||||||I|| liſt |I|| || || ºf Ill Iſſhi Ilir |I|| # IIIſ III] . n 3 9015 00351"; "g - * - - ! # (Jniversity of Michigan - BURR | NEW J.J." tº * | Romantic Asia. Sº # Act or incorporation, CONSTITUTION AND BY Laws | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TETTIINITIETETTITTEITIÐ TIHTIMITE ! !! !! !! !! • • • • • • • • • • • • • ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ſiliſiſſiſſilſiltilīIIIIIII·DIDELITTIVITET №, ºſº , , , ) → → → § Elmirºmºtºrºlºr.Intrºlltºrºlºrºit. tºº. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a = e = . . * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ſae ſiiliſiſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ k-& f 2,3- W4-> NEW jERSEY STATE sºa. F0m(EOpathic IAgdical Society ACT OF IN CORPORATION, CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS Medical ExaminéIS LAW Of 1890, A N D Registry of Homoeopathic Physicians *---ºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-sº-sº-º-º-º: .' WOODBURY, N. J.; HoRNBLow ER & BELL, PRINTERS, 1891. ACT OF INCORPORATION. AN ACT to incorporate the New Jersey State Homoeopathic- Medical Society. Passed February 9, 1870. - 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, that Doctors “J. J. Youlin, F. B. Mandeville, fE. A. Rockwith, F. Nichols, T.Y. Kinnie, † E. C. Webb, *R. M. Wilkinson, Wallace McGeorge, +A. P. Macomber, f W. H. Sanborne, Geo. W. Bailey, H. F. Hunt, C. J. Cooper, *Joseph Moore, *M. W. Wallins, E. R. Tuller, E. H. Phillips, L. Dennis, *D. E. Gardiner, *W. Ward, and their successors and associates shall be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, in law and in fact, by the name of “The New Jersey State Homoeopathic Medical Society,” and shall and may have and use a common seal and alter the same at their pleas- ure, and as such corporation possess all the powers and privileges, and be subject to the restrictions and liabili- ties contained in the act entitled “An Act concerning Corporations,” approved February the fourteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and the various supplements thereto. - - 2. And be it enacted, That the object of this Society shall be the advancement of the science of medicine and the protection of their legal rights. - 3. And be it enacted, That any one who is a graduate of a medical college or school authorized by law to con- fer degrees, may be proposed as a candidate for mem- bership, by satisfying the Board of Censors, that may be appointed by said corporation, of his good moral charac- *Deceased. tRemoved from State. I91809 k - 4. ter and suitable attainments in the theory and practice of medicine and surgery, and complying with provisions of such by-laws as said Society may from time to time adopt, may be a member of this Society. 4. And be it enacted, That the officers of the Society shall be a President, three Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Board of Censors, and such other officers as the Society may think proper from time to time to appoint, who shall hold their respective offices for such time as may be fixed by the by- laws of said Society. 5. And be it enacted, That the first meeting of said Society shall be held in Ilibrary Hall, at Newark, on the second Tuesday of April next, 1870, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when the regular officers of said society shalf be elected, and yearly thereafter at such time and place as the Society shall from time to time designate. - 6. And be it enacted, That the regular members of this Society shall have all the benefits and privileges that any duly licensed physician or surgeon now has or may here- after have under any laws of this State; and such Society shall have full power to establish and organize county and district societies in this State, and frame and regulate fee bills. - - 7. And be it enacted. That said corporation may hold real and personal estate to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars. - . 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. - CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. : This Society shall be called “The New Jersey State Homoeopathic Medical Society.” - ARTICLE II. () BJECT. The object of this Society shall be the advancement of the science of medicine, the mutual improvement of its members, and the protection of their legal rights. ARTICLE III. LAWS. The laws of the State of New Jersey regulating the practice of Medicine and Surgery shall be deemed a part of this Constitution. - - - _\.RTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP. This Society shall be composed of those physicians already members, and of such others in this State as may be hereafter duly chosen in conformity to its By-Laws, who, on signing this Constitution, and paying two dollars, shall receive a certificate of membership signed by the President. - ARTICLE V. {}}FFICERS. - The officers of this Society shall be a President, three Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Sec- retary, and a Treasurer, with such other officers as shall {} be designated by the By-Laws, to be chosen at such times, in such manner, for such periods, and with such duties as those By-Laws shall ordain. ARTICLE VI. SEAL. This Society shall have and use one common seal, with a suitable device and inscription. ARTICLE VII. AMENDMENTS. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of all the members present at any stated meeting; provided, that notice of such alteration or amendment shall have been given in writing at a previous stated meeting of the Society. BY-LAVVS. ARTICLE I. MEETINGS. The annual and semi-annual meetings of this Society shall be held at such time and place as may be agreed upon at the preceding meeting. Special meetings may be called by the presiding officer, whenever requested to do so by any three members of the Society; provided, that in his judgment the interests of the Society require them; and those special meetings may be held at any place designated by him. ARTICLE II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting in each year, by ballot, and the majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary to a choice. - - ARTICLE III. - TERM OF OFFICE. The duties of the officers elected at each annual meet- ing shall begin at the close of the meeting at which they are chosen, and the President-elect shall appoint the Bureaus and Committees for the current year. ARTICLE IV. DUTY OF PRESIDENT. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at the meetings of the Society, to preserve order therein, put all questions, announce the decisions, and appoint committees S not otherwise ordained, and also at his option to deliver a public address before the annual meeting of the Society. ARTICLE V. * DUTY OF WICE PRESIDENT. It shall be the duty of one (by seniority) of the Vice Presidents to perform the duties of the President in his absence. * ARTICLE VI. DUTY OF RECORDING SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a record of the proceedings of the meetings in a book pro- vided for that purpose, to give at least ten day's notice of the meetings to each member, and to take charge of all books and papers which may be committed to his care. and hand them over to his successor in office. ARTICLE VII. DUTY OF CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to answer all letters addressed to the Society, and to open ‘and conduct such correspondence as may tend to advance its interests. ARTICLE VIII. DUTY OF TREASURER, It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to notify members annually of all dues and assessments, to receive the noneys belonging to the Society, to make all necessary disbursements, to report annually, in writing, and to de- liver up to his successor all the books, papers, moneys, &c., in his care belonging to the Society, within thirty days after the annual meeting. ARTICLE IX. DUTY OF CENSORS. Five members shall constitute the Board of Censors, * $) whose duty shall be to receive recommendations of appli- cants for membership, and to whom satisfactory evidence must be given that they have complied with the laws of the State and the requirements of this Society, and possess proper credentials. ARTICLE X. CANE)] DATES, Any one who has studied medicine three full years, has attended two full courses of lectures, and is a graduate of a medical college or school authorized by law to confer degrees, may be proposed as a candidate for membership by satisfying the Board of Censors of his good moral character and suitable attainments in the theory and practice of Homoeopathy. Any one who has been practic- ing medicine since the year 1845, under a license regularly issued by the proper authorities of any organized Medical Society authorized by law to issue licenses, may apply for membership, but shall not be elected unless he receive the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members present, and any member of the Society may call for a yea and may vote on said application. - - ARTICLE XI. BUY REAU.S. SEC. 1. There shall be Bureaus for the improvement of Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Collateral Sciences, Surgery, Practice, Obstetrics, Gynoecology, Paedology, and Sanitary Science, consisting of three members each, to be annually appointed by the President. - SEC. 2. There shall also be similarly appointed a Bureau of Registration and Statisties, to consist of seven members, whose duty it shall be to keep a record, as far as possible, of the location of every homoeopathic physician in the State, of all changes of residence in, or removals from, the State, and of desirable openings for physicians looking for such. They shall also report, annually the condition of 1() t the public health in the State during the preceding year, and, when such information has not been noticed in the reports of the several Bureaus before mentioned, the causes, nature and treatment of any epidemics occurring during that time, all noteworthy medical facts and discov- eries, or remarkable cases of interest or profit to the pro- fession or the public. They shall also report all irregu- larities in practice, neglect or contempt of the laws, rules and regulations of this Society. They, with the chairman of the several other Bureaus, shall constitute a Committee on Publication of such matter as the Society shall dictate, or as shall be left discretionary with them. SEC, 3. There shall also be annually appointed a Ne- crologist, whose duty it shall be to notice, at the annual meeting, the decease of any member of this Society. w ARTICLE XII. * DUES. - It shall be the duty of each member to pay annually, in advance, one dollar to the Society, to defray its expenses; this must be paid the first year besides the initiation fee. of two dollars, as provided for in the Constitution. Any member removing from the state for a longer period than a year, or allowing his dues or assessments to remain unpaid for such term, shall be considered as having with- drawn from tho Society. ARTICLE XIII. TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. The general rules of Cushing's Manual shall be observed in debate and manner of transacting business, when there are no rules of the Society applicable to the subject. ARTICLE XIV. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The rules relating to the Order of Business may be varied at any time by a vote of the majority of the mem- bers present. -" " - T 1 ARTICLE XV. CODE OF ETHICS. The code of Ethics of the American Institute of Hom- ocopathy shall guide this Society in all matters of which it treats, and violations of its letter and spirit, after full and impartial examination, shall subject the offender, by a two-thirds vote of the Society, to censure, suspension or expulsion. - - ARTICLE XVI. AILTERATIONS. These By-Laws may be altered or amended by a vote of a majority of the members present at any meeting, pro- vided, that notice of such alteration or amendment has been given at a previous stated meeting of the Society. In effect from October 5, 1881. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Calling to order by the President, Vice President, or Secretary, and presentation of delegates’ certificates to Recording Secretary. 2. Calling Roll. Address of President. 4. Reading Minutes. 3 . Appointment of Committee on Nominations. 5 6. Report of Censors and Election of New Members. 7. Unfinished business, Reports of Committees, &c. 8. Reports and Communications from Auxiliary and Corresponding Bodies. * 9. Report of Treasurer. 10. New Business. 11. Reports of Bureaus and papers from same. 12. Local reports of prevailing diseases and their treat- ment. 13. Election of Officers. 14. Miscellaneous Business, * 15. Adjournment. CHAPTER CXC AN ACT To REGULATE THE PRACTICE or MEDICINE AND SURGERY, to LICENSE PHYSICIANs AND SURGEONs, AND TO PUNIshi PERSONS VIo LATING THE Provisions THEREOF. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the Governor shalf appoint a board of examiners, to be known as the state board of medical examiners; said board shall consist of nine members; the appointees shall be : persons of recognized professional ability and honor; the terms of office of said board shall be three years, or until their successors are appointed; provided, however, that the members of the board first appointed shall be divided into three clases, each class to con- sist of three persons; the first class shall hold office under said appointment for one year, the second for two years and the third for three years from the date of their appointment, and thereafter each member of said board shall be appointed for a term of three years; and provided further, that said board shall consist of five old school, three homºeopaths and one eclectic; it is further provided, that no thember of said board shall serve more than two terms in succes- sion; no member of any college or university having a medical tlepartment shall be appointed to serve as a member of said board. 2. And be it enacted, That said board of medical examiners shall elect a president, a secretary and a treasurer; it shall have a com- imon seal, and the president shall be empowered to administer Qaths in taking testimony upon any matter pertaining to the duties of said board; said $º shall hold meetings for examina- tions at the capitol building of this state, the second Thursday of January, April, July and October of each year, and at such other times and places as the board shall deem expedient; said board shall keep an official register of all applicants for examination for a license to practice medicine and surgery in this state; said regis- ter for license shall show the name, age and last place of residence of each candidate, the time he or she has spent in medical study in or out of medical school, and the names and locations of all medical schools which have granted said applicant any degree or certificate of attendance upon lectures in medicine; said register shall also show whether such applicant was rejected or licensed under this act; said register shall be prima facie evi- dence of all matters therein contained. - - 14 3. And be it enacted, That all persons hereafter commencing the practice of medicine or surgery, in any of its branches in this state. shall apply to said board of medical examiners for a license so to do; applicants for examination shall be divided into three classes, to wit: first, persons graduated from a legally chartered medical school not less than five years before the date of applica- tion for the license; second, all other persons graduated from a legally chartered medical school; and third, medical students tak- ing a regular course of medical instruction; applicants of the first class shall submit to examination upon the following named branches, to wit: materia medica and therapeutics, obstetrics and gynecology, practice of medicine, surgery and surgical anatomy; those of the second and third classes shall submit to examination upon anatomy, physiology, chemistry, pathology, materia medica and therapeutics, histology, hygiene, practice of medicine, Surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, diseases of the eye and ear, medical jurisprudence and such other branches as the board may deem advisable; the questions for examinations of applicants of the first and second classes shall be the same in branches common to both; said board shall not license applicants of the second and third classes after January first, one thousand eight hundred and nine- ty-two, until satisfactory proof is furnished that the applicant has studied medicine and surgery three years, is of good moral char- acter and over twenty-one years of age; applicants of the third class, after they shall have studied medicine and surgery for at least two years, may be examined upon the following named branches, to wit: Anatomy, physiology, chemistry, histology and pathology, and materia medica and therapeutics; if said examination is satis- factory to all the members of said board it may issue a certificate that the applicant has passed a final examination in these branches, and such a certificate, if presented by the applicant, when he or she shall make application to practice, shall be accepted by said bord in lieu of an examination in those branches; all examinations shall be both scientific and practical, but of sufficient severity to test the candidate's fitness to practice medicine and surgery. 4. And be it enacted, That all examinations must be in writing; in all examinations the questions and answers must be, except in materia medica and therapeutics, such as can be answered in com- mon by all schools of practice; and if the applicant intends to practice homoeopathy or electicism, the º: or members of said board of those schools shall examine said applicant in materia medica and therapeutics; if said examination is satisfactory, the board shall issue a license, entitling the applicant to practice medi- cine in this state; the votes of all examiners shall be by yes or no, and written, with their signatures upon the backs of the examina- 15 tion papers of each candidate for the respective branches; a license shall not issue in any case unless the applicant passes an examina- tion satisfactory to all the members of said board; said examination apers shall be kept on file by the secretary of said board, and shall É. prima facie evidence of all matters therein contained; any appli- cant refused a license by said board for failure on examination may appeal from the decision of said board to the appointing power thereof, who may thereupon appoint a medical committee of review, consisting of three members, one from each school of medicine, who shall examine the examination papers of the said applicant, and from them determine whether a license should issue, and their decision shall be final; if said commission by an unami- mous vote reverse the determination of the board, the board shall thereupon issue a license to the applicant; the expense of said appeal shall be borne by the applicant; all licenses shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board and shall be attested by the seal thereof; the fee for examination shall be fifteen dollars for each applicant of the first and second classes, and twenty dollars for each applicant of the third class; it shall be paid to the tº." of the board and applied toward defraying the expenses thereof. -- 5. And be it enacted, That the board may, by an unanimous vote, refuse to grant, or may revoke, a license for the following causes, to wit: chronic and persistent inebriety, the practice of criminal abortion, conviction of crime involving moral turpitude, or for publicly advertising special ability to treat or cure dieases, which, in the opinion of said board, it is impossible to cure; in complaints for violating the provisions of this section, the accused person shall be furnished with a copy of the complaint, and given a hearing before said board, in person or by attorney. 6. And be it enacted, That the person so receiving said license, shall file the same, or a certified copy thereof, with the clerk of the county in which he or she resides, and said clerk shall file said certificate or copy thereof, and enter a memorandum thereof, giving the date of said license and the name of the person to whom the same is issued, and the date of said filing, in a book to be provided and kept for that purpose; and for which registry the said county clerk shall be entitled to demand and receive from each person registering the sum of fifty cents; in case a person so licensed shall so move into another county of this state, he or she shall procure from the said clerk a certified copy of said license, and then file the same with the clerk in the county to which he or she shall remove; said clerk shall file and enter the same with like effect as if the same was the original license, and for which registry the said county clerk shall be entitled to demand and receive the sum of fifty cents. : | (; 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall not apply to commis- sioned surgeons of the United States army, navy, or marine hos- pital service, or to regularly licensed pysicians or surgeons in actual consultation from other states or territories, or to regularly licensed physicians or surgeons actually called from other states or territories to attend cases in this state, or to any person now en- titled to practice medicine in this state. 8. And be it enacted, That any person shall be regarded as prac- ticing medicine or surgery, within the meaning of this act, who shall append the letters M. D. or M. B. to his or her name, or pre- scribe, for the use of any person or persons, any drug or medicine or other agency for the treatment, cure or relief of any bodily injury, infirmity or disease; this act shall not apply to dentists in the legitimate practice of their profession. 9. And be it enacted, That any person hereafter commencing the practice of medicine or surgery in this state without first having obtained the license therein provided for, or contrary to the pro- visions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars or not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jºil for a period of not less than ten, nor more than ninety days, or both fine and imprisonment; it shall be the duty of the respective county attorneys to prosecute violations of the provisions of this act. - 10. And be it enacted. That the expenses of said board and of the examinations, shall be paid from the license fees above provided for, and if any surplus remain, the same may be distribu- ted among the members of said board as a compensation for their services as members, but otherwise they shall receive no compen- sation whatever. - - 11. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts, general or special, now existing, not in accordance with the provisions of this act, or inconsistent here with, are hereby repealed. Approved May 12th, 1890. REGISTRY O F THE FOMOEOPATHIC, PHYSIGIANS OF • N EVV J EFSEY. Compiled under the direction of the Bureau of • Registration and Statistics of the New Jersey State Homoeopathic Medical Society. A894. REGISTER, ATLANTIC CO. ABSECON, Lyon, M Hahn, Phila. - - ATCO. Hoverder, J. I. Hahn, Phila. - - ATLANTIC CITY. Baily, Alfred William Hahn, Phila. Crosby, Geo. W. N. Y. Hom. Med. Fleming, John R. Hahn, Phila. Garsides, Wm. B. N. Y. Hom Med. Miller, Mary Woman’s Col & Hos, N. Y. Munson, M. L. Hahn, Phila. Sooy, W. C. Hahn, Phila. Youngman, Maurice D. N. Y. Hom Med. - HAMMONTON. Beiling, Theo. G. Hahn, Phila. BERGEN CO. ENGLEW O&OD Baldwin, D. A. - TJIniy of N. Y. Best, Geo. Bethune N. Y. Hom. HACKENSACK. Adams, Chas. F., A. M. N. Y. Hom. Harris, Nelson A. N. Y. Hom. - RUTHERFord. § Hollister, H. H. . Long Island Hospital. 1889 1884 1886 1878 1882 1868 1878 1890 1890 1880 1886 1849 1887 1884 1881 1873 williams, S. Mathur Currie, Joseph J. Roberts, James V. Tebo, Levi D. Reed, J. Osmand, Rink, E. F. Shreve, Joseph Wright, William E. Calver, G. W. H. Moke, J. Anton Whitehead, J. G. L. Weiler, Harry R. Ironside, A. S. Sharp, E. B. Clay, Geo. B. L. Matson, Alfred Wilson, Pusey Branin, Jno. Walker Carey, Sam', 19 BURLINGTON CO. BEACH Haven. Hahn, Phila. BEVICRLY. Hom, Pa. Hahn, Phila. RöRDENTOWN. Hahn, Phila. B (JRH,INGTON. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. Med and Surg, Phila. Hahn, Phila. COLUMB U.S. Eclectic, Pa. CROSSW HC KS. Hom, Pa. Hom, Pa., '68, Univ Pa. I) ELAN CO. Hahn, Phila. F.I.ORENCE. Hahn, Phila. MARLTON. Hahn, Phila. MOORESTOWN. Holm, Pa. Hahn, Phila. Hom, Pa. AIT'. HOLLY. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. 1872 1866 1872 1872 1884 1877 1866 1890 1862 1868 1852 1883 1889 1876 1853 1888 1878 20 VanDerveer, Geo. W. Whitehead, W. W. Sharp, Lewis. L. Woodruff, W. L. - Hall, Harrison B. Phillips, E. H. CAPE MAY COURT Leaming, Jonathan Way, Eugene Hutchinson, Thos. C. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. PALMYRA., Hahn, Phila. PEMBERTON. Hahn, Phila. RIVERTON. - Hom, Pa. CAPE MAY CO. CAPE MAY, Hahn, Phila. HOUSE. Jefferson, Phila. DENNISVILLE. Jefferson, Phila. WILD’WOOD, Hahn, Phila. CUMBERLAND CO. Moore, Jno. H. Streets, J. G. Streets, D. R. Hubbard. Charles H. Jones, Edwin H. Swinney, John G. Beck, Judson Lee Tuller, Emory R. BRIDGETON. Univ, Phila. Hom, Phila. Univ, Pa., '80, Hahn., Pa. MILLVII, LE, Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. SHILoB. Hahn, Phila. WINELAND. Boston University. Hom, Cleveland. 1872 1881 1888 1882 1869 1868 1846 1879 1878 1880 1866 1881 1883 1889 1879 1878 1862 21 CAMDEN CO. Andrews, Purnell W. Blackwood, Thomas R. Cooper, Clark J. DuBois, Wm. G. Eaton, Frederick M. Fortiner, George R. Fortiner, Ida T. Griffith, Annie E. Howard, E. Melville |Hunt, W. H. Hunt, Henry F. Leckner, John D. Middleton, M. F. Moslander, Wm. S. Quint, Silas H. Smith, S. Bryan Tullis, Eli R. Wallace, Clarence J. Williams, W. C. Woodward, George D. McGill, Edward K. Artz, Gerome L. CAM DEN. Hom, Pa. Hahn, Phila. Hom, Pa. Hahn, Phila. FIahn, Phila. Hahn, Pa., '87, Med, Pa. Penn Med Univ. Woman's, N. Y. Hahn, Phila. Harvard, Mass. Hom, Pa. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. IHahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. COLLINGS WOOI). Hahn, Phila. I} UF).L.E.Y. Hahn, Phila. HADDONFIELD. Shivers, Bowman H. Williams, Frank E. Hinson, J. M. George, James A. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. MERCHANTVILLE, Hahn, Phila. NoFTH CRAMRRs’ HILL. Hahn, Phila. 1867 1870 1868 1880 1889 1879 1879 1874 1877 1864 1864 1873 1868 1889 1873 1888 1879 1889 1877 1884 1880 1881 1888 1879 1886 1889 22 ESSEX CO. BLOOMFIELD, Wilson, John E. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1883 CALDWIELL. Laine, Edmund R. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1868 EAST ORANGE. Blakelock, G. Clinton. N. Y. Hom. 1878 Blakelock, Ralph Univ Med Coll N. Y. 1860 Condict, Alice B. Hom Med Coll, Chicago. 1883 Dowling, George B. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1886 Durrie, Wm. A. Yale Med School. 1846 Gile, Francis A. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1875 Women's Med Coll of Gould, E. J. T. N. Y. Infirmary. 1873 Groves, Charles A. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1881 HILTON. Brown, Phoebe D. N. Y. Hom Coll for Women 1885 - MONTCLAIR. - Butler, Clarence W. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1872 Nelden, Andrew N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1887 Shelton, Charles H. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1880 NEWARK. Anderson, H. J. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1875 Andrews, Wm. J. Med Coll of Ohio. 1865 N. Y. Eclectic. 1885 tº a ſº gº ſ Bachman, Charles H. UHom Coll Anhalt Coethen 1880 Baker, Walter S. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1863 Baldwin, Theodore H. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1875 Baruch, Solomon N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1876 Bemiss, E. H. N. Y. H. M. Coll. 1886 Dennis, Laban Coll Phy & Surg, N.Y. 1866 Everitt, Edward N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1879 Friess, Frederick N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1875 Gruber, Frank Munich, Bavaria 1886 Harmon, George W. Hahn Med Coll, Phila. 1884 23 Howe, Edwin J. Coll Phy and Surg, N. Y. 1873 N. Y. Med Coll & Hosp. Knudsen, Harriet L. for Women. 1886 * * N. Y. Med Coll. 1862 Mandeville, Fred. B. | N. Y. Hom Med Coll, 1863 Mandeville, Fred. A. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1887 Mulholland, John K. Hahn, Chicago. § 1878 Schilling, William Gottingen, Germany. 1854 Sleght, B. H. B. Hahn Med, Phila. 1882 Thayer, Alfred I. N. Y. Horn Med Coll. 1887 Woodruff, Franklin C. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1887 - - ORANGE. Moffat, Edgar V. N. Y. Hom Med Col. 1879 Richards, George W. Coll Phy and Surg, N. Y. 1853 Richards, G. Herbert N. Y. Hom Med Coll. 1885 Seward, John L. Hahn, Phila. 1873 {e N.Y. Med Coll and Hosp Spottiswoode, Sarah C. for Women. 1886 ROUTH ORANGE. - - y N. Y. Med Coll and Hosp is Forbes, Lucy S. for Women. 1881 Morrison, Caldwell N. Y. Hom Med Coll 1889 - VERONA. Wynans, Henry D. University, N. Y. 1850 - GLOUCESTER CO. HRIDGEPORT, - Currie, Margaret H. U. S. Med College, N. Y. 1886 CLAYTON. Duffell, Charles Jefferson, Phila. 1862 - - & LASSBORQ. - Iszard, Howard Hahn, Phila. 1879 Iszard, Jacob Hahn, Phila. 1870 MANTUA. Chew, Edmund Hahn, Phila. 1876 24 Carr, Henry H. Pounds, Wm. H. Grimshaw, Oliver Musgrove, John F. Abbott, Clarence G. Glover, William A. McGeorge, Wallace Parker, T. Elwood Myers, Samuel J. Atwell, David R. Brokhaus, Maria, A. Clauson, Bernard Nichols, Frank Nichols, Harry F. Saltonstall, Gilbert D. Aldridge, Matilda H. Bance, M. Edith Harrison Bowen, Eleazer, Bowen, Horace Broughton, L. D. Clark, S. Wellman Cornell, John DeHart, Mrs. Madonna Durrie, William A. Jr. Fernuld, Mrs. Sarah E. DeHart MüLLICA HILL. Hahn, Phila. PA U LSBO'RO. Hahn, Phila. Swed ESBORO. Hahn, Phila. Hom, Pa. WOODBURY. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. Hom, Pa. Hahn, Phila. HUDSON CO. BAYoNNE. Coll of Phys & Surg, N. Y. JHOBOREN. N. Y. Hom Coll. N. Y. Coll for Women. N. Y. Hom Coll. Hom, Pa. N. Y. Hom COH. N. Y. University. JERSEY CITY. . Y. Coll for Women. I. Y. Coll for Women. Berkshire College. N. Y. Hom College. N. Y. Hom Coll. N. Y. Hom Coll. N. Y. Hom Coll. N. Y. Hom Coll. N. Y. Coll for Women. N. Y. Coll for Women. 1885 1886 1890 1853 1879 1876 1868 188() 1878 1885 1889 1889 1861 1887 1852 1887 1899 1854 1889 1882 1881 1889 1868 1878 1869 25 Finerty, Joseph W. Grinnell, Mrs. A. S. Harder Geo. W. Hoffman, James Hollister, Samuel A. Jaeckel, C. E. Lockwood, Hilliard L. McNeil, C. Holmes Mitchell, Mary E. Nevin, William R. Nevin, J. L. Newell, Mrs. Jennie W. Newell, William H. Opdyke, Charles P. Opdyke, Levings A. Poole, Louis E. Putman, Charles E. Pyle, Edwin W. Pyle, William L. Simmons, Harris R. Snyder, Charles F. Tibbles, George N. N. Y. Hom Coll. N. Y. Coll for Women. N. Y. Holm Coll. Hahn, Phila. Cleveland Hom Coll, N. Y. Hom Coll. N. Y. Hom Coll. N. Y. Hom Coll . Y. Coll for Women. . Hom Coll. , Hom Coll. . Y. Coll for Women. niversity, Penn. . Y. Hom Coll. . Hom Coll. . Hom Coll. . Hom Coll. ersity, Penn. . Hom Coil. . Hom Coll. ; ; § |W ; Ill V i § H O II) C Ol N.Y. Hom Coil. HUNTERDON CO. Burd, T. B. J. FLEMINGTON, Hahn, Phila. HIGH BRIDGE. Schuyler, Richard N. N. Y. Hom Coll, LAMBERTVILLE. - Swift, Geo. P. Lowe, John N. Boston University, Mass. MILFORD. N. Y. University. MERGER CO. HIGHTSTOWN, Johnson, Jos. P. Hom, Pa. 1889 1885 1890 1885 1886 1884 1879 1872 1890 1887 1878 1887 1859 - 1889 1885’ 1890 1886 1873 1887 1877 1887 1867 1871 1881 1877 1862 1867 26 HOPEWELL, Miller, John A. Eclectic, Pa. TRENTON. Boardman, Jos. C. N. J. Med Soc. Cooper, Isaac Hahn, Phila. Cooper, James R. Jeff, Pa., '85, Hahn, Pa. Gerry, Chas. Wm. Boston Univ. Griffith, W. H. G. Hahn, Phila. McCullough, W. G. Hahn, Phila. Rogers, Wm. T. Hahn, Phila. Satterthwaite, Jos. H. Hahn, Phila. Williams, Frank H. Univ, Penn. Worthington, A. H. Hom, Pa. JWorthington, H. R. Hahn, Phila. MIDDLESEX CO. NEW BRUNSWICK. Applegate, G. T. Hahn, Chicago. Barber, Edward H. N. Y. Hom Coll. Long, Samuel Hahn, Pa., PERTH AMBOY, Hults, E. Arthur Hahn, Phila. SAYRE WILLE. Beekman, Jesse H. Hahn, Chicago. §OUTH AMBOY. Zeitler, A. E. Hom, Pa. MONMOUTH CO. ASBURY PARK. Garrison, Henry W. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. • Griswold, William N. Y. Hom Med Coll. Keator, Bruce S. N.-Y. Hom Med Coll. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. Fay, George D. Hahn, Phila. 1864 1845 L868 1886 1878 1872 1878 1885 1883 1874 1861 1886 1883 1877 1873 1886 1887 1866 1878 1886 1881 1881 27 Rimball, Walter T. Bevin, wn. A. Ballentime, Allen D. Currie, Geo. H. Herbert, Ralph W. Hinman, Richard E. Hasbrouck, Stephen Alddy, John H. Alday, Henry E. Cary Cora E. Clarke, J. C. Dunning, Thomas S. Hetrick, J. H. W. Humphreys, Frederick, Tantum, Percy L. Wilds, Thomas EATONTOWN. N. Y. Hom Med Coll FREEHOLD. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. KEYPORT. Hahn, Pa. Hahn, Phila. MANASQUAN. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. N.Y. Hom Med Coll OCEAN GROVE. Hom. Pa. Univ. Penn. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. Hahn, Phila. Hom, Pa. Hom. Pa. Jefferson, Pa. N. Y. Hom Med Col. RED BANK. Lackett, Edgar W. Hahn, Phila. Marsden, George F. Hahn, Phila. Reeves, Joseph M. Hahn, Phila. Shemp, P. S. Hahn, Phila. Trafford, Alfred F. Hahn, Phila. MORRIS CO. BOONTON. Woodruff, Marietta H. o for Women. N. Y. Med Coll & Hosp 1863 1868 1886 1880 1881 1888 1868 1856 1882 1882 1888 1870 1876 1850 1886 1876 1882 1866 1877 1879 1876 1874 28 DOVER, Bennett, Robert A. N. Y. Hom Coll. Ford, Mary C. N. Y. Med. Coll & Hosp for Women. GERMAN WALLEY. Hann, Peter S. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. MORRISTOWN. Bradford, F. Standish Jefferson, Pa. Hoffman, Joseph R. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. Ubelacker, Arnim N. Y. Hom Med Coll. PASSAIC CO, LITTLE FALLS, Gedney, J. W. R. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. |PASSAIC. Church, Chas. A. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. DeBaun, Edwin N. Y. Hom Med Coll. Ricardo, Norton C. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. PATERSON. Bradsworth, John H. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. Crooks, James N. Y. Hom Med Coll. N. Y. Med Coll & Hosp. Carr, Ada for Women. Decker, Wm. F. - Hopper, C. Percy N. Y. Hom Med Coll. Kinne, Porter Spaulding N. Y. Hom Med Coll. Kinne, Theodore Y. Albany Med Coll. Vreeland, Frank D. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. SALEM Co. fºLiºſ ER. Cheeseman, J. P. Hahn, Phila. 1874 1875 1883 1858 1883 1871 1869 1871 1885 1869 1881 1887 1882 1883 1872 1862 1879 1879 29 OLDMANS’ TownshLP. Given, Jas. B. Hahn, Phila. sALEM. i Beckett, A. T. Hahn, Phila. Jackson, Henry Hahn, Phila. WOOD STOWN. Barnart, Newton B. Hahn, Phila. Souder, Philip G. Hahn, Phila. SOMERSET CO. Bound Brook. Davis, Edwin T. Hahn, Phila. NORTH PLAIN FIELD. Adams, Daniel C. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. SOMERWILLE, Kenney, Arthur N. Y. Hom Med Col. SUSSEX, CO. A NID OVER. Clark, J. C. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. NEWTON. Wm. Henry Lewis, Bellevue Hosp Coll. UNION CO. CRANFORD. Bowen, Eleazer, Cleveland Hom Coll. - ELIZABETH, Bailey, G. W. Hom, Pa. Banker, P. A. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. Brown, L. R. Hom, Pa. 1890 1873 1882 1889 1875 1882 1890 1884 1885 1865 1883 1862 1879 1864 30 Burpeam, Josephine I. Crouthers, Anna J. Leary, Joanna G. Younglove, John Winans, J. E. Davis, T. S. Griffen, John F. Jenkins, Olin L. Keeney, Sarah Lowrie, Henry H. Page, Rebecca Rushmore, Edward Holmes, Chas. B. McConaughy, Francis Smith, T. V. Lefferts, Frank P. Martin, Alden E. West, Eugene G. West, Heston R. McKinstry, Frank P. N. Y. Med Coll and Hosp for Womem. N. Y. Med Coll and Hosp for Women. Hom, St. Louis, Mo. LYoss FARM. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. PLAINFIELD. Hahn, Phila. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. N. Y. Med Coll. & Hosp for Women. Georgetown Univ, D. C. Jefferson, Phila. RAHIWAY. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. WESTFIELD. N.Y. Hom Med Coll. N. Y. Hom Med Coll. WARREN CO. BELVIDERE. Hahn, Phila. HACKETTSTOWN. Hahn, Phila. PHILLIPsburg. Hahn, Chicago. Hahn, Chicago. washington. Hahn, Phila. 1885 1882 1887 1861 1875 1884 1873 1876 1874 1863 1872 1874 1890 1873 1878 1876 1883 1883 1878 s } i * BH . MEMBERS OF THE State Examining FBOard H. C. HENDRY, M. D., NEwARK. - HENRY G. WAGONER, M. D., Somerville. A. H. WORTHINGTON, M. D., TRENTON. WM. L. NEWELL, M. D., MILLv11.L.E. EUGENE TIESLER, M. D., ORANGE. WM. PERRY WATSON, M. D.; JERsky City. D. R. ATWELL, M. D., HobokEN. GEO. W. BROWN, M. D., LoNG BRANCH. ARMIN UBELACKER, M. D., MoRRISTown. OFFICERS (890-91 WM. L. NEWELL, M. D. PRESIDENT. WM. PERRY WATSON, M. D., SECRETARY. A. H. WORTHINGTON, M. D., TREASURER. For Time of Examinations apply to the Secretary. -.*,' , ! |-ș, ,- ... -- ſºº “”--: •... :~~~~ ~ ! ----· - :-- ---- » —… ), „--~~~~*~·|-·|-- - --, , , . -.- _ —-…....…. -----~--~--~-, . ?, --· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·، ، ، ، ، -_…:… • * * * *---…re-ºº-sae!---* * *,- - - - - -~ . . . . . . . . ---· --··… * & * · **** —- ----, ,- - -- -' ?- |-· · · · · · · · ·×.! ». Lae-rºrº“-·- -·|--· ·- -|--§ . . . . . . . ”T: ': , : ,- ----iſ . .-, „ ... ;-) ---- » ~ *******',* - ,- ---- ~27. ^ . . •- - -• - , : ,· ·. . . . . . . . ******, . . . … ... --º--º-**** --|- ·-- . ', , , ,. . . . . . . ·-·, ,-, , , ; * ~~~~-, ,-- ~ . . . · - , ... * ºr Mulu