„, , ... … . . . ….… ••• • • • ~~~~ svetºº ºº º eº 、 &، š$$ſººſ ( )... * * ſa º aegae !! ! ! » : º.º.) kºstº,$№º!!! > º:ºſ, ſaeſ? §§ * a * , ,s- și ºrº • • • • ¿&%$$$$ *** , , . ! - · · · s-ºs) sº s ºſzłºcºcº e, s.º. º.: s - № : * • • • • e º ſº s *** •.•tº º eſ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · —~~~~---------#--#------~--~~~~ {{LULUUȚĂRȚIȚIĘĮĮĶĶĹĹĻĻĽĮ ||||||||||||||||||| CHIG I · ſae º ž. ©№ Ë*} I E is ſº W. ..".[ THE GAUGING INSPECTOR, MEASURER’s AssistanT; SH E WING THE MOST COMMON ERRors IN THE PRACTICE OF GAUG ING, AND How To cork ECT THEM, • * > • * * * * SMEwing To Any on E THE contents of cAsks or LIQUORS ANB VARIOUS OTHER SOLID BODIES. ALSO, N. - TABLES FOR; AscERTAINING THE MEASURE OF GRIND ston Es, BARK, WooD, PACKAGEs, &c. AND THE PRICES OF WOOD. BY DANIEL ANTHON.Y. - * (i. PROVIDENCE, R. I. PRINTED BY MILLER & HutchENs. 1817, * Rhode-Island District, s. s. BE it remembered, that on the third day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, and in the forty-first year of the Independence of the United States of America, Daniel Anthony of North Providence, in the district ºf oresaid, deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he clair as as author, in words following, viz. “The Gauging In- spector,and Measurer's Assistant, shewing the most common errors in the practice of gauging, and howºo correct them, with Tables shewing to any one the con- tents of casks of liquors, and various other solid bodies. Also, Tables for ascer- taining the Measure of Grindstones, Wood, Bark, Packages, &c. and the Prices of Wood. By Daniel Anthony.” In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, entitled, “An Act for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the time therein mentioned.” And also to an act, entitled “an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the time therein mentioned, and extending the benefit thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints. N. R. KNIGHT, Clerk, A Copy. + R. I. District. INTRoDUCTION. A. very considerable part of the commerce of the United States is made up of such articles, as come under the notice of the gauge; and no law of the general government has yet been made, to establish one uniform practice throughout the several states, respecting this º: branch. Different principles are adopted and different practices pursued in the several ports. Some Gaugers make the mean diameter the sagie preportion between the head and bung diameters, in all bulging casks, however different in the form of their bulge. This, as will presently appear, is a very material error, not- withstanding the magnitude of which, it has, in one of the States, been so far overlooked, as to become sanctioned by law. Another source of error may be, the not recurring to the dif- ference between the lawful gauge gallon and the gallon pot, but fixing on such a rule as will, from experience, make the content of a cask found by both to coincide. This is about 3 per cent. too much for the gauge. . In the year 1888, an ex- periment was made in London, by which it was found that the standard wine gallon, kept in Guildhall contained just 224 cu- bic inches.” Nevertheless, the standard wine gauge gallon is continued to be 231 cubic inches, and all computations in gauging are made from thence. From this diversity of prac- tice it happens, that casks which are gauged at one place and afterwards regauged at another, are made to differ in their contents from three to five per cent. Those who suffer by the alteration account it a loss to them, of so much property; and not having any criterion at hand, cannot determine whether the gauging is on right principles, or whether any error is committed arising from other causes. By help of the follow- ing tables, the i. may readily determine, at the time of gauging, whether the cask is gauged right and on right princi- ples, and whether any deduction may be justly apprehended from a regauging. For this purpose it will be convenient to keep a ºãm book ruled in columns; in which are te * Ward's Practical Gauging. INTRODUCTION. iv be set down at the time of gauging the number, dimensions and shape of the casks, from which the gauge can be determined, at any time after as occasion may require. Whether such memorandum be kept or not, when the length and mean diam- eter of a cask are ascertained, the content in gallons may as readily be found by the table, as any one could find the price of an article by opening the page of a book where it is charg- ed. lf from practice or any other reason, it is not thought best to make use of these tables in the first instance, they may still serve, by inspection, for a check on any mistake. Mistakes in gauging, do and will sometimes happen, and much more frequently from the pen, sliding rule, or dividers, than from j examined and correct tables. In order to deteriuine the content of a cask, the following dimensions must, in the first place, be truly taken in inches and decimal parts. - The bulge or bung diameter, Either of the head diameters, And the length within. ... in taking these dimensions, it must be carefully observed whether the bung be in the middle of the cask, and whether the heads be equal and truly circular; if not, a proper allow- ance must be made. In the length an allowance is usually made of two inches for the two heads of large casks, which is the allowance made on the sliding callipers. In smaller casks the allowance is commonly half an inch less, which half inch must be added to the length found by the callipers. And so for any other allowance. A deception is sometimes practised in the formation of casks, by making the bung stave thinner than the others, by bringing the staves at the opposite joint almost to an edge and cutting the staves away at the ends. By these means, if strict care be not taken, the diameters may be found half an inch too great, which will make an error of four gal- lons in a pipe of common size. It is in casks of thick staves that this error occurs, and it must be guarded against by ex- amining the bung hole, and by feeling with the rod to the bot- tom and diagonally to the ends of the staves, to find whether they are smooth and even within. - These dimensions being taken, the cask must, in the next ſº in order to proceed in the common practice of gauging, e reduced to the form of a cylinder (a figure like a garden rolling stone) of the same length, and of such a diameter as will make it of the same content as the cask in question. In order to this, the form of the cask must be observed and ac- curately judged of; for it is evident that if the staves be near- ly or quite straight from head to bung, as in the inner lines of the annexed figure, the cask will contain less, than if they are Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume INTRODUCTION. jºr ,51 proportion, 6 inches difference. , : " . . . . 3,06 - - The nearest tenth to which is one, and stands thus, . 3 , 1 add 26 the head diameter. 29 , 1 mean diameter. 29 , 1 - 291 2619 582 846, 81 square, dººms 508086 254043 allons, quarts. 294) 30485,16 (103 3 content as before, 294 - 1085 882 203 4 812 8 12 or multiply the cyndrical inches 30485 found as before by 34 tºmºsºmº 12 1940 914 55 & 103,6480 - Prick off four figures at the right hand; those at the left hand will be gallons, and those pricked off decimal parts of a gallon. - If the content in ale or beer gallons be required; in table third opposite 100 and under three stands, 84 2 add 3 quarts, 85 i beer gallons. B x - INTRODUCTION. We have thought proper to notice the table on the guage rod, frequently made use of, for finding the outs or quantity wanting to fill the cask. This table is commonly calculated for hogsheads of 108 gallons, and barrels of 31 1-2 gallons; but when the dry inches are considerable, and the cask varies much from the size contemplated by the table on said rod, in such case, the error will be too great to be depended on for truth. For instance, suppose the cask to contain 100 gal- lons, and the bung diameter. 30 inches, in such case, the table on the rod should give for 15 inches 50 gallons ; but suppose. a hogshead of the same quantity, viz. 100 gallons, and its; bung diameter 34 inches, in this the said table will give the same quantity for 15 inches as in the other case, notwithstand- ing it requires 17 inches in this cask to give 50 gallons, which in both cases is half the cask. The quantity the rod table will give for these two inches is about 8 gallons, and this er- rer will vary according to the size and shape of the cask. From the foregoing statement, it is evident that the table on the rod, cannot be relied on. r: - Various methods have been devised for finding the ullage, or number of gallons wanting to fill the cask. We have seen none, hitherto published, but such as are liable to great error. In order to remedy this defect, we have constructed table fourth, containing the segments of a spheroidal cask. By this table the ullage may be exactly found, when the cask is of the same shape with that for which the table was calulated; and in all other cases the error will be so trifling as not to be worth regarding in common practice. w Place the cask in a horizontal position, with the bung per- pendicularly upward, and measure the distance between the surfare of the liquor and the inside of the bung; add three decimal figures to the dry inches thus found, and divide by the bung diameter. Look for the quotient in table fourth in the column of heights, and take out the opposite number in the col- umn of sigments, multiply this number by the whole content of the cask, and the product will be the ullage required, pricking off four figures of decimals. to contain 108 gallons, the bung diameter the dry inches 9 and 5 tenths. 32)9,500(296 quotient. 6 4. 310 288 220 192 28 remainder. As the remainder is more than half the divisor, add one for this remainder, and the whole quotient will be 297, opposite which in the table is 2360 multiplied by 108 the whole content of the cask 18380 2360 25,4830 25 gallons and 2 two quarts - [nearly. Note. In general it will be sufficient to take three figures from the table, in which case, observe to increase the third figure by one, when the fourth exceeds five, and after multipli- eation cut off three figures instead of four. ſ = e × × × × . . ~ "º cº • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • * * * * * * 'n ſºlº_en_vs_on_ae ae º ae_,_,_,_j|--,_,_, _º_s_so_c s_º se ſo to º se º sº º.º. º. º. º. º. º ſº. . ~ ~ ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |º ), * º. º. º. * * * * * * * * l, , , , , , , , , , 1:5 , , , , , , , , , , , : : : : : : º. º. º. º. º. º. º. º. º. № cº º cº... ~ ~ ~ !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! cae cº :- -; cº ºº. * * * * * * * * |*~*~*~* , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 & & & & & & - - - - - - - - - - -~ ~ ~ ~º ~º ~º ~º: ſº sº º №. !! !! !! !! . . !- cº cº º cº :: , , , , , cº º cº cº . : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o · … … … … … … :) )– cº : 1 … :~ ~ ~ ~º ~o ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~~- - ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ º cº º cº º cºſſº cº º cº º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~ºlº ± − → → → → → → → 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , № || … ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !! !! !! !! №. º. º. º. c) . || … ~ Saes!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! - |- !! !! !! !! │ ├─> : cº cº cº cº cº nº cº lº : • oº ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ !! !! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~ (~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ſº . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~º ~º ~º ~º ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |-2| + ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~; ~ . . . :: __^^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ inae cºn cae dº co º cae cae : ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_-_-_-_-_1_-_- - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~º ~º ~º ~º ~|~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . :::::::::|::: ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~º ~º ~º ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ co co co co co lo co o cc cc. c3 c5 c5 c3 c5 ſoºs o cae : c: - | &lººº… =:º 32° * * … :( :- !… : c: ct.~ ~ ~ ~º ~º ~º: ، ، ، ، ، ، ،~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~£ € © ® r. º. |-→ → → → ~ ~ !, → → → → → → → → oſloº oſ oſ sºoſ oſ oſ sºoſ oſ 'sºoſ oſ cº º cº º sº º cºlº, , , , , ! | ≤ |r- º cael! !!?!!?!!! ººººººº!|- Sº ºº ^^ ~ ~ ~ ~ || 2 tº: º cº cº- sae sae !! !! !! 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" *22 3. 4,7|3,1 6,2 4, 7,8 |5,1 º '1 § 11 3:2 º' 48 31 6,3|4,1 79 51 º% 8 |12 3,3|”, l 4.9 |3 2 6,4|4,2 9,5|6,2 2 5 537 || 33 5 - .9 |4.2 3.4 |3.3 6,5|4,2 & 5.2 9.56% 3,5 |2,3 5, 3,2 6,6|4,3 8,115,3 9,7 6,3 1,3 . 3,6 |2,3 5, 1 |3,3 6,7 |4,4 8,2 |5,3 9,8|6,4 2,] || 4 3,7|2,4 5.2 |3,4 6,8|4,4 8,3|5,4 9,9|6,4 3.21.4 3,8|2,5 5-3 ||3,4 6.9 |4,5 8,4|5,5. 10, 6,5 2,3 1,5 3,9 |2,5 5,4 |3,5 - 8,5 5,5 2,4 |i,6 5.5 |3,6 7, 4,5 8,6|5,6 2,5 | 1,6 4, 12,6 5,6 s, 6 7, 1 14,6 8,715,7 Ş. & r? f l4 l 14 TABLE SECOND. [Inches and tenths of diameters.] 2 3 5 l 6 * : 10,6 10,8 10,9 l 1, 1 | 1,2 10,8 10,9 l 1, 1 1 1,2 l 1,3 10,9 l 1, 1 1 1,2 1 1,3 1 1,5 l l;4 1 1,5 l 1, 1 || 1 I 1,3|l 1,4 5 || 1 ,7 |l 1,9 1 1,7|l 1,9 |12, –i- l 1,4 | 1,5 l 1,6 1 1,8 1 1,9 12, 12,2 1 1,8 1 1,9 12, 1 12,2 12,3 l 7 : 3|11,5 5 |l 1,6 1 1,7 ..] 1,8 8 || 2, 1 1,6 l 1,8 1 1,9 12, 12,2 1 1,8 11,9 12 1 12,2 13,4, 12, 12, 1 12,3 12,4 12,5 12, 1 12,3 12,4 12,5 12,7 12,3 12,4 12,6 12.7 12,8 12,5 12,6 12,8 12.9 13, 11,9 12, 1 12,2 12,4 12,5 12,6 12,8 13, l 3, 1 ! 3,2 13;1 12,2 . 12,4 12,5- 12,6 12,8 13, . 13,1 13.2 13,3 l 8 : 12,2 12,4 12,5 12, 1 12,2 12,4 12,5 12,7 12,3 12,4 12,6 12,7 12,9 12,5 12,6 12,8 12,9 13, : 12,7 12,8 12,9 13, 13,2 12,8 l 3, ! 3, 1 l 3,2 13,4 —i. 13, l 3, 1 l 3,3 l 3,4 13,6 19 : 12,7 12,8 12,9 3. 13,1 12,8 13, 13, 1 13,2 1 3,3 l 3, 13, 1 l 3,3 l 3,4 1 3,5 13,2 13,3 ! 3.5 13,6 13,7 l 3,4 1 3,5 13,6 l 3,8 13.9 13.6 13,7 13,8 l 4, | 4, 1 20 : 13,3 #. 13,5 ! 3,7 | 3,8 1 3,5 13,6 13,7 ! 3,9 14, 13.7 l 3,8 13,9 14, 1 14,2 13,9 14, l 4, 1 14,3 14,4 14, 1 l 4,2 l 4,3 14,5 14,6 14.3 14,4 14,5 14,7 14,8 13,8 13.9 14, 14,2 14,3 14,5 i4,6 14,7 14,9 15, 13.2 l 3.3 1 3,5 13,6 1 3,8 14, ! 4, 1 | 4,2 14,4 14,5 l 3,4 13,5 13,7 13,8 14, 14,2 | 4,3 1 4,4 14,6 14,7 ! 3,5 13,7 13,8 14, 14, 1 14,3 14,5 14,6 14,8 14,9 14,7 l 4,8 14,9 15, 1 15,2 14,9 15, 15,2 15,3 15,5 15, 15,2 | 5,4 ! 5,5 15.7 1 5 -ā- 15 TABLE SECOND. } 8 : 13,7 14, º 14,2 14,4 13,9. 13,9 14, 1 14.2 14,4 14,6 14, 1 14,3 14,4 l 4,6 14,8 3 |Inches º tenths of diameters.] :1 2 4. 5 7 8 14,3 14,6 14,6 ! 4,8 15, 14,5 14,7 14,8 15, l 5,2 14,7 14,9 15, 15,2 15,3 14,9 15, 1 15,2 15,4 15,5 15,1 15,3 15,3 |15,5 15,4 15,6 15,6 15,8 15,7 45,9 15,5 15,7 15,8 16, 16, 1 9- : 14,5 14,7 i4,8 15, 15, 1 l 4,7 l 4,9 15, 15, 2 15,3 2 0 2 l : 15,2 15,4 15,5 15.7 15,9 1554 15,6 l 5,7 15,9 l 6, 1 14,9 l 5, 1 I 532 1554 l 555 15,6 15,8 15,9 16, I l 6,3 15, 1 15,3 15,4 l 5,6 15,7 1593 ! 5,5 15,6 15,8 15,9 15,5 45,6 15,8 £6, 16,1 15,7 15,8 16, 16,2 16,3 15,9 [16,1 16, 16,3 16,2 |16,5 16,4 |16,6 16,5 |16,7 16,3 . 16,5 16,7 16,8 15,8 lö, ! 6,2 | 6,4 16,6 16, 16, 2 £6,4 16,6 16,8 16,3 16,5 16,6 16,8 17, 16, 16, 1 16,3 | 6,5 ! 6,6 16,2 16,4 ! 6,5 l 6,7 16,9 16,5 16,6 16,7 | 6,9 17, 1 16,7 16,8 17, 17,2 17,3 16,9 17, 17,2 17,4 17,5 17, 1 17,3 47,4 17,6 17,7 16,5 16,7 16,8 17, 7,2 16,7 |16,9 16,9 |17,1 17, 17,3 17,3 |17,5 17,4 |17,7 17,4 7,6 47,7 17,9 18, 17,6 |17,8 17,8 |18, 47,9 |18,4 18, 1 [18,3 48,2 18.4 ſº 16,8 16.9 17, 1 17,2 : 17,4 17, ! 7,2 ! 7,4 17,5 17,7 17,3 17,4 17,6 17,7 17,9 17,5 17,6 17,8 17,9 18, 1 17,7 17,9 18, 18,2 18,4 17,9 f 8,1 18,2 18,4 18,2 18,4 18,5 18,7 18,6 18,9 18,4 |18,6 18,6 l ; 8,8 18,7 |19, 18,9 | 19,2 19,2 | 19,4 º, Z'gz'g'gziz' - g"gz. S“Sz, { **-* - 8? § {, -º- F'gz Vºgz' 6'zz| 9' zºg 6'zz A’zz ‘cº 4'zzi s'az gºzz g'32, 8% 9‘zái gºzz Wºzz 6°zº) gºgº, .." & #"zz, gºzz W“C2, ‘zz, 8°12. : 8°22. W“zz 6‘72, 4“W6 g| g°iz “zz 8°W & 9°W & #' Wa C'7 & -º- A.' W & g"p z. 9° W. & Tº ſº, 6'0& : #‘zz 2,"2:2; ‘zz, 8°72, 9‘V2, 6‘WZ, A“V & g" Jø, I ‘zz, 6‘V2. A“W & g";2, S' W2; 9°], 2, W. "I & I've 6'oz 6°02, 10: 4°02' g’02, gºog. 8"Oz s'oz, Wºoz +*}2, :| 2:12: * 1: 8‘Oz. 9°02, e ‘Vº W“W2. 6'oz, 4'02. g°02, 9“Tº #" & z' V & ‘Iz 8°02, ‘I & 8°02, 9°0% #"Oz g"Oz. 8‘Oz. 9°02, **0% z'Oz W“Oz. : z'02, 8'02, |*02, 6°6] 8°67 9°67 9“Oz #*02 ‘Oz 6*6 W. W‘Og 6*67 A*67 ç“67. **67 6*67 A*6] g°6] g"6] &‘6] : & 8, +*02. 2,"02; ‘Oz 6*6] Z'67 I'oz 6'67 ‘02, 8*67 8*6; 9'67 A'67, #67 9'6"; 3°6'ſ &"6] **67 8°67 T*6; 6'87 ‘6% ..'87 4.67 g'67 8°67 g°6, 86t *67 867 wºr's 81 26, '67, 4.8% “6W S '87. g'87 8‘8w. gº tº s's, *87 9'87 Vºs, g'87; 2'87 g'8" | ‘87 W“87; 8'AW ºus *- z'67 W*67 6'87 2"8% g'87. g'8], &“87 ‘8] 8'21. 9° 17' * * ‘61 8‘81 9‘81 g'8] 8'9", ; W'8] 6' 2", 8'27 9° 17 7° 17' ; |-- ſ 9 Ø * 2, g T; 9I ["siałauerp Jo Sułual puz saqoul] "O[NOOGIS CIT9W.J., 9I T. & : 0% i 17 TABLE SECOND. [Inches and tenths of diameters.] 17 20,6 =– -21 421; 621,2 8'21,4 22 21,6 221,8 4 22, 6|22,2 8|22,4 ; *-a- gººse ; “. . 2|20,8. 1. 20,9 21,1 21,3 21,5 21,7 2 21,1 21,3 21,5 24,7 21,9 3 21,3 21,5 24,7 22, 22,4 ! . 21,9 22, 22,2 22,4 22,6 22, 1 22,3 22,5 22,7 22,9 22,3 22,7 22,9 23,2 22,5 |2 4. 21,6 21,8 22, 22,2 22,4 º ºsº ºn 21;9 22, 1 22,3 22,5 22,7 22,9 23, 1 23,3 23,5 23,7 2 3 22,6 22,8 23, 23,2 23,4 : 23,6 23,8 24, 24,2 24,4 : 25 |24,6 24,8 25, 25,2 25,4 : 22,8 23, 23,3 23,5 23,7 23,9 24,4 24,3 24,5 24,7 24,9 25, 1 25,3 25,5 25,7 £6 |25,6 25,8 26, 26,2 26,4 : 25,9 26, 1 25,3 '46, 5 26,7 37 ||26,6 26,8 27, 27:2 27,4 : 26.9 27,4 27,3 27.5 27.7 2 & 37,6 27,9 23, 1 23,3 23,5 23,7 23,9 23,4 23,6 23,8 24, 24,2 |% 23,9 24,1 24,4 24,6 24,8 24,1 24,3 !?4,5 24,7 24,9 24,4 24,6 24,8 25, 25,2 25,4 |25,3 |25,6 25,525,8|: 25,726, :25,9 23.2 | 26,326,6 26,526,8 26,7 27, \ == • * * 1 sºns- - sm 27,728, 25,4 || 26,997,2 |% 27,1 27,4 |. 27,3 27,6 |: 27,527,8 |2 27,9 128,3 |2% * * * 25, 25,2 25,4 24,9 25,8 26, 26,2 26,4 26,6 26,9 27, 1 27,3 27,5 27,7 } |27,9 28, 1 28,3 28,5 $23,7 3 |28,9 *ºsºvº º 25,6, 22, 1 22,3 22,5 22,7 23,1 23,3 23,5 23,8 24, 24,2 24,4 24,6 24,9 25, I 25,3 25,5 25,7 25,9 26, 1 26,3 26,7 23,9 27, 1 27,3 27,6 27,8 28,2 tº ºtºmº 29, 29,2 29,4 22,9 | 26,5 : 28,4 |: 28,6 || 28,8. 2 22,3 29,4 29,6 * gº ºsmºsº 29,8 22,6 22,8 23, 23,2 23,5 23,7 22,9 23,1 23,3 23,5 23,7 24, 24,2 24,4 24,6 24,8 25, 25,3 25,5 25,7 25,9 26,2 26,4 26,6 26,8 [Inches and tenths of diameters.] 18 4 2. r= 2 2 2 1. : 23, 1 23,3 23,5 23,8 24, 23,4 23,6 23,8. 24, 24,3 23,6 23,8 24, 1 24,6 4. 6 8 2 4. 6 8 tºº-ººms |26,4 , as 34 : : 25 2. 2 4, 4. 34.7 j24,3 ſes ,1 *** 23 23.8 23,5 '25,7 26, 26,2 |26,7 26,9 27,4 27,3 ** **** 24,2124.5 |24,7 25, 25,2 25,4 25,6 25.8 26,4 26,3 26,5. 26,7 27, 27, 1 27,4 27,6 27,5 27,7 28, 28,2 28,4 | *-ºsmºsººn 28,6 28,8 29, 29,3 29,5 27,8 28, 1 28,3 28,5 28,7 |--— 28,9 29,2 29,4 29,6 29,8 tº-ºxº:sº-sºmeº: }*mºms º gº 28 |31,2 30,1 30,3 30,5 30,7 31, 24,8 25, 25,2 25,5 25,6 25,9 26, 1 26,3 26,6 26,8 27, 27,3 27,5 27.7 27,9 28, 1 28,4 28,6 28,8 29, 29,2 29,5 29,7 30, 30,2 30,4 30,6 30,8 31, 31,3 31,5 24,3 18 TABLE SECOND. 3 23,9 24, 1 24,3 24,6 24,8 25, 25,3 25,5 25,7 25,9 *** * * **m-w 26,2 25,4 26,6 26,9 27,4 27,3 27,6 27,8 28, 28,2 28,4 28,7 28,9 29,4 29,4 29,6 29;8 30, 30,3 30,5 30,7 31, 31,2 31,4 31,6 31,9 mºtºmº 4. 6 24, 2 24,4 24,6 24,9 25,1 24,4 24,6 24,9 25,4 25,4 24,7 24,9 23,2 25,4 25,6 25, 25,2 25,4 25,7 25,9 25,2 |25,5 25,5 |25,7 25,7 |26, 25,9 |26,2 26,2 |26,5 25,3 25,5 25,7 26, 26,3 26,5 26,7 26,9 27,2 27,4 25,6 25,8 26, 26,5 25,9 26, 1 26,3 26.6 26,8 26,4 26,4 26;6 26,9 27,4 36,4 |26,7. 26,7 |27, 26,9 |27,2 27,2|27,5 27,4 |27,7 26,8 27, 27,2 27,5 27,7 27, 27,3 27,5 27,9 28, 27,3 27,6 27,8 28, 1 28,3 27,6 |28, 27,9 |28,2 28,1 |28,4 28,4 28,7 28,6 |28,9 27,6 27,9 28,4 28,3 28,5 28,8 29, 29,2 29,5 29,7 30, 27,9 28,2 28,4 28,6 28,8 29, 1 29,3 29,5 29,8 29,9 30,1 30,3 30,6 30,8 31, 31,3 31,5 31,7 32, 30,2 30,5 30,7 31, 31,2 31,4 31,6 31,3 32, i 32,3 28,2 28,5 28,7 28,9 29,2 29,4 29,6 29,9 30, 30,3 28,5 28,8 29,2 29,5 28,8 |29,1 29,4 |29,4 29,3|29,6 29,5 |29,9 29,8 |30,2 29,7 30, 30, 2 30,4 30,7 30, 30,3 30,3 |30,6 30,5 |30,3 30,7 |31, 31, 31,3 30,5 30,8 31, 31,3 31,5 31,7 32, 32,2 32,5 32,7 . 30,9 31,1 31,4 31,6 |31,8 31,2 [31,5 31,5 |31,8 31,7 |32, 32, 32,3 32,2 |32,5 32,1 32,3 $2,6 32,8 33, 32,4 |32,8 32,6 |33, 32,9 |33,2 33,4 |33,5 33,3 |33,7 *** sº #32,6 |32,9 33,3 83.6 lea, 19 # • 2 : [Inches and tenths of diameters,' 2 | 8 | 4. 19 27, 27, 1 27,2 27,3 l 27, 1 27,3 28, 28, 1 assº- 27,2 TABLE SECOND’ 27,2 27,3 28, 28,4 28,2 27,a 28,” 28, 2% | 23 2 4. 6 8 28, 1 28, 2 28,3 29, 29, 1 34 Y : hº 29,3 30, 3%),4 30, 2 28,3 %, 29, 1 29,2 28,2 2$3. ~ - 29, 29, 1 29,2 29,3 28,1: 8,3 28,2 29, 28,2 28,3 29, 29, 1 29,2 2ſ2 29,4 LL" 7 8 || 9 |28,3 :29, 29, 1 29,2 29,3 29, 29,4 29,2 29,3 30, 29, 1 29,2 29,3 30, 30,1 29,2 29,3 30, 30,2 30,3 29, 29,4 29,2 29,3 30, 29,2 29,3 30, 30, 1 30,2 29,3 30, 30, 1 30,2 30,3 30, 30,1 30,2 30,3 31, 30,1 30,2 30,3 31, 31,2 30,2 31, 31, 1 31,2 31,3 31, 31, 1 31,2 31,3 32, 29,3 30, 30, 1 30, 2 30,3 |30, 30,1 30, 2 30,3 30,1 30,2 3%),3 31, 31, 1 30,3 31, 1 31, 31, 1 31,2 31,3 32, |32,1 | ! 31,3 32, 32,1 #32.2 32,8 2. 5 : 30,3 3 l; 31, 1 3 l;2 31,3 {31, 1 31,2 |: 3f,3 |: 3 l; 32, 31, 1 31,2 31,3 32, 32, 1 2,2 : 32, 32, 32,2 32,2 32,3 32, 1 32,2 32.3 33, 33, 1 27 : 33, 33, 1 33,2 33,3 34, 34, 34, 1 34.32 28 : 34,4 34,2 34,3 35, 35, 1 35, 33,2 : 35,2 35,3 36, 36, l 36,2 36, 36, 1 36,2 36,3 37, 33,2 |: 33,3}; 34,3 |3 35, 1 |3 35.3 li 32,3 33, 33,4 33,2 33,3 32, 32,1 32, 1 32,2 32,232,3 is 3, 32,333, 33, 33,1 32,2 $32,3 133,1 33,3 :33, 33, 1 33,2 33,3 34, .33, 32, 32, 1 32,2 32,3 32, 1 32,2 32,3 33, 33, 1 33,1 $33,2 38,3 34, $34,4 *s 33,2 33,3 34.1 34,2 34,3 =-e 33, 1 ; 33,2 33,2 i33,3 33,3 |34, 34, 34,1 34,1134,2 34, ;34,1 |34,2 i84.3 35, 34,1 34,2 34,3 35, 35, 1 34,2 35, 35, 35,1 35, 1 35,2 35,2 |35,8 35,3136, 34. 34, l 34,2 35,3 35, 35, 1 35,2 35,3 36, 36, 1 35, 1 35,2 35,3 36, 36,2 ! 37, 37.2 37,137,3 37,2138, 37,3188,1 38, 38.2 36,2 36,3 37, 37,4 37.2 35,2 35,3 36, |36, 1 36,2 37, 37, 1 37.2 37,3 38, * - 36, 36, 1 36,1 |36.2 36,2 |37 36,3 .37, 1 '37, 37,2 37, 1 37,3 37,238, 37,338,4 38, 38.2 38,ſ 38,3 37,3 38, 38, 1 SS,2 38,3 38,1 38,2 38,3 39, 39, 1 38,2 39, 39, 1 39,2 39,3 39, 39.4. 39,2 39,3 40, -37, 1 38,138,339, 39,2 O yº 40, 40 .* [Inches and tenthsof *] 20 I 20 TABLE SECOND. 2 2 3 * : 31,3 31,3 32, 32,1 3,481.2 31,3 32, 32,2 32,3 32, 82;2 32,2 |32,3 33.3 as, 31,3|82, lag,3 5 H wº 33,1 º 83.3 32,3 2,3 |33, 3a. 33; 33,2 33,3 33,2|33,3 33,3}34, 34, 34, l 4,1 |34,2 |35, 32,2 32,3 33, º: 38,3 33, 33,1 33,2 33,3 34, 33, 1 33,2 33,2 33,3 33,3 |34, 34, 34, 1 34,1 34,2 34, 34, 1 34,2 34,3 35, -, 5 º : 34, 34, 1 34,2 34,3 134, 1 34,2 34,3 35, 35, 1 34,2|35, 34,3 35,1 35,1 35,2 35,2 |35,3 35,3 |36, 35, 1 35,2 35,3 36, 36,2 |35,2 86, 86, 1 36,2 36,3 36, 36,1 36, 1 36,2 36,2|36,3 36,3 ||37,1 37, 37,2 34, 1 34,2 34,3 35, 35, 1 35,2 36, 36, 1 36,2 36,3 34,3 35, 35,2. 35,3 36, 36, 1 36,3 3.2 |35, ‘5, 1 35. 33,3 35,336, 36, 36, 1 36, 37, 37, 3. 3 7 2 3. 7, cº J 3 |3 cº J * wn 1 | X 36,3 37, 37, 1 37,2 37,3 37, 37, 1 37,2 37,3 37,2 |37,3 37,3 ||38, 38, $38,1 38,1 |38,2 38.2 |38,3 38,3 ||39, 39, 39, 1 39, 1 39,3 39,2 10, 39,3 |40,1 | sº-º-º-º-º- --- 40,1 |40,2 40,2 |40,3 40,314 I, 41, 41,1 41, 1 |41,2 41,2 12, * - immº" ** as mºme 37, 37, 1 37,2 38, 38, 1 -* 3. % } : : 5 3 3 8, s : 9 38,1 {- 8,2 38,3 39, 39, 1 39.2 39,3 40, 40,2 40,3 38.2 39, 39, 1 39,2 40, 40, 1 40,2 40,3 41, 38,3' 39, 39, 39, 40, ! |39,2 2 |40, 3 |40, 1 40,2 |40,3 40, 41, 41, 4, 1, 4 , 3 j4, 1 l 4 \,3 2 #42, 3 #42, 1 41, 41, 1 41,2 41,3 42, 4 1,1 41,2 42, 42, 1 #2,2 42,2 42, 42,2 42, 43, 43, > *3 } 1 i4 3 1. 2 law, 21 TABLE SECOND. [Inches and tenths of diameters.] | 2. 35.3 30, 1 36.2 36-3 ºt. 2 4. I 36. 35,2 36,3 37. 37.2 2 36.2 36,3 37, 37,2 37.3 2 5. º, I 37,3 38, 38. 38.2 38.3 29, 1 39.2 39.3 40. 40.4 10.3 41. 11. 11.2 º, 12. 42, 42.2 12.3 *3, 43, lº.º. tº. 4-1. 4-1.2 i * l 45, *5. 15.2 +5.3. 15, - . º º 47. 17, 47.2 - 47.3 37. 38. ººl 38.2 39, 29, 1 39.2 39.3 40, 40.2 10,3 | 1. | 1 , . | lº 42. 42. 42.2 +2.3 +3. +3,... 43.3 +4. 4-1-2 44-3 15. 15.1 5.2 15.5 15, º - - - 5- º - 17. 17.1 17.3 48, 18, 38. 38, 1 sº 39. 59,1 39.2 40, 10.1 40,2 40.3 41. +1,2 41.3 12. 42. 42,3 tº. 48, 4.3.2. 14. 4-1-1 4 -º 44.3 45. *5.2 º,3 15, G. 16.2 15.3 47. 47 º +7-9 º, 48.2 - 18,3 D º 36.3 37, 37.2 37-3 38, 33, 38,3 39. 39.1 39,3 40, 40, 10,2 41, +1.1 41,2 4.1.8 +2, 12.2 42,3 43, 48.1 43.3 14, 44, 44,2 *5. 5. 45.2 45.3 46. 46.2 16,3 17. *7, 17.3 48. 43.4 18,2 49, º, lºs ... 4. 37.4 37.2 37,3 ºº. 1 38.2 - 38.2 38.3 39. 39.2 30,3 40. 40,2 38,3 39. 39.2 39.3 40, 40, 10,3 41, ºl. 1 - 1.2 40.3 41. 41-1 + 1.3 42. 42, º 43, 43.1 43.2 42. 42, 42.2 º,3 +3. 43.2 43,3 *4, 4.2 44.3 44. 44. 44,2 44.3 asºn --- 6 - 38, 38, 38, 1 38,3 38,239, 39, 39.1 39,139.2 40. 40.1 40,2 40.3 4.1.1 - 9.2 39,3 40. 40.2 40.3 41,2 41,3 *2, 42.2 42.3 +3. 43.2 43,3 44. 44,2 44,3 *5, 45, 45,3 46, - 4. - - 3. 45. 45.1 45.2 - 45, 45.4 15.3 46. 45.1 45.2 45.8 46, +6 es 47, 47.1 47,2 48, 43-1 |- * Hºº 48.2 & 3. 48,349, 49, 49.2 - 45.2 46,3 47.1 7.2 º - - 49.1 49,3 45,346, 1 46,146,2 46.2 º 46,347.4 47, 47.2 | 47.2 47,3 48, 48,4 49.3 49, 49, 49.2 50. 50, 1 - 48, 48.1 48,3 48,3 +0.1 49.2 49.3 50. 50.2 50.3 50.2 8.3 39. 20, 39,2 39, 1 39.3 39,340, 40, 40,1 40,140,3 40,241, +1, 4.1.1 41.9 41.3 +2. 42.2 43. 43, 43. 3.2 43,3 44, 1 44,215, ***** - - 44.1 14,2 15, 15.2 45.2 45.3 15,346,1 15, 45.2 46,246,3 46,347, 17, 47.2 47,247.3 tºl 49,3 49.3 50, 50, 50.2 50, 50.3 50,251, 51, 51.2 51, 51,3 51, |º 52. --- --- -- TABLE SECON D. |Inches and tenths of diameters.] 22 . 2. 3. 4. º - - - - - - |-- 39.4|8.3 |10, 40.2 40.3 41.1 - 1,2 | 89.3 40, 40,214.0.3 || || 1 || 1,2142. 10, 40,240.3 |41.1 |41.2 42, 42, 1 || 40,1140,341, 41.2 |41.342, 42.2 40.3|-11, 41.2 + 1.3 42.1 4-2 |43. º 1. +1, 41.1 (1.3 |42, 42.2 +2.3 43, 41,141,342, 42.3 |42, 43, 43,3 41,242, 42.2 |42,343, 1 +2.2 tº 42, 42.4 lºs 43, 43,244, 44, 1 42,142,3143, -8.2 ++, [44, 44,3 - - - - --- 2. 5 26 12,245, sº 43,344, 44,245, * 13, 43.2 tº 44, 1 |44.2 |45, 45.2 4|43,143.3 44, 44.2 |45, 45, 45.3 5|43,244, 44,244, 3 |45, |45.3 |45, G|44. tº 44,345, 45,245, 46.2 27 44.1 tº 3 lºs. 49.246, 46, 16,347, 47,248, º 44, 2 tº 45 ° 45.3 |º lºs Iº, 47,248, 48.2 4|45, tº 1 ſº tº tºº lºº. 47 ° 48, 48,1 18.3 ºlº, º in 46 ºn tº 147, 4.3 |18, 48,349, |*|º lºº º 47,348, 48.2 |49. tºº 28 45. |ºlº lºº,248, 43,240, 49.249,3 2 - º º, lº ºn |ºlass 49,1149,350. |º ºr lººs ºn º ºs ºn also lºos ºlº yº º 49, 49, 30, 100.2 ſº-d 49, 49.2 100, 50.1 50.3 |51, 1 ºf 47,4-7 || 8 |48.2 * * * 18, 48. 49, 40, 49.3 |50, 50,351, 51,2 * * **, I lºº. 49, 49,850, 50,251, 51.2 [52, 4 48,148.3 49, 49, 50, 50. 54,251.3 |52, 1 * +8.2 +9 |49.2 [50, 50.1 so.3 is 1.4 |54,352, 52,2 8 - º,349.1 |49.3 |50,1150,351, 51,232, 92.2 lºg. 30 49.4|49.3 sq., lºo.º. 51, 51.2 [52, 2 tº º, ºlº ſºlº || 4|49,350,450.3 bills 1.8 lºz, - -- 5 so, 50,351, sº sº, sºlºs, 53,254, 54,2 5' 50,2151, 51.2 52, 52,253, Lºt 53,354, tº 4,3 31 51, 51,4 º 53.4 53.3 ||34, 54.2 lºº. 25 tº 151,252, 52,253, 53.2 54, 54,255, 55,2 451,2|52, 52.2 103, 53.1 |ºs, 3 |54, I lºº,3135,155,3 651,352,452,353,153,3|54,154.3 |55,455.8 | 8||52, 52,253, 53,254, 54.2 [55, 55,256, 55.2 32°52.2 33, 153,2'54, 54,2'55, 55.2 [56, 56,2'-7, TABLE SECONI). Linches and tenths of diameters.] * | | | * | * * * * | * | * * - -- 24 |º, ººlºlº, 45,145,313, º 43,243,344, 44,245, 45,245,340, 45,247, 43.3 |14,144,-45, 45, 45,346,146,246,347, 44, 44,244,345, 45,346, 46.2 º 47,147,3 44,244,845,1145,346, 48,246,347, 47,248, 44,345,1145,246, 46,246,347,147,248, 48,2 45, 45,246, 46, 46,847, 47,249, 48,148,3 45.2 |46, 15, 45.347, 47,248, 48,243,349,1 46, 46, 46,847, 47.2 48, 48,149,349, 49,2 40, 46.3 |47, 47.2148, 49,148,349, 49,250. i 2 º - - - --- 46.247, 4,247.3 ºn 49,349, 49,250, 50,1 47, ºil lºº. ººg, 49,250, 50.1 50,3 17.147, 4 ſºlº, 49,250, 50,1150,351, º, tº 49, 49,249,350,150,351, 51.2 48 tº 48.3 40. º.º. 50, 50,251, 51,252, --- --- º º 27 |43. 49, 49.149.3 ºn, 50,251, 51,251.3 |52.1 º 49,349, lººd, º ºl. 51,251,352, 52.3 * * * * * * * **, 3 º' Gºº, tº 49, 50, 50.259 º'º, º sº. 5* |53, 53.2 * 50, 50, ſº ºl, º - 52,253, 53.253.3 -- --- --- - 28 sº, 50, ºn 512 ºz. ºº, ºn 53,354,1 - suº sº. 51,252 ºn lºº. 1 ºd ſº, sº 4 ºn 5,215 tº ſº sºlº ſºlº ſº. 55, ºf 51, ºld sº ſº sº. 4 * 55, lºº - slºº - sº sº, sº ºr sº sº. 55.3 * 52, ºº, sº sºlº. ººlººlºº, * 52, 5-353.1 s6354, 34,355, ºd 6, 1962 * Sºlº. 55.354, 54,255, 55.255. Sº, tº sº, ſº sº. 24.255, 55.2 [56, 35,257, 57.1 * 532 ſº sº. 55, 55,259 |35, ſº ºf 57.3 - º 5. 8. 4, 54.3 |35, sº sº, 56,315 º 54,355, 59.3 55, 56,º 57, 5 * 54,255, 55.2 [56, 56.2 [57, 57,25 G|55, 55,256. B5, 56.3 ||37.1 |57,35 8 sº, 35,356, 56.357, 97.3 ||38,13 - º º - I 57, 57,258, 58,259, 2 : 57.258, 58,259, * 55,156,357, 57.3 ºn 58.859,159,3 tº ot, o lºº, º º 2 5 0. 5 0. º - 9. º 5 0. 2 º 0. - º º i. 1. 58,359, 59,369, 8,259, 1592 60. 1, 51.2 t () - - G 7,258, 58,259, 59,250, 60.2 61, 34,262, 7.35% 38,359,198.3 ºf 60.3 gºldz, ſº º, 58,259, 59,360, 60,361, 61,362, 52,3 **** 59,250, ºz º. ººzºº lººzlº 9, 59,260, 60,281, 61,262, 62,263, 63,” - - - - -------- 3. º- 2 º 0. º 0. º º 1. 6 3 51,362,183, 63,234, - º, 1623.63,163,354.2 50, 60,251, 51,262, lººd, 163,364,161,3 50.260,361,162, 52,253, 53,264, 54,265, 60,361,161,362.1 º 93.264, 84,265, 55,2 º 3. º º 1. s 9, 3. º 0. º 0. º º sºlºs, lossº, ºslº, º, 3. 4. 6 º |- - t; 2 - 24. TABLE SECONI). |Inches and tenths of diameters.] * | 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 8 - - - - - - = 25 48,849, 49,399, 50.250,391 | is sº lºº # 249, 49.2 [50, 50,250.3 |ºl, ºl, 3 lºº, ſº lºs. . 4|49,350, 50,251, 51.1 5 tº 52, 5 - 53, sº 3, 650, 50.2 [50s 3-1 | tº sº. 32.2 sº sº, ºs 8||0.2 [50,3451,131,352, 52.2 º 55, -93.3 * - - #2s solº alsº be lºss as lºss a 2, 251, 51.2 [52, 52.2 lºssº, sº ſº sº º - 45 tº 52, 52,252,853, lºg º 'º lºº, sº tº 652, 52,252,353,453,354, 5 tº º 155.255. # 852, 52,353, 93,354, 54.2 * ºn 255, 50.1 * * * * * * * sºlº alsº lºss 253,153,234, 54,255, 55.255.8 lºt 56.3 ºn 4|98.2 [54, 54,234,3,55.1 |55,35, sºlº ſº. 6||34 |34,254,355, 55,356, 58.2 º', '57.2 sº, 8||54, 54,355, 55,355, 56,357, 57,258, 58.2 28 |34,355.1 |35,355, 56.2 [57, 5.2 [58, 58.2 sº 2|35, 55,255, 56,257, 57,257,358, 1 38.3 lºº, 455,256, 55.2 |º, 57, 57,358, 58.3 sq. 1 39.3 6|56, 55,156,357, 5,3 |53, 58.3 |59,159,360, 8||50, 56,357,1157,8 ſº, 158,359, 59,250, 50.2 29 |56,357, 57,358, 58,239, 59° 50', 60.2 s. 257, 57,258, 58,209, 59,260, 60,251, 51.2 45.2 [58: 58.2 [59, 19,250, 60, tº 61,151.3 657,358,158,359, lºs Gºt 50,361.1 & 1.3 sº, Sºl 38,359,159.3 lºo, 160,3 |ºl. 1 ſºlº 64, Gºº 59.3 lºo, lºs St. ºf 3 62, 62.3 G3, so, so a lºn, sº sº lºss, 63.2 º - 25 24 1 TABLE SECOND. [Inches and tenths of ºl 2 | - 4. 5 3 O 59,3 60,1 : 60,1 60,8 H s $ : 60,2 61, 61,2 61,3 62, 61, 61,2 62, 62, 1 62,2 60,3|{ 6441 * 61,2 - 26, 62.2 62,3 63, j61,3 ,3 #62,1 62,1 62,3 62,3 |63,1 63,1 63,3 63,3 64;1 62,2 |63, 68,2 64, |54,4 63, 63,2 64, 64,2 64,3 63,3 64,2 64,1 64,2 65, 65,2 65,3 64,3 65, 65,2 66, 66,2 ; ( # 3 2 62,2 2;63, 463, 1 663,3 63, 63.2 64, 64, 1 64,3 68,2 64, 64,2 64,3 65,4 64,2 65, 65,2 66, 66,4 65, 65,2 66, 66,2 66,3 3 3 64,2 65, 65,2 65,3 66, : 65, 65,2 66, 66, 1 26,2 55.2 66, 66,2 66,3 67,4 66,2 67, 67,2 68, 68,2 67, 67,2 68, 68,2| 69, 66,1 66,2 66,3 67, 67,2 68, 68,2 68,3 69,1 69,3 70, 70,2 34 * |66,2 67, 67,1 67,3 68, : 67, |67,2 67,3 68,4 68,2. 67,2 68, 68,2 68,3 69, 1 68,3 69, 69,2 70, 70,1 p. 71, 74,2 74,3 72,4 72,2 68,2 69, 69,i 69,2 70, |70,2 69, 69,2 69,3 70, 1 70,3 71, 69,2 iſ 70, 70,2 70,3 #7 2 #4,4 73, 73,2 74, 74,3 TABLE SECOND. 26 [Inches and tenths of diameters.] * 24 4 3 P- F. 3 6 | 270,3 7 l. 1 71,2 72, : |72,1 |72,2- 74;1 74,3 72, 72,2 72,3 73,1 72,2 73, 73,2 6 7. 73,8 73, 73,2 74, 74,4 73,3 74, 75, 74,2. 74,1 74,3 75,1 75,2 75,4 75,3 76,4 74,3 75, 76, 76,2 76,3 76,1 76,3 77, 77,2 3 y 4. 6 8 4|73,1 74, 72,1: 272,3- 73,2 73,2 73,3 74,4 74,3 75,1. 73, - 73;4. 73;3. 74, 74,2 74, 74,2 75, 75,3 75,4 74,3 |75,1 75,2 76, 76,2 75,4 76, 1 76,2 77, 76, 76,2 76,3 77,1 77.3 76,3 77, 78,4 |77,2|7 77,8. 77,1 77.2 78,2 78,3 77,3 78,1 78,3 3 -. 79.2 3 8 74,1 75,2 475, 6 8 75, º: 75,3' 76, 76,2 75,2 76,4 76,3 77,1 76, |76,2 77,4 77,3 |rg,3 77, 77,2 |78, 78,2 77.2 77,3 78, 1 78,2 79, 78, '78,3 78,279, 78,3 79,2 79,4 '80, 79,3'80,2 79,4 79,3 3 . 80,2 81, 80, 80,1 80,3 81,4 81,3 39 |77,3 3 |78,2 |77,2 78, 78,2. 78,8 79, 77,1 78, 78, 79, 79,4 79,8 79, 79,4 |79,2 80, 80,1 80,3 81, 80, 80,2 80, 80,2 8 l; 81,1 81,3 79,3 |79,2 1|so, 80,1 80,3 81, 80, 80,3 80,281, 1 81, 81,3 81,1 :82, 81,3 i82, 81,2 82, 82,4 82,3 83, 82, 82,3 82,2 '83,1 83, 83,3 83,1 184, 83,3 84.2 81,2 81,3 82, 1 82,3 83, 83,2 84, 84, 1 81,3 85, 1 83, 82,2 83, 1. 83,3 84,1 84,2 85, 85,2 86, 80,381,2 82, 83,2 sº, sº 8s,2 86, l 27 [Inches and tenths of diameters.] 24 | 1 || 4 TABLE SEcond. * | 3. 4. 1. i 80,2 81, 81,2, 81,3 *-a-º-º- imºmº 4. f : 82, 82,2 83, 83, 1 83,3 |; 81,3 82, . 82,2. 82,3 83,4 83,2 84, 84,2 * Tººmºº 82, 82, 1 82,3 83, 83,2 84, *. 84,4 84,2 88, |32.2 83, 83,1 83,8 84, 1 84,2 85, 85, 1 85,3 4. 84, 1 84,2 85, 85,1 85,2 2 4. : mºmetº |86, |86,2 86,3 87,4 37,2 |85,2 84,3 85, 1 86, 86,4 '85,2 86, 86, 1 86,2 87, 86,3 87, 87.2 88, 88, 1 45 : 8, 88,1 88,3 89, 89,2 88,3 89, 89,2 89,3 90,1 37,2 87,3 88,4 88,2 89, 89,2 89,3 . 90,1 90,2 91, 86, 1 86,2 87, 87,4 87,3 88, 88,2 89, 89,1 89,3 90, 90,2 91, 91, 1 91,3 46 90, 90,3 91,2 92,1 #88,1 '88,2 84,2: 85, '85, 1 85,2 86, 86,2 87, 87,1 87,2 88, 88,2 88,3 89,1 89,3 5 84, 84, 1 85, 1 * fººms 87,2 88, S8, 1 88,3 89, ** 90, 90,2 90,3 9 1,1 | 91,2 92, 92,2} 92,3 93, 1 33,3 84,8. 86, 86,4 |sé,3 . 89.2 94,2 86,3 [Inc f ; 25 ... 2 3 2 8 26 TABLE second. 3 * 65,1 9 : |65,3 ** 66, |66.2 67, *. s 67,1 87,3 68, 68,2 69, |69,2 hes and tenths of diameters.] 4 | 65,3 66,1 66, 66,2 66,2 37, 67,2 67,3 68, 1 68,3 69, 68,2 69, l 69,3 70, |69,2 70, a 70,1 70,3 71, 1 $1,2 -ºººº-ºº: s 1,1 |82, 71,2 72,2 2 73, 73, 1 73,3 74.1 74,3 75, 75,2 76, 76,2 4 ×7, 77,1 4 rºyº º 1 ſ ,<> 78, 1 78,2 79, 79,2 80, 80,2 S0,3 81,1 81,2 82, sagas, 72, 72.2 70,2 71, 70, 70,2 71, 71,4 7 1,3 71,27 71,3| 72,173 66,3 67, 67, 67,2 67,2 68, 68, ;68,. *** ~~ 69, £8,369,3 69,3 70,1 70,3 71, 71,2 72, 1 73,4 73, 73,2 74, 74, 74,2 74, 1 75, 74,3 ga,2 75,176, 75,3 f6,2 76, 76,3 76,2 77, 1 77, 77,3 77,278, 78, 78,2 78, 1 ||Y9, 78,379,2 79, ) |SO, 79,2|80,1 80, 80,3 80,2|81,1 81, 81,2 81,2 º, 81,382.2 82 1 '83, 72,3}. 73,3]; 77, 77,2 77,3 78,1 78,3 79, 1 79,3 tºmºsºsº 82.3 83,2 83.3 ** 84,? 6 tºmm * | | * | |zA, |75,3 276, 1 7| $7,497,3 67,. '. •,8; . 38, fºs, 2 $8.2 |39, tj9, 69,2 69,2 79, 70, 79.2 70,271, 70,371,2. 71, l 71,3 72, 1 72,3 73, 73,2 74, 74,2 75, 75,2 75,3 76,2 71,3 72, 72,2 73, 73,2. 74,2 75, 75,1 76,3 77,1 77,3 78, 78,2 wººg 76,3 77, 77.2 a 3- 78, | g i- 68, 1 68,3 . 69, . 69,2 70, -* * 70,2 71, 71.2 72, 72,1 . 72,3 73,4 |73,3 74, 74,2 75, 75,2 76, 76,2 77, 77, 77.3 78, 1 78,3 79, 1 ºgºsº ——- 3 |S 78,2 79, fig, 2 79,3 so, f i 79, 80, 80,2 81, 81,1 , l 83,3 84, 1 34,3 |3 * 79,2, 79.3 89, s0,2 81, 81,2 t) 82, 3 82,2 3,3 S3, 1 $3,3 84, 1 84,2 85, 85.2 S6, * shº 86.9 29 TABLE SECOND. [Inches and tenths of diameters.] 25 1, 2 3 4. 5 6 || 7 8 9 :38 281, 1 || S1,3 s2.2 88, 83,2} 84,1| 85, 85,2| 86, 1| 87, 4|84,2 82, 82,3} 83,4| 84, 84,3| 85,1} 86, 86,2| 87,1 6|82, 82,2| 83, l 83,3 84.2 85, 85,3| 86.2 87, 87.3 8|82,2 83, 83,2| 84, 1| 85, 85,2| 86,1. 87, 87,2| 88, 1 39 |82,3 || 83,2| 84, 84,2| 85,1| 86, 86,3} 87,1} 88, 88,2 283,4 | 84, 84,2; 85, 85,3| 86,2} 87, 87,3| 88,2} 89,1 4|83,2 | 84,1| 85, 85,2| 86, 1| 86,3| 87.2 88,1} 89, 89,2 6|84, 84,3| 85,1| 86, 86,2| 87,1| 88, 88,3| 89,2| 90, 8|84,2 85, 85,3] $6,1| 87, 87,3| 88,2| 89, 89.3| 90,2 40 |85, 85,2| 86, 1| 86,3| 87,2} 88,1| 89, 89,2| 90,1} 91, 2|85,1 || 86, 86,2| 87,1| 88, 88,2| 89,1} 90, 90,3| 91,2 4|85,3 86,2| 87, 87,3| 88,2| 89, 89,3| 90,2| 91,1| 92, 6|86, 86,3| 87,2| 88, 88,3| 89.2 90,1 91, 91,3| 92,2 8|86,2 | 87,1 S8, 88,2| 89,4| 90, 90,3| 91,2| 92, l 93, 41 |87, 87,3| 88,1} 80, 89,2| 90,1} 91, 91,3| 92,2} 93, 1 2|87,2 88, 88,3| 89,2} 90, 90,3| 91,2| 92,1| 93, 93,3 4|87,3 88,2| 89, 89,3| 90,2| 91,1} 92, 92,3| 93,2| 94, 6|88,1 | 89, 89,2] '90, 1] 91, 91,3| 92,2| 93, 1| 93,3| 94,2 Sis8,3 | 89,1' 90, 90,3} 91,1} 92, 92,3| 93,2} 94, l 95, 42 89, 89,3} 90,3} 91,4} 91,3} 92,2} 93,1] 94, 94,3| 95,2 2|89,2 90,1| 9 |, | 91,2 92, 1| 93, 93,3| 94,2| 95,1| 96, 4|90, 90,2 91,1} 92, 92,3| 93,2| 94,1| 95, 95,2; 96,1 6|90,4 || 91, 91,3} {2,2| 93,1] 94, 94,2} 95,1| 96, 96,3 8|90,3 91,2} 92, t 92,3| 93,2} 94,1} 95, 95,3; 96,2| 97, 1 43 - |91, 1 || 92, 92,3} 93,1| 94, 94,3| 95,2} 96,1: 97, 97,3 291,2 92, 1| 93, 93,3| 94,2| 95,4| 96, 96,3| 97,2| 98, 1 4|92, 92,3} 93,2| 94,1} 95, 95,3} 96,2; 97,1} 98, 98,3 6|92,2 93, 1| 94, 94,2| 95,1| 96, 96,3; 97,2; 98,2; 99, 1 8|93, 93,2} 94,1| 95, 95,3| 96,2| 97, 1| 98, 98,3| 99,2 44 |93,1 94, 94,3} 95.2 96, 1| 97, 97,3; 98,2; 99, 1} , 00, 293,3 94,2} 95, 95,3| 96,2| 97, l 98, 99, 99,3100,2 4|94, 94,3; 95,2} 96,1| 97, 97,3| 93,2 ::::::: 101, 694,2 95,1] 96, 96,3| 97,2] 98,1} 99, 100, 1100,3|101,2 8|95, 95,3| 96,2| 97,1| 98, 98,3} 99,2 100,1|101, 102, 45 |93,2 96, 1 | 97, 97,3| 98,2} 99, l 100, 100,3104,31102,2 295,3 96,2| 97,1| 98, 98,3} 99,3100,2|101,1102, 103, 4|96,1 | 97, 97,3| 98.2 99,1100, #101, 101,3|102,2|103.2 6|96,3 || 97,2| 98,1} 99, 99,3100,2101,1|102,1103, lio3,3 8|97, 1 98, 93,3| 99,2|100,1} 101, 104,3|102,3|103,2|104,1 46 (97,2 98,4| 99, 99,3100,35101,2}102,1103,4|154, 104,3 2.98, 98,3| 99,2|100,1 || ol, 102, 1102,3103,2104,1105,1 4|98,2 99, 1; 100, 100,3|101,2|102,2|103, 1|104, [104,3}106,3 6|99, 99,3] 100,2|101,1102, 102,3|103,3}104,2|105,4|106, 8/99.2 100,1 101, 101,3402,21 103,1104, [105, 1105,31106,2 F [Inches and tenths of diameters.] l 4 26 2 SČ) . "FABLE SECOND. 3 5 .* 6 69, 269,1 469,3 6.70,4 870,3 30 70, 70, 1 70,3 74, 1 71,3 69,2 69,3 70,1 70,3 71,1 70,2 71, 71, 71,2 71,2|72, 71,3|72,2 72,1 |73, 71,2 72, 72,2 73, 73,2 72,. 72,2 73, 73,2 74, 74, 71,2 72, 72,2 73, ;#| : 3 2 3 3 : 7?,3 72, 72,2 73, 78,2 *-* 72, 1 72,3 78, 73,2 74, 73,2 74, 74, 1 74,3 75, 1 72,3 73,1 73,3 74, 74,2 74, '74,2 74,275, 75, 75,2 75, 1 Z6, 75,3 |76,2 75, 75,3 75,2 76, 76,2 [. 77, [77,2 74, 74,2 75, 75,4 75,3 74,2 75, 75,2 76, 76,2 76, 1 76,3 77, 1 77,8 78, I 7 6.3 77,1 77,3 78,1 78,3 72,2 77, 77.3 77,3 78,1 78,3 77,2 78, 78,2 (7 79, 79,2 78,3 79, 79,3 2 [80, 1 80,3 34 : 79, 79,3 80, 1 80,3 81, 33 dºº-: 37 85, I 85,3 : 86,3 86, 1 || 31, 2 82, 82,2 83, 83,2 79,3 30, i. 30,3 31, i 81,3 82,182.8 82,383, 1 83, 83,3 83,284, 1 84, |84.3 84, 84, 1 84,3 85, i. 35,3 84,285, 1 85, 85.2 85,2186, 86, 186,2 86,287, Ö, 3 ||31, 8.1,2 82, 82,2 3, S3,2 84, 84,2 85, 85,2 79.1 79,3 80, 1 30,3 31, 1 § {,3 82, 1 82,2 83, 83,2 84, 84,2 85, 85,2 86, * | * 86,2 37, 87.2 87,3 8S.4 86,4 S6,2 87, 87.2 88, 86,3 87, 1 87,3 88,1 88,8 87.2 88, 88,2 89, 89,2 88.3 89, 1 89,3 90,1 90,3 73, a 73,2| 742 * 84,3 S5,4 85.3 86, 1 86,3 37, 1 87,3 88, 1 88,2 89, 89,2 90, 1 90,2 91, 91,2 92, 38 |87, 87.2 88, 88,2 89, : 88,2 S9, 89,2 90, 90,1 89, 1 89,3 90, 90,2 90, 90,2 90,3 91,4 91, 19 1,3 91, 1 91,3 92,1 92,3 |33,1 92,2 93, 93,2 34,2 IS ‘8II ‘lºor #'s, W &“WW I zºgy I gºgy V ‘gy I ‘I I I &“AWI “LW I 2, 9 II ‘9 I zºg l ; 1°9 I W. g°g | J. w‘91 V g"+V V | 3°37') |8°g WW | W“g WW g"?] W yºf J. 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I. 2. “60ſ ‘607 2,807. : ‘801 I‘60% S“30ſ ** 80'ſ, g"/0% W‘LOW 2,'807 ‘80; z' 20% “LOW g'90% : 9. # i°g II 3°37' W. ‘z, II g"I I I * I I I 2:0 II ‘0 II z'60I ‘60 I z'807 gºmº 6 gº III, [*I JI 8°0 IT W“OIT, 9°607 I ‘607 S‘80ſ ‘80 I Z“AOI sº vzººlººw, *W I y 3*60 I ‘601 z'80), ‘80 I I “201 g’907 4 z"O IT, “OW W. ** = W“OW g'60T I ‘6'); 8%03 9°07 F ‘Oy W. &*60). ‘60 I 3‘80) ‘801 I‘607 8°30, W“807 g"A0I T*201 W“30p 8’40W I‘20) 8'907 V"907 ;3407 10% 2°90 I ‘901 g'gow gº 90'ſ Jºg Oy 8°go, I‘go, g"+07. ‘907 3°g Oy ‘go I zº,0I *701 8 9 f 2, 3, # I'807 |g".67 | ‘207 z'90, ‘907 1“207 g'90I W*90ſ g"g OW I‘SO} *901 *901 z'gow ‘goy **0 I g’soil “gow w‘go??"wo I g"bow; “Voy I‘voyz'goy seen got I‘FOW gºgo; w‘cow g"go I &“gow. &‘zol ‘zoy g"pop : If. 9 g ‘(INOO f f g Te Tº ["sualauerp Jo Squa, pue soubull GIS TIGIVE Wºz01 zz — j/8 S‘g II I ‘gy y gº II ‘W II 3‘877 ‘g II zºłII *I W I‘g Il Sº I l Lººp I g"g IV L“gly 2%, IT ‘zi I 2::gly ‘g IP I‘āy I g", Wy V*W II ‘g I W. 2°2, IT 8°I W I i’ I WW 8'0 II I ‘gy I zº III “IFI &“OI I ‘OW I - g" [W I 8'OIF ‘OT W g"OIF 9°607 W*60). 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It *II. 2"gll “gll I ‘z;II **II I'gi I gº?' II I*2;II | ? 2." Ill ‘i II I'0' I g°601 I‘601 g'80I &% II g"III I‘III g'0II ‘OII g"III III & OII I‘60I ‘Oll &“60I ‘60I I‘801 gºlol I*LOI g ‘90ſ 1801 zºl.01 ‘LOI z'90ſ g"80I I'80ſ |z'LOI “LOl z'901 ‘801 z'LOI g'90I I‘90I g"g0ſ z'90I ‘901 zºgol ‘goi zºpol ‘901 I‘901 g"POI g"gOI I‘FO, gºgoſ I'901 gºOL I “POI 1°20i g"IOI I‘IOI 2°001 z'g0l. ‘gol goi I*66 ‘86 - | I*L6 ‘96 a'v6 9 |g'96 g'96 |z'g6 | ‘gö I‘gol 2°FOI “POI I‘goi gºzoi ="~~ ‘1%01 g"I01 *IOI z'001 g"66 I'66 2.86 86 I'L6 6'96 * ‘98 z'96. ‘gó . zºvé g'86 p gºgol I'goſ 8:20. 20I **IOI 9°00I 100I a'66 *66 &‘86 ‘86 I‘L6 g’96 ‘96 zºg6 ‘96 I‘p6 |g'g6 I°26 &‘z6 –– 3, ‘goi 2,201 I*IOI 201 *66 .66 1.36 gºtº *26 36 2."g6 g"p6 I've ‘gé. ‘z6. I ‘zóI | g"OOI 1:16. gºgó | *gg |z26 *z6 1°16 z'z6 ‘001 z'66 ‘66 I'86 zº.6. ‘L6 tººg z'96 ‘96 : zºg6 g"Pó **6. z'86. ‘gg. 6& | :;: _68Ojº * :ºgº "e8 •& : 9 g gg.. | -: . |% . p g # i. | : & [siolomelp Josque, put sopuſ) ‘(INOOHS SITGVJ, 37 * *a 4 l d : i 44 As -s ::b 4sA44 *g49"Ag"=s5 ::::: SQ 0 29. 117,1 117,3 118,1 119, 119,2. 1 118, 118,2 119,1 119,3 120,2 - * sº TABLE SECOND. ſinches and tenths of diameters.] p ſº º 118,3 119;2 120, 121,1 120, . 120,2 121,1 121,3 122,1 121, 121,2 122, 122,2 123,1 121,3 122,1 122,3 123,2 124, 123, 123,2 124, 124,2 125,3 126,1 127, 127,2 128, 128,2 129, 1 129,3 130,1 131, 131,2 132, 132,2 133,1 133,3 134, 1 135, 135,2 136, 136,3 137, 1 137,3 138,1 139, 139,2 140, 140, 141, 141,3 ! 42, 1 * tº 143, 125; 124,2 125, 125,2 126, 126,2 127,1 127,3 128,1 129, 129,2 130, 130,3 131,1 131,3 132,1 133, 133,2 134, 1 134,3 135,1 136, 136,2 137, 137,2 138,1 138,3 139,1 139,3 140,2 141, 141,2 142, 142,3 143, 1 * * 144, 123,3 124,2 125,1 125,3 126,1 127, 127,2 128, 128,3 129, 1 129,3 130,1 131, 131,2 132, 132,3 133,1 133,3 134, 1 135, 135,3 136,1 136,3 137,1 138, 138,2 139, 139,3 140,1 140,3 141,2 142, 142,2 143, 143,3 144, l 145, 3 119.2 120,1 120,3 121,2 122, 122,3 123,1 123,3 124,1 125, 125,2 126, 126,2 127,1 127,3 128,1 129, 129,2 130, 130,3 131,1 131,3 132,1 133, 133,2 134, 134,3 135,1 136, 136,2 137, 1 137,3 138,1 139, 139,2 140, 140,2 141,1 141,3 142, 1 143, 143,2 144, 144.' 145. 146, 120,1 4 121, 121,2 122,1 122,3 123,2 124, . 124.2 125, 125,3 126,1 126,3 127,1 128, 128;2 129, 1 129,3 130,2 131, 131,2 132, 132,3 133,1 133,3 134,2 135, 135,2 136,1 136,3 137,2 138, 138,2 139,1 139,3 140,1 141, 141,2 142,1 142,3 143, 1 144, 144,2 145, 3,3 16, 1 ; — .47, i --|-- 121,1 121,3 122,1 123, 128,3 124,1 124,3 125, 1 125,3 126,2 127,1 127,3 128, 1 128,3 129,2 130, 130,2 181,1 132, 132,2| 133, 133,2 134,1 134,3 135, 1 136, 136,2 137, 137,3 138,2 139, 139,2 140, 140,3 141,1 142, 142,2 143, 143,3 144,1 145, 145,2 146, 146,3 147, 1 148, 122, 122,2 123, 1 124, 124,2 125,1 125,2 126,1 | 126,3 127,1 128, 128,2 129, 129,3 130,1 131,1 131,3 132,2 133, 133,3 134,1 134,3 135,2 136, 136,2 137,1 138, 138,2 139, 139,3 140,1 141, 141,2 142, 142,2 143,1 143,3 144,2 2 145,2 146,1 147, 147,2 148, 143,3 149, 1 150, 144,2 145,1 145,3 146,2 147, 147;2 148,1 148,3 149,2 150, 150,3 151,1 152, •r e- ; '3? I g’ſ gly * I gy l'Ogy g'6&I § 13 I “[g] W“OSI 2'623 ‘62, *08 I ‘637 *Sz, I ‘827 s C. gºogy ‘og I jºggi &’8&l ‘8&T, W“13] ‘62,] W“82, W. I ‘82, V 2'4&I 8'2&I ‘4&I ‘2&F 2°92; V I‘9&I g"Gzy I'42, I 3°931 W'92. I 3° 931 “GZY zºz I , ‘F2, I W“gz I ‘gz]; I ºf z, I gºgº, I ‘gzy z'zz7 zºg & I ‘gg I 7% g I º: ‘82; I I‘zzy 8° V6I cºal ‘92, 1 W“gz]; gºz, I ‘W2, I z'92, I £“zz I I ‘zz, I &“Vö, I ‘Iz; I &ſ.* ‘.- : 3, & . : * * g"gz I “ga, J. gºia, p ‘ī, g] W“32, I yº Sgy 2." Löi “Zºº; I **92; I zºg & P * ‘ggy Iºwa, 9°32;Y. ‘82, W. | C 2, 352, [*22. I a‘92, W ‘967 W*gz; V gºyz I º:331 gºggi W‘937 a'ºz', **2] gºggy ‘gz;7 3°72;I gºgg I p'82;I 0% ‘H2, I &‘88. I “ga, I [*zz, I g"WZV W*ggy 8'2:2; I W‘aº; V 2°W gy £“037 &‘zz I ‘zz;1 I‘Iz I g"Oz,]. *067 : 69: 8°32, W ‘zz]. &° W & V 8'03". ‘0&T, 3° I & ! ‘I2, I 1“wzłºozi 6'02, W *02, W. W°6 W I 8°67. I W‘6] I &‘8W V I‘0&W z'67 Wi ‘611 2, 3 l I: 8'll gºzzi, *zzT, W“Iz, V g’037 *02, l *zzy P" Iz,] 2°02, I *02. I W“677 ‘Iz I z'02, I g'6WW ‘6W I &‘8W I *- I‘6 II g'81, I ‘8 II z." L II S“9 II z'8 II ‘8 Iy W“ZW I g°9 II ‘977 S'AW I I‘Z II &‘9 II ‘9 II I‘9 II |z'gy? 2," g II ‘g II I* I y g"FI I I ‘f I I 3°g WW ‘g IJ % - - - §"g II (' g" ºf I *H, I W zºg II gº, WV 1°31 I I'gy I Tº “Oz I 8°6 II ‘6 II 7°8 Iy 8" LN } ‘A VI '6'97) 8°g I 1. Vºgy, &‘FI I 2' 6 IV ‘67. I ‘SW I &“AWT ‘A II g'87 V ‘3), I I*ALL g"9% W I‘97. I ‘87 F I ‘AI W 2°9'W. W. ‘9 II &“gy I W“AW I &“9 I W g"gy V W“g WW 8% II z'67, gº 87 V W*SIW £“Z I W ‘AW) •y as * z'91 W. g"g IVl ‘gº y &‘py V ‘’F), W : : 89. *º- A8 I‘9 W I zºg I W ‘g II zººl V g"g WW g°g II gº? I I Wºły I g"g Il ‘g II gº?' I ‘W I y 3°S II ‘g WW I ‘2, Iy ‘īy, I W‘871, 8°z IV I*z, Wy z' [W]. ‘ppy W“gy I gºzy V ‘z Wy 2." I Wy I ‘g II 3’ &WW ‘zVI, tº: 8°0 II, z'z II gº Il I W*I W I z'O'ſ W ‘Oly. I g"I WP ‘W II, z'Oyly 8°60% I*60I ‘y It I‘OVW 8*60). ‘607 w801 I ‘g I W 2%W I ‘z, WV z" ( ; I stoº W“OVW 8°607 ‘607 I'807 g"LOW ‘zy, |Wºw! “OI I ‘OFF &“60 I ‘60; *W*80l. &‘201 ‘ZOI as ºsmº-sº 3%, is : gºz II I ‘gy I zº II V “I W I T'OW I ‘z II, 2.' I WI I ‘Ol I z'60I çoil : W“l II 8'0 II “O II z'601 g"80; &‘OI W. ‘OIV 1“607 S“80I ‘801 ‘801 ‘OW W &“60 I g'80ſ zºzow l'60ſ 8%OW ‘80ſ 1°20'W. 8'90% z'SOI ‘801; W“AOW g"90I ‘907 8’407 W*A.0% 2°907 ‘907 W“SOW | ‘LOW 3'90; g°g0] y"QOW g"f,0] l'90' 8'90), ‘gol 2," WU)] “FO) : : 98 # 9. gº 60 I “60 I 1°30 I g"LOW ‘AOI ‘60 I I'80I 3‘AOW “207 I ‘901 I‘807 &‘LOI ‘A0I W“907 |z*çol ‘A0I W‘907 &‘90] ‘go) zºzoi! 20, W“90% &“go I “GOI I‘FOW W°90, &‘gOW ‘go; I ‘90) zºg0), zºg.0% g"poly I ‘FOW &“go I ‘go I g"f Oy I‘FOI &‘80 I ‘gol W“zOſ ‘50 l & ‘80 l ‘80) W*30 I z'ſ 01 z'90, g"zoi W‘2,91 2. “WOI 2°00I : W*907 zºg01 *ç0 I z"WOW g"gol 2°gOW *çoy I*0), g"go; I‘go I *-i---- ‘gol W*#01 8‘go; ‘80, gºzoW W**OI zºgol ‘goy 3%OW g"VOI &“807 ‘gow &“gol g"Wow ‘IOy ‘go I W°307 gº IOP ‘IO), W‘007 yºzo I 2." IOI ‘WOI. I‘ool 8*66 zº WOW *10), 1°00'W. g'66 ‘66 ‘Wow W°00 I &‘66 ‘66 &‘86 W ‘001 &*66 ‘66 W“86. 8'26 g- # #3.; & 9. E. § 9 £ 9 9 # - ["stolauſerp Jo squal pue satiouſ] 9. 3. 'qNOOGIS SITIV.I. * 39. Tº 06. - 39 - Linc 30 TABLE hes and tenths of diameters.] 1. 2 | 3. | 4. SECONL). * | * * * | * - 4. 126, 127.1 128. 125.2 126,3 127,1128, 127,3128.2 123,2129,4 129, 130, 129,3||130,2 |26, 27. | 27.2 128, 128,3 28, 29. 130, 130,3 | 31, 129,2130.2 130, 1131, 131, 132, 31,3||132.2 132,1133, º 138. 133,2 134,1 135, 135,3 134,1132,4 132, 132.3 132,3 133.4 134, 4. 2 - º 5. | 128.2 129, 1 130,1 131, 129,3 129,2 130, 130,2 131, 1 132, 130, 1 131, 131,2 132. 132.3 131, 1 131,3 132, 133, 133,2 132, 132,2 133,4 133,3 134,2 133, 133,2 134, 134,3 135, 1 133,3 134,4 135, 135,2 136, 134,2 135.1 135,3 136.2 137, 1 136,1 137, 137.2 138,1 139, 43 131,3 132,4 133, 133,2 134, 32.2 |33, 133,3 134,1 134,3 133,1 134, 134,3 35.1 135,3 134,1 134,3 135,2 | 36, 136.2 : 134,2 135, 135.3 136.2 137. 3| 1.41.3 2|143,2 35.2 36, 136,3 57.1 138, 136.2 137, 137,2 138,1 139, 138.2. 139, 39.3 140,2 41. 37.1 |38, 138,2 39, 139,3 140,2 141, 141.2 142,4 143. 140,3 141,2 142, 137, 37,2 138,4 138,3 139,4 135, 135,3 136.2 137, 137.2 136, | 36.2 137,4 138, 138,2 137.3438.2 138,2139,1 139,1140, 139,3140,2 140,1441,4 139,2 140,4 141, 141,2 142, | 39,4140. 139,3140,3 140,1141.1 141, 142, 141,3142,2 38, 138,3 139.2 140, 140,3 141, 142, 144,214.2.2 142,1143,1 142,3443.3 142,3 143,2 144, 144,3 145,4 141,1142, l 143,1 142, 142.3 143.3 142,2143.2 144,3 143,4144,4445. 143,3144,3145.5 **** 141,144s. 144,3145.2 143,2146,4 146, 147, 140,3147.2 146, 146,2 147, 1 148, 148.2 143.2 144,4 144,3 145, 46, 142,3 43, 144, 144.2 145, 142, 143, 144, 144,2 45.1 45,3 146,2 147,4 145.2 146, 145,3 147,2 148, 146,2 147, 147,3 148, 1 149, [49,4 150, 150,2 151,1 152, | 147,1448, 148, 1149, 148,3149.2 149,1150,1 150, 151, 145, 145,3146.3 147,3148,31149,3 145.2 146. 146,2 147, 1 146,21147.2 147, 148, 147,2148,2149,2 148,1149,4|150,1 148,1 149. 149, 1 150, 150,2 154, 1 150,1 151, 151.2 152, 48 148, 149, 150, 148.2 49, I 149,3 150,1 150,3 151,1152, 1 49 : 3||151,3 151, 152, 152,3 153,1 153,3 134,2 153, 153,3 154, 154,3 155,2 152, 1 152,3 153,2 149.2 150,2151,1 150,1151, 152, 151,3152,3 150,3151,3 152, 153, 153,3 154, 1 152,3 153,1 154, 154,3 153,4 155, 1 --- 151,2 152, 1 152,3 153,2 154, 150,3 151,1 152, 152.2 153, 152.2 153,1 153,3 154,1 155, 153,3 154,1 155, 155,3 156, 155,3 156,1 157, 157,3 158,1 154.3 155, 1 156, 156,3 157,4 154, 154,3 155, 155,3 156,2 135, 155,3 156,1 156,3 157.2 156, 157.1 158, 156,3 158,2 159, 159,3 160,1 161, 157, 157,3 158, 1 159, 159.2 158, 158,3 159, 1 160, 160,2 --- li ºr . . . - - - - º: _________ ºld 1 * If I I ‘O'Fl Z'68 I *69. I I ‘88. I 2'48 i 3'98 i ‘99 | I ‘gg £“f gly *05, I 1969 | g"SSW ‘89 | W“251 gºggy ‘991. I‘ºgy g"f g I g"Sg I *-* * ºgil 1“gg 1 gºag I *::g I 1 * Ig I gºz8 I ‘gg I * I gly z'Og I W“ggyz*zSl ...} 3“881 ‘881. l'A8V a;'99 | g°gg'ſ ‘ggl &“Pgy g"gs I ‘gg I g"ACT “LS a. *ggyſzºg I gºgg I ‘987 */91 || “99 || Wºgg'ſ W*997.|&“ggllzºgl g"ggllgººgl ‘gg]. k'ſ gy | ‘Hºg I 'g'ggi, 3°ggy gºas I ‘ggy I'getatic I “a gl ‘pg || g" gg.I I ‘gg] zººgl £“gg 1 W“ggl ‘ggy W*#g I zºgg I ‘gg I 1923) *# 81 zºgg] gººg I I ‘38 l z" [g I y'ggy 3%g I “zg], W*18 I &*Og : Of, lºggi 8'29 3'39 I g" | 8 | I* I gl 2°08 I g°62, I g" [SI “Ig] p'Ogy 3' 62. I *68] gºogl *08], z'62, l g'92, I ‘82, I | “62. I gº 82, I ‘S3 I I‘13i : enºmºsºs- gºl gl ‘I g I I ‘og] g'661 * I g I 3*6&l ‘62, 1 z'09 I g'62, I ‘62, I 2. “8&l g"L&l g"62, I ‘627 I ‘92, W g"221 ‘A&W “62, I I‘82, I &“Az I 6'93, I I ‘92, 1 ‘92, I 3°23 s'92, I ‘92, I & ! z" gº, I | g” Ig'ſ gºogl & CQ p'Og l |z' 62 g'82 ‘Sz, I W*63, I &’83 I 8%2, I ‘A2, W z'92, I 2,'83, I g"L&T ‘Z2;I I ‘92, I g"g & II &‘A2. I 8‘92, I I ‘92, I 2,'93, I ‘gº, I S$92, I ‘98, I I ‘gz I 8%, I I ‘iz, I | 98 l'Agl g'92. I ‘9:1 l‘92, gºal I ‘gg, I gºzV ºf Zl 8°9&W ‘g &W, zºz] g"22 I I ‘83] “La I | ‘92, I 3'92, 18°gz, V g"gzl ‘gz1|, |yz1|z'ggl zºz. I ‘dzi 2'32 W, 3°92; I ‘gz, I I‘i’2, 1 ‘gz, g"f 2, 1 “ſ, 2, I zºgz I gºzzl I ‘zz, I “iº. I ‘92, l 6 exe- 325 ſ *32, 1 2." Iz, I l o 4 × 8°82, I ‘92, I 2,"zz I 3° 12, I ‘Iz I ‘gzi I ‘a,z]. g"I ZT ‘p gly I ‘037 l‘zº, I z'l & I “I &I I ‘0& I 3°61 I 3°l 2, I g"O2, l l‘02, I 2 *6 I H. g°02, I ‘Ozl 2,"6 I : gºs II *8 II = *** I '92, I |z'zt, I “2;&W yº Iz I g"O&W “OzT W*67. I gºsp? ‘8 II I*Aſ I z'zz I gºl z I J." 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["sianaurelp Jo Squa, pue sauqui) *INooqs atqvi, Of 41 31 4. TABLE SECOND. [Inches and tenths of 2 | 8 diameters.] 4 º 6 7 8 9 4 l : 4. 2 : i : 138,3 134,2 £35, 1 136, 136.2 . J 137,4 138, 138,2 139,4 139,3 l 34,3 | 35,2 1 36,1. | 36,3 137,2 186, 1 36,2 l ..] 37,3 |138,2 137,1 188, 138,2 139,1 188,2187.2 138,1 139, 139,2 140,1 141, 138, 138,3 139,2 140,1 139,4 139,3 140,2 141,1 142, 140, 141, 1 142, |142,3 140,3% 442,4 140,3 141,2 144,3 142,2 143, 1 143,3 144,2 143, 143,2 440, 138,1 138,3 140,3 139, 141, 139,2 140,1 141,3 140, 140,2 141, 1 141,3 142,2 140,3 141,2] 142, 142,3 143,2 141,3 142, 1 143, 143,2 144, 1 142,2 143, 1 143,3 145, l 144,2 143,2 144, 144,3 445,2 146,4 144,4 445, 445,2 445,4 147, 145, 1 146, 146,2 147, 1 143, 43 — 44 2 4. 6 8 141,1 141,3 142,1 143, 143,3 2|144, 1 4 6 145, 145,3 1 46, 140,2 144, 141,2 142, 1 l 42,3 l43,2 143, 145, 142,1 143,2 144,1145, 1 143, 1 l 44, 144,2 146, 146, 147, 144,3 145,4 146,3 147, 145,2146.2 146, l 147,1 •=s** 144, 1 144,3 l 45,1 146, 146,3 145, 145,3 146,1 147, 147,3 146, 146,2 148, 147,1 148,2 $46,3 147,2 148, 148,3 [49,2 148,8. 149,2 150, 150,8 151,2 147,3 148,2 449, $149,3 i50,2 147,2148, 1 * 149, 1 148, 147,3 147,3' 148,2, 149,2 148,4149,4150, 149, 150, 148,3|149,3150,2 150,2 151, 151, 1 152, 150,1 151, 151,2 152, 1 153, 152, 152,3 153, 1 154, l:54,3 151,1 151,3 152,2 453, 1 153,3 45 :47, 147,2 | 48,1 149, 149,3 148, 150, 148,2 149, 1 150,2 149, 151, 149.2 150, 1 15 1,2 1 ºf O, 151,1 161,3 152,2 150.3 150,2: 151,2 152, 1 452,3 151,3,152,2 152, 1 153,1 153, 1 53,3 154,3 153,41942,195, 154, 153,2 154,1 155, 156, 1 156,2 155,2 156, 1 157, , 157,2 458, Ł 154,2 155,1 156, 156,2 157,1 46 150, 1 2151, 4151,2 6, 152, 1 8:153, 151, i 151,3 152,2 153, l 154, 152, 1 152,3 153,2 ! 54,1 155, 153,3 455, 1 156, | | | 153,1154,1 ! 54,3 1542,155,2 156, 1 157, 155, 155,3 156,2 157,1 158, 156, 156,3 157.2 158, 1 159, 157, 157,3 158,2 159, 1 160, 158, 158,3 159,2 160,1 161, 159, 159,3 160,2 161,1 162, 47 | | ! 153,2 2:154,1 4:155, 6 155,2 8,156,1 * = -- - - - - - 48 2 | | 1459.3 157,2 4458, 49 50 6. S : 158,3 159, 154,2 155, 1 156, 156,2 157, 1 ! 55,2 156, 1 157, 157.2 l 58, 1 156.2 l 57, 1 158,2 159, 1 1 57,3 158,2 159, 1 159,3 | 60,1 158,3 159,2 160, 1 161, 161,2 i 59,3 160,2 ! 64, 1 162, 162,2 158, 160, |160,3 161.1 3|| 63,3 | 6 |, 161,3 } 62, 1 163, l62, 162,3 l 63,1 464, 164,3 163, 163,3, 164, 1 165, 165,3 l 58,4 159, 160," 163, 164, 165, 1 166, 166,3 i59,2 i 60,3 461,2 162,4 163,2 * set- 164,3 158,2 159, 1 160, 160,2 ! 61,1 159,2 160,1 161, 161,2 * 162,4 { 160,2 16 l, 1 162, 162,21463,2 163, 1 161.2 162,2' 162,1163, 1 163, 164, 164,2 165,1 164,4 161,3 l 62,2; 163, 1 164, 164,2 l62,3 l 64, 1 165, 163,2 465,2 163,3 164,2 165, 1 166, 166,2 164,3 465,2 166, 1 167, 167,2 165,3 166,2 167,1 168, 168,3 165,1 166, 166,2 167, 1 1673 l66, 1 167, 167,2 168, 1 l 69, 167, 1 168, 169,1 170, 168, 1 169, 169,2 #470, 1 174, 169,1 170, 170,2 171,1 172, 164, 165, l Al 166,2 167,2 168,2] 1 69,2 170,3 172,3 171.3 42 [Inches and tenths of diameters.] 2 k 32 - 1 TABLE SECOND. 3 4. s || ". 's 7 A- 8 9. l 18, 1 l 19, i 19,3 120,2 121, 3 4. *: 119, 149,3 120,2 121,4 121,3 1 19,3 120,2 121, 1 122, 122,2 | 120,2 121,1 122, 122,3 123, 1 121, 122, 122,3] is: 124, 1 122, 122,3 | 22,3|123,2 123,2|124, 1. 124,1,125, 124,3,125,3 123,2 124,1 125, 125,3 'iz82 l:34,1 125, 425,3 126,2 427, 1 125, 125,8. H26,2 127,1 128, ~~~~ T 3 5 121,3 122,2 ! 23, 1 124, l 24,2 : : -º-º-º-º- 122,2 123, 1 124, 124,3 126, l 123, 1 124, 124,3 125,2 126, 1 124, 124,3 125,2 126,4 127, 124,3 125,2 126, 1 127, 127,3 126, 1 126,2 127, 127,3 128,2 129, 1 125,2 127, 127,3 128,2 127, 1 127,3 128,2 129, 1 130, 128,2 129,2 fºb, 130, 130,3 128,3 129,2 130, 1 131, 131,3 125, 1 126, 126,2 127, 1 128, s 6 : —#– 126, . 126,3 127,2 l 28, 128,3 126,3 127,2 128, 1 129, 129,3 127,2 128,1 129, 129,3 130,2 128,2 129, 129,3 130,2 13 l, 1 l 30, l 30,3 131,2 132, 132,3 129, 1 130, 130,3 ! 31, 1 182, 37 || 128,3 2|129,2 4|130, 6.130,3 8|131,2 129,2 130, 1 ;31, isis 132, 1 180,1 134, 131,3 132,2 133, 131, 1 132, 132,2 133,4 184, 132, 133,3 ! 33, 1 134, 1 34,3 132,3||133,2 133,2134,1 134, l ; 135, 135, 135.3 185,2136.2 130,3 131,2 132, l’ 133, 133,3 |133,3 131,2||132,2 132, 1 183, 134,2 133, 133,3. 134,2 135, l ** 134,2 135, 135,3 |136,2 137, 1 436, 136,3 137.2 38 |132,4 2.133, 4, 133,2 { 6, 134, 1 133, 133,3 134, 1 135, 136, 133,3 134,2 135,1 136, 1 36,3 134,3 135,2 136, 1 136.3 137,2 135,2 136, 1 137, 137,3 138,2 136,1137, 1 137, 438, 137,3: 138,3 188,2139,1 139,1 140, 138, 138,3 139,2 140,1 141, *mºs 135, 1 138,1 139, 139,3 l'40,1 141, 141,3 136, 1 36,3 137,2 ! 38, 1 l 39, 139,3 140,2 141, i 142, 142,3. * $135, 39 '133,8 2 136, 1 4 137, 6, 137,3 8, 138,2 136,2 137,4 138, 138,2 139,4 137,2 1 38, 138,3 139,2 140,1 133, 1 139, 139,3 140,1 141, 139,4 139,3 140,2 14 l, 1 142, 140, º: 140,3}l 41,2 141,2:142,1 142, 143, 142,3|l 43,3 1 4 J,3 142,2 l 43, 143,3 144,2 142,2 143, 1 144, 144,3 145,2 143,2 144, 1 145, 145,2 146, 1 *** -º 40 || 39,1 2|140, 4|140,3 6, 141, 1 8|l 42, r—- 140, 140,3 141,2 142, 1 143, 141, 141,3 #: 143, 143,3 141,3 142,2 143, 1 144, 144,3 142,3 144, 1 145, J45,2 143,2: 143,2144,1 144,2 145, l l 46, | :46,3 147, 1 | 145, 145,3 146,2 145, 146, 146,3 147,2 148, 1 146,4 147, 147,3 148,2 149,4 147, 147,3 448,2 149,1 150, ** 41 142,3 143,4 144, 144,3 145,2 i 143,2 144, 1 145, 145,3 146,2 144,2 145,1 l 46, 146,2] 147, 1 145, l 146, l 46,3 147,2 148,1 146,4 l 47, 147,3 148,2 '149,4 149,1 l 48, 148,3 149,2 150, 1 l 51, 147, i 148, 148,2 150, 42 |146, 1 146,3 : 149, 147, 147,3 147,21148,2 148,4|149, 150, 148, 148,3 149,2 150, 149, 149,2 150,1 15 l, 150,3 150, 150,2 151,1 152, 151,3 4.51, l 152, 1 152, 153,2' 154,2 150,3151.3 153, 152,3] 1 53,3 149, 149,3 150,2 15: , ] 151,3 152,2 153, 154, 154,3 155,2 ass=sºsº ess 150, 150,2 151, 1 152, 152,3 153,3. 154, 1 155, 155,3 150,3 l 54,2 152,1 153, 153,3 154,2 | 55,1 156, 156,3 157,2 15652 f 43. [Inches and ten * . 4 3 : 32 TABLE SECOND. ths of 2 di 3 ameters.] 4. 5 6 * 7 % º 150,1 151, 149,3 151,3 162,4 150,2 £51, I 152, 152,2 163,4 151,2 152,1 158, 153,2 154,1 152,2 153,1 154, 154,2 165,1 154, 154,3 156,4 153,2 l,55,2456,2 154, 1 155, 155,3 157,4 155,1 156, 156,3 l 57,2 158, 1 156,4 157, 157,3 158,2 169,1 157,1 158, |l 58,3 1 59,2 l 60,1 158,1 159, 1 59,3 160,2 161,1 4. 4. : 153, l 55,4 156, 153,3 154,3 154, 154,3 155,2 156,1 157, 156,2 157, 1 158, 160, 162, 1 163, 163,2 164,4 165, 165,3 166, l 167, 167,3 ł69, 169,3 158,3 159,2 160,3 161.2 16S,2 157,2 158,4 159, 159,8 160,2 155, 155,3 156,2 157,4 158, 158,2 159, l 160, 160,3 161,2 166, 156,3 157,2 158,4 459, 157, 157,3 159,4 160, 158,2 158, 158,3 459,2 160, Í 164, 159,2 160,4 16], 161,3 I 62,2 *-*- 161, 164,3 162,2 163, I 164, 162, !62,3 163,2 164, 165, - 163, 163,3 164,2 165,1 166, 160,2 161,4 162, 162,3 163, 164, 164,3 165,2 166,4 167, | 164,2 165,4 166, 166,3 167,2 163, 163,3 169,2 170, 1 171, 165,2 166,4 167, 167,3 168,3 166,2 167, 1 168, 16S, 3 169,2 168,2 169, 1 370, 170,3 —r—r- 159, 1 59,3 161, l 162, 160,2 160, 160,3 1 6 1,2 162, 1 | 63, 161,2 162, l 163, 163,3 164,2 462,2 163,1 164, ł64,3 165,2 *163,2 164, 1 165, 165,3 166,2 167,3}. ! 65, 165,3 166,2 l 67,4 168, 166, l 66,3 468, I 169, 171, 1 172, 172,3 167,2 3|169,3 170,2 amºngs-- * 167, 167,3 168,2 | 69, 1 170, * 161, | 6 1,3 162,2 163, 1 164, 161,3 162,2 163, 1 164, i 64,3 as mºsºm- 1 (j4,2 165, I ! 66, 166,3 167,2 168, 1 169, 169,3 17 l, 170,2 165,2 166, 167, 167,3 168.2 169,1 170, 179,3 . 174,3 172,3. 170,3 171,2 172,4 173, 173,3 jºy 171,3 172,2 173,4 174, 174,3 t") 169.4 170, | 7 ().3 ! 71,2 *' (, 172, 170,1 171, 171,3 172,9 171,4 472, 172,3 i l 73.3 2|173,2 174,2 174,1. 172,4 473, 175, 1 173,2 174, 1 175, 175,3; 176,2 174,2 175, 1 176, 176,2 177.2 175,2 176, I 177, 177,3 178,2 173, 173,3 174,2 175, 1 176, 176,3 177,2 1:8,1. 179, 179,3 170,2 174,4 172, 472,2 173,4 174, 174,3 176, 176,3 177,2 178, 1 179, 179.2 180,1 | 75,2 71.2 172,4 | 73, 173,3 174,2 475, 175,3 176,2 177,4 178, 172,3 173,4 174, 174 3 175.2 175.2 176, 1 177, 174,3 177,3478,8 176, 176,3 177,2 478,4 178, 178,3 179,2 179,3 | 78, 1 179, 79,3 180,2 18 l; 179,4 | S0, 180,3 18 1,2 182,4 180,2 181,1 18 1,3 182,2 183, 1 176,4 177, 177,2 178,1 179, 478,4 179, ;|179,3 180,2 481,4 179,2 480, 1 181, 181,2 182, 1 181, 1 182, 180,2 182,3 ! 83,2 18 1,3 182,2 183, 1 184, | 84,3 178,2 179,4 180, 180,3 181,2 179,3 180,2 18 1, 181,3 182,2 180,3| 181,2 182,4 183, 183,3 182, 182,3 183,4 184, 184,3 lºss, 183.3 184,2 185,4 186, 184, l 185, 485,3 486,2 ! 87.4 185,2 186, i 137, # 87,3 ! 88.2 J82,3 183.9 184, 1 | S5, l 85,3 186,2 187, 1 188, 188,3 189,2 1184, 182, 183,4 ...) & 184,4 185.2 º 86,3 184, 184.3 185,3 186, 1 186,3 187,2 ! S8,4 189, 189,3 190,2 191; 1 44 -".- 3. 5 33 125-º 126,2 127, 1 128, 128,3 129,2 1 126,2 127, 1 128, 128,3 129,2 130,1 127, 128, 128,3 129,2 130,1 131, TABLE SECOND. 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TABLE SECOND. 2 3 4. * 6. 5 } 7. | 8 9. 34 144, J 4 143,1 6 144, 8 145, 35 2 | 145,3 146. 4 147,2 6 48.1 8 149, 1 \ sº J º-sº i 2 142,2 • 42, 1 l 43, 1 144, 445, 145,3 i43, | 44, 145, 145,3 146,2 143,3 1 44,3 145,3 146,2 147, 1 146,3 147,2 148,4 i 49, 1 150, 147,2 148,1 149, 150, |148,1 149, 1 50, 150,3 130,3131.2 144,3 ! 45,3 146,2 147,1. 148, 1 146,1 147,4 148,1 149, 150, 145,2 146,2 147,1 148, 1 149, 147,1 148,4 149, 150, 150,3 A. 148,4 149, 450, 150,3 151,2 149, 150, 150,3 151,2 152,2 149, 150, 150.3 151,2 152,2 150, 150,3 150,3,151,2 151,2 152,2 152, 453, 1 103.1 154, 151,2 152, 1 153,4 154,4 36 iſ 50, 150,8 15 l,'. ! 52, 153, 1 *. *: I 50,3 15 l;2 159, 1 153, l 154, 151,2152,2 453, 1 154, 154, '155, 155, 155,3 154, 155, 155,3 156,2 157,1 ! 55, | 55,3 56,2 157,2 | 58,1 155,3156,3 156,2 l 67,2 l 57,2, 15S,4 | 58; 1; 159, 1 159, 160, 158, 159, 160, 160,3 161.2 ** as 159, 160, 160,3 | 6 |,2 162,2 smºsºmeºmº" | 60, l 61, 155, 155,3 156,3 157,2 | 58,4 159, 160, 161, ** *m, 161,3 160,3 161,3 162,2. 163,2 l62, 1 163,4 164, 164,3 165,2 163,4 i 64, l 65, 165,3 166,2 166,2 167, 1. 168, ! 69, 'l 69,3 167,4 168, 169, 170, f 64, 1 165, 165,3 166,3 167.2 | 6S, 1 169, 1 170, 171, 17,3 -** - ? 172,2 173,2 175, 1 176, 161,3462,3 162,3,463,2 163,2,164,4 164,1165, 152,2 153, 1 154,1 155, 156, T 53, 1 154,1 155, 1 156, 157, 157, 157,3 158,2 159,2 460, l 162,3 163,2 164,2 165, 1 166, 1 I 59, I 160, 161, | 6 | r) 2 <> cº 163,3 164,2 165,2 ligº, (67,4 l62,3} 161, 162, 463, 463,3 3|1 6-1,2 158, 158,8 I 59,2 160,2 161,4 162, 163, 164, l tº,3 l 65,2 l (;4,2 165, 1 ! 66,1 167, 16S, 165, 1 466, 1 167,ſ 166,4 | 67,4 168, 1 M68, 169, 169, 170, 165,1} | 66, 166, 167, 166,3; 167,3 167,3; 168,2 1682,169.2 169,1170,1 170,1171, 171, 1 72, 172, 473, 172,3 173,3 | 67, 67,3 l68,3 169,2 | 70,2 171, 1 172,1 173, l 74, 174,3 168, 1 68,3 169,3 170,2 174,2 172, 173, 1 174, 175, 175.3 169, 169,3 170,3 171,2 172,2 * 170, 170,3 171,2 172.1 173,1 5 2 3. : 173, 1 174, 1 175, 176, 176,3 174,4 175, | 76, 177, 177,3 178, 47ss 173,3 174,3 i 174,2 l 75,2 174, 1||75,2 176,2 176, 1 177, 1 177, , 178,1 #: 175.3 176,2 177,2 179,4 -- sº- 177, firs, 179, 180, 178, ii 474,3 177,2 178,2 79,1 180, l 181, 177,3 178,2 179,2 180,1 181, 1 sº- ſº, 178,31793 179,3 180,2 180,2,181,2 181,1182,1 182, 1; 183,1 -- * * *-*** 183, 184, -47 Inches and 7 3. - ºº: 1. TABLE SECOND. -- 50 -- U. l, -- 4|| 6151, º 103, 15. 154.3 150.3 1. 162, 163-1 154. 155. 167,2168, 168-1169, 109. tº . . 170, ºt, 171, 172, - - 455,310 166-2 ºil 67,2168,- |- tenths of diameters.] 3 || 4 | - 6 --- 160,2161,4|162,1163, 464, tº 1.2 16.2.1 16.4 154, 164,3 | 67,2 100.4 170,1 171, 172, 173, 62,1163, 1 53, 154, 164, 165, 105,3 - - . tº 166,2. tº,2157.2 Lººtººl tº 1199.1 1994| 70.4. 170, 172, 172,3 - - | 73, 174,2 2 73. 173,3 174,3 175.2 176.2 175, º 164, 165, 1643.165.3 65.3 156,3 66,2107.2 | 67,216.3.3 lºº, 169, 109.1 170, 170, 17. 1, 171, 172, 172, 173, 3, 173, | 73,3,174. ſº 75,3 5,3176,3 7 154,3 165.3 166,3 107.2 1982 8 165,3 56.3 167.2 69, 1 7-1 71, 172, - | 73, 174, 17 4-3 175,9170,3 170, 177.3 1779, ſº 175, 3.76.3 17.3 tº 8,3 179,3 77,2 78,2 179.2 180.2 ||131, is alſº 179.2 180,2 90,249.1.2 is 1,2182,2 182, 183-4 177, 178, 179, 180, , 1184, 180,3 181,3 182,2 183,2 184, 1 176, 177, 178, 179 180 18 1,3 182,3 183,2 184.2 185.1 186, 1 187, 187,3 188,3 189,2 lsº, I 186, 186.3 187,3 188,2 189,2190.2 190,1191,2 104.4 192,4 192,1 193, 193, |''' 179,1190, 180,1181,4 181, 182, 182, 183, 183, 184, 183,3 i84, º º º 181,4 182, 183, 184, 185, 182,4 83,4 184, 185, 186, 186,3 87,3 188,3 189.3 190,2 185,3 186,3 187,3 188,2 189.2 184, 185, 1 186, 187, 188. 183,4 184, 1 185, 186, 187, 1873 188,3 188,3 190, 191,- 188,3 189,3 190,3 91.3 192.2 180, 2 181.2 18:2,2 1832 84.1 105,4 186, 187. | 88. 189, 89,3 190.3 191,3 192,3 | 93.2 191,1192, 192, 493, 193, 194, 194, 195, 100,41191,219.2.2 193,2 194.2 | 95.1 196, 1 197, 193,2 194,4 195, 196, 194.2 195,3 100, I 197, i. 198, 1 3|-193,3 3194,3 1952 196.2 197.2 º 195, 31196,3 º: 197,2198.2 198,21199,2 197, 197.3 198.3 199.3 200,2 198, 199, 200, 201, 2013 199. 200, 201, 202, 202.3 194, º, 1974/1984 º 202,220s, T 3. 90 100 1 10 120 13.) 1 40 150 16, I '70 180 190 200 0, 3.3.53.y2 : 3. : . l 2 ch 3 J 9, 17, 1 25,2 33.2 41,3 50, 58,1 66,2 74,3 82,3 91, 99,1 3|| 07,2 115,3 l 23,3 132, 140, 148,2 l 56.3 164,3 1,2 9,3 18, 26, 1 34,2 42,2 50,3 59, 67,1 75,2 83,2 91,3 100, 108, 1 !º 124,3 133, 14 l, 149, 1 157,2 \ 48 TABLE THIRD, conventing wine MEASURE INTo BEER MEASURE. 3 2,2 10,3 18,3 27, 35,1| 43, 1 5 1,2 59,3 68, 76, 1 84.2 92,2 4 5 6 7 8 9 3. ~P 5 11,2 19,3 27,3 36, 44, 1 52,2 60,2 68,3 77, 85, l 93,. 100,3101,2 109, 1 10, 125,21126,1 133,3||134,2 142, 150, 142,3 15 l, 158,1159, 465,2'466,1' 167, 4, 12,1 20, 2 28,2 36,3 160, 168, 5, 13,1 | 21, 1 29,2 37,3 46, 54, 1 62,1 70,2 78,3 86,3 95, 103,4 All 1,2 119,3 128, l 36, 1 [144, 152,2 160,3 163,3 5,3 14, |- 22, : 30, 1 38,2 46,3 55, 63, 71,1 79.2 96, 104, |112,2 120,3 128,3 137, 145,1 87,3| 153, 1 isi. 169,2 6,2 14,3 23, 31, 39,4 47,2] 55,3 63,3 72,4 '80,2] 88,2 96,3 105, 113, 1 121,2 129,2] 137,3 146, 154, l l62, 1 170,2 7,1 15,2 23,3 32, 40,1 48,2 56,2 64,3 73, 81, I 89, 1 97,2 105,3 l 14,1 122, 1 13%,2 138,2 146,3 l 65, 163, 171,1 Suppose it be required to find how many gallons beer mea- sure are contained in 156 gallons wine measure; first find 150 in the left hand column, then carry the eye towards the right hand until it comes under 6 at the top, and in the angle of meeting we find 128 which is the quantity of heer measure required. A $ 49. TABLE FOURTH, roR FINDING THE ULLAGE. - heights. segments. heights, segments. heights. segments. heights, segments. - 4 ,0000 51 ,0101 401 ,0382 451 ,0788 2 ,0000 52 ,0105 102 ,0389 152 ,0797 a ,0001 || 63 ,0109 103 ,0396 153 ,0806 4 ,0001 54 ,0l 13 104 ,0403 || 154 ,0815 5 ,000l 65 ,0117 105 ,0410 155 ,0824 6 ,0002 56 ,0122 106 ,0418 456 ,0834 7 ,0003 || 57 ,0126 407 ,0425 157 ,0843 8 ,0003 58 ,0i 3 108 ,0432 158 ,0852 9 ,0003 59 ,013. 109 ,0440 159 ,0861 fl0 . (){)04 60 ,0139 1 10 ,0447 160 ,0871 41 ,0005 61 ,0144. 111 ,0455 164 ,0880 12 ,0006 62 ,0148 i 12 ,0462 162 ,0889 13 , ;007 63 ,0153 1 13 ,0470 163 ,0899 44 ,0008 64 ,0158 114 ,0478 164: ,0908 15 ,0009 65 ,0163 1 15 ,0485 165 ,0918 16 ,0010 66 ,01 68 116 ,0493 166 ,0927 i 47 ,0012 67 .0173 147 ,0501 167 ,0936 18 ,0013 | 68 ,0478 1 18 ,0509 168 ,0946 19 ,0044 69 ,0183 1 19 .0546 169 ,0955 | 0 ,0016 70 ,0188 120 ,0524 170 ,0965 | 24 ,0018 || 71 0194 121 ,0532 171 ,0975 22 ,0019 72 ,0199 122 ,0540 172 ,0985 23 ,0021 73 ,0204 123 ,0548 473 ,0995 24 ,0023 74 ,0210. 124 ,0557 174 , 1906 25 ,0025 75 ,0216 125 ,0565 175 ,4046 26 ,0027 76 ,0221 126 ,0573 476 , 1027 27 ,0029 77 ,0227 127 ,0581 477 , 1037 28 ,0034 73 ,0233 128 ,0589 178 ,1047 29 ,0034 79 ,0238 429 ,0597 179 ,1058 30 ,0036 80 ,0244 130 ,0605 480 , 1068 31 ,0038 81 ,0250 131 ,0614 481 , 1077 32 ,C040 82 ,0256 132 ,0622 182 , 1087 33 ,0043 33 ,0262 | 133 ,063 l 183 ,1096 34 ,00 }5 84 ,0268 134 ,0639 484 ,1105 5 ,60.48 85 ,0274 435 ,0648 185 , 11 15 36 ,005 i 86 ,0280 136 ,0657 186 , 1 124 37 ,0054 87 ,0286 437 ,0665 187 ,1133 38 ,0057 88 ,0293 138 ,0673 188 , ! 143 39 ,0060 89 ,0299 139 ,0682 189 ,115.2 40 ,0063 90 ,0305 440 ,0694 190 , 1462 44 ,0066 91 ,0312 44 l ,0699 491 , l l 72 42 ,0969 92 ,0319 142 ,0708 492 , 1182 43 ,007.3 93 ,0326 143 ,0717 193 ,1193 44 ,2076 94 ,0332 144 ,0725 194 , 1203 45 0079 95 ,0339 145 ,0734 495 , 1213 46 ,0083 96 ,0346 446 ,0743 196 , 1223 47 0087 97 ,0353 447 ,0752 497 , 1234 48 ,0090 98 ,0360 448 ,076 i 198 , l 244 49 ,009.4 99 ,0367 149 ,0770 199 , 1254 50 ,0097 100 ,0374 150 ,0779 200 , 1264 50 heights, segments. heights. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 2.13 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 23 221 225 26 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234. 235 236 237 238 23.9 240 241. 242 243 24. 2.45 246 217 . º 249 2so 1275 1285 - 1296 1306 , 1317 , 1327 , 1338 , 1348 , 1359 , 1369 31380 , 1390 140 1412 ,1422 21 tº 3 1443 , 1435 1465 1476 1487 1 98 ,1500 1720 1 3-) 15.4 * 1552 lºgº * 1574. -1985 1596 * 1507 , 1618 tº 29 1540 , 1052 163 *16, 4. * 1685 lººt; - 1707 7 || 0 - 1 -50 - 1741 1752 1764 , 1775 ,1786 1798 1809 251 252 25.3 254 2.5 256 277 258 259 260 26 252 263 264 265 206 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 27.4 275 275 277 278 279 280 28. 282 283 284. 285 280 287 289 289 200 291 292 2.93 29.4 295 290 2.97. 2.8 299 300 TABLE FourTH, For FINDING THE ULLAGE. segments. heights, segments. heights. , 1821 1832 1843 1855 1866 1878 , 1889 1901 1912 1924 1933 1947 1958 1970 1981 1993 2005 2) I (5 2028 2 39 205 20-3. ºº:: 2007 -2099 21 || 2123 *2-135 -2 147 22-159 217 21.83 21.95 * 2206 52.2 18 * 230 *2242 *225-4 *22u5 22278 12289 *2301 2315 *2325 ass; º:349 22:350 22:37.2 -2.384 23.96 segments. 301 - 2400 351 .3034 3.02 .2121 352 ,304.7 303 ºzº 353 ,3059 304 ,2446 354 .3072 305 .2458 355 3085 306 , 2471 356 5098 307 .2483 357. , 31 10 308 .2436 358 is 123 309 .2508 359 is 136 | 310 ,2521 350 .3149 3.11 .2533 364 as 162 312 , 25.45 362 .317.3 3 & 2558 363 1318.7 3.14 .2570 364 - 2200 3.15 .2582 365 .3213 3.16 , 23.95 356 5226 317 .2607 367 .3239 318 .2519 || 3:8, 5.252 319 .2632 369 .3255 320 , 2644 370 .3277 3.21 × 657 || 37 t ,8290 322 26.9 372 .3303 3.23 ,268 373 , 33.1% 324, 2594 374 .3329 325 ºut; 375 ,5342 326 ºf 19 376 .3355 327 ,2731 377 .3368 328 x 27:44 37.8 s.381 329 ºf 56 79 .3394 330 2759 380 .3407 331 , 27.84 381 ,3420 832 - 2794 382 .3433 333 .2806 383 .3446 334 .2819 384 ,3459 335 x2831 385 .3472 336 , 28.44 386 2.3485 337 ,2857 387 .3498 338 .2869 388 .351 3.39 -288.1 389 .3524 340 x 2894. 390 .3537 341 .2907 391 .3550 | 342 .2920 392 ,3563 313 -2932 393 .3576 3.44, 2013 394 g580 3+º, -º-; 3 395 ,3602 248 wººd 396 .3615 34° 29.83 397 .3528 3+3 sººt, 398 , 3642 349 - 5009 390 ±9656 350 302. 400 25068 51 TABLE FOURTH, ºf For FINDING THE Ultrage. heights, segments, heights. segments. heights. segments, heights, segmenta, 401 ,868) 426 4014 4b, 4343 476 4678 402 ,8697 || 427 ,4024 || 462 ,4357 || 477 - ,4691 403 ,3707 || 428 4037 453 ,4370 578 ,4705 404 ,3720 429 .4050 454 ,4383: 479 ,4718 405 ,3733 430 ,4064 || 455 ,4397 || 480 ,4732 406 .3747 || 431 ,4077 456 ,4410 481 ,4745 407 ,3760 432 ,4090 457 .4424 || 482 ,4758 408 ,3773 433 ,4103 || 458 24437 483 ,4772 409 .3786 434 ,4117 | 459 . ,4450 || 484 ,4785 410 ,3799 || 435 ,4130 || 460 ,4464 || 485 ,4799 411 ,3813 || 436 ,4143 || 461 , ,4477 || 486 ,4812 412 ,3826 437 ,4157 462 24490 487 ,4826 413 ,3839 438 ,4170 463 . ,4504 || 488. ,4839 414 .3852 439 ,4183| 464 ,4517 489 ,4852 415 ,3865 440 ,4497 || 465 -,453 490 ,4866 416 ,3878 441 .4210 466 ,4544 || 491 ,4879 417 ,3892 442 .4223 467 ,4557 492 ,4893 418 ,3905 443 4236 468 ,4571 493 ;4906 4 19 ,3918. 444 4250 || 469 ,4584 || 494 34919 420 ,3934 445 4263 470 ,4598 495 24933 421 .3945 446 ,4277 | 471 . .4, 14 || 496 ,,4946 422 ,395S 447 ,429 (; 472 j4624. 497 ,4960 423 ,397 l 448 . ,4303 || 473 ,4638 498 ,4973 424 .3984 || 449 ,4316 || 474 34651 || 499 34987 425 ,3997 450 4330 475 ,4665 500 ,5000 TABLES, For FINDING THE solid ContFNTS OF PACKAGES. * METHOD OF USING THE TABLES. WHEN the solid content of any package is required, measure the length, breadth and depth. Find the smallest dimension or depth at the top of the page and the breadth at the side, and in the angle of meeting is the area. Compare this area with the length; look for the smaller of the two at the top and the other at the side. In the angle of meeting is the solid content required. * § EXAMPLE, Suppose the dimensions of a package as follows: length 7 feet, breadth 2 feet four inches, depth 1 foot 9 inches; required the solid content. Under 1 foot 9 inches and opposite 2 feet 4 inches is the area 4 feet l inch. Under 4 feet 1 inch and opposite 7 feet is the content 34,4 required. $ If the length and the area of the two smaller dimensions are each more than 5 feet, find the area of the length and depth ; compare this area with the breadth, and proceed as before. Suppose the dimensions 2,7; 3,10 and 5,3. Under 2,7 and opposite 5,3 is the area 13,7. Under 3,10 and opposite 13,7 is the content 52,1 required. lf the dimensions exceed the extent of the tables, halve one of them, or halve the area, as appears most convenient, and double the solidity therewith found. Suppose the dimensions 3,10; 5,1 and 8,6. The half of 8,6 is 4,3. Under 3, 19 and opposite 5, 1 is 19 6 Under 4,3 and opposite 19,6 is 82 10 2 Which doubled is the solid content required 165 8 If the dimension to be halved be an odd number of inches, take the next less, and the next greater than half and add the content found by both. Suppose the dimensions 3 feet 9, 4,8 and 10,7 Under 3,9 and opposite 5,3 is 19,8 opposite 5,4 is 20 10,7 Under 4,8 and opposite 19,8 is 91,9 opposite 20 93,4, Their sum is the solidity required 181,5 \ .* 53 Or otherwise thus: Under 3,9 and ºppº 10,7 is 39 ,8 half which is 19 ,10 Under,4,8 and opposite 19, 19 is 92 ,7 - * 2. This doubled is the solidity required 185 .2 &º In constructing the tables a fraction not exceeding half an inch was disregarded; if it exceeded half an inch it was set down as one inch. Hence when there is a fractional errour in finding the area, this multiplied into the ºring dimensions may make a trifling errour of one or two inches. }'' ğ. the dimensions at top is a lińe marked casks, contain- ing the square of the diameter with one fifth deducted. This area and the length will give the content with the accustomed allowance for curviture and bulge. - EXAMPLE, : A cask measures 2 feet 5 inches in diameter and 3 feet 2 inches in length. What is the content * * In the line of casks under 2,5 is 4,8. Under 3 feet 2, and opposite 4.8 is 14,9 the content required. 54 TABLE FIFTH. 1G ~ & • * * * *, co cº cº – º cº º ſo o r- º cº e º - cº cº sº ſo to ºs co • • — •«, <=)�—, wae,w=4 < -4 ��* _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „º „sº __ º _s^ _ ^ _ • _< _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ __• • • • • • • • • • "CS (C, tae~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CĂ SĂ S㺠cºšº ež cº ºſ cºi că ei sſ & cº cº c5 c5 c5 c5 c3 c5 cº cae º „Ș <ſ • ; doG2 * * ºº ^^ <+ * QR c^ Gº <ł un co ſº, co on o << - GR Są co <; • oo ^, co y!v=0 •}► <!\,• !� ،º^ º^ ^ º ), º ºº ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • • • • • • • •• • __^ _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _ • • • • • • • • • • |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i eſ cºï (NĚ cº oſ oſ eſ GR GR QR QR & GR 65 c5 c5 c5 crĞ cae; c3 c5 c3 c5 © 2 ºſºCO CIÒ Q →º cº cº <º : (5,5-TSTGE 55-as-as-) --STOETOETOET) ZETET,5-GE-as --~~~~); * į•! •}�•∞∞�^ º^ eP)�^ • •*: < <��^�• • • • • •... ^ Go Gº on © ~ ~ ~~~~C(C575TRF ESTŌTŌTĘTEJTO5Tæ (os c < ETTĘTOETSTōTc5ŤTISTOESTERSTOETSTco ~ ~ ~ . . . . . .�· ·T· * * · · · · · · · · • • • • • • • |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º cºſ ºſ cº º cº º cº eſ eºſ oſ cºſ cºſ cºś ^: || Cº* \ſ) uſò so «o r- oo oo º cº o o ...)• • ÖN CQ cae) → <!{•ł QR QR cae eo <Ř ~ ~ ~ . .∞• • • • • • • • ** * * * • • • • • • • • • * ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ºſ cº Gºeſ cºſ ef ei ņš ©©© © <ſ: -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º ~º º |~ ~ ~ ~ º sº º ſº « • • • * * * * EYSTETETETETETETTSTETS-3-35-5-5-5-5-5-5-as-as-as-as) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ · ºs |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cº º cº cº º os cº º 55-55-5-5-FFF, FFESTĒTSTĀTĒTĀ GĒTETE ZE ZETETT,5-5-5-5-5-3-5-3, -/ -.. |·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ – cº º si ex or cº cº cº º cºsì ERGOETZTETTETETZTG ZTĘ TĘ TĘTĘȚȚȚIĘ º «… . . « ș. º * *, º*;, «ºº ∞ * •{r─º GR C^ <* AQ < o N oo se o v-n* GR tº <* AÐ «o nº og os o →<!, CNR 6,3 <^ A^ eo № co on © <ł ~~ ~<!-4 • 4• 4 •• º -1 -º -º -º -º- + ′ − ( ′ + -º -º -º -º -º -º -º -º -º - • Tº T) • • • • • • • • • • T. *: " * * * * * * * * * * * or Gſ Gš Gº Qi QR cºſ ºſ eſ eſ & cº cº ºſ cºſ s㺠ºſ ºſ ºſ ºſ ºſ ºſ ºſ cae; <ſ þ } § 55 G\ <* № © ©ŒQ <* Qº co ºº * • • •QR

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S 4 3 ; |38,16 ;0, 30, 30, 31, 8 1, Y 1, 32, 32, 32, 33, 33, 33, 34, 34, 34, 35, 35, 35, 36, 36, 36, 37, 37, 37, 88, 38, 38, 39, 39, 39, 40, 39, 10 40, 40, 340, 241, 740, 6 41, 39, 11 40,1041, 40, 3 41, 1 42, 40, 741, 54&, 40,14. 41, 41, 2,42, 9 l 42, 43, 41, 6,42, 5|43, 41, 10 42, 943, 42, : . ti:.: t : : 2 43, . | !44, 60 46, 347, TABLE FIFTH. 3. * * * *, 3, 3, 4 3. * 3, 6 3, 7} 3, 5 5, 5 3,40 3, 11 || 4, 34, 235, 1 36, sºs, 939 - 940- 841 - 7 42° 5-3- sº 4. 34, 535, 436, 337, 338, º 1|40° 40′ 1141-1042-10|43. 944: 8 34, 833, 736, 737, 638, 539, 440° 441 - 342: 243: 144° 145. 3,133, 36.10%, 35, 939, 3.0, ºi, º, ø is slº. 345. 4. 35, 236, 237, 38, 139, 39,11|40-1441:10|42.1048- 944. 945: 8 35, 536, 537, 438, 4.39, 340, 344. 2|42: 243 144° 145° 46: 35, 936, 837, 838, 739, 740. 6.41: 6|42 643 544: 545. 446' 4 tº ºtlº, 1138,1039,1949,1641-1942, 94.3 °34′ 9|º 845 s 36, 837, 38, 239, 240, 241, 1,42: 143: 144° 145° 46' 47. 136, 63%, slº, 539, 540, 541, 542 5 43 544. 445. 446. 447. 4. 36, 937, 938, :39, 940, 944, 8|42: 843 slº. 845: 846, 847-s 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, º, 48° 44' 45° 46 || 48: 37, 338, 3.39, 340, 341, 342, 343° 444' 4|45. 446 - 4.47° 448. 4 237, 538, 6.39, 640, 741, 742, 743: 744: , 45: 746: 847: 8.48 s 37, 938, 939,1040,1041,1042,043-1144-1145-146-1448- 149: 38, 38, 140, 41, 142, 243, 244- 245' 3|46. 347, 348. 449. 4 38, 3.39, 440, 441, 542, 543, 544' 6|45' 646: 747: 748; 849: 3 38, 6.39, 740, 7|14, 842, sºs, 944. 945-1046-1047-1 ||48-1150. sº, 1939,1040,1141,1143, 44, 45. 146: 247. 248. 349. 350: 4 30, 140, 14, 242, 343, 344, 445. 546, 517. 54s nig rigo s so, 440, 441, 542, 643, 744, 745 slag. º. 1013-1810-1431. |39, 540, 844, 442, 9 43,1044,11|16. 47. 448- 149: 250 351. 4. ||39, 1940, 42, 43, 444, 245, 246 347 ° 4|48° 5'49' 550- 75l. 8 40, 141, 242, 343, 444, 5145, 6.46° 747 - 848: 949-4050-14 |32- 40, 441, 542, 643, 744, 8|45, 946-1 148° 49' 150: 251 - 352 4 40, 741, 842, 943,1145, 46, 4|47. 248' 349. 450; 631 75- 8 40,1041,1143, 144, 245, 346 447 648: 749: 850; 951-1153: 41, 142, 343, 4|44, 545, 746, 847 - 948-11 |50: 51. 152' 353° 4 41, 442, 643, 744, 945,1046-11,48- 149 250: 451 - 552. 7153' 8 41, 742, 943, 1045, 46, 447- 348. 449 6150- 75l. 952-1054: 41,1143, 44, 245, 846, 547. 648. 849:1050-1452: 153° 2'54" 4 42, 243, 344, 545, 746, 847-10.49° 50' 1151: 352 553. 654, 8 42, 543, 644, 845,1047, 48- 149: 350 551. 752. 853-105.5° 12, 843,1044,14|46, 147, 3.48° 5'49, 750, 9'51-1053" |54. 255' 4 4?,1144, 445, 346, 547, 748: 849-40 || 1 |52. 253. 434' 6|55: 8 43, 244, 445. 646, 847, 10.49° 50° 25'1' 452. 653: 854-1056- 43, 544, 745, 946,1148, 149' 350° 651 8/52 1054: 55' 256: 4 43, 844,10|ºs, 47, 348, 5.49° 750. 954:41:53: 1154. 455 656° 8 43,1145, 1146, 447, 648, 849-1054: 452: 353: 554. 755-1057. 44, 245, tº 6, 747, 949, 50° 25'1' 452 "G8: 954-1156' 2.57° 4 44, 545, 8 G, 1948, 440, 350° 55' 852-1054: 155° 356 657: 8 44, 8,45.4-117, 1148, 449, 650: 951-1153° 2'54" 455. 7:56: 958: 45, 46, & 7, 548, 749, 1951: 32 3'53 654 855:1157 ||38° 4 45, 3:46, º 'º', 848,4150, 151: 352- 753. 9||55° 56' 357 - 558- 5 45, 646, 847,1449, 250, 531 752-1054: 155. 456: 657: 959: 45, 947, 48, 249, 5:50, 851-4453. 254 º' Fºº {| * * 46, 47, 348, 649, 951, 52- 23.3° 55.4° 355-1457- 258 b|39. 8 |. 9.150, 51, 8'52' 6'53: 955, 56' 357' 6'58 916.0- 61 "TABLE FIFTH. | 3, 1 3, 2, 3, 3 s, a s, a 3, 6|| 3, 7, 3, 81 3, 9; 3,10] 3,11| 4, - A- • --A 15, 146. 6|47. 9|49. , 50° 351: 6'52" 954. 1155. 456: 757-10|59- 160° 4 15, 246. 948. 49' 350. 7|51-10|53' 154. 455. 7156-10|58: 259' 5|60, 8 15, 347, 48. 3|49. 750-10|52: 1|53. 454 8:55:41|57. 2158' 559, 961. 45, 447. 348, 7.49°10|51. 152- 5.53- 854-1156' 357- 6:58, 9.60- 1|51 - 4 15, 547. 648-10|50° 1|51° 552. 853-11|55° 3|56: 657-10159- 160- 561. 8 15, 647. 9|49. 150: 451 - 852-11 |54' 355. 6|56°1058: 159' 660: 862. 18, 7.48 449 439,854.11:3: 354 cººl05: 353: 539 gº! É2: 4 15, 848. 449 750-1452: 3158. 654-10|56. 257. 558. 960 1/61. 462. S 15, 948. 749'10|51. 252. 653-10|55. 456' 557. 959- 160° 461. 863. 15,4048-10|50: 251 5|52. 954. 1155. 556: 938: 459: 460, 862. 63. 4 15,1149. 150. 5151 9|58. 154' 5|55: 857. 58° 459: 861 |62. 463: 8 i8, 49. 450. 852- . (53. 454, 8156° 57° 458. 8|60' 61' 462, 864. 16, 4:49: 750 l l 52' 353. 754-1156' 357 859' 60° 461. 863. 64 4 16, 249-4051. 252' 6|53-11 |55. 3|56 7157-11 |59' 360. 7.62. 63. 464, 8 46, 3:50. 161° 5,52°10'64. 235' 656-10|58. 3|59: 760 l l '62. 363. 865. 16, 450: 451 - 9|53' 154: 5 [55' 10|57. 258 6|59'14|61. 362. 764 (65. 4. 16, 550. 752 |53. 454. 956: 457. 5|58.4060 261. 762-1164. 465. 8 16, 650 10|52' 353. 7|55° 56' 457. 959- 1|60' 661' 1063. 3/64. 766. 16, 751. 252: 6153. 1155. 356. 8 [58: 59° 560-10.62° 2163. 764. 1166. 4. 16, 8||51. Blš2: 9}34° 2'55. 7|56'11|58. 459: 9|61' 162' 663. 1 165° 366 8 46, 9'51. 853' |54. 555-1057. 358 7.60- 161° 5'62°10'64. 265. 767. 16,10|51-1] [53. 454: 8156- 157- 6|58-11|60° 4161° 9.63. 1ſ04' 6'65°41'67. 4. 16,11|az. 253. 7|35. 56' 557.10|59. 260 7.62. 63. 3/64-1066: 367. 8 17, 152- 5|53-10|55. 3|56: 858. 459: 6|601 1162. 4)63- 965. 266. 768. 17, 152. 854. 1155. 656-14|58: 459. 9.61° 3|62 - 864. 1165. 666'11|68. 4 17, 252.41.54' 4|55' 9|57. 3|58. 8|60- 161. 6|62. 1164. 465-10167: 368. 8 17, 358. 254. 7|56: 1157- 6|58-1160. Al61°10'63' 864. 866. 1167. 769. 47, 453 slā4:11.56: 457. 9|39. 360: $162. 163. 765. 66' 567-1169. 4 17, 5|53. 855. 256: 758. 1 [59' 660-14|62- 5|63-1065. 466: 968. 369. 8 17, 653.1155. 556-10|58° 459: 961, 3]62. 864. 2.65. 767. 168: 670. 17, 754, 855: 8||57' 258. 760. 1161. 663. 64. gºsailº. sºlo 70° 4 17, 8|54 6 55-11 |57' 5|58-1160. 464-10|63. 464 966° 3,67. 9169: 270. 8 17, 954- 9 56' 2.57 - 859° 2160- 862. 163. 7|65. 466. Y|68. 169. 671- 17,10|55. 56' 6|58 |59. 5160.1162. ;4|: 5|66-1068 469-1071 - 4 17, 11|55' 356 9,58° 359 - 9.61° 3|62- 864. 265. 8,67. 268: 870. 27.1. 8 48, 55 6'57, 58. 6160 |61. 6lbs. 64, 6|66. 167. 669, É. 672" 18, 155: 967. 215s. 960, S61. 968. 364-1066: 467-1069. 470-10|72: 4 18, 256' 57. 6|59 |60 7.62. 1163; 7.65. 166. 768 469. 871. 272. § 18, 3.56° 3|57. 9||59' 460-10)62- 4|63. 1065. 5|66-14168 g|69-1174- 6||73. 18, 456' 6|58: 159: 764. ||62: 864. 265. 867. 368. 970: 371.40|73. 4 18, 5.56: 9);s: 339-1961. 562-1464, 886 (67.6|69: 170 773. 273. 8 18, 6/57. 58: 7160 1/61. 863. 264. 966. 367-10'69. 470-11/72 alia. 18, 757. 458-10|60° 5'61-11|63- 6}65, 66° 768. 269. 871 - 372. QIZ4. 4. 48, 8|57: 7759. 160- 8|62. 363. 9]65. 4.66:11|68 bºo. 71. 773. 474. 8 18, 9||57.10|59: 460- 1462. 6|64. 465. 767. 268- 970. 471 - 1073- 5||75. 18,10|58. 1159. 8|61. 262. 9]64. 465' 1167. 6.69. 170° ºf 73° 273- 975. 4 18,11|58° 4|59'1461. 6|63. 164: 866. 2.67. 969. 470-11 72' 674. 1175. 8 19, 188: 7180: 281: 383 484.11166. Głºg. I'én. Alºi, 373 10174 slig- N 62 -TABLE FIFTH. *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, a 4,10 4,111s, casks Prº*18, 443,4044, 515, 15, #48, alig, 17, 5|18, 11s, 819, 420, 4, 1 |16, 8 ‘. . . . . ſºlº, . . . 4, 2 17, 17, 4. { at 4; 3 47, 447, 8|18, 4. i 4, 4, 17, 8|18, 1|18, 518, 9 - 4, 5 18, 18, 5|18, 9||19, 219, 6 - º 4, 6 |18, 418, 9; 19, 1|19, 6|10,10:20, 3 4, 7 |18, 919, 1|19, 619, 1020, 3:20, 7; - - 4, 8 |19, 119, 5|l 9, 1020, 3 20, 7:21, 1, 5|21, 9 4, 9 |19, 549, 920, 220, 724, 21, 424, 9|22, 222, 7 w 4,10 |19, 9.20, 220, 6|20,11 21, 4'24, 922, 222, 722,44|23, 4 - 4,11 20, 130, 6|20,11|21, 4:21, 9 22, 1|22, 6|22, 11|23, 423, 9|24, 2] 5, 20, 520,1924, 3|21, 8;22, 1 22, 6|22,11|23, 4|28, 9|24, 224, 7|25, 5, 1 20, 921, 2:21, 622, 22, 522,10|23, 423, 9|24, 224, 725, 25, 5 5, 2 |21, 1,21, 621,11|22, 522,10 23, 3|23, 824, 1|24, 625, 25, 5|25,10 5, 3 |21, B21,10|22, 422, 9|28, 223, 7|24, 124, 6|24, 11:25, 425,40|26, 3 5, 4 |21, 9|22, 3|22, 8|23, 1|23, 724, 24, 5|24, 11|25, 425, 9|26, 3|26, 8 5, 5 |22, 422, 7|23, 23, 623, 11:24, 424,10|25, 3|25, 926, 226, 8|27, 1 5, 6 22, 522, 1123, 4:23, 10:24, 324, 9|25, 225, 8|26, 1|26, 7|27, 27, 6 5, 7 |22,40|23, 323, 9|24, 224, 8|25, 1|25, 7|26, 1|26, 6|27, 27, 5127,1 1 5, 8 23, 2:23, 7|24, 1|24, 7|25, 25, 6|26, 26, 5}26, 1] 27, 527,10|28, 4 5, 9 |23, 6,23,11|24, 5|24,1125, 5|25,1026, 426, 10:27, 427, 928, 3|28, 9 5,10 |23,1024, 4|24, 925, 3 25, 9|26, 3|26, 9|27, 3|27, 8|28, 228, 829, 2 5,41 24, 224, S|25, 225, 8|26, 226, 7|27, 127, 7|28, 1|23, 729, 1|29, 7 6, 24, 6|25, , |25, 6|26, 26, 6|27, 27, 6|28, 28, 6.29, 29, 630, 6, 124,1025, 4|25,10|26, 426,10|27, 427,1 1|28, 5|28,1129, 529, 11 30, 5 6, 2 #25, 225, 8|26, 226, 9|27, 327, 9|28, 3.28, 9|29, 3|29,10|30, 4|30,10 6, 3 }26, 6:26, 26, 7|27, 127, 7|28, 1 28, 829, 2129, 8:30, 230, 9|31, 3 6, 4 |25,10|26, 5}26, 1 ||27, 528, 28, 6.29, 29, 7:30, 430, 7|31, 231, 8 6, 5 26, 226, 927, 3]27,1928, 4.28,1929, 529,14|30, 6:31, 31, 732, 4 6, 6 |26, 627, 1:27, 7|28, 228, 8|29, 3|29, 9}30, 4:30, 10:31, 5|31,14|32, 6 6, 7 |26, 1127, 528, 28, 6|29, 1|29, 7|30, 230, gl:34, 3:31, 1032, 432,11 6, 8 iſz?, 3|27, 9|28, 428, l l 29, 5|30, 30, 7|31, |31, 8|32, 3|32, 9|33, 4 6, 9 |27, 7|28, 1|28, 829, 3|29, 1030, 430,11|31, 632, 132, 7|33, 233, 9 6,10 |27,1128, 6.29, 29, 7|30, 230, 931, 3|31, l l |32, 5|33, 33, 7|34, 2 6,41 #28, 3.28,1029, 5|30, 30, 7|31, 1|31, 7|32, 3|32,1033, 5|34, 34, 7 7, 28, 7|29, 2129, 9|30, 430,1431, 6|32, 1|32, 833, 3|33,1034, 535, 2, 4 |28,1129, 6:30, 1|30, 831, 3,31,1032, 6|33, 1|33, 834, 3|34,1035, 5 7, 2 |29, 3|29,10|30, 531, 1|31, 832, 3|32,10|33, 5|34, 34, 8|35, 3|35, 10 º, 3 |29, 7|30, 230,1031, 5|32, 32, 7|33, 3|33,10|34, 5|35, 35, 836, 3 7, 4 29, 1430, 7|31, 2:31, 932, 533, 33, 7|34, 3|34,10|35, 5|36, 136, 8 7, 5 |30, 330, 1434, 6|32, 232, 9|33, 434, 34, 7|35, 235,10|36, 6|37, 1 7, 6 |80, 7|31, 3,31,1032, 633, 1|33, 934, 4|35, 35, 7|36, 3|36,10|37, 6 7, 7 ||31, 31, 7|32, 3|32,10:33, 6||34, 134, 935, 5|36, 36, 8|37, 3|37, 11 *7, 8 |31, 431,1132, 733, 3|33,10|34, 6|35, 235, 9|36, 5|37, 1|37, 338, 4 .7, 9 |31, 832, 3|32,1133, 7|34, 3|34,1035, 6||36, 236,10|37, 5|38, 1|38, 9 7,10 32, 32, 833, 333,11|34, 7|35, 335, l l |36, 7|37, 237,1038, 6.39, 2 7,41 a2, 433, 33, 834, 4|35, 35, 7|36, 3|36, l iſ37, 7|38, 3|38,1139, 7 8, 32, 833, 4'34, 34, S'35, 4'36, 36, 837, 438, 38, 8/39, 4'40, 63 y - : : - 5 -| TABLE FIFTH. 4, 7 w 4, 8 `. 4, 9 ) | ...dºn's | ! 46, 7 46,11 47, 4 47, 48, 48, 48, 49, 5 41, 9 42, 2 42, 6 42, 10 43, Q 43, 7 43,11 44, 3 44, 7 45, 45, 45, 46, 46, 469 47, 47, : 35, 8|35, 5 35, 9 36, 1 M36, 6 36, 10 37, 2 37, 7 37,14 ;|38, 3 38, 8 3|39, 39, 9 40, 4 40, 5 40,10 41, 2 41, 6 44, 1) 42, 42, |43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 45, : : 36, 1 36, 5 36, 10 37, 2 37, 6 37,11 38, 3 38, 8 39, 39, 9 40, 1 40, 6 40,10 41, 3 44, 7 41, l 1 42, 4 42, 8 43, 1 43, 5 43, 10 44, 2 44, 6 44, 11 45, 45, 46, 46 2 46, cºn ~) 8 50, : 50,10 54, 2 51, 7 5 1,41 52, 4 52, 8 53, 35, 8. $36, 9 :37, 4 39, 5. 36, 4 37, 6 37,10 |38, 8 38, 7 :39, ;39, 4 39, 9 40, 1 40, 6 40, 10 44, 3 4 l, 7 42, 42, 42, 43, ;3, 43, 1 44, 44, 45, 45, 43, 46, 46, l () 47, . *3 47, 7 48, 48, 48, 49, : 4. 9|4 l 46, 6|4. 37, 1 38,11 39, 54, 3 54, 7 55, 37, 5 37,40 38, 2 38, 7 4 8 : 3 8 53,10 37, 9 38, 4 38, 6 38.44 39, 3 39, 8 40, 1 40, 5 40,40 4 l; 3 41, 7 42, 42, 5 42, 9 435 2 43, 7 43, l 44, 4 44, 9 :45, 4 45, 6 45,1 1 46, 3 }|46, 8 47, 4 47, 5 37 40 48, 3 48, 49, 49, 49, 50, 50, 50, 1 ! 51, 4 51, 9 52, 1 52, 6 52, l 53, 3 53, 8 54, 1 54, 5 54; 10 55, 3 55, 7 7 : 38, 38, 89, 39, 40, 40, 40, 4 l, 41, 41; 11 42, 4 42, 9 43, 2 43, 6 43, 1 l 44, 4 44, 9 45, 1 45, 6 45, l 1 4. 9 2 7 46, 8 48, 8 49, 1 49, 6 31, 1 5 l, 5 5 1, 10 52, 3 52, 8 53, 53, 5 53, 10 54, 3 54, 7 55, 55, 6 55,10 i56, 2 56, 7 46, 4 47, 14 47, 6. 47,11|| 48, 34. 49, 10|3 50, 5 || 5 50, 8 J 39, 1 39, 6 39,40 40, 3 40, 41, 41, 41,11 42, 3 42, 8 43, 1 43, 6 |43,11 44, 4 : 54, 54, 55, 55, 56, 56, 56, 57, #57, 7 5 9 2 7 56, '57, 58, lag, iſ 46, 4 39, 9 40, 2 40, 7 41, 41, 5 41, 9 42, 2 42, 7 43, 43; 5 43,10 44, 3 44, 8 45, 1 45, 6 45,11 46, 8 47, 1 47, 6 47,11 18, 4 3, 9 49, 2 49, 7 50, 50, 5 50, 10 51, 3 51, 7 52, 52, 5 H- º 43, 4 40, 5 40.10 41, 3 41, 8. 42, 1 2, 6 , 11 43, 9 44, 3 44, 7 45, 45, 5 45,10 46, 3 46, 8 47, 1 47, 6 47,14. 48, 4. 48, 9 49, 2 49, 7 50, 50, 5 50, 10 5i, 3 51, 8 62, 1 52, 6 32,14. 33; 52, 10 .53, 3 53, 8. 54, 1 54,11. 55, 4. 55, 9: 36, 6 58,11 57, 4. 57, 9 58, 2 58, 7 54, 6'55, 53, 54, 54, 55, : 5 55,10 56, 3 56, 8 2}56, 2:57, 1 57, 6 57,41 58, 4. 58, 9 59, 2 59, 7 60, 4, 1 || 4, * 4, * 4, º TABLE FIFTH. 4 4, 5 4, 6 4, 7 * * 4, 9 4,101 4,14) 5, 4 50, 451, 850, 51, 50, 451, 51, 52, |52, 52, 53, 53, 54, 54, 55, 55, 56, 56, 53,10 53,1137, 58. 56,1158, 3 58, 859,10 sº. 4 52, 8 51, 52, 5 52, sº, 153, 154, 5 53, 6'54, 153, 9 53,1054, 11 154, 255, 654, 655, 54,1 1156, 55, 356, 55, 756, 2 G 54,1055, l l 57, 256, 457, 756, 857, 357, 458, 757, 159, 559, 858, 60, 61, 61, 61, 62, 62, 60, 2 460, 7 9 60,1] 1 |51, 3 5 (61, 7 962, 1 52, 4 5 (62. 63, 253, 5164. 6 (63, 965, 64, Alsº, 2 64, #133; 6 64,1066, 65, 266, 3|65, g 7 55,1067, 63, 63, º 54, s'ss, 8:52, 5.53, 953,10 |34.10 958, 10 disg.nl 59, 260, 4 + 59, 6 8 til, 10 º 9 |62, ll l 6 62, 10 64, 53, 11 65, 266, 4, 6 66,10 66, 367, 398, 7.87,1159, 270, 8 7 166,1168, 7, 368, 4 |57, 869, 69, 53, 454, 4 53, 954, 9 1|55, 1 6|55, 6 55,10 56, 3 56, 7 57, 57, 4 7, 9 58, 1 58, 6 58,40 59, 3 59, 7 60, 59, 360, 4 60, 9 61, 1 8.1, 6 61,10 62, 3 62, 7 63, 68, 4. 68, 9 64, 1 64, 6 C4,10 65, 3 65, 7 66. 54, 54, : 2|55, 2 4 |55, 7 3. 56, H. 5 |56, 60, | 8, º 3|60, 4. 7 (60, 9 53, I 6 62, 7 63, 4 63, 8 264, 5 7 54, 9 67, 365, 6 66, 5 sé5,1167, 4 66, 3 67, 6 466, 7,67,100 º, 68, a º, . º. 7 5 (67, 969, 58, 169, 4 2 G8, 569, 9 6 G8,107.9, 1 3|69, 770,10 7 |69,11||71, 3 70, 471, 7 /2,11 4'79, 372, 55, 5 6 |57, 56,1] [5", 11 57, 358, 4. 57, 35s, 58, 159, 1 58, 5.59, 6 58, 10 59, 1 59, 2 60, 3 59, 760, 8 61, 1. 60, 46.1, 5 50, 9,61,10 51, 162, 3 51, 6 51, 10 52, 3 63, 8 53, 5 53, 9 54, 2 54, 7 54,11 55, 4 65, 8 66, 1 5¢, 5 66,10 - 70, 56, 5 56, 9 57, 2 57, 5 57, 9 58, 2 58, 7 59, 59, 59, 60, 60, 60,11 Gl, 4 7 : 52, 6 62.11 63, 4 62, 763, 9 63, 64, 1 63, 5,64, 6 63, 964,11 64, 265, 4 64, 7. 8 64,1466, 1 55, 466, 6 55, 986,11 66, 167, 3 66, 667, 8 º,440s, 1. 57, *lº, 6 67, 868,10 58, 169, § 58, 569, 8 58,4070, 1 59, 370, 5 69, 770,10 70, 74, 3 571, 8 70, 972, 71, 273, 5 71, 7172,10 71,1173, 3 72, 473, 7. 72, 974, 73, 174, 5 73, 674,10 73,1175, 2 74, 375, 7 74, 876, 58, 5.59, 560, 5 58,1059,1060,40 59, 260, 361, 3 59, 760, 8,61, 8 Co, 161, lº, I 50, 5 61, 562, 6 60,1061,1062,11 61, 362, 3 |63, 61, 7 |62, 8,163, 62, 61, Sºtº 62, 263, 3 : 53, 164, 62, 563, 664, Estiles, 64, 465, 63, 864, 965,40 54, '65, 266, 64, 565, 7,66, 64,1066, '67, 55, 366, 467, 55, 866, 967,1 66, 167, 248, 56, 567, 7% 36,1068, 69, 57, 368, 569, 57, 86s, 1070, 58, 59. 370, 5 58, 669, 8,70,10 68,1070, 174, S 69, 370, 6.71, 8 69, 8 70,1472, 1 70, 171, 8,72, 6 70, 6 71, 872,11 70,1472, 1173, 4 71, 872, 673, 9 71, 872,1174, 2 72, 173,474, 7 72, 673, 975, 73,1174, 275, 5 73, *74, 7.75,10 73, 875, 76, 3 74, 175, 576, 8 14, 675,1077, 4 74,4176, 277, 6 75, 476, 777,11 7.5, 977, 178, 76, 177, 578, 76, 677,1079, 76,1478, 379, º : 77, 478, 8,80, 65 TABLE FIFTH. O 4, 11 4, 21 4, 31 4, 4, 4, 51 4, s 4, 714, 8, 4, § 4,10 4,111 5, 16, 1165. 867. 68 469. 871 T2' 473. 9|75' 17 6-577. ; 1 80° 5 16, ... 67° 4168 - 870- 1.71 - 572- 9 74 - ||75° 5||76 • 978- 279- 6 80° 10 16, 366. 467. 8]39 170 blin. 973, 174 675'10'77' 218, 679.11| 84 3 16, 466 868: 1169. 570. 972. 273. 6.74-1076' 377. 778-1180. 4, 81' s 16, b|37 ||38. 569: 271. 272.673-1975: 876; 778 JT9: 480: 9 82 16, 667. 468: 9/70. H71. 672.1074, 3.75, 777. Z8: 479. 9|31 || 82: 6 16, 767. 9169: 170. 671-1073. 3/74. 776- 177. 578. 9180: 281 6ſ 82.11 16, 868. 1169. 570-10|72. 373. 775. 76' 577. 979. 2 80. 781-11 83 4 16, 968. Bló9. 971. 272. 774. |Y5' 476, 978: 279. 7.80'1 1182. 4 83: 9 16,1068. 970: 271. 672.11||74. 4.75- 9.77. 278. 779-11;81. 482. : 84" 2 46,41|69. 1170. 671 1173. 474. 976. 1 77. 6||78-1180: 481' 9|83. 2, 84. 7 17, 69. 5|70° 10|72. 373. 875. 176' 677-1479. 4|80. 982. 2183. 7| 85. 47, 169. 971 272, 774. |75: 576-10.78: 479. 9|81. 282 7,84. 85' 5 47, 270: 1171. 672-1174, 575:40.27- 378. 880, 181 6.83" |84. 5 85.10 47, 370. 571-1073' 474. 976. 2.77: 779. 480. 681-1483. 484-10 86: 3 47, 470. 972. 373 8.75, 176: 778 (79' 5|80-11|82. 483. 9]35. 3| 86' s 17, 571 172: 7|74 |75. 676. 11.78: 479. 1081' 3|82; 984, 2185. 8] 87: 1 7, 671. 5||72. 1 1/74. 475-1077. 378. 980: 218.1. 883. 1184, 7|86. 87. 6 7, 74: 1-10|73 3|74. 976. 2 7. 879. 180- 782, 183: 685. 86 g| 87.11 17, 872. 176.778 (19 g|31 |32 533-1185 #|36:19; 33. 4 7, 9:72. 673-1 ||75: 576-1178. 5179-1081. 482. 1084' 485- 9:87. 3) 88: 9 17,10|72. loy 4. ..] 5' 977. 378 g|80: 381 - 9|83- 3/34, 886. 287: 8: 89. 2 17,1173. 274, 876' 2.77: 879. g|80- 782, 183: 7;85, 186: 7188: 4; 89. Y 18, 73. G|75 |76' 6 78- || 9 |31 |82: 6184. |85. 6;87 |88: 6' 90- 18, 1173-1075, 478-10-8 473-19781. 482 184: 383-1487. 588:11, 20. 5 18, 2,74; 275- 8|77 278. 9]80' 3|81' 983- 3|84: 986. 3|87-1089. 4| 90.10 48, 374. 676 |77: 779 180- 782. 1 (83. 8|85: 2186. 888. 289. 9| 91. 8 48, 474-1076' 577-1 ||79° 5'81' |82' 684. |85 787. 488. 790- 2, 91 - 8 18, 5.75. 276' 978° 379-1081 - 482 lo;84 5|85-11|87. 6189 |00. 7| 92. 1 18, 6.75- 6177° 1 |78° 780. 281 8/83- 3/84, 9(86° 4187: 1089° 590-11 9.2. 6 18, 7.75-1477. 579 - 80- 682. 1183. 785- 2186° 9,88° 389-1091. 4: 92.1 1 18, 876' 3|77. 9|79° 480-1482. 584 85. 787: 188: 890. 391. 9| 98. 4 18, 976. 778. 179. 881 3/8210/84. 485-11|87. 680: 1190. 792. 2 93 9 18,1076' 14|78: 6|80 81: 783. 284. 986. 3|87-4189: 594. 92-7 94. 2. is lifti. Sizºolºo. §§3. |83. 7|35' 186: 7188: 889-1091. 898. 94, 7 19, |}}. 7|79. 2180° º: 4|83-1 ||85. 6.87° 188: 890: 891-1093. 5| 95. 19, 477.1.179: 6|81. 182: 884, 3|85-1087. 6189' 190° 8|92. 593:40, 95. 6 19, 278. 379-10|S1: 583. 84: 886: 287.4089. 304 |92. 804, s| 95-10 19, 37.8° 7|80: 281-10;83. 5;85. º: 788. 38.9°40'91 5193. 94- 8 96° 3 49, 478-14|80. 782. 2183. 985. 587. º 7;90° 391 - 1093° 5!95- 1 96° 8 19, 579 - 3|80'1182. 6184. 285: 987. 489: 90° ºf 92. 393-1095. 6] 97. 1 19, 679. 7.81 - 3|82-1084. 686. 187: 989' 49 i - 92 Wig 4: 395-10. 97. 6 19, 7.80" |81 7|83° 384-1086. 688° 189: 9/91 592 |34' 8|96. 3 97.11 19, 8.80: 481.1 ||83 785. 386-1088: 690: 291 993 595. 1196, 8 98: 4 19,980 832: 3:3:1433,787: §8.1929.6%. 393-1995.397. A 98: 9 19,4081. 32: 8|84' 3|85-11 |87: 789- 390-1192. 794. #. | * : 19,1181. 4|33 |84 8|86. 488: 89: 791. 392-1 1194: 796. 397.44, 99. 7 30, Isi als3. Also lºg s'ss. 490 ſea slº. Hos. leg alga. Ahog. TABLE sixth, FOR MEASURING GRINDSTONES. Grindstones are usually made and sold by the stone, which is a quantity, equal to twenty-four inches in diameter and four inches in thickness. The measure is given in this table in stones and hundredth parts of a stone, and is found opposite the diameter in inches at the left hand and under the thick- ness at the top, tºgºsºm-º: TABLES SEVENTH AND EIGHTH, FOR MEASURING WOOD OR BARK, TABLE seventh is calculated on the supposition that the load or pile is eight feet long. Look for the medium width at the left hand. Opposite this and under the medium height is the quantity in feet and inches on that sup- position. But if the length exceed or fall short of eight feet it may be corrected by table eighth. Find the inches which it differs from eight feet at the top and the measure found in table seventh at the left hand; in the angle of meeting stands the correction which must be added to or sub- tracted from the former measure, according as the length exceeds or falls short of eight feet. #. - - 67 [Thickness in Inches and quarters of an | i- 2 Fey Aſ 2 2} } 2; * TABLE SIXTH, FOR MEASURING GRINDSTONES. | 23 ,12 , lö , 17 ,20 ,22 3.25 ,28 231 ,35 ,38 242 246 ,50 ,54 ,59 ,63 ,68 ,73 ,78 ,83 ,89 ,90 1,00 1,06 1,12 1,19 1,25 1,32 1,39 1,46 l,53 1,61 1,68 4,76 1,84 1,92 2,00 2,08 2, 17 2,26 2,35 2,43 2,53 , 14 ,17 ,49 ,22 ,25 ,28 ,32 ,35 ,39 ,43 ,47 ,56 ,61 ,66 ,71 ,76 ,82 ,88 ,94 l,00 1,06 1,13 1,20 1,27 1,34 1,41 1,48 1,56 1,64 1,72 1,81 1,89 1,98 2,07 2,16 2,25 2,34 2,44 2,54 2,64 2,73 2.85 ,16 ,48 ,24 ,31 ,32 ,35 ,39 ,43 ,48 ,52 ,57 ,62 ,68 ,73 ,79 ,85 ,91 ,98 1,04 1, 1 1 1,18 1,25 1,33 1,44 1,49 1,57 1,65 1,74 1,82 1,91 2,01 2, 10 2,20 2,30 2,40 2,50 2,60 2,7) 2,82 2,93 3,04 3, 16 ,20 223 527 ,33 ,36 ,39 ,43 ,48 ,53 .57 ,63 ,69 ,74 ,81 ,87 ,93 l,00 1,07 1,15 1,22 1,30 1,38 1,46 1,55 1,63 4,72 1,81 1,91 2,01 2, 11 ,17 3 3# Inch.] 34 3# 4. | 44 520 ,24 ,28 ,32 ,39 541 ,46 ,51 ,56 ,62 ,68 ,75 ,8] ,88 ,95 1,03 1,10 1, 19 1,27 1,36 1,44 1,54 1,63 1,73 1,83 1,93 2.04 2, 14 2,26 2,37 2,49 2,61 2,73 2,86 2,98 3,12 3,25 3,39 3,53 3,67 8,81. 3,95 4,0l ,22 ,26 ,30 ,34 ,41 ,44 ,49 ,55 36 l ,67 ,73 ,80 ,87 ,95 1,03 I, 11 1, 19 4,28 1,37 1,46 l,56 1,65 1,76 1,86 1,97 2,08 2,19 2,31 2,43 2,55 2,68 2,81 2,94 3,08 3,24 3,36 3,60 3,65 3,80 3,96 4, 1 1 4,25 4,33 ,23 ,28 ,32 ,37 ,44 ,47 ,53 ,59 : ,65 272 ,78 ,86 ,94 1,02 | 1,10 1, 19 1,2 1,37 1,46 1,56 1,67 1,77 1,88 1,99 2,14 2,23 2,35 2,47 2,60 2,74 2,87 3,01 ,25 ,29 ,34 ,39 ,47 ,50 ,56 ,63 ,69 ,77 ,84 ,92 1,00 1,08 1.1; 1.27 1,36 1,46 1,66 1,67 1,78 1,89 2,04 2,13 2,25 2,38 2,51 2,64 2,78 2,92 3,06 3,21 3, 15 3,36 3,30 8,52: 3.67 3,84 4,00 4,17. 4,33 3,44 3.60 3,75 3,91 4,07 4, 24 4,40 4,66 4,64 4,62 ,26 ,31 ,36 ,50 ,54 ,60 ,66 ,74 581 ,89 ,98 1,06 1,15 1,25 1,34 1,44 1,55 l,66 1,77 1,89 2,01 2,13 || 2,26 2,39 2,52 i 2,66 2,80 | 2,95 3, 10 ! 3,25 : 3,41 3,57 3,74 3,90 4,67 4,25 4,43 4.60 4,80 4,69 4,86 4,99 5,16 4,96 5,28 3,61 3,78 3,96 4, 13 4,31 4,50 |. 4,69 |: 4,88 . 5,08 5,28 5,47 5,60 |1,39 l,61 1,73 2,24 $98. TABLE SIXTH. [Thickness in Inches and quarters of an Inch.] 5 54 54 || 5 || 6 || 64 64 64 || 7 || 7 || 74, 74 a ,31 ,38 ; ,34 || 35 | ,87 || , 39 || 40 ,42 || 48 || ,45 ,47 || 48 ,50 ,37 ,89 || 40 ,42 ,44 ,46 ,48 ,50 ,51 ,53 ,85 ,57 | ,59 ,43 ,45 ,47 , 49 ,61 ,53 ,55 ,57 ,60 ,62 ,64 ,66 ,68 ,49 ,51 ,54 ,56 || 359 ,61 ,64 ,66 ,69 ; ,71 ,73 ,76 ,78 56 || 36||32 || 35| 67| 70 ºs! #3 ,78 58 i ,84 ,87 ,89 ,63 ,66 ,69 ,72 ,76 ,79 ,82] ,85 ,88 ,92 ,95 ,98 || 1,0t, ,70 ,74 || ,77 ,81 | 84 ,88 ,91 ,95 ,98 || 1,02 || 1,05 | 1,09 | 1,12 ,78 ,82 ,86 ,90 ,94 || 398 || 1,02 | 1,06 || 1,10 1,14|1, 18 |1,21 1,25 ,87 ,91 ,96 || 1,00 1,04 || 1,09 | 1,13| 1, 17 | 1,22|1,26|1,36"|1,35 | 1,39 ,96 1,01 | 1,05 || 1,10 1, 15 1,20 | 1,25 1,30 1,34 1,39 1,44 1,49 | 1,53 22 1,05 1,10 4, 15 | 1.20 1,26 1,31 | 1,36 1,41 1,47 1,52 1,57 | 1,62 1,68 23 1, 15 1,21 1,26 1,32 || 38 1,44 1,49 | 1,55 1,64 1,67|1,72 1,78 1,84; 24 1,25 | 1,31 || 4,37 1,44 i,50 | 1,56 | 1,62 1,69 1,75 ,81 1,87; 1,94 2,00 i : º j 25 1,36 1,42 1,49 | 1,56 |1,63| 1,69 1,76 1,83 1,90 1,96 |2,03 |2,10 || 3, 17 26 1,47 1,54 1,61 | 1,69 ||,76 | 1,83 | 1,94 | 1,98 |2,05 |2,13|2.20 |2,27 2,35 27, 1,58 1,66 1,74 1,82 |1,90 1,98 || 2,06 2, 14 || 2,21 |2,29 |2,37 (2,45 2,53 28, 1,70 1,78 || 1,87 1,95 |2,04 2, 12 2,21 || 2,29 2,38 |2,46 |2,55 €2,63 2,72 29 : 1,82 1,92 2,01 || 2, 10 |2, 19 2,28 2,37 2,46 2,55 €2,65|2,74 2,83 2,92 30 1,95 2,05 || 2, 15 2,24 |2,34 2,44 2,54 2,63 2,73 |2,83|2,93 ||3.02 3, 12 31 2,09 || 2, 19 2,29 2,40 |2,50 2,61 || 2,71 2,82 2,92 |3,02 |3, 13 |3,23 3,34 32 2,22 || 3,33 2,44 2,56 2,67| 2,78 2,39 3,00 3, 11 3,22 3,33 3,41 || 3,58 33 2,36 |2,48 2,60 2,72 |2,84 2,95 || 3,07 || 3, 19 3,31 3,43 3,54 & 60 3,78 34 2,51 |2,63| 2,76 || 2,89 |3,01 || 3, 14 3,26 3,39 3,5 : 3,63|3, 6 |3,89 4,01 35 2,66 |2,?9 2,92 || 3,06 |3, 19 3,32 || 3,46 3,59 3,72 |3.85 |3,99 |4, 12 4,25 36 2,81 |2,95 || 3,09 || 3,23 |3,37 3,52 3,66 3,80 3,94. 4,08 4,22 i.1,36 37 2,97 3, 12 || 3,26 || 3,41 i3,56 3,71 8,86 4,01 || 4,16 |4,31 4,45 4,60 4,75 38 3, 13 3,29 || 3,45 3,60 3,76 3,92 |4,07 || 4,23 4,39 4,54 (4,70 4.86 5,01 39 3,30 | 3,46 3,63 || 3,79 |3,96 || 4, 12 4,29 || 4,45 4,62 |4,7S 4.05 |5,1 1 3,28. 40 3,47 3,64 3,82 3,99 |4, 17 4.34 || 4,51 || 4,68 || 4,86 |5,03 |5,21 5,38 || 5,56 41 3,65 3,83 || 4,01 4,20 |4,38 || 4,56 || 4,74 ; 4.93 5, 11 5,29 |5,47 5,66 || 5,85 42 3,83 |4,02 || 4, 21 || 4,40 |4,59 |4,79 || 4,88 5, 17 | 5,36 5,55 |5,74 |5,93 6,12. 43 4,01 |4,21 4,41 |4,61 |4,82 5,02 5,22 5,42 5,62 |5 82 |6,02 |3,22 6,42 44, 4,20 || 4,41 4,62 |4,83 |5,04 || 5,25 5,46 5,67 5,88 |6,09 |6,30|6,54 || 6,72 45 || 4,39 || 4,61 4,83 || 5,05 |5,27 ( 5,49 || 5,71 5,93 || 6,15|6,37|6,59 |6,31 || 7,03 46 459 4,82 5,05 || 5,28 5,51 5,74 5,97 6,20 6,43 |6,66 |6,89 |7, 12 7,35 47 4,79 || 5,03 || 5,27 || 5.51 |5,75 5,99 6,23 6,47 6,71 |6,95 |7, 19 |7,43 || 7,67 48 5,00 5,25 5,50 || 5,75 |6,00 6,25 6,50 6,75 7,00 7,25 |7,50 |7,75 8,00 49 || 5,21 5,47 5,73 5,99 |6,25 6,54 6,77 7,03. 7,29 |7,56 |7,82 8,08 || 8,34 50 | 3,42 5,69 5,97 6,24 |6,51 6,78 7,05 || 7,32 7,50 |7,878,14|8,41 i 8,68 51 5,64 || 5,93 | 6,21 | 6,49 |6,77 | 7,06 || 7,34 || 7,62 |7,90 8, 19 |8,47 8,75 || 9,03 52 5.87 | 6,16 || 6,45 6.75 |7,04 || 7,33 || 7,63 7,92 || 8,21 18,5} {8,80 |9,10 || 9,39. 3| 6,07 || 6,33| 6,68 6,98 |7,29 7,50 7,90 8,20 8,50 3,81 |9,11 9,41 9.7% 54 6,38 || 6,64 6,06.1 7,28 |7,50 | 7,91 | 8,23 8,54 8,86'9, 18 (9.49 to,81 10,12 4, 5 J. TABLE SEVENTH, For MEASURing woop on BARx. l, l 1 xº eo eo ºs ºſ ºſ º sº ºſ ºſ cº cº ºſ ºſ ºſ oſ º cº off off ºff ºff ºff ºf £ € £ € cº º •}<4 en Gº ~ ~ ~ en cº cº os ºf ef ºff ºff ºff cºś cº cś ºś ºś oś cº oś oś ºś <ș <∞→ 6N cº sėſ are «o N. 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