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UUS SIN . . .. . . - : . . 2 CE . -. ...më. . ... ..... . :. . . . - 6 PRAN ONNIS NONO a car achy N dear ho acombe I te ureng lorun out of help you to strow, it U take care to be a time for Beren o'verden his less T . gosloob Pole. 21 1 ! Pro . YOR. . . . 1 .1 TO IVANT 71'./ 2 OOO ... Cum . NE Quis Suun SO HU fohn Pole: Names of Quarterings. ARMS:--1. POLE. 2. BEARTON. 3. CAPENHURST. 4. POLE. 5. ANGY. 6. MONT- BÉRY. 7. ANIDON. 8. DE LA MARE. 9. OKEBEARE. 10. BONVILLE. 11. De LA FORD. 12. ORWEY. 13. ESSE. 14. OFWELL. 15. HAVERING. 16. PERIAM. 17. BRANCH. 18. HONE. See page 212. THE PUBLICATIONS OF The Harleian Society. ESTABLISHED A.D. MDCCCLXIX. 12 ANTHERS AUTAN L. OMVO V M LORY OF :! Wii / Lotha ARE THE Volume UX. FOR THE YEAR MDCCCLXXII. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND CO., LITTLE QUEEN Street, Lincoln's Inn fields. 1 tempia The Visitation of the County of Devon ¥n the Year 1620. EDITED BY FREDERIC THOMAS COLBY, B.D., F.S.A. Praesennio suonas cosas, 20, 28A FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD. LONDON: 1872. h Resent for heate At a Meeting of the Council of the HARLEIAN SOCIETY, held at 8, Danes Inn, London, W.O., on the 16th day of March, 1871, the Hon. HENRY ROPER- CURZON in the Chair, it was resolved that, “The VISITATIONS OF OXFORDSHIRE AND NOTTINGHAMSHIRE be followed. by the VISITATION OF DEVONSHIRE, to be edited by FREDERICK THOMAS COLBY, B.D., F.S.A.” Preface. - THE Harleian MSS. 1163–1164, in the British Museum, contain the original drafts of the Visitation of Devon which was carried out in 1620 by Henry St. George and Sampson Lennard under Camden’s direction. Those docu- ments, in the handwriting of the heralds themselves, are for the most part signed at the foot of each pedigree by the then head of the family, or by some one on his behalf. In MS. 1163 they are also marked thus # in red chalk, as a direction to the transcriber, and in both MSS. with the word “Entered,” also in red chalk, to show that they had been duly copied out. These MSS. appear to be the most authentic record of the Visitation which is attainable, and have been followed in the present publication.* After Lennard's death his papers fell into the hands of a Mr. Henry Parker, who made certain additions respecting his own family and others, which are easily recognizable by the handwriting. In the case of these and similar additions, the parts supposed to rest on inferior authority are printed in italics. The Editor has endeavoured scrupulously to retain the exact spelling both of names and places, but it has been thought unnecessary to follow minute variations in ordinary words of constant occurrence. Instead of writing at one time “eldest sonne and heire," at another, “first son,” and so on, a uniform system has been mainly adopted, and the ordinary and well- * Some years ago two parts of a valuable work, entitled “Devonshire Pedigrees,' was published by Mr. John Tuckett (J. R. Smith, Soho Square). This was based upon the Visitation of 1620, but contained also large additions from the earlier Visitations, from Westcote and Pole, and occasionally from private information. The pedigrees of different branches of a family were combined in one general one, discrepancies sometimes reconciled, and mistakes corrected. The two volumes, however, which Mr. Tuckett issued left by far the greater part of the Visitation untouched. The plan of the work was essentially different from that of the present edition, the object of which is simpler, viz. to make acces- sible the most authentic materials for family history in the rough shape in which they were first recorded. The variations and blunders in spelling and other inaccuracies appear to give an air of genuineness to the whole which one would be sorry to destroy. PREFACE. known abbreviations have been employed. For convenience of reference and comparison, it has also been thought advisable to print the pedigrees in alphabetical order. The names at the head of each pedigree have been given according to the spelling adopted by the person signing at the foot, the signatures below being in all cases inserted where they occur, and printed in Roman capitals. With regard to the extracts from ancient deeds, the text where legible has been given as it stands in the MS., though in some places obviously incorrect, but words written in abbreviated form have generally been printed at full length, for greater clearness. A very fine copy of the Visitation of 1620 is preserved in the College of Arms, and another in the British Museum, Harl. MS. 1080.* The latter copy was made by a Mr. John Withie, a painter-stainer of London. He appears not to have had access to the pedigrees contained in MS. 1164, but has faithfully, and for the most part correctly, transcribed the rest, and made additions of his own. He has made careful drawings of the Arms of the different families, and supplied a list of persons disclaimed. In the second part of his book he has also copied Harvey's Visitation of 1565. Though none of Withie's additions have been here incorporated with the text, great use has been made of his work. In the original we rarely find any notice of the Arms, though sometimes, it is true, a rough sketch or the blazon is given ; and in MS. 1164 more elaborate drawings are found in certain cases, especially of the seals of Boroughs. Whatever information was supplied by the original, has of course been used in the first instance, but, as this would not go far, the blazon of Arms has been given according to the drawings in trick of MS. 1080, the names of the families to which the various quarterings belonged being added by the Editor. No Arms are given in that MS. for some families which undoubtedly bore Arms. It being one main object of the Editor to make as clear as possible the exact autho- rity on which the statements rest, he has designedly confined himself to the information supplied by the MS., except in the case of names attached to quarterings. It has been already mentioned that the Pedigrees of MS. 1164 are not in MS. 1080, and so the Arms of those families are not given here, except when supplied by the original MS. (1164). From MS. 1080, the list of persons * In MS. 5054 in the Bodleian Library there is a curious document purporting to be taken from the Visitation of Devon in 1620. It is a licence from the king to a certain Stephen Tucker, gent., to “wear his bonnet” on all occasions, on account of his infirmities. In Queen's College Library (Oxford) there is a valuable MS. from the collection of Sir W. Pole, probably compiled by Ralph Brooke, York Herald (1608), containing extracts from ancient deeds in proof of Devonshire pedigrees. It consists of 280 ff. At Cambridge there is an imperfect copy of the Visitation of 1620, with various notes and additions, and in poor preservation, in the library of Caius College. PREFACE. vii disclaimed, and the pedigrees contained in the Supplement have been ex- tracted. With regard to the Supplement, some further explanation is neces- sary. The Editor found in MS. 1080, at the end of the 1620 Visitation, two pedigrees, “Whicker” and “Bruton," which were not in the original, but one of which was clearly dated to 1620. In the other part of the book, which properly belonged to the earlier Visitation, he found others also dated down to 1620, or beyond; and, further, had reason to believe that some of these were contained in the copy at the College of Arms, C. 1. He at first intended not to go beyond the original, but, on the whole, it seemed better to print these additional pedigrees, but separately, as resting on different authority. All those, therefore, which are dated to 1620 or beyond, and all which relate to families believed to have been still existing in the county at the date 1620, are thus subjoined. For special reasons one or two more, which do not answer to these conditions, have been inserted; that of Mr. John Withie, for instance, who wrote out the MS. It may be convenient to mention the names of such other families as are there recorded : Alway. Farringdon. Marwood. Babington. Fitz. Noble. Beaple. Gale. Perry. Bishop. Godwyn. Popham. Bonville. Gove. Pyne. Bowerman Handcocke. Rawleigh. Browne. Hengescott. Servington. Budockshide. Holbeame. Seward. Charles. Hooker. Slader. Churchill. Howper. Staveley. Daviles. Hull. Stretchleigh. Dodham. Kaynell. Waller. Edmonds. Keynesham. Wyvell. Eston. Knollis. Yerworth. Eveleigh. Marshall It only remains to say a few words about the older Visitations. The ori- ginal of Benolte's Visitation in 1531 is in the College of Arms, MS. H. 18. An old copy, with drawings of Arms and an Ordinary, is in the Bodleian Library at Oxford (Gough MS.). The copy in the British Museum (Add. MSS. 14,315) is beautifully written, but full of mistakes ; it is in the narra- tive form. Of Harvey's Visitation (1562–5) there are several copies, more or less perfect, in the British Museum; some in the narrative form, and some mere fragments. Appended to MS. 5871 is a collection of armorial bearings neatly drawn, with names and notes of considerable interest. The following references to the different copies of the earlier Visitation of 1562–5 in the British Museum, may be of use: viii PREFACE. Harl. MS. 3288 f. 25 5185 1567 1399 5840 5871 1091 , 1080 f. 364 Add. MSS. 14,288. The Editor desires to acknowledge special obligation to his friends Sir John Maclean, F.S.A., and George E. Adams, Esq., F.S.A., Lancaster Herald, and to John Davidson, Esq., for the elaborate index which he has so kindly supplied. List of Pedigrees. PAGE PAGE PAGE · er 56 . . . . 59 . Eco Os convoor or A H con 60 . CKEMOORE . . . . · . . . · . . · ABBOTT . . . . . . BERYE. . . . 54 . . . CHICHESTER . . . . . ACLANDE . . . . .. BERRY. . . . . . CHICHESTER .... ACLANDE . . . . BERRYE .... CHICHESTER . . . . ACLAND . .. BERRY. . . . CHICHESTER . ... ACLAND... BERYMAN. ... CHOLMELEY . . . ADDINGTON . . . BIDLAKE ... CHOLWILL . . . ALEYN. . . . . BIDLAKE. . CHUDLEIGH . . . AMERIDETH . . . 6 BLACKALL. ... CLAPHAM . . . .. AMORY ...... 7 BLACKDON . . . .. CLOBERRY . ... ARSCOTT . . . . CLOTWORTHIE ... ARSCOTT . . BLUETT ... CLYFFORD . . . ARSCOTT, . BODLEY ... COCKERAM .. . ARSCOTT . . BOURCHIER. COCKSHED ... ARSCOTT .. BOTELER ... COFFIN . .. ARSCOTT .. Bogan. ... CoFryn ... ARSCOTT .. BOWYER ... COLMAN ... ATWILL . . . . . . 12 BROUGHTON . . . . . 38 COLLAMORE . . . . . 65 ATWILL .. BURDON . . . COLLAMORE.. AYRE ... BURGAINE . . COLLETON .. AYSSHE . . . . BURYNGTON .. COLLINGS . . . ASHEFORDE . . . . . 14 BURGOYNE . . . . . 41 | COLLYNS . . . . . . 67 BADCOCKE .. . BURNBY . . . . . . 42 | COOKE. . . . . . . 68 BAGG . . . . | BURYE. . . . . . . 42 | COKE . . . . . , . 69 BALLE. ... CABELL... COPLESTONE . . . . . BAMFIELD . . CADE ...: COPLESTON of Instow... BARBY. ... CALMADYE .. COPLESTONE of Upton BARRY. .. CALMADY. .. . Pyne ..... 71 BATTISHILL . . CAWOODLEY . . COPLESTONE of Wear Gif- BASTARD . . . CAREW ... 1 ford ...... 72 BEARE. .... CAREW ... COPLESTONE of Alverdis- BERE . . . . CARY ... 1 cott ...... BEAUMONT ... CARY .... CORAM. . . . . . . BELLEW . . . . CARY .... CORYE. .. BELLEWE. . . . CHAMPNEIS, .. CORYNDON .. 66 . · . . · . o o 770 . 71 . o . . . . hele 12 . . . 74 BELLMAINE . . . | CHAMPNEYS . ... 52 COTTELL . . . BELLOTT . . . . . . CHAMPNOWNE .... COTTELL . . . . 75 BENNETT . . . . . . 25 | CHANON . . . . . . 53 | COURTENAY . . . . . 76 74 LIST OF PEDIGREES. PAGE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . 149 . . . . . . · 150 . . . . . . . . . . 155 . . . . . · 115 . . . . . . · 115 . . . . . . · 117 . . . . . · 158 . . . . · . . . . . . . . · .. . . . · . . . 159 . 160 . . . · . 123 · . . . . · . · · . · PAGE COURTNEY . . 77 | FORD . . . . . . . 108 HARVY . . ... . . . . . 140 COURTNEY . . . . . 77 | FORTESCUE of Winston . 109 HATCH. . . . . . 141 CROKKER . . . . . . 142 78 FORTESCUE of Pruteston . 109 HAYDON ... CRUES . . . . . . • 145 78 FORTESCUE . . . . . 110 HELE . . . . . CRUWES ... • 147 79 FURTESCUE of Buckland HELE .... CRYMES . . . . . . Filleigh .... 110 HELE . . . . . . . 147 CUDMORE . . . . . . 148 FORTESCUE . . . . . 111 HELE ...... CULME . . . . . FORTESCU of Fallowpit . 112 HELE . . . . . . . CUTCLIFFE . . . 112 | HILLERSDON . . . . 143 . . . . . 81 | FOUNTAYNE . . Davy . . . . . FOWELL ...... . 113 HILMAN ... DAVYE. . . . . FOWELL ... 114 HOCKMORE.. DAVYE. . . . FOWELL ... • 114 HOLWAY ... DAVYE. . . 155 FRY . . : HUNT . . . : DELVES . . . 156 FRY . . . HORE . . . . DENE . . . 157 FULFORD ... HUYSHE . DENNYS . . . FULFORD . . . . INCLEDEN. .. DENYS. . . . FURLONGE ... INGLETT.. DIAMOND . . . FURSDON . . . . . ISAACK. . . . DILLON . . . . . FURSE. ..... 121 ISAACK... DoctoN . . . FURSLAND . . . . KELLY. .. DOWNE ... GARLAND . . . . . | KENDALL . . . . . . 161 DOWRISHE .. 161 GARLANDE . . . . . 123 KIRKHAM . . . DÓWrish. .. GAY . . . . . . . 125 | KNAPMAN . . . . . . 162 DRAKE . • 163 . . GAY . . . . . 126 . . LAND ..... DRAKE . . . GEERE . . . . . . . 126 LANGESFORD . . . . . 164 DRAKE . . . GIFFORDE. . . . . LANCE . . . . . DRAKE . . . GILBERT . . . . . LARKWORTHY . . . . 165 DREWE 166 GILBERT . . . . . LEACH . . . . . . DREW . . . LEIGH . . . . . 166 97 | GILES . . . . . . DREWE ... | GLANVILL. .... LEIGH . . . . . . . 167 DUCK . . . . 98 GOODRIDGE .... LEVERMORE . . . . . 168 DUKE . . . . . .. 98 GOODWYN. ..... LENTHALL . . . . . 169 DUNGIE . . . . . 99 Gould. ...... LENTHALL . . . . . 170 DYER . . . . . . GOURNEY . . . . . LONGE . . . . . . . 171 DYNHAM . . . . . . 100 GREENEWOOD . . . . 133 LOWIS . . . . . . . 171 EBBEWORTHYE . . . . 101 | GRYLLS . . . . . . 134 LOWMAN . . . . . . 172 EDGCOMBE . . . . . 102 GYFFARD . . . . . . 134 LUSCOMBE . . . . . 172 EDGCUMBE .... GYFFARDE .. LUTTON . . . . . . 173 EDGCOMBE . . . . . 103 GYFFARD . . . . . . 235 LUTTRELL. . . . . . 174 EDGCUMBE . . . . . 103 GYFFORDE . . . . . 136 LUTTRELL. · · · · · 175 EDWARDS . . . . . . 104 | HALS . . . . . . . 136 LYNN . . . . . ELFORDE . . . 177 HAKEWILL.. MACE . . . . . ELIOT . . . . . . . 105 HAREWOOD ..... 137 MAINWARING .. ELLACOTT . . . . . . 106 HARLEWYN . . . . . 138 MALLACK . . . . . . 178 ENGLYSHE . . . . . 106 | HARPER . . . . . . 138 MALLETT . . . . . FENNER . . . . . . 107 | HARRYS of Cherston . . 139 | MANNINGE ... · · 179 FORD . . . . . . . 107 HARRYS of Radford . . 139 MAPOWDER . . . . . 179 . · . · · . · 127 164 . · · . . · · . . 128 . · · . . · . . · . · · . · · . . · . . . . . . · . . 176 . . . . . . 177 . 178 . LIST OF PEDIGREES. xi PAGE PAGE PAGE . . . . 256 . · . · · · · · · · . · . · 193 . · . · · . · . · . . · . MARTYN . . . . . 180 PRESTON . . . . . . 221 SECCOMBE . . . . . 254 MARTYN . . . . . . 181 | PRESTON . . . . . . 222 SEGAR . . . . . .. MARTYN . . . PRESTWOODE. .. SEYMOUR . . . . 256 MAYNARD. ... Prouz . . . . SHAPCOTE. . . 257 MENIFIE . . . . . . 183 PROUSE . . . . . . 223 SHAPLIGH. .. MINSHULL . . . . . 184 PROWSE . . . . . . 224 SHARPE . . . . Mohun, of Tavistock . . 184 PrusT . . . . . . . 225 SHORT . . . . . . . . 259 MOHUN . . . . . . 185 PRYDEAUX of Throw- . SHERMAN. .'. . MYLFORD . . . . . . 187 borough. . . . . 227 SHORTRIDGE . . . MOLFORD . . . . . . 187 | PRIDEAUX. . . . . . 228 SKERYT . ... MONK . . . . . . . 188 PRYDEAUX . . . . . 228 SKYNNER . . . . MONK . . . PRYE ... SLANNYNGE . . . MORE . . . 191 | PYNCOMBE ... | SLOWLYE . . . . MOORE. ...... PYNE . . . . SMALLACOMBE .. MORING . . . . . . RADFORD . . SMYTH . . . MORTYMER als. TANNER . 195 RADFORD . . . . . . 232 SMYTH ... MORE . . . . . . . 195 | RANDALL . . . . . . 233 SNELLINGE . . . . . 266 MOULTON . . . . . . 196 | RATENBURY . . . . . 233 | SOUTHCOTE . . . . . 266 NAPPER · · · · · · 197 | REDE . . . . . . . 234 | SOUTHCOTT . . . . . 267 NEWCOMB. . . . . . 197 | REYNELL . . . . . . 234 SOUTHCOTT . . . . . 268 NEWCOURT .. REYNELL .. SOUTHCOTT ... 268 NEWTON ... REYNELL. .. SOUTHCOT . . . . . 269 NORTHCOT ... RIDER . . . | SOUTHMEADE . . . . 270 NORTHLEIGH . . . . . 200 RISDON . . . . . . 241 SPECCOTT . . . . . . 271 NORTHLEIGHE . . . . 200 RISDON . . . . . 242 SPECOTT .... NUTCOMBE .... RISDON .. SPECCOTT ... OSMOND ... 02 RISDON .. SPECCOTT . . PARKER . . . 03 ROCHE. ... ER. . . . . . . 273 PARKER .. 205 ROLLE. .. .244 SPURWAIE. . . . 274 PASSMERE. . . . . . 207 ROLLE. . . . . . . 244 STAPLEHILL . . . . . 275 PASSMERE.. 208 | ROLLE. . . . . . . 245 | STAPLEHILL . . 275 PEARSE . . 209 ROOPE .... STEPHYN . . . . . . 276 PETER . . . . 209 ROUPE...... STOFORD . . . 276 PETER . . . 10 Row .... STOFORD ... PHILLIPS . . 210 ROWE.... STOWFORD . . . . . 277 PINCOMB . . . . . . 240 | ROWCLIFFE . . . . . 248 STROBRIDGE . . . . . 278 PLUMLEIGH . . . SAFFIN. . . . STRODE . . . . POLE . . . . .. . 212 | SAINTHILL ... STURE . . . . POLLARDE. . . . . . 215 | SAINTHILL . . . . . 250 | SUMMASTER . . . . . 279 POLLEXFEN . . . . SALISBERIE .. SYMONDS . . . POMEROYE . . . . SALISBURY . . TAWLEY... POPHAM . . . . . SANFORD ... THORNE ... POTE . . . . . . SANFORD ... 252 TIDERLEIGH . . . POTTER . . . i . SAUNDERS .. 252 | TILLIE . . . . POYNTINGDON ... SAVERY ... TOTHILL . . . . .. PREDIEUX-HERLE . . . 219 SAVERYE . . . . . . 253 | TREMAYNE . . . .' . 284 PREDEAUX . . . . . 221 | SEARLE . . . . . . 254 | TREPE . . . . . . . 285 . 21 · · . · 272 . · . · . . . · . · . · 246 . . . · 277 . . · . . . . 248 . . • 211 . · . . · . · . · . . · · . · LIST OF PEDIGREES. PAGE PAGE 310 313 · · · · . PAGE TREVILIAN . . . . . 286 WHYGHTE . . . . . 309 CLEMENT (Supp.) . . . 338 TRISTRAM. . . . . . 287 | Wolcot. . . . . . COLE (Supp.) .... 339 TROBRIDGE : .... : . 288 | WOOLLCOMBE ... 312 COPLESTONE of Bicton TROSSE . . .. . . 288 | WOLLACOMBE ... 312 (Supp.). .... 339 TURBERVILE..... 289 WOLFE ...... COPLESTONE of Bowden TURNER ...... 289 WOLSTON . . . . . . 313 (Supp.). .... 340 TURNER . . . . 290 | Woods, at Wood . . . 314 COPLESTONE of Woodland TWIGGE .. · · 591 | Wood of Lew Trenchard 314' (Supp.). .... 341 TWIGGE .. · · 291 | WOODROUFFE .... 315 COTTON (Supp.) ... UPTON. .. 292 WORTH ...... 316 CROSSING (Supp.) ... VELLY. . . . . . . 293 | WOTTON . . . . . . 316 DUKE (Supp.) . . . . 342 VENNER . . . . . . 294 | WIAT . . . . . . . 317 | Flay (Supp.) . . . . 343 VINCENT . . . . . . 294 | WEEKES. . . . . . 318 FLOYER (Supp.) . . . 343 WAKEMAN . . . . . 295 | WYKES . . . . . . 319 HILL (Supp.) . . . . 344 WAKEMAN ... YARD ... 3119 HOLCOMBE .... 345 WALROND. . . YARD . . . . . . . 320 HOLLAND . . . . . . 345 WALROND. ... YARDE. . . . . . . 320 HONYCHURCH . . . . 317 WALTER . . . . YARDE. . . . . . . 321 LEE (Supp.) . . . . . 348 WALTHAM . . . YEALLATON . . . . . 321 | LIPPINGCOTT . . . . . 348 WARREN . . . | YEO-ROLLE . . . . . 322 | ROUSE. . . . . . . 350 WAYE . . . . 300 YEO ... 323 STUKELEY .... WEARE .. | YEO . . . . . . . 324 | TUCKER (Supp.) . . . 352 WEBBE . . . . . . 301 | YEO . . . . . . . 324 | VOYsEY (Supp.) . .. 353 WESTCOTT . . . . : 302 | YEO . . . . . . . 325 WARREN (Supp.) . . . 354 WESTON .... . 303 YONGE of Upton Helions . 325 WHIDDON (Supp.) . .. WHADDON ..... 304 YONGE of Colbrook . . 326 WICHALSE (Supp.). . . 355 WILLESFORD. . . . . 304 WHICKER (Supp.) ... WILLIAMS ..... 305 BASSET (Supp.) . . . . 335 WICKHAM. . . . . . 357 WHITLOCKE . . . 305 BRUTON (Supp.) ... 336 WISE (Supp.) .... WILLOUGHBY . . . . 306 | CALLARD (Supp.) : .. 306 CALLARD (Supp.) ... 336 WITHIE (Supp.) ... 359 WILLOUGHBY.... 308 CARWYTHAM (Supp.) . . 337 WORTHALL ..... · · · · . · The Visitation of the County of Devon. Abbott. ARMS. Sable, a cross voided between four eagles displayed or. CREST. A griffin sejant azure, plattée, winged and beaked or. Abbott Waymond Abbott Richard 2. William, Serjeant of the Seller, ob. 8. p. William Abbott of Hartland=d. of Chalwill William, ob. 8. p. John Abbott 1. ob. s. p. Thomas Abbott of=Agnes d. of Snowe Luffincott of Hartland Nicholas 2. æt. 17. William Abbott 1. son æt. 19 1620. 1. Elizabeth æt. 13 2. Prudence æt. 9. WILLIAM ABBOTT. Aclande. ARMS. Chequy argent and sable, a fess gules. CREST. A man's arm fess-ways embowed, vested azure, the hand in a glove argent, thereon a falcon perched proper, beaked, legged, and belled or. Baldwin Eccelin Baldwin Acalan Willm. de Acalan=Sara d. & h. of John de la Pile Baldwin de Akelane Ric'us Akelane ob. s. p. 21 E. 3. John Akelane of Akelane=Agneta. John Akelane of Akelane=Ailicia f. & h. Willmi Hawkridg John ob. s. p. Baldwin Akelane=Joane d. & b. of Rivertor of Akelane (Argent, fess enarched sable, three fountains issuant proper.) Robert Akelane=Cicely d. & coh. of Roland of Akelane Hawkworthy (Argent, two bends wavy.) Baldwin=Joane d. & coh. of Wm. Akelane Prediaux of Adiston. John Akelane-Elizab. d. & h. of John of Akelane Fortescue of Spridelston John Akeland=Eliz. d. of Tho. Hert ob. y. p. (Or, castle entre three battle-axes sable.) John Akeland=Eliz. d. of John Cruse of Akeland of Cruse Morchard Anthonie Akeland of=Anne d. of Courney Ellen John Akeland=Mary d. & coh. of Akeland of Hugh Red- Robt. Chi- cliff of Stepney chester of Hall THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al B! Bawldwin Ake-=Gertrud d. & land of Hawke- h. of Geo. ridg. Stapleton. Eliz. d. of Geo.=Sir John Ake-=Mary d. of Roll of Stephen- lane of Cullom Sir Hen. ston 1. W. John kt. 2. Portman 2. w. John Akeland=Eliz. d. of of Exeter 2. Duck Anthonie=d. of Weekes Dorothy ob. inf. Gertrude Dorothy Hugh Akeland of=Margaret d. of Akeland esq. Tho. Monke of superstes 1620 Potheridge . Guy Bonvile of Street in Somer- setsh. Robt. Smith of Mucheney in com. Somers. Margaret 1. Sir Arthur=Elianor d. & h. of Akelane s. | Robt Mallet of & h. Woolleigh. John=Eliz, d. of Willm. 3. 2. Hull of Exeter Francis 4. Elianor 2. Elizabeth 3. John Akelane s. & h. æt. 24 1620. Elizab.=Anthonie Vincent of Stoke Dabernon Anne ob. 8. p. JOHN ACLANDE. 11 Aclande. Antho. Acland of=d. of Courtney of Molland Chittehampton in com. Devon. Baldwyn Acland of Hawkridge=Agnes d. of in com. Devon Sptapledon Antho. Acland of=Anne d. of Weekes Hawkridge of Honichurch Baldwyn Acland s.-Elizab. d. of Arthur Tre- & h. living 1620 maine of Collocomb Esq. Mary 1. Anne 2. Arthur Ackland 8. & h. 1620. BALDWIN ACLANDE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Acland. Antho. Acland of Chittlehampton in com. Devon=d. of Courtney. Baldwin Acland of Chittlehamp-=Gertrud d. of ton in com. Devon Stapleton of Hugh Acland of Chittlehampton 1. son Baldwyn 3. son John Ackland=Eliz. d. of Rich. Duck Anne of Exiter 2. of Heavytree in com. = son Devon (sister of Nich. Rich. Duck recorder of Exeter) Priest Baldwyn 1. son æt. 13. 1620 John 2. æt. 5. Gertrude 1. d. et. 9. Arthur 3. æt. 2. Elizab. 2. d. æt. 7. JNO. ACLAND. Acland. John Ackland of Ackland in the par. of Landkey Antho. Ackland of Chiddle-Agnes d. of hampton in com. Devon Courtneye James Ackland of Corfe in=Margt. d. of Markham com. Som. 2 son of Barnestable. 2. John Eliz. Rachell 3. Phillip Dorithy Dorithy d. of=Thomas Ackland=Katherin Berrie of of Goodly in d. of Pal- John Chiddlehamp- com. Devon mer of Wiatt ton 1 w. living 1620 Barn- stable Wm. Steph. Par- Hallock ker Joane Thomas Ackland s. & h. Đt. 11. 1620 Joane only d. pt. 1 C . THOMAS ACLAND. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Addington. ARMS. Per pale ermine and ermines, a chevron charged with five lozenges all counter- changed between three fleurs-de-lys or. CREST. A cat-a-mountain séjant argent, pelletée sable. Tho. Addington of London gent. anno 27 H. 8 Christ. Addington in com. Devon.=d. & coh. of Cliffe John Addington s. & h.=Phillip d. of Bellew of Ashe Anne Rachell Mary Wm. Addington=Wilmot d. of of Biddefford in John Coffin com. Devon of Portleich Wm. Sunner of Essex Christ. Copleston of Alverdiston Mary=Digory Tremayn of Callacomb Tho. Addington of Leigh in=Alice d. of John Gifford com. Devon living 1620 of Brightley Esq. Willmot Alice Elizabeth Tho. Addington 8. & h. æt. 9 Entered, not signed. Aleyn. ARMS. Per bend sinister double dancettée argent and sable, six martlets counter- changed, in the dexter point an annulet. Tho. Aleyn of Farneham in com. Suff. Tho. Aleyn of=Anne d. of Steward of the Farneham Ile of Elye in com. Camb. Thomas John Aleyne 5 8. of Bampton=Fran. d. of John Bow- 1 8. in com. Devon living 1620 bier of Bampton Elinor 1 d. æt. 3 Francis d. Elizabeth 3 d. 2 JOHN ALEYN. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Amerideth. ARMS. 1. Gules, a lion rampant reguardant or. [AMERIDETH.] 2. Argent, three boars' heads sable, couped gules. (BRIXTON.] 3. Azure, on a fess argent between three lions rampant or three cross crosslets fitchée sable. [JERWORTH.] 4. Argent, a chevron sable between three spear-head's azure. [PRYCE ?] CREST. A demi lion salient sable, gorged and chained or. Howell ap Maddock=Guenlian d. of David ap Rees ap of Llanginle Esq. Howell in com. Brecknock le, gorged and senzure, [PRICE TERWORTE.TOON! between Luellin ap Howell=Catherin one of the d. of Roger of Llanginle Esq. | Vawr of Llechrid Esq. David ap Lluellin of=Guenlian d. & h. of Mad- Llanginle Esq. dock al's Jerworth Howell ap David of Llanginle Esq.=Ined d. & coh. of John Tristan. Howell Vain of Llangin=Margt. d. of Lluellin ap Herast Esq. Merideth ap Howell of Llanginle Esq.=d. of Howell Clunne Esq. Juan ap Merydeth of Llangynle Esq.=d. of Jem. ap Groylens Goch Esq. Thomas Amerideth of Llanginlo=Guenlian d. of David Dee Esq. Griffith Ameridith, went=Jone d. of Tho. Moore into England (Or, on a saltire azure five cinquefoils or.) Edward Ameridith of Slap->Elizab. d. of Lewis Fortescue one of ton in com. Devon Esq. the Barons of the Exchequer Thomas Ameridith of Slapton ob. 1617=Eliz. d. of Hen. Champnon Elizab. Judith Bennet Hunt of Chudley John Godolphin 2 son of Sir. Fran. Godolphin Kt. John was Captain of Cilley Edward Amerideth of=Margaret d. of Edw. Mar- Marston Tamton ler of London gent. relict Filiott par. Esq. æt. of Gamaliell Slanning & 39. 1620 h. to Nich. Slanning her grandfather Ames Amerideth s. & h. Đt. 3, twin Edward, twin John 3 Gertrude et. By: et. 5 EDW. AMERIDITH. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Amory. ARMs. Barry nebulée of six, argent and gules, over all a bend sable. John Damerey of South Moulton Robert=relict of Sr Jobu Pollard of Comb Martin in Devon Knt. George D'Amerey=d. of Eyre of 1 son Atherington - William 2=d.of Ridge, John D'Amerie 1=Emmett d. & h. of Anthony 3 al's Leigh son of Chappall in John Thomas of a priest Bishop's Nimet Bishop's Nimet Helen Joan Alice Jane Geo. Part- ridge Samuel But- ler of Tiverton John Amerey=Prudence d. & of Chappell coh. of Rich. Robarts of Comb Martin Sylvanus Hugh El- Bond of liott of George Nimet Somerset John Amory s. & h. æt. 5 1620 Prudence æt. 2 JOHN AMORY. Arscott. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Ricardus Cadio filius Randulphi Cadio dedi et concessi et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Henrico filio Roberti de Dones- land pro homagio et servicio suo, etc. His testibus Thoma de Sirenest tunc vic. Devonia, Rogero de Mull, Johanne de Dunsland, Willelmo Dabernon, Willelmo Corneto et multis aliis. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Alicia quæ fui uxor Johannis Cadio dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea indentata confirmavi Johanni Daberton et Thomasie uxori sue omnia messuagia, terras, tenementa, redditus, servicia, et reversiones mea cum omnibus suis pertinentiis in Dunesland, Westcot, Middlecote, Cokeburie, Wodecot, Thorne, Thornesburie Mill, Hole, Landecote, Huncote, Cockescombe, et Pitton, habenda et tenenda Johanni et Thomasie et heredibus de corporibus eorum exeuntibus in perpetuum, etc. His testibus Willelmo Aluc- thecote clerico, Henrico Lange, Thoma Webber, Johanne Pirs, Willelmo Lach- broke et multis aliis. Dat. apud Dunsland die Mercurii in festo Omnium Sanc- torum regni regis Henrici sexti post conquestum Angliæ tercio. Noverint universi per præsentes me Ricardum Floyre remisisse, relaxasse, et omnino pro me et heredibus meis in perpetuum quietum clamasse Johanni Arscot, senior, totum jus meum, etc. Dat. vicesimo die Augusti anno H. 8. 5. 8 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Arscott. Arus. Per chevron azure and ermine, in chief two bucks' heads cabossed or. Humph. Arscott of Duns-=Ellin d. of Tho. Hatch of Aller land in com. Devon Esq. in com. Devon Esq. John 1. Lewis Arscott of Abbots Bickenton=Fran. d. of Tho. Wood in com. Devon living 1620 of Axworthie Thomas 5. Phillip 1. d. TI Robert 2. John Arscott s. & h. Đt. 23 Arthur 3. 1620 Humphrie 4. Emanuell 6. Dorithie 2. d. LEWIS ARSCOTT. Arscott. John Arscott of Tetcott in=Elizb. d. of John Walker com. Devon Esq. 4. son of Hertfordsh. Arthure Arscott of Tetcott=Mary d. of John Langsford of Thursleton esq. il Ezekiell 2, Honor Edm. Arscott-Mary d. of Wn Grace of Tetcott Walrond of . - living 1620 Bradfield John Wikes of Wike. John 3. Alex. Maynard of Tavistock. Anne Willliam 2. John Arscott s. & h. æt. 7. 1620 Martha Elizb. Blanch Mary Abigall unmd. 1. Wm. Hinckston 2. Sir Wm Button Kt. Tho. Kendell of Cornw. Tho. Bodley EDMOND ARSCOTT. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 9 Arscott. John Arscott of Hollesworthy=Margerie d. of in com. Devon died 1537 Rich. Floyer Richard Arscott Executor to Margaret d. of Fitz his father & mother of Fitzford Tristram=Elizab. d. of Humph. Arscott 2 of=Margerie d. & h. of Phillip 3 1 s. of Sir John St. West Budley living Gabriell St. Cleare Armery Leger Kt. 1620 of Tudwell in com. Hercules 4 Devon Fran. 2 Phillip 5 Charles 8. & h. Đt. 17 Humph. 3 Richard 6 Ambrose 4 Hercules 7 HN. ARSCOTT. Next p. “Norleigh" struck out as entered by misinformation. Arscott. Johannes Norby=Johanna ux.=Johannes Mules de Elizabetha 2 mar. miles 21 H. 6 Yarishborough ux. 1 Alicia=Gilbert Isabella=Joh. Dabernon de Dunsland Willm'us Gilbert Johanna-Joh. Gifford Elizab.=John Batyn f. & h. Willmi Batyn de Exon. Robtus Batyn=f. Gilbert al’s Webber Robtus Batyn=Johanna f. Waldron Humfridus Batyn=Catherina f. Carminow Johanna Phillipa=John Arscott jun. Maria А o . 10 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Johannes Nicholaus Thomas 4 Diversæ filiæ Humfridus=Elenam f. Hatch Edmundus 5 Georgius 6 Halvethen 7 Willmus 8 Johannes Arscot=Mary d. of Tho. living 1620 Monke of Powdridg Ludovicus Diverse filiæ Arthur Arscot of Dunsland living 1620 Entered, not signed. Arscott. Rob. Arscott of Arscott per=Joane d. & h. of Nich. Tilley probat cart. 1407 8 H. 4 | per cart. Dat. 19 R. 2 Rich. Arscott of Ashwater, last will 1437, 15 H. 6—Joane d. of * John Arscott per cart. dat. 9 E. 4, 1470=Joane d. & h. of Clawford velho e ti por cart det . o E. 4, 1970 John Arscott of Hollesworthie died 1537=Margerie d. of Rich. Floyer dau. dau. John Arscot Thomas Ric. ArscottMargt. d. of supvisor of executor to Fitz of Fits- his father's his father & ford will mother Tho. Chamond John Fortes- 8. & h. of Sir cue of Buck- John Cha land Filley mond Kt. Humphrie 2 Marie Tristram Arscott-Elizab. d. of Sir of Annery living John St. Leger 1620 kt. Phillip 3 Anthonie Monke of Podderidge in com. Devon Hercules 4 Tristram Mary Katherine John Arscott=Alice d. of Tho. 8. & h. living Southcot of 1620 Bavy Edw. Trelawny in Cornw. Humph. Prouze Esq. Elizab. only d. 1620 THOMAS LEY for MR. JOHN ARSCOTT. * Johannes Arscott al's Reynsham per cart. dat. 12 E. 4, died Anno Domini 1493, probat per cart. Q. Box 12. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 11 Arscott. John Arscott=d. of Renson Cade. d. & h. of Dunsland John Arscott=d. of Tilley Dabernon=d. & h. of Cade of Dunsland Esq. John Arscott-Elizb d. & h. of of Arscott Floyer of Floyershays Sir John Daber=d. & coh. of Sir non Kt. John Mules of Yeasborough John Battin=d. & h. of John Dabernon John Arscott of>Margerie d. & Arscott & Holesworthie Cloford h. of Rob. Battin=d. of Waldron of Wood Humph. Battin of=d. of Carmenow of Dunsland Esq. Ventengollam Esq. John Arscott of Arscott & of the=Phillip d. & h. of Inner Temple in London Humph. Battin Humphrie Arscott of Duns-=Ellin d. of Tho. Hatch of Aller land ēsq. s. & b. in com. Devon Esq. Lewis John Arscott of Duns=Mary d. of Tho. Monke land esq. living 1620 of Powdridge Esq. Margerie Francis 2 Arthure Arscott>Ebott d. of Leo- of Dunsland nard Yeo of esq. living 1620 North Pether- win Esq. Lewis Stukely of Aston in com. Devon clericus George Chilcott of Stogumber in com. Somers. Marye æt. 20 Grace æt. 19 Anne 3 John 2=Jaquet d. of Thomas 3 Cottell of Yeambridge Humph. 4 Entered, not signed. Mary 4 12 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Atwill. ARMs. Argent, a pile sable surmounted of a chevron counterchanged. 1614. John Atwill of Kenton in com. Devon=Elizabeth d. of Philip Duck of Heavitree John Atwill=Elizabeth d. of Hum- of Mamhead phrey Burrington of Ideford William Atwill=Thomazine d. of of Kenton 2 Peter Ball of Mamhead John Atwill of Mam-=Margery d. of John Pollerfen head living 1620 1 of Yampton in com. Devon Peter Atwill æt. 19 1620 John Atwill s. & h. æt. 1, 1620 Elizabeth 1 d. et. 6 Judith 2 d. et. 3. WM. ATWILL. JO. ATWILL. atwill. Tho. Atwill of Walkhampton in com. Devon Thomas 2 Pasco 4 Thomazin Roger Atwill=Jone d. of Ste- Jane of Walk phens of Oke- hampton hampton George 3 John 5 Barnard Tarr Roger 2 John 4 Richard Atwill of=Grace d. of Walkhampton Robt. Moore æt. 50, 1620 of Tavistock Joane=Rich. Sleman Thomas 3 Tristram 5 2 Francis æt. 8 4 Thomas æt. 4 Joane Awdrie Robert Atwill s. & h. et. 13, 1620 3 Richard æt. 6 5 Matthewæt. 1 Joh. Webber Grace in com. Devon Elizabeth RICH, ATWILL. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 13 Ayre. ARMS. Gules, on a bend argent between six crosses fitchée of the last three mullets sable. Omnibus Xti fidelibus ad quos hoc præsens scriptum indentatum pervenerit. Johannes Ayre de Atherington in comitatu Devon generosus salutem in Deo sem- piternam. Sciatis me prefatum Johannem dedisse concessisse et hoc præsenti scripto meo indentato confirmasse Anthonio Ayre filio et heredi apparenti meo et dict. Joh. Ayre et Margerie uxor predicti Anthonii omnia messuagia, terras, tenementa, prata, moras, boscos, subboscos, iampna et brueria cum pertinentiis vocata Molles- mere in parochia de Buckington logis in com. predict. etc. In cujus rei testimo- nium, etc. Dat. decimo die Maii annis regnorii Philippi et Mariæ Dei gratia regis et reginæ Angliæ, France, Neopollis, Hierusalem, et Hiberniæ, Fidei Defensorum, principum Hispanorum et Siciliæ, Archduc. Austriæ, Duc. Mediolani Burgundi et Brabantiæ, comit. Hapsburgi, Flandriæ et Tivolis. secundo et tertio. Seal, with arms attached. ARMs. Gules, on a bend between six crosslets fitchée argent three mullets sable. Mathey Ayre of Wotton in the par. of Atherington John Ayre of Wotton=d. of Pollard of Harwood Bartholo-=d. of Cade of mew 2 Barstable Anthony Ayre of=Margerie d. of Simon Wotton, s. & h. Reade of Atherington John 2 Christian Margt d. of=Arthur Ayre=Joane d. of John Carew of of Wotton Vigures of Buck- Andrew Webber of Luck- Hackcom æt. 59, 1620 land Bruer, 1 w. com in com. Som. 2 w. Anthonie=d. of Saun- 2 æt. 28 | ders of Tavistock 3 John æt. 24 Baltazar Ayre=Grace d. of Elizabeth 8. & h. æt. 33, Francis 1620 Whiddon of Jasper Ley of Chagford Atherington 4 Arthur æt. 20 Anthonie 1 æt. 2 Robert 2 æt. 1 Margaret æt. 10 Grace æt. 7 Francis æt. 4 Marie æt. 3 Jone æt. 1 ARTHURE AYRE. 14 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Aysshe. ARMS. Argent, two chevronells sable. Nicholas Ash or Esse of Clist=Joan d. of Anthony Pollard Fomeson in com. Devon of Horwood in com. Devon Richard Esshe of>Prudence d. of John Clist Fomeson Rudgley of London Anthony James Thomas Henry Esshe of=Loveday d. of Richard Moyle Clist Fomeson of St. Augustines co. Cornwall Anne=Nicholas Osborne of Kennford in com. Devon Richard Esshe, s. & h.æt. 21, 1620=Ann d. of Andrew Gere of Heavitree. Ann 1, died an infant Ursula 2 Prudence 3 HENRIE AYSSHE. Asheforde. ARMS. 1. Argent, between two chevronells sable three pine cones vert. [ASHEFORD.] 2. Güles, a chevron between three cinquefoils argent. [WADHAM.] CREST. A Moor's head in profile sable, wreathed about the temples argent, issuing out of a chaplet of oak-leaves vert. Wm. Ashford of Ashford=Elizb. d. of Nich. Francis of in com. Devon esq. Comflorie in com. Som. Nicholas Ashford s. & h.=d. & h. of Wadham of Knap in com. Som. Robert 2 Nicholas Ashford s. & h.=d. & coh. of Jo. Whiting of Woode in com. Devon Nicholas 2 Richard 4 Roger Ash-=Eliz. d. of Rich. ford 8. & h. Michell of Peri- courte in com. Som. John 3 Amias 5 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 15 Eliz.=Wm Spurway Pene--Chas Ford of Ford- 3 of Tiverton lope2 more in com. Devon Blanch=Sir John Whiddon of Chagford kt. Thomas 2 of the Middle Temple Henry Ashford 8. & h. modo=Amy d. of Rich. Blewst of Hol- superstes 1620 combe Regis in com. Devon Arthur Ashford 8. & b. et. 19 Francis 2 ob. 8. p. Amy Roger æt. 16 John æt. 15 Mary æt. 13 æt. 12 HEN. AYSHFORDE. Badcocke. ARMs. Sable, on a pale argent three cocks gules. Badcock Gamman of Shebbear=Elizb. d. of Bovile Nicho. Badcock of St. Wynow in Cornw.=Margt d. of Gaman William-Elizb. d. Badcock of Collo- I son cot Ferdinando Badcock of=Ellin d. of Tho. Browne Shebbeare in com. Esq. & sister to Sir Tho. Devon living 1620 Browne knt. William, 8. & h. ob. 8, p. Thomas Badcock 8. & h. æt. 19 1620 Dorithy=Arthur Kelly of Winscott Ellin unma FERDINANDO BADCOCKE. 16 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Bagg. ARMS. Lozengy argent and gules, on a chief or three cinquefoils azure. CREST. Two wings gules and argent, a cinquefoil azure on the second. John Bagge of com. Salop George Bagge of Waymouth, Mel=Elizab. d. of Reignolds combe Regis in com. Dorset of com. Dorset James Bagg of Plimouth>Margaret d. of John Stone in com. Devon Trevigo, Cornw. J one=Henry Barnes of com. Dorset Oliver 2 ob. Margaret to be James Bagg=Grace d. of George Mary æt. 22 Marseilles maried to Edw. 8. & b. æt. Fortescue 3 æt. in Gallia Decon of Pli- 30 1620 of Filley Elizab. æt. 17 1619 mouth, mar- chant Honor æt. 16 18 George Bagge s. & h. æt. 2 Gertrude æt. 6 Amy æt. 4 JAMES BAGG. Balle. Juliana 2 w.=Christopher Peverell=Agneta 1 w. John Peverell 2 w.=Nicholas Whitchalse=Alice Andrew 1 Xpopher Issue male Xpopher 2 Johes. John Ball=Johannes of Mam- d. & h. head in of her com. mother Devon Johanna John 8. p. Egidius Ball=d. & h. of Potter 8. & b. I of Christow William 2 of Hark- comb in Chudley Elizabeth B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 17 BI Peter=Thomazin d. & sole h. of Andrew Ball | Bridges of Nimet Rowland Humphry Hugh, 2, of Egidius, 3 Ball Bulliton Thomazin Wm. Atwill of Lison in p. of Ken- ton Joan Egidius Ball=Urith d. of Thomas of Mam- Humphry Ball s. 1. Hen. Chap- head in hund. Copleston & h. pell of Exeter of Exmin- of Instow 2. Taylor of ster Exeter Elizab. 1 . Urith 3 Peter Ball s. & b. of the Middle Temple æt. 21, 1620 Egidius 2, æt. 14 Elianor 2 Thomazin 4 PETER BALLE. Bamfield. ARMS. 1. Or, on a bend gules three mullets argent. [BAMFIELD.] 2. Or, a maunch gules. [HASTINGS.] 3. Argent, a lion rampant sable. [HUXHAM.] 4. Argent, on a fess sable three cross crosslets or, all within a bordure azure. (FABER.] 5. Argent, a bend gules between three lions' heads erased sable, crowned of the second. [PEDERTON.] 6. Gules, semée of cross crosslets, a lion passant guardant argent. [PEDERTON.] 7. Argent, two chevrons gules, over all a label azure. [ST. MAURE.] 8. Or, semée of cross crosslets a lion rampant azvre. [PEDERTON.] CREST. A lion's head erased sable, ducally crowned gules. Rich. Bamfield of Poltimore=Eliz. d. of Sir in com. Devon John Sidnam. 111 il Johanna Gertrude Giles Elizab. Sir Amias Bam-=Eliz. d. of Sir Rich- ob. 8. p. field of Polti- John Clifton, ard, 3. more in com. of Barring- Devon. ton Knt. Ursula Anna Susanna Katherine Maria Margaret Jane Richard John Bamfield s. & b.=Eliz. d. of Tho. Drake Elizab. Dorothy ob. s. p. æt. abt 30 of Buckland Lewis John, 3 Amias Bam- field s. & h. æt. 12 Arthur 2, ob. 8. p. Francis Rich. ob. s. p. Alexander Entered, not signed. ---- -- -- -.-. . --.- - --- - -.-- . ------- 18 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. THK Barby. ARMs. Argent, a chevron between three garbs or. CREST. An heraldic tiger's head erased argent, attired with four rams' horns or. John Barby of Barby in com. North’p. Edm. Barby of Asbricke in com.=of Sir James Devon, a younger son Dyer Tho- mas, 2 John Barby of=Alice d. of John Eyre Willm., 3 Washfield in of Atherington in com. Devon com. Devon Tho. Barby of Washfield=Johanna d. of Tho. Dyer of Shobrooke Wm Barby of Washfield in com.=Ciciley d. & coh. of John Wood Devon, living 1620 of Shebinge in com. Devon WILL. BARBY. Barry: ARMS. Barry of six argent and gules, a crescent for difference. CREST. A wolf's head sable. Hugh Barrey of Bindon, 2 son=Alice d. & coh. of Rich. Wikes of John Barry of Winscott of Bindon in com. Som. Alexander Barrie s. & h.d. of Barrie of Milton Giles, 2 Anthonie Abell Joseph Giles Ellianor. Apollos Euodias. John Barry, 3, of High Beck-=Grace d. of Rich. Oliver Anne ington in com. Devon of Barstable Margaret ob. Patience, æt. 7 Phillip, 4 æt. 5 John, 3 æt. 10 Levy, 2 æt. 13 John Barry 1 son, æt. 16 JOHN BARRY. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 19 Battishill. ARMS. Azure, a cross crosslet in saltire between four owls argent, beaked and legged or. John Battishill of West=Joane d. & h. of Walter Wyke in c. D. Woode of Bristowe. Thomas 2 Mary w. of Gre- Willm. Bat-=Kathr d. of Julyan mar. to gory Cock of tishill s. & Knapman W. Will of Henry 3 Plimouth Plimouth h. Walter George Andrew 4 Willm. Battishill of=Jane d. of Denham of Westwyk in c. D. Lifton in c. Devon Mary Julyan John Battishill of West-=Joyce d. of John wyke in c. D., living Hole of North 1620 Tawton in c. Devon . John Millford of John Hall of Nymet Tracy North Tawton in in c. Devon C. Devon John 2 Wm. Battishill 8. & h. æt. 10, 1620 Jane 1 Elizab. 2 Julyan 3 Hen. Battisbill of Exeter=Mary d. of Tho. 2 s. of Wm. Pope of Exeter Roger 3 Grace = Zach. Hoker of Michell Kerhays in c. Com. Mary 1 Susan 2 JOHN BATTISHILL. Bastard. ARMS. 1. Or, a chevron azure, a martlet for difference. [BASTARD.] 2. Or, a chief sable between two cinquefoils in chief, and a mullet in base of the second, a cres- cent for difference. [KILLIAWE.] Thomas Basterd John Bastard 니 ​ John Bastard s. & h.=Thomazin d. of Geffrey Gilbert Rich- ard, 2 John Bas. tard, s. & b. William Bastard, 3, of Gerston, Recorder of Totness and reader of the Middle Temple, living 16207 Entered, not signed. 20 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. · Beare. ARMS. Argent, three bears' heads sable, muzzled or, quartering, sable three keys argent. [CLAVILL.] John Beare of Hunt->Elizb. d. & h. of John Chalvedon who sham in com. mar. d. & coh. of Wm. Norton who mar. Devon the d. & coh. of Wm. Crwse John Beare of Hunt=Thomazin d. of Sir Tho. Thomas sham, s. & h. Stukeleye Kt. Beare, 2 John Bar John Bere George Bere of Bere-Julian d. of Harper William=Elinor d. of John Bere of=Agnes d. of John Sne- Dawkins Barnstable del al's Sindall John 1 æt. 24 Elizb. George 2 Joane Wm. Davy of Barnstable 11 Julian George Bere of>Grace d. & coh. Wiliam 2 Frankmarsh in / of Baltizar co. Devon, Boteler of John 3 living 1620 Wm. Bulworthie of Barnstable Margt. Katherin = unm. Tho. Uggars A son, an inf. unchrista Anne æt. 3 Baltizar s. & h. æt. 4, 1620 GEO. BEARE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Bere. Tho. Beare of Huntsham=Joane d. of Humph. in com. Devon Keynes Charles Roger, 2 . 1 s. ob. 8. p. John Beare, 2, of=Joane d. of John Weare Huntsham, of Holbarton in com. living 1620 Devon Tho. Beare s. & h. æt. 14, 1620 Mary æt.=Tho. Collyns of Offill in Devon Thomazine, 2 æt. 20 23 JOHN BERE. Beaumont. ARMS. Azure, a lion rampant between ten fleurs-de-lys or. CREST. An elephant argent, equipped or, surmounted by a tower triple-towered of the löst. Nicholas Leigh of Addington Esq.=Ann d. of Rich. Carew of Beddington esq. George Beaumont of Godeby in com.>Elizab. d. of Nich. Leigh Leic., 2 s. to Beaumont of Colborton of Addington esq. Henry Beaumont-Ann d. of Elizab. d. of Nich.=Thomas Beau-ŞEliz, d. of Tho. Dean of Peter- Buckford Blewet of Broad mont of Gits- / Glydd of Ew. borough & Preb. of Exeter Clist, 2 s. of Sir ham in com. herst in com. of Windsor, 1, Rog. Blewet of Devon, living Suss., 1 w. living 1620 Holcomb 1620 Henry 3 John 4 Thomas 5 Elizabeth 3 Grace 4 Dorothy 5 . Glidd Beaumont s.-Jone d. of Greene Thomas Mary=Raphe Ann John & h., rector of Gits- of Exeter gent. Draye Yealding ham, 1620 Entered, not signed. - - - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - . . - - - -- - ... - - - - - - - - - --- -- --- - - - - - - - - 22 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Bellew. ARMS. Sable, fretty or, quartering, 1. Vair, a chief chequy or and sable. (FLEMING] 2. Argent, on a bend [sa.] three horseshoes [ar.]. [FERRERS.] 3. Argent, a lion rampant sable, over all a fess charged with three crosslets fitchée of the second. [COLBECK.] 4. Quarterly argent and sable, on a bend gules three mullets of the first. (CAYLEY.] Crest. An arm embowed, vested vert, cuffed argent, hand proper, holding the clapper of a bell gules. Willm. Bellew of Alverdis-=d. of Sir Hugh Stukeley of cot in com. Devon | Awton in com. Devon Rich.=Margaret d. of 1 son Sir John Sel- lenger in com. Devon Foulke=d. of Sir John Moers Hen. Bellew ofElizb. d. of Amias Stockleigh Chichester of English in Arlington in com. Devon Devon James George Hen. Bellew, Philip Bellew of Stock-=Joane d. of John Quick 1 son leigh English in com. of Stockley Pomeroy Devon, living 1620 in com. Devon Hen. Bellew 8. & h. æt. 6, 1620 Philipp, 2, æt. 12 weeks PHILIPPE BELLEW. Bellewe. William Bellew of Ash in Bramp-=Anne d. of Sir Hugh Stukley ton in com. Devon esq. of Afton in com. Devon, knt. John, a priest, of Bratton Fleming, living 1620 Henry Bellew of Stock-=Eliz. d. of Amias ley Inglish in com. Chichester of Devon Arlington Anne=Wm Phillips of 1 d. Alberdiscott Mary unm. æt. 30 James=d. of Daws William s. & h. æt. 3 George, 4 æt. 26 Henry Bellewe of Hunts- Phillip, 2=Joan d. of Quick of ham æt. 40, 1620 Stockley Pomeroy Henry s. & h. ät. 6 Elizab. æt. 8 Gartred æt. 4 HENR. BELLEWE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 23 Bellmaine. Rich. Bellmayn of Bellmayn Banck=Anne d. of Wm Newton in com. Westmorland al's Darston Robt Bellmayn of Dallamore=Dorithie d. of in com. Devon, living 1620 | Wm Marchant of 2 captaine in Queen Eliza- | Lime in com. beth's service Dorsett Margt=John Smith of Kendall in com. Westmor, esq. Robert, 2, a scoller in Oxford, æt. 19, 1620 Rich. Bellmayn=Philip d. of Rich. More- 8. & h. æt, 28, ing of Little Torring- 1620 ton in com. Deyon. Robert s. & h. æt. 1, 1620 Dorithie, 1, æt. 5 Joane, 2, æt. 3 Priscilla, 3, æt. 2 ROBTE. BELLMAINE. Bellott. ARMS. 1. Argent, on a chief sable three cinquefoils of the field. [BELLOTT.] 2. Argent, on a bend sable three buckles of the first. [MORETON OF GT. MORETON IN CHESHIRE.] CREST. A cubit arm in armour, proper, grasping a baton argent. Ex libro censuali vulgo Doomsday. Tempore Willelmi conquistoris anno regni sui 20 Dorsete servientum regis. Willelmus Belet tenet de rege frome pro tribus hidis. Willelmus Belet tenet in Nodeford pro una hida et duabus virgatis et dimidio, Wardeford pro 2 hidis et dim. Lime pro una hida. Gulielmus Belet tenet 1 hidam et 3 virgatas terræ et dim. in Sture de rege. In Hanteshire. Terra Gulielmi Belet, Odicote pro una hida, etc. Aº. 1 Joh. Magister Michaell Belet dat. etc. pro habere maritagium Roberti de Candos ad opus sororis suæ. Johannes rex anno regni sui 70 concessit Magistro Beleth filio Michaelis Beleth officium suum pincerna in regis et omnes terras quæ fuerunt Henrici Belet avi sui sibi et heredibus suis dat. apud Melbery, 28 Decembris. A° 55 H. 3. Essex. Willelmus Belet testis inter alias cartæ regis. H. 3. dat. 20 Martis inter cartas de aº 55 H. 3. ma 13. Aº 25 H. 3. Willelmus Belet Werdeford libera warrena carta ma 6. A° 53 H. 3. Rex concessit Willelmo Belet manerium suum Brehull ex originat. 24 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Dorset. A° 41 H. 3. Radulphus Belet et Gunora uxor ejus. Aº 24 E. 1. Sands. hund. de Pidleton Medeway que fuit uxor Rogeri Belet tenet medietatem de Little Puddle de Elia de Rabaine ad terminum vitæ suæ, Aº 20 E. 3. Rex pro bono servitio quod dilectus serviens suus Rogerus Belet Isabellæ reginæ Angliæ matri regis impendit, concessit ei ballivam hundredi de Bella Cruce in com. Berk. ex origa rot. 2. Clausæ aº 56 H. parte prima ma 2 Archiv. Mandatum est Ricardo de Ewell et Willelmo de Arundell emptori garde-robæ regis quod sine delatione habere facias dilectis et familiaribus militibus Petro de Chaumpnent, Willelmo Belet et Willelmo de Sancta Eromina robas suas contra instans festum Sancti Edmundi de gratia regis speciali, teste rege apud Waledon 6 die Octobris. Thomas Belot who was a second brother of the house of Belot of Morton Grene in com. Cestr. who came & dwelt in Wiltsh. Richard Belot of Cosham in com. Wiltsh.=d. of Earle Thomas 2 Francis Belot of Cosham aforesaid=Ann d. of Reginald Mohun & aft. went into Cornwall & dwelt of Buckonock, Esquire for at Bochim the body to Queene Eliza. Robert 3 Reginald=Dorothy Belot 1 d. of son Dynham of Wor- tham Thomas Be->Lucy sister Ambrose of=Elinor d. & h. of lot 2 now of Sir John Downton Barnard Smith of in Ireland Riues in com. Totness gent. & Devon esq. widow of Sir John living 1620 Fulford, knt.. Renatus Belott-Philip d. & h. of s. & h. 1620 William Beare esq. Rawleigh Belot s. & h. Renatus, 2 Philippa, 1 Frances, 2 Ambrose s. & h. æt. 8, 1620 Loveday, 3 AM. BELLOTT. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 25 Bennett. ARMS. Sable, a chevron engrailed erminois between three ears of wheat. Richard Bennett of Chud-Julian d. of Whit- leigh in Devon way of the same Nicholas Bennett-Eliz. d. of Sir Tho. Pome- of Chudleigh s. roy of Bingley in Devon & h. knt. William, 2 John, Joan=Peter Beare of Kingstan- ton Sabian=Humfry Ball of Chudley John Ben-=Eliz. d. of John nett of Trose of Exeter Chudley John Bennett, 1 Robert, 2 William, 3 Elizabeth, 1 da. Amy, 2 da. William, 8. p. English=Tho. Thorne of Mamhead gent. Julian=Roger Horwell of Kingstanton JOH. BENNETT. Berye. Two sets of quarterings are given. ARMS. I.--1. Or, three bars gules. [BERRY.] 2. Azure, three fleurs-de-lys or pierced sable. [PERSE ?] 3. Argent, two chevronells sable. [Esse.] 4. Ğules, two lions passant guardant argent within a bordure engrailed or. [HATCH.] 5. Ermine, ā fess between two demi-lions in chief, and three mascles in base gules. [SALLE.] II.-1. Or, three bars gules. [BERRY.] 2. Per pale indented or and gules. [PENRISE.] 3. Erinine, a chevron azure. [PENRISE.] 4. Sable, a hand lying fessways within a bordure engrailed argent. [BOLKWORT.] CREST. A griffin's head erased party per pale or and gules. Jenkin Berrye of Berry in Erber John Berry, 1. sonne & hey , Nicholas Berry, 2 sonne Richard Berry of Cros-=mar. the da. of a comb, 3 son Spaniard Tho. Berry fil. et hæres A- 26 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Richard Berry of Cros. comb fil. et bær. John Berry de Chittle-=da. of Cobley hampton, 2 son Henry Berry, first=Amyas da. of John Smith sonne & hey. of Bridgtowne son Bartholomew Berry, first son John Berry, 2 filius, mar. Gonett da. Richard Willmus Berry, Berry, 4 3 filius Andrew=Julian da. of Wm. Berry, Baker of East- 5 filius* down Henry Berry, 4 sonne, mar. da. of John Lover- inge of Tave- stock in com. Devon Mary da. of=Bartholomew=Joan da. of Hen. Hole Berry filius et Hugh of St. hæres armi. Priest of Giles, 2 ger de Chit- Gorwin n'r wife tlehampton Hartland, 1 wife John ==Agnes da. Berry, Survey of 2 Okeford sonne in com. Devon Bartholomew fil. et hæres, ætat. 16 2, filia Ellen mar. to Natt 3 daugh- ters un- married John, first son, Bartholomew, Willm. mar. the 2 son, ætat. 3 son, daughter of 26 ætat. More of 23 Morehayes Maria unica filia, ætat. 12 septiman. Thomas, 3 son, mar. 1. Agnes mar. to 2.' Joan mar. to da. of John Barna Tho. Fletcher Edw. Laramore of cott of Devon of Bickington Paracomb Dorothy mar. to Tho. Ackland of Ackland in par. Goodleigh Bartholomew, ætat. 19 Priscilla, 2 daughter BARTHUS BERYE. * John, 3 sonne of Andrew, mar. four da. of Wm. Grills of Tavistock John, son & heir, ætat. 7. Maria Katherine THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 27 Berry. Margaret d. of Gobb &>John Berrie of Ilford-=Elizb. d. of Ric. widow of Philip combe in com. Chichester of Chichester, 2 w. Devon Raleighe Antho. Berrie, 1 s. John, 2 Thomas, 4 Christopher, 3 James Berrie of Estley in com. Devon Tho. Berrie of Lobb=Elizb. d. of Chichester in com. Devon of Hall Humphrie Berrie of=Wilmot d. of Robt. Skampe Lobb, living 1620 of Braunton Robert, 2 Tho. Berrie s. &=Flora d. of Philip h. et. 30, 1620 | Southcot of Wear Humph., 3 Christ., 4 Barbara Hester Elizab. Richard, s. & h., æt. 1, 1620 THO. BERRY. Berrye. Anthony Berye of Estley in com.=Francis d. of John Luppin- Devon Esq., S. & h. of James cot of Alverdiscot Raphe Berrie of Est-=Cicill d. of Achilles ley Esq. S. & h. Gifford of Instow Francis, only d., et. 7 John Berrie s. & h. William, George, æt. 9, 1620 2, et. 3 3, t. 2 RAPHE BERRYE. 28 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Berry John Berry of Chittlehamp-=Gunnet d. of ton in com. Devon Chappell John Berrie of Chittlehamp-=Agnes d. of Wm. Hill, al's Spurwaye, ton, living 1620 of Okeford in Devon 2, Bartho. Ellin=Wm. Natt of Sam- 3, William bridg T John Berrie-Elizab. d. of Katherine s. & h., Hum. living 1620 Moore of Agnes Cullomp- ton Esq. Anne Mary d. & h., living 1620 JOHN ᏴᎬᎡᎡY. Beryman. ARMS. Argent, a chevron between three horses trippant sable. CREST. A horse's head erased sable. John Beriman of Berrie-Elinor d. of in com. Devon Upcott John Beriman of Berrie co.=Elizb. d. of Tho. Fulford and s. of Sir Devon, now living 1620 Francis Fulford of Fulford Knt. Ursula, 1 d., æt. 7, 1620 Elizb., 2 d., æt. 17 yr., 1620 J. BERYMAN. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 29 : Bidlake. ARMS. Gules, a fess between three birds argent. .11 Rafe, of Combe Bristowe, purchased from Warren, of Sicaville, whose heire Mr. Kellie of Kellie now is, all his lands, rents, and services in Bidlake Mill, and the wood appertaining to Bidlake, with all its liberties, for it is within Venfield, and other the appurtenances to the same land belonging; and John Kelly, son of Sir John Kelly, Knt., Aº. 2 E. 2, being Aº. 1309, having purchased and seene the lande purchast, decreed, ratified, & confirmed the same by his own deed with warrantise generall to the saide Rafe of Combe. Geffere Bidlake had from John Maynard and Robt. Trecarell (being his own ffeoffees in trust) a regrant made to him for time of his life of all his lands in Wester Bidlake, and Thruselton, and after his death to John Bidlake, his sonne, and Alice his wife, the da. of Rich. de Combe, A. 9, H. 44. John Bidlake, son of John, had from Wm. of Combe, son of Rafe of Combe, a graunt in fee simple of a tenement with the appurtenances in Thruselton, ye wh. tenement ye said Wm. had by ye death of his brother Nicholas made to him the said John by the name of John Bidlake my sonne and his heires for ever. And by this it showeth that this Nicholas died without-issue, clearly, for the words in the deed be those:—Quod ego Willms de Combe habui successionem hereditati post mortem Nicholai de Combe fratris mei. Willm, son of Rafe de Combe, had a feoffment indented pro Jefferie of Milli- ton, parson of the church of Lew Trenchard, and Rich. of Lidford, parson of the church of Aisburie, which intailed all their land in Combe within the parish of Bridestow and Asburie in the parish of Thruselton, with common of pasture in all the land marsh of Burley with their appurtenances, in this sort,-first, that the same Willm should have it for the terme of his life, the remainder after his death unto his son Willm in tale generall, and if Willm the son of Willm died without issue, then it should go to Rafe, the brother of the said Willm, in tale generall, and if the same Rafe died without issue, then it should remaine to John, brother to the same Willm and Rafe, and if John died without issue, unto the right heirs of the said Rafe of Combe for ever. Aº. 5 E. 3. John Bidlake had a ratificac'on made by Hen. Kelly, son of Rich. Kelly of Kelly, of the graunt made by his auncestor Warren of Sicaville to Rafe of Combe, whose estate the same John Bidlake had in the lande of Wester Bidlake, etc., with warrantise against all men. 32 H. 6, A'. 1459. John Bidlake bad from the pope's legat a dispensac'on to mak lafull the mar- riage betweene him and Jone Combe, were cosins of ye 4 degree, and on either partie not past, temp. H. 6, 32. 7 Calend Augusti Pontif. Din. Nichi papæ 5 Aº.7. Thomas Bidlake, of Bidlake in ye countie of Devon, gave to John Roper, then the King's Atturnie Generall, John Wise, gent., Tho. Had, gent., John Pike, all his messuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with the appur- tenances in Bidlake, Cafford, Fornworthie, Wodforde, and Burleighe, the manor of Bradstow Weeke, and Rowden in fee simple, to the uses of the same Tho. Bidlake and Catherin his wife, which Catherin was the daughter of Tho. Hadd, of the countie of Kent, who married Elizab., sister of the said John Roper of Kent, and to the heires of their bodies lafully begotten, and for default of such issue, of others, as appeareth by the indenture. Aº. 1448. Hen. Bidlake, son of Thomas, at his age of yeares, or thereabout, was taken ward at Thorne, in the parish of St. Mary Awtin, fro Jo. Coke, Esq., who married Katherin, the widow of Thomas, by Georg Roll, gent. 30 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Bidlake. Rad’us de Combe Bridstow Nichus de Combe fil. et her. s. p. Willmus de Combe Rad’us ob. sp. Willmus de Combe ob. s. p. John de Bidlake Geffrey de Bidlak John de Bidlake Alice d. of Rich. de Combe John Bidlake=Jone Come Thomas Bidlake=Catherin d. of Thomas Hadd of Kent Henry Bidlake ob. 20 Aprilis, 16045Anne d. of Roger Dennis of Sussex John Bid-=Elizab. d. of Roger Langford of lake | German’s Wick in Devon John Bid.=Mary d. of lake 2. Oliver Dinham Willms Bid-=Agnes d. of Ric. lake of Bid- | Sture of Morley lake Grace=John Davy of Sanford by Crediton Elizabeth unica Henry fil. Thomas, 2 Anna, John Catherin filia, æt. 3. & her., 8 æt. unius æt. 6 anni Robert Anna Entered, not signed. Blackall. ARMs. Paly of six or and sable, on a chief gules three bezants, quartering or, on a fess between three griffins' heads erased sable three mullets or. [CLIFFE.] CREST. A tiger's head erased argent, issuing out of rays or. John Blackall of Totnes in com. Devon=Welthian d. & h. of John Cliffe Richard Blackall of Totnes in=Anne d. of Lewis Fortescue of com. Devon, living 1620 Vallapitt in com. Devon THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 31 A 1. Eliz. d. of=Christo. Blackall of Hampsted=Penelope d. of Wel-=Jo. Watts Nicho. Stan- in com. Devon, living 1620, mar. Tho. Hele of thian in co. ninge of to his 3d wife Suzan, d. of Sir F lete Esq. in Somer- Bickley Nicholas Halsewell com. Devon. set Esquire. Nicho. Watts Marye Watts RIC. BLACKALL. Blackdon. ARMS. Azure, three trefoils slipped argent, on a chief indented gules two annulets or. John Blackdon of Black-=d. and h. of Downinge of don in com. Devon Brodwood wiger John, ob. s. Anthonie,=d. of Oulacom of Rowborow Richard Black-=Charitie d. of Tho. don of Black Browne & s. & coh. of don Sir Tho. Browne p. Anthonie=d. of Wm Bayley of Lantree Richard John Anthonie, æt. 3. A dau. Entered, not signed. Blackemoore. ARMS. Or, on a fess between three moors' heads side-faced, couped sable, three cres- cents argent. CREST. A moor's head erased sable, gorged or. Tho. Blackemore of Bishops=Honor d. of Wm Snowe of Nympton in com. Devon | West Anstie in com. Devon Francis-Geo. Alderman of Lidiard St. Lawrence in com. Som. Hugh Blackemore of=Joane d. of Walt. Whet- Bishops Nympton, stone of Thelbridge in living 1620 com. Devon 32 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Elizab.=John White of Tiverton Francis unm. Thomas Blackemore, Mary d. of Baldwyne 1 s., æt. 30, 1620 Saunders of Col- brooke in Devon Hugh, s. & h., æt. 7 Walter, 2 John, 3 Joane Edward, 2=Fran. d. of Hen. Eame Antho., 3 Barth., 4 John S. & h. . 3 y. 1620 HUGH BLACKEMOORE Bluett. ARMS. 1. Or, a chevron between three eagles displayed vert. [BLUETT.] 2. Azure, three bends within a bordure argent. [MERTON?] 3. Argent, a chevron sable, and a label of three points gules. [PRIDEAUX.] 4. Argent, a chevron between two crosses formée in chief, and a saltire in base, all sable. [BEAUPENNY AND GREENHAM.] 5. Argent, three moor-cocks sable. [MORTON.] 6. Or, on a chevron gules three martlets argent. [CHISELDEN.] 7. Azure, a chevron between three chess-rooks or. [Rogus.] 8. Azure, two bars between eight martlets or. CREST. A squirrel sejeant or, in his paw an acorn vert, fructed or. Roger Blewet of Holcomb=Jane 1 d. of John Rose of Kinge- Regis in com. Devon Kt. ston in com. Devon esq. John, s. & h. Nicho. Blewet of Broad->Ellin d. of Tilley of Point- clist in com. Devon ington in Somers. Roger Blewet of Broad-Bridget d. of John Wyvell clist, living 1620 of Crediton Henry, 2 Robert, 4 Elizabeth, 1 Bridget, 3 Roger, 8. & b., æt. 14' Nicholas, 3 William, 5 Ellinor, 2 Suzan, 4 ROGER BLUETT. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 33 Bodley. Richard Bodley=d. & h. of Trevill John Bodley=d. of John Copleston of Wareley George Bodley,Agnes d. & h. of 1 s. Wm Hurstey Christopher, 2 John, 3 Mark, 2 William Bodley=Anne d. of Tho. Dowrish esq. Elizab. William, 2, Thomas Bodley=Blanch d. of Ar- ob. s. p. of Dunscomb, thur Arscott of living 1620 Tetcott esq. Ann ob. s. p. Rich. Tresilian of Cornw. Arthur, 5, æt. 7 Anna, æt. 2 John Bodley, William, – 1 s., et. 14, 2, et. 13 Mary, æt. 1 1620 Francis, 3, et. 11 Thomas, 4, et. 10 George, 6, æt. 4 Grace Jane Marie Susan pro b ione - Elicott of Exeter John Davis of London Epenetus Belleaw brother to Nicholas Nich. Bellew near Barstable · Entered, not signed. 34 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Hourchier. ARMS. 1. A cross engrailed gules between four water bougets sable. 2. Quarterly 1 and 4. Azure, three fleurs-de-lys or. 2 and 3. Gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or. (PLANTAGENET.] 3. Azure, a bend argent, cotised or, between six lions rampant of the last. [Bonun.] 55 quarterings are given, but drawn on too small a scale to be decipherable, and the colours are not assigned. Willm's Bourchier, miles=Alianora f. et h. Johis Lovain, mil. 21 R. 2 Johes Bourchier, miles=f. Cockshall Willms. Bourchier Comes =Anna f. & h. Thomæ de Wood- Ewe in Normaine 5 H. 5 | stock Ducis Gloucestriæ Ric’us Hanford,=Elizab. f. & h. Falconis mil. D’ni Fitzwarren Henricus Bourchier f.=Isabell f. primog. Comes Essex | Comitis 12 H. 6 Cantab. Joh’es Bourchier=Marg. d. & h. D'ns Berniers | Rici. D’ns Berniers Thomas Archiep. Cantuar. Cardi- nalis Will’mus Bourchier=Thomazin f. & h. D'ns Fitzwarren Rici Hanford jure ux. mil. Will’mus D’ns=Anna f. et coh. Rici Bourcbier Woodville Com. ob. v. p. Rivers, renupta Geo. Gray Comiti Cantii HumfredusEliz. f. et h. Bourchier Fridericis D’ns Ber- Tilney, mil. niers Fulco Bourchier=Elizabetha f. & D'ns Fitzwar. I h. Joh'is D'ns ren. Dinham Blanchia=Barthol. S-ger de com. Cant. Joh’es Devereux=Cicilia f. D'ns Ferrers Henricus Bourchier=Maria f. et coh. Comes Essex, 1539 | Willmi Say, mil. Johes D’ns Berners Lo=Katherina f. Johis Howard cum tenens Calisiæ Ducis Norfolk Anna f. et h.=Willmo Parre Marchioni Northampt. ob. 8. p. Thomas Bourcbier f. et h. ob. s. p. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 35 Johanna=Jac. D’ns Audley Johes Bourchier D’ns Fitz-=Cicilia filia Egidii D’ni warren, creatus Comes Ba- | Daubine, soror et h. thon, 9 July 28 H. 3, ob. Henrici Comitis Bridg- 31 H. 8 water Elizab.=1. Beamont 2. Verney. 3. Edw. Stanhop, mil. 4. Nic. Pigot, mil. Elizab. f. Walteri Hungerford=Joh’es Bourchier, 2 Comes=Elinora fil. Geo. mil. f. jun. Robti Comitis Bathon, ob. 1560.=3 ux. Manners D’ni Hungerford, 1 ux. Margaretam f. & h. Johis Rosse, 2 ux. Dodington= Elizab.=Joh. Chiches- ter, mil. Dorothea=Joh. Fulford, mil. Elizabetha Susan’a Briget=Arthur Pierce de com. Mont- gomerie Johes Bourchier D'ns Fitz-=Francisca f. Tho. warren ob. v. p. Kitson, mil. Cicilia, 2=Tho. Paiton de Berrie St. Edmond Willmus Bourchier 3 Comes Bathon modo superstes temp. visit. 1620=Elizabetha f. Francisci Russell Com. Bedfordiæ Ricus D’ns Fitzwarren Francisca f. Maria, l=Hugo Wiat de Exeter Sir George B., 3, ob. in=Martha d. of Will. Lord Howard of Effingham Hibernia 1605 & sister to Charles, Erle of Nottingham Thomas, f. et h. The above not signed, nor marked for entry. 36 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Boteler. ARMS. Azure, three covered cups or, a mullet for difference. Humfridus Boteler de Annery in com. Deyon=Filia Martini Littlewear Johannes Botiler=Alicia filia Robt. Sawyer Willmus Boteler=Eliz. d. & h. of John Loworthy Johannes Boteler ob. 8. p. Gencianus Boteler=Johan'a filia Joh’is Payne hæres fratris de Cordingcoate John Willmus 8. P. Richard John s. p. Philip Boteler=Margaret d. of bæres John Wivell Willmus Bo- telers John Boteler=Elinor d. of 8. & h. Bellew of Ash Esq. John Boteler,=Pasco d. of Giles Risdon of Babe- ley A dau.=Dyamont Phillip Bo-=Catherine d. of Tho. teler Gifford of Halesbury esq. Robert Boteler of Parkham, now living=Rachell d. of Tris- 1620, as yet hath no issue tram Maypowder 2, John Honor d. of=Bathazer Bo-=Jane d. of Tho. Gif- Amies Chi- teler s. & h., ford of Halesbury chester 1620 esq. 8. p. 3, Edmond 5, Thomas Ann=John North of Tallan esq. Mary, 2,=John Vigures d. & cob. of Buckland Brewer Joane, 3,=Wm. Leigh d. & coh. of Northam gent. Grace, 4=Geo: Beare of Parkham Elizab. 5, as yet unm. 1620 Edward, 4, of Littleham, living 1620=Christian d. of Gabriell Carye of Bideford John Boteler s. & h., æt. 9 BALTHAZAR BOTELER. EDW. BOTELER. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY TA 37 OF DEVON. Bogan. Bogan John Bogan of>Dennys d. of Totness, 1 son Dottynge William Bogan, 2=Eliza. d. of Allen son, of Totnes Hakewill Richard Bogan=John d. of Willm of Totness Ball of Totness Walter Bogan=Prothayzey d. of of Totnes | John Bodley William Bogan of=ann d. & h. of Nicholas Will'm Bogan of=Joane d. of Townstall, now Geret of Totness & widow Little Hempston Zachary living 1620 of Christopher Bogan living 1620 Irishe Ann, 1 Christian, 4 Richard Bogan 8. & h., et. 4, 1620 William Bogan 8. & h., æt. 1, 1620 Mary, Ellen, 1 d. 3 d. Margaret, 3 Hester 5 Johan, 2 WILLIAM BOGAN. W. BOGAN. Bowyer. Walter Bowyer of London=d. of... London John Bowyer of Beare in com. Somers. &=Elizab. d. of Latham of Up- Secretary to the Duke of Suffolk minster in com. Essex Edm. Boywer, l=d. of Lovell of John Bowyer of Knoll=Jane d. of Humph.. Dorsetsh. in par. of Salcomb. Bishop of Chilcom. in com. Devon in com. Dorset Elizabeth, æt. 4 Anne, æt. 3 Joane, æt. 1 J. BOWYER. 38 THE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF DEVON. Broughton. ARMS. Argent, a chevron between three mullets gules, an annulet azure. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Tho. de Dastre dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi pro me et heredibus meis et assignatis omnino quietum clamavi Ricardo filio et Alicie uxori sua et heredibus dicti Ricardi totam terram meam de Warbrightsley cum omnibus &c. Dat. apud la Barn. in Com. Dorset die lunæ prox, ante festum Sti Georgii papæ aº regni regis Edw. octavo. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Warinus Sacheville dedi, concessi et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Tho. Roch et Johannæ uxori ejus manerium meum de Warbrightesley in com. Devon &c. Dat. apud Warbrightesley undecimo die Februarii aº regni regis H. 6, 24. Sealed with a coate of arms, a buck passant with a crescent, the seale parte broken in the finish point. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod nos Adam Sacheville et Martha uxor mea dedimus, et concessimus Johanni de Grileston, Willelmo ? Carden, Radulpho Sachevile, Nicholao Sachevile et Alexandro Sacherile omnia messuagia, terras et tenementa, redditus et servitia mea tam de liberis quam de villanis in Warbrights- ley &c. Dat. apud W'arbrightesley die lunæ prox. ante festum Sanctis Georgii aº regni regis Edw. 3 a conquest. Anglie 42. broken ing Adam Sa Willelmo messuas arbris James Broughton of Warbrightesly=Eliz. d. of Alex. in com. Devon Voysey Humfrie Broughton, 1 s.+Eliz. d. of John Tristram Joan, 1 Jane, 3 Elizab. 5 Grace, 7 George, 2. Hugh =Margt d. & Brough- coh. of Wm ton Escott Marie, 2 Agnes, 4 Mary, 6 Barbara, 8 James, 3 William, Humph.=Cicell d. of George, George Brough-=Elizab. d. of Humph. Cruse 1 s. ob. ton of War John Gifford of Morchard inf. brightesley of Brightley Cruse Honor, æt. 10 George, 1 s., æt. 9, 1620 Arthur, 2, æt. 6 Hugh, 3, æt. 1 Barbara=Sir John Hooper of St. Decoman's in com. Somers Catherin=John Trobridge Maria of Exbridge in Somers. GEORGE BROUGHTON. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 39 Burdon. William Burden of Burden in High Hampton in com. Devon temp. H. 8, 21 John Burden of Burdon in=sister & coh. of James Brinden of Pomerken High Hampton in St. German's parish in com. Cornw. John, Richard, William, 2, ob. s. p. Robert Burden of>Agneta d. of John Kinge Burdon, 1 son of Black Torrington Marie-Lewis Hesset of Dijorie,=Honor d. of Georg. Jone=John Beaford Shebbear in com. 3 son Rolles of St. Mary of St. Mary Devon Weake in Cornw. Weake John Burden=Johanna d. & coh. of of Burden Roger Townslow of s. & h. Virginstow in com. Devon Robert,=Jone d. of Robert Kemp- thorne of North Petherwin in com. Devon James=-Mary d. of John,=Jane d. of Rich. Anthony, 2 Robert=Alice d. of Anthony 3 Hamlin of Burden John Brendon of Highampton relict of of Bur- Skerick Lizant in Corn- Meger den of South wall Tawstock Francis Elizabeth Winifred only dau. æt. 14 John Burden s. & h. Đt. 21, 1620 Anthonie, 2, æt. 12 Anthonie John George Alice ob. s. p. Edward Margaret Susan=Wm Lanian of St. Breake in Cornw. Jone=Rich. Hawke of St. Cleder in Cornw. Elizabeth unma ROBT. BURDON. 40 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Burgaine. ARMs. Azure, a talbot passant argent, a mullet for difference. Geffrey Burgaine of Londonşd. & h. of Stoninge of Doddis- merchant combleigh gent. William Burgaine of=Jane d. of Ric. Taverner of South Tawton in com. the Inner Temple Devon gent. & of Alice d. of William Wikes of Recorder of Northwike in com Devon Esq. Richard, 2, Walter, William Bur-=Alice d. of Geo. Joane Margaret of Bide- gaine of ford South Taw in com. Devon Tho. Cople- Wm Furs- ton s. & h. Esq. ston of ïen- don of stow Fursdon Mīdī William, 3 of Blackall in Devon gaine s. & h. | Buckingham of Exeter merchant Thomas, 4 Richard Burgaine ofAnne d. of Gorwill of Fremington in com. Devon Bideford, 2 son & of Margt d. of Culpeper of Kent Esq. Richard Burgaine of=Alice d. of Renold Trethurse Bideford gent. of Cornw. Esq. Richard William Reginold,=d. of John Knight of Lasick in Cornw. 5 Richard, 1 son, æt. abt 4 3 daus. Thomas Burgain of Alling->Christian d. of Robt Isaak ton in hund. of Sheb- of Atherington who m. bere, his house is called Catherin d. of John Chi- Winscott chester of Hall Esq. Francis,=d. of John 2 | Clifton of St. Marie Weak in Cornw. Robert Burgaine=Mary d. of James Elizab.=Wm Medden of Joane s. & h., æt. 28, Carey of Alling- Weare Gifford 1620 ton marchant Anne THOM. BURGAINE. - - - THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 41 Buryngton. Humphrie Buryngton of Ideford in the parish of Chudleigh John Buryngton of Sandford=Elizabeth d. of John Atwill the elder Thomazine Joan Robert Howe William Flond of Cheriton Robert Buryng-=Margaret d. of John,=Ann d. of ton of Sand John Leach 2 John Howe ford, a Coun Chancellor of of Kirton sellor at Lin St. Peter's coln's Inn Exeter Margaret, 1, æt. 10 Elizabeth, 2, æt. 9 Robert, 1, æt. 18 s. & h. John, 2, æt. 15 Humphrie, 3, æt. 2 ROBERT BURYNGTON. Burgoyne. Wm Burgoine of Southtawton=Alice d. of John Viell of Wood in com. Cornw. Geo. Burgoine of South Tawton>Elizb. d. of Wm Buckingham of Exiter Wm Burgoine s. & h. æt. 64, 1620 Robert Burgoine of Braun-=Mary d. of Rob. Skempe ton, living 1620 of Braunton 3, William 1, Elizabeth Rich. Burgoine,>Mary d. of 2, of Barstaple, John Dey- living 1620 mond of Barstable George Bur- goine, 1 son, æt. 30 4, Phillip 2, Mary 5, Robert 1, Grace 2, Elizabeth William Burgoine s. & h. æt. 4, 1620 ROBERT BURGOYNE. RICHARD BURGOINE. 42 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Burnby. ARMS. 1. Azure, two bars embattled counterbattled ermine. [BURNBY.] 2. Gules, a mule passant argent. [MOYLES.] 3. Ermine, on a chevron argent four pallets between three leopards faces azure. [HENSCOTT.] 4. Chequy or and azure, over all a bend gules. [CLIFFORD.] Edward Burnby of Bratton Clovelley in com. Devon=d. & h. of Moyles of Bake Thomas Burnby s. &h=Willmot d. & h. of Henscott John Burnby s. & h.=Matilda d. & h. of Coke John Burnby of Bratton=Grace 3 d. of Anthony Pollard of Hardwood Richard Burnby s. & h.=Julian d. of Wm. Tothill of Exeter Grace ob. s. p. Mary=Roger Nicholles Elizab. Nich. Bickford. Jone=Hen. Bickley Thomas Burnby s. & h.=Marie d. of John Beare of æt. 40, 1620 Woodmanston & Bearescombe 1, Maria 12 Richard s. & h., et. 9 Thomas, 2, æt. 7 2, Elizab. 10 3, Anna 4, Susan et. 6 pt. 4. THO. BURNBY. Burye, ARMS. Ermine, on a bend engrailed azure three fleurs-de-lys or. Hugh Burye of Colliton in com=Anned, of Rich. Pollard of Hor- Devon esq. 2 s. of Rich. wood in com. Devon Esq. John Bury of Collitonşd. of Mangey Humph. Bury of Colliton, living 1620=Gartrud d. of John Stukely of Afton Gartrude, a made John Bury s. & h., æt. 30=d. of Arscot of Tetcott Mary Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF T 43 COUNTY OF DEVON. Cabell. ARMS. Vert, fretty argent, over all a fess gules. Rich. Cabell of Fromeselwood Rich. Cabell of Buckfast-=Suzan d. of John Pet of leigh in com. Devon Buckfastleigh Samuell, 2 Richard Cabell of Buckfastleigh=Mary d. of Geo. Prest- in com. Devon, living 1620 wood of Whetcombe Anne-John Hele of Shaghe Bridget=Tho. Martin of Totnes Suzan=Tho. Turgis of Buckfastleigh RICHARD CABELL. Cade. Hen. Cade of Barstable=Agnes d. of Salisburie Rog. Cade of Barstable>Elizb. d. of Mules of Warkley Samwell Cade of Freming.=Mary d. of Rich. Harbert of Swan- ton, living 1620 sey in Wales in Glamorgan SAMUEL CADE. Calmadye. ARMs. Azure, a chevron between three pears pendent or. Calmadye Vincent Calmadye of Wen-=Mary d. & h. of Nicks bury in com. Devon of Lifton Joane, 1 d., æt. 27 Anne, 2 d., æt. 12 Arthure Calmadge of the Middle Temple in London, æt. 25, 1620 (?) ARTHURE CALMADYE. 44 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Calmady. Vincent Calmady of Wenburie Josias Calmady s. & h.=d. & coh. of Courtneye Sir Shilston Calmady of Wenburie=d. of Copleston of Warleye kt., living 1620 in com. Devon 8. & h. Entered, not signed. Cawoodley ARMS. Azure, two wings conjoined argent, over all on a fess gules three bezants. CREST. A hawk's leg azure, belled or, joined to the knee in chief a wing argent. Humph. Calwoodley of Studley in com. Devon John s. & b., ob. 8. p. James Calwoodleigh of Studley John Calwoodleigh of Cove in com. Devon=Joane d. of Radford Bartholomew Calwoodleigh of Up Low-=Mary d. of Edw. Huke- man in com. Devon, living 1620 leigh of Lowman Presilla John s. & h., æt. 4 BARTHO. CALWOODLEIGH. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 45 Carew. ARMS. 1. Or, three lions passant in pale sable. [CAREW.] 2. Gules, an arm in fesse habited in a maunch erinine, and holding in the hand a fleur-de-lys or. (MOHUN.] 3. Gules, two bends wavy or. [BREWER.] 4. Argent, three eels? coiled vert. [ELLIS OF TREVOAR.] 5. Or, three torteaux, and a label of three points azure. [COURTENAY.] 6. Argent, three chevronels sable. [ARCHDEACON.] 7. Argent, three bends sable. [TREVERY.] Nicho. Baron Carew, eldest=Jone d. of Sir Hugh Courtney, son of Thomas brother to Edw. Erle of Devon Thomas Carew, 1 s., of Mohun Awtrie Nicho. Carew of Hackcomb, 2 s. Edm. Baron Carew of Mohun Awtrie in com. Devon=d. & h. of Hudsfield Eliz. d. & coh. of Smarte Thomas, 2, ofĐEliz. d. & h. of Bickley John Courtney William Carew of Mohuns Awtrie 구 ​Anne John, 1 s., 8. p. Humph. Carew=Agnes d. of of Bickley Hurst, & widow of Bodley of Dunscomb Humph. George) Phillip knights Peter ) 8. p. Wiliam William John, 1 s., Peter Carew of Bickley,=Elizab. of Chudleighe living 1620 of Ashton s. P: Edmond, Peter, 2 1 s., 8. p. Henry s. & h., æt. 21, 1620 Elizab.=Erisye Dorithie, 1 Briget, 3 of Cornw. Mary, 2 PETER CAREW. . 46 . THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Carew. Tho Carew of Hackcomb=Mary d. of Wm Hoddy of Pillistone in com. Devon esq. in com. Dorset gent. William Carewe, 1 son, sans issue Peter, 2, sans issue John Carewe of Hackcomb in=Eliz. d. of Hill com. Devon esq., living 1620 of Shilston John, 2, Robert, 3, Peter, 4, Thomas Carew s. & et. 17 t. 15 et. 12 ha, et. 19, 1620 Edward, 5, æt. 10 Ursula, æt. 14, 1620 Katherin, 1 Dorithye, 2 Barbara, 3 Mary, 4 Margt, 5 Joane, 6 JOHN CAREW. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON 47 Whendid Cary. V ARMs. 1. Argent, on a bend sable three roses of the first. [Cary.] 2. Or, three piles azure. [BRYAN.] 3. Gules, a fess between three crescents argent. [HOLLOWAY.] 4. Azure, a chevron between three pears pendent or. [ORCHARD.] 5. Chequy argent and sable, over all a fess väir argent and gules. [FULKERAM.] 6. Or, on a chevron azure, three cinquefoils of the first. [STRECHLEY.] This Sir John Cary was a knight of great worth and reverence, and had landes in 3 sundrie sheires, Devon, Dorset and Somerset. He dwelled at sondry times in every of them, at Hoke in Dorset, at Castle Cary, in Devon. He was a great benefactor to the Abbey of Abbottesbery in Þorsetsh, which he endowed with the great Poole called Abbottesbery Poole, and with sundry other landes & revenues, and after his death was buried in the same Abby. This Sir John Cary was verie well learned in the lawes of the realm, and Cheif Baron of the Exchequer under K. R. 2, who, giving his opinion upon certayne matters then in question, was very well liked & allowed, but afterwards in the time of H. 4 he was called to accompt for the same, and, being indicted, was attainted, and his goodes and lande confiscated, and, pardoned of his life, he was banished into Ireland, where he died. This Robt, son of Sir John his father was no better learned then he a valiant and couragious gent. and served in the court under the prince, who, after the death of his father, K. Henry 4, was also king by the name of King Henry 5. In his time cam out of Arragon a lusty gentleman into England, and challenged to do feites of armes, with any English gentleman without exception. This Robt. Cary, hearing thereof, made suite forthwith to the prince, that he might answer the challeng, which was granted, and Smithfield was the place appointed for the same, who, at the day & time prefixed, both parties mett & did performe sundrie feates of armes, but in the end this Robt gave the foils and overthrow to the Arragon kt., disarmed & spoiled him, which his doinge so well pleased the prince that he receyved him into great favour, caused him to be restored to the most part of his father's landes, and willed him also for a perpetuall memorie of his victorie, that he should thenceforth give the same armes as did the Arragon kt. which both he and all his successors, to this day, enjoyed, which is, Argent, on bend sable three roses argent, for before they did beare, gules, chevron entre three swans argent. Adam Carye of Castle Carye Esq.Amy d. of Sir Wm. Trevit kt. (Gules, entre 3 swans argent.) John Carye esq.Elizab. d. of Sir -- William Carye=Alice d. of Sir W. Beaumonde Kt. 48 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. John Carye=Phillip d. of Sir Warren Archdecon Kt. Note. This John Hearle dwelled in Northumberland in a house which after his name was called West Hearle: a gent. in his dais very well learned and valiant, doing his prince right worthy and good service, not only as a good counsellor in the time of peax, but also in mar- tial affairs in the times of warres to the great good & benefit of his prince & commonwealth, and to the dawnteing of the Gotes his enemies, who oftentimes felt his heavy hand & valient courage. He had sondry sonnes of which one being his sonne came into Cornwall, where he became to be acquainted with a knight of his own name & alliance, which knight dying without issue made him his heire, and so have contynued there ever sythence. Sir Will. Carye=Mary d. of Sir Rich. Kt. Bozune Agnes d. of the Lord Stafford,=Sir John CaryeşJane d. & coh, of Sir 1 w. s. p. Kt. Guy de Brian John Herle Esq. of West Herle in com. Northum. Sir John Carye Kt.=Mary d. & h. of Rob. Holloway Thomas Herle of West Herle John Erle of=Margaret d. & coh. Somerset of Tho. Holland Erle of Kent Elizab. d. of Sir Phil.=Sir Rob.=Jane d. of Sir Wm Hankes- Courtney of Powder- Carye 1 ford Kt. & widow of Wad- am Kt., 1 w. s. p. Kt. ham, 2 w. John Herle of West=Matilda Hearle (Gules, chevron entre 3 shovelers argent.) Edmond Duke of Somerset=Elianor d. & coh. of Rich. & Erle Mortaine, 2 s. Beauchamp Erle of Warwick Sir Phillip=Christian d. & h.=James Portman, Thomas Herle, Carye of Orchard 2nd husband 1 s. Jane d. & h. of Kt. Marg. Henry Elizab. Joan Duke of So- Sir Sir W. merset Hump. Paston s. p. Lewis Kt. Kt. John slaine at Tewkes- berie s. p. Sir Robt. Edm. Duke Spencer of Bucking- Kt. ham be- = headed at Elinor, 4 Teuxberie s. p. 1, Duke of Buckingham 2 Jasper Duke of Bedford Will. Joan Agnes d.=Sir Wil-=Elizab. d. John = of Sir liam of Sir Herle St. Law. Baldwin | Cary rence Lord Fulford | Kt. Powlett Eliz. of Heth in Kt. Kt. d. & h. Ireland Salter CI E of THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 49 Elianor d. & h. of=Thomas Agnes d. of Sir=Robert Cary=Margaret d. & h. of Willm=John Herle 1st husb. Sir Rob. Spencer Carye, 2 John Hud- Fulkeram Esq. 3 w. dye Kt. Lord Jane d. of Chief Baron, Nich. Carew William,=Marie d. & coh. of Sir John=Mary d. 2 w. Kt. 1 w. Nicholas Herle Sir Tho. Bullen Kt. Carie of of Wal- Erle of Wiltes Plashey singham Eliz. d. & coh. of Nich. Carmino Henry Cary Baron=Anne d. of Tho. Morgan William,=Joan d. of John Cary,=Jane d. & h. of Thomas, 2,=Mary d. of John of Hunsdon of Ashtowne Esq. Hearle 1 Edm. Deviell of Cock- Southcott ington clerk of the peace William=Jane d. of Robert=d. of Thomas,=d. of Sir John Ful- John, Robert=d. of Alex. Goch of Dennis 2 ford, relict of Cary, Wolla- Wedbery Humf. Arundell comb 1 Richard Arthur George Cary,=Willmot d. & h. 1, of Cock of John Gif- ington ford John Cary of=d. of Norton Dudley in com. Staff. 4 Eliz.=Rich. Kirk- ham Gregory Grace Robert ITIT George Thomas ( Jane S. p. Anna J John Cary, Edward=Margerie d. Cary, of Black- 2 hurst ys. p. George, Eliz. d. of Edw. Seamor Bart. · Thomas, 3, Dudly Cary 1 George, 1 Thomas, 2 Anne Henry s. & h. Robt. 2 Edw. 3 Francisca 50 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Robt. Cary, 4, of Cloveley=Margaret d. of Milliton Robert, 2=Catherine d. & coh. of Rich. Bidwell Christian d. &>George Cary=d. of 2 d. of=James, 5=d. of Prowze h. of Will. of Clovely, í Basset Streetley Esq. relict T ! Chudley Georges Henry Alice Robt. Robt. Robert ) Mary Julian Edward Robert Humfrey Mary Margaret Alice Gertrude d. of Rich.=Willm. Cary=Dorothe eldest d. of Sir Carew of Anthony of Clove- Edward Gorge of Emanuell Langes- in Cornw. 1 w. ley Esq. Wraxall Kt. 2 w. ford of Cornw. Julian virgo Mary, 2 Wm. Bligh John Arundell of Trerise Christian, 1 d. Phillip, 2 d. æt. 17 æt. 16 Robert Cary s. & h., et. 9, 1620 George, 2, et, 8 William, 3, æt. 2 Nicholas, 4, æt. 1 Dorothey, 3 TI Jane, 6 lob. Lettisia, 75 s.p. Maria, 8 Grace, 4 Margaret, 5 4. Gabriell,=Agnes d. & h. of Thomas, Francis,=d. of Pine Mary,=John Coffin of Willmot,=Rich. Drew of Torrington 4 1 Portlinch 2 Savery relict of Copleston Prudence,=John Rawe 3 of Staffer- ton Esq. Esq. a son Christian George Robert Richard Mary Prudence 11 1, Robert Margaret ob. Joan George Rawe 2, John 3, Richard Mary WILLM. CAREY. John Wilmot THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 51 Cary. ARMS. 1. Argent, on a bend sable three roses azure. [Cary.] 2. Or, three piles azure. [BRYAN.] 3. Gules, a fess between three crescents argent. [HOLWAY.] 4. Azure, a chevron argent between three pears pendent or. (ORCHARD.] Thom. Carey of Cockington=Mary d. John Southcott of Bovy- in com. Devon Esq. tracie in com. Devon Esq. Lettice d. of the Lord=Sir George Carey=Wilmot d. & h. John Carey=d. of Rich, after Earle of of Cockington of John Gifford of Dudley Nor- Warewick, 2 wife Knt. Lord Depu- of Yeo in in com. (ton sans issue tie of Ireland Devon Esq. Staff. Thomas sans issue Thomas, 3 John Carey 8.& h. Id. Oft George sans issue Edward Carey=Margerie of Bradford in d. of com. Devon, 2 | Blackhurst in com. Lanc. George, 4 George, 4 Dudley, 5 George Carey s. & h. Thomas 2 Anne a dau. EDWARD CARY. Cary. Tho. Cary of Cockington Geo. Cary of Cocking- ton s. & h. John Cary of Dudley=d. of Nor- in com. Staff. ton John, 1 son Edw., 2 Geo. Carie, 3=Eliz. d. of Sir Edw. Seamer Knt. Baronett. Francisca, æt. 3 John, 4, 3 months Henry s. & h., et. 7, 1620 Robert 2, æt. Edward, 3, æt. Elizab., æt. 2 GEO. CARY. 52 · THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Champneis. ARMS. Argent, a lion rampant gules within a bordure engrailed sable. Peter Champnes near Barstable John Champnes of Ufcu-=Mary d. of Tilley of Cannington, n'r Bridgwater in com. lum in com. Devon | Somerset and relict of Woodrouff of Ufculum John Champ-=Mary d. Honor d. of=Wm. Champnes of=Margt d. of John nes, 2, of Uf- of Berrie John Nor- Yarnscomb in hund. Sidenham of Dul- culum of Hal- cott of Cre- of Hartland, æt. 66, verton in com. berton diton, 2 w. 1620 Somerset Esq.lw. 1, Jane 2, Jone 3, Alice Jane 1, Martin Sanford of Edwards of Exeter Harberton physician 2, Sidenham of Dul- verton Esq. John Copland of Barnstaple Christ. Pike of Exeter WILLM. CHAMPNEIS. Champneys. Peter Champnes of Barstable=Julian d. of... Antho. Champnes of Barstable=Joan d. of John Cole of Barstable Elizab. d. of Wm. Hor-=Peter Champnes of Tavi-=Alice d. of Tho. Peard of wood Esq. 1 w. stock, living 1620 Tavistock, 2 w. PETER CHAMPNEYS. THÈ VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 53 Champnowne. ARMS. Gules, a saltire vairé between twelve billets or, a crescent for difference. Sir Arthur Champernon of Dart-=Katherine sister of the ington in com. Devon Knt. | Lord Norriss Gawen Champernon of Dartington-Robert d. of the Count in com. Devon Esq. of Montgomery Bridget 1, Elizab. 2, Mary Arthur Champer->Bridgit d. of unm. nowne of Dart. Tho. Fulford ington Esq. living of Fulford 1620 Knt. Still of Dor- Strechley & aft. to setshire Jacquinto Edward, 2 Arthur, 4 Ann, 4 Amyas, 3 Henry Champer- Ursula, 1 nowne s. & h., et. 19, 1620 Bridget, 2 Dorothy, 3 Gawayn, 5 Francis, 6 Catheryn, 5 I 3, Catherine 6, Ursula Susan Francis Rich. Hillersden of Membland 5, Jane . = Collyns of London Sercy & aft. to Sir Gerard Same of Essex De la Barre of London Grove of Kent . AR. CHAMPNOWNE. Chanon. Swaine, 1, h.=Margaret d. of Dyer=Richard Chanon of Talliton in com. Anne Mary Ursula . Thomazin Jone Rob. Turpin of Autry St. Mary Tho. Mitchell Martin of Talliton Simon Cannon of Somersetsh. John Baker of Somersetsh. 54 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Charitie Phillip Channon of Talli-=Francis d. of Rich. William, ton in the hund. of Hay Calmadye of Far. 2, ob. redg, living 1620 wood in Talliton 8. p. par. John Tonte of Delver- ton in com. Som. Phil-=Francis d. of lip, 2 Rich. Duke of Otterton TI William, .Margerie 3, æt. 25 of Mary the Inner Elizab. ( Temple William, ) 2, ob. s. p. Richard =Margerie d. of Sir Channon | Edw. Lawrence of s. & h. | Purbecke. His house is Grange in com. Dorset Kt. Phillip s. & h., et. 8 Margaret, æt. 6 Katherin, æt. 4 Elizab., æt. 2 RICHARD CHANON. Chichester. ARMs. 1. Chequy or and gules and a chief vair. [CHICHESTER.] 2. Gules, a bend vairé between six cross crosslets or. [RALEIGH.] 3. Ermine, a fess between three cinquefoils gules. [GORGES.] 4. Vairé, over all two bars gules. [BEAUMONT.] 5. Argent, à saltire vairé. (WILLINGTON.] 6. Sable, three chevronels ermine. [WYSE. CREST. A stork with wings endorsed proper, holding in the beak a snake vert. Jone d. of Bright,=John Chichester=Margaret d. & h. of 2 w. of Rawleigh Hugh Beamont John Amias Chichester=Jone d. of Sir of Arlington Roger Gifford of Brightley Hugh Chichester, 1 s., ob. s. p. Edward Chiches- ter s. & h. Elizab. 2, John 8, Philip Mary=Edw. Pointz s. & h. of Rich. Honor Henry=Mary d. of Chi John Bur- ches- gaine ter s. of Zeale & h. 3, Richard 9, Edward Franc. 4, Hugh 10, Silvester 5, Robert 6, Gifford 7, Severus 11, Paule 12, Barth. 13, Grigorie THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 55 Susan Mary virgo Robt. Kemp of Trevelver in Cornw. Nicho- Amias Chi-Susan d. of Henry Chi-=Hester d. las, 4, chester of Platters of chester of of Simon abt. 28 Arlington Satterley Marwood Cannon - S. & h. in com. in com. chap. to Lewis, Suff. Devon the Erle 3, abt. of Bath 30 TI IT 2, John, æt. 15 Henry Chi- 1, Mary Simon Chi- 2, John, 1, Anne, 13 chester s.. chester s. æt. 10 - 3, Edward, æt. 14 & h., æt. 2, Anne & h., et. 2, Susan, 6 abt. 17 14 3, Gre- 4, Robert, æt. 13 3, Catherine gorie, 3, Mary, 5 æt. 3. 4, Elizabeth 4, Marg., 1 Note by a later hand :- Hill of Shil=d. & coh, of Sir John Chiches-=d. of Courtney of ston Bukshett ter Kt. Powderam Robert Hill of=Ursula d. of South- Sir John Chiches-=d. of Dennis of Shilston cott in com. Devon ter Kt. Holcombe Mary d. of Rob.=Sir Robert Chichester=d. & coh. of the Lord Hill, 2 w. Kt. of the Bath Harrington, 1 w. Sir John Chichester Baro-=Elizab. d. of Sir John Rayney net, living 1654 of Malin Abby in Kent Bart. ob. 1654 A dau.=Lord Brewse Earle of Elgin Robert ob. young John Chichester. John Chichester of Hall>Elizb., 1, d. of John Marewood of in com. Devon Esq. Westcott in com. Devon esq. Tristram, 2 Humphrie, 3, S. p. John,=d. of Bas- 1 son set Hugh Chichester=Catherin d. of Brian of Tavistock Trevers of Pyll in Devon John, s. & h. Elizab., 1 Margaret, 2 Jone, 3. Arthure s. & h., æt. 8, 1620 HUGHE CHICHESTER. 56 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Chichester. 1 w.=John Chichester of Raleigh in com. Devon=Jone d. of Briget, 2 w. John Amias Chichester of Arlington,>Jone d. of Sir Roger 2 s. by his 2 wife Gifford of Brightley Henry Richard Bartholomew Chi-=Katherine d. of Rich Avery of Bar- chester, 12 s. & stable, & relict of John Andrewes now 5 s. of Biddeford John Hugh BARTHOLOMEW CHICHESTER. Chichester. John Chichester s. & b.=Jane d. of Bright John Chichester, 2nd s. of John=d. of Rowe of Staverton in com. Devon John Chichester of Widworthie=Dorithie d. of Giles Dawbney of in com. Devon Wayford in com. Somerset Amias, 2 Elizab=Peter Frank- lin of Wid- worthie Hugh Chichester of>Martha d. of Widworthie, living Duke of 1620 Otterton William, 3 Marie, 3 John, 2 Hugh, 3 Robert, 4 William, 5 Anne, 1 Dorithie, 2 Richard s. & h. æt. 20 HUGHE CHICHESTER. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 57 Cholmeley. ARMS. Gules, in chief two close helmets argent, in base a garb or. Cholmondleigh who came out of Cheshire, being a younger brother of the family. quæreşJohn Chomond of Bletchingley in Surrey=1 w. Benedict, 5, ob. s. p. John, 4, servant to the Erle of Hunt. Robert, 3, of Burton Coggles in com. Linc. ob. s. p. Richard, 3 Nicholas, 2, of the Inner Temple Henry Chomondley of Burton Coggles, Kt. heir of his uncle Henry Chomondley s. & b.=d. of Edwin Sands Kt. John Humphrie Chomondley s. & h.=d. & h. Thomas William Thomas ob. s. p. John Chomon-=Mary d. of Hugh leigh, 1 s. of Turrer of Burton Ashby de la on Trent Zouch Elizab. Catherine Mary Martha Gervais Sleigh of Darby, mer- chant Tho. More of Darby Tho. Roe of Sutton Lefield in com. Darby Tho. Tookie Rec- tor of Salby in Leic. Grace Nathaniell, 4, prentize in London Melbourne in Darby Henry, 3, =Margaret silkman on London Bridge John, 2, citizen of Lon- don John of London, prentice Hugh Chomondleigh Rector=Elizab. d. of John Eedes of Clare Portion, Tiverton of Exeter . Gervais ob. s. p. John Chomondleigh, 1 s., æt. 16, in London Bridge Hugh, 2, æt. 13 Henry, 3, æt. 6 Mary ob. s. p. Charity æt. 11 Elizab. æt. 9 Mary æt. 4 Martha æt. 1 HUGH CHOLMELEY, Rector of the portion of Clare, Tiverton. 58 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Cholwill. . ARMS. 1. Argent, on a bend sable three arrow-shafts of the field, head and feathers or. 2. Argent, on a chevron sable between three leaves vert three bezants. [DALLYN.] This Indenture made at Galkisham in the parish of Stoke St. Nectan the martir in the countie of Devon the 5 daye of the month of May the 26 yeare of the reigne of our Sovereign lord king Henry the 8 between John Vely and Jone his wife, of the said parish, one of the daughters and coheirs of John Dalin of Luttes- ford late deceased, of tbe one partie, and Thomas Cholwill and Alice his wife, the other daughter and coheir of the said John Dallin of Lande in Luttesford, Galkis- bam, Knap, Moddens Biteford, Southhole, Gosebilon, Knap, Est Buckwith, & Elmscott, &c. Robert Cholwill Aº H. 4, 6–Thomazin d. & h. of Robert Holigrave John Cholwill William Cholwill John Cholwill Thomas Cholwill=Alice d. & coh. of John Dallin of Loddesford Johanna d. of Rich. Downe=John Cholwill=Willmott d. of Christopher Berrie of St Petherwin in com. I of Lodisford of the family of Estley Corn. 2 wife John Cholwill æt. 32 Timothy, 2, ob. s. p. Alice=Thom. Tresilian in com. Cornw. Thomas Chol-=Anne d. & h. of Rich. Diaman and well of Lodis- Elizab. his wife, d. & h. of Wm But- ford ler of the family of Sedberough William,=Jane d. of 2 John Hall of Wear Gifford Thomas Cholwell s. & h. æt. 12, 1620 John æt. 16 George æt. 14 Thomazin=Rich. Hall Nicholas,=Willmot d. of John Preast of Hartland Thomas,=Anne d. of John Bues John Jone Thomas æt. 2 Willmot æt. 3 Richard æt. 10 THO. CHOLWILL. - THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 59 Chudleigh. ARMS. 1. Ermine, three lions rampant gules. [CHUDLEIGH.] 2. Bendy of six argent and azure. [BEAUMONT ?] 3. Argent, a lion rampant, gules. [STRECH- LEY.] 4. Sable, three lions rampant argent. [PROUS.] Christopher Chudley de Ashton Christian d. & h. of Wm Stretchley of Stretchley Stretchley Chudley, s. & h. ob. s. p. John Chud-=Eliz. d. of Sir Geo. Speake ley, 2 of Whitlackington Bridget Dorothy John, 2, æt. 36 George Chud-=Mary d. of Sir ley of Ashe- Wm Stroud riston Kt. Ric. Cary of An- Sir Reginald Mo. thonie in Cornw. · hun of Cornw. George æt. 8 Richard æt. 1 1. Elizab. 3. Dorithe John Chudley s. & h., et. 14, 1620 William æt. 4 2. Marie 4. Anne Christ. æt. 3 w. 30 Aug. 1620 James æt. 3 GEO. CHUDLEIGH. Clapham. ARMs. Argent, on a bend azure six fleurs-de-lys or, a crescent for difference. CREST. A lion rampant sable holding in dexter paw a sword argent. David Clapham, 2 brother of the house of Clapham of Beanesley in the com. Yorke Tho. Clapham of Kime in com. Lincolne=d. of Colpepper John Clapham, 1 son William, 3 Colpepper Clapham of=Mary d. of Cop- Barstaple in com. land of Bar- Devon, living 1620 stable Francis, 2 Henrie, 4 Rebecka, 1 Mary, 2 Peter, 2 Culpepper Clapham s. & h., æt. 13, 1620 Raleigh of Barstaple, living 1620,Mary d. of Mungond Joseph, 2 John Clapham, 1 son, æt. 2, 1620 Entered, not signed. - - - - 60 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Cloberry. ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron between three bats displayed sable. 2. Or, an eagle displayed azure, beaked gules. [ROUSE.] CREST. An antelope erased argent, attired or. Hen. Cloberrie Lord of the Manor=Joane d. of Hele in of Bradston com. Devon. d. of Kelley=John Clobery s. & h.=d. & h. of Rowse of Cornwall Andrew,=d. of Bligh Mary=Samwell Dow- Christian=Wm. Brendon of Boka- rish in com. of Cornw. nen Dev. Oliver Clo-=Anne d. of Geo. Margaret=John Crabb Luce=Wm. Dennis of bery s. & Ketchwich of of Cornw. Madcott in h. Cornwall . com. Devon Margt. =Edws. Reade William, 2 of Wen- - burie Oliver, 3 John Cloberry s. &h=Elizb. d. & coh. of of Bradston, Esq. John Trelawnye living 1620 of Cornwall Christopher s. & h., æt. 10 Christian=Rich. Edwardes of Mary=Rich. Bennet of Cornw. Lawhitton Esq. Entered, not signed. In Dei honorem Amen. Ultimo die Maii anno Domini 1400, et anno regni regis Henrici 5 anno quarto, in vicibus Rogeri Clowber coram nobis Roger Stert Alexandro et Thoma Bidlake, Willelmo Dobell et Willelmo Yolman venit, suam ultimam voluntatem expressit in hæc verba, Ego Rogerus Clowber preponens Dei gratiam etc. do et lego Argentile uxori meæ ut ipsa inde ordinet et disponet pro salute animæ meæ tam cito i pagna' de morte mea certam notitiam habuerit, prout ei melius videbitur fieri, et eandem Argentile uxorem meam ordino, facio et con- stituo meam esse executricem per præsentes. His testibus Thoma Akell, Thoma Edmund, Johanne Talbot, Thoma Alen, et coram istis hominibus propria manu sigillum die et anno suprascriptis. Seal attached with arms (a bend engrailed and cotised, and crest, a goat's head). THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 61 Clotworthie. ARMS. 1. Azure, a chevron ermine between three chaplets or. [CLOTWORTHY.] 2. Quarterly, sable, a cross or, between a Cornish chough argent in the first quarter, and in the second a text T of the third, in the third and fourth a crescent of the last. [RASHLEIGH.] CREST. A stag's head erased sable, attired and charged on the neck with two mullets in pale argent, pierced through the neck with an arrow or, feather and head of the second, vulned gules. 1 d. of John Tewill=Wm. Clotworthie of Clot=2 Beatrix d. of John of Crediton worthie in com. Devon Kinge of Chittle- hampton Esq. John, 2 Thomas, 4 William, 3 Richard, 5 d. of ...=John Clotworthie=Margaret d. & h. Chris- 2 w. of Worrington of John Clement topher Esq. 1 son of Corgrave in Clot- Cornw. worthie Thomas Clotworthy=Abbot d. of Tho. Cicilie-John Parsone of Boztone S. & h. of Rashley Rashley of in Corn. Rashhley in com. Devon John Parsone s. & h. Antho. 2 John, 3 Tibott, 6 Alice d. Humph., 4 Edward, 7 Emmeot d.=Tho. Clotworthie=Dorithy d. of of John of Clotworthy John Parker Radley, mar. to his 1 of North 2 w. wife Elizb. d. of molton, 3 w. Oliver Downman of Willm., 5 John, 1 son, William, 2, d. with ob. s. p. out any lawful issue Abbot=John Hearn- naman of Northam. Anne=James Fereyne of Sombridge Simon Clotworthie=Mary d. of Rashley of Clotworthie of Foge in com. s. & h., living 1620 Devon Lewis,=Darcas d. of John Emanu- Travers of the ell, 4 Ile of Wight - Natha. Clotworthie, 1 s., ob. s. p. John, 2,= æt. 33 Thomas, Joseph, Mary 62 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Sir Hugh Clotworthie,*=Mary d. of Roger Grace, 1 d. Sara, 2 Joane, 3 d. 2, Captaine in Ire Langford of land of the county of West Down in Rob. Col. Jasper George Antrim and lately the parish of lyns of Horssey Luxton of knighted by Kinge Broadwood wiger St. Mary of Exeter Wynkleye James Autrie in Devon John Clotworthy s. & h. Mary eldest dau. JOHN CLOTWORTHIE. * This Sir Hugh Clotworthy dwelleth at Antrym in Ireland neare Knockfergus & was knighted by Kinge James in Aº Dom. 1618. Clyfford. Thomas Clifford de Berscombe Willmus Clifford de Berscomb in com. Wilts juxta Sarum Henry Clifford de Berscomb=d. of Hungerford de Amney Anthonius Clifford de=Anna f. Peirse Courtney de Berscomb Chidley in com. Devon Henricus Clifford de Berscomb, f. & b. Simon,=f. William- son Thomas Clifford=Anna f. & coh. de Chidley, | Hugonis Staplehill Doctor Theo de Bremble in com. logiæ Devon Thomas, 2, æt. 14 Hugo Clifford, æt. 17, 1620. THO. CLYFFORD. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 63 Cockeram. Arms. Argent, on a bend sable three leopards' heads or. Geo. Cockeram of Collumpton Phillip Cockeram of Collumpton=Anne d. of Parris of Bampton in com. Devon Alice d. of John Younge=Humph. Cockeram>Jane d. of Huckmore of Colliton in Devon, of Collumpton, of Coninsburye in 2 w. living 1620 Devon, 1 w. John S. & h., et. 13, 1620 Anne unmd. HUMFRY COCKERAM. Cockshed. William Cockshead of Chimley=Thomazin d. of Pollard of in com. Devon Horwood in com. Devon William, 2 Antho. Cockshed=Eliz, d. of Antho. Harvy of Chimley in com. Devon Antho. Cockshed of Chimley=Jane d..of Estcott in com. Devon Hugh, Thomazin Suzan Antho. Cockshed=Fran. d. of John of Chimley, Westcomb of living 1620 Chimley John Cooke of South molton Humph. Skinner of Chimley Fran., 2 Robt., 5. Elizab., 1 Suzan, 4 John s. & | h., et. 25 Antho., 3 Hugh, 6 Thomazin, 2 Christian, 5 Thomas, 4 Jane, 3 J. C. 64 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Coffin. ARMS. Azure, three bezants between nine cross crosslets or. Rich. Coffin of Portlinch=Elizb. d. of Leonard Loveys Esq. Richard, 2 Edward, 4 Henry, 6 Leonard, 3 James, 5 John Coffin of=Elizb. d. of Hen. Portlinch, Hurding in com. living Dorset Esq. of Lona bread.co gorset. man. all. 5 July 1616 alt Exter- Edm., 7 Will’m., 8 Jane Elizabeth HU. PRUST FOR JO. COFFIN AR. Coffyn. Richard Coffin of Portlinch in com. Devon Esq.=d. of Chudley Edward,= James,=Mary d. of Cole 3 of Knowston in com. Devon John Coffin of=Mary d. of Robt. Portlinch Cary of Clo- Esq. s. & h. velly Richard Coffin=d. of Leonard Loveys of Portlinch of Ugber in Cornw. Esq. John Coffin, 2, of=Grace d. of Rich. Goldworthy in Berrie of Berrie com. Devon gent. in Erbor Giles, 2, æt. about 10 Nicholas, 3, æt. 7 Humphrie Coffin s. & h., et, 15, 1620 Mary=John Woollo- com of Combe in Devon Esq. Prudence=Berrie of Berrie Willmot=Wm. Addington in Erbor Esq. of Horlebury in Essex Esq. J. COFFYN. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON, 65 Colman. John Colman of Tiverton in com. Devon Robert Colman of Tiverton=Willmot d. of Prowse of Tiverton Hump. Colman of Tiverton, living 1620=Agnes d. of Marshall Francis, Willmot=James Cade of William Colman=Mary d. of Tho. South- Wilton nl of Tiverton, cot of Calwoodleigh in Tawnton 8. & h. com. Devon HUMFREY COLMAN. Collamore. Peter Collamore of Braunton=Isabell d. & h. of Tho. Cusshe John Collamore of Braunton=d. of Hext of Pickwell in St. George Hame John, 1 s., ob. s. p. William, Henry Collamore=d. of Blight of S. & h., of Tawton Tawton John Col=Margt. d. of Thomas of Lus->Margaret d. of William,=Mary. d. of lamore Rich. Si cott in par. of John Bowden Tristram 8. & h. monds of Braunton, 2 of Bishops Chiches- Braunton Nimet ter John s. & h., t. 22 Marie, 1 Jone, 3 John Colla more s. & h., æt. 23 Agnes, 2 Mary, 4 Eliz., æt. 19. Henrie, Margt. æt. 3 Mary, æt. 14 JOHN COLLAMORE. Collamore. Wm. Collamore of Saunton in Braunton par.=Joane Andrew Collamore s. & h. John Collamore s. & h. AT THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. al Peter Collamore s. & h., ob. 8. p. Thomas Collamore, 2 Elizab.=Hen. Rowe Joane=Tho. Corton of Uplonin of Morles- comb Robt. Colla-=Joane d. of Willm. more s. & Rewe of Uplomin in com. Devon h. Henry 2 Christopher Col->Susan d. of Rich. Johnſ lamore de Up- Powell of ob. s. p. lonin Tiverton Joane=Wm. Catford of Samp- ford Peverell in com. Devon Catherin Presilla,=Peter Blun- Maria, 2 d., Jone, 3 d., Robert Colla- æt. 21 dell of æt. 25 æt. 23 more s. & h., Simon Vere of Tiverton æt. 19, at the Lidiard St. Law- University of rence in com. Som. Oxford CHRISTOPHER COLLAMORE. Colleton. ARMS. Or, three bucks' heads couped proper, quartering argent on a chevron engrailed gules between three peacocks' heads erased azure, ducally gorged or, as many trefoils slipped of the last. [RIDGWAY.] Coleton=d. & h. of Ridgewaye Hen. Coleton=Margt d. of Berry of Coleton Elizb. Edmond, Peter, Tho. Cole-=Thomazine d. 1 son ton, 3 of Tho. Kel- land Grace Joh. Brushford Tho. Dyer Sibbell John Colle-=Margt d. of Peter Cole-Ursula d. of Rog. ton, 1 son Markes ton of Exi- | Hen. Hull Weekes ter, living Esq. gent. 1620 Margt Alice Peter Coleton s. & h, John, 2, Hen., 3, Elizb., æt. 15, 1620 ct. 12 et. 5 pt. 19 PETER COLLETON. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 67 Collings. ARMS. Azure, three torches or enflamed proper.' CREST. A cubit arm erect, the hand holding a torch, all proper. Tho. Collins of St. Mary Awtrie=Alice d. of Eveleighe John Collins of St. Mary Awtrie-Eliz. d. of Tho. Dowrich of Salcomb Rog. Collins of Barnshill in com.=Dorothie d. of Andrew Merit of Queene Devon, living 1620 Camel in com. Somerset Tho., 2 John Collins s. & h., æt. 29, 1620 E lizab., æt. 8 ROGER COLLINGS. Collyns. Will Welles of Offwell=Widowe of Martin Tho. Collyns of Awtrie=Sibell d. & coh. of John Rich. Welles=d. of Martin St. Mary Weare of Awtrie St. Marie of Offwell of Offwell - - Tho. Collyns of Offwell=Joane d. & h. of Rich. in com. Devon Welles of Offwell Grace Anne William Collyng=Margt d. of Tho. of Offwell, living Maye of Exiter 1620 Tho. Heydon of Far- Pet. Franklin of way in Devon Widworthy in Devon Prudence William, 2, Thomas=Mary d. of æt. 21 Col John Bere (*mar. Tho lyns s. of Hunt- mazin d. of & h., æt. sham in John 24, com. Bere of 1620 Devon Hants.) John Beare of Woodmanston in Devon (*issue, John & Will) Mary Dorithy unm. Edw. Hole (*wife of of Affing. John ton in Sherman) Devon Joane, æt. 1 (*ob. s. p.) *(Margaret) *(William), s. g h. * Added by Parker. 68 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Henry Collyns of Awtrie=Joanne d. & h. of St. Mary Humph. Farant Joane d. & h., æt.=(* Edmond Prideux of St. Mary Autrey Esq., 10, 1620 2 s. to Edmond Prideur, Baronet) * Mary WILLM. COLLYNS. * Added by Parker. Cooke. ARMs. Ermine, on a bend cotised sable three cats passant guardant or, quartering a chevron between three owls argent crowned or. [RADWAY.] CREST. A demi-cat guardant rampant or, holding an oak-branch vert, fructed of the second. . Pateat universi per præsent. quod nos Walterus Coke de Exon et Johanne ux. ejus relaxavimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris in perpetuum quiet. clamavimus Nich. Coke et Edithe ux. ejus totam terram, etc. “Dat. apud Southmolton Aº. regni regnis Ricardi secundi decimo. (Seal attached with arms-a castle.) Sciant universi quod ego Willelmus Rede de Southmolton dedi, concessi et hac carta mea confirmavi Waltero Cooke de Exon et Johanne uxori ejus quoddam tenementum meum cum uno orto, uno prato, et uno columbario, etc., in South- molton, etc. His testibus, etc. Dat apud Southmolton, A°. 7 R. 2. Walter Cooke of Exeter,=Johanna d. & h. of Willm. A. 10. R. 2 Rede of Southmolton Robert Coke of Southmolton, Aº. 13 H. 4 John Cooke of Southmolton, s. & h., Aº. 22 Ed. 4 Robert Cooke of Southmolton John Cooke of Southmolton=d. of Oliver Downman of Southmolton Oliver Cooke of Southmolton,=Willmot d. of John Hatherley now living 1620 of Eggesford THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 69 Al Susan Johann d.—John Cooke of South-=Tomazine d. of Fran- Mary of Tho. | molton, now maior Antho. Cock- cis, Gunn, 1 of the same 1620 shed of Chims- 2 W. leigh, 2 w. Shack- Hen. Alex. Lethe- bridge son IT Robert Susan, 1 8. & h., - æt. 17 Cicilly, 2 Oliver, 2 Jane, 1 Thomazine, 2 Elizabeth, 3 JOHN COOKE. Coke. Christ. Cooke of Thorne in com. Devon=Margt. d. of Ric. Garland of Whitefield IA Christ. Cooke of ThorneşJoane d. of Coplestone of Woodland John Cooke of Thorne gent.,=Margt. d. of Rich. Sherman living 1621 of Awtrie St. Mary. William, 2 Richard s. & h., æt. 13 Jane Joane JOHN COKE. 70 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Coplestone. ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron engrailed gules between three leopards' faces azure. [COPLESTONE.] 2. Or, a bend vairé. [RALEIGH.] 3. Ermine, a fess between three cinquefoils gules. [GRAAS.] 4. Gules, two bends wavy argent. [BREWER.] 5. Or, three bugle-horns sable, stringed gules, with an arrow in pale of the second, through that in base, point downwards, barbed and feathered argent, between two mullets in fess of the second. [HAWLEY.] 6. Azure, a chevron or between three goats passant argent. [TRESILIAN.] 7. Gules, a fret argent and a canton of the same. (Hiwis.] 8. Sable, six mullets argent, 3, 2, and 1, and a label of three points. [BONVILLE.] 9. Argent, a whirlpool azure. [Gorges.] 10. pant, semée of fleurs-de-lys within a bordure engrailed or. [WIBBERY.] 13. Argent two bars gules, in chief three torteaux. [MULES.] 14. Argent, a fret gules. [BLANCHMONSTER.] 15. Vairé. [BEAUCHAMP.] 16. Semée of cross crosslets fitchée, a lion rampant argent. [HAUTVILL ?] 17. Argent, a chevron sable between three round buckles gules, points upwards. [FITZWALTER.] 18. Vairé, a chief chequy or and gules within a bordure sable bezantée. [FLEMING.] 19. Argent, a trivet sable. [BERKELEY.] COPLESTONE OF UPTON PYNE as above, quartering “ LARDER” q. v. 1, Mary d. of Sir W.=Christopher Copleston=2, Jone d. of Sir Hugh Pawlet of Courtney of Powd of Coplestone, s. & h. St. George Henton in com. ram s. p. of John Somerset Christopher Jone Hugh Cople-=Jane d. John Copleston=Susan d. of ston s. & h., of Clif- of Copleston Lewis Pol- ob. s. p. ton Esq., h. to his lard of brother Nimpton Bishop Marker Elizabeth Robt. Philip Jol Jone - John) Susan John { Lewis ) Edw.Cal- ob. 8. p. madie Willm. Crimes of Buck- land Mo- nachorum Elizabeth Amias Cople-=Gertrud d. of Phil- ston of Cople- Sir John Chi- lippa Sir Shil- ston Esq., æt. chester, & s. virgo ston Cal. 39, 1620 to Sir Robt. madie Chichester ob. 1617 Susan, 1 d., æt. Francisca, 2 d., abt. 17 æt. 14 John Copleston s. & h., et. 12 Elizab., 3 d., Gertrud, 4 æt. 12 d., et. 19 Entered, not signed. - THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 71 Copleston of Instow. Phill. Copleston of Copleston, 1 son=Anne d. & h. of John Bonvile Esq. Raphe,=Emma d. of Sir John 18. Arundell of Lanherne Edw. Copleston of Instow=Norye d. of Burnbye in com. Devon, 2 s. of Burnbye Tho. Copleston of Instow=Joane d. of Burgoin of Zeale Humphrie Copleston=Mary d. of Dodington of of Instow Dodington in com. Somers. Humphrie Copleston of In-=Joane d. of Phill. Pine of Est- stow, living 1620 downe in com. Devon Esq. Mary, 1 Emilia, 3 Lois, 5 Hum phrie, 2 Agnes, 7 Julius s. & h., æt. 14, 1620 Jane, 2 Dorithie, 4 Elizab., 6 Herise, 8 HUMFRIE COPLESTON. Coplestone of Upton Pyne. ARMS. Same as COPLESTONE OF COPLESTONE, impaling those of LARDER :--1. Argent, three piles sable, on each as many bezants. [LARDER.] 2. Gules, a chevron ermine between three pine-cones or. [PYNE.] 3. Gules, a bend wavy argent between three leopards' faces or. (DENNYS.] 4. Ermine con) a cross gules (five bezants). [ST. AUBIN.] 5. Argent, two bars between eight martlets, 3, 2, and 3. [CHALLONS.] 6. Or, an eagle displayed sable. 7. Vert, three covered cups or. [LEIGH.] 8. Or, on a bend sable three martlets argent. (WoT- TERTON.] 9. Gules, three leopards' faces jessant-de-lys or. (CARTELUPE.) 10. Argent, on a bend sable three cross crosslets botonnée of the first. 11. Vair, on a chief argent a lubel of three points gules. 12. Argent, a lion rampant gules. 13. Argent, on two bars gules three crescents sable, two in chief and one in base. Tho. Copleston of Instow=Joane d. of Wm Burgoine Anthonie Cople=Mary d. of John of Weeke, 2 Parker of North- molton Humphrie Cople-=Mary d. of John ston of Instow Dodington of Dodington Anthonie Copleston, superstes=Margaret & sole h. of Humphrie Larder of Upton Pine, 1620 of Upton Pine Esq. 72 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Thomas Copleston s. & h., t. 22 Sara, 5 Marie=John Molton of Collampton Margt, 2 Honor, 3 Grace, 6 Ursula, 4 Jone, 7 Signed by mark of JOHN GUNIE? Coplestone of Wear Gifford. Tho. Copleston of Instow in com. Devon=d. of Burgoyne Antho. Copleston of Wyke=Mary d. of Parker of in com. Devon Northmolton, Esq. Humph. Copleston of Wear Gifford in=Mary d. of John com. Devon Esq., living 1620 Woollacomb, Esq. Humph. s. & h., æt. 5 Marye HUMFRY COPLESTONE. Coplestone of Alberdiscott. John Copleston of Copleston, s. & h.=Katherin d. of of Raph Copleston Raphe Bridge Christopher 8. & h. lw=George Copleston, 2, of Ley in=Agnes d. & h. of Drwe in. Morewinstow in com. Devon | Newton St. Seres, 2 w. Mary=Bevill of North Lew Francis Christopher Coples-=Mary d. of John ton of Kingdon in Addington of Alverdiscott Biddeford Grace Taylor Vigors Lancelot, 2, æt. 21 Thomas, 3, æt. 12 Christopher Cople-=Katherin d. of Dennis of Glouces- ston s. & h., æt. 26 tersh., S. & h. of Sir Moris Denis Catherine only d. XPOFER. COPLESTONE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 73 Coram. ARMS. Argent, a cross sable between four eagles displayed gules. John Coram of Awtrie St. Marie in Devon William Coram of Awtrie St. Marie William Coram of Awtrie St. Mary=Agnes d. of Sherman of Awtrie St. Marie Katherin unma Alice d. of Slocomb=William Coram ofAnstice d. of of Molland in De- | Awtry St. Marie, Harris of von, 1 w. living 1620 Axminster Sara, William s. & h., æt. 14 Robert, 2, æt. 7 Margerie, 2 Anne, 3 æt. 12 WILLIAM CORAM. Corye. ARMS. Argent, saltire sable, on a chief azure three cinquefoils or. John Corrie of Corrie in c. Devon=d. & coh. of Skemick of Trewinte in Cornw. Richard Stephen Corrie of Corried. of John Yeo of Atworthie in Devon r Richard, 2 Hugh Corrie-Maria d. of John of Corrie Penfound of Pen- found Esq" Andrew=Jane d. of John Corry, | Penfound of 4 son Penfound John, 3 Stephen Marye, 2 John Corrie=Pasco d. of Roger of Corrie Fortescue of Buck- land Phillie Priest of Hart- land Penfound Dorothy, 3 Suzan, 4 John Corry s. & h., æt. 1, 1620 Andrew, 2 sonne Hugh Corry s. & h., æt. 9, ano. 1620 Jane JOHN CORY. AND. CORYE. 74 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Coryndon. Roger Corndon of Bratton Clovelley, who came out of the Easterne part & lived at Bratton neere 200 yeares since Thomas Corndon s. & h. Corndon s. & h. Henry Corindon s. & h.=d. & h. of Growden Thomas, 1 John Corindon of=Eliz. d. of Bratton Clovelley Horwell Willm., 2, rector eccliæ de Lifton Richard, 4 Hen. Corindon ob. s. p. Thomas Corindon=Dorothy d. of Willm. 8. & h. Langford Maria=John Stenlake of Be- worthy in com. Devon Jane, 2 Margaret, 3 Dorothy, 4 Elizab., 5 Henry Corindon s. & h., æt. 19, 1620 Thomas, 2, æt. 12 John, 3, æt. 6 Willm., 4 æt. 3 THO. CORYNDON. Cottell. Arms. Or, a bend gules, quartering, 1. Or, a chevron gules between three nettle-leades vert. [MALHERBE.] 2. Argent, two bars sable, a demi-griffin sable. [CAHURTA.] 3. Argent, a griffin sable. GODFREY.] CREST. On a tree argent and sable a demi-naked man argent, a wreath about his head, in his hand an oaken branch with acorns or. (MALHERBE.] 1580. Thomas Cottell of Yeambridge Joane d. & h. of Walt. Bodigood of Lanston John Cottell of Yeambridg=Margerie d. of John Coplestone of Exiter ΑΙ THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 75 John Cottell of Yeambridge=Beatrix d. of Matthew Eyre of Adrington Walter Cottell of Yeam-=Jane d. & coh. of Sir Thomas Browne bridge, living 1620 of Langtree in com. Devon Knt. 2, Leonard Thomas, ob. s. p. Mary=Walter Blight of Dipper Mill in com. Devon Jo. Cottell, S. & h., d. 1608 3, Walter Julian d. of Wedham of Saltashe, relict of Di- gorie Hext 4, Humphrie, in hibernia Thomas s. & h., æt. 15, 1620 Dorithie, 1 Hester, 2 Elizab.—John Gifford of Devon Jacket John Arscott of Dunsland Entered, not signed. Cottell. ARMS. As before. CREST. Out of a ducal coronet or a leopard sejeant argent, 1580. Mary d. of Geo. Roe=Marke Cottell of Northtawton,=Amy d. of Leonard Lewis of of Atherley, 2 w. 2 s. of John C., æt. 70, 1620 Tamerton in com. Cornw. Marke Cottell, 1 s., ob. inf. Richard Cottell=Eliz. d. of John Wood s. & h., ob. 1618 of Northtawton Esq. Mary, only d., æt. 5 Marke Cottell s. & h., æt. 7, 1620 Richard, 2, æt. 2 Isott=1, John Staplehill of Ashton 2, Gabriell Dennis of Cornw. 1, Elizab. 3, Amy 1, Thomas Dennis, æt. 12 2, Edward, æt. 10 3, Gabriell, æt. 4 2, Con- stance Signed for MARKE COTTELL. 76 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Courtenay. ARMS. 1. Or, three torteaux. 2. Or, a lion rampant azure. [REDVERS.] CREST. Out of a ducal coronet or a plume of feathers argent, with a crescent sable. Sir William Courtney=Elizab. d. of John Powlet of Powderam | Marques of Winton Elizab. d. of Sir Geo.=Sir William CourtneyElizab. d. of Sidenham of Combe Hen. Erle Sidenham in com. 3, Jane d. of Rob. Hill of Rutland, Somers., 2 w. of Yarde nr Tawnton 1 w. in Somers. Briget Elizab. UIT John,' ) 5 Alexander, * 6 Edward, ) 7 George, 43Kath. d. of Fran- cis Barkley of Asketon in Ire- land Sir John Fites of Fitesford in Devon Sir W. Wrey of Trebigh in Corn. ob. s. p. William Wrey Mary=1, Sir Allen Percy 2, Sir Tho. Dercy h. to Lord Dercy 3, Sir C. Howard s. of the Erle of Suffolk Willm, 1, æt. 4 *(ob. s. p.) Francis, æt. 3 Moris, æt. 2 *(ob. s.p.) Sir Wm Court- ney, 1 s. ob. 8. p. Francis s.=Mary d. of Sir & h., æt. W. Poole re- 44, 1620 lict of Hurst Thomas,=Elinora f. Tho. Breerton de Yarde in com. Somers. Edward, 2 Sir W. Courtenay=d. of Sir W. of Powderham Waller by the Bart. d. g h. of Reynold William,=*Mary d. of 1 s., æt. Sir Edw. 9, 1620 Manfield Jane, æt. 11 Francis, 3 James, 4 * Mary, æt. 11), 1658 WM. COURTENAY. * Added by Parker. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 77 Courtney. John Courtney of Molland in com. Devon Esq.=Joane d. of Brile Phillip Courtney=Dorithie of Molland Esq. John Courtney of=d. of Chichester Molland, 2 of Hall Hugh Courtney of Molland, 1 s.=Elizab. d. of Rich. Stephens of Molland Peter, 2 Elizab. Edw. Hall of Tawton in com. Devon Robt. Courtney ofƏDorithie d. of Phil- Molland, gent., lip Calmady of living 1620 Molland Phillip, 2 Elizab.=Samuell Ellistone Agnes, 2 IT Suzan, 4 Hugh s. & h., æt. 18, 1620 John, 3 Jane, 3 Dorithie, 5 Anne, 6 ROBERT COURTNEY. Courtney. Wm Courtney of Exiter Tho. Courtney of Exiter=Alice d. of John Parker of North Molton G Peter Courtney of North Molton, living 1620 PETER COURTNEY. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Crokker, ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron engrailed gules between three martlets sable. 2. Sable, a lion rampant argent, debruised with a bend gules. [CHURCHILL.] 3. Sable, a chevron between three escallops argent. [MICHELL?] 4. Argent, on a chevron cotised azure three cinquefoils or. (DAWNEY.] John Crocker of Lineham=Agnes d. of John Servington in com. Devon Esq. of Tavistoke Esq. Hugh Croker of Lineham, s. & h.=Agnes d. of Banfield of Bamfield Francis, 2 2, Elizb. d.—John Croker of=Joane d. of of Sir Ar- Lineham Esq., Lee & thur Cham- living 1620 widow of pnon Webber Jone Elizb.=1, Rule 2, Moon Peirse Hugh, 3 Christ, 4 John F. & h., ct. 10, 1620 m+mWXXN Agnes=Worthall Margaret=Rich. Koone Mary unmd. CHRISTOPHER CROKKER. Crues. ARMs. Azure, a bend per bend indented argent and gules between six escallops or. CREST. A stork holding in dexter claw a stone, all proper. Rich. Cruis of Morcester, temp. Johannis Regis. Alex. Cruis of Morcester, 20 H. 3. Rob, Cruis of Morcester, Kt., 26 E. 1. Alex. Cruis, Kt., 17 E. 2. Bob. Cruis, Kt., 3 E. 3, Elizabeth. Alex. Cruis & Julian his w., after married to Mathew Hordeleigh, had issue Robt. & John. John Cruis of Morchard, 3 H. 5 John Cruis of Morchard, 9 H. 6. Tho. Cruis of Morchard, 37 H. 6. John Cruis of Morchard & Jone his w. John Cruis, 1 mar. Elizab. d. of Tho. Whitley, & had issue John; 2 mar. Mary d. of John Francis, and had issue William, Thomas, Edward, & Anthonie. John Cruis mar. Agnes d. of John Ashford. John Cruis mar. Anne d. of Humph. Keynes. Sir Alex. Cruis, 6 E. 2, had issue, after John Cruis to whom he gave Anstie Cruis, from which is descended Prouz of Chagford. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. John Cruis of Cruis Morchard=Anne d. of Humph. Keenis of Winkley Humph. Cruis of Cruis-Dorithy d. of Lewis Hatch of Morchard, living 1620 | Allar in com. Devon. T Lewis, 1 s., S. p. Robt., 4 Lewis Cruis=Sara d. of of Cruis | Trefrie of Morchard, Fowey in living 1620 Cornw. John, 2 Humph., 3 Robt., 5 Cicell Elizab. : = Humph. John Branton Horne of of Studley Thelbridge George, 6 Matthew, 2 Henry, 3 Alexander s. & h., æt. 18 Bridget, 1 Mary, 2 LEWES CRUES. Cruwes. Rob'tus de Cruwes miles 25 E. 3 Alexander Crues a. 4 R. 2 Robt. Crues ar. 4 R. 2 Joh’es Johanna Elizab. Thomas Crues ar. ī John Crues ar. 11 E. 4 Entered, not signed. Crymes. ARMS. Or, three bars gules, charged with as many martlets argent, and on a chief argent two bars nebulée azure. CREST. A martlet vert. Ellis Crimes of Buckland Monachorum=Anne d. of Prideaux of, in com. Devon Nutwell in com. Devon Agnes d. of John=William Crimes=Margt. d. of Wm. Phillip Crimes=Agnes d. Parvis of Chard of Buckland Harris of Heane of Mevy in of Wm. in com. Somers, 1 Monachorum | in com. Devon com. Devon | Achim of 2 w. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al BI cl TI George, 3 Simond, æt. 1 William Crimes=Joane d. of John of Buckland Copleston of Monachorum, Warleigh Esq. living 1620 deceased Ellis, 2, of Buckland Mon., liv. ing 1620 Lewis, 4 Ferdinando, 5 Richard, 6 Suzan, æt. 7~*Tho. Drake of the same Ellis Crimes=* Francis, 1 d. of S. & h., Sir Francis æt. 5, 1620 Drake of Buck- land Mon. Mary * Francis, 1 son, æt. 9, 1645 Ellis, 2, et. 8 John, 3 et. 6 Robert, 4, Ameas, 5, Mary, b. et. 4 æt. 1 Oct. 1645 of 4 William ? Joane S ob. young Suzan Mary Margaret=1, Arthur Cople- stone 2, Oliver Whiddon Elizab. Francis Glan- ville of Tavi. stock Francis Phillip Crimes of Mevy, living 1620-Jane d. of John Eyre Willian, 2 Francis, 4 John Crymes s. & h., æt. 8, 1620 Margaret, æt. 5 Phillip, 3 WILLM. CRYMES, JR. * Parts added by a later hand. Cudmore. ARMS. Argent, a fesse nebulée gules, between three eagles displayed sable. CREST. A griffin's head gules. Edm. Cudmore of Temple=Alice d. of Thorne of in com. Devon | Bishop's Nimet ..-- - - - - - - - - Zacarye, Daniell Cudmore of=Joane d. of Humph. John Cudmore, 3, Barris- Loxbeare in com. Spurwaye of Oke- ter of the Inner Temple in Devon, living 1620 ford London, living 1620 Humfrie, 2 Lewis, 4 Edm. s. & h., æt. 22, 1620 Eliz., 1 Katherin, 3 Daniell, 3 Zacarye, 5 Ellinor, 2 Joane, 4 DANIEL CUDMORE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. . 81 Culme. ARMs. 1. Azure, a chevron ermine between three pelicans or. (CULME.] 2. Argent, on a bend cotised sable three boars' heads couped of the first, within a bordure engrailed of the second. [WALTER.] : CREST. A lion séjant or, the fore paws resting on a column argent. John Culme of Molland=Alice d. & b. of John Walter in com. Devon, & of in com. Devon Alice his w. d. & h. of John Collocote in com. Devon Hugh Culme,=Agnes d. of Wm. Frye 1, of Mol. of Membreye in land com. Devon Antho. Culme,=Alice d. of Joha Amner 2, of Tiver of Wells in Somers. ton Hugh Culme=*Mary d. of Hugh Antho., Arthure Culme=Alice d. of John of Molland | Fortescue of of Tiverton, Berrie of Thor- Esq. Filley in Devon living 1620 verton in com. Devon 1 Richard Culme of Cannonleigh=*Ladye ... d. of... Courtney Esq., living 1620 of Molland Hugh s. & h., æt. 15 ARTHUR CULME FOR RICH. CULME. ARTHUR CULME. * Later hand. Cutcliffe. Will'm of Stodden Hugh of Stodden=Agnes d. & h. of Roger Franklin Adam de Stodden=Alice John de Stodden 8. & h. Thomas de Stodden, 2 son Robt. de Stodden Rich. Gernoune Joanna V 82 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Roger Gernoune William Gernoune Margaret 2 Tho. Cut-=Joane sister & cliffe coh. of Tho. Gernoune Alice Tho. Gernoune ob. s. p. infra etatem ob. s. p. Agnes Joane Richard John Cutcliff 8. & h., ob. 8. p. Lawrence Cut- cliff, 2 son Catherine Thomas John Cutcliff=d. of Hext Thomas Cutcliffe of Ilfordcombe Anne d. of Reynell of Holsworthie Thomas, 5, ot. 20 Edward, Adrian, 3, John, 2,=Julian d. of Rob. Charles Cutcliff of 4, ot. æt. 30, æt. 36 Bruton of Ilfordcomb, 1 s., 28 coelebs Morthow æt. 40 Elizab.=Andrew Fenton of Fenton nr Bodmin Elinor=Nicho. Harper Gartrud Susan of Berian- æt. 40 harbert Hen. Goodwin of Torrington . CHARLES CUTCLIFFE. Davy. ARMS. Argent, two chevronels sable between three mullets gules. CREST. A holy lamb passant regard, proper, staff and cross or. Walterus de la Weye, filius et heres Willelmi de la Weye, dedit et concessit Waltero Pollard totam terram de la Weye habendam et tenendam sibi et heredi- bus in perpetuum. ·His testibus Domino Henrico de Wolley, Thoma de Martin, militibus, Willelmo de Stapledon, Henrico de Winscott, Philippo de Stafford, Ricardo Wittesley, Rogero Durant et aliis. (Seal attached with arms, a lamb bearing a flag.) Willelmus Dewy, modo de Ebberleigh, feoffavit Henrico de Barlington fratri de terra in Balrington (sans date). A release per nomen Willelmus Dewy modo de Ebberleigh to Henricus of Balrington (sans date). Richard Dewy 6° Edvardi primi dedit Willelmo primogenito omnes terras in Ebberleigh, testibus Radulpho Monech, Willelmo Staford, Henrico de la Combe et aliis (sans date). Robt Devy. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 83 Roger Devy confirmarit Willelmo filio suo et Alicie uxori terras in Ebberleigh quæ ei descendebat per mortem Roberti fratris et Leticie uxoris, matris dicti Rogeri; his testibus Ricardo Barry, Johanne Pollard, Willelmo Wollacombe, et aliis. Dat. 2° H. 6. Johannes filius Walteri de Cobeleigh dedit Willelmo Dovy terram in Ebber- leigh per cartam, dat. octavo Henrici quinti; his testibus Ricardo Barry, Willelmo Wollacombe et aliis. (Seal attached with arms, a cross patée with label of three points.) Willms. Davy als. Dewy Robt. Davy als. Dewy=Leticia Roger Davy als. Dewy=Thomazin d. & h. of John s. of Walter of Ebberleigh Willms. Davy als. Dewy=Alicia Richard Davy Willms. Davy=d. of Barry of Winscott John Davy=Isoll d. & coh. of John Blinsam of Blinsam Rich. Davy, 1 s=d. of Chapell of Chittlehampton John Davy=Anne d. & coh. of John 8. & h. Doderidge of Doderidge in Kirton Anne=Dennis of Gutsland Anne . Margaret Thomas, 2 Joane, 1 John Davy of=Faith d. of John Eberley in Coniers Rowborow Nathan, 3 Elizabeth, 2 Henry Davy, 1 Azarias, 2 John, 3 Gawen, 4 Mary dau. Stavely Thomas Davy,=Dennis d. of Rob. Lim- 2, of Beau ponve Esq. sister of ford Edw. & cosin & coh. of Phillip s. & h. of Edw. John,=Jane d. of 3 | Hamlin of St. Toth John Davy=Elizab. d. of Parnacott of Beau- sometimes of Parnacott ford s. & h. | by his w. d. of Stapleton Arthur Bartholo-=Willmot d. of ob. 8. p. mew, 3 Will. Hawkeridge of Dowland B CD 84 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. в | ODI Henry Davy,=Margaret d. Jonathan, Phebe, 1 1, æt. 28, of John 2, æt. 1620 Gay of : 20 Margery, 2 Goldworthy Rebecka, 3 Barthole- Martha mew, 18. = John le Thomas, 2 Bonne Frenchman LE Elizabeth only d., et. 2 Elizab.=Martin of Northtawton Jone=Heddon of Magdalen=Blagden of Dowland Blagden Thomas, John, 2 Raphe Rice Alice Francis d. of Clevehanger d. of Sherwell Oliver Coliber rector of Rowborow Gist of Kilk- hampton Yoldon of Bickington Rich. John Richard mar. Entered, not signed. Davye. ARMs. Azure, three cinquefoils pierced or, on a chief of the second a lion passant gules. CREST. A halcyon bird breasted gules, head and neck azure, tail proper, wings endorsed argent, holding in the beak a branch vert with three roses or. Robert Davye of Crediton in com. Devon=d. & h. of Thomas Gilbert Davye,=Mary d. of Gere 2, of Canno of Hevitree in tene Esq. Devon Lawrence Davye, 3,=Joane d. of Simon of Midland in Westlake of Exborne com. Devon in com. Devon Robert Davye=Anne d. of John of Cannon- Northcot of tene Esq. Crediton John Davye of=Elizb. d. of John Nicho., Midland, Trobridge of living 1620 Trobridge Elizabeth, 1 Joane, 4 Gilbert-Gartrud. d. John Davye,= Davye, of Sir Hugh 2, of Cristow 1 s. Pollard in Devon, Kt. living 1620 John, Law. S. & rence, h., ct. 2 10 Ursula, 2 Mary, 3 Grace, 5 Sara, 6 Anne, æt. 3, 1620 JOHN DAVYE. JOHN DAVYE. · THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 85 Davye. Robert Davye of Kyrton in com. Devon John Davy of Sandford=Margaret d. of George Southcote and Kirton of Callverley Esq. John Davy of Sand-=Julian d. of Sir ford s. & h., living William Strowd 1620 of Newnam Margaret=Gideon Heydon son of Robt. Heydon of Cad. bay in com. Devon Esq. John s. & h., æt. 8, 1620 William, 2 Mary, 3 Elizabeth HUMFRY SOUTHCOTT. Davye. Rob. Davy of Crediton in com. Devon John Davy of Crediton John Davy of=Anne d. of Emanuell Drew of Kinne Crediton in com. Devon Emanuell Davy of Crediton in=Kath. d. of John Northcott of com. Devon, living 1620 Crediton in com. Devon Robert, 2 Suzan, 1 Gartrud, John s. & h., living 1620 Gilbert, 3 Anne, 2 Elizab., 4 Honor, 6. Katherin, 5. Margaret, 7 Mary, 8 Dorothy, 9 EMANUELL DAVYE. 86 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Delbes. John Delves of Kirton in com. Devon on on Peter Delves of Crediton=Eliza d. of Prestwood Thomas Mark Delves of Crediton,Avis d. of Robert Woodley 8. & h. of Oldridge Henry Delves of Crediton=Amy d. of Will’m 8. & H., living 1620, Chief Kemmell of Hol- Constable of the hun comb Burnell dred of Wonford Pascall=1, Burnell 2, Rich. Soper of Woodland Bennett Burnell Rowland Gawen Anthony Soper HENRIE DELVES. Dene. ARMS. Argent, a lion rampant purpure. Richard Dene of Newton=d. & h. of Leigh of Ashwater Petrock in com. Devon in com. Devon Thomas Dene, 2 son ma. ...d. of Bligh Roger Dene of New-=Elizabeth d. of John Wood ton Petroch of Lew Trenchard Guidion, 3, Arthur, 2 son ma. æt. 24 Agnes d. of Davie Beaple Richard Dene of New-=Phillip d. of John ton Petrock in Hele of Pli- Devon, living 1620 mouth Roger Deane g. & h., æt. 12, aº 1620 Elizabeth, æt. 13 Dorothy=Jo. Webb of Exeter Katherine, 2 Elizabeth, 3 Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 87 Dennys. ARMS. 1. Ermine, three battle-axes gules, headed argent. [DENYS.] 2. Argent, two chevronels sable. [ESSE.] 3. Šable, three fusils in fess ermine. [GIFFORD.] 4. Sable, a lion rampant argent, debruised with a bend gules. [CHURCHILL.] 5. Argent, on a bend cotised sable three cinquefoils or. [DOWNES.] 6. Argent, two chevronels sable. [ESSE.] CREST, A tiger's head erased. John Dennys of Orleigh in=Dorothy d. of Anthony Monke of com. Devon Esq. Powdering in com. Devon Esq. William Dennys–Mary d. of Wm Viell of Orleigh Esq. of Trevorder in Corn. Phillip=Wm Schrood of Blend- more in com. Somers. Anthony Dennys of Orleigh Esq.,=Eliz. d. of Tho. Wise of living 1620 Sidenham Esq. William Dennys s. & h., æt. 9 Mary Jane=Rich. Dennys of Sussex Christian=Robert Carye of Ladford ANTHONIE DENNYS. AN Denys. John Dennis of Matcott, s. & h.-Elizab. d. of John Barrie of Wm Dennis of Winscott Esq. Nicholas ob. 8. p. William Dennis of=Lucie d. of John Cloberie of Matcott ob. Bradston in com. Devon Jacquet Dorithie Grace William De William Dennis=Francis d. of of Matcott Rich. Pri- 8. & h., æt. deaux of 33, 1620 Throwborow Digorie Sheare of Lawhitton in com. Corn. John Walter George Braddon of St. Domi- of Sutcomb in nick com. Devon Francis, 2, æt. abt 5 Richard Dennis s. & h., ot. 13 1, Winifred 3, Honor 5, Marie 2, Lucie 4, Jacquet WILLIAM DENYS. - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -- 88 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Diamond. ARMS. Gules, three fusils conjoined in fess argent, and over all a fess gules. Thomas Diamond of=Katherin d. of Powell of Tiverton Brecknock in Wales Roger Dimond, 2, of Tiverton=Eliz. d. of Slocum of Devon, 1 w. John, 5 d. of Tanner Thomas, Roger Di=d. of Waller William,=d. of Christ. Richard, mond, of Honing- 2 Pike of 3, S. & h., ton Tiverton unma d. of æt. 32 Tucker 1 child 1 son 1 dau. æt. 7 John & 4 more John Dimond of Tiverton, & now=Katherin d. of Rog. Colman Maior, aº 1620, æt. 79 of Tiverton Robert Dimond=d. of Hanley 8. & h., æt. 40 of Tanton Thomas, Elizab.=Wm Palfrie of Come Edith, Rawley, Counsellor 2 d., æt. 30 at lawe æt. 26 Raphe, 3 George, Christopher, 2, æt. 14 1, ET 1, Elizabeth, æt. 19 1 8., æt. 21 2, Susan, æt. 18 Thomas, 4, Nathaniell, 5 I 3, Katherin, æt. 8 Entered, not signed. Dillon ARMS. Argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, debruised with a fess azure, between four estoiles issuing out of as many crescents of the second, quartering. 1. Vair, a chief chequy or and gules. [FLEMING.] 2. Or, on a bend sable three horse- shoes argent. [FERRERS.) CREST. A demi-lion holding in dexter paw an estoile issuant out of a crescent gules. Sir Tho. Fleming Kut. Baron of Slane Eliz. d. of Preston Sir Christopher Fleming Knt.=Leve d. & coh, of Martyn Baron of Slane Ferrys of Devon A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 89 'A John Fleming=Amy d. of Rochford Walter Dillon of Ireland=Ann d. & coh. of John Fleming : Nicholas Dillon of Chimwell Robert Dillon of Chimwell=Isabell d. of Wm Fortescue of in com. Devon Esq. Prudestone, Devon, Esq. Richard, Anne d. of Wm=Henrie Dillon of=Elizabeth d. of Sir Kelly in Bratton in c. Hugh Pollard Devon Esq. Devon Esq. Knt. Anthonie, Henrie, Andrew, Robert Dillon, Margarett, Anne, John, Anthonie, Nicholas Dillon of Hart=Margarett d. of... in Devon, 4 son Inckleton of ... Sir Will’m Dillon of=Elizabeth d. & h. of Elizabeth ux. John New- Hart in Devon Knt. Phillip Chichester of ... court of Pickwell Robert Dillon s. & h. of Hart in c. D., living 1620 Esq. Margerett ux. Sir Rich. Hill in Gloucestershire ROBERT DILLON. Docton. ARMS. Per fesse gules and azure, 3 crescents, the two in chief or, that in base sable, quartering argent, 3 hounds passant, sable. [CHANTRELL.] CREST. A fleur-de-lys sable. Noverint universi per præsentes me Jobannem Doketon de Kilkhampton attor- nasse assignasse et dilectos mihi in Christo ... loco meo posuisse Johannem Ratte- burye, Willelmum Ford meos veros et legitimos attornatos etc. Dat. apud Doketon predictum die Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Augustini Episcopi anno regni K. H. 6 post conquestum tricesimo octavo. (Sealed with the arms of Docton.) In Dei nomine undecimo die mensis Julii anno millesimo quadragentesimo quin- quagesimo septimo ego Johannes Doketon senior de Herteland compos et sane memorie, licet infectus etc. Item lego Johanni Doketon filio meo et heredi etc. N 90 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Item lego Agnete Doketon filie mee etc. His testibus Thoma Mattingle, Johanne Hadderley, Thoma Snow. Dat. ut supra anno, mense et die ut supra etc, in testi- monium sigillum meum privatum apposui. (Sealed with the arms of Docton.) Johannes Doketon de Kilkehampton aº H. 6. 38 John Doketon s. & h. Agneta Tho. Doketon de Doketon in hund. of Hartland»Alice d. of Ashe Richard, 2=Thomazin d. of Saunder of Wolfardisworthy John Doketon, Agnes d. & h. of 1 son Chantrell Thomas Doc-=Susan d. ton of Docton of Baba- 8. & h. com of Tavistock John, 2 Phillip d. of Pike of Park- bam John, 2, Coun- sellor of the Common Law ob. s. p. Tho.=Alice d. of Dok- John At- eton | kin of Hartland Richard, æt. 17 111 Susan Susan John Docton 8. & h., æt. 20, 1620 Nicholas Doketon ob. 8. p. Thomas, æt. 8 Rebecca Phillippa. Peter, æt. 6 Jane THOMAS DOCTON. Downe. ARMS. Gules, a buck's head cabossed ermine, armed or, a mullet for difference. Rich. Downe descended from the house of Est Downe in com. Devon. John Downe of Pilton=Catherin d. of Willes of Pilton John Downe of Pilton, living 1620=Mary d. of John Phillips of Plimouth Phillip 2 Robert, 5 Henry, 7 John Downe s. & h., William, 3 Alexander, 6 James, 8 Mary Joane=Rich. Katherin 1 d. Goode of Pli- Thomas mouth Luce living Richard, 4 1620 JOHN DOWNE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 91 Dowrishe. ARMS. Argent, a bend cotised sable, a label of three points, all within a bordure engrailed of the second Thomas Dowrish of Dowrish=Elizab. d. of Sir John Taverner of com. Oxon. Thomas Dowrish of=Ann d. of Charles Farrington by Margt. d. of Dowrish s. & h. Sir Tho. Stukley of Ayton Eliz.=John Northcott of Crediton Grace=Robt. Guy of Prowze in Sandford Robert Dow- rish, 3 Mabel d. of John Eston of Eston Wm. 8.=Eliz. d. of John, 2, in the George, 3, in India & h., John Rudge Netherlands, Orientalis, æt. 24 æt. 32 of Morcherd æt. 30 Philip, 4, mercator London, æt. 20 Hugh Dow-=Ann d. of Sir Walter rish, 2, Rich. Edgcomb Dowrish clericus of Mt. Edgcomb S. & h. Mary d. of George Carew, sister to the Lord Carew Anne-William Bodley of Dun- scomb in Credit- on IS Alcana, 1, Walt., 2, Mary, 1, Elizab., 2, . Ann=Boswell of London Dorothy=Tho. Payton of Plimouth Elizab.=Geo. Trobridge of Trobridge Mary=Wm. Linnsey of Field in Kent, now of Colby in Norfolk Thomas Dowrish=Kath. d. of John Stukeley S. & h., æt 52 of Avton by Kath. d. of Sir John St. Leger John Dowrish s. & h., æt. 27, = a traveller in divers countries, fuit academicus in Oxonia Francis-Phil. son of David son of Philip ap Bowen of Lanetby in com. Corn. Suzan Thomas, 2, æt. 21 Lewis, 3, æt. 18 Mary George, 4, æt. 14 Anne Grace Joice THOMAS DOWRISHE, 92 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Dowrish. Walter Dowrish by deed without date Nicholas Dowrish 41 H. 3 William Bowrish Ed. 1 Tho. Dowrish 9 Ed. 2 William Dowrish 1 Ed. 3 John Dowrish 9 Ed. 3 William Dowrish 14 Ed. 3 Thomas Dowrish 40 Ed. 3 Thomas Dowrish 13 Rich. 3 Richard Dowrish 1 Hen. 5 Thomas Dowrish 18 Hen. 6 Thomas Dowrish Ed. 4 Da. of Catsby=Richard Dowrish 1 Rich. 3=d. of Fulford Elizab. Tho. =d. of Taver- Dow | ner of Ox- rish fordshire Peter Katherine=John Sneddall & with her had the barron & manor of Upton Hillions & 40th rents in assise in other places; divers issue Mary=Eastchurch of Chidleigh Thomas =Anne d. of Charles Farrington who m. Margery Dowrish d. of Sir Tho. Stukeley of Afton Knt. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 93 al Jane Grace Wm. Bod- leigh of Dunscomb Hugh, 2=d. of Rich. Walter Robt. Elizab. Edgcomb of Mounte Mary s. of d. of East. John Edgcomb & ge Lord on of hath issue Carew Easton Robt. Guy of Rouse Robert =d. of Cole of Slade Dowrish & widow of Hill Mary=Anthony Moring of | Little Torrington Jane=Atwill Thomas D. of Heath-Barton in com Devon. Entered, not signed. Drake, ARMS. 1. Argent, a wyvern gules. [DRAKE.] 2. Argent, on a chief gules three cinquefoils of the first. [BELET.] 3. Gules, on a fesse argent two mullets sable. [HAMPTON.] 4. Ermine, on a chief sable three cross crosslets fitchée or. (ORWEY.] 5. Ermine, three bars azure. [OFFEWELL.] 6. Azure, six lioncels or. (LONGSPEY?] 7. Argent, two chevronells sable. [ESSE.] Pedigree roughly written in a different hand, with coats of arms sketched more or less perfectly. Alexander De=d. & h. of Henry la Ford Esse John Orway=Julian d. & h. of Robt. Oswell Henry De=Margery d. la Ford l of Vere John Orway=Agnes d. of John Raleigh Kt. Havis d. & h. John Orway Thomas Orway Philippa d. & coh. Warren Hampton d. & coh.=Thomas Streche Warren Hampton=Joane d. of Rich. Brooke John Streche=Joane 94 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al AL_ Alice d. & coh. John Billett d. & coh.=Sachevile d. & coh.Faringdon Christian d. & h.=John Drake Esq. John Sachevile Ralph Faringdon John Drake=d. of Hemes d. & coh.=Wilford d. & coh.=Copleston of Egesford Esq. John Drake of Otterton=Agnes d. of co. Devon Esq. Kailway Johan d. &h=Jasper Horsey Johan=Poole John Drake of Mur-=Margaret bury, Esq. d. of Cole George Horsey Edward Horsey William=d. of Pop- Poole ham John Drake of=Amy d. of Ashe Esq. Grenfield Alice=Walter Raleigh Robert-Eliz. d. of Drake Predieux Sir Barnard Drake Kt. of=Gertrude d. of Mount Drake in Devon Fortescue Richard Drake Mary, 2 d. Hugh d. Marie, 1 d. John Drake=Dorothy d. of in Por- of Mt. Wm Burton tugal, Tynsley Drake of Aston in 1589 Wilts. Sherman of St. Mary Awtrie John Bu- ton Mary Wm Drake,=Marg. d. & h. of Westover of Coliton - - - Sir John Drake,=Elinor d. of 1620, of Ashe | John Lord in Devon B-ler Baron of Bromfield Henry Rous- well of Ford in Devon Thomas, George, 2, ob. 8. p. Henry, John Drake-Jane d. of Sir of Ashe John Yong of Esq. 150 Stutcome in co. Devon Mary, 1 Gartrude, / 5 ob. s. p. Elenor, 3 Elizab., 4 Joane, 6 Dorithie,=Will. Frye æt. 3, of Yarty 1620 in Devon Jane, 7 John Brisco in com. Cumb. Churchill of Clan- vill Wotton in Dorset. Anne, 8 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 95 Additional rough notes in Parker's handwriting. Dionis d. of Sir Rich.=Sir John Drake,=Jane d. of Sir John Stroude of Chalming- of Ashe kt. & Young of Stutcomb ton in Dorset, 2 w. bart., 1660 in Devon, 1 w. Ann, 8 d., wife of Sir Rich. Stroude of Chalmington in Dorset Kt. Barnard, William, George, John Drake esq. s. f h., living 1660 Walter, Elizabeth Drake. ARMS. [Sketched in corner] Argent, a wyvern gules. John Drake of Axmouth in com. Devon=d. of Cole John, John Drake of Ash 8. & h. Gilbert Drake, 3, Of=Katherin d. of Wm Sher- Pratshead in par. man of Ottrie St. Mary, of Littleham 2 w. John, Robert, George Drake-Elizab. d. of Emanuell of Pratshead Drewe of Kenne Katherin d. & h., relicta=Henry Ford GEORGE DRAKE. Drake. ARMS. As before. Tho. Drake of Hertford in com. Devon=Ellin d. of Bennet Hillen of Fen Awtrie 1 w....=Geo. Drake of=Mary d. of Withcomb, Parker of living 1620 Moulton John Drake=Ellin d. of Tucker & of Hertford, widow of Barrett living 1620 of Hertford Mathew, 1 Edmond, 2 Katherin=Joice 96 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al William Drake=Anne d. of Ford of Hertford of Awtrie Margaret=Geo. Ra- . leighe Grace=Geo. Clode Thomas, 1 William, 2 George, 3. Mary, 1 Grace, 2 JOHN DRAKE. Drake. ARMS. Sable, a fesse wavy argent, between two estoiles of the second, quartering, argent, a wyvern gules. CREST. 1. A ship under reef, drawn round a globe with a cable-rope by a hand out of the clouds, all proper, and over it the motto, “ Auxilio Divino.” 2. An arm proper, holding in the hand a battle-axe sable, headed argent. Drake Sir Francis Drake Thomas Drake of Buck-=Elizab. d. of land Drake Gregorie Joan d. of Sir W.=Francis Drake of Buck-=Jane d. of Sir Amias Stroud, 2 w. land Drake Esq. Bamfield, 1 w. Maria, æt. 4 Francis s. & b., Thomas, 2, æt. 3 m. Dorothea ob. inf. æt. 3 FRA. DRAKE. Drewe. ARMS. Drawn at the side ermine, a lion passant gules. CREST. On a wreath vert a stag trippant or. Note. This crest confirmed to Edw. Drew of Killverton in com. Devon serjeant at law by R. · Cooke, Clarencieux by patent, aº 1593. Thomas Drewe of Sharpham in com. Devon=d. of Hackmore Richard, 2 John, 4 Edward Drewe=Bridget d. ... Fitz- of Killerton williams of co. Lincolne William, 3 Robert, 5 A 1 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 97 Mary=Tho. Mollins of Wash Hall, Dorset Eliz.=Wm Ritherdon Somers. George,=D. of Arundell of Chidiock, Dorset Edward, Francisca Thomas Drewe of>Eliz. d. of Edw. Moore Broadhamburiel of Odiham in co. Knt. Southamp. Knt. virgo LAN Francis, 2, æt. 16 Eliz. 1 Bridget, 3 William Drewe s. & h., et. 17, 1620 Anne, 5 Mary, 2 Jane, 4 THO. DREWE. Drew. John Drew of St. Lennards=Ann d. to Watkin Yorke in com. Devon Esq. of Devon, 1 wife LEVERIN Emanuell Drewe s. &h=Ann d. of Robt Dillon of St. Lennards of Chemwell in c. D. Edward Mary Elynor John Drew $. & h. of St.=Susan d. & coh. of John Lennards, living 1620 Gaverick of Foord Thomas Drew s. & b. of the cittie of=Dorothy d. of Peter Wolcott Exeter, now living 1620 of the citty of Exeter Henry Drew s. & h., æt. 8, 1620 Thomas, 2 George, 3 Susan Entered, not signed. 98 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Drewe. Edw. Drewe of Sharpham=Bridget d. of Fitzwillms in com. Devon of Lincolnshire Sir Tho. Edward, Drew, 3 1 s. unma Geo. Drew,=Mary d. of Sir Elizab.=Wm Rither. Francis 2, of Mor- | John Arundell ton of chard, liv- of Lanberne Somerset ing 1620 in Cornw. Bridget, 1 Suzan, 2 Geo. Drew 8. & h., æt. 8, 1620 GEOR. DREWE. Duck. ARMS. Or, on a fess wavy sable three lozenges of the field. Nicho. Ducke Recorder of ye Cittie=Grace d. of Tho. Walker of Exeter Esq. a Bencher of of the Cittie of Exiter, Lyncoln's Inn, living 1620 Allderman Richard Duck s. & b., æt. 17, 1620 Entered, not signed. Duke. ARMs. 1. Per fess argent and azure, three chaplets counterchanged. [DUKE.] 2. Party per pale, wavy azure and or [POER.] CREST. A grifin rampant, winged or, holding in dexter paw a chaplet azure. John Duke of Pinne, 2 s. of Henry=Ellen d. of Tho. Middleton Thomas, Gilbert, Katherin d. of>Rich. Duke=Martha d. of John Sergiant Pri- Parker of London, deaux, 2 w. merchant, 1 w. Richard Duke=Margaret d. of of Otterton Arthur Basset 8. & b. Kt. Robert,=Elizab. of Rob. Collins of Atrie St. Mary THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 99 B! Richard Duke 8. & h., et. 20, 1620 Robert, 2, et. 19 Arthur, æt. 14 Humphrie, æt. 9 Basset, æt. 7 Thomas, æt. 4 John, æt. 2 Elizab., 1 Francis, 2 Jone, 1 Martha, 2 Margaret, 3 Phillip, 4 Nich. Stonhouse of Boxley in Kent Hugh Chiches- ter of Wid- worthy Nich. Putt of Gitsham in Devon Arthur Harris of Cornworthy Anne, 1 Mary, 2, unmd. Francis, 3 Humphrie, Thomas, 1 s. by 2 s. by 2nd w. 2nd w. Elizab., 4 Ellis Bartlett of Brandes- comb Phil. Channon of Atrie St. Mary Humphrie Walrond of Atrie St. Mary . RICHARD DUKE. Dungie. John Dungy of St. Twynne in Cornw. John Dungie of St. =Thomazin d. of John Broad of Twyn in com. Cornw. Murrinstow in com. Cornw. Mary=John Worn- ington of Murwinstow Thoma Dungie=Jane d. & coh. John, 2, of Hartland in of Charles Priest æt. 36 com. Devon l of Hartland S. & h. Drew, 3, æt. 26 Nicholas, 2, æt. 6 1, Anna, æt. 15 3, Jane, æt. 10 Richard Dungie s. & h., et. 12 5, Lettice, 6 . 2, Honor, æt. 124, Susan, 8. THOMAS DUNGIE. 100 THIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Dyer, ARMS. Or, a chief indented gules, a mullet for difference. CREST. Out of a ducal coronet or, a goat's head sable, armed of the first and charged on the neck with a mullet. Richard Dyer of Malberow=Kath d. & h. of Martin of Malberow in com. Devon in com. Devon Rich. Dyer of Malberow=Anne d. of Webber als. Gilbert of West living 1620 Allington in com. Devon. William Dyer s. & h., Mary d. of John Shapley of Totnes æt. 32, 1620 in com. Devon Richard Dyer s. & b., æt. 5, 1620 Mary, 1d., æt. V Agnes, 2d., Joane, 3d., æt. 6 æt. a monthe WILL. DYER. Dynham. ARMS. 1. Gules, four fusils in fess within a bordure ermine. [DYNHAM.] 2. Gules, a chevron between three lions' paws erased ermine. [WORTHAM.] 3. Per pale or and azure, a chevron engrailed, between three lions rampant, countercharged. (WESTMANTON.] 4. Sable, five bezants and a chief or. [BYFIELD.] Wm. Wortham Lord of Wortham in ye reign of R. 2 Johanna Jane Emma Alice Otes Dinham =Agnes d. & coh. Elizab. Rich. Knight Awdrie Rich. Wil- liton Tho. Skid- more John Grenfield Nicholas Dinbam of Wortham=Eliz. d. of John Westlake James, 2 William, 3 John Dinham s. & h.=Margt d. & h. of Wm. Westmanton John, 2 William Dinham s. & h.=Ann d. of John Bifield of Lincolnsh. John Dinham of Wortham=Grace d. of Sir John Arundell of Trerise al THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 101 Al Robert, 2= Oliver, 4 Richard, 3 æt. 60 unm. John Dinham=Eliz. d. of Wm. James, 5 8. & h. of | Tremaine of Wortham Trevere in Esq., et. 65 Cornw. Arthur d. of Arun dell of Trerise Arthur, 2, et. 33 . John Dinham s. & h., C. 35, 1620 Margaret=John Hide of Altor- non in Cornw. JOHN DYNHAM. Grace æt. 28 Ebbeworthye. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus de Ebbellesworth dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi, pro me et heredibus meis et assignatis magistro Johanni de Milliton et Waltero de Milleton fratri ejusdem Johannis, heredibus eorum et assignatis totam terram meam in Esterlake etc. Dat. apud Bridistow die dominica proxima post festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptistæ anno regni regis Edwardi filii regis Edwardi decimo. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Walterus de Milliton dedi, concessi et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Johanni de Ebbellesworth filio Walteri de Ebbesworth etc. Dat. apud Milliton die Martis proximo ante festum Sancta-anno regni regis Edw. 3. 24. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Ebbesworthy dedi, concessi et hac præsenti carta mea indentata confirmavi Waltero Hakeworthy de Okehampton omnia messuagia, terras et tenementa mea, reditus et reversiones cum omnibus per- tentiis quæ habeo in villa de Ebbesworthy, Est Bitslake, Gnatton et Wadeston etc. Dat. apud Ebbesworthie die Jovis proximo post festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, anno regni regis Henrici 6 vicesimo quarto. Richard Ebbes-=d. & h. of worth | Shilston Robert Ebbesworthie=d. of Martin of Ebbesworthie of Exeter John Ebbes-=d. of Yeo of worth Devon Peter Ebbesworthy=Alice d. & h. of of Ebbesworthy Durant. Richard=Anne d. of Ebbes- / Juell worthy Peter Ebbesworthy=Susan d. & h. of of Ebbesworthy John Alford of Okebampton Paule =Catherin Ebbes- d. of Cal. worth | madie Esq. Pawle Alexander=Catherin d. of Tho. Ebbes- Harris of Trevegle worthy, 1s. in Cornw. Peter S. & h., æt. 12 Thomas, 1, Susan, æt. 9 2, æt. 10 2, Catherine, – 7 3, Patience, - 3 PETER EBBEWORTHYE. 102 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON: Edgcombe. ARMS. Gules, on a bend sable cotised or three boars' heads couped argent. Sir Rich. Edgcomb, Controller of the House- hold to H. 7, ob. 1409, 8 Sept. Sir Pierse Edgcomb Kt. of Mount=d. & h. of Edgcomb in com. Devon Dernford Sir Rich. Edgcomb s. & h.=d. of Tregian in com. Corn. Peter or Peirse Edgcomb>Marg. d. of Sir Andrew Lutterell Kt. Mary d. of Sir Tho. Cotules=Sir Rich. Edgcomb=Anne d. of Sir Geo. Cary of London Kt., 2 w. of Edgcomb Kt. of Cockington Kt., 1 w.s.p. Pierse Edgcomb s. & h., æt 11, 1620 Richard, 2, æt. 8 Andrew, 5, in London John, 4, ob. s. p. Peirse, Edward, 3, at Bodryan Margaret, 1 Katherin, 2 Elizab. Anne Sir Edward Denny Kt. Edmond Predeaux Sir John Spec- of Netherton cot Kt. 1, Rich. Trefusis 2, Ambrose Manning- ton of South Pether- win Entered, not signed. Edgcumbe. Edgcombe of Buckland Monachorum um Rich. Edgcombe of Tavistock=Agnes d. of Durant of Tavistock ΑΙ THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 103 . Al - - - Rich. Edgcombe=Joane d. of Matthew Edgcombe, Marg. d. of Robt. Agnes of Tavistock s. Tho. Mo- now heire to his Moore of Moore & h., 8. p. hune of brother, living 1620 in com. Devon Peter Tavistock Edg- combe of Tavistock Esq. Robert, 2 Matthew, 3 Awdrey, a d. Rich. Edgcombe s. & h., æt. 21, 1620 MATHEW EDGCOMBE. Edgcombe, John Edgcombe of Lamerton in com. Devon - George Edg- comb, 1 son Walter Edgcomb>Jane d. of Rich. Deems of Lamerton, 3 of Luppit in com. son Devon John, 2 of Mary Tavy Roger Roger Edgcomb Edgcomb S. & h.,æt. 26, 1620 Arthur, John, 3, Richard, James, Margaret, 2,æt. 23 æt. 20 4, æt. 105, æt. 7 æt. 4 ROGER EDGCOMBE. Edgcumbe. Edgcomb of Edgcombtown in the parish of Milton Peirse Edgcomb, 2, who dwelt at Tavistock ... Edgcombe of Edgcombtowne 8. & h., of whom is descended Rich. Edgcomb, now of Edgcombtown, 1620 John Edg- combe of: Lamerton Peter, William, John Edgcombe of=Joane d. of Tavistock 8. & h. Trelawney 3 John, 2, who died in Ireland Peter Edgcombe of=Agnes d. of Rich. Edg- Tavistock s. & h. comb of Tavistock AL 104 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. AL Thomas=Anne d. Peter,=Elizab. John, 3,5Elizb. 2 Elizab. Agnes Joana Edg- & h. of 2, of 3 d. of of Tavi- d. of = un- combe Solm. Pli. Nicho- . stock, John George John mar’d of Tavis- Furse mouth, las living Beard Gye of Poin- tock s. of Oke living Coll- 1620 of Maud. Barn- ter at & h., hamp. 1620 | well of lin in staple Ked- ton Barn- 1620 mouth staple living Pli- ley Edmond, 2 Agnes, 1 Peter Edg- combe s. & h., et. 8, 1620 Fran., Eliz. 2 son Thomas, 3 Peter Edge combe s. & h., et. 8, 1620 Ursula, 2 A son, an infant, and at this time not christened John, 4 Elizabeth, 3 THO. EDGCUMBE. JNO. EDGCUMBE. Edwards. ARMS. Per bend sinister ermine and erminois, a lion rampant or. CREST. An ibex passant sable bezantée, attired with two straight horns, and maned or. Hugh Edwards of Ludlow in co. Salop Richard Edwards of Taunton=Joan d. & coh. of Richard Tedbury* of in co. Somerset Taunton in co. Somerset Thomas Edvards of Exiter,=Joan d. of John Champneys Physician, living 1620 of Yarnescombe Esq. Elizabeth Grace Jane Jane Ann John Edwards, 1, s. Chidley, 2, æt. 30 = = = & h., et. 42, 1620 Trethowe Collins John Lang. Din- Thomas, 3, æt. 28 Hus, ham ham sard Gregory, 4, æt. 26 Francis unm'd * Gules a pale ermine. THO. EDWARDS. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 105 Elforde. ARMs. Per pale argent and sable, a lion rampant gules. CREST. A demi-lion rampant, erased, per pale argent and sable, ducally crowned or. Note.-Heare are deeds to be brought up and entered by this descent. John Elford of Shipstor in com. Devon=Mary d. of Langsford John Elford of ShipElizab. d. of Gregory stor 8. & h. of Plimton Mary Thomas, 2 Hugh, 3 Walter Elford of Shipstor=Barbara d. of John Crocker 8. & h., living 1620 of Lynam Esq. William, 2 John s. & h., æt. 14, 1620 Hugh, 2 Francis, 1 Elizb., 4 Walter, 3 Anne, 2 Mary, 5 William, 4 Joane, 3 WALTER ELFORDE. Eliot. ARMs. Argent, a fess gules between four cotises wavy azure, a mullet for difference. CREST. An elephant's head couped argent. Eliott de Burbridge John, 1 Edward Lawrence Eliot of Go-=Joane d. of Inwood dalmen in Surrey of Godalmen Lawrence, 1 Antho., 8. p. Robert, 5 John John Willm. Willm. Edw. Eliott=Joane d. of Tho. of Tavi. Bridgman of stock, æt. Exiter 56, 1620 Rich. Befolk, met. Rich. James, 7 Tho. Eliott s. & h., æt. 20 Benjamin, 2 Orlando, 3 Edward, 4. Elizab., 1 Peter, 5 Ruth, 2 EDWARD ELIOT. 106 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Ellacott. ARMS. Lozengy or and azure within a bordure gules. Henry Ellacott of Exiter=Lucy d. of Hawkins John Ellacott of Exiter=Margaret d. of Nicholas Martin Henry Ellacott of Milbury=Ann d. of Edward in com. Devon, 1620 Pert of Exiter Margaret d. & h., æt. 4, 1620 HENRY ELLACOTT. Englyshe. English of Stockley English in Devon Cunnant English of Stockley English=d. of Yard of Churchton John English, 1 s., ob. s. p. Henry English, 2, s. & h.=Mary d. of Wm Stukley of his brother of Afton : Jone d. of Nich.=Richard English=Alice di of Wm Saverie of of Hellersdon Osborne, 1 w. Roterie, 2 w. in the par. of 8. p. Collumpton Giles English-Margaret s. & h. of d. of Bradnish Rum- below Peter,=Anne d. of Wm Court- ney of Holwell in the par. of Tiverton Richard, 3, æt. 25 Amias English=Jane d. s. & h., ob. of Till 1617 Richard English, 1 sự, ct. 5 2, Peter, æt. 2 1, Susanna, æt. 8 Giles English, æt. 7 2, Francisca, æt. 6 3, Anna, i y. GYLES ENGLYSHE. RY. ENGLYSHE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 107 Fenner. William Fenner of Crookeherne in com. Som. John Fenner of Rose=Anne d. of Tho. Hawkins Ashe in com. Devon of Crookherne Roger, 1. William, 2 John Fenner of Rose=Joane d. of Perie Ashe, living 1620 of Tiverton Wilmot, 1 Grace, 2 Anne, 3 Joane, 4 William s. & h., æt. 9 JOHN FFENNER. Ford. ARMs. Per fess argent and sable, in chief a greyhound courant, and in base an owl, the whole within a bordure engrailed counterchanged. CREST. Between two apple-branches vert, fructed argent, a demi-greyhound rampant sable charged with three acorns in bend between two bendlets or. Willm. Ford of Chagford in com.=Cicily d. of Stephen Devon, s. & h. of John Ford Smith of Chagford Jone d. of John Trobridg re-=John Ford of=Jone d. of Willm. Walron & widow lict Gilbert St. Cleer, 4 wife | Ashburton of Greg. Huckmore of Bovy, 3 wife John, 2=Mary d. of Hugh Pomeroy of Insdon Esq. George Ford s. & h. Francis, Willm., John, 2,=Anna d. of Wm of Tot- Upton 2 brother nes of John Upton Thomas=Coriton Ford de Corn- 8. & h. wall Entered, not signed. 108 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Ford. Pomeroy d. & h. of Beaumond=John Pome- of Engesdon roy, 2 Sir Edw. Pomeroy of Bery Pomeroy KT. St. Cleere Pomeroy John Pomeroy Grigorie=Joan d. of=John Forde of Ashbourton, Joane d. & h. of Hugh Huck- Wm Wal- 1, s. & h. of Wm Ford of Wm Halwill Pome- more of drond Chagford, mar. lastly 4 d. Buckland esq., 2 w. of John Throwbridge, wi- 1 husb. dow of Gilb. St. Cleare Joane-John St. (ob. sept. d. Maii Aº 30 H. 8) Clere roy Mar-=Geo. Roll Geo. Ford of Ilsing-=Jone d. of John=Mary d. of Hugh ga of Steven- ton in com. Devon Gilbert St. Ford, Pomeroy of Enges- ret ston Esq. Esq., æt. 17, 30 H.8 Clere Esq. 2 son don Devon III Christopher Mary Sir Hen. Roll Kt., living 1620 Thomas=Elizab. 2 d. of Pop- Ford ham of Hunt- Esq. s. | worthy in com. & h. Som. Esq. Richard Susan Judith Margaret Henry Ford Esq.=Katherin d. & h. of Geo. Drake Henry an infant John, 2 Thomas Eliz. 2 d. of Peter Coriton Ford, of Coriton in Devon & West' in Corn. William, Bache- . Marie lor of Divinity Elizabeth 1 s. Francis, 3 Elizab. Jane Grace Thomas s. & h. Edward, 2 Richard, 3 Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 109 Fortescue of Winston. Arms. 1. Azure, a bend engrailed argent, cotised or. [FORTESCUE.] 2. The same, with crescent for difference. 3. Gules, an arm proper, holding a halberd headed argent. [HINGESTON.] 4. Or, on a bend gules three crosses fitchée argent. [PRUTESTON.] Richard Fortescue of Winston Adam Fortescue miles Adam Fortescue miles Will'm of Winston Richard Nicholas Will’m Will’m of Winston Sir John Fortescue Captaine of Midlx. in ... temp. Hen. 5 Not entered or signed. Fortescue of Pruteston. Hen. Fortescue of Pruteston=Eliz. d. of St. Maure John Fortescue of Preston Joane d. & h. of Antho. Fortescue of Wood William Fortescue=Margt d. of John Francis of Comb- of Preston flory in com. Somerset Margaret, 1 d., abt Ellinor, 2, æt. 26 Fran. Fortescue of Preston=Elizb. d. of John. in com. Devon, living Speckett of Thorn- 1620 abt 30 brough in com. Devon 28 Peter, 3, abt. }a y. William, 2, æt. 3 John Fortescue 8. & h., Elizab. æt. 2, æt. 4, 1620 1620 FR. FORTESCUE. 110 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Fortescue. Sir John Fortiscue Justice of England Martin s. & h. ī John s. & h. of Fillye Bartholemew s. & h. Richard s. & h. of Fillye Lewis Fortescue=-Wilmot d. of Sir Roger of Philley Gifford Hugh s. & h.=d. of Chichester | of Rawleigh James Fortescue of=Elizb. d. of Chiddlehampton | Holworthie John Fortes-=D. of Humph. cue s. & h. Specott Akellus s. & h., æt. 27, 1620 John, Dorithie Stockham Robert, 2 Arthur, 4 Elizb. Dorithy=Geo. Yeo of Hwishe Mary unm. John, 3 Richard, 5 Langsford Anne Hugh Fortescue of=Mary d. of Filley s. & h., Robť living 1620 Rolle Sara=John Wolla- combe Cicilie Elizab., 1 Joane, 2 Robert, 2 John s. & h., æt. 6 ACHILLES FFORTESCUE. Fortescue of Buckland Filleigh. 2. ARMS. 1. Azure, a bend engrailed argent, cotised or, a crescent for difference. Sable, a crescent argent, within the horns a mullet pierced. [DENZELL.] John Fortescue of Buckland=Anne d. of Walter Porter of Thetford Filley s. & h. of Wm in com. Norff. relict of Digorie Thorne of Shepwash THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 111 Al Grace, 2=James Bagg of Plimouth Anne, 3=Francis Trelanie John, 2 Ethelred, = Wm Predeaux Roger Fortes-=Mary d. of Sir Faithful Fortescue of Langford cue of Buck Rich. Nor- Kt. now living in Ire- in South land Filley leigh, at- land, mar. an Irish Tavistock Esq., s. & h. turnatus woman, & now Governor ad legem of Knockfergus in Ireland, 3 son John Fortescue s. & h., æt. 23, 1620 Pasco,=John Currie of Currie 2 in com. Devon Anne=John Hutchins of the Middle Temple counsellor at law 3, Gartrud 4, Catherin Barth. Francis Willm. Francisca 5, Elizab. George ob. s. p. ROGER FORTESCUE. Fortescue. William Fortescue of Buck-=Anne d. of Sir Roger Gifford Knt. land Filley Esq. of Brightley in com. Devon John, Sir Faithful Fortescue, 2 Martin Fortescue of Hoverley=Jane d. of John in com. Devon Gove of Idsley 1 s. 1 Suzan 2 Jaquet s 8. p. Hugh Fortescue of=Lettice d. of Nicho. High Bickinton, Wichalse of Barne- living 1620 stable John, 3, æt. 11 Martin, 2, æt. 4 Tho. Fortescue s. & h., æt. 7, 1620 HUGH FORTESCUE. 112 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Fortescu of Fallowpit. Lewis Fortescue Baron of the=Eliz. d. & h. of John Exchequer temp. H. 8 Fortescue of Fallowpit John Fortescue of Fallowpit Honora d. of Speccott Jane=1, Richard Halse of Kemington Esq. 2, Sir Hen. Rolles Knt. George Edmond Fortescue=Marie eld. d. of ob. s.p. S. & h. Valapit, Hen. Champernon living 1620 of Motburie, sister to Sir Rich. Champn' John Fortescue s. & ha, et. 10, 1620 Honor=1, Humph. Prin Eliz. Francis, Nicholas, deux Esq. 2, et. 31 3, t. 29 2, Shelston John Nicholls Carmarthy of St. Just in miles Cornw. Sara d. of Edm. Pri- diaux of Netherton Core Maria, æt. 9 John, 2, æt. 8 Thomas, 3, æt. 7 Peter, 4 æt. 3 Edmond Fortescue 8. & h., et. 10, 1620 Edward, 3=Elinor d. & h. of Reade of Hanger in Devon Honor = Grilles Phillip=Walter Dotting of Totness Sibella Rudo. Fortes- George, Johu, Edward, virgo cue, 1 son, 2, æt. 3, æt. 4, æt. æt. 34 , abt 3223 14 EDMOND FORTESCU. Fountayne. ARMS. Argent, three bars gemelles gules, on a canton azure a lion passant guardant or. CREST. An eagle's head erased, holding in the beak a snake. Will'm Fountaine of Bawcomb=Ellinor d. of Hutchin Hugh Fountaine of East Bawcomb>Margerie d. of Hugh Steere of Bradley Willm 8. & h. D. of Halswell,=Thomas Foun-=Joane d. of Peter 2 wife taine, 2 of Compton THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 113 Al John Fountaine,=Jane d. of Geo. Reynell 1 son, ob. 1603 I of Malston Stephen, 2, mar. Will’m, 3, ob. 8. p. Honor Jane, Judith, 3 John Fountaine=Jane d. of Richard, George, 3, unm. 2 de Stokenham Nich. Roll 2, æt. æt. 27 Robt Bennett in com. Devon, of Beri 30 . of Broad, æt. 32 pomeroie Edward, 4, clist æt. 25 JO. FOUNTAYNE. Fowell. ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron sable and on a chief gules three mullets argent. 2. Per bend sinister azure and argent a bend counterchanged. [TREVAGE.] Tho. Fowell of Fowelscomb=d. & h. of Trevaige of Cornwall Thomas, s. p. Richard Fowell of Fowelscomb=d. & h. of Hayes John Richard Fowell of Fowelscomb=Mary d. of Wm. Walrond of Wood Esq. Willm. Fowell of Fowelscomb=Elinor d. of Walter Reynell of Malstone Tho. Fowell,=d. of Benyell of Cornwall Richard Fowell of Fowels-=d. of... comb, 1 son, s. p. Tho. Fowell of Fowelscomb=d. of Rich. Halse John, 2 Rich. Fowell of=Grace d. of John Somester of Fowelscomb Painsford in com. Devon Esq. illm., John, Arthur Fowell of=Mary d. of Rich. Reynell of Fowelscomb Ogwell in com. Devon Arthur Fowell s. & h., drowned at ford acci- dentally, s. p. Sir Edm. Fowell of=Margt. d. of Anthony Pawlet Fowelscomb, of Henton George in com. living 1620 Somerset Mary only d. æt. 5, 1620 Entered, not signed. 114 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Fowell. Rich. Fowell of Fowels->Grace d. of Jobn Somershe combe, s. of Tho. of Penisford Arthur Fowell 8. & h. Edmond, Willm., John Fowell, 4, towne=Anne d. of John 2, ob. clarke of Plimouth | Croker of Lin- 6. p. & counsellor of the ham Esq. common law Anne Prothesia Edmond Fowell s. unm. & h., et. abt. 24, æt. 17 1620 Richard, Thomas, 2, et. 21 3, pt. 18 Abraham Rowe of Plimouth, merchant JOHN FFOWELL. Fowell. Rich. ffowell of Fowells->Grand. of John Somaster of comb in Devon Penisford in Devon Arthure William Fowell of>Agnes d. of Achim of Fowell, North Huish, 3 s., Pelynt in Corn. 1 s. living 1620 Esq. Sir Edm. Fowell Kt., living 1620 William Fowell s. & h., æt. 21, 1620 Mary, æt. 19 Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 115 Fry. ARMS. Gules, three horses courant argent, quartering, 1. Sable a fess engrailed between three mullets argent. [NEWBERY.] 2. Sable, a lion rampant argent. [BRATTON.] d. of Whit-John Fry ofAgnes d. & h. of ting of Witheridge Ric. Yerty of Wood, in com. Yerty in par. of 2 w. Devon Membre, i w. Nic. Brat-=Jone d. of Wm. Fowell of Minebead | Fowelscombe John Frie=Alice d. & h. of Nich. Bratton of s. & h. | Minehead in com. Somers. 1 Wm. Fry of=Briget d. of John Roe of Witheridge Staverton, Sergiant-at-Lawe Wm. Fry of=Joane d. & h. of Robt. Newberie of Witheridge of Stockland in com. Dorset Entered, not signed. Fry. John Bratton of Minehead in com. Som., temp. K. John Robert Bratton, temp. E. 1 John Bratton, temp. E. 2 Peter Bratton, temp. E. 3 Symon Yerty of Yerty Thomas Bratton,=Joane d. of Rich. Sidnam temp. R. 2 l of Orchard Judge Rich. Yerty of Yerty Simon Bratton, Katherine d. & h. of Lewis temp. H. 6 | Mathew of Wales d. of Whitting=John Fry=Agnes d. & h. of Rich. Yerty John Brat-=Joan d. of of Wood, 2 w. of With 1 of Yerty in par. of Membre ton, temp. Ric. Chi. eridge | A0. H. 4, 1 w. E. 4 chester Al 116 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al B) John Fry of=d. of Easton Yerty Nicholas Bratton,=Joan of Wm. Fowell of temp. H. 8 Fowelscombe Wm. Fry of Yerty=Alice d. & h. of Nich. Bratton, temp. H. 8 Jone Agnes Julian Wm. For- 1, Cullum tescue of 2, Wil- Winston loughby TITUT Elizab. William Briget d. of John = Fry, s. | John Roe Wood of & h. of Staver- Edward, 3 Yar- comb Sergiant at Nicholas, 4 Lawe Christoph., 5 Gains- ford of Wil tes ton, Robt., 6 Alice Jone Elizab. William Fry=Joan d. & b. of of Yerty Robt. Newbery S. & h. of Stockland in com. Dorset Roger, 2, ob. 8. p. Phil. Steyninge of Holnicott in com. Somers. Webber Gray in com. Dorset Nicholas Fry of=Ellinor d. of John Yerty s. & H., Brett of Whitstan- living 1620 ton in Som. Esq. Briget=Hen. Worth of Worth in com. Devon 1, Margaret 2, Elizabeth 3, Briget 4, Alice Robt. Ash- ford of Kingston in Devon Hen. Worth Edw. Pine Hen. of Washfield of Est- Lus- in Devon downe combe in Devon of Rat tony in Devon 5, Agnes WilliamMary d. Fry s. of John Gidian & h., Younge Sherman æt. 30 of Col. of Autry St. Mary liton Esq. William s. & h., John, 2, Nicholas, 3, Henry, 4, Mary, æt. 9 et. 6 t. 3 et. = y. et. 8 Henry Fry, 2=Elizab d. of Rich. Parret of Buckrell in Devon John, 3, æt. 20 Elizabeth only d. NICHOLAS FRY. THE VISITATION TO 171 OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Fulford. ARMS. 1. Gules, a chevron argent. [FULFORD.] 2. Argent, on a bend three boars' heads erased sable. [FITZURSE.) 3. Argent, a chevron between three moorcocks sable. (MORETON.] 4. Or, on a bend gules three crosses formée. [BELSTON.] 5. Gules, three birdbolts argent. [Bozom.] 6. Argent, a lion rampant gules, a chief azure. [ST. GEORGE.] 7. Gules, a bend azure between three leopards' faces or.* 8. Ermine, on a cross gules five bezants. [ST. AUBYN.] 9. Gules, two bars and an orle of martlets argent. (CHALLONS.] John Fulford of Fulford=d. of the familie of the Erle of Bathe Sir John Fulford=Anne d. of Sir Tho. Dennis of Fulford of Okeham in Devon Andrew Fulford of Littleham in=Elizb. d. of John Stere of Devon, living 1620, 6 s. Bradley in Devon William, 2 John, 4 Margt. Andrew s. & h., æt. 17 Gilbert, 3 Henry, 5 Richard, 6 ANDREW FFULFORD. * The arms of " Cantelupe" are now borne in this place by the family. 118 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Fulford. Pedigree written in a different hand, and inserted apparently by Parker, with additions of his own in his writing for the last three generations, and some words are added (in brackets) in a third handwriting. Edmondus Fulford de Fulford in com. Devon Johannes Fulford de Fulford f. et h.=Alicia f. & coh. Rad. Fitz Urse f. et h. Reginaldi Fitzurse mil. Henricus Fulford de Fulford f. et h. Willms. Fulford de Fulford f. & b. Willms. Fulford de Fulford f. & h. Tho. Fulford de Fulford f. & h.=f. et h. Mourton Robtus. Bosome=Johanna f. & h. Hen. St. George Johes Fulford de Fulford f. & h. Edmondus Bosome Rob. Challons miles Hen. Fulford de Fulford f. &h=Willmot f. & h. Philippi Brian Johannes Bosome Tho. Challons filia nupta - de Morvell Willms. 2 f. Canonicus Balwinus Fulford de=Jennet f. & h. Fulford f. & h. Johis Bosome Willus Dennis=f. & h. Tho. Challons nonicus B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 119 BI Thomazin=Tho. Wise de Sidnam in co. Devon Tho. Fulford de Philippa f. Fulford f. & h. | Courtney Anna=Willo Cary qui cap. apud Tukesberie Johannes=Alicia f. & h. Bonvile Will. Dennis Humph’us, 2, miles, ob. s. p. Thomas, 3, ob. s.p. Willm. Fulford de Fulford f. &h=Jana f. Johis Bonvile Johes Fulford miles f. & h.=Dorothea f. Johis Bourcher Comitis Bathon Andreas, 2 f. Elizab. nupta Arundell postea Tho. Cary Cicilia uxor William Adams Johes Fulford de Ful-=Anna f. Tho Dennis de Hol- ford miles f. & h. comb in com. Dev. mil. Robtus, 2 Gabriell, 4 Thomas Fulford=Ursula f. Ric. Bamfield de Fulford ar. de Poltimore in com. f. g h. Devon ar. Andreas Fulford de Little-=Elizab. f. Johis ham in com. Devon, 6 f., Stere de Bradley superstes 1620 in com. Devon Francis, 3 Arthur, 5 Willmus de medio Templo, Thomas, Franciscus Fulford=Eliza f. et coh. Barnardi 1, Brigith ux. 2, Elizab, ux. (Jo.) 3, æt. 24 de Fulford miles, Samways de Winter- Arthuri Berriman de sup. 1623 (de com. bourne in com. Dorset Champn'on (Beare in Devon) Dorset) 3, Maria ux. Anna ux. Jo. Tho, Acham Sidnam de de com. Skilgate in com. Som. 4, Amias, æt. 12 6, Ric'us, æt. 2 Ursula, æt. 19 Elizab. Margaret Thomas Fulford s. & h., et. 1, 1623 2, Francis, æt. 16 3, Johes, æt. 14 5, Georgius, æt. 4 Grace Anna Andreas Fulford f. & h., æt. 17 ann. temp. Visit. 1620 Willms., 2 Gilbert, 3 Johannes, 4 Henricus, 5 Ricardus, 6 Mary filia. 120 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Furlonge. Rich. Furlonge of Tamerton in com. Devon. Christ. Furlonge of=Elizb. d. & coh. of Wm Foun- Tamerton Folliot taine of Ugborow Mary=John Davage of St. Pe- nock in Cornw. John Furlonge of Tamer-=Elizb. d. of Tho. ton, living 1620 Kelley of Kelley John s. & h., æt. 5 Lewis, 2, æt. 2 Oliver, 3, æt. i y. JOHN FURLONGE. Fursdon. ARMS. Argent, a chevron azure between three fireballs sable, flames issuing therefrom proper (noted in margin as confirmed by Mr. Camden). Proved by evidence. Walter Fursdon=Johanna d. of Robt. Molins aº 4 E. 2 of Fursdon | outlived her husband Robert Fursdon of Fursdon aº 7 E. 2=Theophila d. of Phillip de Dunsmore. (Argent, lion passant gules entre three lions sable ; quære for Fursdon ?) Robert Fursdon of Fursdon aº 7 E. 3 under age=Euglosia aº 42 E. 3 Thomas Fursdon of Fursdon aº 7 Ric. 2=Matilda Robert Fursdon of Fursdon ao 7 H. 4=Dornisa d. of John Sachevile John Fursdon of Fursdon aº 19 H. 6=Willmot William Fursdon of Fursdon, lived aº 10 H. 7=Editha d. & h. of Tho. Hayes William Fursdon of Fursdon aº 15 H. 8=d. of Burgoine А NTT THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 121 JL John Fursdon of Fursdon 32 H. 8 George Fursdon=Petronell d. of Rogers of Fursdon, 18. of Cornwall Thomas,=Alice d. of Juell William,=Katherin d. of Rog. Weekes Edward, Eliz. 3 - Nic. Tur- Nic. Es- Nicholas=Mary d. of Fursdon Rog. Weekes S. & b., of North virgo Halber. ton Charstock in Dorset Devon Jane George s. & h., æt 22. Dorothy d. of Tho. Estmond= Phillip s. & h.=Anne d. of John Roe, 1 w. mi Alice, 3 Phillip Maria, 1 John 8. & h., æt. 15 John Anne, 2 NICH. ESTMOND. Furse. ARMS. Gules, a chevron embattled and counter-battled between six halberds in pairs, saltier wise or Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Rog. de Teniton dedi concessi et bac præ- senti carta mea confirmavi Parisio de Abrithiston pro homagio et servicio suo unum furlingum terræ cum pertinentiis suis de dominio meo de Furisland etc. Sigillum meum apposui, his testibus Philippus de Ackworth, Willmo Tatelbot, Willelmo de Pru, clerico, Willelmo de Croscombe et aliis multis--sans date. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Johannes filius et heres Thomæ de Fenton at Ferson totum tenementum meum apud Crockernwell etc. His testibus Johanne de Gooseme, Thomæ de Pitton, Thoma de Pedecomb, Rico at Haske, Ricardo Cru, Fabele, et multis aliis. Dat. apud Crockernwell die Jovis prox. ante festum con- versionis Sancti Pauli aº regni regis Ed. 3. a conquest 34. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Pollard dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Thoma at Furson et Alicie uxori suæ etc. Dat. apud Farsham die lunæ prox. ante festum Sancti Marci evangelista aº regni regis Ed. 3. a conquest. Angl. 46. 122 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. John Furse of Crediton als. Crokernwell in=...d. of Halse Crediton in Devon Walter, 2 John Furse of Crediton als.=Honour d. of John Northcott Crokernwell, Devon of Crediton John, 2, æt. 26, aº 1620 Thomas Furse of=Honour d. of Wm Elizabeth wife to Crokernwell, 1 Knapman of Throwley Thomas Gale of He is of Crokernwell Crediton son JOHN FURSE. Fursland. ARMS. Or, a lion rampant sable, between three crosses formée fitchée gules. John Fursland of Bekington=Margaret d. of Tho. Cole of Slade in com. Devon in com. Devon Esq. Judith Ursula Alice Thomazine = Alexander Gottom of Abbots Cirswell in com. Devon George Barnes of Plimouth Walter Furs-=Katherine d. land of of Thomas Bekington in Beare of com. Devon, Huntshon in living 1620 com. Devon Esq. .- Hugh Lear of Ipplepen in Devon Richard Lineham of Cornwall Richard, 3, Joan Mary, 2 John Furs-=Joan d. of William, 2 =Enroth land s. & h., | Lang- son,of King- d. of æt. 30, 1620 worthy of stanton in John Liswell Devon, liv- Seward in Devon ing 1620 Hugh, 4 Walt. Agnes, 3 Sladon of Benjamin, 5 Christon Walter Fursland s. & h. Honor d. & coh., æt. 3 2 d. & coh. WALTER FURSLAND. Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 127 Gifforde. John Gifford of Halisburie=Avis da. of John Dennis of Orleigh in com. Devon in com. Devon, 1 wife da. of Speake of John Gifford of Hawlisburie sonne &=da. of Siden- Thomas the county of hey. mar. to his 3 wife Ebete dau. of / ham of Orch- Gifford, Somerset ob, sine ... Woode of North Tawton in com. ard in com. 2 sonne prole, 2 wife Devon Devon, 1 wife Margaret Tho. Gifford=Margaret d. of Antho. Monke John, 2 sonne, Willmus fil. et hær. of Powdridge in com. Devon ob. s. p. ob. 8. p. Katherine mar. to Dorothy mar. Willmot mar. John Gifford of=Alice da & Philip Butler of John Prideaux to Tho. Risdon Halisburie & hey. of Sedborogh in com. of Padstow in of Babley in Exeter, sonne & Walter Devon Corn.& ob. s.p. com. Dovon heire, Armig. Smith of Totnes Thomas, John fil. et>Elizabeth fil. John Willmus, Anthonie, Elizabeth, 1 sonne, hæres, Tremaine of Colla- 2 son, liv- 3 son, ætat. ætat. 20 ob. s. p. ætat. 40. comb in com. Devon ing ætat. 37 26. Mary, ætat. 10 Elizabeth, ætat. 5, 2 da. marr. Thomas fil. et hæres ætat. 14 John, 2 filius, ætat. 8 Jane mar. to Baltazar Butler of Margaret mar. to John Nan- Thomas Phillip Stono in com. Devon ob. s. p. conan de St. Colom in com. ob. s. p. died a Cornw. virgin JOHN GIFFORDE. 128 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Gilbert. ARMS. Argent, on a chevron sable, three roses of the field. Peter Gilbert of Compton in com. Devon=d. of Champernon. Humph. Gilbert of Compton in com. Devon=Anne d. of Ager of ... Rawleigh Gilbert of Compton in com.=Eliz. d. & h. of John Kelley of Kelley Devon, living 1620 in com. Devon Rawleigh, 2, æt. 4 Ager, 3, æt. 3 Ferdinando, 4, æt. 2 Humph. Gilbert s. & h., Amye d. æt. 5, 1620. æt. 11 RALEY GILBERT. Gilbert. William Gilbert who came out of the North=d. of Caule and lived at Bridgrule in com. Cornw. Rich. Gilbert=Jaquet d. of of North Geo. Roll Petherwin of Stevens- ob. 8. p. John, 3, ob 8. p. John Gilbert of=Elizab. d. of Bridgrule, 1 Nicholas Horell son of Boyton in com. Cornw. ton William, 3 John Gilbert=Grace d. of of Bridgrule, Hugh Pomeroy of Ingelsdon Rich. Gilbert,=Catherine d. of 2, of North John Seccomb of Petherwin North Petherwin relicta Samuell Gilbert,=Agnes d. of Nich. 1 son, æt. 36 Currey of Bridgrule John, 2, æt. 28 Richard, 3, æt. 22 Grace Catherin Samuell, 2, æt. 2 s. & h., et. 16, 1620 1, Eliza-=John Arthur beth of Tamerton in Cornw. 2, Jaquet=Samuell Sargiant 3, Doro-=Woodley thy of Ash- bourton 4, Grace virgo rule Signed with initials ? R. G. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 129 Giles. ARMS. Per chevron argent and azure, a lion rampant counterchanged, collared or. CREST. A lion's gamb erased and erect, charged with a bar or, and holding an apple- branch vert, fructed of the second. John Giles of Bowden=Agnes d. of Sir Hugh Stewkley in com. Devon of Awfton in com. Devon Sir Edward Gyles of=Mary d. & h. of Edm. Ann=Wm Wot- Jane=Richard Bowden in com. Drew of Hayne in ton of Steare of Devon Knt., living com. Devon Esq. wi- Ingle- · Morley 1620 dow of Northcote bourne. Christian=George Yard of Churston Agnes=Phillipp Lowman of Netherton Johan.=John Luscomb of Luscomb EDWARD GILES. 130 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Glanvill. ARMs. Azure, three saltires or, a mullet for difference. CREST. On a mount vert a buck statant proper. John Glanvill of Tavistock in com. Devon Alice Agnes Aones Dionis : Dionis Marie Nicho- las 8. & h. Thon John, 3, primus=Alicia d, of John Romane, Johanna Mary mas, justiciarius de Skirritt of Tavi. s.p. 2 com, banco., stock, widow of Glubb John ob. 27 July, Sir Fran. Go- Skir. 1600 dolphin ritt 1, Hamlin 2, Grills 1, Browne 2, Lang- ford 1, WmGrilles 1, Bownd of Launston 2, Littleton 2, Charles 3, Knight Glubb Mary Dionis Jone Sir Edward Escourt of Sarum Knt. Alice, Francis Glanvill=Elizab. d. of John Glan-Winifred d. of Wm Thomas, ob. of Tavistock Wm.Crimes vill, 2, of Bowcher of Barnes- 3, æt. s.p. S. & h., Esq., of Buckland Lincoln's ley in com. Glouc. 26 æt. 39 Monacho. Inn, æt. 34 Esq. ran Sam. Hele of Tho. Polwheile Gnaton in . of Treworgan Devon Esq in Corn. Esq. John, Jana, æt. 10 Margaret ob: s. p. Wm. Glanvill, 1 son, æt. 5 Francis, 2, et. 2 1, Mary, et. 4 2, Margaret, et. 3 Alicia, Elizabeth, Dionis, ob. s. p. æt, 15. æt. 14 æt. 12 FRA.'GLANVILL. ml.al. 14 Beput. 1672 (dean. Lie' Econolin JO. GLANVILL. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 131 Goodridge. ARMS, 1597. Argent, a fess sable, and in chief three cross crosslets fitchée of the second. CREST. A blackbird proper. Nicho. Godridge of Totnes=Jennett d. of Walter in com. Devon Dowsse of Totnes Walt. Godridge of Totnes: in com. Devon, living 1620 Mary=Tho Prestwood of Totnes in com. Devon W. GOODRIDGE. Goodwyn. ARMS. Or, a fess between six lions' heads erased gules, an annulet of the first. CREST. A griffin séjeant with wings expanded or, guttée de poix. Hen. Goodwyn of Kesgrave in Suff. John Goodwyn of Kesgrave=Dorithie d. of Rich. Leigh of Norwich 1, John 4, Henry Henry Goodwyn=Suzan d. of Tho. of Torrington in Cutcliffe of com. Devon, Ilfordcomb in living 1620 com. Devon 2, George 5, Edmond 3, Christopher 6, William 2, John 1, Margaret Charles s. & h., et. 10, 1620 3, George 2, Anne HEN. GOODWYN. 132 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Gould. John Gould of=d. of Trehawkes of Cornwall (and of his wife d. of Peter Staverton in / of Torrinton and s. to Sir W. Peter father of Jo. Lord com. Devon Peter) John =Joan Elizabeth Christian Edward=Elizabeth Alice Thomazine Gould widow Gould ld. of of Dor I of Roy John Paul Lus- of Sta | Willm. Bartho- Wm. chester of co. Thuell of combe of verton Man in lomew Wightway in com. Dorset Brent in Buckfast- in com. com. Toope of Denbu- Dorset, com. leigh in Devon, | Devon of Sta- rie in com. 2 son. Devon Devon S. & h. verton Devon in Devon Joan . John 8.Sarah d. James, & h., of Ea- living trey of 1620 Colhay in co. Devon Dennis Bond of Dorset Frances William Gould=Alice d. S. & h., ofl of Rob. John Hack- Hayes nr Exe Taylor will of Exe- ter, 1620 of Pin- ter how in com. Devon - Joane d. & h, living 1620 Edward Gould s. & h., et. 14 William, John, James, Mary, Elizabeth 2 d., 2, et. 5 3, et. 4, et. 1 d., et. 10 æt. 13 Grace 3 d., æt. 5 John Nicholas, 5, a merchant in France, living 1620 James, 6, a merchant in France, living 1620 Edward Gould=Julian d. of of Staverton, Zach. Irish 1620, 2 son of Chid- leigh in com. Devon Edward Gould 1 son, æt. 10 William, 2, æt. 6 Zachary, 3, æt. 4 Elizabeth, æt. 9 Agnes Henry Gould of Exeter,=Ann d. of Zachary 1620, 3 Wills of Exeter Christopher Canter of Staverton in com. Devon Elizabeth d. & h., 1620 WM, GOULD. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 133 Bourney. ARMs. Argent, a cross engrailed gules, in first quarter a cinquefoil vert. - Gourney Gourney Gourney John Gourney of=Thomazine d. of Smyth of c. of Somerset Milton in com. Devon Sir Rich. Gourney= Alderman of London Tho. Gourney=Grace d. of Wm. Ann wife to Tho. Wm. Gour-=Grace d. of of Dartmouth | Bodley of Duns Eyans of London ney, 2 son Rob. Ball comb Haberdasher in of Tor.. Walbrook Barbara, æt. 6 Thomas s. & h., æt. 5, Ap. 1620 Jane, æt. 2 Jane Anne THO. GOURNEY. Greenewood. - Grenwood of Wincham in com. Somerset Giles, 1 son, ob. s. p. Roger, 2, ob. s. p. Henry Grenwood of Tor-=Eliz. d. of John Barret rington in com. Devon of Barstable Tho. Gren-=Francis d. of John Wike Robert Grene-- wood, s. & of Henley nr. Crockhorne wood of Tor- in com. Somerset rington, æt. 26 George, Harry, 3, æt. 4, æt. 20 Henry Greenwood, 1 son, æt. 4, 1620 Thomas, 2, æt. 1 Elizabeth, æt. 3 Willmot Jone Elizab. Margaret Emanuell Lucar of Oliver Wel- Magdenbrooke in par. lington of of Chiddinton in com. London, dier Somerset 1, Pointer of South Tavistock Wm. Nicholls of Torrington 2, Johri Lucar of Somerset ROBERT GREENEWOOD. 134 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Grylls. ARMS. Or, three bends enhanced or. CREST. A hedgehog argent. Willm. Gryles of Tavistock in com. Devon>Elizb. widow of Knight Charles, 1 Willm. Griles, 2, of Tavistock=Katherin d. of Nicholas Westlake Mary Jane Katherin William Griles=Alice d. of of Tavistock, Tho. May- æt. 29, 1620 nard of Brixton John John Line Wm. Bury of Plimouth Berry Katherin d. & h., æt. 1 yr. WILLYAM GRYLLS. Gyffard. ARMS. 1. Sable, three lozenges in fess ermine. [GYFFARD.] 2. Quarterly, gules and sable, in 2nd and 3rd quarters a bird holding in its beak a cross crosslet fitchée, argent, over all on a bend engrailed or, three hurts. [COBLEIGH?] 3. Argent a chief indented sable. [BRIGHTLEY.] Roger Gifford of Brightley=Margaret d. & coh. of John Cobley of Brightley John Gifford,Mary d. of Sir Rich. Grenfield of Stow in Cornw. Walter, 2 Hugh, 3 Roger, 4 1 s. John Gifford 8. & h. Honor d. of Arthur, Achilles,=d. of Roger,=Jane d. 5, Hanniball Walter Earle 2, ob. 3 | Ack 4 of Beare - of Charborow worthe of Brish- 6, Walter in com. Dor- of com. ford set Kent John, 1 s., æt. 30 Achilles, 2, æt. 27 Elizabeth=Doctor Dorrell of Kent Elizab. Honor Alice Margaret Angel Mad- dox of Exeter Maria ob. s. p. Jone virgo Geo. Brough- John Garland Tho. Addington ton of Warps- of Whitefield of Harleberie in Essex ley THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 135 A1 John, 2, ob. 3, Thomas Arthur Gifford=Anne d. of Tho. Leigh S. & h., ob. of Borow in par. of 1616 Northam John, 5, æt. 27 inf. 4, William ob. s. p. John Gifford s. & h., æt. 18, 1620 Arthur, 2, æt. 15 Lewis, 4, æt. 12 Maria, 1 d., æt. 20 Francis, 3, æt. 10 George, 3, æt. 14 Thomas, 5, æt. 9 Honor, 2, Elizabeth, æt. 16 4, æt. 7 JOHN GYFFARD. Gyffarde. Anthonie Gifford of Milton Damerell=Dorothy d. of Wikes Edmond Humphries William ) ob. s. p. Emanuell Gifford of=Jane d. of Humphrie Tapley in com. Copleston of Fulling- Devon cott, relict of George Beare Richard Gifford s. & h, et. 18, 1620 Mary ) Alicia=Digorie Seccum John 2 of Petherwin in com. D. ob. s. p. EMANUELL GYFFARDE. Gyffard. Sir Rog. Gifford of Brightley=Mary d. & h. of John Cobley in com. Devon of Brightleigh John Gifford of Brightley, Awdrie d. of Sir HughRog. Gifford=Jone widow of Stukeley of Afton & Stukeley of Afton & of Tiverton, Duke of Otter- widow of Yeo, 1 w. | 4 s. ton, 8. p. 1 s. Geo. Gifford of Tiverton,=Joane d. of Tho. Hodgescot of living 1620 Wedmore in Som. Mary=John Reskimmer of Cornw. Roger s. & h., æt. 15 GEORGE GYFFARD. 136 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Gyfforde. Hugh Gifford of St. Giles in com. Devon,=Joan d. of John Bam- 3 s. of Roger Gifford of Brightley field of Poltimore Martha Achilles Gifford=Dorothy d. of of Instow, Philip Hol- living 1620 worthy of Bridgwater Margaret=1, Rob. Yeo - Willmot 2, Lewis Pollard Lennard Pote John Webber Ciceley d. & h.=Ralfe Berry of Eastleigh ACHILLES GYFFORDE. Hals. ARMs. 1. Argent, a fess between three griffins' heads erased sable. [HALES.] 2. Gules, three bezants and a label of three points azure. [HYDON.] 3. Argent, a fess between three sea-mews sable. (MEWY.] 4. Argent, a cross fleuretée sable. 5. Or, on a bend gules, three mullets argent. [BAMFIELD.] 6. Argent, a chevron gules between three boars' heads couped sable. [SNELLING.] In another part three more quarterings are given, between three and four as given above. 1. Argent, two chevronels sable. [ASHE.] 2. Gules, a cross flory or. (LATIMER.] 3. Or, on a bend azure, three bezants. [WHITLEY.] Tho. Hals of Hardwick in com. Devon.=Alice d. & h. of Snelling of Hardwick Nicholas,=d. of May. Phillip Hals of Beauford in=Emmot d. of John nard com. Devon, living 1620 Sweete of Beauford Thomas, Sibell, unmd. Sinobia Jane Ellinor Phillip Hals s. & b., æt. 8 PHILLIPE HALS. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 137 Hakewill. ARMS. 1. Or, a bend between six trefoils slipped purpure. 2. A heart gules between two wings expanded argent, and above a scroll of the last. CREST. A trefoil slipped purpure between two wings expanded or. Allan Hakewill of Totnes in co. Devon, ob. temp. Hen. 8 Willm. Hakewill of Totnes, ob. =da. of John Wotton of Inglebourne temp. Mariæ Reginæ | in co. Devon Esq. Allen, 2 William, 3 John Hakewill of Exiter,=Thomazin d. of John Periam superstes 1612 Esq., superstes 1612 Elizb. John Hackwill=Fran. d. of William Hackwill George of Exiter, 2 son, John Goade s. & h. of Lincoln's Inn D.D. & living 1620 of Dorsetsh. & solicitor to Queen chap. to Anne = Prince Charles 1. Nic. Chappell of - Exiter 2. Hen. Willet of Exiter John Hackwill s. & h., æt. 3, 1620 Jone, æt. 5 Elizb., æt. 11 JNO. HAKEWILL. Harewood. John Harewood of South Molton in com. Devon=Alice d. of Wm. Bury of Coleton Jane Anne wife to Rich. Stephens Willm. Harewood of Kings-=Anne d. & coh. of land in Devon of John Kalewaye Willm., 3 son Robert, 2 sonn Thomas, 4 son Henry Harewood of South Molton, 5 sonne Entered, not signed. 138 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Harlewyn. Edw. Harlewyn of Sidmouth in com. Devon Walter Harlewyn of Sidmouth=Elizab. d. of Parker in com. Devon Walter, 2 John, 8 Edw. Harlewyn, 1, æt. 27, 1620 Dorcas, a made EDWARD HARLEWYN. - - - - . - - - . - .-.-- - -- -- - - - - - - Harper. ARMS. Argent, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed sable, a crescent for differ- ence. CREST. A boar passant or, chained gules. John Harper, who came out of Darbishire, being a=Jone d. & b. of younger brother of Harper of Swarston in Darb., Smale of Beren- & lived at Berianherbert in Devon herbert Nicholas Harper, 1 son, rector eccl. Edward Harper of=Agnes d. of James de Comartin et rector de Charles in Berienerbert, 2 Oliver of Bar- com. Devon, ob. 8. p. staple son Anne Humphrie, John, 3,=Honor d. of Nicholas Har-=Ann d. of John 2, ob. s. p. of Be. Geo. Stan- per, 1 s., of . Strabridge of rien beri of Berien Brishford in Berien com. Som: Walt. Lan- nery of Est Down Edward, 2, t. 27 1, Prudence, æt. 22 Nicholas Harper=Ellianor d. of Tho. s. & h., et. 30, Cutcliffe of 1620 Ilfordcomb 2, Emlin, æt. 19 NICHOLAS HARPER, THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 139 Harrys of Cherston. ARMs. 1. Sable, an antelope salient argent, maned and armed or. [HARRIS.] 2. Per pale gules and azure a lion rampant argent, holding in three paws a fir-tree vert. 3. Argent, out of a dragon's head erased vert a hand proper. *4. Sable, a chevron between three spear-heads argent. (WHIDDON ?] 5. Gules, three towers triple- towered argent. [MORGAN ?) 6. Vert, a chevron between three does' heads couped or. 7. Azure, a lion rampant argent. [MONTHALT.] 8. Gules, on a che- vron between three eagles displayed or a rose gules. CREST. A demi-antelope, as in the arms. Walter Harris of Monmouthshire 1, d. of=Edward Harris of Cornwall=Ann d. & h. of Wm. Vowell (Cornworthy, Devon), pencil Huckmore. note Suzan Sir Tho=d. of Sir Harris, Hen. Serje:nt Pome- at Law / roy 1, Honor d. of=Arthure Harris-Phillip d. of John Wykes of Cherston in Rich. Duke of Northwyke com. Devon, of Otterton living 1620 in com. Devon Hen. Fortes- cue of Corn- worthie Ann Sir Edward Harris of Cornwall Kt., & Chiefe Justice of Munster in Sir Tho. Southwell Ireland, living 1620 ARTHURE HARRYS. Harrys of Radford. ARMS. Sable, three crescents argent. CREST. An eagle displayed or. John Harris of>-Anne d. of Beckett Wm. Harris of=Catherine d. & coh. of Landrest in of Corthuder in Radford in Hen. Esse al's Treckarell Cornw. Cornw. com. Devon Esq. / of Treckarell in Cornwall Esq. John Harris of=Jane Lanrest in Cornw. Sir Christopher Harris of=Barbara d. of John Arscott Radford, living 1620 l of Dunsland in com. Devon Esq. Any 140 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al B John Harris=Joane d. & sole b. of Robt. of Lanrest, | Harte of Climston in Stoke living 1620 | Climsland in Cornw. John s. & h., died young John, 2 Mary Christ.=Gartrude d. of S. & h., Sir Barnard æt. 30, Grenvile of 1620 Stowe in Cornwall Sicilia=John Polex- fen of Maiddecomb Robert, 3 Honor Persie, 4 Bridget JOH. HARRYS. Note.-Remember to look for Mr. Polexfen when we come to Radford. Harvy. ARMS. Gules, on a bend argent three trefoils vert. Tho. Harvy, 4 s. of Tho. Harvy, 2 s.=d. of Herbert of of John Harvy of Thirley Esq. Monmouth Anthonie Richard Harvy of Quincamell John, 3 William Harvey,=Anne d. of Tho. Harvey,=Anne d. of I s. Dawbney 2 s. Ethelridge Thomas, Rich. Harvey of Ailsbeare=Elizab. d. of Andrew Hol- in com. Devon land of Toppsham George, 2, Richard Farvey, Anne-John Holwell Katherin Susanna 1 s., et. 20 of Colliton æt. 8 RICHARD HARVY. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 141 Hatch. ARMS. Gules, two demi-lions passant guardant or. William Hatch of Auler Thomas Hatch=d. of Bluet Robert Hatch of Saturley=Jone d. of Parker Lewis Hatch=d. of Fortescue Lewis,=d. of Robert, Thomas=Cicell d. of Sir 1 s. May- 2 Hatch | John Chiches- ne ter of Rawley Auler Lewis of Chit-=Eliz. d. of tlehampton, Oliver Hus- living 1620 sey in com. Devon of Arthur Hatch=Margt d. of Tho. Mallet of Auler of Enmore in com. Som. Lewis, 2, æt. 15 Arthur s. & h., æt. 17, 1620 Tho. Hatch s. & h., æt. 21, 1620 Edmund, 6 Ciciley John, 2 Hugh, 3 Robert, 4 Arthur, 5 Francisca ARTHURE HATCH, LEWES HATCH. 142 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Haydon. ARMs. 1. Argent, three bars gemelles azure, on a chief gules a fess dancettée or. (HAYDON.] 2. Ermine, three battle-axes sable. [WEEKES:] 3. Argent, two chevrons within a bordure gules. 4. Ermine, two surgeon's fleams in saltire gules. [TYTHERLEIGH.] 5. Argent, two chevrons azure within a bordure gules, in dexter point a martlet. [TYRRELL.] 6. Argent, ten torteaux and a label of three points azure. [BABINGTON.] CREST. A lion argent seizing on a bull courant sable. John de Haydon Robert Haydon of Boughwood, 19 E. 1=Johanna Peter Haydon brother & heir to Roger, 7 E. 1 Henry Haydon s.=Julian & h., 19 E. 1 Roger Haydon of NetherM erand dau. Stowford, 7 E. 1 of Robert John Haydon died of the plague without issue William Haydon s. & h. Sir Walter Powlet Kt. Robert Haydon of Bowood, 12 E. 3 Thomas Sir John Powlet Kt.=Elizab. d. & h. of Sir John Reyny Kt John Haydon s. & b. Sir John Powlet Kt. Eliz. d. & h. of Wm Credy Henry Haydon of Bowood & Epfird, 20 R. 2 John Thomas Powlet=Mary d. of Hen. Burton AT B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 143 al B! Hen. Kelly of Kelly=d. & h. of Kimber Richard Haydon of Bowood & Epford, 15 E. 4 Sir Wm Pow-=-Eliz. d. & h. of let Kt. John Dimbande 수 ​Rich. Copleston, 2 h.=Alice d. & h. of=Rich. Weekes, Hen. Kelly | 1st husband Agnes d.=Richard Hay-=Joane d. of Meri- | don of Bo- of Moris field, 2 wood & Ep- Trent, W. ford, 13 H. 8 1 w. Sir Amias=Lora d. of Powlet Sir Wm Kt. Kellaway Kt. Izote=Rich. Wood Christopher Wood=Kath. d. of Sir John Windham George Haydon, 3 s., of Hornseis John Haydon, 2, of Cadhey John Haydon,Martha d. Joane 4 S., Ald. & of Nich. Sherif of Rose of John London London Curham Thomas HaydonşJone d. & h. of Sir Hugh=Phillip d. of of Bowood & Rich. Weekes Powlet Sir Lewis Epford s. & b. of Honichurch Kt. Pollard Kt. Susan d. of Parke Jone d. of Robt of London Grenevile Jane=John Gove Mary=Walter Leigh Tho. Haydon of Bo-=Christian d. & h. of Rob. Ti- wood & Epford d erleigh of Tiderleigh Sir Amias Pow. ŞMary d. & h. of An- let Kt. tho. Harvey Esq. Amy=Edm. Hunt- ley Peter, 2 Robert Haydon of Bowood & Epford=Joane eldest d. of Sir & Cadhay, superstes 1620 | Amias Powlet Kt. • Margaret=Wm Everye Drwe, 3 Amias, 2, ob. s. p. Gedeon Haydon s. & h.=Margaret d. of John Davy of Credy Esq. 144 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Johanna, 1 Margaret, 3 Dorothy, 5 Robt Haydon s. & h., et. 17 John, 2 George, 4 Thomas, 5 Amias, 6 Nicholas, 7 Maria, 2 Frances, 4 Gedeon, 3 ROBERT HAYDON. Additional note by Hen. Parker. Peter Haydon of Poltimore s. of Rich. & Joane Trevill William Haydon of Poltimore=Joane d. of Hales in com. Kent. Thomas Haydon of Poltimore=Grace 1. d. of Thomas Collins of Colwell William Haydon of Poltimore, 1=Ebebt d. of John Searle of Honington Francis, 2 Thomas, 1 John, 2 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 145 Hele. ARMS. 1. Argent, five fusils in pale gules, on the middle one a leopard's face or. 2. Argent, a fess azure, fretty or, between three fleurs-de-lys of the second. [WAR- WICE.] CREST. On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, an eagle close argent. Note.-Roger Hele held Hele by the service of one half of a knight's fee of Simon Fitz Rogeri, [ROWE?] and the said Simon of Hugh Courtney, and the said #ugh of the Kinge in cheif, 27 E. 1. Roger Hele of Hele in the hund. of Harwidge Otho, 2 Sir Roger Hele of Hele Kt. lived temp. H. 3= ARMS. A saltire vair, in chief a Catherine wheel. Roger Hele of Hele, lived 27 E. 1 Sir Roger Hele Kt, temp. E. 1 Sir Roger Hele of Hele Kt., lived 4 E. 2 터 ​William Hele of Hele Esq. Nicholas Hele s. & h.,==Alice d. & coh. lived 14 R. 2 of Percehay Roger Hele, 2, was taken prisoner in Scotland 2 H. 4 Alice d. & h.=Wm Francis of Brixham Esq. Note. Hen. Francis of Brixham held the manor of Hele aº 8 H. 6 William Hele-Jone d. of Si- of Hele in mond Cole of com. Devon Slade in com. Devon Esq. d. of Walter Wood-=Nicholas Hele of=Margaret d. of Ric. Dune by, 1 w. South Hele, 3 of Holsworthy, 2 William Hele of Bridge Joane=Browning John Hele of Hob-Eliz. d. of Revell s. & h. ton in Devon, 2 Tho. Polles- fen Elizabeth Honor Mary Walter Hele-Eliz. d. of Wm 8. & h. Stroud Esq. Agnes Charity Julian samson Hele s. & b. Samson Hele s. & h. John Hele of Hele s. & h. Hugh Hele, 2,=d. of Flash- of Cornwood | mond Baldwin, 4, William, 5 AI 146 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. - BU Walter, 2 Walter Hele-Jane d. of 8. & h. Tho. For- tescue Thomas Hele 8. & h. John,=d. of For- 4 tescue Stephen, 3 William, 4 Hugh, 2 Jane Thomas Philippa John Hele=Alice d. & b. 8. & h. of Ric. Brooking Edward, 3 Henry Hugh Hele, 4, of Newton Ferrers Thomas Hele, 3, of Exeter John Hele,=Mary d. Walter Hele, 5 6, Ser. & h. of of Brixton jeant at Ellis Law War Jone d. of Tho. wick Maynard of Brixton Cicilly d. of Nich. Cole of Painton Julian d. of John Smith of Exeter Ellis Nicholas John Margerie Joan Grace Walter=Honor d. of Tho. Nicholas=Dorothy d. & h. George=Lucy d. of Hele Maynard of of Edw. Strall- John Elly- Sherford in com. inge nr Bristow cott of Devon Exeter T Jane, Warwick Hele s. & h., et. 1 Mary, t. 3 Warwick, æt. 3 Margaret, æt. 5 pt. 1 Marie, æt. 13 Sir Warwick Hele s. & h. John, 4 Phillippa=Reinold Mohun s. & h. of Sir W. Mohun Kt. Ellis, 5 Sir Francis=Jane d. of Hele Edw. Rogers of Kenning- ton in com. Somerset Thomas, 3 Mary, 1, d. of John Halse of Kenedon Esq. Benjamin, 9, ob. s. p. - - - - - John Mohun s. & h. Elizab. John s. & b., æt. 10 Francisca, æt. 9 . WALTER HELE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Hele. John Heale of Cornwood in com. Devon=Alice d. of Fortescue Richard Heale of Mevye in com. Devon=Nicoll d. of Slaning of Lee John Heale of Cornwood, living 1620 JOHN HELE. Hele. ARMS. Gules, five fusils in bend ermine. CREST. On a chapeau gules turned up ermine an eagle with wings expanded argent, beaked and legged or. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod nos Nicolaus de Hele et Johannes Burnell vicarius ecclesiæ de Okehampton dedimus et concessimus et hac præsenti carta nostra confirmamus Waltero Raynold &c. Dat. apud Raddon die Sabbati prox. post festum Innocentis (?) Sancti Episcopi. Anno regni Ricardi secundo quarto. (Seal attached with arms of Hele.) Margeria f. Rici Dune=Nich. Heale of South Heale=f. Walteri Woodley de de Hollesworthy, in com. Devon, 3 s. of Tedbourne Beatæ Mariæ 2 us. Will. Heale in com. Devon, 1 ux. Thomas, 1 Walter Heale,=Jona f. Tho. 3, of Brix. Maynard de ton Brixton Willm. Heale f. & h. John, Hughe, 2 Alicia f. Reg. Bray de com.=Ellis Heale de=Mary d. of John Hender Northton relicta Nich. Bovy Tracye of Botreux Castell in Evell, 2 ux. arm. com. Corn., 1 ux. Walter Heale f. & h., æt. 9, 1620 Nicholas, 2 f.=Christian f. Joh’is Bond Maria, 3 Andrew Heale f. & h., et. 30 Thomas, 2, æt. 20 Jane,=Nich. Town- send de Totnes Elizab.,=Ric. Bird- 2 wood of West Allington Honor, 4 ELIZE HELE. 148. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Hele. Will’us Hele of Northea in Cornwall=Joan d. of Simon Cole of Slade John =Nicholas Heale=Dionis d. of Woodley, Ist wife Will’us, s. p. Mary d. of=Johes Heale deEliz. d. of Pollex- Donne Leweston fen of Kitley Walt., 2 Thomas, John, 4 Walterus Heale of Gnaton=Eliz. of Wm. in parish of Newton Fer Stroude of rers, 1620 Newnam Hug., 3 Will., 5 Jane Arthur, Sampson Heale=Joan d. of John Judith 8. P. of Gnaton, Glanvile, Jus- 1620 tice of the Gilbert Yarde Common Pleas of Bradly Alice ob. inf. Elizab., æt. 6. Matthew Heale s. & k., æt 4, 1620 Joan, æt. 2 John, 2, abt. 1 yr. old Joane Joane Isabel Fran. Sulan • Fran. Suzan Tho. Foynes of Pli- mouth, maior John Snellinge of Chaddlewood Agnes Tho. Izaak of Poule- ston nr. Exeter Elizab. unm. Agnes Mary Eliz. Julyan Ann Charitie unm. Tho. Bark Arthur Stro- bridge Roger Hur- rel Wm. Rider Nich. Barlacy [Borlase ?] ley G. PRESTWOODE, for Sampson Hele, Esq. . SAMPSON HELE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 149 Hele: Willmus Hele de Northeaw in Corewood=Jane d. of Simon Cole of Slade Thomas, 1 Walter, 2 Hugh de Cornwood=Jone d. of Flashman Stephen Heale of Cornwood=Alicia d. of Harvy Nicholas Jana I Nicholas Jane Jane I Jane Richard Heale=Emlin d. of John Lavers of Depford of Dipford Thomas, 2, æt. 29 2, Marg. d. of Christ.-Jolin Heale of=1, Eliz. d. of Arthur Upton Wise of Totnes Dipford of Lukton Esq. John, 2, æt. 21 Protasia, æt. 3 Arthur Heale s. & h., æt. 5. JO. HELE. Hillersdon, ARMS. 1. Argent, on a chevron sable three bulls' heads cabossed of the first. [HIL- LERSDON.] 2. Argent, a chevron between three boars' heads couped sable. [GRIMSTON.] 3. Šable, a lion rampant argent, debruised with a bend gules. [CHURCHILL.] 4. Argent, three escallops gules within a bordure sable. [CLEVE- DON.] 5. Argent, three battle-axes sable. (GIBBS.] 6. Argent, a lion rampant sable, guttee of the first. [WOLRINGTON.] 7. Azure, a chevron ermine between three lions rampant argent. [HILLERSDON.] 8. HILLERSDON, as 1. Hillersdon=d. of Grimston Hillersdon=d. of Churchill Hillersdon=d. of Clevedon Hillersdon=d. of Gibbs Hillersdon=d. of Snape Hillersdon=d. of Moore Hillersdon=d. & h. of Edgcomb of Edgcomb Roger Hillersdon of Memland=d. of Fortescue Andrew Hillersdon=d. of Hatch 150 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. John Hillersdon of Memland=d. of Kirkham Andrew Hillersdon of Memland=d. of Copleston Christopher Hillersdon=Jane d. of Sir Richard of Memland Chudleigh of Broadclist Mary Catherine Humfrey,=d. of Jer. Richard Hillers--Catherine d. of 2 myn don of Memland Gawyn Cham- Esq., living 1620 | pernon of Dartington Bartholo. mew Thorne Xpofer Drew In Edward, 2 Jane, 1 Mary, 3 Richard 8. & h., æt. 18, 1620 Ferdinand, 3 Gertrud, 2 Ursula, 4 John, 4 RICHARDU' HILLERSDON. Hilman. Joh. Furlonge de At Furlonge Arnulphus Uppehill Rob. Furlonge=Cecilia Willmus Uppehill=Claritia f. Robti Furlonge Ricus Hilman al's Atterhill=Margeria f. Johis Broke Johes Hilman=Elinora f. Ada Bevishill Johes HilmanşJohanna f. Tho, Netherton Willmus Hilman=Dionisia f. Edvi Tooker de Dartmouth THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 151 Edwardus Hilman=Alicia f. Willmi Huckmore de Totnes Willmus Hilman=Johanna f. Willmi Cosby de Dartmouth Downes f. Barthol. Hore=-Johes Hilman=Johanna f. Jobis Tooley de Rushford, 2 ux. Elizab. Marg. Jane=Rich. Dicker Alice John Anne Honor John Carew David Mary Edward Willmus Hilman Margaret, 1 Johan, 2 Sedwill, 3 Entered, not signed. 152 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Hockmore. ARMs. 1. Per chevron sable and or, in chief two pairs of reaping-hooks endorsed and entwined, blades azure, handles of the second, in base a moor-cock sable, combed and wattled gules. [HUCKMORE.] 2. Azure, a buck's head cabossed argent, armed or, with three arrows feathered argent, shafts or, the one in pale passing through the head and two in base. [BUCKYATE.] 3. Chequy argent and sable, a fess vaire argent and gules. [FOLKERAY.] 4. Gules, a fess vaire between twelve cross crosslets fitchée or. (CHAMPERNOWNE.] 5. Azure, a buck's head cabossed argent, between the horns a cross formée. [Pytt.] 6. Azure, a band per bend indented argent and gules between six escallops or. (Cruwys.] CREST. An eagle close, seizing and preying on a moor-cock, all proper. Fulcherius in libro de Doomsday John le Baron=Jone sister of Sir Martin of Fisacre Knt. Willm de Cruce=Katherine sister of Wm Crespyn Knt. Mich'us Folkray als. Fakray temp. H. 2 Eustachius le Baron John de Cruce=Isabell d. of - William Hackmore Ralph of Dolbeare, 16 B. 1, als. Dyolbeare Robert Purcomb Adam Folkray temp. R. 1 et H. 3 Elias le Baron John le Baron Andrew de=Agatha la Crossed. of - William Hackmore John Buck- yate of Buckyate Esq. Rich of Dol- beare, 3 E. JohannesJoane Purcomb | Da. of John Folkray=Agnes d. mar. to his 2nd & h. of w. Matilda Elias le d. of — Baron Thomas l e Ba- Ralph=Margerie d. Grane & h. of An. at 1 drew de la Crosse Crosse ron Will'm le Baron mort. sine exit. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 153 Bl: DI El Isabell Margerie d. & coh. Rich. Hack-=Agnes more of d. & Buckyate coh. of in the right John of his wife Buck- yate John Dol-=-Jone d. beare the & h. of elder, 17 John R. 2 Purcomb Willm=Joan Fo- d. of cary Thomazin d. & coh. of Raph. Graue at Crosse Margt Rich. At wood, sans issue Willm.=Katherin Champ. d. & of of Ralph Cham. | Graue pernon of Crosse Rob. Sporier of Bristoll Tho. Hack-şd. of more of Buckyate Hugh, John Dolbeare=Thoma- the younger, l zin d. of 11 H. 4 Joan=John Holcombe William Margerie d. & Folkray h. of William Champ. Isabell=Wm. Burgin d.& coh. sans issue John Hockmore=Margaret d. & coh. of Buckyate of John Dolbeare : Edward Folkeray of Buckland=Alice d. of William Fol-=d. of Baron in com. Devon Esq. Tho.Cotterell keray 1 - Roger Hockmore=Johanna s. & h. of Buckyate Esq. of Grigorie Folkray Grigorie Folk-=Alice d. of the Lady ray d. sans Thomazin Wood of issue North Tawton John Hearle of>Margerie>Robt Carey Pridieux in: |d. & h. of Cocking. Cornw. ton Gregorie=Joane d. of Hock- Wm Wal- Nicho Hearle Robert Carey of Chimley in com. Devon Esq. Pollard of Horewood William=d. & h. of Hock- John Irish more Uphemston more Bovy H T 154 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON, H Il Elizab. Grigorie Huck-=Alice d. more of Buck- & h. of land Baron Cruce | Wm Esq. Tho. Wil-=Emlyn d. liams of 1 & coh. of Stoford | Wm Cruce Thomas Drew=Elinor Mary of Sharpham d. & coh. Colli. ford Hugh Lang. worthie James=Agnes John Leighd. & Hearle coh. of Wm Hockmore Geo. Carey of Cock- ing- ton John Hock-=Mary d. of Wm Floyers more of Floyerhayes John Williams Edw. Drewe Serjeant of the Law Leighe William Hock-=Jane d. & coh. of Sir Bartho. Michell more of Cannington in com. Somerset Thomas Williams Sir Tho. Drew Knight John Crockett=Jane d. & h. of Lyneham of Leighe Grigorie Hockmore s. & h., æt. 8, 1620 Willm, 2, æt. 3 Charles, 3, æt. 1 Suzan, æt. 7 . Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 155 Holway Arms. Sable, two swords in såltire, points downwards proper, hilts and pomels argent. William Holway of Waton=Cecill d. of -- Frances & sister of Sir Wm Frances in com. Devon of Combflory in com. Somerset Richard Holway of Waton s. & h.=Ann d. of Daccombe of Dorsetshire William Holway of Waton s.,= Eliza d. of Nicholas & now living, 1620 Seymer of Dartmouth Entered, not signed. Hunt. ARMS. Azure, on a bend between two water bougets or three leopards' faces gules. CREST. On a mount vert against a halberd erect in pale ora talbot sejant of the second, collared and tied gules.. Tho. Hunt of Exiter 3 times Maior of ye same Tho. Hunt of Chidley in com. Devon=Joane d. of Balle of Devon Bennet Hunt of Chidley in Elizb. d. of Tho. Meri- com. Devon, living 1620 | deth of Slapton Esq. Nicho. Hunt s. & b., æt. 3, 1620 Elizab., det. 8 Marye, æt. 4 B. HUNT. 156 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Hore. Hæc est finalis concordia facta in curia Domini regis apud Westmonasterium a die Sancti Michaelis in quindecim dies anno regni Edwardi regis Angliæ tercii, a conquestu vicesimo tercio, et regni ejusdem regis Franciæ decimo, coram Johanne de Stonor, Willelmo de Shoreshull, Rogero Hillare, Ricardo de Kelleshull, Ricardo de Willughby, Johanne de Stanford, et Thoma de Fencotes justiciariis, et aliis Domini regis fidelibus tunc ibi præsentibus, inter Johannem Parant, querentem, et Rolandum de Rifford et Graciam uxorem ejus, deforciantes, de uno messuagio, far- lingo terræ et quatuor acris prati cum pertenentiis in Rifford et Brigg, juxta Chag- geford, unde penultime conventionis summa fuit inter eos in eadem curia facta quo predicti Rolandus et Gracia recognoverunt predicta tenementa cum pertenentiis esse jus ipsius Johannis ut illa quæ idem Johannes habet de dono predictorum Rolandi et Gracia, et pro hac recognitione, fine et concordia idem Johannes con- cessit predictis Rolando et Graciæ predicta tenementa cum pertenentiis, &c., habenda et tenenda ejusdem Rolando et Graciæ, etc., et post decessum ipsorum Rolandi et Graciæ postea tenementa cum pertenentiis in figrc (?) remanebunt Roberto Hore et Aliciæ uxori ejus et heredibus de corpore ipsorum Roberti et Aliciæ, etc. Note.—The coate of Hore is supposed to be, Sable, an eagle displayed argent. The coate is, Sable, an eagle duple-headed, displayed argent, bordure engrailed argent, in je Office of Armes. Rowland de Rifford 23 E. 3=Gracia Alicia=Robertus Hore Willms. Hore 4 R. 2 Robtus. Hore 20 R. 2 Willms. Hore 37 H. 6 Robtus Hore 10 E. 4 Willms. Hore 20 H. 7 Willms. Hore 16 H. 8=filia Wescott Willms. Hore primo Mariæ Reginæ=filia Periman Augustine, 3, ob. s. p. Barnaby, 25fil. de Chagford Johes Hore deElizab. fil. Rifford in par. | Kelley de de Chagford in Kelley in . com. Devon com. Devon Esq. David THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 157 Al Willm's=Catherina Hore, 2 f. Johis Nott de Lapford Joh'es Hore=Margareta de Rifford f. Francisci Whiddon arm. Maria=Joh'i Gor- fur de Cheriton Willmus, 1, æt. 28 John, 2, Thomas, 3, æt. 16 Henry, 5, æt. 12 Robert, 4, æt. 14 Rad’us, 6, æt. 8 æt. 17 JOHN HORE. Huyshe. ARMS. Argent, on a bend sable, three fishes of the field, a mullet for difference. CREST. An elephant's head argent, crowned or. · Gilbert Huish of Doniford in com. Som. Oliver Huish Oliver Huish John Huish=d. of Walrond of Bovye William, 1 . Roger, 2 James Huish, 3, of London=d. of Bourcher Rowland Huish of Sand in Sidburie in com. Devon, living 1620 d. of John Wentworth of Boking in com. Essex James S. & h., et. 16 ROWLAND HUYSHE. 158 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Encleden. ARMS. Argent, a chevron between three tuns sable, fire issuing from the bungholes proper. John Inkleton of Brampton in com. Devon=Jane d. of.. .. Davills Willmott d. of Andrew=Lewis Inkleton=Grace d. of Robt. Cranberie Pomeroy of Brampton of Clovelly Andrew, 2 John Incledon of Brat-=Phelip d. of William Glinne. ton, æt. 51, s.. & h. of Glinne in Cornwall Anne d. & b. æt. 14 JOHN INCLEDEN. Inglett. ARM:s. Sable, a bend argent between three escallops or. Henry Inglett of Allington mī Peter Inglett of Allington ī John Inglett of Allington, aº 17 H. 8=Agnis d. of Michell of com. Devon Richard Inglett of Allington=Margaret d. of Giles Risdon of Bable in com. Devon Elizab. Giles Inglett=Jane d. & h. of Robert Cole of Cargreene in of Lameston Cornw., cosin and coh. of Roger Tolislaw & Josias Rolls of Heanton cob. to Rich. Newcourt of Cargreene Arminell Elizabeth Mary Richard Inglett s. & h., t. 26 John, 2, in Bohemia, t. 21 Arthur, Giles William 3, æt. 4, æt. 5, æt. 19 17 12 GILES INGLETT THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 159 Ksaack. ARMs. Per pale azure and purpure, a cross flory or. Simon Isaak of Bolliott in Atherington=Joan d. of Thomas Berrey in com. Devon in com. Devon Robert Isaak=Katherine d. of Robert Chichester of of Bolliot Tawton in com. Devon Arthur Isaak, 1 son,=Mary d. of John Lawrence, 2, Francis, 3, Eliz.=Fran- of Boliott, living Garland of Whit- of London of Barn- cis 1620 field in Devon staple Cliffe Christian Lettice Honor Joan . Margaret Thomas Bur John Rowleby Arthur Ley. Humphrie Hugh Vig- goine nian Payne ures ARTHUR ISAAK. *Note.—Mr. Davy doth promise to show the coat of his house. Esaack. ... Isaak of Awtry St. Mary, whose auncestors=d. of Wheton came out of Kent a widow John Isaak of Hevetree, æt. 86, superstes 1620=Alice d. of Collins Roger=a native of William=Dionis d. of Thomas Isaack=Grace d. Erasmus, France Pine of Hev- of Polleslon in of Tho 4,=d. of itree, relict com. Devon Hicks of Bound of Philip Cornw. of Ipple- Daniell, 1 son Duck pen Richard, 3, æt. 25 Thomas Isaack=Susanna d. of Walter 8. & h., æt. 30, Heale of Snagton in 1620 com. Devon Esq. Roger, 2,=Ursula d. of æt. 28 John Hayes of Mill in com. Devon Sebastian, 1 son, æt. 5. Thomas, 2, æt. 3 William, 3, æt. 1 THOMAS ISAACK. 160 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Kelly. ARMs. 1. Argent, a chevron between three billets gules. 2. Argent, a chevron between three talbots sable. [TALBOT.] CREST. Out of a ducal coronet gules an ostrich head argent, holding in the beak a horseshoe or.. 100 ord. John Kelley Oliver Kelley of Kelley in=Margt of Hen. Dennys Hen. Kelley,=Elizb. d. of com. Devon Esq. of Hall in com. White Devon Esq. Oliver Kelley 8. p. Tho. Kelley of=Blanche d. of Wm Kelley in com. Harris of Heane Devon Esq. Esq. Anne Alice Elizabeth Margeret Oliver, Arthure, William Kelly ofPhilip d. of John Conocke Kelly Esq., æt. of Treworgu in Corn- 32, 1620 wall Esq. John, 2 Phillip, 1 d., æt. 6 Mary, 2 Thomas Kelly s. & h., et. 4, 1620 Margerie, 4 Lowday, 3 Margaret=Arthure Kelly Anne=Matthew of Peter Skawne Marland Eliz.=John Fur. Grace land gent. Mary Blanche Andrew Kelley of Lymston in com.=Alice widow of James Devon, living 1620 Denham Thomazin, 1 d., æt. 19 Judith=Arth. Holman WILLIAM KELLY. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 161 Kendall. ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron bet ween three dolphins naiant and embowed sable, a crescent for difference. 2. Three lions passant guardant within bordure, over all a bend sinister. [HOLLAND.] 3. Argent, three harping irons, points downwards. [Glyn.] Tho. Kendall of Treworgie in co. Cornw. Rich. Kendall of Kingbridge=Kathe d. of Moore in com. Devon in Devon Elizb. Joane Eliz , 1, d. of=John Kendall of Kings->Agnes, 2, d. of Peter Hoopwell of . Yeoman bridge in com. Devon West Allington in com. Devon John Kendall, 1 son George Kendall of Exiter,=Kathe d. of Robt Moore living 1620 of Exiter George Kendall s. & h. Thomas, 2 son Anne GEO. KENDALL Kirkham. Note.He beares in a field argent three lions rampant gules, within a bordure engrailed. Rob. Kirkham 5 H. 5=Agnes d. of Sir W. Hanckford Rob. Kirkham 6 H. 6=Eliz. d. & h. of Sir Rob. Scobhillº Nicho. Kirkham 4 E. 4=Jane d. & h. of Rob. Waye Sir John Kirkham 10 H. 7=Luce d. of Tremayle Tho. Kirkham=Mary d. & h. of Rich. Ferrers & of Jane 24 H. 8 d. & h. of Sir John Malehearte George Kirkham, 1=Margaret d. of Sir son, ob. s. p. Tho. Dennis Richard Kirk-=Agnes d. ham of Cape Sir W. Kirkham Knt. of Blagdowne=Mary d. of Peter Tichbourne in com. Devon 1620 of Hampshire 102 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. A1 - - Fran., 2 Will'm, 3 John, 6 Eliz. Mary Grace, 2 Richard Kirk- ham s. & h., æt. 30, 1620 d. of Roope Edward, 4 Giles, 7 Brett of Rich. Berry Barbara, Somer- of Berry setsh. in Arbor anno George, 5 Rob, 8 Will'm s. & h., æt. 3, 1620 Gabrill, 2, æt. 2 a dau. JOHN GABLE (?) Knapman. ARMS. Or, on a cross gules between four Cornish choughs proper, five blocks of tin marked with the letter W. William Knapman of Throwleigh=Elinor d. of Arscott George Knap- man, 3 Christian John, 2 William=Alice d. of Wm Christo- Knap- Hore of Rush- pher, 4, d. of man of ford in the ob. s. p. Weekes Throw- | parish of Ches- leigh, 1 ford · son Battishill George Mary Alice Wm Baring Slowman Elizabeth Elizabeth Jane Edward,=d. of Hen. James,Emma d. & only d. 4 Endicott 3 coh. of Wm Dench of Wm Cornish of Throw- Cove Staverton of Tavistock leigh William Knapman of=Elizabeth d. of Wm Coode of Drewstanton Cornw. Esq. William, James Knapman=Jane d. of Francis of Drewstan Whiddon 3d son of Sir John John,=Julian d. of 2 Vigures ton Francis, 2, æt. 11 James Knapman, 1 son, æt. 16, 1620 John, 3, æt. 6 1, Margaret 3, Elizabeth 2, Jane THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 163 Al John Knapman=Eliz. d. & coh. of Cove of Alexander Ann d. of Sir John of Throwleigh St. Thomas' n' Exeter Knapman | Whiddon Eliz. Tho. Goulde of Roterye Alice=Robt Lethe- Marga-=Wm Ash of Francis,=Eliz. d. of bridge ret Throwleigh 2 John of Nimi- White of tracye Throwleigh Anne Honor Alexand. A1 William Francis William Knap-=Maud d. of Barnaby, 3=Eliz. d. & coh. of Wm Newcome man of Throw- Rich. of Chagford leigh, 1 son Powell of Tiverton John Knapman only son Margaret unma Alexander Knapman. William, 2, Honor=Tho. Furse 1 son, æt. 19, 1620 æt. 7 of Crockern- well Anne JAMES KNAPMAN. WILLIAM KNAPMAN. Land. John Lande of=Mawde d. of Davy Slocombe of Tiverton Wiscombe co. Somerset John Lande of Plimtree=Dorothy d. of Edward Tye of Collumpton Dorothy, Frances, æt. 17 æt. 21 Ann, æt. 14 John Lande Robert, a 8. & h., æt. twin with 19, 1620 John Il Richard, Austin, 4, æt. 8 3, æt. George, 5, æt. 5 12 JOHN LANDE. 164 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Langesford. ARMS. Paly of six, argent and gules, a crescent for difference, and on a chief argent a lion passant sable. Richard Langsford of Bratton in com. Devon=Margery d. of Willsworthie William Langsford of Bratton=Thomazine d. of Hen. Bidlake Moses Langesford of=Margaret d. of Rich. Taver- Bratton, æt. 44, 1620 ner of St. Teath, Cornw. Dorothie=Tho. Corington of Bratton Henrie, Thomas, Taverner Langesford s. & h., et. 11 Grace, 1 d., æt. 10 Sibell, 2 d. MOYSES LANGESFORD. Lante. ARMS. Per pale argent and gules, a cross engrailed counterchanged. Lant ㅜ ​William Lante who came out of the North John Lante of=Elizabeth d. of Lambell Exiter of Exeter Joane=William Mace of Exeter Hester==Haymer of Grace=Tho. Bowridge Sarah London of Exeter Elizabeth John Lante of Exeter 1620 William, 2 Thomas, 3 Robert, 4 Richard, 5 Matthias, 6 Samuel, 7 J. LANTE. THE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF DEVON. 165 Larkworthy. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus de Hindeford et Alicia uxor mea et Elenà filia Osberti de Hindeford reddimus Ricardo filio Simonis de Lerke- worthy et heredibus suis dimidium furlingorum terræ cum pertenentiis in Lerke. worthy habendum et tenendum ipsi Ricardo et heredibus suis de nobis et heredibus nostris etc. His testibus Dominus Thomas de Muleton, Ricardo de Lechmore Radulpho de Musard, Jordano Oliver justiciariis itinerantibus in comitatu Devon, Willelmo de Raleigh tunc vicecomite, Willelmo de Lestun, Willelmo de Wydewory tunc coronatoribus ejusdem comitatus, Johanne Cole, Roberto Passinere, Roberto de Lechmore, Willelmo de Hakedune, Ricardo Seher, Rogers Seher, Luca de Hola- combe, Hamelin de Blackdoune, Roberto de Archescotte, Roberto de Warwicke, Waltero de Craneberie, Michael de Assecotte ejusdein Assise juratoribus et multis aliis. (3 Seals attached.) William Larkworthy of Larkworthy in the=Wilmot d. of Asli of parish of Ashwater Throwley John Jane=John Pike Christian=Willm. Old Thoma-=John zine Hooper Agnes=Barlabin Lewis Thomas, 3 Robert Larkworthy of=Elizabeth d. of John Bowden Larkworthy of Holsworthy Joane Jane Agnes John Lark-=Joan d. of Anthony Arthur worthy of Kelley of North ob. s. Thomas Ash Larkworthy Tawton p. of Ashwater John Bas- kerfield Lawrence Horne 1, Elizabeth, æt. 12 3, Ursula, æt. 7 Anthony Larkworthy 1 son, æt. 21 1620 George, 2, æt. 16 John, 3, æt. 6 4, Prudence, æt. 4 JOHN LARKWORTHY. 166 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Leach. ARMs. Ermine, on a chief indented gules, three antique crowns or. John Leach of Crediton in com. Devon Simon Leach of Crediton=Eliz. d. of John Rowe of Crediton Eliz, d. of Walter =Simon Leich of =Katherine d. of Nich. Burrough of Exiter, Cadleigh in com. Turberville of Credi- Esq., 1 w. Devon, living 1620 ton, 2 w. Walter Leach s. & h., æt. 21, 1620 Simon, 2 George, 3 Nicholas, 4 Katherine, 1 Elizabeth, 2 Rebecca, 3 Anne, 4 SYMON LEACH. Leigh. ARMS. (RIDGE) Two bars azure, over all a bend compony, counter compony gules and or, in chief a mullet sable. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus de Nywton, persona Ecclesia de Morchard Episcopi et Johannes persona Eccliæ de Dowze Sanctæ Mariæ dedi- mus, concessimus Willelmo Ridge de Morchard Episcopi Agneti uxori ejus terras et tenementa nostra in parochia de Morchard apud West Rigge, etc. Et si con- tingat quod præfatus Willelmus et heredes sui obierunt sine heredibus, tum volumus quod præfata terra et tenementa cum suis pertinentiis postea remaniant Ricardo at Leigh et heredibus masculis de corpore suo exeuntibus in perpetuum. His testibus, etc. Dat. apud West Rigge die lunæ prox. post fest. Pur. Beatæ Mariæ, aº regni regis Ricardi duodecimo. Peter Ridge Willm. Ridge qui feoffavit Elianora d. & h.=Rich. at Leigh Rich. at Leigh AT THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 167 John Leigh Richard Leigh, 1 Walter, 2 William Leigh qui feoffavit John Tho. Leigh qui abiit sine heredibus masculis John Leigh, 2 John Leigh=d. of Dennis John Leigh s. & h.=Margt. d. of Humph. Broughton John Leigh of Ridge in=Thomazin d. & coh. of Robt. Trepe Bishop's Morchard Sanford in par. of Crediton Robt. Leigh al's Ridge s. & h., æt. 5, 1620 George, 2, æt. 2 Entered, not signed. Leigh. ARMS. Argent, a lion rampant gules, on a canton sinister azure an escallop or. Hugh Leigh of High Leigh William Leigh of High Leigh Richard Leigh of High Leigh Richard Leigh Wm. Venables=Anne d. & h. Tho. Leigh, 1305=Anne d. of Lyme Tho. Leigh, 1333=Jane d. of John Leigh A 168 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON AL Richard, eldest son, 1392 William Leigh, 2 Tho. Leigh of Southmolton-Dorithy d. of John Clotworthy of in com. Devon Worrington in com. Devon of Phillip Rash-=eldest Chappell=2nd Hunnye3d Wm. LeighŞAnne d. of leigh of dau. of Cal. d. d. of Mascle and South- lomp- South- Northam widow of molton - molton Ric. Chapell ton Tho. Leigh of Northam=Agnes d. & h. of John Borrough of Borrough Anne=Arthur Gifford, 1 son of Jo. Gifford of Brightly Mary=Arthur Lip- pincott William Leigh=Joane d. & coh. of of Borrough in Baltizer Boteler Northam, of Stone in Park- living 1620 ham Anne Mary Tho. Leigh s. & h., æt. 10 Entered, not signed. Levermore. ARMS. Argent, a fess cotised sable between three tufts of grass vert. Morris Levermore of Exiter=Elizab. d. of Bodley John Levermore of Exiter=Anne d. of Meridith Elizb. Joane Edward John Lever-=Alice d. of of Lon- more of Exi- | Ap-howell don, 2 ter, living 1620 1, Doct. Wotton 2, Arkelle Gifford John Taylor of • Exiter Morris, 3, et, 24 Willm., 2, t. 26 John Levermore, 1 s., t. 28, 1620 Anne Grace, 2 d., æt. 20 Richards of Exiter JNO. LEU’MORE. THE CPS 169 VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Lenthall. ARMS. Sable, five fusils in bend argent. CREST. A griffin's head erased argent. De fine facto manerii de Hampton Court in com. Heref., annis 10-11 Edw. 3. Ricardus de Albaneio,Elianora f. Henrici, Comes Arundell | Comitis Lancastr. Ricus Comes=Eliz. fil. Bohun Comitis Hereff. Rogerus de Len- Arundell et Northamp. thall ar. Margareta=Rolandus de=filia Baronis fil. & coh., Lenthall, Gray, ux. 2 1 ux. miles primog Gualterus Lenthall de Wig-=Isabella more in com. Heref. testa- aº 17 R. mentum gerebat. Dat. aº 8 H. 5 Ali-=Will. Ag-=Thomas Edmun-=Marga- Johes de Len-=Anna soror cia, Lord neta Corn- dus rita f. thall de Humf. Be- coh. Zouche coh. well, Lent- D’ni Hampton silles de Be- de Har Baronis hall pri- Zouch Court in șilles Leigh ring- de Bur mog. ob. com. mil. worth ford S. p. Heref. Johes Lenthall f. &=Christiana f. Rogeriton de Alice=Ric. Butter- h., aº 10 H. 6 Wigmore, aº 8 E. 4 leigh Rogerus Lenthall de=Johannem Wigmore aº 3 E. 4, 1463, 2 Tho. Lenthall=Maria cob. Hen. Margareta de Wigmore Baxterd que ob. aº primog. 18 E. 4=Johes Kirkadam 2 maritus Johes Lenthall de Stanton in com. Som. Willm's Lenthall de Lenthall Starkers-Catherina f. & h. Johis in com. Hereff. et de Latchford in com. Oxon sepultus Haseleigh magna par. Magna Haseleigh in com. Oxon Thomas Lenthall de Latchford arm.,=Elizab. f. & h. Johis sepultus in Haseleigh magna Willis arm. 2 170 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Gulielmus Lenthall de Lachford sepultus=Jana f. Johis apud Haseleigh magnam Browne militis John Lenthall pri-=Elinora f. Lee de Puchford Gulielmus Lenthall, 2, de Lach- mog. ob. s. p. in com. Oxon ford visit. 1589 Gulielmus Lenthall f. & h., de Lachford aº. 1589 Lenthall. Edmond Lenthall who being younger brother came=d. & h. of Algood out of Oxfordshire into Devon, & lived at of Awtrie St. Monkton Mary Willm Lenthall of Monkton s. & h.=Margaret, 2, d. of John Eveleigh Esq. John Lenthall, 2,=Dorothy d. of Robt of Honiton Weston of Colliton Richard, 3, Willm., 4, ob. s. p. æt. 44 John Lenthall 8. & h., et. 24 Richard, æt. 17 1, Dorothy , Elizabeth Edmond, æt. 10 2 Eliz. Dorothy Dorcas d.=Peter Len-=Mary d. of Randall, Edmond, of Phil. thall of relict of Rob. 5, ob. Pine Esq. Monkton Jeninge of Wilton 8. p. of Est in com. Som., Downe 1 w. son Tho. Wm Bainham Thom- on the back side of the Ex- change at ye signe of ye Phenix Peter Lenthall s. & b., æt. 2, 1620 PETER LENTHALL. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 171 Longe. An ARMS. Sable, semée of crosses patée, a lion rampant argent, charged on the breast with a martlet. Robert Longe younger brother of the house of Long in Wilts ero Richard Longe, 1 son=d. of Bell of Bengrove John Longe, 2, slaine in France temp. Hen. 8 Walter=Jone d. of Tho. Hale of com. Warw. & ob. Long ..., d. of Whittington of com. Glouc. James, Walter Longe s. & h.=d. of 3 of com. Glouc. | Cox Thomas Longe, 2=Faith d. of Bullarthy of North Molton of Charles & widow in com. Devon of Vicarie 2, Giles, æt. 20 1,'Anne Anthonie, 1 son, in servicio comitis Bathon, æt. 23 3, Walt., æt. 12 3, Jane 4, Will’m, æt. 10 2, Francis THO. LONGE. Lowis. ARMs. Argent, a chevron engrailed gules between three shovellers sable, breasted argent. CREST. Å bear séjeant sable, collared lined and muzzled argent. Leonard Lowis of Ugbart in Cornwall Thomas=d. of Pin- William,=Elizabeth d. of Humphrie,=Julian d. of Lowis, fold of 2 Meredith John Dinham 1 son Exeter of Wortham Julyan Leonard John, ob. Humphrie-Jone d. of Leonard, Zenobia d. Lowis, 1 8. p. 2 Lowis s. John Hesed 2 of Barth. - & h. of Black Thorne of Edmond, 3 Torrington Shepwash в с 172 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Humphrie Lowis s. & h., æt. 15, 1020 John, 2, æt. 10 Rachell, æt. 12 Zenobia, 3 Anthonie, Josua, 3, in Lon- 4, æt. don, æt. 30 27 Maria, 1 Susan, Nicholas, Catherin, 2 5, æt. 23 Ric. Butland in Cornw. Geo. Upton in Cornw. Francis Aime Richard,=Fran. sister of Mr. Grace Phillip Rolles of Hanton in the parish of Padstow Tho. Lau- John nie Martin John Laune Mark Cottell of North Tawtou RICH. LOWIS marks. Lowman. ARMs. Argent, three escutcheons sable, each charged with a dexter gauntlet or, back affrontée. CREST. A lion's gamb erect and erased sable, holding a battle-axe or. (D 1, Eliza. d. of Jo. Bustrode=John Lowman of Broke-==2, Allice d. of Collins of in com. Oxon Esq. land in com. Devon Awtre in com. Devon Phillip Lowman=Anne d. John, 2, James, 3, Peter, 3, Fran., 4, Thomas, 5, of Wħitstone in of Jo. of the of Linge Captain living Captaine com. Devon Giles of Inner Regis sans 1620 sans issue Bowden Temple in com. issue Esq. London Somerset Giles, Phillip, 4 John, 5 Wil- James Lowman-Ann d. of Hen. Cop- Agnes, 1 liam, of Whitstone in leston of Bowden in George, 3 Tho. 6 7 com. Devon, Yamton in com. Bridget, 2 living 1620 Devon JAMES LOWMAN. - : - - - - - Luscomve. Jolin Luscomb of Luscomb in the parish of Ratterie=d. of Steare Henry Luscomb of LuscombạMary d. of John Fortescue of Vallopit A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 173 Al John Luscomb of Luscomb=Jone d. of John Giles of Bowden Esq. Anpa, æt. 21 Edward, 2, æt. 19 Henry Luscomb of Lus-=Alice d. of Nich. Frye of comb ot. 27 Yartye in Devon .. . John S. & h, et. 4 Jane. HENRY LUSCOMBE. Lutton. Arms. Vert, a double-headed eagle displayed within an orle of trefoils or. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Ricardus Lotyn dedi concessi et hac præ- senti carta mea confirmavi Thome Lotyn filio meo et heredibus omnia terras et tenementa mea cum pertinentiis in Cofford etc. His testibus Johannis Holecomb, Rogero Moulish, Jobanne Moulish, Thome Mason, Johanne Bricknoll et aliis. Datum apud Cofford predictam primo die Augusti anno regni Regis Henrici quinto decimo. (Seal attached with arms.) Ricus. Lotyn Thomas Lotyn temp. Hen. v. a. 10 Peter Lutton of Cofford in the=Margaret d. of Nicholas parish of Kenton Whichalse Agnes Barbara William, 2 8. p. Richard Lutton=Joan d. of John of Cofford in 1 Paddon & sister parish of Ken of Auditor Pad- ton don John, 3, s.p. Joseph Wendsor Prouze of Torbrian Elizabeth Joan Wm Painter Richard of Dorish Lange of Devon Combintin- hed Marie d. of=Emanuel Lutton=Apn d. of William, James Bale of Cofford in Wm May 2, æt. Kenton, 1 | parish of Kenton, of Mol- 32 wife 1620 ton, 2 wife Emanuel, 1 son, æt. 20) James, 2, John, 3, Francis, 4, Richard, Mary, 1 d. Elizabeth, æt. 16 æt. 14 æt. 10 5, et. 7 et. 18 2 d., ct. 9 EMANUELL LUTTON. 174 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON Luttrell. ARMS. Or, a bend between six martlets sable. CREST. A boar passant argent, bristled or, charged on the shoulder with a rose of the second. John Luttrell Knight Jefferie Luttrell Knight Dennys Luttrell Knight Andrewe Luttrell Knight Thomas Luttrell Knight Alexander Luttrell Knight Andrew Luttrell Knight Hugh Luttrell Knt. &c. Consiliis Regis Majis Sir John Luttrell Knight=Margt d. of Note.—This Sir John Luttrell toke the Q. of the Lord Scotts in the field, after which he bare a l Audley John Howard, Duke of Norfolk toke an Earle in France prisoner and he may beare the swann for his creast chayned James Luttrell=Elizb. d. of Wm Sir John Wind-=Ladie Margt Tho. Duke of Knight Courtney ham knt. Howard Norfolk Hugh Luttrell=Margt sister to Knight the Lord Daubeny Sir Thomas Windham Knight Tho. Duke of Nor- folk William Lord Howard of Effingham Andrew Lut-=Margt d. of Sir trell Knight Tho. Windbam Knight John Wind- Hen. Erle Tho. Vis. Charles bam Knt. of Surrey count Erle of Bindon Nottingham Hen. Erle of North- ampton sans issue =Thomas Duke= of Norfolk Hen. Viscount Tho. Viscount Bindon Bindon B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 07 в | ol Phillip Erle of Arundell Tho. Erle of Suffolk Lord Treasurer William Lord Howard of Naworthe Tho. Erle of Arundell Phillip Lord Walden Thomas Lut=Margt d. & h. Nicho. Luttrell of=d. of Sacheverell trell of Christ. Haniburie in of Dorsetshire Hadley Esq. co. Somerset John Lut- trell Knight George Lut-=Jane d. of Hugh trell Stukeley Esq. Margt=Sir Robt Stroode John Lut- of Parinw. trell Thomas, 1 Hugh, 2 George 3, John, 4 Andrew Luttrell of=Prudence d. of Wm Abbot of Haniburie Hartland Esq, Nicholas Luttrell of Hartland=Elizb. d. of Anthony Abbey, living 1620 Monke Esq. Nicho., 2 Jobn, 4 Elinor Anthony s. & h., æt. 12, 1620 Arthur, 6 Edward, 7 Mary Elizb. Franc., 3 Thomas, 5 NICHOLAS LUTTRELL. Luttrell. Hugh Luttrell Kt.=Margt sister to the Lord Dawbeney John Luttrell=Elizb. d. of Knt. Reynoldes Andrew Luttrell=Mary d. of Sir Tho. Knt. Windham Knt. Hugh Luttrell of Marshwood=Phillip d. of Robt Opey in com. Som. in com. Cornw. A 1 176 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Margt Honor Rob. Wheddon of Dorsetsh. Santon of Kent Andrew Luttrell ofƏSuzan d. of Rich. Kentsburie in Ley of Estdowne com. Devon, in com. Devon living 1620 Phillip, Andrew, Hugh, Edw. Luttrell 1, Margaret 3, Suzan s. & h., et. 20, 1620 2, Elizabeth ANDREW LUTTRELL. Lynn. ARMs. Gules, a demi-lion rampant argent within a bordure sable bazantée. John Lynn of Bassingbourne in com. Cambridge Thomas Lynn of Bassingbourne=d. of Paris of Lynton co. Cambridge John Lynn of Bassingbourne=d. of Sewster of Steaple Morden co. Cambridge William Lynn=d. of Steward of Bassing- of Ely bourne, 1620 Henry,=d. of Sir Hen, Boteler Gen Edward, Mary=Gerard 3 Wood D.D. John Lynn Margaret d. of of Exeter, William Grills 1620 of Tavistock Marmaduke Francis=d. of Picott of Abington John, 2 Richard, 3 Ånn, 1 d. William Lynn, æt. 14, 1620 Catherine, 2 d. Mary, 3 d. Marmaduke, 4 Elizabeth, 4 d. Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 177 Mace. ARMS. Azure, a chevron argent, in chief two mullets or, in base a dexter gauntlet lying fessways of the second, holding a mace erect of the third. Will’m Mace, born in Normandy and came into England=d. of ... in the time of Hen. 8 and lived at Chard in Somersetsh. Roger Mace of Exiter in com.=Mary d. of Willen of Modbury Devon marchant in com. Devon Robert of Exiter, 2 Will’m Mace of Exiter=Johne d. of Wm Lante of marchant Exiter, marchant . WM. MACE. Mainwaring ARMS. Argent, two bars gules, within a bordure gobony or and sable. CREST. An ass's head erased, haltered and maned or. Wm Manwaring of Namptwich, 3 son of Randleşd. of Titley of Titley Geo. Manwaring, 3 Julyan d. & h. of Spurway Maior of Exon Christ. Manwaring, 6 son, of=Ann, 2 d., one of the heirs of Martin Exiter, living 1620 Trewinnard of Cornwall Esquire CHRIS. MAINWARING. 2 A 178 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Mallack. ARMs. Per chevron engrailed or and sable, on three roundles three fleurs-de-lys, all counterchanged. Crest. A cubit arm erect, vested or, thereon two bends wavy sable, in the hand proper a mallet of the first. Wm Mallack of Axmouth in=Joane d. of Wm Sherman of com. Devon Awtrie St. Mary Rich. Mallack of Axmouth,=Joane d. of John Younge of living 1620 Collaton in com. Devon IIT Richard, 2 Joane, 1 Anne, 4 John s. & h., æt. 20, 1620 Arthur, 3 Şuzan, 5 Mary, 2 Elizabeth, 3. Walter, 4 Hannah, 6 Mallett. ARMS. Azure, three escallops or. Richard Mallet of Idsley in Devon=Jane d. of Bishop William Mallet of Idsley=Suzan d. of - Oliver Mallet of Idsley 8. & h., liveinge aº 1620 Margerie d. of Hugh Osborne ne John, Richard, Willm, Emanuel, Margerie Suzan, Hugh Mallett s. & h., et. 23, 1620 OLIVER MALLETT. Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 183 A Thomas May-=Agnes d. & h. Joane=Hen. Anne=John Alice=wm nard s. & h., of Tho. Lam- Polex- Jacob Grills living 1620 bert of Pli- of Ta- of Ta mouth vistock vistock Jane un- md. fen John, 2 Nicholas, 3 Andrew, 4 Marye Franc. Maynard s. & h., æt. 9 THOMAS MAYNARD. Menifie. Thomas Menifie of Polehill in Kent=Mary d. & h. of Polehill in Kent. Thomas Menifie s. & h. William Menifie, 2 son Thomas Menifie, 1 son, who came=d. of Stromer into Devon temp. H. 8 of Honiton Nicholas Menifie s. & h., of Collompton=Joan d. of William Tye of Collompton Alice Joan John, 2, ob. s. p. Amy Richard Wood- Richard Heard ford of Hol- of Stockley comb, agricola Pomerey Thomas=Ellen d. of Menifie | John Dowd. of Col- ney of Uff- lompton culm Matthew Mawgridge of Branford Leune, Humphry Alice Menifie, 1 son, .s. p. , Phillip Clash of Cullompton *John Menifie=Eliz. d. of Hen. Margaret Christian 2, of Harber- Ley of Gissage unma ton in com. St Andrew in Robt Car- Devon co. Dorset ie of Ex- Esq. mouth John Menifie s. & h., æt. 12, 1620 JOHN MENIFIE. 184 H THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Minshull. ARMS. Azure, an estoile of six points between the horns of a crescent argent, in dexter chief point an annulet or. Nicholas Minshull a younger brother of the house of Minshull in co. Cheshire Edward Minshull, 1 son Thomas, Willm Minshull, 1 son, living 1620 Geoffrey,=da. of Bromley of Dore- fold near Nantwich in Cheshire Edward, 3, living 1620 Edward Mins- hull of Nant- wich John Minshull=Ellen d. of Randall of Nantwich, Manwaring of Nantwich Randall=d. of Griffin of Mins- Barderton hull co. Cheshire Geoffrey Minshull s. & h., æt. 28, 1620 Thomas of Exe- ter, æt. 22 John, 3, æt. 14 Edward, Jefferie Minshull bar. of Grays Inne, 1 son Ellen=Phil. Manwaring s. & h. of Sir Randolph Manwaring of Pever THO. MINSHULL. Mohun of Tavistock. ARMS. 1. Or, a cross engrailed sable. (MOHUN.] 2. (As crest.) 3. Gules, two bends wavy or. [BREWER.] 4. Gules, a bend or, over all a fess argent. 5. Gules, a griffin segreant or. [RIVERS.] 6. Lozengy or and azure. [FITZ- WILLIAMS.] 7. Gules, two lions passant guardant or, over all a bend sinister azure. 8. Sable, ten bezants, 4, 3, 2, and i. [ZOUCHE.] CREST. A dexter arm habited with a maunch ermine, holding in the hand proper a fleur-de-lys argent. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 185 Mohun. ARMS. 1. Or, a cross engrailed sable. Monun.] 2. Gules, two bends wavy or. [BREWER.] 3. Vair, a chief chequy or and ules. [FLEMING.] 4. Per pale or and vert a lion rampant gules. (MARSHALL, E. OF PEMBROKE.] 5. Or, three chevrons gules. [Clare.] 6. Sable, three garbs or. [Mac MORROUGH.] 7. Gules, three lions in pale passant. argent. [GIFFORD ] 8. Or, three bezants. [COURTENAY.] 9. Or, three bends azure. (FITZWILLIAMS.] 10. Or, a lion rampant azure. [REDVERS.] 11. Azure, a bend or, and over all a label of three points gules. (CARMINOW.] 12. Azure, three horses' heads couped or, bridled argent. [HORSEY.] 13. Azure, a chevron between three cross crosslets fitchée, and within a bordure engrailed or. 14. Bendy wavy or and gules, over all a saltire or. CREST. As before William Mohun, called Sapell, Erle of Somerset, made by the Conqueror William Mohun 2 Erle of Salisburie after the Conquest - T William Mohun founder of the Abbey of Binton temp. Hen. 1 Walter Mohun als. Meschines Baron of Dunster=Alice d. & h. of Wm Brewer Isabell d. & h. of Wm=Reignold Mohun Baron of Dun-=Havis d. of John Ferrers, 2 w. ster & Erle of Somerset Fitz Jefferie, 1 w. John Mohun son of Reinold Baron of Dunster=Jone d. of Wm Erle Ferrers John Mohun Ba-=Ellianor d. of Wm=Sir Wm Martin ron of Dunster Fitz Pierse Kt., 2nd husb. * This John Mohun lieth buried in the Greyfriers in York, 1322, & was the last Lord Mohun. He was the first also that relinquished his armes. *John Mohun Baron=Anne d. of Paine of Dunster Tiptoft Lawrence Mohun younger b. to John Baron Dunster Patrick Thomas, ob. 8. p. Robert=Elizab. Rogers Elianor Thomas Mohun of Tavistock Thomas Molun AT 2 B 186 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. A Thomas Mohun Serjeant-Agnes d. of Wm Amidis, 4 times maried, Tho. Stoford, at Arms to Hen. 8 2 hus., John Charles, 3, Wm Abbot of Hartland, 44 Thomas Mohun of Tavistock=Johan d. of Wm Redley als. Pointer Dorothy Johanna=1, Rich. Edgcombe 2, Christ. Wobridge 3, Erasmus Drwe 4, Alexander Mains Ann, Dionis=1, Raphe Taylor ob. 2, John Eliot 8. p. Wm Carden Jone d. ofƏThomas Mohun-Grace d. of John of Tavistock, Rich. Harris, living 1620 Singleton, 2 w. Elianor=1, Tho. Har ris, s. p. 2, to Wm Grafton Charles, ob. s. p. 1w. William, 2, æt. 13 Francis, 1 d., æt. 22 Ellis, 4, æt. 5 Thomas Mohun s. & h., et. 20, Edward, 5, et. 3 162O Peter, 3, æt. 11 Dionisia, 2, æt. 16 Alice, æt. 2 Reignold=Elizb. d. & h. of Mohun Wm Fitzwilliams Henry & Paine John Baron of=Christian d. of de Mohun Dunster John Segrave John Mohun of Hall in com. Cornw.=Jone d. of St. Aubin Thomas Mohun=Eliz. d. & coh. of Ric. H-e. William Mohun of Hall=Jane d. of Cavell William Mohun of Hall=Eliz. d. of Hugh Courtney John Mohun of Hall=Anne d. & b. of Ric. Code Sir Reginald Mohun Kt. Jone d. of Hugh Trevanion Elizb. d. of Horsey,=Sir Wm Mohun=Margt d. of Roskem- 1 w. of Hall mer, 2 w. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 187 John Mohun Baron of Dunster Jane d. of Bartholomew Burgwash Maude=Jo. Lord Strange of Knock- Eliz.=Wm Mountague Edw. Duke=Phillip mar. to=Walter Erle of Sarum, of York Sir John Goles. Fitz- ob. 8. p. slayne at ton, 2 husb. & walter, Agincourt, lastly to the 1 husb. 3d husb. Lord Vesey ing Entered, not signed. Mylford. Geo. Milford of Wickington in com. Devon Rich. Milford of Wickington,=Marg. d. of Geo. Burgoine living 1620 of Southtawton Richard, 2 Dorithie, 1 Mary William Milford of Wickington, living 1620 Mary, 4 Anne, 5 George, 3 Jane WILLM. MYLFORD. Molford. Arms. Sable, a fess ermine between three swans argent. CREST. Out of a ducal coronet or a demi-swan with wings expanded argent, beaked gules. Rog. Molford of Cadburie=Anye d. & h. of Cadburye in com. Devon of Cadburye Roger,1 Thomas, Suzan d. of John Molford of=Cecilie d. of Maze of Men- S., 8. p. 2 Southcot Southmolton dippe in com. Somers. 188 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. A. B 10 Roger, 1 Amy Thomazin Mary Francis John, 2 Joseph Barbara Barbara Rob. Co. ker in Dorsets. ker in Rich. Bat- son, died 1619. Wrophe Thomas, 3 Suzan. Gilbert, 4, 8. p. John, 2 Elizab., 1 Suzan, 3 Mary, 41 Roger Molford s. & h., studient in the Middle Temple, London Amye, 2 Dorithy, 5 william=d. of William,=d. of Calmady Sabian Sabian Mary Mary Agnes John Garland Agnes Wm. Honywell Rich. Pollard Roger 8. & h. Amy ROGER MOLFORD. Monk. Fait averment Thomas de Merton, chevalier et seigneur de Merton, dona certenas terras et tenementa en Southcomb a un Thoma le Moyne, son Godson, fitz Ilugh le Moyne de Powdridge, en fee simple, le quel Thoma le Moyue fust seisi en un fce de mesme de un Walter Pinke. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Rogerus, filius Ricardi de Bocumb, dedi, concessi, Petro filio Willelmi le Moygne, etc. His testibus Ricardo, filio Willelmi, Randulpho Parfoye de Bodyford et aliis. præsenti carta mea confirmavi Willelno le Moyne in liberum maritagium cum Alicia filia mea totam terram meam cum pertinentiis in Alfington et Exminster, etc. Dat. apud Powdridg die lunæ in festo anno regni regis Edwardi filii regis Edwardi tercio. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Rogerus, filius Ricardi de Bocumbe, dedi et concessi filio Petro le Moyne, etc. His testibus, etc. (sans date). Pateat universis et præsentibus quod ego Willelmus le Moygne dedi omnia bona mea mobilia tam intra domos quam extra Willelmo filio meo, etc, In cujus rei testimonium præsentes litere sigillum meum apposui. Dat. apud Poderigge die Sabbati proximo post festum Sancti Thomæ Apostoli, anno regni regis Edwardi tertii a conquestu decimo. (Seal attached,-a chevron between three lions' heads erased.) Willelmus le Moygne, Rogero Marcis, Roberto Donastes, Johanni Dowstewbe, et Willelmo Reu tenentibus meis salutem. Quia concessi homagia et servicia restra que mihi de terris et tenementis vestris in manerio de Mowsland facere 1 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 189 debetis Willelmo filio meo hac carta sibi confecta, et prout vobis mando quod eidein Willelmo filio meo de homagiis et serviciis vestris predictus, etc. Dat. apud Powdrigg die Sabbati proximo ante festum Sancti Thomæ Apostoli, anno regni regis E. 3 a conquestu decimo. (Same seal attached.) Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus le Moygne dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Willelmo Att Woode totum burgagium meum cum pertinentiis in Biddeford quod habui ex donatione Willelmi Harward. His testibus, Ricardo le Donne, Johanne Att Apb., Waltero Att Knolle, Rogero Peake, etc. Dat. apud Biddeford die lunæ proximo post festum Sanctæ Catherinæ virginis, anno regni regis Edwardi filii regis Edwardi duodecimo. (Same seal attached.) Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus le Moygne dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Henrico de Lapperlode totam terram meam de Rafford cum pertinentiis. Dat. apud Rifford die Sabbati proximo post festum Sancti Pancrasii anno regni regis Edwardi filii Edwardi decimo nono. (Same seal attached.) Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus le Moygne dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Willelmo filio meo duo messuagia, unum molen- dinuin, omnes terras et moras meas et prata mea cum eorum pertinentiis, etc. His testibus, Johanne Golston, Radulpho de Speccot, Ricardo de Collegh, Roberto Edonasses et aliis. Dat. apud Powderidge die Sabbati proximo ante festum Sancti Thomæ Apostoli, anno regni regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu decimo. (Same seal attached.) Monk. ARMS. 1. Gules, a chevron between three lions' heads erased argent. [MONK.] 2. Argent, a wyvern sable. [TILLEY.] 3. Sable, six escallops or. [ESTCOTE.] 4. Sable, a fess indented, and in chief two eagles displayed or. [RYSIIFORD.) 5. Per pale argent and azure, in the first two pales sable. (TRENCHARD.] 6. Gules, two wings conjoined in lure er mine. [REIGNEY.] 7. Argent, a chevron sable charged with three croases fitchée of the first between three bugle-horns of the samé. (CREWKERNE.] 8. Gules, a cross flory or with five pellets. [LATIMER.] 9. Gules, a fret argent. [STANTON.] 10. Argent, a trivet sable. [TREVETT.] 11. Gules, on a fess azure between three crosses fitchée argent a lion passant of the last. GRAUNT.] 12. drgent, a fess, and in chief two mullets sable. [VAN- TORT.] 13. Argent, two chevrons sable. [ESSE.] 14. Sable, a chevron between three hands argent. [STEVENTON.] 15. Gules, billetée or, a saltire vair. [CHAM- PERNOWNE.] 16. Argent, three bends gules and a bordure sable bezantée. (VAL- LETORT.] 17. Argent, a lion rampant gulcs within a bordure sable bezantée. [CORNWALL.] 18. Argent, three talbots passant azure. [HAMLEY.] 19. Argent, a chevron between three talbots passant sable. [TALBOT.] 20. Argent, a chevron betueen three bulls' heads cabossed sable. [Wood.] 21. Sable, a chevron between three bulls' heads cabossed argent. [BULKELEY.] Willm. le Moyne Hugh le Moyne de Powdrilge A 190 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Willm. le Moyne Dn's de Powdderidg=d. & h. of Tilley Robt. s. p. Peter le Moyne=Maude d. of Coffin of Beacombe Robert, 2 Adam le Moyne=d. of Hamelyn of Cokenton Hugh le Moyne=d. & h. of Estcotte Thomas le Moyne - Hugh le Moyne 3 Ed. 1 Willm. le Moyne 5 E. l=Alice d. & h. of Hugh de Risheford Bawldwine, 2, 4 E. 2 Hughe le Moyne 33 E. 1 &=Alice d. of Robt 3 E. 2 ! Cruse Alice d.=Robert Kinge. & h. ston Mary, ob. S. p. Willm. le=Alice d. & coh. of Moyne | Wm Trenchard of 3 Ed. 2 | Trencharde Alice Henrie, John, Par- Richard=Claricia d. of Willm. le=Margery d. 8. p. son of Wm de Lon- Moyne of Merton Merton, don yn 11 E. 3 l of Merton S. p. Chaggeford Nich. de Mille- forde John le Moyne, Parson of Merton 10 H. 4, 8. p. Willm. le Moyne-Margerie d. of Hill 6 H. 4 of Shilston Willm. le=Christian d. & coh. of John Crukerne Moyne of Childhay in Dorset 3 H. 6 Williain Monke, 2, of Alfing- ton H. 5 & H. 6 Will'm of Alfington II. 6 Isabell Joane Isauld, ob. Piland, of whom s. p. is descended Brett Robt., 2,=d. & h. of 32 H. 6 Le- & H. 7 worthye John le=Eliz. d. & Monke coh. of Wm 17 E. 4 Grante Sir Tho. Beau- monte THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 191 Elizab. d. & pt. inheritrix=Thomas Monk of=Francis d. of Arthur Plantaginet to Potswell of Strowde Powdrich, s. & h. Vicount Lisley, relict of John in com. Dorset, 2 w. of Anthonie Bassett of Womberleigh, 1 w. Francis, 3, Captaine in the Portingall jorney, hurt at the grine & died at Penechia Anthonie Monke of=Mary, 1, d. of John, 2=d. of Bond Powdridge Esq. Rich. Arscott in com. lieutenant of the Devon Esq. Zenobia Countie of Devon Humphrie, 4, Counsellor=d. of Cafield at the Common Lawe, 1 & niece to ob. in Hibernia, being Sir Tobias a Judge there Cafield Arthur, 3, died at the siege of Ostend anno 1602 Richard, 2, died at Southampton a captaine Anthonie, ob. s. p. Marie & another d. ob. s. p. Christopher, 5, Steward Eliz. Sir Tho. Monke=Eliz., 1, d. of Fran. of Powdridge Sir Geo Smith of Sir Lewis 1620 Made Stukeley worthie nr Kt., ob. Exeter 1620 Jane ) Elinor Mary ) unm. Norrice of Hartland Abbey in com. Devon Esq. Anthony, 11 Thomas Monk George, Nicholas, Arthur, Fran Margaret ? Anthony, 2] S. & h., æt. 2, æt. 3, æt. 104 , æt. 5 cisca, Marys ob. s. p. 14, 1620 æt. 7 ob. s. p. 11 Entered, not signed. More. 6°C ARMs. 1. Sable, three garbs argent, two and one within a bordure gobony or and gules. [MOORE.] 2. Argent, a fess wavy cotised gules. [WATERFORD.] 3. Per pale ermine and gules, a saltire counterchanged. (FITZ STEPHEN.] 4. Vair, and on a chief gules, two mullets or. [FITZ BERNARD.] 5. Gyronny erinine and sable. [BISEID.] 6. Gules, a chief or. [FITZ HENRY.] 7. Gules, a cross argent between four plates. [WELLESLEY.] 8. Or, two bars and a chief indented gules. [MONTAGH.] 9. Per pale gules and azure, three saltires counterchanged. [LANE.] CREST. A demi-lion rampant guardant azure, holding between his feet a garb vert, banded gules. Donenald s. of Dermot=Mabell d. & h. of Reginald Mac Morrough de Waterford А Crescounterchanted guldet ween. 192 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. AL Morrough=Eva d. & coh. of Morris Fitz Stephen Arthur Mac Morrough=Maud d. & coh. of Rob. Fitz Bernard Donenald=Bridget d. of Hugh O Tole Lisagh=Sibell d. & h. of Rog. Biseid Roderick=Eva d. of Patrick 0 Breene Hugh O Mere=Isabell d. & h. of Odo Mac Henrie Morris=Jone d. of Philley Mac Coghland Patrick=Emme d. of Sir Patrick Cantwell Matthew=Suzan d. & coh. of Sir Stephen Wellesley Donald-Avis d. of Sir Charles O'Despsey Charles»Constance only d. of Sir Donald Montaugh Patrick=Alice d. of Sir John Paddoo John Moore came into England=Thomazin d. & coh. of John 1561, died 1591 Lane of Pyncourte John Moore of Broadclist, Elizab. 1 d. & coh. of John a minester Parsy of Pryer Courte William, 1 s., b. 1616 Mary, b. 1612 Elizab. ob. JOHN MORE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 193 Moore. ARMS. Argent, a chevron between three moorcocks sable, crested gules. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Margerie att Moore in pura viduitate mea dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi &c. dat. apud Blackbourne die dominica post festum Scti Lucæ evangelistæ anno regni Regis H. 4 tercio. Omnibus Xti fidelibus &c. Robertus Wolf vecarius de Broadwoodwiger, dat, remittit, relaxat John More de St. Colis More in Com. Devon gent. Dat. aº regni Regis H. 7.7. Robtus More of Moore at Moore in com. Devon=Jane d. of... Carew George, John Moore 8.=d. of Kelly & h., ob. in of Kelly vita patris John, 2, Rob’tus,=Johanna d. of John ob. 8. p. 3 Elford of Shipstor gent. John Moore s. & h. Nicholas,=Cicillia d. & coh. 2, æt. 32 of Francis Moore of Crock in com. Monmth. Esq. John Moore=Gertrude d. & h. of 8. & h. Esq., Jacob Courtney of mt. 38 Upcott Aven, in com. Devon Robert, 3, William,=Francisca d. of George, 5, of Mary, 1=Matthew Edg- ob. s. p. Tho. Mohun of Lincoln's combe of Tavistock gent. Inn Tavistock gobortis, wonian = Grace, 3 Elizab., 4 Suzan, 2, ob. inf. Anne, 5 Alice, 6 Rich. Atwill of Sampford Spiney gent. John Rowe of Tavistock gent. John Brendon of Anthony Morin Wescott in com. of Merton Cornw. gent. gent. JOHN MOORE. NICHO. MOORE. Moring. ARMS. Argent, six martlets sable, 3, 2, and 1. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Thomas de la More dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta confirmavi Thomæ filio Willelmi Bechardon consanguineo meo totam terram meam etc. Dat. apud la More die Veneris proximo post festum Sanctæ Agathæ virginis anno regni regis Edvardi filio regis Edvardi duodecimo. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus de Albemar dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi pro me et heredibus meis Rogero de la More et heredibus suis, et assignavi illum furlingum terræ qui prius de Ricardo de Blake- ford et Blance uxore ejus tenuit in manerio de Whitchurch etc. (sans date). Thomas de la Nore heredibus suis et assignatis in perpetuum totam terram meam 2 c 194 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. de la More dat. die Sancti Mathæi Apostoli, anno regni regis Edvardi tricesimo tertio. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Davi dedi, concessi, et omnino quietum clamavi pro me, heredibus meis, assignatis, Thomæ de la More heredibus suis et assignatis in perpetuum totam terram meam de la More (sans date). Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Johannes at More senior dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Johanni at More, filio meo, omnia messuagia, terras tenementa mea in More, Smythes, Walles, et Norther parkes in Whitchurch etc. Dat. apud More die Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Gregorii papæ anno regni regis H. 5 8. Noverint universi per præsentes quod ego Johannes de la More remisisse, relaxasse, et omnino pro me et heredibus meis et executoribus meis et assignatis in perpetuum quietum clamasse Johanni More juniori totum jus et clameum meum quod habeo, vel habui, vel aliquo modo habere potero in omnibus illis messuagiis, terris et tenementis meis cum suis pertinentiis in Whitchurch et Hardwicke quæ nuper habui ex dono et feoffamento dicti Johannis Moor conjunctim cum Ricardo Dowsell, Phillip Denowe, Rogero Coke, Ricardo Jull etc. Dat. in festo Sancti Augustini anno regni regis H. 6 post conquestum decimo. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Walterus at More dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Johanni at More filio et heredi meo omnia messua- gia, terras, tenementa, reditus, reversiones et servitia mea cum omnibus suis per- tinentiis in Nethermore als. dicto Little Ash in Whitchurch etc. Dat. vicesimo die Martii anno regni regis Henrici 7 vicesimo. Inquisitio apud Exon. 2 Octob. tricesimo quinto H. 8 post mortem Walteri Moring Generosi per sacramentum, qui dicunt quod dictus Walterus obiit seisitus de –, et in duobus messuagiis, centum acris terræ, quadraginta acris pasture, viginti acris prati, ducentis acris jamnarie et bruerie cum pertinentiis in More et Nethermore quæ tenentur de Thoma Tremaine Armigero in Whitchurch. Antho. de la More of Litle Torington=Mary d. of Dowrish Rich. de la More of Litle Torington=Parker d. of Risdon in ... Phill. Jane Alice Rich. Bell. mayn Rich. Lamion Walter Goode Antho. de la More als. Alice d. of Robt Moreinge of Moore | Moore of Towne in com. Devon, | Tavistock æt. 30, 1620 Joane, 1 d. Parker, 2 d. John s. & h., æt. I y., 1620 ANTHONY MORING. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 195 Mortymer als. Tanner. Thos. Mortemer als. Tanner of Witheridge Geo. Mortemer als. Tanner of=Margaret d. of John Force of Crailey in com. Devon Bradninch ----- George Mortemer als. Tanner of Crayley=Edith d. of Rich. Duck of Hevitree Elizabeth, æt. 12 Mary, æt. 2 Samuell Mortemer s. & b., æt. 7, 1620 GEORGE MORTYMER als. TANNER. More. ARMs. Ermine, on a chevron azure three cinquefoils or. CREST. An arm embowed proper holding in the hand a sword proper hilled or. John Moore of Moore Hayes William Moore of Moore Hayes T John Movre of Moore Hayes Moris Moore of Moore Hayes Humphrie Moore of Moore Hayes=Anne d. of Pollard of Nimpton 4 . Sir John Moore of Moore Hayes=Katherin d. of Sir Tho. Pomeroy Humph. Moore of=Mary d. of Rich Bamfield, & sister to Moore Hayes Sir Amias Bamfield yes Cicily d. of Geo. Sneg, one of the-John Moore of Moore-=Mary d. of Rich. Cof- Barons of the Exchequer, 1 w. hayes, living 1620 ffin of Portlinch, 2 w. Richard, 2 Humph., 4 Mary, 1 Dorithy, 3 George s. & b., æt. 18 John, 3 .Amies, 5 Elizab., 2 Ann, 4 196 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. A Thomas, Gawin, 2, of=* Katherin d. of Sam. Cornw. Dowrish Giles, Elizab.=John Berrye of Chittlehampton * Francis of Quethiocke * Peter * Henry, ob. * John of Que=* John d. of Calmady in Cornw. thiocke, 2 of Saltashe S.P. * Katherine JOHN MORE. * Added by Hen. Parker. Moulton. ARMS. 1. Per pale argent and ermine, three bars gules. [MOULTON.] 2. Azure, a bend wavy between two moles argent. [QUICK.] CREST. A cubit arm erected vested gules, cuff ermine, holding in the hand a chaplet of roses of the first leaved vert. Edw. Molton of Plimton=d. & h. of Quick * Robert, 2 Thomas, 4 Jone d. of Rob. William Molton=Joane d. of Snellinge of of Plinton Whichwell Chadelwood of Gidley Henry, 3 Jane Philip =d. & h. of John William Molton=Elizb. d. of Hen. Luskcomb of Molton, Thomas of of Plimton, of Luskcomb in Rotterie in 1 son Columpton living 1620 com. Devon Thomas Phillip John Molton, 1=d. of Co- son, of Colump- pleston ton, living 1620 Edward Molton 8. & h., et. 9, 1620 Elizb. Alexander Frances WILLM. MOULTON. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 197 Happer. ARMS. Argent, a saltire engrailed between four cinquefoils gules. CREST. A demi-antelope salient or, attired azure. Robtus miles Johannes Johannes Nap- Johanna Ricus Nap- Alexander et baronet- Johannes, per als. Sandy filia Johis per, rectorec- Alexander tus, youngest ob sine frater, 1, Robti. Webb da. clesiæ de Lin. Willmus sonne prole Napper mil. et. civitate fond in com. Thomas, ob. baronetti Exonia Buck. sine prole Alexander et Elizabeth, ob sine prole Mattheus Stocker de civitate=Agneta filia Londini mercator et hæres JOHN NAPPER als. SANDY. Newcomb. William Newcomb of Drewsteynton in com. Devon John, William Newcomb=Ann d. of Alexander of Exiter, 1620 Napper of Exiter Clare Grace Ann Mary Marga Eliz. ret un- | Wm Tur- lington William Newcomb of Exiter Bartho- lomew, 2 ma Lante Croft Ger- Rich. Wright man WM. NEWCOMB. Newcourt. ARMS. Sable, a bend ermine between two double-headed eagles displayed or, quarter- ing, sable, a chevron between three arrows, points downwards, argent. [FLOYER.] CREST. A demi-griffin gules guttée d'or, baked of the last. John Newcourt of Pick-=Marie d. of Tho. Parker well in com. Devon of North Moulton A ! 198 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Thomas, John Newcourt=Eliz. d. of Nicho. of Pickwell s. & Duling of Hean- h., ob. 1612 ton Pounchard Philip, 3, of=Mary d. Tiverton, of John living 1620 Tucker Toby New-=Mary d. of Arthur court s. Harris of Hayne & h. Captaine of the Mont John, 2, of=Mary d. of Anthonie George Harris of Marwood ham in Devon. Elizabeth Mary John Newcourt s. & h., et. 11 . John Newcourt s. & h., et. 2 Hester, æt. 4 Jane Mary Mary Elizab. Elizab. : Presilla Preilla Jane Julie Anna virgo Anna -- Tho. Martin Edw. Hext of Wm Stone of Cornw. Philip White of Branton Roger Newcourt, 1 son, æt. 23 Richard, 2 1, Mary 2, Francis JOHN NEWCOURT. PHILLIP NEWCOURT. Newton. Note.-Vert, two bowes in saltire argent, the coat to be seen in the Temple Hall. Wm Newton who came out of Somersetsh.=Grace d. of Philip & dwelt at Crabyton in Devon Sture of Bradley Thomas, 2 William, 3, æt. 27 John Newton of Crabaton=Francis d. & coh. of in com. Devon s. & h., Will. Hawkins of Plimouth . d. of Periam Marie, æt. 10 Judith, æt. 7 Elizab., æt. 5 Will. Newton s. & h., et. ll, 1620 Grace, æt. 9 Philipp., æt. 6 Philippa=John Luke of Kingston Devon Mary, Grace=John Hodich of Corn- worthy Devon unm. JOHN NEWTON. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 199 Northcot. ARMS. Or, a pale bendy of six argent and sable. CREST. A demi-unicorn rampant erased argent, armed and maned or. 1571. ARMS. Three cross crosslets in bend sable. CREST. On a chapeau gules turned up ermine a buck statant argent. 1570. John Northcott • Walter Northcott of Crediton=Elizabeth d. of — Hill Shilston in com. Devon John North-=Elizabeth d. of Tho- cot of | mas Dowrish of Crediton Dowrish Esq. Robert, 2, s. p. Philip,=Julian d. of Tresilian of Tresilian in Corn- wall Ann Elizabeth Richard Honor Walter=Mary d. & h. North- of Edmund cot, 1 s. Drew of Hayne Esq. Robt. Davy 1, Humphry of Devon Selwood 2, Robert Yonge of Colbrooke John Merifield of Crookherne co. Somerset Esq. 1, John Furse of Coryton 2, Will Champneys Esq. Elizabeth d. & h.=Geo. Yard of Churston in Devon Esq. Katherine Emanuel Day of Sandford Susan d. of Sir=John North-=Elizabeth d. of Sir Anthony Rouse Hugh Pollardcot of Yew of Halston co. Cornwall Knt. by of Kingsnymp-ton, 2, son Eliz, d. & h. of Tho. Southcott of ton Knt., 2 & heir Bowey Esq. who m. also the d. & h. wife of Barnhouse in Devon Anthony, ob. 1619 s. p. John Northcot, 1 s., et. 21 Lewis, 2, æt. 19 Edmund, 3, æt. 12 Amias, 4, æt. 7 Francis, 5, æt. 6 Walter, 7, æt. 4 Elizabeth, æt. 16 Gertrude, æt. 9 William, 6, æt. 5 Pollard, 8, æt. 2 Susanna, æt. 12 Dorothy, æt. 11 Frances, æt. 6 Ann, æt. 1 Edm. Amias Benjamin ob. s. p. JO. NORTHCOT. 200 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. . Northleigh. Arms. Argent, a chevron sable between three roses gules. Note.- Argent, a chevron sable between three roses gules. Raymond Norleigh of Norleigh=Jane d. of Carswell in the parish of Ingarley of Carswell Il William ) John Leonard ) ob. s. p. Hugh,=Honor d. of 2, of | Robt Gilbert Ingar of West ley Allington John Norleigh=1, Jane d. of Edm. Parker of Norleigh of North Moulton $. & h., s. p. 2, Blanch d. of Wm Harris of Stoford Esq. Richard s. & h., æt. 18 2, John, æt. 13 3, Hugh, æt. 3 1, Joane 2, Pasco 3, Sara Mary Elizab. Jone Pasco Anne Tho. Sweete of Brixham 1, John Leigh of Churston 2, Martin Hext of Staverton 3, Roger Fortescue of Buckland Filley Simon West- Henrie Honi- lake of Ex. church of Aw- bourne ton Gifford Robt Gil- bert of Churston JOHN NORTHLEIGH. Horthleighe. Robtus de Northleigh ante datum Willms. de Northleigh Rogerus Chapman de Hole in parva Torrington Robtus Northleigh=Roberta f. et h. Ro- de Northleigh : geri Chapman Oliverus f. & h. Thomas Norleigh f. et b. JohannaşJohi f. & h. Rici Henscott AT THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 201 Willms. Norleigh f. & h. Ric’us Nor- leigh, 2 Johannes=Thomas. f. & coh. Henscott Johis Horwood Fich. Henait heres nd. T Thomas Johanna f. et Nor- coh. Joh. Mi- leigh chell & Elizab. uxoris ejus Nich. Henscott ob. s. p. et sic predict. Roberta fuit heres supra dicti Rogeri et terr. ejus descend. Thomæ North- leight et h. Ric’us Norleigh>Margeria Harding de Norleigh de Mathford Johannes Margaret Joanna Raimundus=Ja ia f. Johis Cars- Norleigh well de Hatch in com. Devon Robtus Nor-=Johanna f. Johis Woode leigh, 2 de Hareston Willms. =Nicholoa f. et h. Robti Norleigh Earle de Aishberton Ricus Nor-=Joh. f. & coh. Jobis Michell leigh de Bettlebeare Marca Eglina Hugo Maria Maria Pascha Johanna Johes Nor- leigh f. & h. Griffin Trivett Hen. Drwe Joh. Anna Leigh de Leigh Elizab. Georgius=Alicia f. Greg. Huck- Norleigh more de Buckland Thomazin Anna Martha Robtus Norleigh de Matford=Johanna f. Hen. Tothill de Peamore Henricus primog., æt. 8, 1620 Georgius, 2, æt. 6 Jeffrey, 3, et. 4 Maria, et. 5 Johanna æt. 1 B'd all ROBER NORTHLEIGHE. 2 D 202 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Nutcombe. Omnibus Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ filiis ad quorum noticiam præsentes literæ per- venerint, etc. Noveritis nos unanimi assensu nostro tradidisse, concessisse et præsenti carta confirmaasse pro nobis et successoribus nostris Thome de Not- combe, unum ferlingam terræ et dimidium in Notcombe, etc. His testibus, Johanne de Radington, Roberto Chubbe, Thoma de la Hele, Johe de la Hele, Willelmo de Henlegh et multis aliis. Sanz date. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Thomas de Nuttecombe, dedi, concessi et hac præsenti carta mea indentata confirmavi Johan Atte Heyhen, etc. His testibus, Willo Walrond, Nicho. Okerford, Willo Walsond, jun., Atte Henr., Johe Cruse, Johe St. Clere, Ricardo Attwood, et multis aliis. ^° 9 R. 2. Rich. Nutcombe of Clehanger in com. Devon. John Nutcombe of Nutcombe=Joane d. of Radford John Nutcombe of Nut=Joane d. & coh. of John Foster combe, living 1620 of Luxborowe in com. Somers. Suzan=Jo. Radford of Okeford in com. Devon Thomazine, unm. Nicholas s.=Christian* & h., æt. d. of John 30, 1620 Doble *John Nutcombe of Nutcombe s. g h. JOHN NUTCOMBE. * Later hand. Osmond. ARMs. Sable, a fess dancettée ermine, in chief an eagle displayed argent, a crescent for difference. Thomas Osmond of Stagmill in=d. of Turpin of the parish of Uplomin Ottry St. Mary Edward Osmond s. & b. Agnes d. of Shepheard of Uplowmin Henry Osmond s. & h.=Mary d. of Wm. Salkins of London Anne=John Foxwell late of Exeter Hester=John Foxwell of Combralye Michaell Osmond of Stag-=Dorothy d. of Rich. Garn- mill in com. Devon, 2 sey of Uplowman THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 203 John s. & h. Thomas,=Eliz d. of Phil. Turner of Wag- mill in the parish of Halberton IT Robtus John Osmond Christoph. Christopher Osmond=Mary d. of fil. primog. fil. primog. de civ. John Jacob Michaell æt. 47 d. of John Osmond Ex. at 39 of Tavistock of Uplowman Maria, ob. infantula Maria, 2, æt 7, 1620 Eliz. Nicholas,=Johanna d. of James 2, æt. 30 | Shepheard of Up- lowman James,=Jane d. of Willm 3 Chamb’laine of Halberton unm. Philip fil. pri- mog., æt. 8 Richard, 2, æt. 5 Thomas, 1, æt. 2 2 hl., det. 2 Entered, not signed. Parker. Note.--First granted in anno 1547 to the fauther charged with 4 phcons. Edmond Parker of Northmolton Esq.=Dorothy d. of Sir Clement Smith of Essex Jane John Norleigh of Norleigh John Parker=Francis d. of Jenonimy of North- Mahow of Burringdon inolton Esq. in com. Devon Eliza-=Walter beth Harle- win Thomas, 2,æt. 26 Edmond Parker of North-=Amia sister to Sir Edw. John, 3, Anne, molton Esq., æt. 27 Seymor Bart. æt. 2 ob. s. p. 3, ramone, st. 7 s, when 2, Edmond, æt. 7 3, John, æt. 6 4, Willm, æt. 5 5, Henry, æt. 2 1, Elizab., æt. 4 2, Amy, æt. 1 Edward Parker s. & h., et. 8 EDM. PARKER. 204 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Added by a later hand. ARMS. Sable, a buck's head cabossed argent between two flaunches of the last, quar- tering, vert, three horses courant argent, bridled or. (FRY.T CREST. An arm erect vested azure, cuff argent, hand proper, holding a stag's horn gules. Thomas Parker of North-=Eliz. d. & h. of John Frye of molton in com. Devon Fryhall in com. Devon 1 w.=William Parker, 2, of Hoberton Devon of Shordich=Dorothy d. of Muttlebury in the par. of Taunton in Somers. in com. Som., 2 w. Willmot Elizabeth III Nicholas, 1 Maudlin Joane III John, 5 Henry= Parker of Cur- rey Benedick, 2 Hugh, 6 Bennet of Kingston in Šom. George Withers Trow- in com. bridge Som. of Culli- ton in com. Devon William, 3 Edward, 7 Peter, 4 Robert, 8 Grace Mary=1, John Hext of Pridinwell in com. Devon 2, John New- court John Parker, Eliz. d. 8 h. of Tho. Agnes-Edmond Ma- 1 s., of Ellicott of Braton thew of Dod- Northmolton | Oloville in com. Devon broke in com. Esq. Devon gent. Agnes Elizabeth Mary=Anthony Co- plestone of Wike Esq. Dorothy=Tho. Clotwor. thy in com. D. gent. (Edmond Parker) v. inf. Alice Phillip THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 205 PARKER. (Arms drawn in corner.) Pedigree in the handwriting of Hen. Parker, the then possessor of the MS. Robert Blake of Stonway William Parker, 2 s. of Tho. of=Dorothy d of Muttlebury Hoberton in com. Devon and of Jordaine in com. Som. of Shordich in com. Som in the 2 w. par. of Taunton Robert Blake of Stonway in com. Som. Nicholas Par-=d. of Withers Benedick Par-=Elianora d. of ker of Lon- of London, ker of Ilsing- Moore of don, attorney salter ton, Devon, West Moun- a divine, 2 ton in Som. Joane d. of=William Par-=Edith d. of Peter Par-=Elizab. d. of Westcott ker of Bred- Clare of ker, 4, of Bozeth of of Mos- | porte in com. Bredport, Truro, a Cornw., relict trome, 2 w. Dorset, 3 son| 1 w. divine of Cooke son 1 son and — daughters John Parker=Alice d. of Geo. Matthew=a wi- Katherin Roger Par-=-Joane d. of William=Katherine Robert=Edith d. of Holloway | Shattock of Hol. of Exi dow & divers ker of Mos- Bennet of Parker d. of Parker, of Ben- an attorney, loway by the d. ter, ob. other trom, 2 Buckam of Ashe, Straw. 4, of net & drowned in 1 of Tho. Hut S. p. children 3 s. bridge of Mosk. sister of the sea chins of Hollo- Broadwind- rom Jonne way sor in com. Dorset John Mary Roger, 1 William, 2 Joane & 4 other d. William, 1 Robert, 2 Peter, 3 Dorothy Katherine Jonne AB 206 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. AB John Parker of Allington in=Anne d. of Jordaine of com. Dorset, 1 son Allington Mary=John Metford of Crockhorne in com. Som. John only s. & b. Anne Mary Francis Edith John Parker, 5,=Margaret d. Hugh Parker of=Mary only d. of Tho. Edward Parker, Robert Parker,Grace d. of Grace=Geo. of Truro, of Hidnam Shordich, Som., Hutchings of Holway 7 s., ob. æt. 26 8 s., of Taunton, Huish of Cott- merchant I of Cornw. 6 s... ob. in com. Som. s. p. living 1642 | Aleworth rell 1627, bur. in Som. in middle aisle John only son of St. Mary Maudlin, Hugh William Parker Mary= Richard Cottrell, a Taunton Grace of Ireland divine, ob. s. p. ob. s. p. William, 6 Richard, 7 Thomas Par-=Mary d. & h. ker of Lon- of Humphry don, 1 s. Northall of London William, 2, ob. æt. 14 Hugh Parker of London, mercer, 3 s. & h.to his father Henry Parker of=Marg. 1 d. London, 4 s., of John possessor hujus | White of London libri Til Thomas, 1 Elizabeth, 1 Henry, Hugh, 2, ob. æt. 15 Laurence, ob, æt. 3 Matthew Hugh Margaret, 1 Anne, 2 Elizabeth, 3 Mary, 4 John, 2 Margaret, 2 Edward, 3 John, ob. æt. 10 Mary, 1=John Longland Dorothy, 2=Thomas Pace of London Elizabeth, 3 Grace Mary Anne Thomas ob. Mary TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 207 Passmere. Arms. Or, a fess between three escutcheons gules, each charged with a bend vair between two cinquefoils of the first, the whole within a bordure azure bezantee a crescent for difference. CREST. A semi sea-dog azure, finned argent. John Passmere of Passmerehayes=Cecily d. & h. of Segman of & of Swetton in com. Devon Swetton in com. Devon Fortune Dennis Passmere=Cecily d. of George Passmere=Joane d. of Grace of Passemere Edward of Halberton & Rich. Gar- = hayes and of Ford of Exeter, 2 son land of Swetton in com. Plimtree in Marwood Devon Devon in Devon Edward, 1 Ann John Passmere, George Passmere,=Rebecca d. of 2, son & heir, of Hen. Ellys of Exeter, 1620 Exiter John, 2 George Pass- John, 2, Thomas, 3, Honor, 1 Dorothy, 2 Rebecca, mere s. & h., æt. 6, æt. 2, d., ct. 14, d, et. 12, 3 d., et. 5, æt. 11, 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 Justinian Cecily Frances Margaret John Narrowcot of Filley in Cornw. Henry Haskin of Trigney in Cornw. Richard Peirse of Gerandes in Corn. GEORGE PASSMERE. 208 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Passmere. Passmere of Passmerehayes n'r Tiverton Robert Passmere of Passmerehayes Will'm Passmere of Swetton=Cicell d. & b. of Seyman of Swetton John Passmere of Passmerehayes=Jane d. of James Stile of Tiverton John Passmere, 1 son Agnes Jone=Humphry Spur William Pasmere=Agnes d. of way of Ashbock- of Passmere John Che- ley in co. hayes, 1620 riton of Somerset Heniock John Goodwin of Hocworthy Katherine DennisCicelley d. 2, Thomas 4, James Pass- of Edw. Thomas Good- mere of Ford of 3, Peter 5, George win of Hock- Pass- Plimtree worthy mere- hayes CY Čle- Henry,=Mary d. of Je- Humphry, Christo-=Ida d. of Rich ment, 3 remy Helyard 5, æt. 23 pher, 4, | Mathew of of Exeter æt. 27 Cadbare æt. 30 John Pas-=Elizab. d. of Katherine, Jane, 2, Edward Anne mere, 1 John Berrie 1 d., æt. d., æt. Pass- son, æt. 40 of Darver. 30 23 mere ton 8. & h. 2, Henry, John, 2, Alexander, Eliza, Jane, 1 son, æt. 4 3, æt. 2 beth, 1 d., æt. 8 et. 3 et. 6 11 Thoma- Margaret, John Pasmere, William, Richard, 1, Joan, æt. 16 zine, 2, 3 d., æt. 1 son, æt. 18 2, æt. 6 3, æt. 2 d., et. 4 2 2, Elizabeth,æt.4 3, Richard, æt. 6 m. Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 209 Pearse. Nicholas Pearse of=d. of Smith of Bickington Plimton Mary | in coin. Devon John,= Katherine 2, s.p. Wm Count ney of Sal. combe Jane Phi-=d. of Richard Pearse=Grace d. of lip,- Bray of Plimton John Cock Stenhen Sow. 3 of Mary. ob. of Camble- ton of Mary Cornw. 1608 ford in Cornw. Tavy Nicholas Pearse of Plim-=Presilla d. of Richard, William, ton Mary, superstes John Blake æt. 18 æt. 12 1620, æt. 24 of Plimstock Jané, unm'd Richard Perse s. & h., æt. 4 Grace only d., æt. 6 Walter, 4, unm'd Jone=Walter Trowt of Tavistock NICH. PEARSE. Peter. ARMs. Gules, between two escallops argent, a bend or charged with a Cornish chough proper between two cinquefoils azure. CREST. Two lions' heads erased and endorsed, the first or, the second azure gorged with a plain collar counterchanged. Otho Peter of Bowhey in com. Devon=Frances d. of Tho. Southcot. John Peter of Bowhey in com. Devon, living 1620, æt. 42 Elizabeth=William Keymer of Somersetshire HUMFRIE GEARE. 2 E 210 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Peter. Otho Peter of Bowhay in com. Devon I John Peter of Bowhaye=d. of Hurst of Oxon in Devon Otho Peter of Bohaye=Fran. d. of Tho. Southcote of Bovytracye John Peter of Bowhaye, living 1620 Elizab.=1, James Dawbny of Wayford 2, Wm Keymer of of Penndoiner in Som. Entered, not signed. Phillips. d. & h. of Wolgarne=Thomas Phillips of Lenest=Elizabeth d. in Corn. of Hawkes Robert Phillips S. & h. Phillip d. of Matt.=Wm Phillips of Alwd-=Anne d. of Henry Bellew Mountjoy, 1 wife iscott in Devon, 3 son, of Stokley Inglisb, gent. living 1620 deca, 2 wife Gabriell Phillips s. & h. Joane d. & h. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Pincomb. John Bincomb of Southmolton John Bincomb of>Amy. d. of Rich Dodridge of Barstaple Southmolton and sister of Judg Dodridge John Pincomb of South Molton, and Barrister of the Middle Temple, living 1620 Not marked as entered and not signed. ---- -- THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 211 Plumleigh. ARMS. Ermine, a bend fusilly gules. CREST. An arm embowed vested gules, cuffed argent, holding in the hand a dart of the first barbed of the second. 2, Ann d. of John=John Plumley of Dartmouth=1, d. of Eastchurch of Chudley F'oscue of Vallopit Stephen, 1? Barbara d. of=John, 2, natus=Mary d. of Nich. Martin of Eyve, 1 wife Dartmouth Exeter, relict of Ellicott, 2 wife Richard s. = Eliz. d. of Wm George, Anne=Nich. Ford younger son Barbara & h., æt. 24 Nuthrowne 2, æt. 19 of John Ford of Ford æt. 16 Tho- =Eliz. d. of Robt Wm Plumley,=Joane d. of Robt Plum-=Eliz. d. of mas, 2 of Shapley of 1 son, of Allen Page ley, 3 Tho. Seyre of Dartmouth of Totnes Dartmouth Thomas, John, 1,=d. of John Steourt of Corn- of Bradley in com. wall Devon Willm Plumley of=Jone d. of Tho. Dartmouth, 1 son Spurway of Ex- minster John Plumley, 1 son, æt. 14 relay plumes, 2 George, 2, æt. 5 1, Anne, æt. 18 2, Sabian, æt. 10 3, Margaret, æt. 8 John Plumbley maior elect of Dartınouth=Margaret d. Evan? Towse of Dartmouth Thomas, 1 John, 2 Anthonie WILL. PLUMLEIGH. 212 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Pole. ARMS. 1. Azure, semée of fleurs-de-lys and a lion rampant argent. [Pole.] 2. Argent, a cheoron between three bucks' heads cabossed gules. [BEARTON.] 3. Gules, three cocks argent. [CAPENIIURST.] 4. Or, a buck's head cabossed gules. [POLE.] 5. Barry, argent and azure. [ANGY.] 6. Sable, a maunch or and a label of three points. [MONTBÉRY.] 7. Argent, three saltires sable. [ANIDON.] 8. Argent, a saltire gules within a bordure of the same bezantée. [DE LA MARE.] 9. Argent, a fess sable between three of the same. [OKEBEARE.] 10. Sable, six mullets argent and a label three points. [BONVILLE.] 11. Sable, a tree erased or. (DE LA FORD.] 12. Argent, on a chief indented sable three crosses filchée or. (ORWEY.] 13. Argent, two chevrons sable. [ESSE.] 14. Ermine, three bars azure. [OFWELL.] 15. drgent, a lion rampant gules. [HAVERING.) 16. Gules, a chevron engrailed between three leopards' faces or. (PERIAM.] 17. Argent, a chevron azure between three pears pendent gules. [BRANCH.] 18. Argent, two bars wavy between three billets sable. [HONE.] Dn's Will's de Pola Dn's Nicholaus de Pola Dn's Nicholaus de Pola Mauricius de Pola=D'na Dionisia Willms. Pull de Pull in com. Cestr. Dn’s Willm's de Pola Walterus de Pola=Alicia f. & h. Radi de Ango Reginald Pull de Pull= ARMS. B. lion rampant argent, semée lis or. D’na Jo-=Guydo de D'na Hawisia=Will. de la hanna Brian Ponday D'na Ma-=Tho. de Ci- Radus de=Agatha coh. tilda rencester Pola Roger de Daldich Robtus=Eliz. f. Pull | Hugonis de Raby Pull Robtus de Orwey Stefanus de Ufwell FŤ Walterus Matild. f. Ricardus=Agneta f. Henricus de Pole et b. de Mem- | & h. de la Rici de brey Robti de Ford la Mare Evedon в | D Gervasius de Ufwell=Alicia Willms de Orwey E T . THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 213 B1 : · D1 Cl E: A Retrofi & Henriens de la Ford Henricus de la Ford Jacobus Pull de Pull in Wirrall, ob. 1 E. 1 Johes de la Pole-Agneta f. & Note.-Or, bucke's / h. Rici de hed caboshed / Mem. gules. brey Thomas de Orwey Robtus de Margeria Ufwell, ob. s. p. Henr. de Willms de Orwey Esse Alexander Bon-=Hawisia f. & h. vile, 2 f., D'ni Henrici de la Bonvile Forde Thomas de la Pole Reginald Pull de Pull John de=Juliana coh. Gervasa=Will. de Orwey Robti de coh. Parco Offwell Nic'us-Bonvile at Ford=Editha Joh’es Pull de Pull Philippus deņIsab. f. & coh. Okebere Nich. Bonvile Robt. de Orwey= Thomas de Orwey de Orwey Robt. Pull of Pull Joh'es de la Pole Ricus de Okebere-Elizab. f. & h. Robti de Orwey Ric'us Havering John Pull de Pull in com. Cestr. Johanna f. & Tho. Capenherst Joh’es de=Elizab. f. & h. Rici la Pole de Okebere Johes Havering=Alicia secunda nupta mil. Joh'i Pull - Ricus Willms Tho. Pull de Alicia relict>John Pull,=f. Arthuri Pole, miles Joh. Ha- 2 Manwar- fil. primog. vering ing John at Pole=Elizab. f. & h.=Johes Phey, Note.—Buck's Jobis Haver- | 1, vir hed gules. Jacobus ing Arthur Pole=Elizab. f. & h. Arms. B. lion rampant argent, semée lis or. Joh'es Phey qui habuit exitu'. Joh’em qui ob. s. p. - John Pole f. & b. Johanna f. Rici Code de Gidleigh G 214 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Q1 Johanna f. & b. Robti Counti=John Pole=Editha f. Ros Titherleigh de Titherleigh Willms Periam Rob. Hone of Otterie St. Mary 1 7 Thomas Pole Willms Pole-Agneta f. Joh'es Drake Elinor=Wm Horsey Johes Periam=Margareta f. & coh. Rob. Hone de Ottrie St. Mary Anna Grace Mary Willms.=Kath. f. Joh’es Pole Popham de Huntworth Thomazin = John Hackwell Willms. Periam=Agneta fil. Joh’is mil. Capitalis Parker de North- Baro Sac- molton in com. carii Devon Tho. Brough- ton Ric. Sel- wood John Sweete John=Eliz. f. Reg. Pri- deaux Elizab. Roger How=Jana f. Will.=Willms. Pole de Col->Maria f. & de Lon- Simmes de combe in com. coh. Willmi don Chard Devon, miles, Periam, ux. superstes 1620 Rob. Basset de Umberley Jane=1, Tho. Anna MariaJana=Walt. Poyns = Yonge de 2, Tho. Willm. Ric. Rey Upton Docwen Hilion nell Joh’es Pole de Shewte in com. Devon arn. Elizab. unica f. Rogeri How Willms. fil. primog. Courtney, 2 Martha, 1 Elizab., 2 Entered, not signed. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 215 · Pollarde. ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron sable, charged with a mullet for difference, between three escallops gules. (POLLARD.] 2. Argent, a chevron sable between three mullets gules. (DAVIE OR BAREN.] 3. A crescent between three mullets. [HANFFORD.] 4. Argent, three eagles displayed gules. [DODESCOMBE.] 5. Argent, a chevron between three hunting horns sable. [CORNEW.] 6. Argent, a chevron between three hearts sable. [BARON.] 7. Argent, on a fess azure a lion passant or. [PASSEBURIE.] 8. As 1. CREST. A stag trippant argent, attired or. John Pollard of Wey als=Emne d. of Sir John Harwood Doddiscomb Richard,= Thomazine d. Walter Pol. Roger Pol-=Elinor d. & coh, of of Crule lard, 1 s. lard, 3 Hansford & Passburye William Pol-=widow of John lard Borye Walter Cicilie=Rich. Spencer Patrick Pollard=Margerie d. of Wm Burye John, 1 Nicho., 3 George Pollard, 2=Thomazin d. of Coplestone Richard Pollard of Langley, living 1620=Mary d. of Reg. Molsford Thomazin Mary Dorithie Agness John Slawley Hugh Han- s.p. ford Richard Pollard=Joane d. of John s. & h., living Phillip of 1620 Plimouth Richard, 3 Tristram, 5 John, 2 Mary, 1 Jane, 3 George 8. & h., æt. 14 Ezekias, 4 Thomas, 6 Suzan, 2 Suzan, 4 Cicilia, 5 RICHARD POLLARDE. 210 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Pollerfen, Arms. Quarterly, argent and azure, in the 1st and 4th a lion rampant gules. John Pollexfen of Ketley in com. Devon=d. of Speckett John Pollexfen of Ketley Esq.,=d. & h. of Stretchley of now living 1620 Maddecombe in com. Devon John Pollexfen s. & h.,=Cicilia d. of John Harrys of Radford living 1620 in com. Devon Esq. John, s. & h., et. 1 Entered, not signed. Pomeroye. ARMS. Or, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed gules. CREST. A lion séjeant or, holding in the dexter fore-paw an apple vert. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus Hywish dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti carta indentata confirmavi Johanni de Pomeray militi maneria mea de Tremothewet, Menely, Rathawill et quartam partem manerii de Trurii etc. in cujus rei testimonium tam sigillum predicti Willelmi Hewesh quam sigillum predicti Johannis cartis indentatis alternatim sunt apposita, his testibus Johanne de Bemont, Willelmo Bonvell, Warino larchdeacon, Willelmo de Bikberie, militibus, Jacobo de Chuddele, Nicholao de Kirkham, Johanne de Ferrers et aliis. Dat. apud Hywish 14 die mensis Maii anno regni regis E. 3. post conquestum quinquagesimo. (Seal with the ancient coat of Pomeray, with helme & crest and two supporters being two shovellers.) Edwardus Dei Gratia, Rex Augliæ, Dux Hibernia et Dux Aquitaniæ omnibus ad quos præsentes literæ pervenerint salutem. Sciatis quod cum Henricus de Pomeray miles, consanguineus et unus heredum Rogeri de Valletorta remiserit, et omnino pro se et heredibus suis in perpetuum quietum clamaverit dilecto filio meo Edvardo Duci Cornubiæ et Comiti Cestrensi, et heredibus suis totum jus et clameum etc. in cujus rei testimonium has literas novas fieri fecimus patentes teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium quintodecimo die Februarii anno regni nostri undecimo. Sir Thomas Pomeroy de Bery=Jane d. Sir Piers Edgcomb Pomeroy miles of Mount Edgcomb Tho. Pomeroy of Bingley in=Honor d. of John Roll com. Devon Esq. of Stephenson Esq. - - - THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 217 John Edmund,=d. of Peri- Valintine Pomeroy of Sand-=Jane d. of Sir Tho. eridge in com. Devon, living | Reynall of Ogwell 1620, Esq. | Knt. Lettice, 1 d., æt. 5, 1620 Jane, 2 d., æt. 3 VALENTINE POMEROYE. Popham. ARMS. Argent, on a chief gules a bezant between two bucks' heads cabossed or, a martlet in fess for difference. John Popham of Porloge=d. of Genge of Dorsetsh. Walter Popham of Porloge=Agnes d. of Hatch of Aller in Moulton Walt. Popham of Por-=Elizb. d. of Berrie of Berienerber loge of Somersets. in com. Devon Rich. Popbam of Linton=Jane d. of Hugh Osbarne of in com. Devon Idsley in com. Devon Hugh Popham s. & h., æt. 21, 1620 . RICHARD POPHAM. Pote. ARMS. Azure, a chevron engrailed cotised argent, between three doves of the second. Sciant per præsens quod ego Margareta quæ fui uxor Ricardi Pomeroy in pura viduitate mea dedi, concessi Willelmo Pote filio meo et de corporibus dicti Willelmi Johannæ filiæ Ricardi Churidon legitime exiuntibus in perpetuum totam terram meam in Goddecott in manerio de Clauton, habend. etc. in perpetuum, reddendo mihi an- nuatim omnibus diebus vitæ mei sex solidos. In cujus rei testimonium. His testi- bus Waltero Blackdon, Rogero Allen, Waltero Pedelude, Rogero Churidon, et aliis. Dat. apud Clawton in die Veneris in festo Sanctæ Caterinæ virginis, octavo Ricardi secundi. 2 F 218 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. John Pote als. Clawton=d. of Upcott de com. Devon of Ogbeare Note.—Argent, a chevron between three boares passant sable, three roses of the first. Robert, 2, ob. s. p. Richard, æt. 74 John Pote=Charitie d. of Tho. Browne of Clawton, of Brownes Illers, s. & h. to 1 son Sir Tho. Browne John, 4, ob. s. p. Richard, H 1 son Ann d. of Tho.' =Leonard Pote=Willmot d. of Hugh Gifford Kemp of Blis- s. & h. 1 of Wey by Jone sister of Rich. land in Cornwall, Bampfield and aunt to Sir 3d wife d. of Wootton | Amias Bampfield John Pote s. & h.=Richard d. & h. of Tho Downe of æt. 29 Davidston 2, Thomas, æt. 24 3, Roger, æt. 22 Charitie only d., 1 year old in Jan. LEO. POTE. Note.—The 2 wife of Leonard Pote was Lettice d. of Wotton of Ingleborne. Potter. ARMs. Sable, a fess ermine between thrle cinquefoils argent. George Potter of Broadhembury, Devon=Gertrud d. of John Cole of Collumpton Thomas, 2, ob. s. p. Tobias Potter of=Suzan d. of Hugh Osburne of Iddersley, 1 Iddesley Elias, 3 Il John, Thomas, George, Hugh Potter Gertrude, Johanna, æt. 12 Dorothy, æt. 7 4, et. 3, et. 18 2, et. 2 3. & h., et. 23 et. 13 16 1620 Elizabeth, æt. 9 Maria, æt. 5 HUGH POTTER. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 21.9 Poyntingdon. ARMS. Argent, a bend gules between six fleurs-de-lys vert, quartering, ermine, on a chevron azure three pellets or between three leopards' faces azure. [HENGSCOTT.] Thomas Poyntingdon of Pennicott-Elizabeth d, of William Sunart s. & h. of William of Bampton 1 Richard, Nicholas Poynt-=Joan d. of Willm ingdon s. & ħ. | Whichalse of Chudley Thomas,= Agnes d. of Lee' and relict of Shepland Elizabeth Thomas Poynting- Katherine Marie don of Pennicott in William the p. of Shobrook George Lethebridge 1, John Newcome of Robins of Hon- 8. & h., æt. 33 of Jacobstowe in Kerton iton 1620 com. Devon 2, William Yelland Ann Dorothy, Katherine=Will. Es- Mary, 3 d. 1 d. worthy of Sherbrook Apollonia, 4 d. Grace, John, 1 s., died unm Sandford THOMAS POYNTINGDON. Predieur-Herle. Pagan Predieux was Lord of Predieux in the conquest time Phillip, 2 Ric. Predieux Lord of Predieux died 1122, in the time of H. 1 · Baldwyn Predieux Lord of Predieux, d. 1165 Nicholas Predieux Lord of Predieux, d. 1169 Richard Predieux Lord of Predieux Richard Predieux Lord of Predieux, d. 1250 Baldwin Predieux Lord of Predieux A 220 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Thomas Predieux Kt., Lord of Predieux.=Jane d. of Phillip Bodrygan Godfrie, Robert Predieux Lord of Predieux, & granted to the Monastery of Trewardelth certaine lands in frank almen Jeffrie Predieux Lord of Predieux Roger Predieux Lord of Predieux=Alice d. of Sir Rob. Podysford Kt. Rich Predieux Lord of Predieux, d. 3 E. 3=Cicile d. of Olles de Rupe als. Roche Rich, Predieux Lord of>Agnes d. of Raphe Bevill Lord Predieux, d. 19 E. 3 of Trevirkin · Rich. Predieux Lord of Predieux, d. 48 E. 3=Jane d. of... Rich. Predieux Lord of=Margerie d. of John Collan Predieux, d. 11 R. 2 ye Lord of Collan Jane d. & h. of Rich. Predieux=Phillip Arvas Rich. Aryas Lord of Predieux=Jane d. of Rich. Metherosse Jane d. & h., ward to Sir John Thomas Herle, 2 son of John Herle of West Herle of Trelawen the elder Kt., | Herle in com. Northumb. of which house the and by him mard to said Sir John Herle was descended John Herle Lord of Predieux=Elizb. d. & h. of John Salter John Herle Lord of=Margerie d. & h. of Wm Forburaye Esq. & of Jane his w., Predieux | d. & h. of Thomas Ashelden Nicholas Herle Lord=Elizb. d. & coh. of Nicho. Carminowe & of Predieux Katherine his wife Tho. Herle now living=Genopheff d. of Sir Hugh 'Trevanion Kt.. Hugh Edward Nicholas William John Sibell Mary Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 221 Predeaur. Tho. Predieux of Ashbourton in com. Devon John Predieux, 1 son, serjiant at Lawe Robert Predieux==Ann d. of John Ridgway of Ashbourton of Torr in com. Devon John, 1 Robert, Tho. Predieux,=Agnes d. of Wal- Elizab.=Rich. Dolbeare of 2, of Totnes, ter Kellan of Ashbourton George, 3 living 1620 Totnes Tho- mas, John Predieux s. & h., t. 21. 1620 Agnes=John Bra- ken Elizb.=John Deunes Mary Suzan Fox- worthie Anne THO. PREDEAUX. Preston. ARMS. Argent, two bars and a canton gules, on the latter a cinquefoil argent. Sir Jo. Preston Knight · Rich. Preston Justice in H. 5 time=d. of Midleton of Midleton Hall Tho. Preston=d. of Redmayne of Troysenden in com. York Lawrence, 2 John Preston=d. of Redmayn of Horwood in com. Ebor. Tho. Preston=d. of Wm Thorburie Christ. Jane Kath. Eliz. Anne Ellin Dorithie = Travers John=d. of Sir Press Christ. ton | Curwen George Campe- Carw lowe Sergiant at Lawe Can- ffield Banes. Lord ter Mont- . eagle Thomas, 18. Tho. Preston of Cocke=Mary d. of Rog. Tye- ram in Lancash., 2 her of Cokeram Nicho- las, 3 Marga- ret William, 1 s. Roger Preston of Upa-=Alice d. of William Pery of trey in Devon Membery in Devon A 222 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Thomas, 1 s., ob. s. p. Hen. Preston of Upa-=Elizb. d. of Wm Hancock trie, living 1620 of Combmartin Henrie, 2, P. 24 William, 3, et. 22 Roger Pres- ton s. & h., æt. 30, 1620 Alice Christian Elizab. unmd. Nich. Dotting of Wm Mar- Thorstone in com. Devon HENRY PRESTON. tin Preston. ARMS. Azure, ten bezants, 4, 3, 2, and 1, on a chief argent two lions passant, counter- passant sable. John Preston of Crekock of Somersetsh.=d. of Dawbney Christopher S. & h. John, 2, of Up Au-=Margaret d. of John Eveleighe Sir Amias' trie, living 1620 of Autrie St. Mary Esq. Preston, 3 Entered, not signed. Prestwoode. ARMS. Sable, a lion rampant between two flaunches or. CREST. A griffin's head sable, with wings endorsed or, pelletée. Tho. Prestwood of the Mary d. of Wm Strowde of New- cittie of Exit. ingha. in com. Devon Esq. Geo, Prestwood s. & h. of Westcomb=Julian d. of Nicho. in com. Devon Esq., living 1620 Martin of Exiter George, Tho. Prestwood s. & h., et. 29, 1620 Julian Mary=Rich. Cabell of Brooke. unm. Tho. Prestwood of Tot-=Mary d. of Nicho. Good- Mary=Rich. Tre- Katherine nes, 2 son, living 1620 ridg of Totnes in Devon vanion unmd Mary, 1 d., et. 16, 1620 G. PRESTWOODE. Tho. Prestwood, 8. & h., et. 13, 1620 Suzan, 2 d., æt. 10, 1620 THO. PRESTWOODE. - THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 223 Prouz, ARMS. 1. Sable, three lions rampant argent. [PROUSE.] 2. Or, a lion rampant azure. [REDVERS.] 3. Gules, four fusils in fess ermine. [DYNAAM.] 4. Or, on a bend sable three horseshoes argent. [FERRERS.] 5. Argent, a bend gules, and on a chief vert two cinquefoils of the first. [WADECOTE.] 6. Azure, a bend per bend indented or and gules between six escallops of the second. [CRUWYS.]. 7. Argent, a bar dancettée gules, in chief two martlets sable. [NORTON.] 8. Azure, a fess argent between three pears pendent or.. [ORCHARD.] 9. Argent, a bull passant within a bordure sable bezantée. [COLE.] 10. Per chevron gules and sable, two shovellers argent, in chief and in base a fish naiant or. (COBBE.] . John Prouz of=Margaret d. of John Southcote of Indeha Chagford Esq. in the parish of Bovytracy 2 , Dorothy 1, Mary Thomazine John Prouz=Phillip d. of John of Chagford Harris of Lan- s. & h. trest in Cornw. Paso Black more James Carey Wm Harding of of Clovelly Combmartyn Nicho- Humfry Prouz-Catherine, 1, Margaret 2, Philip 3, Catherine Ann las, 2 of Chagford, d. of Tris- unmd living 1620 tram Ars. Wm New- John Robt Rogers cott of comb of Worth of of Swansey Annery Drewsteign- Barstable ton Tristram Prouz ouz John, 2 Humfry, 3 Elizabeth, 1 Catheryne, 2 Philip, 3 s. & h., et. 13 HUM. PROUZ. Prouse. ARMs. Ermines, three lions rampant argent. CREST. An ibex séjant or, armed, maned and tufled argent. 1589. Richord d. of Vincent=Richard Prouze=Ann d. of Vaughan, of Exeter, 1 wife Mayor of Exeter 2 wife William, 2 Philip, 3 Mary Wilmot Dorothy d. of Sir Ro. Margaret d. of bert Strowd Knt. Bule of Cornwall Edward Harte of Exeter Thomas Dowrish of Heath Barton A 224 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Judith d. of Eustace Oliver=John Prouze Mayor=Grace d. of Willm Chappell of of Exiter, 1 wife of Exeter, 1620 Exeter, 2 wife, no issue : Richard Prouze=Honor d. of Nicholas Turberville 8. & h. of Kirton in com. Devon Judith=Nicholas Spicer of Exeter John Prouze 8. & h., æt. 8, 1620 Sarah, 1 d. Mary, 2 d. JO. PROUSE. Prowse, ARMs. Sable, three lions rampant argent. Note.This Prowse saith that he descended out of the house of Prowse of Chagford. Prowse of ... John Prowse of=d. & h. of White Tiverton of Tiverton Robert Prowse=d. of Tucker of Tiverton Robert, 2,=Jone d. of of Barne- Nich. Wi- stable challes of Barnstable John Prowse=d. & h. of of Tiverton Colleck of $. & h. Tiverton Richard Prowse=d. of of Tiverton, Com'en living 1620 of Tiver- ton Humfry Prowse of=Grace d. of Wm Barnestable, Legg of Lime living 1620 Richard Prowse=1 d. & coh. of Staple- of Tiverton hill of Bremble in the par. of Ashton Regis Robert s. & h., æt. 2, 1620 Richard, 2 George, 3 John Prowse of Tiver-= ton, æt. 25, 1620 Robert, 1 George, 4 Richard, 1, d. unm. Jone, 2 Richard, 2 John, 5 Ellinor, 3 Thomas, 3 Edward, 6 HUMFRIE PROWSE. JOHN PROWSE. RIC. PROWSE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 225 Prust. Oliverus de Dynam temp. Reg. Johannis aº 1199 dedit Osberto filio Ricardi pro homagio et servicio suo duos furling, terræ in Gorven. Johannes Holman de Gorfen dedit et concessit Thomæ filio suo omnia mes- suagia terras et tenementa sua in Gorfen. Dat. anno regni regis Ricardi 2 decimo nono. Petrus Cobin et Tho. Judd dederunt et concesserunt et per cartam suam con- firmaverunt Johannæ nuper uxori Tho. Holman omnia messuagia, terras et tene- menta sua cum pertenentiis in Gorfen quæ nuper habuerunt de dono et feoffa- mento Tho. Holman, habend. et tenend. omnia predicta messuagia prefatæ Johanna ad terminum vitæ suæ remanen. Agnete filie eorum Tho. et Johanne et heredibus suis in perpetuum. Dat. apud Gorfen nono Octob. quarto H. 6. Robertus Prust per cartam suam dat. 11 die Feb. 15 H. 6 dedit omnia mes- suagia sua in Southole in hund. de Hartland Johanni Prust filio juniori dict. Roberti et heredibus de corpore predicti Johannis junioris remanere Johanni Prust seniori filio suo dicti Roberti et heredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus, rema- nere Balwino Prust 2 filio dicti Roberti et heredibus de corpore suo procreatis remanere Johanni Prust de Gorven et heredibus suis in perpetuum. Osbert John Prust de Gorven John Prust John Prust 11 H. 4, 1420 John Prust temp.=Agnes d. & h. of H. 64 Tho. Holman Robt Prust=Alicia 15 H. 6 John Prust John Prust s. & h. Baldwin, 2 Peter Prust John Prust Abbot of Hartland temp. H. 7 & H. 8 John Prust Isabell d. & coh. of John Drwe dau.–Smith of Tre- dau. Lawrence, Agnes d. of=Hugh Prust=d. of John gonnon Esq. 2 John Wood | 18 H. 8 Newcourt Hender Esq., 1 w. Esq. 2 226 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. al - - - Jane Johanna Anne d. of John=Hugh Prust-Martha d. & coh. of Carnsew gent., s. & h. John Anderton of 2 w. Anderton in Cornw. Esq. 26 Eliz., 1 w. John 1, Tho. Staple- Hona. ton cott 2, Barth. Berry Esq. III John - Ozias Grace Radagon Digorie, 2 unm. Arthur Stephen, 3 Holman Carnsew Phillip, 2 Hugh Prest=Anne d. of of Gorven Fran. Cary S. & h. of Alving- ton of Clo- vellie House Rob., 3 Nicholas Thomas Hugh s. & h., æt. 7. Joseph, 2, æt. 1 Elizabeth, 1 Francisca, 3 Mary, 2 Digory, 4 James, 3 Phillip=1, Wm Leigh 2, Digory Greenvile Charles,=Honor d. of John Steve Esq. Charles Temper-=Nich. ance, Hanke gent. Honor,=Tho. Dungie 2 of Hartland Mary,=John Estcott 3 of Launceston gent. Honor = Clavell John Prust, 3d son (ob. 7 Sept. 2° 5 H. 8), of Thorvey in huud. of Hartland Lawrence Prust, 1, ob. v. p. Hugh Prust, 2, of Thorvey Esq. Agnes d. Elizab.=Wm Point- Joan & coh. ington Marga John Bobish John Parrot=Jane d. &=Lewis Kt. lately h. Pollard Deputy in Esq. Ireland, 2 husb. ret Hugh Lewis Pollard Pollard Kt. dau.=Copleston of Warley dau.=Arthur Lord dau.=John Uggan Chichester Kt. Esq. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 227 ol William, Richard Prust, 3, of Woolles-=Thomazin d. & h. worthy in com. Devon of John Adger Hugh Prust s. & h.ŞHonor d. & coh. of John Davy of Bickington gent. Thomas Prust s. & h. of=Wilmot d. of Wm Woolfardesworthy Shapleigh John, 2, ob. s. p. Thomas Prust s. & h.=Thomazan d. of Roger Courtney of Ottrey St. Mary Esq. William, Richard, Katherin, 1 Margaret, 3 Thomas Prust s. & h., et. 6, 1620 Ulalia, 2 Entered, not signed. Prydeaux of Throwborough. ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron sable with a label of three points gules. [PRYDEAUX.] 2. Per pale argent and gules, three towers triple-towered counterchanged. [TRE- VERBYN ?] 3. Gules, three fusils erinine, with a inartlet for difference. [GIF- FORD.] 4. Argent, two chevronels sable. [Esse.] 5. Argent, on a bend sable tuo pairs of keys endorsed of the first. [SPENCER.] . 6. Argent, a fess indented per fess sable and vert between two cotises of the first. (HUDDIE.] 7. Argent, a fess gules between three pellets sable. [HUGWORTHY.] 8. Sable, three chevronels argent. [ARCHDEACON.] 9. Azure, a bend or and a label of three points gules. [CARMINOW.] Ric. Prydieux of Thewborough=Grace d. & h. of Nicho. Carmanow in com. Devon Esq. | of Rispringe in com. Cornw. Esq Charles, Elizb.= Phil. Jonathan Pry-=Wynifred d. & Prudence Hugh lipps deux, s. & h., coh. of Tristram living 1620 Gorges of Buk- Jane Francis shed in com. Devon Suzan Benjamin Grace Zenobia Rich. Prydieux, s. & h., et. 14, 1620 Anne Margaret JO. PRYDEAUX. 228 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Prideaur. ARMS. 1. PRIDEAUX. HUGWORTH. 2. GIFFORD. 3. Esse. 4. SPENCER. 5. HUDDIE. 6. Roger Prideaux of Golden iņ com. Devon Esq. Sir Nich. Brigett d. of Sir=Edmond Prideaux of Netherton-Catherine d. of ' Predieux, John Chichester Esq., a Counsellor at Law, and | Peirse Edgcombe of S. & h. of Rawleigh, double reader of the Inner Tem- Mount Edgcomb 1 w. ple-m. to his 3 wife, Mary d. of Esq., 2 w. Reinalds of Ogwell and widdow of Fowell Peter Predieux s. & h., =Susan d. of Sir Anth. Paulet Edmond, æt. 24, 1620 of George Hynton in com. Som. 2 Mary, ob. S. p. Edmond s. & h., æt. 2 John, 2 Mary Sara Admonition Tabitha=Tho. Ayllworth of Benallack in com. Corn. Jobn Fortescue of John Moyle of Bake Vallapitt Esq. in Corn. Esq. Entered, not signed. Prydeaur. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Prydyaux chevalier dedi, con- cessi, et hac præsenti carta confirmavi Waltero Daba, etc. His testibus Galfrido Rauff, Rogero Efford, Jobanne Cokington, Ricardo Hereugh, Henrico Mahoun, et aliis. Dat. apud Kingsbre die lunæ prox. post festum Sancti Michaelis anno regni regis Edw. 3 a conquestu quadragesimo sexto. (Sealed with coat of arms,-a chevron with label.) Elizb. d. of Wm. Hatch=Humphrie Prydiaux of Thew-=Joane d. of Rich. Fowell of Aller in com. Devon, borowgh in com. Devon of Fowelscombe, 1 w. 2 w. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 229 A B1 Thomas Eliz.=Robt. Drake of Wiscombe Parke in com. Devon Rich. Predeux, 1 s. 5 William, 2 Richard 8. & h. Jonathan Roger Pri:=Phillip d. of deux of Sergiant Soldon in | Yorke com. Devon, 3 Katherine Margerie Mary Robt. Throwbridge of Robt. Gibbes Hen. Tremaine Throwbridge in com. of War of Bodey gan Devon Esq. wicksh. in com. Cornw. Cheston d.—Sir Nicho. Pre-=Thomazin Bridget=Edmond Predeaux=Katherin & coh. of dieux kt. of d. & h, of d. of of Netherton Esq., d. of Wm. Viell Soldon, living I John John | Councellor at Law, Peirse of St. 1620, mar. to Henscott Chiches- and double reader | Edgcomb Breocke in his 3d w. Mary, of Hen- ter of in the Inner Tem of Mount Cornw., d. of John Castle scott in Raw- ple, London Edgcomb of Ashburie Bradford ley, 1 Esq. 2 w. in Devon, w 2 w. 1 w. Tabitha Sara Admonition Humphrie=Honor d. of Predieux Edmond 8. & h. Fortescue Tho. Aikworth of John Fortes- Bennallock in cue of Fallow- Corn. pit John Moole of Bake in Cornw. John, 2 Humphrie, 4 Thomazine Nicholas s. & h., æt. 17 Edmond, 3 Elizabeth Edmond Peter Predeaux =Susan d. of Sir Anth. s. & h., et. 24 Pawlet of St. George Henton in Som. Marie John, 2 Edmond 8. & h., et. 2 Mary NIC, PRIDEAUX. 230 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Prye. ARMS. Ermine, a chevron gules and a chief azure fretty or. Elizabeth d. of Heckter of=Richard Prye of Orwell in the Staverton co. Devon p. of Colebrook co. Devon Alice d. of Philip=Elizabeth d. of Sir Roger=Roger Prye=Elizabeth d. of Westcot of Rod Gifford of Brightley co. of Horwell Trobridge of Cre- don, co. Devon Devon diton co. Devon Ann Patrick Dun of Colebrook Margaret John Prye of=Margaret d. of Colebroke, Mark Slader of John Ash al's Leggatt of Stoke living 1620 Northtawton Courcy co. Somerset Joan Joan Katherine Elizabeth Audrey Michell of Corn- wall Edmund Wrey of Cornwall Richard Sanders of Rame co. Corn. Thomas Steere of Modbury Judith John Roger Richard Prye=Diana d. of 8. & h., living Coryton of 1620 Cornwall 2 3 son Roger Beare of Huntsham in Devon John Prye s. & h., æt. 20 Giles Prye, 2 JOHN PRYE. Pyncombe. ARMs. Per pale gules and azure, three close helmets argent, garnished or. CREST. An arm in armour embowed argent, grasping in the gauntlet a Poland mace azure, handle proper, fastened to the arm by a scarf gules. Pyncombe of Northmolton came there with the Lord Zouche about the beginning of H. 7 Tho. Pyncombe dwelt at Filleigh & aft. at East Buckland Pyncombe John Pyn combe BT AF THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 231 Willm. Pin-=d. of Snowe of Ans- combe tey in Devon John Pyncombe of Southmolton Christopher of Southmolton William Pyncombe of South-=Temperance d. of John Pyncombe John molton & East Buckland Hugh Pollard, 1 hath been 14 or 15 years one s., of Rob. P. Esq. of the Coroners of the said brother of Sir John Pyn-=Amy d. of Rich. Countie, æt. 54, 1620 Hugh P. Kt. who combe of Doddridge father were sons of Sir Southmol of the now Judge Lewis P. the ton Doddridge Judge William s. & b., æt. 13 John Pyncombe of Southmolton and studient in the Middle Temple London, living 1620 WILLM. PYNCOMBE. Pyne. ARMS. 1. Gules, a chevron ermine between three pine-cones or. (PINE.] 2. Gules, a buck's head cabossed ermine, attired or. [DOWNE.) 3. (Argent), two glaziers' snippers saltirewise sable between four pears pendent or, within a bordure en- grailed of the second. [KELLAWAY.] 4. Gules, two lions passant guardant argent within a bordure engrailed sable. [ILCOMBE.] 5. Argent, a fess between two demi-lions rampant in chief, and three lozenges in base, all gules. [SALLE.] 6. Argent, two chevronels paly of six azure and or. (BIRT.] 7. Argent, a che- vron sable between three birds' legs gules. [HENDSCOMBE ?] 8. Or, a fess sable between three apples or, stalked vert. [APPLETON.] 9. Gules, a chevron or charged with three roses of the first between three roses of the same. [GOLD.] 10. PENFOUND. Nicho. Pine of Estdowne=Elizb. d. of John Chichester John Pine of=Honor d. & b. of Edm. Penfound in Estdowne | Cornw., 2 son of Tho. Penfound 2, Nicho. 1, Mary Phillip=Dorithie d. Pine of of John Est. | Dart of downe Barstable 3, George 2, Julian 4, John 3, Margaret Edward Pine of Est-=Bridget d. of Nicho. Frye downe, living 1620 of Yartey in com. Devon 2, Edward 3, Phillip Nicholas s. & b., æt. 7, 1620 Ellinor, æt. 5 EDWARDE PYNE. 232 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Radford. ARMs. Sable, three lampreys, or man-tigers, in pale argent. John Radford of Rockbeare in com. Devon John Radford of Chudley=Mary d. of Rich. Bennet of Chudley Robert Radford of Whitchurch=Alice d. of Wm Leich in com. Devon, living 1620 of Kingstanton Robert, 2 Rose, 1 Joane, 2 George Radford s. & h. Richard, 3 Margaret, 3 %. ROBERT RADFORD. Radford. Rich. Radford of Okeford in com. Devon=Joane d. of Hill als. Spurway Grigorie Radford of Okeford=Willmot d. of Rog. Prescott John Radford of Okeford, living 1620=Dorithy d. of John Beare of Beare John Rad-=Susan d. of Thomas, 2,=Thomazin Rich- Agnes, 1 Dorithy ford s. & John Nut- of East d. of John ard, h., living combe of Anstie, Hill alias 3 Mary, 3 Abraham 1620 Nutcombe living Dets- Towle of Dul- 1620 combe verton in Som. John, 1, æt. 6 William, 2 Mary Thomas, 1, æt. 4 Richard Dorithie JOHN RADFORD. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. . 233 Randall. Note. - This Randall came out of Berkesh., and his coate which he showed was borne by the name of Wolfe. Antho. Randall of Kentsburie in com. Devon=Peternell d. of John Gane 2, William 4, Edward Humph. Randall of Kents->Richard d. of Geo. Wikes burie, living 1620 of Dartmouth 3, Robert 5, Barthol. 1, Margaret 2, Jane 4, Elizab. 3, Peternell 5, Marye John Randall 8. & h., et. 13, 1620 HUMFRY RANDALL. Ratenbury. Thomas Ratenburie of Oke-=Elizab. of Howe of Winkley hampton in com. Devon in com. Devon John Ratenburie=Frances d. of John Horne of High of Okehampton Beckington in com. Devon, gent. ՕՄ Peter,=Catherin d. of 2 John Colquite of Foy in Cornw. John Ratenburie of Oke->Lora d. of Tristram hampton and Coroner of Stephens of North the county of Devon, Lowe in com. Devon 1620 1, John, æt. 11 4, Pawle, æt. 4 Grace, at. 11 Francis Raten- Arthur, burie s. & h., 2, æt. 3 æt. 9, 1620 m. 2, Martin, æt. 8 5, Robt, æt. 1 Anne, æt. 3 3, Peter, æt. 6 Jane, æt. 2 JOHN RATENBURY. 21 234 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Rede. ARMS. Gules, on a bend nebulée argent three shovellers sable. Tho. Reade of Wenburie in com. Devon Nicho. Reade of Wenburie=Grace d. of Vincent Calmady of Wenburie Anne-Wood of North Tawton Edw. Reade of Wenburie.=Margt d. of Oliver living 1620 Clowberrie Oliver, Nicholas Reade s. & h., æt. 11, 1620 Anne Margaret Grace Jane EDWARD REDE. Reynell. ARMS. Argent, masonry and a chief indented sable. CREST. A fox passant or. Quartering :41. Gyronny of twelve, or and azure. [BASSINGBOURNE.] 2. Argent, a chevron between three mullets sable. (LE FRANCIS.] 3. Argent a wolf rampant sable. [MALSTON.] 4. Azure, on a fess engrailed, three lozenges gules. [STIG- HULL.] 5. Argent, on a bend sable three bezants. [BURDEN.] 6. Per pale ar- gent and gules, on a chevron azure, three cross crosslets botonée or. [THORBER.] 7. Or, an eagle displayed azure. [PEVERELL.] Rich. Reinell had the custodie of the castles of Exeter & Launston, aº 2 R. 1, 1191 Rich. Reinell to whom K. John restored the lands of Rich. his father for his servit. aº 15 Johis, 1213 Walter Reinell of Petterwin in com. Somerset Walter Reinell of Petterwin John Reinell of Trumpington in com.=Maude of Giles Hugh Reynell of the Hog- Camb., had libertie of free warren in de Fulburne in pitall of St. Johns of Jeru- his lands of Warw., 1 E. 3, 1328 com. Cantab salem, lived 3 E. 1, 2 son 3 Ri. 2 1383, Walter Reinell of Badlingham=Joane d. of Bassingham, coz. & in com. Cambridge h. of Alan le Francis Α. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 235 37 E. Walter Reinell of =Margaret d. & h. 3 Malston in com. Devon of Wm. Stigbull Joane=Sache- Maude= Pine vill Robt. Alice º dau. 8. p. Walter Reinell=Joane d. John of Malston, ob., of Win. 15 E. 4, 1475 / Walrand Agnes d. of Chichester, & ob. ante patrem, s. p. Trevi- ffowell of lian Fowelscombe Robt Reinell=Thomazin died before 1 d. of his father Joane d. of=Walter Rei=Radigund Jane Mary Robt. nell, 2 son, d. of Whiting, of Maltston Phil. Cop- Stech. Champn' sans issue plestone ley John Reinell, ob. s. p. John Reinell of Est=Mary d. of Wm Fortescue Ogwell, 1 s. of Wood Walter Rich. Rei-=Agnes d. of Reinell, nell of John South- 1 s., ob. East Og. I cott of Bovy 8. p. well Roger, John Eliz. Alice 3 d. of Wivell of Wm Soper of Lowman Crediton Woodland Tracy Josias, 2 Eliz. d. of Sir=Sir Tho. Rei=Fran. d. of Hen. Kelli- nell of East Joh. Ayl- grew, & w. of Ogwell worth of Sir Jonathan | Knt. of Poslewe Trelawney Rich.,= Lucia d. of Robt Brandon late chamberlain of London Esq. Edw. Reinell by 2 wife 111111 Jane, 1 Lucy, 4 IT Rich. Rei-=Mary, 1 Thomas, 2 pell of d. of Rich. East Og Reynell of Walter, 3 well Creedi- wigier George, 4, s. p. Agnes, 2 Mary, 5 Fran., 3, Cicily, 6, s. p. 8. p. Esq. Mary, 1 d. & coh. Elizab., 2 d. & coh. Sir Geo. =d. of Sir Valen- Sir Carew=d. of Sir Walter Mary=Arthur Fo- Reinell, 4 tine Browne Reinell, 5 Hangerford well Esq. Thomas Reinell=Cicily d. of Edm. Mathew, Nicholas, 3 Jone Mary of Malston, 2 1 & h. to her mother, daugh- ter of Rouse Edmond, 4 Huckmore Rich. Lake 236 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. IT Thomas Edmund George =Jane d. of Mary 1, Joanna 4, Jane 6, Anne Reinell of Lewis Fortescue Nicholas Malston of Vallopit Hinde 3, Grace 5, Cicily Edmund Reinell 8. &h=d. of Hatch of Malston Henrie, 2, ob. 8. p. John,=Mary 3 Heale Géo. Reinell of Malston Esq.=Rebecka d. of Hugh Fortescue Edmund John Willm Elizab. Alice Anne Sara Rebecka Mary Jane Rich Reinell, 4, of Creediwiger in com.=Mary d. & coh. Devon, Esq., Bencher of the Middle of John Peri. Temple in London, living 1620 am. Esq. Humphrie young- est son hath issue Rebecka, 4 Jack, 6 Periam Reinell Borough, Marie-Rich. Rei. Elizab. 2= s. & hư, et. 8, 2, æt. 5 nell of East - 1620 Ogwell Sara, 3 Debora, 5 Tripna, 7 Elizab.l=Hen. Burrough Jane John Fountain Alice=John Barr of Beavercomb RIC. REYNELL. Reynell. Walter Reinall of Ogwell»Radagund d. of Coplaston John Rei-=Margaret d. nell s. & of Wm Fortescue Tho. Reinell=Cisley d. of Edm. Mathew & h. to Alice of Malston, her mother, d. & h. of Risby de Combe 2 son in Bradnish George Reinell of Malston=Joane d. of Lewis Fortescue of Valopit Jane 1, Elizab. 2, Alice John, 2 Rich. Reinell, 3, of Creedywiger John Foun. taine of Stokenham Hen. Borough of Broad Clyst Beare of Beers- combe Agnes d. of Heale of Halberton Mary d. of Periam THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON.. 237 Edm. Reinell of Mals-=Anne d. of Lewis ton s. & b., ob. 1609 Hatch of Aller Humph-=relicta de Stoket de Kent rie, 4 juxta Canterburi X- Alice Eliz. Nicho-=Mary d. of las, 3 Lockington of Wash- borowe Edm., Mary d. of Hugh For- tescue John Bastar Reginald Specott of Gerson of Thornborowe Hugh Edward John Jane George Reinell s. & h., of>Rebecca d. of Hugh Malston, superstes 1620 Fortescue of Weare John, æt. 7 Elizab. 15 Anne, 11 Rebecca, 8 Jane, 2 Edmond Rei- nell s. & h., æt. 14, 1620 Willm., æt. 6 Alice, 13 Sara, 10 Marie, 3 GEORGE REYNELL. 238 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Reynell. Dominus Rex reddit Ricardo Reynell terram de Petevyn et de Som'sis cum pertenentiis suis que fuit Ricardi Reynell patris sui pro unum annum, et mandatum est vicecomiti et custodibus escaetorum in comitatu illo quod de predicta terra cum perten. suis plenam seisinam habere faciat, Teste Rege apud Bi’ned 27 die Julii A° 15 Regis Johannis. Frater Hugo Reynell Dei gratia Sanctæ Domus Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerosolamitani Magnus humilium et pauperum Christi custos dilecto sibi in Christo fratri Stephano de Fulbourn ejusdem Domus London priori et thesaurarius salutem et sincerum amorem. Laudabile portantum vestrum quod nobis per fratrem Rogerum de Veer priorem vestrum et plures illos fide dignos intimatum est nos, &c. Aº 3 E. 1. Memorandum that in a Court Role dated the Sabbat. prox. post fest. Sti Luce Evangelista Aº regni Henr. 6. 7 also in another Rolle dated a festo Sti Michaelis Archangeli Aº regni H. 5. 8 & 9. It is noted in the head of the same Woggewell and Malston. Also in a Roll of Extent dated die Mercurii prox. post fest. Scti Laurencii Aº regni regis Rici 7., tempore Walteri Reinell & Margareta uxoris ejus. It is named in head East Woggewell. Also one deed indented of Walter Reinell made to Walter his son of the mannoir of East Wogwell dated at Estogwell 16 April Aº Henr. 5. 4. A feoffment of Walter Reinell made to Willm. Ponton and others of the mannoir of Butterley, and the advouson of the churche of the same mannoir, and all inanner of rentes, & services in East Butterley, Bromley, Uxbutterley, Wercombe, and Nethercombe, Carpen- ter's fosse, Cottesbrook & Ley, &c. Geven at Butterley the Monday after St. John the Baptist the 6 yeare of R. 2. The Armes of Robt de Malston, Lord of Malston & East Ogwell in the Countie of Devon are here set downe according to the scale of an ancient deede herewith annexed. Dated at Malston ad festum exaltationis Sanctæ Crucis Anno regni Regis Edri filii Edwardi nono. ( Argent, a wolf rampant sable.) The Armes of Willm Stighull are here set downe according to the seale of an ancient deede. Datum Exon. die Martis prox. post festum Assumptionis beatæ Mariæ Anno regni regis E. 3 a conquest. Angl. tricesimo sexto. (Azure, a fess engrailed argent.) These armes of Walter Reynell in the Countie of Devon Esq. are here set downe according to the seale of an ancient deed bearing . date here prox. post festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptistæ Aº regni regis Rici secundi post conquestum sexto. (Masonry, a chief indented argent.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 239 Reynell Malston Walterus Reynell de Trumpington in com. Cantab. 5 E. 2 Hugo de Malston Johannes Reynell de Trump-=Matilda fil. Egidii de Ful. ington, ob. 37 E. 3 bourne in com. Cantab. Robtus de=Muriell f. Tho. Malston Thorber ar. Note.Here is left out the descent of Walt. Reinell who maried Jone da. kindswoman & heir of Alan le Francis. Walter Reynell deşJoanna f. Badlinghamincom. Bassing- Cantab., 4 R. 2 bourne Willms. Stighull=Elizab f. & h. armiger Robti Mal- ston Johanna=Sachevile filia=Pyne Walterus Reynell de Malston in com. Devon, 19 R. 2=Margareta filia et unica hæres Willi Stighull Joh’es Reynell, Agneta f. ob. v. p. s. p. Chichester Robtus, 3, s. p. Alicia=Trevil- lian filia=Fowell de Fowlescombe in com. Devon Walterus Reynell=Johanna f. Willmi de Malston Walrond, 12 H. 4 Robtus,=Thomazina fil. ob. v. p. Hatch Jana=Strethley Margeria=Champernon de Instar Walter Reynell de=Radagunda f. Malston ar. Copleston Joh'es Reynell Margareta Jane Nicholas, 3 Thomas Reynell,=Ciceley f. 2, de Malston Edw. Mathewe f. Holwell de Hol- Ric. Lake wellscombe mil. Joh'es Reynell=Margeria f. f. & h. de Es- / Willi For. tofwell tescue de Wood ar. Rich. Huck- more Edward, 4 210 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Elizab. Alicia Joh’es Rey-=f. Low- Rogerus, Walterus Rey- Ric'us Reynell de=Agneta f. Joh. Georgius>Johanna f. nell, 4 Vman nell f. et h., Estogwell, 2 fil. Southcott de Reynell | Ludov. For- Wm Wyvell Wm Soper ob. 8. p. et h. fratris Bovetracy de Mal- tescue de de Crediton de Woodland ston Valopit Sir Geo. Rey-=f. Pecock Maria nell mil., 4, 1 de Red- =fil. Valent bourne in Arth. Browne mil., com. Fowell us. 1 Hertf. mil., ux. 2 Cary, 5 Ric'us,=Lucia f. Rob- 3 ti Brandon f. Walt. nuper Came- Hunger- rarii Londini ford mil. Josias, Francisca=Thomas Rey-=Elizab. f. Killi. Edm. Rey. 2 f. Johis rell de Est grew relicta nell f. & h. Ailworth Ogwell mil. Jonathani Tre- de Malston de Polstow lawnie de in com. Cornubia mil., f. Hatch Devon, ux. 1 ux. 2 Thomas, Walter, George, Jana, Agneta, Francisca, Lucia, Maria, Cicilia, 2 6 Ric’us Reynell=Mary eld. dau. of Rich. Rey. f. & h. nell of Creedy Widger Esq. . Maria filia primog., æt. 2, 1620 Elizab., 2, æt. 1 Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 241 Rider. Arms drawn af the side. ARMS. Azure, three crescents or. CREST. A crescent or. Sir Ralphe Rider Kt. John Rider, 2 son of Sir Ralphe of Beare Walter Rider of Beare Ferris in com. Devon John Rider of Beare Ferris Marian d. of Robt Bleigh John Rider of Beare Ferris, æt. 80, living 16207Julian d. of Twiggs John Rider s. & h., æt. 50, 1620=d. of Consell Thomas, 2 Burnell Rider s. & h., æt. 23, 1620 Margt. =Philip Elm of Buckland Entered. Risdon. ARMS. Argent, three birdbolts sable. CREST. An elephant's head erased ermine, tusked or. Eliz. d. & h. of Tho. Bremel-=Giles Risdon of Babeley=Philippa relict comb of Honichurch, 1 wife ) in com. Devon of Mountjoy Thomas Risdon s. & b. of Babeley in Parkham,=Willmot d. of Tho. Gifford double reader of the Inner Temple of Halesbury Esq" Giles Risdon s. & h. of Babley Esq., 1620 Thomas Risdon of Sandwell in=Mary eldest d. & coh. com. Devon Esq. Reader of the of Wm. Hawkins of Inner Temple, London, Plimouth Esq. living 1620 Entered, not signed. 2 1 242 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Risdon, Giles Risdon of=Eliz. d. & h. of Tho. Bremelcomb of Parkham Honichurch in com. Devon, 1 w. Thomas Ris-=Willmot d. don of of Tho. , Parkbam Gifford of 8. & h. Hasebure Ambrose=Mallorie d. of Risdon, | Wm Braddon 2 son of Sutcomb in com. Devon Will. =d. & coh. of Abbott Willm. Milliton Pasco=1, Ric. Moring of Torrington 2, John Allen of Little Tor rington Philip Risdon-Grace d. & of Buckland | coh. of Wm Bruer gent. Abhot of S. & h. Hartland Thomas, Johanna d. of 2 Abraham Barnfield of Buckland Bruer Anne Mary 2, John, æt. 18 Mallorie William=Jane d. of John Risdon Mollesworth Elizabeth S. & h., | of Egleshele in æt. 23 Cornw. 3, James, 13 Lewes Dab- Prudence bles of Marland 4, Anthonie, 1 Philip s. & h., æt. 17 Valentine, æt. 3, w. Grace, æt. 3 PHILLIP RISDON. Risdon. Thomas Risdon of Parkham=Willmot d. of Tho. Gifford of Halisbury Esq. Giles Risdon of Babeley=Elizab. d. & coh. of Thomas Risdon,=Mary d. & in Parkham Esq. Will. Viell of Trevor 2, of Sandewell coh. of s. & h., living 1620 der in com. Corn. Esq. Esq. Hawkyns Thomas, 2 Mary, 1 Francis Risdon s. & b., æt. 19, 1620 Johan, 3 Catherine, 4 Symon, 3 Agnes, 2 . EDW. CHOLWICHE FOR MR. RISDON. TÉE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 243 Risdon. Tho. Risdon of Parkham alias Okhampton in com. Devon Gefferie Risdon s. & h. . Ī Richard Risdon-Matild d. of John Braye John Risdon s. & b. Elizb. d. & h. of Tho. Bremelcomb of=Giles Risdon=Phillip relict of Honichurch in com. Devon, 1 w. of Parkbam Montjoy, 2 w. William Risdon of Winscott in com.=Joane d. of Geo. Pollard of Langley Devon, living 1620 in com. Devon Esq. John, Tristram Risdon s. & h.,=Pasco d. of Tho. Margaret=Wm Eare of living 1620 Chafe of Exiter West Downe Jane, 1 Joane, 2. Margaret, 3 John, 2 Giles Risdon s. & h., æt. 11, 1620 Entered, not signed. Roche. ARMS. Azure, three roaches naiant in pale argent. Hen. Roach of Lesawnte in Cornw. Wm Roach of Tho. Roach of=Grace d. of Law. Mary-John Mill of St. Teth in Wellcomb in 1 rence Prest of Wike St Cornw. com. Devon Wollcomb . Mary Joane= Jane Phill unm. Rich. Roach of Willcomb, living 1620= RICHARD ROCHE. 244 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Rolle. ARMS. Or, on a fess dancettée between three billets azure, each charged with a lion rampant of the first, as many bezants, quartering :-1. YEO. 2. SACHEVILLE. 3. ESSE. 4. PYNE. 5. BRIGHT. 6. JEWE. CREST. A cubit arm erect, vested or, charged with a fess indented double cotised of the last, holding in the hand proper a flint stone of the last. Robert Rolle, 5th s. of George Rolle=Ellinor d. of Grabriell Challiner of Steventon in com. Devon Esq. of the countie of York Gabriell Roll of Locking in com. Berks, rector of the ch. of Lock- ington, æt. 31. Abell Roll, 1 son=Gartrud d. of Anthonie æt. 37, 1620 Ackland of Chittel- hampton Esq. ABELL ROLLE. Rolle. Geo. Rolle of Stephenson=Ellinor 2 d. of Hen. Dakers of London Moris=Margt. d. of Brier Rolle, of Harow of the Hill in com. Midd. John Rolle of Ste-=Margt. d. of phenson Esq. John Ford Vallintine Rolle of Torrington, 2 s., living 1620, æt. 75 unm. George, Richard,= Sinobia Edw. Rolle-Agnes d. of Henry Mary Margt. 2, s. p. 3, of d. of of Meth, Phillip Meth Rich. living 1620 Crimes of John John Stowford Lady Mevy Sara Joane Morice, 1 s., æt. 3 Phillip Rebecka Mary Eli Elizb. Martha nor, Ric. Tregarthen s.p. John Wood Edw. Hearle of of Cornwall of Tintagell Predieux in in Cornw. Cornw. John Mol. lesworth in Cornw. John Yeo of Hatherley EDWARD ROLLE. ROBERT ROLLE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 245 Rolle. John Rolles of Stevenston=Margaret d. of John Ford of Ashburton Jane d. of Fortescue of Fallowpit=Sir Henry Rolle=Elizab d. & h. of & relict of Halse of Rowden, 2 w. of Stevenston Watts of com. Kt., æt. 75, 1620 Som., 1 w. Sir Hen. Rolle s. & h., =Anne d. & coh. of Tho. Dennis ob. 1617 of Bickton and Holcomb Denis Rolle s. & h., æt. 6, 1620 Anne, æt. 4 Valentine, 2) George, 4 Robert, 6 ) ob. s. p. Alexander, d. of Lipkincott, 3 relict of Berrie of Westley Joachim,=May d. of Fen- 5, s.p. ner of Chittle- hampton John Rolle, 1 s., et. 33 Margaret Honor Marie, ob. S. p. Hugh Predieux of Fuborow Honor Margerie John,=Phillip d. of Rich. Halse of Kenedon Rich. Baker Tho. Pomeroy of Berry Pomeroy Henry, 1 s., æt. 14 John, æt. 12 Jane, æt. 15 JOHN ROLLE. 246 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Roope. Arms. Argent, a lion rampant gules within an orle of nine pheons azure. Rich. Roope Rich. Roope John Roope of Townstall in com. Devon=Dorithy d. of Ford John Roope of Townstall in com. Devon=Mary d. of Rich. Rowse Barbara George, Anthonie, Ambrose Roope=Fran. d. of Sir Wm. of Townstall, Harris of Chreksoy living 1620 in com. Essex Tho. Mondaye of Little St. Cullum in Cornwall Nicho. Roope of St. Patrick=Alice d. of Coppin in com. Devon of Kent 1 Nicho. Roope of St. Patrick in=Mary d. of John Ellicott com. Devon, living 1620 of Exiter John, 3, Dorithy, 1 d., Nicho. Roope s. & h., æt. 2 æt. 4 æt. 5, 1620 Mary, 2 d., æt. 3 AMB. ROOPE. NICHOLAS ROOPE. Roupe. Wm Roope of South Milton Rich. Roope of South Milton John, s.p. Wm Roope of Milton=d, of Robt Putt of Norton in Devon Thomas, 1 Willm.=d. of Gilbert Rich. Roope of East Allington, Honor d. of | Roope living 1620 John Stoude THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 247 B Tho. Roope, one of the gent. pensioners to K. James Rich., 2 James, 3 Honor=Samuell Berrye of Plimouth Willm. Roope s. & h.,=Mary d. of Marg., 5=Tho. Rich Joane, 2 Jane, 4 æt. 38, 1620 Savery of Totnes Frances, 3 Dorithea, 6 John Roope s. & h., æt. 14, 1620 Dorithie, 1 Anne, 2 Mary, 3 Joane, 4 RY. ROUPE. Row. ARMS. Argent, a chevron azure between three trefoils slipped per pale gules and vert. CREST. A buck's head couped gules, attired or. Ricus Row de com. Cantii temp. Edw. 3=fil. et hered. Philippi Rurd Willmus Row fil. et her. temp. E. 43filia Vivian temp. E. 4 Johes Row serviens ad legem, temp. H. 8=Agneta fil. coh. Willm. Barnhouse John Rowe armiger, fil. et hæresņMaria filia Jobis Chichester de Yolston Johes Rowe de Kingston in parochia de Staverton=Prudence fil, Robti Cary in com. Devon, æt. 76 superstes 1620 de Clovelly Robtus=fil. Fant. de John, 3, nunc George fil=Dorothea fil. Alani Willm. Templo in- vivens in Hi- & h., æt. Horde de Horde 4, æt. teriore bernia= 40 home in com. Salop 35 John Row fil. et hæres, æt. 5 Thomas, 2, æt. 4 Barbara Prudence 1, Willmot 2, Anne Phill. 3, Jane=Wm Blackall 4, Mary=Harry Plucknet Fursdon de Totnes de Burport JOHN ROW. 248 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Rowe. ARMS. As above, quartering, gules three holy lamhs couchant argent. [RURDE.] John Rowe of Lamerton in com. Devon=Elizab. d. & h. of Hill of ... Bridget, 2 John, 2 Phillip, 1 Nicholas=Agnes d. & coh Rowe of of Rob. Fytz. of George, 3 Roger Hatherley Lamer Tavistock in com. Devon ton Elizab., 3, unmd. Rog. Fursman in com. Devon 11, Robert, 2 Mary John Rowe=Elizab., 3 d. Elizab., 2 Julalia, 4 Presilla of Tavis- of Rob. Nicholas, 3 Roger Ran- stock, æt. Moore of Martha, 3 Hukeley of Geo. dall of Lam- 46, 1620 Moorein com.. Lamerton Rouse erton Devon Esq. Robert, John, Nicho., Josua- Fran. s. & 1, Elizab., 2, Agnes, 15 4, Mary, 5 2, et. 3, et. 4, et. he, 5, h., Lt. 20, et. 17 14 12 æt. 7 1620 3, Gartrud, 9 5, Thomaz,3 13 JOHN ROWE. Rowcliffe. William Rockley of Yearnscomb in=Jone d. of Bagbeare the hund, of Hartland of Bagbeare in com. Devon George, 2, 3, John 4, Aldered, Emma Thomas Rocliff of=Christian d. of b. 1555, ob. s. p. Yearnscomb b. John Horne of living 1620 1554 High Bickington Francis, 2, ob. s. p. Arthur, William, 1, ob. s. p. 4, æt. 18 George Rocliffe s. & h., æt. 22, 1620 Elizab., t. 24 Avis pt. 21 THOMAS ROWCLIEFFE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 249 Saftin. Simon Saffin of Woolverston in com. Som. Geo. Saffen of Woolverston Sainthill. ARMs. Or, on a fess engrailed azure between three leopards' faces gules, as many bezants, each charged with a fleur-de-lys of the 2nd, on a pile in chief azure three demi-fleurs-de-lys per pale, attached to the top and sides, of the 1st. Richard St. Hill of St. Hill in=Joane d. of Rich. Mayne com. Devon Esq. of Exeter Katherin d. & coh. of=Peter St. Hill=Julian d. of Wm Shine of Bradley Sir Humph. Browne of Brad in com. Devon & widow of Kt., 1 w., s. p. ninch Esq. Alex. Writhingtone Peter St. Hill=Elizb. d. of Tho. Martin, Doctor Mary=Hen. Martin of of Brad- of the Civil Law, of Steeple Steeple Morden ninch Morden of com. Camb. in Camb. Esq. Humph., 2 Robert, 4 Peter St. Hill of=Dorithie d. & h. of Rob. Pakker Bradniach Esq., of Zeale Monachorum in living 1620 com. Devon gent. Thomas, 3 Elizab., 1 Dorithie, 2 Marie, 3 Elizb., 1=Walt. Vesie Barbara,=Pet. Bankes Julian,=Pet. Burye Marie in com. Som. 2 clericus 3 clericus unmd clericus PETER SAINTHILL. 2 K 250 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. YY Sainthill. John St. Hill of Morton in com. Devon gent., 2 son Wm St. Hill of Heniock, rector of Flueing, 1620=Mary d. of John Pinsent Wilmot Willm., 2 Thomas, 5 Ellin Smith of Heniock Richard, 3 Nicholas, 6 Barthole- Edw. St. Hill new, 8 of Exiter, living 1620 Peter, 9 Michaell Wills of Heniock John, 4 Walter, 7 EDWARD SAINTHILL. Salisberie. ARMS. Gules, a lion rampant crowned or, between three crescents argent. John Salisberie whose ancestor was a younger brother of the house of Salisberie in North Wales Phillip, John, 2, Bur- gess of Bar- stable Richard Salisberie,=Eliz. d. of Wm Burgoine of North 1 s., of Barne tawton aft. mard to Phil. Chiches- stable ter of Santon Court in Branton 3 John, 1, Justinian, æt. 35 Maria Jone Richard Rich. Salis-=Jenever d. berie of of John Barstable, Drwe of 1 s., æt. 33 Barstable Stephen John Thomazin d. of Leach of West- Tho. Parker of Barstable way Barstable Signed by a mark for RICH. SALISBERIE. Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 253 Savery. ARMS. Gules, a fess vair between three unicorns' heads couped or, quartering, ermine, on a chevron azure three bucks' heads or. [SERVINGTON.] CREST. Between two wings displayed sable, a heron's head erased argent, holding in the beak an olive-branch vert. Nicholas Savery of Great Totness=Joane d. of John Giles of Bowden Richard Savery s. & h. of Willing=Willmot d. of Robt Carye of in the parish of Rattery Clovelly in com. Devon Mary Jane John, Rich- Robert Savery=Sibell d. of 2 ard, 3 of Willing Rich. Halse of Esq. 8. & L., Kenneton in living 1620 com. Devon Johan, 1 d. Hen. Lus. Captaine comb p’son John of Therles- Rashleigh ton .:of Foye Robert, 2 Richard Savery s. & h., æt. 20, 1620 Jane, 1 Willmot, 2 Philip, 3 ROB. SAVERY. Saberye. John Savery of Halberton in com. Devon Christopher Saverey of Great Totness Esq. Richard of Great Totness, 2-Agnes Richard 11 Alleyn 2 ob. s. p. Stephen Savery of=Johan d. & coh. of John Ser- Great Totness vington of Tavestock -. . - --. - - - . . . - Agnes Alleyn Savery=d. of Hebditch by of Shapwick Dorothy d. of in com. Tho. Carew of Somers. Haccomb Jonal Johan Elizab. Mary unm. = Wm Prid- Wm Roope dam of Allington Rich. Lacy of Totness Stephen 8. & h. John, 2 Christopher Savery of Shilston Esq. now High=Johan d. of Tho. Carew Sheriff of the county of Devon, 1620 of Haccombe Esq. 254 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Ai Carey, 2 Margaret, 1 : Christopher Sa-=Johan d. & coh. of Nich. very s. & h., Gilbert als. Webber of living 1620 Bowringesley Esq. Ron Edward, 3 Tho. Bond of Hal. wood in Cornw. Christopher s. & b., æt. 2 Servington, 2 Johan, 1 Bridget, 2 Dorothy,=William Martyn of Johan,=Arthur Wolston Agnes, 4 Elizabeth, 5 Broad Hempston 3 of Staverton Honor, 6. CHRISTOPHER SAVERYE. Searle. John Searle of Godford in the par. of Holford in the hund. of Heniock Edward, ob. William, 2, ob. Alexand., John, ob. Ambrose Searle=Julian d. of Gould of Godford of Ilcester Ambrose, 2, æt. 21 Barnard, 3, æt. 18 Thomas Searle=Elizab. d. of Edw. 8. & b. Chave of Buscomb. Thomas s. & h., æt. 2 William, 2, æt. 1 Patience=Wn Searle of Owlscomb Faith=Simon Potter rector of Sowley Judith=Wm Chaplin of Awtrie BERNARD SEARLE. Seccombe. ARMS. Argent, a fess gules between three lions rampant sable within a bordure en- grailed of the last, a crescent for difference. Note. This descent is proved by deeds. John Thorne of Thorne in com. Devon Esq. John Thorne from whom Thorne of Shepwash Degorie=Margaret d. & b. Thorne, of Tho. Seccomb Arthur, gent. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 255 Al John Seccomb als. ThorneşJane d. & h. of Rich. Earle of Southampton Esq. Robert Seccomb als. Thorne-Eliz. d. of John Pollard Esq. John Seccomb als. Thorne Christian d. of John Dorrington Esq. William Seccomb als. Thorne=Dorothy d. of Rich. Braughton of Bridgwater Henry Seccomb als. Thorne=Mary d. of Hugh Chauntrell of Westminster Esq. John Seccomb als. Thorne Anne d. & h. of John Husband of Gaulish gent. John Seccomb als. Thorne=Johan d. & b. of John Lause Degorie Seccomb als. Thorne=Margaret d. of John Atkin of Hartland Degorie Sec-=Margaret Contracted=Arthur Seccomb=Grace d. comb of d. of John to Barbara als. Thorne of of John Weston in Priske of d. of Tho. Witworthy in Blogg of the par. of Poughil Pomeroy the par. of North Carne- North Pe in com. of Inges Petherwin in dowe, ob. therwin, 1 son Cornw. don Esq. com. Devon 1619 Christopher John, ob. s. p. Degorie Seccomb,=Alice d. of Emanuell Arthur, 2, 1, Margaret 3, Elizabeth 1 son, æt. 24 | Gifford of Tapeley æt. 22 in Westeley parish 2, Jone 4, Dorothy Jane, æt. 2 Maria, 1 d., æt. 13 Jane, 2, æt. 9 DEGORIE SECCOMBE. ARTHURE SECCOMBE. 256 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Segar. John Segar of High Weeke in coin. Devon=d. of Taylor John Segar of High Weeke=Alice d. of John Babb of Taynton in com. Devon Bishop in com. Devon d. of John Trend=Rich. Segar of High=Mary d. of Nich. John Se-=Thomazin of Chackford in Week mar. 30 Cone of Tenton gar, 3. d. of Nich. com. Devon, 2 Mary d. of Chinne Bishop, 1 wife Cone of wife Devon Alice, æt. 20 Rich, s. & h. Willim., 2 Mary=Rich. Bulley of Kings Carswell in Devon Christian d. of Wm. Bikford of He->Gregory Segar, 2 son=Mary d. of Gregory nock in com. Devon, 2 wife of Highweeke Bickford, 1 wife. John, 2, æt. 3 Alice, æt. 1} Gregory s. & h., æt. 17 Mary, æt. 13 Entered, not signed. Seymour. ARMS. Quarterly, 1 and 4. On a pile gules between six fleurs-de-lys azure, three lions passant guardant of the first (being an augmentation granted by Hen. 8.) 2 and 3. Gules, two wings conjoined in lure, tips downwards or, over all the badge of Ulster. CREST. Out of a ducal coronet or, a phoenix in flames proper. Sir Edw. Seymer of Bury Pomeroy in com.Dorothy d. of Sir Henry Killi- Devon Knt. & Baronet, living 1620 grew of Lothbury in Corn. Edward Sey- Henry, Thomas, Robert, mer Esq. s. 2, æt. 8 3, æt. 6 4, æt. 5 & h., et. 9, 1620 Joseph, Elizabeth, 1 Ann, 4 5, æt. 3 Dorothy, 2 Margaret, 5 Catheryn, 3 Mary, 6 EDW. SEYMOUR. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 257 Shapcote. Willm. Shapcott Simon Shapcott Johanna fil. Will. Shapcott aº 5 E. 3 Tho. Shapcott=Alicia supervixit maritum suum aº 15 E. 44 Wm. Shapcott, aº 15 E. 4 John Shapcott, 15 H. 7=Agnes d. & h. of Willm. Windigat John Shapcott inq. 23 E. reginæ=d. of Molhurse Robert, 2 Willm., 3 Philip Shapcott-Elizb. d. of Wm. Isack John, 1 Philip, 3 German, 5 Thomas Sapcott of=Urith d. of Hen. Shapcott, 1 son, Sotherin of living 1620 Cheshire Thomas, 2 Henry, 4 James, 6 Thomas, æt. 6 Mary Urith Dorithie Nathaniel, 8 Mary, 1 Mary, 3 Peter, 9 Dorithy, 2 Elizab., 4 . THOMAS SHAPCOTE. Notes.—Hac indentura facta inter Robertum Luccombe et Thomam Radis- worthy capellanum ex una parte et Johannamn filiam Will. Shapcott ex altera feofaverant dictam Johannam de terris et tenementis in Shapcott, etc. Dat. die lune quintodecimo die Septemb. aº regni regis Edwardi 3 a conquestu 50. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos præsens scriptum pervenerit Willelmus Hatell, Tho. Croke, Simon Shapcott, Johannes Nott noveritis nos predictos confir- masse Aliciæ Shapcote, nuper uxori Thomæ Shapcott, omnia messuagia, terras, tenementa, reditus, reversiones, et servicia in Shapcott. Dat. apud Shapcott decimo die Aprilis, 15 E. 4. 2 L 258 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Obligatio data 16 Augusti 15 E. 4, in qua Alicia Shapcot, nuper uxor Thomæ Shapcott, tenatur Willelmo Shapcott filio suo. Omnibus Christi fidelibus, nove- ritis, etc. Johannem Shapcote, Agnetam uxorem ejus, Editham Wyndegate filiam et bæredem Willelmi Wyndegate, concessisse Alexandro Taylor et Isabellæ uxori ejus omnia terras et tenementa nostra in Westbroke in decima de Bagtor data die lunæ post festum Assumptionis Mariæ Virginis, aº 15° H. 7. Shapligh. ARMS. Dert, a chevron argent between three escallops or. CREST. An arm couped at the wrist, vested gules cuffed argent, holding in the hand proper a wreath vert, fructea gules. Robt. Shapleigh of Dartmouth=d. of Simondes of Totnes John Shapleigh of Totnes in com.=Joane d. of Rich. Anglois of Totnes in com. Devon, living 1620 Devon, borne in Fraunce Robt., Mary Elizab. Suzan = John Save- rey of Totnes John Shap-=Mary d. of Wm. leigh of Slanninge of Totnes, Larkham in living 1620 com. Devon Wm. Dyer of Yarde in com. Devon gent. Jeffrie Swift of ... Joane d. & h., æt. 1} JOHN SHAPLIGH. Sharpe. ARMS. 1. Argent, three falcons' heads erased sable within a bordure engrailed azure. [SHARPE.] 2. Sable, three pickaxes argent. [PIGOTT.] 3. Or, a lion rampant argent, gorged gules, a crescent for difference. (MALLORY.] John Sharpe of Stratford-=Ellinor d. & h. of Peggott of Chetwyn upon-Avon in Shropshire Robert Sharpe of Lon-=Julian eldest d. & coh. of Sir Rich. Mallorie don merchant of London, Lord Mayor THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 259 А Edw. Sharpe of=Anne Lionel, 2, of=Anne d. of William of Ti-=Alice d. of Stoke in com. d. of Tiverton, John Chin verton, living | John Northampton, | Vane Doctor of chester of 1620, rector of living 1620 Divinitie, Hull one of the por- living 1620 tions Exiter Mallorie, 4 Margaret, 1 Marie, 3 Hen. Sharpe John 1 Robt., 2 s. & h., at. s., et. 23 17 William, 3 . . Alice, 2 Anne, 4 Andrew, Francis, Mary, Anne=Amiance of Whit- Elizab.=Robt. Younge of 4, living 5, living 1 d., leigh Parke in Sus- Mesenburie in unm. unm. sex com. Hertf. WILLIAM SHARPE. . - .-- -- - - , -.--.-. - . - - .- Short. ARMS. Gules, a griffin segreant or and a chief ermine. Note.- Not to be entered without further conference. John Short de Exeter Anthonius Shorte de civ.=d. of Doct. Peter Exon. Theolog. ob. Car- in Oxford ter. Cantii fil. primog. John Short, 2, de=Joan fil. Johis civ. Exon Thomas de Exon Maria Antho- Johes Short=Alicia fil. et h. Thomas, 3, mar. Jeromie, 4, = nius, 2, de Newton | Rogeri Shir- in Spaine, and de Exon, Edmund æt. 35 Sti Sears in land de Mor- there lives mercator, Weare de com. Devon, chard Ep'o, re- æt. 28 Clist Honi- æt. 36. lict Johis Quick ton John, fil. primog., æt. 9 Sherland, 2, æt. 6 Amias, 3, æt. 3 Thomas, 4, æt. 6 weeks Margerie Dorothea Alicia Jocosa Joliis Foliott de Exon. Tho. Chaffe de Exon. Geo. Pile de Geo. Townsend - de Tottues Exon. JO. SHORT. 260 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Sherman. Arms. Or, a lion rampant sable, between three holly leaves vert. CREST. A sea lion séjeant sable, guttée or, finned proper. Robert Sherman of Yaxley in com. Suff.=1 d. of Will Sherman of Ottrie St Mary John Sherman s. & h., of Ottrie St. Mary. John Sherman 1 s., ob. s. p. d. & h. of Trent of Ottry=William =Joan d. of John Mallack St. Mary, 1 w. Sherman of Axmouth, 2 w. William, Margaret d. of=John Bridget d. of Tho. Katherin, 1 Agneta, 3 2, ob. s. p. Sir Barnard Sher- Haydon of Ebford Drake Kt., 2 w man, 1 8. s. p. Johanna, 2 Isabell, 4 Gyddion Sherman 8. & b.,=Agneta d. of Nich. Frie æt. 23, 1620 of Yerty, ob. s. p. John, 2, Gartrud Mary æt. 19 Jone d. of John Eveleigh=Richard Jone d. of Rich Copleston of of Holcomb, 1 w. Sherman Woodland, 2 w. Thomazin William, 1 s., æt. 30 Susan Henry, ob, inf. Margaret=John Cooke of Thorne, ob. 1614 .--. .------ - . -. - - - . . . .- . - - - Richard, æt. 21 Christopher, æt. 18 Margerie Joane, ob. GEDION SHERMAN. Shortridge. John Shortridge of Shortridge in Tiverton Hugh Shortridge=Margerie d. & h. of Phillip Bowden of Shortridge ! of Witheridge, modo vivens Phillip,=d. of Ford Rich. Shortridge of Shortridge=Mary d. of John Cade of $. & h. of his mother Witheridge 1 s. Margerie Amy Rich. Shortridge s. & h., æt. 4, 1620 1, Joane, æt. 8 2, Mary, ot. 5 3, Barbara, t. 2 RICHARD SHORTRIDGE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 261 Skerpt. ARMS. Or, a chief indented sable. Tho. Skeritt of Buckland Monachorum=d. of Ashley John Skeritt of Tavistock=Thomazine d. of John Landere Thomas, 2=Barbara d. of Apter Agnes d. of Libb of=Edward Skerit of=Anne d. of Tho. Tavistock, 1 w. Petertavy Whalley John s. & h., æt. 10, 1620 John Skerit s. & h., æt. 3, 1620 EDWARD SKERYT. Skynner. ARMS. Argent, a chief azure, semée de fleurs-de-lys or. CREST. Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-talbot rampant argent, collared and lined gules. (1587.) John Skynner of Cowley=d. & h. of Cornish in com. Devon John Skynner of Cowley=Alice d. & h. of Maurice Tristram Skynner of=Mary d. of Rich. Greenfield of Cowley, 1620 Penheal in Cornwall, Esq. John Skynner s. & h., æt. 9, 1620. Grace, only daughter TRISTRAM SKYNNER. 262 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Slannynge. ARMS. Argent, two pales engrailed gules, over all on a bend azure three griffins' heads erased or, CREST. A demi-lion rampant azure, collared or. John Slanninge of Leye in com. Devon=d. of Cruse of Morchard in com. Devon John,=d. of Bawden Nicholas Slanninge=Margt d. of Hen. Champernon of of Leye Modburie in com. Devon Gamaliell, 1 s., of Hele=Margt d. of Mar- Nicholas Slanninge Elizb.= Blackall in com. Devon ler of Kent of Leye, living 1620 of Totnes Nicholas s. & b., æt. 9, 1620 Elizab., æt. 12 NICH. SLANNYNGE. Slowlye. ARMs. Gules, a chevron between three bats displayed or. Hugh Slowley of Slawley in=Jaquet d. of Inkleton Sherwell in com. Devon of Braunton Mary d. of Geo. Pollard=Sim. Slowley of=Elizab. d. of Wm Bellew of Langley, 2 w Fremington / of Ashe, 1 w. John Slowley of=Thomazin d. of Fremington, liv. | Rich. Pollard ing 1620 of Langley Mary=Jo. Lewis of Swim- bridge Anne=John Sher- man of Fremington IM John, 2 , 2 Mary, Mary, 1 Agnes 3 Thomazin, Richard, 3 Joane, 2 Elizab., 4 s. & h., et. 14, 1620 Alice=Leonard Chichester Ellin=Nicho. Willan Grace=Jobn Alford Daniell, of Tawton of Modburie of Bowe JOHN SLOWLYE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 263 Smallacombe. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Johannes de Smallecombe dedi, concessi, et hac præsenti confirmavi Willelmo de Rarleigh et Her. filio Milonis de Fernhill Totam terram de Smallecombe &c. His testibus Joh. Mona et aliis. 23 Edw. 3. Noverint universi per præsentes nos Will. Smallacombe et Johannem White de Raddon gent. aº 24 H. 7, concerning a marriage to be had between the said Will. Smallacombe & the daughter of John White. To all true Xian people to whom these presents shall come Richard Brooke & John Roo serjeants at the law greeting. Whereas afore this time divers vari- ances, discords, & debates have beene and yet are depending betweene Edward Rowse of the citty of Cant. gent. and Alice his wife on the one partye, and Will. Smallacombe of Lifton in the county of Devon gent. on the other partye. Dated the 6 of July aº 9 of H. 8. John Smallacomb of Smallacomb=Elizabeth d. of Westcott in the county of Devon of Fernhill Wm Smallacomb of=Alice d. of Hen. Bidlake of Smallacomb Bidlake in com. Devon Mary, 1, d. of Penerock=John Smallacomb=Anne d. of Rob. Grace of Chimley in com. of Smallacomb Furse of Dene Devon S. & h., living Prior in com. Elizabeth 1620, æt. 35 Devon John Smallacomb s. & h., æt. 12, 1620 Willm, 2, æt. 9 Thomas, 3, Robert, 4, æt. 7 ! æt. 1 JOHN SMALLACOMBE. Smyth. ARMS. Barry wavy of six argent and azure, on a chief gules three pairs of barnacles or. John Smith of Dartmouth=widow of John Anthonie of Exiter . John Smith of Dartmouth in com.=Elizb. d. of Rich. Dyer Devon, living 1620. of Barstaple John, Nicho., 3 Barbara, 3 Tho., Richard Smith=Mary d. of Dorithie, 1 5 S. & h., et. Tho. Wal- 24, 1620 drope of Joane, 2 Dartmouth Gilbert, 4 Katherin, 4 RICHARD SMYTH. 264 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Smyth. Willms de Monteacuto Comes Sarum Thomas Monthermer 8. of Ralphe Erle of Gloucester by Joane d. of K. Edw. 1 Will’m Montague Erle of Sarum John Montague=Margaret d. & h. of Kt., ob. 12 R. 2 Thomas Lord Mont. Robt., 2 Wm Montague slaine at Windsor by his father's casualty at tilt John Montague=Maude d. of Comes Sarum Sir Adam Francis Kt. Thomas, 3 Richard, 4 Tho. Montague Erle of Sarum=Elianora d. of Tho. Holland Erle of Kent Alice d. & h.=Richard Nevill Erle of Sarum in her right Robtus John Montague Agnes d. of More William Montague of the county of Somers. Willm. Montague of Sutton Montague Willm. Montague of Slow in com. Somers.=d. of Peverell de com. Devon Margaret JohanəJohn Molins EmmaşJames Duport Elianor=John Bevin Elizabeth John Molins Thomas Duport Henry Molins Henry Duport of Sheepshead in com. Leic. Willm. Molins Thomas Duport John Bevin=d. of Giles Daubney Margaret d. & h.=Ellis Keymer THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 265 - Muttleberie Willm. Jondayne de Jordayne Will. Atloge=Alice d. & h. of Tho. de Wolmington Edward Mut- tleberie Rich. Jordan=d. of John A thurne John Lovey=Joan d. & h. of Willm Atloge Robt. Muttleberie Willm. Jordan=Alice d. & h. of of Jordan John Lovey Edward Muttleberie=Joane d: & coh. of Wm Jordani a Robt. Muttleberie Agnes (Perot) Robt. Muttleberie-Elianor d. of John Huett Tho. Muttleberie=Joane d. of Roper Katherin=Alexander Muttleberie Alice-Johň Smith of Borrage Robt. Muttleberie=d. of Beamont Joan d. of James=Sir Geo. Smith=Grace d. & coh. of Wm Tho. Mut-=Dorothy Walker who was of Exeter Kt., Viell by Jane d. of t leberie d. of descended of the ob. 1619. He | Arundell of Trerize, 2 w. Peter Mathewes of was uncle of Tich- Wales who were Robt Smith born descended of of Ilminster. Grace=Bevill Grenfield, s. & h. of Flewillins & Som. Sir Barnard Grenfield Herberts, 1 w. Elizab. = of POMOD Jane Divers Elizab.=Sir Tho. Monke Sir Nicholas=Dorothea d. of children of Powderidg Smith of Sir Raphe d. without in com. Devon Larkbeare | Horsey de issue Kt. in com. com. Dorsett Devon Kt. Rich. He- ming of Dorsetsh. Editha, 1 Lettice, Nicholas Smith George, 2, John, 3, Edward, Raphe, d., et. 2 d., s. & h., et. 14, et. 11 et. 10 4, et. 5, et. æt. 7 1620 12 5 NICH. SMYTH. 2 M 266 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Snellinge. ARMS. Argent, three griffins' heads erased gules and a chief ermine. Wm Snelinge of Chadlewood=Jane d. of Specott of Thornborowe Tho. Snelinge of Chadlewood, living 1620=Joane d. & h. of Elford "Thomas, 2 William, Jane Withian 44 John Snelling of=Francis d. Chadlewood, of Hele of living 1620 Gnaton Emanuell, 3 Broker of Plimouth Furse Samson, 2 Elizb. It Marie Fran., 3 George s. & h., æt. 10, 1620 Jane, 4 s twins John, 3 Joane, 4 Amye, 6 Il Florence=Lapp Mary=Martin of Plimton Joane 2 unind Dorithy šu JOHN SNELLINGE. Southcote. ARMS. Argent, a chevron engrailed gules between three coots sable. John Southcot of Bowey=d. of Hankford, widow of Sidnem 11- George,=Franc. d. Barbara Agnes Grace d. &=Tho. Southcot=2, Suzan d. & coh. of = = h. of Barn- of Bowey mar. ' of Sir Tho. Wm. Hugh Ric. hamn, 1 wife to his 3d wife Kirkham Robins Pome- Rei- Eliz., d. of roynell Fitz Will'm Grace=Rugeway Elizabeth=Rouse Fitzwillm., 4 Sir John, 3,=Susan d. of Ed- of Shile | Wm. Bat- ward, lingford, tesdon in 1620 com. Bedford Willm., 5 Arthur=Eliz. d. of Sir George of Exi- John Southcote, ter, 6 Hayes of eldest son Axmouth AR. SOUTHCOTE. Thomas s. & h., æt. 2, 1620 John, 2,æt. į yr. Jane, a d. JOHN SOUTHCOTE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 267 AB George, 2 Peter, 3, of=d. of Dillington Lusley in of the Isle of com. D., Wight 1620 Tho. Southcott of=Grace d. Bovy Tracy in / of Grace com. Devon, living 1620 Anne Barbara Katherine, 3 Thomazine Robert 8. & h., æt. 23, 1620 t. 23, Sir Hen. Man- waringe Sir Hon. Man Wm. Lamberte Wm. Tamberte Anthonie, 2 Nicholas, 4 Francis, 1 son, æt. 23, 1620 Dowsable, a dau. Henrie, 3 Jone Mary Elizab. Margaret John Eveleigh Tho. Carey Tho. Staplehill John Eveleigh FRANCIS SOUTHCOTTE. Southcott. John Southcott of Bovey in com. Devon George Southcott of Calverley in com. Devon=da. of Robinson of London Thomas, 1 Robert, Humphry, 4, of Thomazin, Mary, 2 Margaret, 4 Cheriton in com. Devon Mary, 3 Cicily, 5 Amyas, 2 HUMPHRY SOUTHCOTT. 268 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Southcott. John Southcott-Margaret d. of Sir John Norris of Southcot of Yatenden in com. Barks John Southcot s. & h. Jane d. of Tho. Tremayne of Collocomb Esq. Edward,= John,=d. of Prowse Robt., ob. s. p. Elizabeth=Ric. Sergian clericus Grenvile 8. & h., æt. 7 Richard, 2, æt. 4 Dorothy d. of Paule=Phillip Southcott=Martha d. of Ric. Worth of Barstable, of Southcott, Grenvíle of Pen- 2 w. 8. & b. heale in Cornw., 1 w. Roger,=Tailor by Cle- ment's Inn Stenan South-=Barbara d. of Tho. cott 8. & h., Pomeroy of ob. 8. p. Ilsington Nevell Southcott,=Presilla d. of Rich. Ley 2 son & h., of Northcott co. Devon æt. 27 Martha Dorothy 2 other daus. Florence Katherin Bridgett Tho. Berry of Lob Antho. Berry of Rich. Cloo of Northam Nathan Benton of East Buckland PHILLIP SOUTHCOTT. Southcott. Nicho. Southcott-Marg. d. of John Bossond of Bossond Soyle in Devon John Southcott of Bovye Tracye=d. of Hankford & widow of Sidnam Tho. Southcott, 1 s., who had 3 wives Geo. Southcott of Calwood-=Fran. d. & coh. of ley in Devon, 2 | Wm. Robins THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 269 Al Cicily=Gentle Godolphin of Westbarton Tho. Southcott of=Mary 3 d. of John Croker of Calwoodley Lyneham in Devon George,=Mary d. of 2, of Barnard Kilmar- Frie of ton Dowles- hayes Mary Elizab. Rich. Southcot=Eliz. d. of Tho. of Calwoodley, Whifford of Wm. Col. Rich. Wal- living 1620 Wadhurst in mang tham com. Surrey Thomas, 2 George s. & h., æt. 6 Elizab., 1 Mildred, 3 Mary, 2 Luce, 4 TU Amias, 2 Thomazin Mary Mary Margaret Robert, 3 John Wood of Hearson in Devon John Blackaller John Ford of of Exiter Blackawton John Davy of Crediton Humph., 4 RICHARD SOUTHCOTT. Southcot. Tho. Southcott of Bovye=Suzan d. of Sir Tho. Kirkham Geo, Southcott s. & h. Eliz. d. of Sir Hen. Seamer Knt. Tho. Southcot of Mohun's=Katherin d. of Sir Wn Pole of Eliz.=Tho. Barkley of Awtrie, living 1620 Colkham in com. Devon Plimstock Elizab., 3 Popham s. & h., et. 15 John, 2 Tho., William, Nathaniell, Jane, 1 Mary, 2 3 4 THO. SOUTHCOT. 270 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Southmeade. Iste Radulphus fuit seisitus de Manerio de Wray in com. Devon Robt Norris of=Christian Radulph Abbott seized Chumley d. of - of the Mannor of Wraye John Norris Walter Abbott John Norris, s. p. Robert Norris Arkonald Abbott John Norris Joane d. of Arkonald Abbott John Norris Rich. Wraye=Alice d. of John Norris & heir of Tho. & John (who died sans issue) John Norris Rich. de la Ford=Christian d. & h. of Rich. Wraye Tho. Norris, s. p. John Norris, s. p. William Corsett=Joane d. & h. of De la Ford Johannes Corsett John Corsett of Wraye Rich. Corsett of Wraye, s. p. Tho. Southmeade=Alice d. of John & h. of of Wraye Wm Southmeade of Wraye=Joane d. of John Charles of Morton Jo. Southmeade of Wraye=d. of Hunt Wm Southmeade of Wraye=Anne d. of Hugh Luxton of Winkley John Southmeade of Wraye,=Anne d. & h. of Rich. now living 1620 | Wood of Lisley John S. & h., et. 4, 1620 Anne, 1 Joane, 2 Fran., 3 Jeane, 4 Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 271 . Speccott. ARMS. Or, on a bend gules three fer-de-molines, pierced argent. By a later hand. Ricardus de Specot miles=Matilda f. et coh. Baldwinus Bellasta Willmus Specot Edmondus=Cicilia f. Radi Baldwinus=Ann d. of Specot de Abbti Mon- de Belston Reginald asterio Ferrers Johanna=Wm. Rous Agneta f. et h. Ranulphus Speccot=Beatriz Matilda Ricardus Speccot=Margareta f. Rogeri Corun Nicholaus Specott=Isabella f. et coh. Robt. Scobhull Johannes Speccott-Johanna Johanna=Leonard Tylley Johannes Speccot=Anna f. et coh. Joh’is Boys Nicholaus Specott. Johannes Specott Edmundus Specott= Specott. Noverint universi ad quos præsens scriptum pervenerit quod cum convencio facta inter Edmundum de Speccot de parte una et Willmo Dolban ex altra sup. quod, &c. In cujus rei testimonium partes predicte præsentibus scriptis sigilla sua alter- natim apposueruut. His testibus Dominus Robertus de Boditon vice Devon, Roger militibus et aliis. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Randle de Speccot filius et hæres Edmondi de Speccot audivi et inspexi cartam quod dictus Edmund pater meus, &c. His testibus Rogero Coram Johanne de Brock, Ricardo de--. Dat. apud Speccot die Jovis prox. post festum Sti Lucæ Evangelistæ anno regni regis Edw. 3 à conquest septimo. 272 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Speccott. Humph. Specott of Specott in com. Devon=Eliz. d. of John Walter Edmond, Eliz. d. of Edgcomb=Sir John Specott=Jane d. of Wm Mohun of Mt. Edgcomb, of Specott, living of Hall in Cornw., 1w. 1620 2 w. Paul, Elizab.=Franc. For- Peter Specott=d. of Sir John 2 tescue of 8. & h., æt. 25 | Mallett of Corrie Preston Mallett Kt. John, 3 Anne John. Specott s. & h., æt. 1, 1620 Mary-John Fortescue of Fillie Roger Specott of Thor-=Eliz. d. of Edm. Rei. verton, living 1620 nell of Malston Roger, 2 John, 3 Henry, 1 s., æt. 14 Rebecka, 1 Elizabeth, 2 PAULE SPECCOTT. ROGER SPECCOTT. Speccott. Edmond Speccott of Speccott in com. Deron John, Nicholas Spec-=d. of Palmer of cott of Spec. Rickmansworth cott in com. Devon Humfry Spec-=Eliz. d. of cott of Spec- John cott Walter John Speccott of Claw-=Margt d. of Antho. Coples- ton in com. Devon, 3 s. toone in Great Torrington Thomas S. & h. Humfry, JOHN SPECCOTT. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 273 Spicer. ARMS. A chevron erminois between three towers triple towered or. CREST. Out of a mural crown a cubit arm vested proper, the hand holding a fire-ball sable, flanes proper. Thomas Spicer of Exeter Nicholas=Honour da. Spicer, 1 of Garland son, ob. of Barstaple s. p. Richard Spicer, 2 son Christopher=Eliza da. of John Spicer of Symonds of Shil- Exeter, 4 l lingford in com. fil. Dors Thomas Spicer=relicta Johis of Exeter, 3 Sheeres de Exonia Willm. Spicer, 5 son, mar. Grace da of Wm Chappell of Exon 2 daught. Alexander Spi- Christopher=da. of Robt cer, Doctor of Spicer of Martin of Phisick, 1 son Exeter, 1 | Barstaple son, ob. 1612 Nicholas Spi->Joane Thomas cer, 2 fil., da. of Spicer, ætat. 39, 1620 Walter 3 son Horsey of Exon Rich. Spicer, 4 son, phe- sician to the Duke of Len nox Willm Spicer, 5, mar. The da. of Nicho- las Willes of Exon. Elizab., æt. 16 Susanna, æt. 8 Presill, æt. 1 Christopher Spicer, ætat. 8 annor. Christopher Spi- 2, Richard, æt. 3 cer fil. et hær., æt. 15 3, Nicholas, æt. 2 one daugh- Elizab. ter Hanna, æt. 12 Sarah, æt. 5 Anne mar. to Nich. Martin of Exon Elizab. mar. to Tho. Flu of Exon Grace mar. to Roger Slee of Tiverton Honor ux. Edw. Charl- ton of London, 2 to White of London . Judith ux. Tho. Wake- man of Ex. eter Elizab. wife to Grace Willmot wife of Wm Prisley of uxor John Hamilton London, of London mayor (?) 1, Wilm. Spicer 1, George, 3 sonne Nicholas Spicer of Exeter, mar. Judith da of John Prowse of Exeter · Richard Nicholas Zacharia Jasper Samuell Judith NICHOLAS SPICER. 2 N 274 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Spurwaie. ARMS. 1, Argent, on a bend sable, a mullet between two garbs of the field. 2. Argent, a lion rampant between three cross crosslets fitchée vert. 3. Argent, engrailed gules, on a chief azure three mullets or, within a bordure. CREST. A garb or. Rob. Spurway of Spurway John Spring Tho. Spurway=Alice d. of Pointington Jams Spring=Jane d. of Helier Rob. Spurway=Eliz. 1 d. & coh. Alice=James King Peter Spurway Peter Spurway John Spurway=Florence d. of Worthe John Spurway=Agnes d. of Sherron Robt Spurway=Arundell Thomas Spurway=Anne d. of Gale Thomas Spurway=-Jone d. of Goram Edward, Thomas Spurway of Dartmouth,=Luce d. & coh. of Edw. Liston living 1620 of Dartmouth s. p. Barbara, 1 d., Edward, 2, William Spurway=Honor d. & h. of Nich. æt. 13 æt. 17 8. &h.,æt. 21, 1620 Lea of Dartmouth Thomas, 3, æt. 11 John S. & h., et. 1, 1620 THO. SPURWAIE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 275 Staplehill, ARMS. Argent, a chevron sable. Amy d. of Gale=Walter Staplehill of Exeter=d. of Surcot of Bove of Kirton in com. Devon in com. Devon Gilbert Staplehill of Dartmouth=Cheston d. of Alexander Penbellek in com. Devon of Hilston in Cornwall Zabian Agnes John Tho. New- Wm Kent d. of man of of Dart Nich. Exeter mouth Adams Alexander=Jane d. of Alfred=Silphine d. of Staplehill John Edgs- John Follet of Dart. bur of of Dart- mouth | Apsham mouth Tho. Staplehill s. & b., æt. 10 Alexander, 2, æt. 3 1, Jane, ct. 1 2, Susan, st. 3 a y. ALEXANDER STAPLEHILL. Staplehill. Tho. Staplehill Walt. Staplehill of Exiter=Amy d. of Gale of Kirton Cheston d. of Penhal-=Gilbert Staplehill of Exi-=Suzan d. of lock of Cornw. ter in com. Devon Lidstone Alexan- Aldred, 2, of Dart-=Silphian d. of der, 1 son mouth, living 1620 John Fawliott John, Sabian=Tho. Newman 3 of Exeter Samuell, 1 son, æt. 9, 1620 Aldred, æt. 7 Tho., æt. 2 Cheston a d. Gilbert, 1 son,=Dorithie d. of living 1620 | Martin Willm., Arthure, Anne=Wm. Kente Gilbert s. & h., æt. 1, 1620 Elizab. a dau., æt. 3 ALDRED STAPLEHILL. GILBERT STAPLEHILL. 276 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Stephyn. Robert Stephyns of Barstaple John Stephyns als. Loader of=Ellin d. of Herden als. Barstaple in com. Devon Holston of Combmartyn Robert Stephyn=Eglin d. of Edw. als. Loader of Hensley of Ber. Barstaple, rinabor in com. living 1620 Devon Thomas Stephyn als.=Joane d. of Loader of Barstaple, Rich. Avery 2 s., living 1620 of Barstaple - Grace Marian Marga-=Wm Wor- Mary,=John unm. ret, 2 man of 1d. Thorne Barstaple of Mar- wood Prudence=John Chap pell of Southmoul- ton d. Elizab. 1, William 3, George 1, Julyan 1, Adam Joane 2, Robert 2, Margaret 2, John ROBT. STEPHYN. THOMAS STEPHYN. Stoford, ARMS. Argent, two grappling irons in saltire sable between four pears or. [STO- FORD.] 2. Sable, three lions rampant argent. [PROUS.] Phillip Stowford of Stow-=Alice d. of Wm Yeo of ford in com. Devon Esq. ) Heamton in com. Devon William Stowford of Awtrie St. Mary=d. of Wm Hillinge Geo. Stowford of Awtrie St. Mary=Jone d. of Ric. Mercer of Awtrie Geo. Stowford of Awtrie St. Mary, living 1620=Sith d. of Nich. Gooddinge of Awtrie Grigorie, 2 Richard s. & h., æt. 26 Sara Judith Grace GEORGE STOFORD. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 277 Stoford. Robert Stoford of Stoford,=Eliz. d. & h. of John Men- eld. s. & h. of Phillip whenicke of Cornw. John Sto- ford s. & Thomas=, d. of Bremelcom of Bremelcomb Stoford, com. Devon, & relict of Anerie of Dowland John Stoford=Julian d. & coh, of Hugh of Dowland Osborne of Idsley Thomas, æt. Hugh 27, 1620 John Elizab. Zenobia=Lethebridge of Monk Okehampton. Johan Entered, not signed. Stowford. John Stowford vel Stafford of Stowford=Margerie d. of John Arscott of Dunsland Robert=d. of Den- 8. & h. nis Rich. Stowford,=Phillip d. of Wither 2 8. of Hollicomb Zenobia Margerie Margerie=Sir Tho. Wise Tho- Robert=Joane d. & h. d. & h. of Sidnam mas, S. & h., of Tristram Knight of 2 æt. 21, Stephens of the Bathe 16201 Norlew Rich. Rolle of Methe Abbott Margaret Thomas s. & h., æt. 2 Robert, 2, æt. 1 Sibell Entered, not signed. 278 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Strobridge. ARMS. Or, over water proper on a bridge of three arches gules a tower of the last and a pennon hoisted thereon. John Strobridg of Colleton in com. Devon John Strobridg of Bigburie in com. Devon=Cicilie d. of Giles Arthur Strobridg of Modburie in com. Devon, living 1620=Mary d. of Heale Walter, Roger, Mary=Sippett Anne John Strobridg=d. of s. & h., æt. 30, Ffinch 1620 Slowley 2 son Arthur s. & h. Adau. ARTHUR STROBRIDGE. Strode. ARMS. Argent, a chevron between three conies couchant sable. CREST. On a mount a savin-tree vert, fructed gules. Wm Strowde of Newnham=Elizb. d. of Wm Courtney of Molland Rich., 1 John, 2 Willm. Strowde of Carswell=Joane d. of Darte of Barnstable Adam Strowde of Carswell in=Ursula d. of Wm Bru- com. Devon, living 1620 ton of Exeter Elizab., 1 Mary, 2 Ellinor, 3 Reinold Strowde s. & h., æt. 3, 1620 ADAM STRODE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. . 279 Sture. ARMS. Argent, a bend sable, and in chief a pile of three points gules. Henry Sture of Huish in com. Devon Henry Sture of Hewish=d. of Fortescue of Wood Philip Sture of Hewish=d. & h. of Darke CL John Sture=Eliz. d. of Huish of Sir 8. & h. Rob. Dennis Rich. Sture=Jane d. of John of Hewish Giles of Bowden sister to Sir Edw. Giles K. Grace=Wm Newton of Craberton in Newton Pa- rish Philip Sture, æt. 6, 1620 Philip Sture of Moor-=Protheza d. of ley in com. Devon, Christ. Wise et. 37 Esq. of Tottnes Agnes=Wm Bid- lack PHILL. STURE. Summaster. ARMS. Argent, a tower triple-towered within an orle of fleur-de-lys sable. CREST. A portcullis argent, chained or. (1586.) Wm Summaster of Peneford=Kathe d. of Hen. Fortescue of in com. Devon Esq. Prutestone in com. Devon Esq. Eliz. John, Thomas, 2 1 Georg, 4 Hen. Som’aster=Alice d. & coh. Anne of Painsford in of John Arun- com. Devon dell of Trerise John Tregun- Esq., 3 in Cornw. Esq. nell in com. Dorset Esq. John Bon- vile Esq. John, Rebecka=Burton of Sir Samuel Som’ester of=Fran. d. of Sir W. Strowde - gent. Paynsford in com. of Newingham in com. Devon, living 1620 Devon ok Henrye, William, George Sommaster s. & h., Mary, Sara, 2, æt. 7 3, æt. 6 æt. 8, living 1620 et. 9 t. 2 SAM. SUMMASTER (?) 280 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Symonds. ARMs. Per fess sable and argent, a pale counterchanged, three trefoils slipped of the second. CREST. On a mount vert an ermine holding in the mouth a pansy, all proper. Thomas Simondes of Taunton co. Somerset - T William Simonds of Exiter, 1620=Alice d. of Moone of Bampton co. Dorset Marcella=Richard Harbert Ann=Christopher Darby of Exiter of Sturtie co. Dorset Rebecka=Anthony Sal- ter of Exeter RICHARD HERBERT for Wm Symonds. Tawley. ARMS. Argent, a chevron azure between three lozenges sable. Robt Tawley of Marldon in com. Devon=d. of Gilbert of ... John Tawley, 2 Tho. Tawley=Elianor d. of Forde of Marl. of Dittisbam in don com. Devon Robert Maria, æt. 18 Thomas Tawley of=Margaret d. of Marldon in com. John Ellacot Devon, æt. 24 of Exeter Ambrose, 2, æt. 21 Arthur, 3, æt. Elizab., æt. 8 12 THO. TAWLEY. Note.— This Family of Tawley came out of Gilford in Surrey. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 281 Thorne. Edw. Thorne of Shepwash in Devon=Agnes d. of Sir John Chamond Digorie Thorne, 2 s., of ShepwashŞAnne d. of Porter of London Joseph Thorne of Buckland TillieşJackett d. of Rob. Parnacott Katherin d. & h.=Rich. Risdon of Shepwash JOSEPH THORNE. Tiderleigh. ARMS. 1. Ermine, two surgeons' fleams saltirewise gules. (TIDER LEIGH.] 2. Argent, 10 torteaux, 4, 3, 2, and 1. [BABINGTON.] 3. Argent, on a bend sable three eagles displayed or. [ERNLEY.] 4. As 1. CREST. A wolf passant ermine. Genealogia antiquæ Familiæ Tiderleigh de Tiderleigh in com. Dorset. 24 Aprilis 1597. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Willelmus de Vallibus assensu et volun- tate Radulphi de Vallibus fratris mei dedi et concessi, et hac præsenti carta mea confirmavi Ricardo filio Garwi de Tiderleye pro servicio et homagio etc. His testibus Simone de Percy, Henrico et Roberto et Radulpho filiis suis, Thoma de Bolonia, Faranno filio ejus, Radulpho de Valibus et multis aliis. Sans date. Hac indentura facta die Veneris in Vigillia Sancti Bartholomæi Apostoli, anno regni regis Henrici quinti post conquest. tercio, inter Willelmum Tyterley ex parte una, et Johannam uxorem ejus ex parte altera, testatur quod predictus Willelmus Tyterley tradidit, concessit etc. His testibus John Doner, Tho. Northlod, Joh. Winton, Will. Brice, Will. Atte Bonne, Will. Atte Wike, et aliis. Dat. die, loco, et anno supradictis. (Sealed with the arms of Tiderleigh.) Athelwoldus de Tyderleigh Garwynus de Tyderleigh Ricardus de Tyderleigh A Ī 20 282 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. al Rudulphus de Tyderleigh=Margeria f. Gilberti Russell Radulphus de TiderleighŞAgneta f. Rob'ti Tirrell de Chetsball Radulphus Tider-=Joh. consang. Nici le leigh f. & b., Ferries de Monta- ob. s. p. bergh Normanni, etc. Tho. Tiderleigh=Kath. f. Rogeri de Bristoll, de Cobindon 2 Bristoliensis Ricius Tiderleigh consanguineus=Maria f. et coh. Johis Babington qui fuit & hæres Radulphi custos dicti Ric'i durante illius minorie ætatis Katherina Editha=Joh. Pole Willm's Tider-=Isota f. Johis Wadham de equibus leigh f. & h. Çaterston qui fuit 3 f. Pole Johis Wadham de Devoniensis Merifield mil. Ricardus Tiderleigh f. & h.=Mary f. Willmi Frie de Yarte in com. Devon Willms. Tiderleigh=Joh. f. Robti Pichard unius Dominorum f. & h. de Dom'et juxta Roch Robtus Tiderleigh f. &h=Johanna Robtus Tiderleigh=Eliz. f. & coh. 2 f. et her. Anthon. masculus Ernley Christiana=Tho. Heydon Ricardus, 2 Guliellms Tiderleigh=Philippa f. & h. Tho. f. & h. de Tider Sternhold de com. leigh Glouc, arm. Franciscus, 4 Johannes, 2 Guiliellmus, 3 Robtus Tider-=Eliz. f. natu max. leigh f. & h. Robti Henleigh de com. Som. f. Selwood Thomas, 4 Katherina, 2 Elizab., 1 Johanna, 3, virgo, æt. 23 Gullop de Bettlescomb in com. Dorset John Wakke- den de Whit. church in com. Dors. Robtus Tider-=Johanna f. natu leigh de max. Ricardi Tiderleigh, Spurway de æt. 31, 1620 Tiverton THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 283 *(Francis, Ric'us Tiderleigh 2, s. p.) f. & h., æt. 9 Johanna,=(† Jo. Long Elizabeth, æt. 3 of Membery) æt. 2 t(now living 1654= Eliz. 1 d. of Sir W. Wiseman of Much Canfield Hall in com. Essex Kt. f bart. Elizab. ob., æt. 2 Theodosia, 2 d., now living 1654) Maria=Willmo Dacham Cicilia=Joh. Bourgh Jana de Corfe ex fam. de Lime Regis = Dachamore de Stiple. et Bridport Stanton ton in com. Dorset in Dorset Chris-=Elizab. f. toph., Cooke de 3* la Cooke * Parts in brackets added by Parker. Note.-To be entered in the Book of Dorsetshire. Tillie. ARMS. Argent, a wyvern with wings endorsed sable, in the dexter point an annulet or. Walter Tilley of Cannington Tho. Tilley of Cannington - William Tilley of Cannington in com. Somers.d. of Judge Tremale James Tilley of Cannington=d. of Brent of Cossington in com. Somers. George Tilley of Pointington=d. of Joine in com. Som. Hen. Tillie of Upawtrie in com. Devon, living 1620 Anne=Wm Walton Elizab.=Sir Edw. Periam of Pointington in com. Somers. HENRIE TILLIE. - -- - - - - - - - -- --- - -- --- - - ... - -- . - - - 284 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Tothill. ARMS. Azure, on a bend argent cotised or a lion passant sable. CREST. On a mount vert à Cornish chough proper, holding in the beak an olive branch of the first fructed or. Geffery Tothill of Peamore in com. Devon=Joane d. of Rob. Dillon of recorder of the city of Exiter Chimwell in com. Devon Robert, Neys, Hen. Tothill of Pea-=Mary d. & h. of Nich. Sparke more Devon of Sowton in com. Devon Joane, 1 d. & coh.=John Northleigh of Mat- ford in com. Devon Grace=Will’m Tottle of Devon HEN. TOTHILL. P - - - - - .. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tremayne. ARMS. 1. Gules, three dexter arms, conjoined at the shoulders and flexed in triangle or, with fists clenched argent. [TREMAYNE.] 2. Or, a chevron between three escallops azure. [TRENCHARD.] 3. Gules, three plates, each charged with a che- vron sable. 4. Purpure, three eagles displayed argent. [GATTISCOMBE.] CREST. Two arms embowed, vested or, holding between their hands a head proper, on the head a hat sable. Tho. Tremaine Esq. *John Tremaine s. & h. John Tremaine 8. & h. ob. v. p. +Tho. Tremaine of Collacomb in com. Phillip eldest d. of Roger Grenfield Devon, 1 s. & h. of John of Stow in com. Corn. Roger Tre- Edmund, Degorie Tremaine,=Elizab. d. of Vasy of maine, 3 son of Callocomb Tamerton, relict s. & Rich. Browning A * This John in the 9 of H. 7 granted all his lands in Cornwall to John his sonne and to the heires male of ye saide John. of Tho. Tremaine in ye 4 of Edw.6 graunted all his lands in Cornwall to Roger and Anne his wife and to the heires of the bodie of Roger reserving all the Tinworks 25% rent, and in the same yeare of E. 6 graunted certain of his lands in Devon to the like use, the latter deed never executed. John Tremaine, Aº. 9 H. 7, entailed all his lands in Devon to Thomas & to his heires male. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 285 Arthur Tremaine of Collacomb in the parish=Mary d. of Sir Rich. Greenfield of Lamerton, s. & h., æt. 70 of Stow in Cornw. John, 3, in Bohemia, æt. 22 Richard, 4, æt. 19 Roger, 5, æt. Arthur Digorie,=Mary d. of Adding- 2, æt. 29 ton of Biddiford, who came from Harlow in Essex John, ob. s. p. Grenfield, 1 son, æt, 5 Arthur, 2, æt. 3 Edmond=Briget d. of Sir Eliz. Ulalia Tre John Coop of maine, South. Baldwin Ac. Tho. Lower 8. & h., land of of Trelask æt. 25 Hackeridge of Cornw, Bridget, 3 Margaret, 5 Catherine, 4 Rebecca, 6 Thomas 8. & h., æt. 2 John, 2, æt. 1 ARTHUR TREMAYNE. Trepe. Noverint universi per præsentes nos Thomam Fulford militem Humph. Courtney armigerum Johannem Courtney filium dicti Humph. et Johannem Rad- don tradidisse, demisisse hoc præsenti scripto meo confirmasse Thome Trepe et Beatrice uxori suæ, etc. Dat. quarto decimo die mensis Junii Aº regni regis Edwardi quarti vicesimo primo. Noverint universi per præsentes me Nich. Bidwell teneri et firmiter obligari Tho. Trepe in centum libris sterl. solvendis eidem Thome, etc. Dat. vicesimo die mensis Februarii Aº regni regis Edwardi quarti vicesimo. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Heghin dedi, concessi, etc. Dat. apud Est Heghin die Martis prox. post fest. Translationis Sancti Thomæ anno regni regis H. 6 post conquest. tercio decimo. John Trepe, temp. E. 4=Matilda d. & coh. of John Higheyne John Gutton Thomas Trepe=Beatrix d. & coh. of 8. & h. John Gutton other sister=Bidwell & coh. John Trepe s. & b.=Alice d of Mawkenfield John Trepe s. & h.=Thomazin Ball Αί 286 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. AL Sibeli d. & h. of Will.=Robert Trepe s.& h. of Yarmeley=Katherine d. of Andrewe Welles, 1 w. in Sanford in Crediton par. Bridges, 2 w. Agnes=John Symonds Thomazin=John Ridge of Rudge ROBERT TREPE. Trevilian. ARMS. Gules, a demi-horse argent, issuing out of water in base proper, quartering :- 1. Argent, three bends gules within a bordure sable bezantée. [WHALESBURY.] 2. Ermine, three bows qules. [Bowes. 3. Gules, five lozenges in bend argent. (RALEIGH.] 4. Argent, a chevron sable between three cocks gules. [COCKWOR- THY.] 5. Gules, a saltire vair between twelve billets or. (CHAMPERNOWNE. 6. Argent, three talbots passant sable. [HAMLEY.] 7. Argent, a chevron sable between three talbots passant sable. [TALBOT.] 8. Argent, three bends gules within a bordure sable bezantée. (VALLITORT.] 9. Argent, a lion rampant gules within a bordure sable bezantée. CORNWALL.] CREST. Two arms embowed, vested azure, the hands proper, holding up a bezant. John Rawley of Nettelcomb Simon Rawleigh of Nettelcomb John Rawleigh Kt.=Ismenell John Whallesbury Esq.Joane d. & h. of John Rawleigh John Trevilian Tho. Whallesbury Esq.=Matilda John Trevilian Esq.-Elizb. d. & h. of Tho. Whallesbury John Trevilian Kt. John Trevilian Esq.=Avice d. & h. of Nicho. Cokworthie Esq. A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 287 al Tho. Trevilian of Yarnescomb-Dorithie d. of Tho. Hatch in com. Devon Esq. of Southmolton Esq. Lewis, Hugh Trevilian=Eliz. d. of Rich. Dorithie=Tho. Lubham of youngest of Yarnescomb Pollard of Hor- Yarnescomb son Esq. wood 2, Mary 1, Jone=1, Scipian Lucar 2, Sir John Gill Kt. Digori Tre- vilian Antho. Trevi-=Cicily d. of Ursula=Rob. lian of Yarnes- Hugh For- Saw- comb Esq., tescue of yer living 1620 Weare John, 2 Cicilie, 1 Marye, 3 Hugh Trevilian 8. & h., et. 15, 1620 Arthur, 3 Joane, 2 Entered, not signed. Tristram. ARMS. Per chevron embattled sable and argent three stags' heads cabossed, counter- changed, within a bordure of the second charged with three trefoils slipped of the first. CREST. A stag's head proper, attired argent, in the mouth a trefoil of the last, stalked and leaved vert. John Tristram of Bampton Stephen TristramŞEliz. sister of John Siderham=Humph. Cruse, of Bampton of Dulverton Esq. 1st husb. Elizab.=John Venmen John Tristram of Dunall in par. of=Eliz. d. of Tho. Ray- Bampton mond of Chard Henry Tristram s. & h., æt. 13 JOHN TRISTRAM. 288 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Trobridge. ARMS. Or, over water proper, a bridge towered gules. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Walterus de Trobridge dedi et concessi, Rog. de Trobridge Moyland de Esticot nativam meam et totam sequelam suam de omnibus catallis suis. His testibus Tho. Fordeton, Robt. Wanti, Osberto Trobridge et aliis. Sans date. (Sealed with arms,--a bridge with flag.) Tho. Trobridge Rich. Trobridge of Trobridge Robt. Trobridge of Trobridge=Katherine d. of Predieux George, John Trobridge of Trobridge, Mary d. of John Bodley of living 1620 Dunscomb in Devon Christopher, 2 Grace Elizb. Geo. Trobridge=Eliz. d. of Walter 8. & h., living Dowrishe of Dow- 1620 rishe John, 3 Smythe John Davye of Midland William, 4 Joseph, 5 Peter, 2 Carew, 3 Katherin George 8. & h., et. 22 JOHN TROBRIDGE. Trosse. Tho. Trosse of Exwich in=Grace d. & h. of John com. Devon gent. Parris of Bampton Hen. Trosse of Exwich,=Rebecka d. & h. of Walt. Borrough living 1620 of Exiter Esq. Thomas, 2 John, 3 Henry, 4 Rebecka, 1 Grace, 2 Walter 8. & h., æt. 9 HENRY TROSSE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 289 Turbervile. ARMs. Argent, a lion rampant gules, crowned or, a crescent for difference. Sir Robert Turbervile Kt., Lord of Beare &=Margaret d. of the Anderston, died 6 Aug. 1424 Baron of Carew Wm Turbervile Esq. Robert Turbervile Kt. John Turbervile Esq. William Rich. Turbarvile Esq. ī Walter John Turbarvile Esq. John Turbervile 구 ​ Geo. Turber- vile Esq. James Turbarvile Bish. Rich. Turbarvile of=d. of Burleigh Honiton in Devon of Wilts Thomas Nicho. Tho. Tur. barvile John, Tho. Turbervile,=Joane d. of Perit Rich. 1 s. 2, of Exiter of Exiter ㅜ ​John Esq. John Turbervile of Samp-=Sara d. of Nicho. Nicho., ford Peverell in com. Wey of Sampford 2 Devon, living 1620 Peverell John s. & h., æt. 9, 1620 Thomas, 2 Presilla JOHN TURBERVILE, Turner. ARMs. Sable, a chevron ermine between three mill rinds or, on a chief argent, a lion passant gules. CREST. A lion passant gules, holding in his dexter foot a laurel branch vert. Antho. Turner of Thorverton in com. Devon=Joane d. of Martin Antho. Turner of Thorverton=Willmot d. of Fursdon of Fursdon . John, 2 Mary=Nic. Crust of Antho. 3 Cornw. Eliz.Sam Apuline=Peter Hüm. Turner =Mary d. James of of Thorverton, / of Tro. Cornw. æt. 46, 1620 bridge Humph., æt. 3 Mary, 1 Anne, 2 Antho. s. & h., æt. 4 Willmot, 3 Margt, 4 HUMFRY TURNER. 2 P 290 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Turner. John Turner of Harberton Anthonie Humphrie Nicholas Turner of=Jone d. of Maunder Harberton of Halberton 2 1 Humphrie=Mary d. of Trobridge Anthonie Baldwin, Humph. rie s. &. h., et. 3 Anthonie 8. & h., et. 4 Phillip,=d. of Hues of Silver- ton in Devon Turner, 1 of Alexander S., of Hal. Thomas of berton Collumpton Nicholas Tur-=Elizab d. of ner of Way Geo. Furs- Mill in Hal- | don of berton Fursdon Humph-Margerie rie, 2, relict of ob. s. p. Sutton Turner of Hal- berton Christ. San- ford of Hal- berton Esq. Katherin, æt. 22 Elizabeth, æt. 6 Phillip, 2, et. 21 Nicholas, Thomas, Walter 8, et. 14 4, et. 2. Turner, l S., mt. 25 Petronell, æt. 15 Jane, æt. 5 Margaret, æt. 8 1, Johanna=Hen. At- kins of Col- lumpton, ob. s. p. 3, Dorothy=Rich. Brooke 2, Thomazin=Edw. Web- of Brooke in ber of Plim- Ufcolm tree 4, Cath-=James erin Channon of Hal- berton 5, Anne Phinees 6, Elizab.=Edw. 7, Wel-=Tho. Man- May of Hitchcock thian der of Halber- of Colme Halberton, ton Stoke ob. s. p. NICHOLAS TURNER. . THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 291 Twigge. Ralph Twigg of Lawhitton in Cornw.=d. of Corry of Putford Nicho- las, 5 Tho. Richard =Richord d. John, 3, stew- mas, Twigge of of John ard of the Lawhit Frankling court of the ton in of Tavi- Erle of Bed- Cornw. | stock ford Mary Mark, 4, rector of Edw. Den Broad- nis of Tavi- worthy stock Elizab. John,=Mar- 2 gerie Richard Twigge of Wor-=Elizb. d. of Nicholas Corrie of Whal- ington in com. Devon leborow in parish of Marham Richard, 1 son, d. at the age of 15 Benjamin s. & h. RICHARD TWIGGE. Twigge. Ralphe Twigge of Lawhit-=Joan. d. of John Curry of Put- ton in com. Cornw. ford in com. Devon Thomas, 2 Mark, 4 Thomazin, 1 Alice, 4 John, 3 Nicholas, 5 Richard=Richord d. Twigge of John of Law- Franklin hitton of Tavi- stock Julyan, 2 Joan, 5 Margaret, 3 John, Richard Twigge of Worington in=Elizb. d. of Nicho. Cur- Agnes com. Devon, living 1620 rye of Worington Richard 9. & h., ob. 8. p. Benjamin, 2 & heir, æt. 4, 1620 Entered, not signed. 292 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Upton. ARMS. 1. Sable, a cross flory argent. [UPTON.) 2. Azure, three covered cups argent. [CARNEGIE.] 3. Argent, two bars gules, in chief three torteaux. (MULES.] 4. Argent, a chevron sable, and in chief a trefoil slipped vert. [TRELAWNEY.] 5. Or, a cross engrailed sable, a crescent for difference. [MOHUN.] 6. Argent, on a chevron azure three fishes naiant of the first. [PENELLS.] John Upton of Upton in Cornwall, sans date Notes :- John Upton of Puss-=Agnes d. & h, of ninch gent., 2 son Joh. Pennells Andrew Upton of Upton, sans date Nicho. Pennells of Luc- ton in com. Devon Hamelyn Upton of Upton=d. of -- 11 H. 3 John Pennelles Jobn Upton of Upton s. & h., 12 E. 1=d. of Richard Upton=Agnes d. & h. of Walt. Carnegie, 1330 S. & h., 4 E. 3 | ARMS. Azure, three cups covered argent. John Upton of Up-=Mary sister & coh. of John Mules ton, 21 R. 2 ARMS. Argent, two burs gules, in chief three O gules. Thomas Upton s.=Joane d. & h. of John Trelany & h., 28 H. 6 ARMS. Argent, a chevron sable, in chief a trefoil slipped vert. William Upton s. & h., 16 E. 4.=Joane d. & h. of Rich. Palmer Robert Blerick of -=Johan d. & h. of John Fleeminge of Merely in Cornwall William Mohum of Puslinch=Margaret d. & h. of Robt Blerick John Upton of Trelask=Eliza d. & h. of Wm Mohun Nicholas Pennells of Luckton John Upton of=Elizabeth d. of Porlich, 1 son John Burly John Upton of=Anne sister & h, Pussninch to Pennells William Upton=Joan d. of John Punt of Lupton de com. Derb. John Upton of Luck-=Johan d. of Wymond ton com. Deyon Rawleigh of Fardell * In a different hand from the former part and notes at top, bụt marked to be entered and signed at foot. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 293 AI John Upton s. & h.=Ann d. & h. of Cooper of Somersetshire & of Lucton widow of Thomas Allen of Glastonbury Arthur Upton=Gertrude d. of Hugh For- of Lucton tescue of Tilley Esq. Elizabeth Henry, 2 Hugh, 3 John Upton=Dorothy di of Sir of Lucton, Anthony Rouse living 1620 Cornub. in com. John Heale of Dipford Arthur, 4 Arthur s. & h., æt. 6 John, 2 Elizabeth, 1 d. Dorothy, 2 Ann, 3 Rebecka, 4. JO. UPTON. Velly, Nicholaus atte Vele 19 H. 6=Johanna uxor ejus Joh’es Vely de Hart-=Johanna f. & coh. Joh'is Dalyn de Luttesford land in com. Devon, | ARMS. (Argent, on a chevron sable three bezants 18 H. 8 entre three plane-leaves vert.) Thomas Velly de Hartland, 6 E. 6=Maria f. & h. Willm. Beauple de Fremington AS Joh'es Velly de Philippa f. Joh’is At- Hartland, æt. 70 kin de Hartland Joh’es Velly, 2 Alicia=Joh. Cooke de Hart- land Honor=Rich. Staple ton de Wols- worthy Ric’us, 4 Tho-=Christiana f. & h. mas, Walt. Stoford de 3 Stoford in par. Buckland Brewer Nicholaus Vel-=Jana f. Rici Est- ley f. & h., cott de Lawnston æt. 37 in com. Corn. Willi'ms,=Eliz. f. Leonardi Hor- wood de Londo' mercatoris Johannes f. & h., æt. 3 Ric'us, 2, æt. 1 Honor, æt. 6 Jana, æt. 5 (?) RICHARD VELLY. - - .- -- -- - - - 294 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Venner. ARMs. Gules, three bends or, a chief per fess ermine and argent. Robert Venner of Hudescot in Chiddlehampton=Joane d. of Wm Brighte William Venner of Chittlehampton=Elizb. d. of Hum. Copleston of Instow Elizb. d. of Rich. Farwell=Hum. Venner=Dorithie d. of Fran. Whiddon of Som. Esq., 1 w. of Hundscott of Chagford, 2 w. 1, Anne 2, Elizabeth John s. & h., William, 1, May 2, Mar- 3, Joane æt. 8, 1620 gerie HUFREY VENNER. Vincent. Vincent of ...=d. of Vincent of ...=d. of Tho. Vincent=d. & h. of Sir John Barneck of Berneck Kt., d. 10 H. 4 John Vincent of Berneck=Margt d. of Drayton Rich. Vincent=Eliz. d. of.... John Vincent Margt d. of John Jordan Robert Vincent=Katherin d. & coh. of Tho. Semarke Tho. Vincent=Cicily d. of Sir Jo. de Causton Knt. Jo. Vincent=Anne d. of Hill А THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. . 295 Elizb. d of Spencer ofƏDavid Vincent Esq.=Jane d. of Rotshey of Northamptonsh., 1 w. Worcestershire Robert Francis Anne=Sir Edw. Sir Jane d. & Henry, Jane=Geo. Cha- 1 s., 2, ob. Herne, Tho. h. of Tho. 4 worth Esq. ob. s. p. s. p. one of the Vin- Lyfield of father to Barons of cent | Stoke Da- Sir George the Ex- Kt. burnon in Chaworth chequer com. Surrey Kt. Sara d. of Sir=Sir Fran. Vincent Kt. & bart.,=Ellinor d. & h. of Robt Mallet of Amias Pawlet mar. to his 2 w. Mary d. of | Wolley Esq., & widow of Sir Kt. Wm. Archer of Essex Arthur Ackland Amias, 1, ? Thomas, 3, % ob. s. p. Sir Antho. Vin-=Elizb. d. of Francis Mary=Fran. Ga. Elizab. cent Kt of Sir Arthure bell of unmd. Stoke Daburnon Ackland of Amias Cobbham in Surrey Killartonin - in Surrey Devon Edward ANTH. VINCENT. Wakeman. ARMS. Argent, a cross sable charged with a ducal coronet or, encircled with clouds proper rayonnée of the third. CREST. A cock or combed gules legged azure, holding in the beak a scroll with the motto, “ Iviglia qui dormis." John Wakeman of Chaderleigh in com. Vigorn Thomas Wakeman s. & h.=Margery d. of Robt Hatheway of Bewdley of Flyford Flavill in com. in com. Vigorn, descended from the house Vigorn of Hatheway in Gloucestersheir Robert Wakeman D.D. & parson=Thomazine d. of Willm. Shep- heard of Bear Ferrers aforesaid com. Devon, living 1620 gent. Richard, 2, of Flyford Thomas Wakeman s. & b., æt. 8, 1620 Robert, 2, æt. 5 1, Judith, æt. 12 2, Elizabeth, æt. 10 RO. WAKEMAN. 296 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Wakeman. ARMS. Vert, a saltire wavy ermine. CREST. A lion's head erased. Wakeman of Exeter ... Wakeman Abbot of Tewkes. Rog. Wakeman of Woodrow in the=dau. of Ha- bury, & first bishop of Glouc. parish of Chadley in com. Wigorn selwood Tho. Wakeman who=da. of the Lord Chiefe Edw. Wakeman=Joane da. of Arye went into Ireland Justice of Ireland of Glouc, 2 son of Herefordshire Tho. Wakeman of the Cittie of=Judith da. of Tho. Spicer of the citie Exiter, living 1620 of Exiter, Alderman Entered, not signed. - Walrond. ARMS. 1. Argent, three bulls' heads sable, armed or. (WALROND.] 2. Argent, on a fess sable three crosslets fitchée or. (UFFLETE.] 3. Azure, six fishes haurient argent, 3, 2, 1. [FISIACRE.] 4. A bend wavy cotised sable. [WHITING.] 5. Argent, three escallops gules. [CLENEDON.] 6. Per fess azure and gules three fleurs-de-lys or, two in chief and one in base. [HOLLAND.] Humph. Waldron of Bradfield=Mary d. of Sir Tho. Willoughby in com. Devon Esq. Justice of the Common Pleas William Walrond of= Ufcullum in com. Devon Esq., 1 son Humph. Walrand of Upham in=Mary d. of Audley com. Devon, now living 1620 of Holbury in & as yet hath no issue com. Wilis HUMPHREY WALROND. - ---- - - - - THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 297 Walrond. Humph. Walrond of Bradfield=Mary d. of Sir Tho. Willoughby Kt. & in com. Devon Esq. one of the Justices of the Common Pleas William Walrond;=Mary d. of Thomas 1 s., of Bradfield Warre in & Wood Esq., Somer Alexander, living 1620 setsh. ob. s.p. Humph., Humph. Wal-=Elizb. d. rond of Aw of Duke trie St. Marie, 1 of Otter- living 1620 ton Henry Walrond=Penelope d. of. S. & h., living Humph. Sidnam 1620 of Dulverton Mary=Arscot of Tetford in Devon Humph. 8. & h., æt. 6 William, 1 s., æt. 10 Thomas, 2 Elizab. H. WALROND. W alter. ARMS. Argent, guttée de sang two swords in saltire gules, over all a lion rampant sable, quartering, argent, a hunting-horn sable between three trefoils slipped of the second. [PINCHEPELL.] CREST. A stork drinking out of a whelk shell proper. Walter John Walter Esq.Mawde d. of Stapleton of Norfolk John Walter of Crawdon=Alice d. of John Barley in Cambridgesh. of Abberey Robert 7 Gilbert s. p. Tho. Walter=Elizb. d. & h. of Ric. 8. & h. Pynchpoll of Maundon in Essex Hen. Walter=Katherin d. of Holden of Essex Joan Roger Walter=Eliz. d. of relicta Esq. S. & h. John Sargant Hen. Walter=Joan d. of Tho. Esq. Hartwell Boston William Walter of Crawdon John, 2 John Walter=Ellin d. of of Brokes. Harri- borne s. l sonn & h. Jobin Walter s. & h. 2 Q 298 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Roger, Alice John More Hen. Wal-=Anne d. & h. of Elizb.-1, John Arscott of ter Esq. Hugh Fenne Thetcott in com. 8. & h. of Stebumhal- Devon, 4 s. he (?) in com. 2, Humph. Specott Mid. of Thornburie John, Clemence Jeromie Walter, 1, ob. 8. p. Hen. Walter of=Mercella d. of Ashburie in John Skinner com. Devon, of Collidge living 1620 Anne Elizabeth John, 2 Roger, 4 Marcella Henry 8. & h., æt. 17, 1620 Lewis, 3 Edmond, 5 (?) *Hen. Walter Note.—Sir John Pickeringe Kt. mar. Elinor d. of Sir Rich. Harrington Kt. Eliz. d. & h.=Wm Meryell of London HENRY WALTER. Waltham ARMS. Sable, chevron engrailed between three suns argent. Richard Waltham of Brenton=Mabell d. of Roger & sister & coh. of in Exminster Gervise of Bowey of Bowey Esq. George Waltham of Brenton=Janot d. of Paddon of Kenne, Devon Elizabeth John Wal- | tham Elizabeth d. & h. of Rich. Stevens of Ex- minster Katherine=Philip West- Agnes cote of Raddon Verdure gent. William Friar Geoffery Wal- ==Katherine d. of Ann d. of=Richard Wal- =Eliz. d. of Tho. tham, 2 son, of Rich. & s. to John Long tham, 3 son, Southcot of Exeter Esq. Nich. Duck of Exmin- of Trehill in Calwoodley & Ald. Esq. recorder ster, 1 Kentte Esq. Esq., 2 wife of Exeter wife, s. p. * So in the original MS. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 299 AL Geoffrey s. & h. Elizabeth=1, Rich. Bellamy 2, Jas. Tucker of Exeter Richard Tucker, æt. 2, 1620 George Waltham of Brenton, 1 son=Margery d. of Ball of Mamhead Grace Catherine Ann Thomas=Elizabeth Rich- George, Wal. d. of ard, Helliar of 3 son 2 son Culliton Langley of King- steignton Thos Sam son of London John Quesh of Kenne ; George Waltham, 1 son, æt. 3 Thomas, 2, æt. 2 John, 3, æt. 1 Elizabeth, æt. 5 John Wal-=Bridget d. Eliza-=James Margerie tham, 1 of John beth Taylor of unm. Geere of Pinhow Kenne Johanna=John Vilvaine of Broad Clist gent. Bridget, 1 d. Elizabeth, 2 d. Margerie, 3 d. THO. WALTHAM. GEOFFRY WALTHAM. WARREN. Ingd by later hand. ARMS roughly drawn. WARREN. CULLING. BURGIS. OPIE. John Warren of Hedbury in the par. of Ashburton Christopher Warren of Hedbury William Warren=Anne d. of Tho. Mabel=Will. Culling of Woodland in of Hedbury of Calston in Cornw. I com. Devon, 2 husb. LI William, 1 Richard, 3 Warren of | Webb of Hedbury Sidenham John, 2 Thomas, 4, of London 300 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Robert War-=Marg. d. of John ren parson Peter Burgis War- of Rame in of Peter r en, 2 Cornw., 1 8. . Tavy in Cornw. Richard War-=Eliz. d. Ivatt Thomas, ren of Green- & relict of ob. s. p. wich in Kent, Marsh Margaret, 1 Richard, 1, Christopher, 1 Thomas, 3 Natha- niell, Robert, 2 Peter, 4 5 5 Anne, 2 John, 2 Christopher=Sarah d. of Warren, 4, Nich. Opie of London of Plimouth William Warren,=Mary d. of 5, of London Will. Culling merchant of Woodland Ann=John Richards Esq. Waye. ARMS. Azure, three luces haurient argent, quartering, sable two bars wavy argent, each charged with three pales wavy güles. CREST. An arm habited in mail armour, embowed proper, holding in the hand a baton 0r, ends sable. Alex. Wey of Somersetsh. Thomas, William Wey of Torington in com. Devon, one-Margaret d. of Berrie of of the yeomen of the guard to Hen. 8 Berry in Arbor John Roberts Richard=d. of , Greye William Wey of Mary d. of Pointes of Torrington, Arlington in com. "living 1620 Devon 8. p. John, 2 William Wey 8. & h., æt. 10 Fran., a dau. WM. WAYE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 301 Weare. Edmond Weare of Halberton in com. Devon Tho. Weare of Clist Huing-=Jone d. of Bale in ton in com. Devon com. Dorcet Richard 8. & h. Edmond Weare of=Mary d. of John Clist Hunington Short of Exeter Roger, 3 Gilbert, 4 EDMUND WEARE. Webbe. ARMS. 1. Or, a cross sable, in the first quarter an eagle displayed of the last. 2. Argent, a sun in his splendour or. CREST. A hind's head erased argent, vulned in the neck proper. John Webb of Exiter, whose ances-=Agnes d. of De la Hay tors came out of Kent of Fraunce 1, Jane d. of Hum. Crews of-Willm. Webb=2, Mary d. of Crews Morchard in com. of Exiter Brocken of Devon Totnes in com. Devon Joane=John Naper als. Sandy of Exiter John Webb of=Dorothy d. of Roger Deane of Newton Exiter gent. St. Petrock in com. Devon Elizabeth d. & h., yr. old 1620 JOHN WEBBE. 302 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. W estcott. ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron between three escallops sable. [LYTTLETON.] 2. Argent, a bend cotised sable within a bordure gules bezantée. (WESTCOTT.] 3. Argent, a fess engrailed gules between four hands argent. [QUARTERMAINE.] 4. Argent, a fess gules, and in chief three covered cups of the same. (WESTCOTT.] 5. Or, on a bend cotised sable three boars' heads couped argent within a bordure of the second. [WALTER.] 6. Per pale or and azure, on a chief gules three lions' faces of the first. 7. Azure, on a chevron argent three mullets sable. [ROBERTS.] 8. As 1. Sir Tho. Littleton de Franckley Kt. in com. Worc.=d. & h. of Quartermaine Elizabeth d. & h.=Thomas de Westcott Esq. Note.This Sir Thomas wrote the booke of Littleton's Tenures. Thomas Westcote, who took upon him the name of his mother, and was Sir Tho. Littleton al's West- cott de Franckly Kt., Justiciar de Banco Regis temp. Ed. 4 Guido=Alice d. of Edmond, West- Greenvile 3 cott, of Glou- 2 cest. Nicholas, Thomas West-=Mary d. & h. of cott s. & h. Westcott, Porlock John Walter=Alice d. & h. of John Collacott of Come of Collacott in Winkley, relict of John Colome of Champston in Molland Som. Philip West-=Margaret d. of Ste- Thomas Westcott of Rad-=Alice d. & b. of cott 8. & h., Wm. Spurr of phen, don in Shobbrook in com. John Walter 8. p. South Pether. 3 Devon, 2 son, mar. Anne of Come in ton in com. d. of Wilson relict of John com. Devon Som. ap Raddon, ob. s. p. Phillip Westcott-Katherin d. of Geo. Waltham of Raddon | of Brenton in Devon Julian Hen. Rey- nell Susan Ann Alice=1, Roger Prie of Horwell in Wm. Hen. Colbrook Ma- Clot- 2, Arthur, 3d thew worthy son of John Hurt of Yarn- comb in Mod- bery Thomas West-=Mary d. & coh. cott. 3d son of Rich. of Raddon Roberts of Comb Martin in com. Devon A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 303 AL_ Phillip Westcott s. & h. Francis, 1 Prudence, 2 Katherin, 3 Robert Westcott, 1 s., ob. p. George, 2, who died a captaine in the Portugall voyage, 1589, s. p. Phillip, John, 4, ob. inf. Entered, not signed. Weston. ARMs. Argent, on a chevron sable three leopards' faces or. CREST. A cock proper, wattled gules. Robert Weston of Lemshersoare=Elizb. d. of Vernon of Wales of Ludlowe John Weston of Colliton in com. Devon=Betrice d. of Morrice of Colliton d. of Pyne of=John Weston of=Joane d. of Lechland of Hayes, 1 w. Colliton | Colliton, 2 w. Robert Weston, 1,=Kath. d. of Walter, 2, of>Jane d. of of Colliton Walrond Axminster Walrond Fran. John Weston of Col-=Kath. d. & cob. of Wm. Somersset of liton, 1, living 1620 Greenwich in co. Kent by d. of Lile of Lilesden in Som. William s. & h., æt. 30 Rob. Fran., Margaret, 1 Anne, 4 Cornelius=Mary Robert, 2 8. & h., d. of æt. 27 Maxi- Walt., 3 milian Mohun Henry,5 Rebecka, 2 Cicilia, 3 Katharin, 5 Mary, 6 JOHN WESTON. 304 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Whaddon. ARMS. 1. Argent, a lion rampant gules debruised with a chevron sable, charged with three cross crosslets fitchée of the first. 2. Argent, a chevron between three eagles displayed sable. [TOWNE.] 3. Argent, a chevron sable guttee of the first. [CHARLIS.] 4. Sable, six lioncels rampant argent, 3, 2, 1. [DETLINGE.] Robt. Whaddon of Addington in com. Kent, ob. 1444 Willms W baddon fundator capellæ de Whaddon, ob. 1467 Robtus Whaddon, ob. 1470 John Whaddon whose auncestors lived at Addington in Kent, and this John cam to Plimouth, and there he died Alice d. of... John Whaddon of Plimouth=d. of... Peter,=Catherine d. James, 3, John Whaddon=Prudence d. of Tho. 2 of John æt. 23 of Plimouth Fownes now Maior of Elliot S. & h. | Plimouth 1620 Alice, æt. 7 Thomas Whaddon 8. & h., et. 5 John, 2, æt. 3 Prudence, æt. 2 Jone Margaret Mary ine Elizabeth virgo, æt. 17 Tho. Wolridge of Plimouth Will. Canne of Plimouth Tho. Leake of London John White of Plimouth THO. WOLRIDGE. W illesford, ARMS. Gules, a chevron ermine between three leopards' faces or. Wm Willesford of Tavistock Rich. Willesford of Lancells in Cornwall, living 1620=Joane d. of Warringe William Willesford= of Lancells, 1 son Rich. Willesford=d. of Wm Kedley of Humph., 2 of Tavistock, Pointer nr Tavistock æt. 14, 1620 John, 3 RICHARD WILLESFORD. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 305 Williams. ARMS. 1. Sable, three curlews' heads erased argent. 2. Ermine, a lion passant gules. [DREWE.] 3. Or, a fess wavy gules between three (?) goats' heads erased of the same. 4. On a chevron sable four bars wavy of the field. [PRIDEAUX.] 5. Azure, a bend per bend indented argent and gules between six escallops or. [CRUwys.] 6. Gules, on a bend sable cotised or three boars' heads couped argent. [EDGCOMBE.] CREST. A curlew beaked and legged or. John Williams of StofordIsabella d. & h. of Thomas Drwe in com. Devon of Drwes Cliff in Devon Adam Williams of Stoford=Alice d. & h. of Tho. Predeaux of Ashbourton Thomas Williams of>Emliss d. & h. of Will. Crwes of Chimley in Stoford Esq. com. Devon & of Margt his w., sister to Anthonie Pollard of Harwood Thomazin Elizab. Jone Thomas, 2, ob. s. p. Francis Buller Giles Powlet father to Sir of Crudall in Rich. Buller. com. South. John Wil-=Maria d. of liams of Edw. Drwe Stoford of Hayne near Exeter Phil. Cole of Slade - Jone Arthur,=Marie d. of ThomasşJane d. & h. of Adam, 3 Wm Barron Wil- Rich. Edgcome John Cowne of of Ugbo liams of of Calstock in Prudence d. Deane Prior rough Stoford com. Corn. & coh. of Stert Esq. of Stert Esq. Richard, ob. 8. p. Thomas s. & h., æt. 18 Anne 1 Emelyn S ob. s. p. THO. WILLIAMS. W hitlocke. ARMs. Per fess or and sable a bend wavy between two padlocks counterchanged. Wm Whitlock of ffrestock=Christian d. & coh..of John in com. Devon gent. Lake of Bradmore Wm Whitlock 8. & h. John Whitlock h. to Elizb. d. of Chichester his brother l of Braunton A 2 R 306 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Thomas,=Margt d. of Wm Whitlock s. &=Margt d. of John Diggery h. of Warkley / Botiler of Stowe Mabin in com. Devon, in com. Devon living 1620 Joane=John Staple- don Anthonie, 1 Pasco, John Whitlock=Willmot d. of Rich. . S. & h., living Hill als. Spurway 1620 of Tiverton Chichester, 2 Margaret Ayis=Oliver Nicholl Pasco=Edw. Dennis Elizb.=Valintine Ley Joane unm. WILLIAM WHITLOCKE. Willoughby. ARMS. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Sabie, a cross engrailed or. 2 and 3. Gules, a cross moline argent within a bordure gobonée of the second and azure. Jo. Lord Willoughbye of Eresbie by K. E. 3 Robt Lord Wil=Elizb. d. of John loughby of Mentacute 3 Earle Eresby of Salisburie Sir Tho.=Joane d. & h. of Sir Rich. Wil- de Arundell, 3 s. to John loughby Fitzallan the 1 Lord Kt., 2 Maltravers Sir Edw. Che-=Elinor d. of Wm Stafford of Hooke Esq. & sister & h. of ney Kt. Humph. Lord Stafford of Southwike & Earle of Devon Sir John Wil-=Agnes 2 d. & coh. loughby Kt., 3 of Sir Edw. Che- ney Kt. Ellinor,=Sir Tho. Strang- ways Elizabeth,=Sir John Coistell Robert Willoughby=d. & coh. of Beauchamp Lord Brooke Lord of Powike Sir Richard Wil- loughby, 3 Robt Lord Brooke Eliz. d. & h. of Rich. Lord Latimer THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 307 B! Edward, ob. v. p. Elizab.=Marquesse of Winchester 2 d.=the Lord Montjoye y Elizab.=Sir Foulke Grevill Kt. - Willough- bie, 2 Edward, 4, Deane of Exiter Cicell, 1 d., Abbesse of Wilton Elizab.,=Wm Carew 2 d. - Willoughbie=d. of Nicho. Weekes of Dodington Jo. Willoughbyo Chist. ciell anne Marie Jane nne Wm Willoughbye d. of Mr. Spencer of Crediton=John Willough-=Agnes d. of Wm Frye in Devon, 1 w. bye of Yartie Esq. Anno An- Richard, 2, whom=Agnes d. of Wm Marg-Brayley Alice drew, his father made | Culine of Champ- 1 his heir ston Beare Stephens Hugh, 4 Philip, 2 William, 3 Jo. Willough-=Margt d. of Phillip by Esq. Steynings of Som- ersets. Esq. Nicholas, 5 Jo. Willoughby 8. & h. Ann, 1 d. Suzan, 2 d. Bridget, 3 d. 3, Anne 1, Mary Wm Tawnton 2, Jane Jo. Turpin Alexand. Steynings Entered, not signed. 308 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Willoughby. Notes.-Edward Willoughby, Deane of Exeter. To enquire for the arms of Willoughby of Turner's Piddle or Marshwood Vale in com. Devon. William Willoughby of Exeter Elizabeth d. of=John Willoughby of=Agnes d. of Wm. Fry of Membury, Edward Spen- Shebrook in com. widow of Hugh Collome of Cham- cer Devon ston in Devon Esq. Ann=Robt Stephens of Molland : Mary Alice=John Beare of Bristowe in co. Somerset Andrew Wil. loughby, 1 son Marga- ret Richard Willoughby, 2=Agnes d. of Hugh son, of Peahembury in Colme of Chamston com. Devon in Devon Esq. Philip, William, 3 John Willoughby of Pea->Margaret d. of Philip Stay- hembury in co. Devon, nings of Holmcote co. living 1620 Somerset Esq. Nicholas, 4 John Willoughby s. & h., æt. 9, 1620 Ann, 1 d. Susan, 2 d. Bridget, 3 d. Mary=Wm Tawnton of Dorset Jane=John Turpin of Awtry St. · Mary in Devon Ann=Alexander Staynings . JOHN WILLOUGHBY. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 309 Whyghte. Martin Wyghte of Dirye who saith=Ann d. of Peirse Pengelley he came out of Norfolk of Bratton co. Devon George Whyghte=Ann d. of Edward Dennis of of Diray, 1620 Collacomb co. Devon I- George, 3 s., Gabriel, 2 s., Martin Whyghte æt. 15 æt. 18 5. & h., et. 19,1620 Edward, 4 s., ot. 14 Ann only d., æt. 13, 1620 GEO. WHYGHTE. Not marked to be entered. Sketch of arms is given at the side with the words, “to be disclaimed.” There are also the following notes :- I find by An indenture bearing date the 38 yeare of Q. Eliz, that Martyn White of Plymouth writt himself gent. in aº 1596. I find by an indenture bearing date the 39th yeare of Queene Eliz. that Martin White of Plymouth writt himself gent. in aº 1597. But neither of these seales sealed with Armes. George White saith that he was a Seginer of Oxford, and specially admitted of the Middle Temple of London. 310 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Wolcot. Note.- Per pale b. gules, on cross florie or five martlets sable. La crest, A griffin's head arashed argent gutty gules, in the back a fleur-de-lys B. bezante. Quere. Note.- Walcot, Argent, on cross flory sable five lis or, the crest a falcon's hed arashed argent gutty gules. Quere. 1 w.=Walter Wolcot of Walcot in the par. of Thruselton=Alicia d. & h. of Hugh Skerret of Chagford, 2 w. John Wolcote s. & h. John Wolcott of Chagford who for his good service in the warres had an addition given to his armes, On chief or a lis entre two annulets Richard, Johanna=John d. & h. Bide- lake John Wolcott of Chudley in his time his cousin Joan wife of Bidlake died & all her children died without issue Thomas-Joan d. of Wm Colbrooke, Wole- 2 s. of John Colbrooke of cote Chittlehampton 1 L 2 sons 2 daus. John Wolcott of Chudley John Wolcote=Maude relict of Wm West- Walter=Elizab. d. of Wm. Lampry & of Elizab. of Lisleigh cote of Westcote in North Wolcot his w., d. of Walt. Baghell als. Beale of Tawton Yeoland in High Bickington Tho. Wolcott of South- cot by Exeter AT Richard Wol. cote s. & h. Bī =Tho. Wolcot=Margerie d. & coh. of John Davy and of Margery his w., d. & S. & b. coh. of Tho. Eston of Morchard Bishop, 1 w. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF. DEVON.: 311 • . - - - - . *: . --- B Peter Wolcott Peter Wolcote of Lisley pur- chased Buterstowe in Henivell John Wolcot the elder geminus, æt. 76, superstes 1620 Thomas, gemi- John the younger nus John Wolcote John Wolecote of Boterstow John Wolcote of Mowston als. Moreston in Haberton, 2 s. John Wolecote of Boterstow Note. --Joan d. & h. of John Walcott was married to John Bidlake, & by him had issue 2 sonnes & 2 daughters, and conveied the lands of Walcote to the use of the said John and Joan, and the heires of their bodies lawfully begotten, and for default of such issue, to the heires of the same John Bidlake for ever, and afterwards the same Joan and all her children died of the plague without issue, where- by Bidlake and his heires had the lands of Walecott. John Walcott of Chudley & John his son did commonly beare but only the armes of Skerret with his father's crest. Entered, not signed. 312 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Woollcombe. ARMS. 1. Argent, three bars gules. [WOOLLCOMBE.] 2. Sable, three sinister wings displayed argent. [ATCOMBE.] 3. Argent, a double-headed eagle displayed sable within a bordure sable bezantée. [TREGIAN?] 4. Sable, three fusils in fess ermine. [GIFFORD.] 5. Sable, a lion rampant argent, debruised by a bend gules. [CHURCHILL.] 6. "Or, on a bend cotised azure three cinquefoils or. [DAWNEY.] 7. Argent, two chevrons sable. [ESSE.] 8. As 1. CREST. A spur or, the rowel points gules. William Woolcom of Plimton St. Mary=d. of Dunne Robert Woollcomb, 1 son, of Plimton St. Mary William Woollcomb of>Joan d. & h. of Pitton in parish of John Pittes of Yeamton, 3 son Pitton Bawld- win, 2 Phillip Jane John Woolcomb=Joan d. of John Henry, Rade- of Pitton s. & h., Skinner of 2, ob. gund, æt. 43, 1620 Bramford Speak s.p. unm'd nr. Exeter Hen. Treby of Holbert. ton John Slan of Plimton St. Mary Joane, 13 Mary, 8 William Woollcomb s. & h., et. 14, 1620 John, 2, æt. Nicholas, Robert, 3, et. 4 4, et. 2 Susan, 12 Agnes, 4. 12 JOHN WOOLLCOMBE. Wollacombe. John Wollacombe of Combe, Mary d. of Sir John Basset of 8. & h. to Alexander Umberleigh in com. Devon Kt. Thomas, John Wollacombe=Mary d. of John Coffyn Honor=Rich. Gifford of of Combe s. & h. of Portlidge Esq. Wellesley John Wollacombe of Combe=Sara d. of John Fortescue 8. & b., now living 1620 of Phylly & Weare Esq. Thomas, 2 Richard, 3 John s. & h., æt 1] John, 2 Elizabeth 1, Mary=Humfrey Cop- 2, Janor=John Bar- 3, Ann=Tho. Hart Elynor, 4 pleston of ret of St. of Exeter Weare Tudye, Elizabeth, 5 Cornw. JOHN WOLLOCOMBE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 313 W olfe. John Wolfe who came out of Sussex=Catherine d. of and dwelt at St. Edmonds Bury Enderby Edmond Wolfe of Abbington in com. Berk.=Magdalyne d. of Hooke Richard Wolfe of Harberton in com. Devon,=Eliza. d. of John Stephan of Harber- of Lyon's Inn, now living 1620 | ton in com. Devon All I Protheza, 7 Wolfe, 8. & h., Edmond, 3 Jane, 5 Jonathan, 6 Mary, 2 Samuell, 7. Frances, 3 1620 Giles, 4 Margaret, 6 - WOLFE. W olston. Note.--Arthur Wolston affirmeth that his ancestors did bear the coat of Wolston with the baskets, and refers himself upon better trial. ARMs. Sable, a bend or between six baskets argent, Rich. Wolston de Staverton in hundred of Heytor John Wolston of Staverton in Heytor Thomas Wolston of Staverton John Wolston of Staverton =Elizab. d. of Burgaine Zeale in South Tawton John Wolston of Staverton=Dorothy d. of John Chichester of Bishops Tawton Jane=John Colton agri- cola Alice=John White of Staverton clothier Arthur Wols-=Johan d. of Agnes=John ton of Staver- Christ. Sa- Lang- ton com. very of don of Devon Shilston Exeter Christ. Wolston s. & h., æt. 10, 1620 Jone, æt. John, 2, æt, 5 Arthur, 3, æt. 2 Elizab., æt. 9 3 y. 28 314 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Woode, at Wood. ARMS. 1. Argent, on a mount an oak-tree vert, fructed or. 2. Argent, an ox's head erased sable. [CARSLAKE.] CREST. A demi-wild man holding in his dexter hand an oak-tree erased vert fructed or. Rich. Wood als. Atwood of Harestow=Phillip d. of John Hillersdon of Memland in com. Devon Esq. in com. Devon Esq. John Wood of Harrestow, living 1620=Thomazin d. of Geo. Southcott of Calverley Dorithy=John Blage Jane=Nich. Obye of Plimouth Mary=Alex. Aron Richard =Alice dell of Bide- Wood s. & d. of ford h., æt. 33 Est- I cott 2, Thomazin 3, Alice John s. & h., James, Barthol., Rich. 1, Margaret æt. 9 et. 7 et. 4 æt. 3 George, æt. 30 John, æt. 23 Suzan=Tho. Salterne of Bradford Ursula=Andrew Cranch of Malburie JOHN WOODE. Wood of Lew Trenchard. ARMS. Sable, semée of cross crosslets, three leopards' faces or. John Wood of Lewtrenchard=d. of John Wolcott Tho. Wood of Lewtrenchard=Dorithie d. of Cavill of Cornw. Elizb. of Rolle of=John Wood of Lewtrenchard=Sibell d. & coh. of John Tre- Heanton, 1 w. 8. & h., living 1620 lawney of Cornw. Elizab., 1 d. Phillip, 2 d. John s. & h., æt. 9, 1620 Thomas, Barnaby, Honor, Agnes. Entered, not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 315 WWoodroutfe. d. of Pollard=James Woodrouffe of Barstable & sometime maior=Jone d. of of Langley, l of the same Borough whose father came out of | Pawle Worth of 2 w. Yorksh. & lived at Ufcolme in com. Devon Barstable, 1 w. Grace George, Jone Charles Wood-=Mary d. of Robt., Mary 8. p. virgo, rouffe of Bar- Page of ob. s. = æt. 20 stable, 1 s.' Plimouth p. Ric. Knell of Huntshaw in Devon Lewis Wel- lington in Torrington Charles, æt. 4 George, æt. 2 Mary, James, æt. 12 Robert Woodrouffe 8. & A, et. 15 æt. 9 CHARLES WOODROUFFE. Worth. ARMS. Argent, a two-headed eagle displayed sable, quartering, 1. Vair. [BEAU- CHAMP.] 2. Argent, a bull passant gules. [BEVILL.] CREST. An arm erect, vested and gloved ermine, holding an eagle's leg couped at the thigh or. Reginald Worth of Worth near Tiverton Robert Worth of Worth Alexander Worth of Worth Sir Richard Worth of Worth Kt. Sir Hugh Worth of=Constance d. of the Lord Rivers, Worth Kt. | aft. Countess of Devon Robert Worth of Worth Esq.=d. of Wm Beauchamp of Whitlackington Thomas Worth of Worth Esq.=Isabell d. of Humfry Bevill of Wolston ΑΙ 316 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Margery Thomas>Elinor d. Worth | of Geo. of Midleton Worth John Curtis of Pyll near Lestethell Elizab.=John Agnes=1. Tho. Chau- Mili- mond ton 2. Wm Strood near Plimton Esq. Anthony Worth of Worth Esq.=d. of Dygby Simon Worth of Worth Esq.»Eliz. d. of Hen. Fortescue Hen. Worth of=Mary d. of Michaell Worth Esq. Mallet of St. Awdrye Arthur, 2: Henry Worth of=Eliz. d. of Nich. Worth, Esq., Frye of Yearty living 1620 Frances=Tho. Leight of Leight's Cary Mary -unm. Henry Worth 8. & h., et. 15 Simon, 2 Arthur, 4 Bridget, 1 Mary, 3 John, 3 Elinor, 2 Entered, not signed. Wotton. ARMS. 1. Argent, a cross engrailed between four mullets sable. [WOTTON.] 2. Argent, three battle-axes sable. [GIBBS.] 3. Argent, on a chevron gules three roses argent. [GILBERT.] 4. Or, on a bend azure three butterflies volant argent. BUTTERFORD.] 5. Argent, a fess between three legs couped at the thigh sable. [GAMBON.] 6. (WOTTON.] Wm Wotton of=d. of Holcomb Thomas Gibbes=d. of Sir Wm. Courtenay Inglebourne . of... of Powderham John Wotton ofAgnes d. of Ingllebourne in Hackwell com. Devon Will’m Gibbes=da. of Barkley & sister to Sir John Barkley & Sir Morris Barkley of Bruton Arthur,=d. of Will’m,=Thomazine d. of W. Walter Wot-=Silvester eldest d. Con- 2 Martin of New- ton of Ingle- & coh. of Wm stable court in the parish bourne Gibbes of Verton of Shipwash in com. Devon 8. & h. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 317 CI John,=d. of Wm Walter,=Joane d. & h. of 1 Asher of 2 Walter Browne of Haverton West Allington Devon Andrew,=Marie d. of Geo. 1 Farwell of Hill Bishops in com. Somerset Anne Walter, 1, æt. 14 Arthur, 2, æt. 9 Marie Philip Will’m, 3, æt. 3 Silvester Susan William Wotton of>Ann d. of John Giles of Bowden Inglebourne Esq. & sister to Sir Edw. Giles Knt. Not signed. Wiat. ARMs. Per fess gules and azure a pair of barnacles argent. John Wiat of Branton Phillip, 2=Jone d. of Jeffrey Paty of Pilton John Wiat of Branton s. & h. Williàm, 4, George Wiat, ob. s. p. 1 son, of Bran, ton, ob. s. p. Mary d. of=Hugh Wiat,=Mary aunt to John Hill, 2. Wm Erle of 2 w. Bath, s. p. John Wiat, æt. 3 Marie, æt. 4 Agnes 5, Nicholas 8, Phillips ob. s. p. William,=Eliz. d. of Thomas,=Margt d. of Riyden Peter 6 l of Park'm Sheppard of Ful- broke in Edward Wiat,= Phillip Branton 1 son Marie John Shepperd of Ful- broke Alexander,= 2, s. p. John, Jane=Hugh Ha- mond of Estdowne Jone Henry Wiat,=Mary d. of unm. 1 son, of John Knell of Sherwell Stoke Rivers unm. Sedwell Marga-=John Poyntz Adam,=Eliz. d. of Gil- = ret of Mar- bert Harris of wood Barstable John, 9 Francis d. of Amias Chi- chester of Arlington 318 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Anne Margaret 1, Phillip, æt. 30 2, Hugh, æt. 23 Jane Agnes HENRY WIAT. Weekes. ARMs. Ermine; three battle-axes sable. Sir Rich. Weekes of Honychurch in com. Devon=d. of Carey of Clovelley Richard Weekes of Honichurch Richard Weekes, 1 son Simon Weekes of Honichurch=d. of Haywood dau. &=Haydon of Hen. Weekes of Honi-= sole h. Awtrie St. church, living 1620 Mary sans issue Will’m Weekes of=Arminell d. Honichurch heir of Yeo of to his brother Hatherley John=d. of Diflon 2 l of Chim- well William, 3 Elizb. d. of Mortimer Sim. Weekes s. &=Mary d. of h. of Broad John Stukely wood Kelly, of Afton in living 1620 Devon John s. & Henrie, 2 Marie William Fran. s.=Wilmot d. John, 2 Mary, i s. & h. & h., 1 of Rich. · æt. 30 Coffin of Grenvil, 3 Arminell, 2 of Bidiford Portlich (of alvington Simon, 4 Katherin, 3 Mary, æt. 1 in wh.all. Arfon Arabella, 4 Simon s. & h., æt. 2, 1620 in Jan. 1616-17.) Anne Arminell Joseph,Mary d. & Izot Matilda 4 coh. of Molford of Wm Stone- Scipio Cadburye ing Stukeley Anthonie Ackland Fran. Herni- man Joseph s. & h. FRANCIS WEEKES. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 319 Wykes. ARMs. 1. Ermine, three battle-axes sable. (WYKES.] 2. Argent, a chevron gules between three blackbirds proper. [BURNELL.] 3. Argent, five fusils in fess sable cotised gules. [AVENELL.] 4. Sable, a chevron argent between three estoiles or. (POWKSWELL.] John Wykes of North Wyke=d. & coh. of William in com. Devon Esq. Chichester of co. Somerset John Wikes of Northwike in the=Mary d. of Sir county aforesaid Esq. Roger Gifford Roger Wikes of Northwike Esq.Jane d. of Duke John Wyke of North Wyke=Grace d. of Archibald Esq., living 1620 Arscott of Tetcott Esq. John, 2 Elizabeth, 1 Grace, 2 Mary, 3 Roger s. & h., æt. 15, 1620 Entered, not signed. Yard. ARMS. Argent, a chevron gules between three water bougets sable, quartering, or, on a chevron sable three horseshoes argent. [FERRERS.] Tho. Yard of Bradley juxta=Joan d. of W. Hurst Newton Bushel Ald. of Exon Gilbert Yard of=Joane d. of Bradley f. & h., Grigg of æt. 80, superstes Exeter 1620 Richard Yard, æt. 76,=Katharine d. of Gould living but blind of Staverton relict 1620 of John Tackin Gilbert Yard eldest son, æt. 35=Eliz. d. of Rich. Beare of Chudley Alicia, æt. 13 alumin at 18 Richard, æt. 8 Willm, æt. 3 Gilbert Yard, eldest son, æt. 10 Elizabeth, æt. 1 Hugh, æt. 6 Entered, not signed. 320 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Yard. Eliz. d. of John Luson=Tho. Yard of Bradley in=Joane d. of Hurst of Exiter, 1 w. com. Devon Esq. | of Exiter Gilbert Yarde of Brad-Joane d. of ley in com. Devon, Grigg of living 1620 Exiter (Rich. Yard, Catherine d. of Gould of 2 son Staverton relict of John Tuckin) Thomas, 6 Ursula Mary Joane Henry, Christ. d. Richard, 3 2 of... Willm, 4 George, 7 Josias Gere of Eveling Kenne Arthur, 5 Gilbert s. & b., æt. 4, 1620 Mary Gilbert, 1 son,Judith d. of Walter Heale of living 1620 Newton Ferris in c. D. Judith, 1 Elizab., 4 Walter s. & h., Gilbert, 2, Lennard, 3, 4 son æt. 22, 1620 æt. 18, æt. 8, 1620 (Mi- 1620 chaell) Joane, 2 Fraun., 5 Doritbie, 3 WM. BUSSELL FOR MR. YARD. Yarde. Rich. Yard of Bradley, s. & b. of Roger=Marg. d. of Walt. Bamfield Thomas Yarde of Bradley s. & b.=Eliz. d. of John Lewson John, ob. inf. Edward Yard s. & b., of=Agnes d. of Wm Stroud Chirston Ferrers of Newnam Arthur Mary=Christ. Eliz.—John Low man of de com. Dorsetsh. Grey George Yard of=Christian d. of Chirston John Giles of Ferrers, super. Bowden in stes 1620 com. Devon Margaret, ob. 8. p. Dorset THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 321 Al Mary, æt. Giles, 2, George, 3, Henry, 4, Edward Yard=Eliz. d. of Walter æt. 39 æt. 32 . æt. 16 S. & h., ob. Norcott of 1612 Crediton 25 Giles s. & h., æt. 15 Edward, 2, æt. 12 Jane, 1, æt. 14 Lettice, æt. 11 GEORGE YARDE. Yarde. Richard Yard of Bradley Esq.,Marg. d. of Walter Bamfield of 8. & h. of Roger Poultmore in com. Devon Esq. Thomas Yard S. & h. John Yard, 2, of Tre-=d. of Graye surer's Beare Thomas Yard, 2 Francis Yarde s. & h., of Tresurer's=Francis d. of Edw. St. Bearb of Beare in par. of Clist Honiton Robert Edward Yard of Tre-=Briget d. of Lawrence Radford Esq. surer's Beare of St. Leonards nr. Exeter EDWARDE YARDE. Yeallaton. Yealaton of Pacholle in the par. of Kentisbeare John Philip Robert Yealaton of=Agneta d. of John Pacholle s. & h. | Ward of Pacholle Presilla=John Berrie of Martinboe John Yealaton of Pacholle=Mary d. of Rich. s. & h., et. 46 Longe of Barstable George Yealaton s. & h., Henry, 2, Elizab., æt. 22, 1620 pt. 17 • et. 8 JOHN YEALLATON. 2 T 322 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Yeo-Rolle. ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron between three drakes sable. [YE0.] 2. Azure, three crossbows bent, in each three arrows or. [SACHEVILLE.] 3. Argent, two chevro- nels sable. [EssE.] 4. Gules, three pineapples pendent or. [PYNE.] 5. Vert, a lion rampant ermine, over all a fess gules. (JEWE.] 6. Gules, a chief indented argent. [BRIGHTLEY.] Nicho. Yeo of Heampton Sachvile in com. Devon Esq.Elizb. d. & h. of Sachvile John Yeo of Heampton Sachvile William Yeo of Heampton=Anne d, & h. of John Esse or Sachyile Esq. Ashe of Westo in Devon Note.-This Robert had issue Robert Yeo of=Jone d. & b. of Wm Robert, and must be thus in- Heampton Pyne of Bradwell serted into the descent on the Sachvile lease before where Lennard in com. Devon Yeo of Huish & Collyton is Esq. entered. Robert Yeo of Heampton=Isabell d. & h. of John Brightley Sachvile Esq. of Brightley in com. Devon John Yeo of Heamton=Alice d. & part inheritor of Wm Jewe Sachvile Esq. of Colly in com. Devon William Yeo of Heampton Ellin d. of Wm Greenfield of Stowe ** Sachvile Esq. in com. Cornw. Edw.=d. of Clarke Yeo, of Dolton Nicholas=Jone Yeo, 2 d. of Robert Yeo of>Alice 1 d. of Humph. Heampton | Wolrand of Brad- Sachvile Esq. field Nicholas Robert Elizab.=Joh. Crooker Edward William Yeo of=Joane d. of Sir Tho. Hcamton Sach- Fulford of Fulford in vile Esq. com. Devon Alice · Jone Hum- phrie, Robert Yeo of=Mary d. of Bartho. Heampton Fortescue of ffilly Esq. s. & h. in com. Devon Humphry Collins (?) of Derworth John Triplatt of Cornw. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 323 al Mary d. & h.=Henry Rolle, 3 son of Geo. Rolle of Stephenston Josias Nicho-=Honor d. of William las Edw. Ap- meridith George Robert Rolle=Joane d. of Thomas of Heamp- Tho. Hele ton Esq., of Flete Valentine living 1620 Hugh Esq. Samuell Mary TI Henrie, 2 Sir Samuell RollerMargt d. of Sir 8. & h., living Tho. Wise of Joseph, 3 1620 Sidnam Hugh Fortescue of Philly Esq. Grace ) Margt Jane ) unm'd John, 4 Francis=Leonard Lovelace (?) of Cornw. Suzan=Bartho. Thorne of Upcott Esq. Yeo. John Yeo of Otworthie in com. Devon=d. of Anderton John Yeo of Broadworthie in com. Devon=d. of Hill of Helligan Robert Yeo of Broadworthie, living 1620Alice d. of Kelley of Kelley 2, James 4, Samwell 6, Robert Oliver Yeo S. & h., of London 3, Edm. 5, John 7, Jonathan ROBERT YEO. 324 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Veo. Robert Yeo of ShebbeareşJone d. of Predeux William Yeo of Shebbeare=Mary d. of Humph. Batten Humph. Yeo of Shebbeare,=Agnes d. of Rich. living 1620 Weller ITT. Ferdinando, 2 Suzan Mary Zenobia, 1 Robert Yeo s. & h., et. 23, 1620 Joseph, 3 Rob. Gunler Wm May- Katherin, 2 nard Sara George, 4 John, 5 Agnes HUMFREY YEO. Yeo. Nicho. Yeo of Heaghmpton, 2 s. of Wm=Joan d. of Libb of Wilts. Johns. & h. Leonard Yeo of Hather-=Arminell d. of Corbett & widow of leigh Esq. Christopher Beresford of London Geo. Yeo of Huishe & Hather-=Elizb. d. & coh. of Nicho. leye, only son Smithe of Great Totnes John, 2 Mary Margt Jeromy, 3 Mark Scottle of 1, John Nele Northtawton 2, John Robins Esq. Leonard Yeo of=Sara 4 d. of Hugh Huish & Cola- Fortescue of ton, 1 s., living | Filley & Weare 1620 Nicho., 4 George, 5 Arthur, 2 Anthony, 4 George Yeo s. & b., Elizb., 1 Sara, 4 æt. 23 Margt., 5 Leonard, 3 LEONARDE YEO. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 325 Yeo. William Yeo of Heampton=Elin d. of Wm Greenfield of Stowe Sachville Esq. in com. Cornw, Nicholas Yeo, 2=Leve d. of... of Tavistock Leonard, 2 John Yeo of Hatherley=Anne d. of Honychurch of Devon Jeonard William Edmond sans is. Joane Robert Yeo=Mary d. of of Hather- | Hugh Gif. ford John sue ley Arminell . Hugh, 2, .John Yeo of Reed in=Rebecka youngest d. of Hen. Roll of sans issue Hatherley Heanton Sachville Robert Samwell Leonard Robert Bartholomew Suzan Fran. . IS John William Jaquett Marg. JOHN YEO. Yonge of Upton Helions. ARMS. Ermine, on a bend cotised sable three griffins' heads erased or. CREST. A boar's head erased, at the neck dert, bristled or. . Walter Younge of Bassington in com. Berks. and came into Devonsh. temp. Hen. 7 John Younge of Axminster=Joane d. of Cottington of Walter Younge, 1 son, of Plym., an alien Alice=Wm. Westopher John YoungeAlice d. of a counsellor of Colliton Shere Walter Younge of=Jane d. & Upton Hylions in coh. of John com. Devon, living Periam of 1620 Exeter Anne-zRich. Jane Wm Mary=Wm Hillof Hill of Frye of Taun Poundsa Year- ton ford tie 326 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. B1 Walter, 2, æt. 12 John Younge s. & h., æt. 17, 1620 Jane, æt. 14 John, sans issue Joane=Rich. Mallacke Alice=Humphrie Cockeran Anne=Ru. Kelk Mar-=Hercules Robert,=Anne Has Hel-=1, John Parrett of Bristole gery Pyne 3 son sard len 2, Robt Snowe WA. YONGE. Yonge of Colbrook. ARMS. Per fess sable and argent, three lions rampant guardant counterchanged. CREST. A demi-sea unicorn rampant argent, horned gules, finned or. Thomas Younge of Stur-=Katherine d. of Pelley co. Dorset minster co. Dorset 3, Thomas Yonge of=d. of Rolles co. 1, Aphrados=d. of Robert Elizabeth Sturminster Dorset Yonge of d. of John Colbrooke North- co. Devon cott & 1, Thomas 2, William of Gloucester Nicholas Thomas & of the & of the widow of Inner Humphry Temple Sellwood Apbrados Richard London who died without issue by her Ann, Elizabeth, 1 d., 2 d., æt. æt. 22 21 Susan, 3 d., et. 16 Judith 4 d., et. 11 John Yonge, Thomas George Amias 1 s., æt. 20, 20 s., et. 3d s. et. 4th su, 1620 æt. 10 18 13 2, John Yonge=d. of... Thomas=d. of Seamore & sister of Mr. Seamore of the Exchequer John Thomas ROB. YONGE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 327 Ereter. ARMS. CITY OF EXETER.- Per pale (qules and sable), a triangular castle with three towers or. Supporters, two Pegasi argent, wings endorsed crined and maned or, on the wings two bars wavy. CREST. A demi-lion rampant gules, crowned or, holding in its fore paws a ball sur- mounted with a cross botonnée or. O This is the common seale of the Citty of Exeter. These are the armes and the common seale of the Cittye of Exeter which by the auncient kinges of this land hath been endowed with many privileges and great immunities, and confirmed and enlarged by the succeeding kinges, as namely by Kinge Henry the 8 in the 29 yeare of his reigne it was reduced to a severall coun- tye and sheire with the offices of Sherifs and Justices of the Peace and in incorpor- ated by the name of the Maior Bailiffes and comunalty of the cittye and countye of the cittye of Exeter. Kinge Edward the 6 also not only ratified the same, but out of his princely bountye in respect of their good service in defence of the cittye against ye rebelles in the commotion of Devon who besieged the same in the 4 yeare of his reigne, endowed them with the mannoir of Exilond. Queene Elizabeth also confirmed those graunts with the augmentac'on with the order of Orphans used in London with the office of a Chamberlaine by acte of Parliament in the 5 yeare of her raigne. All which privileges and immunities were ratified and confirmed by our soueraigne Lord Kinge James at the first session of Parliament in the 2 yeare of his highnes raigne. Whereupon William Harvye Clarenceux Kinge of Armes of the East, West and South parte of this realme of England making a general visi. tatc'on of the county of Devon in aº 1564, and finding the same cittye so famous, ratified ye same armes, and for a perpetuall memorie of their politick governmt ord. augments of ye same with the addit'on of helme & crest & supporters, as they are here depicted, that is to say, upon a wreath or & sa. a demi-lion gu. crowned, supporting a ball, hereon a cross bottonée or, mantled azur dubled ar., and for the supporters 2 Pegasses, ar. hoves and maine or, their wings wavy of 6 A. B. · which was confirmed to the Maior Baileiffes & comunaltie of the cittie and countie of Exeter the 6 of August 1564. And now at this present visitatc'on 1620. John Prouze, Esq. Maior, Nicholas Duck esq. Recorder, Tho. Walker, Hugh Crossing, Walter Borough, Jeffrey Waltham, John Marshall, John Sheer, Ignatius Jordane, all Justices of the yeare, & Aldermen of the citty of Exeter, John Ackland, Sheriff, Geo. Pile, Walter White, John Peirce and Geo. Langworthy Bailiffs of the same cittye & countie of Exeter. Jo. Prouse, maior the fee payde. 328 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Glovers. ARMs. Ermine, on a pale gules a crown or, and on a chief azure a ball surmounted of a cross crosslet or between two gloves argent. These be the armes appertaining to the fellowship & corporac'on of the Glovers, Skinners, Poynters and Parchment makers of the cittie & countie of Exeter, and at this present visitac'on 1620, John Robins, glover, Master, Robt Lewis glover, head- wardens John Templer, skinner, underwarden of the same fellowship and corporacion These armes were graunted by William Harvy Clarenceux in his visitac'on of Devon 1564, & produced unto us by the Master & Wardens of the same Cor- porac'on. John Robyns. Robert Lewes. I. T. Merchants. ARMS. Azure, a castle triple-towered or, standing on the waves of the sea proper, in chief two ducal coronets of the second. Supporters, dexter a wild boar, and sinister a dolphin. CREST. Å lion's gamb erased and erect, holding a lash of whipcord. Motto. Deo duce, fortuna comite. These be the armes appertaining to the corporat’on and fellowship of the Merchant Adventurers of the Countye and Citye of Exeter and at this present Visitac'on Anno 1620 was Mr. John Ackland governor, Walter Borough, John Sheere, Christopher Clarke, and John Hackwill consulles of the same Corporac'on and fellowship and John John Jurdaine the survr of the same. by me Jno Ackland. John Jurdaine. Jno. Hakewill the fee paid 408 Merchant Tailors. ARMS. A royal tent between two Parliament robes gules, lined erinine and in chief a holy lamb couchant of the first, surrounded with rays or, between two tiaras rest- ing on cushions. Supporters, two camels bridled or. CREST. Beneath a tent a lion couchant. These be the armes appertaineinge to the companie fellowshipp & corporac'on of the guilde and fraternitie of St John Baptist, of the Marchant Taylors of the Cittie of Exiter, and at this present visitac'on anno 1620 Thomas Awton is Master, and Thomas Bower master-warden, Nicholas Dunne, Will’m Brock, & Willm Lik- fort, wardens of the said Corporac'on & fellowshipp. These armes now given to the said companie of Marchant Taylors by William Harvye Clarencieux under his hand and seale of his office in the visitac'on of Devon 1564. Thomas Awton. Thomas Bower. the fee payd. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 329 Smiths. ARMS. Or, on a chevron sable between three esquires' helmets proper, a hammer, gold, interlaced saltirercise with a pair of pincers argent between two manége saddles of the last, in the centre chief point a padlock also sable, on a chief gules, a hammer surmounted by a ducal crown, or, interlaced with a pair of pincers in fess argent, between two pairs of swords in saltire of the last, pommels and hilts gold. These be the armes appertayneing to the fellowship & corporacion of the Smithes Cutlers, Sadlers, Armourers, Lorenners & Brasiers of the Cittie and Countie of Exeter and at this present Visitac'on anno 1620, Roger Selby Sadler, Master Mat- thew Hoppins locksmith, Will’m Dowrish, sadler, Wardens of the same fellowship & corporac'on. These armes were graunted by Wm Harvy Clarenceux at his visi. tac'on of Devon 1564, which the Master did produce unto us and the Wardens under the hand & seal of the said Clarenceux. The mke R of Roger Selby. Weavers. ARMS. Per saltire azure and gules, in chief two shuttles filled palewise or, in chief a teazel, in base a pair of shears lying fessways, argent, on a chief ermine, a slea between two burling irons of the third. These be the armes appertaineing the fellowship and corporac'on of the Wea- vers, Tuckers and Shermen, and at this present visitac'on anno 1620, Tho, Read, Sherman, Master, Will’m Reade, Sherman, & Humphry Cade, Weavers, Wardens of the said fellowship and corporacion. The mark TR of Tho. Read. The fee payd of 20s Barnstaple. ARMS. Gules, a castle triple-towered argent. LEGEND.-SIGILLUM: BURGI: PAROCHIÆ : BARNESTAPOLIÆ. Two other seals given ; one, a bridge with a cross, an eagle displayed, and a church above it, with the legend, Sigillum Longi Pontis Villæ Barnestapoliæ ; another, a swan, with the legend, Sigillum Commune Burgi et Parochiæ. These are the Armes and Seales of the Towne and Boroughe of Barstable, which by the Ancient Kings of this Land have been endowed with many priviledges and great immunities and incorporated into one bodie, by the name of Maior, Alder- men and Burgesses of the Boroughe and Parishe of Barstable, and by that name have had perpetuall succession, and enabled in law to purchase lands & tenements & likewise to assigne the same and by the same name to plead and be impleaded, and that the Maior, Aldermen & Burgesses, should have a common seale for their affaires ; & that the Borroughe & Corporation should consist of 25 Cheife Bur- gesses, whereof one for the time being shall yearly be chozen for Maior, & 2 of the 2 U 330 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. ancientest shall be Aldermen, which Aldermen & the chiefe Burgesses shall be called the Common Counsell, & have power to chose a Steward, & Recorder, that the Maior Recorder & Aldermen to be Justices of the Peace, and the Maior & Recorder of the Quorum, and no other Justice to intersuit therein, that the 2 Aldermen be Coroners for the yeare, with many other priviledges and immunities, which were all ratified & confirmed by our Soueraigne Lord King James ye 23d day of January in the 8 yeare his highnes raigne, of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the 44th_and at this present visitac'on ye gth day of Septemb. 1620 was Nicho. Delbridge Maior, Will'm Erle of Bath recorder, James Welsh esq. deputie recorder, Tho. Westlake & Nicho. Downe aldermen, John Delbridge, John Pearde, Rich. Beaples, Rich. Harris, Pentecoste Doddridge, Will’m Palmer, Adam Lugg, Geo. Baker, Jams Buttell, Tho. Horwood, Henry Croosse, John Salisburie, John Darracott, Justian Westcomb, John Hanmer, Gilbert Page, Georg Gay, Will'm Samyn, John Penrose, Maior elect, Lewis Downe, Edw. Eastman, Rich. Medford, chiefe Burgesses, Tho. Davye, towne clarke, & Josephe Delbridge recei- ver, of ye said towne & borough of Barnestable. Robt Light Serjeants of the mace of Willm. Vesey ) the said towne. Nicholas Delbridge, maior. Nichº Downe, Alderman. Jnº Penrose. The fee payd 3lb 68. Bideford. The seal represents a bridge thrown over a river, consisting of one large arch and two demi-arches; on the river a single-masted vessel, one half whereof appears to be got through the bridge, but with the mast and round top on the other side of the bridge. This is the common seale of the towne & borough of Bidiford which was incor- porated in the time of Queene Elizabeth of famous memorie by the name of Maior, Aldermen & Burgesses, and enabled with many privileges, & immunities, which was confirmed & enlarged by our Soveraig’ne Lord King James. And at this present visitation the 9 day of September 1620. Was John Heard Maior, Sir Barnard Grenvile Knight, Symond Weekes Esq. Anthonie Arundell gent. John Suzanne gent. Anthony Dennys, Symond Taylor, Andrew Berriman, Aldermen. John Sherman, Anthonie Davy, Roger Tracy, John Stranny, Walter Heard, John Parson, Geo. Willett, Hugh Hawkeridge, Jeffrey Buse, John Short, Cheife Bur- gesses, Francis Weekes Recorder, and Edward Butler Towne Clearke of of the same Borough, & Theophilus Frost, receiver of the same Corporation. Andrew Berriman. The fee payd 316 The Charter of the Borough of Biddiford was granted for the 10 day of Decem. ber in the 16 yeare of Queene Elizabeth, & renewed & confirmed & enlarged the 20 day of Dec. in the 7 yeare of our Soveraigne Lord K. James of England, Fiance, Ireland & of Scotland the 43. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 331 Bradninch. SEAL. An eagle displayed. This is the Common Seale of the Towne & Borroughe of Bradninche, which was anciently incorporated by the name of Maior & Burgesses of the Towne and Borroughe of Bradninch, and enabled with manye priviledges & immunities, as to purchase, graunt, plead and be impleaded, and that the Maior & Burgesses to have à common Seale, and to alter at their pleasure, that there shall be 13 Masters in the Borroughe, whereof the Maior to be one, that the Maior and Masters shall have power to make ordinances, statutes, lawes & constitutions for the good government thereof, so they be not repugnant to the Lawes, Statutes & Customes of England, That the Maior, Masters, & Burgesses, yearly on St. Thomas' daye, to make election of a new Maior, and that after election to be presently sworne, That the Maior & Recorder for the time beinge to be Justices of the yeare within the Borroughe & Parishe, That the Recorder nominated shall hold for terme of life, and the Maior and Masters to nominate a new Recorder, and that after elec- tion to be sworne before the Maior, two Sergiants at Mace within the borroughe to be nominated by the Maior & Burgesses, to have a guild of Marchants, and to have a weekly Markett to be kept within the Borroughe, and 3 Fairs yearely to be kepte in the said Burroughe, To have a Court of Record, Clerke of the Market, to use all liberties and Jurisdictions without any impediment of the King's Justices of the yeares Sheriffes or other officers, and no other Justice to intromit herein ; which were all ratified and confirmed by the Soveraigne Lord Kinge James the 3d day of Novemb. in the 20 yeare of his Majesty's raigne, of England, Fraunce & Ireland, & of Scotland the 38th And at this present visitation the 16 day of Sept. 1620 was John Taylor Maior, Rich. Reinell Esq. Recorder, Peter Sainthill Esq. Tho. Hartcourt, Giles English, Rich. Warren, Wm Murche, Wm Bendell, Willạ. Mortimore, John Colehard, Humfrie Prescott, Tho. Alwaye, John Weekes, Robt Weekes, Burgesses of the same Towne & Borough. Dartmouth. SEAL. The base wavy of six argent and azure, thereon the hull of a ship in the centre of which sits a king crowned, on each side a lion rampant guardant or, and in chief gules, on dexter side, a crescent, on sinister, an estoile. LEGEND.—SIGILLUM: COMMUNE : CLIFTON : DARTMOUTH : HARDNES. These be the Armes and Common Seale of the Towne and Borough of Dart- mouth and at this present visitac'on 1620 was John Plumleigh Maior, Will’ın Bastard, Recorder, John Smith, Robt Martin, Thomas Gourney, Thomas Spurway, Thomas Page, Will’m Plumleigh, Will’m Nile, John Jeffrey, John Winchester, John Plumleigh, Roger Mathew, Masters, Will’m Nyle, Towne Clerke, Pasco Jago, Towne Bailiffe, Philip Loverey, the King's Bailiff, and Andrew Wacomb receiver of the towne & borough of Dartmouth; shewed unto us Henry R. George, Richmond, and Sams. Lennard, Blewmantle in anno 1620. Tho. Gourney. Tho. Spurwaie. Fee payed 40% 332 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Plymouth ARMS. Argent, a saltire vert between four castles sable, over the arms a coronet com- posed of four fleurs-de-lys or. LEGEND.-S. : OFFICII: MAJERATUS: BUROI: VILLÆ : D’NI: REGIS : DE: PLYMOUTH. These are the common Seales of the Towne and Borough of Plimouth, incorpo- rated by the name of Maior & Commonalty of the Borrough of Plimouth, in the 18th yeare of K. Hen. 6., and by that name to have perpetuall succession, and en- abled in lawe to purchase Landes & Tenements and liberties, and likewise to assigne the same, and by the same name to plead and be impleaded, and the Borrough and Corporation doth principally consist of 13 Maisters, whereof one of them is chosen yearly for Maior, to have power to chouse a Recorder, and Towne Clerke, and that the Maior and Maisters shall have a Common Seale for their affayres, with divers other priviledges and immunities, as by their Charter and by custome doth appeare; and at this present Visitation the 17th day of October 1620 was Robt Rawlyn Maior, John Glanvill Esq. Recorder, Thomas Fownes Justice of the Peace, James Bagg, John Martin, Walter Mathew, Robt Trelawny, Thomas Sherwill, John Scob- hill, John Clement, Abraham Colemere, Nicho. Sherwill, John Bownd, Leonard Pomery, Maisters, and John Fowell Towne Clerke of the said Burrough and Cor- poration, and Tho. Crampon Receiver. Robt Rawlyn, Maior. The fee payd 3lb 6s. Southmolton. SEAL. A rose surmounted by a crown. LEGEND.-SOUTIMOLTON : LYBERTIE. This is the common Seale of the Towne & Borroughe of Southmoulton which was incorporated by the name of Maior & Burgesses of the Towne and Burrough of Southmoulton, the 9 day of Maye, in the 32 yeare of the raigne of Queene Eliza- beth, and by that name to bave perpetuall Succession, and enabled in Lawé to purchase Landes and Tenements, and likewise to assigne the same, and by the same name to plead and be impleaded, & that the Maior & Burgesses, which shall consist of 18 of the principall inhabitants, shall be called the Common Counsell of the said Borroughe & Corporation, and that three of them shall be chiefe Bur- gesses, which shall be chosen by the Mayor & Common Counsell, and that it shall be lawful for them to chouse a Recorder, & Towne Clerke for the said Borough & Corporation, and to have two Sergiants at Mace, and that the Maior shall be Clarke of the Markett for the time beinge. And at this present Visitation, the 11th day of Septemb. Anno 1620, was John Cooke Maior, John Molford Esq. Recorder, Thomas Howell Justice of the Peace, Willm. Chappell Maior Elect for the yeare followinge, & John Allen, Capitall Burgesses, Robt Gunn, Willm Vicary, John Badcock, Stephen Domineck, Christ. Rashleighe, Hugh Hunt, John Rudge, Thomas Cobleigh, Phillip Hunte, Digerie Mayo, Henry Hobbs, Walter Broad, Edw. Tucker, Hugh Tucker, Smarte Hunte, Burgesses, John Pollarde Towne Clarke of the same Borroughe & Corporation. John Cooke, Maior. Thomas Howell. John Allen. Ste. Domenecke. Chr. Rashleigh. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 333 Tiverton. The seal represents the Castle, Church, and Town of Tiverton, with two bridges on either side. LEGEND.-SIGILLUM : OPPIDI: TIVERTON. This is the common Seale of the Towne & Borrough of Tiverton, which was incorporated by the name of Maior and 13 principal Burgesses, and 12 Assistant Burgesses, by our Soveraigne Lord Kinge James the 10 day of August in the 13 yeare of His Majesty's raigne of England, France & Ireland, & of Scotland the 49: and enabled with manie priviledges and greate immunities, as other Corporations, as by their Charter doth appeare. And at this present Visitation the 16th day of Septemb. 1620, was John Dimound Maior, Humphrie Weare Esq. Recorder, George Gifford Esq., Humph. Colman, Edward Amye, Rich. Spurwaye, John West, John Blundell, Rich. Prowse, Roger Slee, John Cogan, John Berry, Ellis Bennett, John Quicke the elder, principal Burgesses, (& Henry Newte Towne Clarke*), Christo- pher Dinham, John Toogood, William Colman, William Spurwaye, William Ham, George Stukeley, James Cornishe, Arthur Culme, John Blagdon, Edward Kers- lake, Anthony Chamberlen, John Southwood Assistant Burgesses, and Henry Newte Towne Clarke of the said Broroughe & Corporation. Jobu Dimond, Maior Tiverton. Humfry Colman. Henry J. Newte. The fee payd 40%. * Added at side, apparently in his own writing. Torrington. ARMS. Argent, two bars wavy, over all a fleur-de-lys and within a bordure engrailed, all sable. LEGEND.---SIGILLUM:COMMUNE: VILLA :DE: TORRINGTON. These be the ancient armes appertaining and belonging to the Towne and Boroughe of Great Torrington wch was confirmed and ratified by Willm. Harvye Clarencieux, Kinge of Armes in his Visitatc'on : the sixth day of Sept. 1564; and at this present visitatc'on the sixth day of Sept. 1620: was Christopher Hockin, Maior, Thomas Risdon Esq. Recorder, Lewis Willington Justice of the Peace, Richard Gaye Alderman & Chamberlayne, Roger Clarke Maior elect for the year following ; John Predix, John Seller, Richard Smith, & Roger Frost Aldermen ; William Dennis & Josias Hill receivers ; Balthazar Butler, Steward & Towne Clarke of the same Towne & Boroughe & Parish newe united, by a charter under the greate Seale of England the 22d day of Decemb. 1617. Christopher Hockin. Lewis Willington. the fee payde 445 334 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Totnes. ARMs. Sable, tower triple-towered argent, masoned proper, between two keys erect of the second. LEGEND. —SIGILLUM: COMMUNITAT : MAGNÆ : TOTTONIÆ. These be the Armes & common Seale of the Towne and Borough of Tottnes, and at this present Visitac'on anno 1620 was Will’m Duck, maior, Will’m Bastard esq. recorder, John Shapleigh, ('hristopher Broking, Walter Dotting, Christopher Wise, Will’m Tillard, John Wise, Will'm Pridbam, Richard Rode, Lawrence Addams, Richard Leire, Bartholomew Larkey, Richard 'Belfield, Philipp Hordich, Aldermen, Samuell Wise, receyvor, and Richard Wolf, gent. steward and towne clarke of the sayd towne & boroughe of Tottnes. Will’m Ducke, Maior. Fee payed 40%. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 335 BASSET.—(Supp.) ARMS. Or, three bars wavy gules. CREST. An unicorn's head argent. 34 Quarterings are given, but not all decipherable in the MS. Sir John Basset of Umberley=Jane d. of Tho. Beaumont in co. Devon Kt. of Devonsh. John Basset of=Frances d. & coh. of Arthur Plantagenet Visc. Umberley Lisley renupt. Tho. Monke James Basset Sir Arthur Basset of=Elinor d. of Sir John Chichester Umberley Kt. of Raley in com. Devon Kt. Phillip Basset Sir Rob. Basset of Umber-Eliz. d. & coh. of Sir Wm Periam ley Kt., living 1620 Kt. Capitalis Baronis Scaccarii 2 daugh- ters Ann Arthur Basset s. & b., ob. s. p. Eliz. Elinor Arthur Basset, Wm Basset, 2 s. & h. to his 3, born 28 b., lt, 24, 1598 March, 1602 Jonathan Geo. Yeo of Mary Rashley of Huish co. Cornw. Devon George Basset, 3, of=Jaquet d. of Jo. Coffin of Tehiddy in Cornw. Portledge in Devon Catherin Blanche James Basset=Jane d. of Sir Franc. of Tehiddy Godolphin Kt. Arthur Tho- mas, Joane in Margery Francis Basset=Ann d. of Jona- of Tehiddy Kta, than Trelawney A. 1620 of Trelawney in Cornw. Nicholas Wm Court- Grace ney.. Margaret James 336 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVOY. BRUTON.—(Supp.) ARMs. Per pale gules and azure, a fess between two chevrons argent. Tho. Bruton al's Breton of Borough in the p. of Morthowe co. Devon Robert, 5 Will. Bruton of Hevitree,=Eliz. d. of Thomas, 1 Phillip, 4 bur'd in the Cath. Ch. of | Wm St. Peter's, Exeter Ryder George, 2 Adam, 6 William, 2, æt. 23, 1622 John Bruton s. & h.,=Dorothy d. of Leigh ob. 1612 of Hevitree Will. Bruton, æt. 17, A. 1622 John, æt. 24 1, Mary 1, Mary 2, Susan 2, Susan 8, Elizab. 3, Elizab. 4, Marge 4, Margt Arthur Periman James Eveleigh Edw. Fortescue Wm Peter CALLARD.-(Supp.) ARMs. 1. Gyronny of six or and sable, three moors' heads side-faced proper, filleted argent. [CALLARD.] 2, Or, a chevron between three lions rampant gules. [BORAGE.] 3. Sable, a fess argent betwen three dolphins embowed or. [BRAGG.] 4. Argent, a chevron gules between three coots sable. [SOUTHCOTE.] 5. Argent, on a fess sable between three birds of the last three mullets or. [PURY.] 6. As 1. CREST. A demi-lion rampant sable, holding a scaling-ladder or. Richard Callarde of Cal-=Margery d. of Hen. Borage of larde co. Devon Esq. Cholmley co. Devon gent. John Callarde of Callarde Richard Callard of Callard=Alice d. of John Bragg of Braggmarsh Richard, 3, of Rowestone in Tavistock Mawde=John Row- ger of Beauford Joane=Rich. Sel. ler of Towmill Richard, 4, of Winkley a smyth THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 337 la Will. Southcott of Southcott John, 2, of Tavi- stock a smyth William=Alice d. of Callarde Wm Upcott of Cal- of Upcott larde, in Broad 1 s. wood Devon Nicholas South-=Joane d. & h. of Edm. cott 8. & h. Pury als. Perry Jane d. of John Laploade=John Cal-=d. of - of Sydbury, relict of Jo. larde of 1 w. Uppingcot, 2 w., 8. p. Callarde Will. Southcott of Chudleighe John Callarde of Callarde Eliz. d. & h. of Wm Southcott John. 2 Raphe, 3 John, 4 Thomas Callarde of>Margery d. of Edw. Moone Southcott co. Devon of Ashe in Surry Esq. Richard, 2 Eustace Callarde, 1 Anne Ti; Elizabeth Margarett Jane-John Stone of Cornw. Anne=Wm Dawes of Cornw. gent. Elizabeth=John Wickett of Devon gent. Symon Beare CARWYTHAM.—(Supp.) ARMS. Argent, a fleur-de-lys within a bordure engrailed gules. Thomas Carwytham of Car-=Alice d. & coh. of John wytham in Cornw. gent. Meo of Imalhell John Carwytham=Jane d. & sole h. of of Carwitham Rob. Panstone Agnes John, Richard Carwytham-Eliz, d. of Nich. Dyrrant of 2 of Panstone Norton in Cornw. gent. John, William Car-=Joane d. of John Den- wytham of ham of Wortham in Panstone Cornw. Agnes Michael Borough of Budwell in Cornw. 2 x 338 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Richard, John Carwitham of Panstone Katherine d. & b. of John Bowdon of Paston in Cornw. Charles, 2 John, 3 Richard, 4 George Carwitham, 1 son Grace Elizabeth Joane Jane Anne William, Jaimes, Mar-=Rich. Harris of gery St. Gyles Jane, ob. s. p. Edward, 3 Richard, 4 Digory, 5 Robert, 6 George, 7 CLEMENT.—(Supp.) ARMS. Argent, two bends wavy sable, and on a chief gules three estoiles or. CREST. On a mound proper a griffin séjant or. Wm Clement of Chardstock co. Dorset John, Robert Clement=Alice, d. of Wm Paris 8. p. of Chardstock of Bowdich in Chard- brother & h. stock Margt=Wm. Legg of Chard co. Somers. Eliz.=Wm Fry, John Clement of Plymouth=Judith d. of John Sparke co. Devon, 1620 of Up. Plimouth 8. p. John, s. p. 5, Nicholas, George Clement, 2 s. Robert, æt. 19 James, æt. 13 S. p. & h., et. 25, 1620 3, William Jonathan, æt. 17 Thomas, æt. 9 Julian=Geo. Baron of Plymouth James John Debora Judith THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 339 COLE.—(Supp.) ARMS. Argent, a bull sable, armed or, within a bordure of the second bezantée. Symon Cole of Slade in Devon=Alice d. & coh. of Lure of Devon gent. John Cole of=Thomazine d. & h. of Slade, 1 s. Mattcott of Devon Joane=W. Hele of Devon Thomas Cole of SladeşJoane d. & h. of John Hill of Buckland co. Devon Robert, Will. Cole= of Slade, 1 s. Roger Grenvile of=Thomazine=Thomas Arundell Stowe Cornw., of Clifton in 1 husb. Cornw. Jane Margaret Richard Cole of Buckland=Alice d. of John Greenvile of Exeter Esq. John Cole, 1 s. COPLESTONE OF BICTON.—(Supp.) ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron gules between three leopards' faces azure. [COPLESTONE.] 2. Gules, a pair of wings conjoined in lure ermine. (REIGNY.] 3. Sable, a fess between three trees argent. (IBBOTT ?] 4. Sable, a hawk argent, beaked and legged or, standing on a perch of the same. [WEELE.] 5. Sable, a fess between three plumes argent. [PĀGE.] 6. As 1. Sir John Regny Kt. Richard Reigny John Reigny John Reigny=Agnes d. of Roger Page John Reigny=Cicely d. of John Weele John Reigny of Egford=Ibbott 340 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. A/ Henry Copleston of Briketon co. Devon Esq. Rich. Reigny s. & h. Charles Copleston of Briketon>Anne d. & sole h. of Rich. Reigny John Copleston of Egge-=Anne d. of Tho. Stewkely of Eliza-=Tho. Corn- ford in Devon Colridge in Devon Esq. beth wall Thomazine Margarett Margery John Coplestone of Eggesford COPLESTONE OF BOWDEN.-(Supp.) ARMS. 1. Argent, a chevron gules between three leopards' faces azure, a mullet for difference. [COPLESTONE.] 2. Argent a fess between three cinquefoils gules. (GRAAS.] 3. Sable, a lion rampant argent. [LAWTERHAM.] 4. Quarterly, sable and or, in first quarter a lion passant argent. [BOWDEN.] John =Emma d. of Robert Colland=Bazill d. & h. of John de Bowden Hawley Sir Rob. Tre- of Dart- / vilian Kt. mouth Richard Colland s. & h. John Cople-=Elizabeth d. Stephen Lawterham=Mawde d. & h. of Rich. Colland stone of Co- l of John plestone co. Hawley of Devon Esq. Dartmouth John Stone=Margaret d. & h. of Stephen Lawterham. John, 2, of Exeter . Phillip Copleston of Copleston, 1 Walter Copleston of =Elizab. & d. & sole h. Yalhampton, 3 of Tho. Stone Thomas Coplestone of=Katherine d. of Wm Vowell of Bowden in Yanton | Vowellscombe Esq. Thomas John = Isabell d. of d. ...=Nicho. Spencer 2, ob. s. Cople- 'Hen. Fortes- of St. Tho.the Ap. stone of cue of Prutes- in London, mer- Bowdenton Esq. chant tailour Elizabeth=John Pri- deaux of Orchar- ton Esq. John, William, Henry Coplestone of Bowden, 1 Catherine Elizabeth Joane Mary - THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 341 COPLESTONE OF WOODLAND.-(Supp.) ARMs. As Coplestone of Coplestone. Richard Coplestone of Woodland in com.=Thomazine d. of John Floyer of Devon, 3 s. of John* Devonshire Esq. John, 3 Richard, 2 Thomas Coplestone of Wood land, eldest son Catherine Elizabeth * Refer to fol. 60–John Copleston of Copleston=Katherine d. of Raphe Bridges. COTTON.—(Supp.) ARMS. Argent, a bend sable between three pellets. John Cotton of London William Cotton Bishop of Exeter, ob. 6 Aug. 1621,=Maria relict of Will. Cutler et sepult. in eccl. Cath. Exon. of London William Cot-=Eliz. d. & coh. of Hen- ton, 1 s., living der of Botreux Castle 1620 in Cornw. Esq. Freeman Page=Judith=Roger Comers of Finchley, 1 of Finchley in husb. Midd. Mary, Elizab., æt. 9 Jane, et. 5 3, Edward, t. 5 2, George, ob. inf. William Cotton, 1 8., æt. 22, 1621 æt. 13 Maria=John Trott of Fryen Barnett in Midd. Edward,=Marg. d. of Wm Bruton als. Breton, 2 s. of Havetree in com. Devon Edward, 2, æt. 9 months William Cotton, 1 s., æt. 3, 1621 Maria, Margaret, Elizabeth, 342 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. CROSSING.—(Supp.) ARMS. Or, on a chevron azure between three crosslets fitchée gules three bezants. Thomas Crossing Hugh Crossing Mayor=Joane d. of John Barret of Exeter, 1620 of Barstable Thomas Crossing=Eliz. d. of of Exeter Ricnolds Prudence Tho. Crossing of=Eliz. d. of Matthew Exeter, æt. 23, Pitt of Criket Mal- 1620 herb, Somers. Richard Crossing, Elizabeth æt. 12 Hugh Crossing DUKE.—(Supp.) ARMS. 1. Per fess argent & azure, three chaplets counterchanged. [DUKE.] 2. Per pale wavy azure and or. (POWER.] CREST. A demi-griffin salient argent, holding in its dexter claw a chaplet azure. ... Duke=Ciceley d. & h. of Roger Power of Powershayes in Devon Richard Duke of Powershayes Richard Duke of Powershayes Richard Duke of Powershayes Richard Duke of Powershayes Henry Duke, 2=Mawde d. of Roger White of Powershayes of Awtry St. Mary Elizab. d. of John=Richard Duke of Awtrey St.=Joane d. of Tho. Franke of co. Mary, high Sheriff of Hobbye of Lon- York., 1 w. Devon, 1565 don, 2 w. Christian=Geo. Brooke, 2 s. of Geo. Brooke Lord Cobham Richard, ob. s. p. Agnes d. of John=John Duke, 2, of Prynne Elin d. of Tho. Midle- Grindall, 2 w. co. Devon ton, 1 w. Roger Alexander Gilbert Duke, 1 s. Richard, 2 Thomas, 3 Joane Edith THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 343 FLAY.—(Supp.) ARMS. Ernine, on a pale azure three birds argent. REST. On a mural crown gules a snake proper. Note.—This descent is entered more at large in the booke of entrances in the office of Armes marked I. 9 Flay Tho. Flay of Exeter=Eliz. d. of Christ. Rob. Flay of=Mary d. of John practitioner in Spicer Chalden in Drwe widow of Phisick com. Devon Salter Thomas Flay s. & h. Mary Joane Thomazin FLOYER.—(Supp.) ARMS. 1. Sable, a chevron between three arrows argent. [FLOYER.] 2. Azure, a bend between six fleurs-de-lys or. (CROOKE.] CREST. A stag's head erased or, holding in the mouth an arrow argent. Richard Floyer of Floyer Hayes co. Devon Nicholas Floyer Richard Floyer I John Floyer Roger Floyer John Floyer ī John Floyer William Floyer John Floyer AT 344 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al William Floyer Jobin Floyer John Floyer=d. & h. of Bashe in Devonshire William Floyer=Philippa d. & coh. of Crooke of Wilts Jane=John May- John Floyer=Jane d. of John Elizab.=John Wilford nard of | Carew of An- of London London thonie Cornw. Esq. Baldwin, Thomas, William-Eliz. d. & Martha 3, a Floyer, h. of Gil- prieste bert Kircke of Exeter Thomazine=1. Tho. Stowell had issue of Somersets. by both 2, Rich. Cople- husbands stone of Devon Charles, 2 Chalet, 2 somehony Player Marie, 1 Anthony Floyer of Floyer hayes melanie, a Elizabeth, 3 wilabeth, a William, 3 Margarett, 2 Anne, 4 HILL.—(Supp.) ARMS. Argent, a chevron between three water bougets sable, a mullet for difference. Richard Hill of Shilston=Joane d. of Andrew Strichley of in Devon Holberton co. Devon Esq. John. Robert Hill of=Eliz. d. of John Dynham of Shilston Wortbam in Devon Esq. Margery TTTTTT Phillip, 4 Francis, 2 Oliver=Agnes d. of Eliz. Catherine Flor- Hill Roger Bu- ence Robert, 5 Humfry, of dockshide of Tho. Prideaux Cole of . 3 Shil- / Budshide in of Orcherton Colehanger Richard, 6 ston Esq. Devon Arthur, 2 Roger Hill of Shilston= Elizabeth Florence 345 HOLCOMBE.-(Supp.) ARMS. Azure, a chevron argent between three men's heads, side-faced, couped at the shoulders or, wreathed about the temples argent. Roger Holcombe of Hull in Devon Eliz.=John Babing- ton Joane=Will. Perrey Charles Holcombe=Jane d. of Hull of ... Katherine Eliz.=1, W. Colmar 2, Tho. Graber Ellis Hol-=Eliz. d. of Tho. Syd- combe nam of Wynford of Hull Eagle co. Dorset Symon Bradmore Robert, 2 George, 5 Jane=W. Langford habet, s drevo Thomas Hol-ŞMargaret d. of combe, Trethurfe of 1 s. Cornw. Tristram, 3 Walter, 6 Henry Mary John, 4 Christopher, 2 - 3 Gilbert Holcombe of Hull= HOLLAND.—(Supp.) ARMs. 1. Azure, semée of fleurs-de-lys argent, a lion rampant of the same. [HOL- LAND.] 2. Gules, ten bezants, 4, 3, 2, 1, and canton ermine. [ZOUCHE.] 3. Quarterly gules and or, four escallops counterchanged. [METSTED.] 4. Azure, three bends argent. [MERTON.] 5. Ermine, a bend gules. [BATHE.] 6. Gules, a chevron argent between three plates. 7. Gules, a fess wavy or. [APPLEDOR.] 8. Gules, a chevron between three martlets argent. [ PAGE.] CREST. On a coronet or a plume of feathers party per pale argent and azure. Sir Robert Holland Kt. Lord Holland=Mawde 2 d. of Allaine Zouche Wm. Holland of Denton co. Lanc., 5 John Hol-=Elinor d. & h. of Sir land, 4, Andrew Metsted mar. 24 Kt. by Margaret, d. E. 3 & h. of Augustine de Baa Sir Oates Holland Kt. of the Garter & one of the founders of that Order of St. George, ob. s. p. Tho. Holland, 42 E. 3, held lands near Topsham=Luce d. & h. of of Hugh Courtenay E. of Devon by Knights' John de Holdes- service as of the castle of Plymton, 1 R. 2 worthie 2 Y 346 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. B! Tho. Holland s. & h.=Thomazine d. & h. of Appledore John Holland, 34 H.=d. of Wm. Yeo 6 & 1 E. 4 of Heampton Joane, ob.=Neale S. p. This Nicholas was a ward to his mother after Nicholas Holland,=d. of Brett his father's death being within age. By rea- mar. 3 H. 7 co. Somers. son his lands were holden in soccage. John Holland=d. of Hillersdon Thomas, ob. s. p. Eliz.=Thorne William Holland=Eliz. d. of Rich. Halse of Kenedon in Devon John Holland, 2 John, ob. s. p. Courtney Holland, 1 s. James, 2= .. Angela d. of=Joseph Hol-=Sara d. of Lawrence Baptist land, 3 Hewett of London, Bassano 2 w. Joane=John Parker Phillip Holland, 1 s., born 14 March, 1576 William, 2 Thomas, 3 Mary Andrew Holland of Weare co. Devon=Anne d. of John Wootton of Bugleborne William Holland Elizabeth Pertefoy Edmund of Woodstock E. o=Margaret sister & h. of Kent, 2 s. of K. Edw. 1 Tho. Lord Wake Sir Rób. Hol-= land Kt. Lord Hol- land Jeno-=1, Sir Hugh mett Dutton of Cheshire 2, Radcliff Sir Tho. Hol-Jane Countess of Kent land Kt. of & Sarum aft. Princess the Garter of Wales Thomas Holland E. of Kent & D. of Surrey Elizab., 3 1, Margaret D. of Somer- set Eliz.,=Tho. Mon- 2 tacute E. of Salis- bury Lord Nevill 4, Elinor Countess 5, Joane of March, aft. mar. D. of to Carleton Lord York Powis Margaret d. & h.=Edm. E. of Richmond K. Henry vii THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 347 To DI 6, Bridget a nun at Barking John, 3, ob. s.p. Thomas, 1, E. of Kent Edm. E. of=Luce sister to the Kent D. of Millaine Elinor base dau. James Lord Awdley John Holland, 2, E. of Hunting-=Eliz. d. of John of Gaunt, D. of Lan- don & D. of Exeter caster & sister to K. H. 4 John Hollandzd. of the E. of D. of Exeter Stafford Constance=Tho. Lord Grey of Ruthin Ann-Ralph Nevile, b. to the E. of Westmoreland Henry Holland D. of=Ann sister to=St. Leger, Exeter, ob. s. p. 2nd husb. -- HONYCHURCH.-(Supp.) ARMS. Gules, on a bend argent a dragon's head erased between two mullets gules. John Honychurch of Tavestock in Devon=Joane d. of Robert Wyke John Honichurche of Tavestock=Joan d. of John Julkyn 11 U Walter Honychurch of Tavestock-Maryon d. of John Fitz of Tavestock gent. Agnes=1, Rich. Hawkes of Tavestock 2, Rich. Prideaux William Hony-==Emma d. of John church of Coles of North Tavestock Tawnton Anne Margaret . Thomas, 2 Anthony Honychurch=Isabell d. of Tho. of Tavestock & of Fortescue of Bennett, 3 Avyton Gifford co. Wymandstone Devon Esq. Esq. Jo. Yeo of Hatherly Carswell of Penton John Honiechurch of Avyton Gifford=Mary d. of Edmond Rowland of Bowe - Joane Agnes 348 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. LEE.—(Supp.) ARMS. Azure, on a fess cotised or three leopards' faces of the field. William Lee of Pinhoe co. Devon Ann Richard Leerd. of Stephen of Totnes, Saverie of now Mayor, Totnes 1620 John Clement of Pinhoe Tho. Pointingdon of Upton Helions Christ. Lee s.=Rebecca d. of Christ. Richard=Christian d. of Jo. Roe & h., 1620 Wise of Totnes Lee, 2 of Alfington William, æt. 1, 1620 Mary Paule Will. Lee, 2,=Grace d. of Rob. Edmond of Pinhoe, Northcott of s. p. 1620 Clyst Hydon Rob. (?)-abet of Totnes ho Grace Alice Wilmot Will. LeerJane d. of John of Pin- Michell of hoe, s. & h. Topisham Margery John Saward Edw. Bamfield Dorothy William, 1 Richard, 2 LIPPINGCOTT.—(Supp.) ARMs. Per fess embattled gules and sable three cats passant argent. [LIPPINGCOTT.] 2. Sable, a chevron between three mermaids argent. [WIBBURY.] Gilbert Wybbery=Mary Oliver Wybbery LT Baldwyn Wybbery Tho. Wybbeky=Emma THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 349 al John Wybbery of Wybbery in Devon John Lippingcott of Lip-=Jane coh. of pincott in Devon Willm. William Wybbery, ob. s.p. John Lippingcott of Lippingcott= - d. of Wykes in Devon Ellinor ELÍOr Eliz. Blin. William, ob. s. p. wllinn, John LippingcotJane d, of Chapman W. Gifford of New Gifford John Lippingcott=Jane d. of John of Lippingcott Laploade of Sydbury in Devon Alice d. & coh. of Rich. Philip Lippingcott of Wybbery mar.=Jane d. of Larder Gough of Kilkeham in | 3 Alice d. of Dyrrant of Erscombe of Upton Pine in Cornw., 1 w. Devon, 2 w. Jane=John Butler, 1 son of Phillip John Lippingcott of=Anne d. & coh. of Roger Elford of Wybbery s. & h. Shutstoor in Devon Anthony John Lippingcott Margaret Francess Mary Anne=John Osney Margaret Hugh Rostorick of Cornw. Edmond, 2 Henry, 3 Arthur, 4 350 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. ROUSE.(Supp.) ARMs. 1. Or, an eagle displayed azure, beaked and armed gules. [ROUSE.] 2. Azure, on a bend or three torteaux. [EMERSTON.] 3. Argent, a chevron gules between three martlets sable. [SOUTHCOTT.] 4. Argent, a chevron between three water bougets sable. [HILL.] 5. Argent, a chevron gules, and on a chief gules three trefoils slipped ermine. [REVELL.] 6. Or, on a bend gules a fish naiant argent. [LEEGH.] 7. Gules, two wings displayed conjoined in lure argent. [BARNEHOUSE.] 8. Argent, three boars' heads couped between seven cross crosslets fitchée sable. ČBRIGHTRIXTON.] 9. Argent, three lions rampant gules within a bordure engrailed sable. [KIRK- HAM.] 10. Azure, three battle-axes or. [WRAYE.] Rouse, Lord of par. of Modbury Raphe le Rouse, 1 s. Robert le Rouse, 2 Baldwine, ob. s. p. Eliz. d. & h.=W. Dimock Esq. William Rouse=Alice d. & h. of Tho. Emerston Esq. John, 1 Raphe, 2 Walter, 3 William Rouse=Margery d. of Wm. Lower John Kouse=Isabell d. of Worthe Edw. Barnehouse of Kingston in the p. of Staverton=Joane d. & h. of John Brightrex William Rouse=Sibell d. of Wm. Vowell of Vowelscombe John Barnehouse=Jane d. of John Pope Roger Rouse=Julyan s. & coh. of John Hill of Penquite & Flete John Barnehouse of Marshe=Marg. d. & h. of Nicho. Kirkham Thomas William,=d. of Ashford 3 of Wonwell John, 1 s., Richard Rouse, 2,=Elinor d. of Sir Edw. ob. s. p. & b. to his br. Marvine Kt. Thomas Southcott Grace d. of John Barnehouse & heir of her brother Nicholas THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 351 Phillip, 2 w., d. of Hum. Coles=Sir Anthony=Eliz., 1 w., d. of Tho. Southcott & relict of Alex. Pymme Rouse Kt. & coh. to her mother Mary d. of Tho. Southcott=Tho. Ridgway of New- & coh. to her mother ton Abbott Doro-=John Up- Phil.Hum. Ni. Ambrose=Maudlyn d. of Eliz.—John they, ton of lip cholls of Rouse, John Osborne North- 2 Lupton Penrose 18. Esq. cott Robert,=Jane d. of Richard,=Christian 2 Alex. 3 d. of Pymme Cleobury TI George, 2 John, 4 Anthony, 5 William Rouse,=Mary d. of Rich. Lo. Roberts 1 s. of Truro Maudlyn, 1 Katherine, 3 Thomas, 3 Ambrose, 6 Elizabeth,2 Anne, 4 Anthony Rouse Richard Thomas Francess Francis, 4=sister of Sir Geo. Greenvile Kt. Arthur, 5=d. of Roopes of Dartmouth 352 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. STUKELEY.—(Supp.) ARMS. 1. Azure, three pears pendent or. (STUKELEY.] 2. Azure, three leopards' heads jessant de fleur-de-lys or. [CANTELUPE.] 3. Argent, on a chevron sable three towers of the field. 4. Argent, a chevron wavy between three roses gules. [WADHAM?] 5. Gules, three lions rampant or. 6. Argent, a chevron engrailed between three fleurs-de-lys sable. [AFFETON.] 7. Semée of cross crosslets three men's figures couped at the waist and holding clubs. (Wood.] 8. Argent, a pelican standing on (?) sable. Nicholas Stewkley of Trent in Devon William Stewkley, 2, of=Joane sister of John Stowell of Kene co. Devon Codleston co. Somers. Esq. Mary Ann Eliz. Katherine Christopher=Mary d. of Edw. Stewkley of Foorde of Plim- Farindon tree co. Devon Hen. En glish Wm An- thony John Carew of Morre of Bickley Esq. Taunton Andrew, Grace Elizabeth John Stewkley=Frances d. of John of Farindon St. Leger of Armery co. Devon Kt. Ann Mary Ludovicus Stewkley of Farindon=Franciss d. of Anthony Monke of miles, f. et h., ob. 1620 Powdridg co. Devon Esq. TUCKER.—(Supp.) ARMS. Barry wavy of ten argent and azure, on a chevron embattled or between three - sea-horses naissant of the last, five guttées de poix. Robert Tucker Ald. of Exeter=Joane d. of John Palmer of Thorverton gent. William Tucker, 1 s.=Honora d. of James Erisey of Cornw. Esq. Thomas, 5 John, 4 Florence Will. Tucker,=Anne d. of 3, of Salis Geo. Castle bury D.D. of Horwell John Bap- tist, 2 Robert, 1, ob. s. p. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 353 AL Rob. Tucker of East Grinnsted=Suzan d. of W. Barlow co. Wilts, 1 s. of Cheshire Hen. Tucker, 1 s., æt. 1, 1620 Honora, æt. 3 Grace=John Burrow of Hughe Tucker=Eliz. d. of John Cheyney of Woodley Colehampton of Woodland co. Berks & relict of Sir John Speake co. Devon co. Dorset, 2 of Whitlakington co. Somers. Kt. Henry Martha=John Vowell als. Hooker Rob. Vowell als. Hooker VOYSEY.—(Supp.) ARMS. Or, a plain cross sable within a bordure gules, in the first quarter a crescent of the second. CREST. A sea-horse rampant argent, maned and armed or. Anthony Voysey als. Vessy of Bovy=Joane d. of Bully Tracy in co. Devon in co. Devon 1, Thomas Symon Voysey,=Joane d. of 3, of Collum Elliot in ton Devon Lawrence Voysey, 4 2, William, ob. s. p. Elizabeth Mary d. of Rich.=Andrew Voysey=Thomazine d. of Ro. William Wakeham of Mayor of bert Martine of Lucy Dartmouth, 2 w. Dartmouth Dartmouth, 1 w. Andrew John, æt. 8. Andrew, æt. 2 Joane, Symon Voysey s. & b., æt. 10, 1620 æt. 6 22 354 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. WARREN.—(Supp.) ARMs. 1. Argent, three mascles sable between two bars countercompony or and azure, on a canton of the second three ducal crowns or within a bordure gules, charged with eight bezants. 2. MABLE OF CORNW. 3. CULLING (sable) a griffin segreant (or), on a canton of the second) a fleur-de-lys (of the first). 4. WEBB OF DEVON. 5. BURGIS OF CORNW., or, a fess chequy or and gules, in chief three crosslets fitchée gules. 6. IVATT. 7. OPIE OF PLYM., sable, on a chevron or between three garbs azure as many hurts. 8. RICHARDS. CREST. A lion rampant chequy or and azure, holding in fore paws a crown or. John Warren of Hedbury in the p. of Ashburton Christopher Warren s. & h. William=Ann d. of Tho. Mable of=Will. Culling of Woodland Warren Calston in Cornw. in Devon, 2nd husb. 1, William Culling 3, Richard Christopher=Alice d. of Tho. Warren Webb of 8. & h. Sidenham 2, John 4, Thomas of London Robert Warren, l=Marg. d. of Peter S., Parson of Burgis of Peter Rame in Cornw. Tavy in Cornw. John, Richard, 3, of=Eliz. d. of Ivatt 2 Greenwich in & relict of Kent mercht Marsh John, Christopher 2, Robert 4, Peter Margaret, 1 Warren, 1 s. 3, Thomas Nathaniell, 5 Anne, 2 Richard Warren, 1 s. Christopher,=Sarah d. of 4, of Lon- Nich. Opie don of Plymouth Thomas, William, 5,=Mary d. of Ann ob. s. p. of London Will. Cull- = merchant ing of John Rich- Woodland ards WHIDDON.—(Supp.) ARMs. Argent, a chevron between three spear-heads gules. CREST. On a ducal coronet or a swan séjant sable. ... Whidon=d. & h. of Chagford of Chagford co. Devon Henry Whiddon of Chagford=Joane d. & h. of London Richard Whiddon of Chagford AT THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 355 Simon Whiddon=Margaret d. of Wykes of Chagford of Coketry in Devon John Upcott-Elizab. d. & h. of Esq. John Culley of Culley HP John Whiddon=Joane d. of of Chagford | Alforde William =Constance d. & b. of Tho. Shilston Wraye of Wrey in Devon James Up- cott Esq. John Whiddon=d. of Rugg of of Chagford Chagford William Shilston=Alice d. & b. of James Esq. s. & h. Upcott Ann d. of Sir W.=Sir John Whiddon Kt. Justice of=Elizabeth d. & coh. of Hollis Kt. the King's Bench Wm Shilston Esq.. Joane=John Ashley of London Mary. Esq. Willm Whiddon=Mary d. of John of Chagford Langdon of 8. & h. Keverell, in Cornw. Esq. Geo. Kelley of Spryton Elizabeth Édward, 2 Oliver, 3 Lawrence, 5 Nicholas, 6 Alice Tho. Dun- Jane Ann John Alex. Hooper Knap- ton Margarett ing Francis, 4 Earthe WICHASLE.—(Supp.) ARMS. Per fess argent and sable six crescents, in pale counterchanged. CREST. An antelope's head erased party per pale argent and sable, the neck charged with two crescents in fess counterchanged, in the mouth a branch of laurel proper. Nicholas Wichalse of Chidley in Devon gent.=Margerie d. of ... Mar-=Peter Lutton of gery Nowleche in Devon gent. John Wich-=Joan d. & coh. of alse of Cotwell by ... Chidley d. & coh. of ... Joan=Barth. Bor- rington of Ydford A | 356 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Al Christian, Bennet, 5 John, 2 Thomas, 6 George, 3 Robert=Ellinor d. of Joane=Tho. Sterte Wich- John War- of Stert co. alse of wood of West- Devon Chidley, cott co. Devon 18. Ellen, 3 Peirce, 7 Nicholas, John, 8 Will. Wich-=Ellen d. of Humfry Walrond alse, 2 of Bradfield in Devon, relict of Antho. Fortescue Nicho. Wich-=Mary d. of Rich. alse of Bar- | Welsh of stable, 3 | Wilton Richard Wichalse Margery Jane Joane Joane WHICKER.—(Supp.) ARMS. Or, a fess gules and in chief three crosslets fitchée of the same. CREST. A lion rampant proper, the fore paws resting on a crosslet fitchée or. John Whicker of Gitsham co. Devon John Whicker of Gitsham, ob. 1585=Ann d. of Pine Adrian W. Rector Eccl. de Kirlington in com. Oxon, ob. 1616 John Whicker=Joan d. of Rob. Whicker Rector of Culliford | Walter eccliæ de Chargrave in co. Devon Boden com. Oxon, ob. 1609,8. p. John, 1 Robert, 2 Tho. Whicker of Garsington in=Mary d. of John com. Oxon, living 1621 Smith Tho. Whicker s. & h. nunc in Acad. Oxon, æt. 21, 1621 Mary, æt. 17 Jane, æt. 14 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 357 WICKHAM. John Wickham=Isabell William Bishop of Winchester and Founder of New College in Oxford & Winchester William Champnis=Agnes William Perott=d. & h. of Will. Champneys Sir Tho. Perott Knt. who was=d. of Will. called Wickham Wilkeses William John, ob. s. p. William Wickham William Fynes Lord Say & Sele,=Margaret d. & h. of=John Harvy, summoned to Parl. 38 H. 6, W. Wickham, ob. 2nd h. 9 E. 4 20 May, 17 E. 4 Henry Fynes Lo. Say & Sele, ob.=Ann d. of Sir R. Harcourt Kt. of 16 E. 4, 2 Aug. 1471 Stanton Harcourt in com. Oxon Richard Fynes Lo. Say & Sele,=Eliz. d. of Sir R. Crofts Kt.,=Wm West Esq. ob. 18 Oct. H. 7 ob. 30 March, 18 H. 8 2nd husb. Edward Fynes s. & h., ob. 7=Marg. d. of Sir John=Sir Tho. Nevill of July, 20 H. 8, 1528 Danvers Kt. Holt Kt., 2nd husb. Richard Fynes s. & h., ob. 3=Ursula d. of Rich. Farmowe of Aug., 15 Q. Eliz., 1572 Eston in com. Northton Richard Fynes created Viscount=Constance d. of Sir Will. Kingsmyll of Say & Sele s. & h., 22 K. James Sydnanton Hampton in com. (?) Kt. William Fynes Lo. Say & Sele=d. of Temple James Viscount Say & Sele, now living - . . . - - - . - - - - .. 358 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. WISE.—(Supp.) ARMs. 1. Sable, three chevrons ermine, a mullet for difference. [WISE.] 2. Argent, three birds gules, beaked and legged or. 3. Ĝules, a chevron indented per chevron argent and azure, three martlets of the second. 4. Sable, a fess argent between three escallops or. [BRITT.] CREST. A demi-lion rampant gules guttée argent, holding in his dexter paw a mace or. Dorothy d. of=John Wise of Sidenham Devon=Mary d. of James Leigh, 2 w. mard 3, Ann d. of Sir Tho. Chudleigh of Ashton in Mathew of Wales Devon Esq., 1 w. Peeirce Thomas Leonard Elizabeth James Wise of=Alice d. of John Dynham of Nicholas, Anne-Drwe of · Sidenham Wortham in Devon Esq. Cornw. George, John Wise of=Alice d. of John Harris Sidenham of Haynes in Devon Phillip=Hugh Per- Mar- son gery John, 2 Charles, 4 Elizabeth Mary Thomas Wise of Siden- ham James, 3 Arkenwald, Alice Anne Dorothy THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 359 WITHIE.—(Supp.) ARMs. Per pale ermine and or, a lion salient gules. CREST. Out of a ducal coronet or, a cross Calvary between two wings argent. 1615. John Withie of Berry=Eliz. d. of Nich. Berry of Berry John Jewell=Alice d. of Rich. Norbert co. Devon Norbert co. Devon Esq. of Bowden Bellamy John Withie=Joane younger d. Joan, 1 d. John Jewell, John Jewell=Agnes d. & Jackett, 2 d. Christian, 3 Ciceley s. & h. of John Jewell 2 s., Bishop of Northcott h. of Rich. of Bowden in the John of Salisbury, in p. of East Cutcliffe of John Reade Anthony Hen. p. of Berry Dunn ob. s. p. Downe, 1 son Northcott of Berry Withie of Downe Berry of Barn. staple Joane= Margaret Alice Ciceley Ciprian Withie, Humfry, 2, Joane Annie, Jane, 3 Alice, 4 3, mar. twice, a captaine = ob. s. ob. s. p. slaine at Roger p. Walter Humf. Ostend, Grif- Smith Keep Ameat d. of S. p.= fin Tho. Griffin of Marwood Jane d. of=John Withie of Calne=Ann d. of Wm.=John Parin- Rich. & after of Wootton Chamberlayne cheff s. & h. Nicholas Bassett died about of Wootton, 2 of J. P. Ald. of Calne the age of 100 years, w., widow of of Marlbo- co. Wilts. 1632 John Parincheff rough gent., 1 w. Rector of Woot- ton Margt s. p. Ann=Miles Hicks of London haberdasher Margt d. of Wm Salmons of Wild=John Withie Cittizen & painter=Rose d. of Wm Til. heath co. Chesh., relict of Sam. steyner of London, 3 s., æt. 50, cock of Kilborne Bayley of London grocer, 2 w. / 1643, 11 Feb. co. Middl. B 300 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. DI Nicholas John John, 2, Jewell, 4, b. 13 Dec., 1632, ob. s. p. Augustine Withie S. & h., b. 26 Aug., 1624, ob. s. p. Alice, 1 d., b. 7 Oct., 1622, ob. 1637. s. p. Sara, 2 d., b. 14 Dec., 1626, ob. s. p. George, 3 ob. 8. p. John Hicks Mary Jordan Withie, 1 s., ob. about 21, s. p. William Withie of Calne, 2=Dorothy d. of W. Lewes, Clerke Jane, 1 d. Frances ? Joanes ob. s. p. John P., living at the Burmudies Richard of London, ob. 3. p. Gabriel of London Richard P. D.D. Preb. of Westminster Chap. & Subalmoner to=d. & h. of K. Charles 2, 1669, buried West Abbey 1671, ob. s. p. Basset John of W Wales THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 361 WORTHALL.—(Supp.) William Worthyale of Womburnford co. Devon=d. of Lenthall John Worthyale of Womburnford=d. of Tye 3, Benjamin 4, Amyas Will. Worthyale=Susan d. of Rob. of Womburnford, Turpin of St. 1622 Mary Autry John=Agnes d. of Hugh W., 2 Croker of Linham in Devon William, John Worthall s. & h., Grace=Geo. t. 13 et, 12, 1622 Shapton Beatrix Mary Sara Wil- mot LIST OF PERSONS DISCLAIMED. (Harl. MS. 1080, f. 342.) In the City of Exeter, 12 Aug. 1620 Note.--The word “Ignobilis," attached. Richard Gover of Cheriton Fitz Paine George White of Samford & Exeter. George Wilton of Shabrooke Thomas Moon of Washfield. John Hollacomb of Kirton. Will. Babb of Doddiscombleigh. Will. Lee of Samford. Will. Spurway of Colbrooke. Tristram Mogridge of Bramford Speke James Seward of Comin Tinney : Will, Gorwyn of Lamford. Hen. Dart of Gidley. John Glanvile of Havertree Will. Lee of Penhoe. Geo. Gidlay of St. Thomas Wm Harnaman of South Tawton. Michaell Burgoine of Tichborne. Richard Gough of Topsham. Will. Couse of Aide. Robert Austin of Chudley. John Paddon of Bishop's Tainton. Nicholas Cove of the same. John Serle als. Allerton of Kings Tanton. Christopher Babb of Tingress John Sotherne of thesanie. Thomas Tuckfield of Tedbourne. 3 A 362 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. Disclaimed in Totnes, 26 Aug., 1620 Allen Lide of Berry Pomeroy. Jeffrey Bound of Hempston. John Bound of Ippleston. Edward Salter of the same. Willm Choldich of Painton. Peter Bound of Torbrian. John Lackington of Ashburton. Robert Yeobsley of Blackauton. Thomas Sharpham of Chivelston. Nicholas Tippet of Harberton. Will. Huxham of the same. Will. Hodge of Slapton. Nich. Ball of Tunstall. Anthy Harney of North Huish. Phil. Foxworthy of Churston. Rich. Maddock of Brent South. Nicholas Dotting of Thurleston. Hugh Slowley of Auton Gifford. John Gay of the same. Thomas Barley of Bigbury. Thomas Peirce of the same. Nich. Rich of Motberie, Adrian Sweete of the same. Gawin Glase of Ugbery. Will. Spratt of the same. Disclaimed at Tavistock 1 Sept. 1620. TATISTOCK HUNDRED · John Axworthy of Brenton. John Sleeman of Milton Abbott. John Gery of Tavistock. John Brewen of the same. LIFTON HUNDRED . . Thomas Robins of Bratton Clorelly Henry Tolley of Okehampton. ROWBOROW HUNDRED . Stephen Eustace of St. Budox Richard Walter of Manington. PLIMPTON HUNDRED . Walter Worth of Brixton. Thomas Avent of the same. Richard Peirse of the same. Henry Treby of Treby. Disclaimed at Barstable, 9 Sept. 1620. John Baptist Tucker of Biddiford. Stephen Ley of Buckland Brewer. Arthur Chapman of the same. Robert Chappell of Langtree. John Barnefield of Buckland Brewer. Robert Cliff of Merton. Vallentyne Ley of Little Torrington. Will. Hooper of Hartland. Anth. Downe of Woolfardisworth. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF DEVON. 363 Nich. Westlake of Ingarsleigh. Will. Shute of Ash Rayney. Hanniball Gidley of North Lew. Willm Avery of Downe St Mary. John Alford of Monkton Zeale. Jasper Ley of Atherington. Rob. Shepard als. Hooper of Bratonn. Tho. Chollacomb of Comb Martin. John Elston of St. Giles. Disclaimed at Tiverton, 18 Sept. 1620. Will. Milton of Bampton. Rob. Snow of Burlescomb. John Norman of Clayhanger. John Southill of the same. Will. Catford of Hakworthy. John Richards of Ufcolomb. Edward Amy of Tiverton. John Skinner of Loksbeare. John Blakeden of the same. John Toogood of the same. Hugh Woolcott of Halberton. Richard Skinner of Collompton. Gawen Venman of Broadninch. John Berrie of Kentesbeare. Humfrey Barton of Silverton. Richard Potter of the same. John Vacy of the same. James Boremont of Hennocke. Francis Chant of Chimley. John Kelland of the same. John Furse of Nimet Regis. Thomas Timewell of Rakenford. FACSIMILIES OF SIGNATURES TAKEN FROM THE ORIGINAL PAPERS OF THE VISITATION OF DEVON in 1620. Harl. Mss: 1163. 1164. 2NE acom Willoud Wdon: withia Siobly Barby, neskond Authomiffiopel Das Cham.pnowne. Brégory Fay file wekenka Foto galerie Roger Score John sellanen Emanufatting kastelula Argitto forto-fams. se poden Rebel Hayden e me Adami Strodej Joten entmanni Milie. Ons Geo kandM Robe Jonga O I Pobr-Abortkluighs popofor- toplostone tho: Clyfford Exams Col mulai mgawol Sanyo palenkme za meroge Ri. Makluck Jo uptory Aliver walletty Edward Eliot funghe Chichest WEM fe Northet. John Dynhon fra: Drakly. C Forex Baltijpiee (Zobenst go Burdon folum flanel, Buhus Bezpe- son offerte 3 Anterynas FW: Seymour: ho Zemal Maynani We Lange Below are you see fuft DEYdeaux To repeare! Richardi Hillegledom Zi Glammill: dette melden 01 Thobreme AIP (Burking 365 INDEX OF NAMES. Names in Italics have their arms blazoned. , CAPITALS are the headings of pedigrees. 56. 119. Abbott, 1. Anderton, John, 226. Martha, | Ashelden, Jane, 220. Thomas, ABBOTT, 1. Agnes, 186. | 226. 220. Arkonald, 270. Grace, 242. Andrews, John, 56. Katherine, Asheforde, 14. Joane, 270. Prudence, 175. ASHEFORDE, 14. Margaret, Radulph, 270. Walter, 270. Anglois, Joane, 258. Richard, 116. Robert, 116. William, 175, 186, 242. 258. Asher, William, 317. Abrithiston, Parisio de, 121. Ango, Alicia, 212. Ralph, 212. Ashley, Joane, 355. John, Acham, Maria, 119. Thomas, Angy, 212. 355. Anidon, 212. Assecotte, Michael de, 165. Achim, Agnes, 79, 114. Wil. | Anthonie, Ann, 352. John, Atcombe, 312. liam, 79. 263. William, 352. At Haske, Richard. 121. Ackworth, Philip de, 121. Ap-Howell, Alice, 168. Athurne, John, 265. Aclande, 2. Apmeridith, Edward, 323. Ho- | Atkin, Henry, 290. Johanna, ACLAND, ACLANDE, 2, 3, 4. | nor, 323. 290. John, 90, 255, 293. Anne, 318. Anthonie, 244, Appledor, 345. Thomazine, Margaret, 255. Philippa, 318. Sir Arthur, 295. Eliza- | 346. 293. beth, 295. Gertrude, 244. | Appleton, 231. Atloge, Alice, 265. Joan, 265. John, 327, 328. Thomas, 26. Apter, Barbara, 261. William, 265. Adams, Cicilia, 119. Lawrence, Archdeacon, 227. Phillip, 48. Att Apb., John, 189. 334. Nicholas, 275. William, Sir Warren, 48. Att Bonne, William, 281. 119. Archer, Mary, 295. William, Atte Wiké, William, 281. Addington, 5. 295. Atte Henr. (?) 202. ADDINGTON,5. Mary, 285. Archescotte, Robert de, 165. Atte Heyhen, John, 202. Thomas, 134. William, 64. Arscott, 8. Atte Knolle, Walter, 189. Willmot, 64. ARSCOTT, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. | Atwill, 12. Adger, John, 227. Thomazin, Archibald, 319. Arthur, 33. ATWILL, 12. Elizabeth, 41, Barbara, 139. Blanch, 33. 193. John, 41. Richard, Affeton, 352. Catherine, 223. Elinor, 162. 193. William, 17. Ager, Anne, 128. Elizabeth, 298. Grace, 319. Att Woode, Richard, 202. Wil- Akell, Thomas, 60. Jacket, 75. John, 75, 139, liam, 189. Albemar, William de, 193. 277, 298. Margery, 277. | Audley, James Lord, 35, 347. Alderman, George, 31. Mary, 191. Audley, Margaret, 174. Mary, Alford, Grace, 262. Joane, 355. Arthur, Elizabeth, 128. John, 296. John, 101, 262, 363. Susan, 128. Austin, Robert, 361. 101. Arundel, Richard, Earl of, Aveneli, 319. Allen, Ann, 293. John, 242, 169. Margaret, his daughter, Avent, Thomas, 362. 332. Pásco, 242. Roger, 169. Avery, Joane, 276. Katherine, 217. Thomas, 60, 293. Arundell, Alexander, 314. -56. Richard, 56, 276. Wil- Allexander, Joan, 182. John, Alice, 279. Anthonie, 330. | liam, 363. Elizabeth, 119. Emma, 71. Awdrie, Jane, 100. Alucthecote, William, 7. Grace, 100. Humfrey, 49. Awton, Thomas, 328. Alwaye, Thomas, 331. Jane, 265. Joane, 306. John, Axworthy, John, 362. Amerideth, 6. 50, 279. Sir John, 71, 98, Ayllworth, Frances, 235, 240. AMERIDETH, 6 100. Mary, 50, 98, 314. Sir John, 235, 240. Tabitha, Amiance, Anne, 259. Richard, 307.Willelmode, 24. 228. Thomas, 228. Amidis, Agnes, 186. William, Arvas, Phillip, 220. Ayre, 13. 186. Arye, Joane, 296. AYRE, 13. Amner, Alice, 81. John, 81.. Ashe, Agnes, 165. Alice, 90. | Ayschton, Joane, 124. John, Amory, 7. John, 230. Margaret, 162, 124. AMORY, 7. 230. Thomas, 165. Wil- | Aysshe, 14. Amye, Edward, 333, 363. liam, 162. Wilmot, 165. AYSSHE, 14. 227. 182. 366 INDEX OF NAMES. B-ler, John Lord, 94. Elinor, Barnstaple, 329. Beauple, Elizabeth, 125. Mary, his daughter, 94. Baron, 215. Deborah, 338. 293. Richard, 125. Wil- Baa, Augustine de, 345. Mar- / George, 338. James, 338. liam, 293. garet, 345. John, 338. Judith, 338. Bechardson, William, 193. Babacom, Susan, 90. Julian, 338. Beckett, Anne, 139. Babb, Alice, 256. Christopher, Barret, Elizabeth, 133. Ellin, Bedford, Francis Russell, Earl 363. John, 256. William, 95. Janor, 312. Joane, of, 35. Elizabeth, his daugh- 361. 342. John, 133, 312, 342. ter, 35. Babington, 142, 281. Elizabeth, Barry, 18. Bedford, Jasper, Duke of, 48. 345. John, 282, 345. Mary, | BARRY, 18. Elizabeth, 87. Belet, 93. · 282. John, 87. Richard, 83. Belfield, Richard, 334. Badbi, Catherine, 169. John, Bartlett, Anne, 99. Ellis, 99. | Bellamy, Alice, 359. Eliza- 169. Barton, Humfrey, 363. beth, 299. Richard, 299, Badcocke, 15. Baskerfield, John, 165. Joane, 359. BADCOCKE, 15. John, 332. 165. Bellasta, Ann, 271. Baldwin, Bag beare, Jone, 248. Bassano, Angela, 346. Bap 271. Johanna, 271. Ma- Bagg, 16. tist, 346. tilda, 271. BAGG, 16. Grace, 111. James, Basset, 335. Bellew, 22. 111, 332. BASSET, 335. Sir Arthur, 98. BELLEW, BELLEWE, 22. Baghell, alias Beale, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, 214. Francis, 191. Anne, 210. Elizabeth, 262. 310. Walter, 310. John, 191. Sir John, 312. Epenetus, 33. Henry, 210. Bainham, Dorothy, 170. Wil. Margaret, 98. Mary, 312. Nicholas, 33. Phillip, 5. liam, 170. Robert, 214. William, 262. Baker, George, 330. John, 53. Bassingbourne, 234. BELLMAÍNE, 23. Philip, Jone, 53. Julian, 26. Mar- | Bassingham, Joane, 234, 239. 194. Richard, 194. gerie, 245. Richard, 245. | Bastard, 19. Bellott, 23. William, 26. BASTARD, 19. Alice, 237. BELLOTT, 23. Bale, James, 173. Jone, 301. 1 John, 237. William, 331, Belston, 117. Marie, 173. 334. Bendelí, William, 331. BALLE, 16. Egidius, 16. Grace, | Bathe, 345. Bennett, 25. 133. Humfry, 25. Joane, Batson, Richard, 188. Tho BENNETT, 25. Edith, 205. 37, 155. John, 16. Margery, | mazine, 188. Ellis, 333. Joane, 205. 299. Peter, 12. Robert, Battesdon, Susan, 266. Wil Judith, 113. Mary, 60, 232. 133. Thomazine, 12, 285. | liam, 266. Maudlin, 204. Richard, 60, William, 37. Battishill, 19. 232. Robert, 113. Balsh or Bolche, Anne, 251, BATTISHILL, 19. Christian, ) BERE, 21. John, 67. Mary, 252. John, 251, 252. 162. 67. Thomazin, 67. Bamfield, 17, 136. Batyn, Humphrey, 9, 11, 324. | Beresford, Arminell, 324. BAMFIELD, 17. Agnes, 78. Johanna, 9. John, 9, 11. Christopher, 324. Sir Amias, 78, 195, 218. Jane, Maria, 9. Phillipa, 9, 11. | Berkeley, 70. Sir John, 316, 96. Joan, 136. John, 136. Robert, 9, 11. William, 9. Sir Morris, 316. Margaret, 321. Mary, 194. Baxterd, Henry, 169. Mary, Berners, Richard, Lord, 34. Richard, 119, 195. Ursula, 169. Margaret, his daughter, 119. Walter, 321. Beaford, John, 39. Jonę, 39. 34. Banester, Anne, 221. Beaple, Agnes, 86. Davie, BERRY, 27, 28. Anthony, Bankes, Barbara, 249. Peter, 86. Richard, 330. 268. Bartholomew, 2:26. Eli- 249. Beard, Elizabeth, 104. John, zabeth, 123. Florence, 268. Barby, 18. 104. Johanna, 226. John, 123, BARBY, 18. Beare, 20. 333. Jone, 124, 159. Ka- Baring, Mary, 162. William, BEARE, 20. Alice, 236, 307, therin, 268. Margaret, 268, 162. 308. Dorithy, 232. Éliza Mary, 162. Richard, 162. Barkley, Elizabeth, 269. Fran beth, 319. George, 36, 134. Thomas, 159, 268. cis, 76. Katherine, 76. Tho Jane, 134. John, 42, 67, Berye, 25. mas, 269. 232, 236, 308. Judith, 230. BERYE, 25, 27. Alice, 81. Barlacy [Borlase?], Anne, 148. Katherine, 122. Marie, 42. Christopher, 58. Dorithy, Nicholas, 148. Philip, 24. Prudence, 67. 4. Elizabeth, 196, 217, 358. Barley, Alice, 297. John, 297. Roger, 230. Thomas, 122. Grace, 64. Honor,' 247. Thomas, 362. William, 24, 67. John, 8, 81, 196, 363. Mar- Barlington, Henry, 82. Bearton, 212. garet, 300. Mary, 52. Barlow, Suzan, 353. W. 353. | Beauchamp, 70, 315. Elianor, Nicholas, 358. Richard, 64. Barnacott, John, 26. 48. Richard, Earl of War Samuell, 247. Willmot, Barneck, Sir John, 294. wick, 48. William, 315. 58. Barnehouse, 350. Agnes, 247. Beauchamp, Lord of Powike, | BERYMAN, 28. Andrew, Edward, 350. Grace, 350. 306. 330. Elizabeth, 119. John, Jane, 350. Joane, 350. Beaumont, 21, 54. 119. John, 350. Margaret, 350. ! BEAUMONT, 21. Alice, 47. | Besilles, Anna, 169. Sir Hum- Nicholas, 350. William, 247. Hugh, 54. Jane, 355. Sir frey, 169. Barnes, Henry, 16. John, 216. Margaret, 54. Bettlescomb, Gullop, 282. Ka- Barnfield, Abraham, 242. Ed. Thomas, 335. Sir W., therine, 282. ward, 348. Grace, 348. 47. Bevill, 315. Agnes, 220. Johanna, 242. John, 362. Beaumont (2) 59. Humfrey, 315. Isabell, 315, Barn ham, Grace, 266. Beaupenny and Green ham 32. Raphe, 220. INDEX OF NAMES. 367 74. Bevin, Elianor, 264. John, 264, Bocumb, Richard, 188. Roger, Boys, Anne, 271. John, 271. Margaret, 264. 188. Bozeth, Elizabeth, 205. Bevis, Peter, 181. Suzan, 181. Bodigood, Joane, 74. Walter, Bozom, 117. Bevishall, Adam, 150. Elinor, Bozune, Mary, 48. Sir Rich- 150. Boditon, Robert, 271. ard, 48. Bewton, Marie, 268. Nathan, BODLEY, 33. Agnes, 45. Anne, Braddon, George, 87. Grace, 268. 91. Elizabeth, 168. Grace, 87. Margerie, 242. Wil- Bickford, Christian, 256. Eliza 133. Jane, 93. John, 37. liam, 242. beth, 42. Gregory, 256. Mary, 288. Prothayzey, Bradmore, Katherine, 345. Mary, 256. Nicholas, 42. 37. Thomas, 8. William, Symon, 345. William, 256. 91, 93, 133. Bradninch, 331. Bickley, Henry, 42. Jone, 42. Boden, Walter, 356. Bragg, 336. Alice, 336. John, Bideford, 330. Bodrygan, Jane, 220. Phillip, 336. Bidlake, 29. 220. Branch, 212. BIDLAKE, 29, 30. Agnes, 279. BOGAN, 37. Brandon, Lucia, 235, 240. Ro- Alexander, 60. Alice, 263. Bohun, 34. bert, 235, 240. Henry, 164, 263. Johanna, Bolkwort, 25. Branford, Christopher, 252. 310, 311. John, 310, 311. Bolonia, Faranno, 281. Tho Dorothy, 252. Thomas, 60. Thomazine, mas, 281. Branscomb, Honor, 179. 164. William, 279. Bond, Christian, 147. Dennis, Branton, Cicell, 79. Hum- Bidwell, Catherine, 50. Nicho 132. Joan, 132. John phry, 79. las, 285. Richard, 50. 147. Margaret, 254. Syl Bratton, Alice, 115, 116. John, Bifield, Ann, 100. John, 100. vanus, 7. Thomas, 254. 115. Jone, 115, 116. Nicho- Bikberie, Sir William, 216. Bonvile, 70, 212. Alexander, las, 115, 116. Peter, 115. Billett, Alice, 94. Christian, 213. Edith, 213. Eliza Robert, 115. Simon, 115. 94. John, 94. beth, 279. Guy, 3. Hawise, | Braughton, Dorothy, 255. Ri- Bincomh. See Pincomb. 213. Isabella, 213. Jane, chard, 255. Bird, Alice, 251. Richard, 119. John, 71, 119, 279. Bray, Alicia, 147. John, 243. 147. Thomas, 251. Nicholas, 213. William, Matilda, 243. Reginald, Birt, 231. 216. 147. Biseid, Roger, 192. Sibell, Borage, 336. Henry, 336. Breerton, Elinora, 76. Thomas, 192. Margery, 336. 76. Bishop, Humphry, 37. Jane, Boremont, James, 363. Bremelcomb, Elizabeth, 241, 37, 178. Borrington, Bartholomew, 355. 242, 243. Thomas, 241, Blackall, 30. Joan, 355. 242, 243. BLACKALL, 30. Elizabeth, Borye, John, 215. Bremer, Alice, 185. William, 261. Bosome, Edmond, 118. Jennet, / 185. Blackaller, John, 269. Mary, 118. John, 118. Brendon, Anne, 193. Anthony, 269. Bossond, John, 268. Mar 39. Christian, 60. John, Blackdon, 31. garet, 268. 193. Mary, 39. William, BLACKDON, 31. Hamelin | Boswell, Ann, 91. 60. de, 165. Walter, 217. Boteler, 36. | Brett, Ellinor, 116. Elizabeth, Blackemoore, 31. BOTELER, 36. Baltizar, 20. / 162. John, 116. BLACKEMOORE, 31. Doro Grace, 20. John, 306. Mar Brewer, 45, 70, 184, 185. John, thy, 223, Paso, 223. garet, 306. 362. Blackhurst, Margerie, 49, 51. Bourchier, 34. Brice, William, 281, Blagdon, John, 333. BOURCHIER, 34. Dorothea, Bricknoll, John, 173. Blage, Dorithy, 314. John, 119. John, 119. Bridge, Andrew, 17, 286. 314. Bourgh, Cicilia, 283. John, Katherin, 72, 286, 341. Blake, John, 209. Presilla, 283. Raphe, 72, 341. Thomazin, 209. Robert, 205. Bovile, Elizabeth, 15. 17. Blakeden, John, 363. Bowbier, Frances, 5. John, Bridgman, Joane, 105. Tho- Blakeford, Blanch, 193. Rich- mas, 105. ard, 193. Bowcher, William, 130. Wini. Bridgwater, Henry, Earl of, Blerick, Joane, 292. Mar fred, 130. garet, 292. Robert, 292. Bowden, 340. Bazill, 340. | | Brier, Margaret, 244. Blewet, Elizabeth, 21. Nicho Elizabeth, 165. Honor, 179, Bright, 244. Jone, 54, 56, las, 21. Sir Roger, 21. John, 65, 165, 338, 340. Kao 294. William, 294. Blewst, Amy, 15. Richard, therine, 338. Margaret, 65, Brightley, 322. Isabell, 322. 15. 260. Phillip, 260. John, 322. Bligh, Margaret, 50. Marian, Bowen, David ap, 91. Fran. Brightrixon, 350. Joane, 350. 241. Robert, 241. William, cis ap, 91. Philip ap, 91. John, 350. 50. Bower, Thomas, 328. Brile, Joane, 77. Blight, Mary, 75. Walter, 75. Bowes, 286. Brinden, James, 39. Blinsam, Isoll, 83. John, 83. Bowey, Gervise, 298. Mabell, Britt, 358. Blogg, Grace, 255. John, 255. 1 298. Roger, 298. Brixton, 6. Bluett, 32. Bownd, Jeffery, 362. John, Broad, John, 99. Thomazin, BLUETT, 32. 332, 362. Marie, 130. 99. ' Walter, 332. Blundell, “John, 333. Peter, Peter, 362. Brock, John, 271. William, 66. Presilla, 66. Bowridge, Grace, 164. Tho 328. Bobish, Agnes, 226. John, mas, 164. Brocken, Mary, 301. 226. BOWYER, 37. Broker, Jane, 266. age, Dorihin, 333.C, 49, 51. 5. 35. 368 INDEX OF NAMES. 66. LP Brooke, Robert, Lord, 306. | Burnby, Norie, 71. Canne, Margaret, 304. Wil- Christian, 342. George, Burly, Elizabeth, 292. John, liam, 304. 342. Joane, 93. John, 150. 292. Cannon, Hester, 55. Simon, Margaret, 150. Richard, Burnby, 42. 53, 55. Thomazin, 53. 93, 263. BURNBY, 42. Cantelupe, 71, 352. Brooking, Alice, 146. Chris Burnell, 319. John, 147. Pas Canter, Ágnes, 132. Christo- topher, 334. Richard, 146. call, 86. pher, 132. Broughton, 38. Burrough, or Borrough, Canterbury, Thomas [Bour- BROUGHTON, 38. Anna, Agnes, 168, 337. Eliza chier], Archbishop of, 34. 214. Humphry, 167. Mar beth, 166, 236. Henry, Cantwelí, Emme, 192. Sir. garet, 167. Thomas, 214. 236. John, 168. Michael, Patrick, 192. Browne, Agnes, 130. Chari 337. Rebecka, 288. Wal Cape, Agnes, 161. tie, 31, 218. Ellin, 15. Sir ter, 166, 288, 327, Capenhurst, 212. Johanna, Humphry, 249. Jackame 328. 213. Thomas, 213. tha, 180. Jane, 75, 170. Burton, Dorothy, 94. Henry, Carden, Dorothy, 186. Wil. Joane, 317. Sir John, 170. | 142. Mary, 142. Re- ' liam, 186. William (?), 38. Katherin, 249. Lewis, 180. becka, 279. William, 94. Carew, 45. Thomas, 15, 31, 218. Sir Burye, 42. CAREW, 45, 46. Ann, 21. Thomas, 15, 31, 75, 218. BURYE, 42. Alice, 137. Ju Anthony, 50. Dorothy, 253. Sir Valentine, 235. Walter, lian, 249. Katherin, 134. Elizabeth, 307. Gertrude, 317. Margerie, 215. Peter, 249, 50. Jane, 49, 193, 343. Browning, Joane, 145. Rich William, 134, 137, 215. . Joane, 253. John, 343, 352. ard, 284. BURYNGTON, 41. Eliza Katherine, 352. Lord, 91, Brushford, Grace, 66. John, | beth, 12, 126. Humphrey, 93, 289. Margaret, 289. 12. Mary, 91, 93. Nicholas, 49. Bruton, 336. Buse, Jeffrey, 330. Richard, 21. Thomas, 253. BRUTON, 336. Julian, 82. Bustrode, Eliza, 172. Jo., William, 307. Margaret, 341. Robert, 82. 172. Carey, Christian, 183. George, Ursula, 278. William, 278, Butland, Catherin, 172. Rich-1 154. James, 40, 223. Mar- 341. ard, 172. gerie, 153. Mary, 40, 223, Bryan, 47, 51. Sir Guy, 48. Butler, Baltazar, 127, 168, 333. 267. Robert, 153, 183. Guydo de, 212. Jane, 48. Edward, 330. Elizabeth, Thomas, 267. Philip, 118. Wilmot, 118. 58. James, 330. Jane, Carmarthy, Honor, 112. Sir Buckford, Ann, 21. 127, 168, 349. John, 251, Shelston, 112. Buckingham, Edm., Duke of, 349. Katherine, 127. Philip, Carminow, 185, 227. Catherina, 48. Elizabeth, 40, 11. Wil 127, 251, 349. Samuel, 7. 9, 220. Elizabeth, 49, 220. liam, 40, 41. William, 58. Grace, 227. Nicholas, 11, Buckyate, 152. Agnes, 153. Buttell, James, 330. 49, 220, 227. John, 153. Butterford, 316. Carnegie, 292. Agnes, 292. Budockshide, Agnes, 344. An. Butterleigh, Alice, 169. Rich Walter, 292. thony, 126. Julian, 126. ard, 169. Carnsew, Anne, 226. John, 226. Roger, 344. Button, Eleonora, 34. John, Carswell, Jane, 200, 201. Bues, Anne, 58. John, 58. 94. Sir William, 8. John, 201. Margaret, 347. Bule, Margaret, 223. Byfield, 100. Carvanell, Julian, 179. Law- Bulkeley, 189. rence, 179. Bullarthy or Bulworthie, Cabell, 43. Carws, Katherine, 221. Faith, 171. William, 20. CABÉLL, 43. Mary, 222. Carwytham, 337. Bullen, Marie, 49, Sir Thomas, Richard, 222. CARWYTHAM, 337. Cadburye, Amye, 187. Cary, 47, 51. Buller, Francis, 305. Sir Rich- | CADE, 43. Humphry, 329. CARY, 47, 51. Anne, 102,, ard, 305. Thomazin, 305. James, 65. John, 260. Mary, 226. Bridget, 59. Chris- Bulley, Joane, 353. Mary, 260. Willmot, 65. tian, 36, 87. Dorithea, 126. 256. Richard, 256. Cadio, Alice, 7. John, 7. Ran. Elizabeth, 119. Francis, Burden, 234. dulph, 7. Richard, 7. 226. Gabriell, 36. Sir BURDON, 39. Cafield, Sir Tobias, 191. George, 102. Prudence, 247. Burford, Thomas Cornwell, Cahurta, 74. Richard, 59. Robert, 87, Lord of, 169. Callard, 336. 126, 247, 252. Thomas, 119. Burgaine, 40. CALLARD, 336. Willmott, 252. BURGAINE, 40. John, 54. CALMADY, 44. Dorothy, 77. | Castle, Anne, 352. George, 352. Mary, 54. Grace, 234. Phillip, 77. Catford, Joane, 66. William, Burgin, Isabell, 153. Wil- Vincent, 234. liam, 153. Calmadye, 43. Causton, Cicily, 294. Sir Jo.294. Burgis, 299. Margaret, 300, CALMADYE, 43. Catherin, Cavill, Dorithie, 314. 354. Peter, 300, 354. 101. Edward, 70. Eliza Cawoodley, 44. BURGOYNE, 41.' Christian, beth, 70. Francis, 54. Rich CAWOODLEY, 44. 159. Elizabeth, 250, 313. ard, 54. Sir Shilston, 70. Cayley, 22. George, 187. Joane, 71. Susan, 70. Chafe, Dorothea, 259. Pasco, Margaret, 187. Michaell, Cambridge, Isabella, daughter 1 243. Thomas, 243, 259. 361. Thomas, 159. Wil of the Earl of, 34. Challiner, Ellinor, 244. Ga- liam, 71, 250. Campelowe, Jane, 221. briell, 244. Burgwash, Bartholomew, 187. Candos, Robert de, 23. Challons, 71, 117. Sir Robert, Jane, 187. Canfield, Elizabeth, 221.. 118. Thomas, 118. 49. 66, 363. INDEX OF NAMES. 369 Chalvedon, Elizabeth, 20. | CHICHESTER-continued. Cobeleigh-continued. John, 20. 115. John, 40, 231, 247, Thomas, 332. Walter, 83. Chamberlaine, Ann, 359. An 259, 313. Sir John, 35, 70, Cobham, George Brooke, Lord, thony, 333. Jane, 203. 141, 228, 335. Katherine, 342. William, 203, 359. 159. Leonard, 262. Mar Cobindon, Katherine, 282. Ro- Chamond, Agnes, 281. Sir garet, 123. Martha, 99. ger, 282. John, 10, 281. Thomas, Dary, 65, 247. Philip, 27, Cock, Grace, 299. Gregory, 10. 89, 250. Richard, 27, 123. 19. John, 209. Champ, Katherin, 153. Mar. Robert, 2, 159. Sir Robert, Cockeram, 63. gerie, 153. William, 153. 70. Tristram, 65. William, COCKERAM, 63. Alico, 326. Chan.pernowne, 152, 189, 286. 319. Humphrie, 326. Catherine, 150. Gawyn, Chilcott, George, 11. Cockshed, 63. Anthony, 69. 150. Henry, 112, 261. Mar Chiselden, 32. Tomazine, 69. garet, 261. Marie, 112. Sir Choldich, William, 362. Cockworthy, 286. Avice, 286. Richard, 112. Chollacomb, Thomas, 363. Nicholas, 286. Champneis, 52. | Cholmciev, 57. Coffin, 64. CHAMPNEIS, 52. Jane, 252. CHOLMELEY, 57. CÖFFIN, 64. John, 5, 50. John, 252. Cholwill, 38. Mary, 50, 195. Maude, 190. CHAMPNEYS, 52. Agnes, CHOLVILL, 58. Richard, 185. Wilmot, 5. 357. Honor, 199. Joane, Chubbe, Robert, 202. COFFYN, 64. Elizabeth, 125. 104. John, 104. William, Chudleigh, 59. Jaquet, 335. Jo., 335. Mary, 199, 357. CHUDLÉIGH, 59. Eliza 312. Richard, 318. Wilmot, Champrowne, 53. beth, 45. James, 216, 368. 318. CHAMPNOWNE, 53. Ar Jane, 150. Mary, 358. Sir Cogan, John, 333. thur, 119. Sir Arthur, 78. Richard, 150. | COKE, 69. 'Edith, 68. Jo., Brigit, 119. Elizabeth, 6, | Churchill, 87, 149, 312. Eliza 29. Johanna, 68. Matilda, 78. Henry, 6. Margery, beth, 94. 42. Nicholas, 68. Roger, 239. Mary, 235. Churidon, Johanna, 217. Rich 194. Walter, 68. CHANON, 53. Catherin, 290. ard, 217. Roger, 217. | Coker, Amy, 188. Robert, 188. Francis, 99. James, 290. Cirencester, Matilda de, 212. Cokington, Johu, 228. Philip, 99. Thomas de, 212. Colbeck, 22. Chant, Francis, 363. Clapham, 59. Colbrooke, Joane, 310. John, Chantrell, 89. Agnes, 90. | CLAPHAM, 59. 310. Hugh, 255. Mary, 255. Clare, 185. Edith, 205. Cole, 223, 339. Chapman, Alice, 251. Arthur, Clarke, Christopher, 328. Ro. | COLE, 339. Catherine, 344. 251, 362. Ellinor, 349. Jos ger, 333. Cicilly, 146. Emma, 347. hanna, 200. Oliver, 200. Clash, Alice, 183. Phillip, Gertrude, 218. Humphry, Roberta, 200, 201. Roger, 183. 351. Jane, 158. Jone, 52, 200, 201. Clavill, 20. Honor, 226. 145, 148, 305. John, 52, Chappell, Elizabeth, 137. Clawford, Joane, 10. 218, 347. Margaret, 94, Grace, 224, 273. Henry, | Clement, 338. - wret 122. Nicholas, 146. Philip, 17. John, 181, 276. Mary, | CLEMENT, 338. Alice, 346.1 305, 351. Robert, 158. Si- 181. Nicholas, 137. Pru- i John, 61, 332, 346. Marga-1 mond, 145, 148. Thomas, dence, 276. Robert, 362. ret, 61. 122. William, 224, 273, 332. Clendon, 296. Colehard, John, 331. Charlis, 304. Agnes, 186. Cleobury, Christian, 351. Colemere, Abraham, 332. Joane, 273. John, 186, 270. | Clevedon, 149. Coliber, Alice, 84. Oliver, 84. Charlton, Edward, 273. · Ho Cliffe, 30. Elizabeth, 159. | COLLAMORE, 65. nor, 273. Francis, 159. John, 30. Ro- || Collan, John, 220. Margerie, Chaumond, Agnes, 316. Tho bert, 362. Welthian, 30. 220. mas, 316. Clifford, 42. Colland, Bazill, 340. Mawde, Chaumpnent, Petro de, 24. Clifton, Elizabeth, 17. Fran 340. Richard, 340. Robert, Chave, Edward, 254. Eliza- | cis, 40. Jane, 70. John, 340. beth, 254. 40. Sir John, 17. Collegh, Richard, 189. Chaworth, George, 295. Sir | Cluberry, 60. Colleton, 66. George, 295. Jane, 295. CLOBERRY, 60. John, 87. | COLLETON, 66. Cheney, Agnes, 306. Sir Ed Lucil, 87. DIargaret, 234. / | Colliford, Mary, 154. ward, 306. Elinor, 306. Oliver, 234. Collings, 67. Elizabeth, 353. John, Clode, George, 96. Grace, 96. | COLLINGS, 67. Alice, 159, 353. Cloford, Margerie, 11. 172, 322. Elizabeth, 98. Cheriton, Agnes, 208. John, Cloo, Bridgett, 268. Richard, Grace, 104, 144. Huinphry, 208. 268. 322. Robert, 98. Thomas, Chichester, 54. Clotworthie, 61. 144. CHICHESTER, 54, 55, 56. CLOTWORTHIE, 61. Ann, 1 Collocote, Alioe, 81, 302. John, Agnes, 235, 239. Alice, 262. 302. Dorothy, 168, 204. / 81, 302. Amias, 22, 27, 317. Arthur, Henry, 302. John, 168. | COLLYNS, 67. Grace, 62. Lord, 226. Brigett, 228. Thomas, 204. Jane, 53. Robert, 62. Tho- Catherin, 40. Cicell, 141. Clupne, Howell, 6. mas, 21. Dorothy, 313. Elinor, 335. | CLYFFORD, 62. COLMAN, 65. Humphry, Elizabeth, 22, 35, 89, 231, Cobbe, 223. 333. Katherin, 88. Nary, 250, 305. Francis, 317. Ger- Cobeleigh, John, 83, 134, 135. | 269. Roger, 88. William, trude, 70. Hugh, 99. Joan, Dargaret, 131. Mary, 135. 209, 333. ماه با 3 B 370 INDEX OF NAMES. 285. Colmar, Elizabeth, 345. W., Corington, Dorothie, 164. | Crokker, 78. 345. Thomas, 164. CROKKER, 78. Agnes, 361. Colome, Hugh, 308. John, Coriton, Elizabeth, 108. Peter, Anne, 114. Barbara, 105. 302.' 108. Hugh, 361. John, 105, 114, Colquite, Catherin, 233. John, Cornes, Katherin, 251. 269. Mary, 269. 233.7 Corneto, William, 7. Crooke, 343. Philippa, 344. Colstell, Elizabeth, 306. Sir Cornew, 215. Croscombe, William de, 121. John, 306. Cornish, James, 333. Jane, Crosse, Cruce. See Crues. Colton, Jane, 313. John, 313. 162. William, 162. Crossing, 342. : Colwell, Elizabeth, 104. Ni Cornwall, 189, 286. Agneta, CROSSING, 342. Hugh, 327. cholas, 104. 169. Elizabeth, 340. Tho Cru, Richard, 121. Combe, Alice, 29, 30. John, mas, 340. Crues, 78. 29. Jone, 29, 30. Nicho Corsett, Alice, 270. Joane, CRUES, 78. Alice, 190, 305. las, 29, 30. Rafe, 29, 30. 270. John, 270. Richard, Andrew, 152. Catherin, Richard, 29, 30. William, 270. William, 270. 179. Cicell, 38. Elizabeth, 29, 30. | Corton, Joane, 66. Thomas, 66. 2, 287. Henry, 330. Hum- Comers, Judith, 341. Roger, Corun, Margaret, 271. Roger, phry, 38, 287, 301. John, 341. 271. 2, 152, 202. Margery, 152. Cone, Mary, 256. Nicholas, Corye, 73. Robert, 190. Williamn, 20, 256. Thomazin, 256. CORYE, 73. Elizabeth, 291. 305. Coniers, Faith, 83. John, 83. 1 Nicholas, 291. Crule, Thomazine, 215. Conocke, John, 160. Philip, | CORYNDON, 74. Crust, Mary, 289. Nicholas, 160. Coryton, Diana, 230. 289. Coode, Anne, 186. Elizabeth, Cosby, Joan, 151. William, | CRUWES, 79. William, 20. 162. Johanna, 213. Richa Cruwys, 152, 223, 305. ard, 186, 213. William, Cottell, 74, 75. Crymes, 79. 162. COTTELL, 74, 75. Aime, | CRYMES, 79. Agnes, 244. COOKE, 68. Elizabeth, 124, 172. Jaquet, 11. Mark, 172. Elizabeth, 130. Jone, 70. 205, 283. John, 124, 260, Cotterell, Alice, 153. Thomas, 332 Margaret, 260, 272. 163. 130. Coop, Briget, 285. Sir John, Cottington, Joane, 325. Cudmore, 80. Cotton, 341. CUDMORE, 80. Cooper, Ann, 293. COTTON, 341. Culling, 299, 364. Mary, 300, Copland, Alice, 52. John, 52. Cotules, Mary, 102. Sir Tho. 354. William, 299, 300, 354. Mary, 59. mas, 102. Cullum, Agnes, 116. Cotwell, Joane, 365. Culme, 81. 71. Elizabeth, 294. Hum- Counti, Johanna, 214. Robert, CULME, 81. Agnes, 307. phry, 17, 294. Thomas, 40. 214. Arthur, 333. William, 307. Urith, 17. Courtenay, 45, 76. Culpeper, Margaret, 40. Coplestone, 70. COURTENAY, 76. Curham, Joane, 143. John, COURTNEY, 77. Agnes, 4. / 143. 143. Ann, 172. Anthony, Anna, 62, 106. Elizabeth, Currey, Agnes, 128. Eliza- 204, 272. Christopher, 5. 45, 48, 174, 186, 278. Ger- betă, 291. Joan, 291. John, Henry, 172. Humphry, trude, 193. Hugh, 186. | 111, 291. Nicholas, 128, 135. Jane, 135. Joane, 80, Humphry, 285. Sir Hugh, L 291. Pasco, 111. 260. John, 33. Margerie, 45. Jacob, 193. Jone, 45. ¡ Curtoys, 125. 74. Margaret, 80, 272. John, 45. Katherine, 209. Mary, 5, 204. Radigund, Mary, 70. Peirse, 62. Sir Cusshe, Isabell, 65. Thomas, 235, 236, 239. Richard, 143, Philip, 48. Philippa, 119. 66. 260, 344. Thomazin, 215, Roger, 227. Thomazin, 227. CUTCLIFFE, 81. Ellianor, 344. William, 106, 174, 209, 278. 138. Suzan, 131. Thomas, COPLESTONE of ALVER Sir W., 70, 316. 131, 138. DISCOTT, 72. Couse, William, 361. Cutler, Maria, 341. William, Coplestone of Bicton, 339. Cove, Elizabeth, 163. Emma, 162. Nicholas, 361. Cuttin, John, 125. Priscilla, 339. Crabb, John, 60. Margaret, 125. Coplestone of Bowden, 340. COPLESTONE of BOW. | Crampon, Thomas, 332. DEN, 340. | Cranberie, Grace, 158. Robert, Daba, Walter, 228. Coplestone of Upton Pyne, 71. I 158. Walter, 165. Dabernon, Elizabeth, 9. Isa- COPLESTONE of UPTON Cranch, Andrew, 314. Ursula, bella, 9. Johanna, 9. John, PYNE, 71. 314. 9, ii. Sir John, 11. Wil. COPLESTONE of WEAR | Credy, Elizabeth, 142. Wil liam, 7. GIFFORD, 72. Humfrey, liam, 142. Daberton, Lehn, 7. Thoma- 312. Mary, 312. Crespyn, Katherine, 152. Sir sie, 7. Coplestone of Woodland, 341. William, 152. Daccombe, Ann, 155. Creukerne, 189. Dacham, Mary, 283. Wil. LAND, 341. Joane, 69. Crockett, Jane, 154. John, liam, 283. Coppin, Alice, 246. Dakers, Ellinor, 244. Henry, Coram, 73. 154. 244.' CORAM, 73. Roger, 271. 357. Sir R., 357. Daldich, Agatha, 212. Roger, Corbett, Arminell, 324. Croke, Thomas, 257. I 212. 341. 60. INDEX OF NAMES. 371 76. Dallyn, 293. Alice, 58. Jone, DENNYS—continued. Downes, 87, 231. 58. John, 58. 160. Jane, 87. John, 127. Downman, Elizabeth, 61. Oli- DAMERY. See AMORY. Katherin, 72. Luce, 60. ver, 61, 68. Danvers, Sir John, 357. Mar Margaret, 102, 160, 161. | Dowrishe, 91. garet, 357. Mary, 290. Richard, 87. DOWRISHE, 91. Anne, 33. Darby, Ann, 280. Christo Sir Robert, 279. Roger, 30. Elizabeth, 67, 199, 288. pher, 280. Thomas, 75, 119, 245. Sir Katherin, 196. Mary, 60, Darracott, John, 330. Thomas, 117, 161. William, 194. Samwell, 60. Thomas, Darston, alias Newton, Anne, / 60, 118, 119, 333. 33, 67, 199, 223. Walter, 23. William, 23. DENYS, 87. 288. William, 329. Dart, Dorithie,' 231. Henry, Denowe, Phillip, 194. Dowsell, Richard, 194. 361. Joane, 277. John, 231. Dercy, Lord, 76. Sir Thomas, Dowsse, Jennett, 131. Walter, Dartmouth, 331. 131. Dastre, Alicia de, 38. Richard Dethick, Gilbert, 180. Dowstewbe, John, 188. de, 38. Thomas de, 38. Detlinge, 304. Drake, 93, 95, 96. Daubigne, Giles, Lord, 35. Ci- Deviell, Edmund, 49. Jane, 49. DRAKE, 93, 95, 96. Agneta, cilia, his daughter, 35. Ann, Devon, Edward, Earl of, 45.. 214. Sir Barnard, 260. 140. Devon, Hugh Courtenay, Earl, Elizabeth, 17, 229. Francis, Davage, John, 120. Mary 120. of, 341. 80. Sir Francis, 80, 180. David, ap Howell, 6. Deymond, John, 41. Mary, Gartrude, 252. George, Davie or Baren, 215. 41. 108. Gilbert, 252. John, Davis, John, 33. Diaman, Anne, 58. Elizabeth, 214. Katherin, 108. Mara Davy, 82. 58. Richard, 58. garet, 260. Mary, 80. DAVY, 82. Anthonie, 330. Diamond, 88. Robert, 229. Thomas, 17, Grace, 30. Henry, 125. DIAMOND, 88. John, 333. 80. Honor, 227. John, 30, 143, Dillon, 88. Draye, Raphe, 21. 194, 227, 269, 310. Mar- DILLON, 88. Ann, 97. Drayton, Margaret, 294. garet, 125, 143, 269, 310. | Joane, 284. Robert, 97, DREW, 97. Agnes, 50. Ca- William, 20. 284. therine, 150. Christopher, Davye, 84. Dimbande, Elizabeth, 143. 150. Edmund, 129. Edward, DAVYE, 84, 85. Elizabeth, John, 143. 154. Elinor, 154. Emanu- 288. John, 288. Thomas, 330. Dimock, Elizabeth, 350. W., ell, 85. Mary, 129. Thomas, Dawbney, Dorithio, 56. Eli 350. 154. Sir Thomas, 154. zabeth, 210. Giles, 56, 264. Dionisia, 212. Drewe, 305. James, 210. Dobell, Christian, 202. John, DREWE, 98. Agnes, 72, Dawkins, Elinor, 20. | 202. William, 60. 186. Anne, 358. Edward, Dawney, 312. Docton, 89. 305. Eglina, 201. Eliza- Day, Emanuel, 199. Kathe- DOCTON, 89. beth, 95. Emanuel, 95. rine, 199. Docwen, Jane, 214. Thomas, Erasmus, 186. Henry, 201. Deane, Dorothy, 301. Roger, 214. Isabella, 305. Jenever, 250. 301. Doderidge, Amy, 210, 231. Johanna, 186. John, 250, Decon, Edward, 16, 180. Pru- Anne, 83. John, 83.' Pen 343. Maria, 305. Mary, dence, 180. tecoste, 330. Richard, 210, 343. Thomas, 305. Dee, David, 6. Guenlian, 6. 231. Duck, 98. Deems, Jane, 103. Richard, | Dodescombe, 215. Emne, 215. DUCK, 98. Edith, 194. Eliza- 103. Sir John, 215. beth, 3, 4, 12. Katherino, De la Barre, Susan, 53. Dodington, John, 36, 71. Mar- | 298. Nicholas, 4, 298, 327. De la Combe, Henry, 82. garet, 35. Mary, 71. Philip, 12, 159. Richard, De la Ford, 212, Joane, 270. Dolban, William, 271. 4, 194, 298. William, 334.' Richard, 270. Dolbearu, Elizabeth, 221. John, Ducket, Francisca, 182. Sam- De la Hay, Agnes, 301. 163. Margaret, 153. Ralph, uel, 182. De la Mare, 212. Matilda, í 152. Richard, 152, 221. Duke, 98, 342. 212. Richard, 212. Thomazin, 163. DUKE, 98, 342. Élizabeth, De la Pile, John, 2. Sara, 2. Domineck, Stephen, 332. 297. Francis, 66. Jane, Delbridge, John, 330. Joseph, Donastes, Robert, 188. 319. Jone, 135. Martha, 330. Nicholas, 330. Doner, John, 281. 66. Phillip, 139. Richard, DELVES, 86. Dowesland, Henry, 7. Robert, 7. / 54, 139. Dench, Elizabeth, 162. Wil- Dorrell, Dr., 134." Duling, Elizabeth, 198. Nicho- liam, 162. | Dorrington, Christian, 255. / las, 198. Dene, 86. John, 255. Dune, Ann, 230. Joano, 359. DENE, 86. Dottynge, Alice, 222. Dennys, John, 359. Margaret, 145, Denham, Alice, 160. James, 1 37. Nicholas, 222, 362. 251. Nicholas, 328. Patrick, 160. Jane, 19, Joane, 337. Phillip, 112. Walter, 112, 359. Philip, 251. Richard, John, 337. 334. 145. Dennys, 71, 87. Dowdney, Ellen, 183. John, DUNGIE, 98. Honor, 226. DENNYS, 87. Alicia, 119, 183. Thomas, 226. Amy, 75. Anne, 30, 83, 117, Downe, 90. Dunsland, John, 7. 119, 245, 309. Anthony, 330. DOWNE, 90. Anthony, 362, | Dunsmore, Phillip de, 120. Avis, 127. Constance, 75. Henry, 359. Johanna, 58. Theophila, 120. Edward, 75, 290, 309. Sir | Lewis, 330. Nicholas, 330. Duport, Emma, 264. Henry, Edward, 102. Elizabeth, Richard, 58, 218. Thomas, 264. James, 264. Thoinas, 279. Gabriell, 75. Henry, / 218. 264. 1 372 INDEX OF NAMES. Durant, Agnes, 102. Alice, | Elston, John, 363. | Ferrers, John, Lord, 34. John, 101. Roger, 82. Elworth, Jane, 179. * 216. Jone, 185. Mary, 161. Dutton, Sir Hugh, 346. Jeno- | Emerston, 350. Alice, 350. | Richard, 161. mett, 346. Thomas, 350. Ferries, Johanna le, 282. Ni- Dyer, 100. Enderby, Catherine, 313. cholas le, 282. DYER, 100. Elizabeth, 66, Endicott, Henry, 162. Fishacre, 296. 263. Margaret, 53. Mary, ENGLYSHE, 106. Giles, 331. Fitz, Agnes, 248. Briget, 76. 258. Richard, 263. Thomas, Henry, 352. Mary, 352. John, 347. Sir John, 76. 66. William, 258. Erisey, Honora, 352. James, Margaret, 9, 10. Maryon, Dynham, 100, 223. 352. 347. Robert, 248. DYNHÁM, 100. Alice, 358. Ernley, 281. Anthony, 282. Fitzallan, John, Lord Mal- Anne, 104. Christopher, Elizabeth, 282. travers, 306. 333. Elizabeth, 34, 344. ( Escourt, Sir Edward, 130. Fitz Bernard, Maud, 192. John, 171, 344, 358. John, Mary, 130. Robert, 192. Lord, 34. Julian, 171. Esse, 25, 87, 93, 189, 227, 228, Fitz Jefferie, Haris, 185. John, Mary, 30. Oliver, 30. 312. Anne, 322. Catherine, 185. Dyrrant, Elizabeth, 337. 139. Henry, 139, 213. Joane, Fitz Pierce, Ellianor, 185. Nicholas, 337 123. John, 322. Margery, William, 185. 213. Thomas, 123. Fitz Stephen, Eva, 192. Mor- Eare, Margaret, 243. William, | Estcote, 189. Alice, 314. Jane, ris, 192. 243. 63, 293. John, 226. Marga Fit:urse, 117. Alice, 118. Earle, Honor, 134. Jane, 255. ret, 38. Mary, 226. Rich Ralph, 118. Reginald, 118. Nicholas, 201. Richard, 255. ard, 293. William, 38. Fitzwalter, 70. Phillip, 187. Robert, 201. Walter, 134. Eston, John, 91. Mabel, 91. Walter, 187. Eastchurch, Mary, 92. Margery, 310. Thomas, 310. Fitzwarren, Falco, Lord, 34. Eastman, Edward, 330. Esworthy, Katherine, 219. Elizabeth, his daughter, 34. Eastrey, Sarah, 132. William, 219.. Richard, Lord, 35. EBBEWORTHYE, 101. Ethelridze, Anne, 140. Fitzwilliams, 184, 185. Bridget, Edycombe, 102, 305. Eustace, Stephen, 362. 96, 98. Elizabeth, 186, 266. EDGCOMBE, EDGCUMBE, | Evedon, Agneta, 212, 213. William, 186. 102,103. Catherine, 228, 229. Eveleigh, Alice, 67. James, Flashman, Jone, 149. Elizabeth, 272. Jane, 216, 1 336. Jone, 267. John, 170, Flay, 343. 305. Johanna, 186. Matthew, 222. Margaret, 170, 222, FLAY, 343. 193. Peirse, 228, 229. Sir! .267. Susan, 336. Fleming, 22, 70, 88, 185. Amy, Piers, 216. Richard, 186, Eveling, Josias, 320. Ursula, 89. Ann, 89. John, 89. 305. 320. Fletcher, Thomas, 26. Edgsbur, Jane, 276. John, Evye, Barbara, 211. Flond, William, 41. 275. Ewell, Ricardo de, 24. Floyer, 343. Edmund of Woodstock, Earl Exeter, 327. FLOYER, 343. Elizabeth, of Kent, 346. Exeter, Glovers, 328. 11. John, 341. Margerie, Edmund, Thomas, 60. » Merchants, 328. 9, 10. Richard, 7, 9, 10. Edonasses, Robert, 189. , Merchant Tailors, 328. Thomazine, 341. Edward III., King, 216. » Smiths, 329. Flu, Elizabeth, 273. Thomas, Edward, Prince of Wales, 216. 1 Weavers, 329. Eduards, 104. Eyans, Ann, 133. Thomas, Foliot, 70. John, 259. Mar- EDWARDS, 104. Christian, 133. gerie, 259. 60. Jone, 52. Richard, 60. | Eyre, Alice, 18. Beatrix, 75. Folkeray, 162. Adam, 152. Ag- Eedes, Elizabeth, 57. John, 57. Jane, 80. John, 18, 80. nes, 152. Alice, 153. Ed- Efford, Roger, 228. Matthew, 75. ward, 153. Grigorie, 153. Elforde, 105. Isabell, 153. Joan, 152, 153. ELFORDE, 105. Anne, 349. Johanna, 153 John, 152. Joan, 266. Johanna, 193. Fabele, 121. Margaret, 153. Matilda, John, 193. Roger, 349. Faber, 17. 152. Michael, 152. Wil- Elgin, Bruce, Earl of, 55. Farant, Humphrey, 68. Jo liam, 153. Eliot, 105. anne, 68. Follet, John, 275. Silphine, 275., ELIOT, 105. Dionis, 186. Farmowe, Richard, 357. Ur- | Forburaye, Jane, 220. Mar- · John, 186. sula, 357. gerie, 220. William, 220. Elizabeth, Queen, 24. Farrington, Ann, 91, 92 Force, John, 195. Margaret, 195. Ellacott, 106. Charles, 91, 92. Margaret, Ford, 107. ELLACOTT, 106.. Elizabeth, FORD, 107, 108. Anne, 96, 204. John, 146, 181, 246, 280. Farwell, Elizabeth, 294. 211. Cecily, 207, 208. Lucy, 146. Margaret, 181, George, 317. Marie, 317. Charles, 15. Dorithy, 246. 280. Mary, 211, 246. Tho Richard, 294. Edward, 207, 208, 352 Elia- mas, 204. Fencotes, Thoma de, 156. nor, 280. Hawise, 213. Henry, Elliott, Catherine, 304. Hugh, FENNER, 107. Anne, 298. 95, 212, 213. John, 211, 244, 7. Joane, 353. John, 304. Hugh, 298. Mary, 245. 245, 269. Katherin, 95. Ellis of Trevoar, 45. Fenton, Andrew, 82. Eliza Margaret, 244, 245. Mary, Ellistone, Elizabeth, 77. beth, 82. John, 121. Jo. 269, 352. Nicholas, 211. Samuell, 77. hanna, 121. Thomas, 121. William, 89. Ellys, Henry, 207. Rebecca, | Fereyne, Anne, 61. James, 61. | FORTESCUE, 110, 111. Alice, Fernhill, Her 263. Milo, 263. 146. Anne,“ 30. Anthony, Elm, Philip, 241. | Ferrers, 22, 88, 223, 319. 356. Cicily, 287. Edmond, 273. 91. 207. INDEX OF NAMES. : 373 229. Edward, 336. Eliza- | FRY-continued Gibbs-continued. beth, 26, 316, 336. Ellen, / 269. Nicholas, 231, 260, 282, Thomas, 316. William, 316. 356. Gertrude, 94, 293. 316, 325. William, 81, 91, Gidley, George, 361. Hanni- Grace, 16. Henry, 139, 316, 173, 282, 307, 308, 325, 338. bali, 363. 3-10. Honor, 229. Hugh, Fulburne, Giles de, 234, 239. Gifford, 87, 227, 228, 312. 236, 237, 287. Isabell, 89, Maude de, 234, 239. Ste GIFFORDE, 127. Achilles, 340. John, 2, 10, 146. | phen de, 238. 27. Alice, 5, 255. Anne, Lewis, 6, 30. Margaret, 236, Fulcherius, 152. 111, 168. Arkelle, 168. Ar- 239. Mary, 237. Rebecka, ( Fulford, 117. thur, 168. Catherine, 36. 236, 237. Suzan, 139. Wil FULFORD, 117, 118. Agnes, Elizabeth, 38, 168, 230, 349. liam, 89, 236, 239. 48. Sir Baldwin, 48. Bridget, Emanuell, 255. George, 333. Fortescue of Buckland Filleigh, 53. Dorothea, 34. Elizabeth, Honor, 124, 312. Hugh, 110. 28. Sir Francis, 28. Sir 218, 325. Jane, 36. Johanna, FORTESCUE of BUCK John, 24, 35, -49. Thomas, 9. John, 5, 7, 38, 49, 51, LAND FILLEIGH, 110. 28, 53. Sir Thomas, 285. 124, 168. Jone, 54, 56. Bartholomew, 322. Hugh, Fulkıram, 47. Margaret, 49. Mary, 319, 325. Richard, 323, 324. John, 272, 312. William, 49. 312. Sir Roger, 54, 56, 110, Mary, 272, 322, 323, Pasco, FURLONGE, 120. Clarice, 111, 230, 319. Thomas, 36, 73. Roger, 73, 200. Sara, 150. John, 150. Robert, 150. 241, 242. W., 349. Wilmot, 312. 324. Fursdon, 120. 49, 51, 110, 218, 241, 242. FORTESCUE of FALLOW. | FURSDON, 120. Elizabeth, | Gilbert, 128, 316. PIT, 112. Anne, 30, 211. 290. George, 290. William, GILBERT, 128. Alicia, 9. Joane, 236, 240, 245. John, 40. Willmot, 289. Anne, 200. Geffrey, 19. 172, 211, 228, Lewis, 30, 1 Furse, 121. Robert, 201. Thomazin, 19. 236, 240. Mary, 172. Sara, FURSE, 121. Anne, 104, 263. William, 9. 228, 229. Honor, 163, 199. John, 199, Gilbert, alias Webber, 9. Jo- FORTESCUE of PRUTES 363. Robert, 263. Solomon, han, 254. Nicholas, 254. TON, 109. Henry, 279. 104. Thomas, 163. Giles, 129. Katherine, 279. Fursland, 122. GILES, 129. Anne, 172, 317. Fortescue of Winston, 109. FURSLAND, 122. Elizabeth, Christian, 320. Cicilie, 278. FORTESČUE of WINS-| 160. John, 160. Sir Edward, 279. John, 172, TON, 109. Isabell, 347. | Fursman, Bridget, 248. Roger, 173, 253, 317, 320. Jone, Jone, 116. Thomas, 347. 248. 173, 253, 279. William, 116. Fynes, Ann, 357. Constance, Glanvill, 130. Foster, Joane, 202. John, 202. °357. Edward, 357. Elizabeth, GLANVILL. 130. Elizabeth, Forritayne, 112. 357. Henry, 357. James, 357. 80. Francis, 80. Joan, 148. FOUNTAYNE, 112. Eliza Margaret, 357. Richard, 357. John, 148, 332, 361. beth, 120. Jane, 236. John, Ursula, 357. William, 357. Glase, Gawin, 362. 236. Glinne, Phelip, 158. William, Fowell, 113. Gabell, Francis, 295. Mary, 158. FOWELL, 113. 114. Arthur, | 295.' Gloucester, Thomas of Wood- 240. John, 332. Jone, 115, Gainsford, Julian, 116. stock, Duke of, 34. Anna, 228. Mary, 228, 240. Richard, Gale, Amy, 275. Anne, 274. / his daughter, 34. 228. William, 115. Elizabeth, 122. Thomas, 122. Glubb, Charles, 130. Dionis, Fownes, Prudence, 304. Tho- | Gambon, 316. 130. Johanna, 130. mas, 304, 332. Gane, John, 233. Peternell, Glydd, Elizabeth, 21. Thomas, Foxwell, Anne, 202. Hester, 233. 21. 202. John, 202. Garland, 123. Goade, Francis, 137. John, 137. Foxwerthy, Philip, 362. GARLAND, GARLANDE, Gobb, Margaret, 27. Foynes, Joane, 148. Thomas, 123. Agnes, 188. Honour, Goch, Jane, 49. 148. 273. John, 188. Joane, 207. | Goch ap Groylens, Jem., 6. Francis, Sir Adam, 264. Alan, Richard, 207. Godfrey, 74. 234, 239. Alice, 145. Eliza- | Garnsey, Dorothy, 202. Rich Godolphin, Sir Francis, 6, 120, beth, 14. Frances, 155. 335. Jane, 335. John, 6. Henry, 145. John, 78, 109. Gaverick, John, 97. Susan, 97. Gold, 231. Mary, 78, 109. Maude, 264. | Gay, 125. Goleston, John, 189. Sir John, Nicholas, 14. William, 145. GAY, 125, 126. Alice, 124. 187. Phillip, 187. Sir William, 155. George, 330. John; 84, 124, | Gooddinge, Sith, 276. Franke, Elizabeth, 342. John, / 362. Jone, 124. Lettice, 251. Goode, Alice, 194. Joane, 90. 342. Margaret, 84. Richard, 251, Richard, 90. Walter, 194. Franklin, Anne, 67. Eliza 333. Goodridge, 131. heth, 56. John, 291. Peter, Geere, 126. GOODRIDGE, 131. Mary, 56, 67. Richard, 291. GEERE, 126. Andrew, 14. / 222. Nicholas, 222. Friar, Elizabeth, 298. Wilc | Ann, 14. Bridget, 299. Goodwyn, 131. liam, 298. John, 299. Mary, 84, 320. GOODWYN, 131. Agnes, Frost, Roger, 333. Theophi- | George, Henry R., 331. 208. John, 208. Katherine, lus, 330. Geret, Ann, 37. Nicholas, 37. 208. Thomas, 208. Fry, 115. German, Mary, 197. Gooseme, John de, 121. FRY, 115. Agnes, 81, 260, Gernoune, Joane, 82. Thomas, | Goram, Jone, 274. 307, 308. Alice, 173. Bar: 82. Gorfur, John, 157. Mary, 157. nard, 269. Bridget, 231. | Gery, John, 362. Gorges, 54, 70. Dorothe, 50. Dorithie, 94. Elizabeth, 204, Gibbs, 149, 316. Margerie, 229. Sir Edward, 50. Tristram, 316, 338. John, 204. Mary, Robert, 229. Silvester, 316. 227. Wynifred, 227. 374 INDEX OF NAMES. Gorwill, Anne, 40. | Hackwell, Agnes, 316. Frances, | Harris-continued. Gorwyn, William, 361. 132. John, 132, 214, 328. Mary, 198. Phillip, 99, 223. Gottom, Alexander, 122. Ju Thomazin, 214. Richard, 330. Thomas, 101, dith, 122. Had, or Hadd, Catherin, 29, 186. William, 79, 160, 200. Gough, Alice, 349. Richard, 30. Thomas, 29, 30. Sir William, 246. 349, 361. Hadderley, John, 90. Harrison, Ellin, 297. GOULD, 132. Elizabeth, 162. Hadley, Christopher, 175. Harrys of Cherston, 139. Julian, 254. Katherine, 319. Margaret, 175. HARRYS OF CHERSTON, Thomas, 162. Hakedune, Willelmo de, 165. 139. Gourney, 133. Hakewill, 137. Harrys of Radford, 139. GOURNEY,133. Thomas, 331. HAKEWILL, 137. Allen, HARRYS OF RADFORD, Gove, Jane, 111. John, 111. 37. Elizabeth, 37. 139. Cicilia, 216. John, 216. Gover, Richard, 361. Hakeworthy, Walter, 101. Hart, Ann, 312. Edward, Graas, 70, 340. Hale, Jone, 171. Thomas, 171. 223. Joane, 140. Mary, 223. Graber, Elizabeth, 345. Tho- | Hall, Jane, 58. John, 19, 58. Robert, 140. Thomas, 312. mas, 345. Jone, 58. Richard, 68. Tho Hartwell, Joan, 297. Thomas, Grace, Grace, 267. mazin, 58. 297. Grafton, Elianor, 186. Wil- | Hallock, Stephen, 4. Harvy, 140. liam, 186. Hals, 136. HARVY, 140. Alicia, 149. An- Grane, or Graue, Margerie, HALS, 136. Jane, 112. Joane, thony, 63, 143. Elizabeth, 63. 152. Ralph, 152, 153." 144. John, 146.' Mary, 146. John, 357. Mary, 143. Wil- Graunt, 189. Elizabeth, 190. fi Phillip, 245. Richard, 112, liam, 327, 328, 329. William, 190. 113, 245. Sibell, 253.' Harward, William, 189. Greene, Jone, 21. Halsewell, Sir Nicholas, 31. Haskin, Frances, 207. Henry, GREENEWOOD, 133. Suzan, 31. 207. Gregorie, Elizabeth, 96, 105. Halwill, Joane, 108. William, Hassard, Anne, 326. Robert, Grenfield, Amy, 94. Elizabeth, 108. 326. 100. Ellin, 322, 325. John, Ham, William, 333. Hastings, 17. 100. Mary, 261. Richard, | Hamilton, John, 273. Willmot, Hatch, 25, 141. 261. William, 322, 325. 273. HATCH, 141. Agnes, 217. Grenvile, Alice, 302, 339. Sir Hamley, 189, 286. Anne, 237. Dorithy, 79, Barnard, 140, 265, 330. | Hamlin, Alice, 130. Jane, 39, 287. Elizabeth, 228. Ellin, Bevill, 265. Digory, 226. 85. Richard, 39. 8, 10, 11. Lewis, 79, 237. Gartrúde, 140. Sir George, Hamond, Hugh, 317. Jane, Thomas, 8, 11, 287. Tho- 353. Grace, 265. John, 317. mazin, 239. William, 228. 339. Jone, 143. Martha, Hampton, 93. Alice, 94. Hatell, William, 257. 268. Mary, 285. Phillip, Philippa, 93. Warren, 93. Hatherley, John, 68. Phillip, 226, 284. Richard, 268, 285. Hanckford, Agnes, 161. Sir 248. Roger, 248. Willmot, 68. Robert, 143. Roger, 284, W., 161. Hatheway, Margery, 295. Ro- 339. Thomazine, 339. Hancock, Elizabeth, 222. Wil bert, 295. Greville, Elizabeth, 307. Sir liam, 222. Hautvill (?), 70. Foulke, 307. Hanfford, 215. Elinor, 215. Havering, 212. Alice, 213. Grey, Christopher, 320. Mary, Elizabeth, 34. Hugh, 215. Elizabeth, 213. John, 213. 320. Mary, 216. Sir Richard, 34. Richard, 213. Griffin, Ameat, 359. Joane, 359. Thomazin, 34. Hawke, Agnes, 347. Eliza- Roger, 359. Thomas, 359. Hanke, Nicholas, 226. Tempe. beth, 210. Richard, 39, 347. Grigg, Joane, 319, 320. rance, 226. Hawkins, Anne, 107. Francis, Grileston, John de, 38. Hankesford, Jane, 48. Sir, 198. Lucy, 106. Mary, Grimston, 149. William, 48. 241, 242. Thomas, 107. Grindall, Agnes, 342. Hanmer, John, 330. William, 198, 241. Grove, Francis, 53. Harcourt, Ann, 357. Sir R., Hawkridg, Alicia, 2. Hugh, Grylls, 134. 357. Thomas, 331. 330. William, 2,83. Will- GRYLLS, 134. Alice, 130, | Harding, Margery, 201. Tho mot, 83. 183. Dionis, 130. Honor, mazine, 223. William, | Hawkworthy, Cicely, 2. Ro- 112. Margaret, 176. Wil 223. land, 2. liam, 26, 130, 176, 183. | HAREWOOD, 137. Hauley, 70. Elizabeth, 340. Gunler, Robert, 324. Suzan, 1 HARLEWYN, 138. Eliza Emma, 340. John, 340. 324. beth, 203. Walter, 203. Haydon, 142. Gunn, Johann, 69. Robert, | Harnaman, William, 361. HAYDON, 142. Bridget, 260. 332. Thomas, 69. Harney, Anthony, 362. Thomas, 260. Gutton, Beatrix, 285. John, 285. Harper, 138. Hayes, Editha, 120. Eliza- Guy, Grace, 91, 93. Robert, HARPER, 138. Elinor, 82. beth, 266. John, 159, 266. 91, 93. Julian, 20. Nicholas, 82. Thomas, 120. Ursula, 159. Gye, Elizabeth, 104. George, Harrington, Elinor, 298. Haymer, Hester, 164. 104. Lord, 55. Sir Richard, 298. Heard, John, 330. Walter, 330. Gyffard, 134. Harris, Alice, 358. Anstice, Hearle, Edward, 244. Joan, GYFFARD, GYFFARDE, 73. Anthonie, 198. Arthur, 49. Martha, 244. 134, 135. 99, 198. Blanche, 160, 200. | Hearnnaman, Abbot, 61. John, GYFFORDE, 136. Catherine, 101. Eliana, 61. 186. Elizabeth, 317. Fran- | Heckter, Elizabeth, 230. " H-e, Elizabeth, 186. Richard, cis, 246. Gilbert, 317. | Heddon, Jone, 84. • 186. John, 223, 358. Margaret, 79. | Heghin, John, 283. Matilda, 285. INDEX OF NAMES. 375 _208. 265. Hele, 145, 147. - Hidnam, Margaret, 206. | Holman, Arthur, 160, 226. HELE, 145, 147, 148, 149. ) Hill, 344, 350. Judith, 160. Radagon, 226. Agnes, 236. Elizabeth, 293. HILL, 344, Anne, 325. Eliza- | Holway, 47, 155. Francis, 266. Joane, 60, 130, beth, 46, 199, 248. Jane, HOLWAY, 155. 323, 339. John, 43, 86, 202, 76, 325. Joane, 339. John, Holwell, Anne, 140. John, 293. Judith, 320. Mary, 278. 232, 317, 350. Josias, 333. 140. Penelope, 31. Phillip, 86. Julian, 350. Margarett, 89. Holworthy, Dorothy, 136. Samuel, 130. Susanna, 159. Margerie, 190. Mary, 55, 317. | Philip, 136. Thomas, 31,202, 323. Wal Richard, 325. Sir Richard, Honacott, Jane, 226. John, ter, 159, 182, 320, 339. 89. Robert, 55, 76. Tho- 226. Helier, Jane, 274. mazin, 232. Ursula, 55. Hone, 212. Margaret, 214. Helliar, Elizabeth, 299. Robert, 214. Helyard, Jeremy, 208. Mary, Hill, alias Spurwaye, Agnes, Honiwood, John, 180. Tho- 28. Joane, 232. Richard, mas, 180. Hemertin, Engarman, 180. 306. William, 28. Wills | Honychwch, 347. Suzan, 180. mot, 306. HONYCHURCH, 347. Annc, Heming, Jane, 265. Richard, Hillare, Rogero, 166. 325. Henry, 200. Pasco, Hillen, Bennet, 95. Ellin, 95. / 200. Hender, Elizabeth, 341. John, Hillersdon, 149. Honywell, Sabian, 188. Wil. 147. Mary, 147. liam, 188. Hendscombe (0), 231. rine, 63. John, 314. Phil Hooke, Magdalyne, 313. Hengscott, 219. lip, 314. Richard, 53. | Hooper, Barbara, 38. John, Henry IV., King, 47. Hillinge, William, 276. 1 165. Sir John, 38. Tho- Henry V., King, 47. HILMAN, 150. mazine, 165. William, 362. Henscott, 42. Johanna, 200. Hinckston, William, 8. Hoopwell, Agnes, 161, Peter, John, 200, 201, 229. Nicho Hinde, Mary, 236. 161. las, 201. Thomazin, 229. Hindford, Alice, 165. Elena, / Hoppins, Matthew, 329. Willmot, 42. 165. Osbert, 166. William, Horde, Alan, 247. Dorothy, Hensleigh, Edward, 123, 124, 165 247. 276. Eglin, 276. Elizabeth, Hitch, Thomazin, 235. Hordeleigh, Mathew, 78. 282. Jobanna, 124. John, | Hitchcock, Edward, 290. Hordich, Philipp, 334. 123. Jone, 124. Margaret, Elizabeth, 290. Hore, 156. 123. Robert, 282. William, Hiwis, 70. HORE, 156. Bartholomew, 202. Hobbs, Henry, 332. 151. Downes, 151. Herast, Luellin ap, 6. Mar- | Hobbye, Joane, 342. Thomas, | Horell, Elizabeth, 128. Nicho- garet ap, 6. 342. las, 128. Herbert, Marcella, 280. Mary, Hockin, Christopher, 333. Horne, Christian, 248. Eliza- 43. Richard, 43, 280. Hockmore, 152. beth, 79. Frances, 233. Herden, alias Holston, Ellin, HOCKMORE, 152. Agnes, Jané, 165. John, 79, 233, 276. 153. Alice, 164, 201. Gre 248. Lawrence, 165. Hereford, Bohun, Earl of, 169. gorie, 153, 154, 201. Isabell, Horsey, 185. Dorothea, 265. Elizabeth, his daughter, 169. 153. Jane, 154. Joane, 153. Edward, 94. Elizabeth, 186. Hereugh, Richard, 228. John, 153, 154. Margaret, Hering, Elizabeth, 179. John, 153. Mary, 154. Richard, Joane, 273. Johan, 94. Sir 179. 153. Roger, 153. Thomas, Raphe, 265. Sara, 62. Wal- Herle, 48. Joan, 49. John, 48, 153. William, 153, 154. ter, 273. 49, 220. Sir John, 220. Ni Hoddy, Mary, 46. William, 46. Horwell, Elizabeth, 74. Roger, cholas, 49, 220. Thomas, Hodge, William, 362. 48, 220. Hodgescot, Joane, 135. Tho- | Horwood, Elizabeth, 52, 125. Herne, Anne, 29.5. Sir Ed mas, 135. John, 125. Leonard, 293. ward, 295. Hodich, Grace, 198. John, 198. Thomas, 330. William, 52. Herniman, Arminell, 318. Hoker, Zach., 19. How, Elizabeth, 214, 233. Francis, 318. Holcombe, 345. Jana, 214. Roger, 214. Hert, 2. Elizabeth, 2. Thomas, HOLCOMBE, 345. Joan, 153. Howard, Sir C., 76. John, 153, 173, 361. Luca, Howard of Effingham, William Hesed, John, 171. Jone, Lord, 35. Martha, his daugh- Holden, Katherin, 297. ter, 35. Hesset, Lewis, 39.. Hole, Edward, 67. Henry, 26. Howe, Anne, 41. John, 41. Heth, in Ireland, St. Law John, 19. Joyce, 19. Mary, | Howell, Luellin ap, 6. Meri- rence, Lord of, 48. 26, 67. deth ap, 6. Thomas, Hewett, Lawrence, 346. Sara, Holigrave, Robert, 58. Tho 332. mazin, 58. Howell ap Rees, David ap, 6. Hext, Edward, 198. Jane, 198. Holland, Thomas, Earl of John, 204. Martin, 200. Kent, 264. Elianora, his Huckmore, Alice, 151. Ann, Mary, 200, 204. daughter, 264. 139, 182. Gregory, 107, Hoydon, Gideon, 85. Grace, \ Holland, 345. 108. Jane, 63, 239. Jone, 67. Margaret, 85. Robert, | HOLLAND, 345. Andrew, L 107, 108, 235. Richard, 182, 85. Thomas, 67. 140. Elizabeth, 140. Mar 239. William, 139, 151. Hicks, Ann, 359. Grace, 159. garet, 48. Huddie, 227, 228. Agnes, 49. Mills, 359. Thomas, 169. I Hollis, Ann, 355. Sir W., 355. Sir John, 49. Hide, John, 101. Margaret, Holloway, 47. Mary, 48. Ro. | Huett, Elianor, 265. John, 101. bert, 48. 265. 25. 2 171. 346. 376 INDEX OF NAMES. Hugworthy, 227, 228. | Jewell-continued. Kirkadam, John, 169. Mary, Hukeleigh, Edward, 44. | 359. Christian, 359. Ci. 169. Julalia, 248. Mary, 44. celey, 359. Jackett, 359. Kirkham, 161, 350. Hull, Henry, 66. Ursula, 66. Joane, 359. John, 359. Hungerford, Elizabeth, 35. Margaret, 359. 350. Nicholas, 216, 350. Robert, Earl of, 35. Sir Joane, daughter of King Ed Richard, 49. Suzan, 266, Walter, 35, 235, 240. ward I., 264. 269. Sir Thomas, 266, 269. Hunsdon, Henry Cary, Baron Jordayne, Alice, 265. Anne, Kitson, Francisca, 35. Sir of, 49. 206. Ignatius, 327. Joane, Thomas, 35. Hunt, 155. 265. John, 294, 328. Mar Knapman, 162. HUNT, 155. Bennet, 6. garet, 294. Richard, 205. KNAPMAN, 162. Honour, Hugh, 332. Phillip, ' 332. William, 265. 122. William, 122. Smarte, 332. Juell, Alice, 121. Anne, 101. Knell, John, 317. Mary, 315, Huntingdon, Earl of, 57. Juett (?), 125. 317. Richard, 315. Hurding, Elizabeth, 64. Julkyn, Joan, 347. John, 347. Knight, Elizabeth, 134. Jo- Henry, 64. Jull, Richard, 194. hanna, 100. John, 40. Hurrel, Elizabeth, 148. Roger, Marie, 130. Richard, 100. 148. Koone, Dargaret, 78. Rich- Hurst, Agnes, 45. Joan, 319, Kailway, Agnes, 94. Anne, ard, 78. 320. Julian, 181. William, 137. John, 137. 181, 319. Kedley, William, 304. Lachbroke, William, 7. Hurstey, Agnes, 33. William, Keenis, Anne, 79. Humphrey, Lackington, John, 362. 33. 79. Lacy, Agnes, 253. Richard, Hurt, Arthur, 302. John, 302. Keep, Alice, 359. Humfrey, 253. Husband, Anne, 255. John, 359. Lake, Christian, 305. John, 255. Kelk, Anne, 326. Ru., 326. 305. Margaret, 239. Mary, Hussard, Jane, 104. John, 104. Kellan, Agnes, 221. Walter, 235. Richard, 235, 239. Hussey, Elizabeth, 141. Oliver, 221. Lamacroft, Christopher, 126. . 141. Kelland, John, 363. Thomas, Mary, 126. Hutchins, Anne, 111. Ellinor, 66. Thomazine, 66. Lambell, Elizabeth, 164. 112. John, 111. Mary, Kellaway, 231. Lora, 143. Lambert, Agnes, 183. Tho- 206. Thomas, 206. Sir William, 143. mas, 183. Thomazine, 267. Huxham, 17. William, 362. Kelleshulle, Ricardo de, 156. | William, 267. Huyshe, 157. Kelly, 160. Lamion, Jane, 194. Richard, HUYSHE, 157. Grace, 206. | KELLY, 160. Alice, 323. 194. Henry, 181. Jane, 181. Anne, 89. Anthony, 165. Lampry, Elizabeth, 310. Wil- William, 216. Arthur, 15. Elizabeth, 120, liam, 310. Hydon, 136. 128, 156. George, 355. Lancaster, Henry, Earl of, Henry, 29, 143. Joane, 165. 169. Elianor, his daughter, Ibbott (?), 339. John, 29, 128. Sir John, 169. Ilcoinbe, 231. 29. Mary, 355. Richard, 29. LAND, 163. Incleden, 158. Thomas, 120. Williain, 89. | Landere, John, 261. Thoma- zine, 261. 262. Margarett, 89. 86. | Lane, John, 192. Thomazin, Inett, Jane, 125. Kemp, Robert, 55. Susan, 55. 192. Inglett, 158. INGLETT, 158. bert, 39. 313, 355. Mary, 355. Inwood, Joane, 105. Kendall, 161. Lange, Henry, 7. John, 126. Irishe, Joane, 37. John, 153. KENDALL, 161. Thomas, Jone, 126, 173. Richard, Julian, 132. Zachary, 37,132. 8. 173. Isaack, 159. Kont, George Gray, Earl of, Langesford, 164. ISAACK, 159. Catherin, 40. 34. - Thomas Holland, LANGESFORD, 164. Agnes, Christian, 40. Elizabeth, Earl of, 48. 130. Dorothy, 74. Eliza- 257. Robert, 40. Thomas, Kent, Agnes, 275. Anne, 275. beth, 30. Emanuell, 50. 148. William, 257. William, 275. John, 8. Mary, 8, 62, 105. Ivatt, 354. Elizabeth, 300, 354. Kerslake, Edward, 333. Roger, 30, 62. William, 74. Keymer, Elizabeth, 209, 210. | Langham, Jane, 104. Jacob, Anne, 183. John, 183, Ellis, '264. William, 209, Langley, Grace, 299. 203. Mary, 203. Langworthy, Élizabeth, 154. Jacquinto, Elizabeth, 53. | Keynes, Humphry, 21. | George, 327. Hugh, 154. Jago, Pasco, 331. Joane, 21. Joan, 122. James, Elizabeth, 289. Sam., Killiawé, 19. Lanian, Susan, 39. William, 289. Killigrew, Dorothy, 256. 39. Jeffrey, John, 331. Elizabeth, 235, 240. Sir Lannery, Anne, 138. Walter, Jeninge, Mary, 170. Robert, Henry, 235, 256. 138. 170. Kinge, `Agneta, 39. Beatrix, Lannie, Francis, 172. Graco, Jermyn, Beatrix, 126. John, | 172. John, 172. Thomas, 126. 172. Jerworth, 6. Kingsmyll, Constance, 357. Lante, 164. Jewe, 244. Alice, 322. Wil Sir William, 357. LANTE, 164. Grace, 197. liam, 322. Kircke, Elizabeth, 344. Gil- ! Johne, 177. William, 177. Jewell, Agnes, 359. Alice,! bert, 344. Lapp, Florence, 266. 210. 61. INDEX OF NAMES. 377 304. Lapperlode, Henry, 189. | 268. Stephen, 363. Suzan, John, 129. Mary, 253. Jane, 349. John, 337, 349.1 176. Thomas, 10. Vallen Paul, 132. Robert, 257. Larder, 71. Elizabeth, 124. tyne, 362. Lutton, 173. Humphry, 71. Jane, 349. / Leyman, Arthur, 159. Honor, LUTTON, 173. Margery, Margaret, 71. William, 159. 355. Peter, 355. 124. Libb, Agnes, 261. Joan, 324. Luttrell, 174. Larkey, Bartholomew, 334. Lide, Allen, 362. LUTTRELL, 174, 175. Sir Latham, Elizabeth, 37. Lidford, Richard of, 29. Andrew, 102. Elizabeth, Latimer, 189. Elizabeth, 306. Lidstone, Suzan, 275. 191. Margarot, 102. Ni- Richard, Lord, 306. Light, Robert, 330. cholas, 191. Lause, Johan, 255. John, 255. Likfort, William, 328. Luxton, Anne: 270. George, Lavelis, Elizabeth, 125. Ro Limponye, Dennis, 83. Ed- 62. Hugh, 270. Joane, 62. bert, 125. ward, 83. Philip, 83. | Lyfield, Jane, 295. Thomas, Lavers, Emlin, 149. John, Line, John, 134. Mary, 134. 295. 149. Lineham, Richard, 122. Tho Lynn, 176. . Lawrence, Sir Edward, 54. mazine, 122. LYNN, 176. Margerie, 54. Lippingcott, 348. Lyttleton, 302. Marie, 130. Lawterham,' 340. Margaret, LIPPINGCOTT, 348. Sir Thomas, 302. 340. Mawde, 340. Stephen, | Liston, Edward, 274. Luce, 340. 274. Mabin, Diggery, 306. Mar- Leach, John, 41. Margaret, Lluellin, David ap, 6. garet, 306. 41. Maria, 250. Stephen, Lockington, Mary, 237. Măble, of Cornwall, 354. Anne, 250. London, Claricia de, 190. 299, 354. Thomas, 299. Leake, Mary, 304. Thomas, Joane, 354. William de, Mac Coghland, Jone, 192. 190. Philley, 192. Lear, Alice, 122. Hugh, 122. Longe, 171. Mac Henrie, Isabell, 192. Odo, Richard, 334. LONGE, 171. Ann, 298. Jo- | 192. Le Baron, Elias,. 152. Eusta hanna, 283. John, 28, 298. Mac Morrough, 185. chius, 152. John, 152. Tho Mary, 321, Richard, 321. Mace, 177. mas, 152. William, 152. Longland, John, 206. Mary, | MACE, 177. William, 164. Le Bonne, John, 84. Martha, 206. Mary Anne, 206. Maddock, Howell ap, 6. 84. Longspey (?), 93. Richard, 362. Lechland, Joane, 303. Lovain, Alianora, 34. Sir Maddock,' alias Jerworth, Lechmore, Ricardo de, 165. John, 34. Guenlian, 6. Lee, 348. Lovelace, Francis, 323. Leo Maddox, Ángel, 134. Mar- LEE, 348. Agnes, 219. nard, 323. garet, 134. Elinor, 170. Honor, 274. Loverey, Philip, 331. Mahoun, Henry, 228. Joane, 77. Nicholas, 274. Loveringe, John, 26. Mahow, Francis, 203. Jero- William, 361. Lovey, Alice, 265. Joan, 265. / nimy, 203. Leegh, 350. John, 265. Mains, Alexander, 186. Jo- Le Francis, 234. Loveys, Elizabeth, 64. Leo- hanna, 186. Legg, Grace, 224. Margaret, nard, 64. Mainwaring, 177. 338. William, 224, 338. Lower, Margery, 350. Wil- MAINWARING, 177. Ar- Leigh, 71. Agnes, 154. Alice, liam, 350. thur, 213. Barbara, 267. 232. Anne, 135. Dorithie, Lowis, 171. Ellen, 184. Sir Henry, 131, 336, 358. Elizabeth, LOWIS, 171. 257. Philip, 184. Ran- · 21. James, 154. Jane, 154. Lowman, 172. dall, 184. “Sir Randolph, Joane, 36. John, 201. Ni- | LOWMAN, 172. Agnes, 129. 1 184. cholas, 21. Philip, 226. / Elizabeth, 320. John, 320. Malherbe, 74. Jane, 161. Sir Richard, 131. Thomas, 135. Phillip, 129. John, 161. William, 36, 226, 232. Loworthy, Elizabeth, 36. Mallack, Joan, 260, 326. John, Leight, Frances, 316. Thomas, John, 36. 260. Richard, 326. 316. Lubham, Dorithie, 287. Tho Maller, Edward, 6. Margaret, 6. Lennard, Sams., 331. mas, 287. Mallett, 178. Lenthall, 169. Lucar, Elizabeth, 133. Ema MALLETT, 178. Elianor, 3, LENTHALL, 169, 170. nuell, 133. John, 133. Will 295. Sir John, 272. Mar- Lestun, Willelmo de, 165. mot, 133. garet, 141. Mary, 316. Mi- Lethebridge, Alexander, 69. | Luce, Katherin, 90. Thomas, chaell, 316. Robert, 3, 295. George, 219. Katherine, 90. Thomas, 141. 219. Susan, 69. Zenobia, Lucy, sister to the Duke of Mallory, 258. Julian, 258. 277. Milan, 347. Sir Richard, 258. Lewes, Dorothy, 360. W., 360.) Lugg, Adam, 330. Malston, 234, 238. Elizabeth Lewis, Agnes, 165. Amy, 75. | Luke, John, 198. Philippa, l de, 239. Hugh de, 239. Barlabin, 165. Elizabeth, 198. Muriell, 239. Robert dc, 48. Sir Humphry, 48. Jo., Luppincot, Francis, 27. John, 238, 239. 262. Leonard, 75. Mary, Man, Elizabeth, 132. William, 262. Robert, 328. Lure, Alice, 339. 27. 132. Lewson, Elizabeth, 320. John, Luscombe, 172. MANNINGE, 179. 320. LUSCOMBE, 172. Alice, Mannington, Ambrose, 102. Ley, Elizabeth, 183. Henry, 116. Amy, 251. Christian, Anne, 102. 183. Jasper, 13, 363. Pre 132. Elizabeth, 193. Henry, Mansfield, Sir Edward, 76. silla, 268. Richard, 167, 116, 193, 253. Johan, 129. / Mary, 76. 3c 378 INDEX OF NAMES. 185. Mapowder, 179. Meo, Alice, 337. John, 337. 87,127,175, 352. Dorothy, 87. MAPOWDER, 179. Rachell, Mercer, Jone, 276. Richard, Elizabeth, 175, 265. Fran- 36. Tristram, 36. 276. cis, 352. Margaret, 3, 127. Marchant, Dorithie, 23. Wil Merideth, Anne, 168. Eliza Mary, 10. Thomas, 3, 10, liam, 23. beth, 155, 171. Thomas, 335. Sir Thomas, 265. Marcis, Roger, 188. 155. Montagu, Alice, 264. Elianor, Marewood, Elizabeth, 55. Merifield, John, 199. Rich 264. Elizabeth, 306. John, John, 55. ard, 199. 264. Margaret, 264. Maude, Markham, Margaret, 4. Merit, Andrew, 67. Dorothie, 264. Robert, 264. Tho- Marsh, Elizabeth, 300, 354. 67. mas, 264. William, 264. Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, Merton (?), 32. Montbéry, 212. Merton, 345. Margery, 190. Monteagle, Lord, 221. Ellin, Marshall, Agnes, 65. John, 327. Merydeth, Juan ap, 6. 221. Martyn, 180, 181. Meryell, Elizabeth, 298. Wil Montgomery Count of, 53. MARTYN, 180, 181, 182. liam, 298. Robert, his daughter, 53. Anne, 273. Dorothy, 254, Metford, John, 206. Mary, Monthermer, Ralphe, 264. 275. Elizabeth, 84, 249. 206. Thomas, 264. Henry, 249. Joane, 289. Metherosse, Jane, 220. Rich Montjoy, Elizabeth, 307. Hugh, John, 172, 332. Julian, ard, 220. 125. Lord, 307. Philippa, 222. Katherine, 100. Leve, Metsted, 345. Sir Andrew, 241, 243. 88. Margaret, 106. Mary, 345. Elinor, 345. Mar Moone, Alice, 280. Edward, 211, 249, 266. Nicholas, garet, 345. 337. Margery, 337. Tho- 106, 211, 222, 273. Phillip, Mewy, 136. mas, 361. 172. Presilla, 198. Ro Michell, Agnis, 158. Sir Bar Moore, 6, 193. bert, 273, 331, 353. Tho tholomew, 154. Elizabeth, | MOORE, 193. Edward, 97. mas, 43, 198, 249. Sir Tho 14, 201. Jane, 154, 348. Elianora, 205. Elizabeth, mas, 82. Thomazine, 316, Joan, 230. Johanna, 201. 97, 248. Grace, 12. Hum- 353. Ursula, 53. William, John, 201, 348. Richard, 14. phry, 28. Jone, 6. Ka- 222, 254, 316. Sir William, | Midleton, Elin, 342. Thomas, Eherine, 161. Margaret, 185. 342. 103. Robert, 12, 103, 161, Marvine, Sir Edward, 350. | Mill, John, 243. Mary, 243. 248. Thomas, 6. Elinor, 350. Millford, Alice, 191. John, More, 191, 195. Mascle, Anne, 168. 19. Nicholas, 190. MORE, 191, 195. Agnes, 264. Mason, Thomas, 173. Milliton, Jefferie of, 29. John, John, 194. Roger, 193. Mathew, Agnes, 204. Alice, 101. Margaret, 50. Wal Thomas, 193, 194. 236. Cicily, 235, 236, 239. ter, 101. William, 242. Moreton, 23, 117. Edmond, 204, 235, 236. Ed Milton, William, 363. Morgan, Anne, 49. Thomas, ward, 239. Ida, 208. Ka Minshull, 184. therine, 115. Lewis, 115. MINSHULL, 184. Moring, 193. Richard, 208. Roger, 331. | Mitchell, Mary, 53. Thomas, MORÍNG, 194. Alice, 193. Susan, 302. Walter, 332. 53. Anthony, 93, 193. Mary, William, 302. Mogridge, Tristram, 361. 93. Pasco, 242. Philip, 23. Mattcott, Thomazine, 339. Mohun, 45, 292. Ann, 24. / Richard, 23, 242. Mattingle, Thomas, 90. Dorothy, 59. Eliza, 292. Morre, Elizabeth, 352. Tho- Maunder, Jone, 290. Thomas, Francisca, 193. Joane, 103, mas, 352. 290. Welthian, 290. 272. John, 146. Margaret, Morrice, Betrice, 303. Maurice, Alice, 261. 292, Mary, 303. Maximi. MORTÝMER, alias TAN- Mawgridge, Amy, 183. Mat lian, 303. Reginald, 24. NER, 195. Elizabeth, 318. thew, 183. Sir Reginald, 59. Reinold, William, 331. Mawkenfield, Alice, 285. 146. Thomas, 103, 193. Moulish, Roger, 173. Maye, Anne, 173. Margaret, William, 272, 292. Sir W., Moulton, 196. 67. Phinees, 290. Thomas, 146. MOULTON, 196. 67. William, 173. Mohun of Tavistock, 184. Moyles, 42. Admonition, 228, Maynard, 182. MOHUN of TAVISTOCK, 229. John, 228, 229. Love- MAYNARD, 182. Alexander, 184. day, 14. Richard, 14. 8. Alice, 134. Honor, 146. Molford, 187. Mules, 70, 292. Alicia, 9, 292. Jane, 343. John, 29, 343. | MÕLFORD, 187. Agnes, 124. Elizabeth, 29, 43, 292. Isa- Jone, 146, 147. Thomas, John, 332. Mary, 215, 318. bella, 9, 292. John, 9, 292. 134, 146, 147. Reginald, 215. Roger, 124. Sir John, 11. Mayne, Joane, 249. Richard, Mollesworth, Jane, 242. John, Muleton, Thomas de, 165. 249. 242, 244. Phillip, 244. Mull, Roger de, 7. Mayo, Digerie, 332. Mollineux. Elizabeth, 251. Munday, Barbara, 246. Doro- Maze, Cecilie, 187. John, 251. thea, 182. Edward, 182. Medden, Elizabeth, 40. Wilo Mollins, Henry, 264. Johanna, Thomas, 246. liam, 40. 120, 264. John, 264. Mary, Mungond, Mary, 59. Medford, Richard, 330. 97. Robert, 120. Thomas, Murche, William, 331. Melbourne, Grace, 57. 97. William, 264. Musard, Radulpho de, 165. Membrey, Agneta, 212, 213. Molton, John, 72. Marie, Muttlebury, Alexander, 265. Richard, 212. 72. Dorothy, 204, 205, 265. MENIFIÉ, 183. Monech, Ralph, 82. Edward, 265. Elianor, 264. Menwhenicke, Elizabeth, 277. | Monk, 189. Robert, 265. Thomas, John, 277. | MONK, 188. Anthonie, 10, \. 265. 49. INDEX OF NAMES. 379 20. MYLFORD, 187.. | Norton, 223. John, 180. Mar- | Palmer, Joane, 292, 352. John, garet, 180. Thomas, 180. 1 125, 352. Katherin, 292. Nanconan, John, 127. Mar Valintine, 180. William, Mary, 125. Richard, 292. garet, 127. William, 330. Napper, 197. Nott, Catherine, 157. John, Parant, John, 156. NAPPER, 197. Alexander, 157, 257. Parco, Gervasa de, 213. Wil. 197.' Joane, 301. John, Nottingham, Charles, Earl of, liam de, 213. 301. 35. Parfoye, Randulph, 188. Narrowcot, Cecily, 207. John, NUTCOMBE, 202. John, Parincheff, Ann, 359. Gabriel, 207. 232. Susan, 232. 360. John, 359, 360. Richard, Natt, William, 28. Nuthrowne, Elizabeth, 211. 360. Nele, Joane, 346. John, 324. William, 211. Parke, Susan, 143. Margaret, 324. Parker, 203, 204. Netherton, Johanna, 150. Tho O'Breene, Eva, 192. Patrick, PARKER, 203, 204, 205. mas, 150. 192. Agneta, 214. Alice, 77. Nevill, Ann, 347. Elizabeth, O'Despsey, Avis, 192. Sir · Blanch, 200. Dorithy, 61. 346. Lord, 346. Ralph, Charles, 192. Edmund, 200. Elizabeth, 347. Richard, Earlof Sarum, Offewell, 93. 138. John, 61, 77, 98, 214, 264. Sir Thomas, 357. Ofwell, 212. 346. Jone, 141, 346. Martha, Newberie, Joane, 115, 116. Ro Okebeare, 212. Elizabeth, 213. 98. Mary, 72, 197. Tho- bert, 115, 116. Isabel, 213. Richard, 213. mas, 197, 250. Thomazin, NEWCOMB, 197. Elizabeth, Okerford, Nicholas, 202. 250. William, 4. 163. Margaret, 223. Wil Old, Christian, 165. William, Parnacott, Elizabeth, 83. liam, 163, 223. 165. Jackett, 281. Robert, 281. Newcourt, 197. Oliver, Agnes, 138. Eustace, Parret, Elizabeth, 116. Helen, NEWCOURT, 197. Eliza | 224. Grace, 18. James, 326. John, 326. Richard, 116. beth, 89. John, 89, 225. 138. Jordano, 165. Judith, Parris, Alice, 338. Grace, 288. Margaret, 251. Philip, 251. | 224. Richard, 18. John, 288. William, 338. Newman, Thomas, 275. Za- | Opie, 299. Phillip, 175. Ro | Parrot, Jane, 226. Sir John, bian, 275. bert, 175. 226. Newte, Henry, 333. Opie, of Plymouth, 354. Jane, Parsone, Anne, 358. Cicilie, Newton, 198. 314. Nicholas, 300, 314, 61. Hugh, 358. John, 61, NEWTON, 198. Grace, 279. 354. Sarah, 300, 354. 330. William, 166, 279. Orchard, 47, 51, 223. Chris- | Parsy, Elizabeth, 192. John, Newton, alias Darston, Anne, tian, 48. 192. 23. William, 23. Orwey, 93, 212. Elizabeth, 213. Partridge, George, 7. Nicholas, Jane, 359. Richard, John, 212. Juliana, 213. Parvis, Agnes, 79. John, 79. 359. Robert, 212, 213. Thomas, Passeburie, 215. Nicholls, Elizabeth, 112. Hum 213. William, 212, 213. Passmere, 207. phry, 351. John, 112. Mar- Osborne, Alice, 106. Hugh, | PASSMERE, 207, 208. Ro- garet, 133. Mary, 42. Phillip, 178, 217, 218, 277. Jane, bert, 165. 351. Roger, 42. William, 217. John, 351. Julian, Paston, Jane, 337. Robert, 133. 277. Margerie, 178. Maud 337. Sir W., 48. Nicks, Mary, 43. lin, 351. Nicholas, 14. Paty, Jeffery, 317. Jone, 317. Nile, William, 331. Suzan, 218. William, 106. Paule, Jone, 315. Norby, John, 9. Johanna, 9. I Osmond, 202. Pawlet, Sir Amias, 295. An- Norfolk, John Howard, Duke OSMOND, 202. Elizabeth, thony, 113. Sir Anthony, of, 34. Katherina, his 203. 228, 229. Christian, 181. daughter, 34. Osney, Anne, 349. John, Sir Hugh, 70. Jone, 70. Norman, John, 363. 349. Margaret, 113. Sara, 295. Norris, Alice, 270. Joane, Oswell, Julian, 93. Robert, 93. Susan, 228, 229. Sir Wil- 270.' John, 270. Sir John, O'Tole, Bridget, 192. Hugh, liam, 181. 268. Katherine, 53. Lord, 192. Payne, Humphrie, 159. Joan, 53. Margaret, 268. Ro- 159. Johanna, 36. John, 36. bert, 270. Pace, Dorothy, 206. Thomas, Payton, Dorothy, 91. Thomas, North, Ann, 36. John, 36. 206. 91. Northall, Humphry, 206. | Paddon, Janot, 298. Joan, 173. Peake, Roger, 189. Mary, 206. John, 173, 361. Peard, Alice, 52. John, 330. Northampton, William Parre, Paddoo, Alice, 192. Sir John, Thomas, 52. Marquis of, 34. 192. PEARSE, 209. Northcot, 1992 Page, 339, 345. Agnes, 339. Pedecombe, Thomas de, 121. NORTHCOT, 199. Anne, 84. Allen, 211. Freeman, 341. Pedehide, Walter, 217. Elizabeth, 321, 326, 351. Gilbert, 330. Joane, 211. Pederton, 17. Grace, 348. Honor, 52, 122. Judith, 341. Mary, 315. Peirse, John, 327. Margaret, John, 52, 84, 85, 122, 326, Roger, 339. Thomas, 331. 207. Richard, 207, 362. 351. Katherine, 85. Robert, Painter, Elizabeth, 173.' Wil Thomas, 362. 348. Walter, 321. liam, 173. Penerock, Mary, 263, Northleigh, 200. Paiton, Thomas, 35. Penfound, 231. Edinund, 231. NORTHLEIGH, 200. Joane, Pakker, Dorithié, 249. Robert, Honor, 231. Jane, 73. John, 284. John, 284. Mary, 249. 73. Thomas, 231. 111. Richard, 111. Palfrie, Elizabeth, 88. Wil- | Pengelley, Ann, 309. Peirse, Northlod, Thomas, 128. liam, 88. 309. 1 o 380 INDEX OF NAMES. 336 Penhellek, Alexander, 275.1 P'ymouth, 332. Giles, 305. Sir Hugh, 143, Cheston, 275. Podysford, Alice, 220. Sir Joane, 143. Sir John, 142. Pennells, Agnes, 292. Anne, Robert, 220. Lora, 143. Thomas, 142. 292. John, 292. Nicholas, Pointer, Agnes, 104. Eliza Sir Walter, 142. Sir Wil- 292. beth, 133. John, 104. liam, 48, 143. Penrise, 25. Pointz, Edward, 54. John, | Poyns, Jane, 214. Thomas, Penrose, John, 330. 317. Mary, 54, 300. Rich 214. Pensone, Johanna, 124. Tho ard, 54. Poyntingdon, 219. mas, 124. Pole, 212. POYNTINGDON, 219. Alice, Percehay, Alice, 145. POLE, 212. Edith, 282. John, 274. Ann, 348. Elizabeth, Percy, Sir Allen, 76. Henry, | 282.' Katherin, 269. Mary, 226. Thomas, 348. Wil- 281. Mary, 76. Radulph, 76. Sir William, 76, 269. liam, 226. 281. Robert, 281. Simon, Polehill, Mary, 183. PREDEAUX, 221. Alice, 281. Pollarde, 215. Alice, 125, 126. 305. Edmond, 102, 112. Periam, 212. Agneta, 214. Anne, 42, 194. Anthony, 14, Ethelred, 111. Honor, 112, Anna, 214. Sir Edward, 42, 125, 126. Elizabeth, 89, . 245. Hugh, 245. Hum- 283. Elizabeth, 214, 283, 258, 287. Gartrud, 84. phry, 112. Jone, 2, 324. 335. Grace, 214. Jana, George, 243, 262. Grace, 42. John, 333. Katherine, 102, 214. Jane, 214, 325. John, Hugh, 226, 231. Sir Hugh, 288. Sara, 112. William, 137, 214, 236, 325. Marga 84, 89, 231. Joane, 243. 2, 111. ret, 214. Maria, 214. Mary, John, 83, 121, 255, 332. Sir PREDIEUX-HERLE, 219. : 214, 236. Thomazin, 137, John, 7. Lewis, 70, 136, Prescott, Humfrie, 331. Ro- 214. William, 214. Sir 226. Margaret, 136, 153. ger, 232. Willmot, 232. William, 335. Mary, 188, 262. Richard, Preston, 221, 222. Perie, Joane, 107. 42, 188, 262, 287. Robert, PRESTON, 221, 222. Periman, Arthur, 336. Mary, 231. Susan, 70. Tempe Prestwoode, 222. 336. rance, 231. Thomazin, 63, PRESTWOODE, 222. Eliza, Perit, Joane, 289. 262. Walter, 82. 86. George, 43, 181. Mary, Perot, Agnes, 265. Sir Tho- | Pollexfen, 216. 43, 131. Susan, 181. Tho- mas, 357. POLLEXFEN, 216. Eliza- | mas, 131, 181.' Perrey, Joane, 345. William, beth, 145, 148. John, 12, Priddam, Elizabeth, 253. Wil- 345. 140. Margery, 12. Sicilia, liam, 253, 334. Perse (?), 25. 140. Thomas, 145. Prideaux, 32, 228, 305. Agnes, Pet, John, 43. Suzan, 43. Polwheile, Dionis, 130. Tho 347. Anne, 79. Dorothy, Peter, 209. mas, 130. 127. Edmond, 68. Sir PETER, 209, 210. Apuline, 1 Pomeroyje, 216. Edmond, 68. Elizabeth, 289. Joane, 112. “John, POMEROYE, 216. Barbara, 214, 340, 344. Francis, 87. Lord, 132. Margaret, 336. 255, 266, 268. Sir Edward, Joane, 68. John, 127, 340. William, 336. Sir William, 108. Elizabeth, 25. Grace, Katherin, 98. Mary, 68. 128. Sir Henry, 139. Honor, Reginald, 214. Richard, Peverell, Christopher, 16. 245. Hugh, 107, 108, 128, 347. Sir Richard, 87. Tho- Phey, Elizabeth, 213. John, 266. John, 108. Katherin, mas, 344. 213. 194. Leonard, 332. Mar Prie, Alice, 302. Roger, 302. PHILLIPS, 210. Joane, 215. garet, 217. Mary, 107, 108, Priest, Cha., 73, 99. Hugh, 26. John, 90, 215. Mary, 90. 128. Ricbard, 217. St. Jane, 99. Joan, 26. John, Pichard, Joan, 282. Robert, 282. Cleere, 108. Thomas, 245, 58. Lawrence, 243. Rich- Pickering, Elinor, 298. Sir 255, 268. Sir Thomas, 25. ard, 4. Willmot, 58. John, 298. Ponday, William de la, 212. Priske, John, 255. Margaret, Pierce, Arthur, 35. Poole, Johan, 94. William, 94. 255. Pigott, 258. Elizabeth, 35. | Pope, Jane, 350. John, 350. Prisley, Elizabeth, 273. Wil- Ellinor, 258. Nicholas, 35. Thomas, 19. liam, 273. Pike, Christopher, 52. Jane, Popham, 217. Prous, Prouse, 59, 223. 52, 165. John, 29, 165. POPHÁM, 217. Elizabeth, Prouz, 223. Pike, Phillip, 90.' *108. John, 214. Katherine, PROÚZ, 223. Barbara, 173. Piland, Joane, 190. 214. Humphrey, 10. John, 327. Pile, Alicia, 259. George, Porter, Anne, 110, 281. Wal Prowse, 224. 259, 327. ter, 110. PROWSE, 224. John, 273. PINCOMB, 210. Joane, 162, Portman, Sir Henry, 3. James, Judith, 273. Richard, 333. 153. John, 152, 153. Mar. 48. Mary, 3. Willmot, 65. garet, 153. Robert, 153. Pote, 217. Pru, William, 121. Pinke, Walter, 188. POTE, 218. Leonard, 136., PRÚST, 225. Pinsent, John, 250. Mary, 250. Lettice, 218. Willmot, 136. Pryce (?), 6. Pirs, John, 7. Potswell, Elizabeth, 191. Prydeaux, 228. Pitton, Thomas de, 121. Potter, 218. PŘYDEAUX, 228. Plantagenet, 34. Arthur, 191, POTTER, 218. Richard, 363. Prydeaux of Throuborough, 227. 335. Frances, 191, 335. Powell, Katherin, 88. Maud, PRYDEAUX of THROW- Platters, Susan, 65. 163. Richard, 66, 163. BOROUGH, 227. Plucknet, Harry, 247. Mary, Susan, 66. Prye, 230. Power, 342. PRYE, 230. Plumleigh, 211. Powkswell, 319. Punt, Joan, 292. John, 292. PLUMLEIGH, 211. John, Powlett, Sir Amias, 143. | Purcomb, John, 153. Jone, 331. William, 331. Elizabeth, 48, 143, 305. 153. • 132. 247. INDEX OF NAMES. 381 57. 35. Pury, 336. Redley, alias Pointer, Johan, | Roe, Anne, 121. Briget, 115, Putt, Margaret, 99. Nicholas, 186. William, 186. 116. Christian, 348. "George, 99. Robert, 246. Redrer's, 76, 185, 223. 75. John, 115, 116, 121, Pymme, Alexander, 351. Jane, Reigney, 189, 339. Agnes, 348. Mary, 57, 75. Thomas, 351. Phillip, 351. 339. Anne, 340. Cicely, Pynchpoll, Elizabeth, 297. 339. Elizabeth, 55, 142. Rogeriton, Christiana, 169. Richard, 297. Ibbott, 339. John, 339. Rogers, Catherine, 223. Ed- Pyncombe, 230. Sir John, 55, 142, 339. ward, 146. Elizabeth, 185. PYNCOMBE, 230. Richard, 339, 340. Jane, 146. Petronell, 121. Pyne, 71, 231, 244. Reignolds, Elizabeth, 16. Mary, Robert, 223. PYNE, 231. Ann, 356. Bri- | 228. Rogus, 32. get, 116. Constance, 124. Reskimmer, or Roskemmer, Rolle, 244. Dionis, 159. Dorcas, 170. John, 135. Margaret, 186. ROLLE, 244, 245. Elizabeth, Hercules, 326. Joane, 71, Mary, 135. 3, 58, 314. Frances, 172. 322. Margery, 326. Maude, Revell, 350. George, 3, 29, 39, 108, 128. 235, 239. Nicholas, 124. Rewe, Joane, 66. John, 263. Henry, 323, 325. Sir Henry, Phillip, 71, 170. William, William, 66, 188. 108, 112. Honor, 39, 216, 322. Reynell, 234, 238. 323. Jane, 113. Jaquet, Pytt, 152. Elizabeth, 342. REYNELL, 234, 236, 238. 128. Joane, 323. John, Joan, 312. John, 312. Mat Agnes, 266. Anne, 82. Ed 216. Margaret, 108, 323. thew, 342. mond, 272. Elinor, 113. Mary, 323. Nicholas, 113, Elizabeth, 272. Georgé, 113. 323. Richard, 277. Robert, Quartermaine, 302. Henry, 302. Jane, 113, 217. 323. Sir Samuel, 323. Ze- Quesh, Ann, 299. John, 299. Julian, 302. Mary, 113, 214, nobia, 277. Quick, Alicia, 259. Joane, 22. 240. Richard, 113, 214, 240, Roope, 246. John, 22, 259, 333. 266, 331. Sir Thomas, 217. ROOPE, ROUPE, 246. Mary, Walter, 113. 253, William, 253, Rabaide, Elia de, 24. Rich, Lord, 51. Lettice, his Roper, Elizabeth, 29. Joane, Raby, Élizabeth, 212. Hugh, daughter, 51. 265. John, 29. 212. Rich, Nicholas, 362. Rose, Jane, 32. John, 32. Radcliff, Jenomett, 346. Richard II., King, 47. Martha, 143. Nicholas, 143. Raddon, Anne ap, 302. Hum- | Richards, 354. Anne, 168, 300, Rosse, George Manners, Lord, phry, 285. John, 285. John 354. John, 300, 354, 363. 35. Elinora, his daughter, ap, 302. Rider', 241. Radford, 232. RIDER, 241. Julyan, 148, Rostorick, Hugh, 349. Mar- RADFORD, 232. Briget, 321. William, 148. garet, 349. Joane, 202. Jo., 202. Lau- | Ridge, Agnes, 166. Elianor, 166. | Rotshey, Jane, 295. rence, 321. Suzan, 202. Peter, 166. William, 166. Rouse, 60, 350. Radington, John, 202. Ridge, alias Leigh, 7. ROUSE, 350. Alice, 263. Sir Radisworthy, Thomas, 257. Ridgway, 66. Ann, 221. John, Anthony, 199, 293. Dorothy, Radley, Emmeot, 61. John, 61. | 221. Mary,351. Thomas, 351. 293. Edward, 263. Eliza- Radway, 68. | Rifford, Grace, 156. Roland, beth, 181, 199, 266. George, Raleigh, 54, 70. Agnes, 93. / 156.' 248. Johanna, 270. Mary, Alice, 94. George, 96. Is- | Risdon, 241. 246. Presilla, 248. Richard, menell, 286. Joano, 286, 292. RISDON, 241, 242, 243. Giles, 246. William, 270. John, 263, 286. Sir John, 36. Margaret, 158. Parker, Rouswell, Henry, 94. Mary, 93, 286. Margaret, 96. Si 194. Pasco, 36. Richard, 281. 94. mon, 286. Walter, 94. Thomas, 127, 333. Willmot, Row, 247. William, 165. Wymond, 292. 127. ROW, ROWE, 247, 248. Abra- Randall, 233. Ritherdon, Elizabeth, 97. Wil- l ham, 114, Anne, 114. Eliza- RANDALL, 233. Mary, 170, liam, 97. beth, 66, 166, 193. Henry, 248. Roger, 248. | Rivden, Margaret, 317. 66. John, 166, 193. Rashleigh, 61. Ann, 335. Rivers, 184. ROWCLIFFE, 248. Christopher, 332. Joane, | Rivers, Lord, 315. Constance, Rowger, John, 336. Mawde, 182, 253. . John, 182, 253. | his daughter, 315. 336. Jonathan, 335. Philip, 168. | Rivers, Richard Woodville, Rowland, Edmond, 347. Mary, RATENBURY, 233. John, 89. | Earl, 34. Anna, his daugh- 347. Rariff, Galfrid, 228, ter, 34. Rowleby, John, 159. Lettice, Rawe, George, 50. John, 50. Rivertor, 2. Joane, 2. 159. Prudence, 50. Rives, Lucy, 24. Sir John, 24. | Roy, Joan, 132. Rawlyn, Róbert, 332. Robert, Merand, 142. Rudge, John, 332. Raymond, Elizabeth, 287. Roberts, 302. Lord, 351. Mary, Rudgley, John, 14. Prudence, Thomas, 287. 302, 351. Prudence, 7. 14. Raynold, Elizabeth, 175. Richard, 7, 302. Rugeway, Grace, 266. Walter, 147. Robins, Francis, 266, 268. | Rumbelow, Margaret, 106. Redcliff, Hugh, 2. Mary, 2. John, 324, 328. Margaret, Rurde, 248. Philip, 247. Rede, 234. 324. Thomas, 362. Wild Russell, Gilbert, 282. Marga- REDE, 234. Elinor, 112. liam, 266, 268. ret, 282. Jackett, 358. Johanna, 68. | Roche, 243. Rutland, Henry, Earl of, 76. John, 358. Margerie, 13. ROCHE, 243. Johanna, 38. | Elizabeth, his daughter, 76. Simon, 13. Thomas, 329. | Thomas, 38. Ryshford, 189. Alice de, 191). William, 68, 329. | Rode, Richard, 334. Hugh de, 190. 382 INDEX OF NAMES. S-ger, Bartholomew, 34. , SAVERY—continued. Sharpham, Thomas, 362. Blanchia, 34. 313. Mary, 247. Nicho Shattock, Alice, 205. George, Sacheville, 244. Adam, 38. Alex las, 106. Richard, 50. 205. ander, 38. Dornisa, 120. | Stephen, 348. Willmot, Sheare, Alice, 325. Digorie, 87 Elizabeth, 322. Joane, 235, 50. Jacquet, 87. John, 327, 328. 239. John, 94, 120. Mar Saward, John, 348. Margery, Shepard, alias Hooper, Ro- tha, 38. Nicholas, 38. 348. bert, 363. SAFFIN, 249. Sawyer, Alicia, 36. Robert, Shepheard, Agnes, 202, 317. St. Aubyn, 71, 117. Jone, 36, 287. Ursula, 287. Elizabeth, 317. James, 203. 186. Say, Anna, 34. Maria, 34. Johanna, '203. John, 317. St. Barbe, Edward, 321. Fran Sir William, 34. Peter, 317. Thomazine, cis, 321. Say and Sele, Lord, 357. 295. William, 295. St. Cleare, Gabriell, 9. Gil. Schrood, Phillip, 87. William, Shepland, Agnes, 219. bert, 107, 108. John, 108, 87. Sherman, 260. 202. Jone, 107, 108. Mar. Scobhill, Elizabeth, 161. Isa SHERMAN, 260. Agnes, 73, gerie, 9. bella, 271. John, 332. Ro 116. Dorothy, 67. Gidian, St. George, 117. Henry, 118. bert, 271. Sir Robert, 161. 116. Joane, 176. John, 67, Johanna, 118. Scottle, Mark, 324. Mary, 262, 330. Katherin,' 95. St. John (?), 70. Jone, 123. 324. Margaret, 69. Mary, 94. Sir Oliver, 123. SEARLE, 254. Ebebt, 144. Richard, 69. William, 95, St. Leger, Anne, 347. Eliza John, 144. 178. beth, 10. Sir John, 10, 22, Seccombe, 254. Sherron, Agnes, 274. 91. Katherine, 91. Mar SECCOMBE, 254. Alicia, 135. Sherwill, Nicholas, 332. Tho- garet, 22. Sir Thomas, 347. Catherine, 128. Digorie, mas, 332. St. Maure, 17. Elizabeth, 109. 135. John, 128. Shilstone, Alice, 355. Eliza- Sainthill, 249. SEGAR, 256. beth, 355. William, 355. SAINTHILL, 249, 250. Peter, Segman, or Seyman, Cecily, Shine, Julian, 249. William, 331. 207, 208. 249. Salisburie, 250. Segrave, Christian, 186. John, Shirland, Alice, 259. Roger, SALISBÚRIE,SALISBURY, 186. 259. 250, 251. Agnes, 43. John, Seher, Ricardo, 165. Rogers, Shoreshull, Willelmo de, 156. 330. 165. Short, 259. Salkins, Mary, 202. William, Selby, Roger, 329. SHORT, 259. John, 301, 330. 202. Sellenger, Sir John, 22. Mar Mary, 301. Salle, 25, 231. garet, 22. SHORTRIDGE, 260. Salmons, Margaret, 359. Wil- Seller, Joane, 336. John, 123, Shute, William, 363. liam, 359. 333. Margerie, 123. Rich Sidnam, or Sidenham, Abigail, Salter, Anthony, 280. Ed. ard, 336. 252. Anna, 119. Elizabeth, ward, 362. Elizabeth, 48, Selwood, Elizabeth, 326. Grace, 17, 76, 345. George, 252. 220. John, 220. Mary, 214. Humphry, 326. Rich Sir George, 76. Jane, 52. 343. Rebecka, 280. Suzan, ard, 214. Joane, 115. John, 52, 119, 314. Thomas, 314. Semarke, Katherin, 294. Tho 252. Sir John, 17. Mar- Same, Sir Gerard, 53. Ur mas, 294. garet, 52. Richard, 115. sula, 53, Sercy, Ursula, 53. Susan, 252. Thomas, 345. Samson, Catherine, 299. Tho- Sergian, Elizabeth, 268. Rich- Siderham, Elizabeth, 287. mas, 299. ard, 268. John, 287. Samways, Barnard, 119. Serle, alias Allerton, John, Simmes, Jana, 214. William, Elizabeth, 119. 361. 214. Samyn, William, 330. Servington, Agnes, 78. Joan, Sindall, alias Snedel, Agnes, Sancta Eromina, Willelmo de, 253. John, 78, 253. 20. John, 20. 24. Seward, Enroth, 122. Honor, Singleton, Grace, 186. Rich- Sands, Sir Edwin, 57. 122. James, 361. John, ard, 186. Sanford, 251. 122. Sippett, Mary, 278. SANFORD, 251, 252. Ann, | SEYMOUR, 256. Amia, 203. | Sirenest, Thomas, 7. 219. Christopher, 290. Do- | Sir Edward, 49, 51, 203. Sir Martin of Fisacre, 152. rothy, 290. Jane, 52. Mar Eliza, 155, 269. Elizabeth, Jone, his sister, 152. tin, 52. 49, 51. Sir Henry, 269. Skampe, or Skempe, Mary, 41. Santon, Honor, 176. Nicholas, 155. Robert, 27, 41. Wilmot, 27. Sargant, Elizabeth, 297. John, Seyre, Elizabeth, 211. Tho. Skawne, Anne, 160. Matthew, 297. mas, 211. 160. Sarum, William Mountagu, Shackson, Henry, 69. Mary, Skerick, Alice, 39. John, 39. Earl of, 187, 264. Elizabeth, 69. Skeryt, 261. his wife, 187. SHAPCOTE, 257. SKÉRYT, 261. Alicia, 130, Saunders, 252. Shapligh, 258. 310. Hugh, 310. John, 130. SAUNDERS, 252. Bald SHAPLÍGH, 258. Elizabeth, Mary, 130. wyne, 32. Elizabeth, 230. | 211. John, 100, 334. Mary, Skidmore, Alice, 100. Tho- Mary, 32. Richard, 230. | 100. Robert, 211. Wilmot, mas, 100. Thomazin, 90. 227. William, 227. .' Skynner, 261. Savery, 253. Shapton, George, 361. Grace, SKYNNER, 261. Humphrey, SAVERY, SAVERYE, 253. 1 361. 63. Joan, 312, John, 298, Christopher, 182, 313. Sharpe, 258. 312, 363. Mercella, 298. Dorothie, 182 Jone, 106, 'SHARPE, 258. Richard, 363. Suzan, 363. INDEX OF NAMES. 383 209. Sladier, Margaret, 230. Mark, , SOUTHCOT continued. Staplehill, 275. 230. 298, 337, 351. Frances, 209, STAPLEHILL, 275. Anna, Sladon, Joan, 122. Walter, 122. 210. George, 85, 314. Grace, 62. Elizabeth, 267. Hugh, Slan, Jane, 312. John, 312. 266. Joane, 337. John, 49, 62. Isott, 75. John, 75. Slannynge, 262. 51, 223, 235, 240. Margaret, Margaret, 179. Thomas, SLAÑNYNGE, 262. Gama 85, 223. Mary, 49, 51, 65, 351. / 267. William, 179. liell, 6. Margaret, 6. Mary, Nicholas, 337. Philip, 27. Su-| Stapleton, George, 3. Ger- 258. Nicholas, 6. Nicoll, zan, 187, 266. Thomas, 10, 1 trude, 3, 4. Johanna, 226. 147. William, 258. 65, 199, 209, 210, 298, 350, Mawde, 297. Thomas, 226. Slee, Grace, 273. Roger, 273, 351. Thomazine, 314. Ur- / Stechley, Jane, 235. 333. sula, 55. William, 337. Steere, Audrey, 230. Eliza- Sleigh, Elizabeth, 57. Gervais, Southill, John, 363. beth, 117, 119. Hugh, 112. 57. SOUTHMEADE, 270. Jane, 129.' John, 117, 119. Sleman, John, 362. Richard, Southmolton, 332. Margerie, 112. Richard, 129. 12. Southwell, Ann, 139. Sir Thomas, 230. Slocum, or Slocombe, Davy, | Thomas, 139. Steourt, John, 211. 163. Elizabeth, 88. Mawde, Sowton, Jane, 209. Stephen, STEPHYN, 276. Anne, 137, 163. 307. Elizabeth, 77, 298, Slowman, Alice, 162. Sparke, John, 338. Judith, 313. John, 313. Jone, 12, 277. Slowlye, 262. 338. Mary, 284. Nicholas, Lora, 233. Richard, 77, 137, SLOWLYE, 262. Anne, 277. 284. 298. Tristram, 233, 277. Hugh, 362. John, 215. Speake, Elizabeth, 59, 353. Sternhold, Philippa, 282. Thomazin, 215. Sir George, 59. Sir John, Thomas, 282 Smale, Jone, 138. 353. Stert, Joane, 356. Prudence, SMALLACOMBE, 263. Speccott, 271. 305. Roger, 60. Thomas,356. Smarte, Elizabeth, 45, 219. SPECCOTT, SPECOTT, 271, Steve, Honor, 226. John, 226. William, 219. 272. Elizabeth, 102, 109, Steventon, 189. Smyth, 263. 237, 298. Honora, 112. Steward, Anne, 5. SMYTH, 263, 264. Alice, 127. Humphry, 298. Jane, 266. Steyninge, Alexander, 307, Amyas, 26. Barnard, 24. John, 109. Sir John, 102. 308. Alice, 116. 'Anne, Cicily, 107. Sir Clement, Ralph, 189. Reginald, 237. 307, 308. Margaret, 307, 203. Dorothy, 203. Elinor, 24. 308. Philip, 116, 307, 308. Elizabeth, 191, 324. George, / Edward, 308. Elianor, 49. Stighull, 234, 238. Margaret, 191. Humphry, 252. Jane, Elizabeth, 295, 308. Nicho- | 235, 239. William, 235, 238, 359. Joane, 125. John, las, 340. Robert, 215. Sir 239. 26, 125, 146, 331, 356. Ju Robert, 48, 49. Still, Bridget, 53. lian, 146. Mary, 356. Nicho Spicer', 273. Stoford, 276. las, 324. Richard, 333. SPICER, 273. Christopher, STOFORD, STOWFORD, Robert, 3. Stephen, 117. 343. Elizabeth, 343. Judith, 276, 277. Agnes, 186. Thomazin, 133, 252. Wal | 224, 296. Nicholas, 224. Christiana, 293. Richard, ter, 127, 359. Wilmot, 250. | Thomas, 296. 244. Sinobia, 244. Tho- Sneddall, John, 92. Katherine, Spratt, William, 362. mas, 186. Walter, 293. 92. Spring, Alice, 274. Elizabeth, Stone, Elizabeth, 340. John, Snedel, alias Sindall, Agnes, 274. James, 274. Jane, 16, 340. Margaret, 16. 20. John, 20. 274. John, 274. Mary, 198. Thomas, 340. Sneg, Cicily, 195. George, 195. Spurier, or Sporier, John, 123. William, 198. Snelling, 136. Robert, 153. Thomazin, 153. | Stoneing, Izot, 318. William, Snellinge, 266. Spurr, Margaret, 302. Wil- 318. SNELLINGE, ara Alice, liam, 302. Stonhouse, Jone, 99. Nicholas, 136. Jone, 196. Robert, 196. Spurwaie, 274. 99. Snowe, Agnes, 1. Honor, 31. | SPURWAIE, 274. Humphry, | Stonor, John de, 156. Robert, 326, 363. Thomas, 80, 208. Joane, 80, 208, Stowell, Joane, 352. · John, 90. William, 31. 211, 282. Julyan, 177. 352. Thomas, 344. Tho- Somerset, Edmond, Duke of, Richard, 282, 333. Thomas, mazine, 344. 48. Henry, Duke of, 48. 211, 331. William, 15, 333, Strabridge, Ann, 138. John, John, Earl of, 48. Kathe- 361. 138. rine, 303. William, 303. | Spurwaye, alias Hill, Agnes, Strallinge, Dorothy, 146. Ed- Somershe, Grace, 114. John, *28. William, 28. L ward, 146. 114. Stafford, Lord, 48. Agnes, his Strange of Knocking, John, Somester, Grace, 113. John, daughter, 48. Elinor, 306. Lord, 187. Maude, his wife, 113, 114. Humphrey, Lord, 306. Phi- l 187. Soper, Alice, 235. Pascall, | lip, 82. William, 82, 306. Strangways, Ellinor, 306. Sir 06. Richard, 86. William, Stanford, Johanne de, 156. | Thomas, 306. 235. Stanheire, Joane, 251, Wil Stranny, John, 330. Sotherin, Henry, 257. Urith, liam, 251. Strawbridge, Katherine, 205. Stanhop, Sir Edward, 35. Streche, John, 93. Thomas, 93. Sotherne, John, 361. Elizabeth, 35. Strechley, 47, 59. Andrew, Southcote, 266, 336, 350. Stanninge, Elizabeth, 31. Ni. 344. Christian, 59. Eliza- SOUTHCOT, SOUTHCOTE, cholas, 31. beth, 53. Jane, 239. Wil- SOUTHCOTT, 266, 267, Stanton, 189. Jane, 283. liam, 59. 268, 269. Agnes, 235, 240. | Stapledon, Joane, 306. John, Streetley, Christian, 50. Wil. Alice, 10. Elizabeth, 199, 306. liam, 50. 257. 384 INDEX OF NAMES. 132. Strobridge, 278. Taylor-continued. Tracy, Roger, 330. STROBRIDGE, 278. Arthur, 168, 331. Raphe, 186. Ro Travers, Darcas, 61. Dorithio, 148. Mary, 148. bert, 132. Symond, 330. 221. John, 61. Strode, 278. Tedbury, 104. Joan, 104. Rich Treby, Henry, 312, 362. Phil- STRODE, 278. 'Agnes, 316, ard, 104. lippa, 312. 320. Ann, 95. Dionis, 95. Temple, John, 328. Trecarell, Robert, 29. Dorothy, 223. Elizabeth, Teniton, Roger de, 121. Trefrie, Sara, 79. 145, 148. Francis, 279. Tewill, John, 61.' Trefusis, Anne, 102. Richard, Honor, 246. Joan, 96. John, Thomas, Alexander, 290. Em 102. 246. Julian, 85. Mary, 59, mett, 7. Joan, 259. John, Tregarthen, Mary, 244. Rich- 222. Sir Richard, 95. Sir 7, 196, 259. Thomazin, ard, 244. Robert, 175, 223. William, 290. Tregian (?), 312. 145, 148, 316, 320. Sir Thorber, 234. Muriell, 239. Tregunnell, Anne, 279. John, William, 59, 85, 96, 222, Thomas, 239. 279. 279. THORNE, 281. Alice, 80. Trelawney, 292. Anne, 111, Stukeley, 352. Anne, 110. Arthur, 254. 335. Edward, 10. Eliza- STUKELEY, 352. Agnes, Bartholomew, 171. Digorie, beth, 60. Francis, 111. 129. Anne, 22, 310. Aw 110, 254, 255. Elizabeth, Joane, 103, 292. John, 60, drie, 135. Francis, 191. 346. Henry, 255. John, 292, 312. Jonathan, 335. Gartrude, 42. George, 333. 254, 255, 276. Mary, 276. Sir Jonathan, 235, 240. Ro- Hugh, 175. Sir Hugh, Robert, 255. Thomas, 25. bert, 332. Sibell, 314. 22, 129, 135. John, William, 255. Zenobia, 171. Tremayle, Luce, 161. 42, 91, 318. Katherine, Thuell, Elizabeth, 132. John, Tremayne, 284. 91. Lewis, 11. Sir Lewis, TREMAYNE, 284. Arthur, 191. Margaret, 91, 92. Tichbourne, Mary, 161. Peter, 3. Digory, 5. Elizabeth, Mary, 106, 318. Matilda, 161. 3, 101, 127. Henry, 229. 318. Scipio, 318. Thomas, Tiderleigh, 281. Jane, 268. John, 127. Tho- 340. Sir Thomas, 20, 91, 92. TIDERLEIGH, 281. Chris mas, 194, 268. William, Thomazin, 20. William, tian, 143, Edith, 214. Ro 101. 106. bert, 143. Ros, 214. Trenchard, 189, 284. Alice, Sture, 279. Tilcock, Rose, 359. William, 190. William, 188, 190. STURE, 279. Agnes, 30. 359. Trent, Joane, 143. Moris, Grace, 198. Philip, 198. | Tilley, 189. Ellin, 32. Joane, 143. Richard, 30. 10, 271. Leonard, 271. TREPE, 285. Robert, 167. Suffolk, Duke of, 37. Mary, 52. Nicholas, 10. Thomazin, 167. Suffolk, Earl of, 76. Tillie, 283. Tresilian, 70. Alice, 58. Ju- Sumonaster, 279. TILLIE, 283. lian, 199. Richard, 33. SUMMASTER, 279. Tilney, Elizabeth, 34. Sir Thomas, 58. Sumner, William, 5. Frederic, 34. Trethowe, Elizabeth, 104. Sutton, Margerie, 290. Timewell, Thomas, 363. Trethurse, Alice, 40. Renold, Suzanne, John, 330. Tippet, Nicholas, 362. 40. Swaine, Anne, 53. Margaret, Tiptoft, Anne, 183. Paine, | Treud, John, 256. 53. Mary, 53. Ursula, 53. 185. Trevage, 113. Sweete, Adrian, 362. Eliza Tirrell, Agneta, 282. Robert, Trevanion, Genopheff, 220. beth, 200. Emmot, 136. 282. Hugh, 186. Sir Hugh, 220. John, 136, 214. Mary, 214. Tiverton, 333. Jone, 186. Mary, 222. Rich- Thomas, 200, Tolislaw, Roger, 158. ard, 222. Swifte, Elizabeth, 258. Jef Tolley, Henry, 362. Treverbyn (?), 227. frie, 258. Tonte, Charitie, 54. John, 54. Trevers, Brian, 55. Catherin, Symonds, 280. Toogood, John, 333, 363. 55. SYMONDS, 280. Eliza, 273. Tooker, Dionis, 150. Edwy, Trevery, 45. John, 273. Margaret, 65. 150. Trevett, 189. Amy, 47. Sir Richard, 65. Tookie, Martha, 57. Thomas, | William, 47. 57. Trevilian, 286. Tooley, Joan, 151. John, 151. TREVILIAN, 286. Alice, Tackin or Tuckin, John, 319, Toope, Alice, 132. Bartholo 239. Emma, 340. Sir Ro- 320. Katharine, 319, 320. mew, 132. bert, 340. Talbot, 189, 286. John, 60. Torrington, 333. Treville, Joane, 144. TANNER, alias MORTY Tothili, 284. Trewinnard, Ann, 177. Mar- MER, 195. TOTHILL, 284. Henry, 201. | tin, 177. Tarr, Barnard, 12. Johanna, 201. Julian, 42. Triplatt, Jone, 322. John, Tatelbot, William, 121. William, 42. 322. Taverner, Elizabeth, 91. Jane, Totnes, 334. Tristan, Ined, 6. 40. Sir John, 91. Richard, Towle, Abraham, 232. Dori Tristram, 287. 40. thy, 232. TRISTRAM, 287. Elizabeth, · Tawley, 280. Towne, 304. 38. John, 38. TAWLEY, 280. Townsend, George, 259. Jo- Trivett, Griffin, 201. Marca, Tawnton, Mary, 307, 308. cosa, 259. 201. William, 307, 308. Townslow, Johanna, 39. Ro Trobridge, 288. Taylor, Alice, 132. Dionis,' zer, 39. TROBŘÍDGE, 288. Catherin, · 186. Elizabeth, 299. James, Towse, Evan (?), 211. Marga 38, 229. Elizabeth, 84, 230. 299. Joane, 168. John, 1 ret, 211. George, 204. John, 38, 84, INDEX OF NAMES. 385 332. 165. 183. TROBRIDGE-continued. | Venmen, Elizabeth, 287. Ga- ! 302. Richard, 362. Tho- 107. Jone, 107. Mary, 289, wen, 363. John, 287. mazin, 83. 290. Robert, 229. Will- Venables, Anne, 167. Wilc | Walthai, 298. mot, 204. liam, 167. | WALTHAM, 298. Elizabeth, TROSSE, 288. Elizabeth, 26. Venner, 294. 269. George, 302. Jeffrey, - John, 25. VENNER, 294. 327. Katherine, 126, 302. Trott, John, 341. Maria, | Vere, Catherin, 66. Margery, Richard, 126, 269. 341. 93. Simon, 66. Walton, Anne, 283. Bridget, Trowt, Jone, 209. Walter, Vernon, Elizabeth, 303. 126. John, 126. William, 209. Vesey, Lord, 187. Philippa, 283. Tucker, 352. his wife,' 187. William, Ward, Agneta, 321. John, TUCKER, 352. Edward, 332. 330. 321. Ellin, 95. Hugh, '332.) Vesie, Elizabeth, 249. Wal Warine the Archdeacon, 216. James, 299. John Baptist, ter, 249. Warre, Mary, 297. 362. Richard, 299. Vicarie, Faith, 171. William, Warren, 299, 354. Tuckfield, Thomas, 361. WARREN, 299, 354. Rich- Turbervile, 289. Viell, Alice, 40, 41. Cheston, ard, 331. TURBERVILE, 289. Honor, | 229. Elizabeth, 242. George, Warringe, Joane, 304. 224. Katherine, 166. Ni 40. Grace, 265. John, 41. Warwick, Richard Beauchamp, cholas, 166, 224. Mary, 87. William, 87, Earl of, 48. Elianor, his Turgis, Suzan, 43. Thomas, 229, 242, 265. daughter, -48. Robert de, 43. Vigures, Hugh, 159. Joane, Turlington, Elizabeth, 197. 13. John, 13, 36. Julian, Warwood, Ellinor, 356. John, William, 197. 162. Margaret, 159. Mary, | 356. Turner, 289. 36. Waterford, Mabell de, 191. TURNER, 289, 290. Vilvaine, Johanna, 299. John, Reginald de, 191. Turpin, Anne, 53. Jane, 307, 299. | Watts, Elizabeth, 245. Jo., 31. 308. John, 307, 308. Ro VINCENT, 294. Anthonie, Welthian, 31. bert, 53, 361. Susan, 361. 1 3. Richárd, 223. Waye, 300. Turrer, Hugh, 57. Mary, 57. | Vowell, John, 353. Katherine, WAVE, 300. Jane, 161. Ro- TWIGGE, 291. Julian, 241, 340. Robert, 353. Sibell, bert, 161. Tye, Dorothy, 163. Edward, 350. William, 340, 350. WEARE, 301. Edmund, 259. 163. Joan, 183. William, Voysey, 353. Humphrie, 333Joane, 21. VOYSEY, 353. Alexander, John, 21, 67. Mary, 259. Tyeher, Mary, 221. Roger, 38. Elizabeth, 38. Sibell, 67. . 221. Webb, of Devon, 354. Dorothy, Tynsley, Marie, 94. 86. Jo., 86. Tyrrell, 142. Wacomb, Andrew, 331. Webbe, 301. Tytherleigh, 142. Wadecourt, 223. WEBBE, 301. Alice, 299, Wadham, 14. Isota, 282. Jane, 354. Johanna, 197. John, Ufflete, 296. 48. John, 282. 197. Thomas, 299, 354. Ufwell, Alicia, 212. Gervasa, Wadham (?) 353. Webber, Andrew, 13. Ed- ward, 290. 213. Gervase, 212. Wake, Thomas, Lord, 346. Joane, 78. Juli- John, 12, 136. Margaret, his sister, 346. ana, 213. Martha, Margery, 213. Wakeham, Mary, 353. Rich 136. Thomas, 7. Robert, 213. Stephen, 213. Tho- Uggan, Sir John, 226. mazin, 290. ard, 353. Wakeman, 295, 296. Webber, alias Gilbert, Anne, Uggars, Thomas, 20. Upcott, Alice, 337, 355. Eli. 100. WAKEMAN, 295, 296. Ju- Weekes, 142, 318. zabeth, 355. dith, 273. Thomas, 273. James, 355. Wakkeden. Elizabeth, 282. | WEEKES, 318. Anne, 3. John, 355. William, 337. Francis, 330. John, 282. Uppehill, Arnulf, 150. Wil- John, 331. Waldron, 11. Johanna, 9. Jone, 143. Katherin, 121. liam, 150. Waldrope, Mary, 263. Tho Margaret, 66. Markés, 66. Upton, 292. Mary, 121. Nicholas, 307. UPTON, 292. mas, 263. Anna, 107. Walker, Elizabeth, 8. James, Richard, 143. Robert, 331. Arthur, 149. Dorothey, 351. Elizabeth, 149. Roger, 121. Symond, 330. 265. Joan, 265. John, 8. George, 172. John, 107, 351. Wil- Thomas, 327. Weele, 339. Cicely, 339. John, liam, 107. Zenobia, 172. Waller, Sir W., 76. 339. Walrond, 296. Weller, Agnes, 324. Richard, WALROND, 296, 297. Alice, 324. Vain, Howell, 6. 322, Elizabeth, 99, Ellen, Welles, Joane, 67. Richard, Valletort, Vallitort, 189, 287. 356. Humphrie, 99, 322, 67. William, 67. Roger, 216. 356. Jane, 303. 'Joné, 107, Wellesley, Sir Stephen, 192. Vallibus, Ralph, 281. Wil 108, 153, 235, 239..Ka Suzan, 192. liam de, 281. therine, 303. Mary, 8, 113. || Wellington, Grace, 315. Jone, Vantort, 189. ' William, 8, 107, 113, 202, 133. Lewis, 315. Oliver, Vasy, Elizabeth, 284. John, 235, 239. 52 133. Walsingham, Mary, 49. Welsh, James, 330. John, Vaughan, Ann, 223. Walter, 297, 302. 125. Margaret, 125. Mary, Vawr, Catherin, 6. Roger, 6. WALTER, 297. Alice, 81, 302. 356. Richard, 356. VELLY, 293. John, 58. Dorithie, 87. Elizabeth, Wendsor, Agnes, 173. Joseph, Jone, 58. 272. John, 81, 83, 87, 272, 173. 363. 3 D 386 INDEX OF NAMES. 349. 337. 36. 40. Wentworth, John, 157. Wibbury—continued. WISE-—continued. West, Elizabeth, 357. John, Jane, 349. John, 349. Mary, thesa, 279. Rebecca, 348. 333. William, 357. 348. Oliver, 348. William, Samuell, 334. Thomas, 87, Westcomb, Francis, 63. John, 119. Sir Thomas, 277, 323. 63. Justian, 330. Wichalse, 355. Thomazin, 119. Westcott, 302. WICHALSE, 355. Catherine, Wiseman, Elizabeth, 283. Sir WESTCOTT, 302. Alice, 230. 251. John, 16. Jone, 224. W., 283. Elizabeth, 263. Katherine, Lettice. 111. Margaret. 173. Wither, Phillip, 277. 298. Philip, 230, 298. Nicholas, 16, 111, 143, 224. Withie, 359. Westlake, Elizabeth, 100. Robert, 251. WITHIE, 359. John, 100. Joane, 84, 200. | Wickett, Elizabeth, 337. John, Wittesley, Richard, 82. Katherin, 134. Nicholas, Wivell, John, 36. Margaret, 134, 363. Simon, 84, 200. | WICKHAM, 357. Thomas, 330. Wightway, Thomazine, 132, Wolcot, 310. Westmanton, 100. Margaret, William, 132. WOLĆOT, 310. Dorothy, 100. William, 100. Wikes, Alice, 18, 40. Doro 97. Hugh, 363. Peter, Weston, 303. thy, 135. Francis, 133. 97. WESTON, 303. Dorothy, George, 233. John, 8, 133. WOLFE, 313. Richard, 334. 170. Róbert, 170. Richard, 18, 233. William, Robert, 193. Westover, or Westopher, Alice, 40. WOLLACOMBE, 312. Alex- 325. Margaret, 94. Wil Wilford, Elizabeth, 343. Jo ander, 49. John, 110. Sara, liam, 325. han, 94. John, 343. 110. William, 83. Westway, John, 250. Jone, | Will, W., 19. Wolley; Sir Henry, 82. 250. Willan, or Willen, Ellin; 262. Wolridge, Christopher, 186. Wethurfe, Margaret, 345. Mary, 177. Nicholas, 262. Johanna, 186. Jone, 340. Weye, Nicholas, 289. Sara, Willes, Catherin, 90. Ellin, Thomas, 304. 289. Walter, 82. Wil 250. Michaell, 250. Nicho Wolrington, 149. Alice, 265. liam, 82. las, 273. Thomas, 265. . Whaddon, 304. Willesford, 304. Wolston, 313. WHADDON, 304. WILLESFORD, 304. WOLSTON, 313. Arthur, Whalesbury,. 286. Elizabeth, | Willet, Elizabeth, 137. George, 254. Johan, 254. John, 286. Joane, 286. Matilda, 330. Henry, 137. 286. Thomas, 286. Williams, 305. Wood, 189, 352. Agnės, 225. Whalley, Anne, 261. Tho- | WILLIAMS, 305. Emlyn, Alice, 153. Anne, 270. mas, 261. 154. John, 154. Thomas, Christopher, 143. Ebete, Whichwood, Joane, 196. 154. 127. Elizabeth, 116, 244. Whicker, 356. Willington, 54. Emma, 100. Frances, 8. Gerard, 176. WHICKER, 356. Lewis, 333. Richard, 100. Izote, 143. Joane, 19. Jo- Whiddon, 354. Willis, Élizabeth, 169. John, hanna, 201. John, 75, 201, WHIDDON, 354. Anne, 163. | 169. 225, 244, 269. Mary, 176. Dorithie, 294. Francis, 13, Willoughby, 306. Richard, 143, 270. Thomas, 157, 162, 294. Grace, 13. WILLOUGHBY, 306, 308. 8. Thomazin, 153, 269. Jane, 162. Sir John, 15, Agnes, 116. Mary, 296. Walter, 19. 162, 163. Margaret, 80, Richard de, 156. Sir Tho Wood of Lew Trenehard, 314. 157, 176. Oliver, 80. Ro mas, 296. | WoOĎ of LEW TRÉNCH- bert, 176. Wills, Anne, 132. Zachary, ARD, 314. Elizabeth, 86. Whifford, Elizabeth, 269. 132. John, 86. Thomas, 269. Willsworthie, Margery, 164. Woodby, Walter, 145. White, Alice, 313. Elizabeth, Wilson, Anne, 302. Woode at Wood, 314. 32, 160, 163, 198. George, Wiltes, Sir Thomas Bullen, | WOODE, AT WOOD, 314. 361. John, 32, 163, 206, Earl of, 49. Marie, his | Woodford, Alice, 183. Rich- 263, 313. Margaret, 160, daughter, 49. ard, 183. 206. Mawde, 342. Philip, Wilton, George, 361. Woodley, Avis, 86. Dionis, 198. Roger, 342. Walter, | Winchester, Marquis of, 307. 148. Robert, 86. Walter, 327. Elizabeth, his wife, 307. 147. Whitfield, Joan, 123. John, John, 331. WOODROUFF, 315. 123. Margaret, 124. Rich: | Windham, John, 174. Sir | Woollcombe, 312. ard, 123. William, 123. John, 143, 174. Katherine, WOOLLCOMBE, 312. John, Whiting, 296. Joane, 235. 143.' Margaret, 174. Ladý L 64, 72. Mary, 64, 72. John, 14. Robert, 235. Margaret, 174. Mary, 175. Worman, Margaret, 276. Wil- Whitley, Elizabeth, 78. Tho Sir Thomas, 174, 175. liam, 276. mas, 78. Windigat, Agnes, 257. Edith, | Wornington, John, 99. Mary, Whitlocke, 305. 258. William, 257, 258. . WHITLOCKE, 305. Winscott, Henry, 82.' Worth, 315. Briget, 116. Whitway, Julian, 25. Winton, John Powlet, Marquis Dorothy, 268. Elizabeth, WHYGHTE, 309. of, 76. Elizabeth, his 116. Florence, 274. Henry, Wiat, 317. daughter, 76. John, 281. 116. Isabell,' 350. John, WIAT, 317. Hugh, 35. Maria, Wise, 358. 223. Paul, 268. Phillip, WISE, 358. Christopher, 149, 223. Walter, 362. Wibbery, 70. 279, 334, 348. Elizabeth, WORTHALL, 361. Agnes, 78. Wibbury, 348. Baldwyn, 348. | 87. John, 29, 334. Mar- | Wortham, 100. Emma, 348. Gilbert, 348. | garet, 149, 277, 323. Pro- | Wottertor, 71. 99. 35. INDEX OF NAMES. 387 Wotton, 316. YARD, YARDE, 319,320, 321. | Yong, Jane, 94, 95. Sir John, WOTTON, 317. Alice, 259. Christian, 129. George, 129. 94, 95. Ann, 129, 346. Dr., 168. Gilbert, 126, 148. Judith, Yonge of Colbrook, 326. Elizabeth, 168. John, 137. 148. Mary, 126. YONGE OF COLBROOK, 259, 346. William, 129. Yealding, John, 21. 326. Wraye, 350. '. Alice, 270. YEALLATON, 321. Yonge of Upton Helions, 325. Christian, 270. Edmund, Yeobsley, Robert, 362. YONGE OF UPTON HE- 230. Elizabeth, 76. Rich Yeo, 244. LIONS, 325. ard, 270. Sir W., 76. Wil YEO, 323, 324, 325. Alice, | York, Edward Duke of, 187. liam, 76. 276. Anne, 347. Arminell, Philippa his wife, 187.. Wright, Clare, 197. Richard, 318. Awdry, 135. Ebott, Yorke, Ann, 97. Phillip, 229. 197. 11. Elizabeth, 335. George, Watkin, 97. Writhingtone, Alexander, 249. 335. Hugh, 124. Joane, | Younge, Alice, 63. Elizabeth, Julian, 249. 124. John, 244. Jo., 347. 259. Jana, 214. Joane, 178. Wydewory, Willelmo de, 165. Leonard, 11, 181. Mar John, 63, 116, 178. Mary, Wykes, 319. garet, 136. Mary, 181. Re- 116. Robert, 259. Walter, WYKES, 319. Honor, 139. becka, 244. Robert, 136. || 214. Joane, 347. John, 139. William, 276. Joseph, 188. Margaret, 355. Yeo-Rolle, 322. Zouche, 184, 345. Allaine, 345. Mary, 188. Robert, 347. YEO-ROLLE, 322. Mawde, 345. Wyse, 54. Yerty, Agnes, 115. Richard, | Zouche of Harringworth, Lord, Wyvell, Bridget, 32. John, 32. 115. Symon, 115. 169. Alicia, 169. Mar- Yard, 319. | Yolman, William, 60. garet, 169. INDEX OF PLACES MENTIONED IN THE VISITATIONS. co 318. Abberey, 297. Ashe, Surrey, 337. Baughwood, 142, 143. Abbots Bickenton, Devon, 8. | Asheriston, 59. Bavy, 10. Abbots Cirswell, Devon, 122. Ashford, Devon, 14. Bawcomb, 112. Abbottesbery, Dorset, 47. Ashington, Somerset, 321. Beacombe, 190. Abingdon, Berks, 313. Ash Rayney, 363. Beanesley, Yorkshire, 59. Abington, 176. Ashton, 45, 59, 75, 179, 224, Beare, Devon, 20, 119, 232, Ackland, 4, 26. 358. 241, 289. Addington, 21. Ashtowne, 49. Beare, Somerset, 37. Addington, Kent, 304. Ashwater, Devon, 86, 165. Bearescombe, 42, 236. Adiston, 2. Asketon, Ireland, 76. Beare Ferris, 241, 295. Adrington, 75. Aston, 11. Beauford, 83, 136, 336. Affington, Deron, 67. Aston, Wilts, 94. Beavercomb, 236. Afton, Avton, Awton, Devon, | At Furlonge, 150. Beddington, 21. 22, 42, 91, 92, 106, 129, 135, | Athehamston, 181. Bedfordshire, 266. Atherington, 71,13, 18, 40, 363. Bekington, Devon, 122. Agincourt, 187. Atherley, 75. Bella Cruce, Berks, 24. Aide, 361. Atworthie, Devon, 73. Bellmayn Banck, Westmore- Ailesbeare, Devon, 140. Autry, Awtrie. See Ottery. land, 23. Aisburie, 29. Awton Gifford, 200, 341, 362. Benallack, Cornwall, 228, 229. Akeland, 3. Axminster, 73, 303, 325. Bengrove, 171. Aleworth, Somerset, 206. Axmouth, 95, 178, 260, 266. Berkshire, 233. Alfington, 188, 190, 348. Axworthie, 8. Berneck, 294. Aller, Devon, 8, 11, 79, 141, Berrie, Devon, 28. 228, 237. Babley, Devon, 36, 127, 158, Berrie St. Edmond, 35. Allington, 40, 158. 241, 242. Berrynarbor, 25, 64, 82, 123, Allington, Dorset, 206. Badlingham, Cambs., 234, 239. 124, 138, 162, 217, 300, 359. Altornon, Cornwall, 101. Bagbeare, 248. Berry Pomeroy, 113, 182, 216, Alverdiscot, 22, 27, 72, 210. Bagtor, 258. 245, 256, 362. Alverdiston, 5. Bake, 42. Berscombe, Wilts, 62. Alvington, 226. Bake, Cornwall, 228, 229. Besilles Leigh, 169. Amney, 62, 223. Balrington, 82. Bettlebeare, 201. Anderton, Cornwall, 226. Bamfield, 18. Bettlescomb, Dorset, 282. Anstey, Devon, 231. Bampton, Devon, 5, 63, 219, Bewdley, Worcester, 295. Anthony, Cornwall, 50, 59, 280, 287, 288, 363. | Beworthy, Devon, 74. 344. Barby, Northampton, 18. Bickington, 26, 84, 209, 227. Antrym, 62. Barderton, Cheshire, 184. Bickington, alias Bickhamp- Anwarp, 180. Barking, 347. ton, 123. Apsham, 275. Barnesley, Gloucestershire, Bickley, 31, 45, 352. Arlington, Devon, 22, 54, 55, 130. Bickton, 245. 56, 300, 317. Barnhouse, Devon, 199. Bideford, 5, 36, 40, 56, 72, 123, Armery, 9, 10, 352. Barnstaple, 4, 13, 18, 20,33, 41, 189, 285, 314, 362. Arscott, 10. 43, 52, 56, 59, 104, 111, 125, Bidlake, 29, 263. Asbricke, Devon, 18. 133, 138, 159, 210, 223, 224, Bigbury, 278, 362. Ash in Brampton, Devon, 22. 231, 250, 251, 263, 268, 273, Bindon, Somerset, 18. Ashbockley, Somerset, 208. 276, 278, 315, 317, 321, 342, Bingley, Devon, 25, 216. Ashburton, 107, 108, 128, 201, 356, 359. Binton, 185. 221, 245, 299, 305, 362. Barrington, 17. Bishop's Morchard, 167. Ashbury, 229, 298. Bashe, Devon, 344. Bishop's Nimet, 7, 65, 80. Ashby de la Zouch, 57. Bassingbourne, Cambs., 176. Bishop's Nympton, Devon, 31, Ashe, 5, 94, 95, 205, 262. | Bassington, Berks, 325. 70. INDEX OF PLACES. 389 255. Bishop's Tainton, 361. Bishop's Tawton, 313. Black Torrington, 39, 123, 124, 171. Blackall, Devon, 40. Blackawton, 269, 362. Blackdon, 31. Blagden, 84. Blagdowne, 161. Blendmore, 87. Bletchingley, Surrey, 57. Blinsam, 83. Blisland, Cornwall, 218. Bochim, Cornwall, 24. Bodeygan, Cornwall, 229. Bodmin, 82. Bodockes, Devon, 126. Bodryan, 102. Bodyford, 188. Bohemia, 158, 285. Bokanen, 60. Boking, Essex, 157. Bolliott, Devon, 159. Borow, 135. Borrage, 265. Borrough, 168, 336. Bossond Soyle, 268. Boterstow, 311. Botreux Castell, Cornwall, 147, 341. Bovy, 107, 153, 157, 199, 269, 275, 298. Bovytracie, Devon, 51, 147, 210, 223, 235, 267, 268, 353. Bowden, Devon, 129, 172, 253, 320, 340, 359. Bowdich in Chardstock, 338. Bowe, 262. Bowey, 199, 266. Bowford, 125. Bowhey, Devon, 209, 210. Bowringesley, 254. Boxley, Kent, 99. Boyton, Cornwall, 128. Boztone, Cornwall, 61. Bradfield, Devon, 8, 296, 297, 322, 356. Bradford, Devon, 51, 314. Bradley, 112, 117, 119, 148, 198, 211, 249, 319, 320, 321. Bradmore, 305. Bradninch, 106, 195, 236, 249, 363. Bradston, 60, 87. Bradston Week, 29. Bradwell, Devon, 322. Braggmarsh, 336. Brampford Speak, 312, 361. Brampton, Devon, 125, 158. Brandescomb, 99, Branford, 183. Branton, 198, 250, 268, 317, 363. Bratton, Devon, 89, 158, 164, 309. Bratton Clovelly, 42, 74, 204, 362 Bratton Fleming, 22. Braunton, 27, 41, 65, 124, 262, Bremble, 62. Burton-on-Trent, 57. Bremble in Ashton, 224. Butterley, 238. Bremelcomb, 277. Brent, Devon, 132. Cadburie, 124, 187, 318. Brenton, 298, 299, 302, 362. Cadhay, 85, 143. Brent, South, 362. Cadleigh, Devon, 164. Bridge Revell, 115. Cafford, 29. Bridport, Dorset, 205, 283. Cales, 179. Bridgrule, Cornwall, 128. Callacomb, 5. Bridgtowne, 26. Callande, Devon, 336, 337. Bridgtowne Pomeroy, 180. Calmadié, 101. Bridgwater, Somerset, 52, 136, Calne, Wilts., 359, 360. Calstock, Cornwall, 305. Bridistow, 101. Calston, Cornwall, 299, 354. Brigg juxta Chagford, 156. Calverley, Devon, 85, 267, Brightley, 5, 38, 54, 56, 111, 314. 124, 134, 135, 136, 168. Calwoodleigh, Devon, 65, 268, Briketon, Devon, 340. 269, 298. Brishford, 134, 138. Camarton, Cornwall, 251. Bristol, 19, 125, 146, 153, 282, Cambleford, Cornwall, 209. 308, 326. Cannington, near Bridgwater, Brixham, 145, 200. 525, 14, 283. Brixton, 134, 146, 147, 362. Cannónleigh, 81. Broad Clist, 21, 32, 113, 150, Cannontene, 84. 192, 236, 299. Canterbury, 237, 263. Broadhamburie, 97, 218. Carnedowe, 255. Broad Hempston, 254. Carpenter's fosse, 238. Broadwindsor, Dorset, 205. Cargreene, Cornwall, 158. Broadwood, 337. Carswell, Devon, 200, 278. Broadwood Kelly, 318. Carwytham, Cornwall, 337. Brodwood wiger, 31, 62. Castle Cary, Devon, 47. : Broadworthy, 291, 323. Castle Horneck, 125. Brokesborne, 297. Chaderleigh, Worcester, 292. Bromfield, 94. Chaddlewood, 148, 182, 196, Bromley, 238. 266. Brooke, 222. Chadley, Worcester, 296. Brooke in Ufcolm, 290. Chagford, 13, 15, 80, 107, 108, Brownes Illers, 218. 156, 163, 190, 223, 224, 256, Bruton, 316. 294, 310, 354, 355. Buckam, 205. Chalden, Devon, 343. Buckfastleigh, 43, 142. Chalmington, Dorset, 95. Buckington, 13. Champernon, 153. Buckland, 17, 108, 201, 241, 339. Champston in Molland, 392, Buckland Baron, 153, 154. 307, 308. Buckland Bruer, 13, 36, 242, Chappall in Bishop's Nimet, 251, 293, 362. Buckland Drake, 96. Chappell, 7. Buckland Filley, 10, 73, 110, Charborow, Dorset, 134. 111, 200, 281. Chard, Somerset, 79, 177, 214, Buckland Monachorum, 70, 79, 287, 338. 80, 102, 130, 261. Chardstock, Dorset, 338. Buckland Tillie, 281. Chargrave, Oxon, 356. Buckonock, 24. Charles, Devon, 138, 171. Buckrell, Devon, 116. Charlton, Devon, 295. Buckyate, 152, 153. Charstock, Dorset, 121. Budsħide, Devon, 344. Chemwell, Devon, 97. Budwell, Cornwall, 337. Cheriton, 41, 157, 267. Bugleborne, 346. Cheriton Fitz Paine, 361. Bukshed, Devon, 227. Chesford, 162. Bulliton, 17. Cheshire, 57, 258, 346, 353. Burden, 39. Chetshalí, 282. Burford, 169. Chetwyn, Shropshire, 258. Burgaine Zeale, 313. Chiddinton, Somerset, 133. Burlescomb, 363. Chidiock, Dorsct, 97. Burley, 29. Chidley, 62, 92, 132, 155, 355, Burmudies (the Bermudas], 360. 356." Burnby, 71. Chilcom, Dorset, 37. Burport, 247. 305. Brecknock, 6, 88. Brehull, 23. Childhay, Dorset, 190. Burringdon, Devon, 203. Chimley, Devon, 63, 179, 263. Buscomb, 254. 363. Burton Coggles, Lincolnshire, | Chimsleigh, 69. 57. Chimwell, 89, 284. 7. 390 INDEX OF PLACES. Dittisham, Devon, 280. Dodbroke, Devon, 204. Doderidge in Kirton, 83. Dodington, Somerset, 71, 307. Dolton, 322. Dom'et juxta Roch, 282. Doniford, Somerset, 157. Dorchester, 132. Dorefold, Cheshire, 184. Dorsetshire, 40, 53, 64, 132, 137, 155, 175, 176, 188, 217, 265, 279, 301, 320, 326. Dowland, 83, 84, 277. Dowleshayes, 269. Downe St. Mary, 363. Dowrish, 91, 173, 199, 288. Drewsteignton, 162, 197, 223. Drwe in Newton St. Seres, 72. Drwes Cliff, Devon, 305. Dudley, Stafford, 49, 51. Dulverton, 52, 232, 287, 297. Dunall in Bampton, 287. Dunesland, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 75, 139, 277. Dunscomb, 33, 45, 91, 93, 133, 288. Chittlehampton, 3, 4, 26, 28; Comflorie, Somerset, 14. 61, 83, 110, 141, 196, 244, Combintinhed, 173. 245, 294, 310. Comin Tinney, 361. Chivelston, 362. Compton, Devon, 112, 128. Cholmley, Devon, 336. Coninsburye, Devon, 63. Chreksoy, Essex, 246. Cooke, 283. Christon, 122. Copleston, 70, 71, 72, 340. Christow, 16, 84. Cordingcoate, 36. Chudleigh, Devon, 6, 25, 211, Corfe, Dorset, 283. 219, 232, 310, 311, 319, 336, Corfe, Somerset, 4. 337, 361. Corgrave, Cornwall, 61. Churchton, 106. Coriton, Devon, 108, 199. Churston, 129, 139, 199, 201, Cornwall, 8, 40, 45, 48, 50, 58, 362. 59, 60, 107, 113, 121, 122, Churston Ferrers, 320. 135, 139, 140, 159, 162, 172, Clanvill Wotton, 94. 175, 177, 198, 205, 209, 211, Clawton, 217, 218, 272. 223, 230, 240, 244, 277, 284, Clehanger, Devon, 202, 363. 289, 314, 322, 323, 335, 337, Clifton, Cornwall, 339. 345, 349, 352, 358. Climston, 140. Cornwood, 145, 147, 149. Clist Fomeson, Devon, 14. Cornworthy, 99, 139, 198. Clist Honiton, 259, 301. Corrie Mallett, 272. Clist Hydon, 348. Corthuder, Cornwall, 139. Clotworthie, Devon, 61. Cosham, Wilts., 24. Clovelly, 50, 158, 223, 247, 253, Cossington, Somerset, 283. 318. Cottesbrook, 238. Clovelly House, 226. | Cowley, 261. Cobham, Surrey, 295. Craberton, 279. Cobleyhampton, 26. Crabyton, Devon, 198. Cockeram, Lancashire, 221. Crailey, Devon. Cockescombe, 7. Crediton, 32, 52, 61, 84, 85, Cockington, 49, 51, 102, 153, 86,91, 129, 166, 199, 230, 235, 154, 179, 190. 240, 269, 286, 307. Codleston, Somerset, 352. Creediwigier, 235, 236, 240. Cofford, 173. Creedy, 143. Cokeburie, 7. Crekock, Somerset, 222. Coketry, Devon, 355. Crikett Malherb, Somerset, Colbrooke, Devon, 32, 199, 342. 326, 361. Crock, Monmouth, 193. Colby, Norfolk, 91. Crockernwell, 121, 122, 163. Colcombe, Devon, 214. Crookeherne, Somerset, 107, Colebridge, 179. 133, 199, 206. Colebrook, 230. Croscomb, 25, 26. Colehampton, Devon, 353. Crosse, 153. Colehanger, 344. Crudall, Hants., 305. Coleton, 66. Cruse Morchard, 2, 38, 78, 79, Colhay, Devon, 132. 301. Colhorton, 21. Culley, 355. Colkham, Devon, 269. Collacomb, 127, 284, 285. Cullom John, 3. Collacott in Winkley, 302. Cullompton, 28, 106. Collan, 220. Cumberland, 94. Collidge, 298. Currie, Devon, 111, 204. Colliton, Devon, 42, 63, 94, 116, 140, 170, 178, 278, 299, Dallamore, Devon, 23. 303, 322, 324. Darverton, 208. Collocomb, 3, 268, 309. Dartington, 53, 150. Collocot, 15. Dartmouth, 133, 150, 151, 155, Collumpton, 63, 72, 163, 168, 211, 233, 258, 263, 274, 340, 183, 196, 218, 251, 290, 353, 351, 353. 363. Davidston, 218. Colly, Devon, 322. Delverton, Somerset, 54, 252. Colme Stoke, 290. Denbighshire, 251. Colridge, Devon, 340. Denburie, 132. Colwell, 144. Dene Prior, 263. Combe, Devon, 64, 302, 312. Denton, Lancaster, 345. Combe Bristow, 29. Derworth, 322. Combe Martin, 7, 138, 222, Depford, 149, 292. 223, 276, 302, 363. Derby, 57. Combe Rawley, 88, 202. Derbyshire, 182, 292. Combe Sidenham, 76. Dipper Mill, Devon, 75. Combflory, 14, 109, 155. Dirye, 309. East Allington, 246. East Anstie, 232. East Bawcomb, 112. East Buckland, 231, 268. East Butterley, 238. Eastdown, 26, 116, 170, 176, 231, 359. East Grinnsted, Wilts, 353. East Ogwell, 235, 236, 238, 240. Ebberleigh, 82, 83. Ebbesworthy, 101. Ebford, 260. Edgcomb, Devon, 103, 149. Eggesford, 68, 94, 339, 340. Egleshele, Cornwall, 242. Elford, 266. Elmscott, 58. Ely, 176. Ely, Isle of, 6. Engesdon, 108. Enmore, Somerset, 141. Epford, 142, 143. Erscombe, 349. Essex, 5, 23, 53, 203, 295, 297. Est Bitslake, 101. Est Buckwith, 58. Estdowne, 71, 90, 138, 176, 317. Esterlake, 101. Est Heghin, 285. Estley, Devon, 27. Eston, 91, 93.' Eston, Northampton, 357. Ewherst, Sussex, 21. Exborne, Devon, 84, 200. Exbridge, Somerset, 38. Exeter, 3, 4, 9, 17, 19, 21, 25, 33, 35, 40, 41, 42, 52, 57, 62, 66, 67, 68, 74, 77, 86, 97, 98, 101, 104, 105, 106, INDEX OF PLACES. 391 363. Exeter-continued. Gerson, 237. Haseleigh Magna, 169, 170. 123, 126, 127, 132, 134, 137, Gidley, 196, 213, 361. Hatch, Devon, 201. Gissage St. Andrew, Dorset, Hatherley, 181, 244, 318, 324, 183. 325, 347. 197, 202, 207, 208, 211, 222, Gitsham, Devon, 21, 99, 356. Hatheway, Gloucester, 295. 223, 224, 234, 238, 243, 246, Glamorgan, 43. Haverton, 317. 249, 250, 251, 259, 263, 269, Glinne, Cornwall, 158. Hawkeridg, 3. 273, 275, 278, 280, 284, 288, Gloucester, 296, 302, 326. Hawlisburie, 127. 289, 296, 298, 299, 301, 307, Gloucestershire, 72, 89, 171, Hayes, 303. 308, 310, 312, 313, 319, 320, 282. Hayne, Devon, 129, 132, 198, 321, 327, 336, 339, 340, 341, Gnaton, 130, 148, 266. 199, 358. 342, 344, 352. Goadley, Devon, 4, 26. Hayredge, 54. Exilond, 327. Godalmen, Surrey, 105. Heane, Devon, 79, 160. Exminster, 188, 211, 298. Goddecott, 217. Heampton Sachvile, Devon, Exmouth, 183. Godeby, Leicester, 21. 322, 323, 324, 325. Exwich, Devon, 288. Godford, 254. Heamton, Devon, 158, 276, Golden, Devon, 298. 346. Fallowpit, 112, 229. Goldworthy, 64, 84, 125, 126. Heanton Pounchard, 189. Gorven, 225, 226. Hearson, Devon, 269. Farindon, Devon, 352. Gorwin, near Hartland, 26. Heath-Barton, Devon, 93, 223. Farneham, Suffolk, 5. Gosebilon, 58. Heavitree, 4, 12, 14, 84, 126, Farsham, 121. Grange, Dorset, 54. 159, 195, 336, 341, 361. Farway, Devon, 67. Gray's Inn, 184. Hedbury, 299, 354. Farwood, 54. Great Torrington, 124, 272. Hele, 145, 262. Fen Awtrie, 95. Great Totness, 253, 324. Hellersdon, 106. Fenton, near Bodmin, 82. Greenwich, Kent, 300, 303, | Helligan, 323. Fernhill, 263. 354. Hempston, 362. Ffrestock, Devon, 305. Hempston Cauntelow, 182. Field, Kent, 91. Guildford, Surrey, 280. Heniock, 208, 250, 254, 256, Filley, 16, 81, 110, 272, 312, Gulworthie, 124. 322, 323, 324. Gutsland, 83. Henivell, 311. Finchley, Middlesex, 341. Hornes, 94. Fisacre, 152. Henton George, Somerset, 113, Fitzford, 9, 10, 76. Hakworthy, 363. 181, 228, 229. Flete, Devon, 81, 323, 350. Halberton, 52, 203, 207, 236, Herefordshire, 296. Flyford Flavill, Worcester, 295. 251, 252, 253, 363. Hertford, Devon, 95. Hales, Kent, 144. Hertfordshire, 8. Fordmore, Devon, 15. Halesbury, 36, 127, 241, 242. Heth in Ireland, 48. Fordwich, Kent, 180. Halesworthy, 179. Heytor, 313. Fornworthie, 29. Hall, Cornwall, 186, 272. Hibernia, 75, 191, 247. Fowelscomb, 113, 114, 115, | Hall, Devon, 2, 27, 40, 55, 77, Hidnam, Cornwall, 206. 228, 235, 239. 123, 160. High Beckington, 18, 111, 233, Foye, Cornwall, 79, 182, 233. Halston, Cornwall, 199. 248, 310. Foye, Devon, 61, 253. Halton, Cornwall, 293. High Hampton, Devon, 39. Floyerhayes, 11, 154, 343, 344. Halwood, Cornwall, 254. High Weeke, Devon, 256. Franckley, Worcester, 302. Hampshire, 161. Hill Bishops, Somerset, 317. France, 132, 159, 171, 174, 258, Hampsted, Devon, 31. Hilston, Cornwall, 275. 301. Hampton Court, Hereford, 169. Hoberton, Devon, 204, 205, Frankmarsh, Devon, 20. Hanger, Devon, 112. Fremington, Devon, 40, 43, Hobton, 145. 262, 293. Hanton in Padstow, 172. Hockworthy, 208. Harberton, 52, 183, 290, 301, Hoke, Dorset, 47. Fromeselwood, 43. 311, 313, 362. Holbarton, Devon, 21, 312. Fryen Barnett, Middlesex, 341. Hardwick, Devon, 136, 194. Holbury, Wilts, 296. *Fryhall, Devon, 204. Hardwood, 42. Holcomb, 21, 55, 119, 245, 260. Fuborow, 245. Hareston, 201. Holcomb Burnell, 86. Fulbroke in Branton, 317. Harestow, 314. Holcombe Regis, Devon, 15, Fulburne, Cambs., 234, 239. Harkcomb in Chudley, 16. 32. Fulford, 28, 53, 117, 322. Harleberie, Essex, 134. Hole, 7. Fullingcott, 135. Harlow, Essex, 285. Hollesworthy, Devon, 9, 11, Furisland, 121. Harrow of the Hill, 244. 82, 110, 145, 147, 165. Fursdon, 40, 120, 121, 289, Hart, Devon, 89. Hollicomb, 277. 290. Hartland, Devon, 1, 52, 58, 73, 89, 90, 99, 175, 186, Holmcote, Somerset, 308. Galkisham, 58. 225, 226, 242, 248, 255, Holnicott, Somerset, 116. Garsington, Oxon, 356. 293, 362. Holwell, 106. Gaulish, 255. Hartland Abbey, 175, 191. Holwellscombe, 239. George Nimet, 7. Harwidge, 145. Holway, Somerset, 206. Gerandes, Cornwall, 207. Harwood, 13, 305. Honichurch, 3, 143, 241, 242, German's Wick, 30. Hasebury, 242. 243, 318, 325. en 344. 392 INDEX OF PLACES. Honington, 88, 144. Honiton, 170, 183, 219, 289. Honiwood, 180. Hordehome, Salop, 247. Horlebury, Essex, 64. Hornseis, 143. Horwell, 230, 352. Horwood, Devon, 14, 42, 63, 125, 126, 179, 287.' Horwood, Yorks., 221. Hoverley, 121. Hudescot, 294. Hudsfield, 45. Huish, 279, 320, 322, 324, 335. Hull, 259, 345. Huncote, 7. Huntsham, Devon, 20, 21, 22, Huntshaw, Devon, 315. Huntshon, 122. Huntworthy, Somerset, 108. 214. Hwishe, 110, 216. 67, 230. Killerton, 96, 295. | Lison in Kenton, 17. Kime, Lincolnshire, 59. Liswell, Devon, 122. Kingdon in Alverdiscot, 72. Little Ash, 194. Kingsbridge, Devon, 161. Littleham, 36, 117, 119. Kingsbury, 228. Little Puddle, 24. King's Carswell, 256. Little Torrington, Devon, 23, Kingsland, Devon, 137. 93, 194, 200, 242, 362. Kingsnympton, 199. Lizant, Cornwall, 39. Kingstanton, 25, 122, 232, 361. Llanginle, 6. Kingsteignton, 299. Lob in Branton, 268. Kingston, Devon, 32, 116, 198, Lobb, Devon, 27. 247, 350. Locking, Berks, 244. Kingston, Somerset, 204. Lockington, 244. Kinne, Devon, 86. Loddesford, 58. Kirlington, 356. Loksbeare, 363. Kirton, 41, 85, 86, 219, 224, London, 5, 6, 14, 37, 40, 53, 57, 275, 361. 91, 98, 103, 133, 143, 157, Kitley, 148. 159, 164, 170, 181, 182, 191, Knap, Somerset, 14, 58. 202, 205, 206, 214, 235, 240, Knatton, 101. 244, 258, 267, 273, 281, 293, Knockfergus, 111. 298, 299, 300, 304, 323, 324, Knowston, Devon, 64. 340, 341, 342, 344, 346, 354, 355, 359, 360. La Barn, Dorset, 38. London Bridge, 57. Ladford, 87, 126. Lothbury, Cornwall, 256. Lamerton, 103, 158, 248, 285. Lowman, 44. Lamford, 361.' Loxbeare, Devon, 80. Lancells, Cornwall, 304. Luckcom, Somerset, 13. Landecote, 7. Lucton, 149, 292, 293. Landkey, 4. Ludlow, Salop, 104, 303. Landrest, Cornwall, 139, 140. Luffincot, 1. Lanetby, Cornwall, 91. Luppit, 103. Langford in South Tavistock, Lupton, 292, 351. 111. Luscomb, 129, 172, 173, 196. Langley, 215, 243, 262. Luscott, 65. Langtree, Devon, 75, 362. Lusley, 267. Lanherne, Cornwall, 71, 98. | Luttesford, 58. Lanston, 74. Luxborowe, Somerset, 202. Lantree, 31. Lyme Regis, 224. Lantrest, Cornwall, 223. Lymston, Devon, 160. Lapford, 157. Lyneham, 78, 105, 114, 154, Larkbeare, 265. 269, 361. Larkham, Devon, 258. Lynton, Cambs., 176. Larkworthy, 165. Lyon's Inn, London, 313. Lasick, Cornwall, 40. Latchford, Oxon, 169, 170. Madcott, Devon, 60. Launceston, 226, 234, 293. Maddecombe, 216. Lawhitton, 60, 87, 290. Madeworthie, 191. Leigh, Devon, 5, 154, 201. Magdenbrooke, Somerset, 133. Leight's Cary, 316. Maiddecomb, 140. Lemshersoare, Wales, 303. Malberow, Devon, 100. Lenest, Cornwall, 210. .. Malbury, 314. Lenthall Starkers, Hereford, Malin Abbey, Kent, 55. 169. Malston, 113, 235, 236, 237, 238, Lesawnte, Cornwall, 243. 239, 272. Lestethell, 316. Mamhead, 12, 16, 17, 25, 299. Lew Trenchard, 29, 86, 314. Manington, 362. Ley, 238, 262. Manudon, Essex, 297. Lidford, 29. Marham, 291. Lidiard St. Lawrence, Somerset, Marland, 242. 31, 66. Marlborough, 359. Lifton, Devon, 19, 43, 74, 263. Marldon, Devon, 280. Lilesden, Somerset, 303. Marseilles, 16. Lincoln's Inn, 41, 98, 130, 137, | Marshe, 350. 193. Marshwood, Somerset, 175. Lincolnshire, 96, 98, 100. Marshwood Vale, Devon, 308. Lime, Dorset, 23, 283. Marston Tamton Filiott, 6. Linford, Bucks, 197. Martinhoe, 321. Linge Regis, Somerset, 172. | Martyn Ferrys, 88. Linton, Devon, 217. Marwood, Devon, 55, 198, 207, Lippincott, Devon, 349. 276, 317, 359. Lisley, 270, 310. Mary Tavy, 103. Ideford, 12, 41. Iddersley, 218. Idsley, 111, 178, 217, 218, 277. Ilfordcombe, Devon, 27, 82, 131, 138. Ilcester, 254. Ilminster, 251, 252, 265. Ilsington, Devon, 108, 205, 268. Imallhell, 337. Indeha, 223. India Orientalis, 91. Ingarsleigh, 363. Ingelsdon, 128. Inglebourne, 129, 137, 218, 316. Inner Temple, London, 11, 40, 54, 57, 80, 172, 228, 229, 241, 247, 326." Insdon, 107. Instar, 239. Instow, 17, 27, 71, 72, 136, 294. Ipplepen, Devon, 122, 159. Ippleston, 362. Ireland, 24, 75, 76, 89, 103, 111, 139, 206, 226, 296. Jacobstowe, Devon, 219. Kedley, 104. Kelley, 120, 128, 143, 156, 160, 323. Kemington, 112. Kene, Devon, 126, 352. Kenedon, 145, 245, 346. Kenne, 95, 298, 299. Kenneton, Devon, 253. Kennford, Devon, 14. Kennington, Somerset, 146. Kent, 40, 53, 134, 159, 176, 237, 246, 247, 259, 262, 301. Kentisbeare, 321, 363. Kenton, Devon, 12, 173. Kentsburie, 176, 233. Kesgrave, Suffolk, 131. Ketley, Devon, 216. Keverell, Cornwall, 355. Kilborne, Middlesex, 359. Kilkeham, Cornwall, 349. Kilkhampton, 84, 89, 90. L INDEX OF PLACES. 393 Matcott, 87, 339. | Murbury, 94. Orleigh, Devon, 87, 127. Mathford, 201, 284. Murwinstow, Cornwall, 99. Orwell, Devon, 230. Maudlin in Barnstaple, 104. Muttlebury, Somerset, 204, 205. Orwey, 213. Melbery, 23. Ostend, 191, 359. Melcombe Regis, Dorset, 16. Namptwich, 177, 184, Otterton, 54, 56, 94, 98, 135, Membland, 53, 150, 314. Netherlands, 91.' 139, 297. Membrey, Devon, 81, 115, 221. Nethermore, 194. Ottery St. Mary, 53, 73, 95, 96, Mendippe, Somerset, 187. Nether Stowford, 142. 98, 99, 116, 159, 170, 172, Merely, 216, 292. Netherton, 103, 112, 129, 229. 178, 202, 214, 222, 227, 254, Merifield, 143, 282. Nettelcomb, 286. 260, 276, 297, 308, 318, 342, Merston, 124. Newcourt in Shipwash, 316. 361. Merton, 188, 190, 193, 362. New Gifford, 349. Otworthie, Devon, 323. Mesenburie, 259. Newingham, 222. Owlscomb, 254. Meth, 244, 277. Newnam, 85, 148, 181. Oxford, 23, 66, 91, 182, 259, 309, Mevy, Devon, 79, 80, 244. Newnham, 278, 279, 320. 356, 307. Michell, Devon, 158. Newton, 279.. Oxfordshire, 91, 92, 172. Michell Kerhays, Cornwall, 19. Newton Abbot, 179, 351. Oxon, Devon, 210. Middlecote, 7. Newton Bushell, 126, 179, 319. Oxton, Devon, 181. Middlesex, 109, Newton Ferrers, 146, 148, 320. Middle Temple, London, 15, 17, Newton Petrock, Devon, 86, 19, 43, 111, 119, 180, 210, 301. Pacholle in Kentisbeare, 321. 231, 236, 309. Newton St. Seres, 72, 259. Padstow, Cornwall, 127, 172. Midleton Hall, 221. Nimet Regis, 363. Painsford, Devon, 113, 279. Midland, Devon, 84, 288. Nimet Rowland, 17. Painton, 146, 362. Milbury, Devon, 106. Nimitracye, 163. Panstone or Paston, Cornwall, Mill, Devon, 159. Nimpton, 195. 337, 338. Milliton, 101 Ninehead, Somerset, 252. Paracomb, 26. Milton, 18, 103, 133. Nodeford, 23. Parinw, 175. Milton Abbott, 362. Norfolk, 297, 309. Parkham, 36, 90, 179, 242, Milton Damerell, 135. Norleigh, 200, 201, 203, 243, 251, 317. Minehead, 115. Norlew, 277. Parnacott, 83. Modbury, Devon, 177, 230, 262, Normandy, 177. Passmerehayes, Devon, 207, 278, 302, 350, 362. Northam, 36, 135, 168, 268. I 208. Moddens Biteford, 58. Northamptonshire, 124, 147, Peahembury, Devon, 308. Mohun Awtrie, 45, 269. 295. leamore, Devon, 284. Molland, Devon, 3, 73, 77, 81, Northcott in East Down, 359. Pelley, Dorset, 326. 278, 302. Northea, Cornwall, 148, 149. Pelynt, Cornwall, 114. Mollesmere in Buckington, 13. Norih Huish, 114, 362. Penechia, 191. Monk Okehampton, 277. North Lew, 72, 363. Peneford, 279. Monkton, 170. North Lowe, Devon, 233. Penfound, 73. Monkton Zeale, 363. Northmolton, 61, 71, 72, 77, 171, Penheal, Cornwall, 261, 268. Monmouth, 140. 197, 200, 203, 204, 214, 230. Penisford, 114. Monmouthshire, 139. North Petherwin, 11, 39, 128, Penndoiner, Somerset, 210. Montgomerie, 35. 255. Pennicott, 219. Moore, Devon, 103, 193, 248. North Tawton, Devon, 19, 75, Penquite, 350. Moore Towne, Devon, 194. 127, 153, 165, 172, 230, 250, Penrose, 350. Morcester, 78. 310, 324, 347. Penstoke, 124. Morchard, 166. North Weeke, Devon, 40, 121, Penton, 347. Morchard Bishop, 310. 139, 319. Percehay, 145. Morchard Cruse, 38, 78, 79, 262. Norton, Cornwall, 337. Pericourt, Somerset, 14. Morchard Ep'o, 259. Norton, Devon, 246. Peterborough, 21. Morcherd, 91, 98. Norwich, 131. Petertavy, 261, 300, 354. More, 194. Nowleche, Devon, 355. Petevyn, 238. Morehayes, 26, 195. Nutcombe, 202, 232. Petherwin, 135, 234. Morewinstow, 72. Nutwell, 79. Pever, 184. Morlescomb, 66. Nymet Tracy, 19. Pickwell, 89, 197, 198. Morley, 30, 129, 279. Pickwell in St. George Hame, Morton, Devon, 250, 270. Odicote, 23. 65. Moskrom or Mostrom, 205. Odiham, Hants, 97. Pidleton Medeway, 24. Mortham, 179. Offill, Devon, 21. Pillistone, Dorset, 46. Morthow, 82, 198, 336. Offwell, 67. Pilton, 90, 317. Morton Grene, Cheshire, 24. Ogbeare, 218. Pinhow, Devon, 132, 299, 348, Motburie, 112. Ogwell, Devon, 113, 217, 228. 361. Moulton, 95. Okeford, Devon, 26, 28, 80, | Pinne, 98. Mount Drake, Devon, 94. 202, 232. Pitton, 7, 312. Mount Edgcomb, 91, 93, 102, Okeham, Devon, 117. Plashey, 49. 216, 228, 229, 272. Okehampton, 12, 101, 104, 147, Plimstock, 269. Mowsiand, 188. 233, 242, 362. Plimton, 196, 266, 316, 345. Mowston, alias Moreston, 311. Oldridge, 86. Plimton Mary, 105, 205, 312. Much Canfield Hall, Essex, 283. Orchard, Devon, 127. Plimtroe, Devon, 163, 207, 208, Mucheney, Somerset, 3. Orchard Judge, 115. 290, 352. Munster, 139. Orcharton, 310, 344. Plymouth, 16, 19, 86, 90, 91, 394 INDEX OF PLACES. Plymouth continued. Roddon, Devon, 230. 104, 111, 114, 122, 134, | Rose Ashe, Devon, 107. 148, 183, 198, 215, 241, 247, Roterie, 106, 163, 172, 266, 300, 304, 309, 314, 320, 196. 338, 354. Rouse, 93. Pointer, near Tavistock, 304. Rowborow, 31, 83, 84. Pointington, Somerset, 32, Rowden, 29, 245. 283. Rowestone in Tavistock, 336. Polshill, Kent, 183. Rudge, 286. Polleslon, Devon, 159. Rushford, 151, 162. Polstow, 240. Poltimore, 17, 136, 144, 321. St. Augustine's, Cornwall, 14. Pomerken, Cornwall, 43. St. Awdrye, 316. Pongasick, Cornwall, 125. St. Breake, Cornwall, 39, 229. Porlocke, 123, 302. St. Budox, 362. Porloge, Somerset, 217. St. Cleder, Cornwall, 39. Portleich, 5, 125. St. Colom, Cornwall, 127. Portlidge, 312, 335. St. Decoman's, Somerset, 38. Portlinch, 50, 64, 195, 292, | St. Dominick. 87. 318. St. George Henton, Somerset, Portugal, 94. 70. Paslewe, 235. St. German’s, Cornwall, 39. Potheridge, 3, 10, 11, 87, 127, St. Giles, Devon, 136, 338, 188, 189, 190, 265, 352. 363. Poughil, Cornwall, 255. St. Hill, Devon, 249. Poulehurst, Kent, 180. St. Just, Cornwall, 112. Pouleston, 148. St. Leonard's, Devon, 97, 321. Poundsford, 325. St. Mary Awtin, or Autrie, 29, Powderham, 48, 55, 76, 316. 62, 67, 68, 69, 94. Powershayes, Devon, 342. St. Mary Weake, Cornwall, Pratshead, 95. 40. Predieux, 219, 220. St. Patrick, Devon, 246. Preston, Devon, 109, 272. St. Penock, Cornwall, 120. Pridieux, Cornwall, (153. St. Peter's, Exeter, 41. Pridinwell, Devon, 204. St. Pethewin, Cornwall, 58. Prowze in Sandford, 91. St. Teath, Cornwall, 164, 243. Prudestone, 89. St. Thomas near Exeter, 163, Pruteston, 109, 279, 340. 361. . Pryer Courte, 192. St. Toth, 83. Prynne, Devon, 342. St. Tudye, Cornwall, 312. Puchford, Oxon, 170. St. Twynne, Cornwall, 99. Pull, Cheshire, 212, 213. St. Wynow, 15. Purbeck, 54. Salcomb, Devon, 37, 67, 209. Pussninch, 292. Salisbury, 182, 359. Putford, 291. Saltashe, 75, 181, 196. Pyll, Devon, 55. Sambridg, 28. Pyll, near Lestethell, 316. Samford, 361. Pyncourte, 192. Sampford Peverell, 66, 289. Sampford Spiney, 193. Queene Camel, Somerset, 67, Sand in Siūburie, 157, 181. 140. Sanderidge, Devon, 217. Quethiocke, Cornwall, 196. Sandford, 41, 85. Sandford by Crediton, 33, 167, Raddon, 147, 263, 298, 302. 286. Radford, Devon, 139, 216. Sandwell, 241, 242. Rafford, 189. Santon Court, 250. Rakenford, 363. Sarum, 130. Raleighe, 27, 335. Satterley, Suffolk, 55. Rame, Cornwall, 230, 300, 354. Saturley, 141. Rashley, Devon, 61. Saunton in Braunton, 65. Rathawill, 216. Scilly, Isles of [Cilley], 6. Rattery, Devon, 253. Scotland, 145. Rattony, Devon, 116. Sedberough, 58, 127. Rawleigh, 54, 56, 110, 141, Shabrooke, 361. 228, 229. Shepwash, 110, 171, 254, 281, 316. Sherbrook, 219, 308. Sherford, Devon, 145, 182. Sherwell, 262, 317. Shewte, Devon, 214. Shillingford, 266. Shillingford, Dorset, 273. Shilston, 46, 55, 190, 313, 344. Shipstor, 105, 193. Shobrooke, 18, 219, 302. Shordich in Taunton, 204, 205, 206. Shortridge, 260. Shutstoor, Devon, 349. Sicaville, 29. Sidenham, 87, 118, 277, 299, 323, 354, 358. Sidmouth, 138. Silverton, Devon, 290, 363. Skilgate, Somerset, 119. Slade, 93, 122, 145, 149, 305, 339. Slane, 88. Slapton, 6, 155, 362. Slawley in Sherwell, 262. Smallacomb, 263. Smithfield, London. 47. Snagton, Devon, 159. Soldon, Devon, 229. Sombridge, 61. Somerset, 7, 53, 97, 98, 127, 133, 162, 179, 198, 209, 245, 249, 264, 282, 294, 297, 300, 307, 319, 344, 346.. South, 289. Southampton, 191, 255. Southcot, 268, 310, 337. South Hele, 145, 147. Southhole, 58, 225. South Moulton, 7, 63, 68, 69, 137, 168, 210, 231, 276, 287. South Petherton, 102. South Tavistock, 111, 133. South Tawstock, 39. South Tawton, 40; 41, 187, 313, 361. Sowley, 254. Sowton, 126, 284. Spain, 259. Speccot, 271, 272. Spindelston, 2, 182. Spurway, 274. Stagmili, 202. Stanton, Somerset, 169. Stanton Harcourt, 357. Staverton, Devon, 50, 56, 115, 116, 132, 162, 200, 230, 247, 254, 313, 319, 320, 350. Stebumhalle, (?) Middlesex, 298. 4 Steeple Morden, Cambs. 176, 249. Stephenston, 3, 216. Stepney, 2. Stert, 305, 356. Stevenston, 3, 108, 128, 216, Shaghe, 43. Redbourne, Herts, 240. Shapcott, 257. Reed in Hatherley, 325. Shapwick, Somerset, 253. Rickmansworth, Devon, 272. Sharpham, 96, 98. Rifford, 156, 157, 189. Shebbeare, Devon, 15, 39, 40, Rishford, 190. 324. Rispringe, Cornwall, 227. Shebinge, Devon, 18. Rockbeare, Devon, 232. Sheepshead, Leicester, 264. 244, 245. Stipleton, Dorset, 283. Stockland, Dorset, 115, 116 Stockleigh English, Devon, 22, 106, 210. INDEX OF PLACES. 395 260. Stockleigh Pomeroy, Devon, 22, 183. Stodden, 81. Stoford, 154, 200, 276, 277, 293, 305. Stogumber, 11. Stoke, Northampton, 259. Stoke Climsland, 140. Stoke Courcy, Somerset, 230. Stoke Dabernon, 3, 295. Stoke Rivers, 317. Stoke St. Nectan the Martyr, 58. Stokenham, 113, 236. Stone, Devon, 127, 168, 251. Stonway, Somerset, 205. Stow, Cornwall, 134, 140, 284, 285, 322, 325, 337. Stowe, Devon, 306. Stratford-upon-Avon, 258. Street, Somerset, 3. Stretchley, 59. Strowde, Dorset, 191. Studley, Devon, 44, 79. Sture, 23. Sturminster, Dorset, 326. Sturtle, Dorset, 280. Stutcome, Devon, 94, 95. Sussex, 30, 87, 313. Sutcomb, Devon, 87, 179, 242. Sutton Lefield, Derby, 57. Swansey, Glamorgan, 43, 223. Swarston, Derbyshire, 138. Swetton, Devon, 207, 208. Swimbridge, 262. Sydbury, 337, 349. Sydnanton Hampton, 357. Tale, Devon, 252. Tallan, 36. Talliton, 53, 54. Tamerton, Cornwall, 75, 128. Tamerton, Devon, 120, 284. Tamerton Folliot, 120. Tanton, 88. Tapley, 135, 255. Tarmorn (?), Devon, 18. Taunton, Somerset, 104, 179, 204, 205, 280, 325, 352. Tavistock, 8, 12, 13, 26, 52, 55, 78, 80, 90, 102, 103, 104, 105, 126, 130, 134, 162, 176, 183, 185, 186, 193, 194, 203, 209, 248, 253, 261, 291, 304, 325, 336, 337, 347, 362. Tawton, 65, 76, 159, 262. Taynton Bishop, 256. Tedbourne, 361. Tedbourne St. Mary, Devon, 147. Tehiddy, Cornwall, 335. Temple, Devon, 80. Tetcott, Devon, 8, 33, 42, 298, 319. Tetford, Devon, 297. Tewkesbury, 48, 118, 296. Thelbridge, 31, 79. Therleston, 253. Thetford, Norfolk, 110. Thewborough, Devon, 227, 228. Thirley, 140. Thornborough, Devon, 109, 298. Thorne, Devon, 7, 29, 69, 254, Ugbart, Cornwall, 171. Ugber, Cornwall, 64. Thornesburie Mill, 7. Ugbery, 362. Thorstone, Devon, 222. Ugborough, 120, 305. Thorverton, Devon, 81, 289, Umberleigh, Devon, 214, 312, 352. 335. Thorvev, 226. Upcott, 323, 337. Throwborow, 87. Upcott Aven, Devon, 193. Throwbridge, Devon, 229. Upcott in Broadwood, 337. Throwleigh, 122, 162, 163, 165. Uphemston, 153. Thursleton, 8, 29, 310, 362. Up Lowman, 44, 66, 202, 203. Tichborne, 361. Upminster, Essex, 37. Tiderleigh, 143, 214. Up Ottery,Devon, 221, 222, 283. Tiderleigh, Dorset, 281, 282. Up Plimouth, 338. Tilley, 293. Upton, Cornwall, 292. Tingress, 361. Upton Hillions, 92, 214, 325, Tintagelí, 244. 348. Titley, 177. Upton Pine, 71, 124, 349. Tiverton, 7, 15, 32, 57, 65, 81, Uxbutterley, 238. 88, 106, 107, 135, 163, 198, 224, 251, 259, 260, 273, 282, Vallapit, Devon, 30, 112, 172, 306, 315, 363. · 211, 228, 236. Toppsham, 140, 345, 348, 361. Venfield, 29. Tor, 133, 221. Ventengollam, 11. Torbrian, 173, 362. Verton, Devon, 316. Torrington, 60, 82, 125, 131, Virginstow, Devon, 39. 132, 133, 242, 244, 300, 315. Vowellscombe, 350. Totnes, 19, 24, 37, 43, 100, 107, 127, 131, 137, 149, 151, 182, Wadeston, 101. 221, 222, 247, 253, 258, 259, Wadhurst, Sussex, 269. 262, 279, 301, 348. Walbrook, 133. Towmill, 336. Walcot, 310, 311. Townstall, 27, 246 Waledon, 24. Treasurer's Beare, 321. Wales, 43, 115, 123, 265, 358, Trebigh, Cornwall, 76. 360. Treby, 362. Walkhampton, 12. Treckarell, Cornwall, 139. Warbrightesly, 38. Tregian, 102. Wardeford, 23. Tregonnon, 225. Wareley, 33. Trehawkes, Cornwall, 132. Warkley, 43, 306. Trehill, Kent, 298. Warleye, Devon, 44, 80, 226. Trelask, Cornwall, 289. Warpsley, 134. Trelawen, 220. Warwickshire, 171, 229, 234. Trelawney, Cornwall, 335. Washbourne, 237.' Tremothewet, 216. Washfield, Devon, 18, 116, Trencharde, 190. 361. Trent, Devon, 352. Wash Hall, Dorset, 97. Trerise. 50, 100, 101, 265, 279. Waton, 155. Tresilian, Cornwall, 199. Wayford, Somerset, 56, 210. Trevaige, Cornwall, 113. Waymill in Halberton, 203, Trevegle, Cornwall, 101. 290. Treveloer, 55. Wear, 27, 237, 287, 312, 324. Trevere, 101. Weare Gifford, 40, 58, 72. Trevirkin, 220. Wedbery, 49. Trevorder, Cornwall, 87. Wedmore, Somerset, 135. Trewardelth, 220. Weeke, 71. Trewinte, 73. Wellesley, 312. Treworgan, Cornwall, 130. Wells, Somerset, 81. Treworgie, Cornwall, 161. Wenbury, 43, 60, 234. Treworgu, Cornwall, 160. Wercombe, 238. Trigney, Cornwall, 207. West, Cornwall, 108. Trobridge, 84, 91, 288. West. Allington, 100, 147, 161, Troysenden, Yorks., 221. 200, 317. Trumpington, Cambs., 234, 239. West Anstie, 31. Truri, 216. Westbarton, 269. Truro, 205, 206. Westbroke, 258. Tudwell, 9. West Budley, 9. Tunstall, 362. Westcomb, Devon, 222. Turner's Piddle, 328. Westcot, 7, 55, 310, 356. Westcott, Cornwall, 193. Ufculm, 52, 183, 252, 296, West Down, 62, 243. 315, 363. | Westeley, 255. T 396 INDEX OF PLACES. West Herle, Northumberland, | Winscott, 15, 18, 40, 87, 243. | Wortham, Cornwall, 337. 48, 220. Winston, 109. Wotton in Atherington, 13. Westminster, 216, 255, 360. / Winterbourne, Dorset, 119. Wraxall, 50. West Mounton, Somerset, Wiscombe, Somerset, 163. Wraye, Devon, 270, 355. 205. Wiscombe Park, 229. Wybbery, Devon, 349. Westo, Devon, 322. Withcomb, 95. Wyke, Devon, 72. West Rigge, 166. Witheridge, Devon, 115, 195, Wymandstone, 347. Westwyk, Devon, 19. 260. Wynford Eagle, Dorset, 345. Weye, 82, 215. Withers, Somerset, 204. Wynkleye, Devon, 62. Weymouth, Dorset, 16. Wode, Devon, 40. Whaddon, 304. Wodecot, 7. Whaleborow, 291. Wodford, 29. Yalhampton, 340. Whetcombe, 43. Woggeswell, 238. Yampton, or Yeamton, Devon, Whitchurch, 126, 193, 194, Wolfardisworthy, 90. 12, 172, 312. 232. Wollcomb, 243. Yanton, 340. Whitchurch, Dorset, 282. Wolston, 315. Yarcomb, 116. Whitcomb, 181. Wolsworthy, 293. Yarde, Devon, 258. Whitefield, 69, 134. Womberleigh, 191. Yarde, Somerset, 76. Whitfield, Devon, 123, 159. Womburnford, 361. Yarishborough, 9. Whitlackington, 59, 315, 353. Wonford, 86. Yarnscomb, 52, 104, 287, 302. Whitleigh Park, Sussex, 259. Wonwell, 350. Yarte, 282, 307. Whitstanton, Somerset, 116. Wood, 11, 109, 113, 115, 239, Yarty, Devon, 94, 231, 316. Whitstone, 172. 279, 297. Yartrie, Devon, 173, 307, Whittington, Gloucester, 171. Wood, Cornwall, 41. Wickington, Devon, 187. Woode, Devon, 14. Yatenden, Berks., 268. Widworthy, Devon, 56, 67, Woodland, Devon, 86, 235, Yaxley, Suffolk, 260. 99. 240, 260, 299, 300, 341, 354. Ydford, 355. Wight, Isle of, 61, 267. Woodland, Dorset, 353. Yeambridge, 11, 74, 75. Wigmore, Hereford, 169. Woodley, 151. Yeamscomb, 248. Wike, 8, 204. Woodley, Berks., 353. Yeasborough, 11. Wike St. Mary, 243. Woodmanston, Dėvon, 42, 67 Yenstow, 40. Wildheath, Cheshire, 359. Woolfardisworth, 362. Yeo, Devon, 51. Willing, 253. Woolleigh, 3. Yeoland, 310. Wilton, 307, 356. Woollesworthy, 227. Yerty, 115, 116, 260. Wilton, near Taunton, 65, | Woolverston, Somerset, 249. Yewton, 199. 170. Wootton Bassett, 359. Yolston, 247. Wiltshire, 116, 171, 289, 324. Worcestershire, 295. York, 185. Wincham, Somerset, 133. Worrington, 61, 168, 291. Yorkshire, 244, 315, 342. Winchester, 357. Worth, Devon, 116, 315, 316. Windsor, 21, 264. Wortham, 24, 100, 171, 344, Zeale, 54, 71. Winkley, 79, 233, 270, 336. 358. | Zeale' Monachorum, 249. 325. Printed by Taylor and Co., Little Queen Street, Lincolu's Inp Fields. The Harleian Society, INSTITUTED FOR TIIE PUBLICATION OF INEDITED MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO GENEALOGY, FAMILY HISTORY, AND HERALDRY. President. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF MANCHESTER. Vice-Presidents. THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT MIDLETON. THE RIGHT HON. LORD MONSON. THE HON. HENRY ROPER-CURZON. SIR GEORGE F. DUCKETT, BART., F.S.A. SIR HENRY M. VAVASOUR, BART. SIR JOSEPH RADCLIFFE, BART. RALPH ASSHETON, Esq., M.P. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, Esq., F.S.A. R. E. EGERTON-WARBURTON, Esq. Council. THE REV. SAMUEL HAYMAN, M.A. COLONEL JOSEPH LEMUEL CHESTER. JOHN DAVIDSON, Esq. SIR JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. WENTWORTH STURGEON, Esq. JOHN FETHERSTON, Esq., F.S.A. FAIRLESS BARBER, Esq., F.S.A. W. AMHURST TYSSEN AMHURST, Esq., F.S.A. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.M., F.S.A. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, Esq., F.S.A. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A., Hon. Secretary. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Hon. Treasurer. Bankers. LONDON AND COUNTY, 21, Lombard Street. Auditors. J. R. DANIEL-TYSSEN, Esq., F.S.A., 9, Lower Rock Gardens, Brighton. DUDLEY CARY ELWES, Esq., F.S.A., South Bersted, Bognor. Rules. : 1. This Society shall be called the HARLEIAN SOCIETY. 2. It shall have for its chief object the publication of the Heraldic Visi- tations of Counties, and any manuscripts relating to genealogy, family history, and heraldry, selected by the Council. 3. The Council shall consist of a President, nine Vice-Presidents, and twelve Members of Council, two of whom shall hold the posts of Secretary and Treasurer; and any four, including the Treasurer or Secretary, shall form a quorum. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman to have a casting vote. Any Candidate may be elected with the consent in writing of one Menber of the Council, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. 4. Three Members of the Council shall retire in rotation annually but shall be eligible for re-election. 5. The Annual Subscription shall be One Guinea, paid in advance, and due on the 1st day of January in each year; and Members elected after two hundred and fifty shall have joined, shall pay an Entrance Fee of 10s. 6d. in addition to their first Annual Subscription. 6. The funds raised by the Society shall be expended in publishing such works as are selected by the Council. 7. One volume at least shall be supplied to the Members every year. 8. An Annual Meeting shall be held in the month of June every year, at such time and place as the Council may direct; and due notice shall be sent to the Members of the Society at least a fortnight previously. 9. No work shall be supplied to any Member unless his Subscription for the year be paid; and any member not having paid his subscription for two years, having received notice thereof, shall cease to belong to the Society. 10. The Council may, at their discretion, pay the expense of transcribing from manuscripts whenever two hundred Members, at least, shall have joined the Society; but no payment in money shall be made to any person for editing any work for the Society. 11. No copies of the Publications of the Society shall be supplied to persons not actually Members, and each Member shall be restricted to a single Subscription. 12. An account of the receipts and expenses of the Society to be made up to the 1st of June in each year, and published with a list of the Mem- bers and the Rules of the Society in the following volume. 13. These Rules shall not be altered except at the Annual Meeting, and three clear weeks' notice must be given to the Secretary of any such intended alteration. The Visitation of Devon is now ready, and will be followed by Cumber- land. The Visitation of London in 1633-4 is selected for publication in 1873. Report for the Year 1871–72. The Council have pleasure in reporting the steady progress of the Society. During the past year twenty-five members have joined the Society. Three are dead, Mrs. Baker, Mr. Charles Thurnam, and the Rev. E. Wilton; and five have resigned. The total number on the roll at present is two hundred and eighty-six. Since the foundation of the Society in 1869, three hundred members have joined, fourteen having died and resigned since then. During the past year the Society has published “The Visitations of Nottingham,' by G. W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.M., F.S.A., and “The Visitations of Oxford,' by W. H. TURNER, Esq. “The Visitation of Devon,' edited by the Rev. F. T. COLBY, B.D., F.S.A., is ready. "The Visitation of Cumberland,' edited by John FETHERSTON, Esq., F.S.A., is in the press. These volumes will comprise the publications for the present year. The Council have much pleasure in announcing that JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., and Colonel JOSEPH LEMUEL CHESTER, have undertaken to edit the valuable 'Visitation of London in 1633, 1634, and 1635,' which has been selected for the publication for next year. Owing to the importance of this Visitation, embracing as it does many of the pedigrees of the younger branches of the County families, it has been deemed expedient to authorize the illustration of this volume by means of a special fund for the purpose, which has been met by a most hearty response on the part of the members of the Society. The members can obtain prospectuses by applying to Messrs. Taylor and Co., 10, Little Queen Street, High Holborn, for distribution amongst friends. The Balance-Sheet is appended to this Report, and the Council trust that the members will approve of the Expenditure for the past year. Harleian Society BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST MAY, 1872. Dr. £, s. d. Balance to 31st May, 1871 brought forward ... 359 7 7 Subscriptions, etc., Entrance Fees . . . . . . 346 2 1 Donations to London Visitation Illustration Fund 98 10 6 Er. £. $. d. £. $. d. Payments to Messrs. Taylor and Co., for Printing Notts., Oxford Visitations, Binding, Circulars, etc..... 434 0 4 Payment on account of Devon Visitation 150 0 0 -- 584 0 4 Woodcuts, Notts. Visitation . . . . . . . . 10 0 0 Rent of Meeting Room to Midsummer, 1871 :: 5 0 0 Incidental Expenses Honorary Secretary . . . . . . 3 13 6 Honorary Treasurer . . . . . . 1 3 0 - 4 16 6 Balance . . . . . . . . . . . 200 3 4 £804 0 2 £804 0 2 Examined and found correct by us, DUDLEY CARY-ELWES. JOHN R. DANIEL-TYSSEN. June 6, 1872. Note-- Subscriptions due 1871 ... 6 6 1872 ; .89 5 0 0 JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Hon. Treasurer. £95 11 0 List of Members, CORRECTED TO JUNE 1, 1872. i G. BRINDLEY ACWORTH, F.S.A., Star Hill, Rochester. REGINALD AMES, Cote House, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. W. AMHURST T. AMHURST, F.S.A. (Council), Didlington Hall, Brandon, FRANK ANDREW, Apsley Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. ELY ANDREW, Mere Bank, Ashton-under-Lyne. J. E. ANDREWES, War Office. CHARLES FREDERICK ANGELL, F.S.A., Grove Lane, Camberwell, S.E. The SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, Somerset House, W.C. WILLIAM SUMNER APPLETON, Boston, U.S.A. FRANCIS R. ARMYTAGE, 27, Cambridge Square, W. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, F.S.A. (Hon. Secretary), Clifton, Brighouse. The EARL OF ARRAN, The Pavilion, Hans Place, S.W.' RALPH ASSHETON, M.P. (Vice-President), Downham Hall, Clitheroe. JOHN ASTLEY, Broad Gate, Coventry. W. J. St. AUBYN, 68th Light Infantry, Templemore, Tipperary. ROBERT A. C. GODWIN-AUSTEN, Chilworth Manor, Guildford. Lieut.-Colonel BAGNALL, Shenstone Moss, near Lichfield. CHARLES BAKER, F.S.A., 11, Sackville Street, Piccadilly, W. FAIRLESS BARBER, F.S.A. (Council), Castle Hill, Rastrick, near Brighouse. JOSEPH GURNEY BARCLAY, 54, Lombard Street, E.C. THOMAS H. Bates, Mayfield, Wolsingham. JOHN BATTEN, F.S.A., Aldon, Yeovil. FRANCIS BAYLEY, 66, Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, W. GEORGE FREDERICK BEAUMONT, The Knowles, Fixby, Huddersfield. ROBERT S. BIRKBECK, Anley, Settle. The BIRMINGHAM LIBRARY, Union Street, Birmingham. (A. S. DUDLEY, Librarian). T. WELD-BLUNDELL, Ince Blundell Hall, Great Crosby, Liverpool. The Rev. CHARLES W. Boase, 33, Surrey Street, Strand, W.C. WILLIAM EDWARD BOOLS, 7, Cornhill, E.C. THOMAS WILLIAM BOORD, F.S.A., 180, Belsize Road, Kilburn, N.W. Lieut.-Colonel HAWORTH-Booth, Derwent Bank, Malton, Yorkshire. W. CONSITT BOULTER, F.S.A., 6, Park Row, Park Street, Hull. Lieut.-Colonel JOHN BUTLER-BOWDEN, Pleasington Hall, Blackburn. EDMUND M. BOYLE, Rockwood, Torquay. CHARLES HOLTE BRACEBRIDGE, The Hall, Atherstone, Warwickshire. The Rev. WILLIAM BREE, the Rectory, Allesley, Coventry. The Hon. and Rev. JOHN R. O. BRIDGEMAN, Weston-under-Lyziard, Shifnal. THOMAS BROOKE, Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield. FRANCIS CAPPER BROOKE, Ufford Place, Woodbridge. The Rev. FREDERICK BROWN, F.S.A., Fern Bank, Beckenham, Kent. PERCY C. S. BRUERE, Middleham, Bedale, Yorkshire. C. G. PRIDEAUX BRUNE, Prideaux Place, Padstow, Cornwall. The Rev. JOSEPH BUCKLEY, M.A., Sopworth Rectory, Chippenham. Captain W. E. G. LYTTON BULWER, Quebec House, East Dereham. JOHN YNYR BURGES, Parkanaur, Dungannon, Tyrone, Ireland. CHARLES JOHN BURGESS, Naval and Military Club, London, W. LL. SIR BERNARD BURKE, C.B., LL.D., Ulster King-of-Arms, Dublin. The MARQUIS of BUTE, 83, Eccleston Square, S.W. BENJAMIN BOND CABBELL, F.R.S., F.S.A., 39, Chapel Street, Edgware Road, W. F. TEAGUE CANSICK, 28, Jeffrey Street, Kentish Town, N.W. R. BROWN CANSICK, 2, Bedford Gardens, Kensington, W. The DoWAGER COUNTESS OF CARNARVON, Pixton Park, Dulverton. GEORGE ALFRED CARTHEW, F.S.A., East Dereham, Norfolk. THOMAS CHAPMAN, F.R.S., F.S.A., 25, Bryanstone Square, W. CHRISTOPHER CHATTOCK, Haye House, Castle Bromwich. Colonel J. L. CHESTER (Council), 16, Linden Villas, Blue Anchor Road, Ber- mondsey, S.E. CHETHAM'S LIBRARY, Manchester (Thomas Jones, Esq., Librarian). Sir ALEXANDER P. BRUCE CHICHESTER, Bart., Arlington Court, Barnstaple. THOMAS CLOSE, F.S.A., Nottingham. The Rev. RICHARD CHUTE CODRINGTON, Haygrove, Bridgewater, Somerset. The Rev. FREDERIC T. COLBY, B.D., F.S.A., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. JAMES EDWIN COLE, Easthorpe Court, Wigtoft, Spalding, F. S. BERMINGHAM PEN COLE, Freemantle, Southampton. SYDNEY COLE, Norwood Court, Southall, Middlesex. JAMES COLEMAN, 22, High Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. J. KYRLE COLLINS, Wiltondale, Ross, Herefordshire. JOHN COODE, Polcarm, St. Austell. WM. HENRY COOKE, Esq., Q.C., F.S.A., 42, Wimpole Street, London. W. H. COTTELL, 1, Manor Rise, Brixton, S.W. J. GREGORY COTTINGHAM, Edensor, Chesterfield. W. PRIDEAUX COURTNEY, Ecclesiastical Commission. The Rev. H. O. Coxe, Bodleian Library, Oxford. Mrs. JOHN WOODHEAD CROSLAND, Thornton Lodge, Huddersfield. EDWIN PURVES ROPER-CURZON, Upper Sheen House, Mortlake, S.W. The Hon. HENRY ROPER-CURZON (Vice-President), 47, Argyle Road, Kensington. The Hon. SIDNEY C. ROPER-Curzon, Upper Sheen House, Mortlake, S.W. R. S. LONGWORTH DAMES, M.A., 32, Upper Mount Street, Dublin. C. W. DAVID, Cardiff, Glamorganshire. John DAVIDSON (Council), 14, St. George's Place, Hyde Park Corner, S.W. ROBERT DAVIES, F.S.A., The Mount, York. ROBERT Day, Jun., F.S.A., M.R.I.A., Rockview, Montenotte, Cork. GORDON DAYMAN, St. Giles's, Oxford. The Rev. JOHN BATHURST DEANE, M.A., F.S.A., Sion Hill, Bath. GEORGE DIGBY WINGFIELD DIGBY, Sherborne Castle, Sherborne, Dorsetshire. Mrs. FETHERSTON DILKE, Maxstoke Castle, Coleshill, Warwickshire. Sir C. WENTWORTH DILKE, Bart., M.P., 76, Sloane Street, S.W. ROBERT DOWMAN, 29, Shakspeare Street, Ardwick, Manchester. HENRY HOLMAN DRAKE, LL.D., Esplanade, Fowey, Cornwall. Sir GEORGE F. DUCKETT, Bart., F.S.A. (Vice-President), Manor House, Bampton. Oxford. GEORGE F. DUNCOMBE, 17, St. Stephen's Road, Bayswater, W. Robert DYMOND, Bampfylde House, Exeter. ALBERT EDWARDS, Philadelphia, U.S.A. J. EDWARDS, M.D., 20, Westmoreland Place, Bayswater, W. The Rev. HENRY T. ELLACOMBE, M.A., F.S.A., Clyst St. George Rectory, Topsham, Devon. WILLIAM SMITH ELLIS, Hydecroft, Charlwood, Surrey. DUDLEY CARY ELWES, F.S.A., South Bersted, Bognor. V. CARY ELWES, F.S.A., Brigg, Lincolnshire. WILLIAM ROBERT Emeris, M.A., F.S.A., Louth, Lincolnshire. THOMAS FALCONER, one of the Judges of the County Courts, Usk, Monmouthshire. J. G. FANSHAWE, Board of Trade, Whitehall, S.W. HENRY MASTER FEILDEN, M.P., Witton Park, Blackburn. WILLIAM FENNELL, Wakefield. ROBERT FERGUSON, F.S.A., Morton Hall, Carlisle. JOHN FETHERSTON, jun., F.S.A. (Council), High Street, Warwick. Lady FETHERSTONHAUGH, Uppark, Petersfield. W. S. FETHERSTONHAUGH, Rock View, Killucan, Ireland. GEORGE FITZWILLIAMS, New York, U.S.A. EDWARD FITZWILLIAMS, Philadelphia, U.S.A. WILLIAM FLOYD, London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. CHARLES H. Fox, M.D., The Beeches, Brislington, Bristol. CLEMENT S. BEST-GARDNER, Eagle's Bush, Neath, Swansea. JOHN RIBTON GARSTIN, F.S.A., 21, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin. ARTHUR EDWARD GAYER, Q.C., LL.D., Dublin. HENRY H. GIBBS, St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, N.W. JOSEPH GILLOW, jun., Winckley Square, Preston. C. GOLDING, 16, Blomfield Terrace, Upper Westbourne Terrace, W. HENRY GOUGH, 20, Lorn Road, Brixton, S.W. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, F.S.A. (Council), Titsey Park, Godstone. JAMES GIBSON, Salem, State of New York, U.S.A. HENRY LEE GRAY, 4, Mont-le-Grand, Heavitree, Exeter. HENRY SYDNEY GRAZEBROOK, Stourbridge, Worcestershire. EDWARD GREAVES, M.P., Avonside, Warwick. BENJAMIN WYATT GREENFIELD, Cranbury Terrace, Southampton. KELYNGE GREENWAY, Warwick. The Rev. WILLIAM GRICE, Sherborne House, Lillington, Leamington. The Rev. HENRY THOMAS GRIFFITH, B.A., Felmingham Vicarage, Norwich, THOMAS GRISSELL, F.S.A., F.R.S.L., Norbury Park, Mickleham, Dorking. GORDON GYLL, Remenham House, Wraysbury, Staines. EDWARD HAILSTONE, F.S.A., Walton Hall, Wakefield. Sir HENRY ST. JOHN HALFORD, Bart., Wistow, Leicestershire. The Rev. H. F. HALL, M.A., High Legh, Knutsford, Cheshire. Sir ROBERT N. C. HAMILTON, Bart., Avoncliffe, Stratford-on-Avon. Lady FRANCES VERNON-HARCOURT, The Homme, Weobly. WILLIAM HENRY HART, F.S.A., The Cedars, Overcliff, Rosherville, Kent. WILLIAM HARVEY, Harrold Hall, Bedford. The Rev. HENRY HAYMAN, D.D., The School, Rugby. The Rev. SAMUEL HAYMAN, M.A. (Council), The Rectory, Doneraile, Ireland, Lady HEATHCOTE, Hursley Park, Winchester. C. PELL HEIGHAM, The Cottage, Bambridge, Winchester. THOMAS HELSBY, 15, York Chambers, King Street, Manchester, SPENCER HEREPATH, 18, Upper Phillimore Gardens, W. WILLIAM PERRY HERRICK, Beaumanor Park, Loughborough, Leicestershire. Miss FRANCIS MARGERY Héxt, Lostwithiel, Cornwall. JOHN HIRST, jun., Dobcross, Saddleworth." The Rev. C. W. HOLBECH, Farnborough, Banbury. DANIEL DEAN HOPKYNS, F.S.A., Weycliffe, St. Catherine's, near Guildford. CHANDOS WREN HOSKYNS, M.P., Harewood House, Ross, Herefordshire. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, LL.D., F.S.A. (Hon. Treas.), 3, Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, S.E. HOWMAN, Rev. J. E., Bexwell Rectory, Downham Market. THOMAS HUGHES, F.S.A., 1, Grove Terrace, Chester. The INNER TEMPLE LIBRARY, E.C. The ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, 19, Dawson Street, Dublin. The Rev. EDMUND JERMYN, B.A., care of R. F. Jermyn, Esq., 13, Neville Street, Onslow Square, S.W. JOSEPH JONES, Abberley Hall, Stourport. MORRIS C. JONES, F.S.A., 20, Abercromby Square, Liverpool. W. STAVENHAGEN JONES, 2, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, W.C. EDWARD BASIL JUPP, F.S.A., Carpenters' Hall, London Wall, E.C. The Rev. F. W. KITTERMASTER, All Saints, Coventry. ARTHUR JOHN KNAPP, Llanforst House, Clifton, Bristol. T. C. SNEYD KYNNERSLEY, Moor Green, Moseley, Birmingham. Lieut.-Colonel J. H. BAGOT LANE, King's Bromley Manor, Lichfield. C. T. LANE, 3, Lombard Court, Lombard Street, E.C. PHILIP LANGMAN, 7, St. Benet's Place, Gracechurch Street, E.C. Thomas LAYTON, F.S.A., Kew Bridge, Middlesex, W. Sir EDMUND A. LECHMERE, Bart., The Rhydd Court, Upton-on-Severn, Worcester The Rev. F. G. LEE, D.C.L., F.S.A., 6, Lambeth Terrace, S.W. MRS. LITTLEDALE, 19, Queen's Gate Gardens, South Kensington, W. Ben. LOCKWOOD, Huddersfield. The Rev. W. J. LOFTIE, 37, Upper Berkeley Street, W. WILLIAM H. DYER LONGSTAFFE, F.S.A., Gateshead. Sir JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. (Council), Pallingswick Lodge, Hammersmith, W. SILVANUS J. MACY, 189, Front Street, New York, U.S.A. The Rev. A. R. MADDISON, Friskney, Boston, Lincolnshire. G. BUCKLEY MATHEW, H.B.M. Minister Plenipotentiary, Rio de Janeiro. C. H. MALLOCK, Cockington Court, Torquay. The DUKE OF MANCHESTER (President), 1, Great Stanhope Street, W. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, LL.M., F.S.A. (Council), Weacombe House, Bicknoller, Taunton. BERNULF DE CLEGG MATTINSON, Oldham. WALTER C. METCALFE, Epping, Essex. The Right Hon. VISCOUNT MIDLETON, Peper Harrow Park, Godalming. Lieut.-Colonel MILLER, R.A., Woolwich, Ŝ.E. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. The Rev. JOHN MIREHOUSE, Colsterworth, Grantham. Captain R. MOLESWORTH, High Legh, Knutsford. The Right Hon. LORD MONSON (Vice-President), Gatton Park, Reigate. THOMAS H. MONTGOMERY, 400, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Lieut.-Col. CHARLES THOMAS JOHN MOORE, F.S.A., Frampton Hall, near Boston. FREDERICK J. MORRELL, St. Giles', Oxford. EDWARD MORTON, F.S.A., The Bank, Malton, Yorkshire. GEORGE J. MURRAY, Hartford House, Werneth, Oldham. C. R. SCOTT-MURRAY, Danesfield, Great Marlow. C. N. NEWDEGATE, M.P., Arbury Hall, Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Miss NEWMAN, 6, Patshull Road, Kentish Town, N.W. Miss CHARLOTTE NEWMAN, 6, Patshull Road, Kentish Town, N.W. JAMES NEWMAN, 235, High Holborn, W.C. Captain W. NEWSOME, R.E., Gravesend. J. W. NICHOLL-CARNE, D.C.L., St. Donat's Castle, Bridgend, Glamorganshire. John Gough NICHOLS, F.S.A., 25, Parliament Street, S.W. Colonel SIDNEY NORTH, M.P., Wroxton Abbey, Banbury. WILLIAM JOHN O'DONNAVAN, LL.D., M.R.I.A., Foxcroft House, Portarlington. EVAN ORTNER, 3, St. James's Street, S.W. FREDERIC OUVRY, F.S.A., 12, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, W. The Rev. Thomas Douglas Page, Pembroke College, Oxford. Sir CHARLES J. PALMER, Bart., Dorney Court, Windsor. The Rev. FIELDING PALMER, Eastcliff, Chepstow. The Rev. GEORGE PALMER, F.S.A., 53, Lowndes Square, S.W. The Rev. John PAPILLON, M.A., F.S.A., Lexdon Rectory, Colchester. The Rev. J. T. PARKINSON, D.C.L., F.S.A., Ravendale, Grimsby. DANIEL PARSONS, Stuarts Lodge, Malvern. D. WILLIAMS PATERSON, Newark Valley, New York, U.S.A. EDWARD PEACOCK, F.S.A., Bottesford Manor, Brigg, Lincolnshire. Rev. A. J. PEARMAN, Rainham Vicarage, Sittingbourne. CHARLES GEORGE PERCEVAL, Passenham Manor, Stony Stratford. IRA B. PECK, Woonsocket, Rhode Island, U.S.A. HENRY PECKETT, Carlton Husthwaite, Thirsk, Yorkshire. THOMAS A. PERRY, Bitham House, Leamington. GEORGE PLUCKNETT, F.S.A., Manor House, Finchley, N. LEMUEL POPE, Concord, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Sir JOSEPH RADCLIFFE, Bart. (Vice-President), Rudding Park, Wetherby. The Rev. CANON RAINE, York. J. R. RAINEs, Burton Pidsea, Hull. SAMUEL RIGBY, Bruch Hall, Warrington. ALEXANDER RIVINGTON, 27, Cleveland Gardens, Hyde Park, W. The Rev. C. J. ROBINSON, M.A., Norton Canon Vicarage, Weobly. The Rev. EDWARD ROGERS, M.Á., Blachford, Ivy Bridge, Devon. R. R. CoXWELL-ROGERS, F.S.A., Dowdeswell Court, Andoversford, Gloucester. The Rev. ROBERT ROE ROGERS, 104, Exmouth Street, Parkfield Terrace, Birken- head. The ROYAL LIBRARY, Windsor Castle. The Rev. DAVID Royce, The Vicarage, Lower Swell, Stow-on-the-Wold. JAMES RUSBY, 21, Ainger Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. The DUKE OF RUTLAND, K.G., Belvoir Castle, Grantham. J. Paul RYLANDS, Highfield, Thelwall, Warrington. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, F.S.A. (Vice-President), Lower Eatington Park, Strat. ford-on-Avon. ROBERT HARDISTY SKAITE, The Mount, York. Rev. E. H. MAINWARING SLADEN, M.A., F.R.G.S., Alton Berners, Marlborough. J. S. SMALLFIELD, 32, University Street, W.C. The Rev. WALTER SNEYD, Keele Hall, Newcastle, Staffordshire. CHARLES SOTHERAN, 6, Meadow Street, Moss Side, Manchester. CHARLES STEWART, The West Hall, High Legh, Knutsford. THOMAS STEWARDSON, Germantown, Philadelphia, U.S.A. WENTWORTH STURGEON (Council), 11, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. JOHN SYKES, M.D., F.S.A., Doncaster. The Rev. JAMES TAYLOR, Brigham by Carlisle. Miss CAROLINE C. THAYER, Boston, U.S.A. SAMUEL VASPER Thomas, Newborough, Wimborne, Dorset. THOMAS THOMSON, M.D., Clarence Terrace, Leamington. ROBERT F. TOMES, Weston, Stratford-on-Avon. T. G. TOMKINS, Great Ouseburn, York. GEORGE D. TOMLINSON, Huddersfield HENRY TREHERNE, Látymer House, Brook Green, W. Sir J. SALUSBURY TRELAWNY, Bart., M.P., Trelawne, Liskeard, Cornwall. Sir WALTER C. TREVELYAN, Wallington, Newcastle-on-Tyne JOSEPH HERBERT TRITTON, 54, Lombard Street, E.C. GEORGE TUCK, New Road, Windsor. WILLIAM HENRY TURNER, 8, Turl Street, Oxford. The Rev. SAMUEL Blois TURNER, F.S.A., South Elmham, Halesworth, Suffolk. Philip TWELLS, M.A., Chase Side House, Enfield. J. R. DANIEL TYSSEN, F.S.A., 9, Lower Rock Gardens, Brighton. Sir HENRY M. VAVASOUR, Bart. (Vice-President), Holton Hall, Halesworth. BENJ. LLEWELYN VAWDREY, Tushington Hall, Whitchurch, Salop. Colonel VIVIAN, Rose Hill, Camborne, Cornwall. EDWARD WALTHAM, Walcombe House, Stockwell Green, London, S.W. R. E. EGERTON-WARBURTON (Vice-President), Arley Hall, Northwich. The EARL OF WARWICK, Warwick Castle, Warwick. EDMOND CHESTER WATERS, Upton Park, Poole. FRANK G. WATNEY, 17, Pembridge Crescent, Bayswater, W. JOHN WATNEY, jun., F.R.G.S., F.S.A., 16, London Street, Fenchurch Street, E.C. The Rev. JAMES WEBB, M.A., The Parsonage, Hartshead, Normanton. ARCHIBALD WEIR, M.D., St. Mungho's, Great Malvern. Lieut.-Colonel WESTON, Hunterstone House, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. WILLIAM H. WHITMORE, Boston, U.S.A. The Rev. THOMAS WHORWOOD, D.D., Vicar of Willoughby, near Rugby. Miss WILLIAMS, Orchard Wyndham, Taunton. The Rev. AUGUSTIN WILLIAMS, Icomb Rectory, Stow-on-the-Wold. FRANCIS WILLINGTON, Tamworth, Warwickshire. The Hon. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, Boston, United States. JOHN WITHEM, 9, Pall Mall East, S.W. R. H. Wood, F.S.A., Crumpsall, Manchester. CHARLES H. L. WOOD), F.G.S., Roslyn, Hampstead, N.W. ASHBEL WOODWARD, M.D, Franklin, Connecticut, U.S.A. RICHARD Woor, F.S.A., F.R.S.L., Guildhall, Worcester. W. H. WRIGHT, Philadelphia, U.S.A. WILLIAM W. E. WYNNE, F.S.A., Peniarth, Towyn, Merioneth. NOTES AND CORRIGENDA TO THE VISITATION OF DEVON IN 1620," PUBLISHED BY THE HARLEIAN SOCIETY. Cary." Note. Frontispiece. The signature is a fac- | Page 50, for "Rawe” read “ Rowe." simile taken by the kind permission of the , 53, for 6 Sir Garard Same" read “Sir Authorities of the College of Arms from Gerard Sams." the Funeral Certificate of Sir William Pole, , 55. Note. “ Platters,” properly “Play- Knt., and is that of the first Baronet. ters;” “Satterley," properly “ Sotterley ” Page 3, for “ Sptapledon” read “ Stapledon.” (near Beccles). , 5. Note. “Alverdiston” (Alverdiscott.) , 58, for “ Bues” read “Bwes.” . 8, for “ Walker" read “ Walter." ,s 59. Chudleigh Arms. Omit the word 9, for “ Armery” read “ Annery.” * “ Beaumont." 10. Note. “Clawford” (Clowford.) , 61, for “ Rashhley" read “ Rashley." “Bavy" (Bovy). For “Q. Box 12” read 63. Cockeram Arms. On the monument sex Box 12."" in Cullompton Church, and also in Hillers- 12, for “ Pollerfen” read “ Pollexfen.” don House, where the arms are found im- 13. Arms. For“Gules, on a bend argent paled with “ Paris of Bampton," there between six crosses fitchée of the last," are three cinquefoils instead of leopards' read “Gules, on a bend between six crosses faces on the bend. formée fitchée argent," and omit altogether , 66, for “ Rewe” read " Rowe." the second blazon : "Arms-sable.” , 67, for “ Hants." read “Hunts." , 14. Note “St. Augustine's” (St. Aus 68. Cooke Arms. According to the older tell.) Visitations the cats" are "lions." For , 15, for “ Blewst" read “ Blewet." “universi” read universis.". j 16, for “Johannes” read “Johanna." 70. Coplestone Arms. No. 11, after “St. 17. Bamfylde Arms. No. 4, “Uffete." John” omit the sign of interrogation. The ” No. 5; "Faber." Last, “Lovell of Castle mullets and label ought to be or," as we find in the older Visitation. No. 16, insert ,, 18. Barby.Arms : for “or” read “sable." "sable" before “semée," and for “ cross Note. No Arms are recorded at the crosslets” read “ crosses crosslet." Note. Heralds College. The quarterings given in the older Visita- , 21. Note. The arms of Beaumont in tions were : * Graas, Hawley, Tresilian, the older Visitation are “ Vairée, two bars Hiwis, Bonville, Gorges, St. John, Wibbery, gules." Cf. also p. 54. Fitzwalter, Fleming, and Berkley.” The 22. Bellew Arms. The third quartering crest given in some MSS. is "a demi-griffin should be read : “Argent, a lion rampant segreant gules, armed or, without wings ;" gules, and on a fesse sable three crosses in others, “a demi-lion rampant gules, crosslet fitchée of the field. Also for armed and langued or." Also in some we “ Cayby" read “ Calley.” . find drawn at the side “a coil of rope, or.” 25, for “ Perse" read “Gifford.” Query, the crest of Hawley ? or a badge ? 32, for “ Merton” read “Ragland ;" for The 2nd, 13th, 15th, and 16th quarterings " Morton " read “ Delamare;' and at the are not accounted for by the recorded end of quartering, No. 8, add “ Tatifer." pedigree. There is a great difficulty also Note. “Holcomb Regis” (Rogus.) about No. 15, which may be “ Ferrers" (v. 33, for “Hurstey" read “Hurst, esq. ;" Glover's Roli, No. 139, and Visitation of for “ Belleau" read “Bellew." Oxford,' p. 108). In the official copy at ,, 34, for “ S-ger” read “ St. Leger.” Heralds' College only a chief vairée is 5, 36, for “ Cordingcoate” read * Cading given, so that it seems impossible to say coate ;” for “ Amies " read "Amias." what it is. Five quarterings at least ap- Note. “Yenstow” (Iustow.) pear to have been overlooked : 1. Ferrers. , 40, for “Trethurse” read “ Trethurfe." 2. Rodney. 3. Daumarle. 4. Bauceyn. , 42. Burp by Arms. Read the third quar 5. Doddiscomb.–V. Sir J. Maclean's Trigg tering thus: “ Ermine, on a chevron Minor,' p. 394, and Sir W. Pole's Devon ? argent between three leopards' faces azure (Hiwis Ped.) four pallets." , 71, for “ Cartelupe.” read “ Cantelupe.” 43, for “Nicks” read “Hicks ;" for 73. Cory Arms. Before “saltire” in- “ Arthure" read “ Thomas” (in the sig- sert "a." nature).. , 78. Crokker Arms. Omit the word , 44, for Cawoodley" read “ Calwoodleigh" Michell." For • Banfield" read “Bamp- (in the Title). field.” 45, for “eels” read “snakes," and for 79. Crymes Arms. Read as follows: “Ellis of Trevoar” read - Tegon,' accord “Or, on three bars gules as many martlets ing to the older Visitation. « O’Dron” argent, and on a chief of the last two bars has also been suggested. nebulée azure.” , 48, after “ Jane, d. and h. of” add 85, for “Kione" read " Kenne." "Arvoys,“ in italics. , 87, for “Schrood ” read "Selwood.” , 49, for i Devieil” read : Devick." ,, 88. Note. “ Ferrys " (Ferrers). : [ 2 ] KI Page 89. Docton Arms.' For “azure' read ! Page 247, for “ T'uborow” read "Thuborow." "argent." , 254. «Holford”-“Sowley”--so in the , 91, for “ Lanetby” read “ Lanethy," and MS. note “ Com." (Carmarthen). , 273. Spicer Arms Before "a chevron” : , 92, for “ 40th.” read “ 40 lb.” insert “sable." Note - Flea" (Flay). , 93, for “Mary s.” read “ Mary d." 275, for - Surcot” read “ Southcot; is for , 94, for “Hemes” read “ Crewes ;" for ' Edgsbur” read “Edgsbeer." Note "Ap- • Murbury” read “ Musbury.” sham” (“Topsham," spelt as in the text 102. Note “ 1409” (probably 1190); for by Westcote). " " sable” read “ermines." 279, for “ píle" read “file.” , 104, for i erminois” read “ ermines." 287, for “ Siderham ” read “ Sidenham.”' 112. Note • Carinarthy" (Calmady). , 289. Turner Arms. After" argent” dele 123, for 6 pellets” read “ pallets." the comma. 125, for “Barstabbe” read “ Barnstaple." , 292, for “ Pussninch” read “ Puslinch." , 133, for “Magdenbrooke” read “ May. , 293, for “ Rich. Velly” read “Ricardus den brooke." Velly" (in the signatnre), and omit the , 134. Grylls Arms. For the second “or” sign of interrogation. read “gules." , 298, for “ Stebumbalbe" read “Stebum- , 142, for “ Epfird” read “ Epford.” halle," and omit the sign of interrogation. , 148. Note 5 Cornwall” v. next pedigree. Waltham Arms.--After ssable ' insert "a." , 158, for “ Lameston” read “ Lamerton.” , 304, for “ cross crosslets ” read “ crosses :, 159, for “ Polleslon” read “ Pollesloe." crosslet." , 162, for "John Gable" read "John Cable" , 308. Note “ Shebrook” (Shobrook). - (in the signature), and omit the sign of 314. Note “Obye” (Opye). interrogation. , 316, for “Verton” read“ Venton." » 180, for “Tarmorn” read “ Tarmoon," 1, 322. Note “Collins," qu. “Colles ?" v. and omit the sign of interrogation. Westcote, p. 593. , 191, for “ baked” read “ beaked." , 323. for “Lovelace” read “ Loulace," and 198, for “bowes” read "bones." omit the sign of interrogation. Note- 199, read the second coat of Arms of qu. Lovis ? Northcote thus: “ Argent, three crosses , 324. Note “Heaghmpton” (Highamp. crosslet botonnée in bend, sable." ton). For “Scottle" read “ Cottle” (Cot. , 207, for “ Segman” read - Seyman." tell). 209. Peter Arms. Read thus : “Gules 337, for “ Imalhell” read “Smallhell.” on a bend or betw. 2 escallops arg., a , 338, for “ Paston” read “Pastow.” Cornish chough ppr. betw. 2 cinquf. az." , 339, for “ Mattcott” read “ Wattcott." 212. Pole Arms. In the 15th quartering , 340. Note - Trevilian” (Tresilian). after lion rampant” read “double 5 347. Honychurch Arms. Acc. to West- queued cote, etc., the field should be "azure.” 221, for «Carws” read “ Carus." , 349, for “New Gifford” read “ Wear Gif. 223, for Indeha" read “Indeho." ford." Add to the children of John Lip- 227, for « Thomazan” read “ Thomazin.”. pingcott and Jane Laploade a daughter, 228, for “Golden” read “Solden.” Anne, who married John Harlewin of Sid. 235, for · Hitch” read “ Hatch." mouth, gent. Also for “Osney” read ,, 237, for “ Bastar” read “ Bastard." si Viney." 242. Note “ Dabbles” (Daviles). , 356, for “ Warwood” read - Marwood.” CI 1 99 F.T.C. PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHED. Vol. I. for the Year 1869. The Jisitation of London, in 1568, by Cooke. EDITED BY J. J. HOWARD, Esq., F.S.A., AND G. J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. Vol. II. for the Year 1870. The Visitation of Leicestershire, in 1619, by Lennard and Vincent. EDITED BY JOHN FETHERSTON, JUN., Esq., F.S.A. Vol. III. for the Year 1870. The Visitation of Rutland in 1618. EDITED BY G. J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. Vol. IV. for the Year 1871. The JJisitations of Nottingham in 1569 and 1614. EDITED BY G. W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.M. Vol. V. for the Year 1871. The Visitations of Oxford in 1574 and 1634. EDITED BY W. H. TURNER, Esq. Vol. VI. for the Year 1872. The Hisitation of Bevonshire in 1620. EDITED BY THE REV. F. T. COLBY, B.D., F.S.A., FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD. In the Press, Vol. VII. for the Year 1872. The Visitation of Cumberland. TO BE EDITED BY JOHN FETHERSTON, Esq., F.S.A. The Visitation of London in 1633-4. TO BE EDITED BY J. J. HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., AND COLONEL J. L. CHESTER. The Visitation of Lincoln. TO BE EDITED BY EDWARD PEACOCK, Esq., F.S.A. The Visitation of Gloucester. TO BE EDITED BY JOHN FETHERSTON, F.S.A. The Visitation of Cornwall in 1620. Le Deve's Catalogue of Knights. TO BE EDITED BY EDWARD MORTON, Esq., F.S.A. The Hisitations of Bedfordshire in 1566, 1582 and 1632. TO BE EDITED BY HENRY GOUGH, Esq. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND CO., LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, : 事 ​. … 「自由​:"4", 基本型​, 生 ​年中​,是事實​, 是非 ​, : 34 关注 ​了找出 ​“一 ​一​: - 为​: : - “ 这 ​样 ​” 头发 ​“是 ​中对其统 ​A 。 ”, .…. . 发布​: 十 ​... 。 中市 ​一 ​- ' 地下单 ​在 ​理学院 ​考考得战结 ​, . ; * 当一 ​主要是​: 话说​, 也非 ​作者​: 事​”, 行政​: 1. 1 , 世界 ​直于 ​是里子母t, 是说​, 的​。 } 身上​, ! ! 计 ​, 结 ​2节 ​装教程 ​全新改 ​料理 ​さてップシャンパン ​, 11: 在海上​, 一 ​容​。 tes 為主 ​r 于是​, 平生 ​就 ​其他​: : : 在线视的​。 有年产 ​場 ​” : 校好 ​作 ​所以我 ​生产 ​4 ,其 ​#1 . 学基 ​老生 ​¥: 头部 ​克 ​技术发 ​TN.DETTE中 ​. 识学 ​战节​, -- 地 ​臺北 ​なされるかさん ​4.中字 ​“ . “ 来了 ​. 生 ​:, 其 ​:: .. 力 ​”, “.. . 事​: 是一 ​: :: 45章专 ​·中​, 第 ​。 .….. 群 ​了一些 ​.” . , ". . , 「.. ii. , . :: : : : : : -- :: . . 。 : .. ” “ 區中正 ​“ 。 - - 书了​。 , -,, ,, .. . | lii: . 掌 ​. , 1 , 、生产​。 1分 ​4 1 39015 006966470 .. . 之 ​光 ​” 01: 有的 ​.. . 节日 ​.. : : . . 划​; 中学学院 ​售 ​#, , 群 ​後 ​r" 更新 ​:: 事考​: S ” . ::........ .. . .. . .. .. : '... ", ",是 ​, .* 1 .1 . .. “看 ​us : 首 ​* : :: * 。 , , ** : : : * 。 . :"".. ..-:- - -. . . Tai * .. ". l 年 ​- - 表 ​: .. c. ..", , . 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