TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY TF 692 .B26 L [ い ​2520 COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES 300 ока OF THE ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM: 1 RAILWAY SYSTEM: ! WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING Experiments on the Tyler Hill Inclined Plane of the Canterbury and Whitstable Railway, showing the relative amount of lost Power of the Rope Traction, as compared with that of the Atmospheric System on the Dalkey Inclined Plane. BY PETER W BARLOW, M. INST. C. E. WITH AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISCUSSION UPON THE PAPER. EXCERPT MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. LONDON. 1845. HISTORICAL & PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO UNIV OF MICH 1 ansportatioc Library A TE 672 Bas LONDON: Printed by WILLIAM CLOWES and Sons, Stamford Street. Trip apart 1-12-51 Fle 11-6-50 INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. February 25, 1845. SIR JOHN RENNIE, President, in the Chair. No. 714. "On the comparative advantages of the Atmospheric Railway System." By Peter W. Barlow, M. Inst. C. E. The author having been required to examine and to report upon the question of the comparative advantages of the atmospheric railway system, with a view to the propriety of its application to the Tun- bridge Wells branch of the South Eastern Railway, and as there appeared to him several results from the use of this mode of traction, which had not apparently been previously noticed, he was induced to lay his investigations on the subject before the Institution, in the hope that they might be found to contain some useful information, although the little time he was enabled to devote to it, prevented his making any very detailed calculations. In the application of stationary power to traction on a railway, by means of the exhaustion of air in a pipe, several of the inconveniences of the present mode of traction by a rope, are avoided, and the great difficulty of rendering the pipe air-tight, has been in a great mea- sure overcome by the ingenuity and mechanical skill of the inventors. It is but fair to assume, in comparing the atmospheric system with traction by locomotive power, that still further improvements will be made in those features of the invention which relate to the mechanical construction. Whatever may be the result of the comparison, in a pure me- chanical point of view, that is to say, in a comparison of the cheapest and quickest mode of moving certain weights over a given distance, it must be considered, whether the power required on railways gene- rally, is of that uniform character which admits of mathematical com- putation, and whether, by the adoption of the atmospheric or any stationary power, certain rules and regulations are enforced, which are inconsistent with the ordinary traffic on a railway. I 4 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. On lines like the Greenwich or the Blackwall Railways, when the traffic is perfectly uniform, consisting of a certain number of trains daily, at stated intervals, the power admits of a mathematical com- putation; but on railways generally, the power required is liable to considerable irregularities; and a power, which is practically re- stricted to carrying between certain given points only and at certain intervals, would lead to great inconvenience. On all railways not carried upon arches, a great deal of work is re- quisite for the maintenance of the road and the works, which must be entirely intermediate traffic, consisting of bringing ballast and other materials to repair the road and works, the removal of slips, &c., and one or more engines are constantly employed for these pur- poses on all the principal railways. There is also traffic of coal and lime at sidings, to various intermediate points on all railways; and at the principal stations, much manual labour is saved by the locomo- tive in moving goods, trucks, carriages, &c., from the siding to the main line. The power for this purpose cannot be efficiently applied by the atmospheric system, because it does not admit of traction between intermediate points, except at a cost and inconvenience which would be inconsistent with practice, and must prove an ob- jection to the use of atmospheric or any stationary power. This can be only surmounted by having locomotive engines for this purpose, and it involves a small and consequently expensive locomotive esta- blishment, renders necessary locomotive gradients, and consequently prevents the saving which, it is contended, can be made in the con- struction of the atmospheric railway, by the use of steeper gradients. Another practical inconvenience, which will be found in the atmospheric railway, is, that the journey cannot be repeated on a length of pipe until after a given interval, which is necessary for forming the vacuum; the power is therefore not always at instant command, and the transmission of special trains and expresses is materially interfered with. The same objection will also, upon consideration, be found fre- quently to interfere with the general traffic, at the stations where the up and down trains pass, as it is evident both must wait, until the air is exhausted from within the pipes to the next engines. The length of this time will depend upon the extent of the pipe and the power of the engine; but it could not be less than 6 minutes, which is a serious loss of time to occur at the passing of every train, and on a long line, with trains every half hour, would reduce the average speed to 20 miles per hour If the length of pipe to each engine was Ir ༠༢ 11-6-400 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 5 extended to 10 miles, as has been proposed, this loss of time would be more serious, and would amount to 20 minutes or half an hour, unless very powerful engines were used. Another important objection to the atmospheric railway, is that the traffic is dependant upon keeping air-tight a great length of pipe, and upon the perfect order of a great number of engines; in fact, it de- pends upon the perfect order of an extensive, delicate, and compli- cated machine, composed of an infinite number of parts, the failure of any one of which, would render the whole machine useless; and it must be evident, to any person practically acquainted with the main- tenance of a railway, that the machinery of such an engine will be liable to frequent interruptions, from causes which it would be im- possible to control. The subsidence and slips of embankments and cuttings, do not now interfere with the traffic of a railway, unless they are of great extent; because a line of rails, if injured, is soon replaced, in situa- tions where the continuity of the pipe would be destroyed and the traffic would be intercepted. Slips, which are not of sufficient mag- nitude to excite public attention, and which, in fact, do not interfere with the trains, are of more frequent occurrence, in wet weather, than is supposed, and will render the maintenance of a pipe, in addition to the rails, not only very difficult and expensive, but in many cases impracticable. There will also be another source of danger, from increased liability of the carriages to run off the rails of the atmospheric railway. The locomotive, from its great weight, runs over and destroys any im- pediment which may be on the rails, but which would throw off a carriage. Such impediments, it may be supposed, need not exist; but in spite of every precaution, they are found, in practice, to do so to a great extent. On many railways cattle are continually run over; tools or planks are frequently left by the workmen on the rails such things are also frequently put on designedly; stones and flints also fall from the sides of the cuttings upon the rails. Such impedi- ments are thrown on one side, crushed, or run over by the locomotive, but a carriage would be thrown off by them; and by a very small impediment, the traffic on the atmospheric line would be stopped and serious injury would, in all probability, be done to the pipe and machinery, which would require a considerable time to repair. ; These objections to the system may be considered frivolous by those unacquainted with the actual maintenance of a railway; but R 2 6 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. the uncertain medium by which the traffic is maintained on the atmospheric railway will be fatal to its use for any traffic of import- ance. A person carelessly or maliciously disposed may, at any time, totally destroy the connexion of the power; and it is well known how frequently this has been attempted on existing railways, and would be oftener successful but that the attempts fail, from the great weight of the locomotive. These remarks refer to long lines of railway, but the objections above stated do not apply to short lines like the Greenwich and Blackwall constructed on arches, and in such situations, unless fre- quent intermediate stations are required, the system has undoubtedly advantages from its superior quiet and speed, with light trains; and, as will be seen by the following investigation, it will also in such cases be comparatively more economical. The question of the comparative cost of haulage, by the sta- tionary and the locomotive systems, was thoroughly investigated, when the locomotive engine was first introduced. It will be seen, that in railways, where the trains are not numerous, the stationary power, in whatever way applied, is worked under a great disad- vantage, from the small portion of time which is actually occupied in the passage of the trains on the length assigned to each stationary engine. The irregularity of traffic on a long line of railway, will be illustrated by the occasional necessity of removing large bodies of troops. The daily average traffic of several of the principal lines, very little exceeds the number of a full regiment of infantry; but it may be necessary to convey several regiments on the same day, and even at the same time; therefore to meet such a contingency, it is evident, the power must be so great as to work at other times at great disadvantage. * The actual lost power, in the locomotive engine, although considerable, is not so much as might be expected, the greater portion of loss being in the power required to convey its own weight and that of the tender; consequently, the amount of lost power is very much greater on lines with bad gradients, than on those with favourable ones, and on steep gradients the atmospheric principle is comparatively more advantageous, in a mechanical point of view. It is necessary, however, to observe, that a very common error exists in supposing that steep gradients are attended with compara- ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 7 tively little inconvenience on the atmospheric railway. They must, of course, render necessary the additional power due to the increased traction, which makes an important difference both in the first cost and in the working expenses. Thus in the gradient on an incline of 1 in 50, the sectional area of the pipe and the power of the stationary engines will be required to be four times that which is necessary on a level railway, and the working expenses will be increased in the same proportion; in fact, the cost of the apparatus, to give the re- quisite tractive power on a single line of railway of the above incli- nations, would exceed the total cost of a double line, constructed for locomotive power. This result is very much at variance with the statements made in the first instance by the inventors, as to the great saving of cost in the first construction. The result that steep inclines are better worked by the atmospheric system, has been evidently arrived at without considering the cost of construction, which becomes practically a very important question in the atmospheric stationary power, from the large section of pipe that is necessary. The outlay, as well as the working expenses, will be in- creased nearly in proportion to the sectional area of the pipe, from the circumstance, that the pressure is limited to that of the atmosphere, and this limitation of the pressure is a great practical objection to the atmospheric system; in fact, in comparing the atmospheric system with traction by the rope, the latter will be found to have much the advantage with steep gradients, and experience will show, that the atmospheric system is practically much better adapted to level lines of railway, than to those with steep gradients, which, if exceeding the inclination adapted to locomotive power, will be worked more advan- tageously by the rope. There are, however, few instances in which the inclines are required to be so steep, that the locomotive cannot be more advantageously applied; and the fact of the abandonment of stationary power for the locomotive, on the inclines on the Man- chester and Leeds railway, and on the Edinburgh and Glasgow (the inclination of both being greater than 1 in 50) as well as in other cases, is not only a proof of the improved capability of the locomotive engine, but of the inconvenience found in practice from stationary power. The objection which will interfere most sensibly, with the adop- tion of the atmospheric system, is the necessary outlay in the engines and the pipe, and this seems to have been lost sight of in the calculations of the economy of working, which have been made by its advocates. ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. Referring to the calculations of the cost of working on the London and Birmingham Railway; to lay down the apparatus of a double line, with a pipe of the required area, would not be less than £10,000 per mile, or a total cost of £1,120,000; and the interest of this sum, at 5 per cent., will be £56,000, or £500 per mile, or a sum very nearly equal to the actual cost of working that railway by locomotive power, and exceeding the average cost of most of the long lines. In fact there is no doubt that respectable contractors could be found, who would supply locomotive power, and work any railway, for the in- terest of the sum which would be expended, in laying down the atmospheric apparatus. If the interest on the necessary additional outlay is equal to the cost of working by locomotive, it is evident that it cannot be applied to main lines already executed, even if the working expenses were entirely saved. It has been stated, that an economy may be effected in the cost of the construction of the tunnels and the bridges, by avoiding the use of the engine; but this is erroneous, as the dimensions are governed by the size of the goods' trains, the carriages and the trucks, and not by the engine. A calculation has been made, showing a reduced cost of main- tenance of the permanent road; but experience has shown, that in this department any calculation must be so completely vague, as to be totally without practical utility. The chief cost of maintenance of way on ordinary lines, is from the settlement of the embankments; and on new lines it is sometimes extremely difficult to prevent an interruption of the traffic, during the winter, from the sudden and irregular settlement which a few hours may produce. On recently made embankments, it would be found extremely difficult to keep in order the road with the atmospheric pipe, and it could certainly only be done at a very increased cost. It may be argued, that as the weight of the engine running over the road is avoided, less repair will be necessary. In cuttings, some saving might be expected from this cause, if there was no pipe in addition, but with this addition, and on a line with the ordinary pro-. portion of embankment, it is to be apprehended, that the cost of maintenance will become a serious expense. ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM, 9 From these observations, the following general results have been arrived at:- :- 1st. That the situations best adapted for the application of the at- mospheric principle, are on lines where the trains are required to be numerous. This must generally occur near towns, and in such cases, additional advantages would be derived, from the absence of the noise of either the locomotive or the rope, and such lines might also gene- rally be constructed at less cost by the adoption of this mode of working, so as to pay for the additional expenditure. The circumstance of a railway being throughout on one inclined plane, so that the carriages will run down with their own gravity, as on the Dalkey line, is favourable to the atmospheric system. The locomotive system would, however, also derive advantage from the same cause, as the engine would return without using any steam. 2ndly. That on any main line, with the average number of trains, the interest on the cost of the atmospheric apparatus amounts to the present actual annual cost of working by locomotive, and conse- quently, it cannot be applied to any line or branch worked as part of the same locomotive establishment, without an actual annual loss, amounting to nearly the whole cost of working the atmospheric engines. It must also be evident, that it can never be applied to new lines, under ordinary circumstances without actual loss, as no reduction in the cost of the pipe can be made by the alteration of the gradients. If the mode of rendering the pipe air-tight could be improved, so as to work lengths of 10 or 15 miles each with one engine, it would much reduce the loss of power; but these lengths would cause several practical inconveniences if they could be obtained. 3rdly. That a great cause of lost power arises from all modes of working a railway by stationary engines, inasmuch as the steam must be kept up the whole 24 hours; while the locomotive power is prac- tically required for a few hours only. This will amount, assuming the average number of trains on railways, to three or four times the consumption of fuel by the stationary principle. It may be said, that when applied to long lines, a greater number of small trains would be run, instead of a few large ones; and this would certainly be the best plan. How far the increased traffic, arising from these facilities, might pay the additional cost, it is impossible to say; but with any 10 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. : number that can be run with advantage, the locomotive would be the least expensive method, unless under peculiar circumstances. There is also another objection arising from the amount of work which is re- quired to be done at stations by locomotives, and, also the intermediate work of various kinds, this, with the atmospheric system, must be done by horse or manual labour at a much increased cost. There is also the risk of certain stoppages of the traffic with the atmospheric railway, not only from the stationary engines getting out of order, but from the frequency (with every care that can be employed) of obstacles on the road, which will throw a carriage off the rails; injury to the pipe, by slips and subsidences, &c. These are of frequent occurrence in embankments, and in a common road they can be repaired in a few hours, but they would be sufficiently extensive to entirely destroy the action of the pipe, and would stop the traffic for a considerable period. 4thly. The most favourable feature in the atmospheric plan is the avoiding the noise, both of the locomotive and the rope, and this will lead to its adoption on short lines in the neighbourhood of towns, as it will be the less objectionable to the residents in the neighbourhood; and in these cases, as the trains are required to be numerous, and loco- motive power on the small scale becomes comparatively costly, the advantages of economy will also be in its favour; in other words, in such cases, where stationary power has or may have been previously used with economy, the atmospheric mode of traction would be ad- vantageous; but whatever improvements may be made in its con- struction, it must still possess the essential features of the stationary principle, and must therefore, as has been previously shown, not admit of application to a railway of general traffic. The attainment of lengths of 10-miles each would evidently reduce the great cause of loss of power in the present atmospheric railway, but it would increase the inconvenience which must arise on long lines, from the absolute necessity of intermediate power, and where two trains meet, it is evident they must both wait, during the time the air is ex- hausted out of 10 miles of pipe, which will not be less than 20 minutes or half an hour, unless stationary engines of very large power be used. The result, as to the effect of the resistance of the air at high velocities, is very interesting. It has been shown by experiments, that when a train attains a velocity of 35 miles per hour, the resist- ance from this cause equals 50 per cent. of the tractive force, and ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 11 that it increases rapidly with higher velocities; this is fully proved by the effect of windy weather on passenger trains; but it is re- markably illustrated by a circumstance which occurred on the Canter- bury and Whitstable Railway, since it has been under the author's charge (and it appears to have been of frequent occurrence). A train was entirely stopped in descending a gradient of 1 in 50, rendering it necessary to use horse power, although the velocity of the wind at the time could not have exceeded 60 or 70 miles per hour. The result arrived at, that the average speed on a single line would be reduced to 16 miles per hour in practice, from the pipes being full, at the meeting of the trains, confirms the author's estimate of 20 miles per hour; and it appears also to be shown so clearly as to admit of no doubt, unless the advantage of frequent trains be abandoned. is impossible, therefore, not to look with great interest on the experi- ment of the South Devon line, where it is anticipated that more than double that speed will be realized. It With reference to the lines on which the atmospheric system is in course of execution, viz., the London and Croydon, and South Devon, the results arrived at in the above investigation show, that the London and Croydon (if not forining a portion of a trunk line), is a case in which the power can be comparatively applied with advantage, and the objections only apply to a limited extent, as the trains are fre- quent, and the traffic consists chiefly of passengers, and as there need be only one train met, the speed with a single line will pro- bably be greater than with the locomotive engine, from the time necessary with frequent stoppages, to get the locomotive engine up to its speed. The New Cross incline will be felt to be the greatest objection, as the speed will be small (with the power proposed), with large trains, from the increased tractive force which will be necessary. The South Devon line is a case, to which it would appear from the above results, that the atmospheric system is not adapted. 12 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. APPENDIX. Experiments on the Tyler Hill Inclined Plane of the Canterbury and Whitstable Railway, showing the relative amount of lost Power of the Rope Traction, as compared with that of the Atmospheric System, on the Dalkey Inclined Plane. The Canterbury and Whitstable railway was constructed in the year 1830, and was the first railway in the South of England. It was intended to be worked by stationary power, and is composed chiefly of inclined planes of various inclinations, from 1 in 36 to 1 in 50. The inclined plane at Tyler Hill, where the experiments were tried, is 1 mile and 70 chains in length, with an average inclination of 1 in 48. The stationary engine is of 25 horses (commercial) power, with a cylinder 20§ inches diameter and 5 feet stroke, and was erected by Messrs. Stephenson of Newcastle, in the year 1830. It will bring up 35 tons at an average rate of 71 miles per hour, on the incline of 1 in 48, and is, therefore, capable of producing as great a useful mechanical effect as the Dalkey engine of 100 H. P., as it raises more than half the load three times the altitude, on the same length of incline, in nearly the same interval of time. With a result so important and unexpected, it was necessary, in order to render the deductions perfectly satisfactory, to adopt every practical means of ascer- taining the exact power exerted during the experiment; an indicator and counter were attached to the engine, and the diagrams, &c., from which the result was obtained, are given in Plates 3 to 10, in order that the accuracy of the calculations may be tested. From an examination of the diagrams it will be perceived that the slide valves of the engine were very inaccurately set during the first seven experiments;- the eighth was made the next day, after the slides had been adjusted; this ex- periment, therefore, shows a better result. Further alterations of the slides, had it been possible to have made them, within the time allotted for the ex- periments, would have ensured still more satisfactory results. Much misapprehension has prevailed from comparing the atmospheric with the locomotive system, in consequence of using the same arguments as were brought forward in favour of the stationary power, and it will be apparent, from reading the Report of the Atmospheric Committee, that they have been misled by these arguments, and that they would have arrived at the same con- clusions if they had been considering the system of stationary engine and rope traction, and for precisely the same reasons. A comparison of the at- mospheric system with that of rope traction is therefore important, in order to ascertain the practicability, or the applicability of the atmospheric system. These experiments may, it is contended, be received as strong arguments against the commercial practicability of the atmospheric system.* The experiments were entrusted to Mr. Gastineau, who followed with great accuracy the author's instructions. ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 13 The exact inclination of each portion of the plane was accurately ascertained, posts were placed at intervals of 5 chains, and the time of passing each post was carefully registered. The tables of experiments give the weights of the car- riages and load of each train, the number of revolutions of the engine, the speed of the piston per minute, the average pressure upon the piston, the pressure in the boiler, and the estimated power of the engine. The indicator diagrams in Plate 11 exhibit the power expended in moving the rope alone, for which purpose that experiment was tried. From these comparative tables the following results are obtained. 1st. That an engine of 25 commercial H. P. on the Whitstable line, working at an average of 50 H.P. of 33,000 lbs., gives an useful mechanical result, nearly equal to the Dalkey engine of 100 commercial H. P., working at 160 H. P.; or in other words, it raises trains of 30 tons on an incline of 1 in 48, at the same speed that the Dalkey engine raises trains of 66 tons on an incline of 1 in 138, which is evidently nearly an equal mechanical effect. 2ndly. That the lost power on the Whitstable Incline averages ths of the whole power, while on the Dalkey line it averages ths of the whole power. 3rdly. That the loss in transmitting the power to the train, as shown in Mr. Samuda's experiments, exceeds ths of the whole power, while in his state- ment sent to the Committee it was estimated at 4th, which explains the differ- ence in the calculations of the power required on the atmospheric lines. TO 4thly. The amount of lost power appears, in Mr. Stephenson's experiments, to be nearly uniform, throughout all the degrees of vacuum; this at first sight appears extraordinary, but it is evidently caused by the circumstance of the useful mechanical effect being computed by multiplying the resistance due to friction and gravity into the mean velocity in feet, without regarding the resist- ance of the air, which was greater with the low degrees of vacuum, because the velocities were greater. It is, however, difficult to estimate this, as the velocities were variable; but assuming 20 lbs. as adopted by Mr. Stephenson, for 30 miles per hour, it will affect the result, to the amount of about 25 per cent., which may be taken as an approximation to the truth; but whatever it may be, it is evident, from the uniformity of the results, that the effect of the increased leakage, at the higher degrees of vacuum, does not exceed the increased resistance of the air, and thereby proves that the leakage is not the main source of lost power. The experiments by Mr. Samuda and M. Mallet show a less mechanical effect than those by Mr. Stephenson; which arises evidently from their holding the train by the breaks until the vacuum was made, in order to obtain as great a maximum speed as possible. With a result showing so large an amount of lost power, it becomes interest- ing to inquire to what it is to be attributed, and how the total amount is made up; but this would require experiments more especially devoted to that ques- tion. It is, however, evident that a large portion is of a description which (although not lost in a theoretical point of view) is not under mechanical con- trol, either with heavy or light loads. With heavy loads and a high vacuum, the power of the engine required to form the vacuum, will amount to the greater proportion of the whole power exerted, and which will be practically lost; with the other extreme, of light loads and a small vacuum, the friction of the air in the pipe becomes an equally large proportion of the power expended, because the whole bulk of air must be ex- hausted, however small the load may be. In fact, the atmospheric medium of 14 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. traction may be practically represented by a rope without weight, but so ex- tremely elastic, that with a high vacuum, the larger proportion of the power of the engine, is required to give it sufficient tension, to sustain the required load. With small loads, the friction of the air on the sides of the tube, will also form a large proportion of the power exerted by the engine, so that there will be one particular vacuum and load, with any given engine and pipe, in which the sum of these losses will become the least possible; but whatever this may be, it is evident the amount must be fatal to the atmospheric system as a mode of applying stationary power. There is also a loss of power necessarily arising from the construction of the air-pump, and, in addition to that from leakage, there will be a certain loss from the atmosphere not having time to act with full effect on the piston. It must be apparent, that the loss from leakage does not form a large propor- tion of the lost power, and there is therefore but little field for mechanical improvement, which has been urged as an argument in favour of the system. This loss of time and of power, from the interval necessary to get up the required vacuum, will have the effect of reducing the average rate of travelling on a single line of atmospheric pipe, considerably below that of a locomotive line; because such loss of time must occur at the meeting of every train, and with trains running at intervals of half an hour, this delay must necessarily occur every quarter of an hour. Let A, B, C, D, in the annexed diagram, represent the position of the engines on an atmospheric line, the first section, A to B, being similar to the Dalkey line. A B. " 0 1 ભ 2 C 3 4 D 5 6 miles. The best result obtained from the experiments on the Dalkey line was the transport of a train of 30 tons in five minutes. Now, assuming three trains per hour to be required, if there was only one engine, the train, when it arrived at B, would have to wait five minutes, which would make the total time of traversing 13 miles ten minutes, being an average speed of 10 miles per hour, although the extreme speed may have reached 35 miles per hour. If the engines at B, C, D were double engines, the average speed would be doubled with double the number of trains. From this it appears, that on a railway formed of sections similar to the Dalkey line, with single engines, or 100 H. P. (of 33·000 lbs.) per mile, a train of 30 tons would make three trips each way per hour, at an average speed of 10 miles; and if the engines were double (i.e., 200 H. P. per mile), six trips each way per hour might be effected, at an average speed of 21 miles per hour, which is the simplest case of a long line. In the proposed atmospheric lines, the power is intended to be arranged as shown in the annexed diagram. A B C D E Single. Eng. Dble Eng. Single. Eng. Dble · Eng. F Single. Eng. G Dble Eng. • } I 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 my 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 miles The length of the section A to B is 23 miles, double engines being placed at alternate sections. Now assuming the most favourable case, of no increase of leakage, or friction, from the increased length, it will be found that with ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 15 engines at B and C, of similar power to that at Dalkey, it would be requisite, in order to transport a train of 30 tons from A to C, To obtain a vacuum at A = to 13 lbs. per square inch. 3.57 minutes. To pass from A to C, at a speed of 30 miles per 10. hour. Allow for irregularity of meeting 1.43 Total 15 minutes. Therefore, in a line with meeting points every five miles, with similar gradients and power to the Dalkey line, i. e., 105 H. P. per mile (without spare engines), the greatest effect will be, to transport trains of 30 tons every half-hour, at an average speed of 30 miles; which is evidently an insufficient power to insure punctuality with the ordinary traffic of a railway. 16 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. OBSERVATIONS ON TRAIN. Rise. Distance. Posts. Gradients. Feet. Miles. Chains. No. EXPERIMENT No. 1.— Time of passing Posts. Time of going over each 5 Chains. Velocity per Hour from commence- ment. Velocity per Hour over each 5 Chains. Weight of Train. Seconds. Seconds. Miles. Miles. Tons. 0 5 • · 125 10 1 in 42.87 15 for 20 chains. • 25 30 012♡ + 0 23.45 41 41 5.5 74 33 6.09 6.8 3 105 31 7.3 4 140 35 6.4 6.5 30.79 1 in 40.84 for 12 chains. • 375 223 25 5 175 30 6. 208 3888888335 6.5 6.5 6.8 50.18 35 1 in 45.76 •5 40 for 14 chains. 45 789) 242 34 6.6 274 32 6.5 7.03 307 33 6.8 70.37 .625 50 10 339 32 6.6 7.03 1 in 58.10 55 11 370 31 7.3 for 12 chains. ⚫75 60 12 400 30 6.7 7.5 84.00 1 in 48.76. 65 13 427 27 8.3 .875 70 14 455 28 6.9 8.04 75 15 484 29 7.8 1 in 56.00 1.0 80 16 512 28 7:08.04 for 28 chains. 85 17 545 33 6.8 116.95 1.125 90 18 569 24 7.1 9.3 95 19 600 31 7.3 1 in 51.65 [1.25 100 20 630 30 7.1 7.5 for 18 chains. 105 21 660 30 7.5 ! 140.05 1.375 110 22 1 in 47.3 for 20 chains. 1.5 115 23 120 24 222 690 30 7.1 7.5 125 25 719 29 752 33 782 30 7.8 7.2 6.8 7.5 167.96 1.625 130 26 813 31 7.2 7.3 1 in 48.95 for 16 chains. 1.75 135 27 140 28 840 27 869 29 8.3 7.2 7.8 Weight of Carriages and Waggons CC Passengers and Goods 9.475 13.975 189.53 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 17 555 310 May 15th, 1845. Time of Observations. Seconds. OBSERVATIONS ON ENGINE. Revolutions of Engine. Revolutions of Engine per Minute. Speed of Piston per Minute. No. 0 0 0 No. Feet. 0 0 Diagrams. Area of Piston. Average Pressure of Steam per Square Inch on Piston. per Square Inch in Boiler. Pressure of Steam Power. No. Sq. In. lbs. lbs. Horses. 334.2 0 30 126 61 33.6 336 1 16.5 25 56.1 196 100 36.0 360 2 13.4 48.8 622 350 719 405 33.0 330 3 14.0 46. 801 450 J REMARKS.' The train consisted of five carriages, two of them overloaded. Light wind, contrary. 18 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 1 in 48.76 EXPERIMENT No. 2.— OBSERVATIONS ON TRAIN. Rise. Distance. Posts. Gradients. Time of passing Posts. Time of going over each 5 Chains. Velocity per Hour from ment. commence- Velocity per Hour over each 5 Chains. Feet. Miles. Chains. No. Seconds. Seconds.) Miles. Miles. Tons. 0 0 0 35.0 5 1 44 44 5.1 • 125 10 2 83 39 5:4 5.7 1 in 42.87 15 3 120 37 6.08 for 20 chains. ⚫25 20 4 160 40 5.6 5.6 30.79 1 in 40.84 25 5 200 40 5.6 for 12 chains. .375 30 6. 243 43 5.5 5.2 50.18 96 35 7 284 41 5.5 12.05 22.95 2224 1 in 45.76 •5 40 8 323 39 5:6 5.7 for 14 chains. 45 9 363 40 5.6 70.37 .625 50 10 401 38 5.6 5.9 1 in 58.10 55 11 434 33 6.8 · for 12 chains. •75 60 12 469 35 5·7 6.4 84.00 65 13 503 34 6.6 • .875 70 14 539 36 5.9 6.2 75 15 572 33 6.8 · 1 in 56.00 for 28 chains. 1.00 80 16 609 37 5.9 6.08 85 17 645 36 6.2 : 116.95 1.125 90 18 682 1 in 51.65 95 19 721 for 18 chains. 1.25 100 20 761 105 21 803 A A CO C 37 5.9 6.08 39 5.7 40 5.9 5.6 42 5.3 : 140.05 1.375 110 115 23 1 in 47.3 for 20 chains. 1.5 120 125 25 2222 849 46 891 24 941 50 988 47 FORA 5.8 4.9 42 5.5 5.7 4.4 : 4.8 167.96 1.625 1 in 48.95 for 16 chains. 1.75 130 26 1033 45 135 27 1068 140 28 1124 5.6 5.0 35 56 5.6 6.4 4.03 189.53 Weight of Carriage and Waggons ,, Passengers and Goods Weight of Train. ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 19 211 146 86 May 15th, 1845. OBSERVATIONS ON ENGINE. Time of Observations. Revolutions of Engine Revolutions of Engine per Minute. Speed of Piston per Minute. Seconds. No. No. Feet. 0 89 0 0 No. Diagram. Area of Piston. Average Pressure of Steam per Square Inch on Piston. Pressure of Steam per Sq. In. lbs. 334.2 34 Square Incli in Boiler. Ibs. Horses. 27.7 277 1 19.6 30 54.9 27 574 273 29.1 291 2 16.5 25 48.6 646 308 857 398 920 428 28.5 285 3 16.0 24 46.1 1038 463 22.7 227 4 15.6 25 35.8 1091 483 C The train consisted of eight carriages, two of them overloaded. Light wind, contrary. REMARKS. 20 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 1 in 48.76. OBSERVATIONS ON TRAIN. Rise. Distance. Posts. Gradients. EXPERIMENT No. 3.- Time of passing Posts. Time of going over each 5 Chaius. Velocity per Hour from commence- ment. Velocity per Hour over each 5 Chains. Feet. Miles. Chains. No. Seconds. Seconds. Miles. Miles. Tons. 0 5 • 125 10 1 in 42.87 15 for 20 chains. • 25 20 01234 wwww: 0 19.575 38 38 5.9 68 30 6.7 7.5 99 31 7.3 129 30 6.9 7.5 30.79 1 in 40.84 for 12 chains. •375 225 25 5 161 32 7.03 30 6 193 32 6.9 7.03 50.18 1 in 45.76 .5 AC 35 40 for 14 chains. 45 689 7 224 31 7.3 255 31 8.8 7.3 284 29 7.8 : 70.37 .625 1 in 58.10 for 12 chains. .75 800 50 10 317 33 7.1 6.8 55 11 345 28 60 12 375 30 8.04 7.2 7.5 84.00 Passengers and Merchandise 65 .875 59 13 402 70 14 433 75 15 463 1 in 56.00 for 28 chains. 1.0 80 16 85 17 492 524 22828 27 8.3 7.2 7.3 30 7.5 29 7.4 7.8 32 7.03 116.95 1.125 359 90 18 554 30 7.3 7.5 95 19 1 in 51.65 1.25 100 20 585 31 616 31 7.3 7.3 7.3 for 18 chains. 105 21 647 31 7.3 : 140.05 1.375 110 22 679 115 23 711 1 in 47.3 1.5 120 24 744 for 20 chains. 125 25 777 22333 7.3 7.03 7.03 7.2 6.8 6.8 167.96 1.625 130 26 809 32 7.2 7.03 1 in 48.95 135 27 842 33 6.8 for 16 chains. 1.75 140 28 874 32 7.2 7.03 Weight of Carriages and Waggons. 6c 8.8 10.775 Weight of Train. 189.53 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 21 $ May 15th, 1845. OBSERVATIONS ON ENGINE. Time of Observations. Seconds. 0 Revolutions of Engine Revolutions of Engine per Minute. Speed of Piston per Minute. No. 0 Diagrams. No. Feet. No. : : Area of Piston. Average Pressure of Steam per Square Inch on Piston. Pressure of Steam per Square Inch in Boiler. Power. Sq. In. lbs. lbs. Horses. 334.2 0 175 100 29 34.7 347 1 13.5 244 140 390 : : : 513 300 33.6 336 2 638 370 720 771 440 : : 10.5 21 25 23 REMARKS. 47.4 The train consisted of six carriages, two of them overloaded. Light wind, contrary. 35.7 31.2 312 3 9.7 30.6 829 470 19 © 2 22 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 1 in 48.76. Rise. Distance. Posts. Gradients. OBSERVATIONS ON TRAIN. EXPERIMENT No. 4.- Time of passing Posts. Time of going over each 5 Chains. Velocity per Hour from ment. commence- Velocity per Hour over each 5 Chains. Feet. Miles. Chains. No. Seconds. Seconds. Miles. Miles. Tons. · 125 10 1 in 42.87 15 for 20 chains. •25 20 30.79 1 in 40.84 25 for 12 chains. ⚫375 30 01234 0 95 56 25 0 31.14 : 45 45 5.0 83 38 5.4 5.9 120 37 6.08 158 38 5.7 5.9 197 39 5.7 6 236 39 5.7 5.7 50.18 35 1 in 45.76 •5 40 for 14 chains. 45 780 274 333 38 5.9 313 39 5.7 5.7 9 349 36 6.25 70.37 • 625 1 in 58.10 for 12 chains. •75 650 50 10 55 11 420 33 888 387 38 5.8 5.9 6.8 60 12 454 34 5.9 6.6 84.00 65 13 486 32 7.03 .875 70 14 522 36 6.03 6.25 75 15 553 31 7.3 1 in 56.00 for 28 chains. 1.0 80 16 583 30 6.1 7.5 85 17 623 40 5.6 116.95 1.125 90 18 657 34 6.1 6.6 95 19 693 36 6.25 1 in 51.65 for 18 chains. 1.25 100 20 728 35 6.1 6.4 105 21 765 37 6.08 140.05 1.375 110 115 1 in 47.3 1.5 for 20 chains. 120 24 125 25 2223 804 840 88888 39 6.1 36 5.7 6.25 880 40 6.1 5.6 918 38 5.9 167.96 1.625 130 26 956 38 6.1 5.9 1 in 48. 135 27 993 37 6.08 for 16 chains. 1.75 140 28 1032 39 6.1 5.7 Passengers and Merchandise Weight of Carriages and Waggons 11.34 19.8 Weight of Train. 189.53 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 23 May 15th, 1845. OBSERVATIONS ON ENGINE. Time of Observations. Revolutions of Engine Revolutions of Engine per Minute. Speed of Piston per Minute. Seconds. No. 0 65 140 0 Diagram. Area of Piston. Average Pressure of Steam per Square Inch on Piston. Pressure of Steam per Square Inch Boiler. по No. Feet. No. Sq. In. :: : Power. lbs. lbs. Horses. 334.2 36 32 : 30 181 84 28.4 284 1 14.8 28 42.6 276 129 484 234 31.1311.0 2 11.2 24 35.9 619 304 851 414 954 459 26.3 263 3 : 10.9 23 21 29.3 REMARKS. The train consisted of eight carriages, two of them overloaded. Light wind, contrary. 24 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 1 in 48.76' EXPERIMENT No. 5.- OBSERVATIONS ON TRAIN. Rise. Distance. Posts. Gradients. Feet. Miles. Chains. No. Time of passing Posts. Time of going over each 5 Chains. Velocity per Hour from commence- ment. over each 5 Chains. Velocity per Hour Weight of Train. Seconds. Seconds. Miles. Miles. Tons. 0 0 5 • 125 10 1 in 42.87 15 for 20 chains. •25 20 0123 + 12.125 32 32 7.03 60 28 7.5 8.04 87 27 8.3 4 112 25 8.06 9.01 30.79 1 in 40.84 for 12 chains. ⚫375 20 25 5 138 30 6 164 26 228 26 8.6 8.2 8.6 50.18 35 1 in 45.76 •5 40 78 190 26 8.6 214 24 8.4 9.3 for 14 chains. 45 9 240 26 8.6 70.37 •625 50 10 265 1 in 58.10 55 11 290 for 12 chains. •75 60 12 310 2925 8.5 9.01 9.01 20 8.7 11.2 84.00 65 13 339 29 .875 70 14 361 22 8.5 7.8 10.2 75 15 384 23 9.7 1 in 56.00 for 28 chains. 1.0 80 16 407 23 8.8 9.7 85 17 433 23 9.7 116.95 1.125 90 18 453 20 8.9 11.2 95 19 479 26 8.6 1 in 51.65 for 18 chains. 1.25 100 20 502 23 8.9 9.7 105 21 526 24 9.3 140.05 1.375 110 22 549 23 9.06 9.7 115 23 572 23 9.7 1 in 47.3 for 20 chains. 1.5 120 24 596 24 9.09 9.3 125 25 619 23 9.7 : 167.96 1.625 130 1 in 48.95 135 for 16 chains. 1.75 140 2288 26 27 641 22 663 22 9.1 10.2 10.2 686 23 9.2 9.7 Weight of Carriages and Waggons >> Passengers and Merchandise 6.825 5.3 189.53 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 25 296 160 426 300 542 385 May 15th, 1845. OBSERVATIONS ON ENGINE. Time of Observations. Revolutions of Engine Revolutions of Engine] per Minute. Speed of Piston per Minute. Seconds. No. No. 0 0 125 80 : : Feet, No. Diagrams. Area of Piston. Average Pressure of Steam per Square Inch on Piston. Pressure of Steam per Square Inch in Boiler. Sq. In. lbs. lbs. 334.2 28.0 280 1 10.4 28 29.4 44.0 440 2 8.0 25 35.6 Power. Horses. REMARKS. The train consisted of five carriages. Light wind, contrary. 26 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 1 in 48.76. OBSERVATIONS ON TRAIN. Rise. Distance. Posts. Gradients. EXPERIMENT No. 6.- Time of passing Posts. Time of going over each 5 Chains. Velocity per Hour from commence- ment. Velocity per Hour over each 5 Chains. Feet. Miles. Chains. No. Seconds. Seconds. Miles. Miles. Tons. 0 0 0 0 27.8 5 1 35 35 6.4 • 125 10 1 in 42.87 15 for 20 chains. • 25 20 234 76 41 5.9 5.5 120 44 5.1 161 41 5.6 5.6 30.79 1 in 40.84 for 12 chains. ⚫375 25 25 5 202 41 5.5 30 6 245 43 5.5 5.2 50.18 35 1 in 45.76 .5 40 for 14 chains. 45 789 289 44 5.1 330 41 5.4 5.5 370 40 5.6 70.37 • 625 50 10 410 1 in 58.10 55 11 445 for 12 chains. .75 60 12 480 Coco 40 5.4 5.6 35 6.4 35 5.6 6.4 84.00 65 13 515 35 6.4 • •875 70 14 549 34 5.7 6.6 75 15 581 32 7.03 • 1 in 56.00 for 28 chains. 1.00 80 16 618 37 5.8 6.08 85 17 649 31 7.3 116.95 1.125 90 18 686 37 95 19 722 36 1 in 51.65 1.25 100 20 760 for 18 chains. 105 21 798 38888888888 5.8 6.08 6.2 • 5.9 5.9 5.9 140.05 1.375 1 in 47.3 1.5 for 20 chains. 110 22 115 23 120 24 125 25 838 874 36 915 954 0=8938 40 5.1 5.6 6.2 41 5.9 5.5 5.7 167.96 1.625 1 in 48.95 for 16 chains. 1.75 130 26 135 27 140 28 991 37 1030 1068 39 38 5.8 6.08 5.07 5.9 5.9 • 10.0 • 17.8 Weight of Carriages and Waggons 55 • Passengers and Merchandise Weight of Train. 189.53 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 27 May 15th, 1845. OBSERVATIONS ON ENGINE. Time of Observations. Revolutions of Engine. Revolutions of Engine per Minute. Speed of Piston per Minute. Seconds. No. No. Diagram. Inch in Area of Piston. Average Pressure of Steam per Square Inch on Piston. Pressure of Steam per Feet. No. Sq. In. 0 0 : 91 37 26.9 269 1 169 72 692 322 27.5 275 2 779 362 893 412 : 334.2 13.0 24 36.2 26.4 264 3 12.9 23 34.5 963 442 lbs. Square Boiler. Power. lbs. Horses. 30 16.1 42.9 29 REMARKS. The train consisted of seven carriages, two of them overloaded. Brisk wind, contrary. 28 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 1 in 48.76 EXPERIMENT No. 7.- OBSERVATIONS ON TRAIN. Rise. Distance. Posts. Gradients. Feet. Miles. Chains. Time of passing Posts. Time of going over each 5 Chains. Velocity per Hour from ment. commence- Velocity per Hour over each 5 Chains. No. Seconds. Seconds. Miles. Miles. Tons. 0 5 •125 10 1 in 42.87 15 for 20 chains. •25 20 01234 0 14.812 34 34 65 31 6.6 6.9 7.3 96 31 7.3 128 32 7.04 7.03 30.79 1 in 40.84 for 12 chains. •375 235 25 5 159 31 -.3 30 6 190 31 7.1 7.3 50.18 7.5625 7.25 1 in 45.76 •5 for 14 chains. AAC 35 40 45 789 221 31 7.3 252 31 7:1 7.3 281 29 7.8 70.37 .625 50 10 311 30 7.2 7.5 1 in 58.10 55 11 341 30 7.5 for 12 chains. .75 60 12. 368 27 7.3 8.3 84.00 65 13 398 30 7.5 •875 70 14 427 29 7.3 7.8 75 15 454 27 8.3 1 in 56.00 for 28 chains. 1.0 80 16 483 85 17 510 22 29 7:4 7.8 27 8.3 116.95 1.125 90 18 95 19 1 in 51.65 for 18 chains. 1.25 100 105 21 2222 538 28 7.5 8.04 568 30 7.5 20 596 28 7.6 8.04 624 28. 8.04 140.05 1.375 110 22 ON 652 28 7.6 8.04 115 23 681 29 7.8 1 in 47.3 for 20 chains. 1.5 120 24 710 29 7.6 7.8 125 25 738 28 8.04 167.96 1 in 48.95 for 16 chains. 1.75 1.625 130 26 135 27 140 28 765 27 792 819 27 222 7.6 8.3 27 8.3 7:7 8.3 Weight of Carriages and Waggons. "" Passengers and Merchandise Weight of Train. : 189.53 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 29 May 15th, 1845. OBSERVATIONS ON ENGINE. Time of Observations. Revolutions of Engine. Revolutions of Engine per Minute. Speed of Piston per Minute. Seconds. No. No. 0 0 233 135 429 255 567 340 616 370 37.0 Diagrams. Area of Piston. Average Pressure of Steam per Square Inch on Piston. Presssure of Steam per Square Iuch in Boiler. Feet. No. Sq. In. lbs. : 36.8 368 1 370 2 750 450 37.0 370 799 480 3 : : 9.8 334.2 : 10.3 29 9.5 24.5 35.6 : 32.2 Power. lbs. Horses. 35 38.3 REMARKS. The train consisted of five carriages. 30 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 1 in 48.76. EXPERIMENT No 8.- OBSERVATIONS ON TRAIN. Rise. Distance. Posts. Gradients. Feet. Miles. Chains. Time of passing Posts. Time of going over each 5 Chains. Velocity per Hour. Velocity per Hour over each 5 Chains. Weight of Train. No. Seconds. Seconds. Miles. Miles. Tons. 0 5 • 125 10 1 in 42.87 15 for 20 chains. • 25 20 0123¬ 0 [35.225 34 34 6.6 63 29 7.1 7.8 93 30 7.5 4 122 29 7.3 7.8 30.79 1 in 40.84 for 12 chains. ⚫375 25 25 30 56 153 31 7.3 183 30 7.5 7.5 50.18 35 1 in 45.76 ⚫5 40 for 14 chains. 45 689 7 213 30 7.5 243 30 7.3 7.5 273 30 7.5 70.37 .625 50 10 302 29 7.4 7.8 1 in 58.10 55 11 328 26 8.7 for 12 chains. .75 60 12 354 26 7.6 8.7 84.00 .875 1521 65 13 380 26 8.7 70 14 407 27 7.8 8.3 75 15 433 26 8.7 1 in 56.00 for 28 chains. 1.00 80 16 462 29 7.7 7.8 85 17 488 26 8.7 116.95 1.125 90 18 517 29 7.8 7.8 95 19 546 29 7.8 1 in 51.65 1.25 100 20 577 31 7.8 7.3 for 18 chains. 105 21 608 31 7.3 140.05 1.375 110 115 1 in 47.3 1.5 for 20 chains. 120 24 125 25 2323 641 33 7.7 6.8 673 32 7.03 709 36 7.7 6.2 745 36 6.2 167.96 1.625 130 26 779 34 7.5 6.6 1 in 48.95 135 27 813 34 6.6 for 16 chains. 1.75 140 28 847 34 7.4 6.6 Weight of Carriages and Waggons 14.025 Passengers and Merchandise 21.2 189.53 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 31 May 15th, 1845. OBSERVATIONS ON ENGINE. Time of Observations. Revolutions of Engine Revolutions of Engine per Minute. Speed of Piston per Minute. Diagram. Seconds. No. No. Feet. No. 0 0 134 80 216 130 36.7 367 1 Area of Piston. Average Pressure of Steam per Square Inch on Piston. Pressure of Steam per Square Inch in Boiler. Sq. Iu. lbs. 334.2 : 18.9 357 2201 40.0 400 2 14.8 432 270 : : Power. lbs. Horses. 70.4 8.09 561 350 33.0 330 3 14.6 48.7 625 385 746 455 29.7 297 4 14.1 807 485 : 42.4 REMARKS. The train consisted of ten carriages. Brisk side wind. ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 32 TABLE, showing a COMPARISON of the USEFUL MECHANICAL EFFECT of the DALKEY ENGINE, as applied by the ATMOSPHERIC PIPE, with that of the TYLER HILL ENGINE on the CANTERBURY and WHITSTABLE RAILWAY, as applied by the ROPE. DALKEY ENGINE; 100 Commercial H.P.; Cylinder 34 in. TYLER HILL ENGINE; 25 Commercial H.P.; Cylinder 20ğths in.; 5 feet Stroke. In. 1234+ Tons. Miles. Feet. lbs. H.P. 18.5 26.5 151 15.3 1355 781 32.1 19.0 30.8 150 14.2 1256 907 34.5 Tons. .78 Stephenson. •77 Ditto 20.0 20.7 36.8 158 12.7 5 21.0 38.3 160 11.8 34.7 162 10.3 915 1128 1023 27.8 ⚫83 Ditto 1084 37.0 .76 Ditto 1048 1129 36.0 .78 Ditto 5 6 22.1 42.5 160 10.6 930 1253 35.3 •78 Ditto 6 7 22.5 43.8 164 10.7 951 1292 37.2 •78 Ditto 8 9 22.7 45.5 163 9.6 23.3 51.0 163 9.0 853 1341 34.6 ⚫79 Ditto 8 1234SON∞ Miles. 23.45 50.5 7.2 35.00 46.3 5.6 19.57 34.6 31.14 36.0 6.1 12.12 32.5 9.2 Feet. 634 1312 493 1958 lbs. H.P. 25.2 •50 29.2 ⚫37 7.2 634 1095 21.0 ⚫39 537 1765 28.7 •20 810 678 16.6 •48 27.80 34.5 5.9 519 1555 24.4 ⚫29 14.81 35.4 7.7 35.22 55.6 7.4 680 828 17 0 •51 655 2000 39.7 • 28 795 1503 36.2 +78 Ditto 11 12 13 24.4 10 24.0 53.5 165 7.8 23.8 58.0 161 23.6 59.8 167 64.7 164 690 1576 33.0 ⚫80 Ditto 7.9 703 1709 36.3 .78 Ditto 14 15 16 22.75 43.6 160 17 24.75 60 40 160 6.5 18 24.75 70.40, 160 6.1 19 24.75 72.54 160 6.0 7.8 690 1763 36.8 Ditto 6.6 580 1907 33.5 • 80 Ditto 24.25 36.5 160 7.9 705 1076 23.8 ⚫85 Samuda. 23.75 42.5 160 7.8 700 1253 26.6 ⚫83 Ditto 8.0 716 1268 27.6 .83 Ditto 575 1825 31.3 .81 Mallet. 536 2075 33.8 .79 Ditto Ditto .78 527 2140 34.1 ⚫79 Note (1)―The resistance due to friction and gravity in the experiments on the Dalkey Line is calculated for an incline of 1 in 115, instead of the actual gradient of 1 in 138, which allows 3 lbs. per ton for the friction from the curve. Note (2).-In estimating the power of the Engine on the Whitstable Line no deduction has been made for the friction. EXPERIMENT No.1. PLATE 3. 5 20 15 10 Atmosphere Pressure of No.1. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 20 15 Mean effective Pressure 16.5 lbs. per Sq.Inch от 5 Th lbs. 18.0 10.0 17.6 6.0 2.0 18.3 2.9 Us. 10.0 21.0 20.9 3.8 18.0 2.4 21.7 2.2 18.6 2.3 21.8 2.2 18.6 2.3 91.8 2.2 18.6 2.? 21.8 2.2 18.6 2.2 21.7 2.2 18.4- 2.1 21.7 2.2 18.2 2./ 18.0 No.2. 2.0 21.7 2.0 21.7 ? j 18.0 2.0 21.6 1.9 17.9 2.0 21.5 1.8 17.8 2.1 UA 17.6 2.0 20.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 2-2 3.1 16.8 2.0 20.0 15.2 2.0 18.4. 12.7 2.0 15.9 11.8 2.2 14.0 10.0 3.2 13.0 5 20 15 10 Atmosphere. Pressure of 20 15 Mean effective Pressure 13.4lbs per Sq. Inch 10 5 20 15 10 Atmosphere Pressure of lbs. No.3. 17.0 9.0 4.5 18.5 2.7 17.8 2.0 19.8 2.1 19.4 2.2 19.0 2.2 19:0 2.1 19.0 2.0 INS 2.0 18.5 1.9 18.0 1.3 18, 2 1.7 18.1 1.7 18.1 1.6 17.9 1.6 16.9 16 15.1 1.6 13.1 1.9 11.6 3.0 10.9 บ 10 15 20 Mean effective Pressure 14.0 lbs. per Sq. Inch. : EXPERIMENT Nº2. PLATE 4. ་ INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. Atmosphere The Tressure of 5 10 15 20 lbs 11.0 Us 18.5 Amosphere. Pressure of 5 10 15 20 18.7 4.5 3.1 21.0 2.5 7.8 22 Å 2.0 Uns 14.7 22.7 23.0 124.6 1.7 22.0 2.0 24.6 1 22.0 2.0 24.6 1.8 21.9 2.0 24.6 1.8 21.3 2.0 24.5 1.7 21.0 2.0 24.5 1.7 20.9 Z 1.6 20.7 No.2. 1.9 24.4 Z 1.9 24.5 No.1. 1.5 20.6 1.8 24.6 1.5 20.5 1.9 24.7 1.0 20.5 1.9 24.6 1.5 20.3 1.9 24.6 1.5 19.1 1.8 24.4 1.5 177 1.8 22.5 1.5 $5.6 1.9 18.8 1.8 13.8 2.3 17.0 12.9 16.3 5 10 Atmosphere. Pressure of lbs 3.4 ហ 10 15 20 Man effective Pressure 16.5 lbs. per Sq.Inch. 10 15 20 Mean effective Pressure 19.6 lbs. per Sq.Fich. 15 20 No.3. W lbs Tbs 14.0 14.0 14.7 11.0 3.2 17.0 2.9 118.0 1.7 19.2 1.8 20.0 1.4 19.2 1.4 20.0 1.3 19 A 1.4 19.9 1.3 19.A 1.4 19.9 1.3 19.2 1.3 20.0 1.3 19.2 1.4 20.0 1.2 19.3 1.4 19.9 1.2 19.2 Z 1.3 20.0 1.2 19.2 1.3 20.0 1.1 19.2 1.2 20.1 1.01 19.2 1.1 20.1 1.0 19.2 1.1 20.0 1.0 18.8 1.1 19.8 1.0 17.9 1.1 18.5 0.9 16.3 1.0 17.0 0.8 13.8 0.8 14.5 0.9 12.3 0.9 12.7 2.0 11.6 2.0 | 11.0 ΟΙ 20 10 15 20 Mean effective Pressure 15.6 lbs. per Sq.Inch. Meçon effective Pressure 16.0 lbs. per Sq." Inch. Atmosphere Pressure of 10 15 20 ì. EXPERIMENT No.3. PLATE 5. No.1. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 15 20 Mean effective Pressure 13.5 lbs. per Sq.Inch. 5 10 Atmosphere. Pressure of 5 10 15. 20. Atmosphere Pressure of 10 15 20. lbs. 16. "Ubs. 13.0 4.5 16.0 3.0 10.0 3.5 2.0 12.5 2.5 6.0 13.0 16.5 2.0 13.7 2.4 17.0 2.0 14.9 2.4 18.6 2.0 14.9 2.4 18.6 2.0 14.8 2.4 18.7 2.0 14.8 2.4 18.7 2.0 14.9 2.3 18.7 1.91 14.9 1.81 114.9 No.2, 2.3 18.7 2.2 18.7 1.7 14.9 2.1 18.7 1.6 14.9 2.0 18.7 1.5 14.9 1.9 18.7 1.3 14.8 1.9 18.6 1.3 14.0 1.8 18.0 $.3 11.8 1.8. 15.9 1.3 10.5 1.8 13.9 1.5 9.2 2.1 12.2 2.0 8.5 3.0 11.5 15 20 Mean effective Pressure 10.5 lbs. per Sq.Inch. 10 Atmosphere Pressure of 10 16 20 lbs. 11.5 4.0 2.7 10 5 1.9 1.6 2.0 13.4 1.9 13.6 1.8 13 5 1.7 13.5 1.7 18.5 1.8 13.6 17 13.6 1.6 13.6 Co No. 3. 1.5 13.6 1.5 13.6 1.4 13.6 1.3 13.4 1.1 12.4 1.0 10.5 1.0 89 1.0 8.0 1.4 7.3 20 Mean effective Pressure 9.1 lbs. per Sq. Inch 10 t } } EXPERIMENT No.4. PLATE 6. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. Mean effective Pressure 1/4.8 lbs. per Sq.Inch. {tinosphere, Pressure of 5 10 15 20 lbs. Atmosphere. Pressure of 5 10. 15 20 8.2 5.5 9.5 lbs. 7.3 2.3 5.8 2.4 8.6 2.0 12.0 2.0 15.0 2.0 13.2 2.0 17.0 2.1 14.8 2.0 19.5 2.1 15.8 2.0 19.8 2.0 15.8 2.0 19.8 2.1 15.9 2.1 19.9 2.2 16.0 2.1 19.8 2.1 16.0 2.0 16.0 No.2. 2.0 1.9 19.9 19.8 Z No.1. 1.9 16.0 .1.7 19.9 1.8 16.0 1.7 20.0 1.7 15.9 1.6 120.0 1.6 16.1 1.5 20.0 1.5 15.5 1.5 19.0 1.51 12.5 1.5 16.6 1.4 11.2 1.6 14.6 1.4 9.8 1.6 12.9 1.8 9.1 2.1 12.2 10 15 30 10 15 20 Macon effective Pressure 14.2 lbs. per Sq. Frch. 5 Atmosphere. Pressure of 10. 15 20 No.3. lbs. 8.5 5.0 1.8 6.7 1.5 11.4 1.6 12.9 1.6 14.6 1.6 14.8 1.6 14.9 1.6 15.0 1.5 15.0 1.5 15.0 1.4 14.9 1.3 14.9 1.8 14.9 1.2 14.8 1.1 14.8 1.0 13.6 0.9 11.5 0.9 9.8 0.8 8.8 0.9 8.4 15 20 Mecon effective Pressure 10.9 lbs. per Sq.Inch. 5 10 PLATE 7. EXPERIMENT No. 5. 25 20 15 10 5 Atmosphere Pressure of INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. No.1. 7bs Tas 11.1 4.2 11.0 4.0 2.7 4.0 3.4 11.9 3.6 Ths 5.2 4.5 12.7 3.4 11.9 3.7 14.4 3.5 11.9 3.7 14.8 3.5 13.4 3.6 16.2 3.5 13.8 3.6 16.6 3.5 13.8 3.6 16.7 3.5 13.8 3.6 16.8 3.4 13.8 3.2 13.7 No.2. 3.4 16.7 3.3 16.8 3.0 13.7 3.1 16.8 2.9 13.7 2.9 16.9 2.7 13.8 2.8 17.0 2.4 13.8 2.8 17.0 2.3 13.3 2.8 16.8 2.3 11.0 2.9 4.5 2.3 8.9 2.9 11.4 10 2.31 2.7 20 Mean effective Pressure 8.0 lbs. per Sq." Inch. 8.6 2.9 11.3 7.8 3.9 10.3 ST 25 15 20 Mean affective Pressure 10.4lbs. per Sq'Inch. 25 20 15 10 5 Atmosphere Pressure of EXPERIMENT No.6. PLATE 8. 20 15 10 5 Atmosphere Pressure of LO No.1. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 20 15 10 Tbs. .0 5.5 2.2 Ꮄ .5 1.5 13.6 1.5 16.2 1.5 16.9 1.6 17.0 1.7 17.2 1.7 17.2 1.6 17.2 1.5 17.2 Z 1.4 17.2 No.3. 1.3 17.2 1.2 17.2 1.2 17.2 1.1 17.0 1.0 15.5. 1.0 13.4 0.9 11.4. 0.9 10.3 1:3 9.6 Atmosphere Pressure of lbs. $.1 5.7 8.1 2.3 13.t 2.2 1.6 14.1 1.8 1.8 15.4 1.8 1.8 17.0 1.8 } lbs. 7.9 70.0 16 16. 19.0 20.9 1.8 17.3 1.8. 21.0 1.8 17.3 1.8 21.0 1.9 17.3 1.8 21.1 1.8 17.3 1.8 21.2 1:8 17.3 1.7 17.3 No.2. 1.9 21.2 1.8 21.1 1.6 17.3 1.7 21.1 1.5 77.3 1.7 21.0 1.4 17.3 1.7 21.1 1.3 17.2 1.6 21.0 1.2 15.5 1.6 20.6 1.2 13.4 1.6 17.4 1.3 11.4 1.6 15.3 1.3 10.5 10 1 9.7 Mean effective Pressure 13.0 lbs. per Sq. Inch. 1.7 13.7 2.2 12.9 15 20 10 20 Mean effective Pressure 16.1 lbs. per Sq.Inch 20 15 10 Atmosphere. Pressure of 20 15 Mean effective Pressure 12.9Ths. per Sq. Inch. 10 5 EXPERIMENT No. 7. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 10 Atmosphere Pressure of 5 10 15 20 Atmosphere Pressure of 5 10 15 20 The 8.0 2.7 8.0 lbs 4.0 2.6 5.0 2.6 4.8 2.5 9.1 2.5 10.0 2.6 13.3 2.5 12.4 2.7 14.0 2.5 74.8 2.7 14.0 2.6 15.0 14.3 7 2.7 15.3 2.7 14.5 2.6 15.6 2.5 14.6 2.5 15.6 2.4 14.6 2.4 2.3 14.7 No.2. 2.2 14.7 2.2 2.3. 15.7 15.7 No.1. 15.8 2.01 14.7 2.0 15.8 7.8 14.7 2.0 15.8 1.71 14.7 1.9 15.7 1.7 14.0 1.8 15.2 10.8 1 . 2 11.1 1.7 10.0 2.0 11.0 1.7 9.0 2.1 10.1 2.4 SA 10 15 20 Mean effective Pressure 9.5 lbs. per Sq.Frich. 2.9 10 15 20 Mean effective Pressure 10.3lbs.per Sq." Inch. 9.1 Atmospheres Pressure of 15 20 tas PLATE 9. 3.5 2.7 4.6 2.7 8.6 2.7 11.8 2.7 13.1 2.7 13.2 2.7 13.3 2.7 13.5 2.6 13.5 2.5 13.6 2.3 13.6 No.3. 2.2 13.6 2.0 13.5 2.0 5 1.9 13.7 1.8 13.0 1.7 10.0 1.7 9.1 1.8 8.4 2.3 7.5 10 15 20 Mean effective Pressure 8.6 lbs. per Sq." Inch. PLATE 10. EXPERIMENT No.8. No.T. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. Atmosphere. Pressure of 01 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Atmosphere Pressure of 10 15 20 25 30 35 Us Thi 25.9 30.8 30.8 22.4 19.3 17.5 22.7 8.1 8.0 22.6 5.9 5.0 UAS 29.7 27.2 27.4 27.4 27.4 22.6 3.8 3.6 27.4 22.4 3.7 3.6 27.3 22.2. 3.6 3.6 27.0 22.0 3.6 3.6 26.5 21.8 3.61 3.6 26.1 21.6 Z 3.6 6명 ​21.5 3.7 No.2. 3.6 25.8 3.6 225.8 21.4 3.7 3.7 25.8 21.3 3.9 3.7 25.8 21.1 4.0 3.7 25.6 21.0 4.2 3.8 25.5 20.8 4.3 4.0. 24.9 20:4 4.7 4.2 23.3 19.0 5.0 4.4. 20.0 16.6 6.8 5.7 17.6 14.8 8.8 7.0 10 20 25 30 35 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mean effective Pressure 14.8 lbs. per Sq." Inch. Mean effective Pressure 18.9 lbs. per Sq."Buch: No.3. Atmosphere. Pressure of 10 15 20 25 30 35 los Atmospheres Pressure of 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Tos 20.0 26.7 21.7 24.0 21.0 19.8 15.5 14.0 21.0 19.7 6.5 5.2 21.0 19.7 3.8 3.2 21.0 19.7 2.3 2.3 20.8 19.6 2.5 2.0 20.5 19.3 2.5 2.0 20.3 19.2 2.5 2.0 20.1 18.8 2.5 2.0 20.0 18.7 6 2.5 2.0 19.8 18.5 2.4 2.0 19.8 18.5 2.4 2.0 18.4 2.4 19.7 2.0 18.4 2.5 19.7 2.0 18.3 2.7 19.7 2.2 19.5 18.0 2.8 17.4 2.8 18.7 2.3 2.3 3.0 4. 16.5 2.9 77.18 15.3 14.2 3.7 13.7 12.4 10 20 26 30 Moan effective Pressure 14. 1 lbs. per Sq. Inch 35 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mean effective Pressure 14.6 lbs. per $q?. Inch 1 EXPERIMENTS WITH ROPE ONLY. No. 1. 5 10 Pressure of Atmosphere. 5 10 5 10 Us The 3.0 ก 2.9 This 4 0 18. 2.0 0.8. 0.9 1.0 0.2 2.0 0.8 3.2 1.9 1.9 6.0 2.0 7.3 1.9 8.6 2.0 8.8 1.9 8.7 1.8 $.8 17 8.8 No. 2. 1.7 8.9 1.5 $.9 1.4 8.9 1.3 9.0 Moon effective Pressure 1.9lbs. per Sq¹ Inch. 2.0 5.7 2.1 6.9 2.1 8.2 2.1 2.0 8.9 2.0 ول 1.9 9.1 1.8 9.2 1.7 9.2 9.4 1.4 9.4 1.2 9.0 9.3 1.2 7.8 7.2 8.2 1.2 5.5 1.2 6.1 1.2 5.0 1.3 5.7 1.4 4.8 1.6 5.2 Mean effective Pressure 4.8 lbs. per Sq² Inch. 5 5 10 INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. No.3. 10 10 5 Tbs Ubs 6.0 2.21 242 Ubs Tas 1.0 6.0 3.0 0.0 02 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.41 2.3 7.0 6.0 2.0 6.5 2.3 7.3 2.3 8.0 2.2 8.0 2.2 8.0 2.1 8.0 2.1 8.0 No. 4. 2.0 18.0 1.8 8.0 1.6 8.0 1.4 8.0 Mean effective Pressure 4.6 lbs. per Sq Inch. 2.1 17.5 2.1 8.0 2.2 18.4 2.2 8.6 2.1 8.6 2.0 8.5 1.8 8.5 1.7 8.5 7 18.5 1.6 8.5 1.4 8.5 1.2 7.8 1.2 8.0 1.1 16.0 1,0 6.0 1.1 4.2 1.0 4.9 1.0 4.0 1.0 4.5 1.1 3.8 1.1 4.0 10 10 Atmosphere. Pressure of 5 Mean effective Pressure 3.9 lbs. per Sq. Inch. Atmosphere. Pressure of LO 5 No. 5. Tas Tbs ш 5.0 6. 2.4 1.3 Reyths of 2.4 Engine. 2.5 4.5 Berns of Engine por Minute. Speed of Piston in Fert Min. per Mean effective Pressure 2.5 lbs. per Sq! Inch. 2.6 5.5 2.7 5.6 2.7 6.5 2.6 7.1 2.5 7:1 2.4 7.1 2.3 2.1 7.0 2.01 17.0 8 7.0 7.0 ་-- 7.0 10 Started Engine 0.0 1.49 PLATE HI. 3.7 1.3 1.2 Horse Power 1.2 1.8 60 2.56 100 } Diagram No. 1. 35.8. 358,0 17.7 3. AD 130 10.16 8.47 7.5+ 6.51 4.59 170 S Diagram No. ? 34.2 235 275 Diagram No. 3.. 38.0. 380.0 342.0 16.6.. ..17.7.. 370 310 Diagram No. 4. 40.A. 404.0. 15.9.. 12.1 12.48 480 445 } Diagram No. 5. 44.6. 446.0. 13.0 Mean 16.1 5 10 ¡ ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 33 Mr. JOSEPH SAMUDA must be permitted to say, that he thought the author of the paper had scarcely entered fairly into the examination of the system, as the statement was made up entirely of the demerits of the plan, without giving it credit for the success, which had already attended its first establishment. Several of the objections were made, evidently without a knowledge of how the apparent difficulties in the application, were proposed to be overcome, or were actually avoided. He would instance only a few points, and leave to others, better qualified than he was, the task of refuting the charge of impossibility. It was not proposed to use any other than the engines of the main line, for working the sidings, which could be laid in, without at all interfering with the continuity of the main line. Level crossings were quite as practicable as on locomotive lines. There was even an additional security, as by a simple contrivance, consisting of a cylinder and piston connected with the main pipe, the platform, which, when down, formed the protection of the valve, under the crossing, could be raised when the vacuum was being formed, and thus, not only became a signal that a train was about to pass, but also formed a barrier, for preventing anything from traversing at an inopportune moment. He could not understand the necessity for bringing two trains together, as had been assumed; but if that did occur, a little extra power might be used in that particular instance, in the same way as in an emergency, another locomotive would be added to the ordinary train engine. As respected the liability to be thrown off the rails by impediments, he must contend, that the position assumed was not supported by facts. On the Dalkey line, there were curves of 130 yards radius, which were constantly traversed at a speed of 35 miles per hour; yet no accident had occurred. It was well known, that locomotive engines were not in the habit of traversing curves of that radius, at such a speed. He could not agree with the statement of the comparative cost of the two systems. He thought, that the author had underrated the actual cost of locomotive haulage; while he had overrated, not only the cost of that by the atmospheric system, but also the amount of power employed; for instance, with a gross load of 75 tons, not more than two-thirds of the actual power of the engine were employed, as was shown by the indicator diagrams. In the statement of the cost of construction, Mr. Samuda's expe- rience was equally at variance with the assertions of the author. As regarded the probable expense of the maintenance of the way, on new atmospheric railways; it must be remembered, that the 34 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. Dalkey line was quite new, but it had worked through the winter without any stoppage, either from subsidence, or from slips, and it was kept in order with as little difficulty as the part which was worked by locomotive engines. It should not be assumed, that the system was not susceptible of modification, to accommodate itself to any amount of traffic. Mr. Samuda must, on the contrary, assert, that any economical arrange- ments which were practicable with the locomotive system, might be adopted with the atmospheric plan. For instance; if it was found desirable to have trains at long intervals, the obvious plan would be, to substitute, for a powerful engine, a small power, to pump water into a reservoir, which, during the time necessary for forming the vacuum, should exert a considerable power upon a water-wheel. The system was capable of being economically adapted to almost any locality, where there was sufficient traffic to warrant the formation of a railway. Mr. P. W. BARLOW stated, that his object in presenting the paper to the Institution, was not to attack the atmospheric system, but simply to suggest, for the consideration of the members, certain ob- jections with reference to it, which appeared to him proper subjects for discussion. As to the sidings, he did not contend that it was impossible to apply them, in a mechanical point of view; but that they would lead to great inconvenience, and be inconsistent with practice. It could only be done, (unless the crossing were divided,) by raising the piston above the level of the rails, which would be inconvenient, from want of space under the carriages. With reference to the comparative advantage of obtaining 10 miles. of pipe in one length, it would be desirable in one respect, as per- mitting a less number of stationary engines, and as saving working expenses; but it would be objectionable, inasmuch as it would increase the loss of time which necessarily occurred, when the trains met on a single line, from the time requisite to exhaust the air out of the pipe to the next station, which would require 20 minutes. Mr. PIм professed a high respect, not only for the speculative views of the theorist, but also for the examination of the practical man, but he thought the theory of subjects like the present, should not be examined, until after careful observation of the actual practical working of the system, as it was notorious how the results of the soundest theory were modified by a slight alteration in the practical condition of the machine, or system. It was to be regretted, that the author had not made himself better acquainted with the results obtained on the Dalkey line, where any information he re- quired, would have been readily afforded to him. He would then ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 35 have seen, that several of his objections did not, in fact, exist. would suffice to mention a very few. It The leading carriage being tied down to the line, by its connexion with the piston, was sufficient of itself to prevent any tendency to run off the rails, even on the sharpest curves. On one occasion, owing to the carelessness of an attendant, the leading carriage, with the piston, became detached from the train, and travelled up to Dalkey in perfect safety, at a velocity of nearly 70 miles per hour. There were many omissions in the paper, which savoured some- what of a strong bias against the atmospheric system. The degree of speed which could be attained, with such safety, was not noticed. There was not a word as to avoiding the chance of collision, when it was notorious, that a collision was utterly and physically impossible. In stating that the dimensions of the tunnels were regulated by the height of the pile of goods on the luggage trains, it did not appear to have struck the author, that it was possible to reduce that height, and, at the same time, to carry as great a load in a more advantageous form. Mr. Pim was of opinion, that the introduction of the atmos- pheric principle would produce an entire change in railway traffic, as it would be found, that frequent and light trains were more advan- tageous, both to the railway Company and to the public, than heavy trains at long intervals. The public would very soon have an oppor- tunity of judging practically as to the merits of the system, and his confidence in its advantages was not at all shaken by the statements he had heard in the paper. On the contrary, he had much more confidence in the results, which he felt assured would be attained, by the skill of the two able engineers who were then constructing lines on the atmospheric system. Mr. P. W. BARLOW said, the practical results of the working on the Dalkey line showed, that the tractive power of the stationary engine, as applied by the atmospheric pipe, was about equal to that of an ordinary goods engine used on railways; or the same amount of work could be performed in the same time by one of those engines, and that the consumption of fuel, during the actual motion of the train, was at least equal to that used by the locomotive, which was 40 lbs. per mile; consequently, with the loss from obtaining the vacuum, and constantly keeping up the steam of the stationary engine, no economy in working could be obtained, under any circum- stances, unless greater perfection were obtained in the application of the atmospheric principle; and it was doubtful if the Dalkey line, with its advantageous incline and numerous trains, could not be more economically worked by locomotive engines. Mr. C. H. GREGORY said, that without wishing to depreciate Mr. D 36 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. Barlow's interesting paper, there were some points in it, not noticed by previous speakers, which he would submit, required correction. Mr. Barlow had stated, that in the comparison he had instituted, the atmospheric engine had consumed 40 lbs. of fuel per mile, and that an equal weight was consumed by a locomotive goods engine, under similar circumstances; but it did not appear that any allowance had been made, by him, for the difference in cost, between coal used in the atmospheric and coke in the locomotive system. He thought too, that a comparison between the two systems, ought to include a notice of the great difference between the wear and tear of locomotive and stationary engines, which would be much in favour of the latter. The comparison had been made between the working of the two systems at a slow speed, which he believed was not so favourable to the atmospheric system, where a greater speed would show comparatively greater economy, while it was well known, that high velocities induced a great loss of power in locomotive engines. In illustration of this fact, he alluded to some indications which had been taken by M. Gouin, a French engineer, in the cylinders of locomotive engines at different velocities. In these it was shown, that when the engines were running at slow speed, nearly the whole pressure of the steam had been effective in the cylinders; while, at high speeds, the indications showed a loss in the cylinders alone, amounting to about 50 per cent. of the pressure. This result was in addition to all the acknowledged mechanical defects of locomotive engines at high velocities. Mr. P. W. BARLOW explained, that he did not contend that high velocities could not be obtained on short lines, or between stations; but on long lines, when the trains met, each train must wait, until the air was exhausted out of the next length of pipe, which would reduce the speed, in practice, to 20 miles per hour. Mr. I. K. BRUNEL did not appear either as a supporter of the atmospheric system, or as wishing to condemn it; but he thought it due to the inventors, that those who were about to use it should not be entirely silent. The paper appeared to him, rather a list of objections. to the plan, than an examination of its comparative value as a method of propulsion; and he must say, that these objections did not seem to be supported by calculation, or by argument. Mr. Brunel was quite prepared to admit, that there were many situations to which the system, in its present state, was inapplicable; but, as a practical man, he clearly perceived the manner of remedying many of the alleged defects; and, without that feeling, he should have had considerable hesitation in recommending its adoption. He thought, also, that many of the presumed deficiencies did not really exist; for instance, upon the atmospheric line, now being established in Devonshire, ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 37 there would be numerous stations, in which he anticipated doing all the station work, with as much facility as with locomotives, and even more conveniently. He did not anticipate any difficulty in transmitting special trains and expresses, but, on the contrary, he believed that the impossibility of collision would induce peculiar facility in that respect. He thought, that instead of the stoppages reducing the average speed below that of locomotives, say to 20 miles per hour, double that speed would be certainly attained. He could not agree, that because the system had hitherto only been practised on a short line, it was inapplicable to long lines; calcula- tions proved the reverse, and it would be only just to await the result of the practical working of the lines, now in course of execution. He was of opinion, that by the use of large boilers, fixed on the most approved plan, by husbanding the power, working the steam expan- sively, and using the present known improvements in stationary engines, the system would prove as economical, as it was free from danger. Mr. CUBITT, V. P., thought, that any assertions as to the capa- bilities or powers of the system, were, in its present state, very incon- clusive, and scarcely fair, and the best manner of confuting the positions of the paper was to have a line at work, which would, he hoped, be accomplished without much delay. He must, however, be permitted to say, that the mechanical difficulties of the level crossings, The real ques- sidings, &c., were met by simple mechanical means. tions were the first outlay, and the cost of working, and they could only be decided by actual experience. Mr. JOHN SCOTT RUSSELL was neither a prejudiced adversary, nor a headlong advocate, of the atmospheric system. He agreed in the opinion already expressed, that any discussion on points which were soon to be submitted to the test of experience, was of comparatively small value. One important service, however, had been already rendered by the discussion, in having elicited the statements of two eminent engineers, who were then engaged in carrying out the prac- tical application of the atmospheric principle on a large scale. They had stated, that all those difficulties, which had been mentioned in the paper, had been foreseen by them, and had been conquered. This fact was important, for it was most desirable, that any opposition to the atmospheric system should be based on right grounds, and not upon mere prejudice. The paper had pointed out, with much ingenuity, the minor practical difficulties in the way of the execution and the use of the atmospheric railway; but these he did not at all regard as objections to the system, but merely as the statement of pro- D 2 38 ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. blems, of which the ingenuity of the promoters, in constructing the works, had to invent the solution. Now he thought it only fair to say, that seeing the atmospheric system in the hands of such mecha- nics as Mr. Cubitt and Mr. Brunel, he had no hesitation in expressing his conviction, that they must have seen their way clearly to sound practical solutions, for all their mechanical difficulties, or they never would have risked their reputation on the construction of such lines. Although he was himself much inferior to them as a mechanic, he could see his way clearly, to the solution of many of the difficulties stated in the ingenious paper of Mr. Barlow, and he had such faith in the powers of invention of the engineers of this country, and in the mechanical skill and powers of execution of the workmen, that he had no doubt if the atmospheric system was sound at heart, and in its principle, all these minor evils would disappear. On the faith, therefore, of the talent of these engineers, he would give the system credit for all that their skill could devise, and he had no doubt they would overcome the mechanical difficulties of practical execution. But there remained the great question of the value of the system, as a general system of traction, applicable on all railways, and capable of superseding the locomotive engine. It was on this general ground, that the question must be decided, and here the result, he thought, was perfectly clear. The atmospheric system was merely one among many modifications of stationary power. As such, while it possessed the advantages, it must encounter all the evils of the stationary system, and on this broad ground, that the stationary system was neither so economical, nor so convenient, as the locomotive system, he rejected the proposition of the inventors, who wished to substitute stationary atmospheric, for locomotive engine power, generally, on railroads. But in justice to the system, and to those who had adopted it, he ought to say, that he had no doubt, that in cases where stationary power was desirable, there were circum- stances which might render the atmospheric system peculiarly ap- propriate. Selecting, for instance, a line where there were many or sharp curves, or many inclines of variable and steep gradients, and where also the trains were numerous, uniform in magnitude and number; such a case was most favourable to stationary power, and to the atmospheric system especially. He thought it would have been wiser, if the inventors of the system had brought it forward as an expedient of this kind, suited to these circumstances, rather than as a revolutionary system, proposing to displace locomotives on all the great railways of the country. In that case, they would have received the support of many, who now could not accord with their views. In that modified application he would be happy to see it successful, and ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. 39 he thought the wiser promoters of the system were of his opinion, for it was in peculiar circumstances, of the nature he had indicated, that they were about to introduce it. He should be glad to learn from those engineers who were about to introduce the system, whether they would assure him, that in the application of the system, there was no loss incurred in the use of the air as the means of applying the power. He conceived there must be a mechanical loss of power, in the pro- cess of first rarifying the air and afterwards coudensing it. Mr. PIм said, that it was not for him to enter into an analysis of the theory of the atmospheric system, but his belief in its correctness was in a great degree confirmed by the investigation of Dr. Robinson of Armagh, who had arrived at diametrically opposite results from Mr. Russell. 3 He could, however, judge of the practical results; and when com- paring the actual speed and cost of propulsion on the Dublin and Kingstown railway, with that of the Kingstown and Dalkey line, the result was decidedly in favour of the latter; on the former, with locomotive engines, mile with a rise of 13 feet, was traversed in 4 minutes; while on the latter, with the atmospheric system, 1 mile with a rise of 71 feet and several sharp curves, was passed over in a little more than 3 minutes: the consumption of steam in the Dalkey engine was, at the same time, much less than in a locomotive. 4 Mr. CUBITT, V.P., thought, that it was not incumbent on the advocates of the system to show, that it was perfect as a mechanical power. It sufficed to show, that it was superior to fixed engines and ropes, which had been attempted to be substituted for locomotives, not only on account of their cost of steam and fuel whilst travelling, but also because of their excessive wear and tear. If, as had been asserted by a great railway authority, the power required to move the engine and tender, equalled that requisite for drawing fifteen passenger carriages, which was more than an average train, it would follow, that it would cost more to move the engine and tender, than the average of all the passenger trains. If therefore the traffic could be conveyed by the atmospheric system at a less expense, a great point would be gained. Mr. J. Scorт RUSSELL gathered from what Mr. Pim had said, that it appeared from Dr. Robinson's calculations, that the power expended and the power usefully applied, were theoretically precisely equal. Mr. Russell had not arrived at the same conclusion, and he would desire to ascertain, whether the engineers intending to use the system and who had doubtless examined the subject carefully, agreed with Dr. Robinson's view, or entertained a more modified opinion of it. Mr. J. SAMUDA could not admit Mr. Russell's view of the loss of * 40 PORTEOUS' SIGNAL WHISTLE. power. He contended, on the contrary, that the power primarily expended in forming the vacuum, was returned during the passage of the train. When the air-pumps were working at 15 inches of mercury, with a pressure of 4 lbs. per square inch on the piston of the steam cylinder, a power was attained in the pipe, equal to 7½ lbs. per square inch upon the travelling piston. Mr. I. K. BRUNEL contended also, that a loss of power to the extent that had been stated, could not be proved, when a certain amount of work was performed, with the expenditure of a certain power. He would admit, that some loss might arise from the absorption of heat, during the process of rarefying the air in the main, but he could not concur in the position assumed by Mr. Russell. PORTEOUS' SIGNAL WHISTLE FOR RAILWAYS. Mr. PORTEOUS exhibited an instrument introduced by him for the purpose of giving signals on railways, and for other purposes. ท FORTEOUS PATED The instrument consists of three, or more, metallic tubular whistles, com- bined under one mouth-piece, and having their tones so arranged, that by the in- troduction of one discordant note, an ex- tremely shrill vibrating sound is pro- duced, which strikes forcibly on the ear, and can be heard at a great distance. Its peculiar discordance enables it to be readily distinguished from any ordinary whistle, however powerful, and from any common sound. Its tone somewhat re- sembles that of the steam whistle used on locomotive engines, and on that account it is found very useful for persons employed on railways. They have been made of all sizes, and are adapted not only for railway purposes, but for park and gamekeepers,* the police, and for any position where a prompt signal is required. They appeared, from the testimony of several members, to have been generally approved upon the railways where they had been introduced. Messrs. Swaine and Isaac, 185, Piccadilly, who are the sole wholesale agents, have adapted them generally for sporting purposes, for which they have the patronage of H.R.H. Prince Albert. London Printed by WILLIAM CLOWES and Sons, Stamford Street. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 01303 9394