C 165 8 AAAAA SIJO SEPARABIT MDCCLXXXIII Elton Hall 6 $ 85 #314 1768 ; : J. J. Borby 1 The GREAT ORRERY Four Feet in Diameter. Made by THO: WRIGHT Mathematical Inftru= -ment-maker TO HIS MAJESTY For the Royal Academy at PORTSMOUTH Now & Cofe; at the Same Shop. atthey OPIS 20 M 301, H, 1OP. PTE20 " TARCH 20 10 10. TROPIG K + 12 20 R 20 10 TA ་་་ 30 ! Who makes Orrery's of different forts be seen at his Shop in as may FLEET-STREET ARCTIC . 10 10 í L CANOER MOVE ABLE GE SO TUN HORTO Where is Sold a Large Print of the Orrery with the Explanation on a Sheet of Imperial Paper, Price. 2: 1 A 1 Harris, Johns THE Deſcription and Use OF THE GLOBES, [ AND THE ORRERY, Un To which is prefix'd, By Way of INTRODUCTION, A brief Account of the SOLAR SYSTEM. By 70 SEPH HARRIS, TEACHER of the MATHEMATICS. The NINTH EDITION. LONDON: : Printed for B. COLE, at the Orrery, near the Globe Tavern in Fleet-Street, late the Shop of Mr. THOMAS WRIGHT, Inftrument-Maker to His MAJESTY; and E. CUSHEE, near St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-freet. MDCCLXIII. J 170 } # ! Advertiſement. } } T HE great Encouragement Mr, Wright has had for many Years paſt in making large Orreries, with the Motions of all the Planets and Satellites, and the true Motion of Saturn's Ring, has made him fo ready and perfect, that Gentlemen may depend on having them made reaſonable and found, not liable to be out of Order. As may be ſeen be ſeen by one he made for Mr. Watts's Academy in Tower-Street. Another for his Majefty at Kenfigton. Another for the New Royal Academy at Portſmouth. Another for his Grace the Duke of Argyle (late Lord Ila.) And ſeveral other large ones for No- blemen and Gentlemen. The above, and all other Mathemati cal, Philoſophical, and Optical Inſtru- ments, are now made in the most com- plete Manner, by B. Cole, Servant to Mr. Wright at the Time of the above being made, and Succeffor to him in the fame Trade and Bufinefs. 11: • 1 3 Hist. of Sei, Halliday 5-19-20² 11738 THE CONTENTS: The INTRODUCTION: Containing a brief Account of the Solar Syftem and of the fixed Stars. SECT. I. F the Order and Periods of the Primary Planets revolving about the sun; and of the Secondary Planets round their respective Primaries Of the Primary Planets nets Of the Secondary Planets 1. 5 Of the Annual and Diurnal Motion of the Pla- That the Planets are Opaque and Globular 7 That the Earth is Placed betwixt the Orbits of Mars and Venus That the Planets tûrn round the Sun That the Earth alſo turns round the Sun ibid. 15 How the Annual and Diurnal Motion of the Planets are computed ibid. How the relative Distance of the Planets from the Sun are determined puted. mined 18 How their abfolute Distances from the Sun are com- 23 How the Magnitudes of the Planets are deter nets 26 Why the Moon appears bigger than any of the Pla- A Table. of the Distances, Magnitudes, Periodical ana Diurnal Revolutions of the Planets 27. 28 Of Comets SECT. II. Of the Fixed Stars 29 Diftances from us That the fixed Stars are luminous Bodies, at immenfe 32 ibid. Of Telescopical Stars The Stars digefted into Conftellations Of the Galaxy, or Milky Way A 2 35 36 8 TH The CONTENTS 6161666161616161006) The DESCRIPTION and USE of the CELESTIAL and TERRESTRIAL GLOBES. > ་ 響 ​THE Geomètrical Definition of a Globe, and of the principal Ufe of the Artificial Globes 42 45 That there will be the fame Prafpect of the fixed Stars, whether the Spectator be placed in the Sun, or on the Earth SECT. I. An Explanation of the Circles of the Sphere, and of fome Aftronomical Terms arifing therefrom Of the Divifion of Time Of the Atmosphère SECT. II. Geographical Definitions Of the Situation of Places upon the Earth Of Zones and Climates 47 69 81 84 ibid. مو Of the Poetical Rifing and Setting of the Stars Of the Surface of the Earth, confidered as it pofed of Land and Water Of the appurtenances of the Globe 96 is com- ibid. 1of SECT. III: The Ufe of the Globes PROBLEM I. To find the Latitude and Longitude of any given Place upon the Globe; and in the contrary, the Latitude and Longitnde being given to find the Place 104 PROB. II. To find the Difference of Latitude betwixt any two given Places 106 ibid. PROB. III. To find the Difference of Longitude betwixt any two given Places PROB. IV. Any Place being given; to find all thofe Places that are in the fame Latitude with the fain Place 107 PROB. V. The Day of the Month being given; to find the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic, and his Declination Fos PROB. VI. To rectify the Globe for the Latitude, Zenith, and Sun's Place 109 PROB 1 The CONTENTS. V 110 PROB. VII. To find the Distance between any troo givin Places upon the Globe, and to find all thofe Places upon the Globe that are at the fame Difrance from a given Place PROB. VIII. To find the Angle of Pofition of Places; or the Angle form'd by the Meridian of one Place, and a great Girele paſſing through both the Places Pròs, IX. To find the Antoci, Pericci, and Antipodes to any given Place 113 PROB. X. The Hour of the Day at one Place being given; to find the correfpondent Hour (or what o'Clock it is ✯ that Time) at any other Place 114 PROB. XI. The Day of the Month being given; to find thofe Places on the Globe where the Sun will be Vertical, or in the Zenith, that Day 115 PROB. XII. A place being given in the Torrid Zone; to find thofe tavo Days in which the Sun fhall be Vertical to the fame 116 PROB. XIII. To find where the Sun is Vertical at any given Time affigned; or, the Day of the Month and the Hour at any Place (Suppofe London) being given `to find in what Place the Sun is Vertical at that very Time ´PROB. XIV. The Day and the Hour of the Day at one Place being given; to find all thofe Places upon the Earth where the San is then Rifing, Setting, Culmi- nating (or on the Meridian), alſo where it is Daylight, Twilight, Dark Night, Midnight; where the Twilight then begins, and where it ends; the Height of the Sun in any Part of the illuminated Hemisphere; alfo his De- ſcription in the obfcure Hemiſphere 117 PROB. XV. The Day of the Month being given, to fhew, at one View, the Length of Day and Night in all Places upon the Earth at that Time; aud to explain bow the Viciffitudes of Day and Night are really made by the Motion of the Earth round her Axis, in 24 Hours, the Sun ftanding ftill ibid. 119 PROB. XVI. To explain in general the Alteration of Sea- fons, or Length of the Days and Nights, made in all Places of the World, by the Sun's, or the Earth's annual Motion in the Ecliptic 121 PROB. XVII. To fhew by the Globe, at one View, the Length of the Days and Nights in any particular Place, at all Times of the Year 128 PROE: vi The CONTENTS. 1 PRÓB. XVIII. The Latitude of any Place, not Exceeding 69 Degrees, and the Day of the Month being given; to find the Time of Sun-rifing and Setting, and the Length of the Day and Night- 136 PROB. XIX. To find the Length of the longest and shortest Day and Night in any given Place, not exceeding 66 ½ Degrees of Latitude`. 137 PROB. XX. To find in what Latitude the longest Day is, of any given Length less than 24 Hours 139 PROB. XXI. A Place being given in one of the Frigid Zones (Suppose the Northern) to find what Number of Days (of 24 Hours each) the Sun doth conftantly shine upon the fame, how long he is abfent, and alfo the firft and laft Day of his Appearance PROB. XXII. To find in what Latitude the longest Day is, of any given Length less then 182 Natural Days PROB. XXIII. The Day of the Month being given; to find when the Morning and Evening Twilight begins and ends, in any Place upon the Globe 140 141 144 142 PROB. XXIV. To find the Time when total Darkneſs ceaſes, or when the Twilight continues from Sun-fetting to Sun-rifing, in any given Place PROB. XXV. The Day of the Month being given to find thofe Places of the Frigid Zones, where the Sun begins to fhine conftantly without fetting; and alfo thofe Places where he begins to be totally abfent 1 146 Day and 149. Day, and PROB. XXVI. The Latitude, the Sun's Place, and his Altitude being given; to find the Hour of the the Sun's Azimuth from the Meridián PROB. XXVII. The Latitude, Hour of the the Sun's Place being given; to find the Sun's Alti- tude 150 PROB. XXVIII. The Latitude of the Place, and the Day of the Month being given; to find the Depreffion of the Sun below the Horizon, and his Azimuth at any Hour of the Night 151 PROB. XXIX. The Latitude of the Sun's Place and his Azimuth being given, to find his Altitude and the Hour 152 PROD. XXX. The Latitude, the Sun's Altitude, and his Azimuth being given ; to find his Place in the Ecliptic, and the Hour ibid. PROT! The CONTENTS. vii { PROB. XXXI. The Declination and Meridian, Altitude of the Sun, or of any Star being given; to find the Latitude of the Place 153 PROB. XXXII. The Day and Hour of a Lunar Ecliple being known; to find all thofe Places upon the Globe in which the fame will be visible 154 PROB. XXXIII. The Day of the Month, and Hour of the Day, according to our Way of reckoning in England, being given; to find thereby the Babylonifh, Italick, and the Jewish or Judaical Hour 155 PROB. XXXIV. To find the Right Afcenfion and Decli- nation of the Sun, or any Fixed Star. 156 PROB. XXXV. To find the Longitude and Latitude of a given Star 158 PROB. XXXVI. The Latitude of the Place, the Day of the Month, and the Hour being given; to find what Stars are then rifing and fetting, what Stars are culminating, or on the Meridian, and the Altitude and Azimuth of any Star above the Horizon and alfo how to diftinguish the Stars in the Heavens one from the other, and to know them by their proper Names PROB. XXXVII. The Latitude of the Place being given; to find the Amplitude, Oblique, Afcenfion and Defcenfion, Afcenfional Difference, Semi-diurnal Arch, and the Time of Continuance above the Horizon, of any given Point in the Heavens 159 162 PROB. XXXVIII. The Latitude and the Day of the Month being given; to find the Hour when any known Star will be on the Meridian, and also the Time of its rifing and Setting 165 PROB. XXXIX. To find at what Time of the Year a given Star will be upon the Meridian, at a given Hour of the Night 166 PROB. XL. The Day of the Month, and the Azimuth of any known Star being given; to find the Hour of the Night 167 PROB. XLI. Two known Stars, having the fame Azi- muth, or the fame Height, being given; to find the Hour of the Night 168 PROB. XLII. The Latitude, Day of the Month, and the Altitude of any known Star being given; to find the Hour of the Night 2 165 PROB. · Viu The CONTENTS, PROB. XLIII. Having the Latitude of the Plage to find the Degree of the Ecliptic, which rifes or fets with a given Stars and from thence to determine the Time of its Coſmical and Achronical Riſing and Setting 171 PROB. XLIV. Having the Latitude of the Places to find the Time when a Star riſes and ſets Heliacally 172 PROB. XLV. To find the Place of any Planet upon the Globe, fo by that Means to find its Place in the Hea- vens; alſo to find at what Hour any Planet will riſe or fet, or be on the Meridian, at any Day in the Year 173 Prob. XLVI. To find all that Space upon the Earth where an Eclipfe of one of the Satellites of Jupiter quill be visible The DESCRIPTION of the ORRERY. 175 377 Of the Motions of the Planets in general -- po 183 Of the Stations and Retrogradations of the Planets Of the Annual and Diurnal Motion of the Earth 186 194 Of the Phafes of the Moon, and of her Motion in her Orbit 201 Of the Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon Of the Eclipfes of Jupiter's Satellites 208 A12 { 1 THE ******* * THE INTRODUCTION, * CONTAINING A Brief Account of the SOLAR SYSTEM, and of the FIXED STARS. SECT. I. Of the Order and Periods of the Primary Planets revolving about the Sun; and of the Secondary Planets round their re- Spective Primaries. **** HE Sun is placed in the Midft T of an immenſe Space, wherein fix opaque ſpherical Bodies re- volve about him as their Center. Thefe wandring Globes are called the Planets, who, at Different Distances, Planets, B and 2 The INTRODUCTION. and in different Periods, perform their Revolutions from Weft to Eaft, in the following Order: 1. Mercury is neareſt to the Sun of all the Planets, and performs its Courſe in about three Months. 2. ? Venus in about ſeven Months and a half. half. 3. → The Earth in a Year. 4. 3 Mars in about two Years. 5. 4 Jupiter in twelve. And lastly, ↳ Saturn, whofe * Orbit in- cludes all the reſt, ſpends almoſt 30 Years in one Revolution round the Sun. The Diſtances of the Planets from the Sun are nearly in the fame proportion, as they are repreſented in Plate 1. viz. Suppofing the Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun to be divided into 10 equal Parts; that of Mercury will be about 4 of theſe Parts of theſe Parts; of Venus 7; of Mars 15; of Jupiter 52; and that of Saturn 95. The The Characters placed before the Names of the Pla- nets, are for Brevity's Sake commonly made uſe of by Aftronomers, inſtead of the Words at length, as o̟ for Venus, &c. By the Orbit of a Planet is commonly underſtood the Tract or Ring, deſcribed by its Center round the Sun, but by the Plane of the Orbit is meant a flat Sur- face extended every Way thro' the Orbit infinitely. } + Plate 1. ! i Page 2 THE SOLAR SYSTEM or the Orbits of the Planets -according to their mean 1 } 2 C 3 + 1 I 14 h } } distances from the Sun MB. The Orbits of the greater in Secondary Planets are here 50 times e diftances of the Primary proportion than the Planets from the Suni Saturn Jupiter Magnitudes Mars theEarth Venus Mercury • the Moon the Sun Inches Diameter according to this proportion R. Cafhce foulp. Sect. I. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. The Orbits of the Planets are not all in the fame Plane, but variouſly inclined to one another; fo that fuppofing one of them to coincide with the above Scheme, the others will have one half above, and the other half below it; in- terfecting one another in a Line paffing through the Sun. The Plane of the Earth's Orbit is called the Ecliptic; and this the Aftronomers made the Stand- ard to which the Planes of the other Orbits are judged to incline. The right Line paffing thro' the Sun, and the common Interfection of the Plane of the Orbit of any Planet and the E- cliptic, is called the Line of the Nodes Nodes of that Planet; and the Points them- felves, wherein the Orbit cuts the Eclip- tic, are called the Nodes: 3 The Inclinations of the Orbits of the Planets to the Plane of the Ecliptic are as follows, viz. the Orbit of Mercury maks an Angle with it of almoft 7 De- grees; that of Venus fomething above 3 Degrees; of Mars, a little lefs then 2 Degrees; of Jupiter, 1 Degree; and of Saturn, about 2 Degrees. The Orbits of the Planets are not Circles, but Ellipfes or Ovals. What an Ellipfis is, may be eaſily understood from the following B 2 2 I उ } The INTRODUCTION. following Deſcription. Imagine two fmall Pegs fixed upright on any Plane, and ſuppoſe them tied with the Ends of a Thread fomewhat longer than their Diſtance from one another: Now if a Pin be placed in the double of the Thread and turned quite round, (always ſtretch- ing the thread with the fame Force) the Curve defcribed by this Motion is an Ellipfis. The two Points where the Pegs ftood, (about which the Thread was turned) are called the Foci of that Ellipfis; and if, without changing the Length of the Thread, we alter the Pofition of the Pegs, we fhall then have an Ellipfis of a different kind from the former; and the nearer the Focus's are together, the nearer will the Curve de- fcribed be to a Circle; until at laft the two Focus's coincide, and then the Pin in the doubling of the Thread will defcribe a perfect Circle. The Orbits of all the Planets have the Sun in one of their Focus's and half the Diſtance between Excentri- the two Focus's is called the Excentri- city of the Orbits. This Excentricity is different in all the Planets, but in moſt of them fo fmall, that in little Schemes or Inftruments, made to repre- fent the Planetary Orbits, it need not be confidered. city. 1 The Sect. 1. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. 5 Thefe Secondary Planets. The Six Planets above-mentioned, Primary are called Primaries, or Primary Pla- Planets. nets; but befides thefe, there are ten other leffer Planets, which are called Secondaries, Moons, or Satellites. Theſe Moons always accompany their re- fpective Primaries, and perform their Revolutions round them, whilſt both together are alſo carried round the Sun. Of the Six Primary Planets, there are but three, as far as Obfervation can affure us, that have theſe Attendants, viz. the Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn. - I 27 3/3/3 The Earthis attended by the Moon, who performs her Revolution in about 27 Days, at the Diſtance of about 30 Dia- meters of the Earth from it; and once a Year is carried round the Sun along with the Earth. 3 Moons, Jupiter has four Moons, or Satellites ; Jupiter's the firft, or innermoft, performs its its four Revolution in about one Day and 184 Hours, at the Diſtance of 5 Semidia- meters of Jupiter from his Center ; the ſecond revolves about Jupiter in 3 Days 13 Hours, at the Diſtance of 9 of his Semidiameters; the third in 7 Days and 4 Hours, at the Diſtance of 14 Semidiameters; the fourth and out- ermoft 3 B 3 The INTRODUCTION. 1 Saturn Moons. 1 ermoſt performs its Courſe in the Space of 16 Days 17 Hours; and is diftant from Jupiter's Center, 25 of his Semi- diameters. ड 3 उ } Saturn has no lefs than five Satellites; has five the first, or innermoft, revolves about him in 1 Day and 21 Hours, at the Dif- tance of 4 Semidiameters of from 3 ↳ 3/ his Center; the fecond compleats his Period in 2 Days, at the Diſtance of 5 of his Semidiameters; the third, in about 4 Days, at the Diſtance of 8 4/2/ Semidiameters; the fourth, performs its Courſe in about 16 Days, at the Diſt- ance of 18 Semidiameters; the fifth and outermoft takes 79 Days to finiſh his Courſe, and is 54 Semidiameters of Sa- turn diftant from his Center. The Sa- tellites, as well as their Primaries, per- form their Revolutions from Weft to Eaft: The Planes of the Orbits of the Satellites of the fame Planet are vari- ouſly inclined to one another, and con- fequently are inclined to the Plane of the Orbits of their Primary. Saturn's Ring. I उ Befides theſe Attendants, Saturn is en- compaffed with a thin plain Ring, that does no where touch his Body: The Di- ameter of this Ring is to the Diameter of Sect. 1. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. 7 of Saturn as 9 to 4; and the void Space between the Ring and the Body of Saturn is equal to the breadth of the Ring it- felf; fo that in fome Situations the Hea- vens may be feen between the Ring and his Body. This furprizing Phænomenon of Saturn's Ring is a modern Diſcovery; neither were the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn known to the Ancients. The Jovial Planets were firſt diſcovered by the famous Italian Phoilofopher Ga- lilæus, by a Teleſcope which he firſt Invented; and the celebrated Caffini, the French King's Aftronomer, was the firit that faw all the Satellites of Saturn; which, by Reaſon of their great Diſtan- ces from the Sun, and the Smallneſs of their own Bodies, cannot be ſeen by us, but by the Help of very good Glaffes. The Motion of the primary Planets Annual round the Sun (as alfo of the Satellites Motion. round their reſpective Primaries) is cal- led their Annual Motion; becauſe they have one Year or alteration of Seafons compleat in one of theſe Revolutions. Beſides this Annual motion, four of the Planets, viz. Venus, the Earth, Mars, and Jupiter revolve about their own Axis,from Weft to Eaft; and this is called their Di- Diurnal urnal Motion. For by this Rotation each Motion. Point - B 4 The INTRODUCTION. Diurnal Motion of the,f, Point of their Surfaces is carried fuccef fively towards or from the Sun, who al- ways Illuminates the Hemiſphere which is next to him, the other remaining ob- ſcure; and while any Place is in the Hemiſphere, illuminated by the Sun, it is Day, but when it is carried to the obfcure Hemiſphere, it becomes Night; and fo continues, until by this Rotation the faid Place is again enlightened by the Sun. The Earth performs its Revolution and 24. round its Axis in 23 Hours 56 Minutes, * Venus in 24 Days 8 Hours; Mars in 24 Hours and 40 Minutes; and Jupiter and moves round his own Axis in 9 Hours likewife and 56 Minutes. The Sun alfo is found turn to turn round his Axis from the Weft to Eaft in 27 Days: And the Moon which is neareſt to us of all the Planets, re- volves about her Axis in a Month, or in the fame ſpace of Time that fhe turns round their Axis. 1 I round *N..B. According to Biachini's Obfervations, Venus's Axis inclines 75 Degrees from the Perpendicular to the Plane, the Ecliptic (which is 514 Deg. more than the Axis of our Earth) her Tropics are onl, 15 Deg. from her Poles; and her Polar Circles at the fame Diſtance from her Equator; fo that the Sun's greateſt Declination on each Side of her Equator is 75 Deg. by which fhe muft undergo a much greater Variety of Seafons then we do on our Earth. ** . ነ } Sect, 1. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM, round the Earth; fo that the Lunarians have but I Day throughout the Year. I. The Planets are all Opaque Bodies, The Pla- having no Light but what they borrow nets are from the Sun: For that Side of them and Glo Opaque which is next towards the Sun, has al-bular. ways been obferved to be illuminated, in what Pofition foever they be; but the Oppofite Side, which the Solar Rays do not reach, remains dark and obſcure; whence it is evident that they have no Light but what proceeds from the Sun; for if they had, all Parts of them would, be lucid without any Darkneſs or Sha- dow. The Planets are likewife proved to be Globular; becauſe, let what part foever of them be turned towards the Sun, its Boundary, or the Line feparat- ing that Part from the Oppofite, always appears to be Circular; which could not happen if they were not Globular. round the II. That the Earth is placed betwixt The Pla- the Orbs of Mars and Venus, and that nets turn ☀,,, 4, and ½, do all turn round Sun. f, the Sun, is proved from Obſervations as follow: 1. Whenever Venus is in Conjunction with the Sun, that is, when ſhe is in the fame 10 The INTRODUCTION. fame Direction from the Earth, or to- wards the fame Part of the Heavens the Sun is in; fhe either appears with a bright and round Face like a Full Moon, or elſe diſappears: Or if the is viſible, the appears horned like a new Moon; which Phænomena could never happen if did not turn round the Sun, and was not betwixt him and the Earth : For fince all the Planets borrow their Light from the Sun, it is neceſſary that g's lucid Face fhould be towards the Sun; and when the appears fully illu- minated, fhe fhews the fame Face to the Sun and Earth; and at that Time ſhe muſt be above or beyond the Sun; for in no other Pofition could her illumi- nated Face be ſeen from the Earth. Farther, when ſhe diſappears, or if vifible, appears horned; that Face of her's which is towards the Sun is either wholly turn- ed from the Earth, or only a ſmall Part of it can be ſeen by the Earth ; and in this Cafe fhe muft of Neceffity be betwixt us and the Sun. Let S be the Sun, T Fig. 1. 1. the Earth, and V Venus, having the fame Façe prefented both towards the Sun and Earth; here it is plain that the Sun is is betwixt us and Venus, and therefore we muſt either place Venus in an Orbit round the Sun, and likewife betwixt him Plate 2. and Sect. I Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. 11 • > and us, as in Fig. 1. or elſe we muſt make the Sun to move round the Earth in an Orbit within that of Venus, as in Fig. 2. Again, after Venus diſappears, or becomes horned at her * 6 with the o, fhe then muſt be betwixt us and the Sun, and muſt move either in an Orbit round the Sun, and betwixt us and him, as in Fig. 1. or elſe round the Earth, and betwixt us and the Sun, as in Fig. 2. But Venus cannot move fometimes within the Sun's Orbit, and ſometimes without it, as we muſt ſuppoſe if ſhe moves round the Earth; therefore it is plain that her Motion is round the Sun. Befides the foregoing, there is another Argument to prove that Venus turns round the Sun in an Orbit that is within the Earth's, becauſe ſhe is always obferved to keep near the Sun, and in the fame Quarter of the Heavens that he is in, never receding from him more than about of a whole Circle; and there- fore ſhe can never come in Oppoſition to him; which would neceffarily hap- pen, did the perform her Courſe round the Earth either in a longer or ſhorter Time than a Year. And this is the Reaſon I 8 6 is a Mark commonly uſed for Conjunction: thus with the O, is to be read Conjunction with the Sun. ! $2 The INTRODUCTION. nus is al- Why Ve- Reaſon why Venus is never to be ſeen ways ei- near Midnight, but always either in the ther our Morning or Evening, and at moſt not Morning above three or four Hours before Sun- ing Star. rifing or after Sun-fetting. From the or Even- The Or- Time of's fuperior Conjunction (or when ſhe is above the Sun) fhe is more Eafterly than the Sun, and therefore fets later, and is feen after Sun-fetting; and then ſhe is commonly called the Evening Star. But from the Time of her inferior Conjunction, till fhe comes again to the fuperior, fhe then appears more Wefterly than the Sun, and is only to be ſeen in the Morning before Sun-rifing, and is then called the Morn- ing Star. After the fame Manner we prove that Mercury turns round the Sun, for he always keeps in the Sun's Neigh- bourhood, and never recedes from him fo far as Venus does, and therefore the Orbit of muft lie within that of ; and on the Account of his Nearnefs to the Sun, he can feldom be feen without a Teleſcope. Mars is obferved to come in Oppoſi- bit of tion, and likewife to have all other Af- cludes the pects with the Sun; he always preferves Mans in- Earth's. a round Sect. 1. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. 13 a round, full, and bright Face, except when he is near his Quadrate Afpect, when he appears fomewhat gibbous, like the Moon three or four Days before or after the full: Therefore the Orbit of a muſt include the Earth within it, and alſo the Sun; for if he was betwixt the Sun and us at the Time of his inferior Conjunction, he would either quite difappear, or appear horned, as Venus and the Moon do in that Pofition. Let S be the Sun, T the Earth, and Fig. 3, A P Mars, both in his Conjunction and Oppofition to the Sun, and in both Pofitions full; and BC Mars at his Quadratures, when he appears fome- what gibbous from the Earth at T. "Tis plain hence, that the Orbit of Mars does include the Earth, otherwife he could not come in Oppofition to the Sun; and that it likewife includes the Sun, elſe he could not appear full at his Conjunction. Mars, when he is in Oppofition to the Sun, looks almoft feven Times larger in Diameter than when he is in Conjunction with him, and therefore muſt needs be almoſt ſeven times nearer to us in one Pofition than in the other; for the apparent Magnitudes of far diftant 14 The INTRODUCTION } rior Pla- mets. diſtant Objects increaſe or decreaſe in Proportion to their Diſtances from us. But Mars keeps always nearly at the fame Diſtance from the Sun; therefore it is plain that it is not the Earth but the Sun that is the Center of his Mo- tion. It is proved in the fame Way, that Jupiter and Saturn have both the Sup and the Earth within their Orbits, and that the Sun, and not the Earth is the Center of their Motions; altho' the Difproportion of the Diſtances from the Earth is not fo great in Jupiter as it is in Mars, nor fo great in Saturn as it is in Jupiter, by Reaſon that they are at a much greater Diſtance from the Sun. Inferior We have now fhewn that all the Pla- and Supe-nets turn round the Sun, and that Mer- cury and Venus are included between him and the Earth, whence they are called the Inferior Planets, and that the Earth is placed between the Orbits of Mars and Venus, and therefore included within the Orbits of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, whence they are called the Su perior Planets: And fince the Earth is in the Middle of theſe moveable Bodies, and is of the fame Nature' with them, We Sect. I. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. 15 f we may conclude that ſhe has the fame fort of Motions; but that ſhe turns round the Sun is proved thus: 9 ſtand ſtill Sun. All the Planets feen from the Earth TheEarth appear to move very unequally, as does not fometimes to go fafter, at other times but turns flower ; ſometimes to go backwards, round the and fometimes to be ſtationary, or not to move at all; which could not happen if the Earth ftood still. Let S be theFig. 4. Sun, T the Earth, the great Circle ABCD the Orbit of Mars, and the Numbers 1, 2, 3, &c. its equable Mo- tion round the Sun; the correfpondent Numbers 1, 2, 3, &c. in the Ĉircle a, b, c, d, the Motion of Mars, as it would be ſeen from the Earth. It is plain from this Figure, that if the Earth ftood still, the Motion of Mars will be always progreffive, (tho' fometimes very unequal;) but fince Obfervations prove the contrary, it neceffarily follows, that the Earth turns round the Sun. Diurnal The annual Periods of the Planets The An- round the Sun are determined by care-nual and fully obſerving the Length of Time Motions fince their Departure from a certain of the Point in the Heavens, (or from a fix'dhow com- Star) until they arrive to the fame again.puted. By Planets 1 $6 The INTRODUCTION. } By theſe Sorts of Obfervations the An- cients determined the periodical Revo- lutions of the Planets round the Sun, and were ſo exact in their Computations, as to be capable of predicting Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon. But fince the invention of Teleſcopes, Aftronomical Obfervations are made with greater Ac- curacy, and of Confequence our Tables are far more perfect than thofe of the Ancients. And in order to be as exact as poffible, Aftronomers compare Ob- fervations made at a great Diſtance of Time from one another, including fe- veral Periods; by which means, the Error that might be in the whole is in each Period fubdivided into fuch little Parts as to be very inconfiderable. Thus the mean Length of a Solar Year is known even to Seconds. The Diurnal Rotation of the Planets round their Axis, was diſcovered by certain Spots which appear on the Sur- faces. Theſe Spots appear firft in the Margin of the Planets Disks, (or the Edge of their Surfaces) and feem by Degrees to creep toward their Middle, and ſo on, going ftill forward, till they come to the oppofite Side or Edge of the Disk, where they fet or diſappear; and Sect. I, Of the SOLAR SYSTEM 1 and after they have been hid for the fame Space of Time, that they were vi- fible, they again appear to rife in or near the fame Place, as they did at firſt, then to creep on progreffively, taking the fame Courfe as they did before. Theſe Spots have been obferved on the Surfaces of the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter; by which means it has been found that theſe Bodies turn round their own Axis in the Times before-menti- oned. It is very probable that Mercury. and Saturn have likewiſe a Motion round their Axis, that all the Parts of their Surface may alternately enjoy the Light and Heat of the Sun, and receive fuch Changes as are proper and convenient for their Nature. But by Reaſon of the Nearness of to the Sun, and 4's X immenſe Diſtance from him, no Obſer- vations have hitherto been made where- by their Spots, (if they have any) could be difcovered, and therefore their diur- nal Motions could not be determined. The diurnal Motion of the Earth is Computed from the apparent Revoluti- on of the Heavens, and of all the Stars round it, in the Space of a Natural Day. The Solar Spots do not always remain the fame, but fometimes old ones vaniſh, and afterwards others fucceed in their Room; C > Co The INTRODUCTION. How the Relative Diſtances Room; fometimes ſeveral ſmall ones ga- ther together and make one large Spot, and fometimes a large Spot is feen to be divided into many ſmall ones. But not withſtanding thefe Changes, they all turn round with the Sun in the fame Time. The relative Diſtances of the Planets from the Sun, and likewife from each of the other, are determined by the following Planets Methods: Firft, the Diſtance of the two inferior Planets & and from the Sun, in reſpect of the Earth's Diſtance from him, is had by obferving their grea eft Elongation from the Sun as they are ſeen from the Earth. from the Sun are deter- mined. Elonga- tion. ? The greateſt Elongation of Venus is Fig. 5. found by Obfervation to be about 48 Degrees, which is the Anglè S T ? ; whence, by the known Rules of Trigo- nometry, the Proportion of S, the mean Diſtance of Venus from the Sun to S T, the mean Diſtance of the Earth from him may be eafily found. After the fame Manner, in the right-angled Triangle S Tg, may be found the Diſtance Sy of Mercury from the Sun. And if the mean Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun S T be made 1000, the mean Diſtance of Venus Sg from the Sun Sect. I. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM, 19 Sun will be 723; and of Mercury S ☀ 387: And if the Planets moved round the Sun in Circles, having him for their Center, the Diſtances here found would be always their true Diſtances: But as they move in Ellipfes, their Diſtances from the Sun will be fometimes greater, and ſometimes lefs. Their Excentricities are computed to be as follows; viz, 10 Excent. of Venus S Mercury 80 of the Parts 5 above-men- Earth 169 tioned. The Diſtances of the fuperior Planets viz, ♂ '4, and, are found by com- paring their true Places, as they are feen from the Sun, with their apparent Places, as they are feen from the Earth. Let S be the Sun, the Circle ABC the Fig. 6. Earth's Orbit, AG a Line touching the Earth's Orbit, in which we'll fuppofe the fuperior Planets are feen from the Earth in the Points of their Orbitș ♂ > > 24, h; and let DEFGH be a Portion of a great Circle in the Heavens, at an infinite Diftance: Then the Place of Mars feen from the Sun is D, which is called his true or Heliocentric Place; Heliocen but from the Earth he will be feen in Geocentric G, which is called his apparent, or Places, G; C 2 tric and Geo what, 20 The INTRODUCTION. 1 Geocentric Place. So likewife Jupiter and Saturn will be feen from the Sun in the Points E and F, their Heliocen- tric Places; but a Spectator from the Earth will fee them in the Point of the Heavens G, which is their Geocentric Place. The Arches DG, EG, FG, the Differences between the true and appa- rent Places of the fuperior Planets, are called the Parallaxes of the Earth's an- nual Orb, as feen from theſe planets. If thro' the Sun we draw SH parallel to AG, the Angles A & S, AS, A ½ S, will be reſpectively equal to the Angles DSH, ESH, and FSH; and the Angle AGS, is equal to the Angle GSH, whofe Meaſure is the Arch GH ; which therefore will be the Meaſure of the Angle AGS, the Angle under which the Semidiameter AS of the Earth's Orbit, is feen from the Starry Heavens. But this Semidiameter is nothing in re- ſpect of the immenſe Diſtance of the Heavens or Fixed Stars; for from thence it would appear under no fenfible An- gle, but look like a Point. And there- fore in the Heavens the Angle GSH, or the Arch GH vanishes; and the Points G and H coincide; and the Arches DH, EH, FH, may be con- fidered as being of the fame Bignefs with Sect. 1. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. zí with the Arches DG, EG, and FG, which are the Meafures of the Angles · A ¿S, A 4 S, AS; which Angles are nearly the greateſt Elongation of the Earth from the Sun, if the Earth be obferved from the refpective Planets, when the Line GA, touches the Earth's Orbit in A. The nearer any of the fuperior Planets is to the Sun, the greater is the Parallax of the Annual Orb, or the Angle under which the Semidiameter of the Earth's Orbit is feen from that Planet. In Mars the Angle A & S (which is the viſible Elon- gation of the Earth feen from Mars, or the Parallax of the Annual Orb feen from that Planet) is about 42 Degrees, and therefore the Earth is always to the Inhabitants of Mars either their Morn- ing or Evening Star, and is never feen by them ſo far diftant from the Sun as we fee Venus. The greateſt Elongation of the Earth feen from Jupiter, being near- ly equal to the Angle A 4 S, is about 11 Degrees. In Saturn the Angle AS is but 6 Degrees, which is not much above I 4 Part of the greateſt Elongation we ob- ferve in Mercury, And fince Mercury is fo rarely feen by us, probably the Aſtro- nomers of Saturn(except they have bet- ter Opticks than we have) have not yet dif- C3 22 · The INTRODUCTION.. > } diſcovered, that there is fuch a Body as our Earth in the Univerſe. The Parallax of the Annual Orb or the greateſt Elongation of the Earth's Orbit ſeen from any of the fuperior Pla- nets, being given; the Diſtance of that Planet from the Sun, in refpect of the Earth's Diſtance from him, may bé found by the fame Methods as thẻ Diſt- ances of the inferior Planets were. Thus to find the Diſtance of Mars from the Sun, it will be as the Sine of the Angle Sa A is to the Radius, fo is the Diſtance AS(the Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun)to S, the Diſtance from the Sun to Mars. After the fame Manner the Diſtances of Jupiter and Saturn are alſo found. The mean Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun being made a 1000, the mean Diſtances of the fuperior Planets from the Sun are, viz. the mean Diſt- ance from the Sun of ♂ 1524 141 45201 and the Excentricity 250 k9538. 547 To which, if you add or fubtract their mean Diſtances, we fhall have the great- eft or leaſt Diſtances of thofe Planets from the Sun. There 1 Sect. I Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. 23 There are other Methods by which the relative Diſtances of the Planets might be found; but that which hath been here illuftrated, is fufficient to e- vince the Certainty of that Problem. abfolute nets from the Sun Hitherto we have only confidered the How the Diſtances of the Planets in relation to Distances one another, without determining them of the Pla- by any known Meafure; but in order to t find their abfolute Diſtances in fome de- are com- terminate Meaſure, there must be fome-puted. thing given, whofe Meaſure is known. Now the Circumference of the Earth is divided into 360 Degrees, and each of theſe Degrees into 60 Geographical Miles, fo that the whole Circumference contains 21600; and by the known Pro- portion for finding the Diameter of a Cir- cle from its Circumference, the Earth's Diameter will be found to be 6872 Miles, and its Semidiameter 3436 Miles. The Parallax of the Earth's Semidia- Earth's meter, or the Angle under which it is Semidia- ſeen from a certain Planet, may be found by comparing the true Place of the Pla- net, as it would be feen from the Center of the Earth, (which is known by Com- putation) with its apparent Place, as it is feen from fome Point on the Earth's Surface. Let CZA be the Earth, ZC its Fig. 7. Semi- C 4 Parallax of the meter. 24 The INTRODUCTION. Semidiameter, fome Planet, and BHT Arch of a great Circle in the Heavens, at an infinite Diftance. Now the Pla- net will appear from the Earth's Cen- ter C, in the Point of the Heavens H; but a ſpectator from the Point Z upon the Earth's Surface, will fee the fame Object in the Point of the Heavens B; and the Arch BH the Difference, is e- qual to the Angle B✪ H=Z→ C, the Parallax; which being known, the Side Ce the Diſtance of the Planet from the Center of the Earth, at that Time, may be eaſily found. Now if this Diſtance of the Planet from the Earth be deter- mined, when the Centers of the Sun, the faid Planet, and of the Earth, are in the fame right Line, we have the abfolute Diſtance of the Planet's Orbit from the Earth's in known Meaſure; then it will be, as the relative Diſtance betwixt the Earth's Orbit and that of the Planet is to the relative Diftance of the faid Planet from the Sun; fo is the Diſtance of the Planet's Orbit from the Earth's in known Meaſure to the Diſtance of the faid Pla- net from the Sun in the fame Meaſure: Which being known, the Diſtance of all the other Planets from the Sun may be found. For it will be as the relative Diſtance of any Planet from the Sun, is ! to 4 1 { བ > > * Y ل. $ A } ¡ Plate 2. Fig. 1. } 1 & Fig. IV 6 8 A. R T C← A Fig.VI Fig. VIII A- b d A 3 J ་ Fig. T Fig.v orbit of the Earth orbit of Venus orbit of Mercury + E T 20+ E Page 24 Fig.I A H Fig. A B E h B D FG H Sect. I. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM, 25 to its Diſtance from him in a known Meaſure; fo is the relative Diſtance of any other Planet from him to its Dift- ance in the fame Meaſure. This may be done by finding the Diſtance of the Planet Mars, when he is in Oppofition to the Sun, after the fame Manner as we find the Diftance of a Tree, or the like, by two Stations. } Let a be Mars, D the Point on the Earth's Superficies, where Mars is verti- cal when he is in Oppofition to the Sun, which may be exactly enough found by Calculation, at which Time let an Ob- ferver, at the Point Z (whofe Situation from D muſt be known) take the Alti- tude of Mars, whofe Complement will be the Angle & ZR; then in the Trian- gle ZC will be given the Angle Z ♂ C, the Angle C (whofe Meaſure is the Arch DZ) and confequently the Angle Z & C the Parallax, and alfo the Side Z C the Semidiameter of the Earth; by which we may find C & the Diſtance of Mars from the Earth. The extreme Nicety requi- red in this Obfervation, makes it very difficult to determine the exact Diſtances of the Planets from the Sun; but the celebrated Dr. Halley has in the Philo- ſophical Tranſactions, fhewed us a more cer- ཟ 26 The INTRODUCTION. - How the tudes of termin'd. certain Method for finding the Diſtances of the Planets; which is by obſerving the Tranfit of Venus over the Sun. ; The Eye judgeth of the Magnitudes Magni- of far diftant Objects, according to the the Plan- Quantities of the Angles under which ets are de- they are feen (which are called their ap- parent Magnitudes; ) and thefe Angles appear greater or leſs in a certain Pro- portion to their Diſtances, Wherefore the Diſtances of the Planets from the Earth, and their apparent Diameters being given, their true Diameters (and from thence their Magnitudes) may be found. How the Diſtances of the Planets may be found has been already fhewn their apparent Diameters are found by a Teleſcope, having a Machine fix'd to it for meaſuring of Angles, called a Mi- Fig. 8. crometer. Let BD, or the Angle BAD be the apparent Diameter of any Planet, and AB, or AD, (which by reaſon of the great Diſtance of the Planets in reſpect of their Magnitudes) may be confidered as being the Diſtance of the faid Planet from the Obferver. Now in the Trian- gle ABD, having the Sides AB, AD, given, and the Angle A, we have alfo the other Angles B and D, (becauſe the £ides AB, AD, are equal) whence the Side Sect. I. 27 Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. Side BD the Diameter of the Planet may be eafily found by Trigonometry. • + From hence it appears, that the fame Body at different Diſtances, will ſeem to have very different Magnitudes. Thus the Diameter BD will appear from the Point E, to be twice as large as from the Point A. It alfo follows, that a ſmall Body, when at no great Diſtance from us, may appear to be equal, or even to ex- ceed another at a great Diſtance, tho' immenfely bigger. Thus bd appears under the fame Angle, and confequent- ly of the fame Bignels from the Point A, that the Line BD doth, tho' one vaftly exceeds the other. And this is the Rea- why the fon, why the Moon, which is much leſs Moon ap- then any of the Planets, appears to us pears big- vaftly bigger then either of them, and any of the even to equal the Sun himſelf, which is Planets. many Thouſand Times greater in Mag- nitude. The Diſtances of the Planets, and Periods round the Sun, their Diameters and Velocities round their own Axis, according to modern Computations, are as follow: Saturn ger then * 28 The INTRODUCTION. 戚 ​Saturn 1 Jupiter Mars Earth Revolves about the Sun in the Space of Diſtance in Y. D. H. Miles 29: 167: 22777.000.000 11: 314: 12424.000.000 1:321:23 123.000.000 0: 365: 6 81.000.000 0: 224: 16 59.060.000 0: 87:23 32.000.000 Venus Mercury S Moon Earth. Periods round Diameters |240:000 ?Round the SD.H.M. 240:000 27:7:43 their own Axis in Miles. D. H. M. Sun Saturn 25: 6: 6: 0763.000 61.000 Jupiter 0: 9: 56 81.000 Mars I : O: 40 4.440 Earth Venus 24: 8: Mercury 7.900 4.240 0:23: 56 7.970 Moon 27: 7: 43 2.170 The Caufe of Eclipfes and Phafes of the Moon, and fome other Phænome- na not here explained, fhall be fhewen when we come to give a Deſcription of the Orrery. } Befides £. } Sect. 1. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. 29 Beſides the Planets already mention- ed, there are other great Bodies that fometimes viſit our Syftem, which are a Sort of Temporary Planets; for they come and abide with us for a while, and afterwards withdraw from us, for a certain Space of Time, after which they again return. Theſe wandering Bodies are called Comets. The Motion of Comets in the Hea-Of Come vens, according to the beſt Obfervations hitherto made, feem to be regulated by the fame immutable Law that rules the Planets; for their Orbits are Elliptical, like thofe of the Planets, but vaſtly nar- rower, or more Excentric. Yet they have not all the fame Direction with the Planets, who move from Weft to Eaſt, for fome of the Comets move from Eaft to Weft; and their Orbits have different Inclinations to the Earth's Or- bit; fome inclining Northwardly, others Southwardly, much more than any of the Planetary Orbits do. Altho' both the Comets and the Pla- `nets move in Elliptic Orbits, yet their Motions ſeem to be vastly different : For the Excentricities of the Planets Orbits are fo ſmall, that they differ but little from } 30 The INTRODUCTION. from Circles; but the Excentricities of the Comets are fo very great, that the Motions of fome of them feem to be al- moſt in right Lines, tending directly to- wards the Sun, Now, fince the Orbits of the Comets are fo extremely Excentric, their Moti- ons, when they are in their Perihelia, or neareſt Diſtance from the Sun, muſt be much fwifter than when they are in their Aphelia, or fartheft Diſtance from him; which is the Reaſon why the Co- mets make fo fhort a Stay in our Syf tem; and when they diſappear are ſo long in returning. The Figures of the Comets are ob- ferved to be very different; fome of them fend forth fmall Beams like Hair every Way round them; others are feen with a long fiery Tail, which is always oppo- fite to the Sun. Their Magnitudes are alfo very different, but in what Propor- tion they exceed each other, it is as yet uncertain. Nor is it probable, that their Numbers are yet known, for they have not been obferved with due Care, nor their Theories difcovered, but of late Years. The Ancients were divided in their Opinions concerning them; fome imagined Sect. 1. Of the SOLAR SYSTEM. 3 1 imagined that they were only a Kind of Meteors kindled in our Atmoſphere, and were there again diffipated; others took them to be fomé ominous Prodigies: But modern Diſcoveries prove, that they are Worlds fubject to the fame Laws of Motion as the Planets are; and they muſt be very hard and durable Bodies, elſe they could not bear the yaft Heat which fome of them, when they are in their Peribelia, receive from the Sun, without being utterly confumed. The great comet which appear'd in the Year 1680, was within Part of the Sun's Diameter from his Surface; and there- fore its heat muſt be prodigiouſly in- tenſe beyond Imagination. And when it is at its greateſt Diſtance from the Sun, the Cold muſt be as rigid. I ठ SECT. 32 The INTRODUCTION. T' F SECT II. Of the FIXED STARS, HE fixed Stars are thofe bright and fhining Bodies, which in a clear Night appear to us every where difperfed through the boundleſs Regions of Space. They are term'd fixed, becauſe they are found to keep the fame immu- table Diſtance one from another in all Ages, without having any of the Mo- tions obferved in the Planets. The Starsareat fixed Stars are all placed at fuch im- immenſe menſe Diſtance from us, that the beſt of Teleſcopes repreſent them no bigger than Points, without having any ap- parent Diameters. The fixed Diſtance from us. The fixed Stars are It is evident from hence, that all the luminous Stars are luminous Bodies, and fhine Bodies with their own proper and native Light, like the elfe they could not be feen at fuch a great Diſtance, For the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, tho' they appear under confiderable Angles through good Sun. Tele- 1 Sect. 2. Of the FIXED Stars: 33 Teleſcopes, yet are altogether inviſible to the naked Eye. us to the Compari- the fixed Although the Diſtance betwixt us The Dif and the Sun is vaftly large, when com-tancefrom pared to the Diameter of the Earth, yet sun is no- it is nothing when compared with the thing in prodigious Diſtance of the fixed Stars; fon of the for the whole Diameter of the Earth's vaft Dift- Annual Orbit, appears from the neareſt tance of fixed Star no bigger than a Point, and Stars. the fixed Stars are at leaſt 100,000 times farther from us than we are from the Sun; as may be demonftrated from the Obfervation of thofe who have en- deavoured to find the Parallax of the Earths Annual Orb, or the Angle un- der which the Earth's Orbit appears from the fixed Stars. theCenter Hence it follows, that tho' we ap-As to Ap- proach nearer to fome fixed Stars at pearance, one Time of the Year than we do at the the Earth may be oppofite, and that by the whole Length confider'd of the Diameter of the Earth's Orbit; as being yet this Diſtance being fo fmall in com- of the parifon with the Diſtance of the fixed Heavens. Stars, their Magnitudes or Pofitions cannot thereby be fenfibly altered; there- fore we may always, without Error, fup- pofe ourſelves to be in the fame Center D of 34 The INTRODUCTION The fixed Stars are Suns. The fixed of the Heavens, fince we always have the fame vifible Profpect of the Stars without any Alteration. If a Spectator was placed as near to any fixed Star, as we are to the Sun, he would there obſerve a Body as big, and every way like, as the Sun appears to us: and our Sun would appear to him no bigger than a fixed Star: and un- doubtedly he would reckon the Sun as one of them in numbering the Stars. Wherefore fince the Sun differeth no- thing from a fixed Star, the fixed Stars may be reckoned ſo many Suns. It is not reaſonable to fuppofe that all the fixed Stars are placed at the ſame Difiance from us: but it is more pro- Stars are bable that they are every where inter- al vaft fperfed thro' the vaft indefinite. Space of from each the Univerſe; and that there may be as Diſtance other. great a Distance betwixt any two of them, as there is betwixt our Sun and the nearest fixed Star. Hence it follows why they appear to us of different Mag- nitudes, not becauſe they really are ſo, but becaufe they are at different Diſtan- ces from us; thofe that are neareſt ex- celling in Brightnefs and Luftre thofe that are moſt remote who give a fain- ter 蟊 ​P.35 10 20 1/0 2 + 00 10 20 30 Meridian 40 50 60 70 8 Hour ME Trobe of Canker OCEAN. Equinoctial Line ATRICA orizar Cizele 20130 2,9 · 04 We do I do 1 3/6 | slo | 40 | 5 10 20 130 130 NEW and CORRECT GLOBES according to the lateſt Obſervations Made and Sold by RICHARD CUSHEE at the Globe and Sun between SDunstans Church & Chancery Lane and Tho:Wright Inftrument-maker to His Majefty at the Orrery and Globe near Salisbury Court FLEETSTREET LONDON VGRAVD ESTATES Survey'd MAPS DRAW and ENGRAV ALSO R. Cafnec pulp. ' Sect. 2. Of the FIXED STARS. 35 ter Light, and appear fmaller to the Eye. The Aftronomers diftribute the into ſeveral Orders or Claffes; Stars The Dif of the theſe tribution that are neareſt to us and appear Stars into brighteſt to the Eye, are called Stars of 6 Claffes, the firſt Magnitude; thoſe that are near- eft to them in Brightnefs and Luftre, are called Stars of the ſecond Magni- tude; thoſe of the third Clafs, are ftiled Stars of the third Magnitude; and ſo on, until we come to the Stars of the fixth Magnitude, which are the ſmalleſt that can be difcerned by the naked Eye. There are infinite Num- bers of finaller Stars, that can be ſeen through Teleſcopes; but theſe are not reduced to any of the fix Orders, and are only called Teleſcopical Stars. It of Telef may be here obſerved, that tho' the copical Aftronomers have reduced all the Stars that are viſible to the naked Eye, into ſome one or other of theſe Claffes, yet we are not to conclude from thence that all the Stars anfwer exactly to fome or other of theſe Orders; but there may be in Reality as many Orders of the Stars, as they are in Number, few of them appearing exactly of the fame Bignefs and Luftre. D 2 The Stars. 36 The INTRODUCTION. } 1 The ancient Aftronomers, that the might diſtinguiſh the Stars, in regard to their Situation and Pofition to each o- ther, divide the whole ftarry Firma- ment into feveral Afterifms, or Syſtems of Stars, confifting of thoſe that are nearer to one another. Thefe Afterims are The Stars called Conftellations and are digefted into digeſted the Forms of fome Animals as Men, telations Lions, Bears, Serpents, &c. or to the Images of fome known Things; as, of a Crown, a Harp, a Triangle, &c. 1 into Con- Zodiac. Conftel- within the } The Starry Firmament was divided by the Ancients into 48 Images or Con- ſtellations; twelve of which they placed in that Part of the Heavens wherein are the Planes of the Planetary Orbits; which Part is Called the Zodiac, becauſe moft of the Conftellations placed there- in refumble fome living Creature. The two Regions of the Heavens that are on each Side of the Zodiac, are called the North and South Parts of the Heavens. The Conftellations within the Zodiac tations are, 1. Aries, the Ram; 2. Taurus, the Zodiac. Bull; 3. Gemini, the Twins; 4. Can- cer, the Crab 5. Leo, the Lion; 6. Virgo, the Virgin; 7. Libra, the Ba- lance; 8. Scorpio, the Scorpion; 9. Sa- 1 gitta- Sect. I Of the FIXED STARS. 37 gitarius, the Archer; 10. Capricornus, the Goat; 11. Aquarius, the Water- Bearer; and 12. Pifces, the Fishes. ; 3 Northern Conftella- The Conſtellations on the North Side of the Zodiac are Twenty-one, viz. tions. the Little Bear; the Great Bear the Dragon; Cepheus, a King of Ethiopia; Bootes, the Keeper of the Bear,; the Northern Crown; Hercules with his Club watching the Dragon; the Harp; the Swan; Caffiopeia; Perfius; Andromeda ; the Triangle; Auriga; Pegaſus, or the Flying Horfe; Equuleus; the Dolphin ; the Arrow; the Eagle; Serpentarius ; and the Serpent. The Conſtellations noted by the An- Southern. cients on the South Side of the Zodiac; Conftella- were fifteen, viz. the Whale; the Ri-tions. ver Eridanus; the Hare; Orion; the Great Dog; Little Dog; the Ship Ar- go; Hydra; the Ceutaur; the Cup'; the Crow; the Wolf; the Altar,; the South- ern Crown; and the Southern Fifh. To theſe have been lately added the follow- ing, viz. The Phanix; the Crane the Peacock, the Indian; the Bird of Paradife; the Southern Triangle; the Fly; Cameleon; the Flying Fish; Toucan, or the American Goofe; the Water Ser- pent! D´3 ; 38 INTRODUCTION. The 1 pent, and the Sword Fish. The Anci ents placed thoſe particular Conftella- tions or Figures in the Heavens, either to commemorate the Deeds of fome great Man, or fome notable Exploit or Action; or elfe took them from the Fables of their Religion, &c. And the Modern Aftronomers do ftill retain them, to avoid the Confufion that would arife by making new ones, when they compare the modern Obfervation with the old ones. ❤ Some of the principal Stars have par- ticular Names given them, as Syrius, Arcturus, &c. There are alfo feveral Stars that are not reduced into Conftel- Unformed lations, and theſe are called Unformed Stars. Stars. The Ga- laxy or Milky Way. Pefides the Stars vifible to the naked Eye there is a very remarkable Space in the Heavens, called he Galaxy, or Milky Way. This is a broad Circle of a whitiſh Hue, like Milk, going quite round the whole Heavens, and confift- ing of an infinite Number of fmall Stars, viſible thro' a Teleſcope, tho' not dif- cernible by the naked Eye, by reaſon of their exceeding Faintnefs; yet with their Light they combine to illuftrate that Sect. 2. 39 Of the FIXED STARS. that Part of the Heavens where they are; and to cauſe that ſhining Whiteneſs. The Place of the fixed Stars, or their relative Situations one from another, have been carefully obferved by Aſtro- nomers, and digeſted into Catalogues. The firft among the Greeks, who redu- çed the Stars into a Catalogue, was Hyp- parchus, who, from his own Obfervati- ons, and of thoſe who lived before him, inferted 1022 Stars into his Catalogue, above 120 Years before the Chriftian Era: This Catalogue has been fince en- larged and improved by feveral learned Men, to the Number of 3000, of which there are a great many Teleſcopical, and not to be diſcerned by the naked Eye; and theſe are all ranked in the Catalogue as the Stars of the feventh Magnitude. : It may ſeem ſtrange to fome, that. there are no more then this Number of Stars viſible to the naked Eye; for ſome- times in a clear, Night they feem to be innumerable but this is only a Decep- tion of our Sight. arifing from their ve- hement ſparkling. while we look upon them confuſedly, without reducing them into any Order; for there can feldom be ſeen above 1000 Stars in the whole Hea D 4 40 The INTRODUCTION. 1 An Idea Heavens with the naked Eye at the fame Time; and if we ſhould diftinctly view them, we ſhall not find many but what are inferted upon a good Celeſtial Globë. Altho' the Number of Stars that can be diſcerned by the naked Eye are ſo few, yet it is probable there are many more which are beyond the Reach of our Opticks, for thro' Teleſcopes they ap pear in vaft Multitudes, every where difperfed throughout the whole Hea vens; and the better our Glaffes are, the more of them we ftill difcover. The ingenious Dr. Hook has obſerved 78 Stars in the Pleiades, of which the naked Eye is never able to diſcern above 7; and in Orion, which has but 80 Stars in the British Catalogue, (and fome of them Teleſcopical) there has been numbered 2000 Stars. Thoſe who think that all thefe glo- of the Urious Bodies were created for no other niverſe. Purpoſe, than to give us a little dim Light, muſt entertain a very flender Idea of the Divine Wiſdom; for we receive more Light from the Moon itſelf, than from all the Stars put together. And fince the Planets are fubject to the ſame Laws of Motion with our Earth, and ſome 1 of Ject. 2. Of the FIXED STARS. 41 of them not only equal, but vaftly ex- ceed it in Magnitude, it is not unreafon- able to fuppofe, that they are all habitable Worlds. And fince the Fixed Stars are no ways behind our Sun, either in Big- nefs or Luftre, is it not probable, that each of them have à Syftem of Planet- ary Worlds turning round them, as we do round our Sun? And if we aſcend as far as the ſmalleſt Star we can ſee, fhall we not then difcover innumerable more of theſe glorious Bodies, which now are altogether invifible to us? And foad infinitum, thro' the boundleſs Space of the Univerſe. What a magnificent Idea muſt this raiſe in us of the Divine Being! Who is every where, and at all Times prefent, difplaying his Divine Power, Wifdom and Goodnefs amongſt all his Creatures! The ご ​f. 42.. 13 ********** 史 ​The DESCRIPTION and USE of the CELESTIAL and TERRESTRIAL GLOBES. Sphere or Globe. A Globe or Sphere is a round folid Body, having every Part of its Surface equally diſtant from a Point within it, called its Cen- ter; and it may be conceived to be for- med by the Revolution of a Semicircle round its. Diameter. { } Any Circle paffing through the Cen- ter of the Sphere, thereby dividing into two equal Parts or Segments, is called Great Cir- a Great Circle; and the Segments of the Sphere fo divided are called Hemi- Spheres. cle. Hemi- Iperes Poles. Every Great Circle has its Poles and Axis. The Poles of a Great Circle are two Points on the Surface of the Sphere di- ametrically oppofite to one another, and } Of the GLOBE S. 43 and every where equally diſtant from the faid Circle. The Axis of a Circle is a right Line Axis. paffing through the Center of the Sphere, and through the Poles of the faid Circle, and is therefore perpendi- cular to the Plane: Therefore All Circles paffing through the Poles of any great Circle, interfect it in two Places diametrically oppofite, and alſo at right Angles; and with refpect to the faid Great Circle, they may be called its Secundaries. Secunda- ries. Leffer All Circles dividing the Sphere into to unequal Parts, are called leffer or pa- Parallel rallel Circles, and are ufually denomina- or leer ted by that Great Circle to which they are parallel. The Earth being globular, its out- ward Parts, as the feveral Countries, Seas, &c. are beſt, and moſt natural- ly reprefented upon the Surfaces of a Globe; and when fuch a Body has the outward Parts of the Earth and Sea de- lineated upon its Surface, and placed in their natural Order and Situation, it is called a Terreſtrial Globe. The Circles. Terrestrial Globe. 44 The Defeription and Uſe ; The Celeſtial Bodies appear to us as if they were all placed in the fame Con cave Sphere, therefore Aftronomers place the Stars according to their re- Ipective Situations and Magnitudes, and alio the Images of the Conftellations, upon the external Surface of a Globe for it anfwers the fame Purpoſes as if they were placed within a Concave Sphere, if we fuppofe the Globe to be tranſparent, and the Eye placed in the Center. A Globe having the Stars pla- ced upon its Surface, as above defcribed, Celestial is called a Celestial Globe. Theſe Globes are both placed in Frames, with other Appurtenances, as fhall be defcribed in a proper Place. Globe. The prin- The principal Uſe of thefe Globes cipal Ufe (befides their ferving as Maps, to dif- of the tinguiſh the outward Parts of the Earth, Globes. and the Situations of the fixed Stars) is to explain and refolve the Phænome-. na arifing from the diurnal Motion of the Earth round its Axis. It has been ſhewed in the Introduc- tion, that the Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun is no more than a Point, when compared with the immenfe Dif- tance of the fixed Stars; therefore let the 器 ​45 Of the GLOBE Ș, will be of the Fix- tator be Sun. the Earth be in what Point foever of There her Orbit, there will be the fame Prof-the fame pect of the Heavens, as a Spectator Profpect would obferve did he refide in the Sun: ed ſtars, And if feveral Circles be imagined to whether paſs thro' the Center of the Earth, and the Spec- others, parallel to them, be conceived to placed on paſs thro' the Center of the Sun, theſe the Earth, Circles in the Heavens will feem to coin- or in the cide, and to paſs exactly thro' the fame Stars. Wherefore as to the Appear- ances of the Fixed Stars, it is indifferent whether the Earth or the Sun be made the Center of the Univerſe. But becauſe it is from the Earth that we always ob- ferve the Celeſtial Bodies, and their ap- parent Motions feem to us to be really made in the Heavens, it is more natural in explaining the Phænomena arifing from theſe Motions, to place the Earth in the Center. And again, becauſe the Semidiameter. of the Earth, when com- pared to her Diſtance from the Sun, is of no fenfible Magnitude, any Point up- on the Earth's Surface, let her be in what Part foever of the Orbit, may be confidered as being the Center of the Univerſe. Upon thefe Principles, the different Phænomena arifing from the diurnal Motion of the Earth, and the dif- 46 The Defcription and Ufe different Situation of a Spectator upon its Surface, are very naturally illuftrated and explained by the Globes. As to the Alterations of Seafons, &c. arifing from the annual Motion of the Earth round the Sun, it is indifferent which we fuppofe to move, the Earth, or the Sun; for in both Cafes the Ef- fect will be the fame: Wherefore be- cauſe it is the Sun that appears to us to move we ſay the Sun is in fuch a Part of the Ecliptic, without attributing any Motion to the Earth, any more than if ſhe had actually been at Reft. For the fame Reaſon we fay the Sun rifes, or the Sun fets; by which we mean, that he begins to appear or diſappear, without confidering in the leaft how thefe Effects are produced. Thefe Things are here mentioned, to obviate the Objections that might be made by Beginners, after they had been told that the Sun ftands ftill. 1 SECT. Sect. I. Of the GLOBE S. 47 } * SECT. I. An Explanation of the Circles of the Sphere, and of Jeme Aftronomical Terms arifing therefrom. IN N Order to determine the relative Situations of Places upon the Earth, as well as the Pofitions of the fixed Stars, and other Celeſtial Phænomena, the Globe of the Earth is fuppofed to be inviron'd by ſeveral imaginary Circles, and theſe are called the Circles of the Sphere. Theſe imaginary Circles are The Cir- either fixed, and always obtain the fame cles of the Pofition in the Heavens, or moveable, Sphere. according to the Pofition of the Obfer- ver, Thofe Circles that are fixed, owe their Origin to the two-fold Motion of the Earth, and are the Equator, and the Ecliptic, with their Secundaries and Parallels > 1 The Defcription and Uſe The E- Parallels. Thefe fixed Circles are ufu- ally delineated upon the Surface of the Globes. The moveable Circles are only the Horizon, its Secundaries and Parallels: Theſe are reperefented by the Wooden Frame, and the Brafs Ring, wherein the Globe is hung, and a thin Plate of Brafs to be ſcrewed in a proper Place upon the faid Ring, as Occafion re- quires. I. Of the Equinoctial. I. The Equator or the Equinoctial, is quator or that great Circle in the Heavens, in Equinoc whofe Plane the Earth peforms her di- rial urnal Motion round her Axis; or it is that Great Circle, parallel to which the whole Heavens ſeem to turn round the Earth from Eaſt to Weft in 24 Hours. Note, The Equator and the Equinoć- tial are generally fynonymous. Terms; but fometimes the Equator particularly fignifies that Great Circle upon the Sur- face of the Earth, which coincides with the Equinoctial in the Heavens. This Circle is alfo by Mariners commonly called the Line. The Sect. 1. Of the GLOBE $. 49. World or The Equinoctial divides the Globe of the Earth, and alfo the whole Heavens Northern, into two equal Parts, North and South and South- which are called the Northern and Sou-ern Hemi- thern Hemispheres. The Axis of thispheres, Circle is called the Axis of the World, or The Axis the Earth's Axis, because the Earth re- of the volves above it (from Weft to Eaft) in 24 Hours. The Extremes of this Axis are called the Poles of the World, whereof Poles of the that which lies in the Northern Hemi-of the E- fphere, is called the North Pole, and the quater. other is called the South Pole. The E- quinoctial Circle is always delineated upon the Surface of each Globe, with its Name at length expreffed; the Axis of this Circle or the Earth's Axis, is on- ly an imaginary Line in the Heavens, but on the Globes it is expreffed by the Wires about which they really turn. The Poles of the World are the two Points upon the Surface of the Globe through which thefe Wires pafs: the North Pole is that which hath the little Braſs Circle with a moveable. Index placed around ît; and the other oppofite to it is the South Pole. The Northern Hémi- fphere is that wherein the North Pole is placed, and the oppofite one is the Southern Hemiſphere. E LI The 50 The Defcription and Ufe 1 ་ > The Aftronomers divide all Circles into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees, each Degree into 60 équal Parts, called Mi- nutes, each Minute into 60 Seconds, &c. But befides this Divifion into Degrees, the Equinoctial is alfo divided into 24 equal Parts or Hours, each Hour into 60 Minutes, each Minute into 60 Se- conds, &c. So that one Hour is equal to 15 Degrees, each Minute of Time is equal to 15 Minutes of a Degree, &c. 2. All Circles conceived to pafs through the Poles of the World, inter- fecting the Equinoctial at right Angles, are with refpect to any Point in the. Hour Cir-Heavens called Hour Circles; and alfo cles of 4-Circles of Afcenfion, becauſe the Afcen- fcenfion, al- fion of the heavenly Bodies, from a cer- Meridians, tain Point, are by them determined. cies or Cir fo called Theſe Circles are alſo, with regard to Places upon Earth, call'd Meridians. The Meridians are commonly drawn upon the Terreſtrial Globe thro' every 15 Degrees of the Equinoctial, thereby making an Hour difference betwixt the Flace through which they pafs. On the Celestial Globe there are commonly drawn but two of thefe Meridians, croffing .. the Sect. 1: Of the GLOBE S. A the Equinoctial in four Points equidift- ant from one another, thereby divi ding it into four Quadrants; but the in-, termediate ones are here fupplied, and alfo upon the Terreſtrial Globe, by the Brafs Circle on which they are hung, which is therefore called the Brass Me- The Braf ridian, and fometimes only the Meridi- Meridian. an, it ferving for this Purpoſe to all the Points upon either Globe. There is alfo a little Brafs Circle fixed upon this Meridian, divided into 24 Hours, having an Index moveable round the Axis of the Globe to be. turned to any particular Hour. The Ufe..of this Circle is to show the Difference of Time -betwixt any two Meridians, and is there- The Hour fore called the Hour-Circle: 7 Circle 3. All Circles parallel to the Equi- noctial are with refpect to any Point in Parallels: the Heavens, called Parallels of Decli- nations. So that. 4. The Declination of any Point in the Heavens. (as of the Sun, a fix- ed Star, or the like) is an Arch of the Meridian paffing through that Point, and intercepted betwixt it and the Equator; and if the faid Point be E 2 10 of Declixa- 52 The Deſcription and Ùſe Declina- to the Northward ofthe Equator, it is tion North Called or South Southward North South Declination. itis Of the Parallels of Declination, four are eminently diſtinguiſhed by particu- Trepics lar Names, viz. The two Tropics, and Circles. the two Polar Circles. and Polar The Tropics are on different Sides of the Equator, each 23 Degrees and 29 Minutes diftant from it, that which lies in the Northern Hemifphere, is called Tropic of Concer; the Tropic of Cancer; and the Southern of Capri- one, the Tropic of Capricorn. Forn. Arctic Circle. } Theſe Circles are the Limits of the Sun's greateſt Declination, and are cal- led Tropics, becauſe whenever the Sun arrives to them he ſeems to return back again towards the Equator. 6. The Polar Circles are each of them at the fame Diftance from the Poles of the World, that the Tropics are from the Equator, viz. 2.3 ° 29'. That which lies near the North Pole, is called the Arctic Circle, from Arctes, a Conftellation fituated in the Heavens near that Place; whence alfo this Pole is Sect. I Of the GLOBE S. 53 Pole. is fometimes called the Arctic Pole. The&ic other Polar Circle, which is ſituated near the South Pole; is called the Antarctic Antarctic Circle, becauſe its Pofition is contrary Circle. to the other; and the South Pole is fome- times called the Antarctic Pole. The Tropics and the Polar Circles having each their Names expreffed upon the Globes. II. Of the Ecliptic. Antarctic Pole. 7. The Ecliptic is that Great Circle Ecliptic. in whofe Place the Earth performs its annual Motion round the Sun; or, in which the Sun feems to move round the Earth once in a Year. This Circle maks an Angle with the Equinoctial of 23 Degrees 29 Minutes, and interfects it in two oppofite Points which are cal- led the Equinoctial Points; and the two Einac- Points in the Ecliptic that are at thetal greateſt Diſtance from the Equinoctial- Points, are called the Solftitial Points. So!tial The two Meridians paffing through thofe Points are, by Way of Eminence, called Colures; whereof that which paf-Colures. feth thro' the Equinoctial Points is cal- led the Equinoctial Colure; and that Equinocti which is at Right Angles to it, paffing E 3 through Points al 54 The Defcription and Ufe through the Solftitial Points, is called Solftitial the Solftitial Colure. Colure. The E- } • The Ecliptic is divided into 12 equal cliptic Parts, called Signs, each Sign being 30 digided Into Signs Degrees, beginning from one of the E- quinoctial Foints, and numbred from Weft to Eaft; the Names and Charac- ters of the twelve. Signs are as follows: viz. Signs. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, I. N 2. 8 3. - II 4:00 5.2 6.1m Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pifces, 10. h IL. 6. 8. m 9. t > * INN 12. H The firft fix of theſe are called the Northern Northern Signs, and poffefs that half of the Ecliptic which is to the North- ward of, the Equator; begining with the firſt Point of r, and ending with the laſt Point of " Southern Signs. The latter fix are call'd Southern Signs,, becauſe they poffefs the Southern Half of the Ecliptic, beginning at the firſt Point of, and ending with the laft Point of *. 1 21 A The Divifion of the Ecliptic into Signs, and the Names of the Colures, are particularly expreffed upon the Globes. • } The • Sect. 55 I. 1 of the GLOBES. The figns of the Ecliptic took their Names from 12 Conftellations mentio ned in the Introduction to be fituated in the Heavens near thofe Places. It is to be obſerved, that the Signs are not to be confounded with the Conſtellati- ons of the fame Name: For the Sign of Aries is not the fame with the Conftella- tion Aries; the latter is a Syftem of Stars digefted into the Figure of a Ram; but the Sign of Aries is only 30 Degrees of the Ecliptic counted from the Equi- noctial Point, (which is reckon'd the firſt Point in the Ecliptic) to the begin- ning of Taurus : Or, it is ſometimes ta- ken for all that Space upon the Celeſtial Globe contained between the two Cir- cles paffing through the first Points of Y and 8. What has been here ſaid of Aries, is to be noted of all the reſt of the Signs. * The Conftellations above-mentioned were formerly fituated within the Signs which now bear their Names; but by a flow Motion of the Equinoctial Points, being one Degree in 72 Years, the Con- ſtellation Aries has now got into the Sign: 8, and fo of the reft. So that Pif ces is now got into the Sign of v; this flow Motion in the Heavens is called the Preceffion of the Equinoctial Points. E 4 r; The 56 * The Defcription ana Uſe Poles of the The Poles of the Ecliptic are both fi- Ecliptic tuated in the Solftitial:Coture, at 23 SA Degrees 29 Minutes Distance from the Pole of the World; and they take their Denomination from the Hemifphere wherein they are plac'd, big that which lies in the Northern Southern + called the S Hemiſphere, is { North Poleof the Eclip- South tie. The Arctic and Antarctic-Circles are defcribed by the Poles of the Ecliptic in the Diurnal Motion of the Earth round its Axis, whence it feems thefe two Circles are called Polar, · · " $ 8. All great Circles paffing through the Poles of the Ecliptic, and conte- quently interfecting it at right Angles, Circles of are called Circles of Longitude: So that, Longitude in the Hea vens. یش ? Longitude 2. The Longitude of any Point in of any Point the Heavens, (aš a Star or Planet &c.) is an Arch of the Ecliptic contained be- tween the Circle of. Longitude paffing thro' that Point, and the Equinoctial Point r. And that Degree of any Sign which l'es under the Circle of Longi- tude paffing thro any Star or Planet, is Place of a Star. called the Place of that Star or Planet. ? Note Sect. I. Of the GLOBES, 57. - Note, the Sun never goes out of the Ecliptic, and it is not uſual to ſay the Sun's Longitude, but we commonly ex- prefs it the Sun's Place, which is that Sign, Degree, Minute, &c of the E- cliptic, which he at any Time poffeffes. To. All Circles conceived to be drawn parallel to the Ecliptic, are called rallels of Latitude: So that, pa- 1. The Latitude of any Point in the Latitude of aStar, c. Heavens, (as a Fixed Star, &c.) is an Arch of the Circle of Longitude, in paffing thro' that Point, and intercepted betwixt it and the Ecliptic; or, the La- titude is the Diſtance from the Ecliptic; and if the faid Point be to the North- ward of the Ecliptic, it is called North- Latitude; but if it be to the South- ward, it is called South Latitude. Upon the Terreftrial Globes none of the Circles of Longitude are deſcribed; and upon the Celestial, they are com- monly drawn thro' the Beginning of every Sign; but they are all fupplied upon both Globes, by faftening a thin Plate of Braſs over one of the Poles of the Ecliptic, and fo as to be moved to any Degree thereof at Pleaſure. The Pa- $8 The Deſcription and Ufe 1 Florison.. senfible Parallels of Latitude are alfo fupplied by the Graduations upon the faid Plate as ſhall be ſhewn in a proper Place, i' We have now done with all thofe Circles that are fixed and fuch as are diawn upon the Globes themſelves; we next proceed to the moveable Circles. III. Of the Horizon. 12, The Horizon is that great Cir- cle which divides the upper or viſible Hemiſphere of the World, from the lower or invifible: This Circle is diftin- guiſhed into two Sorts, the Senfible, and the Rational... > 3 * The Senfible, or Apparent Horizon, is Horizon. that Circle which limits of determinates our Profpect, whether we are at Land or Sea, reaching as far as we can ſee; or it is that Circle where the Sky and the Earth or Water ſeem to meet. When we are on Terra Firma, this Circle com monly feems rugged and irregular, oc- cafioned by the Unevennefs of the Ground terminating our Profpect; but at Sea there are no fuch Irregularities; the Se- midiameter of this Circle varieth accor- ding to the Height of the Eye of the 1 ob- ! Sect. 59 I Of the GLOBE 8. 1 Obferver; if a Man of fix Feet high ftood upon a large Plain, or the furface of the Sea, he could not fee above three Miles around. This Circle determines the Rifing and Setting of Heavenly Bodies, and dif tinguiſhes Day and Night. The Rational or true Horizon is a Rational great Circle paffing thro' the Center of Horizon. the Earth parallel to the fenfible Hori- zon, being diftant from it by the Earth's Semidiameter, which is about 3980 Miles This Diſtance is nothing in Compariſon of the immenſe Diſtance of the Sun and the fixed Stars, therefore Aftronomers make no Diftinction be- tween theſe two Circles, but confider the apparent Horizon, or that wherein the Sun appears to riſe and ſet, as paf- fing thro' the Center of the Earth. This Circle is divided by Aftronomers in to four Quadrants, and each of the Quadrants into 90 Degrees, &c. The four Points quartering this Circle are called the Cardinal Points, and are term-Cardinal ed the East, Weft, North, and South. Points of The Eaft is that Point of the Horizon. where the Sun rifes when he is in the Equi- the Hori- The Deſcription and Use > Equinoctial, or on that Day when he afcends above the Horizon exactly at fix o'clock; and the Weft is that Point of the Horizon which is directly oppo- fite to the Eaft, or where the Sun fets when he is in the Equinoctial. The South is 90 Degrees diftant from the Eaſt and Weſt, and is towards that Part of the Haevens wherein the Sun always appears to us in Great Britain at Noon and the North is that Part of the Hea vens which is directly oppofite to the South: Or the North and South Points of the Heavens may be found by turning yourſelf either directly towards the Eaft or the Weft: If you look towards the F Eaft South * Weft the North willbe to the Right S Hand, and the { South North to the Left. Befide's the aforementioned Divifion of the Horizon into Degrees, Mariners divide it into 32 equal Parts, which they Points of call the Points of the Compass; to each of the Com- which Points they give a particular Name, compounded of the four Ca: di- nals, according to what Quarter of the Compass is intended. paſs. The Center of the Horizon is the Place Sect. I 61 Of the G L OBES. Place of Obfervation, and the Poles of it are, one exactly over our Heads, called the Zenib; and the other exactly under Zenith. our Feet, called the Nadir. Nadir. Circles 13. All Circles conceived to paſs thro' the Zenith and Nadir, are called Vertical Circles, or Azimuths. Of thefe Vertical Circles, that which paffeth thro' the North and South Points of the Horizon is called the Meridian: fo that when any Meridiane Object is upon the Meridian, it then bears either due South or due North from us; and the Azimuth of any Ob- Azimuth. ject is an Arch of the Horizon intercep- ted between the Vertical Circle paffing through it, and either the North or South Part of the Meridian; which Part is commonly ſpecified. The Meridian paffes thro' the Poles of the World as well as through the Zenith and Nadir; and therefore is a Secundary both of the Equinoctial and the Horizon: This Circle divides the Globe into the Eastern and Western He- mifpheres, and the Points of it are the East and West Poles of the Horizon. All the Heavenly Objects are, during one Half of their Continuance above the Horizon, in the Eastern Hemi- Sphere t 62 The Defeription and Ufe tical, ; fphere, and for the other Half in the Weſtern ſo that whenever the Suri arrives upon the upper Part of the Me- ridian, it is then Noon or Mid-day, which is the Reaſon why this Circle is called the Meridian; and when he comes to the lower Part, it is then Mid-night. The Vertical Circle paffing thro' the -Eaft and Weft Points of the Horizon, Prime Ver-is called the Prime Vertical, or Circle of East and Weft; fo that when any Ob- ject is upon this Circle in the Eaftern Hemiſphere, it appears due Eaft; and if it be in the Weſtern Hemiſphere, it appears due Weſt. That Degree in the Horizon wherein any Object riſes or fets from the Eaft or Amplitude. Weſt Points, is called the Amplitude which for Rifing is called Amplituae Or- tive, and Occafive for fetting; which muſt be alfo denominated whether it be Northerly or Southerly. It may be obferv'd, that the Am- plitude and Azimuth are much the fame; the Amplitude fhewing the Bearing of any Object when he rifes or fets, from the Eaft or Weft Points of the Hori zon; and the Azimuth the Bearing of any Sect. I. Of the GLOBE S. b3 any Object when it is above the Hori- zon, either from the North or South Foint thereof. As for Example, if an Object riſes or fets within 10 Degrees of the Eaft or Weft, fuppofe towards the South, we accordingly fay, its Am- plitude is 10 Degrees Southerly; but if an Object, that is of any Height above the Horizon, fhould be in the Vertical Circle, paffing thro' the before menti- oned Point, we then fay, its Azimuth is Ɛo Degrees from the South, or 100 Degrees from the North, both which Expreffions fignify the fame. thers 14. All Circles drawn parallel to the Horizon, in the upper Hemiſphere, are called Almacanthers, or Parallels of Al- Almacan titude: So that the Altitude of any Altitudes Point in the Heavens is an Arch of the Vertical Circle paffing thro' that Point, and intercepted betwixt it and the Ho- rizon; and if the Object be upon the Meridian, it is commonly called the Me- ridian Altitude. The Complement of the Altitude, or what it wants of 90 Zenith Degrees, is called the Zenith Diſtance. Distance. The Horizon (by which we mean the Rational) is reprefented by the upper Surface of the Wooden Frame, wherein the Meridian Altitudes GA The Defcription and Ufe the Globes are placed, upon this Hori- zon are deſcribed feveral Concentrick Circles, the Innermoft of which is divi- ded into Degrees which ought to be numbred both Ways from the Eaft and the Weft, until they end at 90 Degrees in the North and South Points. The Uſe of theſe Divifions is to fhew the Amplitude of the Sun and Stars, at their rifing and Setting: Alfo in fome convenient Place upon this Horizon, there is commonly noted the Points of the Compafs. Without the before-men- tioned Circle there is drawn the Ecliptic with its Divifions into Signs and De- grees, and a Circle of Months and Days: The Uſe of theſe two Circles is to ferve as a Kalendar to fhew the Sun's Place at any Time of the Year, and by that Means to find his Place in the Ecliptic drawn upon the Globe itſelf. The Vertical Circles, and the Paral- lels of Altitude, are ſupplied by a thin Plate of Braſs, having a Nut and Screw `at one End to faften it to the Brafs Me- ridian in the Zenith Point; which be- ing done, the lower End of it may be. put between the Globe it felf and the inner Edge of the Horizon, and fo tur- ned round about to any Point' required. The Sect. 1. Of the GLOBES. 65 The fiducial Edge thereof reprefenting the Vertical Circles, and the Degrees upon it, defcribing the Parallels of Al- titude. This thin Plate is called the Quadrant Quadrant of Altitude. The Center of the Horizon being the Place of Obfervation, it is evident that this Circle, and all the others be- longing to it, are continually changed, which Way foever we move; wherefore we may ſuppoſe the Horizon, with its Secundaries and Parallels, to inveſt the Globe like a Rete or Net; and to be moveable every Way round. This is very naturally illuftrated by the Globes; if we move directly North or directly South, the Change made in the Horizon is repreſented by moving the Brafs Me- ridian (keeping the Globe from turning about its Axis) in the Notches made in the Wooden Horizon, juft fo much as we travelled. If our Courfe fhould be due Eaft or due Weft, the Alterations made thereby are reprefented by turning the Globe accordingly about its Axis, the Brafs Meridian being kept fixed; and if we ſteer betwixt the Meridian and the Eaſt or Weſt Points, then we are to turn the Brafs Meridian, and alfo the Globe about its Axis accordingly, the F Súm of Alti- tude. 66 The Defcription and Uje 1 Sum of which is, let the Spectator be in what Point foever of the Earth's Surface he'll there gravitate or tend exactly to- wards its Center, and imagine himſelf to be on the higheſt Part thereof, (the Unevenneſs of the Ground not being here confidered) wherefore if we turn the Globe in fuch a Manner as to bring the feveral progreffive Steps of a Traveller fucceffively to the Zenith, we fhall then have the fucceffive Alterations made in the Horizon, in every Part of his Jour- ney. This Explication being well con- fidered, will be of Help to young Begin- ners, to conceive how the Earth is every where habitable, and how Paffengers çan travel quite round it; for fince every Thing tends towards the Center of the Earth, we are to conceive that Point as being the loweſt, and not to carry our Idea of downwards any farther: Thoſe that are diametrically oppoſite to us be- ing as much upon the upper Part of the Earth as we are, there being no fuch Thing in Nature as one Place being higher then another, but as it is at a greater Diſtance from the Center of the Earth, let it be in what Country foever. We have now done with all the Cir- cles of the sphere, and it may be ob ferved Sect. 1. Of the GLOBE'S. 87 { ferved, that the Equinoctial, the Ecliptic, and the Horizon, with their Secundaries and Paraliels, are all alike; and altering their Pofition, may be made to ferve for one another. Thus, if the Foles of the World be brought into the Zenith and Nadir, the Equinoctial will coincide with the Horizon, the Meridians will be the fame with the Vertical Circles, and the Parallels of Declination will be the Pa- rallels of Altitude. After the fame Man- ner, if ſhifting the Pofition we bring the Ecliptic to coincide with the Horizon, the Circles of Longitude will be the Vertical Circles, and the Parallels of Latitude and Altitude will coincide. The Horizon and the Equator may be either parallel, perpendicular, or o- blique to each other. 15. A Parallel Sphere is that Pofition Parallel where the Equator coincides with the Sphere. Horizon, and confequently the Poles of the World are in the Zenith and Nadir: The Inhabitants of this Sphere (if there be any) are thoſe who live under the Poles of the World. 16. A Right or Direct Sphere is that Right Pofition where the Equator is perpen-Sphere. F 2 dicular 68 The Defcription and Ufe dicular to the Horizon, the Inhabitants whereof are thofe who live under the Equinoctial. Oblique 17. An Oblique Sphere is when the Sphere. Equinoctial and the Horizon make o- blique Angles with each other, which every where happens but under the Equator and the Poles. The Arch of any Parallel of Declina- tion, which ſtands above the Horizon is Diurnal called the Diurnal Arch; and the re- maining Part of it, which is below the Horizon, is called the Nocturnal Arch. and Noc turnal Arch. Right That Point of the Equinoctial which Eaftern Part of the Ho- { Baftern comes to the Western rizon with any Point of the Heavens, is called the SAfcenfion Defcenfion S } of that Point, counted from the Beginning of; andif it be in a right Sphere, the Afcenfion or Defcenfion is called Right; but if it bẹ an oblique Sphere, it is called an oblique Afcenfion or Defcenfion. So that, 18. The Right Afcenfion of the Sun, Afcenfion Moon, or any Star, &c. is an Arch of the Equator contained betwixt the Be- 1 gin- Sect. I. Of the GLOBES. 69 ginning of v, and that Point of the Equinoctial which riſes with them in a Right Sphere, or which comes to the Meridian with them in an oblique Sphere. 19. Oblique Afcenfion, or Defcenfion, is an Arch of the Equinoctial intercep- ted between the Beginning of, and that Point of the Equator which riſes or fets with any Point in the Heavens in an oblique Sphere. Afcenfion, 20. Afcenfional Difference, is the Aſcenfional Difference betwixt the right and oblique Difference. Afcenfion or Defcenfion, and fhews how long the Sun rifes or fets before or after the Hour of Six. IV. Of the Divifion of Time, The Parts that Time is diftinguiſhed into, are Days, Hours, Weeks, Months and Years. A Day is either Natural or Artificial. any A Natural Day is the Space of Time Natural elapſed while the Sun goes from and Arti- Meridian or Horary Circle, till he arrives ficial Day. to the fame again; or, it is the Time contain'd from Noon, or any particular Hour, F. 3 79 The Defcription and Ufe. Hours,&c. Hour, to the next Noon, or the fame Hour again; An Artificial Day is the Time betwixt the Sun's Rifing and Set- ting; to which is oppofed the Night that is, the Time the Sun is hid under the Horizon. The Natural Day is divided into 24 Hours, cach Hour into 60 Minutes, each Minute into 60 Seconds, &c. The Ar- tificial Days are always unequal to all the Inhabitants that are not under the- Equator except when the Sun is in the Equinoctial Points and, which happens (according to our Way of reck- oning) about the 21ft of March and 23d of September; at thofe Times the Sun rifes at fix and fets at fix, to all the Inhabitants of the Earth. Thele Days Equinoxes are called the Equinoxes, or Equinoctial Days; the first of which, or when the Sun is in the firft Point of Aries, is cal- led the Vernal Equinox, and the latter is Autumnal called the Autumnal Equinox. In all Equinox Places where the Sun decends below the Vernal and Horizon, excepting under the Equator, the Days continually lengthen or fhorten and that fafter or flower, according as the Sun is nearer to, or further from the Equinoctial, untill he arrives to ei- ther of the Soiftitial Points or . At thofe 1 Sect. I Of the G L O BE S. 75 thoſe Times the Sun feems to ftand ftill for a few Days, and then he begins to return with a flow Motion towards the Equinoctial, ftill haftening his Pace as Le comes nearer to it: The sun enters the Tropics of and, about the 21ft of June, and the 22d of December, which Days are fometimes called the Solstices; Solftices. the firft of which we call the Summer Summer Solstice, and the latter the Winter Solstice.Solstice. All Nations do not begin their Day The Dif- and reckon their Hours alike. In Great-ferent Be- Britain, France and Spain, and in noftging of the Day Places in Europe, the Day is reckoned to begin at Midnight, from whenceis coun- ted 12 Hours till Noon, then twelve Hours more till next Midnight, which makes a compleat Day; yet the Afirono- mers (in thefe Countries) commonly be- gin their Day at Noon, and ſo reckon 24 Hours till next Noon, and not twice. twelve according to the vulgar Compu- tation. The Babylonians began their Day at Sun-rifing, and reckoned 24 Hours till he roſe again! This Way of Computa- tion we call the Babylonish Hours. In Babylonifo ſeveral Parts of Germany they count their Hours. Hours from Sun-fetting, calling the firſt 1 F 4 Hour 72 The Defcription and Uſe ' Hour after the Sun has fet the fi ft Hour, &c. till he fets the next Day, which 24 they call the 24th Hour: Thefe are com- Italian monly called the Italian Hours. Accord Hours. ing to both thefe Ways of Computation, their Hours are commonly either a little greater or lefs than the Part of a natural Day, in Proportion as the Sun rifes or fets fooner or later in the fucced- ing Days. They have alſo this Incon- venience, that their Mid-day and Mid- night happen on different Hours, ac- cording to the Seaſons of the Year. Hours. The Jews and the Romans formerly di- vided the artificial Days and Nights each into 12 equal Parts; these are termed wish the Jewish Hours, and are of differ- ent Lengths according to the Seaſons of the Year; a Jewish Hour in Summer being longer than one in Winter, and a Night-Hour fhorter. This Method of Computation is now in Ufe among the Turks, and the Hours are ftiled the first Hour, Jecond Hour, &c. of the Day or Night; fo that Mid-day always falls up- Planetary on the fixth Hour of the Day. Theſe Hours. Hours are alfo called Planetary Hours, becauſe in every Hour one of the ſeven Planets were fuppofed to prefide over the World and fo take it by Turns. The first * Sect. 1. Of the GLOBES. 73 firſt Hour after Sun-rifing on Sunday was allotted to the Sun; the next to Ve nus; the third to Mercury; and the reſt in Order to the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. By this Means on the firſt Hour of the next Day the Moon prefided and fo gave the Name to that Day; and fo feven Days by this Method had Names given them from the Planets that were ſuppoſed to govern on the firſt Hour. A Week is a Syſtem of ſeven Days, in A Week, which each Day is diftinguiſhed by a different Name. In moft Countries theſe Days are called after the Names of the feven Planets, as above noted. All Na- tions that have any Notion of Religion, lay apart one Day in feven for public Worſhip the Day folemniz'd by Chrif- tians is Sunday, or the fift Day of the Week, being that on which our Saviour rofe from the Grave, on which the Apo- ftles afterwards uſed more particularly to aſſemble together to perform Divine Worship. The Jews obferved Saturday pr the feventh Day of the Week, for their Sabbath, or Day of Reft, being that appointed in the fourth Commandment under the Law. The Turks perform their Religious Ceremonies on Friday. A 3 74 The Defcription and Ufe 4 Monih dical A Month is properly a certain Space of Time meaſured by the Moon in its Courſe round the Earth. A Lunar Month is either Periodical or Synodical. A Pe- Periodical riodical Month is that Space of Time the and Sync- Moon taks to perform her Courſe from Months. one Point of the Ecliptic till the arrives to the fame again, which is 27 Days and fome odd Hours; and a Synodical Month is the Time betwixt one New Moon, and the next New Moon, which is commonly about 29 Days. But a Civil Month is different from thefe, and confifts of a certain Number of Days, fewer or more, according to the Laws and Cuſtoms of the Country where they are obſerved. de. eal and र The compleateſt Period of Time is a Year, in which all the variety of Seafons return, and afterwards being a-new. A Year is either Aftronomical or Civil. An A Year Sy- Aftronomical Year is either a Sydereal, Tropical. wherein the Sun departing from a fixed Star, returns to it again; or Tropical, which is the Space of Time the Sun takes to perform his Courfe from any Point of the Ecliptic till he returns to it again. A. Sect. I Of the GLOBE Ş. 75 } 5 A Tropical Year confifts of 365 Days, Hours and 49 Minutes; this is the Time in which all the Seaſons com- pleatly return, which is a ſmall matter leſs then a Sydereal Year. The Civil Year is the fame with the Political eſtabliſhed by the Laws of a Country; and is either moveable or im- moveable. The moveable Year confifts of 365 Days, being lefs then the Tro- pical Year by almoft fix Hours, and is called the Egyptian Year, becauſe ob-Egyptian ferved in that Country. The Romans divided the Year into 12 Kalender Months, to which they gave particular Names, and are ſtill retained by moſt of the European Nations, viz. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. The Number of Days in each Month may be known by the following Verſes Thirty Days bath September, April, June, and November; February hath Twenty-eight alone, And all the reft have Thirty-one. Thẹ Itar. 76 The Defcription and Ufe The Year is alfo divided into four Quarters or Seaſons, viz. Spring, Sum- mer, Autumn, and Winter. Thefe Quar- ters are properly made when the Sun enters into the Equinoctial and Solftitial Points of the Ecliptic; but in Civil Ufes they are differently reckoned according to the Cuftoms of feveral Countries. In England we commonly reckon the first Day of January to be the firſt in the Year, which is therefore vulgarly called New-Year's-Day; but in Politi- cal and Ecclefiaftical Affairs, the Year is reckoned to commence on Lady-Day, which is the 25th of March; and from thence to Midfummer-Day, which is the 24th of June, is reckoned the fi ft Quar- ter; from Midſummer-Day to Michael- mas-Day, which is the 29th of September, is the ſecond Quarter; the third Quar- ter is reckoned from Michaelmas-Day to Christmas-Day, which is the 25th of December; and from Christmas-Day to Lady-Day, is reckoned the laſt Quarter in the Year. In common Affairs, a Quarter is reckoned from a certain Day to the fame in the fourth Month follow- ing. Sometimes a Month is reckoned four Weeks, or 28 Days, and fo a Quar- ter 12 Weeks. To all the Inhabitants in Sect. I Of the Ĝ L O BE S. 77 ་ཝཱ SNorthern? in the Southern S Hemiſphere, their Midfummer is properly when the Sun is in the Tropic of of Cancer. 2 Capricorn S and their Midwinter at the oppofite Time of the Year; but thofe who live under the Equinoctial have two Winters, &c. when the Sun is in either Tropic; tho indeed properly, there is no Seafon that may be called Winter in thoſe Parts of the World. The Egyptian Year of 365 Days be- ing lefs then the true Solar Year by al- moft fix Hours, it follows, that four fuch Years are lefs then four Solar Years by a whole Day; and therefore in 365 Times four Years, that is, in 1460 Years, the Beginning of the Years move through all the Seaſons. To remedy this In- conveniency, Julius Cæfar (confidering that the fix Hours, which remain at the end of every Year will in four Years make a natural Day) ordered that every fourth Year ſhould have an intercalary Day, which therefore confifts of 366 Days; the Day added was put in the Month of February, by poftponing St. Matthias's Day, which in common Years fall on the 24th, to the 25th of the faid Month, 酆 ​78 The Deſcription and Ufe Month, all the fixed Feafts in the Year from thence forwards falling a Week-day + later then otherwife they would, VAc- Biflextile, cording to the Roman Way of reckon- or Leap ing, the 24th of February was the fixth Year. of the Kalends of March, and it was ordered that for this Year the e fhould be two fixths, or that the fixth of the Kalends of March ſhould be twice re- peated; upon which account the Year was called Biffextile, which we now call the Leap-Year. + + To find whether the Year of our Lord be Leap-Year, or the firft, fecond, or third after; divide it by four, and the remainder, if there be any, fhews how many Years it is after Leap Year ; but if there be no Remainder, then that Year is Leap-Year: Or you may omit the Hundreds and Scores, and divide the Refidue by 4, Examp. 1757, omitting the Hundreds and the Twenties, I di- vide the Refidue 17 by 4, and the Re- mainder fhews it to be the firſt after Leap-Year. This Method of reckoning the Year, viz. making the common Year to con- fift of 365 Days, and every fourth Year to have 366 Days, is now uſed in Great- Britain } Séct. I Of the GLOBES. 79 $ ↑ Britain and Ireland, and fome of the Northern Parts of Europe, and is called the Julian Account, or the Old Style.Julian Ac- But the Time appointed by Julius Caefar count or be Old Style. for the Length of a Solar Year is too much; for the Sun finishes his Courfe in the Ecliptic in 365 Days, 5 Hours and 49 Minutes, which is 11 Minutes lefs then the Civil Year; and therefore he again begins his Circuit 11 Minutes before the Civil Year is ended; and fo much being gained every Year, amounts in 131 Years, to a whole Day. So that if the Sun in any Year entered the Equi- nox upon the 20th of March at Noon, after the Space of 131 Years, he'll enter the fame Point on the fame Hour on the 19th of March. And therefore the Equinoxes will not always fall on the fame Day of the Month, but by Degrees will move towards the Beginning of the Year.co At the Time of the Council of Nice, (when the Terms were fettled for ob- ferving of Eaſter) the Vernal Equinox fell upon the 21st of March; but by its falling backwards II Minutes every Year, is was found that in Anno 1582, when the Kalender was corrected, the Sun en- tered the Equinoctial Circle on the 11th of 80 The Defcription and Uſe of March, having departed ten whole Days from its former lace in the Year; and therefore Pope Gregory the XI:1th, defigning to place the Equinoxes in their Situation with refpect to the Year, took thefe ten Days out of the Kalender, and ordered that the 11th of March fhould be reckoned as the Twenty-firft: And to prevent the Seafons of the Year from going backwards for the future, he or dered every hundredth Year, which in the Julian Form was to bea Biffextile, fhould be a common Year, and confift only of 365 Days; but that being too much, every fourth Hundred was to remain Bifextile This Form of reckoning be- ing eſtabliſhed by the Authority of Pope" Account, or Gregory XIII. is called the Gregorian New Style Account, or the New Style; and is ob- ſerved in all the Countries where the Authority of the Pope is acknowledged and likewiſe by feveral Nations of the reformed Religion. There being now above an hundred Years paft, fince this Reformation was made in the Kalender. the Gregorian Account has accordingly got before the Julian one Day more then it was in the Time of its Inftitu- tion, the Difference between theſe two Accounts being now eleven Days; fo that the firft Day of any Month, according Gregorian to Sect. 2: 81 Of the GLOBE s. to that Way of reckoning, is the 12th of the fame Month according to the New Style. I fhall conclude this Section with a brief Account of the Atmoſphere. The Atmosphere is that thin Body of Atmo Airwhich furrounds the Earth, in which Sphere. the Clouds hover, and by which in their Deſcent they are broke into Drops of Rain; which fometimes according to the Warmth or Coldneſs of Air, are froze into Snow, or Hailftones. Thunder and Lightning are alſo made in the At- mosphere, and Wind is nothing elſe but a Percuffion of the Air, occafioned by its different Denſity in different Places. The Benefits we receive from the Atmo- ſphere are innumerable; without Air no earthly Creature could live, as is plainly proved by Experiments made by the Air-Pump; and the wholfomeneſs of a Climate chiefly depends upon that of its Air: If there was no Atmoſphere to reflect the Rays of the Sun, no Part of the Heavens would be lucid and bright, but that wherein the Sun was placed; and if a Spectator fhould turn his Back towards the Sun, he would immediately perceive it to be quite dark, and the leaft™ G 82 The Deſcription and Uſe } A leaſt Stars would be ſeen ſhining as they do in the cleareſt Night; and the Sun immediately before his fetting would fhine as brisk as at Noon, but in a Moment as foon as he got below the Horizon, the whole Hemiſphere of the Earth would be involved in as great a Darkneſs as if it were Midnight. But by means of the Atmoſphere it happens, that while the Sun is above the Horizon, the whole Face of the Hea- vens is ſtrongly illuminated by its Rays, ſo as to obfcure the faint Light of the Stars, and render them invifible; and after Sun-ſetting, though we receive no direct Light from him, yet we enjoy its reflected Light for fome Time: For the Atmoſphere being higher than we are, is a longer Time before it is with drawn from the Sun (as if a Man was to run to the Top of a Steeple, he might ſee the Sun after it had been fet to thoſe at the Bottom.) The Rays which the Atmo- fphere receives from the Sun, after he is withdrawn from our Sight, are by Re- fraction faintly tranfmitted to us; untill the Sun having got about 18 Degrees below the Horizon, he no longer en- lightens our Atmoſphere, and then all that Part thereof which is over us be- ' comes JJ Sect. I. 83 Of the GLOBĖ S. } > comes dark. After the fame Manner in the Morning, when the Sun comes with- in 18 Degrees of our Horizon, he again begins to enlighten the Atmoſphere, and fo more and more by Degrees, untill he rifes and makes full Day. This fmall Illumination of the Atmo- fphere, and the State of the Heavens Twilight, between Day and Night is called the or Crepuf- Twilight, or the Crepufculum. The Duration of Twilight is different in different Climates, and in the fame Place at different Times of the Year. The beginning or ending of Twilight being accurately given, we may from thence eaſily find the Height of the At- moſphere, which is not always the fame. The mean Height of the Atmoſphere is computed to be about 40 Miles; but it is probable, the Air may extend itſelf a great deal further, there being pro- perly no other Limits to it, as we can conceive, but as it continually decreaſes in Denſity the farther remote it is from the Earth, in a certain Ratio; which at laft, as to our Conception, muft in a Manner terminate. culum. G z SECT } 84 The Defcription and Uſe. 惠​券 ​惠 ​+ Latitude. *}*<}&******************** 茶茶 ​SECT. II. GEOGRAPHICAL DEFINITIONS. Of the Situations of Places upon the Earth; of the dif- ferent Situations of its Inha- bitants of Zones and Cli- mates. T ; HE Situations of Places upon the Earth are determined by their Latitude and Longitude. 1. The Latitude of any Place (upon · the Earth) is its neareſt Diſtance, either North or South, from the Equator; and if the Place be in the SNorthern? Southern ſphere, it is accordingly called Hemi- North? South Latitude; and is meaſured by an Arch of the Meridian intercepted betwixt the Zenith of the faid Place and the Equator. And all Places that lie on the fame Side, and at the fame Distance from the Equa- tor, Sect. 2. 85 Of the GLOBES. tor, are faid to be in the fame Parallel of Latitude: the Parallels in Geography being the fame with the Parallels of De- clination in Aftronomy. From this Definition ariſe the follow- ing Corollaries. (1.) That no Place can have above 90 Degrees of Latitude, either North or South. 2.) Thofe Places that lie under the Equinoctial (or thro' which the Equator paſſes) have no Latitude, it being from thence that the Calculation of Latitudes is counted; and thofe Places that lie under the Poles have the greatest Latitude, thofe Points being at the greateſt Diſtance from the Equator. (3.) The Latitude of any Place is al- ways equal to the Elevation of the Pole in the fame Place above the Horizon ; and is therefore often expressed by the Pole's Height, or Elevation of the Pole; the Reafon of which is, becaufe from the Equator to the Pole there is always the Diſtance of 90 Degrees, and from the Zenith to the Ho- rizon the fame Number of Degrees, each of thefe including the Distance from the Zenith to the Pole: That Distance there- fore 86 The Defcription and Uſe fore being taken away from both, will leave. the Distance from the Zenith to the Equa- tor, (which is the Latitude) equal to the Distance from the Pole to the Horizon. (4) The Elevation of the Equator in any Place is always equal to the Complement of the Latitude of the fame Place. (5.) A Ship failed directly } towards? from the Equator Lements ber Latitude, } the Pole) juſt ſo much (or Raifes Depreſſes as is ber Diſtance failed, Difference 2. Difference of Latitude is the neareſt of Lati- Sude. Diſtance betwixt any two Parallels of Latitude, fhewing how far the one is to the Northward or Southward of the o- ther, which can never exceed 180 Degrees. And when the two Places are in the fame Hemiſphere (or on the fame fide of the Equator) the leffer Latitude ſub- ftracted from the greater, and when they are on different Sides of the Equa- ror, the two Latitudes added, gives the Difference of Latitude. 3. The Sect. 2: of the GLOBES. 87 3. The Longitude of any Place (upon Longitude. the Earth) is an Arch of the Equator, contained betwixt the Meridian of the given Place, and fome fixed or known Meridian; or, it is equal to the Angle formed by the two Meridians, which properly can never exceed 180 Degrees, tho' ſometimes the Longitude is counted Eaſterly quite round the Globe. Since the Meridians are all moveable, and not one that can be fixed in the Heavens, (as the Equinoctial Circle is fixed, from whence the Latitudes of all Places are determined to be fo much either North or South) the Longitudes of Places cannot fo well be fixed from any other Meridian, but every Geogra- pher is at his Liberty to make which he pleaſes his firſt Meridian, from whence to calculate the Longitudes of other Places. Hence it is that Geographers of different Nations reckon their Lon- gitudes from different Meridians, com- monly chufing the Meridian paffing through the Metropolis of their own Country for their firft: Thus, the En- glish Geograghers generally make the Meridian of London to be their first, the French that of Paris, and the Dutch that of Amfterdam, &c. and Mariners gene- + 88 The Defcription and Ufe generally reckon the Longitude from the laſt known Land they faw. This arbitrary Way of reckoning the Longi- tude from different Places, makes it ne- ceffary, whenever we expreſs the Lon- gitude of any Place, that the Place from whence it is counted be alfo expreffed. From the preceding Definitions ariſe the following Corollaries-: 1. If a Body ſhould ſteer directly North, or directly South, quite round the Globe, he'll continually change his Latitude; and paſs through the two Poles of the World, without deviating the least from the Me- ridian of the Place he departed from ; and confequently on his Return will not differ in his Account of Time from the People refiding in the faid Place. 2. If a Body fhould fteer round the Globe, either due Eaft or due Weft, he'll continu- ally change his Longitude, but will go quite round without altering his Latitude; and if his Courfe fhould be due Eaft, he'll gain a Day compleatly in his Reckoning, or reekon one Day more than the Inhabitants of the Place from whence he departed; and if his Courfe had been Weft, he would have loft one Day, or reckon one lefs. The } Sect. 2. Of the GLOBE S. 89 The Reaſon of which is evident; for admitting our Traveller fteers due Eaſt fo many Miles in one Day as to make his Difference of Longitude equivalent to a Quarter of an Hour of Time, it is evident that the next Day the Sun will rife to him a Quarter of an Hour foon- er than to the Inhabitants of the Place from whence he departed; and fo daily, in Proportion to the Rate he travels, which in going quite round will make up one natural Day. In like Manner, if he ſteers due Weft after the fame Rate, he'll lengthen each Day a Quarter of an Hour, and confequently the Sun will riſe to him ſo much later every Day; by which Means, in going quite round, he'll loſe one Day compleat in his Reck- oning. From whence it follows, 3. If two Bodies fhould fet out from the fame Place, one fteering East, and the other Weft, and fo continue their Courfes quite round, untill they arrive at the Place from whence they fet out, they'll differ two Days in their Reckoning at the Time of their Return. 4. If a Body ſhould ſteer upon an Oblique Courfe (or any where betwixt the Meridi- an and the Eaft or Weft Points), he'll con- 90 The Deſcription and Uſe continually change both Latitude and Lon- gitude, and that more or less, according to the Courſe be fteers; and if he should go quite round the Globe, he'll differ in his Account of Time, as by the Jecond Corol. 1 5. The People refiding in the Eafter- most of any two Places will reckon their Time fo much the fooner than those who live in the other Place, according to the Dif ference of Longitude betwixt the two Pla- ces, allowing one Hour for every 15 De- grees, &c. and the contrary. II. Of Zones and Climates, &c. 4. Zones are large Tracts of the Sur- face of the Earth, diftinguiſhed by the Tropics and Polar Circles, being five in rid,Tempe- Number; viz. one Torrid, two Tempe- rate, and rate, and two Frigid. Zones Tor- Frigid. The Torrid or Burning Zone is all the Space comprehended between the two Tropics, the Antients imagined this Tract of the Earth to be uninhabitable, becauſe of the exceffive Heat, it being fo near the Sun. All the Inhabitants of the Torrid Zone have the Sun in their Zenith, or exactly over their Heads twice in every Year; excepting thoſe who live } ex- } 1 1 { Sect. 1. Of the GLOBES. exactly under the two Tropics, where the Sun comes to their Zenith only once in a Year. The two Temperate Zones lie on ei- ther Side of the Globe, between the Tropics and the Polar Circles. The two Frigid Zones are thofe Spa- ces upon the Globe that are included within the two Polar Circles. ans. 91 The Inhabitants of the Earth are alſo diſtinguiſhed by the Diverſity of their Shadows. Thoſe who live in the Torrid Zone are called Amphifcians, becauſe Amphifci- their Noon-Shadow is caft different Ways, according as the Sun is to the Northward or Southward of their Ze- nith; but when the Sun is in their Ze- nith, they are called Afcians. Afcians. The Inhabitants of the Temperate Zones are called Heterofcians, becauſe Heterfei their Noon-Shadow is always caft the ans. fame Way: But thoſe who live under the Tropics are called Afcians Heterofci- Afcians He- ans; thoſe who live in the Frigid Zones ferocians. are called Perifcians, becauſe fometimes their Shadow is caft round about them. Theſe Perifcians. 92 The Defeription and Uſe > Periæci. Antoeci. 글 ​Theſe hard Names are only Greek Words, importing how the Sun cafts the Shadow of the feveral Inhabitants of the Earth; which would be a too tri- fling Diſtinction to be made here, was it not for the fake of complying with Cuftom. The Inhabitants of the Earth are alfo diſtinguiſhed into three Sorts, in refpect to their relative Situation to one another, and theſe are called the Periæci, Antæci, and Antipodes. 5. The Periaci are thoſe who live under oppofite Points of the fame Paral- lel of Latitude. They have their Sea- fons of the Year at the fame Time, and their Days and Nights always of the fame Length with one another, but the one's Noon is the other's Midnight; and when the Sun is in the Equinoctial, he riſeth with the one when he fets with the other. Thoſe who live under the Poles have no Periæci, 6. The Antæci live under the fame Meridian, and in the fame Latitude, but on different Sides of the Equator; their Seaſons of the Year are contrary, and the Days of the one are equal to the Sect. 2. Of the GLOBE S. 93 the Nights of the other, but the Hour of the Day and Night is the fame with both; and when the Sun is in the Equi- noctial, he riſes and fets to both exactly at the fame Time. Thoſe who live un- der the Equator have no Anteci. 7 The Antipodes are thoſe who live Antipodes. diametrically oppofite to one another, ſtanding, as it were, exactly Feet to Feet: Their Days and Nights, Summer and Winter, are at direct contrary Times. The Surface of the Earth is by fome diſtinguiſhed into Climates. 8. A Climate is a Tract of the Sur-Climates. face of the Earth, included between two fuch Parallels of Latitude, that the Length of the longeſt Day in the one ex- ceeds that in the other by half an Hour. The whole Surface of the Earth is confidered, as being divided into 60 Cli- mates, viz. from the Equator to each of the Polar Circles 24, arifing from the Difference of Hour in the Length of their longeſt Days; and from the Polar Circles to the Poles themſelves are fix, arifing from the Difference of an entire I 2 Month, 94 The Deſcription and Ufe. 1 Month, the Sun being feen in the firſt of theſe a whole Month without fetting; in the ſecond two; and in the third, three Months, &c. Thefe Climates continually decreaſe in Breadth, the farther they are from the Equator. How they are framed, viz. the Parallel of Latitude in which they end (that being likewiſe the Beginning of the next) with the reſpective Breadth of each of them, is fhewed in the following Table : 1 J $ Á TÁ≤ Sect. 1. 95 Of the GLOBE s. A ATABLE of the CLIMATES. cı AT CLIMATES between the Equator and the Polar 童 ​Circles. Cli-Longeft Latitude. Breadth Day. D. M. \D. M. mates Day. ~ 2 W N HIN Cli- Longeft Latitude. Breadth mutes. Day. D. M. D. M. 1859 58 61 18 I 12 / 8 25 8 25 13 1 29 13 16 25 8 00 14 19 I 20 3 13 / 2350 7 25 4 14 30 25 6 30 16 1962 25 20 63 22 I 7 • 57 56 200 14 KIN 4556 36 28 6 8 17 15 7 15 8 16 9 16 / 51 58 54 27 10 17 41 22 4 54 18 78 20 64 6 • 44 21 64 49 0 43 45 29 4 7 19 49 I 3 32 20 2165 21 0 32 22 65 47 O 26 2 57 21 22 66 6 o 19 2 29 22 23 66 20 0 14 11 17 12 18 HIN 56 37 2 10 23 236628 8 58 29 1 52 24 24 66 31 0 3 CLIMATES between the Polar Circles and the Poles. Length of Days. Latitude. Length of Days. Latitude. Months. I W N Mot 3 D. M. 67 21 Months. 2 69 48 73 37 456 D. M. 78 30 84 5 00 Oo 1 III. Of 26 The Defcription and Ufe Acronical. III. Of the Poetical Rifing and Setting of the Stars. The Ancient Poets make frequent Cofmical, Mention of the Stars Rifing and Setting, and Helia- either Cofmically, Acronically, or Helia- cal Rifing cally; whence theſe Diſtinctions are cal and Set- led Poetical. ting. A Star is faid to rife or fet Cofmically, when it riſes or fets at Sunrifing; and when it rifes or fets at Sun-fetting, it is faid to riſe or ſet Acronically. A Star riſes Heliacally, when firft it becomes vifible, after it had been fo near the Sun as to be hid by the Splendor of his Rays: And a Star is faid to fet Heliacally, when it is firft immerfed, or hid by the Sun's Rays. } The Fixed Stars, and the three fupe- rior Planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; rife Heliacally in the Morning; but the Moon rifes Heliacally in the Evening, becauſe the Sun is fwifter than the fupe- rior Planets, and flower than the Moon. IV. Of the Surface of the Earth, confide- red as it is compofed of Land and Water. The Earth confifts naturally of two Parts, Land and Water, and therefore Sect. 2. Of the GLÓ BE´S. 97 } it is called the Terraqueous Globe. Each of thefe Elements is fubdivided into various Forms and Parts, which ac- cordingly are diftinguiſhed by different Names * 1 I. Of the Land. The Land is diftinguiſhed into Con- tinents, Ilands, Peninfuld's, Ifthmus's, Promontories, Mountains, or Coafts. 9. A Continent is a large Quantity Continents of Land, in which many great Countries are joined together, without being fe- perated from each other by the Sea : Such are Europe, Asia, Africa, and thệ vaſt continent of America; which foùr are the principal Divifions of the Earth. A Continent is ſometimes called the Main Land. • MainLand 10. An Iſland is a Country, or Por-Iland, tion of Land, environ'd round with Water Such are Great-Britain and Ireland; Sardinia, Sicily, &c. in the Me- diterranean Sea; the Iſles of Wight, An- glefey, &c. near England. Alfo a fmall Part of dry Land, in the Midſt of a River, is called an Iſland, when compa- red to a leffer, is called the Continent; H 1 a's 98 The Defcription and Ufe [ Peninfula. Ifthmus. Promon. tory as if we compare the Isle of Wight to England, the latter may be properly cal- led the Continent. II. A Peninfula is a Part of Land almoſt environ'd with Water, ſave one narrow Neck adjoining it to the Conti- nent; or which is almoſt an Ifſland: Such is Denmark joining to Germany; alfo Africa is properly a large Peninſula join- ing to Afia. 12. An Ifthmus is a narrow Neck of Land joining a Peninſula to the Con- tinent; as the Ifthmus of Sues, which joins Africa to Afia; that of Panama joining North and South America, &c. + 13. A Promontory is a high Part of Land ftretching out into the Sea, and is often call'd a Cape, or Headland: Such is the Cape of Good Hope in the South of Africa; Cape Finiftre on the Weſt of Spain; alfo the Lizard Point, and the Land's End, are two Capes or Head- Mountain. lands on the Weft of England. A Moun- tain is a high Part of Land in the Midſt of a Country, over topping the, adjacent Parts. 4 14. Sect. 2. 99 Of the GLOBE S. 14. A Coaft or Shore is that Part of 4 Coast of Land which borders upon the Sea, whe- Shore. ther it be in Iſlands or a Continent: And that Part of the Land which is far dif- tant from the Sea, is called the Inland Inland. Country. Theſe are the ufual Diftinc- tions of the Land. The Water is diftinguiſhed into O- ceans, Seas, Lakes, Gulfs, Straits, and Rivers. 15. TheOcean, or Main The Ocean, or Main Sea, is a vaſt ſpreading Collection of Water, not Sea. divided or ſeparated by Lands running between: Such is the Atlantic or Western Ocean, between Europe and America, the Pacific Ocean, or South-Sea, &c. Note, Thofe Parts of the Ocean which border upon the Land, are called by various Names, according to thoſe of the adjacent Countries; as, the Brit- ish Sea, the Irish Sea, the French and Spaniſh Sea. 16: A Lake is a Collection of deep A Lake: tanding Water, incloſed all round with Land, and not having any vifible and open Communication with the Sea: But When this Lake is very large, it is com- H 2 monly ioo The Deſcription and Uſe A Gulf. monly called a Sea; as, the Cafpian Sea in Afia, &c. } 17. A Gulf is a Part of the Sea al- moft encompaffed with Land, or that which runs up a great Way into the Land; as, the Gulf of Venice, &c. But if it be very large, 'tis rather called an In- tand Sea; as the Baltick Sea, the Medi- terranean Sea, the Red Sea, or the Ara- bian Gulf, &c. And a ſmall Part of the Sea thus environed with Land is uſually called a Bay. If it be but a very fmall Part, or, as it were, a fmall Arm of the Sea, that runs but a few Miles between Haven. the Land, it is called a Creek or Haven. Creek or A Strait. 18. A Strait is a narrow Paffage ly- ing between two Shores, whereby two Seas are joined together; as, the Straits of Dover, between the British Channel and the German Sea; the Straits of Gib- raltar, between the Atlantick and the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean · itſelf is alſo ſometimes called the Straits. Theſe are all the neceffary Terms commonly uſed in Geography. The Names of the feveral Countries and Seas, and all the Principal Divifions of the Earth, the Reader will find exprefled upon ·Sect⋅ 2. Of the GLOBE S. IQI upon the Terreftrial Globes. To give a tolerable Account of the Produce of each country, the Genius of the People, their political Inſtitutions, &c. is pro- perly a particular Subject of itſelf, and quite foreign to our Defign. We fhall next proceed to the Uſe of the Globes; but firſt it may not be amiſs to take a fhort Review of their Appurtenances. Thoſe Circles of the Sphere that are fixed, are (as has been already ſaid ) drawn upon the Globes themſelves; thofe that are moveable, are fupplied by the Brafs Meridian, the Wooden Horizon, and the Quadrant of Altitude. 1. That Side of the Brazen Meridian, Brass Me- which is divided into Degrees, repre-ridian. ſents the true Meridian; this Side is com- monly turned towards the Eaſt, and 'tis ufual to place the Globe fo before you, that the North be to the Right-hand, and the South to the Left. The Meri- dian is divided into 4 Quadrants, each being 90 Degrees, two of which are numbered from that Part of the Equi- noctial, which is above the Horizon, to- wards each of the Poles; the other two Quadrants are numbered from the Poles towards the Equator. The Reaſon why H 3 two 102 The Defcription and Ufe Horizon. two Quadrants of the Meridian are numbered from the Equator, and the other two from the Poles, is, becauſe the former of theſe two ferve to fhew the Diſtance of any Point on the Globe from the Equator, and the other to elevate the Globe to the Latitude of the Place. 2. The upper Side of the Wooden Wooden Frame called the Wooden Horizon, re- preſents the true Horizon; the Circles drawn upon this Plane have been alrea- dy deſcribed; we may obferve, that the firſt Point of is the Eaft, and the op- pofite being the firft Point of is the Weft, the Meridian paffing through the North and South Points. Quadrant 3. The Quadrant of Altitude is a of Altitude. flexible Plate of thin Braſs, having a Nut ¿les: and Screw at one End, to be faſtened to the Meridian of either Globe, as occafion requires. The Edge of this Quadrant, which has the Graduations upon it, called the fiducial Edge, is that which is always meant whenever we make men- tion of the Quadrant of Altitude. Hour-Cir 4. The Horary or Hour-Circle is divided into twice twelve Hours, the two XII's coinciding with the Meridian; the upper Sect. 2. Of the GLOBE S. 103 uppermost XII is that at Noon, and the lower-moft towards the Horizon is XII at Night. The Hours on the East Side of the Meridian are the Morning Hours, and thoſe on the Weft Side the Hours af- ter Noon. The Axis of the Globe car- ries round the Hand or Index which points the Hour, and paſſes through the Center of the Hour Circle. The Things above deſcribed are com- mon to both Globes; but there are fome others which are peculiar or proper to one Sort of Globe. The two Colures, and the Circles of Latitude, from the Eclip- tic, belong only to the Celestial Globes; alfo the Ecliptic itſelf does properly be- long only to this Globe tho'it is always, drawn on the Terreſtrial, for the fake of thoſe that might not have the other Globe by them. The Equinoctial on the Celeſtial Globe is always numbered into 360 De- grees, beginning at the Equinoctial Point r; but on the Terreftrial, it is arbitary where theſe Numbers commence, accord- ing to the Meridian of what Place you intend for your firft; and the Degrees may be counted either quite round to 360 or both Ways, till they meet in the op- pofite Part of the Meridian at 180. H 4 SECT. 104 The Ufe of SECT. III. The USE of the GLOBES. PROBLEM I, To find the Latitude and Longitude of any given Place upon the Globe; and on the contrary, the Latitude and Longitude being given, to find the Place. I. TU URN the Globe round its Ax- is, till the given Place lies ex- actly under the (Eaſtern Side of the Brafs) Meridian, then that Degree up- on the Meridian, which is directly over it, is the Latitude; which is accordingly North or South, as it lies in the Nor- thern or Southern Hemiſphere, the Globe remaining in the fame Pofition. That Degree upon the Equator, which is cut by the Brazen Meridian, is the Longitude required from the firſt Meridian upon the Globe. If the Lon- gitude is counted both Ways from the firſt Sect. 3. 195 the GLOBE S. firſt Meridian upon the Globe, then we are to confider, whether the given place lies Eaſterly or Wefterly from the firſt Meridian, and the Longitude muſt be expreffed accordingly. The Latitudes of the following Places: and upon a Globe where the Longitude is reckon'd both Ways from the Meri- dian of London, their Longitudes will be found as follow: } Latitude. Deg. 41 North. 13 Longitude. Deg. Rome Paris 3 Eaft. 48 2 E. Mexico 20 N. 102 W. Cape Horn - - 58 S. 80 W. N. 2. The Latitude and Longitude being gi- ven to find the Place, Seek for the given Longitude in the Equator, and bring that Point to the Meridian; then count from the Equa- tor on the Meridian the Degree of La- titude given, towards the Arctic and An- tarctic Pole, according as the Latitude is Northerly or Southerly, and under that Degeee of Latitude lies the Place required. t } PROB. 106 The Ufe of } PROB. II. To find the Difference of Lati- tude betwixt any two given Places. Bring each of the Places propofed fucceffively to the Meridian, and obferve where they interfect it, then the Number of Degrees upon the Meridian, contained between the two interfections will be the Difference of Latitude required. Or, if the Places propoſed are on the fame Side of the Equator, having firſt found their Latitudes, fubftract the leffer from the greater; but if they are on contrary Sides of the Equator, add them both together, and the Difference in the firſt Cafe, and the Sum in the latter, will be the Difference of Latitude required. Thus the Difference of Latitude be- twixt London and Rome will be found to be 9 Degrees; betwixt Paris and Cape Bona Esperance 83 Degrees. 3 4 PROB. III. To find the Difference of Lon- gitude betwixt any two given Places. Bring each of the given Places fuc- ceffively to the Meridian, and ſee where the Meridian cuts the Equator each Time; the Number of Degrees con- tained betwixt thoſe two Points, if it be lefs Sect. 3. 107 the GLOBE S. lefs than 180 Degrees, otherwiſe the Remainder to 360 Degrees will be the Difference of Longitude required. Or, Having brought one of the given Places to the Meridian, bring the Index of the Hour-Circle to 12 o'clock; then having brought the other Place to the Meridian, the Number of Hours con- tained beween the Place the Index was firſt fet at, and the Place where it now points, is the Difference of Longitude in Time betwixt the two Places. Thus the Difference of Longitude be- twixt Rome and Conftantinople will be found to be 19 Degrees, or i Hour and a Quarter; betwixt Mexico and Pekin in China, 240 Degrees, or 9 Hours. I 3 PROB. IV. Any Place being given to find all thofe Places that are in the fame Latitude with the faid Place. The Latitude of any given Place be- ing marked upon the Meridian, turn the Globe round its Axis, and all thoſe Places that paſs under the fame Mark are in the fame Latitude with the given Place, and have their Days and Nights of equal Lengths. And when any Place is ย 108 · The Ufe of is brought to the Meridian, all the In- habitants that lie under the upper Semi- circle of it, have their Noon or Mid- day at the fame Point of abfolute Time exactly. PROB. V. The Day of the Month being given; to find the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic, and his Declination. 1. To find the Sun's Place: Look for the Day of the Month given in the Ka- lender of Months upon the Horizon, and right againſt it you'll find that Sign and Degree of the Ecliptic which the Sun is in. The Sun's Place being thus found, look for the fame in the Ecliptic Line which is drawn upon the Globe, and bring that Point to the Meridian, then that Degree of the Meirdian, which is directly over the Sun's Place, is the De- clination required; which is accordingly either North or South, as the Sun is in the Northern or Southern Signs. Thus, April 23 July 31 October 26 January 20 Sun's Place Deg. Min. Declination. Deg. Min. 3 00 12 32 N. 7 51 18 20 N. m 2.49 12 28 S. 49 20 07 S. PROB, Sect. 3. 1óg the GLOBE S. PROB VI. To rectify the Globe for the Latitude, Zenith, and the Sun's Place. 1. For the Latitude: If the Place be in the Northern Hemiſphere, raiſe the Artic Pole above the Horizon; but for the South Latitude you muſt raife the Antarctic; then move the Meridian up and down in the Notches, untill the De- grees of the Latitude counted upon the Meridian below the Pole, cuts the Ho- rizon, and the Globe is adjuſted to the Latitude. 2. To rectify the Globe for the Zenith: Having elevated the Globe according to the Latitude, count the Degrees thereof upon the Meridian from the Equator towards the elevated Pole, and that Point will be the Zenith or the Vertex of the Place; to this Point of the Meri- dian faften the Quadrant of Altitude, fo that the graduated Edge thereof may be joined to the faid Point. 3. Bring the Sun's Place in the Eclip- tic to the Meridian, and then fet the Hour Index to XII at Noon, and the Globe will be rectified to the Sun's Place. If you have a little Mariner's Compaſs, the Meridian of the Globe may be eafily fet to the Meridian of the Place. 1 1 110 The Ufe of PROB. VII. To find the Distance between any two given Places upon the Globe, and to find all thofe Places upon the Globe that are at the fame Distance from a given Place. Lay the Quadrant of Altitude over both the Places, and the Number of De- grees intercepted between them being re- duced into Miles, will be the Diſtance required: Or, you may take the Diſtance betwixt the two Places with a Pair of Compaffes, and applying that Extent to the Equator, you'll have the Degrees of Diſtance as before. Note, A Geographical Mile is the th Part of a Degree; whereof if you mul- tiply the Number of Degrees by 60, the Product will be the Number of Geogra- phical Miles, of Diſtance fought; but to reduce the fame into English Miles, you muſt multiply by 70, becauſe about 70 English Miles make a Degree of a great Circle upon the Superficies of the Earth. Thus, the Diſtance betwixt London and Rome will be found to be about 13 Degrees, which is 780 Geographical Miles! { Sect. 3.. III the GLOBE S. If you rectify the Globe for the Lati- tude and Zenith of any given Place, and bring the faid Place to the Meridian ; then turning the Quadrant of Altitude about, all thoſe Places that are cut by the fame Point of it are at the fame Diſtance from the given Place. PROB. VIII. To find the Angle of Pofition of Places, or the Angle formed by the Meridian of one Place, and a great Circle paffing through both the Places. Having rectified the Globe for the Latitude and Zenith of one of the given Places, bring the faid Place to the Me ridian, then turn the Quadrant of Alti- tude about, untill the fiducial Edge thereof cuts the other Place, and the Number of Degrees upon the Horizon, contained between the faid Edge and the Meridian, will be the Angle of Poſition fought. 1 Thus, the Angle of Pofition at the Lizard, between the Meridian of the Lizard and the Great Circle, paffing from thence to Barbadoes is 69 Degrees South-Wefterly; but the Angle of Po- fition between the fame Places at Barba- does, is but 38 Degrees North-Eaſterly. SHO ¡ enx } The Ufe of SCHOLIU M. D ་ The Angle of Pofition between two Places is a different Thing from what is meant by the Bearings of Places; othe Bearings of two Places is determined by a Sort of Spiral Line, called a Rhumb Line, paffing between them in fuch a Manner, as to make the fame or equal Angles with all the Meridians through which it paffeth; but the Angle or Po- fition is the very fame Thing with what we call the Azimuth in Aftronomy, both being formed by the Meridian and a great Circle paffing thro' the Zenith of a given Place in the Heavens, then called the Azimuth, or upon the Earth, then called the Angle of Pofition. } If From hence may be fhewed the Error of that Geographical Paradox, viz. a Place A bears from another B due Weſt, B ſhall not bear from A due Eaſt: I find this Paradox vindicated by an Author, who at the fame Time gives a true Definition of á Rhumb Line: But his Arguments are ungeometrical; for if it be admitted that the Eaft and Weſt Lines make the fame Angles with all the Meridians through which they pafs, it will follow that theſe Lines are the 1 Sect 3. fig the GLOBESI Pa the Parallels of Latitude: For any rallel of Latitude is the Continuation of the Surface of a Cone, whofe Sides are the Radii of the Sphere, and Circumference of its Baſe the faid Parallel; and it is evi- dent, that all the Meridians cut the faid Surface at right (and therefore at equal) Angles; whence it follows, that the Rhumbs of Eaft and Weft are the Parallels of Latitude, though the Cafe may ſeem different, when we draw inclining Lines (like Meridians) upon Paper, without carrying our Ideas any farther. PROB. IX. To find the Antœci, Perioci, and Antipodes to any given Place. Bring the given Pläce to the Meridian, and having found its Latitude, count the fame Number of Degrees on the Meri- dian from the Equator towards the con- trary Pole, and that will give the Place of the Antæci.. The Globe being ftill in the fame Pofition, fet the Hour Index to XII at Noon, then turn the Globe a- bout till the Index points to the lower XII; the Place which then lies under the Meridian, having the fame Latitude with the given Place, is the Periaci re- quired. As the Globe now ftands, the I An 114 The Use of 1 I .2 Antipodes of the given Place are under the fame Point of the Meridian, that its Antaci ftood before: Or, if you reckon 180 Degrees upon the Meridian from the given Place, that Point will be the Antipodes. Let the given Place be Lon- don in the Latitude of 1 Degrees North, that place which lies under the fame Meridian and the Latitude 514 Degrees South, is the Antaci; that which lies in the fame Parallel with London, and i80 Degrees of Longitude from it, is the Periæci, and the Antipodes is the Place whofe Longitude from London is 180 Degrees, and Latitude 51. Degrees South. I 2 PROB. X. The Hour of the Day at one Place being given; to find the correfpon- dent Hour (or what o'Clock it is at that Time) in any other Place. The Difference of Time betwixt two Places is the fame with their Difference of Longitude; wherefore having found their Difference of Longitude, reduce it into Time, (by allowing one Hour for every 15 Degrees, &c.) and if the Place where the Hour is required lies S Eafterly, ? from the Place where the Wefterly, S Hour' } sect: 3. itš the GLOBE S. Hour is given, en, Add the Differ- Subtract ence of Longitude reduced into Time Sto the Hour given; and the Sum From} or remainder will accordingly be the Hour required. Or, Having brought the Place at which the Hour is given to the Meridian, ſet the Hour Index to the given Hour; then turn the Globe about until the Place where the Hour is required comes to the Meridian, and the Index will point out the Hour at the faid Place. Thus when it is Noon at London, it is Rome Conftantinople H. M. O 52 P. M. 2 07 P. M. Vera Cruz 5- 30 A. M. Pequin in China 7 50 P. M. PROB. XI. The day of the Month being given, to find thofe Places on the Globe where the Sun will be Vertical, or in the Zenith, that Day. • Having found the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic, bring the fame to the Meridian, and note the Degree over it; then turning H 2 116 The Ufe of turning the Globe round, all Places that paſs under that Degree will have the Sun vertical that Day. > PROB. XII. A Place being given in the Torrid Zone, to find thofe two Days in which the Sun fhall be Vertical to the fame. Bring the given Place to the Meridian, and mark what Degree of Latitude is exactly over it; then turning the Globe about its Axis, thoſe two Points of the Ecliptic, which pafs exactly under the faid Mark, are the Sun's Place; againſt which, upon the Wooden Horizon, you'll have the Days required. PROB. XIII. To find where the Sun is Vertical at any given Time affign'd; or. the Day of the Month and the Hour at any Place (fuppofe London) being given, to find in what Place the Sun is Vertical at that very Time. Having found the Sun's Declination, and brought the firſt Place (London) to the Meridian, fet the Index to the given Hour, then turn the Globe about until the Index points to XII at Noon; which being done, that Place upon the Globe which Sect. 3. 117 the GLOBE S. . which ſtands under the Point of the Sun's Declination upon the Meridian, has the Sun that Moment in the Zenith. PROB. XIV. The Day, and the Hour of the Day at one Place, being given; to find all thofe Places upon the Earth, where the Sun is then Rifing, Setting, Culminating (or on the Meridian) alfo where it is Day-light, Twilight, Dark Night, Midnight; where the Twilight then begins, and where it ends; the Height of the Sun in any Part of the illuminated Hemifphere; alfo his De- preffion in the obfcure Hemisphere. Having found the Place where the Sun is Vertical at the given Hour, rectify the Globe for that Latitude, and bring the faid Place to the Meridian. Then all thofe Places that are in the Weſtern Semicircle of the Horizon, have the Sun rifing at that Time. Thoſe in the Eaſtern Semicircle have it ſetting. To thoſe who live under the upper Semicircle of the Meridian, it is 12 o' Clock at Noon. And, I 3 Thoſe 118 The Ufe of Thofe who live under the lower Semicircle of the Meridian have it at Midnight. All thofe Places that are above the Horizon, have the Sun above them, juſt fo much as the Places themſelves are diftant from the Horizon; which Height may be known by fixing the Quadrant of Altitude in the Zenith, and laying it over any particular Place. In all thoſe Places that are 18 Degrees below the Weſtern Side of the Horizon, the Twilight is just beginning in the Morning, or the Day breaks. And in all thofe Places that are 18 Degrees be- low the Eaſtern Side of the Horizon, the Twilight is ending, and the total Dark- nefs beginning. The Twilight is in all thofe Places whoſe Depreffion below the Horizon does not exceed 18 Degrees. And All thofe Places that are lower than 18 Degrees have dark Night. The Depreffion of any Place below the Horizon is equal to the Altitude of its Antipodes, which may be eaſily found by the Quadrant of Altitude. เ Sect. 3. 119 the GLOBE S. PROB. XV. The Day of the Month being given; to fhow, at one View, the Length of Days and Nights in all Places upon the Earth at that Time; and to explain How the Viciffitudes of Day and Night are really made by the Motion of the Earth round her Axis in 24 Hours, the Sun ftanding fill. The Sun always illuminates one half of the Globe, or that Hemiſphere which is next towards him, while the other remains in Darkneſs: And if (as by the laft Problem) we elevate the Globe ac- cording to the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic it is evident, that the Sun (he being at an immenſe Diſtance from the Earth) illuminates all that Hemiſphere, which is above the Horizon; the Wooden Horizon itſelf will be the Circle termi- nating Light and Darkneſs; and all thofe Places that are below it, are wholly deprived of the Solar Light. The Globe ſtanding in this Pofition, thoſe Arches of the Parallels of Latitude which ſtand above the Horizon, are the Diurnal Arches, or the Length of the Day in all thofe Latitudes at that Time of the Year; and the remaining Parts of thofe Parallels, which are below the I 4 Hori- \ 1 120 The Use of Horizon, are the Nocturnal Arches, or the Length of the Night in thofe Places. The Length of the Diurnal Arches may be found by counting how many Hours are contained between the two Meri- dians, cutting any Parallel of Latitude, in the Eaſtern and Weftern Parts of the Horizon. In all thoſe Places that are in the Weſtern Semicircle of the Horizon, the Sun appears rifing: For the Sun, ftanding ftill in the Vertex, (or above the Brafs Meridian) appears Eafterly, and 90 Degrees diftant from all thofe Places that are in the Weſtern Semicircle of the Horizon; and therefore in thoſe Places he is then rifing. Now, if we pitch upon any particular Place upon the Globe, and bring it to the Meridian, and then bring the Hour Index to the lower 12, which in this Cafe we'll fup- pofe to be 12 at Noon; (becauſe other- wife the Numbers upon the Hour Circle will not anfwer our Purpoſe) and after- wards turn the Globe about, until the aforefaid Place be brought to the Weſtern Side of the Horizon; the In- dex will then' fhew the Time of the Sun rifing in that Place. Then turn the Globe gradually about from Weſt fact to ← Sect. 3. the GLOBE S. "121 7 to Eaft, and minding the Hour-Index, we ſhall ſee the Progreſs made in the Day every Hour, in all Latitudes upon the Globe, by the real Motion of the Earth round its Axis; until, by their continual Approach to the Brafs Meri- dian (over which the Sun ftands ſtill all the while) they at laſt have Noon Day, and the Sun appears at the higheſt; and then by Degrees, as they move Eaſterly, the Sun feems to decline Weftward, until, as the Places fucceffively arrive in the Eaſtern Part of the Horizon, the Sun appears to ſet in the Weſtern: For the Places that are in the Horizon, are 90 Degrees diftant from the Sun. We may obferve, that all Places upon the Earth, that differ in Latitude have their Days of different Length (except when the Sun is in the Equinoctial) being longer or fhorter, in proportion to what Part of the Parallels ftand above the Horizon. Thoſe that are in the fame Latitude, have their Days of the fame Length; but have them commence fooner or later, ac- cording as the Places differ in Longitude. PROB. XVI. To explain in general the Alteration of Seaſons, or Length of the Days and Nights, made in all Places of the World, by the Sun's (or the Earth's). annual Motion in the Ecliptic. 122 The Ufe of It has been fhewed in the laft Pro- blem, how to place the Globe in fuch a Pofition, as to exhibit the length of the Diurnal and Nocturnal Arches in all Places of the Earth, at a particular Time: If the Globe be continually recti- fied, according as the Sun alters his Declination (which may be known by bringing each Degree of the Ecliptic fucceffively to the Merdian) you'll fee the gradual Increafe or Decreaſe made in the Days in all Places of the World, ac- cording as a greater or leffer Portion of the Parallels of Latitude ftands above the Horizon. We fhall illuftrate this Problem by Examples taken at different Times of the Year. 2 -/-/- 1. Let the Sun be in the firſt Point of (which happens on the 21st of June) that Point being brought to the Meri- dian, will fhew the Sun's Declination to be 23 Degrees North; then the Globe muſt be rectified to the Latitude of 23 Degrees; and for the better Illuftration of the Problem, let the firft Meridian upon the Globe be brought under the Brafs Meridian. The Globe being in this Pofition you'll fee at one View the Length of the Days in all Latitudes, by counting the Number of Hours contained between t Sect. 3. the GLOBE S. 123 between the two extreme Meridians, cutting any particular Parallel you pitch upon, in the Eaſtern and Weſtern Part of the Horizon. And you may obſerve that the lower Part of the Arctic Circle juft touches the Horizon, and confe- quently all the People who live in that Latitude have the Sun above their Hori- zon for the ſpace of 24 Hours, without fetting; only when he is in the lower Part of the Meridian (which they would call 12 at Night) he just touches the Horizon. To all thoſe who live between the Arctic Circle and the Pole, the fun does not fet, and its Height above the Hori- zon, when he is in the lower Part of the Meridian, is equal to their Diſtance from the Arctic Circle: For Example, Thofe who live in the 83d Parallel have the Sun when he is loweft at this Time 13 Degrees high. 2 If we caft our Eye Southward, to- wards the Equator, we fhall find, that the Diurnal Arches, or the Length of Days in the ſeveral Latitudes, gradually leffen: The Diurnal Arch of the Parallel of London at this Time is 16 Hours; that of the Equator (is always) 12 Hours; I and 2 124 The Use of and fo continually lefs, till we come to the Antarctic Circle, the upper Part of which juſt touches the Horizon; and thoſe who live in this Latitude have juſt one Sight of the Sun, peeping as it were in the Horizon: And all that Space between the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole, lies in total Darkneſs. If from this Pofition we gradually move the Meridian of the Globe accord- ing to the progreffive Alterations made in the Sun's Declination, by his Motion in the Ecliptic, we ſhall find the Diurnal Arches of all thofe Parallels, that are on the Northern Side of the Equator, con- tinually decreaſe; and thofe on the Southern Side continually increaſe, in the fame Manner as the Days in thofe Places fhorten and lengthen. Let us again ob- ſerve the Globe when the Sun has got within 10 Degrees of the Equinoctial; now the lower Part of the 80th Parallel of North Latitude juſt touches the Hori- zon, and all the Space betwixt this and the Pole, falls in the illuminated He- miſphere but all thofe Parallels that lie betwixt this and the Arctic Circle, which before were wholly above the Horizon, do now interfect it, and the Sun appears to them to rife and fet. From Sect. 3. 125 the GLOBE S. 墨 ​} From hence to the Equator, we fhall find that the Days have gradually ſhort- ned, and from the Equator Southward, they have gradually lengthened, until we come to the 80th Parallel of the South Latitude; the upper Part of which juſt touches the Horizon, and all Places be- twixt this and the South Pole are in total Darkneſs; but thoſe Parallels betwixt this and the Antarctic Circle, which be- fore were wholly upon the Horizon, are now partly above it; the Length of their Days being exactly equal to that of the Nights in the fame Latitude in the con- trary Hemiſphere. This also holds univerfally, that the Length of the Day in one Latitude North, is exactly equal to the Length of the Night in the fame Latitude South; and vice verfa. Let us again follow the Motion of the Sun, until he has got into the Equinoctial, and take a View of the Globe while it is in this Pofition. Now all the Parallels of Latitude are cut into two equal Parts by the Horizon, and confequently the Days and Nights are of equal Lengths, viz. 12 Hours each in all Places of the World; the Sun rifing and fetting at Six o'clock, except- ing under the two Poles, which now lie exactly ' 126 The Use of exactly in the Horizon: Here the Sun feems to ſtand ſtill in the fame Point of the Heavens for fome Time, until by Degrees, by his Motion in the Ecliptič, he afcends higher to ofte and diſappears to the other, there being properly no Days and Nights under the Poles; for there the Motion of the Earth round its Axis can't be obſerved. 1 If we follow the Motion of the Sun towards the Southern Tropic we fhall fee the Diurnal Arches of the Northern Parallels continually decreafe, and the Southern ones increafe in the fame Pro- portion according to their refpective Latitudes; the North Pole continually defcending, and the South Pole afcend- ing, above the Horizon; until the Sur arrives into, at which Time all the Space within the Antarctic Circle is a- bove the Horizon; while the Space be tween the Arctic Circle, and its neigh- bouring Pole, is in total Darkneſs. And we ſhall now find all other Circumftances quite reverſe to what they were when the Sun' was in ; the Nights now all over the World being of the fame Length that the Days were of before. V { We Sect⋅ 3. 127 the GLOBES. We have how got to the Extremity of the Sun's Declination; and if we fol- low him through the other half of the Ecliptic, and rectify the Globe accord- ingly, we fhall find the Seaſons return in their Order, until at length we bring the Globe into its firſt Pofition. The two foregoing Problems were not, as I know of, publiſhed in any Book on this Subject before; and I have dwelt the longer upon them, becauſe they very well illuftrate how the Viciffitudes of Days and Nights are made all over the World by the Motion of the Earth round her Axis; the Horizon of the Globe being made the Circle, feparating Light and Darkneſs, and fo the Sun to ſtand ſtill in the Vertex. And if we really could move the Meridian, accord- ing to the Change of the Sun's Decli- nation, we ſhould fee at one View the continual Change made in the Length of Days and Nights, in all Places on the Earth; but as Globes are fitted up, this cannot be done; neither are they adapt- ed for the common Purpoſes, in Places near the Equator, or any where in the Southern Hemiſphere. But this Incon- venience is now remedied ( at a ſmall additional Expence) by the Hour Circle being 128 The Life of > being made to shift to either Pole; and fome Globes are now made with an Hour Circle fixt to the Globe at each Pole, between the Globe and Meridian, fo as to have none without Side to `in- terrupt the Meridian from moving quite round the Wooden Horizon. PROB. XVII. To fhew by the Globes at one View, the Longest of the Days and Nights in any particular Places, at all Times of the Year: + Becauſe the Sun, by his Motion in the Ecliptic, alters his Declination a fmall Matter every Day; if we ſuppoſe all the Torrid Zone to be filled up with a fpiral Line, having fo many turnings; or a Screw having fo many Threads, as the Sun is Days in going from one Tropic to the other: And theſe Threads at the fame Diſtance from one another in all Places, as the Sun alters his De- clination in one Day in all thofe Places refpectively: This Spiral Line or Screw will repreſent the apparent Paths de- fcribed by the Sun round the Earth every Day; and by following the Thread from one Tropic to the other, and back again, we fhall have the Path the Sun feems to deſcribe round the Earth in a Year • • 1 Sect. 3. 129 the GLOBE S. 1 ! Year. But becauſe the Inclinations of thefe Threads to one another are but fmall, we may ſuppoſe each Diurnal Path to be one of the Parallels of Lati- tude drawn, or fuppofed to be drawn. upon the Globe. Thus much being pre- miſed, we ſhall explain this Problem, by placing the Globe according to ſome of the moſt remarkable Pofitions of it, as before we did for the moſt remarkable Seaſons of the Year. In the preceding Problem, the Globe being rectified according to the Sun's Declination, the upper Parts of the Parallels of Latitude, reprefented the Diurnal Arches, or the Length of the Days all over the World at that particular Time: Here we are to rectify the Globe according to the Latitude of the Place, and then the upper Parts of the Parallelš of Declination are the Diurnal Arches ; and the Length of the Days at all Times of the Year, may be here determined by finding the Number of Hours contained between the two extreme Meridians, which cut any Parallel of Declination; in the Eaſtern and Weſtern Points of the Horizon; after the fame Manner, as before we found the Length of the Day in the feveral Latitudes at a particu- lar Time of the Year. K 1. Let 130 1 , The Use of 1. Let the Place propofed be under the Equinoctial, and let the Globe be accordingly rectified for oo Degrees of Latitude, which is called a direct Pofition of the Sphere. Here all the Parallels of Latitude, which in this Cafe we'll call the Parallels of Declination, are cut by the Horizon into two equal Parts; and confequently thoſe who live under the Equinoctial, have the Days and Nights of the fame Length at all Times of the Year; and alfo in this Part of the Earth, all the Stars rife and fet, and their con- tinuance above the Horizon, is equal to their Stay below it, viz. 12 Hours. If from this Pofition we gradually move the Globe according to the feveral Alterations of Latitudes, which we will fuppofe to be Northerly; the Lengths of the Diurnal Arches will continually increaſe, until we come to a Parallel of Declination, as far diftant from the E- quinoctial, as the Place itfelf is from the Pole. This Parallel will juſt touch the Horizon, and all the Heavenly Bodies that are betwixt it and the Pole never defcend below the Horizon. In the mean time, while we are moving the Globe, the Lengths of the Diurnal Arches of the Southern Parallels of Declination, - cont sect. 3. 131 the GLOBES. continually diminiſh in the fame Pro- portion that the Northern ones increaf- ed; until we come to that Parallel of Declination which is ſo far diſtant from the Equinoctial Southerly, as the Place itſelf is from the North Pole. The up- per Part of this Parallel juft touches the Horizon, and all the Stars that are be- twixt it and the South Pole never appear above the Horizon. All the Nocturnal Arches of the Southern Parallels of De- clination, are exactly of the fame Length with the Diurnal Arches of the corref pondent Parallels of North Declination. I 2 2. Let us take a View of the Globe, when it is rectified for the Latitude of London, or 51 Degrees North. When the Sun is in the Tropic of, the Day is about 16 Hours; as he recedes from this Tropic, the Days proportionably ſhorten, until he arrives into, and then the Days are at the ſhorteſt, being now of the fame Length with the Night when the Sun was in, viz. 7 Hours. The lower Part of that Parallel of De- clination, which is 38 Degrees from the Equinoctial Northerly, juſt touches the Horizon; and the Stars that are betwixt this Parallel and the North Pole, never fet to us at London. In like Man- K 2 2 2 ner 13.2 The Uſe of ner the upper Part of the Southern Pa- rallel of 38 Degrees just touches the Horizon, and the Stars that lie be- twixt this Parallel and the South Pole are never viſible in this Latitude. ' Again, let us rectify the Globe for the Latitude of the Arctic Circle, we ſhall then find, that when the Sun is in he touches the Horizon on that Day with- out fetting, being 24 Hours compleat above the Horizon; and when he is in Capricorn, he once appears in the Hori- zon, but does not rife in the Space of 24 Hours: When he is in any other Point of the Ecliptic, the Days are longer or ſhorter according to his Diſ- tance from the Tropics. All the Stars that lie between the Tropic of Cancer, and the North Pole, never fet in this Latitude; and thofe that are between the Tropic of Capricorn, and the South Pole, are always hid below the Horizon. / If we elevate the Globe ftill higher, the Circle of perpetual Apparition will be nearer the Equator, as will that of perpetual Occultation on the other Side. For Example, Let us rectify the Globe for the Latitude of 80 Degrees North; when the Sun's Declination is 10 De- grees Sect. 3. 133 the GLOBES. 4 grees North; he begins to turn above the Horizon without ſetting; and all the while he is making his Progreſs from this Point to the Tropic of, and back again, he never fets. After the fame Manner, when his Declination is 10 De- grees South, he is juſt ſeen at Noon in the Horizon; and all the while he is going Southward, and back again, he diſappears, being hid juſt ſo long as be- fore, at the oppofite Time of the Year he appeared viſible. Let us now bring the North Pole in- to the Zenith, then will the Equinoctial coincide with the Horizon; and conſe- quently all the Northern Parallels are above the Horizon, and the Southern ones below it. Here is but one Day and one Night throughout the Year, it be- ing Day all the while the Sun is to the Northward of the Equinoctial, and Night for the other half Year. All the Stars that have North Declination, al- ways appear above the Horizon, and at the fame height; and all thoſe that are on the other Sidė, are never ſeen. What has been here faid of rectify- ing the Globe to North Latitude, holds for the fame Latitude South; only that K 3 before 134 The Uſe of : ; before the Longeſt Days were, when the Sun was in, the fame happening now when the Sun is in ; and fo of the reft of the Parallels, the Seafons being di- rectly oppofite to thoſe who live in dif- ferent Hemiſpheres. I ſhall again explain fome Things de- livered above in general Terms, by par- - ticular Problems. But from what has been already ſaid, we may firſt make the following Obfer- vations: 1. All Places of the Earth do equally enjoy the Benefit of the Sun, in respect of Time, and are equally deprived of it, the Days at one Time of the Year being exactly equal to the Nights at the oppofite Seafon. 2. In all Places of the Earth, fave ex- actly under the Poles, the Days and Nights are of equal Length (viz. 12 Hours each) when the Sun is in the Equinoctial. 3. Thofe who live under the Equinoctial have the Days and Nights of equal Lengths at all Times of the Year. 4. In all Places between the Equinoctial and the Poles, the Days and Nights are never Sect. 3. the GLOBE S. 135 1 never equal, but when the Sun is in the Equinoctial Points and . 5. The nearer any Place is to the Equa- tor, the lefs is the Difference between the Length of the Artificial Days and Nights in the faid Place; and the more remote the greater. 6. To all the Inhabitants lying under the fame Parallel of Latitude, the Days and Nights are of equal Lengths, and that at all Times of the Year. 7. The Sun is Vertical twice a Year to all Places between the Tropics; to thoſe un- der the Tropics, once a Year, but never any where elſe. 8. In all Places between the Polar Cir- cles, and the Poles, the Sun appears fome Number of Days without fetting; and at the oppofite Time of the Year he is for the the fame Length of Time without Rifing ; and the nearer unto, or further remote from the Pole, thofe Places are, the longer or Shorter is the Sun's continued Pre- fence or Abfence from the fame: 9. In all Places lying exactly under the Polar Circles, the Sun, when he is in K 4 the 136 The Ufe of the nearest Tropic, appears 24 Hours with. out fetting; and when he is in the contra- ry Tropic, he is for the fame Length of Time without rifing; but at all other Times of the Year he rifes and fets there, as in other Places. { S Northern 10. In all Places lying in the the Southern Hemisphere, the Longest Day and Short- eſt Night, is when the Sun is in the Northern Tropic; and the contrary. Southern S PRÓB. XVIII. The Latitude of any · Place, not exceeding 66 Degrees, and the Day of the Month being given; to find the Time of Sun-rifing and fetting, and the Length of the Day and Night: Having rectified the Globe according to the Latitude, bring the Sun's Place to the Meridian, and put the Hour-In- dex to 12 at Noon; then bring the Sun's Place to the Eaftern Part of the Ho- rizon, and the Index will fhew the Time when the Sun rifes. Again, turn the Globe until the Sun's Place be brought to the Weſtern Side of the Horizon, and the Index will fhew the Time of Sun-fetting. 1 The 1 fect. 3. 137 the GLOBES. The Hour of Sun-fetting doubled, gives the Length of the Day; and the Hour of Sun-rifing doubled, gives the Length of the Night. 3 4 Let it be required to find when the Sun rifes and fets at London on the 20th of April. Rectify the Globe for the Latitude of London, and having found the Sun's Place correfponding to May the ift. vix. 8 10 Degrees, bring & 10 Degrees to the Meridian, and fet the Index at 12 at Noon; then turn the Globe about till 8 10 Degrees be brought to the Eaſtern Part of the Ho- rizon, and you'll find the Index point 4 Hours; this being doubled, gives the Length of the Night 9 Hours. Again bring the Sun's Place to the Weſtern Part of the Horizon, and the Index will point 7 Hours, which is the Time of Sun-fetting; this being doubled, gives the Length of the Day 14 Hours, 3 I PROB. XIX. To find the Length of the Longeſt and Shortest Day and Night in any given Place, not exceeding 661 De- grees of Latitude. Note, The Longeſt Day at all Places on the {North Side of the Equator, is when the 138 The Ufe of the Sun is in the firſt Point of Cancer Capricorn S Wherefore having, rectified the Globe for the Latitude, find the Time of Sun- rifing and ſetting, and thence the Length of the Day and Night, as in the laft Pro- blem, according to the Place of the Sun: Or having rectified the Globe for the Latitude, bring the Solftitial Point of that Hemiſphere to the Eaft Part of the Horizon, and fet the Index 12 at Noon; then turning the Globe about till the faid Solftitial Point touches the Weftern Side of the Horizon, the Number of Hours from Noon to the Place where the Index points (being counted accord- ing to the Motion of the Index) is the Length of the Longeft Day; the Com- plement whereof to 24 Hours, is the Length of the Shorteſt Night, and the Reverſe gives the Shorteſt Day and the Longeſt Night. Longest Day Short N. Deg. Hours. Hours. 45 15 1/1/0 81 Thus in Lat. 251. 16 7/2/ 260 18/1/2 5 2 If from the Length of the Longeft Day you fubftract 12 Hours, the Number of half Sect 139 3. the GLOBE S. ་ I 21 half Hours remaining will be the Cli- mate: Thus that Place where the long- eft Day is 16 Hours, lies in the 9th Climate. And by the Reverſe, having the Climate, you have thereby the Length of the Longeſt Day. ક્ PROB. XX. To find in what Latitude the Longeft Day is, of any given Length lefs than 24 Hours. Bring the Solftitial Point to the Me- ridian, and fet the Index to 12 at Noon; then turn the Globe Weftward till the Index points at half the Number of Hours given; which being done, keep the Globe from turning round its Axis, and flide the Meridian up or down in the Notches, till the Solftitial Point comes to the Horizon, then that Eleva- tion of the Pole will be the Latitude. If the Hours given be 16, the Lati- tude is 49 Degrees; if 20 Hours, the Latitude is 63 Degrees. PROB. The Uſe of PROB. XXI. A Place being given in owe of the Frigid Zones (Suppose the Nor- thern) to find what Number of Days (of 24 Hours each) the Sun doth con- ftantly ſhine upon the fame, how long be is abfent, and alſo the firſt and laſt Day of his appearance. Having rectified the Globe according to the Latitude, turn it about until fome Point in the firſt Quadrant of the Eclip- tic (becauſe the Latitude is North) in- terfects the Meridian in the North Point of the Horizon; and right againſt that Point of the Ecliptic on the Horizon, ftands the Day of the Month when the Longeſt Day begins. And if the Globe be turned about till fome Point in the fecond Quadrant of the Ecliptic cuts the Meridian in the fame Point of the Horizon, it will fhew the Sun's Place when the Longeſt Day ends, whence the Day of the Month may be found as before: Then the Number of Natural Days contained between the Times the Longeſt Day begins and ends, is the Length of the Longeſt Day ·required. 1 Again } Sect. 3. 141 the GLOBES. Again, turn the Globe about, until fome Point in the third Quadrant of the Ecliptic cuts the Meridian in the South Part of the Horizon; that Point of the Ecliptic will give the Time when the Longeft Night begins. Laftly, turn the Globe about untill fome Point in the fourth Quadrant of the Ecliptic cuts the Meridian in the South Point of the Ho- rizon; and that Point of the Ecliptic will be the Place of the Sun when the Longeſt Night ends. Or, the Time when the Longeſt Day or Night begins, being known, their End may be found by counting the Number of Days from that Time to the fucceeding Solftice; then counting the fame Number of Days from the Solſtitial Day, will give the Time when it ends. PROB. XXII. To find in what Latitude the Longest Day is of any given Length lefs than 182 Natural Days. Find a Point in the Ecliptic half fo many Degrees diftant from the Solſtitial Point, as there are Days given, and bring that Point to the Meridian; then keep the Globe from turning round its Axis, and 142 The Use of and move the Meridian up or down.un- til the aforefaid Point of the Ecliptic comes to the Horizon; that Elevation of the Pole will be the Latitude required. If the Days given were 78, the Lati- tude is 71 Degrees. 2 This method is not accurate, becauſe the Degrees in the Ecliptic do not correſ- pond to Natural Days; and alſo becauſe the Sun does not always move in the Ecliptic at the fame Rate; however, fuch Problems as theſe may ſerve for Amuſe- ments. PROB. XXIII. The Day of the Month be- ing given, to find when the Morning and Evening Twilight begins and ends, in any Place upon the Globe. In the foregoing Problem, by the Length of the Day, we mean the Time from Sun-rifing to Sun-fet; and the Night we reckoned from Sun-fet, till he rofe next Morning. But it is found by Experience, that Total Darkness does not commence in the Evening, till the Sun has got 18 Degrees below the Ho- rizon; and when he comes within the fame Diſtance of the Horizon next Morn- ing 7 Sect. 3. 143 the GLOBES. ing, we have the firft Dawn of Day. This faint Light which we have in the Morning and Evening, before and after the Sun's rifing and fetting, is what we call the Twilight. * Having rectified the Globe for the *Prob. VỊ Latitude, the Zenith, and the Sun's Place, turn the Globe and the Quadrant of Altitude until the Sun's Place cuts 18 Degrees below the Horizon (if the Quadrant reaches fo far) then the Index upon the Hour-Circle will fhew the Beginning or Ending of Twilight after the fame Manner as before we found the Time of the Sun-rifing and fetting, in Prob. 18. But by reaſon of the Thickneſs of the Wooden Horizon, we can't conveniently fee, or compute when the Sun's Place is brought to the Point aforefaid. Wherefore the Globe being rectified as above directed, turn the Globe and alfo the Quadrant of Altitude Weftward, unti 1that Point in the Ecliptic, which is oppofite to the Sun's Place, cuts the Quadrant in the 18th Degree above the Horizon; then the Hour Index will fhew the Time when Day breaks in the Morning. And if you turn the Globe and the Quadrant of Altitude, until the Point oppofite to the 144 The Ufe of the Sun's Place cuts the Quadrant in the Eaſtern Hemisphere, the Hour-Hand will fhew when Twilight ends in the Evening. Or, having found the Time from Midnight when the Morning Twilight begins, if you reckon fo many Hours before Midnight, it will give the Time when the Evening Twilight ends. Having found the Time when Twilight begins in the Morning, find the Time of Sun-rifing, by Prob. 18. and the Dif- ference will be the Duration of Twilight. Thus at London on the 12th of May; Twilight begins at three Quarters paſt One O'Clock: the Sun rifes at about half an hour paft Four: Whence the Duration of Twilight now is 23 Hours, both in the Morning and Evening. On the 12 of November, the Twilight be gins at. Half an Hour paſt Six, being fome what above an Hour before Sun- rifing. PROB. XXIV. To find the Time when to tal Darkness ceafes, or when the Twi light continues from Sun-ſetting to Sun- rifing, in any given Place. Let the Place be in the Northern He- mifphere; then if the Complement of the Sect. 3. 145 the GLOBE S. 2 the Latitude be greater than (the De- preffion) 18 Degrees, fubtract 18 De- grèes from it, and the Remainder will be the Sun's Declination North when total Darkneſs ceafes. But if the Com- plement of the Latitude is lefs than 18 Degrees, their Difference will be the Sun's Declination South, when the Twi- light begins to continue all Night. If the Latitude is South, the only Differ- ence will be, that the Sun's Declination will be on the contrary Side. ༧་ Thus at London, when the Sun's De- clination North is greater than 20 De- grees, there is no total Darkneſs, but conftant Twilight, which happens from the 26th of May to the 18th of July, be- ing near two Months. Under the North Pole the Twilight ceafes, when the Sun's Declination is greater than 18 Degrees South, which is from the 13th of No- vember, till the 29th of January: So that notwithſtanding the Sun is abfent in this Part of the World for Half a Year together yet total Darkneſs does not continue above 11 Weeks; and be- fides, the Moon is above the Horizon for a whole Fortnight of every Month throughout the Year. PROB: 146 The Use of } PROB. XXV. The Day of the Month be- ing given; to find thofe Places of the Frigid Zones, where the Sun begins to Shine continually without fetting; and alfo thofe Places where he begins to be totally abfent. Bring the Sun's Place to the Meridian, and mark the Number of Degrees con- tained betwixt that Point and the Equa- tor; then count the fame Number of Degrees from the neareſt Pole (viz. the North Pole, if the Sun's Declination is Northerly, otherwiſe the South Pole) to- wards the Equator, and note that Point upon the Meridian; then turn the Globe about, and all the Places which paſs un- der the faid Point, are thoſe where the Sun begins to fhine conſtantly, without fetting on the given Day. If you lay the fame Diſtance from the oppofite Pole towards the Equator, and turn the Globe about, all the Places which pafs under that Point, will be thoſe where the longeſt Night begins. The Latitude of the Place being given, to find the Hour of the Day when the Sun Shines. If 1 Sect. 3. f 1 the GLOBE S. If it be in the Summer, elevate the Pole according to the Latitude; and ſet the Meridian due North and South; then the Shadow of the Axis will cut the Hour on the Dial-Plate: For the Globe being rectified in this Manner, the Hour Circle is a true Equinoctial Dial; the Axis of the Globe being the Gnomon: This holds true in Theory, but it might not be very accurate in Practice, becauſe of the Difficulty in placing the Horizon of the Globe truly horizontal, and its Meridian due North and South. F. If it be in the Winter Half Year, ele vate the South Pole according to the Latitude North, and let the North Part of the Horizon be in the South Part of the Meridian; then the Shade of the Axis will fhow the Hour of the Day as before, But this cannot be fo con- veniently performed, tho' the Reaſon is the fame as in the former Cafe. } To find the Sun's Altitude, when it shines, by the Globe. Having fet the Frame of the Globe truly horizontal or level, turn the North Pole towards the Sun, and move the Meridian up or down in the Notches, L 2 fill 1 147 + 148 The Uſe of till the Axis cafts no Shadow, then the Arch of the Meridian, contain'd betwixt the Pole and the Horizon, is the Sun's Altitude. Note, The beſt Way to find the Sun's Altitude, is by a little Quadrant gra- duated into Degrees, and having Sights and a Plummet to it: Thus, hold the Quadrant in your Hand, fo as the Rays of the Sun may paſs through both the Sights, the Plummet then hanging free- ly by the Side of the Inftrument, will cut in the Limb the Altitude required. Theſe Quadrants are to be had at the Inſtrument-Makers, with Lines drawn upon them, for finding the Hour of the Day and the Azimuth, with feveral other pretty Conclufions, very entertain- ing for Beginners. The Latitude and the Day of the Month being given, to find the Hour of the Day when the Sun fhines. Having placed the Wooden Frame up- on a Level, and the Meridian due Northr and South, rectify the Globe for the La- titude, and fix a Needle perpendicularly over the Sun's Place: The Sun's Place being brought to the Meridian, ſet the Hour Se&t. 3. the GLOBE S. 149 Hour-Index at 12 at Noon, then turn the Globe about until the Needle points exactly to the Sun, and cafts no Shadow, and then the Index will fhew the Hour of the Day. ༄ PROB. XXVI. The Latitude, the Sun's Place and his Altitude, being given; to find the Hour of the Day, and the Sun's Azimuth from the Meridian. Having rectified the Globe for the Latitude, the Zenith, and the Sun's Place, turn the Globe and the Quadrant of Altitude, ſo that the Sun's Place may cut the given Degree of Altitude: then the Index will fhow the Hour, and the Quadrant will cut the Azimuth in the Horizon. Thus, if at London, on the 21st of Auguft, the Sun's Altitude be 36 Degrees in the Forenoon, the Hour of the Day will be IX, and the Sun's Azimuth about 58 Degrees from the South Part of the Meridian. C The Sun's Azimuth being given, to place the Meridian of the Globe due North and South, or to find a Meridian Line when the Sun fhines. Let I 3 159 The Uſe of T Let the Sun's Azimuth be 30 De- grees South-Eaſterly, fet the Horizon of the Globe upon a Level, and bring the North Pole into the Zenith; then turn the Horizon about until the Shade of the Axis cuts as many Hours as is équivalent to the Azimuth (allowing I Degrees to an Hour) in the North- Weft Part of the Hour-Circle, viz. X at Night, which being done, the Meridian of the Globe ftands in the true Merdian of the place. The Globe ftanding in this Poſition, if you hang two Plummets at the North and South Points of the Wooden Horizon, and draw a Line betwixt them, you'll have a Meridian Line; which if it be on a fixed Plane (as a Floor or Window) it will be a Guide for placing the Globe due North and South at any other Time. PROB. XXVII. The Latitude, Hour of the Day, and the Sun's Place being given, to find the Sun's Altitude and Azimuth. * Rectify the Globe for the Latitude, the Zenith, and the Sun's Place, then the Number of Degrees contained betwixt the Sun's Place and the Vertex, is the Sun's Meridional Zenith Diſtance; the Com- Se&t. 3. 151 the GLOBE S. Complement of which, to 90 Degrees, is the Sun's Meridan Altitude. If you turn the Globe about until the Index points to any other given Hour, then bringing the Quadrant of Altitude to cut the Sun's Place, you'll have the Sun's Altitude at that Hour; and where the Quadrant cuts the Horizon, is the Sun's Azimuth at the fame Time. Thus May the 31ft at London, the Sun's Meridian Altitude will be 61 Degrees; and at 10 O'Clock in the Morning, the Sun's Altitude will be 52 Degrees, and his Azimuth about 50 Degrees from the South Part of the Meridian. • I 2 PROB. XXVIII. The Latitude of the Place, and the Day of the Month being given ; to find the Depreffion of the Sun below the Horizon, and the Azimuth at any Hour of the Night. Having rectified the Globe for the Latitude, the Zenith and the Sun's Place, take a Point in the Ecliptic, exactly oppofite to the Sun's Place, and find the Sun's Altitude and Azimuth, as by the laſt Problem, and theſe will be the Depreffion and the Altitude required, Thus, if the Time given be the ift of December, at 10 o'Clock at Night, the L 4 De- 152 The Ufe of Depreffion and Azimuth will be the fame as was found in the laft Problem. + PROB. XXIX. The Latitude, the Sun's Place, and bis Azimuth being given; to find bis Altitude, and the Hour. Rectify the Globe for the Latitude, the Zenith, and the Sun's Place, then put the Quadrant of Altitude to the Sun's Azimuth in the Horizon, and turn the Globe 'till the Sun's Place meet the Edge of the Quadrant, then the faid Edge will fhew the Altitude, and the Index point to the Hour. Thus, May the 21ft at London, when the Sun is due Eaft, his Altitude will be about 24 De- grees, and the Hour about VII in the Morning; and when his Azimuth is 60 Degrees South-Wefterly, the Altitude will be about 44 Degrees, and the Hour about 2 in the Afternoon. 3 2 Thus, the Latitude and the Day be- ing known, and having befides either the Altitude, the Azimuth, or the Hour; the other two may be eaſily found. : 61 PROB. XXX. The Latitude, the Sun's Al- titude, and his Azimuth being given ; to find his Place in the Ecliptic and the Hour. Rectify Sect. 3. 153 the GLOBE S. Rectify the Globe for the Latitude and Zenith, and fet the Edge of the Quadrant to the given Azimuth; then turning the Globe about, that Point of the Ecliptic which cuts the Altitude will be the Sun's Place. Keep the Quadrant of the Altitude in the fame Poſition, and having brought the Sun's Place to the Meridian, and the Hour Index to 12 at Noon, turn the Globe about till the Sun's Place cuts the Quadrant of Alti- tude, and then the Index will point the Hour of the Dạy. PROB. XXXI. The Declination and Me- ridian Altitude of the Sun, or of any Star being given; to find the Latitude of the Place. Mark the Point of Declination upon the Meridian, according as it is either North or South from the Equator; then, flide the Meridian up or down in the Notches, till the Point of Declination be fo far diftant from the Horizon, as is the given Meridian Altitude; that Elevation of the Pole will be the Latitude. Thus, if the Sun's, or any Star's Me ridian Altitude be 50 Degrees, and its De- i $54 The Use of * Prob. XIII. Declination 11 Degrees North, the La- titude will be 514 Degrees North. PROB. XXXII. The Day and Hour of a Lunar Eclipfe being known; to find all thofe Places upon the Globe in which the fame will be vifible. L * Find where the Sun is vertical at the given Hour, and bring that Point to the Zenith; then the Eclipſe will be vi- fible in all thofe Places that are under the Horizon: Or, if you bring the An- tipodes to the Place where the Sun is vertical, into the Zenith, you will have the Places where the Eclipfe will be vi- fible above the Horizon. Note, Becauſe Lunar Eclipfes continue fometimes for a long while together, they may be ſeen in more Places than one Hemifphere of the Earth; for by the Earth's Motion round its Axis, dú- ing the Time of the Eclipfe, the Moon will rife in feveral Places after the E- clipfe began. Note, When an Eclipfe of the Sun is central, if you bring the Place where the Sun is vertical at that Time, into the Zenith, fome Part of the Eclipfe will be vifible } Sect. 3. 155 the GLOBES. viſible tin moft Places within the upper Hemiſphere; but by Reaſon of the fhort Duration of Solar Eclipfes, and the La- titude which the Moon commonly has at that Time, (tho' but ſmall) there is no Certainty in determining the Places where thofe Eclipfes will be viſible by the Globe: but Recourfe muſt be had to Calculations. PROB. XXXIII. The Day of the Month, and Hour of the Day, acccording to our Way of reckoning in England, being gi- ven; to find thereby the Babylonic, Ita- lic, and the Jewish or Judaical Hour. 1. To find the Babylonic Hour (which is the Number of Hours from Sun-ri- fing.) Having found the Time of Sun- rifing in the given Place, the Difference betwixt this and the Hour given is the Babylonic Hour. 2. To find the Italic Hour (which is the Number of Hours from Sun-fet- ting.) Subtract the Hour of Sun-fetting from the given Hour, and the Remain- der will be the Italic Hour required. + 3. To find the Jewish Hour (which is Part of an Artificial Day.) Find how many 1 456 The Use of many Hours the Day confifts of; ther fay, as the Number of Hours the Day conſiſts of is to 12 Hours, fo is the Hour fince Sun-rifing to the Judaical Hour required. Thus, if the Sun rifes at 4 o'Clock (confequently fets at 8) and the Hour gi- ven be 5 in the Evening, the Babylonic Hour will be the 13th, the Italic the 21ft, and the Jewish Hour will be Nine and Three Quarters. The Converſe being given, the Hour of the Day, according to our Way of reckon- ing in England, may be eaſily found. The following Problems are peculiar to the Celestial Globe. PROB. XXXIV. To find the Right Aſcen- cenfion and Declination of the Sun or any Fixed Star. Bring the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic to the Meridian; then that Degree of the Equator, which is cut by the Meri- dian, will be the Sun's Right Afcenfion; and that Degree of the Meridian, which is exactly over the Sun's Place, is the Sun's Declination. 1 After Sect. 3. *57 the GLOBE S. After the fame Manner, bring the Place of any Fixed Star to the Meridian, and you'll find its Right Afcenfion in the Equinoctial, and Declination of the Meridian. Thus, the Right Afcenfion and Decli- nation is found, after the fame Manner as the Longitude and Latitude of a Place the Terrestrial Globe. upon Note, The Right Afcenfion and De- clination of the Sun vary every Day; but the Right Afcenfion, &c. of the Fixed Stars is the fame throughout the Year +. The Sun's Right Afcenfion. Declin Deg. Deg. January 31 Thus on< April 5 July 21 - 314 17 S. 14 6 N. 12020 N. November 26 242 21 S. R. Afc. Decl. Aldebaran Spica Virginis Capella Syrius, or the Dog-Star Deg. Deg. 65 16 N. 3 1979/ 9 5. 74 981 453 N. 16 S. + The infenfible Change in the Longitude, Right- Afcenfion, and Declination of the Fixed Stars, made by their flow Motion, Parallel to the Ecliptic (being but i Degree in 72 Years) is not worth Notice in this Place. Note 158 The... Uſe of ( 1 Note, The Declination of the Sun may be found after the fame Manner, by the Terrestrial Globe, and alſo his Right Afcenfion, when the Equinoctial is numbered into 360 Degrees, com- mencing at the Equinoctial Point : But as the Equinoctial is not always numbered ſo, and this being properly a Problem in Aftromony, we chufe rather to place it here. By the Converſe of this Problem, hav- ing the Right Afcenfion and Declination of any Point given, that Point itſelf may be eaſily found upon the Globe. Bl 201 PROB. XXXV. To find the Longitude and Latitude of a given Star. 3 Having brought the Solftitial Colure to the Meridian, fix the Quadrant of Al- titude over the proper Pole of the Eclip- tic, whether it be North or South; then turn the Quadrant over the given Star, and the Arch contain'd betwixt the Star and the Ecliptic will be the Latitude; and the Degree cut on the Ecliptic will will be the Star's Longitude. Thus the Latitude of Arcturus will be found to be 31 Degrees North, and the Lons Sect. 3. 159 the GLOBES. of 20 Longitude 200 Degrees: fram • 2 • L, Z Degrees from The Latitude: of Fomalbaut in the Southern Fifh, 21-De- grees South, and Longitude 299 De- grees, or 29 Degrees. By the Con- verſe of this Method, having the Lati- tude and Longitude of a Star given, it will be eafy to find the Star upon the Globe. i The Distance betwixt two Stars, or the Number of Degrees contained be- twixt them, may be found by laying the Quadrant of Altitude over each of them; and counting the Number of Degrees intercepted; after the fame Manner as we found the Diſtance betwixt two Places on the Terreftrial Globe, in Prob. VII. PROB. XXXVI. The Latitude of the Place, the Day of the Month, and the Hour being given; to find what Stars are then rifing or fetting, what Stars are culminating or on the Meridian, and the Altitude and Azimuth of any Star above the Horizon; and alſo how to diftinguish the Stars in the Heavens one from the other, and to know them by their proper Names: 1 Having 160 The Ufe of Having rectified the Globe for the Latitude, the Zenith, and the Sun's Place, turn the Globe about until the Index points to the given Hour, the Globe being kept in this Pofition. All thofe Stars that are in the Side of the Horizon, are then ་ Eaftern Weftern Rifing. Setting. S All thofe Stars that are under the Meridian are then culminating. And if the Quadrant of Altitude be laid over the Center of any particular Star, it will ſhow that Star's Altitude at that Time; and where it cuts the Horizon, will be the Star's Azimuth from the North or South Part of the Meridian. The Globe being kept in the fame Elevation, and from turning round its Axis, move the wooden Frame about until the North and South Points of the Horizon lie exactly in the Meridian; then right Lines imagined to pafs from the Center thro' each Star upon the Sur- face of the Globe, will point out the real Star in the Heavens, which thofe on the Globe are made to repréfent. And if you are by the Side of fome Wall whoſe Bearing Sect. 3. i6t the GLOBE S. Bearing you know, lay the Quadrant of Altitude to that Bearing in the Horizon, and it will cut all thofe Stars, which at that very Time are to be feen in the fame Direction, or clofe by the Side of the ſaid Wall. Thus knowing fome of the re- markable Stars in any Part of the Hea- vens, the Neighbouring Stars may be diſtinguiſhed by obferving their Situati- ons with refpect to thoſe that are already known, and comparing them with the Stars drawn upon the Globe. Thus, if you turn your Face towards the North, you will find the North Pole of the Globe points to the Pole-Star then you may obferve two Stars fome- what leſs bright than the Pole-Star, almoſt in a right Line with it, and four more which form a Sort of a Quadrangles theſe feven Stars make the Conftellation called the Little-Bear; the Pole Star being in the Tip of the Tail. In this Neighbourhood you'll obferve feven bright Stars, which are commonly called Charles's Wane; theſe are the bright Stars in the Great Bear, and do form much fuch another Figure with thofe before- mentioned in the Little Bear: The two foremoſt of the Square lie almoſt in a right Line with the Pole Star, and are called the Pointers ; fo that knowing the M Pointers, 162 The Uſe of • Pointers, you may eafily find the Pole- Star. Thus the reft of the Stars in this Conſtellation, and all the Stars in the neighbouring Conftellations, may be eafily found, by obferving how the un- known Stars lie either in Quadrangles, Triangles, or ftrait Lines, from thoſe that are already known upon the Globe. After the fame Manner the Globe be- ing rectified, you may diftinguiſh thoſe Stars that are to the Southward of you, and be ſoon acquainted with all the Stars that are viſible in our Hemiſphere. SCHOL IU M. The Globe being rectified to the Lati- tude of any Place, if you turn it round its Axis, all thofe Stars that do not go below the Horizon during a whole Re- volution of the Globe, never fet in that Place; and thoſe that do not come above the Horizon never riſe. PROB. XXXVII. The Latitude of the Place being given; to find the Amplitude, O- blique Afcenfion and Defcenfion, Afcenfio- nal Difference, Semi-Diurnal Arch, and the Time of Continuance above the Ho- rizon, of any given Point in the Heavens. Having Sect. 3. 163 · the GLOBE Ś. Having rectified the Globe for the Latitude, and brought the given Point to the Meridian, fet the Index to the Hour of 12; then turn the Globe until the given Point be brought to the Eaſt- ern Side of the Horizon, and that Degree of the Equinoctial which is cut by the Horizon at that Time, will be the Oblique Afcenfion; and where the given Point cuts the Horizon, is the Amplitude Qrtive: If the Globe be turned about until the given Point be brought to the Weſtern Side of the Horizon; it will there ſhow the Amplitude Occafive; and where the Horizon cuts the Equinoctial at that Time is the Oblique Defcenfion. The Time between the Index at either of theſe two Pofitions, and the Hour of 6; or Half the Difference between the Oblique Afcenfion and Defcenfion is the Afcenfional Difference, If the Place be in North Latitude and the North Declination of the given point be) South } the Afcenfional Difference reduced into Time, and added to fubtracted from }6 o'clock, gives the Semi-Diurnal Arch; the Com- plement whereof to a Semicircle, is the M 2 Semi- 164 The Use of Semi-Nocturnal Arch. If the Place be in South Latitude, then the contrary is to be obferved with refpect to the De- clination. Diurnal The Semi- Nocturnal Arch being S doubled, gives the Time of Continance above the Horizon. Or the Time of > below Continuance above the Horizon, may be found by counting the Number of Hours contained in the upper Part of the Horary Circle, betwixt the Place where the Index pointed when the given Point was in the Eaſtern and Weſtern Parts of the Horizon. If the given Point was the Sun's Place, the Index pointed the Time of his Rifing and Setting, when the faid Place was in the Eaftern and Weſtern Parts of the Horizon, as in Prob. 18. Or the Time of Sun-rifing may be found by adding or fubtracting his Afcenfional Difference, to or from the Hour of Six, according as the Lati- tude and Declination are either contrary or the fame Way. Thus, at London, on the 31st of May, the Sun's Amplitude is 24 Degrees Northerly, Oblique Afcenfion, 20. + Obli- Sect. 3. 165 The GLOBE S. } Į > 2 Oblique Defcenfion,' 58. Afcenfional Difference, 19. Semidiurnal Arch, 109. His Continuance above the Horizon, 141 Hours. A 2 Sun riſes at three Quarters paft Four. Sun fets at a Quarter paft Seven. Theſe Things for the Sun vary every Day; but for a fixed Star the Day of the Month need not be given, for they the fame all the Year round. are In the Latitude of 51 North Syrius's Amplitude is about 28 Degrees Southerly. Oblique Afcenfion, 121. Oblique Defcenfion, 75. Afcenfional Difference, 23. Semidiurnal Arch, 67. ↓ Continuance above the Horizon, 9 Hours. PROB. XXXVIII. The Latitude and the Day of the Month being given; to find the Hour when any known Star will be on the Meridian, and alfo the Time af its Rifing and Setting. Having rectified the Globe for the La- titude of the Sun's Place bring the given Star to the Meridian, and alſo to the Eaſt M 3 or 1 166 The Ufe of + or Weft Side of the Horizon, and the Index will ſhew accordingly when the Star culminates, or the Time of the Rifing or Setting. " Thus at London, on the 21ft of Janu- ary, Syrius will be upon the Meridian, at a Quarter paft Ten in the Evening, rifes at 54 Hours, and ſets at three Quar- ters paft Two in the Morning. By the Converſe of this Problem, knowing the Time when any Star is upon the Meridian, you may eafily find the Sun's Place. Thus, bring the given Star to the Meridian, and fet the Index to the given Hour; then turn the Globe till the Index points to 12 at Noon, and the Meridian will cut the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic. Thus when Syrius comes to the Meridian at 10 Hours after Noon, the Sun's Place will be Deg. I 2 ~ PROB. XXXIX. To find at what Time of the Year a given Star will be up- on the Meridian, at a given Hour of the Night. Bring the Star to the Meridian, and fet the Index to the given Hour, then turn the Globe till the Index points to - 12 1 Sect. 3. 167 the GLOBE S. 12 at Noon, and the Meridian will cut the Ecliptic in the Sun's Place; whence the Day of the Month may be eafily found in the Calendar upon the Horizon. PROB. XL. The Day of the Month, and the Azimuth of any known Star being given; to find the Hour of the Night. Having rectified the Globe for the Latitude and the Sun's Place, if the given Star be due North or South, bring it to the Meridian, and the Index will ſhow the Hour of the Night. If the Star be in any other Direction, fix the Quadrant of Altitude in the Zenith, and fet it to the Star's Azimuth in the Horizon; then turn the Globe about until the Quadrant cuts the Center of the Star, and the In- dex will ſhew the Hour of the Night. The Bearing of any Point in the Heavens may be found by the following Methods. Having a Meridian Line drawn in two Windows, that are oppofite to one an- other, you may croſs it at right Angles with another Line repreſenting the Eaſt and Weft; from the Point of Inter- fection deſcribe a Circle, and divide each Qua- M 4 168 The Uſe of 3 4 Quadrant into 90 Degrees; then get a fmooth Board, of about 2 Feet long, and Foot broad, (more or less, as you judge convenient) and on the back Part of it fix another ſmall Board croffways, fo that it may ſerve as a Foot to ſupport the biggeſt Board upright, when it is fet upon a Level, or an Horizontal Plain. The Board being thus prepared, fet the lower Edge of the fmooth, or fore fide of it, clofe to the Center of the Circle, then turn it about to the Meridian, or to any Azimuth Point required (keeping the Edge of it always clofe to the Cen- ter) and cafting your Eye along the flat Side of it, you'll eafily perceive what Stars are upon the Meridian, or any other Bearing that the Board is fết to. PROB. XLI. Two known Stars having the fame Azimuth, or the fame Height, be- ing given ; to find the Hour of the Night, Rectify the Globe for the Latitude, the Zenith, and the Sun's Place. I. When the two Stars are in the fame Azimuth, turn the Globe, and alſo the Quadrant about, until both Stars co- incide with the Edge thereof; then will the Index fhew the Hour of the Night; } • and ¿ 12 Sect. 3. 169 the GLOBE S. and where the Quadrant cuts the Hori- zon, is the common Azimuth of both Stars. to 12. If the two Stars are of the fame Al- titude, move the Globe ſo that the fame Degree on the Quadrant will cut both Stars, then the Index will fhew the Hour. 量 ​1 This Problem is uſeful when the Quan- tity of the Azimuth of the two Stars in the firſt Cafe, or of their Altitude in the latter Cafe, is not known. If two Stars were given, one on the Meri- dian, and the other in the Eaft or West part of the Horizon; to find the Lati- tude.. Bring that Star which was obferved on the Meridian, to the Meridian of the Globe, and keep the Globe from turning round its Axis; then flide the Meridian up or down in the Notches, till the other Star is brought to the Eaft or Weſt Part of the Horizon, and that Elevation of the Pole will be the Latitude fought. PROB. XLII. The Latitude, Day of the Month, and the Altitude of any known Star being given; to find the Hour of the Night. Rec 170 The Uſe of 1 Rectify the Globe for the Latitude, Zenith, and Sun's Place: Turn the Globe, and the Quadrant of Altitude, backward or forward, till the Center of that Star meets the Quadrant in the Degree of Al- titude given; then the Index will point the true Hour of the Night; and alfo where the Quadrant cuts the Horizon, will be the Azimuth of the Star at that Time. If the Latitude, the Sun's Altitude, and his Declination (instead of his Place in the Ecliptic) are given; to find the Hour of the Day and Azimuth. Rectify the Globe for the Latitude and Zenith, and having brought the E- quinoctial Colure to the Meridian, ſet the Index to 12 at Noon; which being done, turn the Globe and the Quadrant, until the given Declination in the Equinoctial Colure cuts the Altitude on the Qua- drant; then the Index will fhew the Hour of the Day, and the Quadrant cut the Azimuth in the Horizon. If the Altitude of two Stars on the fame Azimuth, were given; to find the Lati- tude of the Place. Set Sect. 3. 17! the GLOBE S. Set the Quadrant over both Stars at the obferved Degrees of Altitude, and keep it faſt upon the Globe with your Fingers; then flide the Meridian up or down in the Notches, till the Quadrant cuts the given Azimuth in the Horizon; that Elevation of the Pole will be the Latitude required. } PROB. XLIII. Having the Latitude of the Place, to find the Degree of the Ecliptic, which rifes or fets with a given Star; and from thence to determine the Time of its Cofmical and Achronicaļ Rifing and Setting. Having rectified the Globe for the Latitude, bring the Given Star to the Eaſtern Side of the Horizon, and mark what Degree of the Ecliptic rifes with it: Look for that Degree in the Wooden Horizon, and right againſt it, in the Calendar, you'll find the month and Day when the Star rifes Cofmicaly. If you bring the Star to the Weſtern Side of the Horizon, that Degree of the Ecliptic which riſes at that Time, will give the Day of the Month when the ſaid Star, fets Cofmically. So likewiſe againſt the De- gree which fets with the Star, you'll find the Day of the Month of the Achronical Setting 172 The Uſe of Setting; and if you bring it to the Eaſtern Part of the Horizon, that De- gree which fets at that Time will be the Sun's Place when the Star rifes Achro- nically. Thus, in the Latitude of London, Sy- rius, or the Dog-Star, rifes Cofmically the 10th of August, and fets Cofmically the 10th of October. Aldebaran, or the Bull's Eye, rifes Achronically on the 22d of May, and fets Achronically on the 19th of December. PROB. XLIV. Having the Latitude of the Place, to find the Time when a Star rifes and fets Heliacally. Having rectified the Globe for the Latitude, bring the Star to the Eaftern Side of the Horizon, and turn the Qua- drant round to the Weſtern Side, till it cuts the Ecliptic in twelve Degrees of Al- titude above the Horizon, if the Star be of the firſt Magnitude; then that Point of the Ecliptic which is cut by the Quadrant, is 12 Degrees high above the Weſtern Part of the Horizon, when the Star riſes; but at the fame Time the op- pofite Point in the Ecliptic is 12 Degrees below the Eaftern Part of the Horizon, which Plate 4 me бо E 囯 ​A c Ос ୧ II E 90 Page 172 · * C 3€ ; R. Cophee jinip, Sect. 3. 173 the GLOBE S. which is the Depreffion of a Star of the firft Magnitude, when the rifes Heliacally; or has got fo far from the Sun's Beams, that ſhe may be ſeen in the Morning be- fore Sun-rifing. Wherefore look for the faid Point of the Ecliptic on the Horizon, and right againſt it will be the Day of the Month when the Star rifes Heliacally. To find the Heliacal Setting, bring the Star to the Weft Side of the Horizon, and turn the Quadrant about to the Eaſtern Side, till the 12th. Degree of it above the Horizon, cuts the Ecliptic; then that Degree of the Ecliptic which is oppofite to this Point, is the Sun's Place when the Star fets Heliacally. Thus you'll find that Arcturus riſes Heliacally the 28th. of September, and fets Heliacally December the 2d. PROB. XLV. To find the Place of any Planet upon the Globe; and fo by that Means, to find its Place in the Heavens : Alfo to find at what Hour any Planet will rife or fet, or be on the Meridian at any one Day in the Year. You muſt firſt ſeek in an Ephemeris, (White's Ephemeris will do well enough) for the Place of the Planet propoſed on that 174 The Use of that Day; then mark that Point of the Ecliptic, either with Chalk, or by ſticking on a little black Patch; and then for that Night you may perform any Problem, as before, by a Fixed Star. Let it be required to find the Situation of Jupiter among the Fixed Stars in the Heavens, and alfo whenabouts it rifes and fets, and comes to the Meridian on the 19th of May, 1757, N. S. at London. Looking for the 19th of May, 1757; in White's Ephemeris, I find that Jupiter's Place at that Time is in about 12 De- grees of m; Latitude about 1 Degree North. Then looking for that Point upon the Celeſtial Globe, I find that 4 is then nearly in Conjunction with the bright Star in the Southern Balance, and about 1 Degree North of it. To find when he rifes and fets, and comes to the Meridian: Having put a little black Patch on the Place of Jupiter, elevate the Globe according to the La- titude, and having brought the Sun's Place to the Meridian, fet the Hour- Index to 12 at Noon; then turn the Mark which was made for Jupiter, to the Eaſtern Part of the Horizon, I find 4 will rife fomewhat more than Half arr Sect. 3. the GLOBE S. 175 an Hour after Three in the Afternoon; and turning the Globe about, I find it comes to the Meridian a little before Eleven at Night; and fets almoſt a Quarter paſt Six next Morning. This Example being underſtood, it will be eaſy to find when either of the other two fuperior Planets, viz. Mars and Sa- turn, rife, fet and come to the Meridian. I fhall conclude this Subject about the Globes with the following Problem. PROB. XLVI. To find all that Space upon the Earth, where an Eclipfe of one of the Satellites of Jupiter will be viſible. Having found that Place upon the Earth, in which the Sun is Vertical, at the Time of the Eclipfe, by Prob. 13. clevate the Globe according to the Lati- tude of the faid Place; then bring the Place to the Meridian, and fet the Hour Index to 12 at Noon. If Jupiter be in Conſequence of the Sun, draw a Line with Black-Lead, or the like, along the Eaſtern Side of the Horizon, which Line will pafs over all thoſe Places where the Sun is ſetting at that Time; then count the Difference betwixt the Right Aſcen- fion of the Sun, and that of Jupiter, and turn the Globe Weftward, till the Hour- Index 176 The Uſe of Index points to this Difference; then keep the Globe from turning round its Axis, and elevate the Meridian, accord- ing to the Declination of Jupiter. The Globe being in this Pofition, draw a Line along the Eaſtern Side of the Horizon; then the Space between this Line, and the Line before drawn, will comprehend all thofe Places of the Earth where Jupi- ter will be viſible, from the ſetting of the Sun, to the ſetting of Jupiter: But if Jupiter be in Antecedence of the Sun (i.e. rifes before him) having brought the Place where the Sun is Ver- tical, to the Zenith, and put the Hour Index to 12 at Noon, draw a Line on the Weſtern Side of the Horizon; then elevate the Globe according to the De- elination of Jupiter, and turn it about Eaſtward, until the Index points to fo many Hours diftant from Noon, as is the Difference of Right Afcenfion of the Sun and Jupiter. The Globe being in this Pofition, Draw a Line along the Weſtern Side of the Horizon; then the Space contained between this Line, and the other laft drawn, will comprehend all thofe Places upon the Earth where the Eclipfe is viſible, between the rifing of the Sun and that of Jupiter. The } C 1 A 1 Plate 3. " D ! C B } E K M 7 1 ** } Fig. I f * \arbil of the Earth Ortif Fig. II L A B C D E F G H I K L M N ↓ 3 E'D. R. Cafhee jouse C. B Parc 166 A 1 ( 177 ) The DESCRIPTION of the Great ORRERY, lately made by Mr. THOMAS WRIGHT, Mathematical Inftrument Ma- ker to His late MAJESTY, and now by BENJAMEN COLE, his Succeffor. T XXX HE ORRERY is an Aftrono- mical Machine, made to re- preſent the Motions of the Planets. Thefe Machines are made of various Sizes, fome having more Planets than others; but I fhall here confine myſelf to the Defcription of that above mentioned. In the Introduction we gave a fhort Account of the Order, Periods, Distances, and Magnitudes of the Primary Planets; and of the Diſtances and Periodical Re- volutions of the Secondary Planets round their reſpective Primaries. We ſhall here explain their Stations, Retrogradations; N Eclips 178 The Deſcription of The De- Eclipfes, and Phafes, &c. but firſt let us take a general View of the Orrery. The Frame which contains the Wheel- fcription Work, &c. that regulates the whole Ma- of the Or- chine, is made of fine Ebony, and is near very. Vide piece. : four Feet in Diameter; the Outfide thereof is adorned with twelve Pilafters, curiouſly wrought and gilt: Between theſe Pilafters the twelve Signs of the Zodiac are neatly painted, with gilded Frames. Above the Frame is a broad Frontif Ring, Supported with twelve Pillars This Ring repreſents the Plane of the Ecliptic, upon which there are two Scales of Degrees, and between thoſe the Names and Characters of the 12 Signs. Near the Outfide is a Scale of Months and Days, ' exactly correfponding to the Sun's Place at Noon, each Day throughout the Year. Above the Ecliptic ftands fome of the principal Circles of the Sphere, accord- ing to their refpective Situations in the Heavens, viz. N° 10, are the two Colures, divided into Degrees and Half Degrees: N° 11, is one Half of the Equinoctial Circle, making an Angle with the Eclip- tic of 23 Degrees. The Tropic of Can- cer, and the Arctic Circle, are each fixed- 2 parallel the ORRERY. 179 1 1 parallel, and at their proper diſtance from the Equinoctial. On the Northern Half of the Ecliptic is a Brafs Semi- circle, moveable upon two Points fixed in and; This Semicircle ferves as a moveable Horizon, to be put to any De- gree of Latitude upon the North Part of the Meridian. The whole Machine is alſo ſo contrived, as to be fet to any La- titude, without in the leaſt affecting any of the infide Motions: For this Purpofe there are two ftrong Hinges (Nº. 13. fixed to the Bottom Frame, upon which the Inftrument moves, and a ſtrong Braſs Arch, having Holes at every Degree, thro' which a ſtrong Pin is to be put, according to the Elevation. This Arch and the two Hinges fupport the whole Machine, when it is lifted up according to any Latitude; and the Arch at other Times lies conveniently under the Bot- tom Frame: ? When the Machine is fet to any La- titude, (which is eaſily done by two Men, each taking hold of two Handles con- veniently fixt for the Purpoſe) ſet the moveable Horizon to the fame Degree upon the Meridian, and you may form an Idea of the refpective Altitude, or Depreffions of the the Planets, above or N 2 below 180 The Deſcription of 7 below the Horizon, according to their reſpective Poſitions, with Regard to the Meridian. Within the Ecliptic, and nearly in the fame Place thereof, ftands the Sun, and all the Planets, both Primary and Se- condary. The Sun (No 1.) ftands in the Middle of the whole Syftem upon a Wire, making an Angle with the Plane of the Ecliptic, of about 82 De- grees; which is the Inclination of the Sun's Axis, to the Axis of the Ecliptic. Next to the Sun is a ſmall Ball (No 2.) repreſenting Mercury: Next to Mercury is Venus (No 3.) reprefented by a larger Ball, (and both theſe ſtand upon Wires, ſo that the Balls themſelves may be more vifibly perceived by the Eye.) Earth is repreſented (No 4.) by an Ivo- ry Ball, having fome of the principal Meridians and Parallels, and a little Sketch of a Map deſcribed upon it. The Wire which fupports the Earth makes an Angle with the Plane of the Ecliptic 66 Degrees, which is the Inclination of the Earth's Axis to that of the Eclip- tic. Near the Bottom of the Earth's Axis is a Dial-Plate (No 9.) having an Index pointing to the Hours of the Day, as the Earth turns round its Axis. I 2 The Round the ORRERY. 181 Round the Earth is a Ring, ſupport- ed by two fmall Pillars, which Ring re- preſents the Orbit of the Moon, and the Diviſion upon it a fwers to the Moon's Latitude; the Motion of this Ring repre- fents the Motion of the Moon's Orbit, according to that of the Nodes. With in this Ring is the Moon (No 5.) hav- ing a black Cap or Cafe, which by its Motion, repreſents the Phafes of the Moon according to her Age. Without the Orbits of the Earth and Moon is Mars (N° 6.) The next in Order to Mars is Jupiter, and his four Moons, (No 7); each of thefe Moons is fupport- ed by a crooked Wire fixed in a Socket, which turns about the Pillar that fup- ports Jupiter. Theſe Satellites may be turned by the Hand to any Pofition; and yet when the Machine is put in Motion, they'll all move in their pro- per Times. The outermoft of all is Saturn, and his five Moons (No 8.) Thefe Moons are fupported and contrived after the fame Manner with thofe of Jupiter. The whole Machine is put into Motion by turning a ſmall Winch, (like the Key of a Clock, Nº 14); and all the infide Work is fo truly wrought, that it re- quires but very ſmall Strength to put the Whole in Motion. N 3 Above 182 The Defcription of Above the Handle there is a Cylin- drical Pin, which may be drawn a little out, or puſhed in at Pleaſure: when it is puſhed in, all the Planets, both Pri- mary and Secondary, will move accord- ing to their reſpective Periods, by turn- ing the Handle: When it is drawn out, the Motions of the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn will be ſtopped, while all the reft move without Interruption. This is à very good Contrivance to preferve the Inftrument from being clogged by the fwift Motions of the Wheels belonging to the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn; when the Motions of the rest of the Pla- nets are only confidered. There is alſo a Brafs Lamp having two Convex Glaffes, to be put in the Room of the Sun; and alſo a ſmaller Earth and Moon, made fomewhat in Proportion to their Diſtance from each other, which may be put on at Pleaſure. The Lamp turns round in the ſame Time with the Earth, and by means of the Glaffes cafts a ſtrong Light upon her; and when the ſmaller Earth and Moon are placed on, it will be eafy to fhew when either of them may be eclip- fed. Having the ORRERY. 183 1 Having thus given a brief Deſcription of the outward Part of this Machine, I fhall next give an Account of the Pha- nomena x ained by it when it is put x: into Motion. 1. Of the Motions of the Planets in ge- ရာ neral. Having put on the Handle, puſh in the Pin which is juſt above it, and place a ſmall black Patch (or Bit of Wafer) upon the Middle of the Sun (for In- ftance) right againſt the firſt Degree of r; you may alfo place Patches upon Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, right againſt fome noted Point in the Ecliptic. If you lay a Thread from the Sun to the firft Degree of r, you may fet a Mark where it interfects the Orbit of each Planet, and that will be a Help to note the Time of their Revolutions. One entire turn of the Handle anſwers to the Diurnal Motion of the Earth round her Axis, as may be ſeen by the Motion of the Hour-Index which is pla- ced at the Foot of the Wire on which the Terella is fixed. When the Index has moved the Space of ten Hours, you may obſerve that Jupiter has made one N4 Revo- 4 184 The Defcription of Revolution compleat round its Axis; the Handle being turned until the Hour Index has paffed over 24 Days 8 Hours, will bring the Patch upon Venus to its former Situation with refpect to the E- cliptic, which fhews that has made one entire Revolution round her Axis. Mars makes one compleat Revolution round his Axis in 24 Hours and about 40 Minutes. When the Handle is turn- ed 251 Times round, the Spot upon the Sun will point to the fame Degree of the Ecliptic, as it did when the Inftru- ment was firſt put into Motion. By obferving the Motions of the Spots up- on the Surface of the Sun, and of the Planets in the Heavens, their Diurnal Motion was difcover'd, after the fame Manner as we do here obſerve the Mo- tions of their Repreſentatives, by that of the Marks placed upon them. If while you turn the Handle you ob- ſerve the Planets, you will fee them per- form their Motions in the fame relative Times as they really do in the Heavens, each making its Period in the Times mentioned in the Tables, Page, 28; 27 Turns of the Handle will bring the Moon round the Earth, which is called a Periodic Month, and all the 4 while → ' f 1. 1 * 芥 ​3 Plate 5 Fig. I Fig.II I' B B C B T K 1 T B R Fig.III [C Fig. IV Fig. I Fig. V E B Fig. VII H D C i T G A F C OE Page 184 H G R. Cafhee feuiir. * the ORRERY. 185 while fhe keeps the fame Face towards the Earth; for the Moon's Annual and Diurnal Motion are perform'd both in the fame Time nearly, fo that we al- way's fee the fame Face or Side of the Moon. ² T I If before the Inftrument is put into Motion, the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn be brought into the fame right Line from their reſpective Primaries, you'll fee them as you turn the Handle, immediately difpers'd from one another, according to their different Celerities. Thus one Turn of the Handle will bring the firft of Jupiter's Moons about Part round Jupiter, while the fecond has deſcribed but Part, the third but above, and the fourth not quite Part, each of its refpective Orbits. If you turn the Handle until the Hour-Index has moved 18 Hours more, the firſt Satellite will then be brought into its former Pofition, and fo has made one entire Revolution; the ſecond at the fame Time will be almoſt diametrically op- pofite to the firſt, and fo has made a lit- tle more then Half of one Revolution; the others will be in different Afpects, according to the Length of their Periods, as will be plainly exhibited by the In- Ι 2 ſtrument. 386 The Defcription of ftrument. The fame Obfervations may be made with refpect to the Satellites of Saturn. • $ The Machine is fo contrived, that the Handle may be turned either Way; and if before you put it into Motion, you obferve the Afpect (or Situation with refpect to each other) of the Pla- nets, and then turn the Handle round any Number of Times; the fame Num- ber of Revolutions being made back- wards, will bring all the Planets to their former Situations: I fhall next proceed to Particulars. ነ Of the Stations, and Retrogradations of the Planets. * The Primary Planets, as they all turn round the Sun, at different Diſtances, and in different Times, appear to us from the Earth to have different Moti- ons; as fometimes they appear to move from West to Eaft according to the Or- der of the Signs, which is called their direct Motion, then by Degrees they flacken their Pace, until at laſt they lofe Stationary all their Motion and become Stationary, or not to move at all; that is, they ap- pear in the fame Place with refpect to the the ORRERY. 187 Motion of the fixed Stars for fome Time together; after which they again begin to move, but with a contrary Direction, as from Eaft to Weft, which is called their re-Retrograde trograde Motion; then again they be- the Planets come Stationary, and afterwards reaf- fume their direct Motion. The Reaſon of all theſe Appearances is very evident- ly fhewn by the Orrery. Of the Stations, &c. of the inferior Planets. ་ t We fhall inſtance in the Planet Mer- cury, becauſe his Motion round the Sun differs more from the Earth's than that of Venus does. When Mercury is in his fuperior Con- junction (or when he is in a direct Line from the Earth beyond the Sun) faſten a String about the Axis of the Earth, and extend it over Mercury to the Eclip- tic; then turning the Handle, keep the Thread all the while extended over g and you'll find it move with a direct Motion in the Ecliptic, but continually flower, until Mercury has the greateſt Elongation fron the Earth. Near this Pofition, the Thread for fome Time will lay over Mercury without being mov'd + $ in 188 The Defcription of cury in the Ecliptic, tho' the Earth and Mer- both continue their progreffive Mo- tion in their respective Orbits. When Mercury has got a little paft this Place, you'll find the Thread muſt be moved backward in the Ecliptic, beginning firſt with a flow Motion, and then fafter by Degrees, until Mercury is in his inferior Conjunction, or directly betwixt the Earth and the Sun. Next this Fofition of, his retrograde Motion will be the fwifteft; but he ſtill moves the fame way, tho' continually flower, till he has again come to his greateſt Elongation, where he will appear the fecond Time to be ſtationary; after which he begins to move forward, and that fafter by De- grecs, .until he is come to the fame Po- fition with refpect to the Earth, that he was in at firft. The fame Obfèrva- tions may be made relating to the Mo tions of Venus. In like Manner the dif- ferent Motions obferved in the fuperior Planets may be alfo explained by the Orrery. If you extend the Thread over Jupiter, and proceed after the fame Manner as before we did in regard to Mercury, you'll find that from the Time. Jupiter is in Conjunction with the Sun, his Motion is direct, but continually lower, until the Earth is nearly in a Qua- the ORRERY. 189 Quadrate Afpect with Jupiter, near which Pofition Jupiter ſeems to be ſtati- onary: After which he begins to move, and continually mends his Pace, until he comes in Oppofition to the Sun, at which Time his retrograde Motion is fwifteft. He ftill feems to go back- ward, but with a flower Pace, till the Earth and he are again in a Quadrate Afpect, where Jupiter feems to have loſt all his Motion; after which he again re- fumes his direct Motion, and fo proceeds fafter by Degrees, till the Earth and he are again in Oppofition to each other. Theſe different Motions obferved in Plate 3 the Planets, are eaſily illuftrated, ás fol-Fig. 1. loweth: The leffer Circle round the Sun is the Orbit of Mercury, in which he performs his Revolution round the Sun in about three Months, or while the Earth is going thro' Part of her Orbit, 44 or from A to N. The Numbers 1, 2, 3, &c. in the Orbit of Mercury ſhow the Spaces he defcribes in a Week near- ly, and the Diſtance AB, BC, CD, &c. in the Earth's Orbit, do likewife ſhow her Motion in the fame Time. The Letters A, B, C, &c. in the great Orb, are the Motions of Mercury in the Heavens, as they appear from the Earth. Now 190 The Deſcription of Now if the Earth be fuppofed in A, and Mercury in 12, near his fuperior Conjunction with the Sun; a Spectator on the Earth will fee x, as if he were in the Point of the Heavens A ;-and while is moving from 12 to 1, and from 1 to 2, &c. the Earth in the fame Time alfo moves from A to B, and from B to C, &c. All which Time appears in I the Heavens to move in a direct Motion from A to B, and from B. to C, &c. but gradually flower, until he arrives near the Point G; near which Place he ap pears ſtationary, or to ftand ftill; and afterwards (tho' he ftill continues to move uniformly in his own Orbit, with a progreffive Motion) yet in the Sphere of the fix'd Stars he'll appear to be re- trograde, or to go backwards as from G to H, from H to I, &c. until he has ar- rived near the Point L, where again he'll appear to be ſtationary; and after- wards to move in a direct Motion from L to M, and from M to N, &c. What has been here fhewed concern- ing the Motions of Mercury, is alſo to be underſtood of the Motions of Venus; but the Conjunctions of Venus with the Sun do not happen fo often as in Mer÷ cury; for Venus moving in a larger Orbit,' 1 and the ORRERY: idi and much flower than Mercury, does not fo often overtake the Earth. But the Retrogradations are much greater in Ve- nus than they are in Mercury, for the Fig. 2: fame Reaſons:: ** I I 2 The innermoft Circle repreſents the Earth's Orbit, divided into 12 Parts, an- fwering to her monthly Motion; the greateſt Circle is in the Orbit of Jupiter, which he deſcribes in about 12 Years; and therefore the thereof, from A to N, defines his Motion. In one of our Years nearly, and the intermediate Divifions, A, B, C, &c. his monthly Motion. Let us ſuppoſe the Earth to be in the Point of her Orbit 12, and Jupiter in A,in his Conjunction with the Sun; it is evident that from the Earth Jupiter will be ſeen in the great Orb, or in the Point of the Heavens A, and while the Earth is moving from 12 to 1, 2, &c. 4 alío moves from A to B, &c. all which Time he appears in the Hea- vens to move with a direct Motion from A to B, C, &c. until he comes in Oppofition to the Earth near the Point of the Heavens E. where he appears to be ſtationary; after which 4 again begins to move (tho' at firft with a flow Pace) from E through F, H, I, to K, where 192 The Defcription of where again he appears to ſtand ſtill, but afterwards he reaffumes his direct Motion from I thro' K, to M,&c.. From the Conftruction of the preceed- ing Figure it appears, that when the fuperior Planets are in Conjunction with the Sun, their direct Motion is much quicker than at other Times; and that becauſe they really move from Weſt to Eaft, while the Earth in the oppofite Part of the Heavens is carried the fame Way, and round the fame Center. This Motion afterwards continually flackens, until the Planet comes almoſt in Op- pofition to the Sun, when the Line joining the Earth and Planet, will con- tinue for fome Time nearly parallel to itfelf, and fo the Planet feems from the Earth to ſtand ftill; after which, it begins to move with a flow Motion backward, until it comes into a Quartile Afpect with the Sun, when again it will appear to be ſtationary for the above Reaſons; after that it will refume its di- rect Motion, until it comes into a Con- junction with the Sun, then it will pro- ceed as above explained. Hence it alſo appears, that the Retrogradations of the fuperior Planets are much flower than their direct Motions, and their Conti- nuance 7 the QRRERY. 193 + · · ง nuance much fhorter; for the Planet, from its laft Quarter, until, it comes in Oppofition to the Sun, appears to move the fame Way with the Earth, by whom it is then overtaken: After which it begins to go backwards, but with a flow Motion, becauſe the Earth being in the fame Part of the Heavens, and moving the fame Way that the Planet really does, the apparent Motion of the Planet backwards muſt thereby be leffened. - What has been here faid concerning the Motions of Jupiter, is alſo to be un- ftood of Mars and Saturn. But the Re- trogradations of Saturn do oftner happen than thofe of Jupiter, becauſe the Earth oftner overtakes Saturn; and for the fame Reaſon, the Regreffions of Jupiter do oftner happen than thoſe of Mars. But the Retrogradations of Mars are much greater than thofe of Jupiter; whoſe are alſo much greater than thoſe of Saturn. In either of the Satellites of Jupiter or Saturn, thefe different Appearances in the neighbouring Worlds are much oftner feen than they are by us in the Primary Planets. O We 194 The Defcription of } } We never obferve theſe different Mo- tions in the Moon, becauſe ſhe turns round the Earth as her Centre; neither do we obferve them in the Sun, becauſe he is the Centre of the Earth's Motion whence the apparent Motion of the Sun always appears the fame Way round the Earth. Of the Annual and Diurnal Motion of the Earth, and of the Increafe and Decreaſe of Days and Nights. ; The Earth, in her Annual Motion round the Sun, has her Axis always in the fame Direction, or parallel to itſelf; that is, if a Line be drawn Parallel to the Axis, while the Earth is in any Point of her Orbit, the Axis in all other Pofitions of the Earth will be parallel to the faid Line. This Parallelifm of the Axis, and the fimple Motion of the Earth in the Ecliptic, folves all the Phænomena of different Seaſons. Thefe Things are ve- ry well illuftrated by the Orrery. If you put on the Lamp in the Place of the Sun, you will ſee how one Half of our Globe is always illuminated by the Sun, while the other Hemifphere re- nains in Darkneſs; how Day and Night- are the ORRERÝ. 195 are form'd by the Revolution of the Earth round her Axis; for as the turns from Weft to Eaft, the Sun appears to move from Eaſt to Weſt. And while the Earth turns in her Orbit, you may obferve that her Axis always points the fame Way, and the ſeveral Seaſons of the Year continually change. To make theſe Things plainer, we will take a View of the Earth in different Parts of her Orbit. A · When the Earth is in the firſt Point of Libra (which is found by extending a Thread from the Sun, and over the Earth, to the Ecliptic) we have the Vernal Equinox, and the Sun at that Time appears in the firſt Point of v In this Pofition of the Earth, two Poles of the World are in the Line feparating Light and Darkneſs; and as the Earth turns round her Axis, juſt one Half of the Equator, and all its Parallels, will be in the Light, and the other Half in the Dark; and therefore the Days and Nights muſt be every where equal. As the Earth moves along in her Or- bit, you'll perceive the North Pole ad- vances by Degrees into the illuminated 02 Hemi- 196 The Deſcription of Hemiſphere, and at the fame Time the South Pole recedes into Darkness; and in all Places to the Northward of the Equator, the Days continually lengthen while the contrary happens in the South- ern Parts, until at length the Earth is ar- rived in Capricorn. In this Pofition of the Earth all the Space included within the Arctic Circle falls wholly within the Light, and all the oppofite Part, lying within the Antarctic Circle, is quite in- volved in Darkneſs. In all Places be- tween the Equator and the Arctic Circle, the Days are now at the Longeſt, and are gradually longer as the Places are more remotefrom the Equator. In the Southern Hemiſphere there is a contrary Effect. All the while the Earth is travel- ling from Capricorn towards Aries, the North Pole gradually recedes from the Light, and the South Pole approaches nearer to it; the Days in the Northern Hemiſphere gradually decreaſe, and in the Southern Hemisphere they increaſe in the fame Proportion, until the Earth be arrived in ; then the two Poles of the World lie exactly in the Line fepa- rating Light and Darkneſs, and the Days are equal to the Nights in all Places of the World. As the Earth advances to- wards Cancer, the North Pole gradually recedes the ORRERY. 197. recedes from the Light, while the South- ern one advances into it, at the fame Rate. In the Northern Hemifphere the Days decreaſe, and in the Southern one they gradually lengthen, until the Earth being arrived in Cancer, the North Frigid Zone is all involved in Darkneſs, and the South Frigid Zone falls intirely within the Light; the Days every where in the Nor- thern Hemiſphere are now at the ſhorteſt, and to the Southward they are at the longeft. As theEarth moves from hence towards Libra, the North Pole gradually approaches the Light and the other re- cedes from from it; and in all Places to the Northward of the Equator the Days now lengthen, while in the oppofite He- miſphere they gradually fhorten, until the Earth has gotten into ; in which Poſition the Days and Nights will again be. of equal Length in all Parts of the World. You might have obſerved that in all Pofitions of the Earth, one Half of the Equator was in the Light, and the other Half in Darknefs; whence under the Equator, the Days and Nights are always of the fame Length: And all the while the Earth was going from ~ towards, the North Pole was conftant- ly illuminated, and the South Pole all 03 the 198 The Defcription of 1 Plate 4. the while in Darkneſs; and for the other Half Year the contrary. Sometimes there is a Semicircle exactly facing the Sun, fixed over the Middle of the Earth, which may be called the Horizon of the Disk: This will do inſtead of the Lamp if that Half of the Earth which is next the Sun be confider'd, as being the illu- minated Hemiſphere, and the other Half, to be that which lies in Darkneſs. - ' The great Circle 8, п, &c, repre- fent the Earth's annual Orbit; and the four leffer Circles ESQC, the Ecliptic upon the Surface of the Earth, coincid- ing with the great Ecliptic in the Hea- vens. Theſe four leffer Figures repre- fent the Earth in the four Cardinal Points of the Ecliptic, P being the North Pole of the Equator, and p the North Pole of the Ecliptic; SPC the Solftitial Colure which is always parallel to the great Sol- ftitial Colure in the Heavens EPQ the Equinoctial Colure. The o- ther Circles paffing thro' P, are Meridians at two Hours Diſtance from one ano- ther; the Semicircle EQ is, the North- ern Half of the Equator; the parallel Circle touching the Ecliptic in S, is the Tropic of Cancer; the dotted Circle the Parallel of London, and the fmall Cir- cle, the ORRERY. 199 cle, touching the Pole of the Ecliptic, is the Arctic Circle. The fhaded Part, which is always oppofite to the Sun, is the obfcure Hemisphere, or that which lies in Darkneſs; and that which is next the Sun, is the illuminated Hemi- ſphere. 1 If we fuppofe the Earth in ^, fhe'll then fee the Sun in r, (which makes our vernal Equinox) and in this Poſition the Circle, bounding Light and Darkneſs, which here is SC, paſſes thro' the Poles of the World, and bifects all the Paral- lels of the Equator; and therefore the Diurnal and Noctural Arches, or the Lengths of the Days and Nights, are -equal in all Places of the World. But while the Earth, in her annual Courſe. moves through m, 4, to w, the Line SC, keeping ſtill parallel to itſelf, or to the Place where it was at firſt, the Pole P will, by this Motion, gradu- ally advance into the illuminated Hemi- fphere; and alſo the Diurnal Arches of the Parallels gradually increaſe, and con- ſequently the Nocturnal ones decreaſe in the fame Proportion, until the Earth has arrived into ; in which Pofition the Pole P, and all the Space within the Artic 0 4 200 The Deſcription of Arctic Circle, fall wholly within the illu minated Hemifphere, and the Diurnal Arches of all the Parallels that are with- out this Circle; will exceed the Nocturnal Arches more or lefs, as the Places are nearer to, or farther off from it, until- the Diſtance from the Pole is as far as the Equator, where both theſe Arches are always equal. Again, while the Earth is moving from , through, x, tor, the Pole P begins to incline to the Line, diftinguiſhing Light and Darkness in the fame Pro- portion that before it receded from it; and confèquently the Diurnal Arches gradually leffen, untill the Earth has arrived into r, where the Pole P will a- gain fall on the Horizon, and ſo cauſe the Days and Nights to be every-where equal. But when the Earth has paffed r, while fhe is going thro' 8, and I, &c. the Pole P will begin to fall in the ob- fcure Hemiſphere, and fo recede gradu- ally from the Light, untill the Earth is arrived in; in which Pofition not only the Pole, but all the Space within the Arctic Circle, are involved in Dark- nefs, and the Diurnal Arches of all the Parallels, without the Arctic Circle, are equal to the Nocturnal Arches of the > fame 1 the ORRERY. 201 < fame Parallels; when the Earth was in the oppofite Point ; and it is evident that the Days are now at the ſhorteſt, and the Nights the longeft. But when the Earth has paft this Point, while ſhe is going through and m, the Pole P will again gradually approach the Light, and fo the Diurnal Arches of the Paral- lels gradually lengthen, until the Earth is arrived in; at which Time the Days and Nights will again be equal in all Places of the World, and the Pole itſelf juſt ſee the Sun. Here we only confidered the Phæno- mena belonging to the Northern Paral- lels; but if the Pole P be made the South. Pole, then all the Parallels of Latitude will be Parallels of South Latitude, and the Days, every where, in any Pofition of the Earth, will be equal to the Nights of thoſe who liv'd in the oppofite Hemi- ſphere, under the fame Parallels, Of the Phafes of the Moon, and of her Motion in her Orbit, The Orbit of the Moon makes an Angle with the Plane of the Ecliptic, of above 5 Degrees, and cuts it into two Points, diametrically oppofite (after the I fame 202 The Defcription of Nodes. Head. fame Manner as the Equtor and the E- cliptic cut each other upon the Globe, in and) which Points are called the Nodes; and a right Line joining theſe Points, and paffing through the Center of the Earth, is called the Line of the Nodes. That Node where the Moon begins to afcend Northward above the Plane of the Ecliptic, is called the Aſ- Dragon's cending Node, and the Head of the Dra- gon, and is thus commonly marked & . The other Node, from whence the Moon deſcends to the Southward of the Eclip- tic is called the Defcending Node, and the Dragon's Dragon's Tail, and is thus mark'd 8. The Line of Nodes continually ſhifts itſelf from Eaſt to. Weft, contrary to the Order of the Signs; and with this Re- Retrograde trograde Motion, makes one Revolution Motion of round the Earth, in the Space of about 19 Years. Tail. the Nodes. Month. The Moon defcribes its Orbit round the Earth in the Space of 27 Days and 7 Hours, which Space of Time is called Periodical a Periodical Month; yet from one Con- junction to the next, the Moon ſpends 29 Days and a Half, which is called Synodical a Synodical Month; becauſe, while the Moon in her proper Orbit finiſhes her Courfe, the Earth advances near a whole Month Sign the ORRERY, 203 Sign in the Ecliptic; which Space the Moon has ſtill to defcribe, before fhe will be ſeen in Conjunction with the Sun. When the Moon is in Conjunction with the Sun, note her Place in the E- cliptic; then turning the Handle, you'll find that 27 Days and 7 Hours will bring the Moon to the fame Place; and after you have made 2 Revolutions more, the Moon will be exactly betwixt the Sun and the Earth. the Moon, The Moon all the while keeps in her Orbit, and fo the Wire that fupports her continually rifes or falls in a Socket, as the changes her Latitude; the black Cap ſhifts itfelf, and fo fhews the Pha-Phafes of fes of the Moon, according to her Age, or how much of her enlighten'd Part is ſeen from the Earth. In one Synodical Month, the Line of the Nodes moves a- bout 1 Degree from Weft to Eaſt, and fo makes one entire Revolution in 19 Years. I 2 Let AB be an Arch of the Earth's Or- bit, and when the Earth is in T, let the Moon be in N, in Conjunction with the Sun in S, while the Moon is defcribing her Orbit NAFD, the Earth will de- fcribe 204 The Deſcription of fèribe the Arch of her Orbit T ; and when the Earth has got into the Point t the Moon will be in the Point of her Orbit n, having made one compleat Re- volution round the Earth. But the Moon, before ſhe comes in Conjunction with the Sun, muft again defcribe the Arch no; which Arch is fimilar to Tt, becauſe the Lines FN, fn, are parallel ; and becaufe, while the Moon deferibes the Arch no, the Earth advances forward in the Ecliptic; the Arch deferibed by the Moon, after ſhe has finiſhed her perio- dical Month, before the makes a Syno- dical Month, muſt be ſomewhat greater than no. To determine the mean Length of a Synodical Month, find the Diurnal Motion of the Moon (or the Space fhe deſcribes round the Earth in one Day) and likewife the Diurnal Motion of the Earth; then the Difference betwixt thefe two Motions is the apparent Motion of the Moon round the Earth in one Day; then it will be, as this differential Arch is to a whole Circle; fo is one Day to that Space of Time wherein the Moon appears to deſcribe a compleat Circle round the Earth which is about 29 Days. But this is not always a true Lunation, for the Motion of the Moon is fometimes fafter, and ſometimes flow- · 2 er, the ORRERY. 205 er, according to the Pofition of the Earth in her Orbit. In one Synodical Month the Moon has all Manner of Afpects with the Sun and Earth, and becauſe ſhe is opaque, that Face of hers will only appear bright which is towards the Sun, while the op- pofite remains in Darkneſs. But the Inhabitants of the Earth can only fee that Face of the Moon which is turned towards the Earth; and therefore, ac- cording to the various Pofitions of the Moon, in refpect of the Sun and Earth, we obferve different Portions of her illu- minated Face, and fo a continual Change in her + Phafes. Let S be the Sun, RTV an Arch of the Earth's Orbit, T the Earth, and the Circle ABCD, &c. the Moon's Orbit, in which the turns round the Earth in the Space of a Month; and let A, B, C, &c. be the Centers of the Moon in different Parts of her Orbit. Now if with the Lines.S A, SB, &c. Fig. zi we join the Centers of the Sun and + Phafes of the Moon are thofe different Appearances we obferve in her, according to her Pofition in reſpect of the Sun and Earth. Moon + 200 The Defcription of 1 Full Moon. Moon, and at right Angles to thefe draw the Lines HO; the faid Lines HO will be the Circles that feparate the illumi- nated Part of the Moon from the dark and obfcure. Again, if we conceive a- nother Line IL to be drawn at right Angles to the Lines TA, TB, &c. paff- ing from the Center of the Earth to the Moon, the faid Line IL will divide the viſible Hemiſphere of the Moon, or that which is turned toward us, from the in- viſible, or that which is turned from us; and this Circle may be called the Circle of Viſion. Now it is manifeft, that whenever the Moon is in the Pofition A, or in that Point of her Orbit which is oppofite to the Sun, the Circle of Viſion, and the Circle bounding Light and Darkneſs, do coincide, and all the illuminated Face of the Moon is turned towards the Earth, and is viſible to us; and in this Pofition the Moon is faid to be full. But when the Moon arrives to B, all her illumi- nated Face is then not towards the Earth, there being a Part of it, HBI, not to be feen by us; and then her viſible Face is deficient from a Circle, and appears of à gibbous Form, as in B. Fig. 3. Again when the arrives to C, the two fore- men- 3 the ORRERY. 207 mentioned Circles cut each other at right 1 Moon. Angles, and then we obſerve a Half Half Moon, as in C, Fig. 3. And again the illuminated Face of the Moon is more and more turned from the Earth, until fhe comes to the Point E, where the Circle of Vifion, and that bounding Light and Darkneſs, do again coincide. Here the Moon diſappears, the illumina- ted Part being wholly turned from the Earth; and ſhe is now faid to be in Con- junction with the Sun, becauſe ſhe is in the fame Direction from the Earth that the Sun is in, which Pofition we call a New Moon. When the Moon is arrived New to F, fhe again refumes a horned Figure, but her Horns (which before the Change were turned Weftward) have now chan- ged their Pofition, and look Eaſtward. When ſhe has arrived to a Quadrate Aſpect at G, ſhe'll appear biffected, like a Half Moon, afterwards fhe'll ſtill grow bigger until at laſt ſhe comes to A, where again ſhe'll appear in her full Splendor. The fame Appearances which we ob- ferve in the Moon are likewife obferved by the Lunarians in the Earth, our Earth being a Moon to them, as their Moon is to us; and we are obſerved by them to be carried round in the Space of Time that Moon. 208 The Defcription of Eclipfe. Fig. 4 1 > that they are really carried round the Earth. But the fame: Phafes of the Earth and Moon happen when they are in contrary Pofition; for when the Moon is in Conjunction to us, the Earth is then in Oppofition to the Moon, and the Lu- narians have then a full Earth, as we in a fimilar Pofition have a full Moon. When the Moon comes in Oppoſition to the Sun, the Earth, feen from the Moon, will appear in Conjunction with her, and in that Pofition the Earth will dif- appear; afterwards ſhe'll affume a hom- ed Figure, and fo fhew the fame Phaſes to the Inhabitants of the Moon as the does to us. Of the Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon. An Eclipfe is that Deprivation of Light in a Planet, when another is in- terpoſed betwixt it and the Sun. Thus, an Eclipſe of the Sun is made by the In- terpofition of the Moon at her: Con- junction, and an Eclipfe of the Moon is occafioned by the Shadow of the Earth' falling upon the Moon, when ſhe is in Oppoſition to the Sun. Let S be the Sun, T the Earth, and ABC its Shadow; now if the Moon, when the ORRERY. 200 } when ſhe is in Oppofition to the Sun, fhould come into the conical Space AB C, fhe'll then be deprived of the Solar Light, and ſo undergo an Eclipfe. Lunar Eclipfe. In the fame Manner, when the Sha- dow of the Moon falls upon the Earth which can never happen but when the Moon is in Conjunction with the Sun) that Part upon which the Shadow falls will be involved in Darkneſs, and the solar Sun eclipfed. But becauſe the Moon is Eclipfe. is much leſs than the Earth, the Shadow of the cannot cover the whole Earth, but only a Part of it. Let S be the Sun, Fig. 5. T the Earth, ABC the Moon's Orbit, and L the Moon in Conjunction with the Sun: Here the Shadow of the Moon falls only upon the Part D E of the Earth's Surface, and there only the Sun is intirely hid; but there are other Parts, EF, DG, on each Side of the Shadow, where the Inhabitants are deprived of Part of the Solar Rays, and that more or leſs according to their Diſtance from the Shadow. Thoſe who live at H and I will fee Half of the Sun eclipſed, but in the Spaces FM, GN, all the Sun's Body will be vifible without any Eclipfe. From the preceding Figure it appears, that an Eclipſe of the Sun does not reach P a 210 The Defcription of Fig. 6. } a great Way upon the Superficies of the Earth; but the whole Body of the Moon may ſometimes be involved in the Earth's Shadow. Although the Moon feen from the Earth, and the Earth feen from the Moon, are each alternately, once a Month, in Conjunction with the Sun ; yet, by Reafon of the Inclination of the Moon's Orbit to the Ecliptic, the Sun is not eclipſed every New Moon, nor the Moon at every Full. Let T be the Earth, DTE an Arch of the Ecliptic, A LBF the Moon's Orbit, having the Earth T in its Center; and let AGBC be another Circle coinciding with the E- cliptic, and A, B, the Nodes, or the two Points where the Moon's Orbit and the Ecliptic cut each other; A the aſcend- ing Node, and B the defcending Node. The Angle GAL equal to GBL is the Inclination of the Moon's Orbit to the Ecliptic, being about 5+ Degrees. Now a Spectator from the Earth at T, will obferve the Sun to move in the Circle A GBC, and the Moon in her Orbit ALB F; whence it is evident, that the Sun and Moon can never be ſeen in a direct Line from the Center of the Earth, but when the Moon is in one of the Nodes A or B ;- W } and the ORRERY. 211 and then only will the Sun appear centrally eclipfed. But if the Conjunc- tion of the Moon happens when ſhe is any where within the Diſtance A c of the Nodes, either North or South, the Sun will be then eclipfed, more or lefs, ac- cording to the Diſtance from the Node A, or B. If the Conjunction happens when the Moon is in b, the Sun will be then one half eclipfed; and if it happens when ſhe is in c, the Moon's Limb will juſt touch the Sun's Disk without hid- ing any Part of it. The Shadow of the Earth at the Place where the Moon's Orbit interfects it, is three times as large as the Moon's Di- ameter, as in Fig. 4. and therefore it of- ten happens that Eclipfes of the Moon are Total, when they are not Central: And for the fame Reaſon the Moon may fometimes be totally eclipfed for three Hours together; whereas Total Eclipfes of the Sun can ſcarcely ever exceed four Minutes. The Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon are very well explained by the Orrery: Thus having put the Lamp in the Place of the Sun, and the little Earth and the little Moon in their proper Places, in- ftead P 2 I The Defcription of } ftead of the larger ones, let the Room wherein the Inftrument ftands be dark- ned; then turning the Handle about, you'll fee when the Conjunction of the Moon happens. When the is in or near one of the Nodes, her Shadow will fall upon the Earth, and fo deprive that Part upon which it falls of the Light of the Sun: If the Conjunction happens when the Moon is not near one of the Nodes, the Light of the Lamp will fall upon the Earth, either above or below the Moon, according to her Latitude at that Time. In like Manner, when the full Moon happens near one of the Nodes, the Shadow of the Earth will fall upon the Moon; and if the Moon's Latitude be but ſmall, her whole Face will be in- volved in Darknefs. At other Times, when the Full Moon happens when the is not near one of her Nodes, the Sha- dow of the Earth will pafs either above or below the Moon, and fo by that Means the Moon will eſcape being e- clipfed. go and Of the Eclipfes of the Satellites of Jupiter. The apparent Diameters of the Infe- rior Planets are fo fmall, that when they pafs betwixt us and the Sun, they only appear the ORRERY. 213 appear like fmall Spots upon the Sun's Surface, without depriving us of any fenfible Quantity of his Light, The Shadow of the Earth likewiſe terminates before it reaches any of the fuperior Planets, fo that they are never eclipfed by us; and the Earth, when ſhe is in Conjunction with the Sun, only appears like a black Spot upon his Surface. But Jupiter and his Moons mutually eclipfe each other, as our Earth and Moon do; ás alfo doth Saturn and his Moons: The Satellites of Jupiter be- come twice hid from us, in one Circu- lation found 4; viz. once behind the Body of Jupiter, i. e. when they are in the Right Line joining the Centers of the Earth and 2; and again they be- come invifible when they enter the Sha- dow of Jupiter, which happens when they are at their Full as feen from 4, at which Times they alfo fuffer Eclipfes; which Eclipfes happen to them after the fame Manner as they do to our Moon.. by the Interpofition of the Earth betwixt her and the Sun. Let S be the Sun, ABT the Earth's Fig. 7- Orbit; and C & D an Arch of Jupiter's Orbit, in which let Jupiter be in the P 3 Point 214 The Defcription of Point ; and let CFDH be the Orbit of one of Jupiter's Satellites, which we'll here fuppofe to be the fartheft from him. Theſe Satellites, while they move thro' the Inferior Parts of their Orbs, viz. from D thro' H, I, to C, feem from the Earth and the Sun to have a retrograde Mo- tion; but when they are in the fuperior Part of their Orbit, they are then ſeen to move from Weft to Eaft according to their true Motion. Now while they.de- ſcribe the fuperior Part of their Orbits, they will be twice hid from the Earth, once in the Shadow of 2, and once be- hind his Body. If Jupiter be more Wefterly than the Sun, that is, when the Earth is in A, they'll be firff hid in the Shadow F, and afterwards behind the Body of 4 in G: But when the Earth is in B, then they are firſt hid be- hind 4's Body in E, and afterwards fall into the Shadow F. While theſe Satel- lites deſcribe the inferior Parts of their Orbits, they only once difappear, which may be either in I or H, according to the Pofition of the Earth, in which Pla-- ces they cannot be diftinguiſhed from the Body of Jupiter. When the Satellites feen from 4 are in Conjunction with the Sun, their Sha dow's { the ORRERY. 255 dows will then fall upon 2, and fome Part of his Body be involved in Darkneſs, to which Part the Sun will be totally e- clipfed. By obferving the Eclipfes of Jupiter's Satellites, it was firft difcover'd that Light is not propagated inftantaneouſly, though it moves with an incredible Swiftnefs: For if Light came to us in an Inftant, an Obſerver in T will fee an Eclipfe of one of theſe Satellites, at the fame Time that another in K would. But it has been found by Obfervations, that when the Earth is in K at her neareſt Diſtance from Jupiter, thefe Eclipfes happen much fooner than when the is in T. Now having the Difference of Time betwixt thefe Appearances in K and T, we may find the Length of Time the Light takes in paffing from K to T, which Space is equal to the Diameter of the Earth's Annual Orb. By thefe Kinds of Obfervations it has been found, that Light reaches from the Sun to us in the Space of eleven Minutes of Time, which is at leaft at the Rate of 100,000 Miles in a Second. FINIS. 冰 ​** * G MDX SR oooooooooocoooooooooooooo000000000000 A N INDE EX OF THE Aftronomical TERMS Made Ufe of in this BOOK. A Chronical Rifing and Setting of the Stars Almacanthers Page 96 63 Altitudes ib. Meridian Altitude 63 Amplitude 62 Amphifcians Annual Motion 91 7 Antaci 92 Antarctic Circle 53 Pole ib. Antipodes Arctic Circle 93 52 Aretie £ The IN DE X. 217 Arctic Pole Page $3 Afcenfion 68 -- Right ib. Oblique 69 Afcenfional Difference ib. Alcians Hetreofcians 91 ib. Afteriſms 36 Atmosphere 81 Axis 43 of the World 49 Azimuth 61 Babylonifh Hours 71 Biſſextile 78 Circle 42 Great Circles ib. Parallel, or lefler Circles 43 Secundary Circles ib. Circles of the Sphere 47 Climates 93 Colures 53 ----- Equinoctial Colure ib. Solftitial Colure 54 Comet's 29 Conjunction II, 207 Conftellations 36 Crepufculum Cofmical Rifing and Setting of the Stars 96 Day, Natural and Artificial 83 69 Declination 52 Diurnal Motion 7 Diurnal 218 The INDEX Diurnal Arch Eclipfes Solar Lunar 1 Page 68 208 ...ib. ib. 212 53 75 Ecliptic Egyptian Year Elongation Eclipfes of Jupiter's Satellites Equator, or Equinoctial Equinoctial Points Preceffion of Vernal and Autumnal Excentricity Galaxy, or Milky Way Geocentric Place Globe Terrestrial Cleftial Gregorian Account & 18 48 53. -55 'coming too 70 19 42 43 44 89 Heliacal Rifing and Setting of the Stars 96 Heliocentric Place Northern and Southern Hemisphere Heterofcians Horizon Senfible Rational 19 42 · 49 91 5.8 ib. 59 Hour Circles 50 Italian Hours 72 Jewish Hours ib. Julian Account 79 Latitude The IN/DE.X. 219 Latitude; in Aftronomy in Geography Longitude, in Aftronomy in Geography Meridian Nadir Nodes Nocturnal Arch Orbit 56 56 .87 50, 61 61 31202 68 3 Parallel of the Earth's Semi-diameter 23 • of the Earth's, Annual Orb · ·20 Periæci Perifcians Periodical Month Phafes of the Moon Planets ! Inferior and Superior- Planetary Hours Poles of the World 92 91 74, 202 201 I 14 72 42 49 of the Ecliptic Polar Circles 56 Points of the Compas Primary Planets 52 60 Cardinal Points Retrograde Motion of the Planets of the Nodes 59 5 187 202 Secondry Planets 5 Sidereal Year 74 Signs of the Zodiac 54 Northern and Southern ib. Solftices 220 The INDEX. Solstices M Summer and Winter Solstices ib. 71 Solftitial Points 1 53 Sphere 42 Parallel and Right Oblique 68 Stationary 186 Style Old 79 New Style 80 Synodical Month Tropics (of Cancer and Capricorn) 174 202 Twilights Vertical Circles 61 Prime Vertical` . 62 Zenith 61 Zenith Distance 63 Zones, Torrid, Temperate and Frigid 90 THE EN D. 甘 ​1 * } : Directions to the Binder. The great Orrery to face the title. Plate I Plate II. The Globes, Plate III. Plate IV. Plate Vi 1 i 1 J > > 1 1 * $ Y Page 28 35 < 1 194 200 214 **** ** COLE, Sen and Jun" Mathematical, Philofophical, and Optical Inftrument Makers (Succeffors to Mr. WRIGHT, Mathematical Inftrument- Maker to His MAJESTY) at the Or- rery next the Globe Tavern in Fleet- street, LONDON, M A "AKES all Sorts of Mathematical, Philofo- phical, and Optical Inftruments, according to the lateſt and beft Improvements in Sil- ver, Brafs, Ivory, or Wood, neatly and compleatly fitted for all their different Ufes in the fe- veral Branches of the Mathematics and Philofophy; where Gentlemen by fignifying the Plate and Figure of any Inftrument in Gravefend, Defaguliers, or other Au- thors, may be punctually ferved therewith, or any o- ther Model or Machine made according to their own Contrivance; COLE, Sen. having had for many Years paft great Practice and Experience in making fe- veral large and curious ORRERIES and SPHERES, of different Sizes; Foot-Meaſuring Wheels, Way-wi- fers for Coach or Chaiſe, within fide or without; The- odolites, and Levels of various Kinds; Hadley's new- invented Sea-Quadrant, mounted either in Brafs or Wood (which for its Excellency far exceeds all Inftru- ments yet contrived for that Üfe; but for fuch who till retain a Defire for Davis's Quadrant, or are un- willing { willing to be at the Expence of Hadley's; COLE, Sen. has contrived one on the Principle of Davis's; which for its eafy Application, and Correctneſs in Ufe, may juftly be, allow'd greatly preferable thereto :) Alſo, Smith's Quadrant, Davis's Quadrant, Azimuth, Am- plitude, or other Compaffes of all Sorts, either for Ca- bin, Steerage, or Pocket. Artificial Magnets, made according tothe Improve- ments lately communicated by Dr. KNIGHT to the ROYAL SOCIETY; and likewife his new-contrived Ap- paratus, for touching of Needles for the Mariners Com- paffes; very uſeful for Maſters of Ships, eſpecially fuch as make long Voyages. Curious Cafes of Inftruments for drawing, in Silver, Brafs, &c. neatly fitted for the Pocket; alfo Magazine Cafes, with Variety of uſeful Inſtruments, fit for Gen- tlemen who travel, or live too remote from any Place to be readily furniſh'd with fuch Things. Large Horizontal Dials for Gentlemen's Gardens, in any Latitude; and other Sorts, of new Contrivance. Gunners Quadrants and Callipers; and all other Inftruments uſed in Fortification. Elliptical Compaffes, Compaffes of Proportion, and Variety of other Sorts, Gauging Inftruments of all Sorts. Reflecting Teleſcopes, either after the Newtonian or Gregorian Manner, accurately and neatly compleated: Refracting Teleſcopes of all Sorts, either for Sea or Land; Microſcopes of all Sorts, with the beft and latest Improvements. The Camera Obscura (very uſeful for drawing the Perſpective of any Seat or Building) wherein the ex- ternal Objects are fhewn in their Proportion and Co- lour. Reading 1 Reading Glaffes and Spectacles, ground on Brafe Fools, as approved by the ROYAL SOCIETY, fitted in Variety of Frames, and adapted to each Perfon's Sight; Hikewife Spectacles of the true Venetian Green Glafs; magnifying Glaffes in Frames, for Watch-makers and other Artificers; multiplying Glaffes, Opera Glaffes, and Priſms for demonftrating the Theory of Light and Colours. Barometers of all Sorts; Thermometers, either the framed Mercurial or Spirit Ones, nicely adjuſted. With Variety of other Inftruments, made and fold at the a- bove Place; where any Gentleman, by Letter or other Directions, may depend on being as faithfully fer'd as if preſent, 44 ' * ' * В_б !