tº: # * * º, - - | - º *...* * * - -, - º * , ' *:: * - * “... | sº - r ** | i - ******smºrº º' \\ *** ****** ***** .* N\\\\\\\\\\ ^ ‘YW- \ T- Nºk \\\\\\ }-\\\\\\\\\ ^*, --------> Illº *; hº §§) º TTTTTTTTITUTIOE × :y 27.2 º: iſſiſſiſſiºniſſ f : P () }; 'i' () };" F. Y. A #: I H A " I () }; eavensoratºse-a-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º * ºw *------~~~~ * ...→ • ----ev------º-º-º-º: * Cf Q " Čºvº #, a tº OU}}''Y Tij A31jº' (; BOOKS ſ’ & J.' 1903, 1904, 1910. , 1903, by A. *b, * **. '**" = g- * - , (" ! * A ** r; r: 4. *-* . - 3. ..? * af. Report, , + 3 fº. 3 l t, a , ; ". inclu; ive, º tº 11 : 5, tº * , ~ x ~, a 23 * ~ * - A}}} ' 3.2 x * &3 a. *ºtº §t l Pages l to 22 inclusive . •l- I,ans ing, Michigan, May 20th, 1907. Mr. Ott d Tuckwitz, Chairman of the Committee of 1906 - 7 to settle with County Treasurer J'. W. Matz, tit. Clemons, Wiichigan. TYear Sºir : - The extriirlat, ion of the county treasurer's account, 5 for the years 1903 - 4 - 0 and tº , which your Commit, too employed me to make, was not completed in time to subrºit, Fºy report to the board of su- p : 1 v is Gr8 in Žiarch last . In ºny effort, to place tº, e l'oport before you at that time I gave out. Buch tabulation; to the St. Griographer as I could most, expeditiously prepare, wit, hout refer once to their ar- rangoºont in logical order, hoping to gain gufficient time thereby to enable me to get my report before you during the life of tho board of lºg Cº - ? . In a fºr 11ch a 3 most of the table; Vºere typewritten, nu:bered and pared before I became convinced that it was impossible to complete the report, in time for your meot in g of March 28th last , the arran gºerner, tº could not be ridd if it; c. Without, pigterially increasing tº € ex}, crlº G . This much in explanation of the order of th c tables in th (3 App cridix of this 1 & 101't. . - For convenience of reference the tables are numbered con- 3 Co L, t, i.v oly froßl J. t. C. §§ . Th; & columne & Y" the 1 in & 5 of the tah]. ... s aro also ru: ; b : I'ſ & . T}.e. ai iſ ºri dix i. 3 all tº 0 }, & fied independantly tf tº. 3 t ext, of t. tº report, . - A brief synopsis (,ſ v.hat the tabl 3s show may be helpful, although, in many infºtain C os, oth or reference 3 vill be ſtadic to them in tº i 5 rºort. TA.T. Iſo. l, pages l to 3, 3}\Gw8 th C. §ev Gral cle 35C E G f debit a rid credits that should have been thade to tr; & vario l; G to ºn- ships, city and villa gre; during t dº years J.903 - 4 - 9 and 6; el 30 the amount due to or by each, Je. nuary l, 1907; &lso referenc é to tº t several table f from which the 3¢ dº it tº a rić crºſlit. § are taken. Ç TABLE NO. 2, pa go fi (; arid '7, Show; the sºttlement & made by t} e county trea 5 tº ºr with the several tº Wurugh in t, res.5 uſ ers ºld the city trea star or of ºt, . Clºncr: s , in the ºtprint; of J.903. r TA, 3Li: MO. 3, pages 3 a nd 9; 'I'ſ. 31.1% tić. 4, 1% ge's 10 Brić ll: º ! f - TA:... [C. ty, pafº. 3 1? ar.º. 13, show the 58 ºne factº &# Tabi e No. 2 with reletion tº the respect, iv e settle ºn C tº in the spring of 1904 - J and, 6. -2- TABLE NO. 6, pages lº and la , shows an analysis of certain entries in Table 5 2, 3, 4 and 5. TAPI.E MO. 7, pages lá to 19, shows the delinquent tax, interest, expense and collection fee collected by county treasurer in 1903, 4, o and 6 for the state, the county, and for the town 3 hips city and villages . - TAJ3LE No. 8, pa gºes 20 & rh d 21, shows the amount, collected by county treasurer on account of redeription of delinquent tax, intº rest, expense and collection reo during 1903, 4, 5 &nd 6, giving state, county and other taxes, interest, etc. TALLE HQ. 9, pages 22 and 23, 3}, Ows the amounts received by county treasur ºr for 3 tat e, county and other municipalities at the tax 5ales in l903, 4, 5 and 6. TABLE NO. lo, pages 24 and 25, shows the amount of State Bids purchased at the Aud it, or General's office during l?03, 4, 5 and 6, and the interests of the state, county and oth er municipali- ties. - TABLE NO. ll, pages 26 and 27, shows the delinquerit taxes paid at the Audit or General's office during 1903, 4, 5 and 6, and the interest B of the state, county and other municipalities. - TABLE No. 12, pages 28 end 29, shows the county end other taxes refunded by the Auditor General, with the amount chargeable to county and to the other municipalit, ies. TABLE NO. lº, pages 30 to 32, shows the taxes, interest, collection fee and expense of Gale charged back by the Audit, or Gen- eral in 1903, 4, 5 and 6 and the amount, 3 chargeable to each of the municipalities . TABLE NO. la, pages 39 and 34, shows payments by county treasurer to the several township, city and village treasurers. TABLE MO. lo, page 35, shows the disposition of the $12, 2lo.10 received from the Armerican Bonding Company. TABLE NO. 16, pages 36 to 39, shows the receipts and dis- bursement, 5 from January 1, 1903, to date of first gett lºnent with board of supervisors in October, 1903, by funds. The "Note" fol- lowing this tablo shows the differences existing between the table and the board's settle 11¢n t . -3- TAHLE HO. 17, pages 40 to 42, together with the "Note" attached, shows similar results for the period between October , lºo, , and Merch, 1904 - the date of the second get, t, lººzlt with th: 6 board . TABLE NIG. l. 3, 11a tºes 43 and 44, together with the *Note” attached, Show; similar results for the pºl' iod between March, lºſ)4, and 0.6 to bor, 1904 - the dº, tú of t. He third sº .tl. ºnºr, u ºf ith the board . TABLE iſo. 19, pages 45 to 47, together with the "fic, te" - attach od, shows 3 imilar result, g for the p or iod vetween October, lºo.4, &rl (? March, 1% (39 - tº tº d:t, e of the £3 fourth s (3 t t lºg ºnt, with the board . TABLE No. 20, pares 48 and 49, torother *; it.h t.]- 6 “Pict, a " attached, shows 3imilar results for the period between “arch, 1905, and October, 1905 - the date of the fifth settlement with t. Jºé, board. TA}}LB No. 21, paſſes; 50 and 51, together y; it.} : tº e "Nº, t, & " attached , Gh 0.13 simila 1 1 & Bult, 5 for the period between october,1909, nd March, lºoſ - the date of the sixth set, tieriºrit, with the boaré. 3. TAºſiº G. 22, pages 6% and 5%, t, ogether ºrith the "tºot 3" attached, shows similar result 5 for the period between March, lºG6, and Oct, ober, 1906 - the date of the seventh settlement, with the tº Cyårö . TA:37.3 ºſ). 23, page: 54, shows the receipt 5 and di sºurgo- ments, by funds, from October 9, 1906, to Teco ber 31, 1906 - the ciose of Treasulº G tº Matz, t, erºl of offic tº . TABLE NO. 24, petres 59 to 57, shows tºo atmount or T}{3}, i ri- querit Taxes &nd the armount of Rodetii;t ions collect, c.d by the county tº reasurer in 1903, 4, 9 &nd 6. TARI,J) NO. 25, page 58, shows a summary of what the county tree surer's account with the 8tº de of Michigan should have bº: ºr . This surnimary is can densed fºr Cº. t. He accoºrſt with "a comb County, a 3 kept by the 3t ate . - TABLE #0. 26, pages 59 to Öl, showit; the loaning transa C- tions of the trees ºr or during 1903, 4, 6 and 6, compiled from the cancel & d riot, & 3. TABLE NO. 27, page 62, shows the interost paid by the banks on county funds on deposits a 5 per the entries in the county treasurer's bank paſs 3 books; also the amount 5 credit. §d & 5 shown by - 4- TAl3LE NO. 28, p a ge 6.0, Bhows the amounts received by the treasurer on account of Inheritance Specific Tax during loo3, 4, 5 an d 6 . TABLE NO. 29, i.e. £e 64, shows receipts, as per his delin- quent tax register, and also by the county clerk's record, of taxes collect, ed that Were not ent, ered in treasurer's cash book. TAJ3LE MO. 30, page à 65 and 66, shows drairis, where orders wer G G 1 edited trea 3 urer in set, illenier, t, 5 in excess of orders paid by him. Tiº L.F MO. 31, page 67, an ove clot; in g balances of drain fund in certain settlements by thic board and differing opening bal- ances of sº me fund in next following settlement. TABLE NO. 32, p a gC3 68 to 71, shows Iny data for a 5t art, - ing point, in this examin at i Cn . This is my interpretation of Mr. Tresser's report, as I find it in record of the board of supervisors. TABLE NO. 33, pages 72 to 74, shows recap it ulation of diš burseſ.ents and receipts by fund 3 from Table l6 to 23 ; also balances Decemb or 31, 1906. TABLE HO. 34, page 75, shows summary of disbursements, receipts and loans from Tables lá to 23, and from Table 26. TA, EIJ. J.C. 3b, page 5 '76 and 77, shows transfers between funds with relation to entries in Tabled 16 to 23. TA}}I.E NO. 36, pages 7& to 80, shows what I conclude from a n analysis of the data d is closed by the Bev ral tables, are the correct fund balances for January l, 1907. TAJ3LE NO. 37, page 31, shows the Beveral drain bala rices January l, lºo?, a s p ºr Train Ledger. TAXI.I., MO. 38, page 3 82 and 83, shows, by classes, the amounts that the county treasurer should have received in 1903, 4, 9 and 6. *- This comprises the list, of t. a ble 3 I havo had typey, rit, ten, but by no meane the number that it was necessary to compile. I have abbreviated, concensed end consolidated e g much as I thout ht advisable in order to roduce the length of this report, . I have the roughs and detail of t he work and will preserve them for a time so that I can refer to thorn should any question prise a 9 to my re- Bult, 3. -b- - It is difficult to confine tabular work within the bounds necessary for typ eyritt, ºn tº a ges. But, , here tº a for:l of th (2 t a ble is preserved by pasting is got ions together, it is difficult to he ridle a report, with Qūt, tearing: th (irri, so I concluded to use the single she Q tº Taketh Ode As the 3e tabl (3s & re numb ºr erº consecutively, 4, he columns numbered from left to right and the lines numbered, I think you will be able, where more than one page i 3 required for a table, to und ºr 5 tº nd them without, rauch difficulty. Commencing with Table No. 18, pages 36 to 59, and covering the period from Jº, nuary l, lºG)3, to October 13, inclusivo, I have given by the aid ºf fºot.—not os, the sources from which I obtained the sev eral amounts of disburs; oºnent, is a nd receipt, 3. By the "Note" acco ſip anying: th is tabl & you ºil] not ice by page 38, line 12, column 4, the t the loans paid, as per the table, #31 (3 $6,000.00 more tr an in the supervisors' 3 ºt, t, lofit ºnt, , and by line 30, ool. 6, the amount received on account of loans was $7,500.00 more in the table than in the 8 &ttl ºr r\t, . In the remaining tables covering settlefºnt pººr- iods – l', to 23 - inclºsive - the amount 8 paid and received on a c- count of loans are stated in the tables as they ehow in the tres 3- u?" ºr ' is ca 3h book, The inherit ºn c e tax of $2,889.7’’, paid and r’ tº ea ceived a $5 per this table, page: 37, line 3 22 and 33, Col. 2, via 5 & 8 p ºr line 26, page 39; none ºf it, entered on the ledger and only per line 27, p.a fre 39, entered on the ledger; the ro- 3. 2 Q 6 & 7 6 º & £; main d or was a scºrt airied from the stubs of the treasur ºr's receipts. In fact this .296.76 is the only amount entered on the treasurer's cash books in connection with the collection of the $7,793.19 Of inherit once tax, e s choir in tehla No. 28, pere 63. - I have included th; G armount, 3 ºf these dinburgomontº a rid receipts in Tabl (35 fig E. lf to 23 inclusive. In this got ºf tabl. ºf ~ l6 to 33, - I have given disburg Grºont. G & Ind 1’ eceipt. 5, exclusive of tran 5 for is a r. d ball tin & G 3. This will a c (; Curit, for inary ºf the varia- tions, indice ted by the "Note" attached to each, between items in table 6 ar:6 th of tº in 5 ºf, ºrv is Grä settleºntº. To six!plify as much as po 33 ible I make try trans fºrs and work tºy balance 3 &t the end of the period, i. G. Tecºfiber 31, 1903. • 6 • The aggre trate disburgerient 3 and receipts, as shown by Table, 5 No 5. lé to 23 inclusive, are summarized by funds in revie so. 33, pages 72 to 74, and for the county by Table No. 34, page 79. The aggré frate receipt. 3, & 5 corrected - line la , col. 9 - are $915,204.4% and the aggregate disbur; cricnt 5, as corrected - line l 4, Col. 4 - are –919.299.49 Palanc à Jānuary l, 1907, line l6, col. b $2,000.99 Amount Jir. Matz turned over to hi 3 successor, as per receipt, oxhibit, ed., 2,052.82 EXC es S turned Over - $5l. 39 v * * * * * * ~ * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Combining the transfers for the four years from Te ble ſo. 35, pages 76 and '7'ſ, with tre disbursements and receipts in Table No. 33, pages 72 to 74, and we find the fund balances, .hen confined to the period covered, to be as follows: Tebit. Credit. G &nd ral Fund, page 72, line lö, Col. .3 $1,064 .89 Soldiers' Relief Fund, it '72 !? 15 " 5 103 - 76 Asylum Fund, tº 72 tº 16 ºr 6 $666.03 Poor Fund, tº 72 ºt 33 " 10 (575.18 §t at e a nd County Taxes, iſ 72 { 34 " ll. 612 .30. Telinquent Tax and Re- C. eri, tion Fund, tº 73 !! 17 tº 2 2,217.93 Train Fund, - - n 73, 14 l'ſ n 7 2,082.35 State Fund, tº 72, ºf 34 tº 3 61% .13 - Teachers' Institutes Fund, " 73, * 35 " 4 37.40 Library Fund, tº 73 ºt 3, 6 '' 6 1 O6 .46 The or T, i ce; n 5 & 3 Fund * 74 " 16 m 6 ––a- 13%. 89. Footings - $2,456.96 $9,854. 72 2,456.96. Balance on hand January 1, 1907, $3,397.76 But as per Table No. 34, there is an additional charge of $.91 Another of .63 and and ther of .' 101.0& 199.17. $3,500.93 The loans charged in the os e table 5 wer € but $97,650.00 While th (; loa, nS fila de Were 98, 300.00 $l, loo. OC The loans creſ ited in those table 3 were but §ll2. , 15 O.QQ - while tº € loans & id Were 114,809.00 - 3,699.99 —l, 900.00 Balance January 1, 190'ſ, a 3 per Table No. 26, page 78, line 23, Col. 3 - §2,000.93 sty" -'7- The fore going bala no e s , however, are determined independ- ^ntly of the final half.nces of Janu the $2, 2 them . 4, he then halānces, excluding the $2 a ry, 1903, except in so far as QQ turried over by GX - County treas urºr I, ovejoy ent, ered into Therefore, it is neces 3&ry to rºodify the above balances, hy ,200 rec - iv ed ther eon. Combin- in tº the above balance s, i.ren, with the adjusted balances from Table No . ~2, . 71, lines o' - 39 &nd v. č have th G following balances Janu try l, 1907. Tebit, Table No. WFCºiſt * ſº Geri ºr al Fund. 33 $old ier's ' Relief Fund Y)&b it. " §§ 33 Tieb it, " !! 32 Asyluń Rund Credit, º º 33 Tº it †† !! 32 PC or fºund Theb it, " ſº 33 Tºp IT m ºt 32 State a rid Count, y Taxes CY tº C it, " !! 33 Telinquent, Tax h and Redemption Credit. " !! 33 T}r 3 in Furlö. Credit. " !? 33 TYG bit, } : ºf 32 St. ate Fund Tºp IT m º 33 Teachers' Insti- tute Fund C1' exº it, " º J3 Croc i tº " ºf 32 I,ibrary Fund Cr's, 3 jit, " º 3 J CFEdit. " º 32 The ºr flig Gri Se Fund Credit. " º 33 While -th is is t he way the books ºhen combined with the report * * I\r. Cr. §l, O64. 39 542.97 $521.92 #103.76 316. 5 $666.03 703. 62 . sºmeºsºsºsºs 37.59 $675.18 läb .07 wºmmºgºmºsºmºsºme 30.25 2,217.9% $2,082.35 4.14.94 l, 66 7.4l 6l3, ..l. 3 #37.40 - 39.00 76.4 TO. TE 999.40 l, 009.86 g” s 4; lº 2.25 w C * . —-are--- #2 #9, 716.15 2, 313.39 gTTE- , 318.39 *-*. ** $o 3 fund hailances work out from the of Pºr. Tresser, I would suggest that, ina Śmuch as numerous entries up on the books are erroneous, .# -63, § iſ & I" º Š in G O far as they 1'elate to fund 3, ar, d as the tables are compila- tions the refrom and would include then, certa in transfers and cor- rection 3 be made to bring the fund balances January l, 1907, in harmony with certa in d rºmands a gå inst them that, are established by oth ºr tables in this report. For instance, Table No. 25 shows gº- tº th -* &A *A* §t, at €2 Furid sh Olyld have credit of $497.69 . Table No. 1 shows the Townsh iſ 5, City and Villa gºes should have a credit, balance • 3- of $2,438.79. Table No. 37 shows the Train Fund should have a credit of $2,089.ll. The transfers necessary to effect these result 8 &re as followis : Šta t, & Township, sº Train Tºbit . Crediit, . Furid . Čity and Fund , Village 3. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * General - Fund $498.52 $2:20.82 $417.70 $l., 13.7.04 State and Co. Ta xe 3612 .30 612 .30 Tel in- quent Tax and Redemp - ti on Fund –-º-º: 2, 217.93 2,217.93 §I, IIG, 33 $l, llo.82 State Fund. $2,438.75 2, 438.7b Toºnship 8, City and Villa gº a . Thra in Furd . -:TTTE The January l, 1907, bºl &nces will then stand as follows: f Tebit. . Crédit . General Fund The bit balance G 3 above #521.92 Tº it, trans fºr " " $l., 137.04 Tºit error, p. 78, line 22, Col. 3 l, 500 . (20 gº Credit error, p. 73 T line i7, col.9 — 103.17 2933.87 ~w- sº----------------w $3,095.79 Soldiers' Relief Fund a 3 above 31 tº .50 Asylum Pund H ſº 37. 99 PG or Fundi - ſº §§ 830.25 3t at e an d County Tax * º Credit ball ºnce $612 .30 Tºbiſt. Ttransfer –913.90. Telinquent Tax and Redemption ... ? Furid Credit bal 4?nce & 3 above $2,217.93 Tºbit transf G 1 * $4 £1847.9% Townships, City arid Ville gº 3 No balance a 3 &bove #.00 Credit, trans fºr v 3 above 2, #98.75 $2,438.75 Train Fund —-rºw Cred; it ball aſ no e & 5 a b ove §l, 667.4l Creºſt, tº a rig for " {{ 4l 7.70 2,085.ll. State Fund, g – - The hit, balanc & $y $1 §615.l. 3 -- **** wº- ſº Crºit tra ng for " H la 3.19.9% 497,69 Teach ºr 3 In ºt, i.tute Fund !? º 76 - 40 Library Furid $0 00 - l, O09 .86 The ºr License º $9 ---> —º §4,339. IETV6,330.33 4,239.13 Be la no e in Treasurer'ſ; hand 5 January l, 1907, groºz *==== \, •9 - Referring now to Table No.l., patºs l to 3, I find the account 3 with th 3 Bev 3ral township is is tand as followja: Debit. Credit." Bruce Table No.l., p. 1 , lino lo, col. 2 $32.98 Clint, on {{ l, p. 1 , " lo, * 3 4 48.70 Çhe 8terfi tºld !" l, p. 1, " lo', " 4 3G s 61. jºy" in ſº l, p. 2, " iQ, * 6 - 29 - 74 Harri BC, n §§ 1 * g . . . " lo, " 6 ló .43 Lenox ! l, p. 2, " , b, " ? §61.26 kºtic Offith Hº l, p. 2, " lo, * 8 l, 97 Richmond † l, p. 3, " 10, " 10 3, 5, 70 Shelby º l, p. 3, , " lö, " ll 83. , 22 Warren $9 l, p. 4, " ll, " lº 56.2% '#'s shington {{ l, p. 4, " 36, " 14 l .44 City of #t , ºleºnens 1, p. 4, " ll , " l{} l, 597.45 Village of Richmond l, p. 4, " ll., " 16 17,355 Willage of Romeo l, p. 5, " 9 l/4 " lº 31. .97 Village of Utica l, p. 9, " 9, " 18 12.20 Wills g g of Hew Haven l, p. b , " o, " 20 1C), 49 Village of News jºlti- Yi}O f" tº l, p. 5, " 12, " £l — 499.99 Footing's -EJ.37 ºzz - 94.67 As per credit, balance account with Townships, wr City and Village 5, Table, No. 36, p. 80, line: 17, col .4 #2, 43,8.75 In Working out the above result, ſº it, w8. § neceſ; sary to take notice of the condition of the fund 5 January 1, 1903, a s reported by Wr. Tressor. This I do by combining the conclusione shown by Tüb le Ric . C.2 s p a #43 63 to 7l . On account of the length of that table a nd the full explana; t iors, therein, I will not reproduce any portion of it here. On account of fault, y dates, undertain ontries and omissions of other entries in Jºrt per books during th 3 four years under cori- sideration, I have attempted to fortify the data used a 3 far as possible. I have thoitrºt it might be well to include one of the tahlo's of this character in the report, , Table No. 38, p &ge 5 §2. and 83, is one of this class. Without any reference to the detail of the receipts during the four years as G is closed in Tables Rio 5. 16 to 23, it undertakes to show the aggregate receipts, by classes, that should heve corne intº the treasurer's hands. This, & 5 per line 27, col. 9, is shown to be $914, 999.96 while the act Hal rece i i ts, line 38, Col. 3, 6&rte - tabla, were Bhown to be –919,191.80 or more t, harı we tº detland t:d by - $1.4b .29 *_ *-i- * →---4-4 wºr-w-r At first thought this showing Woluld tºp; p &gar a little in- consistent, but I have rocalled one scall it ein since compiling the •l.0- summary on page 83, that would properly have been included therein. I refer to a payment to Ephriam Revard of $16.22, tax rofundee, geo Table No. 1.7, page 40, line 33, col. l. Taking account of this and the excess would be but $129.07. I recall further the fact that in the re-assessment of Chargéd back Taxes, I discovered a number of instances where the 3 tº te tax and the $l.00 charge p or description for "Expense cf sale." had bºer, duplicated in the asses amont. The ariou rit, of this exce, Gäive ment - asses s,should he deducted from the receipt 3 in triº comparison, but I did nºt take t, \, t ifle to obtain the armount. . It also cºrne to my attention that to a one extent drain taxes were 3 ometimes lev iod ar:6 collected in exo (; # 5 of the artount authorized by 1, he board, as p ºr their record . To rºy faind the table prove 5 pretty conclusively that we found, from one sºurce and an other, the correct solution which, at one tº into , ppeared to be practically iºni, of 5 ible . I will rººf or briefly t, c, two oth ºr tables - Nos. 30 and 31 - which 3, ow shrie peculiari tied in conn action with drain the tt crº . Table to . 30, p8 ges Go arid 66, show tº that in connection with certain drains tº º board of supervis or ; or edited the cºunty treaganer in their settled ent s with orders in excess or orders paid by - $2,023.06 while Table No. 31, page 67, §h Ovſiš the t th 2 board Cºf & up ºrv is or 3 charged the G Curity trea aur or, in 5 et, tºl. 3- Tº ent, 3, with errone ou 3 opening balancés, to the amount, - of - —hº-º- Touble cred its in excess of double charges by - $425.95 Instead of enutºcrating each of th: : steps go took in making the examin &tion, I will gºete in a général. Way the tº Wö che cKe6 º, he orders of variot a kind 3 with the treasurer's bº. C K3 &nd with the 3upº rv is org record. We checked between books, footed and tested the accuracy of the work a 5 thoroughly a 6 tie could . We did not , however, examine the bills upon which the orders were based. I had intended to do this because I consider it, an essential part of an examination, but we did nºt have the time. * It is ; erhaps due to you, as Well & 5 to myself, and those who assisted me, that I should ºa ke a brief statement of 5 one of the difficulties which we encount ored in our examination - 5 one of -ll- beyond measure. Refore doirig, so, how ever, I wish to say, in all charity, that Mr. Matz, inherited the chaos in which he seemed to rovel during his t crim of office. I measur e my words wh on I say this because of his claim that his account g Were in good form. Had matters been in proper cond it ion and a good system turned over to him, with proper precedents established to which he could have re- ferred for guidance, the work of the past four years ºlight have been more, intelligent . Tates of entries were frequently omitted . Entries theneelves Wº Gi" 3 oritted in ſtany instance 5. Tate 5 were erroneously used. It would almost seem as though when an entry had been omitted and he discovered the fact a few days later, he imagined that by using the Čate at which the entry should have been made, the entry wa 3 actually placed in it. § proper relations with his account S. Another p Gculiarity was his rºlet,hod of correcting errors in amount 5 When discovered. Another was hig peculiar method of transferring between funds. Another was in locating his balancing entries . Another Wa 5 his attempt to carry fund accounts in his books without a knowledge of the relationship 5 exi Giting between them. Another was his combination and arrangement of orders in such a manner that it was exceedingly difficult to check them with the - Supervisors record . The following little tabulation is intro- duced as a sample of difficulties in checking orders with record of 5 upervis or 5. - orders "Audited and Allowed" as per 5 amped entry there on were combined and entered as follow: , viz: orders audited Tec.1904, Session, Nº. 16 $29.76 tº Jº # * * 19 - 4.50 ſº 90 ſº * 20 41 .26 tº ºf º * 21 3.50 *79.01 Mar. 1905 | * 6 $15.30 $8 º - º $º 7 32 .62 . $º $1 º * 14 ll.93 59.88 Entered on p.294 Record "Wood for Jail" - $138.86 mºsºmºntº •l2* - Ö Ylº Orders Audited Dec.1904, Sessions Nos.(.2 and 3 ) #136.07 . - Entered on p .294 of Record as follows, viz: * "I'l ectric T, if h t, Co. house" $107.10 t " Jº il. _l19.51 ±26.6l. Ord ºr Audited literch, lº&4, 50gsion No. "4 & 5" one -Ilectric Light f(, 1 Court, #! (, uß 3 $31.40 #21.40 * Jail. 21.37 $21.37 Total of Crd, ºr - £7.77 Order Audit ºf Oct. 3, 1908, Šes: 3i on Ko.l. Fºl. &c tric J, ight, tº f C. 1" C.H. $14.23 º it. Jail ll. .23 25.46 To £al of the two ordier8 - $68 - $$. " " Court, House, {} * * Jºa il Int, i. i*i;d Cºn lix.com'd as follows: - - Öra p > 294, "We, tºr Works, Court House" 35.63 §§ §§ W ºt Jail. - * 32.6% # Y ſº Y, t- 399 | Ordigar Audit, Gó ºrch 1904 3e3s ion on e - No. (l7 & 18) Coal for Court House $110.60 $110.60 - * " Jail 63.70 - $63, .7C Total of order £17.30 Orders Audit, od O & t .1908) ?? C. & Cºal for C.? . §lll .33 lll .38 - $º t? $º Jail. 94.59 34.33 Total of Grčier8 Fº Ž06 .23 - ©ººtagº Xic, © 4, Cºal for {} .# O $15.4 ... '70 194 . 70 {{ §§ º Jail 23.80 - 23,80 To tal. of order $175.50 l'76, b{} 'i'otal of t, ht: th rºy & C. rºer 3 $5,59.03, Total for ſlourt House #377.18 To t. al for Jail lºntered on Record, page 294, as followifi : * {}ot, i. for Court Hºuse" 37% .18 ſit ºf § Jä ji " - l 8l .85 But, I will nºt ext, end the enumeration. When we attempted to use the figures as we found them we could not obtein results. I do not menti on the 3e things in any spirit, cºſ’ oritician, and enell not enlarge up on them unless occasion seems to de ſºund it, but rather to acquaint you with the fact thet much of our time was used in deter- mininº in certain cases where entries belonged, in GC me ca. § 3 ; ;hat they really meant, , ºrid in other case #, hunt, ing for missing one: . •l. 3, “ But this recital of some of the difficulties encountered in ºut i + &rk is properly of lit. t. i. 6 a.oračint, to yºu in comparison with the suggesting" and discussion of notices J. O (King to the avoid ahce of similar trºubles in the future. Therefore I will briefly outline my view, 3 as t (, your accounting requir oftent tº . The a 3 s ºf finent, rolls; 3 hould be 3 y storiatically and accur- a tely tabulated so that when turned over to the town treasurer, the cert ificates would distinctly show the levies for each fund or pur- }; G 3 & s When the town tressurer makes his retirri to the county treasurer, comparis on should he made, either with the record of the board of supervisors, or a certified copy thereof, in so far as it role tes to authorized textition fºr that township for the then cur- rørſt year, before settlesºn&nt is made by the county with the taxºn treas ºr cr; and ºat is iſºportant, Bett, leſſent should be made only in accordance with the record of the board of supervisors. If the township officers, either the supervisor cr trea surer, have not fol- loºed that, record, it is up to the 5e officer's to adjust the ac- count, ing in connection with their roll 3 or return 5 to comply with the legislative & ºth ºrity of the bºard of fºup ºrv is cºrº, a tº recorded in the records of their prºce; tºdings. The county treasurer must ing is t up on this kind of a settlement, because he has given the state cred it fºr the stat, e tax. oferred the county for that year and also for the amount of the 5 tº t e tax, the exp on Be of salo and intorest the eon, upon whº charted back list for the current year; he has also charged the 3 everal, toxinship 3 and cities with their respective port ions of this fit a to tax & né also of the respective portions of the charged back list at determinod by th a board in it 3 legislative capa City ; he has also charged the Beveral townships and cities with their respective portions of the county and drain taxes as de- termined by the game authority - the board of ºupervisors at its October fies 5 ion . Now the 5 & charges th a county tº reasurer is re- quired to make are inst the 3everal municipalities a 3 I have indi- cated . How can he orrbot the sº charges 7 Irl one of two way 3, or part, ially by one, and part, ially by the othor, i. e. by • cash equivalent for the chargo, or by a return of uncollected taxes against valid real estate description; cf. proporty, or partially by •l4- one and partially by the other. Now I don't know of any authority for a county treasurer to settle with a town treasurer up on any other basis. Of cours c the county treasurer Will keep an account with the State of Michigan and with each township, city and village. He will cred it, each township , city or village with th & Cash paid by it on accºunt of state, cc unt, y arid dra in taxe: ; also with this class of taxes return ed delinquent up on valie real efität, e description 5. He will charge the state With cash paid it on account of state tax and with the amount of state tax upon the valid real estate de- Script iOn 3 retu: 'ned delin quent . Now the county treasurer's books are balanced so far" as the 3 e municipalities are concerned. But the money derlanded by the tax levy is not all in the respect, iv e trea 3- uries. The state, the county and the townships, cities and vil- lages each have in terests in the fie & clinquent tax list 5. But t here are only two collecting a gencies for these delinq: ent lists, - the state and the county. The forms of these collections are, in order and by a uthority, about as follows, viz: lst : Paymont of tax to treasurer' of either 3 tate or county . 2nd : Purchase of land at tax sale by county treas; urer". 3, rd: Purchaee of state bids of state treasurer. 4th: Redempt ion of individual sales, or of State Bids, or of sold State Bids, of state, or county treasurer. 5th : Purchase of ºt, at e Tax Landis. 6th: When ſtate Tax Ilands are deeded to the state and trans- ferred to the Land Office, the proceeds of such lands, when sold, must bo pro rated according to the respective interest B of the state, county and township. In the 5e transactions, it Cften happens that the asset disappears or is eliminated from the account with but a partial equivalent, . In Guch case 3 strict account in g must take notice of the loss. 7th: When taxes on part-paid school land B are returned delin- quent, all but state taxes are credited to county as collections are certified by the Commissioner of the State •l 5- Land Office to the Aud it or General. These credits, ex- C ept intº the county taxes, must be credited to the respec- tive town 3hip 8, city and villages. 3th: When taxes &1 e charged to the county by the Audit or General up on the refunding lists. Bent out , only taxes other than state and county are to be charged to the townships, city or villa Fe. 9th : When taxe 3 are charged to the county by the Audit or General up on the charged back lists sent out , only state and county taxe: tºre to be charged to the t, owin ship , city or village . I don't know as there is a better place to call attention to the distinct ion between the "Charged back" and the "Rejected." list . The language in all cases when referring to taxes upon the list Gent, by the Auc it, or General and designated "Charged back" list should always be "Charged back" instead of "rejected" whether in the supervis. ors record, the assessment roll or the treasurer's acco, unts. So the language used in the 5e places in referring to the rejections by the county treas ºn a t the date of 3et tºlentent s with the town treasurers should always be "rejected." The for egoing nine statements refer to the ledger accounts. The records of these delinquent taxes, description by description mus; have marginal notations showing the method of the disposition of each tax. It i is understood, of course, that where reference is made to the acco unting between the state, county and township, when the term "County Tax". i is a sed, it is intended to include all taxes levied for county purposes, and where the term "Town Tax" is used, it is intended to include all taxes excepting 3t at e and county. However inclined inen may be to criticise a method of ac- counting that takes notice of, and accommodates itself to the re- quirements of the law, experience, gained in the settlement of con- flict ing claims through the agency of the court 3 and in other ways , clearly indicates the unwisdom of taking counsel of this class . Whether wise or otherwise, the tax law requires of the several officer; who are selected by the people to execute it. , to account for certain moneys that come into their hands and to make certa in gettlements. This cannot be done as the law requires •l6 = Bo a 3 +...o $how, with every one of the jaany pof sible transactions there with, just the relation the transaction bears to the state, the county and th º township . 'i'here are three municipalities inter- ested in the accounting with the tax lovied upon each description. Each iE entitled to its portion of revenue therefrom and each must bear its portion Gf possible loss. ºf ITH Titº FIRST, when the county treasurer collects, he must credit, the 3 tº tº tax to the 8tts te of łłichigan, the county tax to the several county funds and the town taxes to the respect, ive town:h iſ 3. When the Auditor (;en ºral collects, he notifies the county treasurer monthly. When this notice is received by the county treasurer, he must charge the state with the county arid town taxes and credit the proper county funds and the several townships. WITH THE SECONT), when the county treasurer sells to in- Č ividuals, he inust, credit, the state with the state tax, the proper co tunty funds with, i.he county tax and the respect iv e town thip s with the to virl tax. When arty descript ion is either withheld or sold to the state, he must report the fact to tº a state. WITH Tº, THIRT), when any state bids are purchased of the Auditor General, he reg, ort 5 the fact monthly to tº G county treasurer and t, he county t. reasurer must then chartºg the 5 tº tº with the courity and town taxes a rić credit, the proper courity fund 5 tº rid Bev eral tower- Bhip 5. #ITH Tºº FOURTH, when landia sold to ind iv iduals are re- deemed at the county seat, the county treasurer must credit, the entire amount received to the tº ta to because the county ar, tº township 8 received the ir respect, ive port, ions or the tax whon the sale was made. Accounts are always adjusted with first money received upon the dis- charge of a tax. The state always does the refunding where, for any reason, it becomes necessary, and c on Bequently muſt receive in full the second mor, ey. ºn ere, individual redemption 3 are made c.t. the Aud; it or Gen- eral's office, the Eta te rota in 5 the on tire amount received, but gives notice monthly to the county treasur or of the descriptions thus redeemed . But where 3 tº te Bāds are redeemed at tº o county Beat, the -l?- county treasurer must credit the 3 ta t e tax tº the atate, the county tax to the prop ex’ county funds, and the town tax to the respective towing his 5. It will 3 omet, irnes happ ºn that, tº 3 tº to bid redecmed s.t. he county seat was 3 previously purchased at the Aue; it or (; eneral's off ice . In such case 3, the Audit, or General will not ify the county treasurer of this fact, who, taking the not, ice for hit; a tºthority, will credit, the si tº te # it.h the ent, ire a ſmount of ºuch rederaption and charge the proper county funds and the | Top ºr t, oi nº hip with the ank) unt, 3 p reviously cred it. ed to thern . Where state bids are redeemed at the Audit or (; or, ºral's office, the stat & not, if io9 th 9 county treasurer monthly of the fact and upon the receipt of said notice he charges the state with the county and township taxeſ, and credits the county tax to the proper county fund 3 &nd t, he township tex to the re; 34% ective to Winship, a . WITH THE PIPTH, where state tax land; ere purchased &t the Audit, or (; oneral' 3 offic tº the g tº to not, ifief; the county treaturer monthly ſºon he ºust charge the state with the amount of the county 3rl (? town taxes a ridi Cr’ (3d it, the county tax to the proper county funds a nd the t. (jºin tex to the respective to tº nº iſ; 3 TÉii. 31 XTH relating to the account, iri (; & ith tax J. and 3 deeded to the 3 tº t e and Tº SEV ºf relating to the accoront, ing with pert-paid school lands, I will pass because I have noticed no such transac- tion 5 in your cº, unty. HITH Tiſº EIGHTH, when taxes are refunded by the Audit or Gençral grid report, ºd to the county troasurer, he must credit, the amount of t, he court ty and to win taxºs, to the G +,&té; tırıö charge t.}: €. county taxes, Lo the prop or county fund 3 an 3 the town taxºs to the ref; pective to ºnship 3. WITH TH: iTNTH, when taxes are charged back to the county by the Audit or General upon the "Charged back" list, the county treasuror should credit the state as of the 30th of June, with the state tax. He should open an account with "Charged Isack Taxes" to which he should charge, the cºntire armount of the list as of the 30th of June . He hould place tho list b ºf ot"g the board of supervisors at their October session and when they have passed upon the list ~18- and recorded th: ir work in their record, such an amount of the state tax, up on the lict tº 3 is ordered reafsse 65 ºr up, on the saxne descriptions 31 Gül (; be cred it 66 tº this account & s an item - so much of the county tax, ditto, c. 116 ſ; o 'ºugh of the town tax d it to . While such portion of the tº …e5 up on tº list, as could not be, in the judgment of the boa.rd , , eas 3e3 3èd up on the 58, wit, i.roperty, 8 hould be credit cº, to this a G 3 ount, in it, tº 13 of State, County & ind Town tax eig, Ord or ºd spread at r lar'ſ e. All ºf the int. :) es; f, in th 3 list, 3 houſ-d; ?: g of € tº it, ed to triis account, as ºn it era "Ordered ºp road tº t, large." Also all the expense of gale on ºr is ligt shot:l d #e credit gc" to this account as an it on "Ordered 3 preac at large." Th c rej &pgct, iv G i. ºn ship; 5 § hºuld wo charged with their j- ort i on of tº Q 3 ºzº. 3 ºr C. county taxes ordered reassessed upon the same des ºr if, t ion : ; a] tº with their port ion of the taxes, interest an & ex-g ºn 39 of 3 sle ord or ºf spread a t. large. Thiſ, in addition to the apport is nº ºf it, of the current year'; taxes for state and county pºrp C & 3, #ovºlt; G or ºt, it, ut, tº thºs: charres a tº in 3 t the townships fºr the #axº iſ of the year” . The for of oing is ºn outline of the lºdger accounting thet is necessary in C oran ºct ion W. i th the tax but, irie # 8 of the cºurity , The follow iri tº its an outline of the accounting to be kept with tº 3 descrip ticº #3 tax on the 6 Clintº tº rit, lig, t. Red ort with Telinquent returns; Record with ‘lales - From Record, or i ögular i is tº z. § it is somet, iriog called ; Record with Sal é º -- $t, it g Jift ; Rºtº ord with 3ta tº Tax Lands; helinquent Tax Regist ºr ; Telinquent Balºg Register; Individual Redempt. ion Register; 3tate Red Cºption Regist, er; Record of taxes is discha, rged at the Audi- tor Con eral's office, by payment, purchase or redemption; Red ord of Refundings at the Audit or General's office; Record of taxes dh arged back by the Audit or General ; Roc ord of taxes rejected by county treasurºr . I have ornit, t, ed record Y, it h larić; ; cided ed: to 8ta tº and With jº art-pa iſ schºol lands because there seemed to be none in your county . As th: tº be gig of a larſte port, ion of the treasurer's acs. counting 19 found in the record of the board of g iſ ºrvisors, it is important, that tº is record should be accurut, tº and complet, o, © O • * * t") © o O ſº * , © ' ' tº e e º & © Q @ r e e º O 9 e ºf f © e e e e s 6 º' •lº- In viewſ of the fact that no tax can he levied unions tº r"* . dered by the board (if su;ervisors at its October session ( 3.ec. 37, Tax Lai, C. L. Sec. #3360) it become f important, that the certiſi- Gates of the clerk of the board to the supervisor a rid town treas:- ur ºr (Sec. 38, Tax Law, C. J. #3861) be distinct ºrić correct, , - It i iſ al. 3 Q of importario e in the adjuſtment of account E in the townships that whom the school tax for fractional school dis- tric tº it; cert, ified by the ci is triot be.g. "d to the clerks of the re- spective town Ghips and by 1..? & township clerks to the cup ervisors of the ir respective toºnships, that such guy tirvisor she il certify to each dº the other suſ, orvisors interested, the amount of taxable g roperty in the part of the district lying in his township, to t he end that they fate y arriv e a t, ºri exportion nt tº th 3 flew ºr & l town- ships involved of t. ht, ir regpº ct, iv. 43 portioris of the school tax for said fract, ional district. Sec. G5, School Jºv, , . . [.. §ec .4707.) The pºrt, C & Edings undºi i ij is 360 t, ign & 1 & 1.43 rifa, t, Cº., . But it is evi- dent, from the warrant #5 at tacher, by tº e supervisors 4, tº thi & t, Gºri trees- turers' rolls on file in the county trea fºurtsi's office the tº the re- quir ºne nts of thi 3 º'ection are not renerally oh 3èrved in this county, '#'hile rºy thought & are up on this subject I will note here what has see:Tied to ºne the plan I would follow, Were I clerk of t; e board . I would arrenge a record book with mergin for side-riotes and would use it for brief annotations of lºg pith of the subject platt, ºr record ed. I would keep this record in two volumes and would name one Record A or 33 ( & & the ce. He flight be ) part l. The other, Record A or B (as tº a ca 3& flight, be) part, 2. In part i of the re- cord, I would record he prºceeding excepting the statistical or tabilar portion: . In part l I Would, wiłłºn writing up my record, refer in ; roper ways to pert, 2 vſh Griev ºr it was ut, GC for reserving stat is tical or t Eibular Wor"k . Part 2 shotil.tº be so ruled and ar" ranged that, it, you] tº be in convºynier, t ſ' orgi fºr tabulat, ions and 3 imi- lar record 3. In this I woul. & enter in #y; tomat, ; c fºrm the fit at is t i- cal portions of the board's work. In both part i and g art, 2 I would have tº e connecti r1 tº references distinct ºrid indisputable . I would also a ce to it, that th º prop ºr da to 6 ſhould ºpy ear conspicu- Gugly ir, each , art of the record . *30s Agtairy it, hâ g : 43 tººd to me that I woul.” formulate & fiystem of hl ºnk?" to h : * {3 c6 by th C v rid is commit, teos in tº i r work whens. ever it if y Clve ſº tabul. &tion is of € rºy considerable imp, ortance or fre- quency. Unifol'îlity is a great thing in Bugh work, A3 to the gen ºral account. § in the system, I make the fol- loºri nº sugged tº iotis . All noney fi I Go & 3 ved by the county treasurer should be r" tº ce iſ ted fºr a 50 tº 3 count, y clerk ºf hott), 6 be required to counters ign each receipt, except, intº there moneys are received from the state - th it; exceſſ, t, ion tº dº because Śt at e alway; not, ifies the clerk of amount 5 paid trea Hui er' - and the clark should be required to charge the trea tºurer with all roney; a 3 p ºr sº ió re. cciº; f, s a ri tº riot, ices. The clerk, or other offic ºr a thorized to issue ordiers up on the treas- urer 3 hould ci" tid it, him with tº º armount, of each order i. 3sued. The firca 5 tº 1.1 ghould number all ordars paid by him conge- cutively, corºnºging with one and continue indefinitely. There will thor is fir, d tº, licat, & mily:t ºr: to cortſ use . The Örö ºr ; ; ;h oul C. ht: ©rit, erec: on a prop Ørly arranged ca, sh book in nuptºrict.l. ºr & al. Eo chronological ºrder. –––re-r-g- --~~~ Mo other than cash cºntrie, 3 ºh cºuld appear on the cash book. I thorºughly believe iri & public officer making all pay- thent s by check . I also whoroughly believe in & tiºns fºr chock book with proper B tubs. In yuhi ic accounting tº G integrity of the fund f is 3.3 dependent upon t;}} & G or rºotn & 33 of t, F, 33 transfer as of the gaºh ent, ri tº 8 . - The accounting can be arranged with or ºlthout a journal but, I prefer tº a journal . The for egoing brief outline of the t I c origid er desirable in a n ag Gount, ing gy g tºrn for your county is fiven in this report, in a c cordence with a proftige mad a to the cºnſtit, t e º that emplºyed me; and ef't erytûrcis to ºc full board . I al. Y. proftised at that thrile to as gist tº g ), resent, courity treafsir rer in forfºul at intº a proper By; tem of account ing ar, d in briz. tº inſt forward hi 3 work crld uniting it. § it, h the ball fºrces ar, four:d by this resort for January 1, 1907, up or the ga, id books, with out, cofit to the county furt, her then the expense in- *2]." together with personal expenses of transportatiºn and hot, til . AB this offer was made to a fºrmer hoard, r repeat it, hero for the purpose of keeping faith sº it.h you, rt; ther tº an in any way int. imat- ing the t I think yo ºr present, treasurer is not fully compotent to conduct, t, h tº ºff & irº (, f' ºr i. 6 ºffice ºf ith c recº i , tº hirit; elf' tº nd ir, e. mann ºr ºf Ilch a #3 Will me kº tº g tº 3ic of the orio whom yºu employ to chie clº up his ºrk comparat, iv tºly sirly;lº, . In fact, I would not be willing t c = &ºist in th 3 inatellation of a fly; i. era of accounting for you if I did not recognize in tº a presert incurtbont, an offic ºr who fully comprºh end tº the noc ºf sity of clear-cut stork with initial ërlºs tries; gr. & also the fact that both memorandº and cash entries in a cash book f end to c orifug a ra; ther than to siruplify, You have had (, it ht years, at least, ºf confusion in your accºunt s r. nd I aid of the opinion that the º'e gent, if an opportune title to riot, only adºpt, but to gº tablish & G Cºmprehensive tºy B ten. * And if it, thou] (; 3 o happen tº at a t the grid of ºr . Henriett, 's term of office, h is succes; 3 or should tº trift, gd in flany way 5, but totally ignorant, as to the requir ºnents of his nº duties, it $3 tº Gº! ; ; ; though th: ºr 5 co: ºld tº gorld ºay prović (; d. to place the prºcly execu- tive &ut, ie 3 of tº G p G: it, ior, in competent, hand 5. It would certairtly be in the intº rººt, 3 of this county to pay from it a treasury the sºlary of the proper man for £1...ch a position. I don't know how you may take this suggestion, but it's prospol just the serie. I would al. 39 advise that the exarlin at ion of the treasurer's acco unt, B be made annually inft (3&d of &t, the erud of his last term. Ala, that you arrange with someone quietly and lot him drop in es a bank examinºr (ić, dź - Without, warning. If this court, ºr he dº bººn pursued during the past, Gight year 3 y Cºll & Łl know the gituation would hav c b : ºr, far diff: it cºnt. . Turing th 3 first few days ºf the exarºint ion, the committee was in a t t end and sº a rid a 35 ist, ºd, in locating and arranging the recordiš and in ºuch other way; af, condition a 3 permed to Warre, nt, . But, it ${ion bec à rºle ević ºrit to th & d ºrd:litted, I think, that we had a siegº, before ug and that they would bett ºr leave; us to work cut, the results &# our own way. I wish, however, to thank the corumittee for its assi stance & rid all flo fº, tº it; p at i cºnce with us. •2.2- I wish to thank ºr . Rennett for hit, as g intence many times and for his courtesy at a ll time B during tºy ork in hiº office, Rāy acknowled pºtent is are algo (iue and gladly tendored to Messrs. Clark tº rid Fre: Cºlan ſ ºf the ir faithful § 5 is t.tºric & d uring the examing t ion . fºr y tº sº. 6 &t s Very 9. estrals,” / a * - Ar; cºunt ºrit. . APPENTIX Paige's l to 8& inclusive . showing the debits and credit 5 with the several T'ovmships, TA:3T, 3 MO. l. City and Vil- laſtes from January l, 1903, to Tecember 31, 1906, both days inclusive; , also the amount due the County, Township, City or Village, January l, 1907. * Gharges. Armada . Bruge. Clinton. Chesterfield Töölüºn No. - l 2 3 4 Tine Table Tw---------- – --> —r--- +-- No . No. TSEREECEITTFTTH − - - - - taxes 2 $4,645.32 ± 5,079.60 × 4,337.8l #4, i93.21 2 State, Co. and Train - taxes 3 6,097.72 7,813.52 6, 749.74 6,026.75 3 State, Co. and Train - --- - - - tà Xe 8 4. 6, 180.67 4, 835.06 4,683.96 3,923.49 4 St. & tel, Co. and Tra in - - taxes 5 b, Q71.36 5, & 39 .38 5, 9 o'7.52 5, 956 .90 5 Charged back, State and County lº 4.9'? 34. Śl 22.24 6 Refundings A.C. . ( . l2 3, .. 6.7 9.02 7 Cash paid Townships, City and Villages I.6 l6 . 62 6.8l 8 Cash paid Townships, - City and Villa gos lº. 72 . 37 - 220.25 l62.l.4 9 Total debits £1,395.57 23, IGI.A.O ºl, GOAISTEC,305.56 lC Armount due Townships -- - 32.98 448, 7C 90.6l 10 1/2 521, 55.57 ºf 33 ºn O53.38 ±0,356.17 Credit, s , *— *FF- ~~~-ºr-º- ll Cash a 7c State, Co. and - - Train 2 #4, 545.32 #4, 995. Oö $4,273.47 $4,185.99 12 Cash a/c State, Co. and - Tºra in 3 6,097.72 7, 738.66 6,696.67 5,995.95 l3 Cash aſc State, Co. and - - Train 4. 6, 130.67 4, 830. 50 4, 62.l.93 3,910.26 l4 Cash a/c State, Co. and - - Train 5 5, O71.86 5,377.09 5,470. l'? 5,908. b'7 15 Tel. returns, State tax 2 . (30 17. 92 34.63 l4.l4 l6 !! { Co . º 2 . OC 12 . 73 24.7l 9.33 l? t? {{ Train " 2 . GO 53.90 • C (a) 7.48 l 3 #! º State " 3 . OC) l 5.19 25 .07 … 18.76 l 9 !? CO . $1. 3 . GO 9 , 6.7 l6.02 12.04 2O §§ tº T}rain " & . GO . JC) 20. CO .00 2 !? $º St. 8 tº . " 4. . OC 2 . "76 44, 63 ll. Q0 22 $) $8 CO . º 4 . OC l. 30 29.19 '? .23 23 $0 {{ Train " 4 ... O .00 . GO . GO 24 §§ !! St, a t < * 5 . OC 5 .9l 62 . O'7 24, . "FC 25 !? !? Co. | 5 . . 00 2.38 25 .28 9.97 26 ſº ºt Trairl " 5 . CQ . (O . CO l3, . 66 27 " taxes collected by Co. tr. 7 . OC) 73.14 5.837. 63, 126 - 88 28 Redemptions by co. tr. ( state) 8 . OC) . GO • Q() ..Q0 29 Tax Sales 9 • QQ 3 O - 39 44.12 9. 74 3 O Purchase S A. G. O. 1.Q . OC) . GO l8.5l 24.1% 31 Taxes paid A.C.O. ll . GO . OC) 13, .. 79 29 . 37 32 From ſºond ing Co. L5 . OC 6.79 2O. l8 6O. 72 33 Sundry crediits 6 • CO .00 -mſ- 19 .8l. l6 .25 34 Total credits $21,895.57 $23,224.38 $22,052.88 _* *-* **** ºwº- TA:3], E NO ... I continued. *2- Chârgºs. —-º-º-º- Macºmb. Çoluºn ºf . - - Ty 6 7 § tº-ººººw's-wº-ºº-ººrººº-ºº-ºº-ºº-ºº: ~~~~~~-ºf-------~~~~~~~~~~~~ oºrºpºrºstºn *~–2-ºx—— …ºt. --—-- * *- * - - *. "... . - . s **** tº- wºrrrºº * º Tºjº £5 tº J. & - s - - - * : * , - Ş "A - -- ºrces T} º: 2 ºf, b22.39 (2,313.50 ºr 199.29 $3,614.8% § 9,092.70 6, Q99.02 Ö, 76%. 55 5, 260.84 3, Co. and Train * sº t tº gº ſº, sº ºr. } < * , ſº tº yº & A fº’s ſº tº º "...A. º. ºº tº 3 tº - Çc, § nº Tyra, in * . *** * * * * * * * * : * ~ * * : * 'w tº $º ſº." "g £’. ; : &l ºr . Łążóš' º: {} 3, 394.5" 3, #5]. .04 6,989 .75 5,536.21 Ch;2 rººf back. §t, a tº a Yid - - *. * Charked back, #3t, a tº & Yld . - *; § - j 6 º' fº ſº, tº §§ y lº ‘7(). 43 l:) .68 3, .29 2 .0"? • -.' . º ºf iſ..., ºf &: $. ( ) § Refindings, A.G.0. l2 9,64 • {{C} ğl .19 .00 7 Cash tº id Township 3 f Ce sh #2 id f { {} n 1. J. #2 * * {; 5 -ºl 1...9'? l23.17 2: .44 Ü it, y ºr 6. V 3.].lt. fººt l{ 9 * <3 * - M. • *t ºr M º sº. f; W -, -, , --> *... . . . . - 8 Cash paid Town ships, * * * * * * * ** ſº ſº tº ºf & 3. * * City and Villa, & B 1.4 3:30, 36 1.Qi, , 74. 209.18, 35.16 adº ** º, t , , , -a, --~ * **, *. --~~~~~~~7-77--grº-prº-Trººf"::". ºrgº ſº. A 3- § Total det; it. § §§I, AII.Gö isli, iſ..Tºi ETA, IAW.go 318,304 º - - s - * , º, ** *, *: - º "f #) Arnourt clue. Tcºnship, 3 29,74 lù.43 'º. l. . $7 2 . § § ºrrºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ººr;"ºº"º": "ºº". Tº LO l gºrizºr. Tºrº, Iºw.wo 915,806.46 Çr £63 it. § . l y _* º tº r Tºry tº º c: + º-, + § * } { £3. Y; & Cash a y C it, & W. C., & © . &ric, - • 2. * 2: *.*, *.*, f, ſº $30, - *} §: º Aº º, . . #9 - 231; .46 34.1%.3'ſ $3.50l. 89 Tr'3 in &s §6, 4:2. .31 # *- : *- § {} • 4% º $º “t l # s 4. * * * * ** * C# 3.} & /c *::::: tº . C C, £3 1C: . -* º #3 ºn tº. *** *-* {-, *... {: ? $ºf *- : * *** * *...*. * - “. - **, * ºp" •ºr * * f : y’s “t ºr ºs Vº * f ; º; ; ; *; ºn y-, *, *. gº. * , , ; #2 - 34. Tra in 3 ſ} ? {}} & • Q fy $ {}.} :) .1.2 &J { &l. * fix} *~ * 262 . 34 2 rº" *- * § 3.4 e- 4 × * , , • º 3 Cash a /c 34.6te, Cº. v.nſ. . * - 1 = x -º . . **. *> & - 3. & ‘. . . . *} 4. 4. f ** r *. 4 “4 Q } £, § § *2. 4. : º & : º Ç 3 # "3 i. Yl k tº , 4.''' .4 * , t < * , .) .2 × 2 & 7 º' - ºr-. * : * * * . - *** * --, ºr 2-, ** 2°, ** • a/c : Si, a 3,& º ! 2 ſ. º &: # *.* tº k * : *t ºf * * : **** *"... . rº * * - *.* ..} f \ {i} *; ; ; §§ &: § { £& A | iri 8. 3 ! º § & * ºf C. : 305 .01 {} ? {}{}}} •º § ...} y 4. g * 34 L. rat ºr 113, §t, i.e. tº X 2 21.2% 10.30 16.9l f = ′ 4 : ** . l 4 '.., $ºl § &: * * †: #2 } * 5 §3 i I *º. . .# ** :... ** ºr; *g, * {..., 9. 3. Ås f l {} t; {{ t; & iſ, 2. l :2 , (): 7 wº Ö4. l, l iº ; * R2 = ‘...} O - -- A rºs *** A * ; , . * : *S #3 | l 7 # #1 Tºº": i il 11. 3. *# ** * * }{} :: {) * k-j º º ‘. ... • N' Aº £ 3, * *; º; a. . . . . 13 #: $? *†, F, tº * 3 4:3, 30 3:) , (3G 13. 34 , ()() rº- • 2. ~ * * tº # 3 *:: ; £ (); *}() 19 # $ Co. º li 28,92 2% .33 12 - Q3 • {}{} 3 2 4 () 2} ſº 3: 2 {} If #! Tyra in " .0%) . {}{} 21 tº §§ 3ta tº * £3 .(?? 3. to .93 . (ſ; 4.4. § 1. 7 4.3** 3 & : & º J. :) l 3 ; : ſº T). fYC 22 1ſt ** Cº . if J. J.02 .00 & l f * {} Ö tº f } {} 112 . GO .**C. * - - F. aes wº wº $4 . *. • * > 'a. t t “t *; ra - * gº tº º f : º, ºx ºf , . . . . Fº *::: t & 2 tº 24. " §§ Gł, ºf tº " 6'; .. 79 *** * * * 3G .33 ...d. ſº **** § ** * {} # § Co . {{ 5 2'; .30 lº, .31 %. 54 4, 34 tº k $3,9 %, ’’ Air.” *:: . * * - r r ! # a r) f $6 - *; f" º: , 3" 2 & ſº $? Tºrgirl " ..] 34.72 • C lo 2 . (3') 3, Ö.6C 2-y 27 " + 13:e 3 cc, J.l. &c t, tº & * * 2 is. • { amºa º ºi ºr *... • ** ** #3. * * , 76 24& ..º 3,3 .26 }} 7 l. 3 Q. ? #: i. y 28. He cº enjºt ions tº CO ... t. r. & *... tº 4. tº ºn rº {}{'s {{) .C.C. c: ; , º, "f: ğ l. & s 2.3% * * * *...,' * * * * *...* !... .. i., § - Ž º: ſº º § º { } º º § $ : 3 ſº l & º D. 29 Tax & al..e5 º º, g- ºg ºf . a ".. * @r, & ..., \ {{. (¥) . GC 30 Purciº 3:3: A. G. G. l, Ö ‘...} a + 3 +.. .ſ0 Q - --- * ** .. 4. $. # * , - & (y C (? (){} 31. Taxes, pt. i. 6 Å . ( .. Q - l to . ''{} & " ' '...” (º Ç -- f ºr Atº: ** * : ſ. *:: $.” {}{} . .2% . (3C 32.38 3. Jú 3 2 # ji r {. *4 :1 | % r * $ º £3 . i ! t § - t C * *P** { j * { ſº {} • * * . “N •. º: * , + ſº } t 3, ..., ºr, tº rºy ºr ºf it. : § ič .30 "ºº----- ...99 & ~### a 4 0.2 - ... ** * 4, " : * , ...; y – “...e. ". . . ºr "ºf ºv *~ sº 2: •º--fra-º-º:" "75 rº"Tºº gº. A #61 ; ; ; ; (; º; 4, 13 34 'i (, tºl, C r tº it, & £ol. } 2. 4l * (34 §l. & $ § {} /* . Q4 $2. 4. $ Öğ . §4. $1. ** * § {}{3 - 4:3 5.5 tº tºº. -- !...+ sº. ', " "... . . . ºr “. < * g-y ºr Öl .gif 3 º g-wºrvºv-sease wºrrº-s ºriº- “ºº -- e. fº- 㺠wº ; :- cº-º-º-º-; ;…" ºr "º", ºr "º"Tºº ºf) ". . A tº 36 - §§l 3. 44]. . §4. ãº. y § { } {i. Č Ö4. §4. $ 2.4 ? , ºſ. $3.3 º § {}. ...? .49 • 35- -—- Charges. Ray . Fichmond. Shelby. §t erling . Column No. ---- ~g- —ru-ri— —12– J, ine r Table * * ******** i-º-º: sº-º-º-º-º-º: *—— ——º- TITSE is, Co. TFETFair. t Y.' º taxes 2 $2,949.70 #4,482.40 $4,832. 30 $3,470.24 2 State, Co. and Train - taxes 3 4,033.76 8, 18l.42 6,375.37 6, 8ill .52 3 State, Co. and Dra in - - - taxes 4 3, O82.34 5,907.96 4, 155.ll. 5,451 .34 4 State, Co. and Train taxes 5 5, 82l .33 5, O75.67 3, 675.13 4,944. 74 5 Charged back, State and r County 3 , ()0 16.4l l2.25 . OC) 6 Refundings A. ( .. O . 12 . GQ . OC . OC . OC) 7 Cash paid Townships, - City and Villages l6 7.5l. . (:0 • CO 5. 79 8 Cash paid Townships, City and Villages l. 4 3.19 *——º 9 Total debits *Tºga VTºyº; Tºgº- lC Amount due Tryºn ship 3 *****-*-*-*------w-ºr- 35.70. 83.22. O 1/2 Tº gº. Tºgº, Igºi...Tºgo, WS.5g Credit, 3. ll Cash aſc state, Co. and ; : w - - * - Tyra in 2 $2,945.06 $4,474.18 #4,828.63 $3,463.07 12 Cash a/o State, Co. and - Train 35 4, O33.76 8, 127.68 6,309.28 6, 733.25 13 Cash a/o State, Co. and - Train - 4 3, O32.3, 4 5, 375.14 4, 123 .l7 3, 4 ol. 34 14 Cash a/c State, Co. and Train 5 5, 764.93 5, O74.].l 3, 649.34 4,937.6l lb Tel . . & turns, Ště (, è tax 2 2 . 72 4.92 4.2C 4.20 16 §§ º Co. $? 2 l. 92 3.30 2 - 37 2,9'? 17 {{ ſº Trg in " 2 . QC . OC .16 .00 18 lº ſº St gº te " 3 . ÖQ 20. 60 32.03 ll. .15 19 tº ſº Co. ** 3 .00 13.14 20.41 7,12 2O $5 fº Train 3, . () () 20 . ()O 13.65 60 . (YO 2l ſº H Šta to * 4. . OC) 18. '75 l9 .33 .OO 22 !? º Co. |{ 4. . OC 12.23 l2.61 . (30 23, " " Train 4. . (30 l,84 .00 .00 24 t! # §t, at $3 * 5 1.15 4 - 68 18,28 5 . O8 25 9? ?? Co. ji 5 .46 l. 38 '? .31. 2.05 26 $f # TY'a iſ " 5 54. 74 . (\O . GO , QQ 27 $? taxe & Collect, ed by G 0 , t, r . 7 9.6l ll. 2.12 170." 7 79.91 28 Redemptions by co. tr. ( state) 83 , ()() . . OC) . OC) .00 29 Tax Sales 9 . OO . OC) 24.9'? .OO 30 Purcha gos A, (; , 0. 1. Ó . ÖC) . OC) . OC) .00 3l Tax C 3 p & id A. G. O. ll .00 .CO .00 . OC) 32 From 33 onding Co. lò • OO 6,833 8] . O'7 lò .34 33 Sun dry credits 6 . OC) {) .00 3.16 - ...99. 34 Total credits $15,896.74 £19, 21 20, 776. 39 $23,776.45 ~r-r ------- –a. -à--— -L- ~r- w-r- --r 94 § Ö ~r w-r-rrºr w----- * TABLE NO . l Charges . Warren. Continued . city of • 4 - Village Washington. Mt...Clemens of Richmond Coluºnº. **** 13 14 15 T 16 Time Table - —rº- … r-r--ºr-r-r No. * — — — — — —- - -* ! ſo . I State, CC. and Train i * . taxes Ž $4,814.00 $5,816.20 #14, b 46.14 $.00 2 State, Co. tº nd Train - taxes 3 7, 62b.92 6, 733.18 22,237.48 . OC) 3 State, Co. and Dra in - taxes 4 8, 814.90 5, 137.26 les, 877.38 • CO 4 State, Co. and Tºra in - Taxes b 7, 840.49 5, 574.65 lº, 246.30 .00 5 Charged back, State and * County - l3 {} . C8 9.94 l6] .2l 8 . 89 6 Refundings A. G. O. l2 17. 99 . .04 32 .85 , ()() 7 Cash ps, id Township 8: , - City and Villages l6 . OC) lº) . 16 § 5% .27 .00 8 Redeºn ption of sold state bid t • OO . OC 3.81 .00 9 Cash paid Townships, City and Villages 1.4 397.97 - 9.96 - 6,991.08 l87.26 l O Total cle hit, s $29,325.25 $23,302.29 $30,416.52 $165.15 T ll Aino unt, due Townships 96.28. -——ºftº–34.4% l 1/2 $29,381.53 ¢23,303.29 $82,007.97 $183, .50 Credit: s , 12 Cash a/c State, Co. and - *. * Train 2 #4, 784.30 $5,815.53 $14,357.42 .00 13 Cash aſ c State, Co. and - Trai ri 3 7, 596.44 6, 728.13 2.l., 808.lé . GO 14 Cash aſo State, Co. and - - - Trai n 4. 8, 781. 34 5, 126.7l lá, 380.02 . OC 15 Cash a/c State, Co. and Tºra in 5 7, 738.58 5, 572.21 l8, 6.10.29 .00 16 Tol. returns, State tax 2 17. 3,8 .44 ll 7. ll .00 l"; $º §§ Co . !? 2 l2 .32 .23 83. ]."? .00 l 8 $º º Trg in * 2 ... CO . OC) • CO • OO 19 §§ ſº St. at e tº 3 17. 57 3. O3 274. , 39 . OC 2O # §§ Co. §§ 3 ll. .21 2 . ()2 171.5 l . OC) 21 $3 !? TYr 8 in " 3 , ()() . OC) . (2C . (NO 22 il !! §ta t e " 4 (b) 20.21 & .38 3O], .04 .00 23 !? {{ Co. §§ 4. lò .16 4. l'? 196.93 . (10 24 #! º Train " 4. . OC) , ()() , CO . OC) 25 º $4 Št, at G " {} (c) 33.44 l. .. 74 464. l.2 . OC) 26 ?? fy Co. !? o (d) 13.48 .."? () lº2.83 .OO 27 iſ {} j}rain " 5 , ()() , ()() . (30 • CO 28 " . taxes collect, ed by C.C. . t. r. 7 l38 . .3 24 . 37 6,926.95 80.59 29 Redemptions by co. tr. ( state) 8 .00 , ()() l3 .21 2.7l 30 Tax Sale 3 9 24.3 8 .38 365.6l l3.10 31 Purchases A. C. (). LO . QQ .00 109. 6.8 lC) .43 32 Taxes paid A.C. C. ll . ÖO . OC 7.1%) .OO 33 From Bond in g Co. 15 1.29 . 2 () 6.31 l, 578.13 '? § . ºl 34 Sundry credit 3 6 .00 “‘l-—º– •99 35 Total credit S sºlº, 300.35 Sø,007.9". #183.50 36 l, .44 !--- —- 3'ſ -— — — — —r zºº.º. ºOOT gºſ Tºlºſ. 55 Chargºes . TAºi T, F, N() - l continued . V -1.-1.-1.- tº #2 & of Horneo Q V i-L.L& & - 5 - V i.l.i.a ge Village of Uíica. of Fraser . of New Haven T Coluºn No. *- -------Pi— ~m IBT 19 2OT Tine T. --—- Table TT -----------ºr-mºr--ºr No.: my *- * *. tjo º 1 state, Co. and Train taxe5 2 & . CO ; : . (YO $.CO $.00 2 Cash paid Townships, City and Village 3 l6. 33.30 3 C3 sh i &id 'i' own ships, City and Villages 14 — 139.95 5.6l. l .4l 37.37 4 Total diebits $223.25 §5.6l. T ºl. 41 $37.37. 5 Amount due Townships **** 12 .20 * lo.49 5 l/2. 223.35 $17,8]. #1.41 £4.86 Cred its . 6 Tel. taxes collect of * - by C C . tr. 7 §l'7l .26 #l'? ..ll .00 4:37 .97 7 Tax $ales 9 2 . O4 . OC) .00 , ()() 8 From Bonding Co. 1.5 17.98 ... ?O - 1141. 9.89. 9 Total credits $1.9l .28 Tººl Tºiſ. Ai §47.86 9 1/4 3l .97 - - - -—-ºr-I –--F---ºr ~ 2-------------- 9 l/2 $223, .25 $17.8l $1.41 34.7 .. 3 Village of Charges. New Baltimore. Village of Memphis. *- Colºurt M C . --- Tºl 22 —F---ºr- -vºvºr w wºr-ºw-wºr- Tºine –––––ºr Table *— -*- lC Cash paid T'Cºnships , City and Villages 14 ºl,004 -93. $7.99. ll Total de bits $1,004.03 $7.95 12 Amt.due Townships l()O .30 t 12 1/2 Tººl, loº.33 $7.95 Credits. 13 Tol . taxes Collected (e) by Co. tr. 7 $1, 069.65 §'? .95 l4 Fron Bonding Co. 15 34.68 l 5 Total credits 31, 104.33 $7.95 REMARKS: 16 (c) and (d) as returned. l'7 (c) $37. Q() and (d) $14.91 in settlement. # 4 18 (a) Local taxes errone ouslycollected in settl Gºlent. See #2, lºote (a). lg (b) This is a 3 it is in the Town Treasurer' 5 Roturn . - 2O In Mr. Matz copy of the return it is $20.22. : 21 In Mr. Matz settlement with Town Treasurer, it is $20.2O. 22 (e) $443.52 is from No. 8 ; $626.13 is from No.7 (3ee Also No.21) .6 -6- - TART,p} NO. 2 - - showing County Tree surer F. W. Matz's set, tlements with Township, City and Ville fºe Treasurer 3 in 1903. Tunicipal-Tºtes T . Taxes #ºr- ****** * ity . of 3 et - --—— Reject Chºrd =urzº- ------------— —re-...----—ºr ~ : -, --~~~~~~~~~ tlement... State. County, ed back. -----. Other. Total .. Col. No. 1 2 3 4. T 5 6. - " - Tine - - - - - * - --~~~~~~~~~~~~~------~~~~ - ---------- , - . ------------------------ No , 1903 # * sº Train TI Armada Mar.6 $2,388.92 $1,694.40 , CO .00 $462.00 $4,545.32 Tºra in - - 2 Tºruce tº 5 2,791.60 l, 980.00 . OC) , QC 308.00 5,079.60 3 Chest, or - (a) - f iCld * g 2, 453.21 1 , 740.00 lé .25 . OC) .00 4,209.46 (e) - 4. Clint, on " '7 2, 537.8l l, 800. CO .00 il.03 .OO 4,348.84 - (c) Train 5 Erin " 4 3,194.26 2,265.60 8.7l .00 l, O63.00 6, 531.57 6 Herri- . - § Oſl Feb. 28 l, 353.50 96.O.00 . OC) . GO , OO 2, 313.50 7 Lenox Mar. 6 2,453.20 l, 740. GC . (30 . OC) •00 4, 193,20 8 Aſia Corak) n 7 2, 114 .83 l,500.00 .00 . OC .00 3, 614.83 9 Ray Feb.26 1,729.70 l,224.00 .00 .00 .00 2,949.70 lC Richmond Mar. 13 2, 622.40 1, 860.00 .00 • OO .00 4, 482.40 - - (b) Train ll. Shelby " 6 2, 637.80 l , 800. (:0 .00 3.1.6 495.00 4, 835.96 12 Ster- - - ding tº 7 2, 030.24 l ; 440.00 . OO . OC) - 3,470.20 - Tyra in 13 Warren tº 7 2,707.00 l, 920.00 . OC . OC) 187.00 4,814.00 14 We shing- - Tºra in ton iſ 7 2,876.20 2, O40.00 , CO . OC 900 - OO 5,816.20 15 City of - - Wit. . Cle- - (d) - Tººn 5 " 6 8, 9.10.14 6,036.00 16.47 199—199—24.12%-34- Footings $42,296.81 $30,000.00 $41.43 #14.19 $3,415.00 $79,767.43 TAlīL}} {{), 2 continued. **** - __ Cash and Delinquent Taxes credited. ~<-- ~~~--4– ƺ. Municipal - 7 —rºugit– +b× ------ ºugh. Tº Tºurity. Train. Rejºtºdi.Tºtei." jºine; rº- • *-ºss --~~~~~ --------~~~~~~r-----~~~~~~~~~~i=== Train. Other. " No. Col. • No. 1 2 3 #----------4---~~~~ *a*. *… --Mºr TAFETs ºf aw -º-, --'ºs-a---ºk. A - *- --------- ~ +=v- *r r- *--~~-ºs----------------------~~~~ – ~e—“ -- —*— --- --"— gºo -gº-ºo-ºo-ºo-gº- 2 Bruce 4,995.05 l'7.92 2 ..."?3 53% . $40 .00 .GO 6,079.60 3, Ches; t ºf - - field 4, 185.99 lº .l.4 3. , 3. , (). C. , (10 . ()() 4,209 .46 4 Clint, on 4, 2.78.47 & 4. §§ 24.7 , £30 .9 11.0% 4,348.64 5 Erin 0, 452 •31 21. .24 l, à • Q2; 45. € 30 , (it) . GO 6, #31. • 57 . 6 Herri • -- - . - . - § Cººl 2, 296.46 lo .00 7.04 ..Q0 • {}{} .00 2, 313 .50 8 lºad omb Ö, 301.69 " .. 74 ū .30 , ()() .00 .00 3, 614 .83 9 Ray 2,949.06 2.72 l.9% .00 ..QQ , ØØ 2,949.70 lo Richincºnd 4,474.l& 4.92 3 .30 . GO • {}{} . GO 4,482.40 (f) - - . ll. Shelby 4, 823.63 4 .20 2 .9'? .16 • G() . (JC) 4, 835.96 12 Št ºr- - : .' ling 3, 463.0% 4.2(? § .9'? . (3G • {}{} .CO 3,470.24 13 Warrer, 4, 784.30 l'? .38 lz .32 , ()0 .00 .00 4, 81.4 .0G 14 Washing- t On {, , §lb - 93 • 46% .2%) • {}{} • {}{} . GC 5,816.20 }} . Clé- *nº 14, 27.42 - 89.17 , (){} .99. 4.91 — 14,962.61 – - t!.4 #~~: - F –r---- s———wº- --ºr wry *—-r-: +: ---wºr-º-º: w ~~~~~~ºr -r-sur- l6 Footings£75, 157.75 §273.96 $193.15 $97. 06 f .00%lb.94 $76,767.43 (a) State $7.46, Co. $1.31, Other £7.48, Total $15.25 ) iſ 2, #1 * • 75 {{ , ()() {{ 3.1.6 {{ 6.13 * 2 .583 {! .00 $3. 3.71 * ll, 33, " 4.64 §§ • {}Q ji lö. 47 7.33 * 3.20 º , ÇO * ll . ()3 : : $2. * 3- TAI3],3; NO. 3 showing County Treasurer F. W. and Village Treasurers in 1904. Municipal-Tate's *** *-- eagrº • *-** ******** * * *...* * 't $. Taxeſ. Tharged. -4- Matz's set, tierients with Township, City *ºrwww.my -------it ii. y. Of 5 et - —w---—ºr *w- - --m- -F Reject - ChâFgéâ. •r- *-*- wº-rººm” tlouisint. State. County . ed., back. Other. Total . — Col. No. I-----2- 5 `4 T5 6 Tine T —-r- --- ++----, ------- - * No . l Armada Mar. 2 #3,266.09 $2,081.63 $.CO § . GO $750.00 $6,097.72 - - Train - 2 Bruce * 4 3,304.83 2,424.90 . GO .OO l, 583.79 7,813.52 3 ſ]hest €3r- Tyre in º field n 1 3, 26 8.55 2, O'83.20 . OC) . OC 676.00 6,026.75 (a) Tra, in - 4 Cº int, on " 2 3,893.40 2, 48l. 34 . OC) 8 . Q2 375 .00 6,767.76 (b) - Trairi 5 Erin iſ 7 4,783.92 3,048.78 29.78 , CO l2.60 9, 122.48 6 Harri - Train - - - -- § QY1 1 & 2,577.29 l, 64%. 73, .00 .00 l, 87 b.00 6,095.02 7 I, en ox. * 8 3, blº .4 2,243.08 .CO . Ö() - .00 5, 762.56 (c) Train 8 **a comb " 5 3, 165.23 2,017.36 2.00 ..QQ 78.25 9 Rey # 4 2,464.13 l, 569.6%, , , .00 . GO .00 4,035.76 (d) Train ... " ** l, O Richmond" 8 3,775.32 2,406.10 4.ll. .OO 2,000.00 8,185.53 - T}rain ll. Shelby " 1.0 3,659.69 2,332.43 , ()0 .00 383.25 6,375.37 12 St, er- - Train .* ling tº 5 3,069.29 l, 956.23 . OC) .00 l. , 786.00 6,811.52 - Train 13 Warrer, " 2 4, 475.95 2, 30l. 27 . OC) . OC) 3 CO . (\O 7,625.22 l4 Washing- - ºv-v º' t; On tº 9 4,112.34 2,620.34 .00 .CO .00 6, 73.3 .18 15 City of Aït . Cle- (e) - Y1Q II Š " 8 lä,381.76 8,699.7% 99.9% . (30 .00 22, 267.89, l6 Footings $63,415.26 $40,419.24%6.21 88.02 gll,066.29#114,971.02 wºr---T-r - - 4-9 • TAT3L}} NC). 3 c oritinued . fº- - - - Cash and Jºelinquent texes credited : - -------—a - a-- ~~ ---t-. *— Municipal- Telinquent TT – ity ... . Cafin... -- ºgºg. Tºrity. Trāſī. --- Røjected. Total.-- --- - ----------— __ºrain. Othº. - ~w- --ºr-------Prº------- ºntº "Pº I ºf *** * ****** ******~~~ *-* *- - º *****-* ~~~~…~~~~ rºle-tº- . Prºrº º - *w- ºr- --- ºf e- - - * - £: Čol. Hø . 3. dº ** 4. R} ...) tºº * vºy tº: - we - v- ***.*.*. --~~~~~~~sº - w *** **** * * * * * *-* * *- * ~-rº-ºre sº-, *-*~~~~~~~~~~ *r-º wº - ºr---ºwr-vºm-sw-7 rºw - -- ºr . - Tr: ******* N(, , wºnº * -4 * ... i º §". $', - . =" § 3. ar - i: - * - • 2 3r”uc & '?, 738.66 la .1% 9. 3? .00 . OC . GO 7,813.52 {}}) ºf £er- field 9, §§ {, , º, 3.8 .'; 6 12.04 . OC , ()() .00 6,026.75 & 4 Clint or 6,696.67 23,07 lá.02. 20.00 .00 . GO 6, 757.76 5 Erin 9, Olć.9% 4 b .50 23, $2 2 . $40 . (K. 28.69 9, 122.48 § Orł £3, Q33.12 3,5 . Ö0 22.35 2.35 , ()0 . (30. 6,098, .02 7 Lerox 5, 731.63, 13.84 12.03 • Qū .00 .00 5, 762.55 8 *śa comb b, 2.62.84 . . . () , Cº.: ... [iſ? • {}{} ..QQ 5, 2:32.84 9 Ray 4, Ö33.7% , ()(? •' tº .Cſ) . CO . (30 4,033.76 Richmond 8,127.68 2 (, , §C) 20, QC) , QQ 4.ll. 8, 189 .53 l: l o & l & l l º {} \; & l Shelby 6,309.33 ...? .. Q3; 13. 65 . ...} {} . (){} 6, 3') 6.37 12 Šter- ling: 6, 73.3 .26 ll ... à 7.1.2 §{}, { {} , (\{} • {}Q 6, 31.1.52 Kº fº tº fºx f. §3 º .22% l4 Washing- t on 6, 728.13 3,03 2.03 , ()() • {}{} | . QQ 6, 733.18 la City ºf #4t . Cle- .. tºns £4.998.43. 374.89 - 171.5l 200 --.69. 13.24. 22,267.80 Fº t -*-*- 2- ---wº-y- +r------ -------, --- -r- - Wºwºsº. * 16 Footings£115,961.35 %l 7.63 #326.49 gll.9.00 3.00 $46.04%ll 4,971.02 4– -- -* - - - A. -- a--" *—i. - a wrºr:-----vºv- - - vºw -r- -r-- ~~y :------- (a) 8ta tº Sº .90, Cºunty $2.12, Train. $.00, Othel 5.00, otal, $8.02 (b) * 13,22 {} 2 .22 $3. 3.23 1? 6.0% ºt 23. "& (c) * . . 47 }} •b'. # .C.C) ºf ,CC }} 2 . OC) ( d.) {{ l, .41. * , 46 $? .00 {{ 2.41 º * ..ll. ( & ) " 22 - 18 º 3.3, 4 tº . &Q H • {}{} ſº $0.32 showing Gotanty Treas a rer F. and Village Treasurers in 1999. TABLE NO = 4 Y; . Municipal-Tatas ity. (ºf *--ºº-ººs sº- ºr º- § et, - *~~s- ºr ' is e e--~~~~ (...s - * , ºrs, -aº -e- as ~ *-*-es-e --------- ~~~~~~~~ *-ºs-----as- as Taxes. Charged. -- Reiac ted...ſºhr' ºrd hiatz," tº settlettents with Township , -bêck, other. Total. . -lo- city - &- - - - - -* *-º-º: -*** *-* -- ~~~--~~~~~~~...~~~~ - ~~~~~. e-º-º- s - -º-º-º-, -e-…s. ****** , tlement. State. County. -w -—w. --→ a . . . . =:: tº " . TET. Iſa. l — — —4-------- 5 ††s- **** lº Oº TArena da Mar. § ** rº - r 2 ºr 13C & * l 3 [2], est, ºr” fi &ld tº l 4 CŞ. irit ºr * : 5 Erin tº 4 § His rri, - son 3 ºf a corn?, Feb. 3 & 'g r * rº #3, T , ſ: }.2 ºt, ... ling * l lº, ºgrr ºf " & Wła shing- t. Cri # lA. l6 lă City of §t, , Cle- rºº; ſh; n 9 Foot ings i & rº 2,928.9% l § #374 § 3 2, bºº. 80 2, 33% . $ 3 l, 367.lö 2, 33, 7.39 3, 91%.03. $1,667.3% $3.00 l, , 90% .14 (a) 52 . Cl (b) li..”g Train 2,263.9% (c) 5.90 , (3G 1, 948.74 l, 846.57 ( & ) { 0) '? .4% l, Q90.06 l, 667.87 l, olò .93 , º].8 .1% 1,846.97 l, 638, (38 - - ... O l, , 4:59.3% , f \{} 2,114.6% ... [\{} 2,025.28 • {}{} A s fºr {f} a. . Train . . #.00 $1,950.00 . (30 ..Qſ) , (\{} - . OC T}rº iri $24,0ſ) - .C. () Train 3, 576.00 Prair l, 750. CC .00 3,451.00 , (){} • CO . . . . GQ 3,980.50 4, 695.75 6, 57]...l. 3 2, #72.50 3, Ö82.34 5,451.84 3, 314.90 à y l, % º * 2. § tº t, tº * {3, § $1]..."?? § 3.4 .3]. 19, 28.3 .75 5, 693 x 30 *——º. $46,807. 'º6 $30,462.50 * ** ~vera mºur- #3 & 3,93 , QQ - 3 - 39 4 .45 ; 1.96 {} . §§ ~3° -*.* * * *: £c, unty, Train. Other". 3,9]. .00 « .00 ..QC) 5.50 • Q0 ... O . ()0 $33.33 .00 .30 . (X) .00 ..QQ ------------------------- -ri e -- -º-º-º-wrº-º-º- -r- ºr #95.36 #.00;12, 265.00 $89,630.62 ~~~~~ *- : * ~ * -** —-a-42-2-La- Total. $52.01 l] .. 79 6.50 7.44 '? .43 23, , 97 15,888.97 TA33}.}} N (). 4 continued. Cash and Pelinquent Tax (; 3 credited . . frº- T.T.; ---, -ºr- ,-, - .- - * *** - **, - ****** ***.*-revº º -sº-º-º-º-º-º-ºw...º wºr-º-º-º-ºrº ºr ********** **s-strºws sº-ree-ºve-º-º-ºwsewºº 'funici;,&l.- * * * *—-ºs--- ~~~ Teliriºttent tº . ºh. $tººs, Cº. ºff. Højected. Gotel . Ǻrairi.Other) TÉ - s------- C tº i . * 0. 3. 2 ºš & 6. H--------- ** *****r-sº-sº-, * vºr irº-ºº-ºº-ºº-wºes...4. bºrºrº * - – -ā- - - - ** ** **-*** ***** **** , ille Arººs. 4.3%, lºG. 37 § , (30 & . (AG ; : {}{} ; , ()() §. (G 38,130.37 —r - º * r– - -º-º-º- 2 fºrt, c & 4, 330.5% 2 . " ft l, 30 ... O • {}{} , (){} 4, 835.06 3 /* *** *, * ; :- . - f it, l.c. & 92.9 .26 ll. ... O ". . . . . , QC) . (30 32, Ql 3, 93C .50 4 Clint, ºn 4, §ºl. .93 ** . §§ 2.9 .l.9 . . () tº . . [] ... [it] 4, 69t), 7& 5 fºr in & , 4'24.4% :32, l,'? 33.99 iQ. tº Q • ‘30 . GG 6, 57]. .13 3. ? r; 7. s ÖC) '? I, ºn 6 x 5, ſº .5% 19.03 {} . O2 ll. 2.00 ,{}{} , (){} 6, 306.67 4; 342 . § 3 • QQ ... tº C . GO - K}{} , iſ 4,342.95 3 .# 3. C. o * † § iº J & Q32: ... & 4 . Orº ..ſº , Ö3 . . K} , {}{} 3,082.3% 10 Rich:Gnd 5, & 7 & . 14 J. & 'º'; J.2.23 3, .34 • {}{} . GO 5, 90%.96 ll Chel, by 4, 12'3 .17 1.9 .33 l2: .. 6]. , {}{} • {}{} . GQ 4, loo.il 12 ($f, ºr -. ling 5,451. .84 .ſ0 • CG .00 .(t) .('O 5, 45]. .84 13 ºar; cri 3, ' 33. . .34 2{}.2C J.3 .lé .9% . . 4.) .# 0 3,814.90 * * * *} . .3 w *** *. :*: ...", "Y q ^ * A J. & # & 3i'i j.3? [.. “ tº Gri 3, 126."ºl 6.3 & 4. ..].'' • {}{} . (30 .CQ o, 137.26 ‘...: #2; ; Ś - lö, 330.02 &Ol.04 196.33 ... [X) , ()(? 10.33 l6,386.5% wrºx. --rºyº - * iºs wºrk, ºr ºre, tºº-º-º-kºs. º. ºe- ºre.º. . - *— =-3. ƺ-ººr a-ºk. - * *: zºrrºr-rºr - : *rs º *: ºrº , * . £3' Ch. 3. . . .3 F. . {-, -, -, a - ‘. . . eg es x * & ** *, ºr w-r- --rrºw—w-- - -- ºr Fºr v-rºw- = ºrrºr--ps: ---ºrr: * * . wº, -v- wºr-w W. t, z, * Wł & sh owing Cr; unty Treasurgr F. 5 r - gett, lºne nt £3 with Township, City & & Villa fle ºedººrs in 1996. - Taxof Tºrºſ. ITT.III w Charged Rejected, back. Other......Total. --- ---wºw--- 4 - * > - T- § *T re. - 6 ~, --—— - -*. -: *-*----- - 2-- - - - ––––-- - - - --------- wº- * *— – --~~-r -r ---------- -:--------→-- Trail. Tº --~~~~~ *** *** * * ***** ************ -seº it, of g; ºt. “ . . tl, ºlerit . $1.8 to . County. ++--------> rºs --------> +H:--—r- -P- --------I - :--- ºr -º-º: vº ** º --T---------------- No 1906 r **a in AFada lar. 7 #3, 151.00 ºl, 270.36 $.00 #.90 $650.00 $5,071.36 2 ºr uce {} . 2 * , 8.7 .39 l § 34"; , '79 - ..QQ . Gö ..QC) j } $33,58 & (, i. irit, ºr " 9, 3...Q. tº 1,277.79 .0%) Train à l'C , º, ra in * 5,956.90 3. : *q * ... ." . • -*- -, * * 'i f* F-, - ...' ... tº : A.” 9 I C. ll. Ex” in * 3 i. § C. 1 - $4 I, CIlox $f ºiacomb t? 3 * -- a ... . 3y $t Éi Q}\rton ºf " Chelby " 4,731.77 2, 30]..."?l. 3, 347.1% 2, 3]. 7.27 3, 63.6.90 1,049.3% l, 349.99 l, 231. .30 934. Śl 1,498." l,056.25 . GO ..QQ • QC ..QQ . GQ (a) '7. 70 or Trg, iri Tºra in l, 252 . Cº Trg in • {}{} - .00 Tºra in 3. º 3. } <- 3. 3 & 4, .57 3, 55]. .04 tº , 959.75 {j ; 336 .21 {j 3. O33, .57 r; ºt tº . ** sº 3. { } { J ..l. *...* lſº ºt crling " 2 l, 205.59 • QX) , ()() 750.00 4,944. 74 i - T}ſ' & in - l. 3 Harreri “ 2 4, 37.3.13 l, "43.5l. ,0%) .00 l. , 773.75 '', 340.49 1.4 2 City cºf *... t . Çl.e- . (b) - .33"; ; " ; 2.3, 5, 631. .48 43.37 - 99. ...O. 19,899-1.7. 9,972.47 ". . . . . 1, 602 ...lº . OC 5, 574.65 $14.92. * ſ £a - . r ; ... • ? :^ * ... - & - $º ‘s. rº- ^^ 4 * * - tº f: * . Foot, ings $61, 303.64 $24,725.00 $51.57 & .00$13,193.00 $99,273.14. —eº--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *4 3ta tº . Cº. unt, M. Tºg in tº (a ) .00 (b) 4 .96 2.74 1 4 ſº, $30 º, rºs * f : w *** ** {f'; - al, *'. 26 , 69 l.l. .583 .#9 (c) This should have been $19,290.l7 and cash $18,610.30, or one cont more. For reference, see page 13, line 15, col. 7. - -l3 - TAHLE NO. 5 continued. Cash and Delinqu Grit. Taxºs credited. - * - - ------------- *-* --> Municipal - Tº inquerit." +*--- Cash . . ºtiate. County. –4–4– ** Drain. Rejected. Total : - Tºrain. Other.) T _Col. No . l 2 3__ 4 s—s -- Line T -—------ -wr- —- -— M C . - - - - - - TATnada #5, O71.86 $5.00 $.00 $.00 tº .00 $.60 $5,071.86 2 Bruce 5,377.09 5.9l 2.38 .00 .00 .00 5,385.38 3 Chest, er- - field 5,908.57 3.4 ..."? Q 9.9'? l. 3, .66 . OC) .OO 5,956.90 4 Clint on 5,470.17 62.07 25.28 .00 .00 .oO 6,597.62 5 E1" in 8,764.76 67.79 2'? .. 3 () 34. 72 .00 . GO 8,894.57 6 Harri - § O Él 3, 600 . Ol 32 . '72 13 - 31 .00 .00 .00 3,651.04 7 Lenox 6,808.28 20.8% 8.94 182.00 :00 -oo 6,939.79 8 Macomb 5, 489.84 ll.23 4.54 30.60 .00 .00 5,536.21 9 Ray a , 764.98 l, . 15 .46 94.74 .00 .oo 9,821.33 10 Rich:10nd o, O74.ll. 4.68 i.e :00 00 2.70 boss.” 11 shelty 3,649.84 18.28 7.91 .OO .0...' .GO 3, 675.13 l2 Stºr- - - - ling 4,937.6l 5.08 2. Ot ºf . , OO , OO .OO 4,944. 74 13 Warren 7, 7&8 .58 37. (C. l. 4: .9}. , ()0 , ÖC) .00 7,840.49 lá Šashing- - ton 5, 572.21 l. 74 . 70 .OO .00 .00 5,574.65 15 City of - z' Miſt, . Cle- - - - (c) mens 18,610,29 454.12 198.8%. ,00—.90 28.9° 19,339:19– l6 Footings $97, 893.00 $757.30 #311.46 #285.72 *º-ºº: --ºr -*- -- ~~P ------ - - - --- -i---- *- —w º - -re -T- - - - wº-mº - - - -------- ------ - yºvºº .00 $25.62 #99,273.lo *—iaºmas. * * (c) See Hot G "c", page, 12. •l,4 • - ''A. J.E #(; , 6 shbwing anayls, is of cºrt air, entries in Table & Nos. 2, 3, 4 and - 9, and als & the ætourits to credit & ºrt, a in tºur; it: ipalitics because correct debits includg: in 19t:uler. Gherged tº 3 k list . ==T--—w - - **** **** ******** * * * * w----- ºr--ry 4. . r r -----------º- *** * ****~s º * ºw *-** ***********{***** * * ****** **** - ********** **-*-owº-ºº--ºw rººmsº settletient cf 1903 The artount of ill .03 • In his - - - charged Glint ºn tºp, . was neutralized by a Cl’é&it, of a likel &tºurit. . charged: (.hgs-- terfield tºp . The armø unt. Cºf 1.6.29 **, *, ******* -5- - r - { 3. ‘fl. was collected, and it included $7,46 $3.3]. charged to - fºr in twp . was coll. &ct gºd & rºd it, included charged to Sholºy twp . was Coll. &c, tººd & ºld, it, included chârgººd tº City of bit. Cle- meris - only $ll. .56 of ºſhi ch was col. - lect, 3d, 3.3.1 tº lºng- ed to 3 ta. º.º.º. inoluti- ed 3.l. .36 charged to Clint Gri tºp . ſtag collect, at arić it, incl. ud ed {, , § {} {3.1% Tri Q C, unt, ºf 3.15 2.41. The asſic, unt ºf lº; .47 sett Lºai ent of 1904 The gº tºurit, of 3.02 In his The armount of 29.78 charged to Érin tºp. -only $1.09 of Wºhi Gh ºf 3 Col. • lected, all. Re- longed to Étate; l.0% cºa rared to #if:- dºh tº . Waſ; coll, ect, ed Grid it, in 63 lice; 6 c] a rºod to Richmond t, ºp. via 8 neut, ral iz &d by tº credit of a like gºount, . charged to City ºf ºf . Cle - fiers - only $1.7 .98 tyf Wºłi ch was col. • lect, Gd, all be - longcci to statel'? .08 rif" 2 . (){} intº- ** - rº-? ,- • wox 4. ift £3 &ºić, lºſt . 1 - 47 tº fº & .ll. Thq < Clarit of 30.32 In his à é, t, t. 1 ºn 4, ºf 1.905 . The arric Lºr; t c ſ :: 2.0l ºr arged Ches- - t.31 J'ield tº wip . #: ; H &tº t, tºg li ºf: by a cre (; it of a likº & Tººtint, , charged CJ, inton Tºp . was col- J. & 6 tº ºd tº 16 it, included charged Erin twrp . Wa 3 col- lect, ed a nd it à fic l, uſed charged Harri - 3 on tºp , was col- l. 3C tº di &nd it, C 3.1, ded chargréid T, ºn Cºx tº . Wa. § ricut, ral.- iz tºd he catañe not collect, a di. Şee No.3, note "b." The aſſic, unt of 3.]. .. 79 |: } The artic, unt of 3.30 . . ; (3 | The artount 6,839 } fº T}, tº affic urit, of 7,43, • {{C} l, 55 & •C C} . GG Sºv * ; () a W." &f . GQ . (10- .90 5.50 . (20 - f', a ſy . GO ... [O • QC ..QQ º : : - : | 'i Ağ, h, (; ; () , (; cott, i rited . 1 ºr t ºf J. & (){} e ancunt, of l]...lº ºr gºd , it:y ºf ºt, . Olę- *::Ins; - ºnly; .6l. (, ſº wº ich Ya tº colº, GC ted, a 3.1 in el Cºngred to #5 {3, 5, & . 61. , (\{} .0% . (20 * In Yi, tº 3 ºt, t, lº ºr t ºf ...? () { T}} tº 3 ºf tint, C, f 7. / O chartºod Rich- ... Orić, t, ºn . - on "...y ... & . . C. C. f. Whi ch wit: ; collect, ºd, &J.J. bel. origg & to £, t, 3 tº 6,00 •º .C. () ... O T} < a. scitat, (, T 43 , 37 cłia tº gººd Gity of ...t, , Øi (3- art; - ºnly $2:… . . 5 ºf vºich was collect, ºd, a j i belºnged tº 3 * g : C 20.9%) . GC 290 .99. *-*-*. --—-> 4- - *º-stºr-rºtºtº * -w- --rºy-ºr-rwº --, r- Y=y- w-r-y-rºms * * * * * ... • * * * * * - *!. 2.- .. • *:- - - . . . . . J., is #. *.* tº tº gº º żºł § {} ºf 4 & 3 ºf p- :* f ; # , ſ \ ; : *, A ºº:: * { } a + ( ; §§ # , & 3 $1.1 * 7C § <2 = {}{} 3; ; , º, & ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ºrº - .. *----------- - * - - . *Y********~sº. —ss 7~rwur- ºr $º * * * sºrrºsºstºn-ºxº-artu º ºxidazºlaeºdºrrºr º, ected. Charged Back. * } * . . . A. : ‘. . .* ** 2. rº * , , , "t .*, *.” ... ;- . *~, Froſſi X: º, * “… *** -i º 43 &l. * . J. § º • **:: 7. }' a * r, cº † : &: - £3. g”y Fr Ç, tº … ! ‘. . tº *...} tº Yº † 2.l. § $. Ö2 --- - •- ----> * f. - 3 f **, º: , -> - ºr " i. r \, ', ſ: 1. *.*. º º * * * K.) º t. JC ºr 0 ºn 3 tº . J 3]. , 37 .00 gºzºſ -º-º: - Żë . 57 Total - -zºng ' ' ' ' ' ---. RECAPITUI ATIC: jºy TOYºſ3}{TP3. *esser-sºw-ºr--------- ~~~~~---------4------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *...*-os----ee-a-se - . ** # - * . . * • *, * * ke. . 'T & tal. § . {3}, … tº . Ço . Train . Öther, f"*** - 3- -v sº ºf * : ºf "I am tº d's f: , ſº dº *º ** r * ... • fj g. ("; {}}t ºf, i.erf 3.6 t (; - §l & .28 §'? .46 $l. , 3]. §. GQ $7.43 * * * * ,-, +, − s. -º-ºººººººººººººººººººº-º-º-º-º: ; : ], i.f. t. C.? ==#5*F± -itſ 5-rºo 3. * - r : ‘‘, w . gº, ... A * . . . . . - - gº # K. * * \ k'. Ö §§ * (UK) C. {}{} *** *** *@*-º. * - - - --------~~~. -- ~& **º-sºº gºes-wºº'ss tº ... .sº : ; i. tº a gº. -āj; ; ; T-3. Fºr "Tº Fºy {{ lº. 32. $14.33, #4, #3 T.GO Tº...ſo *-* * *regrº * -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ** **, *. sº - - —w-, - --yº *: gºss-º - Fºr in 55.15 ºz.55–5.58 &.ſºſ {{ l. .0% ...9 . GC .90. !? $ - - . CO .00 9.90 • G #: - £ººl . . .'; fº :-ºf-23,5-ºf-ºr--ºr-rººf; §3. CO *. g - &l 'J • '...' J : , ; 7.55 :3: * {}^3 3. : X & *}(\ º .0 > -º- ºr-->e---> *º- .* ***** * *** **-** **** >;-- > * * * *..., , . . . - .. - - - - !- . **. ... -ºs.ºre ..s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: , - . * º xy----, *ry --r - i. - -* <ºr. *º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ** Zºº: :*: $ Harris On - ( , "...º. tº .3% ºl. 55 ... .[it] $3.00 #ac Crab . ſº {}{} §3. .4 º * . 53 ** * {}{} ; & {}{} ~~~~~ * rººt ºn =r fºr-wr § .* * tº ſº Richmond 5.00 $5.00) : .GO i.ºO ==—ºrrºr:#;ºrrºr; * ºf A * - • *, *.s º ºx * * #, & * ++++++++++y======-º-º-º-º: -*. 3 & #. sº º 3. * } º, is *ś § º ſº § © {{} § º {{j sº ºr ºne ººº- Tº sº.º.º.º.º.º. f : City ºi' ºt, . (; 1 ºf riš * $13.96 ‘. . GO $3.00. $. Q {{ * | !? 2. '' .083 • QX} .90 . (30 ## , . t{ .6l. .CG . GC .60 º jj $f 2() .983 - QC . (1) . GO ºf $3 $1 5.2.80-- $99.20 8.0 is .00 $.00 & †Zºrrºſo-Tº-Tze- z' . ************ * --~~~~ * * *- : * ~ *-* *** ------ ºw-v-ºw " -, -º-º- a tº ~ * *--se-º-- *re-rº- ºr a * ~ *- : * *s--es * hºm-º: - -º-º: 3. ** - -k - - - -*.x. *** …º. - * --~~~~ *-ºs-rear-rº- ****** * * * ***** ** : *.iº-, tº —-r -º- zrº--ºf ~ : * was ) These ano unts (excepting the $7.48 º ††"tºo lºor: Guðly received into the courity treasury in sett, le. Grit ) are credited be- ap G e the 3 º'ect, amount H are dobited fro: the charged back list for the ''Aºſ, F. KIO, 7 shºwing the amount of delinquerit tax, interest, expense and collection fee oollected by County Treasurer Mats during 1993, 1994, 1905 and 1906. º #######F-rºt *sº Col. No - - - *** * *-* warxiºn-mºtºvº-' sº -ºº-ººrºwº ºf Tine" r—------------------- ~~~~------------w--r--—r- -----w: --> ºr ------- -w-r- --------v---ºr *rur rººm ºr ºr -w-ºr-º-, -wrºv wºve-yººrw Fº wº-wºr---wºw-rrºr wºr--v-------------------~~~ No. - l Bruce §§ {}. 68 $3.11. $3.00 $38.79 2 Clint on 1.7 ty. 65 2l .34 3,030 204.99 3, Ch Gs tº riſield 64.43 4.87 lö . GO 84 .30 4 Erin l{}''. Of lé, .34 9 OC) 192,90 5 Harristor, 86 - 5l. 8.32 3 .00 130.0:1 6 I, enox $4.94 20. Y2 4.00 ll. § .26 7 #& C Grub - 18, 97 • 43 • {}{} 19 - 40 8 Ray 3. * * . Q4 . OC) 3.91. 9 Richmond 39.87 3.ll. 1.00 43.93 10 Shelby § 3 - 4.4 5.3% 4.00 '74, 833, 3 l $t ºr lirigº 29,49 4.1.6 2 . (){) 35 - 65 12 Warreh 38 .'; 2 5.30 l, CO 95.02 lă Wa shington 19.13 2 . $3. l, (30 23 s ºf; 14 City ºf it . Clemens 930,83 89.66 78.60 1,098.94 15 Village of New B<iflore •00 •(X} * {}{} ,0ſ) l6 Village of New Haven 400 • {}{} • QC ..QQ 17 Village of Memphis .00 • {}{} . GC . GO 18 village of Richmond •00 • QQ • QQ .00 19 Village of Romeo ..QQ • QQ • QC • Oº 20 Villa; ºre of Utica —º-----ºº-------.”——º- 2l $1,818.64 #187.92 $131.00%2,134.66 *-*-****** **-*rºws-we-ºver-, **-sºº rºw wº-ºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-, ** ******* **-ºr- swº-was--, *, *.**** *** *********** ** 4-K– *-*—a *-*. - --d -** –4 -a- *- .* - *—t r -4 *- -------- - -T -------- ~~~~ ++ -vºw re-r----------- ~r- wº- → *rrºw my TAHLlº HO. 7 continued. *******-aa-l-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º---al------------> -*. County. *—--- a *—------—re---—a. ºrity. In E. Train. Tº Töölººr. Tºlº" Col. • No. _Tº 5 r -—g ——tor- * Line TT ************************-*.*.*.*. ºwvºteº *** ****wºrs rur-T-wrº No . **** 1 Bruce $20.08 $3.35 §53.90 $7.54 $3.81 $91,68 2 Clint on 93.1.6 13 ..."? Q 20.00 , {}O 32 . "R2 159 .58 3 Ch 65terfield 38.31 2,839 lºš ,52 • QQ 33.56 §5.0% 4 Erin 90.86 il.57 78.83 4.08 20.11 206,45 § 13 arr is ori 49.90 0 , 46 2.47 , QC 9, 55 67,48 6 Lenox 53.39 ll. 72 ll2.00 * {}{} 20, 16 197.27 '? §§a comb lC).04 ..b6 so.60 .00 3.91 45.1.3 8 Ray 2,383 .62 b + ..."? 4 l .98 2,82 62,334 9 Richºton & 24,90 2.23, 21.44 - ſº)0 7.88 56.45 10 Shelby 58.6l. 3.84 . GO ... ("() 10.48 52 .33 ll. Sterling ld .54 * 4.70 €0.04 ,90 '? ..]." 97.80 l2 ºarrer) 4? .42 2, #6 •ºC) .(JG 3.0.66 60.74 l3, Washington & al.& l. .19 . (30 .00 1.97 ll .34 14 City of it. . Clºiens 531,05 52.63 • {3G .00 805.14 8:49.82 l: Village of New Balt, irº ojºe , ſº) • {}{} . (30 ..QQ *QQ .00 lò Vil 3, agre, cf Yew Haven .00 .00 ..QQ • {}{} .00 •QQ 17 village of Memphis • {\{} .00 •00 . GO .00 .00 18 Village of Hichmond . OC) • {}{} ,00 • {}0 3, ..lé 3.14. 19 Village of Romao . GO - . (30 . OC ...(?0 8 ... 4 8,34 * Vºice" ºr *** — so ...a co-ed as cº- 2l $1,021.12 $126.89 $447.24 $13.60 $489.99 $2,094.80 ::::::::::::::::::: -*-i- *:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: wºr--- *::::::::$::::::::$º. TAKI,E HQ. 7 continued. -l9 - *** * * * ***** ** **-****-******* * *w- ºr-. Qth sºr. ºr ºvº-fee ºn -1- wºr- Mººs tº l—a--- *~ Tº. Tºy. TääHöði. Tiſo. §ridge. nel.T an “w, a wº, - wº ****** *-**** --Meghing. --— £9ad. *—º-—— _TIII? I 13 - x4 -- is is ~ Tºne - " - rºs → -wr ~~~- - -r------ -y—r----------------------------------→--r— -*. y-----------------ºr-wr wºr-wºrms No s l. 3ruo e $9.80 $15.67 $37.82 $.00 3. GG $.06 2 Clinton 33 - 14 260,29 l 99,74 3.8% .99 25.2% § Ch 33 ter'field l 4,9'? '?]. .. 50 24 .45 2.92 •00 2.98 4 Erin 44.l7 34.25 º, J , 61. • {K} ..QQ .G. 5 Harr is on l .1% 31. .84 $9.13 .1% . GO .0. 6 Lenox 20.39 92.73 90.7 .00 .00 4.50 7 *&comb 3,27 14,48 10.42 .00 10.11 .00 8 Ray .84 4.33 & 440 .94 .00 .0 9 Richmond 29 .45 • {}{} 74,34 ...t]O .* Q ,00 10 Sł, elby 53. B6 32.3.3 64.3% .00, .00 3, .87 1l Sterling" ll. .40 8 .'' 4 27.07 • {ſ} ≥ 0, £50 3.40 12 Warren 17,9t, 21.98 42.85 .00 6.39 2.96 13 We shington 3.20 § 29 3.ll. .00 400 l. .26 - 8pecial Rejected Penalty 14 City of it .01&nens 2,281.96 ,00 l{}{33.53 2,288 .92 34.62 21, 19 15 Village of New Bal- t, ira ore, 391 .45 • Q ... O Q ,00 ,0C .00 16 Village of New Haven . . . .00 .0C ,C}{} • QC) . GO .00 17 Villa ge of Šemphis 7, ll • OC •00 • {}{} .00 •00 18 Village of Richmond 78,60 s(){} ,C}{) • {}C) .00 ,OC 19 Village of Romeo J. 58.60 • GC sGC) ... (X) .00 .0C 20 Village of utine — 16.09.-- go to ------99 -99 -- 0: 21 Foot ings $3,412.25 $693.3383292.97442,293.81 ºz.22 $65.41 *:::::::::::::::: ================================ % º Table No . TE Intº 7 c oriti nued . Qther, -lo- I Toºl...IGrand Tºtal. J.N. lº --- Ex- r-ºr---r-r T- **—º-º- —20—21- Jine , - - - - - - :--- - - - -- - - -—-------------- ++-----re- -----------→ --------------~~~~-—------------------——--------------——------- - Wols. - * , - . I Tºrºuge $.00 $5.00 §§ 85 $73,14 $203.6l. 2 Clint, on • CO 4.1.7 6], , 14 587.63 9:2 .20 3 £h esterfield l, (){} .00 & ºf; 1.26 . §8 29 & .25 4 Er" in .00 .00 l'7.21 1.8l. .24 à"f 9,59 tº Harr its ºn • {}{} . GO ll. .32 l.l. 3, .. 76 28]. .2% 6 I, enox .00 • CO 40.0l. 248. Tº tº 64, 36 7 Mac Onlb .00 • {}{} • 33 39,26 1.03 - ?9 8 Ray • {} . (30 ..l.0 9 . 6]. ºf 6,06 % Richlºrorić , {}{} ..QQ 7.83 212.35 Tºrgiri - -- - - - .. - lC Shelby .l.2 2.63 l; .27 1.%) . 77 2.97.93 11 §ter ling .00 .00 8.70 '; 9.9l 213.36 £ent, ej" line - . . . 12 º'arrêr; 38.02 .00 7,66. la8.33 294, .09 We ºdº; - 13 Washington .00 4,00 3.02 24.8% bø.17 14 City ºf it. Claſſiens , QC .CQ 749.33 6, 926.35 8, 914.91. 1.5 Villa gro of 33 ºf Băl t i- }}}{} j^ 3 . (YC • GC 34.63 62 #3, 3.3, 626.13 16 Village cf. Nºw is aven , QQ .00 2.9% 3'; .9% 37 - 97 17 Village of Žetaph is • GC , (){} .84 '? .95 ºf .95 18 Wills, gº of Rich;ond . GQ .00 l, 95 &C. §§ 83 - 69 19 Village of Romeo ..QQ .C.C) 12: ..."? § 3.71 .26 1.79 - 60 2 Ö Village of Utica —“9-º--- **—#43–44-4------ 2 l Foot ings $59.14:10.80 $993.84 $9,773.37314,002.73 Showing the amount oollected by County Treasurer Matz on account of re - demptions of delinquerit tax, in . tyregt., ºxy, aris, G and Gol. 1 ºction fee, during dºo3, 1904, 1909 and 1906, arranged by municipaliti Gividual certificatºf. wºr- - -r-z-rºr Col. Xo. ning wrºss-rººt No s Tºi inton 2 Eriri 3 f 4 Warren 3 Village of ºf ºw his lit. i- #GI & 6 Willº pre ºf R chºlorld * Ci Gi. Gºne: rig 7 1/2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **, as, Col. . *— ------—º- ‘ºngs tº tº , ## Tri š, () $35.7% $14.79 & Clint, ort 9 Erin 10 Harrison ll. #arren 12 Villa.ge of Nº. 33<i- gºº, l. 3 Will & go of Richmond 1.4 Gity of ¥t . C1 &tieri; l 5 16 l'? § # $170.21 TA}}Lº. 3 (). § Cºf 58 ºr $3.00 1.60 l. 30 l. ..QC) 2 . (;0 -**— $28.60 -º-º- 4,44 1.4.6l. ** 7, Čſ: 3.0 , 33 #º ºw *** 3 * i. 3 ----------- F-2–1. “...-- ~~ - - - - - A --" *> --ºr-ºwr-vº-errºr-e-x 39 & .37 (a) ºr . #694.3% #60.14 4. 1 .03 $21.97 l.0 frºg E.Tº said "Tinº on- —º-- ãº, a 2. čič $59,23 Total of colºurins 1 to 3 in 63.11g iv e foot, (a) Col's l to 3 inclusive include interest on bid. clusive ºf thig interest. . 2ſ. $l. ..? - 0.90. --w - (a) -º- ** * $38, and by ºt, tº t e ºrid in- jº £h ~riſtºr-ºrrºr $33 tº . t.3 on fog sº it: 3& •ll. 1.2e 12.80 .33 .27 $47.7l § 7,32 4.30 l. 3.78 4:38.6% 1.1 - 39 * rºw - ºr- ~~~~ wrº $754.10 $755, Ol #755.01 -2O 7 taxº, a $17.08 14.91. l, .00 tº .95 320, C10 4.03 99.81 $452.38 “** * * * * * * * ~~~~~~ -------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * ***** a º sº *...* _dºed for . . . - Col. M. G. g is £xes - Col. No. 11 includes the interost on the bid, but there ware gºveral errors in computing the intºrest on the redemp- tions, the net &fnount ºf which is here added to the interest account arid & hoºl. d tº charged to $4r, ºatz . TA:3].3% Nū. 3 continuoči. –21. “ The $3t at tº Redemptions included in the fore gºing" amount 3 were as follºws: -...- ~&–1. tº sº fººlºº -** – --~~- A -- - - -a-—a — 4.1. a. *-**- : *-*.*-*** –ad Gol. No. III III & III.3 -- 5. * - - - - - - -ºs---ºra- -A-, * ~ *-ī- —ºmr- wry §t, a to ſn't. . ºx, ČE. frt. Tſoi iºd: Tół. Hart tax • ... Bale -- $82. _tion fee... taxos, ** **** * ** -º-º-º-º- * **-ºss -º- sº * * -ºr-----ºry g-- -º- →--> * T- Tria-—- No . ºr in $2.05 #.69 $l.00 3.36 § $.3l $4,83 & : 3 * : 2 **-**——º-º-º-º-º---º----4------ 2 l/2 #5.7i ºil.gº.º.o. 33.15 #.55 %, .72 § l’; 3 Ž, . Qö 4 Amt . t. Ó credit, Erin 3.12.2 5 Villa.g. ē, of Now 3al- - t; iii.or £ : . (6 : .10 $1.00 $.00 $l.28 #12.80 $3.20.00 6 l23, .52 '? Aint . . to credit New - 33<, irº ore $443.62 **** * ******* sºrº gºwº-wºrvººr- ~~~~ *3. -º-º-º: 3 Willº gº of Rich- i. * # * rºor; c. $1.68 #.6% $1.00 $1.08 $.37 $.19 $2.0% C} - ** - *65 iO Arnt. , to credit, Richard nö - $2.7l *:::::::::::::: *-ºº-ºº-ººoº..." ~zº, E-E-5- …? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: tºº Arvºº-ºº: ll City of Mt. . Cle- - *; ºr 3 §.00 $ .05 §l.00 5.00 %.00 #.09 $2.22 lò • {}C , Ö3 l, CO , ()() .0l. •lt, 3, .'; O 14 .33 ..].9 1. ... O .2" ...LO •l4 2 .33 㺠- ºr l tº ºg gº-gº-gººf-º-º: - ...:5- 3. *; - 3, .35 3. '7 Agit . tº cred it g- }#t . Çı ºr, ºn 5 $13.2l ======::::::::===============<<=====z=-rºtº-----------ºr TATI E MC. 8 continued. tº 4mm tº ºut ºn as ºv see ºne sº see as sºn was well wºre tº sena lºw ºf west ºw ºr are - -------------------------- - - - - - - - ... a me •w sº wet was sº, sº ste as sº wºre ºwe ºr * **-*----- —º---". 10 11 jºine Int. Kºtſ. Trºit Tºt. Rio . § old {}}} I'êt ºlt;6. *****-- ***** *** ***, ºr -----ſº -- -- Bid--- -- for -- i ****** *** **** *** ******* . “º-º-º-º-º-e ºs-ºs-ºs, tºº vs---wºº. lb £r in $1.87 $ll.06 $l.0l $12.1% 19 1.19 - 14-41 - 14 - 14.95 - º º “ ºf º * -******** - * : * * * -ºr----ºr ~~. F- •º-º-º: 2O gº-ºº:7-T15-ºſ.ºrg. ~gº, * - - -w- ~~Yºr —rº-ºr -y— - rrº - re-r ---. -º- *w- sºrrºr ; ----ºw------------ºr re-es-------- ==- ------ -º-º-º-º-º. ----- —-i- * * - ~~~& A– adºa -º - ń-- al- sº & ***** ::::::::::::::::r"::"::::::". “r". : :º; 3:::::::::tº ºt: y-e- -: -- ~~~rº- * * * = *m 21 Willº tºe of Nºw * --- 3alt in; or 6 &l. 23.52 $41, 7.00 $41.7() ;458.62 22 • Q# Add ºrd fºr" ºr ror", 24 Village ºf Rich- * . mond & .38 £7.4 & .43 $'; .56 25 (, i. ty of #t º ::::::::::::::::::::::: :-2.2:…:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-º-º-º-º: Cl, gºt ºn 3 #.72 #3.89 $.19 $4.08 26 .36 2.44 •lò 2.5% 37 l .33 5.8.l. .46 t; .27 2 3 ..?4 3 - 92 .33 **--------------------- 2% Tº .35 Tºlºſ. 56 ºl. I £1.8.7 sº * sºrºrsº - ~ **** ~-art, ºc-wºº wagº-ºº: ºr ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: • r – wrº- * @ rºset. *::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::... rºs.ºr::::::::::::::::: ** * * * Åsa- -º-, -ºx Jºſº.º.º.º.º. TA}}T F. jſ(). 9 sh Gwing the armſ, unts 1 eceived by the county treaf; ur or during the tax sales in 1999, 1994, 1999 and 1996. Col- - Int, or - Charf - lectionſ: oun- Inter- Int, ºr- - §ta tº . est - 95 . . fºe - ty. e3t . Other . est. Total. . ---T----—g-- 3, T4, 5 6. 7- - - -5 g : tºº * . —- . --y- 3. CO ‘. . ("C 3. Ç0 { - s ; : . * N. ** - Armada * . Ç . . QQ : º () O {}. (O & .CO $.00 ~, Bruce 6, §l. 1.7l 2. . OC . 39 4 - 69 £) tº l. O. 92. 2 . 35 30, 89 l © # , fy, 1. Chest, tº r- - - field 1 - 53 .43 2 . GO .24 .84 .22 3.48 . 90 9, "f 4 Erin 7.2 3 2.43 . .GO .74 4.19 l.26 7.08 2 . (NO 29 .98 Harrison 2.5l. .65 2.co .27 1.67 .44 2.57 .67 lo.78 Juenox. .5° ..lo 1. . CG . O'? .2l .05 .46 .23 3.16 }ſ a comb • {}() . Q() .Cſ) . GO .00 .00 ... ("G • CO Ray .00 .00 . (C) . OC . OC .00 .00 • CO • {}() Richmond . OQ • GQ . GC .00 . CC . (O . GO . (30 .00 Shelby 1.69 .44 l .CO … 1.07 28 16.6° 4.67 24.97 S+, erling . O() . OC .00 .oo .00 .00 :06 •oo .00 Warren 2 . 83 • 37 2 . CQ . 97 2.04 .96 9.87 s.0% 24, 37 We shirg- . t on l. 3,7 .94 3. CO .16 . 6]. .20 l. 89 .6l 8,38 City of Mt. • - - Ç1 Cinen 3 2 7,8]. 3.36 51.00 9.54 12.56 3.52 197.72 bb.10 365.6l Villa ge of . Era. § er . OC . (YC , ()() , CO • QQ . OC) . GO . OC . ()0 Village f' . - - . Richijond , (; () .00 4.00 .28 .00 .CO 7.00 l. 82 13.10. Village of Romeo . OC • CO l, CO ‘.03 , CO ... O .80 .2l 2 . O4 Village of t Utica . O() .OO •00 . OC) .99 *— --> --ºr-r —w *zºr -*—º •99 - .99 461.ll #17.85 §77.00 $14.79 $33.69 $9.25 ¢274.45 &79.00 #567.14 * - - ºr - —-y -** *-*--- sy-ºº-º- •ºr----- ~r. . - : - - *. : l: * - - - - - * - º º r-º: - w------- Ö.i. º *: ū ſº - A-A*a* wºr- *~~. T. -- ~ * Tax F. &c Ord 1933, I. l § $. 7. State tax R.9 G3 º ** * * ~~ * - Tax R 33 ord lº C4 State Tax Lé Tº jºii, 1904 Tax is 3: ord lºſ): Lºnd Liºtt lººd Tax Rºc & ré lººt; Šta t, c ig K. Isºr, d is if t. l? Qº TA. T.I. tºſ). § coratinued. §tate. on Chârge- tº # 4 Ż- wº $32.00 2.00 19, QQ 3. (ſ) § {}{} 2 . (){} Coºee- tº it?" (; º; tırı - fºr 3. ...ty tºx. tº tº Tö º County. § tº . U3 i. 9.5% - i. - rx. '?, rº taxé - 9th: r. 5. Other 7 Ł3, .283 - ---ºr-º- º wºrr-, -w-s. Žºr •r- -23- ſy rºtº- -º-, on c ther golfi ++---r to .45 ºr *% r; tº º "f J. 1.89 : , 'W', taxes for; . ~x. . 4- -wrº ...? º - - $18.63 #135.01 * : *; *... º. * - 4.3 .33 * * : rºi &c. tº $967.l.4 -24- TA}3I.33 tº (). l.O showing receipts by purchase at Auditor G encºrel's Office during lºo.3, 1904, lºſ)5 and lºG6. - .* wºr- **** -v *y * *** -—-—a---------------- Bids . ----- ------ --- —- State Inter - Collec - -- Town. Range. tax : ef, t . tion fee. Charges. Col. No. Tºm 1 & 3 -4 - T5 ° 6. Line No. TT Armada b M - 16 E #.00 $.CO §.CO $3.00 2 Bruce 9 N - 12 #. .00 .00 • QX) , ()() 3. Clint, on 2 * ~ 13, E (5. , 99 2.29 l,02 2 . OO 4. Chesterficid & M - lº 13 2. Sl . 34 ,90 3. CO. 5 Erin l 14 - 3 & F. '', lê 3.36 . 56 3. CO 6 Harrison * M - la F. . Oſ) . OC) , OO .OO 7 Ten Cx 4 N - la F. , {}() . O() . OC .00 8 Fiacomb 3 iſ - lº E . OC) , ()() , QC . ÖO Q Ray 4 N - 14 F. . OC . OC • CO ..QQ lC Richmond 5 N - 14 E ..QQ .00 , GQ , ()0. Ill Shelby 35 34 - 12 E • C)() .00 ,00 ,00 12 Sterling: 2 I - 12 E. .00 .00 • CO . (YO 13 Warren l ti - l? F; • CO . OC) . OC . OO l4 Washington 4 N - 12 JE .co .CO • QC . GO l6 City of Mt. Clemons 1.2 . 89 7.72 3.86 29 . CO l & Village of Fraser , OO . O() .00 , ÖQ l"? Village of Richmond . 89 . 39 .37 2 . (YO l& Village of Romeo . GO . OC • CO . OC) 19 Village of Utica . OC , ()() . (3 O .00 2O $30. 64 $15.10 $6.7l #39.00 …º. A-º-º-º- **ºr-º-º-º: 9 Col. . ºn- ºr-- ******--º- ºr--------------., -º-º-º-º-º- *-, -ºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: [,ific Rio . *3 is.” § .* tº ºf -- P. ; s * : * * . . . * * & º * •l $... .. 33 ºf e * *** *** . .” -if- " " - ºr -- * TA::1,3} \,{}. 13 continued. 8 * -º-º-º-º-º-º- ******* *****-*.*...i-- *- : *-s ºw -y A r"& "ſkit; Tºrºntº e C. ixit, Cºrt •l. *-*. * - * , , , * it;" in T. r. ** * * * * Harri 3 or I, ºn t, 3. § { ------- * * * : * * *- º **, *,x \, \,-,-, 3 }. (; it y of {}} ſº fºr; 3: • * '-ºx ºf Village of * * : * ~ - i M . . ." ... ºf ill. § {" tº Villa ge 2 {. -ºv 9 16 *iciº - +infº---—------arrºr —------ ry * -ºš. —ºntºrºží. —º--- intº -- Totº...-- -* §. GQ $.00 $, CO §. Óð 3.00 • {{: , ÖC) .**C. ... O .*.*C 4 .4% I. .39 l4 .13 4.38 36.67 i.e. l.c.; 1 .. (3% ...? 1.8 s 33 3.25 32.8% 2 - 09 l ..].9 4. Öl. 3.01. £4.63 . (K) • GC • QQ • Qū • GC . (33 • Gū .00 .C.C. , Gſ) . (K. . ()(? .0% ...}{} . OC) . . () . OC . (3ſ. , Qū .0% . (3) . CC , ()(? .00 . (30 , {}{} , {}{} • {{Ci .00 . Qū .99 . (3G . OC .69 .00 . (30) . GC .00 . OC , ()(? C ſº . GC , ſº • {{ſ} . OC .00 }: t , - * ... O 1 .45 36 . §§ £3.0% 3. '' () . Šáš \ tº f *ra; tır". ()() , Öſ: , ſº • QX} . GO Right:3&nd .43 • 19 '? .93 * .50 14. . .33 f{Q}}ºo . OC ..}{j .C. () • GC • C& * —49–-—º-—º---—” -*— #l. 4. &#) #4 .30 $131.9l §37.1% $279,80 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: f{}}{2 A3P ſitſi, A'i' ſº j }, s , , , .. 3 * . . - º º ... . gº Uiſt l. C iſſal it, .." † Chest grf ğl int. Örl £r in Ville fre ſt 3 + x - ;ſ & J. A. j. { }]. **. ięl.c. & {}f Ri, chrºn; to; - - * : , , a . . .” - ...t, . Çl ºt.ſ, £, *- }}} * 3. A}{}} }.} Tax es {}º {} {}''};}} Int, tº reºgt, , !... ."- * £3 º, 4. § in & § 4.38 2.0l. *** {: T'A'; six} $24.3.3 3t . §§ 23.0% 199.63. ‘, ‘t tº º * Are §§7.1% º ºrs wer-lev----, -º-º-º: - ~~~~~...~~~~~~~~. cº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: - .*.*.*.** *-...------------~~~~...~~~~ : ***.*.*--~~~~~~~r-º-º-º-º: 3i.5% º: . (3.7 -26 TABLE NO . ].l. showing taxes paid at Auditor General's Office during 1903, 1904, 1905 and 1906. Ön. Account of TSEFESTITEEF-TööTIESETCHEFEs. *— Town Range tax. eat , tion fee. ----- - - - - Col. TNo. l H---a- 4 5. Té - 2--------r—re- Tºne 7+---------- wºr=~~~~~–a–rº- * *y-r- —wº- --------→--→--- ------- –59 – 1 Armada b N - 13 E #.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 2 Bruce 5 N - 12 F. . OC .00 . OC .00 3 Clint on 2 N - iº E 9.27 l .24 l.02 .00 4 Chesterfield 3 N - 14 E lll .. 77 .47 l. 38 .00 5 Erin l N - lºš Jº ð .43 .84 .49 l, GO 6 Harrison 2 ti - la E . (30 • OO .00 . GO 7 Lenox 4 N - 14 Jº . OC . GO . OC .00 8 Mac Omb 3 N - 3.3 E . OC .00 .00 . GO 9 Ray 4 N - l 3 F. • CO .00 .00 .00 1 O Richmond 5 § - 14 J3 • Q . GO . OC) .00 ll. Shelby 3 * - 12 F , ()0 . GO .00 .00 l2 Storling 2 : - 12 E , CO .00 . OC .00 13 Warren l N - 12 jº , QQ .00 .00 .00 14 Washington 4 N - 12 E • OO .00 - .00 .00 15 City of hit . Clemens - . GO . OC .28 . OC l6 Village of Fraser .OO , () () ..QC . OC) l? Village of Richmond , ()() . OC) . GO • OO l3 Village of Romeo . GO . QQ .CO • CO 19 Willa gre of Utica . OC . (\{ -QQ --99- 2O $26.47 $2.55 $3.67 $1.00 a-27s TA}{L}: HQ, ll continued. 7 8 --9 l() ll. i-º-' Sol . § *a- -º-º: —A- - *- *-ºr- - - ----------, --- r * → -----. -- x---wrº- Tº tax. Tºtºr-Other-rºtarº. Tºotºr, T- - *** - ... ºxess. ~~~ -ºš A.k. - * - "…: - à --~ *- A - A- * ‘. . A *…— ...—º- •yº - +- - * * :- -y-. - -r * -ºr : - - r −. - -ºr X, ine *— t & * 3 - t 1 Armada ; , Kº §.CO #.00 $.00 §,00 2 Bruce • QQ • {}O •00 .00 • {}{} 3 Clint on 4.38 • fº 12.10 1.69 30, 23 4 Chesterfield 6.9l .27 28.24 1 .13 50.67 ! Erin 2.ll. .34 4,83 .8% l,5 .91 Harri for: • Q0 .# 0 •º ..Qſ? •GQ § 6 '? I, encº - - • CO 8 #3 comb .00 9 Ray . - .00 1. Ó Richmond - .00 ll. Shelby . . & , ()0 12 Sterling * .00 13 ºarrºn - r ,GC) 14 Washington .00 15 (; it y o f $4t, . Clößteris * , (34 ,06 '? .38 lºš V ill & gre C, ſ” Frºg, ºr - - • OQ l"; Willa, ge of Richmond - : . GO 13 Villege of Ro:eo - • CO l. 3 Wille tre of Utica **** ...99. fl. *- -*. 3 ** * - —: -- - -, * :-------rrºw --r- → ~– = -- ~~~~ *çº ºr x -º r * -wºrs rº---ºry--- -r 20 $13.30 $l.24 $92.21 $3.75 $104.1% Rº: APITUTATION Ojº ()''HER TAXEğ Aliſt Iłł'ſ rºº’, - Munic is ality. Taxes . Iritéreº tº . Total. 21 Ch 6.5 torfield. #23.24 §4. .1.3 $29.37 22 Clint on 12.1.0 1.69 13, .. 79 23, fºr in 4 .83 • 37 is "Q 24 City of it. . Cleº ºn 3 —º-—%––44– 25 $92 .ºl $3.75 $93.96 º:**.# **-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- ~ * ~~ - - :- * ~~~~… º ºº:::-ºs:ºº : * IOT Adºlfº ºf I.I.I.III *28 showing the County and Other Taxes refunded by Auditor General during 1993, 1904, 1909 and 1996. TABLE NO. 12 lö $º lſº $! 2l º 22 tº 23 ſº 24 º 25 {} 26 #y 27 {4 32 $º City of Mt. Cloriens Col. No. II. Ti----. IZIII.3.I. ***** §unicipal- z----------- ~w-----, -w- ºr--------wr--ºw ity's County, logale. ..sºs Totals. Line - - - No. - - Š TTLºnox $20.70 #61.15 $81 .35 2 Washington l, Ol. 3.54 4.90 3 Warreri ...it) 8.55 ) . 8.80 } l'? .99 4. $3. , ()0 9.34 ) 9.34 § Clint, Gri 1.17 3, #7 4.84 & Fºr in ... 45. l. 34 ) * , 99 ) - 7. \t l. 39 l. 43 ) § .O2 ) • & tº .50 .75 ) 9.64 1. .26 ) g iſ l .92 4.82 ) f} , 1.4 ) 10 * i .45 l, 48 ) 2.94. ) ll $$ ,05 .2l ) .26 12 Ch eſſ; to rif i Gld —º-—** —º--- l3 $29.26 $105.01. $134.27 $.10 . GO 3.20 4, 72 l, , 46 1.1.8 l{}, 74. 3.2% 1.0% 2.94 .96 2.5l. 3.20 l. 30 ** $'; tº <> * yº • 6% $3 - ?? 3,57 4,87 1.59 l, , lê 10.74 3.26 1. , 22. 2.94. .99 2. ''{} 3.42 l. .54 9.2 & .I.G • 89 2.02 -29 TABLE NO. l.2 continued. Col. No. 1. 2 3 Tºſunicipality. IGºunty. Iſſocial I ---Y Total. I I, in 6 l City of Mt. . Cleºmen's .53 4.38 4.91. 2 º .l. 5 4.20 4.38 3 !? .36 l. 5l. l. 3"; 4 tº • CO 3.23 3.23 5 º —º--→ *- 1.39. 6 º $3.84 $82.85 $86.69 7 Total for townships 29.26, 10b -91. dºes tº l34-27. 8 Tof al refundings $33.10 $187.86 $220.96 - RECAPITUATIon of REPUmnos Ry auntºon (ºf RAI, . Col. No. -----—º- *– Municipality. County. Local Total . 9 I, anox $20.70 $6l. 15 $8]. .85 lC Washington l, . Ol 3.54 4.55 lil Warren .15 l'? .99 ~ 18.14 12 Clinton l,l'? 3 - 67 4 .84 lò Erin 3.97 9.64 15.6]. l4 Chest, erfield .26 9 .02 9.28 lö City of Mt. Clemens —5.84 82.85 º 86.69 wevºles 16 $33.10 $220.96 eºsºvº” ºt-sº-sºº. - $137.86 Aº *- mºr- * - x=- -350- TAi}}.}} }{O. lº showing amount of tax, interest and expense charged back in 1903, 1904, 1305 and 1906 *~~ Jºl. Nº. 2. -ºr-y -wºr-> --PF --- rºw- Line No. l Bruce 2 Clinton 3 Chef, terfield Erin Herit is on Lenox Kłac Gmb Richmond ll Washington l2 City of ºt. - {}l &migri ś l3 Wills ºf: o f itichrºne: lă Unknown - Town-Range.--& Ex. 4. Willage of Homec Exºniº . 3.00 l,00 l, .00 83 s (#C l, .00 • {}{} • GC .00 *. - ******* g— * *** ********rwºke-º-º-º-º-ºº--ºw-ºº: $34.8 tº ...tº. $2.86 22.92 12.1% 29,4]. 3, .62 l, 47 l Q. QQ County **-*.* w {} $1.97 7.34 13 * 70 5 .58 3, .04 • (){} 3, .. 8] 44.27 3.53 .30 —5- $own tax.: Mºkºy Aa-‘ ‘w-s- ~ *- *—a +r-—r- - * ~! --~~~~ -v- —r--ºr — ºr -- " … - -----as . * ~ *** *********** .GG 1.23 l & 42 • GQ º: •:... r. *** - ". *** **, ºr ºv.º. º. ºn 4 ºve…ſº tºurº'ºrº $99,07 $669.Q'ſ ---------- **** -ºr-ºw---------------w –31- TABLE NO. 13 continued. 3ol. No . 6 7 3 9 10 ll. 12 13 w-r- wer Hyº-samazi--------- ~r---ºr------ºr- -----------—- ~~er ***** *-**-*-* ~ *** * * * * *-***** * * ~ * tax, tax. - *-*. * : *-*. Total . [,ine -º- --------------------ºr-º- ~er------------- - - -* -—r l Bruce ël. 68 $5.93 Int, . Tel . Hill # 12.84 Co. rā. State. f6. Scrap ºr Train 2 Clint, on 6.35 l9.69 $l.00 $ 3.66 4.50 $3.92 #.02 82.25 3 Chest, erfield 3.31 lö.63 . 50 2. l 4 6 , 80 b3, 36 . dog Reas şessed 4. Erin 6, 67 22 - 30 1.00 l2 .39 Carlow. Chap 0- drain ton 5 : 50 drain - 6, 50 ll 3.96 Scraper Thrain 5 H3 rr is on & .32 6, 47 4 .42 • 28 . O4 .03 30.21 Will . 6 I, enox . 55 l, . 57 7.00 ll. 65 Tel ..Hy . '7 Ma Cornb .49 .50 3.75 6,94 - - Hill Tre in 8 Richmond . ()0 l."f .48 - - .52 40, 39 §mith Gen. Train - 9 Shelby 2.41. 6,96 ext Gr, Bion .27 23 , 78 drain lo Warren 3. 32 5.08 ll Washington 3.10 8 .45 22.72 Side- Reject- Tog l2 City (, f it. Cle- Special Walk ed 2.l. 5 l ,OO 1206.02 Titº Yı Ş 1 4.26 138 . 72 160 .32 23.97 59.76 Hill. 1.3 Village of Vill. Water. Tyra in Richmond 3. 80 4.67 J. .20 .40 ,06 2O. 38 l 4 Village of Romeo 7 , ()() ... CO 7. OC l4.00 15 Ur, known .36 • 35 —ºr- ** **** →-- —--------- 5.46 l6 $53.40 #248.92 #13.5.19 $37.27 $33.48;ll. .57 $8.20%l647.94 TAJ3 L3, MO. l. 3 continux! . RECAPITULATION OF CHARGET BACK. 3'ſ ATF, COUNTY AT THAIT TAXI:8; £7,30 - - - * , , , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; { ‘tº KS rº-3 , “r, ºr ; ; ; ; , ; ; ; 3 ºff? 1. }: §§'A'ſ'. Fſ ** - *If J: ºf A \, tº ºt º, tº . . . $4. YE $AI, E. Ai, ſº i H'i jºikilº'ſ {} 8 * * * * 4 ..., T AX A § {} &L'ſ tº a tº a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *e, sº ºne were sº tºº sº. 4's are twº tºº ºne ºr ºn tº end was d-v was ºne º 'º -- * * *-* wºrk - sº *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * > Coli. M C . l 2 3 & _* -i- -*- *—-i- rº- * T- ~g v– -wºrm- --ºr-º-º-º-ºr- - §tato, ºf . Rºun icipality. and experts & find ºntººt. ---lºſi- Total . --r - * re-----→r. -re – -y--wºr--~~~~~~ -----ºr-- * *-* ***** -ºvºs-ºs-- *-*** ******* * ——ºr -—-------- !, ine No . l, Bruce $4.9'? $4.9'? 2 Chºst, erfield; £2.24 22.24 Çlirt toº 34. 53. - 34.31 3 *...* § i. 3 () º Q * 4. r; 4. 5 Harr is on 15. 65 - - .0% 1.5 - 65 6 I, enox 2 .2% - 2.2% 7 tacomb 2.07 - - 2 .0% 3 Richmond ló .09 . .” lò .41. 9 ºf r1'er, l, 26 - 3.8% - 5.08 lC §a shington 9.94 - t # , 94 ll ºr clby * 3.2.2.É. 12,25 12 Village of Richmond 8 . .33; - . (jö § 13 Villa £re (, ſº ſtoºd .0% - , , (){} .00 l :3 City c f ; # , Clºtºns lål 21 - --—º---——º. w------------ r----------- - r--→ *- -wr —H --→--- rº-------- *- l 6 #349 .84 $16.23 $366.0% .. º ***** *** ***** * *-**-*-* ***** **** **-ºs rv--------rw-r: Fºr **** **-** - - -ºr-º-º: #º’ gºt gºt cº; nº “Tº 9t," 25% G2. -8 +ssºr, was ºvº-º-º-º-º-º-º- **** **** --- y "..., (): " , T: , IT & t º .# & ; : Arº. {!g " I & Q & 32, ~3. Ö& " £ Q 2, & gº." T TC. Oz: *, * * *, T irº 6. T ØO" () [...; , T 8 [. *wº sº erº ºwtº wº sº...wa. ** ***.*.*** ***** ***-*…*-vºtº-wºre-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: “********** **-***** . . . . Altºſ. – "...ſuflººs— * Žt TE * off " To () * pºrtug; tıoo ºt " Of: Tig W.I. 4. - - ------- ~~~ - -º-º: **-*-a-> - …i.a AL_ * ---------, -ā-- > -- a--- -------- - ad *— - ********* *:::::::::::::::::::::- -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- *-º-º-º-º- Bal - -—r- - --~~~~ - --> --~~ wr- - - r--— ::::::::::*— º -* - Lº- sº-ºº-º-º- ºr-erºr -&-arºvºsia. -vis “sº ºwn-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ººrºº *-i---h-------, -a- *** ~º-º-º-º-ºrºs -º-º-º: **r-sº-sº ºvº- x-r-r- **, *, * *-* * 38.91.3 — — . - x, ºr * **, r* > ...; - *sº 93." A813 - ------ºº: º § ******* -- OI! &#. . . . .9 - * giv$... -º- & º 9. 29 3. º • l, t - § {}" 33 3: ...T Q'ſ #,C,” tº Ž; A, º' & B, TT. c T !, ſº * {} 9 TT gº” 9 gºt #2" g # , tº T. Gº," 1, t}{5 $76" q #, T iſ - /, " Tº 9/, 2T gº" gºt #º Gº" (? ro gº" º tº Ig" & wº; OT # , i. A rº- tº ºn. '% *.*, * fºs -º * x * * ry.” rº, -pa -t- f wº **, - - 23, a , *.** I * ot" gº P, T CQ" Cºº !, T OT' & 9 tº , v' g tº , T (. . . t. § *} ** * ... ?"dº y {{ {*} % f * * * • S. * {*::gn º' * f { } {{? ) ; ; Yº! ; * ** f \ { {{T} f it * -ta -- - - - - --ee- - - - - - 4.4 ſº . -A- prioid 49. }}_ sºy-sºu -a. flº- ºrº- º tº- ºr-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: Çüº: 3. *-a--- .** X. 2 tio l Öt wº-y-- ~~~~r 6 º 9 * or . Toº pønu gº udo *t " (); # ºf VI, r ****** -º- --~~~~~~ *...* * * ~ *----. R. “A-, -º- * : **** **-**** ******* * . . ~~...~ * * */es... “44*** . -aº -º- “ --> rº-º-º-º- A- *.--as a sº-º-º-, *-* vº-wºw--e-et---------- ~ - a- + -- a--~~~~ ******** ſº- - *** *** * *-** *... “w - -, *, *wº *** -fºr-wºrs .*--— si wº-ºwntº - * ** : *** **-** *k-sºame- nºt. --ºl. -e-4--- *-*...* rººt ...wº- gº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: * *** **** ***, ºr **, * g () Tº gº” oºgº gº." Cyggð. # tº gº tº !,' " &l, § º -*.* - - r r r------ - w - wºw Asºº *-i----, *-a-a-a-a-A—A-AA- r- tº bºº.-yº” “sº-...----- ºr ** **, *s ~~~~º-ººrºwº-ºº-ºº-ºº: --~~~~… ºº:: *g, * r^ - ‘w & r - ge" fig 23t ºt’ og gºt gº" c tºg ł, ºt" 6? 9 tº Gº" (); 9TT 97." (; ), {} {T = }," (Yº º, § 1, * 9 3, ..., T 9 r"+ ſ^*** sº ** - tº * Arº, º f is *** * - * v- ** * *. *** ** & " ", § {} ;: , " . #7; 30° ºf #2 & 24, " ?? 1, TI (; ; * * : 9TT C • re. Of *- - - * * ** --. \ . * Y ºf $. •. ç t” t $38, Of)" (): 9', 'G' tº 9 *, 9%, ’ 9 #y § { 3 t º § º * {} # t} ~)! {} # Ç *6° g? tg gº." GT tº q9° 99. To yº" tº 6T." T. wº f;(;" 8 ºf # 2 tº * *, yº Tc" T c 1, T -º {} T. T g Ž OT” T$ 1. I go" :T3 ..., T 3: ‘i (; ; , T g/,” 22% A, T ,0 ° 93; , T I. t * • pº **. - *— 2. —a- -------------. - ** {{ t 'ſ vr Tº ſº. Tº II fººd ºf Iºrºi ºf Iº ºf ~~~~~~~~~#:------------------ ~~~~~…~~~~~…~~~~~…~~~~~~~~~~~~ uo ºf 1.7 tº H ur-rºt uo "L. T. E.;} 3 T 3 ſ J.L tº 13437.43 #3 & Ya-Yº A-. . 2dº- ***-1–aaa- - - - -a- * 33% ºf Iłº oſº Jº Bºliº - *** *** - awa-isºry ºw-rises -ºvº's ºtrº-º-º-º-º: w r— **** r -- ~x. - . - * :------ *** -º-º-º-º- –––––9––––.------- .# * *-*-ºses.” * +-I rº-º-º-º: - rº-As---alsº 3. **** .*. ºp Sºi- -IPO. ( * irº Atº a tº ſo ºf) Broof; iſºo’s...tº ingº.ſi. Fºurº *I'l A'q unar Hº, sº * a At ºn tout tº Q q ‘g tyr', 'ſ “Tº oºr on * 20 ST **, T * , oº) run.J. 3.1%. In 339.1 J, 9.3°3t T'ſ A pu"; /* tº ‘tip tº 11% of T 2.ft. At 3 is ſq. ºº gº u; ; Ked 3 up 5 oil; - ty't * Ok, ſtrºry'ſ, § -34- '''Ali,lº MO. 14 cortt, inued. - *-*-----------—-34- lò l6 jarreñ.Yigºingtºn City ºf - vil - - - **t . C.J. ºri is . Fºrt sel" . Memphis. How Balt, it tore - * Pagº Arit . Pufe. At it . Pat’ e. Aºſt . Paſte. Aºit .Patti ...mit. Paſº. Amt. ---. ***-*-riº. * *** **** * * *-* -------------- ~~~~wº-ºº-- * : * ~~~~...~~~~~~- 2+. -- ... sº-º-º-er sº.-----tº sº.--, * .3× - * *- : *****-*.*.*.*.*-* * * * **** **** --ºre ºv-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-o-º-te. +------—º t.gºog —k - +rºw ; º * *... º. *-ā- ir ; : º € § Q § 2 I 17 ºt). Q-, 5.1 15 $3.34.94 l;2 ºl. 4 l l ºf $7.95 17 §.73 . 2 34 7.1% llº 1.13 & 219.9% l', '7831 - 62. 5 ol. 3. .10 lº & 6.31 &l 981.2% - 58 2.19 4. '? (; º; , l." '76 ºf 2:{}. Gl $9 i. ()4.03 5 99 1.04 9 & 2013 ..."? 4. 1.15 8(3.73 6 il: 2: . .34 1. Qi 32 . Ry"? 1.32 3, # . 68 - ( t ) 7 l22, 129.20 llé, l092 - 32 § $2O'/.57 sa.36 #6091.08 $1.41 87.96 $1004.03 >E: ----- =============== R------— — — — ==== $ 3:3: x: ==== :::::::::::::::::::::: ==- *A*L* No. 14 continuoa. Rich incºnd . Roméo . Kºt, ica . Hav Haven. - 'i'otals . ... “.. lC 13 $41.46 17 §14.10 lº $4.9l 17 §5,25 ll go 3.0%, 58 lº .26 122 ."o be 5.00 l2 1: .. 76.71 tº $2.65 116 16:23 l3 il 6 . .39 1.2% {} , 39 lA 122 1.7 . . § l & * 1:37 .; & #i89.9% $5.6l. $3'? .357 $8,210.59 l"; ''t, i.e. l. ºr ol, rh , f' orward from #8 ºre 33 → **i. & Total I Cyrier, 1.5. - $9,635.84 fº .*.* r=&ex sº-º,-º- ºr--ºrarººre:rzeºrzirz:xxxx-x-xx-aa-nui-ºº-º-º-º-tºa-at-arºzzºrºkºtº ~~~~~~ -- - - - - ------as wr- * * r- - *T- (d) Receipt read #1, Ö90.3: . – Settlement Proof. 19 2O 21. 22 23 24 25 28 27 2 3 Tº t. al payº ent, 3. $1,400.17 304.67 '745, O7 l, Ö0%. 53 3, 390.34 3, 7:53.5l. 45.5 7 i ym ºrit, show intº tho dify os Comº, ny July lº Col. No. }, in q *" T f, ; , T., F. Xi () . 4. it. i (, rº -º-º-º-º-º-º-º- (); Ö Ro , l Cy £-e * f. *— / * *~ G §3 9 l() ll 12 13 14 lò 3, 6 l. 3 § Žl 2 . lO97 . : : : Not, € . The t C. t. &l amt, unt rec (; iv ed; from ti: i + c cºmpany in 3 gttle ºrit Cºf t}} e Sh. C. tº gº, C, f' ex-trºt, dure tº ſ, Cv tº joy ºz. g. Qí th iE &ntount, triel e was & I" ºr it, &c. t. C, the Čert £1 a.1 !'und ** t and to the Teliriºner, t. tºº, ''':4x Fund; & groun *, cred it. “c, t, Q tº c. delirict ºr tº tax f is nº Yi & }ly a cofiº hit t →r------------ - - -w-ºs-ºs-wºman from rejected st at e tax $27.56 &l " county tax $28,266.15 32 {{ # # 4. & 4 4.64 ( i) 3.5 * Other * 7,48 7.48 28, 27 8.27 34 Included in ( i)" **-** ****, *, *, *wa'sºv-ºr-º-º: - . state and co. $39.68 35 from del , taxes; --- - etc. Gen 'l Fur; d. ( i) {3850.85 883G, 39 36 From del . taxes º etc . (; &n 'l Fºur d ( j) 299.18 235 .18 3? From del, . taxes - s' etc . State Fund (h) #1.0.34 & 8 TC, tal of h is del, , tax ...~. tº an ºactions except- ing h i & May, 1903, * 38 le 3 #l, 486.33 & But his Tax Register 3 Gh dº collect, irºns from all 5 ources of Čelin- quent 3 during 3&file pºri Od (k) 1, 636.94 4 O Excº 3 of coll ºct; it nº . -- - - -, ------- - - - -------~~~~~ over amount entered in h is 1, edger $200.59 200.5% 41. #!clv in Friðg ======(d) gºa.72 $39.68 3 42 Interest on Tepr, f, it 3 (l) 44 .2% #3 Fees froſſ co, cl.bt. ( j) 74 . (30 44 CC tº t. tº from #heriff’ (j) 21.99 45 I,iquor taxes (f) 40, 380.04 46 Loan; - (g) 31, 50G.CO TAI'ſ, NO. lt; continued , Col. No . . * -h l. 2. & *—— jºine ~ wº-- -v- r—r--- –F– rºwn---ºr--- ~~~~~-wºr- No. *itib urgements.Recei) tº . l Stat. e. Furid. 42, 352 .ll :42, 545.24 2 o paid State 'i'ax (h) $42, 023. 16 S % §§ quarterly settle - rter, t 3 $48.9% 4 ºt § tº §§ 22:1 .19 § tº $1. º {} 233.79 (h? --528.99. 6 By receipts from State Tax (h) $42,023.26 7 ſt {{ " reject, ed st. . tax 27.56 8 " Cash frºm 3 & 1 & tr. 985 . quart erly settlerzerit (m) $28.88 * " cash ſlºom 3 tº tie treas. iO qug rt, ºr ly " () & flh ſ ropri quarter]...y 5 tº ". G tº €8. § . settlerient (h) lºé .92 settlement (h) 310.64 494.42 t 304 . OC) • QQ (a). $904.00 - 1,367.96 . (30 { a } £1,367.96 }%. , 59% .94 '* *, º-ºº: -º- G. & 3. ** * * • * * *, r*- tº ºr ; * . . . f * , &##$! +. Ž { 2, § 35% & /7 *} : º, 4” 6, 442 • 2 (a) $6,448.39 (a) (a) ( & ) (a) $6,443.2C l.öl , QQ 513.1.5 $18l. GQ —ºr:----Tº- ,00 l. 33.30 $15', 33,5 .32 $1.6l, 609.78 *-i- _*- - - -ºr-s-p- 5 * Tr * r— r •wº ll. Soldiers' Relief. Tund. 12 To or dors paid 13 Asylum Fund. 14 To orders pald lö Poor'. 'und . lö To order's paid l'? By receit:t, 3 from Poor Farm l3 Tira, in Fund . 19 To ord ºr's ſaid: 20 3y r & Cº. i. pt. § from tº 1x lé, ºy ſ' A. - fiº c, a 2l Inheritance º- 22 To cash º aid 3 tº t tº trea #2 r ºr 23 By cash from estates 24 Primary Schºol Interest. Fund. 25 Töröääh ºia Toºl ºf Tſity t; I ea 5111° 31' 3 26 By cash received from 5 tº te tº 3 & # 3 lll" ºr 27 Library Fund. ... § º'o da gººd is hºurs ºld 3.9 ºy cash received from fines 30 Teachers' Institute 3. 3. ºſcº is ºf rººrºt, sº 32 Jºy C & 3h from t eachers 3% Total Tisburg era erit 5 and Receipt. § 34 is ot, C . 33 In this table { }jo. 16 ) the variations from the Supervisors settlefºnt. 83-8.83 follºws : *A*- **** * * * * * * *** ****-***** * * * * *** -º-º-º-erºr *P. -*- ** --~~ - -y- w-r-- TA. T.I., MO. 16 continued . - Col. No. 1. 2 3. 4. 5 6 7 TTT - - - - - --- lo. It ens in table mone or less than in Tunds. It ens. settlenent . As Jer `As per Tſiºrºnt S.T. Hocei is . . sº title- table. Tº . TIGE's Toº Tess ºnent . 1 General Fund. ------------------------ 2 Treas.l., º liquor col- 4 lections 400. 92 *408.82 ºb.00 5 Supervisors 6 orders paid 16, 9 'o. 79 1", 0.79.73 l, 000.00 7 Melvin Fries, 3 insane mat- - 9 ter. .00 Q'º. 72 ºf G. "Pºº 10 F.W. Matz, Int. ll on deposit .00 oğ.00 38. O 12 Loans paid Co., 000.00 4l , 000.00 6,000.00 13 Tel - twº - and la city tax 331 - Oo 380.85 4.18 1 5 Int. paid on l6 loans 394.90 3.84.00 10.30 17 Receipts grow- 18 ing out of tax 19 levies - dirett 20 and delinquent $28,278.2% 21 800 - 85 22 2 ob.l.º. 25 200. 99. 24 ºld, 266 -lo - 29, 61.4.89 25 2.99.18 25 99.63 27 l, 102.8% 28 6l. ol 29 49.68 19.76b.0% 49, 849.86 go Loans made ZT, CTCTC & I, 5CC.C.C. 7,500.00 31 Int., on do- 32 posits .00 44.25 a 4.25 33 Melvin Pries, 34 insane mat, tºr . OC 978. 72 978-72 Go State - -- 64.04 - 36 Triaſe ºl,000-2 37 º'clºſers Relief * , 2 º: 08 As lum . Us º # 3,500.9 40 Train 2. - 'o - - - - - - - 10°. Al T º, C.J.", VI, CIO.M.G is, 406. Sºlº, T.C. ºf 42 l, Old .48 10,010 - 66 . . . 43 Net excess in Table No. 16 TOST º, Tºº.2T 44 Tisburse ments and 1 cc eit tº a 5 45 per Table No. 16 lº", ºvo.º. lºl, 309.7°. - 46. This bursements and receipts as 47 per Supervisors settlerient ºld C, OOO.o.º. ºloº, lºº. 9". ------------ - - ---------- - . . -3, 9- TA3; , ; MQ. l (; continued . Line - *— l (a) 'rom Loº, 3e J, ºf 7,3d fºr. - 2 (b) º º º †† gº; C Clant # With t. Cºri Gh it; H, city and vil- - lago 5. & (c) I f irid ević ºnce of this payºlent as follows : 4. 3 l (6.29 is a lö ja: , lº , 1933, a 5 per erit, ry orth is "flat, be rak hook" b record ; also red ºij, t, on file. - 5. ãº.'ſ 9 ſº a id April 30, lºgo, a 3 p ºr entry on p. 3] of his "cash '? bu (, k" - ¥hit, J J, ed., ſº tº . - *...* ; 9.29 paid Jyſly ºl, lºgo, a sper entry on page ol of his "cash § book:" - white I, ºdgee. I’. F.C. 2. ". ." § 13 cid Oct. . i. 3, , 1903, a 3 p ºr ent, ry on 1, .. 61 of h is "cash ll. book" - Włłit, & I, ºdger - lò (d) This was some collect, i ºn made by the Attorney Ger; eral - Jºi ºburgeº- l 4 tie nt or p . …, ; recoi it 5 on p. 3 ºf his "Ça ſir! Book" - White Ledger - Broſ.; ent, r ics ºn his "flat bank book" recordi . Froi: I, it; ii ºr Jºd ºf . - Frog. He cord of £ar, celed ; ; cf. e5 - $3 & Talyl e Ho. 26. Frog, his ºt, at €. Aſ C C unt, Gn Lot 5 & I, eaf Lºdger". From his accºu rit 8 with º'own, City and Villages, Loose Leaf I, ed per Fro” brić iſ otheral Account. , Loc, fle I, eaf I, tºdger. Froth his Tax Register 3. Frcºni žič Bank Pass isooks - $º e Table No. 2'; . Froin his ºta de Accºunt rendered by Audit, or (He merel: This is - also entered on his "Cº. 5 h ºdok" - Whit tº Lºdger p. 36. J (n) Froni h is Træ, in Lºcº ger. - i & 2 ö ( & ) From his reº: Ji, ) tº Gri file -rio a.º. c Gunt on Lºdger - $66 Tahle NG .28 2"? (p) : 296.76 from his I, or, Be Jeaf I, edger. Röſſlä inder from the stubs : 3 cf hi. 3 r & Cº. i. pt, bºok. See T'ak, i. 6 fic. . 28. 29 { q ) Includes the #1, JGG experatº it, ure for bridge puri.C. 5 of . f i 3. º • 40- TA, 3, § {() . J. 7 showing the classified tº iſ burg an onte and receipts of County Treasurer Matz between the niftht, of Octºber 13, 1903, a rid rior nint of Harch 19, lsº stage or second settl ºright . . *. sº-4- tº * – a 4– * w"F * tºº * * -vv * *****- : *-*.*.*rº, ££ (): T & T 11, .º.º. T. - CG] . No. - -*------...r.º. –4– __2 –4– Fºr tº w--~~~~----------------~~~~w-------wºr--------wv-mºv. vur-run--was ------------------------------------------------—--~~~~---------~~~ *---------w------------------wº ***** * Nr. . . Thi. 3burătº ent, 3. Rodei tº . - (h) - l General Fund . (*) #5]. , 323, ..l'ſ £23,214 .81 2 TTo Tºſºv isſors' ord ors peid $19,9].2.40 3 !!ot & 3 jºid 23,000.00 4. Inte. 1 & ºt, ya ic: 43, 3. . of b Jurors & Yi tº #it ne; 33 c rºle r"; 6 £& id 1,906.3.3 7 Tºuilding (to nºit, tº es eg id l, 240.03 § §g, lº, r iss, of ſ. cºunty off - º cers, clºr kä & rid jar it, tº 3 l{} paid - 3,709.09 ll J, it ii) (, r tex (c) 123.79 12. By recº -1 ts from loans -º-º: 13 receijt, sº from county clerk 14 fe G 3 9]. . ÇK) i 5 receijit 3 front ji stice c tº 5t, tº 4.410 I. § red g : pts from 5 heriff cofit s 3.40 l'? recei, ºt, 5 from sta, to treas . l]].41 * i. l & Soldier's ' Rºl iof Fürid . 16: .GO • ('0 ~ —fºr-º-º-º-º-º----------------------- Čs * * * * * * * * - } {} To order's ſº ió &lºo .99 º } 2C Asyllºn Fund . 2, 1.6, 94. . GO 2l To bill. § & id: :ºlò .94 22 Poor Fund. : , 95'; .38 te), 262.63 ** - -- ~} -- a-- - . . * ~ # *:: (*\ , , f : W. & l'C, ord cr's & 3.C. $3, 9;…" .88. -> `... - *-** *. -, * , , * - - - - * T-7 iº * * - . rº £º fy * zº- 24 §y receig tº from ferºn ‘...º.º. 2 º &= -2 - ??? ... , -2 a. - -* f = * * * * * tº " £2 fº 25 5tate a nº. County lºs - • QQ 113), 961.96 * * -------- - -, - T--- Tr— º --~~my … " > *-*** * & -. £, - e . -* - 26 ſy Fºº FFET tº Tevy $213,961.96 * -- -- - - º § { \ 27 I, itſ tor. Tº ...G 3. - 25C, a QC 28 Tºy F.J.C. tº frcia dealert, $250.00 iº - - - - - 29 Tolinouent Tax and Radenºtion ºng...--. l, 32 3.17 1, 3,28.17 3C) TCTDH Vºrºs to townships, city . . . . - ol arid villa tº 3 tre; a 3 11: 31'5 §l , 3, § 3. ''{} 32 To pay ºn t. 3 to 33phriam iſ everdi- ºf r & - * 2 . . - :* cº-, *:: 33 1- ºf url ºf £3 6. -wrwr. 9. .54 #y receipts from Čelinquent º 35 ( town taxe (; ) $2.19% -2.7 * —r 36 Telinquent County ºxes. * - - - ...Q l{}{} , 16 37 Tºy Feceipts from dºlind ent 5 $1(\{).ló f } { .94 3.9 To orders paid $19,196.3.4. 40 By receipt. 5 from dºll in at ent 5 $9.94 - 41 State Purid. , &Q, & 63 .282 13, 7.09 42 To amount paid £5 tº te $99,369.89. 43 #y recei, 1ſt & from 6 ºil iriſ, we nt is $127.09. * & - º; - *** ** rv *}; !" t - 44 Institute Furić. * . . . , Qū - 23, . GQ 45 Ty TJSG Tº from teachers $83.00 wºrsewºº-ºº-ºº-ºº: * Y. ! -- ) ºn Zº r; 46 Library Fung : .. * - A - > , CO ( ſ.) tº 49.70 47 Tºy rece ºf ts from fings $949.79 Col. - No - Line - -" - --- TA3 lº MO. 17 continued. - - 10 ſºlº, 3.5.7 ITTF, ſº .7. --> --------------------- --- Primary ºchool Interest ſºund. - - - ------------------------ TCT ſº fºr and a ſty treas - ul-ºr-º- Inheritance Tax ºund. To air sº tº trees ºr at ess By recoil tº from eat The r license Fund. TV sindº Fºſſus - (c) º By recei ºts from state treas. º, Cº. K. l 2 º, --------- - - - - - "is nursements. Receipts. - 26, ºz. oo -º-, *2 .50 *, *2 .50 170.3-6 170 - ºg 45.90 ºf . , C. Note. Ll ºn --- Col. - - - ------------- --- -------- TTE - Tº --- Tº - - -º-º- - --- - ------- -- -----10 - - -- It cºns in table more ºr less than Funds. Iºne. in settlomºnt. As ºr As por Tºrºs. Hoºij tº. --- - - - ----- - ----------------- -- -- settle- tº blº. ºº: . !, Gºº - ſº. Les ºnent. - * - 23 ſeriºral ºurid . TV ſº orders paid Not as aid Int, paid ºup ºrvisors orders, no tºs and int.gº.º.º.º.º.º. Jurors and -------- In this table tºo. 1'') the variations from ºupervisors' ents are as follows: --- - ------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ºlº, ºl 2.40 23, COC. C. 4:1. 90 - 44, Cº. ºO ** - - º … - ſº -- witness ºr - derº paid ºl, 99.99 ºl, 905.08 l, tº sº Building colºnit tº a orders , d. ºl, tº .09. Treas . lº C. Gill - ºr liquor tex 2.50 - Tºcº tº rºom- ing out of tax levies - direct, and delinqunnt Tirect $30,673 . ol Tulinquent 100. lº ºl, 246.05 lºº .09 .00 2. tº - - *.00 &C., 77 .65 Liquor taxes ºo. OC Soldiers Relief Fund. TTE-Tº Asylum Fund Fºº Tºrſ STTTE TICuor Taxes - º - ſo 200.00 - TETIrºt Tºo ºrity Taxes. Train ſºund - ºu CO.00 6, 4 º'" .45 4, Q'º -9.8 0.94 ll, Olº .45 $1.00 & 3.00 º, .00 2.90 2.90.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 º, ºllº º º ºl -36 250.00 100.1°. 11,008.52 Note to TA}}], E No. 17 continued. Col. No. 4 t} 6 7 3 % lo T, in & •r No . tººrººººººº. St at 3 ºund $137.09 - • -- . - - w-r-y ºf , gºt tº a sº- is , rº, ºf A. as a sº r, & Cº. ". . º $63,934.7%. 63,034.7% 62,897.63 Library Fund. Sºlº. 35 ºğaçº.'ſ l ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - {33] .33 332.15 ~~~~$4.00 ~gº Trºiz.ºrrºrs *~~~~~~~-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & .00 – 114 1312-93 §ot exces; in Table No. 1"/ -ºr #3 .50 —s el 7 Tisburseºerºt & a nº receipt. 3 as - r . . - - - - - 'gº ºf s ſº tº ſº º per Table ſo. 1'; - 124, 349_.71. - 166, 89 Tji 3) ºr gº ent g a rić receijits as : , s : . . .-- - , - . - - * per supervis (, rº, scºt, t, i.erient, s $124, 34.9.21. £167,262.89 2.72 - - -w *w - . *-r; ºr } - Y. - *** - * - - - -º-º: *~~~– “... ----> - *~~~x. **-*… -º-º-º- -ºxº *—wry- . - h * - --armºr -w- = -- ~~~~ ºw--~~ - pr. ; *** ~ * Yºr —ºr , p, ºr - * - Includes $1,000 expended for bridge pººr º) 563. - Footings on "cºsh book" p. 21 too largo by $1.00 The l;% collect, it ºr fox, was not f: aid tº t thiſ time 2.50 *iet ent, bred in ce.sh book, but, included in - - $3.8 | 6 3 ºt, t.J &raºrti, - - £1.70.36 l? Jº is bºrs emerits r, tº p ºr a ºtt, J. Gºat with Board lºé, 94.9.21_ 18 #IAEA, 545.71 19 (e) Correct. Settierient by Board shows $5.00 riore. - 20 (f) In Me coºb town: hi;, ther'e via ; in the treasurer's warre, nt an amount 21. of $33.50, apportion:horit on p. 20'ſ of Šia, orvigºrº Record, as 22 Tre in tax , ºriteract a s'i'own tax. And in Žirº , ºat, ; settlemºn tº With 23 the tºwn ship tree stºrer, he ſailed to discover the error grid &s a 24 result did not collect from the to ºnship onough money into $83.56. 25 In the same year 1 in the township of Bruce, the warrent called for 26 ::1, 533.7% while the apportion:lent on p. 30% of the Gupervisors 2* record called for ºl, 567.46, or less by $3.6.33. In #r. Katz, set- 28 tlement, he used the figure 5 in the Vierrant in each case. Théré- £º fore the township of Macomb owes the county $83.50 while the county 3C) ow, ºf the town ship of Bruce $16.3% on account of these trans&ctions. $1. The riet loss to the Train fund by the transaction is $67.17, but 32 as $5.94 of this; aſio unt nag gut & equently coll act, tºd & 5 delinquent i 4. : 33, drair, tax and cred ited to the fund, the net loºsa to the Trein 34 Fund is but $31. .23. * - t 35 (g) Correct . §ettle. Elent by Board shows $332.13 more because the bal- anc & cºn hard at 1, he prºviciis gettleſnº nt was included as a receipt. • 4 ... • {{* A * ºr tº . $. i’Aºſ, E MC). 13 showing the classified disburgerient 2 and receipts of County Treasurer Matz between i, he night, of tſarch 14, 1904, tº rºd morning of October 13, 1994 - Če be of third sistºlºmºnt. --- ā-A*- *-----a -º- * * –––– T}{IRT ºft'ſ 1,3}}}ºf . * l 2 3 —A- *-*. -a-l--as---a-h- - * -aº- * ---, *-i- * ~ * A- ~r F-3 ~yv F----- * C Q. l * § {} * -a-a- *_*- ...A *_*- 1. n & * N: I General Jºurid. - TETTISFWHEE's orders #O t, e3 paid Int, ºr ºt, p, as id Ju?" Gre & rid witnes; Ś Building cornruitt, J G ºrder'E i ö . fºal ºr ig 3 of c Gurity officers, cle: "k: ; n d j tº hit tal' gº id 6, 704.3% f, i. º. of tax, incl. tacting l; tı'eas. fé & recº is t 3 r & C G is, t, $3 recei. pt. § rºc & i.p. t.3 {\ * Tisbursements. Red oil lit 3. $83,441. Ol $49, l: 4 - 30 $14,668.44 º, Ö00.00 9(). (){} y & id C. r"& 3rs 19,998-11. c G. clik . fºe; 34 . ()() Jºist, ice 3 firl ºf; 32.43 # at 9 collection 3 ºzº f" lºor;i 1, {{4 Il $3 fºr Cº.; fro: frºm Soldiers relief Fund . 2CŞ. (3() ... ("C) To ordai's paid #8 99.99 Asyluri Fund . 'a bill & paid $80%.59 f £3 & Pºor Furid . §: i : 2l 3y receipt. 3 frcºt fariº ~IT- To OFäärs I aid $34, 36% . §§ iº. . QC 4', 8.0% •. - • * *** -- ~ * \f" "... tº $y @$$... ? 2. I, iqlio r T 3.x tº . GO 3% } b{3& .34 ~xy. * :- ; ~~~~ 4" × . *** * . - t wº 6. "A § - & *: t 2 †y Faceſ ºf 3 from dealers $39,539.3%. gº ºf *. : Telinquent TeX ºf Rº'ºptiºn Fund. º TETEyºn, Tīty and •. 2 Village trea; tır" ºr & 3:04.ſº 3. by r < ceipt 3 frºm C climitius ent, 3 _º -94. 2 Telinquerit County. Taxes. By Fece ſºrts frcº delinquerita g tº is: f* £). *. : & Tire in Fuzidi. * * -r • CO l } fº, 4. 4. º £, &P ºf tº º, . ; ** *..." s .04 ... yº: ºn tº 257 .33 9'? ...16 3. Tº order's j tº id 31, 644 : 63 32 *y recei. pt. 3 flºor; dºl. intº ent, E $º'º -36 33 3ta t e Purid . ... " 3,3, 2%. 58 3,33, C5 º, tº t, Fö & $5???" f.; I' - * + Glin ºf it, 3 TöTº e ic s iły 1 º'ce ºf t, 3 ſ rºl Iristitute Fund." To Grö 21's 1, a id (, , i. $ºvº C º *::: * { . -*- -y- * , 2.92.98 $3.3 º s Ö5 :* * *:: . . 4. $l. ** A a 4.3 &A By rºce if t. 5 frºm teacher; Primary ºchºcºl Intérêt, Fund. i Tø I. I. Tº Eſá Třity tº rare £6 $ºl. 3.9 By receipt 3 from 8 tº te treas ºr ºn 35,313.3% gº-ºº: Inhºritariº e Tax 'und . 3y receij} t. 9 ſ rºi is tº tes To pºiá"sia is tree Gurer $1.7% §l ri tº lºſſ. 43 Library *xrïd . 92:2 . 32. 23;C) . Ç() 46 To ordei's paid $922.32 47 By receipt, g froſt firie B (230.00 • 48 Theer I, ic ºn 3 e Fºnd . -Fºr------------ wº------- 14.00 ..QQ 49 Ta Tºſi Tſº Wałęſºn —ºitº -- - -A *a- adº 5 O * **, *, *s 3. 4. Č; wº J © & , ºl. 3.80 64. ..Q() #Tº E5 "ºº-º-º-º: 9,215.56 M are as follows: TAET,E NO. la continued. ote. In this table (No. 13) the variations from superiºisors settlements -44- T. C. IT 2 º AT TT5 6 I, ine - – º – º – 7 No. Items in table more or less than Funds. Items in settlement . - As per As per THE LIFE Cºenºs. Receipt - settle-ent table Voro. - Iness. More | Gºº 1 General ſºund. 2 TJJºo. Twit- ness orders paid ºl, "Gº .02 ºl, 76°." 3. l, 76.2.02 * - 75 4 Building 5 committee 6 orders - 7 paid il, 20.14 - 1,286.14 3. l, 20. lº 30.00 9 Receipts 10 ſºrowing ll out of 2 tax levies 13, direct and 14 delin- lo quent . 16 Liquor tº º, ogº -34. $5.00 1". 39, 988.94 $39,588.94 l & Tel. tax 2 o' .83, 3.00 19 25'7.53 257.33 20 Coldiers --- | 21 relief 22 fºund 2.ll." + * .00 23 TT- 2ll." 4 2ll." 4 24 Poor ſºund ºloa .4". I.T.C | loº.47 104.47 25 Goldiers' cº- - II ºf und. als.” $200.00 26 - 41%. 74 $210. 74 27 Insane Asylum - 23 Fund . 790 - 19 - 802 .50 29 - _º -lº. * - 40 30 Poor Fund , ºº, 717.39 ſº bºº. 89 ºl 4, 71 " …º. 154.47 32 Liquor Tax. .00 ºC. §4. - 32 - - .00 39, 588.34 34 Telinquent lax 55 and Red cºmp- - 36 tion Fund º, d.º. 7 *939.04 37 --- - 933.8% .17 33 Telinquent - 39 Co. tax Fund ... CO &25'ſ .33 40 .00 257. 33 41 Irain Tund. $1,684. & Tºº 42 l, Cº-º. 40.00 43 £1.57.06 4.97.36 44 - 137.36 40.0 45 State Fund .433,282.58 $33,27.58 46 29, 8:4 tº J.O. (10 47 Inheritance Tax 43 Fund . 1, 23.42 ºl, 723.41. 49 - 1. 723.42 . Ol 5 £1,723.42 TVI, 773.T. Łl 1, 723.42 Ol 52 $98.15 AOU. Tºº, 345.34 40252.3% 53 98.19 39.646.34 54 Met excess in Table No. 55 56 No. 18 --- 18 º,0'ſ.C.'ſ Tisburgements and receii ts as per table 103,374.44 57 Tisbursements and receipts as I or super- 53 visors settlement E, $103,681.51 Töð.05 *5962.l."l. - - - - - - -º-o- TAº Nº. 10 shºwing the classifical disburgeºnents and receipts of County Treasurº *a tº between the night of October 14, 1904, and thernorning of ºrch 19, lºº - date of fourth settlement. - TCUITTTTTTT --- Col. No l 2 3. 4. - ſº - - - - --- No. This burseºn Le. Recºts. 1 ſºnºral Fund. ºl, 26].'', ºlº, Gºd.2% 2 To supervisors orders paid *10, tºº. 10 º Notes paid - 14,500.00 º Interest paid º,” - ºn º Jurors and witness orders ºld. otº -Cºl. º ºldº. Committee ºrders ºf . * -21. 7 Sal ºries of cºunty officers, º clerks and janitºr tº id * , lº -48 9. Liquor tº trid l; col - ſº ** 5.25 LO By receipts from Joan's ºlº, b00.00 Ill receipts, tºrs it 12. fºr rººt ºnt, $100.00 lº receipts, int. on lº. deposits 64.ºl 15 receipts, justice: lº costs 24 .85 lº receipts, sheriff's cor- lº tent ºn of slot machines ºf . ºl Lº receipts, dº.clk.fees lºº_.00 º,50 -º'ſ 20 Goldiers' Rºlief Fund . - - 209-00 .00 2. Tº Gºſei's ſaid $200.00 Asylum ºund . TT 20.68 .00 22 Tº TTT a ºt), tº º 4 Poor ſºund . º, Cº. 9] Gºº. ºº º TCFTC’s paid £º bºl 25 By receipts from farm º, IT 27 state and Cºunt ºne sº- - .00 º, tºº. 4. 28 † - Is fºr ETXT, ºvy i.º. º.º.º. 29 Tainudiº lax. -00 u00.00 ºC TFGCT, a from dealers |- - ºl Telinquent Tax and ºf ion- ºf 40. Gº 490. 3.", 32 TC Tºyºnº tº Tººn, Tºiſ. Tº Tº º Villa tºe treasºn ºrd - ºut .0"? º By receipts from delinquants Kºº.º. * Delinquent ºn tº tax. .00 106.49 36 Tºy Fºcº iTE's fºr ºolinquents ºlº -49. 37 Train ſºund . ~ 10, 937.27 2, #82.00 º, 3 TCT paid $10, º' -ºº. 39 By receipts from delinquents ºlº2.00 4C. -- º " Loan 2,550.00 ºz., ſº .00 4l State und. 30, 174.90 lºº. UO 42 TCT. Tº gº tº treas. º, 174.90 42. By receipts from delinquents Tºlºſ. Cº. 44 Teachers Institutes. - 144.45 150-40 º TETSITE ITT #144.45 46 By receipts from teachel's †C. 47 Library Fund . .00 ºf . , 2 48 Tºº-Tºſs from fines ******* 49 Primary ſchºol. In bºat Fund. 26, 833 - 55 26, 833.65 5. TTTTTTTTTTTTTETFE-T- ol *11' ºrº º, Bºo.55 º By receipts from state treas. Sº, º - ºld uº. Inheritance Tax. "und . lºo. 38 lºº. 65 La TTC Tºid ºf EGTºei gºer ºlº.º. º By recoil pts from estates I. - º Duº Jºnes Fund-- .00 43.00 57 Tºyººs. —ººl- Tº Tºſº.º.º.º. " 53 TICT, ACT.C.T. Tºº." --------------- - • 46- TA iſ,** {Q. lº continued . Not es. In thii is tablo (Nia .19 ) the variation 3 frºm tº u ºrv iſsors, set t lengents; are a 5 follows: ___ is -- ~~~ --→ ~-lii~~ ******-**** sº wº-ºw- ºne-ev--see- ºr-sº —- - ºrsv.º.º. º. res - *~ *e-, -º- *** *-** war--- ******* *** **w- ºre-ºpe s. sº a dº z-rº-we- * —rºm º ãºrse 4 *** *-i-º-n ºr sys'asa º º —ºr- ºr--- * ~ * *...*.*, * ~ ** **** *******, ſºjºne Sc. . . It, tºm:3 in table moi o or less than in Fund ºt. ... I tººls - . . . settlement sº As per set- As per fishiºnents. Rººts. —tlººnſ...... ſºle. --ºre. Togº... ºre... logº. 1 General Fund. ---- * , - ---------------------------- J---------vvv, wr- ~~~ -- ~~-r-, -w----------, ---------------~~~ x=---- - - - -----—ºr --- —- .dg.com", orders º4.24 $324.21. I,iquor t, ex sweexseasºvº-vº a ºnd col. . fe e 3.00 $476.23 *rese-º-º-º-º-º: • Q0 476.25 *s-, ****** "Trang for t, o Tºrº in a/c to fill 16 bal- . f nº & " §l & . O'? * .30 l? .C'ſ * *sº 3. 2 .0% 3. e º & r; ; 12 Receipts 13 gºrgº i ng lá Gut, of tax lă lºvić 3-di- liš r < ct, & ad. l'ſ del in c. 13 nt, 1 § (, er, 'J. Co . 19 tax lºv y 2C) #19, 36% .34 2l fºr idge 22 tax l, C&C. 90 23 Kor:tial 24 School & J. &vy 62.50 Lic, L or tax- riºt, 2.4 7.59 $ & {} º :2 £, 3. Tººl . CC . §§ tax. 3 nC 30 f : Q & C Gl- &l l. CC (, CC: 10; .49 32 Rºj. tax. 3. --- & collected 19.34 &l,099.37 $21,099.87 34 Goldiers TT -- - Relief. §305.0C; §2(\{ . ÇC) as —---------— ; (35, tº 5.60 3, 6 tº $400.00 —Fº 3"| “--~~~~ 4tº, GQ 4G0, CO 33 A3 ylum — Fund . . $1,000.00 § .ºO 29 − --~~~ 1,000.00 1,000.00 4C PC, ºr . ºund... $2.99.94 .89 °-º r: o, ºr, , , 3,35. .9% 7, 999, ºb 41. 42 ºt, 3% tº and Co. Taxe B . ºf .93 ±33, 53 a . . 4. - amºtº-see-eeee-wºw-tº- ***** # * * > * & 4 x . ." 43 .00 $38, 588, , 44 44 Li Cºt Gr Tax. - ºi *ºne-seasº-ºr - * º." * *. * 2 & & x. 45 4"/5.2: & 7 (; .2d 46 The la Co . . - Tax Fund. & .00 &l{}{ .4% 4'? ... * ~~~~ , - . g . UC l, Qj . 49 43 &t at e - - Fund. $45,433.40 $139 , Q0 - &º º -y ºsº. *-r-, “ . . * * * * : - A rº, * * * "t 49 ; £º * … 3 .40 4 3 y 2.' 4 .4G 30 Teachers' — - Institutºsºlº.29. ºl. "Q .40 - 160.50 . ..l.0 *... ººrridºº Furid . #232.7 $272.72 - #23 . - - 2.8% 72 10.00 wis. … . . . . . . . ; ºftº-, - . . . . . . ; Mot; e to TA}}LE MO. l'? continued, Col. No.1 2 3, 4. § I, in a Nº i Tºraki r1 * $ Fund . $12,949.90 £10,337.27 -er ------ - --- ~~~ - 13,949.99. * , Qi 2.23 $13,493.06aº, 78.00 l. 3,493 .06 * ~~~~~~ **:: ++,-- *::: “ºf* - - ---.” $33.5 .22 $2 º {}{}{} CŞ *}{} 4 º' ºr?. r; ºr serv, ess--aerº-ººrºº ********* -- : ~~ ºw---wºº, . 7 Net excesses, tabl tº Wo. 19 8 Jºi Bbursen ent 3 and receipts as por ºvº - adºm. parº-ºº--sº sº wºre ***** ****** ºrestºrwº -rº **as - - ****** ** iº '', 473.38 ſºrºr—grºss-— 9 table Śc, . 19 2.94.49%.98.198.384 Ol. x- ~~~~~~ve--- 10 Tisburgeºtent. B and receipts as per ll Supervisorg, sº ttlement; . $106,376.71 %lº,037.46 . - sº sº ºr -- ~~ x = -- ~. (a) Includes $4,690. Ö3 - proceeds of loan from bank. --> tºº. TA II. Nº. 20 - 48- º, owing the classified disburgeºnents and roceipts of County Treasurer Matz between the night of March 14, 1909, 1905 - ºg tº of fift, in cott lºnent . WITH HITTTTTT. and morning of October 6, - ~ Tisbursements. Receipts. 4. 248.04 - º, o Co. Cz 1,956.18 3Cl. 31. 44.00 46.00 6, 23.5.30 .00 694. 94. Col. No. l º Tºne - - - No. I Tºleral Fund. *46, 50l. 78 2 To supervisors orders paid ºll, 949.85 º Notes paid 2,600.00 4. Interost paid 39.75 5 Jurors and witness orders pd l, 230.92 º Building committee orders ºld . 2, 712.72 º Salaries of county officers, 5 clerk and janit ºr paid 9 Liquor tax including lº 10 By receipts from co.clk-fees il receipts-int - on dºosits - 12 receipºs from sale of old iron < .50 13 Goldiers' Helief Fund. 2 ol.00 14 TOTC Fºur's Le TâT wºul-oº 10 Asylum ſºund . lºu.l. A lò To bills paid $169.14 J.'ſ Poor ºund . - 4,626.23 la Tºº Tº paid $4,626.23 19. By recolºg from farm º,07.13 20 Liquor Tax. .00 2 TTCC Tºs from dealers ***, 309 .02 22 Telinquent Tax and Redenºtion Fund . l, COº. 03 23 To pay ºn tº to Township, City and ville ºe treasurers ºl, Q09 - 93 24. By recei, ºs from delirt duents EI, VEG.I.E. 25 Telinquent County Tax. - .00 26 ºf receipts from delinquent 5 #966.46. 27 Train ſºund . - l, 767.91 25 TCTO Jeſs paid ºl, 767.91 29 By receip a from delinquents $9.25 30 State Fund. 17,396.49 31 TCTC state treasurer $17, 96.49. 32 Ty receipts from felinquents jºii º, º Teachers' Institutes. .00 34 TVT-TTE ºf CTTCachers $44.00 35 Library ºund . 300.80 56 To orders paid ºooo.80 37. By ºnceipts from fines 46 . OC 33 Primary school Interest Fund . 6,239.80 39. To id Tººn and Tºy Treasurers ...G., ºb. 30. 40 Py receipts frºm state treasurer 30, ºp. 90 41. Deer Ticense Fund. 60.05 42 TTC iſ ºf Taſsen and 5 tº , e. trea 5 ºr ei" § 0.99. 4. Inheritance ºx und. 634.94 44. To ſaid state treasurer $604.94 45 By receipts from estates -#534.94 46 57,330.º,201. CT - -* Note: TABLE NO. 20 continued. In this table (No. 20) the variations from Šupervisors settle- in &nts are a 5 follºw/3 : - do Ino II-2, - 5 TT 4 -——º- −6– -x ----, * , O * 1 s & a “* - {} - º ; *** -ºssovvºs-ºs.º.ºr-º-º-º-º-º-wazºe-ºws sº-waves, ºr .-s-s----> *-*...* wº--sº-st -º-º: wº- . º → ... . . k--. *. - - *** i Yı Ç ** {} tº 2 l ll I.2 * *, ºf . lá + ić H. 7 13 lº 2O * 3 ºr *~ f. * : : i 2 £, +-z _Flºrids . Ikegs . sett loſiºnt. . - -, -----------------ºr- It & its in table nior e or less, than in As per sºt - As pºor :* __ºl ºne lit. Génº ral Fund , ~~~~~~~~~~. * *} '." §: *s * * * * . - .** * & , * ... • *:::p & I"V 4, § { i ! 3 Ö I C & I" : , T C 1, § 6 $3.7) C. * * 3 * r ..* - ; : ry paid £14,699.97. T. j. quo r tax in- C liad - in ſº t. I ca 5. l %. #: º, , is ‘it’ & 2. , 970.04 túbl. © . kill, 949 .39 3, 650. GQ 39 . 75 Ilitburº ºrights. ::..Tº ‘... *.*.*. * º, Tºx, • *- lº, , 699. 57 Re G 3i gts trnoºſing out of t, g : 1 gy is:- (; i rect, a ſld. Čel in alier, t, CG ... t. & X l. i tº Lor #, () A §936 . 4.6 --f "..., , , , , , Tºrj ºf #. {-1} : {. A. Y 7 f ** gº, ...” s & A-> -***ºtºss-ºs ºs-ºs 1. # X. º, I’ * *... ." -#. F. f ** Liquor gº º f : Sr* - ** is . ÖQ 44,471.48 jº •l& 23 a & **) *; f 'l ºf 2: 2 º'? $43,995.20 ſel inquerit Cc . Tax +H------- St. G. i. e. & .00 Furid . $17, 99 dºº-º-º-º-º-º: * ~ * *** * $965.46 '? .49 $l'? , 396.49 4. biore . —-r- *— 4. * {} {} 3 º **- $59.9'? 1.00 ! { * à .95 ** *: 96 (; , 46 Iºſif *— . £ess. $44,471.48 ** . . ** * , & f : ; - •. * Wet & K C G 3's ºs, Tº ill & *f-q → * * ~. Pr as * ! }1.3 :) ... I j : " ' & ' #d . 20 -º-, g tº: • * * * , -º ** , * A. 4. *; ), ; : * • w * *** ** Tii 3: Li Tserient 5 and 4 ego i gi 3 & rºy it 3 & nºi iºd, e ii, tº f 2- tº p"A $4. K. A ‘. . & 4 \L.r" # #3 3up/€ rvisors sett, left on tº ºšā.7: ..QQ º }, ºr Table tº 1. * rº fºr * * f c’, g, f'; 3 s) C}º sº-cº - #47, 3&T.º -4---- #4, 471. .43 $9,9 % £' £3 ſ." *ºr. $79, 617.94 $54, 241 .06 㺠* 44,471.33 1. ***** ***** *-*-*. -saº wº. -- ***wæºls sºlº - T'Aiºlº NO. 21. showing the classified disbursuinents and receipts of County Treasurer Matz between the night of October 5, 1905, and the morning of "arch 10, 1906, date of sixth gottlement . SIXTH 3TTTTºº!T. Col. No. l 2 - 4. - Tºne - TTS Tººnts. Tº Tº. No. Tºoneral Fund. $31,610.90 412, Bºº. 76 2 TCTTC: Vºors orders paid §ll, 667.91 º Notes, paid 12, boo. 00 4. Interest paid 152 .50 5 Jurors and witness orders ºf . l, 548.35 º ºld g. committee orders - d. 1, 708.44 7 Salaries of co. officers, clerk and ſanitor paid 4,007 .45 8 Liquor tax and lys coll - fee pd. lºo.º. 9. By Loans Tº, OCC.T. 10 Receipts from state tº eas. ll ºo. 66 12 Receipts from co.clk. fees lºº -37 lsº Receipts from int. . on dºosits 96.2% Cº.'" 14 Soldiers Jºlief und. --- ºC).00 . OC 15 TTCTO Fºrs. Tº id TT 320.00 16 Asylum Fund . º' tº . ~~ . OC 17 TOTITIET, id ºl.º. 18 Poor Fund . - 9, 421.99 lºº. Cº. 19 TCTCFTFE paid º, ºl.9% 20 by receipts from farm Tºº 2l State and County Taxes. ---------- .00 ºf , ººº...OC 22 by receipts from tax levy ***, *.00 23 Liquºr Texas. ... O º, Q. QQ 24 By receipts from dealers ººlºº 25 Telinquen Tax and Redemption Fund . T 2, 0, 0.94 l, Cºl. 45 26 TTCTIC Tººn, Tſity and VIII are T treasurer's Cº-O. 94. 27 By receipt, s from relinquents al, sºlº. 28 Inelinquent County Tax. .00 204.25 29 Tºy receipts from celin ºnents º-ºo. 30 Tºra in ſºund . 4, Clº.47 ºf .26 31 TTSTCrºſs paid & Q1 2-4. ºz By receipts from delinquents º.º. 33 State Fºund . 30,000.00 º, . ." 34 TCTTTEtate treasurer woo, Qº0.00 35 By receipts from felinquents sº..." º, 6 Tºachers Institute 5. To .00 º,0s tº 37 To Töröſºrs ſaid 4,73.00 38 By receipts from teach cre ºC. QC 39 Library Fund . . OC 276.00 40 Tºy Tºccº. TF fran fines º ºxº 41 Primary Schºol. Interest Fund. 28, Cºl. 10 28,061.10 42 TCT, I.T.Tºdºſiº Tiº Irers º, Cºl. 9. 43 By receipts from a tº to treasurer Iº, Cºl. C. 44 Interitance Tax ºund . ººl. 3 gºl . . . 45 To Tº id sº tetreasurer ºl.93 46 By receipts from estates ITI.T 47 Treer Ilicense Fund. º' - 0 90.20 48. To paid state treasure:- 7.00. 49. By receipts from co.clk. ** 6.29 - - - 50 ICC, º' .45 lºº, ºr .08 •bl” TA}}]]} }{Q - 21 continued. Not e. In this table (No. 21.) the var - are as follows : Cºl.$o.l. ~2. wº Tºnéſ -ºr- No , _Fund 8. —ºr- 3 Items *__ *. iations from Šup ºrv is ors settlement g— →---— a- adº - -4 --- "— * rv= It ens in table more or leg is than in ###1 ºn ºnt. RETETAETT 4. r tlem ºnt. & tabl * - (; ºr, Gral. Fund . T iqu () tº tax, trea 5. lº, c ºxyl &# & Ex. # , , Z 9. $1.2 £, tº i. • ? †.99. •º --> $ ** 3 Rece iſ ts £rowing Out ºf tax le v is 8, direct, a rich del in- querit . 4 Co. tax $14,698. 34 5 §3ridge tº £ax. l, CGC. CC § Norºſal School *2. . [O 7 Tel , Co. t.8.x. and fee; 23% . . b 8 Rea ş Şe #3 Gd (; fl. t. XX 29.99 9 Li (; liq r tax. & Ollect, ed. - In C. t. - 189.79. l C Tö, äº. Tº $16,297.49 Soldiers ' Relief Fund . ll * -. *~. §: ) {}{ ..QC 12 FEGF * Fund . $8,198.96. §133.0% l. 3, § tº te & rºd wr--------- * rº- County -. - Taxºs . . . .00 $97, 393.00 14 ITGT3F w------------------ Tax. § . QQ $290.00 lo Tºo Tirºuent --- - . --——: 16 Tºra in - - º A: *. ** , ** '. * ". Fund . $4,016.37 $4,012.47 l'? IETFºſſ. – He cºſts. Mºore Lºss }{ore LêB5. $1: 6.25 il 8, 2.9"f .49 tº Q0.00 8, Ö30.00 97, 393.00 2 & 3. Ç() £3 s. : * > 2.4 • *, C) 44.30 13 $12,951.74 #6 7.2% 19 wº- 12,951.74 l: , 334 .48% 2 C. §t, a i, & —--- Fuſi (; , $50,933 .21 #356 . §7 21. T -r _60, 9 & .21__ - * *-i- – -- *-* – 69,946.4% 22 -w---------wº--~~r-w--- sº-ºſ.º.º.º.º.º. 23 -—º-º'-- 98.3%.3.2.1 *.*.* wn 24 Net, exces 3 & G Tahl & No. 2'. §I.W., & 4 g.º. 25 Tiš burg emerits and receipt, 3 a. º. 1 ºr - . - table Wo, Zºl 100, 95% - 46 143,929 .08 *-* -4--- a- 26 ſ)isburg em: at 3 and receipts a 3 º' —wr-r------- warm----------wr-----.. -------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Gup ervisors, settl Gººn’, £100, 345.71 $142, 77 tº .04 s:-->= - xestrºpºw . *- *…* **-- y ºr – rºw- * ... - *~~ º, *~~~ E- Aº-º-º: - tº”, ºr, tº dº - ** ***** * * ~ ****** **-esº-nº-ººrººs, sº-, -ºs.º-º-º. - wº-ºº-º-º-º-º-º: *w-wºw - - *ºr ~y º * -*-* *. wºr: -* M C . It, 6:13 in table, more, or less than iri *—º-— -*- settler, Grit. A3 #, ºr § ºt. - A 5 p. 3 Ti sãºur serients. * tºlent. table . Thfore, fºr; ... " x- : - - - *** - ~~~~ve- - -º-º-wr-e ºw... tº re-erºs * * *- w-r-rºw- Rö Gºiº. * I. 63% 3. *g y— pur TjöFE. -4---- l GSFTSFET Fund . 2 Supervif, ºr E (::12, iž.2.36 {} ſº C. g.: tº 3 gº id { ? Ö $ D º C ö ( } 3 i, otºs ºlò paid & , 5 GC, CO 4 Int ... d. 37 . b{} :: Liqi.or' tax & rid 1% C Cºl. - g aid * | * ***.* -- ºl, Hºlº.º. º. iC. 35 ********-*** ********* - & 12:03:46. ; .40 ; & Reſe it; i. 3 fºr tº infº (, lit, C, f tax J. Ev is :- - - & in 6: C, t, tº iºd, . t; eling ent, . 9. Theºl. , ſ: , , col- ** * * * ** Cº. t : § C tº 3 $310.43 J. C. T, it is ºr tax. C l 3C § ll. Liquo Tº --> .3 3 & gº y r* / ºr '.' * * * A f.). A £ 'º' TC. * 3. , CO $34.2. } 453 • 12 “A #42 } & 63. a ***. 3. i * tº- jl, - *d 48,36:2-33 * , 7.79.7% $42,773.76 ***ºrse-gº- rº-ºº-ºº-ººp -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-esº- ...sº i.r Tax * * * * -**—º-º-º: 12 Teligious ent, County Taz. i |Furſ (i. 5 sº () $31.Q.43 310,43 19 grg-- – — Fi ind , $918.3% --- $918.94 • C2 14 TT5FEFy 7 – Tºur, d. 3104-00---- $199.99 l. GQ 13 Tºri Täricº -----------rw-wºw * * * * C. ti • *... - tº gº. Tºx. "ºnd . § .33 #580 ..] l $530.11 16 - * .50 §§§O.I. à &Q . J ---wºº, Yvºr. Amº-sºe. - ºr -º-º-º-e -- . * *s, * * - *—- . J. Ł , - - -: , 5- -, -º-º: Jºº-T º ºr ºf z-z-z- : ; * '2" as 3. i -> -F- * , 5550.5l 3.66 $45,374.39 $42,773.76 lö • QQ # * * * * * 19 # 3 t exces E. es Ta, ble Me, , 22 $5:30.5l. ** ...r-r 20 Tisburgeºid its and Roc & iſ tº as - p ºr Table lic , 22 2.98,418 -96. . . . '9,978.30 -* -*. Q 21 Ti 3b turf, Gºlent 9 and Piece i.f. t.s as per §up ºrv is or s 3ett, lettent, s $107, 831. . ot $73, 391 ... 2 asº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-------------~~ ~~~~-e-r-º-º-º- -sº - gº sº. ºº. . - - - -—r ºs---> *-* **** ...tºs º-, **-**** wºes - * . rar- ºr ſº *. -Lº- ise-º-º-º-º-º: . - . -***** *****~~ TAI'llº 10 - 23 shºwing the classified disburg cºunts and receipts of County Treasurer º between the night of October 9, 1906, and morning of January l, lºº - close of tºrm. ETtºº sº". Tºº!'". Col. No. l 2 3. 4. - --- ------- Line - 1. - - - - -- º Tisburgeºntº. Receipts. + iºnº tºº. Alº, boº. li. º 404 - 'C' 2 To Guº ºr is ore orders ºaid ºld, º'º.º. º Jurors and witness orders ºd. ** - tº 7 4. ºld º. Cºit tº orders gºd - jº.º. d Sal ºriºn of co - officers, cºlork and janitor paid - 2,521 - ºl. º Triautº tax including ly, coller - tion ſee paid lº.º. ) * By receipts from Co. Cºlº. gº. OCT 3. -- * -ºº ºn unt, on ºn 11 º' 100.00 º receipts from Chas. Addis, lumber for jail. *C. .00 10 recº iſ tº from John II. Johnson, fines 4.38 Ill. ºdo its from int. . on de- pºsits lºº - ºt º Cº. 70 ------------------- 12 sºldiers' ºllºf "und. - 3.16.00 .00 lº, To crºcºs gaid ºllº .00 lº. Asylum. Fund . 21, 4.8%. -00 lº, Tºi II's aid ºi, A. ºf 15 Poor ſºund . l, 690.19 º, -17 17 TTCTF FE air ºlºº. 1 a 18 By receipts fºr nº farm tº .. 7. 19 it tº unity taxes. -00 500.00 20 Tºy Fºº iſ from Tinquents ºf 90.00 21 liquor ſaxºs. - C º, O.00 22T Fºº Is from dealers £ºo.ºg * - Tºllino went Tax a d Herº ºf ion lºund. 49.57 1, 30' .90 24 TCT, V, nº tº Tºn, Tſity and Willº ºre lºres ºur ºrº *45.57 25 By receipts fºot delinquents 31 º 26 ſelinquent County Taxes. .00 ºn 25 27 Tºy Fºr TT, TTC ºil ſauents ºb .25 23 Tºrn in ºund . 90.90 29.42 29 TC Cº's paid ºC. § 30 By receipts frºm delinquents Tº...? Zl ºtate ſºund - lºº. 4' ºr ...?" 32 TTETTITCuate treasurer ºlº -47 23. By receipt - from delinquents º 4.2 --- 4 Teachers' Institutes Fund. - 10 - ºº. 50 35 TV Tºº FTE fºc Teachers º.º.o. - Kº Library ºund . .00 29.00 º, Ty Tecº is from fines tº .00. 38 Primary Sahºo! ºn tº est Fººd. T 115, 3, 5.00 110,030.00 39TET iſ ſººn Erºſ T. E. Tº sº U rººrºº: $115, ºb.00 40 By receipts from state treasurer T.I., E.I. 4l Inheritance Tax Fund . l, 003. tº 1,003 - tº 42 TCT-TTgºt GTFeaſººr £1,003.ºg 43 By receipts from cºta tºº I, Cº.º. 44. The ºr License ºund. .00 10. .'; tı 45 Tºy receipts from Co. Clk. £10.78 46 TT. CTIT, GCC.". shºwing the artount of Telinquent T Clerk' § book:3. fine * ... M. (3 * lºgºus l r) sº 4.3. 5 \. .3 13 * * * * * * * * * * * *- - - -º- ºr as we was “a see e-w ºr * * * * *w sº sº, sº we --> *w ow. -- * * *e ass rve assº eve º’s sº asa was ºn era ºf us ºn tº wºw it is was see sea, ºne ºf ºre sº set am --, ess sº ºn are ºn aire ars tº sºn s: § {} A. t * • *- §: k; * * ; , , º ºs fºil Af, tºil, & C J June Tec . tºº-ºº-º-º-º-ºrº -ºs-e-w ******* * : * ~ *.*.*.*-** * * ****a-mºº s * * ** A.i./ &-º ºf - *** *-ºs---ºr--stºr sº- - , is sº tºº spºre- smºs, anº; T *-i-º-- Tº. of Tööljº Tº 33. _ſº. • * : *- : *r----- *- ~~~ --- - -º-º-º-, *...*~~~~~ *** - re--- sºr -ºs--~~~~ $214.32 3'? ..ll. 3. * { . .34 1% ºl 36]. - 40 ël .4l $3 .ll 53. 33 34 . (33. 33.9C 47 .83% f : . . *7 ſº * 9 - 1.2. TA}}I, F, NO. 24 c5 and Reder, ptions collected by the County Treasurer during lºo3, 1904, 19C9 and 1906, as shown by the County C. § *~ * ---, g-- º --ºr- f. - : - sº -- *– - > - Tiel in quº t. Taxes; p. ğlerk's isoq *** ***** -ºgº ºsmº - sº cº & ry - r: © . Ig ºr by Tºtºyº rº ** *- (º > * * f $'; .'; i. { •l.9 * , #3:) 3, •l. .# 2.12 1..63 $95.74 $l. , 633 . r -ā- *.*.* * ~ * : ****, *, *, * * * **** * * *** *** * * * * * **** *.*.* gº A] it. . ºf tax ºf . *-*-*-a, -s a s = et a gºss-rºlesº, : , ºf ºf * *} Af ry 4's * à {} & f *', *", {-5 4. 2.02. ſº f £) 4.(){} . Çl l& J .Q'ſ l63.l.G •y r ſ r. 3,'? .2: C, l() {}. 35 ----- Colle & f Gé, , .*.*.*.* ty...sº ºw.rºse- ºrex sº-2 ºr ºr sº". *** **, ºre. $2.84 1904. * * , sees ºt ºr- -ºrg ~r º * -** = º is -º cº-ºw as *** * * *-º-º-º-º: . . . sº erºse - as a sess, a-º. * - Total - $90.76 & {} º iº 4. 7 2]. () .5l. 420.82 171 .22 l (; 3.94 3& 53. 2%, ll .00 104.45 * - ***-* - *** * * * $l. , 7' 0.32 $64.10 &l, 33.4 .42 -º- ~. -º-' l.909 . . * - sº e-º-º-º: * ~ * : * ~ *-ºs-ºs- ºr -º-, -º- ºr, sº lº){}6 . Col. No. Iliriº No . l & 6 7 1() ll 12 13 T}e Jan . Foº, {} § r * ... lººk º …A & 2, r & {: (ſ 7 &lot .56 f : ". . . . ) ºf f ...' º £) tº *, *, K. rj p | 2, § - ? (? £i ºf £3 ºf *-* A.J. & K-2 ºr 24. Cl *, r*. fr. *...' 2. fº • 34 * * * * , 330 Ç .., {} $54,422.32 ***, *s- *e e-º-º: “eer end-ºw eas, wrº-ze ~x. -se-- -*.*.*.* 4– - . q x- . •r ... *, * * ******* * * * *** * •xº~4-º'Aº gº - *** ** * | * $3 rºy & y r* 1.2 . § 3 * : *, W. C. a. ** Ç f sº 14 .30 30.2]. 9.9% 1%.99 .77 $4, *—º rºx. §61.3.67) 910.20) rº, r", Tº a - % - 74, f : K. : " - 2 66 a 69 > * > l{}{3,3}. l, b%3.37 3.0,730.5l ſtrºs.---...-- *** * •=-r *…r.º.º.º.º. *~ *-- ºw ll, i8.16) 7.5% 20.1Q 21 .76 16.1.1. 9 . J.O. 4 . ()3 535 - 70 $637.24) 523.36) 23 (; , 26 5:37.63, 632.5]. 145.89 23.21 170.20 43%. 34 475.66. 275. 79 ll (), 39 l, 502.57 5:05 IC E5, & 61 - - - --- Pelinquent Taxes rodeemed ~~~~-º- +. • 56- TAHI.E. H.O. 24 continued. & f; 3 § lo ll l. 3 l3 afº is - lºCŞ. º * & { 2.Éliºn by County Clark'ſ tºw ºrº-ºº-ºººººººººººº. |Hºok: º lºğ4. *** *r -º-º- *—r- . No. 1 Tº 3------------------ --ti------- —-g------- ICT ARE. Erºſarnºr - - - - - --~~~AHt. of -tºoliga-------- **** tºº lººk fºg. Hºtel...---ººº......tion fee...--Totº... Jan. $44.10 &l. ..] § $4:) .2% 3: . (MO Feb . . QC) £ 4 o'? ..."?l $1& .1.1 470 .32 far. . (X) 2.4() • C)4, 2.44. April , (){ . QQ kisy . (YQ .00 Ji Arle {\{} .CO July 3.43 • Q'ſ 3.90 29, .2% .33 3.0.12 A} : " . . (XC ..Q0 §e it, . ll. .50 .2b l. 1.7% .Gö Oct. . . (30 . GO is ſºv . . CK! • {}O "*" —-ºº-ºº-----ºº--º-º- -*–4– $6:3.1Q $1.63 #66,73, §4.9% - 483 $14.94 £506.02 *::::::: -º-º-º:2::::::::: :----tº: …: tº tº:-ºº:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::tiºn. * * * * * * * * * * *w ins º ºs sº º sº, º ºse as sº ess tº sº sº º vºte * * * * * * * * * * * * * a tº saw are ºt-v ºs ºrt ºan ºº ea º sº, ºr as wºn sºa º mes are eas º ºse ame ºs ºs ess, sº we ºn see ºn tº ºn tº gº ºs r; 42 º - j, 305 - * º * ——FF- ------------ gº-ºººº- -3- -º- **** *-*** ****- ----g- * ***** *g, ****** – sº ºr -ºº-º-º- ºr- ºr--- rºws. Jºº- T-- **** * * •y--- †º *f; —rs § * | lº. ~ *----Yº -º- ~~~~~...~~~~- - -- ~~~~ -- ~~~~ *...*.*.*.*-* - - - - ~ al- s-e-ºn-ºr-ages ºse-ºw ºve ~-º º sº * * iº (36. Jari . &l.0.34 & .24 $10.58 $.00 For , , ()() §25 ..].4 - § - 69 25.8% * & r". .00 • QQ April • {}{} • CO May 3 . .” .2% l{},{}5 1.4.14 ,4]. l 4.95 June . ÖC) . OC July .00 .00 Aug. . 19 - 25 , b], 2O . Ö6 .00 Sept. - ..QQ ..QQ Qct . 23.86 .77 2%. , 63 '? .4% .19 º , 66 Nov. . (3() . GO Pec • – 74.90 2.98 -- 76.5% tº sº ºtº-ººrºº •00 ~~~~ $143.02 $3.82 $145.64 $46.75 $1.29 $48.04. -* :::::::::::::::::: *-i-ºº-ººººº-ºººººººººººººº- * 5 "7- TABLE NO. 24 continued. RECAPITULATIOT OF TAXE5. Taxes . Col. i. 6 c - Total . *--a - t, icºn f ºf: . * sºrºrº - wº-ºº-º-º-º-º-º- ºr * -à- Aaaaa. * ****** ****-**** ** Leº. ººm--aºs ºs. ººz ~...~ *******-*. -a-. Col. No. -i- l *----------- i.903 $l, běl.9b #96.74 &l, 638.29 2 19 () & l, '''' ().32, 34 .1Q l, 834.42 3 lº Oğ 4, 42.2 . C.? lº'? ..."?'7 4, 580.09 4 1906 9.730.9%. 898.19 tºwevº - *** **** : 5 iſlº, bo4.7G $483.7l $13,988.4l º —h--- *-*— *-i- *-**** * * * * wº- =~ -ºr-w-wºw ~ *-- ~ree-ºw-- -w- -w--~y. =~ —y--------r r——r- RECAPITULATION OF PrºTIO!!!}. Col. No. -- - ---4- __* b.l. 6 --- Line No . 6 l? (33 #60.10 $1.63 $66,73 7 lº C4 492.48 1.4. Q4 606 .32 8 Ilº (); , 143. Cº. 3.8% 14f. , 34 9 } {}(); 40..."9.- ...?? - 49.9% rº- 1 O $747, 35 §20.78 $768 ..] § - 58 - TA}}}.}} NO. 25 showing summary of County Treasurer's account with the State of Michigan, as it should have appeared on his books, her 31, 1996. -ºr- ~ -rw- rvºr,” --T- from January 1, 1903, to Tecem- ------- -á- 4- =v- r -E-L-T- 6ol . No. l THE----------------- •wn *—%— No. 1 TEBITS during 1903, 1904, 1909 &nd lºof. Af 2 To Delinquent St. & te Taxes collect, ed £2, 128.01 3 !! ſº I, ocal Taxes, etc . C Cl- lect, Qd at A. G. O. 4 Before Sale : From staterients of Audit or (, en eral, º 5 Tax $78.18 ſ º By sale and Redemptions from similar T - statements from Audit, or General, - 8 - Tax - #124.88 - 9 Int . 47. 29 172 .l'' l O Overcharge a/c Insane 21.3%. 59 ll Cash charged State Trea 5 lar ºr 217,108.22 l2 Amount arbitrarily charged under J.P. lº, l903 l3 CREDITS during 1903, 1904, lºoj and lºoé. 14 Balance due stat £3 Jan. 1, 1903 lö § to te Tax credited l 6 Delinquent $tate Tax, Interest, etc. col- lected as per duplica. 1, 0 tax and red Gilf- tion rece if t 3. 1 7 Tax: #l, 784.99 l 8 Int. lºg .23 l'9 Experise Cf Gale 136.00 2O At Sales : - 2l Tax $6l.ll. 22 Int. l'? .35 23 3.xperise tº f 38 le "7:00 24 Refunding by Auditor C. Gneral of - 2 o I, ocal Taxes : - t 26 Tax §lö4.l. 3 2? In t . 6l .1% 28 Collection fee J .69 29 Charged Hack by Audit or General- State only : 30 Tax $139.73 3l Int. 17.9'? 32 Expense of 38 le 42.00 ... 3 General Acc Qūnt. - - 34 Redea ptions received J.269. 64 35 Credit, ed. School for Toaf 62.35 36 #! Fastern A5 y lum 2,280.22. 37 Cash received from Treasurer * 38 Balance due State Jan. 1, 1907 29.6l. 8219, 798.38 $:48.9'? 220,96 249 ." O 2,612.21 - 1,914.68 220, 236.97 — —Ezgº.g., ==z:x: - • 59- - 'ſ' AHJ,F HO . 26 - - showing Loan Record, by banks, tº s ], ºr dates of canceled riot, es; on file in County Tree sºarer's office - Love: joy no t, es exce; it, ed. (The Lovejºy riºtes are on file in Sounty. 9].ork's ºff.º.º.) - - res - -tº-- * * ***** **.*.* ~ *-*.*. ***** * *** ***, *, *-***- : *-*-** ***.*.* -º- ºr * * * ~-----, - tº-- ~~~~~~~is wºr-- *** *-----------, -we.o-statºry Al- - - a-k wº- - ſº .. *- tº y: { * } } & rº, * : ." - A $4 'i .. y • ºf ~ * J. K. . . . k S. & J i.a. V in gºs; ;38. Ilk. º ** ***, *. * *...*-*-* ºr *---ºº-ºº ºne º' ºs-ºn gº-------- wr- ºrº - **-dºw-ºrſº No . 1. 2 º 4. : ; - 6 7 - § * –4– **** * * *** ** - - - ~~~~~~~. wº - 4– •. ---fººt-º-º-º: º --- g- :- *** -rºº * * * * * * * * --------- - -à-i ---4- iſ...of Tº tº ºf 'i'iwig, Tate ºut: . Aſtºunt. , Int, Tº tes. Yrs . Not, & iſºt, € . {} {} aſſº- *** -> *ā-ā- -- ~~~ *A - * note. Tingº * - - - - ------> ---------------------r- --- wº- *-i- - - y (Tcvejoy H. ) Tºlgo2 3 4394 Tec.ll. , 1902 & 3 d5 3. Jan.10, 1903 $3,000.00 ºl. 5.00 2. l.9 O3 5622 Mar.:4, 1963 () " #3 & 23, i903 6,000. (30 § {} = {}{} 3 * 7242 Jan. 30, 1303 (, rºos. ºec. 30, 1903, l, QCO.C.' 30.00 4 lºo3 4 8095 Oct. 22, 1903, 3, " Jan.2%, 1904 4, OCC). GO #0.00 - ( t ) 5 Tº th 82.9% ºf ov. i4, 3.903 %, Q ſa s. Tºeb. 15, 1904 l, O(\{}. ()0 lb.00 6 tº {} 8873. Tec .30, j :03 30 " Jān; .29, 1904 l, C(X).00 5.QC) 7 l. g.04. 9231 ºr .22, 3,934 30 " Hay 21, 1904 3, Q00. ÇO § {} . \{} & J.9 C & b loºg Cºt, .20, 1904 & “ios. Jan.19, 1905 4,000.00 #() , ( () (b) * t 9 * " 11090 Hºov.ll, 1904 & " Fo b. 13, 1905 2, 660.00 39.75 !. - - - - - - - - *. (c) l, O lº O:) ll.953 Feb. 13, 1905 3, " **ay 1.l., 1900 2, 650.00 39.75 ll lº; 6 1.4216 Oct.13, 19(): 3 " Ja n. 17, 1906 3,000.00 45.00 l: it * 14303 Oct. .2%, 1906 & " Jan...!?, 1906 l,000.00 3.5 , ()() l. 3, " " 143,4 & Hov. 1, .303 3, " Feb. 2, 1903 J., Q(30.30 i ö. () (d) - 14 it " J 472]. Ted .l.l., 1905 i ijo. Jan.11, 1906 1, OCC. Q0 3, Ç() ( & ) - 1.3 l ( : 19527 Apr. 6, 1906 l " May 7, 1906 ,500.00 2.99 16 $34,800.00 º'/.(K) *::::::::::::: cº-º-º-º: *- +-> * : *---—a --- Mt. Clemen's Sewings Bank. _* *-*. .*- ºr sº-º-º-ºr-maw-º-º-º: Č cj. -y ====r-rr- - - R. C. 9 l'O ll l2. l3 *—-----—º- 16 - jºir, G - . Nū . - (Lovejoy ºf . ) TIT’lgo2 3 43% 7: Oct, .2"; , l;"Q2 : ſºc. 3. Jail .30, 1903 #5, (){X}.C.C § 77,90 2 19 C3, 460.6% ºa 1.24, 1903 ſ () & 3. ‘ay 23, 1903 6, Q00.00 6(; , ( () º, it 46602 June 30, " 6 º' G. "G.C. 30, 13Cà 1,000. CG 30.00 4, 6%68 & ‘f 234 §ºp , 5, 3.30% 6 (; 3 O How . 9, 1903; Feb. 1, 1904 l, QC.C.()0 l,000.00 Oct. .22, 1903, 3 Inc. 5. Jarl .22; , 1904 3. , 600 . (O l.O. § {} lö .30 7 m " .. 73.28 ov. 7, 1903, 90 " Feb. 5, 1904 l, OOO.Q0 47%l3 Tec. 10, 1903 60 " Feb. 11, J.9G4 l,000.00 479 &C Tec. 30, 1903 &Q " Feb. 2, 1904 l, Q00.00 3.50 43463 far .22, 1904 60 " May 2l, 1904 3, Q: Q. Q0 30.00 4.9623 Oct. .20, 1904 & mos. Jan.19, 1905 4,000.00 6(), ÚQ 497' 0 Hov.lf; , lº)4 &O da 5. Jan.19, 190% 1, OGO.30 1.0.50 1905 1438 Oct. .21, 1905 3 Mos. Jak{22, 1906 l, O'Q0.00 lb.00 Gº 60- TA}}T.E NO , 26 continued , ¥t . Cleriens Savings Bank brought forward. Col. , 9 1() ll l2 13 I A Il 5 16 WC . --- Line —ºr -ºr- -º- wºr- NC, Q T1905 6 lo29 Nov. 1, J.905 3 inos. Feb. * l, CCO. () () lb.00 (g) 2 tº $1 1722 Tec .13, l'905 l hio. Jan.13, 1906 l, 500.00 7. oG 3 lº Q 6 2295 far .25, 1906 30 & as . May 24, 1906 2,000.00. 20.00 --- 4 $34,000.00 £434.50T º -º- * ** ºr Now Haven, Savings Bank. UST. - - ------ * * rº- No e l'? 18 l.9 2O 2l 22 ** 23, 24 Iſine =-----------------------—- se- ºr-------- ~~~~~~~-wºr---ºr-rw--------ºr- •er----- → * --y- No . - - T5 Tg.03, 4 lb., 5 Oct. 12, 19C3 3 mos. Jan.14, 1904 $l, 500.00 $22.50 Ulrich Savings rank. Gºi T--- ... --- - -------------—ºr- – No. 2 o 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 Tine -ºr - * —- .- ---------ºr - re-r No . (I, ovejoy 37.) TöT19C2 3 24617 Oct. 2'ſ 1902 75 das. Jan.12, 1903 $2,000. ÇO $25.00 . ; (I, ovejoy M . ) 7 tº " 24737 Nov.11, 1902 60 " Jan.12, 1903 3,000.00 30.00 (I. Ovej OY N ..) l 3 in " 24,917 Tec. 4, 1902 30 " Jan. 6, 1903 3, OOO.CO 16 . bo 9 lºſ C3 2513]. Jan. 6, 1903, 30 " Feb. 5, 1903 3,000. ÇO lö .00 10 m 2:5450 Feb. 5, 1903 30 " Mar. 6, 1903 3,000. Q0 19.00 11. " 25834 ar.24,1903 60 " May 23, 1903 6, COO.00 50.00 12 m 27079 Aug. 12,1903 60 " Cot.9, 1903 l,000.00 10.00 13 * 2674 b June 30, 1903 6 mos. Tec. 30, 1903 l, OOO.OO 30.00 14 " 4 27509 Oct.10, 1903 90 das. Jan. 9, 1904 1,000.00 lo. QC 15 ºr " 27585 Oct. 22, 1903 90 " Jan. 22, 1904 4,000.00 60.00 16 tº " 27.64% oct.24, 1908 90 " Jan. 22, 1904 3,000.00 48.00 l'7 tº " 28039 Tec. 4, 1903 60 " Feb. 13, 1904 1,000.00 10.00 Il 3 1904 287e9 Mar.22, 1904 60 " May 21, 1904 3,000.00 30.00 lºg " 5 30939 Tec. 16,1904 30 " Jan.14, 1905 1, 500.00 7.5C 2O tº " 30510 Oct. 20, 1904 90 " Jan.19, 1909 4, OOO.00 go.oo 2l " 6 3,3472 Nov.l., l005 3 nos. Feh . 2, 1906 2,000.00 30.00 22 " " Ö3922 Dec. 23, 1905 30 dia.s. Jan. 27, 1906 l, OOO.OO 9 . GO 23 19 O6 34595 rar.24, 1906 60 " May 23, 1906 l, OOO.OO 10.00 24 m 3,4647 star.21, 1906 30 " Apr. 30, 1906 1,999.99 b.99 — 2 5 - $44,500.CO $479.00 (a) Feb.13, 1904, on Receipts and Tisbursor onts lock." ========- (b) Whºrl { % id Ok tº r; ed 1, O ( ºr Q 1 'E i !"und , (c) Renewal of "b". While vie did not find this canceled note on file, bank b Ok shows that it wa 3 paid . (d) Receipt, 3 and Jºi 3b111's onent, 3 Book shows Tec. 13. (e) A5 sº own hy Ree ei1 , 5 & rid. Thisburseºle nts book. (f) Tate of Roceipts and Tisburgerients Book Jan. 27, 1906., (g) Tate of Receipts and Tisbursements Book Jan. 27, 1906. -61- TABLE NO. 26 continued, RECAPITUI, ATION OF * Principal and Interest paid end amounts received on account of Loans by settlement is . tfalº. g *__, +--- Set tºº- * —-a-º. -*. ***a*- --º-, -ºl's **—-wº- * x-y * jºiºſºvºrºſ. * **. IºTBT Pºidſ.T Recºyº, • 3. Å-º-º-º-º-º-, -w-As-º. ment No. From — ſo .... Principal interest. -º-º- LIHa-— -ºr--ºr- —- -w- : * ~~~~----- - w—--wr- - - - -------...- : t No , - l Teo .31/02 Oct.14/03 $41,000.00 $384.00 #31, 500.00 2 3 Oot .13/03, Kar. 16/04 28,000.00 431.50 21, 500.00 3. & Mar. 14/04 Oct.13/04 9,000. (O 90.00 9,000.0C 4 4. Oct.12/04 ¥er.lb/05 17, 150,00 138.00 19,800,00 s 5 Mar.14/05 Oct. 6/05 2,650.00 l. 39.50 .00 6 § Oct .5/oo Yar. 10/05 l2, 600.00 152.50 12, 500.00 7 7 Mar. 9/06 Oct.10/06 4, 800 . (19 37.50 4, 500.0% 3 § Oct. 9/06 *** */" —-----9—“–3– 9 * $114,800.00 $1,373.00 $98,800.00 - -62- T.A.S.T,I; No. 27 showing the credits by the several banks for interest on deposits, as por th. C bank på, is books; a le Q the a' iſ unt, 3 of c. 9 p. o sits credited on the County T . . .” - c. , t +- - ? ~ * A r \, c- f . tº + 1 , X-. 4- - ~ * T Trº surrºr '5 b c ok; by § ef, f, loºt; nt, period 5. -v- *. * **** Col. Nº. 1 3. “) 4 5 Tö 7 – g—r * Ulrich. Yū. CTETTETTEES.T.R.I.T.E.E.T.I.F.H.E.H.I.T.T.T., Ciº-Tºtal. I, ine - tle -- ! ! tº ſl S e Z. {} Yiğ e bio . Iſlent iſ C. —ºr mºmum . * A3 per Cash Bock. Aä p Grižarik Pasº 3 Book. & l §ll .10 Él $515 . GO #18. J.9 $44.25 i &ll...O $16.00 ºlò.lo $44.25 2 (a ) l 7. §l 22 . Ob 25.49 64.8l 4 (a) 17.94 22.05 25.45 65.44 Jº f}{) . O4 53.27 4l. 2: 159.53 (5 6:) .04 b3.27 4l .22 lb 9.5% 4. 3 o . 64 26.99 33.6C 96.23 6 3,5 . G4 26.99 33 . 60 96.2% o %3.92. 67.53 l()3, . 9 o 2 lº . ÇO 7 43.92 6'7. 53 lo3. Jo 2], 5.00 6 60 . 72 5'? ..].3 50. 5 () l (; 3. 35 & 6() . 72 57. l.2, 5 () . 5( 168.35 7 -ºº: $34.07 ºf ºrzā iTºº Sã ži.º.º. º. 50 3 Tiscrepancy •03 + ./2 $743, 30 $748, 8O tº z. 9(a) Cash book $9.3 o, page bº. Tiſſøren cc 4. 33. Interest credited to County Treasurer as p or his bank pass b (, CK3 . 4 Col. No . lo il----- i2. -* Ulrich. Mt. Cleº.T. Cit, iz ens. -r- ria a T- sºr - ~ -y - --------- -F-ºr- !! O . - TO- 2/2/03 &ll.lo 2/1/03 #1 o'.00 2/2/03 #ll.90 ll 2/1/09 (a)9.98 1/31/05 12.89 6/30/03 © .45 l2 3/1/06 W.96 2/28/03 9.2 7/31/03, 2 - 3O lo 4/1/09 14.76 9/21/09 19.18 2/1/09 14.20 l4 o/1/09 2.64 b/l/05 4.35 3/1/09 ll. 25 b 6/1/09 19.64 b/º/Op 13.7l 4/1/09 l2.6C ld 7/2/08 10.42 6/30/05 7.92 5/1/05 3.20 l'? 8/2/08 7.90 7/31/06 b .28 6/1/05 ll. , 75 l3 9/1/05 6.68 8/01/05 4.44 7/1/09 4.10 19 10/1/09 : .GO 10/2/05 2.39 8/2/05 3.37 2O * -- 9/1/O5 3 .l.0 2l ll/l/05, 2.36 lo/31/95 .75 1% 3.10 22 i2/1/05 lo.50 li/29/05 7.26 iſjos i.a. 23 2/l/06 14.02 l/30/06 ll.20 #}º 9 . () 24 3/9/06 8.76 2/23/06 7.78 2/3 /O6 14 . GO 25 4/1/06 15.04 26 9/1/06 . 36 3/31/06 12.75 3/1/06 3. "/5 27 6/1/06 le.48 4/30/06 l.24 4/3/06 l6 . (6) 28 7/3/06 1.78 5/31/06 18.75 9/21/06 l. 50 29 3/1/06 5.16 6/30/06 7.5l. 6/1/06 23 , 75 3O 9 /l/06 2.20 7/31/06 lo .34 7/1/06 l4 .30 31 lo/l/06 2.60 8/31/06 8.92 8/1/06 l. 3. (*O 32 11/1/06 l. 72 9/29/06 3.22 l{}/l/06 13 . oO 33 - 9/1/O6 16,50 34 12/1/06 43.32 10/31/06 6.32 11/1/06 7. 60 35 1/1/07 15.18 12/1/0.3 36.40 12/1/06 &l.00 36 12/31/06 13.91 12/31/06 12.00. —— 37 $234.36 $24l .97 $272.47 wºmmº- - → --~~~re -***- -I- →r-r--r- wºº -e- ºr *-** * ------- - - —r- - --- showing the artounts and dates of flºº lºnent ºlº. It Trº- #3 & #" it. Cº - -º-, -ºº ºs º-'s. Jº t. rºst sº Tº ſº. No. º & e’s 3 *A tº a $3 * * * ÖC; “… ") •.2-i- * 2 ~2 *...* "... "... *...* *-* 34 33 36 ; fºr § º º * Q *...* * 4C July 3, Apr. 2). , 1903 July 10, 1903 *: June l'º', i. 903 º (); July 29, 1903 Autº. 3, 1903 Aug. lo, iº93 *.*, * - sº- * Aº g * s . # ** * * * * *--. Yºr, 29, 1904 Ø l, 1,904 Apr. 27, 1904 r". * *u. - g”, '', º: t}}} 1. y º $ +. Yº Ç /. July 1], , lº& July 12, 1904 July 13, 1904 **.*.*. Öº, tº * ; : : 94 Çct, •]. l, H. :) {}^ Oct. 18, 1904 l, $ & 2. *} º 4:3 tº a sº- f : « $36.63, 283,69 4.02 54 , 57 .24.03 35 .25 13 - il. lă . 60 106.23 l{}. 3 C, 25l.42 tº f : 8 , ºg F ſº *__ jº: 7 - rº F. *.* & *s tº +. * w) ſº *: & '? .94 19.1 4 ‘s’ ºf - , ſº ...? ...} 1 : *: Jurig Mar .22, 1995 % r’ tº 5]. } 1. º () }} Apr. 19, 1905 May 12, 1906 #ay lá ,1905 3, 1905 July 2%. , 1.905 Sep +. .2 l, l.905 Qct, , i. 7, 1995 How .. 4, 1965 Tec. 30, 1903 Jean . . . 1906 Jan.18, 1906 # 2. £ar .2%i, 1906 Ap f* * ºf } 1906; Apf" • I. º, I, §Cić l'?Q .3& 2nd . . 23,09 3. $$. . . 6 4 ... .'; 3 1. º. 4 3 *…* *** * * ~ * .º. $ 4. {{*}. & tºw ºr fj s •. £, f * & *..? º: , , , tº , *~ *-* g º sº- ! 9%. 5"; J. &% - 43 ...? O. (Y: & .32. 2, 7.38 94.9.3% 34. tº 4 § 43.3 l{ .36 '76 . 9 (i. ******** * , r) ºf sº l ‘..., ‘d l, . "tºº - * ..}} { * - ---------, May 3, 190° June 4, 1906 Öct, .29, 1993 y Mov.] § 1906 - 2. *}ov.l.º., 1.90% The c.3.7, 190 y T } § ** t. # ** $ ** (e) ~º: *H wº-- “. . . . # , º, & . "º $7,798.1347, '98 .19 21.3 lb *7. $46 8l. ..l. tº 5%) .45 5'' . .3 1.9 .90 '?]. 2.5l. ll. 73 gº. º 2. l, Ö3 • Kłº, 177,97 3. '' .. 3; a 's ºf * "a ºf w!, Fº * → tº & º '- {{} J.24.95 - *, *. Jr., J. - i.4% .3"/ 64.34 $3.50 *...tº gº º ...A., • 23 tº) tº “ 2". º. § {} 7ty() , (3) 34 . §§ J. C.6 - #3'ſ i (). (30 4.7t 634.94 5th sy . . . .”x * << * § t ...? . l $ {{\ & e º 'ºt, --- as-wºº • *** **** inh ºr it; tınce tax paid $ta, tº Treasurer & 3 yer receipts ºr file in County Treasurer's Office; g is o the amount, by T2T2. ITT.III ºf TL. I. H.T. T. G. Arnºt trit. § , § 3t, tº e- The tº # , Ağıount, º, . Cert, flºº- jºrt tº + = ºr —rr A. : : ---, 12.3.63 4th . ! 6, 7]. * $48, ºth (a) Hoºgº on ſilº, but money sent to Audit or Goneral ;:’s *A* ſiſt Gri ******** ll. § ill - ºr sº- ºf- z - ºr-------, -- -** * - - - - - - - -A. ---- tº Nº. ~~~~ - "-64- ". - J. Adjlilº MO = **** • —r- wºrk-r-r- T, irº lººte...l. Quºy....Sººº... ºbel...lºuriciality. ; : C tº l $.00 * .18 tº .19 $9.3% Vil. of New Haven. 2 3.41. 2 . §2 º . )6 ll. ...?? ...}}og terfi old 3. ſº l 3 º l §: .27 • G2 $f 4. - l . O'f , 36 J. ..l.0 . . (). Harri, Hön 5 9 . J & 8.23 £0.57 36 .38; 33ruce § iG. 74 4.4 fl 1.4.0% 29.2 Sterling 7 l. 2. 1 .22 2.15 4.93 City of tit. ..Cleme r15 . 6 2.91 1.54 *.so loop * 9.94. l, (; 4 2. '; l 7.68 Vil. of Richmond. 9 * -ur- Prº- -ry wrº----- wºr-- ~~~~~7 -r-swrwr. A-sº- wº-wº-y - r 1O d: ". . .” Ci. &ºl. ... £5%. ºl. §ll.0.3% ‘ī; , , … • *.* &é--- w º- J. ‘gº’s. “J s :-}- ** kJ & WX* * ****** * *-*-* --, --, * ~ * ~ * ~ * -- ~~<-- 4-4 vºte-see-we-a-wº. --...-: * *****-** ...e., ... --r ‘-' -- 4-, -se------- ***** - ºur ****** *** ***** -ºw. --~~~~<---tº-wº *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...~~~~~~~. -----ºr - 2- ** rº- ºr- ºr - ** ***** **-* --~~~~~~~~ºss--º'-- *-*. -* : --~~~~~~ * * 2 *- : “- -: & sº ... -f .* -: , ; , , , , ". * * * (a) Hecle t t icr; of ind iv iſ al. 2, id. (b) Rede: ; , Łior, St.8, t, 3 } ict. Q & © • * • ‘ e º • e e e a e º G © º o Q O © Q @ © , 2 • 65- - showing drains where orders were credited Treasurer in his settlerter it, ,” º vº . # tº º $. in 32 gest ºf ºrder H. paid hy him. ** £, I. --- f; :- *** * -, *a*- *** **-****** *** -ºr sº * º -* * * * * * * * * * * ***... • -º- *** *- : * *- +-- ***** * * * * * ~ * : .sºrº assºrs, ºr, ---4----------g---- *** * **** ***** - -º- + º-º-, -ºº ºt, sº seas sº, “ . . . *3- * * ~ * *. ** ~ * * * ** * *4 * * ~ *- : *s- ** *-* * *- : * > * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ºf . * * * *** * *** ** > * * * ** * * . . . . . º.º. *** ***** **, * * * * * *** **, * * * **** *r = } t , ºr * * * * **** *** *** wº -* r * * * r * * ------º º -º-º- 4 ºr ºf *-- *— 2. -a- Crd §33 *$3 of fºr; in ºl Íñº arºvº." ---Tº: g----ºr Tejº T- * - - • * **** *** ** , * s , x - rº- A. * , & - ** * § * - & e 4. J., &c.; "er" ºr: }; i.G. Lºdi. K. Fi Tºyºta in #6 in set, t, le- Mgºlº of łºdiº - . Ilºilº. Prairi, * * * ***-esidewatre, ºne as . º. atrº ***~~~~~~~ sº * ... a £º wºr y— * -** • tº -º-º: sº-, -º-º- ºr -t- -º-; - ee- ºre- - sº ... 1, 1.24.79 C&rlow, 9.4% 19 - $ºl, iſº. IV lºº, #l. , 124.7% 3Cl. l, i. 34.19 : • * *** * ******** *** * * * *** * *** * ***** * * * * *-* * * * *** **** *****-* **s, * * * * * * *** *-es-e -º *-* * * ***. * * ***** * * * *... *** *****ºne ll Ł § .CO Wil & on l, Q , (3%) ----- ! 2 3 l ******-*~~~~ * ~ * * ***-** - * ~ *~~~~~~~~ *-*** * ~ * * * * * : * ~ * ~... ... • * -º *** we -- ~ *-* - --...sº sº. 2 - =r *... •se - ºr- ~~~~ *-*.*.* *- ~~ (..* * * * * * * * ~ * ~ *s. -se-; wº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-vae-wºº “º º §1 ºl. 4 x Toyºn I, irie i{} 3. 33.95 ll 29ſ. . .33 12 ... () tº ††† l3 194 #1831. .4% J. 4 *::::: 289 , º, 1.5 £"; ty 290 . (X) 3. 303 29(), Ö() 1 7 - $1.05 rº, 㺠wº- * ****, *-āº--ºº-º-º: ºt - easy- *** ***** ** ~ *****º-º-º- º -º-º *—----> **** * -sº g- **** * Å at l. 3 _.3% .* West. 19 ... :) . GC 2O lll . ÇC) 2]. &l. .59 32 - ll. CQ 23 i) . § 7 24 ll. § Tso.º. 25 1% - $9 to .983 : ; 2: $; 35 , (30 : 7 37 is * J.J. . GO 3 & 3Cl3 44. .33 29 3? {} ll. . CQ 3. 4)'ſ 5,67 § __º." * 33 - * = . -ºr ro--------- {fai or £rls. * 3 6C - 34 large:Hieri t . fº rN r". 5 e ſ () *4. * t 3, 4, Af 33 22.2% * * * - • * ... sºººº-º-º-ºs- ry * f * iſ ę; c.4 ft ; , ;", f*. 3.7 3. (3't § 60: , , ("C as — lº §§ .0C 3, . - 20 g $93, ..] O & O 2. ''{j f}{}, 54. 41 * {}3 65 ... :)4 42 tº * {}{ 22.2% 43 4. Ö"7 y 19, 1.6 ** —— --------------------------- ***— - st 5 § #1 ...Q. Blog 3 46 lº: $1.00 4'; 3, (31. l, , ØØ 4 £3 3:2 .T. *pºst-sºus-rgia-ree-r, amº- pºssess-ºves – “... --~~~~~. --~~~~e - ºr--rºse sº ºwes-as-s ex----tº-stew -e-, -w ºr-sº--see . * **** *-* ~ * *-* : * * * * * * * * * *** ********** * * ** 49 3.315.93 łilt on. *}{} 3.17.9% £32 1 : « ºrgº 53, r * g ğülä .95 54 13." .99 :35 - 32. 56 4C'h l, , ()() f{j}.. O 5 7 tºº--º-º-º-º-º-º-º: seeses - was - wº—º-ev-asser-sº-sºº - * * *-*~ * asº wº *r--ºr-w ºx-- ~xer r ** **** * * *s-, *ar-º- ºs- ºne sº-ººººººº-º-º- ºr ~~~~r- *** *... sºrº ºaº *& : º . tº-& : '. f -66- TAFTE NO. 50 continued. Col. No.l. 2 3 4. b J, ine No.l. $794.50 McInerny 2 ld 5.50 3 9.C. . GO 4 ll& #17000.00 b 23 () 3,794, b () § 275 205 - 50 7 303 • 205 , 30 3 31, Zö5.50 9 - -w- - $520.2O *****- i- Hetchler lO 39, 30 ll l27 $56C - CC l2 23 () $520.20 lé 276. 39, 30 l, 4 303 39.80 19__ mºr- mºr *-*. 3.5ºE.30 l6 $294.05 Longstaff l'? l25.95 - l 3 123 ZEO ºf } 9 23]. $294.05 2O 276 125,95 2 l 303 125,95) 22 Tö45.95 23 $153.08 Burnett . 24 150 . O() f 25 120 26 23 l #153 .08 27 275 l 50 . OC) 28 303 lb C. OO 29 30 31 32 3.3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 £53.05 RECAPITUTATICN. O r d e r s P a i d. Ledfºr. Record . 19 $l, 134.19 $2,253.98 ll.3 . QO l O . OC) l{jö 'I Gl. O() l, Q5l.00 ll. Ó 190 . GO 2O3.48 107 305 , (; () 565 ... b4. 5 l. CQ 2 . GO l, 29 749 . (.. O 751, QC ll 8 l, OCC. CO l, 209 .50 127 56() , ()() 599 - 80 l23 420. Q0 {y 45,95 l2O 303; , ()3 453 .083 gºſ —gºg 5, 623.27. $2,023.06 *-i- ºr--º-º-º-º: -67- TA}}I, E MO 3 l - shºwing closing balances of Tºra irt Fund in Gertain Settlethe nts and opening balances of same Fund in the next following Bottlement. - Cºl. No. – --a * -- a - - ------4- ll. —g-– Tire . —---------— — — — * - -- Tºrrorleous No , - - | . charge. l Closing balance net credit 3rd settlement $13.16 2 Opening alance net credit 4th settlerient —l, 48%. 4.1 $1,469.25 3 Closing balance net credit, 4th settlerient $1,986.97 4 Opening balance net, credit bth $ſ. 8,929.6l 43,64. 5 Closing balance not credit 5th !! $266.98 - 6 Opening be lence not credit, 6th | – 288.49. 21.47 7 Closing balance net credit, 6th !! $9,223.22 8 Opening hala no e net credit, 7th is 9,286.77 — 69.99. 9 #l, 537.91 showing my data fr r a start intº point in this from Mr. Dresser's Report, with paſſes of Rogord £iven. TAT, K, NjQ. rº r ) J 4, , l CGI, . No . Line No . i ; l& r; r. 2: 2 2 3 24 25 23 42 43 44 A. 4 46 47 43 º, ºl, C r Tºront ºp.135 – 143 General Turici. He lance on ha, rid Oct.l., 19 (C Receipts (p.l.,8) !? fi $1,313.74 75, O61.l.4 36, 732.8l it º 4, bal .47 ſº Wł 497 .33 ºf !! 278.97 !? ºt 39, 463 .32 !? ; : 4l, 326.70 tº ºf 466 - Q() !! tº 92 . ()O !? M l{}Q , ()() !? ſº 56, 73 t! !! l, 940. 72 {} p.l. 39 lº, Q00.00 Öxarling tion . * . f* sº * • * *Y. -. - t * Sº- - Tisburserients p .139 $78, l02.79 {{ n Il ()() . GO !! M 2, GOO . GO }} !? 19, 534 .34 Qº If 394 . 64 {} º 20, 7()4. .13 !! t? 4l8.34 {{ 14 l, 427.ll. † iſ ll(), 429.89 !! $% 58.0 ,-º- ye-sº-º-º-º-º-ºr General Fund - credit, balance Jan. l. , 1003 Poor Fund. Balance on hand Oct.l., 1900 3 or eipts ( p . J.33) $2,971. 10 — 1 991.9% Tishtirº, or crats (1: .139) Poor "und debit, balance Jan. 1, 1906 Primary Schºol Interest...ºund. - TÉ.i.rºo ºn Hand Oct. I, Igúð (p.133) § . O() Iłe: C & 3.};t, #3 p . 2, 3,8 l'?, 749 .05 $1 t! 29, 756.80 27, 332 .04 ...I'ſ, 743.05 25, 796.30 27, 332.04 H 4? (p.139) 11 7 is burse:"1erit, 5 !? H !! Primary School Ir, torest Fund inelancº Jan. I, 103 A3 ylum. Furid . Palance on hand Oct ..l., lº CO floc Gift, 3 ( ; } 3', zł & ſ"; ºr $46]. .. 75 ; () •- ~ *- : ) ſº J. &A º This bul's eitents (p. 109) As yluia Fund flebit bal ºrig & Jan.]. , l.90% I, ibrary Fund . TTBaiſance ch hand Cºct.l., 1900 Receipts (f in 25) p. 133 Tisburg on ent s ( p. 139) T, ibºg ry fºund credit ha lence Jan .l., 1903 §l38.8l. In 3 ti tu t e Fund . $39.6% 31%) . ØØ Tºº Laºcºö on he nd Oct. ..l., 1900 Receipt. 3 ( fees) p. i38 Tisburg & ent 5 ( , , .l.,9) In 3 titute fºund credit, balº in Cô Jail. i., J. 903 * * **** ***... *s • 6 2 $267,971.43 230, 169.29 $71,337.89 71,387.89 #461.75 2,359.97 &l, 849.50 3. 1,244.39 $3408.6% 3.39 . J.7 wº-sº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- “mus + Figure 5 taken 3 $34,302.l4 S. ; * l $.0% § l; 903. 62 § ; 604.6l. & 19. UC - 69- TA}}], ſº tſ(). 3, 2 cont; in ued. C ol *- No. s sº “º sº. - -º-, *-****, **-** *** > ******, *ā-e “ - are . * * ~ * l. Line * 0. TITSoldiers' Helief Fund . 2 TBă Iºnoſe ºn hand Ooſt.l., 1900 3 Receipts ( , . lºë) Tisburseºents ( ; .169) - Soldiers " Relief J'und debit balance §l Co .26 . OC 4 5 6 "7 Tyra in Purld . 8 Balanco on hand Oct. 1, 1900 C. Receipts ºp.138) $2,347.30 , ()() lo Trisburserient 3 (p. 139) *~~~~~~s-ºs-release-ºw are.--> il Tra in Fund debit balance Jan . l ; 1903 l2 RAIANCJES Jan. 1, 1903. 13 General Fund lá. PO or "und l5 Asylum Fund l6 T, ihra ry Fund l'? In 5t, it ute, ſºund 18 Soldiers' Relief Fund l.9 Drain Furlö. 2O Primary School Interest ſºund 21. 22 All Fund 3 gredit Balances net. 223 - Jan. l., 1903, .67 ll, 'ilºš Tøbit, , $12,655.07 l, 903.32 8l. 1. . 24 8,866 ,37 $8,866.37 Credit. - $34,802.14 604. 6]. 19.50 —º • QX. $24,236.80 $55,426.25 1]. 2.89.45 F-s $35,426.25 - 2-4- - -y *g- -ºr---ºw---w - - - - r:----- -wº- The above balances are determined by the use of but $1,540.72 received by ºr . Gil R. Lovejoy Tec. 17, 1902, from the Township of Shelby on account of the levy of lºG2 . It follows that ell but this amount of the levy for lº O2 and subsequent years, and everything growing out of *s them e s well as delinquent transactions with taxes levied prior to 1902 will be regarded a s ] efit imate debits as the circumstances require. and cred it, 5 to t, he several funds TA}}T.I., NO. 32 continued. Col. No. - - ". l fine - No. - tions. For PC, or Furl{} 4. " Bridge Fund " Sold ièrs' Relief Fund º Eastern Asylum " Thre in lºund For Poor Fund " Bridge Fund ll " Soldiers' iteli of 'und " lastern Asyli m Transfer from General Fund to Sundry Funds $6,000.00 6, 500.00 *:::::::#; 400.00 $200. Oſ) l, ()()() , ()O £5.33.50 4,547.93 Poor Fund L5 !? Soldiers' Relief Fund l 7 Q? º #& 3 tern Asylun Fund l 9 º Train sºund {{ $! 23 Balances Jan . l , l003, - 24 General Fund, Cr. $34,802.14 25 º'o Ajilt, ... transferr' ed 29, 40l .43 2 3 PC, Or Fund Tr. $l.2, 6b5.07 2 By a ſilt, , transferred l2, 500. O() ET, Gö3.59 ( )f Y f — 1 - 8.09.00 ~~~~~ssº-º-º-º-º-º-ºp A 3 yl L., a ſºund T}r” . Ry a int. . tra risſ’ erred Approgri at iCrs for lºGºl -2 record I pp. 3,4-60-2 2 3 vºw I The balances of Jan. 1, 1903, are subject tº the following modifica- Appropriations for 1900 - 1 Jºecord # pp., 433-bol-3 $6,000.00 l, OGO. OO 2O(). O() 200. OO 6, 553.50 *-aa- $6,500. OO l., OGC). OO 4. ÖC , ()0 4, 947.93 $25,401.43 $12,500.00 600,00 l, 200.00 ll l'Ol. .4% --r Theb it, * Crediit, & (a) “9,400.7l §l in 5 . ()'ſ ‘’Q3. 62 (a) 604. 6]. (a) l? .50 2,235.06 5 I, ibrary Fund (no trari's j'er) ol In 3 L it. Lºt, G 'urld !! - - 32 Goldier's ' Relief Fund lºr. $3]l , '74 33 By Ant. . treris ferred _600.00 34 Trg in Fun G. Tr. §5, §63.37 ºb By aßit. . transferred ll, 101.43 — 3, 6 -º- ----------- 3'? All Funds credit, bela” c e net. <2 The above b :3] :35; C os should be 5t, ill furth ºf modified by rea 3 on of a resolut, ion on Su- pervisors; Record, p a fre 4C3, the basis for which I under's t and is that, ºr . J.)re 3 ser re; Orted that thr. J., ovejoy had fail Gd to cfedit these funds ºfith moneys he had collected a s follows : J, ibrary Fund Teacº ers' Institute 3 3 9 $293.79 19.50 40 4l 42 43 44 General ſºuri (! to Sundry Funds Jibrary Fund 'i'oach Cr3 In § t it; tıt eg -ār,070.33-#Tº ll, lê9.45 $12,259.88 §lſ., 25.3% Gy Kº fº r-r- * : - *-ºr lºgº.º.º…..........….... . . . . . . . … : … … . . . … -- . . . . . . . . '''Ajºſ, R. M.O. & 2 c or tintlod, Col. No.: 4- - ------- *---4-------~~~~~~~~~ *-* - -a. --------> -------------~~ - - - -— — — — — … →--- Tinº —r- —w----------------- —t ---------- -----wr-rv----------- - ** wºr- -- - - -r -ºr -, -w- —-------------— T----- -rr- No. TAdjust ing the furid balences Je nuary 1, 1903, 15 | 6 1 7 18 19 21 22 23 à : w 25 : i ſ 2 : § : : 4l to meet the conditions as é is clºsed by ºr . Tresser's report, I find there were debits &nd credit: G as follow 3: Gen ºral Fºurid T, ibrary Teacher tº ' Inatitute Purid Tyra in Fund - Poor Pur; tº $1.95.07 Asylum Fund '703.62 Soldiers; ' Relief Fund - 211 .74 $3&laric & ciud frºm ex- trea 3 lif" ºr Low ejoy ll, lê 9.45 *- *~~~~~ - *T-r- wºr---ºr- wr By tre, lance from I, ovejoy g- To cash n edgived from Lovejoy $3,200.CO To cash (; ºf ic it 8,989.48 Töll, 139.45 t; *º-ºr- $9,032.4% 903 - 40 39.00 2,235.06 $12,289.38 $ll, lê9.45 ºutlºst *:- - - -: In the light of Hubseque: it event. 5, the Trá in Fund balance ºf Cul.c. be riod if i. ed because of a loan for £2, 600 having been magic for it. § benefit, at the oxi tº nije (; f the Gerté ré i Fund . Also, when the 33drid ing. Cotºpany settled with the county, #2, #40.l'ſ of the amºunt. received we s credited to the "helinquent Tax and Redempti on Fund". At there was no such funct January l, 1903, the 3 h Crºtage Must have been within the (her ºral Pune: . The fund 5 January 1, 1903, would then, when adjust ed to the basis of the cash turned over by ºx-county treat tirer Lovejoy, be a 3 followſ: , viz.: General Purid I,ibrary fºund Teach erg, " Institute Fund - Tra in Purlö. $414.94 Poor Fºund lix5 .0? Asylun Fund - "Gº . §3. §oldiers " Helief Furté 211 .74 £3. 3}l 2,200.00 T$3,685.3% A-A. *—f i-d ~w-- ºw-r-, -w----y ** *****a*, ******** x- r -> . - *:::::::::::::::ſº : $2,742.97 39, Qū showing disburstºnents and receipts by funds during the eight I eriods as TABLE NO. 33 ºr tables 16 to ºº inclusive. - No. 1 2 < 4 5 G. T. - Line --- No. Table CINI'RAT, SOI, IHºº Riº Ilºilº Aº. Luº Nº. This burses Receipts. Tisburº- Refoipts. Tisburse- receipts. - ontº . - ºn tº . . ºn tº L lº º, 246.51 ±104, 810.49 sºoq .00 5.00 ºl, 36.36 E.00 - -- - - - - - - - - - º - - 2 l". ol, oº lº º, 214 . Gl loo. UC .00 215. 34 .00 º, lº u0, .441. Ol º, lºº. . tº 209.00 .00 602 . . . . .co 4 lº ºl. , 261 - || || 1.4, 880.2% 209 . (10 . (10 520.63 .oo b 2.0 4–6, 661.78 24 - 04. 251.00 .00 lºo. 14. .00 6, 21. ol, Glo. 90 lº , 395 - 16 3,20.00 .00 3.28. o.º. .do 7 22 º, 649 - 30 J-4, 32 c - wo 40.00 .00 608 - 20 10.40 3 ** lºs oo ºll 404 - 70 llº.º .00 ºlº.82 .do º º, º .69 Glö0, 35' 11 ºl, 919.00 * .00 ºa, 344.3" ºld. 40 10 Trans- - - fers Table No. 9. - ll ºr on 9, GQ0.00 12 Tº 196, 330.68 l, ºlo.º. a , ooo-oo 13 TV, Wº.55 Wºº Tº, T.C. iſºlº V, TV, CIUT 14 Fund ºal- º nº e s - ld Tºni . l, 0.64 - 39 109 - '6 15 ºn-ºd it - - ºf .93 17 º', '92.69 ºl, 919.00 ºl, 919 .CO $5, C10.40 ºr C10.4 24 29 26 27 TTTTTTT T- º '7, tº , tºo º --------- IO l - 12 STATE & CO. IAAF: -- 13 I,IQUOR T A Fº --- Fund Bal- ances. Tºbit, Credit º, 437.03:33,437.03 675.18 612.30 Tº Te Tiºſurse-Tºeiſts. Tisburse- No. ments. ºn tº . Receipts. Tisburse- Receip tº ment 5 . - 16 ºf , 652.3% ººz. . o.o. * - C $5.00 º.OC 4. CO 17 9,997-88 262. 69 .00 llº, 961.8° . GO 250.00 ld 4, 962.53 4' 3.03. - .00 . GO *.*.* lº o, ºoº-ººl ºf .99 .00 89, 585 .44 - 00 900.00 20 4, 6’ 6.23 oC)7. lº . OC .00 .co 49,900.02 2l º, 42.1 - 93 lºº. 06 .00. 97, 393.00 -00 250.00 22 9, 165. 72 GOl.26 .00 .00 .00 4,462.4° 2.5 1,690.ld 93.1"/ . OC 600. C .00 299.99 TTTTTE, I.S. º.O.C. §301,040.30 C.C.C. §126,806.69 Trans- - fers Table No. 39 - - - From 300, 428.00 126, 306.69 To 29, 900.00 --~~~~. Tºſº º, T.C. ºOO.T.CO CO1,040.30 3126,806.69 º, EOTº ºù, CAC 30 301,040.30 ºizé, 305.59 ±126,303.69 Tººl, ſº to . a continued -73 - Col. No. 1 º º 4. º 6 *T / -- - --- -- - - Tº Tºº!" TAY ANT TºT TOU Nº ſºon ſº Tººl. In --- - - ------ - - Tººl - Riº ºr 0. l'Aº This burse-Receipts. it. Jºiºnº- Receil tº . This bºrº- Recºil tº nor tº . - - --- --- ºn tº . ºn tº . --- -- - - - -- - - - - - - l iſ - - º, -ºº º, ºl".94 2 . " ºl, 400-lº ºl, º. 17 . . ºlivo.16 jºiº | -- lº - -5", . Q4 - O ºu" - 3 l ; tº .50 * … 19 4 tº . O' - Q..." .00 100.4° 10, º' …' …, ºf .0. o 20 * , º.º. 1 , 996.1% ...tº 956.45 L, 75'." tº . º. 6 2.1 º, cº-oº. 1, 901 - - 4 -ºt, 4,012 - 7 º' -- 7 - º, º .91 ºn tº -º - ſº ºl.0.4% ºl. 70.01 lºº. 4'- º 2.5 - º' l º ºu'. - _º º .25 oC - O º ..º. º TV.O.C.T.I.T.Tº Tº ſºlº Tº, T. T., Cº. 52 I C Trans- iſ rs Table 1J ºrom º, 210.57 1º it, ºf , ºf .40. - - --- T- --- F-7- - - - FT------- º, Nº.05, ºll, J. Tº º, øIC. ºf Cºlº. 7 ºo, W.W. ºº, Cºl. 2 - 1 - 1 lº ances l º Tºet, i. - Oº --- - - --- - - - - - -- - l'ſ Credit, ºr " -º-, *_*.*, *- : º TIT T- -º- - º º º --- º ( 7 ---TT º Tº T. "I º - T- - l º -- . - - - -- --- -- - º -- --- --- - --- ! - - º º c. [. - - - º --- º º: - - - ** º - - - --- ------------------------ ------------- - -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------- - - - -- - - Cºl. - C. - l º - 4. - º º - - - --- - --- Tºlº ºf TATE Tººrºº INº. 1 ITU ºils I, II* ARY No. 1 ºurse- Receipts. `igbursements.Receipts - Tisſºurce- Receipts ºn tº . ºntº • - l: lº º, tºº. 1 ºf , 940.24 .00 ºl. º. 50 ºlºl. C. ºulº. lº 20 17 º, º .2: lº" - Cº- ...tº 20.00 .00 -º-'dº ºl lº º, º -º Gºº. Cº. l, 49.99 gº - 0 ºf .32 º, C.O.G. 22 lº º, 174 -º lºº. GG lºº.4: lºo. 40 - (0. 2 ºz. .. 7- º 2O 17, º.º. Gºl. ºl - Cº. * ... tº 0... ºu at . Ǻ º 21 30,000.00 ºut . * * "J. C. tº .00 - C 2." G. Cº. º º ºl, lºº. 9". ulº.º. l'º. 90 'º. 30 º, Cº. 4 lºº -Cº. 2 tº 22, lºº -º ** -º sº ºuſ ſº ºw.00 2", TUICC." Cº, T.T.J.J. T. C. I, TCT (T. 5. ** Trans- fºr a Table No. ºo ºr ºn To lºº. "C" .27 £215,106.77 £14,493.64 ºz.ºrºrºo ºn, ºn Trºº ſºund ºal- tº 11C Cº, The bit, Glº.1 & Credit, ººº-ºº: C'7 - 40 loº .45 --- - ZIU, ICC." CIU, Cº.T.T.T. CT.J. Z. CT. ET. T.T. _ --- --- ------- ------------------- º TA}{L}; NO. 33 continued. Col. No. 1 2 AA. 3 * 4. -à § § 7 Line No PRIMARY 5CHOOL Table INTHREST Iłłłłłł ITA}{ſ}, TAX TÉ; R LICI: $13 No. Disburse- Receipts. Tisburse- Recoipts. Thi sãourse- Receipts inorite s * →-- ment tº . — — — — — — — - ments s ** 1 16 $6,442.20 $6,442.20 $2,839.7% $2,889.77 $.00 $.00 3 1? 26,842 .50 26, 842.50 1.''Q, 36 17C).3% .00 46.5.3 & 18 6, 313.80 6,313.80 l , 723.4l l, 74° 3.41. 14, GQ ..QC 4. 19 26, 833.65 26, 833.6b 123, , 6.8 133.68 ..Q0 43.0% 5 20 6,239.80 6,239.80 634 sº, 634.94 60,59 • CO 6 21 284, O6.l.. 10 28, Otil .ló 6'71 sº #3 Ö'ºl . . . .3 77.00 6? .25 7 22 10, 485 . GO lo, 485.00 58(), ll 580, ll 5, 70 .00 8 23 11.91892-99-119,999.99. 1.999...99–2-1993-38 -—-09. . .393.79 9 ###########53226, 349.09 ########## Tºi E7.5 - $555,55 10 Trans- fºr $3 Table No. 35 11. From 12 To **pººr sºvºrºssºms. + - l3 §ºzgºſ. OE-377. Trā ºrg-g-TE7:5 Eğ.55 i4 Fºnd $3&l- & H.C §§ lò ſºcłoit, 16 Credit ºstºl-º-º-º-º-esº-sº rr ——º- 17 $226, 949.05;226,549.06 $7,798.13 $7,793.13 $239.50 $2.É9 .50 sº::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::tº: : *— r-r-v-w -º-, -- – --. =~k ...A *- –A– fººt; -'75- TABI, F, NO. 34 showing summary of disbursements and receipts, with loans paid and re- ceived, CEINE...I 2 3. T, ine ..Ta- NO : l l l 12 l3 lA 15 l6 l'? 18 ble No . This burse- Notes in- Digburse- ment, 3. cluded. #10nt 5-1. eBºt: N ()t, 633 . Is T37,335.32 agai,000.00 ETIG, SE5.3%. Tà0, TOTEEECT, 500.00 17 lz4, 545.7l 28,000.00 18 lo:3, 374.44 9,000.00 l9 lo4, 4O7.38 l 4, 500.00 20 79, 333.22 2,650.00 21 loo, 967.46 12,500.00 22 lo&, 412.06 4, 500.00 23 lº2, 177.90 . GO $910, b03.49 $ll2, 150.00 Ioans paid Table No.26 Balance January l, 1907 96, b46.7l 94, 374.44 89, 90'ſ .38 76,683.22 88, 467 .46 l63, 912.06 l32, 177.90 exclusive of loans ; r- *** **** -r- Rec 6 ip !, 8 lºs & not G 3 . 143,892.72. 60,215.66 j, , as entered in table Nos. 16 to 23 inclusive, eliminated; also net disburserients and receipts, omitted disbursements and receipts ; January 1, 1907, also addition of also amount due froxn Treasurer Matz and excess turned over by him to hi 3 Buccesſ; or . wºr- 4. -v- *º- ſ i- - wr - —7 6. —-v- lſo t. tº in- Receipts. cluded ſº prºlºgog, me 23, ooo...o "igº, gº2.72 9,000.00 b%,215666 ll.8, 134.0] ‘ c, 2,650.00 ( 1.4, b00.00 lºb, 284. Ol 94, 25l.0l. 130,425.08 69, 472 .29 119,800, 74 -- $78,403.49 $816, 3Cl.25 114,800.00 .91 l'Ol .63 98, 800.00 ºl. 203.4 g (315,204.42 Amount, Mr. Matz turned over to his $3 U16 C & 3 SC 1’ Exces; 3 turned Over -1- 25 26 27 28 Notes issued as per Table No. 26 Notes i 55u Cd a 5 p 3 r a C* C Cunt S - Amount not in a C C, unt 3 Notes paid a 5 per table No. 26 $ll4,800.00 Notes paid a 3 per account 3 112,150.00 Not passed through a c- count, 3 $2,650.00 XI G t cred it due on this a coo unt, $98,800.CO 97, 650.00 -ET, TE0:00 * 2 º $50 . OC) $1,500.00 **-*. (a) More than shown in Supervisors gett, lerient by ) ) Credited to Dra in Fund 29 3O 31. 32 & 3 -*- -*. _º. º. ...º. r. ºn-a- -º- ºr 913, 203.49 #2, Ö00.93 2,062.82 #5 I. 35 More than shown in Supervisors settlement by .00 b 4, 25l. Ol 12, b ()0.00 l A2, 925.08 4, 500.00 73,972.25 .00 ll 9, 800, 74 $97,650.CO $913,951.25 T}elinquent, taxes, etc. collected, Table No. 8 . Interest on deposits collected, Table No. 27. Telinquent taxes collected, Table No . 29. Loans received . Table No. 26. $6,000.00 7, 500.00 Loans not passed through treasurer's accº intº • Paid . Received. $6,000.00 $7,500.00 2,650.00 l, 150.00 8, gºt: --~ *. TABLE No. 35 __showing transfors between funds. fºr-NEE---a------g-------- —-E---—3– Line -ms- ----- —w-——w- - rº- wº- r=wſ - - ==-m: ++----- ---- zº *r------rr- rv , Tv ----, y *rer---ºr- *z T-Tw tºl 30 s tºº-º-º: —a--------------------------- *-*-* TFunds, Table 30]...[IER3." ASYI,UM * * --- wº-ººººº sºr ºs-Mºe *—iº- — No. iiirº. Pºſt. Pook Furt.-IRAIM ruin. 1. General Fund 16 #boo.o.o $2,000.00, $6,500.00 2 State and - * County Tax l? 4l 5.24 2, Qū0.00 7,000.00 $ll, Olé.46 [...] 19 400.00 1,000.co 8,000.00 12, 140.66 & 21. #(){} . GO .00 8,000.00 12,907.28 Liquor Tax l'? tº 18 { 19 º 2C) t? 21. lo " 22 ll. " 23 12. Iłelinquent County Tax l'? 13 * l8 1 4 " 19 15 " 20 | 6 m 21 1 7 m 22 18 " 23 1 9 TETS 24 . . . . PO - §§ $: 2.1 22 "puniog gy?"ggy; 99'evy'8973 * W. #, we * penu gº uo o gº. " ON 5TTTWI, 93 sq.5 ºz".g., '69t 1,2" L91, '69th 72 r * 9tariº. *—-sº - ºns Ç - & sº * pung , , erreº-rººmsº - up B.ICI ow" &go ‘99. 22 * pun: - .1ood OO" Oog “63 Tø untſ sw OO" OOO'g O2 * punj Jet To...I • – s.197 ptos wa" GT8" tº sº- - 6T. - 4,9" OT2 “g G2°ggz q2" gºa 2 & 3 T. gi?” OTº 2** OT g 32 A, T gº." W 22, g2 * *gg tº 9 I 95° 996 9?" 996 oz at 6?" Q Ot 67° 90 T 6T # t 2.9° W, ga. 29" (, Gº, 9T QT 9t' oot% 9T." OOt Lt at 69" 909 ‘92T 05’ Ogg OO" Og? 22 TT - çº" 29% 'gº, çº" Q97 ‘gº 22 Ot Oſ) * () G.2 OO" OG2 Tz 6 go" Gog ‘gº 2O" GOG ‘gº og 3 OO" OOG OO" OO G 6T \, w2° 39'g'' 62 y 2" 99q ‘62 QT 9 - oo'oczł OO" OG 2 W.T. G oo” 92w ‘oog goºgº"Tº we’ gyg'09 wo" glé “g T ta w Ot" Ogg ‘99 Ow" ºz'95 wo" 93A, “O2 6T 2. wg º OOO “w II* 29° 1,69'39; IG' 2,9 “O2 : I.T. & oo: ooo"6 9T T **** —— }. —— Ginſhū "on —--- IIJIHO____'ſ Iºſſ' Słoisºtºxi-'gºſli Ilyus TVäTNSIO oldeſ. ‘ ON ------- iºsº-ºº-ºº-ººººº- *º-sº ~siſſini–skid G # T * on "Too 13 State and County Taxes Gen ºral Fund Soló iers' Relief Asylum Furid; Poor Furid $1,064.89 Furict iQ3 ..."; 6 $566.0% §§5,18 612. , 30 2,217.93, Delinquent Tax and Reſiełiption - 2,082, &a Tºra in Fund $ta de Furid 613 .l. 3 Teachers' Inst, it utes Fund 37 -40 Library Fund 10%.46 Teer I, ic arise ſºund 132.25 -i. TABLE HQ, 36 showing balances of the several funds as indicated by Table s Nos. 16 to 83, inclusive, r from ºt, ble No. 33. ------------- – : +- – ---------— ------------4----4- Cºſt sºlo 2 --→g- 3 T, irie No. --------wr--w-- - - ---- -r -r-tº-v-wv-ºr--v------------ — --> --------—r---------------- wºrrº-r-r-prºx--vº-----------rw-------------------- * Tet) it, & Credit, # #3 ,455.96 $5,354.72 - £º-ºº- Balance on hand a 5 ; ºr table No. 16 to Table • * - No. 23, inclusive $3,397.76 l. But, as per table No. 34 there is charge of an additional $.91 lò Another of , 63 1 7 {} tº $5 101.89 – 1994'. l. 3 —-gº 19 They e :/ere loans charged of but $97,650.00 2 2O while the loans made amounted to, 98,800.00 $1,150.00 2l There were loans credited of buttºll 2, lºº, ſº - 22 while the loans g aid enounted to ll:4,809.00 - £,690.00 lºbºſ).99 23 Bala, no e in hands of treasurer January l, 19(?'', ~$3,000.93 24 The for egoing balance; , however, are &et errained independently of the 25 final balances of January, 1903, except in sc far as the $2,200 26 tºrned over by six-county treasurer Lovejoy ontered into the ºn. There- 27 fore, it is necessary to riodify the above balances by the then bel- 23 and es, excluding the $2,200 received thoreon. Combining the above 29 balanceg, then, with the adjust et balances from Table #32, p.71, L.33–39 and 30 have the following bai, and 65 January 1, 1907. - . Tºr. Cr. 31 Gen ºral Fund Tiebit. Table lio. 33 $1,064.39 32 CFEdT. º H 32 o42.97 - 33 - amººses-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: --~~~~~~~------~~~~ $52]. .92 34 Soldiers& Re- - lief Fund Pobit. {! $g 33 $103.” 35 Tiebit, º {} 32 21i, 74 - .#6 . . . . . 3.15.50 3,7 Asylum Furić Credit. $ii {}} ... & $665.0% 38 ſºit. Wł º 32 703. 62 39 *a*-* cºrvºº-ºº: 37.59 40 Pryor fºund The bit, § {{ 33 $675.18 4l Ijebit t? * 32 lºb. O'l 42 e-rºads--º-º-F. mººra-ººººººº. 830.2% 43 3 tº 3 to and Cºunt, V - Taxº a Credit: " " 33 $612.30 44 Telinquent Tax and Rederaption C3' edit, !! tº 33 2, 217.9% 45 Tºra iri Furić, à TâHE {{ $3 33 2,082.35 - Tºghi ET " " 3,2_41. 4.9% l, 667.41 43 St. 3 tº e Fund TEEE n 2,3 - 6l3.l. 3 47 Teachers' Institute - Fūrld Credit ſt ſt 3 & #3, 7.40 43 Tradiº. " " 32 39.QQ 76 - 40 4% f. ibrary Fund FIFºdiº $7 $4 33 ºſCº. 45 - 50 ††E * " 32 903.4C l, OCº .36 51 ſheer I, ic ºr 3 & rº- ~. Tºurid Credit, W1 !? 33 —lººp.---- 52 sººn-te-ºº-ºº-ººse ºrgºſ ºs, 715.15 63, • 79- Col. No . 1 Iline No . . l O ll l2 l4 15 l6 l 7 18 19 TAJ3LT NO. 2 r 3 4. 36 continued. While this is the way the fund balances work out from the books when combined with the report of Mr. Tressor, I would suggest that in usmuch as numerous entries up on the books are erroneous, in so far as they relate to fund B, and a 3 the tables are compilations therg- from and would include them, cert, a in transfers and correct, ions be made t c bring the fund balances January l, 1907, in harmony with Certain deniends atta in 5t them that, are established by other tables in this report . should have a credit of $497.69. City and Villages should have a credit balance of $2,438.75. For instance, Table No. * - 23 3h o WE t he state fund Table No. 1 shows the Townships, Table No. 37 shows the Train Fund should have a credit of $2,039.ll. The transfers necessary to effect these results are as follows: State Fund . $493.52 General Fund State and CC. Taxos Telin- qLi Grit, Tax and Redemp - tion Fund 6l2 .30 $ITTÜ & — 1– -*- wºr ---Fºr - - ww r-- * wºrs -- Township Train The bit . City and Fund . Villa P.35. *-*-*-*.*.*.*.* $220.82 $417.70 $1,137.04 6] 2 .30 , ºl'? .93 2, 21.7 .93 £2.75 $417. 70 Credit © §l, llo.82 State Fund. 2,438.75 Township , City . and Villages. 4l'? ... '7G Train Fund . E. Gó7.27 wº- $3,967.27 º: ww. wº-rºw ----------r * -80°- TAJ3ſ iſ NO. 36 continued. t 2 º Col. , No. w——-r—-----------—rºr wr- l ºlºº. 4 ºr ~ *-****** sº s Fine -: No , I The January 1, 1907, bal onces will, thºri e tand as follows: Tºgbit. . . Crédit . 2 General *. Tºurid Tebit balance as above $521.92 3 Tº transfer " " $l , 137,04 4 Tºbit error, p. 78, line 22, Coi .3 l, a QC), QQ § £5.37.07 6 Credit error, j .73, Tline 15, Col.3 103.17 8,533.87. 7 —- #3,055.79 8 Goldiers' Relief Fund as above - 315 .50 9 Asylum Fund $8 º 37,59 lG PQ Q r. Furic; º º 830.25 ll State a rid County Tax Credit half, no tº " {{ $612 .30 12 Tºbi ETtre, rig fer tº $1 612 .30 lº Telinquºrſt Tax ar, d ited emption Fºlfi (; Credit, palance as a to ove - # , 2.l'? .93 lá fºit Tits a rig for " ſº - 3,317.93 ls Townships, TCity and Ville frag -s: →--r--r 1 § Išć, bals; nº é a 3 ab Ow & $2.00 1 7 Credit tra ºf fer & 3 above 3,438.7b $2,438.75 l 3 Trein Furid , -- *y- lº) Credit ball: no e as above $1,667.4l. - 2 () Credit tº a nefer " º 417.70 2, Q85.ll. 21 Sts. He Fund , ~~~~~~~w------ 22 T}eb it. b alaric G \! Jº §613.1% - 23 ſºit, transfer tº " l,119.3% 49'? ...6% 24 Teacher gTing tº it, ut, e Fund " " r--—--------------------- . '76, 40 25 I,i}, rary Fund {{ { *:::::::: 2 : Tº & r" f, ic ºn 3 & $4 Jy - $2: .28) 2 $4,235.13 $5,240.03 28 - 4,239.l.º. 29 Balance in treasurer's he nds January l, 1907, —v-r--------- $2,000.9% • 31- ''A. * yºf shº, wing the balances of the sev ºral Trains Tec ember 31, 1906, at p ºr the Train Led gº ºr . ****** **** *rºm z----- - -ºr---ºrrºw— * ~gr: ****** *~ **************** * > *** - 7 :ry- dºrsº 2 × w-ºr wrº-ar-rºw * -*** *** **** wº *r- v- sº ". 4. F-3 Col. NC 1. & *} - . * *... ." * ! *ry. © -ºps *-*.*.*** *-*. -* * z-ºr sº-sºus-cºrerºes ºn as us - sº a ves-º-, -º-º-e-seº, ºne-seasº wºrsº ºw--~~~e --~~~~~ *- : ***** ********* jºine No.: l6 17 1. 3 lº 2 C. 31 22 2 3 24 rº, - * 2 : {...} 5 ſº 27 4 * * * † #2 29 30 31 *3. *...* rz rº ...} J 3 3:? 3, 6 3'? 33 3% C; rlow Town Lin & §est Train Ya tes; " Blog 3 ioni ºr Irºir. Extension La ngstaff Burri, t, t, The ºr Çre 3k Hulet, hiill & #& G Gré: Hill Otto Alt. &re, ti ºn & $6 hr o ed ºr Vokes i: ec kler Yat h Try Run Çro € 5 tº sºck Barck Louis Hartz, if: }* Clºrid & East ºranch of Fi ºn Crd tº Sweeney ºxt, engi on Hafrtis Ray &nd Lêrtºx § tile 5 Ahr girl £5 A rendt Bruce Çalghan Cha§ 6 Çhart, igr £hart, iºr Sranch cf 33.11.3 rd: £orin Cºr Cranberry &r'sł. Crand till Cott, ºral Ç ra::::: * Crºit, t, ºn city, Yi &n ºr T}ixon Tykealeri East, ºra, rich fºld red Extension French *i; C hºr Ge Yi Aºs Giº. 3 ºn ſº ibbº ris Gillet, t, Grºb hel Fiar d § {^ Hart sig £ady ºf 3 r tº n Henning Harr" in f’ r car , ºr $13.6b C, f \#1"r ºn ‘7 6.92 l'?"f .50 Cv tyrdrawn. On hand . $10.00 343 $) • QC 3, . Ç() 1.4 l'i . 60 .91 .5G tº v2. ſº |...} & 5 .06 1.10 .50 ..QQ • 38 .00 ... '74. .20 ... O . CG . .30 .50 ..Q4 .39 J.O. 4. § l{} . OC) , QC. .7C 13 l'ſ *3 #: * * {} r: º, * * * **** * , , º, ſº < … • 6, & ºr ºf £3 l3 • f ºf {..} : , ś, w° e § º 3, gº º • 39 º tº º, r"; ; º & ) 7 ll • 36 .69 l() {}{} tº .l'? 14.00 lº, .01 ll .00 4 . (Yò 16.23 3”. {}{} ll. .58 ll. &Q 14.00 '; 9 - 22 9 . §§ 18 . (10 ſº º º:5 . 79 º 3. • {}{} l § ‘. .33 1.Q.l. (3 9 * 39 l, 4 4. Q 3. .4% .00 ry .9". 13,0.00 Jeffrey Jersey Krauss & Kukuk }{{n tº t. Wern Lipkie #2 Lodémick Malitzke #aulberg: §arch fºrt, in Hills #1 Hi} is #: § illers; ſixt ºf irºn *{ullen McKay Niemiari Movil and lºttent; ion iſ ort, Cin Murarier Nichol. Gºłºść - Qoşike #xtension Pan gle Parke. Fº PC. t. tº 1's Perry Pequirillot. Pul:5 Hist, ºr Roštº §alt, $1.3 ng $g, r"an (}ut, i. et, §3 hur' Šarić ºr's $t ories §t, a gºl, ºr 3 chmit, Hº (ºft, rreri ) §mith, (iiichtion & ) §chini, th; ºt, ºr 13 iCrº 3i. §g Gr: 'i'il ch 'i're, 3 & 'I'ol.1, 5 Unruh. Vant, ºr The Jºuff' ºfa chºr" ºak ºf iºl & º ºg tº fºrg: Gr, Will is ºf; Wils ori (Arme Ča) ºil 3 on (33rucº ) jiller' ( CJ int, on J #il, ler (lia Goſſib) Harriš {}}".9 Gis, ºd Fº I ſ] tº Kężyć r" * } . . . 3 - jši'ſ, CA #. . . . & a A* .* A. A $.” t.” {4 k Övörðrawn . Or hºrid. $48,50 $ºl. GQ % - 'Fö '? .2(? 3,3 .30 3.4 o 12 , ()0 13 . Öſ) l.0 , 54 .l'? l. 3. G8 l, 4.7% 'i .35 24.02 l.' ... }.8; 27.4% 2.00 .85 lò . Qſ 2.82. 3, .. 71. * {} .238 3. O() 5.64 1. ( .. 3C 3 ,ſ}{} l4. .05 ăl .00 12.9}{} 2.3 - 6'? lſ; , ()(? 3.12. . GC 93.0l. 12 .30 30, QC * ..."? 4 1%, 3G 24 . (; 4 7 - #38 14. , 99. 4.05 28.59 l, Č, .0% £ 6. tº § {}{} l . {{ º, ſº 7.58 1: . ÇQ .7l lº, .22 j. 4. §§ - —ºr-º-º: gº' ºr 3.23% * ... sº tº $ 2 #83:33. . « . .”. • . * -- . *** : * : *, *s, *s - ... i. 2-º-º: 74.24 *g º ** • 32- TAJ31,1} }{Q. 38 showing, by classes, the total amount that the County Treasurer should have received during the years lºG3, 1904, 1909 and l3 O6. -i- Tºol INº. ~~ --- l 2 ~ 3 4. g- I, in e -—r No . Table I, es; 5 d e - Cash No. lin- recc iv ed. . ------—---ºº: _ l State Tax of 1902 2. $42,293.8l i.273.55 & 42, Öz 3.26 2 tº * * 1903 o (5'), 41 5.26 ol. 7.63 62, 89'? .63 3 w " * 19 O4 4. 46, 307. ', 6 ol4.36 46,293, .40 4 * " * 1909 £) 61, 305.54 79' .30 60, 94.6.24 $211, 762. b3 5 County tax" l'902 2 (a) 23,499.28 193.13 $28,266.i.5 6 it " " 1903 3 40, 415.24 32 6.49 40,088. '76 7 m " " lº ()4 4. 30, 462. 90 335.46 30, lz 6.04 8 tº " * 1905 Ö 24, '/25.00 3.11 .46 24, 4 lº ..b4 l?2, 894.43 9 Dra in " " lº O2 2 & 419 .00 97.06 $3, Ól'7.94 lo " " * 19 O3 3 (b) ll, lº 3.46 ll.9. GO ll, Ol 4.46 ll. " * tº 1904 A. 12, 265.00 l24.34 l?, 140.66 12 tº " * 1903 Ö l: , l 93 .00 285.72 l2, 907.28 59, 3830.34 3 Charged Back List, State, County and Train, 1902 -T3-7, and 5, Table No. 13, p. 32 (c) 429 O 613 14 Town and City Taxes refunded, Teble No. 12, p. 29 l& 7, 3% l5 Taxes paid at Audit or ( eneral 's Office Table No.ll, 1, .27 70.50 l6 Purcha, S eS " {} {} º " " lo, p.25 1883.45 l'? Public Sales by County Treasurer " " 9, p.23 5 6'7.lº, lö Redem pt iOng collect did by Treasurer " " 8, p.20 7 bo. Cl l? Telinquent taxes collected by county treasur or " " ", , , . 19 14002.73, 2O Liquor Taxes Tables le) to 23 l6'7, 186.7. 2l From Ioans Table ºf C. . 26, p.6l 98, 800.Q. 22 From Primary School Interest " " 33, p. 74 226, 949. QC 23 From Inheritance Taxes " " 33, p. 74 7, 798.13 24 Fron Interest on Teposits " " 27, p. 62 748 , 30 25 From Sundry Sources ( a 3 p or Sunrnary and tablºs and items indicated) 21,438.59 2 tº From Ex- trea 5 urer' Lovejoy 2, 200.00 27 $914, § 55.96 28 Receipts a 5 p or Ta, blo No. 1.6 $161,609.78 29 º $1 WW !! it lº 166, 392.72 30 º Ji ?? º tº 13 99, 215.66 31. $8 11 ºf $$ * J.9 l35,284.0l. 32 $1 $$ $3 º * 2 O 94, 25l. . Ol 33 I? iſ §§ ſº tº 21 l42, 925.08 & 4 º ſº !! {} º 22 '/3,972.25 - 35 {} {{ {1 $! tº 23 119,800.74813,951.25 J6 Racej pt. 5 from loans a 5 per table Ho . -º- 94 £97, 650.00 & 7 Loans actually mad G (Tablo Mo .26) 93, 800.00 l. lb.0.00 38 Act, ual receipts 919, 101.29 39 Act, ue J. receipt,s excº, ed. Čerºa nÓ S by T $145.2% º:--> Col. Tinº *~ * TA]^T}} MO. No . l • 83 - 38 C oritinued . 2 3. 4 —r -ºr- --- No . *º-sºº SUMMARY OF MISCII,I, AMISOUS RICEIPTS TRO, TIFR, TART, ſº IMT ICTRTT). No. of table. l6 l'? l. 3 19 l T, ibrary Firles & old .l. 5 : 949 - 70 $250.00 $272.72 2 Teachers' Inst, it, ut € 5 133, .50 23.00 64 .00 160.40 3 Poor Farrn 994. :) & 262 . §§ 478 . O3 366 , 99 4 Melvin Fr’ i.e.: 5 978 ..."?2 * 5 County Clerk, fed 3 , etc. "f 4 . ()() 9l . OO o 4.00 l36.00 G 3rteriff's Costs 2l . . . b 8 . 40 7 Just ic es Costs 4 . ()() o 2.43 24 .89 8 Teer I, le ºn 3 es 46 . .) O 43.00 9 Tei, C. sit for 1'e count lCO, QC 1C §a le C f lumber ll Contents of Slot Iſlaching $5 94.6l 12 Fence l & Sal G of old i. Y on l 4 Asylum Fund 15 Bonding Coºlpany ... ſº 92 53 54 * ** { 57 In dividual Red Gill pt. ion 3 Over, a yºlent aſc Asylum Over; a yºtent - State tax Credit under J. R. 19/03 637, SPé- 3 -º- -º-º-º: sº-º-º-º-º-º---º- *-*s-ºs----as- - -º-º-º-º-º- -º- ºr- ºr - sº- a 75.45 5. ºl. To -*- 6. -7– 9 No Tof Table –20–21–––32–33–35. TTETºy fºg .46.00 ºya.00 ----. IOS.C.O. §25.00 -º- Teach Crs Irist it, ut, Gs 44 . ( Ö to Q. Q0 '74 - 50 22.90 PC Or it's rºl 3, O'7. 13 lº & . () 6 6 Ol. . 26 93 ..] '7. 5. ely in Fri tº s | | §ll, O66.29 in T'ºh le. Ho. 3. (c) Tax $30,000 but ºl, 540. 72 was paid in Jēc Gºber, 1902. This is tho amount authorized and subsequently paid, but only Jiffers from line 3, 6, Table H C. l. 3, County Clerk, fees, ef, c. 85 . Øl lº 4.87 lö3, .38 62. CO Sh criff " S C C, S E S Just ic es Costs To ºr ſlicenses 96.25 lC3.75 Theyo sit for recount 100 . GO §3 le C f l iſ ºber "/O. OO Content s of 3 lot. In achines Fence 4 .35 Sale of old iron 3.50 Asylum Fund l'O .40 Bond i ng Company 12, 21 b.l.O Indivir ual redern pt, ion a $269.64 Overpayment aſc Asylum 213 - 59 Overpa y ent, ~ 5 tº te tº X { 7.33 d ( 17.06 ( 309 , 68 Credit under J.H.I.9/03 - --------> 29. 6l. TT55. Tº T.I.G.I.5, IEg.64 $430.77 $547.21 480 . " ? 13, 139.64 787 - 18 489 .99 l, lb 8.97 878 . 51. 989 .23 2,679 .45 $21,438. oo -* p. 32, because St. & te, County and Train for 1903,-4-0 and 6 are ºsed the 1 & , While same taxes for 1902-3-4 a ſld o ar & (d) :45 & 6 h 31° tº . Included in it, era of $1, 014.63, Ta blic Mr. 2 & 1 Col. 2, I,ine 37 i * : : - º *…*