” and be saved “that walk after the spirit;” and whether any man be Christ’s that hath not his spirit? Rom. viii. 1—10. Q. 6. Ask them, whether any man hath “ treasure in heaven” whose heart is not there, Matt. vi. 21. and whether this be not the difference between the wicked and the godly ; that the first make “ their bellies their God, and mind earthly things?” and are “ enemies to the cross of Christ’' (though perhaps not to his name); and the latter have “ their conversation in heaven,” and, “ being risen with Christ, do set their affections on things above, and not on things that are on the earth,” to which they are as dead, “ and their life is hid” (or out of sight) “ with Christ in God, till Christ shall appear, and then they shall appear (even openly to all the world) with him in glory?” Phil. iii. 18, 20. Col iii 1—5 Q 7. Ask them whether it be credible or suitable to God’s word or working, that he, that will not give the fruits of the earth without their labour, nor feed and clothe them without themselves, will yet bring them to heaven without any care, desire, or labour of their own, when he hath bid them not care for the one, and called for the greatest diligence in the other? Matt. vi. S3. Yea, ask them, whether these be not the two first articles of all faith and religion, 1. “ That God is.” 2. “ That he is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him ?” Q. 8. Ask them, yea, ask your eyes, your ears, your daily experience in the world, whether all or most that call themselves Christians, do in good ear¬ nest thus live to God in the Spirit, and “ mortify the flesh with its affections and lusts, and seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness,” love him above all, and lay up treasure and heart in heaven ; or rather, whe¬ ther most he not lovers of the world, and “ lovers of pleasure more than God,” and live not the flesh, and mind not most the things of the flesh ? I mention not UNCONVERTED READER. uow the drunkards, the flesh-pleasing gentlemen, that live in “ pride, fulness, and idleness,” and sport ana play away their precious time; nor the filthy fornica¬ tor, nor the merciless oppressor, nor the malignant hater of a godly life, nor the perjured betrayers ot men’s souls, and the gospel, or of their country s good, nor such other men of seared consciences, whose mi¬ sery none questions, but such as are blind and miser¬ able ; it is not those only 1 am speaking of, but the common, worldly, fleshly, and ungodly ones. Q 9. Ask them, whether the name of a Lnristian will save anv of these ungodly ones : And whether God will like men the better for lying, and calling themselves Christians, when indeed they are none r And, whether they dare preach to the people, that a Christian drunkard, or Christian fornicator or oppres¬ sor, or Christian worldling, needeth no conversion ? Q. 10. Ask them, whether they say not themselves that hypocrisy is a great aggravation to all other am . And, whether God hath not made the hypocrites and unbelievers to be standards in hell? Matt. xxv_ 51. And, whether seeking to amuse God by a “ mock re- ligion,” doth make such “ false Christians better than the poor “ heathens and infidels, 1 ’ or much worse - And, whether he be not a hypocrite, that professeth to be a Christian and a servant of God, when he is none, nor will be? And, whether be that “ knowe h his master’s will, and doeth it not, shall not have the sorest stripes or punishment ? Luke xu. 47. O. 11. Ask them, whether in their baptism (which is their christening as a covenant) they did not re¬ nounce the flesh, the world, and the uevil, and vow and deliver up themselves to God their father, their Saviour, and their sanctifier ? And, whether all or most men perform this vow ? And, whether a peiju.ed “ covenant-breaker” against God, is filter tor salvation than he that never was baptized ? O 12. Ask them, whether the “ holy n atu [ e of God ” be not so contrary to sin, as that it is blasphemy to say that he will bring to heaven, and into the bosom AN EPISTLE TO THE of his eternal delights, an unholy and unrenewed soul. Pet. i. 15, 16. Q. 13. Ask them, why it was that Christ came into the world, whether it was not to save his people from their sins, Matt. i. 21. and to destroy the works of the devil, 1 John iii. 8. and to “ purify to himself a pecu¬ liar people zealous of good works, Tit. ii. 11. and to bring home strayed souls to God, Luke xv. and to be the way to the Father ? John xiv. 6. And whether Christ will save that soul that is not converted by him, and cleansed from his sins? Or whether it be the dead “ image only of a crucified Jesus that is all their oaviour, while they will have no more of him ? . j them why they believe, and were bap- tized into, the Holy Ghost ? And, whether a man can enter into the kingdom of heaven that is not born of the Spirit as well as of water? John iii. 3, 5. 6. and that is not converted, and begins not the world as it were anew, in a “ teachable, tractable, newness of life, like a little child?” Matt, xviii. 3. And whether it be not a certain truth, that «if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his?” Rom. viii. 9. Q- 15. Ask them why Christ gave the world so many warnings of the damnableness of the Pharisees’ hypocrisy, it hypocritical Christians may be saved ? And what were these Pharisees ? They were the mas’ ters of the Jewish church, the rabbies/that most have nigh places, high tithes, ceremonies, and for al gar¬ ments, and must be reverenced of all; that gave God Jip-service, without the heart, and made void his commands, and worshipped him in vain, “teaching for doctrine the commandments of men,” and strictly tithed mint and cummin, while love, mercy, and hj t.ce were passed by; who worshipped God with abundance of « ceremonies, and built the tombs and ‘‘ garnished the sepulchres of the saints,” while they killed and persecuted those that did imitate them toed .he living s„i„„, b „ t honnnred Ihe dS’.h^ were the bitterest enemies and murderers of Christ oil pretence that he was a blasphemer and a seditious UNCONVERTED READER. XVU enemy to Csesar and the “ common peace,” and one that spoke against the temples: they were the greatest enemies of the apostles,” and silencers of those that preached Christ’s gospel, and persecuted them that called upon his name. And had these no need of con- version because they could say, “ God is our lather, (when the devil was their father, John viii. 44.) and that they were Abraham’s seed ? And are not “ hypo¬ critical Christians, drunken Christians, fornicating Christians, carnal worldy infidel Christians, (the con¬ tradiction is your own), “ persecuting Christians, false- named, hypocritical Christians,” as bad, yea worse, as they abuse a most excellent profession? Matt. xv. 7, 8, 13. and xxii. 18 anil vi. 2, &c. Luke xii. 1. Q. 16 Doth not the holy state of heaven require holiness in all that shall possess it ? Can an unholy soul there see, and love, and praise, and delight in God for ever, and in the holy society and employment ot the saints? Is he not more like a Mahometan than a Christian, that looketh for asensual and unholy heaven ? Q. 17 What is the difference between the church and the world ? Is not the church a holy society ot re¬ generate souls? Yea, the church visible is only those that in baptism vow holiness, and profess it. Look these hypocrites in the face, and see whether they do not blush when they repeat, in the creed, “ 1 believe in the Holy Ghost, I believe in the holy Catholic church, and communion of saints,” who shall have the “ forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting. Ask them, whether they mean holy adulterers, holy worldlings, holy perjured persons ? Ask them, whether they mean a communion of saints in a tavern, in a play-house, in a gaming-house, in a whore-house, or a jesting, cant¬ ing, stage-play communion? If the church be holy, be holy if you will be of the church: It it be a com¬ munion of saints, make it not a communion of swine: and make not the saints and their communion seem odious, either for their infirmities, or their crossness to your carnal interest or conceits. Q. 18. Ask them, whether there be a heaven and xyiii AN EPISTLE TO THE a hell, or not? If not, why are they pretended Christians? If there be, will God send one man to heaven and another to hell, to so vast, so amazing, a difference of state, if there be no great difference between them here? If holiness no more differenced Christians from others, than hearing a sermon or say¬ ing over a prayer doth difference one from an infidel, where were the justice of God in saving some and damning others ? And what were Christianity better than the religion of“Antonine, Plato, Socrates,Seneca, Cicero, Plutarch, 11 and others, if not much worse ? Go into London streets, and, when you have talked with living prudent men, then go to the painter’s shop, and see a “ comely picture;” and to the looking- glass, and see the appearance of each passenger in a glass; and to the periwig shops, and see a wooden head with a periwig upon the bulk; and you have something like the difference of a holy soul and of a dead and dressed formal hypocrite. Q. 19. Ask them whether kings, and all men, make not a difference between man and man; the loyal and perfidious, the obedient and disobedient? and whether they differ not themselves between a friend and a foe; one that loveth them, and one that robbeth, hateth, or would kill them? And shall not the more holy God make more difference between the righteous and the wicked ? Q. 20. But, if they are dead in every point save carnal interest, ask them why they are preachers or priests ? and, if conversion and holiness be a needless thing, what use they are themselves of? and why must the country be troubled with them, and nay them tithes, and owe them reverence? Whon tiLd •»'»*•*«» mv vuauggui UNCONVERTED READER. g. Come to Christ, and take him for thy Saviour, thy teacher, thy king; and he will pardon all that is past, and save thee. , 3. Believe God’s love, the pardon of sin, and the everlasting joys of heaven, that thou mayst feel that all the pleasures of the world are dung in comparison of the heavenly delight of faith, and hope ana “ holy love,” and peace of conscience, and sincere obe- 4. u Sin no more wilfully,” but forbear that which thou mayst forbear. Isa. Iv. 7. ■ 5. “ Away from temptations, occasions ot sin, and evil company,” and be a companion of the “ humble, holy, heavenly and sincere,” Psal. cxix. 63, 11 J - 6. “ Wait on God’s spirit in the diligent and con¬ stant use of his own means.” Read, hear, meditate, pray; pray hard for that grace that must convert thee; wait thus, and thou shalt not wait in vain. Psal. xxv. and xxvii. 34. and lxix. 6 “ Pity, O Lord, and persuade, the souls ! Let not Christ’s blood, his doctrine, his example, his spirit, be lost unto them, and they lost for ever! Let not heaven be as no heaven to them, while they dream and dole on the shadows in this world ! And, oh 1 save this land from the greater destruction than all our late plagues, and flames, and divisions, which our sms and thy threatenings make us fear!” O Lord, m thee have we trusted, let us never be confounded! Having thus contributed my endeavours, in this preface, to the furtherance of the design of tins “excellent book,” 1 must tell thee, reader, that I take it for an honour to commend so masculine a birth unto the world. The midwife of Alexander or Ans- totle need not be ashamed ot her office Who the author of this treatise was, how he preached, how he died, his life and letters, lately printed, fully tell ye; and I earnestly recommend reading them to all, but especially to ministers, not to tell them what men have here been forbidden to preach Christ s gospel, and for what, nor what men they are that so many years xave an epistle to the done it; but to tell you what men Christ’s ministers should be. But say not, 14 he killed himself with ex¬ cessive labour, therefore I will take warning and take my ease.” For, L He lived in perfect health all his days, notwithstanding ail his labours, till after his lorn* and hard improvement. 2. It was not the greatest labour of his times of liberty that hurt him, but his preaching six, seven, or eight times in a week, after he was silenced, because be could not speak to all his people at once. O make not an ill use of so excellent an example; say not, like Judas, 44 What needs this waste ? His labour, his life, his sufferings, his death, were not in vain. The ages to come, that read his Jne, and read his little popular treatise, and his “ Call to Archippus,” shall say they were not in vain. And, though he was cut off in the midst of his age, and his longer labours and more elaborate writings thus pre¬ vented, take thankfully this small but 44 methodical, warm, and serious ” tractate; read it seriously, and it cannot be but that it must 44 do thee good.” I am one that have “ looked into books, sciences, and speculations,” of many sorts, and seriously tell thee, as a dying man, that after all my searches, and experience, I have found that philosophical inquiries into the divine artifices and the nature of things, have among a great number of uncertainties, a great many pretty pleasant probabilities which a holy soul can make good use of in admiring God, and may find as a lawful kind of sport; but, in the moralities which Atheists count uncertainties, the knowledge of God and our duty, and our hopes, the doctrine and prac- tice of holiness, temperance, charity, and justice, and the diligent seeking and joyful hopes of life everlast¬ ing “7 a11 th f vvisdom goodness, rest, and com- f * S ° U \ . What f ver be the plea, this is the satisfying certainty, the business,” and the beauti¬ fying improvement, of our lives. I have done, when I have songht to remove a little scandal which I foresaw I should sustain in writing the preface to his life, where himself and two of hif } UNCONVERTED READER. XXl friends make such mention of my name, which I can¬ not own, because it would seem praising him tor praising me. I confess it looketh ill favouredly in me, but I had not the power of other men’s writings, and dared not therefore forbear that which was bis due. Had I directed their pens, they should have taken a middle way, and only esteemed me a very unworthy servant of Christ, who yet longs to see the peace and prosperity of his church ; and I should have iorborne their undeserved praise, as other men should have done their slanderous libels. But, if the reader get no harm by it, I assure him, the use I made of it was, to lament that I am really so much worse than they esteemed me; and fear lest I should prove yet worse than 1 discern myself, who see so much sin and weak¬ ness in my betters, and much more in myself, as to make it the constant sentiment of my soul, that PRIDE of MEN’S GREATNESS, WISDOM, and GOODNESS, is the first part of the DEVIL,& IMAGE on man’s soul; and DARKNESS is the second; and MALIGNI'i. Y the third. RICHARD BAXTER, Reader, How well were it, if there were no more uncon¬ verted ones among us than those to whom this is di- • reeled! Unconverted persons, how many are therer but how tew unconverted readers, especially ot such ” books as this before thee ! A play, or romance better ' suits the lusts, and therefore must have more ot the . eye of such ; what will cherish the evil heart only is * most grateful, not what will change it. How many are there, to whom this is directed, who will not know that these are the men ! And bow little hope is there that this excellent treatise should reach its end with , those that apprehend themselves not concerned in it - Art thou not one of them ! Art thou a convert, or art f thou yet in thy sins ? What is sin ? What is conver* xxii AN EPISTLE TO THE sion ? It may be thou canst tell me neither, and yet thou sayest a convert thou art. But to what purpose is it then likely to be for the servant of God to treat with thee about this matter ! Let him bid thee believe. Thou art a believer already; let me bid thee repent and turn to the Lord. That work (thou sayest) 1*3 not to do now. What can there be said to this man that is likely to bring him to good ? Friend, know thyself better, or thou perishest without remedy. Thou mayst pray, but what hope is there in thy praying ? Thou mayst read, but what hope is there in thy reading? Yet read on; this hope there is, in this book there is eye-salve that may heal thee of thy blindness. In this book there is a glass that will shew thee thy face. Lost thou know thy own face when thou seest it? Behold thy very image in those marks that are given of an unconverted person; read and consider them, and then say if thou art not the man. “ Be willing to know thyself, anil to know the worst of thy case: wink not at the light; hide not thyself from thine own soul. Wilt thou never know thy disease till it he past remedy ? “ Much of our hardest work would he over, if we could see the sinners, to whom we are sent to be convinced sinners. If we could but open the blind eyes, there were hopes we should shortly raise the dead. Sinner, of a truth thou art in evil case, whether thou know it or not; thou art among the dead, and there is but a step betwixt thee and hell. Thou wilt not believe it, though it be told thee : Yet once again, let me beseech thee, come to the glass that is here pre¬ sented to thee, and narrowly observe whether the very marks of the dead be not found upon thee. “ lt tf,ere be miscarriages in this first work, if thou wilt not understand thy misery and thy danger, there is an end of all hopes concerning thee. Whilst self- jgnorance abides upon thee, all the counsels, that are necessary to a man in thy case, will do thee no good; they are never likely to prosper with thee. Who will UNCONVERTED READER. XXiil d je he persuaded to do that which he believes is already lr po> done? Who will take the counsel of the physician tai that doth not think himself sick ? The man of God fes may spare his pains of persuading thee to conversion, e P^ whilst thou art confident thou art converted already. »t)i Who will be at the pains of repentance, that concludes he hath repented? Who will be at the labour and hot pangs of the new birth, that is confident he is already 4 passed from death unto life?’ 1 Hi “ But, friend, let me reason a little with thee, sreii Thou art confident it is well with thee, yet why wilt nttii thou not yield to thus much at least, to put it to the nij question, am I not mistaken? Thou art worse than mad if thou thinkest such a question may not be put. whet Dost thou not know that thy heart is false and deceit- larli ful ? Yet because it speaks good concerning thee, must I aoi it not be questioned whether it speaks true or not ? nan, Be so wise as to conclude, “I may be mistaken;” tli and thus come to the trial whether thou art mistaken nci or not. :noi “ And if, upon trial, by the marks that are before thee, thou come to be undeceived, and see thyself f ffj wrapped up in that misery which hitherto thou wouldst o (k not suspect, the next news I expect to hear from thee )lioJ is, “ What shall 1 do to be saved ?” O, were it come tbs to that once! then thou hast an answer at hand in those means thou wilt find prescribed thee. And, be¬ ttor cause they are such as thou wilt hardly be persuaded and to use, take in the motive that follow', and they will wilt help down the means; consider both the one and the ain, other; and, if thou dost not find the means proper, pre. and the motives weighty, I think I shall do thee no ery wrong, if I tell thee, thou art still of a blind mind, and a harder heart. ion “ Friend, the matter which this little book comes to ere treat with thee about is of the highest importance ; it ,|f. is a matter of life or death. If thou sayest, “ the J re terms upon which life is offered are hard,” consider, d; is it not harder to die ? He is worthy to die who will ill lose his soul to save his labour. If thou couldst step XXIV AN EPISTLE TO THE down into the deep, and take a turn or two with those damned souls, who are drenched with fire and brim¬ stone, and bound in everlasting chains of vengeance, and should ask them, now what do you think of the terms upon which life was offered ? Now what think you of that repentance, of that obedience, of that cir¬ cumspection, self-denial, and the greatest severity, which by the gospel were imposed upon you ? If you might once again have the same terms granted you for your redemption from this place of tor¬ ment, would you yet say, hard terms! let me rather die this death for ever, than live such a life; let me broil in this furnace, rather than escape with such dif¬ ficulty ? Shouldst thou ask them thus, that have felt what it is to be damned, what answer dost thou think they would make ? O friend ! never again “ groan un¬ der the difficulties of conversion, till thou believe them 1 to be worse than hell.” But I will no farther antici¬ pate my worthy Author. “ Nor is there much need I should coinmend either himself or his works: for the Author himself thou rnayst at a small charge get acquainted with, in that history of his life and death which is extant, concern¬ ing which I shall only say, Sic viihi contingat vivere, sicque mori; and for this work of his, what commendation I shall give of it would be needed no longer than till thou hast read it over: Thou wilt find such wine in it as needs no brush. This only I shall say, as far as my credit will go, it is exceedingly well worth thy most serious perusal. O mayst thou hear that voice (such a voice from heaven there is, whether thou hear it or not). Tolle et lege , “ take up and read read friend, and read over again, read and understand, understand and pray, pray and consider, and consent unto him, who by the pen of his servant calls to thee from hea¬ ven, “ why wilt thou die? Turn and live.” O suffer this word of instruction and exhortation to open thy UNCONVERTED READER. XXV blind eyes, to turn thee from darkness to light, from the power of Satan unto God, that thou mayst receive forgiveness of sins, and an inheritance among them that are sanctified. Ei cum ialis fueris memento mei; When it is thus with thee, then pray for “ Thy friend, and servant of thy soul, Richard Alleine.” An earnest invitation to sinners to turn to God , in order to their eternal salvation . Dearly beloved and longed for, I gladly acknow¬ ledge myself a debtor to you all, and am concerned, as I would be found a good steward to the household of God, to give to every one his portion. But the physician is most solicitous for those patients whose case is most doubtful and hazardous, and the father’s bowels are especially turned towards his dying child; The numbers of unconverted souls among you call for the most earnest compassions and hasty diligence to pluck them out of burning, Jude ver. 23. and therefore to these first I shall apply myself in these lines. But whence shall I fetch my argument, or how shall I choose my words ? Lord, wherewith shall I woo them? Wherewith shall I win them ? Oh! that I could but tell! I would write unto them in tears, I would weep out every argument, I would empty my veins for ink, I would petition them on my knees, verily (were I able) I would. Oh ! how thankful would I be, if they would be prevailed with to repent and turn ! How long have I travailed in birth with you ? How frequently have I made suit to you ? How often would I have gathered you ? How instant have I been with you? This is that I have prayed for and studied for, for many years, that I might bring you to God. Oh! that I might but do it! Will you yet be entreated? Oh ! what a happy man might you yet make me, if ye would but hearken to me, and suffer me to carry you over to Jesus Christ. “ But, Lord, how insufficient am I for this work ! X have been many a year wooing for thee, but the damsel would not go with me: Lord, what a task hast thou set me to do! Alas! wherewith shall I pierce the scales of Leviathian, or make the heart to 11 AN INVITATION TtT$INNEBS. 27 feel, that is hard as stone, hard as a piece of the nether mill stone P Shall I go and lay my mouth to the grave, and look when the dead will obey me and come forth ? Shall I make an oration to the rocks, or declaim to the mountains, and think to move them with arguments? Shall I give the blind to see ? From the beginning of the w’orld was it hard that a man opened the eyes of the blind; but thou, O Lord, canst pierce the scales and prick the heart of the sinner: I can but shoot at rovers, and draw the bow at a venture, but do thou direct the arrows between the joints of the harness, kill the sin, and save the soul of a sinner that casts his eyes on these labours.” But I must apply myself to you to whom I am sent; yet I am at a great loss. Would to God I knew how to go to work with you ! would I stick at the pains? God knoweth, you yourselves are my witnesses, how I have followed you in private as well as in public, and have brought the gospel to your doors, testifying to you the necessity of the new birth, and persuading you to look in time after a sound and thorough change. Beloved, I have not acted a part among you to serve my own advantage. Our gospel is not yea and nay. Have you not heard the same truths from the pulpit, by public labours, by private letters, and by personal instructions ? brethren, 1 am of the same mind as ever, that holiness is the best choice; that there is no entering into heaven but by the strait passage of the second birth ; that “ without holiness you shall never see God,” Heb xii. 14. Ah, my beloved, refresh my bowels in the Lord. “ If there be any consolation in Christ, any “ comfort of love, any fellowship of the spirit, any bowels of mercy, fulfil ye my joy:” Now give yourselves unto the Lord, 2 Cor. viii. 5. Now set yourselves to seek him. Now set up the Lord Jesus in your hearts, and set him up in your houses: Now come in and kiss the Son, Psa. ii. 12. and embrace the tenders of mercy, touch his his sceptre and live : why will ye die? I beg not for myself, but fain I would have you happy : this is the AN INVITAT TO SINNERS. 28 prize I run for, and the white I aim at. My souPs desire and prayer for you is, that you may be saved, Rom. x 1. The famous Li/curgus having instituted most strict and wholesome laws for his people, told them he was necessitated to go a journey from them, and got them to bind themselves in an oath, that his laws should be observed till his return. This done, he went into a voluntary banishment, and never returned more, that they might, by virtue of their oath, be engaged to the perpetual observing of his laws. Methinks I should be glad of the hard conditions which he endured, (though I love you tenderly,) so I might but hereby engage you thoroughly to the Lord Jesus Christ. l)early beloved, would you rejoice the heart of your minister? why then embrace the counsels of the Lord by me. Forego your sins; set to prayer; up with the worship of God in your families; keep at a distance from the corruption of the times. What greater joy, to a minister, than to hear of souls born unto Christ by him, and his children walk in the truth ! 2 John iv. Brethren, I beseech you suffer friendly plainness and freedom with you in your deepest concernments. I am not playing the orator, to make a learned speech to you, nor dressing my dish with eloquence where¬ with to please you; these lines are upon a weighty errand indeed, viz. to convince, and convert, and to save you. I am not baiting my hook with rhetoric, nor fishing for your applause, but for your souls. My work is not to please you, but to save you : Nor is my business with your fancies, but your hearts: If I have not your hearts, I have nothing. If I were to please your ears, I could sing another song: If I were to preach myself, I would steer another course; I could then tell you a smoother tale; I would make you pil¬ lows, and speak you peace; for how can Ahab love his Micaiah that always prophecies evil concerning him? I Kings xxii. 8. But how much better are the wounds of a friend than the fair speeches of a harlot, who flattereth with her lips till the dart strike AN INVITATION TO SINNERS. 29 through the liver, and hunteth for the precious life l Prov. vii. 21, 22, 23 and vi. 26 If I were to quiet a crying infant, I might sing to him a pleasant mood, and rock him asleep! but, when the child is fallen into the fire, the parent takes another course; he will not go to still him with a song or trifle. I know, if we speed not with you, you are lost; if we cannot get your consent to “ arise and come away,” you perish for ever: No conversion, and no salvation: I must get your good will, or leave you miserable. . But here the difficulty of my work again recurs upon me: “ Lord, choose my stones out of the rock, 1 Sam. xvii. 40, 45. I come in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel. I come forth, like the stripling David, to wrestle, not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, Eph. vi. 12. This day let the Lord smite the Philistine, and spoil the strong man of his armour, and give me to fetch off the cap¬ tives out of his hand: Lord, choose my words, choose my weapons for me ; and when I put my hand into the bag, and lake thence a stone and sling it, do thou carry it to the mark, and make it sink, not into the forehead (1 Sam. xvii. 49.) but the heart of the un¬ converted sinner, and smite him to the ground, with Saul, in his so happy fall, Acts ix. 4- Thou hast sent me, as Abraham did Eleazer, to take a wife unto my master thy son, Gen. xxiv. 4. but my discouraged soul is ready to fear the woman will not be willing to fol¬ low me : O Lord God of my master, I pray thee send me good speed this day, and shew kindness to my master, and send thine angel before me, and prosper my way, that I may take a wife unto thy son: (Gen. xxiv. 12.) that as thy servant rested not till he had brought Isaac and Rebecca together, so I may be suc¬ cessful to bring Christ and the souls of my people to¬ gether before we part.” But I turn me unto you. Some of you do not know what I mean by conversion, and in vain shall I per¬ suade you to that which you do not understand; and AN INVITATION TO SINNERS. 30 therefore for your sakes, I shall shew “ what this con¬ version is.” Others do cherish secret hopes of mercy, though they continue as they are; and for them I must shew the “ necessity of conversion.” Others are like to harden themselves with a vain conceit that they are converted already, unto them I must shew the “ marks of the unconverted.” Others because they feel no harm, fear none, and so sleep upon the top of the mast; to them I shall shew the “ misery of the unconverted.” Others sit still, because they see not their way out: to them I shall shew the “ means of conversion.” And, finally, for the quickening of all, I shall close with the “ motive to conversion.” Chap. I. Shewing , in the negative , what Conversion is not , and correcting some mistakes about it. Let the blind Samaritans worship they know not what, John iv. 22. Let the heathen Athenians in¬ scribe their altar u unto the unknown God,” Acts xvii. 22. Let the guileful Papists commend the mother of destruction for the mother of devotion ; they that know man’s constitution, and the nature of the reason¬ able soul’s operation, cannot but know that, the under¬ standing'having the empire in the soul, he that will go rationally to work must labour to let in the light here; fgnorantis non est consensus. And therefore, that you may not mistake me, I shall shew you what I mean by the conversion I persuade you to endeavour after. It is storied, that, when Jupiter let down the golden chaplets from heaven, all but one were stolen; upon which (lest they should lose a relic of so great esteem,) they made five others so like it, that, if any were so wickedly minded as to steal that also, they should not be able to discern which was it. And truly, my be¬ loved, the devil hath made many counterfeits of this conversion, and cheats one with this, and another with that; and such craft and artifice he hath in his mystery of deceits, that (if it were possible) he would deceive the very elect Now, that I may cure the damnable mistakes about conversion. 31 mistake of some, who think they are converted when they are not, as well as remove the troubles and fears of others, that think they are not converted when they are, I shall shew you the nature of conversion, both negatively, or what it is not, and, positively, what it is. We will begin with the negative. 1. “It is not the taking upon us the profession of Christianity.” Doubtless Christianity is more than a name. If we will hear Paul, it lies not in word, but in power, l Cor. iv. 20. If to cease to be Jews and Pagans, and to put on the Christian profession, had been true conversion, (as this is all that some would have to be understood by it) who better Christians than they of Sardis and Laodicea. These were all Christians by profession, and had a name to live; but because they had but a name, are condemned by Christ, and threatened to be spewed out. Rev. iii. 1, 16. Are there not many that mention the name of the Lord Jesus, that yet depart not from iniquity ?2 Tim. ii. 19. and “ profess they know God, but in works they deny him?” Tit. i. 16. And will God receive these for true converts, because turned to the Christian re¬ ligion? What! converts from sin, when yet they do live in sin ! It is a visible contradiction. Surely, if the lamp of profession would have served the turn, the foolish virgins had never been shut out, Matt. xxv. 12 We find not only professors, but preachers of Christ and wonder-workers, turned off because evil- workers, Matt. vii. 22, 23. 2. “ It is not being washed in the laver of regen¬ eration,” or putting on the badge of Christ in baptism. Many take the press money, and wear the livery of Christ, and yet never stand to their colours, nor fol¬ low their leader. Ananias and Sapphira, and Magus, were baptized as well as the rest. How fondly do many mistake here, deceiving and being deceived ! dreaming that effectual grace is necessarily tied to the external administration of baptism, (which what is it but to revive the popish tenet of the sacraments MISTAKES ABOUT CONVERSION. 32 working grace, ex opere operaio?) and so every infant shall be regenerated, not only sacramento tenus , sacra¬ mentally, but really and properly. Hence men do fancy, that, being regenerated already when baptized, they need no farther work. But, if this were so, then all that were baptized in their infancy must necessarily be saved, because the promise of pardon and salvation is made to con¬ version and regeneration, Acts iii. 19. Matt. xix. 28. Our calling, sanctification, (as to the beginning of it,) or conversion, (which are but the same things under different conceptions and expressions,) is but a middle link in the golden chain, fastened to election at one end, and glorification at the other, Rom. viii. 30. 2 Thess. ii. 13. 1 Pet. i. 2 . The silver cord may not be broken, nor the connection between sanctifi¬ cation and salvation, between grace and glory, impi¬ ously violated, Matt. v. 8. If we were indeed begot¬ ten again, it is “ to an inheritance incorruptible, re¬ served in heaven for us,” and the divine power is engaged to keep us for it, 1 Pet i. 4. And, if the very regenerate may perish at last in their sins, we will no more say, that he that is born of God, his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, 1 John iii. 9. (i. e. unto death), nor that it is impossible to de¬ ceive the very elect,’ 1 Matt. xxiv. 24. And indeed, were this true, then we need look no farther to see our names written in heaven, than only to search the register, and see whether we were bap¬ tized: Then I would keep the certificate of my bap¬ tism as my fairest evidence for heaven, and shouid come by assurance of my gracious state with a wet finger: Then men should do well to carry but a cer¬ tificate of their baptism, under the register’s hand, when they died, (as the philosopher would be buried with the bishop’s bond in his hand, which he had given him for receiving his alms in another world,) and, upon sight of this, there were no doubt of their admission into heaven. In short, if there be no more necessary to conver- MISTAKES ABOUT CONVERSION. 33 sion, or regeneration, than to be turned to the Chris, tian religion, or to be baptized m infancy, thw mil fly directly in the face of that Scripture, Matt. vn. 14. as well as multitudes of others : For, first, we will then no more say, “ strait is the gate, and narrow is the wayFor, if all that were baptized, and are ot the true religion, are saved, the door is become hea¬ venly wide, and we will henceforth say, “ wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth unto lite: For, if this be true, whole parishes, yea, whole coun¬ tries, and whole kingdoms, may go in a breast; and we will no more teach, that the righteous is scarcely, saved, or that there is need of such a stir in taking the kingdom of heaven by violence, and striving to enter in. Surely, if the way be so easy as many take it, that there is little more necessary than to be regener¬ ated in our baptism, and cry “ God have mercy, and be absolved by the minister at our end, it is more ado than needs to put ourselves to such running, and seeking, and knocking, and fighting, and wrestling, as the word requires as necessary to salvation. Secondly, if this be true, we will no more say, “ few there be that find ityea, we will rather say, “ few there be that miss it:” We will no more say, that, ot the many that are “ called, but few are chosen,” Matt. xxu. 14. and that even of the professing “Israel but a remnant shall be saved,” Rom. ix. 27- If this toc- trine be true, we will not say any more, with the dis¬ ciples, “ Who then shall be saved?” but rather, Who then shall not be saved ? Then, if a man be called a brother, (that is, a Christian,) and be baptized, though he be a fornicator, or a railer, or covetous, or a drunkard, yet he shall inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Cor. v. 11. and vi. 9, 10. , But the Arminian will reply, Such as these, though they did receive regenerating grace in baptism, are since fallen away, and must be renewed again, or else they cannot be saved. I answer, 1. That there is an infallible connection between regeneration and salvation, as we have M MISTAKES ABOUT CONVERSION. already shewn, and I long to be farther evidencing, but that it is against designed brevity. 2. Then men must be born again a second time; which carries a great deal of absurdity in its very face: And why may not men be twice born in nature as well as in grace? Why not as great an absurdity to be twice regenerated, as to be twice generated? But, 3. And above all, this grants, however, the thing I contend for, that, whatever men do or pretend to receive in baptism, if they be found afterwards to be grossly ignorant, or profane, or formal, without the power of godliness, they “ must be born again,” or else be shut out of the kingdom of God. So then they must have more to plead for themselves than their baptismal re¬ generation. Well, in this you see all are agreed, that, be it more or less that is received in baptism, (if when men come to years,) they are evidently unsanctified, they must be renewed again by a thorough and powerful change, or else they cannot escape the damnation of hell. Friends and brethren, “ be not deceived; God is not mocked,’ Gal. vi. 7. Whether it be your bap¬ tism, or whatever else that you pretend, I tell you, from the living God, that, if any of you be prayerless persons, or unclean, or malicious, or covetous, or riotous, or a scoffer, or a lover of evil company, (Prov. xiii. 20.) in a word, if you are not holy, strict, and self-denying Christians (Heb. xii. 14. Matt. xv. 24.) you cannot be saved, except you be transformed by a farther work upon you, and renewed again by repentance. ® J Thus I have shewn, that it is not enough to evidence a man to be regenerate, that he hath been baptized ; effectual grace not necessarily accompany¬ ing baptism, as some have vainly asserted. But I must answer one objection before I pass. Obj. The sacraments do certainly atthin their ends where man doth not ponere Obicem or lay some ob¬ struction ; which infants do not. Solut. I answer, it is not the end of baptism to re- ERSION. MISTAKES ABOUT 35 generate. 1. Because then there would be no reason why it should be confined only to the seed ot believers; for both the law of God and the nature ot charity re¬ quire us to use the means of conversion for all, as tar as we can have opportunity. Were this true no such charity as to catch the children of'l urks and Heathens, and baptize them, so dispatch them to heaven out ot hand: like the bloody wretches that made the poor Protestants (to save their lives) swear they would come to mass, and that they would never depart from it, and then put them forthwith to death, saying, ‘they would hang them while in a good mind.” 2. Because it pre-supposes regeneration, and therefore cannot be intended to confer it. In all the express instances in Scripture, we find that baptism doth suppose their re¬ penting, believing, receiving the Holy Ghost, Acts vm. 37 and ii. 38. and x. 47. Mark xvi. 16. And to imagine that baptism was instituted for an end, of which not one of the first subjects was capable, (for they were all adult persons, and supposed to have faith and repent- ance according as they professed, and their children were not baptized till after them in their right,) were no little absurdity. Were this doctrine true, baptism would make disciples ; but we find it doth bespeak them such before-hand, Matt, xxviii. 19. 3. Because bap¬ tism. being but a seal of the covenant, cannot convey the benefits, but according to the tenor of the cove¬ nant to which it is set. Now the covenant is conditional; therefore the seals convey conditionally. The covenant requires faith and repentance, as the conditions of the grand benefits, “ pardon and life,” Acts xvi. 31. and iii. 19. and what the covenant doth not convey but upon these condi¬ tions, the seal cannot: so that baptism doth presup¬ pose faith and repentance in th he casts away his filthy rags, and counts his own ii righteousness as a menstruous cloth : He casts it off, li as a man would the verminous tatters of a nasty beg- 4 gar, Isa. lxiv. 6. Now he is brought to poverty of it spirit. Matt. v. 3. complains of and condemns himself, Rom. vii. and all his inventory is, “ poor and miser- able, and wretched, and blind, and naked,” Rev. iii. lit 17. He sees a world of iniquity in his holy things, k and calls his once-idolized righteousness but filth, and i loss, and dog’s meat; and would not for a thousand mi worlds be found in himself, Phil. iii. 4, 7, 8, 9. His to finger is ever upon his sores, Psa. Ii. 3. his sins, his f wants. Now he begins to set a high price upon D 2 60 THE NATURE OF CONVERSION. Christ's righteousness; he sees the need of a Christ, in every duty, to justify his person, and justify his performances; he cannot live without him ; he cannot pray without him; Christ must go with him; or else he cannot come into the presence of God ; he leans upon the hand of Christ, and so bows himself in the house of his God ; he sets himself down for a lost un- done man without him; his life is hid in Christ, as the root of a tree spreads in the earth, for stability and nutriment. Before, the news of a Christ was a stale and sapless thing; but now how sweet is a Christ! Augustine could not relish his before so much-admired Cicero, because he could not find the name of Christ: how pathetically cries he, Dulcissime , amanlis benignis Claris , &c quando te videbo ? quando satiabor de pul- chritudine tua ? Meditat c. 37. 44 O most sweet, most loving, most kind, most dear, most precious, most desired, most lovely, most fair, &c. all in a breath, when he speaks of and to his Christ. In a word, the voice of the convert is with the martyr, 44 none but Christ" The terms, which are either ultimate, or subordi¬ nate, or mediate. The ultimate is, God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, whom the true convert takes as his all-suffi¬ cient and eternal blessedness. A man is never truly sanctified till his very heart be in truth set upon God above all things, as his portion and chief good. These are the natural breathings of a believer^ heart: 44 Thou art my portion," Psa. cxix. 57. 44 My soul shall make her boast in the Lord," Psa. xxxiv. 2. fc4 My expectation is from him; he only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; in God is my salvation and glory ; the rock of my strength, and my refuge is in God," Psa. Ixii. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7. and xviii. 1 , 2 . Would you put it to an issue, whether you be con¬ verted or not ? Now let thy soul and all that is within thee attend. Hast thou taken God for thy happiness ? Where THE NATURE OP CONVERSION. 61 doth the content of thy heart lie? Whence doth thy choicest comfort come in ? Come then, and, with Abra¬ ham, lift up thine eyes eastward, and westward, and northward, and southward, and cast about thee what is it that thou wouldst have in heaven, or on earth, to make thee happy ? If God should give thee thy choice, as he did to Solomon, or should say to thee, as Ahu- suerus to Esther, “ what is thy petition, and what is thy request, and it shall be granted thee ? (Est. v, S.) what wouldst thou ask ? Go into the gardens of pleasure, and gather all the fragrant flowers thence : Would these content thee ? Go to the treasures ot Mammon ; suppose thou mightst lade thyself a* thou wouldst from hence. Go to the towers, to the tro¬ phies of honour; what thinkest thou ot being a man of renown, and having a name like the name of the great men of the earth ? Would any of this, all this suffice thee, and make thee count thyself a happy man? If so, then certainly thou art carnal and unconverted. If not, go farther; wade into the divine excellencies, the store of his mercies, the hiding of his power, the depths unfathomable of his all- sufficiency: Doth this suit thee best and please thee most ? Dost thou say, “ It is good to be here ?” Matt. xvii. 4. “ Here will l pitch; here will I live, and die?” Wilt thou let all the world go rather than this ? Then it is well between God and thee ? happy art thou, O man; happy art thou that ever thou wast born: If a God can make thee happy, thou must needs be happy ; for thou hast vouched the Lord to be thy God, Deut. xxvi. 17. Dost thou say to Christ as he to us, “ Thy Father shall be my Father, and thy God be my God,” John xx. 17. Here is the turning point; An unsound pro¬ fessor never takes up his rest in God, but converting grace does the work, and so cures the fatal misery of the fall, by turning the heart from its idol to the liv¬ ing God, 1 Thess. i. 9. Now, says the soul, “ Lord, whither shall I go ?” “ Thou hast the words of eternal life,” John vi. G8. Here he centers, here he settles; Oh! it is the entrance of heaven to him, to see his in- 62 THE nature op conversion. terest in God. When he discovers this, he saith, 64 re¬ turn unto thy rest, O my soul, for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee,” Psa. cxvi. 7. And it is even ready to breathe out Simeon’s song, “ Lord, now let- test thou thy servant depart in peace,” Luke ii. 29. and saith, with Jacob, when his old heart revived at the welcome tidings, “ it is enough,” Gen. xlv 28. When he sees he hath a God in covenant to go to, “ this is all his salvation, and all his desire,” 2 Sam, xxiii. 5. Man, is this thy case? hast thou experienced this? why then “ blessed art thou of the Lord;” God hath been at work with thee; he hath laid hold on thy heart by the power of converting grace, or else thou couldst never have done this. The mediate term of conversion is either principal or less principal. The principal is Christ, the only mediator between God and man, 1 Tim. ii 5. His work is to bring us to God, 1 Pet. iii. 8 He is the way to the Father, John xvi. 6. the only plank on which we may escape, the only door by which we may enter, John x. 9. con¬ version brings ovei the soul to Christ to accept him, Col. ii. 6. as the only means of life, as the only way, the only name given under heaven, Acts iv. 12. He looks not for salvation in any other but him; nor in any other with him : but throws himself on Christ 3 lone, as one that should cast himself with spread arms upon the sea. r Here (saith the convinced sinner) “ I will venture: and, it I perish, I perish: If I die, I will die here. #ut, Lord, suffer me not to perish under the pitiful eye of thy mercy. Entreat me not to leave thee, or to turn away from following after thee,” Kuth i. 16. “Here I will throw myself, if thou kick me, if thou kill me,” Job xiii. 15. 44 I will not go from thy door.” Thus the poor soul doth venture on Christ," and re¬ solvedly adhere to him. Before conversion, the man made light of Christ, minded his farm, friends, mer¬ chandise, more than Christ, Matt. xxii. 5. now Christ THE NATURE OP CONVERSION, 63 is to him, as his necessary food, his daily bread, the life of his heart, the staff of his life, Gal, ii 20 His great design is, that Christ may be magnified in him, Phil, i 20. His heart once said, as then to the spouse, what is thy beloved more than another ?” Cant, v 9. He found more sweetness in his merry company, wicked games, earthly delights, than in Christ He took religion for a fancy, and the talk of great enjoy¬ ments for an idle dream; but now to him to live is Christ. He sets light by all that he accounted preci¬ ous, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, Phil. iii. 8. All of Christ is accepted by the sincere converts : He loves not only the wages, but the work ol Christ, Rom vii. 12. not only the benefits, but the burden, of Christ ; he is willing not only to tread out the corn, but. to draw under the yoke; he takes up the commands of Christ; yea, and cross of Christ, Matt, xi. 9. and xvi 24. The unsound closeth by the halves with Christ; he is all for the salvation of Christ, but he is not for sanctification; he is for the privileges, but appropri¬ ates not the person, of Christ; he divides the offices and benefits of Christ. This is an error in the foun¬ dation : Whoso loveth life, let him beware here ; it is an undoing mistake of which you have been often warned, and yet none more common. Jesus is a sweet name: but men “ love not the Lord Jesus in “ since¬ rity ,” Eph. vi 24 They will not have him as God offers, “to be a prince and a saviour,” Acts v. 31. They divide what God hath joined, the king and the priest: Yea, they will not accept the salvation of Christ as he intends it; they divide it here, Every man’s vote is for salvation from suffering; but they desire not to be saved from sinning; they would have their lives saved, but withal would have their lusts. Yea, many divide here again; they would be ’ton# tent to have some of their sins destroyed, but they cannot leave the lap of Delilah, or divorce the beloved Hergdias: They cannot be cruel to the right eye or 64 the nature of conversion. without exceptions, without limitations, without re* right hand: The Lord must pardon them in this thing, 2 Kings v, 16 Oh ! be carefully tender here: your souls be upon it. The sound convert takes a whole Christ, and takes him for all intents and purposes, serves. He is willing to have Christ upon any terms; he is willing to have the dominion of Christ, as well as deliverance by Christ; hesaith, with Paul, “ Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Acts ix. 6. Any thing, Lord : He sends the blank to Christ, to set down his own conditions. Acts ii. 37. and xvi. 30. The less principal is the laws, ordinances, and ways, of Christ. The heart that was once set against these, and could not endure the strictness of these bonds, the severity of these ways, now falls in love with them, and chooses them as its rule and guide for ever, Psa, cxix. Ill, 112. Four things (I observe) God doth work in every sound convert, with reference to the laws and ways of Christ, by which you may come to know your state, if you will be faithful to your own souls, and there¬ fore keep your eyes upon your hearts as you go along. 1. “ The judgment is brought to approve of them, and subscribe to them as most righteous, and most reasonable,” Psa. cxix. 112, 128, 137,138. The mind is brought to like the ways of God; and the corrupt prejudices that were once against them, as unreason¬ able and intolerable, are now removed. The under¬ standing assents to them all, as holy, just and good, Rom. vii. 12. How is David taken up with the ex¬ cellencies of God's laws ! how doth he expatiate on their praises, both from their inherent qualities and admirable effects! Psalm xix. 8, 9, 10, &c. There is a twofold judgment of the understanding, judicium absolutum et comparatum . The absolute judgment is, when a man thinks such a course best in the general, but not for him, or not under the present circumstances he is in, pro hic 9 ct nunc . Now, a godly man's judgment is for the ways of God, and that not only the absolute, but comparative, judge- THE NATURE OF CONVERSION. 65 meat; he thinks them not only the best in general* but best for him; he looks upon the rules of religion not only as tolerable, but desirable; yea, more desir¬ able than gold, fine gold; yea, much fine gold, Psa. xix 10. His judgments are settledly determined, that it is best to be holy, that it is best to be strict, that it is in itself the most eligible course, and that it is for him the wisest and most rational and desirable choice. Hear the godly man’s judgment: 44 1 know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right: I love thy command¬ ments above gold, yea, above fine gold: I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way,” Psa. cxix. 127, 128. Mark, he did approve of all that God required, and disal¬ lowed of all that he forbade; “ Righteous, O Lord, and upright are thy judgments. Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful. Thy word is true from the beginning, and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever,* 1 ’ Psa. cxix. 137, 138, 1(>0. See how readily and fully he subscribes ; he declares his assent and consent to it, and all and every thing therein con¬ tained. 2. 44 The desire of the heart is to know the whole mind of Christ,” Psa. cxix. 124, 125, 169. and xxv. 4, 5. He would not have one sin undiscovered, nor be ignorant of one duty required. It is the natural and earnest breathing of a sanctified heart: “ Lord, if there be any way of wickedness in me, do thou dis¬ cover it. What I know not, teach thou me; and if I have done iniquity, I will do it no more.” The un¬ sound is willingly ignorant, 2 Pet. iii. 5. loves not to come to the light, John iii. 20. He is willing to keep such or such a sin, and therefore is loath to know it to be a sin, and will not let in the light at that win¬ dow. Now the gracious heart is willing to know the whole latitude ami compass of his Maker’s law, Psa* cxix. 18, 19, 27, 33, 64, 66, 68, 78, 108, 124. He re- ceives with ail acceptation, the word, that convinceth 66 THE NATURE OF CONVERSION. him of any duty that he knew not, or minded not be¬ fore, or discovereth any sin that lay hid before, Psa. cxix. 11 3. u The free and resolved choice of the will is de¬ termined for the ways of Christ before all the plea¬ sures of sin and prosperities of the world,” Psa. cxix. 103, 127, 162. His consent is not extorted by some extremity of anguish, nor is it only a sudden and hasty resolve, but he is deliberately purposed, and comes off freely to the choice, Psa. xvii. 3. and cxix. 30. True, the flesh will rebel, yet the prevailing part of his will is for Christ’s laws and government; so that lie takes them not up as his toil or burden, but his bliss, 1 John v. 3. Psa. cxix. 60, 72. While the un¬ sanctified goes in Christ’s ways as in chains and fet¬ ters, he doth it naturally, Psa. xf 8. Jer. xxxi. 33. and counts Christ’s laws his liberty, Psal. cxix 32, 45. James i. 25. He is willing in the beauties of holi¬ ness, Psalm cx. 3. and hath this inseparable mark, u That he had rather (if he might have his choice) live a strict and holy life, than the most prosperous and flourishing life in the world.” 1 Sam. x. 26. There went with Saul a band of men whose hearts God had touched.” When God toucheth the hearts of his chosen, they presently follow Christ, Matt. iv. 22, and (though drawn) do freely run after him, Cant, i. 4. and willingly offer themselves to the service of the Lord, 2 Chron. xvii. 16 seeking him with their whole desire, 2 Chron. xv. 15. Fear hath its use; but this is not the main spring of motion with a sanc¬ tified heart. Christ keeps not his subjects in by force, but is king of a willing people. They are (through his grace) freely resolved for his service, and do it out of choice, not as slaves, but as the son or spouse, from a spring of love, and a loyal mind. In a word, the laws of Christ are the convert’s love, Psa. cxix. 159, 163, 167, desire, ver. 5, 20, 40, delight, ver, 77, 92, 103, 111, 143, and continual study, ver. 97, 99, and Psa. i. 2. 4. “ The bent of his course is directed to keep God's THE NATURE OP CONVERSION. 67 statutes,” Psa. cxix. 4, 8, 167, 168. It is the daily care of his life to walk with God. He seeks great things, he hath noble designs, though he fall too short. He aims at nothing less than perfection; he desires it, he reaches after it; he woidd not rest in any pitch of grace, till he were quite rid of sin, and had perfect holiness, Phil, iii- 11, 12, 13, 14 Here the hypociite’s rottenness may he discovered. He desires holiness (as one well said) only as a bridge to heaven, and inquires earnestly what is the least that will serve his turn, and it he can get but so much as may bring him to heaven, this is all he cares lor. But the sound convert desires holiness for holiness sake, Psa. cxix 97. Matt. v. 0. and not only lor heaven’s sake. He would not be satisfied with so much as might save him from hell, but desires the highest pitch; yet desires are not enough. What is thy way and thy course? Are the drift and scope of thy life altered? Is holiness thy trade, and religion thy busi¬ ness? Horn. viii. 1. Matt. xxv. 16. Phil. i. 20. If not, thou art short of sound conversion. Application. And is this, that we have described, the conversion that is of absolute necessity to salva¬ tion ? Then be informed, 1. That strait is the gate, and narrow the way, that leadeth unto life. 2. i hat there are but few that find it. 3. 1 hat there is need of a divine power savingly to convert a sinner to Jesus Christ. Again, then be exhorted, O man that readest, to turn in upon thine own self. What saith conscience ? Doth it not begin to bite ? Doth it not twitch thee as thou goest ? Is this thy judgment, and this thy choice, and this thy way, that we have described ? If so, then it is well. But doth not thy heart condemn thee, and tell thee there is such a sin thou livest in against thy conscience? Doth it not tell thee there in such and such a secret way of wickedness that thou makest no bones of? such or such a duty that thou makest no conscience of ? , Doth not conscience carry thee to thy closet, and 69 THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. tell thee how seldom prayer and reading are performed there ? Doth it not carry thee to thy family, and shew thee the charge of God, and the souls of thy children and servants, that are neglected there? Doth not conscience lead thee to thy shop, thy trade, and tell thee of some mystery of iniquity there; Doth it not carry thee to the ale-shop, or to the sack-shop, and round thee in thy ear for the loose company thou keepest there, the precious time thou mis-spendest there, for the talents of God which thou throwest down this sink, for thy gaming, and thy swilling? &c. Doth it not carry thee into thy secret chamber, and read thee a curtain-lecture. O conscience ! do thy duty : in the name of the living God, I command thee, discharge thine office, lay hold upon this sinner, fall upon him, arrest him. apprehend him, undeceive him. What! wilt thou flatter and smooth him while he lives in his sins? Awake; O conscience ! what meanest thou, O sieeper? What! hast thou never a reproof in thy mouth? What! shall this soul die in his careless neglect of God and eternity, and thou altogether hold thy peace? What! shall he go on still in his trespasses, and yet have peace? Oh! rouse up thyself, and do thy work: Now let the preacher in thy bosom speak, cry aloud, and spare not; lift up thy voice like a trumpet; let not the “ blood of his soul ” be required at thy hands. Chap. Ill, Of the Necessity of Conversion . It may be you are ready to say, what meaneth this stir ? and are apt to wonder why I follow you with such earnestnes, still ringing one lesson in your ears, that “you should repent, and he converted,” Acts iii. 19. But I must say unto you, as Ruth to Naomi, “ entreat me not to leave you, nor to turn from fol¬ lowing after you,” Ruth. i. 1G. Were it a matter of indifference, I would never keep so much ado: might you be saved as you are, I would gladly let you alone: But would you not have me solicitous for you, when THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. 69 I see you ready to perish ? As the Lord liveth, before whom I am, I have not the least hopes to see one of your faces in heaven, except you be converted: I utterly despair of your salvation, except you will be prevailed with to turn thoroughly, and give up your¬ self to God in holiness and newness of life. Hath God said, “except you be born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God,” John iii. 3. and yet do you wonder why your ministers do so plainly travail in birth with you ? Think it not strange that I am ear¬ nest with you to follow after holiness, and long to see the image of God upon you : Never did any, nor shall any, enter into heaven by any other way but this. The conversion described is not a high pitch of some taller Christians, but every soul that is saved passeth , this universal change. It was a passage of the noble Roman, when he was hasting with corn to the city in the famine, and the mariners were loath to set sail in foul weather, Neces - sarium est navigare , non est necessarium vivere; Our voyage is more necessary than our lives. What is it that thou dost count necessary ? Is thy bread neces¬ sary ? Is thy breath necessary ? Then thy conversion is much more necessary. Indeed, this is the unum ne- cessarium , the one thing necessary. Thine estate is not necessary; thou mayst sell all for the pearl of great price, and vet he a gainer by the purchase, Matt, xiii. 46 Thy life is not necessary ; thou mayst part with it for Christ to infinite advantage. Thine esteem is not necessary; thou mayst be reproached for the name of Christ, and yet be happy ; yea, much more happy in reproach than in repute, l Pet. iv. 14. Matt, v. 10, 11. But thy conversion is necessary; thy damnation lies upon it: And is it not needful, in so important a case, to look about thee ? On this one point depends.thy making or marring to all eternity. But I shall more particularly shew the necessity of conversion in five things; for without this, 1. “ Thy being is in vain.” Is it not a pity thou shouldst be good for nothing, an unprofitable burden 70 THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. ( of the earth, a wart or wen in the body of the uni* verse? Thus thou art, whilst unconverted: for thou canst not answer the end of thy being. Is it not for the divine pleasure that thou art and wast created? Rev. iv. 11. Did he not make thee for himself ? Prov. xvi. 4. Art thou a man, and hast thou reason ? Why, then, bethink thyself why and whence thy being is. Behold God's workmanship in thy body, and ask thy* self, to what end did God rear this fabric ? Consider the noble faculties of thy heaven-born soul: To what end did God bestow these excellencies ? To no other than that thou shouldst please thyself and gratify thy senses? Did God send men, like the swallows, into the world, only to gather a few sticks and dirt, and build their nests, and breed up their young, and then away? The very heathens could see farther than this. Art thou so “ tearfully and wonderfully made," P>a. cxxxix. 14. and dost thou not yet think with thyself surely it was for some noble and raised end ? O man ! set thy reason a little in the chair. Is it not a pity such a goodly fabric should be raised in vain? Verily thou art in vain, except thou art for God: Better thou hadst no being than not be for him. Wouldst thou serve thy end? thou must repent and be converted : Without this, thou art to “ no purpose;” yea, to “ bad purpose." First, to “no purpose." Man, unconverted, is like a choice instrument that hath every string broken or out of tune: The spirit of the living God must repair and tune it by the grace of regeneration, and sweetly move it by the power of actuating grace, or else thy prayers will be but bowlings, and all thy services will make no music in the ears of the most holy, Eph. ii. 10. Phil. ii. 13. Hos. vii. 14. Isa. i. 15. All thy powers and faculties are so corrupt in thy natural state, that, except thou be purged from dead works, thou canst not serve the Jiving God, Heb. ix. 14. Titus i. 15. » An unsanctified man cannot work the work of God: 1. “ He hath no skill in it;" he is altogether as un¬ skilful in the work as in the word of righteousness, THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. 71 Heb. v. 13. There are great mysteries, as well in the practices as principles of godliness: Now the un¬ regenerate know not the “ mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,” Matt. xiii. 11. 1 Tim. iii. 16. You may as well expect him that never learned the alphabet to read, or a “ book for goodly music” on the lute from one that never set his hand to an instrument* as that a natural man should do the Lord any pleasing ser¬ vice. He must first be taught of God, John vi. 45. “ taught to pray,” Luke xi. 1. taught to profit,” Isa. xlviii. 17. 66 taught to go,” Hosea xi. 3. or else he will be utterly at a loss. 2. “ he hath no strength for it.” How weak is his heart! Ezek. xvi. 30. he is presently tired: The Sabbath, what a weariness is it! Mai. i. 13. He is without strength, Rom. v. 6. yea, stark dead in sin, Eph ii. 5. 3. “ He hath no mind to it;” he desires not the knowledge of God’s ways, Job xxi. 14. he doth not know them, and he doth not care to know them, Psa. lxxxii.5. he knows not, neither will he understand. 4. “ He hath neither due instruments nor materials for it.” A man may as well hew the marble without tools, or limn without colours or in¬ struments, or build without materials, as perform any acceptable services without the graces of the Spirit, which are both the materials and instruments in the work. Alms-giving is not a service of God, but of vain-glory, if not holden forth by the hand of divine love. What is the prayer of the lips without grace in the heart, but the carcase without the life ? What are all our confessions, unless they be exercises of godly sorrow and unfeigned repentance? What our petitions, unless animated all along with holy desires and faith in divine attributes and promises ? YVhat our praises and thanksgivings, unless from the love of God, and a holy gratitude and sense of God’s mercies in the heart? So that a man may as well expect the itrees should speak, or look for logic from the brutes, or motion from the dead, as for any service holy and acceptable to God from the unconverted. When the tree is evil, how can the fruit be good? Matt. vii. 18. 72 THE NECESSITY OP CONVERSION. Secondly, To “ bad purpose.* The unconverted soul is a very cage of unclean birds, Rev. xviii. 2. a sepulchre full of corruption and rottenness, Matt, xxiiu 27. a loathsome carcase full of crawling worms, and sending forth a hellish and most noisome savour in the nostrils of God, Psa. xiv. 3. O dreadful case ! Dost thou not yet see a change to be needful? Would it not have grieved one to have seen the golden conse- crated vessels of God's temple turned into quaffing bowls of drunkenness, and polluted with the idol’s service? Dan. v. 2, 3. Was it such an abomination to the Jews, when Antiochus set up the picture of a swine at the entrance of the temple? How much more abominable then would it have been to have bad the very temple itself turned into a stable or a sty, and to have had the “ holy of hollies” served like the house of Baal; to have had the image of God taken down, and have been turned into a draught, house; 2 Kings x. 27. This is the very case of the unregenerate: All thy members are turned into instru¬ ments of unrighteousness, Rom. vi. 19. Servants of Satan ; and thy inmost power into a receptacle of uncleanness, Eph. ii. 2. Tit. i. 15. You may see the goodly guests within, by what comes out; for “ out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies,” &c. This blackguard discovers what a hell there is within, O abuse insufferable! to see a heaven-born soul abased to the filthiest drudgery! to see theglory of God’s creation, the chief of the works of God, the Lord of the universe, lapping with the prodigal at the trough, or licking up with greediness the most loathsome vo¬ mit ! Was it such a lamentation to see those that did feed delicately sit desolate in the streets; and the pre¬ cious sons of Sion, comparable to tine gold, esteemed as earthen pitchers; and those that were clothed in scarlet embrace dunghills ! Lam. iv. 2, 5. and is it not^ much more fearful to see the only thing that hath im¬ mortality in this lower world, and carries the stamp of God, become as a vessel wherein there is no plea* ' ) THE NECESSITY OP CONVERSION, 73 . sure? Jer. xxii. 28. (which is but a modest expression of the vessel men put to the most sordid use.) O in ‘tyimty intolerable! Better thou wert dashed in a* thousand pieces, than continue to be abased to so filthv a service. M v II. “ Not only man, but the whole visible creation, is m vain without this.” Beloved, God hath made all the visible creatures in heaven and eaith for the service o! man, and man only is the spokesman for all Sp ,5* M !" If* ,n l , he universe i like the tongue to the body, which speaks for all the members: The other creatures cannot praise their maker, but by dumb signs and hints to man, that he should speak for them fo 1 off 15 ’ U We r e ‘ the h,gl ' l )riest of Gou ’ 8 creation, to offer the sacrifice of praise for all his fellow-crea- lures, Psa. cxlvm. cl. The Lord God expecteth a tri- bute °t praise from all his works, Psa. ciii. 22. Now kbvhUl d A bnng 1 in ,heir trihute to man, and pay it by his hand ; >o then, if a man be false, and faith- less, and selfish, God is wronged off all, and shall have no active glory from his works. • i m 1 !i dreadful bought to think of] that God should build such a world as this, and lay out such infinite Fn er ’ and Wlsd °m» and goodness, thereupon, and all in vain , and man should be guilty at la*t nf mKk* and spoiling him of the glory of all / Oh, think oi this? J\hile thou art uncovered, all the offices of the creatures to thee are in vain; thy meat nourishes thee in vain; the sun holds forth his light to thee in vain ■ the stars, that serve thee in their courses by iheir powerful, though hidden, influence, (Jud. v. 20. Hos Ji. 21, 22.) do it in vain; thy clothes warm thee in vain; thy beast carries thee in vain; in a word the unwearied labour and continual travail of the whole th! at '° n / aS t0 , thee ) are ,n vain ’ The service of all the creatures that drudge for thee, and yield forth then- strength unto thee, (that therewith thou sbouldst serve their Maker,) is all but lost labour. Hence the who e creauon groaneth under the aLuse of this un¬ modified world, Bom. viii. 22. that pervert them to :* ** •'•' r v 74, THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. ,v rte'irfice if their lusu, quite contrary to the very ' m.WiS thi., Ay religion i. V-.-26,. All thy .religious performances ll ? 11 ; - 3 «hth“re the very enriset tliy soul, I • • ever so specious yet God religion Be thy services e t Mfl1 i# 10 Is had. no P^ asu r" '" t^ e m a ' d ' ui ; vvhose 'sacrifices are as not that man- e a breath of abomina- murders, an< w ose P 9 Many under con- tl -°ronsThink they will set upon mending, and that a nravtr. JtAalm. -i« «>« ■« •*■>» !>>"'• S'^fhS^o^rUn^ F1 ^ pmil 1 and vet being unconverted, all was but kss Phil iii 6,7- Men thmk they do much in attend¬ ing Pod's service, and are ready to twit him with it, j * ?vifi. 3- VIalt. vii. 22 and set him down so much their debtor.whereas (their persons being unsanct.fied) their duties cannot be accepted. O soul! do not think, when thy sins pursue thee little praying and reforming thy course will pacify God: Thou must begin with thine heart. not renewed, thou canst no more please God than one thlt having unspeakably offended thee, should bring thee his vomit in a dish to pacify thee: or having fallen into the mire, should think with his loathed em- braces to reconcile thee. . , ~ iru It is a great misery to labour in the fire. l» poets could not invent a worse heU tor, Sisyphus tha to be getting the barrel still up the hill and then that it should presently fall down again and renew hisi- bour God threatens it as the greatest of tempo J judgments, that they should build and not inhabit, “plant and not gather, and their labours should b eaten up by strangers, Deut. xxvm. 30, 38, dJ ,, + Is it so great a misery to lose our common labouis, THE NECESSITY OF CON 1 sow in vain, and build in vainlv lose our pains in religion, to prayvai^ lie^wgnd-$tyt, in vain ! This is an undoing and not deceived ; if thou goest on in thy sirffi thou shouldst spread forth thy hands, OrwlsiA mtfJ-fijg eyes; though thou make many prayers, hewil'l hot hear, Isa. i. 15. If a man without skill set about our work, and mar it in the doing, though he take much pains, we give him but small thanks. God will be worshipped after the due order, 1 Chron. xv. 13 If a servant do our work, but quite contrary to our order, he shall have rather stripes praise. God’s work must he done according to God’s mind, or he will not be pleased; and this cannot be, except it be done with a holy heart, 2 Chron. xxv. 2. IV. “ Without this thy hopes are in vain,” Job viii. 12 , 13. “ The Lord hath rejected thy confidence,” Jer. ii. 37. First, “ The hope of comforts here is in vain.” It is not only necessary to the safety, but comfort, of your condition, that you be converted. Without this, “ you shall not know peace,” Isa. lix. 8. Without the “ fear of God” you cannot have the “ comfort of the Holy Ghost, Acts ix. 31. God speaks peace only to his people and to his saints, Psa. Ixxxv. 8. If you have a false peace, continuing in your sins, it is not of God’s speaking, and then you may guess the author. Sm is a real sickness, Isa. i. 5. yea, the worst of sick¬ ness; it is a leprosy in the head, Levit. xiii. 44. the p ague of the heart, l Kings viii. 38. it is brokenness in the bones, Psa. li. 8. it pierceth, it woundeth, it racketh, it tormenteth, 1 Tim. vi. 10. A man may as well expect ease when his distempers are in their full strength, or his bones out of joint, as true com¬ fort while in his sins. O wretched man, that canst have no ease in this case, but what comes from the deadliness of the dis¬ ease! You shall have the poor sick man saying, in his lightness, “ he is well,” when you see deni h in hie fono. 76 THE NECESSITY OP CONVERSION. very next step is like to be in his grave. lheun*/ sanctified often see nothing amiss; they think t iem- selves whole, and cry not out for the physician, but this shew? the danger of their case. Sin doth naturally breed distempers and disturb, ances in the soul: What a continual tempest and commotion is there in a discontented mind what an eating evil is inordinate care! what is passion but a very fever in the mind? what is lust but a fire in the bones? what is pride but a deadly tympany? or covetousness, but an insatiable and insufferable thirst? or malice and envy, but venom in the very heart ? Spiritual sloth, is but a scurvy in the mind, and car¬ nal security a mortal lethargy ; and how can that soul have true comfort that is under so many diseases? But converting grace cures, and so eases the mind; prepares the souls for a settled, standing, immortal, peace: Great peace have they that love thy com¬ mandments, and nothing shall offend them, Psa. cxix. 165. They are the ways of wisdom, that afford pleasure and peace, Prov. iii. 17. David had infi¬ nitely more pleasure in the word than in all the de¬ lights of his court, Psa. cxix. 103, 127. 1 he con¬ science cannot be truly pacified till soundly purified, Heb. x. 22. Cursed is that peace that is maintained in a way of sin, Deut. xxix. 19, 20. Two sorts of peace are more to be dreaded than all the troubles in the world ; peace with sin and peace in sin. Secondly, “ Thy hopes of salvation hereafter are in vain yea, worse than in vain ; they are most injuri¬ ous to God, most pernicious to thyself: 1 here is death, desperation, blasphemy in the bowels of this hope 1. “ There is death in it * Thy confidence shall be rooted out of thy tabernacles,” (God will up with it root and branch ;) “ it shall bring them to the king of terrors. Job xviii. 14. Though thou rnayst lean upon this house, it will not stand, Job viii. 15. but will prove like a ruinous building, which, when a man trusts to, it falls down about his ears. 2. “ There is despera¬ tion in it: Where is the hope of the hypocrite when r\ THE NECESSITY OP CONVERSION. 77 God takes away his soul?” Jobxxvii. 8. Then there is an end for ever of his hope. Indeed, the hope of the righteous hath an end; but then it is not a de¬ structive, but a perfective end; his hope ends in frui¬ tion, others in frustration, Prov. x 28. The godly must say at death, “ It is finished;” but the wicked. It is perished,” and in too sad earnest bemoan him¬ self, as Job in a mistake, “ Where is now my hope ? He hath destroyed me; I am gone, and my hope is removed like a tree,” Job xix. 10. “ The righteous hath hope in his death,” Prov. xiv 32. When nature is dying, his hopes are living; when his body is lan¬ guishing, his hopes are flourishing; his hope is a liv¬ ing hope, l Pet i. 3 £/$ iXnldci tytav, but others a dying, a damning, soul-undoing hope, * VVhena wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish; and the hope of the unjust man perisheth,” Prov x . 7 “ It shall be cut ofl and prove like a spider's web.” Job viii 14. which he spins out ot his own bowels; but then comes death, with the broom, and takes down all, and so there is an eternal end of his confidence wherein he trusted; “ for the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghost,” Job xL 20. Wicked men are fixed in the carnal hope, and will not be beaten out of it; they hold it fast; they will not let it go: yea, but death will knock off their fingers : Though we cannot undeceive them, death and judgment will: When death strikes his dart through thy liver, it will out thy soul and thy hopes together. The unsanctified have "hope only in this life, 1 Cor. xv. 9. and therefore are “ of all men most miserable \Y hen death comes, it lets them out into the amazing gulf of endless desperation. 3. « There is blasphemy in it.” To hope we shall be saved, though continuing unconverted, is to hope we shall prove God a liar, He hath told you, that so merciful and pitiful as he is, he will never save you notwithstanding, if you go on in ignorance, or a course of unrighteousness, Isa. xxvii, 11. 1 Cor. vi. 9. In a word, he hath told you, that* whatever you be or do, nothing shall avail you to sal- 78 THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. vation, without you become new creatures, Gal. vi. 16, Now, to say God is merciful, and we hope will save us nevertheless, is in effect to say, “We hope God will not do as he says.' 0 We must not set God is at¬ tributes at variance; God has resolved to glorify his mercy, but not to the prejudice of truth, as the pre¬ sumptuous sinner will find to his everlasting sorrow. Object . Why, but we hope in Jesus Christ; we put our whole trust in God; and therefore doubt not but we shall be saved. Ansa. 1. “ This is not to hope in Christ, but against Christ.” To hope to see the kingdom of God without being born again, to hope to find eternal life in the broad way, is to hope Christ will prove a false prophet. It is David’s plea, “ I hope in thy word,” Psa. cxu. 81. But this hope is against the word. Show me a word of Christ for thy hope, that he will save thee in thine ignorance or profane neglect of his service, and I will never go to shake thy confidence. _ ^ 2. “ God doth with abhorrence reject this hope. Those condemned in the prophet went on in their sins, yet (saith the text) they will lean upon the Lord, Mic. iii. 11. God will not endure to be made a prop to men in their sins; The Lord rejected those pre- sumptuous sinners that went on still in their trespas¬ ses, and yet would stay themselves upon Israel’s God, Isa. xlviii. 1, 2. as a man would shake off the briars (as one said well) that cleave to his garment. * 3. “ If thy hope be any thing worth, it will purify thee from thy sins,” 1 John iii. 3. but cursed is that hope which doth cherish men in their sins. Object. Would you have us to despair ? Ansa. You must despair of ever coming to heaven 33 you are, Acts ii. 37. that is, while you remain un¬ converted. You must despair of ever seeing the face of God without holiness; but you must by no means despair of finding mercy, upon your thorough repent¬ ance and conversion; neither may you despair of at¬ taining to repentance and conversion in the use of God’s means. THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. 79 V. “ Without this, all that God hath done and suf¬ fered will be (as to you in vain.”) John xiii. 8. Tit. ii. 14*. that is, it will no way avail you to salvation. Alany urge this as a sufficient ground for their hopes, that Christ died for sinners : But I must tell you, Christ never died to save impenitent and unconverted sinners (so continuing,) 2 Tim ii. 19. A great divine was wont, in his private dealings with souls, to ask two questions: 1. What hath Christ done for you? 2 . What hath Christ wrought in you ? Without the application of the spirit in regeneration, we can have no saving interest in the benefits of redemption. I tell you from the Lord, Christ himself cannot save you, if you go on in this state. I. It were against his trust. The mediator is the servant of the Father, Isa. xlii. 1. shews his commis¬ sion from him, and acts in his name, and pleads his command for his justification, John x. 18, 36. and vi. 38, 40. and God has committed all things to him, entrusted his own glory and the salvation of the elect with him, Matt. xi. 97. John xvii. 2. Accordingly Christ gives his Father an account of both parts of his trust before he leaves the world, John xvii. 4, 6,12. Now Christ would quite cross his Father’s glory, his greatest trust, if he should save men in their sins, for this were to overturn all his counsels, and to offer violence to all his attributes. First, “ To overturn all his counselsof which this is the order, that men should be brought through sanctification to salvation, 2 Thess. ii. 13. He hath chosen them, that they should be holy, Eph. i. 4. They are elected to pardon and life through sanctifi¬ cation, 1 Pet. i. 2. If thou canst repeal the law of God’s immutable counsel, or corrupt him whom the Father hath sealed, to go directly against his com¬ mission, then, and not otherwise, mayst thou get to heaven in this condition. To hope that Christ will save thee, while unconverted, is to hope that Christ will falsify his trust. He never did nor will save one soul, but whom the Father hath given him in election, /"A 80 THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. and drawn to him in effectual calling, John vi.35,37. Be assured that Christ will save none in a way con¬ trary to his Father’s will, John vi. 38. Secondly, 44 To offer violence to all his attributes.^ 1 . “ To his justicefor the righteousness ot God’s judgment lies in rendering to all according to their works, Rom. ii. 5, 6. Now, should men sow to the flesh, and yet of the spirit reap everlasting life, Gal. vi. 7, 8. where were the glory of divine justice, since it should be given to the wicked according to the work of the righteous? 2. “To his holiness. If God should not only save sinners, but save them m their sins, his most pure and strict holiness would be ex¬ ceedingly defaced : The unsanctified fs, in the eyes of God’s holiness, worse than the swine or viper, Matt. xii. 34. 2 Pet. ii. 22. Now, what cleanly nature could endure to have the filthy swine bed and board with him in his parlour or bed-chamber? It would be offering the extremest violence to the infinite purity of the divine nature to have such to dwell with him? “ They cannot stand his judgments; u they cannot abide his presence,” Psa. i. 5. and v. 4,5. If holy David w r ould not endure such in his house, no, nor in his sight, Psa. cxxxi. 3, 7. can we think God will? Should he take men as they are, from the trough to the table, from the harlot’s lips, from the stye and draff, to the glory of heaven, the world would think God were at no such distance from sin, nor had such dislike of it as we are told he hath ; they would conclude God w r ere altogether such an one as them¬ selves (as they wickedly did, but from the very for¬ bearance of God, Psa. 1. 21.) 3. 46 To his veracity.” For, God hath declared from heaven, that, 44 if any shall say he shall have peace, though he shall go on in the imagination of his heart, his wrath shall smoke against that man,” Deut. xxix. 19, 20- That “they (only) that confess and forsake their sin shall find mercy,” Prov. xxviii. 13. That 4C they that shall en¬ ter into his hill must be of clean hands and pure heart,” Psa. xxiv. 3, 4. Where w ere God’s truth, if THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. SI not withstanding'all this, he should bring men to sal¬ vation without conversion ? O desperate sinner, that darest to hope that Christ will put the lie upon his Father, and nullity his word, to save thee ! 4. 44 To his wisdom For this were to throw away the choicest of mercies on them that would not value them, nor were any way suited to them. First, 44 They would not value themThe unsancti¬ fied sinner puts but little price upon God’s great sal- tion. Matt. xxii. 5. He sets no more by Christ than the whole bv the physician, Matt, ix, 12. He prizes not his balm, values not his cu e, tramples upon his blood, Heb x 29. Now, would it stand with wisdom to force pardon and life upon those that would give them no thanks for them ? Will the all wise God (when he hath forbidden us to do it) throw his holy things to dogs and his pearl to swine, that would, as it were, but turn again and rend him? Matt. vii. 6. 1 This would make mercy to he despised indeed. Wis- 1 dom requires that life be given in a way suitable to God’s honour, and that God provide for the securing of his own glory as well as man’s felicity. It would be dishonourable to God to set jewels on the snouts of swine, (continuing such,) and to bestow his choicest 1 riches on them that have more pleasure in their swill than in the heavenly delights that he doth offer. God would lose the praise and glory of his grace, if he should cast it a way upon them that were not only un¬ worthy, hut unwilling. Secondly, 44 They are no way suited to them.” The divine wisdom is seen in suiting things to each other, the means to the end, the object to the faculty, the quality of the gift to the capacity of the receiver. Now, if Christ should bring the unregenerated sinner to heaven, he could take no more felicity there than a beast, if you should bring him into a beautiful room, i to the society of learned men, and a well-furnished i table; whereas the poor thing had much rather he grazing with his fellow-brutes. Alas ! what should an unsanctified creature do in heaven ? he could take no content there, because nothing suits him; the $2 THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. place doth not suit him ; he would he but Piscis in arido , quite out of his element, as swine in a parlour, or fish out of water; the company doth not suit him. What communion hath darkness with light? Corrup¬ tion with perfection? Filth and rottenness with glory and immortality ? The employment doth not suit him; theanthemsof heaven fit not his mouth, suit not his ear. Canst thou charm thy beast with music? or wilt thou bring him to thy organ, and expect that he should make thee melody, or keep time with the tuneful choir? or, had he skill, he would have no will, and so could find no pleasure no more than the nauseous stomach in the meat on which he hath newly surfeited. Spread thy table with delicacies before a languishing patient, and it will be a very great offence. Alas! if the poor man think a sermon long, and say, of a sabbath- day, “ what a weaiiness it is!” Mai. i. 13. how mi¬ serable would he think it, to be holden to it to all eternity. 5. 44 To his immutability,”or else 44 to hisomnisciency or omnipotency ;” for this is enacted in the conclave of heaven, and enrolled in the decree of the court above, that none but the 44 pure in heart shall ever see God,” Matt. v. 8. This is laid up with him and sealed among his treasures. Now, if Christ yet bring any to heaven unconverted, either he must get them in with¬ out his Father’s knowledge (and then where is his omnisciency ?) or against his will, and then where were his omnipotency ?) or he must change his will, (and then where were his immutability ?) Sinner, wilt thou not give up thy vain hope of be¬ ing saved in this condition ? Saith Bildad, 46 shall the earth be forsaken for thee ? or the rocks moved out of their place ?” Job xviii. 4. May I not much more rea¬ son so with thee ? Shall the laws of heaven be reversed for thee? Shall the everlasting foundations be overturn¬ ed for thee? Shall Christ put out the eye of his Father’s omnisciency, or shorten the arm of his eternal power, for thee ? Shall divine justice be violated for thee ? or the brightness of the glory of his holiness be blemished for thee ? Oh! the impossibility, absurdity, blasphemy. THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION, Oo* that are in such a confidence: To think Christ will ever save thee in this condition is to make thy Saviour become a sinner, and do more wrong to the infinite majesty than all the wicked on earth, or devils in hell, ever did, or could do; and yet wilt thou not give up such a blasphemous hope ? II. “ Against his word. 1 ’ We need not say, “ W ho shall ascend into heaven, to bring down Christ from above ? Or, who shall descend into the deep, to bring up Christ from beneath ? The word is nigh us,” Rom. x. 6, 7, 8. Are you agreed that Christ shall end the controversy P Hear then his own words: “ Except you be converted, you shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven,” Matt. xvii. 3. “ You must be born again,” John iii. 7. i( If I wash thee not, thou hast no part in me,” John xiii.8. “ Repent or perish, 1 Luke xiii. 3. One word, one would think, were enough from Christ; but how often and earnestly doth he reiterate it! 64 Verily, verily, except a man be born again, he shall not see the kingdom of God,” John iii. 3, 5. Yea, he doth not only assert but prove the necessity of the new birth, John iii. 6. by reason of which man is no more fit for heaven than the beast is for the chamber of the king’s presence. And wilt thou yet believe thy own presumptuous confidence, di¬ rected against Christ’s words? He must go quite against the law of his kingdom, and rule of his judge¬ ment, to save thee in this state. III. “ Against his oath.” He hath lifted up his hand to heaven, he hath sworn, that those that remain in unbelief, and know not his ways, that is, are ignorant of them, (or disobedient to them,) shall not enter into his rest, Psa. xcvi. 11. Heb. iii. 18. And wilt thou not yet belive, O sinner, that he is in earnest ? Canst thou hope he will be forsworn for thee ? The cove¬ nant of grace is confirmed by an oath, and sealed by blood, Heb. vi. 17. and ix. 16,18, 19. Matt. xxvi. 28. but all must be made void, and another way to heaven found out, if thou be saved, living and dying unsanc¬ tified. God is come to his lowest and last terms wilt E 2 84 THE necessity op conversion. man, and has condescended, as faras in honour he could, and hath set up his pillars with a we plus ultra . Men cannot be saved, while unconverted, except they could get another covenant made, and the whole frame of the gospel (which was established for ever with such dreadful solemnities) quite altered : And would not they be distracted, to hope they shall ? IV. “Against his honour/' God will so shew his love to the sinner, as withal to shew his hatred to sin; therefore “ he that names the name of Jesus must depart from iniquity,” 2 Tim. ii. 19. and deny all un¬ godliness; and he that hath hope of life by Christ must “ purify himself, as he is pure,” 1 John iii. 3. Tit. ii. 12. otherwise Christ would be thought a favourer of sin. The Lord Jesus would have all the world to know, that, though he pardons sin, he will not protect it. If holy David shall say, “depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity,” Psa. vi. 8 and shall shut the doors against them, Psa. ci. 7. shall not such much more ex¬ pect it from Christ’s holiness ? Would it be for his ho- nour to have the dogs at the table, or lodge the swine with his children, or to have Abraham’s bosom to be a nest of vipers ? V. “Against his offices.” God hath exalted him to be a prince and a Saviour,” Acts v. 31. He would act against both, should he save men in their sins; It is the office of a king, Parcere subjectis , et debellare superbos , to be a terror to evil doers, and a praise to them that do well,” Rom. xiii. 3, 4. “ He is a minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath on him that doth evil ” Now, should Christ favour the ungodly, (so continuing), and take those to reign with him that would not that he should reign over them, Luke xix. 27. this would be quite against his office; he there¬ fore reigns, that he may “ put his enemies under his feet, 1 Cor. xv. 25. Now, should he lay them in his bosom, he would cross the end of his regal power; it belongs to Christ, as a king, to subdue the hearts, and slay the lusts, of his chosen, Psa. xiv. 5. and cx. 3. THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. Oe> What king would take rebels in open hostility into his court ? What were this but to betray life, kingdom, government, and all together ? If Christ be a king, he must have honour, homage, subjection, &c. Mai. 1 . b. Now, to save men, while in their natural enmity, were to obscure his dignity, lose his authority, bring con¬ tempt on his government, and sell his dear-bought rights for nought. . Again, as Christ would not be a prince, so neither a Saviour, if he should do this; tor his salvation is spiritual: He is called Jesus, because he saves his people from their sins, Matt. i. 21. so that, should he save them in their sins, he would be neither Lord nor Jesus. To save men from the punishment, and not from the power of sin, were do his work by halves, and be an imperfect saviour. His office, as the de¬ liverer is, “ to turn away ungodliness from Jacob, Rom. xi. 26. “ He is sent to bless men, in turning them from their iniquities,” Acts iii. 26. “ To make an end of sin,” Dan. ix. 24. so that he would destroy his own designs, and nullify his offices, to save men abiding in their unconverted state. Application. Arise then ! What meanest thou, O sleeper ? Awake, O secure sinner! lest thou be con¬ sumed in thine iniquities; say, as the lepers, “ If we sit here we shall die,” 2 Kings vii. 3, 4. Verily it is not more certain that thou art now out of hell, than that thou shalt speedily be in it, except thou repent and be converted; there is but this one door for thee to escape by. Arise then, O sluggard, and shake off thine excuses: How long wilt thou slumber, and fold thy hands to sleep ? Prov. vi. 10, 11. Wilt thou lie down in the midst of the sea, or sleep on the top of the mast ? Prov. xxiii. 34 There is no remedy, but thou must either turn or burn. There is an un¬ changeable necessity ot the change of thy condition, except thou hast resolved to abide the worst ot it, and try it out with the Almighty. If thou lovest thy life, O man, rise and come away. Methinks I see the Lord Jesus laying the merciful hands of a holy vio* SO THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION, lence upon thee; methinks he carries it like the an¬ gels to Lot, Gen. xix. 15, &c. “Then the angels hastened Lot, saying, arise, lest thou be consumed. And, while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, the Lord being merciful unto him, and they brought him without the city, and said, escape for thy life, stay not in all the plains; escape to the mountains, lest thou be consumed.” Oh ! how wilful will thy destruction be, if thou shouldst yet harden thyself in thy sinful state! But none of you can say but you have had fair warning. Yet methinks I cannot tell how to leave you so. It is not enough for me to have delivered my own soul. What! shall I go away without my errand ! Will none of you arise and follow 7 me? Have I been all this while speaking to the wind ? have I been charming the deaf adder, or allaying the tumbling ocean with argument ? Do I speak to the trees, or rocks, or to men ? to the tombs or monuments of the dead, or to a Jiving auditory ? If you be men, and not senseless stacks, stand still and consider whither you are going: if you have the reason and understanding of men, dare not to run into the flames, and fall into hell with your eyes open, but bethink yourselves and set to the work of repentance ! What l Men, and yet run into the pit, when the very beasts will not be forced in! What! endowed with reason, and yet daily with death and hell and the vengeance of the Almighty ! Are men herein distinguished from the very brutes, that these have no foresight of, and care to provide for, the things to come; and will you not hasten your escape from eternal torments? O shew yourselves men, and Jet reason prevail with you. Is it a reasonable thing for you to contend against the Lord your maker? Isa. xlv. 9. or “ to harden yourselves against his word,” Job ix. 4. as though the strength of Israel would lie? I Sam. xv. 29. Is it reasonable that an understand¬ ing creature should lose, yea, live quite against, the very end ot his being, and be as a broken pitcher, only fit for the dunghill ? Is it reasonable that the only THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION 67 thing in this world that God hath made capable of knowing his will, and bringing him glory, should yet live in ignorance of his Maker, and be unserviceable to his use, yea, should be engaged against him and spit his venom in the face of his Creator ? “ Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth," 1 and let the creatures without sense judge if this be reason, that man whom God hath “ nourished and brought up, should rebel against him ! Isa. i. 2. Judge in your ownselves: Is it a reasonable undertaking for briars and thorns to set themselves in battle against a devouring fire ? Isa. xxvii. 4. or for the potsherd of the earth to strive with its Maker? You will say, 44 This is not reason; 11 or surely the eye of reason is quite put out: And, if this be not reason, then there is no reason, that “you should continue as you are, 11 but it is all the reason in the world 44 you should forthwith turn and repent. 1 * What shall 1 say ? I could spend myself in this ar¬ gument, Oh ! that you would but hearken unto me ! that you would presently set upon a new course! Will you not be made clean? When shall it once be? What! will nobody be persuaded ? Reader, shall I prevail with thee for one? Wilt thou sit down and consider the fore-mentioned argument, and debate it, whether it be not best to turn ? Come, and let us rea¬ son together; is it good for thee to be here? Wilt thou sit till the tide come in upon thee ? It is good for thee to try whether God will be so good as his word, and to harden thyself in a conceit that all is well with thee, while thou remainest unsanctified ? But I know you will not be persuaded, but the greatest part will be as they have been, and do as they have done. I know the drunkard will to his vomit again, and the deceiver will to his deceit again, and the lustful wanton to his dalliance again. Alas ! that I must leave you where you were in your ignorance or looseness, or in your lifeless formality and custom¬ ary devotions 1 However, I will sit down and bemoan my fruitless labours, and spend some sighs over my perishing hearers. 88 THE NECESSITY OF CONVERSION. O distracted sinner ! what will their end be ? what will they do in the day of visitation ? 44 Whither will they flee for help, where will they leave their glory? Isa. x.3. How powerfully hath sin bewitched them! how effectually hath the God of this world blinded them ! how strong is the delusion ! how uncircumcised their ears ! how obdurate their hearts ! Satan hath them at his beck; But how long may I call, and can get no answer! I may dispute with them year after year, and they will give me the hearing, and that is all; they must and will have their sins, say what I will; though I tell them there is death in the cup, yet they will take it up; though I tell them it is the broad way, and endeth in destruction, yet they will go on in it; I warn them, yet cannot win them. Sometimes I think the mercies of God will melt them, and his winning invitations will overcome them; but’ I find them as they were. Sometimes that the terror of the Lord will persuade them; yet neither will this do it. They will approve the word, like the sermon, commend the preacher ! but they will yet live as they did. They will not deny me, and yet they will not obey me. They will flock to the word of God, and sit before me as his people, and hear my words, hut they will not do them. They value and will plead for ministers, and I am to them as the lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, yet I cannot get them to come under Christ’s yoke. They love me, and will be ready to say, they will do any thing for me; but, for my life, I cannot persuade them to leave their sins, to forego their evil company, their intemperance, their unjust gains, &c. I cannot prevail with them to set up prayer in their families and closets, yet they will promise me, like the froward son, that said, “ I go, Sir, but went not,” Matt xxi. 30. I cannot per¬ suade them to learn the principles of religion, though else, 66 they would die without knowledge,” Job xxxvi. 12. I tell them their misery, but they will not believe but it is well enough: If I tell them par¬ ticularly, I fear, for such reasons, their state is bad, THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED. 89 they will judge me censorious; or, it they be at pre¬ sent a little awakened, they are quickly lulled asleep by Satan again, and have lost the sense of all. Alas! for my poor hearers, must they perish at last by hundreds, when ministers would so fain save them ? What course shall 1 use with them that I have not tried ? “ What shall I do for the daughter of my people ?” Jer. ix. 7. “ O Lord God, help. Alas! shall I leave them thus? If they will not hear me, yet do thou hear me: Oh ! that they may yet live in thy sight! Lord, save them, or else they perish. My heart would melt to see their houses on fire about their ears, when they were fast asleep in their beds; and shall not my soul be moved within me, to see them falling into endless perdition P Lord, have compassion, and save them out of the burning: put forth thy di¬ vine power, and the work will be done; but, as for me, l cannot prevail.” Chap. IV. Shewing the Marks of the Unconverted. W hile we keep aloof in generals, there is little fruit to be expected: it is the hand fight that does execution. David is not awakened by the prophet’s hovering at a distance in parabolical insinuations; he is forced to close with him, and tell him plainly, “ Thou art ihe man.” Few will in words deny the necessity of the new birth, but they have a self-delud¬ ing confidence that the work is not now to do. And because they know themselves free from that gross hy¬ pocrisy which takes up religion merely for a colour, to deceive others, and for covering wicked designs, they are confident of their sincerity, and suspect not that more close hypocrisy, (wherein the greatest dan¬ ger lies,) by which a man deceiveth his own soul, James i. 26. But man’s deceitful heart is such a matchless cheat and self-delusion, so reigning and so fatal a disease, that I know not whether be the greater, the difficulty or displacency, or the necessity of the un¬ deceiving work that I am now upon. Alas! for my ( THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED. unconverted hearers ! they must be undeceived or un¬ done. But how shall this be effected ? Hie labor , hoc opus y est. “ Help, O all-searching light, and let thy discern¬ ing eye discover the rotten foundation of the self-de¬ ceiver; and lead me, O Lord God, as thou didst the prophets, into the chambers of imagery, and dig through the wall of sinners’ hearts, and discover the hidden abominations that are lurking out of sight in the dark. Oh ! send thy angel before me, to open the sundry wards of their hearts as thou didst before Peter, and make even the iron gates to fly open of their own accord. And, as Jonathan no sooner tasted the honey than his eyes were enlightened, so grant, 0 Lord, that, when the poor deceived souls, with whom I have to do, shall cast their eyes upon these lines, their minds may be illuminated, and their consciences # convinced and awakened, that they may see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and be converted, and thou mayst heal them.” This must be premised before we proceed to the discovery, that it is most certain men may have a con¬ fident persuasion that their hearts and states be good, and yet be unsound. Hear the truth himself, who shews, in Laodicea’s case, that men may be wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked, and yet not know it; yea, they may be confident they are rich, and increased in grace, Kev. iii, 17. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet are not washed from their filthiness,” Rom. xxx. 42, Who better persuaded of his case than Paul, while he yet remained unconverted? Rom. vii. 9. so that they are miserably deceived that take a strong confidence fora sufficient evidence. They, that have no better proof than barely a strong persuasion that they are converted, are certainly as yet strangers to conversion. But to come more close: As it was said to the ad¬ herents of Antichrist, so here; some of the uncon- veited carry their marks in their foreheads more THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED. 91 openly, and some in their hands more covertly. The Apostle reckons up some, upon whom he writes the sentence of death; as in these dreadful catalogues, which I beseech you to attend to with all diligence, Eph. v. 5, 6. “ For this ye know that no whore- monger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words; for, because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon his children of disobedience, 1 ’ Rev. xxi. 8. “ But the fearful and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and whore-mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death,” 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. “ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God ? Be not deceived ; neither fornica¬ tors, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom ot Godsee Gal. v. 19, 20, 21. Woe to them that have their name written in these bead-rolls ! Such may know, as certainly as if God had told them from heaven, that they are unsanc* tified; and under an impossibility of being saved in this condition. There are then these several sorts that (past all dis¬ pute) are unconverted: They carry their marks in their foreheads. 1. The Unclean . These are ever reckoned among the goats, and have their names (whoever is left out) in all the forementioned catalogues, Eph. v. 5. Rev. xxi. 8. 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. 2. The Covetous. These are ever branded for idolaters, and the doors of the kingdom are shut against them by name, Ephes. v. 5. Col. iii. 5. 1 Cor vi. 9, 10. 3. Drunkards. Not only such as drink away their reason, but withal (yea, above all) such as are too strong for strong drink. The Lord fills his mouth with w T oes against these, and declares them tp haye 92 THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED. no inheritance in the kingdom of God, Isa. v. 11, 12, 22. Gal. v. 21. 4. Liars. The God, that cannot lie, has told them, that there is no place for them in his kingdom, no entrance into his hill; but their portion is with the father of lies) whose children t ey are) in the lake of burnings, Psa. xv. 1, 2. Rev. xxi. 8, 27. John viii. 44\ Prov. vi. 1 7 5 Swearers . The end of these, without deep and speedy repentance, is swift destruction, and most cer¬ tain and unavoidable condemnation, James v. 12. Zech v 1,2,3. 6. Railers and Backbiters . that Jove to take up a reproach against their neighbour, and fling all the dirt they can in his face, or else wound him secretly be* hind his back, Psa xv. 1,3 1 Cor vi. 10. and v. 11. 7. Thieves , Extortioners . Oppressors , that grind the* poor, over-ieach their biethren when they have them at an advantage: These must know that God “isthe avenger of all such,” 1 Thess. iv 6 Hear, O ye false and purloining and wasteful servants? hear, 0 ye deceitful tradesmen, hear your sentence, God will certainly hold bis door against you, and turn your treasures of unrighteousness into the treasures of wrath, and make your ill-gotten silver and gold to torment you, like burning metal in your bowels, i Cor. vi. 9, 10 James v. 2, 3. 8. “All that do ordinarily live in the profane ne¬ glect of God’s worship,” that hear not his word, th: t call not on his name, that restrain prayer before God, that mind not. their own nor their family’s souls, but “ live without God in the world,” John viii. 47. Job xv. 4. Psa. xiv. 4. and lxxix. 6. Eph. ii. 12. and iv. 18. 9. Those that are frequenters and lovers of company, God hath declared, he will be the destroyer of all such, and that they “ shall never enter into the hill of his rest.” Prov. xiiu 20. and ix. 6. Psa. xv. 4 10. Scoffers at Religion , that make a scorn of pre¬ cise walking, and mock at the messengers and dili¬ gent servants of the Lord, and at their holy profes- the marks op the unconverted. 93 sion, and make themselves merry with the Weakness and failings of professors, “ Hear ye desp.sers hear your dreadful doom, Prov. xix. 29. and in. 34. 2 Chron xxxvi. 16. Sinner, consider diligently whether thoui art not to be found in one of these ranks; tor it * is be thy case, thou art in the “gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity for, all these do carry their marksintheir foreheads, and are undoubtedly the sons of death- And, if so,ihe Lord pity our poor congregations ! Uh, how small a number will be left when these ten so.ts are left out! Alas', on how many doors, on how many faces, must we write, “ Lord, have mercy upon us!" Sirs, what shift do you make to keep up your confidence of your good stale, when G<> rom ,‘ ea ven declares against you, and pronounces vou in a state of damnation ? 1 would reason will, you as God with them, “howcansl thou say 1 am not polluted fJer ii 23) “See the way in the valley; kn( w what tliou hast done.” Man, is not thy conscience privy to the tricks of deceit, to thy chamber p.a. ks, to thy way of lying? Yea, are not thy friends, thy family, thy neighbours, witnesses to thy protane ne¬ glect of God’s worship, to thy covetous practices, to thv envious and malicious carriage? May not they point at thee as thou goest; there goes a gaming prodigal: there goes a drunken Nabal, a companion of evil-doers: there goes a railer, or a scoffer, or a loose liver? Beloved, God hath written it as with a sun-beam, in the book by which you must be judged, that these are not the spots of his children, and that none such (except renewed by converting grace) sha ever escape the damnation of hell. , Oh that such as you would now he persuaded to “ repent, and turn from all your transgressions, or else iniquity will be your ruin !” Lzek xvm. 30. Alas- for poor hardened sinners ! Must I leave you at last where you were? Must I leave the tippler still at the ale-bench ? Must I leave the wanton still at his dam- 94 THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED. ance? Must I leave the malicious still in his venom, and the drunkard still at his vomil ? However, you must know that you have been warned, and that I am clear of your blood; and, whether men will hear, or whether they will forbear, I will leave these Scrip, tures with them, either as thunder-bolts to awaken them, or as searing irons to harden them to a repro¬ bate sense, Psa lxviii. 21. tc God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goes on still in his trespasses,’' Prov. xxix. I. “ He that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy,” Prov. i. 24, &c. “ Because I have called, and ye re¬ fused, I have stretched out my hand, and no man re¬ garded, &e. I will mock at your calamity when your destruction cometh as a whirlwind!” And now I imagine many will begin to bless them¬ selves, and think all is well, because they cannot be spotted with the grosser evils before mentioned; but I must farther tell you that there is another sort of unsanctified persons that carry not their marks in their foreheads, but, more secretly and covertly, in their hands! these do frequently deceive themselves and others, and pass for good Christians, when they are all the while unsound at bottom. Many pass undis¬ covered, till death and judgment bring all to light. 1 hose self-deceivers seem to come even to heaven’s gate with confidence of their admission, and yet are turned off at last. Matt. vii. 22. Brethren, beloved, I beseech you deeply to lay to heart and firmly retain Uiis awakening consideration, “ that multitudes mis- carry by the hand of some secret sin, that is not only hidden from others, but, for want of observing their own hearts, even from themselves.” A man may be iree from open pollutions, and yet die at last by the fatal hand of some unobserved iniquity; and there are i se vve ve hidden sins, through which souls go down >y numbers into the chambers of death; these you must search carefully for, and take them as black mat s (wherever they be found) discovering a grace- TUE MARKS OF THE*ONCONVERTED. 1)5 less and unconverted state; and, as you love your lives, read carefully, with a holy jealousy of your¬ selves, lest you should be the persons concerned. 1. Gross ignorance. Oh, how many poor souls doth this sin kill in the dark ! Hos. iv. f>. while they think verily they have good hearts, and are in the ready way to heaven ! This is the murderer that dispatcheth thousands in a silent manner, when (poor hearts !) they suspect nothing, and see not the hand that mis¬ chiefs them. You shall find, whatever excuses you have for ignorance, that it is a soul undoing evil, Isa. xxvii 11.2 Thess. i. 8. 2 Cor. iv. 3. Ah ! would it not have grieved a man’s heart to have seen that woe¬ ful spectacle, when the “ poor protestants were shut up, (a multitude together in a barn,) and a butcher came, with his inhuman hands warmed in human blood, and led them one by one (blindfold) to a block, where he slew them (poor innocents!) one after ano¬ ther, by the scores, in cool blood ? Hut how much more should your hearts bleed to think of the hun¬ dreds, in great congregations, that ignorance doth butcher in secret, and lead blindfold to the block ! Be¬ ware this be none of your case: Make no plea for ig¬ norance ; if you spare that sin, know that it will not spare you; and would a man keep a murderer in his bosom ? 2. Secret reserves in closing with Christ. To forsake all for Christ, to hate father and mother, yea, a man’sb own life, for him, “ this is a bard saying,” Luke xiv„ 26. Some will do much, but they will not be of the religion that will undo them; they never come to be entirely devoted to Christ, nor fully to resign to him ; they must have the sweet sin; they mean to do them¬ selves no harm: they have secret exceptions for life, liberty, or estate. Many take Christ thus, hand-over¬ head, and never consider his self-denying terms, nor cast up the cost; and this error in the foundation mars all, and secretly ruins them for ever, Luke xiv. 28. Matt. xiii. 21. 3. Formality in Religion. Many stick in the dark. 96 THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED# and rest in the outside of religion, and in the external performances of holy duties, Matt, xxiii. 25. And this oftentimes doth most effectually deceive men, and doth more certainly undo them than open looseness; as it was in the Pharisee’s case, Matt, xxiii. 81. 1 hey hear, they fast, they pray, they give alms, and there¬ fore will not believe but their case is good, Luke xviii. 11. Whereas, resting in the work done, and coming short of the heart-work and the inward power and vi¬ tals of religion, they fall at last into the burning, from the flattering hopes and confident persuasions of their being in the ready way to heaven, Matt, vii 22, 23. O dreadful case, when a man’s religion shall serve only to harden him, and effectually to delude and de¬ ceive hi? own soul ! 4. The prevalence offalse ends in holy duties ; Matt, xxiii. 25. this was the bane of the Pharisees. Oh, how many a poor soul is undone by tins, and drops into hell before he discerns his mistake ! he performs “ good duties,” and so thinks all is well, but perceives not that he is actuated by carnal motives all tlie while. It is too true, that, even with the truly sanctified, many carnal ends will oft-times creep in ; but they are the matter of his hatred and humiliation, and never come to be habitually prevalent with, him, and bear the greatest sway, Rom. xiv. 7. But now, when the main thing that doth ordinarily carry a man out to religious duties shall be really some carnal end, as to satisfy his conscience, to get the repute of being reli¬ gious, 44 to be seen of men,” to shew his own gifts and parts, to avoid the reproach of a profane and irreligi¬ ous person, or the like; this discovers an unsound heart, Hos. x. I. Zech. vii 6. O Christian ! if you would avoid self deceit, see that you mind not only your acts, but withal (yea above all) your ends. 5. Trusting in their own righteousness , Luke xviii. 9. This is a soul-undoing mischief, Rom. x. 3. When men do trust in their own righteousness, they do in¬ deed reject Christ’s. Beloved, you had need be watch¬ ful on every hand; for, not only your sins, but your n THE MARKS OF TH^V^CONVERTED. 97 duties, may undo you: It may be you never thought of this, but so it is, that a man may as certainly mis¬ carry by his seeming righteousness and supposed graces as by gross sins; and that is when a man doth trust to thee as his righteousness before God, for the satis¬ fying his justice, appeasing his wrath, procuring his favour, and obtaining of his own pardon; tor this is to put Christ out of office, and make a Saviour of our own duties and graces. Beware of this, O professors ! you are much in duties, but this one fly will spoil all the ointment. When you have done most and best, be sure go out of yourselves to Christ; reckon your own righteousness but rags, Psa. cxliii. 2. Phil iii. 9. Isa. lxiv 6 Neh. xiii. 22 6. A secret enmity against the strictness of religion. Many moral persons, punctual in their formal devo- I tions, have a bitter enmity against preciseness, and hate the life and power of religion. Phil. iii. 6. com- pared with Acts ix. 1. They like not this forward¬ ness, nor that men should keep such a stir in religion; they condemn the strictness of religion as singularity, indiscretion, and intemperate zeal, and with them a lively preacher, or lively Christian, is but a heady fel¬ low. These men love not holiness as holiness, (for then they would love the height of holiness,) and therefore are undoubtedly rotten at heart, whatever good opinion they have of themselves. 7. The resting in a certain pitch of religion. When they have so much as will save them, (as they sup¬ pose,) they look no farther, and so shew themselves short of true grace, which will ever put men upon as¬ piring to farther perfection, Phil. iii. i5. Prov. iv. 18. 8. The predominant love of the world . This is the sure evidence of an unsanctified heart, Mark x. 22. 1 John ii. 15. But how close doth this sin lurk oft-times under the fair covert of forward profession! Luke vii. 14. Yea, such a power of deceit is there in this sin, that many times, when every body else can see the man’s worldliness and covetousness, he cannot see it him- 98 THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED. self, but hath so many colours, and excuses, and pre¬ tences, for his eagerness on the world, that he doth blind his own eyes, and perish in his self-deceit. How many professors are there with whom the world hath more of their hearts and affections than Christ, “ who minded earthly things,” and thereby are evidently after the flesh, and like to end in destruction! Rom. viii 5. Phil. iii. 19. yet ask these men, and they will tell you confidently, they prize Christ above all; (God forbid else!) and see not their own earthly mind¬ edness, for want of a narrow observation of the work¬ ings of their own hearts. Did they but carefully search, they would quickly find that their greatest content is in the world, Luke xii. 9. and their greatest care and main endeavour are to get and secure the world ; which are the certain discoveries of an uncon¬ verted sinner. May the professing part of the world take earnest heed that they perish not by the hand of this sin unobserved. Men may be, and often are, kept off from Christ as effectually by the inordinate love of lawful comforts, as by the most unlawful courses, Matt. xxii. 5. Luke xiv. 18, 19, 20, 24. 9. Reigning malice and envy against those that dis¬ respect them and are injurious to them, 1 John ii. 9, 11. Oh! how do many, that seem to be religious, re¬ member injuries and carry grudges, and will return men as good as they bring, rendering evil for evil, loving to take revenge, wishing evil to them that wrong them, directly against the rule of the gospel, the pattern of Christ, and the nature of God, Rom, xii. 14, 17. 1 Pel. ii. 21, 23. Neh. ix. 17. Doubt- less, where this evil is kept boiling in the heart, and is not hated, resisted, mortified, but doth habitually prevail, that person is in the very gall of bitterness, and in a state of death, Matt, xviii. 34, 35 1 John iii. 14, 15. Reader, doth nothing of this touch thee? Art thou in none of the fore-mentioned ranks? O search and search again ; take thy heart solemnly to task : Woe unto thee, if, after thy profession, thou shouldst be a THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED. 99 found under the power of ignorance lost in formality, drowned in earthly mindedness, envenomed with malice, exalted in an opinion of thine own righteous¬ ness, leavened with hypocrisy and carnal ends in God’s service, embittered against strictness; this would be a sad discovery, that all thy religion were in vain. But I must proceed. 10 Unmortified Pride. When men love the praise of men more than the praise of God, and set their hearts upon men’s esteem, applause, and approbation, it is most certain that they are yet in their sins, and strangers to true conversion, John xii. 43. Gal i 10. When men see not, nor complain, nor groan under the pride of their own hearts, it is a sign they are stark dead in sin. Oh, how secretly doth this sin live and reign in many hearts, and they know it not, but ' are very strangers to themselves! John ix. 40. 11. The prevailing love of pleasure , 2 Tim. iii 4. This a black mark. When men give the flesh the liberty that it craves, and pamper and please it, and do not deny and restrain it; when their great delight is in gratifying their bellies, and pleasing their senses; whatever appearances they may have of religion, all is unsound, Korn. xvi. 18 Tit. iii. 3. A flesh pleas¬ ing life cannot be pleasing to God: “ They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh,” and are careful to cross it and keep it under, as their enemy, Gal. v. 24. 1 1 Cor. ix 25, 26, 27. 12. Carnal security, or a presumptuous ungrounded confidence that there condition is already good , Rev. iii. 17. Many cry, peace and safety, when sudden de¬ struction is coming upon them, 1 Thess. v. 3. This was that which kept the foolish virgins sleeping when they should have been working, upon their beds when they should have been at the markets, Matt. xxv. 5, 10. Prov x. 5. They perceived not their want of oil till the bridegroom was come; and, while they went to buy, the door was shut. And, oh ! that these * foolish virgins had no successors! Where is the place, • yea, where is the house almost, where these do not F 100 THE MARKS OP THE UNCONVERTED. dwell ? Men are willing to cherish in themselves, upon ever so light grounds, a hope that their condition is good, and so look not out after a change, and by these means perish in their sins. Are you at peace P Shew me upon what grounds your peace is maintained. Is it Scripture peace ? Can you shew the distinguishing marks of a sound believer? Can you evidence that you have something more than any hypocrite in the world ever had? If not fear this peace more than any trouble ; and know that a carnal peace doth com¬ monly prove the most mortal enemy of the poor soul, and, whilst it smiles, and kisses, and speaks it fair, doth fatally smite it, as it were, under the fifth rib. By this time, I think I hear my readers crying out with the disciples, 46 Who then shall be saved ?” Set out from among our congregations all those ten ranks of the profane on the one hand, and then besides take out all these twelve sorts of close and self deceiving hypocrites on the other hand, and then tell me then whether it be not a remnant that shall be saved ! How few will be the sheep that shall be left, when all these shall be separated and set among the goats! For my part, of all my numerous hearers, I have no hope to see any of them in heaven that are to be found among these two and twenty sorts that are here mentioned, except by sound conversion they are brought into another condition. Application . And now, conscience, do thy office: Speak out, and speak home, to him that heareth or readeth these lines. If thou find any of these marks upon him, thou must pronounce him utterly unclean, Levit. xiii. 44. Take not up a lie into thy mouth; speak not peace to him to whom God speaks no peace: Let not lust bribe thee, or self-love or carnal preju- dice blind thee. I subpoena thee, from the court of heaven, to come and give in evidence: I require thee, in the name of God, to go with me in the search of the suspected house. As thou wilt answer it at thy peril, give in a true report of the state and case of him that readeth this book. Conscience, wilt thou THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED. 101 altogether hold thy peace at such a time as this ? I adjure thee by the living God that thou tell us the truth, Matt xxvi 63. Is the man converted, or is he not? Doth he allow himself in any way of sin, or doth he not? Doth he truly love, and please, and prize, and delight in God above all other things, or not ? Come, put it to an issue. How long shall this soul live at uncertainties? O conscience, bring in thy verdict. Is this man a new man, or is he not? How dost thou find it? Hath there passed a thorough and mighty change upon him, or not ? When was the time, where was the place, or what were the means by which this thorough change of the new birth was wrought in his soul! Speak, con¬ science; or if thou canst not tell the time and place, canst thou shew Scripture evidence that the work is done? Hath the man been ever taken off from his false bottom, from the false hopes, and false peace, wherein once he trusled ? Hath he been deeply con¬ vinced of sin, and of his lost and undone condition, and brought out of himself, and off from his sins, to give up himself entirely to Jesus Christ ? or dost thou not find him to this day under the power of ignor¬ ance or in the mire of profaneness? Hast thou not taken upon him the gains of unrighteousness? Dost thou not find him a stranger to prayer, a neglector of the word, a lover of this present world ? Dost thou not often catch him in a lie ? Dost thou not find his heart fermented with malice, or burning with lust, or going after his covetousness? Speak plainly to all the fore mentioned particulars: Canst thou acquit this man, this woman, from being any of the two and twenty sorts here described ? If he be found with any of them, set him aside; his portion is not with the saints: He must be converted and made a new crea¬ ture, or else he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Beloved, be not your own betrayers; do not de¬ ceive your own hearts, nor set your hands to your own ruin by a wilful blindness of yourselves. Set up a tri¬ bunal in your own breasts : bring the word and con- 102 THE MARKS OF THE UNCONVERTED. science together, “ to the law and to the testimony,” Isa. viii 20. Hear what the word concludes of your estates: Oh follow the search till you have found how the case stands: Mistake here, and perish. And, such is the treachery of the heart, the subtilty of the temp¬ ter, and the deceitfulness of sin, Jer. xvii. 9. 2 Cor. xi. 3. Heb. iii. 13. all conspire to flatter and deceive the poor soul; and withal so common and easy it is to mistake, that it is a thousand to one but you will be deceived unless you be very careful, and thorough, and impartial, in the inquiry into your spiritual con¬ dition : O therefore ply your work ; go to the bottom; search with candles; weigh you in the balance; come to the standard of the sanctuary; bring your coin to the touchstone. You have the archest cheats in the world to deal with; a world of counterfeit coin is going; happy is he that takes no counters for gold. Satan is master of deceit; he can draw to the life: he is perfect in the trade; there is nothing but he can imitate: You cannot wish for any grace, but he can fit you to a hair with a counterfeit. Trade warily: look on every piece you take: be jealous; trust not so much as your own hearts. Run to God to search you and try you, to examine you and prove your reins, Psal. xxvi. 2. and cxxxix. 23, 24. If other helps suffice not to bring all to an issue, but you are still at a loss, open your cases faithfully to some godly and faithful minister, Mai. ii. 7. Rest not till you have put the business of your eternal welfare out of question, 1 Pet. ii. JO. “ O searcher of hearts, put thou this soul upon, and help him in his search.” Chap. V. Shewing the Miseries of the Unconverted . So unspeakably dreadful is the case of the every un¬ converted soul, that I have sometimes thought (if I could but convince men that they are yet unregener¬ ate) the work were upon the matter done. But I sadly experience that such a spirit of sloth i THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. 103 and slumber (Horn, xi 8. Matth. xiii. 15.) possesseth the unsanctified, that, though they be convinced that they are yet unconverted, yet they oft-times care¬ lessly sit still; and what through the avocation of sensual pleasure, or hurry of worldly business, or noise and clamour of earthly cares, and lusts, and afFections, Luke viii. 14. the voice of conscience is drowned, and men go no farther than some cold wishes, and general purposes of repenting and amending. Acts xxiv. 2d. It is therefoie of high necessity that I do not only convince men that they are unconverted, but that I also endeavour to bring them to a sense of the fearful misery of this state. But here I find myself a ground at first putting forth. What tongue can tell the heirs of hell suffi¬ ciently of their misery, unless it were Dives’ in that flame, Luke xvi 24 Where is the ready writer whose pen can decipher their misery that are without God in the world ? Eph. ii. 12 This cannot fully be done, unless we know the infinite ocean of that bliss of perfection which is in that God, which a state of sin doth exclude men from. u Who knoweth*’ (saith Moses) u the power of thine anger!” Psa. xc 11. And how shall I tell men that which I do not know? Yet so much we know as one would think would shake the heart of that man had the least degree of spit itual life and sense. But this is yet the more posing difficulty, that I am to speak to them that are without sense. Alas ! this is not the least part of man’s misery upon him, that he is dead, stark dead, in trespasses and sins, Eph. ii. 1. Could I bring paradise into view, or represent the kingdom of heaven to as much advantage as the temp¬ ter did the kingdoms of the world, and all the glory thereof, to our Saviour; or could I uncover the face of the deep and devouring gulf of Tophet, in all its terrors, and open the gates of the eternal furnance; alas! he hath no eyes to see it, Matt. xiii. 14, 15. Could I paint out the beauties of holiness, or glory of the gospel, to the life; or could I bring above-board 104 THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. the more than diabolical deformity and ugliness of sin ; he can no more judge of the loveliness and beauty of the one, and the filthiness and hatetulness of the other, than the blind man of colours. He is alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in him, because of the blindness of his heart, Eph. iv. 18. He neither doth nor can know the things of God, because they are spiritually discerned, 1 Cor. ii, 14. His eyes cannot be savingly opened but by con¬ verting grace, Acts xxvi. 18. He is a child of dark¬ ness, and walks in darkness, 1 John i. 6. Yea, the light in him is darkness, Matt. vi. 23. Shall 1 ring his knel, or read his sentence, or sound in his ear the terrible trump of God’s judgments, that one would think should make both his ears to tingle, and strike him into Belshazzar’s fit, even to appai his countenance, and loose his joints, and make his knees smite one against another? Yet, alas! he perceives me not; he hath no ears to hear. Or shall I cail up the daughters of music, and sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb? Yet he will not be stirred. Shall I allure him with the joyful sound, and lovely song, and glad tidings of the gospel ? with the most sweet and inviting calls, comforts, cordials, of the divine pro¬ mises, so exceedingly great and precious? It will not affect him savingly, unless I could find him ears, Matt, xiii. 15. as well as tell him the news. Shall I set before him the feast of fat things, the wine of wisdom, the bread of God, the tree of life, the hidden manna ? He hath no appetite for them, no mind to them, 1 Cor. ii. 14. Matt. xxii. 5. Should I press the choicest grapes, the heavenly clusters of gospel privileges, and drink to him in the richest wine of God’s own cellar, yea, of his own side; or set be¬ fore him the delicious honey-comb of God’s testimonies, Psa. xix. 10. alas l he hath no taste to discern them. Shall I invite the dead to rise and eat the banquet of their funerals? No more can the dead in sin relish the holy food wherewith the Lord of life hath spread his table. THE MISERIES OP THE UNCONVERTED. What then shall I do? shall I burn the brimstone of hell at his nostrils ? or shall 1 open the box ot spikenard, very precious, that filleth the whole house of this universe with its perfume, Mark xiv. 3 John xii. 3. and hope that the savour ot Christ s ointments, and the smell of his garments, will attract him P Psa. xlv 8 Alas' dead sinners are like the dumb idols, they have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not; they have ears, but they hear not; noses have they, but they smell not; they have hands, but they handle not; feet have they, but they walk not; neither speak they through their throat, Psa. cxv. 5, b, 7. they are destitute of spiritual sense and motion. . . , , • But let me try the sense that doth last leave us, and draw the sword of the word; yea, lay at him while I will, yea, though 1 choose mine arrows out ot Cod s quiver, and direct them to (he heart, nevertheless he it nnt: for how should he, being past feeling? feeleth’it not; for how should he, being past feeling? Eph. iv, 19. so that though “the wrath ot God abid- eth on him," and the mountainous weight ot so many thousand sins, yet he goes up and down as light as if nothing ailed him, liom. vii. 9. In a word, he carries a dead soul in a living body, and Ins flesh is but the walking coffin of acoirupted mind that is twice dead, Jude 12. rotting in the slime and putrefaction of noisome lusts. Matt, xxiii. 27, 28. . Which way then shall I come at the miserable ob¬ jects that I have to deal with ? Who shall make the heart of stone to relent? Zech. vii. 11,12. or the life¬ less carcass to feel and move? That God that^is able of “ stone to raise up children unto Abraham, Matt, iii 9. that “ raiseth the dead," 1 Cor. i. 9. “and melteth the mountains," Neh. i.5. and “ stiikes water out of the flmts," Deut. viii. 15. that loves to work like himself, beyond the hopes and belief ot man, that peopleth his church with dry bones, and planteth his orchard with dry sticks; he is able to do this, i here- fore “ I bow my knee to the.Most High God," Eph. iii. 15. and as our Saviour prayed at the sepulchre of 106 THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. Lazarus, John xi. 3S, 41. and the Shunamite ran to the man of’God for her dead child, 2 Kings iv. 25, so doth your mourning minister kneel about your graves, and carry you in the arms of prayer to that God in whom your help is found. “O thou all-powerful Jehovah, that worketh and none can let thee ! that hast the keys of death and hell; pity thou the dead souls that lie here entombed, and roll away the grave-stone, and say, as to Lazarus when already sinking, come forth. Lighten thou this darkness, O inaccessible light, and let the day-spring from on high visit the dark regions of the dead, to whom I speak ; for thou canst open the eye that death itself hath closed; thou, that formedst the ear, canst restore the hearing; say thou to these ears, Ephpha- tha, and they shall be opened ; Give thou eyes to see thine excellencies, a taste that may relish thy sweet¬ ness, a scent that may savour thy ointment, a feeling that may discern the privilege of thy favour, the bur. den of thy wrath, the intolerable weight of unpardoned sin, and give thy servants order to prophesy on the dry bones, and let the effects of this prophesy be as of thy prophet, when he prophesied the valley of dry bones into a living army exceeding great,” Ezek. xxxvii. I, &c. The hand of the Lord was upon me, and car¬ ried me in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones. He said to me, prophesy on these bones, and say to them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord ; thussaith the Lord unto these bones, behold I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live; and I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh on you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and ye shall know that I am the Lord. So I prophesied as I was commanded, and as 1 prophesied there was a noise and a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. And, when I beheld, lo! the sinews and flesh came upon them and covered them above, but there was no breath in them. Then said he unto me, prophesy unto the wind ; pro. THE MISERIES OP THE UNCONVERTED. 107 phesy, son of man, and say to the wind, thus saith the Lord God, come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live. So I pro- phesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood upon their feet, an exceeding great army.'' But 1 must proceed, as I am able, to ^unfold that mystery, which, I confess, no tongue can unfold, no heart can sufficiently comprehend. Know therefore that, while thou art unconverted, I. The infinite God is engaged against thee . It is no small part of thy misery that thou art 44 with¬ out God,” Eph. ii. 22. How doth Micah run crying after the Danites, 44 You have taken away my gods, and what have I more ?” Judg. xviii. 23, 24. O what a mourning then must thou lift up, that art without God, that canst lay no claim to him without daring usurpation ! Thou mayst say of God, as Sheba of Da¬ vid, u we have no part in David, neither have we in¬ heritance in the son of Jesse,” 2 Sam. xx. 1. How pitiful and piercing a moan is that of Saul in his ex¬ tremity ! 44 the Philistines are upon me, and God is departed from me !” 1 Sam. xxviii. 1.5. Sinners, but what will you do in the day of your visitation ? Whi¬ ther will you flee for help P Where will you leave your glory P Isa. x. 3 What will you do when the Philistines are upon you; when the world shall take its eternal leave of you; when you must bid your friends, houses, and lands, farewell for evermore ? What will you do then, I say, that have never a God to go to? Will you call on him ? Will you cry to him for help ? Alas, he will not own you, Prov. i. 28, 29. he will not take any notice of you, but send you pack¬ ing with an I never knew you,” Matth. vii. 23. They that know what it is to have a God to go to, a God to live upon, they know a little what a fearful misery it is to be without God. This made that holy man cry out, 44 Let me have a God, or nothing; let me know him, and his will, and what will please him, and how I may come to enjoy him, or would I had never had an understanding to know any thing !” &c. F 2 108 THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. But thou art not only without God, but God is u against thee,” Ezek. v. 8, 9. Nahum ii. 13. O! if God would but stand a neuter, though he did not own nor help the poor sinner, his case were not so deeply miserable, though God should give up the poor crea- ture to the will of his enemies, to do their worst with him; though he should deliver him over to the tor¬ mentors, Matt, xviii. 34*. that devils should tear and torture him to their utmost power and skill, yet this were not half so fearful. But God will set himself against the sinner; and, believe it, it is a fearful 44 thing to fall into the hands of the living God,” Heb, x. 31. There is no friend like him, no enemy like him. As much as heaven is above the earth, omnipotence above impotence, infinity above nullity, so much more horrible it is to fall into the hands of the living God, than into the paws of bears and lions, yea, furies or devils. God himself will be thy tormentor; thy de¬ struction shall come from the presence of the Lord, 2 Thess. i. 9. Tophet is deep and large, and the wrath of the Lord, like a river of brimstone, doth kindle it, Isa. xxx. 33. 44 If God be against thee, who shall be for thee ? If one man sin against another, the judge him; but, if a man sin against the Lord, who shall entreat for him?” 1 Sam. ii. 25. 44 Thou, even thou, art to be feared ; and who shalt stand in thy sight when once thou art angry ?” Psa. Ixxvi. 7. 44 Who is that God that shall deliver you out of his hands?” Dan. iii. 15. Can mammon ? “ riches profit notin the day of wrath,” Prov xi 4. Can kings or warri¬ ors ? No: “ They shall cry to the mountains and rocks to fall on them and hide them from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand ?” ltev. vi. 15, 16, 17. Sinner! I think this should go like a dagger to thy heart, to know that God is thine enemy. Oh ! whi- Rier wilt thou go? where wilt thou shelter thee! There is no hope for thee, unless thou lay down thy weapons, and sue out thy pardon, and get Christ to THE MISERIES OP THE UNCONVERTED. 109 stand thy friend, and make thy peace: If it were not for this, thou mightst go into some howling wilder¬ ness, and there pine in sorrow, and run mad for an¬ guish of heart and horrible despair; but in Christ there is a possibility of mercy for thee, yea, a proffer of mercy to thee, that thou mayst have God more tor thee than he is now against thee; but if thou wilt not forsake thy sins, nor turn thoroughly and to some pur¬ pose to God by a sound conversion, the wrath of God abideth on thee, and he proclaimeth himself to be against thee, as in the prophet Ezekiel, v. 8. “ There- fore thus saith the Lord God, behold I, even I, am against thee!” . , I. His face is against thee, Psa. xxxiv. 16. 1 lie face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them.” Woe unto them whom God shall set his face against! When he did but look on the host of the Egyptians, how terrible was the consequence! Ezek xiv. 8. “ I will set my face against that man, and will make him a sign and a pro¬ verb, and will cut him off from the midst of my peo¬ ple, and you shall know that I am the Lord.”- II. His heart is against thee. He hateth all the workers of iniquity : Man, doth not thy heart tremble to think of thy being an object of God’s hatred ? Jer. xv. 1. Though Moses and Samuel “ stood before me, yet my mind could not be towards this people; cast them out of my sight,” Zech.xi. 8. “ My soul loathed them, and their souls also abhorred me.” III. His hand is against thee. 1 Sam. xii. 14, 16. All his attributes are against thee. First, his justice is like a flaming sword unsheathed against thee: “ If I whet my glittering sword, and my hand take hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to mine adversaries, and will reward them that hate me; I will make mine arrows drunk with blood,” &c. Heut. xxxii. 40, 41. So exact is justice, that it will by no means clear the guilty, Exod. xxxiv. 7. God will not discharge thee, he will not hold thee guiltless, Exod. xx.,7. but will HO THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. require the whole debt in person of thee, unless thou canst make a scripture claim to Christ, and his satis, faction. When the enlightened sinner looks on jus¬ tice, and sees the balance in which be must be weighed, and the sword by which he must be executed, he feels an earthquake in his breast: But Satan keeps this out of sight, and persuades the soul (while he can) that the Lord is all made up of mercy, and so lulls it asleep in sin. Divine justice is very strict; it must have sa¬ tisfaction to the utmost farthing; it denounceth “in¬ dignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, to every soul that doeth evil, ’ Iiom. ii. 8, 9. It curseth every one that continueth not in every thing that is written in the law, to do it, Gal. iii. 10. The justice of God to the unpardoned sinner, that hath a sense of his mi¬ sery is more terrible than the sight of the bailiff or creditor to the bankrupt debtor, or than the sight of the judge and bench to the robber, or of the irons and gibbet to the guilty murderer. When justice sits upon life and death, O what dreadful work doth it make to the wretched sinner ! ‘‘Bind him hand and toot; cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth,” Matt. xxii. 13. “ Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire,” Matt. xxv. 41. I his is the terrible sentence that justice pro- nounceth. Why, sinner, by this severe justice must thou be tried; and as God liveth, this killing sentence shalt thou hear, unless thou repent and be converted. Secondly, “ Ihe holiness of God is full of antipathy against thee, Psa v. 4,5. lie is not only angry with thee, (so he may be with his own children,) but he hath a fixed, rooted, habitual, displeasure against thee; “ he loathes thee, Zech. xi. 8. and what is done by thee, though for substance commanded by him, Isa. i. 14. Mai. i. 10. As if a man should give his servant evei so good meat to dress, yet, if he should mingle filth or poison with it, he would not touch it, God’s nature is infinitely contrary to sin, and so he cannot but hate a sinner out of Christ. Oh what misery is this, to be out of the favour, yea. THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. lli under the hatred of God! Eccles. v. 6. Hos. ix. IS. that God, who can as easily lay aside his nature, and cease to be God, as not be contrary to thee and detest thee, except thou be changed and renewed by grace, O sinner, how darest thou to think of the bright and radiant sun of purity, or the beauties, the glory, of ho¬ liness, that is in God ! “ The stars are not pure in his sight,” Job xxv. 5. 44 He humbles himself to behold things that are done in heaven,” Psa. cxiii. 6, O those light and sparkling eyes of his! what do they spy in thee ? and hast thou no interest in Christ neither, that he should plead for thee ? I think he should hear thee crying out (astonished) with the Bethshemiles, 44 Who shall stand before this Lord God ?” 1 Sam vi. 20. Thirdly. The power of God is mounted like a mighty cannon against thee . The glory of God’s power is to be displayed in the wonderful confusion and destruc- li tion oi them that obey not the gospel, 2 Thess. i. 8, 9. ii He will 64 make his power known in them,” Rom. ix. i 22. how mightily he can torment them: For this end he raiseth them up, 44 that he might make his power known,” Rom. ix. i7. O man, art thou able to make thy party good with thy Maker? No more than a silly reed against the cedars of God, or a little cock¬ boat against the tumbling ocean, or the children’s i bubbles against the blustering winds. Sinner, the power of God’s anger is against thee, 3 Psa. xc. 11 and power and anger together make fear¬ ful work; it were better thou hadst all the world in i arms against thee, than to have the power of God ,i against thee. There is no escaping his hands, no breaking his prison. 46 The thunder of his power who can withstand ?” Job xxvi. 14. 44 Unhappy man, that shall understand it by feeling it! If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand. He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength, who hath hardened himself against him, and prospered, which r removeth the mountains, and they know it not; which overturneth them in his anger; which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble; 112 THE MISERIES OP THE UNCONVERTED. which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and it sealeth up the stars ! Behold, he taketh away, who can hinder him ? Who will say unto him, What doest thou ? If God will not withdraw his anger, the proud helpers do stoop under him,” Job ix. 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. And art thou a fit match for such an antagonist? “ Oh ! consider this, you that forget God, lest he tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver you,” Psa. 1. 22. Submit to mercy; let not dust and stubble stand out against the Almighty; set not briers and thorns in battle, lest he go through them, and consume them together; but lay hold on his strength that you may “ make peace with him,” Isa. xxvii. 4, 5. “ Woe to him that striveth with his Maker !” Isa. xlv. 9. Fourthly, The wisdom of God is set to ruin thee . He hath ordained his arrows, and prepared instruments of death, and made all things ready, Psa. vii. 12, 13. His counsels are against thee to contrive thy destruc- tion, Jer. xviii. 11. Pie laughs to see how'thou wilt be taken and ensnared in the evil day, Psa. xxxvii 13. “ The Lord shall laugh at him, for he seeth that the day is coming.” He sees how thou wilt come down mightily in a moment; how thou wilt wring thy hands, tear thy hair, eat thy flesh, and gnash thy teeth, for anguish and astonishment of heart, when thou seest thou art fallen remedilessly into the pit of destruction. Fifthly, The truth of God is sworn against thee y Psa. xcv. 11. If he be true and faithful, thou must perish if thou goest on, Luke xiii. 3. Unless he be false of his word, thou must die except thou repent, Ezek xxxiii. II. If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself, 2 Tim. ii. 13. That is, he is faithful to his threatenings as well as promi¬ ses, and will shew his faithfulness in our confusion, if we believe not. God hath told thee, as plain as it can be spoken, that, “ if he wash thee not, thou hast no part in him,” John xiii. 6. That, “ if thou livest af¬ ter the flesh, thou shalt die.” Rom. viii. 13. « That, except thou be converted, thou shalt in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven,” Matt, xviii. 3. and he THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. 11J abideth faithful ; he cannot deny himself. Beloved* as the immutable faithfulness of God in his promise and oath affords believers strong consolation, Heb. vi. 18. so they are to unbelievers for strong consternation and confusion. O sinner, tell me, what shift dost thou make to think of all the threatenings of God’s word, that stand upon record against thee ? Dost thou be¬ lieve they are truth or not ? if not, thou art a wretched infidel, and not a Christian; and therefore give over the name and hopes of a t hristian. But, if thou dost believe them, O heart of steel that thou hast, that canst walk up and down in quiet, when the truth and faith¬ fulness of God are engaged to destroy thee! so that, if the Almighty can do it, thou shalt surely perish and be damned. Why, man, the whole “book of God” doth testify against thee, while thou remainest un¬ sanctified: It condemns thee in every leaf, and is to thee like Ezekiel’s roll, written within and without with lamentation, and mourning, and woe, Ezek. ii. 10. And all this shall surely come upon thee and overtake thee, (Deut. xxviii 15 .) except thou repent: 44 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but one jot or tittle of this word shall never pass away.” Matt. v. 18. Now, put all this together, and tell me if the case of the unconverted be not deplorably miserable. As we read of some persons, that had bound themselves in an oath, and in a curse, to kill Paul, so thou must know, O sinner, to thy terror, that all the attributes of an infinite God are bound in an oath to destroy thee, Heb. iii. 18. O man, what wilt thou do? whi¬ ther wilt thou flee ? If God’s omniscience can find ther thou shalt not escape: If the true and faithful God will save his oath, perish thou must, except thou believe and repent: If the Almighty hath power to torment thee, thou shalt be perfectly miserable in soul and body to all eternity, unless it be prevented by speedy conversion. II. The whole creation of God is against thee. u The whole creation (saith Paul) groaneth and tra- vaileth in pain,” Rom. viii. 22. But what is it that 114 THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. the creation groaneth under ? why, the fearful abuse that it is subject to, in serving the lust of unsanctified men. And what is it that the creation groaneth for? why, for freedom and liberty from this abuse, for the “ creature is very unwillingly subject to this bond¬ age.” Rom. viii. 19, 20, 21. If the unreasonable and inanimate creatures had speech and reason, they would cry out under it as a bondage unsufferable, to be abused by the ungodly, contrary to their natures and the ends that the great Creator made them for. It is a passage of an eminent divine, “ The liquor that the drunkard drinketh, if it had reason as well as a man to know how shamefully it is abused and spoil¬ ed, it would groan in the barrel against him, it would groan in the cup against him, groan in his throat, in his belly, against him; it would fly in his face, if it could speak. And, if God should open the mouths of his creatures, as he did the mouth of Balaam’s ass, the proud man’s garment on his back would groan against him. There is never a creature, but, if it had reason to know how it is abused till a man be con¬ verted, would groan against him ; the land would groan to bear him; the air would groan to give him breathing; their houses would groan to lodge them; their beds would groan to ease them, their food to nourish them, their clothes to cover them, and the creature would groan to give them any help and com¬ fort, so long as they live in sin against God.” Thus far he. I think this should be a terror to an unconverted soul, to think he is a burden to the creation; Luke xiii. 7. “ Cut it down ; why cumbereth it the ground ?” If the poor inanimate creatures could but speak, they would say to the ungodly, as Moses to Israel, “ Must we fetch you water out of the rock, ye rebels ?” Num. xx. 10. Thy food would say, Lord, must I nourish such a wretch as this, and yield forth my strength for him to dishonour thee withal P No, I will choke him rather, if thou wilt give me permission. The very air would say, Lord, must I give this man breath to THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. set his tongue against heaven, and scorn thy people, and vent his pride, and wrath, and filthy communica¬ tion, and belch out oaths and blasphemy against thee? No, it* thou but say the word, he shall be breathless for me. His poor beast would say, Lord, must I carry him upon his wicked design ? No, I will break his bones, I will end his days rather, if I may have leave from thee.” A wicked man ! the earth groans under him, and hell groans for him, till death satis¬ fies both, and unburdens the earth, and stops the mouth oi hell with him. While the Lord of Hosts is against th< e, be sure the Host of the Lord is against thee, and all the creatures, as it were, up in arms, till, upon a man’s conversion, the controversy being taken up between God and him, he makes a covenant of peace with the creature for him, Job xxii. 21, 22, 23, 24. Hos ii. 18, ;9, 20. III. r l'he roaring lion hath his full power upon thee . 1 Pei. v. 3. Thou art fast to the paw of that lion that is greedy to devour; in the snare of the devil, led captive by him at his will, 2 Tim. ii. 26. This is the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience, Eph. ii. 2. His drudges they are, and his lust they do. He is the ruler of the darkness of this world, Eph. vi. 12. that is, of ignorant sinners that live in darkness. You pity the poor Indians that worship the devil for their God, but little think it is your own case. Why, it is the common misery of all the un¬ sanctified, that the devil is their God, 2 Cor. iv. 4, Not that they do intend to do him homage and wor¬ ship; they will be ready to defy him, and him that should say so by them ; but all this while they serve him, and come and go at his beck, and live under his government: His servants you are to whom ye yield yourselves to obey, Rom. vi. 16. Oh, how many then will be found the real servants of the devil, than take themselves for no other than the children of God ! tie can no sooner offer a sinful delight or op¬ portunity for your unlawful advantage, than you em¬ brace it: If he suggest a lie or prompt you to revenge. 116 THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. you readily obey: If be forbid you to read or pray, you hearken to him, and therefore his servants you are. Indeed he lies behind the curtain, he acts in the dark, and sinners see not who setteth them on work, but all the while he leads them in a string. Doubtless the liar intends not a service to Satan, but his own advantage; yet it is he that stands in the corner unobserved, and puttetli the thing in his heart, Acts v. 3. John viii. 4. Questionless, Judas when he sold his Master for money, and the Chaldeans and Sabeans when they plundered Job, intended not to do the devil a pleasure, but to satisfy his own covetous thirst; yet it was be that actuated them in their wicked- ness, John xiii. 27. Job i. 12, 15. 17. Men may he very slaves and common drudges tor the devil, and never know it: nay, they may please themselves in the thoughts of happy liberty, 2 Pet. ii. 19. Art thou yet in ignorance, and not turned from darkness to light? Why thou art under the power of Satan, Acts xvi. 18. Dost thou live in the ordinary and wilful practice of any know n sin ? know that thou art of the devil, 1 John iii. 8. Dost thou live in strife, or envy, or malice? Verily he is thy father, John viii. 40, 41. O dreadful case! However Satan may provide his slaves with divers pleasures. Tit. iii. 3. yet it is but to roll them into endless perdition. The serpent comes with the apple in his mouth, oh ! but (with Eve) thou seest not the deadly sting in his tail. He that is now thy tempter will one day be thy tormentor. Oh, that I could but give thee to see how black a master thou servest, how filthy a drudgery thou dost, how merci¬ less a tyrant thou gratifiest, all whose pleasure is, to set thee on work to make thy perdition and damnation sure, and to heat the furnace hotter and hotter in which thou must burn for millions and millions of ages. IV. The guilt of all thy sins lies like a mountain upon thee . Poor soul ! thou feelest it not; but this is that which seals thy misery upon thee. While unconverted, none of thy sins are blotted out, Acts iii. 19, they are THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. 117 all upon the score against thee. Regeneration and remission are never separated; the unsanctifv d are unquestionably unjustified and unpardoned, 1 Cor. vi. 11. 1 Pet i. 2. Heb. ix. 14 Beloved, it is a fear¬ ful thing to be in debt; but above all, in God's debt; for there is no arrest so formidable as his, no prison so horrible as his. Look upon an enlightened sinner, who feels the weight of his own guilt; oh, how fright¬ ful are his looks, how tearful are his complaints ! his comforts are turned into wormwood, and his moisture into drought, and his sleep is departed from his eyes. He is a terror to himself and all that are about him ; and is ready to envy the very stones that lie in the street, because they are senseless, and feel not his misery; and wisheth he had been a dog, or a toad, or a serpent, rather than a man, because then death had put an end to his misery; whereas now he will be but the beginning of that which will know no ending. How light soever you may make of it now, you will one day find the guilt of unpardoned sin to be a heavy- burden. This is a mill stone, that, 44 w hosoever falleth upon it, shall be broken; but upon whomsoever it shall fall it shall grind him to powder, 1 ' Matt, xxi.44. What work did it make with our blessed Saviour ! It pressed the veiy blood (to a worder) out of his veins, and broke all his bones : And, if it did this in the green tree, what will it do in the dry. Oh ! think of lhy case in time. Canst thou think of that tin eat without trembling, 44 ye shall die in your sins,” John viii. 24. Oh ! better were it for thee to die in a jail, in a ditch, in a dungeon, than die in thy sins. It death, as it will take away all thy other comforts, would take away thy sins too, it were some mitigation ; but thy sins w ill lollow the when thy friends leave thee, and all worldly enjoyments shake hands with thee: Thy sins will not die with thee, 2 Cor. v. 10. Rev xx. 12. as a prisoner’s other debts will; but they will to judgment with thee, there to be thy accusers; and they will to hell with thee, there to be thy tormentors. Better to have so many fiends THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. 118 and furies about thee, than thy sins to fall upon thee and fasten upon thee. Oh, the work that these will make thee? Oh, look over thy debts in time, how much thou art in the books of every one of God’s laws ; how is every one of God’s commandments ready to arrest thee, and take thee by the throat, for the innumerable bonds it hath upon thee ! What wilt thou do then, when they shall all together come in against thee ? Hold open the eyes of conscience to consider this, that thou mayst despair of thyself, and be driven to Christ and fly for refuge, to “ lay hold on the hope that is set before thee,” 11 eb vi 18 V. Tkj/ raging lusts do miserably enslave thee . While unconverted, thou art a very servant to sin: it reigns over thee, and holds thee under it* dominion till thou art brought within the bonds ot God’s covenant, John viii. 34, 36. Tit. iii. 3. Rom vi. 12, 14 and vi. 16, 17. Now, there is no such another tyrant as sin: O the filthy and fearful work that it doth engage its servants in ! Would it not pierce a man’s heart to see a company of poor creatures drudging and toiling, and all to carry together fagots and fuel for their own burning? Why this is the employment of sin’s drudges: Even while they bless themselves in their unrighteous gains, while they sing and swill in pleasure, they are but treasuring up wrath and vengeance for their eter¬ nal burning; they are but layingin powder and bullet, and adding to the pile of Tophet, and flinging in oil to make the flame rage the fiercer. Who would serve such a master, whose work is drudgery, and whose wages are death ? Rom. vi. 25. What a woeful spectacle was the poor wretch that was possessed with the legion! Would it not have grieved thy heart to have seen him among the tombs cutting and wounding himself? Mark v. 5. This is thy case; such is thy work; every stroke is a thrust at thy heart, 1 Tim. vi. 10. Conscience indeed is now asleep; but, when death and judgment shall bring thee to thy senses, then wilt thou feel the raging smart and anguish in every wound. The convinced THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. 110 sinner is a sensible instance of the miserable bondage of sin : Conscience flies upon him, and tells him what the end of these things will be; and yet such a slave he is to his lusts, that on he must, though he sees it will be his endless perdition; and, when the tempta¬ tion comes, lust gets the bit in his mouth, breaks the cords of all his vows and promises, and carries him headlong to his own destruction. VI. The furnace of eternal vengeance is heated ready for thee , Isa. xxx. 33. Hell and destruction open their mouths upon thee; they gape for thee; they groan for thee, Isa. v, 14. waiting as it were with a greedy eye, as thou standest upon the brink, when thou wilt drop in. If the wrath of men be 46 as the roaring of a lion,” Prov. xx. 2 . 44 more heavy than the sand,” Prov. xxvii. 3. what is the wrath of the infinite God l if the burning furnace heated in Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery rage, when he commanded it to be made yet seven times hotter, was so fierce as to burn up even those that drew near it to throw the three children in, Dan. iii. 19, 22. how hot is that burning oven of the Almighty’s fury! Mai. iv. I. surely this is seventy times seven more fierce. What thinkest thou, O man, of being a fagot in hell to all eternity ? 44 Can thy heart endure, or can thine hands be strong, in the day that I will deal with thee, saitb the Lord of hosts!” Ezek. xxii. 14. Canst thou abide the ever¬ lasting burnings? Canst thou dwell with consuming fire? Isa. xxxiii. 14. when thou shalt be as glowing iron in hell, and thy whole body and soul shall be as perfectly possessed by God’s burning vengeance as the fiery sparkling iron when heated in the fiercest forge? Thou canst not bear God’s whip; how then wilt thou endure his scorpions ? Thou art even crushed, and ready to wish thyself dead, under the weight of his finger, how then wilt thou bear the w r eight of his loins ? The most patient man that ever was, did curse the day that ever he was born, Job iii. 1. and even wish death to come and end his misery, Job xii. 15, 16. when God did but let out one little drop of his wrath; 120 THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. how then wilt thou endure when God shall pour out all his vials, and set himself against thee, to torment thee? when he shall make thy conscience the tunnel by which he will be pouring his burning wrath into thy soul for ever, and when he shall fill all thy pores as full of torment as they are now full of sin; when immortality shall be thy misery, and to die the death of a brute, and be swallowed in the gulf of annihila¬ tion, shall be such a felicity as the whole eternity of wishes, and an ocean of tears, shall never purchase? Now thou canst “ put off the evil day,” and canst “ laugh and be merry, and forget the terror of the Lord,” 2 Cor. v. 11. but how wilt thou hold out, or hold up, when God will cast thee into a 44 bed of tor. ments,” Rev. ii. 22. and make thee 44 to lie down in sorrow?” [sa. 1. 11. when roaring and blasphemy shall be thy only music, and the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, shall be thy only drink ? Rev. xiv. 10, when thou shalt draw in flame for thy breath and the horrid stench of sulphur shall be thy only perfume? In a word, when the smoke of thy torment shall ascend for ever and ever, and thou shalt have no rest night nor day, no rest in thy conscience, no ease in thy bones; but thou shalt be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach, for evermore ? Jer. xlii. 18, O sinner! stop here and consider: If thou aria man, and not a senseless block, consider: Bethink thyself where thou standest: Why, upon the very brink of his furnace. As the Lord livetb, and thy soul liveth, there is but a step between thee and this, 1 Sam. xx. 3. Thou knowest not, when thou liest down, but thou mayst be in before the morning: thou knowest not, when thou risest, but thou mayst drop in before night. Darest thou make light of this? Wilt thou go on in such a dreadful condition, as if nothing ailed thee? If thou puttest it off, and sayst, 1 his doth not belong to thee,” look again over the foregoing chapter, and tell me the truth : Are none of those black marks found upon thee ? Do not blind THE MISERtES OP THE UNCONVERTED. 121 thine eyes; do not deceive thyself; see thy misery while thou mayst prevent it: Think what it is to be a vile cast out, a damned reprobate, a vessel of wrath, into which the Lord will be pouring out a tormenting fury while he hath a being, Ilom ix. 22. Divine wrath is a fierce, (Deut. xxxii. 22.) devour- ing, (Isa. xxxiii. 14.) everlasting, (Matt xxv. 41.) unquenchable fire, (Matt. iii. 12.) and thy soul and body most be the fuel upon which it must be feeding for ever, unless thou consider thy ways, and speedily turn to the Lord by a sound conversion. They that have been only singed by this fire, and had no more but the smell thereof passing upon them, oh, what amazing spectacles have they been! Whose heart would not have melted to have heard Spirals outcries ? To have seen Chaloner, that monument of justice worn to skin and bone, blaspheming the God of hea¬ ven, cursing himself, and continually crying out, “ O torture, torture, torture ! O torture, torture,” as if the flames of wrath had already taken hold on him ? To have heard Rogers crying out, “ I have a little plea¬ sure, but now I must have hell for evermore:” wishing but for this mitigation, that God would but let him lie burning for ever behind the back of that fire, (on the earth.) and bringing in his sad conclusion still, at the end of whatever was spoken to him to afford him some hope, “ I must to hell, I must to the furnace of hell, for millions and millions of ages !” Oh ! if the fears and fore-thoughts of the wrath to come be so ter¬ rible, so intolerable, what is the feeling of it ! Sinner, it is but in vain to flatter you : this would be but to toll you into the unquenchable fire : Know ye from the living God that here you must lie; with these burnings you must dwell till immortality die and immutability change, till eternity run out and omnipotence is no longer able to torment, except you be in good earnest renewed throughout by sanctifying grace. VII. The law discharges all its threats and curses at thee , Gal. iii. 10. DeutT xxviii. Oh how dreadfully 122 THE MISERIE9 OF THE UNCONVERTED. doth it. thunder ! It spits fire and brimstone in thy face: Its words are as drawn swords, and as the sharp arrows of the mighty : It demands satistaction to the utmost, and cries, Justice! Justice ! It speaks blood, and war, and wounds, and death, against thee. 0 the execrations, and plagues, and deaths, that this mur¬ dering piece is loaded with ! (read Deut. xxviii 15, 16, &c.) and thou art the mark at which this shot is levelled. O man, away to thy strong hold, Zech ix. 12. away from thy sins; haste to the sanctuary, the city of refuge, Heb. xiii. 13 even the Lord Jesus Christ; hide thee in him, or else thou art lost, with¬ out any hope of recovery. VIII. The gospel itself bindeth the sentence of eternal damnation upon thee , Mark xvi. 16. If thou continues! in thine impenitent and unconverted state, know that the gospel denounceth a much sorer condemnation than ever would have been for the transgression only of the first covenant. Is it not a dreadful case to have the gospel itself fill its mouth with threats, thunder, and damnation? “To have the Lord to roar from mount Sion against thee?” Joel iii 16. “Hear the terror of the Lord: He that believeth not shall be damned. Except ye repent, ye shall all perish,” Luke xiii. 3- This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light,” John iii. 19 “ He that believeth not, the wrath of God abideth on him,” John iii. 36. “ If the word spoken by angels was steadfast; and every trans¬ gression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation,” Heb. ii. 2, 3. “ He that despised Moses' law, died without mercy : Of how much sorer punish¬ ment shall he be thought worthy, that hath trampled underfoot the Son of God ?” Heb. x. 28, 29. Application. And is this true indeed ? Is this thy misery ? Yea, it is as true as God is. Better open thine eyes and see it now, while thou mayst remedy it, than blind and harden thyself till (to thy eternal sorrow) thou shalt feel what thou wouldst not believe; and, if THE MISERIES OP THE UNCONVERTED. 123 it be true, what dost thou mean, to loiter and linger in such a case as this ? Alas, for thee, poor man ! how effectually hath sin undone thee, and deprived and despoiled thee even of thy reason to look after thine own everlasting good ! O miserable caitiff! what stupidity and senselessness have surprised thee! Oh ! let me knock up and awake this sleeper! Who;dwells within the walls of this flesh ? Is there ever a soul here, a rational, under¬ standing soul ? or art thou only a walking ghost, a senseless lump? Art thou a reasonable soul, and yet so far brutified as to forget thyself immortal, and to think thyself to be as the beasts that perish ? Art thou turned into flesh, that thou savourest nothing but gratifying the sense, and making provision for the flesh ? or else, having reason to understand the eter¬ nity of the future state, dost thou yet make light of being everlastingly miserable, which is to be so much below the brute, as it is worse to act against reason than to act without it? O unhappy soul, that wast the glory of man, the mate of angels, and the image ot God ! that wast God’s representative in the world, and had the supremacy amongst the creatures, and the dominion over thy maker’s works! art thou now become a slave to sense, a servant to so base an idol as thy belly, for no higher felicity than to fill thee with the wind of man’s applause, or art heaping to¬ gether a little refined earth, no more suitable to thy spiritual immortal nature than the dirt and sticks ? Oh, why dost thou not bethink thee where thou shalt be for ever? Death is at hand ; “ the Judge is even at the door,” James v. 9. Yet a little while, and “ time shall be no longer,” Rev. x. 5, 6. And wilt thou run the hazard of continuing in such a state, in which, if thou be overtaken, thou art irrecoverably miser¬ able ? Come then, arise, and attend thy nearest concern¬ ments ! Tell me whither art thou going ? What! wilt thou live in such a course, wherein every act is a step to perdition; and dost thou not know but the next G 124 THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED- night thou mayst make thy bed in hell ? O ! if thou hadst a spark of reason, consider, and turn and hearken to thy very friend, who would therefore shew thee thy present misery, that thou mightst in time make thine escape, and be eternally happy. Hear what the Lord saith: “ Fear ye not me, saith the Lord? will ye not tremble at my presence?" Jer. v. 22. O sinners, do you make light of “ the wrath to come ?” Matt. iii. 7. I am sure there is a time coming when you will not make light of it. Why, the very “ devils do believe and tremble,” James ii. 19. What ! you more hardened than they ? Will you run upon the edge of the rock? Will you play at the hole of the asp ? Will you put your hand upon the cockatrice’s den ? Will you dance upon the fire till you are burnt, or dally with devouring wrath as if you were at a point of indifference whether you did escape or endure it? O madness of folly ! Solomon’s madman, that casteth fire-brands, and arrows, and death, and saith, “ am I not in jest!” Prov. xxvi. 18. There is nothing so distracted as the wilful sinner, Luke xv. 17. that goeth on in his unconverted state without sense, as if nothing ailed him. The man that runs in the cannon’s mouth, and sports with his blood, or lets out his life in a frolic, is sensible, sober, and serious, to him that goeth on still in his trespasses, Psa. Ixviii. 21. for, “ he stretcheth out his hand against God, and strengthens himself against the Al¬ mighty : He runneth upon him, even upon his neck, upon the thick bosses of his buckler,” Job. xv. 25,26. Is it wisdom to dally with the stcond death, or to venture into the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone, Rev. xxi. 8. as if thou wert but going to wash thee, or swim for recreation ? Wilt thou, as it were, fetch thy vizor, and jump into eternal flames, as the children through the bone-fire? What shall I say? I can find out no expression, no comparison, whereby to set forth the dreadful distraction of that soul that shall go on in sin. Awake, awake, Eph. v. 14. O sinner, arise and THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. 125 take thy flight. There is but one door that you mayst flee by, and that is the strait door of conversion and the new birth. Unless thou turn unfeignedly from all thy sins, and come to Jesus Christ, and take him for the Lord thy righteousness, and walk in him in holiness and newness of life, as the Lord liveth, it is not more certain that thou art now of hell,, than that thou shalt without fail be in it but a few days or nights hence. Oh, set thy heart to think of thy case. Is not thy everlasting misery or welfare that which doth deserve a little consideration ? Look again over the miseries of the unconverted. If the Lord hath not spoken by me, regard me not; but, if it be the very word of God that all this misery lies upon thee, what a case art thou in ! Is it for one that hath his senses to live in such a condition, and not to make all possible expedition for preventing his utter ruin? O man, who hath bewitched thee, Gal. iii. 1. that in the matters of this present life thou shalt be wise enough to forecast thy business, foresee thy danger, and prevent thy mischief, but in matters of everlast¬ ing consequence shall be slight and careless, as if they little concerned thee ? Why, is it nothing to thee to have all the attributes of God engaged against thee? Canst thou do well without his favour ? Canst thou escape his hands, or endure his vengeance? Dost thou hear the creation groaning under thee, and hell groan¬ ing for thee, and yet think thy case “ good enough?” Art thou in the paw of the lion, under the power of corruption, in the dark noisome prison, fettered with lusts, working out thy own damnation, and is not this worth the considering? Wilt thou make light of all the terrors of the law, of all its curses and thunder¬ bolts, as if they were but the report of children’s pop¬ guns, or thou wert to war with their paper-pullets ? Dost thou laugh at hell and destruction, or canst thou drink the envenomed cup of the Almighty’s fury, as it were but a common potion. “ Gird up now thy loins like a man, for I will de¬ mand of thee, and answer thou me,” Job xl. 7. Art 126 THE MISERIES OF THE UNCONVERTED. thou such a Leviathan, as that the scales of thy pride should keep thee from thy Maker’s coming at thee? Wilt thou esteem his arrows as straw, and the instru¬ ments of death as rotten wood ? Art thou chief of all the children of pride, even that thou shouldst count his darts as stubble, and laugh at the shaking of his spear ? Art thou made without fear, and contemnest his barbed irons? Job xli. Art thou like the horse that paweth in the valley and rejoiceth in his strength, who goeth out to meet the armed men ? Dost thou mock at fear, and art not affrighted, neither turnest back from God’s sword when his quiver rattleth against thee, the glittering spear, and the shield ? Job xxxix. 21,22, 23 Well, if the threats and calls of the word will not fright thee nor awaken thee, I am sure death and judgment will. Oh, what wilt thou do when the Lord cometh forth against thee, and in his fury falleth upon thee, and thou shalt feel what thou readest? If, when Daniel’s enemies were cast into the den of lions, both they and their wives and their children, the lions had the mastery of them, and broke all their bones in pieces or ever they came at the bottom of the den, Dan. vi. 24. what shall he done with thee, when thou fallest into the hands of the living God, when he shall gripe thee in his iron arms, and grind and crush thee into a thousand pieces in his wrath ? Oh ! do not then contend with God. “ Repent and be converted,” so none of this shall come upon thee. Isa. Iv. 6, 7. t6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near : Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon,” F DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 127 Chap. VI. Containing Directions for Conversion. Mark x. 17. And there came one % and kneeled to him , and asked him . good Master , what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life ? Hefore thou readest these directions, I advise thee, yea, I charge thee, before God and his holy angels,- that thou resolve to follow them, (as far as conscience shall be convinced of their agreeableness to God’s word and thy state,) and call in his assistance and blessing that they may succeed: And, as I have “sought the Lord,” and consulted his oracles what ad¬ vice to give thee, so must thou entertain in with that awe, reverence, and purpose of obedience, that the word of the Jiving God doth require. Now, then, attend : “ Set thine heart unto all that I shall testify unto thee this day; for it is not a vain thing, it is your life,” Deut. xxxii. 46. This is the end of all that has been spoken hitherto, to bring you to set upon turning, and make use of God’s means for your conversion. I would not trouble you, nor “ torment you before your time,” with the sore thoughts of your eternal misery, but in order to your making your escape. Were you shut up under your present misery without remedy, as it were but mercy (as one speaks) to let you alone, that you might take in that little poor comfort that you are capable of in this world; but you may yet be happy, if you do not wil¬ fully refuse the means of your recovery : Behold I hold open the door to you ; arise take your flight: I set the way of life before you : walk in it, and “ you shall live and not die,” Deut. xxx. 19. Jer. vi. 16. It grieves me to think you should be your own mur¬ derers, and throw yourselves headlong, when God and man cry out to you, as Peter in another case to his master, “ spare thyself.” A noble virgin, that attended the court of Spain, was wickedly ravished by the king; and hereupon, 7T\ 128 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. exciting the duke, her father, to revenge, he called | in the Moors to his help : who when they had exe- j j cuted his design, miserably wasted and spoiled the country: which this virgin laying so extremely to] ■ heart, she shut herself up in a tower belonging to her I j i father’s house, and desired her father and mother I' might be called forth; and bewailing to them their wretchedness, that she should occasion so much mi- * sery and desolation to the country for satisfying her l! revenge, she told them she had resolved to be venged upon herself. Her father and mother be- / I sought her to pity herself and them; but nothing |: prevailing, she took her leave of them, and threw her*»» self of the battlements, and so perished before their f aC0S , 'HI' Just thus is the wilful destruction of ungodly men.rtj- The God, that made them, beseeching them, criethlj! out to them, as Paul to the distracted jailor when about to murder himself, “ do thyself no harm.” TheJJj ministers of Christ forewarn them, and follow them, and fain would have them back; but alas! no ex-jjj postulations or obtestations will prevail, but men will|j| hurl themselves into perdition, while pity itself look. ^ eth on. j What shall I say ? Would it not grieve a person ot any humanity, if, in the time of a raging plague, he should have a receipt (as one said well) that would infallibly cure all the country, and* recover the most , hopeless patients, and yet his friends and neighbour; should die by hundreds about him, because they woulc not use it ? Men and brethren, though you carry the: certain symptoms of death in your faces, yet I havr a receipt that will cure you all, and will cure infalli bly ? Follow but these directions, and, if you do no then win heaven, I will be content to lose it. Hear, then, O sinner ! and, as ever thou wouldst b converted and saved, embrace this following counsel. Direct. 1. Set it down with thy selfas an undoubted truth , that it is impossible for thee ever to get to heaven in this thy unconverted state > Can any other but Christ DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 129 save thee? and he tells thee he will never do it, ex¬ cept thou be regenerated and converted. Matt, xviii. 3. John iii. 3. Doth he not keep the keys of heaven ? and canst thou go in without his leave? as thou must, if ever thou come thither in thy natural condition, without a sound and thorough renovation. Direct. 11 Labour to get a thorough sight , and lively sense and feeling of thy sins . Till men are weary and heavy laden, and pricked at the heart and quite sick of sin, they shall not come unto Christ, in his way, for ease and cure, nor to purpose inquire, “ What shall we do?’ 1 Matt. xi. 28. Acts ii. 37. Matt. ix. 12. They must set themselves down for dead men before they will come unto Christ, that they may have life, John v. 40. Labour therefore to set all thy sins in order before thee; never be afraid to look upon them, but let thy spirit make diligent search, Psa. lxxvii. 6. Inquire into thine heart, and into thy life; enter into a thorough examination of thyself and all thy ways, Psa. cxix. 59. that thou mayst make a full dis¬ covery; and call in the help of God’s spirit, in the sense of thine own inability hereunto, for it is his proper work to convince of sin, John xvi. 8* Spread all before the face of thy conscience, till thy heart and eyes be set abroach. Leave not striving with God and thine own soul, till it cry out, under the sense of thy sins, as the enlightened jailor, “ what must I do to be saved ?” Acts xvi. 30. To this purpose. “ Meditate on the numerousness of thy sins.” Da¬ vid’s heart failed when he thought of this, and con¬ sidered that he had more sins than hairs, Psa. xl. 12. This made him cry out upon the multitude of God’s tender mercies, Psa. li. 1. The loathsome carcase doth not more hatefully swarm with crawling worms than an unsanctified soul with filthy lusts: they fill the head, the heart, the eyes, and the mouth of him. Look backward: Where was ever the place, what was ever the time, in which thou didst not sin ! Look inward : What part or power canst thou find in soul or body, but it is poisoned with sin ? What duty dost thou ever 130 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION* perform into which poison is not shed ? Oh ! how great is the sum of thy debts, who hast been all thy life running upon thy books, and never didst or canst pay off one penny ! Look over the sin of thy nature, and all its cursed brood, the sins of thy life : Call to mind thy omissions, commissions; the sins of thy thoughts, words and actions ; for sins of thy youth and the sins of thy years, &c. Be not like a despe¬ rate bankrupt, that is afraid to look over his books. Read the records of conscience carefully. These books must be opened sooner or later. Rev. xx. 12. 44 Meditate on the aggravations of thy sins, as they are the grand enemies of the God of thy life, and of the life of thy soul: in a word, they are the public enemies of all mankind.” How do David, Ezra, Daniel, and the good L* vite, aggravate their sins, from the consideration of their injuriousness to God, their opposition to his good and righteous laws, the mercies, the warnings, they were committed against, Neh. ix. Dan. ix. Ezra ix. O the work that sin hath made in the world ! This is the enemy that hath brought in death and hath robbed and enslaved man, that hath hacked the devil, that hath digged hell, Rom v. 12. 2 Pet. ii. 4. John viii. 34. This is the enemy that hath turned the world upside down, and sown dissension between man and the creatures, be¬ twixt man and man, yea, between man and himself, setting the sensitive part against the rational, the will against the judgment, lust against conscience; yea, worst of all, between God and man, making the lapsed sinner both hateful to God and the hater of himself, Zech xi. 8. O man ! how canst thou make so light of sin ? This is the traitor that sucked the blood of the son of God, that sold him, that mocked him, that scourged him, that spit in his face, that digged his hands, that pierced his side, that pressed his soul, that mangled his body, that never left till he had bound him, condemned him, nailed him, crucified him, and put him to an open shame, Isa. liii. 4, 5, 6. This is that deadly poison, so powerful of operation. DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION- 131 as that one drop of it, shed on the root of mankind, hath corrupted, spoiled, poisoned, and undone, his whole race at once, Horn. v. 18, 19- This is the common butcher, the bloody executioner, that hath killed the prophets, burnt the martyrs, murdered all the apostles, all the patriarchs, all the kings and po¬ tentates ; that has destroyed cities, swallowed em¬ pires, butchered and devoured whole nations. What¬ ever was the weapon it was done by, sin was it that did the execution, Rom. vi. 23. Dost thou yet think it but a small thing? If Adam and all his children could be dug out of the graves, and their bodies piled up to heaven, and an inquest were made, what match¬ less murderer were guilty of all this blood? It would be all found in the skirts of sin. Study the nature of sin till thy heart incline to fear and loathe it; and meditate on the aggravations of thy particular sins, how thou hast sinned against all God’s warnings, against thy own prayers, against mercies, against cor¬ rection, against clearest light, against freest love, against thine own resolutions, against promises, vows, covenants, and better obedience, &c. Charge thy heart home with these things, till it blush for shame and be brought out of all good opinion of itself, Ezra ix. G. “ Meditate on the desert of sin.” It crieth up to heaven; it calls for vengeance, Gen. xviii. 21. Its due wages are death and damnation; it pulls the curse of God upon the soul and body, Gal. iii. 10. Deut. xxviii. The least sinful word or thought lays thee under the infinite wrath of God Almighty, Rom. ii.8, 9. Matt. xii. 3G. Oh ! what a load of wrath, what a weight of curses, what a treasure of vengeance, have all the millions of thy sins then deserved ! Rom. ii. 5. James v. 3. Oh ! judge thyself, that the Lord may not judge thee, 1 Cor. xi. 31. “ Meditate on the deformity and defilement of sin.” It is as black as hell, the very image and likeness of the devil drawn upon the soul, 1 John iii. 8, 10, It would more affright thee to see thyself in the hate- G 2 132 directions for conversion. ful deformity of thy nature than to see the devil. There is no mire so unclean, no vomit so loathsome, no carcase-carrion so offensive, no plague or leprosy so noisome, as sin, in which thou art all enrolled and covered with its odious filth, whereby thou art ren¬ dered more displeasing to the pure and holy nature of the glorious God than the most filthy object, com¬ posed of whatever is hateful to all thy senses, can be to thee, Job xv. 15, 16. Couldst thou take up a ' toad in thy bosom ? Couldst thou cherish it, and take delight in it: Why thou art as contrary to the pure and perfect holiness of the divine nature, and as , loathsome as that is to thee, Matt, xxiii. 33. till thou art purified by the blood of Jesus, and the power of renewing grace. Above all other sins fix the eye of consideration on these two: 1. “ The sin of thy nature.” It is to little purpose to lop the branches, while the root of original corruption remains untouched. In vain do men lave out the streams, when the fountain is running that fills up all again. Let the axe of thy repentance (with David’s) go to the root of sin, Psa. li. 5. Study how deep, how close, how permanent, is thy natural pollution, how universal it is, till thou dost cry out, with Paul’s feeling, upon thy body as dead, Rom. vii. 24 Look into all thy parts and powers, and see what unclean vessels, what sties, what dunghills, what sinks, they are become. Heu miser quid sum ! vas sterquilinii concha put edinis ; plenus fottore et korrore . Aug. Solil. c. 2. The heart is never soundly broken, till tho¬ roughly convinced of the heinousness of original sin: Here fix thy thoughts; this is that that makes thee backward to all good, prone to all evil, Rom. vii. 15. Uiat sheds blindness, pride, prejudice, unbelief, into thy mind; enmity, inconstancy, obstinacy, into thy will; inordinate heats and colds into thy affections; insensibleness, benumbedness, unfaithfulness into thy conscience; slipperiness into thy memory ; and in a •word, hath put every wheel of the soul out of order, and made it, of an habitation of holiness, to become a r\ * i DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 133 very hell of iniquity, James iii. 6. This is what hath defiled, corrupted, perverted all thy members, and turned them into weapons of unrighteousness and ser¬ vants of sin, Rom. vi. 19. that hath filled the head with carnal and corrupt designs, Mic. ii. 1. the hand with sinful practices, Isa. i. 15. the eyes with wandering and wantonness, 2 Pet. ii. 14. the tongue with deadly poison, James iii. 8. that hath opened the ears to tales, flattery, and filthy communication, and shut them against the instructions of life, Zech.vii. 11, 12 . and hath rendered thy heart a very mint and forge for sin, and the cursed womb of all deadly conceptions, Matt. xv. 19. so that it poureth forth its wickedness without ceasing, 2 Pet. ii. 14. even as naturally, freely, and unweariedly, as a fountain doth pour forth its wa¬ ters, Jer. vi. 7. or the raging sea doth cast forth mire and dirt, Isa. Ivii. 20 . And wilt thou yet be in love with thyself, and tell us any longer of thy good heart P Oh, never leave meditating on the desperate contagion of original corruption, till, with Ephraim, thou be¬ moan thyself, Jer. xxxi. 18. and with the deepest shame and sorrow smite on thy breast, as the publi¬ can, Luke xviii. 13 and, with Job, abhor thyself, and repent in dust and ashes, Job xlii. 6. 2. “ The par¬ ticular evil that thou art most addicted to Find out all its aggravations, set home upon thy heart all God’s threats against it; repentance drives before it the whole herd, but especially sticks the arrow in the be¬ loved sin, and singles this out, above the rest, to run it down, Psa. xviii. 23. Oh ! labour to make this sin odious to thy soul, and double thy guard and resolu¬ tions against it, because this hath and doth most dis¬ honour God and endanger thee. Direct. III. Strive to affect thy heart with a deep sense of thy present misery . Read over the foregoing chapter again and again, and get it out of the book into thy heart. Remember, when thou best down, that, for ought thou knowest, thou mayst awake in flames, and, when thou risest up, that by the next night thou mayst make thy bed in hell. Is it a just 134 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION* matter to live in such a fearful case, to stand tottering upon the brink of the bottomless pit, and to live at the mercy of every disease, that, if it will but fall upon thee, will send thee forthwith into the burnings? Sup- pose thou sawest a condemned wretch hanging over Nebuchadnezzar’s burning fiery furnace by nothing but a twine-thread, which were ready to break every moment, would not thy heart tremble for such an one? W hy, thou art the man ; this is thy very case, O man, woman, that readest this, if thou yet be unconverted. What if the thread of thy life should break, (why thou knowest not but it may be the next night, yea the next moment,) where wouldst thou be then? Whither wouldst thou drop? Verily, upon the crack but of this thread, thou fallest into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, where thou must lie scalding and sweltering in a fiery ocean while God hath a being, if thou die in thy present case. And doth not thy soul tremble as thou readest ? Do not thy tears bedew the paper, and thy heart throb, in thy bosom? Dost thou not yet begin to smite on thy breast, and bethink thy¬ self what need thou hast of a change ? Oh 1 what 'is thy heart made of? Hast thou not only lost all re¬ gard to God, but art without any love and pity to thyself? J 1 J Oh ! study thy misery till thy heart cry out for Chiist as earnestly as ever a drowning man did for a boat, or the wounded for a surgeon. Men must come to see the danger and feel the smart of their deadly sores and sickness, or else Christ will be to them a physician of no value, Matt. ix. 12. Then the man- slayer hastens to the city of refuge when pursued by the avenger of blood. Men must be even forced and fired out ot themselves, or else they will not come to Christ. It was distress and extremity that made the prodigal think of returning, Luke xv. 16,17. While Laodicea thinks herself rich, increased in goods, in need of nothing, there is little hope: She must be deeply convinced of her wretchedness, blindness, po- ' er ty> nakedness, before she will come to Christ for DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 135 his gold, raiment, eye-salve, Rev. iii. 17, 18. There¬ fore hold the eyes of conscience open, amplify thv misery as much as possible, do not flee the sight of it, for fear it should fill thee with terror. The sense of thy misery is but as it were the suppuration of the wound, which is necessary to the cure. Better fear the torments that abide thee now, than feel them hereafter. Direct. IV. Settle it upon thy heart that thou art under everlasting inability ever to recover thyself. Never think thy praying, reading, hearing, confessing, amending, will do the cure; these must be attended, but thou art undone if thou restest in them, Rom. x. 3. Thou art a lost man, if thou hopest to escape drowning on any other plank but Jesus Christ, Acts iv. 12. Thou must unlearn thyself, and renounce thine own wisdom, thine own righteousness, thine own strength, and throw thyself wholly upon Christ, as a man that swims casts himself upon the water, or else thou canst not escape. While men trust in themselves, and establish their own righteousness, and have confidence in the flesh, they will not come savingly to Christ, Luke xviii. 9. Phil, iii. 3. Thou must know thy gain to be but loss and dung, thy strength but weakness, thy righteousness rags and rottenness, before there will be an effectual closure between Christ and thee, Phil. iii. 7, 8, 9. 2 Cor. iii. 5. Isa. Ixiv. 6. Can the lifeless carcase shake off its grave-clothes, and loose the bands of death ? then mayst thou recover thyself, who art dead in tres¬ passes and sins, and under an impossibility of serving thy Maker acceptably in this condition, Rom. viii. 8. Heb. xi. 6. Therefore, when thou goest to pray or meditate, or to do any of the duties to which thou art here directed, go out of thyself; call in the help of the spirit, as despairing to do any thing pleasing to God in thine own strength : yet neglect not thy duty, but lie at the pool, and wait in the way in the spirit. While the Eunuch Was reading, then the Holy Ghost did send Philip to him, Acts viii. 28, 29. When the Disciples were praying, Acts iv 31. when Cornelius 136 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. and his friends were hearing. Acts x. 44. then *J ie Holy Ghost fell upon them and filled them all. Strive to give up thyself to Christ; strive to pray; strive to meditate; strive a hundred and a hundred times; try to do it as well as thou canst; and while thou art en- deavouring in the way of thy duty , the spirit o tie Lord will come upon thee, and help thee to do what ot thy¬ self thou art utterly unable to perform, Prov. i. 23. Direct. V. Forthwith renounce all thy sins. If thou yield thyself to the contrary practice of any sin, thou art undone, Rom. vi. IT. In vain dost thou hope for life by Christ, except thou depart from iniquity,21 im. ii. 19. Forsake thy sins, or else thou canst not find mercy, Prov. xxviii. 13. Thou canst not be married to Christ, except devorced from sin : Give up the trai¬ tor, or you can have no peace in heaven. Cast the head of Sheba over the wall; keep not Dalilah in the lap: Thou must part with thy sins or with thy soul: spare but one sin, and God will not spare thee. Ne¬ ver make excuses; thy sins must die, or thou must die for them, Psa. lxviii. 21. If thou allow of one sin, though but a little, a secret one, though thou mayst plead necessity, and have a hundred shifts and excuses for it, the life of thy soul must go for the life of that sin, Ezek. xviii. 21. And will it not be dearly bought ? . L O sinner l hear and consider: If thou wilt part with thy sins, God will give thee his Christ. Is not this a fair exchange ? I testify unto thee, this day, that, if thou perish, it is not because there was never a Savi¬ our provided, nor life tendered, but because thou pre- ferredst (with the Jew) the murderer before thy Sa¬ viour, sin before CHRIST, “ and lovedst darkness rather than light,John iii. 19. Search thy heart therefore with candles, as the Jews did their houses for leaven before the passover. Labour to find out thy sins; enter into thy closet, and consider, what evil have I lived in ? What duty have 1 neglected to¬ wards God? What sin have I lived in against my brother P And now strike the darts through the heart DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. J37 of thy sin, as Joab did through Absalom’s, 2 Sam. xviii. 14. Never stand looking upon thy sins, nor rolling the morsel under thy tongue, Job xx. 12. but spit it out as poison, with fear and detestation. Alas ' what will thy sins do for thee, that thou shouldst stick at parting with them ? They will flatter'tbee, but they will undo thee, and cut thy throat while they smile upon thee, and poison thee while they please thee, and arm the justice and wrath of the infinite God against thee. They will open hell for thee, and pile up fuel to burn thee. Behold the gibbet that they have prepared for thee 1 O serve them like Haman, and do upon them the execution they would else have done upon thee. Away with them, crucify them, and let Christ only be Lord over thee. Direct. VI. Make a solemn choice of God for thy portion and blessedness, Deut. xxvi. 17. With all pos¬ sible devotion and veneration, avouch the Lord for thy God: set the world, with all its glory, and paint, and gallantry, with all its pleasures and promotions, on the one hand ; and set God with all his infinite excellen¬ cies and perfections on the other; and see that thou dost deliberately make thy choice. Josh, xxiv 15 Take up thy rest in God, John vi. 68. Sit thee down under his shadow, Cant. ii. 3. Let his promises and perfections turn the scale against all the world. Settle it upon thy heart, that the Lord is an all sufficient portion, that thou canst not be miserable while thou hast God to live upon : Take him for thy shield and exceeding great reward. God alone is more than all the woild ; content thyself with him : Let others carry the preferments and glory of the world; place thou thy happiness in his favour, and in the light of his countenance, Psa. iv. 6, 7. Poor sinner! thou art fallen off from God, and hast engaged his power and wrath against thee; yet know that, of his abundant grace he doth offer to be thy God again in Christ, 2 Cor. vi. 17, 18. What sayst thou, man ? wilt thou have the Lord for thy God P Why take this counsel, and thou shalt have him; come to * ■7 138 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. him by his Christ, John xiv. 6. /enounce the idols of thy own pleasures, gain, reputation, 1 Tness. i. 9. let these be pulled out of their throne, and set God s in¬ terest uppermost in thy heart. Take him as God, to be chief in thy affections, estimations, intentions; for he will not endure to have any set above him, Rom. i. 24. Psa. lxxiii. 25. In a word, thou must take him in all his “ personal relations,” and in all his “ essen¬ tial perfections” First, In all his personal relations. God the bather must be taken for thy father, Jer. iii. 4, 19, 22. Oh, come to him with the prodigalFather, I have sin¬ ned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am not wor¬ thy to be called thy son ; but since, of thy wonderful mercy, thou art pleased to take me, that am of myself a dog, a swine, a devil, to be a child, I solemnly take thee for my father, commend myself to thy care, and trust to thy providence, and cast my burden on thy shoulders, I depend on thy provision, and submit to thy corrections, and trust under the shadow of thy wings, and hide in thy chambers, and fly to thy name. I renounce all confidence in myself; I repose my con¬ fidence in thee ; I depose my concernment with thee; I will be for thee, and not for another.” Again, God the Son must be taken for thy Saviour, for thy re¬ deemer, and righteousness, John i. 12. He must be accepted, as the only way to the father, and the only means of life, Heb. vii. 25. Oh then put off the rai¬ ment of thy captivity, on with the wedding-garment, and go and marry thyself to Christ. “ Lord, I am thine, and all I have, my body, soul, and estate. I send a bill of divorce to my other lovers ; I give my heart to thee; I will be thine undividedly, thine ever¬ lastingly. I will set thy name on all I have, and use it only as thy goods, during thy leave resigning all to thee: I will have no king but thee, to reign over me: Other lords have had dominion over me: but now I will make mention of thy name only, and do now take an oath of fealty to thee, promising to serve thee and fear thee above all competitors. I disavow mine own DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 139 righteousness, and despair of ever being pardoned and saved for my own duties or graces, and lean solely on thy all-sufficient sacrifice and intercession for pardon, and life, and acceptance before God. I take thee for my only guide and instructor, resolving to be directed by thee, and to wait for thy counsel; for, thine shall be the casting voice with me.” Lastly, God the spi¬ rit must be taken for thy sanctifier, Rom. viii. 9, 14. Gal. v, 16, 18. for thy advocate, thy counsellor, thy comforter, the teacher of thy ignorance, the pledge and earnest of thy inheritance, Rom. viii 26. Psa. Ixxiii. 24. John xiv. 16, 26. Eph. i. 14. and iv. 30. ** Awake, thou North wind, and come, thou South, and blow upon my garden,” Cant. vi. 16. 66 Come, thou Spirit of the Most High ? here do thou rest for ever; dwell here; and rest here; lo, I give up the possession to thee, full possession ; I send thee the keys of my heart, that all may be for thy use, that thou mayst put thy goods, thy grace, into every room : I give up the use of all to thee, that every taculty, and every member may be thy instrument to work righ¬ teousness, and do the will of my Father who is in heaven. Secondly, In all his essential perfections . Consider how the Lord hath revealed himself to you in his word : Will you take him as such a God? O sinner, here is the most blessed news that ever came to the sons of men, the Lord will be thy God,” Gen. xvii. 7, 8. Rev. xxi. 3. if thou wilt but close with him in his excellencies. Wilt thou have the merciful, the gracious, the sin-pardoning God to be thy God ? “ O yes,” saith the sinner, “ I am undone else.” But the Father tells thee, I am the holy and sin-hating God ; if thou wilt be owned as one of my people, thou must be holy, 1 Pet. i. 16. holy in heart, holy in life; thou must put away all thy iniquities, be they ever so near, ever so natural, ever so necessary to the maintaining thy fleshly interest. Unless thou wilt be at defiance with sin, I cannot be thy God. Cast out the leaven; put away the evil of thy doings; cease lo do evil; 140 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. learn to do wellelse I can have nothing to do with thee, Isa. i. 16, 18. Bring forth mine enemies, or there is no peace to be had with me. What doth thine heart answer ? 44 Lord. I desire to have thee as such a God; I desire to be holy as thou art holy, and to be made partaker of thy holiness. 1 love thee, not only for thy goodness and mercy, but for thy holiness and purity. I take thy holiness for my happiness: O! be to me a fountain of holiness; set on me the stamp and impress of thy holiness ; I will thankfully part with all my sin< at thy command: My wilful sins I do forthwith forsake; and a ! l tor mine infirmi¬ ties that I cannot get iid of though I would, I will strive against them in the use of the means : I detest them, and will pray against them, and never let them have quiet rest in my soul.” Beloved, whoever of you will thus accept of the Lord, for his God, shall have him. Again, he tells you, a I am the all-sufficient God,” Gen. xvii. 1. Will you lay all at my feet, and give it up to my dispose, and take me for your only portion? Will you own and honour my all-sufficiency ? Will you take me as your happiness and treasure, your hope and bliss? I am a sun and a shield, all in one; will you have me for your all? Gen xv. 1. Psa. lxxxiv. 11. Now, what dost thou say to this ? Doth thy mouth water after the onions and flesh-pots of Egypt ? Art thou loathe to change thy earthly hap¬ piness for a part in God ? and though thou wouldst be glad to have God and the world too, yet canst thou not think of having him, and nothing but him, but hadst rather take up with the earth below, if God would but let thee keep it as long as thou wouldst : This is a fearful sin. But now, if thou art willing to sell all for the pearl of great price, Matt. xiii. 46. if thine heart answer, 44 Lord, I desire no other portion but thee; take the corn, and the wine, and the oil, whoso will, so I may have the light of thy counte¬ nance: I pitch upon thee for my happiness; I gladly venture myself on thee, and trust myself with thee; DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 14T I set my hopes in thee; I take up my rest with thee. Let me hear thee say, I am thy God, thy salvation, and I have enough, all I wish for ; I will make no terms with thee but for myself: Let me but have thee sure; let me be able to make my claim, and see my title to myself; and, for other things, 1 leave them to thee: Give me more or less, any thing or nothing, I will be satisfied in my God. 1 ” Take him thus, and he is thy own. Again, he tells you, I am the sovereign Lord; if you will have me lor your God, you must give me the supremacy. Matt. vi. 24. I will not be an un¬ derling; you must not make me a second to sin or any worldly interest. If you will be my people, I must have the rule over you ; you must not live at your own list. Will you come under my yoke ? Will you bow to my government ? Will you submit to my discipline, to my woid, to my rod? Sinner, what sayst thou to this ? “ Lord, 1 had rather be at thy command than live at my own list; I had rather have thy will to be done than mine: I approve of and consent to thy laws, and account it my privilege to lie under them : And, though the flesh rebel, and often break its bounds, I have resolved to take no other Lord but thee. I willingly take the oath of thy supremacy, and acknowledge thee for my leige Sovereign, anti resolve all my days to pay the tribute of worship. Obedience, love, and service to thee, and to live to thee to the end of my life.” This is a right acceptance of God. To be short, he tells you, I am the true and faith¬ ful God. If you will have me for your God, you must be content to trust me, 2 Tim. i. 12. Piov. iii. 5. Will you venture yourselves upon my word, and de¬ pend on my faithfulness, and take my bond for your security: Will you be content to follow me in poverty, and reproach and affliction, here; and to see much going out, and little coming in, and to tarry till the next world for your preferment? Matt. xix. 21. 1 deal much upon trust: Will you be content to labour 142 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. and suffer, and to tarry for your returns till the re¬ surrections of the just ? Luke xiv. 14. The womb of my promise will not presently bring forth; will you have the patience to wait? Heb. x. 39. Now, be¬ loved, what say you to this? Will you have this God for your God? Will you be content to live by faith, and trust him for an unseen happiness, an unseen heaven, an unseen glory ? Do your hearts answer, “ Lord, we will venture ourselves upon, thee; we commit ourselves to thee; we roll upon thee; we know whom we have trusted; we are willing to lake thy word; we will prefer thy promises before our own possessions, and the hopes of heaven before all the enjoyments of the earth; we will wait thy lei¬ sure, what thou wilt here, so that we may have but thy faithful promise for heaven hereafter.” If you can, in truth, and upon deliberation, thus accept of God, he will be yours. Thus there must be, in a right conversion to God, a closing with him suitable to his excellencies. But, when men close with his mercy, but yet love sin, hating holiness and purity; or will take him for their benefactor, but not for their sovereign, or for their patron, and not for their por¬ tion ; this is no thorough and sound conversion. Direct. VII. Accept of the Lord Jesus in all his of¬ fices , with all his inconveniences , as thine. Upon these terms Christ may be had. Sinner, thou hast undone thyself, and art plunged into the ditch of most deplor¬ able misery, out of which thou art never able to climb up; but Jesus Christ is able and ready to help thee, and he freely tenders himself to thee, Heb. vii. 25. John iii. 36. Be thy sins ever so many, ever so great, or of ever so long continuance, yet you shall be most certainly pardoned and saved, if thou dost not wretch¬ edly neglect the offer that in the m*me of God is here made to thee. The Lord Jesus calleth thee, to look to him and be saved, Isa. xlv. 22. to 66 come unto him, and he will in no wise cast thee out,” John vi. 37. Yea, he is a suitor to thee, and beseecheth thee to be reconciled, 2 Cor. v. 20. He crieth in the streets; DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 143 he knockcth at thy door; he wooeth thee to accept of him and liveth with him, Prov. i. 20. K e v. iii. go. if thou diest, it is because thou wouldst not come to him for life, John v. 40. Now accept of an offered Christ, and thou art made forever; now give up thy consent to him, and the match is made; all the tvorld cannot hinder it. Do not stand off because of thy unworthiness: Man, I teli thee, nothing in the world can undo thee but thy unwillingness. Speak, man; art thou desirous of the match ? Wilt thou have Christ in all his relations, to be thine; thy king, thy priest, thy prophet? Wilt thou have him with all his inconveniences? Take not Christ hand over head, but sit down first and count the cost. Wilt thou lay all at his feet ? Wilt thou be content to run all hazards with him ? Wilt thou take thy lot with him, fall where it will ? Wilt thou “ deny thyself, tak e U p thy Cross, and follow him ?” Art thou deliberately, understanding^, freely, fixedly, deter- mided to cleave to him, in all times and conditions ? ••• S ,°A m , y S0U * f ° r t,line ’ tllou shait never perish, John in. 16. but art passed from death to life. Here lies the main point of thy salvation, that thou be found in thy covenant-closure with Jesus Christ; and therefore, if thou love thyself, see that thou be faithful to God and thy soul here. Direct. VIII. Resign up all thy powers and facul. lies, and thy whole interest, to be his. “ They' save their ownselves unto the Lord,” 2 Cor. viii. 5. “Pre¬ sent your bodies a living sacrifice,” Horn. xii. 1. The Lord seeks not yours, but you; resign therefore thy body, with all its members to him ; and thy soul, with all its powers, that he may be glorified in thy body, and in thy spirit, which are his, 1 Cor. vi. go In a right closure with Christ, all thy faculties give up to i m ‘ ^ ,, y J U(l g m f nt describes, “ Lord, thou art wor¬ thy of all acceptation, chief of ten thousand : Happy is the man that finds thee. All the things that are td be desired are not to be compared with thee,” Prov. m. 13, 14,15. The understanding lays aside its cor- V 144? DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. rupt reasonings and cavils, and its prejudices against Christ and his ways. It is now past questioning, and carries it for Christ against all the world. It concludes it is “ good to be here,” and sees such a treasure in this field, such a value in this pearl, as is worth all, Matt xiii 44 “ Oh ! here is the richest bargain that ever I made; here is the richest prize that ever man was offered, here is the most sovereign remedy that ever meicy prepared; he is worthy of my esteem, worthy of my choice, worthy of my love, worthy to be em¬ braced, adored, admired, for evermore, Rev. v. 12. I approve of his articles • his terms are righteous and reasonable, full of equity and mercy.” Again, the will resigns : It stands no longer wavering, nor wish- ing, nor woulding, but is peremptorily determined: | “Lord, thy love hath overcome me, thou hast won me, and thou shalt have me: Come in. Lord; to thee I freely open, I consent to be saved in thine own way. Thou shalt have any thing; nay, have all, let me have but thee” The memory gives up to Christ: “ Lord, here is a store-house for thee; out with this trash; lay in the treasure; let me be a granary, a repository of thy truth, thy promises, thy providences. 1 ’ The conscience comes in; “ Lord, 1 will ever side with thee; l will be thy faithful register; I will warn when the sinner is tempted, and smite when thou art offended ; I will witness for thee, and judge for thee, and guide into thy ways, and will never let sin have quiet in this soul. 11 The affections also come into Christ: Oh ! saith love, u I am sick of thee: Oh! saith desire, now I have my longing; here is the sa¬ tisfaction I sought for; here is the desire of nations; here is bread for me, and balm for me; all that I want. 11 Fear bows the knee with awe and veneration. “ Welcome, Lord; to thee will I pay my homage; thy word and rod shall command my motions; thee will I reverence and adore; before thee will I fall down and worship. 11 Grief likewise puts in. “ Lord, thy displeasure, and thy dishonour, thy people’s cala¬ mities and my own iniquities, shall be what shall set DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 145 me abroach. I will mourn when thou art offended; I will weep when th_> cause is wounded.” Anger likewise comes in for Christ: “ Lord, nothing so en¬ rages me as my folly against thee, that I should be so besotted and bewitched as to hearken to the flatteries of sin, and temptations of Satan against thee.” Hatred too will side with Christ, “ I protest mortal enmity with thine enemies, that I never will be a friend to thy foes : I vow an immortal quarrel with every sin ; I will give no quarter; I will make no peace.” Thus let all thy powers give up to Jesus Christ. Again, thou must give up thy whole interest to him: If there be any thing that thou keepest back from Christ, it will be thine undoing, Luke xiv. 33. Unless thou wilt forsake all, (in preparation and re¬ solution of thy heart,) thou canst not be his disciple, lhou must hate father and mother, yea, and thine own life also, in comparison of him, and as far as it stands in competition with him, Matt. x. 37. Luke xiv. 26, 27, &c. In a word, thou must give him thyself, and all that thou hast, without reservation, or else thou canst have no part in him. Direct. IX. Make choice of the laws of Christ, as the rule of thy words , thoughts, and actions, Psa. cxix. 30. this is the true convert’s choice: But here remem ber these three rules: 1. “ You must choose them all: there is no getting to heaven by a partial obedi- ence. Read Psa. cxix. 6, 123, 160. Ezek. xviii. 21. None may think it enough to take up with the cheap and easy part of religion, and let alone the duties that are costly and self-denying and grate upon the interest of the flesh; you must take all or none. A sincere convert, though he makes most conscience of the great¬ est sins and weightiest duties, yet he makes true con¬ science of little sins and of all duties, Psa. cxix. 6 113. Matt. xxii. 23. 2. “For all times,” for prospe-’ rity and for adversity, whether it rain or shine. A true convert is resolved in his way; he will stand to his choice, and will not set his back to the wind, and be of the religion of the times. “ I have stuck to thy |45 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. testimonies; I have inclined my heart to perform thy statutes always, even to the end. Ihy^testi- monies have I taken as an heritage for ever, Fsa. cxix. 31, 44, 93, 111, 117. “ I will have respect to thy statutes continually. 1 ’ This must not be done hand over head, but deliberately and understanding. The disobedient son said, “ I go, sir; but he went not.” Matt. xxi. 30. How fairly did they promise, 46 All that the Lord our God shall speak unto thee, we will do it!” And it is like they spake as they meant: But, when it came to trial, it was found that there was not such a heart in them, as to do what they had promised, Deut. v. 27, 29. If you would be sincere in closing with the laws and ways of Christ, first “ study the meaning and latitude, and compass of them Remember that they are spiritual; they reach the very thoughts and inclinations of the heart; so that, if you will \yalk by this rule, your very thoughts and inward motions must be under govern¬ ment. Again, they are very strict and self-denying, quite contrarv to the grain of your natural inclina¬ tions, Matt. xvi. 24. you must take the strait gate, the narrow way, and be content to have the flesh curbed from the liberty it desires, Matt. vii. 14. In a word, that they are very large, for “ thy command¬ ments are exceeding broad, 1 ’ Psa. cxix. 90. Secondly, “ rest not in generals,” (for there is much deceit in that) “but bring down thine heart to the particular commands of Christ.” Those Jews in the Prophet seemed as well resolved as any in the world, and called God to witness that they meant as they said, but they stuck in generals ; when God’s command crosses their inclination they will not obey, Jer. xlii. 1—6. com¬ pared with chap, xliii. 2. Take the assembly’s larger catechism, and see their excellent and most compen¬ dious Exposition of the Commandments, and put thy heart to it. Art thou resolved, in the strength of Christ, to set upon the conscientious practice of every duty that thou findest to be there required of thee, and to set against every sin that thou findest here for- DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 147 bidden ? This is the way to be found in God’s statutes, that thou mayst never be ashamed, Psa. xi. 80. Thirdly, 44 Observe the special duties that thy heart is most against, and the special sins that it is most in¬ clined to, and see whether it be truly resolved to per¬ form the one, and forego the other.” What sayst thou to thy bosom-sin, thy gainful sin ? what sayst thou to costly, hazardous, and flesh displeasing duties; If thou haltest here, and dost not resolve (by the grace of God) to cross the flesh, and put to it, thou art un¬ sound, Psa. xxviii. 23 and cxix. 6. Direct. X. Let all this be completed in a solemn co¬ venant between God and thy soul , Psa. cxix. 106. Neh. x ;29 For thy better help therein, take these fevv directions. First, Set apart some time, more than once, to be spent in secret before the Lord: . Seeking earnestly his special assistance and gra¬ cious acceptance of thee. 2. In considering distinctly all the terms or con¬ ditions of the covenant expressed in the form here- after proposed. 3. In searching Ihy heart, whether thou art sin¬ cerely willing to forsake all thy sins, and to resign up thyself, body and soul, unto God and his service; to serve him in holiness and righteousness all the days of thy life. Secondly , Compose thy spirit into the most serious frame possible, suitable to a transaction of so high importance. 6 Thirdly , Lay hold on the covenant of God, and rely on his promise of giving grace and strength, whereby thou mayst be enabled to perform thy promise. Trust not to thine own strength, to'the strength of thy own resolutions; but take hold on his strength. Fourthly , Resolve to be faithful: Having engaaed thy heart, opened thy mouth, and subscribed*vvith thy hand unto the Lord, resolve in his strength never to go back. Lastly, Being thus prepared, on some convenient 148 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. time set apart for that purpose, set upon the work and, in the most solemn manner possible, (as if the Lord were visibly present before thine eyes,) tall down on thy knees, and spreading forth thine hands towards heaven, upon thine heart to the Lord, in these or the like words. . . _ , O Most dreadful God ! for the passion of thy dear Son, I beseech thee, accept of thy “ poor Prodigal, 1 ’ now prostrating himself at thy door. I have fallen from thee by mine iniquity, and am by nature a son of death, and a thousand fold more the child of hell by my wicked practice: But of thine infinite Grace thou hast promised grace to me in Christ, if I will but turn to thee with all my heart: Therefore, upon the call of thy gospel, I am now come in; and throw¬ ing down my weapons, submit myself to thy mercy. And, because thou requirest, as the condition of my peace with thee, that I should put away mine idols, and be at defiance with all thine enemies, which I acknowledge I have wickedly sided with against thee, I here, from the bottom of my heart, re¬ nounce them all, firmly covenanting with thee, not to allow myself in any known sin, but conscientiously use all the means that I hope thou hast pre¬ scribed for the death and utter destruc¬ tion of all my corruptions. And, whereas I have formerly, inordinately and idolatrously let out my affections upon the world, I do here resign up my heart to thee that madst it, humbly protesting, before thy glorious Majesty, that it is the firm resolution of my heart, and that I un- feignedly desire grace from thee, that when thou shalt call me hereunto, I may practice this my resolution, through thy assistance, to forsake all that is dear to me in this world, rather than to turn from thee to the ways of sin; and that I will watch against all its The terms of our conver¬ sion are either from which, or to which. The terms from whichwe must turn; sin , satan,the world and our own righte¬ ousness,which must be thus renounced . The terms to which we must turn are either ultimate or me~ diate . DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 149 temptations, whether of prosperity or adversity, lest they should withdraw my heart from thee: beseech¬ ing thee also to help me against all the temptations of Satan, to whose wicked suggestions I resolve, by thy grace, never to yield myself a servant. And because mine own righteousness is but as filthy rags, I re¬ nounce all confidence therein, and acknowledge that I am of myself a hopeless, helpless, undone creature, without righteousness, or strength. And forasmuch as thou hast, of thy bottomless mercy, offered most gra¬ ciously to me, a wretched sinner, to be again accepted by God, through Christ, if I would accept of thee, I call heaven and earth to record this day, that I do here solemnly avouch thee for the Lord my God; and with all possible veneration, bowing the neck of my soul under the feet of thy most sacred Majesty, I do here take The ultimate thee, the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son, is God the Fa- and Holy Ghost, for my portion and ther. Son , and chief good; and so giveupmyself, body Holy Ghost, and soul, to thy service, promising and who must be vowing to serve thee in holiness and thus accepted. righteousness all the days of my life. And since thou hast appointed the The mediate Lord Jesus Christ the only means of termsare either coming unto thee, I do here, upon principal, or the bended knees of my soul, accept * of him as the only, new, and living way, by which sinners may have ac¬ cess to thee; and do hereby solemnly join myself in marriage covenant to him. O blessed Jesus, I come to thee, hungry, and hardly bestead, poor, and wretched, and miserable, and blind, and naked; a most loathsome and polluted wretch, a guilty and condemned male¬ factor, unworthy for ever to wash the feet of the ser¬ vants of my Lord, much more to be solemnly married less principle . The principle is Christ the Mediator , who must thus be embraced . J50 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION* to the King of Glory ; but since such is thine un- paralled love, I do here, with all my power, accept thee, and do take, thee for my head and husband, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, lor all times and conditions, to love, honour, and obey thee, before all others, and this to the death. I embrace thee in all thy offices, I renounce my own worthiness, and do here avow thee to be the Lord, my righteousness; I renounce my own wisdom, and do here take thee for my only guide; I renounce my own will, and take thy will for my law. And, since thou hast told me that I must suffer if I will reign, I do here covenant with thee to take my lot as i?falls with thee ; and, by thy grace assisting, to run all hazards with thee, verily supposing, that neither life nor death shall part between thee and me. And because thou hast been pleased to give me thy holy laws, as the rule of my life, and the way in which I ( should walk to thy kingdom, I do here willingly put my neck in thy yoke, and set my shoulder to thy burden; and subscribing to all thy laws, as holy, just, and good, I solemnly take them as the rule of my thoughts, words, and actions; pro¬ mising, that though my flesh contradict and rebel, yet I will endeavour to order and govern my whole life according to thy direction, and will not allow myseli in the neglect of any thing that 1 know to be my duty. Only (because through the frailty of my flesh) I am subject to so many failings, I am bold humbly to protest, that unallowed miscarriages, contrary to the settled bent and resolution of my heart, shall not make void this covenant; lor so thou hast said. Now, Almighty God, searcher of hearts, thou know- est that I make this covenant with thee ibis day, with¬ out any known guile or reservation, beseeching thee, that if thou spiest any flaw or falsehood therein, thou wouldst discover it to me, and help me to do it aright. And now, glory be to thee, O God the Father, The least 'prin¬ cipal are the laws of Christy which must he thus observed. DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 151 whom I shall be bold, from this day forward, to look upon as my God and Father, that ever thou shouldst find out such a way for the recovery of undone sin¬ ners. Glory be to thee, O God the Son, who hast loved me, and washed me from my sins in thine own blood, andar t thou become my Saviour and redeemer. Glory be to thee, O God the Holy Ghost, who, by the finger of thine Almighty power, hast turned about my heart from sin to God. O dreadful Jehovah! the Lord God omnipotent, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! thou art now become my covenant-friend, and I (through thy infinite grace) am become thy covenant-servant. Amen, so be it: And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. The AUTHOR’S Advice. This covenant I advise you to make , not only in heart , hut in word; not only in wordy but in writing; and that you wouldy with all possible reverence , spread the writing before the Lord , as if' you would present it to him as your act and deed: And when you have done this , set your hand to it, keep it as a memorial of the solemn trayisactions that have passed between God and you, that you may have recourse to it in doubts and temptations. Direct. XI. Take heed of delaying thy conversion , and set upon a speedy and present turning , I made haste and delayed not , Psa. cxix. 60. Remember and tremble at the sad instance of the foolish virgins, that came not till the “ door of mercy was shut, 1 ’ Matt, xxv. 11. and of a convinced Felix, who put off Paul to another season ; and we never find that he had such another season ; Acts xxiv. 25 . Oh ! come in while it is called to-day, lest thou shouldst be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin, lest the day of grace should be over, and the things which belong to thy peace should be “ hidden from thine eyes.” Now mercy is wooing thee; now Christ is waiting to be 152 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. gracious to thee, and the spirit of God is striving with thee: Now ministers are calling: Now conscience is stirring: Now the market is open, and all may be had, thou hast opportunity for buying: Now Christ is to be had for the taking. Oh ! strike in with the offers of grace: Oh ! now or never! If thou make light of this offer, God may swear, in his wrath, thou shalt not taste of his supper, Luke xiv. 24. Direct. XII. Attend conscientiously upon the word , <25 the means appointed for thy conversion , James i. 18, 19. 1 Cor. iv 15. Attend, I say, not customarily, but conscientiously ; with this desire, design, hope, and expectation, that thou mayst be converted hv it. To every sermon thou hearest come with this thought: “ O ! I hope God will now come in: I hope this day may be the time, this may be the man by whom GOD will bring me home.” When thou art coming to the ordinances, lift up thy heart thus to God : “ Lord, let this be the sabbath, let this be the season, whereby I may receive renewing grace: Oh ! let it be said, that this day such a one was born unto thee.” Object. Thou wilt say, I have been long a hearer of the word, and yet it hath not been effectual to my conversion. Ans. Yea, but thou hast not attended upon it in this manner as a means of thy conversion, nor with this design, nor praying for and expecting the happy effect from it. Direct. XIII. Strike in with the spirit , when he be - gins to work upon thy heart . When he works con vie* tions, oh! do not stifle them, but join in with him, and beg the Lord to carry on conviction to conver¬ sion. “ Quench not the spiritdo not outstrive him, do not resist him. Beware of putting out convictions with evil company or worldly business. When thou findest any troubles of sin, and fears about thy eter¬ nal state, beg of God that they may never leave thee till they have wrought off thy heart thoroughly from sin, and wrought it over to Jesus Christ. Say to him, “ strike home, Lord ; leave not the work in the midst. If thou seest that I am not wounded enough, that I DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 153 am not troubled enough, wound me yet deeper, Lord: Oh ! go to the bottom of my corruption, and let out the blood of my sins.” Thus yield up thyself to the workings of the Spirit, and hoist thy sails to his gusts. Direct. XIV. Set upon the constant and diligent use of serious and fervent prayer. He that neglects prayer is a profane and unsanctified sinner, Job xv. 4. He that is not constant in prayer is but a hypocrite, Job xxvii. 10. (unless omission be contrary to his ordinary course, under the force of some instant temptation.) This is one of the first things conversion appears in, that it sets men on praying, Acts ix. 11. Therefore set to this duty; let never a day pass over thee, wherein thou hast not, morning and evening, set - apart some time for set and solemn prayer in secret. Call thy family also together daily and duly to wor¬ ship God with thee. Woe be unto thee if thou be found among the families that call upon God’s name, Jer. x. 25. But cold and lifeless devotions will not reach half way to heaven. Be fervent and importu¬ nate : Importunity will carry it; but without violence, the kingdom of heaven will not be taken, Matt. xii. 24. Thou must strive to enter, Luke xiii. 24. and wrestle with tears and supplications, as Jacob, if thou meanest to carry the blessing, Gen. xxxii. 24. com¬ pared with Hos. xii. 4. Thou art undone for ever without grace, and therefore thou must set to it, and resolve to take no denial. That man, who is fixed in this resolution: “ Well, I must have grace, or I will never give over till I have grace; I will never leave seeking, waiting, and striving with God and my own heart, till lie doth renew me by the power of his grace This man is in the likest way to win grace. Object . But God heareth not sinners ; their prayer is an abomination. Answ. Distinguish between sinners. 1. There are “ resolved sinners;” their prayers God abhors. 2. cfi Returning sinners;” these God will come forth to, and meet with mercy, though yet afar off, Luke xv. 154 DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. 20 . Though the prayers of the unsanctified cannot have full acceptance, yet God hath done much at the request of such ; as at Ahab’s humiliation, and Nine¬ veh’s fast, 1 Kings xxi. 29. John iii. 8, 9, 10. Surely thou mayst go as far as these, though thou hast no grace ; and how dost thou know but thou mayst speed in thy suit, as thou did in theirs? Yea, is he not far more likely to grant to thee than them, since thou ask. est in the name of Christ, and that not for temporal blessings, as they, but for things much more pleasing to him, viz. for “ Christ, grace, pardon, that thou mayst be justified, sanctified, renewed, and fitted to serve him ?” Turn to these soul-encouraging Scrip¬ tures, Prov. ii. 1—0. Luke xi. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Prov. viii. 34, 35. Is it not good comfort that he calleth thee? Mark x. 49. Doth he set thee on the use of means, and dost thou think he will mock thee ? Doubtless he will not fail thee, if thou be not wanting to thyself: Oh, pray, and faint not, Luke xviii. 1. A person of great quality, having offended the Duke of Buckingham, the king’s great favourite, being admitted into his presence, after long waiting, prostrates himself at his feet, say¬ ing, “ I have resolved never to rise more till I have obtained your Grace’s favour.” With which carriage he did overcome him. With such a resolution do thou throw thyself at the feet of God; it is for thy life, and therefore follow him, and give not over; resolve thou wilt not be put off with bones, with common mercies. What though God do not presently open to thee ? Is not grace worth waiting for ? Knock and wait, and no doubt, but, sooner or later, mercy will come. And this now, that thou hast the very same encour¬ agement to seek and wait, that the saints now in glory once had; for they were once in thy very case: And, have they sped so well, and wilt thou not go to the same door, and wait upon thy God in the same course? Direct. XV. Forsake thy evil company , Prov. ix. 6. “and forbear the occasion of sin,” Prov. xxiii. 31. DIRECTIONS FTO CONVERSION. 155 Thou wilt never be turned from sin till thou wilt de¬ cline and forego the temptations of sin. I never expect thy conversion from sin, unless thou art brought to some self-denial, as to flee the occasions. If thou wilt be nibbling at the bait, and playing on the brink, and tampering and meddling with the snare, thy soul will surely be taken. Where God doth ex¬ pose men, in his providence, unavoidably to tempta¬ tion, and the occasions are such as we cannot remove, we may expect special assistance in the use of his means ; but, when we tempt God by running into dan¬ ger, he will not engage to support us when we are tempted. And, of all temptations, one of the most fa¬ tal and pernicious is evil company ! Oh ! what hope¬ ful beginnings have these often stifled ! Oh ! the souls, the estates, the families, the towns, that these have ruined ! how many poor sinners have been enlightened and convinced, and been just ready to give the devil the slip, and have even escaped the snare, and yet wicked company has pulled them back at last, and made them seven-fold more the children of’ hell ? In a word, I have no hopes of thee, except thou wilt shake off thy evil company. Christ speaketh to thee as to them in another case : “ If thou seek me, then let these go their way,” John xviii. 8. Thy life lies upon it; forsake these, or else thou canstnot live, Prov. ix. 6 . Wilt thou be worse than the beast, to run on when thou seest the Lord with a drawn sword in the way P Numb. xxii. 33. Let this sentence be written in capitals upon thy conscience, A COMPANION OF FOOLS SHALL BE DESTROYED, Prov. xiii. 20. The Lord hath spoken it, and who shall reverse it ? And wilt thou run upon destruction, when God him¬ self shall forewarn thee ? If God doth ever change thy heart, it will appear in the change of thy company. Oh ! fear and flee the gulf, by which so many thou¬ sand souls have been swallowed up in perdition. It will be hard for thee indeed to make thy escape : Thy companions will be mocking thee out of thy religion, and will study to fill thee with prejudices against 156 . DIRECTIONS FOR CONVERSION. strictness as ridiculous and comfortless: They will be flattering thee and alluring thee, but remember the warnings of the Holy Ghost, “ my son, if sinners en¬ tice thee, consent thou not: If they say, come with us, cast in thy lot among us; walk thou not in the way with them, refrain thy foot from their path ; avoid it, pass by it, turn from it, and pass away : For the way of the wicked is as darkness, they know not at what they stumble: They lie in wait for their own blood, they lurk privily for their own lives,” Prov. i. 10.— 18. and iv. 14—19. My soul is moved within me to see how many of my hearers are like to perish, both they and their houses, by this wretched mischief, even the haunting of such places and company, whereby they are drawn into sin. Once more I admonish you, as Moses did Israel, Numb. xvi. 26. “ And he spake unto the congregation, saying, depart, I pray ye, from the tents of these wicked men.” Oh! fly them as you would those that had the plague sores running in their foreheads. These are the devil's panders and decoys; and, if thou dost not make thy escape, they will toll thee into perdition, and will prove thine eternal ruin. Direct. XVI. Lastly, Set apart a day to humble thy soul in secret , by fasting and prayer , to work a sense of thy sins and miseries upon thy heart. Read over the Assembly’s Exposition of the Commandments, and writedown the duties omitted, and sins committed, by thee against every commandment, and so make a cata¬ logue of thy sins, and with shame and sorrow spread them before the Lord ; and, if thy heart be truly will¬ ing to the terms, join thyself solemnly to the Lord in that covenant set down in the 10th Direction, and the Lord grant thee mercy in his sight. Thus have I told thee what thou must do to he saved, Wilt thou not obey the voice of the Lord ? Wilt thou not arise and set to thy work ? O man, what answer wilt thou make, what excuse wilt thou have, if thou shouldst perish at last through very wilfulness, when thou hast known the way of life ? I do not fear thy miscarrying, if thine own idleness do not at last undo A soliuTIJuy, &c. 157 thee, in neglecting the use of the means that are so plainly here prescribed. Rouse up, O sluggard, and ply thy work; be doing, and the Lord will be with thee. A short Soliloquy for an unregenerate Sinner. Ah ! wretched man that I am ! what a condition have I brought myself into by sin ! Oh! I see my heart hath but deceived me all this while, in flattering me that my condition was good. I see, I see, I am but a lost and undone man, for ever undone, unless the Lord help me out of this condition. My sins! my sins! Lord, what an unclean, polluted, wretch am I! more loathsome and odious to thee than the most hate¬ ful venom or noisome carcase can be to me- Oh ! what a hell of sin is in this heart of mine, which I have flattered myself to be a good heart! Lord, how uni¬ versally am I corrupted in all my parts, powers, per¬ formances ! All the imaginations of the thoughts of my heart are only evil continually. I am under a disability to, averseness from, and enmity against, every thing that is good, and am prone to all that is evil. My heart is a very sink of all sin ; and oh! the innu¬ merable hosts and swarms of sinful thoughts, words, and actions, that have flown from thence ! O the load of guilt that is my soul! my head is full, my heart is full, my mind and my members are full of sin. O my sins! how do they stare upon me ! how do they wit¬ ness against me! woe is me! my creditors are upon me, every commandment taketh hold on me, far more than ten thousand talents, yea, ten thousand times ten thousand. How endless then is the sum of all my debts ! If this whole world were filled up from earth to heaven with paper, and all this paper written over within and without by arithmeticians, yet (when all were cast up together) it would come inconceivably short of what I owe to the least of God’s command¬ ments. Woe to me! for my debts are infinite, and my sins are increased; they are wrongs to an infinite A SOLILOQUY Majesty; and, if he that committeth treason against a simple mortal is worthy to be racked, drawn, and quartered, what have I not deserved, that have so of¬ ten lifted up my hand against heaven, and have struck at the crown and dignity of the Almighty? O my sins, my sins! behold a troop cometh ! multi¬ tudes, multitudes ! there is no numbering their armies: Innumerable evils have compassed me about: mine iniquities have taken hold upon me; they have set themselves in array against me ! Oh ! it were better to have all the regiments of hell come against me, than to have my sins fall upon me to the spoiling of my soul. Lord, how am I surrounded f how many are they that rise up against me! they have beset me be¬ hind and before; they swarm within me and without nie; they have possessed all my powers, and have for¬ tified my unhappy soul, as a garrison, which this brood of hell doth man and maintain against the God that made me. And they are as mighty as they are many. The sands are many, but then they are not great: The mountains are great, but then they are not many: but, woe is me ! my sins are as many as the sands, and as mighty as the mountains; their weight is greater than their number: It were better that the rocks and mountains would fall upon me, than the crushing and insupportable load of my own sins. Lord, I am heavy laden ; let mercy help, or I am gone. Unlade me of this heavy, this sinking, guilt, Lord, or I am crushed without hope, and must be pressed down to hell. If my grief were thoroughly weighed, and sins laid in the balance together, they would be hea¬ vier than the sand of the sea ; therefore my words are swallowed up: They would w^eigh down all the rocks and the hills, and turn the balance against all the isles of the earth. O Lord, thou knowest my manifold transgressions and my mighty sins. Ah ! my soul! alas, my glory ! whither art thou humbled? once the glory of the creation, and the express image of God, now a lump of filthiness, a cof- FOR AN UNREGENERATE SINNER. 159 fin of rottenness. O what work hath sin made with thee ! Thou shalt be termed forsaken, and all the rooms of thy faculties desolate; and the name that thou shalt be called by is Ichabod, or, 66 Where is the glory ?” How art thou come down mightily ! My beauty is turned into deformity, and my glory into shame. Lord, what a loathsome leper am I ! The ulcerous bodies of Job and Lazarus were not more of¬ fensive to the eyes and nostrils of men, than I must needs be to the most holy God, whose eyes cannot behold iniquity. And what misery have my sins brought upon me ! Lord, what a case am I in ! sold under sin, cast out of God’s favour, cursed from the Lord, cursed in my body, cursed in my soul, cursed in my name, in my estate, in my relations, and all that I have. My sins are un- pardoned, and my soul is within a step of death. Alas ! what shall I do? whither shall I go ? which way shall I look ? God is frowning on me from above, hell gaping for me beneath, conscience smiting me within, temptations and dangers surrounding me without: Oh ! whither shall I flee ? what place can hide me from omniscience ? what power can secure me from omnipotence. What meanest thou, O my soul, to go on thus? art thou in league with hell ? hast thou made a covenant with death ? art thou in love with thy misery ? “ Is it good for thee to be here ?” Alas ! what shall I do? shall I go on in my sinful ways? Why then certain damnation shall be my end : And shall I be so besotted and bemadded as to go and sell my soul to the flames for a little ale and a little ease, for a little pleasure or gain, or content to my flesh ? Shall I linger any longer in this wretched state ! No; if I tarry here I shall die. What then ? is there no help, no hope ? None, except I turn. Why, but is there any remedy for such woe¬ ful misery ? any mercy after such provoking iniquity ? Yes, as sure as God’s oath is true, I shall have pardon and mercy yet, if presently, and unfeignedly, and un¬ reservedly, I turn by Christ to him. ■ u 160 A SOLILOQUY Why then I thank thee upon the bended knees of my soul, O most merciful Jehovah! that thy patience hath waited upon me hitherto ; for, hadst thou taken me away in this estate, I had perished for ever. And now I adore thy grace, and accept the offers of thy mercy: I renounce all my sins, and resolve by thy grace to set myself against them, and follow thee in holiness and righteousness all the days of my life. Who am I, Lord, that I should make any claim unto thee, or have any part or portion in thee, who am not worthy to lick up the dust of thy feet ? yet, since thou holdest forth the golden sceptre, I am bold to come and touch. To despair would be to dispa¬ rage thy mercy: and to stand off, when thou biddest me to come, would be at once to undo myself, and rebel against thee, under the pretence of humility: Therefore I bow my soul to thee, and with all possi¬ ble thankfulness accept thee as mine, and give up my¬ self to thee as thine. Thou shalt be Sovereign over me, “ my King and my God Thou shalt be in the throne, and all my powers shall bow to thee; they shall come and worship before thy feet. Thou shalt be my portion, O Lord, and I will rest in thee. Thou callest for my heart: O that it were any way lit for thine acceptance ! I am unworthy, O Lord, ever¬ lastingly unworthy, to be thine; but, since thou wilt have it so, I freely give up my heart to thee ; take it; it is thine: O that it were better! But, Lord, I put it into thine hand, who alone canst mend it: Mould it after thine own heart; make it, as thou wouldst have it, holy, humble, heavenly, soft, tender, flexible; and write thy law upon it. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly ;” enter in tri¬ umphantly ! take me up to thee for ever: I give up myself to thee; I come to thee, as the only way to the lather, as the only mediator, the means ordained to bring 5 me to God. I have destroyed myself, but in thee is my help ; “ save, Lord, or else 1 perish:’ I come to thee with a rope about my neck: I am wor¬ thy to die and to be damned. Never was the hire 'OR. FOR AN UNREGENERATE SINNER. 161 more due to the servant, never was penny more due to the labourer, than death and hell (my just wages) are due to me for my sins: But I flee to thy merits ; I trust alone to the value and virtue of thv sacrifice, and prevalence of thy intercession : I submit to thy teaching; I make choice of thy government. “ Stand open, ye everlasting doors, that the King of Glory may come in.” O thou spirit of the Most High, the comforter and sanctifier of thy chosen ! come in with all thy glorious train, all thy courtly attendants, thy fruits and graces; let me be thine habitation; I can give thee but what is thine own already; but here, with the poor widow, I cast my two mites, my soul and my body, into thy treasury, fully resigning them up to thee, to be sane- tified by thee, to be servants to thee. They shall be thy patients; cure thou their malady: They shall be thy agents; govern thou their motions. Too long have 1 served the world; too long have I hearkened to Satan: but now I renounce them all, and will be ruled by thy dictates and directions, and guided by thy counsel. O blessed Trinity ! O glorious Unity ! I deliver up myself to thee; receive me; write thy name, O Lord, upon me, and upon all that I have, as thy pro¬ per goods; set thy mark upon me, upon every mem¬ ber of my body, and on every faculty of my soul. I have chosen thy precepts: thy law will I keep in mine eye, and study to write after. According to this rule, do I resolve, through thy grace, to walk; after this law shall my whole man be governed; and though I cannot perfectly keep one of thy commandments, yet I will allow myself in the breach of none. I know my flesh will hang back; but I resolve, in the power of thy grace, to cleave to thee and thy holy ways, whatever it costs me. I am sure I cannot come off a loser by thee, and therefore I will be content with re¬ proach, and difficulties, and hardships here, and will “ deny myself, and take up my cross and follow thee.” Lord Jesus, thy yoke is easy, thy cross is wel- 162 MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. come; as it is the way to thee, I lay aside all hopes worldly happiness ; I will be content to tarry till I come to thee: Let me be poor, and low, and despised here, so I maybe but admitted to live and reign with thee hereafter. Lord, thou hast my heart and hand to this agreement; be it as the laws of the Medes and Persians, never to be reversed : To this I will stand; in this resolution, through grace, I will live and die; «« I have sworn,” and will perform it, that “ I will keep thy righteous judgments:” I have given my free consent; 1 have made my everlasting choice: Lord Jesus confirm the contract. Amen. Chap. VII. Containing the Motives to Conversion. Though what is already said of the “ necessity of conversion,” and of the “ miseries of the unconverted,” might be sufficient to induce any considering mind to resolve upon a present turning or conversion unto God; yet, knowing what a piece of desperate obsti¬ nacy and untractableness the heart of men naturally is, I have thought it necessary to add, to the means of conversation and directions for a covenant-closure with God and Christ, some motives to persuade you hereunto. “ Lord, fail me not now, at my last attempts: If any soul hath read hitherto, and is yet untouched, now, Lord, fasten on him, and do thy work; now take him by the heart, overcome him, persuade him, till he say, thou hast prevailed ; for thou vvert stronger than I. Lord, didst thou make me a fisher of men, and I have toiled all this while, and caught nothing? Alas! that I should have spent my strength for nought! and now I am casting my last: Lord Jesus, stand thou upon the shore, and direct how and where I shall spread my net; and let me so inclose with ar¬ guments to the souls I seek for, that they may not be able to get out. Now, Lord, for a multitude of souls! now for a full draught! O Lord God, remember me I pray thee, and strengthen me this once, O God.” MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 163 But I turn me unto you. 1 Men and brethren, heaven and earth call upon you ; yea, hell itself doth preach the doctrine of repentance unto you ; the angels of the churches travail with you, Gal. iv. 19. The angels of heaven wait for you, for your repenting and turning unto God. O sinner, why should the devils make merry with thee ? why shouldst thou be a morsel for that devouring Leviathan P why should harpies and hell-hounds tear thee, and make a feast upon thee, and when they have got thee into the snare, and have fastened their talons in thee, laugh at thy destruction, and deride thy misery, and sport them¬ selves with thy damnable folly ? This may be the case except thou turn. And w ere it not better thou shouldst be a joy of angels, than a laughing-stock and sport for devils ! Verily, if thou wouldst but come in, the heavenly host would take up their anthems and sing, “ glory be to God in the highestthe morning-stars would sing together, and all the sons of God shout for joy, and celebrate this new creation as they did the first. Thy repentance would, as it w r ere, make a holiday in heaven, and the glorious spirits would re¬ joice, in that there is a new brother added to their so¬ ciety, liev. xxii. 9. another heir born to the Lord, and the lost son received safe and sound. The true peni¬ tent’s tears are indeed the wine that cherisheth both GOD and man. If it be little that men and angels would rejoice at thy conversion, know thou that God himself w ould re¬ joice over thee, even with singing, and rest in his love, Luke xv. 9. Isa. Ixii. 5. Never did Jacob with such joy w r eep over the neck of his Joseph, as thy heavenly Father would rejoice over thee upon thy coming in to him. Look over the story of the prodigal: Methinks I see how the aged father lays aside his estate, and forgetteth his years; behold how he runneth ! Luke xv. 20. Oh! the haste that mercy makes! the sin¬ ner makes not half that speed. Methinks I see how his bowels turn, how his companions yearn. How quick-sighted is love ? Mercy spies him a great way MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 164 off, forgets his riotous courses, unnatural rebellion, horrid unthankfulness, debauched practices, (not a word of these,) but receives him with open arms, clasps about his neck, forgets the nastiness of his rags, kisses his lips that deserve to be loathed; the lips that had been joined to harlots, that had been more common with the swine; calls for the fatted calf, the best robe, the ring, the shoes, the best cheer in hea¬ ven’s store, the best attire in heaven’s wardrobe, Luke xv. G, 9, 23. Yea, the joy cannot be held in one breast, &c. Others must be called to participate: the friends must meet and make merry: Angels must wait, but the prodigal must be set at table, under his father’s wing; he is the joy of the feast, he is the sweet object of his father’s delight: The friends sympathize, but none knows the felicity the father takes in his new-born son, whom he hath received from the dead. Methinks I hear the music and dan¬ cing at a distance. Oh ! the melody of the heavenly choristers ! I cannot learn the song, Rev. xiv. 3. but methinks I overhear the burden, at which all the harmonious choir with one consent strike sweetly in; for thus goes round at heaven’s table: “ For this my son was dead, and is alive again ; was lost and is found, 1 Luke xv. 23, 24, 32. I need no farther ex¬ plain the parable: God is the father, Christ is the cheer, his righteousness the robe, his grace the orna¬ ments, ministers, saints, angels, the friends and ser¬ vants, and thou that readest (if thou wilt but un- feignedly repent and turn) the welcome prodigal, the happy instance of this'grace, and blessed subject of this joy and love. O rock! O adamant! what! not moved yet? not yet resolved to turn forthwith, and to close with mercy! I will try thee yet once again : if one were sent to thee from the dead, wouldst thou be persuaded ? Why, I hear the voice from the dead, from the damned, cry- I mg to thee that thou shouldst repent: « I pray thee that thou wouldst send him to my father’s house, (for - have five brethren,) that he may testify to them least MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 1G5 they also come to this place of torment: If one went to them from the dead, they will repent,” Luke xvi. 27, 28, &c. Hear, O man ; thy predecessors in impe¬ nitence preach to thee from the infernal gibbets, from the flames, from the rack, that thou shouldst repent. Oh! look but down into the bottomless pit; seest thou how the smoke of their torments ascendeth for ever and ever ! Rev. xiv. 11. how black are the fiends ! how furious are their tormentors ! It is their only music to hear how their miserable souls patients roar, to hear their bones crack : It is their meat and drink, to see how their flesh frieth, and their fat droppeth ; to drench them with burning metal, and to rip open their bodies, and to pour in the fierce-burning brass into their bowels and the recesses and ventricles of their hearts. What thinkest thou of those chains of darkness, those instruments of cruelty ? Canst thou be content to burn ? Seest thou how the worm gnaweth, how the oven gloweth, how the fire rageth ? What sayst thou to the river of brimstone, that dark and horrible vent, that gulf of perdition ? wilt thou take up thine habitation there P Oh ! lay thine ear to the door of hell: Hearest thou the curses and blasphemies, the weepings and wailings, how they lament their follies, and curse their day ? Matt. xxii. 13. Rev. xvi. 9. How do they roar, and yell, and gnash their teeth ! how deep are their groans ! how feeling are their moans ! how inconceivable are their miseries ! if the shreiks of Cora, Dathan, and Abiram, were so terrible, (when the earth clave asunder, and opened its mouth and swallowed them up, and all appertained to them,) that all Israel fled at the cry of them, Numb. xv. 33, 34*. Oh ! how fearful would the cry be, if God should take off the covering from the mouth of hell, and let the cry of the damned ascend in all its terror among the children of men, and of all their moans and miseries, this is the piercing, killing emphasis and burden, “for ever, for ever f* Why, as God liveth that made thy soul, thou art 166 MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. ' but few hours distant from all this, except thou “ re¬ pent and be converted.” O! I am even lost and swallowed up in the abun¬ dance of those arguments that I might suggest. If there be any point of wisdom in all the world, it is to repent and come in ; it there be any thing righteous, any thing reasonable, this is it: If there be any thing in the world that may be called madness and tolly, and any thing that may be counted sottish, absurd, brutish, unreasonable, it is this, “ to go on in thine “ unconverted state.” Let me beg of thee, as thou wouldst not wilfully destroy thyself, to sit down and weigh, besides what has been said, these, following motives, and let conscience speak, if it be not reason that thou shouldst u repent and turn.” 1 . The God that made thee does most graciously in¬ vite thee. First, His most sweet and merciful nature doth invite thee. O the kindness of God, his working bowels, his tender mercies! They are infinitely above our thoughts, higher than heaven, what can we do ? deeper thru hell, what can v\e know? Job xi 7,8,9. He is full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plen¬ teous in mercy,” Psa lxxxvi. 15. This is a great ar¬ gument to persuade sinners to come in, “ turn unto the Lord your God; for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.” If God would not repent of the evil, it were some discouragement to us why we should not repent. If there were no hope of mercy, it were no wonder why rebels should stand out; but never had subjects such a gracious prince, such pity, patience, clemency, piety, to deal with, as you have “ who is God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity?” Mic. vii. 18. O sinners ! see what a God you have to deal with: if you will but turn, “ he will turn again, and have compassion on you ; he will subdue your iniqui¬ ties, and cast all your sins into the depths of the sea,” ver. 19. ** Return unto me, saith the Lord of hosts ond I will return unto you,” Mai. iii. 7. Zech. i. 3. MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 167 Sinners do not fail in that they have too high thoughts of God’s mercies, but in that, 1. “They overlook his justice. 2. They promise themselves mercy out of God’s wayhis mercy is beyond all imagination, Isa.' Iv. 9. great mercies, 1 Chron. xxi. 13. manifold mer¬ cies, Neh. ix. 19. tender mercies, Psa. xxv. 6 sure mercies, Isa. liv. 3. everlasting mercies, Psa. ciii. 17. Isa. liv 8. and all is thy own, if thou wilt but turn. Art thou willing to come in ? Why, the Lord hath laid aside his terror, erected a throne of grace, holds forth the golden sceptre; touch and live. Would a merciful man slay his enemy when prostrate at his feet, acknowledging his wrong, begging pardon, and offering to enter with him into a covenant of peace? Much less will the merciful God. Study his name, Exod. xxxiv. 7. Read experience, Neh. ix. 17. Secondly, His soul encouraging call and promises do invite thee. Ah, what an earnest suitor is mercy to thee ! how lovingly, how instantly, it calleth after thee! how passionately it wooeth thee ! “ Return thou back¬ sliding Israel, saith the Lord, and I will not cause my anger to fall upon you ; for, I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger for ever; only ac¬ knowledge thine iniquity. Turn, O backsliding chil¬ dren, saith the Lord, for I am married unto you; return, and I'will heal your backslidings. Thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return unto me saith the Lord,” Jer. iii. 11,12,13, 14, 22. . “ As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that he turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways; for, why will ye die, O house of Israel ?” Ezek. xxxiii. 11 . 66 If the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die : All his transgressions that he hath com¬ mitted shall not be mentioned to him ; in his righte¬ ousness that he hath done shall he live. Repent and turn you from all your transgressions: so iniquity shall not be your ruin. Cast away all your transgres- MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 16S sions, and make you a clean heart and a new spirit; for, why will ye die, O house of Israel; for I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye,” Ezek. xvii. gl, 23, 30, 31,32. O melting gracious words 1 the voice of a GOD, and not of a man ! This is not the manner of men, for the offended sovereign to sue to the offending trai¬ torous varlet. Oh, how doth mercy follow thee and plead with thee! Is not thy heart broken yet ? Oh that 44 to-day you would hear his voice !” 2 . The doors of heaven are thrown open to thee y the everlasting gates are set wide for thee , and an abundant entrance into the kingdom of heaven is administered to thee . Christ now bespeaks thee, as she her husband : 64 Arise, and take possession,” 1 Kings xxi. 15. View the glory of the other world, as set forth in the map of the gospel; get thee up into Pisgah of the promises, and lift up thine eyes northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward, and see the good land that is beyond Jordan, and that goodly mountain: Behold the Paradise of God, watered with the streams of glory. Arise and walk through the land, in the length of it, and in the breadth of it; for the land which thou seest, the Lord will give it to thee for ever, if thou wilt but return, Gen. xiii. 14, 15, 17. Let me say to thee as Paul to Agrippa, 44 believest thou the pro- phets?” If thou believest indeed, do but view what glorious things are spoken of the city of God, Psa. lxxxvii. 3. and know that all this is here tendered in the name of God to thee. As verily as God is true, it shall be for ever thine, if thou wilt but thoroughly turn. Behold the city of pure transparent gold, whose foundations are garnished with all manner of precious stones, whose gates are pearls, whose light is glory, whose temple is God; believest thou this ? if thou dost, art not thou worse than distracted, that wilt not take possession when the gates are hung open to thee, and thou art bid to enter? O ye sons of folly, will MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 169 ye embrace the dunghills, and refuse the kingdom ? Behold the Lord takes you up into the mountain, shews you the kingdom of heaven and all the glory thereof, and tells you, “ All this will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me;” if you will sub¬ mit to mercy, accept my Son, and serve me in righ¬ teousness and holiness. “ O fools, and slow of heart to believe !” Will you court the harlot? Will you seek and serve the world, and neglect eternal glory ? What! not enter into Paradise when the flaming sword, which was once set to keep you out, is now used to drive you in ! But you will say, I am uncha¬ ritable to think you infidels and unbelievers. Why, what shall 1 think ? Either you are desperate unbe¬ lievers, that do not credit it, or distracted, that you know and believe the excellence and eternity of this glory, and yet do so fearfully neglect it. Surely, you have either no faith or no reason, and I had almost said, conscience shall tell you so before I leave you. Do but attend to what is offered you : O blessed kingdom: a “kingdom of glory,” 1 Thess. ii. 12. a “ kingdom of righteousness,” 2 Pet. iii. 13. a 66 king¬ dom of peace,” Rom. xiv. 17. and an “everlasting kingdom,” 2 Pet. i. 11. Here thou shalt dwell, here thou shalt reign for ever, and the Lord shall seat thee on a throne of glory, Matt. xix. 28. and with his own hand shall set the royal diadem upon thine head ; and give thee a crown, not of thorns ; for there shall be no sinning nor suffering there, Rev. xxi. 37. and xxii. 3, 4, 5. not of gold, (for this shall be viler than the dirt in that day,) but a “ crown of life,” James i. 12. a “crown of righteousness,” 2 Tim. iv. 8. a “crown of glory,” 1 Pet. v. 4. yea, “ thou shalt put on glory as a robe,” 1 Cor. xv. 43. and shalt “ shine like the' sun in the firmanent, in the glory of thy father,” Matt. xiii. 43. Look now upon thy dirty flesh, thy clay, thy worms-meat: This very flesh, this lump, this carcase, shall be brighter than the stars, Dan. xii. 3. In short, thou shalt be made like unto the “ an¬ gels of God,” Luke xx. 36. and “ behold his face in 170 MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. righteousness,” Psa. xvii. 15. Look in now and tell me, dost thou yet believe ? if not, conscience must pronounce thee an infidel; tor it is the very u word of God,” that I speak. Put, if thou say thou believest, let me next know thy resolution. Wilt thou embrace this for thy hap¬ piness ? Wilt thou forego thy sinful gains, thy forbid¬ den pleasures P Wilt thou trample on the world’s es¬ teem, and spit in the harlot’s face, and stop thv ears to her flatteries, and rest thee out of her embraces ? Wilt thou be content to take up with reproach and poverty, if'they lie in the way to heaven, and follow the Lord with humble self-denial in a mortified and flesh displeasing life ? If so, all is thine, and that for ever. And art thou not fairly offered ? Is it not pity but he should be damned that will needs go on and perish, when all this may be had for the taking? Wilt thou take God at his word, and rid thy hands of thy hold¬ fast of the world, and rid thy hands of thy sins, and lay hold on eternal life ? If not, let conscience tell thee whether thou art not distracted or bewitched, that thou shouldst neglect so happy a choice, by which thou mightst be made for ever. 3 . God will settle unspeakable privileges at present upon thee , 1 Cor. iii. 22. Heb. xii. 22,23,24. “ Though the full of your blessedness shall be deferred till here¬ after, yet God will give you no little things in hand.” He will redeem you from your thraldom, John viii. 36. He will pluck you from the paw of the lion, Col. i. 13. The serpent shall bruise your heel, but you shall bruise his head, Gen. iii. 15. He shall deliver you from the present evil world, Gal. i. 4. Prosperity shall not destroy you ; adversity shall not separate between him and you, Rom. viii. 35, 37, 38. He will redeem you from the power of the grave, Psa. xlix. 15. and make the king of terrors a messenger of peace to you. He will take out the curse from the cross, Psa. cxix. 71. And make affliction the fining-pot, the fan, the physic, to blow off the chaff, purify the me- MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 171 tal, and purge the mind, Dan. xii. 10. Isa. xxvii. 9. He will save you from the arrest of the law, and turn the curse into a blessing to you, Rom. vi. 14. Gal. iii. 24. He hath the keys of hell and death, and shutteth that no man openeth, Itev. i. 18. and iii. 7. and he will shut its mouth as once he did the lions, Dan. vi. 22. that you shall not be hurt of the second death, Rev. ii. 11. But he will not only save you from misery, but in¬ stall you into unspeakable prerogatives: He will be¬ stow himself upon you ; he will be a friend unto you, and a father to you, 2 Cor. vi. 18. He will be a sun and a shield to you, Psa. lxxxiv. 11. In a word, he will be a God to you, Gen. xvii. 7. And what can be said more? What may you expect that a God should do for you, and be to you ? that he will be, that he will do. She that marries a prince, expects he should do for her like a prince, that she may live in a suitable state, and have an answerable dowry : He that hath a king for his father, or a friend, expects he should do for him like a king Alas! the kings and monar^hs of the earth so much above you, are but like the painted butterflies amongst the rest of their kind, or the fair coloured palm worm amongst the rest of the words, if compared with God. As he doth in¬ finitely exceed the glory and power of his glittering dust, so he will beyond all proportion exceed in doing for his favourites whatever princes can do for theirs. He will “ give you grace and glory, and withhold no good thing fron^you, ,, Psa. lxxxiv. 11. He will take you for his sons and daughters, and make you heirs of his promises, Heb. vi. 17. and establish his ever¬ lasting covenant with you, Jer. xxxii. 40. He will justify you from all that law, conscience, Satan can charge upon you, Rom. viii. 33, 34. He will give you free access into his presence, and accept your per¬ son, and receive your prayers, Eph. i. 6 and iii. 12. 1 John v. 14. He will abide in you, and make you the man of his secrets, and hold a constant and friendly communion with you, John xiii. 23. and xv. 15, MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 172 1 John i. 3. His ear shall be open, his door open, liis store open, at all limes to you. His blessings shall rest upon you, and he will make your enemies to serve you, and work about “ all things for good unto you,” Psa. cxv 13. Rom. viii. 28. 4. The terms of mercy are brought as low as possible to you. God has stooped as low to sinners as with honour he can: He will not be thought an author of sin, nor stain the glory of his holiness ; and whither could he come lower than he hath, unless he should do this? He hath abated the impossible terms of the first covenant, Jer. iii. 23 Mark v. 36. Acts iii. 19. and xiv. 31. Prov. xxviii. 13 He doth not impose any thing unreasonable or impossible, as a condition of life upon you. Two things were necessary to be done, according to the tenor of the first covenant, by you. 1. “ That you should fully satisfy the demands’of jus¬ tice for past offences. 2. That you should perform personally, perfectly, and perpetually, the whole law for the time to come.” Roth these are to us impos¬ sible, Rom viii. 3. Rut behold God's gracious abate¬ ment in both: He doth not stand upon satisfaction ; he is content to take off the surety (and he of his own providing too) what he might have exacted from you, 2 Cor. v. 10. He declares himself to have received a ransom, Job xxxiii. 24. 1 Tim. ii. 6 and that he ex¬ pects nothing but that you should accept his Son, and “ he shall be righteousness and redemption to you,” John i. 12. 1 Cor. i. 30. And, for the future obedi¬ ence, here he is content to yield to your weakness, and omit the rigour. He doth not stand upon per¬ fection as a condition of life, though he still insists upon it as his due, but is content to accept of sincer¬ ity, Gen. xvii. 1. Prov. xi. 20. Though you cannot pay the full debt, he will accept you according to that which you have, and take willingness for doing, and the purpose for the performance, 2 Cor. viii. J2. 2 Chron. vi. 8. Ileb xi. 17. And, if you come in his Christ, and set your hearts to please him, and make it the chief of your care, he will approve and reward you, though the vessel be marred in your hands. MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 173 01)! consider your Maker’s condescension; let me say to you, as Naaman’s servant to him, My father, if the Prophet had bid thee do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much rather when he saith to thee, wash and be clean !” 2 Kings v. 13. If God had demanded some terrible, some severe and rigorous thing of you, to escape an eternal damnation, would you not have done it ? Suppose it had been to spend all your days in sorrow in some howling wilder¬ ness, or pine yourselves with famine, or to “ offer the fruit of your bodies for the sin of your souls,” would you not have thankfully accepted eternal redemption, though these had been the conditions? Nay, farther; if God should have told you, that you should have fried in the fire for millions of ages, or been so long tormented in hell, would you not have gladly accepted it ? Alas ! all these are not so much as one sand in the glass of eternity. If your offended Creator should have holder) you but one year upon the rack, and then bidden you come and forsake your sins, accept Christ, and serve him a few years in self-denial, or lie in this case for ever and ever, do you think you should have stuck at the offer, and disputed the terms, and have been unresolved whether you were to accept of the motion ? O sinner, return and live; why shouldst thou die when life is to be had for the taking, when mercy seems beholden to thee (as it were) to be saved ? Couldst thou say, indeed, “ Lord, I knew thee that thou wast a hard man,” Matt. xxv. 24. thou hadst some little excuse ; but when the God of heaven has stooped so low, and condescended so far, if now thou shouldst stand off, who shall plead for thee ? Object . Notwithstanding all these abatements, I am no more able to perform these conditions (in themselves so easy) of faith, repentance, and sincere obedience, than to satisfy and fulfil the law. Answ. These you may perform by God’s grace enabling; whereas the other are naturally impossible in this state, even to believers themselves. But let the next consideration serve for.a fuller answer. MOTIVES TO CONVERSION* 5. Wherein you are impotent , God doth offer grace to enable you " I have stretched out mine hand, and no man regarded,” Prov. i. 24. What though you are plunged into the ditch of the misery from which you can now get out! Christ offereth to help you out: he reachetlf out his hand to you, and, if you perish, it is for refusing his help: " Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man open to me, I will come in,” Rev. iii. 20. What though you are poor, and wretched, and blind, and naked ! Christ offereth a cure for your blindness, a covering for your nakedness, a remedy tor your poverty; he tenders you his righteousness, his grace: " I counsel thee to buy of me gold, that thou mayst be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayst be clothed; anoint thy eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayst see,” Rev. iii. 17, 18. Do you say, the condition is impossible; for I have not wherewith to buy ! You must know that this buying is " with¬ out money and without price,” Isa. iv. 2. This buy* ing is by begging and seeking with diligence and con¬ stancy in the use of God’s means, Prov. ii. 3, 4. God commandeth thee to know him, and to fear him„ Dost thou say, Yea, but my mind is blinded, and my heart is hardened, from his fear? I answer, God doth offer to enlighten thy mind, and to teach thee this fear, that is presented to thy choice, Prov. i. 29. "For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord.” So, that now, if men live in ignorance and estrangement from the Lord, it is because they " will not understand and desire the knowledge of his ways,” Job xxi. 14. "If thou criest after know¬ ledge, if thou seekest her as silver, &c. then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God,” Prov. ii. 3, 4, 5. Is not here a fair offer ! " Turn ye at my reproof; behold I will pour out my spirit unto you,” Prov. i. 23. Though of yourselves you can do nothing, yet you may do all through his spirit enabling you, and he doth offer as¬ sistance to you. God bids you " wash and make you clean,” Isa ii. 16. You say you are unable, as much MOTIVES TO CONVERSION. 175 as the leopard to wash out his spots, Jer. xiii. 28. Yea, but the Lord doth offer to purge you ; so that, if you be filthy still, it is through your own wilful- ness, Ezek. xxiv. 13. “ I have purged thee, and thou wast not purged,” Jer. xiii. 27. “ O Jerusalem, wilt thou not be made clean ? When shall it once be ?” God doth wait when you will be made clean, when you will yield to his motions, accept of his offers, and let him do for you, and in you, what you cannot do for yourselves. You do not know how much God will do, upon your importunity, if you will be but restless and instant with him, Luke xi. 8. and xviii. 5. Though God hath not bound himself, by express promise to wicked men, to give them grace in the dili¬ gent use of the means, yet he hath given them abun¬ dance of encouragement to expect it from him, if they seek it earnestly in his way. His most gracious na¬ ture is abundant encouragement. If a rich and most bountiful man should see thee in misery, and bid thee come to his door, wouldst thou not with confidence expect, at thy coming, to find some relief? Thou art not able to believe nor repent: God appoints thee to use such and such means, in order to thy obtaining faith and repentance; doth not this argue that God will bestow these upon thee if thou dost ply him dili¬ gently in prayer, meditation, reading, hearing, self- examination, and the rest of his means? Otherwise God would but mock his poor creatures, to put them upon these self-denying endeavours, and then, wheiv they have been hard put to it, and continued waiting upon him for grace, deny them at last. Surely, if a sweet-natured man would not deal thus, much less will the most merciful and gracious God. I intended to have added many other arguments, but these have swollen under my hands ; and I hope the judicious reader will rather look upon the weight than number. 176 THE CONCLUSION. The conclusion oj the Whole . And now, my brethren, let me know your minds; What do you intend to do? will you go and die? or will you set upon a thorough and speedy conver¬ sion, and lay hold on eternal life ? How long will ye linger in Sodom? “ How long will ye halt between two opinions ?” 1 Kings xviii. 21. Have ye not yet resolved whether Christ or Barabbas, whether bliss or torment, whether the land of Cabul, 1 Kings ix. 13. or the Paradise of God, be the better choice? Is it a disputable case, whether the Abana and Parphar of Damascus be better than all the streams of Eden; or whether the vile puddle of sin is to be preferred before the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb ? Can the world in good earnest do that for you that Christ can ? Will it stand by you to eternity? Will pleasures, land, titles, treasures, descend with you ? Psa. xlix. 17. 1 Tim. vi. 7. If not, had you not need look after somewhat that will ? What mean you to stand waver¬ ing, to be off and on ? Foolish children ! how long will you stick between the womb and the world! Shall I lead you at last no farther than Agrippa, but almost persuaded: Why, you are for ever lost if left here; as good not at all, as not altogether Christians. You are half in the mind to give over your former negligent life, and set to a strict and holy course; you could wish you were as some others are, and could do as they can do. How long will you rest in idle wishes and fruitless purposes ? When will you come to a fixed, firm, and full resolve? Do not you see how Satan gulls you, by tempting you to delays ? How long hath he toiled you on in the way of perdition ! How many years have you been purposed to mend ! What if God should have taken you off this while ! Well, put me not off with a dilatory answer: tell me not of hereafter.; I must have your immediate THE CONCLUSION. 177 consent: if you be not now resolved, while the Lord is treating with you and courting you, much less are you like to be hereafter, when these impressions are worn out, and you are hardened through the deceit¬ fulness of sin. Will you give me your hand ? Will you set open the door, and give the Lord Jesus the full and ready possession P Will you put your names unto this covenant? Will you subscribe? What do you resolve upon ? If you are still upon your delays, my labour is lost, and all is like to come to nothing. Fain I would that you should now put in your adven¬ tures. Come, cast in your lot; make your choice. “ Now is the accepted time; now is the day of salva¬ tion : To-day if you will hear his voice.* 1 Why should not this be the day whence thou shouldst be able to date thy happiness? Why shouldst thou venture a day longer in this dangerous and dreadtul condition ? What if God should this night require thy soul ! “ Oh ! that thou mightst know, in this thy day, the things that belong to thy peace before they be hid from thy eyes !” Luke xix. 42. This is thy day, and it is but a day, John ix. 4. Others have had their day, and have received their doom, and now art thou brought upon the stage of this world, here to act thy part for the whole eternity. Remember, thou art now upon thy “ good behaviour” for everlasting ; if thou makst not a wise choice now, thou art undone for ever. Look what thy present choice is; such must thine eternal condition be, Luke x. 42. and xvi. 25. Prov. i. 27, 28, 29. And is it true indeed ? Are life and death at thy choice? Yea, it is as true as truth is, Deut. xiii. 14. Why then, what hinders but that thou shouldst be happy ? Nothing doth or can hinder, but thine own wilful neglect or refusal. It was the passage oi the Eunuch to Philip: “ See here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized ?” See I may say to thee, See, here is Christ, here is mercy, pardon, life; what hinders but that thou shouldst be pardoned and saved ? One of the martyrs, as he was praying at the stake. 1 THE CONCLUSION. had his pardon set by him in a box (which indeed he refused deservedly, because upon unworthy terms); but here the terms are more honourable and easy. 6 varl! er ’ w '^ t ^ 10u k. urn w *th thy pardon by thee! ^ by, do but forthwith give up thy consent to Christ, to renounce thy sins, deny thyself, take up the yoke and the cross, and thou carriest the day; Christ is t n> e P ar< ^ on ’ peace, life, blessedness, are all thine: .And is not this an offer worth embracing? Why shouldst thou hesitate or doubtfully dispute about the case ? Is it not past controversy whether God be better than sin, and glory than vanity ? Why shouldst thou -orsake thy own mercy, and sin against thy own life' 1 When wilt thou shake off thy sloth, and lay by thine excuses? “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; thou knowest not” where this night may lodge thee, Prov xxvii. 1. Beloved, now the holy spirit is striving with you; he will not always strive. Hast thou not felt thine heart warmed by the word, and been almost persuaded to leave off thy sins and come into God ? Hast thou not felt some good motions in thy mind, wherein thou hast been warned of thy danger, and told what thy careless course would end in ? It may be thou art like young Samuel, who, when the Lord called once and again, knew not the voice of the Lord, 1 Sam. iii. 6, 7. but these motions and items are the offers, and essays, and callings, and strivings, of the spirit: Oh! take the advantage of the tide, and know the day of thy visitation. Now the Lord Jesus stretcheth wide his arms to re¬ ceive you; he beseecheth you by us. How movingly, how meltingly, how pitifully, how compassionately he calleth ! the church is pul into a sudden ecstacy upon the sound of his voice, the voice of my beloved, Cant. ii. 8. Oh ! wilt thou turn a deaf ear to his voice ? Is it not the voice that breaketh the cedars, and maketh the mountains to skip like a calf? that shaketh the wilderness, and divideth the flames of fire ? It is not Sinai’s thunder, but a soft and still voice: It is not THE CONCLUSION. 179 the voice of Mount Ebal, a voice of cursing and ter¬ ror, but the voice of Mount Gerizim, the voice ot blessing and glad tidings of good things : It is not the voice of the trumpet, nor the voice of war, but a mes¬ sage of peace from the King of Peace, Eph. vi. 15. 2 Cor. v. 8, 20. Methinks it should be with thee as with the spouse; My soul failed when he spake, Cant. v. 6. I may say to thee, O sinner, as Martha to her sister, “ The master is come, and he calleth for thee,” John xi. 28. Oh, now, with Mary, arise quickly, and come unto him. How sweet are his invi¬ tations! he crieth in the open concourse, iC If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink,” John vii. 37. Prov. i. 21. He broaches his own body for thee ; O ! come and lay thy mouth to his side. How free is he! he excludeth none: Whosoever will, let him come and take the water of life freely,” Rev. xxii. 17. Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither. Come, eat of my bread, drink of the wine that I have mingled. Forsake the foolish and live,” Prov. ix. 4, 5, 6. “ Come unto me, 8cc. take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, and ye shall find rest to your souls,” Matt, xi. 28, 29. “ Him that cometh to me will I in no wise cast out,” John vi. 37. How doth he bemoan the obstinate refuser! “ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem ! how often would I have gathered thy children as a hen ga- thereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not,” Matt, xxiii. 37. “ Behold me, behold me; I have stretched out my hands all the day to a rebellious people,” Isa. Ixv. 1,2. Oh ! be persuaded now at last to throw yourselves into the arms of love. Behold, O ye sons of men, the Lord Jesus hath thrown open the prison, and now he cometh to you, (as the magistrates once to them,) Acts xvi. 39. and beseecheth you to come out. If it were from a pa¬ lace or paradise that Christ did call you, it were no wonder if you were unwilling; (and yet how easily was Adam toiled thence !) but it is from your prison. Sirs, from your chains, from the dungeon, from the darkness, that he calleth you, Isa, xlii. 6, 7. and yet THE conclusion. will you not come? He calls you unto liberty, Gal. v. 13. and yet will you not hearken? His yoke is easy, his laws are liberty, his service is freedom, Matt. xi. 30. James i. 25. 1 Cor. vii. 22. and, (whatever preju¬ dices you have against his ways,) if a God may be be¬ lieved, you shall find them all pleasure and peace, and shall taste sweetness and joy unutterable, and take in¬ finite delight and felicity in them, Prov. iii. 17. Psa, cxix. 103, 111, 165. 1 Pet. i. 8. Behold, I am loathe to leave you; I cannot tell how to give you over. I am now ready to shut up, but fain I would drive this bargain between Christ and you before I end. What! shall I leave you as I found you at last ? Have you read hitherto, and not resolved upon a present abandoning all your sins, and closing with Jesus Christ? Alas! what shall I say? what shall I do? Will you turn off all my importunity? Have I run in vain ? Have I used so many arguments, and spent so much time to persuade you, and you sit down at last in disappointment ? But it is a small mat¬ ter that you turn me off; you put a slight upon the God that made you; you reject the bowels and be- seechings of a Saviour, and will be found resisters of the Holy Ghost, Acts vii. 51. If you will not now be prevailed with to repent and be converted. Well, though I have called you long, and you have refused, I shall yet this once more lift up my voice like a trumpet, and cry from the highest places of the city, before I conclude with a miserable co?ictavatum cst. Once more I shall call after regardless sinners, that (if it be possible) I may awaken them : 44 O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord, 11 Jer. xxii. 29. Un¬ less you be resolved to die, lend your ears to the last calls of mercy. Behold in the name of God I make open proclamation to you : 44 Hearken unto me, O ye children; hear instruction and be wise, and refuse it not, 11 Prov. viii. 32, 33. 44 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the wa¬ ters ; and he that hath no money, come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come buy wine and milk without money THE CONCLUSION. l&l and without price. Wherefore do ye spend your mo¬ ney for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which satisfieth not ? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul de¬ light itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and come unto me; hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the suie mer¬ cies of David,” Isa. lv. 1, 2, 3. Ho, every one that is sick of any manner of disease or torment, Matt. iv. 23, 24. or is possessed with an evil spirit, whether of pride, fury, lust, or covetous¬ ness, come ye to the physician, bring away your sick ; lo, here is he that “ healeth all manner of sicknesses, and all manner of diseases among the people.” Ho, every one that is in debt, and every one that is in distress, and every one that is discontented, ga¬ ther yourselves unto Christ, and he will become a Cap¬ tain over you, he will be your protection from the ai- rests of the law, be will save you from the hand of justice Behold he is an open sanctuary to you ; he is a known refuge, Heb. vi. 18. Psalm xlviii. 3. Away with your sius and come in into him, lest the avenger of blood seize you, lest devouring wrath overtake you. Ho, every ignorant sinner, come and buy eye-salve, that thou mayst see, Rev. iii. 18. Away with thy ex¬ cuses ; thou art for ever lost, if thou continue in this state, 2 Cor. iv. 3. But accept of Christ for thy pro¬ phet, and he will be a light unto thee, Isa. xliii. 6. Eph. v. 14. Cry unto him for knowledge, study his word, take pains about the principle of religion, hum¬ ble thyself before him, and he will teach thee his way, and make thee wise unto salvation, Matt. xiii. 36. Luke viii. 9. John v. 39. But, if thou wilt not fol¬ low him in the painful use of his means, but sit down because thou hast but one talent, he will condemn thee for a wicked and slothful servant, Matt. xxv. 24, 26. Ho, ever profane sinner, come in and live : Return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy on thee; be en- 1D/C THE CONCLUSION. treated. Oh ! return, come : Thou that hast filled thy mouth with oaths and execrations, all manner of sins and blasphemies shall be forgiven thee, Matt. iii. 28 . it thou wilt but thoroughly turn unto Christ and come m. Though thou wert as unclean as u Magdalen, yet put away thy whoredoms out of thy sight, and thy adulteries from between thy breasts,” and give up thy¬ self unto Christ, as a vessel of holiness, alone for his use; and then, “ though thy sins be as scarlet, they shall be as wool; and though they be as crimson, they shall be white as snow.” Luke vii. 47. Isa. i. 18. Hear, O ye drunkards; “ how long will ye be drunken ? put away your wine,” 1 Sam. i. 14. Though you have rolled in the vomit of your sin, take the vo¬ mit of repentance, and heartily disgorge your beloved Just, and the Lord will receive you, 2 Cor. vi. 17. Give yourselves up unto Christ, to live soberly, righ¬ teously, and godly ; embrace his righteousness; ac¬ cept his government: and, though you have been swine, he will wash you, Rev. i. 5. Hear, O ye loose companions, whose delight is in vain and wicked society, to sport away your time in carnal mirth and jollity with them ; come in at wis¬ dom’s call, and choose her and her ways, and you shall live, Prov. ix. 5, 6. Hear, O ye scorners, hear the word of the Lord; though you make a sport at godliness and the profes¬ sors thereof, though you have made a scorn of Christ and of his ways, yet even to you doth he call, to ga¬ ther you under the wirgs of his mercy, Prov. i. 22 ,23. In a word, though you should be found among the worst of the black roll, 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. yet, upon your thorough conversion, you shall be washed, you shall be justified, you shall be sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God, ver. 11. Ho, every formal professor; thou art but a luke¬ warm, dough-baked Christian, and restest in the form of godliness. Give over thy halving and thy halting ; be a throughout Christian, and be zealous and repent; and then, though thou hadst been an offence to Christ’s f the conclusion. 183 stomach, thou slialt be the joy of his heart, Rev. iii. 16 , 19 > 20 - . , . , And now bear witness that mercy hath been offered you : “ I call heaven and earth to record against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that you may live,” Deut. xxx. 19. I can but woo and warn you; I cannot compel you to be happy ; if I could, I would. What answer will you send me with to my Master ? Let me speak to you as Abraham’s servant to them, “ And now if ye will deal kindly and truly with my Master, tell me,” Gen. xxiv. 29. Oh, tor such a happy answer as Rebecca gave them ! ver. 57, 58. “ And they said, We will call the damsel, and inquire at her mouth; and they called Rebecca, and said unto her, wilt thou go with this man ? and she said, I will go.” O that I had but this from you! why should I be your accuser, Matt. x. 14, 15. who thirst for your salvation ? why should the passionate plead¬ ings and wooing of mercy be turned into the horrid aggravation of your obstinacy, and additions to your misery ? Judge in yourselves: Do you not think their condemnation will be doubly dreadful that shall still go on in their sins, after all endeavours to recall them ? Doubtless “ it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon, yea, for Sodom and Gomorrah, in the day ot judgment, than for you !” Matt, xi. 22, 24. _ Beloved, if you have any pity for your perishing souls, close with the present offers of mercy : If you would not continue and increase the pains ot your tra¬ vailing ministers, do not stick in the birth. It the God that made you have any authority with you, obey his command, and come in. If you are not the des- pisers of grace, and would not shut up the doors of mercy against yourselves, repent and be converted; let not heaven stand open for you m vain ; let not the Lord Jesus open his wares, and bid you buy with¬ out money and without price in vain ; let not his ministers and his spirit strive with you in vain, and leave you now at last unpersuaded, lest the sentence go forth against you: “ The bellows are burnt, the / 184 MR ALLEINE’s COUNSEL, &C. lead is consumed of the fire; the founder melteth in vam ; reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them.” Jer. vi. 29, 30. - ather of spirits, take the heart in hand that is too lar tor my weakness: Do not thou end, though I lave done : Half a word from thy effectual power will do the work. O thou that hast the key of David, that T th , a " d t “° «?an shutteth, open thou this heart, as thou didst Lydia s, and let the King of Glory enter ha£ ™ ake . th ' s soul captive ; let not the tempter harden him m delays; Jet him not stir from this place, nor take Ins eyes from these lines, till he resolve to torego his sms, and accept of life on thy self.denying terms In thy name, O Lord God, did I go forth to these labours; in thy name do I shut them up. Let not all the time they have cost be lost hours; let not all the thoughts of the heart, and all the pains that have been about them, be but lost labour. Lord, put in thy hand into the heart of this reader, and send thv spirit, as once thou didst Philip, to join himself to the chariot ot the Eunuch, while he was reading the word • And, though I should never know it while I live vet I beseech thee, O Lord God, let it be found, at that day, that some souls are converted by these labours • and let some be able to stand forth and say, that bv these persuasions, they were won unto thee. Amen Amen. Let him that readeth say Amen. ’ Mr Alleme’s Counsel for Personal and Family Godliness. Beloved, I despair of ever bringing you to salvation without ® anct,f3 p atlon ’ or Possessing you of happiness without persuading you to holiness. God knows I have not the least hope ever to see one of your faces “ p h r ! a I en> eXC T l y ° U be converted and sanctified, and viercise your lives unto godliness: I beseech you, study personal god mess and family godliness. * set uifrhT/ G0dUnesa : Let it he your first care to C a ii 1 • ) 0Ur hearts J see that you make all j oui worldly interests to stoop to him; that you be • MR ali.eine’s counsei., Sjc. 185 entirely and undeservedly devoted unto him. If y ou wilfully, and deliberately, and ordinarily, harbour any in, you are undone, Psa. lxviii. 21. hzek xvm 20. See that you unfeignedly take the law ot Christ as the rule of your words, thoughts, and actions, and subject your whole man, members, and minds, fait.du y him Psa cxix. 34. Rom. vi. 13. It you have not a true respect to all God’s commandments you are un¬ sound at heart, Psa. cxix. 6. O, stud y | e 1 B image and impress of Christ upon you within Be- gin with your hearts; else you build without any foundation Labour to get a saving change wrthm, or else all external performances will be to no pur pose; and then study to shew forth the power of o - liness in the life. Let piety be yourfirstandgr business : it is the highest point of justice to e i his due. Beware that none of you be a P^ycHess p - son ; for that is a most certain discovery that yoia a a Christless and graceless person, or one tha ‘“ * stranger to the fear of God, Psa. v. 7. »u your bibles to gather dust: See that you converse daily with the wmrd, John v. 39. That ver lay claim to blessedness whose delight is not m the law of the Lord, Psa. i. 1, 2. Let meditation and self-examination be your daily exercise. t But piety without charity is but the half of Chris¬ tianity, or rather impious hypocrisy. We may divide 7 the tables; see therefore that you do justly, and love mercy, and let equity and chanty run hke^an even thread throughout all your dealings. y temperate in .11 thfngs, end let chastityand sohnrty be your undivided companions. Let nW purdy, humility, Simplicity and sincerity, shine out in all the part of your conversations. See that you forget and forgive wrongs, and requite them with kindness, as you would be found the children of the Most Hiji. Be merciful in your censures, and put the most ■ avoid¬ able construction upon your brethren s carnage that Mfl allei.ve’s COUNSEL, &c. Iheir actions will reasonably bear. Be slow in pro m«sing; punctual in fulfilling. Let meekness and innocence, affableness, yieldingness, and simplicity commend your conversations to all men. Let none of ^° 4 r j r » 1 ^ ns want that l° ve and loyalty, reverence and duty, that tenderness, care, and vigilance, which their several places and capacities call for. This is thorough godliness. I charge you before the most high God, that none of you be found a swearer, or a liar, or a lover of evil company, or a scoffer, or mali¬ cious, or covetous, or a drunkard, or a glutton, un¬ righteous in his dealing, unclean in his living, or a quarreller, or a thief, or a backbitter, or a railer; for l denounce unto you, from the living God, that de- struction and damnation are the end of all such, Prov SS.?i l7o,\V 2 - R "' a 1 c “- "• »• Family Godliness. He that hath set up Christ in his heart, will be sure to study to set him up in his T”*; fn 1 ever .yJ* mU y w ‘th you be a Christian church, 1 Cor. xvi. 19. every house a house of prayer: Let every householder say with Joshua, “ I and my house will serve the Lord,” Josh. xxiv. 15. and re- solve, with David, “ I will walk in my house with a per ect heart, Psa. ci. 2. Let me press upon you a few duties in general. 1 • First, Let religion be in your families, not as a matter by-the-bye, (to be minded at leisure, when the Tf iil T S iy e you leave,) but the standing business of the house. Let them have your prayers as duly as their meals. Are there any of your families, but have tin ? e /°, r their taking food ? wretched man ! canst thou not find time to pray in ? Secondly, Settle it upon your hearts that your souls are bound up in the souls of your family: They are committed unto you: and if they be lost through your neglect, they will be required at your hand! / yo “ do no . t ’ y° u sh aH know that the charge of souls is a heavy charge, and that the blood of souls is a heavy guilt. O man, hast thou a charge of souls MR alleinb’s counsel, &c. 187 to answer for, and dost thou not yet bestir thyself for them, that their blood be not found in thy skirts ? Wilt thou do more for immortal souls than thou wilt do for the beasts that perish P What dost thou do for thy children and servants P Thou providest meat and drink for them agreeable to their nature;^ and dost thou not the same for thy beasts? Thou givest them medicines, and cherishest them when they are sick; and dost thou not the same for thy swine ? More par¬ ticularly, , . . 1. Let the solemn reading of the word, and singing of Psalms, be your family exercises, John v. 39. Psa. cxviii. 15. See Christ singing with his family (viz. his disciples,) Matt. xxvi. 30. .. 2 . Let every person in your families be duly called to an account of their profiting by the word, heard or read, as they are about doing your own business : This is a duty of consequence unspeakable, and would be the means to bring those under your charge to remember and profit by what they receive. See Christ’s example in calling his family to account. Matt. xvi. 11,13, 15. 3. Often take an account of the souls under your care, concerning their spiritual states; [herein you must be followers of Christ, Matt. xiii. 10, 36, 51. Mark iv. 10, 11.] make inquiry into their condition ; insist much upon the sinfulness and misery ot their natural state, and upon the necessity of regeneration and conversion, in order to their salvation. Admonish them gravely of their sins; encourage their begin¬ nings ; follow them earnestly; and let them have no quiet for you, until you see them in a saving change. This is a duty of very great consequence, but (I am afraid) most fearfully neglected. Doth not conscience say, “ thou art the man ?” 4. Look to the strict sanctifying of the Sabbath by all your household, Exod. xx. 10. Levit. xxiii. 3. Many poor families have little time else. O improve but your Sabbath-days as diligently, in labouring tor knowledge and doing your Maker s work, as you do 188 MR alleine’s counsel, &c. the other days in doing your own work, and I doubt not but you may come to some proficiency. 5. Let the morning and evening sacrifice of solemn prayer be daily offered up in all your families, Psa. xcii. 1, 2 Exod. xxx 7, 8. Luke i. 9, 10. Beware ye be not found among the families that call not upon God’s name: for why should there be wrath from the Lord upon your families ? Jer. x. 25 O miserable families, without God in the world, that are without family prayers ! What! have you so many family sins, family wants, family mercies; what ! and yet no family prayers! How do you pray with all prayer and supplication, if you do not with family prayer? Eph. vi. 18. Say not, “ I have no time:” What! hast thou not all thy time on purpose to serve God and save thy soul, and yet is this it for which thou canst find no time ? Find but a heart, and 1 will find time. Pinch out of your meals and sleep rather than want for prayer.: Say not, “ my business will not give leave:” this is the greatest business, to save thyself and the souls committed to thee. Business! a whet will he not let. In a word, the blessings of all is to be got by prayer, Jer. xxix. 11, 12. 2 Sam. vii. 29. and what is thy business without God’s blessings? Say not, “ I am not able:” Use the one talent, and God will increase, Matt. xxv. 24, &c. Helps are to be had till thou are better able. But if there be no other remedy, thou must join with thine able neigh¬ bour ; God hath special regard to join prayer, James v * 4—19. Acts xii. 5, 10, 12. 2 Cor. i. 11. and there¬ fore you must improve family advantages for the per¬ forming of it. 6. Put every one in your families upon private prayer. Observe whether they do perform it. Get them the help;of a form if they need it, till they are able to go without it. Direct them how to pray, by reminding them of their sins, wants, and mercies, the materials of prayer. This was the practice of John and Jesus, Luke xi. 1, 2, &c. 7. Set up catechising in your families, at the least once every week. Have you no dread of the Almigh- * MR alleine’s counsel, &c. 189 tv’s charge that you should “ teach these things dili¬ gent to your children, and talk of them as you sit in your houses ?” Deut. vi. 0, 7, See. and “ train them up in the way wherein they should go,” Prov. xxii. 6, Hath God so commanded Abraham, that he would « teach his children and household,” Gen. xviii. 19. and that he had many “ instructed servants,” Gen. xiv. 14. (see the margin) and given such a promise to him thereupon, and will you not put in for a share, nei¬ ther in the praise nor the promise ? Hath Christ ho¬ noured catechising with his presence, Luke ii. 46. and will you not own it with your practice ? Say not, they are careless and will not learn ? What have you your authority for, if not to use it for God and the good ot their souls ? You will call them up, and force them to do your work ; and should you not at least be as zeal- ous in putting them upon God’s work P Say not, they are duii, and are not capable: If they be dull, Gc~ requires of you the more pains and patience: But, so dull as they are, you will make them learn how to work; and’ean they not learn how to live? Are they capable of the mysteries of your trade, and are they not capable of the plain principles of religion ? Well, as ever you would see the growth of religion, the cure of ignorance, the remedy of profaneness, the down- fall of error, fulfil you my joy in going through with this duty. ## Will you answer the calls of divine Providence ? Would you remove the incumbent, or prevent the impendent calamities? Would you plant nurseries for the church of God? Would you that God should build your houses and bless your substance ? Would you that your children should bless you ? O then set up piety in your families, as ever you would be blessed or be a blessing : Let your hearts and your houses be the temples ot the living God, in w hich his worship (according to all the afore-mentioned direc¬ tions) may be with constancy reverently performed, Prov. xxiv. 1. “ He that, being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy,” 190 Divers practical Cases of Conscience satisfactorily resolved. I. Wherein should Christians be singular in their obe- dience ? or what may they and must they do more than others ? II. What may and must a Christian be and do, that he may please God ? III. Whether any man is able , in this life , tQ come up to the example of Christ in this > to do always those things that may please God. IV. What weariness in. and unwillingness to, duties may stand with grace . and what not £ To which are added, * Some COUNSELS and CORDIALS. CHAP. I. The singular duties of Christians. I. The Case of Conscience on Matt. v. 47. What do ye more than others ? Q* "W" herein should Christians be singular in their obedience ? or what may and must they do more than others ? . Take the answer of these sixteen rules contain¬ ing the character and compass of a Christian. ^Rule I. Heartily to love them that slight you, and wish and seek the good of those that hate you and seek to hurt you. This is the very thing urged in the text: If you salute your brethren only, and love them that *ove you, do not even the publicans the same ? Matt. CASES OP CONSCIENCE, 8tC. 191 v. 44, 46. To love them that do respect and value us, is what every one can do; but to love them that think meanly of us and have prejudice and hard thoughts against us, and to speak well of them that speak evil of us, (as the sweet spirited Calvin) [let Luther call me dog or devil, I will say of him never¬ theless, he is a precious servant of Christ Jesus,] this is to do more than others. Thus the martyr Cranmer, of whom it was a proverb, “ Do the Bishop of Can! terbury a displeasure, and you shall ever have him your friend.” Thus that holy man, in his much to- be lamented parting words, “ I had never any greater pleasure, in all my life, than to forget and to forgive injuries, and to shew kindness to them that sought evil to me.’’ Study who have offended and disobliged you, and slighted you, and keep up good thoughts of them, (if the cause will bear it,) and speak nothing but good of them, and think what kindness you may shew them. Pray for them; wish well for them; so shall you be the children of your Father which is in heaven, Matt. v. 46. Rule II. To swim against the stream of the multi - tude. The dead fish will swim with, but the living against, the stream. Many will turn Jews when their interest will carry it in the world; when reli¬ gion is in fashion, every one will be in it: but to bear head against the current of the times, and to be for strict godliness in all your ways, when the stream runs quite against it, to bear it down, and to resolve, as David did, to be yet more vile, this is to be and to do more than others. The Samaritans will need be Jews when Alexander favours and helps them ; but, when Antiochus bloodily rages against them, (as in the time of the Maccabees,) then they will be none of the kin, but pretend themselves to be of another stock (which by the way, was the reason of the deadly hatred afterwards between the Jews and them); but to be singular in your good choice and resolutions, with Joshua, though all should vote against you with one consent; and, with Noah, to be perfect in our 192 CASES OF CONSCIENCE generations when ever so adulterous, and to walk with God when all flesh have corrupted their way and tread a contrary course; this is to do more than others. Thus, the three children, or rather three champions, who would not tear the flouts of the multitude, nor the frowns of the great ones, nor the charge ot sin¬ gularity, but, when all the Pr inces, Governors, Cap¬ tains, Counsellors, Sheriffs, and all the People, Na¬ tions, and Languages, fell down and worshipped, stood by themselves, and would not sinfully comply, Dan. iii'3, 7, 18 Rule III. To take more care of that which is most out of sight. A Christian’s eye is most on the things least seen: first upon his heart; herein doth he ex¬ ceed the righteousness of the Pharisees, whose great care w’as to keep all fair and clean that came to view, but looked no farther. Make great conscience of your carriage in secret, and. let your main guard be upon your hearts, and this will be more than others reach to. This was Paul’s care, to keep his consci¬ ence, his inside, clean and undefiled, Acts xxiv. 16. and Job’s care, that though all the world did reproach him, he might not put a reproach in the mouth of his conscience, Job xxvii. 6. and David’s care that his heart might be clean. Secondly, on his hope. Others look to the tilings seen, things in hand ; but the true believer eyes his hopes, walks by faith, not by sight, and lives a quite different life from any other in the world besides ; as living upon the hopes of heaven doth differ from living on the pleasures, profits, and honours of the world. Rule IV. To be merciful to others'failings, and very severe to our own . The noble Roman, Cato, could more easily forgive any than himself. To aggravate our own evils, and to have an excuse ready for our brother’s, and to censure ourselves treely, and to come with the mantle behind us to cover our brother, this is to do more than others. The hypocrite is a censoi abroad; he is like the eye that can see any thing, but himself; he can discern a moat in his brother’s eye, JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. but not a beam in his own. But the servant of God rebukes others with meekness : but he falls out easily and bitterly with himself. ^ y-. To suffer rather than to sin. This was Moses choice: but the hypocrite’s is quite contrary - lie chooseth iniquity rather than affliction. To go so far with Christ as our way lies together, is to do no m . oie . than an unsound professor may reach to; the trial is, when Christ’s interest and ours do cross, and we must either balk our duty or our safety and advan¬ tage. The famous martyr under Julian, would not give one halfpenny towards the building of the idol’s temple, though he was offered his life by the Emperor on those terms. The godly high-priest Eleazor when the nobles persuaded him to eat other meat under co¬ lour of swine’s flesh, and they would persuade kin<* Antiochus, that he had eaten swine’s flesh, would die rather than stain his profession with the appearance of evil. When a man shall lie in towards misery, and have a door of deliverance open, if he will but sin, and yet he will not accept of it, as those worthies in Paul's martyrology, this is to do more than others. Kule VI. To rejoice in losses for Christ , and glory in the cross . When others are discouraged at the news of hardships, as that forward and seemingly resolved disciple; or shall be offended as soon as the sun of persecution is up; when we shall take pleasure in in¬ firmities, and tribulations, and rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Christ; this is to do more than others. When the servants of God shall not only patiently and trium¬ phantly undergo the crosses that crack the brains, the heart of others, and shall shake off the viper without receiving any hurt; when Paul and Silas shall sing in the stocks, and the resolved martyrs shall embrace the fagots and kiss the stake; when the valiant pilot shall say of his prison, “ In the judgment of the world we are in hell, but I find in it the sweet consolation of heavenand the holy Bradford, “ My prison is sweeter to me than any parlour, than any pleasure I have had all my life;” this is indeed to exceed others. 194 CASES OF CONSCIENCE Rule VII. To be good when we shall be evil spoken of for our labour. A Pharisee will do those duties that gain applause of men; but, to take up with despised duties, disgraceful duties, and, with David, to be reli¬ gious when it shall render him vile, this is to do more than others. The Philosopher could say, “ It is noble indeed for a man to do well, when he knows he shall bear ill for it.” To take up religion when every one kicks it off: to stand up alone, with Luther, for the truth, when the whole world is gone wandering after the whore; to have his hand against every man, and to be for Christ, with Athanasius, against the whole universe ; this i3 indeed to do some singular thing. Rule VIII. To strike in with God's interest when it is falling: To join ourselves with the Lord’s people when it is the weakest; to espouse their interest, with Moses, when they were in deep affliction, Heb. xi. 25, 26 To own ourselves to be some of them un¬ dauntedly, when this way is everywhere spoken against, this is to tread Antipodes to the course of this world. Rule IX. To be most cruel to the sin that is natur¬ ally most dear. The hypocrite hides his sweet morsel under his tongue ^ he spares, as it were, the fattest of the cattle; he saith, the Lord pardon his servant con¬ cerning this thing t but when a man shall off with his right hand, out with his right eye, serve his Absalom as Joab did when he took three darts and thrust through his heart, this is to do more than others. The sincere Christian is most angry with the sin of his temper; against this he aims the arrows of all his prayer. He keeps him from his iniquity ; he drives the whole herd of sin before him; but especially he shoots at, and singles out, this, to run it down. Rule X. To live upon the divine promises, when others live upon their possessions. Others are all for what is in hand; with them words are but wind ; they cannot live upon them; the promises are to them a barren heath or dry breasts: But, when we make the promises our heritage, the staff of our life, the life of our hearts; when the promises are the bottle we run to in all our JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 195 fainting; and, while others hope in their wealth, our hope is in the word; this is to do more than others. Rule XI. To love that best> and choose it soonest , that doth cross the flesh most The godly man’s rule is, to take the self-denial side, so he be sure it be safe. When others study to please themselves, he to curb himself: The life of others is a flesh-pleasing, his a self-denying life: Others joy is when they can gratify themselves: his, when he can get the victory over himself. Rule XII. To be most hot in that wherein self is least concerned . Paul is meek as a lamb under per¬ sonal injuries, 1 Cor. iv. 13. Acts xvii. 19. but how is his spirit stirred when God is dishonoured ! A man of understanding is of a cool spirit, that is, in his own concern; but Moses the meek waxes hot with indigna¬ tion at the sight of the calf. To be hot and forward in those duties where the flesh’s interest is not con¬ cerned, is to do more than a Jehu, 2 Kings x. 10, 30. Rule XIII. To make a true conscience of the least sin , but most conscience of the greatest . In one of these will the hypocrite be found tardy. It may be he will fly from open sins, and startle at gross staring sins, but of little sins he makes little conscience; these he allows of, and connives at: Or else he will be very tender of little things; scruple the picking of ears of corn on the Sabbath-day, or the curing of the sick, and strain at the gnat, when he will in other things swallow a camel, and devour widows’ houses. The sincere will indulge no sin; grieves for, groans under, cries out feelingly against his very infirmities, but must dreads what God hates. Rule XIV. To allow yourselves in the neglect of no duly , but to reserve your zeal for the duties of most weight. To tithe mint and cummin, and neglect judgment, mercy, and faith ; to be zealous for human ceremo¬ nies and men’s traditions, and omit the weightier matters of the law, is the right Pharisee’s guise, Matt, xiii. 23. and xv. 2. To eye both the tables; to join sweetly together morality and piety; to be punctual CASES OF CONSCIENCE 196 with men, but not careless with God; to give Csesar the things that are Caesar’s, but first to give to God the things that are God’s; this is to do more than others. The sincere Christian has respect to all God’s commandments; walks in all his statutes: he is throughout with God, but be most zealous in these things that lie next the heart of religion. Rule XV. To love your reprovers. Herein David doth more than Ahab: See their contrary frames, 1 Kings xxii. 8. Psa. cxli. 5. Rule XVI. To subject all your worldly interest to your Maker's glory , and perform holy duties with holy ends; and, while others do their best actions with carnal aims, you must do your common and civil ac¬ tions with heavenly aims. Q. How may we know whether we are , and do , more than others , that are unsound ? I shall answer this question by propounding eight questions to you, beseeching you to retire to the most solemn and strict examination, and make conscience give a clear answer to these few interrogatories; and that will resolve the case. Q. 1. When others pick and choose , have you respect to all God’s commandments? The hypocrite may have great respect to the comforts, but he hath little to the commands of religion: He is much for the pri¬ vileges and promises, little for the precepts and duties: He is partial in the law ; he will take but here and there, where he likes; and, where God commands, will sever his interest, or at least will not pinch too hard upon the flesh. The sound Christian sets all God’s commands before him; he eyes all his copy, and heartily designs and studies a throughout con¬ formity ; he has no starting holes, no contrived haunts; nor doth he halt between the Lord and Baal, nor serve two masters; he doth not fear the Lord and serve other Gods, nor divide his service between God and Mam¬ mon, but is all for uniformity, and entirely devoted to God’s service and fear alone: He hath a good con- in Tmrn^mrm T JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 197 science, willing in all things to live honestly, and doth truly, though not perfectly, forsake all his sins, and keep all God’s statutes that are known to him. Let me therefore ask you two questions: (J.) When others divide the tables, do you sweetly conjoin them in your practice? The hypocrite may be just and square towards men; but follow him to his family or closet, you shall find but little of God ; his family is ne¬ glected, his soul is neglected: Or it my be he is a for¬ ward first-table man, but you shall find him tardy in the second: He will make many and long prayers, yet make no conscience of devouring widows’ houses ! He is a great pretender of piety, but meanwhile neglects judgment and mercy. The sincere joins altogether: He is so far careful of justice with men that mean¬ while he will not neglect the first and great part of justice, viz. to give God his due: He doth justice, he loves mercy, but withal walks humbly with God: lie walketh soberly with respect to himself, righte¬ ously towards his neighbour, and godly towards his Maker. He is not one of those that are good only on their knees, but you shall find him everywhere con¬ scientious; you shall have temperance on his table, chastity and modesty in his behaviour, grace and truth in his words, charity in his deeds, faithfulness in his trust, justice in his dealing. He doth not only seem to be religious, but bridleth his tongue; he is not only a good Christian, but a good neighbour; not only a good man, but a good husband, a good master, dutiful child, a diligent and faithful servant, a good subject. In a word, he makes great conscience of discharging the duties of his relations among men. (2.) When others stick in externals, do you look to the spiritual part of every command, and principally mind the inwards and vitals of religion; do you not only make conscience of performing duties, but do you carefully look to the manner of performing them, and the ends for which you do perform them ? Do you not only make con¬ science of open, but of secret sins ? Do you abound, above all, in secret duties ? Do you keep a watch 199 CASES OF CONSCIENCE upon your hearts, and make conscience not only of the gross acts of sin, but even of sinful thoughts, inclina¬ tions, and desires ? and are you grieved even with your infirmities, and the corrupt disposition of your natures, which you cannot help though you would? Q. II. When others have their reserves in closing with Christ , do you give up all to him entirely f Have you taken Christ (not hand over head, but) deliberately, understandingly, sitting down first and counting the cost ? Have you not secret reserves for your own ease, safety, estate, some esteemed, beloved sin ? Have you, upon solemn consideration, accepted Christ as the Lord your righteousness, for better for worse, for all changes of times and conditions; to run all hazards with him, and to take your lot with him, fall as it will ? Q. III. When others are for a little religion by-the- by , do you make religion your business ? Do you not put off God with the w'orld’s leaving, and serve him, when you are at leisure? Must not God stand by, while the world is first served ? and are not your souls the least of your cares, and put off with some by-scraps and ends of your time ? Is religion your trade, and your conversation in heaven? Do you walk with God? or have you only now and then a turn with him? When you have ended your prayers, is there an end of your religion till you come to them again ? or do you carry on a design of religion throughout your whole course ? Have you only a list of religion at the outside of the piece ? or is the woof of religion woven into the whole cloth ? into the heart and life ? into your dis¬ course, and trades, and tables ? Do you first seek the kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof? Is it the chief care of your lives that God be served and your souls be saved ? and is this the one thing neces¬ sary with you, that you chiefly mind, and are most solicitous about? Do your very hearts say, with David, one thing have I desired of the Lord ; that will I seek after, &c. Q. IV When others are for the wages of religion, are you for the work? Can you say, with David, 1 have —r JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 199 chosen thy precepts ? Do your hearts come oft freely in this choice ? Had you rather be holy than other- wise, if it were your choice? Had you rather be God s servants, and live at his command, than at your own lusts? Do you count the laws of Christ your heritage, or rather do you count them your bondage? Do ye choose not only the wages of righteousness, but the ways of righteousness ? Are God’s commandments your delight? and are the sweetest hours of your lives the hours you spend with him ? Do ye ever en* joy yourselves so much as when you most enjoy God ? Is his service the greatest comfort ? and is it meat and drink to you to do his will,' unless when you are not yourselves in the time of temptation or desertion ? Do you make use of holy duties only as men do of physic, when they are ill at ease, when conscience lashes, and afflictions sting, as it were to conjure down the frightful furies, or to pacify God, that he may not hurt you ! or else do you use them as your daily bread, and the very staff of your life and means of your comforts ? Q V. When others are for the cheap and easy reli¬ gion, are you for self-denial ? When others are for the religion that will serve them best, are you tor that which will serve God best ? When others are all upon the sparing hand, and will spare what may be spared, and study how they may best save charges in going to heaven, are you of princely spirits, to resolve not to serve the Lord with that which will cost no¬ thing ? Is your course of religion such as doth put your flesh to it, and cross and curb its desires ? or do you love to give it what it craves, and suffer it to take its own way ? Have you no enemy you dread so much as self? Do you pamper and please it, and make pro¬ vision for it, or do you pray and watch against it, and grieve for its unhappy infirmities in your actions, and had you rather than all the world that this enemy were under your feet ? Q. VI. When others are for no more religions than needs musty are you for the height of religion ? The hy- 200 CASES OF CONSCIENCE pocrite (as one well observes) is very inquisitive what is the lowest pitch a man may have, and go to heaven, and upon his design, if he could find but this, he would look no farther: But the sincere Christian, though satisfied that his state is safe, will rest in no attainments in grace, but reaches forward and presses on, if it were possible, to attain to the resurrection of the dead. He that doth not “ desire, and design, and endeavour, perfection, never yet came up to sincerity.'” .A true believer desires holiness for holiness’ sake,” and therefore is set upon “ perfecting holiness.” Others desire it only for heaven’s sake, and therefore are only for so much as will bear their charge this ther: Others make use of holiness only as a bridge to heaven, and therefore are for no more than will just serve their turn. The true be¬ liever hath a holy nature, and there¬ fore holiness is his element and na¬ tural employment; and he must needs desires holiness in its height, because every nature reaches after perfection in its kind. The godly desires not holiness because it is the way to heaven; but he loves heaven the better for the holy way that leads to it, and for the perfect holiness which is there. Q. VII. When others are all for the salvation of Christ , are yon as truly for sanctification by Christ ? Do you take Christ as God offers him, with all his offices and benefits, to be both a prince and a Saviour, to give you repentance as well as remission of sins ? Are you desirous of the dominion of Christ, as well as deliverance by Christ ? Do you close with his bur¬ den as well as his benefits ? Do you count his laws your liberty ? his government not your bondage, but your privilege ? his service your freedom ? Do you go in Christ’s ways as in jives or fetters? or do you run with enlargement of heart, delight, or real willingness? Q. VIII. When others do make self their end, do you And they have a false notion of heaven itself; else they might justly desire it, as the end . of their present Ao- liness: it being the fruition of God in perfect holiness. JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 201 set up God above a//, as your highest end ? The hypo¬ crite doth the same duties with the godly, but with different ends; he eats for himself, he fasts for himself, and prays with no better than self-ends, and therefore is rejected. Now, it is your great design^ in your whole course, to glorify God, and enjoy him. Do you count this your whole business and blessedness ? Do you make other business stoop to this, other interest yield to this ? Do your souls breathe after this, above all “ worldly good,” that Christ may be magnified in you ? Do you count your name and estate as loss, and the delights of sense but puddle-water, in comparison of Christ? If conscience give a comfortable and clear answer to these questions, go in peace; blessed are you of the Lord ? God is your friend ! Heaven is your heritage, the promise are your portion; Christ is yours: all is yours; for he that hath these things shall never be moved, Psa. xv. A necessary Case on 1 Thess. iv. 1. Q. What may and must a Christian be and do, that he may please God ? A. To your pleasing God , something is necessary as to your persons or estates , and something as to your performances and acts . First , As to your persons or estates, it is necessary in general that you be in a state of reconciliation with God. If you would walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, you must first be friends with him; for how can two walk together, except they be agreed ? Get the controversy taken up between God and thee, and then thou shalt, with Levi, walk with God in peace. Labour to get the breach made up, to have the enmity slain, to have divine displeasure removed: Till thy pardon be obtained, and thy peace made, nothing thou canst do will please God; he will be angry with thy person, and angry with thy prayers. What a tart message is that to impertinent sinners, Mai. i. 10. God cannot take pleasure in their per- CASES OF CONSCIENCE 203 sons, (I have no pleasure in you, saith the Lord of Hosts,) nor in any of their performances; (neither will I accept an offering at your hand.) He professes that his soul had no delight in them, and tells them, they are unto him as a vessel wherein there is no pleasure, Jer. xxii. 28. It is the modest expression of that vessel into which nature empties itself. Come in, then, and touch the golden sceptre; yield to mercy ; kiss the son ; resign to Christ; accept of the peace tendered to you in the word of reconciliation; and then God will be a friend. More particularly, that you may be in a state of reconciliation, and so in a capacity of pleasing God, you must follow these directions. 1. Put off every sin . It is your iniquity that sepa¬ rates between you and your God; this is the make- bait. If thou wouldst have God pleased, turn every sin out of doors; pluck it out; cast it from thee; if thou regard iniquity in thy heart, God will not hear thee nor regard thee, Psa. lxvi. 18. If thou art of them that have pleasure in unrighteousness, the Lord hath no pleasure in thee; he is not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness; evil shall not dwell with him ; the fools shall not stand in his sight; he hateth all the workers of iniquity. See that thou abandon every sin that thou knowest: Spare not one Agag, not a right eye, not an Herodias ; for then God will not spare thee: Give the darling of thy bosom a bill of divorce; say to the idol, get thee hence. God will not look upon that man that seems pleasant upon any sin. The jealous God will not endure to see thee hankering on the harlot’s lips, embracing any sin with delight; he will not bear it, to see thee smile upon any sin; he holds thee a traitor to his crown if thou willingly harbourest his enemy. Though thou be very diligent in God’s service, and him presentest with multitudes of sacrifices and many prayers, he will be pleased with nothing, but hide his face and stop his ears, while thou keepest thine iniquities in thy hands, Isa, i. 16, 17, 18. God will not amicably treat with JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 203 them that will not put away the evil of their doings. O look into thine hands, thy heart, and into thy house, into thy shop, thy trade, thy calling, and see if here be any way H of wickedness that thou art found in. Thou canst^not have peace with God nor he> P easure in thee, till this be removed: put off, theretoie, tne old man, with his deeds. ... 2. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, Rom. xm. • First, The red robe of his righteousness for justifica¬ tion The Lord will never give thee a good look, noi a good word, but in Christ: lie is a revenging, a con- suming fire out of Christ; but get on his robes, and he will be well pleased. Enoch had this testimony, that he pleased God; but Christ had much more that God was well pleased with sinners in and for him. Away with these rags and with these fig-leaves . Ho can the righteous soul of God but abhor you, whilst in the filthy clothes of your own righteousness. Hare not to come unto God, but with Christ in your arms; ap¬ proach him not but in the garment of your elder bio- ther, lest you carry away the curse. Joshua 5 nit y garments must be put off; and Christ’s raiment put on, else there is no standing before the bright and burning eyes of infinite holiness. Put on the Lord Jesus in believing; that is, accept of him in all his offices, wit all his inconveniences, and deliver up thyself to him, and this will entitle thee to his merits and righteous¬ ness: Without this nothing will avail. If thy head were waters, and thine eyes a fountain of tears; it thou shouldst wear thy tongue to the root with pray¬ ing ; if thou shouldst weep an ocean, and wash thy¬ self in thine own brine, all could not get out one spot. Nothing can be accepted while thou art out of Christ, and therefore, in the first place, apply thyself to him. God wil accept no gift but of his altar. 2dly, The white robe of his grace of sanctification , Rev vi. 11- Thou, that art in the flesh, (that is, un¬ renewed, unsanctified,) “ canst not please God,” Rom. viii. 8. Never think to make up the matter by a little “ mending and reforming' 1 particular acts: Man, thy K 2 CASES OP CONSCIENCE heart must be renewed; thy state must be clean alter¬ ed, or God cannot be pleased, Matt. vii. 17, 18. The tree must be made good, the fountain must be healed or else the stream will be salt, and the fruit sour. If Christ be once formed in thee, that is his image, in his pace, God will love thee. Likeness is the ground of ove. Similitude and suitableness of nature are the loadstone of affection. God cannot but love his own likeness. Wouldst thou have his favour ? wouldst thou be his delight ? then conform to his pleasure, S' I be hke T him > P urif y Myself as he is pure. • r,t hte ? U . S L , ord loveth righteousness;” he de- sireth I ruth m the inward parts,” and takes infinite complacence in the graces of his people. These are the spikenard and saffron, the spices, the bed of lilies, the sweet ointments, that Christ is so taken with! lliese are the cinnamon and the tree of frankincense, the calamus and camphire, the myrrh and aloes, the chains of the neck, and the precious pearls, that he is so ravished withal, and doth so superlatively commend, i/' 7'/* .. 1 hl , s 18 ,he raiment of needle-work, and gold of Ophir, wherein the queen is presented to her royal husband, Psa. xlv. 9, 13. Therefore “ as the elect of God, holy and beloved,” Col. iii. 12, 13 “ put ye on bowels of mercy, kindness ” Put off all’these, angei, wrath, malice, filthy communication; and put ye on the new man,” Col. iii. 8, 10. Particularly let me commend to you some special graces, which n od doth manifest him to be wonderfully pleased withal • As ever you would please God, get on these. 1. Be clothed with humility, 1 Pet. v. 5. This is a garment which must be put on, or else you cannot be accepted or saved, Matt, xviii. 3. Here is the dress you must come to God in: He must be “served iu humility of mind,” Acts xx. 19. You must humble yourselves to walk with him, Mic. vi. 8. Humility is a plain, yet comely garment, This grace doth emi¬ nently honour God, and therefore God doth put a pe¬ culiar honour upon, and manifest a most fecial de- light in this. Of all the men in the world, this is the w JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 20 6 man that God will look unto; even he that is poor and of a contrite spirit, that trembles at his word, Isa. lxvi. 2. Though he be a high and lofty one, that inha- biteth eternity, whose name is Holy, (whence the trembling soul is ready to conclude, that surely such a fearful Majesty cannot but despise him, such a sm-hate- ing purity cannot but abhor him,) yet he will lay (Ise- Ivfi.15.) aside his Majesty, and bear with mans im¬ purity, and condescend to most familiar and constant communion and cohabitation with his poor dust, when contrite at his feet, and prostrate in humility. If thou wouldst be accepted of God, come, as Benhadad s ser¬ vants to the king of Israel, with a rope about thy neck, and ashes on thy head, 1 Kings xx. 32. Think meanly of thyself, and God will honour thee, 1 Sam. n. JU. Put thyself in the lowest room, and God will set thee higher; be little in thine own eyes, and thou shalt be high in his. A proud heart and a proud look are, with God, the first-born of abomination. As ever thou wouldst have God well pleased with thee, be tho¬ roughly displeased with thyself: If thou dost tho¬ roughly loathe thyself, God will love thee: if thou ab- horrest thvself, God will delight in thee: Be angry with thyself, and the Almighty will turn away his an¬ ger from thee; condemn thyself, and God will acquit thee: In no wise extenuate thy sins, nor justify thy¬ self Think the worst of thyself, and be willing that others should think meanly of thee, and heartily love them that slight thee. This is the frame with which God is well pleased: Pass sentence on thyself, and God will absolve thee; set thyself at his footstool, and he will lift thee up into the throne. II. Labour for Sincerity. This is not a distinct grace from the rest; yet tor the doctrines sake, speak to it distinctly. Uprightness is the great thing that God seeks after and covenants for, Gen. xvn. I. It renders all our persons and performances acceptable before God, Prov. xv. 8. Such as are upright in the way are God’s delight, Prov. xi. 20. To these are all the promises of peace, salvation, pardon, preseiva^on, CASES OF CONSCIENCE and blessedness, Prov. xxviii. 10. In a word, there is no good thing God will withhold from them that walk uprightly, Psa lxxxiv. 11. This was Noah’s praise, that he was upright in his generation ; this was that which set off Job at such a rate, that God doth so ex. tol him for, and as it were made his boast of him, the singular sincerity and integrity of his heart. Study to be upright: See that the main bent of thy heart be to please God and honour him; that God’s interest be uppermost with you; that he have the chief share in you; and that the eye of the soul be principally to him ; for in this sincerity doth consist, as to your main state. Let your great care be your hearts; here is a Christian’s great work. The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart: see therefore that you look to it. Let thy eye be chiefly where God’s eye is; lie minds not so much what thou dost, as with what heart: Go then and do likewise; yet be not satisfied in this, that you are upright as to your estates, but la¬ bour to approve yourselves in uprightness to God in your particular actions. Do common as well as spi¬ ritual actions with holy ends; much of your lives is lost for want hereof. So much as is done for God, of his grace he counts himself our debtor for; but what is done for no higher end than self is lost from our account. III. Put on a spirit of zeal and activity. How won¬ derfully is God pleased with Phinehas’ zeal l Numb, xxv. 11, 12, 13. what a great approbation doth he ma¬ nifest of him ! what attention doth he give to him ! He is so greatly pleased with the zealous appearance of him, that he turns away his displeasure from the whole congregation of Israel, and overlooks their crim¬ son provocation against him. On the contrary, there is nothing that God is more displeased with than re¬ missness and lifelessness, and indifference in religion. The lukewarm water is not a greater offence in the stomach than the lukewarm professor to God; and therefore he will spew such an one out of his mouth, JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 207 Rev. iii. 16. Christians, where is your zeal for the Lord of Hosts? Christ’s redeemed must be “ zealous of good works,” Titus ii. 14. “ Not slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, Rom. xii. 11. Acts xxvi. 6, 7. instantly, night and day, for the hope of the promise. Do not only that which is right in the sight of the Lord, but do it with all your heart: The Lord loveth a willing servant: Bestir yourselves for the Lord. Be ye followers of Christ, who went up and down doing good. Every Christian should be a common blessing, a public good: This is to be the children of your father which is in heaven, who is “ good unto all, and his tender mercies are over all his works;” and be sure that the father doth best love that child that is most like him. A private narrow spirit is a low and a base spirit, unworthy of a Chris¬ tian. A catholic communicative spirit is full of great desires and great designs; a large heart set “ upon do- ing good,” whose fire though ever hottest within, will be breaking forth of his breast, and provoking others; whose love will not be confined to a party, but gladly and thankfully owneth Christ wherever he sees him : This catholic spirit, I say, is the glory of religion, the church’s blessing, and God’s delight. IV. Lively Faith . Heb. x. 38- This is a precious grace in God’s account, 2 Pet. i. 1. 1 Pet, i. 7. it giv- eth glory to God, and therefore God taketh no small pleasure in it. By faith Enoch obtained that testi¬ mony, that he pleased God, Heb. xi. 5, 39. Matt. viii. 10, 11. If you would walk so as to please God, you must walk by faith. Christians must look to the things unseen; they must not live at the common rate: Christ must be their life and breath, their prayer and their promises, their daily bread. By faith, the Eiders obtained that good report: It was faith that Christ was so greatly taken with in the Centurion, which made him to commend him for a none-such. This was that which won such singular praise and appro¬ bation from our Saviour to the woman of Canaan, even her victorious faith, Matt. xv. 28* r l hou hast taken CASES OF CONSCIENCE 208 ' away my heart, my sister, my spouse: thou hast taken my heart with one of thine eyes,” Cant. iv. 9. that is, with thy faith. Live in the power of faith, and thou wilt please him to the heart; give glory to him by be¬ lieving. Let the life thou livest in the flesh be by faith of the Son of God : Faith, as one well says, is the na¬ vel of morality. Live by faith in Prosperity : Though thou hast the world about thee, let it not be above thee; keep it at thy feet; use it as thy servant; be much in the views of glory and contemplationsof eternity; buy as “though thou possessedst not; rejoice as though you rejoicedst not; love as though thou lovedst not; use this world as not abusing itIt is but a fashion, not a substance, and that which is passing away, 1 Cor. vii. 30, 31. Use it therefore with mortified affections, and prove the sincerity of your faith by the victory over your inordinate content and delight in* and desires after, and cares for, the things of this world, 1 John v. 5. Live by faith in adversity; weep as though you wept not, enduring the cross, and despising the shame, as looking unto Jesus, Heb. xii. 2. and xi. 26. account¬ ing Christ’s reproaches your riches, his shame your glory. Acts v. 41. Compare these light afflictions with the promises; count, if you can, the riches that are laid up in them; roll yourselves upon the Lord, Psa. xxxvii. 5. and know that your heavenly Father hath no greater delight than to see his children trust him with confidence, w^hen all visible helps are out of sight, and he seems to be their enemy, Job xiii. 15. V. Put on the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit; this is in the sight of God of great price. Study to be (1 Pet. iii. 4.) like your Father, slow to anger, ready to forgive, Psa. cxxx. 4, 8. forgetting injuries, loving enemies, requiting ill-will with kindness, ill-words with courtesies, neglect with benefits ; and, if any wrong you, do him kindness the sooner: so shall you bear his likeness, and be his delight. And, know, if you are of unmortified passions and unbridled tongues, that God hath a special hatred and displeasure against —— "1 JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 200 a froward heart and a froward tongue, Prov. iii. 32. and xi. 20. and viii. 13. Oh ! seek meekness: how can the holy Dove rest in an angry heart ? Christ is a Lamb of meekness; how can he take pleasure in an unquiet contentious spirit? Verily with the froward he will shew himself froward, Psa. xviii. 26. If you will not forgive others, he will not forgive you. Art thou hard to be pleased, a froward wife, a froward mas¬ ter, a cross and wilful servant? Surely God will not be pleased with thee; he will mete to you as you mea¬ sure to others, Matt vii. 2. VI. Get a spirit of self-denial. God is then pleased best when self is displeased most. When we can be content to be empty, content to be abased, that God may be honoured, and, with the holy Baptist, are wil¬ ling to be eclipsed by Christ, willing to decrease, that he may increase, counting ourselves no losers while his interest is a gainer, John iii. 29, 30. rejoicing that we are made low for Christ’s advancement; this is well- pleasing unto God. How greatly was he pleased with Solomon’s self-denying choice, giving him his asking, and throwing in riches and honour into the bargain! 1 Kings ii. 10, 11, 12. Strange was Abraham’s self- denial: What ! to sacrifice, with his own hand, the whole hope of his family, the heir of promise, the child of his years, a son, an only son, when his life was bound up in the lad’s life! was ever mortal thus put to it? But Abraham shall not be a loser; God gives him a testimony from heaven; blesses him, blesses his seed, blesses all nations in him, Gen. xxii. 15, 16, 17, 18. Wonderful was Moses’ self-denial, but more wonderful were his acceptation and reward, Heb. xi. 24. None like Moses, Deut. xxxiv. 10, God preferred him in a better manner than Pharaoh could : He must speak to him face to face, as a man to his friend ; his word shall be as it were a law with God: speak for whom he will, they shall be spared, though they seem to be destined to destruction: But, speak against him who durst, they shall be sure to bear their iniquity, Numb. xii. 8. For¬ get thyself; renounce thine own wisdom, thine own 210 CASES OF CONSCIENCE worthiness, thine own will ; bridle thy passions, curb thy. appetite, bite thy tongue; this do, and thou shalt be greatly accepted, and shall find that God’s favour will infinitely reward thee for all the murmuring oppo¬ sitions and discontents of thy flesh, which will be ready to be impatient to have the reins held so hard. VII. Maintain a spirit of resolution and constancy in the ways of God , Heb x. 38. This was the renown of the three worthies, Dan. iii. They feared not the fierceness of Nebuchadnezzar’s rage, nor the fire of the furnace; all the world could not make them bow; and how gloriously did God own them, and miraculously evidence his pleasure in them; Stand your ground; resolve to live and die by substantial godliness ; cleave to the Lord with full purpose of heart; let no difficul¬ ties make you change your station ; then shall you be an honour and a pleasure to God that made you. Well then, would you know what frame of heart is pleasing to God? Why, this humble, sincere, zealous, active, frame; this believing, meek, self-denying, re¬ solved, frame: This is the frame that is well pleasing in the “ sight of God.” Secondly, “As to your performance:” More briefly, that those may please God, you must heedfully ob¬ serve these five things : 1. That they be done by the right rule % which is God’s word. You must not follow the imaginations of your own hearts, Numb. xv. 39. you must not do that which is right in your own eyes; in all sacred actions you must have God’s commands to warrant you. You may not offer to God that of which you are not able to say, “ thou requirest these things, at our hands,” Isa. ic 12 . In all civil actions you must have God’s allowance: Be sure he will never accept that which this world condemns : Under pain of God’s displeasure, dare not you set your hand to what the world forbids. 2. That they be done to the right end , which is God’s glory. How damnably* did the Pharisees err ! how mi¬ serably did Jehu miscarry ! and both in acts forth “ matter commanded,” for want of aiming at this end. JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 21 1 S. That they proceed from right principles. (1.) Faith, without which it is impossible to please God : prayer will not avail, except it be the prayer of faith, Heb. xi. 6. We believe and therefore we speak. (2.) Love- If we should “ give our goods to the poor, and bodies to the fire, and not from love, “ it would profit us nothing.” Where the slavish fear of hell only, or the lash of conscience, or the love of man’s praise, car- ries men to duties: where any other carnal principle is predominant in the act; it cannot please God. (J ) Fear. We cannot serve God acceptably without “ re¬ verence and godly fear (no slavish fear) The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in them tha hope in his mercy. Observe the happy mixture where these two are conjoined: that it is a true filial tear. Saith David, “ I will come to thy house in the multi¬ tude of thy mercy,” (behold his faith,) “and in fear will I worship toward ihy holy temple, (there is his fear with faith); laith without fear, were bold pre¬ sumption: fear, without faith, is sinful despair: Join them together, and God is well pleased. 4 That they be done in a right manner, preparedly, not rashly and inconsiderately, in the presence of so dreadful a Majesty: Prudently; for, lawful acts may be spoiled, and done unlawfully, without consideration had to the offence that may in some cases attend them; yea, holy duties, as well as common actions, may be turned into sins, by being ill-timed, and for want of a due attending the present circumstances : Holily, not rashly, uttering any thing with our mouth before God; but behaving ourselves as in his sight, heartily, not feignedly, with our lips going when our minds are ^ 5. That they be directed through the right means, i. e. « Jesus Christ, the only way to the Father. Bring all thy sacrifices to the high-priest; offer all upon this altar; else all is lost. Not that it is enough to say, “ through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen, at e en but in every duty you must come with a lively de¬ pendence on him for righteousness and strength, tor 212 CASES OF CONSCIENCE assistance and acceptance. Remember to do all this in the name of the Lord Jesus : to come leaning upon his hand; without this all your service will be re¬ jected. CHAP. II. A third case of Conscience, grounded on the words of our Saviour, John viii. 29. For, I do always these things that please him , Q. I. Is any man able, in this life, to come up to the example of Christ in this, to do always those things that please God? 6 Answ. In regard there is none that doth good and sinneth not, and God neither can nor will be pleased with sin, no, not in his own people, but most of all nates it in them, it cannot be that any man in this life should fullv come up to Christ’s example herein; yet may we come so far towards it, that, not only in our immediate addresses to God, but in the general course of our lives, we may arrive at pleasing God. Thus Enoch and Noah walked with God: i. e. in their ge¬ neral course they walked so as to please God and ap¬ prove themselves in his sight. Thus the meanest actions, if done by us unto the Lord, as servants of Christ, have a promise of acceptance and reward. Q. II. How may we come in our measures to be fol¬ lowers of Christ in this, to do always those things that please God ? ° Answ. In order to this, there is something neces¬ sary with reference, 1. to our persons, 2. to our prin¬ ciples, 3. to our practices. With reference to our persons: And here it is necessary, 1. that there be an alteration of our natures by renewing grace: for * rp/ a . re II ? fl es h cannot please God. J. hese wild vines must needs bring forth sour grapes, sa. v. 4. the fruit they bear (how specious and fair soever to the eye) is evil fruit, Matt. vii. 19. Where JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 213 there is not a good treasure of grace in the heart, a man cannot in his actions bring forth good things. Many enlightened sinners think, by reading and praying, and forsaking some gross and foul sin, to pacify God, and set all aright. Mistaking souls ! let me undeceive you ; you begin at the wrong end: Your first and greatest care must be to get your hearts and natures changed and renewed by the force of convert- ing grace; you labour in vain at the streams, while the fountain of corruption in the heart remains in its strength ; you must not think it is with you as it is with a ruinous house, where the mending of it here and there a little will make up all again; but the old building must be quite taken down, and the founda¬ tion stone laid anew in a sound repentance for dead works and thorough conversion of God. Till this be done, you must know God hath no pleasure in you, neither will accept an offering at your hand as he doth from those that are his friends. 2. That there be the acceptation of your persons through faith in Jesus Christ; for, in him alone it is that God will be well pleased. So that, without faith interesting us in him, it is impossible to please God. For the better understanding both these particulars, know that there are two attributes of God to which you must bear a conformity, or else you cannot please him. 1. The holiness of God: For, he is not a God that hath pleasure in iniquity; he heareth not sinners; the foolish shall not stand in his sight; he hateth all the workers of iniquity, Psa. v, 3, 4. John ix. 31. God can no more take pleasure in the unsanctified than we in swine or serpents. 2. The justice of God . For he will by no *means clear the guilty, Exod. xxxiv. 7. Could we have in¬ herent holiness in us, in our unpardoned state, yet justice could not but be infinitely offended while guilt lieth unremoved, as you may see in Christ; for, though he were perfectly holy, yet being under the guilt of our sins imputed to him, the severity of God’s justice broke out against him. CASES OF CONSCIENCE 214 Now, man being naturally an offence, both to the holiness and justice of God, there must of necessity pass upon him, in order to his pleasing God, this two¬ fold change: 1. The real change of sanctification I call this a real change, because by this there is a real change; infusing new qualities and dispositions; making him of proud, humble; of carnal spiritual and heavenly, &c. 2. The relative change of justification I call this a relative change, because it is not a real change in a man s nature, but in his condition; making him to stand in a near relation to the law, with reference to which he was before guilty and condemned: But now the law pronounces the same man clear and acquitted; and it was not from any righteousness infused into him, but for the satisfaction and payment another laid down for him : Satisfaction there must be, and righteous¬ ness must be tendered, else God cannot be at peace. We have nothing to pay, Luke vii. 42. Oh sinners! away to Christ for it; hide thee in the clefts of that rock; run to the fountain open for sin and unclean¬ ness. Appear not before God, but in the robe of Christ’s righteousness: He sends you to Jesus, as he did them to Job, Chap. xlii. 8. Go to my servant Job; he shall pray for you; him will I accept. Get out of yourselves; flee to Christ; labour to be found in him ; else all your endeavours, in rinsing and wash¬ ing yourselves, will be to no effect. 3. With reference to our principles. And here it is necessary that some corrupt principles be unlearned, and some holy principles be received and retained. Some corrupt principles must be unlearned; as 1. that it is enough if we serve God on the Lord’s day, and we may serve ourselves all the rest of the week. 1 hough God hath reserved one day in seven wholly for his immediate service, (where is therefore in a peculiar sense, called the Lord’s day,) yet we must know that every day is his, and that he hath not allowed us one hour or inch of time but only for his service. Indeed he hath service of more sorts than JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 215 one; but we must know that the business of our ordi¬ nary affairs, if rightly done, is serving the Lord Christ, Col. iii. 24*. God is as truly served by you in the working day’s labour as the Sabbath-day’s rest, if you do it in a right manner, and to holy ends. There are a generation whose religion is but a Sun¬ day’s religion, which they put on and ofF with their Sunday’s clothes, and then they think God is fairly served for the week, although, God knows, that little they do then is but poorly done neither. Never think God will accept it at thine hands, when thou livest six days for the world and thyself, for one that thou spendest to him. This shews thee to be under the unmortified powerof self-love, and not to be the Lord’s; for none of his liveth to himself, Rom. xiv. 7. You must remember that you are but to learn upon the Sab¬ bath how r to serve God all the week; and not to think, when the Lord’s day is ended, his work is done. 2. That if God be served morning and evening , it is enough , though we serve ourselves the rest of the day. God must be served every day, and all the day: You must be serving him not only in your feasts but at your common meals, not only on your knees but in your callings. Some think, that, if they keep all religious duties, they may do what they list at other times; that, if they be intemperate, lascivious, unrighteous, it is but to make over again with God at night, and all will be well; like the whore in the Proverbs, that, having made her offering, was presently read for new wick¬ edness, Prov. vii. 14 as if she had paid off the old score, and might now run boldly upon a new. Those are not the children of God but of Belial. Others think, that, though they may not serve the devil at any time, yet giving God his dues morning and evening, they may serve themselves the rest of the time. But in vain do they lay claim to God, who live more to themselves than him. This will be found horrible sacrilege, to put off God with but a tenth. God is to be eyed and served in all that you do; and 216 CASES OP CONSCIENCE this is what I drive at; that we may not divide our¬ selves between God and the world, between his ser¬ vice and our own ends, and so put him off with a partial service; but that we may do all in obedience to him, and so may be entirely the Lord’s; that he may in all things be glorified by us, and we may not lose our reward* 2 . Some holy principles must be received and re¬ tained : as, Princ. 1. That the pleasing God is not only busi¬ ness and our highest blessedness. First, our only business: What is it we call or count our business? 1. That is a man’s business which his livelihood and subsistence depend upon. The lawyer reckons the law his business, and the tradesman counts his trade his business, because upon these their livelihood and subsistence depend. Brethren, our whole depends upon the pleasing God; do this, and you do all; miss in this, and you mar all: Please him and you are made for ever; if he be not pleased, you are undone for ever. How careful is the selfish courtier to please his Prince! how will he crouch and flatter! and, if he can but divine what will gratify and please him, he thinks himself happy ! And why? but because all his dependence is upon his Prince’s favour ! Much more do we depend upon the favour of God : Blessed is the man whom he chooseth ! in his favour is life ! but woe to them that have God against them ! they are perfectly miserable: Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them. If the Lord do but say to a man, as he did to Moses, thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name—happy is that man! but, if he thus say: I have no pleasure in thee 1 you may cover the face of that man, as they did Haman’s, and carry him away ! Miserable must his end be if he continue ! 2. That is a man’s business which he hath his stock and talents for. If a man be entrusted as a steward or factor, his business is to buy in the commodities that are useful. Beloved, all our time, parts, interests, JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 217 food, raiment, and all other mercies, spiritual or tem¬ poral, are the stock wherewith God has entrusted us, and are all for his own use and service: And is it not a sad and fearful case, that God should have so great a stock going, as lies in the hands of all the sons of men, and yet have (if I may so speak) so little profit of it, (I mean so little glory by it,) that he should sow so much and reap so Tittle, strew so much and gather so little? Is it not sad, that men should have so much in vain ? Hast thou health and wealth, and dost thou not use them for God ? It is all in vain. Hast thou under¬ standing, and yet improved it but for contriving thine own affairs and worldly designs? thy reason and under¬ standing are become vain. Oh ! how wilt thou answer, that thou hast had so great a stock in thy hands, and made so little improvement of it ? It had been well for some men if they never had a foot of land or an hour of ease, if they never had the understanding of men, because they have not used their talents for God, and for the ends for which they were put into their hands. 3. That is a man's business which his capacities do call for . It is a man’s business, if in the capacity of a judge, to do justice; or of a servant, to do his master’s will. Brethren, all your capacities evidence it to be your business to please God; you are his friends, you are his servants, therefore must please him well in all things, Tit. ii. 9. his children, and therefore must set yourselves to honour him, Mai. i. 6. his spouse, and therefore it is your business to please your hus¬ band, 1 Cor. vii. 34. 4. That is a man's business which he hath a mainte- nance from . If a man be maintained in the place of a school-master, it is his business to teach ; if of a soldier, it is his business to fight. Beloved, do you not know at whose finding you are ? and do you think God keeps so many servants to be idle, or to mind their own de¬ signs and pleasures? God hath cut you out every one his work, every man his hands full; so much work is to be done within door, and so much without door; so much towards God, towards your neighbour, towards 218 CASES OF CONSCIENCE your ownselves, that you have no time to be idle in, and you shall dearly reckon for it, it you will eat his bread, and will not do his work. And, as pleasing God is our chiefest business. Princ. 2. So it is also our highest blessedness; for man’s happiness lies in God’s favour, Psa. vi. 9. Our happiness is in attaining the end of our being; and therefore the great query among the philosophers was, what was the end and happiness of man ? Now, the true end of our being is, that we may please God; for his pleasure we are and were created. Rev. iv. 11. And for this end also we are now created, that we should yield ourselves unto God, Rom. vi. 13. and being built up a spiritual house, should offer up to him spi¬ ritual sacrifices, acceptable through Christ, 1 Pet. ii.5. This is the end of our redemption, that we should not serve ourselves, but him in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives, Luke i. 74, 75. and that we should not henceforth live to ourselves, but to him that died for us, 2 Cor. v. 15. It is the end likewise of our justification ; that our consciences being purged, we should acceptably serve the living God. In a word, it is the end of our glorification, that, being translated into heaven, we should perfectly please God, and serve him night and day in his temple, Rev. vii. 15. and xxii. 3. So that the pleasing God is the sole end and happiness of man, Eccl. xii. 13. And this will be clear, because we then do promote ourselves most when we please God best; for, by this, you shall have this two fold advantage. First, You shall be the favourite of God . O glorious promotion ? Haman thought himself no little man when he was on Ahasuerus’ right hand, and yet he was at length but preferred to the gallows, Esther v. 11. and vii. 10. But what shall be done to the man whom GOD delights to honour ? O blessed is that man ! Woe to him that touches him ! “ It had been better for him that a mill-stone were hanged about his neck, and be drowned in the midst of the sea, than that he should offend such an one P Luke xvii. JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 219 2. God is infinitely careful of his favourites ; the apple of his eye is touched when they are injured, Zech. ii. 8. Whosoever toucheth them shall not be innocent, Psa. cv. 15. God hath a blessing for those that shew them kindness; he will render vengeance upon the ungodly for every hard speech they utter against them. O man ! doth not thy soul say, happy are the peo¬ ple that are in such a case! Will not thy condition be most blessed, when God shall be thus infinitely tender of thee, take all the kindnesses done to thee as done to himself, and all the injuries done to thee as affronts to himself? This is the happy case of his favourites ! Secondly, every thing you do shall be found on your account with God. Brethren, are you believers, or are you not ? do ye believe the immortality of the soul, and the life to come, or do ye not ? the ways of most declare them to be such as do not; to be mere infidels, though professed Christians. If you think there be an eternal state to come, will it not be your highest wis¬ dom to provide for it, and lay up what possibly you can, that you may inherit it in the other world ? Will not every wise man, that knows he is shortly to be re¬ moved into another country, be careful to transport all he can, that he may enjoy it at his coming ? Beloved, if you do indeed believe that you must be for ever in another world, will it not be your best way to be doing that, the fruit whereof you shall enjoy for ever ? Were not he a madman, that (having but a very short term upon a living) should yet go building and planting there, when he had a land of inheritance to build up¬ on ? Infinite is the mischief that comes of self-seeking and self pleasing: You are eternal losers by it: God will say, you have your reward. Something you may have in hand, but the eternal reward is lost. Bre¬ thren, I am ambitious for you that what ye do you should do for ever, that all should meet you in the other world, and that there you should reap the ever¬ lasting fruit of what you are doing now. A wise builder will build for ever, and not that which shall L CASES OF CONSCIENCE 220 last for only a day or year: Oh, that you would be wise builders! Do all for God, and you shall have eternal advantages. Learn but this lesson, ‘ 6 to set yourselves in all things to please God, and you will be promoting and advancing yourselves in all that ever you do;” always laying up a treasure in heaven; still adding to the heap. And, oh ! what riches will you come to, when, by every day, and every hour, and every action, you are gainers! for, God will not let the least thing that is done for him (no, not a cup of cold water) go without an everlasting reward, Matt, x. 42. nor your labour be in vain, 1 Cor. xv. 58 Princ. 3. That , when yon have done all , if God be not pleased , you have done nothing . Settle it in your heart that all is in vain that is not done for God; when you do not please God, you do not profit yourselves: When men offer ever so richly and freely, if not in such a manner as is pleasing to God, all is but a vain oblation, Isa. i. 13. If men will do more than ever God required, and be zealous in things that God has not commanded, it is “ but in vain that they worship him,” Matt. xv. 9. Beloved, so much time as you have lived to yourselves you have lived in vain; be¬ cause it was quite beside your end. Oh ! it is a heart¬ cutting consideration to a tender Christian to think of this; that when life is short, and time so little in all, yet he must be fain to cut off so much. Why, man, so many hours must thou cut off’ from thy days, and so many years from thy life, as thou hast not lived unto God but to thyself, are lost as to the ends of life and time. If on repentance thou art forgiven, thou art not rewarded for them. w Beloved, you must count that you have lived no longer than you have lived unto God, Phil. i. 21. “ To me to live is Christ.” I should account I did not live if I did not live to him ; it is the only employment of my life to serve him: I should not tell what to do with my life, unless it were to spend it for him. Christian, thus you must reckon : So much time as I have lived to Christ, so much I have saved; and so JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 221 much as I have lived to myself, so much I have lost. It is not the man, but the beast, that lives while we live below our reason, which distinguishes the human life from that of brutes. Now, while vve live not to God, we live utterly below our reason itself; which is sufficiently discovered in that God is the author and end of man. Doth not reason dictate, that God should have the glory of his own work, and the vessel should be to the potter’s use ? Doth any man plant a vineyard, or keep a flock, and not expect the fruit or milk? 1 Cor. ix. 7. “ God hath made thee, O man, for himself,” Prov. xvi. 4 and hast thou the face of a man, and dost not blush at this, to think that God should make and mention thee in vain ? If thou hast a grain of in¬ genuity, thou wilt abhor the thoughts of this, that thou shouldst be in vain. Why, so much as thou art for thyself, thou art for nothing. It may be thou liv- est a very busy life, but thou actest not for God ; thou art all this while but busily doing nothing: Thou may- est sit down in the evening, and say, “ I have been all this day doing nothing.” Thou wilt find a blank in God’s book for that day : Nothing on thy account; or this sad record, “ such a day spent, and nothing done.” God has his day-book, and takes notice of all your carriages, how you rise, and how you go forth to your labours; how you speak, how you eat, and whether you eye him, and his glory in all, or look no higher than yourselves, Luke v. 5. “ We have been toiling “ all night, and caught nothing.” May not this be the sad complaint of many a man: I have been toiling all my life, and yet have done nothing, because what I did was not done unto the Lord! How would you take it of your servants, if, coming home in the even¬ ing, you should find every one of them minding their own business and pleasure, and your work left undone ? Is it not sad, Sirs, that so many days and hours should pass over us, and we be no nearer our end than we were before ? Your little children are busy from morn¬ ing till night, and yet all the while have been doing nothing; and so are you, when you are but seeking 222 CASES OF CONSCIENCE your carnal selves, and not serving and pleasing God i in what you undertake. |e Princ. 4. That the favour of all the world can nothing t avail you , if God he not pleased with you and by you . i If there were any that could save you from his wrath, f you need not be solicitous to please him; and, if he be not well pleased, we are all undone, V Thou, even ct thou, art to be feared; and who shalt stand when once thou art angry ?” Psa. lxxvi. 7. Isa. xliii. 13. a When men have slight thoughts of God’s anger, and t the fear and dread of him are not on their hearts, no ci wonder if they be not careful to please him. You b must be convinced that the displeasure of God is the it most formidable thing in the world, else you can i never learn this great lesson. Beloved, if you should b please men, and all the world should be on your side, p what would this avail, while God is your enemy ? If l all men should bless you and speak well of you, what z would this profit when God should rise up in judgment t against you and condemn you ? It is not a man’s bar, y but God’s that you must stand at; it is not by men’s votes you must be cast or acquitted ; it will not go by ? most voices, but God himself is the judge, Psa. lxxv. 7. In his breast it is whether you shall live or die. If a \ man were upon trial for his life, what would it avail him that all his fellow prisoners and the whole crowd | about him were for him, when the whole bench and jury were against him? If your lives and estates were in question, to whom would you go to make a friend, the judge or the people? Sirs, be convinced that, if God be against you, it is as bad as if God and all the world were against you ; for all signifies nothing with- out him. Oh ! whatever you do, study to get in and keep with him. I tell you the time is coming when the breath of men will signify nothing: when their commendation will do you no good. O man, though all the world should give thee their hands, and sub¬ scribe thy certificate, it would signify nothing in God’s account, or his court. Many build their hopes of heaven upon the good opinion that others have of JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 223 them: bat I tell thee, man, though thou couldst carry letters of commendation with thee when thou diest, and all the ministers of the gospel should give thee their Bencdicites , all would be no more than a blank paper; and he would not save thee a jot the sooner if he should find thee to have been but a secret hypo¬ crite, a rotten-hearted professor, all the while. Princ. 5. That God would not be pleased with you in any thing, except you make it your care to please him well in every thing . You will be one day ashamed, ex¬ cept you “ have respect to all God’s commands,” Psa. cxix. 0. “You have not a good conscience, except it be your care in all things to live honestly,” Heb. xiii. 8. If Naaman must be excused in one thing, to bow in the house of Rimmon, that he might not des¬ pise his Master, this is enough to spoil every thing, 2 Kings v. 18. Some will needs keep God’s good will and the world’s too, and so will give both their turns: they will serve God at home, and conform to the world abroad; and it must be a great thing indeed that they will not swallow rather than lose the good¬ will of men, especially great men. These men have two faces and two tongues: the one for the good, and the other for the bad company that they come into. Some held two first principles; the one the “ common foundation of all good,” (which is God,) and the other the cause of all evil; and they worshipped both; the “ good principles for love,” and the evil for fear. Just such a religion are many among us now of: But let them know, whoever they are, that, while they grasp all, they lose all; for God will never own time-servers nor men-pleasers for the servants of Christ. Eph. vi. 6. Gal. i. 10. 3. With reference to their practice. And here, as ever you desire to come to that blessed life of “ doing always those things that please God,” you must care¬ fully follow” these six rules. Rule I. Look round about you to the whole latittide and compass of your duty. Great is the latitude ot Christianity: “ Thy commandment is exceeding broad,* CASES OF CONSCIENCE 22 4 Psa. cxix. 96. and many professors scarce look more than one way; but, while they intensely mind one f thing, they neglect another. It may be while they are taken up with the care of religious duties, they forget relative duties; or they are careful of personal duties, but very remiss in the duties that they owe to the souls of their families; or they complain and mourn over their own sins, but lay not to heart others’ sins. It may be they are more punctual in their more immediate duties towards God, but are very negligent in their duties towards men; or they will spend much time for their souls, but little lay to heart the case of the church, the misery of perishing souls that are round about them. Possibly, they keep the Sabbath strictly, and pray, hear, and fear an oath; but in the meantime, make little conscience of breaking their ) promises, passing hasty and uncharitable censures, spending time vainly, being unprofitable in their dis¬ course, close-handed to godly uses, suffering sin to go unreproved, letting out their passions at every petty c cross. Many will mind their duty to them that are within, and in the meantime are very short in their duties to them that are without. This is too common 1 a case. Where is the Christian almost that seriously bethinks himself, what might I do to win souls? It may be you will go on in the company of the godly, where you may be edified : but, when do you go to your poor neighbour, whom you see to live in a sinful state, and tell him of his danger, and labour to gain him to Christ? Yea, so much is this great duty neglected and out of fashion, that I am afraid many question whether it be a duty or not; as if you might let sin lie upon the soul of your brother, and yet be innocent, Lev. xix. 17. If it were but his ox or ass that lay ready to perish, you would make no question but it were your duty to help him out of the ditch; and do you think in earnest that you owe more to these than you do to his soul? Is it to ministers only, or to»all believers, the Scripture belongs? Prov. xi. 30. “ The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winngth 39fS JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. souls is wise.” Surely the lives of too many Christians speak the same language that Cain spake with his mouth: “ Am I my brother’s keeper? Gen. iv. 9. It is true, God will have you keep every one, within the bounds of your proper station, so as to take occa¬ sions, yea, to seek occasions, as you are able, to be doing good to others. Do you not know howr to get within your poor neighbour? Carry alms with jou, do him a kindness; oblige him by a courteous and winning carriage; then shall I expect to see t le ing- dom of Christ flourish gloriously, when every one that prot'esseth godliness shall arise and take hold ot the skirt of his neighbour. Oh, see your neglects in this; do not think it enough to keep your own vineyard; let your friends and neighbours have no quiet tor you, till vou see them setting in good earnest to seek after heaven; or, if you might bring in but everyone his man to CHRIST, what a blessed thing were this. I lose myself in this argument; but l am content to do so, this duty being so miserably neglected. Too many live as if religion lay all in k praying and hearing, holy confidence,” and the like ; orget- ting “ that pure religion and undefiled is this, to visit the 8 fatherless and widows in their afflictions, James i 27. The other should be so done, as that this should not be left undone. You make conscience o being just, and true, and faithful, but do you not for¬ get to win upon others by your kindness and affa- bleness ? as if it were not written in your Bible, pitiful, be courteous, having compassion one of ano¬ ther” 1 Pet- Hi. Say not “ it is not my nature. What doth grace serve for, but to correct the ev^s of your temper? Is not ours a religion of sdf-denial? Do not the rules of religion enjoin us to be followers of whatsoever is lovely and ot good report, and may render religion amiable to the world ? Phil, iv 8. Rule II. Use a wise forecast, that every day may fall in its time and order, and every work may have its room. It is not enough to do God’s work, but it must be done in his order. That which in itselt is good and 2 26 CASES OF CONSCIENCE necessary, may be so ill-timed as to become a sin. It js a duty to tell our brother of bis sin; but, to rip it up in your passion, or to be retorting upon him when ^i Chris . tianl y admonishing you, is a sin. Your worldly business must not shut out religion, nor reli¬ gious duties take you so as to neglect your callings; but every duty must have its place. But, for the oing of all in Gods order, take these five directions. i*rP ireCt ’ I' ^ e 8 ln at l. in provoking to good Why must God plead with you; thou that teachest another, teaches thou not thyself? Rom. ii. 21. Be an example of thine own rule; else the hypocrite’s charge will come in against thee. Matt, xxiii. 4. -they bind heavy burdens, but will not touch them with one of their fingers. O observe God’s order, I3eut. vi. 6, 7. These words which I command thee shall be in thine heart; that must be our first care; and then, having got our lesson well ourselves, we must teach it to others: And thou shalt teach them dili- gently to thy children, and talk of them when, &c. At least, if thou hast not already attained it, be sure to earn with the first; and, when thou professest to duty, intend thyself first, and speak most to thy own heart. 2. In reproving evil: Else thou wilt be branded for a hypocrite, Matt. vii. 5. First cast the beam out of thine own eye. We may not think, as many do mis- takingly, that we must not reprove another, when we are guilty of the same sin; but we must in such a case be sure to cast the first stone at ourselves. Be soonest angry with thyself, and most severe to thine own sins rather, than to others. It is strange to see the areat censoriousness of professors to others, and how tender they are of their own corruptions, and impatient of reproof. Reader, fear and avoid this sin. Direct. II. Let God be first served. Let God have the first of thy thoughts, the first of the day, the first o thy strength. IIow heavily is God displeased with the profane piiests, because they will serve themselves first with sacrifices before him ! 1 Sam. ii. 15, 3fi. It is the holy counsel that one gives: Hold the’door of VJ JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 227, thy heart fast against the world in the morning, till thv heart hath been first in heaven, and seasoned and fortified thence against the temptations thou art like to meet with as soon as thou comest below. Indeed all must be done as God’s service, but so as that his immediate service must be done first. It is the coun¬ sel of several heathens that all undertakings should be begun with prayer. Saith Aratus, let us begin with God • And the very Mahometans begin their books al¬ ways, as men use to do their wills, « In the name ot God M Direct III. First cleanse the inside. Matt, xxiii.26. Cleanse first that which is within the cup. Though they are much out that live as if all their work did lie within doors, yet remember that it lies chiefly here. It is a most preposterous course in religion to begin first with the outside, Jer. iv. 14. O Jerusalem, wash thine heart: When once this is done, reformation will quickly begin in the life, but not otherwise. Many are careful that all that appear to men should be beau¬ tiful, but their hearts are neglected : 1 hese carry about them the marks of the hypocrite. Matt. xxm. 17, 2b. And what will it profit thee, O vain man, to have all secret from men, since GOD knows and detects thee, and hath appointed a day when he will rip open all thy pack, and anatomize thy heart before the world r 1 Cor. iv. 5. Eccles. xii. 14. Horn. h. lb. Direct IV Eve those duties that are of most import¬ ance, Matt, xxiii. 23. The hypocrite is very punctual in less matters, but neglects the weightier things of the law; judgment, mercy, and faith. He is for a re¬ ligion that will cost him but little; and therefore, words being very cheap, he will be as forward as any mighty zealot in the circumstantials of religion, and marvellously censorious of others that come not up to his mind, as men of wide principles and large con¬ sciences; but, in the meantime, he is very negligent of secret duties, a great stranger to self-denial and walking humbly with God: He strains wonderfully at a ceremony, but (it may be) he can swallow the L 2 CASES OF CONSCIENCE gains of unrighteousness, or the baits of repentance, safe enough. It may be he will decry superstition, and never wants a stone to sling at a profane churchman ; but in the meantime walks loosely in his family, makes little conscience in his dealings, or will take up his cups as freely as another, so he be not drunk; or it he will not take a penny of his neighbour’s estate, he is most unmerciful to his good name, and will take up any report that is going. Brethren, you must make conscience of the least sin, and of the least duty ; but it is a fearful sign when men are zealous against less sins, and yet connive at greater, as these are, Matt, xxiii. 24. Direct. V. Take the first opportunity, when God gives a Jit season for any duty . Let not Satan beguile you, by telling you of another or better time. It may be thou hast a purpose to reprove thy brother for his sin; but how long wilt thou be purposing f Now God gives thee an opportunity. It may be, thy backward heart saith, not now, but another time,” and so'puts it off’ till he 01 thyself be removed, and he be hardened; then, at least, thou art guilty of the sin that he commits in the meanwhile, because thou hast “ not done thy ic duty” to prevent it. It is in thine heart to deal with thine unconverted friend or neighbour about his spiri¬ tual state; but it may be, while thou art delaying, death comes, and snatches him away in his sins, or takes thee off, and so farewell for ever to any opportu¬ nity of doing the soul of thy brother any good. How often are the closet-duties hindered, or miserably dis¬ turbed, for want of care to lay hold on the first oppor¬ tunity ? We think another hour in the day may do as well; but then one thing or another unexpectedly falls in, that nothing is done to the purpose; therefore be¬ ware of this cheat. A man can scarce peep into the world, but one brier or thorn or other will catch him ; therefore take opportunity by the foretop. Our Sa¬ viour would take his season for prayer before day, when his other work was pressing, Mark i. 35. Rule III. Do nothing in things sacred without God's JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 229 command; nothing in things civil without God's allow - ance. Offer not with strange fire. In God s worship you must see you be well able to answer that question, «who hath required these things at your hands ? Here the command must be observed without adding or diminishing, Deut. xii. 32- yet understanding this with two cautions: t . . . , ^ 1 “ Though men may not stamp their invented ce~ remonies with a moral signification, nor impose nor use them, though with good intentions ot eddying.peo¬ ple by devising means," Matt. xv. 9. as if Christ had not sufficiently provided for the edified of his people without their devices: and, though nothing may be used as a part of worship that God hath not com¬ manded, Col. ii. 23. (for, it is enough to make any thing rejected by the Lord ot Divine VVorship it he shall say, “ I commanded it not, spake it not, neither came it into my mind," Jer. vii. 31. and xix. 5.) yet nevertheless those things that are merely circumstan¬ tial, and not in the general kind necessary nor in¬ tended as any part or means of worship, may be de- termined of by human prudence, according to the ge- neral rules of the word, which must always be ob¬ served, 1 Cor. xiv. 26, 40. And, tor want ot under- standing, many have ignorantly condemned preaching by an hour-glass, in a high place, in churches, by way of doctrine and use, &c. running from one extreme to another. „ „ 2. We may not think that God’s ordinance, remain¬ ing tor substance, may be forsaken, because ot some “ faults in the administering, or in the way of their administration.” The administering of Gods ordi¬ nances belongs not to the people, but to the mini- sier; and, if he fails in his duty, by administer- ing them in a way that is not, or is less edify- N.l3* ini, it is my grief, but his sin. Hophm and Phineas were corrupt in their lives, and brought m much corruption and rudeness into the service ot God, vet Elkanah and Hannah, with others of the godly, did nevertheless attend God's worship and sanctuary, 230 CASES OF CONSCIENCE m Ti A Sa , m ‘ *■ mucl1 corru pt*°n was crept both into iM.-D. the doctrine, worship, and lives of the Jews, yet our Saviour (though he still cried down the cor¬ ruption and would not join in it) never prohibited cornmumon with them in God’s worship, but enjoins i , Matt. v. 24. Luke v. 14. and practises it, both he, a , .“I* P“ ren,s ’ and a P°s‘les. Luke ii. 21, 22, 24, 39, 41, 42, 46. Acts xxi. 23, 24, 26. But now, in things civil, it is'sufficient that you have the allowance of the word, though not the com¬ mand ; always provided, that the general rules be here observed, all to the glory of God, 1 Cor. x. 31. and not to abuse our lawful liberty to the offence of others, Korn. xiv. 2, 3. Now, your actions being thus justi¬ fiable, as to the matter of them, (without which it is impossible, had you never so good intentions, to please trod,) the influence and virtue of holy ends in them will be effectual to turn all into religious duties, as a touch of the philosopher s stone turns the baser metal into gold. Rule IV. In every action let God be uppermost; but in religious actions let God be all . Ret none of your actions terminate in yourselves; but labour to be able in sincerity to give this account of any thing you set about, that this you do because it is pleasing to God, because it is his will concerning you. Set a mark upon this caution ; beware in those actions wherein self may bear a part, lest it should sweep stakes, and carry all. You may, in your common actions, have an eye to your outward commodity and comfortable being in the world, but this must not be the chief thing, much less the all that you design herein ; for, by looking no higher than self, you incur this double mischief, 1. You lose so much from your own account; 2 . You usurp on the great prerogative of God. I fear we are not aware of the fearful evil in self-seeking: it is no less than jostling God beside the throne, and setting ourselves in his stead. It is God’s great prerogative, and the proper worship that is due to him, as God, that he should be the last end of all the operations of \ JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 231 us Ills creatures, and that all our motions should ter¬ minate in him. Now, when we eye our own commo¬ dity, and not God, and look to this more than unto God, we arrogate the divine prerogative to ourselves, and set ourselves above him; which is no less than heinous idolatry. And, if it be such a heinous sin to bow down to an image, which is but the giving God’s outward worship to the creature, how much more to seek and honour ourselves before God ! This is to give his inward worship, which of all is the principal, to the creature. Oh, how many that pass for good Chris* tians, will be found heinous idolators, because they have sought their own carnal ends more than God and his glory ! and many real Christians, though they mainly design God and his glory, yet in many parti¬ cular actions contract great guilt, by looking no higher than themselves in what they do. I know you can¬ not be always thinking of God, yet I would have you never forget what you have been taught—in the en¬ trance of every solemn action, to remember God, and make him your end. Lie down in the name of God every evening; go forth in his name every morning; resolving to undertake all for him. When you enter upon your callings, sit down at your meals, make a journey or a visit, do it as unto the Lord, with design to please him therein. This you may come to with care and watchfulness. Again, in “ religious actions let God be all.” Here self (I mean carnal self) must be shut out; otherwise this dead fly will spoil the box of most precious oint¬ ment. It is true, self will be crowding in ; but you must knock it down carefully ; otherwise, ii this be the predominant ingredient, all your duties will be but lost labour. What more pleasing to God than prayer ? this is incense before him, Psa. cxli. 2. What more delightful than alms P this is a sacrifice acceptable and well-pleasing unto him, Phil. iv. 18. How happy a testimony had Cornelius ! “ Thy prayers and thy “ alms are come up as a memorial before God,” £32 cases of conscience Acts x. 4*. yet, when self is predominant in those du¬ ties, “ prayers, alms,” &c. are all but lost, Matt. vi. 1,7. Rule V. When you have done all , be careful to deny all , Luke xvii. 10. and deny not God’s mercy in ena¬ bling and assisting you: This must be with all thank¬ fulness observed, attributing nothing to yourselves, and giving God all the glory. Take the pattern of holy l)avid, 1 Chron. xxix. 14. “ But who am I, and what is my people, that we should offer so willingly ? of thine own have we given thee.” And of blessed Paul, 1 Cor. xv. “ Not I, but the grace of God which is within me.” And of good Nehemiah, who, when he had done the most eminent service for God, cries at last for pardoning mercy, Neh. xiii. 22. “ Remember me, O God, concerning this also, and spare me accord¬ ing to the greatness of thy mercy ! ” Rule VI. Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus , Col. iii. 17. Having carefully set out for God in the morn¬ ing, and directed your common actions to “ him as your end” throughout the day, doing all in his sight, and with a desire to please him therein, bring all to “ Christ in the evening,” and present all to God by him, confidently expecting God’s acceptance and re¬ ward for ail that you have done ; for this he hath pro¬ mised, be your actions ever so mean, because they were done as his service, Col iii. 22, 23, 24. Eph. vi. 6, 7, 8. If you neglect this, you lose all at last : for God will accept of no sacrifice but from the priest’s hands; and therefore you must expect no acceptance with God, nor any reward from him, but only through Christ, 1 Pet. ii. 5. John xiv. 6. You must be sure, therefore, not only to make a formal mention of Christ's name, but to build all your hopes of success on him alone, and to come to God with an actual and lively dependance on him. Thus have I resolved the case propounded. I will but answer an objection, and briefly press your duty by some motives, and so conclude. rz - W ■ JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 233 Object. You bind heavy burdens : What! must we be always in the traces P surely, this severity of reli¬ gion is more than needs ! Answ. 1. Burden, man ! it is thy happiness: If ho¬ liness and pleasing God be a burden, health is a bur¬ den, heaven and happiness are a burden. Answ . 2. This is no other burden than what God himself hath bound upon your consciences, Kom. ix. 20. “ What art thou, O man, that repliest against God ? Have I put upon you a devised and unneces¬ sary strictness; or bound that burden upon you which I will not touch with one of my fingers ?” 1 Cor. ix. 8. “ Say I this as a man, or saith not the law the same also ?” Prithee whose word is this, “be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long ?* Prov. xxiii. 17. “Do all to the glory of God, 11 1 Cor. x. 31. “ Exercise thyseli unto God, 1 ’ 1 Tim. iv. 7. Y\ hat have I pressed but what the saints have practised P Phil. iii. 13, 14. “One thing I do, I press towards the mark. 11 Psa. xxvii. 4. “ One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek alter.” Psa. cxix. 38. “ Thy servant that is devoted to thy fear. 11 Gen. v, 22 “ Enoch walked with God three hundred years.” What is this but what the Scripture hath foretold shall be ? “ 1 hey shall walk up and down in the name of the Lord, 11 Zech. x. 12. “Then shall be upon the bells of the horses, and upon every pot in Jerusalem, holiness to the Lord,” Zech. xiv. 20,21. Dispute not against God, but up and be doing: It is an ill sign when the heart rises against strictness of the duty : You utterly mistake in thinking this life of strictness to be bondage. Who have joy unspeakable and full of glory, who know the peace that passeth all under¬ standing, if not those that thus walk with God ? Now, my brethren, let me beseech you to be con¬ scientious practioners of this great lesson: Study to do always those things that are pleasing unto God; Oh! that I knew but how to engage you; that I could but get you to set these rules before you all the days of your lives for your practice ! It is not enough CASES OF CONSCIENCE 234 that you give the hearing, and like the preacher, or approve the doctrine. But, Sirs, what will you do? r too many of my hearers are like Ezekiel's, chap, xxxiii. 32. What say you, brethren, will you learn with me ? Oh ! that I might lead you on to a thorough acquaintance with the strictness and power of religion, and the holy frame which will be God's delight, and your felicity. Brethren, what seek I for? God knows, this is my ambition, that I may but help you on the way of holiness. I would not that you should 33 be such bad proficients, as to be always of the lower form, and keep on merely in a dull and barren course: My desire for you is, that you should not be shrubs, but cedars of tall growth, choice experience, singular communion, u walking with God,” shining to the conviction of the world. Will you let me but prevail ® with ye in so good a design? Why should you 11 mourn at last, and say how have I hated instruction, P and my heart despised reproof! I have not obeyed the a voice of my teachers, nor inclined my ear to them ; that instructed me, Prov. v. 11, 12, 13. That I may 1- invite you to this holy course, consider: I. It is very possible; for, first, God is very easily « pleased : he is not like a froward master, that cannot, l that will not, be pleased. If you do but make it your a study and care to please him, and thoroughly set your \ heart to it, your willing mind shall be accepted; and though you should not go through with the work, God will say, thou didst well that it was in thy heart. When the heart is set to please the Lord, and we do unfeignedly put to it, though there be many failings, God will overlook them all. Secondly, God hath told you what will please him, and hath cut out your work to your hand. You need not say, wherewith shall we come before the Lord ? He hath shewn you what is good, and what he requireth of you. You need not say, who shall ascend into heaven to bring down the mind of God from heaven ? no the word is nigh you. God hath set before you his Jaw, as in a table: on one side the JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 235 things that please, on the other those that displease him. Oh! that you may be found among those that choose the things that please him : otherwise, since you know you master’s will and do it not, you will be found worthy of many stripes. Thirdly, God hath given particular rules for the doing of all vour work in the manner that will please him. Had God told you only what must be done, and not how it must be done, you might have been at a loss; but he hath prescribed the very manner how every thing must be done, that you might have full directions, Rom. xii. 8. 1 Pet. iv. 1. He hath shewn you how you must pray, and .hear, and give alms: how you must carry it in all circumstances. He hath told you, not only how you must fast, but how you must eat, to wit, with watchfulness and temperance; not as those who have nothing to do but to fill their paunches, but with an eye to his glory,. as those that are feeding the servant of Jesus Christ. He hath shewn you not only bow you should “ rest on the Lord’s day,” but how you must follow your calling on the rest, viz. with diligence and discretion ; mind¬ ing him as your end, as those that herein serve the Lord Christ. He hath told you how you must man¬ age your dealings; with equity and charity, doing the verv same to others that your conscience tells you ) e would have them, in the like case, do unto you: how you must sleep; even as those that know he encom- passeth their path and their lying down: and how you must awake; to wit, so as to be still with him. Fourthly, « God hath given you special helps; to this end you have the mind ot Christ, 1 Cor. }'• v* And you have “ the Spirit of Christ,” 1 Cor. u. 12. Indeed, “ they that are in the flesh cannot please God; but you are not in the flesh, but in the Spnit, Rom. viii. 8, 9. You that are believers, have not the law only in your Bibles, but in your hearts, lleb. V1 'il 1 It is very profitable. Glorious advantage shall you have by this course. First, this is the most speedy CASES OP CONSCIENCE 236 and certain way to assurance, for want of which many of you complain, but henceforth you must complain no more; for either you will follow this course, and then you will have it; or you will not, and then cease your hypocritical complaint, when it is through your own wilful disobedience that you are without it. When once you are habituated to this course, and find it to be the chief of your care, and that which your very hearts are set upon above all things else, “ to glorify and please God, and approve yourselves in his sight,” you cannot want assurance, unless through your own ignorance; for this is the must undoubted evidence in the world, that you are the children ot God, whatever unallowed failings you may be guilty of. Secondly , Hereby you shall be ce; tain of God gra¬ cious and favourable presence always with you : See the text; “ he that hath sent me is with me; for I do always those things that please him. 1 ’ Thirdly , By these means you shall be always laying up a treasure in heaven. Brethren, “ what are you for ?” Are you men for eternity, or are you for pre¬ sent things P Is your design for glory, honour, and immortality ? Are you for riches in the other world or of dunghill spirits, preferring your part in Paris before your part in Paradise ? If you are for true riches, here is your way; by this you shall be daily and hourly increasing the stock of your own glory. My vehemence is only that fruit may “ abound to your account;” that all you do may meet you in heaven; and Christ may shew you “ your good works another day, as the widows did Dorcas her garments,” Acts ix. 39. JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 237 CHAP. III. A fourth Case of Conscience. What weariness in and unwillingness to duties may stand with grace , and what not . JFor the resolving this, some distinctions must be premised, and then some conclusions elicited. Distinct. This weariness and unwillingness must be distinguished, 1. According to the degrees of it; and sont is either partial and gradual, or else prevalent and plenary. 2. According to the subject of it; and so this weariness is either of the members or else ot the mind. 3. According to the prevalence ot it; and so it is either transient and occasional, or settled and habitual. 4. According to the sense we have of it; and so it is either matter ot allowance to us, or mat¬ ter of annoyance. 5. According to the cause ot it , and so it is either frotn a fixed dislike of food, or else from an accidental distemper ot the stomachy 6. Ac* cording to the effects ot it; tor it is either victorious, and makes us give over our duties, or else abhorred, and repulsed by grace, the Christian still holding on the way of duty. * . , Conclus . 1. When this weariness is only m the members (or at least chiefly) but there is still a wil- ingness of the mind, this is no matter of ques.iomug our estate. When the mind outgoes and undoes the body, and the appetite to duties continues in vigour, though there is a languishing ot the natural stiengtn and weariness of the bodily organs, this is not our sin, but affliction. But too commonly the body hath so much influence upon the mind, as causeth a.listlessness and sluggishness there, and makes it negligent m its office; yet when this does proceed from the failing ot the spirits, tired with bodily labour and exercise, and from the distemper of the parts, our most pitiful la ther considers our frame, and remembers we are but dust: and our merciful High-priest, that is not un¬ touched with the sense of our infirmities, is ready to frame our excuse, that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. 2. Where our weariness in and unwillingness to duties, are only gradual and partial, not plenary and prevalent, it is not sufficient to conclude ourselves graceless. While the twins are together in the womb, and two nations within our bowels, there will be con¬ trary inclinations; the flesh will never say Amen to a good motion as such, but will be lusting against the spirit, and will hang back when the spirit puts' for¬ wards, and pull down when the spirit bends upwards; so that, while corruption remaineth, there will be al¬ ways a dissenting part and continual conflicts, whence it is no wonder there should arise some weariness; yet the spirit is the prevailing interest, and, though often¬ times foiled, yet hath mostly the mastery of the com¬ bat, and carries it against the flesh, though not with¬ out much resistance and reluctance from the rebel opponent. 3. When this weariness is only transient, during the present temptation or defection, (which, as soon as the tried soul can get out of it, returns to its former temper and pleasure in holy duties,) there is only mat¬ ter of humiliation. But, when it is the settled per¬ manent, and habitual frame of the mind, it is a matter of questoning our condition. The holy Psalmist, under a desertion, was even almost persuaded to give over with religion ; but, when he is himself, nothing is so sweet, nothing so lovely and desirable to him, as the duties of holiness. But, for them who have, in their ordinary settled course and frame, no mind to duties, but are hauled to them by conscience, or engaged by company or custom, or the like, their case is fearful in that measure, that duty is^unpleasing, and not loved. 4. Where this weariness of, and unwillingness to, duties are painful and grievous, as a sore in the eye, or a sickness in the heart, the state is good; but, where *t is naturally allowed, and meets with little or no re* vj JUDICIOUSLY RESOLVED. 239 sistance, it is a black mark; for this argues there is nothing but flesh, and there is no contrary principle in such a heart; for if there were, the spirit would at least make opposition. This was the very frame of those unsanctified sinners that counted the Sab¬ baths and services of God an unprofitable burden, a very weariness, a bondage not to be borne, Ma). i. 13. A gracious heart when under such a distemper as that God’s service seems a weariness, is even weary of himself: Whilst this is burdensome, he is a burden to himself; he cannot enjoy himself, while in such a frame wherein he cannot enjoy God ; and if this be tine case, our state is good, though the frame be bad. 5. Where this weariness and unwillingness are not from a rooted dislike of the food, but an accidental and preternatural indisposition of the stomach, or a being disappointed of God’s presence in duties, the main state is safe. You know under a distemper, the appetite may loathe and nauseate the food, that a man doth love above all other meats when he is well; and so it is here. Do you, when you are yourselves, relish more sweetness in God’s service than in your meats and drinks ? Are no sweets so delightful to you as fellowship and communion with God, when you can attain to them in duties ? Do you come away discontented because you cannot meet with God ? Is the ground why your countenances fall, and your hearts are discouraged, because you have with them toiled and spread the net, and have not caught what you went for, or because you have no answer or income from God ? If it be thus, it is a sign your hearts are set upon God, and that you place the happiness and comfort of your lives in God, and that so your state is safe: otherwise when there is a fixed antipathy to duties, and an habitual dislike to them, and contrariety to them, the case is very sad. 6. Where our weariness and unwillingness are such as make us give over our duties, so as to live in the ordinary neglect of them, it is a fearful sign: but where, notwithstanding present discouragements, we 24-0 QUESTIONS TO THE UNCONVERTED. hold on in the performance of our duties, and a humble waiting on God for removing our difficulties I till we are brought to a better frame; this argues well The church herself may be greatly deserted ; but then she gives not over duties, but seeks after her beloved, and makes diligent inquiry, and will not f be at rest till she hath found him : But the hypocrite * gives up, and will not wait upon the Lord any longer. stt Not but that a deserted soul may, under the violence & of temptations, omit duties for a time ; but his con- \\ dition this while is most painful, restless, and grievous l[ to him, and he quickly returns again, and never » comes to live quiet in the ordinary omission of known : duties. # n Conclus 7. When our weariness and unwillingness rf are such as make us fall out with the service of Christ, mi and willing to ease ourselves of his yoke and throw off lo his burden, this is a bad sign ; but, when we fall out with ourselves, and justify and approve Christ’s ways el and service, it is well. Thus it was with Paul; he 5f doth not quarrel with the law as too strict and severe, tl. nor think of breaking of his bands and taking his li- ifi berty; but he pleads for the law, and greatly approves u it and commends it, and condemns the backwardness to of his own nature, Rom. vii. 12, 15. When men are > more willing to be rid of Christ’s burden than of the I distemper that makes it grievous, and cast about for iis ease, by widening their bands, and not by bringing jc their minds to them, it is a woeful discovery of an unsound heart. And thus much for this case. ji r I Awakening Questions propounded to the Unconverted. And Counsels to the Converted . I. -> Fiiat I may reach every man’s case, I shall speak g something to the unconverted and something to the converted. t QUESTIONS TO THE UNCONVERTED- 241 For the unconverted there are six questions, which I would advise them to put to their souls. Q. I. What state did my soul come into the world in ? Was it not in the state of' death? Eph ii. 1. a state of wrath ? ver. 3. Sirs, awake and bethink yourselves where you are, and whither you are going. While thou art in thy natural, unconverted, unbelieving state, all your sins are unpardoned, and the wrath of God abideth on you, Acts iii. 19. Suppose you saw a poor creature hanging over a burning fiery furnace, by nothing but a twined thread like to break every moment, would not your hearts ache for such an one? Sirs, it is your very case : You hang over the infernal burnings by nothing but the small thread of life, which you know not but it may crack the next mo¬ ment, and then where are you ? Is this a case for you to go on contentedly and merrily in ? Q. II. What condition is my soul now in? Am I changed and renewed by conversion, or am I not ? Speak, conscience, hath this man, this woman, been thoroughly and savingly changed, both in heart and life? Where are your evidences ? Can you shew the marks of the Lord Jesus upon your souls ? Let your conscience answer: Where was the place ? what were the means ? when was the time that thy soul was thoroughly renewed ? At least if you cannot shew the time, place, or means, can you prove the thing? Can you say with him, One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, I now see! Sirs, be not deceived: I tell you, whatever you be, and whatever you do, nothing will avail you to salvation, except you be new creatures. Q. III. What if I should lose my soul? What fine work should I make of it then? This is very possible, Matt. xvi. 26. Yea, it is the case of most; there are but few, few of the children of men, that do escape safe to heaven, Matt. vii. 14. Sirs, beware of your danger, and fear least a promise being made of you entering into rest, any of you should at length come short of it, Heb. iv I. Suppose a man were to travel 242 QUESTIONS TO THE UNCONVERTED. through some perilous wood or wilderness, having ^ but one jewel in all the world, in which his all was jo bound up; and should see some stand on one hand, fj and some on the other ; and hear a company in this place, and another in that, crying out, under the hands of some cruel robbers; Oh in what fear would „ this traveller go, lest he should lose his jewel, and be j, robbed of all at once ! Why, thou art the man ; this r traveller is thyself; this jewel is thy soul; this wilder- j ness, or wood, is this world: Thou art to travel B through swarms of sins, legions of devils, a whole j world of temptations : These are the robbers that do j. lie in w ait for thy soul; and, if all that these can do 3 can keep thee out of heaven, thou shalt never come ai there. Oh ! what if thy pride of worldliness, thy de- v lays and triflings in religion, should at last betray thy soul into the robbers 1 hands ! Other loses may be re- paired ; but, thy soul being once lost, Christ is lost; [ heaven, all, lost for evermore. Q. IV. What do I do for my soul? What have I a soul, an immortal soul, to care for, and look no bet* ter after it, nor bestow no more of my time or pains upon it, no more of my thoughts about it! When Au¬ gustus, the Emperor, saw the outlandish women carry apes, and such kind of strange creatures, in the street in their arms, he asked, >vhat! have the women in these countries no children ? So it may be said of many among us, that are early and late at their worldly business, but let the care of religion lie by neglected. What! have these men no souls? Why, man, hast thou a soul, and yet dost so little in thy clo¬ set, so little in thy family, from day to day, for it ? What meanest thou, O sleeper? Arise call upon thy God, that thou perish not, Jonah i. 6. What will be¬ come of thy soul, if thou lookest to it only at this careless rate ? Q V. What if God should this night require thy soul? Where would death land thee ? Luke xii. 19, 20. There was one that promised himself many merry days and years, as it is likely thou dost, but that same COUNSELS FOR THE CONVERTED. 243 night, God called for his soul. Sirs, are you in your postures? Are you fit to die? Oh ! dare not to live, in such a case, in that course in which you are not fit to die ? Q. VI. What a happy case were / in , if 1 had hut se- cured my soul! Oh, it this were but once done, how sweetly mightst thou, live ! Then thou mightst eat thy bread, and drink thy wine with a merry heart, when assured that God accepteth thee and thy works, Eecles. ix. 7. Then thou mightst lie down in peace, arise up in peace, go out and come home in peace! Then thou mightst look death in the face, thou mightst look dangers in the face, yea, look devils in the face, and never be afraid ! Oh, Sirs ! if there be any insur¬ ance office for souls in all the world, one would think you should be seeking it. And thus much for the questions, which, though of use to all, yet were intended chiefly for unconverted, impenitent souls. COUNSELS and CORDIALS for the Converted. The Counsels are these . Couns. I. That you put hard to it to get that by these hazardous opportunities that may quit all your cost . What pity is it that you shall adventure much, and yet gain but little? How dismal would it be, if you should at last suffer deeply for conscientious attend¬ ance upon God in such seasons; and, when you come into prison, or into banishment, find that you had not got that by them that would bear you out! Couns. II. That you value no mercy barely as it serves in content to your flesh 9 but as it stands in order to eternity , and may serve the furthering your Maker's M COUNSELS FOR THE CONVERTED 244 glory: God hath preserved your liberties, and has re¬ stored mine. But what of all this? Unless we im¬ prove our liberties for eternity, what are we better than those that are in prison, if this be all the ad¬ vantage we have, a little more content to the flesh ? The cypher, put to the figure, is of great signification ; but, set by itself, it signifies nothing at all. These creature comforts, separated from their respect to God and eternity, are of no value; but, in order to these ends, they signify much. We have ease and fulness, when many others are in pain and poverty; and we have much the start of them, if we be wise to improve our health, in laying in apace against a wet day, and preparing apace for eternity, and serve the Lord with more diligence, and cheerfulness, and glad¬ ness of heart, in the abundance of all things: But, if this be all we have by it, that our bones do lie a little softer, and our palates are tickled with a little more delight, what profit have we by our health and estates? if they that are sick or poor, do love the Lord as well, and serve the Lord as much as we, they have the advantage of us; and better it were for us to be poor and sick, as they are. Couns. III. Rest not in probabilities for heaven , but labour for certainties. Beloved, certainty may be had, else the counsel of God to make our calling and elec¬ tion sure is in vain, 2 Pet. i. 10. else the experience of the saints were but delusion, who tell us they know they are passed from death to life, 1 John iii. 14. 2 Cor. v. 1. Job xix. 25, 26. else the power of self¬ reflection were to no purpose, and the spirit which is in man would not know the things of the man, 1 Cor. ii. 11. Now, if a certainty must be had, will you not put in for it, and turn every stone that you may get it? Sirs, now, if ever, you have need to push hard to get assurance. We are at miserable uncertainties for all outward enjoyments; we know not how soon we may be called to part with them all. Christians, what do you mean ? Will you be content to have nothing COUNSELS FOR THE CONVERTED 245 sure ? Will you not settle your everlasting condition, now you are so unsettled as toyour outward condition ? What will you do in the day of visitation, when extre¬ mity comes in upon you, if you have no assurance that God will receive you. It would make one’s heart tremble to think of being upon such a fearful tempta¬ tion as to part with all for Christ, and not to be sure of him neither. O man, what an advantage will the temper now have upon thee, when he shall suggest, “ Wilt thou be such a fool as to let go all at once? Thou seest heaven is not sure, Christ is not sure; therefore keep the world, whilst thou hast it, and hold what thou hast sure.” Beloved, what a fearful slighting of God, and contempt of heaven, and glory, and all the promises, doth this argue, that you can be content to be at uncertainties, whether they be yours or not! How many of you are there that do not know whether you be going to heaven or to hell! And what desperate carelessness doth this argue, to go on from week to week in such a case ! Some hopes you have that you shall do well ; but put me not off with hopes. Never be satisfied till you are able to say, not only I hope I shall be saved, but I know I am passed from death to life; I know that, when the earthly house of this tabernacle shall be dissolved, I have a building not made with hands, &c. 2 Cor. v. 1. Couns. IV. Be mot satisfied with the truth of grace, hut reach after the growth . Do not think all is done when you have obtained the evidence of grace, but put on hard towards the increase. That person that doth not desire and design perfection, never came up to sincerity. He that desires grace, truly desires it not barely as a bridge to heaven, and so to seek no more than will just bear his charges thither; but he desires it for its own sake, and therefore desires the height of it: That person that desires grace only for heaven’s sake, and inquires what is the lowest measure of grace that any may have come to heaven (by which he meaneth but to be saved from misery) upon this 246 COUNSELS FOR THE CONVERTED. design, that, if he could but come to that pitch, he would desire no more; that person is rotten at the heart. Christians, the Lord doth expect of you that you should not be babes and dwarfs; he looks, now especially, that you should make some progress. What do you more than heretofore? What! do you feel his spurs in your sides, and his whip at your backs, yet never mend your pace in religion, nor stir one jot the faster? Let me commend you to Paul’s study, Phil. iii. 12, &c. It argues a base and unworthy spirit, to content ourselves with little things in religion. Couns. V. Labour that holiness may become your nature , and religion your business. Then you are come to somewhat indeed in religion, when the work of God is become your natural and beloved employ¬ ment, your meat and drink, your work and wages; when your tongue and hearts naturally run on God, as others on and of the world. Much of that may be attained by constant care and prayer. Brethren, let God’s work be done by you, not by-the-bye, but as your greatest business: Seek first the kingdom of God; and so, whatsoever you do, you may be able to give that account of yourselves that our Saviour did when they inquired of him, That you are about your Father’s business. Couns. VI. Confine not religion to your knees , but carry on an even spun thread of holiness through your whole course. Brethren, it is.the disgrace of religion that Christians are so unlike themselves, unless it be when they are holy in duties. This wounds religion to the quick, when it shall be said of professors, These men indeed will pray like angels, but, for aught we can see, they are as peevish and touchy as any other men, and they are as hard in their dealings, and make as little conscience of their words as others do. Be¬ loved, do not think religion lies only, or chiefly, in praying, hearing, or reading; for you must be through¬ out religious. Sirs, bring forth your religion out of your closets into your ordinary course; let there not COUNSELS FOR THE CONVERTED. 24< he a life of holiness on the outside of the clot1 *’ but let holiness be woven into the whole o y our sations. Herein consists the excellency and difficulty of religion • when you have the baits of intemperance before ye, then to hold the reins hard, and1 deny your bite in your passions, and bridle me 7 nroceed when you have dealings with others, P by that golden rule of equity and charity, todo unto others, as (your consciences tell you) y° 11 i them to do in like case to you; when you are called upon by your several relations, then o e selves with that tenderness and ove ’ con descen- rence and obedience, with that courtesy^ condesce sion, and kindness, that become you in your vanou capacities. In this, I say, lies the excellence of reli- 8l Couns. VII. Ever walk with your end in your eye Tt true according to the usual similitude, I be tra¬ veller thinks not of his journey’s end every step, nor needs he, yet there is no traveller but thinks o i a his settin^out. Brethren, there is nothing hinders but that with prayer and watchfulness, you might come every'solemn action, to mind God as your chief end Impose this on yourselves as your daily rule to walk by, never to lie down but with these thoughts • “ Well, I will make use of my bed as an ordinance of God, for my natural. Sup buVwith "these though, « I will set forth thw S about our callings, but in the entrance think thus, f, will set about my employment in obedience to God, bi.u»U U hbw!ll I shoultl walk with «» » », nlace and station." Never to sit down at your tables, but thinking, “ I will now eat and drink, not merely to feed my flesh, but to cherish a servant of Christ Je¬ sus, that he may have strength for h.s service. -18 COUNSELS FOR THE CONVERTED. Charge this upon yourselves, and examine in the even¬ ing how you have minded it, and check yourselves wherein you come short: Once learn this, and you are come to something, and shall have the undoubted evi- • ?. e " ce ° f - v ° ur sincerity, and shall know the inside of that blessed mystery of walking with God. ouns. Vi 11. Be and do more than ordinary in your ordinances C ° SetS> n0W ' in lhe de f ects °f more Public 1. In your closets. See that your consciences be able to bear you witness, that, under God’s extraor¬ dinary providences, you do more than ever: In answer thereto, it may be you prayed twice in the day ; there¬ fore why should you not, at such a time as this is, make one visit more than ordinary to heaven, daily to repre¬ sent before God the calamities of his church ? This be sure of, that somewhat more than heretofore must now be done; else God will look upon himself as intoler¬ ably slighted, and upon his church as most unnaturally neglected, if we do not now put to it. Be more than ever in self-examination: God expects that, when he is trying us, we should be much in the trial of ourselves. And here let me put it to your consciences: How are your rules for daily examination looked after ? Do you try yourselves by them from day to day ? Ah, wretch¬ ed negligence ! What, have you given your approba¬ tion, and passed your promise, and yet even in such a day as this so much forget your duty ? God expects it of you, that, now you see him angry, you should, with more zealous fear, and tender circumspection, and holy watchfulness and selCdenial, walk before him; else you will greatly increase his indignation, when he sees that you slight his anger. 2. In your families. Christians, now the Lord calls aloud upon you to set your houses in order! O see what is amiss in them, and strive to cast out that which may be a .provocation. Three things I advise you with reference to your families: I. That you set up the solemn exercise of catechis- TT COUNSELS FOR THE CONVERTED. 219 ing weekly among them. Methinks I would not ques tion but that in every godly family there is a care of the catechism; but when governors do