B 382053 ! ARTES 18 17 LIBRARY VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E.PLURIBUS UKUM TUEBOR SI-QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM'AMŒNAMI CIRCUMSPICE THE GIFT OF W. E. Woodbridge کر دیکھو 3 12707 APPENDIX F TO THE REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE. REPORT ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF STEEL. CHIEFLY WITH REFERENCE TO GUN CONSTRUCTION ON THE WOODBRIDGE SYSTEM. illans анд By W. E. WOODBRIDGE, M. D. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1875. 80. Woodbridge INDEX. Cylindric specimens, torsional tests of Annealing at different temperatures, table of results of Annealing, changes of dimensions in.. Annealing, reasons for. Annealing specimens for tests of hardness. Atha, (Benj.) & Co., specimens from Atlantic Steel-Works, specimens from Aultman Steel Company, specimen from. Bessemer steel, tensile tests of..... Bronze, test of specimens of gun-wires united with. Changes in specimens under tension.... Chemical and mechanical tests compared. Chrome Steel Company, specimens from Clamps for holding tensile specimens of gun-wires Compound wires, (iron and steel,) tensile tests of.. Conflicting strains, accommodation of, by their own prolonged action Continuance of strain, effects of, Table 54 .... Copper, development of elastic resistance, and resilience in. Copper employed for "pressure disks" Copper, hard-drawn, gunpowder test of. Development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion, tables of . Page. 68 66 5 242 11 11 11 55 51-54 • 13 238 • • 10, 19 3 65 65 239 233 236 80-92 .223-235 Drawing gun-wire specimens 12 Explanation of marks designating material 8-12 Explanation of tables of tensile tests.. 13 Explanatory note to Tables 31 to 41 222a Explanatory note to Tables 42 to 51, and Plates 7-23 222b Fracture, place of, in torsional specimens 67 Gunpowder tests of specimens described... 7 Gunpowder tests of specimens, table of result 236-237 Gunpowder tests, pressure-gauge employed in 7 Griswold (John A.) & Co., specimens from 11 Hardened steel gun-wires, torsional tests of. 173-175 Hardness, tests of. 242-246 Haseclever (J. B.) & Sons, specimen of steel produced by Heat-tests employed in annealing 12 6 Hobson (Francis) & Son, specimens of their "CHOICE" steel 12 Hussey, Welles & Co., specimens furnished by 8, 19 Indenting-tool used in tests of hardness 242 Jessop (Wm.) & Sons, specimens from 12 Lewis (A. C.,) (of Atlantic Steel-Works,) specimens from. 11 Manufacturers of the steels employed in specimens.. 8-12 Marks designating materials of specimens, explanation of. 8-12 Measurements of elongation Midvale Steel-Works, specimens from. 3 11. Miller, Barr & Parkin, specimens from 10 Moss (F. W.,) specimens from.... 12 Naylor & Co., specimens from.... 10, 19 New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, specimens furnished by Park, Brother & Co., specimens from. 8, 19 10, 19 Pressure-gauge employed in gunpowder tests 7 Qualities requisite for gun-material of highest excellence. Reduction of torsional strains.... 1 66 Reversed torsions, note explanatory of tables relating to 222a Reversed torsions, resistance, elasticity, and endurance under. 190-222 Sanderson Bros. & Co., specimens from.. 12 Seams in torsional specimens 66 Size of specimens advantageous for determining distinctive qualities 7 IV 1 Specimens marked alphabetically, tests of- A.. B.. C.. D E F.. G... H I J. K... L... M N. 0. ·P.. Q R S. T.. U V W X Y. Z Page. 130 130, 244 68, 130, 244 27, 68, 130, 244 130, 244 70, 130, 244 130, 244 .68, 244 30, 68, 244 .30, 68, 244 130, 244 30, 68, 244 131, 244 70, 131, 244 .27, 42, 68, 145, 215, 227, 238, 244 .70, 131, 244 131, 244 131, 244 131,244 · 31, 68, 244 .30, 68, 244 131, 244 .70, 131, 244 .31, 68, 244 131, 244 70, 131, 244 AA... A B... A C.. AD AE.. A F A G A H ΑΙ AJ. AK AL.. A M AN AO... AP... BA.. BB.. BC BD BE. BF.. BG BH BI.. BJ B K 131, 244 131, 244 131, 244 132, 244 32, 69, 244 132, 244 31, 69, 244 132, 244 132, 244 31, 69, 244 132, 244 132, 244 ..69, 244 .31, 69, 245 132, 245 .32, 69, 245 32,73 ..33, 73, 101, 236, 239, 240, 245 73 33,73 33, 73 33, 73, 236 33, 73 34,73 34,73 73 34,73 73 BL.. 35, 73, 236 BM BN... BO.. BP... .73, 245 73 73 73 BQ. BR.. BS.... 245 74 74; BT.. BU BV BW BX 74 74 74 74 74 BY.. BZ.. 74 V Specimens marked alphabetically, tests of-Continued. CA.. C B. CC. C D CE Page. 73 73 73 73 73,95 CF. CG CH CI C J.. CK.. CL. C M CN.. CO CP.. C Q CR CS CT CU CV 35, 37, 75, 76, 77, 95, 245 35, 37, 75, 76, 77 35, 37, 75, 76, 77, 78, 245 .36, 37, 75, 76, 77, 78 36, 37, 75, 76, 77, 78, 223, 235, 245 36, 37, 51, 75, 76, 77, 78, 95, 170, 172, 173, 177, 180, 183, 213, 236, 245 .52, 79, 96, 236 94,98 94,98 94, 99 94 99 94, 99, 236 94, 99, 236 94,99 95, 100 DL [HW co 8] D.M [HW co 9].. DN[HW co 10] DO[HW co 11] DP [HW co 12] DQ [N S co 1] DR[NS co 2] DSINS co 3] DTINS co 4] DU [NS co 5] E F [C H co 10]. Specimens marked as below, tests of— A co 1 A co 2 A co 3 A co 4 A co 5 A co 6 A co 7 .A co 8 A co 9 A co 10 A co 11 A co 12 A co 13 95, 100 95, 100 102, 105, 109 102, 105, 109 102, 105, 109 102, 105, 109 103, 105, 109 103, 106 103, 106 103, 106 103, 106 • 103, 106 120, 242 111, 115, 245 39, 102, 105, 111, 236, 245 · 111, 112, 245 111, 112, 245 40, 43, 111, 236 111, 112, 245 111 44, 111, 112, 245 111 111, 112, 245 245 122, 128, 142, 245 • 122, 128, 142, 245 A co 14 A co 15 A co 16 A co 17 A co 18 A co 19 A co 20 A co 21 A co 22 A co 23 A co 24 A co 25 A co 26 A co 27 A co 28 A co 29 A co 30 A co 31 A co 32 A co 33 A co 34 A co 35 · • 122, 128, 142 122, 128, 143, 245 122, 128, 143 122, 125, 143, 245 44, 122, 126, 143, 245 122, 126, 143, 245 123, 126, 143, 245 .123, 126, 143, 245 123, 126, 143, 245 .123, 126, 143, 245 123, 126, 143, 245 .45, 123, 126, 143, 245 123, 127, 143, 245 123, 127, 143 123, 127, 144, 245 123, 127, 144 123, 127, 144, 245 123, 127, 144, 245 123, 127, 144, 245 124, 127, 144 124, 127, 144, 245 124, 127, 144, 245 VI Specimens marked as below, tests of-Continued. A co 36.. A co 37 A co 38 A co 39 A co 40 A co 41 A co 42 A co 43 A co 44 A co 45 A co 46 A co 47 A co 48 A co 49 A co 50 A co 51 A co 52 A co 53 A co 54 A co 55. A co 56. A co 57 A co 58 A co 59 A co 60 A co 61 A co 62 A co 63 A co 64 J 1 ... Page. 124, 127, 144 124, 127, 145 124, 127, 145, 245 45, 124, 128, 145, 245 124, 128, 145, 245 124, 128, 145 · 147 147,245 147, 245 58, 147 146, 147 146, 148, 245 146, 148, 245 146, 148 146, 148, 245 · 146, 148, 245 146, 148, 245 146, 148 .146, 148 147, 148 147, 149, 236 147, 149, 245 147, 149, 245 147, 149, 245 147, 149 147, 149, 245 147, 149 149, 151 149, 151, 245 A co 65 A co 66 A co 67 A co 68 A co 69 A co 70 A co 71 A co 72 A co 73 A co 74 A co 75 A co 76 A co 77 A co 78 A co 79 A co 80 149, 151, 245 149, 151, 245 149, 151, 245 149, 151, 245 150, 152, 245 150, 152, 245 · 150, 152, 245 150, 152, 245 58, 150, 152, 245. 150, 152, 245 150, 152, 245 150, 236, 245 · 150, 245 151, 245 151, 152, 245 151, 152, 245 A co 81 A co 82 A co 83 A co 84 A co 85 A co 86 A co 87 A co 88 A co 89 A co 90 A co 91 A co 92 A co 93 A co 94 A co 95 A co 96 A co 97 A co 98 A co 99 A co 100 A co 101 A co 102 • 151, 153, 245 151, 153 151, 153 .151, 153 46, 47, 48, 164, 165, 166, 170 53, 164, 165, 245 164, 165, 245 164, 165, 245 164, 165, 245 164, 165, 246 .46, 164, 165, 166, 171, 174, 177, 179, 181, 184, 200, 225, 246 164, 165, 246 164, 165, 246 164, 246 164, 165, 246 165, 246 165, 246 . 165, 246 246 167, 246 167 . 167, 246. A co 103 167 VII Specimens marked as below, tests of-Continued. A co 104 A co 105 A co 106 A co 107 A co 108.. A co 109 A co 110 A co 111 A co 112 A co 113 A co 114. A co 115 A co 116 A co 128 A co 129 A co 130 • A co 131 A co 132 A co 133 A co 134 A co 135 Page. 167,246 167, 246 167, 246 167,246 167 167, 246 168, 246 168 168,246 168 168, 246 168, 246 168 168 168, 246 168, 246 168 168, 246 168 168 A co 136 .168, 246 A co 137 .168, 246 A co 138 168, 246 A co 139 A co 140 .47, 166, 167, 168, 177, 179, 182, 185, 190, 226, 246 168, 246 A co 141 A co 142 A co 143 A co 144 A co 145 A co 146 A co 147 A S co BES 1. BES 3. ... 168, 246 168, 246 168, 246 170, 246 47, 166, 167, 170, 246 170, 246 170, 246 170, 246 114 55 BES 4 BES 5... BES 6. BES 7 55, 163, 246 55, 163, 246 55 55 55 BES 8. BES 12... 55 55 .55, 164, 246 114, 159 C co 2 C co 3 C co 4 C co 5 C co 6 C co 7 C co 8 C co 9 BES 16... BS co 1 BS co 2 BS co 3. BS co 4 BS co 5 BS co 6 • BSSB [See B S co 1] C 900 [from charge 900] C co 1 115, 116, 119 116 45, 119 46, 61, 62, 133, 137, 141, 172, 174, 176, 178, 180, 183, 217, 236 133, 137, 141 46, 52, 54, 161 103, 106, 244 103, 106, 244 103, 106 .104, 107 .104, 107, 244 104, 107, 244 104, 107, 244 104, 107, 244 104, 107, 244 C co 10 C co 11 104, 107 115 C co 12 115 C co 13 115 C co 14 115 C co 15 115 C co 16 115, 244 C co 17 C co 18 115, 244 115, 244 VIII Specimens marked as below, tests of-Continued. C co 19 C co 20 CH co 1 S C.H co 2 S. \CH co 3 S.. CH co 4 S C H co 5 I C H co 6. C H co 7 C H co 8... C H co 9. CH co 10 [E F] CH Co SPR* G 1.1 CH co SPR* G 1.2 CH co SPR* { G 2.1 CH Co SPR* G 2.2 C H co SPR* G 3.1 CH co SPR* G 3.2 CHROME CRESCENT C S co 5 C S co 6 C S co 7 CS co 8 Page. 115 115, 244 15, 19, 21, 24, 72, 242 15, 19, 21, 22, 24, 72, 242 15, 19, 22, 24, 72, 242 16, 19, 22, 25, 60, 70, 74, 96, 98, 100, 101, 236, 238, 242 16, 19, 22, 25, 52, 62, 72, 172, 231, 242 125, 128, 242 125, 129, 242 125, 129 125, 129, 242 . 120, 129, 242 120, 242 120 120 120 .120, 121 121, 242 86, 92 84,90 16, 19, 20, 25, 52, 71, 96, 98, 194, 236 • 17, 19, 20, 25, 71 17, 19, 20, 25, 71, 72 17, 19, 20, 21, 25, 72 C S co 9 - C W co 1 C W co 2 E M co 1 E M co 2 H co 1 H co 2 HE co 1 HE co 2. H W co 4 H W co 5 H W co 6 H W co 7 • · · • H W co 8 [DL] H W co 9 [DM] H W co 10 [DN H W co 11 [D Oj. H W co 12 [D P] H W co 13 H W co 14 H W co 15... H W co 16.. H W co 17 H W co 18... H W co 19 236 49 49,50 64, 187, 246 64, 187, 246 115, 178, 179, 185, 186, 222 116 63, 188, 246 .63, 188, 246 14, 19, 21, 23, 60, 72, 172, 173, 176, 178, 179, 219, 224, 236, 238, 242 .14, 19, 21, 23, 29, 72, 242 14, 19, 21, 23, 29, 72, 73 15, 19, 21, 24, 29, 73, 242 102, 109, 113, 242 38, 102, 109, 113, 130, 238, 242 H W co 20 HW co T. Ingot 838 [from charge 838] Ingot 844 [from charge 844] I & SIC I & Ssc J co 1. J co 2. JBH co.. M co 1 M co 2 M co 3 • .102, 109, 113 102, 109, 113 103, 109, 113 125, 129, 137, 141, 242 125, 129, 137, 141, 242 125, 129, 137, 142 43, 125, 129, 137, 142, 242 40, 125, 129, 137, 142, 242 125, 129, 137, 142, 242 125, 129, 137, 142, 242 .125, 129, 137, 142, 242 64, 187, 242 153, 154 .153, 154 65 65 63, 188, 246 .63, 188, 246 64, 188, 246 102, 105, 111, 121 43, 121 43, 121 M co 4 165, 166, 171 ► IX Specimens marked as below, tests of-Continued. M co 5 ... Page. .166, 171 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 52, 53, 71, 97, 172, 201, 236 N co I. N co 1 S (A) N co 1 S (B) N co 1 S (C) N co 1 S (D) N co 1 S(E) N co 1 S (F) N co T 1 N co T 2 NS co 1 [D Q] NS co 2 [DR] NS co 3 [D S N S co 4 [D T] NS co 5 [DU] NS co 6 NS co 7 NS co 8 N S co 9 NS co 10 NS co 11 .27, 74, 230 27,74 28, 74, 246 ...28, 74, 80, 82, 88, 89 28,74 28,74 .63, 187, 229, 246 .64, 187, 246 103, 106, 112, 114, 244 103, 106, 112, 114, 244 103, 106, 112, 114, 244 .103, 106, 112, 114, 195, 244 103, 106, 113, 114, 244 116, 244 .117, 244 116, 244 117, 244 118,244 118,244 NS co 12 PB co 1 PB co 2 PB co 3 P B co 4 S B co 1 S B co 2 SPR 1 Ꮪ Ꮲ Ꭱ ? SPR 3 SPR 4 SPR5.. Ꮪ Ꮲ Ꭱ Ꮾ . SPR7 SPR 8 SPR 10 SPR 11 Ꮪ Ꮲ Ꭱ 12 · SPR 13 SPR 14 SPR 15 SPR 16 • · • SPR 17 Ꮪ Ꮲ Ꭱ 18 ......... SPR 19 SPR 21 SPR 22 SPR 25 SPR 27 SPR 29 SPR 31 SPR 32 SPR 34 SPR 36 SPR 37 SPR 38 SPR 39 SPR 40 SPR 41 118, 244 18, 19, 23, 26, 71 18, 19, 23, 26, 71, 101 18, 19, 23, 26, 71, 101 · 19,71 63, 187, 246 188, 246 132, 135, 139, 242 132, 135, 139, 242 133, 135, 139, 242 133, 135, 139, 242 133, 135, 139, 242 41, 133, 135, 139, 242 .58, 133, 135, 139, 242 133, 135, 139, 243 .133, 135, 140, 243 .133, 135 140, 243 133, 135, 140, 243 41, 133, 135, 140, 243 133, 135, 137, 140, 243 134, 136, 137, 140, 243 .134, 136, 137, 140, 243 134, 136, 138, 140, 243 134, 13, 138, 140, 243 41, 134, 136, 138, 141 .134, 136, 138, 141, 243 41, 134, 136, 138, 141, 243 134, 136, 138, 141, 243 42, 134, 136, 138, 141, 243 138, 141, 243 45, 138, 141, 243 139, 141, 243 139, 141 145, 242 153, 243 153, 243 153, 154, 243 SPR 42 SPR 43 SPR 44. SPR 45 SPR 46 SPR 47 SPR 48 SPR 49 153, 154, 243 153, 154, 243 .56, 145, 155, 156, 157, 243 56, 145, 155, 156, 157, 243 145, 155, 156, 157, 158 145, 155, 156, 157, 158, 243 .57, 155, 156, 157, 158, 243 57, 155, 156, 157, 158, 243 .57, 155, 156, 157, 158, 243 .57, 157, 159. 243 Il X Specimens marked as below, tests of-Continued. SPR 50 SPR 51 SPR 52 Page. .158, 159, 243 .158, 159, 243 154, 155, 157, 159, 243 154, 155, 157, 159, 243 SPR 53 Ꮪ Ꮲ Ꭱ 54 .. SPR 55. SPR 56 S PR 57 SPR 58 SPR 60 SPR 61 SPR 62 • SPR 63 SP R 64 SP R 65 SPR 66 SPR 67 SPR 68 154, 155, 157, 159, 243 · 154, 155, 157, 159, 243 154, 155, 157, 159, 243 159, 243 .56, 59, 159, 160, 243 160, 243 • 160, 161, 243 160, 161, 243 161, 243 . 161, 162, 243 161, 162, 163, 243 161, 162, 163, 243 162, 163, 243 162, 163, 243 SPR 69 SPR 70... SPR 71 T co 1. T co 2 T co 3. T co 4 T co 5 T co 6 T co 7 T co 8 T co 9 T co 10 T co 11 T co 12 T co 13 T co 14 T co 15 · 162, 163, 243 162, 163, 243 162, 163, 243 109, 244 .108, 109, 179, 244 108, 110 108, 110, 192 39, 61, 108, 110, 129, 172, 236, 238, 244 .61, 107, 108, 110, 172, 236, 244 108, 110 108, 110, 244 108, 110, 244 107, 108, 110, 118, 244 118, 119, 244 118, 119, 184 118, 119, 244 118, 119, 244 119, 244 T co 16 12 IN B [from 12" gun-tube made by Thos. Firth & Son]. Spontaneous contraction of stretched compound wires... Star (*) applied to specimens drawn into wire at Washington navy-yard…. .119, 177, 181, 244 139, 246 65 12 Table comparing chemical with mechanical tests... 238 Table of changes of dimensions by annealing.. 66 Table of gunpowder tests of specimens. 236-237 Table of tensile tests of compound wires. 65 Table of tensile tests of cylindric wires, imported steel. 49-50 Table of tensile tests of gun-wires quickly broken.. 20-26 Table of tensile tests of gun-wires united with bronze………. Table of tensile tests of tool steels... 51-54 63-64 Table of tensile tests of turned specimens of Bessemer steel. 55 Table of tensile tests of unannealed gun-wires. 60-62 Table of tests of first collection of specimens. 19 Table of tests of hardness.... 242-246 Table of torsional tests of gun-wires... 98-171 Table of torsional tests of hardened steel gun-wires.. 173-175 Table of torsional tests of square specimens planed from wire rods.. 94-97 Table of torsional tests of tempered steel gun-wires........ 176-186 Table of torsional tests of unannealed gun-wires. 172 Table of torsional tests of wires drawn from tool steels. 187-189 Tables of development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion.. 223-235 Tables of resistance, elasticity, and endurance of gun-wires under reversed tor sions... 190-222 Tables of tensile tests.……. 14-65 Tables of tensile tests, general explanation of. 13 Tables of torsional tests, (direct)………. Tables of torsional tests of turned specimens. Tempered steel gun-wires, torsional tests of... Tensile specimens, form of.... .68-189 80-92 176-186 3 Tensile testing-machine employed.... 3 XI Tin, employed for "pressure disks" Tool steels, tensile tests of Time: influence of continuance of strain. Time: spontaneous contraction of stretched compound wires. Tool steels, torsional tests of wires drawn from. Torsion; development of elastic resistance and resilience by, tables of. Torsional testing-machine, description of. Torsional tests of cylindric specimens Torsional tests of gun-wires.. Torsional tests of hardened steel gun-wires... Torsional tests of tempered steel gun-wires Torsional tests of specimens planed from wire-rods. Torsional tests of unannealed gun-wires.. Torsional tests, reasons for employing.. Torsional tests, remarks respecting. Torsional tests, tables of, (direct) Trenton Iron Company, drawing of wire by. Trenton Iron Company, specimen furnished by…. · Page. 13, 2226, 239 65 8 63-64 .187-189 .223-235 4 80-92 .98-171 173-175 94-97 176-186 172 4 66 68-189 12 8, 19 60-62 172 Unannealed gun-wires, tensile test of.... Unannealed gun-wires, torsional tests of. Value of many early tests impaired by disregard of previous mechanical treat- ment Vibration, influence of, on cohesive strength Wilson, Hawksworth, Ellison & Co., specimens from. Zinc and tin, alloy of, used in "pressure disks" 0220 12 8 CORRIGENDA. Page 11, eighteenth line from top, for "11" read "12." Page 14, in the heading of the table on this page and of subsequent tables, where reference is made to pages "136 to 140," substitute "8 to 12." Page 65, in second column, for "T & S" read "1 & S." Page 94, on the line with the highest strain in each experiment, in Table 25, insert, in the fifth column, " (Broke.) " Page 98, the correction for Table 25 will apply to Table 26, where the same omission occurs. Page 103, fourth line in the second column, for "S" read "DS*." Page 136, last line in second column, for "SP 27" read "SPR 27." Page 120, under "Remarks," first line, omit "at standard heat.” Page 173, under "Remarks," opposite C K, insert "This specimen, like the others, was heated to a full red-heat, and plunged in water, but was not perceptibly hardened excepting at the ends." Page 176, under "Remarks" insert "Nos. 1289 to 1295, inclusive, were heated to the melting point of Cu 9 Sn, and plunged in water. They were then tempered by keep- ing them one hour in melted tallow at the temperature of 600° Fahr." Pages 178 and 179, in second column, for "Hco I" read "H co 1." Page 179, under "Remarks" insert "Nos. 1296 to 1302, inclusive, were not annealed or hardened, but subjected for one hour to temperature of 600° Fahr." Page 180, under "Remarks" insert "Nos. 1303 to 1309, inclusive, were cooled in water from melting-point of Cu 9 Sn, and heated to the first appearance of redness in the dark." Page 183, in second column, opposite Exp. No. 1309, insert "H co 1 TEMPERED.” Also, under "Remarks" insert "Hardened as above, and afterward brought to a low red-heat." Page 187, Table 30, under "Remarks" insert "All annealed at standard heat." Page 222a, fourth line from top, for “32” read “31.” Other errors, marked in a few copies, resulting from the haste of putting to press, will be found, but they are too apparent, it is believed, to be misleading. W. E. W. APPENDIX F. WASHINGTON, November 1, 1875. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith a report on the tests of steel made by me in connection with the selection of suitable material for the fabrication of guns on my system of construction. The number of varieties examined is considerable, and the experiments, it is hoped, will be found to contribute information of interest and value outside of the particular department of the arts to which they owe their origin, in regard to the combination of the various properties of steel which may be found in individual specimens, the result of the use of different. materials and methods of manufacture. The value of the experiments as a contribution to the improvement of methods of manufacture would, of course, be greatly enhanced by correct and full chemical analyses of representative specimens. Anal- yses of a few are presented, and all the specimens are carefully marked and preserved, in hope that others may yet be subjected to chemical examination. It is a satisfaction to state that the most excellent specimens were of American production. I remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, General S. V. BENÉT, Chief of Ordnance. W. E. WOODBRIDGE. & REPORT. i The primary object of these experiments was to ascertain, from the examination of such samples as might be found available, the material best suited for use, in the form of wire, in the construction of guns, and to aid manufacturers of steel in securing a more uniform excellence of quality, by affording them an opportunity of recognizing, by means of more exact tests than they have been accustomed to apply, the compar- ative mechanical value of their products and the conditions under which the best results had been obtained. In considering what combination of properties is requisite to consti- tute high excellence in a material for the construction of guns of the largest caliber, it is necessary to give attention to the manner in which the strains to which it is subjected are applied. First and most evident is the general high pressure within the bore, acting in a manner comparable with that of a liquid gradually injected and confined within a cylinder. To meet this, cohesive strength, without regard to susceptibility to extension or change of form, is the quality required. But as the pressure is applied with great rapidity, and as time is an element in the communication of strain, it is necessary that the material immediately surrounding the bore, unable of itself to oppose the requisite resistance, should be extensible, in order that it shall not be ruptured before it can receive the support of the adjoining exterior ma- terial, and elastic, that the extension shall not be permanent. An elastic material, acted on by unequal strains, is necessarily thrown into vibra- tions. In the case of a gun, not only does the rapid application of the internal 1 F 2 pressure produce vibration, but an additional cause is found in the ine- quality of the internal pressures, arising in part from the variable pro- gress of the inflammation of the charge, and more largely from the changing relation of the pressure and inertia of the gases during their expansion and the progress of the projectile through the bore. Vibration, which is a necessary result of a necessary quality of the material considered, requires the addition of another property to restrain its unfavorable influence on cohesive strength. A perfectly elastic body conserves the energy employed in imparting to it vibratory movement, the amplitude of the vibrations being increased by each accession of energy until the play of the particles is carried, in some part of the body, beyond the limit of extensibility, when rupture must occur. The interference and coincidence of vibratory waves of different lengths, it should be noticed, must produce local diminutions and augmentations of the space through which the particles play, and consequently local strains, which, in a perfectly elastic material, will result in fracture, while the general vibratory action may be slight. If, however, the ma- terial possesses the capability of having its form changed beyond the bounds of its elastic movements without rupture, or, in other words, the property imperfectly defined by malleability or ductility, many repeated applications of a force otherwise destructive may be endured without apparent injury, the excess of energy being consumed in the changes of form, which might be designated permanent were they not often reversed with each vibration of the ductile material. Each disappearance of en- ergy in the manner just mentioned, that is, in change of quiescent form, is of course accompanied by a change of properties in the material itself; a change which diminishes and would finally destroy its ductility. These facts manifest themselves in the now well-known deterioration of large guns from the repeated use of charges much smaller than were formerly used in proof. As no limit is assignable to the force it is desirable to impart to a pro- jectile, it is impossible to define any bounds to the caliber and strength to be demanded for artillery. The problem is, therefore, the production and selection of a material combining in due proportions, and in the highest attainable degree, cohesive strength, elastic extensibility, and the capability of changing form (and retaking it) under strains which exceed its elastic limit. Neither of these properties is found in its high- est degree in a material possessing either of the others also in the highest degree, and as yet no fixed relation is known between them. It may be stated, however, as a general rule, which is particularly applicable to steel, that, with the same material, the means resorted to for increasing strength increase elasticity, but diminish extensibility; and also that in the effort to increase extensibility, ultimate strength and re- sistance within the limits of elastic extensibility are made less. Some of the specimens included in these tests present the most favorable exceptions that have come to the knowledge of the writer, and it is much to be hoped that the qualities they represent may become less exceptional in production; for it appears to be beyond the power of the best manufacturers to repeat, or closely approximate at will, their best results. Of all the substances available for gun construction, some of the vari- eties of steel, especially when wrought to small dimensions, combine the qualities stated to be desirable in the greatest degree. The greater part of the experiments have been made upon steel in the form of wire. The size and shape previously fixed upon for use in 3 the construction of experimental guns, three-tenths of an inch square, (or nearly of that measurement,) was most commonly employed. Other experiments were, however, made for comparison, as will be noticed in examining the accompanying tables. TENSILE TESTING-MACHINE. The tensile tests were made with the testing-machine of the Ordnance Department at the Washington navy-yard, designed by the late Gen- eral Rodman, and described in his Report on Metals for Cannon. Though made a number of years ago, it is, in my estimation, in some important respects better for tests of that kind than any other differ- ently constructed that has come to my knowledge since. It has, how- ever, one feature which is objectionable when used for testing long specimens of considerable extensibility. The strain being applied through the medium of the lever which is also a part of the arrange- ment for weighing its amount, it frequently happens that the whole motion of the lever is insufficient to take up the elongation of which the specimen is capable, so that the machine has to be re-adjusted, some- times more than once. It is also unfortunate that the principal lever of the weighing-apparatus should change its position when in equilibrium, from another point of view. Some friction of the parts is unavoidable in making this change, and the force requisite to overcome it is not applied in the axial line of the specimen, as it should be. It may be noticed that specimens taken from the machine after having been strained nearly to their breaking-point, and afterward replaced, often fail before the previous strain has been reached. This is never the effect of release alone, without change of position of machine or speci- men. ? The rigidity of the parts of the machine concerned in the transmis- sion of power from the point of application to the specimen, is very favorable to observing some of the changes just preceding rupture, especially when the specimen is small; changes which cannot be observed in the use of machines in which the connection just referred to is considerably more elastic. TENSILE SPECIMENS. The tensile specimens, when they consisted of plain wires, were held, for testing, at both ends, by means of clamps, figured in Plate 2. Fig. 1 is a longitudinal section, in which a portion of the wire is seen in situ. A view of the end receiving the wires is given in Fig. 2. The other end of each clamp is fitted to be received in the place of a turned speci- men in the testing-machine. Plate 3 presents the form of the ends of other tensile specimens. The screw, Fig. 1, enters a block of metal constituting a head which the machine is adapted to receive. Figs. 2 and 3 are side and end views of a portion of one of the specimens formed by uniting gun-wires with bronze, and subsequently turning them to a suitable shape. The squares on the end view show the arrangement of the wires. Brazing was effected without the use of a flux, on the principle of the process employed in the fabrication of guns. MEASUREMENTS. The measurements of the specimens were taken with instruments made by Messrs. Brown & Sharpe, of Providence, R. I., (with a little 4 1000 adaptation,) and verified by comparison with standards. They were read directly, by means of verniers, to Too of an inch. In order that the instrument for measuring length could be applied with more deli- cacy and accuracy, it was suspended, and its weight balanced by a counterpoise. The measurements were nearly all made by Mr. William F. Dove, and carefully verified by the writer until Mr. D.'s care and accuracy were fully established. The instruments being of steel, the rate of expansion by heat must have agreed with that of the specimens so closely, that the slight changes of the temperature of the place of experiment could have had no appre- ciable effect, but the temperature of the instrument and specimen were almost necessarily different, as the one was affected by the heat of the hand and the other, in a greater degree, by the action of the force applied, 1000 Errors of observation probably rarely equaled 10% of au inch; but the combined errors, including friction and differences of temperature, could not be limited to that amount. TORSIONAL TESTS. It was considered desirable that each coil of wire designed to enter into the structure of a gun should be separately tested, on account of the variability of steel made under circumstances, apparently to the man- ufacturers, as nearly identical as could be secured. To accomplish this by any available apparatus for tensile tests would have required the expenditure of much labor and a very considerable amount of steel. About two feet of length are required for a suitable tensile specimen of wire, while three inches suffice equally well for a torsional test, and the labor involved is much less. Principally, for these reasons, a tor- sional testing-machine was designed and constructed. Though it may not be easy to predict from either. a torsional or tensile experiment pre- cisely what may be the results of the other, the two methods give results easily comparable, torsional resistance in one representing ten- sile resistance in the other, and torsion representing extension. It rarely happens that a tensile specimen is reduced in size in all its parts with anything like uniformity, so that its capability of elongation is far from being exhausted, and the final elongations in different experi- ments of the same material do not show a close correspondence. The reduction of size at the place of fracture affords probably a better basis for comparisons, but the torsional machine is believed to give more uniform results, with the same degree of uniformity in the condi- tions. From the greater facility with which small changes in the speci- men may be observed by its use, it has special advantages in ascertaining the altered condition of the metal consequent on the strains applied. The tables of experiments on reversed torsion and on the develop- ment of elastic resistance and resilience will illustrate this remark. DESCRIPTION OF TORSIONAL TESTING-MACHINE. The torsional testing-machine employed is represented in plate 1. Two sliding heads, A and B, are fitted to a bed-piece, C, one of them carrying the parts concerned in applying the strain and measuring the extent of torsion, and the other the means of determining the force applied. The head A bears a hollow shaft, D, mounted like the spindle of a lathe, and rotated by means of a worm-wheel, E, and endless-screw, F, 5 the latter operated by a crank turned by hand. One hundred turns of the crank give one rotation to the wheel. For convenience of operation, the screw may be slid out of gear with the wheel by an end wise motion in the reverse direction from that to which it tends when applied to work. 1 1000 A circle on the face of the worm-wheel is divided into one hundred parts, and, with the aid of a vernier, G, the extent of its rotation may be read directly to part of a revolution. One end of the shaft D is fitted for the reception of clamp-pieces, H and I, to take hold of the specimens to be tested. They are held in place and closed upon the specimen by means of screws J and K. The head B bears a graduated lever, L, attached to a rocking-shaft, M, (hollow and partially cut away,) so as to oscillate in a manner that will be readily understood from inspection of Fig. 6, on fine pivots pp, hardened and polished. The shaft to which the lever is attached is fitted with clamp pieces and screws in the same manner as the shaft D. Nis a wrench for operating the screws. A weight, O, slides upon the lever, its movement through the whole length of the scale, which is divided into one hundred parts, indicating a difference of one pound at the distance of one foot from the center of motion, a distance to which all the strains are referred. The lever and sliding weight, when at zero, are balanced by the counterpoise P. From the outer end of the lever are suspended, from knife-edges, in a manner that need not be particu- larly described, additional weights, as required. These weights are represented in Figs. 7 and 8. An arm, Q, projecting from the head B bears, at its outer end, a loop, R, through which the lever passes, and by which its motion is restrained to narrow limits of oscillation. A scale is sometimes attached to the loop for reading small variations in the position of the lever. By sliding the heads upon the bed-piece, the clamps may be brought together or separated to the distance of about 12 inches, the machine thus accommodating itself to specimens of various lengths. Its capacity is not intended to exceed the test of steel specimens of one-half inch in diameter. ANNEALING. In order that the distinctive properties of specimens of steel may be ascertained and compared, it is necessary that they should be brought to occupy some common level of condition before the application of mechanical tests, a state which is best secured by uniform annealing. This process, as usually conducted, subjects the pieces to superficial oxidation and consequent removal of at least some small proportion of carbon from the exterior part. It becomes necessary, therefore, to give the specimens protection during the process. This has been done by surrounding them, when heated and while cooling, with a mixture of cast-iron borings and sesquioxide of iron. This mixture is employed not only to guard against oxidation, but to prevent the absorption of carbon, which there seems reason to suspect in the use of the cast-iron borings alone. It is assumed that the action of any carbonic oxide or other carburiz- ing gas, which might be formed in the process, would be expended in the reduction of the finely-divided oxide rather than upon the inclosed steel. As a further precaution, to prevent the injurious presence of sulphur derived from the oil with which such borings are liable to be contaminated, even when it would not be suspected from their appear- ance, they are kept at a red heat for some time, and cooled without 6 access of air, before being employed in annealing. Any sulphur remain- ing after the decomposition of the oil would be speedily absorbed in the production of sulphide of iron. The proportion of oxide mingled with the borings is about as one to ten by weight. The specimens, surrounded with the mixture, are inlosed in a wrought- iron tube having one open end, which is closed by an iron plug after the tube is charged. The plugged end is heated a little in advance of the other and cooled a little later. The whole tube is brought, as evenly as possible, to a bright-red heat, and maintained there long enough to insure a nearly equal temperature to its contents. It is then removed from the furnace and buried in pulverulent lime, which so well retains the heat, that at the expiration of sixteen hours it is found too hot for the hands. At first the eye was depended on for determining when the proper heat had been reached, but a means of greater certainty was soon em- ployed. Little tubes, generally made by drilling a piece of gun-wire, were prepared, the open end being fitted with a tight screw-plug. These were charged with pieces of alloy or metal of different fusibilities and inclosed in contact with the specimens. If, after annealing, the more fusible alloy was found to have been melted, while the other had not been, it was evident that the heat had been limited to the interval between the two melting points. The standard of heat adopted was between the melting-points of copper and of an alloy composed of five parts of copper to one of tin. When a bundle of specimens were annealed together, the more fusible metal was placed in the center and the less on the outside; if the specimens were of considerable length, two or more sets of heat- tests were employed. After all the experience obtained with the aid of such guides and the most favorable conditions, a skillful workman some- times failed to judge correctly of the heat, and if either the copper was found melted or the bronze unmelted, the specimens were not accepted for tests comparing qualities: In the tables considerable matter will be found bearing upon the effects of annealing at different heats. Too many of the tests of steel on record have been made without re- gard to previous mechanical treatment, and their value as a means of comparing the different methods of manufacture, or, when taken alone, of indicating the real quality of the material experimented on, is there- fore very small. This fact is mentioned because surprise may be felt by some in noticing that in the following tables of tensile tests the break- ing-strains, estimated upon the original area of cross-section, are not as great as they are accustomed to see given in tables of the strength of materials, an observation which holds good, not only with regard to the low steels in which cohesive strength is designedly relinquished in some degree for the sake of greater extensibility, but also as regards the "tool-steels" of higher carburization. As sent from the works, bars of tool-steel are hammer-hardened in various degrees, by which their ten- sile resistance is increased at the expense of their extensibility, and in this condition, usually, the tests have been applied. Another cause has contributed to error in stating the strength of materials. The form of specimen often used, in which only a very short part was reduced to the diameter measured, give a higher breaking-strain than a cylindric or prismatic form. The considerations which make it desirable that tests of pieces of con- struction should be made upon specimens of the full size of the work 17 also lead to the desirableness of ascertaining the distinctive qualities of materials from specimens of small size, in which internal conflicting strains, incident to a variety of causes affecting large pieces, are easily avoided. GUNPOWDER TESTS. It was considered important to ascertain the effects of strain applied with the rapidity of the action of gunpowder upon the extensibility of specimens of gun-wire compared with those resulting from the strains applied by means of testing-machinery. How far the well-known property belonging to some other materials, of changing their form readily under moderate continued force, while they manifest great brittleness if the rupturing strain be quickly applied, might be found to belong to the steel examined, could be determined only by experiment. That ordinary steels manifest this property under the action of blows, was well known. To test representative specimens of the wires in respect to the quality referred to, an apparatus was prepared in which the strain upon the wire was exerted by the explosion of a charge of gunpowder. It is represented in plate 5. A is a hollow steel cylinder, within which the explosion takes place. The specimen to be tested, D, lies centrally in the bore, and is grasped at the ends by clamps B and C, (represented on a larger scale in Figs. 2 and 3,) which have an exterior cylindric surface, fitted loosely to the bore. The wedges a and b, between which the specimen D is pinched within the clamps, are closed upon it, as a result of their inertia, at the first moment of firing, and by the pull upon the specimen. The charge of powder employed was inclosed in a light paper box, its ends being perforated to allow it to slide into position on the speci- men, and its sides punctured to admit the flame from an ordinary primer. The inner portion of the vent e was reduced to a diameter of one-tenth of an inch. Gas-checks, of which one is shown in section at ff, Fig. 2, were provided to prevent escape of gas, either at the sides of the bore or about the specimen being tested. The cylinders D and E (fortunately found among old material) were filled with sand (retained in place by light boards g h) and employed to receive and arrest the clamps and fractured specimens after the explosion. After the first few experiments, which evinced an unexpected degree of extensibility in the specimens, it was thought desirable to ascertain, with such degree of approximation as might be readily secured, the strains by which the work was effected. For this purpose the arrange- ment represented in full size in Fig. 4 was provided. A is the section of a portion of the cylinder within which the explosion takes place, drilled and tapped to receive a piston, F, and screw-plug G, between which is placed, previous to each discharge, a "pressure-disk," H. A ring of leather, occupying the groove n, forms the requisite packing for the piston. 80 The outer end of the piston is conically concave, the surface of the concavity being chased to form helical threads of of an inch pitch from center to circumference, and divided radially into ten equal parts. One of the dividing-lines is enough heavier than the others to be easily distinguished. The disks which receive and record the pressure are made from metal first drawn into wire three-eighths of an inch in diameter, and afterward cut and finished in a lathe to the thickness of 0.125. The figure at J is intended to represent the arrangement of the lines on the outer end of the piston, and K an impression upon one of the disks. 8 When the piston is forced upon them, they yield to the pressure to an extent indicated by the number of turns of the helical thread imprinted upon them, from which may be read the indication of pressure. The arrangement may be designated a modification of Lieutenant Metcalfe's modification of the Rodman pressure-gauge. Three materials were separately used for the disks: copper, an alloy of zinc and tin, and tin alone. From imprints of the piston on disks pressed in the testing-machine with given weights, curves were constructed in which the pressures were taken as abscisses and turns of the helices impressed as ordinates. These were used in reading the indications of pressure in the experi- ments with gunpowder. Copies of the curves are given in plate 6, the curve for copper being a part of one of greater extent, afterward verified and much used in taking pressures in experiments of a different character. A comparison of the results obtained with disks of different materials seems to indicate that the question of time in the duration of pressures enters more largely into the results with some metals than with others. It would appear probable that copper approaches a true indication much more nearly than tin. EXLANATION OF MARKS APPLIED TO DESIGNATE THE MATERIAL OF SPECIMENS. HWco. All the specimens bearing this mark were produced by Messrs. Hussey, Welles & Co., and all were furnished by them in the form of rolled wire rods three-eighths of an inch square, with the excep- tion of one bearing the mark of HWcoT, a 3-inch square hammered bar of the "best" tool-steel, procured at their Philadelphia agency. BA to CE. The specimens marked with two large letters, (without the addition of the small ones, "co,") in alphabetical succession, be tween and including BA and CE, are also of their production, and were furnished upon an order for a sample of 1,000 pounds, to be as nearly as possible like the selected specimen HWco 4. CM to CV. These letters designate ten rolled 8-inch square rods, rep- resenting as many meltings, afterward furnished by them, and intended to be alike and of the average quality of the 1,000-pound sample. DL to DP were subsequently furnished by the same firm, and speci- mens of the same metal were also marked, in the same order, HWco, with the addition of the numerals 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Another lot, containing eight samples, was marked HWco, with the numerals 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. Like the preceding, they were intended to be of the average quality of the 1,000-pound sample. All these samples were of the kind called "crucible steel," the carbur- ization of the iron being effected within the crucible at the time of melt- ing. CHco, in every instance but one, (when the mark CHco 5 I is used to designate a quality of iron made by the Trenton Iron Company, and called by them " gun-screw iron,") is used to designate "Martin steel" manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company. Specimens numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4 were of varying qualities, furnished to afford opportunity for selection. A to AP, The specimens bearing these letters and those between them in alphabetical order were also of Martin steel, the production of the same company, and were furnished upon an order for 1,000 pounds, to be of the same quality as the selected specimen designated CHco 4 S. 9 The specimens marked CHco with the addition of the numerals 6, 7, 8, and 9 were made from different parts of a sprue examined to ascertain whether specimens taken from the parts of the castings, so called, could be made available for determining with sufficient accuracy the properties of the "charge" of steel which they might represent. These sprues are the metal filling the side runners connecting a "group" of ingots at the bottom with the central runner, through which the pouring is made. They are approximately 24 inches square, curved in form, and the portion furnished about 5 inches long. The sprues are generally more porous than the ingots' with which they are cast, and for that reason the question of how far they might furnish means of as- certaining the quality of the ingots was one of doubt. The porosity of this sprue was chiefly central and inclining to the upper side. In forg- ing the rods preparatory to drawing into wire, the sprue was first flat- tened from above downward into a bar about 3" x 1". About three- fourths of this was slitted into three bars about 1 inch square, and the remainder drawn into a bar of the same dimensions. After close examination and the removal of all visible defects or flaws, they were reduced to wire rods three-eights of an inch square and drawn into wires of the usual size. The diagram below will indicate to what por- tions the several marks were applied. CHco 8 CHco 7 CHco 9 CHco 6 The bar marked 7 would, of course, be formed of the most porous portion of the sprue, 6 and 8 of the least porous, and 9 would represent the whole. CF to CK designate specimens of Martin steel, from the same source, rolled to g-inch-square wire rods, from ingots cast from three "charges," each of which was poured to form two groups of ingots. The letters were applied as follows: CF to the specimen from the first group, first charge. CG to the specimen from the second group, first charge. CH to the specimen from the first group, second charge. CI to the specimen from the second group, second charge. CJ to the specimen from the first group, third charge. CK to the specimen from the second group, third charge. CL was supposed to have been taken from the lowermost part of the ingot from which CF was taken at the top. Its characteristics make it evident that some mistake as to its identity must have occurred. (6 Specimens marked CHco SprG, with the addition of two numerals, were specimens prepared from six different sprues from the same charge" or melting. The first added numeral refers to the group of ingots from which the piece was taken; the second to the number of the specimen from that group. The groups were poured in the order of the numbers given. These sprues were forged entire; that is, without slitting. SPR with a numeral always designates steel produced by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, the specimen being part of a sprue forged entire, and reduced to a wire rod, with care to secure the most perfect specimen procurable from it. 10 The relation of the SPR numbers to the "charges" and "groups" with which they were connected will be readily seen by inspection of the subjoined table: Charge. Group. Sprue num- bers. Charge. Sprue num- Group. Charge. Group. bers. Sprue num- bers. 838 : 842 844 845 { 123 123 123 12 1-2 3-4 5-6 891 { 14& 2 7-8 10-11 889 123 12-13 892 14-15 16-17 18-19 894 12 1Q 848 852 123 123 20-21 22-23 24-25 of 12 13 37 899 1 57 38 900 1 58 39 40 890 59 41 896 60 42 43 917 121 61 62 44 63 2 45 64 46 918 65 895 47 66 26-27 48 67 896 28-29 49 919 68 69 30-31 1 50 897 32-33 2 51 920 34-35 ~ Joh 1 70 2 71 * * * *☺ co co co { 123 123 123 22 882 882 332 EF designates a specimen of Martin steel from the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, made principally from "Bessemer scrap," from the production of the works of the Pennsylvania Steel Company. CSco, with numerals 5, 6, 7, and 8, designate "Chrome steel," made and furnished by the Chrome Steel Company, the several numerals indi- cating different meltings, intended to be of the same quality. The higher numerals designate specimens subsequently furnished, intended to combine as much as possible the quality of high cohesive strength with large extensibility, and to be alike in quality. The specimens marked CHROME were taken from a bar marked "No. 3," which had been procured from the same company for use in the ord- nance-shops at the Washington navy-yard. Nco I designates specimens made from the same bar of Norway iron, of the brand HØL, furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co. Nco 1 S, with a letter in brackets, designates six wire rods furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co., made and imported as a specimen intended to combine in the highest degree the properties of strength and extensi- bility. They are distinguished individually by the different added let- ters. Nco T designates specimens of "best cast-steel," (or tool-steel,) fur- nished by the same firm. All the specimens are understood to have been produced by cementation before fusion. PBco 1 designates a specimen of the so-called "German steel," rolled to -inch square from a cemented bar not afterward melted, furnished by Messrs. Park, Brother & Co. PBco, with other numerals, designates cemented cast-steel, designed to be alike and of the best quality, rolled inch square, furnished by the same firm. Cco, numbers 1 to 10, designate a set of specimens of cemented steel received as -inch square hammered bar, from Messrs. Miller, Barr & Parkin, intended to be alike and of the best quality. The letters DV, DW, DX, DY, and DZ designate specimens designed to be alike, (also in some specimens marked Cco 11-15, in the same 11 : order,) and EA, EB, EC, ED, and EE (also marked Cco 16-20) were rolled wire rods from the same.firm. CRESCENT is a specimen of tool steel made by the same parties, but not furnished directly by them. Tco, with added numerals, designates specimens of crucible steel, furnished as wire-rods -inch square, by Messrs. J. R. Thompson & Co. Nos. 1 to 10 were stated to be each of a different quality. Nos. 11 to 16 were subsequently furnished, and were intended to be alike. NSco designates specimens of crucible steel furnished by Messrs. Benj. Atha & Co. The first five numbers were designed to be all dif- ferent. NSco 1 differs from the others in being made from a cheaper stock. Nos. 2, 3, and 4 were intended to differ in the amount of carbon only. A second lot took the Nos. 6, 7, and 8; 6 was their ordinary tool-steel; 7 and 8 were of cheaper stock, 7 being lower in carburization, and 8 still lower. The third lot contained four samples, designed to be an improvement on NSco 7, and all alike. They were numbered from 9 to 11, inclusive. Aco. This is the designation of samples of crucible steel furnished by A. C. Lewis, manager of the Atlantic Steel Works. The first lot con- sisted of ten g-inch square wire rods, rolled from as many ingots. They were intended to be alike in quality, and to meet the results of the tests of other approved samples, as nearly as might be, on first trial. They were marked with numbers added from 1 to 10. The next lot of samples contained 30 rods, rolled as before, each the product of a different melting. They were classed in three grades, bundled separately, the rods in each bundle intended to be alike. The rods in bundle I were marked Aco, with added numerals 12 to 21, inclusive; in bundle II, 32 to 41, inclusive; and bundle III, 22 to 31, inclusive. Following this, another lot, containing 43 rods, was furnished, repre- senting as many meltings. They were in two bundles, but not sepa- rated as to grade. They were numbered from 42 to 84, inclusive. A subsequent lot, divided into five grades, was marked with numerals as below: Grade 1, 85 to 95. Grade 2, 96 to 106. Grade 3, 107 to 127. Grade 4, 128 to 137. Grade 5, 138 to 147. ASco designates a single specimen of cast-steel furnished by the Aultman Steel Company. BSSB and BSco, with added numerals, designate several samples of "open-hearth" steel, furnished by manufacturers who, at the time, desired not to have their names mentioned in connection with them. Mco designates samples of "open-hearth" (or Martin) steel pro- duced at the Midvale Works, and furnished by the proprietors in the form of rolled 3-inch square rods. No. 1 was a specimen of low steel, such as they were constantly pro- ducing for the ordinary uses of that material. Nos. 2 and 3 were fur- nished afterward. No. 2 bore the stamp of one star, and was stated to be "low in carbon." No. 3 was marked with two stars, and was stated to contain more carbon than the former, but otherwise to be of the same metal. BES, with numerals, designates specimens of Bessemer steel procured at the works of Messrs. John A. Griswold & Co. They were short bars, hammered to about three-fourths of an inch square. The portions re- duced to wire were first hammered to 3-inch square rods. 12 SBco is applied to two 3-inch hammered bars of Messrs. Sanderson Bros. & Co.'s "best cast-steel," (tool-steel,) of English manufacture; pro- cured at their agency in Philadelphia. The bars are marked, respect- ively, SBco 1 and SBco 2. HEco designates twog-inch square hammered bars of "best cast- steel," (tool-steel,) English, the production of Messrs. Wilson, Hawks- worth, Ellison & Co., numbered, respectively, 1 and 2. Jco designates two bars, 8-inch square, hammered "best cast-steel," (tool-steel,) produced by the English manufacturers, Messrs. Wm. Jes- sop & Sons, numbered 1 and 2. FMco is the mark applied to two g-inch square hammered bars of "best cast-steel," (tool-steel,) English, made by F. W. Moss, and, like the other English specimens, procured from the manufacturer's agents. JBHco designates a specimen, procured in the form of a 11-inch square bar, of Prussian steel, the production of Messrs. J. B. Hasečlever & Sons, procured through their agent in Philadelphia. It is a so-called "natural steel," imported under the name of "double-refined wedge" steel, under the impression of its being of very superior quality. The portion drawn into wire was first hammered to three-eighths of an inch square. Hco is the mark borne by two specimens of steel known as "Hobson's Choice." They are of English manufacture, produced by Messrs. Francis Hobson & Son, and procured from their agent for use in the ordnance shops at the navy-yard. Both bars bore the brand CHOICE (XX) EXTRA. Specimens marked I&Ssc and I&SIC were composed of iron and chrome steel united. The rods from which the wires were drawn were formed by welding together in square form, in angular swages, nine wires 0.3 square, and afterward drawing them under the hammer to the proper size. In one case the central wire and the four at the corners were of steel. The specimen so produced was marked I&Ssc. In form- ing the other, iron wire occupied the center and corners of the welded piece. The relative position of the iron and steel portions of the finished wire is shown in the sections Figs. 8 and 9, Plate 4. The specimens of wires not bearing the mark of a star in addition to the other designating mark were drawn by the Trenton Iron Company in the ordinary way, passing through the processes of annealing and pickling. The superficial portions of such wires were found partly de- carburized, a result manifested on breaking a hardened piece, when the parts would often be held together by a very thin skin of soft metal. As an economy of time, tools for drawing wires of moderate length were attached to a strong planing-machine, which furnished the neces- sary power, and used in the preparation of many of the specimens tested. The rods to be drawn were first deprived of scale and oxide by means of an emery-wheel, and then annealed in the manner described as being employed with finished specimens, which rendered pickling unnecessary. Annealing after drawing was conducted in the same way. All specimens drawn in this way have a star stamped on them to indicate the fact. In a few instances the annealing of tested specimens was not done at the "standard heat," (between the melting points of bronze and copper,) and in such cases the marks or are applied. The former sig- H nifies that the heat did not melt bronze, and the latter that copper was melted. In either case the heat approximated the mean of the two as nearly as the workman was able to determine by the eye alone. 13 CHANGES IN SPECIMENS UNDER TENSION. The order of the phenomena of the changes produced in a specimen of extensible metal under tension slowly applied may be given, in a general way, as follows: 1st. Extension within the elastic limit. The precise limit of the extension from which a specimen will perfectly recover itself, on release, it is impossible to ascertain, as the limit, either of strain or extension, can only be recognized by passing it. Within those limits the continuance of strain does not result in appre- ciable permanent change, at least within moderate periods of time. 2d. Extension beyond the elastic limit, permanent elongation, and extension of the elastic limit of strain. The time for which the strain is continued is an important factor in these results. With increase of strain these changes are manifested in increased . degree within bounds varying with the material experimented on, the strains sustained increasing with greater proportionate rapidity than the elongations they produce. These changes lead to a condition- 3d, in which the specimen as a whole sustains the greatest strain of which it is capable, and in which a definite minute increment of strain reduces the area of its cross-section in sensibly the same proportion. The point of its occurrence can, of course, only be known by pass- ing it. 4th. Under the continuance of the same strain the area of the cross- section of the specimen is more or less rapidly reduced until rupture occurs. This reduction of area is attended with an increase of strength regarded in relation to the decreased area, an increase which may, under favor- able circumstances, be approximately measured. The strain at which rupture actually occurred in these experiments is designated as "parting strain," the words "breaking strain” having been commonly employed to denote the highest strain sustained by a speci- men. TABLES OF TENSILE TESTS. Some general explanations of these tables may be necessary. The strains were applied in the order presented; the greatest strain given being the highest strain the specimen was found to sustain. The strains following this were observed in the course of the diminu- tion of the area of section occurring after passing the highest strain. The last one given is the "parting strain," that at which actual rup- ture occurred. The time given in connection with the strains includes that in which the increase of strain was applied, together with the time for which the given strain was continued to produce the given elongation, unless other- wise noted. The elongation recorded is that produced by the given strain con- tinued until its maximum effect had been very nearly reached, except when otherwise stated. 14 TABLE 1.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture. [Length of specimens, 12 inches between clamps. Marked in two spaces of 5 inches each. For explanation of marks designating material, see pages 136 to 140 inclusive.] Mark on speci- men designat- ing- No. of experiment. Material. On specimen. Strain. Elongation un- Elongation after Resilience. der strain. release. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. Original. Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (smallest place.) Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Strain per square inch. Of original area. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Remarks. 2 } H W co 4 W Lbs. m. s. In.In. In. 500 Abt. 2 00 0 1,000 Abt. 2 00 In. In. In. .305 x .295 In. In. Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. 0 1,500 Abt. 200 0 2,000 Abt. 1 30 0 2, 500 Abt. 200 .006 .06 .000 .006 .06 3,000 Abt. 2 30 .009 .09 .000 [Unless otherwise stated, all the specimens were annealed at bright red heat, without oxida- tion of surface.] .009 .09 3, 500 Abt. 3 00 .010 .1 .000 .010 .1 4,000 Abt. 15 30.075| .75 055 55 . 020 20 8, 300 Abt. 10 00 7, 300 Abt. 1 00 Broke .583 5.83 92, 250 .225 x .221 55.27 14, 680 3 HW co 52, 500 Abt. 5 30 .028 .28 .003 .3 028 .28 .300 x .299 4,100 Abt. 7 00 4, 500 Abt. 5 00 .800 8.0 27, 870 1.706 17.06 4, 550 Abt. 4 30 3, 100 Broke 1.092 21. 84 50, 724 .172 x .172 32.98 104, 786 44. 578 Specimen began to part, but machine had to be re-adjusted to take up stretch. 54. 945 Machine re-adjusted. 4 HW co 5 2,000 Abt. 2 00 .011] .11 0.000 .011 .11.2995 x .2995 2, 500 Abt. 12 30 .140 1.40.125) 1.25 .015 .15 4, 100 4 45 .806 22, 296 27,870 4, 475 4 40 4, 525 1 45 .175.175 50, 55 3, 100 Broke 890 17.80 34. 14 46. 409 Machine re-adjusted. 101, 224 5 | H W co 6 | 1, 500 1 00 0.000 2995 x .2995 2,000 1 00 0.000 2,500 1 40 0.010 .1 .000 0.010 .1 3,000 • 500 0.015| 15 .000 0.015 .15 33, 444 15 3,500 5, 070 350 800.252| 2.521 .230 2.3 .022. • 221 5 45 .901 9.01 5 15 1. 738 17.38 5, 450 4, 740 ? 4,900 } 4,050 2 00 4, 050 Broke .805 8.05 .2375 x .2375 39, 017, 60, 758 55.046 62.88 .187 x .197 41.07 109, 937 6 | H W co 7 | 1, 500 1 45.000 300 x .3025 2,000 2 15 .000 000 1 40 0.016 .16 0.000 0.016 0.16 3,000 2 10 0.018 .18 0.000 0.0181 0.18 3, 500 5 45 0.018 .18 0.000 0.018 0.18 4,000 9 35 . 192 1.92 .174 1.74 .018 0.18 6, 270 6 40 .908 9.08 6, 500 5 45 Brokel .746 14.92 7 CH co1S 1, 600 3 15 0.000 0.000 38, 567 44, 077 230 x .235 59. 56 71, 625 53.846 2955 x .2955 2,000 1 45 0.000 0.000 2,500 1 40 0.000 0.000 3,000 · 1 50 0.005| .05 0.000 0.005 0.05 3,500 5 30 0.013] .13 0.000 0.013 0.13 4,000 14 35 0. 210| 2. 1 0.192 1.92 0.018 0.18 5,930 6 25 0.928 9.28 275 5 201 1. 752 17.52 6, 300 2 40 .866 17.32 5, 050 Broke 8 CH co 2 S Hco 1,500 1, 500 1 20 0.000 2,000 39, 017 44,592 70, 233 55. 556 221 x.219 53.96 104, 340 2915 x .2925 1 25 0.000 2,500 1 40 0.000 3,000 2 35 0.009 .09 0.000 0.009 0.09 3,500 14 00 3, 500 21 00 0.105 1.05 0.089 .89 0.016 0.16 5,700 7 55 6, 100 4 10 6, 120 3 55 0.762 1. 626 2. 150 7.62 • 16.26 21.5 5,000 Abt 1 30 Broke .996 19.92 35, 185 41, 049 .277 x .222 72. 12 71, 777 215 x .215 54. 21| 99,,521 50. 653 110,558 9 CH co 3S CHco3$ 1, 500 1 00 0.000 293 x .296] 2,000 1 05 0.000 2,500 1 05 0.011 .11 .000 0.011 0. 11 3,000 2 20 0.012 12 .000 0.012 0.12 2 3,500 5, 600 4 25 0.016 16 .010 .1 0.016 0.16 34, 590 40, 356 5 25 .765 7. 65 6, 040 3 45 1.536 15. 36 6, 200 2385 x .2305; 63.39 109, 949 8 00 .893 17.86| 5,300 Broke 71, 487 56. 452 215 x .217 53. 79 113, 599 16 specimenStrain. TABLE 1.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Elongation un- Elongation after der strain. release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Strain per square inch. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original In length. 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. Original. m.s. In. | In. 2 05 0.000 In. In. In. In. In. .2915 x .2975 1 25 0.000 200 0.000| 1 35 0.007 .07 0.007 .07 1 25 0.015 .15 0001 0.015 .15 1 30 0.015] . 15 .000 0.015 . 15 9 50 0.103 1. 03 .079 79 0.024 24 9 30 5 00 - - 1 25 Broke .707 14. 14| 2 35 0.000 .291 x .292 1 50 0.000 · 2 25 0.010] 27 10 0.157 5 50 .1 0.000 1.57 0.145 0.879 4 25 1.620 .010 1.45 0.012 8.79 16. 20 .1 12 5 30 2 30 Broke 1. 056 21. 12 1 05 0.000 .295 x .297 1 00 0.000 1 30 0.004 .04 0.000 1 30 0.011 111 0.0001 0.004 0.0111 .04 11 Under strain, (small- est place.) .234 x .235 63. 41 Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. In. Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. 23, 537 29, 421 46, 130 51,896 95, 719 50.602 135, 479 220 x .225 59.84 52, 605 87, 925 48. 098 -1913x.1895 42.24 40, 218 Remarks. : 3, 000| Mark on speci- 500 experiment. men designat- 000 Material. No. of . ing- 1, 500 12 CS co 5.. On 3,500 4, 050 4, 470 4,300 Lbs. 4,000 1,500 10 CH co 4 s 2,500 2,000 2,000 1, 500 2,500 3,000 11 C H co 5 I 1, 000 3, 500 7,450 4,000 7, 670 4, 500 8, 300 7,980 17 3.500 2 501 0.012 .12) 0.000) 0.012 · 4,000 23 00 0.066] .66 0.050 .5 0.016 .12] 61 • 690 14 20 7,800 4 40 7, 125 6, 780 Broke 905 9.05 39, 947 45, 665 89, 025 47.436 .247 x .2505 70.62 115, 154 .228 x .228[ 59,33| 130, 424 13 CS 6. 1, 500 2 15 0.000 .2955 x .2935 2,000 1 00 0.000 2,500 1 30 0.000 3,000 3 40 0.002 .02 .000 0.002 .02 3,500 17 30 34, 590 40, 355 3,500 46 40 0.050 .5 035 .35 0.015 6, 600 .30 10 00 6, 740 4 00 5, 975 5,950 1 00 Broke .316 6. 32 77, 713 .236 x .236 64.22 107, 278 .225 x .227 58.89 116, 495 14 CS co 7... 1,500 22331 2,000 2 15 .000 1 00 000 .295 x .293 500 1 40 .005 .05 .000 005 05 3,000 500 5,950 3 00 .011 .11 000 .011 51 00 154 1.54 .140 1. 4 .14 .11 14 6 00 6, 200 8 00 550 1 30 • 5, 350 Broke .710 14.20 34, 708 40, 492 71, 730 50.000 .238 x .242 66. 64 96, 360 .218 x .220 55. 49| 111, 551 15 CS co 8... 1,500 2 00 .000 2,000 .294 x .296 1 30 .004 .04 .000 .004 .04 500 3 45 .008 .08 .000 .008 .08 3,000 4 00 .008 08 .000 008 08 3,500 7 00 .016 .16 .009 .09 .007 .07 34, 468 40, 213 7, 125] 8 05 7,625 8 00 7,750 3 00 7,450 200 89, 043 45. 161 6, 750 1 00 Broke .865 8.65 .225x .2265 58. 56 132, 450 16 N co I 1,000 2.00 .000 .2895 x .2925 1, 500 3 10 .000 2,000 7 30 .005 .05 000 .005 .05 2,500 24 10 .257 2.57 .244 2. 44 .013 .13 3, 640 6 50 23, 618 29, 523 4,000 4 30 4, 050 3 15 3, 750 2, 7501 2 50 Broke 1. 427 28. 54 47, 828 54. 321 .223 x .225 79.52 74, 738 .158 x. 161 30. 40| 40, 838 2 F 18 Strain. Elongation un- Elongation after der strain. release. specimenResilience. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. Original. TABLE 1.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (smallest place.) Released, (s mallest place.) Percentage of original area. 5 05 m. s. In. In. .004 In. In. In. In. In. 13 25 .017 .4 .000 1.7 .010 In. Lbs. .004 .1 .007 .4 .293 x .294 1.6 Lbs. Per ct. 17, 413 8 00 23, 217 4 15 1 00 51, 658 25 Broke 44. 494 .710 7.1 225 x .221 57. 72 72, 400 2 20.000) 1 20 .002 .301 x .3035 .02 .000 .002) .02 2 05 .007 07.000 .007 .07 9 25 .011 .11 .000 .OLI .11 12 25 .167 1.67 . 151 1. 51 .016 .16 5 00 2 00 · - 40 Broke 360 7.201 4 00 .010 .1 .000 .010 .1 1 45 .299 x .300 . 013 .13 .000 .013 .13 13 15 .016 .16 .003 .03 .016 .16 5 00 3 30 2 00 1 40 Broke O Brok .329 6.58 32, 839 38, 312 61, 739 54. 965 .227 x .227 56.40 .210 x .210| 48.27| 94, 000 109, 410 22, 296 27, 870 57, 692 48.309 .2475 x .2440| 67.32 91, 297 .211 x .214| 50.34| 0.34 99, 658 Of original area. Strain per square inch, Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Broke & inch within the clamp. Remarks. Mark on speci- 4,500 men desigua- experiment. 4, 700 ting- Material. No. of 5, 175 4,875 . 2,500 2,000 PB co 3.. 1, 600 On 19 Lbs. 4,825 PB co I.. 1, 500 17 4,875 5, 640 2,000 5,600 3, 950 3,500 4, 200 3,000 4, 450 500 3,000 2,000 500) .. 1, 18 P B co 2 P B co 219 TABLE 2.-Principal results of tensile tests of gun-wires drawn by the Trenton Iron Company from rods three-eighths of an inch square, furnished as specimens by their manufacturers. (First collection.) Description of material. [All the specimens were annealed at a bright red heat, without oxidation, but before the application of heat-tests.] men, nating- Mark on speci- desig- No. of experiment. Approximate Elongation elastic limit of strain. within the Highest strain elastic lim- sustained. it. Permanent elonga- tion after frac ture. Parting strain. pared with highest strain. Do Do · Do Norway Iron, HpS, furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co... "German steel," manufactured & Co Lo Do Crucible steel, manufactured by Messrs. Hussey, Welles & Co. Do Do · Do Martin steel, manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company…. Do Do Do Iron, manufactured for "gun- screw wire" by the Trenton Iron Company.. Chrome steel, manufactured by the Chrome Steel Co... 2356 HW co 4 H W co 5 7|CH co 1S).2955 x.2955 CH 8|C H co 2S].2915x.2925 9|CRco3S.293 x. 296 CH 10 | C H có 4 S|.2915 x.2975 = 2012 9 = by Messrs. Park Bros. & Co.. 17 Cemented cast-steel, manufac- tured by Messrs. Park Bros. Inches. .305 x.295 Pounds. Pounds. Inches Pounds. Pounds. Inches Inches| 3,700 41, 122 | .025 0.25 8,300 92, 247 583 5.83 .300 x.299 2, 400 26, 755 .025 Inches. 225 x. 221 Per ct. Pounds.| Pounds. Per ct. 55. 27 7, 300 146, 080 .25 4, 550 50, 724 HW co6.2995 x. 2995 1.092 21.84 172 x. 172 3,000 | 33, 953 32.98 .022 3, 100 . 212 5, 450 61, 685 104, 800 44.58 52.74 H W co 7 805 16. 10 300 x.3025 . 187 x. 197 3, 600 39, 669 41. 07 .018 4, 050 18 6,500 71, 625 109, 960 55. 05 .746 14.92 .230 x.235 59.56 Lost 55.38 3,700 42, 258 .022 .22 6, 300 72, 148 .866 3, 200 37, 530 .016 .16 6, 120 71, 780 2. 150 3, 400 39, 203 .016 .16 6, 200 71, 490 .893 4,300 | 49, 020 | .024 .24 8, 300 94, 618 707 17.32.221 x. 219 21.50 .215 x. 215 17.96.215 x . 217 14. 14.234 x. 235 53.96 54. 21 53.79 orer or 5, 050 104, 360 58.7. 5,000 108, 180 52.29 5, 300 113, 610 54.84 63. 41 7, 450 135, 470 51. 81| 11 C H co 5 I.291 x.292 | 2, 100 24, 714.012 .12 4,470 52, 605 1.056 21.12.195 x. 197 42.52 3,500 91, 122 46.98 CS co 5 295 x.297 3,800 | 43, 371 .016 .16 13 7,800 CS co 6 89, 025.905 2955 x. 2935 9.05 .228 x .228 59.33 3, 400 | 39, 202 015 6, 780 .15 130, 430 48.72 6, 740 77, 713 14 C S co 7 316 6.32 295 x.293 3, 300 43, 173 225 x. 227 58.89 .014 5, 950 .14 116, 510 50.45 6, 200 71, 114 15 CS co 8 710 .294 x.296 · 14. 20 218 x. 220 55.49 3, 40039, 069 .017 .17 5,350 111, 550 53. 23 7,750 89, 056 .865 8.65 .225 x. 2265 58.56 6, 750 132, 460 43.88 16 N co I 2895 x. 2925 2,200 25, 980 .013 .13 4, 050 47, 827 1. 427 28.56.158 x. 151 30.40 2,750 115, 300 54. 32 P B co 1 293 x.294 1,900 | 22, 056 .007? 4, 450❘ 51, 660 .710 14. 20 225 x.221 57.72 3, 600 72, 405 42.70 18 PB co 2 301 x.3035 3,200 | 35, 087 .016 .16 5, 640 61, 738 19 PB co 3 .783* 101 · P B co 4 299 x.300 .2977 x .2985 15.66.210 x .210 2,400 48. 27 26,745 .013 4,825 109, 410 56. 74 .13 5, 175 57, 692 834† 16.68 211 x. 211 50.34 6, 660 4,500 101, 080 46. 38 74, 862 .973 19. 46 244 x. 244 67. * Elongation taken from experiment No. 99. + Elongation taken from experiment No. 100. 20 No. of experiment. Material. On specimen. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. : TABLE 3.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture. [Length of specimens, 1 inch between clamps. For explanation of marks desiguating material, see pages 136 to 140, inclusive. Annealed at bright-red heat without oxida tion of surface. These specimens, from No. 20 to 87, were broken as quickly as consistent with accurate observation. The first strain given in each experiment is approxi- mately that at which the specimen began to stretch. Elongation was not taken.] Mark on specimen Elongation un- Elongation after Strain. Resilience. designating— der strain. release. Dimensions of cross-section. Strain per square inch. Lbs. m. s. 20 CS co 5. In. 4,000 In. 1 15 Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. .294 x.2965 6, 600 1 00 4,900 1 00 Broke 75, 713 60. 607 .178 x .178 36. 35 154, 652 21 CS co 6. 3,500 30 2935 x .295 6, 840 4 30 5, 500 20 Broke 78, 999 51. 170 .198 x .200 45.74 22 32 138, 888 C S co 7 2,500 30 .293 x.295 5, 200 4 30 4, 470 35 Broke 60, 160 48. 077 215 x .223 55.47 93.231 23 CS co 8. 3, 100 3 40 .294 x.296 7, 100 4 20 5,900 1 00 Broke 81, 028 43. 662 217 x.210 52.36 129, 471 24 CS co 5. 3,600 1 00 .295 x.2975 7, 100 5 45 5,750 1 05 Broke 80, 897 50. 704 .204 x .204 47.42 138, 168 25 CS co 6. 3, 400 3.00 .294 x.295 6, 460 5 00 5, 075 45 Broke 74, 484 52.632 .184 x .188 39.88 146, 710 26 CS co 7 2,800 1 30 5, 225' ► 293 x.294 6 00 60, 655 53. 589 Original. Under strain, (smallest place.) Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. 21 4, 400 50 Broke L 207 x .204 49 03 104, 210 :296 x.2925 .240 x .235 65. 14 89, 166 49.223 .299 .300 72, 463 49.230 .175 x .178 34.73 152, 487 .300 x.300 93, 333 42.857 .182 x .187 37.82 168, 948 .2985 x .300 52, 761 46. 561 .166 x .166 30.77 116, 860 .299 x.300 51, 114 43. 621 .142 x.142 22.48 141, 341 2985 x.2990 50,979 48.352 .150 x.152 25.55 127, 193 299 x.2985 51, 539 45. 652 .142 x .143 22.75 147, 739 305 x.2985 • 58,214 47. 170 .171 x.171 32.12 129, 954 .299 x.302 60.566 43.836 .160 x .161 28.53 149, 456 .296 x.296 67, 381 63.866 187 x.189 40.06 131, 567 .296 x.2955 67, 616 61.924 .192 x .193 39.71 134, 042 2925 x .2945 D 62, 455 57. 621 .196 x.198 45. 05 111, 317 27* CS co 8. 3,800 5 00 7, 720 6 35 Broke 28 H W có 4 3, 200 2 15 6,500 6 00 4, 750 2 00 Broke 29 H W có 4 3,600 5 00 8, 400 5 15 7, 200 4 35 5,750 Broke 30 H W co 5 2, 200 4,725 1 40 5 55 3, 200 50 Broke 31 H W co 5 2,000 +, 585 1 10 6 00 D 2, 850 2 00 Broke · . 32 HW co 6 2, 200 2 15 4, 550 3 45 2, 900 1 30 Broke 33 H W co 6 2, 100 1 10 4,600 4 30 3,000 1 25 Broke 34 HW co % 2,500 1 40 5, 300 4.00 3, 200 1 10 Broke 35 | H W có 7 Quinim 2,400 5, 475 1 30 4 35 3,850 1 20 Broke 36 CH co 1 S 3, 800 3 30 5, 900 4 30 5, 950 20 4, 650 1 10 Broke 37 C H co 1 S 3, 700 3.50 5,975 5 20 4,700 1 30 Broke 38 CH co 2 S 3, 100 3 00 5, 380 4 30 4,320 30 Broke * Broke too quickly to get parting strain 22 On specimen. Strain. Elongation un- der strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Time of application. TABLE 3.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Dimensions of cross-section. 1 Strain per square inch. Lbs. m. s. 3, 200 In. 2 30 In. Lbs. Lbs. 5, 775 6 00 . 2925 x . 2930 4, 550 1 15 Broke 67, 382 Per ct. 55. 411 • .199 x.199 46. 21 114, 896. 3,300 2 45 5,725 2 25 .296 x.294 475 40 Broke 65, 478 .193 x.193 42. 61 120, 137 57.642 3, 300 1 25 6,000 5 25 .2955 x .2935 5,000 1 00 Broke 69, 173 55.000 .209 x .209 50.36 112, 131 4,000 4 20 7,575 6 40 .2935 x .2955 6, 450 45 Broke 87, 341 52.805 • 215 x.218 54.04 4, 100 2.40 137, 657 8, 175 2.50 .2940 x .2955 • 7,400 15 Broke 94, 098 50. 153 .230 x .232 61. 42 138, 680 2, 200 3 15 +, 350 4 10 .2925 x .2925 4,900 45 3,900 15 Broke 57, 272 44. 898 .195 x.196 44.67 102, 040 2, 200 1 45 4, 470 3 25 .292 x.292 3, 600 50 Broke 52, 426 49.217 191 x.191 42.79 98, 684 2,000 4 15 .292 x.293 Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Of reduced area. Mark on specimen 46 N co I. experiment. designating- Material. No. of C H co 5 I. C H 5 45 44 | C H co 5 I.. 39 CH co 2 S. 43 CH co 4 S. CH 40 C H co 3 S. 42 CH co 4 S. 41 CH co 3 S. 23 4, 150 5 05 · 2, 800 1 05 Broke 48, 506 48. 193 47 N co I 2,000 4 35 4, 200 5 20 .294 x.2915 2,700 1 05 Broke 49, 007 47.619 .156 x.153 27.85 113, 122 48 P B co 1 1, 600 2 20 3,850 2975 x .299 5 45 2, 600* 30 Broke 43, 281 41.588 .216 x.218 53.05 59, 337 49 P B co 1 1,900 2 55 4, 525 5 25 Broke .298 x.2975 .247 x.247 68.82 51, 040 41.989 50 P B co 2 3, 200 3 30 6, 625 5 30 .3035 x. 3040 6,000 15 Broke 71, 803 48.302 • 230 x.233 58.08 111, 961 51 P B co 2 2,700 3 10 5, 570 4 45 303 x.3005 4,800 15 Broke 61, 174 48. 474 .213 x.213 49.85 105, 799 52 P B co 3 2,700 2 20 5, 570 4 30 .301 x.300 4, 950 25 Broke 61, 683 48.474 .220 x.220 55.97 3335 102, 272 PB co 3 3, 300 4 05 6, 450 .301 x.3005 5 00 6, 000 25 Broke 69,250 51. 163 • .233 x.237 108, 673 54 H W co 4 3,000 10 00 8, 550 10 00 Broke .305 x.295 36, 500 .2593 x .2484 104, 500 35.088 55 | H W có 4 H W 2,557 8, 675 305 x.295 7 00 Broke 32, 363 .2577 x .2513 53.75 106, 025 29.476 56 H W co 5. 1,300 4,750 .300 x.299 14, 492 3, 440 Broke 52, 954 27, 368 30.00 57 H W co 5 1, 435 4,675 4.00 .299 x.300 15, 997 3, 310 2 00 Broke 52, 118 30.695 . 1714 x. 170 32. 48 88 58 | H W có 6 11, 360 W 1,300 4, 930 6 30 .2995 x .2995 14, 492 3, 400* Broke 54, 960 26. 369 .174 x.181 35. 11 10, 796 59 H W co 6 1, 300 4,950 5 00 2995 x.2995 14, 492 3,700 2 00 Broke 55, 183 26. 263 .178 x.1835 14.57 * About. 11, 330 24 Strain. Elongation un- Elongation after der strain. release. On specimen. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original . length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 3.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture—Continued. Lbs. m. s. 1,300 6, 215 8.00 5, 400 30 Broke 1, 400 6, 170 4 15 5, 400 30 Brokel 1, 650 6, 400 4 15 5, 200 1 30 Broke 1,750 6, 475 4 30 .2955 x .2955 5, 100 Broke 1,700 6, 100 4 30 Broke 1, 400 6, 150 4 00 5, 150 1 00 Broke - 1, 350 6, 335 5 00 5, 450 1 30 Broke 1, 650 6, 250 4.00 5,500 1 00 Broke Original. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (smallest place.) Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Strain per square inch. Of reduced area. In. .300 x.3025 In. Lbs. Lbs. 14, 325 68, 484 Per ct. 20.917 .218 x.222 53.33 11, 134 .3025 x .300 15, 426 66, 887 22.690 2275 x.220 55. 15 110, 900 .2955 x.2955 18, 895 73, 293 25.781 · .2065 x. 2065 48.71 121, 944 20, 041 74, 152 27.027 .212 x.205 49.77 124, 254 .2915 x. 2925 19, 938 71, 542 27.869 .208 x.207 50.50 .2915 x. 2925. 16, 419 72, 129 22. 764 .208 x.210 51.23 117, 900 .293 x.296 15, 565 72, 542 21.310 210 x.211 51.09 122, 990 .293 x.296 18, 894 71, 569 26. 400 .210 x .215 51.70 12, 181 Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 67 C H co 3 S experiment. designating- Material. No. of 66 C H co 3 S. 65 C H co 2 S. 64 CH co 2 S 63 CH co 1 S 60 | H W có 7 62 C H co 1 S H W co 7 61 25 63 | C H co 4 S 1, 550 .2915 x .2975 8, 170 4 30 7,570 30 Broke 17,880 94, 209 18.972 .241 x .241 66. 97 13, 133 69 CH co 4 S 1, 650 8, 170 .2975 x .2915 4 15 19, 026 7, 620 45 Broke 94, 209 20. 196 .240 x .240 66. 42 13, 229 70 C H co 5 I. 700 .291 x.292 4, 450 3,600 4 15 45 Broke 8, 238 52, 370 15.730 190 x.190 42.48 99, 723 71 CH có 5I. 850 4, 490 .291 x.292. 3 15 3, 60J 45 Broke 10, 003 52, 940 12. 931 .187 x .1925 42.36 100, 000 72 C S co 5 1, 550 8, 100 .295 x.297 4 00 7, 650 30 Broke 17, 691 92, 449 19. 137 .243 x.248 70.20 124, 380 73 CS co 5. 1, 450 7, 650 3 00 .295 x.297 16, 549 6, 870 30 Broke 87, 313 19. 954 .235 x .227 60.89 128, 780 74 CS co 6. 1,600 7, 0.30 . 2955 x .2935 3 30 18, 469 6,660 15 Broke 81, 150 22.760 237 x .243 66.40 115, 640 75 CS co 6. 1, 650 4.00 2955 x .2935 7, 180 30 19, 046 6, 800 Broke 82, 881 22. 981 .236 x .249 67.76. 115, 710 7165 CS co 7 1,250 5,950 .295 x.293 3 00 14, 461 5, 450 45 Broke 68, 837 21.008 .233 x .230 62.00 101, 690 77 CS co 7. 1, 350 295 x.293 6, 000 3 30 15, 618 5, 430 30 Broke 69, 416 22.500 .226 x .231 60.40 104, 010 78 C S co 8 1, 400 .294 x.296 7, 600 4 00 15,976 Broke 86, 733 18. 421 .246 x .247 69.82 79 C S co 8 1, 450 .294 x.296 7,400 3 45 7, 180 30 Broke 16, 547 84, 565 19.595 248 x .250 71. 24 115, 800 80 N co I 750 4,350 5 00 .2895 x .2925 3, 100 45 Broke D 8, 857 51, 370 17. 241 251 x.252 74.70 49, 010 26 Strain. der strain. Elongation un- Elongation after Resilience. release. On specimen. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original area. TABLE 3.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Original. Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (small- est place.) Lbs. m. s. 750 In. .2895 x.2925 In. 4, 250 3,000 4 00 2 30 Broke Lbs. 8,857 50, 189 Lbs. Per ct. 17. 647 .160 x .160 30.23 117, 180 1, 350 .293 x.294 4, 560 3 45 15, 671 3, 010 1 00 Broke 52, 934 29.605 146 x.147 70.54 139, 597 1, 350 .293 x.294 4, 410 4 00 2,750 1 30 Broke 15, 671 51, 193 30.612 .143 x.135 66. 29 142, 450 1,400 .301 x.3035 6, 630 3 15 6, 050 1 00 Broke 15, 325 72, 585 21. 116 .235 x .235 60.45 10, 955 1,500 .301 x.3035 6, 620 3 15 6, 150 30 Broke 16, 419 72, 476 22.659 230 x.236 60.97 110, 420 1, 550 .299 x.300 6, 350 3 00 5,700 1 00 Broke 17, 279 70, 791 24. 409 236 x .236 62. 09 10, 234 1,600 .299 x.300 6, 580 4.00 6,000 1 30 Broke 17, 837 73, 355 24. 316 236 X.236 62.09 107, 720 Released, (smallest place. Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Strain per square inch. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark of specimen co 3 experiment. designating- Material. No. of PB 87 P B co 3 86 N co I 81 co 2. PB 82 PB co 1. 85 83 P B co 2 P B co 1 84 27 Number of experiment. Material. On specimen. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 4.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture. [For explanation of marks, see pages 136 to 140, inclusive. Annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper, without oxidation of surface.] Mark on specimen designating- Strain. after Elongation under Elongation strain. release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Strain per square inch. 89 D 1,500 1. 30 Lbs. m. S. In. In. .000 In. In. .000 000 3 45 .003 .06 .000 2, 400 5 00 .005 .1 000 600 800 3 00 006 • .12 GOO 8.00 .007 .14 000 3,000 8 00 .007 .14 000 3, 200 9 00 .008 .16 000 3, 400 16 45 . 099 1.98 .091 1.82 5, 800 7 30 In. In. In. .302 x.303 In. Lbs. L's. Per ct. .003 .06 .005 .1 006 .12 .007 .14 007 D .14 .008 .16 .008 .16 34, 972 37, 158 4, 650 45 Broke 63,387 55.172 .202 x.203 44. 81 90 113, 398 1,500 2 36 .002 .04 .000 1,700 4 20 .002 .04 003 .06 .302 x.302 .000 900 003 3 58 06 .005 .1 .000 2, 100 5 13 .005 .1 .005 .1 000 2,300 24 18 .005 .1 .007 .14 .002 .04 .005 .10 23, 025 5, 150 25, 218 4, 659 Broke 56, 455 44.660 200 x.280 45. 61 91 N co 1 S (a). 111, 995 2,700 6 37 .020 2 003 .03 7,500 .017 .17 .3085 x. 3042 6, 885 36 00 Broke 688 13. 76 28, 773 79, 925 36.000 92 N co 1 S (B) . .249 x.2524 66.97 109, 551 2, 400 7 45 .008 7, 030 6, 650 33 16 Broke .08.002 1. 442 ,02 .006 .06 .3085 x.3042 14. 42 25,573 74, 910 34. 139 2378 x.2517 63.77 111, 103 Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. 28 of experimentspecimenStrain. Elongation under Elongation after Resilience. strain. release. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 4.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. m. 8. In. In. .011 .11 In. In. In. In. In. In. .002 02.019 .09 .3035 x, 3032 38 00 Broke 1. 338 Lbs. 29, 341 82, 046 Lbs. Per ct. 35. 762 13. 38 .2462 x,2519 67.40 112, 666 5 46 .085 .85 .003 .03.082 .82 .3035 x.302 24 36 Broke 26, 181 1.802 18.02 .2038 x.2039 45, 34 75, 717 34.582 6 30.012 .12 .004 .04 .008 .08 .3032 x. 305 25, 952 25 02 Broke 75, 695 1. 489 14.89 34, 286 2488 x. 2398 64, 52 111. 125 5 27 .011 .11 .003 .3 .008 .08 .3004 x.3052 21 25 Broke 26, 177 79, 401 32.967 1, 333 15. 33 .245 x.252 67.34 110, 787 Original. Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (small- est place.) Released, (s mallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Strain per square inch. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 6, 840 . designating-- 7,280 Material. Number 2,400 . 1 S(F) 96 N co 6, 630 On 7,000 Lbs. 2, N co 1 S (c)... 2,700 93 400 co 1 S (E). 7,550 95 N 7, 100 6, 940 2,400 94 N co 1 S (D) 29 No. of experiment. Mark on specimen Strain. designating- Material. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. TABLE 5.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture. [Annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper, without oxidation. For explanation of marks, see pages 136 to 140 inclusive.] On specimen. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Strain per square inch. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Lbs. 111 H W co 5. m. s. In. In. 1, 500 1,700 3 41.003 .03 3 19 .003 2,000 5 30 .007 2, 100 7 50 .008 .08 2,400 18 07.008 .08 2, 600 10 20 .009 .09 8 27288 03 In. .000 000 In. In. .003 003 In. In. In. In. 07 .000 .007 .000 .008 .08 .000 .008 .08 88288 .03 .2987 x.2996 Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. 03 07 .001 26, 818 .01 4, 620 27 05 .008 .08 3,250 Broke 1. 042 20.84 112| H W có 6. 1,500 5 16 .002 1,700 4 45 .003 .03 .02.000 .000 29, 055 51, 625 56.27 • 173 x.173 33.44 108, 590 .002 .02.2990 x .2996 2,000 8 35 .003 .004 .04 .000 2, 100 4 15 .004 .006 06 .03 .01 .000 2,300 5 50 .006 .007 .07.002 . 06 02 005 .05 23, 442 4,860 19 32 25, 675 3,500 Broke 882 17. 64 54, 252 47.32 113| H W có 183 x.188 38.41 1,500 4 02 .004 104, 777 1, 700 4 14 .005 .04 .000 .05 .000 .004 .04.317 x.2994 1, 900 4 21 .005 .006 .05 06 .000 2, 100 4 20 .006 .006 .06 . 06 .000 2, 600 5 25.007 006 06 .07.000 .007 .07 2,700 6, 100 4 39 19 38 .008 08.002 .02 006 .06 5,400 Broke .704 14.08 27, 394 28, 448 64, 271 44.26 2278 x .2295 55.08 103, 289 30 On specimen. Strain. TABLE 5.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Elongation under Elongation after strain. release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Strain per square inch. Lbs. 1,500 m. S. In. In. In. .004 .08 In. .000 In. In. In. In. 1,700 .004 .08 .000 .004 08 .3027 x.3027 In. Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. 1,900 .005 .004 .08 .1 .000 2, 100 005 .1 007 .14 2,300 • .000 .007 .007 .14 .14 .000 .007 .14 2,500 008 .16 .003 25, 101 6, 075 .06 20 47 .008 .16 27, 284 4, 910 Broke 66, 301 41. 15 .204 x. 2074 46. 18 1,500 116, 049 .003 .06 .000 1, 700 . 003 .003 .06 .06.3034 x.3043 .000 1,900 .003 004 .08 .06 000 2, 100 004 .08 .004 .08 2,300 .000 .004 08 • .006 .12 .000 .006 · 12 2,500 .007 .14 002 24, 901 .04 5.850 24 00 .005 .10 26,970 4, 575 Broke 63,363 .199 x.200 42.73 43. 11 1,500 114, 949 004 .08 .000 1, 700 1, 900 004 .08 .004 .08 .3013 x. 3026 ,000 005 1 .004 .08 • .000 2, 100 005 6, 100 19 22 .007 Broke .10 .14 .002 .04 .005 .10 1. 115 22.30 4,900 1,500 1, 700 1, 900 2, 100 003 .06 • .000 .003 003 .06 .06.3033 x .3031 .000 .003 .06 004 .08 000 .004 .08 005 1 000 004 1 20,839 23, 032 273 x. 272 81.45 66, 905 2038 x. 203 45.38 82, 148 118,439 34. 42 Mark on specimen I experiment. designating- 117 No. of 116 L Material. U 115 114 J 31 2,300 .005 .1 .000 .005 .1 2,500 .006 .. 12 .002 .04 004 08 7:20 16 17 .979 19.58 4,530 Broke 118 X. • 25, 018 27, 194 .270 x. 270 62, 221 1988 x. 1988 42.99 78, 449 114, 621 43.70 1,500 .003 .06 .000 1,700 .004 .08 .000 1,900 .005 .1 .000 2, 100 .005 .1 .000 2,300 .008 .16 .004 .08 003 • .06 .302 x .303 004 08 005 I • .005. .1 -004 .08 5, 880 15 20 .668 13.36 4, 750 Broke 119 T 22, 949 25, 134 • 267 x .267 64, 258 209 x.209 47.73 82, 230 108, 742 39. 11 1,500 .003 .06 .000 1,700 .003 .06 .003 .3028 x.3028 .06 .000 1,900 .003 06 .003 .06 .000 2, 100 003 • 06 .005 10 000 2,300 .005 .10 .005 .10 000 . 005 .10 2,500 .005 .10 .000 2,700 .005 .10 .007 .14 .003 .06 6, 190 001 27, 157 10 02 .08 ..372 7.44 29, 331 5,000 Broke 275 x. 275 67, 245 258 x.283 120 AG 80, 528 68, 480 43. 61 1,500 .002 .04 .000 1, 700 .002 04 .005 .302 x.301 .10 .000 .005 1,900 .10 .005 .10 .000 005 2, 100 • .10 .007 .14 .002 .04 5, 690 005 11 20 .10 .476 9.52 4,500 Broke 121 AN 20, 901 23, 101 266 x.269 62, 594 .2026 x. 2053 45.76 79, 520 108, 189 36.90 1,500 .002 .04 .000 1, 700 .002 .04 .003 .06 .304 x.3045 .000 900 .003 06 • .004 .08 .000 2, 100 004 .08 .005 .10 .003 .06 6, 030 002 04 16 46 1. 1021 22.04 20, 525 22, 680 264 x. 266 4,800 Broke 65, 141 2078 x. 2065 46.36 122 A M 85, 866 111, 862 34. 82 1, 500 .002 .04 .000 1, 700 .002 .004 .08 .04.2988 x .2996 .000 900 .004 .08 .008 .16 .004 .08 925 004 14 21 • .08 19,497 1.087 21.74 21, 791 000 Broke 264 x. 265 . 2136 x. 2145 80.24 52.55 67, 954 123 A J 84, 688 109, 129 32.06 1, 500 1,700 .003 06 .000 .003 06 .003 .3033 x.3056 .06 000 1,900 003 .06 · .004 .08 .000 2, 100 004 08 .004 .08 .000 2,300 004 08 .005 .10 .000 005 .10 2,500 .007 .14 .002 .04 .005 .10 24, 814 26, 971 32 Strain. On specimen. TABLE 5.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Elongation under Elongation after strain. release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Lbs. m. s. In. In. In. 5,550 14 45 In. 1. 074 In. In. In. 4,330 21.48 Broke In. 269 x.269 In. Lbs. Lbs. 78.07 59,875 1,500 .004 .08 1963 x.201 42.58 .000 1, 700 .006 004 .08 76, 666 109, 741 Per ct. 45.04 . 12 303 x.3047 002 5, 470 .04 13 06 .004. .08 16, 247 1. 074 4, 160 21.48 Broke 270 x. 269 18, 413 59, 247 31.07 1,500 .003 .06 200 x.200 43.33 .000 1, 700 .003 .003 .06 .06 104, 000 302 x.3023 1,900 .000 .003 .06 004 08 000 2, 100 .004 .004 .08 .08 000 2,300 . 004 .004 .08 .08 000 .004 .08 2,500 .005 .1 .000 2,700 .005 .005 .1 .1 2,900 .000 .005 .1 .007 .14 .002 .04 5, 730 13 20 .005 .10 1. 158 23. 16 4, 740 Broke .266 x .270 29, 574 31,765 62, 697 2075 x. 2109 47.93 1,500 .002 .04 79, 782 50. 61 108, 313 .000 1,700 .002 .003 .06 .04 .3063 x.3031 1,900 .000 .003 . 06 004 .08 000 2, 100 • .004. 08 .005 ΟΙ 000 2, 300 005 01 005 .01 000 .005 . 01 2,500 .006 .12 000 2,700 006 • .12 .006 .12 000 2,900 .006 .007 .12 .14 .001 .02 680 1 22 14 .006 .12 .685 13. 70 8, 500 Brokel .280 x. 284 29, 082 31, 236 93, 494 2695 x.271 78.67 109, 154 116, 383 33. 41 4 Of original area. Strain per square inch. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 126 BA experiment. designating- Material. No. of 125 AP. 124 A E 33 127 B B. BB. 2,000 004 2, 200 .004 08 2,400 888888 08 .000 000 .004 08 2,600 .000 005 • 1 2.800 3,000 8,300 26 15 8,000 Broke .14 .006 .12 .007 .000 .000 .002 .04 004 .08 .004 .08 .004 .08 005 .1 • 006 .12 .005 .10 188880 3062 .3032 - - 30, 159 • 734 14.68 32, 313 280 x .286 86.26 89, 401 128 BD 103, 646 36. 14 2,000 .260 x .268 .002 75.05 .04 .000 114, 810 2,200 002 005 ..1 .04 • 3030 x.3010 000 2,400 006 005 .1 12 • .000 2,600 006 .12 .007 .14 .003 10, 250 .06 8 39 .004 .08 .517 10.34 9, 890 Broke 129 BE 2,000 .000 .000 26, 308 28.507 .285 x .285 89.06 112, 387 126, 192❘ 25.36 .283 x .2793 86.67 124, 996¹ 2,200 000 304 x.304 .000 2, 400 .000 .000 2, 600 • 000 000 2, 800 .000 .000 3,000 .000 .000 3, 200 .004 .08 .000 3, 400 .004 .004 03 .08 .000 3,600 006 .004 ..08 .12 .000 3, 200 .006 .006 .12 .12 .000 .006 . 12 4,000 .007 .14 .003 9, 950 .06 14 37 004 .08 .457 9, 675 9. 14 Broke 130 BF 2,000 .000 000 2,250 .000 .000 2, 400 2,600 290 x .296 106,600 115, 913 40. 20 • 3028 x .3025 .000 • 000 .000 .000 2, 800 .000 .000 3,000 .000 • .000 3,200. 040 .8 .040 7,500 .8 14 20 .000 .03 .431 6, 100 8. 61 Broke .976 286 x .290 19.52 32, 763 34,935 81, 880 131 B G. 2345 x. 2355 60. 29 2,000 90, 426 110,457 41.33 2,200 .000 000 .000 .3028 x . 3029 .000 2,400 .000 .000 2,600 .002 .04 2, 800 .000 - .002 .002 .01 .04 .000 .002 .04 3,000 .003 06 .000 3,200 003 .004 .06 .08 3, 400 .000 .004 .08 008 . 16 002 7,985 • 14 17 .04 .006 12 .804 7,450 16. 01 Broke 874 280 x.280 17.48 85.48 254 x. 254 34, 889 37, 070 87,060 70.34 101, 858 42.58 115, 475 3 F 34 On specimen. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 5.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Strain. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Lbs. m. s. 2,000 2, 200 2, 400 2,600 2, 800 In. In. .003 In. In. In. 06 .000 003 .06 .000 In. .003 .003 In. In. .06 In. .3058 x .3090 Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. 004 .06 .08 .000 .004 005 1 08 • 000 005 • 005 1 1 .000 005 3,000 3, 200 .006 .12 000 006 . 006 12 12 .000 3,400 006 .007 .12 .14 8, 670 .004 .08 9 03 .003 .06 .762 8, 275 15. 24 Broke 2,000 .003 .06 33, 868 35, 985 .281 x.288 85.65 91, 703 107, 132 39. 21 . 1903 x .1950 2,200 .000 .003 .003 .06 2, 400 .000 .06.3048 x . 3035 .003 004 08 .06 2,000 .000 .005 .004 .08 .1 2, 800 .000 .005 .1 .006 .12 .003 .06 .003 .06 7,880 7,400 694 13.88 Broke 2,000 .003 .06 .000 28, 106 30, 268 284 x .285 2538 x . 2573 87.50 70.48 85, 182 97, 356 113, 318 35.53 2, 200 .003 003 06 000 .06.3010 x. 3023 2,400 .003 004 06 08 .000 2, 600 004 • 005 08 .10 2,800 .000 006 .005 .10 • .12 .000 .006 • .12 3,000 006 .12 3, 200 .000 .006 007 .12 14 8, 650 .003 6 08 .06 .007 .14 32, 969 8, 425 605 12. 10 Broke .283 x. 280 35, 167 87.08 95, 062 2715 x .2693 80.35 107, 900 115, 229 36.99 Original. Under strain. (small- est place.) (smallest Released, place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Strain per square inch. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 134 B K experiment. designating- Material. No. of 133 BI 132 BH 35 32, 472 34, 637 • 285 x. 286 2623 x. 2814 88.23 81. 13 110, 190 124, 892 31.43 132, 340 24, 378 26, 700 .268 x .265 82.45 94, 616 2472 x. 2472 70.94 114, 756 126, 008 28.22 135] B M 2,000 2, 200 .001 .02 .000 .002 :04 .001 .02 .3036 x. 3043 .000 400 .002 .003 .04 .06 .000 2, 600 003 .06 • .004 .08 000 2, 800 .004 .004 .08 .08 000 004 :08 3,000 005 .1 000 3, 200 .005 .1 .006 12 002 .02 10, 180 6 41 006 .12 534 5.34 9,780 Broke 137 C Hco 4S 1,500 004 .04 .000 1, 700 004 04 005 05 000 2920 x .2950 1, 900 .005 .005 .05 .05 .000 2, 100 .005 .007 .05 .07 ,000 2,300 .007 008 .07 .08 002 .02 .006 .06 8, 150 15 21 1. 328 .571 13. 28 7,700 Broke 138 C F. CF 1,500 .002 02 .000 1,700 .002 .003 . 03 .000 .02 .2960 x .2970 1,900 .003 .004 .03 .04 .000 2, 100 .004 .004 .04 .04 000 2, 300 .004 .006 04 .06 .000 .006 .06 2,500 .008 .08 .000 2,700 .008 009 .08 09 .000 2,900 .010 .009 .09 1 000 3, 100 .010 .010 1 1 .000 3, 300 .010 010 .1 1 000 .010 1 3, 500 .011 .11 .000 3,700 .011 011 .11 11 000 3,900 4, 100 .012 .012 .011 11 . 12 000 .012 12 .12 .000 4,300 .012 . 162 .12 1. 62 .143 .716 1.43 .019 . 19 7, 190 8 38 1. 657 6, 800 16.57 Broke 139 CG 3,000 3, 200 .012 . 013 .12 .000 .012 13 000 . 12. 2958 x .2973 3, 400 3, 600 .014 .016 .013 . 13 .14 .001 .01 .013 .13 16 • .104 6,325 1.04 28 26 .012 . 12 1. 568 1. 187 15. 68 140 CH ww cr 5,800 Broke 3,000 .011 11 .000 3, 200 .012 .12 3, 400 .014 3, 600 3,800 014 14 .000 .14.000 .000 140 1.4 .011 11 .012 |. 2959 x .2968 .12 .014 .14 .014 125 14 1. 25 .015 15 46, 638 48, 912 266 x .267 80.79 81, 787 101, 236 58.41 2458 x .2445 68.36 113, 148 36, 387 38, 662 275 x .275 86.00 71, 922 83, 636 53.75 225 x .2288 58.54 112, 665 40, 991 43, 189 36 On specimen. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original lengt. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 5.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Strain. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. 11 32 Broke Lbs. m. s 7,000 6, 300 In. In. In. In. 1. 881 In. In. .825 18. 81 In. In. In. Lbs. 263 x .263 Lbs. 78.75 79, 705 2275 x .2275 58.93 3,000 .009 101, 201 121, 724 Per ct. 52.85 .09 .000 3,200 .010 .009 .1 .000 09.297 x .298 3,400 .010 .010 .1 .1 .000 3,600 .010 012 1 .12 000 3,700 012 .139 12 1.39 .124 1.24 .015 15 6, 760 12 10 6, 070 1.824 .788 18.24 40, 675 41, 805 Broke 266 x .267 2236 x .2255 80.25 56. 97 76, 377 3,000 .011 .11 3, 200 .011 11 3, 400 012 12 3,600 .012 .12 3, 800 .019 . 19 FI22: 95, 181 120, 384 53.69 .000 . 011 .000 .11 . 2982 x .2987 011 11 000 012 12 000 012 .009 .09 .010 . 12 .10 7,310 11 30 1. 824 .799 18. 24 40, 420 42, 665 6, 460) Broke 266 x. 266 2190 x.2176 79.44 53. 51 82,076 3,000 .009 103, 312 50. 61 135, 559 .09 .060 3, 200 .009 .009 09 09 2990 x.2975 .000 3,400 009 .010 09 .1 000 3,600 010 .010 • 1 .1 .000 3,800 .010 .010 .1 .1 000 010 • 1 4,000 .010 .1 .000 4, 200 .010 .010 1 1 000 4, 400 010 .012 1 .12 000 4, 600 .108 .012 .12 1.08 .091 8, 600 .91 017 10 35 .17 1. 420 .566 14.2 49, 464 51, 714 268 x .268 80.74 96, 680 119, 737 51. 74 Original. Under strain, (small- est place..) Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Strain per square inch. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 143 CK. experiment. designating- Material. No. of 142 C J. 141 CI 37 8, 025 Broke · 144 C F 2420 x.2403 3,000 65.37 .005 .05 000 138,000 200 .005 .005 .05 05 .000 2970 x.2964 400 .011 .005 05 11 000 3,600 3,800 .011 .011 .11 11 000 .011 .015 .11 .15 .000 .015 4,000 . 15 .079 .79 .063 7, 075 .63 .016 43, 166 11 15 . 16 2. 017 .955 6, 550 20. 17 Broke 268 x.265 45, 438 145 C G 2390 x.2410 cawww 3,000 80.68 65. 43 80, 369 009 09 99, 619 53.85 113, 717 000 3, 200 . 011 .009 09 11 000 2965 .2970 3, 400 .011 025 11 25 .014 6, 450 .14 20 05 .011 11 36, 338 5, 690 Broke 1.503 .970 15.03 277 x .275 38, 609 26.50 73, 244 146 CH 2205 x.2238 3,000 55.92 3, 200 .012 013 84, 674 115, 538 50. 07 .12 .000 .012 . 13 .12 .000 2967 x.2978 3, 300 .015 .15 3,500 . 016 ககக .013 .13 16 3, 700 026 .26 .003 .004 012 .03 .012 .12 .04 .012 .12 36, 216 37, 348 . 12 .014 .14 7, 100 19 14 1. 668 6, 350 Broke .781 16. 68 147 CI 3,000 .009 09 .000 273 x .274 2255 x.2246 84.65 67.51 80, 355 94, 917 125, 376 49.29 200 .010 .009 .09 1 .000 2970 x.2968 400 011 .010 .1 .11 000 3, 600 3,800 .011 012 .11 12 000 012 . 024 .12 .24 .011 .11 .013 6, 960 .13 9 16 1.665 6, 380 721 16.65 Broke · 148 C J 3,000 .010 .1 .000 40, 839 43, 108 255 x .255 2445 x.2433 73.77 67.48 78, 956 107, 035 53. 16 107, 250 3,200 .010 013 . 13 .000 .1 2985 x.2970 3, 400 .015 .013 .13 15 .000 500 .015 .015 .15 .15 000 600 .015 .015 .15 .15 .000 .015 . 15 3, 800 .045 .45 .030 7, 150 13 26 .3 .015 .15 12. 200 .994 6, 200 Broke 22.0 149 CK. 3,000 .009 .09 .000 40, 607 42, 863 272 x .270 .2406 x .2414 82.84 65. 51 80, 650 97, 358 51.74 106, 747 3, 200 .011 .009 09 11 .000 2967 x .2988 400 . 012 .011 .11 12 .000 3,600 .011 .012 .12 .14 .000 3,700 .014 .014 .14 .14 .000 .014 14 3,800 015 .15 000 4,000 .015 016 .15 16 000 .016 1996 38 On specimen. Strain. Elongation under Elongation after strain. release. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original bength. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 5.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Original. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (small- est place.) Lbs. m. s. In. In. In. In. 4, 200 In. .017 .17 .000 4, 400 .087 .017 .87 8, 100 .070 .418 .7 8 35 .017 1.235 12.35 7, 585 Broke 2,000 2 29 .003 2, 200 2 35 .003 2,400 3 07 .007 2,600 3 33 .009 .09 2,800 2 52 . 010 2358- 03 In. In. In. In. Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. .17 47, 375 .17 49, 631 263 x.260 77. 13 91, 366 .2396 x .2403 64.94 118,455 52. 58 131, 739 000 .003 .03 03 000 003 07 · .000 007 .07 .000 .009 .000 .010 .1 3,000 5 05 .008 08 .000 3, 200 3. 30 .009 .008 .08 09.000 3, 400 3,600 3, 800 3 03 4 29 11 45 .010 .009 09 1 88 -838& 2979 x. 2988 03 • 09 • 000 .011 .010 .1 II 000 .058 .58 .011 11 .000 .058 .58 6,000 6 40 230 2.3 .000 8, 400 5 17 230 2.3 8, 525 2.05 8,340 10 Broke 2,000 2.40 .009 .000 2, 200 09. 2 42 2, 400 .009 .000 09 95, 773- 43.40 .260 x. 260 75.94 123, 370 302 x.301 3 30 .009 2,600 .000 09 2 34 009 2,800 • .000 09 252 .011 000 .110 3,000 2 29 .013 000 • 3, 200 2 54 .130 .013 .000 130 3, 400 3 16 .015 3,600 002 4 08 .150 35, 202 .017 002 .17 • 37, 402 Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Strain per square inch. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 155 | H W có 9 experiment. designating- Material. No. of 154 H W co 9 39 3,800 3 43 6, 000 7 17 .019 .005 .19 . 230 .196 2.3 8, 400 3 12 8, 600 4,30 8, 250 24 Broke 771 . 15. 42 156 T co 3* 2,000 2 32 .006 .06 .000 2, 200 .006 3 36 .009 .09 .000 400 2 46 .009 .009 .09 .000 2,600 4 19 .009 010 1 .002 .02 2,800 3 56 .010 .008 08 .1 .002 .02 .008 08 22888 94, 607 2525 x. 2535 70.41 .06.300 300 x.3005 43.02 127, 326 26, 622 28, 840 3,000 3 34 012 . 12 . 004 .04 3, 200 008 4 07 014 08 .14 .004 .04 3, 400 4 33 020 .010 10 .2 010 .1 6, 000 8 00 .010 .242 .1 2. 42 .207 8, 340 2. 07 7 35 .035 .035 8, 500 2.30 8, 330 12 Broke 608 D 12. 16 157 T co 3* 2,000 94, 287 40.00 .299 x.2985 93, 331 3 15 .001 .01 ,000 2,200 3 34 .005 .001 .05 000 .01.2985 x .301 400 2 54 .005 008 .08 .000 · 05 2, 600 3 11 .008 008 .08 08 .000 2,800 • 2 38 .008 009 .09 .000 .08 . 009 .09 3,000 3 15 009 .09 .000 3, 200 3 46 .010 .009 09 1 .000 3, 400 6 30 010 .012 1 .12 .000 3, 6CO 7 08 .012 12 .054 .54 .036 .36 6, 000 13 00 .018 .18 .251 2.51 245 2.45 .006 .06 37, 841 40, 067 8, 280 2 47 8, 380 1 30 8, 360 07 Broke .503 10.06 93, 269 41.76 2708 x. 2723 82.07 158 A co 2 2,000 113, 373 2 19.007 .07 .000 2, 200 2,400 1 56 .007 .07 008 .08 .2988 x .2978 000 .008 1 54 .009 08 09 .000 600 2,800 3,000 1 36 1 40 2 41 .009 09 010 .100 000 .010 1 010 . 100 .000 .010 .1 .012 . 120 3, 200 3, 400 3,600 .000 3 37 012 .012 .12 .120 .000 .012 4 42 .012 .12 120 000 012 3 44 .12 014 140 .000 3, 800 4 44.015 .014 .14 . 150 .005 .05 .010 . 100 4,000 3 02 .018 180 .005 4, 200 .05 3 05 .013 . 019 .130 190 .005 4, 400' 20 05 05 .014 .064 .140 .640 .048 6,000 8 12 .48 .016 321 .160 3. 210 293 2.930 028 .280 * About. 1 40 On specimen. TABLE 5.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Strain. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. length. Percentage of original In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original leugth. length. Percentage of original Original. Lbs. Mt. S. In. In. In. In. In. In. 7, 950 7 18 In. In. In. 7, 330 Broke Lbs. 89, 344 'Lbs. Per ct. 52.83 .595 11.90 2396 x .2463 64.70 127, 320 2,000 3 02 .003 2,200 2 15 .001 • .03 .000 04 .000 003 03 2983 x.29x8 .004 .04 2,400 2 31 .005 .05 .000 005 05 600 4 35 .008 • .08 .004 .04 .004 • .01 2,800 2. 07 .008 08 .004 .04 .004 .04 3,000 2 16 .009 .09 .004 .04 005 3, 200 2.05 .05 .011 11 • .006 3, 400 2 16 .06 .005 .05 .012 12 .006 .06 006 06 3,600 3 28 .012 .12 007 .07 005 05 3, 800 5 38 .013 . 13 008 .08 .005 . 05 6,000 11 50 .300 3.00 .274 2. 740 .026 .26 8,000 3 39 8, 190 2 00 7, 456 42 Brokel 608 • 12. 16 91, 886 43.96 .2425 x. 242 65.53 126, 778 2,000 2 31 .005 .05 .000 .005 2, 200 .05 2 37 .007 . 2987 x. 298 07 • .000 007 2, 400 D .07 3 19 .007 07 • .000 .007 2, 600 .07 5 59 .008 08 .000 008 2,800 08 3 15 .009 09 .000 009 09 3, OCO 8.00 .011 .11 .000 .011 3, 200 11 34 52 .090 90 .078 .78 6, 925 .190 12 11 30 6, 375 Broke 1. 337 13.370 77, 798 44. 04 233 x.2375 115, 170 Strain per square inch. Mark on specimen 160 H W co 17 experiment. designating- Material. No. of A co 5 159 41 161, SPR 6. 2,000 2 40 .006 06 .000 2, 200 2 02 .008 D 006 .06 08 000 1.2987 x.2979 400 1 56 .010 008 • .08 ད- 1 .000 600 .010 800 2. 07 2 14 .1 D 010 .1 .000 .011 .010 .1 .11 .000 .011 .11 3,000 3, 200 3,400 2.09 2 37 .012 .12 .003 .013 .03 .009 13 .09 • 003 03 3, 600 3 16 2 44 .013 .010 10 13 .003 03 010 .014 .10 .14 003 3, 800 .03 .011 2 55 .016 .11 .16 .004 .04.012 12 4,000 22 56 .084 .84.065 8,000 .65 13 29 .019 19 7, 350 Broke 1. 672 .793 16. 72 89, 947 47.50 162 SPR 13. 239 x.242 64.91 2,000 2 25 .005 127, 080 .05 .000 2, 200 2 28 .010 .005 05 .1 000 297 x .298 400 2 22 .010 .010 1 .1 .000 600 010 2.00 010 .1 .1 .000 800 3 45 .012 .010 .1 .12 .000 012 • 12 3,000 3 05 013 .13 .004 3,200 1 44 .01 .009 .013 .09 . 13 .004 3, 400 8 52 .124 .04 009 · 1. 24 .09 .013 6, 625 .13 14 33 .011 11 · 5, 850 Broke 1. 929 .812 19. 29 163 SPR 19. 2,000 1 50 .005 74, 853 48.30 225 x .2268 57. 64 114, 638 .05 .000 2, 200 D 005 1 16 .006 · 06 .000 .05 400 006 1 39 .008 06 .08 .000 2,600 1 06 .008 .008 08 .08 .000 2, 800 1 35 .008 009 .08 09 000 009 • 09 53000 .298 x .298 3,000 1 56 .013 .13 .003 03 3, 200 2 29 .010 10 .014 .14 .005 3, 400 05 009 D 1 29 .015 09 . 15 .005 3,600 05 010 4 51 .016 10 · .16 .006 3, 800 06 '4 29 .016 .010 10 .16 .006 .06 .010 .10 4,000 6 52 .031 8, 025 12 32 .31 .015 .15 .016 .16 7, 350 Broke . 765 15.30 90, 367 164 SPR 22 2365 x .235 62.59 47.35 2,600 3.19 .009 130, 448 .09 .000 2,800 .009 2 25 . 011 .09 .11 .003 299 x.298 3,000 03 1 45 .011 .008 08 .11 .003 3, 200 03 008 2 19 .012 .08 12 .004 3.400 3 23 .013 .04 .008 08 .13 .004 .04 009 09 • 3,600 1 51. . 013 .13 .004 3,800 .04 .009 3 09 .014 .09 . 14 .004 4,000 10 00 .080 .04 010 10 • .8 7,860 .066 .66 10 32 .014 .14 7,350 Broke 641 12. 82 • 88, 213 48.35 2335 x.231 60.60 136, 266 42 On specimen. Strain. Elongation under Elongation after strain. release. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 5.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Original. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (small- est place.) 3 18 1 27 Lbs. 2, 600 800 m. s. In. In. In. In In. .012 In. In. .12 .002 .013 3,000 1 25 014 .13 .14 .005 004 .02 04 05 3, 200 1 13 .014 .14 .005 3, 400 1 57 .014 .14 .005 05 24!!! In. .010 .10 In. .299 x.299 Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. .009 .09 009 09 05 009 09 .009 .09 3, 600 1 26 .015 .15 .006 06 3, 800 .009 57 .018 .09 .18 .007 4,000 .07 1 51 .020 .011 .11 .2 .010 .1 8, 680 .010 8 10 .1 ► 8, 200 Broke .464 9.28 97, 091 .244 x.243 43.78 65. 14 1, 800 2 25 .004 .04 138, 300 .000 2,000 .004 2 15 .008 .04 .08.000 .3014 x .3015 2,200 2 30 .008 .008 .08 .08.000 400 .008 4 55 oro .08 .10 .000 2, 600 .010 3 25 10 .011 11.001 .01 010 10 2,800 4 05 .011 11 .002 3,000 02.009 5 00 .013 09 . 13 .004 3, 200 5 00 .020 .04 .009 09 20 .010 .10 5, 400 .010 9 25 .10 • 4, 475 18 Brokel 1. 054 10.54 59, 424 55.70 .195 x .195 41. 84 1,800 2 05 117, 685 .008 .08 000 2,000 2 25 008 .009 • .09 000 2, 200 2. 00 .009 08 .09 .3014 x .3014 009 2,400 3 10 .010 09 000 . 10 -- .009 09 2, 600 2 30.010 000 10.001 .010 10 .01 .009 09 2,800 3 00 .010 .10 001 3,000 3 30 .01 .009 .012 12 .001 .01 .011 .09 .11 Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Strain per square inch. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 171* 0 experiment. designating- Material. No. of 170 0- 165 SPR 27 43 3, 200 3,400 700 .013 14 10 .210 . 13 | .002 2.10 .02.011 .11 . 196 1.96 5, 360 .014 7 20 .14 4,325 35 Broke .905 59, 004 59.70 18. 10 .197 x .197 42.83 172 H W co 16. 2,400 111, 443 2 18 .006 .06 2, 600 2 45 .008 2,800 17 00 .093 .93 8889909 000 .000 .086 .86 6,000 .006 008 .007 7 15 .07 288 06 .299 x .2982 08 4, 625 45 Broke 813 16. 26 67, 293 45.00 185 x .180 37.81 173 | M co 2* 13, 888 2,400 2.00 .010 .10 .000 .010 2,600 .10 2 00 .010 .298 x .2986 10 .000 .010 2, 800 2 15 10 .011 11 .000 .011 3,000 .11 2 45 .011 11 000 .011 3, 200 .11 2.05 .012 12 .000 .012 12 3, 400 2 35 .012 .12 .000 .012 3,600 2.00 .12 .013 . 13 000 3,800 . 013 13 11 40 .249 2.49 228 2.28 .021 5,850 5 50 .21 4, 600 35 Broke .967 19.34 65, 817 63. 24 .199 x.199 44.37 174 M co 3* 2, 400 11, 616 1 53 .007 07 .000 .007 2,600 1 30 .07 .007 07 .000 2,800 .007 2 45 009 .07 09 000 .009 3,000 .09 1 45 . 012 .12 000 .012 3,200 12 2.40 .012 . 12 . OCO .012 .12 3, 400 2 00 012 .12 000 .012 3,600 12 2.00 .013 13 .000 .013 3,800 13 2.00 .013 . 13 .000 .013 4,000 1 55 .13 013 13 • .000 .013 4, 200 2 15 .13 .015 .15 000 .015 .15 G2B35 55822 299 x.2988 4, 400 9 30 020 .20 4, 600 7.40 139 1.39 386 006 .06 .014 .14 020 .20 8, 410 .019 9 35 .19 7,850 25 Broke .494 9.88 94, 123 51.83 240 x.240 66. 10 175 A co 5 136, 280 2,600 1 15 .010 .10 000 2,800 010 2 20 .10 .012 .299 x.299 12 000 .012 3,000 1 30 .12 .012 3, 200 1 15 .12 .000 .012 .12 .013 .13 .000 .013 3, 400 13 1 15 014 .14 000 .014 .14 3,600 2.30 .016 .16 .000 3,800 2.40 .016 .16 016 16 • 000 .016 000 7 30 .16 .016 .16 000 • 016 4, 200 8 40 • .16 018 18 000 4,400 5 15 018 .18 .000 .018 .018 .18 .18 * Cut at the end of torsional specimen No. 848, and annealed with it. • 44 On specimen. Strain. Elongation under Elongation after strain. release. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 5.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Original. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (small- est place.) 4, 600 4,800 Lbs. m. s. 4 00 In. In. .018 In. In. .18 .000 2 15 .018 .019 .19 000 *5, 000 11 55 019 224 In. In. .18 19 In. In. In. Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. 2. 24 201 2. 01 7, 510 5 05 023 23 6, 350 26 Broke .529 10.58 84, 339 64.32 .2183 x. 2183 53.30 2,400 2 15 .008 133, 250 2,600 .08 .000 1 00 .008 .010 08 10 000 2979 x .2988 2,800 1 30 .010 .010 10 10 .000 3,000 010 2. 00 .011 • 10 .11 .000 3, 200 3 05 .011 .014 .11 .14 .000 .014 14 3, 400 3,600 2.00 .014 .14 .000 2.30 .014 .014 .14 .14 .000 3,800 3 55 .014 .014 .14 .14 .000 †4, 000 51 30 .014 .238 .14 2.38 221 6, 150 2. 21 7 00 .017 .17 4,810 18 Broke .910 67, 968 18. 20 62.92 3,000 .195 x.197 42.08 2.30 .011 125, 210 .11 .000 3, 400 1 30 .011 .013 .11 .13 .000 2985 x .299 3, 600 3.00 .014 .013 .13 .14 000 3,800 014 2 30 .015 .14 .15 000 4,000 3 35 .015 . 016 .15 .16 .000 016 .16 4, 200 2 45 016 .16 000 4, 400 2 15 .016 • .018 .16 .18 000 4, 600 4, 800 3 30 .018 3 35 .018 .18 .000 .018 .18 .018 .18 .18 .000 5,000 7 45 197 018 .18 1.97 175 1.75 022 22 Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Strain per square inch. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 177 A co 18 . experiment. designating- Material. No. of 176 A co 8 45 7,525 6 50 6, 510 20 Broke 1.507 15. 07 843, 123 65. 11 178 A co 25 * 223 x.228 56.97 2,400 1 30 .010 128, 038 .10 000 2, 600 1 33 .010 .010 .10 .10 .000 2975 x. 2992 2,800 1 15.011 .010 10 .11 .000 3,000 3.00 .011 .011 .11 .11 .000 3, 200 2 40.012 .011 .11 .12 000 .012 .12 3, 400 1 40 .014 .14 .000 3, 600 .014 2 45 014 .14 .14 000 3, 800 .014 3.00 .014 .14 .14 000 4, 000 . 014 2.30 .015 .14 . 15 000 4, 200 14 00 .015 .227 .15 2.27 .210 2.10 .017 .17 6,375 5 00 5, 250 21 Broke .608 12. 16 71, 620 179 A co 39 * .208 x.214 50.01 3,000 1 35 .010 .10 .000 117, 945 64. 31 3, 200 .010 1 15 .010 .10 10 .000 2995 x.2985 3,400 .010 1 30 .012 .10 .12 .000 3, 600 .012 1 10 .013 .12 .13 000 3,800 1 30 .013 014 .13 .14 000 .014 .14 4,000 3 15 .016 .16 .000 4, 200 3.00 016 .016 .16 .16 000 4, 400 2 43.017 .016 .16 .17 000 4, 600 2.30 .018 .017 .17 .18 000 4,800 3 30 .018 .018 .18 .18 .000 .018 .18 5,000 27 20 .094 .94 .074 7,990 .74 5 25 .020 .20 6, 900 18 Broke .656 13. 12 89, 373 61.32 180 SPR 31 *. .227 x.227 2,200 57.64 1 45.007 .07 .000 133, 905 2, 600 1 50 .007 .007 .07 .07 .000 289 x.2985 2,800 2.40 .007 .008 .07 .08 .000 3,000 .008 2 00 009 08 09 000 3,200 31 00.081 .009 .09 .81 .070 .70 .011 .11 6, 405 6 00 5,075 33 Broke .700 14.00 74, 246 181 BS co 4 .196 x.195 48. 40 120GT 1, 800 44. 19 1 30 .004 .04 .000 13, 278 2,000 2 35 .008 .004 .08 .04 .000 2985 x.2963 2, 200 3 45 .008 008 .08 .08 000 2, 400 4, 530 .46 10 .167 7 00 008 .08 1.67 156 1.56.011 0.11 3, 390 28 Broke 1.038 20.76 * Extension was very slow under this strain for about two minutes, then became quicker, finally ceasing at the extent noted. + Entension, after nearly ceasing at this strain, increased in rapidity, ceasing finally at extent noted. .185 x .185 51, 803 50.77 39. 14 99, 050 € 46 No. of experiment. Material. On specimen. Mark on specimen designating- Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 5.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continue Strain. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. 182 BS co 5* 1 45 Lbs. 2.000 M. S. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. .006 .06.000 In. .006 .06 200 .2982 x .2988 Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. 1 33 008 .08.000 .008 2,400 .08 2 00 008 .08.000 .008 .08 600 800 1 25 008 .08.000 .008 · .08 2.00 008 .08.000 .008 .08 3,000 2.00 009 .09 .000 .009 09 3, 200 1 45 009 .09 .000 .009 09 3, 400 2.45 .011 11 000 .011 . 11 3, 600 6 30 155 1.55 . 139 1.39 .016 0.16 6, 375 4 35 P.S. lost 54.90 Broke .697 13. 94 .224 x .224 183 BS co 6. 2,400 1 30 2,600 24 40 .009 162 09 000 1. 62.149 • 009 1.49 .013 .09 0.13 2955 x.297 4,950 7 28 4,000 15 Broke 1.077 21. 54 56, 394 49.49 200 x.201 45. 81 99, 502 210 From ch'ge 900 3,000 1 50 009 .09 000 009 3, 200 • 3.10 010 10 .005 .05 .005 . 05 3, 400 7 15 .024 24 .015 .15 009 09 858 09 3008 x.2985 7, 365 6 50 6, 740 10 Broke 1.843 808 18.43 81, 998 43. 45 215 | A co 85* 3,000 3 00 .011 . 11 .001 3,200 2.45 .015 15 .004 .04 .01 .010 .011 .10.2978 x .3006 .11 7,950 11 20 8, 185 2 45 7, 400 10 Broke 724 1. 375 7.24 .525 13.75 82, 113 36. 65 2455 x.2473 87.37 82, 113 216 A co 91* 2, 600 3 30 .011 .11 .001 .01 .010 .10 1.2983 x .3016 Original. Under strain, (smallest place.) Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Strain per square inch. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. 47 • 2,800 2 00 .014 14.003 .03 .011 3,000 .11 3 30 .014 .14 .003 03 3, 200 .011 3 00 .015 .15 .003 3, 400 03 .012 . 11 12 • 3.30 016 .16 ..003 03.013 . 13 3, 600 3 00 .016 .16 3,800 2.00 .017 .17 .004 4,000 .04 .013 .13 · 2.00 .019 19 .004 .04 4, 200 .015 2.00 .020 . 15 20 004 4, 400 .04 .016 2 15 .020 .16 .20 .004 .04 016 .16 4, 600 2.00 .022 .22 .004 .04 4,800 .018 15 00 .074 .18 .74 056 .56 8,000 .018 4 00 .18 .887 8, 200 8.87 1 45 7,500 20 Broke 1.425 605 14.25 91, 144 2437 x .2455 66. 50 217 A co 138 ✶ 2,500 125, 358 53. 66 3 00 .010 2,800 3 15 .010 .10 .000 .010 11 2975 x.2985 .10 000 3,000 .010 4 00 10 010 .10 .000 3,400 2.00 .010 .015 .10 .15 .000 3,600 .015 2.30 .015 .15 .15 .000 .015 .15 3, 800 2 30.015 .15 .000 4,000 3. 00 .015 . 015 .15 .15 .000 .015 4, 200 3. 20 .016 . 15 . 16 .000 4, 400 .016 9 30 .222 .16 2.22 . 199 1.99 6, 450 .023 4.00 1.23 892 8.92 6,700 5 30 1.799 17.99 5, 600 25 Broke 1. 864 850 18. 64 75, 201 63. 43 2217 x .222 53.76 218 A co 144 * 2,500 11, 769 2.30 .007 07 .000 2,800 .007 2 30 .007 .07 07 .2991 x.301 .000 3,000 .007 1 30 009 .07 09 .000 3, 200 2.00 .009 . 010 .09 10 000 400 .010 2 30 .013 .10 .13.000 . 013 13 3, 600 2.00 .013 .13 .000 3, 800 .013 2 30 .015 .13 .15 000 000 .015 2 30 .015 15 .15 .000 4, 200 .015 3 30 .15 017 .17 .000 4, 400 .017 26 00 .17 . 198 1.98 .180 1.8 .018 .18 6, 500 3.00 .764 6, 750 7.64 4 00 1.607 6, 820 16. 07 30 5, 900 15 Broke 1.750 7790 17.50 75,753 62. 31 219 A co 85 * .2655 x .2257 56.78 2, 600 2. 30 .011 2,800 11 .000 98,459 .011 2 00❘ .011 .11 11 000 .298 x.3004 3,000 .011 1 30 .012 .11 12 000 3, 200 .012 1 45 .013 .12 .13 .000 400 . 013 1 45 13 013 .13 000 .013 .13 48 On specimen. Strain. TABLE 5.-TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Elongation under Elongation after strain. release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Strain per square inch. Lbs. 3, 600 m. S. In. In. 1 30 .013 .13 In. .000 In. In. In. In. In. In. 3, 800 .013 2.30 .13 Lbs. Lbs. .015 Per ct. .15 000 .015 4,000 .15 2.00 017 .17 000 .017 4, 200 2.00 .17 . 017 .17 000 4, 400 2.00 .017 .017 17 .17 .000 . 017 17 4, 600 3.00 .018 .18 .000 .018 4,800 7 00 .028 18 .28 010 .1 8, 200 .018 11 00 .18 .892 8.92 8, 350 7, 900 2 15 15 Broke 1. 380 .533 13.80 2,600 3, 400 2.00 93, 276 55. 69 • 2509 x.252 70.63 124, 950 1 30 .007 .013 .07 .000 .007 .07 . 13 298 x. 3005 .000 4,000 .013 2 45 .13 .016 .16 .000 .016 4, 400 1 50 .16 018 .18 000 4,600 .018 8 00❘.020 .18 .20 001 : 01 .019 .19 4,800 7 45 .120 1.20 .100 1.00 8, 540 .020 7 00 .20 .995 9.95 8, 575 1 20 8, 200 10 Broke 1. 348.5995 13.48 95, 758 53.64 2572 x .2547 73. 16 125, 170 Of original area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Of reduced area. Mark on specimen Material. experiment. designating— No. of HL 220 A co 85* 49 No. of experiment. Material. On specimen. Mark on specimen designating- Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original léngth. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 5 BIS.—TENSILE TESTS of cylindric steel wires drawn from imported steel and furninhed by the Cary Wire Works. [Annealed at a heat between the melting-point of bronze and copper.] Strain. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Diameter. Strain per square inch. Lbs. 150 CW co 1 700 800 005 900 1,000 2.00 .0075 2.30 .009 m. s. In. In. .0035 In. .035 .000 .05 .000 .075.000 in. .005 In. 0035 In. .035 .05 In. . 1912 In. In. Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. .0075 .075 09 .000 1, 100 *2 30 .009 .09 010 1 .000 1, 200 *2 30 .011 .010 .1 .11 .000 .011 11 1, 300 60 00.174 41, 772 1.74 .158 1.58 2, 210 .016 9 30 Broke .16 1.657 16.57 45, 253 . 1376 151 CW co 2 76, 931 57.46 700 2.30 .005 .05.000 .005 800 2.00 .007 .05 . 1912 .07 .000 900 3 00 .007 07 .010 1 .000 1,000 010 .1 2.00 .011 .11 .000 011 1, 100 *2 30 11 012 .12 .000 1, 200 .012 *2 30 12 .013 .13 .000 .013 .13 1,300 2 45 013 .13.000 1, 400 .013 11 00 017 . 13 .17 .001 .01 1, 500 016 4 30.080 16 .8 .057 .57 3, 050 023 45, 316 48, 802 4 00 Broke 23 1. 112 528 11. 12 1672 152 C W co 1 106, 319 47.54 700 3 16 007 .07 .000 800 3 17 .007 .07 009 09 .000 900 009 3 10 .009 • .09 .000 1,000 009 3 41 .010 882 .1915 09 09 .1 .000 1, 100 010 4 24 1 .013 .13 .001 .01 .012 .12 1,200 3 25 .013 34, 495 37, 945 .13 .001 .01 1,300 8 54 .012 218 2. 18 . 12 206 2.06 012 . 12 Original. Under strain, (small- est place.) Released, (s mallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. 4 F 50 On specimen. TABLE 5 BIS.—TENSILE TESTS of cylindric steel wires drawn from imported steel, &c.—Continued. • Strain. Elongation under Elongation after strain. release. Resilience. Diameter. Strain per square inch. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Pe Percentage of original length. 2, 060 1,860 Lbs. موم مرمر 20 ૩૦. 800 700 m. s. In. 7 00 Broke 2804 105 • . In. D | · • D • • • .012 .12 .013 13 .103 1.03 4 17 Broke D In. In. 1. 646 .490 16. 46 ៖៖៖៖៖ ៩៩៩មី · • 479 84 12. 61 1 .019 • + . · 1 · • • · In. In. · 19 • D C · U D D · 1 1 .1919 • • Original. Under strain, (small- est place.) Released, (smallest) place. In. In. In. .1333 · • " • 1 • . D • . 1612 U 1 • 1 • • • 3 • U • 1 • • • Percentage of original area. • [] • # 1 96, 761 48, 380 44, 925 • Of original area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Of reduced area. Lbs. 71, 061 Lbs. • • U 1 . • U D J 1 · 1 • 48. 21 1 D Per ct. 59.70 • • D " Mark on specimen designating™ experiment. 153 C W co 2 Material. No. of 51 No. of experiment. 184 CK. Material. Mark on specimen designating- On specimen. Strain. Elongation under Elongation after Resilience. strain, release. TABLE 6.—TENSILE TESTS of specimens formed of gun-wires united with a bronze composed of five parts of copper to one of tin. [For arrangement of wires, see Plate 3, Figs. 2 and 3.] Time of application. In 1.7 inches of original length. In 2 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 1.7 inches of original length. In 2 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 1.7 inches of original length. In 2 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. Original. 3.00 Lbs. m. s. 10,000 5 00 10, 500 In. In. .05 In. In. .001 In. In. .000 In. In. .001 .05 .001 000 11,000 2.00 • .001 .05 .001 11, 500 000 1 20 .001 .05 .001 .05 12,000 000 1 30 • .001 .05 .000 12, 500 2 10 .001 .05 13, 000 2 00 000 .001 .05 13, 500 1 45 .000 .001 .05 14,000 2.00 .000 .001 .05 .001 .05 .001 .05 .001 .05 .001 .05 .001 14, 500 2.00 000 .001 .05 .001 000 001 15,000 2.00 • .05 .001 .05 15, 500 1 30 000 .001 .05 .001 .05 16, 000 000 1 30 .001 05 .001 000 .05 16,500 1 30 • .001 .05 .001 .05 000 17,000 1 30 · .001 .05 .001 05 000 · 17, 500 .001 .05 2.00 .001 .05 18, 000 2 00 .000 .001 .05 001 05 18, 500 000 2.00 .001 .05 .001 19, 000 2.00 000 .001 .05 .001 05 19, 500 2 30 .000 .001 .05 .001 05 000 20,000 .001 .05 1 30 .001 .05 20, 500 2. 00 .000 .001 .05 .001 05 21, 000 1 30 000 .001 .05 .001 .05 21, 500 1 30 000 .001 .05 .001 22,000 2.00 .000 .001 .05 .001 .05 .000 22, 500 .001 .05 AAARA AAAAA AAAAA AAGAA AAAAA .05 In. .798 05 05 05 O 2.00 .001 .05 .000 .001 .05 Under strain, (small- est place.) Diameter. Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Lbs. Of original area. Strain per square inch. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Lbs. Per ct. 52 On specimen. Time of application. In 1.7 inches of original length. In 2 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 1.7 inches of original length. In 2 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 1.7 inches of original length. In 2 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. Strain. TABLE 6.—TENSILE TESTS of specimens formed of gun-wires united with bronze-Continued. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Diamoter. Strain per square inch. Lbs. m. s. In. In. 23, 000 1 30 001 .05 In. In. .000 In. In. In. In. In. 23,500 .001 .05 1 30 Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. .001 .05 000 001 24,000 05 2 00 .001 .05 .000 24, 500 .001 .05 1 30 .001 .05 000 .001 .05 25,000 3 30 .015 .75 .009 .45 47, 650 .006 .30 Broke .311 15. 55 . 739 and . 752 95, 273 16, 000 52.46 5 00 .000 000 • 17,000 .000 3.00 .7973 ,000 000 000 18, 000 9 00 .025 1.25 022 1.10 32, 640 .003 .15 7 20 28, 400 1 00 Broke .590 29.50 65, 375 53. 61 14, 200 4 30 .024 1. 20 0235 1. 173 25, 100 6 30 0005 .045 .7975 21, 300 2.05 Broke .700 35.00 50, 248 51.79 12, 250 6 20 .017 .85 016 24, 400 .80 217 .05 3 45 .798 8, 150 2. 00 Broke .717 35.85 48, 786 49.79 18, 000 6 00 .009 .45 .006 .30 18, 500 .003 .15 4 00 7975 .011 .55 19, 500 6 00 .013 .011 55 .65 20, 000 .013 .65 3 00 .015 .75 .013 .65 45, 875 .002 .10 5 20 196 9.80 .196 9.80 24, 000 91, 838 39.23 .176 24, 800 8.80 .796 41, 000 5 30 53, 600 55.68 748 and. 751 107, 710 Original. Under strain, (small- est place.) Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 900, (Trenton.) experiment. designating- Material. No. of 211 From charge 188 C Sco 5 197 Nco I.. 186 C Hco 5 I 185 CL. 53 • 108, 955 91. 31 .6345 10, 148 60. 20 533 212 | A co 86*. 20, 000 000 • .000 25, 000 000 .815 C00 28,000 000 .000 30, 000 .000 000 32,000 001 • .05 .000 .001 .05 34,000 .001 .05 .000 37,000 39, 000 .002 .10 .001 .05 .000 .002 .10 003 .15 40, 000 .000 .003 .15 .003 .15 .000 43,000 2 40 .-003 .15 0045 2.25 .000 0045 225 45,000 2 55 .005 .25 .000 40,000 .005 .25 .000 47, 000 .000 48, 000 3 40 009 .45 .000 50, 000 .009 .45 .009 .45 .000 009 .45 52, 000 .010 50 .000 55,000 3 55 .010 .014 .50 .70 .006 .30 56, 840 .008 40 Broke .009 .45 213 A co 85 * 17,000 5 00 001 • .05 .000 20,000 001 2 50 .05 000 20, 500 3. 30 020 1.00 015 .75 25, 000 005 4 00 .25 .040 2.00 33, 570 4.00 . 125 6.75 214 A co 86 * 12, 000 2 30 .004 13, 000 2.00 .004 14,000 2.00 .004 .20 15,000 2.00 .005 16, 000 2.00 005 25 17, 000 2.00 .005 25 18, 000 2.00 007 35 19,000 2.00 008 40 20,000 2.30 .009 .45 **CY & NUNN NO .035 1.75 .005 1.25 125 6.75 20 .000 004 .20 20 .000 .004 20 25 .000 .000 .005 .25 .000 005 • .000 .005 .25 .000 .007 35 .000 008 40 .002 20,000 .10 2 20 .014 .007 35 .70 .004 .20 .010 .50 UUAWN NN; UN JAMI.& . 649 29, 100 1 50 Broke .073 3.65 221 N co I 3,000 2.00 000 4,000 2.00 .000 .566 and .567 · 4, 500 2 30 .000 5, 000 3.00 .004 5,500 3 30 .005 23 .000 .44 .000 .004 23 .005 .44 6, 000 4.00 .005 .44 .000 6,500 .005 1 50 005 44 .44 000 7,000 • 5 00 .005 024 44 7,500 3 25 .031 1. 41 1.82 015 • ..88 009 53 .026 11, 750 1.52 5 10 .005 30 6, 100 1 15 Broke 436 • 25.63 • .525 130, 421 • . 67.01 • . 466, 176 57.87 354, 585 464 and. 472 54: specimenTime of application. Strain. Elongation under Elongation after Resilience. strain. release. TABLE 6.—TENSILE TESTS of specimens formed of gun-wires united with bronze-Continued. m. Sr 2.00 In. In. In. In. 002 .11 .000 3.00 .002 In. .002 In. In. In. 11 .000 .11 . In. .796 2 00 .002 .002 11 .11 000 2.30 002 002 .11 .11 000 2 30.002 .002 11 000 .11 .002 2.00 .002 · li .11 000 200 002 .002 11 .11 000 2.00 002 .002 11 .11 000 200 .002 002 11 • .000 .11 2.00 .002 .002 11 .11 000 .002 • 2.00 .002 .Il 11 • .000 2.00 .002 .002 11 .000 .11 2.00 .002 002 .11 11 000 · 3 30 .006 .002 33 .002 .11 3.00 11 .008 .004 .44 .004 22 . 22 .004 · 22 3 30 .010 .55 006 3 30 .012 .33 .004 .66 008 22 7 20 .44 .004 097 .22 5.38 Original. Under strain, (small- est place.) 50, 237 90, 720 52. 01 Diameter. Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Strain per square inch. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. Mark on specimen 42, 300 experiment. designating- 25, 000 Material. No. of 24, 000 . 23, 000 22, 000 21, 000 On 20,000 Lbs. 10,000 222 From charge 19, 000 900, (Trenton.) 10, 500 18, 000 17,000 11, 000 16, 000 12, 000 15,000 13, 000 14,000 55 No. of experiment. Mark on specimen Strain. designating- Elongation under strain. TABLE 7.-TENSILE TESTS of turned specimens of Bessemer steel, from the works of John A. Griswold & Co., annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper, without oxidation of surface. Material. Elongation after release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross- Strain per square section. inch. with highest strain. Remarks. Per ct. For the form of these specimens, seo Plate 3, Fig. 1. Lbs. 201 BES. 1 6, 000 10, 620 m. s. 4 20 In. In. In. In. In. In. Began .000 4 50 .310 15.50 .000 .310 15.50 9, 600 In. In. In. .396 .351 Lbs. Lbs. 1 18 86, 146 56.5) .380 19.00 .312 202 BES. 3 125, 570 6, 500 3 20 Began .000 11, 000 .399 7 30 .38919.45 .000 389 19. 15 356 9, 740 1 45 87,975 59.09 500 25.00 .305 203 BES. 4 133, 310 6, 400 3.00 Began .000 393 11, 100 6 30 .324 16. 20 .000 324 16. 20 .358 9,425 2 30 .474 23.70 91, 506 57.66 .287 204 BES. 5 145, 690 *7, 500 4.00 Began .000 .399 12,800 6 10 .348 17.40 000 .348 17.40 11, 685 .360 2.10 .432 21.60 10, 237 58.59 .321 205 BES. 6 144, 390 6, 200 3 20 Began .000 398 11, 435 5 18 341 17. 05 .000 .341 17.05 10, 050 .359 2 20 91, 914 54.22 469 23. 45 304 206 BES. 7 138, 460 6, 180 2 00 Began 000 11, 125 .398 4 05 .325 16.25 000 .325 16.25 10, 025 355 1 10 • 409 20.45 89, 422 55.55 .311 207 BES. 8 131, 970 6, 100 2. 00 Began 000 .398 9, 490 4 20 .394 19.70 .000 .394 19. 70 349 7,950 1 55 .195 76, 280 64.28 24.75 .282 208 BES. 12 127, 210 6, 125 2.00 Bega n .000 .391 10, 575 4 22 .394 19.70 .000 .394 19. 70 9, 050 .351 3 05 88, 072 57.93 .516 25.80 . 295 209 BES. 16 132, 400 6, 440 2.30 Began .000 11, 470 .398 5 50 39319, 65 000 D 394 19. 65 10,000 354 1 35 92, 195 56. 15 492 24.60 303 139, 670 56 TABLE 8.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture. [For explanation of marks, see pages 136 to 140, inclusive.] Strain. strain. Elongation under Elongation after releaso. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Strain per square inch. pared with highest strain. Lbs. m. S. In. In. In. 3,000 In. 2.40 In. In. .004 .08 3, 400 .000 2 00 .004 007 .08 14 In. .2964 x.2973 In. In. Lbs. Lbs. Fer ct. 3, 600 .000 2 35 .008 007 .14 .16 .000 3, 800 2 00 .008 .008 .16 D .16 4,000 000 2 05 .008 010 .16 20 000 · .010 20 4, 200 9 30 0671.34 7,885 .057 8 50 1. 14 .010 .20 7,030 15 Broke. .414 1. 041 20.82 89, 481 .2303 x .2305 52.00 3,000 2 25 .005 10 132, 430 3, 200 .000 1 30 .005 006 .10 12 .3019 x.3004 000 3, 400 1 20 .007 006 .12 .14 3, 600 000 2.00 008 .007 .14 .16 3, 800 3 05 .000 .014 .008 .16 28 .003 .16 .006 .12 4,000 7 40 .060 1.20 7, 650 .050 1.00 6 00 .010 .20 7,000 20 Broke .404 .943 18.86 84, 352 45.75 2305 x .2336 2, 600 2. 05 .004 .08 130, 003 2,800 .000 2 20 .005 .10 .004 .08 3,000 .000 ..2992 .3009 3 00 005 .007 .14 .10 3, 200 ,000 2 30 008 .16 .007 .14 3, 400 000 2. 00 008 16 008 .16 000 .008 3, 600 . 16 2 05 008 16 3,800 .000 2. 00 .013 .008 .16 26 4,000 .006 6 00 .12 .007 071 1. 42 .11 .061 1. 22 .010 20 Mark on speci- men designat- ing- . 191 SPR 42* SPR 43*. 192 SPR 58 * 193 58* 57 7, 550 6 00 6, 975 20 Broke .361 .900 18.00 • 194 SPR 47*. 3,000 83, 861 48.34 • 232 x .2315 127, 123 2.00 .006 .12 .000 3,200 2 40 006 .12 007 .14 3,400 .000 .297 x.2981 2 50 007 .14 007 .14 .000 600 2 35 .007 .14 007 .11 000 3,800 007 1 45 .14 007 .14 .000 007 .14 4,000 2 40 .008 .16 000 4, 200 6 00 .020 .008 . 16 L .40 .010 8, 700 .20 3 15 .010 .20 8, 300 15 Broke .305 .729 14.58 98, 166 47. 13 .2465 x .2465 195 SPR 48 3,000 136, 581 2.30 .004 .08 000 3, 200 2.00 .C04 .08 005 .10 2943 x.2953 000 3, 400 2 15 005 10 .005 .10 3,600 .000 3 00 .005 .007 14 .10 • 000 3,800 • 3 20 .007 .14 .007 .14 .000 .007 .14 4, 000 3 00 .007 .14 .000 4, 200 3 10 .007 .14 009 .18 000 4, 400 2 20 .010 .009 18 20 000 4, 600 12 00 .010 .149 .20 2.98 6, 540 . 139 2.78 3 00 . 010 .20 5,300 14 Broke. .475 75, 253 1.140 68.81 22.80 196 SPR 46* .2065 x .2065 3, 200 2 05 124, 524 . 009 .18 000 3, 400 2 20 .009 .18 009 .18 2946 x.2945 000 3, €00 2.08 .009 .18 .009 .18 000 3, 800 1 35 .003 .18 . 009 .18 .000 4,000 1 45 .009 .18 .009 .18 .000 .009 .18 4, 200 2 30 .012 24 .004 08 4, 400 3 10 .008 .044 .16 88 .033 .66 8, 775 4 30 Broke .011 .22 475 .950 197 SPR 49%. 2665 x .264 2,600 10, 115 46.72 2 30 .005 .10 .000 2, 800 2 30 005 .006 .12 3,000 .000 .10 .297 x .296 2 45 .006 .12 006 .12 .000 3, 200 2 10 016 12 006 .12 000 3,400 2 20 006 .12 .007 .14 .000 .007 .14 3, 600 3 00 .007 .14 000 3,800 3 05 007 .008 .14 .16 000 4,000 4 10 008 16 008 .16 4, 200 2 50 .000 .008 .16 .008 .16 4, 400 .000 20 00 .143 .008 16 2.86 . 131 2. 62 .012 24 6, 350 4 55 5, 100 20 Broke .462 1. 169 23.38 72, 233 64.57 1965 x . 1987 130, 641 58 On specimen. Time of application. In 10 inches of orig- inal length. In 5 inches of orig- inal length. Percentage of orig- inal length. In 2.5 inches of orig- inal length. In 5 inches of orig- inal length. Percentage of orig- inal length. In 10 inches of orig- inal length. In 5 inches of orig- inal length. Percentage of orig- inal length. TABLE 8.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Strain. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Lbs. m. s. In. In. 3,000 2.40 .006 .12 In. In. .000 In. · In. In. In. In. 3, 200 2.30 006 .12 .006 .12 .2968 x.2959 Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. 000 3, 400 2.00 006 .12 007 .14. 000 3, 600 2.00 .007 .14 007 .14 .000 3,800 2 10 .008 .007 .14 .16 .000 008 .16 4,000 2 30 .009 .18 .000 4, 200 2. 40 .009 .009 .18 .18 .000 4, 400 35 00 009 .047 • .18 .94 7,500 4 20 .047 .94 6, 485 25 Broke .450 1.030 20.60 85, 398 54. 67 203 x .203 3,000 2 23 157, 365 .005 .10 .000 3,200 2 10 .005 .10 .005 .10 .2951 x.2951 .000 3, 400 2.00 .005 006 .10 12 3, 600 .000 2 18 .006 .12 .006 12 3,800 .000 2 30 006 007 .12 .14 .000 .007 .14 4,000 2 15 007 .14 4, 200 .000 2 12 .007 .007 .14 .14 4, 400 .000 3 00 .008 007 .14 .16 .001 4, 600 .02 9 30 100 007 .14 2.00 7, 340 089 1.78 6 40 .011 .22 6, 300 20 Broke. 468 • 1.014 84, 286 60. 63 20.28 .222 x .224 3,000 3, 200 2.40 3 00 126,,689 .003 .06 .004 .08 890 .000 .003 .06 .3007 x.2997 .000 3,400 6 05 004 .106 2. 12 .08 098 1.96 5, 650 5,750 .008 16 • 5 40 4, 545 55 Broke .535 1.275 25.50 63, 804 57.39 1954 x .205 113, 460 Original. Under strain, (small- ('90v[d qS9 Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of orig- inal area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Strain per square inch. Elastic limit of strain com- pared with highest strain. Mark on speci- 200 SPR 7 men designat- experiment. 199 A co 73*. Material. No. of ing- 198 A co 45* 59 men desiguat- Mark on speci- ing- Strain. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. TABLE 8.—TENSILE TESTS of square gun-wire of various manufacture-Continued. Resilience.. CLF CC wwwwć 190 SP R58 *. 10 Lbs. m. s. AUN SEKUN In. In. ་ .002 .002 .16 • 006 .19 038 1.26 Broke 268 12240 • • · D 0335 .633 1.11 1 • 1 ► • 1 D + · 005 003 • 8889 0045 .19 .16 15 " I U · 888 In. In. In. No. of experiment. Material. On specimen. Time of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 3 inches of original Per length. Percentage of original length. In 1.5 inches of orig- inal length. In 3 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 3 inches of original length. Per Percentage of original length. · D 1 • • 1 · • · # Original, Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (smallest place.) Released, (smallest place.) In. .3006 x.3017 In. In. D t • • • • 1 1 1 • • C · • • " · • • 224 x .230 • 1 . · Percentage of original area. · • U 1 . • · 1 • • Strain per square inch. Of original area. Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Lbs. Lbs. Per. ct. 1 84, 076 • • 0 1 130, 512 U • 52. 46 · 1 · 60 specimenTime of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original TABLE 9.-TENSILE TESTS of various un annealed gun-wires of different manufacture. [For explanation of marks, see pages 136 to 140, inclusive.] Strain. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. Strain per square inch. 2.00 2 30 Lbs. m. s. 3, 500 In. In. .020 In. In. .004 In. .04 .016 In. In. In. In. 020 2 .16.2991 x. 3001 2.00 . 023 23 .005 2.00 .05 .018 023 23 .005 .18 4,500 2.30 .021 .05 .018 .21 .005 .18 .05 .019 .19 5,000 2.30 .026 26 .006 2.30 .029 .06 .020 .29 .007 .20 .07 2 15 .022 .22 .034 34 .008 .08 3 15 .038 .38 .010 7,000 1 .028 3 30 045 .45 015 15 .030 30 5 00 .050 50 .018 8, 000 .18 .032 6 25 .056 32 56 021 22289 81 26 8, 500 8 00 .21 .035 .072 35 72 .030 9, 000 .3 12.00 042 .098 98 .054 .42 54 1 30 .014 .44 .056 .56 7,000 1 25 Broke 2 30.014 .14 .000 3, 800 .014 1 30 .017 .14 .17 000 294 x .296 4,000 2.00 .017 .017 .17 .17 2.00 .018 .18 5,000 2.00 020 .20 2 20 .024 6, 000 1 35 .027 1 30 029 29 7,000 3.00 032 32 ==2 2728 .000 . 017 .17 .000 .018 .18 000 020 20 24 .000 .024 .24 .000 027 27 000 .029 29 .000 032 • 32 Original. 130, 830 Under strain, (small- est place.) 37.55 Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Lbs. Of original area. 1 Of reduced area. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Lbs. Per ct. Mark on specimen 6, 500 experiment. designating- 5, 500 Material. No. of 4, 500 . 224* C IIco 4S UNA'D 3,500 9, 320 7,500 On 6, 500 223* H Weo 4 UNA'D 6,000 3,800 5,500 4,000 4, 200 61 7,500 2 45 .037 .37 1.003 8,000 5 00 .03 .044 .034 .34 .44 007 8, 500 .07 5 15 .037 050 .37 50 012 · 9,000 10 00 .12 .038 .064 38 ,64 020 9, 300 .2 45 .044 44 8,400 1 00 Broke .006 .06 225 T co 3 * UNA'D 3, 500 1 50 .016 .16.003 4,000 .03 1 30 .019 19 .003 4,500 1 40 020 20 5, 000 .003. 2.00 022 22 003 5,500 1 50 6,000 4.00 .024 .027 .24 .003 .03 6,500 2 20 .031 .27 .003 .03 7,000 .31 .003 2 45 .035 .03 35.003 7,500 03 3 10 040 40 006. 8,000 06 3 00 .045 .45 .010 .10 8, 500 6 00 051 .51 013 9, 000 13 5 30 .060 .60 018 9, 500 18 6 20 .075 75 .029 10,000 3 15 Broke .29 .021 .21 PETE CRE** ****& a 106, 867 .2467 x .247 69.82 137, 852 78.50 .013 .13 .2997 x . 3052 03 .016 16 03 .017 .17 03 .019 .19 .021 .21 .024 .24 .029 . 28 .022 .32 034 34 .035 35 .048 38 .042 42 .046 .46 226 T co 6x UNA'D. *. 279 x . 2915 88.90 3,500 2 30 .015 108, 222 .15 35.00 .000 4,000 1 40 .015 .017 .15 .17 .000 3061x. 3013 4,500 2.00 .020 .017 .20 .000 .17 5,000 2.00 .022 .020 22.000 .20 5,500 1 30 .022 024 22 24.000 024 .21 6, 000 2. 30 .027 27 .000 6, 500 2 00 .029 .C27 27 29 7,000 .000 1 40 029 032 29 32 .002 7,500 1 30 .035 .35 .002 8,000 2.30 .039 .02 .39 .003 .03 8, 500 3.00 .040 .40 .003 9, 000 3 13 .046 46.005 9,500 3 00 .051 51 .006 10, 000 .06 2 30 056 .56 10, 500 .008 2 45 .062 . 11,000 6 00 .072 62.013 .72.018 11, 500 8 00 .086 .18 .86 . 029 12,000 9.00 .29 30 28800 288 02 .030 30 .033 33 .036 .36 - 03 .037 .37 05 .041 .41 .045 45 .048 48 13.049 49 .054 .54 .117 .057 1. 17.056 .57 12, 450 .56 1 30 Broke .061 .61 .041 41 2271 BS co H D 3,000 2 45 .012 .12 .000 134,990 53.82 3,500 2.00 . 012 .016 .16 .000 4,000 2.30 .016 .017 . 12 .16 .3032x. 2995 17.000 500 5,000 1 20 .018 .017 .18 .000 1 50.021 .018 .21 .000 *Drawn from three-eighths inch rod in three draughts; annealed before each. .021 17 18 .21 † Drawn three draughts without annealing. About -inch within the upper clamp. 62 specimenTime of application. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 10 inches of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 9.-TENSILE TESTS of various unannealed gun-wires of different manufacture-Continued. Strain. Elongation under strain. Elongation after release. Resilience. Dimensions of cross-section. m. s. In. In. In. In. 2 05 .023 in. In. 3 30 .025 25 3 30 .028 28 7 00 035 5 00 .045 .45 ***** 23 .000 023 000 23 In. In. In. Lbs. Lbs. Per ct. 025 25 000 028 35.006 28 .06 .029 · 29 .015 .15 .030 30 0 40 1 00 Broke .014 .14 84, 386 87.58 2.00 .010 .1 000 1 50 .011 .010 .11 1 .000 2989 x. 305 2.00 .014 .011 .14 .000 .11 1 30 .015 .014 .15 .14 .000 2.00 .017 .015 .17 .15 .000 017 .17 4.00 .023 . 23 .000 1 50 .025 023 .25.000 23 035 025 35 25 .008 .08 .035 35 Broke .016 .16 58, 685 91.51 1 30 .012 .12 .000 1 15 .012 .014 .14 .002 .292 x .292 2.00 .02 .016 .012 16.003 .12 1 45 .019 03 .013 . 19 .13 .003 .03 2.00 020 .016 .20 16 .004 .04 .016 .16 2. 00 .024 .24 .005 .05 2.00 .019 .028 19 28 .006 06 5 00 022 .066 66 039 22 39 4 00 027 .27 1 00 Broke .394 .125 3.94 * Drawn three draughts; annealed before each. 59, 227 40. 62 218 x.224 57.27 103, 416 Original. Under strain, (small- est place.) Released, (smallest place.) Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Strain per square inch. Elastic limit of strain compared with highest strain. Mark on specimen 5, 050 experiment. designating- . Material. No. of 6, 400 6,000 5, 500 On 5,000 4, 500 4,000 Lbs. 3,500 5,500 3,000 6,000 229* CH co 5I UNA'D 2,500 6, 500 5, 350 7,000 6, 775 7,500 6, 500 7,650 6,000 6, 250 5, 500 3,000 228* BS coUNAN'D 5,000 4,500 3, 500 4,000 63 No. of experiment. Material. Mark on specimen Strain. Elongation after re- designating— lease. On specimen. Time of application. In 2 inches of original length. In 1 inch of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 10.-TENSILE TESTS of turned specimens of tool-steel ("best cast steel") procured from the agencies of the various manufacturers. [For explanation of marks see pages 136 to 140, inclusive.] Original-round. Dimensions of cross-section. Under strain, (small- est place.) Released, (s mallest place.) Percentage of original area. Lbs. In. m. S. In. In. In. In. In. Lbs. 230 Jco 1. Lbs. 1, 900 5 00 .2565 x .2565 4, 125 5 20 235 x .235 .83938 3, 900 36, 767 79, 825 0 30 *.304 104 †.220 x.220 .73564 95, 100 102, 491 231 J co 2 2,000 3 30 .2526 x .2522 39,970 4, 275 5 07 .2287 x .2296 .82425 3,850 85, 438 103, 655 0 50 *. 355 .127 †.198 x .198 .61539 125, 033 232 S B co 1 1,900 4 00 .252 x .2521 4, 700 38, 077 4 50 2331 x .2331 69787 94, 192 4, 410 0 25 *. 198 057 †.216 x .216 .73421 233 S B co 2. 1,800 4 00 .2523 x .2529 4, 700 35, 835 3 20 2355 x .236 .87247 4,325 93, 617 0 25 *. 231 .067 †.218 x.218 .74333 245 HE co 1 2,200 4 00 .2503 x .2503 210 44, 710 5 00 235 x .2351 5, 125 0 15 *. 202 .084 †. 2305 x .2305 88185 .84804 105, 880 120, 070 122, 819 246 HE co 2 800 6.00 2521 x.2522 5, 390 3 25 5, 100 0 20 *. 221 .090 2395 x .240 †. 224 x .224 .10611 78919 56, 084 107, 961 119, 348 247 N co T 1 2,700 7 00 .2545 x .2546 5, 670 59, 784 2 18 *.099 .045 †.246 x .246 .93396 * Measured after putting together the parts, allowance being made for imperfect contact. Of original area. Strain per square inch. Of reduced area. Remarks. Began to yield. Broke about .40" below upper mark. Began to yield; at 2,100 stretched fast, (comparatively.) Broke about .40" below upper mark. Began to yield; at 2,200 stretched fast. 100, 130 131, 162 | Broke about .20" below upper mark. | Began to yield; at 2,100 stretched faster. 107, 643 115, 868 Broke about .25" below upper mark. Began to yield. Broke about .30" below upper mark. Began to yield. 129, 415 | Broke about .45″ above lower mark. Began to yield; faster at 2,850 lbs. 119, 295 Broke suddenly upon reaching strain 5,670 lbs., parting about .25" below up- per mark. † Fractured. 64 On specimen. Time of application. In 2 inches of original length. In 1 inch of original length. Percentage of original length. TABLE 10.-TENSILE TESTS of turned specimens of tool-steel, &c.-Continued. Strain. Elongation after re- lease. Dimensions of cross-section. Strain per square inch. Original-round. Under strain, (small- est place.) Released, (smallest place.) Lbs. m. s. In. in. In. In. In. Lbs. 2, 200 4.00 Lbs. .2495 x .2496 4, 925 3 25 4, 700 0 43 †.190 .050 .231 x.231 2173 x .2172 85686 .75788 -44, 924 100, 560 117, 516 126, 793 2,500 4.00 .252 x .252 6, 325 3 27 2355 x .2355 .87333 6, 075 0 30 +.174 50, 125 126, 817 Began to yield; faster at 2,500 lbs. Broke about .30" below upper mark. Began to yield; faster at 2,800 lbs. 057 226 x.226 .80429 143, 187 151, 443 1,800 2.00 .2516 x .2515 4,800 5 40 † .254 36, 234 .121 227 x .227 Broke about " below upper mark. Began to yield; faster at 2,200 lbs. .81434 96, 624 118, 660 118, 660 2,200 3 00 2525 x .2524 4, 445 4 59 43, 934 .233 x .232 .84952 4,000 0 39 † .298 .117 88, 768 ‡.225 x .227 80293 104, 701 98, 821 2,400 5 00 2511 x.2512 48, 273 4, 510 4 00 Broke about .30" above lower mark, sud- denly; coarse-grained; flaw in center. Began to yield; faster at 2,300 lbs. | Broke about .30″ above lower mark. Began to yield; took quite a stretch at 2,500 lbs. 3, 900 1 05 +.357 .140 .2302 x .2305 1938 x .1938 .84122 59544 90,713 108, 270 131, 936 Broke. † Measured after putting together the parts, allowance being made for imperfect contact. + Fractured, Percentage of original area. Of original area. Of reduced area. Remarks. Mark on specimen 252 E M co 1 experiment. designating- Material. No. of 251 | E MT co 2 250 JBH co. H W co T. 249 248 N co T 2 65 Date. No. of experiment. Mark on specimen designating- Material. Original dimen- sions of cross- section. TABLE 11.-Experiments on square compound wires of welded iron and steel. [See page 140 and Plate 4, Figures 7 and 8.J Strain per Elongation Tensile strain. square under strain. inch. Elongation after re- Resilience. Spontaneous contraction- lease. On specimen. Time of application. Of original area. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 5 inches of original length. Percentage of original length. In 5 inches of original · length. • Percentage of original length. In 5 inches. Percentage. 1874. Inches. Lbs. m. s. Lbs. In. In. May 1 In. 168 T & SIC .2922 x .2927 1,000 .005 .10 .000 .005 .10 3,000 1 50 .014 28 .006 .12 G09 .16 3,000 4 00 .064 1.28 .064 1.28 3,000 1.00 .056 1. 12 4,000 1 27 .129 2.58 .117 2.34 .012 .24 4, COO 5 00 46, 768 .132 2. 64 .124 1875. Oct. 12 2.48 .008 . 16 0 .118 .006 1874. May 1 169 T & S sc .2898 x .2898 1,000 2.00. .002 .04 .000 .002 .04 3,000 1 30 007 14 .003 .06 .004 .08 3,000 10 30 020 .40 .012 .24 .008 .16 4,000 1 50 110❘ 2.20 101 2.02 .009 .18 4,000 6 00 .118 2.36 107 2.14.011 .22 5,000 2 30 .216 4. 32 .202 4.04 .014 28 5,000 7 00 1875. Oct. 12 59, 642 234 4.68 .221 4. 41 .013 .27 0 219 • .002 .04 Remarks. .12 These experiments were made with reference to the accommodation of conflicting strains by their own prolonged action. After being subjected to the strains men- tioned, the specimens were laid aside until the date of the last measurement. Great care was taken in the measurements, the calipers having been set to the same standard in each instance. 5 F 66 1 TABLE 12.-Experiment on changes of dimensions by annealing. Square gun-wires. • Mark designating kind of material. Before annealing. After annealing. Measurements. Measurements. Of length. Of cross-section. Of length. Of cross-section. length. Ofcr Inches. BA 12 Inches. 3028 x.3028 Inches. 12.006 Inches. 3028 x.3064* • • BD….. 12 302 x.305 12.004 .3020 x.3050 B F... 12 .3022 x.3046 12.001 .3020 x.3036 BJ 12 .305 x.3056 12.000 .3046 x.3055 BM 12 • 305 x.3028 12.001 3052 x.3029 BP... 12 .3018 x.3034 12.001 .3017 x.3033 BR... 12 .3037 x.3038 • 12.004 3029 x.3039 BT.... 12 .3022 x.3040 12.000 .3029 x.3045 BU.. 12 .3020 x.3017 12.000 .3019 x.3018 BW 12 .3031 x.3033 12.000 .3027 x.3028 BY.. 12 • 3050 x.3032 12.004 .3057 x.3033 BZ. 12 .3023 x.3031 12.004' .3023 x.3030 CA 12 .3022 x.3021 12.000 .3029 x.3021 СС 12 .3038 x.3035 12.000 .3042 x.3035 CB... 12 .3045 x.3044 12.000 .3045 x.3050 36 * So large a variation (1 of an inch) suggests some change of form-perhaps the slight opening of the wire from an internal defect. TORSIONAL TESTS. REDUCTION OF STRAINS. The figures given in the tables, under the heading "Strain reduced to correspond to cross-section of 0.3 x 0.3," are derived from comparisons based upon the assumption that with the same material, in the same condi- tion, resistance to torsion, in cylinders and prisms, is in proportion to the cubes of the corresponding dimensions of their cross-sections. Confirmation of this rule may be found in Tables 18-24. SEAMS. Some of the specimens, as noted under the bead of "Remarks," were found to have one or more seams, This was of frequent occurrence with specimens drawn from "sprues." In order that some idea of the extent to which these defects affected the resistance and extent of torsion of the specimens in which they occurred, a few experiments were made upon wires purposely prepared to exhibit this defect in a known degree. Two rods of steel, 0.4 square, one of them of the kind indicated by the letters B Sco 2, and the other by M co 3, the former a very low steel, and the latter above the average of the faulty wires in carburization, were selected for the purpose. In the center of each side of these rods a groove was planed longitudinally, designed to have a width of 0.05 and depth of 0.12, and differing but little from those measurements. The form 67 of cross-section thus produced is given in figure 5 of plate 4. These rods were annealed and drawn into wire in the usual way, by which the grooves were closed, seams being left, however, in the situations indicated by the lines on the section Fig. 6 of the same plate. Specimens of these wires were tested, both by torsional and tensile strains. The primary record, however, appears not to have been regularly entered, and is (the only one so far as known) lost. Speaking from recollection, the general results were as follows: Under tensile tests no marked variation was found from the results with solid wires. Under torsional strains, compared with solid wires, B Sco 2 gave con- siderably more torsion at low strains, and ultimate torsion was likewise in small excess. M co 3 also gave more torsion under the lighter strains, but the ultimate torsion fell short decidedly. Both specimens gave less resistance, but it is believed that the diminution was in both cases less (perhaps considerably so) than 25 per cent. Simple inspection of the wires after breaking was found to afford very little indication of the depth of seams: they were almost univer- sally undiscoverable before twisting. An expedient was adopted to give better indication. Across each side of the specimen a fine line was drawn at right angles with its corners. If the specimen was sound, these lines remained continuous, but otherwise if there was a seam. In the latter case the line was divided at the place of the seam, and the parts separated to an extent depending on its depth. This result is intended to be illustrated in plate 4, Fig. 4. Figure 3 of the same plate shows the continuous line. The space between the separated ends of the cross-lines, if consider- able, is noted in the "Remarks" following the mention of "a seam." PLACE OF FRACTURE, The place of fracture in the specimens is generally not given in the tables. In nearly all cases it was at one end or the other, as repre- sented in Figs. 2 and 3, plate 4. The exceptions were in the case of some specially hard steels, which broke in a manner designed to be illus- trated in Fig. 1 of the same plate. EXTENT OF TORSION. The length of the specimens, between the clamps or between their shoulders, was generally one inch, and is so stated in the tables. It may be well to remark here, however, that the torsion occurring in these specimens is greater than the torsion per inch of longer ones of the same kind. This results from some yielding of the metal outside of the inch measured, which is inseparable from the torsion of the measured part. The relative results are not supposed to be materially affected thereby. 68 Experiment Time of twisting. Strain applied, (one foot from center.) · Under strain, (first de- tected yielding:) Released. Resilience. Torsion. TABLE 13.—TORSIONAL TESTS.-Comparison of results of annealing at different temperatures. Highest strain. Ultimate torsion. respond to cross-section of 0.3 x 0″.3. Highest strain reduced to cor- 6 30 m. s. Lbs. Turns. | Turns. | 0.008 Turns. Lbs. Turns. Lbs. 13.92 6 00 12. 52 0.006 0.003 0.005 41.02 1.02 0.002 0.001 40.55 0.805 40. 11+ 39.95+ 6 15 13. 33 6.00 12. 34 0.007 0.003 0.004 40.66 0.006 0.002 0.004 39.97 0.859 39.58 + 0.925 38.98+ .302 x .303 302 x .303 6 30 13.95 0.01 8 00 13. 14 0.004 0.006 41.96 0.007 0.003 0.004 0.875 40.72+ .301 x .305 40.95 0.83 39.74+ .301 x.305 7 30 14. 16 5 30 13. 59 0.007 0.003 0.007 0.004 0.003 0.004 43.24 0.95 42.22+ .302 x .305 42.56 0.935 41.55+ .302 x .305 7 00 14.87 0.007 0.003 0.004 42. 44 0.896 40.80+ .303 x .305 6 00 12. 62 0.006 0.002 0.004 41.39 0.935 39.79+ .303 x .305. 6 30 14. 43 0.008 0.004 0.004 43. 31 0.884 42.03+ .302 x .304 7 30 12.70 0.007 0.002 0.005 41.75 0.779 40.52 .302 x .304 9 45 15.38 0.009 0.003 0.006 50.59 0.793 53.62 .296 x .294 7 30 15. 47 0.009 0.003 0.006 50.43 0.753 53. 45 .296 x .294 6 45 13. 89 8.30 13. 21 730 8 15 0.009 0.008 13.93 0.009 0.005 0.004 12.84 0.006 0.003 0.005 0.004 41.83 0.003 0.005 0.972 40.59 .303 x .303 40.69 1. 045 37.77 ..303 x .303 42.00 0.931 40.56 .303 x .304 0.003 41. 07 0.906 39.70 .303 x .304 7 30 15. 37 0.007 0.003 0.004 44.62 0.891 43.09 .303 x .304 7 45 14. 31 0.009 0.005 0.004 43.32 0.8 41. 84 .303 x .304 of wires. Measurement of cross-section Remarks. Inches. .302 x .301 302 x .301 The first of each pair of specimens in this table was annealed at the temperature adopted as a standard, viz: that between the melting- points of bronze and copper. The second of each pair was annealed at a heat which melted copper. Mark on specimen 12 T number. designating- Material. | T 11 X 40 21 O X. 22 O 39 D 23 I 38 24 D. 37 I H 25 34 C 33 C 26 H 32 L 27 J L J 28 31 30 U 29 U 6.9 43 A G 8 00 14.31 0.008 0.004 0.004 41.68 1.03 41.06 301 x .302 44 A G 7 00 13. 23 0.007 0.003 0.004 41.22 1.024 40. 60 .301 x .302 45 A N 7 30 14. 35 0.007 0.002 0.005 43. 71 0.856 41.59 .305 x .305 46 A N 7 45 13. 65 0.008 0.003 0.005 42.68 0.79 40. 61 305 x .305 47 A M 700 13.54 0.01 48 A M 6 45 12. 72 0.007 0.003 0.005 0.005 0.004 40.60 1.000 41.20 0.854 41. 61 .299 x .299 41.01 .299 x .299 49 A J. 8 00 · 50 A J 7 00 14.54 0.008 0.003 0.005 12.38 0.006 0.003 0.003 40.79 41.83 0.947 39.80 .304 x : 306 • 0.876 38.81 .304 x .306 51 A E 5 00 13.88 0.007 0.003 0.004 40.77 0.95 39. 18 .303 x .305 52 A E & 30 12. 65 0.006 0.003 0.003 40.24 0.971 38.64 303 x .305 53 A P 6 15 13. 49 0.007 0.004 0.003 41.68 0.95 40.65 .302 x .303 54 A P 7 15 12.80 0.006 0.002 0.004 40. 51 0.946 39.51 .302 x .303 0·2· : Mark on specimen No. of experiment. designating- Material. TABLE 14.—TORSIONAL TESTS.-Comparison of wires of Martin steel, the product of two different charges. cross-sec- Measurements of tion of wire. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Torsion. Released. Resilience. Highest strain. Ultimate torsion in length of wire. respond to cross-section of Highest strain reduced to cor- 0″.3 x 0″.3. Time of twisting. Remarks. Inches. Lbs. 2 & 55 C H co 4 S [F] 0.296 x 0.294 15.28 0. 010 Turns. Turns. | Lbs. 0.003.007 Lbs. In. Lbs. m. S. 49.50 0.724 51.67 7.00 56 F 0.305 x 0.3035 14.47 0.007 0.002 .005 42. 74 0.954 40.97 8 00 CH 4S 57 | C H co 4 S[N] |0.2945 x 0. 2934 15.31 0.009 0.004 | .005 49.99 0.757 53. 14 8 00 58 N 0.3028 x 0.3033 14. 48 0.008 0.003.005 43.31 0.975 42. 01 5 30 59 CH co 4 S [W] 0. 2945 x 0. 296 15.26 0.010 0.003 .007 50.76 0.750 54.58 7 30 60 W 0.304 x 0.304 15.09 0.007 0.002.005 43.67 0.895 41.97 5 45 61 C H co 4 S [P] |3. 293 x 0. 2945 15. 34 0.009 0.003 .006 50. 31 0.775 53.58 7 45 66 Р ་ 5. 299 x 0.300 13.92 0.007 0.002.005 40.96 1.076 41. 16 6 00 64 CH co 4 S[Z] 0. 2945 x 0.2962 65 Z 0.3044 x 0.303 14. 40 0.008 0.003.005 50.07 0.747 52.47 7 30 13.90 0.007 0.002 005 43.75 1.022 42. 17 5 00 The specimens marked C H co 4 S, with another letter in brackets, were annealed in contact with the specimens marked with the last letter only. This was done that none of the differences in quality should be attributable to differences in the temperature to which the · specimens were exposed in annealing. Apparently a slight seam extends the whole length of the pieces marked C H co 4. The other pieces appear to be perfectly sound. They are from a sample of 1,000 pounds, intended to have been of the same quality with C H co 4 S. 71 No. of experiment. Material. Mark on specimen designating- yield- Strain at first detected ing-applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. Breaking-strain. TABLE 15.-TORSIONAL TESTS of gun-wires of various manufacture. [For explanation of marks see pages 136 to 140, inclusive.] Ultimate torsion. Highest strain reduced to correspond to cross-section of 0".3 x 0.3. 189❘ Nco I Pounds. Turns. Turns. Turns. 8.26 0.006 0.002 m. Pounds. Turns. | Pounds. .004 51 30.51 1. 097 190 Neo I: 191 P Bco 1 8.38 0.007 0.002 Lost.. Lost.. Lost .005 54 30.98 1. 135 61 32.33 0.852 192 P Bco i 8.54 0.006 0.002 .004 43/ 31.73 0.843 193 P Bco 2 13. 20 0.007 0.002 .005 8 44. 58 0.990 194 P Bco 2: 13.26 0.008 0.003 .005 51 44. 49 0.983 33.30 0.2918 x 0. 2933 33.620.2970 x 0. 2952 33.03 0.2962 x 0. 2958 43.80 0.3025 x 0. 3010 43.96 0.3030 x 0.3010 195 P Bco 3 13.70 0.009 0.004 .005 my 43.98 0.970 44.80 0.2955 x 0. 3008 196 P Bco 3:. 13. 22 0.008 0.002 006 51 44. 47 0.940 44.34 0.2990 x 0. 3015 197 P Bco 4 cc 13. 25 0.008 0.003 .005 7 44. 81 0.717 45.60 0.2975 x 0.2990 198 P Bco 4 cc: 13. 23 0.008 0.002 .006 6½ 44.95 0.730 44.95 0.2975 x 0.2990 199 C Sco 5 16. 53 200 C Sco 5: 201 C Sco 6 202| C Sco 6 203 C Sco 7 Sco 0.008 0.002 .006 8 50.08 16. 48 0.008 0.003 .005 7 51.00 0.591 14.88 0.007 0.002 .005 7 46.22 0.757 14.81 0.007 0.002 .005 73 45.99 0.719 13. 10 0.007 0.002 005 61 40.47 0.929 0.587 50.08 0.2937 x 0. 2967 51.00 0.2936 x 0. 2970 49.80 0.2920 x 0.2955 48.63 0.2929 x 0. 2960 43.210.2912 x 0. 2958 Measurement of cross-sec- tion of wire. Remarks. Inches. 33.15 0.2912 x 0. 2922| All the specimens referred to in this table were annealed at a tempera- ture between the melting points of bronze and copper, without oxida- tion of surface. 72 Strain at first detected yield- ing-applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Torsion. Time of twisting. Breaking-strain. TABLE 15.-TORSIONAL TESTS of gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Ultimate torsion. Highest strain reduced to correspond to cross-section of 0″.3 x 0″.3. Pounds. Turns. Turns. | Turns. | m. Pounds. Turns. Pounds. Inches. 13. 29 0.007 0.002 .005 7 40.35 0. 911 41.98 0.2969 x 0. 2952 14.91 0.008 0.003 .005 6/ 49. 51 0.712 52.06 0.2935 x 0. 2965 15. 20 0.008 0.003 .005 7}} 48.93 0.688 52.27 0.2932 x 0. 2962 15. 36 0.008 0.002 .006 6 43.91 0.989 45.83 0.2960 x 0. 2954 14. 94 0.007 0.002 .005 73 42.88 0.968 45.78 0.2950 x 0. 2965 13.50 0.007 0.002 .005 6 41.50 1. 003 13.00 0.006 0.001 .005 6 41.06 0.986 44.31 0.2926 x 0.2927 44.22 0.2925 x 0.2927 0.006 0.001 12.82 13. 46 0.007 0.002 .005 41 9.52 0.005 0.002 .003 9.65 0.007 0.002 .005 17. 23 0.009 0.003 .006 • 005 63 41.38 1.009 43.43 0.2941 x 0. 2963 41.57 1. 091 43.91 0.2931 x 0.2960 0.006 | 0.003 17.10 0.009 0.003 .006 12.20 0.005 0.003 .002 4 12.00 0.006 12. 13 72 0.003 .003 42 .003 5 42 31.63 51 31.61 1.049 8 57.58 0.736 57.25 0.724 35.40 1.098 35. 18 1.083 35.80 0.946 1.018 34.19 0.2928 x 0.2921 34.26 0.2921 x 0. 2920 57.86 0.30C0 x 0.2990 57.39 0.2997 x 0.2997 36. 17 35.93 0.2970 x 0.3000 35.39 0.2988 x 0.3000 0.2984 x 0.2995 Measurement of cross-sec- tion of wire. Remarks. Mark on specimen 218 H Wco 5: 219| H Wco 6. experiment. designating- Material. No. of 217 H Wco 5. 216 H Wco 4: 215 H Wco 4. 210 C Hco 2 S: 211 C Hco 3 S 212 C Hco 3 S: 213 C Hco 5 I 214 C Hco 5 I 204 C Sco 7: 209 C Hco 2 S 205 C Sco 8 208 C Hco 1 S: 206 C Sco 8: 207 C Hco 1 S. 73 220 H Wco 6: 12. 15 0.006 0.003 .003 43 36. 19 0.949 36.68, 0.2983 x 0.2990 221 H Wco 7. 12.58 0.007 0.002 .005 44 42. 97 0.764 42.97 0.3010 x 0. 2990 222 HWco 7 13. 42 0.007 0.001 .006 51 43.35 0.800 43.34 0.3009 x 0. 2994 223 CA 12. 29 0.008 0.003 .005 61 224 C B 17.27 0. 010 0.003 .007 5½ 59.79 225 C C 14.39 0.008 0.002 .006 53 46.84 0.954 0.628 51.77 0.821 46.76 0.3015 x 0. 3015 56-75 0.3058 x 0.3047 49.94 0.3033 x 0. 3039 226 CD 13.28 0.007 0.002 .005 227 CE 14. 11 0.747 0.009 0.004 .005 51 50.43 0.809 er 5 50. 21 49.14 0.3020 x 0. 3023 48.78 0.3030 x 0.3044 228 BA. 15. 34 0.008 0.003 .005 6 55.52 0.726 54.42 0.3028 x 0. 3012 229 BB 15. 35 0.008 0.003 .005 532 53.87 0.761 53.05 0.3018.x 0.3020 230 B C 12. 20 0.007 0.003 .004 5 44. 45 0.831 43.52 0.3022 x 0. 3020 231 B D. 18. 48 0.009 0.003 .006 52 61.30 0.589 58.90 0.3035 x 0. 3045 232 BE 17.35 0.009 0.002 007 7 60.82 0.668 56.89 0.3038 x 0.3020 233 B F 11. 74 0.005 0.002 .003 4 45. 41 0.906 44.44 0.3015 x 0. 3028 234 B G 13.72 0.006 0.002 .004 6 52.00 0.787 50.22 0.3035 x 0.3035 235 BH 14.50 0.007 0.002 .005 6 53. 46 236 BI 13.79 0.007 0.003 .004 51 0.700 51.86 0.807 52.65 0.3013 x 0. 3015 50.13 0.3040 x 0.3028 237 B J 15. 20 0.009 0.003 006 64. 54. 48 0.784 238 B K 16. 16 0.008 0.003 .005 6 56.00 0.693 53.61 0.3018 x 0. 3015 54.80 0.3016 x 0. 3027 239 B L 15. 26 0.009 0.004 005 61 54.85 0.732 240 BM 20.74 0.010 0.003 .007 63.79 0.658 53.56 0.3020 x 0. 3027 61.76 0.3035 x 0. 3030 241 B N 15. 41 0.009 0.003 .006 73 56. 45 0.757 55.66 0.3018 x 0. 3010 242 BO 15.51 0.008 0.003 005 73 56, 41 0.692 54.85 0.3036 x 0. 3021 243 BP. 14. 44 C. 009 0.003 .006 5% 50.00 0.857 48.69 0.3035 x 0.3018 244 B Q 15. 58 0.009 0.003 .006 71 55.00 0.718 53.91 0.3024 x 0. 3016 45 BR. 14.82 0.008 0.003 .005 61 53, 31 0.793 51. 78 | 0. 3031 x 0. 3028 74 Strain yield- at first detected ing, applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Torsion. Time of twisting. Breaking strain. TABLE 15.—TORSIONAL TESTS of gun-wires of various manufacture-Continued. Ultimate torsion. Highest strain reduced to correspond to cross-section of 0″.3 x 0″.3. Pounds. Turns. | 14. 87 Turns. | Turns. 0.007 0.003 .004 m. Pounds. Turns. 61 54.30 0.706 |Pounds. Inches. 52.58 0.3035 x 0.3030 18.52 0.011 0.006 .005 51 52.75 0.780 51.93 0.3010 x 0. 3021 18.30 0.010 0.004 15.29 0.008 0.003 14.50 0.007 0.002 13.28 0.009 6 .006 6 58.78 .005 0.587 54.95 0.671 57.89 0.3008 x 0.3020 53.95 0.3005 x 0.3010 .005 71 0.004 .005 5 19. 16 13. 73 0.011 0.003 .008 6± 0.007 0.002 .005 my 55.00 0.725 51. 66 0.833 62.00 0.555 55.50 0.3020 x 0. 3035 50.43 0.3035 x 0. 3035 61.01 0.3018 x 0. 3015 52.54 0.794 51.41 0.3015 x 0.3027 16. 39 0.009 0.003 0.006 54 51.94 0.810 54.78 0.2933 x 0.2955 14. 41 0.008 0.003 0.005 6 48.95 0.666 48.74 | 0.3006 x 0. 3002 12. 53 0.005 0.007 0.004 5 46.21 0.778 45.88 0.3010 x 0. 3004 14. 76 0.007 0.002 0.005 51 50.95 0.714 49.86 0.3020 x 0.3023 11.75 0.007 0.002 0.005 13.23 14.47 5 46.00 0.740 x 0. 3015 0.007 0.002 0.005 61 0.007 0.003 0.004 6 49. 51 47.00 0.728 0.729 45.54 0.3023 x 0. 3040 48.04 0.3040 x 0.3020 Measurement of cross-sec- tion of wire. Remarks. Mark on specimen 258 Nco 1 s (D) 259 Nco 1 s (E) 260 Nco 1 s (F). experiment. designating- Material. No. of • 257 Nco 1 s (C) 256 Nco 1 s (B) 255 Nco 1 s (A) 246 BS 254 C Hco 4 s 247 BT 253 B Z 248 BU 252 BY 249 B V. 251 BX 250 BW 1 75 No. of experi- ment. Material. Length of wire. Mark on spec- imen desig- nating- Strain-applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Torsion. Released. Resilience in length of wire. TABLE 16.—TORSIONAL TESTS of gun-wires drawn from Martin steel, made by the New Jersey Steel cnd Iron Company. Highest strain. Ultimate torsion in length of wire. Strain reduced to corre- spond to cross-section of 0″ .3 x 0″ .3. Time of twisting. * Measurements of cross- section of wire. Original mark on rods. In. Lbs. 271 C F 1 13. 81 Turns. Turns. Turns.] Lbs. 0.007 0.001 0.006 Turns. Lbs. m.s. 16. 14 In. .2980 x .2988 271 C F 1 14.94 0.009 271 C F 1 0.002 | 0.007 15.71 0.010 0.0035 0.0005 17.46 18. 36 271 C F 1 16.34 0.011 0.007 0.004 19. 10 47.24 0.860 55.23 4 22 272 C G 1 13.62 0.007 0.002 0.005 13. 81 .2983 x .2988 | 1 C 2 G 272 CG 1 14. 28 0.008 272 CG 1 15. 14 0.003 0.005 0.012 0.008 0.004 14.48 15. 36 43.94 0.973 44.58 4 12 273 CH 1 273 CH 1 15. 19 16.00 0.009 0.003 0.006 0.014 0.009 0.005 16. 17 .2970 x .2983 2 C 1 G 17.04 47.07 0.857 50. 12 6 16 274 CI 1❘ 14. 18 0.007 0.002 0.005 14.37 .2980 x .2986 | 2 C 2 G 274 CI 1 15. 27 0.009 0.004 0.005 15. 47 274 CI 1 16.00 0.011 0.007 0.004 16. 21 46. 88 0.903 47.50 5 48 275 C J 1 15. 18 0.008 0.003 0.005 15.38 .2993 x .29803 C 1 G 275 C J 1 16.00 275 C J 1 16. 56 0.009 0.004 0.005 0.015 0.010 0.005 16. 21 16 88 47.85 0.946 48.50 4 47 276 CK 1 17.54 0.009 0.00.3 0.006 17.80 3 C2 G 276 276 CK 1 CK 1 18.40 0.010 0.004 0.006 19. 21 0.014 0.008 0.006 18.67 19.50 0.298'x .299 55.94 0.784 56.78 5 30 277 C F 1 14.96 | 0.008 0.002 0.006 15.53 0.009 0.003 0.006 16. 23 0.011 0.006 0.005 17.49 18. 15 18.97 0.2980 x 0.2988| 47.47 0.854 55, 50 4 35 Remarks. 1C1G T The wires of each of the four sets of specimens (C F to CL) men- tioned in this table were annealed at the same time, closely bound in the same bundle, all at a heat between the melting points of bronze and copper. 9.2. TABLE 16.—TORSIONAL TESTS of gun-wires drawn from Martin steel, made by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company-Continued. Torsion. In. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. Lbs. | Turns. 1 13.89 0.007 0.002 0.005 Lbs. 14.00 m. s. In. 14. 46 0.008 0.004 0.004 14.67 14. 91 0.011 0.007 0.004 15. 12 0.2983 x 0.2988| 43.67 0.884 44. 30 4 37 1 14. 69 15.63 0.007 0.003 0.004 15.64 0.010 0 006 0.004 16. 64 0.2970 x 0.2983 46.24 0.919 49. 24 4 38 1 16.00 15.14 0.009 0.004 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.005 15. 34 16. 21 0.2980 x 0.2986) 47. 12 0.873 47.75 4 40 1 15. 23 15.95 16.39 0.009 0.003 0.006 0.010 0.006 0.004 0.016 0.011 0.005 15.43 16. 16 16. 61 0.2993 x 0.2980 47.75 0.924 48.39 4 50 1 16.36 0.008 0.002 0.006 17.41 18. 22 16. 63 0.009 0.003 0.006 0.011 0.006 0.005 17.70 18.52 0.2978 x 0.299: 53.74 0.790 54.64 6.39 1 14.50 0.007 0.002 0.005 15.70 0.009 0.003 0.006 16.63 0.011 0.006 0.005 14. 69 15. 91 16. 85 0.2988 x 0.2978 48.37 0.874 49.01 5.35 1 18.00 0.06 0.0515.0085 18.30 2980 x 2988 48.39 0.802 49. 20 CG... 1 12.00 0.0065 0.001 .0055 12. 17 2983 x. 2988 13.00 0.0085 0.0625 .0060 13. 18 14.00 0.010 0.004 | .006 14.20 15.00 0.032 0.026 .006 15. 21 43.70 0.99 44.33 4. 48 Remarks. Mark on spec- imen desig- nating- 290 C G 278 289 C F.. C F CH 279 283 CK CI 280 282 C J 281 77 This specimen was sent from the works under the supposition that it was a part of the lower portion of the same ingot as that from which specimen C F was taken. 291 сн... 1 12.00 | 0.007 0.002 .005 12.78 2970 x .2983 13.00 0.008 0.002 .006 13. 84 14.00 0.009 0.003 .006 14.91 15.00 0.015 0.003 .007 15.97 16.00 0.023 0.018 .005 17.04 47.68 0.897 50.77 4.00 292 | CI. CI... 1 12.00 0.006 0.001 .005 12. 16 .2980 x .2986 13.00 0.007 0.0015 .0055 13. 17 14.00 0.008 0.002 006 14. 18 15.00 0.010 0.005 .005 15.20 16.00 0.024 0.018 .006 16. 21 46.67 0.856 47.29 3.55 293 C J... 1 12.00 0.0065] 0.001 .0055 12. 16 2993 x. 2980 294 CK. CK... 13.00 0.007 0.0014 .0056 14.00 0.0075 0.0015.0060 15.00 0.008 0.002 .006 16.00 0.010 0.003 007 17.00 0.014 0.008 .006 18.00 0.025 0.019 0C6 1 12.00 0.0065 0.001 .0055 13.00 0.007 0.0012.0058 14.00 0.0075 0.0014 .0061 15.00 0.008 0.0015 .0065 16.00 0.009 0.002 .007 13. 17 14. 19 15.20 16. 21 17.23 18. 24 50.62 0.840 51.30 4.30 12.20 2978 x .2990 13. 21 14.23 15.25 16. 27 17.00 0.009 0.0022.0068 17.28 18.00 0.010 0.003 .007 18.30 · 19.00 0.014 0.0065.0075 19.32 20.00 0.020 0.012 .008 20.33 55.67 0.786 56.61 4.05 295 C L... 1 12.00 0.0065 0.001 .0055 12. 15 .2978 x .2989 13.00 0.008 0.003 005 13. 16 14.00 0.0315 0.027 .0045 14. 18 1.180 40.93 1.180 41. 46 4.20 296 C F.. 1 12.00 0.007 0.001 .006 13.00 0.0075 0.002 14.00 0.008 0.0024.0056 12.20 .2980 x.2988 .0055 13. 21 14.23 15.00 0.010 0.004 .006 16.00 0.0145 0.010 .0055 15. 25 16.27 47.43 0.830 48.23 3.56 297 C G +1 12.00 0.0065 0.0015] .005 12.17 .2983 x.2988 13.00 0.0072 0.002 .0072 13. 18 14.00 0.009 0.005 .004 14.20 15.00 0.030 0.025 005 15.21 43.75 0.982 44.38 4.10 78 Length of wire. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Torsion. Released. Resilience in length of wire. Highest stain. Ultimate torsion in length of wire. Strain reduced to corre- TABLE 16.—TORSIONAL TESTS of gun-wires drawn from Martin steel, &c.--Continued. spond to cross section of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. Time of twisting. Measurements of cross- section of wire. 13.00 14.00 In. Lbs. Turns. |Turns. 1 12.00 0.0065 0.001 0.008 0.002.006 15.00 0.0105 0.005 .0055 16.00 0.023 0.0175.055 1 12.00 0.0065 0.0015 .0055 13.00 0.0075 0.002.005 14.00 0.008 0.0025 .0055 15.00 0.012 0.0075.0045 16.00 0.0245 0.018 0065 12.00 0.0065 0.0015 .0055 13.00 0.007 0.0015 .0055 14.00 0.008 0.002 .006 15.00 0.009 0.003 .006 16. 00 0.011 0.006 .005 17.00 0.021 0.016.005 40.00 0.316 0.303.013 12.00 0.006 0.001 .005 13.00 0.0065 0.001 0055 14.00 0.007 0.001 006 Turns. Lbs. Turns. Lbs. Inches. .0055 12. 78 2970 x.2983 0.007 0.0013.0057 13. 84 14.91 15.97 17.04 47. 20 0.869 50.06 3.55 12. 16 .2980 x .2986 13. 17 14. 18 15.20 16. 21 47.00 0.910 47. 62 4.00 12. 16 2993 x.2980 13. 17 14. 19 15. 20 16. 21 17.23 40.54 49.50 0.838 50.17 1.43 12. 20 2978 x .2990 13. 21 14.23 15. 00 0.007 0.001 .006 16.00 17.00 0.0085 0.002 .0065 18.00 0.010 0.003 .007 19.00 0.0105 0.0035.0060 15. 25 0.008 0.00150065 16. 27 17.28 • 18.30 19.32 Original mark on rods. Remarks. Mark on spec- 301 CK... 1 imen desig- expe- C J.. 1 riment. nating- No. of Material. 300 CI 299 298 CH.. 1 20.00, 0.018 40.00 0. 184 0.011 007 20.33 0.170 .014 55.81 0.789 40.67 56.75 2.5 ↓ 302 C L.. 1 14.00 0.02 0.016 .004 40.00 0.940 0.929 .011 2978 x .2989 40.98 1. 157 41.08 19 80 TABLE 17.—TORSIONAL TEST of specimen turned from gun-wire drawn from steel furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co. Torsion. Diameter of specimen. Remarks. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. Lbs. m. s. In. 1 inch between shoulders. 5. 0.0035 0.000 .0035 5. 31 0.2939 6. 0.0036 0.000 .0036 6. 38 6.5 0.004 0.000 .004 6.91 Wire turned in central part. Annealed at standard heat. 7. 0.004 0.000 .004 7.44 7.5 0.004 0.000 004 7.97 8. 0.0045 0.000 .0045 8.50 8.5 0.005 0.0005 0045 9.03 9. 0.006 0.0005 .0055 9.57 9.5 0.006 0.0005 0055 10.10 10. 0.0063 0.0005 .0058 10. 63 10.5 0.0065 0.0005 .0060 11.16 11. 0.0065 0.001 .0064 11.69 11.5 0.0065 0.0015 .0050 12. 23 19. 23. 24. 25. 26. 23 FHON 2018 FRIE 12. 0.0245 0.018 0065 12.76 13. 0.030 0.021 006 13. 82 14. 0.038 0.030 15. 0.047 0.038 .008 14.88 .009 15.95 16. 0.056 0.0475 .0085 17.01 17. 0.068 0.058 .010 18.07 18. 0.0785 0.069 .0095 19. 13 0.092 0.082 .010 20.20 0.107 0.096 .011 21.27 0.123 0.115 .008 22.33 22. 0.142 0.130 .012 23.39 0.164 0. 1515 .0125 24. 46 0.1925 0. 179 .0135 25.52 0.2215 0.219 .0025 26. 58 0.260 0.2475 .0125 27.65 27. 0.311 0.297 .014 - 28.71 28. 0.3745 0.359 0155 29.77 29. 0.4475 0.432 .0155 30.84 : Mark on specimen desig- nating- N co 1 s (D) 1 303 81 30. 0.540 31. 0,652 0.637 .015 32. 0.714 0.699 .015 33. 0.870 0.855 34. 1.076 0.536 004 31.90 *21 '' 32.96 3 50 34.02 3 36 .015 35.09 2 05 36. 15 3 55 * From the start until reaching 30 pounds. 10. 294 Broke while nearly standing at 34 lbs. + Diameter after breaking. 6 F 82 Length of turned part of specimen. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Lbs. 1 inch 5.5 Under strain. Torsion. TABLE 18.- TORSIONAL TEST of specimen turned from steel furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co. Released. Resilience in length of wire. Strain reduced to cor- respond to diameter of 0".3. Time of twisting. Diameter. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. BÖGON NÖÖ 2012 2 2 2 2 Turns. 0.003 Turns. Turns. Lbs. IN. S. 0.000 .003 5. 26 19 0.0035 0.000 . 0935 5.78 18 0.0035 0.000' 0035 6. 32 16 6.5 0.004 0.000 .004 6. 84 21 0.004 0.000 604 7.36 17 7.5 0.004 0.000 .004 7.88 19 0.0045 0.000 .0045 8.42 23 8.5 0.005 0.000 .005 8.94 20 0.005 0.000 .005 9.48 18 9.5 0.006 0.000 .006 10.00 23 0.006 0.000 .005 10.53 10.5 0.006 0.000 .006 11.05 0.0062 0.000 .006 11.58 11.5 0.0065 0.0005 .006 12.10 0.024 0.0172 0068 12. 64 1 09 0.030 0.023 .00% 13. 69 0.0375 0.030 0075 14.74 0.046 0.0375 0085 15. 79 0.055 0.0465 .0085 16.85 0.0675 0.0575 .010 17.90 1 14 0.078 0.0685 .0095 18.96 1 01 0.091 0.080 .611 20.01 1 08 0.105 0.094 .011 21.07 1 23 0.120 0.1085 .0115 22.12 0 45 0.139 0.1272 .0118 23.17 1 13 0.1595 0.1475 . 0120 24. 23 1 02 0.184 0.171 . 013 25.28 1 03 0.2155 0.202 .0935 26. 33 1 30 0.2495 | 0.2375 .0120 27.39 1 40 0.2976 0.2835 0141 28.44 2.50 SOOOZE A*&-X P=== CARE TO*** **A÷8 In. 0.2919 heat. 18 17 11 10 42 42 48 56 0.3485 0.335 .0135 294.9 1 48 Remarks. 1 Wire.-Central inch turned to 0. 2949 diameter. Annealed at standard] Mark on specimen desig- nating- N co 1 S (D) 2 of ex- VI1998{ periment. *[Number 304 83 0 17*0. 2945 | Broke. * Diameter after breaking. 29. 0.420 0.4064 .0136 30.55 2,05 30. 0.503 0.488 015 31.60 2 45 31. 0.617 0.601 .016 32. 65 5 55 32. 0.7484 | 0. 732 .0164 33. 71 6 02 33. 0.8934 0.8773 . 0161 34.76 4 25 34. 1.108 1.0914 .0166 35. 81 11 02 34. 40 1. 123 36.24 84 1 inch. Length of turned part of specimen. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion.. TABLE 19.—TORSIONAL TEST of steel from Messrs. Miller, Barr & Parkin. Resilience in length of specimen. respond to diameter of U".3. Strain reduced to cor- Time of twisting. 10. 15. 16. 20. Knöör Nöød 1902 22 Lbs. Turns. | Turns. | Turns. 0.003 0.000 .003 Lbs. m. s. In. 4.94 5.5 0.0033 | 0.000 -.0033 5. 43 0.0035 0.000 .0035 5.92 6. 5 0.0035 0.000 0035 6. 42 19 0.0035 0.000 .0035 6.91 17 7.5 0.004 0.000 004 7.41 16 • 0.004 0.000 .004 7.90 16 8.5 0.004 0.000 004 8.39 0.0045 0.000 .0045 8.89 9.5 0.0045 0.000 .0045 9.38 18 0.005 0.000 .005 9.88 10.5 0.0055 0.000 .0055 10.37 0,0055 0.000 .0055 10.26 11.5 0.006 0.000 006 11.36 22 0.006 0.000 .006 11.85 12.5 0.006 0.000 .006 12.35 0.0062 0.000 .0062 12.84 13.5 0.0062 0.000 .0062 13. 33 0.0065 0.000 .0065 13.83 14.5 0.0065 | 0.000 0065 14.32 0.0066 0.000 .0066 14.82 15.5 0.007 0.000 .007 15.31 16 0.007 0.000 .007 15.80 16.5 0.007 0.000 .007 16.30 0.007 0.000 .007 16. 79 18 2232E 2922- DERRY FERER 22020 18 16 17 20 16 17 17 15 14 16 18 13 12 17.5 0.0074 0.000 .0074 17.29 13 0.008 0.0002 .0078 17.78 13 0.008 0.0003 18.5 0.008 0.0002 .0078 19. 19.5 0.008 0.0005 .0075 18. 27 16 0077 18.77 14 19. 26 14 0.0082 0.0005 • 20.5 0.0082 | 0.0005 0077 .0077 19.76 18 20.25 17 Diameter. Remarks. 20 29 0.3012 This specimen was prepared from "Crescent" steel in use in the Ord- nance-shops, Washington navy-yard. It was first planed to 0.3 square, and the central inch then turned to a cylinder 0". 3012 diam- eter. Anncaled at standard heat. Mark on specimen desig- CRESCENT nating- Material. of ex- periment. Number 305 85 7 .0123 .0127 ? 21. 26. 30. 31. 34. 36. 42. 44. 47. ៨៨៩ ៩៩៩ ៩៩៩៩ គ៩៩៩ មុទ ថ្មដុះ ដាំ 0.0083 0.001 .0073 20.76 20 21.5 0.015 0.0023€ .0027 21. 24 53 0.021 0.0115 .0095 21.73 1 12 0.0265 0.016 0.030 0.019 .0105 22.72 30 . 011 23. 71 41 0.033 0.0206 .0124 24.70 35 0.036 0.024 .012 25.69 26 0.040 0.027 .013 26.67 28 0.043 0.030 013 27.66 37 0.047 0.033 .014 28. 65 36 0.051 0.037 .014 29.64 27 0.056 0.040 .016 30.63 30 0.060 0.044 .016 31.61 41 0.0665 0.0485 .018 32.60 1 01 0.071 0.053 .018 33.59 0 59 0.0775 0.0585 .019 34.58 1 08 0.084 0.0645 .0195 35. 57 0 38 0.091 0.071 020 36.55 0 40 0.0986 0.078 .0206 37.54 0 47 39. 0.107 0.0863 . 0207 38.53 0 22 0.119 0.097 022 39.52 1 08 0. 1315 0.109 0225 40.51 1 18 0.146 0.123 .023 41.50 1 24 0. 162 0.130 032 42. 48 1 05 0.184 0. 161 023 43. 47 1 30 0.213 0.188 .025 44. 46 1 43 0.249 0.224 .025 45. 45 2 12 0.301 0.277 024 46. 44 2 42 48. 0.374 0.351 .023 47.42 2 24 *0.3013 48.28 0.397 47.70 1 00 Broke. * Diameter after breaking. 98 TABLE 20.-TORSIONAL TESTS of turned specimen of chrome steel No. 3, made by Chrome Steel Company. Torsion. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. Lbs. m. S. 1 inch. 5.0 0.003 0.000 .003 5.50 5.5 0.0033 0.000 .0033 5.55 15 6.0 0.0035 0.000 .0035 6.06 12 6. 5 0.0035 0.000 0035 6. 56 · 10 7.0 0.0037 0.000 .0037 7.07 12 7.5 0.0039 0.000 .0039 7.57 14 DE202 4 In. 15 0.2990 8.0 0.0039 0.000 .0039 8.08 10 8.5 0.004 0.000 .004 8.58 8 9.0 0.004 0.000 .004 9.09 8 9.5 0.005 0.000 .005 9.59 14 10. 0.005 0.000 .005 10. 10 15 10.5 0.0055 0.000 0055 10.60 10 11.0 0.006 0.000 006 11. 11 9 11.5 0.006 0.000 006 11. 61 12 12.0 0.0065 0.0002 .0063 12. 12 10 12.5 0.0065 0.0002 .0063 13.0 0.0065 0.0003 13.5 0.0066 0.0003 .0066 12.62 12 .0063 13. 13 12 13.65 12 14.0 0.0067 0.0005 0062 14. 14 10 14.5 0.0069 0.0009 .0060 14.64 11 15. 0 0.007 0.001 006 15. 15 10 . 15.5 0.007 0.001 .006 15.65 12 16.0 0.008 0.0012 .0068 16. 16 10 20 22207 929 16.5 0.0084 0.0013 .0071 16. 66 9 17.0 0.009 0.0019 .0081 17. 17 8 17.5 0.010 0.0025 .0075 17.67 10 18.0 0.011 0.003 .008 18. 18 11 18.5 0.0115 0.0036 .0079 18. 68 14 19.0 0.0126 0.005 .0076 19. 19 13 19.5 0.014 0.0063 .0077 19. 69 20.0 0.016 0.007 .009 20.20 20.5 0.0174 0.008 .0094 20.70 88 88 10 10 10 1 Remarks. No. 3 chrome steel from shop. Planed 0.3 sq. (to fit clamps)--the con- į tral inch turned cylindrically. Annealed at standard heat. Mark on specimen desig- nating- CHROME 306 87 25. 29. 30. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 45. 46. 47. LEA MANON 12072 116C7 882EE BINGE & 21.0 0.019 0.009 .010 22. 21 13 21.5 Q, 020 0.010 010 21.71 10 • 22. 0.0214 0.0115 .0099 22.22 10 23. 0.025 0.014 .009 23. 23 24 24. 0.029 0.0175 .0115 24. 24 14 0.032 0.020 012 25.25 13 27. 0.037 0 040 0.024 .013 26. 26 20 0.028 .012 27.27 15 28. 0.0445 0. 031 .0135 28.28 17 0.049 0.0353 . 0137 29.29 17 0.055 0.040 .015 30.30 14 31. 0.059 0.044 .015 31. 31 15 0.065 0.049 016 32.32 15 0.070 0.054 .016 33.33 12 0.078 0.060 018 34. 34. 20 0.085 0.068 .017 35.35 30 0.093 0.074 .019 36.36 20 0. 1015 0.082 .0195 37.37 23 0. 115 0.0915 .0235 38.38 28 0.123 0.103 020 39.39 30 0.1385 0. 117 .0215 40.40 1 24 0.154 0.132 022 41. 41 0 46 0.1755 0.153 0225 42. 42 1 16 0.200 0. 177 023 43.43 1 02 44. 0.240 0.217 .023 44.44 1 26 0.286 0.262 014 45. 45 2.08 0.346 0.321 .025 46. 46 2. 08 0.435 0.410 .025 47.47 3 26 0.5263 48.48 1 50 *0. 300 Broke. * Diameter after breaking. 8.8 TABLE 21.—TORSIONAL TEST of specimen turned from gun-wire drawn from steel furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co. Torsion. Diameter. Remarks. Lbs. 1.50 Turns. | Turns. 0.000 Turns. Lbs. 1.70 0.004 0.004 0.002 .002 .004 5. 29 5.99 12 1.90❘ 0.007 2. 10 2.30 0.002 0.007 0.002 .005 0.0072 0.002 .005 6.70 16 7.40 10 .0052 8. 11 16 2.50 0.0076 0.002 .0056 8.81 14 2.70 0.008 0.002 .006 9.52 2.90 | 0.0085 0.0021 0064 10. 22 10 3.10 0.009 0.003 .006 10.93 3.30 0.011 0.004 .007 11.63 16 3.50 0.025 0.0152 .0098 12. 34 32 4.00 0.046 0.038 .008 14. 10 16 4.50 0.063 0.0535 .0095 15.87 20 5.00 0.083 0.0732 .0098 17.63 25 5.50 0.107 0.097 .010 19.39 32 6.00 0.1355 0.1246 .0109 21. 16 28 6. 50 0.171 0.158 013 22.92 26 7.00 0.218 0.205 .013 24.68 28 7.50 0.280 0.266 .014 26. 45 32 8.00 0.3675 0.352 .0155 28. 21 47 8.50 0.4935 | 0.477 .0165 29.98 1 11 9.00 0.6784 0.661 .0174 31.74 1 46 9.50 0.947 0.928 .019 33.50 2 33 10.00 1. 2785 1. 259 .0195 10.50 1. 748 35.27 3 50 37.03 BROOK FOTO NOOR? ****E HERON m. s. In. 18 0.1970 0.3 square wire, central inch turned to 0.197 diameter. Annealed at standard heat. 9 9 3 51 *0. 1963 Broke. * Diameter after breaking. Mark on specimen desig- 307 N co 1 S (D) 1... 1 inch nating- 89 TABLE 22.-TORSIONAL TEST of specimen turned from gun-wire drawn from steel furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co. Mark on specimen desig- Number of ex- periment. nating- Material. Length of wire, (turned part.) Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Torsion. Released. Resilience in length of wire. respond to diameter of 0.3. Strain reduced to cor- Time of twisting. Diameter. Remarks. 308 N co 1 S (D) 2... 1 inch Lbs. 0".3 wire, turned in central inch to diameter of 0".2011. Standard heat. 1.50 0.0032 Turns. Turns. | Turns. 0.000 .0032 Lbs. m. s. 4.98 1.70 0.0035 0. 000 .0035 5.54 1.90 0.0036 0.000 0036 6.30 2. 10 0.004 0.000 .004 6.97 2.30 0.0045 0.000 .0045 7.63 2.50 0.005 0.000 .005 8.30 2.70 0.005 0.000 .005 8.96 11 2.90 0.006 0.000 .006 9.62 10 3. 10 0.006 0.000 .006 6.97 3.30 0.0062 0.000 .0062 10.95 3.50 0.0065 0. 000 .0065 11. 62 10 3.70 0.0066 0.000 .0066 12. 28 10 3.90 0.032 0.025 .007 12.94 1 14 4.00 0.035 0.0275 .0075 13. 28 19 4.50 0.050 0.040 .010 14. 94 31 5.00 0.066 0.057 .009 16. 60 48 5.50 0.085 0.0744 .0106 18.26 43 6.00 0.1075 0.0965 .0110 19.92 57 6.50 0. 1335 0.122 .0115 21.58 53 7.00 0. 1675 0.155 .0125 23. 24 1 00 7.50 0.210 0. 1965 .0135 24.90 53 8.00 0.268 0.252 .016 26.56 1 5 8.50 0.3435 0.3285 .0150 28.22 1 23 9.00 0.448 0.432 .016 29.88 1 30 9.50 0.6075 0.590 .0175 10.00 0.834 10.50 1. 108 0.817 .017 0.900 .208 11.00 1. 497 1. 479 .018 11.33 1. 647 31.54 2 13 33.20 2 40 34.86 3 23 36.52 4 00 37.61 $2023, AHO∞ ===27 **58° ***** *8* In. 0. 2011 10 12 13 9 9 9 8 14 *0. 2011 Broke. * Diameter after breaking. 90 TABLE 23.—TORSIONAL TEST of specimen turned from steel made by Messrs. Miller, Barr & Parkin. Torsion. Remarks. Lbs. Turns. | Turns. | Turns. Lbs. 1 inch. 1.50 0.0038 0.000 .0038 5.10 ሀ. S. 19 In. 0.1995 1.70 0.004 0.000 .004 5.78 9 1.90 0.005 0.000 .005 6. 46 Planed from "Crescent steel" of shops to 0.205 square tó fit clamps; central inch turned to 0".1995 diameter. Annealed at standard heat. 9 2.10 0.005 0.000 005 7.14 10 2.30 0.0055 0.000 .0055 7.82 12 2.50 0.006 0.000 006 8.50 8 2.70 0.006 0.000 .006 9.18 13 2.90 0.0063 0.000 .0063 9.86 11 3. 10 0.0065 0.000 0065 10.54 8 3.30 0.0066 0.000 .0066 11. 22 10 3.50 0.007 0.000 .007 11.90 14 3.70 0.007 0.000 .007 12,58 14 3.90 0.0074 0.000 0074 13. 26 10 4.10 0.0075 0.000 0075 13. 94 14 4. 30 0.0076 0.000 .0076 14. 62 9 4.50 0.008 0.000 .008 15.30 12 4.70 0.0082 0.000 0082 15.98 14 4.90 0.0085 0.0005 .008 16.66 8 5.10 0.009 0.001 .008 17.34 10 5.30 0.010 0.001 009 18.02 11 5. 50 0.010 0.001 .009 18.70 13 5.70 0.010 0.001 009 19.38 13 5.90 0.0105 | 0.001 0095 20.06 11 6. 10 0.011 0.0014 .0096 20.74 11 6. 30 0.0155 0.0075 .0080 21. 42 18 6. 50 0.035 0.025 . 010 22.10 32 7.00 0.043 0.027 .016 23.80 32 7.50 0.051 0.035 . 016 25.50 48 8.00 0.059 0.042 017 27.20 11 8.50 0.068 0.050 .010 28.90 12 9.00 0.078 0.058 .020 30.60 13 9.50 0.0885. 0, 067 0215 32.30 10 Mark on specimen desig- CRESCENT of ex- nating- periment. Material. Number 309 91 10.00 10. 50 0. 1015 0.078 .0235 34.00 17 0.1165 0. 0915 .0250 35.70 35 11.00 0.135 0.1075 .0275 37.40 43 11.50 0.158 0.130 .028 39. 10 50 12.00 0.1875 0.157 .0305 40. 30 1 04 12.50 0.226 0. 196 030 42.50 1 09 13.00 0.2835 0.253 .0305 44.20 1 26 13.50 0.369 0.338 .031 - 45. 90 1 55 14.00 0.568 47.60 3 50*0.1998 Broke. * Diameter after breaking. 92 Remarks. TABLE 24.- TORSIONAL TEST of specimen turned from chrome steel made by the Chrome Steel Company. Torsion. Planed to 0.204 square to fit clamp; central inch turned to diameter of 0.198. No. 3 chrome steel of the ordnance-shops. Annealed at standard heat. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. 1 inch 1.50 0.0035 0. 000 0035 5. 21 15 In. 0.1980 1.70 0.004 0.000 .004 5.91 12 1.90 0.0045 0.000 .0045 6. 50 10 2. 10 0.005 0.000 .005 7.30 12 2.30 0.0055 0.000 .0055 8.00 16 2.50 0.006 0.000 .006 8.71 9 2.70 0.0063 0.000 0063 9. 41 9 2.90 0.0065 0.000 0065 10.08 9 3. 10 0.0066 0.0005 .0061 10.78 10 3.30 0.007 0.001 .006 11. 47 10 3.50 0.007 0.001 .006 12. 17 16 3.70 0.0074 0.001 .0064 '12. 87 10 3.90 0.008 0.001 007 13.56 10 4.10 0.0081 0.001 .0071 14.26 10 4.30 | 0.0085 0.0011 .0075 14.95 13 4.50 | 0.009 0.0013 .0077 15. 65 9 4.70 0.010 0.0018 .0082 16.34 7 4.90 0.011 0.002 .009 17.04 11 5.10 0.012 0.003 .009 17.73 17 5.30 0.014 0.0036 0104 18.43 11 5.50 0.016 0.0064 0096 19. 13 15 5.70 0.018 0.0075 0105 19.82 5.90 0.0205 0.010 .0105 20.52 13 6. 00 0.022 0.011 011 20.87 13 === 122: 6.50 0.029 0.0165 .0125 22.60 8 7.00 0.0372 0.023 .0142 24.34 7.50 0.046 0.030 .016 26.08 10 8.00 0.056 0.0385 .0175 27.82 17 8.50 0.066 0.048 .018 29.56 11 9.00 0.078 0.058 .020 31.30 18 9.50 0.091 0.070 10.00 0.105 0.083 .021 33.04 22 .022 34.78 19 "A==® 20 9 Mark on specimen desig- nating- CHROME Material. 310 93 . 10.50 0.122 0.0985 0235 36. 52 17 11.00 0.143 0.117 .026 38.26 37 11.50 0.172 0. 143 029 40.00 44 12.00 0.205 0.176 .029 41.74 51 12.50 0.2535 0 223 0305 43.48 1 21 13.00 0.328 0.297 .031 45. 21 1 14 13.50 0.456 0.424 032 46.95 2 52 14.00 0.667 0.637 .030 48.69 2 57 14.41 0.786 50.12 18 *0.199 Broke. * Diameter after breaking. 94 Strain applied. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 25.—TORSIONAL TESTS of square specimens planed from steel wire-rods. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- sections. Lbs. 13. 42 Turns. 14.28 0.0065 .0075 0.0015 Turns. Turns. 0.0050 m. s. Inches. Lbs. 0.3023 x.3030 .0025 .0050 15.00 .014 .009 .005 13.06 13.90 14.60 48.68 0.627 745 12.84 .006 .001 .005 .3034 x .3018 13. 65 .0065 .0015 .005 12.53 13. 32 14. 40 .009 .006 .003 14.06 47. 33 .634 6 38 46. 19 0.01. 13. 43 0065 0015 .0050 .303 x.3036 12.99 14.36 .0085 .003 .0055 13.89 15.50 .0105 0055(?) 005 14.99 48.63 .601 6 20 47.04 13. 35 .0065 001 .0055 .3015 x .3030 13.05 14.35 .008 .0025 .0055 14.03 15.25 011 .0065 .0045 14.91 50.24 .574 6 30 49.12 13.52 .006 .001 .005 .301 x.3012 13.37 14.60 007 .0015 .0055 14.41 15.53 .009 .005 .004 15. 36 49.66 .534 6 25 49.12 13. CO .0065 0025 .004 .302. x.299 12.93 13.70 011 008 .003 13.63 41.05 .759 5 34 40.84 13. 51 007 0015 0055 .302 x.3025 13.21 14.40 .010 .006 .004 14. 08 47.57 .629 6 38 46.51 Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. Remarks. 47.40 Those specimens were planed from wire-rods furnished by Messrs. Hussey, Welles & Co. All were intended to be of the same quality. They were annealed at a heat between the melting points of bronze and copper. Length between clamps, 1 inch. The time noted com- menced with the application of strain next following a torsion of Mark on specimen desig- 317 CS ROD experi- nating- . 316 CR ROD 315 CQ ROD mentNo. of . 314 CP ROD 313 CO ROD Material312 CN ROD 311 CM ROD 95 [318] C T ROD 12.34 .00G .0015 .0045 .2984 x .3013 12.40 13.25 .010 0065 0035 13.31 45.20 .625 7 23 45. 43 319 CU ROD 13. 43 .0063 .002 .0043 3014 x. 3008 13.28 14. 46 010 .0065 .0035 14.30 44.00 .693 5 55 43.51 320 CV ROD 13. 24 .0074 002 .0054 302 x.3003 13.08 14.00 .010 .0055 .0035 13. 83 47. 14 .63% 8 19 46.59 Broke. 321 CE ROD 13. 34 0.006 0.001 .005 .299 x 0.300 13. 40 14.50 0.007 0.0015 .0055 14.57 15.49 0.010 0.0035 .0065 15. 56 16.00 0.011 0.0040 .007 16.08 16.50 0.012 0.0065 .0055 16.58 17.00 0.016 0.008 .008 17.08 17.50 0.0165 0.009 .0075 17.58 18.00 0.018 0.011 .007 18.09 50.34 0.500 0.4825 .0175 50.59 3 35 52.12 57.87 0.570 58. 15 322 C F Rod . 14.50 0.007 0.0015 0055 .292 x 0.295 15.14 15.00 0.008 0.002 .006 15.67 15.50 0.0085 0.0025 .006 16. 19 16.00 0.010 0.0035 . C065 16. 71 16.50 0.0115 0.0065 .005 17.23 17.00 0.017. 0.0115 .0055 17.76 44. 18 0.500 0.4850 .015 46. 15 47.56 0.679 3 38 49.69 323 CK ROD 16.90 0.007 0.001 .006 298 x 0.299 17.34 17.40 0.008 0.0015 .0065 17.86 17.90 0.008 + 0.002 - .006 18.37 18.40 0.009 0.002 007 18.88 18.90 0.009 0.002 + .007 19.40 19.40 0.010 0.003 .007 19.71 19.90 0.011 0.003 .008 20.42 20.40 0.0115 0.0035 .007 20.94 20.90 0.012 0.005 . 007 21. 45 21.40 0.013 0.0065 .0065 21. 96 21.90 0.015 0.007 .008 22.48 22 40 0.017 0.0085 .0085 23.09 22.90 0.018 0.010 .008 23.50 57.68 0.500 0.482 .018 59. 11 58.24 0.538 3 50 59.78 96 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 25.-—TORSIONAL TESTS of specimens planed from wire-rods-Continued. Lbs. Turns. Turns. 13.45 13.95 0.0065 0.001 .007 .001 + .006 Turns. m. S. 0.0055 Inches. .2987 x .2943 Lbs. 13.93 14. 44 14.45 008 .002 .006 14.96 14.95 15 .009 004 .005 15. 48 010 D 008 002 15. 53 15.50 .0175 .012 .0055 16.05 41. 45 50 .486 014 42.93 44.00 .655 3 15 45. 57 15. 40 0.007 0.001 0.006 . 2975 x 0.2962 15.88 15. 90 .0075 .0015 .0055 16. 4.) 16. 10 0085 002 0065 16.92 16. 90 .010 0035 .0065 17.43 17.40 . 0115 0045 .007 17.95 17.90 .013 007 .006 18.46 18.40 .016 0085 .0065 18.98 18.90 .017 .010. .007 19.50 52. 05 . 456 3 15 53.70 15.81 0.0065 0.0005 0.006 300 x 0.293 16.35 16.50 007 001 .006 17.06 17.00 .007 + .001 + .006 17.58 17.50 .008 0015 .0065 18.09 18.00 008 -+ 002 006 + 18.61 18.50 .009 .0025 , 19.00 010 0035 .0065 0065 19. 13 19.64 19.50 .011+ 004 .007 + 20. 16 20.00 .012 .006 .006 20.68 20.50 .014 .007 .007 21.20 21.00 .016 .0085 .0075 21.71 21.50 .0175 .010 .0075 22.23 54. 16 498 3 50 56.01 Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3 x 0.3. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 326 C H co 4 S ROD.. experi- nating- . 325 CS co 5 ROD 324 CL ROD mentNo. of Material. 97 .2985 x 0.299 327 N co I ROD 10. 36 0.005 0.0025 0.0025 10. 36 030 0.0265 26.87 .500 .496 .0035 .004 32.69 1.210 3 55 10.48 10. 48 27.20 33. 09 7 F 98 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Torsion. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires. [For explanation of marks, see pages 136 to 140, inclusive.] Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″.3 x 0.3. Strain reduced to cor- Lbs. Turns. 13.70 0.007 14.50 .008 .002 .006 15.00 .009 .0025 .0065 15.50 010 0035 .0065 16.00 .011 .005 .006 16.50 .0155 .0085 .007 17.00 . 018 .0115 0065 18.26 Turns. 0.0015 Turns. m. 8. 0.0055 Inches. .293 x .295 Lbs. 14.55 15. 40 15.93 16. 46 16.99 17.52 The time noted in this experiment and in the succeeding ones, up to and including No. 342, commenced with the beginning of the next strain after reaching a "released torsion" of 0.01, and includes the whole time the specimen was under strain, up to breaking. The strain given was continued until specimens ceased yielding. 45.96 522 .517 .005 48.82 50.65 834 5 15 53.81 13.37 0.0065 0.001 0.0055 .294 x .296 14.06 14.00 .007 .001 + .006 - 14. 72 14.50 .0075 .0015 .006 15. 24 15.00 .008 + .002 .006 + 15. 77 15. 50 .009 .0035 .0055 16.30 15.60 . 013 .007 .006 16. 40 16.00 .015 .008 007 16. 82 16.50 .018 .011 .007 17. 35 47.88 500 481 .019 50.35 50.05 .627 4 30 52.63 12,90 0.0065 0.001 0.0055 2991 x : 300 12. 95 13.50 .007 .0015 .0055 13.56 14.00 .007 + .002 .005 + 14.06 14.50 .0085 0035 005 14.56 14.50 .019 .012 .007 14.56 43.00 .500 .487 013 43. 19 46.88 .738 4 2 47.09 13.00 0.0065 0.001 + 0.0055- 2992 x .2987 13. 13 13.50 .007 .002 .005 13. 64 14.00 008 003 005 14. 14 Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 331 C N. experi- nating- ment. 330 C M No. of Material. 329 C S co 5 328 CH co 4 S. 99 14.05 .010 .0065 .0035 14. 19 14.50 .018 .013 .005 14. 65 41. 69 501 .488 .013 42. 12 45.00 .7175 4 5 45.47 332 СО 12.00 0.0065 0.001 .0055 .2975 x .300 12. 14 12.50 .007 .0015 .0055 12. 65 1 13.00 .007 + .0015+ .0055 13. 16 13.50 .0075 .002 .0055 13.66 14.00 008 .003 .005 14. 17 14.50 .010 .0065 .0035 14. 67 15.00 018 .013 .005 15. 18 42.56 500 .487 .013 43.08 46.00 .728 46.57 333 CP 12.50 0.0065 0.001 0.0055 .2993 x .2973 12. 71 13.00 0065 .001 .0055 13. 22 13.50 .007 .0015 .0055 13. 73 14.00 007 + .002 .005 + 14. 24 14.50 .008 .0025 .0055 14.75 15.00 .009 .005 .004 15. 26 15.00 .018 . 0115 .0065 15. 26 43. 29 .500 .485 .015 44. 04 47.00 677 4 25 47.81 334 C Q са 12.50 0.006 0.001 .005 + .2984 x .2988 12.67 13.00 .006 + .001 .005 + 13. 18 13.50 .0065 .001 + .0055- 13.69 14.00 .007 .0015 ,0055 14. 19 14.50 .0075 002 0055 14.70 15.00 .008 .004 .004 + 15. 21 15.00 015 005 .010 15. 21 46.47 .601 .584 .017 47.12 47.24 .654 3 55 47.90 335 CR 12. 25 0.0065 0.001 .0055 .2975 x .299 12.46 13.00 0065 .001 + .0055. 13. 23 13.50 . 007 .002 .005 + 13.73 14.00 008 .003 .005 14. 24 14.00 .010 .007 .003 14. 24 14.50 .018 .013 .005 14.75 35.05 .500 .488 + .012 35.67 41.00 .874 3 50 41.72 86 CS form 12.70 0.007 0.0015 13.50 .007 .002 .0055— .005 .2993 x .300 12.73 13. 54 14.00 .008 .0025+ .0055- 14.04 14.50 .010 .0065 0035 14. 54 41. 32 .501 489 012 45.40 734 4 20 41. 44 45.53 100 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Torsion. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Strain reduced to cor. respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3x0.3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. S. 12.00 0.006 0.001 0.005 + Inches. 2993 x .2995 Lbs. 12. 07 12.50 .0065 .001 .0055 12. 57 13.00 .0065+ .001 + .0055 13.07 13.50 .007 .002 005 + 13.58 14.00 .008 003 005 14.08 14. 08 .010 .007 003 14. 16 14.50 .019 .015 004 14.58 40.52 500 .4875 .0125 40.76 45.05 .754 3.40 45.32 11.95 0.006 0.001 .005 12. 12 12.50 .0065 .001 + 0055- 2978 x .2993 12. 68 13.00 0065 .001 + .0055- 13. 18 13.50 .0065+ .0015 .005 + 13. 69 14.00 .007 .002 005 14.20 14.50 .0085+ .005 .0035+ 14. 71 14.50 .031 0255 .0055 14. 71 37.82 .502 4875 .0145 38.37 42.57 .840 3 50 43. 19 11.00 0.005 0.001 15.50 .006 .001 12.00 .0065 .001 + .004 + .005 .0055- .290 x .2984 11. 14 15.70 12. 15 12.50 .0065 .0015 13.00 .0065+ 0015 • 13.50 .0075 .002 .005 .005 + 0055 12.66 13. 17 14.00 .008 14.50 .010 003 .0065 005 40.93 .500 .487 .0035 013 13. 67 14. 18 14.68 45.00 751 3 50 41. 46 45.58 12. 50 0.006 + 0.0005 13.00 .0065 001 0.0055+ .0055 .2933 x .2957 13. 21 13.74 Numbers 340 and 341 were cut from different ends of the coil. After being twisted, both showed a slight seam. Remarks. •Mark Mark on specimen desig- CH co. 4 S. 340 nating- CV experi- 339 ment. CU No. of Material. 338 CT 337 101 13.50 .0065+ .001 14.00 .007 .001 .0055+ .006 14.26 J 14.79 14.50 0075 .001 + 0065- 15. 32 15.00 .008 .0015 .0065 15.85 15.50 0085 002 .0065+ 16. 38 16.00 .009 .002 + 007 16. 91 16.50 .010 003 007 17.44 17.00 .011 0035 0065 17.96 · 18.00 .014 .007 .007 19.02 19.00 0185 .0105 007 20.08 48.75 .500 483 .017 51.52 53.29 883 4 20 56.32 341 CH co 4 S 12.80 0.0065 0.001 — 0.0055- 13. 60 13.30 .0065+ .001 0055+ .2924 x 2955 14. 13 13.80 .007 .001 .006 14. 67 14.30 007 001 .006 15.20 14. 80 .0075+ .001 + .0065 15.73 15.30 008 + .0015 .0065+ 16. 26 16.00 0085 002 .0065 17.00 16. 50 .010 0025+ 0075- 17.54 17.00 0105 003 0075 18. 07 18.00 .014 .0075 .0065 19. 13 46.53 .501 .479 .022 49.46 52.76 .900 3 55 56.08 342 BB. 17.00 0.010 0.003 + 0.007 .3009 x .3014 16.80 18.00 0115- .005 .0065 17.79 19.00 015 .007 008 18.78 51.87 .500 .480 .020 51. 27 56. 03 .785 4 10 55. 39 348 P B co 2 * 13.40 0.010 0.004 .006 .2989 x .3001 13. 46 14.00 .012 .0065 0055 14.07 14.50 .015 .008 .007 14.57 15.00 .017 .01 + .007 42.70 .500 484 .016 6 48 15. 07 42.91 45.90 .6285 0 28 46. 12 The time here given is counted from the beginning of the next strain after reaching 0.01 permanent torsion. 349 P B co 3 * 13.30 .010 .004 .006 2.10 .2985 x .2997 14.00 .013 008 005 1 40 13. 31 14. 01 Torsion due to continuance of this strain was reached. 14.50 .016 .010 .006 1 30 14. 51 42. 05 .500 .485 .015 9 45 42.08 Torsion due to continuance of this strain was reached. 45.50 639 0 30 45.54 102 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. 1 TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″.3x0" .3: Strain reduced to cor- Lbs. 20.60 Turns. 010 Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. 0038 .0062 3 20 .2985 x.3002 21.00 .017 .010 .007 1 00 50.97 .501 .485 .016 2 20 53.79 .6465 0 23 15.00 .010 006 .004 1 00 302 x.3006 14. 81 15.70 028 .023 .005 0 50 15.50 38.93 501 .489 .012 2 48 38.43 43.00 .778 0 50 42. 45 Lbs. 20. 73 21. 13 51.30 54. 13 In this experiment, and in the subsequent ones recorded in this table, unless otherwise mentioned, the torsions preceding and including that of 0.01 "released" were very nearly those due. to a continuance of the strain given. The strain at the torsion of 0.500 was taken when that torsion was reached in the course of turning at the rate of an entire revolution in about five minutes. It was then imme- diately released and "released torsion" read. Subsequently the tor- sion was continued at nearly the same rate, (or as nearly as the strain could be kept in adjustment,) until the piece failed. 19.00 0.010 0.003 .007 +1 20 .3023 x.302 18.59 20.00 .012 .005 007 1 00 19.57 21.00 .015 .0065 .0075 0 53 20.55 22.00 .017 .008 .009 0 50 21. 53 23.00 .019 .010 .009 0 34 22.51 61. 51 434 4 05 60. 15 14.52 .010 .004 .006 1 18 2995 x.3010 14. 48 15.00 .012 .0065 .0055 0 30 14.96 16.00 .0155 .009 .0065 0 30 15.96 16.50 .017 .010 .007 0 30 16. 45 51.90 .50 .480 .02 5 05 51.77 53. 81 .619 0 28 53.67 17.50 .010 .003 .007 1 15 3025 x.305 16. 85 18.50 .011 004 007 1 00 17.82 From Hussey, Welles & Co. 19.50 .013 .006 .007 0 25 18.78 20.50 .0155 008 0075 0 40 19. 74 21.50 .0175 .009 .0085 0 35 20.71 22.50 .020 .011 .009 0 30 21.67 61. 11 4275 3 30 58.87 15.20 0.010 0.0035 .0065 1 10 .301 x.3012 15.03 Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 355 DO experi- nating- 354 D N* . 353 D M . No. of ment352 D L* M co 1* Material351 A co 2* 350 103 + 16. 20 .016 .009 .007 - 1 03 16.02 16.80 .0175 .0105 .007 0 55 16. 61 53.00 .500 480 020 3 45 52. 41 54. 62 .5785 0 45 54. 01 356 D P* 16. 69 0.010 0.0035 .0065 1 25 0.302 x 0.3039 16. 21 17.69 .016 .009 .007 1 52 17. 18 18. 19 .017 . 010 .007 055 17.67 55.53 501 481 .02 3 32 53.94 57.24 .596 0 18 55. 60 357 D Q* 13. 23 0.010 0.004 .006 1 48 0.298 x 0.298 13. 49 14.23 .034 029 • .005 1 05 14.51 36. 46 .550 .548 002 2 35 37. 19 39.79 .791 0 37 40.59 358 DR* 13. 45 0.010 0.005 .005 1 000. 2933 x 0. 2933 14.39 14.45 .031 .0255 .0055 0 58 15. 46 38.84 .501 487 014 2 45 41.56 42. 41 757 0 40 45.38 359 S* 13.00 0.032 0.0265 .0055 1 20 0.2985 x 0. 2982 13. 32 34. 61 500 488 .012 2 39 35.29 13.00 pounds were raised before 0. 01 torsion was reached. From Newark Steel Works. 38.92 .830 0 40 39.58 360 DTX 11.78 0.010 0.006 .004 0 32 | 0.2989 x 0. 2989 11.90 12.78 .025 .020 .005 1 00 12. 92 35.64 501 4885 .0125 2 20 36 03 39.52 .7955 0 48 39.95 361 DU* 11.35 0.010 0.005 .005 1 18 0.2974 x 0. 298 11.61 12.35 .0335 0285 005 1.00 12. 63 32.84 .500 .488 .012 2.40 33.60 36.94 817 0 42 37.80 362 C co 1* 14. 48 0.010 0.004 .006 2 20 0.2967 x 0.2987 14.81 Nos. 362 to 371, inclusive, were annealed together. 15.48 .020 .013 .007 1 10 15.84 45.80 .501 .485 .016 3 45 46.86 46.94 .583 0 18 48.03 363 C co 2* 14.60 0.010 0.004 .006 2 38 0.298 x 0.298 14.89 15. 60 .020 .014 .006 1 20 15.91 45. 83 .501 . 483 . 017 3. 00 46.75 47.00 573 0 20 47.94 364 C co 3* 14.39 0.010 0.0035 0065 1 30 0.297 x 0.2986 14.71 15.39 . 019 .012 .007 1 00 15. 73 45.85 .500 4835 .0165 3 15 46.88 46.94 565 0 15 47.99 † About. 104 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.-TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x 0″.3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 14. 16 0.010 0.004 .006 2 20 0.3008 x 0.3011 14.09 15. 16 .017 .010 .007 0 55 15.09 46.52 .501 .484 .0.17 3 50 46. 31 48. 61 .611 0 20 48. 40 14.00 0.010 0.004 006 1 40 0.2989 x 0.2972 14. 27 15.00 .017 0105 .0065 1 00 15. 29 45. 45 .500 483 .017 3 15 46.34 46.90 .587 0 18 47.82 14.50 0.010 0.004 006 1 52 0.301 x 0.300 14. 42 15. 50 .015 .009 .006 1 15 15. 42 16.00 .0175 .011 0065 1 00 15.92 47.72 .501 .484 .017 3 40 47.48 48. 05 .541 0 12 47.81 15.00 0.010 0.0035 .0965 2 10 0.2985 x 0.2993 15. 16 16.00 .020+ .0140 .0060 1 00 16.07 46. 74 .501 484 .017 3 45 47.25 48.00 .5865 0 40 48.52 15.00 0.010 0.0035 .0065 2 05 0.3001 x 0.3003 14.96 16.00 .018 .011 007 1 25 15. 96 48.36 .501 484 .017 3 50 48.25 49.50 .573 0 10 49.39 14. 20 0.010 0.004 ´.006 1 55 0.298 x 0.298 14. 48 15. 20 .020 .013 .007 1.00 15.50 45. 34 .500 4825 .0175 3 50 46.86 .591 0 25 14. 80 0.010 0.004 .006 15.80 .0195 .013 .0065 1 40 47.50 .500 483 .017 3 20 1 30 0.2985 x 0. 2987 46. 24 47.80 14.95 Nearly ceased yielding at a strain of 14.80. 15.96 47.99 Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- C co 10* experi- nating- ment. 371 No. of C co 9*. 370 Material. 369 C co 8* 368 C co 7* 365 C co 4* 367 | C co 6* 366 C co 5* 105 48.28 .559 0 10 48.78 372 A co 2* 20.12 .010 .0025 .0075 4 10 0.3001 x 0.2989 20.22 21.12 0245 .017 0075 4 20 21.22 50.75 .500 485 .015 3 05 51.00 53.52 .668 0 38 53.78 373 M co 1* 14.50 .010 .0045 .0055 1 30 0.3006 x 0.303 14. 14 Lever standing at 14.50. 15.50 .035 .029 006 1 45 38.47 .501 .488 .013 2 35 41.92 .735 0 40 41. 73 15. 22 Nearly ceased yielding at a torsion of .017, then began to yield more 37.78 rapidly, without increasing the strain. 374 D L*. 21.60 .01 .002 .008 4 00 0.3056 x 0.3029 19.93 22.60 0115 .003 0085 0 40 20.86 23.60 .0125 .004 .0085 0 35 21.78 24. 60 .015 .0065 .0085 0 30 22.70 25. 60 .017 .0075 .0095 0 30 23. 63 26.60 .0195 .009 .0105 0 35 24.55 27.60 .0215 .0115 .010 0 45 25. 47 64. 14 .382 4 00 59. 20 375 D M M* 16. 85 .01 .003 .007 2 00 0.2996 x 0.301 16. 79 17.85 0135 .007 .0065 1 45 17.79 18.85 .018 .010 .008 1 30 18.79 53. 42 .500 .479 .021 4 20 53.25 54. 61 562 0 15 54. 44 376 DN 20. 29 .01 .002 .008 3 10 0.3048 x 0.302 20.09 21.29 .011 .003 .008 0 30 21.08 22.29 .012 .004 .008 0 32 22.07 23. 29 .014 .006 008 0 35 23.06 24. 29 .016 .007 .009 0 25 24.05 25.29 .018 .0085 .0095 0 25 25.04 26. 29 .0205 .015 .0055 0 30 26. 03 64. 14 .426 4 35 63.52 377 D 0* DO* 17.35 .01 .003 .007 2 100. 3012 x 0.2994 17.29 18.35 013 0065 0065 0 55 18. 29 19. 35 .017 .009 .008 1 10 19.29 20.35 .020 . 0115 .0085 0 40 20.28 55.00 .501 481 .020 3 10 54.83 378 D P*. 15.75 .01 .0035 .0075 3 30 0.3036 x 0.3017 15. 33 16.75 .012 .0065– .0055 0 40 16.30 17.75 .0175 .0085 .0090 1 00 17. 28 18.75 .019 .011 .008 1 00 18.25 55. 20 501 .481 .020 3.00 51.79 55.76 .542 0 05 54.28 106 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. 13.55 025 Turns. Turns. .019 Turns. .006 m. s. Inches. Lbs. *5 00 .2979 x .2976 13.85 36. 41 500 .488 012 2 45 37. 24 40.00 .765 0 40 40.91 12.95 .01 .004 .006 2.00 .298 x .298 13. 21 13.95 .029 . 022 .007 1 00 14. 23 38.65 500 .486 .014 3 20 39.43 42.00 735 0 35 42.84 11.00 .016 .011 .005 2.00 .2978 x .2981 11. 22 33.76 .500 .489 .011 2 55 34. 45 37.69 .802 0 50 38.47 11.75 .011 .0065 .0045 1 15 .2973 x .298 11.98 12. 75 .029 .024 .005 1 05 13.00 35. 19 .500 488 .012 2 30 35.89 38.73 .769 0 45 39.50 11.25 023 .018 005 3 00 .2976 x .2972 11.50 36.80 .797 3 25 37.63 13.75 .01 .004 .006 3 00 .299 x .2969 14.03 14.75 19 .013 .077 1 05 15. 05 44. 77 501 484 .017 3.40 45.69 46.05 .5875 0 20 47.00 13.80 .01 .004- .006 3 20 .2975 x .2977 14. 11 14.80 .0155 .009 .0065 0 40 15. 14 15.80 02 013 .007 1 00 16. 16 45. 45 500 .484 016 4 10 46.49 47. 14 .5985- 0 18 48.22 13. 22 .01 .004 .006 2.30 .297 x .2979 13.51 14.22 014 .008 .006 1 20 14.53 15.22 .018 . 0115 0065 0 40 15.55 • Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x 0.3. Beam nearly standing at .01, with strain of 11.25, but would not stand until torsion reached .023. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 3* experi- nating- C co ment. 386 No. of . C co 2* 385 Material384 C co 1* 383 DU ✶ 379 D Q* 382 DT. DR380 D R 381 D S * 107 44. 96 .501 .485 .016 3 15 45.95 46. 29 .579 0 20 47.31 387 C co 4* 13.30 .01 .004 .006 *2 20 .3002 x .2998 13.30 14.30 .014 .008 .006 1 10 14. 30 15.30 .019 .012 .007 0 50 15.30 46. 69 .501 .485 .016 3 20 46. 69 47.95 591 0 15 47.95 388 C co 5* 13.59 .01 .004 .006 2 05 .297 x .298 13.93 14.59 .016 .010 .006 1 00 14.96 45. 03 501 .485 .016 3 05 46. 17 46.60 589 0 25 47.78 389 C co 6*. 14.00 .01 .0045 .0055 3 15 .300 x .300 14.00 15.00 .016 1 10 15.00 46.75 .500 .4825 .0175 3 00 46. 75 48. 10 587 0 20 48. 10 390 C co 7* 13. 82 .01 .004 .006 3 50 .2987 x .2984 14. 12 14.82 .016 .010— .006 1 35 15.03 46. 43 .501 .484 .017 3 40 47. 11 47.61 5845 0 13 48.30 391 C 00 8* 13.70 .01 .004 .006 3 40 0.300 x 0.3005 13.66 14.70 .0155 .009 .0065 1 25 14.66 15.70 .020 .013 .007 2.00 15. 66 46.77 500 4835 .0165 3 45 46.65 47.94 .5725 0 18 47.82 392 C co 9* 13.70 .01 004 .006 2 35 .2978 x .2979 13.99 14. 70 .019 .012 .007 1 30 15.02 45. 55 500 .4835 .0165 3 25 46. 54 46.99 602. 0 15 48.01 393 C co 10* 13.85 .01 .004 .006 *3 15 .2984 x .2988 14.04 14.85 .019 .012 007 2.00 15.05 47.81 .604 . 3 40 48.48 394 T co 6* 395 T co 10* LH LH 16. 65 .01 0035 .0065 3.40 .3009 x .3003 16.55 17.65 18.65 .017 .009 .008 1 15 17.54 020 0125 0075 1 20 • 18.53 55. 36 500 .479 .021 3 50 54.80 55.36 5215 0 05 54.80 17.36 .01 .0035 .0065 3 55 .2996 x .2996 17.42 18.36 .016 .0085+ 0075 • 1 20 18. 42 19.36 . 019 .012 .007 1 10 19.43 56.86 486 3 15 57.07 * About. 108 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.-TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Torsion. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lb8. 20. .01 .0025 .0075 3 15 .3005 x .3003 19.92 21. .0115 .003 + .0185 1 00 20.91 22. 013 0045 0085 0 35 21. 91 23. .0155 0065+ .0090 1 10 22. 91 24. .018 0085 .0095 1 00 23.90 25. .020 .01 + .010 1 08 24.90 61. 09 407 3 10 60. 84 19.05 20.05 .01 .003 .007 3 10 .2994 x .2997 19. 13 .012 0045 .0075 1 20 20. 13 21. 05 .015 007 008 1 10 21. 13 22.05 .0175 .009 .0085 1 15 22. 14 23. 05 020 .0115 .0085 1 00 23. 14 59.87 .422 3 00 60. 12 20.29 .01 .0025 .0075 4 35 .3007 x.3036 19.85 61.69 3975 3 56 60.38 16.55 .01 .0035 .0065 2 24 .2985 x.2998 16. 70 53.96 .4375 3 11 54. 46 15.23 .01 .0035 .0065 2 20 .300 x.3009 15.22 51.52 468 2 43 51. 49 20.90 .01 .0025 .0075 †2 30 .3035 x.3006 19. 47 60.96 3535 4.03 60.72 20.45 .01 0023 .0077 3 30 3016 x.3015 20. 13 61.05 .406 4 30 60.09 17.60 .01 .003 .007 2.30 .2996 x.298 17.80 56. 64 .438 3 10 61.76 19.35 .01 .0025 .0075 2 05 .301 x.3006 19. 18 62.38 .373 3 35 61.84 Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- Materialexperi- nating- . . но mentNo. of 396 T co 6✶ CH 397 T co 10 398 T co 9 * CH CH 399 T co 2* CH CH 400 T co 3 * CH CH 401 T co 4 * 404 T co 8 * 403 T co 7 * 402 T co 5 * 109 404 | DL 19.70 .01 .003 .007 2 57 .302 x.3005 19.53 bis. 20.70 . 0115 .004 0075 1 05 20.52 21.70 .013 006 - .007 0 58 21.51 22.70 .0155 .007 0085 1 00 22.50 23.70 0175- .0085 .009 0 54 23.49 24.70 .195 .010 .0095 0 40 24. 49 63.94 450 3 35 63. 39 405 DM 16.33 .01 .0035 0065 2 35 .3005 X.2991 16. 36 17.33 .0135 .007 .0065 1 05 17.46 18.33 .0175 .010 .0075 1 15 18.36 52.79 502 4835 .0185 3 43 52.89 53.72 .589 0 10 53.82 406 DN 19. 42 .01 .0025 .0075 4 45 .2995 x .2986 19. 61 20.42 .0115 0035 .008 0 45 20.62 21. 42 .013 005 .008 0 38 21.63 22.42 .015 .0065 .0085 0 50 22. 64 Annealed in "fresh" turnings. 23.42 .0175 008 .0095 0 50 23.65 24. 42 .019 .009 .010 0 34 24.66 25.42 . 0215 0115 .0100 0 50 25.77 62.94 .449 3 18 63.56 407 DO. 15.80 .01 0035 .0065 1 28 2978 x .2988 16. 07 16.80 .0115 .006 .0055 0 30 17.08 17.80 .0155 008 .0075 0 45 18. 10 18.80 .018 .010 .008 0 44 19. 12 53.93 .501 .480 .021 3 38 54.85 54.70 .564 0 10 55.64 408 D P 15.30 .01 .0035 0065 1 45 .300 x .2987 15. 39 16.30 .015 .007 .008 1 40 16. 40 17.30 .0175 010 .0075 1 20 17.41 53.95 501 .4815 .0195 3 20 54. 43 54.88 .577 0 30 55.23 409 T co 1 * 17. 15 .01 .003+ .00% 3 20 .3007 x .3015 16.96 18. 15 .0125 .006 .0065 1 35 17.95 19. 15 .016 .008 .008 1 15 18.93 20. 15 0185 .010 .0085 0 55 19.92 56.90 .4685 2 58 56. 27 410 T co 2* 16.95 .01 .003 .007 3 20 .2976 x .3001 17. 14 17.95 .0125 .006 .0065 1 00 18. 15 18.95 .0165 .008 .0085 1 11 19. 16 19.95 .0195 .011 .0085 0 55 20. 19 53.03 4680 2.50 53. 65 † About 2 30. 110 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. Turns. 15. 07 .01 Turns. .0035 Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. .0065 1 50 .2995 x .301 16. 07 .0155 .008 .0075 1 05 15. 03 16. 02 17.07 .0195 .0115 008 100 17.02 50.70 .472 3 10 50.57 20.45 .01 .002 008 2.00 .3018 x.3004 20. 22 21.45 .512 .004 .008 0 50 21. 21 22.45 .0175 .0085 009 1 05 22. 20 23.45 .021 012 ,0090 1 00 23. 19 59.44 378 3.38 58.78 18.33 .01 .0025+ .0075 3 22 .3011 x.3023 18.02 59. 25 4215 3 02 58.25 23.90 .01 .0015 .0085 2 50 .300 x. 3007 23.81 24.90 .0105 .0015 .009 0 40 24. 81 25.90 .011 .0015+ .0095 0 45 25.80 26.90 . 0115 .002- .0095 0 45 26. 80 27.90 .0115+ .002 .0095 1 00 27.80 65.99 2765 3 05 65. 75 T co 7x. 16.65 .01 .003 .007 3 35 .2973 x.2994 16. 92 54.56 .458 3 30 55.47 co 19.00 .01 .003 007 3 30 .301 x. 2993 18. 97 57.28 378 .3 10 57.19 18.79 .01 .003 · .007 3 03 .3015 x. 3016 18.49 60.55 .385 3.40 59.58 18. 20 .01 .003 .007 2 53 .2995 x .300 18. 24 58.82 419 3 02 58.96 respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x0“ „3: Strain reduced to cor- Torsion not quite ceased at strain of 15.07. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- T co 10x exper- - nating- iment. 418 No. of T co 9. * 417 Material. T 8* 411 416 T co 3*. 415 412 T co 6% T co 4*. 414 413 T co 5x- 111 419 M co 1 13.90 .01 .005 .005 2.50 .2975 x. 2983 14.90 35.59 500 .488 .012 2 40 36.33 40.64 .903 1 00 41. 49 420 A co 1 17.94 .01 .003 .007 3 00 .2979 x.299 18. 21 44. 71 .500 .485 .015 2 29 45. 40 48.88 778 0 40 49.63 421 A co 2 18.92 .01 .003 .007 3 52 2972 x. 2992 19. 26 49.39 500 .4845 .0155 2 51 50.28 52.87 .712+ 0 30 53.83 422 A co 3 18. .01 .0035 .0065 2 57 .299 x .299 18. 18 43. 60 .501 4875 . 0135 2 33 44. 05 48.02 .806 0 55 48.51 423 A co 4 17.66 .01 .0035 .0065 2.00 .2981 x. 2986 17.95 42.70 500 .487 .013 2 45 43. 41 46.71 798 0 40 47.49 424 A co 5 19.70 .01 .003- .007 2 43 . 2995 x. 2981 19.93 50.31 .500 .4835 .0165 3 12 50.89 53.91 .722 0 40 54.54 425 A co 6 18.62 .01 .003 .007 1 10 .298 x .297 19.09 46.72 .500 .485 .015 2 18 47.90 50.05 7235 0 25 51.32 426 A co 7 14. .01 003 007 0 30 • 2997 x 3002 14.00 39.79 500 4875 .0125 2.00 39.80 45.76 .801 0 58 45.78 427 A co 8 17. 15 .011 .004 .007 1 15 .2987 x.2988 17.35 39.22 .500 487 013 2 25 39.69 44. 05 .9135 0 45 44.57 428 A co 9 18.60 .01 .0035 .0065 2 10 .300 x .3037 18.25 46.84 500 .486 ´.014 2 20 44.98 50.30 .719 0 30 49.37 429 A co 10 16. 46 .01 .0035 .0065 †2 25 .298 x .298 16.79 41. 38 502 .488 .014 2.08 42. 21 45. 62 825 0 40 46.54 430 A co 1 * 18.22 .01 .003 .007 2 18 .2975 x 298 18. 63 45.82 .500 486 .014 2.50 46.86 48. 48 667 0 30 49.58 + About. 112 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.-TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. S. Inches. Lbs. 18.70 .01 .0035 .0065 1 40 299 x.3013 18. 67 44.80 500 4865 .0135 2 15 44.73 47.95 701 0 25 47.87 16. 94 .01 .0035 .0065 1 30 .2965 x .2973 17.47 42.88 .500 4865 .0135 2 01 44. 28 46.62 .725 0 30 48.07 18.70 .01 .003 .007 1 40 .2972 x .2978 19. 17 47. 18 .500 4845 .0155 2 28 48.37 49.79 .659 20 51.05 16. 10 . 01 0035 .0065 1 10 .2975 x .2971 16.54 38.84 500 488 .012 2.00 39.90 42.68 .7915 0 40 43.83 42.87 .500 .4865 .0135 2 05 .3005 x .3007 42.59 46.35 728 0 35 46. 07 12.55 .01 .005 .005 2 03 .2973 x .2978 12. 89 36.00 500 .488 .019 2.00 36.90 39.78 .7735 0 33 40.70 11. 24 .01 .005 .005 1 30 .2979 x .2981 11. 46 38.80 500 .486 .014 * 2 50 39.58 41.68 .720 0 27 42.52 10.05 .0115 .0075 .0040 2.00 2969 x .2975 10.34 34.37 500 489 .011 2 25 35. 36 37.99 7935 0 35 35.36 10.70 .02 .0155 .0045 3 20 .298 x .2976 10.94 34. 44 .501 489 .012 2 37 35. 21 38.05 .8115 0 43 38.90 Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x 0″.3. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- N S co 4* experi- nating- ment. 439 No. of 3* N S co Material. 438 NS co 2*. 431 437 A co 3x. N S co 1x. 432 436 A co 4* A co 10* 433 435 A co 6* co 8* A 434 113 440 NS co 5 * 10.00 .0185 .0135 0050 4 CO . 2973 x .2976 10. 26 32. 21 500 4885 . 0115 1 55 33. 04 36.45 858 0 45 461 C S co 9 * 18.65 .01 .0025 .0075 3.00 .301 x.3015 18. 41 61.95 .361 3 30 61. 18 462 C S co 10 ✶ 18. 10 .01 .003 .007 2 15 .301 x .3008 17.93 58. 16 .428 3 00 58.12 463 C S co 11 * 14.00 .01 . 004- .006 3 (0 .2994 x .2992 14.09 48.47 500 482 018 2.50 48.80 • 48. 17 524 0 05 48.80 464 C S co 12 * 18.10 .01 .003 .007 3 02 .301 x.301 17.91 57.54 .384 3 05 56.96 465 C S co 13 ✶ 17.33 .01 003 .007 2.00 2983 x .3009 17.39 53.67 .285 2.50 53.86 466 CS co 14 * 15.93 .01 .003 .007 2 15 .2998 x .3006 15. 79 54.68 417 3 08 54. 55 467 C S co 15 * 17.68 .01 .003 .007 2 45 .301 x .301 17.48 58.00 .406 2 45 57.35 468 C S co 16 * 15. 62 .01 .003+ .007 2.00 2976 x .2989 15.89 53.36 .4505 2 45 54.30 469 C S co 17 ✶ 17.45 . 01 .003 .007 2 30 .299 x .302 17.39 58. 14 406 2 32 57.85 · 470 CS co 18* 15.35 .01 0035 .0065 1.00 .3007 x .3007 15.24 52.66 .472 2 25 52.29 471 H W co 8 20.40 .01 0025 ``0075 3 50 .301 x:3017 20. 12 62.80 4315 3 50 61. 94 472 H W co 9 1.4.35 .01 .003+ . 007 1 30 .2984 x .2985 14.57 49.43 .501 .479 .022 2 32 50.20 51.53 .6215 0 12 52.33 473 H W co 10.. 19.68 .01 .0025 .0075 2.40 .298 x.2982 20.06 61.55 .442 3 12 62.75 474 H W co 11 15.73 .01 .003+ .007 2 52 .2981 x.2982 16.01 51.94 500 .479 021 2 47 52.87 53. 582 0 15 53.95 475 | P W có 12 16. 45 .01 .003 .07 1 30 .299 x .300 16.53 53.58 502 4795 225 2 55 53.85 54.36 5725 0 10 54.63 8 F 114 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.--TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3x0" .3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 12.50 .01 .004 .006 2 15 .2978 x .297 12.82 34. 71 .500 .488 .012 2 05 35. 61 38.35 .790 0 34 39.34 11. 25 .01. .0045 .0055 1 58 2983 x .297 11.51 37.67 501 .4875 .0135 2 27 38.56 50.96 .755 0 33 41.93 10. 10 .01 .006 .004 200 .2985 x .296 10. 38 33.63 501 .4885 .0125 2 20 34.57 37. 43 .825 0 36 38.47 10. .012 .0075 .0045 2 15 . 297 x .298 10. 25 33.77 500 .487 .013 2.00 34.62 37.58 .801 0 28 38.53 10. .0215 .0175 .0040 3 10 .2974 x.2971 10. 28 31. 70 .501 .4885 0125 1 40 32.58 35.82 868 0 39 36.82 The 10 pounds were raised before the torsion reached 0. 01, but tor- sion continued with the same strain until it reached 0. 0215. 12. .034 .0285 .0055 2 45 .2959 x.2944 12.60 31. 10 .499 .488 011 2 15 35. 31 .904 1 10 32. 65 37.07 12. 0365 .030 0065 • • 2 50 2945 x.2962 12.57 31.05 .501 489 : 012 2 23 35.52 .839 0 55 32. 54 37.32 Both these specimens raised 12 pounds before reaching a torsion of 0.01, but the torsion continued to the extent given, in the times specified. 10. .025 .020 .005 2 20 2953 x.2953 10.48 Behaved like Nos. 486 and 487. . 30. 15 501 490 011 2 45 • 31.61 • 34. 40 .8885 0 57 36. 04 16.45 .01 + .003 + .007 2.00 .2965 x.2964 52. .385 3 35 17.03 53.85 Tool-steel, (Aultman Steel Company.) Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- * experi- nating. ment. AS Co No. of 489 438 BS co 1 *. Material. 487 B S co 1. 486 BS co 1.. 476 NS co 1. NS co 5. 477 N S co 2. 480 478 N S co 3. co 4. NS 479 115 · 490 C co 16 * 17.32 .01 .003 .007 2.40 .2967 x .2947 18.07 56.94 .501 .477 .024 3 10 59.43 57.00 .5285 0 10 59.49 491 C co 17 * 16.35 .01 .0035- .0065 2 25 .299 x.2984 16.56 55.87 .446 2 36 56. 60 492 C co 18 * 16. 21 .01 .003 + .007 3 05 .2975 x .2985 16. 53 56. 09 .4515 3 52 57.22 493 C co 19 * 15. 72 .01 .003 *. 007 2 12 16.05 55.45 . 465 3 12 .298 x.2978 56.63 494 | C co 20 * 16. 20 .01 .003 007 2 20 2981 x .2981 16. 51 56.53 .480 3 38 57.63 495 C co 11 * 16. 34 .01 .003 + .007 2.50 .2978 x.2978 17.27 56. 89 481 3.00 58.17 496 C co 12 * 16. 27 .01 .003 .007 3.00 2986 x.2996 16.42 56.85 4695 3 51 57.38 497 C co 13 * 16.50 .01 .003 .007 3 30 .2974 x.2979 16.89 56.00 .436 2 53 58.33 498 C co 14 * 16.03 .01 .003 .007 1 20 .2979 x.2982 16. 34 56. 11 .465 3 33 57.21 499 C co 15 * 16. 60 .01 .003 .007 2. 05 .298 x.2979 16.94 56. 81 .466 3 47 58.08 501 A co 1 * 19. 20 .01 .003 .007 3 15 .2973 x .2967 19.78 46.98 501 .47'4 .017 2 43 48.31 50.00 6835 0 24 51.53 508 BS co 2 * 10.00 .0115 .007 .0045 2 05 .295 x x .295 10.50 30.55 .499 .488 011 1 57 32.08 35. 04 . 91 + 0 45 36.79 509 BS co 2 * 10.00 .01 .0055 .0045 4 20 .295 X x .295 10.50 30.56 .500 .489 .011 1 57 32.09 34.83 .918 0 42 36.57 510 | H co 14 17.25 .01 .0025+ .0075 3.46 .295 x .295 18. 11 49.17 .404 1 50 51.63 511 H co l * 16.00 .015 .0065 .0085 2 50 .2952 x .2952 16. 78 43.88 .316 2 05 45. 02 512 BS co 2 * 10.49 .026 .021 .005 3 45 .2955 x .2 52 31. 15 .501 .490 .011 2 33 10.99 32. 64 35. 07 8435 0 38 36.75 10. 19 pounds were raised before torsion reached 0.01 116 experi- mentStrain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. M TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0" .3. Strain reduced to cor- Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 10.00 022 0175 .0045 3 50 .2952 x .2951 10.50 10. 00 pounds were raised before torsion reached 0. 01. 30.68 .500 4885 0115 2 23 32. 21 34.82 .864 0 40 36.5€ 13.00 .021 .0155 .0055 4 40 .2956 x .2955 13. 59 37.04 500 .487 .013 2 14 38. 72 41.00 .787 0 44 42.86 12.50 .01 .0045 .0055 3.30 .2957 x .2955 13.05 13.00 .021 .0155 .0055 2 50 13.57 36.98 .501 + .487 .014 2 48 38.32 40.66 .769 0 40 42. 47 10. 20 .028 .022 .006 *3 50 .2955 x .2955 30. 00 .502 .490 .012 1 56 34. 21 .899 0 50 10.67 31. 38 35. 79 10. 20 pounds were raised before torsion reached 0. 01. 10. 21 . 027 .0215 .0055 1 20 2953 x.296 10. 62 10. 21 pounds were raised before torsion reached 0. 01. 30.25 5025 .4915 .0110 0 34 31.47 34.39 .907 4 48 35.78 16.90 .01 ..003 .007 2.30 .297 x .2973 17.45 43.85 200 . 179 021 2 04 45. 12 47. 11 301 .279 .022 0 28 48.48 47.49 .331 0 05 48.87 18.65 .01 .0025 .0075 2.30 .298 x .2978 19.04 51.82 200 .1765 .0235 1 45 52.90 55.79 300 .274 .026 0 27 56.96 57.68 37 + 0 15 58.89 18.01 .01 .003 .C07 1 08 51. 74 200 .1765 .0235 1 50 55.77 .300 .2745 .0255 0 24 58.02 379 0 16 . Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- co 6 *. . nating- NS No. of 520 Material. 519 N S co 6 * H có 2 * BS 513 518 517 | BS co 3* co 2* co 3* 514 BS N S co 8 * 516 515 N S co 8* 117 521 N S co 7* 16. 25 0.01 .003 .007 2.00 .2971 x .2968 16. 67 44. 14 300 281 .019 2 18 45. 28 49.50 501 .4815 .0195 0 38 50.78 50.40 .564 (Broke.) 0 16 51.71 522 N S co 7* 16.00 .01 .003 + .007 1 00 2965 x .297 16. 52 48.76 501 480 021 2 50 50.35 49.94 571 (Broke.) 0 18 51.57 532 A co 11 22.40 .01 .0015 .0085 *4 00 .2989 x .2971 22.85 53.84 .500 480 + .020 2 36 54. 92 55.98 646 (Broke.) 0 21 57. 11 533 A co 11 22.15 .01 .0015.+ .0085 3 45 2994 x .297 22.55 Annealed together. 54.40 .500 480 020 2 44 55.40 56.00 . 600 (Broke.) 0 30 57. 03 534 A co 11 21. 93 .01 .002 .008 35 7 .299 x.297 22.37 55.89 .60 581 .019 31 0 57.01 56.02 628 (Broke.) 0 8 57. 15 535 A co 11 Annealed together. 21.48 .01 .002 .008 1 08 .2951 x .2983 22. 18 53.78 503 482 021 2 30 55. 55 54. 82 .579 (Broke.) 0 15 56. 62 536 N S co 9 • 537 N S co 10 538 N S co 11 L H LH LH 14.00 40.82 .01 .004 .006 2.00 .2961 x .2964 .501 .4857 .0153 2 20 14.53 Nearly standing in two minutes. 42.39 43.83 15. 13 735 (Broke.) 0 35 46.51 .01 .0035 .0065 2 10 .2958 x .2954 45.86 .503 15.80 Nearly standing. .484 .019 3.00 47.90 46.86 569 (Broke.) 0 13 48.94 * 14.00 41. 17 .01 .004 .006 1 20 .297 x .296 14. 48 Nearly standing. .501 485 + .016 2 28 43.62 676 (Broke.) 0 28 . 42. 59 45. 12 539 N S co 12 14. 50 .01 .004 .006 1 31 .295 x .2958 15. 18 Nearly standing. 44.30 .501 . 485 .016 2.30 46.39 46.32 .6355 (Broke.) 0 25 48.51 540 A co 11 * 21. 10 .01 .0025. .0075 2 35 .298 x .297 21.63 55.61 5135 (Broke.) 2 45 57.02 541 A co 11 * 20.85 .01 .002 + .008. 2.30 .2985 x .2967 21.34 55.88 .501 .4815 .0195 2 37 57.21 56. 14 .526 (Broke.) 0 5 57.47 542 N S co 9 * 13. 34 .01 .004 .006 1 45 .2957 x .2959 13.84 40.93 501 486 + .015 2.05 42.53 43.46 .701 +- ❘ (Broke.) 0 31 45. 16 * About, 118 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. 15.00 Turns. 01 Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. .0035 .0065 2 40 2952 x 2951 46. 22 .502 484 .018 2 27 47.77 .6015 (Broke.) 0 15 50. 16 13.38 .01 .004 .006 1 15 .2964 x .296 13.90 41.25 .501 .435 .016 2.05 42 86 43.68 . 662 (Broke.) 0 23 45.39 14. 49 .01 .0035 .0065 1 45 .2951 x .2958 15. 16 44.75 502 .485 .017 2 14 46.83 46.51 605 (Broke.) 0 15 48.67 18.86 .01 .003 .007 2 20 .3013 x .3007 18. 41 54.83 .388- (Broke.) 2 00 54. 28 18.50 .01 .003 007 2 15 .3009 x .3005 18. 37 54 00 .4125 (Broke) 2 20 53. 62 18. 11 .01 .0025 .0075 2 30 .2987 x .2981 18.40 53.00 .4175 (Broke.) 2 05 53.85 18.45 .01 .0025+ .0075 2.30 .2991 x .2983 18.69 53.72 4205 (Broke.) 2 50 54. 41 19.08 .01 .0025 + .0075 2 55 .3007 x .3005 18.96 54.75 .3755 (Broke.) 2 10 54. 42 19:07 .01 .0025+ .0075 2 20 .300 x .3008 18.99 55.83 .3835 (Broke.) 2 10 55 60 18.90 .0125 2 15 .208 x .2985 19. 23 52. 65 .376 + (Broke.) 2.00 53.58 Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x 0.3. Lbs. 15.75 Nearly standing. 48.53 Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- T co 14 * experi- nating- . 552 T co 13 * mentNo. of 551 . * T co 13 > Material550 T co 543 N S co 10: 12 * NS co 11 544 549 T co 12 * * 548 N S co 12 ✶ 545 T co 11 * 547 T 546 co 11 * 119 Nos. 567 and 568 annealed side by side, standard heat. Continued to yield 6 04 without increased strain. Began to yield at 10 pounds, slowly, and nearly stood at 0 007. 553 T co 14* 18.45 .01 .003 .007 2.40 .2986 x .2981 18.75 54. 10 .406 (Broke.) 2 01 55.00 554 T co 15 * 17.95 .01 .003 007 2.00 .299 x .3002 18.00 58.00 .395 (Broke.) 2 10 58. 19 555 T co 15 * 18.76 .01 .0025+ .0075 2 25 .3002 x .2991 18.82 50.88 . 3015 2805- .0210 1 58 51. 04 53.77 423+ (Broke.) 0 27 53.94 556 T co 16 * 18. 45 50. 10 .01 302 .0025+ .0075 2 45 .2978 x .2972 18.88 2835 .0185 1 42 51.27 53.42 . 419. (Broke.) 0 21 54. 67 557 T co 16 * 18.45 .0105 .003 . 007 2 10 .2981 x .299 18.71 50.60 .300 .279 . 021 1 58 50.83 53.88 4195 (Broke.) 0 18 54. 66 561 T co 11 * 20.70 .01 .002 + .008 3 01 .3003 x.301 20.56 56. 21 301 .278 + .023 2 48 55.84 58.65 .377 (Broke.) 0 19 58.27 562 T co 12 * 20.00 .01 .002 + .008 3 50 2989 x.2983 20.28 54.75 300 .2775 .0225 2 21 55. 51 56.37 .3625 (Broke.) 0 16 57. 16 563 T co 13 * 20.98 01 .002 + .008 1 45 .3005 x .2996 20.96 56, 89 .303 278 .025 2.06 56.86 53.62 .362 (Broke.) 0 10 58. 59 564 T co 11 * 20.00 .01 .002 .008 1 30 .2978 x .2981 20.41 55. 08 302 .278 .024 2 51 26. 22 57.08 .379 (Broke.) 0 15 58.26 565 T co 15 * 20. 41 .01 .0025 .0075 2 01 .300 x .299 20.51 55. 57 302 .278 .024 2.54 55.84 56.46 339 (Broke.) 0 9 56. 74 566 T co 16* 19.75 .01 .002 .008 1 10 .2973 x .2983 20. 19 54.62 .301 .278 + 023 2 20 55.84 56.00 3635 (Broke.) 0 16 57.26 567 B $ co 2* 10.45 (?) 10.99 .0245 .019 .0055 6 04 .2948 x .2951 30.97 500 .488 .012 3 13 32.58 35. 01 .863 (Broke.) 0 43 36.83 568 BS co 4. 10.00 10. 10 .0285 .0235 .0050 6 00 29.49 .501 .490 .011 2 01 34.83 1.0775 (Broke.) 1 07 120 ment. Mark on specimen desig- nating- Material. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. 569 E F* (C H co) .502 Lbs. Turns. Turns. 14.65 0.01 35.03 .0035+ .0065 Turns. m. s. 2.40 Inches. Lbs. .2957 x .297 15. 19 .489 .013 2 14 36. 33 40.00 .875 (Broke.) 1 05 41.49 570 | E F* (C H co) 13. 46 .01 .0035 .0065 1 32 2952 x 2973 13.88 33.30 499 .4875 .0015 2 06 34.34 39.80 .874 (Broke.) 0 50 41. 04 572 CH co SPR. * 21.00 .01 .0015+ .0085 4 29 .2965 x .2953 21.88 G 1.1 (UNA'D) 36.89 501 .4867 . 0143 2 03 38. 44 38.90 .9275 (Broke.) 1 01 40.53 573 CH Co SPR 21.03 .01 .0015+ .0085. 2 33 .2954 x .2947 · 22. 10 G 3.1 (UNA'D) 36.63 5025 .4875 .0150 2 06 38.50 38.77 1. 0645 (Broke.) 1 15 40.75 575 CH co SPR * 11.50 .013 .007 .006 3 02 .2956 x .2973 11. 79 G 1.1 28.60 501 4895 .0115 2 01 29.32 34. 47 .854 (Broke.) 0 46 35. 34 576 C H co SPR * 12.94 0425 037 + .0055 4 45 .294 x .2938 13.76 G 1.2 F 30.05 .503 .4925 .0105 1 53 31.97 34.56 .951. (Broke.) 0 55 36.76 577 CH co SPR : 13.75 .0435- .0375 .006 4 40 .2949 x .2953 G 2.1 30.92 501 .489 .012 1 58 14.44 32.48 35. 31 .924 (Broke.) 0 45 37.09 578 C H co SPRX G 2.2 H 13.88 .044 .038 .006 5 20 .2955 x .2947 14. 65 31.09 .512 .50 + .012 1 40 32.83 35. 26 894 (Broke.) 0 46 37.23 Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″ .3 x 0" .3. Specimens Nos. 575 to 580, inclusive, were annealed together at stand- ard heat. With strain of 12.94 pounds torsion nearly ceased at .007, but sud- denly increased and became .0425. With strain of 13.75 pounds torsion nearly ceased at .009, (in 2 min- utes 45 seconds,) but suddenly increased and became .0435, (in 4 min- utes and 40 seconds.) With strain of 13.88 pounds, (after 3 minutes and 20 seconds.) appar- ently stood a few moments at torsion of .009, and suddenly yielded, going to .044. Remarks. No. of experi- 121 579 C H co SPR * 12. 51 .035 .025 .010 5 40 .295 x .2955 13. 13 Torsion nearly ceased at .009, but suddenly increased. G 3.1 F 29.96 .501 .4905 .0105 1 57 34. 64 .960 (Broke.) 1 00 31. 41 36.32 580 C H co SPR X 12. 53 .034 .0285 .0055 5 40 295 x .295 13. 27 Torsion nearly ceased before reaching .01, but suddenly increased. G 3.2 30.03 500 489 .011 2 00 31. 81 34.-90 .955 (Broke.) 0 47 36. 97 581 M co 2 ×`(UNA’D). 21.44 .01 .0015 .0087 3 12 .2961 x .2981 21.99 49. 17 .501 .483 .018 2 32 50.62 49.34 .529 (Broke.) 0 03 50.79 582 M co 2* 16.75 .025 .018 .007 18 27 .2957 x .2972 17. 17 Torsion reached .01 (with 16.75 pounds) in 2 minutes 30 seconds. 40.37 500 .486 014 2 24 41.39 43. 47 .738 (Broke.) 0 31 44.59 583 M co 2 * 16.45 01 003 + .007 5 12 .296 x .2974 16.88 Torsion not absolutely ceased at .01. 40.63 502 .4885 .0135 2.30 41. 71 43. 48 .708 (Broke.) 0 30 44. 64 584 M co 3 * 20.85 .01 .002 .008 3 50 .299 x .2998 20.97 63.32 3655 (Broke.) 3 08 63.70 585 M co 3 21.08 .01 .002 .008 4 12 .2996 x .299 21. 22 55.70 .200 .1775- 0225 2 33 56.08 63. 64 .3835 (Broke.) 0 41 64.08 586 M co 1 * 14.60 .01 .004 .006 2.30 .3015 x .3002 14.47 38.98 .500 489 .011 2 05 38. 65 42.57 756 (Broke.) 0 32 42. 21 587 M co 1 * 14.57 01 .004 .006 2.40 .3013 x .300 14. 46 38.83 501 4885 0125 2 17 38.57 42.81 7775 (Broke.) 0 29 42.53 588 M co 2 * 15.95 .01 .0035 .0065 †3 00 .297 x .298 16.35 39.90 5005 487 .0135 1 55 40.91 43.32 730 (Broke.) 0 27 44. 42 589 M co 2 * 16.55 .0325 .026 .0065 1 30 .296 x .2978 16.93 16.55 pounds raised before torsion reached .01-continued to .032. 39.81 . 501 4875 0135 1 52 40.79 43. 42 .740 (Broke.) 0 30 44. 49 590 M co 3 * 21.51 .01 .0025 .0075 3 10 .2989 x .2996 21. 63 60.60 .300 .2765+ 0235 3 00 60. 76 63.93 .407 (Broke.) 0 18 64.31 591 M co 3 * 21. 15 .01 .002- .008 2 35 .2987 x .2998 21.27 60.70 64.00 .300 .2745 .0255 3 05 71.06 . 413 (Broke.) 0 25 64.38 + About. 122 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 19.63 .01 .003 .007 3 15 .2967 x .2984 20.12 46. 16 .301 .285 .016 2. 00 47.31 51.69 502 4855 0165 0 50 52.98 52.43 .533 (Broke.) 0 7 53.74 21. 43 .01 .0025 .0075 2 50 .296 x .297 22. 19 47.54 300 2835 .0165 1 46 49.24 53.00 472 (Broke.) 0 30 54.89 19. 70 .01 .003 .007 2 30 .2961 x .2982 20.47 41. 49 .301 2885 .0125 1 32 42.69 46. 94 502 4875 .0145 0 38 48.30 48.33 .590 (Broke.) 0 14 49.73 19.30 .01 .003 .007 3 10 .2975 x .2961 19. 93 47. 24 520 505 .015 1 41 48.78 48.80 606 (Broke.) 0 12 40.39 20. 11 .01 003 .007 2.30 .297 x .2968 20.60 46.70 300 .286 .014 1 58 47.85 51.83 503 .488 .015 0 30 53. 11 20.35 .0105 .0035 .0070 2.45 .2974 x .2963 20.99 47.54 500 485 .015 2.00 49.05 48.80 579 (Broke.) 0 10 50.35 19.78 .01 .003 .007 2. 40 .297 x .2977 20. 31 49.38 .501 .485 .016 2 00 52.51 50.62 5815 (Broke.) 0 10 51.98 19.22 .01 .003 .007 1 35 .298 x .2973 19. 66 45.68 .502 .488 .014 2 24 46. 74 47.38 .6145 (Broke.) 0 13 48. 48 Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3 x 0.3. Did not again lift the weight; ultimate torsion not obtained. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- A co 19 experi- nating- ment. 599 No. of A co 18 * 598 Material. 597 A co 17* A co 16 *592 . A co 12 * 596 593 A co 15 * A co 13 * 595 594 A co 14 * 123 600 A co 20 *. 20.68 .01 .0025 .0075 2 33 .2976 x .2977 21.17 47.64 .301 2855 .0155 1 48 48.77 52.94 .490 (Broke.) 0 45 54. 19 601 A co 21 * 19.50 .01 .003 + .007 2. 07 .297 x .2971 20.08 46.88 502 .4875 0145 1 50 48.29 48.79 .624 (Broke.) 0 18 50.26 602 A co 22 *. 22.70 .01 .002 .008 2 20 .2985 x 2986 23.03 56.73 .300 280 020 1 59 57.55 61.78 .4575 (Broke.) 0 26 62.68 603 A co 23 * 19.90 .013 .0065 .0065 2. 00 .2985 x .298 20.25 46. 21 502 .487 .015 1 49 47.02 47.87 598 • (Broke.) 0 10 48.70 604 A co 24 * 18.50 .0115 0055 0060 2 20 .2985 x .298 18.82 45. 14 .508 .492 .016 1 47 45.93 47.03 .6305 (Broke.) 0 18 48. 16 605 A. co 25 * 18.40 .011 .004 .007 2.05 .2986 x .298 18. 71 44.53 .501 .487 .014 1 49 45.29 46.90 .656 (Broke.) 0 17 47.70 606 A co 26 * 17.95 01 0035 • .0065 1 27 .2989 x .2978 18. 24 43.80 .502 .488 .014 1 37 44.53 45.82 623 (Broke.) 0 17 46.58 607 A co 27 * 18.80 .01 .0035 .0065 2 43 .2983 x .2985 19. 10 46.78 501 486 .015 1 57 47.53 48. 25 .591 (Broke.) 0 10 49.02 608 A co 28 * 18. 74 .01 .003 .007 1 57 .2981 x 299 19.01 45. 78 .502 .4865 .0155 1 51 46. 44 48. 15 648 (Broke.) 0 18 48.85 609 A co 29 *. 19.25 .01 0035 .0065 2 27 .298 x .298 19.63 45.39 .512 .495 .017 1 55 46.30 46.37 .580 (Broke.) 0 10 47. 40 610 A co 30 * 18.90 .011 .004 .007 2.30 .2981 x .2986 19. 21 46. 19 500 .486 .014 1 52 46. 96 47.68 .580 (Broke.) 0 13 48. 47 611 A co 31. * 18.50 .011 .005 .006 2.00 .2981 x .299 18. 83 44.70 .500 .487 .013 1 02 45.52 47. 18 6555 (Broke.) 0 20 48.04 612 A co 32 * 19.00 .01 .003 + .007 2.30 .2986 x .2981 19. 31 46. 69 • 502 .488 .014 1 48 47.46 48.74 6255 (Broke.) 0 17 49.55 124 ment. Mark on specimen desig- nating- Material. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain redured to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x 0.3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. 613 A co 33 * 20.51 01 0025 .0075 2 30 • .2986 x Inches. 299 Lbs. 20. 74 . 54.20 .451 .433 .018 2.38 54.83 54.98 .479 (Broke.) 0 07 55. 62 614 A co 34 * 21.75 .01 .0025 .0075 3 30 .2997 x .299 21.89 54. 16 300 .2825 .0175 1 56 54.51 58.85 .4645 (Broke.) 0 23 59.23 615 A co 35 * 22.60 .01 .0025 .0075 2 07 .2999 x .2993 22.68 57.17 299 .279 .020 2 28 57.37 61.00 405 (Broke.) 0 25 61.22 616 A co 36 *. 21.90 .01 .0025 .0075 2 20 .299 x .2994 22.07 54. 85 .300 .285 .015 2.00 55.30 58.86 4275 (Broke.) 0 21 59. 34 617 A co 37 * 20.95 .01 .0025 .0075 2 48 .2998 x .2989 21.18 52.40 .300 .283 .017 2 13 52.74 57.83 .489 (Broke.) 0 35 58.20 618 A co 32 * 19. 51 .01 003 .007 1 45 .299 x .2995 19.64 48.02 .300 2825 .0175 1 48 48.36 54. 31 .514 (Broke.) 0 23 54.69 619 A co 39 * 21.95 .01 .0025 .00:5 1 45 .299 x .2997 22.09 53.48 .301 282 . 019 2 01 53.82 58.43 .466 (Broke.) 0 27 58.80 620 A co 40 * 21.48 .01 .002 .008 1 26 299 x .2997 21. 61 55. 21 299 .279 .020 2 02 55.56 59.29 4275 . (Broke.) 0 20 59.67 621 A co 41 * 21. 49 .0105 .0025 .0080 1 55 .299 x .2995 21. 64 21. 45 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 52.68 .300 280 .020 1 54 53.05 57.97 468 (Broke.) 0 25 58.38 Remarks. No. of experi- 125 622 | C II co 6* 11.92 .01 0.0035+ .0065 3 20 .2989 x .2993 12. 15 A seam on one side. 33. 15 .521 .508 .013 1 38 33.80 36. 19 660 (Broke.) 0 18 36.90 623 ( H co 7¥ 14.78 .01 .0045 .0055 3.00 .2982 x .2985 15. 77 A seam. 36. 10 .503 .491 .012 1 40 38.52 38.82 .702 (Broke.) 0 23 40.42 624 C H co 8 12. 70 .01 0035+ .0065 2 10 .2986 x .299 12.84 34.51 499 .488 + .011 2.00 34.91 38.70 .711 (Broke.) 0 25 39. 15 Seams. 625 C H co 9* 12. 20 .01 .004 .006 2.40 .2963 x .299 12.36 33.90 .501 490 : 010 1 40 34. 36 38.00 .783 (Broke.) 0 31 38.51 626 H W co 13* 14. 65 .0155 .009 .0065 1 55 2992 x .2982 14.84 43.50 .501 .4885 .0165 1 56 Seains on three sides. 14. 65 pounds were raised before torsion of 0. 01 was reached, but torsion became .0155. 44.06 44.00 .558 (Broke.) 0 07 44.57 627 H W co 14* 13.90 .011 .006 .005 5 52 .2997 x .299 13.99 13. 90 pounds were lifted before reaching torsion of 0. 01. 43.05 .500 4x65 .0135 2 12 43.32 43.52 548 (Broke.) 0 05 43.80 628 | H W có 15 13.88 .01 .004 .006 2 30 .2976 x .297 14.26 43. 17 .502 .486 .016 2 02 44.35 43.71 .547 (Broke.) 0 06 44.91 629 | H W co 16 * 14.51 .01 . (04 .006 2 10 2984 x .3001 14.61 44. 44 .501 .485 .016 2 05 44.75 44.62 54 5 (Broke.) 0 03 44.93 630 H W'co 17 * 14.40 .012 .0065 .0055 2.30 .300 x .2983 14.53 14. 40 pounds were raised before reaching torsion of 0. 01. 43.79 .500 483 .017 2.00 44. 19 44. ε0 .5695 (Broke.) 0 08 45. 21 631 H W co 18* 11.34 ..015 .0085 .0065 4 10 .297 x .2979 14.76 14. 34 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0. 01. 43. 13 .500 486 014 2 22 44. 41 43.73 .543 (Broke.) 0 05 45. 03 632 II W co 19* 14. 17 .01 0.004 .006 2 18 2983 x .300 14.30 43.93 502 486 .016 2 01 44. 33 44. 24 .541 (Broke.) 0 06 44.65 633 H W co 20% 14.21 .01 .004 .006 1 40 .2976 x .2973 14. 57 43.83 503 .4885 .0145 1 53 44.96 44. 14 559 (Broke.) 0 06 45. 28 634 A có 17x 19. 40 .01 .003 + .007 3 20 .2970 x .2971 19.98 45.00 .500 486 .014 1 45 46.35 48. 14 .716 (Broker) 0 23 49.58 126. ment. Mark on specimen desig- nating- Material. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 635 A co 18* 20.55 .01 48.43 501 .003 .4855 007 2 32 .2976 x .2974 21. 15 *.0155 2 01 49.84 50. 73 .663 (Broke.) 0 21 52. 20 636 A co 19* 18.98 .01 .003 .007 2 00 .2976 x .2975 19.52 44. 43 500 486 .014 1 50 45.70 47. 15 .702 (Broke.) 0 24 48.50 637 A co 20* 21.53 .01 .003 .007 2 20 2978 x .2977 22.03 51.63 .502 .485 + .017 2.04 52.80 53.42 6175 (Broke.) 0 12 54.63 638 A co 21* 18.67 .01 .003 + .007 2.00 .2975x .2974 19. 15 45.30 .501 .4865 .0145 1 40 46. 47 48.26 702 (Broke.) 0 20 49.51 639 A co 22* 22.78 .01 .0025 .0075 2 02 .299 x .2986 23.05 50.40 .400 380 .020 1 18 51.00 61.31 .502 .482 .020 0 20 62. 05 61.97 535 (Broke.) 05 62.71 640 A co 23* 18.09 .01 0035 .0065 1 30 .2985 x .2984 18. 44 43. 83 501 .488 .013 1 43 44. 68 46.68 689 (Broke.) 0 22 47.58 641 A co 24* 18.00 .028 .021 .007 4 00 .2986 x .2982 43.28 540 .528 .012 2 07 45. 89 .736 (Broke.) 0 28 18. 28 43.97 46. 62 642 A co 25* 17. 70 ,01 .003 + .007 2.40 .299 x .2982 17.94 43.38 510 .497 .013 1 53 43. 89 46.68 719 (Broke.) 0 25 47.33 18 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was roached. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. Remarks. No. of experi- 127 643 A co 26 * 17.50 .011 .005 .006 3 30 .2987 x .298 17.79 17.50 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 42. 21 .501 .487 .014 2 12 42.91 45.35 .6995 (Broke.) 0 31 46. 10 644 A co 27 * 17.80 .01 .0035 .0065 2.00 .2985 x .2983 18. 08 44.08 503 489 .014 1 30 44.78 47.35 7205 (Broke.). 0 31 48. 11 645 A co 28 * 18.23 .01 .0035 .0065 2.50 .2982 x .299 18.48 44.43 500 .4865 .0135 2 12 45.45 47.45 .715 (Broke.) 0 21 48. 01 646 A co 29 *. 18.07 .01 .003 .007 3 07 .2988 x .298 18.36 43. 20 .502 4895 0125 1 20 43.89 46. 12 .715 (Broke.) 0 26 46.86 647 A co 30 * 18. 41 .01 .0035 .0065 2 55 .2989 x .2983 18. 66 44.69 .500 4865 .0135 1 53 45. 32 47.67 .681 (Broke.) 0 20 48. 34 648 A co 31 * 18.00 .01 .0035 0065 2 25 .2981 x .2989 18. 47 43.30 .500 .486 .014 1 42 44.45 46.45 .722 (Broke.) 0 27 47.68 649 A co 32 *. 18.60 . 011 .005 .606 2 40 .299 x .2984 18.84 18.60 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 44. 44 .501 .4865 0145 1 44 45. 02 47.90 .7155 (Broke.) 0 23 48.51 650 A co 33 * 20.80 .01 .003 .007 2.50 .299 x .2997 20.93 53.49 501 483 .018 1 40 53.83 54.50 .575 (Broke.) 0 21 54. 84 651 A co 34 * 22.40 .01 .0025 0075 2 00 .2991 x .2997 22.64 57.81 501 482 019 2 33 58. 21 58.05 .526 (Broke.) 0 06 58.42 652 A co 35 * 22. 15 .01 49.51 .466 .0025 (Broke.) .0075 3 00 .2997 x .2994 22. 24 2 10 49.73 653 A co 36 * 22.28 .01 .0025 .0075 2.00 .2953 x .2955 23.33 55. 35 .401 .381 020 · 2 40 57.97 58.38 . 5105 (Broke.) 0 17 61. 14 1 654 A co 37 * 21.80 .0105 .003 .0075 2 45 2989 x .2997 21.95 21.80 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0.01. 54. 15 .400 381 . 019 2.35 54. 52 57.71 .5375 (Broke.) 0 18 58. 11 655 A co 38 *. 20.90 .01 .003 + .007 2.30 .295 x .2955 21.85 52.60 490 482 .008 2 36 54.99 54.50 .607 (Broke.) 0 15 56.97 1 128 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0" .3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. 21.80 .01 .0025 .0075 Turns. m. S. 2.00 Inches. Lbs. 2991 x .300 21.88 57.05 (Lost.) 485 (Broke.) 2 30 Ultimate torsion, doubtful. 22.65 .01 .0025 .0075 1 45 2992 x .2999 22.74 56. 68 .400 .3835 0165 2 35 56.93 58.95 .501 . 481 .020 0 16 59. 21 59.55 .5315 (Broke.) 0 06 59.81 21.60 .01 .0025 .0075 1 30 .2997 x .299 21.74 53.71 .400 .380 + .020 2 41 53.95 57.00 .538 (Broke.) 0 15 57.37 co 21. 21 .01 .0025 0075 2 41 2976 x .297 21.78 50.53 .501 .484 + .017 3 21 51.89 52.00 .589 (Broke.) 0 20 53.40 19.00 .01 .0015 .0985 0 52 50.43 .500 .4835 .0165 3. 49 51.50 .549 (Broke.) 0 16 19.83 .01 .003 .007 1 24 .297 x .2965 20.48 44. 92 .501 *. 484 .017 2 36 46.39 47.47 .6465 (Broke.) 0 30 49.92 20.00 .01 .0025 .0075 1 03 .2965 x .2974 20.53 45.74 .500 4845 .0155 3 43 46.95 48.54 .668 (Broke.) 0 31 49.83 21.57 .011 + .0035 0075 2 49 .297 x .2975 22. 17 50.29 .500 .4835 .0165 2 49 51.69 51.90 .592 (Broke.) 0 15 53.35 14. 44 .0155 .01 .0055 7 18 .2985 x .2988 14, 63 14.44 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 35.24 500 . 49 .010 2 30 35.75 38.95 .7675 (Broke.) 1 41 39.47 Remarks. · Mark on specimen desig- 6 experi- nating- neut. C H co 6 ¥ No. of C H Material. 664 A co 16 * A co 656 663 A co 15 * 39 * 662 657 A co 14 * A co 40 * 661 658 A co 13 * A co 41 * 660 12 * 659 A 129 665 СНсот* 14. 19 .015 .006 .009 4 41 .2982 x .2988 14.40 14.19 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 34.46 .501 .489 .012 3 06 34.98 37.98 .7955 (Broke.) 0.49 38.55 666 C H cọ 8¥ 13.81 .011 .006 .005 3.58 .2998 x .2978 13. 97 13.81 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 34.59 500 .488 012 3 15 34.99 · 38.84 .777 (Broke.) 0 47 39.29 667 | C H co 9* 12.75 .0115 .0065 .0040 4 00 .298 x .299 33.83 500 .428 .012 2.55 38.00 . 761 (Broke.) 0 36 12.95 34.35 38.57 668 C H co 10 16.25 .023 .018 .C05 6 00 12 75 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 16.25 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 40.20 500 .487 .013 3 34 44.00 .7635 (Broke.) 0 44 672 T co 3% 15.84 .01 .003 .007 3.40 2990 x .301 15.84 50.92 .4375 (Broke.) 4 58 50.92 673 II W co 13 x 14.09 .0115 .006+ 0055 5 49 .2994 x .2983 14. 18 14.09 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 41.72 .500 4335 .0165 3.08 41.99 43. 14 .5875 (Broke.) 0 42 43.42 674 H W có liX 13. 91 .011 .006 .005 6 38 .300 x .300 13. 91 13 91 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 40.9 .500 .4845 .0155 3 10 40.89 42.85 . 617 (Broke.) 0 31 42.85 675 II W co 15% 13.78 .01 .001 .006 3.00 .2973 x 2973 14. 15 41.32 .500 .483 .017 3 23 42. 45 43.50 .640 (Broke) 0 45 44.69 676 H W co 16* 14.47 .0155 .009 .0065 5 07 .300 x .299 14.47 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 42. 42 500 4845 .0155 3 06 44. 17 630 (Broke.) 0 25 677 H W co 17* 14.44 .016 .01 006 4 18 299 x .29996 41.95 .500 .485 .015 3. 04 14.51 42.18 14.44 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 43. 98 .6165 (Broke.) 0 26 41. 22 678 | H W có 187 13.85 .01 .004 .006 5 24 .2977 x .2965 14.25 41.27 500 4865 .0135 3 24 42.48 • 42.98 .621 (Broke.) 0 27 44.24 679 H W co 19* 13.97 .01 .005 005 4 20 298 x .300 14. 11 41.30 500 .484 .016 3 14 41.72 43. 19 .6295 (Broke.) 0 26 43, 63 680 | H W co 20% 14.02 .01 .004 006 2 25 297 x .297 14.44 41. 27 500 .475 .025 3. 00 42.53 43.37 6285 (Broke.) 0 25 44.69 * About. 9 F 130 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-ivires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x 0.3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 14.96 .01 003 .007 4 05 .2984 x .298 15. 19 47.32 400 379 .021 4 20 51.22 49.54 500 478 022 0 44 53. 62 51.40 .5918 (Broke) 1 22 55. 64 15.38 .01 .003 .007 4 03 .298 x .269 15. 61 49.97 500 4765 .0235 4 37 50.72 52.45 .632 (Broke.) 0 23 53.24 13. 46 .011 .0065 .0045 3 20 .3005 x .300 13. 42 33. 62 .500 488 .012 2 53 13.46 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 33.53 39.77 1. 1395 (Broke.) 1.00 39.67 15. 15 .01 .004 .006 3 41 .302 x .303 14.78 37.72 500 .487 .013 2.44 36.80 42.72 .913 (Broke.) 0 52 40. 68 14.68 .01 .0045 0055 2 36 .3015 x .302 13.42 35.89 500 .488 .012 3 10 34. 26 41. 01 933 (Broke.) 0 57 40.30 14.45 .01 .004 .006 2 42 .301 x .301 14.30 36.92 500 .488 012 2 48 36. 66 42. 44 .966 (Broke.) 1 36 42. 01 14. 15 .01 .005 .005 3 48 .3013 x .3028 13.85 36.73 .512 505 .007 2 39 34.98 42. 13 1.036 (Broke.) 1 07 41.29 15.98 .01 .0035 .0065 5 36 .305 x .303 15. 35 38.45 .500 .4875 .0125 3 15 36. 94 44.62 982 (Broke.) 6 58 42.87 14.45 .0265 0205 .0060 4 20 .3038 x .3042 13.88 36. 39 .5600 .547 0130 3 06 34.96 41. 30 1. 024 (Broke.) 0 59 39.68 Remarks. Mark on specimen designa- K. experi- nating- . 689 688 mentNo. of 687 F . E 686 MaterialC 685 H W co 9 681 B 684 H W co H W 682 683 9=. 1.3.1 690 M 13.71 .012 .00% .005 2 30 .301 x.3032 35.54 .500 .487 .013 2 41 13.32 34.54 13.71 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 41. 46 1.0865 (Broke.) 1 15 40.30 691 N 14. 19 .0155 .01 .0055 2 18 .302 x .3025 13.82 14.19 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 37.00 500 • .4865 .0135 2 26 36.74 43.00 980 (Broke.) 0 48 41.96 692 P 13.33 .01 .0055 .0045 1 20 .298 x .2985 13. 46 34.22 .580 .571 009 3 20 34.56 39.54 1. 190 (Broke.) 1 11 39.93 693 Q 13. 18 .01 .006 .004 1 36 .302 x.302 12. 19 33.59 500 .489 .011 3 45 32.92 39.66 1. 123 (Broke.) 1 20 38.87 694 R 13.64 .01 .005 .005 2 08 2967 x .297 14.07 33.49 500 4875 .0125 2. 39 34.55 39. 13 1. 0485 (Broke.) 1 21 40.37 695 S 13.95 .01 .0035 .0065 2 49 301 x.3033 13. 65 35.00 .500 .488 .012 2.49 34.25 41.50 1.750 (Broke.) 1 07 40.62 696 V 14. 51 .01 .0035 .0065 2 31 3015 x .302 14.25 35.90 .500 .490 .010 1 47 35.27 41. 24 .988 (Broke.) 0 53 40.52 697 W 15. 58 .01 .0035 .0065 3 31 302 x.304 15. 13 30.00 500 .486 .014 3 14 29.13 43.32 873 (Broke.) 1 10 41.07 698 Y 14.80 .01 .0045 .0055 3 05 .301 x.3035 14.25 38.95 500 487 .013 3 08 37.50 42.44 .722 (Broke.) 044 40.86 699 Ꮓ 13.88 .01 .0035 .0065 3 23 .3023 x .3028 13.48 36.93 .500 4865 .0135 2.59 35.88 42.86 1. 005 (Broke.) 1 16 41.63 700 A A 13.94 .0155 .01 .0055 2 52 .301 x .3015 13.76 33.76 ,500 .488 .012 2 29 33.34 42.00 1. 115 (Broke.) 1 31 41.48 701 A B. 15. 15 .01 .004 .006 4 27 3016 x .3035 18.37 36.97 .500 .487 .013 5 06 36.05 43. 27 1.016 (Broke.) + 38 42.20 702 A C. 15. 22 .01 006 .004 4 16 3035 x .3035 14.70 37. 26 .500 .487 .013 3 21 35.99 Cracks across one corner; broke about 3-16 of an inch outside of the clamps. 43.00 1.063 (Broke.) 1 03 41.53 132 ment. Mark on specimen desig- nating- Material. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″ .3 x 0" .3. 703 A D 14. 70 .01 Lbs. Turns: Turns. Turns. m. s. .004 Inches. Lbs. .006 4 24 302 x.3045 14.23 37.62 .501 489 .012 4.00 36.42 43.62 1.050 (Broke.) 1 11 42. 23 704 A F 13.91 .012 .0075+ 0045 3 42 .302 x .3015 12.65 35.74 13.91 pounds raised before 0.01 torsion was reached. .501 488 .013 2 46 35. 14 41. 48 1. 0535 (Broke.) 0 55 40.76 705 A II 14. 66 .01 .004 .006 3 10 .3028 x .3045 14. 13 36.55 .500 4875 0125 2 51 35.24 42. 29 .995 (Broke.) 1 23 40.78 706 AI 14. 16 .01 .004 .006 2 46 .3013 x .3013 13.97 36.25 .500 4875 .0125 3 32 35.75 42.07 .973 (Broke.) 1 12 41.53 707 AK 14.48 .01 .004 006 3 16 .301 x .2996 14. 43 35.52 .500 487 .013 3 14 35. 41 40.69 .910 (Broke.) 0 57 40.56 708 A L.. 15.30 .01 005 .005 3 27 3025 x .3036 14.89 38. 14 500 488 012 3 05 36.39 43. 20 .871 (Broke.) 1 59 41.90 709 A O 14.33 .01 .004 .006 1 52 • 3015 x .3024 14.05 36.00 500 488 . 012 2 47 35.30 41.00 910 (Broke.) 1 53 41. 21 710 SPR1 16.85 .01 .0035 .0065 4.00 .2985 x .298 49.82 .500 17. 14 Torsion not quite ceased. 4835 .0265 2.45 50.70 52.00 .649 (Broke.) 0 16 52.92 711 SPR 2 * 17.05 . 01 .003 + .007 4 30 .298 x .2984 17.36 49.40 .500 483 .017 2.05 50.50 52.33 .670 (Broke.) 0 25 53. 28 Remarks. No. of experi- 133 712 | SPR3*. 17.50 .01 .003 + .007 3 06 .298 x .298 17.85 51.53 500 4825 .0175 1 55 52.57 53.70 6375 (Broke.) 0 10 54.78 713 SPR4* 16.07 .01 .0035 .0065 3 25 .298 x .2981 16. 42 50.57 .500 .4800 .0200 2 01 51. 56 52.48 6215 (Broke.) 0 10 53.51 714 SPR5* 16.97 .01 .0035- .0065 3.30 .299 x .3017 16.91 49.05 .500 .4815 .0185 2 00 48.87 52.00 .654 - (Broke.) 0 20 51. 81 715 SPR6 16. 65 .01 .003 + .007 2.30 .299 x .2995 16. 76 49. 44 .500 .4825+ .0175 1 55 49.79 51.88 . 6235 (Broke.) 0 10 52.24 716 SPR7X 14.90 .015 .0085 .0065 4 00 .2975 x .297 15. 31 14.90 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 42. 65 .500 .4865 .0135 1 45 43.84 45.33 .6765 (Broke.) 0 15 46.59 717 SPR8* 14.50 .01 .0035+ .0065 1 30 .2975 x .2976 14.86 42.67 501 . 4865- .0145 1 35 43. 73 45.10 .629 (Broke.) 0 12 46. 22 718 SPR 10 * 14. 57 .01 004 .006 2 55 .2976 x .2999 14.75 • 43.80 500 .486 + .014 2 08 44.36 45. 41 604 (Broke.) 0 14 45.99 719 SPR 11 * 14.00 .012 .0065 .0055 1 45 .300 x .2978 14. 15 43.00 500 .484 .016 2. 01 43. 46 46. 21 .6715 (Broke.) 0 19 46.70 720 SPR 12 * 14.00 .011 .006 .005 2.50 .298 x .298 41.72 500 . 187 .013 1 55 44. 46 .6885 (Broke.) 0 18 14.28 42.56 45. 35 14.00 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 721 SPR 13 * 14.90 .012 .007 .005 5 25 .3009 x .2983 42. 49 .500 . 487 .013 2. 00 45. 31 .679 (Broke.) 0 20 14.95 42.64 45. 47 14.90 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 722 BS co 5* 14.36 .01 .004 .006 2.30 .2986 x 2976 14. 64 40.72 .5025 .487 + .0155 1 45 51.51 44.86 .860 (Broke.) 0 34 45.73 723 BS co 6* 12. 33 .03 .025 .005 1 35 .297 x .2964 12. 73 32.28 503 .491 .012 1 35 33. 34 37.00 .9335 (Broke.) 0 48 38.22 724 SPR 14* 17.00 .01 .0035- .0065 3 58 .298 x .2979 17.35 48.74 .502 4835- .0185 2 20 49.74 52.05 .6735 (Broke.) 0 30 50.31 134 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 17.30 49.38 501 52.74 .680 Οι 0035- .483 + .0065 3 55 2993 x .301 16.89 .018 2. 30 48.23 (Broke.) 22 51.51 16.52 .01 .0035+ .0065 4 15 .2997 x .3011 16.52 48.70 .501 .4835 0175 2.00 48.70 51.61 .644 (Broke.) 0 15 51.61 16.75 .01 .0035- .0065 2 55 .301 x .2998 16.75 49.05 .500 .483 .017 2 14 49.05 52.45 .646 (Broke.) 0 23 52.45 16.96 .01 .0035. .0065 2 30 .2985 x .2981 16.96 48.70 .500 483 .017 1 50 48.70 52.00 .684 + (Broke.) 0 18 52.00 17.63 .01 .0035 0065 3 20 .300 x .3013 17. 63 50.89 .500 .483 .017 2 02 50.89 53.62 .648 (Broke.) 0 21 53.62 16. 70 .01 .0035 .0065 3. 40 2982 x .2983 17.05 47.30 .502 .485 .017 2 15 48.31 50.95 .6855 (Broke.) 0 20 52.04 16.80 .01 .0035 .0065 2.10 .2991 x .3005 16. 83 48.26 .503 .487 .016 1 55 48.35 51.17 .675 (Broke.) 0 16 51.27 18.82 .01 .003 .007 5 50 .3008 x .2995 18.79 53.72 .500 .4x35 .0165 2 15 53. 64 55. 67 619 (Broke.) 0 20 55.58 17. 66 .01 .003 .007 2.40 .2993 x .300 17.71 52.82 .501 4825 .0185 1 52 52.99 55.49 .627 + (Broke.) 0 14 55. 66 TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Torsion. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 733 SPR 27* expéri- nating- ment. X No. of 'Material. SPR 25 732 22X SPR 725 731 S PR 15* SPR 21X 726 730 SPR 16* SPR 19% SPR 17% 727 729 SPR 18* 728 135 734 SPR 1X 15. 45 .01 .003 + .007 2.50 .299 x .2982 15.66 48.36 .505 .488 017 2 05 49.04 50.85 650+ (Broke.) 0 20 51.56 735 SPR 2X 15.75 .01 ..0035 .0065 1 40 48. 62 .501 4835 .0175 2 10 50.70 . 620 (Broke.) 0 12 736 SPR 3* 16.41 .01 .0035 .0065 3 50 .2997 x .299 16. 51 50.73 .501 .4825 .0185 1 50 51.05 52.57 .620 f (Broke.) 0 18 52.90 737 SPR 4X 16.80 .01 0035- .0065 3 45 .2981 x 2985 17.09 50.97 .502 486 .016 2.05 51.86 52.97 .6235 (Broke.) 0 12 53.89 738 SPR 5* 14.93 .OL . 0035 .0065 3 10 2988 x 302 14.76 47.73 502 .4875 .0145 1 50 47.53 50. 24 .6375 (Broke.) 0 14 50.03 739 SPR 6X 15.48 .01 .0035 .0065 3 55 .2996 x .2986 47.58 .502 .483 019 1 50 15.77 Badly cracked across one corner throughout its length. 48. 49 49. 40 .634 (Broke.) 0 20 50.35 740 SPR 7X 12.90 .0105 .0045+ C060 3.00 .2974 x .2975 41.81 .501 484 + .017 1 45 13.21 42.89 12. 90 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 44.53 662 (Broke.) 0 18 45.68 741 SPR8X 13.20 .01 .004 .006 3 35 2977 x .2972 13.54 41.60 502 .4915 .0105 1 43 43.95 .6375 (Broke.) 0 15 42. 68 Strain was not released as quickly as usual. 45. 09 742 SPR 10% 12.95 .01 .004 .006 3.40 .2997 x .2979 13.10 42.22 .503 .488 .015 1 40 42.63 44.38 .623 (Broke.) 0 18 44.91 743 SPR 11* 12. 20 .01 .0035 .0065 3 55 .2975 x .3002 12. 34 A seam running through one side ne ir center. 41.46 .501 .484 .017 1 45 41.94 44.97 .651 (Broke.) 0 18 45.50 744 SPR 12* 13.30 .01 .0035 .0065 3 20 A defect near a corner. 41.81 .501 .4845 .0165 1 40 43.59 606 (Broke.) 0 12 745 SPR 13* 13.45 .01 .004 .006 2 48 .300 x .298 13.58 42.38 505 491 .014 1 40 42.82 44.91 .677 (Broke.) 0 10 45.37 746 SPR 14* 15.65 . 01 003 + 007 4 16 2982 x .298 48.68 501 .4825 .0185 1 45 50,97 0315 (Broke.) 0 15 + About. 136 ment. Mark on specimen desig- nating- Material. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. Turns. Turns. 747 SPR 15* 16. 20 .01 49.45 .501 .0035- .485 .0065 4 3C Turns. M.. S. Inche. .3005 x Lbs. . 2996 .016 2.00 51.69 .634 +- (Broke.) 0 16 748 SPR 16x 16.00 .01 .0035 .0965 4 40 .300 x .3015 Cracks across a corner. 48.48 .501 .483 .018 1 41 50.55 .603 (Broke.) 0 16 749 SPR 17X 16.09 .01 .0035 .0065 3.50 .301 x 2998 49.38 500 . 485 015 1 55 51.52 .622 (Broke.) 0 22 750 SPR 18* 15. 71 .01 .0035 0065 2 55 .2986 x .2985 48. 10 .500 .481 .019 1 50 50. 73 632 (Broke.) 0 32 751 SPR 19% 16. 60 .01 .003 + .007 3 00 .300 x .3011 49.82 .501 481 020 1 32 51.81 .602 (Broke.) 0 15 752 SPR 21% 15. 40 0115 .005 .0065 3 00 .2983 x .2985 47. 12 .502 487 .015 2 25 48.75 .612 (Broke.) 0 16 753 S PR 22* 15. 45 .01 .0035 .0065 5 00 .3006 x .2995 47.62 .502 .4835 0185 1 50 49.61 .6015 (Broke.) 0 11 754 SPR 25% 17.50 .01 .003 .007 4 55 .2995 x .3013 53. 02 5015 .481 .0205 2.05 54.91 .600 (Broke.) 6 10 755 S P27* 15. 20 .01 .003 .007 3 40 .2996 x .3001 51.10 .50L 483 .018 1 50 52. 18 .569 (Broke.) 0 08 Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x 0.3. Remarks. No. of experi- 137 756 BS co 5* 12.50 .01 .004 .006 4.00 .2994 x .2982 41. 15 .502 .487 015 2.00 • 43.99 694 (Broke.) 0 15 757 BS co 6* 11. 10 . 021 .016 .005 5 52 .2971 x .2964 11.10 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 32.00 500 4875 .0125 1 26 36.05 .8475 (Broke.) 0 32 758 H W co 13* 13.95 .013 .0075 0055 7 00 2995 .2984 13. 95 pounds raised before torsion of 0. 01 was reached. 42. 45 500 484 .016 1 30 44.00 .627 (Broke.) 0 12 759 H W co 14* 13. 55 .012 .007 + .005 5 15 300 x .2989 13. 55 pounds raised before torsion of 0. 01 was reached. 41.76 .500 484 + .016 1 50 43.83 . 6355 (Broke.) 0 13 760 H W co 15% 13. 65 .0105 .005 0055 6 50 2979 x .2972 13. 65 pounds raised before torsion of 0. 01 was reached. 41.94 .500 .485 + .015 2.05 43. 50 .6075 (Broke.) 0 12 761 H WV co 16 X 13.75 .01 .004 .006 4 30 2928 x .3007 42.60 .500 .4855 .0145 2.00 44.40 623 + (Broke.) 0 18 762 H TV co 17 14.00 .013 .0075 .0055 745 .2987 x .3003 14. 00 pounds raised before torsion of 0. 01 was reached. 42.68 .500 .4860 .0140 1 53 44. 26 622 (Broke.) 0 10 763 H W co 18* 13. 65 .01 .004 .096 7 55 .2976 x .2972 41.88 500 485 .015 1 50 43.57 .611 (Broke.) 0 10 764 H WV co 19 13.85 .01 .004 006 700 .3003 x.2985 41.98 500 .486 .014 1 48 44.00 .6465 (Broke.) 0 10 765 H W co 20 13.82 .01 .0035 .0065 11 00 2974 x .2979 14.20 45.88 501 .4845 .0165 1 50 47. 14 43. 76 6285 (Broke.) 0 13 44. 96 766 SPR 14* 16.80 .01 .003 + .007 700 .2982 x .2987 17.06 48.62 500 483 .017 1 50 49. 37 51. 15 .645 (Broke.) 0 25 51.93 767 SPR 15-X- 16. 60 .01 .0035 0065 10 05 2998 x .3008 16.55 49.02 500 .483 .017 2.00 48.87 51.86 .648 (Broke.) 0 24 } 51.70 768 SPR 16 16.90 .01 .0035 .0065 9 15 3006 x .3003 16. 88 49.03 500 4835 .0165 1 50 48.99 51.66 .625 (Broke.) 0 17 51.61 138 ment. Mark on specimen desig- nating- Material. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. · Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″ .3 x 0" .3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 769 SPR 17* 16.55 .OL .003 +- .007 4 30 .301 x .300 16. 40 48.89 .500 .483 .017 1 55 48.46 51.90 .667 (Broke.) 0 18 51.43 770 S PR 18* 16. 80 .01 .0035 .0065 5 00 .2985 x .2988 17.02 48. 10 500 .483 .017 1 55 48.77 50. 45 623 (Broke.) 0 16 51. 13 771 SPR 19X 16.95 .01 .0035 0065 5 30 .3011 x .2995 16.89 49.70 .500 .485 .015 1 50 49. 55 50.87 .572 (Broke.) 0 15 50.71 772 SPR 21% 16.00 .01 .0035 .0065 4 50 2984 x .2982 16. 27 46.95 .500 .486 .014 1 40 47.75 49. 14 .630 (Broke.) 0 12 49.98 773 SPR 22* 16.45 .01 . 0035 .0065 6 00 .3003 x.2995 16. 46 47.95 .:00 .4835+ 0165 1 50 47.99 50.59 .638 (Broke.) 0 15 50.64 774 SPR 25* 17.80 .01 .003 + .007 6 32 .3012 x .2998 16.72 52.57 .500. 482 .618 2.00 52.30 54.80 .632 (Broke.) 0 15 54. 53 775 SPR 27* 17.40 .01 .003.+ .007 4 31 .2993 x .3004 17.42 51. 67 .500 .4815 .0185 1 55 51.75 53.68 .6055 (Broke.) 0 16 53.77 776 SPR 29* 17.35 .01 . 0035 .0065 5 47 .2981 x .2985 17. 64 50.05 .500 .483 .017 1 56 50.91 51.81 .5765 (Broke.) 0 08 52.70 777 | SPR 31* 15.00 .01 .004 .006 2 20 .2976 x .298 43. 77 .500 .486 15. 33 Torsion not entirely ceased. .014 1 40 45.74 615 (Broke.) 0 13 44.75 46.76 Remarks. No. of experi- 139 778 | SPR 32* 14. 17 .01 .004 .006 3 45 .2978 x.2981 14.46 43.44 .501 .4875 .0135 1 30 44.33 46.30 .688 (Broko.) 0 20 47.36 779 S P R 34* 14.90 .01 → 0035+ 0065 6 00 2977 x.2981 15. 21 43. 64 500 .486 .014 1 31 44.57 45.33 .6235 (Broke.) 0 11 46.30 780 12 IN B 10.75 0115 .0075 .0040 4 40 .2999 x .300 10.75 10.75 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 36.60 500 4885 . 0115 1 40 39.82 .750 + (Broke.) 0 25 36. 61 39.83 781 12 IN B 11.05 .01 .0065 .0035 10 20 .300 x .300 11.05 12.70 025 .020 005 25 30 35. 15 503 .495 .008 38 CO 35. 15 36. 70 .6035 .590 .0135 39 00 37.95 .7115 (Broke.) 20 10 37.95 Torsion ceased at each point noted in the test of this specimen. 12.70 (Specimens Nos. 780 and 781 were drawn from part of a 12-inch gun- tube made by Messrs. Thos. Firth & Son, Sheffield, England.) 36.70 782 SPR 1X 16,30 .01 .0035 .0065 5 15 .2978 x .2985 16.60 Cracks on one side. 48. 10 .500 .483 . 017 2.05 48.99 50.00 .635 (Broke.) 0 20 50.93 783 SPR 2 2.X 16. 35 .01 .0035 .0065 4 35 .2977 x.3003 16.52 Cracks. 48.43 500 .4835+ .0165 1 50 48.93 50.96 .6585 (Broke.) 0 19 51.48 784 SP R 3* 17. 10 .01 .0035- .0065 5 00 300 x.2991 17.07 51. 10 .500 .482 .018 2 12 51.32 52.95 .6185 (Broke.) 0 15 53. 18 785 SPR 4.X 17.20 .01 .003 + .007 6 00 .293 x .298 17.54 50.64 500 .483 .017 2. 00 51. 66 51. 16 6095 (Broke.) 0 15 52. 19 786 S PR5* 16.40 .01 .0035 .0065 3 29 .2984 x.3017 16.39 Seams. 43.63 .500 4835 · .0165 2 01 48.60 50.15 605 (Broke.) 0 12 50. 12 787 SPR 6* 15. 70 .01 .0035 .0065 4 24 .2991 x.2983 15,90 47.70 500 .483 + .017 2.00 48, 32 49.23 .595 (Broke.) 0 13 49.97 788 SPR 7* 13.60 .01 .004 .006 2 20 .2975 x .297 13.98 41.47 .500 .485 - .015 1 58 42.63 43.69 .657 (Broke.) 0 13 } 789 SPR 8* 14.00 .014 .008 .006 4 30 .2975 x.2971 41. 18 500 .484 .016 1 58 43.30 639 (Broke.) 0 12 44.89 14. 43 A slight seam; 14.00 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 42. 46 44.65 140 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.-TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Torsion. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3 x 0.3. Lbs. 13.80 .004 Turns. Turns. Turns. .0105 m. s. Inches. 0065 6 00 2975 x.2995 41.99 .501 .4865 .0145 1 40 43.70 . 6265 (Broke.) 0 13 Lbs. 13.95 13.80 pounds raised before 0.01 torsion was reached; a seam. 42. 46 43.70 14. 15 .01 .004 .006 8 50 .2977 x.2997 14. 33 Seanis., 42.95 .500 .486 014 1 50 45.56 672 (Broke.) 0 20 43.51 46. 15 13.68 .0115 .005 .0065 5 50 .2971 x .298 41. 66 .500 .4855- .0145 1 35 14.02 42.70 13.68 pounds raised before 0.01 torsion was reached. 44. 15 .687 (Broke.) 0 18 45.25 74.05 .0115 0065 0050 5 30 .300 x.2979 74.82 14.05 pounds raised before 0.01 torsion was reached; seamy. 41.0 .500 487 .013 1 40 42. 23 44.38 .680 (Broke.) 0 19 44.79 16. 64 .01 .0035 . 0065 7 12 2981 x.2983 16.94 48.96 500 483 +- .017 2.03 49.84 51.02 .624 (Broke.) 0 18 51.93 15.52 .01 .0035- 0065 8 28 .2994 x .301 15.48 Cracks across one side. 49.00 .500 .4835 .0165 2.00 48.89 51.29 .642 (Broke.) 0 21 51. 18 16.55 .01 .0035 .0065 7 50 3013 x.3004 16. 30 48.94 500 4835+ 0165 2 00 48.52 50.64 .6015 (Broke.) 0 15 50. 21 15.85 .01 .0035+ .0065 6 55 3007 x .2996 47.73 .500 .4845 .0155 1 52 50.94 .6045 (Broke.) 0 20 15. 82 A very slight seam. 47.65 50.86 16. 13 .01 .0035 0065 7 45 .2983 x .2986 47.98 .500 .484 .016 1 44 16. 37 Slight defect along one edge. 48.71 50.13 620 (Broke.) 0 10 50.89 Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 798 SPR 18* experi- nating- ment. SPR 17 No. of Material. 797 16* SPR 796 790 SP R 10 SPR 15% 791 795 SPR 11* SPR 14X 792 SPR 12* 794 793 SPR 13* 141. 799 | SPR 19* 16.80 .01 .0035 .0065 7 00 .301 x .2997 16.74 49.92 .500 .4835- .0165 1 50 49. 74 52. 10 .636. (Broke.) 0 18 51.92 800 SPR 21* 15.64 .01 .0035 .0065 3 10 .2981 x .298 15.94 A seam. 46. $5 .500 .485 .015 2.00 47.77 48.77 .6215 (Broke.) 0 14 49.73 801 SPR 22* 15.95 .01 0035+ . 0065 6 40 .3005 x .2993 15.95 47.42 .500 .484 .016 1 40 47.42 49.95 .630- (Broke.) 0 22 49.95 802 SPR 25* 17.35 01 .0035 .0065 11 15 17.30 A slight seam on two sides. 52.00 490 .484 .006 2.05 2995 x .301 51.87 53.51 .581 (Broke.) 0 17 53.37 803 SPR 27* 17.60 .01 .005 .005 710 2993 x .3001 17.63 A very slight seam. 52. 40 500 .482 + .018 1 50 52.51 54. 67 .600 (Broke.) 1 22 54.89 804 SPR 29* 16.85 .01 .0035 .0065 4 50 .2983 x .2984 17. 13 50.05 .500 .4825- .0175 2 00 50.88 52.06 .6065 (Broke.) 0 13 52.92 805 SP R 31* 14. 65 .012 .0065+ .0055 5 45 .2978 x .298 14.95 A seam. 43.57 .500 .4865 . 0135 155 44. 48 46. 19 .6515 (Broke.) 0 12 47. 15 806 SPR 32* 14.60 .01 .004 .006 8 00 .2978 x .2979 14.90 A slight seam on two sides. 43.38 .500 .4865 .0135 1 40 44.22 、46.00 .6465 (Broke.) 0 18 47.00 807 S P R 31* 11.00 .0105 .0035+ .0070 3.00 .2982 x 2985 11.18 38.40 .500 .4855 .0145 1 55 38.94 11.00 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. An open seam on two opposite sides. 42.98 .6785 (Broke.) 0 18 43. 69 808 BS co 5. 14.30 .0155 .010 • 40.97 .500 .4865 0055 .0135 17.00 .2996 x .2986 1 45 44. 18 .739 (Broke.) 0 18 14.43 41.35 44.59 14.30 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 809 BS co 6 12.05 .0275+ .0215 .0060 7 40 .2965 x .2971 12. 43 12.05 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 32.40 .500 .490 . 010 1 45 33.44 36. 40 .890 (Broke.) 0 34 37.57 810 H W co 13 14. 15 .01 .004 .006 2 45 .2985 x 2992 14.30 42.00 .501 .4865- .0145 1 38 42.47 44.00 .642 (Broke.) 0 28 44. 49 811 H W co 14 13. 75 .01 .005 .005 2 47 .2999 x .2985 13.86 41. 64 .501 .4855 .0155 1 45 41.98 43. 09 .6265 (Broke.) 0 12 43. 44 142 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to.cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0" .3. Lbs. 14.03 .01 Turns. Turns. .004 Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. .006 5 28 .2972 x .298 14.36 41. 81 .501 .487 .014 1 40 42.80 43.21 .604- (Broke.) 0 09 44. 24 14. 20 .016+ .015 .001 5 30 .299 x .3004 42. 45 .500 .487 .013 1 48 14.23 42.56 14.20 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 44.67 .643 (Broke.) 0 12 44.78 14.00 .0245 .018- .0165 12 00 .3001 x .2987 14.08 42.38 .500 14.00 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. .486- .014 1 38 42.63 44.91 .6785 (Broke.) 0 15 45. 17 13.55 .01 .004 006 3 00 .297 x .2977 13. 91 41. 44 .501 .487 .014 2 12 42.55 43.79 . 659 (Broke.) 0 15 44.97 13.90 .020 .0145 .0055 6 48 .3002 x .2989 41.52 500 .4875 .0125 2.40 43.94 .662 (Broke.) 0 21 13.96 41.70 44. 13 13.90 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 14.08 .0195 .013 + .0065 5 35 .297 x .2977 14. 46 41.78 14.08 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. .500 .4865 .0135 2 27 42.90 44.08 6695 (Broke.) 0 13 45.27 21.30 .01 .0025 0075 4 05 .2979 x .297 21.85 50. 41 .500 .483 — .017 1 30 51. 77 52.49 .636 (Broke.) 0 16 53.86 20.75 .0105 .0035- .0065 4 08 .2967 x .2974 50.63 .501 .483 018 1 45 21.37 52. 15 20.75 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 52.29 .609 (Broke.) 0 12 53.86 20. 17 .0105 .0035- .0065 4 10 .2963 x .2974 45. 31 .500 48.03 685 + .485 (Broke.) - .015 1.40 0 14 20.81 46.48 49.55 20.17 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- A co 14* experi- nating- ment. 820 No. of 13* A co Material. 819 818 A co 12* 812 | H W có 817 | H W co 20 H W 15 co 19 H W 813 816 H W co 16 H W có 18 814 815 H W co 17 143 821 A co 15* 20.10 .01 .003 .007 4 10 .298 x .2969 20.62 45.93 .500 .4875 0125 1 '50 47.12 48.83 .6945 (Broke.) 0 21 49.33 822 A co 16* 21.40 .0105 .003 .0075 5.00 .2979 x .2978 22.25 50.68 .500 4855 .0145 1 56 51.75 52.62 .6325 (Broke.) 0 11 53.72 823 A co 17* 20.25 .0145 .0065+ .0020 7 00 .2972 x .2972 20.83 20.25 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 44.87 .500 .487 .013 1 32 46.16 47.83 .70x5 (Broke.) 0 20 49.21 824 A co 18* 20.70 .01 .003 .007 6 00 .298 x .2976 21.15 48.30 300 .486 .014 1 32 49.37 51.00 6675 (Broke.) 0 15 52. 13 825 A co 19* 19.80 .01 .003 .007 3.00 .2976 x .2977 20.27 44. 77 .500 .487 .013 140 45.83 47.94 735 (Broke.) 0 27 51.13 826 A co 20* 21.70 .01 0025 .0075 3 00 .2979 x .298 22.15 51.60 .500 .484 .016 2.00 52.67 53.05 .600 (Broke.) 0 13 54. 15 827 A co 21* 20.09 .0105 003 .0075 2 30 .2981 x .298 20.48 20.09 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 45.83 500 4865 .0135 158 46. 69 48.75 .6895 (Broke.) 0 18 49.71 828 A co 22* 22.50 .01 .0025- .0075 4.00 .2995 x .2995 22. 61 61. 27 *. 494 (Broke.) 1 25 829 A co 23* 19.00 .025 .0175+ .0075 30 15 .2985 x .2985 19.52 43. 71 500 4865 .0135 1 30 44.87 61.59 19 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. Torsion not entirely ceased. 46. 40 .697 (Broke.) 0 17 47.63 830 A co 24* 18.60 .0105 .0035 .0070 5 40 .2989 x .2987 18.82 18.60 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 42.80 .500 .4865 .0135 1 20 45. 87 719 (Broke.) 0 22 43.37 46. 36 831 A co 25* 18.75 .0161 .009 .0071 11 00 43.95 500 .487 .013 1 18 46.50 .675 (Broke.) 0 13 18.75 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. Torsion not quite ceased. 232 A co 26* 18.25 .01 .0035 .0065 11 45 .2989 x .2984 18.49 43. 20 .500 .4865 .0135 1 33 43.78 45.87 .670 (Broke.) 0 15 46. 48 833 A co 27* 19. 20 01 .0035- 0065 13 30 .2994 x .2993 19.32 45. 05 .500 .486 .014 1 20 45.34 47.53 .6505 (Broke.) 0 15 47.81 * About. 144 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0'' .3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 18.70 .01 0035- .0065 6 30 .2993 x .2993 18.83 44. 84 .500 .4865+ .0135 1 18 45. i5 Torsion not quite ceased. A slight seam on two sides. 47.66 .6805 (Broke.) 0 18 47.99 19.07 .01 .0035- .6065 4 00 .2985 x .2989 19.31 43. 49 .500 488 .012 1 10 44. 07 46. 20 .6885 (Broke.) ◊ 20 46.82 18.92 .01 .003 + .007 8 30 .299 x .2985 19. 14 45.56 .500 .4865 0135 1 22 46. 10 47.73 .641 (Broke.) 0 12 48.30 18.65 .0105 .0035 .0370 6.00 .2992 x .2987 18.84 18.65 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 44. 51 .500 .4865 6135 1 30 44.98 47.05 .6755 (Broke.) 0 19 47.51 18.88 .01 .0035- .0065 5 00 .2985 x .299 19. 10 45.78 .500 487 .013 1 20 46.43 48. 49 .6675- (Broke.) 0 13 49. 07 20.62 .01 .003 .007 6 30 .299 x .2999 20. 73 54.00 .500 4835 .0165 1 30 54. 29 54.77 .546 (Broke.) 0 05 55.07 21.80 .01 0025 .0075 4 20 .2999 x .2994 21.87 58.09 .495 (Broke.) 2.05 58.27 21. 91 .01 .002+ .008 8 50 3002 x .2998 21.91 60. 70 452 (Broke.) 1 58 60. 70 21.95 .0105- .003 0075 3 45 .300 x .2994 59.00 .500 .482 .018 2.00 59.00 *. 520 (Broke.) 0 05 21.99 59. 13 59. 13 21.95 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. After releasing to note resilience, it broke without raising the same weight again. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 36* experi- nating- ment. A co No. of 842 A co 35* Material. 841 840 A co 34* 834 A co 28* A co 33* 835 839 A co 29* A co 32* 836 838 A co 30* A co 31* 837 145 843 A co 37* 21.65 .01 .003 .007 6 30 2994 x .3001 21.70 57.23 500 482 .018 1 50 57.37 57.23 .5175 (Broke.) 0 03 57.37 844 A co 38* 20.10 .01 .003 + 007 4 10 2998 x 2991 20. 21 52.99 .500 .484 .016 1 51 53.28 54.02 578 (Broke.) 0 06 54. 49 845 A co 39 * 21.50 .01 .003 .007 5 50 .3002 x .3002 21.45 57. 16 489 (Broke.) 1 15 57.03 846 A co 40 x 21.98 .01 .0025 .0075 1 22 .3002 x .3005 21.90 59.15 .500 .482 .018 2.00 58.94 59.22 .5175 (Broke.) 0 03 59.01 847 A co 41x 21.06 .01 .0025 .0075 4 58 .3001 x .2991 21. 12 56.63 .500 .482 .018 1 42 56. 81 56.87 521 (Broke.) 0 01 57.05 848 -0 13.60 .0245 0290 16 00 301 x .3014 12.84 33.05 .500 .4895 .0105 1 30 32.65 39.67 1. 2695 (Broke.) 1 25 39. 12 849 =0 13. 62 .01 .004 .006 5 20 .3006 x .3004 13. 60 13.60 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. Torsion not quite ceased. No. 848 was cut at the end of tensile specimen No. 170-. Torsion not quite ceased. 33.83 500 491 .009 1 33 39.91 1. 169 (Broke.) *1 10 33.80 39.87 No. 849 was cut at the end of tensile specimen No. 171—. 850 SPR 36 * 14. 16 .0295- .0245 .0050 8 45 2955 x .2953 33. 12 500 .4885 .0115 J. 32 37. 11 800 (Broke.) 0 35 14.83 34.68 38.86 14.60 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 851 SPR 36* 13. 62 .0275- 021 .0065 10 32 2955 x .2955 14. 24 13.62 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 32.94 .500 .488 .012 1 35 34.46 37.05 866 (Broke.) 0 42 38.76 852 A co 42 x 18.15 .01 .003 + .007 6 30 2968 x .296 18.79 46. 40 .500 .4855 .0145 1 44 48.05 48.79 649 (Broke.) 0 17 50.52 853 A co 43* 17.38 .0125 .0065 .0060 9.00 .296 x .2968 17.99 42.89 500 .487 .013 1 33 44. 4L 45.89 716 (Broke.) *0 20 47.52 17.38 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. Torsion very nearly ceased. 854 A co 44* 16.55 .01 .0035- .0065 7 00 .2968 x .2959 17. 15 42.05 .500 .487 .013 1 27. 43.59 45. 05 .6945 (Broke.) 0 17 46.74 855 | A co 45* 17.35 .OL .003 .007 9.00 .296 x .2969 18. 63 A seam. 46.00 .500 .4835 0165 1 33 49.40 48.75 .6445 (Broke.) 0 16 52.35 * About. 10 F 146 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Lbs. Under strain. Torsion. Released. Turns. Turns. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Resilience: Time of twisting. Turns. m. s. Measurement of cross- section. Inches. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3x0".3. Lbs. Remarks. ? 14. 02 .011 .003 + .008 2 00 . 2965 x 2969 14. 48 44.87 .500 .482 .018 1 48 46.35 A seam. 48. 12 .6935 (Broke.) 0 20 49.70 co 18.47 .01 .003 007 5 00 2961 x .2968 19. 12 46.70 .500 .4855 .0145 1 40 48. 36 49.08 658 (Broke.) 0 16 50.82 18.35 .01 .003 + .007 4 45 . 297 x .2962 18.96 46.76 .500 49.00 .486 .014 1 27 48.33 .661 (Broke.) 0 12 50.65 18.65 .01 .003 .007 6 30 .296 x .2971 19. 28 46.96 .500 4845 .0155 1 42 48.55 49.00 .640 (Broke.) 0 12 50. 66 18.40 .01 .003 .007 6 45 .297 X .296 19.03 46.00 500 .480 .020 1 40 47.59 48.91 .670 (Broke.) 0 16 50.60 17.55 .011 .0035+ .0075 5 00 . 296 x .2972 18. 14 17.55 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0.01. 43. 20 500 .486 .014 1 10 44. 65 46.27 .709 (Broke.) 0 16 47.82 16. 25 .01 .0035 .0065 6 37 296 x .297 16.81 40.80 .500 .486 .014 1 32 42. 21 44.12 746 (Broke.) 0 20 45.64 18.05 .01 .003 .007 5 20 .2969 x .296 18. 69 46. 67 .499 .4825+ .0165 1 28 48.33 49.45 .683 (Broke.) 0 17 51. 21 17.85 .01 .003 .007 60 20 .2961 x .297 18.45 46.00 .500 .486 .014 10 35 47.56 48. 45 .6855 (Broke.) 0 17 50.10 Mark on specimen desig- A co 54* experi- nating- . 864 A co 53 mentNo. of * . 863 * MaterialA co 52862 856 A co 51* A co 46* 861 47%. 857 co 50* A A 860 858 A co 49 * A co 48* 859 147 865 A co 55* 16. 85 .OL .0035 .0065 5 00 .297 x .296 17.43 41.99 .500 .487 .013 1 10 43. 44 44.66 .6815 (Broke.) 0 15 46. 20 866 A co 56. * 17.45 .01 .0035- .0065 4 30 .2969 x .296 18.06 43.27 .500 .484 .016 1 12 44. 81 46. 43 697 (Broke.) 0 12 48.08 867 A co 57* 17.85 . 01 .003 .007 4 00 .2973 x.2963 18.77 45.86 .500 .4845 .0155 1 08 47. 24 48.83 .697 (Broke.) 0 17 50. 40 868 A co 58* 18.85 .011 0035 .0075 4 40 .2971 x. 2961 19.37 18. 85 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0. 01. 46. 45 .500 .486 .014 1 10 47.00 48.85 .6445 (Broke.) 0 12 50.49 869 A co 59* 17.85 .01 .003 .007 3 55 .2947 x .295 18.80 44.78 .500 4845 .0155 1 10 47. 16 47.64 .697- (Broke.) 0 13 50. 17 870 A co 60 * 17.50 .01 0025- .0075 3 40 .2948 x .2951 18. 41 45. 05 .500 .484 .016 1 22 47.30 48.05 7075 (Broke.) 0 16 50. 55 871 A co 61* 14.05 .011 .0035 .0075 2.05 41.97 .500 484- .016 1 20 45.00 .6465 (Broke.) 0 16 872 A co 62* 16.30 .012 .003 .009 4 00 44.75 .500 47.54 481 .019 1 30 14. 05 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0. 01. A seam. Carried beyond torsion of 0. 01 by mistake. 679 (Broke.) 0 14 873 A co 42* 17.30 01 .003 .007 3 30 .2969 x .296 17.91 46.32 .500 .4845 .0155 1 20 47.97 48.44 .6315 (Broke.) 0 12 50.16 874 A co 43 16.30 .0105 .0035 .0070 4.00 .2961 x .2966 16. 89 16. 30 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0. 01. 42.72 .500 .487 .013 1 40 44. 29 45. 69 .695- (Broke.) 0 15 47.37 875 A co 44* 16.20 .01 .0035 .0065 4 40 .2967 x .2959 16.70 42.67 .5005 .4855 .0145 1 20 43.98 45. 10 .68+ (Broke.) 0 16 46. 59 876 A co 45* 17.89 .01 .003 .007 5 45 .296 x .297 18. 41 46.75 .500 .4855` .0145 1 28 48.36 48.98 .6565 (Broke.) 0 10 50.67 8979 A co 46* 17.50 .01 .003 .007 5 03 .2965 x .2969 18.78 46. 54 500 .484 .016 1 25 49.96 48.67 .640 (Broke.) 0 11 52.24 148 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wire.-Continued. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns: m. S. Inches. Lbs. 17.35 .01 .0035- .0065 3 30 .2961 x .2969 46.52 .500 486 .014 1 30 17.95 48. 12 48.37 .6075 (Broke.) 0 13 50. 04 17.90 .01 .0035 .0065. 4 32 .2971 x .296 18.51 46. 58 500 .485 .015 1 27 48. 16 48.97 .634 (Broke.) 0 11 50.63 12.20 .01 .003 .007 2 40 .296 x .297 12.62 46.60 500 .436 .014 *1 30 48. 21 49. 10 .643 (Broke.) 0 12 50.79 17.65 .01 .0035- .0065 3 40 .297 x .2965 18. 22 45.98 500 4865 .0135 1 18 47.49 48.66 .6665 (Broke.) 0 10 50.25 16.35 .01 .0035- .0065 4 20 296 x .2971 16.90 42.95 .500 .4845+ .0155 1 16 44.39 45. 56 .6765 (Broke.) 0 10 47.09 15.30 .01 .0035 .0065 4 06 .2966 x .2964 15.82 40.93 .500 .4875 .0125 1 30 42.34 44.05 .741 (Broke.) 0 17 45.57 17.63 .01 ´.003 .007 3 20 .2967 x .296 17.69 46.58 .500 .486 .014 1 17 48.29 48.80 6475 (Broke) 0 15 50.59 17.20 .01 .003 .007 3 15 .296 x .2971 17.78 45.97 .500 .485 .015 1 18 47.53 48.40 .669 (Broke.) 0 12 50.05 16.57 .01 .0035 .0065 3 35 .2969 x .2961 17.14 42. 45 .500 .1855 .0145 1 20 43.91 42. 62 640 (Broke.) 0 10 44.09 Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″. 3 x 0. 3. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 55* experi- nating- . A co 886 mentNo. of A co 54* . 885 A co 53 * Material884 A co 52* 878 A co 47* 883 A co 48879 A co 51* 882 * *. A co 49%. 880 A co 50 881 149 887 A co 56* 16.75 .01 .0035 .0065 3 25 296 x.2967 17.36 43. 65 500 486 .014 1 20 45.25 46. 46 .6901 (Broke.) 0 10 48. 16 888 A co 57 * 17.20 .01 .0035- .0065 4.00 .2973 x .2961 17.76 45.81 500 .484 .016 1 20 47.32 48.55 .6685 (Broke.) 0 15 50. 15 889 A co 58 *. 17.60 .01 .003 .007 4 30 .296 x .2974 18. 18 46. 35 .500 .4855 .0145 120 47.88 48. 48 .637 (Broke.) 0 10 50.07 890 A co 59 * 17.35 .0115 .005 .0065 5 00 .2945 x .295 18.29 17. 35 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0.01. 44.88 .500 483 .017 1 08 47.32 47.99 .690 (Broke.) 0 12 50.60 891 A co 60 * 17.20 .01 .003 .007 4 40 . 2947 x .295 18. 11 44.93 .500 .4835 .0165 1 17 47.32 47.72 .6765 (Broke.) 0 14 50.26 892 A co 61 * 16.50 .0105 .003 .0075. 3 00 2954 x .2944 17.36 16. 50 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0. 01. 45. 21 .500 4825 0175 1 27 47.59 47.72 6535 (Broke.) 0 14 50.23 893 A co 62 * 17.45 .01 .003 .007 3.10 2947 x .295 18.38 44.79 500 • .4845 .0155 1 30 47. 17 47.00 .641 (Broke.) 0 10 49.50 894 A co 63 * 17.70 .01 .0035- .0065 3 00 2953 x 2948 18.60 45.37 .500 .484 + .016 1 20 47.68 48.05 678 (Broke.) 0 18 50.50 895 A co 64 * 17. 16 .01 .003 + 007 3.00 .2948 x .2952 18.04 44.95 .500 .484 .016 1 21 47.27 47.80 680 (Broke.) 0 15 50. 27 896 A co 65 * 17.90 .01 .003 .007 4 (8 .295 x .2947 18.85 44.99 .500 .4835 .0165 1 28 47.38 47.45 655 (Broke.) 0 16 49.97 897 A co 66 * 17.40 .01 .003 + .007 3.30 295 x .2948 18. 31 44.98 .500 .4835 .0165 1 18 47.35 48.00 .6935 (Broke.) 0 12 50.52 898 A co 67 x 17.35 .01 .003 .007 3 10 .295 x .2918 18.25 44.97 .500 .4845 .0155 1 12 47. 21 47.88 .693 (Broke.) 0 13 50.38 899 A co 68 * 17.61 .01 .003 .007 5 00 .2949 x .295 18.52 44.74 500 .486 .014 1 25 47.07 · 46.96 .649 (Broke.) 0 10 49.43 * About. 150 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26-TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Torsion. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 16. 15 .01 0035- 0065 5 00 2948 x .295 17.00 40.93 500 .4865 .0135 1 35 43.08 44. 32 .717 (Broke.) 0 20 46. 65 17. 22 .01 .003 007 3.40 .295 x .2951 18. 09 44.82 .500 4835 .0165 1 33 47. 11 47.74 .694 (Broke.) 0 17 50.17 17.51 .01 003- .007 3 00 .295 x .2952 18.39 44. 10 500 .4845 .0155 1 32 46. 33 47.40 7035 (Broke.) 0 18 49.80 16.38 .01 .003 007 2 50 295 x .2951 17. 21 41.50 500 .4865 .0135 1 18 43.60 44.80 725 (Broke.) 0 18 47.07 17.35 .01 .003 .007 3 (0 .2952 x .295 18. 22 45.25 500 483 017 1 21 47.53 48.42 .6965 (Broke.) 0 17 50.87 16.30 .01 .003 .007 2 45 .2952 x .2951 17.11 42. 18 .500 .484+ .016 1 20 44. 29 45. 64 .731 (Broke.) 0 16 47.92 17.40 .01 .003 .007 3 10 .2954 x .295 18.10 44.03 .500 .485 .015 1 27 45.83 46. 84 .665 (Broke.) 0 20 48.75 17,55 .01 .003 .007 3 20 2962 x .2965 18. 19 44. 74 .500 .485 .015 1 21 46.38 47.69 .6855 (Broke.) 0 17 49.44 16.85 0105 .003 +- 0070 3 40 .2964 x .2966 17.46 42.51 .500 4855 .0145 1 20 41.06 45.52 7045 (Broke.) 0 18 46, 18 1 16.85 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- A co 77 * experi- nating- ment. 908 No. of A co 76 * 907 Material. A co 75 * 996 900 A co 74 * A co 69 * 905 901 A co 73 *. A co 70 *. 904 902 A co 72 * A co 71 X 903 151 909 A co 78* 17.80 .01 .0035 .0065 4. 40 .2964 x .2967 45. 05 .500 .4865 .0135 1 20 18.49 A scam in center of one side. 46.98 47.82 .667 (Broke.) 0 17 49. 45 910 A co 79x 16.66 .011 .0035+ .0075 3.40 .2962 x .2966 16.66 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 42. 43 .500 .4x65 .0135 1 19 45. 52 .7065 (Broke.) 0 16 911 A co 80* 17.10 .01 .003 .007 3.55 .2966 x .2968 44. 15 .500 .4855 .0145 1 30 47.44 .6985 (Broke.) 0 20 912 A co 81* 17.50 .01 .0035 .0065 3 00 .2967 x .2968 15.48 .5:0 .483 .017 1 22 48. 19 .678 (Broke.) 0 13 913 A co 82* 18.00 .01 .0025 +- .0075 3 01 .2967 x .2969 45.86 .500 .4835 .0165 1 26 48.23 .654 (Broke.) 0 18 914 A co 83* 16.55 .01 .003 .007 3 05 2963 x .2964 42.20 500 .1855 .0145 1 25 45. 47 .728 (Broke.) 0 20 Strain was not released from this point as quickly as it should have been. 915 A co 84* 16. 19 .01 .003 .007 2 50 .2963 x .2966 41.68 .560 .486 .014 1 20 45. 19 .747 (Broke.) 0 18 916 A co 63* 17.00 .01 .0025 + 0075 2 43 .2956 x .2947 45. 04 500 .484 .016 1 20 47.45 656 (Broke.) 0 11 917 A co 64 * 16.60 .01 .0025 +- 0075 3 02 2946 x 295 44.65 .500 : 484 .016 1 27 47.00 657 (Broke.) 0 12 918 A co 65* 17.15 .01 .003 .007 3.00 2945 x .2948 44.50 .500 .4835 .0165 1 22 46. 88 .634 (Broke.) 0 10 919 A co 66* 16.85 .01 .0025 0075 3.00 .295 x .2948 44.74 .501 .486 .015 1 27 47.30 .663 (Broke.) 0 10 920 A co 67* 16.75 .01 .003 .007 3.03 2917 x .295 44.69 500 47.45 .690 .484 (Broke.) . 016 1 18 0 12 921 A co 68* 17.01 .01 .0025+ .0075 2.30 .295 x.2952 44.60 .500 .483 + 017 1 18 46.83 .650 (Broke.) 0 10 152 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 15.82 .01 .003. .007 2 45 .2947 x .2946 41.00 500 € 484 .016 1 26 44.33 .7285 (Broke.) 0 11 16.88 .01 .003 .007 3 10 2949 x .2943 17.76 44.00 .500 .4845 .0155 1 25 46. 46 47.00 .690 (Broke.) 0 13 49.63 16.85 .01 .003 007 3 45 .295 x .2953 17.69 43.97 .500 483 .017 1 14 46. 17 46. 61 669 (Broke.) 0.15 48.94 15.75 .01 .003 .007 3 00 .2948 x .2949 16.58 41.25 .500 4855 0145 1 30 43. 44 • 44.08 .697 (Broke.) 0 16 46. 42 17.05 .01 .0025 .0075 4.00 .295 x .2949 17.94 44.74 .500 .483 .017 1 31 47.06 47.66 .674 (Broke.) 0 14 50. 13 15.90 .01 .003 .007 3.00 .2948 x .2948 16.75 42.00 500 4835+ .0165 1 24 44. 24 45. 44 .718 (Broke.) 0 17 47.86 A co 75% 18.80 .01 .0025+ .0075 4 00 2951 x .2949 19.92 43.77 500 .4835 .0165 1 30 46.39 46.27 .657 (Broke.) 0 12 49.04 16. 11 .01 .003 .007 3 00 .2964 x .2964 16. 64 42. 27 500 485 015 1 20 43.66 45. 41 .703 (Broke.) 0 12 46.90 17.00 .010 .003 .007 3 45 .2965 x .2966 17.57 44.37 500 483 017 1 23 45.88 47.63 706 (Broke.) 0 12 49. 25 Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0". 3x0.3. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- A co 80* experi- nating- ment. 933 No. of * A co 79 Material. 932 928 A co 69* 922 * A co 74 923 927 A co 70* 73 * 924 A co A co 71* 926 A co 925 72* 153 934 A co 81:* 17.35 .01 .003 .007 3 20 2966 .2966 18.93 45.86 .507 .4291+ .0179 1 21 47.44 48.04 .6465 (Broke.) 0 12 49.65 935 A co 82% 17.60 .01 .0025 .0075 3 35 .2969 x .2965 18. 18 45.90 .500 483 017 1 21 · 47.41 · 47.98 6315 (Broke.) 0 10 49. 56 936 A co 83% 15.90 .01 .0035 .0065 3.00 .2963 x .2969 16. 43 42. 19 .500 .4845 0155 1 17 43. 61 45.08 .710 (Broke) 1 12 46. 59 937 A co 84% 15.80 .01 .0035 .0065 2 08 .2965 x .2966 16. 33 41.60 .500 .4845 .0155 1 18 43. Oi 44.82 .7385 (Broke.) 0 12 46. 34 938 SPR 37% 12.50 .011 .006 .005 4 10 .2967 x .2967 12.91 12.50 pounds raised before torsion reached 0.01. 38.74 .500 .487 .013 1 11 40. 11 41.86 .7205 (Broke.) 0 20 43. 24 A small seam. 939 SPR 38X 12.00 .01 .004 006 3.40 .295 x .2972 12. 48 36.97 .500 .4875 .0125 1 20 38.44 39. 78 .714 (Broke.) 0 21 41. 37 940 SPR 39% 12.97 .01 .004 .006 4 35 298 X .295 13. 41 38.73 500 486 014 1 20 40.07 41. 61 .715 (Broke.) 0 21 43.05 A small seam. 941 SPR 40: 11.90 .012 007 .005 4 15 .2993 x .2952 12.23 11.90 pounds raised before roaching torsion of 0.01. 36. 41 .500 .4865 .0135 1 11 37.36 40.00 .750 (Broke.) 1 30 41. 12 A scam. 942 SPR 41: 12.95 .0011 .006 4 12 2952 x 2996 13.29 38.05 .500 4875 .0125 1 10 39.05 40.83 .698 (Broke.) 0 20 41.90 943 Ingot 838* 14.50 .01 .0035 .0065 4.00 .3003 x .296 14.77 45. 36 .500 .485 - 015 1 22 46. 21 48, 60 6875 (Broke.) 0 20 48.90 944 Ingot 844 16. 20 .01 .0035 .0065 5 20 .3007 x .2962 16.44 51.07 .500 .482 .018 1 40 51.85 53. 04 .62 + (Broke.) 53.85 945 SP R 37* 12.85 .01 .004 .006 4 30 .2966 x .2967 13.28 38.78 . 5:0 .4855 .0145 1 10 40.07 42.70 .758 (Broke.) 0 30 44. 13 Two seams on one side. 946 SPR 38* 13.50 .0195 .013 + .0065 14 00 .2944 x .297 37.38 500 .4865 .0135 1 10 40.87 .773 (Broke.) 0 25 14.09 39.01 42.66 13.50 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 154 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 26.-TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3 x 0.3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. M.. S. Inches. 13.50 .0105 .005 0055 6 40 2979 x .2949 38.70 500 .487 .013 • 1 17 Lbs. 13.99 40. 18 13.50 pounds raised before torsion of 0.01 was reached. 41.94 7305 (Broke.) 0 20 43. 43 11. 20 .01 .004 .006 4 15 .2995 x .295 11.51 36.05 .500 .428 .012 1 10 37.05 Flaw discovered, after fracture, extending from outside to center. 40.50 .7855 (Broke.) 0 22 41.63 13. 75 .016 .010 006 12 00 2996 x .2949 37.79 .500 .488 .012 1 18 41.00 7335 (Broke.) 0 22 14. 12 38.74 42. 14 13.75 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0.01. 15.30 .01 004 .006 6 00 3002 x 2957 15. 61 45. 18 .500 .484 .016 1 19 46. 12 48. 36 722 (Broke.) 0 20 49.37 16.40 .01 .003 .007 4 40 .296 x .3005 16.68 51. 41 .500 .480 020 1 40 52.31 53.39 6235 (Broke.) 0 12 54. 33 15.86 .01 0035 .0065 5 05 .3007 x .2957 42.58 500 .487 013 *1 30 16. 14 42.35 This specimen and No. 957 were adjoining parts of the same wire. 45.40 .707 (Broke.) 0 17 . 46. 22 15. 10 .01 .0035 .0065 5 30 2952 x .296 15. 77 Adjoined No. 958. 42.95 .500 486 + .014 1 20 44.86 46.00 .700 (Broke.) 0 20 48.05 15.55 .01 .0035 .0065 5 00 .2944 x .294 16. 48 Adjoined No. 959. 42. 71 .500 .4845 .0155 1 20 45.47 .688 (Broke.) 0 18 45.28 48.21 14.80 .OL .0035+ .0065 6 45 .2972 x .2972 15. 22 Adjoined No. 960 41.73 .500 4865+ .0133 1 10 45. 60 769 (Broke.) Q 21 42.93 46,91 ( Remarks. ! Mark on specimen desig- 955 SPR 55* experi- nating- . 954 SPR 51* SPR 53* mentNo. of 953 . 952 SP R 52* 951 Ingot 844* Material950 Ingot 838* 949 | SP R 41* SPR 39947 948 SPR 40* * 155 1 956 | SPR 56 * 14.50 .01 . 0035 0065 4 40 .2953 x .2946 15. 25 From opposite end of wire from which No. 961 was taken. 40.75 .500 484 .016 1 10 42.93 43. 51 .6965 (Broke.) 0 12 46.91 957 SP R 52* 16. 20 .01 .0035 .0065 5 40" .3005 x .296 16. 48 See No. 952. 43.63 .500 4865 0135 1 30 44.39 46.00 .671 (Broke.) 0 18 46. 80 958 SPR 53* 15, 11 .01 .0035-+- .0065 3.00 .2951 x .2959 15.80 Nos. 957 to 961 inclusive were annealed at a slightly lower heat than the five preceding specimens. (Bronze in incipient fusion.) See No. 953. 42.58 500 . 4865 .0135 1 40 44.55 45.77 .720 (Broke.) 0 20 47.88 959 SPR 54 * 14. 90 .01 .0035 .0065 4.00 294 x .2942 15.81 See No. 954. Slightly defective on two corners. 42. 64 .500 .4845 .0155 1 35 45.24 45.45 .6x8 (Broke.) 0 18- 43.32 960 SPR 55 * 15. 15. .01 .0035 0065 5 30 .297 x .297 15.61 See No. 955. 42.46 .500 .4865 .0135 1 17 43.77 45.95 .718 (Broke.) 0 21 47.35 961 SPR 56 * 14.90 .0115 .006 .0055 4 30 .2952 x .2948 15. 67 See No. 956. 41. 43 500 .4255 0145 1 12 43.57 44.39 .7025 (Broke.) 0 18 46. 68' 962 SPR 42 * 14.60 .01 .0035+ .0065 4 00 297 X .2971 15.03 45.63 .5005 486 .0145 1 31 47.00 48.62 .693 (Broke.) 0 16 50.08 963 SPR 43* 15. 50 .011 .004 007 5 00 .2954 x 2954 16.23 Three slight seams. 44.85 .500 .485. .015 1 20 46. 97 47.25 .647 (Broke.) 0 12 49.48 i 964 SPR 44 * 11.25 .0375 .031 .0065 4 45 .2925 x .2925 12. 10 Raised 11.25 pounds before reaching torsion of 0. 01. 28.99 500 .419 .051 0 58 31. 18 33.67 .9685 (Broke.) 0 35 36. 21 965 SPR 45 * 10.50 . 0115 .007 .0045 4 44 .2926 x .293 11. 29 28.64 .500 49 010 1 08 30.80 33.46 9845+ (Broke.) 0 33 35.98 966 SPR 46 * 17. 28 .01 .003 .007 6 30 .2946 x .2944 18. 26 52.37 500 .4795 . 0205 1 20 55.35 54.32 .633 (Broke.) 0 10 57.41 967 S PR 47 * 16.30 .01 .003 .007 6 10 .2943 x .296 17.11 52.18 500 .479 021 1 45 54.89 A slight seam. 54.82 .6495 (Broke.) 0 12 57.56 968 SPR 48 13. 60 .01 .003 .007 4 00 .2958 x .2947 14. 26 38.50 500 .487 013 1 20 40.39 A slight seam. 43. 35 719 (Broke.) 0 13 45.47 * About. 1566 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Lbs. Under strain. Torsion. Released. Turns. Turns. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Resilience. Time of twisting. Turns. m. s. Measurement of cross- section. Inches. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″.3 x 0,3. Lbs. Remarks. 14.81 .01 0035 .0065 4 40 .2966 x .298 15. 21 45. 19 .500 4835 .0165 1 20 46. 43 A slight seam. 47.48 6275 (Broke.) 0 10 48.78 14.75 .01 .004 .006 4. 00 2953 x .2953 15.47 44. 63 500 485 .015 1 20 46.75 47.96 732 (Broke.) 0 14 50.28 10.50 .01 .006 .004 4 30 .2929 x .2923 11.30 29.10 ,500 .490 .010 1.00 31.34 A very slight seam. 33.52 9575 (Broke.) 0 39 35.90 10.40 .020 .0155 .0045 13.00 .2925 x .293 28.80 ,500 33.35 4895 .0105 0 53 11. 18 30.98 957 (Broke.) 0 45 35.87 Raised 10.40 pounds before reaching torsion of 0.01 a short time at 0 013 torsion increased rapidly. 16.80 .01 51.78 .003 .007 6 30 .2945 x .294 17.79 500 4805 0195 1.40 54.35 53.94 .6445 (Broke.) 0 10 56.63 16. 42 .01 .003 .007 6 00 2959 x .2943 17.25 51.95 500 480 .020 · 1 30 54.57 53.60 .606 (Broke.) 0 10 55.74 13. 74 .01 .003 .007 4 40 2956 x .2947 14.42 A seam at each end. 38. 44 .500 .487 .013 1 05 40.36 45.39 8855 (Broke.) 0 33 47.66 ; after standing Mark on specimen desig- 975 S P R 48 ✶ experi- nating- • ment. SPR 47 * No. of 974 973 SPR 46 * 972 SP R 45✶ Material. SPR 44 * 971 969 SPR 42 * SPR 43 * 970 157 976 | SP R 52 ★ 15. 20 .01 0035 .0065 4 03 .299 x .3003 15. 24 43. 78 .500 .486 + .014 1 10 43.92 46.62 .668 (Broke.) 0 23 46. 76 977 SPR 53 13.80 .01 .004 .006 6 35 .3005 x .2991 13.82 43.83 .500 .186 .014 1 10 43.91 46.52 .669 (Broke.) 0 17 46.60 978 SPR 54 * 14.55 .01 .0035+ .0065 4 45 2995 x .3006 14. 45 44.86 500 .486 .014 1 20 44.83 47.75 .678 (Broke.) 0 13 47.72 979 SPR 55 * 14.50 .0105 .0035 .0070 3 05 2994 x 3005 14.50 43. 45 500 .4855 0145 1 11 43. 47 46.79 ..719 (Broke.) 0 16 46. 81 980 SPR 56 * 13.87 .01 .0035 .0065 2 20 300 x 299 13.93 42. 81 500 .4865 .0135 1 17 43.02 46. 32 .7285 (Broke.) 0 19 46.55 A slight seam. 981 SPR 42. 16. 07 .01 .0035+ .0065 3.40 2993 x .3013 16.02 47.96 500 .484 .016 1 24 47.81 A very slight seam. 50.70 .6645 (Broke.) 0 18 50.54 982 SPR 43✶ 16. 48 .01 .0035 .0065 3 57 2993 x .3012 16. 43 46.66 500 .4845-+- 0155 1 30 46.54 50.48 .7295 (Broke.) 0 23 50.35 983 SPR 44 * 12.00 .0285+ .023 .0055 9.00 .2985 x .3003 12.07 31.37 .500 .491 .009 1 05 31.55 36.55 981 (Broke.) 0 40 36.76 Torsion nearly ceased at torsion of 0.01, but continued to the extent given. 984 SPR 45 * 11.65 .ΟΙ .006 .004 6.30 .3002 x .2985 11.72 31.89 .500 .490 .010 1 18 32.09 86.27 .919 (Broke.) 0 40 86.83 985 SPR 46 * 18.23 .01 .003 .007 4 55 .298 x .2997 18. 44 54.96 .500 482 .018 1 30 55.59 A slight seam. 57.57 .645 (Broke.) Ꮕ 15 58.23 986 SPR 47 * 17.90 .01 003 .007 6 40 .2969 x .2986 18.30 53.87 500 482 .018 1 28 55.09 55.99 .632 (Broke.) 0 13 57.26 987 S P R 48✶ 15.25 .01 .0025+ 0075 4 50 .301 x .3004 15. 14 41.83 500 .4885 .0115 1 12 41.53 47.70 .862 (Broke.) 1 988 SPR 49 * 14. 15 .01 .003 . OC7 6 00 2963 x 2972 37.49 .500 488 .012 1 02 44. 44 .893 (Broke.) 0 34 47. 36 14. 15 37.49 44. 44 A slight seam. After fracture a seam was found extending from outside to center. 158 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. Lbs. 15.50 Turns. Turns. .01 Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. .0035 .0065 3 15 .2993 x .3008 15.50 44.75 500 486 • .014 1 15 44.75 47. 67 6975 (Broke.) 0 15 47. 67 15.55 · 01 .0035 . 0065 5 20 .2999 x .2999 15.55 43.90 .500 4855 .0145 1 15 43.90 46.62 679 (Broke.) 0 14 46. 62 A very slight seam. 16.02 .01 .0035 .0065 6 08 .2995 x .301 16. 02 48.00 .500 4835 .0165 1 30 48.00 51. 13 .671 (Broke.) 0 13 51. 13 15. 85 01 0035 .0065 4 35 2994 x .3011 15.85 47.00 .500 4825 .0175 1 18 47.00 50.63 .7005 (Broke.) 0 18 50.03 12.05 .0365 7 20 .3002 x .2985 12.05 31.68 500 .490 .010 1 03 31.68 12.05 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0.01. 36. 19 .9075 (Broke.) 0 33 36. 19 11.60 .032 .027 .005 14 00 .2984 x .3001 11. 60 31.00 500 4895 0105 1 05 31.00 35.75 .926 (Broke.) 0 35 35. 75 18.30 .01 .003 .007 6 30 .2983 x .300 18.30 54.76 .050 .04805 .00193 1 30 54.76 57.70 6675 (Broke.) 0 20 57.70 17. 20 .01 .003 .007 4.00 .2975 x .2994 17.20 54.74 .500 479 .021 1 50 54. 74 57.05 6375 (Broke.) 0 20 57.05 15.02 .01 .003 .007 3 20 .3004 x .3011 15. 02 A seam. 40.00 500 .4855 . 0145 1 09 40.00 47.77 809 (Broke.) 0 33 47. 77 Remarks. 1 Mark on specimen desig- 48.. experi- nating- ment. SPR No. of 997 47. Material. SPR 996 SPR 989 SPR 46.. 995 50 * 994 SPR 45 990 SPR* 44 SPR 51 X 993 SPR* 42.. 991 SPR 43.. 992 159 998 | SPR 49* 14.05 .01 .0025+ 0075 3 00 .2957 x .2969 14.57 37.68 4995 486 .0135 1 06 39.09 44.09 .821 (Broke.) 0 35 45.74 A slight seam. 999 SPR 50* 15. 15 .01 .0035 .0065 4 40 .2996 x .3014 15.07 44.68 ,500 .486 .014 1 20 44. 46 48. 01 .71 (Broke.) 0 30 47.77 1000 SPR 51* 15.40 .015 + .009 + 006 3 30 299 x .301 15. 40 15.40 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0.01. 44.26 500 4855 .0145 1 19 44. 26 47. 46 .703 + (Broke.) 0 18 47.46 1001 SPR 52* 17.45 .037 + .029 .008 3 20 .2987 x .3007 17.45 Torsion carried too far, by mistake. 43.91 500 4845 0155 1 05 43.91 47.18 .700 (Broke.) 0 18 47.18 1002 SP R 53X 15. 25 .01 .0035 .0065 4.30 2929 x .300 15.33 45.00 500 486 .014 1 22 45.24 48.20 .697 + (Broke.) 0 16 48.46 1003 SPR 54% 15. 80 .01 .0035 .0065 5.04 .3002 x .2993 15.80 45, 14 .500 4845 0155 1 28 45. 14 48.18 .687 (Broke.) 0 18 48.18 1004 SPR 55* 14.60 . 0115 .0065 .0050 4 00 .2991 x .3004 14.60 43.34 .500 .486 .014 1 20 43. 34 47. 31 .758 (Broke.) 0 22 47. 31 1005 S P R 56* 14.95 .01 .0035- 0065 4 05 .3004 x .2992 14.95 43.40 .500 .486 + .014 1 21 43. 40 46, 67 .725 (Broke.) 0 18 46. 67 1006 BS co 10.68 .0215 .017 + 0045 8 45 297 x .2977 10.98 Began to yield on raising 10.68 pounds. 32. 28 .500 .489 .011 1 30 33. 15 36.25 .855 (Broke.) 0 43 37.22 A very slight seam. 1007 BS co S 10.68 .103 .094 + .009 6 02 .2955 x .297 11.09 26.79 .500 488 .012 1 20 27.82 33.56 .7625 (Broke.) 0 42 34.85 1011 SPR 57% 12.80 .0115+- 0065 .0050 10 00 .296 x .2963 12.80 34.59 500 .4885 .0115 1 27 34.59 38.62 .826 (Broke.) 0 30 38.62 1012 SPR 58* 14.30 .01 + .0035 .0065 6 03 3013 x .3021 14.30 46.00 500 485 015 1 50 46.00 49.27 .670 (Broke.) 0 26 49.27 Seams on three sides. 1013 SPR 57* 13.00 .01 .005 .005 7 13 3002 x .3016 12.88 36. 07 500 489 011 1 20 35.74 40.38 825 (Broke.) 0 45 40. 01 160 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.--TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0". 3 x 0.3. Lbs. 15.55 46. 62 Turns. 01 Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 0035 . 0065 6 00 .301 x .302 15. 31 .500 4835 .0165 1 30 50.00 .688 (Broke.) 0 30 45.92 49.25 A seam on each of three sides. 15.50 .011 .004 •.007 7 00 .3013 x .3022 46.79 500 4845 0155 2 05 15.24 46. 01 50.00 .689 (Broke.) 0 22 49.17 Annealed together; each had slight seams on two sides. 14.90 Οι .0035 .0065 3 40 .301 x .3023 14. 64 46.27 500 4845 .0155 1 25 45.49 • 49.47 6765 (Broke.) 0 15 48.62 15. 55 .0105 .0035- .0070 3 55 .3013 x .300 15. 44 41. 07 500 488 .012 1 22 41.39 A scam on each of two opposite sides From different rods. 47.61 .8115 (Broke.) 0 30 47.20 15.95 .01 .003 .007 5 00 .3005 x .3015 15. 79 42.23 .500 487 .013 1 20 47.63 7435 (Broke.) 0 26 41.80 47. 15 A seam. The same annealing. 15. 34 .01 .0035+ 0065 4 40 .3007 x .3018 15. 14 45.82 .500 485 .015 1 25 45. 24 Seam separating cross-line, about 0".01 > From different rods. 48.27 .656 (Broke.) 0 20 47.66 14.00 0135 .008 .0055 4 40 .3005 x .3018 13,84 45.00 .500 4855 .0145 1 20 44. 49 Seam separating cross-line, 0.8 The same annealing. 47.94 .6595 (Broke.) 0 14 47.50 15.00 .01 .0035 .0065 4 40 .301 x .302 14.83 45. 68 .500 4855 0145 1 18 45. 16 From different rods. 48.40 .667 (Broke) 0 13 47.85 15. 20 .0115 .006 .0055 5 00 .3013 x .3018 14.96 45. 66 500 487 .013 1 30 44.94 The same annealing. 48.07 .677 (Broke.) 0 14 47.32 Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 1022 SP R* 62 experi- nating- ment. SP RX 62 No. of 1021 SP R* 61 Material. 1020 SPR* 61 SPR 1014 1019 SP R* 60 58* 1018 1015 60 SPR 58* SPRX SP 1016 1017 R 58** 161 1023 SPR✶ 63 15.15 .01 .004 .006 5 40 .301 x.302 14.97 46. 12 .500 .486 .014 1 10 45.59 A slight seam. From different rods. 48. 10 620 (Broke.) 0 12 47.55 1024 SP R* 63 16.35 .01 .004 .006 ** 00 .301 x.302 47.36 .500 485 .015 1 18 16. 16 One side scored in drawing 46.82 · 49. 14 .630 (Broke.) 0 12 48.58 The same annealing. 1025 SPR 61* 15.00 .01 .004 .006 6 00 .3008 x .3016 14.82 47.00 .500 486 .014 1 30 46. 44 49.00 .618 (Broke.) 0 11 48. 41 1026 SPR 61* 13. 20 . 01 .0035+ .C065 3 00 .302 x .3004 13. 20 46.55 500 .484 .016 1 20 46.55 Seam separating cross-line 0". 08. 48.86 . 6295 (Broke.) 0 12 48.86 1027 SPR 62* 14.60 .01 .005 .005 6 00 .301 x.302 14. 60 46. 13 .500 .486 .014 1 20 46. 13 48. 43 6345 (Broke.) 0 11 48.43 1028 SP-R 62* 14.60 .01 .004 .006 6 10 .3014 x .3018 14.60 46.00 .500 .4855 .0145 1 28 46.00 48.05 6303 (Broke.) 0 10 48.05 1029 S P R 63× 47.00 .500 .485 .015 1 40 .3008 x .3018 47.00 48.72 .607 Torsion of 0.01 passed by mistake. (Broke.) 0 09 48.72 1030 SPR 63* 15.80 .01 .004 .006 5 50 .301 x.302 15.80 Scored in drawing. 47.79 .500 .4815 .0185 1 26 47.79 49.17 .589 (Broke.) 0 10 49.17 1031 -C 900 14.60 .01 .004 .006 3 30 3004 x .2987 14.60 44.96 500 484 .016 1 40 44.96 48. 61 .738 (Broke.) 0 23 48.61 1032-C 900 14.60 .01 .004- .006 4.00 .3006 x .298 14. 60 45.00 500 .485 015 1 26 45.00 48. 40 .7425 (Broke.) 0 20 48.40 }. 1033 SPR 64* 13. 25 .018 .012 .006 7 12 .2995 x .2965 13. 51 40.00 501 4875 0135 1 47 40.80 43.18 .711 (Broke.) 0 22 44.05 1034 SPR 65* 12.95 .0145 .0095 .0050 8 15 2969 x .300 13. 15 41.92 .600 5875 .0125 1 50 42.57 42.48 .660 (Broke.) 0 10 43. 14 1035 SPR 66* 14.00 .0105 .005 .0055 8 10 .297 x .3007 14. 16 42.53 .500 .486 .014 1 30 43. 02 45.47 .701 (Broke,) 45.99 11 F 162 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Torsion. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3x 0″ .3. Lbs. 14. 15 43. 10 .01 Turns. Turns. 0065 Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. .0035 9 00 2975 x .301 14. 24 ,500 .486 014 1 35 43. 41 45.72 .6645 (Broke.) 0 18 46.05 14. 65 .01 .004 .006 7 20 .298 x.302 14. 05 42.80 .500 488 .012 1 30 42.80 44.78 .640 (Broke.) 0 17 44.78 13. 25 .014 .011 .003 6 00 .3025 x .292 13. 62 41.90 500 486 .014 1 32 43.07 44.95 .700 (Broke.) 0 25 46.20 Two seams separating cross-lines 0". 02 and 0". 06. 15.00 .011 .0055+ .0055 6 00 .2989 x .3026 15.00 46.93 500 4855 .0145 1 05 46.93 48.75 630 (Broke.) 0.12 48.75 Seam Seam; cross-line separated about 0". 01. 14.77 .01 004 006 8 00 .299 x.3026 14. 77 45.63 500 .4865 .0135 1 40 45.63 47. 74 .6515 (Broke.) 0 20 47.74 12. 10 .01 .004 .006 5 20 300 x .2967 12. 10 40.00 42. 10 .500 486 .014 1 30 40.00 629 (Broke.) 0 15 42.10 12. 12 .01 .005 .005 4 10 .2975 .300 12. 12 12.95 0115 .010 0015 4 15 12.95 (After resting one-half hour.) 40.59 42.05 .500 .487 .013 1 35 40.59 .617 (Broke.) 0 10 42.05 13.50 .01 .005 .005 5 00 3007 x 2973 13.50 43.00 500 4855 0145 1 30 43.00 45.00 6345 (Broke.) 0 12 13.80 .0115 .007 .0045 6 20 .3012 x .2979 13.80 43.70 .500 486 .014 1 27 45. 03 587 (Broke.) 0 12 45.00 Seam separating cross-line about 0″. 02. 43.70 45. 03 Three seams; cross-lines se arated from 0". 02 to 0". 05. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- сн experi- nating- ment. CH No. of Material. CH SPR 67* 1044 SPR 66* 1036 SPR 67* 1043 1037 SP R 68* SPR 65* 1038 SPR 69* 1042 1039 SPR 70* 1041 SPR 64* 1040 SPR 71* 163 1045 | S P R 68* 1046 SP R 69% 1047 SPR70* 1048 SPR 71* CH сн CH CH 13.25 43. 10 .01 .005 .005 6 00 3018 x .298 13.25 .500 .486 .014 1 35 43. 10 44. 42 .578 (Broke.) 0 10 44. 42 13.45 .01 ..004 .006 7 40 .302 x .298 13.45 43.96 .500 .484 .016 1 32 43.96 45.00 .590 (Broke.) 0 08 45.00 Seam separating cross-line 0". 02. 15. 25 .01 .004 .006 6 00 .2988 x .3027 15.25 48.43 .500 .485 .015 1 45 48. 43 48. 43 (Broke.) 48. 43 14.78 .01 .004 .006 8 35 .3026 x .2985 14.78 47.88 .500 .485 .015 1 40 47.88 47.88 .5265 (Broke.) 0 00 47.88 1049 SP Rx 65 12.60 .0125 .008 .0045 9 50 .3003 x.2969 12. 60 39. 11 .500 .487+ .013 1 30 39. 11 42. 11 .6975 (Broke.) 0 25 42. 11 1050 SP R* 66 13. 70 .01 .004 .006 8.30 .2971 x .3004 13.70 42.00 .500 4865 0135 2 06 42.00 44.70 .6795 (Broke.) 0 28 44.70 Seam; cross-line separated 0". 04. 1051 SP R* 67 14.20 015 .009 .006 11 40 .2975 x .3001 14. 20 43.00 500 .486 .014 1 40 43.00 44.76 622 (Broke.) 0 22 44. 76 1052 SP R* 68. 14.05 .0155 .010 0055 14 30 .2979 x .3002 14.05 42.52 .500 , 4865 .0135 1 30 42.52 44.97 .6635 (Broke.) 0 20 44.97 Seam Seam; cross-line separated about 0".01. 1053 SPR* 69 13.30 .01 005 .005 5 30 .302 x.2979 42.00 500 .465 .035 1 30 .13.30 42.00 44.80 697 (Broke.) 0 21 44. 80 Seam: cross-line separated about 0".02. 1054 SPR* 70. 14.96 .01 004 .006 6 25 299 x.3031 14.96 47.00 .500 .485 .015 1 40 47.00 48.90 .610 (Broke.) 0 12 48.90 1055 SPR* 71 14.52 01 .004 .006 7 30 .3028 x .2992 14. 52 45.89 500 485 015 1*37 45. 89 48.35 6535 (Broke.) 0 20 48. 35 1056 BES 3* 19. 65 .01 .003 .007 4 30 .2992 x .2968 19.65 49. 19 .494 (Broke.) 1 50 49. 19 1057 BES 4* 19.05 01 .003 .007 3 20 .2958 x .294 19.05 50. 19 .600 .584 .016 1 45 50. 19 50.51 . 440 (Broke.) 0 05 50.51 164 mentStrain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires—Continued Torsion. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. S. Inches. Lbs. 21.00 51.97 012 .006 .006 4.00 .300 x .2961 21.00 500 484 .016 2.08 51.97 52.42 .540 (Broke.) 0 10 52.42 22.00 .01 003 .007 7 00 .302 x .3011 21.65 60.55 . 470 (Broke.) 2 10 59.59 20.90 .01 .0025 .0075 6 00 2984 x .2975 21.32 58.05 470 (Broke.) 1 58 59.23 21.50 .01 .003 .007 7 15 .2975 x .2989 21.89 58.22 4595 (Broke.) 2. 00 59.87 19.90 .01 .003 .007 6 20 .2975 x .2991 20. 13 55.76 4601 (Broke.) 1 48 56. 14 21.58 .01 .003 .007 6 15 .2991 x .2975 21.96 58.83 .4775 (Broke.) 1 50 59.87 21.65 01 003 .007 5 40 .3002 x .2975 21.90 59.00 .472 (Broke.) 1 43 59.68 20.85 .01 0025 .0075 6 00 .2973 x .3008 21.05 58.38 .472 (Broke.) 1 45 58.96 16. 35 .01 .0025 .0075 5 00 .3007 x .2983 16. 43 53.70 .4435 (Broké.) 1 33 53.96 21.30 .01 .0025 .0075 6 00 .2975 x .3008 21.49 59. 17 4765 (Broke.) 1 45 59.72 21.20 .01 ..003 .007 5 30 .3008 x .2972 21.42 59.43 500 482 018 1 48 60.04 21.55 .01 .003 .007 6 00 .2975 x .3005 21.77 59. 05 456 (Broke.) 1 54 59, 66 Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of (“. 3 x 0″. 3. Remarks. + Mark on specimen desig- A co 95* of experi- nating- . 1088 1087 A co 94* No. '1086 A co 93*. Material. À có 92* 1085 A co 91* 1058 BES 16✶ 1084 A co 85* 1078 A co 90* 1083 A co 86* 1079 A co 89* 1082 1080 A co 87*. A co 88 k 1081 165 1176 | A co 85* 22.53 01 • .0025 10 00 .3014 x .3018 60.84 .476 (Broke.) 1 50 1177 A co 86* 21.67 .01 .0025 6 00 .2972 x .2983 58.30 .500 4815 1 45 Did not raise the weight after having been released.` 1178 A co 87* 21. 43 .01 .003 9.00 .2972 x .2986 57.67 .500 .4815 1 42 57.67 ..5175 (Broke.) 0 03 1179 A co 88* 20.59 .01 .003 7 00 .2972 x .299 54. 20 .487 (Broke.) 1 33 1180 A co 89* 21.80 .01 .0025 9 30 .2993 x 2972 58.71 499 (Broke.) 1 40 1181 A co 90* 21.90 .01 .0025 5 00 .3001 x .2975 58.58 .496 (Broke.) 1 30 1182❘ A co 91* 21.90 .01 .0025 5 15 .3003 x .2972 57.78 .496 (Broke.) 1 20 1183 A co 92* 21.92 .01 .003 7 00 3001 x .2976 57.42 .467 (Broke.) 1 32 1184 A co 93* 21.20 .01 .003 6 00 .2972 x .3005 58.24 .4715 (Broke.) 1 40 1185 A co 95. 22.00 .01 .0025 6 00 .2972 x .3007 57.96 4995 (Broke.) 1 30 1186 A co 95* 21.82 .01 .0025 7 00 .2972 x 3005 57.90 488 (Broke.) 1 38 1187 A co 96* 18.70 0115 .004 7 00.3005 x .2976 49.98 .500 4835 1 10 51. 40 .595 (Broke.) 0 12 1188 A co 97* 18.57 .01 .0035 8 00 .2977 x .2987 49.89 .500 485 1 20 • 51.00 .583 (Broke.) 0 08 1189 A co 98* 18. 13 .01 0035 8 40 .2975 x .2982 47.76 .500 .485 1 25 50.00 .6495 (Broke.) 0 18 ► 1190 M co 4* 14.04 .021 39.55 .5025 .0155 488 *9 00 .2996 x .2973 Seam; cross-line separated 0".03. Raised weight before torsion reached 0.01. 2.00 42.90 7305 (Broke.) 0 38 * About. 166 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Torsion. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x 0.3, Lbs. 11.00 .033 30.79 500 Turns. Turns. .0285 .489 Turns. m. s. Inches. 2 40 .2989 x .297 1 30. Lbs. Raised weight before torsion reached 0.01. 35.56 .929 (Broke.) 0 42 12.25 .01 .005 5 40 .2994.x.2970 14.04 .021 .0155 2.00 39.42 .501. .4875 1 18 42.22 .689 (Broke.) 0 22 10.17 .01 .0065 4 30 .2995 x .2969 11.00 .018 .013 4 00 31.85 .500 .4895 1 25 36. 26 .8875 (Broke.) 0'35 20.00 .01 .0025 5.00 3007 x .2985 Nos. 1202 to 1205 annealed in contact. 52.67 .500 .4815 1 40 56. 37 .7695 (Broke.) 0 30 19.55 .01 .003 4 00 3017 x .2989 51.86 .499 .4815 1 43 56.75 .789 (Broke.) 0 35 43.00 .500 *.4855 2.00 2987 x .2986 48.78 9665 (Broke.) 0 45 Seam; cross-line separated 0".03. 18.95 .01 .003 6 00 3015 x .2993 44. 10 . 499 .484 1 32 49.10 .912 (Broke.) 0 35 19.70 .01 .003 3 00 .2984 x .301 Nos. 1206 to 1209 annealed in contact. 50. 19 .500 483 1 35 54. 94 .820 (Broke.) 0 30 20.55 .01 .0035 4 45 .3021 x .299 51.93 .501 .483 1 35 56.08 .810 (Broke.) 0 35 J Remarks. Mark on specimen designa- A co 91 experi- ting- ment. 1207 No. of Material. . A co 851206 A co 144. M co 51191 1205 1204 A co 138. * 1203❘ A co 91 1192 M co 4* 1202 A co 85. 1193 M co 5* 167 1208 A co 138. 16.79 .0105 .0035 4 30 .2985 x .2981 41.98 .500 .486 1 20 47. 13 1. 025 (Broke.) 0 45 1209 A co 144. 18. 10 .0245 .0175 8 00- .2991 x .3005 42. 08 .499 .4855 1 35 47.22 1.0065 (Broke.) 0 50 1210 A co 99* 18.75 .01 50.10 .003 6 00 .2976 x .2982 500 .484 1 35 52.00 .6065 (Broke.) 0 12 1211 A co 100%. 18.70 016 .609 10 15 .2979 x .2979 18.70 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0.01. 49.72 .500 .484 1 20 52. 13 .638 (Broke.) 0 08 1212 A co 101 * 18.85 .0105 .0035 5 00 .2973 x .298 50. 05 500 4825 1 30 52.03 .620 (Broke.) 0 16 1213 A co 102* 18.75 .011 .0035 4 20 .2973 x .2981 50.00 .500 4830 1 20 51.05 570* (Broke.) 0 12 1214 A co 103* 18.50 .014 .0075 5 30 .298 x.2973 49.37 .501 .4835 1 20 51.00 .612 (Broke.) 0 10 Seam; cross-line separated about 0 .03. 1215 A co 104*. 18.90 .01 .003 6 00 .2974 x .298 50.00 .500' .483 1 20 51.70 588 (Broke.) 0 10 1216 A co 105 * 18.85 .01 .003 5 30 2973 x .298 50.00 .499 482 1 20 51.84 .5875 (Broke.) 0 10 1217 A co 106* 50.00 .500 4825 1 40 .2975 x .2984 51.00 .5745 (Broke.) 0 10 1218 A co 107* 19. 20 .011 .004 5 30 .2976 x .2978 48.74 500 4835 1 30 50.64 6065 (Broke.) 0 15 1219 A co 108* 20.00 .01 .003 5 00 .2973 x .298 50.00 .500 .482 1.40 52.00 5985 (Broke.) 0 12 1220 A co 109* 19.80 .01 .003 4 00 .298 x .2977 51. 10 .500 .482 1 20 53.04 6275 (Broke.) 0 10 * About. 168 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Lbs. Turns. 19.85 .01 Turns. Turns. 003 m. s. Inches. 4 00 .2981 x .2973 50.17 .500 483 1 15 52.58 .6235 (Broke.) 0 12 19.75 .011 .0035 4 00 • .298 x .2974 49.61 .500 4825 1 18 52. 02 .610 (Broke.) 0 12 19.75 .011 .0035 4 20 .2973 x .2983 50.86 499 4805 1 12 52.10 .5875 (Broke.) 0 10 49.64 .500. 4835 1 30 .297 x .2983 52.00 .6235 (Broke.) 0 18 19.75 .0105 .0035 4 30 2977 x .2983 49.60 .501 484 1 30 51.62 .623 (Broke.) 0 12 20.00 .01 .003 4 00 2975 x .3005 52. 24 .500 .483 1 30 54.06 .629 (Broke.) 0 12 19.95 .01 003 4 30 .3006 x .2975 50.37 .500 4-3 • 1 40 52.85 .6395 (Broke.) 0 15 18.35 .0115 .005. 5.30 .2975 x .3005 45.44 .500 .486 1 15 49.05 .733 (Broke.) 0 23 18.40 .01 .0035 5 00.299 x .2977 44.60 .501 48.95 7595 4865 (Broke.) 1 16 0 30 Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3x0".3. Strain reduced to cor- Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- A co 129 * experì- nating- . 1229 A co 128* mentNo. of 1228 . A co 116* 1227 MaterialA co 115* 1226 1221 A co A co 110% 114* 1222 1225 A co 111* A co 113* A co 112 1223 1224 * 169. 1230 | A co 130 * 18.40 .01 .003 4 10 2965 x .3009 44. 76 .500 ,486 1 32 48.38 7285 (Broke.) 0 20 1231 A co 131* 18.70 .01 .0035 5 30 .2967 x .301 45. 28 500 .4855 1 20 49,00 7475 (Broke.) 0 23 1232 A co 132* 18.45 .01 0035 4 00 .2958 x .2995 44.53 .500 485 1 28 48.52 738 (Broke.) 0 20 1233 A co 133* 18.50 .01 .0035 4 00 .3007 x .2962 45.78 500 4855 1 18 48.63 .670 (Broke.) 0 15 1234 A. co 134*' 18.00 . 01 .0035 3 15 2985 x .2975 44, 98 500 486 1 28 48.64 .7395 (Broke.) 0 22 1235 A co 135* 18.30 01 .0035 3.00 ,2976 x .2988 44. 23 500 .486 1 25 48.67 785 (Broke.) 0 30 1236 A co 136* 18. 50 .01 0035 4 00 .2988 x .2974 44. 66 500 486 1 20 49.00 740 (Broke.) 0 15 1237 A co 137* 19.25 .01 .0035 4 30 .2989 x .2979 46.82 .500 4835 1 20 49.53 640 (Broke.) 0 12 1238 A co 138* 21. 10 .01 .003 5 00 .2989 x .2979 48.40 500 484 1 32 51. 30 686 (Broke.) 0 18 1239 A co 139* 21.25 .01 .003 4.00 .2978 x .2989 48. 12 .500 .484 1 20 51.53 .704 (Broke.) 0 25 1240 A co 140* 21. 15 .01 .003 5 00 .2978 x .2994 49. 16 500 485 1 23 51.80 .703 (Broke.) 0 23 1241 A co 141* 21. 15 .01 .003 5 00 2994 x .298 48.35 .500 .4845 1 30 51.27 .676 (Broke.) 0 18 1242 | A co 142* 21.80 .01 003 4 45 2981 x .2996 48.67 500 4855 1 20 52.00 703 (Broke.) 0 30 · 170 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. 1 Released. Torsion. Kesilience. TABLE 26.—TORSIONAL TESTS of steel gun-wires—Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. 21. 77 .01 .003 m. s. 4.00 Inches. .2984 x .2999 Lbs. 49.00 499 52.05 .6775 484 (Broke.) 1 30 0 20 21.60 .01 .003 4 00 2985 x .2997 49.00 .500 .484 1 30 51.72 .6835 (Broke.) 0 12 21. 40 .01 .003 4.00 .2986 x .300 48.84 .500 4845 1 25 51. 59 .6915 (Broke.) 0 20 21. 51 .01 .003 4.00 .2997 x .2985 49.20 .500 484 1 20 52.00 680 (Broke.) 0 20 21. 45 .01 .003 3 50 2983 x .2997 49.34 .499 483 1 18 52.38 .6875 (Broke.) 0 20 17.03 .010 .003 ,5 20 .2978 x .2972 47.53 .500 4815 1 30. 52.37 .838 (Broke.) 0 45 17.50 .010 .003 7 00 2976 x .2972 49.98 500 54.55 .800 20.75 .010 52.00 .500 482 1 35 (Broke.) 0 35 .003 5 25 .300 x.2976 483 2.05 56.32 .807 (Broke.) 0 45 20.75 .010 .003 2.50 .2972 x .2994 51.43 500 4825 2 00 55.83 825 (Broke.) 0 30 respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″.3 x 0.3. Strain reduced to cor. · Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- .. experi- nating- . 1255 A co 85 A co 85. mentNo. of 1254 . CK 1253 Material1252 CK · 1247 A co 147* 1243 A co 143* 1246 A co 146* 1244 A co 144* 1245 A co 145✯ 171 1256 A co 91. 19.75 010 .003 3 20 .2975 x .3008 49.23 500 4825 1 35 53. 34 .790 (Broke.) 0 42 1257 A co 91 .. 19. 40 010 .003 2 00 .2977 x.3003 49.00 .498 .4835 1 35 53.00 .851 (Broke.) 0 45 1258 M co 4 * • 12. 35 .01 .006 .004 2 30 299 x.297 39.00 500 487 .013 1 30 41.82 .694 (Broke.) 0 30 1259 * M co 4 .. 12.40 .010 .006 .004 2 10 .297 x .2988 38.93 .500 .4865 .0135 1 27 42. 15 718 (Broke.) 0 25 1260 M co 5 * 10.28 .010 .0065 .0035 1 50 .2965 x .2989 31.73 .500 .485 015 1 27 35.94 .845 (Broke.) 0 37 1261 M co 5 * .. 11. 15 .0235 .019 .0045 6 15 .2965 x .2985 31. 86 .500 11.15 pounds raised before reaching torsion of 0.01. .4885 .0115 1 15 36.10 8445 (Broke.) 0 40 172 experi- ment. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 27.—TORSIONAL TESTS of unannealed wires drawn from steel of various manufacturers. [For explanation of marks, see pages 136 to 140, inclusive.] Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3 x 0.3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 27.00 .010 .001 .009 4 45 .3002 x .2992 27.00 56.98 .500 480 .020. 2 25 56.99 60.82 957 (Broke.) 1 00 60.83 A very slight seam. 23. 60 .010 .001 .009 3 00 .296 x.2936 24.86 53.00 500 .480 020 2 00 55.83 53. 22 .530 (Broke.) 0 03 58.06 Seams separating cross-lines 0.08 and 0.03 on opposite sides. 27.90 .010 .0015 0085 2 25 .302 x .303 27. 21 56.97 300 .281 .019 1 32 55.56 1 58.37 392 (Broke.) 0 12 56.93 Seam; cross-line separated about 0".05. 23.45 .010 0015 .0085 1 30 .302 x.3019 22.99 68.99 .300 275 025 3 55 67.65 69.38 325 (Broke.) 0 07 68.04 Small flaw seen in fracture extending about 0.275 from one end into the twisted part. 26. 65 .010 .0015 .0085 2 00 .3017 x .299 46. 46 .500 26.55 4845 .0155 1 40 46. 29 This specimen was drawn in three draughts, without annealing. 48.00 778 (Broke.) 0 30 47. 83 23.45 .010 .002 .008 2.40 .299 x.3024 23. 28 41.23 500 • .486 .014 1 40 40.94 43. 15 797 (Broke.) 0 30 42.84 21.00 .010 0015 .0085 2 42 .2925 x .2916 22.72 34.40 500 .4865 . 0135 2 15 37.23 38. 21 822 (Broke.) 0 30 41.35 21.00 .001 .002 2 45 .2926 x .2926 22.61 38.49 500 4865 .0135 2 18 41. 45 39.43 729 (Broke.) 0 20 42. 46 Seam; cross-line separated about 0".05. 23.70 .010 .001 .009 3 00 .2981 x .2983 24. 13 52.83 .500 .481 .019 1 50 53.79 56.09 1. 1835 (Broke.) 0 50 57.11 Remarks. Mark on specimen designa- 1282 CK-UNA'D ting- CH co 5 I UNA'D. No. of . 1281 Material1280 N co I UNA'D 1279 BS co ★ UNA'D 1274 HW co 4 UNA'D 1278 BS co* HD UNA'D .. NA'D T co 6 * UNA'D 1275 C H co 4 S UNA'D. 1277 T co 3 * UNA'D 1276 1 173. No. of experi- ment. Material. Mark on specimen desig- nating- Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 28.—TORSIONAL TESTS of hardened steel gun-wires. [For explanation of marks, see pages 136 to 140, inclusive.] Torsion. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0".3 x 0.3. Lbs. Turns. Turns. 1283 HW co 4 HARDENED. 16.00 .010 003 .007 Turns. m. S. 2.00 Inches. Lbs. .2993 x .2981 16.20 41.22 150 .134 016 1 40 41.75 46. 71 .250 .2335 .0165 0 30 47.32 Specimen failed at strain of 51 pounds, and torsion of 0.4, but did not break apart until torsion of about 0.8 was reached. 51.00 .400* (Broke.) 51.66 1284 C K-HARDENED 17.70 010 003 .007 2 00 2979 x .2974 18. 12 28.26 .050 .039 .011 0 45 28.93 34.61 .100 .0865 .0135 0 35 35. 43 38.81 .150 .1350 0150 0 28 39.73 41.73 200 .1835 .0165 0 25 42.72 44.00 .250 . 233 017 0 18 45. 04 45.93 300 283 .017 0 20 47.82 47.50 350 332 .018 '0 20 48. 63 49.00 .400 .381 .019 0 20 50.16 50.30 .450 431 .019 0 15 51.49 51.38 .500 .481 .019 0 18 52.60 52.31 550 531 .019 0 13 53.55 53. 15 .600 581 .019 0 15 54. 41 54.00 .650 631 .019 0 15 55.28 54.66 .700 .680 .020 0 12 55.96 55.28 .750 .730 .020 0 10 56.59 56.00 800 .780 .020 0 18 57. 31 56.67 .850 .830 .020 0 15 58.01 57. 05 900 880 .020 0 12 58.40 57.55 .950 .930 020 0 12 58.91 57.90 972 (Broke.) 0 05 59.27 1285 T co 2* HARDENED 20.45 010 .001 .009 1 30 .2973 x .2995 20.77 Can be filed at one side of one end. 35.90 020 .004 .016 2. 00 36.47 40.72 .030 .0115 .0185 2 05 41.37 44. 28 .0415 021 0205 2 30 44.99 46.50 .0500 .029 . 021 2.00 47. 24 *About. Remarks. 174 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 28.—TORSIONAL TESTS of hardened steel gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. Turns. Turns. 48.70 .060 .0375 Turns. 0225 m. s. Inches. 2 45 50.60 .070 .047 .023 4 45 52. 20 080 . 056 .024 2 50 53.50 .090 065 .025 2 45 54.55 100 .074 .026 3 00 56. 43 .129 (Broke.) 0 30 57.33 21.56 .01 .0015 0085 2.30 .299 x.3012 21.53 31.60 .02 .008 .012 2 45 31.56 35.35 .03 .0165 .0135 1 30 35. 31 38.35 04 025 .015 1 05 38. 31 40.60 .05 .0335 .0165 2.30 40.55 42.60 .06 0425 .0175 1 18 42.55 44.50 .07 .053 .017 4 50 44. 45 46.00 0825 .0645 .0180 2 18 45.95 47. 15 .090 .0712 .0188 2.30 47.10 48.25 .100 .0810 .019 2.30 48. 20 49.35 .110 .0910 .019 3.30 50.25 .120 1005 · 0195 2 45 51. 20 .132 .112 .02 2. 00 52.00 .1435 .1235 .02 3 20 51.94 52.00 .310 (Broke.) *0 30 51.94 21.40 .010 .0025 .0075 2.30 .3009.x.2978 21.53 34.95 .020 .007 .013 4 30 35.27 40.23 .030 0155 0145 3 00 40.59 43. 20 .042 0245 .0175 2 40 43. 48 45.20 .050 0330 .0170 2.40 45. 49 47.50 .060 .0415 .0185 5 00 47.80 50.00 .070 051 .019 6 30 50.32 52. 60 .090 .069 021 4.00 52.94 *About. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″.3 x 0.3. Remarks. Lbs. 49.48 51.41 53.04 54.36 55.42 Small crack noticed, but no sound heard, with strain of about 50 pounds. Fracture chiefly in two transverse planes about 0".2 apart, joined by inclined surfaces. The interior metal can be filed, excepting at the corner where the crack above mentioned took place. A portion in- cluded in the clamps was found "glassy" inside. 49.30 50. 19 51.14 A crack heard and seen before raising 52 pounds. Mark on specimen desig- HARDENED.. experi- nating- . A co 91 1287 mentNo. of 1286 B S co 5* HARDENED . Material175 54.45 | On re-applying 54.10 pounds the specimen partially failed, but was able to take a strain of 52.10 pounds before breaking. 52.43 54. 10 100 • .080 .020 3 00 52.10 .31 (Broke.) A co 138 HARDENED. 18.10 .010 .0035 .0065 2.00 .298 x.2965 18.60 21.60 .020 .0125 .0075 3 30 22.20 22.76 030 022 .008 2.00 23.39 24. 27 040 .031 .009 3 20 24. 94 25. 45 050 .040 .010 2.00 26. 16 29.45 .057 30.27 29.45 .080 .0569 .0231 3 00 30.27 30.50 .090 .079 011 2.30 31. 35 31.50 102 .090 .012 2.00 32.38 32.70 .1165 1035 .0130 800 33.61 33.35 .1225 .1100 .0125 5 30 34.28 34.90 .144 1315 .0125 11 00 35.87 37.00 170 .1575 0125 18 00 38. 03 37.55 190 .177 .013 9 30 38.60 38.55 .2105 .196 .0145 10 00 39.62 40. 00 230 217 .013 13 30 41. 12 42.00 .280 . 266 .014 18 00 43. 17 50.77 .691 (Broke.) 1 15 52. 19 1288 176 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. Torsion. TABLE 29.—TORSIONAL TESTS of tempered gun-wires. [For explanation of marks see pages 136 to 140, inclusive.] Lbs. 19.85 .01 Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. .0005 Inches. Lbs. .0095 2 30 300 x .2979 20.05 38.60 .02 .0015 0185 3 00 56.25 . 03 .0035 .0265 3 00 67. 15 .04 .009 .031 2.30 73.05 .05 .016 .034 2.00 74.81 .055 (Broke.) 0 35 75.59 27.65 .01 .001 .009 3 30 2998 x .298 27.95 59.80 .02 .002 .018 3 30 60. 45 78.00 • 03 007 023 3 30 78.85 86. 10 .04 .015 .025 3 20 87.04 89.95 .05 .023 027 3.30 90,93 92.20 .06 . 031 .029 2 15 93. 21 94.05 .07 . 0405 0295 1 40 95. 08 95. 10 08 .050 .030 1 15 96. 14 95, 75 .09 .0605 .0295 2 28 96.80 96.50 .10 069 .031 2.00 97.56 97.20 .11 .079 .031 2.00 98.26 97.50 .12 .089 .031 1 18 98.57 98.40 .13 .0985 .0315 2 40 99.48 98.40 .14 108 032 1 00 99.48 98.55 .15 .118 .032 2.40 99.63 99.05 .16 .1285 0315 2 45 100. 13 99. 25 .17 .138 032 2 45 100.34 99.65 .18 .148 . 032 2 15 100.74 99.80 .19 .158 032 1 30 100. 89 100. 10 20 .168 .032 4 20 101. 20 100.85 .21 . 177 .033 4 00 101.95 101.00 22 .188 032 35 102. 11 101. 25 .23 . 1975 0325 20 102. 36 101.30 .24 . 2075 0325 2 45 102. 41 102.00 25 2175 0325 4.00 103. 12 Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. Remarks. 39.00 56.84 67.85 73. 81 At strain of 35 pounds faint quick cracks were heard, but none were visible. Under strain of 73.05 pounds a seam separating cross-lines about 0.02 was seen. Fracture shows a seam extending beyond the center. Drawn from the rod without annealing. Mark on specimen desig- 1290 BS co 3 * TEMPERED.. experi- nating- . H W co 4 TEMPERED 1289 mentNo. of Material. 177 102. 10 .26 . 227 .033 2 25 103.22 102. 40 27 237 033 3. 00 103.52 103. 08 103. 10 28 .247 033 5 20 104.21 . 29 257 033 2.00 104.23 103. 20 .30 .2665 .0335 1 40 104.33 103. 35 .31 .2765 .0335 2.00 104. 25 32 .287 .033 6 00 106.30 33 .2975 .0325 4 10 106.30 337 (Broke.) 0 10 104. 48 105.39 107.46 107.46 After standing released one hour the torsion was found to be 0.2865. 1291 CK X TEMPERED 21.80 .01 .0015 .0085 2 45 2963 x.2971 22.51 After sustaining 106.30 pounds, applied the second time a few mo- ments, the strain declined and specimen broke at torsion of 0.337. 46.30 .02 .0025 .0175 3.40 47.82 67.85 . 03 .006 .024 5 20 70.08 80.50 .04 011 .029 -3 30 83. 15 86.00 .05 .0185 .0315 3 15 88.83 89.71 .058 (Broke.) 1 30 92. 67 1292 T co 16 TEMPERED 21.90 .01 .0015 .0085 2. 00 .295 x.2945 23.09 40.50 .0195 (Broke.) 1 15 Just before breaking several slight cracks were heard. 42.80 1293 A co 91 TEMPERED. 23.70 010 .0015 .0085 2.00 300 x.297 24.05 49.00 .020 .003 .017 4 00 49.73 70.85 . 030 .0065 .0235 2.30 71.91 79.85 038 (Broke.) 0 45 81.05 1294 A co 138 TEMPERED 21.75 .010 .002 .098 1 30 .2972 x.2981 22.26 43.25 .020 0035 0165 200 44. 27 61.09 . 030 .007 .023 3 45 62. 54 69.55 .040 0135 0265 1 30 71. 20 74.00 .050 .021 .029 2 30 75. 76 76.40 .060 029 .031 2 45 78. 21 78.40 .070 .039 .031 3 25 80.26 79.75 080 .0485 .0315 1 40 81. 64 80.75 .090 0585 .0315 1 30 82.67 81.50 . 100 .0685 .0315 1 30 83.47 82.00 .110 .0775 .0325 1 25 83.95 82.50 .120 .0875 0325 1 30 84.46 82.65 .130 .0975 .0325 2. 00 84. 61 82.90 140 107 .033 3 50 84.87 83:30 .150 .1175 .0335 5 00 85.28 83.50 .160 1270 0330 7 00 85.48 83.90 .170 .1370 .0330 6 00 85.89 84.30 .180 .1470 033 4 15 86.30 84.50 .190 .1565 0335 4 30 86.51 84.70 .200 1665 .0335 2 30 86. 71 84 75 .210 .176 .034 5 20 86.76 85. 13 .220 . 186 .034 8 00 87.25 85.45 230 1965 .0335 6 00 87.48 85.65 .240 .206 .034 4 00 87,69 12 F 178 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 29.—TORSIONAL TESTS of tempered gun-wires-Continued. Torsion. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. Lbs. 85.90 .250 .034 Turns. Turns. Turns. .216 m. s. Inches. Lbs. 7 00 87.94 86.35 .260 226 034 5 15 88.40 86.50 .270 2365 0335 3 35 88.55 86.55 .280 .2465 0345 3.05 88.60 86.70 290 .2565 0335 5 00 88.76 87. 10 .300 .266 .034 7 20 89.17 87.35 .310 .276 .034 4 45 89.42 87.45 320 286 .034 5 00 89.47 87.55 .330 2965 0335 7 00 89.63 88.07 .340 .306 034 10 00 90. 16 88.60 350 .316 .034 8 00 90.70 88.63 .363 .328 .035 5 00 90. 73 88.70 .380 346 034 7 00 90. 81 88.85 .390 .3555 0345 7 00 89.12 .400 .3655 .0345 8 30 90. 67 .4385 (Broke.) 3.00 17.60 .010 .0025 .0075 2 10 .2948 x .2951 90.96 91. 24 92.82 90.67 pounds were raised with torsion of 0.405, but torsion continued until it reached 0.4385, when specimen broke. 18. 51 38.50 020 .0035 .0965 4 30 40.50 50.00 .027 (Broke.) 2.30 52.61 Has a flaw about 0". 08 deep. 27.35 .010 .001 .009 4 10 .2998 x .2989 27.52 45.80 .020 .005 015 3 30 46.09 49.52 030 .0135 .0165 2 10 49.84 51.65 .0555 0375 0180 4 00 51.98 56. 72 250 2295 . 0205 2.00 57.08 60.00 500 .4885 0115 0 33 60.39 61.82 690 (Broke.) 0 18 62. 22 28.45 .010 .0005 .0095 4 45 .2991 x .3015 28.36 44. 85 020 .0065 .0135 6 00 44. 71 49.05 030 .0145 0155 4 50 48.90 61.00 .250 229 .021 1 00 60. 81 64.61 433 (Broke.) 0 35 64. 41 Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 1297 BS co 5* experi- nating- ment. 1296 | H W có 4 No. of Material. H co IX TEMPERED 1295 A co 138 TEMPERED- Continued. 1294 179 19 1298 CK. 23.00 .010 .0015 .0085 3.50 .2974 x .2975 23.59 39.05 020 0065 .0135 6 40 40.06 43.85 .030 .014 .016 3 20 44.99 46.59 .050 .033 .017 2 35 47.90 51.68 .250 2305 .0195 0 30 53.02 54. 00 55. 13 .500 .710 .4795 .0205 0 23 55.40 (Broke.) 0 20 56.56 1299 T co 2* 23. 13 .010 001 009 4 00 2979 x 2985 23.55 45. 60 .030 .0125 .0175 5 40 46. 42 48.86 .040 .021 .019 2.00 49.74 60.00 .151 . 1245 .0265 1 30 61.09 61.44 .232 (Broke.) 0 15 62.55 1300 A co 91 23.85 .010 .0015 .0085 3 25 .2978 x .3008 24.09 40.00 .020 .0065 .0135 3 00 40. 41 44.80 .031 €155 .0155 3.00 45.26 54. 12 250 2305 .0195 0 45 54. 68 55.95 500 .479 .021 0 20 56. 53 56.50 .6165 (Broke.) 0 12 57.08 1301 A co 133 25.60 .010 C015 .0085 2.00 .298 x.2972 26.20 40.00 .020 .0065 .0135 2. 00 40.94 45.00 .040 .0245 0155 2 25 46. 05 51.59 250 2325 .0175 0 40 52.80 53.42 500 483 .017 0 32 54.67 54. 23 .750 *. 7305 .0195 0 28 55.50 54. 48 .7715 (Broke.) 0 35 55.76 1302 H co Ix 23.08 .010 .001 .009 1 00 .295 x .2948 24. 31 41.20 .020 .0035 .0165 3 30 43.40 47.70 .030 .012 .018 2 30 50.24 57.00 .150 128 .022 0 50 60. 04 58.46 .250 228 .022 0 17 61.58 61.06 500 .4755 .0245 0 50 64. 26 61. 15 514 (Broke.) 0 05 1303 H W co 4 TEMPERED 21.90 .010 .0005 .0095 2 00 .2994 x .2981 42. 65 020 .0025 .0175 2. 00 54. 20 .030 .0075 .0225 1 43 59.55 .040 .0155 .0245 1 00 60.28 62.20 .050 .024 .026 0 40 62.96 64. 20 .060 .034 .026 1.00 64.98 65.30 .0.70 .042 .028 1 00 66. 10 66. 15 .080 .0515 .0285 1 15 66. 96 67. 15 .097 0675 .0295 1 10 67.97 68.77 120 .090 .030 5 00 69. 61 69.65 140 1095 .0305 8 00 70.50 70.20 160 .129 .031 7 15 71. 06 64.35 22. 16 Split running from end to end; found, after breaking, to extend to 43. 17 54.86 center of specimen. 180 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 29.—TORSIONAL TESTS of tempered gun-wires-Continued. Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3 x 0.3. Lbs. Turns. 70.40 170 72.10 200 . 1395 .1685 0305 .0315 2.30 5 00 72.10 .210 .1785 . 0315 1 15 Turns. Turns. 'm. s. Inches. Lbs. 71. 26 Cross-line over split separated about 0".05. 72.98 72.98 72. 15 220 .1885 .0315 4 00 73. 03 72.68 238 (Broke.) 3.00 73.57 18. 40 .010 .0015 .0085 3 20 .3004 x .299 18. 44 35.00 020 0035 0165 2.30 35. 09 45.00 .035 .0125 0225 3 00 45. 11 49. 15 .050 .0265 .0235 3. 00 49.27 50.70 .060 0355 0245 3 40 50.83 51.70 .070 .045 .025 6 00 51.83 52.65 080 0535 0265 4 40 52.78 53. 35 090 .064 .026 2 15 53.48 53.85 102 0755 0265 4 00 53.99 54. 18 .110 0835 0265 3.00 54.32 54.75 .120 0935 0265 3.50 54.89 55.07 .130 104 026 4 50 55.21 55.55 .140 . 1135 . 0265 3 00 55. 69 55.80 150 .124 .026 2.00 55.94 56. 22 .160 .134 .026 4 25 56.36 56.55 .170 .1435 0265 4 00 56. 69 57.10 .180 .154 .026 5 15 57.24 57.20 . 190 164 026 200 57.34 57.60 .200 .174 026 4 40 57.74 58. 15 .210 .184 .026 5 30 58.30 58. 45 .220 .194 .026 2 15 58, 60 58.45 230 . 204 .026 1 30 58.60 58.90 240 .214 026 2 50 59. 05 58.90 2925 (Broke.) 0 15 59.05 20.65 .010 .001 .009 3 00 .2958 x .2972 21.36 36. 45 020 003 • 017 2.40 37.71 Remarks. - Mark on specimen desig- 1305 C K TEMPERED experi- nating- BS co. 5X TEMPERED.. ment. 1304 No. of . co 4 TEMPERED- Continued. HW Material1303 181 > 44. 48 .030 .0085 .0215 2 15 46. 01 48. 11 .040 .0165 .0235 4 30 49. 77 48. 11 .043 (Broke.) 0 05 49.77 1306 T co 16 * TLMI’ERED 20.50 .010 .0015 .0085 2.00 .2964 x .2958 21.32 36.00 020 .005 .015 2.00 37.44 48. 65 .030 (Broke.) 2.45 50.59 Broke on re-applying this strain. Seam to the center. Two seams about 0".1 deep. Broke suddenly when torsion seemed to have nearly ceased. 1307 A co 91 TEMPERED 24.65 .010 0015 .0085 3 40 .2981 x .3009 24.77 48. 40 .020 .0035 .0165 3 00 48.64 60.00 .030 0095 0205 3.00 60.30 64.62 .040 . 0175 0225 4 10 64.94 67.05 050 0265 0235 4 20 67.38 70.00 .070 .0445 0255 5 00 70.35 71. 16 083 057 026 6 00 71.51 71.70 .090 064 026 6 00 72.05 72.50 .1045 .0775 0270 7 30 72.86 Raised 72. 50 pounds before reaching torsion of 0.1. 72.95 .1110 .084 0270 3 00 73.31 73.50 .123 .0955 .0275 3 30 73.86 73.80 .130 .1035 0265 2. 50 74.16 74. 20 .142 .1145 .0275 6 20 74.57 74.40 .1525 .125 .0275 6 00 74.77 74.76 .162 .134 .028 5 30 75. 13 A slight seam seen on one side. 74.86 .170 .143 . 027 4 00 75.23 76.70 .2175 After standing, released, until morning, torsion was 0. 142. .1885 0290 2.00 77.08 77.25 .230 .2015 0285 10 00 77.63 The strain of 76. 70 pounds was reached before torsion of 0.18. 77.35 .243 .2135 0295 13 00 77.73 77.87 .260 .231 .029 11 00 78.25 77.90 .270 .241 .029 8 30 78.28 78.30 280 . 2515 .0285 7 20 78.69 78.40 290 .261 029 5 00 78.79 78.60 3035 .2745 . 0290 8 30 78.99 78.75 .315 .2855 0295 11 00 79. 14 79.30 .330 .301 .029 16 00 79.69 79.35 .340 .311 029 10 00 79.74 79.60 .350 3205 0295 5 30 79.99 79.81 360 331 029 6 00 80.20 79.90 .370 .340 .030 4 15 80.29 80.05 380 351 029 6 30 80.45 80.20 390 .360 .030 7 30 80.60 80.40 400 3705 0295 6 40 80.80 80.90 410 .381 .029 5 35 81.30 81.02 . 420 391+ 029 4 00 81. 42 81.70 .4415 .412 .0295 14 00 81.75 .4600 .430 030 7 30 81.85 .472 .442 .030 5 30 82.10 82. 15 82.25 82.07 .493 (Broke.) 11 35 82.48 After yielding very slowly at this strain it broke suddenly. 182 TABLE 29.—TORSIONAL TESTS of tempered gun-wires-Continu ed. Torsion. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 20. 15 .010 .0025 .0075 4 25 .2983 x .2972 20.60 37.00 .020 .0065 .0135 2.00 37.84 49.06 030 0115 .0185 2 15 50.17 53.00 .040 .0200 .020 6 30 54. 20 55. 15 .050 .029 .021 5 00 56. 40 56.55 .060 .0385 .0215 6 40 57.83 57.80 070 .0485 0215 3 05 59.11 58.55 .080 .058 022 4 05 59.88 59.80 .100 .077 023 12 00 61. 16 61. 05 120 0965 0235 16 30 62. 44 61.33 .130 .107 .023 13 00 61.70 .140 1165 0235 15 00 62.72 63. 10 61.95 .150 . 126 024 7 32 63.36 62.25 .160 .137 023 7 45 63. 66 62.60 .171 .148 023 7 30 64. 02 63. 20 .196 .171 025 20 00 64. 64 63.75 .210 .189 021 8 30 65. 20 63.85 . 224 .199 025 8 35 65.30 64.40 242 218 024 12 00 65.86 64. 80 .260 .236 .024 7 00 66. 27 64.90 270 2465 .0235 4 15 66. 37 65.00 280 2565 . 0235 4 45 66.48 65. 25 .290 2665 0235 5 00 66. 73 65.40 302 .278 024 6 30 66.89 65.55 .310 286 .024 5 00 67.04 65. 65 .320 2965 .0235 12 30 67. 14 66.60 360 336 .024 17 30 68. 11 66.90 374 3495 0245 30 00 68.42 68.40 460 435 025 24 30 69.95 70.00 .578 .552 .016 22 30 71.59 71. 15 .710 .6845 .0255 22 30 72.77 73.00 834 (Broke.) 1 00 74.66 Remarks. After standing over night raised 61. 05 pounds before beginning to stretch. Mark on specimen desig- nating- 138 TEMPERED experi- A co ment. No. of 1308 183 1309 20.45 .010 .0005 .0095 2.00 .3005 x .2955 42.25 .020 0015 .0195 3 05 20.96 Split in hardening, 43. 10 59.56 .030 .006 .024 2 50 60.76 -68.50 .040 0115 0285 3.00 69.88 73.30 .050 .018 .032 3.00 74. 78 76.00 .064 0285 .0355 3.00 77. 53 Broke before raising this weight the second time. 1317 HW co 4 TEMPERED 26.95 .012 .002 010 2.00 2991 x .2975 27.41 35.81 020 .0065 .0135 2.40 36.42 39.65 .031 0155 .0155 5 25 40.33 42.55 .0535 035 .0185 4 00 43.28 43.40 .064 .0465 .0175 6 30 44. 14 44.65 *.085 .0665 .0185 4.00 45.40 . 100 .081 .019 5 25 48.75 .210 .190 .020 11 00 50.15 250 .231 45. 41 46. 17 Seams on two sides. A crack opening. 49.59 .019 4.00 51.01 51.65 290 .271 .019 4 10 52.52 53.25 .350 334 .016 3 00 54. 16 55. 10 4175 3975 . 020 5 00 56. 04 57.55 .455 .435 020 6 00 58.53 59.88 564 (Broke.) 0 30 60.90 Broke near center of specimen. ་ 1318 BS co 5 TEMPERED 25.35 .010 .001 .009 2 15 .3005 x .298 25.52 32.35 .021 .009 012 2.30 32.57 33.35 .031 . 019 012 2 45 33.58 34.20 .040 028 012 3 00 34. 44 35.00 .050 .0375 .0125 3.00 35.24 36.00 .060 .047 .013 4 00 36.25 36.85 .073 .059 .014 6 00 37. 11 37.46 082 068 .014 5 30 37.72 38. 10 .092 .0775 .0145 1.00 38.37 38.75 103 .088 015 4 00 39.02 41.05 .1515 .137 .0145 13 30 41.34 42.90 .200 184 .016 14 00 43. 20 44.50 252 . 236 .016 10 15 44. 81 46.05 3075 290 .0175 9 00 46.37 47.05 .351 334 .017 9 00 47.38 48.25 .411 .3935 .0175 21 00 48.59 49. 10 .460 443 017 17 00 49. 44 49.80 .502 .484 .018 17 15 50. 15 50.60 .550 532 .018 10 00 50.95 51.25 .619 (Broke.) 6 45 51.61 1 1319 CK TEMPERED 17.70 .010 .0015 .0085 2.00 .297 x.2969 18. 25 29. 20 .020 005 .015 3 00 A seam was visible before the specimen was put into the machine. 30. 10 33. 15 0305 013 .0175 3 30 34. 18 36. 20 050 .0305 .0195 5 20 37.32 37.00 .060 0395 .0205 2.00 38. 15 184 Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 29.—TORSIONAL TESTS of tempered gun-wires—Continued. Measurement of cross- section. respond to cross-sec- tion of 0″.3 x 0.3. Strain reduced to cor- Turns. TEMPERED.071 5 00 Turns. .0505 Turns. .0205 m. s. Inches. Lbs. 39. 29 38: 60 .083 .062 027 3 30 40.00 40.40 .110 .089 . 021 3 10 41.65 42.20 .150 .1285 0215 2.40 43.51 44. 20 .200 178 • 022 4.00 45.57 45.90 .253 230 . 023 5 45 47.32 46.25 .260 2385 0215 2 15 47.68 47.00 292 2695 0225 6 35 48. 46 48.00 320 2985 0215 5 05 49.49 48.75 .350 3285 .0215 5 30 50.26 50.45 .400 3785 0215 • 700 52. 01 53.80 503 .480 023 3.00 55.47 55. 10 .560 5375 .0225 6 30 56. 81 56. 29 Cross-line separated about 0″.1. .583 (Broke.) 15 58. 04 21. 03 .01 .001 .009 3.00 .295 x.2964 22.57 34. 25 02 0065 0135 2 25 35.74 37.40 03 .0135 .0165 2. 00 39.03 39.40 .0425 0245 0180 • 2.00 41. 12 40.75 .052 .0335 .0185 2.30 42.53 41.70 : 061 .0425 0185 4 20 43. 52 42. 65 .'072 .0520 ..020 6 00 44.51 At this strain an oblique crack was made from corner to corner on one side. 43. 20 .080 .060 020 3 10 45.08 44.00 .*090 .070 .020 2. 00 45.92 45. 25 .1475 (Broke.) 4 45 47. 22 22.60 .010 .0015 .0085 2 45 2996 x .2961 23.09 37.00 .020 .0065 .0135 3 00 37.80 40.32 .032 .0165 0155 5 35 41. 19 41.32 .0425 .027 .0155 3 40 42. 22 42.40 .0500 .0335 .0165 4 15 43.32 43.50 .060 .0445 0155 • 6 45 44. 20 070 . 0535 0165 4.00 44. 44 45. 16 Remarks. > applied 1 foot Mark on specimen desig- TEMPERED.. nating- experi- A co 91 1321 ment. center. T co 12 TEMPERED No. of 1320 Material. from CK Strain -Cont'd 38.11 1319 Lbs. 185 After yielding very slowly for a few minutes it began to stretch more rapidly and soon broke. A seam visible bofore putting into the machine. 45.30 .084 .066 .018 4 00 46.28 46.50 .1005 0825 .0180 5 45 47.51 49.65 152 . 133- .019 14 00 50.73 51.70 .200 .181 019 14 00 52.82 53.45 250 .231 .019 7 10 54. 61 55.00 300 .280 020 6 30 56. 19 56.52 .361 .340 .021 11 30 57.75 58. 12 .430 .409 .021 8 10 59.38 60.55 540 .518 .022 19 00 61.86 61.55 .625 .6015 0235 19 30 62.89 62.10 6715 .649 0225 18 15 63.45 62.63 .7335 .7115 .022 28 00 63.99 63.00 .745 (Broke.) 2 20 64.37 1322 A co 138 TEMPERED. 23.80 .010 .0015 .0085* 6 00 2982 x .298 24. 26 34.85 .020 .0065 .0135 4 00 35.53 36.85 .030 017 .013 2 00 37.57 38.00 .044 .029 .015 3.00 38.74 38.75 .0515 .0375 .0140 4 40 39.50 39.45 .060 .045 .015 5 20 40.22 40. 20 .070 .056 .014 7 00 40.98 40.90 .0801 .066 .0141 11 30 41. 70 41. 70 .095 .079 .016 13 30 42. 51 42. 16 .100 .084 .016 8 20 42.98 43. 17 .120 .104 .016 8 40 44. 01 44.00 .136 .119 .017 6 30 44. 86 41.55 .142 .1255 .0165 7 30 45. 42 45.00 .157 . 139 .018 7 25 45.88 45.75 .176 .159 .017 9 10 46.64 46. 15 .1865 .169 .0175 6 30 47.05 46.50 .195 .178 .017 10 30 47.41 47.15 .218 .201 .017 11 00 48. 07 47.85 .240 223 .017 20 00 48.78 49.60 .301 .2835 .0175 25 00 50.57 51.00 .359 .340 .019 9 30 51.99 52.00 .408 .3895 0185 10 30 53. 01 53.00 .466 .447 .019 10 00 54.03 53.85 525 .506 .019 17 20 54.90 55.50 623 .6035 .0195 21 30 56. 58 55.95 .679 .659 .020 29 00 57, 04 57.25 .700 (Broke.) 9 35 ⚫58. 37 1323 H co 1 TEMPERED 16.80 .010 .002 .008 2 05 .2951 x .2962 17.54 30.75 .020 .0045 .0155 5 30 32. 11 36.00 030 0115 .0185 4 00 37.59 38.85 .040 .0195 .0205 4 20 40.57 40.90 .050 .0290 0210 4 00 42.71 *About. 186 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. TABLE 29.—TORSIONAL TESTS of tempered gun-wires-Continued. Time of twisting. Measurement of cross- section. Lbs. 42.30 .060 .038 .022 Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. Lbs. 44. 17 3.30 44.00 .0725 .049 .0235 4 45 45.95 44. 70 .080 .0565 0235 4.00 46. 68 45.85 090 .0665 0235 8.00 47.88 46. 40 100 .076 .024 4 00 48.46 47.40 .1145 .088 .0265 5 40 49.50 48.50 .134 . 109 025 5 00 50.65 49.65 .150 .124 .026 2 20 51.85 50.00 166 1395 .0265 4 15 50.00 . 176 (Broke.) 20 Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0" .3 x 0″ .3. 52.22 52.22 Seam separated cross-line about 0".04. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- Continued. experi- nating- . H co 1 TEMPERED- Materialment1323 No. of . 187 No. of experi- ment. Mark on specimen desig- nating- Material. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Lbs. Under strain. Torsion. Released. TABLE 30.—TORSIONAL TESTS of specimens of tool-stcel (best cast-steel) procured at the agencies of the manufacturers. [For explanation of marks see pages 136 to 140, inclusive.] Resilience. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. S. Time of twisting. section. Measurement of cross- Inches. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3 x 0.3. 1337 E M co 1* 18. 19 .0115 .0035 0080 2.00 .2981 x .2963 18.71 39.00 .100 079 .021 1 00 40. 12 46. 71 200 .179 .*021 0 30 48. 04 48.84 .2735 (Broke.) 0 10 50.24 1338 E M co 2* 14. 45 .012 .0035 0085 2 30 2977 x .301 14.45 29.84 .100 .082 .018 0 45 30.02 37.40 . 200 .180 020 0 28 37.63 40.40 2555 (Broke.) 0 10 40.65 1339 H W co T* 21.36 .010 .0015 .0085 3 00 301 x .300 20.25 49.38 . 100 .0755 0245 1 45 49. 14 59.50 .200 .1715 .0285 0 30 59.21 62.30 .2715 (Broke.) 0 15 61.99 1340 N co T 1x 20.00 011 .003 .008 3 00 299 x.300 20.10 41.50 .100 .080 020 1 00 41.70 49.96 .200 . 178 022 0 30 50.20 53.61 .300 .2785 .0215 0 20 53.87 1341 N co T 2* 19.30 .010 .002 .008 2 30 3003 x.2994 19. 32 41.98 .100 0805 .0195 1 00 42. 04 50.52 200 .1785 0215 0 35 50.59 54. 19 .300 .278 .0022 0 12 54.27 1342 S B co Ix 18.25 .010 .0025 .0075 2 30 3006 x .2985 18.33 36.97 .100 .0825 0175 1 00 37. 13 44.74 200 .1815 .0185 0 30 44.94 48.00 300 2795 .0205 0 20 48.75 332 (Broke.) 0 05 48. 21 48.97 Lbs. Remarks. 188 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. Resilience. Time of twisting. TABLE 30.—TORSIONAL TESTS of specimens of tool-steel—Continued. Lbs. Turns. Turns. Turns. m. s. Inches. 17.00 .0175 .009 .0085 3 45 .2961 x .2981 Lbs. 17.50 34.44 100' 0835 .0165 0 50 35. 45 41.45 .200 182 .018 0 25 42. 67 44. 45 .300 282 .018 0 15 45.76 45.27 .3455 (Broke.) 0 04 46. 60 14.50 .010 0035 .0065 2.00 .3005 x .2987 14. 92 35.08 .100 0835 .0165 0 50 36. 10 41.87 . 200 .1805 .0195 0 20 43.08 44. 74 .310 2935 .0165 0 15 46. 04 15.04 .017 009 .008 3 30 .2963 x .298 15.47 31.73 .100 .086 014 0 40 32.65 38.36 200 .184 .016 0 20 39.47 41. 64 .300 .282 .018 0 23 42.85 42.88 .373 (Broke.) 0 05 44. 12 15.00 .010 .0035 .0065 4 12 .2989 x .3004 15.04 31.75 100 0867 0133 4 30 31.85 39.40 .207 .1905 .0165 5.00 39.52 43. 10 .303 .286 .017 4 25 43. 23 45. 18 3555 (Broke.) 1 30 45. 32 18.35 .010 .002 .008 3 00 297 x .2984 18. 77 37.00 .100 0835 .0165 0 48 37.86 45.33 .200 .1815 0185 0 22 46.38 49.44 .300 .280 .020 0 18 51.49 50. 15 .335* (Broke.) 0 05 51.31 15.35 .010 .0015 .0085 3 45 .2966 x .2984 15.68 30. 10 .100 080 020 0 50 30.75 38.65 .200 1785 .0215 0 30 39.48 44. 44 .300 2775 0225 0 20 45.39 46.61 368 (Broke.) 0 08 47. 61 Measurement of cross- section. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- tion of 0.3 x 0″.3. Remarks. Mark on specimen desig- 2* experi- nating- ment. H E co No. of 1348 1347 H E co 1* Material. 1346 | JB H co* J co 2 S B co 1343 1345 1344 J co 1*. 2* 189 | 1349 | E M co 2* 16. 45 .010 .0035 .0065 3 15 2977 x .300 16. 34 32. 40 .100 .087 .013 0 50 32.76 40.00 200 185 015 0 20 40.44 44.00 300 .2835 .0165 0 20 44.49 46.90 .400 3825 .0175 0 16 47.32 47.49 439 (Broke.) 0 06 48.02 1350 H E co 2* 19.50 010 .0025 .0075 3 30 2986 x .3007 19.56 37.00 100 .085 .015 1 55 37. 12 45.67 .200 1835 .0165 0 20 45.87 49.91 .300 . 2825 .0175 0 18 50.06 51.00 .355 (Broke.) 0 05 *51. 16 1351 JB H co* 16. 70 .010 .003 .007 5 00 3007 x .2984 16.76 34.98 .100 .0855 .0145 0 50 35. 11 42.66 .200 .1835 . 0165 0 25 42. 81 46.87 .300 .281 .019 0 20 47.04 50.00 .400 3805 .0195 0 15 50. 18 50.77 4385 (Broke.) 0 05 50.95 About. 1 190 TABLE 31.-Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance under reversed torsions of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast-steel manufactured by the Atlantic Steel- Works. [Mark, A co 138; size, 0.2978 x 0.2971.-Experiment No. 1262.] Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. Lhs. m. s. Turns. 12 0.1 25. 24 4. 00 010 0.1 m. s. 0 30 .005 Turns. 0 29.00 0. 1 33. 10 5 30 .011 0.1 0 30.010 3 0 30.60 0.1 34. 20 6 10 .0125 0.1 0 30 .0105 4 0 31.25 • · 0.1 34.95 7 00 .012- 0.1 0 30 5 0 31.50 0.1 35. 17 4 00 012 0.1 • 0 30 6 0 31.40 0.1 35. 15 4 30.0125 0.1 0 30 . 011 .011 .011 7 0 31.30 0.1 35. 08 8 00 .013 0.1 0 30 .011- Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. Each return to the extreme of left-hand tor- sion was made with sufficient allowance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would result from the continuance of the strain given. 8 0 31.35 0.1 35.30 8 30 .013 0.1 0 30 .011- 9 0 31.40 0. 1 35.30 7 00 .013 0.1 0 30 .011- 10 0 31.40 0.1 35.30 10 30.013 0.1 0 30.011— 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 = 22 ± 297 @ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 8 8 8 8 8 11 0 31, 30 0.1 35.28 5 30 .013 0.1 0 30 011- 12 0 31.34 0.1 35. 35 6 00.013 0.1 0.30 .011- 13 0 31.30 0. 1 35.30 5 40.013 0.1 0 30 .011- 14 0 31.30 0.1 35.35 6 00 013 0.1 0 30 • 011- 15 0 31.25 0.1 35. 30 5 00 .013 0.1 0 30 .0115 16 0 31.65 After standing 15 hours. 0.1 35.80 8 30.013 0.1 0 30 .0115 17 0 31.47 0.1 35.65 7 30 . 0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 18 0 31. 32 0.1 35. 55 700 .0135 0.1 0 30 . 0115 19 0 31.30 0.1 35.54 6 30 .013 0.1 0 30 .0115 0 31. 11 0.1 35. 43 5 00 .0135 0.1 0 30 . 0113 0 21 22 0 30.95 31.00 0.1 35.37 7 00 0135 0.1 0 30 0115 • 0.1 35.20 6 45 0135 0.1 • 0 30 .0115 23 0 30.90 0.1 35.20 7 30.013 0.1 0 30 .0115 24 0 30.65 After an intermission of about 4½ hours. 0. 1 35. 20 7 30.0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 25 0 30.78 0.1 35.00 6 00 0135 0.1 • 0 30 .0115 26 0 30.62 0.1 35.00 9 00 0135 0.1 0 30 0115 0 30.42 0.1 34.85 7 30 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 0 30.30 0.1 34.75 6 10.0135 0.1 0 30 0115 0 30.00 0.1 34.55 6 45 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 0 29.95 0.1 34.40 5 00 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 0 29.95 After standing 15 hours. 0.1 34. 45 7 30 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 0 29.45 0.1 34. 10 5 10.0135 0.1 030 .012 0 29.05 0.1 33.64 .012- 6 20 0 30 .0135 0.1 191 TABLE 31.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from cruciblé cast-steel manufactured by the Atlantic Steel-Works-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Lbs. m. 8. Turns. m. s. 39 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ co co 34 0 28.64 0.1 33. 20 5 05.0135 0.1 0 30 Turns. .012 35 0 28.00 0.1 32.75 6 45 0135 0.1 • 0 30 .012- 36 0 27.50 0.1 32.30 8.00 0135 0.1 0 30.012- 37 0 26.97 0.1 31.95 9 45.014 0.1 0 30 .012 38 0 26. 45 0.1 31.50 9 30 035 • 0.1 0 30 .012 0 25.70 0.1 30. 79 6 00 0135 0.1 0 30 .012 40 0 25.05 0.1 30. 15 9.00 .0135 0.1 0 30 .012 41 0 24. 15 0.1 29.75 8 30 .014 0.1 0 30.012 42 Ο 23.35 0.1 29.08 8 30.014 0.1 0 30 43 0 22.60 0.1 28.25 6 00 014 0.1 0 30 .012 .012- 44 0 21. 65 0.1 27.55 6 20 014 0.1 • 0 30 .012- 45 0 20.50 0.1 26.92 6 00 . 0145 0.1 0 30 .012 46 0 19.50 0.1 26. 25 8 30 .015 0.1 0 30 47 0 18.25 0.1 25.30 5 00.0145 0.1 0 30 48 0 16.60 0.1 22.83 8 00.014 0.1 0 30 49 0 13.60 0.1 15. 60 0 30 060 .0125 .013 .013 (Broke.) Remarks. A crack discovered, chiefly longitudinal, and partly obliquely transverse. After intermission of 1 hour. A loud "tick" heard; crack enlarged. Rupture extended to adjoining side. Each of the sides shows rupture. 192 TABLE 32.-Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance under reversed torsions of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast-steel manufactured by James R. Thomp- son & Co. D [Mark, T co 5; size, 0".301 x 0.302.-Experiment No. 126 Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. Lbs. 12 0.1 42. 65 m. s. 700 Turns. .018 0.1 m. s. 1 00 Turns. 017- • 0 32.95 0.1 45.60 8 00 .0185 0.1 0 30 .017- 3 0 33.00 0.1 45. 60 10 00 .019 0.1 0 45 .017- 4 0 32.87 0.1 45. 60 9 30 .019 0.1 0 30.017— 10 5 0 32.83 0,1 45.50 800 .019 0. 1 0 30 .017- 6 0 32.80 0.1 45.50 7 30 .019 0.1 0 30 .017- 7 0 32.60 0.1 45. 10 7 30 .019 0.1 0 30.017— 0 32. 27 Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsion was made with sufficient allow. ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would re- sult from the continuance of the strain given. After intermission of 1 hour. 0.1 44.65 7 00 .019 0.1 0 30 .0175 9 0 32.00 0.1 44. 12 6 30 .019 0.1 0 30.017– 10 0 31.50 0.1 43.61 800 11 0 0.1 30.60 42.80 7 30 12 0 30.00 0.1 42.40 7 00 13 0 29.25 0.1 41.55 6 30 14 0 28.55 0.1 40.85 7 00 15 0 28.05 0.1 40. 15 6 00 8 8 8 8 8.8 .019 0.1 0 30 .017- .019 0.1 0 30 0 30.0165 .019 0.1 0 30 .017- .019 0.1 0 30.017- .019 0.1 0 30 017- • .019 0 1 0 30 . 017— 27 28 29 30 31 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 + + 1 & 2 2 2 ☹ 16 0 27.50 0.1 39.80 6 00 .0185 0.1 0 30 .017- 17 0 26.98 0.1 39.20 6 30 .019 0.1 0 30.0165 18 0 26.50 0.1 38.60 6 00 .019 0.1 0 30.016- 19 0 25.90 0.1 38.25 5 30 .019 0.1 0 30.0165 20 0 25.50 0.1 37.50 5 30 .019 0.1 0 30 21 0 25.00 0. 1 37. 12 4 40 .019 0.1 0 30.017— 22 0 24.25 0.1 36.20 4 30 .019 0.1 0 30.017- 23 0 23.40 0.1 35.50 5 00 .019 0.1 0 30.017- .017- Cracking sound; a small split is found. 24 0 22.51 0.1 34. 60 4.00 .019 0.1 0 20 .017- 25 0 21.76 0.1 33.85 4 00 .019 0.1 0 40 .017- 26 0 20.93 0.1 33.25 3 40 0195 0.1 0 30.017— • 0 20.30 0.1 32. 40 4.00 .019 0.1 0 30 .017- 0 19.50 0.1 31.80 3 45 .019 0.1 0 30.017- 0 18.70 0.1 30.95 4 00 .019 0.1 0 30 .017- 0 17.90 0.1 30.00 3 CO .0195 0.1 0 30.017. 0 17.00 0.1 29.20 3 30 .019 0.1 0 30 .017- 32 0 16. 10 0.1 0 30.0175 28.40 0.1 3 10 .020 193 TABLE 32.-Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by James R. Thompson & Co.-Gontinued. • Torsion to the left, Torsion to the right. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Lbs. m. s. Turns. 33 0 15.20 0. 1 27.55 4 00 .020 m. s. Turns. 0.1 0 30.018- 34 0 14.50 0.1 26.70 4.00 .020 0.1 0 30 .018- 35 0 13.90 0.1 26.05 4 10 .021 0.1 0 30 .018- 36 0 13. 15 0.1 25.25 4 00 .021 0.1 0 30 .018- 37 0 12.50 0.1 24.50 3 00 .021 0.1 0 30 .018- 38 0 11.81 0. 1 23.50 3 30 .021 0.1 0 30.018- 39 0 11.00 0. 1 22.30 3 00 .021 0.1 0 30 .0175 40 0 10.00 0.1 0 30 011- • 41 * 13 F Did not raise 20 pounds. Broke without noise. * Less than 1 pound, Remarks. 194 TABLE 33.-Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance under reversed torsions of a gun-wire drawn from chrome steel manufactured by the Chrome Steel Company. [Mark, C S co 5; size, 0″.2949 x 0.2969.-Experiment No. 1264.] Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. Lbs. 12 0.1 29.70 8 00 m. 8. Turns. .012- m. s. Turns. 0.1 0 30 .0115 0 29.50 0.1 35.40 5 30.013 0.1 0 30 .011- 3 0 29.90 0.1 35.90 6 30.0135 0.1 0 30.0115 4 0 30.00 0.1 36.30 6 30 .013 0.1 5 0 29.91 0.1 36.40 6 20.013 0.1 0 30 0 30 .0115 012- 6 0 29.98 0. 1 36. 25 700 .0135 0.1 7 0 29.95 0.1 36. 40 7. 00 .0135- 0.1 0 30.0135 8 0 30.90 0.1 37.20 9 00 .0135 0.1 0 30.0115 9 0 30.40 0.1 36.90 8 10 .0135 0.1 0 30 012- 0 30.012— Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsion was made with sufficient allow- ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would result from the continuance of the strain given. After intermission of one day and two nights. • 10 0 30.10 0.1 36.67 8 30 .0135 0.1 0 30 | .012– 11 0 30.07 0.1 36.60 6 30 .0135 0.1 0 30.012— 12 0 30.07 0.1 36.53 7 15 0135 0.1 0 30 . 012— 13 0 29.70 0. 1 36.42 7 00 .0135 0.1 0 30.012— 14 0 29.50 0.1 36.00 9.00 .0135 0.1 0 30.012— 15 0 29.70 0.1 36.05 10 00 .0135 0.1 0 30 • 012- 16 0 29.07 0.1 35.90 6 25 .0135 0.1 0 30 012- • 17 0 28.72 0.1 35. 47 6 00 .014 0.1 0 30 .012 18 0 28.25 0.1 35.20 4 10 .013 0.1 0 30.012 23 24 25 2 2 2 2 * * * 19 0 27.75 0.1 34.70 4 00 .0135 0.1 0 30 .012 20 0 27.05 0.1 34.05 After intermission of one night. 5 00 .0135 0.1 0 30.012– 21 0 26.65 0.1 33.75 3. 00 014 0.1 0 30 . 013- 22 0 25.50 0.1 32.75 4 20 .015 0.1 0 30.013 0 24. 15 0.1 31.55 13 00 .015 0.1 0 30 .013- 0 22.65 0.1 30.00 4 00.015 0.1 0 30.013 0 20.25 Cracked badly. 0.1 24.50 3 00 .0135 0.1 1 00 | .0075 26-0 065 4.30 0 1.32 0.05 Broke. 4. 13 195 TABLE 34.-Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticily, and endurance under reversed torsions of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by Benjamin Atha & Co. [Mark, N S co 4; size, 0″.2976 x 0″.2973.—Experiment No. 1265.] Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. 8. 12 0.1 20.00 4 45.0185 0.1 0 30 Turns. 008- 0 22.60 0.1 26. 13 530 .010 0.1 0 30 009- • 3 0 23.50 0.1 26.70 4 30 .011 0.1 0 30.009 4 0 23.60 0.1 26.80 12 00.011 5 0 23.68 0.1 26.90 14.00 .011 6 0 24. 20 0.1 27.67 7 15.0115 7 0 24.06 0.1 27.45 9 00 . 0115 0.1 0 30 009 0.1 0 30 .0095* 0.1 0 30.0095 0.1 0 30 .0095 Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsion was made with sufficient allow- ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would re- sult from the continuance of the strain given. + 8 0 24.00 0. 1 27.40 6 00.011 0.1 .000 9 0 23.75 0.1 27.25 13.00 .012 0.1 0 30 0095 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2 = 2 * 1 1 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 * * * 8 7 8 2 2 2 2 8 10 0 23.80 0. 1 27.30 12 00 .0115 0.1 0.30 .0095 11 0 23.80 0.1 27.30 10 50.0115 0.1 0 30 .0095 12 0 23.80 0.1 27.32 9 30 . 012 0.1 0 30 010- 13 0 23. 65 0.1 27.10 12 00 .0115 0.1 0 50.010- 14 0 23.73 0. L 27.40 9 10 .012 0.1 0 30 .0095 15 0 23.60 0.1 27.25 9 15 012- 0.1 0 30 .010 • 16 0 23.60 0.1 27.27 " 10 30 .012- 0.1 0 30 0095 • 17 0 23.58 0.1 27.25 12 00 012 0.1 0 30 0095 18 0 23. 51 0.1 27. 15 11 30 .012 0.1 0 30 .0095 19 0.1 Ꮕ 23. 53 27.20 12 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .010- 20 0 23.40 $ 0.1 27.17 7 00 .0115 0.1 0 30 .0095 21 22* 0 23.40 0.1 27. 17 6 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .0095* 0 23. 65 0.1 27.38 11.00 012 0.1 0 30 • 0095 0 23.37 0. 1 27.25 11 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .0095 24 0 23.30 0.1 27. 15 10 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .0095 25 0 23. 13 0.1 27.00 10 00 .0115 0.1 0 30 .0095 0 23.00 0.1 26.85 12 30 .0115 0.1 0 30 .010- 0 22.87 0.1 26.70 800 .0115 0.1 0 30 010- 0 22.70 0.1 26.55 10 00 .0120 0.1 0 30 .010- 0 22. 60 0.1 26. 50 7 30 .012- 0.1 0 30 .010- 0 22.45 0.1 26. 35 5 15 .0115 0 22.25 0.1 26.10 6 00 012 0.1 0 30 0.1 010- 0 22.00 0.1 25.90 5 15 .012 0 30 0.1 0 30 .010- 010- 0 21.77 0.1 25.75 6 00 .012 0.1 0 30 010- • * After intermission of about 15 hours. 196 TABLE 34.-Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by Benjamin Atha & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. s. Turns. 38 * 1 88 34 0 21.58 0.1 25.60 7 30.0115 0.1 0 30 .0095 35 0 21.40 0.1 25.40 5 10.012 0.1 0 30 .010- 36 0 21. 15 0.1 25. 13 700 .012 0.1 0 30.010— 37 0 20.90 0.1 24.95 5 00 | .012 0.1 0 30 .010- 0 20.75 0.1 24.65 5 15 .012 0.1 0 30.010— 39 0 20.40 0. 1 24.42 6 00.012 0. 1 0 30 .010 40 0 20.20 0. 1 24. 42 8 30 .012 0.1 0 30 .010 41 0 20.00 0.1 23.88 5 15 .012-- 0.1 0 30.010— 42 0 19.65 0.1 24.00 7 00.012- 0.1 0 30 .010- 43 0 19.42 0. 1 23. 45 6 10 .012- 0.1 0 30.010— 44 0 19. 10 0.1 23.50 7 00.012— 0.1 0 30 .010- 45 0 18.88 0.1 23.00 15 00 .012- 0.1 0 30.010— 46 0 18.65 0.1 22.90 9 00.012— 0.1 0 30 .010- 47 0 18.45 0.1 22.65 6 10 .012 0. 1 0 30 .010- . 48 0 18.07 0.1 22. 15 7 30 .012 0.1 0 30.0105 49 0 17.85 0.1 21.97 • 5 00.012 0.1 0 30 .010- 50 0 17.60 0.1 21.82 6 00.012 0.1 0 30 .0105 51 0 17.35 0.1 21.65 6 40.012 0.1 0 30.011- After starding over night. 52 0 17.35 0.1 21.62 7 00 .013 0.1 0 30 .011- 53 0 16.95 0.1 21.35 8 10.0125 0.1 0 30.011- 54 0 16. 70 0.1 20.95 6 20 .0125 0.1 0 30 .011- 55 0 16.40 0. 1 20.70 5 30 .0125 0.1 0 30.011– 56 0 16. 10 0.1 20.30 3 15.013- 0.1 0 30 .011- 57 ว 15.75 0.1 20. 15 3 15 .0125 0.1 0 30 .011- 58 0 15. 55 0.1 19.90 5 00 .013 0.1 0 30 .0105 59 0 15.20 0.1 19.70 5 10 .013 0.1 0 30.011- 60 0 14.93 0. 1 19.30 4 00.013— 61 0 14.62 0.1 19.25 4 00.013- 0.1 0 30.011- 0.1 62 0 14. 45 0.1 18.95 3 30 .0125 0.1 0 30.011-- 0 30 63 0 14. 17 0.1 18.55 6 00.013- 0.1 0 30 .011- .011- 64 0 13.95 0.1 18.45 6 00.013- 0.1 0 30 011- 65 0 13.75 0.1 18 12 4.00 .013- 0.1 0 30.011— 66 0 13.50 0.1 0 30.011- 17.95 0.1 5 00 0135 197 TABLE 34.-Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast sleel manufactured by Benjamin Atha & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. 90 91 92 93 94 95 2 2 & 3 8 8 888 ∞ * 8 a ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 67 0 Lbs. 13.25 m. s. Turns. m.s. Turns. 0. 1 17.80 5 00 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 0 13.30 0. 1 18.00 7 00 .0135 0.1 • 0 30 69 0 13.00 0.1 17.62 3 30 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 .0115 After standing over night. 70 0 12.75 0.1 17.25 5 00 .0135 0.1 0 30.0115 71 0 12 45 0.1 17.05 5 30 .0135 0.1 0 30.0115 72 0 12.35 0.1 16.85 5 00.0135 ቦ.1 0 30 .0115 73 0 12. 15 0.1 16.80 5 20 .0135 0.1 0 30 . 0115 74 0 11.95 0.1 16.56 5 00.0135 0.1 0 30 0115 75 0 11.82 0.1 16.30 5 00.0135 0. 1 0 30.012— 76 0 11. 62 0.1 16.00 4 00.0135 0.1 0 30 .012_ 0 11.40 0.1 15.95 5 00.0135 0.1 0 30 .012- 78 0 11.30 0.1 15. 78 4 00.0135 0.1 0 30 .012- 0 11. 10 0.1 15. 63 3 30 .014 0.1 0 30.012— 80 0 10.90 0.1 15.52 3 00.0135 0.1 0 30 .012- 81 0 10.85 0.1 15. 40 5 30 .0135 0.1 0 30 0125 • 82 0 10.65 0.1 15. 15 4 45.0135 0.1 0 30.0125 83 0 10.55 0.1 14.97 5 00❘.0135 0.1 0 30 .0125 84 U 10.40 0.1 14.90 4 00.0135 0.1 0 30.013- 85 0 10. 15 0. 1 14.72 3 30 .0135 0. 1 0 30 . 013- 26 0 10.05 0.1 14.58 5 15 .014 0.1 0 30 . 013- 87 0 10.00 0.1 14.55 4. 00 .0135 0.1 0 30 .013- 0 9.25 0.1015 14. 42 4 00 . 014 G. 1 0 30 .0135 89 Torsion accidentally .0015 too far. 0 9.94 0. 1 14.47 700 .014 0.1 0 30 013-- • 0 9.57 0. 1 14. 12 4 00.0135 0.1 0 30.013— 0 0.1 0 9.70 14.22 9.38 6 20 .015 0.1 0 30.013. After intermission of abont 20 hours. Began to crack, probably at this turn. 0.1 13.90 4.00 .0145 0.1 0 30 .0135 0 9. 20 0.1 13.88 5 30 .015 0.1 0 30.013- 0 9.10 0.1 13.70 6 00 .0155 0.1 0 30.013— 0.'1 앵 ​8.94 13.55 After intermission of one night. 6 00 .014 0.1 0 30 .0135 97 99 8 5 8 8 96 0 0.1 8.90 13.60 4 30 .016 0.1 0 30.013— 0 8.75 4- Crack visibly enlarged. 0.1 13.45 5 30 .0155 0. 1 0 36 .0135 98 0 8.55 0.1 13.20 5 20.015 0.1 0 30 .0135 0 8.45 0.1 13. 18 8 30 .0145 0.1 0 30 0135 198 ! TABLE 34.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by Benjamin Atha & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Resilience. Remarks. 100 0 Lbs. 8.30 m. s. Turns. m.s. Turns. 0.1 13.00 700 .015 0..1 0 30 .0135 101 0 8. 15 0. 1 12.85 5 00 .015 0.1 0 30 .0135 102 0 8:00 0.1 12.75 4.00 .015 0.1 0 30 .0135 103 0 7.85 0.1 12.60 4 00.0155 0.1 0 30 0135 • 104 0 7.68 0. 1 12.40 4.00 .015 0.1 0 30.0135 105 0 7.55 0. 1 12. 35 4 00 .015 0.1 0 30.0135 106 0 7.35 0.1 12. 15 3 50 015 0.1 • 0 30.014— 107 0 7.20 0.1 11.90 3.00 015 0.1 • 0 30 .014- 108 0 6.80 0.1 11. 70 3 00 .015 0.1 0 30 .0135 109 0 6.65 0.1 11.53 4 10.015 0.1 0 30.0135 110 0 6. 25 0.1 11. 27 3. 00 .0145 0.1 0 30 .0135 111 0 5.95 0.1 11.05 3 00.0135 0.1 0 30.014- 112 0 5. 63 0. 1 10.77 4 40.014 0.1 0 30.0135 113 0 5.37 0.1 10.33 4 10 0135 0.1 0 30.0135 114 0 5. 10 0.1 9.95 3 00.0135 0.1 0 30.013 115 0 4.85 0.1 9.70 3 00.0135 0.1 0 30.0135 116 0 4.63 0. 1 9.30 2.50 .0135 0.1 0 30.0135 117 0 4. 35 0. 1 9. 10 3 00.0135 0. 1 0 30.0135 118 0 4. 10 0.1 8.55 2 00.0135 0.1 0 30 .013- 119 0 3.82 0.1 8.53 3.00 0135 0.1 0 30 013- 120 0 3. 62 0.1 (*) 3 10.013— 0.1 0 30.013- After standing through the dinner-hour. 121 0 3.30 0.1 7.60 3.00 .0135 0.1 0 30 .013- Would not raise 8 pounds. 122 0 3. 15 0.1 6.90 3 30 .0135 0.1 0 30.0135 123 0 2.88 0.1 6. 61 3 20 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0135 124 0 2. 65 0.1 6.37 3 30 .013 0. 1 0 30 .0185 125 0 2. 35 0.1 · 6.05 2 35.013 0.1 0 30 | .0135 126 0 2. 26 0.1 5. 81 3 30.013 0.1 0 30 .0135 127 0 2. 12 0.1 5. 52 3 00.0125 0.1 0 30 .013. 128 0 1.98 0.1 4.87 2 55.012 0.1 0 30 .0135 129 0 1.77 0.1 3.95 3 30 .0115 0.1 0 30 0135 130 0 1.56 0. 1 3.50 131 (*) 0.1 3.20 4.00 4 00 .011 .0115 0.1 0 30 0. 1 012- • Would not raise, 1.30 pounds. 0 30 .011- Not taken. 199 TABLE 34.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by Benjamin Atha & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. s. Turns. 132 0 0.87 0.1 2.23 4 00.012 0.1 0 30 008-- 133 0 0.30 Sustained 0.87 pound a few moments and then dropped. 0.1 1.58 3.00 0085 · 0.1 0 30.0075 134 0 0.14 0.1 1.35 2.30 .0185 0.122 1.50 0.264 Failed. Turning continued. Parted. 200 TABLE 35.--Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance under reversed torsions of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by the Atlantic Steel Works. [Mark, A co 91; size, 0".2986 x 0.302.-Experiment No. 1266.] Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Remarks. Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsion was made with sufficient allow- ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would re- sult from the continuance of the strain given. Lbs. 12 0.1 32.85 m. s. 3 30 Turns. 011 • 0.1 m. s. 0 30 Turns. .0115 0 34. 10 0.1 41.20 7 00 .613 0.1 0 30 .012- 3 0 35.52 0.1 42.35 6 40 .0135 0.1 0 30.012- 4 0 35.95 0.1 42.65 6 45 .0145 0.1 0 30 013- 5 0 36.00 0.1 42.87 700 .014 0.1 0 30 6 0 36.00 0.1 43.00 9 20 .014 0.1 0 30 .013- .013- 7 0 35.90. 0.1 42.98 5 00 .015 0.1 0 30 8 0 35.90 0.1 42.95 9 10 .015 0.1 0 30 013- .013- 9 0 35.90 0.1 42.95 9 10 .0145 0.1 0 30 .013- 10 0 35.87 0.1 42.90 9 15 .015 0.10 30 .013- 11 0 35. 60 0.1 42.73 5 00 .014 0.1 0 30 . 013- 12 0 35.20 0.1 42.10 4.00 .015 0 1 0 30 013- 13 0 34.20 0.1 41.00 3 00 .014 0.1 0 30 .013- 14 0 32.60 0.1 39.50 2 30 • 014 0.1 0 30 .013- 15 0 31.65 0.1 38.50 8 00 .015 0.1 0 30 .013- 16 0 30.27 0.1 37.30 3 45 .015 0.1 0 30 17 0 29.70 0.1 36.00 4 30 .013 0.1 18 0 28.20 0.1 31.60 4 40 .0145 0.1 .013- 0 30 .0135 0.30 .012 19 0 23.00 0.020 23.30 (Broke.) Cracked londly just before holding this weight; split, and transverse cracks visible. Several cracks heard in raising this weight. 201 TABLE 36.-Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance under reverseð torsions of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron, (HOS,) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co. [Mark, N co I; square; size, 0″. 2927 x 0″. 2927.-Experiment No. 1267. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Las. mn.s. Turns. m. s. Turns. 12 0. 1 14.20 .006 0.1 0 19.90 120 22.35 .009 0.1 3 0 22.60 0.1 24.35 .091 0.1 4 0 23.05 0.1 24.25 - 0105 0.1 5 0 23. 15 0.1 24. 27 0105 • 0.1 6 0 22.70 0.1 24.40 011- 0.1 my 0 22.30 0.1 24.27 .011 0.1 8 0 21.80 0.1 23. 61 .011 0.1 9 0 . 21. 20 0.1 23.47 011- 0.1 10 11 12 13 14 ∞ 20 280 29 2 & 2 №2 & 2 2 2 2 2 2 = 2 = 8 0 21.70 0.1 24. 25 .012 0.1 0 (*) 0.1 23.30 012 0.1 • 0 19.50 0. 1 22. 60 .012- 0.1 0 18.75 0.1 22.00 012- 0.1 0 18. 10 0.1 21.58 0125 - 0.1 15 0 17.55 0.1 21.05 .0125 0.1 0 16.95 0.1 20.45 .0125- 0.1 17 0 16.35 0.1 20.00 .013 0.1 18 0 15. 80 0.1 19.25 .013 0.1 19 0 15.35 0.1 19.07 .013 0.1 20 ด 14. 87 0.1 18.60 .013 0.1 21 0 14.40 0.1 18. 15 013 • 0.1 22 0 13.96 $ 0.1 17.75 . 013 0.1 23 0 13.70 0.1 17.50 .013 0.1 24 0 13.35 0.1 17.05 .0135 0.1 25 0 12. 85 0.1 16.97 .0135 0.1 26 0 12.55 0.1 16.62 0135 ▸ 0.1 27 0 12. 18 0.1 16.30 0135 0.1 0 12.00 29 0. 1 0 16.05 0135 • 0.1 11.75 0. 1 15 90 .014- 0.1 30 0 11.48 0.1 15.57 .014 0.1 31 0 11.20 0.1 15.00 .014 0.1 មន 32 0 11.00 0.1 14.95 .014 0.1 33 0 10.83 0.1 14.95 .014 0.1 • *Not taken. Remarks Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. { Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsion was made with sufficient allow- ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would re- sult from the continuance of the strain given. Stopped for the night. Resumed after lâ hours. A crack might probably have been discov- ered before this. 202 TABLE 36.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron, (H&S,) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turu. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience.* Remarks. Lbs. 999. 8. Turns. m. s. Turns. 34 0 10. 65 Q. 1 14. 60 .014 0.1 35 0 10.40 0 1 14.48 .014- 0.1 36 0 10.30 0.1 14.00 . 014 • 0.1 37 0 10.00 0.1 14.00 .014 0. 1 38 0 9.95 0.1 13.75 .014- 0.1 39 4 9.85 Badly cracked. 0.1 13.62 .0145 0.1 40 0 9.55 Q. L 13.33 0145 0.1 41 0 9.45 0.1 13.30 . 015 0.1 42 0 9.25 0.1 13. 20 .015 0.1 43 0 9.20 0.1 12.95 .015 0.1 44 0 9.00 0.1 12. 75 .015 0.1 Stopped at dinner hour. 45 0 8.89 Resumed after 1 hour's intermission. 0.1 12. 67 .015 0.1 46 0 8.75 0.1 12. 33 .015 0.1 47 0 8.72 0.1 12.55 .015- 0.1 48 0 8.60 0.1 12.40 .015— 0.1 * 8 5 8 * * * 8 5 8 3 8 = 2 ≈ 1 88 49 0 8.50 0.1 12.40 .015- 0.1 50 0 8.40 0. 1 12.00 .015- 0.1 51 0 8.30 0.1 11.90 .015- 0.1 52 0 8.10 0.1 11.84 .015- 0.1 53 0 8.00 0.1 11. 65 .015 0.1 54 0 8. 15 0.1 11.80 .015 0.1 55 0 7.82 0.1 11. 63 015- 0.1 56 0 7.80 0.1 11.50 .015- 0.1 57 0 7.70 0. 1 11.00 .015— 0.1 58 0 7.60 0.1 11.00 016 0.1 59 0 7.47 0.1 11.00 .016 0.1 60 0 7.35 0.1 10.93 .016 0.1 61 0 7.25 0.1 10.92 .016 0.1 62 0 7.23 0.1 10.80 .016 0.1 63 0 7.20 0.1 10.70 .016- 0.1 64 0 7.50 0.1 11. 25 .016- 0.1 65 0 7.20 0.1 10.83 .016- 0.1 66 0 7.10 0.1 10.83 016 0.1 • * Not taken. 203 TABLE 36.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron, (HÞS,) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center., Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience.* Remarks. Lbs. m. s. Turns. IN. S. Turns. 67 0 (*) 0.1 10.60 .0165 0.1 68 0 6.89 0.1 10.55 .0165 0.1 69 0 6. 78 0.1 10.25 .0165 0. 1 70 0 6.70 0.1 10.05 .0165 0.1 71 · 0 6. 65 U. 1 10.25 .0165 0.1 72 0 6.50 0.1 10.00 .0165 0.1 73 0 6.47 0. 1 10. 10 0165- 0.1 74 0 6.38 0. 1 10.03 .0165- 0.1 75 0 6.38 0. 1 9.88 .0165- 0.1 76 0 6.30 0.1 9.77 • 0165- 0.1 rying 0 6. 20 0.1 9.75 .0165- 0.1 78 0 6. 00 0.1 9.60 .0165 0.1 79 0 6. 10 0.1 9.58 .0165- 0. 1 20 0 6.05 0.1 9.55 81 0 5.90 0.1 9.50 • .0165- 0.1 0165- 0.1 82 0 5.90 0.1 9. 19 .0165- 0.1 83 0 5.98 0.1 9.55 .0165- 0.1 84 0 5.80 0. 1 9.33 .017- 0.1 85 0 5 80 0.1 9.25 .017- 0.1 86 0 5.68 0. 1 9.00 .017- 0.1 87 0 5. 65 0.1 8.88 .017- 0.1 88 0 5.55 0.1 9.00 .017- 0.1 89 0 5.50 0. 1 9.00 .017-- 0.1 90 0 5.95 After standing over one day.. 0. 1 9.75 .019 0.1 91 0 5.78 After standing one hour. 0. 1 9.61 0.1 92 0 5. 63 0.1 9.42 .018 0.1 93 0 0.112 9.35 0.1 Torsion carried by mistake to 0.112. 94 0 5. 40 0.1 0.1 95 0 5. 40 0. 1. 8.22 .017 0.1 96 0 5.25 0.1 8.37 .0185 0.1 97 0 5.20 0.1 8.39 .0185 0.1 After standing through the dinner-hour. 98 0 5 20 0. 1 8.30 .018 0.1 99 0 5. 10 0.1 8. 13 .018 0. 1 · * Not taken. 204 TABLE 36.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &'c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron (H§S) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. } Lbs. m. S. Turns. m. S. Turns. 100 0 5.09 0.1 8.18 .018- 0.1 101 0 5.00 0.1 8. 13 .017 0.1 102 0 4.95 0.1 8. 25 .018 0.1 103 0 4.90 0. L 8.05 0185 • 0.1 104 0 4.90 0.1 8.00 .0185 0.1 105 0 4.85 0.1 7.87 .018 0.1 106 0 4.83 0.1 8.00 .018- 0.1 107 0 4.75 0.1 7.93 018 0.1 108 0 4.72 0.1 7.93 .018 0.1 109 0 4. 64 0.1 7.90 . 0185 0.1 110 0 4.58 0.1 '7.81 .0185- 0.1 111 0 4.50 0.1 7.82 .018- 0.1 112 0 4.50 0.1 7.85 .019- 0.1 113 0 4. 56 0.1 7.80 .018 0.1 114 0 4.45 0. 1 7.80 0185- 0.1 115 0 4. 47 0.1 7.65 .0185- 0.1 116 0 4.40 0.1 7.65 .018 0.1 117 0 4. 43 0.1 7.72 018 0.1 118 0 (*) 0. 1 7.70 .0185 0.1 119 0 4.35 0. 1 7.53 .018 0.1 120 0 4.30 0.1 7.53 ⚫018 0.1 121 0 4. 22 0.1 7.32 .0185 0.1 122 0 4. 20 0.1 7.50 0185 0.1 123 0 4. 20 0.1 7.42 .019 0.1 124 0 4. 16 0.1 7.50 .019 0.1 125 0 4. 16 0. 1 7.45 .019 0.1 126 0 4.10 0.1 7.34 .019- 0.1 127 0 4 32 0.1 7.70 092- 0.1 Resumed after standing from 4 p. m. of 128 0 4. 25 Saturday until 7 a. m. of Monday. 0.1 7.63 .092 0.1 129 0 4. 12 0.1 7.47 .020- 0.1 131 333 130 0 4.05 0.1 7.47 .092 0.1 0 4.00 0.1 7.47 .092 0.1 132 0 4.00 0.1 7.42 .092- 0.1 * Not taken. 205 TABLE 36.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron (HS) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience.* Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. s. Turns. 133 0 3.95 0.1 7.42 .092 0. 1 134 0 3.90 0.1 7.32 .0195 0.1 135 0 3.90 0.1 7.10 .092- 0.1 136 0 3.89 0.1 7.04 .0195 0.1 137 0 3.89 0. 1 7.00 .092 0.1 138 0 3.90 0.1 7.03 .092 0.1 139 0 (*) 0.1 7.00 092 0.1 · 140 0 (*) 0.1 7.10 .020 0. i 141 0 3.70 0.1 6. 93 .020 0.1 142 0 (*) 0.1 6.80 020- 0.1 • 143 0 3. 63 0.1 6.85 .020 0.1 144 0 3.60 0.1 6. 85. .0195 0.1 145 0 3.58 0.1 6. 75 .092- 0. 1 146 0 (*) 0.1 6.73 .092- 0.1 147 0 (^) 0.1 6.75 .0195 0.1 148 0 3.45 0.1 6.70 .0195 0.1 149 0 3.45 0.1 6.50 .020- 0.1 150 0 3.40 0.1 6.50 • 020- 0.1 151 0 3.35 0.1 6.50 .020 0.1 152 0 3.35 0.1 6. 50 .0195 0.1 153 0 3.30 0.1 6.50 .0195 0.1 154 0 3.25 0.1 6. 45 .020 0.1 155 0 3.27 0.1 6.45 .0195 0.1 156 0 3. 20 0. 1 6. 40 .0195 0.1 157 0 3.25 0.1 6.35 .020 0.1 158 0 3.17 0.1 6. 34 .0195 0. 1 159 0 3.20 0.1 6.30 .020 0.1 160 0 3. 14 0.1 6.20 020 0.1 161 0 3. 13 0.1 6.20 .020 0.1 162 • 0 3. 11 0.1 6. 12 .020 0.1 163 0 3.08 0.1 6. 06 .020 0.1 164 0 3.03 0. 1 6.06 · 020 0.1 165 0 3.00 0.1 6. 05 .020 0.1 • • * Not taken. Remarks. 206 TABLE 36.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron (HÞS) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. s. Turns. 166 0 2.92 0.1 6. 00 .020 0.1 167 0 2.95 0.1 5.97 020 0.1 • 168 0 2.95 0.1 5.97 .020 0.1 169 0 2.94 0.1 5.95 .020 0.1 170 0 2.94 0.1 5.95 020 0. 1 · 171 0 2.90 0. 1 5.92 020 0.1 • 172 0 2.87 0.1 5.90 020- • 0.1 173 0 2.90 0.1 5.90 .020- 0.1 174 0 2.87 0.1 5.86 020 0.1 • 175 0 2.82 0.1 5.86 .020 0.1 176 0 2.82 0.1 5.75 .020 0.1 177 0 2.80 0.1 5.75 020 0. 1 • 178 0 2.80 0.1 5.73 020 0.1 • 179 0 2.78 0. 1 5.73 .020 0.1 180 0 2.72 0.1 5.72 .020 0.1 181 0 2.72 0. 1 5.68 .020 0.1 182 0 2.67 0.1 5.60 .0195 0.1 183 0 2.68 0.1 5.60 • 0195 0.1 184 0 2.73 After standing 1 hour. 0.1 5.62 .092- 0.1 185 0 2. 63 0.1 5 50 • 092- 0.1 186 0 2. 63 0. 1 5.55 092 0.1 • 187 0 2.60 0.1 5.50 .092 0.1 188 0 2. 60 0.1 5.42 • 092- 0.1 189 0 *2.58 0.1 5.45 .092- 0.1 190 0 2.58 0.1 5.43 .092 0. 1 191 0 2.56 0.1 5.52 092- 0.1 • 192 0 2. 55 0. 1 5.40 .092 0.1 193 0 2. 53 0.1 5.40 020 0.1 • 194 0 2.53 0. 1 5. 40 .020 0.1 195 0 2.48 0.1 5.40 0 • 092- 0.1 196 0 2.47 0. 1 5.40 .020 0.1 197 0 2.45 0.1 5.33 .092 0.1 198 0 2.40 0..1 5.30 .092 0. 1 * Not taken. 207. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. TABLE 36.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron (HS) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience.* Remarks. Lbs. m. s. Turns. 199 0 2.33 0.1 5.30 .092- 0.1 m. s. Turns. 200 0 2.35 0.1 5. 27 .092 0.1 201 0 2.39 0.1 5. 27 .092- 0.1 202 0 2.39 0. 1 5. 25 092 0.1 • 203 0 2.30 0.1 5. 22 .092 0.1 204 0 2. 28 0.1 5. 22 • 092 0.1 205 0 2. 28 0.1 5. 10 .092 0.1 206 0 2.28 0.1 5.08 .092 0.1 207 0 (*) 0.1 5. 10 .092 0.1 208 0 2. 27 0.1 5. 14 .092 0.1 209 0 2. 26 0.1 5. 12 .092 0.1 210 0 2. 23 0.1 5. 10 .092 0.1 211 0 2.22 0.1 5. 05 .092- 0.1 212 0 2. 21 0.1 5. 05 092- 0.1 • 213 1 2.20 0.1 5. 05 .092 0. 1 214 0 2.17 0.1 (*) .092 0.1 215 0 2. 13 0.1 4.95 .092 0.1 216 0 2. 17 After standing over night. 0.1 5. 10 .022 0.1 217 .0 2.17 0.1 5.08 .0215 0.1 218 0 2.17 0.1 5.00 .021- 0. 1 219 0 2. 15 0.1 5.00 .021- 0.1 220 0 2. 12 0. 1 4.92 .021 0.1 221 0 2. 12 0.1 4.88 .0215 0.1 222 0 (*) 0.1 4.89 .021 0.1 223 0 2.07 0.1 4. 87 .021 0.1 224 0 2.00 0.1 4.83 021- 0.1 • 225 0 2.00 0.1 4.80 .021 0.1 226 0 2.00 0.1 4.77 .021 0.1 227 0 1.97 0.1 4. 73 .0205 0.1 228 0 1.97 0.1 4.73 .021 0.1 229 0 1.97 0.1 4. 73 • 021- 0.1 230 0 1.96 0.1 4.69 .021 0.1 231 0 1.95 0.1 4.66 After standing about three hours. .021 0.1 * Not taken. 208 TABLE 36.-Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway irun (HėS) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right Remarks. Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. S. Turns. 232 1.91 0.1 4.66 .0215 0.1 233 1. 8 0, 1 4. 65 .021 0.1 234 0 1.87 0.1 4. 61 021 0.1 235 0 1.87 0. 1 4.50 021- • 0.1 236 0 1.87 0. 1 4. 49 .021- 0. 1 237 0 1.87 0.1 4. 41 .0205- 0.1 238 0 1.84 0.1 4. 40 .0205 0.1 239 0 1.84 0. 1 4. 20 020 0.1 240 0 1.84 0.1 4. 19 020 • 0.1 241 0 1.82 0.1 4.20 .020 6. 1 242 0 1.81 0.1 4.34 .020 0,1 243 0 1.78 0.1 4. 25 ..020 0. 1 244 0 1. 77 0.1 4. 25 020 0.1 245 0 1.76 0. 1 4. 25 .020 0.1 246 0 1.75 0.1 4. 25 .021 0.1 247 0 1.75 0.1 4. 25 .020 0.1 248 0 1.72 0. 1 4. 25 092- 0.1 249 0 1.78 0.1 After standing over night. 4. 42 .092- 0. 1 250 0 1.75 0. 1 4.33 .092 0.1 251 0 1.73 0. 1 4.33 .092 0.1 252 0 1.70 0. 1 4.27 .092 0.1 253 .0 1.68 0. 1 4. 25 .692 0,1 254 0 1.65 0.1 4.20 .092 0.1 255 0 1.65 0. 1 4. 19 .092 0.1 256 0 1. 64 0.1 4. 18 .092 0.1 257 0 1.62 0.1 4. 13. .092 0.1 258 0 1.62 0. 1 4. 13 .092— 0.1 259 0 1.60 0.1 4. 05 .092- 0.1 260 0 1.60 • 0. 1 4.00 092- 0.1 261 0 1.58 0.1 4.00 .092— 0.1 262 0 1.58 0.1 4.00 0205 0.1 263 0 1.58 0.1 4.00 0:20 • 0.1 264 0. 1.55 0.1 3.95 • 092- 0.1 * Not taken. $209 TABLE 36.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron (HS) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co. Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. 4 Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. s. Turns. 265 0 1.52 0.1 3.95 092 0.1 • 266 0 1.52 0.1 3.93 092- 0.1 267 0 1.52 0.1 3.90 .019 0.1 268 0 1.52 0.1 3.90 .019 0.1 269 0 1.48 0.1 3.90 .092 0.1 270 0 1.48 0.1 3. 85 0205 0.1 271 0 1.48 0.1 3.83 .0205 0.1 272 0 1.48 0.1 3.73 021 0.1 • 273 0 1.48 0.1 3.73 092- 0.1 274 0 1. 45 0.1 3.73 092- 0.1 275 0 1.45 0.1 3.62 092- 0.1 276 0 1.43 0.1 3.62 092- 0.1 277 0 1. 35 0.1 3.57 .092 0.1 278 0 1.35 0.1 3.53 .092 0.1 279 0 1.35 0.1 3.45 022 0.1 • 280 0 1.38 0.1 3.40 092- 0.1 • 281 0 1.38 0.1 3.40 022 0.1 282 0 1. 38 0.1 3.40 022 0.1 • 283 0 1.35 0.1 3.40 021 0.1 284 0 1.35 0.1 3.40 .020 0.1 285 0 1.35 0.1 3. 35 020 0.1 286 0 1.33 0.1 3.32 .020 0.1 287 0 1.40 After standing over one day and night 0.1 3.55 .021 0.1 288 0 1.38 0.1 3. 44 0215 0.1 • 289 0 1.37 0.1 3. 43 0215 0.1 • 290 0 1.35 0.1 3.42 022 0.1 • 291 0 1.35 0.1 3.37 0215 0.1 • 292 0 1.34 0.1 3.30 .020 0.1 293 0 1.32 0.1 3.30 .021 0.1 294 0 1.30 0.1 3.30 021 0.1 · 295 0 1.27 0.1 3.28 . 019 0.1 296 0 1.27 0.1 3. 24 .020 0.1 297 0 1.27 0.1 3. 24 .021 0.1 * Not taken. 14 F 210 TABLE 36.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron (H&S) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Lbs. m. 8. Turns. m. s. Turns. 298 0 1.26 0.1 3.22 .0215 0.1 299 0 1.25 0.1 3. 19 .020-- 0.1 300 0 1.25 0.1 3. 15 .021 0.1 301 0 1. 24 0.1 3. 15 .0205 0.1 302 0 1.23 0.1 3. 13 .022- 0.1 303 0 1.23 *0. 1 3. 10 . 021 0.1 304 0 1.21 0.1 3.10 .021 0.1 305 0 1.20 0.1 3.00 .020- 0.1 306 0 1. 15 0.1 3.00 .020- 0.1 307 0 1.17 0.1 2.97 .019 0.1 308 0 1.18 0.1 2.97 .020 0.1 309 0 1. 17 0.1 2.93 .020- 0.1 310 0 1. 15 0.1 2.93 .020 0.1 311 0 1.11 0.1 2.81 021 • 0.1 312 0 1.09 0.1 2.82 .0215 0.1 313 0 1.08 0.1 2. 81 .021 0.1 314 0 1.08 0.1 2.78 022 0.1 315 0 1,05 0.1 2.76 .022 0.1 316 0 1.06 0.1 2.75 .022 0.1 317 0 1.06 0.1 2.73 .021 0.1 318 0 1.06 0.1 2.70 .022- 0.1 319 0° 1.06 0.1 2. 69 .022 0.1 320 0 1.05 0.1 2.67 .022 0.1 321 0 1.05 0.1 2.66 .0225 0.1 322 0 1.04 0.1 2.65 .0205 0.1 323 0 1.03 0.1 2. 63 .021 0.1 324 0 1.03 0.1 2.61 .021 0.1 325 0 1.02 0.1 2. 61 .020 0.1 326 0 1.02 0.1 2.59 .020- 0.1 327 0 1.00 0.1 2.59 .020 0.1 328 0 1.00 0.1 2.60 .020 0.1 329 0 0.99 0.1 2.59 .020 0.1 330 0 0.98 0.1 2.54 .020 0.1 Remarks. * Not taken. 211 TABLE 36.-Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway `iron (H&S) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. s. Turns. 331 0 0.99 0.1 2.54 .021 0.1 332 0 0.98 0.1 2.53 021 0.1 333 0 0.97 0.1 2.49 .020 0.1 334 0 0.96 0.1 2.50 020 0.1 • 335 0 0.95 0.1 2.50 .020 0.1 336 0 0.95 0.1 2. 48 .021 0.1 337 0 0.93 0.1 2. 45 .019 0.1 338 0 0.93 0.1 2. 45 .021 0.1 339 0 0.93 0.1 2. 43 020 0.1 340 0 0.93 0.1 2.45 .019 0.1 341 0 0.92 0.1 2.45 .020- 0.1 342 0 0.92 0.1 2. 45 .017- 0.1 343 0 0.93 0.1 2. 43 .020- 0.1 344 0 0.90 0.1 2.40 021 0.1 • 345 0 0.89 0. 1 2.38 021 0.1 346 0 0.90 0.1 2.36 .020 0.1 347 0 0.87 0.1 2.35 019 0.1 • 348 0 0.87 0.1 2. 33 .019 0.1 349 0 0.87 0.1 2. 33 .021 0.1 350 0 0.87 0.1 2. 33 .019 0.1 351 0 0.86 0.1 2.30 .021 0.1 352 0 0.86 0.1 2. 28 .019 0.1 353 0 0.85 0. 1 2.25 .020- 0.1 354 0 0.85 0.1 2.25 020- 0.1 355 0 0.83 0.1 2.25 0205 0. 1 356 0 0.83 0.1 2.23 .020- 0.1 357 0 0.83 0. 1 2.20 .022 0.1 358 0 C. 83 0. 1 2. 22 .022 0.1 359 0 0.82 0.1 2. 20 020 • 0.1 360 0 0.80 0.1 2.20 .020 0. 1 361 0 0.78 0.1 2. 15 .021 0.1 362 0 0.77 0.1 2. 14 .020 0.1 363 0 0.75 0.1 2. 12 .019 0.1 * Not taken. Remarks. 212 · TABLE 36.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Norway iron (HOS) furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. * Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. 8. Turns. 364 0 0.75 0.1 2. 11 .020- 0.1 365 0 0.74 0.1 2.07 021 0.1 • 366 0 0.7 0.1 (*) (*) 0.1 367 368 369 370 onomono 0.69 1.68 .015 0.1 0.68 1.66 .016 0.1 0.68 1.67 .016 0.1 0.67 0.1 1.64 .016 0.1 371 0 0.66 0.1 1. 64 .020 0.1 372 0 5. 65 0.1 1.62 .0165 0.1 373 0 0.64 0.1 1.62 .017- 0.1 374 0 0.63 0.1 1. 62 .016 0.1 * Not taken. Two small pieces became detached, Remarks. 213 TABLE 37.-Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance under reversed torsions of a gun-wire drawn from Martin steel manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company. 1 [Mark, CK.; size, 0.299 x 0.2988.-Experiment No. 1268.] Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. s. 12 '0.1 30.05 2 40 .012 0.1 0 30 • 0 30.00 0.1 36.50 3.00 013 0.1 0 30 • 3 0 30.87 0.1 37.20 8 00 .0125 0.1 0 30.012- 4 0 31. 13 0.1 37.42 7 30 .014- 0.1 0 30 0125- • LO 5 0 31.20 0.1 37.42 6 30 .014- 0.1 0 30.013– 6 0 31.35 0.1 37.55 6 20.014 0.1 0 30 .013- 7 0 31.10 0.1 37.50 10 00 | .014 0.1 0 30.013– Turns. 012- . 012- Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsion was made with sufficient allow- ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would re- sult from the continuance of the strain given. 8 0 31.23 0.1 37.60 7 40.0135 0.1 0 30.013— 9 0 31. 45 0.1 37.90 12 40 .015 0.1 0 30.013- 10 0 31.37 0.1 37.85 14 00.015 0.1 0 30.013— 11 0 31.35 0. L 37.82 9 10 015 0.1 0 30 .013- • 12 0 31.30 0.1 37.82 9 00 .0145 0.1 0 30 .013- 13 0 31.25 0.1 37.77 8.00 .0145 0.1 0 30.013— 14 0 31.10 0.1 37.70 10 30 015- 0.1 0 30.013— 15 0 31.37 0.1 38. 10 4 30.015 0.1 0 30 16 0 31.25 0.1 38.00 5 00 .015 0.1 0 30 . 013- .013- After intermission of two days. 17 0 31. 10 0.1 37.93 6 00 .0155 0.1 0 30 . 013- 18, 0 31.00 0.1 37.87 7 00.015- 0.1 0 30 .013- 19 20 2 2 2 2 8 0 0.1 30.80 37.60 6 30 .015 0.1 0 30 .0135 0 30.51 0.1 37.35 6 40 . 015 0.1 0 30 .0135 21 22 0 0 30. 10 0.1 36.80 3.00 .015- 0.1 0 30 .0135 29.60 0.1 36. 15 4 30 .015 0.1 0 30 .013- 0 28.60 0.1 35. 20 3.00 .015 24 0 27.35 0.1 33.75 3 15 .015 0.1 0 30 0.1 .0135 0 30 .0135 25 0 26. 15 0.1 32. 60 6 30.015 0.1 0 30 .0135 26 0 24.85 0.1 31.55 6 45 016 0.1 0 30 .0135 27 0 23.98 0.1 30.70 6 30 016 0.1 0 30 .0135 28 0 23. 10 0.1 29.85 8 00 .016 29 0 22.40 0.1 29. 12 6 00.0165 0.1 .0.1 0 30 .0135 30 0 21. 80 0.1 28.50 4 30.0165 0 30 0.1 0 30 .014- 31 0 21. 20 0.1 27.90 4 30 0165 • 32 0 20.60 0.1 27.35 730 .0165 0.1 0 30 0.1 .0135 .0135 Seams appeared on two sides; cross-lines separated about 0".03. 0 30 .0135 214´. TABLE 37.-Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from Martin steel manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Remarks. Lbs. m. S. Turns. 23 + 13 08 33 0 19.90 0.1 26.80 6 00 .0165 m. S. 0.1 0 30 .0135 Turns. 34 0 19.40 Seam on each of three sides. 0.1 26.35 6 45.017– 35 0 18.85 0.1 25.75 6 00 .017- 0.1 0.1 0 30 0 30.014- - .0145 36 0 Taken out of machine. 215 TABLE 38.-Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance under reversed. torsions of a gun-wire drawn from Martin steel manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company. [Mark, O; size, 0.3014 x 0.3012.-Experiment No. 1269.] Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Remarks. Lbs. m. s. Turns. 1 0.1 21. 10 2 40 .0075 0.1 0 30 2 0 25.50 0.1 28.45 4 00 .010 0.1 0 30.008- 3 0 27.00 0.1 29.40 3 40 .011 0.1 0 30.008- 008 4 0 27.70 0.1 29.90 8 00 011 0.1 0 30.0015 5 0 27.70 0.1 30. 12 5 30.011 0.1 0 30.0015 6 0 27.75 0.1 30.25 10 00.011 0.1 0 30.0015 7 0 27.83 10. 1 30.35 13 00.0115 0.1 0 30.091- 8 0 27.80 0.1 30.45 10 30.011 0.1 0 30 0 30.091- m. s. Turns. .0075 Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsien was made with sufficient allow- ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would re- sult from the continuance of the strain given. 9 0 27.80 0.1 30.45 7 30.011 0.1 0 30 091- • 10 0 27.80 0.1 30.53 7 30 . 011 0.1 0 30 .091- 11 0 27.80 0.1 30.55 7 45 011 0.1 • 0 30.091- 12 0 27.80 0.1 30.55 5 30.011 0.1 0 30 .091- 13 0 27.80 0 1 30.55 7 30.011 0.1 0 30 091- • 14 0 27.65 0.1 30.52 8 40.0115 0.1 0 30 .091- 15 0 27.65 0. 1 30.55 8.00 .012 0.1 0 30 .090- 16 0 29.50 0.1 32.35 9 30 012 0.1 0 30.090— 17 0 28.60 After intermission from Saturday evening to Monday morning. 0.1 31.75 8 30 .012 0.1 0 30 .090- 18 0 28. 23 29 30 31 33 2 2 2 2 * * * 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 19 0.1 0 31.47 10 00.012 0.1 0 30 .090- 28. 15 0.1 31.25 12 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .090- 20 0 27.90 0.1 31.20 8 30 012 0.1 • 0 30 .090- 21 0 27.86 0.1 31.00 8 35.012 0.1 0 30.090- 22 0 27.83 0.1 30.97 12 30.012 0.1 0 30 .090- 23 0 27.70 '0.1 30.92 7 00 .012 0.1 0 30 24 0 27.62 · 0.1 30.83 11 00 012 • .090- 0.1 0 30 010 25 0 29.00 After intermission of about 60 hours. 0.1 32.00 6 45.012 0.1 26 0 28.40 0.1 31.55 10 00.012 0 30.010 0.1 0 30 .010 27 0 27.85 0.1 31.30 9.00 . 012 0.1 0 30 28 0 27.75 0.1 31. 15 10 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .010 · 010 0 27.65 0.1 30.95 7 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .010 0 27.45 0.1 30.90 10 00.012 0.1 0 30 0 27.35 32 0 27.10 0.1 30.80 6 00 012 0.1 39.55 6 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .010 . 010 0.1 0 30 0 26.98 0.1 30.45 10 15 .012 0.1 30 010 .010 216 TABLE 38.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c.,_of_a_gun-wire drawn from Martin steel manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Resilience. Remarks. 34 0 Lbs. 26.75 m. S. Turns. m. s. Turns. 0.1 30 35 5 00.012 0.1 0 30 .010 35 0 20. 60 0.1 30.20 700 .012 0.1 0 30.010 36 0 26. 40 0.1 30.00 6 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .010 37 0 26.17 0.1 29.75 8 30 012 0.1 0 30 • .010 38 0 25.90 0.1 29.60 10 00 .012 0.1 0 30 .010 39 0 25. 65 0.1 29.35 6 30 .012 0.1 0 30.010 40 0 25.45 0.1 29.05 700 .012 0.1 0 30.010 41 *0 25.10 0.1 28.90 7 00 012 0.1 0 30 010 42 0 24.75 0.1 28.55 7 20 .012 0.1 0 30.010 43 0 24.45 0.1 28.50 9 30 012 0.1 0 30 • 010 44 0 24. 10 0.1 28.07 T 00 .012 0.1 0 30 0 30.010 45 0 23.75 Split begins to show. 0.1 27.85 730 .012 0.1 0 30 .010 46 0 23.48 0.1 27.53 8 30 012 • 0.1 0 30 .010 • 47 0 23.00 0.1 27.10 6 45.012 0.1 0 30.010 48 0 22.58 0.1 26.95 8 00 .012 0.1 0 30 0 30.010 49 0 22.52 Seam on two sides. ❤ 0.1 26.93 6 45.013 0.1 0 30 .010 80 8 3 8 3 0 2 8 15 50 0 22.05 0.1 26.50 30.013 0.1 0 30 .010 55 0 *(*) Seam on each side. 0.1 24.50 5 00.013 0.1 0 30 .011 60 0 17.40 0.1 22.90 7 30.0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 65 0 15. 50 0.1 21.00 700 .0135 0.1 0 30.0115 70 0 13.85 0.1 19.37 6 45.014 0.1 0 30 .012 75 0 12.45 0.1 17.87 7 30 .015 0.1 0 30.012 0 11. 12 0.1 16.80 4 40 .015 0.1 0 30.011 85 0 0.298 18. 81 6.70 13.31 On 82d twist cracked, and opened con- siderably. Torsion continued to breaking. (Broke.) } * Not taken. 217 • Number of application. Decimal part of one turn. Strain required 1 foot from center. Time in which torsion was produced. TABLE 39.—Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance under reversed torsions of a gun-wire drawn from “open-hearth" steel. Manufacturer's name withheld by request. [Mark, B S co. ; size, 0.2965 x 0.2971.-Experiment No. 1270.] Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Resilience. Decimal part of one turn. Time in which torsion was produced. Resilience. Remarks. Lbs. m. s. TQ 1 0.1 18.25 7 10 Turns. .007 m. s. 0.1 0 30 Turns. 0175 0 21.45 0.1 24.60 6 30 .007 0.1 0 30 3 0 22.50 0.1 22. 25 4 30 .010 0.1 0 30 4 0 22.75 0.1 25.60 5 00 .010 0.1 10 5 0 23.00 0.1 25.74 5 13 .011 0.1 6 co 0 22.90 0.1 25.70 7 00 .011 0 30 0 30 0.1 0 30 0 30.0085 .008- .008- • Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. 008- Length, I inch. .0085- Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsion was made with sufficient allow- ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would result from the continuance of the strain given. After intermission of about 15 hours. 7 0 22.75 0.1 25.60 7 30 .011- 0.1 3 30 0085 • 8 0 22.63 0.1 25.50 10 00 .011- 9 0 22.57 0.1 25.50 10 00 .0105 0.1 0.1 0 30.0085 0 30 .0085 A slight seam visible on one side. 10 0 22.53 0.1 25. 40 8 00.0105 0.1 11 0 22. 43 0.1 25.37 12 0 22.37 0.1 25.30 740 745 .0105 .0105 0 30 .009- 0.1 0 30.009- 0.1 0 30 009- • 13 0 22.27 0.1 25.23 6 00 .011- 0.1 0 30 .009- 14 0 22.10 0.1 25. 15 6 20 .011 0.10 30 .009— 15 0 21.90 0.1 24.98 7 15 .011 0.1 0 30 .009- 16 0 21.80 0.1 24.90 8 20 .011 0.1 0 30 .009——— 17 0 21.65 0.1 24.75 8 40 . 011 0.1 0 30 009- · 18 0 21.45 + 0.1 24. 50 9 00 . 011 0.1 0 30.009- 31 ≈ 2 2 2 2 * * ¦ ¦ 0 2 2 2 ☹ 19 0 21.35 0.1 24.47 7 00 .011 20 0 21. 23 0.1 24. 45 700 .011 0.1 0 30 .009 0.10 0 30 009 21 0 21.25 After standing over night. 0. 1 24.43 6 30 .011 0.1 0 30.009 22 0 21.00 0, 1 24. 25 740 .0115 0.1 0 30 .009 23 C 20.78 0.1 24.00 10 00 0115 0.1 0 30 • .009 24 0 20.70 0.1 23.90 9.00 .011 0.1 25 0 20.50 0.1 23.80 9 45 .011 0.1 0 30 26 0 20.40 0 30.009 ·009 0.1 23. 65 7 00 . 011 0.1 0 30.009 27 0 20. 20 0.1 23.55 7 30 .011 0.1 0 30.009 28 0 20.05 0.1 23.30 745 011 0.1 0 30.009 29 0 19.87 0.1 23. 20 700 .011 0.1 0.30❘ .009 30 0 19. 70 0.1 23.07 8 20 .011 0.1 0 30.009 0 19.55 0.1 22.95 700 .011 0.1 0 30.009 32 0 19. 43 0.1 22.83 800 .011 • 0.1 0 30.009 218 TABLE 39.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from "open- hearth" steel-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Remarks. Lbs. m. S. Turns. m. s. Turns. 100 *** 9 8 3 8 2 2 2 3 2 3 8 33 34 0.1 앵​이 ​19.32 22.70 9 00 .011 0.1 0 30.009 19. 20 吹 ​0.1 22.50 5 00 011 0.1 0 30 009 • 35 0 19.10 The seam separates cross-lines about 0".03. 0.1 22.50 6 00.011 0.1 0 30.009 40 0 18.70 0.1 22.00 9 00.011 0.1 0 30 .009- 45 0 18. 15 0.1 21. 47 5 30.011 0.1 0 30.0095 50 0 17.49 [ 0.1 21.00 10 00.0115 0.1 0 30 .0095 55 0 16.85 0.1 20.44 6 00 011. 0.1 • 0 30.0095 The 59th turn was carried 0.01 too far. 60 0 16. 25 0.1 19.30 6 00 . 0115 0.1 0 30.0095 65 0 15. 43 0.1 18. 97 6 30 .1115- 0.1 0 30.010- 70 0 14.75 0.1 18. 35 6 30 .1115 0.1 0 30.010- 75 0 14.00 0.1 17.70 5 00 : 0115 0.1 0 30.010- 80 0 13.25 0.1 16.95 6 00.0115 0.1 0 30 0 30.010 85 0 12.50 Began to crack transversely at middle and one end. 0.1 16.25 7 00 012 • 0.1 0 30.010 90 0 11.58 0.1 15.60 5 00 .012 0.1 0 30.010 95 0 (*) 0.1 14.97 4 30.0125 0.1 0 30 0015 0 10. 20 0.1 14.50 6 00 .0125 0 Not taken. Set at 0 and taken out of machine. 219 TABLE 40.-Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance under reversed torsions of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by Hussey, Welles & Co. [Mark, H W co 4; size, 0.300 x 0.390.-Experiment No. 1272.] Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Resilience. Remarks. Lbs. m. S. Turns. 12 0.1 30.55 6 30.012 0.1 m. s. 0 30 0 28.00 0.1 34.40 5 00 .012 0.1 0 30 3 0 28.35 0.1 34.85 6 30 .012 4 0 28.35 0.1 34.80 6 15.0125 ΟΙ 5 0 28.05 0.1 34.80 9 00.013 6 0 28.05 0.1 31.85 9 30.013 .0115 0.1 0 30 .0115 0 30 0.1 .0115 0.1 0 30 | .0115 0.1 0 30 .0115 7 0 28.15 0.1 34.85 7 45.013 0.1 0 30 .0115 8 0 28.10 Turns. . 0115 Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsion was made with sufficient allow- ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would re- sult from the continuance of the strain given. 0.1 34.85 7 30.013 0.1 0 30.0115 9 0 (*) 0.1 35. 15 2 30.013 0.1 0 30 .0115 10 0 28.12 0.1 35. 15 9 20 .013 0.1 0 30.0115 11 0 28.18 0.1 35. 10 6 10.0135 0.1 0 30.0115 12 0 28.08 0.1 35.05 6 00.0135 13 0 28,00 0.1 35.00 6 00.0135 0.1 0 30 0.1 .0115 0 30 . 0115 • 14 0 27.98 0.1 34.90 6 30.0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 15 0 27.97 0.1 34.90 8. 00 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 16 0 27.94 0.1 34.85 8 30.0135 0.1 0 30.012- 17 0 27.85 0.1 34.85 8.00 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 * 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 0 27.85 0.1 34.83 9 30.0135 0.1 0 30.0115 19 0 27.75 0.1 34.62 7 45.0135 0.1 0 30.0115 20 0 27.72 0.1 34.65 8 00.0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 After intermission of dinner-hour. • 21 0 27.65 0.1 34.55 22 0 27.50 0.1 34.45 8 50 0135 740 .0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 • 0.1 0 30 .0115 23 0 27.40 0. 1 34, 54 6 30.0135 0.1 0 30 .0115 24 0 27.30 0.1 34.40 5 00.0135 0.1 0 30 . 0115 25 0 27.00 0.1 34. 20 700.0135 0.1 0 30.0115 26 0 26.80 0.1 33.90 8.00 0135 0.1 0 30 . 0115 27 0 0.1 28 26.50 33.43 0 26.30 6 10 .0135 0.1 0 30 0 30.0115 0.1 29 0 0.1 33.10 25.75 32.73 5 00 6 30.0135 0135 30 0 25.45 31 0 0.1 32.40 25.00 0.1 32.00 7 45.0135 4.00 .0135 0.1 0 30 0115 0.1 0 30.0115 0.1 0 30 . 0115 0.1 0 30.0115 A seam discovered on the under side. 32 0 24.70 0.1 33 0 31. 51 24.30 7 30.0135 0.1 0 30.0115 0.1 31.10 6 10 .0135 0.1 0 30 .012- * Not taken. 220 TABLE 40.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by Hussey, Welles & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Resilience. Remarks. Lbs. M. S. Turns. m. s. Turns. 34 0 23.80 0.1 30.65 5 00 .013 0.1 0 30.012- 35 0 23. 35 0.1 30.00 6 00 013 • 0.1 0 30 012- • 36 0 22.70 0.1 29.55 6 15 013 0.1 0 30 37 0 22.26 0.1 28.85 5 30.0135 0.1 0 30 .012- .012- A crack on the upper side. 38 0 21.65 0.1 28.44 9.00 .0135 0.1 0 30.012- 39 0 21.08 0.1 27.90 7 20 .0135 0.1 0 30.012– 40 0 20.55 0.1 27. 18 5 15 .0135 0.1 0 30.012— 41 0 20.00 0.1 26.68 6 00 0135 0.1 0 30 • .012- 42 0 19.35 0.1 26.08 7 20.014+ 0.1 0 30.012- 43 0 18.80 0.1 25.47 8 30 014- 0.1 0 30.012- 44 0 18. 20 Cracked on all sides. 0.1 25.02 5 30.014– 0.1 0 30 .012- 45 0 17.75 After intermission of dinner-bour. 0.1 24.55 8 25.015 0.1 0 30 .0125 46 0 17.20 0.1 24.00 5 30 .015 0.1 0 30 013- 47 0 16. 75 0.1 23.50 7 00 .014 0.1 0 30.013- 61 63 ∞ 8 8 8 * 18 9 5 8 8 8 8 8 7 48 0 . 16. 40 0.1 23.05 5 00 .014 0.1 0 30.013- 49 0 15.90 0.1 22.65 5 00 015 • 50 0 15.63 0.1 22.35 5 00 .016 0.1 0 30 0.1 .013- 51 0 52 15. 10 0.1 21.83 5 00.0155 0 30 0.1 0 30 .013- 0135 • 0 14.75 0.1 21.61 6 00 .016 0.1 0 30 0 30.0135 53 0 14.35 0.1 21.00 5 00 .016 0.1 0 30.0135 54 0 13.98 0.1 20.95 8 00.016 55 0 13. 60 0.1 20.70 8.00 .016 0.1 0 30 56 0 13. 20 0.1 20.05 6 00 .016 0.1 0 30 0.1 0 30 .014 0 30.014 .014 57 0 12.92 After intermission of one night. 0.1 19.86 5 15.016 0.1 0 30.0145 58 0 12.60 0.1 19.45 7 10.0165 0.1 0 30 .014- 59 0 12.23 0.1 19.00 4 15 017- 0. 1 0 30.014- 60 0 11.78 0. 1 18.68 8 20 0 11. 42 0.1 18.45 9 00 .017 .017 0.1 0 30.014- 0.1 0 30 .015- 62 0 11.10 0.1 18.00 6 00 017 0.1 0 30.015 0 10.75 0.1 17.90 7 20.0165 0.1 0 30 .0145 64 0 10. 40 0.1 17.65 8 00 .0165 0.1 0 30.0145 65 0 10.00 0.1 17.35 6 00 .0175 0.1 0 30.015- 66 0 9.75 0.1 17.28 0.1 0 30.015- 9.00 0175 221 TABLE 40.—Experiment to determine the resistance, &c., of a gun-wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by Hussey, Welles & Co.-Continued. Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. វ Resilience. Lbs. m. s. Turns. m. s. Turns. 2 2 8 2 67 0 9.25 0.1 16.95 6 30 .0175 0.1 0 30 . 015— 68 0 9.85 0.1 16.47 9 20 .0175 0.1 0 30 .015- 69 0 (*) 0.1 15.25 70 0.320 19.00 4 30.0175 (Failed) 0.1 0 30 015 0.526 (Broke.) * Not taken. Remarks. Torsion continued to 0.526, when the speci- men broke. 222 66 TABLE 41.-Experiment to determine the resistance, elasticity, and endurance, under reversed torsions, of a gun-wire drawn from “ Hobson's choice” steel (brand, CHOICE XX EXTRA,) made by Francis Hobson & Son, and procured from ordnance shops, Washington navy-yard. [Mark, H co 1; size, 0.3002 x 0.2952.-Experiment No. 1273.] Torsion to the left. Torsion to the right. Resilience. Remarks. Turns. .0145 Specimen annealed at a heat between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Length, 1 inch. Each return to the extreme of left-hand torsion was made with sufficient allow- ance of time to obtain very nearly the whole extent of torsion that would result from the continuance of the strain given. A seam discovered on one side. Lbs. m. S. Turns. m. s. 1 0.1 34. 15 8 40.015 0.1 0 30 2 0 29.80 0.1 38.40 8 00 .015 0.1 0 30 .0145 3 0 29.70 -0.1 38.50 7 25 .016 0.1 • 0 30.0155 4 0 29.70 0.1 38.25 7 15 .016- 5 0 29.37 0.1 37.65 6 05 016- 6 0 28.70 0.1 36.80 4 30 .0155 0 30 0.1 0 30.0155 0.1 0 30 .015 0.1 0145 • 7 0 27.80 0.1 35.73 8 00 .0155 0.1 0 30 .014- 8 0 26.82 0.1 34.75 5 45.016 0.1 0 30 .014— 9 0 25.60 0.1 33.45 6 10 .016 0.1 0 30.014—- 10 11 13 2 = 2 * 0 24.00 0.1 32.00 3. 00 .015 0.1 0 30 .014- 0 22.50 0.1 30.47 7 00 . 016 0.1 0 30 0145 • 12 0 21.05 0.1 29.35 8 20 .0165 0.1 0 30 .0145 0 19. 65 .09 25.00 (Broke.) Another slight seam. NOTE TO TABLES 31 TO 41. In order that these tables may be more readily understood, the course of experiment they record will be here expressed in words, so far as is necessary to illustrate the mode of operating. Take, as an example, the experiment given in table 32: } The specimen was first gradually twisted to the left, the time of applying the strain being 4 minutes and the extent of torsion 1-10 of a turn. The strain required to do this was 25.24 pounds, applied 1 foot from the center of motion, and the time of its application (before mentioned) such that the specimen had nearly ceased yielding. The specimen was then released from strain, and was found to have sprung back 10-1000 of a turn. This statement includes all that is entered in the table as occurring under the first application of torsion to the left. Torsion was now applied in the reverse direction, and carried to the extent of 1-10 of a turn to the right of the original starting-point, requiring in all, of course, 1-5 of a turn in the right-hand direction less the resilience before noted. The strain required to do this was applied in 30 seconds; but its amount was not readily ascertainable by the means at hand, and was not taken. When again released, the specimen sprang back 5-1000 of a turn. We have now completed the record in the first line of the table. Again reversing the torsion, i. e., making the second application of torsion to the left, it was carried to the central position, (in which the specimen is deprived of twist,) the strain requisite for this purpose being 29 pounds, and farther, in the same direction, until, in 5 minutes, a left-hand torsion of 1-10 of a turn had been reached again, requiring a strain of 33.10 pounds. Again released from torsional strain, the specimen was found to have a resilience of 11-1000 of a turn. Torsion to the right was now applied, and carried 1-10 of a turn to the right of the central position. Time in which this was done, 30 seconds. Released, the specimen sprang back 10-1000 of a turn. This completes the third line of the table. Succeeding applications of torsion were conducted in the same way, and their results are similarly recorded. NOTE TO TABLES 42 TO 51. The relations between elastic resistance, torsion, and resilience, as developed in the experiments here recorded, are represented graphically in plates 7 to 23. The diagrams, representing each a single experiment, present the points (surrounded by small circles) from which the curves were formed. The want of perfect coincidence between the points and curves of mean direction must be attributed chiefly to the influence of time, i. e., the continuance of the strains by which the work was done, which unavoidably varied in the course of the experiments. In all the diagrams resilience is represented by the red lines. Plates 15 and 23 combine the results of single experiments to present comparisons of the characteristic. curves of the several specimens. 223 • Strain applied 1 foot from center. Torsion. TABLE 42.—Experiment on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion. Wire drawn from Martin steel manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Co. [Mark, C J.-Experiment No. 1353.] 7 Under strain. Released. Time of application of strain. Resilience. Remarks. 0411 .045 .048 0532 .056 Length of wire between clamps. 10 inches; form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Measurement of cross-section, 0.2981 x 0.2993; measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.401 and 0.401; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0.394 and 0.394; contraction in 10 inches of length, 0".020. After intermission of one hour torsion stood . 1.3285. 1 Lbs. Turns. Turns. m. s. 13. 15 .0262 .0029 9 23 Turns. .0233 15.90 .05 .0204 0 23 .0296 16. 31 .100 .0695 0 15 17.47 .20 .1653 0 13 .0305 .0347 19. 05 .30 2589 0 16 • • 20.76 .40 .355 0 20 22. 14 .50 .452 0 18 23.66 .60 .5468 0 14 • 24. 74 .70 .644 0 14 25.85 .80 .7413 0 13 0587 26.94 .90 .8499 0 13 .0511 27.75 1.001 .9374 0 10 .0626 28.63 1. 100 1.0339 0 15 .0661 29.45 1.20 1. 133 0 13 .067 30.05 1,301 1.230 0 14 .071 30.76 1.40 1.3295 0 13 .0705 31.53 1.50 1.428 0 12 .072 32.08 1 599 1.5269 0 11 .0721 32. 65 1.70 1.6255 0 10 .0745 $ 33.14 1.80 1. 7241 0 08 .0759 33.66 1.90 1.8239 0 08 .0761 34.08 2.00 1.922 0 10 .078 34.54 2. 10 2.021 0 09 .079 35.00 2.20 2. 120 0 08 .080 35.38 2.30 2. 2195 0 08 .0805 35.76 2.40 2. 3195 0.09 .0805 36. 07 2.50 2. 418 0 08 082 36.50 2.60 2.5176 0 08 .0824 36.86 2.701 2.6171 0 09 .0829 37.23 2.80 2. 7162 0 08 . 0838 • - 37.57 2.90 2.8162 0 09 .0838 37.95 3.00 2.915 0 10 .085 38. 19 3. 10 3. 0153 0 09 .0847 38..43 3.20 3. 114 0 09 .086 38.82 3.30 3.2136 0 08 .0864 39.09 3.40 3. 313 0.09 .087 39.31 3.50 3. 4115 0 09 .0885 39. 61 3.60 3.5123 0 08 .0877 39.90 3.70 3.611 0 08 .089 40.23 3. 801 3.711 0 09 .090 40.40 3.90 3.812 0 08 .088 40.68 4.00 3.911 0 08 .089 40.86 4. 10 4. 0095 0 08 .0905 41. 12 4. 20 4. 1095 0 08 .0905 41.36 4.30 4. 2086 0 08 .0914 41.62 4. 40 4. 309 0 08 .091 41.80 4.50 4. 4082 0 08 .0918 41.97 4. 60 - 4.5078 0 08 .0922 42.18 4.70 4. 6071 0 07 .0929 42. 42 4.80 4.7075 0 08 .0925 42.54 4.90 4.808 0 09 .092 42.72 *5.00 4.9065 0 08 .0935 42.98 5. 101 5.007 0 07 .094 43. 19 5. 20 5. 1062 0 08 .0938 43. 31 5.30 5. 2066 0 07 .0934 43. 49 5.40 5.3065 0 07 .0935 43. 63 5.50 5.4053 0 06 .0947 43.75 5.60 5. 5064 0 07 .0936 44.00 5. 699 5. 6049 0 07 .0841 44. 14 5.80 5.705 0 06 .095 44. 28 5.90 5.805 0 07 .095 44.40 6.00 5.904 0 08 .096 44.58 6. 10 6. 004 0 06 .096 44.75 6. 20 6. 105 0 08 .095 44, 89 6. 30 6. 204 0 06 .096 45.00 6. 40 6.3037 0 05 .0963 45. 14 6. 501 6. 4034 0 07 .0976 45. 27 6.60 6. 504 0 08 45.42 6.70 6. 604 0 08 .096 .096 45.44 6.743 (Broke.) 0 03 224 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. TABLE 43.-Experiment on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion. Wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by Hussey, Welles & Co. [Mark, H W co 4.-Experiment No. 1354.] Time of application of strain. Resilience. Remarks. Lbs. Turns, Turns. m.s. 13.'60 .026 .003 9 00 15.21 .050 .0218 0 25 15.96 .10 .067 0 12 .033 18.92 .20 .1576 0 18 .0424 21.-82 .30 .249 0 18 .051 24. 46 .40 .3416 0 18 .0584 26. 60 .50 .4365 0 15 .0635 28.47 .60 .5295 0 14 .0705 30.00 .70 .6257 0 13 .0743 31. 45 .80 .7219 0 12 .0781 32. 69 .90 .8195 0 10p • 33.73 1.00 .917 0 10 Turns. .023 .0282 0805 .083 Length of wire between clamps, 10 inches; form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper; measurement of cross-section, 0.2989 x 0.300; measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.4035 and 0.403; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0. 400 and 0.401; contraction in 10 inches of length could not be taken because fracture occurred between measuring-points. 34.56 1.10 1. 0139 0 11 .0861 35.43 1.20 1.113 0 11 .087 36.25 1.30 1. 2085 0 12 .0915 36.94 1.40 1.3067 0 11 .0933 37.53 1.50 1.4065 0 11 .0935 38.00 1.60 1.504 0 11 .096 38.73 1.70 1. 6033 0 10 .0967 Saturday night. Monday morning; torsion released, 1. 60. 39.68 1.80 1.700 0 10 .100 40.09 1.90 1. 785 0.09 .115 40.60 2.00 1.883 0 09 . 117 41.00 2.10 1.978 0 09 .122 41.46 2. 199 2. 0964 0 08 .1026 41.97 2.30 2. 1974 0 09 .1026 42.26 2.40 2.2964 0 08 .1036 42.75 2.501 2.394 ? 0 08 .107 : 43.00 2.60 2. 495 ? 0 09 .105 43.50 2.70 2. 5935 0 09 .1065 43.80 2.80 2. 6932 0 08 .1068 44. 21 2.90 2. 7917 0.08 .1083 44. 48 3.00 2.8917 0 09 .1083 44.88 3. 101 2.990 0 08 .111 45, 30 3. 20 3.0915 0 09 .1085 45.49 3.30 3. 1898 0 08 .1102 45.73 3.40 3. 2895 0 08 .1105. 46. 10 3.50 3. 389 0 08 .111 46 42 3.60 3. 489 0 08 .111 46. 65 3.70 3.5885 0 08 .1115 46.92 3.80 3.687 0 08 .113 47.30 3.90 3.789 0 08 .111 47.45 4.00 3.888 0 08 .112 47.91 4.10 3.9878 0 08 .1122 48. 01 4. 20 4.0865 0 08 .1135 48.29 4.30 4. 187 0 08 .113 48.56 4. 40 4. 2872 0.08 .1128 48.80 4.50 4. 387 0 08 .113 48.89 4. 60 4. 489 0 05 .111 Did not again raise the same weight. 1 225 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Torsion. TABLE 44.-Experiment on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion. Wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by the Atlantic Steel Company. [Mark, A co 91.-Experiment No. 1355.] Released. Time of application of strain. Resilience. Remarks. Lbs. Turns. Turns. m. s. 15. 10 0.0286 0.003 5 35 19. 69 0.050 0.0159 0 38 .0341 21.10 0.10 0.0614 0 15 .0386 22.32 0.20 0.1595 .0 15 • 24.37 0.30 0.2514 0 15 0405 .0486 26.30 0.40 0.3465 0 15 .0535 28.12 0.50 0.442 0 12 .058 29.90 0.60 0.5395 0 10 .0605 31. 31 0.70 0.636 0 10 .064 32. 61 0.80 0.7333 0 09 .0667 33.84 0.90 0.8295 0 10 .0705 34.90 1.00 0.927 0 09 .073 Turns. 0256 Length of wire between clamps, 10 inches; form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper; measurement of cross-section 0.3019 x 0.299; measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.406 and 0.402; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0.397 and 0.399; contraction in 10 inches of length, 0.035. 35.89 1.10 1.024 0 09 .076 36.72 1.20 1. 123 0 11 .077 37.54 1.30 1.220 0 09 .080 38.29 1.40 1. 319 0.09 .081 39.00 1.50 1.418 0 09 .082 39.63 1.60 1.517 0 09 .083 40.39 1. 699 1. 614 0 10 .085 *40.88 1.80 1.7136 0 09 .0864 41.38 1.90 1.8135 0 08 .0865 41.95 2.00 1.911 0 09 .089 42.32 2,10 2. 011 0 09 089 · 42.86 2.20 2. 1107 0 09 .0893 43. 24 2.30 2. 2105 008 .0895 43.60 2.40. 2.3089 0 10 .0911 44.08 2.50 2.4084 0 09 .0916 44. 48 2.60 2.5079 0 09 • 44. 86 2.70 2.6072 0 09 0921 .0928 45. 17 2.80 2.707 0 08 .093 11 45.53 2.90 2.8062 0 09 .0938 45.84 3.00 2.9045 0 09 .0955 46.42 3.10 3.0052 0 09 0948 46.69 3.20 3.1056 0 08 .0944 46.99 3.30 3. 204 0 08 .096 47.09 3.40 3. 3025 0 09 .0975 47.39 3.50 3.4025 0 08 .0975 · 47.66 3.60 3. 5017 0 09 0983 47.93 3.70 3.601 0 09 .099 48.20 3.80 3.703 0 08 .097 48.44 3.90 3.8023 0 08 .0977 48.65 4.00 3.9005 0 08 .0995 48.82 4. 10 3.9995 0 08 .1005 49.19 4. 20 4. 101 0 08 .099 49. 31 4.30 4. 1995 0 09 .1005 49.62 4. 40 4.3005 0 09 .0995 49.74 4.50 4. 3995 0 08 .1005 50.32 4.60 4. 500 0 09 .100 50.34 4.70 4.599 0 08 .101 50.36 4.80 4. 6983 0 09 .1017 50.50 4.90 4.7985 0 09 .1015 50.67 5.00 4.8985 0 09 .1015 50.89 5.10 4.9988 0 09 .1012 51.00 5.20 5.098 0 08 .102 51. 11 5.30 5.1977 0 69 .1023 51.35 5. 40 5. 298 0 09 .102 51.48 5. 50 5.3968 0 08 .1032 51.65 5. 60 5.498 0 09 .102 51.79 5.70 5.597 0 09 .103 51.94 5.80 5. 6968 0 09 .1032 5:2.06 5.899 5.7965 0 08 .1025 52.22 6. 00 5.897 0 08 .103 52.36 6. 10 5.997 0 09 • 52.47 6. 20 6.097 0 08 103 .103 52.57 6,30 6. 1965 0 10 .1035 52.68 6. 40 6.2968 0 09 . 1032 52.80 6.50 6.515 6. 396 (Broke.) 0 09 .104 Without again raising 52.80 pounds. 15 F 226 Strain applied 1 foot from center., Under strain. Released. Time of application of strain. TABLE 45.—Experiment on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion. Wire drawn from crucible cast steel manufactured by the Atlantic Steel Company. Torsion. [Mark, A co 138.-Experiment No. 1356.] + Resilienco. Remarks. Lbs. Turns. Turns. 14.80 0.026 0.001 m. s. 4 45 16. 60 0.0285 0.001 1 40 18.00 0.032 0.0024 1 20 20.49 0.050 0.016 0 25 • 21. 15 0.10 0.061 0 17 .036 22.17 0.20 0.161 0 17 .039 23.57 0.30 0.2558 0 15 .0442 25.25 0.40 0.3517 0 12 0483 26.91 0.50 0.4478 0 12 0522 28.08 0.60 0.544 0 11 .056 29.40 0.70 0.6418 0 11 .0582 30.53 0.80 0.739 0 12 .061 • Turns. 025 0284 .0296 • 0340 Length of wire between clamps, 10 inches; form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper; measurement of cross-section, 0.298 x 0.295; measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.415 and 0.414; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0.411 and 0.4115;\contraction in 10 inches of length, 0.040. 31.61 0.90 0.8375 0 13 0625 • 32.57 1.00 0.935 0 12 .065 33.33 1. 101 1.0333 0 11 .0677 34.10 1.20 1. 1314 0 10 .0686 34.81 1.30 1.2295 0 10 .0705 35.55 1.40 1.3285 0 10 0715 36.20 1.50 1.427 0 09 .073 36.78 1.60 1.526 0 09 .074 37.37 1.701 1. 624 0 10 .076 37.88 1.80 1. 724 0 10 .076 38.38 1.90 1.8223 0 10 .0777 38.78 2.00 1.9213 0 10 .0787 39.29 39.92 2.20 2.10 2. 021 0 10 .079 2. 12 0 09 .080 40.34 2.30 2. 219 0 09 .081 40.62 2.40 2. 319 0 09 .081 41. 04 2.50 2.418 0 10 .082 41.38 2.60 2.517 0 09 .083 41.68 2.70 2. 6165 0 09 .0835 41.98 2.80 2. 717 0 09 .083 42.31 2.90 2.8165 0 10 .0835 42.72 3.00 2.9148 0 09 .0852 42.98 3. 10 3. 0139 0 09 .0861 43.33 3. 20 3. 114 0 09 .086 43.68 3.30 3.2139 0 09 .0861 43.96 3.40 3.315 0 09 .085 44.24 3.50 3. 4119 0 09 0881 44.55 3.60 3.5133 0 09 .0867 44.78 3.70 3.612 0 10 .088 45.00 3.80 3. 712 0 09 .028 45. 19 3.90 3.8118 0 08 .0882 45.83 4.00 3.91 0 10 .09 45.85 4. 10 4. 010 0 09 .09 43.98 4. 20 4. 1165 0.09 .0835 Broke without raising the weight again. 227 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Torsion. elastic_resistance TABLE 46.-Experiment on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion. Wire drawn from Martin steel, manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company. [Mark O.-Experiment No. 1357.] Released. Time of application of strain. Resilience. Remarks. Turns. .0219 .023 .0234 Length of wire between clamps 10 inches; form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Measurement of cross-section, 0.301 x 0.3014; measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.399 and 0.398; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0.393 and 0.391; contraction in 10 inches of length, 0.041. Lbs. Turns. Turns. 12.43 0.0244 0.0025 m. s. 3.00 14.30 0.05 0.021 · 0 17 14.58 0.10 0.0766 0 09 14.94 0.20 0.172 0 09 .028 15. 60 0.30 0.2695 0 09 .0305 16. 62 0.40 0.3688 0 10 .0312 17.58 0.50 0.4655 0 10 .0345 18.47 . 0.60 0.5636 0 10 .0364 19.28 0.20 0.6614 0 10 .0386 20.02 0.20 0.7595 0 10 .0405 20.79 0.90 0.8583 0 10 .0417 21.53 1.00 0.9567 0.09 .0433 22. 24 1.10 1.0545 0 09 .0455 22.81 1. 199 1. 152 0 08 .017 23.42 1.30 1.2517 0.09 .0483 23.97 1.40 1.351 0.09 .049 21.55 1.50 1.4495 0 09 .0505 25.05 1.60 1.5495 0 09 .0505 25.51 1.70 1.6475 0 09 0525 • $25.91 1.80 -1.7466 0.09 .0534 26. 41 1.90 1.8462 0 09 .0538 26.77 2.00 1.9435 0 09 .0565 27.20 2.10 2.0435 0 09 .0565 27.57 2.2') 2. 1425 0 09 0575 • 27,96 2.30 2. 242 0 09 .058 28.35 2.40 2.342 0 08 .058 28.68 2.50 2, 4415 0 08 .0585 29.00 2.601 2.542 0 09 .059 29.32 2.70 2. 640 0 08 .060 29.63 29.94 2.90 2,80 2.738 0 08 .062 2.8385 0 09 .0615 30.29 3.00 2.939 0 09 .061 30.52 3.10 3.0392 0.09 .0608 30.77 3.20 3.1385 0 09 .0615 31.15 3.30 3. 238 0.09 .062 31.30 3.40 3.3372 0 09 .0628 31. 56 3.50 3.437 0 08 .063 31.79 3.60 3.5373 0.09 .0627 32.05 3.70 3.6365 0 09 .0635 32. 32 3.80 3.735 0 09 .065 32.59 3.90 3. £35 0 09 .065 32.81 4.00 3.9345 0 09 .0665 32.96 4. 10 4.0337 0 09 .0663 33.27 4. 20 4. 134 0 08 .066 33.42 4.30 4. 234 0 08 .066 33.63 4,40 4.3335 0 08 .0665 33.88 4.50 4. 4325 0.09 .0675 34.02 3.60 4.5335 0.09 .0665 34.22 4.70 4. 632 0 08 .068 34.41 4.80 4. 732 0 09 .068 34.59 4.899 4. 832 0 08 .067 34.73 5.00 4. 9315 .0 08 .0685 34.90 5.10 5. 031 0 08 .069 35.08 5.20 5. 1315 0 08 0685 35.23 5.30 5. 2313 0 08 .0687 35. 44 35.54 5.50 35.69 35.84 5,40 5.3309 .0 08 .0691 5.429 0 08 .071 5.60 5. 5305 0 08 .0695 5.70 5.6305 0 68 0695 35.96 5.80 5.730 0 08 .070 36. 10 5.90 5.829 0 08 .071 36. 32 6.00 5.929 0 09 .071 36.53 6. 10 6. 029 0 09 .071 36.64 6.20 6. 13.) 0 08 .070 36.83 6.30 6. 2295 0 08 .0705 36.92 6.40 6. 3295 0 08 .0705 37.00 6.50 6. 4285 0 08 .0715 37.11 6. 60 6.5225 0 08 .0715 37.24 6.70 6.628 0.08 .072 228 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. TABLE 46.-Experiment on the development of elastic resistance, &c., of a wire drawn from Martin steel, manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company-Continued. [Mark O.-Experiment No. 1537.] Time of application of strain. Resilience. Lbs. Turns. Turns. m. s. 37.32 6. 60 6. 7283 0 07 Turns. .0717 37.40 6.90 6. 8265 0 08 .0735 37.50 7.00 6.928 0.03 .072 37.58 7.10 7.0273 0 08 .. 0727 37.71 7.201 7. 1275 0 08 .0735 37.81 7.30 7. 2275 0 08 .0725 3,60 (Broke.) 0 05 Did not raise the weight again. Remarks. 22.0 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Time of application of strain. TABLE 47.—Experiment on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion. Wire drawn from Naylor & Co.'s "best cast steel,” (for tools,) §-inch hammered bar. Torsion. [Mark, N co T* 1.-Experiment No. 1358.] Resilience. Romarks. Lbs. Turns. Turns. m. s. 16. 45 0.0385 0.0088 4 30 17.81 0.050 0.0178 0 19 18.88 0.10 0.0648 0 14 .0452 21. 64 0.20 0.151 0 20 .049 24.80 0.30 0.241 0 18 .059 27.71 0.40 0.3328 0 21 30.00 0.50 0.4263 0 22 32. 15 0.60 0.5195 0.17 34.03 0.70 0.614 0 16 • 35. 45 0.80 0.710 0 13 36.72 0.90 0.8069 0 12 37.86 1.00 0.904 0 10 .096 38.74 1. 10 1.002 0 10 .098 Turns. .0297 .0372 .0672 .0737 .0805 086 .090 .0931 Length of wire between clamps, 10 inches; form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Meas- urement of cross-section, 0.2986 x 0.300; measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.413 and 0.413; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0.411 and 0.411; contraction in 10 inches of length, 0.087. Specimen being a little winding the venier could not be set at 0.; set at .005. { 39.66 1.20 1. 101 0 10 .099 40.48 1.30 1. 1972 0.10 .0128 41.00 1.40 1.295 0 09 .105 41. 71 1.50 1.3933 0 10 .1067 42. 44 1.60 1.4935 0 10 .1065 42.90 1.70 1. 591 0 09 .109 43. 49 1.80 1,690 0 09 .110 43.91 1.90 1. 790 0 09 .110 44.37 2.00 1. 889 0 09 .111 44.95 2.10 1.984 0 09 .116 45. 37 2. 201 2.0877 0 08 1133 · 45. 69 2.30 2. 160 0 09 46.00 2.40 2. 2855 0 10 • 46.53 2.50 2.3845 0 09 46.91 2.60 2. 4837' 0 09 .140 1145 .1155 .1163 47.41 2.70 2.585 0 09 115 · 47.63 2.80 2.683 0 09 .117 47.92 2.90 2.782 0 10 .118 48. 42 3.00 2.882 0 10 .118 48.59 3. 101 2.9817 0 09 .1191 48.90 3.20 3. 0815 0 08 .1185 49.18 3.30 3. 181 0 09 .119 49.50 3.40 3.280 0 09 .120 49.77 3.50 3.380 0 09 .120 50.00 3.60 3.4809 0 08 .1191 50.54 3.70 3.5805 0 09 .1195 3.769 (Broke.) 0 05 Did not raise weight again. 230 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Time of application of strain. TABLE 48.-Experimnt on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion. Wire drawn from cemented cast steel manufactured for test and furnished by Messrs. Naylor & Co. Torsion. [Mark, N co 1 S.-Experiment No. 1359.] Resilience: Remarks. Lbs. 13.00 Turns. Turns. m. s. 0.0245 0.0022 4.00 15.00 0.050 0.025 0 20 .025 15. 31 0.10 0.070 0 10 .030 16.76 0.20 0.1655 0 15 18.99 0.30 0.2585 0 16 20.85 0.40 0.3538 0 16 22.72 0.50 0.450 0 15 24, 17 0.60 0.5445 0 13 .0555 25. 65 0.70 0.642 0 11 .058 26.85 0.80 0.739 0 10 .061 27.85 0.901 0.837 0 09 .064 28.85 1.00 0.934 0 09 .066 Turns. .0113 .0345 .0415 . 0462 .050 ; Length of wire between clamps, 10 inches; form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Measurement of cross-section, 0.3014 x 0.3028 measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.409 and 0.4097; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0.404 and 0.404; contraction in 10 inches of length, 0.047. 29.70 1.10 1.0317 0 10 .0683 30.50 1.20 1. 130 0 09 .070 31.22 1.30 1. 228 0 10 .072 31.90 1.40 1.3263 0 09 .0737 32. 62 1.50 1.4267 0.09 .0733 33.00 1.60 1. 525 3 09 .075 33.60 1.70 1.6235 0 09 .0775 34. 14 1.80 1.722 0 12 .078 34.53 1.90 1.821 0 10 .079 35.00 2.00 1.920 0.09 .. 080 + 35. 54 2.10 2. 0195 .0805 35.95 2.20 2. 1185 0 09 .0815 36.30 2.30 2.2179 0 09 0821 • • 36.74 2.401 2. 3175 0 09 .0835 37.14 2.50 2.4163 0 09 .0837 37.46 2.60 2. 5162 0 09 .0838 37.80 2.70 2. 615 0 09 .085 38.17 2.80 2.7149 0 09 0851 38.49 2.90 2. 8149. 0 09 .0851 38.87 3.00 2.913 0 09 .087 39. 14 3.10 3.0136 0.09 .0864 39.50 3.20 3. 1115 0 09 39.67 3.30 3.2113 008 · .0885 0887 40.40 3.40 3. 3110 0 09 .0890 40.24 3.50 3.410 0 09 .090 40.57 3.60 3.510 0 09 .090 40.80 3.70 3. 609 0 09 .091 41.00 3.80 3.710 0 10 .090 41.30 3.90 3.809 0 10 .091 41. 47 4.00 3.909 0 09 .091 41.73 4. 10 4. 00 ? 0 09 .10 41.95 4.20 4.108 0 09 .092 42.44 4.30 4. 2074 0 10 .0924 42.57 4.40 4. 3073 0 10 .0927 42.76 4.50 4. 408 0 09 .092 42.94 4. 60 4.508 0 09 .092 43. 20 4.70 4. 6076 0 09 .0224 43.40 4.80 4.7069 0 09 .0931 43.57 4.90 4. 8064 0 09 .0936 43.62 5.00 4. 9050 0 08 .0150 43.87 5. 101 5.005 0 09 .095 44.00 5. 20. 5. 1045 0 10 .0955 44.25 5.30 5, 2043 0 09 .0957 44.34 5.40 5.306 0 09 .094 5. 419 Did not again raise the weight. (Broke.) 0 05 231. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Torsion. TABLE 49.-Experiment on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion. Wire drawn from iron for "gun-screw wire,” manufactured by the Trenton Iron Company. [Mark, C H co 5 I.-Experiment No. 1360.] Released. Time of application of strain. Resilience. Remarks. Turns. .0183 .0195 .0222 026 Length of wire between clamps, 10 inches. Form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Measurement of cross-section, 0.2918 x 0.2917; measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.393 and 0.391; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0.386 and 0.389; contraction in 10 inches of length, 0.032. Lbs. Turns. Turns. m. s. 9.23 0.0215 0.0032 4.00 10.48 0.050 0.0305 0 22 10.70 0.150 0.129 0 20 .021 11.00 0.20 0.1778 0 08 11.83 0.30 0.274 0 12 · 12.67 0.40 0.3739 0 10 .0261 13.37 0.50 0.4719 0 10 .0281 14.00 0.60 0.5695 0 10 .0305 14.68 0.70 0.668 0 10 .032 15. 31 0.80 0.768 0 10 .032 15.82 0.90 0.8655 0 10 0345 16.34 1.00 0.965 0 10 .035 16.84 1.10 1.0632 0 11 .0368 17.34 1.20 1.162 0 11 .038 17.79 1.30 1.260 0 10 .038 18.30 1.40 1. 3595 0 10 0405 18.66 1.50 1.459 0 10 .041 19.10 1.60 1.5585 0 10 .0415 19.45 1.70 1.6572 0 10 .0428 19.87 1.80 1.757 0 10 .043 20.35 1.899 1.256 0 10 .043 22.00 2.00 1.957 0 12 . 043 22.00 2.10 2.056 0 10 .044 21.82 2.20 2. 153 0 09 .047 21.98 2.30 2.2518 0 08 .0482 22.27 2.40 2. 3514 0.09 0486 22.53 2.50 2. 4505 0 08 22.84 • 2.60 •2.5505 0 08 .0495 0495 • 23.00 2.70 2.6492 0 09 .0508 23.29 2.80 2. 7491 0 08 .0509 23.55 2.90 2. 8488 0.08 0512 23.79 3.00 2.948 0 08 .052 24.00 3.10 3.0475 0 08 .0525 24. 27 3. 20 3.1476 0 09 .0524 24.53 3.30 3.2468 0 08 .0532 24. 71 3.40 3.3468 0 08 .0532 24. 93 3.50 3. 446 0 07 .054 25. 19 3.60 3.546 0 08 .054 25.38 3.70 3. 6453 0 08 .0547 25.56 3.80 3. 7453 0 08 .0547 25.98 3.90 3.845 0 07 .055 26. 15 4.00 3.9436 0 10 0564 26.43 4. 10 4. 0445 0 08 .0555 26. 60 4. 20 4. 144 0 09 .056 26.79 4.30 4. 2438 0 08 .0562 26.93 4.40 4.343 0 07 .057 27.06 4.50 4. 446 0 07 .054 27.33 4.60 4. 542 0 08 .058 27.48 4.70 4.6413 0 08 .0587 27.57 4.80 4.7405 0 08 .0595 27.73 4.90 4. 841 0 07 .059 27.90 5.00 4.940 0 08 .060 28.16 5. 101 5.040 0.09 .061 28.31 5.20 5. 141 0 08 .059 28.42 5.30 5.24 0.08 .06 28.55 5.40 5.34 0 08 .06 28. 64 5.50 5. 439 0 08 .061 28.88 4.60 5.539 0.08 .061 28.98 5.70 5.639 0 08 .061 29.06 5.80 5.739 0.08 .061 29.21 5.90 5.839 0 08 .061 29.30 6.00 5.9385 0 07 .0615 29.38 6. 101 6.0385 0 07 .0615 29.53 6.20 6. 1385 0 08 .0615 29.70 6.30 6. 236 0 09 .064 29.80 6 40 6. 3375 0 08 .0625 232 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. TABLE 49.—Experiment on the development of elastic resistance, &c., of a wire drawn from iron for "gun-screw wire,” manufactured by the Trenton Iron Company-Continued. Time of application of strain. Lbs. Turns. Turns. 29.89 6.50 6. 4378 0 09 m. S. Turns. .0622 29.96 6.60 6. 537 008 .063 30.10 6.70 6. 6375 0 09 .0625 30.20 6.80 6.7375 0 09 .0625 30.23 6. 8515 (Broke.) 0 05 Resilience Remarks. 233 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Torsion. TABLE 50.-Experiment on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion, Wire drawn from Låke Superior copper, refined and rolled at the Washington navy-yard. [Experiment No. 1361.] Time of application of strain. Resilience. Remarks. Lbs. Turns. Turns. m. s. 2. 25 0.0242 0.015 3.00 2.71 0.050 0.038 0 16 .012 3. 13 0.10 0.087 0 11 .013 3.67 0.20 0.184 0 17 .016 4. 21 0.30 0.2815 0 14 4.58 0.40 0.379 0 16 .021 5.00 0.50 0.4775 0 14 5.43 0.60 0.5774 0 15 .0225 .0226 5.76 0.70 0.6745 0 12 .0255 6. 22 0.80 0.773 0 14 .027 6. 44 0.90 0.872 0 12 .028 6. 78 1.00 0.9695 0 12 .0305 7.08 1.10 1.0675 0 12 .0325 7.40 1.20 1.168 0 10 .032 Turns. .0092 .0185 Length of wire between clamps 10 inches; form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Measurement of cross-section, 0.2946 x 0.293; measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.395 and 0.39553; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0.388 and 0.3885; contraction in 10 inches of length, 0.30. Several small seams show at different places. 7.69 1.30 1.2668 0 12 .0332 7.96 1.40 1.366 0 12 .034 8. 24 1.50 1.465 0 13 .035 8.52 1. 60 1.563 0 10 .037 8.75 1.70 1.6628 0 10 .0372 9.05 1.80 1. 762 0 10 .038 9.24 1.90 1.8615 0.09 .0385 9.48 2.00 1.9613 0 09 .0387 9.70 2.10 2.060 0 09 $ .040 9.90 2.20 2. 1595 0 09 .0405 10. 10 2.30 2. 259 0 10 .041 10.33 2.40 2.3575 0 10 .0425 10.52 2.50 2. 4582 0 09 .0418 10.73 2.60 2.5578 0 09 .0422 10.89 2.70 2.6573 0 10 .0427 Missed strain at torsion of 2.80. 11. 21 2.90 2. 8553 0 13 .0447 11.37 3.00 2.956 0 10 .044 11. 54 3. 10 3.0545 0 09 .0455 11.72 3.20 3. 1539 0 09 0461 11. 89 3.30 3. 2535 0 09 .0465 12.09 3.40 3.352 0 08 .048 12. 18 3.50 3.4525 0 08 .0475 12. 33 3.601 3. 5534 0 09 .0476 12.47 3.70 3.6512 0 08 0488 • 12. 61 3.80 3. 751 0 09 .049 12.75 3.90 3.851 0 08 .049 12.87 4.00 3.950 0 09 .050 13. 01 4.10 4. 050 0 09 .050 13. 11 4. 20 4. 150 0 09 .050 13.28 4.30 4. 2495 0 08 .0505 13.40 4.40 4. 3495 0 09 .0505 13. 54 4.70 4. 4495 0 09 .0505 13.62 4. 60 4.549 0 08 .051 13. 74 4.70 4. 685 0 09 .015 1 13.85 4.80 4.785 0 08 .015 13.98 4.90 4.888 0 08 .011 14.06 5.00 4.948 0 08 .052 14. 16 5. 101 5. 0475 0 08 .0525 14 32 5. 20 5. 1474 0 08 .0526 14.39 5.30 5.247 0 08 .053 14. 47 5.40 5.3472 0 08 .0528 14. 55 5.50 5. 4468 0 08 .0532 14. 64 5.60 5.5469 0 08 .0531 14.71 5.70 5.6455 0 08 .0545 14.80 5.80 5.746 0 09 .054 14.90 5.90 5. 8465 0 09 .0535 14.98 6.00 5. 9469 0 09 .0531 15.07 6.10 6.045 0 09 .055 15. 11 6. 20 6. 146 0 08 .054 15. 19 6.30 6. 245 0 09 .055 15.27 6.40 6.34 45 0 08 .0555 15. 36 6.50 6. 445 0 09 .055 15. 46 6.599 6. 5443 0 09 .0547 15.49 6.70 6. 644 0 08 .056 15. 53 6.80 6.743 0 08 .057 234 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Released. Time of application of strain. TABLE 50.—Experiment on the development of elastic resistance, &c., of a wire drawn from Lake Superior copper, refined and rolled at the Washington navy-yard-Continued. Torsion. Lbs. Turns. Turns. m. s. 15. 59 6.90 6. 8435 0 09 Turns. .0565 15.65 7.00 6.9435 0 09 .0565 15. 72 7.10 7.0435 0 09 .0565 15.79 7.20 7.1435 0 08 .0565 15.84 7.30 7.2437 0 08 .0563 15. 88 7.40 7.343 0 08 .057 15.92 7.50 7. 442 0 08 • 16.00 7.60 7.5435 0 08 058 0565 16.05*7. 65 (Broke.) *0 05 * About. Resilience. Remarks. 235 Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Torsion. TABLE 51.-Experiment on the development of elastic resistance and resilience by torsion. Wire drawn from Martin steel manufactured by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company. [Mark, C J.-Experiment No. 1362.] Released. Time of application of strain. Resilience. Lbs. Turns. Turns. m. s. 13. 63 0.028 0.003 4 45 14.00 0.028 0.0035 0 20 Turns. .015. .0145 15.00 0.035 0.008 0 10 .027 16.00 0.052 0.0213 0 15 .0307 17.00 0.169 0.132 0 57 .037 18.00 + 0.2245 0.187 0 30 . 0375 19.00 0.283 0.242 0 25 .041 20.00 0.337 0.294 0 11 .043 21.00 0.401 0.355 0 15 .046 22.00 0.472 0.4238 0 16 .0482 23.00 0.490 0.489 0 12 .001 24.00 0.621 0.5679 0 22 • 25.00 0.700 0.644 0 19 26. 00 0.792 0.7335 0 20 .0585 27.00 0.880 0.8195 0 18 0605 28.00 Q. 993 0.9285 0 20 .0645 29.00 1.108 1,040 0 23 • 30.00 1.238 1. 170 0 27 068 .068 31.00 1.378 1.3069 0 27 .0711 32.00 1.526 1.452 0 31 .074 33,00 1.697 1.6185 0 30 .0785 34.00 1.879 1.801 0 32 .078 35,00 2.088 2.0079 0 50 .0801 36.00 2.337 2. 2555 0 40 .0815 37.00 2.575 2.4919 0 34 .0831 38.00 2.858 2. 3217 0 43 .0863 39.00 3. 140 3. 0518 * 0 39 .0882 40.00 3.477 3. 388 0 45 .089 41.00 3.818 3.728 0 50 .090 42.00 4. 249 4. 157 0 50 .092 43.00 4.708 4. 614 1 03 .094 44.00 5. 229 5. 132 1 15 .097 5.367 (Broke.) 0 20 Remarks. 0631 .056 Length of wire between clamps, 10 inches; form, square; annealed at a temperature between the melting-points of bronze and copper. Meas- urement of cross-section, 0.2984 x 0.2997; measurement of diagonals before twisting, 0.401 and 0.401; measurement of diagonals after twisting, 0.3985 and 0.3975; contraction in 10 inches of length, 0.050. the same time with No. 1353. Annealed at Did not raise 45 lbs.; contraction in length, .050. 236 Number of experiment. Material. Mark on speci- men designat- ing. Dimensions of original cross section. Charge of powder. Kind of pressure-disk. Pressure-record on disk. Per square inch. Inches. Turns Lbs. Lbs. Inches. Inches. 2345 1CQ 2}N N col.. .2984 x .2988 1oz.cannon 0.448 .2895 x .2925 ....do 1.014 CH co 4 S... .2915 x .2975 ....do 0.360 4 BB. 5 BB.. .3011 x .3012 ...do .3011 x .3012 1.5 oz. can- Copper.. 2. 60 7,680 28.247 0.225 0.328 67 BB.. A co 2.. .3011 x .3012 non. ...do ..do 2.60 7,680 | 28, 247 0.635 .2972 x .2992 1 oz. cannon Zinc and 1, 70 1,788 6,576 0.537 .242 and .295 tin. 8 A co 5.... .2995 x .2981 1oz.musket...do 1.60 1,710 6, 289 0.682 .349 and .333 15 16 17 18 "OFRAE 19 20 9 CK 10 C S co 5 · 11 CS co 9 *. .2978 x .2990 .295 x .297 .3014 x .3022 ..do ..do 1.85 2, 040 7,503 0.550 .315 and .235 ...do Tin 3.00 1,032 3,796 0.316 .162 and .154 ...do ...do 3.00 1,032 3, 796 0.264 .155 and .109 12 H W co 4. .305 x.295 ....do ...do 2.98 1,026 3, 774 0.350 .175 and .175 13 T co 3 * .2995 x .301 ..do ...do 2.75 906 -- 3, 332 0.437 .216 and .221 14 T co 6 *.... .300 x .3007 ....do ..do 3.18 1, 116 4, 105 0.218 .107 and.111 CL .2978 x .2989 ....do ...do 2.58 834 (Hard-drawn 3,067 0.999 .492 and .507 .2953 x .2957 ....do ..do 2.20 648 2,383 0.267 .200 and .067 copper.) A co 56 **: .297 x .296 ...do ...do 2.90 990 .3, 641 ,341 A co 76 * .2962 x .2965 ...do ...do 2. 62 858 3, 156 .6160.3125 and.3045 21 2222 19 BF .3028 x .3025 ..do do 2.80 936 3, 443 .778 .366 and.412 20 BM .3036 x .3043 ..do do 3.09 1,068 3, 928 .161 .082 and.079 BS B S co * 5... .2989 x .2988 ..do ...do 2. 23 678 2, 494 CR. .302 .299 ....do ...do 2.60 846 3, 111 .513+ .321 On cross-section of bore. In 3 inches. In 1.5 inches. TABLE 52.--GUNPOWDER TESTS Pressure indi- cated- Elongation- 237 compared with tensile and torsional tests. Measurements of cross section at fracture or smallest place. Elongation by action of gunpowder. Reduction of area of cross-section by action of gunpowder. Elongation in tensile-testing ma- chine. Reduction of area of cross-section in tensile-testing machine. Highest strain on similar specimen in tensile-testing machine. Breaking torsional strain, applied 1 foot from center. Ultimate torsion, specimen 1 inch long. Inches. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. | Per ct. Lbs. .240 x 240 14.91 47.93 .147 x .137 33.76 76.41 28.56 59.58 4,050 .274 x .2755 11.98 15.91 14. 14 36.39 8,300 Lbs. 48.45 0.594 30.74 50. 14 1.116 .751 15.00 14.68 24.95 8,300 53.87 .761 21. 86 55.87 .785 21. 14 56.40 .759 .2698 x .270 17.88 16.78 12. 18 35.30 7,950 52.87 .712 .245 x .241 22.71 31.20 12. 16 34.47 8, 190 53.91 .722 .256 x .257 18.31 24.89 12.35 35. 06 8.100 55.81 .789 .277 x .2795 10.52 11.76 9.05 40.67 7,800 50.54 .589 Broke outside the marks, near an outer one. Broke outside the marks. Was not parted. Broke between marks. Do. Broke outside the marks. Was not parted. Broke within the marks, near an outer one. Did not part. Broke; extended evenly. .285 x .290 8.79 15. 05 61, 45 .373 Did not break. .276 x .277 11.65 16. 40 5.83 44.73 8,300 57.26 .730 .236 x .238 14.55 37.67 10.06 38.56 8, 3x0 50.70 .472 .289 x .292 7.25 6.67 65.99 .2765 .207 x .208 33.30 51.63 .192 x .192 8.89 57.46 40.98 21. 01 1.157 Broke. .929 .206 x .208 51.31 46.46 691 • .220 x .222 20.51 44.54 16. 18 42.87 7,340 47.69 .636 .195 x .195 25.90 58.55 19. 42 39.71 7,500 45. 41 .906 *.2035 x .295 5.36 6. 19 8.92 18.87 10, 180 63.79 658 .192 x .192 34.20 58.70 44.86 860 Do. Broke. Did not break; stretched evenly. Broke; little extension ex- cept near place of fracture. Broke within the marks, near an outer one. Broke in two places, out- side the marks, near the outer ones. Broke outside the marks. Not broken. Broke near the central mark .194 x .195 21.40 59.34 41. 05 759 Broke within the marks. Remarks. 238 Numbers. Carbon. TABLE 53.—Comparison of chemical with mechanical tests. Chemical tests. Mechanical tests. Torsional, Tensile. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent Per cent. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Per cent. 5 1234 LO 0.399 0.019 0.324 0.045 0.137 86 1.3335 90 -56, 450 56.34 0.726 0.150 0.359 0.028 0.039 215, 216 17. 16 57.41 0.730 54, 55 105, 200 0.644 0.154 0.346 0.019 0.025 400, 411 17.98 55.83 0.413 156, 157 93, 500 40, 40 17.80 0.720 0.093 0.323 0.024 0.042 | 353, 375 15. 68 54. 21 0.591 0.682 0.0.0 0.847 0.044 0.109 177, 178 15.00 52.00 0.833 10 95, 700 36.59 0 Mark designating kind of wire. C II co 4 S Q (C H co) DM (H W co) H W co 4. T co 3 239¹ Material. Mark on specimen designating- No. of experi- ment. Strain applied 1 foot from center. Under strain. Torsion. Released. Time of application of strain. [ADDENDUM NOT TRANSMITTED WITH REPORT.] TABLE NO. 54.—TORSIONAL TESTS.-Experiments relating to the effect of the continuance of strain on the extent of torsion. [For explanation of marks, see page 136 ]. Resilience. Measurement of cross- section. BB. 481 Lbs. Turns. Turns h. m. s. Turns. Inches. Lbs. 15,70 .01 .003 1 58 007 .3018 x.305 15. 17 50.45 .499 .480 2 38 .019 48.77 54. 05 .7345 (Broke.) 0 29 52.25 BB. 482 15.50 .01 .0035 1 35 .0065 .301 x.3015 15.30 49.95 .500 .482 2 39 .018 49.33 54, 19 .7985 (Broke,) 0 28 53: 51 BB 433 15.75 .01 .0035 1 30 .0065 .3022 x.3013 50.34 508 .489 2 50 019 53.86 .771 (Broke.) 0 33 15.47 49.47 52.93 BB 484 14. 85 01 .0035 1 30 0065 .3013 x.301 14.68 48.84 501 .483 2 12 .018 48.28 53. 15 7775 (Broke.) 0 33 52, 54 BB. 485 15. 10 .01 .0035 2 10 .0065 301 x.301 14.95 49.38 502 4835 2.40 0185 48.-90 52.38 .763 (Broke.) 0 25 52.87 BB. 524 50.00 Not taken .537 0 50 .3023 x.3029 50.00 568 0 5 Do. continued .649 630+ 6 10 .019+- - (55—?) 820 (Broke.) @ 27 BB.. 525 (55-?) .840 (Broke.) 1 5 .3022 x.302 *53; 62 *53, 86 BB... 526 (55 .855 (Broke.) 0°50 * Less tlian. Strain reduced to cor- respond to cross-sec- -tion of 0″.3 x 0″.3. Remarks. Specimens numbered 481, 482, 483, 484, and 485 were annealed to- gothor, at standard heat. The times in which strains were applied in these five experiments were intended to correspond very nearly with each other. Tests for variability of specimens of the same steel. 48-75 50 pounds strain applied in 50 seconds, and immediately released, without reading "torsion under strain.' 50 pounds re-applied rapidly. Torsion nearly ceased at the end of 6 minutes 10 seconds. Weights set for strain of 55 pounds, which was not reached. Do. 3016 x 301754.08 Strain of 55 pounds not reached. 240 Remarks. TABLE No. 54.—TORSIONAL TESTS.-Experiments relating to the effect of the continuance of strain on the extent of torsion-Continued. Mark on specimen designating- Torsion. ! 40 pounds raised in 17 seconds, and strain immediately released; re- silience .013. 39. 40 [Specimens B B numbered 524, 525, 526, 574, and 529 were annealed to- gether at standard heat.] 39.40 } 35.11 35.11 At the end of 22 minutes 28 seconds the strain was released. The pre- vious strain (40 pounds) was re-applied carefully, requiring 1 minute 30 seconds. Torsion under strain, .257. The lever settled to touch support (equivalent to an additional torsion of .0015) in 7 minutes. Strain was left on from 11:57 of April 7 to 11 a. m. of the 8th-23 hours 3 minutes. Lever balanced on reducing strain to 29.65 pounds. Torsion released, .2448. Strain brought to 35.65 pounds in 2 seconds. After standing 5 min- utes the lever had not fallen any. Lbst Turns. BB. 574 53.92 .7805 Turns. (Broke.) h. m. s. 1 13 Turns. Inches. 3025 x.3021 Lbs. BB. 529 40.00 . 211 .198 0 17 .013 .3014 x.3016 Continued .238 1 0 Do.. .2415 1 0 39.40 39.40 39.40 Do. 2435 1 9 Do. 2450 1 0 Do. .2467 1 0 39.40 Do. .2473 1 0 39.40 Do 2483 1 0 39.40 Do .2487 1 0 39.40 Do. .2489 1 0 39.40 Do. .2495 1 0 39.40 Do. .2498 1 0 39.40 Do. .2504 1 0 39.40 Do. 251 1 0 39. 40 Do.. 2512 1 0 39. 40 Do. .2514 1 0 39. 40 Do. .2516 1 0 39.40 Do. 2519 1 0 39.40 Do. 2522 1 0 39.40 Do. .2524 1 0 39.40 Do.. 2529 1 0 39.40 Do. 2533 1 0 39.40 Do. 2535 .2384 1 11 .0151 39.40 40.00 257 1 30 Continued .2585 7 30 Varying from .257 2448 23 3 0 0122 40.00 to 29.65. 35.65 .257 0 2 Continued 257 5 0 241 40.00 Continued .260 .2615 0 5 2 5 Do. . 262 1 57 Do. .2635 17 0 (40. 00 to ?) 4 0 53. 04 828 (Broke.) 3 32 39. 40 39.40 39. 40 52.25 40 pounds re-applied. Lever settled to touch in 2 minutes 5 seconds ; stood in that way 1 minute 55 seconds, when lever was raised to central line in 2 seconds, torsion being .262. Lever settled to touch in 17 minutes; stood in this way 4 minutes. After standing with lever touching 4 minutes, torsion was recom- menced, increasing the strain in the usual way to keep lever at center. Broke with strain of 53.04 pounds, reached in 3 minutes 32 seconds. 242 TESTS OF HARDNESS. In order that the comparisons of the several kinds of steel, in respect tò hardness, should be freed from liability to error as far as practicable, a set of specimens (short pieces of gun-wires) was prepared by auneal- ing them together at the standard heat. They were tested in the Rodman machine, at the Washington navy- yard, the adjustment of the apparatus remaining the same throughout the experiments. The test applied consisted in determining the extent of the indenta- tions made in the several specimens by a pyramidal indenting-tool re- sembling the "cutter" of the Rodman pressure-gauge, under a uniform pressure of two thousand pounds. The proportions of the indenting-tool are such that the base of the pyramid is a rhomb, having its diagonals as one to seven in length, and its height about one-half the length of the shorter diagonal; or the relation of its dimensions may be more exactly stated as follows: Long diagonal, 607; short diagonal, 87; height, 42. After the indentations were made the pieces were carefully examined, and a few rejected on account of imperfections not visible before the experiment. When slight imperfections, not supposed to have material influence on the results, were found, the experiments are included in the table, with the proper remark. In none of these cases was any defect in the metal discovered where the indentation was made. The result of. the imperfections, if any, would of course be to lengthen the cut. The indenting-tool appears not to have suffered any change from use. TABLE 55.-TESTS OF HARDNESS, (Resistance to indentation.) [For explanation of marks, see pages 136 to 140.] Mark designating material. Length of cut under pressure of 2,000 pounds. Remarks. H W co 4 HW co .. 8 H W co 7 HW co 8 H W co 9 H W co 13 · Inches. 0.272 0.370 0.326 0.250 0.283 H W co 14 H W co 16 0.329 H W co 17 0.300 0. 313 0.315 Slight widening of surface on which indentation is made, detected. H W co 18 0.310 H W có 19 0.314 H W co 20 0.292 HW co 0.249 CH co 1 0.331 Slight widening of surface detected. CH co 2 0.334 CH có 3 CH co 4 C H co 5 C H co 6 CH co 7 · ❤ 0.332 0.278 0.369 0.326 Specimen not perfect. 0.340 Imperfection on opposite side. CH co 9 0.345 CH co (E F). 0.308 CH co SPR G 1.1. 0.360 CH co SPR G 3.2. 0.376 SPR 1 0.287 Imperfection at one corner. Probably has no effect. SPR 2 0.276 SPR 3 0.276 • SPR 4 0.254 · SPR 5 SPR 6 0.272 0.285 SPR 7 • 0.302 243 TABLE 55.-TESTS OF HARDNESS, &c.—Continued. Mark designating material. Length of cut under pressure of 2,000 pounds. Remarks. Inches. SPR 8 SPR 10 0.306 0.307 SPR 11 0.306 SPR 12 0.311 SPR 13 0.289 SPR 14 0.286 SPR 15 0.288 • SPR 16 0.282 SPR 17 0.278 SPR 18 0.294 · SPR 21 0.285 SPR 22 0.279 SPR 25 0.279 Not perfect in plane transverse to cut. SPR 27 0.270 SPR 29 0.277 SPR 31 0.307 SPR 32 0.301 SPR 36 0.345 SPR 37 0.329 SPR 38 0.327 SPR 39 0.318 SPR 40 0.307 SPR 41 0.320 SPR 42 0.287 SPR 43 0.302 - SPR 45 0.360 SPR 46 0.230 Slight widening of surface. SPR 47 0.284 SPR 48 0.294 SPR 49 0.311 Slight imperfection on the same side with indenta- tion; supposed not to affect it. SPR 50 0.299 SPR 51 0.307 SPR 52 0.306 SPR 53 0.320 SPR 51 0.307 SPR55 0.308 SPR 56 0.306 SPR 57 0.330 SPR 58 0.301 SP R 60 0.310 · SPR 61 0.306 Imperfect in plane transverse to cut. SPR 62 0.300 SPR 63 0.302 SPR 64 SPR 65 0.331 0.312 SPR 66 0 316 SPR 67 0.305 SPR 68 0.304 SPR 69 0.312 SPR 70 0.308 SPR 71 0.310 CS co 5. 0.285 Slight widening of surface. Cut not central. CS co 6. 0.296 CS co 7. 0.331 CS co 8. 0.294 CS co 9 0.253 CS co 10. CS co 11. C S co 12 CS co 13. C S co 14. 13... 0 248 0.285 0.268 0.273 0.262 C S co 15. 0.262 CS co 16... 0.263 CS co 17... 0.262 C S co 18... 0.264 P B co 1 0.351 P B co 2 0.316 PB co 3 0.333 PB co 4 0.305 M co 1 0.327 M co 2 0.300 - M co 3 M co 4 M co 5 0.244 0.308 · 0.366 Surface slightly widened. 244 - TABLE 55.-TESTS OF HARDNESS, &c.—Continued. Mark designating material. Length of cut under pressure of 2,000 pounds. Inches. 0.247 Remarks. T co 1.... T co 2.... T co 3... T co 6.. સત co 8... co 9.... T co 10... T co 11.. T co 13. T co 14... • · 0.257 0.271 0.258 0.263 0.250 0.248 0.255 0.244 0.251 T co 15.... 0.255 T co 16.... 0.262 NS co 1... 0.329 NS co 2... 0.307 NS co 3.... 0.330 NS co 4... 0.340 Slight widening of surface. NS co 5.. 0.345 NS co 6. 0.237 NS S co 7... 0.270 NS co 8.... 0.310 NS co 9.. 0.293 N S co 10. 0.288 N S co 11. 0.299 NS co 12.. 0.287 C co 1. 0.273 C co 2. 0.288 C co 5. 0.280 C co 6... 0.281 C co 7. 0.282 C co 8. 0.288 C co 9. 0.288 C co 16.. 0.268 C co 17. 0.289 € co 18... 0.305 C co 20... 0.278 J MOARFGP-SH B. 0.331 0.345 D 0.345 E 0.350 0.339 0.310 0.323 I. 0.355 Surface widened slightly. 0.316 K. 0.337 L 0.318 M 0.339 N 0.345 Slight widening of surface. 0 0.333 P 0.348 Q 0.341 'R 0.342 S 0.327 T 0.312 U 0.334 ▼ 0.324 W 0.341 X 0.342 Y. 0.339 Z 0.319 0.347 A A A B. A C... A D... AE A F AG A H 0: 324 0.307 • ⚫ 0.322 0.345 0.328 0.329 0.345 Surface slightly widened. AI 0.323 Ꭺ Ꭻ 0.338 A K 0.338 A L.. 0.325 AM. 0.337 245 TABLE 55.—TESTS OF HARDNESS, &c.—Continued. Mark designating material. Length of cut under pressure of 2,000 pounds. Remarks. Inches. AN.. A O... A P CF 0.326 0.346 0.347 0.315 CH. 0.308 • CJ C K BB... BN. Ᏼ Ꭱ . 0.307 0.286 0.283 0.279 0.283 Separately annealed; standard heat. A co 1... 0.297 . A co 2.... 0.283 A co 3... 0.290 A co 4.. 0.308 A co 6.. 0.281 A co 8 0.320 Slight imperfection. A co 10... 0.292 A co 11.. 0.257 A co 12. 0.269 A co 13... 0.265 A co 15... 0.283 A co 17.. 0.280 A co 18. 0.275 A co 19.. 0.292 A co 20... 0.260 A co 21.. 0.275 A co 22. 0.249 A co 23. 0.299 A co 24. 0.287 A co 25.. 0.307 A co 26.... 0.309 A co 28.. 0.301 A co 30.. 0.289 A co 31. 0.294 A co 32.. 0.281 A co 34. 0.257 A co 35. 0.256 A co 38. 0.269 A co 39.. 0.252 A co 40. 0.247 A co 43... 0.302 A co 44. 0.313 A co 47. 0.274 A co 48.. 0.302 A co 50... 0.281 A co 51... 0.299 A co 52. 0.313 A co 57. 0.288 A co 58... 0.304 A co 59.. 0.284 A co 61. 0.293 A co 64. 0.296 - A co 65... A co 66. 0.278 0.287 A co 67 0.284 A co 68... 0.285 A co 69. 0.307 A co 70. 0.296 A co 71. 0.280 A co 72... 0.303 A co 73.... 0.266 A co 74.. 0.300 A co 75.... 0.288 A co 76.... 0.300 A co 77... 0.298 A co 78... 0.288 A co 79.. 0.297 A co 80. 0.289 A. co 81. 0.272 A co 86.. 0.252 A co 87.. 0.257 A co 88.. 0.252 A co 89.. 0.266 -246. TABLE 55.—TESTS OF HARDNESS, &c.—Continued. Mark designating material. Length of cut under pressure of 2,000 pounds. Remarks. Inches. A co 90... 0.252 A co 91.. 0.282 A co 92... 0.242 A co 93. 0.263 A co 94... 0.248 A co 95. 0.255 A co 96... 0.273 A co 97... 0.285 A co 98... 0.281 A co 99... 0.280 A co 100. 0.284 A co 102... 0.274 A co 104... 0.265 A co 105..……. 0.279 A co 106... 0.277 A co 107. 0.282 A co 109... 0.268 A co 110... 0.277 . A co 112. 0.275 A co 114.... 0.278 A co 115. 0.265 A co 129.. 0.294 A co 130... 0.291 A co 132... 0.295 A co 135.. 0.298 A co 136. 0.300 A co 137. 0.291 A co 138. 0.306 A co 139... 0.283 A co 140.. 0.275 A co 141. 0.264 A co 142.. 0.281 A co 143... 0.270 A co 144.. 0.311 A co 145... 0.273 A co 146. 0.293 A co 147... 0.274 BES 3.... 0.289 BES 4.. 0.286 BES 16. 0.269 H co 1.... 0.287 H co 2 0.288 J co 1 0.284 J co 2 * 0.294 JBH Co. 0.285 E M co 1.... 0.265 EM co 2. 0.278 HE co 1 0.277 HE co 2 0.260 N co 1 S (c) 0.298 N co 1 T 0.266 N co 2 T 0.265 S B co 1.... 0.269 SB co 2. 0.286 12" B.... 0.349 } BOUND JAN 111940 UNIV. OF MICH. LIBRARY 1 " } : # 11 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00410 8521 、ུ; لت ; = "