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ABADAE W HOUSE RELAT fastuolloi DE 2 .J65 v.10 BUHR · PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN ARCHAEOLOGY No. 10 EDITED BY DAVID M. ROBINSON PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS EDITED WITH NOTES BY ALLAN CHESTER JOHNSON SOMETIME FELLOW IN THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, PROFESSOR OF CLASSICS, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY AND BY HENRY BARTLETT VAN HOESEN LIBRARIAN AT BROWN UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE: THE JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1931 COPYRIGHT 1931 BY THE JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS ** 1. H. FURST CO., PRINTERS, BALTIMORE Papyrology waher 5 -25° 31 24078 SIGLA AND ABBREVIATIONS INTRODUCTION DOCUMENTS: CONTENTS 1. Day-Book of Arrears 2. Register of Taxes 3. Register of Taxes 4. Register of Taxes 5. Register of Taxes 6. Register of Taxes 7. Register of Taxes 8. Register of Taxes 9. Register of Taxes 10. Register of Taxes 11. Register of Taxes 12. Register of Taxes 13. Accounts 14. Register of Taxes INDICES • 24-25 A. D. 25 A. D. 20-33 A. D. Ca. 20-33 A.D. Ca. 20-33 A. D. Ca. 20-33 A.D. Ca. 20-30 A. D. Ca. 27-32 A. D. 31 A. D. 34 A. D. 35 A. D. 35 A. D. Ca. 35 A. D.. Ca. 23-40 A. D. See Westermann's arriv, dess, Wkly V PAGE ix xiii 1 6 15 17 18 19 21 23 41 63 73 76 куру . 107 . 117 XXV xxv (mu t8-71. PREFACE The collection of Greek papyri at Princeton University, as in most American institutions, owes its inception to the distributions of papyri made by the Egypt Exploration Fund in 1901, 1907, 1914-15, and 1922. The acquisition of unpublished papyri was due, in the first instance, to the initiative of the late Professor Francis W. Kelsey, who, in 1921, arranged for the joint purchase of papyri by Michigan, Cornell, and Princeton Universities in conjunction with the British Museum and the University of Geneva. Princeton University has been able to participate in three later co-operative purchases through the generosity of Mr. Robert Garrett, whose collection of manuscripts and papyri is deposited in the University Library. Since the deciphering and editing of papyri is a slow and difficult task-especially at the beginning of the enterprise- and since the first edition of a papyrus document may generally be considered as preliminary and tentative, the earlier publications from the collection have been of small compass and have appeared as articles in periodicals'. In 1928-29, however, the collaborators in this volume found it possible to devote more consecutive time to the work, and in studying one of the larger fragments found that this docu- ment ought to be treated along with several others of similar ¹ Dewing, Henry B., "A Dialysis of the Fifth Century A. D.,” Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 53 (1922), pp. 113-27. Weber, Shirley H., "Two Papyri from the Princeton Collection," Ibid., 56 (1925), p. xliii. Johnson, A. C., and Van Hoesen, H. B., “A Lease of Crown Land on Papyrus," Ibid., 56 (1925), pp. 213-28. "A Papyrus Dealing with Liturgies," Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 12 (1926), pp. 116-19. "Five Leases in the Princeton Collection,” Ibid., 14 (1928), pp. 118-25. vii viii PREFACE date and content. This whole group could be published to- gether only in a volume, and, though this form of publication has more an air of finality than the commentary can claim for itself, the editors have felt that the texts should be made available as soon as possible, even though some of the problems connected with them are not fully solved. The syntaximon, for example, will be explained, if at all, only after more evidence becomes available, and our surest contribution to the solution of the problem is the evidence which these texts present. Furthermore, these documents possess a certain unity and interest as the oldest extant tax-registers from Roman Egypt, and as such provide a valuable illustration of the system of taxation under the early Roman Empire. The courtesy of the editor of The Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies in Archæology, in accepting and himself financing this volume for the series, has not only testified to his broad and lively interests in archæology, but has also earned our personal gratitude for making public a study which otherwise might have been long delayed. We are much indebted to Mr. H. I. Bell, who in spite of many other engagements, found time to read the proofs, and has given material assistance by his suggestions and criticisms. November 22, 1930. ALLAN CHESTER JOHNSON, HENRY BARTLETT VAN HOESEN. SIGLA AND ABBREVIATIONS In this volume we have followed the conventions which are now customary in all standard editions of papyri. In addition we have adopted the double round bracket used by Westermann and Kraemer in the volume of Cornell papyri to indicate brackets in the original text. In printing the various documents, the original copy has been reproduced as faithfully as possible, but difficulties in the technique of printing have led to the omission of certain check marks. These we have indicated in notes and commentary. The following conven- tional signs are employed: ( ) indicate expansion of abbreviations. (()) indicate brackets in the original texts. indicate loss of letters in lacunae. [ ] [[ ]] {} indicate erasures by the scribe in the original text. indicate superfluous letters in the original text. Doubtful readings are indicated by a dot under the letters. The following abbreviations are used in referring to papyrological publications: Archiv-Archiv für Papyrusforschung, ed. by U. Wilcken. B. G. U.-Aegyptische Urkunden aus den koeniglichen Museen zu Berlin: Griechische Urkunden. Teubner, 1900-. OGIS.-Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones selectae. Leipzig, 1903-1905. Hohmann, Chronologie-F. Hohmann, Zur Chronologie der Papyrus- urkunden. Greifswald, 1911. Oertel, Liturgie-W. Oertel, Die Liturgie. Leipzig, 1917. Otto, Priester und Tempel-W. Otto, Priester und Tempel im hellenis- tischen Aegypten. Leipzig, 1905-1908. P. Amh.—B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt, The Amherst Papyri. Lon- don, 1901. P. Cairo Edgar-C. C. Edgar, Selected Papyri from the Archives of Zenon, Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte, Vols. XVIII-XXIII. P. Cornell-W. L. Westermann and C. J. Kraemer, Jr., Greek Papyri in the Library of Cornell University. New York, 1926. P. Fay.-B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and D. G. Hogarth, Fayûm Towns and their Papyri. London, 1900. P. Flor.-G. Vitelli and D. Comparetti, Papiri Fiorentini. Milan, 1906. ix X SIGLA AND ABBREVIATIONS P. Graux-H. Henne, Papyrus Graux, Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, XXI, 1923. Cairo. P. Hamb.-P. M. Meyer, Griechische Papyrusurkunden der Ham- burger Stadtbibliothek. Leipzig, 1911-1913. P. Hib.—B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt, The Hibeh Papyri. London, 1906. P. Iand.-E. Schaefer, L. Eisner, L. Spohr, and G. Spiess., Papyri Iandanae. Leipzig, 1912. P. Leipz.-L. Mitteis, Griechische Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig. Leipzig, 1906. P. Lond.-F. Kenyon and H. I. Bell, Greek Papyri in the British Museum. London, 1898—. Milan, 1928. P. Med.-A. Calderini, Papiri Milanesi. P.Oxy.—B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Oxford, 1898—. P. Ryl.—J. Johnson, V. Martin, and A. S. Hunt, Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the John Rylands Library. Manchester, 1915. P. Strass.-F. Preisigke, Griechische Papyrus der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek zu Strassburg. Leipzig, 1906. P. Tebt.-B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, J. G. Smyly, and E. J. Good- speed, The Tebtunis Papyri. London, 1902—. Preisigke, Fachwörter-F. Preisigke, Fachwörter des öffentlichen Verwaltungsdienstes Aegyptens. Göttingen, 1915. Preisigke, Girowesen-F. Preisigke, Girowesen im griechischen Aegyp- ten. Strassburg, 1910. Preisigke, Namenbuch-F. Presigke, Namenbuch. Heidelberg, 1922. Rostovtzeff, A Large Estate-M. Rostovtzeff, A Large Estate in Egypt in the Third Century B.C. (University of Wisconsin Studies, No. 6). Madison, 1922. Rostovtzeff, M.-A Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire. Oxford, 1926. Schnebel, Landwirtschaft—M. Schnebel, Die Landwirtschaft im hel- lenistischen Aegypten. Munich, 1925. Stud. Pal.-C. Wessely, Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde. Leipzig, 1901-. Tait, Ostraca-J. G. Tait, Greek Ostraca in the Bodleian Library and other Collections. London, 1930-. Westermann, W. L.-Upon Slavery in Ptolemaic Egypt. New York, 1929. Wilcken, Grundzüge-L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde. Leipzig-Berlin, 1912. Wilcken, Ostraka-U. Wilcken, Griechische Ostraka aus Aegypten und Nubien. Leipzig, 1899. SIGLA AND ABBREVIATIONS xi INVENTORY NUMBERS 1 = AM 8919 2 AM 8913 recto 3 = AM 8921 recto 4 AM 8920 5 AM 8922B 6 AM 8922 verso 7 AM 8922 A 8 = AM 8917 recto 9 = AM 8912 recto 10 AM 8912 verso 11 · AM 8913 verso 12 AM 8921 verso : AM 8917 verso AM 8910. 13 14 == = = INTRODUCTION The documents in this volume deal for the most part with taxes levied at Philadelphia during the latter part of the reign of Tiberius. Nos. 1-6 are in the form of day-books, appar- ently written by the same hand as P. Cornell 21. Of these, Nos. 1 and 2 are dated in 25 A. D. The day-book dated 34 A. D. (No. 10) is clearly in a different hand. Evidently the same scribe was in charge of the day-books for some years prior to 34 A. D. The smaller fragments of these (Nos. 3-6), otherwise undated, we have assigned to ca. 20-33 A. D. on the basis of the hand. Three other documents (Nos. 7-9), in the form of ledgers, are preserved. Of these, No. 9 is dated in 31 A. D., and the other two belong approximately to the same period. The tax recorded in Nos. 1-10 is paid in instal- ments of four, or multiples of four drachmas. In Nos. 2 and 10 it is called the ovvráέiμov, and there is no doubt that all deal with the same tax, since we find the payment of chalci and of the pig-tax, both of which are associated with the Ovvráέpov at Philadelphia (B. G. U. 1613), recorded in all except No. 10. In our day-books of the ovvráέiμov, the record of names and payments follows the same plan. Under each day the name of the tax-payer, his patronymic, and occasionally some other descriptive epithet are given. When father and son bear the same name, the patronymic is usually indicated by a hori- zontal stroke, which we have represented in the text by (oμoíws). The patronymic is usually in the genitive case, but not infrequently the scribe has used the nominative. The pay- ments are recorded at the right of the column. The chalci and pig-tax are invariably paid together. The former is rep- resented in our documents by x, Cx, or Cx³. We believe that the sign x should be interpreted as two chalci in our xiii xiv INTRODUCTION documents and in P. Cornell 21.1 Following the payment of chalci is the letter alpha with a long horizontal tail stroke. This undoubtedly represents the pig-tax of one drachma and an obol (Cf. Nos. 4, 8, 9. In P. Cornell 21 the same entry is frequently found, and should be interpreted in the same way). After the entries for the day were completed, the scribe entered the total at the bottom or in the margin at the left. In this total the payments of chalci and of the pig-tax were omitted. In one case, however, the payments of the pig-tax were added up separately (No. 4). The entries in the day-book were usually checked either by a short downward stroke at the left of the name or by a short vertical stroke above the amount. It is probable that the clerk who transferred the account from the day-book to the ledger made these marks in order to avoid the danger of overlooking any of the entries. In No. 10, however, only a very few entries were checked. In this case the checking may have been done by the auditor who compared the day-book with the ledger. If so, he probably selected entries at random in the ledger, and verified them by comparison with the day-book. In itself the day-book was of value merely as a temporary record. After the close of the Egyptian year, the individual payments were transferred to another account which, for con- venience, we may term the ledger. In this, the names of the individual tax-payers were recorded and, under each, the indi- vidual payments were assembled. In our collection, three of these ledgers are preserved in part, and from them more detailed information concerning the ovvrásov may be gained. In these ledgers the names of those who paid the ovvráέpov in full are checked by two sloping parallel lines at the left of the entry. In No. 8 the usual amount of the tax is forty-four drachmas, but no account is checked unless the chalci (either 2 or 6) and the pig-tax are paid. In three cases the amount of the ovvráέyov is forty-eight drachmas (II. 21, III. 24, ¹ Milne (Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, VII, pp. 61 ff.) doubts the existence of one chalcus as a coin. INTRODUCTION XV > VIII. 7), and in two others, possibly fifty-two drachmas (VI. 3, VIII. 1) together with the other charges. In No. 9 the normal amount of the ovvrásov is forty-four drachmas. In addition the payment of six chalci (no example of payments of two chalci appear in this document) and of the pig-tax forms a supplementary charge. We find, however, a number of accounts in this document which are somewhat perplexing. They are checked as paid in full although the total of the individual payments varies from eight to forty drachmas. In the margin of these accounts is the notation ἀπὸ συμβ( ), occasionally with the addition of the word λ(). This formula is unusual, and the only restoration we are able to suggest is ἀπὸ συμβ(όλου) πλ(ήρους). The word σύμβολον, in documents pertaining to taxation, usually means "receipt ", but it is difficult to explain these entries in the ledger as an indication that a receipt had been given to these tax-payers. From the fact that these entries are checked as paid in full, we are inclined to believe that ovμßoλov refers to the convention or agreement whereby these citizens were admitted to a more privileged class. Whatever the meaning, the significant fact is that we have evidence of various classes of those liable to the ovvráέijov such as we find in the case of those subject to the λaoypapía (Wilcken, Grundzüge, pp. 189 ff.; Bell, Archiv, VI. pp. 107 ff.). The first example is II. 1, where the assess- ment is eight drachmas. Here, however, although the entry is checked, a bracket is drawn at the right in II. 1 as if the entry should be deleted. In III. 10 the assessment is twelve drachmas, in II. 14, twenty-four drachmas. In V. 16, 21 the papyrus is too badly damaged to decipher the amount of the tax. In II. 23 the problem of determining the assessment is complicated. The total recorded is forty-eight drachmas and the chalci and pig-tax are paid twice. It may be noted also that the entry for Payni is out of its proper sequence, and that one of the entries for Phamenoth is bracketed. We suspect that the entry for Mesore should be eliminated as well. By so doing, we avoid the unusual irregularity of two payments of xvi INTRODUCTION the minor taxes in the same year and reduce the assessment to forty drachmas. This is tampering with an account already checked, and our conclusions should, of course, be regarded as purely conjectural. Nevertheless the evidence of these ledgers seems to establish the fact that the residents of Philadelphia were grouped in classes, each of which was assessed at a dif- ferent rate for the payment of the ovvráέuov. While the usual rate was forty-four drachmas, some were assessed at eight, twelve, twenty-four, possibly forty, forty-eight, or even fifty- two drachmas. Further evidence for a class assessed at forty- eight drachmas is found in two receipts (B. G. U. 791, 881) from Caranis and Socnopaeou Nesus, respectively. It may be noted that no payment of chalci or pig-tax is recorded for those assessed at less than forty drachmas. Apparently the more privileged grades were exempt from these subsidiary taxes. The ledgers throw some light on the methods of collecting the ovvráέiμov in the reign of Tiberius. The xeipiσtaí recorded in No. 8 imply the existence of a πρáктwρ whom they served as assistants. The earliest example of a xeptors is found in B. G. U. 1590 (6 A. D.) and, although there is no specific record of the πрáктρ before 28 A. D. (Oertel, Die Liturgie, pp. 195 ff.), we may safely assume that the system of collect- ing both συντάξιμον and λαογραφία through the agency of the πрάктρ was instituted by Augustus when he took over Egypt from the former rulers (Rostovtzeff, Staatspacht, pp. 466 ff., but cf. Wilcken, Grundzüge, p. 213). Whether there was more than one πρáкTwp for each tax-precinct we cannot say. The evidence of P. Graux 2 seems to indicate that there was only one πράκτωρ λαογραφίας for each precinct in the time of Nero. It is probable that this was the system inaugurated by Augus- tus. Later the number was increased (P. Tebt. 391; Oertel, loc. cit.). There is no evidence to determine whether the συντάξιμον and the λαογραφία were collected by the same offi- cial, or whether there was a separate πрáктwρ in charge of each. Under Tiberius the πpáкTwp was responsible for the collec- INTRODUCTION xvii tion of the ovvráέiµov from both aliens and natives resident within his district. There was evidently some form of coöpera- tion between the officials in the various villages (whether by private arrangement or determined by imperial laws we can- not say) whereby the assessment of aliens in each community was collected by the local officials or their agents, and reported monthly to the Tрáктop of the alien's origo (cf. No. 8). Whether there was an actual transfer of receipts from place to place is not certain. For example, in collecting from Phila- delphians resident in Alexandria it would be useless expense to forward the monthly payments to Philadelphia to be returned immediately to Alexandria. As Preisigke suggests, the transfer was probably effected by means of banking credits and exchange (Girowesen, pp. 89 ff., 265 ff., especially p. 269). For the collection of the Aaoypapía abroad at the beginning of the second century, cf. P. Tebt. 391. In certain entries in No. 9 we find the notation that the tax- payer was now resident in Alexandria or in Babylon. It is probable that when a citizen went elsewhere to reside for any length of time he was required to signify his destination to the local authorities. A register of these expatriates was kept (cf. P. Cornell 22), and the πрáктopes in these districts were notified so that proper arrangements could be made for the collection of their taxes. Preisigke has suggested that it would be safer and more con- venient for the рáктop to arrange with a local bank to take charge of the daily receipts of the various taxes for which he was responsible, and to credit them to his account (Archiv, IV. pp. 110 ff.; Girowesen, pp. 251 ff.). There is no direct evidence in our day-books to determine whether they were kept at the bank or at the bureau of the tax-collector. Appar- ently the same scribe recorded the accounts in Nos. 1-6 and P. Cornell 21, and these documents cover a range of several years. It was quite possible for the same clerk to be em- ployed for several years either at the bank or at the bureau of the πрáктwр, for the latter sometimes held office for a long xviii INTRODUCTION term (Oertel, loc. cit.). On the verso of three of these day- books (Nos. 2, 3, and P. Cornell 21 V. unpublished) there are records of payments of the Aaoypapía. If these documents were kept in the local bureau it is evident that the πρáкTwp συνταξίμου and πράκτωρ λαογραφίας are identical: if they were kept at the bank, nothing can be determined about the identity of these officials. The ledgers, however, tend to sup- port the view that the accounts were kept at the bank. In No. 8 there are only three entries where we find τp(aπéčŋs) recorded. In the other entries where the tax was paid by Philadelphians living at home there is nothing to indicate whether the amount was paid to the πрáктwр or to the bank (but cf. No. 9, Introduction, on the abbreviation à µ¤, ктà). The verso of this ledger, however, seems to be a record of various accounts kept at the bank (cf. No. 13, Introduction). If so, the ledger itself was filed at the bank, and probably compiled there. In No. 9, on the other hand, the word Tρ(aπé¿ŋs) is found with every name except that of a man who died in the course of the year. It is clear, therefore, that when this ledger was compiled in 31 A. D. the assessments were paid at the bank. The verso of this document is a day- book, dated 34 A. D. (No. 10), which, like the recto, must have been kept at the bank. If the evidence for compiling or filing the ledgers at the local bank is accepted, it follows that the daybooks were compiled there as well. τρ από According to Preisigke, banks in villages were private insti- tutions while public banks were only found in the metropolis of the nome (Girowesen, pp. 37 ff.). In our papyri (Nos. 8 and 9) the word тp (aπéns) occurs alone without any indica- tion of private ownership. The implication is that the bank at Philadelphia is a dŋμooía тρáπega. The village was evidently an important one, and its size may have justified the main- tenance of a public bank. This institution acted as agent for the πρáктwρ in the receipt of taxes. It furnished the clerical assistance necessary for compiling the day-book and ledger, and probably the monthly reports to the orparnyós were pre- pared here (cf. No. 13, Preisigke, op. cit., pp. 251 ff.). INTRODUCTION xix These documents yield no new information about the nature of the various taxes. The payment of chalci is regarded by some as a πрoσdiaɣpaþóμevov (P. Cornell 21). However, this charge varies from 614 to 20 per cent. of the tax (P. Ryl. 192b; 216; Tait, Ostraca, I. p. 87 f.) and in receipts of the Aaoypapía it is usually 10 obols for a payment of 20 drachmas. It may be noted also that, while the πрoσdiaɣpaḍóµevov is fairly common on λαογραφία receipts, none of the twenty συντάξιμον receipts so far published (cf. P. Med. 9) have any indication of this charge. The payment of chalci is always made with the pig-tax and always stands before it in the day-books and ledgers, usually in the last assessment of the year. If not an integral part of the ovvráčov it may be a fee for receipt or a ὑποκείμενον γραμματεῖ (cf. No. 13), or some other small tax levied per capita. If the sign x represents two chalci, the amount exacted was either two or six; if it represents a single chalcus, the amount was one, five, or six chalci. In No. 8 the rate varied (x or Cy). In the other documents, the rate is constant in each throughout (either Cy or Cx). In the day- book of arrears (No. 1) the majority of entries record these two payments alone. The chalci are never included in the totals recorded in the day-books, apparently because it was not regarded as an integral part of the ovvrážov. The privileged classes, who paid a ovvráciμov of less than forty drachmas, were apparently exempt from payment of chalci and pig-tax. The pig-tax at Philadelphia seems to be fixed at one drachma and one obol (cf. B. G. U. 1613; P. Ryl. 193 for variations elsewhere). Since it is collected along with the ovvráέov, it does not belong to the group of taxes which were leased to contractors at this period in the village of Phila- delphia (Wilcken, Grundzüge, p. 213), although the pig-tax was farmed out to contractors at Thebes in the 19th year of Tiberius (Wilcken, Ostraka, I. p. 577). The evidence of our documents and P. Cornell 21 seems to show that the pig-tax was levied on all subject to the ovvráέuov at Philadelphia - XX INTRODUCTION except the more privileged classes (cf. No. 9). On pig-raising at Philadelphia, cf. Rostovtzeff, A Large Estate, p. 109; B. G. U. 1613; P. Cairo Edgar, 49). The variations in the rate of the ovvráģiμov have been dis- cussed above (pp. xii ff.). This tax was levied on male citizens between the ages of 14 and 62 (No. 8). Slaves were subject to the tax as well as freemen (No. 9, II. 2, 10, 14; P. Cornell 21). The purpose of this tax is nowhere indicated. The theory of Otto (Priester und Tempel, I. p. 382, note 1) that it was levied in part to support the temples seems to be widely accepted, but as yet there is no definite proof in support of any theory. The tax seems to have been limited to the Arsinoite nome, and there is no evidence that it was levied after the edict of Caracalla granting Roman citizenship. In the latter fact we suspect that the clue to the nature of the σvvráέiµov is hidden, but we can only suggest that it was levied on a class of citizens who, when granted the rights of Roman citizenship, ceased to exist as a separate group. Pos- sibly a further clue may be found in Grenfell and Hunt, Greek Papyri, I. 45 (19 B. C.). Here a Snμócios yewpyós δημόσιος registers as follows: ἀπογράφομαι ἐματὸν εἰς τὸ ια (ἔτος) Καίσαρος θέλων σύνταξιν. This is usually explained as a regis- tration of a peasant farmer who desired some state aid (cf. Mahaffy, Flinders Petrie Papyri 86), but this is very unlikely. Is it possible that Augustus granted to a certain class of δημόσιοι γεωργοί the right to register in a group which paid the ovvrásov in lieu of their former obligation to cultivate state land? If so the right was limited to the Fayum and only to a comparatively small number of tenant farmers. With the edict of Caracalla such a group would presumably lose its identity when granted Roman citizenship. The diffi- culty with Otto's theory of the ovvтágμov is in finding a suitable explanation for the seeming disappearance of the tax after 212 A. D. For a citation of references in papyri to the ouvráέipov, cf. Calderini, P. Med. 9. There remain two more difficult questions. Are the Ca INTRODUCTION xxi συντάξιμον and λαογραφία the same tax under different names? If they are distinct taxes, are both levied together on all classes? We have already seen that the citizens of Philadel- phia are divided into different classes for the payment of the συντάξιμον just as we find in the case of the λαογραφία else- where. The normal amount of the λaoypapia at Philadelphia is forty-five drachmas two obols (Nos. 11, 12, P. Cornell 24). The ovvráģiµov, including the chalci and pig-tax, is forty-five drachmas, one obol, and six chalci. One might suggest that the λaoypapía (of which we have as yet no record in Philadel- phia before 33 A. D.) is the same as the ovvráģiμov with the addition of some minor tax which brought the total to forty- five drachmas and two obols. No day-book of the λaoypapia has as yet been discovered in the mass of documents dealing with taxation in Egypt. This fact might lend some support to the theory that the Aaoypapía and ovvráέipov are identical, but it is by no means conclusive. The evidence against their identity is as follows: The xwuaтikóv is usually associated with the Maoypapía at Philadelphia (cf. Nos. 11, verso of P. Cornell 21, unpublished, and P. Cornell 24) but not with the σvvráέiμov. This evidence is not decisive, for it is possible that the χωματικόν was first associated with the λαογραφία after our day-books and ledgers were compiled, or ca. 34 A. D. In No. 14, for example, there is no mention of the xwμarikóv although the document seems to be a register of the Aaoypapía. In two documents the λαογραφία and συντάξιμον are recorded together as if distinct taxes (B. G. U. 1613, P. Ryl. 191) but again the evidence cannot be regarded as wholly decisive. Finally, on the verso of P. Cornell 21 (communicated by the kindness of Professor Kraemer) is the following entry: . καὶ ἐν Βαβυλῶ(νι) Neкðaтvµ ( ) IIetevnitos [ka↳ Sue =] «L Sµe = χω(ματικόν) Sιγ : gala This name and patronymic are rare, and the former is not cited in Preisigke's Namenbuch. Necthatym() is evidently xxii INTRODUCTION the same person who is recorded in our No. 10, III. 1 as pay- ing an instalment of four drachmas of the ouvтáέμov in Tybi of the twentieth year of Tiberius (cf. P. Cornell 21. 406). Apparently he paid part, at least, of his ovvráģiμov in Phila- delphia, and later went to Babylon, where the full amount of his Aaoypapia was collected for the same year. It is possible, as Mr. H. I. Bell suggests to us, that the record of Babylon included the payment of Tybi, but the evidence seems to imply that the full amount of the arrears for two years was collected at Babylon and forwarded to Philadelphia. Further- more, if No. 14 is correctly interpreted as a register of Philadelphians paying the poll-tax, thirty-four entries with the same name and patronymic as in this list are found in contemporary records of the ovvrásμov. The evidence, though not conclusive, seems to show that the συντάξιμον and λαογραφία were distinct taxes and that both were levied on a certain group of citizens in the Fayum. We canot determine the number of those liable to the ovvrásov at Philadelphia, but it is reasonably certain that at least 300 paid this tax (cf. p. 47). We have already suggested as a possi- bility that they constituted a special group, possibly drawn from a class of former state-tenants. They paid not only the συντάξιμον, but also the λαογραφία. It may be noted in the ledgers and day-books that some of them were in other professions, weavers, barbers, and the like. A weaver of this class accordingly paid 38 drachmas for his trade-tax, 44 as συντάξιμον, 45 as λαογραφία, and a number of minor levies such as the dyke-tax, pig-tax, and other charges which would bring his personal tax to a sum not less than 140 drachmas. Unfortunately the evidence as to the wage of a weaver at this time is slight. In P. Oxy. 737 (ca. 1 A. D.) the wage of a weaver is given as 31½ asses per day. The editors of this document equate 3 obols 2 asses, and at this rate the earn- ings of a weaver for a year of 364 days would approximate 335 drachmas. We do not have any evidence that this wage included keep (cf. P. Oxy. 736, where expenses for keep are G - INTRODUCTION xxiii a allowed), but in either case the percentage exacted by the state in taxation is a terrific burden. This furnishes a strik- ing example of the Roman exploitation of Egypt (cf. Milne, Journal of Roman Studies, VII. pp. 6 ff.; Rostovtzeff, Journal of Economic and Business History, I. pp. 337 ff.) and pro- vides a sufficient explanation of the depopulation of Philadel- phia and surrounding villages revealed in the complaints of tax-collectors a few years later (P. Graux, 1 and 2). - PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 1. DAY-BOOK OF ARREARS 33 x 29 cm. 24-25 A. D. This document, although much faded and torn, is of interest because it is a record of arrears of the ovvráέuov. Four col- umns are preserved, containing the accounts from Choiak to Pharmouthi. The margin on the left is unusually wide, and it is evident that the accounts for the first three months were recorded on another sheet. In Col. IV, two payments were made on Pharmouthi 22, and the remainder of the column was left blank. Evidently the payment of arrears was com- pleted at this date. While lists of delinquents or accounts of arrears in taxation may be found in other documents (cf. P. Ryl. 213, P. Fay. 42a, B. G. U. 1613, P. Cornell 24), day- books of payments of arrears are rare (cf. Stud. Pal. XXII, 67, 1. 43). The payments are made in the eleventh year of an unnamed emperor. Since the character of the hand is similar to that in Nos. 1-6 and P. Cornell 21, and since many of the names (19 in all) appear in these registers dating from the reign of Tiberius, we have no hesitation in dating this document in 24-25 A. D. While the tax is not named, the payments are in 4 or multi- ples of 4 drachmas, or for the sum of 6 chalci and 1 drachma 1 obol (Cy a—). These units are so frequent with the pay- ment of the ovvráέuov, that there can be no doubt that this document deals with arrears of this tax at Philadelphia (cf. pp. xiiiff.). The payment of chalci and of the pig-tax, both of which are associated with the ovvráέuov in this village (cf. pp. xiiiff.) is the item for which the Philadelphians seem to be chiefly in arrears, for the majority of the entries record these supplementary charges. The arrears were evidently paid at 1 ૭ PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS the bank (cf. pp. xvii f.), and there is no evidence that the XЄipioτaί were concerned in their collection. An unusual chronological problem is found in the arrange- ment of the months in 24 A. D. In Col. I payments begin on Choiak 6 and continue to the 14th. The scribe then makes a new heading μηνὸς Σεβαστοῦ ἴε, and payments continue from the 15th to the 30th of this month. The entries for Tybi fol- low. At this time Sebastus was the first, and New Sebastus the third month of the year. It is evidently impossible that the scribe should interpolate the entries of the first month between Choiak and Tybi, and it seems necessary to assume that in 24 A. D. Choiak was renamed Sebastus for the latter half of the month. It was not unusual to name special days as Zeẞaoraí (Hohmann, Zur Chronologie der Papyrus- urkunden, 63 ff.; Blumenthal, Archiv, V, pp. 317 ff.), but there is no example of the temporary renaming of a part of a month such as we find in this document. So far as is known, there is no event in connection with the imperial family in 24 A. D. which would call for this honor. Perhaps the famine indicated in Tacitus (Annals, IV. 6. 4) for 23 A. D. had been seriously felt in Egypt, and Choiak may have been renamed Zeẞaotós in honor of Tiberius because he had authorized meas- ures which brought relief to the Egyptians. 5 Col. I Χοίαχ ια (ἔτους) ὑπὲρ ι (ἔτους) द् Haveṛ[Būs] ιγ Ψοσνεῦς ιδ Παποντῶ(τος) Ηρακλ(έους) Κεφάλ(ου) Πετεσούχου [ ]ευς Νεκφε[ρῶτος] Πετεύ[χου μη(νὸς) Σεβαστοῦ τε ια (ἔτους) ὑπ(ερ) ι (ἔτους) V Πετεῦ[χος] Πανετ[βῦς] Πετεύ[χου] Πραξίου • • Cx a - κδ S Cxa - Cxa- ] 1. DAY-BOOK OF ARREARS 3 10 15 20 25 Κερᾶς Ψάμις 10 ιζ Ἕλλην Ατομεῦς Τρύφων Διονύσιο (s) τη Ὀννῶφρις Ηλιόδωρος Ὀρσενοῦφις Παχεῦρις [ [ [ [ [ [ Μύσθ(ας) Ἡρακλῆ(s) Ἰσχυ[ρίω]ν Κεφ[άλων] Πανετβ(ῦς) ιθ Εκτωρ Μυσθαρίω(ν) Πετεῦχ(ος) 5 κ Πετεῦχ(ος) Πετεῦς Πετεῦς Πετεῦ[ ] Μύσθ(ας) Ψενατῦμ(ις) Πτ...ευς Ἡ[ρακλῆς] Πετεῦχ(ος) Σαμβ(ᾶς) ] ] ] ] ] ]νις Ὡραυσίου ᾿Απύγχεως Σαμβᾶτο(s) ῎Αγρωνο (s) Μέλανο (s) Πετερμούθ(ου) (ὁμοίως) γέρδιος Διοσκουρίδ(ου) Νεκφερῶ (τος) Διο[ Παπ[οντῶτος] Ψενατ[ύμεως] Ἡρᾶτο (s) Σαμβ(ᾶτος) Ἰάσωνο (s) Δε( ) [Ἰ]σίωνο(ς) Παποντῶ(τος) (ὁμοίως) Λεύκ(ου) Π[α]νετβ(ύιος) Π[α]νε[τβύιος] Col. II Πεταρψενή (σιος) Πανετβ(ύιος) Πανουεῖτ(ος) Πανοῦτ(ος) Μύσθ(ου) γέρδ(ιος) (ὁμοίως) γέρδ(ιος) (ὁμοίως) (ὁμοίως) Λυσιφρη(s) Μύσθ(ου) κδ Πετεύχ(ου) Μέρρεως Πανετβ (ύιος) γέρδ(ιος) Θηβᾶτ(ος) Κ Κ Cx a Cx a Cx a Cx α Cx Cx a Cxa- α Cxa- Cχα. [..Cx] a ทุ Cxa- Cya CX Cxa- α CX Cx a CX CX α α α Cya Cxa- ] α Cxa- Cxa- Cx a- Cxa- | │ 4 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS (ὁμοίως) ’Ατ( (ὁμοίως) ᾿Απέω(νος) 15 20 25 5 Πανομγ(εῦς) κβ Πραξίας κγ Μέρων κε Ἡρακλ(ῆς) ὃς κ(αὶ) Λεῦκο(ς) (ὁμοίως) Πνεφερῶς [ 15 ]ν ᾿Αγχ]ορίμφι[s] [κϚ [Κολλ]οῦθ(ος) [κζ ] [Ἡ]ρακλ(ῆς) [Π]νεφερῶς Πολέμω(ν) Τεῶς Σα[ Μο...ς ῾Αροννῶφρις ᾿Απολλώνι[ος] 10 λἩρακλῆ(s) ᾿Αρχεδή[μου] Πνεφ[ερῶτος] [ Ψενατ[ύμεως)] Μύσθ(ου) (ὁμοίως) [[ὑφορβ(ός)]] κη Ατρῆς Ἡρᾶς ὃς κ(αὶ) Πνεφερῶ(s) ᾿Απέω(νος) Κ Ἡγήμων Ἡρακλῆ(s) κε Δια[. . Ἰ]σίωνος Παποντῶ(s) λ Μένας [ ]a() .ov... Col. III Ἡρακλῆ(s) Ὥρου ᾿Ατιλ (ῶνος) (ὁμοίως) Πετσῖρις (ὁμοίως) νε(ωτέρου) Κενε( ) Ψενατῦμις κθ Δῖος βουκ(όλος) ις Cya (ὁμοίως) πρόγ(ονος) Αλωφις δ Cxa- …….]v[ ] Αρυώτου λα Ἑριεῦς Τῦβι ια (ἔτους) ὑπὲρ ι (ἔτους) ιδ Πανουειβῆ(s) Κολλούθ(ου) Κολλούθ(ου) Ἡρᾶτο(s) ῾Αροννώ(φρεως) Σαμβ(ᾶτος) γέρδ(ιος) υἱὸς Τι...η( ) Cχ α a Αγχ(ορίμφιος) Πανετβ (υίος) (ὁμοίως) ἱερεύς Νεοῦτ(ος) (ὁμοίως) νε(ωτέρου) (ὁμοίως) [ η Cx a- μδ Cχ α -- .δ δ Cxa- мб сха Cχα Cxa- CX Cxa- Cx Cya C Εχα ιβ Cχα- α ] Ca η Cxa CX α λβ Ελβ 1 1. DAY-BOOK OF ARREARS 5 10 5 κ.Π....S 15 . I. Col. IV Μεχείρ ια (ἔτους) ὑπὲρ ι (ἔτους) Δι[ • [ Jus 'Ov [vw]pp[is] III. κ [Ἡρα]κλῆ[s] K λ Δῖος .S ζ Φᾶσις Φᾶσις Ψεν[ Πν[εφερῶτος] Νεκφ(ερῶτος) [ [ ]ωρο[μ] } [Σ]αμβ[ᾶς] Φάσις Φᾶσις ᾿Ακου[σίλαος] Νεμίων Φαμε(νώθ) ια (ἔτους) ὑπὲρ ι (ἔτους) Ατρήους (ópoíws) vió(s) [Ατρήους] (ópoíws) v(iós) Πνε[φ]ερ[ῶτος] Ζωΐλου Ερίεως K Κ Ῥωμᾶς [Φα]ρμο(ῦθι) κβ ὑπὲρ ι (ἔτους) Cx Ο ် 9. Λυσιφρης. Not in Preisigke, Namenbuch. 12. The restoration H[ρακλῆς] is from No. 14. III. 5. ιβ κη Cxa- Cxa- CX a Cx a- 1. Faint traces of letters appear at the end of the line. The name of the emperor may have been recorded here. 7. The scribe left a line vacant between 11. 7 and 8 as if he intended to begin the entry of the following day. There is, however, no trace of a date at the left of 1. 8. 26. It is tempting to read νεώ (τερος) here but the reading Δε with a sign of abbreviation resembling omega is plain. II. 6-8. The succession of three similar names is unusual. In 1. 8 the papyrus is broken, and we should probably restore Πετεῦ[χος]. 15. Ατ( ). Possibly αὐ(λητής) should be read. 22. Cf. P. Cornell 21, 74. 24. The scribe erased ὑφορβός and wrote βουκόλ(ος) below. 25. The reading is very uncertain. 5. Reading uncertain. Either Κλε( ), Κενε( ), or Καλε (). 6 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 11. On the significance of this date, cf. Introduction to No. 9. 16. Ata[...]. A gap of about three letters appears in the papyrus. It is difficult to see what restoration can be made. From here on the papyrus is so badly broken that it is impossible to indicate the number of letters lost. IV. 9-10. Apparently the same people who complete their payments in 11. 14-15. 17. Two entries followed, and the remainder of the column was left blank. 2. REGISTER OF TAXES 52 x 28 cm. 25 A. D. This fragment of papyrus is now badly worm-eaten and torn, so that complete decipherment is impossible. Portions of seven columns still remain. Of the first nothing is pre- served except a few entries of payments. In Col. II only two names were recorded and the remainder was left blank. Evidently the record for the month was completed. The third column has the prescript which not only dates the document in the eleventh year of Tiberius, but also describes it as a record of payments of the ovvrásov at Philadelphia. The entries for Epiph begin here and continue to the end of· the fragment. In Col. VII the record of the patronymics and payments is lost at the right, and at the bottom three or four entries have disappeared. In 1. 24 of the last column the entries of Epiph 23 begin, and eight names are still pre- served under this date. The editors of the Cornell papyri believed that No. 21 in their collection was a continuation of this fragment, but the following considerations show that this theory is impossible. In P. Cornell 21. III. 31 the payments for Epiph 26 are recorded. Lines 19-31 contain the entries of the preceding day. The date is gone, but we may assume that it was Epiph 25, although it is evident that payments were not always made every day in the month. The 19 lines at the top of this column are now lost, but it is clear that 2. REGISTER OF TAXES 7 they contained the record of at least one other day, which may have been Epiph 24. At the bottom of Col. II the entry of a total of 128 drachmas in the margin shows that the record of another day is completed. This total must be for Epiph 23 at the latest. If P. Cornell 21 is a continuation of our fragment, then the total of 128 drachmas must be the amount contributed by 86 taxpayers (37 each in Cols. I and II in P. Cornell 21, and 12 in our fragment, Col. VII, 25-37). The average payment per head in our fragment is 10 drachmas. In P. Cornell 21 the average payment for Mesore is approximately 12 drachmas, and the eight entries still preserved at the bottom of Col. II in the latter roll show a total of 80 drachmas. It is quite evident that the total of 128 drachmas recorded at the bottom of P. Cornell 21, Col. II represents the payments of less than half a column. The record of Epiph 23, therefore, began about the middle of Col. II in P. Cornell 21, and the two pieces can not belong to the same roll or to the same year. Unfortunately the Cornell fragment cannot be dated exactly. Professor Kraemer has kindly placed his excellent photographs of this document at our disposal. In Col. IV. 4, where a date was evidently recorded, the ink has faded out pretty badly. There is a space of about 4 cm. between Me [oo]p[n] and the sign for eros. Possibly the original reading was Me[oo]p[n διαγ(εγραμμένον) συντ(άξιμον)] . . (ἔτους) (ef. No. 2. III. 2-3). The year can not be determined. On internal evidence it seems to be later than that of No. 8 in this collection (cf. p. 24). Our document is a day-book of payments of the ovvráέpov. The instalments vary from 4 to 44 drachmas, and are uni- formly in 4, or multiples of 4 drachmas. The extra assess- ments of 6 chalci and the pig-tax of 1 drachma 1 obol, associated with the ovvráέpov at Philadelphia, were some- times paid, but these minor taxes were not added in with the total of the daily receipts. The payments for Epiph may be summarized as follows: 2 8 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS No. of Payments 11 3 Total 140 dr. 44 6 52 (at least) 4 32 (at least) ITE 44 16 168 5 49 43 32 556 360 48 (at least) 12 (at least) Day ? ? 11 12 13? 14? 17 19 21? 23 Total 152 (at least) 1476 (at least In this summary we have assumed that the average column had 37 entries (cf. Col. V), and that the payment was at least 4 drachmas in those cases where the record is now lost. The system of checking employed in this document is similar to that found in P. Cornell 21. At the left of the name, the clerk drew a short thick stroke downward (appar- ently made often by two short strokes of the pen). This was probably done when the entries from the day-book were transferred to the ledger. For a discussion of the taxes recorded in this document and methods of collection, cf. pp. xiii ff. See 2PE A4) In Col. I. 11. 1-8 there are preserved the traces of entries at the right of the column as follows: ]Múo (ov) d, d, .; ., n, d, d, n. [Ακ]ουσιλᾶ(s) Τρύφων Col. II (ὁμοίως) (ὁμοίως) ἱερε(ύς) xd Cx a- 8 Col. III Έτους ια Τιβερίου Καί[σαρος] Σεβαστοῦ Ἐπείφ δ[ιαγεγραμ(μένον)] συντάξιμ(ον) Φιλαδελφε(ίας) τ(οῦ) α(ὐτοῦ) [(ἔτους)] • Σαμβᾶς Ἡρακλήου K 2. REGISTER OF TAXES 9 5. 10 15 ρμ 20 25 μδ […] 30 […] [Ἡρακλείδ]ης [Διοσκῦς] [ ] [ Javs [Τρ]ύφων [Μύσ]θας [ Νε[..]ειων [Πομ]ψάϊς [ 1. ως • ᾿Απολλών(ιος) Πα[τύ]νις ΜΕ [ [ [ [ 1 ] ….[ ιβ Πουῶρις Τεῶς ] τα Λέων νεώ (τερος) (ὁμοίως) Πανετβ(ῦς) Κεφάλων [Α]λλῶνις ιγ Παῶς Ἰσίδωρος ῾Αρμιῦσις ] ] Σαμβᾶτος Σαμβᾶτο(s) (ὁμοίως) ὑφορβ(ός) Μύσθου Λεωνίδου Σαμβαθίω(νος) ἱππο(κόμος) ῾Αρυώτο(υ) Ἰωση[ ] 'I[wo]n[ ] ωσ [ [ Νααρα[ὗτος] Σερᾶ[τος] [ ] ] [Σαμβ]αθί[ωνος] Πεκύσιος Πανετβ (ύιος) Πανετβ(ύιος) Πανετβ(ύιος) ᾿Απολλω( Ἑριέως νε(ωτέρου) Πετεύχου Ἡρακλ[ Κ ] Κ 8 Cx a- δ ် η Cxa- η мб сха- δ 8] 1 η ] ιβ ιβ Cχ α a ιβ ιβ ιβ ) Σa..o( ) Ο 35 μδ Col. IV Lines 1-6 are missing. A date, probably ιδ or te, was given at the beginning of line 1. At the right of the column the papyrus is broken off from 11. 1-16. I 10 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS Π[ [ ]a[ Σ[ι]σούις 10 Πτολ[λ]αῦς Σαμβ[ᾶς] Ἰσχυρίων Πετουρί[ων Μένας ᾿Απολλώνις Παῶς πρε(σ)β(ύτερος) [ 15 20 25 5 ρξη λβ ιζ Ὀρσενοῦφις Ὀρσενοῦφις [Σ]αμβᾶς [...].ς [...]. ιθ Παγκράτη(s) Πυλάδης Πτόλλις [ [ [ [ Is ] Πετεμο (ύνιος) Πετεμ (ούνιος) Σισόιτος Ατρήους (ὁμοίως) Ὥρου νε(ώτερος) Αρμᾶτο(s) (ὁμοίως) Δυμ(αίου) Λύκου ᾿Αμενν(έως) [N]εκφερῶς Μιθραδάτη(s) ῎Αδραστος Ἡρακλῆς Πετερμοῦθ(ις) Μύσθ(ας) Αρ[....]ς [ 1 The remainder of the column is missing except for traces of letters in lines 31-35. ]μ[.]ν ( ) Σαμβᾶτο(s) ]μ[.]s Αρφαήσεως Col. V Νεκφερῶ (τος) γέρδ(ιος) Σαμβᾶτο(ς) Ἰάτω(νος) η Αρφαή (σεως) αὐλ(ητής) Πασίωνος Πασίων [ος (ὁμοίως) Ψενοβάστεως δ ιβ δ ωω ιβ δ iß C[x a -] δ ωωωωω δ δ λβ η 1 • 2. REGISTER OF TAXES 11 10 Πανομγεῦς Ὧρος Ἰσίων 15 20 25 30 35 φιξ Πετεῦχο(s) Καλλίστρατο (s) Εὐήμερος ῾Αρφαῆσις Ὧρος ᾿Απολλώνος Παῆσι[s] Σεοῦρις ...λ..ς Σώστρατος ΦΕ Μέρρις Πανομεῦς Σαμ[βᾶ]ς [Η]ρακλ[ῆς] 'Epie [us] Πετεῦχ[ος] [Πτ]όλλις Ἑριεῦς Μυ[ [Ὡ]ρίων [Π]ετεῦχος [Λε]οντῦς Δῖος Ὡρίων ] Ψενατῦμις κ. Δαμ[ᾶς [Πε]τερμοῦθ(ις) ΜΠ Ἡ[ ].αρεβ( Ε[ὐημέρ]ου Ἰσ[χυρί]ωνος ΑΓ [ ..[ ... [ [ Ορσενούφεως Ἕκτωρος Πανομέως ᾿Απολλωνίου [ [ 1. ape() Ψάμιδ(ος) Ἡρᾶτ(ος) ἀδελφ(ός) (ὁμοίως) Ἡρακλή (ου). ] ] 1 ]τερ.ου ] (ὁμοίως) Ηρα[ Ἑρμίου Πτολεμαίου ...[ Λεοντέως Col. VI Π..... ].... (ópoíws) Evr(v)x(ovs) “ “ δ Cxa- ιβ η Cx a η ] δ co co με Cχ α [ι]β.. ιβ Led Led LLS η ] ] ] ] 8 Cxa- δ 1η δ 12 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 5 20 10 . 15 20 25 30 ᾿Ανουβίων [X]αιρήμων [....]ας [ Πα[λ]λῆς [....]ας [Πνε]φερῶς [Πν]εφερῶς Vacat Ὧρος [ [ [((Μ]ύσθας Πετερμούθ(ιος) πρε(σ)β(ύτερος) [Πετ]ερμοῦθ(ις) S Javs ῾Ατρῆς Πνεφερῶς Νεκφε[ρῶς] ] [ [ [ ]s ] Ἡρακλέους Μερρέους Ὀρσενούφε(ως) Πετεύχ(ου) Φαλῆ(τος) Διδύμου Ἡρακλή(ου) (ὁμοίως) (ὁμοίως) νε(ώτερος) ] ] 32-34 Wholly illegible Τεῶτος Πετεαρμώτ[ης] Πανετβ (ϋς) บร Σαμβᾶς Νεκφερῶς Μύσ[θου] Ορσενούφε(ως) Πε.τευς (ὁμοίως) νε(ώτερος) χαλκ (εύς) Πετεύχου Ψε.αυς Διδύμου Ἡρακλῆς Ἑριεῦς (ὁμοίως) νε(ώτερος) καρπώ(νης) Σάτοκος Ὡρίων Ἡρακλέους (ὁμοίως) (ὁμοίως) ᾿Ανδρονίκου Μύ[σθ]ου Κεβ( ) Vacat versus unus Τεῶτος Πετερμο[ύθιος] Μύσθ(ου) δ us Cx a Ἡρακλέξου}ους Μύ(σ)θ(ου) ιβ [Ν]εκθῶτος ιβ Col. VII Μερρ[οῦς] Πετεύχο(υ) Δίου Ψητ[ Σοῦρος d η Cx a α η η • co ιβ ် ωω Xx δ κβ)) ις ๆ η δ ် ιβ η ιβ ιβ 8 δ Cxa- 2. REGISTER OF TAXES 13 5 Σοῦρος 10 15 20 25 30 τξ III. Σαμβᾶς Ἡρακ[λῆ]ς Δε[ Ὀννῶφρις Ἰσχυρίων Πυλάδης Νεκφ[ερ]ῶς ᾿Ανουβίω[ν Νεκφε[ρῶς Ἰσ[χ]υρ[ Ψ[ Ψ[ε]νοβάστι[s Πνεφ[ερῶς Ψενοβῆς Σισόϊς κγ Ἑρμίας Πετσίρις Πολυφάντη(s) Πνεφερῶς Ἡρακλῆς "Ωρος Ὀννῶφρις Πετερμοῦθ(ις) νεώτερος Σισ[όϊτος] νε(ώτερος) (ὁμοίως) (ὁμοίως) 00 Cols. I and II evidently contained the end of the day-book for Payni. Only two names were recorded in Col. II and the rest of the column was left blank. The supplementary taxes paid by Acousilas were the 6 chalci, and the pig-tax of 1 drachma 1 obol. The latter is represented in the papyrus by an alpha with a long trailing stroke. 1-3. For this heading ef. No. 10. 1. 1-3. 4. The day of the month is uncertain. A horizontal stroke under the sign for the date indicates either γ, G, or ζ. 14 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS V. VI. 5-6. The restorations are suggested by P. Cornell 21, 92-94 where Sambas and his two sons, Heracleides and Dioscys, pay their taxes together. 16. The day cannot be determined. 22. Only the tops of the letters remain. The traces seem to indicate some name such as ПIETε[ 1. 26. The total for the eleventh must be at least 52 drachmas. 27-30. Three members of the family of Panetbys pay together. In P. Cornell 21, 423 only Teos appears. The total for the 12th is at least 32 drachmas. 31. 32. IV. 18-19. Two payments by the same person on the same day. Cf. Nos. 8, V. 14; 9. II. 5. Since a total was given at the bottom of Col. III, the entries of a new day begin at the top of Col. IV. The difficulty of restoration lies in the fact that the date in III. 32 seems to be e, and in IV. 18 the reading is . Perhaps we should read here and [] in IV. 1. 2. 'IάTw(vos). Read 'Iάow(vos). 3. Possibly [Пaµ]µ[é]vn[s] should be restored. Cf. P. Cornell 23. 43. 6-7. Of these two brothers only Mithradates appears in P. Cornell 21. 365. 11. The reading is uncertain. It cannot be [π]pe(σ)ẞ(úrepos). 12. The restoration E[vnμép]ou is from No. 10. II. 20. 26. Not the same entry as in P. Cornell 21. 213 as ПIveдepwtos cannot be read here. 33. Cf. P. Cornell 21. 241. 36. Cf. P. Cornell 21. 262. 3. The date may be either the 21st or 22nd. 4. The reading eur is uncertain. 13. The scribe left a line blank here and after 1. 28. Nor- mally this is done when he begins an entry for another day, but in neither case is there any evidence of a total or a date. The chi at the end of line 13 seems mean- ingless. Probably it is nothing more than a trial stroke of the pen. 15-16. A bracket was drawn at the right of these entries, as if they were meant to be deleted. Note the unusual entry of 22 drachmas for Mysthas. 18-22, 24-28. These accounts were bracketed by the scribe. Si- milar deletions are found in P. Cornell 21. It is idle to speculate as to reasons why the entries were first made and later cancelled. No check marks were made against these entries. 2. REGISTER OF TAXES 15 [ [ [ 5 [ [ [ 3. REGISTER OF TAXES 18 x 21 cm. ca. 20-33 A. D. Nos. 3-6 are four small fragments of papyri, evidently parts of day-books of the ovvrásov (cf. pp. xiii ff.). The writing and the general form of the document are very similar to Nos. 1 and 2 and P. Cornell 21, and we believe that the same clerk compiled all these records. In 34 A. D. a different scribe was in charge of the day-book at Philadelphia (No. 10), and this gives a terminus post quem non for dating these smaller fragments. The prior limit cannot be determined, but it is probably not much earlier than 20 A. D. No. 3 preserves a part of the lower half of three columns. It is similar in writing, system of checking, and methods of making entries to No. 2 and P. Cornell 21, and it is quite. possible that it may be a part of one of the larger rolls to which these day-books once belonged. The verso was used in 34 A. D. to record a few entries of the poll-tax. Col. I [ [ 10 [ [ [ [ E ] 1 -~~▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 1 Jov ᾿Ανουβίωνο(s) (ὁμοίως) νε(ώτερος) Ασκληπιάδο(υ) 33 Col. II Πνεφερ[ῶτος Ψάμμι[δος η η η 8 n Cx a- ῾Αρμῦσις η ๆ ๆ Ὥρου ᾿Ακινδ (ύνου) Πεταῦτο(s) Καλῆ(τος) Τεῶτ(ος) Που[ώ]ρ[εω]s κη n Cx a- νε(ώτερος) Πετεύχου Βελ( ) κ Ὥρου Στ... 8Cxa- ᾿Αντιγ{γ}ώνου Ἡρακλή (ου) ιβ 8 Cxa- 16 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 5 10 15. 20 25 .T. ρξδ [ [ [ [ [ 10 ]v Νεκφερῶς Μύσθας Μύσθας ] 1 Ίνις ] τ. Μυ[ Ὀννῶφρ[ις] Π[ν]εφερ[ῶς] ᾿Ασκληπιάδη(s) [....]λης Νεκφερῶς Ὀννῶφρις Πτολ[λ]αῦς [Π]ασίων Ωρος Αρμ[ι]ῦσις Πετεῦς Σώστρατος Ἡρακλῆς ᾿Απ[ολλ]ῶν[ι]s Πεβῶς Νέστ[ευς] ζ Πολέμω(ν) Πολέμων Πετεῦχος Πετεῦχ(ος) (ὁμοίως) ᾿Αντιγώνο(υ) Πετεύχου Πε[ ] Ἡρακλή(ου) Πετεαρψ[ενήσεως] η Δε[....]].[..]ρίλο(υ) င် Σισόιτος Νεκφε[ρῶτος Νεκφε(ρῶτος) Τ[αυ]ρίν(ου) Πνεφ[ερῶτος] Παποντῶ(τος) Λεοστράτου Αρφαή(σεως) Μ[ ] (ὁμοίως) γέρδ(ιος) νεώ(τερος) [Ε]κτωρ[ος] [ Γ [ हजु η [0]νν[ώ]φρεως Ἡρακλέους Πετεύχ(ου) Βώλ(ου) Ἡρακλ(έους) Βώλ(ου) [Ψενα]τῦμις [Πα]νετβ(ύιος) 8∞ ∞ η δ η - το Κ ιβ ဝဲ ] αὐλη(τής) δ Cya ] γέρδ(ιος) δ (χα Cx a ]. Co δ K δ K Col. III Five lines with traces of initial letters Σι[σόϊς], Π[ ], Α[πόλλ]ων, Ορσενοῦφις, Σ.μ.ιρμ x ∞o ιβ 4. REGISTER OF TAXES 17 Πετοσίρις Πετεῦρις Πετεῦς Λαέρτη(s) Πετεῦρις ΑΓ ῾Αρψ[ήμιος II. 7. A total was entered at the left. Of the figures only Pi can be read. We should probably restore pr. or some similar amount which would be divisible by 4. 8. The date at the beginning of the line is partly gone. 28. NÉOT (EUS). Not in Preisigke, Namenbuch. III. 6. The total is 164 dr. [ [ [ ]ους ] ] 4. REGISTER OF TAXES 7 x 8 cm. ca. 20-33 A. D. This small fragment apparently contains the record of a* single day's payments of the ovvтápov. Although so little συντάξιμον. is preserved, it differs from the other day-books in our collec- tion in one respect. In giving the total of the daily receipts, the scribe added up the payments of the ovvráέıµov, and then recorded the amount paid in on the pig-tax as well. This document gives definite proof that the alpha with a long trailing stroke, recorded after the payment of chalci in this and our other day-books, designates the pig-tax of 1 drachma 1 obol (cf. pp. xiii ff.). Петш ( ) Αρφαή(σεως) Στράτ(ου) ᾿Αν[οῦ]βις (ὁμοίως) (γίγνονται) S ξ υἱ(κή) Sβ = Si Exa- Si E x a SK8 Ꮪ 8 18 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS ca. 20-33 A. D. This fragment is broken at the right and left sides, and as the standard height of our day-books and ledgers is 28 cm. the lower half is lost. Apparently the three columns partly preserved contain a part of the record of daily payments of the ovvráέyov (cf. pp. xiii ff.). Little of value is preserved. The amounts were checked by a short vertical stroke (cf. No. 6). 10 [ [ 15 5. REGISTER OF TAXES 13 x 14 cm. ] Of the remainder of the column practically nothing remains except one or two entries of amounts. Col. II In lines 1-5 the ink has faded to such an extent that only a few letters can be read. [Πετ]ερμ[οὖθις Ἑριεῦς Πετεῦρ [ις [Ανο]υβίω[ν] *Opos [ [ [ [ [ Πτερμ(ού)θ(ης) Ψενοβ[ᾶστις] Ψ[οσν]εῦς II[ETε]US 1 Col. I Ὥρου Μύσθ(ου) ] 1 1 ] ILLU ...] Μύ[σθου] Ą. Ap [ لا ] ] Πτερ[ Πτερ[ 1 Πτερμ[ ] Αρφαή(σεως) 15 λβ Νεκφερῶ (τος) Πετεύχ(ου) [IIer]eux (ov) Νεκφ[ερῶτος] 33333 ιβ Ự ιζ ؟ iç S Co Co 6. REGISTER OF TAXES 19 LO 20 IIveдep [ws Μύσθ(ας) "A[T] is Ωρος "Απις 10 Ἑρμίας 5 Περ... Ψενοβ(ἄστις) 15 Παῦνι ῎Απις Ωρου Ωρος [...]δας [ [ (γίγνονται) S ρμ. ]@[ Col. III 6. REGISTER OF TAXES 9 x 28 cm. ca. 20-33 A. D. This fragment contains a part of two columns which evi- dently belong to a day-book of payments of the ovvτážiµov (cf. pp. xiii ff.). It is recorded on the verso of No. 7, and should be placed after it chronologically, but we have grouped the day-books in the same hand together for convenience of com- parison. Col. I had about 28 entries, and there is a space for six or seven more at the bottom. Probably the day's record was complete, and the scribe left the remainder of the column blank. If there was a date entered at the top of Col. II, it must have stood in the margin at the left of the column where the papyrus is now broken. The entries are checked by a short vertical stroke above the sum (cf. No. 5). ζων Col. I S Πυλ]άδο(υ) Πυλάδο(υ) B ܤ ιβ 20 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 10 5 10 15 20 25 5 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ σις Μύσθας Πανετβ(ῦς) ]s Ἕλλην ᾿Αλκίμ[αχος] Δι[κρ]άνη[s] Π....5 Μύσθας Is ] --- ] ] v[ ][ [Νεκ]φερῶ(s) [Λεον]ίδης [Παν]ετβ(ῦς) [Απύγ]χις Πνεφερῶς ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ---- ᾿Αρ[σε]ν[οῦφις] Ἡρακ[λ]ῆς πρε(σ)β(ύτερος) Περ.[ ]ιος Π[α]σίωνο(s) Σ]ερᾶπις ᾿Ανοῦπις Π]ετερμούθ (ιος) Πνεφερῶ(τος) Παν[ Παν[ Apa.n() Τεῶτ(ος) Παν[ε]τβ(ύιος) ᾿Ατομέως 8ευυυ Πνεφερῶ (τος) (ὁμοίως) νε(ωτέρου) ‘Ατρήο(vs) κδ Παναῦτο(s) (ὁμοίως) πρόγ(ονος) Χλω( ) ..τωτο(s) Ὀρσενούφε(ως) Πετεύχ(ου) (ὁμοίως) νε(ωτέρου) ]χεο () [Π]αποντ[ῶτος ]Πετεύχ(ου) ]Ἡρᾶτο(s) Col. IT Νεκφερῶ (τος) Αρφαή(σεως) Αρφαή (σεως) Αρφαή(σεως) ᾿Αλκι[μάχου] Αλκ[ιμάχου] ιβ ις Κ λβ μ ် ις « Cxa- 8 7. REGISTER OF TAXES 21 10 M[úo]0a[s] *Opos 15 20 V[€]vo[B]áσT [IS] Κεφ[άλων] Πανετβ[ΰς) Φαῆσις Φαῆσις Κεφάλων Ἴσχις Πανετβ (ϋς) Πετεῦχ(ος) Ἰσχ[υρ]ίων Δῖος Four lines missing. in the next four lines. Ψεν[οβάστις], Χεῦ[σις]. ¥[ (ὁμοίως) Ὀρσ[ενούφεως] (ὁμοίως) Κεφ[άλωνος] Ke[ Traces of initial letters are preserved Then follow Ap[ ], Παπ[οντῶς], 7. REGISTER OF TAXES 9 x 28 cm. , ca. 20-30 A. D. This fragment is the recto of No. 6 and should be dated a few years earlier. A comparison of Nos. 9 and 10 shows that the verso of the ledger was used three years later as a day- book. Apparently there was little need of preserving these records after the names of delinquents were copied off. No. 7 has a part of two columns. Only a few payments can be de- ciphered in Col. I. These are in instalments of 4 drachmas (or multiples of 4), and evidently the document is a ledger of the ovvτáέiμov. In Col. II twelve names were entered by a scribe whose hand is very similar to that in No. 8. A space of two lines was left under each name for the record of his payments, which were entered by a second clerk. Neither of these hands resembles that of the compiler of the day-books (Nos. 1-6). The names are not arranged alphabetically, and 22 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS the record is probably that of a street or quarter of Philadel- phia (cf. No. 8). Of the twelve names recorded, only five are checked as having paid in full,—Orsenouphis, Aron( ), He- ras, Apollonius, and Ptolion. In Column I there are traces of a few dates and tax pay- ments. 5 16 15 30 // // // " Col. II Ὀρσενοῦφις [ Φαῶφι κε [ ᾿Ανουβᾶς [ Φαρμ(οῦθι) Πανετ[βῦς] Φᾶσις [ Πομ[σάϊς] 'Αρον[ 'Hpã [s] Χοί(ακ) ä S δ Χοί(ακ) Φαμ (ενώθ) [Α]πολλώνιο[s Χοί(ακ) ä S δ Φαμ(ενώθ) κδ S ᾿Αμμῶνις [ Κοννῶς [ Παναῦς [ Φαῶφι λτζη Φαρ (μούθι) τε Πτολίων [ και ζη 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 23 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 166 x 28 cm. ca. 27-32 A. D. This roll of ten columns is well preserved. In a couple of places the surface has been damaged by peeling, and a few lines have been lost. The decipherment has been complicated by the fact that the document was rolled up while the ink was still wet, and many of the lines have been badly blotted. Apparently the register is complete. There is room for another column at the end, and the accounts on the verso (No. 13) are evidently preserved in their entirety. The document is in the form of a ledger. The name, patronymic, metronymic, and age were recorded by the scribe who prepared the list, which was probably copied from the roll of the census (cf. P. Lond. II. pp. 17 ff. No. 257; Wes- sely, Stud. Pal. I. 58; Wilcken, Grundzüge, p. 195). Usually twelve names were entered in each column, and a space of about two lines was left under each entry for the record of payments. The scribe was somewhat careless, for the ages were often omitted, although the sign L was usually given (cf. especially Cols. VIII, IX). The payments were entered by another clerk who wrote a rather indifferent hand. Be- cause of its minute cursive character, it is difficult to deter- mine whether one or more shared in this part of the work. It is clear, however, that the entries of payments through the Xeipirai were made either by a different scribe or at a dif- ferent time. In some cases these entries were crowded in at the left after the others had been recorded; in other cases, it looks as if the clerk had intentionally provided space at the -left of the line for later entries. The names in this ledger are not recorded alphabetically as in No. 9. Since members of the same family are grouped together, the arrangement is probably topographical, and the document is a register of a quarter or tax-precinct of Philadelphia. No date is indicated on the document. From the character of the hand, Mr. H. I. Bell ascribed it to the early part of the 1 24 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS first century after Christ. The prosopographical evidence confirms his judgment, for many of the names recorded here appear in the day-books from the reign of Tiberius published in this volume and in P. Cornell 21. The date may be further limited to the years 26-32 A. D. for the following reasons. In P. Cornell 21 (343-4) Phasis and Socmenis, sons of Hera- cleus, pay their taxes together.. In our list Phasis and his two older brothers, Petermouthes and Sochotes, pay together, while Socmenis is not named (I. 26-II. 4). From an ex- amination of several tax-registers it is noticeable how often members of the same family pay their instalments together. We may, perhaps, assume that Petermouthes and Sochotes were dead when P. Cornell 21 was compiled, and that Soc- menis had come of age. Our ledger must be prior in date to the Cornell day-book, and the latter cannot be later than 33 A. D., for the verso contains a record of the poll-tax for 34 A. D. The prosopographical evidence is somewhat precarious, but where name and patronymic are identical, and are sup- plemented by the same descriptive epithet, the identity may be accepted. The following names appear in several registers: 'Aтρñя Aidúμоν (aged 55) X. 19, Nos. 9. III. 3 (30 A. D.), 10. III. 15 (34 A. D.), 14. III. 6, P. Cornell 21. 195. Παποντῶς Παποντῶτος Λαοῦτος (aged 47) I. 1, No. 10. I. 19 (34 A. D.). Пerσipis Ieтσiрews (aged 52) X. 14, No. 10. II. 12 (34 A. D.). Ἡρακλῆς ὃς καὶ Παποντῶς πρόγονος Χαιρήμωνος (aged 54) III. 14, No. 10. I. 24 (34 A. D.). In the latter entry the name Heracles is dropped, but the identity can hardly be questioned. Since Hatres was exempt from taxation at the age of 62 (see below), the earliest possible date for our ledger is 27 A. D. We may therefore limit the date of No. 8 to 27-32 A. D. Of the 122 entries in the ledger 64 paid in full, 22 paid in part, and 36 paid nothing at all. The proportion of delin- quents is very high. We need, of course, the evidence of 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 25 many more ledgers like this to determine whether this ratio is normal or abnormal. In view of the efficiency of the government in the collection of taxes, we are inclined to be- lieve that this record is abnormal, and that the high propor- tion of delinquents is due to local conditions which made it impossible for the natives to discharge their obligations to the state. In No. 9 only two Philadelphians are listed as absent in other villages. In No. 8 the frequent mention of Xepioral in other villages shows that a large number of Philadelphians had been forced to seek remunerative employ- ment away from home in this particular year. Perhaps the failure of the harvests was the cause of the trouble. Tacitus records difficulty with the annona at Rome in 23 A. D. (Ann., IV. 6.4) and in 32 A. D. (Ann., VI. 13.1). Since the annona was largely drawn from Egypt (Wilcken, Hermes, 1928, pp. 48 ff.) we may assume that the harvest in Egypt was a failure in those years. Our ledger cannot be dated in 23 A. D., but it is tempting to place it in 32 A. D. and to explain the number of delinquents in this register as due to the famine recorded by Tacitus. However, until we are sure that the proportion of delinquents is abnormal, it is best not to give a fixed date to this document on such slight evidence. The Graux papyri show that the tax-collectors of Philadelphia and surrounding villages were having difficulty in gathering taxes some years later in this district. The same factors which were causing distress later may have been operative at this earlier period. A study of the ages recorded in this ledger is instructive. Of the eighty-five whose ages are recorded the average is approximately 34.5 years, and they may be classified as follows: Ages 60 and above 50-59 40-49 30-39 Number 2 6 28 15 26 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS Ages 20-29 14-19 Number 17 17 The number between 40-49 is relatively high, and it is some- what surprising to find more in this group than in any other. Above 50 the expectation of life rapidly declines, and there are only two above the age of 54. Of still more interest, however, is the fact that this document gives definite proof that the age of exemption in Egypt at this time is not 60 as has been assumed hitherto (P. Lond. II. p. 20; Wilcken, Grundzüge, p. 189), as one of the citizens in this list paid his full tax at the age of 62 (VII. 1). This may be the upper limit at Philadelphia. Cf. Wessely, Stud. Pal. XXII. 93. 12, ἄλλου ὑπερε[το]ῦς πεπληρωκότος τῷ ἐνεστῶτι ιθ (ἔτει) ἔτη ξβ κτλ. P. Lond. 259 and 260 must be restudied in the light of this document. In the London papyri there are names recorded over 60 (P. Lond. 260, ll. 14, 37, 39) who are evidently not included amongst those listed as ὑπὲρ (ἔτους) ξα Or ἐν ¿λaσoάμari. The meaning of the latter term is not certain, ἐλασσώματι. but it does not necessarily imply that those in this division were exempt. It may be mere accident that no tax-payers over 60 are found in P. Lond. 257 and 258. Cf. Stud. Pal. XX. 40. 5. The ledger records the payments of the ovvráģiμµov, the chalci, and the pig-tax for the year (for these taxes, cf. pp. xiii ff.). The ovvráέov is normally 44 drachmas. but in some cases 48, in others, possibly 52 drachmas was the amount. Payments were made in instalments of 4, or multiples of 4, drachmas. Normally 11 months, if the minimum was paid regularly, would complete the payments. Each month ap- parently had its ȧpílµnois, as a number of documents state that the tax is paid for the ȧpíßµnois of such and such a month (Preisigke, Fachwörter, s. v.; Wörterbuch, s. v.). However, the rule does not seem to have been carried out in practice. In this document, no payments were made in the first three months nor in the last month of the year. The number 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 27 of instalments varies from one to seven, and not a few elect to discharge their obligations in a single payment. An analy- sis of the payments and a comparison with those in our other ledger may be found in the Introduction to No. 9. After the ledger was posted, the names of all those who had paid in full were checked by drawing two sloping parallel lines to the left of the entry and somewhat below the name. The significance of this check is clearly established by this document (cf. Preisigke, Archiv, IV, pp. 95 ff.). If the 122 citizens entered on this list had each paid the normal rate of 44 drachmas, the total of their payments should be 5368 drachmas. They actually paid 3396 drachmas. Westermann and Kraemer estimated the population of Philadelphia at about 1200 taxpayers (P. Cornell 21). On this basis the de- ficiency at Philadelphia in this year would amount to about 20,000 drachmas, assuming that the rest of the population paid proportionately the same as this group. It is not known whether the πрáктwp was personally liable for the deficit at this period (cf. pp. xiii ff., Oertel, Die Liturgie, pp. 195 ff.). As we stated above, the names on this roll were probably taken from the census-list. The payments of Philadelphians living at home were taken from the day-book. The pay- ments through the xepiotaí seem to be entered later than the others. Probably a separate account was kept of these either at the bank or at the bureau of the рáктwp. There is no evidence that they were ever entered in the ordinary day-book. Unfortunately it is not always possible to distin- guish the entries from the day-book and those of the χειρισταί. The latter are usually entered at the left of the account, and the day of the month is rarely given, probably because the Xeipioraí reported their collections monthly. The entries from the day-book usually include the day of payment, but the scribe is not consistent, and the day is often omitted. In a few cases in the text, we have indicated different hands in recording the payments, but there is usually very little dif- ference between them. Unfortunately the names of the vari- 28 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS ous villages are often difficult to decipher, and the abbrevia- tions are not clear. The following may be noted: 'Iep (as), I. 6, 8. Two villages of this name are known. Cf. P. Teb. II. pp. 365 f. Πτολ(εμαίδος) Νέ(ας). Ι. 17, 20, III. 15, 17, 29 (?). Zeß (evvúrov). III. 2, 8, 19, 21, IV. 10, VI. 11. Σεβ(εννύτου). 'Apoió (ns). I. 22, 27, II. 2, 5, 16, V. 2. Vevúpe (ws). III. 27, IV. 2, V. 27. Βουβ(άστου). III. 25. Вovк (óλwv). IV. 15, VII. 12 (In the latter entry the scribe wrote the initial letter only. The sign of abbreviation resembles omega and we restore B (ovкóλwv) rather than Β(ουβάστου). Ὀννιτῶ(ν) Κοιτῶ(ν). V. . Στράτω Σrpáτw (vos). III. 4, 8, 10, 12 (see notes). Κρ(εμαστῆς). I. 11, 13. Hoλ(). I. 15. It is possible that we should read IIroλ( ). For restorations cf. list of villages in P. Tebt. II. pp. 365 ff. Kepk(e). II. 24, 26. Cf. P. Cornell 22, 33. Ισοκν( Πτολ( IσOKY() IITOλ() Ne(). III. 29. The writing is much blurred and the reading is quite uncertain. Apparently the scribe started to write Σοκνο(παίου) Νήσου and then without erasing changed over to IITOλ (epaidos) Né (as). The initial iota may have been meant as a bracket. Kep(). V. 5. Possibly we should read 'Iep (as) here. Ἐπιμάχου χ(ιριστῶν). III. 23. This may be one of the numerous èπoikia in the vicinity, though it is otherwise unknown. It may be the name of the agent, but if so it is the only example in this ledger. In two cases the xapioraí appear without any further descrip- tive epithet (II. 20, IV. 13). Possibly the clerk has omitted the name of the village through oversight, or these may be instances where the tax was collected in Philadelphia by the 1 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 29 local χειρισταί. On the χειρισταί as agents of the πράκτωρ see Meyer, P. Giss. 94; P. Iand. 68. Two entries in the ledger are unusual, and we have found no similar examples. In IV. 6 we find τ( ) τ( ) Ψυῶν, 6 ( T and in IV. 10 τ( ) τ( ) Σεβ (εννύτου). The mark of abbre- viation is carelessly made, but resembles more nearly the sign for eta. We venture to restore τ(ῆς) τ(ραπέζης) (although (ñs) the abbreviation τρ( ) usually appears for τρ(άπεζα), and to suggest as a possible explanation that in these cases the tax was not collected by the χειρισταί, but that it was paid into a local bank in these villages, and reported by it to the officials at Philadelphia. No mention of arrears is made in this ledger (cf. No. 9). It may have been compiled immediately on the close of the Egyptian year, or the arrears may have been recorded in another register. TEXT Col. I 1 Παποντῶ(s) Παπον(τῶτος) Λαοῦ(τος) μη(τρὸς) Ταπελάλ(εως) 2 // Φαρμοῦθ (ι) κη S κ, Παχ(ών) κα S ιβ, Παχ(ών) κ5 Sδ, Επιφ κ.Sη (χ) α Κ 3 Δῖος Παποντῶ(τος) υἱός μη(τρὸς) Ἡρακλέα(s) 4 // Φαρμοῦθ (ι) κη Sιζ, Παχ(ών) κα S ιβ, κγ S δ, Ἐπίφ κ5 Sιβ χα K 5 Ὡρίων Διονυσίου μη(τρὸς) Θαήσεως 6 / χιριστ(ῶν) Ἱερ(ᾶς) Μεχ(ίρ) S κδ, Παχ(ών) S κα // Παῦνι χ α - και Μύσθ(ας) ὃς κ(αὶ) Αὐνῆς ᾿Ανχορίμφι(ος) μη(τρὸς) // Ταυβάστεω(s) 8 χιρι(στῶν) Ἱερ(ᾶς) Τῦβι S κδ 9 Φαμε(νώθ) Sκ χα 10 Σαταβοῦς Σαταβοῦτ(ος) μη (τρὸς) Θεναμο(ύνεως) 11 τ(ῆς) Κρ(εμαστῆς) χ(ιριστῶν) Χοί(ακ) Sις, T Φαρμοῦθ(ι) Sις, 1 μζ ιε L με L κδ 1 λε 30 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS • 12 [ 13 ] // χιριστ(ων) Κρ(εμαστῆς) Χοί(ακ) Sιζ, Παχ(ών) SK CX vi(ký) Sa- 14 Πνεφερῶς Παποντ(ῶτος) Κίλλη(τος) μη(τρὸς) Δημ(ῆτος) 21 22 ܘ - 24 25 26 27 15 16 Αὖξις Ὥρου μη(τρὸς) Απέχεως 17 χιριστ(ῶν) Πτολ(εμαίδος) Νέ(ας) Μεχ(ίρ) Sk 18 Παχ(ών)) διε 19 Μύσθας Πανετβ(ύιος) μη(τρὸς) Θερμουθ(ίου) 20 / χεριστ (ών) Πτολ (εμαίδος) Νέα(s) Φαμε(νώθ) S κ, Παχ(ών) Sιβ χιρ(ιστῶν) Πολ( ) Φαρμ(ούθι) Sk Παῦνι Πιβ χα Ἑριεῦς ῾Αρφαήσεως μη(τρὸς) Στολάρπιο(s) χιριστ(ῶν) ᾿Αρσινόη(s) Παῦνι Sμ Ἡρακλῆ(s) Πετερμούθ(ου) μη(τρὸς) Ταμύσθ(ας) Παχ(ών) κγ Sκδ, Παῦνι κγ Sη Πετερμούθ (ης) Ἡρακλ(ήου) μη(τρὸς) Θαήσεως (2nd hand) χιρ(ιστῶν) Αρσ(ι)ν(όης) (3rd hand) Παχ(ών) κη Sιζ, Παῦνι κγ Sη, 28 (2nd hand) Φαμε(νώθ) SS. Col. II 2 1 Σοχώτης Ἡρακλ(ήου) μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) (2nd hand) x (ipioτív) 'Apoivó (ns) Mex(ip) Sı, (3rd hand) Παχ(ών) κγ Sη, Παῦνι κγ Sη. 3 (2nd hand) Φαμε(νώθ)Sη 4 Φᾶσις Ἡρακλήου μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) 5 (2nd hand) χιρ(ιστῶν) ᾿Αρσινό (ης) Μεχ(ίρ) S, S, (3rd hand) Παχ(ών) κγ Sη Παῦνι κγ Sη L.. L μδ 1 μθ L μδ 1 μθ L& LxS Ꮮ Ꭿ Lik (2nd hand) Φαμεν (ώθ) Sn. με Θεοκλῆς Πτόλλιδ(ος) μη(τρὸς) Τααρμώτιδο(s) // Mex (ip) k¶SiG, Þaµe (vú0) λ Sd, Papµovl (1) Sn Φαμε(νώθ) λιβ Sη, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) λ Sδ, Παῦνι κζ Sδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa χι 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 31 10 Πτόλλις Πτόλλιδ(ος) . ... Θεοκλ(έους) μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) K Ελγ Φαρμοῦθ(ι) κη S κη, Παῦνιλ κζ Sιβχα Λαέρτης Πτόλλιδ (ος) μη(τρὸς) τῆ(ς) αὐτῆ(s) Μεχ(ίρ) κα S η, Φαμ (ενώθ) κη Γη, λίβ S δ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) κη S δ, λ S δ, Ἐπίφ κ5 Sn. κSη. 20 L μδ 15 Αρφαῆσις Ὀννώφρεο(s) μη (τρὸς) Τααρμιύσ(εως) // χιριστ(ῶν) ᾿Αρσινόη(s) Παχ(ών)S κ, Παῦνι S κδχα— ..0..ε.ν Τανάμ(εως) μη(τρὸς) Τανομγέως Μεχίρ. χα // [ • 20 25 Πετεῦχ(ος) Φανομγέως μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) // χιρ(ιστῶν) Κερκ( ) Χοί(ακ) δ ιβ, Τῦβ(ι) S ιβ, Μεχ(ίρ) Sη, Παχ(ών) διβ χα- Πανετβ(ῦς) Μύσθου μη(τρὸς) Τααρεῶ (τος) L λε Col. III 1 Ἰσίδωρος Πετεύχ(ου) μη(τρὸς) Ταύρεως // χιριστ(ων) Σεβ(εννύτου) Μεχ(ίρ) S ιβ, Παῦνι Sλβχυ(κή) Sa- ] χιρ(ιστῶν) Χοία(κ) S ιβ, Τῦβι S ιβ, Παχ(ών) Sις Πανετβ(ῦς) ‘Ατρήους μη(τρὸς) Σαμβο(ὗτος) // Mex (ip) Si, Mex(ip) S¿T, Mex(ip) Si≤ C x υἱ(κὴ) Sa- Πνεφερῶ(s) Φανομγέω(s) Ἴσειδ(ος) μη(τρὸς) Θερμουθ(ίου) // χιρ(ιστῶν) Κερκ ( ) Χοί(ακ) Sιβ, Τῦβι S ιβ, Μεχ(ίρ) Sη, Παχ(ών) Sιβχα- L KE ΚΕ L 1 με L KE LIS ιμε Ελε L μδ Φᾶσις Ἡρακλ(έους) μη(τρὸς) Θερμουθ(ίου) χιριστ(ων) Στράτ(ωνος) Μεχ(ίρ) S κδ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) Sη, Παῦνι Χ ιβ ᾿Ανουβίω(ν) ᾿Ανουβίω (νος) μη(τρὸς) Θανουβίω(νος) L με Αρφαῆσις ᾿Ανουβίζωνος) μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) Lλγ // Στρ(άτωνος) χιριστ(ῶν) Μεχ(ίρ) Sλβ, χιριστ(ων) Σεβ(εννύτου) Παῦνι Πιβ C χα Σεντῶις Τιθουήους μη(τρὸς) Τανεμγέω(s) Lry 32 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS } Ꮮ Ꭿ 10 / χιριστ(ων) Στρ(άτωνος) Παῦνι S μδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa Ἑργεῦς Πετεσούχ(ου) μη(τρὸς) Τειναῦτος // χιριστ(ων) Στρ(άτωνος) Μεχ(ίρ) S κδ, Φαμε(νῶθ) διβ χα Παχ(ών) Sη. Ἡρακλ(ῆς) ὃς κ(αὶ) Παποντῶ(s) πρόγο(νος) Χαιρή(μωνος) μη(τρὸς) Ταποντ(ῶτος) 15 // χιριστ(ων) Πτολ(εμαίδος) Νέα(s) Παχ(ών) S κη, Παῦνι ζιζ χα Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Ἡρακλ(έους) υἱός μη(τρὸς) Τανεσέως // χιριστ(ῶν) Πτολ(εμαίδος) Νέα(s) Παχ(ών) S κη, Παῦνι ζιζ χα Σισόις Ζωίλου μη(τρὸς) Ἑριέως K // Τῦβι ιβ Sκ, Παῦνι[ [S «δ] ] χιριστ(ῶν) Σεβ (εννύτου) S κδ χα 20 Ἐσοῦρις Ατρήου μη (τρὸς) Σουήρεως // χιριστ(ων) Σεβ(εννύτου) Τῦβι S κ, Μεχ(ίρ) Sη, Φαμε(νώθ) Σ S ιβ, Παῦνι S δ χ α - Πετερμούθ(ης) ὃς κ(αὶ) Πετσῖρις . . εψου μη(τρὸς) Τισνέως K Lv8 Col. IV Αὐνῆ(s) 'Αρψήμιο(s) μη(τρὸς) Ταρυώτιδ(ος) // χιρ (ιστῶν) Ψενύρε (ως) Παῦνι S μδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa- Διογένης Σωστράτο(υ) μη(τρὸς) Τεκώσεω(s) // Μεχ(ίρ) ζ S λβ, Παχ(ών) ιβ Sιβ χα Lin La La Ελ Lvd Ἐπιμάχο(υ) χ(ιριστῶν) Μεχ(ίρ) S κ, Φαμε(νώθ) Sιβ Ὡρίων Παχνούβις μη(τρὸς) Τανουβίτ(ης) 25 // χιρ(ιστῶν) Βουβ(άστου) Τῦβι S κδ, Παμε(νώθ) S κδ χ α— Παχνοῦβις Παχνούβιος μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) LKS // χιρ(ιστῶν) Ψ(ενύρεως) Χοί(ακ) διξ, Φαρμο(ῦθι) Sη, λμδ ζιξ, Παχ(ών) S δ χ υἱ(κή) Sa ῾Αρυώτης ῾Αρψήμιος μη(τρὸς) Ταρυώτιδ(ος) // Ισοκy ( ) Πτολ(εμαίδος) Ν(έας) χ(ιριστῶν) Παῦνι S μδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa L μζ L κδ L ιζ 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 33 5 Σώστρατο(s) ᾿Απόλλω(νος) μη(τρὸς) Τανομγέω(s) L μδ Τῦβι ιθ S κ, τῆ(s) τ(ραπέζης) Ψυῶν Χ(οίακ) Σιβ Τίταν(ος) ᾿Απόλλω(νος) μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) L μθ // Χοί (ακ) λ δ δ ιβ, Μεχ(ίρ) ξ ζιβ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) τη S ιβ, Παχ(ών) ιβ Οηχα— Χανᾶσις Πετερμουθ (ίου) μη(τρὸς) 10 // Φαρμοῦθ(ι) τη S λβ, τῆ(s) τ(ραπέζης) Σεβ(εννύτου) Παῦνι S ιβ χ υἱ(κή) Sa τετ ( ) ((Κόμων ῾Αρυώτου μη(τρὸς) Αὔνχ(ιος) // χιριστ(οῦ) Παῦνι S μδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa Νεκφερῶ (s) Ὥρου 20 ῏Ωρος Αρφαή (σεως) τ(οῦ) καὶ ᾿Απάθ(ου) μη(τρὸς) Ταύρε (ως) Ωρος ῾Αρφαή(σεως) μη(τρὸς) Ταύρε (ως) L Ε λθ Πεβῶς ῾Αρυώτο (v) μη (τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) 15 / χιριστ(ῶν) Βουκ(όλων) Μεχ(ίρ) S λβ, Παῦνι S ιβ χα- Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Φαήσεως μη(τρὸς) Θανουβίω (νος) Παποντῶ(s) Ἡρακλ(έους) μη(τρὸς) Πτορίμφιο(s) Φαμουηρε(υς) ὃς καὶ ᾿Αππῶνις Ὥρο(υ) Εμε LIS 10 Σαμβᾶς Ἡρᾶτο(s) μη(τρὸς) Ἰσιδώρας Τύβι S κ Lay)) Col. V Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Ατρήους μη(τρὸς) Ταπεύχου // χιριστ(ων) [Αρ]σιν[ό]η(s) Παῦνι S μδ χα Ἡρακλ(ῆς) ὃς κ(αὶ) Λῦκος Λύκου 5 // Παχ(ών) λ γ S κ, Παῦνι κθ S ιβ C χυ(κή) α Κερ( ) χ(ιριστῶν) Αὐτν(αῖος?) ΣS ιβ. Λῦκος Ἡρακλ(έους) τ(οῦ) καὶ Λύκου μη(τρὸς) Ταποῦτο (s) χ(ιριστῶν) Ὀννιτῶ(ν) Κοιτῶ(ν) Τῦβι κδ S κ, Φαμ (ενώθ) λ S δ, Παῦνι Γη, λγζη. Διόσκορο (s) ὃς κ(αὶ) Τεσνεῦς Πετεμο (ύνιος) μη(τρὸς) Θεναμο (ύνεως) L μη Ε λθ L KE LK L KO Lvd Lis Lin Ε λη U2 Αν και τ ..1 TAOVI 34 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 330 Πετερμούθ(ης) Πετερμούθ(ου) Θοτούτεω (s) μη(τρὸς) Θαῆ(τος) Ωρος Μόρσεως μη(τρὸς) Τανινουθ( ) // Xoí(ak) λ ☎ Sŋ, Tõßi to Sn, Iax (úv) iß Sn, n, 15 Παῦνι ξζηχα—,[ [Παῦν] ] Ἐπίφ τα S δ. Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Ψενατύμε(ως) μη(τρὸς) Σεννεφερ(ῶτος) Νίκανδ(ρος) ᾿Αρχεδήμου μη(τρὸς) Θερμουθ(ίου) // Παχ(ών) ζ Sιβ, Ἐπίφ ιβ Sλβ χα Χαιρήμων ᾿Αρχεδή (μου) μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) 20 // Ἐπίφ ιβ S μδ χ α - ῾Αρφαῆ(σις) Πετερμούθ(ου) μη(τρὸς) Θερμουθ(ίου) Διθ // Φαρμοῦθ(ι) τη S κ, Ἐπίφ ιβ S κδ χ α - Ωρος ᾿Αμβήσιος μη(τρὸς) Ταπεύχ(ου) 1 μζ // Τῦβι ιθ S κδ, Παχ(ών) ιβ Sη, 25 Ἐπίφ S ιβ χα- Πλάτω(ν) Παχνούβις μη(τρὸς) Ταούτιο(s) // χ(ιριστῶν) Ψενύρεω (s) Παῦνι S κ, Ἐπίφ ιβ S κδ χ α Νεκφερῶ(s) ᾿Απολλω( Ἐπίφ ιβ S κδ. 1 Πνεφερῶς ᾿Απολλ( Χοίακ θ ζ η, в 5 3 ᾿Απολλῶνις ᾿Απολ(λ ) μη(τρὸς) Τασώκιο (s) 2 / Τύβι ιθ Sιβ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) τη Γη, Παῦνι Χ ιβ, Ἐπίφ S δ χ α -- Col. VI ) μη(τρὸς) Τασώκιο(s) ) Λαυῶ(τος) μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) Τῦβι ιθ S ιβ, Χ(οίακ) θ Sη, 4 // Μεχ(ίρ) κα S δ, κβ S δ, Φαμε(νώθ) λ ζ Sδ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) κ5 S η, Κ Παχ(ών) κγ Sιβχα- Μύσθας ῾Ατρήους μη(τρὸς) Θαήσεω(s) Τῦβι L μy L μδ L κδ L Lis L μθ L L ιζ LLE Lλγ θ Sιβ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) τη Γη, Παχ(ών) ιβ Sιβ χα-- 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 35 15 Νεκφερῶ(s) ὃς κ(αὶ) Βάλανο(s) Νεκφερῶ(τος) μη(τρὸς) Θαῆ(τος) // Ἐπίφ ιβ S μδ χα— 10 Ἡρακλείδ(ης) Πανετβ(ύιος) μη(τρὸς) Ταυσίρεο(s) L κη // χιριστ(ων) Σεβ(εννύτου) Φαμε(νώθ) S κδ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) Sιβ, Παῦνι ζ η χα 5 Ἰσχυρίω(ν) Πτολεμα(ίου) μη(τρὸς) Βεροῦτο(s) Μεχ(ίρ) ζ S κ, ท // Παχ(ών) ιβ Sις, Ἐπίφ, ιβ 5 η χ υἱ (κή) Sa- Σαμβᾶς ὃς κ(αὶ) Ἰσχυρίω(ν) Ἰσχυρίω (νος) μη (τρὸς) Θατρῆ(τος) Τῦβι ιγ δη S Ὡρίων ὃς κ(αὶ) Πανομγ(ες) Πανετβ(ύιος) μη(τρὸς) Ταυσίρεω(s) Χρατῆ(s) Πετάλ(ου) μη(τρὸς) ᾿Απλώνι(ος) Παῦνι κγ S λ ξ τερ ( ) Εκτω(ρ) Νεκφερῶ(τος) Εμ Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Πτολεμ[α]ίο(υ) μη(τρὸς) Βερ (οῦτος) L Μεχ(ίρ) ζ S κη // Παχ(ών) ιβ S η, Ἐπίφ ιβ Sηχα- Ωρος Ὥρου μη(τρὸς) Ταάπιος 20 // Παχ(ών) ιβ S λβ, Ἐπίφ ιβ δίβ χα Φᾶσις Φαήσεως μη(τρὸς) Θανούβιο(s) 25 Ἥρων ὃς καὶ Τυρηναιο(s) Ὀννώ(φρεως) Κάστωρ Ὀννώφρεο(s) Ὠρίων Ὀννώφρεο(s) Σισόις ὃς καὶ Χαιρήμων Εὐρίωνος Col. VII Lμ Ωρος Μύσθ(ου) // Ἐπίφ ιβ S μδ χ α - Νεκφερῶ(s) Ὥρου μη(τρὸς) Θεναμο(ύνεως) Νεκφερῶ(s) Πετεμο (ύνιος) πρόγο(νος) Ονησίμου 5 / Χοίαχθ Sι ξ, Φαρμοῦθ (ι) τη S κη C χ υἱ(κή) Sa- A L Lλγ Lk S L L λγ Ε λθ L μζ L με LKS L &ß L 36 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS Διοσκο(ΰς) Σαμβᾶτο(s) μη(τρὸς) Σαταβοῦτο(s) Πεκωο(ῦς) ὃς καὶ Πατῦνις Νααραῦτος Νααραῦς Πατύνεως μη(τρὸς) Ταμύσθ(ας) Πτεῦχ(ος) Σαμβᾶτο(ς) μη(τρὸς) Σαμβίου 10 Αρφαῆ(σις) Μύσθου μη(τρὸς) Ταύρεω(s) Πετεῦχ(ος) Μύσθου μη(τρὸς) τῆς αὐτῆ(s) // χιρ(ιστῶν) Β(ουκόλων) Τῦβι S κ, Μεχ(ίρ) Sη, Φαμε(νώθ) Sη, Παῦνι 5η χα Col. VIII Πετεῦχ(ος) Νεκφερῶτο(s) μη(τρὸς) Θαήσεως // Μεχ(ίρ) ιθ Sιβ,)) [[Φαμε(νώθ) κδ]] Sδ, Mex (ip) Sn, X(oíak) kè Sn, 10 Φαρμο(ῦθι) λ ι S κ, Χοί (ακ) ι ζ Sη, Τῦβι κδ S δ, Φαμε(νώθ) κδ S δ, Παῦνι κ χ υἱ(κή) Sa- 5 Ζωΐλος Ἡρακλ(έους) μη(τρὸς) Τεφορσῶτο(s) // Παῦνι κη S μδ χα- ) Ἑριεῦς Πνεφερῶτο (s) μη(τρὸς) Δεη( // Παχ(ών) ιθ S κδ, Παῦνι ιθ S κδ χα Διοσκοῦς Ἰσ[α]πόλ(λωνος) Κερτης μη(τρὸς) Πανούβ(ιος) ι Τῦβι κδ S. 5, Μεχ(ίρ) κα Sη, Φαρμ(οῦθι) Παχ(ών) κα Sηχ υἱ(κή) Sa— Ἡρᾶς ᾿Αρήου μη(τρὸς) Χενήσιο(s) / Τῦβιλ β ζη, Μεχ(ίρ) κθ S η, Φαμε(νώθ) κ Φαρμοῦθ(ι) λ S δ, Παχ(ών) κδ Sιβ χα 15 Ατρῆς Πατύνεως Πᾶβις ῾Αρυώτο(υ) // Τῦβι λ γ S. 5, Μεχ(ίρ) λ β διβ, し ​Παχ(ών) κε Sι ξ, χ υἱ(κή) Sa— Πουῶρις ῾Αρβαίθου 20 // Φαρμοῦθ(ι) ι ς S μδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa- ᾿Απύγχις Κερᾶτο(ς) - // Φαμε(νώθ)λμ δ S μδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa- Λαγῶς ᾿Απολλωνίου τε( ) Πραξίας Διοδώρου x & Siß, L L L L L L L L L L L L 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 37 Col. IX Ψοσνεῦς Πραξίου μη(τρὸς) Θαήσεως Παῦνι λ μ ζ S μδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa— Πτόλλις Μύσθ(ου) μη(τρὸς) ι // Μεχ(ίρ) i S. 5, Παχ(ών) κθ S κη χα 5 Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Μύσθ(ου) μη(τρὸς) L // Μεχ(ίρ) i Sις, Παχ(ών) κθ Sκη χα Ἡρακλ(ῆς) ᾿Απολλωνίου ῎Αγρω(νος) μη(τρὸς) // τρ(απέζης) Φαμε(νώθ) ζ S μδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa- Σαμβ(ᾶς) ὃς κ(αὶ) Κερ (ᾶς) 'Αρφαή (σεως) Κ μη(τρὸς) 10 / τρ(απέζης) Φαμε(νώθ) ιζ S μδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa Ωρος Πάσωνος μη (τρὸς) Ταύρεω (s) // Φαμε(νώθ) λ β S μδ, Παῦνι κ 5 Cxa- Col. Χ ᾿Απύγχ(ις) Πνεφερῶτο(s) Πνεφερῶ(s) ᾿Απύγχ(εως) μη (τρὸς) Τεροβάστεως Κενν( ) Ἐπίφ κβ S μδ χα Κεν( ) L Ταμονν( ) Πετσῖρις Πετσίρεως μη (τρὸς) Ταύρεω (s) L L L L Lis Ἡρακλείδ(ης) Ηρακλ(έους) μη(τρὸς) Ταμύσθ(ας) Lιθ 5 / τρ(απέζης) Τῦβι ιη S κ, Παῦνι ια S ιβ, κγ Sιβ, Παῦνι κδ Cχ α a — Παποντῶς Λεόντεως μη(τρὸς) Θατρῆ(τος) // Τῦβι λβ S κδ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) κδ S κ, Παῦνι κδ χ υἱ(κή) Sa– 10 ῏Ωρος Πετηαμούνι(ο)ς μη(τρὸς) Σουήρεω(s) Παποντ(ῶς) Πετη(α)μούνι(ο)ς μη(τρὸς) τῆ(s) αὐτῆ(s) // Παχ(ών) κα S λβ, Παῦνι κγ S ιβ χυἱ(κή) Sa- Πετεαρμώ[της] Πετοέρεω (s) ᾿Απολ(λ ) μη(τρὸς) Lis Εμ L KE 1 μζ Lvß 38 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS ) 15 Πτολλίδ(ης) Πετσίρεω(s) μη(τρὸς) Τασῶτο(s) Πέβος ᾿Αραβίωνο(s) μη(τρὸς) Τααννω( un // Παχ(ών) κγ S κη, Παῦνι κδ Sis Cxa Οι Δικράνη(s) Δ[ι]κράνο(υ) μη(τρὸς) Θερμουθ(ίου) Ατρ[ῆ]ς Διδύμου μη(τρὸς) Θερμουθ (ίου) Aĩos òs k(ai) Aovk(os) Neµíw(vos) µn(Tpòs) Σουήρεω(s) 20 Lk. Lx Lμ L VE LKO Ψεναμ[ούνεως] μη(τρὸς) Θερμουθ(ίου) Lιζ I. 2. This account is checked although the chalci are not en- tered. The omission is probably an oversight, as they are always paid along with the pig-tax. The entries are badly crowded at the end of 1. 2, and we should probably restore x preceding the pig-tax. 6. χιριστ(ων). This word is abbreviated as x, χί, χιρ, or Xipior. The sign of abbreviation in all cases resembles omega, and we have uniformly restored the form χιριστ(ῶν). 11. T(s) Kp (eμaorns). The reading is uncertain. The initial tau may be a practice stroke of the pen by the scribe. Kp and Iep are hard to distinguish in this hand. Xiρior (v) usually precedes the name of the village, but not always; cf. III. 8, 23. 12. The face of the papyrus has peeled off. This name was checked as paid in full. We must, therefore, assume either that payments were recorded in the missing por- tion to the amount of 8 drachmas or that this individual belonged to a privileged class. This is the first case where the pig-tax is named in the ledger. The sign for drachma precedes the alpha only when the name of the tax, vi(K), is also written. 15. Пo. Possibly we should read ПIтoλ( ). II and IIr at the beginning of words are written much the same by this scribe. 16. Augis. Possibly "Aßis should be read. Arexis is not in Preisigke, Namenbuch. 22. Zтoλaρπis is otherwise unknown. 27-28. The order of months is irregular. Evidently xp(TŵV) ᾿Αρσιν(όης) Φαμε(νώθ) should be read together. This entry was clearly made later than those for Pachon and Payni, and by a different hand. 8. REGISTER OF TAXES 39 II. 2, 3, 5, 6. The payments in Mechir and Phamenoth belong to the χειρισταί. The other payments presumably were made at the bank in Philadelphia, after these two men returned from Arsinoe. Members of the same family often pay their taxes on the same days. 7. Τααρμῶτις. A variant of Τααρμῶθις. III. II. 8-9. The repetition of Phamenoth and Pharmouthi is unusual. Were there two different records from which the ledger was compiled? On the significance of the date X iß, cf. Introduction to No. 9. 10. Possibly ös к(αì) ƉEокλ() should be read. Cf. 1. 7. ὃς κ(αὶ) Θεοκλ( 11. Ptollis paid the chalci and pig-tax, although the ovvráğıμοv is not paid in full. 23. 22. Panetbys paid 48 drachmas and the supplementary taxes in three instalments in one month. The entry at the beginning of the line is badly blotted. It may be that we should restore χιρ(ιστῶν). "Iσeid (os). Possibly 'Iµaid (os). 3. Although Phasis paid 44 drachmas, his account was not checked, as the supplementary taxes were unpaid. 6. Θανουβίων. A variant of Τανουβίων. 7. Apparently Harphaesis spent Mechir in Straton, and then went to Sebennytos in search of employment. The names of the villages are obscurely written, and the reading is not certain. Τιθουήους. A 9. Σεντῶις. Not in Preisigke, Namenbuch. variant of Tilonovs. 10. The name of the village is not certain here, nor in 1. 12. 11. Τειναῦς. A variant of Τεναῦς. 19. The scribe erased the amount after Payni by drawing his pen through the sum. Apparently he wished to make it clear that this payment was through the χειρισταί, and he wrote in the sum a second time without, how- ever, repeating the name of the month. 25. Παμε(νώθ) for Φαμε (νώθ). 28. Ταρυῶτις. A variant of Ταρεῶτις or Ταρύτις. 29. On the name of the village, cf. Introduction. IV. 6, 10. For τ(ñ³) т(раπéšŋs), cf. Introduction. 9. Xavãois. Possibly a variant of Xevñoɩs. 11. The marginal entry may be TET (EλEUTηKÚS). paid in full and the account is so checked. has drawn brackets at both ends of the line. 3 Comon had The scribe It may be 40 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS V. noted that xipiot (ŵv) stands alone without any geo- χιριστ(ῶν) graphical designation. Possibly they are the local agents in Philadelphia who had exacted the tax from the estate of the deceased (cf. No. 9. IV. 2, 10). 16. ПIтоρiμis is otherwise unknown. 17. Kaµovnpe() is otherwise unknown. VII. 1. Taπeuxos is a new name. 5. The reading is very uncertain. For the month we have suggested 'Aovry (aios) for Avdv (años) with considerable misgivings. No other payments were made in the third month in this ledger and no other lapse into Macedonian names of months is found here (cf. No. 9. I. 15). 13. Tavivoulis is a new name. 14. Two payments were made on Pachon 12. VI. 1-3. The scribe who entered the names usually left a space of two lines for the payments. In this case he left too little room, and the entries are badly crowded. Apol- lonis pays 52 drachmas, and his brother Pnepheros 44. Evidently two brothers cannot be in different classes, and the two accounts should be reconciled, as both are checked as paid in full. The cause of the error may be due to the fact that the entry Xoiak Sn, which is out of proper sequence in line 3, may have been recorded by mistake. When the scribe noticed his error, he inserted it at the end of line 1 without making the proper erasure in the line below. 12, 17. Ischyrion and Heracles are brothers, although their ac- counts have been separated. Their payments were made together. 23. The marginal entry TEP( ) is difficult to explain. Pos- sibly we should read reip (wv). If so, this would explain why he paid nothing, as soldiers were exempted from taxation. 1. This column has less than the usual amount of entries, and the lower half was left blank. The ages were not recorded except in the case of Horus. The reading ŝß is perfectly clear and beyond question. Cf. Introduction. 4. Both father and stepfather of Necpheros are recorded. VIII. 1-4. This account is somewhat confused. The total of the payments is 52 drachmas, and the account is checked as paid in full. The scribe bracketed the entry for Mechir 19, and then drew his pen through Þaµ( ) kồ. 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 41 IX. Undoubtedly he meant to extend it further, but how far is problematical. If the first three entries are erased, the amount of the tax is reduced to 44 drachmas, but Peteuchus may belong to a class subject to an assess- ment of 48 or 52 drachmas (cf. pp. xiii ff.). 5. Τεφορσῶς is cited only as masculine in Preisigke, Namenbuch. 8. Herieus pays 48 drachmas. 10. There is no entry under Pharmouthi. 24. The marginal entry may stand for TE (TEλEUTNKÚS). This column has only six names, and the remainder of the column was left blank. The ages were unrecorded. In lines 3, 5, 7, 9 the scribe wrote un (Tpós) but never completed the entry. In 1. 5 the sign for Tos followed μŋ (тρós) immediately. 8, 10. Only here and in X. 5 do we find the entry тр(аπÉČNS). a X. 3,5. The marginal entries were later erased. The reading is far from certain. 13, 16. The names Taμovvŋ and Taavvw() are new. 17. The scribe first wrote κ as the number of drachmas paid in Payni, and then corrected it to S. 21. The ink has faded badly, and the name is quite uncertain. 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 77 x 28 cm. 31 A. D. This large fragment is part of a roll which contained the ledger of the ovvτáέpov paid by Philadelphians in the year 29-30 A. D. Portions of seven columns are preserved. Of the first more than half of the column has disappeared on the left. The surface of the papyrus is badly damaged by weathering in the fifth column, and little can be deciphered. Of the seventh, only the marginal notations remain. The other columns are complete. The register is dated in the 16th year of Tiberius (I. 21), but payments of arrears for this year are recorded as late as Tybi in the 17th year, so it was probably not compiled before January in 31 A. D. The names are not arranged topographically as in Nos. 7 and 8, but alphabetically. The portion preserved begins with Heracles 42 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS and continues to Ischyrion. Similar alphabetical lists may be found in P. Tebt. 93, 94, 572, P. Ryl. 185, P. Fay. 153, 335, P. Cornell 23. B. G. U. 659, P. Strass. 27, P. Lond. 1. p. 142. On an average twelve names were entered in each column. The metronymic and age of the individual are not given (cf. No. 8). Instead the name and patronymic are usually followed by the trade or by some other descrip- tive epithet. Immediately after these entries we find the word тρ(απé¿ŋs), the year, and the record of individual pay- ments. All the entries seem to be made by the same hand at the same time (though the arrears may have been entered later), and we may infer that this roll was copied from the original ledger and kept for reference at the bank where the accounts of the πрάктρ were handled. Three years later the verso of this ledger was used for a record of the day-book (No. 10). It would be interesting to know whether both alphabetical and topographical ledgers were prepared at the same time. If we were able to date No. 8 prior to No. 9 definitely, we would be inclined to believe that the alpha- betical ledger is a mark of reform in the direction of bureau- cratic efficiency. It must have simplified the problem of compiling the ledger enormously, and we can hardly imagine that they would have reverted to the more awkward topo- graphical arrangement later. This roll was carefully audited by a system of checks and marginal notations. Apparently four different checks were made. The two sloping parallel lines at the left of the entry indicate that this individual had paid his tax in full (cf. No. 8). Before a few entries a single dot is found. This may indicate that this particular account had been checked with the day-book. For example, in II. 11 the auditor wrote in the margin orov & S8, apparently referring to the entry under Tybi which he may have had trouble in finding in the day- book. No correction, however, was made in the ledger, and probably the missing entry turned up later. Two dots ar- ranged in the form of a colon appear before five entries (II. 3, 9, IV. 4, 7, V. 16). The significance of this mark is un- 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 43 known. Some of the individuals had paid, others had not. Possibly this mark was used by a clerk who compared the list with that of the previous year, or these may be the names of citizens who have just come of age. In VI. 16 a short stroke is made at the left. No payments are recorded in this entry. If the mark signified that this name had been trans- ferred to a record of delinquents, we should expect to find it elsewhere, but this is the only example in this ledger. The marginal entries are of considerable interest as an illustration of the bureaucratic system at work in an Egyptian office. In V. (cf. VII. 8) 'åπtokex(úpnke) is (ěrovs) indi- cates that this citizen had fled in the course of the year to avoid his obligations (cf. P. Graux 2). The entry ȧroλ (voos) in II. 13, V. 28, VII. 3 indicates these people were exempt from taxation, either through age or special grant of im- munity, or that they belonged to a special class whose names should not have been included in the roll of those liable to the ovvráέipov. In III. 19 there is a marginal entry xpéa and at the end of the line is added the word ry. This individual had paid nothing. It may be that he had been impounded for debt, and an injunction to investigate is made (cf. P. Fior. 71). In III. 24 the entry x in the margin may have a similar significance. In V. 1 Vπок (áтw) is probably a notice to the clerk to insert the name below when the roll for the following year is copied. By so doing, Theocles (IV. 26) and Theon (V. 5), sons of Ptollis and probably brothers, will be grouped together. This would be of assistance to the clerk in preparing the accounts, as members of the same family usually paid their taxes together. A similar meaning may be attached to érávo in IV. 4. In order to make sure that the name would be inserted in its proper place, the auditor wrote it in himself in II. 9, even adding the same check marks found with the original entry. In IV. 11 éπávw At (a) pópov seems to indicate that this name should be entered above the preceding Diaphorus, but if so, the clerk who entered the death notices had not yet made his marginal 44 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS • notations. Two of the latter class are found. In IV. 2 Hero died sometime after Pharmouthi, when his last in- stalment was paid. His estate would be responsible for the tax for the entire year, and since the balance due the state had not been paid the account was not checked. In IV. 10 the account differs from all others in this document in that the word Tp(améns) is omitted, and the account is checked as paid in full although the amount recorded is 22 drachmas, 4 1-2 obols, 6 chalci, and apparently the usual pig-tax. Hera- cles died in the first half of the year, and his estate was assessed for half the ovvráέipov or 22 drachmas (On ews Mexip, cf. Wessely, Stud. Pal. 1. p. 70, 394, 400; Wilcken, Grundzüge, p. 196). It may he noted that the chalci are paid in full, and that there was an extra assessment of four and a half obols, possibly a fee for the registration of the death notice. For the latter, cf. P. S. I. 691, P. Oxy. 173, 826. There are a number of entries of names in the margin and in the body of the column. These are probably names of citizens who had just come of age, and they are entered here in their proper place for the guidance of the clerk who copied this roll in preparing the ledger for the following year. The marginal entry ἀπὸ συμβόλου) has already been discussed (pp. xv ff.). In VII. 4, 11 the entry is (n) σúµß (oλov), possibly as an injunction to investigate the claim of a par- ticular citizen to belong to a privileged class. Two citizens are recorded as living in other districts, one in Babylon, the other in Alexandria (I. 16, III. 8). These notations are not entered in the margin, but in the line after the name, and evidently by a different scribe. Neither of these men paid anything. An official record was kept of natives living abroad (cf. P. Cornell 22), and it is probable that any one leaving his "origo" for any length of time must give notice to the local officials. Those who left without such notice are re- corded officially as “ fled” (ἀποκεχώρηκε or ἀνεύρετοι). For a discussion of the ovvráğıμov and other taxes recorded in this ledger, see introduction pp. xiii ff. It may be noted that there is no mention of xapioraí in this ledger (cf. No. 8). ލ S 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 45 Month Νέος Σεβαστός Χοίακ Τύβι Μεχίρ . All instalments, including arrears, are paid at the bank, ex- cepting only the collection from the estate of the deceased Heracles (IV. 10). The scribe has not indicated the agency through which this was paid. When No. 8 was compiled, a large number of Philadelphians were absent temporarily in other villages, apparently in search of employment. In 29- 30 A. D. conditions were different, since there is no indication of taxes collected from Philadelphians in other villages in this ledger. A comparison of the payments in the two ledgers shows that times were better when No. 9 was compiled. No. 8 has 122 entries. Of these 64 paid in full, 22 in part, and 36 paid nothing. In No. 9 there are 45 entries more or less complete (excluding the imperfect records in Cols. I and V.). Of these, 26 are checked as paid in full, 14 pay in part, and 4 (not including the exempted citizen in II. 13) pay nothing. The analysis of the monthly payments is of interest: Φαμενώθ Φαρμοῦθι Παχών Παΐνι Ἐπίφ Μεσορή Arrears Σεβαστός Φαῶφι Νέος Σεβαστός Τύβι Totals No. 8 No. of payments none 11(5%) 22(11%) 29(14%) 23(11%) 23(11%) 39 (19%) 40 (19%) 17(8%) none none none none none 204 Amount 136(4%) 352 (10%) 460 (14%) 380(11%) 356 (10%) 600(18%) 756 (22%) 356 (10%) 3396 No. 9 No. of payments 13(7%) 13(7%) 23(13%) 31(17%) 16(9%) 14(8%) 26 (13%) 20(11%) 11(6%) 6(3%) 3(1%) 2(1%) 2(1%) 2(1%) 182 Amount 68(5%) 68(5%) 184(12%) 290(20%) 80(6%) 144(10%) 178(12%) 176(12%) 104(7%) 80(6%) 32(2%) 16(1%) 16(1%) 40 (3%) 1476 dr. 46 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS I The average payment per instalment in No. 8 is a fraction over 16 drachmas. In No. 9 it is slightly over 8 drachmas. In the former a fair number paid their entire tax in one in- stalment. In the latter the payments of small amounts greatly predominate, and none paid more than 32 drachmas at one time. In No. 8 no payments were made in the first three months nor in Mesore, the last month. The heaviest contribu- tions are recorded in the harvest months, Pachon and Payni, while in No. 9 the payments are higher during seed-time (cf. Schnebel, Landwirtschaft, pp. 161 ff.). Perhaps we might infer from this that, when No. 8 was compiled, the Nile floods were low, and there was comparatively little employment of labor at seed-time. Because of the failure of the floods and crops, prices of grain were high, and the chief burden of the tax was discharged at harvest time. In 29 A. D., on the other hand, there was proportionately more employment at the seed- ing season, but with better crops prices were lower. While there was a more even distribution of payments throughout the year, there was no rush of taxpayers at harvest time to meet their obligations to the state. Since payments are rela- tively higher at seed-time and harvest, it is likely that Philadelphians, in addition to their own leaseholds, depended for their income on employment during these months- probably on the large estates in the neighborhood. The editors of P. Cornell 21 used the day-book of Mesore to determine the population of Philadelphia on the assumption that payments were made in practically the same proportion in each of the twelve months. The evidence derived from our ledgers shows that this theory is untenable. In the Cornell day-book the record for Mesore shows that there were approximately 263 payments in the month with a total sum of about 3300 drachmas (assuming that Col. V had 37 names, and that no payments were made on Mesore 1). In our ledger (No. 9) the number of payments in Mesore is 3.12 per cent of the total. On this basis the 263 payments in P. Cornell 21 would represent a total of 8500. Since the average 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 47 payment in the Cornell day-book is slightly over 12 drachmas per person we should accordingly estimate the tax-paying population at about 2300. On the other hand, the payments in No. 9 for Mesore are about 6 per cent of the total amount. On this basis the 3300 drachmas paid in Mesore in the Cornell account would indicate that the total of the ovvráέipov for that year was about 55,000 drachmas. If the average citizen paid 44 drachmas (assuming that the privileged class is small), we arrive at about 1200 as the number of taxpayers. Judging from such varying results, it is evident that these ledgers cannot be used to determine the population of Philadelphia. Moreover they both reveal considerable variations in the amount of taxes collected from month to month, and it is clear that no record for a single month, however complete, can be used to estimate the payments for the year. For pur- poses of comparison we give herewith a summary of three day-books: No. 2. Epiph. 1-23, 25 A. D. ca. 152 payments amounting ing to ca. 1476 drachmas No. 10. Tybi 1-28, 34 A. D. ca. 239 payments amounting to ca. 1504 drachmas P. Cornell 21. Mesore (26-33 A. D.) 263 payments amount- ing to ca. 3300 drachmas. Unfortunately our two records are incomplete, but they show considerable variation in the average payments per capita. The heavy collections for Mesore in P. Cornell 21 are unusual if we may judge from the relatively few payments recorded for that month in our ledgers. Perhaps it would be safe to claim that at least 1500 drachmas were paid per month for ten months of the year on account of the ovvтágiμov. The assessment of this tax at Philadelphia yielded at least 15,000 drachmas a year. The total was probably much higher, but there is as yet insufficient evidence to determine the amount with any degree of exactness. It is somewhat surprising to find no record of arrears in 48 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS L No. 8, and comparatively few in No. 9. Apparently, the efficiency of the government in collecting arrears has been somewhat overrated. Both ledgers present a number of instances of the trouble- some abbreviation often found in the ostraca and in other tax-registers in connection with the dates. Between the month and the amount paid occur the letters λ or λ μ fol- lowed by a letter or combination of two letters which almost certainly represents a numeral. Wilcken observed that almost every possible combination from λ a to AA was found in the ostraca (Ostraka, I. pp. 813 ff.), but he gave up the attempt to find a satisfactory explanation. Preisigke thought that the numeral represented the number of the instalment, but he was compelled to emend the text in one of the two instances occuring in his ledger in order to make the theory work (Archiv, IV. pp. 95 ff.). This explanation seems to suit in P. Ryl. 190, where, however, the editors read (óyos) µe(pwµov)´ā, ß, кTE. It does not suit in P. Ryl. 188, where the editors have discussed fully the abbreviation and variants of it found in other papyri. We give below examples of this formula from our ledgers for two months by way of illustra- tion. Néos ZeẞaσTÓS KY Νέος Σεβαστός λε S8, A. S8 (9. II. 20) Sŋ (9. II. 27) λ S8, S8 (9. II. 35) λ è s S8 (9. III. 13) λ & Sn (9. IV. 11) λ λ Sŋ (9. IV. 15) λ 8 Sŋ (9. IV. 22) ہیں Þaµevól λ iß Sŋ (No. 8. II. 9) μ ồ Suê CX vi (n) Sa—(8. VIII. 22) λ B Sud (8. IX. 12) λ 8 SS (9. II. 7) kỹ Sồ, λ ā SƐ (9. II. 12) } 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 49 λ § Sô (9. II. 36) ā Sŋ, i S8 (9. IV. 19) ỹ Sŋ (9. VI. 14) λ μ ē Sη (9. VI. 18) In some cases this formula and the ordinary dating are both found in the same month. The following instances may be noted: Néos Zeẞaσrós Ky S8, S8 (9. II. 20) Mexip (( è S8)), S8, è S8 (9. II. 21) λo Sn, IMG し ​Sŋ (9. II. 35) Sκd, λ è S♪ (9. III. 12) Så, λ & S8 (9. IV. 12) Φαμενώθ κγ Sδ, λ ά SS (9. II. 12) λ μ ā Sŋ, i S♪ (9. IV. 19) м α ލ Παχών ιζ Sιβ, λ γ C χβ υἱ (κή) Sa — (9. II. 36) Ἐπίφ ιΣ C χβ υἱ (κή) Eri Sô C x® ví (n) Sa, d ù = Sô (9. I. 18) K In most cases the ordinary date precedes, but in two cases it follows the dating. It is clear that the latter cannot be the number of the ȧpílµŋois. In No. 8 (II. 11) we have the entry Пavvik SB. There can be no question of 26 pay- ments where the minimum assessment is 4 dr. The record of payments in Néos Zeẞaorós, the third month of the year, and the first for which payments are entered in the ledger (No. 9) shows that the number of the instalment cannot be meant, as the numeral following λ is 4, 5 or 6. ī The scribes who employed this formula are limited to certain districts. Most of the ostraca showing its usage in receipts come from Thebes, while none of those from Syene shows any trace of it. In papyri its use is limited to tax- receipts and ledgers. The only example in a day-book occurs in No. 1 (III. 11). The preceding payment was on the 30th. In the next entry we find a as the date, although no Egyptian month had 31 days. While we are unable to offer 50 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS any explanation of this formula which is completely satisfac- tory, the following possibilities may be considered. The tax- payer may have had an account at the bank, and in some cases the instalment may have been paid by an order on the bank to transfer the amount to the account of the πрάктwр. The formula might be restored as λ(όγου) μ(εταβολῇς) with the date following (cf. Preisigke, Girowesen, pp. 236 ff.). Secondly, when ready cash was not available, payments may have been made in kind (cf. Rostovtseff, A Large Estate, p. 101). Such payments may have been entered to the credit of the individual in a different account (possibly λ(óyos) (nvaïos) or some similar phrase), and so entered in the ledger. Neither of these explanations suits for the entry A a ī in No. 1, III. 11 given above. A third possibility is that some scribes employed a double system of dating. Wilcken has shown that the formula runs from λ ā to λ λ, and the system may be explained thus: 1— ā · Payni 1 = Παῦνι ἃ = Παυνι λ λ (Παῦνι λ(ήγοντος) μ(ηνός) λ Payni 21 = Παῦνι κα — Παῦνι λ ι (λ μ ι) i 22 Παῦνι κβ — Παῦνι λθ (λμθ) Παῦνιλά (λμα ā) 30 Παῦνι λ While this explanation may suffice in most cases, one may ask why the scribe used the double system side by side in the same document. If the day-book was kept in accordance with the regular Egyptian system, it would involve useless mental effort to transform the date from the old to the new system. Nor will this explanation be acceptable in those cases where the editors read () μe() as in P. Ryl. 188, 190. The double dating in Wilcken's Ostraka 1251, Meoopn λἁ ἐπαγο(μένων) έ may perhaps be explained on the assump- ē tion that two instalments, respectively paid on Mesore 30 and five days later, are included in the one receipt. 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 51 5 10 15 Col. I し ​]σις τρ(άπεζα) ι5 L Παῦνι κδ 5η )) ]ος Καλλ( ) τρ (άπεζα) ιςι μη(νὸς) Χοίαχ Ἐ]πίφ ιθ Sις ]νος τρ(άπεζα) ι5L μη(νὸς) Χοίαχ ιζ S η Φ]αρμοῦθ(ι) λγη β C] χ' υἱ(κὴ) Sa— し ​]ετο( ) ποιμή(ν) τρ(άπεζα) ι5L μη(νὸς) Χοίαχ ιζ Sη ] Φαρμοῦθ(ι) κ . S....... し ​] ῎Αγρωνο(ς) τρ(άπεζα) ις L- Τῦβι ιθ Κιβ Φα]ρμο(ῦθι) λγ Πιβ Μεσορή ιβ Οη τρ (άπεζα) ι] ει Ἐπίφ κα S μδ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa ]αληκις τρ(άπεζα) ι ς L Τῦβι ιζ Sιβ x S]ιβ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa— Μεσορή Sιβ し ​]ρο(v) Μάρωνο(s) τρ(άπεζα) ις L μη(νὸς) ]UT KE S. ]γέρδ(ιος) (2nd hand) ἐν Βαβυλῶνι ]ετο(υ) ὑοφό(ρβος) τρ(άπεζα) ι5L μη(νὸς) Χοίαχ Ἐπί]φιξS&Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa-λμεS ]ανου τρ(άπεζα) ι5L Μεχ(ίρ) λεS& ιζ Sη, (2nd hand) Παὖνι ι Σ S η 52 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 20 25 ἀπὸ συμβ(όλου) ᾧδε Ηρακλ(ῆς) Ωρου 5 Ο Ψανις ] Μεσορή κδ Sιβ ]ειδος τρ(άπεζα) ι 5 L Τιβερίου ] Sη Μεχ(ίρ) ις Sη, Φαμε(νώθ) «β S δ ]υἱ(κή) Sa— Παῦνι ιθ S δ し ​]φιος τρ(άπεζα) ι5L μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) ] Μεχ(ίρ) ι ζ S δ, ιξ Sη ] «δ [[S S η]] Sη, Παχ(ών) λ S δ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Col. I Col. II // Ἡρακλῆς ᾿Αμμωνίου [[γέρδ(ιος)κουρεύς τρ(άπεζα) ιει]] Τῦβι ιθ Sη )) ὧδε Ηρακλ(ῆς) δοῦλ(ος) Πτολεμαίου : Ἡρακλείδης Ὀρσενούφιος τρ(άπεζα) ιςι μη(νὸς) Χοίαχ し ​κα Sη, Τῦβι ιγ. Sη, Μεχ(ίρ) ι5 S η, Φαμενώθ κβ S δ, し ​β Παχ(ών) κθ S δ, Παῦνι λ μΐζη, δCχ υἱ(κή) Sa //•Ἡρακλείδης Πετάμου τρ(άπεζα) ι 5 L Τῦβι ιθ S ιβ, κ Ε S S, Μεχ(ίρ) κβ S δ, Φαμενώθ λ δ S δ, Παχ(ών) ιδ S η, Παῦνι κ S δ, Φαῶφι κγ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Ἐπίφ κα Sη, ιζ - // : Ηρακλ(ῆς) Απίωνος 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 53 10 ὅπου ιζ S δ ἀπολ (ύσιμος) ἀπὸ συμβ(όλου) 15 ἔτος ις .. .. 20 し ​Ἡρακλείδης δοῦλ(ος) Πτολεμαίου τρ (άπεζα) ι5L Μεχ (ίρ) ις Sn, πλ(ήρους) / Παχ(ών) κδ Sιβ, ιζ L-- μη(νὸς) Σεβαστοῦ ια S δ. ἀπὸ συμβ(όλου) πλ(ήρους) 25 Col. II •Ἡρακλῆς Πετεσούχου δούλου τρ(άπεζα) ι5L μη(νὸς) Νέζου) Σεβαστοῦ κε S δ, Χοίαχ ι5 S δ, θ S δ, Τῦβι ιζ S δ, Μεχ(ίρ) ι Σ S S, ιθ S δ, Φαμενώ (θ) κγ S δ, λ α S δ, Παχ(ών) ιδ S β Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Ἡρακλῆς Ἡρακλήου Παλκίνου // Ἡρακλῆς Ψεναμούνιος γέρδ(ιος) τρ(άπεζα) ι5L[[Φαρμο(ῦθι) λ.. Sιβ,]] [[Παῦνι Ἐπίφ Sη, Παῦνι ζ S δ, Ἐπίφ ιδ Sιβ. ιζ Lύ (περ) ι5L]] Τῦβι S λβ C χ' υἱ(κή) Sa // Ἡρακλῆς Δικράνου τρ(άπεζα) ιζL- μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ κγ S δ, λ ξ S δ, ((λγ S)), Χοίαχ λ γ S δ, Τῦβι ιη S δ, Μεχ(ίρ) [[λε S8]] ι Σ S δ, λ ε S δ, Φαμε(νώθ) κγ S δ, Παχ(ών) ιζ S δ, κ Ε Ϛ S δ, ὁμ(οίως) ἄλλ(ας) S δ, Ἐπείφ τα S δ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Ἡρακλῆς Σαμβᾶτος τρ(άπεζα) ιςι Μεχίρ ιζ S ιβ, β ((kß Si Παῦνι κ Σ S δ Cχ υ(ίκή) Sa-, Φαμενώθ ((κβ Sι Σ)), κδ S δ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) Οι Γ, Παχ(ών) ιδ S δ, Μεσορή λμεζη Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Ηλιόδωρος Διοσκουρίδου ποιμή(ν) τρ(άπεζα) ι IGL μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ λεζη, Χοίαχ ι Σ S δ, κδ S δ. Τῦβι ιγ S δ, Μεχ(ίρ) λεS δ, Μεχ(ίρ) θ S δ, Φαμενώθ κδ S δ, κβ S δ, Παχ(ών) ιδ S δ, β λδ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa މ 54 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 30 35 5 10 ἀπὸ συμβ(όλου) Col. II •Ἡρώδης Ἰσχυρίωνος τρ(άπεζα) ι5L. Παχ(ών) ιδ Sιβ, Ἐπίφ ι ς Ο λβ, Μεσορή ις Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa β Ꮯ // し ​Ἡρακλῆς Ἡρώδου Τεσαῦς τρ(άπεζα) ιςι Παχ(ών) ιδ S. 5, S, し ​Ἐπίφ ιδ S δ, Μεσορή ι Σ S δ, Φαῶφι κγ S δ Cχ υ(ἱκή) Sa—, Τῦβι κ Τῦβι κ Σ Sη. Ἡρακλῆς Ἡρακλήου νε(ώτερος) Παυσισ( ) τρ(άπεζα) ιξω μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ λ Ε S δ, δ, Τῦβι ιζ S δ, Μεχ(ίρ) λθ Sη, ι ζ Sη, Φαμε(νώθ) λ δ S δ, Παχ(ών) ιζ Sιβ, λγ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Col. III し ​Ἡρὼν ᾿Απολλωνίου καρπώ(νης) τρ (άπεζα) ιεL μη(νὸς) Χοίαχ κα S δ Ἡρακλῆς ῾Ατρήους τοῦ Διδύμο(υ) τρ(άπεζα) ι5L- Μεχίρ κγ Sk Φαρμοῦθι κγ Sη, Παχ(ών) κα Sιβ, Ἐπίφ κβ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Ἐπίφ κα S δ Ᏸ •Ἡρᾶς Ηλιοδώρου τρ(άπεζα) ι5L Μεχ(ίρ) κδ S κδ Παῦνι ιθ Χ ιβ, Με(σο)ρή κε 5η Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa- Ἡρώδης Ἡρακλήου Τασκιν ( ) (2nd hand) ἐν ᾿Αλεξανδρεία ((Παῦνι τε S ιβ)) ξ //*Ηρακλῆς Μύσθου Θεωγίτο(νος) τρ(άπεζα) ις L. Μεχ(ίρ) ιζ Sιβ, 9. REGISTER OF TAXES Οι f 15 χρεα () 20 X() {v ἀπὸ συμβ(όλου) τετελ(ευτηκώς) T p Col. III // Ἡρακλῆς Μελαγκώμο(ν) Ποστίμου Τιβ( ) τρ (άπεζα) ι5L Μεχ(ίρ) . S κδ, λ ε S δ, Φαμενώθ κβ Sη Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa—, Παχ(ών) ιδ Οη Ἡρακλῆς Μύσθου Δανίου τρ(άπεζα) ι5L μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ λέ S S, Τῦβι ζ S, S, Τῦβι ιθ S δ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) κδ S δ € บ Παχ(ών) ιδ Sιβ, Παῦνι λμες δ Cχ υ(ίκή) Sa— Ἡρακλῆς ὃς κ(αὶ) Πνεφερῶς ᾿Αμμωνίου し ​// Ἡρᾶς Ἡρᾶτος πρόγ(ονος) Κοσκωνίου τρ(άπεζα) ι5L Μεχ(ίρ) ιδ S κδ Παῦνι ιθ S ιβ, Ἐπίφ ιδ S η Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Ἡρακλῆς Ἡρακλήου Σελενχις (2nd hand) ζήτη (The following two lines written upside down) κ. Ἐπείφ τη S μειά / Sa Ἐπείφ δέκαεξ / Sις καὶ υἱκ(ή) μιὰ ὀβ(ολός) / Sa– τρ(άπεζα) ιζL し ​Τῦβι ιγ 5η Ἡρακλῆς Ωρου Σεράτιος γέρδ(ιος) (The following line written upside down) κ. Ἐπείφ ιη S ἓξ Παῦνι S κ Ἡρακλῆς Κεφάλωνος γεωργό(s) τρ(άπεζα) ι5L Τῦβι ιζ Κιβ. Col. IV し ​Ἡρακλῆ(s) Ἡρακλ(έους) Φαναυσις τρ(άπεζα) ιζL— Φαρμοῦθ(ι) κδ S κδ Ἡρὼν ὃς κ(αὶ) Ἰρηνῆς Ὀννώφριος τρ(άπεζα) ιςι Φαρμοῦθ(ι) ιβ S κδ 56 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS ἐπάνω 5 10 έτετελ (ευτήκει) ἐπάνω 15 20 Διφόρ(ου) ΤΗ Col. IV : Ἡρακλῆς ᾿Απίωνος τρ (άπεζα) ι5L Τῦβι ιγ Sη ἄλ(λας) ιζ Sη Sn し ​Ꮪ Ꮬ Τῦβι τη Γη, Μεχ(ίρ) ι Ε Sη, Πα[ῦνι .. S δ, Ἐπί]φ τα S δ, Μεσορή τη S δ ιζ L μη(νὸς) Σεβαστοῦ ι ς C [χ υἱ(κή) Sa-] Μητροδ(ώρου) · Ἡρακλῆς ᾿Αντιφίλου //•Ηλιόδωρος Ἡρακλήου Διαφόρο(υ) A J し ​(τ)ρ(άπεζα) ις L Παῦνι ιθ S ιβ, Μεσορή κ. Sλβ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Ἡρακλῆς Ἡρακλήου Δι[α]φό(ρου) Μεχ(ίρ) ιζ ζ ζ «β FCx υ(ἱκή) [Sa-] // // し ​Ἡρακλῆς Πετ[αμού]τιος ᾿Ασκλη(πιάδου) τρ(άπεζα) ις L— μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβαστοῦ λδ ζη Χοίαχ ιθ S η, Τῦβι τη Sη, Μεχ(ίρ) ι Σ S δ, λ δ Ο δ, Φαμενώθ κα Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa— Φαμ(ε)νώθ κγ S δ, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) // Θίβρων Αρψήμιος τρ(άπεζα) ι5L S δ, Παχ(ών) κδ S δ. un(vòs) Né(ov) Zeß(ao) μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ λζζη Χοίαχ λ γ Sιβ, Τῦβι ιζ S δ, Μεχ(ίρ) ζSη Φαρμοῦθι λSS ๆ Παῦνι λ μ . Sη, Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa // Θέων ῾Αρεώτου ᾿Αβελις τρ(άπεζα) ι5L μη (νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ λδ S S Μεχείρ με S. Ε, Φαμενώθλμάζη, ϊ'S δ, Παχ(ών) ιδ S δ, Παχ(ών) ιδ S η, Επίφις S$ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa- Κ Θέων Πάσωνος τρ (άπεζα) ι5L Πάνε(μος) κ Ε S 8 Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa- 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 57 25 ὑποκά(τω) 5 ἀποκεχ(ώρηκε) ις. Col. IV //•Θέων Μένωνος τρ(άπεζα) ι5L μη(νὸς) νέου Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ λ δ ζ η, Χοίαχ λ S δ, Τῦβι λ ε S δ, Μεχ(ίρ) λ δ S δ, . Φαμενώθ λ S δ, Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa-, Φαρμο(ῦθι) κε S η, Παχ(ών) ιδ S δ, Παῦνι κ Σ S δ, Επίφ ιδ S δ. し ​•Θεοκλῆς Πτόλλιδος τρ(άπεζα) ις - Μεσορήλ με S κδ, ιζ L μη(νὸς) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ κβ Sι Σ, ιζ L μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ ISS // Θέων Δικ[ράνου ? Κ κ Ε S δ, λ[ Μεχ(ίρ) ις S S[ Παῦνι κβ S δ[..] S Θέων Πτόλ[λιδος τρ (άπεζα) ιSL [Φ]αρ[μοῦθι Θέων Θέωνο[s //•Ἰσχυρίων éwv 'I[ (2nd hand) Col. V 58 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 10 15 ἀπὸ συμβ(όλου) 20 σύμβ(ολον) 25 ἀπολ(ύσιμος) πκωρ.. •Ἰσχυρίων //•'Iox[ λε[ [ //:'Iox[ (2nd hand) ὧδε Ἰσίω[ν] •Ἰσχυρίων [ των Φατ[ y 18 Τῦβι κ. S δ, [ Παχ(ών) ιδ [ S Ἰσχυρίων S[ ], Φαμεν[ώθ]λμ[ SS [ // [Ἰά]σων Σαμβᾶτ[ος Mex (ip) Φαρμο(ῦθι) λ δ S S, Φαμεν(ώθ)[ Col. V ] v[ Χ]οίαχ ]Sn し ​] τρ(άπεζα) ι5L Τῦβι ιδ S δ, Παχ(ών) ιζ [S. ] Τῦβι τη S. ξ, Μεχ(ίρ) [ Φαμενώθ κβ S δ [ τρ(άπεζα) ιςL ] λ δ διβ, δ, 15 58, 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 59 5 10 15 Col. VI [ ] Καλλιστράτο(ν) Κεβε( ι Σ S δ, Τῦβι τη S δ, Μεχ(ίρ) ιζ Sη, Φαρμοῦθ(ι) ιβ S δ, し ​S δ ιγ S δ ((Παχ(ών) ((ιζ ((Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa— Παχ(ών) κδ Sη, Παχ(ών) κ Ε S δ,)) Παῦνι S η, ὁμο(ίως) λγ Sιβ. [....]ριων πρ(εσβύτερος) Ἰσχυρίωνο(s) Κεβε( ) τρ(άπεζα) ις- μη(νὸς) Χοίαχ K κ Ε S δ, Τῦβι ιθ S η, Μεχ(ίρ) ι Σ ) τρ(άπεζα) ιεL μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ [κ 5] S δ, Τῦβι ιθ Sη, Μεχ(ίρ) ι ζ S δ, Παῦνι κ Ε S ιβ, ιζ L μη(νὸς) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ ιθ S ιβ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa— K L β Ἰσχυρίων νε(ώτερος) Ἰσχυρ[ίω]νo(s) Κεβ( ) τρ(άπεζα) ι5L μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ S δ, Παῦιν (sic) κε S ιβ, — (vòs) (ao) ιζ L μη(νὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τοῦ ιβ Sιβ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa し ​Ἱερ.... Ὀννώφριος γέρδ(ιος) τρ (άπεζα) ι5L Τῦβι ιθ S κδ Παῦνι .. S« Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa // της / Ισχυρίων Ἡρακλήου Φίλ( ) τρ (άπεζα) ις- Τῦβι ιζ S. Μεχ(ίρ) ι Σ S δ, Φαμενώθ λ γ ζη, Παχ(ών) ιδ S η, Ἐπίφ λμθ ς δ, ζ L— Φαῶφι λ μ 5S,β Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa- Ἰσχυρίων Φανομγέως ᾿Αμῶτ(ος) 1 60 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS ἐπάνω 20 25 [ἐπ]άνωι Col. VI // Ἰσίων Εὐημέρου τρ (άπεζα) ις L Τῦβι ιδ S ιβ, Κ Μεχ(ίρ) ιζ S δ, Φαμενώ(θ) λ με 5η, Φαρμο(ῦθι) κ Ε S δ, ιζ' Παχ(ών) ιζ Sη Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa-, Παῦνι ..S δ, κβ ἄλ(λας) S δ. // •Ἰσχυρίων Πανετβ(ύιος) Σελενινί(ου) τρ(άπεζα) ις κγ Sη, κε S κη, Παχ(ών) ιζ Sη Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa- //•Ἰσχυρίων Ζηνήους Δι[ ιςι し ​τρ (άπεζα) ιεL Μεχ(ίρ)] ις διβ, Mex(ip)] Sɩß, Παχ(ών) κε S δ, Ἐπίφι Σ S [κη Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa—] Ἰσχυρίων Νεοπτ[ολέμου τρ(άπεζα) ι5] L—— Παῦνι κ S S κ, k ≤ S n Κ τρ(άπεζα) Φαρμο(ῦθι) し ​Με( . ) τρ(άπεζα) ις L .ρ[ί]ων Καλλιστράτο(υ) Μ.. し ​Χοίαχ τα Sη, Μεχ(ίρ) ι Σ S ιβ, Φαρμοῦθ (ι) ιβ S δ, Παχ(ών) ιζ S δ Cχ υ[ἱ(κή) Sa-] ((Παῦνι κ Σ Sιβ)) β บน Sδ Cχ υἱ(κή) Sa Col. VII Of this column only the marginal entries are preserved as follows: 1 ἐπάν[ωι], 2 ὧδε, 3 ἀπολ(ύσιμος), 4 ζή(τη) σύμ(βολον), 5 σύμβ(ολον) π(λῆρες), 6 σύμβολ(ον), * (erased), 8 ἀπεκ (εχωρήκει) ιζL, 9 σύμβολον), 10 ζή(τη) σύμβ(ολον), 11 ἐπάνω, 12 σύμβολον). 9. REGISTER OF TAXES 61 I. 1. A bracket appears at the right as if the entry were to be cancelled. 11. Payment is made in full, 44 dr. 6 ch. and the pig-tax of 1 dr. 1 ob. The latter The latter is always named in this ledger. In No. 8 the entry usually appeared immediately after the chalci without the designation vi(ký). 15. VT( ). This should be the name of a month as the date follows immediately. Possibly [Ea] VT (Kós) for Eavdikós. Cf. IV. 21 where the scribe reverted to the Macedonian calendar. The entry for Payni seems to be in a different hand. 16. The entry év Baßvλāvɩ seems to be in a different hand. 21. This is the only case where the Emperor's name is added after the year. II. 1. A line was drawn through the entry yépô (105) TP( ) 1SL, and a bracket drawn at the right of the whole entry. 2. de. The reading is uncertain here and at the beginning of the marginal entry in the next line. These entries were probably names to be inserted at this point in next year's ledger. Slaves were liable to the ovvráğıµov. συντάξιμον. Cf. 11. 10, 14; P. Cornell 21. 5. Two payments made in Payni on the same day. 9. This entry appears in Col. IV. 4. The name was entered here because the auditor wished it to come in this place in next year's ledger. 10. Heracles is probably a freedman. The marginal entry im- plies that the auditor had difficulty in locating the entry under Tybi. Note the unusual payment of 2 dr. in Pachon. 16 ff. This entry is much confused. The account for Pharmouthi was bracketed. In the following line Payni and Epiph are repeated and a line drawn through the entire 1. 17. The account is checked as paid in full and probably Epiph was erased wrongly. The marginal entry seems to imply that the auditor was uncertain whether the payment for Tybi was in the 16th or 17th year. 22. ὁμ (οίως) ἄλλ(ας). Cf. B. G. U. 1586. Two payments were made on the same day. 23. See Introduction for an explanation of this account. 27. Zeẞaoтou. This word is usually written in a minute and Σεβαστοῦ. abbreviated style and looks more like eкTOυ than anything else. 33. Evidently should be inserted before Pawpi. The last two entries are out of place chronologically and only 62 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 3 arrears were paid in Phaophi. Both accounts were entered in different hands, or at different times. III. 9. This entry was erased. Herodes may have gone to Alex- andria and had this payment transferred to the register in his new residence. 11. Four names are unusual. Was Melancomas a posthumous son of Tib ( )? 20, 21, 23. These lines were written in upside down. parently they have nothing to do with the ledger. IV. 1. The marginal entry is written very badly and we are quite uncertain of the reading. Ap- See 10. This is the only entry where тp (аréns) is omitted. Introduction. The repetition of in the date is plain. 18. Theon pays 48 dr. 21. The scribe wrote IIáve (μos) for Пaxóv. 25. Theocles was not checked because the chalci and pig-tax were unpaid. V. 1. The face of the papyrus is so badly damaged that very little can be read. 29. This notation at the bottom of the column seems meaningless. VI. 1. This account is bungled. Apparently all the entries in 1. 3 were to be deleted except the first. This gives a total of 44 dr. with the minor taxes unpaid. Keße. Κεβε. A similar entry appears in P. Cornell 21. 233. 20. τρ( ) repeated after the date. in I. 21. Probably for Kéße (TOS). Possibly Ti(Bepiov) as 28-29. The account in 1. 28 is blurred. The scribe wrote Sồ and then wrote ʼn over it. To make it plainer he made the entry again in the line below without erasing the previous entry. · 10. REGISTER OF TAXES 63 Day 6 8 11 16 17 18 34 A. D. No. 10 is written on the verso of No. 9. Eight columns are preserved more or less completely, but it is evident that this fragment belonged to a larger roll, although it is broken evenly at the left and right along the edges of the columns. A few traces of the amounts of the lost column at the left may be distinguished, and at the right there are traces of initial letters of the next column. 19-25 26? 27? 29 10. REGISTER OF TAXES 77 x 28 cm. As the heading indicates, this document is a day-book of the ovvráέipov at Philadelphia, dated in the 20th year of Tiberius. In form it is similar to Nos. 2-6 and P. Cornell 21, although written in a different hand. The payments are in 4, or multiples of 4 drachmas. No payments of chalci nor of the pig-tax are recorded, probably because these were not usually paid until the end of the year. The total of each day's receipts is given in the margin at the left. The names were unchecked, but in Col. V. 14, 17-22, 25-28 the amounts were checked by a short vertical stroke above the sum. Apparently names were selected at random in the ledger, and the auditor was satisfied if he found their accounts correct. The record of daily payments may be summarized as follows: Total No. of Payments 8 ર 3 76 37 29 26 13 19 26 239 Amount 72 16 32 476 212 180 124 at least 88 132 172 at least 1504 at least 64 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS It should be noted that no total appears on the margin of Col. IX so that it is clear that the account of the 28th con- tinued through Col. IX and into Col. Χ. The average payment per capita is slightly under 7 drachmas. This is less than the average in our other day-books, but is close to that found in the ledger of 29-30 A. D. (No. 9). Evidently the citizens were not eager to pay their taxes any earlier than they had to. Sixty-five of the names in this list appear in our other registers (especially in No. 13). Twenty-six are also found in P. Cornell 21, and it may be noted that the four sons of Dicranes pay their taxes together in both documents (IV. 16-19, P. Cornell 21, 387-390). οβ ις λβ 10 15 Col. I Ἔτους κ Τιβερίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ Τῦβι διαγεγρ(αμμένον) συντάξιμ(ον) Φιλα(δελφείας) τ(οῦ) α(ὐτοῦ) (ἔτους) 5 Μάρων ξ Πολέμων Πολέμων Μύσθ(ας) Πνεφερῶ(s) Πετοσίρις Μελαγκόμας ῾Ατρῆς η Μύσθ(ας) ᾿Απελλῆς τα Ωρος Πετεῦρις Νεκφερῶς ζ Παποντῶ(s) 20 Πετεαρμώτη(s) Σαμβᾷς (ὁμοίως) Αστη( ) (ὁμοίως) υἱός ᾿Αμμωνίου Πετεχῶντο(s) (ὁμοίως) Λάκω(νος) Αρφαήσεως πρε(σ)β(υτέρου) Ἡρακλή(ου) (ὁμοίως) ὀνηλ(άτης) ῾Ατρήους Ἡρακλή(ου) (ὁμοίως) Αρβή(σιος) Εκτωρος ῾Αρμύσιο(s) (ὁμοίως) Λαυότο(ς) Μέρρεως ᾿Αραβίωνος η η ιβ ιβ ဝ် ๆ ιβ η ် ιβ ιβ ιβ η ω το κ δ 10. REGISTER OF TAXES 65 25 "Ωρος Πτόλλις Πνεφερῶς Παποντῶς Κερᾶς Μεοπλῆ(s) Πτόλλις 30 ᾿Ανουβίων 15 20 Πετερμοῦθ(ις) Μελέαγρος Ὧρος Πυλάδης 5 Ἡρακλῆ(s) Πνεφερῶς Σισόϊς Μύσθ(ας) Ἡρακλῆ(s) 10 Οννῶφρις Πετερμοῦθ(ις) Πετοσίρις Σαμβᾶς ᾿Αμμῶνις Πανετβ(ῦς) Νεκφερῶς Ἡρᾶς Ἡρακλείδ(ης) Ἰάσων Ἰσίων Ἡρακλῆς Μύσθ(ας) Πετερμοῦθ(ις) Ὀννῶφρις Ἡρακλῆς } Πραξίου Σπ.. Νεκφερ (ῶτος) Πολ( ) πρόγο(νος) Χαιρήμω (νος) (ὁμοίως) όπο( ) Ὥρου όπο( ) Μύσθ(ου) Παποντῶ(τος) Θατε () Πανομγέως Μελεάγρου ᾿Ανουβίωνος Μύσθ(ου) ῾Αρπᾶς Col. II Ζωίλος Θηῶτος Κερᾶτο(s) Ἡρακλή(ου) (ὁμοίως) χαλκ(εύς) Πτόλλιδο(s) ᾿Αμβῆσις ᾿Αμοννέως Πετε(η)σις νε(ώτερος) Πετεαρψενή (σιος) Πετεμη ( ) οψ( ) (ὁμοίως) Κεννέ(ως) ῾Ατρήους ῾Ατρ.. Ἡρακλή(ου) γέρδ(ιος) Πτεῦχ(ου) Φεμνήσ(εως) ω το δ δ συν ις co η η Στο ω τ δ δ co στο το το το Ε9 στο η ιβ ๆ δ η Στο το η ιβ Ω το (ὁμοίως) Αλῆ(τος) (ὁμοίως) πρόγο(νος) Κωσκωνίο(υ) η δ Ὥρου Αρπα( Ατρήους ἠπή (της) Εὐημέρου Ὥρου βουκόλ(ος) ῾Αρμιῦσις γέρδ(ως) ιβ “ “ δ 66 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 25 30 Κερᾶς ῎Απίων Ἡρακλῆ(s) Πνεφερῶς Αἰσχρίων Τρύφων Μύσθ(ας) Διοσκῦς Ἑριεῦς Ἡρακλείδη(s) Νεκθατυμω () Μαρρῆς Πανετβ(ῦς) Ἡρακλῆς 5 Ἡρακλῆ(s) Λαβοῦς Νεκθνη () Παχνούβως Πομπάϊς 10 Οννῶφρις Παμμῆς Αρφαῆσις Πετεῦχος Ταανοῦφις 15 Ατρῆς Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Νεκφερῶς ᾿Ατομεῦς Πετεῦχος 20 ’Απύγχις Ὀννῶφρις ᾿Αμμῶνις Ἰσχυρίων Ὡρίων ᾿Αμωνίου (ὁμοίως) λαχανοπό(λης) ᾿Απίωνος ᾿Αρχεδήμου Ἡρακλείδ(ου) γέρδ(ιος) (ὁμοίως) ἐλαοῦργ(ος) Νεκφε(ρῶτος) Ταυρίνο(υ) Πτολεμίου γέρδ(ιος) Παβέτο(υ) Ὥρου γέρδις Col. III Πετενηνος (ὁμοίως) Πολυφάντου Πετεσούχ(ου) όπο( ) (ὁμοίως) όπο( ῾Αροντῶτο(υ) Ψενοβάστεως (ὁμοίως) Πετοσίρεως ῾Αριένις Παλεῦτος (ὁμοίως) ᾿Απέλ(λῆτος) Μύσθ(ου) Λυσιφρη(s) Πετεμοῦνις Διδ(ύ) μου ῾Ατρήους Ψενῆσις Νεκφερῶτο(s) Παέμφος χιρ(ιστής) Νεκφερῶ (τος) ᾿Αρφαήσεως Ἡρακλή (ου) Φιλᾶτος Ἡρακλ(έους) Πτολεμαίου Ψῶις η η ทุ ๆ η η η 90 ω το το ω ω β δ င် 8 ท δ η Στο το το ် δ ๆ ် ιβ ιβ η η η δ δ δ င် ις ် 10. REGISTER OF TAXES 67 25 Μύσθ(ας) Νεκφερῶς Πετνῦτος 30 ιζ Φᾶσις ῾Αρφαῆσις Ὀννῶφρις Ἰσχυρίων Ψενατῦμ(ις) Νικάνωρ ᾿Ανουβίων Πετσῖρις Νεκφερῶς 10) Παποντῶς Ὀννῶφρις ῾Ατρῆς ᾿Απῦγχις Ὡρίων 20 5 15 20 Ἡρακλῆς ῾Αρφαῆσις Θέων Δίος Πετῆς Πετῆς ὃς κ(αὶ) Νεκφερῶς Φιλαργύ (ρου) το ξ Ἡρακλῆς Πετεῦχος Κάλλις Νεκφερῶς Ἡρακλῆς ᾿Αθηναῖς Σαμβᾶς 25 Απύγχις Πετεῦχος Ἡρακλῆς Παποντῶτ(ος) Μύσθ(ου) Παγκή(τιος) Πνεφερῶτ(ος) (ὁμοίως) Δικαίου (ὁμοίως) Φιλαργύρο(υ) Col. IV Αρυώτο(υ) Μύσθ(ου) Στοβ( ) Πνεφερῶτο(s) Πνεφερῶτο(s) Χαιρήμωνο(s) (ὁμοίως) Τααρβ( ) Ἰσχυρίων Νεκφερῶτο(s) ᾿Ανουβίωνος Πομσάϊς Ψάμμιδο(ς) πρεσβ(υτέρου) Κ.ανφωτ( .) Ὡρίωνος ποι(μήν) Δικράνου Δικράνου Δικράνου Δικράνου Ατρήους Αρεψ( Πανομγέως Πετερμώτο(υ) Ἡρακλείδο(υ) Ἡρακλείδ(ου) Πανεφισω ( ) Μύσθ(ου) ὑοφ (όρβος) Νεκφερῶ (τος) νεω (τέρου) Μένωνος ωωωω δ δ η η η Πομσάϊς (ὁμοίως) νε(ωτέρου) Κάνν(ιτος) η η ဝဲ Στο το το το το το το δ δ δ δ η η ทุ Στο το το το τ ် στο το 9 ιβ Ο τ δ 2 68 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 1 30 σιβ ᾿Απύγχις Πομσάης Πανετβῦς ᾿Αμβῆς Παχράτης Νεκφερῶς Σαμβᾶς Ἡρακλῆς 5 Ωρος 25 Πετῆς τη Νεκφερῶς ᾿Αφροδίσιος 10 Σαμβᾶς Νεκφερῶς Πετεαρψενῆ (σις) Παχεῖρις Ηλιόδωρος 15 Πετεῦς ᾿Ακουσίλαος Πνεφερῶς Νεκφερῶς 20 Αμμῶνις Ψάμις Νεμίων Πετεῦχος ᾿Απύγχις Πολέμων Πολέμων Πυλάδης Ωρος Ωρος Πομσάϊς ᾿Απύγχεως Πετσῖρις "Αρχω(νος) (ὁμοίως) Col. V Πανομγέως Σύρου ᾿Ανδρονίκ(ου) Σαμβᾶτο(s) Σαμβᾶτο(s) Λεύκου Φατρήους ᾿Αρόπου Πνεφερῶ (τος) ἱερε(ύς) Σισόϊτος Διοσκουρίδο(υ) Διοσκουρίδο (v) Πετεσούχ(ου) Δωνάτου ᾿Ακουσιλάο(υ) [[Ακουσιλάου]] ῾Αρφαήσεως Ἡρακλή(ου) (ὁμοίως) Πτολεμαίου Μαρρέως νε(ωτέρου) Πάνιτο(s) Πάνιτος Πάνιτος νε(ωτέρου) Πτόλις ᾿Αλυγφι( ) [Πτ]όλις ᾿Αλυγφι() · τοταρεσης ιβ (ὁμοίως) νε〈ώτερος) γέρδ〈ιος) η η င် ευ co co co δ ω το η ܗ δ δ η ε το ω τ δ· το το το δ Στο το ις. δ δ δ· η· η· ις & 10. REGISTER OF TAXES 69 рп 30 Ὀννῶφρις Ἱέρεξος Ψενοβέτης 15 Μένων ᾿Αμβῆσις Πτολεμαῖς 20 Ἡρα[κλῆς] 5 ᾿Αρχέδη (μος) ιθ Πα...ης Ἡρακλῆς ῾Ατρῆς ᾿Απύγχις 10 Χαιρήμων Πανετβ(ῦς) .. Πετερμοῦθ(ις) Χρύσιππος Παχνοῦβις Νεκφερῶς Κεφάλων Πουῶρις Κάλλις ῾Ατρῆς Θέων Ὡρίων Λεοντῦς Διοσκῦς Ἡρακλῆ(s) 25 Ἡρακλῆ(s) ᾿Απύγχις Πετεαρψε(νῆσις) Πανετβ(ΰς) Φᾶσις Πεκῶς [Ο]ννώφεο (s) Ὀννώφρεως Col. VI Τρύφων (ὁμοίως) Ἑρμολ[άου] ᾿Αμβῆσις (ὁμοίως) (ὁμοίως) Αρφαή (σεως) ..ακθεη ( ) Σαμβᾶτ(ος) Ψάμμιδο(s) Ωρίωνος Πμοῦτ(ος) πρ (εσβυτέρου) Πνεφερῶτ(ος) (ὁμοίως) Ατομ[έως (ὁμοίως) Πανετβ(ύιος) Πανε[τβύιος] Καλλι[ ῾Αρεώτου ῾Αρεώτου (ὁμοίως) Νεκφ[ερῶτος] Πανετβ(ύιος) Πετερμούθ(ου) (ὁμοίως) Στ. Στρ Φαήσεως ω το κ S δ ΞΞΞΞ δ δ ် ܗ η η 70 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS πη ...ρ..ν[ ]p ] [ (The total of the day was entered here in the margin.) ] (ὁμοίως) Νικάνῳ (ρος) ] [ [ 5 [ [ [ [ …. [ 10 [ [ [ [ 25 30 15 Ωρως . . ουρος κ. [ Πετεῦχος 20 [......]ων Παμ[ Πανκράτη(s) [ [ ] ] ] ] ]φις [ [ [ II[ Σι[σόις] [ [ ...λλ.. Ν[εκφε]ρῶς ] ] ] ] ] ] ζων ] ]τις ] ] 1 Col. VII Νεκφερῶ[τος] ζουνε... Σαμβᾶτος Πτολίωνος Ἰσχυρ[ίωνος] Κεφάλων(ος) Νεκφερῶτ(ος) Ἰσχυρίω (νος) ᾿Απύγχεως II.......s Αρυ[ώτου] πρε(σ)β(υτέρου) ᾿Αμμωνίου (ὁμοίως).υσο Τεῶτος (ὁμοίως) Ατ[ ] (óμoíws) Av() (ὁμοίως) Κρα( Πτεύχ(ου) Σικα(νοῦ) Ἑρμίου Ἱέρακο (s) Ὀνόφρερ Ὀννώφρεο(s) Ζωίλο(υ) Ἡρακλή (ου) γέρδ(ιος) Ατρήους νε(ωτέρου) (ὁμοίως) ὑφορβ(ός) င် ܗ ܗ ် η η στο Ω η δ ιβ ๆ δ ις δ ω δ ทุ Σετ 6 τ ทุ ် δ δ K * ω τ .το το τ« δ δ δ ω ω ω δ δ δ 10. REGISTER OF TAXES 71 5 ρλβ 15 Δυμαῖος 20 Ωρος κθ Π....s Ἡρᾶς Δῖος Χαιρήμων 10 Εκτωρ Κερ[ᾶς ] ῾Αρμιῦσις Πετνοῦβ(ις) Πετ[ερ]μο(ῦθις) ᾿Απύγχις ῾Αρμάϊς Μεοπλῆ(s) Δικράνος Μελαγκώμας Νεκφερῶς Μελαγκ (ώμας) Πετεῦς Πετεμοῦνις Πανετβῦς Μενεκράτη(s) ᾿Αντοῦς 25 Ωρος Πετεῦχ(ος) Πεβῆς Δῖος Νεκφερῶς 30 Ἡρακλῆ(s) Ἰσχυρίων 4 Col. VIII ] 'ΑρΓ (ὁμοίως) νε(ώτερος) Πετ... [N]ε[κ]φερ[ῶτος] Πετ[ [....]τερο[ [ II... Πετεύχου (ὁμοίως) Σαμβ(ᾶτος) Πνεφερ(ῶτος) Λάκω(νος) Πααβ(ῶτος) Πετοή(ριος) Πανετβῆς Μύσθ(ου) ] Αρφαή(σεως) Σενουθ() Πετεανοῦ ῎Αγρωνος Πετεύχου Πανετβ(ύιος) Πετεμούν (ιος) ᾿Απελλῆ(τος) Ἡρακλ(έους) Παλκ(ίνου) (ὁμοίως) αὐλ (ητής) Ἰσχυρίωνος (ὁμοίως) γέρδ(ιος) Ἡρακλή(ου) Παλκ(ίνου) (ὁμοίως) Αλῆ(τος) Πετεύχου Βολ ( Πανετβ(ύιος). ις ις ιβ ] ] ις ις δ η ် δ το το κο δ ทุ ιβ ις δ င် δ ܗ ω το κο το κ δ δ δ δ हजु 72 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS L Col. I. 1. For this prescript cf. No. 2. III. 1-3. 19. This entry appears in No. 8. I. 1. 22. The reading [ ] is uncertain. Possibly [ ] should be read. опо Oπ°. The same appellative is found in III. 4-5. Possibly όπω(ροπώλης) should be read. 28. Оαт. The superimposed letter may be π or e. II. 11. Probably a dealer in provisions. 17. It is unusual to record both father and stepfather. 32. yépôts. The -os is not infrequently shortened to -is. γέρδις. Cf. ᾿Απολλῶνις and ’Αμμῶνις which should probably be read as ᾿Απολλώνιος and ᾿Αμμώνιος. III. 25, 26. VI. IV. 2. Στοβ[ ]. Possibly Σαμβ (ᾶτος). 14. The patronymic is hopelessly blurred. 20. We cannot read App (ñμis) here. 24. IIavediow( ). The name does not occur elsewhere. V. 18. ’Ακουσιλάου was erased and ‘Αρφαήσεως written below. 27-28. Αλυγφι or ’Αγυλφι. No sign of abbreviation in either case. The form The form is otherwise unknown. VII. 1. Cf. P. Cornell 21. 406. This is a case of the patrony- mic being given in the nominative instead of the genitive. The scribe was quite inconsistent in this respect. The reading seems to be ПIEтevniros instead of Пerevη (ɩтos) as given by the Cornell editors. Lysiphres is not recorded by Preisigke, Namenbuch. 19. Παεμφός. Possibly Παέμμιος. 13. 2. The patronymics and the amount of the tax have faded out in this column. To secure the total re- corded in line 6 we need only restore the payment of 8 dr. in lines 1-4. 19-20. Hatres and Theon, sons of Hareotes, pay their tax together in P. Cornell 21. 178-179, 309-310. The other brother, Mysthas, who pays with them in the latter document, does not appear in our list. 28. Στ. Στρ. Probably a case of dittography. The names on the left are almost all illegible. In lines 4 and 18 the entries of different days began, but it is impossible to tell the dates. 27. The reading 'Ovóppep is clear. VIII. 15. Meorλn (s). Cf. I. 27. 17. Zevove( ). Otherwise unknown. 11. REGISTER OF TAXES 773 25. avλ (ŋtýs). The reading is doubtful. It looks more like Ατλ( ). The profession of fluteplayer seems to be rather common at Philadelphia. Cf. No. 13 and P. Cornell 22. 31. The iota following Пaveтß (útos) is probably to be explained as a scribal error. He started to enter the amount of the tax here instead of in the proper place under the third column. 11. REGISTER OF TAXES 52 x 28 cm. 35 A. D. This and the following list were recorded on the verso of day-books of the ovvrásov (Nos. 2 and 3), and a similar account of the same taxes for the same years may be found on the verso of P. Cornell 21 (unpublished). No. 11 consists of three columns, recorded on the bottom of the verso at the extreme right. The first column is the longest and has 18 lines. The heading of the second column is lost. Both of these deal with arrears of the λαογραφία and of the χωματικόν. Of the third column only four entries remain. Here the top, right edge, and left edge are gone. Probably not more than two lines are lost at the top. The character of the accounts is not quite clear here, but they evidently deal with the same taxes, and possibly the scribe sums up the total of the pay- ments in the three columns at the end. The λaoypapía is 45 drachmas 2 obols per head, and the list is evidently a record of arrears for the 19th, 20th, and 21st years of Tiberius. The xoμarikóv is invariably 13 drachmas 2 obols. This is twice the usual dike-tax, and we should naturally assume that arrears for two years were paid, but the entry in I. 9 seems to imply that the payment is for the 21st year only. The tax may have been doubled in this year be- cause of special work in irrigation in this district. The only other example of a double yoμaтIкóv appears in ostraca (Milne, Archiv, VI, p. 129. Cf. P. Cornell 21 Verso). 74 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS It is rather strange that these arrears are not recorded together. The account on the verso of P. Cornell 21 is in two very short columns near the middle of the roll. No. 12 has only 5 entries and evidently nothing preceded it on the roll. How much followed cannot be determined as the papyrus is broken. Evidently all three accounts deal with the same taxes for the same years, but to jot them down on the backs of discarded day-books in this haphazard fashion does not im- ply a very orderly system of bookkeeping. It is evident that the collection of the Aaoypapía and of the xwμarikóv were in the hands of the same official in Phila- delphia at this time. It is also evident that the accounts of the λαογραφία and συντάξιμον were kept at the same place. Our reasons for believing that this was the local bank have been set forth already (cf. pp. xiii ff.). 5 Col. I. καὶ ἐν Φ[ίλ]α[δελφίᾳ καὶ ἐν ἐποικίῳ] ᾿Αντωνίας [περὶ Πετουρίω(ν) Г 1 ...VE.. Xw (μATIKóv) [ [ [ [ 10 [ x] L K ] x [S₁y =] [Sμe =] [Sμe =] ] χω(ματικόν) Si[y = ] ka Sty= ] χω(ματικόν) Sιγ ᾿Απόλλω(ν) ᾿Ανουβίω(νος) κ LS με Xw (μATIKÓν) Sty= Ἡρακλῆς (ὁμοίως) χω(ματικόν) Sιγ Ὡρίων Διονυσίο(υ) χω(ματικόν) Sιγ 15 Αὖχις (ὁμοίως) χω(ματικόν) Sty Πενεῆσις (ὁμοίως) γέρδ(ιος) χω(ματικόν) Sιγ = (γίγνονται) χω(ματικόν) S ρλγ = λαογ(ραφία) κL [S ..λ.. 1 11. REGISTER OF TAXES 75 ལར་ ་ ་ [ [ [ Col. II. ] xa Sμe = L ] Ka Sμe = καις με ] kαL Sμε = Σισόϊς ὃς κ(αὶ) Πανομγ(ες) [ xL Sμε = 10 L Sμe = με K [ Ł = [ [ Xw xw (μATIKÓν) x (μATIKÓν) xw(μatikóv) Xw ] και LS με xw (μATIKÓν) Sty= χω(ματικόν) Ἐν ἐποικίῳ ᾿Αντωνίου περὶ Πτολ(εμαίδος) Νέ(ας) ᾿Ανχῶφις Σαταβοῦτος κα LS με Ξ KL Sμe= Col. III. ] Sμe = [ L με ] φιβ ΕL κα EL [ ] xL SXS xw (μATIKÓν) [Siy= K (γίγνονται) S υκβ f [S₁y =] [Siy =] Si [y =] 3. IIеTOUρíw". Cf. No. 2. IV. 13. 11. Cf. No. 13, V. 13, XVII. 17. 14. Cf. No. 8. I. 5. I. 1. The surface of the papyrus is badly damaged at the top of this column, and at the left in lines 1-10. The heading is mostly lost. The Kai would imply that a similar account precedes, but nothing else is preserved at the left. For an estate of Antonia near Boubastus cf. No. 14. I. 7-8. 17. The total of the xwμatikóv is given first, probably because it is larger than that of the poll-tax. 18. Possibly we should restore L and the amount of the poll-tax collected for that year. II. 4. Sisois paid arrears of poll-tax for three years. 6. This estate of Antony should be added to the list given by Rostovtseff, Social and Economic History, pp. 572 ff. III. 2, 4. These sums are not divisible by the amount of the χωματικόν or of the λαογραφία. In line 2 the sign preceding κa is probably not for eros but may mean a deduction of some kind or it may be the sign for half an obol. 76 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 12. REGISTER OF TAXES 18 x 21 cm. 35 A.D. The verso of No. 3 was used to enter two different accounts. At the top is a short column of 9 lines containing an account of arrears of the poll-tax for the 19th, 20th and 21st years of Tiberius (probably. Cf. No. 11). Another scribe used the bottom for a record which resembles more nearly the day- books of the ovvтásμov, although very little remains to be de- ciphered (Col. II). About 7 cm. has been broken off at the top, and the right side of the column has also disappeared. Col. I. ἐν [ἐποικίωι ? Νεκφερῶς Ὥρου και [LS με =] KL Sμe = 10 S [μ€ =] Λαβεοῦς Ὀννώφρε[ως] x L S μe = 10 LS [μe =] K ·E [ ᾿Απύγχις [ xLS με = K Meppñs v[iós] ? ] Κλύφωνος 1 Πετερ [μούθης Αρμ [ιῦσις Col. II. Πετεῦχ(ος) Φα[ vacat Παῦνι ιθ . . . ντι(ος) ... Sις 13. ACCOUNTS нуу 13. ACCOUNTS ca. 35 A. D. This record of twenty columns is on the verso of a ledger of the ovvτáέov (No. 8). The clerk who compiled it was chosen neither for his calligraphy nor for his clarity of ex- pression. Not only is the penmanship poor but the abbrevia- tions are carelessly made, and often a short dash above the final letter leaves it uncertain how the word or name is to be restored. The papyrus is in good condition, although the ink has faded badly in a few places at the beginning and end of the roll. The document seems to be complete for there is a considerable margin left at both ends. We have found no parallel to this record in other papyri and we publish it in the hope that further discoveries may throw some light on the problem of its interpretation. At the left of Col. I is the entry μe (without any sign of abbreviation) τρ(απέζης) πινακίδ(ια). The meaning of the first word is uncertain. If the bank were a private institution the letters probably stand for the name of the proprietor. They may, however, be an abbreviation for µe(τpηµáτwv), με(ρισμῶν), or some banking term such as με(ταγραφῶν) or με(ταβολῶν). Πινακίδια is not otherwise applied to records on papyri, and usually means "tablets" of wax or wood. In banking phraseology the word probably means an account of any kind, and in Egypt the word was used in the same way although the accounts were doubtless recorded on papyrus. The arrangement and spacing of the columns may give us a clue to the various mivakídia recorded here. Certain columns are grouped together and sometimes considerable space is left between the groups. Of these the most important are, I, II-IV, V-VI, VII-IX, X, XI-XV, XVI-XX. Within the groups there are divisions, either by headings of various kinds, or by intervals of one or more lines left blank. Since the recto of this document is a ledger of the σvvτáčov prepared either at the bank or at the bureau of 78 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS the πрáктwр, there is little doubt that the verso was used at one of these two places for the record of accounts. The entry at the left of column I seems to support the view that the account on the verso was prepared at the bank, and, if so, there is little doubt that the accounts of the ovvráģiμov were kept there as well (cf. pp. xvii ff.). The verso contains a series of Tivakídia which seem to be a record of receipts and expenditures. In some cases we have a list of names in the nominative with small amounts entered after each name, followed by the entry ȧmλ(µara). Such accounts are clearly records of receipts and expenditures. Perhaps it is safe to assume that where the name is in the nominative we have a record of receipts at the bank either as deposits or payments to the account of the πрáктwр. In like manner, where the name is in the dative, the ac- count represents a payment by the bank or πрáктwр for salaries, commissions, or other expenses. Unfortunately headings are not often given in these accounts. When they are given, if not illegible, the interpretation is often far from clear. The sums, which we assume to be receipts, vary in amount from a few obols to 124 drachmas, and correspond to no tax already known from Roman Egypt. It is quite possi- ble, however, that these sums are instalments of various taxes paid in monthly to the bank on the account of the πрáктwр ȧруvρiк@v. The reasons for believing that the receipts are payments on taxes are as follows: The heading of Col. XVI is καὶ πρὸ τ(ῆς) ἀπητή (σεως) ἐνεστῶ (τος) ἀριθμη(τικοῦ). Little is known about the åρilµnτikóv and the information is summed up in the commentary to P. Ryl. 213. It was sometimes col- lected by the прάктшρ λαоураpías (P. Tebt. 361). In our document this tax is evidently paid in to the bank, and pre- sumably to the account of the πрáктшр. The use of the word πράκτωρ. Kaí in this heading may imply that the preceding columns also record an åπaíтησis of some other tax. That this other tax is not expressly named is due to the fact that its nature must have been obvious, and if this document is a report of 13. ACCOUNTS 79 the πράκτωρ ἀργυρικῶν there would be no necessity of stating the tax which was his particular and chief duty to collect- the λaoypapia itself. In Cols. VII, VIII, XVIII, and XIX we find a number of entries arranged geographically by vil- lages outside Philadelphia. In some cases we find the head- ing ériέévo (v). The most probable explanation of these is that they represent payment of taxes by Philadelphians temporarily absent. For the collection of the Aaoypapía from natives in other villages (rò èníçevov) cf. P. Tebt. 391. Some- what more difficult to explain is the Tivaκídiov represented in Cols. V-VI. Here the heading refers to the account of stone- work (eis Tòv λóyoν TOй Alikov). No such tax is known. Perhaps the state had undertaken some public work for which the individuals who benefited therefrom were assessed in a special levy which was collected through the same agency as the λαογραφία and ἀριθμητικόν. Columns I-IV seem to be for the most part a record of expenses but there is no clear indication of their purpose. Possibly these columns deal with the general expense account of the πрáкTwp in the collec- tion of the various taxes. The receipts from the érígevou are followed by a separate expense account, and the same is true of the ἀριθμητικόν. While we are far from certain concerning the nature and purpose of this document, we suggest as a possible explana- tion that it is a rough draft of a report which was made monthly by the πράκτωρ to his superior officer, the στρατηγός (Wilcken, Grundzüge, pp. 214 f). This report contains a record of the receipt of various assessments, the account of stone-work, the λαογραφία, the ἀριθμητικόν, and other items whose nature cannot be determined. Together with this record of receipts is an account of expenses, officially or privately incurred by the πρáкTwp in the collection of these sums. There is also the possibility that the πрάктwρ was a man of large business interests and that the items of expense represent payments by the bank on his account. For example the items runs oivov are relatively high in comparison with → 80 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 釁 ​? = τιμῆς ὀψωνίου. These and similar items may represent taxes on sales in various shops which were conducted by his agents. The document is undated. Many of the names in this list are found in our tax-registers dating from the reign of Tiberius and thirty-three entries with the same name and patronymic are found in No. 13 and No. 10 (34 A. D.). These two documents are probably contemporary and, while No. 13 may be a few years earlier or later than No. 10, it probably be- longs to the later years of Tiberius. Horus, son of Mysthas, is registered on the recto as 62 years of age (No. 8. VII. 1). The same entry appears five times in No. 13 (I. 4, III. 29, IX. 1, XV. 3, XVI. 10), but since Horus and Mysthas are common names in Philadelphia, it would be unsafe to draw any conclusions in regard to date from the identity of these entries. Πετατος δεδαπανη () ἐδαπαν( ) ὁμο(ίως) Ωρος Μύσθ(ου) Μελ( ) Ἰσχ( ) S8 SB 5 Πλεμ( ) Παχ(ῆτος) Sδ vacant ca. 15 versus () μ( ) Θεογ ( ) τθ γερ ( ) θερατ( ) φανετ () ( ) ιθ ( α( ) ψαλμ( ) τεσυρυ κθ... καθ.. ιβ Col. I. με.. τρ(απέζης) πινακίδ(ια) Col. II. ...ν( ) ἐντ( ) διὰ Νωσιδ() •Kη( ) IIET (€) úx (ov) ...ανωρ ..ετοφιλ ( ) 5 Εκ(τωρ) Ἐπικύδ(ου) Μελ( ) (γίγνονται) Sιη vacant ca. 5 versus ᾿Αχιλλᾶτ(ι) • S8 Sn ♡ S8 SB Sk 13. ACCOUNTS 81 Διονυτ( ) Πο( Σισαπολ( 10 Μέρωνι Εὐάνωρος Παχ(ήτι) 20 15 Φοινικ( ) τιμ(ῆς) στρ(ωμάτων) Ἠωνι χιριστ(ἧι) Νέρωνι Ἴσ(ι)δ(ος) ) ) οἰν( ) Μεχ( ) ᾿Απολλ( ) ἐντ( ) Διπω () Διδυμᾶτι Αμωφι() 'Aopod () Mex() ovvépeµ(a) .μ... ὀψωνίου ὁμο(ίως) ἄλλ (ας) τιμ(ῆς) οἴν(ου) Κλ( ) Πέτευς Ἥρωνι Μεχ( ) ὁμο(ίως) 25 τιμ(ῆς) ψ(ωμίων) ....ελ () ...αυτ( ) δαπαν(ημάτων) ἐπιξεν( ) Πτολ(εμαίδος) Νέα(ς) τιμ(ῆς) κρ(έως) épód (a) Mex() ἐντ( ) Πτολ(εμαίδος) Νέα(s) Εκ( ) 30 ...ωρι() M( ) παιδ(αρίοις) Μετ( ) κήρυκι ὑπηρέτ(αις) [ [Πετευριο () 5 Πεεῖ τιμ(ῆς) φ() Αδραστο () () Λαχ( ) ζυτ ( Παχ( ) Χρ( ) Xp( γρ (αμματεῖ) ? Col. III. S & οβ. η SS f οβ.ι S Γ Sn Sn 1 f S μη 5η Sm 1 1 - 8 8:10 ω Sis ST Sy= Sπ Sk K Sa Sp 9∞ S& SB ιβ. S & SS Sβ]] SB EL η L Sn ΣΚΑ S& : 82 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 10 Διονυτ ( ) Ἑρμ( ) ὑποκ(είμενα) γρ ( Πτευχ( ) Ἡγ( ) τιμ(ῆς) οἴν(ου) () ) v(ov) 15 χαρτ( ) ἀλλ( ) ὁμο(ίως) τιμ(ῆς) κρ(έως) τιμ(ῆς) κρ(έως) (γίγνονται) δρ(αχμαί) S ρκδ Ῥούφωι 20 τιμ(ῆς) κρέ(ως) 30 vacant 2 versus ) M(€)x( ) ἀποταγ( ) Πελωρι( ἄλλ(α) ἀνηλ(ώματα) Πτεύχ(ωι) Ἡγ( γραμ(ματεῖ) ) δι(ὰ) ἄλ(λων) 25 τρ(απέζης) Αρχετ( ) ετ( ) () vacat versus unus ἐντωκολ( ) [[Πλεμ( ) [[Ωρος [[Ωρος L ἀνηλ(ώματα) Εὐβούλ(ωι) Π(ετ) εύχ(ωι) ισοζυτ ( ) καθαριο () παιδαρί (οις) 35 Μ(ε)χ( ) (ὁμοίως) γραμ(ματεῖ) M (€) x Πτεύχωι μ..τα ᾿Αχιλλ() ὁμο(ίως) ἄλλ (ας) Πτολ( ) Max() Παραμ( ) Ισχορτ( ) .. Παχ(ῆτος) Μερέω(s) Μύσθ(ου) Col. IV 5η Sn S ιδ SK8 S& Sa S8 SY SS 8 00 Sδ SB Sμ S ρκδ Seyf S8 S β]] S4]] Sις]] Sty= θ Ө Sβ Si(?) Ελβ Sin SIB -B 13. ACCOUNTS 83 Ισαμ( ) καὶ διὰ Μέρω(νος) δαπ(άνημα) 5 AVT() M(é)p(wvɩ) Añoλ( ) Xed( ) Πτεύχ(ωι) Ηγ( ) ἄλ(λας) Πεδ( ) γραμ (ματεῖ) Ισχορτ( ) Mex () vacat ῾Αρφαῆ (σις) Πετνοῦπις Μάρωνι ἀφ᾽ ὧν δεδόκ(ασιν) εἰς τὸν λόγο(ν) τοῦ λιθικοῦ Ὀννῶφρις Ὀννῶφρις 5. Ὀννῶφρις Ἡρακλῆ(s) Πυλάδη(s) 10 Πανετβ(ΰς) Πτεῦχ(ος) Λαέρτη (s) ᾿Απολλω( ) 'Απις Ἡρακλῆς Ἰβίων Ὀννῶφρις Πολυφάντ(ης) 20 ’Απολλ( Πασίων Περαις 15 Πανκράτ(ης) νεώ (τερος) Αρυώτο(υ) Ψεναμο ( Πνεφερῶς Ὀρσενοῦφις Ωρίων 25 Ῥωμᾶς Col. V Πετεῦχ(ος) Ἡρακλῆς ἱερεύς μνησις Παταᾶτος Χεῦσις ᾿Απύγχ(εως) Ὥρου Ἡρακλ(ήου) ῾Αρμι(ύσεως) 'Apη (ov) Αρφαή(σεως) ᾿Ανουβίωνο(s) ) Μαρρήους Πετεμο () (ὁμοίως) Φανομγ(έως) Ἡρακλ(έους) Ταυρούλ(ου) Περαις Πτολεμα(ίου) [[Ακου]] Θεανίου Παυήσ(εως) | Sβ S ιδ S kn οβ. δ Sa Sμ 1 1 1 αλατας το -¿ | | │ | | १ | | | │ ζ Ύ € € € ܘ ܥ ܥ ܥ .. .. U ܗ ܩܥ ܩܥ ζ 8 - Š Υ - 5 ζ -5 ζ اما مهمه مامه ζ ζ ζ καπ ε 84 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS Ἡρακλῆς Παγκρᾶς 30 'Io [x]is Ἰσχυρίων Σύρος 35 ῾Αρφαῆ(σις) Πτολίων Τεθαῦτις Θέων Πετερμ(οῦ)θ(ις) Εὖρις Ἑριεῦς Πετῖρις Παννευτη ( ) ῾Αροννῶφρις ᾿Αθηνίων 5 Πετερμ (ού) θ(ες) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Πνεφερῶς Φᾶβις Πετερμ(οῦ)θ(ις) 10 ᾿Ανουβίω(ν) Ὀννῶφρις ᾿Απύγχ(ις) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Κάλλις 15 Βελλῆς Φαῆς Ἡρακλῆ(s) Θέων Θέων (ὁμοίως) Ὀννώ(φρεως) Δωρᾶτ(ος) Κάλλιτ(ος) (ὁμοίως) Ἑργέως Μύσθ(ου) Πτόλλιδ(ος) Πετεμ () Πομῆς (ὁμοίως) χαλ(κεύς) Col. VI ᾿Αρχωνίδου Πανχ(ράτου) Ἡρᾶτο(s) Φανο( ) Πετεύχ(ου) οπο( ) Αρφαή (σεως) Στράτω (νος) Φανομγ(έως) Παποντῶ (τος) (ὁμοίως) γέριδ (ιος) Πόμης Ἰσχκρίω(νος) ῾Ατρήους Ἐσούρε(ως) Λαβέτ(ου) Μύσθ(ου) Ἡρακλ(έους) ῾Αρυώτου t k ιδ € ιδ β β απ' EL Υ ζ ζ k १ ܘܥ ܩܥ ܩܥ ܝܥ ܬ ܝܘ ܬ ܬ ܝܥ ܝܥ ܝܦ ܩܫ ܩ܀ ζ ૐ k κα ζ १ * ζ β t S & co co SS 13. ACCOUNTS 85 5 Ὡρίων 15 ἐπιξέν(ων) Νέ(σ)του ἐποικίου Νεμίων Ἱερᾶς 10 Ἑρμίας Ὡρίων Φάσις 25 Πτολ( ) Σαμβᾶς (γίγνονται) Sa 35 Πτεῦχ(ος) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) (γίγνονται) Sλ Πτολεμαίδος) Ν(έας) Μύσθ(ας) Νεκφέρως Πανετβ(ϋς) 20 Ἑριεῦς *Αβις Ὧρος Μητροδ(ώρου) Φιλωτερίδ(ης) (γίγνονται) S vα f να Ασταρ Περμοῦθ(ις) Παχῆς Ψενοβάστ(ης) 30 ῾Ατρῆς Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Θυογ(είτων) Φαῆς [Π]εβαῦς (γίγνονται) S νδ Col. VII Μύσθ(ου) ἀδελφό(s) Ασκλ( ) (ὁμοίως) χαλ (κεύς) Τηῶ(τος) Πετεή (σεως) Ὠρσ(ε) νούφ(εως) Ωρίωνος Εύω ( ) (ὁμοίως) Ἕκτ(ωρος) Παν[ετ]β(ύϊος) ῾Αρφαή(σεως) Μύσθ(ου) Πνεφερῶ (τος) Ὥρου Τηῶς ἐποικ(ίου) Σαμβ(ᾶτος) Ηρᾶτ(ος) Ψενοβάστ(εως) Τηῶς 1( ) νε(ώτερος) Σαμβ(ᾶτος) ἀδελφό(s) Ατρήους καὶ Ὀβο ( ) Ὀννώφρε(ως) SC SC SC SC SS SS ω υ SC υ υ Sc S≤ SS ω υ SC Sa υ υ Sa Sc Sa SC Sa Siaf ια S8 Sc SC sa SC SC SC Siß SC 86 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS ᾿Αρσινόη [[Ασταρ]] Ἑριεῦς Σισόϊς 5 ᾿Απολλω () Νεκφερῶ(s) Παχνοῦβις ῾Αρεμῆφις ἐπιξέν(ων) 10 ᾿Ανδριάντω(ν) Κερκευχ( ) Παάπης Βησῶς Πνεφερῶ (s) 15 Πτεῦχ(ος) vacant duo versus Νετο( ) Πανετβ(ῦς) Παποντ(ῶς) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Ἡγήμω(ν) 20 Πραξίας Ἡρᾶς ᾿Ανουβίω(ν) Σισόϊς Ἡφαισ(τ)ιάδ(ος) 25 Διόνυσο (s) Ὀννῆς (γίγνονται) Sv Μέρωνι Στράτω (νος) 30 Σεντω(οῦς) Col. VIII Ἑριεῦς ἐποίκι(ον) ἐποίκι(ον) Σεβετετ () ῾Αρφαή(σεως) Ἑλλ(ά)δ(ος) Νεκφερῶ (τος) Tn (ws) 'Ov ( ) Πανχ(ράτου) B() (ὁμοίως) Φανο( ) Πανομγ(έως) (ὁμοίως) ἀδελ(φός) ἄλλ(ος) ἀδελ(φός) ῎Απρο(υ) Σισ(όϊτος) ᾿Ανουβίω (νος) ἀδελ(φός) (ὁμοίως) γυψατ() ᾿Ανουβίω (νος) M() Τεῶς ἐποίκι(ον) Τιθατω( Πτεύχ(ου) Εὐσεβ(οῦς) Φανίου ) SC Մ SSSSSS S Sa Sa Sa SC S ρπδ SC SC Sa SC Sc SC Sc SC Sc Sc SC S8 SC Sa SS υ υ Sm SC SC S ευυυ SC Sn Sιβ SC 13. ACCOUNTS 87 35 συνηρ Ωρος Ωρος Πλεμω () πετωρ () ἀνηλ(ώματα) ἴσα Αδ ( ) Δῖος Πανετβ(ϋς) ᾿Ανουβίω(ν) Πτεῦχ(ος) 5 Ῥωμα(s) L Κλαστιχ(ῶι) 15 Πέδ(ων) ) S ρκδ = τω( ) δι. ( ) νω. ( ) S ξζ (γιγνονται) S ρκε 5 L ἀν(ηλώματα) Πτεύχ(ωι) Ἡγ( Mex() Sẞ Evßoúλ (wi) Siy = παιδ(αρίοις) f κολλύβ(ου) f. Κλαστιχῶ(ι) Μex( ) Sδ (γίγνονται) Sρμδ – Νί{ι}κανδ(ρος) Μύσθ(ας) μ( ) τρ ( ) πολ() Πέλλις Πυλάδη(s) ῾Ὧρος 10 'Iox(is) Σωστράτιο(s) Ψυᾶς Col. IX Μύσθ(ου) Μερέω(s) Παχ(ῆτος) vacat unus versus Col. Χ Σαμβ(ᾶτος) Αραπ() Παπ.( ) Πνεφερῶ (τος) Αρ( ) ῾Αρπάθ(ου) Πεήρε (ως) Αμβ( ) Πολ( αὐλ(ητής) Ατρή(ους) vacant ca. sex versus μ(ηνὸς) Νέ(ου) Σεβ(ασ)τ(οῦ) λ ᾿Αθηνίων Αρτε() S S Σιβοβη SC S B Sa SSSSS υ το Ω S S Sβ SB Sa SIB Sin SC nnnnnn από ξητ Αξ SIB Sa Sin Siß Sa Sy Sδ 88 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS ᾿Απύγχ(ις) Πτεῦχ(ος) 20 Πταρψε(νῆσις) L τιμ(ῆς) σπονδ(ῶν) (γίγνονται) . . Spn Απου.. Ωρος Ωρος 5 Διονυς (sic) Πολ( ) Φᾶσις ...τολμα(s) Πολ( ) 10 Αφροδ(ίσιος) Μύσθ(ας) Παχ(ῆς) Ψάμις Ψενοβά(στις) 15 Πομῇς 10 Πυλάδη(s) Πανετβ(ῦς) Σισόϊς Φᾶσις 20 Πνεφερῶ(s) Ὀρσενοῦφις Πεταρποχ(ράτης) Πόδ(ων) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) 25 Πτεῦχ(ος) ᾿Αφροδ(ίσιος) ῾Ακᾶρις (ὁμοίως) Διδ( ) ᾿Αμέννε(ως) (ὁμοίως) Ὠρσεω () οἴν(ου) Col. XI (ὁμοίως) Αρπ.( ) (ὁμοίως) Αρ. () Πεμε(ὗτος) Πεμεῦτ(ος) Πετο( ) Βάτω (νος) Φατρέ(ως) Διονυσίο(υ) Διονυσίο(υ) Φαῆτο(s) Εὐβούλ(ου) ᾿Απολ( ) Αμβ( ) ἀδελ(φός) (ὁμοίως) Κεδ() Κυδ( ) Παχ(ῆτος) Παηο(ὗτος) υἱός Παχ(ῆτος) Πειανν ( ) Φατρέ(ως) co. S & Sδ Sζ Ꮪ Ꮎ S [β] ζ 1 -5 απ το δ Υ στο ιδ k ζ k ζ και 5+ δ ζ β δ κα εδ * απαρας το 18 ↑ δ еб 13. ACCOUNTS 89 Πετεῦχ(ος) Πτεῦχ(ος) 30 ιδ ῾Ατρῆς Πεκ ( Φρ.( vacat unus versus Σαμβ(ᾶτος) Ψενοβάστ(εως) Νεκφερῶ (τος) Ορσεν (ούφιος) *Ατω(νος) αὐλ(ητής) Νεμοδ (ήμου) ᾿Αμαδ(όκου) Ἡρᾶς (ὁμοίως)πρ (όγονος) Κασκ(ωνίου) στ - -L Κεφαλ( ) Μύσθ(ας) Πανομγ(εῦς) ᾿Αρσενοῦφις 35 Πετερμ(οὖθις) Πραύσιο(s) Πανομγ(εῦς) Ἰσ[ίω]ν Σα.... Πετσῖρις Λα[βεῦ]ς 5 Αρμιῦσις Αρφαῆ (σις) Ατρῆς Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Ἰσχ(ΐς) 10 Μιθραδ(άτης) Πετεῦχ(ος) Μύσθ(ας) Ἡρακ(λῆς) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) 15 Ἰσχκρίω(ν) Θίμβρω(ν) Πουῶρις Αρφαῆ(σις) Πτολλᾶς Col. XII Ἡγή[μονος] Θηβαίο(υ) Καλεῶ (τος) (ὁμοίως) Διονυσο ( ) (ὁμοίως) αὐλ (ητής) Ἰσχ(ΐτος) Πετεχ( Νεκφερῶ (τος) Πασίω(νος) Ἰσχ(ΐτος) Νεκφερῶ(τος) ) Πενη( "po (v) Χρυσίο(υ) Αρψή(μιος) Πακ (ῆτος) Τρύφω(νος) ) ζ ψυ Μου ĒL ω το το β 5 η € β ܝܥ ܥ ܢ ܥ ܥ ܥ ܢܢ k * k ιδ Ө κα Ύ L η αρ 90 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 20 Ἡρᾶς Παχ(ῆς) Πνεφερῶ(s) ᾿Ακουσίλ(αος) Πτεῦχ(ος) 25 ῾Αρμιῦσις Ονήσιμ(ος) ᾿Αρεσίας Φαῆς 10 10 τους 30 Π...ατ. 40 Πετεῦχ(ος) ευς Νεκφερῶ(s) Ὀννῶφρις • 35 Φαῆς DO • [Π]ανετβ(ῦς) Πεκας Πετίω(ν) Κεφαλ( ) Δίος Ψενοβά(σ)τις ᾿Απερῶς Πραξίας 5 Φάσις Πτολλᾶς ᾿Απέων Παβεῦς Θύων 10 Πτεῦχ(ος) Πετσῖρις Πνεφερῶς σπθι Διοσκ() Διασκ() Ακο( Απολλ(ω) Ὥρου Θύω (νος) ῾Αρυώτου (ὁμοίως) Πετεύχ(ου) Μύσθ(ου) Πανο ( ) αὐλ(ητής) "Npo (v) > Πετερμο (ύθιος) Ακο ( ) Ακο( ) Ἡρακ() (ὁμοίως) Ακο( ) Col. XIII ᾿Αντιγώ(νου) Στρατίου (ὁμοίως) Θηβαίο(υ) Σύλλ(ας) Μύσθ(ου) ᾿Απύγχ(εως) Αρνώ(του) Πετερψε(νήσιος) Αρεμήφε(ως) Αρχ(ωνος) Η ζ Υ Ύ δ δ β ιδ και ܢܥ ܥ ܩ ܥ ܥ ܥ 8 ιδ ζ υ υ από το LE k ζ απ το Ο δ δ και し ​by L S8 ια κα ζ ιδ L 13. ACCOUNTS 91 Ἡρᾶς Πολέμω(ν) 15 ῾Αρεμῆφις [[Πτολ( ) Πανεσνεῦς Ὀννῶφρερ ῾Αρένσις 20 Πεῆς Ἑριεῦς Μύσθ(ας) ῾Αρφαῆ(σις) Πετῖρις 25 Πτεῦχ(ος) Πομμοῦς Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Πτεῦχ(ος) ᾿Ανοῦπις 30 Πετερψε(νῆσις) ῾Αρεμῆφις Δαμᾶς Ωρος Ἑριεῦς 35 Ατρῆς Πετσῖρις Πετεῦχ(ος) ῾Αρφαῆ(σις) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) ῾Αρμιῦσις Ἰάσων 5 Ψενατῦμ(ις) Αἰσχρίων Πανουεῖτ(ος) της L Απέω(νος) (ὁμοίως) (óµoíws) 'Apß( ) (ὁμοίως) Κάμπ(ωνος) Πελ( ) Πεῆτ(ος) (ὁμοίως) Πεῆτ(ος) Ὥρου ὀνηλ (άτης) Χράτη (τος) Αρφαή(σεως) Ὀννώφρε(ως) Ανχ(ορίμφιος) Π(τ)εύχ(ου) Πάν(ου) ᾿Αραῦς Σεμβ(ᾶτος) γέρδ(ιος) Πετε () Πολ( ) Πανετβ(ύϊος) Πολ( ) ᾿Ατομέ(ως) Διοδώρο (v) Πανετβ(ύϊος) Δικράνο(υ) Col. XIV .....αν( ) .ωρ () (ὁμοίως) Σεμβ(ᾶτος) νεώ(τερος) Ὥρε(ιτος) εδ το στο η]] ιδ Sζ ε ιδ δ ιδ ιβ. β β το κα ιδ κα ε ιδ k κδ on ιδ β * Ε κα ιδ β ιδ တ်ထ 92 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS Λαέρτη(s) ᾿Ατομεῦς 10 Καλλῆ(s) Παχνοῦβις Νεκφερῶ(s) Πανομγ(εῦς) Πετεαρψεν (ῆσις) 15 Χαιρήμ(ων) ᾿Ατομνεῦς ῾Αρμιῦσις Πτεῦχ(ος) Κεφαλ( ) 20 Κεφαλ( ) 40 Πτεῦχ(ος) Απύγχ(ις) Χρυσόπ(ολις) Πολέμω(ν) 25 Πτεῦχ(ος) Σούρης Νεκ[φε]ρῶ(s) Δῖος ᾿Αθηνῆς 30 Τεῶς Πουῶρις ᾿Απύγχ(ις) Πτόλ( ) Πεῆρις 35 Ατρῆς Νεκφερῶς Πεαν(οῦφις) Πεναῦς Πτόλ( ) Ὠννῶς Πτόλλις 09ÇL σ Νεκφερῶ (τος) Πετο( ) Πτεύχ(ου) γέρδ(ιος) (ὁμοίως) Αλω ᾿Απέω(νος) (ὁμοίως) Ὡρίω (νος) Αρφαή(σεως) Μύσθ(ου) Μύσθ(ου) Τεῶ (τος) Πανετβ(ύϊος) Ἰσχ(ῖτος) Σαμβ(ᾶτος) Πανετβ(ύϊος) ἀδελ(φός) Ἡρακλ(έους) γέρδ(ιος) Σύρ(ου) Σύρο(υ) [Α]ρμ( ) Απύγχ(εως) Πτολ( ) Μύσθ(ου) πρε(σ)β(ύτερος) κουρε(ύς) ιδ Πομπ(άϊς) ς GL δ Col. XV k (ὁμοίως) Ἰσχκρίω(νος). πρε(σ)β(ύτερος) Ἰσχ(ΐτος) ζ Απολλ( Σεμβ(ᾶτος) ζ k ζ ) k κα δ πα η δ * L Ө ܕܥ ܕܥ १ β ιγ L η το 20 τ k ε 13. ACCOUNTS 93 Ώρος Δῖος 5 Θέων Κεφαλ( ) Πέταλο(s) Νικάνω (ρ) Ψενατῦμ(ις) 10 Δέκατο(s) Ἡρᾶς Κολλο () Φᾶσις Σεμβ(ᾶς) 15 Μύσθ(ας) Ωρος Σεμβ(ᾶς) Διοσκο(ΰς) Ἰσχ(ΐς) 20 Πνεφερῶ(s) Διονύσανδ(ρος) Πασῶ(ν) Όννω ( Δικοράνη(s) 25 Πετεῦχ(ος) Πετῶνις Σισόϊς Σισόϊς Μύσθ(ας) 30 Πετεῦχ(ος) ᾿Απύγχ(ις) Στρατίω(ν) Πτολίω(ν) Πεναῦς ) Μύσθ(ου) (ὁμοίως) Δίου Ψενα( Πασίω(νος) Πνεφερῶ (τος) Ελ( ) ᾿Αρήο(υ) Ψενα( Πραξίο(υ) Δίου ) Ἡρακλ(έους) Ὥρου Κω( ) ᾿Ανδρο(νίκου) (ὁμοίως) (ὁμοίως) Πτεύχ(ου) (ὁμοίως) ποι(μήν) ῾Αρφαή(σεως) Αρφαή(σεως) Κόττ(ου) Πν(ε)φερ(ῶτος) γέρδ(ιος) ᾿Αλο ) Ὥρου ᾿Απολλ( ) Φανο () ὑπ( ) ποιμ ( (ὁμοίως) Πεθ() し ​ζ ζ k ζ ζ € ζ Ε ζ ζ Ө * k В t ૐ * ω β δ ζ δ * ιδ Υ κα Sδ ζ € 94 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 35 Ἑρμί(ας) Τίτ(ου) ὑπ( ) ποιμε( ) σλη S & Θείω(ν) Απολ( ) Sη ά Π(τ)εῦχ(ος) Ηρακλ(έους) Sβ Δῖος Ἡρακ() Sn Βάτων Πανομγ(έως) SE Saβ 1 6 ᾿Απύγχις) Φανο () SB 40 Π(τ)εῦχ(ος) Sβ Ἰερμᾶ(s) Ἰσχ(ΐτος) Sη Πάνο(υ) Sη Πεαν( ) Παχ(ῆτος) οβ.ιβ Κλ( ) EL Μεθ( ) (γίγνονται) SAL Πουῶρις 5 ᾿Αμοννεῦς Πτόλλ{λ}ις καὶ πρὸ τ(ῆς) ἀπητή(σεως) ᾿Αμουνεῖς Πλάτω(ν) ᾿Απέω(ν) καὶ Αἰσχρίω(ν) ᾿Αροννῶ(φρις) Παχνοῦβις 10 ῏Ωρος ῾Αρφαῆ(σις) ῾Αρφαῆ(σις) Ηρακ(λῆς) Πνεφερῶ(s) 15 ᾿Αθηνῆς Κ(ε)φάλω(ν) Col. XVI Τεῶς Πετίρις Δικράνη(s) 20 'Αρφαῆ(σις) Διονύσ(ιος) ῾Αρμῦσις Αρφαῆ(σις) ρπθ ᾿Αννίως καὶ Δροπί(δης) 25 Διοσκο(ΰς) Πανετβ(ῦς) ἐνεστ (ῶτος) Αρφαή(σεως) (ὁμοίως) Τεῶτ(ος) νεώ (τερος) Ατρή (ους) Πετάλ(ου) Σαμβασί(ου) Ἡρᾶτ(ος) Ατομ(έως) Μύσθ(ου) (ὁμοίως) αὐλ(ητής) Ἑριέως Αρμιύσεω(s) Φανομγ(έως) Ἡρᾶτο(s) Τεῶτ(ος) Κεφάλω (νος) Πανετβ (ύϊος) Αρφαή(σεως) Πακ (ῆτος) Παπετοῦ Διονυσίο(υ) Χεῦσις (ὁμοίως) Αρμι(ύσιος) ἀριθμη(τικοῦ) οβ.θ οβ. η οβ. η € L LE L し ​し ​EL va LE L € EL EL EL volos. ι し ​ι to 13. ACCOUNTS 95 Ωρος Πανεσνεῦς Ἱέραξ 30 Μύσθ(ας) Ωρίων Ατρῆς ῾Αρεμῆφις Πτερμοῦθ(ις) 35 Παμμῆς Πετῖρις Πανετβ(ϋς) (vacat) Πτολλᾶς Φαῆς 5 Ασκλᾶς ῎Ακυλος Πετῖρις Σαμβᾶς ῾Αρμιῦσις 10 Παχεῖρις Πτεῦχ(ος) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) ᾿Απίων Σισόϊς 15 Πνεφερῶς ᾿Ακουσιλᾶς Νεκφερῶς Απολλω () Λυσιφρῆς 20 Πολέμ(ων) Πεῆς Απολλ( ) Τεῶτ(ος) Κ(ε) φαλ () € Ὀννω ( ) Κορμο(ύσεως) Ἡρακλ(έους) Πτολεμ(αίου) Ατομέω(s) Νεκφερῶ (τος) ᾿Αρνέω(s) Κοκάλ(ου) καὶ Ἰσχ(ίτος) Αρφαή (σεως) Col. XVII Σεμβ(ᾶτος) Πτόλλ(ιδος) Κοκάλ(ου) γέρδ (ιος) συντ() Δικ(ράνου) Χαιρ ( ) Ὥρου Διοσκ( Δικράν(ου) Ὥρου Αρυώτ(ου) Αμβή(σεως) ᾿Ακουσιλ(άου) 'Peα ( ) Θατρέ(ως) ᾿Ανουβίω(νος) Μύσθ(ου) Αέτ(ου) (ὁμοίως) Ἡρακλ(έους) vacat unus versus ) ι L し ​boldt EL ιε οβ. κ L EL EL LE し ​S & EL EL L ι L εL SB Holdyourdadd. 96 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS Πτολλᾶς ῾Αρφαῆ(σις) 25 Λαβεῦς Μύσθας Πτεῦχ(ος) Αὐτῆς Πουωραῦς 30 Φαρβεθων ᾿Ασκᾶς 15 L ἀνηλ(ώματα) Π(τ)εύχ(ωι) στρατιώτ(αις) 5 Ἰσαπολ ὑπ( ) οψω ( γραμ(ματεῖ) Παβῶνι φιλανθ(ρώπου) κολλύβ (ου) χαλκ (ου) Ὡρίωνι στυπ.. ( ) Ανκ() 10 Ἡφαισ(τ)ιάδο(s) Βακχ(ιάδος) Μύσθ(ας) ῾Ατρῆς ῾Αρεοῦς Λούσων Ἱερᾶς Πετεύχ(ου) Χράτο(υ) Ατρή(ου) τιμ(ῆς) Καραν (ίδος) γραμ (ματέως) παιδαρίοις τιμ(ῆς) κρέατ(ος) συνηρεμ.. πετεαρ Ὥρου (ὁμοίως) Παρακο( ) ὀνηλ(άτης) Col. XVIII ᾿Ανουβίω(ν) Ὡρίων Ἡρακλ(ῆς) vacat unus versus Αμο ( ) Πετῆ(τος) Πάνο(υ) Αεν....ρο( ) Σκουτίο(υ) (ὁμοίως) SB SB δ ω το ် 5 ် SK8 S κδ S ρμη Sμ Sy Sβ SS Say f Sβ: S & = Sey SB SEL SEL SC SB SB S S 4 13. ACCOUNTS 97 20 Φαρβαίθ(ου) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) 25 Ασταρ Πτολεμα (ίδος) Νέα(s) Καρανίδο(s) (γίγνονται) Sπ L ἀν(ηλώματα) Βακ(χιάδος) τιμ(ῆς) οἴν(ου) τιμ(ῆς) ὀψ(ωνίου) 30 ὀψαρ(ίων) ᾿Αραβῶ(τι) Φαρβαίθ(ου) τιμ(ῆς) οἴν(ου) κολλύβ(ου) ἐντ( ) ᾿Αμυντ() ᾿Απελλέας .. ᾿Αφροδ(ίσιος) Μαχ.... ᾿Αβροχ( > ᾿Αργιᾶδ(ος) Στράτω (νος) ἐποικίω(ν) Ευσεβέως Φανίου ᾿Αμύντα 5 Νηδ(ύμου) λ Πατῦνις Θρατ( ) Σοκμᾶ(s) 15 Ἰσχυρᾶς L ἀν(ηλώματα) 10 Μάρωνι ζύτο (v) Πτεῦχ(ος) SES (ὁμοίως) οκ() Col. XIX vacat unus versus Παρ( ) Πετεύχ(ου) Ἡρακλ(έους) Πάσω(νος) し ​Ꮪ Ꭿ S Sia ότι ότι πο | | | | ss κβ - δ S & S & Sk € Sa U88 Siß Siß S₁ S0 Sia ια Sc S≤ Σιβ == SSS Siß Sn Sa ω το S& Si 98 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS ᾿Αφροδ(ίσιος) L Μάρωνι L Πτευχ() 20 Μέρωνι Ἡφαιστιάδο(s) ᾿Αννω ( ) Νεκφερῶς Ἡρακλ(ῆς) 25 Παποντ(ῶς) Πτεῦχ(ος) Παχίρις ᾿Απίων Ωρος 30 IITEUX (OS) Ὀρσενο(ῦφις) Πατεμο(ΰς) Πτεῦχ(ος) ᾿Αθηνίων Πεῆρις ᾿Απύγχ(ις) Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Πολ( ) Αραβῶ(τος) Χράτο(υ) Διοσκ() (ὁμοίως) λαχ(ανοπώλης) Πετε( ) Νεκφερῶ(τος) Απε( ) πρ (εσβύτερος) ὀνηλ(άτης) Ὀννω ( ) ᾿Ανουβίω (νος) Μύσθ(ου) γέρδ(ιος) Πνεφερῶ(τος) Κεφ ( ) Sδ Ηλιοδώ(ρου) Col. XX S δ S9η – κδ Αρμάχ(εως) [Αρ]εμήφε(ως) [Με]ρρήους Παχούρεω(s) Sμ SB SB το το το S & Sδ SB S & το 99 το το το SB SB S8 SiS S & S. Ι. 1. Πετατος δεδαπανη. The reading of the first word is far from certain, as the writing is blurred. The second word is plain but its restoration and interpretation are uncertain. Probably the first word should be in the dative case and the heading would then mean “ Sums expended in behalf of . . . (the πράκτωρ?).” 2. εδαπαν ομ°. The repetition of the verb is curious. What is the subject? The following names are in the nomi- native, and we should expect these entries to represent receipts. The heading indicates, however, that this account deals with expenses. 3,5. Ωρος and Πλεμ( ) appear again in III. 27, 29 where the account was erased, and in IX 1, 3. The sign of 13. ACCOUNTS 99 II. III. abbreviation over IIλeμ is a wavy line. In Presigke, Namenbuch, we find the name Пλeµµɛσau which may be the form to be restored here. 6-8. This account is not aligned with the upper part of the column, and the entry appears to be of an entirely different character from the others in this document. It may not be a part of it, but a memorandum of some other matter entered on the verso at a later time. The meaning of these three lines we have been unable to determine. Following Teσupu is a sign sometimes used to represent artabas of wheat. 1. EVT ( ). The sign of abbreviation gives no clue to the restoration. The same word occurs again in 11. 16 29, and XVIII. 32. Nword. Nword. The reading is uncertain. 2-5. The ink has faded out at the left. In 1. 3 we are not certain whether the reading is avwp or avwl, so it is uncertain whether we are dealing with receipts or payments. 7-25. These names appear to be in the dative case, and the entries represent payments to individuals, or for supplies. 9. Ziaroλ[ ]. Cf. XVIII. 5. It is uncertain whether oly() represents a proper name or a payment for wine. 15. A proper name, or payment for dates? 18. This name appears in XVIII. 34. For συναίρεμα cf. B. G. U. 1613, 1626, Deissmann, Ostraka, 80. 19-21. These entries probably represent expenses, although it is possible that they are amounts paid as taxes. See Introduction. For the tax ỏávov cf. Preisigke, Girowesen, pp. 27 ff. For the tax τιμὴ οἴνου cf. Wilcken, Ostraka, I, pp. 271 ff. 22. Πετευς. If all these entries represent payments, we should have some word in the dative case here. 26. éπigév (wv). This heading appears in VII, 1 and VIII, 9. The following entries probably represent the cost of collection of some tax from Philadelphians living abroad. For the τέλος ἐπιξένων, cf. P. Bouriant 31, Meyer, Gr. Texte 31, 32. 1. This column is probably a continuation of the entries from II. 26. maid (apíois). Cf. 1. 34, IX. 7, XVIII. 7. 2. кηρUкι. Possibly crier's fee. Cf. Westermann, Slavery in Ptolemaic Egypt, pp. 45 ff.; P. Ryl. 215. Um 100 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS .. .... .... 5. φ( ). φ (ακῶν) or φ(οινίκων)? 7. SUT). Payment for beer, or sales tax? 9. The wages of clerks in the office? Cf. 11. 24, 35, IV. 7, XVIII, 1, 6. The only evidence for clerical wages in Egypt appears to be B. G. U. 362 (214 A. D.) (40 dr. per month). 12. ὑποκ(είμενα) γρ (αμματεῖ). On vжOkeiμevα cf. Martin, L'épistratège dans l'Égypte Gréco-Romaine, pp. 138 ff.; Wilcken, Grundzüge, p. 215. B. G. U. 337, P. Lond. II. 347. In this document the ὑποκείμενα appears to be paid by the πράκτωρ to the clerk. 13. Pteuchus appears several times usually with large sums against his name, cf. 1. 23, IV. 6, IX. 5. Possibly he is an agent of the bank or πράκτωρ. 15-17. The reading here is very uncertain. 18. The total of 124 dr. does not correspond with the entries above. Lines 9-17 give a total of 126 dr. 19-20. Probably a supplementary list of expenses. 21. άπóтay(μa). An appropriation (?) of 40 dr. to Pelori (). ἀπόταγ(μα). 23. di (à) ǎλ (λwv) ? For other expenses. The amount is found again in IX. 5. 25. The reading is not clear. Tρ has no mark of abbrevia- tion. Possibly Archetas had a private bank and this entry is payment for some service of exchange. 26. evтwкol. Koλ( ) may be a village near Philadelphia although the name does not occur elsewhere. The three entries following recur in IX. 1-3. Here the scribe drew a line through each of them. 30. Less expenses." This entry is strange because no receipts precede, unless the three entries erased above are referred to. 32. 100ČUT( ). Possibly eis (~0 (ov) or payment for beer. Or the word may be a name otherwise unknown. 33. καθαριο( ). If this is a proper name it is unknown. Possibly a charge for white bread, cf. Wörterbuch, s. V. καθάριον. 35-38. The reading is uncertain as the ink has faded badly. IV. 1. This short column is probably a continuation of the expense account in the preceding column. It is uncer- tain whether the entries in lines 1, 2, 3, 8 are preposi- tional phrases or proper names. If they are the latter, they are not found elsewhere. (C 13. ACCOUNTS 101 4. Meron (or Maron) appears frequently. Cf. VIII. 28, XIX. 10, 18, 20. 5. Αντ( ) M(e) pw (vi). Possibly the first word is avT[wi]. V. 1. δεδοκ( ). This may be restored as δέδοκ(ται), δέδοκ(ε), or δεδόκ(ασιν). We prefer the last in spite of the fact that the form is incorrect. These columns (V and VI) evidently form a unit as they are grouped to- gether, and are separated by a considerable space from those on the right and left. The names in these columns are in the nominative, and the payments are contributions to the account of stone-work. From this total, forty drachmas are given to Maron. He may have been the collector of the levy, but more probably he is a contractor or official in charge of the masonry, and this amount is an advance payment by the трάктшρ(?) or bank. The account rò λiikóv is proba- bly a special levy (cf. p. 79) and not a regular tax. The assessment varies considerably but the more common payment is for 7 (or some multiple of 7) obols (or drachmas. The scribe recorded the sign for obols in most cases down to V. 21. Thereafter no indication of the kind of currency appears until VI. 18). 4. μυησις. This may be a proper name, but possibly it should be regarded as a variant for μυητός. ވ VI. 6. оπо( ). Cf. 10. III. 4 for a similar entry. VII. 1. Columns VII-IX are grouped together and probably represent a πινακίδιον. The heading éπikév (wv) proba- bly refers to Philadelphians living abroad (cf. P. Tebt. 391). The names are arranged topographically. Contributions are for six drachmas with but few ex- ceptions. If this document is a report of the πрáктшр, the payments are not for the ovvтáğıμov which seems to have been paid in multiples of four drachmas. See note on II. 26. 2. Né(σ) TOV Éπoɩкíov. Cf. P. Tebt. II. pp. 363 ff. 4. Brother of Nemion? The omission of his name is un- usual. Nemion may have paid for both and the scribe forgot to make the proper record at the time. 23. This πоíкIov must be located near New Ptolemais or within the same tax-precinct. 26. Aorap (or Aoyap). Cf. VIII. 2, XVIII. 22. This place is otherwise unknown. 102 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 33. Twelve drachmas, or twice the usual amount, are col- lected. Perhaps we should read Φαῆς καὶ Όβο ( } 'Arpnovs. Cf. XVI. 7, 24, 35 for somewhat similar entries. VIII. 2. AσoTap erased and 'Apoión written above. No total is given for this group. 9. This heading is probably repeated unnecessarily. 10. The collections from 'Avdpiávтwv are not itemized. 11. Probably Κερκε(σο)ῦχα. No total is given for this group. 16. Nérov. Cf. VII. 2. Probably a village near Hephaistias as the total in line 27 includes both. 23. ɣʊYаT( ). The word is unknown. It may be a proper name, or a noun coined from yupów-a plasterer. 28-37. The account for the remainder of the column is puzzling. There is no geographical heading. Mépwvi, in line 28, is clearly in the dative case, although the last three letters are somewhat blotted. The fifty- eight drachmas set against his name appear to repre- sent a payment to him. The entries which follow (11. 29-34) are apparently receipts and these are followed by a deduction of four drachmas to Clastichus. In 1. 36 the reading is difficult. The first five letters are clearly συνηρ . . which should probably be completed as συνήρεμα for συναίρεμα. The same entry recurs in XVIII. 9. Viereck suggests the meaning "Summie- rung (B. G. U. 1613, 1626). No total is given here. In 1. 37 the reading is avnλ iσa. The restoration ἀνη(λώματα) ἴσα does not make sense, but we have no other suggestion to offer. Perhaps the entries in these two lines contain some allusion to terms current in bookkeeping, the significance of which is not apparent. • "" 29, 32, 33. These érolкia are found again in XIX. 1-3. 34. The reading is far from certain. IX. 1-3. Cf. III. 27-29. The connection of this column with the preceding is not apparent, apart from the fact that it is grouped with them on the papyrus. The entries in 11. 1-3 presumably represent receipts. In 1. 4 the horizontal stroke at the left usually stands for (ylyveral) or a total. There is, however, no relation between the sums recorded in this line and in any (γίγνεται) 13. ACCOUNTS 103 of the previous entries. The difference between 67 and 125 dr. is 58 dr. This sum is recorded in VIII. 27 and 28, but evidently there is no connection between them. No restoration of the first three words in 1. 4 10 suggests itself. The writing is very careless. We read τω δι (οι οι) νω οι πω, The superimposed letter is illegible. 5. Cf. III. 23 where 124 dr. are entered as expenses of Pteuchus. X. 1. This column stands by itself and evidently constitutes a separate πινακίδιον. It includes three separate ac- counts, but they evidently belong together as the total of all three is given at the bottom. The heading in 1. 1 is simply the letter alpha with a superimposed letter which looks like delta, but in many cases the scribe has written a similar form to represent lambda. We may therefore read Ad or Aλ( ) but there is no obvious restoration of either of these abbreviations. 5 6. Cf. III. 31, 35. 7. Cf. III. 34, XVIII. 3, 7, 31. 8. Cf. VIII. 35. 9. Evidently a total of 11. 5-8. The clerk is in error one obol in his addition. 6. μ тp (without any sign of abbreviation) Toλ. This head- ing is also cryptic. Possibly μ(εταβολὴ) τρ(απέζης) πόλ(εως) or transfer from the bank of the city." 16. The writing is little better than a scrawl, and any read- ing is possible. We give what we believe to be the intention of the scribe, but without much confidence in the accuracy of our guess. (C 21. The expenses for wine and " pourboire (cf. P. Tebt. 347 for σπovdai) balance the receipts in II. 17-20. 22. The total is correct for the entries in 11. 2-15. Pre- ceding the drachma sign are two letters which are much blurred. Possibly λn (µµатα). "" XI. 1. There are faint traces of ink above the column which may have once been a heading for the Tivakídiov, but it is no longer possible to decipher them. Columns XI-XV form a unit and we have already suggested an interpretation of their contents in the Introduction. The amounts vary from 7 obols to 24 drachmas with sums of 7 drachmas or multiples of 7 in the majority. 104 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 2. The restoration of 12 drachmas is necessary to secure the correct total given at the bottom of the column. 9. The scribe blotted the letters at the left with his thumb. It looks as if he had written id by mistake. The name which follows may be[II] Toλµa (ios). 30. id. This may be a date although there is no indication of a month. Cf. XV. 37, XIX. 12. 39. The total is given at the bottom of each column in this group. XIII. 16. This entry was erased by drawing a line through it. 18. The reading 'Ovvõppep is plain. XIV. 39. The total should be 297 dr. XV. 32. The entry vπ поμ appears in 1. 35. Probably iπ (NPÉTNS) Toμ (évwv) should be restored. The drachmas sign is used before the amount in these two instances in this column. 36. The total is 238 dr. It should be 238½ dr. 37. The scribe here made two columns to crowd in his en- tries. The first group has the heading a. It contains 7 entries and the total amount is 32 dr. The second group has only three names, and no heading. The total of these three entries is given as 9½ dr. Ap- parently it should be 152 dr. The drachma sign is omitted in the entry under Kλ( ). It is possible that we should regard the last entry as stated in obols, and to be deducted as expenses. In that case the total in the last line should be 9dr. and 12 obol. XVI. 1. This heading has been discussed in the Introduction. The sums in the first three entries are stated in obols. With two exceptions (1. 35, and XVII. 5) the cur- rency is not stated until after the vacant line before XVII. 21. The sums are usually for 52, 10, or 15½ obols or drachmas in the first group. After XVII. 21 the sums are either 2 or 4 drachmas. There is no heading to indicate that the second group come under a different heading. Probably all payments are on ac- count of the ȧρilμηтiкóv. There may be a reference to this tax in P. Hawara 244 V. 7. A case of joint payment? Possibly kal is a shorthand way of writing ds kai which is not found in this document. 13. ACCOUNTS 105 XVII. XVIII. 23. The marginal entry pro is approximately the sum of the payments in 11. 3-23 if all are obols or all are drachmas. 24. Cf. 1. 7. 35. For the double patronymic cf. VII. 33. One of these may have been a stepfather. 2. No name was written here, and the sum entered on the right evidently belongs to the next entry, while Phaes and Asclas paid ten obols (or drachmas) each. 4. συντ( ). If a proper name, we may restore ZuvT- (pópov). The abbreviation may, however, represent a title in connection with the weavers' association. 30. The reading is uncertain. Possibly Дeσкws. Λεσκως. 33. Evidently soldiers were employed in the collection of the tax. Cf. P. Graux. 1, P. Tebt. 391. 1. This may be a continuation of the expense account be- gun in XVII. 31. The item of 148 dr., evidently salaries of clerks, is the largest single entry on the roll. Cf. III. 9, 12, 24; IV. 7. 2. φιλανθ. Probably φιλανθ(ρώπου), cf. P. Amh. 126, 32, P. Lond. II. 347, Preisigke, Fachwörter, s. v. This fee is usually paid by the taxpayer, and it is difficult to see why it is entered here, unless the трáктwρ received it along with other payments, and distributed it later to the proper recipients (cf. Vπокеlμеvα in III. 12). Or it may represent a fee paid by the πрáктwp in a private capacity. 3. Cf. 1. 31 and IX. 7. 4. ΣTUT. (). Reading uncertain. Στυπ. Possibly Στύπ[πακος] or στυππούργῳ should be restored. 5. There is no sign of abbreviation with 'Iσaπoλ. Uπ( ). Possibly ὑπ(ηρέτου), if so, we may explain ὀψω(νίων) as payment for salary of assistant. 6. τιμῆς Καρανίδος γραμματέως seems an unlikely combination and the reading is far from certain. 7. Cf. III. 34. IX. 7. ޕ 8. Reading uncertain. 9. Cf. VIII. 36. 10-25. Cf. Cols. VII and VIII for a similar arrangement by villages. The amounts are small and vary considerably. These entries may be a continuation of the account of the ἀριθμητικόν paid by ἐπίξενοι. 20. Þapßail (ov). This is evidently a village in the nome, 106 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS Rostovtseff, A Large Estate, p. 9; C. P. R. 46; Edgar, Zenon Papyri, index. Cf. 1. 29. 25. This is the total for items in 11. 10-24. 26-31. This may be the expense account for the collections from the villages recorded above. If so, the cost of collection runs high. 26-27. Purchases of wine run high in comparison with food. Cf. II. 19-21. These items may, however, represent taxes on sales. 30. Purchase of fish, or sales tax? 32. EVT ( ). Cf. II. 1, 16. 33. Reading very uncertain. 34. Cf. II. 18. XIX. 1-7. Apparently these are all éπoikia. For Straton, Eusebes, and Phanius cf. VIII. 29, 32, 33. These entries may summarize the amount collected from Philadelphians temporarily resident in these districts, or they may represent collections from citizens of these villages resident in Philadelphia. Meyer, Ostraka Deismann, 31, 32, thinks that the Télos émigévwv varied according to wealth. 9. A statement of collections (?) is followed by items of ex- pense. Apparently the sums in lines 10-11 are also expenses. The amount for beer is uncertain. The sign for two obols is given, but this is followed by a numeral which seems to show that the scribe wished to write 6 obols as a correction. The cost of collecting 66 drachmas is more than a fourth of the total. 12. A new account begins here with the marginal entry λ (or a). Cf. XI. 30, XV. 37. 18. The deduction for Maron (or Meron) is 98 drachmas. (The scribe wrote 98 and then corrected it to 9n). This sum exceeds the total of payments in 11. 12-17 which amount to 44 drachmas. 19. It is uncertain whether this is a payment or receipt. 20. No sum is entered after the name. Perhaps the amount in the following line should be entered here. Then 'Hpaioriád (os) becomes the heading for the following group of names, the total of whose payments amounts to 38 dr. XX. 1-4. This may be a continuation of the account at the bottom of the preceding column. The sums paid have been completely obliterated. 14. REGISTER OF TAXES 107 14. REGISTER OF TAXES 47 x 27.5 cm. ca. 23-40 A. D. From the total given at the end of the last column in this fragment, we estimate that the original roll contained at least 8 columns. Of these the last five are preserved entire. The surface of the papyrus is well preserved, but the ink has faded rather badly in places. Each column had normally 29 names, but 35 entries were crowded into Col. III. The exact date cannot be determined. Several entries in this and our other registers are identical and a comparison with those in No. 8 may help to fix the limits of No. 14. The following entries may be found in both: Hatres, son of Didymus, aged 55 (8. X. 19; 14. III. 6) Haryotes, son of Harpsemis, aged 47 (8. III. 28; 14. II. 20) Papontos, stepson of Chaeremon, aged 54 (8. III. 14; 14. II. 2) Panetbys, son of Mysthas, aged 46 (8. II. 27; 14. IV. 2) Sisois, son of Zoilus, aged 30 (8. III. 18; 14. III. 10) Pnepheros, son of Apollo, aged 17 (8. VI. 1; 14. IV. 20). If the identity of Hatres and Pnepheros be accepted, then No. 14 cannot be more than three years earlier, nor more than seven years later than No. 8. Although it is possible that it can be placed ca. 40 A. D., we are inclined to believe that it is nearly contemporary with No. 8, and should not be dated later than ca. 35 A. D. Since the beginning of the roll is lost, we cannot be certain about the character of the document. The amount entered against each name is 45 drachmas 2 obols. This is the amount of the poll-tax paid by Philadelphians in documents of the first century (cf. Nos. 11, 12, P. Cornell 21 V (un- published), P. Cornell 24, B. G. U. 1614). In the other registers of the λαογραφία, however, the χωματικόν is associated G 108 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS with the poll-tax, while in our document there is no mention of the dike-tax. Since our earliest record of the Aaoypapía and xwμaτikóv at Philadelphia is 33 A. D., it may be that No. 14 is prior to that date, and belongs to a period when the two taxes were not collected by the same agency. The register is probably a list of payments for the year, rather than an account of arrears, as totals are given under each group, and a number of names are checked. The arrangement of the list is topographical. In the extant columns, five are listed on an estate πepì IПlepoéwv, two from an estate near Boubastus, sixty-four πρòs тηv kúµŋv, and sixty-four in Alexandria. The significance of πрòs тhν кúμny is not clear. In official records of the ovvrásov Philadelphia is listed by name, but in P. Cornell 22 the phrase év kóµŋ is used to designate the village itself. However, it is improbable that there were as many Philadelphians, subject to poll-tax, in Alexandria as at home. If we are correct in our restoration of the original roll with eight or nine columns, about ninety names have been lost (see note on Col. V. 22). In the missing columns, the names were also arranged topographically and probably listed Phila- delphians temporarily absent in surrounding villages. We are inclined to believe that the entire roll contained the list of Philadelphians resident abroad, and that the phrase πpòs TV kóμŋv is a list of those in some suburb of the village outside the tax-precinct of Philadelphia itself. For a discussion of the relation of the ovvrásov and λaoypapía, cf. pp. xiii ff. Two systems of checking are found in this register. A single stroke is drawn under each name at the left of the entry (cf. P. Cornell 23). This mark is found from Col. I. 10 to Col. IV. 18 (omitted in I. 21, 23, 26; II. 1, 12, 15, 20, 23, 25-28; III, 2, 7, 13-19, 22, 24-25, 28, 32, 35). In addition a stroke resembling a quarter circle is found at the left of the name in I. 22; II. 6, 28-29; III. 1, 3, 4, 6, 12, 19, 21-23, 26-27, 29-33; IV. 5, 9, 10. The significance of these marks is unknown. 14. REGISTER OF TAXES 109 Col. I Ἐποικίου Εὐ..φορου περὶ Περσέω(ν) Ὀννῶφρις Πουώρεως Ὀννώφρε(ως) ᾿Αριένις Ἡρακλῆ(s) 5 ᾿Απύγχις 15 ἀδελφός ᾿Απύγχ(εως) Πετεύχ(ου) (γίγνονται) S σκ[{ Ἐποικίου ᾿Αντω(νίου) θυγατρὸς ἄ Παμφίλου περὶ Βουβάστο(υ) Ἡρακλῆ(s) 10 Νεκφερῶς Πανεσνεῦς καὶ πρὸς [κ] ώμην Κεφάλων Φᾶσις Αφροδ(ίσιος) Σατβῶις Ψενοβ(άστις) Νεμίων 20 Ωρίων Πετερμούθ(ης) Πανομγ(εῦς) ᾿Απολλῶνις ᾿Αροντώτη(s) 25 Λαβεοῦς Παχνοῦβ(ις) ᾿Απύγχις Πέτων ᾿Απίων (γίγνονται) S9f Λέων Παποντῶ(s) Τεῶτο(s) Μύσθ(ου) Κεφάλω(νος) Πετε[αρ]μώ(του) Φαῆτ(ος) Κεφάλ(ωνος) Νενήφιος Στραττίου Ὡρίωνος Κολλ() Πετερμούθ(ου) χαλ(κεύς) Αμμωνίου Ἡρακλ(έους) Ψενοβάστ[εως Ψενοβάστε[ως] Παχνούβ(εως) Κερᾶτος Μύσθου Μέρων(ος) Sμ[ε =] € S με S με S με Ξ ς με 5 με S με S με Ξ ς S με S με S [με = ] ς με ς με S με S με S με Ξ ς S με Ξ ς με S με S με = S με S με S ς με = = Col. II S με Νεκφερῶτο (s πρόγο(νος) Χαιρή (μωνος) S με = 110 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS Ἡρακλῆ(s) Ἡρακλῆ(s) 5 ’Απόλλω(ν) Ωρος Ἡρακλῆ(s) Λαβεοῦς Λαβεοῦς 10 Πετεῦχ(ος) Νεκφερῶς Ὀννῶφρις Μέσθας Ἰσχῖς 15 Ἰσχυρίω(ν) Νεενῆφις Π[ετ]ῖρις [Π]ανετβ(ῦς) Νεκφερῶς 20 ‘Αρυώτης Ἡρακλῆ(s) Ἡρακλῆ(s) [Α]σκλᾶς ᾿Αγχορίμφις 25 .υτις Παῆσις Διόσκορος Δῖος [Ὀ]ννῶφρις Κερᾶς Μύσθ(ας) Πτόλλις Καλαΰς 5 Ἡρακλῆ(s) ῾Ατρῆς Μύσθ(ου) Πααβ(ῶτος) Παποντῶ(τος) Ανδρο ( ) υἱός Θυογείτω (νος) νε(ώτερος) Οννώφρεω(s) Ψεναμούν(εως) Νεκφερῶτο (s) Πολυφάντο(υ) Κεφάλωνος Σερᾶτος Ἰσχῖτο(s) Νεκφερῶ (τος) Ἡρακλήου Ἡρακλήου ᾿Ανουβ(ίωνος) ᾿Απόλλω(νος) Αρψη (μίου) Ἡρακλή(ου) χαλκ(εύς) Ὥρου βουκ(όλος) Μένωνο(s) Πετεύχ(ου) ᾿Απολλωνίου ἀδελφός Πετεμο (ύνιος) ᾿Απόλλω(νος) ᾿Απόλλω (νος) Col. III ῾Αρφαήσεως Μύσθ(ου) Μύσθ(ου) ῾Αρφαή(σεως) Μερρήο(υς) ποι(μήν) Διδύμου S με Ξ S με = S με = S με S με S με S με Ξ S με Ξ S με S με Ξ S με Ξ με Ξ S με S με Ξ S με S με S με Ξ S με S με S με = S με S με Ξ S με S με S με S με S με = S με = = Sμ[e=] Sμ[e=] Sμ[e=] Sμ[ε =] € S με [=] Sµ[e=] · 14. REGISTER OF TAXES 111 ᾿Αφροδ( ίσιος) Πετερμ(οὖθις) Νεκφερῶ(s) 10 Σισόϊς Ἡρακλ(ῆς) Πανινοῦθ(ις) Ἡρακλῆ(s) Ἡρακλῆ(s) Ἰβίων Ἐσοῦρις Πετεῦχ(ος) 15 Νεκφερῶ(s) ὃς κ(αὶ) Πανο( ) Ποπλ(ίου) Κ Ατρῆ(s) Παπνούτ(ιος) 20 καὶ τῶν ἐν ᾿Αλεξα [νδρείᾳ] Λεανδροβ( ) Πετερμούθ(ιος) Διόδωρος Σοσνεῦς 25 Αὐτῆς ᾿Απόλλω(ν) ᾿Ασκλᾶς Ἡρακλῆ(s) Ωρίων 30 ῏Ωρος Παποντῶ(s) Μελινᾶς Λυκᾶς Πετεῦχ(ος) 35 Πετσῖρις Π..ίσων ·. ηγωρο( ) . Ενιων Φαῆσις Φατρήους ᾿Αμῶτο (s) Πολυφάντ(ου) Ζωίλου Δίου Μερρήο(υς) "EKT (0) p[os] Κεφάλω (νος) Πτεύχ(ου) Πανε[τβύιος] ῾Αρέου ᾿Ακα[ ῾Αρφαή[σεως] ᾿Αντιό[χου] Δε[ *Απλωνος Μενδί[ου] Ζωίλ[ου] Πετε[ Λεο[ Σαμπ Ἡλιο[δώρου] ᾿Ανο[ Λυκ[οῦ] 'AT Πετ ] S με S [με =] Sμ[e=] S με S με (γίγνονται) S βλα ] ] Col. IV Πετσί[ρεως] ᾿Αμωνίο(υ) ᾿Απολλωνίο(υ) ᾿Απόλλω (νος) ] ] ] ] ] Sμ[e =] με € S με Sμ[ε =] Sμ[e=] με Sμ[e=] με Sμ[e=] S [με =] S [μe =] S με Ξ S [με =] S [με =] S με Ξ [ S με =] S με Sμ[ε =] S με Ξ S με = S με Ξ S με S με Ξ ς με S με S με S με = S με Ξ S με Ξ S με 112 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 5 Σεντῶις Πεβῶς Πετοῆρις Μύσθ(ας) Πετερμώτη(s) 10 Πάσεις Φάσεις Πανετβ(ῦς) Ψοσνεῦς Κάλλις 15 Πετεανό(s) [Δι]κράνο(s) Πασπῆς ῾Ατρῆς [Ζ]ωΐλος 20 Πνεφερῶ(s) [Π]ακῶν Παμᾶς Κλέων Πετερμ[οὖθις] 25 ῏Ωρος Φαῆσις Ἡ[ρα]κλῆ(s) Π[ετε]ῦχ(ος) Ωρος Σερᾶς ᾿Ασκληπιάδης Σαμβ[ᾶς] Ζωΐλος 5 Ηρακλείδ(ης) Ἡρακ[λῆ]s Ωρίωνο (s) ᾿Αραβίωνο(s) Πνεφερῶ (τος) Μύσθ(οῦ) Πετσίρεω(s) Πάσειτ(ος) Φανομγ(έως) Μύσθ(ου) Πραξίου Ατ[ρ]ήους ᾿Απ[ύ]γχ(εως) Δικράνο(υ) Πομσάϊς ἀδελφός Ἡρακλή(ου) ᾿Απόλλω(νος) Δαμα[ρ]άτο(υ) Πνεφερῶ (τος) Αρυώτο(υ) ᾿Απ[ύγ]χεως Μερ[ρ]έω(s) Φαήσεως Ὥρου Πετεύχ(ου) Ὥρου Col. V Ωρίωνος Πετερμώ(του) Δίου Πετεαρμώ (του) Πανετβ (ύιος) ᾿Απολλωνίο(υ) S με S με S με S εμ = S με S με Ξ S με Ξ ς με S με S με Ξ S με ς με [S με = ] S με Ξ S με ς S με S με S με S με S με S με S με S με S με S με S με S με = ς με = = = S με Ξ S με = S με Ξ ς 14. REGISTER OF TAXES 113 Ωρος Ωρίων Μελαγκ (ώμας) 10 Πετεῦχ(ος) Νεσχατυμ( ) Ἡρακλῆ(s) Πα[ν]αῦς Π[νεφ]ερῶ ( 15 A[....] Πνεφερῶ(s) I. 20 [Δ]ίος S Π. . .ως πρε(σβύτερος) Ἰσχυρᾶς ['A]po[á]μns Πετκαμ[ Νεμεσίω (νος) Ἡρακλή(ου) Νεκφερῶ (τος) Πεταν( ) ᾿Απόλλω(νος) Πτολίωνο(s) ᾿Απύγχ(εως) ᾿Απόλλω(νος) vos) Θύωνο(s) ‘Αρυώτο(υ) Ἰσχῖτως Πνεφερῶ (τος) Σαττ[α]βέως (γίγνονται) Sβλα (γίγνονται) ἀργυρίο(υ) Λ. ī S we f βύλ ζ f S με Ξ Sμ[ε =] S [με =] ς S με Ξ S με S με Ξ ς S με S με = S με S με S με Ξ S με = S με Ξ S με = 1. The name of the ἐποίκιον cannot be deciphered. The first two letters may be Ev or 'Ev. 7. The total is 226 dr. 4 obols. 8-9. On estates of Antonius in Egypt see Klio, XXII (1928), pp. 221 ff., Rostovtseff, Kolonat, pp. 120 ff., Social and Economic History, pp. 572 ff. The significance of the alpha at the end of 1. 8 is not certain. Wessely (Stud. Pal. XXII. 44) explains it as πρότερον. If so, the estate formerly belonged to Pamphilus, or possibly to the daughter of Antonius and now is owned by Pamphilus. Since only two names are recorded it is clear that the list does not include all those on the estate, but only the Philadelphians who had found employment there. For a πράκτωρ λαογραφίας Νέστου ἐποικίου, cf. P. Grauæ No. 2. 12. The total is 90 dr. 4 obols. 13. 64 names are recorded πρὸς τὴν κώμην. III. 10-19. These entries were crowded in as if the scribe had suddenly decided that he would not have sufficient space in the roll for his entries. However, the spacing is 114 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS normal in the rest of the document. The total (amount- ing to 2901 dr. 2 obols) had to be entered at the right of the column. 20. The entries of those in Alexandria are set over about a half inch to the right of the rest of the column. 21. Λεανδροβ( ). This name does not occur elsewhere. IV. 2. 'Αμωνίου. Possibly Απλωνίου. V. 21. The reading is blurred. Only the beta is plain. If every- one was assessed at the full amount, the total should be the same as in III. 19. 22. Unfortunately there is a hole in the papyrus where the number of talents is recorded. Traces of ink around the margin indicate that the letter was alpha. This amount is not divisible by 45 drachmas 2 obols if the tax and the total are reckoned in the same currency. The fact that the total in line 22 is stated in silver drachmas may imply that individual payments were made in Ptolemaic currency and that the total is calculated according to the reformed currency of Tiberius introduced ca. 20 A. D. (Wilcken, Grundzüge, p. lxv). If so, the document can not be earlier than 20 A. D. In P. Ryl. 187 the tax- receipts are given in silver drachmas, while above each entry is given the difference between the six-obol and the seven-obol standard (cf. Milne, Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, VI. 51 ff.). As Wilcken points out (loc. cit.) the reformed coinage varied between 7 obols and 714 obols to the drachma. At 7 obols the Ptolemaic equivalent of this total is 1 talent, 4192 drachmas, 2 obols. At 74 obols the amount is 1 talent, 4556 drachmas, 2 obols. Neither of these sums is exactly divisible by 45 drachmas 2 obols, and we must assume that some of those in the lost columns either did not pay in full, or were assessed at a lower rate. At the low rate of exchange, the number of contributors would be about 225. 135 names are preserved in the fragment, and the usual number of entries per column is 29. Ninety names could be crowded into three columns if we allowed very few headings. At the higher rate of exchange, the number of contributors would approximate 252. On this basis we could restore 4 columns with 29 entries to a column, and one line to spare for headings and totals. (The only restoration of a single letter in this line giving a total exactly divisible by 45 drachmas 14. REGISTER OF TAXES 115 2 obols in mu. On converting this amount at the rate of 7¼ obols and dividing by the amount of the tax, the quotient is 6940. Unfortunately the traces of the letter do not fit such a restoration, and besides, this figure is evidently too high for the population of Philadelphia.) 23. The significance of this entry is unknown. The sum is not divisible by 45 drachmas 2 obols either by itself or when added to the total given in the line above. Evidently it has nothing to do with the amount of arrears. Does A stand for d(ÉKαтOV)? The sum is a little less than ten δ(έκατον)? per cent of the total. Does it represent a commission paid to the tax collectors in Alexandria and other districts? It is evidently too high for кóλλußos, and does not seem to bear any relation to the usual percentage It may be noted, however, that the sum is very nearly the difference in exchange if the total in 1.22 is computed at the ratio of twenty-six and a quarter obols to twenty-four, although there is no evidence for such a rate in Roman Egypt. for poσdiayρapóuevov. προσδιαγραφόμενον. INDEX NAMES OF ROMANS 'Αντωνία, 11. Ι. 2. ᾿Αντώνιος, 11. II. 6. ᾿Αντωνίου θυγατρός α (?), 14. I. 8. NAMES OF GREEKS AND EGYPTIANS "Aßeλis, f. of Hareotes, 9. IV. 17. "Aßis, s. of Horus, 13. VII. 21. 'Aẞpox( ), 13. XIX. 6. ῎Αγρων, 9. Ι. 9. f. of Atomeus, 1. I. 14. f. of Apollonius, 8. IX. 7. f. of Melanc (omas), 10. VIII. 19. Αγχορίμφις, 1. II. 21. f. of Panoueibes, 1. III. 13. s. of Peteuchus, 14. II. 24. "Αδραστος, 13. III. 6. s. of Pasion, 2. V. 7. 'Aev. . ., f. of Anoubion, 13. XVIII. 17. 'Aerós, f. of Polemon, 13. XVII. 20. 'Aonvais, s. of Heracleides, 10. IV. 23. 'Aonvñs, 13. XIV. 29. s. of Heras, 13. XVI. 15. ᾿Αθηνίων, 13. VI. 4. s. of Armach ( ), 13. XX. 1. s. of Arta ( ), 13. X. 17. Aloxpiwv, 13. XIV. 6; XVI. 7. s. of Heracleides, weaver, 10. II. 27. ’Ακα( ), f. of Leandrob( ), 14. III. 21. ῾Ακᾶρις, 13. XI. 27. 'Akivduvos, f. of Horus, 3. I. 6. 'Ако ( ), f. of Cephalon, 13. XII. 39. f. of Panetbys, 13. XII. 36. f. of Pnepheros, 13. XII. 22. ’Ακου ( ), f. of Rhomas, 13. V. 25. Τιβέριος Καίσαρ Σεβαστός, 2. III. I; 9. I. 21; 10. I. 1. s. of Pnepheros, 1. IV. 11. ᾿Ακουσιλ( ), 13. XII. 23. 'Akovσíλaos, s. of Donatus, 10. IV. 15. f. of Pnepheros, 10. V. 17. 'AKOVσiλas, 13. XII. 23; f. and s. 2. II. 1. s. of Rhea (?), 13. XVII. 15. "Akuλ(os), 13. XVII. 6. 'Aλñs, f. of Necpheros, 10. II. 16: VIII. 29; 13. XIV. 12. 'Aλkiμaxos, s. of Harphaesis, 6. II. 4. f. of Dicranes, 6. II. 5. f. of P...., 6. II. 6. 'Aλλāvis, s. of Apollon, 2. III. 30. Αλο 'Aλo (), f. of Sisois, 13. XV. 28. Αλυγφι ( ), 10. V. 27, 28. , ’Αλωφις (?), 1. II. 25. 'Aµáð (okos), f. of Panomgeus, 13. XI. 37. 'Aμẞ(), f. of Horus, 13. X. 9. f. of Panetbys, 13. XI. 17. 'Außñs, f. and s. 10. IV. 31. 'Aµßñoɩs, f. and s., 10. VI. 2. f. of Heracles, 10. II. 7: VI. 4. f. of Horus, 8. V. 23. f. of Sisois, 13. XVII. 14. 'Aμevveũs, f. of Mysthas, 2. IV. 27. f. of Pteuchus, 13. X. 19. 'Аμμúvios, f. ....on, 10. VII. 17. 'Αμμώνιος, f. of Heracles, 9. II. 1: III. 16. f. of Maron, 10. I. 5. f. of Panomgeus, 14. I. 22. ᾿Αμμῶνις, 7. II. 16. s. of Heracleus, 10. II. 14; III. 22: V. 20. Αμο ( ), f. of Mysthas, 13. XVIII. 12. 'AμovveŬs, s. of Harphaesis, 13. XVI. 2. s. of Petalus, 13. XVI. 5. 'Aμóvvis, f. of Mysthas, 10. II. 8. 'Aμúvтas, 13. XVIII. 32: XIX. 4. 'Aμávios, f. of Ceras, 10. II. 23. f. of ...egoras, 14. IV. 2. 117 118 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS Ł 'Aμs, f. of Petermo ( ), 14. III. 8. f. of Phanomgeus, 9. VI. 16. ³Aµŵøi(s), f. of Didymas, 13. II. 17. 'Ανδρο ( ), f. of Apollon, 14. II. 5. f. of Semb(), 13. XV. 17. 'Avdpóvikos, f. of Sambas, 10. V. 3. f. of Satocus, 2. VI. 27. 'Avк( ), 13. XVIII. 4. Avviws, 13. XVI. 24. 'Avvws, s. of Anoubion, 13. XIX. 22. 'Avo ( 32. ), f. of Melinas, 14. III. ’Ανουβ( ), f. of Panetbys, 14. II. 18. 'Avovẞãs, 7. II. 3. 'Avoußis, f. and s. 4, I. 4. 'Avovẞiwv, 2. VII. 14; 3. I. 2; 5. II. 9. s. of Aen ( ), 13. XVIII. 17. f. of Annos, 13. XIX. 22. s. of Anoubion, 8. III. 6; 13. VIII. 22. f. of Apollon, 13. V. 13: XVII. 18; 11. I. 11. s. of Chaeremon, 10. IV. 7. f. of Dionysus, 13. VIII. 25. f. of Harphaesis, 8. III. 7. s. of Heracles, 2. VI. 5. f. of Heras, 13. VIII. 21. f. of Meleager, 10. I. 31. s. of Meleager, 10. I. 30. f. of Onnophris, 10. IV. 11. s. of Pap(), 13. X. 3. s. of Papontos, 13. VI. 10. ᾿Ανοῦπις, 6. I. 8. ), 13. XIII. s. of Semb( 29. ᾿Αντίγονος 3. I. 12: II. 4. f. of Dius, 13. XIII. 1. 'Avriloxos, f. of Diodorus, 14. II. 23. 'Avrípidos, f. of Heracles, 9. IV. 7. 'AVTOŪS, S. of Heracles, 10. VIII. 24. ᾿Αντωνία, 11. Ι. 2. 'AVTOVIOS, 11. II. 6; 14. I. 8. 'Avx ( ), f. of Pannoueit ( ), 1. III. 13. 'Avxopiµpis, f. of Mysthas, 8. I. 7. f. of Pommous, 13. XIII. 26. ›Avx@pis, s. of Satabous, 11. II. 7. 'Aπá◊ŋs, f. of Horus, 8. IV. 9. ’Απελ( ), f. of Harphaesis, 10. III. 12. 'Aπeλλéas, 13. XVIII. 33. 'Aπελλñs, s. of Heracles, 10. I. 13. f. of Menecrates, 10. VIII. 23. 'Аπeрws, s. of Stratius, 13. XIII. 3. 'Aπéxis, m. of Auxis, 8. I. 16. 'ATÉшv, 13. XVI. 7. f. of Heras, 13. XIII. 13. f. of Heras (Pnepheros), 1. III. 2. f. of Meron, 1. II. 17. s. of Mysthas, 13. XIII. 7. f. of Orsenouphis, 13. XIX. 31. f. of Panomgeus, 13. XIV. 13. Aπis, 5. III. 7, 9. s. of Horus, 5. III. 13. Aπis, s. of Perais, 13. V. 14. ᾿Απίων, f. and s. λαχανοπώλης, 10. II. 24; 13. XIX. 28. s. of Haryotes, 13. XVII. 13. f. of Heracles, 9. II. 9: IV. 4; 10. II. 25. s. of Meron, 14. I. 29. 'Aπλwν ( ), f. of Aunes, 14. III. 25. 'Aπλāvis, m. of Chrates, 8. VI. 21. ’Απολ ( ), s. of Ched( ), 13, IV. 5. f. of Pylades, 13. XI. 16. f. of Theion, 13. XV. 36. ’Απολλ( ), 13. II. 16. f. of Onnos, 13. XV. 1. f. of Sostratus, 8. IV. 5. f. of Titanus, 8. IV. 7. 'Aπоλλш ( ), f. of Allonis, 2. III. 30. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XII. 24. 'Aπóλλwv, s. of Andro( ), 14. II. 5. s. of Anoubion, 11. I. 11; 13. V. 13: XVII. 18. f. of Apollonis, 2. III. 31; 8. VI. 3. f. of Connos, 13. XV. 1. f. of Dius, 14. II. 28. f. of Heracles, 14. V. 12. s. of Heracles, 13. XVII. 22. f. of L………., 14. V. 15. s. of Lauos, 8. VI. 3. s. of Mendi ( ), 14. III. 26. INDEX 119 f. of Necpheros, 8. V. 29; 14. II. 19. s. of Necpheros, 13. VIII. 5. f. of Onnophris, 14. II. 29. f. of Petoeris, 8. X. 13. f. of Peteuchus, 13. XV. 30. f. of Pnepheros, 8. VI. 1;.14. IV. 20. f. of Phaesis, 14. IV. 4. s. of Phanomgeus, 13. V. 20. ’Απολλων( ), 2. III. 16. Απολλώνιος, 7. II. 13. f. of ..enion, 14. IV. 3. s. of Aronnophris, 1. III. 9. f. of Heracles and s. of Agron, 8. IX. 7. f. of Heracles, 14. V. 6. s. of Heracles (s. of Bolus), 3. II. 26. f. of Heron, 9. III. 1. f. of Lagos, 8. VIII. 23. f. of Paesis, 14. II. 26. f. of...tis (brother of Pae- sis), 14. II. 25. f. of Sostratus, 2. V. 22. ᾿Απολλῶνις 2. IV. 15. s. of Apollon, 8. VI. 3. s. of Heracles, 14. I. 23. •Απολλῶνος, 2. V. 18. 'AπOν ( ), 13. XI. 2. 'АππшνIS, S. of Horus, 8. IV. 17. "Ampоs, f. of Hegemon, 13. VIII. 19. ’Απύγχις, 10. VII. 14. f. and s. 13. X. 18; 14. I. 5. s. of Ceras, 8. VIII. 21; 14. I. 27. s. of Chaeremon, 10. IV. 7. s. of Did ( ), 13. X. 18. s. of Heracles, 13. XIV. 32. s. of Merres, 13. XX. 3. s. of Mysthas, 10. IV. 25. s. of Necpheros, 10. III. 20: VIII. 4. f. of Onnophris, 10. IV. 11. f. of Pabeus, 13. XIII. 8. s. of Panetbys, 10. VI. 26. s. of Panis, 10. V. 24. f. of Pean(), 13. XIV. 37. f. of Peteanus, 14. IV. 15. f. of Peterm( ), 14. IV. 24. f. of Petnoupis, 13. V. 7. Ap[ s. of Phano ( 31, 39. s. of Pomes, 13. VI. 12. f. of Pomsaes, 10. IV. 29. s. of Pomsais, 10. IV. 28; 13. XIV. 22. ), 13. XV. f. of Pnepheros, 8. X. 2; 14. V. 14. s. of Pnepheros, 8. X. 1. f. of Psamis, 1. I. 12; 10. IV. 13: VI. 9. s. of Teos, 6. I. 26. VIII. 1. ], f. of Dymaeus, 10. f. of Pnepheros, 13. X. 4. Αρ.. ...s, 2. IV. 28. 'Apaßiwv, f. of Pebos, 8. X. 16; 14. IV. 6. f. of Sambas, 10. I. 21. 'Apaßus, 13. XVIII. 28. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XIX. 19. Αραπ( ), f. of Panetbys, 13. X. 2. 'Apaus, f. of Pteuchus, 13. XIII. 28. 'Apß( ), f. of Haremephis, 13. XIII. 15. 'Apẞailos, f. of Pouoris, 8. VIII. 19. 'Apßñ (σis), f. of Horus, 10. I. 15. 'Apyiãs, 13. XIX, 7. 'Apeµñpis, s. of Arb (~), 13. XIII. 15. f. and s., 13. XIII. 15. s. of Necpheros, 13. XVI. 33. s. of Panchrates, 13. VIII. 8. f. of Peëris, 13. XX. 2. s. of Pete( ), 13. XIII. 31. f. of Petsiris, 13. XIII. 11. 'Apévois, s. of Pees, 13. XIII. 19. "Apeos, f. of Heracles, 14. III. 19. 'Apeous, s. of Panus, 13. XVIII. 14. 'Apeoías, s. of Thyon, 13. XII. 27. Apey(), f. of Hatres, 10. IV. 20. "Apnos, f. of Heras, 8. VIII. 12; 13. XV. 11. f. of Pteuchus, 13. V. 11. 'Apiévis, f. of Onnophris, 10. III. 10. s. of Onnophris, 14. I. 3. 120 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 'Apμ( ), f. of Necpheros, 13. XIV. 36. 'Apuáis, s. of Panetbes, 10. VIII. 14. "Apuãs, f. of Pancrates, 2. IV. 24. 'Apµáx (is), f. of Athenion, 13. XX. 1. 'Apμivois, 3. I. 5: II. 22; 12. II. 2. f. and s., 13. XIV. 3. s. of Dionys ( ), 13. XII. 5. s. of Dionysus, 13. XVI. 22. f. of Heracles, 10. II. 22; 13. XVI. 13. s. of Heracles, 2. III. 34. s. of Horus, 13. XII. 25: XVII. 9. s. of Mysthas, 13. XIV. 17. f. of Necpheros, 10. I. 17. f. of Panetbys, 13. V. 10: XVI. 26. s. of Pnepheros, 10. VIII. 12. "Apveus, f. of Ptermouthes, 13. XVI. 34. ῾Αρον ( ), 7. II. 8. 'Apovvwopis, f. of Apollonius, 1. III. 9. s. of Heras, 1. III. 8; 13. VI. 3: XVI. 8. •Ароvтwτns, f. of Labous, 10. III. 6. s. of Psenobastis, 14. I. 24. "Apожоs, f. of Sambas, 10. V. 10. 'Apжál (ns), f. of Roma ( ), 13. X. 5. 'Apπãs, f. of Mysthas, 10. I. 32. f. of Horus, 10. II. 18; 13. XI. 3, 4(?) 'Apoáμns, s. of Pnepheros, 14. V. 19. ᾿Αρσενοῦφις, 6. II. 8. s. of Aton, 13. XI. 34. 'Αρτεί 'AрTE(), f. of Athenion, 13. X. 17. Αρυώτης (Αρεώτης), 2. III. 11; 14. V. 17. f. of Apion, 13. XVII. 13. f. of Cleon, 14. IV. 23. f. of Comon, 8. IV. 11. s. of Harpsemis, 8. III. 28; 14. II. 20. f. of Hatres, 1. III. 1; 10, VI. 19. f. of P...s, 14. V. 4. f. of Pabis, 8. VIII. 16. f. of Pancrates, 13. V. 15; 10. VII. 16. f. of Pebos, 8. IV. 13. f. of Phaes, 13. XII. 28. f. of Phasis, 10. IV. 1. f. of Theon, 9. IV. 17; 10. VI. 20; 13. VI. 99. f. of Thyon, 13. XIII. 9. 'Appañois, 2. V. 4; V. 16; 4. I. 2; 5. II. 15. f. of Alcim (achus), 6. II. 4. f. of Amoneus, 13. XVI. 2. s. of Anoubion, 8. III. 7. s. of Apel(), 10. III. 12. f. and s. 10. III. 12; 13. XII. 6: XVI. 11. f. of Atomneus, 13. XIV. 16. f. of Calaus, 14. III. 4. f. of Ceras, 14. III. 1. s. of Cheusis, 13. V. 6: XVI. 23. s. of Chrates, 13. XIII. 22: XVII. 24. f. of Dicoranes, 13. XV. 24. f. of Dicran (es), 10. VIII. 16; 13. XVI. 19. s. of Dicranos (Dicranes), 10. IV. 16; 13. XIII. 38. f. of Hellen, 6. II. 3. s. of Hergeus, 13. V. 33. f. of Herieus, 8. I. 22; 13. VIII. 3. s. of Herieus, 13. XVI. 12. f. of Horus, 8. IV. 19, 20. f. of Laertes, 13. V. 12. s. of Mysthas, 8. VII. 10; 10. IV. 2. f. of Necpheros, 2. V. 5; 3. II. 17; 10. V. 18; 13. VII. 18. f. of Onnophris, 10. III. 21; 13. XV. 23. s. of Onnophris, 8. II. 15. f. of Pa...es, 10. VI. 6. s. of Paces, 13. XVI. 20: XII. 18. f. of Panetbys, 6. II. 2. f. of Petermouth (es), 14. III. 22. s. of Petermouthes, 8. V. 21. f. of Petiris, 13. XIII. 24: XVI. 36. f. of Petosiris, 10. I. 8. INDEX 121 f. of Pnepheros, 13. VI. 7. f. of Sambas (Ceras), 8. IX. 9. 'Apx( ), f. of Pnepheros, 13. XIII. 12. 'Apxéd (nuos), f. and s., 10. VI. 5. f. of Chaeremon, 8. V. 19. f. of Nicander, 8. V. 17. f. of Pnepheros, 1. II. 19; 10. II. 26. 'Aρxét (as), 13. III. 25. "Apxw(v), f. of Petsiris, 10. IV. 30. •Apxwvions, f. of Petiris, 13. VI. 1. Apñμis, f. of Aunes, 8. IV. 1. f. of Haryotes, 8. III. 28; 14. II. 20. f. of Laertes, 3. III. 14. f. of Thibron (Thimbron), 9. IV. 14; 13. XII. 16. 'Аokas, 13. XVII. 31. ᾿Ασκλᾶς γέρδιος, 13. XVII. 5. f. of Horion, 13. VII. 5. s. of Menon, 14, II. 23. s. of Zoilus, 14. III. 27. ᾿Ασκληπιάδης, 3. Ι. 4. s. of Papontos, 3. II. 15. f. of Petamoutis, 9. IV. 11. s. of Petermotes, 14. V. 2. ’Αστη ( ), 10. I. 3. 'AT(), f. of Panomgeus, 1. II. 15. f. of Pam( ), 10. VII. 20. f. of Peteuchus, 14. III. 34. 'Aτíλwv, f. of Horus, 1. III. 3. ᾿Ατομεῦς, 6. I. 28. s. of Agron, 1. I. 14. f. of Hatres, 13. XIII. 35; XVI. 32. s. of Necpheros, 10. III. 18. f. of Pachnoubis, 10. VI. 14; 13. XVI. 9. s. of Peto( ), 13. XIV. 9. ›Aтoμveũs, s. of Harphaesis, 13. XIV. 16. 'ATρ.., f. of Hatres, 10. II. 13. 'ATрñя, 2. IV. 21; 6. I. 12; 10. VII. 31; 13. VII. 30. s. of Areps ( ), 10. IV. 20. s. of Atomeus, 13. XIII. 35: XVI. 32. f. and s., 10. I. 10. f. of Callis, 10. IV. 20; 13. VI. 14; 14. IV. 14. s. of Didymus, 8. X. 19; 9. III. 3; 10. III. 15; 14. III. 6. f. of Esouris, 8. III. 20. s. of Haryotes, 1. III. 1; 10. VI. 19. f. of Heracles, 8. V. 1; 9. III. 3; 10. III. 16. s. of Heracles, 2. VI. 20. s. of Isch (is), 13. XII. 7. s. of Jason, 10. II. 19. f. of Labeus, 13. XVII. 25. f. of Mysthas, 8. VI. 6; 10. I. 12; 13. X. 14. f. of Panetbys, 8. II. 21. s. of Papnout ( ), 14. III. 16. s. of Patynis, 8. VIII. 15. s. of Petes, 13. XVIII. 13. f. of Phaes, 13. VII. 33. f. of Phasis, 1. IV. 9, 14. s. of Pomsais, 10. IV. 12; 14. IV. 18. f. of Pouoris, 13. XVI. 4. f. of Sambas, 10. II. 13. s. of Sambas, 10. VI. 8; 13. XI. 30. s. of Syrus, 13. XIV. 35. "ATwv, f. of Arsenouphis, 13. XI. 34. Aúvñs, 13. XVII. 28. s. of Anchorimphis, 8. I. 7. s. of Haplon, 14. III. 25. s. of Harpsemis, 8. IV. 1. 'Avvxis, m. of Comon, 8. IV. 11. •Augis, s. of Horus, 8. I. 16. 'Aïxɩs, f. and s., 11. I. 15. ᾿Αφροδ (ίσιος), s. of Mech( II. 18: XVIII. 34. s. of Pol( ) or Ptol ( 13. XIX. 17. ), 13. }, s. of Phaes, 14. I. 16. s. of Phatres, 13. XI. 10, 26; 14. III. 7; 10. V. 9. Αχιλλ( ), 13. III. 36. Αχιλλᾶς, 13. II. 7. Baλávos, f. of Necpheros, 8. VI. 8. Báτwv, s. of Panomgeus, 13. XV. 38. 122 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS f. of Pol() or Ptol( ), 13. XI. 9. 1 Βελ ( ), f. of Peteuchus, 3. I. 10. Beλλns, s. of Esouris, 13. VI. 15. Bepous, m. of Ischyrion and Hera- cles, 8. VI. 12, 17. Bnows, f. and s., 13. VIII. 13. Βολ ( ), 10. VIII. 30. Buλ (os), 3. II. 25, 26. Aaμ[as], 2, VI. 3. s. of Pol(), 13. XIII. 32. Aaμápaтos, f. of Pacon, 14. IV. 21. ▲ávios, f. of Mysthas, 9. III. 13. Ae(), s. of Ision, 1. I. 26. Δει Aen (), m. of Herieus, 8. VIII. 7. Δεη AékaтOS, S. of Hel(), 13. XV. 10. Anu(), m. of Pnepheros, 8. I. 14. A[ ], f. of Sosneus, 14. III. 24. Acα[], 1. III. 16. Aiápopos, f. of Heracles, 9. IV. 8, 10. Διδ ( ), f. of Apynchis, 13. X. 18. Aidvμãs, s. of Amophis, 13. II. 17. Δίδυμος, 2. VI. 19. f. of Hatres, 8. X. 19; 10. III. 15; 14. III. 6. f. of Heracles, 9. III. 3. f. of Palles, 2. VI. 9. Alkalos, f. of Dius, 10. III. 28. Aikopávns, s. of Harphaesis, 13. XV. 24. Aikр(), f. of Petiris, 13. XVII. 7. Δικρ Δικράνης (Δικράνος), s. of Alei- machus, 6. II. 4. s. of Harphaesis, 13. XVI. 19. f. and s., 8. X. 18. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XVII. 11. Aikρávos, f. and s., 14. IV. 16. f. of Harphaesis, 10. IV. 16; 13. XIII. 38. s. of Harphaesis, 10. VIII.16. f. of Heracles, 9. II. 19; 10. IV. 18. f. of Peteuchos, 10. IV. 19. f. of Theon, 9. VI. 1; 10. IV. 17. Alo[], f. of Pacheuris, 1. I. 20. Aloyévns, s. of Sostratus, 8. IV. 3. Aiódwpos, s. of Antiochus, 14. III. 23. f. of Petsiris, 13. XIII. 36. f. of Praxias, 8. VIII. 24. Alovúσ avd (pos), 13. XV. 21. Alovúσios, f. of Harmiusis, 13. XVI. 22. f. of Horion, 8. I. 5; 11. T. 14. f. of Mysthas, 13. XI. 11. f. of Paches, 13. XI. 12. s. of Papetus, 13. XVI. 21. s. of Petermouthis, 1. I. 16. Alóvvoos, s. of Anoubion, 13. VIII, 25. f. of Harmiusis, 13. XII. 5. s. of Pemeus, 13. XI. 4. ALOVUT (as), 13. II. 8; III. 10. Aios, 1. IV. 7; 6. II. 22; 10. VIII. 8. s. of Antigonus, 13. XIII. 1. s. of Apollon, 14. II. 28. s. of Collouthus, 1. III. 6. s. of Dicaeus, 10. III. 28. s. of Dius, 10. III. 28; 13. XV. 4. f. of Heracles, 14. III. 11. s. of Heracles, 10. VIII. 28; 13. XV. 37. s. of Hera( ), 2. V. 36. ös Kai ДoŪKOS, s. of Nemion, 8. X. 20. s. of Papontos, 8. I. 3. s. of Pset( ), 2. VII. 3. f. of Sambas, 2. VII. 3; 13. XV. 14; 14. V. 3. s. of Sambas, 13. X. 1: XIV. 28. s. of Satabous, 14. V. 20. f. of Semb(as), 13. XV. 14. s. of Theon, 13. XV. 5. ALook[], f. of Heras and Paches, 13. XII. 20, 21. f. of Pachiris, 13. XVII. 10: XIX. 27. Aιóσкорos, S. of Petemo(), 14. II. 27; 8. V. 9. Aιоσкоvρidŋs, f. of Heliodorus, 1. I. 18; 9. II. 26; 10. V. 14. f. of Pacheiris, 10. V. 14. ALOσ KOUS, f. and s., 13. XV, 18: XVI. 25. s. of Isapollon, 8. VIII. 9. s. of Sambas, 2. III. 6; 8. VII. 6. AlоσKŪS, 10. VI. 23. s. of Ptolemaeus, 10. II. 30. INDEX 123 Διπωι ), 13. II. 16. s. of Sambas, 2. III. 6. Apoπions (?), 13. XVI. 24. ▲vµ (~), f. of Pylades, 2. IV. 25. Avuaios, s. of Har(), 10. VIII. 1. Awvātos, f. of Acousilaus, 10. V. 16. Awpãs, f. of Ischis, 13. V. 30. "EKT (wp), s. of Epicydes, 13. II. 5. f. of Esouris, 2. V. 20; 14. III. 13. "EX ( f. of Heracles, 13. VII. 14. s. of Necpheros, 8. VI. 28. s. of Panetbys, 1. II. 2. f. of Peteuris, 10. I. 16. s. of Peteuchus, 10. VIII. 10. f. of Ptollaus, 3. II. 19. ), f. of Decatus, 13. XV. 10. 'Eλλ (ãs), f. of Sisois, 13. VIII. 4. “Eλλŋʊ, s. of Harphaesis, 6. II. 3. s. of Sambas, 1. I. 13. 'ETIKúdns, f. of Hector, 13. II. 5. 'Epyeus, f. of Harphaesis, 13. V. 33. s. of Petesouchus, 8. III. 11. Epieus, m. of Sisois, 8. III. 18. 'Epievs, 1. III. 11; 2. V. 28, 31. f. of Harphaesis, 13. XVI. 12. s. of Harphaesis, 8. I. 22; 13. VIII. 3. f. and s., 2. VI. 26; 13. V. 39. s. of Mysthas, 5. II. 7. s. of Pabes, 10. II. 31. f. of Paos, 2. III. 32. s. of Pees, 13. XIII. 21. s. of Pnepheros, 8. VIII. 7; 13. VII. 20. s. of Pol( ), 13. XIII. 34. s. of Pteuchus, 13. VIII. 31. f. of Rhomas, 1. IV. 16. 'Epμ()?, 13. III. 11. 'Epuías, 2. VII. 24; 10. VII. 25; 5. III. 10. f. of Horion, 2. V. 37. s. of Peteesis, 13. VII. 10. s. of Titus, 13. XV. 35. 'Epμó (aos), f. of Ptolemais, 10. VI. 3. 'Eσoupis, f. of Belles, 13. VI. 15. s. of Hatres, 8. III. 20. s. of Hector, 2. V. 20; 14. III. 13. Evάvwp, f. of Meron, 13. II. 10. Eußovλos, 13. III. 31: IX. 6. Εὐήμερος, 2. V. 15. f. of Ision, 2. V. 12; 9. VI. 17; 10. II. 20. Evpis, s. of Pomes, 13. V. 38. Evpiwv, f. of Sisois, 8. VI. 29. Evσéßns, 13. VII. 32: XIX. 2. Eurux (ns), f. of Petermouthis, 2. VI. 4. Evw(), f. of Pteuchus, 13. VII. 13. Znvñs, f. of Ischyrion, 9. VI. 22. Zwiλos, f. of Asclas, 14. III. 27. s. of Heracles, 8. VIII. 5; 14. IV. 19. f. of Nemion, 1. IV. 12. s. of Petearmot (es), 14. V. 4. f. of Sisois, 8. III. 18; 10. II. 1: VII. 29; 14. III. 10. ‹Hyń (µwv), f. of Ision, 13. XII. 1. f. of Pteuchus, 13. III. 13, 23: IV. 6: IX. 5. 'Hyńμwv, s. of Aper, 13. VIII. 19. s. of Panetbys, 1. III. 14. 'Hλódwpos, s. of Dioscourides, 9. II. 26; 1. I. 18; 10. V. 14. s. of Heracles, 9. IV. 8. s. of Heras, 9. III. 6. f. of Papontos, 14. III. 31; 13. XIX. 25. 'Hpa[ ], f. of Dius, 2. V. 36. 'Hрак[ ], f. of Petion, 13. XII. 38. 'Нpakλéa, m. of Dius, 8. I. 3. 'Нpakλeidŋs, f: of Aeschrion, 10. II. 27. f. of Athenais, 10. IV. 23. s. of Heracles, 8. X. 4. s. of Horus (weaver), 10. II. 32. s. of Horus (Harpa...), 10. II. 18. s. of Orsenouphis, 9. II. 3. s. of Panetbys, 8. VI. 10; 14. V. 5. s. of Panephiso( ), 10. IV. 24. s. of Petamus, 9. II. 6. slave of Ptolemaeus, 9. II. 14. f. of Sambas, 10. IV. 24. s. of Sambas, 2. III. 5. Ἡρακλῆς (Ἡράκληος), 2. V. 27: VI. 10, 24: VII. 7, 29; 3. I. 124 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 13; II. 9; 6. II. 9; 10. VII. .30; 13. XIV. 1, 2. s. of Ambesis, 10. II. 7: VI. 4. f. of Ammonis, 10. II. 14: III. 22: V. 19. s. of Ammonius, 9. II. 1. d's кaì ПIveдepus, s. of Ammo- nius, 9. III. 16. f. of Anoubion, 2. VI. 5. s. of Antiphilus, 9. IV. 7. f. of Antous, 10. VIII. 24. f. of Apelles, 10. I. 13. s. of Apion, 9. II. 9: IV. 4; 10. II. 25. f. of Apollon, 3. II. 26; 13. XVII. 22; 14. V. 12. s. of Apollonius, 8. IX. 7; 14. V. 6. f. of Apollonis, 14. I. 23. f. of Apynchis, 13. XIV. 32. s. of Areus, 14. III. 19. s. of Bolus, 3. II. 26. s. of Ceras, 10. II. 3. s. of Cephalon, 9. III. 24. ὃς καὶ Παποντῶς, stepson of Chaeremon, 8. III. 14. s. of Dicranes (Dicranus), 9. II. 19; 10. IV. 18. f. of Dius, 13. XV. 37; 10. VIII. 28. s. of Dius, 14. III. 11. f. of Harmiusis, 2. III. 34. 8. of Harmiusis 10. II. 22. s. of Harmiusis, 13. XVI. 13. f. of Hatres, 2. VI. 20. s. of Hatres, 8. V. 1; 9. III. 3; 10. III. 16. s. of Hector, 13. VII. 14. f. of Heliodorus, 9. IV. 8. f. of Heracleides, 8. X. 4. f. and s., 1. I. 28: III. 15; 2. V. 8; 8. III. 16; 9. II. 13, 34: III. 19: IV. 1: IV. 10; 10. II. 5: III. 5: VI. 24; 11. I. 13; 13. V. 28: VII. 14: XVIII. 19, 21; 14. II. 21. (weaver), f. of Herodes, 9. III. 8. s. of Herodes, 9. II. 32. s. of Horion, 10. IV. 15. s. of Horus, 1. III. 3; 9. II. 3: III. 22; 13. V. 8: XII. 14: XVII. 12; 14. II. 22: IV. 27. f. of Ischyrion, 9. VI. 13; 10. III. 23. s. of Ischerion, 13. VI. 13. ôs kai Дúкos, s. of Lycus (or Heracles?), 1. II. 18. Ôs Kaì ДÚKOS, s. of Lycus, 8. V. 3, 6. 8. of Leucus, 1. I. 28. f. of Melancomas, 9. III. 11; 10. I. 9; 14. V. 10. s. of Menon, 10. IV. 27. 8. of Merres, 1. II. 12; 14. III. 5. f. of Mysthas, 3. II. 8; 13. XV. 15: XVI. 30. s. of Mysthas, 1. II. 23; 2. VI. 24; 8. IX. 5; 13. VI. 17. s. of Mysthas, s. of Danius, 9. III. 13. s. of Mysthas, s. of Paabos, 14. II. 3. s. of Mysthas, s. of Theogi- ton, 9. III. 10. f. of Neenephis, 14. II. 16. s. of Necpheros, 10. VI. 25. s. of Necthos, 2. VI. 25. 8. of Onnophris, 14. I. 4. s. of Pachouris, 13. XX. 4. 8. of Palcinus, 9. II. 13; 10. VIII. 24, 28. s. of Panetbys, 13. VIII. 18. f. of Papontos, 8. IV. 16. s. of Papontos, 14. II. 4. 8. of Paches, 13. XI. 24. 8. of Pachouris, 13. XX. 4. s. of Pasion, 13. V. 21. s. of Pauesis 13. V. 27. s. of Pene( ), 13. XII. 13. 8. of Petamoutís, 9. IV. 11. s. of Pete ( 8. of Petech ( ), 14. III. 28. ), 13. XII. 8. f. of Petermouthes, 8. I. 26. 8. of Petermouthes, 8. I. 24. s. of Petermotes, 10. IV. 22. s. of Petesouchus, 9. II. 10; 10. III. 4. f. of Peteuchus (Pteuchus), 1. I. 5; 13. XV. 37. s. of Peteuchus (Pteuchus), 3. II. 25; 10. VIII. 30; INDEX 125 14. 13. VI. 6: XIII. 27; I. 6: III. 17. f. of Petiris, 14. II. 17. s. of Phaesis, 8. IV. 15. f. of Phasis, 8. II. 4: III. 3. s. of Philas, 9. VI. 13; 10. III. 22. s. of Pnepheros, 13. XIX. 24. s. of Psen ( ), 1. IV. 4. s. of Psenamounis, 9. II. 16; 13. V. 16. s. of Psenatymis, 8. V. 16. s. of Ptolemaeus, 8. VI. 17. slave of Ptolemaeus. 9. II. 2. f. of Pylades, 10. II. 4; 13. V. 9. f. of Sambas, 2. III. 4: V. 26. · s. of Sambas, 1. III. 10; 9. II. 23; 10. V. 4; 13. VII. 31. f. of Sochotes, 8. II. 1. f. of Socm ( ), 13. XIX. 14. f. of Sost (ratus), 3. II. 24. f. of Theon, 13. VI. 18. 8. of Thyogeiton, 14. II. 7. f. of Zoilus, 8. VIII. 5; 14. IV. 19. s. of . . . acthe(), 10. VI. 7. "Hρáкwv, f. of Petion, 13. XII, 38. 'Hpas, 1. I. 23; 6. I. 22; 7. II. 10; 10. VIII. 7. s. of Anoubion, 13. VIII. 21. ὃς καὶ Πνεφερῶς, s. of Apeon, 1. III. 2. s. of Apeon, 13. XIII. 13. s. of Areus, 8. VIII. 12; 13. XV. 11. f. of Athenes, 13. XVI. 15. s. of Diosc(), 13. XII. 20. f. of Haronnophris, 1. III. 8; 13. VI. 3: XVI. 8. s. of Heliodorus, 9. III. 6. s. of Heras, and stepson of Cosconius, 9. III. 17; 10. II. 17; 13. XI. 38. f. of Merris, 2. V. 24. f. of Sambas, 8. V. 10; 13. VII. 24. 'Hpwdns, f. of Heracles, 9. II. 32. 8. of Heracles, 9. III. 8. s. of Ischyrion, 9. II. 30. "Hpwv, s. of Apollonius, 9. III. 1. s. of Mech(), 13. II. 23. ὃς καὶ Ἰρήνης, s. of Onnophris, 9. IV. 2. ὃς καὶ Τυρηναῖος, s. of Onno- phris, 8. VI. 25. 'Háv, 13. II. 13. Оañ (s), m. of Necpheros, 8. VI. 8. m. of Petermouthes, 8. V. 12. Dañois, m. of Horion, 8. I. 5. m. of Mysthas, 8. VI. 6. m. of Petermouthes, Socho- tes, and Phasis, 8. I. 26: II. 1. 4. m. of Peteuchus, 8. VIII. 1. m. of Psosneus. 8. IX. 1. Aavoußis, m. of Phasis, 8. VI. 25. Aavovßiwv, m. of Anoubion, 8. III. 6. m. of Harphaesis, 8. III. 7. m. of Heracles, 8. IV. 15. ), f. of Papontos, 10. I. 28. Catε( earpñs, f. of Necpheros, 13. £. XVII. 17. m. of Papontos, 8. X. 7. m. of Sambas, 8. VI. 14. Geávios, f. of Peteuchus, 13, V. 26. Oeiw (v), s. of Apol( ), 13. XV. 36. Devaµo (õvis), m. of Dioscorus, 8. V. 9. m. of Necpheros, 8. VII. 3. m. of Satabous, 8. I. 10. Deоyeiтwv, f. of Mysthas, 9. III. 10. Оeokλñs, f. of Ptollis, 8. TI. 10. s. of Ptollis, 8. II. 7; 9. IV. 26. Depμoúliov, m. of . . . 8. X. 21. m. of Chaeremon, Harphae- sis, and Nicander, 8. V. 17-21. m. of Dicranes, 8. X. 18. m. of Hatres, 8. X. 18. m. of Mysthas, 8. I. 18. m. of Peteuchus, 8. II. 25. m. of Pnepheros, 8. II. 23. m. of Phasis, 8. III. 3. 126 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS "Iσels, f. of Phanomgeus, 8. II. 23. 'Iσ<1>d(_), f. of Neron, 13. II. 14. 'loidúpa, m. of Sambas, 8. V. 10. 'Ioidwpos, s. of Peteuchus, 2. III. 33; 8. III. 1. 'Ioiwv, 9. V. 12; f. of De( ), ), I. I. 26. Oéwv, s. of Dicranus, 9. V. 1; 10. IV. 17. 8. of Dius, 13. XV. 5. s. of Hareotes, 9. IV. 17; 10. VI. 20. s. of Haryotes, 13. VI. 19. s. of Heracles, 13. VI. 18. s. of I.( ), 9. V. 8. s. of Menon, 9. IV. 22. s. of Pason, 9. IV. 20. s. of Ptollis, 9. V. 5; 13. V. 36. f. and s., 9. V. 7. Onẞãs, f. of Sambas, 1. II. 14. Onẞaïos, f. of Phasis, 13. XIII. 5. f. of Sa..., 13. XII. 2. Onws, f. of Mysthas, 10. II. 2. Θίμβρων (Θίβρων), s. of Harpse- mis, 9. IV. 14; 13. XII. 16. OoToúтns, f. of Petermouthes, 8. V. 12. Opar(), s. of Peteuchus, 13. XIX. 13. Avoyeírwv, f. of Heracles, 14. II. 7. s. of Sambas, 13. VII. 32. Oúwv, f. of Aresias, 13. XII. 27. s. of Haryotes, 13. XIII. 9. f. of Pnepheros, 14. V. 16. Ἰάσων, 1. Ι. 25. s. of Hatres, 10. II. 19. s. of Sambas, 9. V. 24. f. of Sambas, 2. V. 2. s. of Semb (as), 13. XIV. 4. 'Iẞiwv, s. of Merres, 13. V. 17; 14. III. 12. 'Iépaέ, 10. VII. 26. s. of Onno (phris), 13. XVI. 29. 'Iépeços, s. of Onnophris, 10. V. 31. 'Iepμ (as), s. of Isch ( ), 13. XV. 39. 'Iép (wv), s. of Onnophris, 9. VI. 11. 'Ipńvns, s. of Onnophris, 9. IV. 2. Ισαμ ( ), 13. IV. 3. Ἰσαπόλλ(ων), 13. XVIII. 5. f. of Dioscous, 8. VIII. 9. IGOČUT (?), f. of Pteuchus, 13. Ισοζυτ III. 32. s. of Euhemerus, 2. V. 12; 9. VI. 17; 10. II. 20. s. of Hegemon, 13. XII. 1. s. of Neous, 1. III. 16. ), f. and s., 13. XV. 19. f. of Hatres, 13. XII. 7. f. of Hiermas, 13. XV. 39. f. of Mel(), 13. I. 4. s. of Necpheros, 13. XII. 9. f. of Necph (eros), 13. XVI. 27. Ἰσχι f. of Pammes (?), 13. XIV. 35. f. of Peteuchus, 13. XII. 11. s. of Pol(), 13. X. 10. 'Ioxis, s. of Cephalon, 6. II. 18. s. of Doras, 13. V. 30. f. and s., 14. II. 14. f. of Ischyras, 14. V. 18. f. of Soures, 13. XIV. 26. 'Iσxкρiwv, s. of Chrysi (us), 13. XII. 15. f. of Heracles, 13. VI. 13. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XIV. 25. Ἰσχορτ( ), 13. IV. 2, 8. 'Iσ[x]up[], 2. VII. 16. 'Ioxvpãs, 13. XIX. 15. s. of Ischis, 14. V. 18. 'Ioxvpiwv, 2. IV. 12; 2. VII. 11; 6. II. 21; 9. V. 9-28; 10. VII. 10, 13. s. of Callis, 13. V. 31. s. of Cannis, 10. IV. 4. s. of Cebes, 9. VI. 5, 8. s. of Heracles (Philas), 9. VI. 13; 10. III. 23. f. of Herodes, 9. II. 30. f. and s., 8. VI. 14; 9. VI. 5, 8; 10. IV. 4. s. of Neoptolemus, 9. VI. 24. f. of Necpheros, 10. IV. 9; 14. II. 15. 8. of Panetbys, 1. I. 29; 9. VI. 20; 10. VIII. 31. INDEX 127 • f. of Peteuchus, 10. VIII. 26; 2. V. 13. s. of Phanomgeus, 9. VI. 16. s. of Ptolemaeus, 8. VI. 12. f. of Sambas, 8. VI. 14. s. of Zenes, 9. VI. 22. 'Iwon ( ), f. of Ne...eion and Pompsais, 2. III. 12, 13. Kalavs, s. of Harphaesis, 14. III. 4. Kaλews, f. of Petsiris, 13. XII. 3. Kaλñ (s), f. of Petaus, 3. I. 7. Kaλλñ (s), s. of Pteuchus, 13. XIV. 10. Καλλ( ), 9. I. 2. Καλλι[ ], f. of Callis, 10. VI. 18. Káλλis, s. of Calli( ), 10. VI. 18. s. of Hatres, 10. IV. 20; 13. VI. 14; 14. IV. 14. f. of Ischyrion, 13. V. 31. Καλλίστρατος, 2. V. 14; 9. VI. 26 s. of Cebes, 9. VI. 1. Κάμπων, Káμπшν, f. of Panesneus, 13. XIII. 17. Kávvis, f. of Ischyrion, 10. IV. 4. KáσTwp, s. of Onnophris, 8. VI. 27. Keßñs (?), f. of Mysthas, 2. VI. 28. f. of Callistratus, 9. VI. 1. f. of Ischyrion, 9. VI. 5, 8. Ked (), f. of Phasis, 13. XI. 19. Keve(), f. of Petsiris, 1. III. 5. Kévve (~), f. of Petosiris, 10. II. 12. Kepas, s. of Amonius, 10. II. 23. f. of Apynchis, 8. VIII. 21; 14. I. 27. f. and s., 10. VIII. 11. s. of Harphaesis, 8. IX. 9. s. of Harphaesis, 14. III. 1. f. of Heracles, 10. II. 3. s. of Horausius, 1. I. 11. s. of Horus, 10. I. 26. s. of Sambas, 10. VIII. 11. Keprñs, f. (?) of Isapollon, 8. VIII. 9. Kep(), f. of Pnepheros, 13. XIX. 24. Κεφάλ(ων) (Κέφαλος), 10. VII. 11; 6. II. 13, 17. s. of Aco(), 13. XII. 39. f. and s., 13. XII. 39; 14. I. 14. f. of Heracles, 9. III. 24. f. of Ischis, 6. II. 18. f. of Onnophris, 14. II. 12. f. of Panesneus, 13. XVI. 28. f. of Panetbys, 1. I. 6. s. of Panetbys, 1. I. 30; 2. III. 29; 10. VI. 16; 13. XIV. 20. f. of Peteuchus, 14. III. 14. s. of Psena ( ), 13. XV. 6. s. of Psenobastis, 13. XI. 31. f. of Satbois, 14. I. 17. s. of Teos, 13. XIV. 19: XVI. 16. f. of Teos, 13. XVI. 17. Kiλλŋs, f. of Pnepheros, 8. I. 14. Κλ ( ), 13. II. 21: XV. 41. Kλáorixos, 13. VIII. 35. s. of Mech ( ), 13. IX. 8. Kλéw(v), s. of Haryotes, 14. IV. 23. Κλύφων, 12. Ι. 6. Kókaλos, f. of Pammes, 13. XVI. 35. f. of Phaes, 13. XVII. 4. Κολλο ( ), s. of Psena (), 13. XV. 12. Koλλoulos, s. of Psenatymis, 1. II. 22. Koλλulos, f. of Dius and Mo... Κολλῦθος, 1. III. 6, 7. Kóμwv, s. of Haryotes, 8. IV. 11. Kovvus, 7. II. 17. Κορμο(ῦσις), f. of Onno(phris), 13. XVI. 29. Kookúvios, stepfather of Heras, 9. III. 17; 10. II. 17; 13. XI. 38. KÓTTOS, f. of Peteuchus, 13. XV. 25. Kuð (~), f. of Pnepheros, 13. XI. 20. Kpa(), 10. VII. 23. Kw(), f. of Horus, 13. XV. 16. K. K.аvowт( ), f. of Horion, 10. .ανφωτ( IV. 14. 128 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS A(), f. of Psenobastis, 13. VII. 29. ▲aßer (ãs), f. of Phaes, 13. VI. 16. Aaßeus, s. of Hatres, 13. XVII. 25. Aaßeous, f. and s., 13. XII. 4. s. of Onnophris, 12. I. 4; 14. II. 8. s. of Psenamounis, 14. II. 9. s. of Psenobastis, 14. I. 25. Aaßous, s. of Harontotes, 10. III. 6. Aάyws, s. of Apollonius, 8. VIII. 23. Aaépтns, s. of Harpsemis, 3. III. 14. s. of Harphaesis, 13. V. 12. s. of Necpheros, 13. XIV. 8. s. of Ptollis, 8. II. 12. Aákwv, f. of Pnepheros, 10. I. 7: VIII. 12. Aavoūs, f. of Papontos, 8. I. 1; 10. I. 17. Aavus, f. of Apoll( ), 8. VI. 3. Aάx (ns), 13. III. 7. ▲εavdрoß ( ), s. of Aca(), 14. III. 21. Aeo[ ], f. of Horion, 14. III. 29. Aeovidas, s. of Pan ( ), 6. I. 23. AeovтUS, 10. VI. 22. f. and s., 2. V. 35. f. of Papontos, 8. X. 7. f. of Peteuchus, 2. V. 34. Λεόστρατος, 3. II. 16. Aeuкos, f. of Heracles, 8. V. 3; 1. I. 28. f. of Necpheros, 10. V. 8. Aéwv veάTEρos, f. and s., 2. III. 20. Aéwv, s. of Necpheros, 14. II. 1. Aewvidas, f. of Tryphon, 2. III. 9. Дouкos, s. of Nem ( ), 8. X. 20. Aoúowv, 13. XVIII. 15. Aukas, f. and s., 14. III. 33. Aúкos, s. of Heracles, 8. V. 6. f. and s., 8, V. 3, 6. f. of Ptollis, 2. IV. 26. Avσippñs, f. of Mysthas, 1. II. 9; 10. III. 13. s. of Mysthas, 13. XVII. 19. A..ws, s. of Panetbys, 2. III. 34. M(), f. of Onnes, 13. VIII. 26. Mappñs, f. and s., 10. III. 2. f. of Peteuchus, 10. V. 23. Máρwv, 9. I. 14; 13. V. 1; XIX. 10. s. of Ammonius, 10. I. 5. Max() or Mex ( ), 13. IV. 9. f. of Aphrod(isius), 13. XVIII. 34. f. of Ptol( ), 13. III. 38. ), s. of Pachon, 13. XV. 41. Μεθ ( Μελ ( ), f. of Epicydes, 13. II. 5. s. of Isch(), 13. I. 4. Melayκóμas, s. of Heracles, 10. I. 9; 14. V. 10. Meλaɣкwμas, s. of Agron, 10. VIII. 19. s. of Heracles, 9. III. 11. s. of Senouthius, 10. VIII. 17. Méλas, f. of Tryphon, 1. I. 15. Meλéaypos, f. of Anoubion, 10. I. 30. s. of Anoubion, 10. I. 31. Meλivas, s. of Ano ( ), 14. III. 32. Μένας, 2. IV. 14. f. and s., 1. III. 18. Μενδ[ 1, f. of Apollon, 14. III. 26. Μενεκράτης, S. of Apelles, 10. VIII. 23. Mévwv, f. of Asclas, 14. II. 23. f. of Heracles, 10. IV. 27. f. of Theon, 9. IV. 22. s. of Tryphon, 10. VI. 1. MεOTλns, s. of Mysthas, 10. I. 27: VIII. 15. Mepeus, f. of Horus, 13. III. 28: IX. 2. Μερρῆς (Μερρεῦς), 12. II. 9. f. of Apynchis, 13. XX. 3. f. of Chaeremon, 2. VI. 6. f. of Heracles, 1. II. 12; 14. III. 5. f. of Horus, 14. IV. 25. f. of Ibion, 13. V. 17; 14. III. 12. f. of Petearmotes, 2. VII. 1; 10. I. 20. Méppis, s. of Heras, 2. V. 24. Méρwv, 13. IV. 4, 5: XIX. 20. f. of Apion, 14. I. 29. s. of Apeon, 1. II. 17. s. of Euanor, 13. II. 10. s. of Teos, 13. VIII. 28. Méolas, s. of Seras, 14. II. 13. MET ( ), 13. III. 1. Mex(), 13. II. 9, 28: III. 21, 35: IV. 9: IX. 6. . INDEX 129 f. of Aphrod (isius), 13. II. 18. f. of Clastichus, 13. IX. 8. f. of Heron, 13. II. 23. Μητρόδωρος, 13. VII. 23. grandfather (?) of Heracles, s. of Antiphilus, 9. IV. 7. Μιθραδ (άτης), s. of Pasion, 2. V. 6; 13. XII. 10. Mo....s, s. of Collythus, 1. III. 7. Mópoeus, f. of Horus, 8. V. 13. Μύησις (?), 13. V. 4. Mvo@apiwv, s. of Panoueit ( ), 1. II. 3. Múolas, 1. II. 10; 2. I. 1: III. 8: VI. 31; 5. III. 6; 6. II. 7, 10. s. of Amennis, 2. IV. 27. s. of Amo ( ), 13. XVIII. 12. s. of Amonnis, 10. II. 8. ὃς καὶ Αὐνῆς, s. of Anchorim- phis, 8. I. 7. f. of Apeon, 13. XIII. 7. f. of Apynchis, 10. IV. 25. s. of Cebes, 2. VI. 28. s. of Danius, and f. of Hera- cles, 9. III. 13. s. of Dionysius, 13. XI. 11. f. of Harmiusis, 13. XIV. 17. s. of Harpas, 10. I. 32. f. of Harphaesis, 8. VII. 10; 10. IV. 2. s. of Hatres, 8. VI. 6; 10. I. 12; 13. X. 14. f. of Heracles and s. of Paa- bos, 14. II. 3. f. of Heracles and s. of Theo- geiton, 9. III. 10. f. of Heracles, 1. II. 23; 2. VI. 24; 8. IX. 5; 13. VI. 17. s. of Heracles, 3. II. 8; 13. XV. 15: XVI. 30. f. of Herieus, 5. II. 7. f. of Horion, 2. VI. 28. f. of Horus, 5. I. 1; 8. VII. 1; 10. I. 32; 13. I. 3: III. 29: XV. 3: IX. 1: XVI. 10. s. of Horus, 13. XIII. 22: XV. 29: XVII. 26. s. of Lysiphres, 10. III. 13; 1. II. 9. f. of Lysiphres, 13. XVII. 19. f. of Meoples, 10. I. 27: VIII. 15. f. and s., 14. III. 2: IV. 8. f. of Necpheros, 10. III. 26; 13. XIX. 23. s. of Necpheros, 3. II. 13; 6. II. 1; 10. II. 29; 13. XI. 32: XII. 12. f. of Nemion, 13. VII. 3. s. of Paabos and f. of Hera- cles, 14. II. 3. s. of Pancetos, 10. III. 26. f. of Panesneus, 14. I. 11. f. of Panetbys, 8. II. 27; 13. VII. 19; 14. IV. 12. s. of Panetbys, 8. I. 19; 13. VII. 17. s. of Papontos, 1. I. 27; 10. III. 25. f. of Petermouthes, 2. VI. 16. s. of Petermouthes, 2. VI. 15. f. of Peteuchus, 1. II. 5; 8. VII. 11; 10. III. 13. s. of Petechon, 10. I. 6. f. of Peton, 14. I. 28. s. of Pnepheros, 3. II. 14. f. of Psenatumis, 1. II. 10. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XII. 31: XIV. 18. f. of Ptol( ), 13. XIV. 39. f. of Ptolion, 13. V. 34. f. of Ptollis, 8. IX. 3; 14. III. 3. s. of Sambathion, 2. III. 10. s. of Stob( ), 10. IV. 2. s. of Theogeiton, 9. III. 10. s. of Theos, 10. II. 2. Naapaus, f. of Patynis, 2. III. 17. s. of Patynis, 8. VII. 8. f. of Pecous (also known as Patynis, 8. VII. 7. Ne[.]ewv, s. of Iose ( ), 2. III. 12. Neevñois, s. of Heracles, 14. II. 16. Νεκθατυμω ( ), s. of Peteneinos, 10. III. 1. Νεκθνη( ), s. of Psenobastis, 10. III. 7. Neкows, f. of Heracles, 2. VI. 25. Neкpeрws, 1. IV. 6; 2. V. 1: VII. 13. 15; 5. II. 16, 19; 10. VII. 6. 12; 13. XII. 33. 130 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS s. of Ales, 10. II. 16: VIII. 28. f. of Pteuchus, 10. VII. 24; 13. XIX. 30. s. of Alo ( ), 13. XIV. 12. f. of Apollon, 13. VIII. 5. s. of Apollon, 14. II. 19; 8. V. 29. f. of Apynchis, 10. III. 20: VIII. 4. f. of Atomeus, 10. III. 18. s. of Herm(), 13. XIV. 36. s. of Harmiusis, 10. I. 17. s. of Harphaesis, 2. V. 5; 3. II. 17; 10. V. 18; 13. VII. 18. f. of Haremephis, 13. XVI. 33. f. of Hector, 8. VI. 23. f. of Heracles, 10. VI. 25. s. of Horus, 8. IV. 18: VII. 3; 12. I. 2. f. of Isch ( ), 13. XII. 9. s. of Isch (is), 13. XIV. 27. f. of Ischyrion, 14. II. 15. s. of Ischyrion, 10. IV. 9. f. of Laertes, 13. XIV. 8. s. of Leucus, 10. V. 8. f. of Leon, 14. II. 1. f. of Mysthas, 3. II. 13; 6. II. 1; 10. II. 29; 13. XI. 32: XII. 12. s. of Mysthas, 10. III. 26; 13. XIX. 23. 12; f. and s., 2. VI. 22; 3. II. 8. VI. 8; 10. II. 16: VI. 15: VIII. 29; 13. XIV, 12. f. of Orsenouphis, 1. I. 19. s. of Pan( ), 6. I. 22. s. of Panomgeus, 10. IV. 21. f. of Papontos, 10. IV. 10. s. of Peteanos, 10. VIII. 18. s. of Petem ( ) and stepson of Onesimus, 8. VII. 4. s. of Peteu ( ), 1. I. 8. f. of Peteuchus, 8. VIII. 1; 10. IV. 26; 14. II. 10: V. 11. f. of Pnepheros, 10. I. 23. s. of Pnepheros, 10. V. 11. s. of Polyphantus, 14. II. 11: III. 9. ds kai Пávos, s. of Poplius, 14. III. 15. s. of Psenesis, 10. III. 17. s. of Sourus, 2. VII. 4. s. of Syrus, 10. V. 2. s. of Taurinus, 3. II. 13; 10. II. 29. s. of Teos, 13. VIII. 6; 14. I. 10. s. of Thatres, 13. XVII. 17. Neueoiwv, f. of Horion, 14. V. 8. Neulwv, f. of Dius, 8. X. 20. s. of Mysthas, 13. VII. 3. s. of Ptolemaeus, 10. V. 22. s. of Strattius, 14. I. 19. s. of Zoilus, 1. IV. 12. Νεμόδ(ημος), f. of Prausius, 13. XI. 36. Nevñpis, f. of Psenobastis, 14. I. NEOπт (ÓλEμos), f. of Ischyrion, 9. VI. 24. Neous, f. of Ision, 1. III. 16. Népwv, s. of Isis, 13. II. 14. NÉOT(EUS), 8. of Panetbys, 3. II. 28. Neoxатvμ( ), s. of Petanus, 14. Νεσχατυμ V. 11. Néros, 13. VII. 2: VIII. 16. Νήδ(υμος), 13. ΧΙΧ. 5. Νίκανδρος, 13. Χ. 13. s. of Archedemus, 8. V. 17. Νικάνωρ, 10, VII. 4. s. of Pnepheros, 10. IV. 6; 13. XV. 8. Oẞo(), 13. VII. 33. Ov( ), f. of Pachnoubis, 13. VIII. 7. Ονήσιμος, 13. XII. 26. stepfather of Necpheros, 8. VII. 4. 'Ovvñs, s. of M( 26. ), 13. VIII. Όννω ( ), s. of Harphaesis, 13. XV. 23. f. of Hierax, 13. XVI. 29. 'Ovvwppep, s. of Pel(), 13. XIII. 18. 'Ovvõppis ('Ovvóópis), 1. IV. 3; 2. VII. 10, 30; 10. VII. 28; 13. V. 3, 4. s. of Anoubion, 10. IV. 11. s. of Apollon, 14. II. 29. ! INDEX 131 f f. of Castor, 8. VI. 26. s. of Cephalon, 14. II. 12. f. of Harienis, 14. I. 3. s. of Harienis, 10. III. 10. f. of Harphaesis, 8. II. 15. s. of Harphaesis, 10. III. 21. f. of Heron, 8. VI. 25; 9. IV. 2. f. of Hierexus, 10. V. 31. f. of Hieron, 9. VI. 11. f. of Horion, 8. VI. 27. s. of Horus, 10. II. 21; 13. XII. 34. f. of Labeous, 14. II. 8; 12. I. 4. f. and s., 1. I. 17; 3. II. 18; 13. VI. 11. f. of Pancras, 13. V. 29. s. of Pataas, 13. V. 5. f. of Pebaus, 13. VII. 34. s. of Pecos, 10. V. 30. s. of Petearpsenesis, 3. II. 9; 10. II. 10. f. of Petemo ( ), 13. V. 18. f. of Peteus, 3. II. 22. s. of Pomsais, 10. IV. 3. s, of Pouoris, 14. I. 2. 6. of Psenobetes, 10. V. 32. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XIII. 25: XIX. 33. 'Ovóppep, 10. VII. 27. Ορσενοῦφις, 2. VI. 7, 17; 6. I. 16; 7. II. 1. s. of Apeon, 13. XIX. 31. f. of Heracleides, 9. II. 3. s. of Necpheros, 1. I. 19. s. of Paches, 13. XI. 21. f. of Paesis, 2. V. 19; 6. II. 15. f. of Panomgeus, 13. XI. 33. s. of Perais, 13. V. 23. s. of Petemo( ), 2. IV. 18, 19. Пla..ns, s. of Harphaesis, 10. VI. 6. Пaaßus, f. of Mysthas, 14. II. 3. f. of Petnoub (is) and s. of Petoeris, 10. VIII. 13. Παάπης, s. of B( ), 13. VIII. 12. Пaßñs, f. of Herieus, 10. II. 31. Пáßeus, s. of Apynchis, 13. XIII. 8. Пäßis, s. of Haryotes, 8. VIII. 16. Пaßшv, 13. XVIII. 2. Пaукñтos, f. of Mysthas, 10. III. 26. Ilayкρãs, s. of Onnophris, 13. V. 29. Пayкρáтns, s. of Harmas, 2. IV. 24. Пaéμpos, f. of Peteuchus, 10. III. 19. Пanovs, f. of Petarpoch (rates), 13. XI. 22. Пañois, s. of Apollonius, 14. II. 26. s. of Orsenouphis, 2. V. 19. Пaк(s), f. of Harphaesis, 13. XII. 18: XVI. 20. Пáкwv, s. of Damaratus, 14. IV. 21. Пaλeus, f. of Pammes, 10. III. 11. Пáλк (vos), f. of Heracles, 10. VIII. 24, 28; 9. II. 13. Пaλλñs, s. of Didymus, 2. VI. 9. IIaμ[ ], f. and s., 10. VII. 21. IIaμãs, s. of Pnepheros, 14. IV. 22. Пaμμns, s. of Cocalus, 13. XVI. 35. s. of Paleus, 10. III. 11. Πάμφιλος, 14. I. 9. Παν[ 1, f. of Leonidas and Necpheros, 6. I. 22, 23. Ilavaus, 7. II. 18; 6. I. 13. s. of Ptolion, 14. V. 13. Πανεσνεῦς, S. of Campon, 13. XIII. 17; s. of Cephal- ( ). 13. XVI. 28. s. of Mysthas, 14. I. 11. Пaverẞñs. f. of Harmais, 10. Πανετβῆς. VIII. 14. Пaverßus, 2. III. 21, 34; 7. II. 5: 6. I. 4. 8. of Aco( ), 13. XII. 36. s. of Amb( ), 13. XI. 17. s. of Anoub( ), 14. II. 18. f. of Apynchis, 10. VI. 26. s. of Arap( ), 13. X. 2. s. of Ara.e( ), 6. I. 25. s. of Ce(), 6. II. 19. f. of Cephalon, 1. I. 30; 2. III. 29; 10. VJ 16; 13. XIV. 20. 8. of Cephal( ), 1. I. 6. 132 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS s. of Harmiusis, 13. V. 10: XVI. 26. s. of Harphaesis, 6. II. 2. s. of Hatres, 8. II. 21. f. of Hector, 1. II. 2. f. of Hegemon, 1. III. 14. f. of Heracleides, 8. VI. 10; 14. V. 5. f. of Horion, 8. VI. 16. f. of Horus, 13. XIII. 33. f. of Ischyrion, 1. I. 29; 9. VI. 20; 10. VIII. 31. f. of Mysthas, 8. I. 19; 13. VII. 17. s. of Mysthas, 8. II. 27; 13. VII. 19; 14. IV. 12. f. of Nesteus, 3. II. 28. f. and s., 6. II. 14; 10. VI. 28; 13. VIII. 16. f. of Paninouthis, 14. III. 18. f. of Petemounis, 10. VIII. 21. s. of Petemounis, 10. VIII. 22. s. of Peterpsenesis, 1. II. 1. f. of Peteuchus, 1. II. 13; 13. XIII. 37. s. of Peteuchus, 1. I. 2; 2. VII. 2. f. of Petiris, 13. XVI. 18. s. of Petsiris, 10. IV. 30. s. of Pmous, 10. VI. 11. f. of Pnepheros, 6. I. 27. s. of Polyphantus, 10. III. 3. f. of Pouoris, 2. III. 27; 10. VI. 17; 13. XIV. 31. s. of Pteuchus, 10. II. 15. s. of Selenius, 9. VI. 20. s. of Sembas, 13. XVII. 1. f. of Teos, 2. III. 28; 13. XIV. 30. Ilavévs, s. of Pol( ), 13. XI. 6. Πανεφισω ( ), f. of Heracleides, 10. IV. 24. Пavivovo (is), s. of Panetbys, 14. III. 18. Hávis, f. of Apynchis, 10. V. 24. f. of Polemon, 10. V. 25. Πάνις νεώτερος, f. of Polemon, 10. V. 26. Пavкρáтηs (junior), s. of Hary. otes, 13. V. 15. Паνкρáтηs, s. of Haryotes (sen- ior), 10. VII. 16. Пavveúr (ns), s. of Panch (rates), 13. VI. 2. Пavoμyeus, s. of Amadocus, 13. XI. 37. s. of Ammonius, 14. I. 22. s. of Apeon, 13. XIV. 13. s. of At(), 1. II. 15. f. of Baton, 13. XV. 38. s. of M. ..., 2. V. 10. f. of Necpheros, 10. IV. 21. s. of Orsenouphis, 13. XI. 33. f. of Pachrates, 10. V. 1. s. of Panetbys, 8. VI. 16. f. and s., 1. II. 15. f. of Petermouthes, 10. I. 29. f. of Pteuchus, 13. VIII, 15. Πανομεῦς, 2. V. 21. f. and s., 2. V. 25. Пávos, 13. XII. 32; 14. III. 15. f. of Hareous, 13. XVIII. 14. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XIII. 27: XV. 40. Ilavoußis, m. of Dioscous, 8. VIII. 9. Hlavoveiß (ns), s. of Anchorimphis. 1. III. 13. Πανουεῖτος, 13. XIV. 7. f. of Mystharion, 1. II. 3. Пlavouтis, f. of Peteuchus, 1. II. 4. Ilavxpárns, f. of Haremephis, 13. VIII. 8. f. of Panneutes, 13. VI. 2. Ilar.( ), f. of Anoubion, 13. X. 3. Пáπετos, f. of Dionysius, 13. XVI. 21. IIаTVOÛT (is), f. of Hatres, 14. III. 16. Παποντῶς, 1. I. 4, 21; 6. 1. 20. f. of Anoubion, 13. VI. 10. f. of Asclepiades, 3. II. 15. stepson of Chaeremon, 8. III. 14; 10. I. 24; 14. II. 2. s. of Cilles, 8. I. 14. f. of Dius, 8. I. 3. s. of Heliodorus, 13. XIX. 25; 14. III. 31. f. of Heracles, 14. II. 4. s. of Heracles, 8. IV. 16. s. of Laous, 8. I. 1; 10. I. 19. s. of Leontys, 8. X. 7. # INDEX 133 f. of Mysthas, 1. I. 27; 10. III. 25. s. of Necpheros, 10. IV. 10. s. of Panetbys, 13. VIII. 17. f. and s., 1. III. 17; 8. I. 1; 10. I. 19. s. of Peteamounis, 8. X. 11. f. of Pnepheros, 8. I. 14. f. of Ptollis, 10. I. 28. s. of Thate ( ), 10. I. 28. Пapaкo( ), 13. XVII. 26. Παραμω( ), 13. IV. 1. Hápw(v), f. of Patynis, 13. XIX. 12. Пáσeis, f. and s., 14. IV. 10. Πασίων, 3. ΙΙ. 20; 6. I. 6. f. of Adrastus, 2. V. 7. s. of Heracles, 13. V. 21. f. of Mithradates, 2. V. 6; 13. XII. 10. f. of Petalus, 13. XV. 7. Пaσrns, s. of Pomsais, 14. IV. 17. Пáowv, f. of Horus, 8. IX. 11. f. and s., 13. XV. 22. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XIX. 16. f. of Theon, 9. IV. 21. Пaraãs, f. of Onnophris, 13. V. 5. Ιατεμοῦς, 13. XIX. 32. Пaruvis, f. of Hatres, 8. VIII. 15. f. of Naaraus, 8. VII. 8. s. of Naaraus, 2. III. 17; 8. VII. 7. s. of Paro( ), 13. XIX. 12. Ilavño (is), f. of Heracles, 13. V. 27. Παυσίσ (τρατος), 9. II. 34. Iax (ns), 13. II. 11. s. of Chr( ), 13. III. 8. s. of Diosc( ), 13. XII. 21. s. of Dionysius, 13. XI. 12. f. of Heracles, 13. XI. 24. f. of Meth ( ), 13. XV. 41. f. of Orsenouphis, 13. XI. 21. f. of Plem ( ), 13. I. 5: III. 27: IX. 3. f. of Teos, 13. VII. 28. ), 13. Пaxeipis, s. of Diosc ( XVII. 10. s. of Dioscourides, 10. V. 14. Ilaxeupis, s. of Dio( ), 1. I. 20. Παχίρις, s. of Diosc ( ), 13. XIX. 27. Пlaɣvoußis, weaver, 13. XIV. 11. s. of Atom (eus), 10. VI. 14; 13. XVI. 9. f. of Horion, 8. III. 24. s. of On ( ), 13. VIII. 7. f. and s., 8. III. 26; 14. I. 26. f. of Platon, 8. V. 26. Пaxvovßis, f. and s., 10. III. 8. Пaxoupis, f. of Heracles, 13. XX. 4. Пaxpáτns, s. of Panomgeus, 10. V. 1. Παῶς, 2. IV. 16. s. of Herieus, 2. III. 32. Πε. . TEUS, f. and s., 2. VI. 23. Heav(), 13. XV. 40. s. of Apynchis, 13. XIV. 37. Пeßaus, s. of Onnophris, 13. VII. 34. Пeẞns, f. and s., 10. VIII. 27. Пéẞos, s. of Arabion, 8. X. 16. Пéẞws, s. of Arabion, 14. IV. 6. s. of Haryotes, 8. IV. 13. s. of Psenatymis, 3. II. 27. Пéd (wv), 13. IV. 7: X. 15. Пeñpis, s. of Haremephis, 13. XX. 2. f. of Pellis, 13. X. 7. s. of Syrus, 13. XIV. 34. IIens, 13. III. 5. f. of Harensis, 13. XIII. 19. f. of Herieus, 13. XIII. 21. f. and s., 13. XIII. 20: XVII. 21. IIe ( ), f. of Penaus, 13. XV. 34. Πεθ Πειανν( ), f. of Pteuchus, 13. XI. 25. Пekas, s. of Aco(), 13. XII. 37. Πεκο (ῦς) ὃς καὶ Πατῦνις, s. of Naaraus, 8. VII. 7. Πεκῦσις, 2. III. 25. Пeкws, s. of Aco( ), 13. XII. 37. f. of Onnophris, 10. V. 30. f. of Peteuchus, 13. XI. 28. IIeλ( ), f. of Onnophrer, 13. Πελ XIII. 18. Пéλλs, s. of Peeris, 13. X. 7. Πελωρι ( ), s. of Mech( ), 13. III. 21. IIeµ(eũs), f. of Dionys( ), 13. XI. 5. f. of Poll ( ), 13. XI. 6. Пlevaus, s. of Peth ( ), 13. XV. 34. s. of Ptol (lis), 13. XIV. 38. 134 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS f. of Onnophris, 13. V. 18. Пeveñois, f. and s., 11. I. 16. Hevn ( ), f. of Herac (les), 13. XII. 13. f. of Orsenouphis, 2. IV. 18, 19. Пep[ 1, 4. I. 3; 5. III. 1. Περ[ Пépaïs, f. of Apis, 13. V. 14. f. of Orsenouphis, 13. V. 23. Iepµovl (is), s. of Psenobastis, 13. VII. 27. IIer[], f. of Petsiris, 14. III. 35. Пет[ f. of P....s, 10. VIII. 6. Пéraλos, f. of Amonneus, 13. XVI. 5. f. of Chrates, 8. VI. 21. s. of Pasion, 13. XV. 7. Пéraµos, f. of Heracleides, 9. II. 6. IIETα (μOÛT) is, f. of Heracles, 9. IV. 11. Пérav(os), f. of Neschatym( ), 14. V. 11. Πεταρποχ(ράτης), s. of Paeous, 13. XI. 22. Пeтаруevñois, f. of Panetbys, 1. II. 1. ПIETаTOS (?), 13. I. 1. IIetaus, s. of Cales, 3. I. 7. Пeтε[], f. of Heracles, 14. III. 28. IIeтéavos, s. of Apynchis, 14. IV. 15. f. of Necpheros, 10. VIII. 18. Пeтeaрμúrns, s. of Merres, 2. VII. 1; 10. I. 20. s. of Petoeris, 8. X. 13. f. of Phasis, 14. I. 15. f. of Zoilus, 14. V. 4. Πετεαρψενῆσις, f. of Onnophris, 3. II. 10; 10. II. 10. f. and s., 13. XIV. 14: X. 20. s. of Orseo ( ), 13. X. 20. s. of Petermouthis, 10. VI. 27. s. of Sisois, 10. V. 12. Пlete(ñois), f. of Haremephis, 13. XIII. 31. f. of Hermias, 13. VII. 10. f. of Horus, 13. XIX. 29. f. of Petermouthis, 10. II. 9. ПIETEμ( ), f. of Petermouthis, 13. V. 37. Πετεμη ( ), f. of Petermouthis, 10. II. 11. Πέτεμο ПéтEμo(), f. of Dioscorus, 8. V. 9; 14. II. 27. f. of Necpheros, 8. VII. 4. ПeтEμovv (is), f. of Panetbys, 10. VIII. 22. s. of Panetbys, 10. VIII. 21. f. of Taanouphis, 10. III. 14. Пleтevýwos, f. of Necthatym( ), 10. III. 1. ПIетерμove ( ), 2. VI. 30: VII. 31; 5. II. 1; 6. I. 9; 12. II. 1; 13. XI. 35. s. of Amos, 14. III. 8. s. of Apynchis, 14. IV. 24. f. of Chanasis, 8. IV. 9. f. of Dionysius, 1. I. 16. s. of Eutyches, 2. VI. 4. s. of Harneus, 13. XVI, 34, f. of Harphaesis, 8. V. 21. s. of Harphaesis, 14. III. 22. f. of Heracles, 8. I. 24. s. of Heracles, 8. I. 26. f. of Mysthas, 2. VI. 15. s. of Mysthas, 2. VI. 16. s. of Panomgeus, 10. I. 29. s. of Pet( ), 10. VIII. 3. s. of Peteesis, 10. II. 9. s. of Petearpsenesis, 10. VI. 27. s. of Peteme ( ), 10. II. 11. s. of Petem ( ), 13. V. 37. f. and s., 2. VI. 4; 8. V. 12; 14. I. 21. f. of Phaes, 13. XII. 35. s. of Phano ( ), 13. VI. 5. s. of Phanomgeus, 13. VI. 9. s. of Pnepheros, 10. VI. 12. s. of Psenobastis, 2. V. 9. s. of Thoteutis, 8. V. 12. ds kai Пeтσipis, s. of...epsus, Πετσίρις, 8. III. 22. Πετερμώ (τῆς), f. of Asclepiades, 14. V. 2. f. of Heracles, 10. IV. 22. s. of Petsiris, 14. IV. 9. ПεтEрy (Evñois), weaver, 13. XIII. 30. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XIII. 10. Πετεσοῦχος, 1. I. 7. f. of Heracles, 9. II. 10; 10. III. 4. f. of Hergeus, 8. III. 11. f. of Peteus, 10. V. 15. 1 INDEX 135 Пeтεūρis, 3. III. 12, 15; 5. II. 8; 13. III. 4. s. of Hector, 10. I. 16. ПETEυ[], s. of Heracles, 1. I. 5. f. of Necpheros, 1. I. 8. Πετεΰς, ПIETEÜS, 3. III. 13; 13. II. 22. s. of Onnophris, 3. II. 23. f. and s., 1. II. 6, 7, 8. s. of Petesouchus, 10. V. 15. s. of Peteuchus, 10. VIII. 20. s. of Pter(), 5. II. 14. Πετεῦχος (see also Πτεῦχος), 2. V. 29: VI. 8, 18; 3. II. 5: III. 9. 10; 5. II. 17; 6. I. 17, 21: II. 20; 12. II. 3; 13. XII. 30. Putally THE THROUYER f. of Anchorimphis, 14. II. 24. s. of Apollon, 13. XV. 30. s. of At..., 14, III. 34. s. of Bel(), 3. I. 10. s. of Bolus, 3. II. 24; 10. VIII. 30. s. of Cephalon, 14. III. 14. s. of Cottus, 13. XV. 25. s. of Dicranus, 10. IV. 19. f. of Heracles, 3. II. 24; 10. VIII. 30; 13. VI. 6; 14. I. 6. f. of Hector, 10. VIII. 10. s. of Isch(), 13. XII. 11. s. of Ischyrion, 2. V. 13; 10. VIII. 26. f. of Isidorus, 2. III. 33; 8. III. 1. s. of Leontys, 2. V. 34. s. of Marres, 10. V. 23. s. of Mysthas, 1. II. 5; 8. VII. 11; 10. III. 13; 13. XII. 31: XIV. 18. s. of Necpheros, 14. II. 10; 8. VIII. 1; 10. IV. 26; 14. V. 11. s. of Paemphus, 10. III. 19. f. of Panetbys, 1. I. 2; 2. VII. 2. s. of Panetbys, 1. II. 13; 13. XIII. 37. s. of Panout (is), 1. II. 4. s. of Pec (ous), 13. XI. 28. f. and s., 14. IV. 28; 10. VII. 18. f. of Peteus, 10. VIII. 20. s. of Phales, 2. VI. 8. s. of Phanomgeus, 8. II. 25. 6 s. of Ptollas, 13. XVII. 23. f. of Pt...eus, 1. II. 11. s. of Theanius, 13. V. 26. f. of Thrat ( ), 13. XIX. 13. Πετεχ( IIETEX( ), f. of Heracles, 13. XII. 8. Пeтéxwv, f. of Mysthas, 10. I. 6. IIernaμovvis, f. of Horus, 8. X. 10. f. of Papontos, 8. X. 11. Пerns, f. of Hatres, 13. XVIII. 13. f. and s., 10. III. 29: V. 6. s. of Philargyrus, 10. III. 29. ὃς καὶ Νεκφερῶς, s. of Philar- gyrus, 10. III. 30. Пeripis, s. of Archonidas, 13. VI. 1. s. of Dicr (anys), 13. XVII. 7. s. of Harphaesis, 13. XIII. 24: XVI. 36. s. of Heracles, 14. II. 17. s. of Panetbys, 13. XVI. 18. Пeriwv, s. of Herac ( ), 13. XII. 38. ПIеткаμ( ), f. of Horus, 14. V. 7. ПIEтvouß (is), s. of Paab (os), 10. VIII. 13. ПIETVOŪTIS, S. of Apynchis, 13. V. 7. ПIEтvõтOS, s. of Pnepheros, 10. III. 27. IIerоépis, f. of Petearmotes, 8. X. 13. Пεтoñ (pis), f. of Paabos, 10. VIII. 13. s. of Pnepheros, 14. IV. 7. IIéros, f. of Atomeus, 13. XIV. 9. f. of Phasis, 13. XI. 7. Πετοσῖρις, 3. III. 11. s. of Cennes, 10. II. 12. s. of Harphaesis, 10. I. 8. f. and s., 10. II. 12. f. of Pomsais, 10. III. 9. Πετουρί[ων], 2. IV. 13; 11. I. 3. Heroipis, s. of Archo (n), 10. IV. 30. s. of Caleos, 13. XII. 3. s. of Cene ( ), 1. III. 5. s. of Diodorus, 13. XIII. 36. s. of Haremephis, 13. XIII. 11. f. of Panetbys, 10. IV. 30. s. of Pet(), 14. III. 35. f. of Petermotes, 14. IV. 9. f. and s., 1. III. 5; 8. X. 14; 2. VII. 25; 10. IV. 8. 136 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS L f. of Ptollides, 8. X. 15. f. of P..sion, 14. IV. 1. s. of Taarb( ), 10. IV. 8. o's καὶ Πετερμοῦθις, S. of .epsus, 8. III. 22. • Πετω ( ), 4. Ι. 1. Пéтwv, s. of Mysthas, 14. I. 28. Hérūvis, s. of Pnepheros, 13. XV. 26. IIλátwv, s. of Pachnoubis, 8. V. 26. f. and s., 13. XVI. 3. s. of Teos, 13. XVI. 3. Πλεμ ( ), s. of Paches, 13. I. 3: III. 27: IX. 3. Πμοῦς, Пuous, f. of Panetbys, 10. VI. 11. ПIvεpeρws, 1. II. 20; 2. VI. 11, 12: VII. 20, 27; 3. II. 1; 5. III. 5; 6. I. 10, 11. s. of Aco( ), 13. XII. 22. f. of Acou( ), 1. IV. 11. s. of Acousilas, 13. XVII. 15; 10. V. 17. s. of Ammonius, 9. III. 16. s. of Apollon, 8. VI. 1; 14. IV. 20. f. of Apynchis, 8. X. 1. s. of Apynchis, 8. X. 2; 14. V. 14. s. of Arch(), 13. XIII. 12. s. of Archedemus, 1. II. 19; 10. II. 26. f. of Arsames, 14. V. 19. s. of Ceph(), 13. XIX. 24. s. of Cyd(), 13. XI. 20. f. of Harmiusis, 10. VIII. 12. s. of Harphaesis, 13. VI. 7. f. of Herieus, 8. VIII. 7; 13. VII. 20. f. of Heracles, 13. XIX. 24. s. of Lacon, 10. I. 7: VIII. 12. f. of Mysthas, 3. II. 14. f. of Necpheros, 10. V. 11. s. of Necpheros, 10. I. 23. f. of Nicanor, 10. IV. 6; 13. XV. 8. f. of P.....s, 1. IV. 5. f. of Pamas, 14. IV. 22. s. of Panetbys, 6. I. 27. s. of Papontos, 8. I. 14. s. of Petermouthis, 10. VI. 12. f. of Petnytus, 10. III. 27. f. of Petoeris, 14. IV. 7. f. of Petonis, 13. XV. 26. s. of Phan ( ), 13. VIII. 14. s. of Phamomgeus, 8. II. 23; 13. XVI. 14. f. and s., 1. II. 24; 2. VI. 12, 13, 21; 10. I. 7. f. of Psenatymis, 10. IV. 5. f. of Pteuchus, 13. X. 4. s. of Pteuchus, 13. XV. 20. s. of Ptollis, 10. II. 6. s. of Sisois, 3. II. 11. s. of Tauroul ( ), 13. V. 22. s. of Thyon, 14. V. 16. Πο( ), f. of Dionytas, 13. II. 8. Πόδων, 13. ΧΙ. 23. Πολ ( ), f. of Aphrod (isius), 13. XIX. 17. s. of Bat (on), 13. XI. 9. f. of Damas, 13. XIII. 32. f. of Herieus, 13. XIII. 34. f. of Isch( ), 13. X. 10. s. of Pemeus, 13. XI. 6. Πολέμων, 3. III. 7, 8. s. of Aetus, 13. XVII. 20. s. of Aste ( ), 10. I. 3. s. of Panis, 10. V. 25. s. of Panis (the younger), 10. V. 26. f. and s., 13. XIII. 14: XIV, 24; 10. I. 3, 4; 1. II. 25. stepson of Alophis (?) and son of Polemon, 1. II. 25. Пoλupávтns, f. and s., 2. VII. 26; 13. V. 19. IIoλúpavтos, f. of Necpheros, 14. II. 11; 14. III. 9. f. of Panetbys, 10. III. 3. Пouns, weaver, 13. XI. 15. f. of Apynchis, 13. VI. 12. f. of Euris, 13. V. 38. ПIoμμous, s. of Anch (orimphis), 13. XIII. 26. Hoμoáŋs, s. of Apynchis, 10. IV. 29. Пoμσáis, 7. II. 7; f. of Apyn- chis; 10. IV. 28; 13. XIV. 22. f. of Hatres, 10. IV. 12; 14. IV. 18. f. of Onnophris, 10. IV. 3. f. of Paspes, 14. IV. 17. Πομψάις, s. of Iose( ), 2. III. 13. Пóπλɩos, f. of Necpheros, 14. III. 15. INDEX 137 Пovwpaus, 13. XVII. 29. Пov@pis, 3. I. 9; 13. XII. 17. s. of Harbaithes, 8. VIII. 19. f. of Onnophris, 14. I. 2. s. of Panetbys, 2. III. 27; 10. VI. 17; 13. XIV. 31. VEάTEрOS, S. of Hatres, 13. νεώτερος, XVI. 4. Пóσтiμos, s. (?) of Tib(), 9. III. 11. ПIpaέias, s. of Diodorus, 8. VIII. 24. f. of Psosneus, 1. I. 3; 8. IX. 1; 14. IV. 13. f. of Ptollis, 10. I. 22. f. and s., 1. II. 16; 13. XIII. 4. s. of Sisois, 13. VIII. 20. f. of Phasis, 13. XV. 13. IIpavσios, s. of Nemodemus, 13. XI. 36. Πταρψε(νῆσις), f. and s., 13. Χ. 20. ПIтeр[ ], f. of Peteus, Pseno- bastis, and Psosneus, 5. II. 12-14. Πτερμοῦθ(ις), 5. II. 11. s. of Arneus, 13. XVI. 34. Πτεῦχος πρεσβύτερος, barber, 13. XIV. 21. ПIтEUXоя, 13. XVII. 33. μ..τα. Αχιλλ( ), 13. III. 36. s. of Amenn ( ), 13. X. 19. s. of Areos, 13. V. 11. s. of Arabos, 13. XIX. 19. s. of Araus, 13. XIII. 28. s. of Apollon, 13. XII. 24. f. of Calles, 13. XIV. 10. s. of Chrates, 13. XIX. 26. s. of Dicranes, 13. XVII. 11. s. of Euo( ), 13. VII. 13. s. of Heg (emon)?, 13. III. 13, 23: IV. 6: IX. 5. f. of Heracles, 13. XIII. 27; 14. III. 17. s. of Heracles, 13. XV. 37. f. of Herieus, 13. VIII. 31. s. of Ischerion, 13. XIV. 25. s. of Isozyt()?, 13. III. 32. s. of Mysthas, 13. XIV. 18. s. of Necpheros, 10. VII. 24; 13. XIX. 30. s. of Onno (phris), 13. XIII. 25: XIX. 33. s. of Panus, 13. XIII. 27: XV. 40. f. of Panetbys, 10. II. 15. s. of Panomgeus, 13. VIII. 15. s. of Pason, 13. XIX. 16. s. of Paraco ( ), 13. XVII. 27. s. of Peiann ( ), 13. XI. 25. s. of Peterpsenesis, 13. XIII. 10. s. of Phemnesius, 10. II. 15. s. of Phr(), 13. XI. 29. f. of Pnepheros, 13. XV. 20. s. of Pnepheros, 13. X. 4. f. and s., 13. XVII. 27. s. of Sambas, 8. VII. 9. s. of Sicanus, 10. VII. 24. IIT...EUS, S. of Peteuchus, 1. II. 11. Πτολ( ), 2. V. 30; weaver, 13. XIV. 33. s. of Mach( ), 13. III. 38. s. of Mysthas, 13. XIV. 39. f. of Penaus, 13. XIV. 38. f. and s., 13. VII. 6: XIII. 16. IIтоλeμaios, 9. II. 2, 14; f. of Heracles, 8. VI. 17. f. of Horion, 2. V. 33; 10. III. 24; 13. V. 24: XVI. 31. f. of Ischyrion, 8. VI. 12. f. of Nemion, 19. V. 22. ПIтоλεμaïs, s. of Hermol (aus), 10. VI. 3. Пroλéµios, f. of Dioscys, 10. II. 30. IIтóλis, f. of Horus, 10. V. 28. f. of Pylades, 10. V. 27. IIтoλiwv, 7. II. 21; 10. VII. 9. f. of Mysthas, 13. V. 34. f. of Panaus, 14. V. 13. f. and s., 13. XV. 33. Птoλλās, S. of Peteuchus, 13. XVII. 23. s. of Ptollis, 13. XVII. 3. s. of Sylla, 13. XIII. 6. s. of Tryphon, 13. XII. 19. Πτολλαῦς, 2. IV. 10. s. of Hector, 3. II. 19. Птомions, s. of Petsiris, 8. X. 15. Πτόλλις, 2. V. 30. J 138 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS ! i f. of Laertes, 8. II. 12. s. of Lycus, 2. IV. 26. s. of Mysthas, 8. IX. 3; 14. III. 3. s. of Papontos, 10. I. 28. f. of Pnepheros, 10. II. 6. s. of Praxias, 10. I. 22. f. of Ptollas, 13. XVI. 3. f. and s., 8. II. 10. s. of Sambasius, 13. XVI. 6. s. of Semb(as), 13. XV. 2. f. of Theocles, 8. II. 7; 9. IV. 26. s. of Theocles, 8. II. 10. f. of Theon, 9. V. 5; 13. V. 36. ПIтоpiupis, m. of Papontos, 8. IV. 16. Hvλádns, 2. VII. 12; 6. I. 2, 13. X. 8. ), 13. XI. 16. s. of Apol( s. of Dym( ), 2. IV. 25. s. of Heracleus, 10. II. 4; 13. V. 9. s. of Ptolis, 10. V. 27. f. and s., 2. IV. 25. 3; 'Peas (?), f. of Acousilas, 13. XVII. 16. 'Poupos, 13. III. 19. Pwuãs, s. of Acou ( ), 13. V. 25. s. of Harpathes, 13. X. 5. s. of Herieus, 1. IV. 16. Za[], 1. II. 27. Σα[ Σα . 2. Zaußaliwv, 2. III. 24, f. of Mys- thas, 2. III. 10. Zauẞãs (cf. Zeußãs), 1. 1. 24: IV. 8; 2. IV. 11: V. 3: VII. 6; 10. VII. 8. s. of Thebaeus, 13. XII. s. of Andronicus, 10. V. 13. XV. 17. 3; s. of Arabion, 10. I. 21. s. of Aropus, 10. V. 10. f. of Cer (as), 10. VIII. 11. s. of Chaer (emon), 13. XVII. 8. f. of Dioscys, 2. III. 6. s. of Dioscys, 8. VII. 6. f. of Dius, 13. X. 1: XIV. 28. s. of Dius, 13. XV. 14; 14. V. 3; 2. VII. 3. ôs kai Kepās, s. of Harphaesis, 8. IX. 9. f. of Hatres, 10. VI. 8; 13. XI. 30. s. of Hatres, 10. II. 13. f. of Hellen, 1. I. 13. f. of Heracleides, 2. III. 5. 8. of Heracleides, 10. IV. 24. f. of Heracles, 1. III. 10; 9. II. 23; 10. V. 4; 13. VII. 31; 14. III. 17. s. of Heracleus, 2. III. 4: V. 26. s. of Heras, 8. V. 10; 13. VII. 24. f. of Horus, 10. V. 5; 14. III. 30. ds kai 'Ioxvpíwv, s. of Ischy- rion, 8. VI. 14. f. of Jason, 9. V. 24; 13. XIV. 4. s. of Jason, 2. V. 2. f. of Philoterides, 13. VII. 24. f. of Pteuchus, 8. VII. 9. s. of Sisois, 2. IV. 20. s. of Teos, 13. VII. 7. s. of Thebaeus, 13. XII. 2. s. of Thebas, 1. II. 14. Zaußáoios, f. of Ptollis, 13. XVI. 6. Záμßiov, m. of Pteuchus, 8. VII. 9. Zauẞous, m. of Panetbys, 8. II. 21. Zaraẞous, f. of Anchophis, 11. II. 7. m. of Dioscys, 8. VII. 6. f. and s., 8. I. 10. Zarẞwis, s. of Cephalon, 14. I. 16. ZáтOKOS, 8. of Andronicus, 2. VI. 27. Zarraẞūs, f. of Dius, 14. V. 20. ZEBETET ( ), 13. VIII. 34. Zeλevivios, f. of Panetbys, 9. VI. 20. Σελενχις, 9. III. 19. Zeμẞãs, f. of Anouphis, 13. XIII. 29. f. of Panetbys, 13. XVII. 1. f. of Ptollis, 13. XV. 2. INDEX 139 Zevvepéρis, m. of Heracles, 8. V. 16. Zevovlis, f. of Melancomas, 10. VIII. 18. ZEVTW ( ), s. of Tithas, 13. VIII. Σεντω 30. ZevTwis, s. of Tithoues, 8. III. 9. s. of Horion, 14. IV. 5. Zepa ( ), s. of Hector, 2. V. 20. Σερα Σερα ( ), s. of Horion, 14. V. 1. Zepa[], 8. of M( ), 2. III. 20. Zepas, f. of Mesthas, 14. II. 13. Σερᾶπις, 6. Ι. 7. Zepãris, f. of Horus, 9. III. 22. Zikavós, f. of Pteuchus, 10. VII. 24. Σισαπολ( ), 13. II. 9. Σισόις (Σισύις, Σισούις), 2. IV. 9: VII. 22; 13. XV. 27. s. of Alo( ), 13. XV. 28. s. of Ambesis, 13. XI. 18: XVII. 14. s. of Hellas, 13. VIII. 4. ὃς καὶ Χαιρήμων, s. of Eurion, 8. VI. 29. f. of Petearpsenesis, 10. V. 12. f. of Pnepheros, 3. II. 11. f. of Praxias, 13. VIII. 20. f. of Psenobes, 2. VII. 21. f. of Sambas, 2. IV. 20. ὃς καὶ Πανομγεῦς, 11. ΙΙ. 4. f. and s., 13. VIII. 23. s. of Zoilus, 8. III. 18; 10. II. 1: VII. 29; 14. III. 10. ZKOÚTIOS, f. of Horion, 13. XVIII. 18. Zoкμ (as), s. of Heracles, 13. XIX. 14. Zooveūs, s. of Di( ), 14. III. 24. Zovñpis, m. of Dius, 8. 10. 20. m. of Esouris, 8. III. 20. m. of Horus, 8. X. 10. m. of Papontos, 8. X. 11. Zoupñs, s. of Isch (is), 13. XIV. 26. Zтρáτios, f. of Aperos, 13. XIII. 3. Στράτος, 4. Ι. 3. ΣтράTTIOS, f. of Nemion, 14. I. 19. ΣтράTwv, 13. VIII. 29: XIX. 1. f. of Phabis, 13. VI. 8. Zúλλa, f. of Ptollas, 13. XIII. 6. Zúpos, f. of Hatres, 13. XIV. 35. f. of Necpheros, 10. V. 2. f. of Peeris, 13. XIV. 34. f. and s., 13. V. 32. Zwoтparos, s. of Apollo( IV. 5. Zoupos, 2. VII. 5. f. of Necpheros, 2. VII. 4. Zoxórns, s. of Heracles, 8. II. 1. ZTOẞ(), f. of Mysthas, 10. IV. 2. Zтoλáρris, m. of Herieus, 8. I. 22. Στρατίων, 13. XV. 32. ), 8. 4 s. of Apollonius, 2. V. 22. f. of Diogenes, 8. IV. 3. 8. of Heracles, 3. II. 24. Σωστράτιος αὐλητής, 13. Χ. 11. Taavoũḍis, s. of Petemounis, 10. III. 14. Ταανω ( ), m. of Pebos, 8. X. 16. Taāmis, m. of Horus, 8. VI. 19. Taapẞ(), f. of Petsiris, 10. IV. Τααρβ 8. Taapews, m. of Panetbys, 8. II. 27. Taapμivois, m. of Harphaesis, 8. II. 15. Taapμwτis, m. of Laertes, Ptollis, and Theocles, 8. II. 7-12. Taμovv ( ), m. of Petearmotes, 8. X. 13. Taμúola, m. of Heracleides, 8. X. 4. m. of Heracles, 8. I. 22. m. of Naaraus, 8. VII. 8. Ταναμεῦς, 8. II. 17. Taveμyevs, m. of Sentois, 8, III. 9. Tavéσvis, m. of Heracles, 8. III. 16. Τανινουθ ( ), m. of Horus, 8. V. 13. Τανομγεῦς, m., 8. II. 17. m. of Sostratus, 8. IV. 5. m. of Titanus, 8. IV. 7. Τανοῦβις, m. of Horion and Pachnoubis, 8. III. 24, 26. Taouris, m. of Platon, 8. V. 26. Tañeλãλɩs, m. of Papontos, 8. I. 1. 140 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 1 Tажεuxos, m. of Heracles, 8. V. 1. m. of Horus, 8. V. 23. Taπous, m. of Lycus, 8. V. 6. Tажоνтws, m. of Heracles, 8. III. 14. Tapvāris, m. of Aunes and Hary- otes, 8. III. 28: IV. 1. Taoкivios, f. of Heracles, 9. III. 8. TiB ( ), 9. III. 11. Tilas, f. of Sentois, 13. VIII. 30. Tilovñs, f. of Sentois, 8. III. 9. Tiovis, m. of Petermouthis, 8. III. 22. Taσwkis, m. of Apollonius, Nec- pheros, and Pnepheros, 8. V. 28: VI. 1, 3. Taows, m. of Ptollis, 8. X. 15. Tavẞáoris, m. of Mysthas, 8. I. 7. Tavpivos, f. of Necpheros, 3. II. 13; 10. II. 29. Taupis, m. of Isidorus, 8. III. 1. m. of Horus, 8. IV. 19, 20: IX. 11. m. of Harphaesis and Peteu- chus, 8. VII. 10, 11. m. of Petsiris, 8. X. 14. Taupovλ (os), f. of Pnepheros, 13. V. 22. Tavoipis, m. of Heracleides and Horion, 8. VI. 10, 16. Τεθαῦτις, 13. V. 35. Teivaus, m. of Hergeus, 8. III. 11. Tekwσis, m. of Diogenes, 8. IV. 3. Tepoßáoris, m. of Pnepheros, 8. X. 2. Teσaus, 9. II. 32. Teoveus, s. of Petemus, 8. V. 9. Tepeрows, m. of Zoilus, 8. VIII. 5. Tews, 1. II. 26; 2. VI. 29; 3. I. 8; 6. I. 26; 10. VII. 20. f. of Apynchis, 6. I. 26. f. of Cephalon, 13. XIV. 19: XVI. 16. s. of Cephalon, 13. XVI. 17. f. of Horus, 2. VI. 14; 13. XVI. 27. f. of Meron, 13. VIII. 28. f. of Necpheros, 14. I. 10. s. of Panetbys, 2. III. 28; 13, XIV. 30. f. of Platon, 13. XVI. 3. Tnes, f. of Horus, 13. VII. 22. f. of Necpheros, 13. VIII. 6. f. of Paches, 13. VII. 28. f. of Sambas, 13. VII. 7. Τι . 1. III. 11. TiTavos, s. of Apollo( ), 8. IV. 7. Tiros, f. of Hermias, 13. XV. 35. Toλuãs (?), 13. XI. 8. Tpúpwv, s. of Leonidas, 2. III. 9. s. of Melas, 1. I. 15. s. of Menon, 10. VI. 1. f. of Ptollas, 13. XII. 19. f. and s., 2. II. 2; 10. II. 28. Tupnvaïos, s. of Onnophris, 8. VI. 25. Þãßis, s. of Straton, 13. VI. 8. Pañs, f. of Aphrod (isius), 14. I. 16. s. of Cocalus, 13. XVII. 4. s. of Haryotes, 13. XII. 28. s. of Hatres, 13. VII. 33. s. of Labetas, 13. VI. 16. 13. s. of Petermo (uthis), XII. 35. f. of Psamis. 13. XI. 13. Þañois, s. of Apollon, 14. IV. 4. f. of Heracles, 8. IV. 15. s. of Ors (enouphis), 6. II. 15. f. and s., 6. II. 16; 14. IV. 26. f. of Phasis, 8. VI. 24; 10. VI. 29. Þaλñ(s), f. of Peteuchus, 2. VI. 8. Paμñs, f. and s., 14. IV. 26. Φαμουηρε( ), ὃς καὶ ᾿Αππῶνις, s. of Horus, 8. IV. 17. Φαναῦσις, 9. IV. 1. Þávios, 13. VIII. 33: XIX. 3. Φανο ( ), f. of Apynchis, 13. XV. 31, 39. f. of Petermouthis, 13. VI. 5. f. of Pnepheros, 13. VIII. 14. Þavoµyeũs, f. of Apollon, 13. V. 20 f. of Ischyrion, 9. VI. 16. s. of Iseis, 8. II. 23. f. of Peteuchus, 8. II. 25. f. of Petermouthis, 13. VI. 9. f. of Phaseis, 14. IV. 11. ► INDEX 141 f. of Pnepheros, 8. II. 23; 13, XVI. 14. Hapßélwv, 13. XVII. 29. Þáσeis, s. of Phanomgeus, 14. IV. 11. Þãσis, 1. IV. 9; 7. II. 6. s. of Ced(), 13. XI. 19. s. of Haryotes, 10. IV. 1. s. of Hatres, 1. IV. 9, 14. s. of Heracles, 8. II. 4: III. 3. s. of Horion, 13. VII. 12. s. of Pet...., 13. XI. 7. s. of Petearmotes, 14. I. 15. s. of Phaesis, 8. VI. 24; 10. VI. 29. f. and s., 1. IV. 10, 15; 13. XI. 19. s. of Praxias, 13. XV. 13. s. of Thebaeus, 13. XIII, 5. Þarρñs, f. of Aphrodisius, 10. V. 9; 13. XI. 10, 26; 14. III. 7. Þeμvñois, f. of Pteuchus, 10. II. 15. Þiλápyvpos, f. of Petes, 10. III. 29, 30. Piλãs, f. of Heracles, 9. VI. 13; 10. III. 22. ÞiλwTeρions, s. of Sambas, 13. Φιλωτερίδης, VII. 24. Φοίνιξ, 13. II. 15. Φρ ( ), f. of Pteuchus, 13. XI. 29. Χαιρ ( ), f. of Sambas, 13. XVII. 8. Χαιρήμων, 10. VIII. 9. f. of Anoubion, 10. IV. 7. s. of Archedemus, 8. V. 19. s. of Eurion, 8. VI. 29. s. of Horion, 10. VI. 10; 13. XIV. 15. s. of Merres, 2. VI. 6. stepfather of Papontos 10. I. 24; 14. II. 2; 8. III. 14. Xavãois, s. of Petermouthis, 8. IV. 9. Χεδ ( ), 13. IV. 5. Xevñois, m. of Heras, 8. VIII. 12. Χεῦσις, 6. II. 33. f. of Harphaesis, 13. V. 6: XVI. 23. 1 XXw ( ), 6. I. 14. Xp(), 13. III. 8. Xpár (ns), f. of Harphaesis, 13. XIII. 23: XVII. 24. s. of Petalus, 8. VI. 21. f. of Pteuchus, 13. XIX. 26. Xpúσios, f. of Ischerion, 13. XII. 15. Xрúσiππоs, f. and s., 10. VI. 13. Χρυσόπ (ολις), 13. XIV. 23. Ψάμις (ξάμμις), 2. Γ'. 23; 3. II. 2. V. f. of Apynchis, 10. IV. 13: VI. 9. s. of Apynchis, 1. I. 12. s. of Phaes, 13. XI. 13. f. and s., 10. V. 21. Vávis, 9. II. 3. Yev[], f. of Heracles, 1. IV. 4. Yeva( ), f. of Cephalon, 13. XV. 6. Ψεναμοῦνις, 8. Χ. 21. 痴 ​f. of Heracles, 9. II. 16; 13. V. 16. f. of Labeous, 14. II. 9. Yevaruμis, 1. I. 22; 13. XV. 9. f. of Collouthus, 1. II. 22; 13. XV. 12. f. of Heracles, 8. V. 16. s. of Horeis, 13. XIV. 5. s. of Mysthas, 1. II. 10. s. of PC , 2. VI. 1. f. of Pebos, 3. II. 27. s. of Pnepheros, 10. IV. 5. f. and s., 1. III. 4. Vevñois, f. of Necpheros, 10. III. 17. Vevoẞáørns, 2. VII. 19; 5. III. 3; 6. II. 12; 13. VII. 29: XI. 14. f. of Cephalus, 13. XI. 31. f. of Harontotes, 14. I. 24. f. of Labeous, 14. I. 25. s. of Nenephis, 14. I. 18. f. of Necthne ( ), 10. III. 7. f. of Permouthis, 13. VII. 27. f. of Petermouthis, 2. V. 9. s. of Pter(), 5. II. 12. Ψενοβάτις, 13. XIII. 2. Vevoẞérns, s. of Onnophris, 10. V. 31. Yevoẞns, s. of Sisois, 2. VII. 21. 142 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS f. of Harmiusis, 13. XII. 25: XVII. 8. INT(), 2. VII. 2. Yooveūs, s. of Praxias, 1. I. 3; 8. IX. 1; 14. IV. 13. s. of Pter ( ), 5. II. 13. Yvas, 13. X. 12. Yois, f. of Ptolemaeus, 10. III. 24. vvws, s. of Apoll(), 13. XV. 1. Npavolos, f. of Ceras, 1. I. 11. Opeis, f. of Psenatymis, 13. XIV. 5. Opiwv, 10. VI. 21; 13. XVIII. 4. s. of Asclas, 13. VII. 5. f. of Chaeremon, 10. VI. 10; 13. XIV. 15. s. of C. anphos, 10. IV. 14. s. of Dionysius, 8. I. 5; 11. I. 14. f. of Heracles, 10. IV. 15. s. of Hermias, 2. V. 37. f. and s., 14. I. 20. s. of Leo(), 14. III. 29. s. of Mysthas, 2. VI. 28. s. of Nemesion, 14. V. 8. s. of Onnophris, 8. VI. 27. s. of Orsenouphis, 13. VII. 11. s. of Pachnoubis, 8. III. 24. ὃς καὶ Πανομγεῦς, S. of Panetbys, 8. VI. 16. f. of Phasis, 13. VII. 12. s. of Ptolemaeus, 2. V. 33; 10. III. 24; 13. V. 24: XVI. 31 s. of Scoutius, 13. XVIII. 18. f. of Sentois, 14. IV. 5. f. of Ser (as), 14. V. 1. *pos, 2. IV. 22: V. 11, 17: VII. 29: 3. II. 21: 5. II. 10: III. 8, 14; 6. II. 11; 14. II. 6. f. of Abis, 13. VII. 21. s. of Acindynus, 3. I. 6. s. of Ambesis, 8. V. 23; 13. X. 9. f. of Apis, 5. III. 13. 's. of Arbesis, 10. I. 15. s. of Atilon, 1. III. 3. f. of Auxis, 8. I. 16. f. of Ceras, 10. I. 26. s. of Harpas, 10. II. 18; 13. XI. 3, 4(?). s. of Harphaesis, 8. IV. 19, 20. f. of Heracleides, 10. II. 18, 32. f. of Heracles, 1. III. 3; 9. II. 3: III. 22; 13. V. 8: XII. 14: XVII. 12; 14. II. 22: IV. 27. f. and s., 8. VI. 19; 10. I. 15, 25: VIII. 2, 25; 13. XI. 3, 4: XV. 16; 14. IV. 29. s. of Mereus, 13. III. 28: IX. 2. s. of Merres, 14. IV. 25. s. of Morseus, 8. V. 13. s. of Mysthas, 5. I. 1; 8. VII. 1; 10. I. 32; 13. I. 3: III. 29: IX. 1: XV. 3: XVI. 10. f. of Mysthas, 13. XIII. 21; XV. 29: XVII. 26. f. of Necpheros, 8. IV. 18: VII. 3; 12. II. 2. f. of Onnophris, 10. II. 21; 13. XII. 34. s. of Panetbys, 13. XIII. 33. s. of Pason, 8. IX. 11. s. of Petcam ( ). 14. V. 7. s. of Pete( ), 13. XIX. 29. s. of Peteamounis, 8. X. 10. f. of Phamouere (us), 8. IV. 17. s. of Ptolis, 10. V. 28. s. of Sambas, 10. V. 5; 14. III. 30. s. of Seratis, 9. III. 22. s. of St..., 3. I. 11. 8. of Teos, 2. VI. 14; 13. VII. 22: XVI. 27. s. of ..totareses. 10. V. 29. 'pσevovois, f. of Horion, 13. VII. 11. Sprew ( ), f. of Ptarpsenesis, 13. X. 20. s. of Petosiris, 10. III. 9. "Npws, s. of P......s, 10. VII. 15. INDEX 143 ᾿Αλεξανδρεία, 9. III. 8; 14. III. 20. ᾿Ανδριάντων, 13. VIII. 10. 'Apoivón, 8. I. 23, 27: II. 2, 5, 16: V. 2; 13. VIII. 1. Ασταρ (Ασγαρ?), 13. VII. 26: VIII. 2: XVIII. 22. , TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND 'Eπolкia Βαβυλών, 9. Ι. 16. Baкxiás, 13. XVIII. 11, 26. Boußáoros, 8. III. 25; 14. I. 9. BOUкóλwv, 8. IV. 14: VII. 12. Επίμαχος (ἐποίκιον?), 8. III. 23. Ἐποίκιον ᾿Αντωνίας, 11. Ι. 2. ᾿Αντωνίου περὶ Πτολεμαίδος Néas, 11. II. 6. ᾿Αντωνίου θυγατρός ἅ Παμ- φίλου περὶ Βουβάστου, 14. I. 8-9. 'Aẞpox(), 13. XIX. 6. ᾿Αργιάδος, 13. ΧΙΧ. 7. ᾿Αμύντα, 13. ΧΙΧ. 4. Evσeßous, 13. VIII. 32: XIX. 2. Macedonian: Εύ..ρου, 14. Ι. 1. Μητροδώρου, 13. VII. 23. Νέτου (Νέστου), 13. VII. 2. ΣтράTwvos, 13. VIII. 29: XIX. 1. Νηδύμου, 13. ΧΙΧ. 5. Αὐτν(αῖος)?, 8. V. 5. Πάνεμος, 9. IV. 21. Egyptian: Σεβαστός, 9 passim. Σεβαστός (= Χοίακ?), 1. Ι. 9. Pawpi, 7. II. 2,19; 9. II. 8, Φαῶφι, 33; 7. H. 2, 19. Νέος Σεβαστός, 9 passim; 13. X. 16 (?). Xolak, 1. I. 1; 7. II. 9, 14; 8 passim; 9 passim. Tüßɩ, 1. III. 12; 8 passim; 9 passim; 10. I. 3. OCCUPATIONS, avλntýs, 2. V. 5; 3. II. 20; 10. VIII. 25; 12. X. 11: XI. 35: XII. 6, 33: XVI. 11. Paviov, 13. VIII. 33: XIX. 3. 'Hoaιoriás, 13. VIII. 24: XVIII. 10: XIX. 21. Iepá, 8. I. 6, 8; 13. VII. 9: XVIII. 16. Kapavís, 13. XVIII. 5, 24. Kep(), 8. V. 5. MONTHS Kéρк(e), 8. II. 24, 26. Kеркeux (α), 13. VIII. 11. Κρ (εμαστή)?, 8. I. 11, 13. Néros, 13. VIII. 16. Ὀννιτῶν Κοῖται, 8. V. 7. περὶ Περσέων, 14. Ι. 1. Πολ ( ), 8. I. 15. Πτολεμαὶς Νέα, 8. Ι. 17, 20: III. 15, 17, 29; 13. VII. 16: XVIII. 23. Σεβ (εννῦτος), 8. III. 2, 8, 19, 21: IV. 10: VI. 11. Σοκνοπαίου Νῆσος, 8. III. 29. Στράτων, 8. III. 4, 8, 10, 12. Hapẞail (os), 13. XVIII. 20, 29. Þıλadeλpía, 2. III. 3; 10. I. 2; 11. I. 1. Vevuρis, 8. III. 27: IV. 2: V. 27. Yúas, 8. IV. 6. Mexip, 1. IV. 1; 8 passim ; 9 passim. Þaµevúl, 1. IV. 13; 7. II. 15; 8 passim; 9 passim. Παμενώθ, 8. III. 25. Φαρμοῦθι, 1. IV. 17; 7. II. 5, 20; 8 passim; 9 passim. Пaxúv, 8 passim; 9 passim. Пavvi, 5. III. 11, 8 passim; 9 passim; 12. II. 4; Пaviv, 9. VI. 9. Ἐπίφ (Ἐπείφ), 2. III. 2, 8 passim; 9 passim. Μεσορή, 9 passim. TRADES, ETC. Bouкóλos, 10. II. 21; 14. II. 22; 1. II. 25. yépdios, 1. I. 17: II. 5, 6, 13: III. 144 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 10; 2. V. 1; 3. II. 18, 21; 9. I. 16: II. 1, 16: III. 22; VI. 11; 10. II. 14, 22, 27, 30, 32 (yepois): V. 6: VII. 30: VIII. 27; 11. I. 16; 13. VI. 11; XI. 15: XIII. 30: XIV. 11, 33: XV. 27: XVII. 5: XIX. 23. γεωργός, 9. III. 24. Yраμμатеús, 13. III. 9(?), 13, 24, 35: IV. 7: XVIII. 1, 6. YupaT (ýs)?, 13. VIII. 23. δοῦλος, 9. II. 2, 10, 14. ἐλαουργός, 10. II. 28. ἠπήτης, 10. II. 19. iepeús, 1. III. 15; 2. II. 2; 10. V. 11; 13. V. 3. ἱπποκόμος, 2. III. 10. каρжάνηя, 2. VI. 25; 9. III. 1, 13. KOUρEÚS, 9. II. 1; 13. XIV. 21. κουρεύς, ἀριθμη (τικόν), 13. XVI. 1. κηρύκι (ον), 13. III 2. λαογραφία, 11. 1.7. λιθικόν, 13. V. 2. σπονδή, 13. Χ. 22. συντάξιμον, 2. III. 3; 10. I. 2. τιμὴ κρ (έως), 13. II. 27: III, 16, 17, 20: XVIII. 8. olvov, 13. II. 21: III. 14: X. 21: XVIII. 26, 29. = ã α = πρότερον(?), 14. I. 8. ανηλ ἀναλ(ώματα). απολ ἀπολ (ύσιμος). απOK = ἀποκ(εχώρηκε). (γίγνονται). / ▲ uncertain, 14. V. 23. διαγεγρ : διαγεγρ (αμμένον). EVT uncertain, 13. II. 1, 16, 29: XVIII. 32. - ἔτος. = minus. = λαχανοπώλης, 10. II. 24; 13. ΧΙΧ. 28. λ and λ μ. See Introduction to No. 9. μνησις ?, 13. V. 4. ὀνηλάτης, 10. Ι. 10; 13. XIII. 22: XVII. 28: XIX. 32. ὀπο(ροπώλης), 10. I. 25, 26: III. 4, 5; 13. VI. 6. πoιμýν, 9. I. 7: II. 26; 10. IV. 15; 13. XV. 22, 32, 35; 14. III. 5. TAXES, ASSESSMENTS, ETC. ? σTρаTITηs, 13. XVII. 33. στυπ[ποῦργος](?), 13. XVIII. 4. ὑοφορβός (ὑφορβός), 1. II. 24; 2. III. 7; 9. I. 7; 10. IV. 25: VII. 32. Xipiorns, 8 passim; 10. III. 19; 13. II. 13. Xaλkeús, 2. VI. 23; 10. II. 5; 13. V. 39: VII. 6; 14. I. 21: II. 21. ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS μη = μη(νός). μη = μη (τήρ). owviov, 13. II. 19: XVIII. 27. στρω(μάτων), 13. II. 12. ( ), 13. III. 5. ψ(ωμίου), 13. II. 25. vikŃ, 4. I. 5; 8 passim; 9 passim. ὑποκ(είμενα) γρ (αμματεί), 13. III. 13. φιλανθ (ρώπου), 13. XVIII. 2. χωματικόν, 11 passim. (ὁμοίως). Tη an = T (ñs) a (úrñs). τη τετ = τετ (ελεύτηκε). τρ = τρ (άπεζα). υι - VT = υἱ(κή). : ὑπ(έρ). χω χιρω χιριστώ = χω = χω (ματικόν). χιριστῶν. INDEX 145 X X 18059 2 chalci. = 2 chalci. drachma. S L ½ drachma or ½ obol. C = ½ obol. oß = obol. COINS obol(?), 13. II. 22, 23; III. 32-34: IV. 2-3: V. 3-12, 15, 17-20: XI. 4: XVIII. 27-28, 30, 31: XIX. 19. ådeλþós, 2. V. 24; 13. VII. 4, 32: VIII. 17, 18, 22: XI. 18: XIV. 31; 14. I. 4: II. 26: IV. 18. ἀνηλ(ώματα), 13. III. 22, 30: VIII. 37: IX. 5: XVII. 32: XVIII. 26: XIX. 9. ἀπήτη (σις), 13. XVI. 1. ảπoλúσiμos, 9. II. 13: V. 28: VII. 3. f ἀποταγ( ), 13. III. 21. ἀργύριον, 14. V. 22. ȧтоxwρéw, 9. V. 7: VII. 8. YUYAT (ns)?, 13. VIII. 23. δαπανάω, 13. I. 1, 2: IV. 4. δαπάνημα, 13. ΙΙ. 26. διαγράφω, 2. III. 2; 10. I. 1. δίδωμι, 13. V. 1. éviorημi, 13. XVI. 1. Évr (1), 13. II. 1, 16, 32: XVIII. 32. éπávw, 9. IV. 4: VI. 17, 26: VII. 1, 11. ¿πižev (os), 13. II. 26: VII. 1: VIII. 9. ἐφόδιον, 13. II. 28. Šntéw, 9. III. 19: VII. 4, 10. JŪTOS (Julos), 13. III. 7: XIX. 11. ἠπήτης, 10. ΙΙ. 19. θυγάτηρ, 14. I. 8. καθαριο ( ), 13. III. 33. κηρύκι (ον) ?, 13. III. 2. Kóλλußos, 13. IX. 7: XVIII. 3: 31. кρ (éas)?, 13. II. 27: III. 16, 17, 20: XVIII. 8. κώμη, 14. Ι. 13. 44< f A obol(?), 13. XIX. 11. 1 obol. 2 obols. 3 obols. 4 obols. 5 obols. MISCELLANEOUS = talent. λιθικόν, 13. V. 2. λόγος, 13. V. 2. μύησις, 13. V. 4. μýv, 9 passim. μýτηρ, 8 passim. VEάTEрos, 1. III. 5, 17; 2. III. 20, 32: IV. 24: VI. 13, 23, 25: VII. 5, 22; 3. I. 3, 10: II. 18; 6. I. 12, 18; 9. II. 34: VI. 8; 10. II. 9: IV. 4: V. 6, 23, 26: VII. 31: VIII. 3; 13. V. 15: VII. 30: XIV. 4: XVI. 4; 14. II. 8. ỏẞ (oλós), 9. III. 21; 13. II. 9, 14: IV. 8: IX. 1: XV. 41: XVI. 2, 3, 4, 35. olvos, 13. II. 9, 21: III. 14: X. 21: XVIII. 26, 29. òµoíws, 9. II. 22: VI. 4; 13. I. 2: II. 20, 24: III. 16, 37. ὀπο(ροπώλης), 10. I. 25, 26: III. 4, 5; 13. VI. 6. ỏ¼áp (cov), 13. XVIII. 30. oy(), 10. II. 11. ow(), 13. XVIII. 5. ótáviov, 13. II. 19: XVIII. 27. Taιdápiov, 13. III. 1, 34: IX. 7: XVIII. 7. πετεαρ (πετωρ)?, 13. VIII. 36: XVIII. 9. πινακίδιον, 13. Ι. 1. πλ(ńρns), 9. II. 14, 23: VII. 5. πрεσẞÚTEроs, 2. IV. 16: VI. 15; 9. VI. 5; 10. I. 8: IV. 13: VI. 11: VII. 16; 13. XIV. 21, 26: XIX. 31. 146 PAPYRI IN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 5, 14, 16, 17, 20: X. 21: XVIII. 6, 8, 26, 27, 29. тράжεšα, 8. IV. 6, 10: IX. 8, 10: X. 5; 9 passim; 13. I. 1: III. 25: X. 6. πрóу (ovos), 1. II. 26; 6. I. 14; 8. III. 14: VII. 4; 9. III. 17; 10. I. 24: II. 17; 13. XI. 38; 14. II. 2. σπονδή, 13. Χ. 32. otpatiŵtns, 13. XVII. 34. σTUTT(), 13. XVIII. 4. σúμßoλov, 9. II. 1?, 14, 23: III. 10: IV. 1: V. 16, 21: VII. 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12. σvvýρ (eμa), 13. VIII. 36: XVIII. 9; συνέρεμα, 13. ΙΙ. 18. OUVT(), 13. XVII. 4. συντ TE(), 8. VIII, 24. Teλeutáw, 8. IV. 2, 10; 9. IV. 2, 10. TEр( ), 8. VI. 23. Tiμń, 13. II. 12, 21, 25, 27: III. .. viós, 1. III. 11: IV. 10, 15; 8. I. 3: III. 16; 10. I. 3; 13. XI. 23; 14. II. 6. ὑπηρέτης, 13. III. 3. ὑποκ(άτω)?, 9. V. 1. ὑποκ(είμενα), 13. III. 12. Þ(___), 13. III. 5. φιλάνθρωπον, 13. XVIII. 2. x(), 9. III. 24. xaλкóν, 13. XVIII. 3. χάρτα, 13. III. 15. χρέος, 9. III. 19. 7), 13. II. 25. ade, 9. II. 2, 3; VII. 2. 市​村 ​--- م - ཨཏྠ སྶ ©}adi_ ۔۔۔۔۔ ་་་ A I { " UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 01070 5104 ( 1 MOHINIERAUNGULIATORIO: DovLGARDEN Buzon Spanki Q⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀MGRUPURITE 14 •*•.•. ** 3. Both the t junto de ****«%• Set ++3+60 35.4 13thy "%Y shake the thesis Lo po di via Pvt (@phaL} ${******} linh đêm gan c độ. But, afaceri meg mat patrlar, mother(25"), MAZON. PANGSPUUBAY HOM