: º, ºt sº & - * * * * * * º º .# ºš, ; * * sº - #: As $º % * - 4. } #: *...* ºš º ż. 3 "... . . š. §º-º: º 3. ** ** sº t §. ** * * * * * * * f" ra 3.33. , &c. &. s, *, *. ...” # --> ; ~. ..", * ~ * y” *x -, -º w” .* •r tºy v- - ... • *; & * - P - t -w •r ~ 3. ** -**. - w --- **. w :* ^ ºr a * * + **…* +- . . . . . . . . ." §º U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, sº & cº- • **.4 * zºº' -- • OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, . . . . .”: …” ºf * 3. • ? ** º •y * ~ s' , * *-* * , , -", as $º * º: & * r *- * A. C. TRUE, DIRECTOR, * , • *- : * * * , ” 2. ' .*. r - - &– , » * . - º “. . ; a ; * , º a & ºx: 2 r ºf º * * ...; & “. -*.*. *; r -- r ... * ‘. * * * *t * * º' " * ^- & ** * ~: ſ , * : ... •- * ~ * ~ *k 3.” ** #. * **** * , £r * t ar “, * , 3. * , ; .*. ** * : , ,- - *> ANNUAL REPORT , ; ; º; *. º: * *, **. *...* - . . . . . . … "... Tº OF --, * _: … **, * * > * ...” : * º f * 2. źt IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE & * * "Z. ſº * t- § F *- *. t £, ºr * - ~ - #. +: .º. ‘. * 3 ºxº~ - A. ** > * º INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, . . . * * --- UNDER THE DIRECTION OF J. " _ " - .jºs ELWOOD MEAD, 3. CHIEF OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. SEPARATE NO. T : x REVIEW OF THE IRRIGATION WORK OF THE YEAR 1904. T By R. P. TEELE, Expert in Irrigation Institutions. - - Al- [Reprint from Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin No. 158.] s WASHINGTON: . . GOVERNMENT PRINTING 1905. SEPARATES FROM OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS BULLETINN ~ Separate No. 1. *, Review of the Irrigation Work of the Year 1904. By R. P. Teele. Pp. i-Tö. • * , SEPARATE No. 2. A 2. --- & &- 3. Irrigation in Santa Clara Valley, California. By S. Fortier. Pp. 76–91, , , , } - Mechanical Tests of Pumping Plants used for Irrigation. By J. N. Le Conte. Pp: • * 195–255. - *~. . . . . * SEPARATE No. 3. *r. • * ‘s * * * * \ The Distribution and Use of Water in Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts, Cal- > \ , ifornia. By Frank Adams. Pp. 93–139. ... . ; Relation of Irrigation to Yield, Size, Quality, and Commercial Suitability of Fruits. . . . By E. J. Wickson. Pp. 141–174. - f Irrigation Conditions in Imperial Valley, California. By J. E. Roadhouse. Pp. tº 175–194. >. - - - \ * SEPARATE No. 4. Jº * –-S Irrigation in Klamath County, Oregon. By F. L. Kent. Pp. 257-266. Irrigation Investigations in the Yakima Valley, Washington, 1904. By O. L. Waller. 2- Pp. 267–278. S Irrigation Conditions in Raft River Water District, Idaho, 1904. By W. F. Bartlett. Pp. 279–302. * SEPARATE No. 5. Irrigation Investigations at New Mexico Experiment Station, Mesilla Park, 1904. By J. J. Vernon. Pp. 303–317. - * . Irrigation Investigations in Western Texas. By Harvey Culbertson. Pp. 319-340. Pumping Plants in Texas. By C. E. Taii. Pp. 341–346. • ~~, SEPARATE No. 6. . f Irrigation in Southern Texas. By Aug. J. Bowie, jr. Pp. 347–507. SEPARATE No. 7. Rice Irrigation in Louisiana and Texas in 1903 and 1904. By W. B. Gregory. Pp. * 509–544. .* _ _- Rice Irrigation on the Prairie Land of Arkansas. By C. E. Tait. Pp. 545–565. 's - * & j * SEPARATE No. 8. ion Experiments at Fort Hays, Kansas, 1903 and 1904. By J. G. Haney. Pp. lear Garden City, Kansas. 1904. By A. B. Collins and A. E. Wrigh'. in Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas. By O. V. P. Stout. Pp. 595– kyford, Colorado, 1904. By A. E. Wright. Pp. 609–623. rainage of Cranberry Marshes in Wisconsin. By A. R. Whitson. * gº' l l SEPARATE No. 9. ! ~. ions, 1904. By C. G. Elliott. Pp. 643–743. 837 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Z(S, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, A. C. TRUE, DIRECTOR. ANNUAL REPORT OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ELWOOD MEAD, CHIEF OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. SEPARATE NO. I : REVIEW OF THE IRRIGATION WORK OF THE YEAR 1904. By R. P. TEELE, Expert in Irrigation Institutions. [Reprint from Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin No. 158.] WASHINGTON: GovKRNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. ‘… • OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. A. C. TRUE, Ph. D., Director. E. W. ALLEN, Ph. D., Assistant Director. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. ELwooD MEAD, Chief. C. G. ELLIOTT, in Charge of Drainage Investigations. S. M. WooDwARD, in Charge of Irrigation Investigations. R. P. TEELE, Expert in Irrigation Institutions. C. J. ZINTHEo, in Charge of Farm Mechanics. SAMUEL ForTIER, in Charge of Pacific District. F. C. HERRMANN, Eaſpert in Irrigation as Related to Dry Farming. II º,43° CONTENTS. Page. Leading lines of work ---------------------------------------------------- 21 Duty of water------------------------------------------------------- 25 Main Canals----------------------------------------------------- 25 Laterals -------------------------------------------------------- 28 Farms----------------------- ^- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 Crops------------------------------------------------------------ 31 Losses of water from canals ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 Return seepage------------------------------------------------------- 38 South Platte and tributaries--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38 North Platte and tributaries----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48 Methods of preparing land for irrigation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Methods of applying water----------...---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51 Pumping ------------------------------------------------------------ 52 California-------------------------------------------------------- 53 New Mexico ----------------------------------------------------- 54 Texas ----------------------------------------------------------- 54 Louisiana -------------------------------------------------------- 56 Arkansas -------------------------------------------------------- 56 Kansas ---------------------------------------------------------- 57 Colorado -------------------------------------------------------- 57 Windmills ------------------------------------------------------ 61 Laws and institutions------------------------------------------------ 63 Irrigation in the humid sections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 68 Rice irrigation --------------------------------------------------- 68 Cranberry irrigation ---------------------------------------------- 73 Irrigation in Porto Rico.------------------------------------------- 75 ILLUSTRATION, sº --- Page. FIG. I. Diagram showing return seepage to South Platte River - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42 ANNUAL REPORT OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. REVIEW OF THE IRRIGATION WORK OF THE YEAR. By R. P. TEELE. In providing for the continuation of the work of the irrigation investigations of the Office of Experiment Stations through the season of 1904, Congress added to the lines of work already carried on the investigation of plans for the “removal of seepage and surplus waters by drainage,” and changed the title of the work from “Irrigation investigations” to “Irrigation and drainage investigations.” The paragraph of the law providing for this work is as follows: IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report upon the laws of the States and Territories as affecting irriga- tion and the rights of appropriators and riparian proprietors and institutions relating to irrigation and upon the use of irrigation waters at home and abroad, with espe- cial suggestions of the best methods for the utilization of irrigation waters in agri- culture, and upon plans for the removal of seepage and surplus waters by drainage, and upon the use of different kinds of power and appliances for irrigation and drainage, and for the preparation, printing, and illustration of reports and bulletins on irrigation and drainage, including employment of labor in the city of Washington or elsewhere; and the agricultural experiment stations are hereby authorized and directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture in carrying out said investi- gations in such manner and to such extent as may be warranted by a due regard to the varying conditions and needs and laws of the respective States and Territories as may be mutually agreed upon, and all necessary expenses, sixty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. As suggested by the law the work is carried on very largely in cooperation with the agricultural experiment stations of the States, thereby securing the use of their equipment and the services of their scientists at an expense much smaller than would be required to do the same work independently of the stations, while the cooperation with this Office enables the stations to enlarge their work on these lines to an extent which would be impossible without the funds supplied by this Office. This cooperation has also brought about a degree of coor- dination in the work of the various stations which would not otherwise exist. The function of this Office in this work has been to bring about ... a degree of harmony in the work of the stations and to bring together, 19 20 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. digest, and publish the results of experiments and observations, con- sidered from a standpoint broader than that of any of the individual stations. The cooperative work has in some cases been aided by State appropriations, California providing $5,000 for the work in 1904, and Nevada providing $1,000 for the work of the same year. The cooper- ative work has been carried out as follows: Prof. S. Fortier, with headquarters at the University of California at Berkeley, has had charge of all work in that State. The university and the State experiment station have aided in the work of this Office by giving a headquarters office free of rent, by aiding in the testing of pumps in the mechanical laboratory, by making free of cost a large number of water analyses, and by aiding in a study of the effects of irrigation on the quality of fruits and vegetables. Professor Fortier was assisted by Prof. J. N. Le Conte and Prof. E. J. Wickson, of the State University, and Mr. Frank Adams and Mr. A. J. Turner, of this Office. - - In Nevada we have cooperated with the State experiment station under a special State appropriation, the work being under the direc- tion of Prof. Gordon H. True, of the State station. In Oregon the field work was carried on under the direction of Director James Withycombe, of the State station, with Prof. F. L. Kent as assistant. In Washington field work was carried on under the direction of Prof. O. L. Waller, of the State station, with Albert L. Smith as assistant. - In Idaho Mr. W. F. Bartlett, of this Office, was detailed for field work in cooperation with the State engineer’s office. - In Utah field work was under the direction of Director J. A. Widt- soe, of the Utah Experiment Station, with Prof. W. W. McLaughlin as assistant. - In Montana field work was carried on under the direction of Director F. B. Linfield, of the State experiment station, with Prof. J. S. Baker as assistant. f * * In Colorado field work was carried on in part by Mr. A. E. Wright, of this Office, and in part under the direction of Prof. L. G. Carpenter, director of the State experiment station, with Mr. S. L. Boothroyd and Mr. P. J. Preston as field assistants. - In Nebraska field work was under the direction of Prof. O. V. P. Stout, of the State University. * In Kansas field work was carried on at Garden City under the direc- tion of Mr. A. E. Wright and Mr. A. B. Collins, of this Office, and at Hays under the direction of Mr. J. G. Haney, of the State experiment station. - In Louisiana field work was carried on by Prof. W. B. Gregory and Prof. Morton A. Aldrich, of Tulane University. - REVIEW OF THE work of THE YEAR. 21 * In New Mexico field work was under the direction of Prof. J. J. Vernon, of the State experiment station. - • * - In Arkansas the work was in part under the direction of Director W. G. Vincenheller, of the State experiment station, and in part done by C. E. Tait, of this Office. - In Indiana field work in drainage was under the direction of Prof. W. D. Pence, of Purdue University, assisted by Mr. K. B. Duncan. In Iowa field work in drainage and the testing of drainage and pumping machinery was under the direction of Prof. C. J. Zintheo. In Wisconsin field work was under the direction of Prof. A. R. Whitson; in New Jersey, under the direction of Prof. E. B. Voorhees; in Porto Rico, under, the direction of D. W. May, special agent in charge of the experiment station, and in Hawaii, under the direction of Jared G. Smith, special agent in charge of the experiment station. In addition to the work done in cooperation with the State stations investigations along certain lines have been carried on by the agents of this Office, the irrigation work being under the personal direction of the Chief and the drainage work under the supervision of Mr. C. G. Elliott. drainage engineer. LEADING LINES OF WORK. The work of this Office in studying the duty of water began with the collection of information as to the quantity of water used in gen- eral practice. This included the measurement of water diverted by canals at their head gates, measurements of discharges of laterals at their head gates, and measurements at the margin of fields being irri- gated. The farmers were requested to use water according to their usual custom, just as if no measurements were being made. This information was to serve as a basis for a more scientific study of water requirements of crops. Records of these measurements have been published in previous annual reports of this Office." During the season of 1903 a more scientific study of the water requirements of crops was undertaken. Experiments were begun to determine quantities of water which will produce the largest crop returns under varying conditions. These have been continued through the season of 1904. Such experiments were made in California, Utah, Nevada, and New Mexico. The results of measurements in New Mexico are contained in the report of Professor Vernon, on pages 305-317. A much larger number of measurements have been made in California and Utah, but it was deemed advisable to continue the experiments at least another season before attempting to draw con- clusions. Such experiments must necessarily cover a number of years before the results can be considered completed. a U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Buls. 86, 104, 119, and 133. 22 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. In connection with the experiments to determine the water require- ments of crops, data regarding the cost of water and lands and the cost of applying the water to crops, and crop returns have been col- lected in an attempt to work out the principles which should guide farmers in determining how much water to apply to crops. Under certain circumstances it would be to the profit of the farmer to secure something less than the largest crop per acre, if by so doing he could secure crops from a larger area. On the other hand, where the area of land is limited and water is plentiful, it would be to his profit to secure less than the largest product per unit quantity of water, if by increasing the depth of water applied he could secure a sufficiently large increase in the product per acre. Sufficient measurements have not been made, so far, to work out these principles. Experiments are being continued which in time will give the data necessary for such computations. The measurements made by the agents of this Office during 1904 are given in detail in the reports which follow, and those measurements and measurements previously made by this Office and by the State experiment stations and reported in their bulletins are summarized on pages 25–35. Closely allied with the study of the duty of water is that of methods of applying water to land. It is found that by applying water by one method a given quantity of water can be made to serve larger areas than when it is applied by another method. Methods vary with the character of the soil and with the character of the crops and with the available supply. The experiments of this Office are for the pur- pose of determining what methods are best suited to various classes of soil which are found throughout the arid region and the different crops which are raised by irrigation, and to varying conditions of water supply. During the year 1904 a bulletin" on this subject was published by this Office and the reports given in this volume contain further information on the same subject. This is summarized on pages 51, 52. Great numbers of farmers are beginning irrigation each year and it is probable that with the construction of irrigation works by the Government and by private individuals the number of such begin- ners will increase very rapidly within the next few years. The condition of the lands which are to be reclaimed varies widely from that of the humid region from which the settlers will come, and it has therefore been deemed advisable to collect information as to methods of preparing land for irrigation. Bulletin 145 mentioned above contains descriptions of methods of clearing and the implements used, with statements of the cost of such work. Further information is given in the reports which follow, and this is summarized on pages 50, 51. In this work the attempt is made to give directions which can be followed by any farmer of ordinary intelligence, in order that time and money may not be wasted in doing this work by wasteful a U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bul. 145. REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 23 methods. The preliminary work necessary before crops can be raised by irrigation is much greater than that required in the humid region, since the land must be brought to even slopes, if hot leveled, in order that water may be spread over it. This fact is often overlooked by those buying land to be reclaimed by irrigation, and the added expenses for this work have proven very discouraging and often caused failures. In these reports the attempt has been made to state fairly the expenses necessary for preparing land, in order that intending settlers may intelligently weigh the advantages and disadvantages of beginning agriculture in irrigated regions. It has been found in collecting information as to the duty of water that there is a very wide difference between the quantity of water diverted by canals and that delivered to the land by the same canals. In some places this loss between the head gate and the farm is as great as 90 per cent, and it has been necessary for irrigation engineers to plan works to carry much larger volumes than would be necessary if all or a large part of the water diverted reached the land. In order to give irrigation engineers a basis on which to conclude the additional size of channels necessary, a large number of measurements of the losses from existing canals have been made. These measurements have shown that losses were much greater than was previously sup- posed, and have called attention to the need and possibility of adopting methods which will check the losses. ' A series of measurements on a canal will show not only what losses occur but also where these losses occur, and enable the owners to check the losses by improving canals or abandoning especially bad sections. Seepage losses are of impor- tance not only to the owners of the canals from which the water is lost but also to the owners of land lying under canals, since the water lost tends to injure the lands lying below the canals and makes their drainage necessary. The measurements made by this Office since the beginning of the work are summarized on pages 35–38. While water is lost from canals through seepage, most streams show a gain in flow from this source. Water which leaks from canals and that which is applied to the lands finds its way by gravity back to the streams. The quantity of water which returns to the streams is a very important matter for irrigation officials, modifying and complicating their distribution of water. Measurements show that this return seepage to the streams of the arid region is constantly increasing, making possible a constant increase in the area which may be served by them. The measurements of return seepage are summarized on pages 38–50. The pumping of water for irrigation is becoming constantly more important. In many regions where the stream supply has been exhausted continuous irrigation has raised the level of the ground water until very often the supply of water for irrigation can be secured 24 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. by pumping more cheaply than in any other way, and large areas can be reclaimed for which there is no supply from streams. In parts of California and Colorado pumps are being installed in the midst of regions which are irrigated with river water and increased areas are being reclaimed. In semiarid regions there are vast areas for which no stream water is available. For these lands the pumping of underground water or the Collection of storm water in reservoirs is the only source of supply for irrigation. During the season of 1904 several agents of this Office were detailed to study the operation of existing pumping plants to determine the extent of the water supply, cost of wells, cost of pump- ing machinery, cost of fuel and of operation, and collect information as to crop returns, to determine not only the possibilities of pumping in semiarid regions, but its profitableness. It is not expected that pumping in these sections for general agriculture will prove profitable, because the lifts are generally high and the cost of fuel is high, but it is believed that it will prove profitable to pump water for vegetables and fruit and some forage, the irrigated areas to be farmed in conjunc- tion with large areas of unirrigated land. The information collected on this subject is summarized on pages 52–63. The detailed reports are found on pages 195—255, 341–507. •º The studies of irrigation in the humid sections of the United States carried on in previous years were continued during 1904. These in- cluded the irrigation of rice in Louisiana and Texas, the irrigation of rice in Arkansas, and the irrigation of cranberries in Wisconsin and New Jersey. Reports from these various points are contained in the following pages and the results summarized on pages 68–75. The studies of the laws and institutions controlling the distribution and use of water have been continued during 1904. The work on the Platte River and tributaries, begun in 1903, was completed;" the his- tory and present conditions of the Modesto and Turlock irrigation dis- tricts in California are reported on (pp. 93-139); the operation of some parts of the irrigation law of Idaho, passed in 1903, was inves- tigated; and information has been collected concerning the laws and institutions of other States. (See pp. 63–68.) . • . : The drainage work of the Office differs from irrigation work in that it consists very largely in giving advice to individuals and associations interested in the reclamation of particular tracts of land. This work is carried on in various localities in all parts of the United States. In the arid region large sections have been ruined by seepage water from canals and irrigated lands and it is necessary to remove this sur- plus water from the wet lands or intercept it before it reaches them. Throughout the Central States large areas of river-bottom land are annually overflowed, and the drainage engineers of this Office have a U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bul. 157. BEVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 25 assisted the owners of these bottom lands in preparing plans for the protection of their lands from overflow and the removal of the surplus water. Along the Atlantic coast studies of the reclamation of salt marshes have been made, and in the South experiments with drainage as a means of reclaiming eroded hillsides and checking erosion have been carried on with very good results. A study of the reclamation of the Everglades of Florida has also been made, and plans for an experiment in draining these lands have been made, but have not yet progressed far enough to give any results. . The detailed report of drainage investigations is given on pages 643–743. DUTY OF WATER. The measurements of the quantities of water used are divided into four classes: Measurements of (1) the quantity of water entering main canals; (2) the quantity of water entering laterals; (3) the quantity of water used on individual farms, and (4) the quantity of water used on separate crops. MAIN CANALS. The results of the measurements of the first class are of especial use to the builders of irrigation works, whether public or private. They give a fairly definite idea of the quantity of water which must be diverted from a stream to reclaim an acre of ground, and hence are the basis for the computations of the promoter and also for the work of the engineer. For the convenience of those interested in this sub- ject the results of former years have been incorporated in the table with those for 1903 and 1904, which are published for the first time. The following table does not include all of the records of the duty of water under main canals, those for Arizona made by Dwight B. Heard not being received in time to be published in this report: Quantity of water used per acre wrider main canals, 1899–1904. [Acre-feet.] Name of canal. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. º Arizona: - - Arizona, Maricopa, and Salt-------------|- - - - - - - - 2.45 4.59 --------|--------|-------- 3. 52 Utah ------------------------------------|-------- 2, 49 4.93 ------------------------ i 3. 71 €In De- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 88 4.06 --------|---------------- 3.47 Consolidated (mesa water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.02 4.58 ------------------------ 3. 28 Mesa ------------------------------------ 3.81 2.35 -------------------------------- ! 3.08 California: - : Gage------------------------------------. 2. 24 2. 23 2.00 --------|---------------- | 2. 16 Plano.-----------------------------------|---------------. 7.91 ------------------------ 7.91 Poplar-----------------------------------|---------------- 3.19 ----------------|-------- 3.19 Pioneer ditch (Tule River) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.01 ----------------|-------- 8.01 Pleºsant Valley . . . . . . . ------------------|--------|-------- 6.31 --------|--------|-------- 6. 31 Santa Clara Valley ----------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 4.93 4, 93 Pioneer ditch------------------------|----------------|--------|--------|-------- 3.44 3.44 Sorosis and Calkins----------------------------------|--------|---------------. 1. 75 1. 75 Statler.... ---.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 58 1.58 Turlock district ---------------------|---------------------------------------- 8. 34 8. 34 Modesto district---------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 13. 18 13. 18 South Tule Independent............l........l........ 7.46 --------|---------------- 7. 46 26 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Seymour and Wells.................. Quantity of water wsed per acre whder main canals, 1899–1904—Continued. Name of canal. 1899, 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. º Colorado: Amity----------------------------------- 4.92 --------|--------|--------|-------- tº e < * * * * * 4.92 Grand Valley----------------------------|--------|-------- 4.11 --------|--------|-------- 4. 11 Keefer Extension of Grand Valley. - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.42 --------|--------|-------- 5. 42 Lake --------------------------------------------|-------- 2.58 --------|--------|-------- 2.58 New Cache la Poudre -------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 2.21 |-------- 2. 21 Home Supply----------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 1.64 - - - - - - - - 1.64 Loveland and Greeley ------------------|----...---------|--------|-------- 1.96 - - - - - - - - 1.96 Farmers Irrigating----------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 1.09 ||-------- 1,09 Supply ----------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 1.77 -------- 1.77 Agricultural-----------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- .92 -------- .92 Farmers High Line ---------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 1.41 -------. 1.41 Rocky Mountain ------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 1.88 |-------. 1, 88 Warrior ---------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 4.64 - - - - - - - - 4. 64 Pioneer Union ----------------------------------|--------|--------|-------- 4.47 -------- 4.47 Brantner --------------------------------|--------|--------|---------------- 4. 17 |-------. 4, 17 Farmers Independent-------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------. 4.41 -------- 4.41 Brighton --------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 3.93 I-------- 3.93 Platteville .....-------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 6.95 ||-------. 6.95 Lower Latham --------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 3.36 |-------- 3.36 Weldon Valley ...........---------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 8.28 |-------- 8.23 Fort Morgan ----. . . . . . ------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 2. 14 1-------. 2. 14 Upper Platte and Beaver.... ------------|--------|--------|--------|-------. 1.74 |- - - - - - - - 1. 74 Lower Platte and Beaver ---------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 1.17 l-------- 1. 17 Tetsel -----------------------------------|--------|--------|---------------- 7.35 - - - - - - - - 7.35 Idaho: Raft River, below Langsford's bridge---------|--------|--------|---------------- 6.00 6.00 MOntana: - Gird Creek ------------------------------|--------|-------- 1.45 3.50 --------|-------- 2.47 Highline --------------------------------|--------|--------|-------- 6.32 l--------|-------- 5. 32 Kuhen ditch ----------------------------|--------|--------|-------- 4.68 |--------|-------- 4. 68 Middle Creek --------------------------- 2. 10 1.90 2. 34 1.15 ---------------- 1. 87 Big ditch--------------------------------|-------- 1. 88 2.56 3.68 i.-------|-------- 2.71. Republican------------------------------|--------|-------- 3.35 4.41 --------|-------- 3. 88, edge-----------------------------------|--------|-------- 3, 97 4.76 l--------|-------- 4. 36. Ward ------------------------------------|--------|-------- 2.41 2.49 --------|-------- 2.45 Skalkaho--------------------------------|--------|-------- 4. 68 6.79 |--------|-------- 5. 73 Nevada: Orr ditch --------------------------|-------- 7.08 --------|--------|--------|-------- 7.08 Nebraska: Gothenberg ----------------------------. 2.57 --------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 2. 57 Mitchell and Gering --------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 5.41 -------- 5:41 Winters Creek---------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- . 78 -------- 4. 78 Sutherland and Paxton -----------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 2.03 -------- 2.03 North Platte-------------------------------------|--------|---------------- 2.17 1-------- 2, 17 New Mexico: Pecos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6. 61 6.99 || 10.09 |--------|--------|-------- 7. 90 Utah: - Butler ditch----------------------------- 6. 24 5, 18 l--------|----------------|-------- 5. 71 Brown and Sanford - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. 32 4.08 --------|--------|--------|-------- 4. 70 Upper - --------------------------------- 6.30 3.92 l--------|----------------|-------- 5, 11 Green ditch ----------------------------- 4, 52 6.14 I--------|--------|--------|-------- 5.33 Lower ----------------------------------- 2.83 3.06 |--------|--------|--------|-------- 2.95 Big ditch -------------------------------- 3.09 2.86 ----------------|---------------- 2.98 Logan and Richmond------------------. 3.59 4.82 --------|--------|--------|-------- 4. 22 Tanner ditch ----------------------------|-------. 3.62 --------|--------|--------|-------- 3, 62 Farr and Harper ------------------------|-------. 5.77 --------|------------------------ 5. 77 Logan, Hyde Park, and Smithfield. -----|- - - - - - - - 3.94 --------|--------|--------|-------- 3.94 Bear River ------------------------------|---------------- 4.84 i--------|---------------- 4.84 Washington: Natches River— Natches and Cowitche---------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 4.62 4.62 Natches Valley Irrigation Co. -------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 10. 50 10. 50 New Shannon -----------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------- 5. 54 5.54 R. S. and C. ditch -------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 5. 73 5. 73 Selah Valley Co ---------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 3.33 3.33 apato------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 5. 71 5. 71 Yakima Valley Irrigation Co-...----|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 4, 25. 4.25 Yakima River— Fowler ditch ------------------------|--------|----...---------|---------------- 5.50 5.50 Hubbard and Maxee----------------|--------|----------------|--------|-------- 3.33 3.33 New Reservation--------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------| 10.80 10, 80 N. P. Irrigation Co-------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 8.21 8, 21 Prosser ditch ------------------------|-------- 3.04 4.70 --------|-------- 3.98 3. 9] Selah and Maxee. -------------------|-----, - - - I - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - 3. 87 3. 87 Sunnyside--------------------------- 10. 64 || 10.24 9.75 9.11 -------- 6.08 9. 81 Wyºf - Canal No. 2, Wyoming Development Co. 2.53 4.90 --------|--------|--------|-------- 2.72 Deer Creek- Arnold No. 1 .......... tº G & º & & - © tº ~ * * * * I us w = * * * * * : * * * * * * * * I s = e s m = • * : * * * * * * * * 14, 56 |........ 14.56 Mortimore..... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I • * * * * * * * 19, 16 1. --...-- 19, 16 Toland Nos. 2, 3, and 4, and Heming- way Nos.1 and 2 (Little Deer Creek) |........|........|--------|........ 5.63 |---...-- 5, 63 Little Supply, Long, and Heller.....|-. * * * * * * : * * * * * * * = i < * * * * * * * 1 - a • * * * * * 11.06 1. ------. 11, 06 De Voe and Walkinshaw ... . . * * * * * ~ v H = • * ~ * * v- w ł w w = * * * * * r * * * * * * * * H = * * * * * * * 3.84 |........ 3.84 Young, Olsen, and Heller ........... - - - - ----|--------|--------|-------- 1%; - - - - - - - - 1%; 18BVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 27 Quantity of water used per acre under main canals, 1899–1904—Continued. Name Of Canal. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. º Wyoming—Continued. Horseshoe Creek— Macfarlane No. 1 --------------------|--------|----------------|-------- 8.70 |........ 8. 70 Macfarlane No. 2.--------------------|--------|--------|---------------- 14.42 1... ----. 14.42 Reeder --------------------------------------|--------|--------|-------- 3.80 . . . . . . . . 13.80 Waln No. 1 --------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 11.25 - - - - - - - - 11.25 P. Freaney---------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 9.88 - - - - - - - - 19.88 Waln High Water--------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 4. 61 -------. 4.51 St. Dennis ----------------------------------------------------------- 9.78 . . . . . ... 9. T8 M. Moran. ---------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 21. 13 - - - - - - - - 21. 13 T. Freaney No. 1.--------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------. 4.86 - - - - - - - - 4.86 T. Freaney No. 2 --------------------|--------|----------------|-------- 12.91 - - - - - - - - 12.91 T. Freaney No. 3 --------------------|--------|------------------------ 11.62 -------- 11. 62 D. Gordon ---------------------------|------------------------|-------- 5.82 - - - - - - - - 5.82 Moran No. 1 -------------------------|-------------------------------- 4.89 - - - - - - - - 4.89 Moran No.2 -------------------------|----------------i---------------- 9.67 l........ 9. 67 P. J. Hall No. 1 ----------------------|--------|------------------------ 4.58 - - - - - - - - 4.58 W. E. Comalo ------------------------|--------|------------------------ 3.26 -------- 3.26 P. Paulsen No. 1 --------------------|--------|----------------|-------- 17.74 |........ 17. 74 Moran and Torgerson ---------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 3.33 ||-------- 13. 33 Torgerson ---------------------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 8.61 1. . . . . . . . 8. 61 Wellman and Dupes-----------------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 5.71 -------- 5. 71 Dupes and Skolinski------------------------|--------|--------|------- 8.92 - - - - - - - - 8.92 Walker No. 1 ------------------------|----------------|--------|-------. 5.59 |........ 5.59 Shives -------------------------------|----------------|--------|-------- 6.42 - - - - - - - - 6.42 Howard, Smith, and McDermott....|- - - - - - - -]. - - - - - - -j-...-----|- - - - - - - - 10.83 |........ 10.83 Walker No. 2 ----------------------------------------|--------|-------- 4.52 -------- 4.52 Average ----------------------- 4. 49 4.08 4.80 4.59 7. 06 5.75 5. 13 This table shows a fairly close agreement for the first four years given. The measurements for 1903 and 1904 were made on different ditches than those for the previous years and the higher averages for these years require explanation. The figures given for Idaho are hardly comparable with those for the other States, because up to June 19 the measurements were made at a certain point in the Raft River and the duty figured on the basis of the acreage under all the canals below the point of measurement, and no record is given of the flow of the river below the head of the lowest canal. After June 19 the diversions were measured, but no account was taken of the losses and waste from the canals. The measurements on Deer Creek and Horseshoe Creek, Wyoming, represent a duty based upon the amount of water diverted, but this is above the true duty, because no record is taken of the waste and return flow at the ends of the canals. Certain features of irrigation practice on these two streams make the amount of waste water large. A relatively large area is devoted to the production of native hay, and many of the farmers keep a constant flow of water across their fields, so that something like a third or more of the water returns to the stream without being used. The figures on return seepage on page 50 are very instructive in this connection. Averaging the figures in the above table gives a depth of 5.13 feet as a general average for all the canals on which measurements have been made. The list includes canals of all ages and all degrees of effi- ciency. Some of the Utah canals have been in use for nearly half a 2S IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. & century, while the Washington canals have been used for only a few years. - The Gage canal is cemented, so that there is practically no loss of water, while one of the Tule River canals is reported as losing in 2 miles more than 90 per cent of the water entering it. Furthermore, the canals are distributed widely enough to be representative of the whole arid region. The general average of 5.13 acre-feet may there- fore be considered a very fair statement of the quantity of water which on the average is being supplied at the head of a canal for each acre of land to be irrigated. Stated in another way: Where a known volume of water can be obtained, the area of land which, according to present practice, can be irrigated with that supply will be 1 acre for every 5.13 acre-feet of water available. As has been stated, this represents present practice, and it should not be considered as repre- senting what is possible. In fact, the possibility of a much more economical use of the water supply is the basis for the hope of a great future expansion of agriculture in many sections where the supply of water is now all in use. - The smallest quantity given in the table is 1.15 acre-feet per acre, under the Middle Creek canal, in Montana, in 1902; the largest is 21.13 acre-feet per acre, under the M. Moran ditch on Horseshoe Creek, Wyoming, in 1903. If the latter locality could get along with as little water as the former, the water used under the M. Moran ditch would serve more than eighteen times the area now farmed. Both of these canals are extremes; but a comparison of the average of all the measurements made in Colorado in 1903, 3.27 acre-feet per acre, with the average of all measurements made in Wyoming in the same year, 8.52 acre-feet per acre, likewise shows a very wide difference in the quantity of water used. These comparisons indicate that a more care- ful use of the water supply in certain districts would make possible a great expansion of the area devoted to agricultural production. LATERALS. * The following table gives all the measurements at the heads of laterals which have been made by this Office in the four years covered by the investigations. FEVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 29 Quantity of water used per acre under laterals. Canal. Lateral. Year. State. - Quantity. Acre-feet. Modesto district .................. Lateral No. 1 ........ --------- 1904 California. ........ 5. 76 Turlock district................... Lateral No. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1904 |..... do ------------ 7. 69 Pioneer --------------------------- Flume lateral No. 2 - - - - - - - - - - 1901 . . . . . do -----------. 1.41 Amity ---------------------------- Biles lateral - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1899 || Colorado - . . . . . . . . 1.82 Lake-----------------------------. Lewis lateral . . . . . ... --------. 1901 | . . . . . do ------------ 3.11 Ridenbaugh ...................... Rust lateral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1899 || Idaho . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 06 Do --------------------------------- O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1901 . . . . . do ------------ 6.49 Do ---------------------------- Crawford lateral ..... . . . . . . . . 1901 - - - - -do - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. 38 Do ---------------------------- Huntington lateral. . . . . . . . . . . 1901 . . . . . do ------------ 3.04 Do ---------------------------- CreeSOn lateral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1901 - - - - - do ------------ 4.48 Do.---------------------------- Hunter lateral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1901 - - - - - do ------------ 4. 24 Do ---------------------------- Rutledge lateral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1901 - - - - - do ------------ 3.90 Do ---------------------------- Tuttle lateral... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1901 - - - - - do ------------ 5.47 Do ---------------------------- Pollard lateral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1901 - - - - - do ------------ 3.81 Do ---------------------------- Clark lateral.----------------- 1901 - - - - - do ------------ 4. 64 Do ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Perkins lateral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1901 . . . . . do ------------ 4. 49 Do ------------ ---------------- Brose lateral.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1901 | . . . . . do ------------ 5.93 Pecos ----------------------------- Division No. 1 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1899 || New Mexico - - - - - - 6. 51 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1899 - - - - - do ------------ 4. 53 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 1899 - - - - - do ------------ 2.95 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1899 - - - -do - - - - - - - - - - -. 3.56 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1900 - - - - - do ------------ 4.65 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1900 - - - - - do ------------ 3. 39 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1900 - - - - - do ------------ 2.48 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1900 - - - - - do ------------ 2. 27 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1901 - - - - - do ------------ 5. 11 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 2... - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1901 - - - - - do ------------ 3.91 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 3.... --- - - - - - - - - - 1901 || - - - - - do ------------ 3.02 Do ---------------------------- Division No. 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1901 - - - - - do ------------ 1.88 Bear River.----------------------- Lateral A 15------------------ 1901 || Utah - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.84 AVerage---------------------|--------------------------------|-------------------------- 4.03 These measurements can hardly be considered as representative, since only eight canals are represented. They show, however, a decrease in the average quantity of water supplied for each acre of a little more than 21 per cent, compared with the average for main canals (see pp. 25–27). If the averages given for the laterals in this table are compared with those for the main canals from which they are taken, the following results are obtained: Comparison of quantities of water furnished by main canals and laterals therefrom. [Acre-feet per acre.] ' ' .. Average Canal. Average for laterals for Canal. for same. * i Pioneer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.01 1. 41 Amity-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.92 1.82 Pºke--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.58 3.11 Pecos.; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. 90 3. 69 Bear River.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. S4 1.84 Modesto district --------------------------------------------------------------- 13. 18 5. 76 Turlock district---------------------------------------------------------------- 8.34 7. 69 Average ----------------------------------------------------------------- 7. 11 3. 67 Assuming that the laterals given fairly represent all those from the canals named, less than 52 per cent of the water entering these canals reaches the laterals. The figures given for the Lewis lateral are abnor- mal, since this lateral shows a greater quantity delivered per acre than 30 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. does the main canal. There is probably some local cause for this. It is not likely that the others can be considered as representative of canals generally, but they show the conditions on the canals named. FARMS. The measurements of the quantities of water used on individual farms are brought together in the following table: Quantity of water wsed per acre on individual farms. Water State. Farm. Crop. used per 8. Cre. Acre-feet. Arizona --------------- Vance ----------------------------------------- Alfalfa, and barley 1.98 Do----------------- Arizona Experiment Station ... -- . . . . . . . . . ---. Mixed - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. 70 California ------------- Mººd to all consumers under Pioneer ... . . do ------------ 3, 19 itCh. DO----------------- Sprott Orchard -------------------------------- Oranges and lem- 1. 55 OſłS. Do----------------- Selected farms under Pioneer ditch - - - - - . . . . . Fruits ------------ 2. 00 Do----------------- Pumped water—average for four years on 25 |..... do ------------ 1. 32 farms—Lindsay Water Development Co. Idaho ----------------- A. F. Long, 1889 ------------------------------- Mixed.----------- 2. 40 Do----------------- A. F. Long, 1900 -------------------------------|----- do ------------ 3.03 Do----------------- Edgar Wilson. --------------------------------- Orchard - - - - - - - - - 1. 48 Do----------------- C. G. Goodwin, 1900 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ixed ------------ 3.25 DO----------------- C. G. Goodwin, 1901 ---------------------------|----- O - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.32 Do----------------- N. C. Purcell, 1900----------------------------- Tºy and al- 2.43 8,118. Nebraska. ------------. D. W. Daggett --------------------------------- Mixed -----------. 2.47 New Mexico - - - - - - - - - -. J. J. Hagerman, 1899 --------------------------|----- do ------------ 15. 44 DO----------------- J. J. Hagerman, 1900 --------------------------|----- do ------------ 9.80 Do----------------- J. J. Hagerman, 1901 --------------------------|----- do ------------ 12. 36 DO----------------- Average of 70 under Northern canal, N. Mexico|- - - - - do ------------ 2. 49 Utah ------------------ Cronquist ------------------------------------------ do ------------ 2.59 Washington . . . . . . . . . . . Maurice Evans --------------------------------|----- do ----------- 3.58 Do----------------- Lower Rattlesnake ranch - - - - - - - - - - - - ... . . . . . . . . . . . do ------------ 4. 60 Do----------------- Upper Rattlesnake ranch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alfalfa. ----------- 3. I1 Do----------------- Jordan Orchard-------------------------------- Orchard . . . . . . . . . . 6.03 DO----------------. Dunn hopyard -----------------------, -------- Hops ------------- 3.43 Do----------------- R. D. Young ----------------------------------- Mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 61 Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . .-- Sigman's ranch -------------------------------|----- do ------------ 3.38 Do ----------------. Webber's ranch -------------------------------|----- do ------------ 1, 92 California Gage Canal. N. P. Cayley - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Oranges - - - - - - - - - - 1.98 DO----------------- J. D. Carscaden --------------------------------|----- do ------------ 1. 20 Do----------------- Gulick Brothers -------------------------------|----- do ------------ 2.38 DO----------------- C. C. Quinn ------------------------------------|----- do ------------ 1.98 DO----------------- C. E. Kennedy ---------------------------------|----- do ------------ 2. 48 Average ---------|-------------------------------------------------|-------------------- 3.98 Mr. Reed explains that the water used on the Hagerman farm in New Mexico is used largely for ornamentation, and should not, therefore, be included in the averages. is 3.07 acre-feet per acre. Excluding these, the average for farms This is about 69 per cent of the average quantity diverted per acre, showing a loss of 31 per cent between the heads of canals and the place of use, on the assumption that the meas- urements are representative, showing a possible source for expansion by saving the losses. These measurements differ so widely, even where conditions are apparently uniform, that they serve to emphasize what has been already mentioned—the possibility of future development by exercis- ing economy in the use of water. REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 31 CROPS. The earlier investigations on this subject were carried on with a view to ascertaining the depth of water applied to the different crops in actual practice. More recently experiments have been undertaken to determine how much water should be used in the production of the various crops in the different parts of the country in order that the water shall be used most economically. Quantity of water used in practice.—A large number of measure- ments of the depth of water applied to different crops were made dur- ing the years 1899, 1900, and 1901. These measurements are given in the following table: gy Depths of water applied to different crops. Number Depth of water applied. Crop. Of * * s & mentS. Maximum. Minimum. Average. Alfalfa: ** Feet. Feet. Feet. Idaho ------------------------------------------------ 4 3.93 2.04 3. 12 Montana--------------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------ 1. 30 Nevada ---------------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------ 6. 55 Utah------------------------------------------------- 2 3. 83 3. 19 3. 51 Washington.------------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------ 3.11 Total and average --------------------------------- 9 6. 55 1. 30 3. 39 Barley: Arizona ---------------------------------------------- 1 ------------|------------ 1. 60 Montana --------------------------------------------- 6 1.98 . 85 1. 41 Wyoming -------------------------------------------- 1 ------------|------------ 1.90 Total and average --------------------------------- 8 1.98 - 85 1.49 Corn: Arizona ---------------------------------------------- 1 ------------|------------ 2. 10 Wyoming -------------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------ 70 Total and average --------------------------------- 2 2.10 . 70 1. 40 Oats: Idaho------------------------------------------------ 2 4.01 1.84 2.93 Montana--------------------------------------------- 11 6.00 . 57 1. 74 Wyoming -------------------------------------------- 2 1.64 1. 55 1. 60 tah ------------------------------------------------- 6 2. 70 .45. 1. 35 Total and average --------------------------------- 21 6.00 .45 I. 73 Orchard: Arizona ---------------------------------------------- 1 !------------------------ I. 27 Idaho-----------------------------------------------. 3 3.06 1. 48 2. 11 Montana--------------------------------------------- 2 1. 50 1. 48 1.49 tah ------------------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------ 5. 59 Washington.------------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------ 6. 03 Total and average --------------------------------- 8 6. 03 I. 27 2.76 Peas: Arizona ---------------------------------------------- 1 ------------|------------ 2. 40 Montana--------------------------------------------- 2 1. 10 . 35 . 73 Total and average ... -----. F - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 2. 40 . 35 I. 28 Potatoes: Arizona ---------------------------------------------- 4 2. lº 2.00 2. 10 Nevada ---------------------------------------------- 2 8. 16 7. 48 7.80 Wyoming -------------------------------------------- 1 ------------|------------ 3, 63 Total and average --------------------------------- 7 8, 16 2. 00 3.94 ~ 32 $ IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Depths of water applied to different crops—Continued. Number Depth of water applied. Crop. - oºms. $ * * Iment.S. Maximum. Minimum. | Average. Sugar beets: Feet. Feet. Feet. Arizona---------------------------------------------- 2 2, 50 2, 50 2. Montana --------------------------------------------- 1 ------------|------------ 1.46 Total and average------------------------------ .*.* * * 3 2.50 1.46 2. 15 Wheat: Arizona ---------------------------------------------- 6 2. 50 2. 10 2.17 Montana --------------------------------------------- 3 2.00 .77 1.18 Nevada ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 14.42 8, 26 11.34 Utah ------------------------------------------------- 8 2, 26 . 63 1.42 Total and average --------------------------------- 19 14.42 . 63 2.68 Hops, Washington --------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------ 3.43 New-meadow, Idaho------------------------------------. 1 ------------|------------ 3. 32 Old meadow, Idaho. ------------------------------------- 1 ------------|------------ 2.38 Onions, Arizona------------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------ 6, 20 Peaches, Arizona ---------------------------------------- 1 ------------|------------ 3. 40 Strawberries, Arizona ----------------------------------- 1 ------------|------------ 6. 20 Tomatoes, Arizona--------------------------------------- 1 ------------------------ 4, 30 Watermelons, Arizona ----------------------------------- 2 3.30 3. 20 3.25 These measurements differ as widely as those given in the preceding tables, but the averages show in a general way the relative quantities of water used for the different crops included in the table. These averages, for the crops which are generally raised, are repeated in the following table, which also gives the season during which the crops named require water. The season is found by taking from all the statements on that subject which have been contained in reports to this Office the first and last dates for each crop. Statements referring to Arizona are omitted because irrigation continues throughout the year in that Territory, and its seasons are peculiar to itself. Depth of water wsed for different crops and the irrigating season for each. Depth Depth Crop. Of irri- Irrigating season. Crop. Of irri- Irrigating season. gation. gation. Feet. Feet, Potatoes - - - - - - - - - - 3.94 | May 17 to Sept. 15. Sugar beets - - - - -. 2.15 July 13 to Aug. 17. Alfalfa - - - - - - - - - - - 3.39 Apr. 1 to Sept. 22. Oats-------------- 1.73 May 22 to Aug. 20. Orchard - - - - - - - - - - 2.76 Apr. 15 to Sept. 2. Barley - - - - - - - - - - - 1.49 June 12 to Aug. 1. Wheat.... -- - - - - - - 2.68 Apr. 1 to July 26. Corn ------------- 1.40 July 24 to July 29. The average depth given for wheat is undoubtedly too large, on account of the excessive quantities used in Nevada. The season for sugar beets, as given in the table, refers to Montana alone, and is too short for States farther south. It should be extended at least to September 1. Making these allowances, the table shows that in general the most water is used in the production of those crops which have the longest seasons. The statements made in this table are of value as showing what crops can be raised with a given water supply. The grain crops require the least water, and require it at a season of REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 33 the year when the streams supply the most. Orchards, potatoes, alfalfa, and sugar beets require water during the season when the flow of streams is at a minimum, and hence only small areas of these crops can be raised without storing water. On the other hand, these crops give much larger returns than the grain crops. The following table gives the average returns per acre for the crops named in the last preceding table: Crop returns per acre. Potatoes ---------------------------------------------------- $75. 44 Orchard ---------------------------------------------------- 53. 77 Sugar beets------------------------------------------------- 42.99 Alfalfa ----------------------------------------------------- 25. 36 Barley ----------------------------------------------------- 24. 82 Wheat------------------------------------------------------ 15.95 Corn ------------------------------------------------------- 15. 32 Oats-------------------------------------------------------- 15. 22 Dividing these into two groups, those requiring water late in the season and those not requiring it then, gives average returns of $49.39 per acre for the late crops and $17.83 per acre for the early crops, a difference of $31.46 per acre in favor of the late crops. Grouping the crops in the same way and reducing the figures given for wheat to agree with those given for oats, the late crops require approximately double the depth of water required by the early crops. Leaving out of consideration the cost of land and the labor required on the different crops, a like quantity of water used on 1 acre of late crops will pro- duce a value of $49.39 and used on 2 acres of early crops will bring a return of $35.66, a balance of $13.73 in favor of using the water for 1 acre of late crops. Against this must be charged the cost of storing the extra water. The portion of water which must be stored will vary with the localities and with the seasons, but 1 acre-foot per acre is cer- tainly a safe estimate. The average cost of reservoirs in the Cache ka Poudre Valley, Colorado, as given in a previous bulletin of this Office,” is $5 per acre-foot of capacity. The annual maintenance charges are but a few cents per acre-foot, showing a good profit from the late crops, leaving out of account the extra cost for the double area of land required for the grain crops. The above figures show that it is much more profitable to store a part of the flood waters of the early summer for use on late crops than to extend the area of the early crops to the limit of the water supply. In other words, where the late summer flow of streams is now fully appropriated but there is an unused flood discharge, storing the flood waters will be more profitable than build- ing canals to bring the flood waters to new land. - Jººperiments on the duty of water.—Investigations have been carried on by this Office, in cooperation with several of the agricultural a U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bul. 92. 30620–No. 158—05—3 34 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. experiment stations, to ascertain how much water should be applied to a given area of land in the production of a given crop, in order that the best results shall be attained. - The method has been to secure several plats of land which have a uniform soil and to apply water in varying depths to the different plats in the production of a given crop. Such work has been included in the cooperative investigation in California, experiments being car- ried on at Pomona and Chico. The results have not yet been reported. The cooperative irrigation work with the Utah station consists almost entirely of experiments along this line. The crops included are Italian rye grass, Orchard grass, alfalfa, wheat, barley, corn, oats, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, and sugar beets. Plats of each crop are to receive different quantities of water, receive water at different stages of their growth, to have water applied by different methods, and are to be cultivated at different times and with varying degrees of intensity. In addition to the plat experiments at the agricultural experiment station, arrangements have been made with farmers living in different parts of the State to irrigate and cultivate their crops according to plans made by the agents of this Office, the work being in a general way similar to that at the experiment station, but done under field conditions. Records are kept showing the time each plat or field is watered, the depth of water received, the dates when it is culti- wated, the yield per acre, and any other facts which are necessary to. make the statement complete. The records for the work of 1904 have been brought together, but one year’s work is not considered a suffi- cient basis for definite conclusions. Therefore these records will not be published until next year. Similar experiments were made in New Mexico in 1904, and the report is given on pages 305-317. The experi- ments seem to indicate that the product increases more rapidly than the quantity of water applied to a certain point, after which the total product per acre can be increased for a time by further additions of water, but a point is finally reached where the total product per acre decreases as the quantity of water applied is increased. This means, of course, that the maximum product per inch in depth of water applied is reached long before the point of maximum return per acre has been reached. In the production of oats at the Utah station, for example, it was found that the largest product per acre was secured where water was applied to a depth of 30 inches, but the largest prod- uct per acre-inch of water was secured when the depth was limited to 15 inches. In the production of wheat at the New Mexico station it was found that the largest product per acre-inch was secured when the depth of water was limited to 24 inches, but that the product per acre continued to increase until 35.3 inches had been applied. It is very evident, therefore, that where land is plentiful and water is scarce it is poor economy to continue to apply increasing depths of REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 35 water until the product per acre has reached the maximum, when the same water could be made to produce a much larger product by apply- ing it to a larger area of land. If more labor were not required per acre-inch of water, where the given amount of water is applied to the larger area of land in the production of a given crop, it would seem that the depth per acre should be so limited that the product per acre- inch of water shall reach the maximum. But as a matter of fact more labor is required when the larger area is used, for there are certain field operations, such as plowing, sowing, and reaping, which cost about so much per acre. It would appear, therefore, that neither the largest product per acre of land nor the largest product per acre-inch of water would prove most profitable to the farmer. The most profit- able use of the water lies somewhere between these two extremes. In some localities where water is abundant the economic use of water will lead to the application of a greater quantity per acre than where the water is scarce. It is only by careful experimentation that the farmers of each district will be able to adjust the relations between the quantity of the water and the quantity of land to be watered by a given water supply so as to secure the largest net profit in return for their own exertions. The relative scarcity of water, as compared with the area of land which could be irrigated were the supply sufficient, gives great impor- tance to the work of this Office along the lines of conserving moisture in the soil, so as to reduce the quantities which must be supplied by irrigation. The high value of irrigated products and the limited water supply in California make this work of especial importance there. Canals have been cemented to avoid seepage losses; water is taken to the fields in underground pipes, and in some sections is distributed over the fields in pipes or hose. This Office is extending a step farther the means of saving water by making experiments to determine what methods of applying water and of cultivation after irrigation will reduce to the lowest point the water requirements of crops and the losses from evaporation. The experiments are still in progress, but some results can be given. Water was applied by three different methods: (1) Flooding the surface; (2) in furrows 3 inches deep; and (3) in fur- rows 12 inches deep. Taking as a basis the quantity of water evapo- rated under surface flooding, applying water in furrows 3 inches deep brought about a saving of 13 per cent, while applying it in furrows 12 inches deep brought about a saving of 25 per cent. LOSSES OF WATER FROM CANALS. Since the beginning of this investigation measurements of the losses of water from canals have been made in connection with the studies of duty of water to compare the losses from canals and from irrigated 36 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. fields. The details of the measurements on any canal are of value chiefly to the owners of the canal, by showing them the losses which they sustain and where these losses occur, enabling them to determine whether they can afford to make the expenditures necessary to improve their canals. The averages, however, from measurements covering a large number of canals are of general interest, since they indicate something as to the amount of loss which must be reckoned with under The following table brings together the measure- ments made by this Office during the years which the investigation average conditions. has been conducted: Losses from canals from seepage and evaporation. Volume carried (cu- Loss per mile. Name of Canal. * t- Date. bic feet per Cubic feet j per second. Per cent. Arizona: -- r Arizona ------------------------------------- 79.90 0, 70 0.88 June 26, 1900. O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93.25 . 75 .80 || Aug. 4, 1900 O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 113.00 . 54 .48 || Oct. 8, 1900. Consolidated.-------------------------------. 124, 60 - 88 .70 || May 29, 1900. Do -------------------------------------- 22.80 . 50 2.20 June 26, 1900. Do -------------------------------------- 53.25 . 70 1.31 || Aug. 4, 1900. (Xalifornia: Callison Slough ----------------------------- 55.00 ||------------ 5.20 June 6, 1901. Tipton irrigation district ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75.50 ------------ 6.80 May 28, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 48.70 ------------ 6.75 June 17, 1901. Fine ditch ---------------------------------- 21.20 ------------ 11.33 May 24, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 31.90 ------------ 16.00 June 18, 1901. Vandalia ditch ----------------------------- 16.00 ------------ 46.00 DO. Do -------------- z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16.00 ---------. -- 44.50 June 21, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 10.20 |------------ 64.00 || July 1, 1901. Porter Slough ------------------------------- 97.60 |- - - - - - - - - - - - .80 June 1, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 3.70 ------------ 11.50 July 9, 1901. Poplar ditch -------------------------------- 35.30 ------------ 6.25 June 12, 1901. D0 -------------------------------------- 73.30 ------------ 3.25 || June 14, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 73. 30 ||------------ 2.84 DO. Do -------------------------------------- 42.80 ------------ 9.50 June 27, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 26.90 ------------ 6.55 June 29, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 21.90 ------------ 7. 66 DO. Plano ditch --------------------------------- 7.50 ------------ 16.00 || July 1, 1901. Pioneer -----------, --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45.00 |- - - - - - - - - - - - 2.14 || May 20, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 87.70 - - - - - - - - - - - - .46 May 31, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 27.70 ||------------ 1.45 O. Do -------------------------------------- 37.20 ------------ 2.20 July 10, 1901. Do -------------------------------------- 23.90 -----------. 1. 09 DO. Pleasant Valley ditch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.60 ------------ 11.11 July 2, 1901. O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.90 ------------ 8.60 || Aug. 1, 1901. South Tule ditch---------------------------- 7. 90 ------------ 2.80 July 3, 1901. O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.60 |------------ 2.50 Aug. 4, 1901. Ditches in Santa Clara Valley---------------|------------|-----------. 6.00 | 1904. Imperial— Birch lateral---------------------------- 17.75 . 25 1.40 | 1904. O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24.45 . 20 . 80 1904. Beach lateral ----------------, ---------- 7. 12 .42 5.90 | 1904. Dahlia ---------------------------------- 45.40 .94 2.07 1904. Dogwood lateral .... -------------------- 22. 60 . 95 4.22 || 1904. Holt lateral— First Section ------------------------ 27.28 . 57 2.00 | 1904. Second Section.---------------------. 12.92 . 31 2.40 || 1904. Rose lateral— First Section --------...--------------- 36. 55 . 75 2.07 || 1904. Second Section---------------------- 24.54 . 26 1.05 || 1904. Modesto ------------------------------------ 260. 00 1.70 . 65 | 1904. Colorado: Grand Valley, high line a............ ------. 139, 62 . 53 .38 July 10–12, 1901. Lake ---------------------------------------- 456.33 2.23 .49 June 9, 1901. Idaho, Raft River: Pierce-Keogh west ditch. - - - 4. 76 . 41 8. 61 1904. a Main line of Grand Valley canal shows a gain. REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. icy ? Losses from canals from 8eepage and evaporation—Continued. Volume LOSS per mile. carried (cu- Name of canal. big feet Per Cubie feet | Percent Date. second). persecond. * * Montana: Middle Creek ------------------------------- 98.90 5.38 5.34 July 10, 1899. West Gallatin. ------------------------------ 114.45 .98 .86 July 18–20, 1900. Farmers'------------------------------------ 133. 10 2, 19 1.65 July 30, 1900. Middle Creek ------------------------------- 63.04 1. 16 1.84 June 27–28, 1900. Big ditch------------------------------------ 254. 47 2.96 1. 16 Aug. 9–13, 1900. Republican --------------------------------- 120. 49 3.05 2.53 July 21–24, 1900. Nebraska: Culbertson ... ----------------------- 80, 62 1.94 2.41 Aug. 7–8, 1894. Oregon, Klamath County: Adams ditches— W ditch------------------------------- 16.99 , 29 1. 71 || 1904. Old ditch ------------------------------- 18. 16 . 29 1. 60 | 1904. Ankeny ditch------------------------------- 43. 98 .86 1.96 1904. Do -------------------------------------- 43.41 1.21 2. 79 ; 1904. Mitchell ditch ------------------------------ 3.93 . 53 13. 52 1904. 8,il. Logan and Richmond ---------------------- 82. 10 1------------ 2.28 Average of 6. Logan, Hyde Park, and Smithfield - - - - - - - - - 50.57 |... ---------- 2.65 Average of 8. Bear River ---------------------------------- 279.34 4.02 1.44 June 25, 1901. Westline-------------------------------- 138.59 .42 .30 June 25–26, 1901. Corinne line ---------------------------- 118.94 - 82 .69 June 26–27, 1901. West linea------------------------------ 319. 27 3.54 1. 11 Aug. 6–8, 1900. Washington, Yakima Valley: Snipes lateral.------------------------------- 63.00 .84 1. 33 1904. South Branch lateral ----------------------- 16. 51 . 13 . 80 1904. Wyoming: Canal No. 2.--------------------------------- 89.65 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 July 9–11, 1900. Do -----*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36.52 -----. ------ .94 Aug. 20–22, 1900. Average ------------------------------|------------------------ 6. 76 a Includes what is given as main line in measurement of 1901. The general average of all these measurements shows that 6.76 per cent of the water entering the canals is lost in each mile of length, the losses ranging from 0.3 to 64 per cent per mile. The heavier losses occur in the small ditches flowing over gravel-bottom lands, while the small losses occur in ditches which are so situated that they presum- ably receive drainage from higher lands and those which carry muddy water through a fine soil and therefore become silted. Grouping the canals given in the foregoing table according to the volume of water carried gives the following results: Losses of water from canals by seepage and evaporation, by groups. Percent- No. age of loss per mile. Canals carrying 100 cubic feet per Second or more- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 0.95 Canals carrying between 50 and 100 cubic feet per second - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 15 2.58 Canals carrying between 25 and 50 cubic feet per Second-...------------------...---- 15 4. 21 Canals carrying less than 25 cubic feet per Second----------------------------------- 24 11. 28 This table brings out very clearly the advantage of carrying water in large canals rather than in several small canals, where this can be done. Along a great many streams several canals parallel one 38 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. another for long distances. In such situations the carrying of the water in one large canal would mean a very great saving of water. The figures given in the foregoing tables are the results of a single series of measurements in each case and are, therefore, liable to con- siderable error, due to changes in the discharge of the canal during the progress of the measurements or to conditions which are tempo- rary. A much better measurement of the losses would be continuous records of the flow at the upper and lower ends of the sections under consideration. Such records were kept during the season of 1904 on the Modesto and Turlock canals in California (see p. 116). The records for the season are given in the following table: Losses of water from Modesto and Turlock camals during the season of 1904. Modesto canal: Discharge for Season at head.------------------- acre-feet-- 90,795 Discharge for season at Waterford, 22 miles below head, acre-feet --------------------------------------------- 76,717 Loss ------------------------------------- acre-feet. - 14,078 Percentage of loss -------------------------------------- 15. 51 Percentage of loss per mile------------------------------ . 71 Turlock canal: Discharge at head, for season - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * acre-feet-- 166,845 Discharge 22 miles below head.-------------------- do - - - - 136, 753 Loss----------------------------------------- do- - - - 30,092 Percentage of loss -------------------------------------- 18.04 Percentage of loss per mile------------------------------ . 82 The single measurement of the Modesto canal previously given showed a loss of 0.65 per cent per mile, while the record for the sea- son showed a loss of 0.71 per cent per mile, a very slight variation. IRETURN SEEPAGE. SOUTH PLATTE AND TFIBUTARIES. The gain in the flow of streams, due to return seepage from the irrigated lands lying along their courses, has been brought into great prominence during the past few years in connection with discussions of the use of interstate streams in irrigation. These, however, are equally important on other streams, affecting the distribution of water by public officials. In order that these officials may make a fair divi- sion of the water, it is necessary that they know approximately how much water will return to the stream along its course to supply ditches heading on the lower sections. Measurements of return seepage have been carried on on the South Platte and its tributaries in Colorado for many years. The records on the Cache la Poudre extend back to 1885,” and on the South Platte to 1889.” a Colorado Station Bul. 33. b Reports of the State engineers of Colorado. REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 39 During the season of 1903, in connection with the study of rights to water from the Platte River and its tributaries in Colorado, Wyom- ing, and Nebraska, measurements were made to determine the amount of return seepage on the South Platte River in Colorado and Nebraska, on the St. Vrain in Colorado, on the North Platte in Wyoming and Nebraska, and on the Laramie in Wyoming. These measurements are partially reported in Bulletin 147 of this Office, but are given here more in detail. The following table shows the gains in the flow of the South Platte River as measured in August, 1903, by Mr. C. E. Tait, of this Office, and Prof. O. W. P. Stout, of the University of Nebraska: Return seepage to South Platte River, August 3–20, 1903. [Cubic feet per second.] Dis- Dis- Gain (+): Gain Length} charge Diver. charge fºr | li (+) or Section measured. Of at Inflow. * : OD1 at ... loss (–) section. upper Sions. loºſer | [...] in ºper stafion station. Section. mile Miles. Platte Canyon to City ditch. -----......... 5.25 91.85 - - - - - - - - 114.80 8.69 + 31.64 + 6. 04 City ditch to Littleton -------------------- 6.25 6.04 3.06 || 14.04 || 19. 37 + 24.31 + 3.89 Littleton to Denver ----------------------- 10. 50 35. 52 3.97 5. 69 46.36 + 12.56 + 1.19 Denver to below Clear Creek. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.00 59. 18 53.66 16.34 122.66 + 26.16 + 3. 74 Below Clear Creek to below Brantner ditch ------------------------------------ 7.00 | 122.66 . 74 156. 58 9. 20 i + 42.38 i + 6. 05 Below Brantner ditch to Brighton. - - - - - - - 7.25 4.75 . 00 13.00 26.81 + 35.06 i + 4.84 Brighton to Fort Lupton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. 50 26.81 3.86 44.33 5.09 + 18.75 i + 2.50 Fort Lupton to Platteville - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8. 50 9.99 .00 33. 69 1.97 + 25.67 + 3.02 Platteville to above St. Vrain River - - - - - - - 4. 75 1.97 .00 11.47 13.84 + 23.34 + 4.91 Above St. Vrain River to above Section 3 ditch ------------------- ºr * * * * = - - - - - - - - - - 7.25 13.84 || 96.74 90.99 58. 13 + 38.54 : + 5. 32 Above Section 3 ditch to below Big Thomp- son River-------------------------------- 2.50 58.13 || 33.09 31.22 68.87 + 8. S7 + 3. 55 Below Big Thompson River to Evans -- . . . 2.50 68.87 9. 17 | 86. 12 6.73 —# 14.81 + 5.92 Evans to below Cache la Poudre River. - - - 6.50 6.73 34.22 || 33.33 61.15 + 53.53 + 8. 24 IBelow Cache la Poudre to Kersey- - - - - - - - - 2.00 | 61.15 . 00 . 00 93.31 + 32.16 +16.08 Kersey to above Bijou canal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11.00 | 93.31 1. 34 10. 18 116.99 || + 32. 52 -i- 2.96 Above Bijou canal to below Putnam ditch. 8.00 116.99 .00 20, 56 117.99 || + 21. 56 + 2. 69 Below Putnam ditch to above FOrt Mor- gan Canal ------------------------------- 16. 50 117.99 .00 142. 41 || 32.25 + 56.67 + 3.43 Below Fort Morgan canal to below Bijou Creek------------------------------------ 8. 00 i 32.25 2.54 , 00 60.76 + 25.97 + 3.25 Below Bijou Creek to Fort Morgan........ 3.00 60.76 . 00 1.00 62.39 + 2.63 + . 88 Fort Morgan to Snyder-------------------- 11. 50 | 101.36 . 00 1. 33 146. 27 + 46.24 + 4.02 Snyder to Merino-------------------------- 18.00 146. 27 .00 151.93 29.10 | + 34.76 i + 1.93 Merino to Sterling------------------------- 14.50 | 29, 10 . 85 81. 20 22.67 || -- 73.92 + 5.09 Sterling to Iliff---------------------------- 10.00 22.67 16.49 64. 20 14.23 + 39.27 + 3.92 Iliff to Crook ------------------------------ 15.00 || 14.23 . 00 13.48 5.36 | + 4.61 | + .31 Crook to Sedgwick ------------------------ 17. 00 5. 36 , 00 1. 29 5.78 + 1.71 i + . 10 Sedgwick to Julesburg - - - - - - - - -----------. 15. 50 5. 78 - 00 .00 7.75 | + 1.97 + . 13 Total for Colorado------------------- 232.75 --------|----------------|-------- +727. 61 + 3. 30 Head of Western canal to Ogalalla - - - - - - - - 26. 50 91. 10 .00 || 11, 25 4.99 || – 74.86 — 2.82 Ogalalla to Korty-------------------------- 13.00 4.99 2. 72 . 00 .00 — 7.71 — . 59 Total for Nebraska - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39.50 --------|--------|---------------- – 82.57 | – 2.09 The last column of the table showing the gain or loss per mile is valuable for the purpose of comparing the gains in different sections of the stream. The largest return—16.08 cubic feet per second per mile—is in the section immediately below the mouth of the Cache la Poudre, the largest tributary of the South Platte. The canals head- ing in the Cache la Poudre, as well as those heading in the Platte, irri- 40 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. gate large areas bordering this section of the stream, and seepage water finding its way down the valley of the Cache la Poudre also enters this section of the river. The next largest gain—8.24 cubic feet per second per mile—is in the section immediately above that showing the largest gain. This section lies just below the mouth of the Big Thompson River, and a large part of this gain undoubtedly comes from land watered by the Big Thompson. Similarly, the next largest gain is in the section just below the mouth of Clear Creek. The other sections showing the large gains are also near the mouths of natural tributaries whose valleys are irrigated. The lowest rate of gain is in the sections farthest down the river, where there is little irri- gation and no tributaries. In the two sections in Nebraska, where there is even less irrigation than in Colorado, the channel becomes more sandy and broader. The river was entirely dry at Korty when these measurements were made. Measurements similar to those reported on page 39 have been re- ported by the State engineers of Colorado covering the years from 1889 to 1902, with the exception of 1897. The results of these measurements are given in the following table: Gain in flow of South Platte River from return seepage. [Cubic feet per second.] © Dis- Section. tance. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. Miles. Platte Canyon to head of City ditch - 5.25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27. 57 || 25. 32 18, 41 || 49.23 20. 21 |Head of City ditch to Littleton - - - - - 6.25 || 49.91 11. 73 5.2. 61 || 44, 63 || 23, 50 || 25, 59 55.23 Littleton to Denver - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10. 50 1.00 || 43.88 16. 20 59.61 || 41.27 118.92 || 117, 80 Denver to Brighton-...------------- 21. 25 26. 16 || 43. 30 78.81 – 13. 39 69.73 84. 30 13. 89 Brighton to Platteville- - - - - - - - - - - - - 16. 00 || 56, 31 78.00 { 51. 74 || 64. 37 65.91 65.01 || 134. 44 Platteville to Evans- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..! 17.00 | 63.62 g 72.28 12.32 61.11 107, 46 44, 28 - Fº º* * * * * * * * * * * * 27. ; ſº 69 || 119 50 | 137.75 85.85 98.61 || 179.41 utnam ditch to Fort Morgan . . . . . 27. 50 f. 284. 11 Fort Morgan to Snyder............. 11. 50 188.58 l 50.58 51.80 ||-------- 113.89 || 158, 52 14.82 Snyder to Merino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 21. 53 79.73 |- - - - - - - - 34. 72 58.67 145.26 Merino to Sterling . . . . . . . . . ........ 14. 50 || 32.75 29.45 33.36 |... . . . . . 38, 76 46.80 Sterling to Iliff-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10.00 4. 14.05 28.07 - - - - - - - - 24, 84 |} 43.80 16, 99 § º $gº; s = * * *k................. 1 } % * * * * * * * * & º 'º º ºs º ºs º —13.07 --------|-------- – 48.05 rook to Sedgwick. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17.00 l--------|-------- - Sedgwick to State line. - - - - - - - - - - - - 15.50 --------|-------. } 3.31 --------|-------- 34. 17 —32. 89 Total.------------------------- 232. 75 || 422. 77 || 449. 21 602. 00 || 330. 61 572, 99 || 722. 56 942. 30 ſº Dis- Section. tance 1896. 1898. 1899 1900 1901. 1902. 1903. Miles Platte Canyon to head of City ditch - 5.25 10, 18 1.21 72.93 || 33.96 21. 22 5. 04 31, 64 Head of City ditch to Littleton . . . . 6.25 || 14.76 26.44 60. 96 || 40. 17 | 11. 49 || 13. 24 24. 31 Littleton to Denver. . . . . . . . . ... ---. 10. 50 | 33.95 || 61.63 16.40 | 16. 22 || 35.63 || 24.90 12.56 Denver to Brighton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21. 25 67. 29 || 49.66 124.01 70. 27 | 73. 29 || 48, 67 || 103. 60 Prighton to Platteville - - - - - - - - - - - - 16. 00 92.87 | 112.35 88. 79 || 56.08 || 130. 67 | 66. 24 44.42 Platteville to Evans - - - - - -......... 17.00 37.59 110. 97 111. 50 117. 10 || 138. 84 || 95.17 85. 56 |Evans to Putnam ditch - - - - - - - - - - - - 27. 50 87.99 || 160. 13 150, 38 || 79.14 182. 24 || 92. 23 139. 77 Putnam ditch to Fort Morgan . . . . . 27. 50 | 90. 61 | 94.62 97. 74 99, 79 || 90.89 117.28 85.27 Fort Morgan to Snyder . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. 50 52.79 || 37. 13 72, 63 | 83. 77 || 65.87 || 61.33 46.24 Snyder to Merino - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18.00 66. 21 | . . . . . . . . 93, 87 85. 54 || 97.04 || 80.35 34.76 Merino to Sterling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.50 32.60 - - - - - - - - 73. 73 || 62.03 47.00 97.17 73, 92 Sterling to Iliff--------------------- 10.00 21.36 . . . . . . . . 46. 19 5. 19 || 32.04 7, 27 39. 27 Iliff to Crook..... ------------------ 15.00 --------|-------- 69. 38 23.64 || 12. 12 29.83 4. 61 Crook to Sedgwick- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17.00 --------|-------- —17. 13 | –50. 69 } 3. 73 { , 10 1, 71 Sedgwick to State line............. 15.50 --------|-------- 41. 23 77.98 e 10, 67 1.97 Total.------------------------- 232.75 | 608. 20 || 654. 14 |1, 102.61 800. 19 || 941. 57 || 749.49 | 729.61 REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 41 The table shows that there is no uniformity in the gain in any section from year to year or in the stream as a whole. The amount of return seepage depends on so many factors which vary from year to year that it is not to be expected that there would be any uni- formity or any gradual increase or decrease in the seepage returns in any given section. The amount of water coming into the stream from the lands bordering it in any section must depend primarily upon the amount of water received by these lands, either in the form of rainfall or irrigation. The amount of rainfall varies from year to year without any fixed law, and the amount used in irrigation depends upon the amount which can be secured for that purpose. In general, then, larger returns will be expected in wet years than in dry years, since in such years the lands receive more water from both irrigation and rainfall. The rate of flow of water through soils is extremely slow, and water applied to land at some distance from the stream takes several years to reach the stream, so that the entire effect of heavy irrigation may not be shown immediately in the return seepage. This would tend to decrease the variations in the return flow due to wet and dry seasons. It is therefore practically impossible to establish any relation between the quantity of water received by land and the amount of water which will be supplied by this land to the stream. However, grouping these measurements will help to minimize the effect of variations since these will tend to offset each other. The measurements given cover fourteen years. Dividing these into two seven-year periods gives the results which are shown in the following-table: Gain or loss in flow of South Platte River by seven-year periods. [Second-feet.] Before 1896. After 1895. Section. Length. tº. Total. | Per mile. Total. Per mile. Miles Platte Canyon to City ditch. ----------------------- 5, 25 28. 15 5. 36 25, 17 4. 79 City ditch to Littleton.----------------------------- 6.25 37.17 5.95 27, 34 4. 36 Littleton to Denver----------------------- ---------- 10. 50 56.95 5. 42 28. W6 2. 74 Denver to Brighton -------------------------------- 21. 25 43, 26 2.04 76. 68 3. 61 Brighton to Platteville----------------------------. 16.00 67.94 4.25 S4. 49 5. 28 Platteville to Evans. ------------------------------- 17. 00 57. 32 3. 37 99, 53 5. 85 Evans to Putnam ditch. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27, 50 119.90 4.36 127. 41 4.63 Putnam ditch to Fort Morgan. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27. 50 93. 34 3, 39 95. 17 3. 46 Fort Morgan to Snyder. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11. 50 25, 12 2. 18 59, 97 5. 21 Snyder to Merino -----------------. ---------------- 18.00 63. 35 3. 52 76. 30 4. 24 Merino to Sterling---------------------------------- 14. 50 32. 03 2, 21 64.41 4. 44 Sterling to Iliff------------------------------------- 10.00 16, 58 1.66 25, 22 2. 52 Iliff to Crook --------------------------------------- 15.00 —14.83 — .99 27. 92 1. 86 Crook to State line-----------------. ---------------- 32.50 | —21, 25 — . 65 13. 91 . 43 In some years the sections between measurements were not the same as those given in the table, but included two or more of the sections as given. In such cases the gain or loss in the larger section is divided between the sections as they are given in the table in propor- tion to the mileage. The results given in the table are shown graph- 42 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. ically in figure 1. In the figure the vertical scale represents gain in cubic feet per second per mile, and the horizontal scale represents Aºmº &nda cºy Orch Ahºeron Aerver &righton Aºffèville Ax/Yºann 40//º/, Jºnyaer Aſerino S § £o.55 § § - Gºin g s cubie Feer per second per / ſile. S. Ne Rºse No fe Sw $40 e & & Q &n Q § Q ºn $ § S. Kn $º $º : §, NS * SN Š § ; § § . : § : SS - FIG. 1.-Diagram showing return seepage to South Platte River for two seven-year periods, 1889–1895, ser/ing //iff Crook. 3?aſe A./ne. f and 1896–1903, excluding 1897, TEVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 43 distance from the upper measurements at Platte Canyon. The hatched columns show the gains in the first seven-year period, from 1889 to 1895. The solid columns show the gains in the second seven-year period, from 1896 to 1903, excluding 1897. The difference in the heights of the two columns for any section represents the increase or decrease in the return waters for that section in the second seven-year period over the return waters for the same section for the first seven- year period. The diagram shows that between Platte Canyon and Denver the return seepage was greater for the first seven-year period than for the second. Few diagrams connected with irrigation investigations are more instructive than figure 1. The variation in the return seepage in the different sections of the river reflects with surprising accuracy the influences which modified return seepage during that time. Beginning at the upper end and taking the section embraced in the 20 miles from Platte Canyon to Denver, we find that the return seepage during the first period was greater than during the second period, a decrease instead of an increase in the quantity of water returning. This is contrary to the general tendency on western streams, and there must have been some special reason. What was it? There were two pre- dominating causes. During the greater part of the first period there was no law requiring protection of priorities and requiring the division of water between irrigation districts. The Platte River was divided into three districts, and the section between Platte Canyon and Denver was in the upper district, and the two lower districts had no legal means of compelling the irrigators in this section to respect their pri- orities; hence those in district 3 were, during much of the year, able to have an abundance of water and to use it generously. The result was a large proportion returned as seepage. Furthermore, in the earlier period the ditches irrigated the lands nearer the streams. Much of this land was underlaid with gravel, and a large percentage of the water taken out returned quickly to the stream. During the second period the law providing for recognition of prior rights on the lower part of the stream was enforced. The quantity of water available in this section of the stream was greatly reduced. Water had to be used with greater economy. The result was a less volume of return seepage. Another contributing cause was that the earlier ditches were extended, reaching farther back from the stream and causing the seepage water to return lower down, probably in some cases below Denver. In the section between Denver and Evans we find a reversal of what took place in the section between Platte Canyon and Denver. In the upper section the return seepage was less in the second period. In the lower section the return is far greater in the second period. The following are the reasons for this. During the first period the lands 44 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. under some of the large ditches were not fully brought under irriga- tion; hence the subsoil was not fully saturated and the amount of water finding its way back into the stream was small. During the second period the extension of the irrigated area and the filling up of the subsoil had progressed far enough to materially increase the return seepage rate. Another factor in increasing the seepage flow was the law providing for the recognition of prior rights in the middle district of the stream. This gave more water to this section, and the use of this water pro- duced more return seepage. Still another factor was the construction of reservoirs. The building of the reservoir above Greeley filled the subsoil of that town with seepage water and compelled the building of a drain. This was all seepage water. Undoubtedly a great deal of it passed on beyond the town of Greeley and found its way into the channels of the Big Thompson and Platte, and the same action took place from other reservoirs built during the latter part of the first period and the first part of the second period. - The sections between Evans and Fort Morgan show approximately equal gains in the two periods. In these sections a large number of ditches have been constructed for the purpose of collecting seepage water for use in irrigation. This prevents this water from reaching the river, and therefore it does not show in the measurements of return seepage. This probably explains the fact that the volume of water returned to the stream in these sections did not increase in the second period as compared with the first. When we come to the lower section of the stream, from Fort Morgan to the State line, we find again a marked increase in the seep- age rate during the second period. This grows out of the fact that much of the land was not irrigated until during the first period. The extension of the Fort Morgan and Platte and Beaver ditches, which took place during the first period, did not result in completely satu- rating the subsoil and bringing about the full effect of return seepage until in the second period. In the district below Sterling there was so little irrigation during the first period that return seepage was not sufficient to overcome losses from evaporation, and we have there a loss instead of a gain. The strengthening of the river's flow by the increased seepage in the section above has, however, made it possible to greatly extend irrigation in the region around Sterling, and the reduction in the flow of the stream due to evaporation has been changed into an increase in flow by the augmented return seepage water during the second period. - The following table gives the results of measurements made on St. Vrain Creek in the fall of 1903 and also those previously made by the State engineers of Colorado. EEVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 45 Return seepage to St. Vrain Creek, Colorado, 1903. [Cubic feet per second.] Dis- Dis- re Length charge Diver- |Chârgei Gain (+) Gaiºſ +) Section measured. º sec- at up: |Inflow. ... [at º: 1 º: ) loss (–) ion. persta- * | er Stå- 10SS (—). sº tion. tion. per mile. Miles. Lyons to below Smead ditch . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 66. 56 0.00 33.77 33.59 + 0.80 +0.36 Below Smead ditch to below Oligarchy itch ---------------------------------- 2, 50 31.84 .00 | 16.68 23.41 || -- 8.25 +3.30 Below Oligarchy ditch to below Niwot ditch ---------------------------------- 2.75 23.41 .00 | 18. 24 4.41 — . 76 — . 28 Below Niwot ditch to above Left Hand - Creek---------------------------------- 4.75 4.41 8.67 || 10.58 14.87 4–12. 37 +2. 60 Above Left Hand Creek to county line...| 1.75 17.40 6.25 .00 25.39 + 1.74 + .99 County line to above Boulder Creek .... 2.50 || 25. 39 3. 60 .00 | 40. 60 +11. 61 +4.64 Above Boulder Creek to bridge.......... 6.75 | 40. 60 .91 8. 68 46.97 | + 5.46 + .. 81 Bridge to mouth of Creek ............... 6. 50 38. 29 . 00 .00 42.00 + 3.71 + . 57 Total ------------------------------ 29.75 i--------|--------|--------|-------- +43. 18 +1.45 Whole stream: October 17–19, 1900- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29.75 | 66.24 |... -----|--------|--* - - - - - +36.41 +1.22 July and August, 1900 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29.75 --------|----------------|-------- +28. 74 + .97 August, 1902------------------------- 29.76 --------|--------|--------|-------- +13.38 + .45 The measurements show a gain throughout the course of the stream with the exception of one short section. In the following table are brought together the measurements of return seepage to the other tributaries of the South Platte, as reported by the State engineer of Colorado and the Colorado Experi- ment Station. The measurements for the Cache la Poudre from 1885 to 1895 are taken from Bulletin 33 of the Colorado Experiment Sta- All the other measurements are from the reports of the State tion. engineers. Return seepage to the other tributaries of the South Platte. [Cubic feet per second.] Di Flow at hºw Di dº t IS- TOIn I Wer- flow 8. tº Stream and date. tàInce. sº tributa- Sions. lower Gain. " | Iſles. station Cache la Poudre: - Miles, October 12–15, 1885.-...----------------------------- 35. 127. 61 l- - - - - - - - 61. 40 153. 17 86.96 October 14–17, 1889. ------------------------- ----- 38.60 68.72 |.... ---. 157.80 9. 89 98.97 October 16–18, 1890. ------------------------------- 38. 60 80. 78 : - - - - - - - - 148, 85 | 32. 73 100.80 October 29–30, 1891. ------------------------------- 38. 60 97.58 5.88 122.27 60. 72 79.53 March 11-12, 1892--------------------------------- 34.85 65.02 1.65 21, 29 141. 49 96.11 October 5–8, 1892---------------------------------- 38. 60 || 62.92 - - - - - - - - 139. 28 || 31.69 108.05 November 9–11, 1893. . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38. 60 52.47 - - - - - - - - 90, 39 60.76 98.68 March 13–15, 1894--------------------------------- 38. 1 99.21 |........ 104. 60 76. 93 82.32 August 20–23, 1894 -------------------------------. 38. 10 || 268.07 || 10.33 316, 65 || 32.90 71. 15 October 9–14, 1895--------------------------------- 38. 10 66.47 4.69 || 72, 12 || 116.84 117, 80 1901 ---------------------------------------------- 38. 10 831.22 --------|--------|-------. 167. 30 1902 ---------------------------------------------- 88.10 i 304.00 --------|--------|-------. 119. 43 Big Thompson: 1897 ----------------------------------------------|----------------|--------|--------|-------- 64.08 1898----------------------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------- 52.74 July 18–21, 1900 -----------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 51.85 September 8–18, 1900------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 27. 07 September and July, 1901 ------------------------|--------|--------|--------|---------------- 53. 65 July, 1902-----------------------------------------|--------|----------------|--------|-------- 42,09 46 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Return seepage to the other tributaries of the South Platte—Continued. Dis. |Flow at º Di * t 1S- TOInn. lVer.- tiQW ºl. * Stream and date, tance. ...º. tributa- sions. lower Gain. t ries. station. Little Thompson: Miles 1897 ----------------------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 10.63 1898----------------------------------------------|----------------|--------|--------|-------- 8. 89 September 15–16, 1900 ----------------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------. 22, 82 uly, 1901 ----------------------------------------|--------|----------------|--------|-------- 28. 24 August, 1902--------------------------------------|--------|--------|------- * | * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * 14, 73 BOulder Creek: f 1900 ----------------------------------------------|-------- 29.25 --------|--------|-------- 27. 60 August and September, 1901 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9.68 ----------------|-------- 16. 19 September, 1902----------------------------------|-------- 18.29 |--------|--------|-------- 12, 48 South Boulder Creek: 1900. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.24 --------|--------|-------. 1.05 Clear Creek: October 29 to November 17, 1900 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27.89 ----------------|-------- 15. 80 September, 1901 ----------------------------------|-------- 144.27 ------- --------|-------- 24. 24 September, 1902 ----------------------------------|-------- 72.42 --------|--------|-------- 8.78 Rear Creek: October 27, 1900 ----------------------------------|-------- 24.06 --------|---------------- 15. 71 September, 1901 ----------------------------------|-------- 17.22 l--------|--------|-------- 18. 70 September, 1902 ----------------------------------|--------| .55 --------|--------|-------- 4.15 All of these streams are extensively used for irrigation and all show substantial gains from seepage. The valleys of all these streams open into the South Platte Valley, and undoubtedly a large part of the return seepage enters the South Platte rather than the stream from which the water was diverted. The volume of return seepage from the lands watered by these streams is, therefore, larger than the figures given in the table indicate. The results given above are secured by making series of measure- ments. During the season of 1903 an attempt was made to keep a complete record of the diversions from the South Platte and its tributaries. Records were kept by the water commissioners in coop- eration with the agents of this Office. These records are more or less complete, and in only a few instances do they include all of the small ditches. Ditches which have such early rights that it is seldom neces- sary for the water commissioners to regulate them, and those which head on the lower sections of the streams and are supplied by seepage and are therefore not regulated by the water commissioners, were not included in the records of diversions. For the same season records of stream flow were kept by the United States Geological Survey. From the records of stream flow and diversions the following table has been compiled. This table shows the average flow of the stream for each month, the average volume of water diverted, and the difference between the stream flow and the diversions. REVIEW OF THE WORK of THE YEAR. 47 Return seepage to tributaries of South Platte. [Cubic feet per second.] Diver- Excess Stream and date. - Flow. sions. of flow. Clear Creek: May, 1908--------------------------------------------------- * - - - - - - - - - - 249 193 56 June, 1908 ------------------------------------------------------------- 806 540 266 July, 1908-------------------------------------------------------------- 568 426 142 August, 1908----------------------------------------------------------- 218 105 113 September, 1908 ------------------------------------------------------- 124 63 61 October (21 days), 1903. ----------------------------------------------- 110 69 51 St. Vrain Creek: June, 1908------------------------------------------------------------. 772 588 184 July, 1908-------------------------------------------------------------- 405 361 44 August, 1908----------------------------------------------------------- 135 146 —11 September, 1908 ------------------------------------------------------- 67 99 –32 Big Thompson River: ay, 1903-------------------------------------------------------------- 259 220 39 June, 1908 ------------------------------------------------------------- 897 905 — 8 July, 1908-------------------------------------------------------------- 573 485 88 August, 1908----------------------------------------------------------- 169 150 19 September, 1903 ------------------------------------------------------- 95 65 30 This table shows considerable excess of flow over diversions except in a few months. This, however, leaves out of consideration the small ditches before referred to. In order to make the measurements on the South Platte of value records of flow of these streams where they enter the Platte should have been kept, since any excess in these tribu- taries goes to supply ditches in the main stream. This would help to account for the large excess of diversions over stream flow in the South Platte from Denver to Julesburg. It is a fair assumption that after the flood period in June the diversions by the small ditches not included in the above records fully equal the excess of flow over recorded diversions. The South Platte may, therefore, be considered independent of these tributaries in the late summer. The following table showing return seepage to the South Platte River during July and August is based on this assumption and shows the gains in the river for those months: Return seepage to South Platte River, July and August, 1903. [Cubic feet per second.] Dis- DiS- | * Percent- * charge | Diver- charge . . Section. at upper sions. at lower Gain. º Of Station. station. gain. South Platte to Denver: uly ---------------------------------------------- 353 165 328 140 39.66 August ------------------------------------------- 217 146 108 37 17. 05 Denver to Kersey: uly ---------------------------------------------- 328 631 192 495 150. 90 ust ------------------------------------------- 108 384 137 413 382. 41 Kersey to Julesburg: uly ---------------------------------------------- 192 636 3 447 232. 81 August . . . . . ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = 137 302 130 295 215. 33 River as a whole: July ---------------------------------------------, 353 1,432 3 1,084. 307. 08 August ------------------------------------------- 217 833 130 743 343.73 48 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The single series of measurements made during August showed a gain of 730 cubic feet per second, while the records show an average gain for the whole month of 743 cubic feet per second. NORTH PLATTE AND TRIBUTARIES. A series of measurements covering the North Platte River from the Colorado-Wyoming line to Kearney, Nebr., was made during the months of August and September, 1903. The results of these meas- urements are given in the following table: Return seepage to North Platte River, 1908. ſcubic feet per second.] Length *: #: G (+) Gain ength Charge ivor. charge Gain (+)|(+) or Section measured. Of at Inflow. º: at Or tºº - section. upper lower loss (–). per Station Station mile. Colorado-Wyoming line to above Doug- || Miles. * las Creek -------------------------------- 8.00 260. 22 0.00 0.00 216.90 — 43.32 – 5.40 Above Douglas Creek to above Sage Creek- 52.00 || 216.90 279.06 || 56.54 || 273.70 || –165. 72 | – 2.19 Above Sage Creek to Fort Steele - - - - - - - - - - 22. 00 || 273. 70 . 00 .00 232, 58 || – 41.12 || – 1.87 Fort Steele to Dickenson's ranch. . . . . . . . . . 21.00 232.58 , 00 .00 239.32 || -- 6.74 || -- .32 Dickenson’s ranch to below Medicine Bow River------------------------------- 11.00 || 239. 32 | 18.05 .00 228.62 | – 28.75 | – 2.61 Below Medicine Bow River to below - Sweetwater River . . . . .- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 33.00 228. 62 33. 72 .00 271.92 || + 9.58 + .29 Below Sweetwater River to Alcova - - - - - - - 12. 00 271. 92 . 00 .00 275. 10 | + 3. 18 + .26 Alcova to Delaware Springs... ------------ 21.00 275. 10 . 00 .00 257.85 — 17.25 | – .82 Delaware Springs to below Muddy Creek. 36.00 257.85 | 15.28 .00 343.98 || -- 70.85 -ī- 1.97 Below Muddy Creek to Douglas-- - - - - - - - - - 40.00 343.98 . 90 .00 301.07 || – 43.81 | – 1, 10 Douglas to above Horseshoe Creek-------. 43.00 || 301.07 5, 60 5. 25 293. 53 – 7.89 || – . 18 Above Horseshoe Creek to Guernsey Can- - YOI! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16.00 || 293. 53 7.46 8.00 348.00 | + 55.01 || + 3.44 Guernsey Canyon to Whalen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14.00 || 348.00 .00 .00 355.37 + 7.37 + .. 53 Whalen to Fort Laramie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.00 355.37 .00 || 71.74 || 273.15 | – 10.48 || – 1.75 Fort Laramie to above Rawhide Creek- - - -] 9.00 | 273.15 7.73 || 42.49 || 315.67 || -- 77.28 + 8.59 Above Rawhide Creek to Torrington - - - - - - 8.00 | 815. 67 .00 3.28 || 235.49 — 76.90 – 9.61 Torrington to Wyoming-Nebraska line.... 12.00 || 235.49 .00 | 121.04 || 234.58 +120. 13 4-10.01 Total for Wyoming------------------ 864.00 --------|--------|--------|-------- — 85. 10 | — . 23 Wyoming-Nebraska State line to Mitchell (Sept. 1-25) ------------------------------ 14.00 || 272. 30 21.26 203.20 | 158.40 | + 68.04 || -- 4.86 Mitchell to Gering------------------------- 10. 50 | 158.40 5.14 || 20. 54 || 273. 51 || --130. 51 | +12.43 Gering to Bayard. ------------------------- 18. 50 | 273. 51 .00 || 44. 78 204. 55 – 24. 18 — 1.31 Bayard to Bridgeport.--------------------- 13, 30 204. 55 .00 || 34.00 284.35 | +113.80 | + 8. 56 Bridgeport to Oshkosh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45. 50 | 284.35 | 36.42 4.35 | 246.95 – 69.47 — 1. 53 Oshkosh to above Hayland canal . . . . . . . . . 30, 00 246.95 || 82.80 2. 12 276.43 | – 51.20 | – 1.71 Above Hayland canal to Paxton Bridge ... 24.00 || 276.43 32.15 44.68 499. 28 || 4-235. 38 || -- 9.81 Paxton Bridge to North Platte - - - - - - - - - - - - 34.00 || 499. 28 141. 10 || 119. 22 || 498, 11 || – 23.05 || – .68 North Platte to Gothenburg. ... - - - - - - - - - - - 36.50 || 498. 11 | 128.38 242.58 || 493. 67 || 4-109.76 || -- 3.01 Gothenburg to Lexington -...----...--..... 24.50 || 493. 67 .00 30. 17 | 298.71 –164.79 – 6.73 Lexington to Kearney ...... ---------...--- 36.00 298. 71 || 61.22 || 34.07 116. 24 || –209. 62 || – 5.82 Total for Nebraska - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 286.80 ----------------|--------|-------- +115, 18 |........ ºr- Throughout the entire course of the stream there are alternating gains and losses, the largest of both gains and losses occurring in the section immediately above the Wyoming-Nebraska line. There is a net loss of 85 cubic feet per second in Wyoming and a net gain of 115 cubic feet per second in Nebraska. The largest gain per mile on any part of the stream is in the section between Mitchell and Gering in Nebraska, where the land on both sides of the river is watered. The next largest gain is in the section just above the Wyoming-Nebraska REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 49 line, where the land is under ditch. East of Gothenburg on the main river very large losses occur, and these losses are known to continue beyond Kearney, where the measurements were discontinued. A series of measurements was made during 1903 on the Laramie River also. These measurements extended from Woods Landing, near the Colorado-Wyoming line, to the mouth of the river. and losses are extremely small. The following table shows the results of these measurements: * Return seepage to Laramie River, 1903. [Cubic feet per second.] Both gains Dis- Dis- Gain Length charge Diver- charge Gain (+) (+) or Section measured. of sec- at up- Inflow. sons at Or loss (–) tion. per lower loss (–). per station. station mile. Woods Landing to below Sodergreen’s Miles. T8DCD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.00 76.36 1. 80 62. 21 34.7 +18. 79 +3. 76 Below Sodergreen's ranch to Bacon’s TanGD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.25 || 34.74 11.10 . 50 42.30 — 3.04 — . 72 Bacon’s ranch to below Cuba ditch . . . . . . . 5. 50 42.30 . 00 .00 || 45.66 + 3.36 + .. 61 Below Cuba ditch to above Sand Creek - - - ; 5.00 || 45.66 .00 .00 41.74 — 3.92 — . 78 Above Sand Creek to below Hutton ditch - 2.75 || 41. 74 .00 .00 42.39 + . 65 i + . 24 Below Hutton ditch to above Five-Mile Creek------------------------------------ 4.00 42.39 . 00 . 00 44.92 || + 2.53 i + . 63 Above Five-Mile ditch to below Laramie. - 6.75 44.92 . 00 - 00 42.91 — 2.01 —- .30 Below Laramie to Fisher's ranch.... -- - - - - 4.00 42.91 . OO .00 45.35 | + 2.44 + .. 61 Fisher's ranch to Oasis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.00 || 45.35 .00 12.99 || 33.96 + 1.60 + .27 Oasis to above Little Laramie River. - - - - - - 6.25 33.96 .00 .00 31.34 — 2.62 — .42 Below Little Laramie River to below * Boughton ditch ------------------------- 7.75 || 31.34 6. 34 .00 40.44 + 2.76 + .36 Below Boughton ditch to Union Pacific Railroad bridge ------------------------- 2. 50 | 40.44 . 00 .00 || 42.88 + 2.44 + .98 Union "Pacific Railroad bridge to Cooper Lake ------------------------------------ 3.00 || 42.88 . 00 . 00 46.85 + 3.97 +1. 32 Cooper Lake to Dunn's ranch. . . . . . . . ----- 4.50 i 46.85 .00 .00 || 42.35 — 4.50 — 1.00 Dunn's ranch to above Wyoming Devel- opment Co.'s reservoir No. 2.- - - - - - - - - - - - 11. 50 42.35 . 00 .00 41. 20 ! — 1.15 — . 10 Below Wyoming Development Co.'s reser- voir No. 2 to Dodge's ranch -...---------. 9.75 169.45 . 00 . 00 | 169. 27 . 18 || -- . 02 Dodge's ranch to Wyoming Development -- Co.'s tunnel ----------------------------- 8.25 | 169.27 . 00 .00 | 169. 79 + . 52 + . 06 Above Wyoming Development Co.'s tun- Inel to below Same----------------------- 75 169.79 .00 159.71 || 10.37 + . 29 + .39 Below Wyoming Development Co.'s tun- nel to Northrop's ranch ... ------------...- 14.00 | 10.37 , 00 3.00 5.91 — 1.46 — , 10 Northrop's ranch to below Combination ditch------------------------------------ 7.00 5.91 . 00 3.53 5. 58 + 3.20 | + . 46 Below Combination ditch to Mullen’s Tanch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.00 5. 58 . 50 6.49 2.00 + 2, 41 + .40 Mullen's ranch to Uva ----...-----------.. 7. 50 2.00 2. 18 . 00 6. 14 + 1.96 | + . 26 Uva to above Scisson's ranch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.25 6.65 1. 87 2.03 9. 59 + 3. 10 + . 43 Above Scisson's ranch to Guernsey’s ranch. 10.00 9.59 . 00 8.44 4. 52 | + 3.37 | + .34 Guernsey's ranch to mouth of river..... -- 14.25 4.52 . 00 5. 38 8.82 + 9.68 + .68 During the season of 1903 records of the flow of Deer and Horse- shoe creeks and the diversions from them were kept. these measurements are given in the following table. 30620–No. 158–05—4 The results of 50 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Return seepage to Deer and Horseshoe creeks, Wyoming. Gain (+) or Discharge Diver- |Disgharge loss (–). • Month. at UPPer | signs at lower Station. Station. Acre Per feet. Cellt. Horseshoe Creek: Acre-feet, Acre-feet. Acre-feet. April ------------------------------------------ ,932 2,282 4,670 + 2,020 | + 41 May ------------------------------------------ 8,977 8, 179 7,256 + 6,458 || + 72 June------------------------------------------- 4,218 8,037 3,772 || --11, 191 + 265 July ------------------------------------------- 1,045 2,382 719 | + 2,056 | + 197 August -------- ------------------------------- 518 375 + 555 + 164 Deer Creek: April ------------------------------------------ 12, 200 721 10,067 — 1,412 – 12 May ------------------------------------------- 26,010 4,479 21,522 || – 00 June------------------------------------------- , 330 2,810 7,795 + 2,275 + 27 July ------------------------------------------- 485 1, 149 343 | + 1,007 || + 208 August ---------------------------------------- 80 368 ----------- 288 + 360 This table shows that a very large percentage of the water diverted from these creeks returns in the form of seepage, so that the use of their waters for irrigation does not materially decrease their contri- bution to the flow of the North Platte. METHODS OF PREPARING LAND FOR, IRIRIGATION. During the past year a bulletin (No. 145) has been published describ- ing methods of preparing land for irrigation. The demand for this bulletin shows the need for information of this practical character. Further information on this subject is included in the reports on irri- gation in the Yakima Valley, Washington (pp. 267–278); in Modesto and Turlock districts, California (pp. 93-139), and the Imperial Valley, California (pp. 175–194). In sections of the arid regions where sage- brush grows its removal is the first step in reclamation. The usual method of removing sagebrush is by drawing over the land some heavy beam or iron which will break down or pull up the brush. Railroad rails are used for this, or heavy beams shod with iron and supplied with handles so that they may be kept in position. The railroad rails are sometimes bent into V-shape, and sometimes the base is notched to make it take a better hold on the brush. After the brush is broken down it is raked with horserakes made for the purpose, what has not been pulled up is grubbed by hand, and the brush is then burned. In some localities the brush is plowed out with gang plows. Single plows will not do this work, as they are thrown out of line by the roots, but heavy gang plows get enough hold on the ground to avoid this and cut off the roots. This method is not so common as that described first, and is not so easily available for the average settler as the first method. The statements of the cost of removing sagebrush range from $1.50 per acre to $5 per acre. After the brush is removed the land must be brought to even slopes with smooth surfaces in order that water can be run over it easily. All kinds of scrapers and levelers are used for this, the most common REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR, 51 being made of plank set on edge, the lower edge being shod with iron to make it cut into the soil. These, drawn over the surface, will remove the soil from the high places and deposit it in the low places. Where large quantities of earth have to be moved ordinary Scrapers such as are used for railroad and similar work are used. The cost of leveling land, after brush has been removed, varies, of course, with the original roughness of the surface and with the plan of applying water adopted, the reports from various sections giving it as from $1 to $15 per acre. The cost of laterals and division boxes also varies with the contour of the country and with the method of applying water. The total for the three items—removing brush, grading, con struction of lateral ditches or checks—varied in the cases examined from $3.50 to $35 an acre. Add to this the price of a water right, from $10 to $20 an acre, and it is easily seen that the farmer under irri- gation must have considerable capital to establish himself. It is also manifest that with an outlay so large the farmer can not afford to make many mistakes, either as to the tools or methods adopted, and no work that this Office has undertaken has proved more useful than the collection of information which will enable new settlers to do this work cheaply and well. METHODS OF APPLYING WATER. The effect on the yield of crops of applying water by different methods was tested in 1904 in a number of States. It is known that the various methods of applying water to land are not equally suited to all conditions and that what proves the best method in one place may not be so in other localities. The studies of 1904 were to deter- mine the factors which influence this adaptability. In general, it may be stated that the check method is best adapted to light sandy soils having a comparatively even slope of from 3 to 15 feet to the mile. Fields having a steep slope should not be checked, since this requires levees so high and so close together as to interfere with the profitable use of farm machinery and also with diversified agriculture and rota- tion of crops. The advantage of checking is that it permits an irri- gator to handle a large volume of water, and the cost of application is less than that of any other method. Its disadvantages are the removal of the surface soil to form levees, farm implements can not be used so conveniently and are frequently damaged in passing over high embank- ments, and the first cost of preparing the land is greater than by almost any other method. The most common method of applying water in the arid region is by flooding from small field ditches. It is suited to the irrigation of all kinds of grain and grasses. It has the advantage of being cheap; it is adapted to most crops; the soil is not disturbed, and the small ditches used do not seriously interfere with the operation of machinery. 52 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. On the other hand, the labor of applying water to fields costs more and is more disagreeable than by any other method. It is difficult to control streams after dark or to distribute water evenly over fields in the nighttime, and where water is not distributed evenly the best results are not obtained. Furrow irrigation is best for the irrigation of orchards and culti- vated crops. The loss of water from evaporation is small. It per- mits of the use of smaller streams of water to better advantage than any other method. There is little displacement of the top soil, and the surface soil is not soaked and does not tend to bake or become too hard to cultivate. Its drawbacks are that land can not be watered so rapidly as by the other methods, and porous soils are hard to wet uniformly throughout the furrows. - The basin method differs from the check method in having the levees small and the basins much smaller than the checks. The use of basins is confined for the most part to orchards, where a basin is usually made for each tree. It has the advantage of allowing the use of a large head of water on small tracts and requiring little time for distribution. It produces an even watering on porous soils. It has the disadvantage of leaving the surface soil saturated and liable to bake. It requires considerable disturbance of the soil in forming the basins and is likely to keep the roots near the surface. since the water is applied there. - IPUMIPING. In the reports of pumping investigations carried on in different sections the agents preparing these reports have used the units of water measurement common in the sections studied. For purposes of comparison these have been reduced to common units, which are used in the following discussion. The discharge of pumps is usually given in gallons per minute, but to reduce this to terms of depth on land requires several computations. In discussing pumping for irri- gation we have used the acre-foot rather than gallons per minute, and in computing the cost of pumping water the unit foot-acre-foot is used. This is secured by multiplying the number of acre-feet raised in a given time by the number of feet the water is lifted. Acre-feet is easily read in depth on land by dividing the number of acre-feet by the number of acres to be irrigated. For purposes of comparison with results from other pumping plants and for computing efficiency the results are also given in terms of “water horsepower hours,” 1 foot-acre-foot equaling 1.375 horsepower hours. To compute the efficiency of a pumping plant it is necessary to compare the power developed by the engine with the power theoretically required to do the work done. The former is the indicated horsepower, the latter the water horsepower, and the efficiency is the ratio between the two. REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 53 CALIFORNIA. The study of pumping in California during 1904 included the col- lection of information as to plants in Santa Clara Valley, by Prof. S. Fortier; the collection of information regarding plants throughout the State, the testing of plants throughout the State, and tests of typical pumps, by Prof. J. N. Le Conte. A part of the land in the Santa Clara Valley is supplied with water from streams which furnish water from January to March, but very little outside of these dates. Other lands must be supplied from wells, while some lands use both stream and well water. Copious winter irrigation and intense cultivation through the summer have produced crops on some orchards, while others are irrigated only during the summer from pumping plants. Reports were received from 60 plants in the Santa Clara Valley. The average lift reported is 66 feet; the average cost of water per acre-foot is $4.38, and the average cost per foot-acre-foot is 6.6 cents. The average depth of water applied to lands watered by pumping plants is 1.13 feet. The higher costs reported are for the smaller plants and those having the smaller lifts. The report of Professor Fortier gives a compara- tive statement of the cost of irrigating from streams and from pump- ing plants. The average depth of water used under ditches is 2.22 feet, and stream water is sold for $2.10 per acre-foot, making a cost of $4.66 per acre. Water is sold by the owners of pumping plants for $13 per acre-foot, while the average depth is 1.13 feet, making the cost per acre $14.69, or approximately $10 per acre more than stream water. The average cost of pumped water for fuel and repairs is given as $4.96 per acre, and fixed charges are estimated at $5.20 per acre making the average cost of pumped water to owners $10.16 per acre, or $5.50 greater than the average cost given for stream water. The advantage of pumped water over stream water is that it can be secured as needed, while stream water must be taken as it comes, and the supply ordinarily lasts only from January through March. The descriptions of pumping plants and data as to their operation collected by Professor Le Conte have not been brought together and reported upon. The report of Professor Le Conte (pp. 195—255) con- tains field tests of 19 pumps and laboratory tests of 7 pumps. The field tests show an average efficiency of 41.17 per cent for the plants tested, the minimum efficiency being 26 per cent and the maximum 65 per cent. Eight plants using gasoline for fuel and varying in size from 5 to 21 horsepower show an average cost of fuel per foot-acre- foot of 4.5 cents. Three steam plants from 12 to 27 horsepower and using crude oil for fuel show an average cost of 2.8 cents per foot- acre-foot. The average size of gasoline plants is 10 horsepower, while 54 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. the average size of steam plants is 21.8 horsepower. The cost, there- fore, varies approximately with the size. The laboratory tests included the running of pumps at various speeds with given heads and varying heads with given speeds. These tests showed very clearly that for each lift there was a definite head at which each pump worked most efficiently and, conversely, for a given lift a certain speed of pump gave higher efficiency than any other speed. A further test was made to determine the effect of the distribution of the head between the 'suction and discharge, but the results showed that within the limits within which centrifugal pumps may be run the distribution of the head between suction and lift made practically no difference. NEW MEXICO. The plan of the experiments at the New Mexico Experiment Station included a comparison of the cost of irrigating with stream water and with pumped water, but owing to the shortage of stream supply it was impossible to carry out these experiments (see p. 308). The experiments therefore included simply the keeping of a record of the cost of supplying water to different crops with pumps. On one field of alfalfa, which received water to a depth of 3 feet, the cost of pump- ing water was $9.80 per acre. On another field of alfalfa, which received water to a depth of 3.1 feet, the cost was $11.20 per acre. The average cost on 4 plats of wheat was $3.70 per acre-foot. These plats of wheat received different volumes, the experiments being car- ried on in such a way that this cost can not be given on an acreage basis. Corn was irrigated in the ordinary way, receiving 25 inches of water, which cost $3.30 per acre-foot, making the cost $6.93 per acre. Sweet potatoes received 17.62 inches of water at a cost of $4.86 per acre. The general average of cost per acre-foot at the station was $3.44. The lift is not given. TEXAS. Mr. Harvey Culbertson, of this Office, spent the season of 1904 in western Texas, studying irrigation practice and giving advice to beginners as to equipment and irrigation practice. A report of his work is given on pages 319-340. In the last few years the shortage in the water supply in the Rio Grande Valley has led to the putting in of a large number of pumping plants in the vicinity of El Paso. The valley at this point is underlain by 30 to 40 feet of fine sand under which is a coarse gravel. Water is found throughout these sand and gravel strata, and So far the supply has proven ample. Other pump- ing plants are scattered throughout the territory visited by Mr. Cul- bertson, and tests were made of a number of these plants. Seven gaso- line plants varying in size from 2 to 7 horsepower showed a fuel cost REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 55 of 7.6 cents per foot-acre-foot. Nine gasoline plants varying in size from 7 to 12 horsepower showed a cost of 7.5 cents per foot-acre-foot, with gasoline at 14 cents per gallon. The average quantity of gaso- line used per foot-acre-foot was 0.43 gallon and the average lift 35 feet. The average discharge of pumps per acre irrigated for 31 plants was 10.54 gallons per minute. Mr. Culbertson describes quite a number of storage reservoirs found throughout the country visited and estimates that by the storage of flood waters in the streams and the collection of storm waters in reser- voirs very large areas might be reclaimed throughout this section. Irrigation in the section of Texas lying to the east of the region visited by Mr. Culbertson was studied by Mr. A. J. Bowie, jr., of this Office. The district included in Mr. Bowie's report (pp. 347–507) lies south of the line through Del Rio, San Antonio, and Port Lavaco, with the addition of the Upper Nueces and Frio River valleys. In this sec- tion the area irrigated is approximately 30,000 acres, about half of which is in rice; corn, truck, and cotton occupy the next larger areas in the order named. Onion culture by irrigation is attracting a great deal of attention, but as yet no great acreage of this crop is reported. Mr. Bowie found that the average depth of water used by pumping plants was 2.67 feet; the average pump capacity per acre irrigated, 14.13 gallons per minute, and the pumps were operated 15.1 per cent of the time. Part of this irrigated land is watered from artesian wells and a part from pumped wells, the average cost for artesian wells is reported as $57.77 per acre irrigated and $7.46 per gallon per minute of discharge. The average cost of pumped wells is given as $14.79 per acre irrigated and $2.75 per gallon per minute of capacity of pumps. It is seen that the cost of artesian wells is much greater than that of pumped wells, but in order that a comparison may be made the cost of pumping machinery should be added to the cost of pumped wells. The average cost of pumping machinery per acre irrigated is given as $14.12 per acre. Adding this to the cost of wells, we have $28.91 as the cost of wells and machinery per acre irrigated, against $57.77 for artesian Wells per acre irrigated, the cost of artesian wells being almost exactly double that of the others. The average annual cost of artesian wells per acre irrigated is given as $8.63 and the average annual cost of pumped wells and machinery, $6.13 per acre. These figures show clearly that on an average the pumped wells are cheaper than artesian wells, notwithstanding the fact that there is no fuel expense connected with an artesian well. - The following table shows the depth to which wells have been sunk in various sections in the territory studied by Mr. Bowie. 56 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. # Depth of wells in Teacas. Location. Depth. Location. Depth. Feet. * JFeet. Victoria--------------------------------. 30–230 Moore ---------------------------------- 100 DeZ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 270 || Pearsall -------------------------------- 100–240 San Antonio ---------------------------. 160–1,005 || Derby ---------------------------------- 200 Beeville--------------------------------. 59–225 || Devine - - - - - - - T- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 110 UValde------------------------------ ---- 100 ||. The cost of raising water per foot-acre-foot is given by Mr. Bowie as follows: Fuel cost of raising water in Teacas. Fuel. COSt. | Fuel. CoSt. Wood ----------------------------------- $0.0164 || All steam------------------------------- $0.0164 Coal ------------------------------------ .0198 || Gasoline.------------------------------. . 0754 Oil ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .0158 || Electricity ----------------------------- , 0351 This table shows that steam is by far the cheaper power, but the steam plants are larger than the others, which accounts in part for this difference. The extreme cheapness of both wood and crude oil in Texas is, however, the chief reason for the better showing for the steam plants. The above figures are for fuel cost, but labor is so cheap in Texas that the advantage is still maintained when taking into account the cost of attendance. LOUISIANA. Two of the large pumping plants used for rice irrigation in south- west Louisiana were tested by Prof. W. B. Gregory (see pp. 509–544). One of these plants was equipped with a simple noncondensing slide- valve engine and centrifugal pumps, while the other was equipped with compound condensing Corliss engines and rotary pump. The fuel cost of raising water with the first plant was 2.4 cents per foot- acre-foot, and with the more expensive plant 0.9 cent per foot-acre- foot, the average for the two plants being 1.6 cents. This is very much cheaper than the cost shown in any other reports to this Office. This is accounted for by the large size of the plants and the cheapness of crude oil, which is used for fuel in that vicinity. ARKANSAS. An experiment in pumping water for rice irrigation in Arkansas was carried on in 1904 in cooperation between this Office and the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. This experiment was for the purpose of determining the character of the water supply, the cost of pumping, and the feasibility of raising rice in this section. Water was found at depths varying from 70 to 90 feet, and the supply is REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 57 apparently abundant, although only a few wells have so far been put down. Water rose to within 27 feet of the surface. At the experi- mental farm an 8-inch well was put down to a depth of 114 feet, at a cost of $4 per foot, including pipe. The equipment consists of a 20- horsepower boiler and 18-horsepower engine and a 4-inch centrifugal pump, the entire cost of machinery being $858.58. This plant was guaranteed to raise 470 gallons per minute, with a lift of 50 feet. The lift at starting was 27 feet, and pumping seemed to lower the water very little. The Fuller plant, in the same vicinity, equipped with a 25-horsepower engine, 35-horsepower boiler, and 6-inch centrifugal pump, supplies water to 70 acres. The cost for machinery and opera- tion for the first year was $3,147.50, or $45 per acre irrigated. ECANSAS. At the Fort Hays substation of the Kansas Agricultural College an experiment in pumping water for irrigating farm crops was made in 1904 (see pp. 567–583). Fort Hays is on the high plains where it was desired to determine both the extent of the water supply and the cost of bringing it to the surface with pumps. The well was placed in the valley of a small creek, near the bank, and water was struck at a depth of 24 feet. The well was put down to a depth of 40 feet, the water rising to within 24 feet of the surface. The well was made 13 feet in diameter. A 4-inch centrifugal pump, costing $865.65, was used. The water supply in the well was very limited and was drawn down rapidly when the pump was run. A traction thrashing engine was used. The cost of raising water per foot-acre-foot, including fuel, engineer, and water tender, was 40 cents in 1903 and 30 cents in 1904. The machinery was too large for the work to be done and was poorly oper- ated, which accounts very largely for the high cost of pumping in this locality. For these reasons the work in 1903—4 can hardly be taken as a fair test of the cost of pumping in this locality. The rapidity with which the water was drawn down in the well indicates that the water supply in this section is quite limited. Tests of wells at Garden City, where water is pumped from the gravel at small depths, show that there also pumping lowers the water very rapidly. At the Richter well, 1% miles west of Garden City, the water was lowered 5 feet in one hour and fifteen minutes. At King Brothers’ well one test showed a lowering of 17.8 feet in five minutes, and another test showed a lowering of 17 feet in fifteen minutes. COLORADO. In the Cache la Poudre Valley in northern Colorado the water sup- ply from the river has been so completely utilized that prices for water rights in both ditches and reservoirs have become so high that a great 58 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. many have deemed it cheaper to pump water for irrigation than to secure it from the stream. The extensive irrigation in this valley has raised the ground water so that water is found very near the surface, making pumping quite inexpensive. The wells reported on by Pro- fessor Stout (pp. 595-608) range in depth from 4 to 30 feet, and water was found at depths varying from 1.5 to 15 feet. The average cost of wells reported on is $3.47 per acre served, the cost of pumps and engines $6.25 per acre, making the entire equipment cost $9.72 per acre, while ditch rights cost from $25 to $30 per acre. The average fuel cost of pumping water with gasoline engines and centrifugal pumps is given at 11 cents per foot-acre-foot, and with steam plants using local coal for fuel 8 cents per foot-acre-foot. In most of the wells the pump draws the water down very rapidly, but the wells soon fill up when the pumping stops. The wells are in general quite large pits, and it has been found necessary to put down pipes in the bottom of these pits in order to secure a sufficient supply of water. It is doubted whether the large pits are any advantage under these circumstances, as it is probable that the pipes put in the bottom of the pits would supply as large quantities if they were put down from the surface without the pits. - Pumps are being put in in the irrigated regions of the Arkansas Valley also. Here, as in the Cache la Poudre Valley, the extension of irrigation with river water has increased the cost of rights and raised the ground water, the two influences combining to make the pumped supply as cheap or cheaper than a supply from the stream. With gasoline at 20 cents per gallon the cost per foot-acre-foot was found to be 6.7 cents. The lift at Rockyford was 13 feet. At Lamar the lift was 10 feet and the cost per foot-acre-foot, 9.8 cents. Bringing together the results from all the territory where studies of pumping were made we find that water is being successfully lifted for irrigation up to 100 feet, and in some eases more than that. In the following table the number of plants reported on for various lifts in the different sections are shown: Lifts through which water is being successfully pumped for irrigation. Under 10, 10 to 15. 15 to 25. 25 to 50, 50 to 100.1%. Total. California: Le Conte -------------------------- 0 0 0 6 11 3 19 Fortier ---------------------------- 0 0 5 22 24 9 60 Arizona ------------------------------- 1. 0 0 5 0 0 6 Texas: Culbertson ------------------------ 0 0 0 20 0 1 21 Bowie ----------------------------- 0 4 6 29 27 3 69 Tait ------------------------------- 1 3 1. 3 l 0 9 Louisiana: Gregory ------------------- 0 O 2 0 0 0 2 Colorado: Stout ------------------------------ 3 6 7 3 0 0 19 Wright ---------------------------- 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 59 The larger number of plants reported on in California are lifting water from depths varying from 50 to 100 feet. The lift of the plants reported on in Arizona lie mostly between 25 and 50 feet. The same is true of the plants in Texas, the largest number having lifts between 25 and 50 feet, although a large number of plants have lifts between 50 and 100 feet. The lifts in Louisiana and in Colorado are low. All the plants reported on in Colorado are in irrigated sections where the use of water has raised the level of the ground water almost to the surface. - - In the following table all the data contained in the reports regard- ing the fuel cost of raising water are summarized. This is given in terms of cost per horsepower-hour and cost per foot-acre-foot. The results given from California and Arizona plants were secured by careful tests. Those reported from Texas by Mr. Culbertson are results of tests. Those reported from Texas by Mr. Bowie are very largely made up from statements made by the owners of the plants and are therefore less reliable than the other results. The results from Louisiana were secured by tests, while those from Colorado are largely based on statements of the owners of the plants. There seems to be a general tendency to overestimate the discharge of pumps, and this fact probably accounts in part for the lower costs shown for Texas, although the cheapness of fuel and the large size of the plants would tend to make this cost lower than in other sections. Average fuel cost of pumping water for irrigation. CALIFORNIA (LE CONTE). Size. cºre. Cost per foot-acre-foot. Num- 8 & Aver- Type. ; Of # ( ºuil High A. High plants. USef Ul igh- Wer- igh- Aver- Y. ... “ºt Lowest. . . tº Lowest gº. power). ..., power). Gasoline. --------------- 8 5.0–31.0 10. 0 || $0.059 $0.018 $0.037 $0.081 $0.025 $0.045 Steam, crude oil. - - - - - - - 3 || 12. 0–27. 0 21.8 . 024 .015 . 020 . 033 , 021 . 028 CALIFORNIA (FORTIER). Gasoline---------------- 7 0.5–4.0 2.5 $0.191 $0.049 $0.103 $0.262 $0.067 $0.141 Do------------------ 6 4. 0– 7.0 5. 6 ... 103 .064 087 . 142 . 088 . 120 O- - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - 8 7. 0–10. 0 8, 7 . 060 , 0.29 . 039 . 082 . 037 - 053 Steam, crude oil - - - - - - - 6 2.0— 7.0 5.3 . 203 .081 . 111 . 279 . 111 . 152 Do------------------ 7 7. 0–10. 0 7.7 ... 100 .057 . 073 . 138 .078 , 100 Do------------------ 6 || 10. 0–12. 0 11.0 .072 .039 . 053 . 0.99 . 053 07.3 DO------------------ 7 | 12. 0–13. 0 12.4 . 057 . 037 .049 . 079 . 051 - 067 Do------------------ 6 13. 0–17.0 14.4 .065 . 032 . 047 . 090 .044 . 065 Do------------------ 6 || 17, 0–25.0 20. 0 . 074 . 024 .044 . 102 . 033 . 061 ARIZONA. gºne * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 l, 0– 7.0 4.0 $0.076 $0.049 $0.063 $0.104 $0.067 $0.087 €8.I.O. Wood--------------- 5 1. 0–33.0 10. 0 . 135 . 020 .074 , 186 . 028 - 102 Crude oil ----------- 1 ------------ 60.0 --------|-------- .024 ---------------- . 034 60 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Average fuel cost of pumping water for irrigation—Continued. TEXAS (CULBERTSON). Size. Cost per water horse- power-hour. g Cost per foot-acre-foot. Num- * & Aver- Type. ; #, (ºill High A High A plants. UlSèIUl 1gh- Ver- 1gn- I * Ver- j W. “... [Lowest ag. | “... Lowest. ... power) horse- wº ' power). Gasoline---------------- 7 2.0–7.0 4.4 $0.097 || $0.035 $0.055 $0.134 $0.048 || $0.076 Do------------------ 9 7. 0–21.0 11.5 .055 .027 . 041 . 0.75 . 037 .056 TEXAS (BOWIE). Gasoline.--------------- 4 0.1— 0.4 0.2 $0.232 $0.152 $0.184 $0.320 || $0.210 $0.253 DO------------------ 6 .4— 1.0 ... 6 . 118 .058 . 093 . 163 . 080 . 128 Do------------------ 6 1.0– 2.0 1.5 . 072 . 039 , 054 . 099 .054 . 0.75 Do------------------ 6 2.0– 4. 0 3.4 . 072 . 050 .056 . 099 . 069 . 077 Steam: Wood. -------------- 6 : 1. 0– 4.0 2.5 . 140 , 0.25 . 057 . 193 .034 .079 Do -------------- 7 4, 0- 7.0 5.2 . 070 . 006 . 029 , 0.96 . 008 . 040 Po -------------- 5 7.0– 12.0 9. 1 .046 .010 . 021 . 063 . 013 . 029 Do-------------- 4 | 12. 0– 25.0 18, 7 . 022 . 018 . 021 .031 . 025 . 028 Do-------------- 6 25.0– 40.0 34.4 . 040 . 005 . 017 .054 . 007 . 024 Do-------------- 5 40. 0–160.0 90.3 .009 .007 . 008 . 012 .010 . 011 Coal ---------------- 2 | 1.0– 12.0 4.3 . 066 .043 . 055 . 0.91 . 060 . 076 Do -------------- 2 | 12, 0– 25.0 13.9 . 038 .025 . 032 . 053 . 035 .044 190-------------- 2 25.0– 45.0 36.4 , 023 . 011 . 017 . 031 . 016 . 023 Do-------------- 3 || 45. 0–100.0 72.9 . 022 . 008 .014 .031 . 011 . 019 LOUISIANA (GREGORY). Steam, crude oil........ 2 |250. 0–500. 0 || 375. 0 $0.017 $0.007 $0.012 $0.024 $0.009 || $0.016 | COLORADO (STOUT). Gasoline---------------- 9 1.0–5.0 2.9 $0.128 $0.041 $0.082 $0.176 $0.056 $0.111 Steam, coal.------------- 3 2.0–8.0 4. 5 . 073 . 039 . 058 . 100 .054 . 080 COLORADO (WRIGHT). Gasoline---------------- 2 1.0–2.0 1.2 $0.074 $0.049 || $0.061 || $0.102 || $0.067 || $0.084 º The fact most strongly brought out by this table is the great reduc- tion in cost per unit of output with the increase in the size of plants. There is some reduction in the labor of operating plants as the size increases, and also in the first cost of plants per unit of area served. This brings out the very great saving which may be brought about through cooperation between adjoining farmers in putting in large pumping plants to serve several farms rather than maintain individual plants. Reduced to a fuel basis rather than cost basis, the California results show approximately one-half gallon of engine distillate used per foot- acre-foot of water, while Mr. Culbertson reports from Texas the use of 0.43 gallon of gasoline per foot-acre-foot. REVIEW OF TELE WORK OF THE YEAR. 61 The tests of efficiency of the plants in California show that the aver- age efficiency of the plants tested is 44.17 per cent. This efficiency is the ratio between the indicated horsepower developed by the engine and the horsepower theoretically required to lift the water actually delivered through the observed distance. It is estimated that good machinery properly operated will show an efficiency of about 65 per cent. The causes for the poor showing made are given as poor con- nections between engines and pumps, too large engines for the work to be done, poor care of machinery, and, with gasoline plants, wasteful use of gasoline; with steam plants, uncovered steam pipes and boilers. Most of these causes of loss can be cheaply remedied by exercising a little more care in the installation and operation of the machinery. WINDMILLS. The constancy of the winds on the great plains suggests the wind- mill as a promising source of power for pumping water, and windmill irrigation has had a successful development in the vicinity of Garden City, Kans. Facts as to the cost of mills and pumps, and the areas of land irrigated from them, were collected in this vicinity. One hun- dred and seven mills, varying in diameter from 6 to 12 feet, were vis- ited (pp. 589–592). The average discharges of the pumps operated by these mills are shown in the following table. The second column gives the average amount pumped in a day with a good wind. In the third column are given the average discharges during twenty weeks, which takes into account times when there was too little wind to oper- ate the pumps: Average discharge of pumps operated by windmills at Garden City, Kans. Acre-feet per day. Size of mill. In good *::::ge wind. weeks. Feet. 6 0.034 0.010 8 . 080 . 024 10 . 170 . 050 12 . 270 .084 25 1. 200 . 386 The average area served by these mills is shown in the following table: Areas served by windmills of different sizes. sº *:::: Minimum. Average. Feet. Acres. Acres. Acres. 6 2. 50 0. 50 1.15 3. 50 .25 1.23 10 6. 00 1.00 3.08 12 12.00 1.00 5. 07 26 -----------------------. 8.00 62 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The approximate cost of mills of various sizes, the areas served by these mills, and the acre cost of providing a water supply are given in the following table: • , Cost of windmills. Size of Area Cost per mill. CoSt. served. 8,OI’C. Feet. Acres. - 8 $90 1.23 $73, 17 10 120 3.08 38.96 12 150 5,07 29. 59 This table shows the great reduction in cost per acre served by using large mills, but it also shows that with any mill the original outlay is quite large when compared with the cost of ditches for supplying water where water can be conveniently secured from streams. The average annual cost of maintenance, including repairs, oil, etc., for 43 mills in the vicinity of Garden City, Kans., is given as $2.35 per acre irrigated by the mills. A windwill does not furnish a large enough stream of water for eco- nomical use in irrigation. It is therefore necessary to provide reser- voirs for storing the water until enough is accumulated to furnish a stream large enough for economical use. Forty-nine reservoirs stor- ing water pumped by mills at Garden City were measured to deter- mine the capacity ordinarily used with the mills. The following table gives the approximate average capacities of the reservoirs used with the mills of different sizes: Capacities of reservoirs used with windmills. Capacity Of res- eIVOlr. Size of mill. Feet. Cub. feet. 6 400 y 8 3,400 10 4,000 12 11,000 The period during which these reservoirs will hold the discharge of the pumps during good winds is shown in the following table: Length of period reservoirs will hold discharge of pumps. Size of Number mill. of days. Feet. 6 2.3 8 1.0 10 ... 6 12 1.0 It is probable that better results might be secured if larger reser- voirs were built, so that larger streams might be used in applying - REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 63 e' water to land. There is always waste in using a small stream, as a large part of the water is absorbed by the soil or evaporated while it is being spread over the land. The average cost of these reservoirs is given as $60. This of course is only a rough approximation. Taking the 12-foot mill as a basis, we have the following statement of the cost of raising water with a windmill, not taking into account the cost of the well and pump: Cost of windmill irrigation. Cost of mill------------------------------------------------ $150.00 Cost of reservoir - - - - - - - - - - - - * = * * * * gº º is sº sº se & sº as sm º ºs sº sº º ºs º sº * * * * * * * 60.00 Total cost-------------------------------------------- 210.00 Area irrigated --------------------------------------- 3.CrêS. . 5 Cost per acre----------------------------------------------- $42.00 ANNUAL COST. Interest on investment, at 7 per cent- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2.94 Depreciation, 10 per cent -------------------------------. - - - - - 4. 20 Maintenance------------------------------------------------- 2.35 Annual cost per acre------------------------------------ 9. 49 The average lift of water in the vicinity of Garden City is but 10 feet. Where lifts are greater, the quantity of water raised by mills of the same size will be proportionately decreased, and the area which can be irrigated will of course be decreased in the same proportion. These figures represent not necessarily good practice, but the average results obtained under field conditions. It is probable that in most cases better results than those shown can be secured, but the work this year has been largely to secure a basis for future work by determining what is now being accomplished with windmills. The average cost shown above is high, and even under the best con- ditions windmill irrigation is expensive, but it is not expected that water will be raised in this way for general farm crops. The quan- tities of water required for such crops and the low values of yields will not justify any such expense. Only the irrigation of vegetables and fruits and a small amount of forage is contemplated, and these are all high-priced products. A part of the expense of pumping, on the plains at least, may be charged to insurance against drought, since it is intended to enable farmers to tide over dry years when they would otherwise be compelled to abandon their ranches or buy food for them- selves and work animals at exorbitant prices. LAWS AND INSTITUTIONS. The three-years’ investigation of the interstate water-right problems on the Platte River, mentioned in the previous reports, has been com- pleted, and the report is now in the hands of the printer. This inves- 64 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. tigation deals fundamentally with the rights to water and the laws of the three States under which these rights have been acquired. Physi- cal conditions, however, have such a marked influence upon the enforcement of these rights that the investigation included, in addition to the laws and court decrees governing water rights, measurements of stream flow, diversions, and return seepage. It was deemed advisable to include also something showing the results of irrigation in the three States, and crop returns were therefore collected. In order to discuss interstate questions intelligently, a preliminary study of the legal systems of the several States was necessary. This dealt with the methods of acquiring rights, methods of determining rights, provisions for their enforcement, and the nature of rights. The method of acquiring the right to take water from a stream in Colorado consists essentially in providing the means of conducting the water to the point of use and taking the water. The method in Wyoming and Nebraska consists in making application to the State authorities, receiving a permit to construct works and divert water, putting the water to use, and submitting to the State authorities proof of the construction of works and the use of the water. As the result of these methods rights in Colorado are in the first place indefinite as to extent or nature, while in Wyoming and Nebraska they are limited by the terms of the permit granted by the public authorities. Since rights are indefinite in Colorado it became necessary to provide for their defining, and this is done by the courts under a special form of procedure provided by law. This procedure takes the form of a con- test between individual appropriators, the State being unrepresented in the contest. As a result the courts have decreed rights to volumes much larger than have been used, and in many cases larger than the canals can carry. Under the administrative procedure in Wyoming and Nebraska such excessive rights have not been recognized. In each of the three States water is distributed by public officials, the systems in the three States being essentially the same. In each of the States priority is recognized, and in order that the right may be maintained it is necessary that the use of the water be continued; that is, no one can hold water unused or maintain his right to water for a period of years without having put it to a beneficial use or provided for its use by some one else. The courts of Colorado have decreed to appropriators in that State rights to fixed quantities of water, and these rights may be transferred from one party to another, and the use to which the water is put and the place of use may also be changed, provided others are not injured by the transfers. In Wyoming an appropriator acquires a right to sufficient water for a given area within a fixed limit of quantity, and this right may be transferred under certain limitations defined by statute. Rights in fºLVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 65 Nebraska are similar to those in Wyoming, with the exception that the rights are inseparably attached to a particular tract of land Neither Colorado nor Wyoming recognizes riparian rights, while Nebraska recognizes them to a certain extent. Under the decisions of the Nebraska supreme court lands acquired from the General Government previous to 1889 have riparian rights, while those acquired since that time have no such rights. Alongside of this riparian right has existed the right to divert water from streams for irrigation, and as between riparian rights and rights acquired by appropriation, priority governs, as it does between different rights acquired by appropriation. The riparian proprietor has not, how- ever, the right to restrain diversions, but merely is entitled to dam- ages occasioned by the diversion of water. The differences in the nature of the rights in the three States are in theory important. Under the Colorado doctrine, that the appropri- ator has a right to a fixed quantity of water, any decrease in the needs of the land or economy in use leaves the appropriator a surplus, which he can apply to new lands or dispose of to others, while under the Wyoming and Nebraska doctrine any surplus of water arising from decreased use belongs to the State, to be disposed of in the same man- ner as unappropriated water. The recognition of the ownership of water, apart from any par- ticular tract of land in Colorado, makes it possible for rights to accumulate in the hands of those who hold them, for the purpose of disposing of water to others rather than for their own use. To pre- vent abuses of this right, the Colorado constitution provides that county commissioners may fix rates which may be charged for the use of water. Each of the States recognizes priority as between appropriators within its own limits, and the courts of Wyoming and Nebraska, as well as of several other States and the United States courts, have declared that priorities should be recognized regardless of State lines. Assuming that priorities are to be recognized regardless of State lines, we have rights differing essentially in their nature along the same stream. If an appropriator from the South Platte in Colorado does not need for the land which he has been irrigating all the water to which he has a right he may apply the surplus to new lands or transfer it to another party, while, under similar circumstances, the Nebraska appropriator from the same stream must allow the water to remain in the stream for later appropriators. The effect of this dif- ference from an interstate standpoint is that improvements in practice and the natural decrease in the needs of the lands now irrigated in Colorado will not increase the supply of water for Nebraska since it will be used upon new lands in Colorado. If the Nebraska doctrine 30620–No. 158–05—5 66 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. * held in Colorado, this decrease in the needs of the lands in Colorado would go to the stream to supply later rights whether they were in Colorado or Nebraska. However, physical conditions and the order in which rights have been acquired make these distinctions in rights of little consequence at present. The nature of the country along the North Platte in Colorado is such that the use of water there can not be enlarged to the injury of Wyoming appropriators from the same stream, and the same thing is very largely true regarding the country along this stream in Wyoming. There is very little land along the North Platte in Wyo- ming which can be irrigated except in the region immediately above the State line. There is a possibility of an increased use which would in- jure appropriators in Nebraska, but the nature of the rights in these two States is essentially the same, the appropriator in each State being entitled to only sufficient water for a given area. There are rights to water from the South Platte in Colorado earlier than any rights in Nebraska sufficient to entirely exhaust the stream, and the flow of the stream has in fact been entirely used in Colorado for many years, while there is up to the present time very little irri- gation along the South Platte in Nebraska. Measurements of return seepage given on pages 48–50 show that the volume of water in the lower section of the stream in Colorado is increasing year by year and practically all the water received by appropriators in Nebraska, except during floods, is return seepage water. As the volume of water in this section of the stream increases, irrigation is being extended, and this will in turn increase the seepage farther down, so that there is every prospect that the supply in Nebraska will grow better. Physical conditions are such that there is little likelihood of any conflict between appropriators in the different States on the North Platte and the South Platte, except in the immediate neighborhood of the State lines. Here there will be the same opportunity for conflict as there is between canals heading close together within the States. At present there is no provision for the settling of such conflicts except through the courts. Each State has officials charged with the distri- bution of water within its limits, but none of these officials has any authority outside of his own State. The interstate question on the South Platte comes down then at the present time to a question of dis- tribution. Provision should be made for some officials or boards with interstate powers. A study of the operations of the California irrigation district law was made in 1904 by Mr. Frank Adams (see p. 96). Mr. Adams made a study of the history and present conditions of the Modesto and Turlock irrigation districts. These districts were originally organized against strong opposition and have gone through unsuccessful attempts REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 67 to construct works and attempts to repudiate their bonds, and have finally completed their works and begun operations. Modesto district contains an area of 81,143 acres and has a bonded indebtedness of $17.10 per acre. Turlock district has an area of 176,210 acres and a bonded indebtedness of $6.81 per acre. The California district law requires that the water of the canals belonging to the districts be dis- tributed in proportion to the assessments paid. Town property as well as farm property is subject to assessment, and a strict enforce- ment of the law would place in the hands of those who had no use for it the right to a large part of the water supply by the district canals. In these districts no attempt has been made to enforce this law, but the water is distributed in proportion to the acreage irrigated. A system of rotation has been adopted, so that each irrigator receives a good stream of water, the length of time which he receives this stream being apportioned to the acreage irrigated. This system has so far proven satisfactory, but its continuance will bring about strong oppo- sition to the enforcement of the law when the demand for water becomes so strong that every taxpayer in the district demands his share. At the suggestion of Mr. Adams the districts have adopted a system of records which will show the quantity of water received by each farmer and the time when he receives it. These records will form a basis for an intelligent consideration of a new system of dis- tributing water when there is a demand for an enforcement of the law. Mr. W. F. Bartlett, of this Office, was detailed for the season of 1904 to work in cooperation with the State engineer of Idaho. He was commissioned water master for the Raft River, a stream which rises in Utah and flows into Idaho. The State of Idaho enacted a law in 1903 providing for the distribution of water by State officials, and Mr. Bartlett's work was to make a study of the operation of this new law from the standpoint of one charged with its enforcement. His chief difficulty was one of detail. The law requires that appropriators shall put in measuring devices and provides that in case they fail to do so these shall be put in by the water commissioner and the costs assessed against the ditch owners. Mr. Bartlett found a great deal of opposition to the putting in of these boxes by the ditch owners and a disinclination to pay the bills assessed against them when the measur- ing devices were put in by the water commissioner. This state of affairs compels the water commissioner to carry the cost of installing the measuring devices for two or three months and take the chances of his bills being disallowed by the county commissioners, and Mr. Bart- lett points out the necessity of amending the law regarding this mat- ter in such a way that either the State or the county will carry this expense until it can be collected from the ditch owner. As above stated, Raft River is an interstate stream, and the courts of both Utah and Idaho have declared in favor of the recognition of priorities 68 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. regardless of State lines. There is here the same difficulty that exists on the Platte River, that there are no officials with interstate powers. In eonnection with a study of irrigation practice in the Imperial Valley, California, Mr. Roadhouse, of this Office, made a study of the organization of the mutual companies controlling the laterals which supply this valley with water. The company owning the canal and lands gives to each purchaser of land and water for each acre a share of stock in the company controlling the lateral which will serve the land purchased. The holders of this stock control the affairs of their laterals, making assessments to cover the expenses of maintenance and operation. This same plan of organization is in some instances extended to the sublaterals, the water users organizing in this way for the cleaning and general maintenance of their small ditches. The same system is found in the Arkansas Valley in Colorado, where it has proven very satisfactory. It puts upon the farmers the responsi- bility for the condition of their own lateral ditches, thus removing one very fruitful source of friction between the farmers and the canal management. Mr. Adams recommends the same system for the Modesto and Turlock districts in California. A study of the laws of Montana has been made by Professor Fortier, of this Office, and the report of his work is now in hand. The operation of the irrigation laws of Nevada has been studied by Mr. J. D. Stannard, formerly of this Office, and Mr. A. E. Chandler, formerly State engineer of Nevada. •º In November, 1904, at the request of the Department of Justice, Dr. Elwood Mead was detailed to assist in protecting the interests of the Government in the litigation over the water rights of the Arkansas River, this being an interstate case of great importance to which the Government is a party. This case is to determine the rights of irri- gators in different States to the water of an interstate stream. The principle established here will govern similar cases throughout the arid region, and will have an important influence in shaping further developments. IRRIGATION IN THE HUMID SECTIONS. RICE IRRIGATION. The water used on several fields in the rice districts of Louisiana and Texas was measured during the seasons of 1903 and 1904, and it is found by comparing the results of these measurements with those made in 1901 and 1902 that the tendency is to use less water than formerly. It is found that a deep covering of water prevents the proper warming of the soil by the sun’s rays and produces spindling plants, which are easily blown down by the wind. In many places REVIEW OF THE work OF THE YEAR. 69 the rice grown on levees and other high ground is better than that on the lower parts of the fields, where the water stands continuously. For these reasons the tendency is toward the use of less water. This conforms to irrigation practice of northern Italy, where it is seldom that the water covering is more than 2 or 3 inches deep. The follow- ing table gives a summary of the measurements of the water used in rice irrigation for four years: Summary of results of measurements of the amount of water used in rice irrigation for the years 1901, 1902, 1903, and 1904. Depth Average * & $º Rain- Total Evapora-' s . evapora- Year. Location of station. à fall. depth. tion. Net depth..a Season.b tion per e ; day. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. . . . Days. Inches. 1901 e . . Crowley, La. . . . . . . . . . . . 16.47 10. 04 26. 51 14. 47 12.04 63 0. 1901 c - -] Raywood, Tex . . . . . . . . . 19. 66 9. 15 28.81 16. 03 12. 78 : 71 . 226 1902d . . . . . . . . 99..... ---------| || || || 11.9% 39.7% 11.08 13.34 91 . 122 1902d - - Lake Charles, La - - - - - - 23. 6 | 7. 10 30. 74 11.63 19.21 77 . 150 1903. ... Estherwood, La. . . . . . . . 12.67 | 19.00 31.67 15. 69 15.98 98 . 160 1903. ...| Eagle Lake, Tex... . . . . . 7.37 || 13.46 20.83 9. 83 7. 56–11. 32 84 . 117 1904. ...| Estherwood, La. . . . . . . . 5.01 | 18.52 23.53 14.91 8.62 91 . 164 1904. ... Crowley, La . . . . . . . . . . . 5.44 20.54 25.97 13. 30 12.68 98 . 136 1904. . . . Nottoway, Tex. . . . . . . . . 14. 12 | 19.97 34.09 18.25 15. 84 119 . 153 Average - - - - - - - - - 13. 79 14.32 28. 10 * * * * * * * * * * *18.32 I.......... .162 } §§º º ; º tºwere measured. c U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bul. 113. d U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bul. 133. e Using the mean of No. 6. Analyses of water used in rice ºrrigation.—Many of the streams along the Gulf coast have so little fall that a slight lowering of the water by pumping produces an inflow of salt water from the Gulf. This inflow of Salt water begins long before the supply of fresh water is exhausted. In 1902 a drought lowered the water level in the river and large quan- tities of salt water were run on the rice fields in their irrigation. It was found that young plants were killed by this salt water, but fields which had made a good growth were benefited by its use. It was feared, however, that the use of this salt water would bring about an accumulation of salt in the soil which would prove harmful in the future. The results of 1903 and 1904 have proved this fear to be groundless. The heavy rains of those years have so thoroughly washed out the salt that no difference could be observed between the fields irrigated with salt water in former years and those which have received none but fresh water. It is not considered advisable, how- ever, to use salt water except in cases of extreme necessity. A number of samples of water used for rice irrigation were analyzed to determine their salt content. The results of these analyses follow. 70 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Water analysis for irrigation investigation. [Parts per million.] Labo- rºy Location. SiO2. SO4. HCO3. Cl. Ca. Mg. R. Na. O. 1873 || Halfway between Lowry sº and Houckts, La. . . . . . . . 9. 0 263. 7 30, 3 } 1,846.0 46.4 || 110.9 35.7 | 1,048.0 1874 Center of Grand Lake, - La ---------------------- 8. 0 327.2 30.3 2,237.5 52. 1 || 146.7 32.2 | 1,259.9 1875 | Sea, side of Mermentau dam -------------------. 6.8 1,799.2 146.7 12,396.0 297. 1 832.4 231.4 6,886.4 1876 || Lower end of Grand Lake, La --------------- 8. 0 363.9 33.3 || 2,535.4 46.4 | 162. 9 53.6 1,434.7 1877 | Upper side of Mermen- - Ul Cl8lDD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. 0 979. 6 95.4 8,552.0 222. 1 || 591.8 | 165. 7 || 4,566.4 1878 Center of Lake Arthur, la---------------------- 11.6 247. 2 27.2 1,704.0 42, 1 || 105.2 38.8 961. 9 1879 || Mermentau Bayou, Mer- mentau, La ------------ 14.0 87.7 27.2 781. 0 27. 9 46.7 21.5 429.7 1880 | Upper end of Grand Lake, La --------------- 8.2 290, 1 30.3 | 1,974.9 52.9 || 126.2 32.2 1, 110.0 1881 Center of Mud Lake. - - - - - 10.8 966. 3 99.2 6,557.0 | 171.4 || 439.4 129.6 3,908. 3 1882 Merm ent au Ba you, mouth Bayou Quene de Tortue -------------- 15.2 90.7 36. 3 710. 0 22.9 44.3 14.2 398. 2 Bayou Quene de Tortue at Lichtenstein plant: 1885 6 feet ----------------- 12. 0 197. 0 15.1 | 1,455.5 50.0 98.2 29.4 781. 5 1886 20 feet ---------------- 10.6 193.7 18.2 | 1,349.0 41.4 82.9 29.4 763.0 1883 || Well, sec. 10, T. 11, R. 7 - . 15.4 101.0 | 284, 6 57. 0 46.4 19.4 3. 1 100. 2 1884 English Bayou ... . . . . . . . . 18.0 9. 0 39, 4 14.0. 5, 7 6, 5 2. 6 7.5 From J. A. Myers, Guey- dan, La.: 2024 4 feet ----------------- 6, 7 4.0 24.2 80, 0 8. 6 5.7 4.2 39.6 2025 21 feet ---------------. 6. 5 3.5 24.2 80.0 6.4 5.4 4.0 42.7 Labo- Hypothetical combination. * ratory Location. - No. Ca (HCO3)2. CaSO4. | MgSO4. | MgCl2. NaCl. KCl. SiO2. 1873 || Halfway between Lowry and Houckts, La........ 40.2 124.1 220. 1 264. 5 || 2,664.0 | 68.1 9. 0 1874 Center of Grand Lake, La. 40.2 143.5 282.4 356.5 || 3,201.8 61.5 8.0 1875 | Sea, Side of Mermentau 8.DD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 194.8 846.8 1,502.0 2, 103.6 || 17,500. 5 || 441.7 6.8 1876 || Lower end of GrandLake, 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44.2 120. 7 348.4 368.5 3,646.0 102.4 8.0 1877 | Upper side of Mermentau aſſi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 126.7 648.7 652.1 | 1,824.5 ſ 11,604.7 316.3 7.0 1878 Center of Lake Arthur, La. 36. 1 112.9 209. 4 249.5 2,444.4 74.1 11.6 1879 || Mermentau Bayou, Mer- mentau, La ------------. 36, 1 64, 6 5.2. 6 143.1 | 1,079.3 || 41.0 14.0 1880 | Upper end of Grand Lake, La ---------------------- 40.2 146.2 233.6 314.3 || 2,820.8 61.5 8.2 1881 Center of Mud Lake. - - - - - - 131.7 472. 3 791. 1 696.5 9,932.2 247.4 10.8 1882 || Mermentau Bayou, mouth - Bayou Quene de Tortue. 48.2 37.4 80, 4 111.5 | 1,012. 0 || 27.1 15.2 Bayou Quene de Tortue at Lichtenstein plant: 1885 6 feet------------------ 20. 1 153. 0 111.3 300. 1 | 1,986. 1 56.1 | 12.0 1886 20 feet----------------- 24.2 95.4 167. 1 195.7 1,939.1 56.1 10.6 1883 || Well, sec. 10, T. 11, R. 7.... 187.9 |----------|----------|--------- 89.4 5.9 15.4 1884 English Bayou. ... -- - - - - - - 23.1 !---------- 11.2 --------- 19, 1 5.0 | 18.0 From J. A. Myers, Guey- dan, La.: 2024 4 feet------------------ 32.1 2.4 2.9 20. 2 100. 7 8.0 6.7 2025 21 feet.---------------- 25.9 |---------- 4.4 14.2 108.5 7.6 6.5 These analyses were made under the direction of Mr. J. K. Hay- wood, chief of the insecticide and water laboratory of the Bureau of Chemistry of this Department. ing the interpretation of these analyses says: A letter from Mr. Haywood respect- The approximate quantity of the various salts, especially sodium chlorid, which are injurious to rice has not, to my knowledge, been determined. It is well known that rice can stand more Sodium chlorid than most crops, but how much more I am IREVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR 71 unable to state. I can therefore only give you interpretations based on the action of irrigation waters upon crops in general, and for this purpose will divide the waters into those that I am reasonably sure are very poor, those that are surely good, and those which under some circumstances might be good and under other circumstances bad. I would say that the salt content of waters 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1880, 1881, 1885, and 1886 is such that they would be pretty sure to cause trouble in a comparatively short time. Waters 1883, 1884, 2024, and 2025 could be used, espe- cially in a moderately humid climate, without any fear of damage to crops. Waters 1879 and 1882 could very likely give good results in a moderately humid climate and on a light, loose soil, but in a very dry climate or upon a heavy clay soil they might cause damage in the course of time. You of course understand that the above remarks only apply to these waters as they would be used in general irrigation practice. What effect the rains, which are to be expected in a climate like Louisiana, would have upon relieving the evil con- ditions caused by such waters as I have indicated as “poor’’ above, I am unable to State. On the Mermentau River an attempt has been made to improve the water supply by damming out the salt water during the times the river is lower than the water in the Gulf and holding up the fresh water when the flow is toward the Gulf. The dam on the Mermentau was completed during the season of 1904, and to its existence is attrib- uted the saving of the crop, as salt water entered the other streams so early as to make it impossible to secure sufficient fresh water for the complete irrigation of the rice. The construction of this dam has called attention to the need of laws for the assessment of the cost of such works against those benefited. As originally planned, the Mermentau dam was to be paid for by voluntary subscription, but, as is usual in such cases, a number of par- ties benefited have refused to contribute to its cost. The estimated cost was greatly exceeded, and it was found impossible to raise the money by voluntary subscriptions. An appeal was made to the legis- lature of the State of Louisiana, and an act passed which created a board of commissioners for the Mermentau levee district, authorizing the following taxes: A tax of 2.5 cents per sack of rice raised by means of water from the Mermentau and its tributaries, and a similar tax on cotton, sugar, fruit, etc.; a tax of 10 mills on all property sub- ject to taxation for levee purposes, the tax not to exceed 2.5 cents per acre on all lands subject to irrigation within the levee district, and $50 per mile for all standard-gauge railroads within the district. Common carriers were prohibited from receiving or removing produce on which the taxes were not paid. The law authorized the board of commissioners to issue bonds to the amount of $200,000 to be used for work done or in the purchase of levees, locks, and dams within the district. A commission was appointed, but has never met. An injunction has been granted enjoining the board from per- forming any of the functions or exercising any of the powers con- 72 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. ferred upon it by law, or in any way attempting to carry into effect the provisions of the law. It would seem that some general law pro- viding for the organization of districts similar to irri ation or drain- age districts in other States would be preferable to such special laws as this. In such districts in other States only the tax on land is levied and only such a tax is considered good security for the bonds issued. The passage of such a district law, under which the cost of dams to keep out the salt water and other improvements could be equitably assessed against the lands benefited, would greatly promote the rice industry by putting within the reach of those communities a convenient means of raising money for the construction of these works. The success of rice growing in Louisiana and Texas has led to experiments in its culture in other sections, particularly in the State of Arkansas. This State contains large areas of level prairie lands which have not been successfully farmed with other crops. They are very wet during the spring, but during the late summer and fall are very dry. For several years farmers in the vicinity of Lonoke have been experimenting with rice, and during the season of 1904 this Office, in cooperation with the Arkansas Experiment Station, con- ducted an experiment in the vicinity of Lonoke to determine the possibility of profitably raising rice on the prairie lands. Ten acres were broken up and prepared for planting, a well was dug, and a pumping plant purchased and installed. An 8-inch well was sunk on the experimental plat. Water was struck at a depth of 70 feet and the well penetrated the water-bearing strata 44 feet, making the total depth of the well 114 feet. The water rose to within 27 feet of the surface and was lowered but little by pumping, showing that there is a good supply at this depth. The well cost $4 per foot, including casing and strainer, making the total cost $456. The pumping plant consisted of a 20-horsepower boiler and an 18-horsepower throttling center-crank engine and a No. 4 centrifugal pump. These, with all the accessories, cost $858.59. The shed cover- ing the pumping machinery cost $90, making a total cost of $1,404.59. Eight acres were planted and watered. Owing to the wet spring a part of this land was seeded so late that part of the crop did not mature, and part of that which did mature did not fill properly. The crop from 3 acres was not thrashed, and that from 5 acres was poorly thrashed, owing to trouble with the machinery. The average yield estimated from the part of the crop which was thrashed was 64.6 bushels per acre. Those in charge of the experiment are of the opinion that in irrigating the rice some mistakes were made, accounting in part for the poor yield. It is hoped that a continuation of the experiment through another year win give more satisfactory results. Mr. W. H. Fuller has put in a pumping plant for the irrigation REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 73 of rice near Carlisle, Ark. Mr. Fuller has a 10-inch well 140 feet deep, a 6-inch centrifugal pump, operated by a 25-horsepower engine, and a 35-horsepower boiler. The cost of Mr. Fuller's plant was as follows: -- Cost of pumping plant of W. H. Fuller. Pumping plant and accessories and well------- s - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,782. 35 Rice binder------------------------------------ * = * * * * * * * * 135.00 Total investment ----------------------------------- 1,917.35 The annual expense for pumping plant, including fuel, oil, repairs, and attendance.-------------------------------- 405. 40 Field expenses, including plowing, seed, seeding, harvesting, thrashing, etc.------------------------------------------ 804. 75 Interest on investment------------------------------------ 134. 21 Total ---------------------------------------------- 1, 344. 36 This pumping plant served 70 acres during the season of 1904. The investment therefore amounted to $27.39 per acre, and the annual expense was $19.21 per acre. The plant is considered sufficiently large to serve 100 acres, and on this basis the investment is $19.17 per acre, and the annual expense $13.44 per acre. The yield of 70 acres planted in 1904 was 5,225 bushels, or 74.6 bushels per acre. The cost of raising 1 bushel of rice was therefore 26 cents. CRANBERRY IRRIGATION. In cooperation with the Wisconsin Experiment Station, this Office in 1904 worked to determine the relations of frost to water conditions in the cranberry marshes of Wisconsin. The United States Weather Bureau has established stations in the cranberry-growing region for the purpose of predicting frosts, and this Office is at work to deter- mine the measures of protection needed when frosts occur. The experiments of the past year included treatment of the soil, drainage, and irrigation. It was found that on land which was well sanded temperatures remain much higher during cold nights than over undrained sections of bogs. This was strikingly illustrated during the month of August. Over the undrained bogs the temperature went to freezing or below, while on the sanded places it was nowhere less than 34°F. above, as will be seen by the following table: Temperatures over ordinary bog and sanded plats during August, 1904. * Day of Ordinary | Sanded month. bog. plats. o F. o F. 2-------- 32. 0 43.0 8-------- - 26. 0 34.0 22-------- 30.5 40.0 23-------- 30.0 37.0 26-------- 32.0 36.5 30-------- 28.5 37. 0 74 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The following table, giving hourly temperatures on drained and undrained bogs during the night of August 22–23, shows the effect of drainage in preventing frost: Temperatures over drained and undrained bog. Drained Ordinary Hour. plat. bog. o F. o F. 9.30 p.m. ------------ 42, () 33.5 10.30 p.m. - - - - - - - - - - - 39.5 33.3 11.80 p.m. - - - - - - - - - - - 38, 0 31.5 12.30 a.m.------------ 37. 5 30, 0 1.30 a. m. ------------ 36. 3 29, 7 2.30 a.m.------------- 35. 5 32.5 \ 4.30 a.m. -----------. 34. 0 38.5 While sanding and draining tend to keep up the temperature over bogs, the only sure protection against frost is flooding. Where vines are flooded they are apt to be injured unless the water is drawn off quickly when the temperature rises. Hence effective frost protec- tion requires such control of the water supply as will permit of the Quick flooding of vines when cold weather sets in and the quick and complete removal of water when it ends. The work of this Office is being directed to working out the proper arrangement and size of supply and drain ditches to accomplish this result. The water for flooding cranberry marshes is secured principally by storage, and this storage is accomplished chiefly by building dams or dikes across the slope to hold the water from larger areas of marsh above. These dams are usually constructed of peat, taken from the adjacent bog, and sand when it can be found within hauling distance. A dam of this kind 18 feet wide at the base, 10 feet wide at the top, and 4.5 feet high, was constructed at an expense of $3.95 per running rod. This dam later had a sand facing put on it at an expense of approximately $2 per running rod. A part of the peat used in the construction of the dam was taken from the inside of the reservoir, but it was found that removing the peat greatly increased losses from Seepage. The slope of the marshes is naturally slight, and the reservoirs created by building dikes across the slope are shallow, and there are great losses from evaporation. The loss from this cause during June and July, 1904, amounted to 13.82 inches, or a lowering of the water level during the season of between 1 and 2 feet. This large evapora- tion from a reservoir having an average depth of not more than 2 or 3 feet means the loss of a very large proportion of the total supply. The growing of vegetation within the reservoir is considered by some as a protection against this loss, but it is probable that the water given off by the leaves is equal to that which would be lost from an open-water surface. Increasing the depth of reservoirs decreases the BEVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR. 75 percentage of loss by evaporation, but in the sandy soils of this region it is apt to increase the losses by seepage. Some practical method of checking seepage losses will be of great help to water stor- age in the cranberry districts. IRRIGATION IN PORTO RICO. In the southern and southeastern portions of the island of Porto Rico irrigation is necessary to the raising of crops, and in many sec- tions irrigation systems can be installed at a small outlay. In those sections irrigation will doubtless soon become an important factor in agriculture. In the greater part of the island the rainfall is ordinarily sufficient for crops, but almost every year there is a period when the growth of crops, especially vegetables, fruits, and sugar cane, is checked by lack of sufficient rainfall. In cooperation with this Office the Porto Rico Experiment Station is testing irrigation on a part of the station farm at Mayaguez. This farm had previously been irrigated, there being remains of a diverting dam and of ditches covering the land. In 1904 experiments were made in the irrigation of sugar cane, grapes, toma- toes, eggplant, celery, cabbage, melons, and other truck crops. Ground has been prepared for the irrigation of lowland rice. Thirty or forty acres will be irrigated when the system is completed. Several sugar growers on the island have signified a desire to cooperate in experiments in the irrigation of sugar cane, and during the coming year such experiments will be carried on. PüBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON - 2 . . . IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. - } NöTÉ.-Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are not available for distribution. *Bul. ~36. Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. Pp. 64. Bül. 58. Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries. Fp. 80. Bul. 60. Abstract of Laws for Acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River 22 ~ and its Tributaries, with the Legal Forms in Use. Pp. 77. tº Bul, 70. Water-right Problèms of Bear River. Pp. 40. *Bul. 73. Irrigation in the Rocky Mountain States. Pp. 64. Bul. : 81. The Use of Water in Irrigation in Wyoming. Pp. 56. Bul... 86. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 253. Bul. 87. Irrigation in New Jersey. Pp. 40. - Bul. 90. Irrigation in Hawaii. Pp. 48. Bul. 92. The Reservoir System of the Cache la Poudre Valley. Pp. 48. , Bul. ’96. Irrigation Laws of the Northwest Territories of Canada and of Wyoming. Pp. 90. Bul. 100. Report of Irrigation Investigations in California. Pp. 411. Bul. 104. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 334. *Bul. 105. Irrigation in the United States. Pp. 47. Bul. 108, Irrigation Practice among Fruit Growers on the Pacific Coast. Pp. 54. Bul. 113. Irrigation of Rice in the United States. Pp. 77. - Bul. 118. Irrigation from Big Thompson River. Pp. 75. Bul. 119. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901, Pp. 401. Bul. 124. Report of Irrigation Investigations in Utah. Pp. 330. Bul. 130. Egyptian Irrigation. Pp. 100. - Bul.131. Plans of Structures in Use on Irrigation Canals in the United States. Pp. 2. t 51. - Bul. 133. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1902. Pp. 266. Bul. 134. Storage of Water on Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers. Pp. 100. Bul. 140. Acquirement of Water Rights in the Arkansas Valley, Colorado. Pp. 83. Bul. 144. Irrigation in Northern Italy. Part I. Pp. 100. Bul, 145. Preparing Land for Irrigation and Methods of Applying Water. Pp. 84. Bul. 146. Current Wheels: Their Use in Lifting Water for Irrigation. Pp. 38. Bul. 147. Report on Drainage Investigations, 1903. Pp. 62. Bul. 148. Report on Irrigation Investigations in Humid Sections of the United States - in 1903. Pp. 45. Bul. 157. Water Rights on Interstate Streams. Pp. 116. FARMERS’ BULLETINs. Bul: 46. Irrigation in Humid Climates. Pp. 27. Bul. 116. Irrigation in Fruit Growing. Pp. 48. - Bul. 138. Irrigation in Field and Garden. Pp. 40. Bul. 158. How to Build Small Irrigation Ditches. Pp. 28. ‘Bul.187. Drainage of Farm Lands. Pp. 40. III C -, -º-º-º: º º: - º ENGIN. LIB, º º #: % §§ º £º § º º;- §§ :* ****** A - ; * *.…” 3 + . . x * * * ~ *::::: %. 3%, º żº &. Sºº-ºº: %: s” ºr $* . . . . ~ & * * ! sº : ºf 32 . º #3 & ****, sº .*, * é. 2 * *- : ~e? grºss ::::::::::::: ****, 's * * **, * * * *: ^{ ***, rº & , ‘n º, sº *:::::: º ~ 3 - ex- * * Z. § §§ §.º *N. ~ *...* * 3. * :- > *… ~ : 825 tº nºvº .* T. 1. Kºs ; ... 2 ** EP 2 §. **. 4. º #: **, *. * A. Á * . - * % º iº, º ,” º rº- * x -* º > - * *. ; * º ** - “”. w -* :- *r- *:: * , +3. `. § 23; * - . A 2 ... .º. 3 * , ; ‘’’. , * *-*-------- $º “, --& *~~ § 3. * *... * º: • & . º ~~~ ** *. §3. * * * * * * SEPARATE NO. 4: º * † 2 * l º e º & **ś * * X* .* 3ººk ; * * * ..., *, zºº; 3.5 *... •. ; : IRRIGATION IN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON. § - R. . - By F. L. KENT, Assistant Agriculturist, Oregon Agricultural College. º 3. ‘. . . * (In cooperation with Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.) §ºirºgation. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE YAKIMA VALLEY. § - was HINGTON, 1904. §º. 8 ' ' ' '. By O. L. WALLER, Irrigation Engineer, Washington Agricultural Ex- § º §§ -- * .-. e * º * &- v. * - § . . periment Station. (In cooperation with Washington Agricultural * º “ . . . . . Experiment Station.) 2. - sº, IRRIGATION CONDITIONS IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, +. º; 3 IDAHO, 1904. Af ãº. Sº, º By W. F. BARTLETT, Agent and Expert. º * --- | x * j, - *: f +. •4. * 5.g. * * * **. • *-- - - -------------- *...* - *...* ºr , -, -, x ... ºz * * ... . . [Reprint from Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin No. 158.] ** 3.3. :* .* *w * ~x. { .# - > T. & *ś, WASHINGTON: :* - . . . . . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. * ** * tº. * ºf . S & . - Je" ſº ***** ** £ 3. *. >. << *; k-3. 3...ºz. . . " , 's J . . * , . Jº. 3e * * *. _- .* #,3Sºx. tº ... º. º. ººgºs <º. 3,3:º. ºś ºxº; Tºº : sº ... . * * - ? $ *; x º' * * .*.*. * 3: A & * * ~ * * *> • *. { * * 3. sº." 3. - * * +. .. ×- £,” . * … * ‘-y s > > s *y : sº * *— *x * - As * * s. *. . … J & **.. J tº, “ *** §: §º §§ & * x < * \ E > * *: * ... " 4° - * i. º ; : *x ..º. & º º --- SEPARATES FROM OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONSBULLETNNº. -- & --> * * }. * s * *.*** * º: - º * - SEPARATE No. 1. . . ... ...'", º º , - ºr * t *x X- * *** * * * ..., % . *...*.*.*.*.* - Review of the Irrigation Work of the Year 1904. By R. P. Teelee. Pp. J-75 ºgº : &e w * * - , ~ * .*.*.*.*: º .* - • * * * *...* :. § § SEPARATE No. 2. sº. - ºf 㺠~ T - .4 * 2 * , ºš w & g * ~~ g e --- º A * -. -sº ." ºrº, Fº Irrigation in Santa Clara Valley, California. By S. Fortier. Pp. 76–91,x_*.s.º. : º * --- * * © º - ~~~~ *** * * * A3... *::: * $, - ^, Mechanical Tests of Pumping Plants used for Irrigation. By J. N. Le Conté. º : ** § :* -e ºf Y §: #; --- 195—255. - * I'...º. **. & J r * -, * - *~. * *; 3. ** ^ - *r A { Tº gº. .* * SEPARATE No. 3. * - - , , , º º * , ; The Distribution and Use of Water in Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts,Caº ifornia. By Frank Adams. Pp. 93-139. . . . . ºº * Relation of Irrigation to Yield, Size, Quality, and Commercial Suitability of Fruits: 3: By E. J. Wickson. Pp. 141–174. * - - 3 -º Irrigation Conditions in Imperial Valley, California. By J. E. Roadhouse: º 175–194. <-- * ~...~" . . . ." ** SEPARATE No. 4. ~ & A "* * '3 ×* 3: *- Y. º , º, *- .*** Irrigation in Klamath County, Oregon. By F. L. Kent. Pp. 257–266. * † ºs Irrigation Investigations in the Yakima Valley, Washington, 1904, By O.J. Waller. **ś Pp. 267–278. ~ - . . . . . º. Irrigation Conditions in Raft River Water District, Idaho, 1904. By W. F. Bartl Pp 279–302. – . . . . . . * 4° SEPARATE No. 5. * * g ; * ... 2 x- - -* * -, -, - * *º- #s *: º Pp. 3:33 ** ** !. =~~ * º: *ś & " " as, º, ...; Av. i. sº- .* 3. §: <º ‘. . . . . . . . ~3. . ë * --- **, {º} A sº. ~ 7 Irrigation Investigations at New Mexico Experiment Station, Mesilla Park, 1964.º. By J. J. Vernon. Pp. 303–317. * - - - - -ºº: Irrigation Investigations in Western Texas. By Harvey Culbertson. Pp. 319-34º Pumping Plants in Texas. By C. E. Tail. Pp. 341–346. , sº * - *~.. sº -º-º: ^ > * : * > . . , 'º' " ; ** SEPARATE No. 6. 3. º * : *% Irrigation in Southern Texas. By Aug. J. Bowie, jr. Pp. 347–507; . . . . .”g: ; SEPARATE No. 7. -** º żº ***, * . .x2, ~, Rice Irrigation in Louisiana and Texas in 1903 and 1904. By W. B. Gregory, P: , º, ^. - 509–544. - ... - sº-ºº: * Rice Irrigation on the Prairie Land of Arkansas. By C. E. Tait. Pp. 545–565: …; A. " " - & " xxx ,-- 2:...sº : ?," : * * - T -º- " -ºº: * SEPARATE No. 8. *- \s. . . . . . *s r’ſ * º, x. ". . ; -Irrigation Experiments at Fort Hays, Kansas, 1903 and 1904. By J . G. Haney. Pp: º º 567-583. ~~ * * 3: Irrigation near Garden City, Kansas. 1904. By A. B. Collins and A.-E. Wrightº: - Pp. 585–594. . . **, *. Pumping Plants in Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas. By O. V. P. Stout. Pp.:595=3; 3 608. *~ ~~~ &- . . . . $2. sº Irrigation near Rockyford, Colorado, 1904. By A. E. Wright. Pp. 609-628. ºf ax The Irrigation and Drainage of Cranberry Marshes in Wisconsin. By A. R. jº Pp. 625–642. *. ~ y , -º-; * SEPARATE No. 9. - * < ~~~~ f * * Cº- wº * sº tº º, . . ** * º * ~ * § Whitson. …; “, Report of Drainage Investigations, 1904. By C. G. Elliott. Pp. 643-743. II. C. * U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, 840 ZZ 5 OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, º, A. C. TRUE, DIRECTOR. ANNUAL REPORT OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ELWOOD MEAD, CHIEF OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. SEPARATE NO. 4: IRRIGATION IN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON. By F. L. KENT, Assistant Agriculturist, Oregon Agricultural College. (In cooperation with Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.) IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN THE YAKIMA VALLEY, WASHINGTON, 1904. By O. L. WALLER, Irrigation Engineer, Washington Agricultural Ex- periment Station. (In cooperation with Washington Agricultural Experiment Station.) IRRIGATION CONDITIONS IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO, 1904. By W. F. BARTLETT, Agent and Expert. [Reprint from Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin No. 158.] e-ºrsºsº S º NSº Nº. .* WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1905, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. A. C. TRUE, Ph. D., Director. E. W. ALLEN, Ph. D., Assistant Director. IRRIGATION AND DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. ELwooD MEAD, Chief. C. G. ELLIOTT, in Charge of Drainage Investigations. S. M. WoodwarD, in Charge of Irrigation Investigations. R. P. TEELE, Expert in Irrigation Institutions. C. J. ZINTHEO, in Charge of Farm Mechanics. SAMUEL FoRTIER, in Charge of Pacific District. F. C. HERRMANN, Evpert in Irrigation as Related to Dry Farming. II £e. * $ $ 7-0, a -1)}~ CONTENTS. Page. IRRIGATION IN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON. By F. L. KENT----------------- 257 Losses from Adams ditches-------------------------------------------- 259 Losses from Ankeny ditch -------------------------------------------- 260 Losses from Mitchell lateral------------------------------------------- 260 Duty of water-------------------------------------------------------- 261 N. S. Merrill’s 38.5-acre tract of alfalfa- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 261 N. S. Merrill’s 5-acre tract of alfalfa- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 261 William Ball's 40-acre tract of alfalfa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 261 William Ball’s 95-acre tract of alfalfa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 262 Ankeny & Cantrell's 118-acre tract of alfalfa- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 262 Ankeny & Cantrell’s 110-acre tract of alfalfa- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 262 Evaporation --------------------------------------------------------- 263 Analyses of soil and water -------------------------------------------- 264 Soils ------------------------------------------------------------ 264 Irrigation water-------------------------------------------------- 264 Practice in alfalfa growing ------------------------------------------- 265 * IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN YAKIMA VALLEY, WASHINGTON, 1904. By O. L. WALLER --------------------------------------------------------------- 267 Seepage-------------------------------------------------------------- 268 Cost of preparing land for irrigation ----------------------------------- 268 Duty of water------------------------------------------------------- 273 IRRIGATION ConDITIONS IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO, 1904. By W. F. BARTLETT-------------------------------------------------------- 279 Conditions which govern the control and division of water- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 279 Tributaries to Raft River ----------------------------------------- 279 The manner in which the duties of the water master are affected by the nature of water titles and the State irrigation laws - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 281 Provisions for water commissioners and water masters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 281 Difficulties encountered in installing measuring devices - - - - - - - - - - - - - 282 Defects of the present law as applying to this district - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 283 Water titles------------------------------------------------------ 285 Attitude of the irrigators------------------------------------------ 285 Status of the Almo Water Company ------------------------------- 287 The water supply ---------------------------------------------------- 289 Seepage.--------------------------------------------------------- 291 Duty of water -------------------------------------------------------- 292 Interstate questions -------------------------------------------------- 295 Conclusions---------------------------------------------------------- 299 ILLUSTRATION. Page FIG. 40. Plan of farm of M. E. Robinson, showing contour levees-- - - - - - - - - - - 263 IRRIGATION IN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREG. By F. L. KENT, Assistant Agriculturist, Oregon Agricultural College. The nature of the work in Klamath County, Oreg., during the sum- mer of 1904 may be briefly summarized as follows: Determination of losses by seepage and evaporation on Adams ditches, the Ankeny, and the Mitchell lateral; the duty of water on 38.5-acre tract and a 5-acre tract owned by N. S. Merrill, a 40-acre tract and a 95-acre tract owned by William Ball, a 118-acre tract by free flooding and a 110-acre tract by checks, both owned by Ankeny and Cantrell; comparison of labor required in different methods of irrigating; determination of evaporation from Adams ditch for one month; collection of samples of soil and irrigation waters for analysis; collection of data relative to alfalfa growing, and photographing irri- gation works and haymaking appliances. Irrigation has been practiced in Klamath County for a considerable time, the property of the Klamath Falls Irrigation Company, com- monly known as the Ankeny ditch, having been built in 1884, and that of the Little Klamath Ditch Company, locally known as the Adams ditch, having been built in 1885. Each of these systems has been enlarged to more than twice its original water-carrying capacity. The first-named system is now supplying water to about 4,000 acres, but could easily be enlarged to cover about 10,000 acres, which area of land lies within easy reach. Under this system water is sold on the basis of $2.50 per California miner’s inch, each user taking about 1 inch for every 2 acres. The water supply is taken directly from Kla- math Lake and distributed along about 16 miles of main ditch. The Little Klamath Ditch Company (Adams ditch) takes its water supply from Little Klamath Lake by a channel recently cut through about 4 miles of tule growth discharging into White Lake, thence through a deep cut of about 1 mile into the Lost River Valley. Here two branches about 8 miles in length supply about 5,000 acres on the south side of Lost River, while the greater portion of the water pass- ing through the cut is flumed across Lost River and distributed by means of two main ditches of about 32 miles total length to about 8,000 acres. Under this system water is delivered to users at the rate of $1.50 per acre for the season. 30620–No. 158—05—17 257 258 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. That portion of the water which is not flumed across Lost River belongs to a stock organization known as Van Brimmer Ditch Com- pany, which operates about as follows: There are about 5,000 acres under the ditch, each acre of which represents one share. On May 1, 1903, when the ditch property was purchased from Van Brimmer Brothers, the originators of the system, the sum of $5 per share was paid in for the purchase of the property. The cost of maintenance is to be assessed pro rata per share, and it is estimated that this item will amount to less than 25 cents per share annually, which assumption is warranted by the results of the past two growing seasons. On Sprague River the canals of the North Fork Irrigating Company and the Sprague River Irrigation Company, each cover about 2,000 acres. These ditches are about 12 and 11 miles long, respectively, including the principal laterals. They are both stock concerns, the shares being held by the water users. On Wood River prairie, which lies to the northward of Klamath Lake, some 3,000 to 4,000 acres are irrigated from the mountain streams fed by the snows of Crater Lake Mountain (Mount Mazama) and other high mountains. Here, as on Sprague River, the water is very cold (54°F. observed at 2 p. m., July 7) and is used mainly for the irrigation of wild grasses. It is doubtful if simpler irrigation engineering problems can be found anywhere than those of the Wood River prairie. The whole area slopes uniformly toward the south with a fall of 3 to 5 feet per mile. Wood River and smaller streams have such very low banks that the water may be diverted at almost any point. The uniformity of the surface, and the ease with which the soil is worked, make it possible, as reported, with three horses on a plow and six on a road machine to construct between 4 and 5 miles of “surface ditch” in a day. And the system of applying the water is quite as simple. As one user expressed it, “there is no system; water is simply led out on the higher lands and allowed to flood those of a slightly lower level. The water is generally turned on to wild meadows about June 1 and left on from four to six weeks.” Under the Ankeny and Lost River systems, the principal crop grown is alfalfa, although wheat, oats, and barley are largely grown. Alfalfa yields 4 to 5 tons of hay per acre per season, there being two cuttings. Wheat yields, per acre, 20 to 30 bushels; oats, 30 to 50 bushels, and barley, 40 to 60 bushels. Two and sometimes three irrigations per season are applied to alfalfa, the first about May 15, and the second about July 15. Grain usually gets but one irrigation, and that about * June 15 to 30. Irrigators estimate that about the same amount of water is applied at each irrigation. In addition to the systems already mentioned considerable irrigation is done with the water of springs. The Griffeth and Bord water wheels on Lost River each furnish sufficient water to irrigate 250 acres, IRRIGATION IN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREG. 259 and Mr. F. J. Bowne, of Bonanza, upper Lost River Valley, has this year (1904) installed a steam pumping plant designed to supply water for the irrigation of about 1,800 acres. Some idea of the climatology of the region may be gained from the Weather Bureau reports, as furnished by voluntary observer Marion Hanks, near Klamath Falls, and given in the following table: Precipitation near Klamath Falls, Oreg. Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total. | Im. Im. Im. Im. Im. Im. Im. Im. Im. Im. | Iºn. Im. In. 1901--------- 5.30 | 1.85 1. -----|------|------|------- Trace. Trace.} 1.63 0.90 | 1.29 2.29 . . . . . . . . 1902. . . . . . . . . Trace. 2.50 0.50 | 1.17 || 0.50 | 0 Trace. 1. 75 || 0 . 85 . 79 3.20 11. 26 1903......... 3.90 | Trace. 1.18 . 20 - - - - - - 1.93 | 0 ||-------|-------|------|------ 1. 36 - - - - - - - - 1904. ........ 1.00 || 4. 60 | 3, 62 . . . . . . .45 .75 --------------|-------|------|------|------|-------- Monthly temperature averages, Klamath Falls, Oreg. Year. Jan. | Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total. o F. o F. of. o F. o F. of. of. o F. o F. of o F. of. of. 1901--------- 25. 2 || 31.3 : 37.6 || 43.7 || 54.8 57.2 68. 1 j 70 54.6 51.9 40.8 || 32.6 47.3 1902--------- 30.2 37.8 38. 6 45.2 52.8 60.7 63.2 68.3 64 47.4 38.4 || 33.3 48.3 1908--------. 31, 6 26.8 || 37.8 45.8 |. - - - - - 63.4 65.1 ! --------------|------ !------ 33.8 - - - - - - - - 1904. . . . . . . . . 27.2 30.8 35.3 47.3 || 58 5g .....I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. * * * * * * * * * * * * s : * * * * * * * * In the Wood River region the average temperature is somewhat lower and the precipitation somewhat greater than near Klamath Falls, while in the Lost River region the average temperature is higher and the annual precipitation rather less. The Sprague River section very closely resembles the Wood River region as to temperature and pre- cipitation. The whole area is above an elevation of 4,200 feet, conse- Quently summer frosts are quite liable to occur. The work discussed below was carried on during the months of July and August. A very unusual rainfall during the first ten days of the month of July interfered with the work, as the Ankeny ditch was injured to such an extent that it supplied no water to users for more than a week. An unusual amount of spring rain delayed plant growth and threw the irrigation periods considerably later than usual. In fact the July rains furnished so much water that several growers deemed it unnecessary to irrigate their grain crops, hence it is probable that the duty of water, as indicated by these investigations, is higher than would ordinarily be the case. LOSSES FROM ADAMS DITCHES. The seepage and evaporation losses from the Adams ditches were measured July 15 and 16, 1904. The old ditch has a fall of 1.8 feet per mile and the new ditch a fall of 0.7 foot per mile. The results of the measurements are given in the following table. 260 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Losses from Adams ditches. [In cubic feet per second.] OLD DITCH. Discharge 600 feet below Lost River flume - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16, 99 Diversions --------------------------------------------- 1. 37 Discharge 6 miles below upper measurement - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13. 89 15, 26 Loss in 6 miles----------------------------------------- 1. 73 Percentage of loss -------------------------------------- 10. 24 NEW DITCH. Discharge 300 feet below Lost River flume - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18. 16 Discharge 8 miles below -------------------------------------- 15. 88 Loss in 8 miles----------------------------------------- 2. 28 Percentage of loss -------------------------------------- 12. 55 LossES FROM ANKENY DITCH. The losses from the Ankeny ditch were measured twice during the season. The ditch was built on a grade of 1 foot per mile. For the first mile the ditch follows a very rocky and, in places, steep hillside, where much of the loss doubtless occurs. August 9 the velocities were measured by the use of floats and August 20 by the use of a cur- rent meter. The results of these measurements are as follows: Losses from Ankeny ditch. [In cubic feet per second.] AUGUST 9. Discharge 200 feet below power plant -------------------------- 43. 98 Diversions ------------------------------------------- - - 2.00 Discharge 6.5 miles below upper station------------------ 36. 38 38. 38 Loss in 6.5 miles --------------------------------------- 5.60 Percentage of loss -------------------------------------- 12. 73 AUGUST 20. Discharge 200 feet below power plant-------------------------- 43.41. Discharge 6.5 miles below upper station------------------------ 35. 57 Loss in 6.5 miles --------------------------------------- 7.84 * Tercentage of loss -------------------------------------- 18.06 LOSSES FROM MITCHELL LATERAL. The losses from the Mitchell lateral of the Ankeny ditch were measured August 9. For a large part of the distance between the points of measurement this lateral was overgrown with sweet clover, alfalfa, etc., while in other places occasional gopher holes allowed considerable water to escape. It doubtless represented as unfavorable IRRIGATION IN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREG. 261 conditions as would be found on any of the laterals of the Ankeny system. The results are as follows: Losses from Mitchell lateral. [In cubic feet per second.] Discharge one-half mile below head gate- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. 92 Discharge 1% miles below upper station ------------------------ 3. 12 Loss in 1% miles---------------------------------------- . 80 Percentage of loss -------------------------------------- 20 DUTY OF WATER. The field work of 1904 was limited to the months of July and August, and therefore it was not possible to secure complete records of the water used during the season. The plan followed was to determine the quantity used in a single irrigation and from this esti- mate the quantity used during the season. e N. S. MERRILL's 38.5-ACRE TRACT OF ALFALFA. This field was irrigated July 24–28. The water was measured over a Cipolletti weir and the depths recorded by an automatic register. The total amount was 20.09 acre-feet, giving an average depth over the 38.5 acres of 6.27 inches. In the opinion of Mr. Merrill, who applied the water, this was about the usual quantity he has been in the habit of applying at each of the two irrigations annually given this field. The check system was used, this being the method usually followed among the water users in the Lost River Valley. N. S. MIERRILL’S 5–ACIRE TRACT OF ALFALFA. This field was irrigated July 28–30. The water was measured over the same weir used in the preceding measurement. At one point the water broke over the check levee and a considerable amount ran on to other lands, and there was fully 6 inches of water in parts of some of the checks twenty-four hours after the water was turned off. The results are, therefore, considerably higher than would normally be obtained. The measurements show that 8.77 acre-feet of water was used, giving an average depth of 1.75 feet. WILLIAM BALL’S 40-ACRE TRACT OF ALFALFA. This field was irrigated July 17–21. Owing to the delay in getting water into the main ditch this field did not receive irrigation which it should have had about the middle of June and had received no water prior to this time. The field received 29.29 acre-feet, giving a depth of 8.78 inches. - 262 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. WILLIAM BALL's 95-ACRE TRACT of ALFALFA. This field was irrigated July 23–27. It had received the usual irri- gation in June. The field received water from two laterals, the total amount supplied to the two being 47.83 acre-feet, giving a depth of 6.05 inches, ANIKENY & CANTIRELL’S 1 18-ACRE TRACT OF ALFALFA. This field was irrigated August 8–11. The water was applied by free flooding and was supplied by two laterals. The total amount received was 48.46 acre-feet, giving a depth of 4.92 inches. The comparatively small quantity necessary to irrigate this field was due to the large head used and to the fact that the alfalfa had made considerable growth since cutting, thus lessening evaporation. However, some of the high spots received no water, and it is probable that the irrigation was not Quite heavy enough. ANIKENY & CANTIRELL’S 11 O-ACRE TRACT OF ALFALFA. This field was irrigated August 14–18. It received 54.2 acre-feet, giving a depth of 5.92 inches. The water was applied by the check system. These two fields belonging to Ankeny & Cantrell furnish data for comparison of the cost of irrigating by the check system and by free flooding. Applying the water by free flooding required two men and a team for one day; and plowing furrows and otherwise preparing ditches for the distribution of water, the services of two men for five days were required to apply the water, and the days were very long. Allowing $2.50 per day for each man and $2 for the team, the cost of spreading the water on the 118 acres amounts to $32, or about 27 cents per acre. In applying water by the check system practically no prep- aration was required before turning on the water, and one man work- ing five days was easily able to attend to the handling of the water for 110 acres. Taking the same wages as before, the cost would amount to $12.50, or a little more than 11 cents per acre. This does not take into account the cost of checking the land, which depends to a consid- erable extent on the slope. Mr. N. S. Merrill, who is a firm believer in the check system, estimates that his checking has cost him about $10 per acre, but he has some land upon which the check levees are not more than 1 rod apart with a fall of 1 foot between checks. Mr. J. F. Adams, who has superintended a large amount of check construction, says that one man with a “Buck scraper” and a 4-horse team can construct about one-fourth mile of checks per day for a 3-inch fall, and such a working outfit is worth about $5 per day. On this basis, using as an example the 80-acre field of Mr. M. E. Robinson, a sketch of which accompanies this report (fig. 40), the cost of construct- ÍRRIGAffon IN Ki,AMATH COUNTY, ÖREG. 263 ing the check levees would amount to about $60. The cost of locating the levees would probably amount to $20 additional, making the cost of putting in the checks about $80, or about $1 per acre in this par- ticular case. This is an ideal field for the application of the check- ing system, although there are other checked fields of equal area in the Lost River system which have a less amount of levee work. To the above estimate should be added the cost of putting in twenty gates, two for each levee, although in many cases canvas, manure, or dirt dams are used in the laterals instead of gates. The manure or dirt dams are not to be recommended, as they require too much labor. A peculiar feature of the practice of water users under the Adams and the Ankeny ditches is their attitude toward the use or nonuse of the checking system. Ankeny & Cantrell are practically the only users of checks under the Ankeny ditch, and they propose to decrease SU/APLY D/7 CA/ SU/AAAY //7C// FIG. 40.—Plan of farm of M. E. Robinson, showing contour levees. and perhaps eliminate their checked area, while practically all of the users under the Adams ditch follow the check method. The lands covered by these two ditches approach within less than 10 miles of each other, and to a close observer there appears to be no particular difference in the character of the soils, except perhaps the presence of a little more sand and a trifle less clay in the region served by the Adams ditch. EWAPORATION. In the absence of a regular evaporation pan, a pan 13 by 9 inches and 9 inches deep, inclosed in a wooden framework suitable for prop- erly floating the pan, was placed in the Adams ditch on July 24 and filled to a depth of 7 inches. The evaporation by seven-day periods was as follows: First period, 2.5 inches; second period, 3.125 inches; third period, 2.5 inches; fourth period, 2 inches; next three days, 0.875 inch. Total for thirty-one days beginning July 24, 11 inches. 264 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. ANALYSES OF SOIL AND WATER, SOILS. The samples of soil were taken to determine the effect upon the soil of the continued growing of alfalfa irrigated from the waters of the Adams ditch. The claim had been set up that the waters of this ditch carried a considerable amount of organic matter by reason of the water slowly passing through a considerable area of tule growth before reaching the ditch; hence its use would tend to build up the land irrigated therefrom. Sample A was taken from virgin soil which had never been irrigated. Sample B was taken from a field which had been growing alfalfa continuously for nine years, having grown just one grain crop prior to being seeded to alfalfa. The sam- ples were taken about 150 feet apart and represented apparently exactly the same original soil conditions. - The results of the analyses are as follows: Analysis of soil irrigated by Adams ditch. [Determinations made by F. E. Edwards, Oregon Agricultural College.] - Sample A Sample B Constituent. (virgin (nine years soil). in alfalfa). Per cent. Per cent. 0.43 0.41 Potash (K29) ------------------------------------------------------------------ e w Line (CaO)-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.56 .98 Magnesia ( É? * = tº tº º º º ſº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* - * * * * * * * * * * * * * . 11 . O5 Phosphoric acid (P2O5) -------------------------------------------------------- . 09 . 085 Nitrogen.----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 66 . 177 These analyses would seem to show that the soil is built up by grow ing alfalfa under the irrigated conditions already described, but whether the increase in the nitrogen content is due to the character of the irrigation waters or to the growing of the alfalfa on the land is not determinable in this case. IRIRIGATION WATER. The waters of Lost River, which are used at the F. J. Bowne pump- ing plant, come from a large number of springs. An analysis of this water with reference to its use both for boiler and irrigation purposes gave the following: - Analysis of waters of Lost River, Oregon. [Determination by A. L. Knisely, Oregon Experiment Station.] Grains * Grains Constituent. ºi * per Constituent. . . er gallon. * gallon. § *ś, * < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # 3 0. # §§ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 77.5 4. 56 *SO4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tº €2 Na2CO3 . . . . . . . . . .------------. l jº || Aj } tº º sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5.2 S 30 K2COs -------...-------------. 3. 7 -22 || SiO2-------------------------- 22.9 2.24 MgCO3-----------. ----------- 93 5.43 IRRIGATION IN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREG. 265 The following analyses, made by A. L. Knisely and F. E. Edwards, of the Oregon Experiment Station, give an idea of the composition of the irrigating waters furnished by the Ankeny and Adams ditches: Analysis of waters from Ankeny and Adams ditches. Parts per million. 1. Constituent. Little 2 3 4 5 Klamath| Adams. Ankeny. Adams. Ankeny. Lake. Total solids (110°C.) ------------------------------- 307 467 128 369. 6 174.4 Qºşanie matter------------------------------------- 76 93 ---------- 80 60 Silica (SiO2) ...------------------------------------- 34 16 37 45 40 §diºloride (Načij............................ 50.9 75.4 50.9 23 11.5 Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56.8 137.8 25 148.4 31.8 Sodium sulphate ºº::g ) -----------------------------------|-------------------- 35. 5 42. 5 Calcium carbonate ( ãº) as sº s sº as a sº s º ºs ºs e º as sº sº * * * * * * * * 125 107.5 - - - - - - - - - - 38 35. 2 Magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.7 ---------- 63.4 ---------- Nitrogen (N). -------------------------------------- 8.4 9. 3 6.2 -------------------- Iron and alumina (Fe2O3+Al2O3).---------------------------|---------- 50 ---------- 2.9 | For grains per gallon use the divisor 17.12. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 are from samples taken in 1903, and 4 and 5 from samples taken in 1904. Nos. 2 and 4 were taken at practically the same points and seasons of the year, namely, about August 1, at which time the ditches were carrying an average quantity of water, and the same may be said of Nos. 3 and 5. No. 1 was taken for the purpose of determining whether any considerable change took place in the composition of the water used by the Adams ditch by reason of pass- ing through the tule growth and White Lake. The results seem to indicate an increase in both organic matter and soluble salts, particu- larly Sodium and magnesium carbonates. PRACTICE IN ALFALFA GROWING. Several growers were interviewed under each of the two systems previously referred to, the results indicating that there was no essen- tial difference in the methods followed under the two systems. In the matter of preparing the ground, it is the practice to grow grain for two or more years after clearing away the sagebrush before sowing to alfalfa. The seeding is uniformly done with a press drill, and as a rule no “nurse crop” is used. When such a crop is sown, barley seems to be preferred. Eight to 10 pounds of seed per acre is the amount usually sown, although one grower recommended 20 pounds, and another regarded 6 pounds, or even less, as being sufficient if it can be evenly applied. The time for seeding has quite a range, some preferring to sow early in April. Others consider June 1 to 15 as the proper season. One of the oldest and most successful growers says he has had excellent results from sowing during the latter part of February. If the seed is sown early, that is, prior to May 15, it will not as a rule require irrigation 266. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. to start a vigorous growth. Two irrigations are usually given the fields, but there is a growing Sentiment in favor of three applications of water, and it is the opinion of the writer that the latter practice will soon become general. With three irrigations they would come about four weeks apart, beginning usually about May 15. The first cutting usually takes place about July 1 and yields 2 to 2.5 tons of hay per acre. The second cutting usually takes place about September 15 and yields 1.5 to 2 tons per acre. From four to six weeks’ fall pasture is usually obtained after the removal of the second cutting. The renewal of an alfalfa field is usually recommended after seven to nine years of growth, although some well-cared-for fields seemed to be in prime condition at twelve to fourteen years of age. Treatment similar to that given new land is recommended before reseeding to alfalfa. In the opinion of some of the most successful growers, more damage is done by the use of too much water and imperfect drainage than from the use of too little water. Especially is this true under the checking system. It certainly does not take an experienced eye to see that there is much waste of water under each of the ditch systems which have been discussed. IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN YAKIMA VALLEY, WASHINGTON, 1904. By O. L. WALLER, Irrigation Engineer, Washington Agricultural Experiment Station. In the Yakima Valley there are thousands of acres of land along the rivers, bottom lands or river bars, composed of such materials as a very rapid stream would deposit, principally coarse gravel with very little soil over the surface. Such lands under present methods of spreading require very large quantities of water at a wetting and very frequent wettings. In some instances 1 cubic foot per second is used on 10 acres, and rarely does a second-foot serve more than 30 acres. These lands are supplied from small private ditches that in most in- stances have been in use many years. They were the first appropria- tions from the stream, taken when water was abundant. The supply being so plentiful, there was no need of careful distribution. The drainage through the underlying gravel being perfect, there was no fear of alkali, and slovenly methods of spreading have always obtained. The writer has in mind one instance where the land was so stony it could not be plowed, no attempt was made to level, the sagebrush was grubbed, the seed was scattered broadcast, and the water run over as best it could be. When seen the farmer was cutting a fair crop of alfalfa hay. Under other conditions these wasteful methods would not only dam- age the lands themselves, but would materially shorten the water sup- ply. On these river-bar farms, however, no damage is done; on the other hand, these great, deep gravel bars act as a reservoir to hold back enormous quantities of water used early in the season. The canals heading farther down are beneficiaries, since this stored water returns slowly to the streams and keeps up the supply during months when there is a shortage. This would largely compensate if the same methods were not continued through the months of short supply. During these months they really waste water enough from tho already scant supply to water three or four times the area of all the lands so wastefully served. This of course limits the reclaimed acreage lower down the valleys. If the water could be carefully and economically used on these gravelly lands from July on, they might materially aid in the solution of storage problems. - 267 268 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The seepage waters from the irrigated lands under the Indian canals and from the Sunnyside lands from the middle of July on, supply the major part of the water used for power and irrigation at Prosser. Measurements taken the latter part of August showed something over 20 per cent as much water returning to the Yakima River from Union Gap to Prosser as was used at that time for irrigation between the two points. This return water for the future will likely be all that will be required for irrigation and power purposes at Prosser. SEEPAGE. Some seepage measurements on Sunnyside laterals show surprisingly small losses. Observations on 25,060 feet of Snipes Mountain lateral, an extremely well-silted channel, carrying 63 cubic feet per second showed only one-fourth of 1 per cent per 1,000 feet, or 1 per cent of . the amount carried for every 4,000 feet. The velocity in this lateral is slow and the sediment precipitated is mostly very fine sand and silt. The water always runs muddy. Three-fourths of a mile of the Sunnyside Supply, a lateral carrying 9.25 second feet, showed too small a loss to be worth considering. The upper end of this lateral was well scoured, deep down into the hardpan, the water ran muddy, and nearly the whole stretch was lined with fine silt. © Of the South Branch, a lateral carrying 16.51 second feet, 1.29 miles showed a loss of only 1 per cent in the entire distance, and this loss was due largely to evaporation. The gradient was extremely flat, the channel wide, the water much spread out over side berms and silt bars. The water ran muddy; silt was deposited in profusion. The gaugings were made about noon with the mercury 103°F. in the shade. COST OF PREPARING LAND FOR, IRRIGATION, The cost of preparing land for irrigation in the Yakima and Natches valleys is dependent on the strength of the Sagebrush growth, the character of the soil, the work of the wind, evenness and slope of the surface, relative proportion of ditch and flume, checks and drops and other timber structures. As these conditions vary greatly throughout the valley there must be quite a wide difference in expense accounts. Through personal interviews and correspondence considerable data, based on actual experience, were secured. Some are given below. We cleared 340 acres of sagebrush in the Kittitas Valley and put it in grain last spring. We used very heavy double-gang plows, each drawn by six large mules, putting the plows right into the Sagebrush. We set the plows to turn a very deep furrow, thus getting well down on the roots of the sage and giving the plow such a firm grip that the heaviest Sage would not cause it to jump or dodge. The plows cut the sage cleanly and on the large brush raised and threw them to one side rather than covered them. This work we had done under contract at $3 per acre, 5 acres IRRIGATION IN YAKIMA VALLEY, WASH. 269 being an average day's work. It cost us $1.50 per acre to pick and burn the brush, and 75 cents per acre to harrow and drill in the grain. We experimented with walking plows and found that they would not work at all, as they could not be kept in the ground; we also tried very heavy single-riding plows, but found that they did not take grip enough to prevent their dodging side- ways when they encountered heavily rooted clumps of sage. The heavy gang plow will cleanly remove any sage that it is possible to get the motive power through or over. We found the mules much preferable to horses, as they were steadier, easily clambered through, around, and over the Sage, and did not skin their legs like horses. The sage was the ordinary sagebrush of this locality, in some places quite dense and heavy, often shoulder high, in other places it was small and scattering with a thick growth of white or yellow sage. We did not grub except here and there a clump of unusually large brush that it would have been impossible for mules to climb over or straddle. (By straddle I mean the dodging of the brush by a mule going on either side of it.) We found by plowing very deeply that the plows stood up to the brush much better, did not dodge or jump, and more effectively removed them. The plows did not clog to any extent. The brush was bent over by the frame of the plow, and when the roots were cut by the plowshare they sort of kicked themselves free and rolled out on top of the ground. We afterwards picked them by hand and burned them. The total expense of grubbing by hand on the entire tract was $14. Certainly the gang plow is the cheapest and best device for clearing sage- brush land. The land was fairly smooth and was not blown into hummocks. It settled very evenly and was not graded after first watering. The wind did not trouble us in the least at any time; it never does in Kittitas County. It sometimes caused a little bother in haying, making stacking a little troublesome, but does not interfere with seeding in any way. The water caused no trouble and washed no gullies. The land cleared was SW. 3, sec. 19, T. 17 N., R. 20 E.; the W. 3 of NW. #, sec. 30, and the W. § of E. 3, sec. 30, same township and range. J. E. FROST. ELLENSBURG, WASH., December 6. I can not give the information so much in detail as you would probably like. The cost per acre of improving my land in the lower Sunnyside Valley (NE. 4 NW. 4, sec. 11, T. N., R. 23 E., W. M.) was as follows: Cost per acre of preparing land for irrigation. Clearing and burning brush----------------------------------- $5.00 Leveling, building head ditches, seeding and watering first time- 15.00 Seed, 16 pounds of alfalfa, at 15 cents per pound---------------. 2. 40 3 pecks of wheat, at 60 cents per bushel------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .45 Lumber for head ditch, checks, and lath for spouts------------- 2. 00 Total -------------------------------------------------- 24.85 The wheat and alfalfa for first year paid cost of irrigation, about $1.50 per acre. The cost of building flumes, if irrigation is from flumes only, would be about $4 to $5 per acre for good, substantial, flumes laid on the ground. Head ditches, count- ing labor of building, checks, spouts, etc., would be somewhat cheaper, about $2 to $3.50 per acre, but they are more expensive to maintain and operate. These figures are for rough, sandy soil, with a good slope. Flat, sandy land would cost more to level. Smooth, rolling land would cost less. The brush was what we would call heavy, the larger being 3 to 5 feet high and 3 to 6 inches through at the ground; probably 6 to 10 clumps to the square rod. The brush was first railed by dragging a 12-foot length of 60-pound railroad iron 270 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. across and back over the same strip in opposite directions, thus forcing the brush both ways. This required four strong horses. As the soil was rather sandy volcanic ash, this effectually loosened and pulled up three-fourths of the brush. The loosened brush was then raked into windrows by a brush rake, The process left everything flattened and easy of attack with the grubbing hoe. This land was gently rolling, with some few wind-formed hummocks from 1 to 2 feet high around the sagebrush, which were almost entirely leveled by the railing. This land was carefully graded the first time and required no additional work after the first watering. It sloped so gently that the water did not wash or cut deep gullies. The soil is a light, sandy loam about 60 feet deep with occasional streaks of hardpan. - Ross K. TIFFANY, Chief Engineer, Washington Irrigation Company. Mr. J. T. Brownfield reported as follows on 20 acres near Prosser (NE. #, NE. 4, sec. 4, T. 25, R. E., W. M.): Grubbing and burning was contracted at $2.50 per acre. The balance of the work by myself. Plowing, ten days with 2 horses. Harrowing, three times, five or six days. Leveling, ten or eleven days with a scraper and straightedge, using four horses. Planting, 4 acres of potatoes, one and one-half days, 32 sacks of potatoes, $20; 3 acres of onions, two days with planter, $3 for seed; 2 acres of pumpkins, two hours with hoe, 2 pounds of seed, $2; 5 acres of grain, wheat, and oats, 10 bushels of seed, $12, one-half day to sow and harrow, 2 acres not in; 4 acres of corn, carrots, beans, parsnips, tomatoes, etc., seed, $5, and one day required to plant, using hoe and planter. Ditches for watering are included in the above estimate. We use a railroad rail to loosen sagebrush and think it the best. Some, however, use plowshare steel drawn out sharp and bolted to a heavy piece of timber. This gives weight enough to pull up the brush. The field is then raked, grubbed, and raked again. The most satisfactory tool for collecting the brush is a rake with heavy iron teeth, mounted on wheels and operated by a lever like the common self- dump hay rake. It takes from 4 to 6 horses to pull one of these, but they do the work thoroughly. This land was about an average of the country, neither hilly nor rough; some draws to fill and some knolls to take off. The soil is too heavy to blow into drifts; consequently it was easily leveled. This land was planted to hoed crops so that it might be regraded at the end of the season and before finally seeding to grass. To protect the land from washouts and gullies considerable care must be exercised when water is first applied and until the ground is thoroughly settled. The soil here is a heavy gray or black loam with gravel under and big bowlders on top and bed rock under the gravel at 3 to 7 feet deep. There is more or less alkali in places which comes to the top and forms a white crust, but the drainage is good and will help to get the alkali out of the ground. Neil Campbell, on 80 acres of alfalfa near Wapato, E. # of NW. # and W. # of W. 4, sec. 28, T. 11, R. 19, reports $13.50 per acre for all expense, exclusive of laterals, head ditches, and furrowing. The sagebrush on same would average from 2 to 3% feet high and would average about 3 feet apart. To loosen it he used a heavy piece of timber faced on ground side with an 8-inch piece of steel beveled on the edge; that is, the piece of steel would have about the same bevel IRRIGATION IN YAKIMA VALLEY, WASH. 271 as a wood chisel. Holes were drilled through this, through which 3-inch bolts were inserted to hold it to the timber, which should be 10 to 12 feet long and 16 inches square. To this four horses are hitched. It is dragged over the sagebrush and back, loosening and breaking most of the clumps. The rake consists of a piece of timber 12 feet long and 8 inches square, with 2-inch holes bored through about 12 inches apart; into these are put oak teeth, and shafts or long handles are attached. These are placed over the hind gear of a wagon between standards. The rake is then chained to the wagon. One man drives and another holds the shafts of the rake, and when he wishes to clean the rake of brush he bears down on the shafts, lifting the rake clear above the brush, leaving it in windrows or piles; after this fires are started, which are followed by the plow, and what sage is left, which will be considerable, is grubbed out and picked by hand. This was not hilly land, but had numerous little hummocks. For getting same -in shape for irrigating a steel scraper was used which required four horses to operate. This moves dirt rapidly. One man can operate it and with a little experience can make a nice, even grade for irrigating. The land was graded and seeded to alfalfa before water was applied. One inexperienced in grading should water and regrade after first irrigating and before seeding to secure an even surface. The land here slopes so gently that the water can be applied by the furrow system without danger of washing or cutting gullies. The soil is clay liberally mixed with gravel. * Mr. H. J. Postma, in the Moxee Valley, furnishes the following itemized list of labor expended in preparing the land and planting 20 acres of potatoes (this land is the E. # of NE. # of the SE. #, sec. 36, T. 13 N., R. 19): Two days railing, 2 men and 6 horses; two days raking, 1 man and 2 horses; after railing it was grubbed, eight days grubbing, 1 man; 4 days burning; plowing, twelve days, 1 man and 3 horses; one day harrowing on 6 acres, 2 horses, 1 harrow; leveling, four days for 1 man with 3 horses, two days for 1 man with 4 horses; planting, six days for 1 man and 2 horses; ditching, six days for 1 man and 1 horse; seed, 13,500 pounds of potatoes, at $6 per ton, $40.50; 300 lath tubes and a little flume, $18. The sagebrush on this land averaged about 2 feet high, but was thickly distributed over the land. The land was cleared by using a 16-foot railroad rail bolted to a piece of timber so that the edge of the rail stood like a scraper. Bolted to this timber and extending back for 2 men to stand on were 2 planks. Six horses pulled this machine over the Sage and back, pulling up much of it and breaking down some. The work was done in the spring when the ground was moist. After this the brush was raked into windrows and burned. The land was comparatively even, showing but few wind hummocks. There 272 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. were a few draws where the filled earth settled considerably, but pota- toes were planted on these so that the land could be regraded before seeding. The soil is a rather heavy sandy loam underlaid with hardpan which in places comes quite close to the surface. This hardpan softens by watering and is freely penetrated by alfalfa roots. Mr. Jones A. Aves, near Wapato, put in 20 acres by his own labor during the spring of 1904. He estimated the cost of grubbing and plowing at $3.50 per acre, or $87.50; leveling, $1 per acre, $25. The sagebrush on this land averaged 3 to 4 feet high and pretty well cov- ered the ground. It was easily grubbed when the ground was wet. The young and willowy brush was plowed out, but the ranker growth was grubbed. The big, coarse brush lifted the doubletrees and forced the plow out of the ground. It is best first to use a breaker, consist- ing of two railroad rails 12 feet long bolted together. This, hauled over and back, will break off and pull up most of the brush, after which the plow will usually complete the work. Before plowing, however, the loosened brush must be raked and burned. When the grubbing hoe is entirely relied upon, one-half to three-fourths of an acre is a day’s work for 1 man. The soil is from 1 to 4 feet deep and is underlaid with gravel, is of a yellowish-brown color, and very easy to work. The surface being quite even very little leveling was required. This farm was on the Yakima Indian Reservation, which has only a gentle slope, so that the water rarely washes out gullies. The subsoil being coarse gravel, large quantities of water were required the first season or until the ground was well settled. Arthur Belliveau reports the following expenses incurred in clearing 40 acres and planting it to potatoes in the Moxee Valley: Cost of clearing 40 acres and planting potatoes. Grubbing, raking, and burning Sagebrush, at $2.50 per acre - - - - - - $100 Plowing, at $2 per acre ---------------------------------------- 80 Four days' scraping with 2 teams and 2 men, at $6 per day - - - - - - - 24 Leveling, 1 man and 2 teams, eight days, at $5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 Planting, sixteen days, 3 men and 1 team, at $5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80 Seed, 17 tons, at $6 per ton ------------------------------------ 102 Ditching, eight days, 1 man and 1 horse, at $2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 442 Average cost per acre, $11.05. Mr. John Michels on 340 acres of reservation land reports a cost of $31.50 per acre for improvements. One hundred and eighty acres of this was seeded to alfalfa at a cost of $40 to $45 per acre. Cost of grubbing and burning was $2.50 per acre and plowing $2 per acre. IRRIGATION IN YAKIMA VALLEY, WASH. 273 DUTY OF WATER, That group of ditches diverting water from creeks the flow of which is either all covered by decrees or else the entire flow used, was reported last year and consequently will be omitted from this year's investigations. The lands covered by this group amount to about 41,000 acres cultivated and some 24,000 acres under ditch but unculti- vated, and will remain covered with Sagebrush until more economical methods in the use of water shall release some of that now wastefully applied, to be used on these fertile and valuable lands. A very considerable part of the water used on these lands is covered by court decrees, and in most instances the decrees protect an extensive and wasteful use so out of proportion to the needs of the land that in some instances through the rise of alkali they have become worthless except as reclaimed by expensive drainage. The following tables show the result of measurements made in 1904. In some cases continuous records were kept and in others single measurements were made: Ditches in Kittitas County. Acres irrigated. Depth applied. Discharge Dis- May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Yakima River: Bull Ditch Co......... -- Cascade Canal Co Ellensburg Water Co Ellison & Bruton - - - - - - - Andrew Oleson. . . . . . . . . West Side Irrigation Co - . teanneway River: H. H. - Costa & Caldrin Cosetti Brothers. --- - - - - West Fork.... - - - - - - - - - - East Fork--------------- Swauk River - - - - - - - - - - - Tanum Creek: Tanum Ditch . Knight----------- Masterson ditch ... - - - - - Tomas ditch------------ J. S. Dysart.------------ Heider & PeterSOn... - - - Goodwin & Mosher..... William Krueger - - - - - - - Contratti... ------- Gabrial Gandolph...... John Granslina. -------. Frank Amosso. --------- Banka & Contratti------ Fnches Pnches. Inches Inches Inches. * * * * *-* *-s º * * * * * * * * * * * * *-s º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * m = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s = < * * = & as sº sº sº º sº as º e º as sº sº as I & se e g is as sº I e º us ºr * * * sº tº º ºr * * * tº ºn tº sº sº sº sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sº tº * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * | * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it sº º sº sº is nº sº. * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * & º 'º º sº tº º , º, º & º 'º -> * : * * * * * * * & & sº º sº sº tº , sº sº, º ºs º ºs º ºi º ºs ºº & tº £º * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * *e s tº º sº sº * * * * * * * * * * * * sº º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * h e º sº e º as sº * * * * * * = | * * * * * * ºn 1 º ºs ºs º ºr sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * gº º ºs e º gº ºs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ºr se º 'º e : s = * * * * * as tº gº º gº º ºs * * * * * * * 30620–No. 158–05—18 Total. Date charge Cu. ft. Inches €7° SéC. ſjuly 13 27.7 * * * * * * *-*. \Aug. 8 27 ...] Aug. 3 || 21.5 * - º ºs ºs ºr & Aug. 12 8. 27 * * * * *-* * * July 14 4.25 * = E *-* = * = ---do - 1. 70 * * * * * * * * * * -do --- 1. 40 dº tº E & sº ºn tº July 13 17.6 274 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Ditches heading in the Natches River. Acres irrigated. May. Northwestern Water a n d Light Co------------------- TJnion ditc City ditch Old Schanno New Schanno Broadgage Fruitvale Yakima Valley Irrigation Co. Basketfort Ditch CO .......... Schules & Rodenback (up- tº e º e º sº º sº sº º ºs ºr sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * as wº, º e º sº sº wº we ºs º ºr tº tº * * * * * * tº s sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Powell Ditch CO ......... The Fortune Ditch CO John Foster Foster Natches Irrigation Co. Natches Valley Irrigation Co." ------------------------ Leach & White - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Long & McCormick Morrissy Friend & Jacobson Chapman & Shearer Friend & Jacobson Nelson & Jacobson The Kelley ditch The Denton & Lowrey The Clark ditch & s º ºs ºs º º sº a gº º sº * * * * * * * * * * * gº tº ºn e s sº º ºn tº sº º sº sº sº as ºn º ºs º a sº tº E * * * * * - * - tº lº º º ºs * * * * * * * * * * * gº sº º sº sº e s = ºr e = * * * * * * ºr * *-* & ºn * e º ºn as a s = * * tº gº º gº sº º gº & sº gº º sº º sº º s sº º jº º sº tº as sº sº, º ºr sº º ºs º ºs e º º * = * ºr sº s = tº e º ºs ºg sº º ºn tº as s is sº & gº º sº º is ºs tº tº gº sº º ºs º ºs W. S. Carmack Harry Griffen W. S. Stevens................. Frederick & Beck James Beck James Markel George Johnson Z. H. Benton R. S. and C------------------- From Big Rattlesnake Creek: McDaniels, Williams & Abel- Mile Creek: Abel, Johnson & McDaniels * * * * gº tº gº º sº e º sº. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº ºn tº ºn tº sº ºf s = º e = < * * * sº ºs º ºs º ºs e ºs º ºs º º Aº ‘º Hº & tº * * * tº ºi º sº sº a tº º ºs & Inches. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sº a sa as sº sº ºn tº sº gº º sº gº & * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- := * “º gº º is sº sº. tº sº e º 'º gº sº. tº º ºs º ºs º º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * gº º ºs ºº & tº tº * * * * * * * * * * *- : * : * * * * * * * * * sº sº º sº tº gº sº. & º º ºs º ºs ºn * * * * * * * sº as º ºs º gº is * * *-s º & tº tº * * * * * * * gº tº º º ſº tº º & sº sº tº º º sº sº e º º ºs º ºs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Depth applied. Discharge, Dis- June. July. Aug. Sept. Total. Date. charge. Cu. ft |Inches.|Inches.|Inches. Inches, Inches per sec. ii.25 | ii. 75 | is 50 || 6.7i | 55.5 |I|III. 25 24.5 !-------|-------|-------|----------|-------- iá.75 | iſ iş.25 |..I.I.I. 66.5 |...I.I.I.I.I.I.I. ið ‘’’’’ 9.2 |... i2.55 || 5i ...I.I.I.I.I.I.I. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i & sº tº sº sº as sº Aug. 25 5.9 * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * Aug. 26 3.7 º tº gº sº ſº º ºs 8.i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * I & sº º sº, sº as tº - - - -CIO - - - 10 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ----do --- 12.7 * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * : * * * * * *s as I am s m = * * * : * ºn as a s = * ----do --- 1.7 33.5 23.75 22.5 ! 30.5 ! 126 |..........l........ ..I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I..] june 30 | i.2 as sº is s a tº sº I ºf sº º ºs º is s : ºn sº e s sº sº e i & = * * * * * : * * * * = sº e ----do --- 3.7 II.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.'ſ june 30 | 2.i II.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I june 30 || 8.6 * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * : *e ---do -- 5.9 i3.25 | iſ 25 | ii. 75 | ii. 5 || 63.5 |..........I.I.I.I. 9 7.5 10 9 40 ----------4-------- º tº . * * * * * 4.2 * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I gº º is a sº * * * * * * * * * * - - - -CIO - - - 5.7 as sº sº s sº º º f = * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * *----|-------|----do --- 3.9 7.5 || 7.75 || 7.5 || 33.25 | 68.3 |I|III. ge º sº, º sº sº a rº -------|-------|-------|-------| Aug. 20 5 s sº º ºs sº * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * ----do --- 1.2 a April, 4.25 inches. IRRIGATION IN YAKIMA VALLEY, WASH. 275 Canals heading in the Yakima River in Yakima County. Depth applied. Discharge. ša | irrigated, Dis- May. June. July. Aug. | Sept. Total. Date. charge. ! i Cu. ft Inches.|Inches.|Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches per Sec Selah & Moxee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,500 9.00 9.25 9.75 9.75 9.00 46.50 ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . Taylor------------------------ 1,775 -------|------- 9.00 . . . . . . . |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fowler ----------------------- 1,250 7.75 | 12.75 14.00 13.50 | 18.00 | 66.00 .................. Granger ---------------------- . 100 -------|-------|-------|------- |-------|------------------------- #;":::::::::::::::::::::} 8,000 || 3.12| 7.12|10.75 8.75 7.00 |40.00 ..........'........ New Reservation.... -- - - - - - - - 1,400 | 1.50 | 19.25 |37.25 |26.50 39.75 |129.50 .................. Old Reservation.............. 4,943 9.50 17.75 || 17.75 |. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '------------------ Toppenish ditch-------------- 1,080 -------|--------------|--------------------- July 6 19. 10 Gilbert ----------------------- 2, 17.00 15.75 15. 13 | 11.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... Perry Cleman ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - 640 --------------|-------|-------------- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - McDonald.------------------- 580 . . . . . . . !--------------|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - '-----------------|-------- Bright & Hutton ... ----...--- 120 l.------'--------------|------- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |July 6 2.70 Reard ------------------------ 100 ---------------------|--------------------------------------- Freeman --------------------- 115 ------ --------------|-------------------------------|-------- Moody & Pardin. -----...----- 128 ---------------------'-------------------------------|-------- Henry Beddoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 -------------------- ------- is sº is as * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * is e = * * * * * * * * * Milner ----------------- 150 -------------- |---------------------|------- ------------------ Jellison & Heaton . . . . . . . . ---- 180 -------|------- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P. Queen --------------------- 170 -------------- '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - !-------------- |.................. J. L. Craib-------------------- 420 -------|------- | ------ |- - - - - - - -------|------- '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rirkwood, Bebee, Bailey, Bakey, Martin & Milton-... 425 |--------------------- * * * * * = as -------------------------------- Hatch ditch ------------------ 600 --------------------- !-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - July 6 11. 20 Sunnyside Canal - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32,000 || 11.60 12.30 10.70 | 12.30 11.30 aſ 3.00 '..........}........ Prosser Falls Land and Irri- | gation Co------------------- 1,300 6.84 7.10 7.57 | 6.90 5. 10 lb.47.69 . -----...--------. N. P. Irrigation Co., Kional-------------|--------------'-------------- |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N. P. Irrigation CO., Kenne- } } Wide------------------------ 3, 500 | 19.00 18. 75 17.75 | 18.25 ------- |*6. 50 ----------|-------- j | | a March, 0.49, April, 5.74; October, 8.5. b April, 4.84; October, 7.16; November, 2.18. c April 7. The Toppenish, Hatch, Kirkwood, P. Queen. J. L. Craib, and Free- man ditches are all on the Yakima Indian Reservation and cover lands that have been under cultivation for some time and should require hardly as much water as the Gilbert. partly supplied by Subirrigation. The soil is fairly deep and is The Perry Cleman, McDonald, and Bright & Hutton ditches, sup- plied from a slough, are also on the Yakima Indian Reservation, but cover new lands. August 1; the Bright & Hutton get none after July 15. The first two named get very little water after The soil under these ditches is 3 to 4 feet deep and is underlain with gravel. The Beddoe, Milner, Moody, Pardin, Read, Jellum, and Heaton ditches extend from Wapato down the river 4 or 5 miles. The reser- vation lands supplied by these ditches have 3 to 4 feet of soil and a gravel subsoil, are very low, scarcely rising above high water, and on account of the coarse gravel subsoil must be affected by the high waters in June and July. The ditches receiving water from the Natches River cover low bot- tom lands, old river bars, with little or no soil above and a deep gravel subsoil. } These lands use the maximum amount of water and always will until better methods of distribution come into use. The ditches 276 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. are dug in the gravel, and as the waters of the Natches are exception- ally clear, no silt is precipitated. After flowing long distances in such rivers it is distributed into laterals, head ditches, and long furrows of the same kind of materials. With the limited force in the field it was impossible to measure all the water carried by these ditches dur- ing the season, but one or more measurements of most of them were made and a careful estimate of the acreage secured. The ditches and canals referred to are named as follows: Fruitvale, Old Schanno, Schuler and Rodenbach, John Foster, Foster Natches, Broadgage, Basketfort, Scott Ditch Company, Powell Ditch Company, Fortune Ditch Company, Leach & White, Long & McCormick, Morrissy, D. A. Ball, W. S. Carmack, James Beck, James Markel, George Johnson, Friend & Jacobson, Chapman & Shearer, Nelson & Jacob- son, Harry Griffen, W. S. Stevens, Frederick & Beck, Z. H. Benton. The excessive use of water and lack of drainage in the Natches Val- ley is shown particularly on the north side by a small waste creek near Shearers. This creek carries the waste waters from a number of canals supplying lands on higher benches and slopes. When measured in July it was discharging 14 cubic feet per second, and was sufficient to successfully irrigate 1,400 acres of land. - The upper Schuler & Rodenback, the Denton & Lowery, and the Clark ditches water land on the first bench. The soil under these ditches is from 4 or 5 to 20 feet deep, and should not require large quantities of water. However, the drainage is good and the large amounts used seem to do little damage. The above lands generally are conditioned about the same as those under the Wapato, on the opposite side of the river. - The soil under the ditches heading in the Yakima River, in Kittitas County, is much the same. It is heavier than much of that in Yakima County, is all underlain with gravel, and under present methods of distribution requires very large quantities of water. The water is car- ried in open ditches and distributed through furrows, in many instances as much as 20 to 30 feet apart, requiring a large and long watering to thoroughly wet between the furrows. About Ellensburg more water is used than by the West Side Irriga- tion Company, on the opposite side of the river. The soil under much of the West Side canal is deeper. The Ellensburg Water Company and the Bull ditch cover very stony lands throughout most of their courses. Marshy and alkali lands, however, are slowly telling the story of overwatering. Mr. R. P. Tjossem, under the Bull ditch, has already reclaimed a 72-acre tract of black alkali land by deep underdrains. He commenced work as an experiment, but its marked success has called the attention of his neighbors, whose lands must soon be drained or abandoned. Only the lands underlain with hardpan seem to be affected. Wherever IRRIGATION IN YAKIMA VALLEY, WASH. 277 * there is a deep gravel subsoil with an absence of hardpan the under- drainage is good. º The lands under the ditches heading in the Teannaway are pretty well watered by heavy snows, and consequently require less irrigation than those at lower levels farther down the Yakima River. The soil is deeper than about Ellensburg. Timothy hay is the leading crop. Single gaugings were made on the Knight, Masterson, Thomas, and Dysart ditches July 14, 1904, showing an average duty of 1 cubic foot per second to 62 acres. Such a duty for the middle of July would point to a very high mean duty for the irrrigation season. The ditches gauged cover about 43 per cent of the lands receiving water from the Teannaway, and the quantity used may fairly be taken as a mean for the entire valley. The Taylor, Fowler, Granger, Hubbard, and Moxee canals take water from the Yakima River above North Yakima and supply low- lying lands. Some of the lands under the Taylor ditch are subirri- gated. The depth to water in the wells is considerably affected as the irrigation advances, and in some instances the water becomes brackish. Under this ditch the water is distributed by flooding. Two irriga- tions are generally considered enough for a crop. This is an old ditch, appropriates 2,100 inches of water, uses no measuring device, and every man takes and uses to the limit of his desires. The gaugings from July 1 to August 17 show a duty of 80 acres per cubic foot per second. - • All except the Taylor are on the east bank of the river and irrigate lands in the Moxee Valley immediately east of North Yakima. The damaging effects of overwatering, or possibly it would be better to say lack of drainage, are frequently seen in this valley. Here the soil is underlaid with hardpan along which the surplus water from the upper levels follow and ultimately comes to the surface, depositing black alkali. The 80-acre hopyard of Mr. Hiscock was in the line of this seepage and very much damaged. He put in extensive under- drains and has been very handsomely paid for the undertaking from the increased profits. On August 1, 1904, the outlet drain from the yard discharged 3.7 second-feet, at least enough to irrigate 370 acres of land. Results under the Washington Irrigation Company’s canal, the Sunnyside, show very marked improvement. In 1900 they used no measuring boxes. Since that time practically every service has to be supplied with a Cipolletti weir, and during the season of 1904 the company employed a man to keep the weirs in order and to see that the farmers made proper use of the water supplied and that waste was cut off. From the old régime of using and wasting all the water they wanted to the present one of plenty but none to waste, the company has met and overcome many difficulties, but through all 278 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. # of it there has been rigid fairness. The results of 1904 show com- mendable progress, at least when it is remembered that the 75-acre duty secured for the season is based on measurements made at the intake and that the water was distributed through 50 miles of main canal and about 300 miles of laterals. Of the canals irrigating bench lands, where the soil may be con- sidered deep and where the conditions correspond fairly well to those under the Sunnyside, only those of the Yakima Valley Irrigation Com- pany and the Selah Valley Company secured a higher duty, and in both instances the supply canals were much shorter and the system of laterals much less extended. - The water duties in Washington have been extremely low and that on the low gravel bars is yet, but the uplands show marked improve- ments. Men are studying conditions; are anxious to protect their own lands from expensive drainage enterprises and alkali deposits. While many men believe that the more water the more grass is a true saying, they are wondering how many years their lands will stand that kind of abuse and still raise grass. The alkali wastes along the Ahtanum and a few similar spots well distributed throughout the Yakima Valley stand as reminders of what was once the finest grass fields in the State but now covered with salt grass, greasewood, and ponds of water. For many years men did not know the cause of such desolation and financial loss. They were even slow to believe that the . raising of the water table had anything to do with it, but people have been reading the best literature on irrigation, have been observing, and are becoming more careful in the use of water. IRRIGATION CONDITIONS IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO, 1904. By WILLIAM FRANCIS BARTLETT, Agent and Expert. CONDITIONS WHICH GOVERN THE CONTROL AND DIVISION OF WATER. The drainage area of Raft River and its tributaries is comparatively small, comprising all told 410,000 acres. From the standpoint of size and the area reclaimed by its waters Raft River has relatively little importance in the irrigable area of Idaho. From the standpoint of problems involved in the control and distribution of its waters, prob- ably no stream in Idaho presents more serious complications. If the difficulties met with were purely physical, it would be a simple matter to overcome them. In diverting water from Raft River and its tribu- taries no very difficult engineering obstacles need be encountered. However, few water users have had the benefit of engineering advice or assistance in laying out their ditches, which are in poor condition, due in most cases to an excessive grade. But the condition of ditches has been a minor factor in the control and distribution of water. Raft River water district of water division No. 2, State of Idaho, includes Raft River and its tributaries between a line running east and west through the center of township 13 south and the Idaho-Utah State line, and between ranges 22 and 28 east of Boise meridian. TRIBUTARIES TO RAFT IRIVER,. The South Fork of Raft River rises in Utah among the Raft River Mountains, 15 miles south of the State line. The North Fork rises in Idaho on the eastern slope of the Goose Creek Mountains and flows south into Utah, where it meets the South Fork. The junction of these streams forms the main river, which flows north over the State line through a canyon, and for 6 miles farther flows through a narrow valley skirting the southeastern border of Almo Valley. The river then turns abruptly east and again enters a narrow strip of land hemmed in on both sides by lava hills and high mesas to emerge 6 miles farther on into Raft River Valley, through which it takes a direct northerly course, emptying into the Snake River 45 miles by section lines north of the Idaho-Utah State line. Raft River Valley 279 280 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. varies in width from 2 to 15 miles, between the Black Pine Mountains lying to the east and high lava hills rising in the west. No tributaries flow from these hills to Raft River except little torrents in the early spring. The river receives its entire supply from the drainage of the mountains along the southern border of the State and the Goose Creek Range, in which Almo Creek has its source. Almo Creek is to-day the most important, and in fact the all-important, tributary to Raft River in the Raft River district. From Goose Creek Mountains it takes a generally easterly course and 15 miles from its head empties into Raft River about 5 miles north of the Idaho-Utah State line. Four other streams that at one time were tributaries to Raft River rise on the northern slope of the Raft River Mountains in Utah and flowing north empty or at one time did empty into Raft River in Idaho, anywhere from 4 to 10 miles north of the State line. These streams are Clear, Six Mile, One Mile, and George creeks, the waters of which are usually all used for irrigation before reaching the main channel of the river. The rights to water from Raft River and its tributary, Almo Creek, were adjudicated in 1893 in the district court for Cassia County. This decree has proved anything but satisfactory. This is mainly due to the provision in the decree for a measuring device. The wording of the decree is as follows: “Each appropriator, under and by virtue of this decree, is hereby required to build and maintain a box at the head of his ditch 16% feet long with three-eighths of an inch fall to the rod, with a head gate so arranged as to take the amount of water to which he is entitled under this decree.” How was a man who never meas- ured water in his life to know how to “so arrange his head gate as to take the amount of water to which he is entitled under this decree”? How wide and how deep should his box “16% feet long with a three- eighths of an inch fall to the rod” be in order “to take the amount to which he is entitled under this decree”? Unless the water user is familiar with the use of Kutter’s formula in figuring out proper cross sections he is as much at a loss to know how to measure the exact amount of water diverted from the stream as he was before the decree was rendered. It is needless to say that Kutter’s formula is not a household word on Raft River. The order of the court, after describing such a box for measuring water, further states: “And every person is prohibited and enjoined from taking any water from said river or its tributaries at any time except through such a box and as authorized by this decree.” The result has been that although the water users were not learned in hydraulic formulas or accustomed to their application, they were ready to take every advantage of a decree such as the above and put in boxes 16# feet long with a three-eighths inch fall to the rod of any depth and width they chose and so arranged their head gates as to take almost IRRIGATION IN RAFT RIVER water DISTRICT, IDAHO. 281 any quantity of water they wished. Who was to say whether they were taking too much or too little, since they complied with the order of the court to the letter, so far as they understood it, and the water master knew no better how to measure water than the water user diverting it? This particular paragraph in the decree of the court has been the great stumbling block which has delayed the inaugurating of a proper system for the measurement and distribution of water for Raft River and Almo Creek. To-day many of the water users insist upon the box measurement as prescribed in the decree and refuse to put in weirs. The water master can only endeavor to persuade the water user to place a standard weir in his ditch; he can not compel the adoption of the weir as a measuring device, for there is the decree always held up before him and no statute nor direction of water master or water commissioner or State engineer has availed to overcome its defects. The result of this state of affairs has been that water masters have assumed an arbitrary way of guessing at the volume of water each user was entitled to and allowing the appropriator to take only that volume. The fact that both the water master and the water user were conscious that neither could measure water accurately was a con- stant source of friction, especially during the lower stages of the river, when the water became scarcer each day and more necessary to the farmer. Charges of gross favoritism against the water master and countercharges of theft of water against the water user were of daily OCCUUPI'êIn Ce. THE MANNER IN WEHICH THE DUTIES OF THE WATER MASTER ARE AFFECTED BY THE NATURE OF WATER TITLES AND THE STATE IRRIGATION LAWS. Such was the condition of affairs when the irrigation law of 1903 took effect. The passage of this law could in no way affect the decreed priorities on any stream in the State, but the provisions of the bill for dividing the State into three water divisions (sec. 13) and for the appointment of a water commissioner for each water division (sec. 17) have been a long step forward in helping to solve the many complex questions arising on both decreed and undecreed streams. These pro- visions are important, since through them the services of a man may be secured whose duty it is to establish administrative measures according to law for the proper control of the water districts under his charge. FROVISIONS FOR, WATER, COMMISSIONERS AND WATER MASTERS. The water commissioners are appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate. The law provides that one of the water com- missioners first appointed shall hold office for a period of six years, 282 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. one for four years, and one for two years, but that after the expira- tion of the first terms each commissioner appointed shall hold office for six years, or until his successor shall have qualified. Such water commissioner shall possess such theoretical knowledge of the science of hydraulics as will enable him to supervise the construction of Such measuring devices as may be necessary to place in any ditch, canal, or stream for the proper measurement of water. He shall be acquainted with the streams of his district and shall be capable of instructing the water master who may be placed in charge of such streams in all matters in relation to the distribution of the water of such streams in accordance with the priorities of the rights of those using such waters. The water commissioner must give bond in the sum of $5,000. The water masters for the water districts within a division are appointed by the water commissioner of that division. Each water master holds office for one year, or until his successor is appointed, and may be removed for failure to perform his duty as water master upon complaint made to the water commissioner in writing. He must give bond in penal sum of $500. DIFFICULTIES EN COUNTERED IN INSTALLING MEASURING DEVICES. The first water master appointed on Raft River by the water com- missioner after this new law went into effect had had no training or experience in hydraulics. He was, however, a conscientious worker and endeavored to the best of his ability to divide the water in an equitable way. As an experiment, he placed several weirs in different ditches along Almo Creek, with the consent of the water users. Unfortunately, these so-called weirs in no case met the conditions necessary for a measuring device. When in the season of 1904 a proper weir was set to meet the conditions necessary to make the weir an accurate measuring device, the water master of that season was told he did not know his business, and was threatened in every way for placing in the canal a weir with the correct dimensions. When it came to measuring the water over the new weir the difference in dis- charge between the two measuring devices was so marked that vigor- ous objection was made by the water users, and after the weir was set it was pried up with crowbars and the water allowed to run under the weir board. The penalty for this offense under the new law is a fine not to exceed $100, or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or both fine and imprisonment. As it was the desire of the State engineer and the water commis- sioner to help the water users to understand the new rulings and requirements and to straighten out the difficulties met with with as little friction as possible, it was thought best not to prosecute the offenders. The new State irrigation law was still on trial. Much opposition to its operation in various districts was shown, and, in order to spare it from open political antagonism, as was threatened in IRRIGATION IN RAFT River water DISTRICT, IDAHO. 283 some sections of the Raft River water district, the water master’s atti- tude had often to be more conciliatory than he personally deemed best. \ DEFECTs of THE PRESENT LAw As APPLYING TO THIS DISTRICT. The weakest point in the new law encountered by the water master on Raft River in the season of 1904 was the same as the weakness of the old law, and is found in section 31, which reads as follows: SEC. 31. The appropriator of any of the public waters of the State shall maintain, to the satisfaction of the water commissioner of the district in which such appropri- ation is made, a substantial head gate at the point where the water is diverted, which shall be of such construction that it can be locked and kept closed by the water master or other officer in charge; and such appropriator shall construct and main- tain, when required by the water commissioner, a rating flume or other measuring device as near the head of such ditch as is practicable, for the purpose of assisting the water master in determining the amount that may be diverted into said ditch from the stream. Plans for such rating flumes or other measuring devices shall be furnished by the State engineer. It shall also be the duty of those taking water from a stream whose waters have been allotted to place at suitable intervals on said stream, under the direction of the water commissioner of the division in which such stream is situated, suitable measuring devices, so that the flow of such stream may be properly measured. If any user or appropriator of public waters that may or may not have been allotted should neglect or refuse to put in such head gates or measuring devices as will provide for the proper distribution of said water according to the rights of the several parties entitled to the use thereof, after ten days' notice to do so by the water commissioner, it shall be the duty of said commissioner to put in such head gates, flumes, or measuring devices at the expense of the county where the expense is incurred, and said water commissioner shall make up a sworn state- ment of the cost of such head gates, flumes, or measuring devices, which shall be presented to the board of county commissioners at their first regular meeting after the performance of such work, and said county commissioners shall present a bill of costs to the owners of said ditch or ditches: Provided, That if the owner of any suéh ditch shall refuse or neglect for ten days after the presentation of such bill of costs to pay the same, or any other charge made against such ditch or owner thereof under the provisions of this act, the water commissioner shall order the head gate of such ditch closed and locked until such charge or charges shall be paid. The weakest point in this section is embodied in the clause which makes it obligatory upon the water commissioner to put in head gates, flumes, or measuring devices, should the user or appropriator neglect or refuse to do so after ten days’ notice, and to present the bill of costs to the board of county commissioners, who in turn present the bill of costs to the owner of the ditch or ditches in which the head gate, flume, or measuring device has been placed by the water com- missioner, with the provision— - That if the owner of any such ditch shall refuse or neglect for ten days after the presentation by the county commissioners of such bill of costs to pay the same, or any other charge made against such ditch or the owner thereof under the provisions of this act, the water commissioner shall order the head gate of such ditch closed and locked, and such head gate shall remain closed and locked until such charge or charges shall be paid. - 284 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The water commissioner of water division No. 2 has a large number of water districts in his division. It can be readily understood that he has hundreds of ditches in these new districts which need head gates and proper measuring devices. To impose upon him personally the carrying of these bills for lumber and other materials necessary for the construction of head gates and measuring devices and the cost of labor for their construction and installation is out of all reason. He would have to be an incipient millionaire to bear the first expense and would have, besides, to run the risk of having his bill disapproved for some unforeseen reason by the board of county commissioners, after perhaps carrying the bill for three months before that body meets to pass upon it. . The intent of this section of the law is obvious. It was meant to enable the water commissioner to enforce the law in regard to putting head gates and measuring devices in ditches by depriving refractory persons of the use of water until such head gates and devices were provided. But this penalty can not be imposed until the bill for the cost of material and labor has been passed upon and approved by the board of county commissioners, and they in turn present the bill to the owner of the ditch in question, who still has ten days of grace to pay the bill after presentation. The whole process could easily involve three months' time in the Raft River water district, almost the length of the irrigation season. - A water master hardly feels justified in incurring bills of this nature at the expense of the water commissioner or himself, for in sparsely populated districts like Raft River labor is not always easy to obtain, and in most cases for both material and labor cash must be paid. But neither the water commissioner nor water master has authority to draw upon the funds at the disposal of the county commissioners, except through the customary process of presenting a sworn state- ment of expenses incurred, at the regular meeting of the board, which, in Cassia County, is at the end of every quarter, or three months. The water master of the Raft River water district for the irrigation season of 1904 was an agent of the irrigation and drainage investiga- tions of the United States Department of Agriculture, who undertook the charge through the request of the State engineer and the water com- missioner of division No. 2. He was versed in hydraulics and accus- tomed to the use of the current meter for measuring the discharge of streams and ditches and used one the entire season to properly regu- late the distribution of water. Only a few of the water users on Almo Creek questioned the accuracy of measurements made with the current meter, but they were the men who questioned every measuring device and preferred to trust to their own guess at the amount of water flowing in streams and ditches rather than depend upon recognized standard measuring devices. IRRIGATION IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO. 285 WATER, TITLES. The decreed rights to water from Raft River and Almo Creek range in dates from 1871 to 1887. The total amount of water decreed from these streams is 142.34 cubic feet per second, or 7,117 miner's inches. This is divided among thirty individuals. The largest total appro- priation is by the Keogh Brothers, or the Raft River Land and Cattle Company, of 44.9 cubic feet per second, or 2,245 miner's inches, the dates of their priorities ranging from 1871, the date of the oldest right on the river, to 1883, one of the later rights. The next largest right under the decree is that of the Durham Land and Cattle Company, which is entitled to 22.22 cubic feet per second, or 1,111 miner's inches, with rights dating from 1872 to 1884. Eleven other rights decreed to water users on Raft River proper amount to 2,001 miner's inches or 40.02 cubic feet per second; the largest individual right equals 536 miner's inches and the smallest 40. Two rights included in these eleven, comprising 330 miner's inches, have been abandoned. The decreed rights from Almo Creek include a total of 35.60 cubic feet per second, or 1,760 miner's inches, divided into various-sized allotments among sixteen different parties to the decree, the largest individual amount being 200 inches and the smallest 50 inches, the dates of priority ranging from 1878 to 1885. ATTITUDIE OF THE IRIRIGATORS. On assuming the duties of water master in Raft River water district for the season of 1904, after having been duly called to such duty on April 15 by a signed petition from two water users on Raft River, the water master’s introduction to the water users of his district was in the form of a threat of an injunction from the water users of Almo Creek, restraining him from exercising any jurisdiction over that particular section of the Raft River water district. Almo Creek, as has been said, is the principal tributary to Raft River in this district, and under the terms of the decree is recognized as a tributary until June 15 of each year. According to the judg- ment rendered by Judge Lyttleton Price in the Raft River contempt case, “the water flowing in Almo Creek up to that time each year is Raft River water and is intended to be dealt with and awarded and distributed as such.” Judge Price also says: From the commencement of irrigation each year to June 15, priorities of right must be recognized and enforced between all parties to the decree, those resident on Raft River and on Almo Creek alike in all respects. After June 15 each year prior- ities of right on Almo Creek are to be recognized and enforced as between residents on Almo Creek only, regardless and irrespective of the dates of the rights of resi- dents on Raft River. 286 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The decree of the district court is explicit, but the water users of Almo Creek wished to have the Raft River decree reopened and Almo Creek set aside as a separate and distinct water district for the entire irrigating season of each year instead of from June 15 each year as the decree specifies. They thought that to serve an injunction on the Raft River water master restraining him from exercising jurisdiction over the stream would be the first step in legal proceedings. On April 19 the water master was informed that an injunction would be served against him within a few days and that he might as well not waste his time inspecting that section of the district. Howeyer, the water master was obliged to follow out the orders of the court speci- fied in the decree and instructed the representative of the Almo Water Company to put in a proper measuring device at the head of their canal; and those who divert water directly from Almo Creek were also instructed to put in measuring devices, the Cipolletti weir being. suggested as the best one. The water users, having been advised by lawyers not to recognize in any way the authority of the Raft River water master, refused at that time to heed any instructions from him. The earliest rights on Raft River are held by Mr. J. M. Pierce and the Keogh Brothers. Their farms are adjacent and are situated at the lower end of the Raft River district. The Pierce ranch has a water right for 10.72 cubic feet per second, or 536 miner's inches, dated from 1871. The Keogh Brothers hold rights for 10.1 cubic feet per second, or 505 inches, dating from 1871; 16 cubic feet per second, or 800 inches, dating from 1879; 2.4 cubic feet per second, or 120 inches, dating from 1881; 6.4 cubic feet per second, or 320 inches, dating from 1882, and 10 cubic feet per second, or 500 inches, dating from 1883—a combined quantity of 44.9 cubic feet per second, or 2,245 inches. Lying immediately above these two large ranches are five smaller ranches. Their water rights are all of later dates—1884, 1886, and 1887. Their combined rights amount to 18.60 cubic feet per second, or 930 inches. Above these ranches are the holdings of the Durham Land and Cattle Company, which extend for 7 miles up the river. This land is entitled to 22.22 cubic feet per second, or 1,111 inches, with priorities dating from 1872 to 1884. Above this ranch are located three small ranches, whose combined water rights amount to 4.1 cubic feet per second, or 205 inches, all dating from 1882. It will be seen that the earliest rights are attached to land lying at the very lowest extremity of the Raft River district. The owners of: these rights have naturally guarded them jealously, and friction has always existed between owners of the two larger ranches and the own- ers of the smaller ranches lying immediately above them. To judge whether the river had a sufficient amount of water to fill the 1884 rights or only enough to satisfy the 1883 rights was the task IRRIGATION IN RAFT BIvER water DISTRICT, IDAHO. 287 of the water master, who at best could make an approximate estimate only, as there was no measuring device in the river to gauge the amount of water flowing therein. This decision was of vital importance to the possessors of 1884 rights. With the conviction that the water users above them on the stream, both on Raft River and Almo Creek, were taking more water than they were entitled to, while the water master at times was allowing a greater supply of water than was necessary to pass their head gates to supply the rights below them without allowing them a drop, the farmers with 1884 and later rights felt that they were “between the devil and the deep sea.” On the other hand the water master was often found fault with by the larger ranch owners for not satisfying their rights before favoring the later ones. The friction caused in the division of water on the lower end of the river resulted in the farmers seeking outside advice in regard to reliable measuring devices. Weirs were placed in several ditches. One was set for the Keogh Brothers by the then State engineer, Mr. Mills. Mr. F. M. Langford, a holder of an 1884 right, who from his theoretical knowledge of hydraulics and his practical experience is the best informed man on the river in regard to the flow of water in streams and ditches, helped set two or three other weirs, and an endeavor was made to measure accurately the water on the lower end of the river. However, weirs were not placed in all ditches, and the uncertainty as to the quantity of water received by those ditches where the old measuring box was still in use was a cause of continual dissatisfaction. In 1904 the farmers on Raft River proper showed a willingness from the start to accept the recommendations of the water master and to place in their ditches what measuring devices were necessary or to repair those that needed alteration. However, much dissatisfaction has been felt by these men because, while they are entirely willing to have the water decreed to their lands measured by the most accurate measuring devices which can be made, the Almo Creek water users still continue to have their water measured to them by guess or through useless measuring devices. STATUs of THE ALMo watRR company. The Almo Water Company is composed of all the parties to the Raft River decree who derive their water supply from Almo Creek and its tributaries, with the exception of one man near the mouth of the creek who controls 140 inches of water. This company has com- bined all the decreed rights into one common right, irrespective of pri- orities. To those members of the company who are parties to the decree are given shares in the Almo Water Company on the basis of 14 shares to 200 inches of decreed water. The Almo Water Company owns 100 shares, according to a statement made by Mr. Harold King, 288 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. whose father, Mr. Thomas O. King, is a party to the Raft River decree and entitled to 180 inches of water from Almo Creek, with a priority of 1880. These shares, however, can not be sold by the com- pany as a company, but shares can and have been sold by the share- holders of the company to farmers who have no decreed rights from Almo Creek. These farmers are outside of the Raft River decree and are entirely dependent upon the water company for their water sup- ply. If the water company were dissolved, the farms which have been built up by men who own shares in the Almo Water Company, entitling them to a certain amount of water from the company’s ditch, but who are not parties to the decree and have no legal rights to water from Almo Creek, would be left without water and ruined. As has been said, there are 16 water users on Almo Creek who are parties to the Raft River water decree and are also members of the Almo Water Company, but besides these individuals water is supplied from the Almo Canal to at least 10 other individuals who have no legal water rights. The Almo Water Company is not an incorporated company; it has no legal standing. At the same time the members of the Almo Water Company claim their company is not subject to taxation even in the face of the law, which reads as follows: The following property is exempt from taxation: All irrigating canals and ditches and water rights appurtenant thereto, when the owner or owners of said irrigating canals and ditches use the water thereof exclusively upon land or lands owned by him, her, or them: Provided, In case any water be sold or rented from any such canal or ditch, then, in that event, such canal or ditch shall be taxed to the extent of such sale or rental. Article XV, section 1, of the constitution of Idaho reads as follows: The use of all waters now appropriated, or that may be appropriated for sale, rental, or distribution; also of all water originally appropriated for private use, but which after such appropriation has heretofore been, or may hereafter be sold, rented, or distributed, is hereby declared to be a public use, and subject to the regulation and control of the State in the manner prescribed by law. Section 2 of the same article reads: The right to collect rates or compensation for the use of water supplied to any county, city, or town, or water district, or the inhabitants thereof is a franchise, and Can not be exercised except by authority of and in the manner prescribed by law. In distributing water from the Almo canal, each owner of a share or shares is given water according to the number of shares owned. Two shares may represent an “irrigating stream” for two hours; 20 shares, for twenty hours; or when the water supply is low and water becomes scarce in the canal, 2 shares may represent only the use of an “irrigating stream” for one hour, and 20 shares the use of an irrigat- ing stream for ten hours. The water in the canal is divided, distrib- uted, and rotated at the discretion of a committee of three members of IRRIGATION IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO. 289 the water company, who hold their positions by election. The water is not measured in any regular way, but is distributed in “irrigating heads” determined by the private water master the company appoints for that purpose. The members of the Almo Water Company claim that under the Raft River decree certain of their members are entitled to specific amounts of water from Almo Creek with various dates of priority from 1878 to 1885, and that if through methods of economical rota- tion of the water to which their canal company is entitled they can increase the irrigable area of their community by selling or renting the surplus water gained by the practice of rotation, that they should be and are entitled to dispose of the water decreed to members of the company in a way to obtain its highest efficiency. The water users on Raft River who are parties to the decree and who divert water from Raft River proper have an entirely opposite opinion as to the rights of the Almo Water Company to dispose of any surplus water by renting or selling it. Their contention is that if the parties to the Raft River decree on Almo Creek can not put all their water to beneficial use upon the land to which the findings of fact made the same appurtenant, the Almo users have no right to sell the excess to be conveyed to other lands, but must turn it back into the stream and allow it to go to the next appropriator. The decree reads: It is further considered, ordered, adjudged, and decreed that when the waters --- appropriated are not needed for useful and beneficial purposes, all water shall be turned into the stream and allowed to go down to the next appropriator. The water users on Raft River proper further contend that in every case where water is sold and delivered from the Almo Water Com- pany’s canal it is conveyed farther away from Almo Creek than it would be if applied to the lands designated in the findings of fact when the decree was rendered, and that by so conveying the water of Almo Creek away from the lands adjacent to it, the appropriators below are deprived of the benefits of return seepage to the stream which they formerly enjoyed when the water of Almo Creek was applied to the lands to which it was legally made appurtenant. THE WATER SUPPLY. On April 8 the water master set a gauge rod graduated to feet and tenths in Raft River under Mr. F. M. Langford’s bridge, and a daily record of gauge heights was kept by Mr. Langford until June 19. Frequent measurements were made with the current meter at the bridge to determine the discharge of the river at that point for differ- ent gauge heights. This point was selected for its convenience both for keeping a record and for determining the quantities available for the holders of later priorities. 30620–No. 158—05—19 290 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. A summary of results of observation from April 8 to June 19 are given in the following table: - Discharge of Raft River at Langford bridge. Average Highest || Lowest dis- Date. daily is discharge charge in Tº: charge. in month. month. º Cubic feet | Cubic feet | Cubic feet per second. per second, per second. Acre-feet. a 75.3 5 38 April * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : y 2, 3 *y--------------------------------------------------. 98.6 142 72 6,053.2 . June -------------------------------------------------- b 72.8 112.5 38 2,788.3 a 23 days. b 19 days. The amount of water necessary to fill all decrees below the Langford bridge is 59.22 cubic feet per second, or 2,961 inches. The number of acres actually irrigated below this point is 2,196. Reference to the table will show the average daily discharge for April, May, and June to have been in excess of the amount necessary to fill the decrees below the bridge. But the water supply in Raft River during the irrigation season of 1904 was considered by the irrigators much in excess of the average. On May 1 a gauge rod was set in Almo Creek near the footbridge opposite Mr. G. W. Clark’s house. This point was below all diversions from Almo Creek and half a mile above the junction of Almo Creek and Raft River. Mrs. Clark very kindly kept a daily record of gauge heights from May 1 to June 25. However, owing to the fact that at high water Almo Creek overflows its banks above Mr. Clark’s house and floods his fields, making temporary channels through them, the gauge heights above 2.4 feet are not to be depended upon. Having made due allowance for this condition in calculating the discharge for different gauge heights, the following table represents very closely the flow of Almo Creek at this point for the months of May and June: Discharge of Almo Creek below all diversions. Average Hi hest - Lowest Date. daily dis- discharge | discharge º | charge. in month. in month. - Cubic feet | Cubic feet | Cubic feet per second. per second. per second. Acre-feet. 46 75 9 2,847 June .................................................. a 41 70 I 2,008 a 19 days. § Raft River above its junction, with Almo Creek was measured three times during the season. On April 9 it was discharging 34 cubic feet per second; on May 31, 47 cubic feet per second; and on June 8, 32 cubic feet per second. By July 16 no water was flowing across the State line from Utah into Idaho. The flow from Reed Springs, which IRRIGAtton IN RAF'ſ River water pistſtroT, IDAHO. 291 comes into Raft River from the east between the State line and Almo Creek, was the main supply of Raft River after the middle of June. On May 13 a gauge rod was set in Almo Creek above all diversions, and arrangements were made with Mr. W. E. Johnston, a possessor of one of the oldest rights on the creek, to read the gauge rod daily. Mr. Johnston read the rod daily for about one week, when the Almo Water Company ordered him to stop keeping records. The object of keeping a daily record above all diversions on Almo Creek and below all diversions was to determine the amount of return seepage from the irrigated fields to the creek, and the information might have been of great value to the people of Almo. The measure- ments made below the diversions showed that not less than 35 cubic feet per second, enough to satisfy all their decrees, was passing down river up to June 15. If measurements throughout the season of the supply above all diversions had been made it would have helped to determine in a more satisfactory way the effect of irrigation along Almo Creek on the supply lower down. SEEPAGE. The following table shows the gains and losses from seepage and evaporation in 25% miles of Raft River, from the mouth of Reed Springs to the head of the Pierce-Keogh west ditch, indicated by measurements made August 7 to 9: Seepage measurements on Raft River. i Distance rºs LOSS (—) Date. No. Station. from sta- º: Orgain (+) per mile. Cubic feet | Cubic feet Miles. per second, per second. August 7...| 1 || Mouth of Reed Springs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----|-- . . . . . . . . . . 2. 15 ------------ Do . . . . . 2 | Ford near county bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. 00 –0. 05 DO..... 3 # mile below Old Tom Gwin ranch house - - - - - - - - 6 2. 74 + . .25 August 8--| 4 || 100 yards below Murray bridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 2.51 — . 07 DO . . . . . 5 : The Narrows - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 7. 48 +1. 24 DO ----- 6 || Stockade corral, Bull ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 6. 74 — . 18 August 9-.] 7 || Langford bridge. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 5. 61 — .38 DO ----- 8 || Kirk bridge -------------------------------------- 23 3. 38 — . 74 Do - - - - - 9 || At head of Pierce & Keogh ditch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25; 2. 45 — . 37 In the first 10 miles the flow remained about the same. At the Narrows the amount of water in the river was found to be almost three times that at the station 4 miles above. At this point two lava hills on opposite sides of the river approach to within one-quarter of a mile of each other. Although not apparent as an outcrop, a ledge of rock beneath the surface of the bed of the river probably extends across it and forces all the water to the surface. Some farmers on the river contend that springs rising in the bed of the river at this point cause the increase in flow. If there are springs they are not perceptible. 292 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. In the 6 miles below the Narrows the river loses only 1.13 cubic feet per second, but between stations 7 and 8 it loses 2.23 cubic feet per second, and in the next 2% miles loses 0.93 cubic foot per second. There were no ditches diverting water from the river during these measurements and the sky was clear. The temperature during the three days ranged between 75° and 80° F. during the hottest part of the day. s - 3. Seepage measurements were made also on the Pierce-Keogh west ditch on July 20. This ditch is 4% miles long and was chosen as typ- ical of the ditches on Raft River, none of which is in good condition. For twenty-four hours before measurements with a current meter were commenced the discharge measured at the head of the ditch over a 6-foot weir was 4.23 cubic feet per second. This was the discharge over the weir at the time gaugings were made. The first gauging was made 1 mile below the weir and the discharge at this point was found to be 4.76 cubic feet per second. The first mile of ditch was in foul condition, in some places deeply scoured, in others the flow of water was retarded by growing willows or great clots of earth which had fallen from the banks. Two miles below the weir the discharge amounted to 4.10 cubic feet per second. The bed of the section above this point consists of very sandy soil. Three miles below the weir the discharge was 3.96 cubic feet per second. The section above this point was bordered by meadow land on both sides of the ditch, the bot- tom of which was lined with a very soft, fine mud, averaging 0.3 of a foot in depth. The last measurement was made 4 miles below the weir, the discharge amounting to 3.52 cubic feet per second. The last section of ditch has an uneven grade. In some places it is scoured to gravel and in others the grade is so slight that sediment has collected in long stretches on the bottom of the ditch. Disregarding the meas- urement at the weir the total loss in 3 miles of ditch was 1.24 cubic feet per second. The greatest loss occurred in the second mile of ditch, which is built through very sandy soil. The next section, which was lined with fine mud, gave comparatively no loss. Considering the poor condition of the ditch, the loss of 1.24 cubic feet per second did not seem surprising. * DUTY OF WATER. Forage crops, such as wild or native hay and alfalfa, are the prin- cipal crops irrigated from Raft River and Almo Creek. Some grain is grown, but only in small patches of from 1 to 25 acres. In Almo a little fruit and some garden truck are raised. The study of the duty of water from Almo Creek was altogether prohibited by the attitude of the irrigators. Upon Raft River two farms were chosen where accurate records could be kept of the amount of water used in the irrigation of two tracts of alfalfa. One tract comprises 31.82 acres IRRIGATION IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO. 293 belonging to Mr. Langford, and the other 39.25 acres, owned by Mr. J. M. Pierce. - * Mr. Langford's alfalfa field had received no water during the irri- gation season, which lasts from April 1 to October 1, for two years previous to the season of 1904. His crop was a failure both years, but most of the plants lived, owing no doubt to the supply of moisture stored in the ground by the overflow of the river in the early spring, during which an adjacent field was flooded. The alfalfa plants were scattered over this field in bunches 2 or 3 feet apart. These bunches were unusually large and the stalks rather coarse. A gauge rod was set in the ditch supplying this field, and measure- ments made of the discharge at the upper edge of the field. Mr. Lang- ford kept a record of the gauge heights, reading the gauge morning and evening while water was being applied. The first irrigation the tract received in the season of 1904 was on May 29 and 30, when an average of 3.16 cubic feet per second was applied. On June 5 the next irrigation was begun, and it lasted for eight days in succession, the flow averaging 2.98 cubic feet per second. In all, 59.71 acre-feet was applied to this tract of 31.82 acres, which is the equivalent of a depth of 1.88 feet over the irrigated area. Several sharp showers of short duration fell over this field during July, and on July 5 a heavy rain storm, amounting to 14 inches in ten hours, proved of additional benefit to the alfalfa. The first crop from this field yielded 80.8 tons and the second crop 25.3 tons, the total of 106.1 tons giving an average of 3.33 tons per acre for the entire tract. The field is a rather uneven, rolling piece of ground, but special care was taken to lead the water to all parts of the tract by a sufficient number of laterals or field furrows. The soil in this tract consists of a very fine volcanic loam of great richness. Considering how comparatively thin this stand of alfalfa was, the yield proved to be large. Mr. Pierce’s alfalfa field, containing 39.25 acres, is a very level tract of an irregular shape. The main supply ditch which runs north divides at the upper extremity of the field into two streams, one skirt- ing the western border and the other the eastern border of the field. These two ditches have been run on commanding ridges and water the tract lying between them from both directions. Mr. Pierce has laid out an excellent system of laterals in this tract, and consequently the entire area is very easily watered. A gauge rod was placed in the supply ditch above the point where it divides into two streams, and Mr. Jesse Pierce kept a record of the gauge heights at all times this tract was irrigated. Measurements were made at the gauge rod to determine the discharge at that point for different gauge heights. Irrigation of this tract was commenced June 8 and continued every day until June 30. The amount of water applied varied from 4.8 294 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. cubic feet per second to 1 cubic foot per second, the average for the twenty-three days being 2.57 cubic feet per second. The total amount applied during this period was 117 acre-feet. The next irrigation occurred July 7 and 8, and averaged 3.5 cubic feet for forty-eight hours, giving a total of 13.86 acre-feet. The third and last irrigation occurred from July 16 to 22, inclusive. The average amount applied daily during these seven days was 3.76 cubic feet per second. The total amount was 52.11 acre-feet. The total amount applied to this tract during the thirty-two days water was running was 182.96 acre- feet, an average of 4.66 acre-feet per acre. The alfalfa in this field was three years old and of excellent quality. The first crop was cut when in three-quarters blossom and yielded 104 tons, the second crop yielded 76 tons, the total giving an average of 4.59 tons to the acre. It will be observed that this is close to being 1 acre-foot per ton per acre. A comparison of the amount of water applied to crops upon Mr. Langford’s and Mr. Pierce's fields is of interest. Mr. Langford could not have used any more water on this particular tract of alfalfa if he had wanted to. It was not to be had. He was obliged to be satisfied with one irrigation. On the other hand Mr. Pierce possessed an earlier water right and he used as much water as he deemed his crops needed. Both fields were supplied with a sufficient number of laterals to serve the crops to advantage, but the Langford field was harder to irrigate than the Pierce field on account of its contour, which has a very even, smooth surface, and so received a more uniform supply of water over its entire area. The surface soil of the Langford field is deeper and more retentive of moisture than that upon the Pierce field, which has also a very open subsoil. This in part accounts for the higher duty of water obtained by Mr. Langford. It must be stated that Mr. Langford’s success with this alfalfa field is very exceptional for Raft River. The average duty of water is low, taking Raft River as a whole. Calculating the amount of water passing the Langford bridge from April 8 to June 19, inclusive, and adding to it the various amounts used by the farmers below that point between June 19 and August 1, as given by the water master’s report, the total for the season amounts to 13,185 acre-feet. This amount was applied to the cultivated area comprised in the Burrows, Oleson, Keogh, and Pierce ranches, which is estimated at 2,196 acres. This would give a duty of water of 6 acre-feet to the acre, or during the season the entire area received enough Water to cover it 6 feet deep. Aside from this must be taken into account the fact that during February, Raft River overflowed its banks and submerged large areas of culti- wated land, especially on the Keogh ranch, which helped wonderfully to raise the ground-water level under the whole ranch. - IRRIGATION IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO. 295 The showing Mr. Pierce makes is also much above the average. Probably no man on Raft River gives so much time and intelligent attention to the irrigation of his crops as Mr. Pierce. Other irriga- tors on the river could imitate him to advantage in supplying their fields with a sufficient number of laterals to supply water with the greatest economy to every part of the irrigated area. A great fault with most irrigators on the river is their tendency to make the water do all the work. Instead of taking time and trouble to plow a sufficient number of laterals for an efficient service of the field they attempt to force the water over too great distances, often overinrigating the upper portions of a field and not supplying enough water to the lower ends. INTERSTATE QUESTIONS. ‘. . Raft River is an interstate stream. The North Fork, or Junction Creek, rises in Idaho and flows into Utah. The South Fork, which is the main river, rises in Utah, as do the tributaries, George, One Mile, Six Mile, and Clear creeks. Before the settlements were established along the tributaries of Raft River the waters of these streams emptied into Raft River in Idaho. Now they seldom do. The water is gen- erally exhausted for irrigation before it can reach the main river channel. The claim is made by the water users on Raft River in Idaho that, with but few exceptions, all the farms in Utah along Raft River or its tributaries were located subsequent to the farms on Raft River in Idaho. The correctness of these claims will have to be determined in the courts, as will the rights to the use of water from Raft River and its tributaries, as between the irrigators in Utah and those in Idaho. Along the South Fork are located four ranches comprising in all about 620 acres, with possibly 450 acres actually irrigated with the waters of South Fork. Three Government surveys have been made through this valley, but none has been accepted. The owners of the farms hold their land through squatters’ rights. The valley of the South Fork where these ranches are located is very narrow. The farmers have taken up their land in strips of a quarter of a mile in width, including in places both sides of the creek. These fields have a pronounced slope toward the creek and are hemmed in on each side of the stream by high mesas running parallel with it. Wild hay, timothy, alfalfa, and grain are the crops grown here. The oldest ranch on the South Fork was settled in 1881, the next in 1882, and the other two in 1886. The feeling of the ranch owners is best expressed by Mr. John Lind, one of the four. He claims that the water users on South Fork had never considered the subject of prior rights on Raft River in Idaho until two years ago, when summons was served upon him and his 296 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. neighbors by the sheriff to defend themselves against a lawsuit insti- gated by the Keogh Brothers over the rights to the use of water from Raft River and its tributaries. The suit is still pending. Mr. Lind claims he has used the water of Raft River for twenty years without any protest from users with prior rights in Idaho, that the oppor- tunity to protest against his using water has gone by, and that by right of constant use of water for beneficial purposes for twenty years he can not now be deprived of the use of the water nor subjected to curtailment of its use on account of prior rights in Idaho. Mr. Lind claims with others that irrigation of the narrow strips of sloping land bordering the river is a positive benefit to irrigators below, as the valley serves as a reservoir holding water back until late in the season when the seepage augments the flow of the stream when most needed. Mr. Lind further states that the farmers in Idaho do not appreciate the real reason why of late years water has become so scarce. He claims the water supply was much greater some years ago, before large bands of sheep were driven into the valley and grazed upon the surrounding hills and mountains. Before their advent the vegetation on the hills and the underbrush on the mountains held the winter snows much longer and conserved the water supply. Now the herbage is eaten away by the sheep, and sheep herders have been responsi- ble for forest fires, and therefore the physical conditions have changed and the water pours off in great floods two months earlier in the spring than formerly. Mr. Lind thinks, such physical conditions must be taken strictly into account in justly settling the present claims to the prior rights between water users of Raft River in Utah and Idaho. George Creek is the first stream rising in Utah to enter Raft River in Idaho. This creek is bordered with farms from the mouth of the canyon from which it emerges in Utah to the State line. There are 15 farms, aggregating 2,810 acres, receiving water from George Creek. Probably half of this area is under cultivation. Water rights in this stream have never been adjudicated, although suit was brought by Mr. Yost, the earliest settler on the creek, against all other junior settlers in order to adjust his claim against them. He claimed the right to the flow of the entire creek at all seasons. The suit resulted in Mr. Yost getting a decree from the district court in Boxelder County, Utah, giving him the right to one-third of the entire flow of George Creek during the whole year. The rights to the use of any part of the remaining two-thirds of the stream were not determined. The fourteen other appropriators on the creek mutually agreed to divide the water among themselves by allotting a certain number of shares to each person. The largest number of shares held by one person is 40 and the smallest 5. All the water in the creek is rotated, Mr. Yost getting the use of the entire creek for three days out of nine. The other settlers rotate the water the remaining six days IRRIGATION IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO. 297 •, among themselves according to a basis of shares arranged among themselves. Fifteen shares equal one-third of two-thirds of the whole stream for thirty-six hours, regardless of the amount of water in the creek. The George Creek farmers have been made a party to the suit the Keogh Brothers brought against water users on Raft River in Utah to determine the question of prior rights on the tributaries as well as on the main river. It was claimed in the spring of 1904 by the farm- ers living on George Creek that their stream was no longer a tribu- tary to Raft River and had not reached the river for seven or eight years. This may possibly have been the case up to the season of 1904, although irrigators on Raft River in Idaho dispute the state- ment. This season George Creek emptied considerable water into Raft River between June 1 and June 20. On June 11 six streams supplied from George Creek discharged into Raft River near each other. They were all measured with a current meter near the points where they entered the river, and the total discharge was found to amount to 16.46 cubic feet per second, or 823 inches. It can not be denied that the rights below the mouths of these streams coming from George Creek were greatly benefited by this supply at that time of the Sé8,SOIl. Water from One Mile and Six Mile creeks did not reach Raft River during the season of 1904. These creeks are small, as their names imply, and supply water to only six small ranches bordering on the State line. It is contended that these two creeks were tributaries of Raft River before water was diverted from them for irrigation, and the settlers on these creeks have been included as defendants in the suit of the Keogh Brothers. Rotation is practiced by the users of water from these creeks. No water rights have ever been adjudicated on either stream. Clear Creek is the largest of all the tributaries of Raft River rising in Utah. It heads in the Clear Creek Range, which is a spur of the Raft River Mountains. Its watershed lies almost altogether on the northern slope of the mountains. The snow melts gradually in the hills and high water in Clear Creek generally occurs about the middle of June, or one month later than high water in Almo Creek. Clear Creek emerges from a canyon 13 miles south of the State line. The distance from the State line to the point where the creek formerly emptied into Raft River in Idaho is approximately 20 miles. Before this season only rough measurements had ever been made of the dis- charge of this stream. On June 6 it was measured with a current meter at the mouth of the canyon. The discharge at this point was 112.84 cubic feet per second, or 5,642 inches. Two weeks later the creek was flowing nearly 7,000 inches at this point. Four farms bor- dering on Clear Creek aggregate about 2,600 acres, all lying in Idaho, 298 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The largest ranch comprises 2,000 acres, about 600 of which are under cultivation. This ranch and another comprising 160 acres are irrigated by ditches which head in Utah. Two other farms, comprising 320 acres, divert water from Clear Creek in Idaho. Besides these farms there are three small farms, comprising about 120 acres, lying in Utah between the State line and the mouth of Clear Creek Canyon. After having considerable trouble among themselves relative to an equitable division of water from Clear Creek, the water users in Utah and Idaho made a written agreement among themselves as to how the water should be divided. This agreement was taken into the district court of Boxelder County, Utah, before Judge Hart, then presiding, and he signed the mutual agreement previously made between the dif- ferent appropriators from Clear Creek. No copy of this agreement could be procured by the writer, although Mr. Louis Sweetzer, the former manager of the Sweetzer Brothers & Pierce ranch, claimed to have a copy, which he promised to lend to him. The copy was, how- ever, mislaid. Mr. J. M. Pierce, a former joint owner of the ranch, is the authority for the statement that Sweetzer Brothers & Pierce were entitled, according to the agreement, to 600 inches of “first water,” that Mr. Naff was entitled to 300 inches of “second water,” and Sweetzer Brothers & Pierce were entitled to 800 inches more of “third water.” Mr. Pierce could not recall the amount of any other allotment, and as none of the other water users possessed copies of the agreement, it is impossible to state what amounts they are entitled to or the basis of division, although all claim the right to an inch to the acre. This agreement was understood to govern only those rights to diversions heading in Utah whether irrigating land in Utah or Idaho. It could not apply to rights in ditches heading in Clear Creek in Idaho. Before water was diverted from it for irrigation Clear Creek was an important tributary of Raft River. It was claimed in 1904 by old settlers on Raft River that Clear Creek had not reached Raft River for a great many years. Some said fifteen years, others seven or eight. However, it is certain that not enough water from Clear Creek has reached Raft River in late years to be of any benefit to the users on the river. By the first of June this season Clear Creek had begun to rise rapidly and by June 6 was discharging 5,642 inches at the mouth of the canyon. All of this water was diverted for the ranches on Clear Creek up to June 10. After that date water commenced to flow in Clear Creek channel below Frank Burrows's ranch, the lowest on the creek, and was diverted from the channel by an old ditch to the old N. Bar- tholomew ranch, now owned by Mrs. Annie Oleson. The quantity of water below all diversions on Clear Creek increased during the next week to 500 inches, and what part of this was not used on the Oleson ranch was going to waste in the Sagebrush. Upon examination of the bed of the old channel it was found to be obstructed by slidings IRRIGATION IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO. 299 from its banks and choked by the thick growth of brush and weeds, and it was apparent that if the stream was turned down the old chan- nel no appreciable amount of water would reach Raft River. Owing to thess conditions the water master determined to turn the water into Raft River 7 miles above the mouth of its old channel. On June 22 the water master with the aid of four men dammed Clear Creek 13 miles above the Oleson farm, and turned its waters into an old disused ditch and 300 feet farther on emptied into the Kirk ditch. From this point the water was carried 2 miles in the Kirk ditch to its nearest point to Raft River, just south of the Kirk house, where a ditch 100 feet long was dug and 525 inches of Clear Creek water was emptied into Raft River above the farms of Keogh Brothers & Pierce. This extra supply was of great benefit to the water users of Raft River at this time of the year, especially as Almo Creek was supplying hardly any water to Raft River. - By many of the farmers on Raft River who have been to Clear Creek during high stages of water it is contended that the users on Clear Creek turn what water they can not consume into the sagebrush to prevent its reaching Raft River. This contention seemed to be borne out by an examination of the physical conditions existing along Clear Creek during the season of 1904. There is no doubt that water from Clear Creek is wastefully used by the farmers along the stream, much to their own damage. One ditch, supplying the Sweetzer Brothers & Pierce ranch, with a measuring box supposed to be set to carry 600 inches of water was, by actual measurement, on June 6, carrying 1,271 inches. On one farm a 40-acre patch of alfalfa was being watered by five streams, none flowing less than 50 inches, and the alfalfa was then yellow from overinrigation. In the Raft River decree water is awarded to the appropriators from “Raft River and its tributaries.” Although the water users on Clear Creek were not made parties to the decree at the time it was rendered, it is contended by many that the Raft River water master can exercise jurisdiction over Clear Creek in Idaho to prevent the extravagant use of water and stop its deliberate waste. Clear Creek water users contend that their stream is no longer a trib- utary to Raft River, and the Raft River water master has no jurisdic- tion over it. This is a question which will eventually have to be settled by the courts. CONCLUSIONS. The first need of the Raft River water district is the installation of a uniform standard measuring device in every canal or ditch diverting water from Almo Creek or Raft River. The Cipolletti weir is the one recommended. To insure the use of uniform measuring devices, section 31 of the irrigation law should be amended. The obvious intention of the sec- 300 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. gºg tion is to enable the water commissioner to enforce the law relative to the construction of head gates and measuring devices in canals and ditches, but by failing to provide for the payment within reasonable time of the bills for their construction when through the refusal or neglect of the irrigators the water master has been obliged to place them himself, it leaves the burden of the expense upon the water master or water commissioner. If the water user must eventually pay for them, why should he not be made to stand the costs at once? He could be given a reasonable notification of, say, fifteen or twenty days to put in his head gate or measuring device, and then if he neglects or refuses to do so, let the law provide that he pay the cost of the head gate or measuring device installed by the water master within ten days, on penalty of being deprived of the use of water until the bill is paid. The immediate determination of the rights of the Almo Water Com- pany is imperative. Before the law, excess water over and above what the owners of decreed rights can put to a beneficial use belongs in the stream to be used by the next appropriator or for further appropria- tion. Idaho is one of the few arid States which have embodied in their laws a provision for the legal transfer of water rights. This is found in section 11, House bill 146, and reads as follows: SEC. 11. That any person owning any land to which water has been made appur- tenant either by a decree of the court or under the provisions of this act may volun- tarily abandon the use of such water in whole or in part on the land which is receiving the benefit of the same, and transfer the same to other land. Such person desiring to change the place of use of such water shall first make application to the State engi- neer, stating fully in such application the reasons for making such transfer. Such application shall describe the land the use of the water on which is to be abandoned, and shall describe the land to which it is desired to have such right transferred, and if such water is to be conducted to such land through another canal or lateral or from a different point of diversion than the one described in the license or decree of the court confirming such right, such facts shall be fully set out in such application, and, if the State engineer shall require it, a plat showing the location of such land and ditches or canals or points of diversion shall be furnished by such applicant, and upon receipt of such application the State engineer shall examine the same and shall, pro- vided no one shall be injured by such transfer, issue to such applicant under the seal of his office a certificate authorizing such transfer, which certificate shall state the name of the applicant and shall contain a copy of the license or an abstract of the decree confirming the right to the use of water upon the land from which it is desired to transfer such right and a description of the land to which such right is transferred. And a fee of one dollar shall be paid the State engineer by such applicant for such certificate of transfer issued by him, and such application and certificate shall be recorded by such State engineer in a book kept for that purpose, and a notice that such transfer has been authorized shall be sent by the State engineer to the water commissioner of the district in which such land is situated, and such water commis- sioner shall notify the water master of the stream furnishing water for the irrigation of such lands of the transfer of such use, and such water master shall not thereafter divert onto the lands, the water for which has been so abandoned, any of such water, but shall divert such water from such stream so that it may be used on the lands to which such right has been transferred. IRRIGATION IN RAFT RIVER WATER DISTRICT, IDAHO. 301 Under the regulations adopted by the board of irrigation, an appli- cant for a transfer of water or point of diversion must present his petition and affidavit upon a form which will be furnished from the State engineer's office, have the same indorsed by two users of water from the same stream who are not interested in his lands or water rights, and who are not related to him in any way, and reported upon by the water master of his stream. He must also, at his own expense, publish a notice (a form for which will be supplied) for thirty days in some newspaper published in the county where his point of diversion is located, naming a place and date where objections, if any exist, may be publicly presented against the granting of such certificate of transfer. Proof of publication of such notice must be presented by the applicant to the officer before whom the hearing is had, at the time and place specified in the notice. If no reasonable objections are offered why the certificate of transfer should not issue, and none is known to the officer, the water commissioner, or his authorized agent, will certify his approval of the application, which will then be for- warded to the State engineer for his action. The provision in the regulation of the State engineer's office for a public hearing upon the merits of the application for the transfer of a water right gives all those who may be affected by the transfer the right to present their side of the case before final action is taken by the State engineer. Under the provisions of this law it is probable that some adjustment of the complications which have grown out of the selling and renting of water by the Almo Company might be effected. It is possible that the holders of decreed rights in Almo Creek by economical use of the water decreed to them, even when the amount of their decreed rights is limited to the legal allowance of an inch to the acre, might spare some small parts of their decreed quan- tities and so save the farms which have been developed by irrigation with water bought or rented from the Almo Company. After these farms have their rights established by legal transfers, then the excel- lent system of rotation in use of all the water diverted from Almo Creek can be practiced without question as to legality or objections from water users in the lower part of the district. Since Raft River in the Raft River water district derives its entire supply from Utah watersheds, the question of the early adjudication of all water rights on the tributaries of Raft River rising in Utah and the enforcement, if possible, of the principle of priority of rights from the source of the streams in Utah to the end of the Raft River district in Idaho, regardless of the State line, are of importance to the water users of Raft River in Idaho. As conditions exist to-day, the water users in Idaho are unable to protect themselves against the wasteful use of water in Utah; but as soon as the headwaters of the river and its tributaries in Utah can be brought under the legal 302 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. administration which the State engineer of Utah is establishing in accordance with recently enacted laws, the waste and extravagance which so directly affect the Idaho irrigators can be prevented. It might be said that if the water users on Raft River would take some pains to clean out their ditches and laterals and keep them clean from end to end, the service from the amount of water let in at their head gates would be much higher. In a valley like Raft River, where the temperature gets extremely high in the summer months, evapora- tion from water surfaces is high. When water in ditches is retarded by a growth of weeds or by the forming of pools in the uneven sections of the ditch, the loss from evaporation is much greater than when the water is kept running at a uniform velocity down a uniform grade. Ditches with a grade causing a scouring of the bottom to gravel also contribute to a heavy loss through percolation. Many ditches with these defects may be seen on Raft River and Almo Creek. The Almo canal has been cut to a depth of 20 feet below the surface of the ground in one place by the action of the water. As land susceptible of irrigation becomes more scarce, the attention of home seekers will be attracted to just such valleys as Raft River, where the amount of water in the stream seems to be overabundant compared with the amount of land under cultivation along its banks. If a system of rotation in use of all the water in the river could be arranged, as has been successfully accomplished on many streams,in Idaho without infringing upon the rights of early appropriators, the service of the supply could be enormously increased. Since upon Raft River proper there are only ten appropriators, it would seem a simple matter for them to arrange among themselves an equitable system of rotation whereby an inestimable benefit could be derived by all concerned. The hitch lies with the possessors of the earliest rights. They can see no benefit to themselves in the inauguration of a system of rotation. As progress is made toward a more just and systematic administration of Raft River, and when better and more scientific methods of irrigation are practiced, and more thought is given to obtaining a higher duty from the available water supply, and less attention is given to instituting lawsuits to protect water rights, Raft River and Almo Creek may be made to support between three and four thousand people instead of only three or four hundred, as is the case to-day. - *śications OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON . . i. i. º. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. . . . ºf". A. < . * ..? § $º º t . . ; 3 * > i. . . º ** * º g * g º ſº § º; Ngºi-Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are not available for distribution. º fºul. 36. Nötes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. Pp. 64. § ****, * *.* * *. * * º & * . º * * § ºf Buí. , 58, Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries. Pp. 80. º ; * Bui. . 60. Abstract of Laws for Acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River . . gºº. . . . and its Tributaries, with the Legal Forms in Use. Pp. 77. ºuj; ;0. Water-right Problems of Bear River. Pp. 40. & * §ºul: º3. Irrigation in the Rocky Mountain States. Pp. 64. sº ºul. ... 81. The Use of Water in Irrigation in Wyoming. Pp. 56. §*: º Bül. 86. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 253. ºn Bül; 87. Irrigation in New Jersey. Pp. 40. *::::::Hul. 90. Irrigation in Hawaii. Pp. 48. ** ****, Bül. 92. The Reservoir System of the Cache la Poudre Valley. Pp. 48. *... ºr tº ; : Bul. ~96. Irrigation Laws of the Northwest Territories of Canada and of Wyoming. * º, ºr . . Po. 90 X. Sº, . . . p; 9U, * ** § Bul, 100, Report of Irrigation Investigations in California. Pp. 411. § 3–3. Bul, 104. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 334. §ºbul. 105. Irrigation in the United States. Pp. 47. §: Bul.108, irrigation Practice among Fruit Growers on the Pacific Coast. Pp. 54. sº Bul. 113. Irrigation of Rice in the United States. Pp. 77. ... ... … Bul. 118; Irrigation from Big Thompson River. Pp. 75. sº ... Bul. 119. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901, Pp: 401. º • Bul. 124. Report of Irrigation Investigations in Utah. Pp. 330. jº Bül. 130, Egyptian Irrigation. Pp. 100. : . . . . Bul, 131. Plans of Structures in Use on Irrigation Canals in the United States. Pp. gº.-- sº 51. - * * g º: , Bul. 133. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1902. Pp. 266. 3- *:: . . . . Bul. 134. Storage of Water on Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers. Pp. 100. ... g. Bul. 140. Acquirement of Water Rights in the Arkansas Valley, Colorado. Pp. 83. sº 3. - Bul. 144. Irrigation in Northern Italy. Part I. Pp. 100. s ***. Bul. 145. Preparing Land for Irrigation and Methods of Applying Water. Pp. 84. 㺠. Bul, 146. Current. Wheels: Their Use in Lifting Water for Irrigation. Pp. 38. º, ſº Bul. 147. Report on Drainage Investigations, 1903. Pp. 62. * º J -- -sa *. -*** * > wº * . * º sº g º * > * - 3% Bul. 148. Report on Irrigation Investigations in Humid Sections of the United States ºf … • - in 1903. Pp. 45. *::::::- %. 3. *. tºº * s: sº ; : *-Bul. 157. Water Rights on Interstate Streams. Pp. 116. s: & *. - ºn #. . Y. ** * * * ź, - . . --- FARMERS’ BULLETINs. *. gº .. Bul: 46. Irrigation in Humid Climates. Pp. 27. º- Bul. 116. Irrigation in Fruit Growing. Pp. 48. * ..." ... Bul. 138. Irrigation in Field and Garden. Pp. 40. ar º; , Bul. 158. How to Build Small Irrigation Ditches. Pp. 28. § 2. Bul. 187. Drainage of Farm Lands. Pp. 40. * * ** * *:::::: 3. 8, sº * ..", ;…. ... * * 8.- : ~ * \s. * :: *, *, §§º: , “ . . . - *: ‘. §§ º, sº º *** K #º.; ºf §ºs, º, . Sºº-3-4 × “ * * $***: * **** *. §§ * ***... :: S- _* < .* --- non us tº gº. º .* * - &” - * & ES. §: J # §º & &. ; :: *. * * 2"; * - ». _* - ſº 3. $ 4. * * ***** *.*.*...*& *#. ...t § < Af y^3 + *** * z - & º of FICE. QF XPERPMENT STATIONS, &# $ * { *** ... * -*. * ...” R .º. y - *J !, * * .# *e * * ... ." " -- ~ x2 > *: 3 ** * % ... 3 3. . . . . . * A. C.TRUE, ñirector. * - *~. º: ; * - *.* *… * *}. ... • --~~~~~~~ ** .” --- §§ * r- * * * *.* + & *. 6. 3. #3 -º- ; y & - ^ -- - ." • --- *, *- r " * r 2. -- ANNUAL REPORT *. () F - * *: º * .* * * *:: - * :*: . º º * . -3- *RRIGATION AND DRAINAGE . *ść... . ! ºvcºr rivº * ... " sº INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, - ~, * .* *-*. *- * * * * { .* *...* ** %.sº * ... c. *.*. . . TNDER THE DIRECTION OF * , º, ELWOOD MEAD, sº SEPARATE NO. 5: r * r .* - º, IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS AT NEW MEXICO EXPERIMENT §º station, MESILLA PARK, 1904. & "- ** *g *r * re * -- - e :* : . . . By J. J. VERNoN, Professor of Agriculture, New Mexico Agricultural & ... -- * * ** :*:::: 2y, 2 " . . . . College. ; gº r. ." $ y Y. In e 3 J •r r * -r r *- t §º, IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN WESTERN TEXAS. §: i. Jº By HARVEY Cribertsos, Agent and Expert in Pumping Investigations. º: :-- ** , --> *: § PUMPING PLANTS IN TEXAS, -. §§§ 3. ... * * . §§ ‘. 3 * , By C. E. Tait, Irrigation Engineer. 3. * + » - - * * º-º. $2. '. r 3.* § 3. r. T., " . *, * WASHINGTON : º, - , GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1 905. ** * ~. º • N ~! * ~ * **, * . * * *w ** ****. sº *. *** ** * *: f* > "…, *Jº J 2 : # *::::::eº # 3 sº 3. * * , , sº 23: 3.…, x_** - * - \ w, . - *- “ - J - ? * *** £ºgº.g.s.º. 3. • * * s' jºš... sº $ $3: " - « . * * f -º- is: A & *...*, * * *...* * * * ; • , -, º .** *** * •º § º § º ... º.º. #. ...t. --> -- ~.” - *-* -ºº: & i: z’ º’ºk SEPARATES FROM OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONSBūfīsīš - º * ~s . * * * * * ... jº, *** - • * ~. ~~ º: §.” . . . tº SEPARATE No. 1, . ' . . . .* -- - b. *~ - - - , " : “s, Review of the Irrigation Work of the Year 1904. By R. P. Teele. Pp. 1-7 > SEPARATE No. 2. 3. sº Mechanical Tests of Pumping Plants used for. Irrigation. By J. N. LeConte; 195—255, f - * : * ~ * -º. **Tº rºº. ** wº SEPAR ATE No 8 ! ** * ~ ‘.. * ; } º º 4. & • w A v A: º .* - # * * :- * : .* §ºr- * º §: s <º: *: *.$º : º º º § yº : º § & * *: The Distribution and Use of Water in Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts; da º ifornia. By Frank Adams. Pp. 93–189. . * ~ * ...; y Relation of Irrigation to Yield, Size, Quality, and Commercial Suitability By E. J. Wickson. Pp. 141–174. -. ‘. . . . . Irrigation Conditions in Imperial Valley, California. By J. E. Roadhouse, 175–194. * - . . . ." SEPARATE No. 4. “- - - * -. " . * * * % --" ar r. ..." --~ * of Früí - * 3. • sº >. § --: > ** º º §: * “, sº w -- 2. º º: V. . ~X- ^. & §: * f *r-‘. : * ; M- * * º º ğ& * : ; : p º . *** 3. * ^: . … § - **- ** *~ -*.- § * - wn * s •N. dº. º $ ** *: 2. #: * *-. Irrigation in Klamath County, Oregon. By F. L. Kent. Pp. 257–266. , * > * Irrigation Investigations in the Yakima Valley, Washington, 1904. By O. L. Waller.º.º.º. Pp. 267–278. - * * …º Jº * -- :- ~- ...:” º +: 3. Irrigation Conditions in Raft River Water District, Idaho, 1904. By W. F. Bartletº Pp. 279–302. ** - - - - - $º W. SEPARATE No. 5. . . . . ^, 4 ºº: 3. Irrigation Investigations at New Mexico Experiment Station, Mesilla Park, Ig º By J. J. Vernon. Pp. 303–317. - s . . .:*:::::sº Irrigation Investigations in Western Texas. By Harvey Culbertson. Pp. 319-340:*: -- - , -, * > . 2, S. *: º º º * $3. * Pumping Plants in Texas. By C. E. Tail. Pp. 341–346. . . ** < * , ..º.º. - w *—s ‘º 3, § 3% SEPARATE No. 6. - - > ! 2. .* 3 s . >*. ; *. *:: y: *:A ºr § *:: º Irrigation in Southern Texas. By Aug. J. Bowie, jr. Pp. 347–507. w º *. : * * ~.” *- r 4.* & # # SEPARATE No. 7. * . …" sº +. Jº e º i.e. - G Æt - *. ~ **. f. -* º Rice Irrigation in Louisiana and Texas in 1903 and 1904. By W. B. Gregory. Pp: *ś ºr w ** ~, * * : *#3 509–544. - * -- ~ 3 tº Rice Irrigation on the Prairie Land of Arkansas. By C. E. Tait. Pp. 545–565. ºes: * ..º-" . 3 - gº * + A. : *... - -: * ~ : . j,\, *. At- *. * * ~ - ~~ * • . . § §." Raº --- SEPARATE No. 8. .* Fº: * ~ yº. & Sº-fe wº - # Irrigation Experiments at Fort Hays, Kansas, 1903 and 1904. By J. G. Haney: Pº 567–583. - . . ." ... .º.º. * Irrigation near Garden City, Kansas, 1904. By A. B. Collins and A. E. Wright, Pp. 585–594. - ‘. . . . . . . .º.º. Pumping Plants in Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas. By O. V. P. Stout. . Pp. 595 º 608. t -- . . . º.º.º. Irrigation near Rockyford, Colorado, 1904. By A. E. Wright. Pp.-609-638. The Irrigation and Drainage of Cranberry Marshes in Wisconsin. By A. it, § itso x *º\º *.~, **3. : º •- 3. ‘; • . , "- :-J & 25–642 - .* - ºr ºt p. e + *... : :.3. R. - f ~. * , x - “... * * : **, 3,3% --> “ . C. - , - " -ºs.º.º. SEPARATE No. 9. . * • . . …, , , , º, ºgº o * ^-- - “. . . . * ~ * x3 -: *: wº - ~~ -, * trº- “…ºr” is X-. ... * * * --> º º º † - S * * * • *.*.* * ”;3;3. Report of Drainage Investigations, 1904. By C. G. Elliott. Pp. 643–743. ...ºfs º - - ; * • * *** *. ** *:::::::: § - - - re. ," * *> *::::::: f": &º º - * -4 * * * ... **** *...** *āº ? II C k ºr º ... Y. • * : ... … * * **** sº 2 “ . . . ~ * > ,< ... : ‘º --- •r -- *. * ~. ! gº º --- - ~ *, *--, * & ºr •-- * ~~~ ~. • *-3 “-ºr Jº *- §§ • **. * ~ w ~~ -- y # * ** * *...*& * ** ~ * ~ *-* > g ºxº * ~. - - *-,- .* -- - tº º, . . *::: …” . . .” “ - - - ‘. . . . . . . º.º. - ,” -*.* ~. • *-* , §§ $4. ** 4. - .* ** ~. - * ** * * ~ - * A 2,` s º w- § 7- ‘. Sº- i * ... < .” ^*. -, * --- > * .32%; *::: X: “ - ve .* * " . * & f < "S * -- - -, -, *. ** * * ,3: fººt. .* * . '- * ‘º Aaº §. ~". *... **:::A; §. º & ... -- - r t 2 * -: ... , ~3° ~ * * * *, *, *, * * *, *, *, ºft * “v. *. *. * sº º, -3. *.*, ** *** * ...º.º. 2, #63; §º ~~ - ... … “ * , S - . * * * , ºvs 3:... 㺠*ś. 2:::::...º. º. $º: zºº - *a. º a * ... * * * * * * * -** * , \ ..." & " ...— . . * *::::::... .º.º.º.ºs: º3. *...* º 84.1 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, z/SoFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, A. C. TRUE, DIRECTOR. ANNUAL REPORT OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ELWOOD MEAD, CEIIEF OF IRRIGATION AND DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. SEPARATE NO. 5: IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS AT NEW MEXICO EXPERIMIENT STATION, MESILLA PARK, 1904. By J. J. VERNoN, Professor of Agriculture, New Mexico Agricultural College. IRRIGATION INVESTIGA TIONS IN WESTERN TEXAS. By HARVEY CULBERTSON, Agent and Expert in Pumping Investigations. - PUMPING PLANTS IN TEXAS. By C. E. TAIT, Irrigation Engineer. ~, [Reprint from Offiee of Experiment Stations Bulletin No. 158.] WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. OFFICE OF EXPERIMIENT STATIONS. A. C. TRUE, Ph. D., Director. E. W. ALLEN, Ph. D., Assistant Director. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. ELwooD MEAD, Chief. C. G. ELLIOTT, in Charge of Drainage Investigations. S. M. WooDw ARD, in Charge of Irrigation Investigations. R. P. TEELE, Expert in Irrigation Institutions. C. J. ZINTHEO, in Charge of Farm Mechanics. SAMUEL FoRTIER, in Charge of Pacific District. F. C. HERRMANN, Expert in Irrigation as Related to Dry Farming. II CONT ENTS. Page. IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS AT NEw MEXICO ExPERIMENT STATION, MESILLA PARK, 1904. By J. J. VERNON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------- 303 Duty of water on alfalfa in New Mexico - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 303 Soil ------------------------------------------------------------- 304 Equipment ------------------------------------------------------ 304 Labor ----------------------------------------------------------- 304 Methods of irrigation --------------------------------------------- 305 Cost of irrigating alfalfa with pumped water-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 308 Cost of irrigating wheat with pumped water- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 311 Plan------------------------------------------------------------- 311 Field notes ------------------------------------------------------ 312 Results ---------------------------------------------------------- 313 Cost of irrigating corn with pumped water - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 313 Cost of irrigating sweet potatoes with pumped water- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 315 Meteorological conditions --------------------------------------------- 316 Temperature of well water --------------------------- ---------------- 316 IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN WESTERN TEXAs. By HARVEY CULBERTSON - - - 319 Introductory--------------------------------------------------------- 319 El Paso.-------------------------------------------------------------- 321 Trans-Pecos---------------------------------------------------------- 322 Pecos artesian wells -------------------------------------------------- 323 Pecos Valley irrigation ----------------------------------------------- 324 Monahans’ Wells ----------------------------------------------------- 325 Concho, San Saba, and Llano rivers ----------------------------------- 325 Cost of irrigation ----------------------------------------------------- 329 Economical operation of pumps ----------------------------------. 331 Some statements of crop production in Texas- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 333 Methods of irrigation ------------------------------------------------- 334 Storage of flood waters------------------------------------------------ 335 Points in building storage dams ----------------------------------- 337 Size of reservoir ---------------------------------------------- 337 Land to be irrigated ------------------------------------------ 337 Windmill power ----------------------------------------------------- 338 Alkali--------------------------------------------------------------- 339 PUMPING PLANTS IN TEXAs. By C. E. TAIT- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 341 Plant owned by W. J. Alderson, near Katy- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 341 Plant owned by John Cope, jr., near Katy----------------------------- 342 Plant owned by A. E. Dorn and L. E. Rector, near Katy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 342 Plant owned by J. C. Rexroat and J. H. Chapman, near Brookshire- - - - - 343 Plant owned by John Gasner, near Brookshire - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 343 Plant owned by W. J. Mettler, near Stilson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 343 Plant owned by M. B. Sapp, near Stilson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 344 Plant owned by Hill-Brown Rice Land and Irrigation Company, near Stilson------------------------------------------------------------- 344 Plant owned by D. M. Caffell, near Stowell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 345 Plants owned by the Texas Land and Irrigating Company, near Stowell. - 345 Prices --------------------------------------------------------------- 346 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Fig. 41. Plat of field A. --------------------------------------------------- 303 42. Plat of field B --------------------------------------------------- 303 43. Plat of wheat field - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------- 3.11 44. Chart showing precipitation in Texas- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •- - - 319 45. Chart showing evaporation in Texas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 320 46. Map of trans-Pecos Texas----------------------------------------- 322 47. Map of Concho, San Saba, and Llano rivers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 325 48. Strainer --------------------------------------------------------- 341 IV IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS AT NEW MEXICO EXPERIMENT STATION, MESILLA PARK, 1904. By J. J. VERNoN, Professor of Agriculture, New Mexico Agricultural College, and Agriculturist of the Experiment Station. DUTY OF WATER ON ALFALFA IN NEW MEXICO. The study of the duty of water on alfalfa reported here consisted of experiments in applying different quantities of water to different plats which received the same treatment in other respects, and in applying 6-oop / A/ºr / ; : { ; 6/oc/o 4 A27 /6. Groºp 2, : A/.57° 2. † 6. ; . . /o//> / : A/5/* J. : Óroz/2J A/P/ /5. orogo 2 : Aer. : º Groo/O Z : Ac/5’7” J. ; : ; 6/7O4/24 A/27 /4 orogo 2 : Agro 6/ozo Z A/>y Z’ : g : : Groop J. A/3r/j. &/o// 2 A-2/57 & . : FIG. 41.—Plat of field A. º tº 8 ſº & G like total quantities of water to different plats %2//0% A/27 /2 but watering the plats at different intervals of time, the object being to determine the quan- &/o// J A/37 // tities of water which will produce the largest crops, and whether a given water supply will do the most good when applied in frequent | 6/22/2 2 A/27/2 light irrigations or in heavier less frequent applications. º Two fields that had been in alfalfa for a l 6/22/23 A/3/ 5. number of years were selected for this experi- ment, two fields being selected for the reason Fig. 4%–Plat of field B. that there was no single field upon the station farm large enough for the experiment. The arrangement of the plats in both fields is shown in figures 41 and 42. 303 304 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. SOIL. The soil of both fields was loamy and as nearly uniform in character as any field to be found upon the station farm. The surface of the soil in both fields was fairly even, but the surface of field. A sloped so rapidly that in order to control the water a number of cross borders were thrown up. Even then the water settled to a greater depth on the lower end of each section than on the upper end. The stand of alfalfa on both fields was good, but not first class. EQUIPMENT. The equipment for pumping consisted of a 20-horsepower side-crank, slide-valve steam engine and a 20-horsepower semiportable steam boiler; one 6-inch centrifugal pump, which was placed upon the sta- tion well, described in Bulletin 45 of this station, and one centrifugal pump, which was placed upon the new station well. The engine and boiler mentioned above were used until July 1, when they were replaced by a modern 30-horsepower center-crank, slide-valve steam engine and a 40-horsepower semiportable steam boiler. The equipment for measuring and controlling the water consisted of a trapezoidal (Cipolletti) weir and hook gauge. The weir was con- structed according to plans given in Part I of Bulletin 86, Office of Experiment Stations, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The last 100 feet of the ditch leading to the weir was made as wide as the weir itself. The fall below the weir was at all times greater than the specified requirements. The water entering the several plats was con- trolled by gates. After making a few runs it was found that the quantity of water discharged over the weir remained very constant when pumping, and therefore no other device for measuring the water was used through- out the season. The distance from the pump to field A was 1,204.5 feet, and to field B 950.5 feet. No allowance was made for loss by Seepage and evaporation from the ditches, as it is believed that a com- paratively small amount of water was lost by seepage for the reason that the soil is very heavy and the ditches had been cemented well by river sediment. This same equipment was used in the investigations into the cost of pumping upon various crops discussed later. IABOR. While all the experimental work was in charge of competent assist- ants, one in the field and one at the pumping plant, Mexican laborers were employed in applying the water and in distributing it over the fields. IRRIGATION AT NEW MExICO ExPERIMENT STATION. 305 METHODS OF I.R.R.IGATION. The method of irrigation used in this experiment was that com- monly known as the check system. Heavy borders were thrown up around each plat, and where necessary, in order to better control the water, cross borders were added. The water entered each plat at the upper end, spread out over the second section, and so on to the end of the plat. The distribution of the water was left very largely to the judgment of an expert Mexican irrigator, who was instructed to give each section its proper share of water. The growth of the alfalfa was not equally good upon all sections, but this difference might have been due to a variation in the amount of water applied or to a variation in the character of the soil of the different sections of each plat. Except- ing the first and last crop, the alfalfa was cut regularly every four weeks just before the irrigations were given. The last crop grew very slowly for the reason that the nights were cool, and considerably more than four weeks were therefore required to produce this cutting. Field A was divided into eignt plats, numbered from 1 to 8, and these were thrown into two groups. Plats 1, 3, 5, and 7 formed one group and plats 2, 4, 6, and 8 formed the other group. The plats of each group received the same treatment except for irrigation. Field B was also divided into eight plats, numbered from 9 to 16, and arranged in two groups. Plats 9,11, 13, and 15 formed one group and plats 10, 12, 14, and 16 formed the other group. All of the plats in field A received water enough to cover them to a depth of 6 inches during every four weeks, 3 inches being applied to plats 1, 3, 5, and 7 every two weeks and 6 inches being applied to plats 2, 4, 6, and 8 every four weeks. All of the plats in field B received water to a depth of 10 inches every four weeks, 5 inches being applied to plats 9, 11, 13, and 15 every two weeks and 10 inches being applied to plats 10, 12, 14, and 16 every four weeks. The alfalfa was cut a sufficient length of time before the irrigations for it to cure and be removed from the field. Each plat was weighed separately. As nearly as possible the hay on all the plats was cured to the same degree of dryness, and every crop was removed from the field in good condition with the exception of the fourth, which was rained upon after it was cut. In order to irrigate at the proper time this crop was hauled in while it was still wet and was thrown into small windrows in the corral, where it was allowed to remain until dry. It was then gathered up and weighed. Under these circum- stances there was an unavoidable loss of leaves, which, however, was probably about equal on all the plats. The record of each group for the season is given below: Group 1 received sufficient water to cover it to a depth of 3 inches every two weeks. §: It was irrigated April 4 and April 18, May 2 and 30620–No. 158—05—20 306 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. May 17, and the first crop was cut May 25, giving a growing season of 51 days, and having received 12 inches of water. The second crop was irrigated May 30 and June 13, and was cut June 24. The grow- ing season for the second crop was therefore 30 days, and the land received 6 inches of water. The third crop was watered June 27 and July 11, and cut July 22, having a growing season of 28 days, and receiving 6 inches of water. The ‘fourth crop was watered July 25, and August 8, receiving a total depth of 6 inches, and was cut August 19, having been growing 28 days. The fifth crop was watered August 22, September 5, and September 19, receiving 9 inches of water, and was cut October 20, after growing 62 days. This group received dur- ing the season of 197 days water to a depth of 39 inches, and yielded five crops, the average total yield for the group being 2.59 tons per 3,CI’é. The plats forming group 2 were irrigated every four weeks, and received enough water to cover them to a depth of 6 inches at each irrigation—that is, they received the same depth of water as the plats in group 1, but received it in less frequent, heavier waterings. The first irrigation of this group was one month later than the first irrigation of group 1, because it was originally planned to irrigate this crop with river water. River water was not available, and it was later decided to irrigate the group with well water, applying the same depth of water as on group 1, but applying it at longer intervals. The first crop was watered May 2 and cut May 25, giving a period of growth of 23 days. The second crop was watered May 30 and cut June 24, after a growing period of 30 days. The third crop was watered June 27 and cut July 22, having a growing period of 28 days. The fourth crop was watered July 25 and cut August 19, haying a growing period of 28 days. The fifth crop was watered August 22 and September 19 and cut October 20, having a growing period of 62 days. The total depth of water received by this group was 36 inches, and the yield was 2.36 tons per acre, 0.23 ton per acre less than the yield of group 1, which received about the same depth of water, but received more fre- quent waterings. A part of this difference is due to the late watering of group 2, the first crop on group 1 being much heavier than that on group 2. Groups 3 and 4 received the same depth of water, except for the first crop, group 3 receiving 5 inches every two weeks, and group 4 . receiving 10 inches every four weeks. Group 3 was watered April 4, April 18, May 2, and May 17 for the first crop, receiving at each irri- gation water enough to cover it to a depth of 5 inches. The first crop was cut May 25, after a growing period of 51 days. The second crop was watered May 30 and June 13 and was cut June 24, having a grow- ing period of 30 days. The third crop was watered June 27 and July 11 and was cut July 22, having a growing period of 28 days. The IRRIGATION AT NEW MEXICO ExPERIMENT STATION. 807 fourth crop was watered July 25 and August 8, and was cut August 19, having a growing period of 28 days. The fifth crop was watered August 22, September 5, and September 19, and was cut October 20, after a growing period of 62 days. The total growing season was 197 days, the total depth of water received was 65 inches, and the average yield 3.28 tons per acre. Group 4 received 10 inches of water every 4 weeks. It was watered May 2 for the first crop, and was cut May 25, after a growing period of 23 days. The second crop was watered May 30 and cut June 24, having a growing period of 30 days. The third crop was watered June 27 and cut July 22, after growing 28 days. The fourth crop was. watered July 25 and cut August 19, after a growing period of 28 days. The fifth crop was watered September 19, receiving 20 inches, and was cut October 20, the growing period being 62 days. The total growing period for the five crops was 171 days, the total depth of water 60 inches, and the average yield 3.17 tons. This yield was 0.11 ton per acre less than that of group 3, which received about the same depth of water in more frequent waterings. In each field there is a very slight advantage in yield in favor of the more frequent waterings. As between the two fields, the field receiv- ing water to a depth of 10 inches during four weeks showed a decidedly larger yield than the field receiving a depth of 6 inches dur- ing the same time, the average increase being 0.75 ton per acre. The field notes show that the field receiving only 6 inches of water in four weeks frequently showed the need of water, while the other field did not at any time appear to be suffering for water. The following table gives the details as to the areas and yields of the different plats by groups: Yields of alfalfa on ea perimental plats. Field A. Group 1. Group 2. Plat Plat Plat Plat Plat Plat Plat Plat No. 1. No. 3. No. 5. No. 7 | No. 2. No. 4. No. 6. | No. 8. Area------------------------- acres...| 0, 1891 0. 20. 0.2282 0.2450 0.1889; 0.2211| 0.22S6 0.2450 Yield, May 25, first cut . . . . pounds. - 120 150 180 320 80 82 164 143 Yield, June 24, second cut. . . . do. . . . 10S 150 178 290 96 100 202 150 Yield, July 22, third cut- - - - - - do. . . . 120 210, 216 290 90 108 250 162 Yield, Aug. 19, fourth Cut . . . . do. . . . 158 226, 140 410 152 222 340 240 Yield, Oct. 20, fifth cut... - - - - do. . . . 278 88s 448 486 306 422 464 438 Total for season . . . . . . . . do.... 784. 1, 124 1, 162. 1,796 724 934, 1,420, 1,133 Pounds per acre -------------------- 4, 145.955,099. 815, 092.027, 330. 103,832. 614, 224, 336,211.554,624. 49 Tons per acre------------------------ 2.07 2. ; 2. 06 3.67 1.91 2. 11 3. 10 2.31 Average tons per acre for group . . . . 2. 59 2. 36 308 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Yields of alfalfa on ea perimental plats—Continued. Field B. Group 3. Group 4 Plat Plat, Plat Plat Plat Plat Plat Plat No. 9, No. 11. No. 13. No. 15. No. 10. No. 12. No. 14. | No. 16. Area. ------------------------- & CreS 0.2170 0.2067| 0, 1905 0.1750 0, 2180 0, 2052 0, 1945 0.1747 Yield, May 25, first cut....pounds.. 220 180 202 220 204 258 367 230 Yield, June 24, second Cut---- do. . . . 90 228 220 350 183 168 231 90 Yield, July 22, third cut...... do. . 310 358 326 208 264 300 226 218 Yield, Aug. 19, fourth Cut . . . . do. . 254 270 320 472 308 256 344 430 Yield, Oct. 20, fifth cut. . . . . . . dO. 188 282 248 202 216 245 256 197 Total for season . . . . . . . . do. 1,062 1, 268 1,316. 1, 452 1, 175 1, 228 1,424; 1,165 Pounds per acre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,891. 756,134. º 908,148,297. 145,389,915,984. #. 321.346,657. 07 Tons per acre------------------------ 2, 44 3.06 3.45 4.15 2. 70 2.99 3. 66 3.34 Average tons per acre for group . . . . 3.28 3, 17 The table shows great variation in yields from the different plats receiving the same treatment, but the averages fully justify the con- clusions previously stated, that there is a decided increase in yield from the use of the larger quantities of water on field B. COST OF IRRIGATING ALFALFA WITH PUMPED WATER, The original plan included not only the determination of the cost of growing alfalfa by pumping, but also a comparison of the cost of pro- ducing alfalfa by means of river water and well water. Two fields of about equal size were selected, containing 3.4 and 3.14 acres respec- tively. They will be called fields C and D. Both fields were to have received the same treatment throughout, one to be irrigated with well water and the other with river water. But, on account of the river going dry, the field that was to have received the river water, after remaining idle for upward of one month, was irrigated with well water the remainder of the season. The irrigations were given to both fields at such times as the crops seemed to need it. No definite amount of water was to be applied, but the quantity applied was measured, and so far as possible the irrigation of both fields represented the common usage of alfalfa growers in the valley except that clear water was used. An expert Mexican irrigator was placed in charge of the distribution of the water and was instructed to irrigate according to the common practice in the valley. An irri- gation was given immediately after each crop was removed from the field. The soil of field C was somewhat lighter than that of field D, the soil of field D being a heavy clay. Although the fields are not strictly com- parable, in order to secure anything like accurate results in cost of IRRIGATION AT NEW MEXICO ExPERIMENT STATION. 809 & applying the irrigation water, the cost of harvesting, and the cost of storing, it was necessary to use the whole of a given area for the test. The surface of both fields was fairly even, but both slope too rapidly for the proper distribution. The equipment used and the labor employed in these experiments were the same as for the experiments previously described. Field C was 130.5 feet from the pump and field D 701 feet. The check system of irrigation was employed. The alfalfa was cut when it was from one-third to full bloom. When thoroughly wilted it was raked into small windrows and allowed to finish curing. On the third or fourth day after cutting it was bunched, hauled in, and stacked. The following table shows the dates on which the fields were irri- gated, the depths of irrigation, the dates of cutting, and the yields, reduced to an acreage basis: Dates of irrigation, depth of irrigation, dates of cuttings, and yields. FIELD C. Date of Depth of | Period of Yield per Cut. irrigation. irrigation. | Date of cut. | growth. 8,0Ie. ! Inches. Days. 07? S. First-------------------------------- May 25........ 5.85 June 9 - - - - - - - - a 15 0.39 Second ----------------------------- {#:... };}ruly 14........ 35 | , 51 Third------------------------------- July 21........ 5.63 August 16- - - - - 33 . 89 Fourth ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - {\#. }}}october 20.... 65 . 50 Total -------------------------|---------------- 35.42 ---------------- 148 2. 29 FIELD D. * April 1-------- 6. 81 § 4 First-------------------------------- April 25- - - - - - - ##|}May 20........ 49 0.27 Second ----------------------------- {{...} :#}ſune 29....... 40 | . 51 Third------------------------------- {{#ii...] }}}Augusts...... 40 .96 Fourth ----------------------------- August 18-- - - -* 2.65 || October 13 - - - - 66 . 87 Total ----------------------------------------- 37.46 ---------------- 195 2.61 aAlfalfa had made some growth before water was applied, as a result of rain and of irrigation the previous year. The following table shows the date, the number of hours run, the amount of fuel consumed, the cost of pumping, the cost of applying the water, and the total cost for each irrigation, for each cut, and for the season. The cost of pumping includes coal at $5.50 per ton and the wages of an engineer at 20 cents per hour. 310 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Cost of pumping and applying water. FIELD C. * Cost of * * * * Time Cost Of S v Total Cut. Date of irrigation. TUIIl. Fuel. pumping. *ºs COSt. B. m. | Powmds. *. First ----------------------------. May 25. ----------- 9 00 1,609 $6.22 $0.68 $6.90 Second {} une 14----------- 8 44 1,495 5, 87 . 66 6, 53 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * July 9–11. - - - - - - - - - 11 32 1,592 6, 70 .86 7, 56 Third { uly 21------------ 8 40 1, 860 5.41 , 65 6. 12 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * August 19. . . . . . . . . 9 19 1,060 4. "7 . 70 5.47 Fourth--------------------------- August 24–25. ----. 7 14 1,046 4.32 .54 4.86 Total.-----------------------|-------------------- 54 29 8, 162 33.35 4.09 37, 44 FIELD ID. * April 1–2- - - - - - - - - - 9 40 1,907 $7.17 $0.73 $7.90 First ----------------------------- {# 26----------- 5 23 941 3. 67 .41 4.08 Second § 24------------ 8 10 1,450 5, 61 . 61 6. 22 * * * * s = e = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * June 9------------ 6 27 1,205 4. 61 . 48 5. 09 Third July 8–9-...-------. 7 24 1,067 4.41 . 55 4.96 * = tº º 'º - º & º 'º º & E * - E * * * * * * * * * * *-* - July 20. ----------- 4 41 651 2. 72 . 35 3. 07 Fourth August 11–12. ----. 7 40 1,218 4.91 . 60 5.51 as º ºs º ºs ºs s sº e º 'º sº is sº sº º ºs e º sº tº sº º sº sº º ºr August 18-- - - - - - - -| 3 45 478 2.05 . 28 2. 33 Total.-----------------------|-------------------- 53 20 8,917 35. 14 4.02 39. 16 The following table shows the cost of irrigating, the cost of harvest- ing, the total cost, the cost per acre, the total yield, and the yield per acre for each cut and for the season: Cost of irrigation and harvesting and yields. © FIELD C. Cost of Cost Of Cost per | Total Yield per Cut. irrigating.harvesting. Total cost. ºrë. yield. 8,OI'ê. # Pounds. Toms. First ------------------------------- $6.90 $1.01 $7.91 $2.32 2,409 0.35 Second----------------------------- 14.09 1.66 15. 75 4.63 3,125 . 46 Third ------------------------------ 6. 12 1. 48 7. 60 2.24 5,431 . 80 Fourth ----------------------------- 10.33 1. 28 11.61 3.42 3,084 .45 Total for Season. ------------- 37.44 5.43 42.87 12. 61 14,049 2.06 FIELD D. First ------------------------------- $11.98 . 87 $12.89 $4. 12 1,715 0.27 Second----------------------------- 11.31 1.25 12.56 4.01 3,215 . 51 Third ------------------------------ 8. 03 2.03 10.06 3.21 6,022 .96 Fourth----------------------------- 7.84 1.64 9.44 3.02 5,424 . 87 Total for SeaSOn-......... ---- 39. 16 5. 79 44.95 14.36 16,376 2.61 IRRIGATION AT NEW MEXICO EXPERIMENT STATION. 311 Cost of growing alfalfa and value of product. Field C. Field D. Alfalfa in stack: Cost of irrigation--------------------------------------------------------------- $37, 44 $39. 16 Cost of mowing, raking, bunching, and drawing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 42 5. 79 Land tax” --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.84 1. 7 Total.------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. 70 46.65 Alfalfa baled, on board cars: Cost of irrigation -------------------------------------------------------------- 37. 44 39. 16 Cost of mowing, raking, and bunching. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.06 1.98 Cost of baling at $1 per ton ---------------------------------------------------- 7.02 8. 19 Hauling to cars ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.46 2.87 Land tax” --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.84 1. TO Total cost -------------------------------------------------------------------- 50. 82 53.90 Value of crop at $15 per ton. ------------------------------------------------------. 105.37 122.82 Total profit ------------------------------------------------------------------ 54. 55 68.92 Net profit per acre -------------------------------------------- --------------- | 16. 04 21.95 a The land tax was based on a value of $20 per acre at a tax rate of $2.70 per $100. COST OF IRRIGATING WIBIEAT WITH PUMPED WATER. PLAN. The data on the cost of pumping water for the purpose of irrigating wheat were secured in connection with experimental work in soil moisture, which was carried on in cooperation with the soil physicist. /2 Af | &oºo / | &rodo.2 E. &oo/O J. * 4. FIG. 43.—Plat of wheat field. There were twenty plats of wheat of about one-tenth acre each, all of which were irrigated alike up to the time of heading (fig. 43). They were irrigated on January 5 to produce germination, on April 19, * 312 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. when growth began, and on May 18, at which time the wheat began to head. After heading they were divided into four groups, the first three containing six plats each and the last one containing two plats, which were irrigated as follows: Group 1 was irrigated every week after heading; group 2, every two weeks; group 3, every three weeks, and group 4, not at all. Water was applied to a depth of 6 inches at each irrigation up to and including the one given at heading time. Thereafter the irrigation was variable, as shown in the tables which follow. It is probable that if the land had been quite level, less water would have been required to properly irrigate each plat. The con- dition of the land was, however, typical of the valley, lands seldom or never being in as good condition for the irrigation of wheat as they are for alfalfa. - The soil was variable, ranging from a rather heavy, sandy loam on the west side to a heavy adobe (clay) on the east. The groups of plats were selected so as to counteract this variability in the soil conditions, as will be seen by reference to the diagram. The surface of the land was rather uneven. The land was plowed to a depth of about 5 inches on December 8 and 9, 1903, and thoroughly pulverized and leveled by means of a rectangular frame made of 2 by 12 inch lumber set on edge. The same equipment and labor were used as that in the experiments described in full on page 304. *: * On December 22, 1903, 2 bushels of wheat were sown per acre, 1.5 inches deep. A press drill was used, and the drills were 8 inches apart. The variety sown, Algerian White (station No. 410), has very large kernels, and for this reason 2 bushels were sown per acre instead of 1.5, the amount used with other varieties. The check system of irrigation was used. The wheat was cut on June 25, 1904, and was shocked and allowed to dry for a week or ten days, after which it was hauled to the machine and thrashed, the crop from each plat being kept separate and the Quantity of straw and grain from each being recorded. The total time the crop occupied the ground was 186 days––from December 22, 1903, to June 25, 1904—while it made nearly all of its growth above the ground between April 19 and the time of ripening, or 67 days. FIELD NOTES. April 1. Good stand on all plats. Rabbits pasturing on south tier of plats. May 1. All plats appear about alike. Effects of pasturing by rab- bits practically overcome. May 18. Beginning to head. May 25. Heads well out; beginning to bloom. June 1. Beginning to fill. . June 8. Watery stage; grain nearly full size. IRRIGATION AT NEW MEXICO ExPERIMENT STATION. 313 June 15. Milk stage; grain full size. June 22. Dough stage; grain full size. June 22. Dough stage; ripening. June 25. Ripe enough to cut. IRESULTS. The folk»wing table shows the depth of water applied before and after heading time, the total quantity applied, the yield per acre of straw and grain, the acre-inches of water required to produce 1 bushel of grain, the number of hours of pumping, the quantity of coal consumed, the total cost of pumping for each group, the cost of pumping per bushel of grain, and the cost of pumping per acre for each group: Cost of pumping water for the irrigation of wheat and yields of grain and straw. | Group 1. a Group 2. b Group 3. c. Group 4.d | —t- t Depth of water applied before heading - - - - - - - - - - - - - - inches. - 18 18 18 18 Depth of water applied after heading. . . . . . . . . . . . ...... do---- 17.3 11.2 : 6 ---------- Total depth of Water applied - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do---. 35.3 29.2 24 18 Yield of grain per acre ------------------------------ bushels-- 18 16.6 15.1 10.6 Yield of straw per acre ------------------------------ pounds.. 1,947 1,901 1,450 1,207 Acre inches of water per bushel of grain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.96 1.76 1. 52 1. 70 Number of hours of pumping ---...--------------------------. 16h 15m 11h 51m 9h 51m 2h 32m Fuel Consumed-------------------------------------- pounds-- 2, 135 1,766 1,456 363 Total cost of pumping, per tºp sº sº º ºs m º gº º ºs º ºs e = * * * * * * * * * -s as sº * * * * $9.11 $7.22 $5.98 $1.50 Cost of pumping, per bushel of grain, including fuel and engineer ---------------------------------------------------- . 51 . 51 .46 . 49 Qost per acre-------------------------------------------------- 10.61 8.41 6.96 5. 21 Value of grain per acre at $1.20 per bushel.................... 21. 60 19.92 18. 12 12.72 a Irrigated once each week after heading. b Irrigated every two weeks after heading. c Irrigated every three weeks after heading. d Not irrigated after heading. The table shows that the largest yield was secured from the group receiving the greatest depth of water, but the largest return in pro- portion to the water applied was secured from group 3, which received the next to the least depth of water. Comparing group 1, which gave the largest yield per acre, and group 3, which gave the largest yield per unit of cost of pumping, an increased expense of $3.13 was offset by an increased yield of 3 bushels of grain, worth $3.60, a little more than enough to pay the increased cost. COST OF IRRIGATING CORN WITH PUMPED WATER. The data upon which is based the following discussion of the cost of pumping water for the irrigation of corn were obtained in connection with a fertilizer experiment, which was carried on in cooperation with the Bureau of Chemistry, of this Department. The field covered an area of about 1.43 acres. All the plats were irrigated alike, and water was applied when the crop seemed to need it, five irrigations being given during the growing period of the crop. The first irrigation 314 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. º was given on May 19, 1904, to produce germination; the second was given on May 28; the third on June 22; the fourth on July 13, and the fifth on August 4. The soil was a heavy loam. The surface of the land was even but sloped rather too rapidly to secure an even distribution of water on all parts of the land. Several cross borders were thrown in, which assisted in preventing the water from settling to the lower ends of the plats. The land was plowed on May 12 and 13 to a depth of about 5. inches, and was then disked once and harrowed three times with the Acme harrow. Lastly, it was smoothed with the smoother heretofore described under “Wheat.” The corn was drilled with a 2-horse planter on May 18 to a depth of from 2 to 2.5 inches. The kernels were dropped 16 inches apart in the row and the rows were 3 feet 8 inches apart. The corn was hoed once between June 1 and June 6, and plowed June 30 and again July 23. The check system of irrigation was employed., The corn was cut and shocked on September 16, when it was begin- ning to show signs of maturing. It remained in the field until Novem- ber 26, when it was hauled in, weighed, and immediately shucked, the weight of stover and grain being recorded. The total period of growth was 120 days, from May 18 to September 16. If the corn had been allowed to stand in the field until fully ripe, the time the crop occu- pied the land would have been somewhat lengthened. * The following table shows the number of hours of pumping, the Quantity and cost of coal consumed for each irrigation, the cost of engineer, the cost of applying the water, the total cost of operating, the cost per acre, and the average yield per acre of stover and grain: Cost of pumping water for the irrigation of corn. Depth of | Time of C Cost of irrigation. irrioro - - 1. ost of Cost of ge Total Date of irrigation * Pºp COa. fuel. engineer. º cost. Inches. II. m. Pounds.a May 19.-------------------------- 6, 18 4 00 600 $1.65 $0.80 $0.30 $2.75 May 28--------------------------- 4.50 2 55 437. 5 1, 19 . 58 . 21 1.98 June 22-------------------------- 4.63 3 00 450 1.25 . 60 . 22 2. 07 July 18--------------------------- 6.05 3 55 587. 5 1.54 . 78 . 29 2, 61 August 4-------------------------- 3.86 2 30 375 1.01 . 50 . 19 1, 70 Total ---------------------- 25, 22 16 20 2,450 6, 64 3.26 1.21 11.11 a Estimated from long runs. Reduced to an acreage basis the cost of pumping and applying water was $7.77 per acre. The yield was 31.9 bushels of grain and 6,521 pounds of stover per acre. The grain brought 90 cents per bushel at the time of husking, making a return of $28.71 per acre in addition to the value of the stover. IRRIGATION AT NEW MEXICO EXPERIMENT STATION. 315 COST OF IRRIGATING SWEET POTATOES WITH PUMPED WATER. A field of 1.1 acres near the pump was selected and planted to sweet potatoes in order to determine the cost of pumping water on this crop. The irrigation was given as the crop seemed to demand it. The soil was a heavy clay and not well adapted to growing sweet potatoes, but this was about the only land available for the work. The land was plowed to a depth of about 6 inches, thoroughly pul- verized, and immediately thrown into ridges ready for planting. The same equipment was used and the same labor employed as heretofore described. The plants were set out on June 13, 1904. The plants were located at the water line about halfway up the sides of the ridges, and the roots were pushed into the mellow soil with a wedge-shaped stick. An irrigation was given within two hours after the plants were set. Cultivation was given between the ridges twice before the vines covered the middles, and one hand-hoeing was also given. After the vines had matted between the rows they were lifted from the ground once in order to check their tendency to reot at the nodes. The furrow system of irrigation was used, the water being run between the ridges until the furrows were about half full. The potatoes were harvested November 1 to November 8, 1904. In harvesting, the vines were first removed from the surface of the ridges and raked into the middles. A small plow was run along each side of the row and then through the middle, the potatoes not removed by the plow being dug out with forks. The potatoes were placed in piles and covered with the vines, which were removed in the morning and replaced at night. After remaining in the field to cure for two or three days, the crop was hauled in, weighed, and sorted. The following table gives the dates of irrigation, the depth of water applied at each watering, the time of pumping, and the quantity of fuel used: Cost of irrigating sweet potatoes with pumped water. No. Of s tº e * Time of | Fuel con- * Date. * s * 8, Quantity. pumping. stºne. Acre-inches. H. m. | Pounds.a 1 June 18--------------------------------------------------- 4. 28 2 38 357 2 July 28--------------------------------------------------- 5. 34 3 17 448 8 August 5------------------------------------------------- 3. 50 1 35 214 4 || August 16 ------------------------------------------------ 4, 50 1 55 260 Total (4) ------------------------------------------- 17. 62 9 15 1,279 a Fuel estimated, The total period of growth was 124 days, the yield of unsorted potatoes was 10,100 pounds, or 9,182 pounds per acre. The total cost of pumping was $5.35, or $4.86 per acre. The sweet potatoes sold for 1.75 cents per pound, giving a return of $160.69 per acre. 316 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS. The table following shows the mean temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, and precipitation for the growing season of 1904, and compares these conditions for an average of the years 1898–1903, inclu- sive, and the year 1904: tº Meteorological conditions for the year 1904. Mean | Relative | Wind ve- -- MOnth. tempera- humid- |locity per Rainfall. ture. ity. hour. o F. Per º; Miles. | Inches. April---------------------------------------------------------- 57.5 13. 9.9 |---------- May----------------------------------------------------------- 68.0 I8. 0 9.5 0.05 June ---------------------------------------------------------- 76.9 25, 1 9, 9 . 70 July ---------------------------------------------------------- 78.8 32.8 9, 1 1.36 August-------------------------------------------------------- 77.3 43.8 7.1 1. 24 September ---------------------------------------------------- 70, 8 57.6 7.0 4.02 October ------------------------------------------------------- 60. 2 55.7 6.8 1. 52 Average for 6 years, 1898–1903, from April to October, inclusive----------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 69.95 42.8 7.37 8. 30 Average, 1904, April to October, inclusive.............. 69,90 35, 2 8.5 8. 39 NoTE.—The above table was supplied by Prof. J. D. Tinsley, station meteorologist. TEMPERATURE OF WELL WATER. There is a more or less common impression that the temperature of the well water in the neighborhood of Tucson, Ariz., is so low as to be harmful to plants. Records of the temperature of the water as it comes from the well and after it is spread on the field were kept throughout the season of 1904. The averages of these daily records are given in the following table: Average temperature of air and water. Air at water at Air in water in Ayerºe Plat. {- * IſlSO IIl ditch. ditch. field. field. Water. o F. o F. o F. o F. o F. 1--------------------------------------------------- 81 66. 2 81.2 70, 8 4, 6 2--------------------------------------------------- 80. 5 | . 64.5 80, 8 68.5 4. 3--------------------------------------------------- 81. 7 65.3 82 70.3 5 4--------------------------------------------------- 81. 5 64. 1 81.1 68.4 4. 5--------------------------------------------------. 81.6 64. 9 82. 1 68. 5 3. 6--------------------------------------------------- 80. 3 64. 3 80.2 67.2 2. 7--------------------------------------------------- 82.6 64.7 82.7 68. 1 3. 8--------------------------------------------------- 82 65.9 82.7 68.2 2. 9--------------------------------------------------- 85.5 64.3 85 67.3 3 10--------------------------------------------------- 86. 2 64.6 86. 5 70.5 5. 11--------------------------------------------------- 83. 1 64. 5 83.8 68 3. 12--------------------------------------------------- 82.4 65. 1 82.9 70, 6 5. 13--------------------------------------------------- 82.2 65. I 82. 5 69 3. 14--------------------------------------------------- 85.2 64. 2 85.7 67. 8 3. 15.------------------------------------------- * - - - * * * * 83. 1 65.6 83. 5 69.8 3. 16--------------------------------------------------- 82.8 65.2 82.9 69.5 4. Average --------------------------------------|--------------------|----------|---------- 3. IRRIGATION AT NEW MExico ExPERIMENT STATION. 317 As shown by the table the average rise in temperature between the well and the field was 3.9°F. So far no harmful effects have been observed from the use of this water. In fact the temperature of this well water is higher than the temperature of the river water in many places. The following table compares the temperature of the well water used in these experiments with that taken from streams in the State of Utah on the same dates. ' This table shows that the temperature of the well water in New Mexico is on an average of 7°F. higher than that of the river water of Utah: Comparative temperatures of irrigation waters. f 3 New Date. | Utah. Mexico. | o F. O F. June 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 69.8 June 27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 67 July 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 67.5 July 26----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 64 63. Tº August 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 65. 1 IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN WESTERN TEXAS. By HARVEY CULBERTSON, Agent and Earpert. INTRODUCTORY. The accompanying charts of the rainfall and evaporation in Texas illustrate quite well the climatic conditions as affecting the growth of vegetation (figs. 44 and 45). The extreme west, with its 9 inches of rainfall and 80 inches of evaporation, shows the need of almost con- tinuous irrigation for successful crop production. In that very dry air it is found necessary to give a crop of alfalfa two irrigations. C/a/7 jhow/22 AAC/A/ZA7%2/////7Zºº.45. z EóverJø/2 tº Eover 30% // Z , 43 ... / 3% - 23 ... //z lllllllll ... ſo ... W. Lilliſi. . 20 -. // N , 33 ... / RS Z5 -. /... [Hill||Over/2//7. FIG. 44.—Chart showing precipitation in Texas. Going eastward the rainfall increases and the evaporation decreases, the rainfall reaching 50 inches in the eastern part of the State. Between the two extremes a distance of about 750 miles intervenes. In the extreme west 25 to 40 acres of grazing land is required to fur- nish a rather scant subsistence to one beef animal. No farming is attempted without irrigation until a point about 350 miles eastward is 319 320 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. reached, and there is no reasonable assurance of fair crops until nearly 500 miles is reached, except in some sandy localities or under special local conditions. There have been some calls for irrigation enterprise as far as 600 miles eastward from the extreme western part of the State. - While the rainfall chart shows the amount of lainfall in different parts of the State, there is one important condition it does not show. That is the distribution through the growing season. Even with a rainfall of 25 to 30 inches good crops require that a large part of it fall in the growing season and an especially fair amount of it in the Nſ|Hºoºº Yº º #e OA'ſ tº- g ſ i//V/D/A/Vſ ºc-> N /VA: §: |i | §§ A/Ax/CO §§ 2. Tºlkirk S Sº, \ d VS) [Tº --&ºi= W- º N C//4AP7 J//OP4///VG { | AAA2247/OW/W7/A5. loo:902e-J//? Nzo-ooºoer y/r %90-32" . . . ||loo-so" - E66-zo' . . . [T]ae/ow 3o: FIG. 45.-Chart showing evaporation in Texas. warm months. Where rainfall is very heavy at times, with long intervals between, the conditions are unfavorable. The rainfall records given indicate a shortage in west central Texas during the months of July and August, with good supply in May, June, and Sep- tember. Hence, nearly all the irrigation in this portion of the State is in July and August. The following record of rainfall at Abilene, Tex., furnished by G. W. Eddy, weather observer, will be interesting. It gives the monthly rainfall for a period of 18 years. It shows a variation in annual rainfall from 15.71 inches to 35.30 inches, with an average of IRRIGATION IN WIESTERN TEXAS. 321 24.50 inches. This is fairly representative of a large section of which it is fairly central. San Antonio and Amarillo are not greatly different. Monthly and annual precipitation at Abilene, Tea. Year. Jan. | Feb. Mar. Apr. May. || June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. * - Im. I'm Im. Im. In I'm In In Im. I?, In. In. In 1885-----------|------|------|------|------|------|-------|------|------|------ 2.61 || 0.23 0.98 |........ 86----------- 0.11 || 0.61 2.47 | 1. 67 || 0.33 || 3.38 | 1.48 2.03 4, 17 2.24 . 65 Trace 19. 14 1887-...------. 06 | 1. 21 .03 || 2.45 3.95 || 3.26 2.71 1, 10 2.64 4.77 . 87 | 1. 24.63 1888----------. 76 2, 40 | 1. 16 5.16 3.63 2.79 .46 4.08 .05 2.00 4.80 3.29 30.58 1889. . . . . ... --. 2, 74 2.62 | 1.07 . 71 || 2.93 6.36 | 1.80 | . 21 3.03 ; , 1.22 2.54 | Trace. 25.23 1890----...---. . 33 | 1.81 | . 14 || 9.80 | 2.69 .65 2.10 2.11 || 5.19 .97 || 2, 10 | . . 61 28.50 1891----------- 2.11 . . 76 | 1.79 | 1.95 | 1.83 || 2.04 || 1. 10 2.03 . 64 . 60 . 12 2.60 17. 57 1892----------. . 30 | 1.04 || 2.59 | 1.68 6.12 | 1.34 | 1.41 3. 58 | 1.85 6.03 .45 2.09 28.48 1893. ---------. . 51 | . 33 . 66 . 28 5.78 .98 } . 52 || 3.36 2.30 .03 | 1.00 . 52 16. 27 1894----------. 1, 24 | . 75 | 1.66 | 1. 23 6.49 3.30 | . T9 6.79 , 54 1.17 | Trace. .43 24.39 1895----------- 1. I5 2.32 . 15 2.30 | 1.96 || 8.40 || 4.63 1. 27 | 3.95 4.13 || 2.38 2.66 35. 30 1896........... 1.44 | . 78 . 14 | 1.11 . . 70 2.17 | 1.68 1.54 4.14 4, 18 . 38 || 2.48 20. 74 1897---...----. 1.28 . 02 || 4.02 . , 74 || 4.73 3.90 2.00 | 1.87 2.89 1.32 .01 . 52 23.30 1898. . . . . . . . . . . .75 | 1.08 | 1.41 | 1.78 || 2.60 4. 55 | 1.46 | 1.94 || 3.44 Trace .98 || 2, 14 22. 13 1899..... . . . . . . . 51 | . 01 . 2.96 || 4.02 5.45 | 1.38 . 10 .44 2. 2. 36 || 3. 24 23.41 1900...... -----. .92 | . 53 | 1.54 || 5.43 4.11 . 30 2. 59 2.11 9.65 4.39 . 24 . 30 32.11 1901----------- . 03 | 1.44 | . T2 . .98 || 7. 17 | Trace. . 28 .. 81 1.81 . 61 | 1.50 . 36 15. 71 2----------- 09 | .31 2.25 . 86 6.68 1.00 7.82 . 06 3. 13 2.00 2.46 . 39 27.05 1908----------. 1. 51 || 4.07 || 2, 31 49 1.99 || 3.87 1.29 1. 67 8.64 .42 .05 . 22 26. 53 Average. .88 | 1.23 1.34 2.31 || 3.76 2.99 1.97 2.04 3.25 | 2, 19 | 1.22 | 1.28 24.50 EL PASO. Commencing in the western part of the State, El Paso has the first irrigation system. The Franklin ditch was built in 1889. It takes water from the Rio Grande and covers about 40,000 acres. Little land is irrigated, the area varying with the water supply, which is usu- ally very small. Irrigation enterprises farther up the river in New Mexico get credit for taking part of the supply. Owing to the uncer- tainty of the supply of water in the river in the last few years over twenty-five pumping plants have been installed to furnish water when the river does not give sufficient. These pumps are of various sizes, discharging 150 to 1,200 gallons per minute. The water is pumped from wells which are about 50 to 60 feet in depth. The valley is under- laid with a stratum of gravel varying in thickness up to 23 feet, as far as tested, and this gravel bed and 30 to 40 feet of fine sand above it is full of water. The surface 10 to 15 feet is soil of a sandy nature. So far the supply of water seems to be ample for all demands. There is some question as to the source of supply. When there is water in the river the underground water rises, but the quality of the water next to the hills on the Texas side of the river is much better than it is in the middle of the valley, indicating an underground supply from the mountains. Present indications are favorable to the putting in of a great many more pumps. Pumps raising 500 gallons a minute or less have but one 6 or 8 inch well to draw from, while the larger pumps have two or three. Some of them would raise water cheaper to have more, for when the wells are furnishing a large amount the water is lowered so much that the expense of pumping is greatly increased. 80620–NO. 158—05—21 322 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. From the tests made every 5 feet increase in lift increases the cost of fuel for pumping 1 cent for each 10,000 gallons pumped. The prod- ucts grown are alfalfa, fruits, corn, and garden trick. Excellent prices are realized. Alfalfa hay, baled, is usually worth about $15 per ton. A short distance below El Paso, on the American side of the Rio Grande, there are three old Mexican ditches, which together water about 3,000 acres, and at various points along the river between El Paso and the mouth of the Pecos there are ditches watering small 3.T63.S. TRANS-PEC0S. That part of the State between the Rio Grande and Pecos River is known as trans-Pecos Texas (fig. 46). It is semiarid, the average ~ ArcroA: - Oeyessº YASSCº)&Af W/AW/f/AAP sº agº, 3- c//y. A?/ O ZlºtAWAD £º AEX A. * tº R}; *º *H -->4 H * As Aº, r CA/ Y& 3×es º & *S : r | jz. 2 º °ºoss _2}<- 7 o × 2 º }% 4.9% 32 % assº * Jº - 3. MS •s: Arzog Šs ** J. *S 422.3%. 3rock/on § e K? 50}roº . Camanche Soring 4) A V / Jº A Aſ C O º **º- X Zºº /23 wº," O sº tº *-i- gº -o º º N *...}^* tº N FIG. 46.-Map of trans-Pecos Texas. rainfall for the western part being about 9 inches; for the eastern part about 12 inches, while it is subject to very long periods without any rain. It is a stock country, supporting twenty to twenty-five animals to the section, and no effort is made to grow anything without irriga- tion. Water is available for the irrigation of only a small part of it. The southwest part of it has a mountain range 5,000 to 10,000 feet high that seems to be a feeder to a portion of it. There are some good streams in the mountains, but they disappear on reaching the plain. In this plain some large springs appear, furnishing water for irrigation. The Santa Rosa Springs, not far from the Pecos River and about 20 miles south of the Texas and Pacific Railroad, furnish IRRIGATION IN WESTERN TEXAS. 323 water for 600 acres. Near Fort Stockton are the Comanche Springs with water for 3,000 acres. Ten miles west of these are the Leon Springs with water for 1,000 acres. Not nearly all the water from these springs is used for irrigation. Not far from the head of Toyah Creek a large spring appears, coming out of an opening 9 feet wide and flowing about 4 feet deep. About 200 feet from this spring is Phantom Lake, into which this water flows and all disappears. The lake has no visible outlet. Part of the water is taken from the short stream for irrigating about 600 8,OI’éS. Toyah Creek originates in a large spring, the waters of which irri- gate nearly 3,000 acres. Some 6 or 7 miles below is Saragosa Springs, irrigating 700 acres. Farther down is the Santa Ysabel Spring, irri- gating 250 acres, and another, the Collier and Love Spring, irrigating 250 acres. The irrigation under these systems is largely for wheat and forage for stock. - South of Kent station, at one of the ranch houses of the Reynolds Brothers, is a spring irrigating 10 acres. All kinds of fruits and garden truck are grown. Near the mouth of Toyah Creek is a lake covering nearly 2,000 acres at low water and increasing to 3,500 acres at high water. Joining this lake on the west are the Hackberry Springs. They are in a section or more of marsh land. The springs proper are 20 to 50 feet across and 15 to 20 feet deep. It is proposed to put a ditch through these springs and secure a quantity of water for irrigation. Other springs supply water for small, isolated areas scattered through the trans-Pecos country. For the above facts in regard to the springs and irrigation from them we are largely indebted to Major Bomar, a civil engineer living in Barstow. PEC0S ARTESIAN WELLS. In the town of Pecos and immediate vicinity are about 80 artesian wells. They are used largely for irrigating gardens and for domestic purposes. No general irrigation is attempted. The soil is what is locally known as gyp. The wells have a force sufficient to raise water 25 feet above the surface in a pipe. The following is the log given by a well digger: (1) 18 to 20 feet, gyp. (2) 20 to 35 feet, quicksand. (3) 40 to 80 feet, white-looking clay. * (4) 80 to 225 feet, alternating layers of gyp and sand. (5) 225 to 235 to 250 feet, gray-colored greasy clay. (6) Strata of gyp cobble. (7) Just above the water, 6 to 7 feet gray sandstone. The depth of wells in the town of Pecos is 235 to 285 feet; 2.5 miles north of Pecos, 90 feet. Seven miles southeast a well close to Toyah 324 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. { Lake just flows at the level of the lake. This artesian belt, so far as prospected, is about 10 miles long by 2 miles wide and all on the west side of the Pecos River. In a well 5 miles west of Pecos, 485 feet deep, the water stands 28 feet below the surface. The Dixie Irrigation Company proposes the development of an irri- gation enterprise on the west side of the Pecos River at this point, but the work has not progressed far. PECOS WALLEY IRRIGATION. The Pecos River supplies water for irrigation in New Mexico and Texas. The volume of water varies with the season. In one of its flood times an engineer estimated its discharge at 41,000 cubic feet per second. The quality of the water is good when there is a good sup- ply in the stream, but when it is very low the water is charged with common salt. There are three large irrigation enterprises in Texas that take water from Pecos River. The Barstow Irrigation Company has a charter calling for 1,020 cubic feet per second, but so far only about 200 cubic feet per second has been used, irrigating about 8,000 acres. The company has about 65 miles of main and lateral ditches. The main ditch is 30 feet wide on the bottom and capable of carrying water 6 feet deep. The crops grown are peaches, pears, grapes, canta- loupes, alfalfa, cotton, and forage for stock. The conditions for fruit production seem very favorable, and the time the products go on the market is quite advantageous. Five hundred acres have been planted to grapes, and 5-year-old vines have been doing well. The varieties grown with most success are the ones grown in California, the Muscat of Alexandria being the one in the lead. Cotton, under an intelligent system of cultivation, is giving satisfactory results. The first water contracts of the original company call for 40 acre-inches of water per acre in ten distributions at $1.25. Later contracts give 25 acre-inches at $1.75 per acre, and 40-acre water rights are sold for $600. The Pecos River Irrigation Company has a canal on the west side of the river heading about 28 miles below Pecos. It is about 12 miles long and was designed to irrigate 20,000 acres. Only a small area of land has been watered, because the river supplies very little water. The Grand Falls Irrigation Company takes water from the east side of the river 18 miles south of Monahans station and a few miles below the head of the canal of the Pecos River Irrigation Company. It covers 30,000 acres and irrigates 6,000 to 8,000 acres. The quality of the water when the river is at a fair stage is good, but when the river is low it becomes considerably affected with common salt. The com- pany contemplates water development for increased supply at low stages of the river. The crops grown are mainly alfalfa and cotton, with some forage. A beginning has been made in fruit growing, IRRIGATION IN westERN TEXAs. 325 especially grapes. The company contracts to furnish 12 acre-inches per acre, or sufficient to produce a crop, at $1.25 per acre. Sales of improved land with water have been made at $50 to $100 per acre, while surrounding land is worth $5 to $10 per acre. The method of irrigation under both of these systems is flooding for everything. Much of the land is cultivated by Mexicans, who get about one-third of a bale of cotton per acre where a good farmer will get a full bale. MONAHANS’ WELLS. At Monahans the Texas Pacific Railroad Company has wells 60 to 70 feet deep. A train load of water is taken every day to western points. A good many windmills in the village pump from bored wells. The soil is very sandy and fruit trees grow well where well irrigated. -A peculiar feature of this region is the sand hills. These are 4 miles from the railroad wells and are over 150 feet above Mona- hans and 200 feet above the water in the wells. In some localities in these sand hills water can be had by scraping the sand away with the hand. Formerly there were small lakes in the sand hills. CONCHO, SAN SABA, AND LLANO RIVERS. These rivers are all tributaries of the Colorado River on its west side (map, fig. 47). As sources of water for irrigation they are d I N tº Tº º V APOBEA’7 Qe º W\, O Nº. « º Z. EAE : AV COLEAAA/ - $º OAAAA/ O e * i-AQ. Q Aſ º O \ º c/77 - - º, CPA ** !- * dº º 'º - coz-e Ā4a/*::: -Yº 3–F– º ºf - "Art 7 OAM. =º Yº...” TSAW Sº ºfy D º O - *color” /7′s ef ho'TºS&º * * #" º 52%. Šeºd º | | º ºx i * º Fa sºmeºwoogº • y t OWC /f O i/MºC&/ZZOC/y : N sº - 3-4 wo LA/MA-A545 !”33-3 ØRA saw *AAA | C/T&A.S24 Aſ S A B A */A/MA45432 sess wº : SC // Z. A / C // A AP ‘. JR & e. º sº \, at A so av i 4229– Paulº, O ATASOA/ A /V NO * ..sowora Awaaz Hive ſ & QS J S C/ 7" 7" ON_Ay 㺠2Z/A/C7. g | x^T 2 £ FIG. 47.-Map of Concho, San Saba, and Llano rivers. excellent. The quality of water is good and the supply is constant. Neither dry nor wet weather seems to affect the supply from the 326 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. springs from which they rise. The streams have their floods from the excess of water running off the surface, but the large springs that give the normal supply keep their regular flow. On the North Concho, above Sterling, are three ditches. The upper one, or Kellis ditch, has been in operation fifteen years and irrigates 80 acres. It is a private system and cost thirty days’ work for the owner with his four boys. It has been maintained in the same way. Grains, corn, cotton, sorghum, melons, and sweet potatoes are raised. Of some things two crops are grown per year. Wells in the low val- ley are 10 to 15 feet deep. These enter a bed of gravel which underlies the valley. Next below is the McGee canal, owned by four or five persons. It irrigates 140 acres. Four and five crops of alfalfa are grown per year and yield 5 tons per acre. Johnson grass yields 3 tons per acre. Con- siderable areas of garden products are grown. Another dam below this has just been put in. It supplies water for 80 acres. At Grass Valley are two ditches, together irrigating 250 acres. Cot- ton is grown under the upper one and feed crops under the lower one. On the South Concho are five dams diverting water for irrigation, three of them owned by Mr. Metcalf. The lower one is near San Angelo. The ditch is rated by the owner as carrying 5,000 gallons per minute, and each of the other ditches at 6,000 gallons per minute. Together they irrigate about 1,000 acres. The Bismark farm has a ditch irrigating about 600 acres. On this place irrigation has been carried on for thirty years. This long-continued irrigation and culti- vation has apparently had no bad effect upon the fertility of soil except for the growth of grain. This may be largely accounted for by the soil running together from irrigation and baking harder than formerly. Including the irrigation plant of the Twin Mountain farm there are five irrigation enterprises, all private, within 18 miles of San Angelo. A variety of products is grown. There is considerably more grain grown under these systems than was observed elsewhere. Probably one-third was cotton, with corn and Johnson grass coming in with fair areas. Near San Angelo there are several gardens. Irrigated lands are held at $30 to $50 per acre, except near San Angelo, where they are held much higher. Surrounding lands without water sell for $5 to $10 per acre. At Christoval, on the upper South Concho, is another ditch carrying 5,000 gallons per minute, with over half as much more going to waste. The area irrigated is 600 to 800 acres, largely in cotton and corn. On Cole Creek, a branch of South Concho, above Christoval, is a small ditch, carrying about 500 gallons a minute, irrigating 75 to 100 acres. At Knickerbocker on Dove Creek, another branch of the South Concho, there are two ditches, one on each side of the creek. About 1,200 acres are irrigated on the east side and 600 acres on the west side. IRRIGATION IN westERN TEXAs. 327 At this place Johnson grass seemed to be in the lead in acreage, cotton coming in as a close second. Alfalfa yields 5 tons per acre, cotton 1 to 1% bales, corn 30 to 75 bushels, sweet potatoes 300 to 500 bushels per acre. One steam pump was put in this season to help out the water supply on one farm. At Sherwood, on Good Spring Creek, another branch of the South Concho, there are three dams and ditches. In all about 800 acres is irrigated. The products grown are about the same as given above, except that there is more sorghum and Milo maize. Some extra large yields of cotton were reported. Some irrigation began in this vicinity in 1876. Indications point to large seepage losses in the ditches in the Concho irrigation systems. Nearly all the irrigated land has a gravel bed underneath, which facilitates seepage losses, but the water gets back to the creek quickly and increases the supply for those below. One ditch was reported as losing half its water in 4 miles. The San Saba River, getting its supply from springs, furnishes a large amount of water for irrigation. The principal ditches are near Menardville, about 75 miles above the mouth of the river. The Kitchen ditch, irrigating about 850 acres, heads about 6 miles below Menardville. The Noyes ditch, irrigating 2,000 acres on the South side of the river, heads 4 miles above Menardville. The Sieker ditch heads about 1 mile below the town on the north side of the river and waters about 200 acres. Above Menardville the Petmarcey ditch covers a small area. There are a number of large springs about 50 miles below Menardville that come out of the hills considerably above the valley land. One of these springs, flowing about 3,000 gallons per minute, is known as the Sloan spring. Irrigation began from Some of the springs thirty-five years ago and there is now something over 500 acres irrigated from them. Less than one-half the water is used even during the months of heaviest irrigation. There are two springs east of San Saba irrigating about 60 acres. Cotton, corn, Johnson grass, and alfalfa are the principal products grown under all these ditches. One report of cotton yield was given as 3 bales from 18 acres of dry land and 9 bales from 6 acres of irrigated land. Besides these ditches, there are thirteen pumps irrigating about 1,500 acres. Under ordinary circumstances these pumps are run only ten or twelve hours a day. The pumps are all centrifugal; eleven of them use steam power, two of them gasoline engines. There are one 10-inch, three 8-inch, six 6-inch, one 5-inch, and two 4-inch pumps. On the Llano River and its tributaries near Junction twenty-two ditches and springs were used in irrigating about 1,600 acres. Five parties pump water, irrigating 500 acres. The Llano Irrigation and Ditch Company has a newly made ditch near Junction, and is irrigating this first year about 500 acres. There are about 5,000 acres accessible. # 328 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. At the company’s diverting dam nearly all the water is taken from the river, 10,000 gallons per minute at the time it was visited; a large part of this was going back into the river some distance below the junction. In the 4 miles between this diverting dam and the town of Junction the river had increased to 22,000 gallons per minute. Some other good streams and springs come into it a short distance below. The impression gained from measuring the river at Junction and exam- ining it at Llano was that nearly 50 per cent of the stream was lost by seepage in about 75 miles. Forty to 50 miles of the bed of the river is granite rock and sand. - Seven miles below Junction is a 40-acre tract of alfalfa supplied with water by water power. The field has been cropped continuously for fifteen years, and is still as fine a field of alfalfa as one ever sees. The pump runs ten months in the year. The owner claimed that by beginning early and getting the ground full of water before the grow- ing season began he got better crops, and with the full capacity of the pump was able to irrigate and keep in good condition a considerably greater area than he could by beginning irrigation with the growing SeaSOD. The ordinary irrigating season on the three rivers mentioned covers about three months from the gravity ditches and two months from the pumps. The apparent common source of water supply for these streams is strikingly illustrated by an example on Clear Creek above Menardville. Within a short distance, at the head of this creek, about 5,000 gallons per minute comes out of springs. A ditch is taken out carrying a part of this water for irrigation. When the water is shut out of this ditch for cleaning there are two springs, one a mile away and the other 1% miles, that lessen their flow of water. These springs are in separate ravines. When the water is let into the ditch the regular flow comes again. There is an outcropping of perforated rock that seems to underlie this section and forms an easy means of water flow from one place to another and renders storage dams in this section out of consideration. The Colorado River below the mouth of the Concho is the source of a considerable water supply for irrigation by pumping. The differ- ence between low water and extreme high water is about 50 feet. At present between the mouth of the Concho and the mouth of the San Saba there are seven pumps, irrigating about 1,400 acres. One of these pumps is a 12-inch centrifugal, delivering 5,000 gallons a minute, raising the water about 50 feet at low water in the river. This pump is near Big Valley post-office. The others are near Indian Creek and Regency. There are plans for the installation of quite a number of pumps during the coming year, some being already under way. In the vicinity of Brownwood, on the Pecan Bayou, seven pumps are in operation, irrigating about 800 acres. Of the larger ones two IRRIGATION IN WESTERN TEXAS. g 329 are on the Smith-Jenkins farm and another is on the Swindon-Pecan farm; two small ones are operated for garden work. Cotton is the principal crop irrigated in this portion of the State. COST OF IRRIGATION. Circumstances vary so much that any exact figures are not to be con- sidered. On the one hand are the large springs coming out above the land to be irrigated where the maintenance of a short ditch is all that is required. This would not exceed $1 per acre for the year. On the other extreme is the pumping plant, raising water say 75 feet and using 18 or 20 cent gasoline, at a cost of more than $10 per acre. To the fuel cost must be added the care, wear, and tear, repairs, expenses, etc., all of which vary. It might be safely placed in this case at $3 per acre, making the cost of getting the water to the land more than $14 per acre per year. A number of pumping plants have contracts to furnish water to neighboring lands at $5 to $7 per acre. The aver- age conditions of central and western Texas, where the water is pumped, are fairly represented by the $7 rate where gasoline engines are used for pumping. Where steam is used with wood for fuel at $2 per cord the cost is less. All kinds of prices were found for gasoline used to run engines, ranging from 12 to 20 cents per gallon. In a number of places the fuel cost of pumping where gasoline engines are used was placed at $1 per acre where gasoline was 16 cents and over. The use of gas generators producing gas from crude petroleum with gasoline engines has shown some good results on tests of a few days' length. J. A. Smith, of El Paso, after making a four-day test found that with crude oil at 3 cents per gallon he could run his engine for $1 per day, of ten hours, pumping about 900 gallons a minute. A comparative test showed that $4 per day was required with gasoline at 17 cents per gallon. At Mesilla Park, N. Mex., with crude oil at 5% cents per gallon, and gasoline at 20% cents, the fuel cost of running ten hours on crude oil was $3.05, and $6.65 for gasoline. This last test was made by the officers of the agricultural college. While these tests seem highly favorable to the use of crude oil actual experience shows considerable doubt on the advisability of using it, the difficulty coming from all parts of the engine becoming so dirty and the generator itself becom- ing so filled with the hardened refuse as to cause very frequent and long delays. A prominent user of crude oil for gasoline engines, in California, recently made the statement in writing to your agent that he did not know of any generator that could be called a full success with the heavy oils having an asphaltum base, as have most of the crude oils of Texas and California. It seems to be the usual custom in Texas to have quite a large plant for the area of land to be irrigated, so that they run only ten or twelve 330 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. hours a day, and then have intervals between irrigations. The first cost is greater than would be required if smaller plants were used, necessitating a greater amount to be added to the cost of irrigation for fixed charges. There is possibly in some instances greater economy in handling the water in larger quantities, but it must be confessed that frequently much water is wasted with the large plants. The cost of irrigation from ditches taking the water from running streams ordinarily does not exceed $2 per acre per year. This expense comes largely from the cost of keeping up a diverting dam and cleaning ditches. Most of the ditches are owned by individuals or by partner- ships in which the owners do the maintenance work, hence there is very little actual cash outlay. Where stored water is used the cost per acre ordinarily runs higher, the cost of a well-built dam being much more than the ordinary cheap diverting dam that is in general use. Comparatively, only a small amount of irrigation is done with stored water. In most localities it would be a more sure source of supply and the water would be of a better quality. A number of pumping plants were tested to determine exactly the expense of pumping. In the following table giving results of these tests all the pumps are cen- trifugal except the last one, which is a high-duty steam Corliss engine fly-wheel pump. It was put in under a guaranty and worked better than guaranteed. It is placed in the table for the purpose of compar- ison to show the difference in high-grade machinery and the ordinary machinery in common use in pumping. The power for all the pumps in the table except the last two is the gasoline engine. The next to the last in the table is a company pump. It is run with steam, using wood for fuel at $2 per cord, mostly oak wood: Tests of pumping plants. - Lift. Rated * º Size Pump- || Cost Cost Name. ºº: pºwer used of pi. | Total || “...Per | Pº. ºë. Pº. requir- in 10 pump Suc- || Dis-, ei. min- acrº- |foot, 1 engine. ed., hours tion. charge. tion ute. foot. foot. Galloms. Im. Ft. in. Feet. Feet. Gallons M. S. Cody ------------- 6 3. 8 5 3 20 11.5 31.5 252 || $1.50 $0.048 H. Jensen.------------- 13 9 18 5 24 16 40 464 2.76 . 069 H. L. Ament ----------- 6 3.3 8 3 || 15 15. 5 30. 5 226 2.65 . 0.87 T. T. Cook... -- - - - - - - 7 - - 16 8, 5 12.5 6 || 23 17. 5 40. 5 431 2. 23 .055 Frank Heath........... 10 6.8 10 5 || 24 14 38 368 2. 05 .054 George Pendell - - - - - - - - 20 12.9 15 6 21 11 32 832 1. 38 . 043 W. C. Billingsley....... 13 6.2 12.5 5 20 9.5 29.5 431 2. 21 .075 B. S. Brown & Son . . . . . 6 2.9 5.8 3 23 15. 5 || 38, 5 152 2. 89 . 0.75 W. A. George - - - - - - - - - - 12 7.4 7. 5 4 22 13. 5 || 35, 5 431 1.31 .037 Julius T. POrcher ...... 12 8.5 12.5 5 24 14 38 464 2.05 .054 Charles Hopf----------- 10 11.1 16.6 6 || 23 15 38 676 1.86 . 049 Edward Monwer.... --- 13 5 10.5 5 || 20 10.5 ! 30.5 338 1.86 . 061 J. S. Porcher - - - - - - - - - - - 15 9.2 15 5 22 11 33 576 1, 98 . 060 J. A. Smith------------- 28 16 32.3 6 || 21 12 33 990 2.48 .075 Do ----------------- 28 16 b 40 6 21 12 33 990 . 66 . 020 Mesilla Park (1904) .... 22 20.3 b 54.4 6 || 23 1 15.25 || 38.33 | 1,089 . 80 . 021 Do ----------------- 22 20, 8 || C 34.2 6 24 7 | 15.25 | 39.83 | 1,082 2. 39 . 060 Do ----------------- 22 21.3 32.9 6 || 25 15.25 | 40.25 | 1,096 2. 37 .059 T. J. Majors. ----------- 10 3 12 3 --------------- 33 190 4.42 . 134 Big Valley Co. (steam). 125 | 120 (d) 12 -------|-------- 49.5 5,000 .99 ,020 Chase Nursery Co., Riv- erside, Cal., high-duty pump (Steam) --------|--------|--------|--------|------|-------|-------- 247 l... ----. 1. 24 , 005 a Computed on an efficiency of 50 per cent. c Coal oil at 14 cents. b Crude Oil at 3 CentS, d4.6 cords of wood at $2 per cord. IRRIGATION IN WESTERN TEXAS. 331 The first point to be noticed in the table is the rated horsepower of the engines as given by the agents selling them, and the next the actual power used to pump the water, as shown in the next column. The rated horsepower of some of them was raised when it was found that quite a large amount of gasoline was required. This was done to make a better comparison. Some of them make a very good showing by comparing the rated horsepower with the gasoline used in 10 hours. One gallon of gasoline per horsepower in ten hours is recognized as about the best result that can be reached. The comparison shows that a few plants approach this, and that several of the engines use 2 gal- lons of gasoline for 1 horsepower that is actually required. The suction or distance of the water below the pump was obtained with the vacuum gauge, except in the last three cases. All of these pumps were drawing water from wells except the third and second from the last, which were pumping from streams. Two examples are given of the use of crude oil—one from J. A. Smith of El Paso, and one from Mesilla Park, N. Mex. Making a comparison of the final results as shown in the last column, the crude-oil tests make a fine showing. The actual results, however, are not so good. There is more delay and much cleaning required. For the larger engines, if one is prepared for gasoline and crude oil, the experienced persons in the use of crude oil claim considerable expense saved in fuel by its use. The engine required regular and systematic cleaning. The last column contains the summary of the tests. The figures show the cost of raising 1 acre-foot 1 foot with gasoline at 14 cents per gallon. At some places it was only 12 cents, at others 17 cents, and at Mesilla Park it was nearly 20 cents, but for the purpose of comparing the relative efficiency of the different outfits the number of gallons used in ten hours was taken, and valued at 14 cents per gallon. The Big Valley Company makes a good showing in its steam outfit, raising 1-acre-foot 1 foot for 2 cents, which is less than half the cost with gasoline outfits. But this is done with wood at $2 per cord, which is cheap. The last one, the Chase Nursery Company, of River- side, Cal., shows the possibilities of high-grade machinery. In all the calculations for final results in the last column only fuel expense is considered. ECONOMICAL OPERATION OF PUMPs. One source of loss in the steam plants which everywhere impressed the writer was uncovered steam pipes and the tops of boilers and boiler domes. In a few instances steam pipe 75 to 100 feet from boiler to pump was exposed the whole length. As to gasoline engines, some of the agents complained that the engineers would not turn off the fuel sufficiently to make an economical showing. Much fuel can be saved by being careful on this point. As 332 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. \. soon as the engine becomes well heated by running ten or fifteen min- utes the supply can be cut off very much. As soon as the engine is well heated, turn off the supply very slowly until the engine shows a loss of motion, then turn on a little more. show such low records could undoubtedly be improved with some other vaporizers. Some of the engines that It will be observed that some of the engines are so much larger than is required that a loss is experienced from that source. Near El Paso a loss is undoubtedly experienced from drawing the water so low in the wells. One or two more wells for some of the plants would most likely result in economy. The water level would not go so low, which would make a shorter suction. From actual test, a suction of 25 feet, as shown by the vacuum gauge, will cause the water to break at El Paso. A number of pumping plants were visited, but not tested. The fol- lowing table contains the statements of their owners as to sizes, capac- ities, and areas served: Pumping plants not in list of pumps tested. Post-Office. Owner. Kind of pump. Size. , Power. º ãº. tº * Inch. Gallons. | Acres. Brownwood .... --- Smith-Jenkins, etc....] Centrifugal.--| 12 | Steam .......... 4,000 300 Do-------------|----- do---------------------- do -------- 10 ----- do ---------- 3,000 150 DO-------------|----- do---------------------- do -------- 3 ----- do ---------- 200 10 Do------------- Swinden pecan farm - - - - - - - do -------- 8 |----- do ---------- 1,600 150 * * * * * * * * * * * * * T. J. Majors-----------|-----do -------- 3 | Gasoline........ 190 15 Indian Creek. . . . . . E. W. Plahn ... --...--|-...- do -------- 8 : Steam . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 300 Brown Wood - - - - - - - N. A. Perrie. . . . . . . . ---|----- do-------- 4 ----- do ---------- 400 35 D0------------- Gran Ford - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do -------. 6 |----- do ---------- 900 |........ DO------------- Mr. Cross-------------, ----- do ------------------- do -------------------- 60 Do------------- T. H. Windham.... - - - - - - - - do -------- 6 |----- do ---------- 900 75 Regency----------- Jeff Young ------------ Plunger ------|------|----- do ----------|----------|-------- Do------------- James Lindsey. . . . . . . . . . . . . do --------|------|----- do --------------------|-------- D0------------- Mr. Perkins-----------|----- do --------------|----- do ----------|----------|-------- Big Valley......... Mr. Ezzel ------------...---- do ------------------- do ---------- 600 35 DO------------- Big Valley Co- - - - - - - - - Centrifugal.--| 12 |..... do ---------. 5,000 500 Goldthwait. . . . . . . . Mr. Randolph . . . . . . . . . . . . . do -------- 8 |----- do ---------- 1,600 200 San Saba. . . . . . ----- O. B. Kirkpatrick- - - - - - - - - - do-------- 6 - - - - - do ---------- 900 45 D0------------- John Jackson. . . . . . . . . Plunger. -----|--|--|--|----- do ----------|---------. 5 DO------------- C. L. Dunbar. . . . . . . . . . Centrifugal. - - 8 Steam - - - - - - - - -. 2,500 200 D0------------- Thomas Hawkins. . . . . . . . . . do -------- 4 || Gasoline. . . . . . . . .400 50 DO------------. Robert Ellis........ ---...-- do -------- 6 Steam - - - - - - - - - - 900 100 DO------------- Mr. Nash--------------|----- do -------- 4 ----- do ---------. 400 75 Menardville - - - - - - - M. Bethel ...----------|----- do -------- 8 |----- do ---------- 1,600 130 O - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. M. Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do -------- 6 |----- do ---------- 900 90 DO------------- J. C. MaxWell-........!-- - - - do -------- 8 ----- do ---------- 1,600 180 Do------------- Mack Reynolds .......]..... do-------- 5 |----- do ---------- 700 65 DO------------- Decker Brothers - - - - - - - - - - - do -------- 6 ----- do ---------- 900 100 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Doctor DOrr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do --------------|------------------|----------|-------- Fort McKavett ....] W. L. Placker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do -------- 6 | Steam - - - - - - - - - - 900 125 O - - - - - - - - - - - - - L. L. Ball -------------|----- do -------- 10 Gasoline. . . . . . . . 3,000 200 Junction - - - - - - - - - - George Bellerly.... ---|----. O - - - - - - - - 5 | Steam . . . . . . . . . . 700 150 O - - - - - - - - - - - - - M. C. Lindholm . . . . . . Plunger ------|------|----- do ---------- 800 120 DO------------- B. B. Kinney --...- ... [- - - - - do --------|------|----- do ---------- 900 . . . . . . . . DO------------- A. S. Etheridge . . . . . . . Centrifugal... 6 - - - - - do ---------- 900 125 Do------------- Mr. Scagg-------------|----- do -------- 4 | Gasoline. . . . . . . . 400 40 DO------------- M. C. Blackburn. . . . . . . . . . . do -------- 4 Water power ... 400 50 Abilene - - - - - - - - - - - J. M. Ingle------------|----- do -------- 4 Steam . . . . . . . . . . 400 40 El Paso.------------|-----------. . . . . . . . . . . . . About 15 ------|------------------|-----------------. pumps, but no special data. IRRIGATION IN weSTERN TEXAs. 333 SOME STATEMENTS OF CROP PRODUCTION IN TEXAS. The figures given below are those that seemed to have good back- ing as stated by conservative men. Some of them are considered to be full average results for a number of years. Some of them are average results for a whole ditch system. * At El Paso nothing is attempted by way of crops without irrigation. Mr. J. A. Smith gave the yield of alfalfa at 5 to 6 tons per acre, aver- age price about $12 per ton. A large part of the irrigation in that vicinity (about 30 pumps) is for garden stuff, sweet potatoes, melons, tomatoes, and chili, with all kinds of returns up to $300 per acre, fruits giving the largest returns. Grapes from mature vines bring $300 to $400 per acre. Mr. Coffin in 1903 sold the pears from 25 acres for $7,150. At Barstow the yield of alfalfa is placed at 5 tons per acre, with prices ranging from $12 to $15 per ton; cantaloupes, $60 per acre; grapes, $75 to $150 per acre; cotton under good conditions, 1 bale to the acre. The fiber of this cotton is said to be specially good. At Sterling, J. M. Kellis has irrigated for over fifteen years by a gravity ditch from a constant stream. Oats yields 40 to 60 bushels, with a crop of corn following the oats; corn yields 50 to 60 bushels per acre; cotton yields 1 bale per acre. In this locality little effort is made to grow regular farm crops without irrigation. For the McGee ditch 5 to 6 tons of alfalfa per acre at $10 is reported; 1 bale of cot- ton is given for this section. Considerable garden truck for local markets brings larger returns. At Knickerbockers, Mr. Stephens reports yields as follows: Corn, 30 to 75 bushels per acre; sweet potatoes, 300 to 500 bushels per acre; alfalfa, 4 to 6 tons per acre; cotton, 1 to 1.5 bales per acre. At Sherwood cotton yields were reported at 1 to 2 bales per acre; other crops as at Knickerbockers. B. Metcalf, of San Angelo, reported cotton yields at 1 bale per acre; sweet potatoes at 400 to 500 bushels per acre; alfalfa, 4 to 5 tons per acre; Johnson grass, 2 to 3 tons per acre. t J. M. Ingle, of Abilene farm, near Putnam station: Corn, 80 bushels per acre; cotton, 700 pounds per acre; onions, 450 bushels per 81CI'ê. H. C. Ezzel, of Big Valley, reported melons, $125 to $150 per acre; cotton, 1 to 1.5 bales per acre. Cotton without irrigation averages about one-fourth to one-third bale per acre. Mr. Ballard, of Big Valley, gave approximate results as follows: Before pump was put in it was a very scant living for himself and family. The first year under irrigation, though irrigation started late in the season, he was able to pay his share of the first cost and the 334 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. annual expense, had a much better living, and paid $600 on debts, all from 30 acres irrigated. At San Saba, W. C. Miller secured only 3 bales of cotton from 18 acres of unirrigated land. On irrigated land he secured 9 bales from 6 acres. Thomas Hawkins gave the average increase of yield from irrigation as three-fourths bale of cotton. T. A. Sloan rented his irrigated land (irrigated from a large spring above the land) on shares and got $15 per acre rental. At Menardville, under the Kitchen ditch, corn yields 40 to 70 bushels per acre; cotton, 1 to 2 bales. ^ At Junction, M. C. Blackburn gave average yields of alfalfa at 5 tons per acre on a 40-acre field that had been in alfalfa continuously for fifteen years. Near Brownwood, on the Pecan Bayou, are five pumps drawing water from reservoirs in the creek. There are two 3-inch pumps, one 8-inch, one 10 inch, one 13-inch, also the Brownwood city pumps drawing from them. One of these pumps is irrigating 300 acres of cotton. The owner claimed that in the best of crop years the irri- gated land produced at least double and often produced four times the average yield of unirrigated lands. - METHODS OF IRRIGATION. The method of irrigation in common use in western and central Texas for grain, Johnson grass, and alfalfa is flooding by means of borders to confine the water. The distance between the borders varies as the head of water to be used. When heads of 1,500 to 2,000 gal- lons a minute are available the borders are placed 60 to 75 feet apart, and less as the quantity of water is less. In the Pecos Valley this method is used for everything, such as corn, cotton, orchards, and vineyards. In most places the common method for cultivated crops is the row system. In the cultivation of the crops the earth is thrown up to the row, which makes a border out of every row. All the water that these furrows will safely carry is turned in for fifteen to thirty minutes, all the loose cultivated soil on top getting a good wetting. It runs together compactly and, if a clay soil, bakes very hard. It leaves the soil in condition for the largest possible evaporation. On new land full of vegetable matter or on quite sandy land very fair results are obtained. Old land or stiff clay land shows more the evils of this system of irrigation. By this method the Mexican irrigators in some localities produce only one-third of a bale of cotton per acre where good farmers get a whole bale. Where there is considerable slope to the land the water runs rapidly over, and the results are very little better than no irrigation. This method as generally practiced requires an irrigation every two weeks. IRRIGATION IN WIESTERN . TEXAS. 33.5 A method practiced on the Rio Grande at El Paso for strawberries and garden stuff has many points in its favor. The ground is thrown up in ridges, as if for planting sweet potatoes. It is then leveled down about halfway and a row of seeds or plants put in near each edge of this leveled-down ridge. The water is run in small streams in the furrows between the ridges. The water must run for several hours in these furrows. In this way only a small portion of the surface soil gets wet. Plenty of water goes under the ridge to wet the roots. This method leaves the ground in fine shape for the best of cultivation. STORAGE OF FLOOD WATERS. The possibilities of irrigation by the storage of flood water are very large. The floods in the numerous rivers of the State, causing great destruction of property, indicate an abundance of water. Hundreds of farms in each of a great many counties could be irrigated and produce an abundance where now the farmer gets a scanty subsistence. A little has been done in this line. Perhaps the largest storage of water for irrigation purposes is at Wichita Falls. There are dams for storage of water for city supply in Abilene, Brownwood, and Cisco, each indicating the possibilities in this line. There are some reservoirs that have been contemplated for some years—one of these near Abilene, one near Brownwood, and one on the San Saba River—that have been fully surveyed and estimates made. The one near Abilene, on Elm Creek, is to hold 13,000,000,000 gallons of water and irrigate 30,000 acres. The drainage area is 147 square miles. The one near Brown- wood, on Pecan Bayou, is to hold 11,000,000,000 gallons and irrigate 30,000 acres, and drain 750 square miles. This drainage area is ample for several such reservoirs. The engineer gave the necessary capacity of the wasteway as 40,000 cubic feet per second, and the estimated cost $200,000. The reservoir in the San Saba River, as proposed, is to be made by a concrete dam where the bottom and sides of the stream are solid rock. This system when complete is to have a series of reservoirs below the main ditch. The stream is one that flows the year round, as well as being subject to great floods. The drainage area is very large. The scheme provides for the irrigation of 40,000 acres, and the estimated cost is $600,000. The plan provides for a spillway with a capacity of 40,000 cubic feet per second. Each of these sys- tems has a fine body of land under it. Each should increase the annual yield of products fully $500,000 when fully developed. To show the possibilities for whole counties, take the counties of Shackelford and Haskel. The first has one stream with 200 square miles of drainage area, one with 100 square miles, one with 75 square miles, one with 40 square miles, one with 30 square miles, two with 20 square miles each, two with 15 square miles each, and four with 5 to 336 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. 10 square miles each. All of these when developed would irrigate 80,000 acres and ought to give an annual increase in value of farm products of over $1,000,000. Haskel County has one stream with a drainage area of 300 square miles, two with 100 square miles each, one with 90 square miles, two with 75 square miles each, or altogether 740 square miles of drainage area. The average rainfall is nearly 24 inches in this locality. If 15 per cent of the rainfall goes into the streams it would allow the storage of water ample to irrigate 80,000 acres and increase the annual income for the county over $1,000,000. The people of this section estimate that over 60 per cent of the rain- fall goes into the streams from this rolling land. The lowest estimate made was 40 per cent. The estimate of 15 per cent is considered safe for land quite rolling or hilly. For level or sandy land it would be less. With this bright outlook for the different localities, and their possibilities under irrigation, it seems very difficult to interest capital to develop them. . There are, however, thousands of places where small dams can be placed in ravines. These the individual farmer can develop during the months of fall and winter when other work is slack. The land has good clay subsoil, and the stockmen have abund- antly proven with their earth tanks that water can be held in storage in a small way. Last winter one man living 10 miles from Albany made up his mind that he would at least have a good garden. He said he had been raising cattle and horses for twenty-five years and starving all the time, meaning that he had no vegetables. He put in a dam in a small ravine. In July he had as fine a garden as one ever sees, and that in a community where the drought was so severe that corn had not reproduced the seed. The dam was about 15 feet high in the low part of the ravine and 12 feet wide on top. The length on top was 200 feet; the outlet pipe was through the bottom. To get water on the garden it was necessary only to open the valve. The area draining into it was about 75 acres. In ordinary years it will give the water necessary for several acres. Mr. Harvey, near Butler, put in two small dams the past winter. When the reservoirs are full of water the two will cover about 1.5 acres, probably about 5 feet deep. He had irrigated 10 acres up to the 1st of September. His increase in cotton would about pay the whole cost the first year. He was so well pleased that he was plan- ning to put in one to irrigate 80 acres. There are two reservoirs near Richmond—one owned by Mr. Hall and one by Mr. Wilcox. These are larger. One of them cost about $1,500. Full particulars were not obtained. From the numerous inquiries in this line the indications are that irrigation areas in Texas may be largely increased in the near future by the making of small reservoirs. Every acre put under irrigation IRRIGATION IN WIESTERN TEXAS. 337 in this way will produce as much as 4 or 5 acres not irrigated in the drier parts of the State. The increase in valuation of land under irri- gation for growing farm crops is rated at $25 to $40 per acre. Hence labor put into an irrigation system practically brings double returns, first in the sale of increased crops, and, second, in the selling value of the land. PoſNTS IN, BUILDING STORAGE DAMs. The excessive rainfall coming in such a short time makes it impera- tive that provision be made for large volumes of waste water to get away without overflowing the dams and washing them out. The top of the dams should be from 3 to 6 feet higher than the bottom of the overflow wasteway, and the wasteway two or three times as wide as the stream when at its flush. In most soils the slope of the dam on the side next to the water should be not steeper than 2 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical; on the other side not steeper than 1% to 1. To prevent washing, some dams are sodded over with Bermuda grass and others are riprapped. In many places a core of some especially good clay is put into the middle. With a small dam made of clay this would not be necessary. The surface soil on the site of the dam should be removed in order to make a tight joint between the natural earth and the embankment. Surface soil should not be put on the side of the embankment next to the water. SIZE OF RESERVOIR. If an attempt is made to store all the water that may flow the res- ervoir should have capacity to hold 75,000,000 to 100,000,000 gallons of water for each square mile of land draining into it, the amount depending largely on whether the drainage area is quite rolling, rather flat, or Sandy. Very little water would come off of sandy land. LAND TO BE IRRIGATED. The amount of land that can be irrigated safely in ordinary culti- wated crops will be about 1 acre for each 500,000 gallons capacity in the reservoir. This gives fair allowance for seepage and evaporation. This would give four irrigations 3 inches deep. The amount of water required to cover 1 acre 1 inch deep is about 27,000 gallons; 3 inches, 81,000 gallons; four irrigations, 324,000 gallons. As is frequently the case, if the floods come in May or June and the water is used in July and August the above allowance for seepage and evaporation is too large. If alfalfa is to be irrigated the allowance should be increased to at least 750,000 gallons per acre. 30620–No. 158–05—22 338 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. WINDMILL PoweR. The State of Texas has almost every possible condition in depth of wells. In a few places water can be had at 10 feet, and in different places at every depth down to 400 feet. To pump from these greater depths for irrigation, with any thought of competing in products with other localities, is out of the question. Where, however, fresh vege- tables are properly appreciated water may be drawn from consider- able depth in order to have them. The depth from which water may be drawn and produce a profit depends very largely on local condi- tions. There are points where garden products are sold at three to five times what they bring at other places. There are many places where water may be had in sufficient quantity at depths less than 100 feet, where irrigation from wells would be very desirable. It is the custom where wells of large producing capacity are found to do the pumping by steam or gasoline engine power. Where the supply is rather limited the windmill is used. To use the windmill successfully storage reservoirs are necessary. The two or three months of irriga- tion occur in the time of least wind. If there was as much wind dur- ing the irrigating months as in the others even then not over one-fourth of the year's pumping could be utilized. As it is, certainly not over one-sixth is used. To meet this difficulty storage is resorted to. The following table will give some idea of the water that may be pumped by a windmill, the size of earth tank or reservoir to hold it, and the number of acres it will irrigate. The speed is assumed at thirty strokes per minute: Quantity of water pumped, size of tank or reservoir, and area that may be irrigated by 'windmills. In One year ;§ º Pumped [*. Area it to hold year's Water per stroke. iñº º ... williºri supply. hours. half time gate. e Area. Depth. Gallons. Galloºms. Acres. || Acres. | Feet. 1 pint------------------------------------------------- 5,400 972,000 2 # 6 1 quart ----------------------------------------------- 10,800 | 1,944,000 4 J. 6 # gallon ---------------------------------------------- 21,600 3,888,000 8 2 6 # gallon ---------------------------------------------- 32,400 5,832,000 12 2 9 1 gallon ---------------------------------------------- 43,200 7,776,000 16 2 12 The horsepower of different sizes of modern-geared windmills, rated in a wind of 15 miles per hour, is as follows: Horse- power. 8-foot--------------------------------------------------- ** * * * * 0.35 10-foot------------------------------------------------------- . 65 12-foot------------------------------------------------------- 1. 10 14-foot------------------------------------------------------- 1. 65 IRRIGATION IN westERN TEXAs. 339 While these figures represent the horsepower of mills in a 15-mile wind it is rare that a mill is given even one-fifth of that amount of work to do. It is desirable that they should run in light winds. Generally they will accomplish more in that way than if arranged to pump a large quantity. The chief point of interest, however, to the irrigator is that by the storage of the water during the windy part of the year, when usually no irrigation is done, the area of land that can be irrigated is increased several times over what can be secured with- out storage. This calls for earth tanks. These tanks for clear well water require special treatment to have them hold water. Flood water running into a tank carries with it plenty of sediment that has the effect of making the tanks nearly water-tight. The clear water from wells in most places seeps away quite rapidly. To make them hold the bottoms and sides are well tamped when wet (better when water is over it). This should be repeated every year or two in many places. Complaints were frequently met of reservoirs having held well for a time and then commencing to leak. The large amount of underground water within a reasonable dis- tance of the surface makes the Staked Plains a place where windmill power for irrigation has room for large development. The winds probably are stronger and more constant than in any other part of the State. With ample tanks to hold the water over to the irrigatin season a large part of these plains can be irrigated. - ALKALI. The presence of alkali in some localities led to a number of requests for aid in freeing the soil from its injurious effects. All haye observed that alkali appears on the surface in dry times and none is seen after a wet period. The first rain that comes dissolves it and takes some of it down into the soil as far as the moisture goes. More rain takes it down farther. If there is sufficient rain and a subsoil that will let it down the rain will soon carry all the alkali out of reach. Such, however, is not the condition in localities where irrigation is a necessity. The rains cease when the alkali has been carried down only a short distance; dry weather begins, evaporation from the surface goes on, and in a short time all the rainfall is evaporated. The water goes into the air and leaves all the alkali on or near the surface. This suggests that if water enough is applied and there is drainage under- neath to let it down the alkali can soon be taken out. Hence, in prac- tice, tile drains are put in alkali soils and water applied sufficient to cause the water to run through the tiles. All the water that goes through the soil and out through the drains takes with it some alkali. It is necessary to keep the water applied only until enough alkali has been washed out to permit a good growth of vegetation. That will 340 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. take more or less time, according to the amount of alkali and the con- dition of the soil. Some alkali soils are very close and permit only a very slow movement of the water, and considerable time will be required to do the work. Such tenacious soils will improve in con- dition when the alkali is taken out. . These conditions determine to some extent how near to each other should be the lines of tile. Thirty- three feet is as far apart as they should be to get the alkali out in a reasonable time. They should be at least 3 feet deep, and with suffi- cient fall to allow the water to run freely in them. The ordinary regulations for tile drainage are all applicable for alkali drainage. The same process applies to all kinds of alkali or salt. PUMPING PLANTS IN TEXAS By C. E. TAIT, Assistant in Irrigation and Drainage Imrestigations. PLANT OWNED BY W. J. ALDERSON, NEAR KATY, TEX. The equipment of this plant consists of a 25-horsepower engine, 9 by 12 inch cylinder, a portable boiler, and a 5-inch vertical centrifugal pump belted to the engine. The pump is submerged 14 feet in a 6 by 6 foot pit with 2-inch cypress curbing. The lift at starting is 48 feet. The well has 8.25-inch casing with strainer made of perforated pipe wrapped with wire and gauze (fig. 48). Eight rows of 1-inch holes FIG. 48.-Strainer. were drilled around the pipe in which the vertical distance between holes was 4 inches. One-half-round sticks were then placed between the vertical rows of holes and secured by wrapping with No. 12 gauge wire with a pitch of 0.5 inch. Wire gauze is placed over this and soldered. The one-half-round sticks and wire wrapping hold the screen at a slight distance from the surface of the pipe and the entire area of the holes is available. When this plant was visited the owner was placing additional length of strainer at the top of the first strainer, after which the well casing was to be withdrawn enough to expose the entire strainer. This was done because it was believed that the upper portion of the water-bearing stratum would be in contact with the new strainer and increase the supply to the well. The fuel used was oil. The water was used to irrigate 100 acres of rice. 341 342 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. * PLANT OWNED BY JOHN COPE, JR., NEAR KATY, TEX. Mr. Cope has a 35-horsepower portable engine; a 5-inch vertical centrifugal pump belted to the engine with quarter turn in belt. The pump is in a pit, submerged 2 feet. The lift at starting is 33 feet. Oil is used for fuel. The well has 8.25-inch casing with 75 feet of strainer like that used on the well of W. J. Alderson, just described. At first only 35 feet of strainer was used, but in order to increase the supply of water 40 feet of strainer of a smaller diameter was tele- scoped below by the use of the sand bucket. The pit is 6 by 6 feet, curbed with 2-inch cypress. The water is used on 86.5 acres of rice. During the first irrigation of the season about 5 acres per day is covered. The water in the well is drawn below pump to an unknown depth. It usually requires over a week for it to regain its original level. PLANT OWNED BY A. E. DORN AND L. E. RECTOR, NEAR KATY, TEX. This plant consists of a center-crank 75-horsepower engine with two 66-inch band wheels running at 170 revolutions per minute, a 100- horsepower stationary return-flue boiler, and two 5-inch vertical cen- trifugal pumps. Each pump is connected to two wells in the same pit, one of the wells in one pit being 220 feet deep with 40 feet of strainer and the other 100 feet deep with 35 feet of strainer. In the other pit one well is 150 feet deep with 35 feet of strainer and the other 80 feet deep with 15 feet of strainer. The engine is placed between the two pumps, and belts extend in opposite directions from the two band wheels on the engine to the pumps. The distance between centers is 50 feet; the size of pulleys on the pumps 12 inches. One pump is sub- merged 6 feet and the lift at starting is 50 feet. The owners believe that very little was gained by sinking two wells so near together in the same pit. If the two pumps are used alternately the water in one well rises while the other one is being drawn upon. The water is used on 170 acres of rice. The strainer used consists of well casing having 0.5-inch holes and wound with galvanized iron or copper wire with a pitch suitable to the coarseness of the sand and gravel in which the strainer is to be used. The wire instead of being round is of a special form so that the spaces in the winding are smallest at the outside, and any particle entering will easily pass through and not wedge in to clog the slot (fig. 48). The water enters at any point and travels to a hole in the casing, thereby increasing the usefulness of the strainer. § {} - - TPUMPING PLANTS IN TEXAS. 343 PLANT OWNED BY J. C. REXR0AT AND J. H. CHAPMAN, NEAR ...' BROOKSHIRE, TEX. This plant consists of a 45-horsepower engine, cylinder 10 by 15; a 60-horsepower stationary engine burning wood, and a 93 pitless pump with 60 feet of shafting and 3 impellers in water. The well has 10-inch casing, is 93 feet deep, and has 35 feet of strainer. When the well was first used the strainer filled up with sand to a depth of 12 feet. This was removed by the use of the sand bucket. The lift at starting is 5.5 feet. The estimated discharge is 350 gallons per minute. The pump requires no pit and consists of a head supporting a shaft which is dropped into the well casing. The shaft carries impellers, similar to an auger, which rotate at high speed in small stationary cylinders. These cylinders are “lined up” with the shaft and not with the well casing. The water is used on 76 acres of rice. In 1904 water was first applied on July 26. The rice was at this time about 18 inches high but very thin and could hardly be seen for weeds. The field was mown and when water was applied the weeds were killed, leaving a fair stand of rice. PLANT OWNED BY JOHN GASNER, NEAR BROOKSHIRE, TEX. Mr. Gasner has a 54-horsepower gas engine and a 5-inch vertical centrifugal double-suction pump. The lift at starting is 52 feet. The well is 137 feet deep, and has 10-inch casing with 47 feet of strainer. The pump was placed in a pit 6 by 6 feet, curbed with 2-inch cypress. A 6-inch pump was at first used, but it was thought that the 54-horse- power gas engine did not furnish enough power to run it and when the plant was visited the owner was replacing the 6-inch pump by a 5-inch. A 32-horsepower traction engine had been used in sinking the well and this engine was tried with the 6-inch pump. The owner believes it furnished more power than the 54-horsepower gas engine. When using oil for fuel 0.1 gallon per horsepower hour was required, and when using distillate 0.125 gallon per horsepower hour was required. Mr. Gasner expects to irrigate 210 acres of rice and had made two other 10-inch wells, one 142 feet deep and the other 152 feet deep. Both had 45 feet of perforated pipe without any wrapping. PLANT OWNED BY W. J. METTLER, NEAR STILSON, TEX. Mr. Mettler has a secondhand sawmill engine, with 12 by 20 inch cylinder, running at 120 revolutions per minute, 72-inch band wheel; a secondhand sawmill stationary boiler using 60 pounds steam pres- sure; and a 93-inch pitless pump with 10-inch pulley and 30 feet of Qº is 344 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, shafting. The well has 10-inch casing and is 450 feet deep, having a strainer of perforated pipe wound with wire. The cost of the well was $1,485, or $3.30 per foot. The cost of engine, boiler, pump, and fittings was $1,100. Total cost of plant was $2,585, or $17.83 per acre. At first irrigation the plant waters about 8 acres in twenty-four hours. The lift at starting is 12 feet. The estimated discharge is 350 gallons per minute. When this plant was visited the engine was running at a varying speed on account of the improper working of the governor. Water is used on 145 acres of rice. - PLANT own ED BY M. B. SAPP, NEAR STILSON, TEX. Mr. Sapp has an 18-horsepower gas engine, a 4-inch vertical centrif- ugal pump, and a well 400 feet deep, with strainer of perforated pipe wrapped with wire. The lift at starting is 15 feet, the estimated dis- charge 400 gallons per minute. Mr. Sapp has another plant, consisting of a 35-horsepower second- hand engine, a secondhand stationary boiler, and a 6-inch vertical centrifugal pump. Oil is used for fuel. The lift at starting is about 15 feet, the estimated discharge 700 gallons per minute. PLANT OWNED BY HILL-BROWN RICE LAND AND IRRIGATION COMPANY, NEAR STILSON, TEX. This plant consists of a 25-horsepower gas engine and a 6-inch ver- tical centrifugal pump. It requires 1.75 barrels of gasoline per day for fuel. The lift at starting is 13 feet, and the pump is submerged 7 feet. The water, together with that from another plant belonging to the company, is used on 250 acres of rice. The engine runs at 210 revolutions per minute, and when visited was exploding each revolu- tion. The cost of the plant was about $2,500. The company has another plant, consisting of a 35-horsepower engine, a portable boiler, and a 6-inch vertical centrifugal pump with double discharge. The well has 10-inch casing, 240 feet deep. The estimated discharge is 450 gallons per minute. The lift at starting is 14 feet and the pump is submerged 26 feet. 7. The pump is a variation of the vertical centrifugal pump, which is placed in a steel pit 30 inches in diameter. An auger is placed at the bottom of the steel pit, and before the pump is placed in it the pit is lowered into the ground around the well casing by the jet process of sinking wells. The casing is then cut off inside and the pump is then lowered to the bottom of the pit. The bearings on the shaft are inclosed in and held by a 4-inch pipe. The pump has two discharge outlets on opposite sides of the center. At first the pit was utilized as a discharge pipe, but it was found that some wells would fill it with sand and cover the pump. Water or oil is put into the 4-inch pipe PUMPING PLANTS IN TEXAS. 345 inclosing bearings to lubricate the shaft. The pit is designed to be used where quicksand prohibits the sinking of an ordinary pit for centrifugal pumps. . . PLANT OWNED BY D. M. CAFFELL, NEAR STOWELL, TEX. Mr. Caffell has a 16-horsepower traction engine, steam pressure 130 pounds, speed 220 revolutions per minute, and a pitless pump with 30 feet of shafting. The band wheel on engine is 42 inches in diameter and is belted to a 14-inch pulley on a jack shaft. The jack shaft car- ries a 30-inch band wheel, which is belted to a 10-inch pulley on pump shaft. If there were no slip in the belts this arrangement would give the pump a speed of 1,980 revolutions per minute. Eight barrels of oil is required for fuel in twenty-four hours. The water is used on 90 acres of rice. The well is 310 feet deep and at times gives an artesian flow. The estimated discharge of pump is 500 gallons per minute. The pump requires no pit, and is similar to the pump belong- ing to Mr. Rexroat, except that the impellers rotate in the well casing instead of in small stationary cylinders. The speed must be very high and the impellers are usually badly worn by the well casing, which is sometimes crooked. PLANTS OWNED BY TEXAS LAND AND IRRIGATING COMPANY, NEAR STOWELL, TEX. Well No. 3 belonging to this company is fitted with an 8.25-inch pit- less pump and an 18-horsepower traction engine, which runs at 200 revolutions per minute. The band wheel on the engine is 40 inches in diameter, the pulley on the pump shaft 8 inches in diameter. The well is 540 feet deep, and has 91 feet of strainer made of perforated pipe covered with woven-wire gauze. This well gives salt water, but when used with that from other wells the water does not damage rice. The estimated discharge is 250 gallons per minute. A vacuum pump was first used on this well, but it was unsatisfactory. Well No. 4 is fitted with a pitless pump and is 210 feet deep. Well No. 5 is fitted with a centrifugal pump and is 180 feet deep. Both of these pumps are run by a 45-horsepower engine, 10 by 16 inch cylinder, with a speed of 150 revolutions per minute. The band wheel on engine is 48-inch, and the pulley on the pump 8-inch. The estimated discharge of well No. 5 is 200 gallons per minute. The cen- trifugal pump has not been satisfactory and will be replaced. Well No. 1 is fitted with a 6-inch vertical centrifugal pump. Well No. 2 is fitted with a pitless pump. Both of these pumps are run by a 40-horsepower engine, 10 by 14 inch, speed 200 revolutions per minute. The band wheel on engine is 40-inch, the pulley on the pump, 8-inch. Steam for both engines is supplied by two portable boilers. - > s &- ** *... 346 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. ... .º Steam for the engine is piped a distance of 360 feet. The pipe is laid. on the surface of the ground, is wrapped with tar paper, and the whole boxed. It is found that this gives a great loss. The two boilers’ require 30 barrels of oil per twenty-four hours. ar ... • The five wells of the company supply water for the irrigation of 540. acres of rice. All of the wells are flowing at certain seasons of the year, but after pumping has continued for a time the water level in the wells is drawn about 20 feet below the surface. s PRICES. A pit for a centrifugal pump made near Katy, Tex., is claimed to have cost $3,000 on account of the trouble given by quicksand. The pit was begun in 1903, but was not completed until 1904. A pit for a vertical centrifugal pump was made near Stilson, Tex., which cost $500. It was the intention to make the pit 27 feet deep, but quicksand was encountered and the work was given up when it was lowered to a depth of 20 feet. The price charged for sinking 8-inch wells at Katy, Tex., is $4 per foot, with pipe and strainer furnished by the well driller. When two wells are made at the same place, the price is reduced to $3.75 per foot. The price charged for sinking wells and furnishing the casing and strainer at Stilson, Tex., is $3 per foot. It was not learned whether the amount of strainer is limited in these or not. Mr. W. H. Weller, near Brookshire, Tex., has had six wells made on his farm, but none furnished enough water to make pumping worth the while. Pumping plants are operating successfully on all sides of his farm. The first well was made by a well driller who guaranteed to make a well that would supply 600 gallons per minute, for which he was to receive $600 and $1 for each additional gallon per minute. A second well driller made five wells under the same agreement, with no better results. The best of the six wells furnished only about 100 gallons per minute. Four-inch vertical centrifugal pumps sell for $68 to $80 in Houston. Pitless pumps with 20 feet of shafting cost $250 for 8.25-inch wells and $275 for 93-inch wells. Each additional 10 feet of shafting costs $25 for 8.25-inch wells and $27.50 for 93-inch wells. Six-inch pumps with steel pits and all fittings cost $378 in Houston, Tex., the pump alone costing $125. The strainer when wound with iron wire costs $4 per foot for the 93-inch size and $2.70 per foot for the 6-inch size. When copper wire is used $1.50 per foot is added. º s r & # *; *_{... . . š ºš’’. . . . . . º ^s • . §. PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON gº º IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. § *Notº–Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are not available for distribution. sºul. 236, Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. Pp. 64. § §uſ. 38. Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries. Pp. 80. § **- * } ** *S 3. * -** * sº #uiº, 60. Abstract of Laws for Acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River :: * º gº 3. *. *. & * : º tº: ge *ś ... and its Tributaries, with the Legal Forms in Use. Pp. 77. § ‘....Buk Y9. Water-right Problems of Bear River. Pp. 40. *, * * * * *y-, *, *. * { * ge *śBulº.78; Irrigation in the Rocky Mountain States. Pp. 64. ,- # , º $ -º-, * : * ~~~~ --- * ; wº te •º g * tº § ºul. 81. The Use of Water in Irrigation in Wyoming. . Pp. 56. sº : Bul: 86, The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 253. - *** -...---e. " . …?" * * º * gºal. 87. Irrigation in New Jersey. Pp. 40. **. *. * ºs, Bul. 90. Irrigation in Hawaii. Pp. 48. i. ;3. SBul. 92. The Reservoir System of the Cache la Poudre Valley. Pp. 48. §: sº l, 96. Irrigation Laws of the Northwest Territories of Canada and of Wyoming. sº _2 - Pp. 90. -- º * ... Bul...100. Report of Irrigation Investigations in California. Pp. 411. §: -Bul: 104. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 334. sº: “Bul: 105, Irrigation in the United States. Pp. 47. ** * Bül. 108. Irrigation Practice among Fruit Growers on the Pacific Coast. Pp. 54. ź. º: Bul. 113. Irrigation of Rice in the United States. Pp. 77. fº. Buł. 118. Irrigation from Big Thompson River. Pp. 75. sº. Bul. HI9. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901, Pp. 401. sº. --Bul, 124. Report of Irrigation Investigations in Utah. Pp. 330. º: Bul: 130. Egyptian Irrigation. Pp. 100. ~x- * , ºr Bul. 131. Plans of Structures in Use on Irrigation Canals in the United States. Pp. º, . . . . . 51. º: ul, 133. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1902. Pp. 266. * *> # Bul. 134. Storage of Water on Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers. Pp. 100. sº - šs _*Rul. 140. Acquirement of Water Rights in the Arkansas Valley, Colorado. Pp. 83. sº Biłł. 144. Irrigation in Northern Italy. Part I. Pp. 100. * **** 3. +3* ** * * ... r *…* ; * *** *:::::: .* BüI, 145. Preparing Land for Irrigation and Methods of Applying Water. Pp. 84. r * º Bul. 146. Current Wheels: Their Use in Lifting Water for Irrigation. Pp. 38. *:::::... Bul. 147. Report on Drainage Investigations, 1903. Pp. 62. % £º ‘Bul, 148. Report on Irrigation Investigations in Humid Sections of the United States ºr ... -- in 1903. Pp. 45. ** * º Bul. 157, Water Rights on Interstate Streams. Pp. 116. *...**-K. - J. - & # = sº - brº FARMERS’ BULLETINs. ... sº, **, * ** *::: : evº, * º, Bul. 116. Irrigation in Fruit Growing. Pp. 48. gº. Bul. 138. Irrigation in Field and Garden. Pp. 40. & Bučiš8. How to Build Small Irrigation Ditches. Pp. 28. - *::: Bul. 187. Drainage of Farm Lands. Pp. 40. *w.” rº. ~ ºful. , 46. Irrigation in Humid Climates. Pp. 27. **3* * ~, *x *- º ^, s" *\, ^, *m. \. *. *- ^- * .# & * r" •x. * A *s ** .* * - *-- ~, v. * ~\ Y -- S **** ,-, ** \ * * '** * ~x. rº 2. * ~ * s: - * * * -º- ^ - -* 3 ** $ * > . * & A- • * * * * , * *- * *. ~ *~ * * * * # * *- ^ -- x- -vº’ ----*----ºgęºff,**( , *· ···'';*、**{********>.*rj;“|×*!„~~~ ~~&&*+ ſºſ,}→<;ºr2. *.-*+t{ ***&** §§§§§§**w.º.º &_№_3\ +• ,^•± ¿?, º.z.š. ſº j, . fºv}· *-,!* - §§§ķſ ſaeſ;ș%• §§§§«.*?)( *)$', ' ' : '$'}, *), \'w∞ ∞ -3.* ****** §§§šºļģi Ķī£.); }); , , , , , ſ.º} Ķſ¿. №Źº (*), §§ș”*****4}~}.* = a,* ·** ، ، ، ،§§v +\\* {.* *„***^----****^:**- §§§¿?&§3 ***ºgſåș-, ***;_º * *\,ae ¿šķקſèvº*** ** , , , ),×* * …}ſaeraeºr; §§§§*&*;, &* *! 3�`…, ,*)*× §§§)?'.:%;: 43%,,,,.' ) * ***·*pt،* , § 43. ^ * * **,„. ***_ (* , \, *șæ;çº*«.2ș-~*~«»~rº*yw> ¿?**,… *• º·* }; , !…+ ** * ,v+} §. ****:w#<.\\ + }ſé.^.…--*• Áº ·• , -º .**• * șº,* g� **** }* *|×: */*ș* +)----Q •^e�ș », ș~#~ « »! ••|0 �^■ ■4|× * g*-•-*As 3·? · C =*# Ē Ģ…º~~ });}Ł! 2~,…’ • •••(…»'.…? {/)ť_5Ē· •*.*ºš ~#~*»**ÇÃOQ،.*“ …--«*~º); · · · *· · -° - ° )z º•* * ,*, , , , , .**· · · · ·H - Š* „ ” ( )(, …„ºr$.g ț¢ ', % GA $ 4- t x y 4. r Jº" 3. “, £ i * *y. r *.* • «… *� **ş. № º;+ ***§§ 4. ***·ś}. },& {}** }----•••� , ' 2;3%** ¿" (, , ? » ķžs ·• • ſ ~ ‘Y * , * t tº xº~. *- $º, ». º ºf .* ££, * : º *...* }. º º * ... ** •y * * ~ * 4 -3°. ,” ~~& • **** ... x2", º ; : ~ºy ºr, + ºx º sº &# ºś ~. T ~, * * ** *- $ 3. S. 's gº, **.*, * -ºš §º. ? * * . * , :* *, * **, *, *º. ºś * , bºres senwaerºne or evaeonwºr's rºassº ~~ *# $– * * * * #. “..... -- ~& ºr iº * *†iº.” #. SEPARATES FROM OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT.STATIONSBULiFTſN No.º. .* $. *. s *~ * º, - \ *2 & .* sº-º: * ** *- : º: #. 3. 3. *. ~, *s 3: _^*. t ** * -: ~ …” y * * “, s: < * N. : : ; º * ** - † ‘g * . * , *Y - .*** "ºf *: 's º ...” 3. %. *:::: w rº º ‘. . . . . . SEPARATÉ No. 1: . . . ." § 3 ; ; ; ; ; ; 2& 3. y *** * - 3. * ** : , $3..…”. *. * i Y *:: se “ ** *} ** º, §: .# ***'. sº §§ } Review of the Irrigation Work of the Year 1904. By R. P. Teele, Pp. Tºš. sº x- * A 's J. ^, sº ~€..". º *. N f * *- * * , ‘. rº ‘. 3. %. <, ¥3. 2. º * sº , SEPARATE No. 2. * * * * > ...º.º. §,”; y -- *. * & ! ^. # ‘’’- º * …). # #23; * %. */ - !, & * …, x, ** * * * * • *, Irrigation in Santa Clara Valley, California. By S. Eortier. Pp. 76–91. ºf ſº ºft. * . § º ry ; A: sº. & * Mechanical Tests of Pumping Plants used for Irrigation. By #, N. Le Conte. Čºp, l, , " * . t * * r;". ſº 195—255. 3. , * > . . . . . . . . . . . ~. *~~ * *. * ** • * : * * * * * * * sº. ^, Uſ ºv. . P. #3 * *- f SEPARATE NO. 3. ^, -- sº * : #. ... *.8% A. * ^ *. • * & * ... • ~$325. The Distribution and Use of Water in Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts, Căl-3% ifornia. By Frank Adams. Pp. 93–139. * *, J. : … . . . . Relation of Irrigation to Yield, Size, Quality, and Commercial Suitability. of Fruits. . . . By E. J. Wickson. Pp. 141–174. , * * ' ' ' - 2, ** **s, .** J -: Irrigation Conditions in Imperial Valley, California. By J. E. Roadhouse. Pp. . . . . <, - S ** * $ * 2, “ ; : * *.* 175 194. & \ º A ' ... * 23 º- A 3. i. { --- * *. £ 3 º, t SEPARATE No. 4. * , ' ' ' - a * * ~, ** ... “A ; : *%. Irrigation in Klamath County, Oregon. By F. L. Kent. Pp. 257–266. . . "... f Irrigation Investigations in the Yakima Valley, Washi ngton, 1904. By O; L. Waller. &e Pp. 267–278. ^ . . ~ * - . . . . Irrigation Conditions in Raft River Water District, Idaho, 1904. By W. F. Bartlett, ', Pp. 279–302. * 3. -º-, SEPARATE No. 5, gº .. * A. Irrigation Investigations at New Mexico Experiment Station, Mesilla Park, 1904. . . By J. J. Vernon. Pp. 303–317. ~ * . . . . Irrigation Investigations in Western Texas. By Harvey Culbertson. Pp. 319-340. > Pumping Plants in Texas. By C. E. Taiu. Pp. 341–346. - * * § * * 2 * *~ * , .* s: SEPARATE No. 6. - T - ** `- : * ~ * te tº * * * g & * -- § 3. 3) * s , Irrigation in Southern Texas. By Aug. J. Bowie, jr. Pp. 347–507. w * * S. Ç. *~. * A- N-- _j. * * re- * . * * SEPARATE No. 7. 4.- - - - . . . Rice Irrigation in Louisiana and Texas in 1903 and 1904. By W. B. Gregory. Pp. ... . 509–544. $ * -- sº . Rice Irrigation on the Prairie Land of Arkansas. By C. E. Tait. Pp. 545–565. ºf *= 3. x * 34”. “. S , » %. SEPARAfE No. 8. . . . . . . . . ) # ^- ^ rº. --- º, ** . *, Irrigation Experiments at Fort Hays, Kansas, 1903 and 1904. By J. G. Haney. Pp. 567–583. * * -- , ºr - " . . Irrigation near Garden City, Kansas. 1904. By A. B. Collins and A. E. Wright... . . Pp. 585–594. * --- - , Pumping Plants in Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas. By O. V. P. Stout. Pp. 595-5. ... # a . ... 608. , * - . . . . . . . . .” Irrigation near Rockyford, Colorado, 1904. By A. E. Wright. Pp. 609–623. & lsº f The Irrigation and Drainage of Cranberry Marshes in Wisconsin. By A. R. Whitson, º, § Pp. 625–642. ) #. $2 * $ ſ º : º º { ºf . * ~ * * ** # . * * *—- SEPARATE No. 9. ` * . . . . . . . . . . * ~~ A. § *y ** 4* \. *: & ſ Report of Drainage Investigations, 1904. By C. G. Elliott. Pp. 643-743. . . . . . º * - , , , , ; II, C & X , - - & t-2′, ſº * …. -- ^ r * 3. * Y. *s 2’3. * * ~. …r * & A. ..º. --, ,< *, * 7. -º- * * , ſº • * . . . . A- J-ºr *. g ‘. * # g: '' * x, º: $ * *—s. 34 .* * * ; : *...* 3'' * . s • * r * * A * { < 3 -. *. -A, -" * -: ~ * - '', f ...} • * * S. ~ *... *. *: * -º- *~~~ 2.8 * 34.3° “r, # • 2 --" - ^r * , “…, -&- * , « ºf . º. '', # & , t * * • * > → *.S. .*. ~ 2. - N ‘. ~ ; , , ...— . . . . .”. ... . -3ºr & º sº - *. w s & * > $. º § 3. §º &- º & %3. ENGINEERİive LIBRARY & -2 & U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, & 6 ° 9 OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, A. C. TRUE, DIRECTOR. ANNUAL REPORT OF 4. IRRIGATION AND DRAINA (+E INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, # TONDER THE DIEECTION OF ELWOOD MEAD, CHIEF of IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs. SEPARATE NO. 6: IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. By AUG. J. BowTE, Jr., Agent and Expert in Pumping Investigations. [Reprint from Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin No. 158.] WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. OFFICE OF EXPERIMIENT STATIONS. A. C. TRUE, Ph. D., Director. .E. W. ALLEN, Ph. D., Assistant Director. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. ELwooD MEAD, Chief. C. G. ELLIOTT, in Charge of Drainage Investigations. S. M. WooDwARD, in Charge of Irrigation Investigations. R. P. TEELE, Earpert in Irrigation Institutions. C. J. ZINTHEo, in Charge of Farm Mechanics. SAMUEL ForTIER, in Charge of Pacific District. F. C. HERRMANN, Expert in Irrigation as Related to Dry Farming. II * *. 4× $. 3 - Zºe - $3, C O N T E N T S. Page. District included in report ------------------------------------------------ 347 Rainfall in Texas--------------------------------------------------------- 347 Uses of land and acreage-------------------------------------------------- 349 General topography ------------------------------------------------------ 351 Soil --------------------------------------------------------------------- 352 Water supply ------------------------------------------------------------ 352 Rivers---------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - * * * 352 Lakes --------------------------------------------------------------- 354 Wells---------------------------------------------------------------- 354 Artesian districts----------------------------------------------------- 355 Springs -------------------------------------------------------------- 356 Dams---------------------------------------------------------------- 357 Method of boring wells ----------------------------------------------- 357 Strainers----------------------- ---------------------------------- 358 Cost of boring---------------------------------------------------- 362 Fuel--------------------------------------------------------------------- 364 Water conduits in use ---- ----------------------------------------------- 368 Wooden flumes ------------------------------------------------------ 369 Wooden pipe -------------------------------------------------------- 370 Concrete construction------------------------------------------------- 372 General conditions of labor ----------------------------------------------- 372 Detailed description of irrigation plants - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 373 Cuero --------------------------------------------------------------- 373 Victoria ------------------------------------------------------------ 377 Creeks----------------------------------------------------------- 382 San Antonio --------------------------------------------------------- 384 San Antonio Sewage ---------------------------------------------- 396 San Antonio River ----------------------------------------------- 399 Beeville ------------------------------------------------------------- 402 Corpus Christi and Alice---------------------------------------------- 411 Alice ------------------------------------------------------------ 416 South of the Mexican National Railroad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 416 Kenedy ranch---------------------------------------------------- 419 Armstrong ranch ------------------------------------------------- 420 El Sauz ranch---------------------------------------------------- 421 Lasater ranch ---------------------------------------------------- 422 Rio Grande Valley --------------------------------------------------- 423 Cienegas Springs ------------------------------------------------- 427 Eagle Pass ------------------------------------------------------- 427 Laredo and vicinity ---------------------------------------------- 430 Hidalgo to the coast ---------------------------------------------- 435 Nueces, Frio, and Leona rivers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------- 444 Nueces River----------------------------------------------------- 444 Frio River ------------------------------------------------------- 447 Lakes near Carrizo Springs---------------------------------------- 457 IV CONTENTS. Detailed description of irrigation plants—Continued. wº" Nueces, Frio, and Leona rivers—Continued, Carrizo Springs -------------------------------------------------- Pearsall --------------------------------------------------------- Altgeld ranch ---------------------------------------------------- Tests of pumps and irrigation plants --------------------------------------. Summary------------------------------------------------ .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Area and crops------------------------------------------------------- Methods of irrigation ------------------------------------------------- Duty of Water-------------------------------------------------------- Labor and cost of irrigating - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Crop returns--------------------------------------------------------- Onion culture -------------------------------------------------------- Reservoirs ----------------------------------------------------------- Artesian Wells-------------------------------------------------------- Pumped Wells-------------------------------------------------------- Pumping plants------------------------------------------------------ Pumping ------------------------------------------------------------ Method of arriving at cost ---------------------------------------- Practical points on increased efficiency of plants-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. PLATE W. Map of Southern Texas------------------------------------------ VI. Fig. 1.-Sidehill work on Del Rio canal. Fig. 2.-Reenforced con- crete pipe in course of construction, Del Rio can al - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEXT FIGURES. FIG. 49. Strainer with holes, showing lower part filled with sand - - - - - - - - - - - - 50. Open-bottom well properly put down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51. Open-bottom well improperly put down-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52. Strainer covered with copper wire ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53. Strainer covered with copper wire and gauze- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54. Strainer covered with trapezoidal wire- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55. Cost of wooden stave pipe ---------------------------------------- 56. Cost of wooden stave pipe ---------------------------------------- 57. Plan of current wheels belonging to Mr. Klein, San Antonio, Tex . . . 58. Section of San Antonio Sewage ditch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59. Map of Corpus Christi Bay ----------. ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60. Cross section of reinforced concrete pipe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61. Bed irrigation --------------------------------------------------- 62. Section of Brownsville canal -------------------------------------- 63. Section of Nueces River bed ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64. Plan of Taylor dam, Nueces River, Tex- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65. Regulating gate for laterals --------------------------------------- 66. Furrow irrigation in Texas --------------------------------------- 67. Hydrant in use at New Braunfels, Tex - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. By AUG. J. Bowie, Jr., Agent and Expert, Irrigation and Drainage Investigations. DISTRICT INCLUDED IN REPORT. The district of Texas included in this report lies south of the line through Del Rio, San Antonio, and Port Lavaca, with the addition, however, of the upper Nueces and Frio River valleys. Unless stated to the contrary, statements are intended to apply to that district alone. (Pl. W.) RAINFALL IN TEXAS. The following table is taken from the Monthly Weather Review for April, 1902, and comprises all available and reliable data the Weather Bureau had pertaining to rainfall in Texas: Rainfall in Teacas. Record. Average * Elevation Station. Latitude. º: above Sea, J Years º & level. From- TO— inclu- R.§ sive. * O / O / Feet. Inches. Abilene ---------------------- 32 23 99 40 1, 738 1885 1901 16 24. 22 Amarillo --------------------- 35 13 101 50 3,676 1892 1901 10 21.55 Austin------------------------ 30 16 97 43 650 1856 1901 37 33.51 Brenham --------------------- 30 02 96 02 350 1885 1901 12 38. 30 Burnet ----------------------- 30 56 98 01 1,395 1889 1900 9 28.62 Eagle Pass. ------------------- 28 39 I00 30 S00 1849 1901 28 23.06 Corpus Christi---------------- 27 49 97 25 18 1846 1901 14 26. 28 Cuero------------------------- 29 03 97 09 177 1883 1901 10 33.76 Dallas ------------------------ 32 55 96 38 466 1889 1901 9 33. 22 El Paso.----------------------- 31 47 106 30 3,762 1850 1901 38 8.84 Fort Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 50 97 57 57 1850 1901 28 25. 52 Fort Clark-------------------- 29 17 100 25 1,050 1852 1901 28 21. 87 Fort Concho------------------ 31 55 100 17 1,950 1872 1889 15 23. 70 Fort Davis-------------------- 30 40 104 07 4,700 1855 1891 20 18. 10 Fort McIntosh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 29 99 31 460 1849 1900 34 19. 05 Fort Ringgold. ... ------------ 26 27 98 47 230 1849 1901 38 19.80 Fort Stockton . . . . . . . . . . . . --. 30 50 102 35 4,952 1859 1899 14 16. 10 Fort Worth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 43 97 15 670 1849 1901 8 34.32 Fredricksburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 20 98 45 1,742 1877 1901 17 28.32 Galveston -------------------- 29 18 94 50 54 1868 1901 33 48. 13 Houston ---------------------- 29 48 95 19 53 1882 1901 12 45. 20 Mount Blanco. --------------- 33 55 101 01 |------------ 1886 1901 13 15. 33 Palestine --------------------- 31 45 95 40 510 1882 1901 19 44. 14 San Antonio. --- - - ----------. 29 27 98 28 701 1849 1901 31 28.41 Waco ------------------------- 81 35 97 08 424 1867 1901 14 34.80 Weatherford . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- 82 57 97 57 864 1882 1901 8 30, 80 The monthly distribution of precipitation at Corpus Christi between the years 1887 and 1904, also a summary of the highest, lowest, and mean temperatures during this time, as prepared by Joseph L. Cline, observer of the United States Weather Bureau, are given in the table following. 347 348 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Monthly and annual precipitation. Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. ||Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. * I? Im. Im. Im. 70, Im. Im. Im. Im. Im. Im. In 1887-------------|------ 0.17 | 1.61 | Trace. 1.26 3.80 || 0, 10 || 2.84 || 9, 24 || 2, 99 || 0, 66 5.07 | . . . . . . . . 1888------------- 1.91 || 3. 50 2.99 || 1.45 | 8.72 5.46 2.25 2, 16 7.25 | 2.91 || 8, 64 92 48. 16 1889. ------------ 5. 47 3.61 || 3.24 | 1.06 || 4, 21 || 2.96 , 50 | 8.00 12. 69 48 3, 91 14 41. 27 1890------------- 3. 84 2.01 | 1. 67 | 1.36 | 2.40 || 3.22 .99 || 1.81 1.07 2.47 87 | 1, 80 23.01 1891----- - - - - - - - 2.85 . 31 2.18 2, 14 38 | 1.68 | 1.57 | 6. 31 4.65 12 2, 53 91 25.63 1892- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. 14 | 1,09 | 1, 10 26 | 1.95 . 62 | 1.15 || 2.78 2.04 || 1.23 5. 55 | 1.70 20.61 1898-- - - - - - - - - - - - 5.91 6. 27 12 42 || 3.22 | 1.27 . 49 06 | 1. 14 25 | 1.28 07 20. 50 1894- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 59 | 1.59 66 5, 10 | 1.63 | 1.23 || 4, 87 || 7, 65 3.00 14 01 64 28. 11 1895- - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 || 3.49 | 1.43 2.41 || 5.57 3.80 , 00 | 1.17 | 1.68 1.08 || 4, 14 25.72 1896. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 41 || 2, 20 62 1, 60 | 1.94 2, 19 2, 38 53 4.39 || 4. 12 30 73 23.41 1897- - - - - - - - - - - - 2. 57 06 | 1.61 83 2.28 1, 81 , 00 || 3. 24 98 || 3.79 11 | 1.08 18, 36 1898-- - - - - - - - - - - - 69 1.00 || 2, 74 2.41 | 1.83 || 2.44 | . 43 |Trace. 2. 33 51 || 3.61 | 1.33 19. 32 1899. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 36 | 1.08 29 || 3.04 || 1. 16 || 4.07 | .43 00 2, 48 7.34 2.84 1.87 26.96 1900. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 42 1, 10 || 2.32 2.07 || 2.74 . 77 5.85 5.48 || 2. 13 2.01 25 2. 16 29.30 1901. - - - - - - - - - - - - . 75 | 1.3 07 45 | 1.39 1, 00 | 1.30 2.53 7. 15 42 66 17. 50 1902- . . . . . . . . . --- 2. 14 2. 07 18 41 3.05 | 1.44 49 Trace. 3.63 | 1.93 3.91 2.34 21.59 1903. . . . . . . . ----- 1, 16 5, 81 || 7, 69 84 || 2, 25 | 6.48 || 6.87 | 1.84 . 89 | 1.74 56 79 36.92 1904- - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 | 1.37 -----|-------|------|------|------|-------|------------|------------|-------- Averages - 2.22 || 2.11 | 1.80 1, 52 | 2.70 || 2.60 | 1.75 | 2.44 3.93 | 1.97 2.31 | 1.33 26.68 Summary of temperature at Corpus Christi, Teac., 1887–1904. An- Temperature. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. nual o F. o F. of o F. o F. of of of of of of of". of Mean ------------- 55.9 58.i | 63.9 || 70.5 75.8 80.1 | 81.9 81.9 || 79.1 | 72.9 | 64.1 57.9 70.2 Highest - - - - - - - - - - 84 88 96 || 92 || 96 || 97 98 || 98 || 97 || 91 89 || 86 98 LOWest ----------- 16 || 11 28 44 44 || 59 68 || 65 || 54 || 42 30 20 11 Similar data for Brownsville between the years 1850 and 1891 are given in the following table: Rainfall at Brownsville (Fort Brown), Tew. Year. Jan. | Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. * Im. Im. Im. Im. | Im. Im. | Im. I’m... Im. | Im. | Im. | In 70, 1850------------- 4, 30 || 3.80 || 2, 30 || 0.05 || 2, 20 || 0.06 | 1.16 0.01 || 0.25 5.79 || 0.69 || 0.15 20. T6 1851------------- 95 || 1, 20 40 | 1.15 90 2.35 | 3.65 | 1.80 5, 60 || 4, 10 || 3.00 || 4. 70 29.80 1852. ------------ 50 60 35 | . 00 || 4.05 || 5.05 70 3.90 8.50 4.9 , 90 | . 00 29. 50 1853------------- 00 | 1.60 00 2.20 10 | 1.70 00 || 3. 10 8.00 7, 75 | 1.30 . 65 26. 40 1854. - - - - - - - - - - - 45 | 1.50 | 1.15 .05 || 4.10 || 7.65 4.25 | 5.00 11.31 5.79 || 7.47 | 1.88 50.00 1855- - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.47 || 4.83 || 3.03 | . 00 | 1.92 || 10.47 7. 58 9.52 9.44 5. 77 || 3.85 . 92 60, 80 1856.------------ 3. 18 | 1.80 | 1.50 .88 || 2.05 3.25 | 1.90 | . 58 3.25 5.75 | 1.45 , 55 26.14 1857 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 35 2.30 | 1.15 00 50 || 3.25 | , 65 || 4 65 || 4, 65 55 2, 55 20.70 1858-- - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 50 85 07 | . 00 | 1.00 || 5, 15 70 2.45 5. 77 2.75 45 3.67 24.36 1860-------------|------|-------|------|------ 05 00 19 || 8.00 | 9.07 | . 57 | . 15 2.23 - - - - - - - - 1869-------------|------|-------|------|------|------|-------|------ 2.46 |10, 50 | 1.20 | . 10 |......!... --- - - 1870. -- - - - - - - - - - 1. 60 00 . 00 . 90 00 | 1, 00 75 . 10 || 2.53 1.00 . 70 .30 8. 88 1871------------- 90 00 30 | . 10 || 3. 40 . 78 40 | 1.40 2.80 8.50 1.77 .05 20.40 1872------------- 05 00 | 1.64 | . 82 27 | 1.78 | 1.92 || 4.19 || 4.56 || 3.61 | 1.60 | 1.92 22.42 1873. ------------ 00 15 47 | . 59 96 . 43 | 1. 10 | 1.98 |15. 35 2.81 | 1.71 2.10 27.65 1874. ------------ 86 | 1.48 || 1.90 | .30 | 1.34 || 1.50 2.81 30 |10, 96 . 48 || 4.76 | . 16 26.85 1875- - - - - - - - - - - - - 56 || 3.72 | 1. 62 . 05 | 1.45 . 16 40 || 2, 25 || 4, 20 | . 50 2, 35 | . 10 17, 36 1876------------- 10 | 1.03 | .98 | . 00 4.36 | 1.26 2. 10 97 || 8.85 | .22 2.43 || 3. 51 25.81 1877------------- 1.27 | 7.99 | . 51 | . 14 | 1.05 .95 90 | 1.52 | . 69 3.33 | 1. 21 6. 32 25.86 1878------------- 3.67 63 4.15 1.25 2.96 . 74 6.58 7. 20 | 5. 21 | . 86 | 1.76 | 1.34 36.35 1879------------- 1.03 || 1.03 .33 1.57 | . 05 || 2.55 1, 59 || 9.48 |11. 64 4.70 | . 14 62 34. 73 1880------------- 3. 87 | 1.06 | . 58 .01 | 1.56 | 1.03 || 3.64 16.58 | 1.90 3, 82 || 3.44 58 38. 07 1881------------- 2.73 | 1.18 . 20 ! .30 3.43 | Trace. 1.49 || 3.01 || 5.02 || 8.72 3.74 | 1.92 31. 74 1882------------- 2.95 | 1.24 3. 54 | 1.63 7.07 | 1.69 70 2.21 2.68 || 3. 19 || 3.28 2.38 32.56 1883. ------------ 1.22 | 1.01 . . 63 .38 . 83 || 5.66 4.02 | 1.97 || 7.74 | 1.65 3.32 2.59 31.02 1884------------- 1. 10 | Trace. . 07 . 57 5.86 2.74 . 23 | . 88 8.96 |15. 71 3.46 | 1.33 40.91 1885------------- 3. 87 2, 52 | 1.54 . 67 || 7.17 . 54 .22 || 2.06 3. 55 | 8.27 . 20 | 1.20 31.83 1886------------- 1.81 | 2.33 | 1.15 17 | 6. 57 7.78 4.88 3.08 |30, 77 | . 55 .48 69 60.06 1887------------- 2.87 07 || 3.94 || 13.80 33 || J. 45 15, 65 |16.27 1.70 || 4, 89 59.87 1888. ------------ 1.98 || 1.09 2.31 4.79 | 1.77 2.95 | 1.30 .95 7.47 | 2.05 || 4.99 93 32.58 1889------------- 2.72 || 3.27 3.61 2.69 | 1.26 || 4.43 50 7.03 || 7. 44 20 | 1.44 .02 34.61 1890. -----------. 69 | 1.23 14 5.48 || 3.33 2.32 || 3.97 1.51 | 1.51 || 3.67 1.32 | .38 25. 55 1891------------- 1.65 78 1.70 || 2.36 | . 29 00 3.00 2.47 l.-----|------|------|------|-------- Mean - - - - - 1. 59 | 1.61 | 1.32 93 || 2.42 2.91 2.04 || 3.36 || 7.30 4.35 2.05 | 1.64 31, 52 U. S. DEPT. of AGR., BUL. 158, office of ExPT. STATIONs. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION8. | = &w PLATE V. ºzzºz.lºs Kerry/eº A JD S º wº She <=x. * Ry § {\ & Zºe. APro /////: 5, N4 AP OF SO UT H E R N TEXAS O 5 10 20 j6 */0 Jø 6 (2 70 8.0 90 /ø0 **@* G O º § A/&75.5/772/7° s^*&^34%\s-A scºs\}ºnescº A l, O Xº, º Lº ..~" Žaragorza, y” /5/270/ '5%Joseo/? /5/5/20/ 24/745//sºs. Ažss ZMøsſø/22 /s/.5/7a, 7 H & tº CR ºf 5 PE TE Rs co was H 1 NCrow p c IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 349 Figure 44 (p. 319) is a map of Texas showing the general distribution of the rainfall and giving mean average values of the same for the different districts into which the State is divided. The rainfall is heaviest in the coastal country, particularly toward the eastern part of the State, whereas in the western part it is comparatively light. At Galveston the average rainfall is about 48 inches per year, while at El Paso it is less than 9 inches. From an irrigation standpoint the State may be divided into three parts: (1) the eastern part where there is ample rainfall for crops without any necessity for irrigation; (2) a large portion of the central and southern parts which may be called semiarid, where irrigation is a decided aid though not a necessity, and (3) the western or arid por- tion where irrigation becomes almost necessary. As will be seen from the tables the rainfall is very uncertain in its distribution. Although in many places the annual rainfall is suffi- ciently great for the needs of the land, still, owing to this uncertainty, irrigation becomes of great advantage. Besides increasing the value of crops even in good years, the insurance against failure of a crop is a matter of the highest importance and any additional outlay for irri- gation is usually considered as money spent to good advantage. The results from the Beeville Experiment Station show most strikingly the advantages which are to be derived from suitable irrigation of land in comparison with land relying upon the rainfall. They show also the comparatively small additional cost for irrigation and greatly increased returns. (See pp. 404–406.) While irrigation was practiced for many years by the Spaniards in Texas, still it is only within the last few years that capital has been invested in enterprises of this nature. USES OF LAND AND ACREAGE. For a number of years Texas has been essentially a cattle country, and as it is now the cattle business may be regarded as the most important in the State. Cattle men figure that it takes 10 to 15—usu- ally 15—acres of land per head of cattle with wild feed. On such a basis it is apparent that when land becomes of value some more profit- able use must be made of it than raising cattle. Some of the more progressive of the cattle men have already realized the possibilities of irrigation and have invested considerable money in such work. Among the majority of them, however, there is a strong tendency to be backward in this respect and a diffidence about entering a field with which they are not familiar. As an industry, cotton growing is second in importance to cattle raising. Enormous acreages are devoted to it. Being what is usu- ally considered a dry-weather crop, requiring little moisture, it has been grown successfully for a number of years in many parts of the 350 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. country. The ravages of the boll weevil in the past year, however, have done almost incalculable harm to the cotton crop and this pest is rapidly spreading over the whole State. The necessity of finding some more remunerative use for the land is in consequence just beginning to be felt. The following is an estimate made by a cotton grower of the cost of growing cotton per acre: Rent -------------------------------------------------------- $4.00 Plowing ----------------------------------------------------- 1.00 Planting----------------------------------------------------- . 50 Four cultivations--------------------------------------------- 3.00 Two hoeings ------------------------------------------------ 1. 25 Total -------------------------------------------------- 9. 75 For land yielding one-third of a bale to the acre, the following addi- tional charges should be made per acre: Gathering --------------------------------------------------- $3.33 Ginning ----------------------------------------------------- . 83 Loss in Wrapping--------------------------------------------- .45 Total -------------------------------------------------- 4. 61 Cost per acre------------------------------------------------- 14.36 Cost per bale of 500 pounds ----------------------------------- 43. 08 One thousand pounds of seed per bale obtained from the gin brings $5 to $8. At this rate of yield of one-third of a bale per acre cotton, selling at $40 per bale, would hardly pay expenses. Obviously the greater part of the expenses shown here is independent of the yield. . In order to obtain the best results and make a commercial success, larger yields must be obtained. The importance and beneficial results of irrigation are at once apparent in attaining this end. The following is an estimate of the cost per acre of farming unirri- gated corn land: Plowing ----------------------------------------------------- $1.00 Rent -------------------------------------------------------- 4.00 Planting ----------------------------------------------------- . 50 Three cultivations -------------------------------------------- 2.25 Total -------------------------------------------------- 7. 75 In order to raise crops which are a financial success, irrigation in the greater part of the State may be said to be almost a necessity. Of the lands in smaller holdings which are irrigated at present, the greater part are devoted to truck raising. Alfalfa has been raised to only a very limited extent, and will bring on an average about $15, a ton. Corn is quite extensively grown, and generally without irrigation. The yield of corn is not at all what might be expected, and more care- ful farming and proper irrigation should make a great increase in the output. Sorghum is another crop raised extensively; ribbon cane, IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 351 however, is grown to a rather limited extent. Johnson grass is raised in many places for hay. It causes a great deal of trouble throughout the country, being most difficult to keep out of the fields. From a financial standpoint remarkable returns have been made from growing Bermuda onions, which is a comparatively new industry in Texas. The yields due to intensive farming have been exceedingly large, and the profits have seldom been equaled in farming. On one 40-acre patch $27,000 was realized for a year’s crop; on another 13-acre patch, $9,000. It must not, however, he assumed that these figures represent average conditions or that such enormous profits can con- tinue. Onions are rather an expensive crop to grow; still, owing to the success of the last year much new capital is being invested in this industry. Land has increased in value at a remarkable rate in many parts of Texas, solely owing to the benefits and possibilities of irrigation. Land which a few years ago could be bought for almost nothing is to-day selling at $15 to $20 an acre. This is the condition at present existing along the lower Rio Grande. The opening up of that section of country by irrigation has led to two lines of railroad being built— one which runs from Robstown to Brownsville, 160 miles, and the other, the “Sap,” has already been built from Alice to Falfurrias, a distance of some 40 miles, with the intention of continuing to Brownsville, although work on the same has been temporarily suspended. Prop- erty on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande has also advanced very materially, and in all probability a line of railroad will soon connect Matamoras with Monterey. Brownsville, a city of some 6,000 inhab- itants, which has hitherto been practically cut off from communication with the outside world, being thirty-six hours’ stage ride to the near- est railroad station, is now in a state of boom. The effects of irriga- tion here have been far reaching, and by no means has growth in values been confined to land alone. GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY. South and southeast of the Southern Pacific Railroad, between Del Rio and San Antonio, most of the land is of a gently rolling character, flattening out as the coast is approached. (See map, Pl. V.) Within 20 to 50 miles of the Gulf coast the land is generally level, and hence is most suitable for irrigation on a large scale. Mesquite, which is the principal wood in this section, is found in almost every part of the country. It is principally used for fuel owing to the small size and crooked shape of the trees. The country north of the Southern Pacific, near Uvalde, gradually rises to the mountains which start in the southern part of Uvalde County. The valleys of the Rio Grande and of the Guadalupe 352 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. f River, near the coast, are the largest irrigation fields at present de- veloped. Further inland the valleys grow narrow and the irrigable territory lies in smaller areas. SOIL. It is not uncommon to find almost every known class of soil within a very small area. There is, however, an unusually large percent- age of rich black soil throughout the country, particularly where it has been enriched for years by leaf-loam. In the valley of the Rio Grande the soil is largely alluvial, composed of deposits formed by the river, which has evidently changed its channel many times. The large irrigation field of this river extends from about 75 miles upstream down nearly to the coast. The land near the coast is strongly alkaline, although it loses this quality to a considerable extent farther upstream. Some degree of apprehension has been felt over the possible effect this might have upon vegetation. The de- posit formed by the river is widely varying in character, depending upon the part of the country from which the river water has come. The soil tends to crack open when it dries and requires a large amount of water for irrigation, having no impervious substrata within easy reach. Going north from the river everywhere within 100 miles of its mouth the soil suddenly changes from alluvial to a black sandy loam covered with a heavier growth of mesquite, show- ing quite clearly the demarcation of the land which has evidently not been under water for a long period. This land is at present practically uncultivated Save for a few scattered farms owned chiefly . by Mexicans. No attempts at irrigation have been made, the land nearer the river receiving first attention. At the time the writer passed through this country, about the 1st of June, all the corn, which is the principal crop, was burning up for lack of water. e North of this belt of black sand land, which is some 20 to 30 miles broad, the soil changes to sand. The mesquite disappears and the only timber to be seen is scattered groups of oak trees. This char- acter of land continues for some 50 miles and extends back some 60 miles from the coast. North of this the land changes to a black waxy and black Sandy character, with a fairly dense growth of mesquite. WATER SUPPLY. IRIVERS. The Guadalupe and Rio Grande are the main rivers in the terri- tory under consideration which may be relied upon for irrigation throughout the year. The Guadalupe River is regarded as one of the best streams in Texas for a continuous supply of water. Above IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 353 Cuero it has a drainage area of about 5,000 square miles. One of its main tributaries is the Comal River at New Braunfels, which is fed entirely by springs about a mile distant from the point where it flows into the Guadalupe. The San Marcos River, which flows into the Guadalupe below New Braunfels, is also one of its large tributaries. At Cuero the river is dammed to obtain power for an electric station which will be described later. The flow at this point when the river was exceptionally low has been estimated at 550 cubic feet per second. The Rio Grande is subject to very sudden changes in volume and discharge, changing from a few thousand to 40,000 or more cubic feet per second and back to where it started within a very few days. According to Mr. Mendiola, engineer of the Mexican Government, from observations made near Brownsville, while the minimum flow of the Rio Grande is 1,100 cubic feet per second, the maximum dis- charge is 36,000 feet per second. Under the latter conditions the elevation of the surface of the river above tide water is 45 feet. The maximum surface velocity is 6.3 feet per second. The corresponding discharge of solid matter as measured by Mr. Mendiola is 538 cubic feet per second, being about 1.5 per cent. While the water was com- paratively free from sediment near the surface, near the bottom it was practically running mud. The midstream discharge was 7,900 cubic feet per second and the Solid matter discharged was 42.5 cubic feet per second, slightly over 0.5 per cent. During these conditions the elevation of surface of the river was 36 feet and the maximum sur- face velocity was 3.4 feet per second. The average ground elevation near Brownsville is 42.7 feet, the ground being highest at the bank. The Nueces River is one of the largest streams in this section of the country. It rises in Edwards County in the mountains and flows in a southeasterly direction into Corpus Christi Bay. It drains an immense section of country, but, in spite of this fact, during the dry season there is very little, if any, water to be obtained from the river. There is always considerable flow in the river in the mountain district which becomes particularly apparent where the bed rock is near the surface and the natural flow consequently makes its appearance. The channel of the river through the mountains is filled with rock and bowlders many feet deep. At one place on the river South of Mon- tell in Uvalde County, where in all probability the larger part of the flow came to the surface, a measurement of the water made by the writer the latter part of August, 1904, showed a flow of 35 cubic feet per second. At the point where the measurement was made there was also undoubtedly considerable underflow. Farther down the stream the water disappears entirely in the bed of bowlders. At numerous points along the Nueces River irrigation plants are located 80620–No. 158–05—23 354 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. using small quantities of water, but without storage it would be unsafe to go into irrigation on a large Scale, depending upon such a supply. The Frio River has its source in Edwards County and flows south- west into the Nueces. This, like the Nueces, has also a flow of water the year round in the mountains, although the flow usually disap- pears farther down, except in time of wet weather. From an irrigation standpoint the river next in importance is the San Antonio, which has its source a short distance above the city of San Antonio and flows in a southeasterly direction into San Antonio Bay. Its headwaters are supplied by springs which evidently de- rive their supply from the same source as the artesian wells near San Antonio, since the flow of the river has decreased materially since these wells have been put down. The San Antonio River receives a considerable increase of flow from the creeks running into it, as well as from springs and seepage from the banks. A few irrigation plants are also located along the Leona River, as well as along several of the other smaller creeks and streams. LAKES. Lakes are not numerous throughout the country, the chain of lakes through Zavalla and Dimmit counties being the most important in that part of the State. These are, however, of comparatively small capacity and will be discussed later. WELLS. The wells in the neighborhood of San Antonio are among the best in existence, the water being found as a rule in caverns in the rocks. The flow from the wells is limited only by the friction in the casing, and is hardly affected by friction in the ground itself. The strata of water-bearing sand generally found in other parts of the district in question as a rule offer considerable resistance to the flow of water, owing to the fineness of the sand. The majority of the wells through- out the State obtain their water from strata of Sand, though in many cases water is also found in the porous sand rock, where the flow is generally not great. Very few strata of good coarse sand and water- bearing gravel are found. However, some of the country in Uvalde County, where the various rivers issue from the mountains, has good indications of considerable possibilities in the way of pumped wells. The water flowing near the heads of these streams sinks into the ground farther on, apparently flowing through strata of coarse gravel, which would furnish an excellent supply for wells. As yet almost nothing has been done to develop this supply. The water- works well near Uvalde is an excellent indication of the possibilities in this direction. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 355 Many strata of salt and alkaline water are encountered in well- boring which would be totally unfio for irrigation purposes. The general slope of the country is southeast toward the Gulf, and the water strata also slope in the same direction, being on a steeper grade than the surface of the land. The result of this is that in order to tap the same stratum of water the nearer the coast the deeper are the wells, but at the same time the greater are the possibilities of obtain- ing an artesian flow. Alkaline artesian water has been obtained in many places, but owing to this quality the wells have been abandoned. The artesian district in Texas is unusually large and a great deal of money has been invested in boring wells in attempting to find arte- sian water. There seems to be a remarkable fascination about the idea of obtaining water in this manner without pumping. While of course this is highly desirable, still the fact should not be lost sight of that it would be well to investigate the possibilities of obtaining good pumped water, and further, that the expense of an artesian well, usually great, may not justify the expenditure where the flow is small. ARTESIAN IDISTRICTS. There are four distinct artesian districts already discovered in southwestern Texas: (1) San Antonio and vicinity; (2) King, Ken- nedy, Armstrong, and LaSater ranches; (3) Carizzo Springs district, and (4) wells near Inez and in the country near Port Lavaca. The artesian field near San Antonio has rather a limited area, but from the water-supply standpoint is superior to any of the others. A 12-inch well bored by the waterworks at San Antonio delivered 6,000,000 gallons per day at the ground level. A static pressure of 40 feet in this well was all used up in overcoming friction in the 600 to 800 feet of casing, according to both figures and actual measure- ments, as will be described later. Mr. Judson of the San Antonio waterworks devised a unique and interesting method of measuring the flow of water in this well. A bottle containing an aniline dye had attached to its stopper a dynamite cartridge which could be set off by electricity. This was placed a given distance down the well and touched off. The explosion blew the stopper out of the bottle, liber- ating the aniline dye, which then was carried up by the stream of water. Time was taken by a stop watch and the period which elapsed between the firing of the cartridge and the appearance of the dye at the surface was noted. The length and size of pipe being known, the velocity of the water and hence the rate of flow was deter- mined. Some of the wells near San Antonio are situated at too high a level to flow without pumping. The static level of the water in the ground appears to be practically uniform for the artesian area, which in 356 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. itself indicates that there must be very free and open communication in the underground passages through which the water flows. The depth of the cavities in which the water is found in the rock varies from 6 inches to 13 feet. Some of the wells, however, which are bored where the rock strata are more dense, obtain their water from the porous formation of rock, and the flow into these is of course limited, owing to the friction in the ground. The most extensive artesian belt in Texas is found in the lower por- tion of Nueces County and in the northern parts of Cameron, Hidalgo, and Starr counties. The known artesian territory runs about 100 miles north and south and 50 miles east and west, starting about 19 miles south of Alice and running practically to the coast. No arte- sian water has been obtained at Alice, the elevation being too high. About 19 miles south of Alice the first artesian wells are to be found. These, however, are of small flow, owing to the low head. Going far- ther south the wells increase considerably in their flow as the level of the land falls off. Wells in this district are usually started with about 6-inch or 54%-inch casing, and will vary in flow from 50 to 300 gallons per minute, and are 100 to 1,500 feet deep. Artesian water is found in fine brown sand beds, varying in thickness from a few feet to 40 feet. The Carrizo Springs artesian district is 32 miles long by 8 miles wide, running northwest and southeast. The wells in the Southeast- erly part have the greater capacity and are deeper, varying in depth from 300 to 800 feet. The casing is 5% inches to 10 inches in diame- ter at the start. The average flow will vary from 40 to 300 gallons per minute, only about two wells in this part of the country exceeding this limit. Near Inez, on the Keeran ranch, there are several Small artesian wells, from which flow can be obtained at a depth of 50 to 300 feet. About Edna and Louise there has been considerable development in artesian wells, but this is outside the scope of these investigations. Artesian wells of limited capacity are also to be found in the northern part of Refugio County. At Encinal, Laselle County, artesian wells have been put down, which, however, have very small output. Near Pleasanton there is also a small artesian belt. SPRINGS. The headwaters of San Antonio River have their sources in springs. In the city of San Antonio are also the San Pedro springs, which supply water to an irrigation ditch. The springs of the Comal River at New Braunfels have already been mentioned. Some of the largest springs in this district are near Del Rio. The water from these is utilized for irrigation by the Del Rio Irrigation Company. One of the springs has a flow of about 40,000 gallons per minute and IHRIG ATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 357 another about 15,000 gallons per minute. Two miles west of Del Rio are also the Cienegas springs, with a capacity of 2,500 gallons per minute. Some distance to the east of Del Rio, on the Southern Pacific road, are also other springs owned by the Del Rio Irrigation Company, which supply water to Pinto and Sycamore creeks. IDAMS. Very little has been done as yet with the storage of water by dams. Numerous small dirt dams have been erected in the past to store water for cattle, but, being provided with insufficient spillways, most of them have washed out. There are only two dams of any impor- tance for irrigation purposes, one of which is near Port Lavaca, owned by Ross Clark, and an earth dam about 0.5 mile long and 8 feet high, details of which will be given later (p. 383). This was first laid out with a spillway which consisted of merely a cut in the clay bank. A heavy rain cut this out so badly that all the water retained by the dam was lost. After this experience the cut was filled in with earth and a wooden spillway arranged in the center of the long embankment. This dam is thrown across the mouth of a draw, and receives its water from rainfall alone. The other dam is on the Nueces River, near Carrizo Springs, and was constructed by J. S. Taylor. It is a rock-filled crib dam with earth backing, which raises the water 28 feet, and serves in part for storage and in part for elevating the water sufficiently to irrigate the land without pumping. (See p. 456.) There are several places where dams could be constructed to excel- lent advantage to catch the run-off from the land. The rainfall is sufficiently great to be made of much benefit in this manner, as a fairly large annual average can be safely relied upon. However, one of the Imost important considerations in the erection of dams is the provision of an ample spillway, the necessity for which is particularly brought out by the heavy rains which are liable to occur. Many schemes have been made for the construction of shallow reservoirs in certain parts of the country where the high rate of evaporation in the summer months would of necessity preclude their construction. METHOD OF BORING WIELLS. Hydraulic rigs are greatly in favor for well boring in Nueces County and in the country farther south, where the strata are for the most part Soft and little rock is encountered. Considerable speed may be obtained with the hydraulic rigs now in use, and wells are put down at very moderate cost. The method generally employed is to use a straight bit, which will bore a hole slightly larger than the casing, the bit being driven by about a 2-inch pipe. Attached to the 358 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. upper end of this pipe is a swivel joint. The weight of the bit and drill pipe are taken in part by ball bearings supported from above. The pipe terminates near the bit in two small holes, each of which is pointed, so that a stream of water which is forced down the pipe will play on the cutting edge of the bit. A pump supplies a constant stream of water to the well through the drill pipe. The same water is caught again where it overflows the top of the well and used con- tinuously for pumping. In order to prevent caving of the sand beds through which the wells pass, this water is saturated with clay and penetrates a considerable distance into the water strata, thus walling them off and preventing undue leakage of the water which is pumped down the well. It is customary to raise the drill pipe a few feet at night on ceasing work. Unlike many systems of well boring, it is not necessary to continue work day and night. A pressure gauge is attached to the supply pipe leading to the drill pipe, indicating the water pressure therein. By the way in which the drill turns, as well as by the sudden change in Water pressure in the gauge, the driller can tell when he strikes artesian water. After the completion of the hole the casing is let down, and usually a strainer of some kind is after- wards put down through the casing. With a 6-inch well in the ordi- nary strata encountered, sand and clay, a crew can make from 20 to 40 feet of hole per day of twelve hours. The log of the well is told in part by the material brought up by the clay water and in part by the movements of the drill rod. However, when a well gets to be of any material depth it is usually a matter of fifteen minutes to half an hour before the material from the bottom is carried up by the water, and this, coupled with the fact that it is mixed in with the heavy clay water, would be apt to place Some doubt on the results obtained. This method of drilling, while applicable to soft strata, is entirely unsuited where much rock is encountered. In other sections of the country the ordinary drop drill is commonly used, together with a sand pump for removing the débris. Still another method of drilling is to put a heavy steel shoe with saw teeth on the bottom of the casing, which itself is revolved. Water is forced down the casing through a swivel joint and comes up on the outside, carrying the cuttings with it. This has been used successfully where very hard rock formations have been encountered, but is rather an expensive method. STRAINERS. The following strainers have been used in wells: The most com- mon sort is a piece of pipe of a size to fit inside the casing, 20 to 30 feet long with one-half inch or three-eighths inch holes drilled in the part penetrating the water-bearing stratum (fig. 49). The holes are usually spaced about 2 or 3 inches apart in the circumference of the IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 359 pipe and from 6 inches to 1 foot between the rows of holes. The bottom of this strainer is landed in clay at the lower side of the water- bearing stratum and the top projects up into the casing of the well. Sometimes the space between the casing and the strainer is plugged up, but usually this is not done. The idea of putting in a strainer smaller than the well is in order to pull it out should it become stopped up. As a matter of fact, it is apt to be quite difficult to do this, and consequently the result is mainly to restrict the area of the pipe and cause additional resistance to the entrance of water. Many of these strainers were originally covered with thin copper gauze over the holes. This, however, was not usually successful, the gauze being very weak mechanically and apt to stop up. Strainers of the kind referred to above can not properly be classed as strainers and the well will partake more of the nature of an open- bottom well. Obviously, with one-half or three- - eighths inch holes no º v strainer action against sand will be possible. The sand will fill up the lower º part of the casing and ſ % O O the water will issue into . | . the casing through the E. S. E==== upper holes only, the ve- =========|o.3 E=== locity through the lower jºi===#2; E=====< holes being insufficient to ; §:#; §: =#: t carry the sand off. §: § Some wells in Nueces ;|:::#; County were put down % * , }hº without strainers, and, as a gener al rule, alth ough FIG. 49 —Strainer ***.ºwns lower part filled the bed of clay above the artesian sand was exceedingly thick, yet the clay was of such poor qual- ity or else the casing of the wells were put down in such a way that caving ensued and the wells became more or less plugged up. This is not the universal experience, however, in that section of country and may be attributed to the fact that the casing was stopped at the wrong point, being too low down in the water-bearing stratum, instead of being stopped at the surface of the same. The result of this would be that the well would throw an enormous amount of sand and there would be increased possibility of caving. This may be seen by reference to figures 50 and 51, in which figure 50 represents a well casing stopping at the top of the stratum, showing the pool which will form underneath in the sand, and figure 51 represents a well with the casing too far down, showing the large amount of Sand which must 360 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. p be thrown out in the natural course of the flow of the well. Figure 49 represents the conditions of the strainers above mentioned, showing the method in which the bottom would fill up with sand and merely the top holes be useful for admitting water to the casing. Of course, were the clay to cave there would be more possibility of stopping up the bottom of the casing itself if small than numerous small holes inside, some of which would still throw wa- ter, but the fact remains that the use of this kind of strainer is not more liable to prevent caving than the use of 3, open-bottom wells prop- #:#; erly installed, although § it may prevent the to- *- / * tº e & e * s: *.*: g • * ~ * • * * * * © tº º e º • * § tal plugging up of the § well in event of caving. §: It would certainly be § §º advisable to put more FIG. 50.-Open-bottom well properly put down. holes in these strainers, especially near the top of the water-bearing stratum, in order to cause less throttling to the entrance of water. Strainers have been used to a limited extent which have been made up in the following manner: A piece of pipe was drilled with many small holes, and copper wire was then wrapped tightly around it, the convolution being wound as close as possible and soldered in four or five places on the outside circumference in lines parallel to the axis of the pipe, as shown in figure 52. The use of these strain- ers, it is claimed, gave good results. Another form of strainer was made by utilizing a similar piece of pipe with drilled holes. Copper wire was then wrapped around the pipe, leaving an interval between the convolutions, and over this bräSS wire gauze was used which was soldered in a similar manner in longitudinal rows (see fig. 53). This is also said to be effective. A new form of strainer recently brought out is made by taking a joint of pipe, drilling holes in the same, and wrapping the pipe with special copper wire of trapezoidal shape, as in figure 54. A small space is left between the convolutions of the wire, which is soldered FIG. 51.-Open-bottom well improperly put down. t IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 361 in longitudinal rows to give it increased strength. The wire is wound with the shorter leg of the trapezoid inside and the longer leg outside, the result being a taper opening for the water to pass through, so that particles which start to go into the casing will, in all probability, continue through. This appears to be founded on the correct principle, although its practical use will have to be judged by experience. - There are certain points which should be š combined in a successful strainer as follows: # (1) It should be of such mechanical strength that it will not be injured in being put down the well or by possible action of the water on the same. (2) It should have openings which increase in size toward the inside of the strainer in order that particles of dirt which start through the opening will be carried all the way through and will not plug up the holes. (3) While its openings should be of sufficient size to admit the water, still they should keep out the sand, Or at least allow a FIG.52-Strainer covered with sufficient quantity of copper wire. the coarser sand to work around the strainer to serve as an adjunct to the strainer itself. (4) It should present as little resistance as possible to the entrance of water. In order for this condition to be fulfilled the strainer should of course be of as large a diameter and as long as possible. The re- sistance to the flow of water from the well is what limits the output of the well, be it arte- sian or pumped. This resistance is made up in part of friction in the pipe, which can be figured from the length of the casing; in part of friction in the entrance to the casing, , and in part of friction in the ground lead- ing to the casing. The first is dependent upon the size of well used; the Second on the strainer and the diameter and length thereof, as well as on the nature of the ground immediately surrounding the same, and the third on the quality and thickness of the water-bearing S g s copper wire and gauze. 362 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. strata. The coarser the sand and gravel the greater the ease with which the water will be transmitted and the better the indications for wells, other conditions remaining the same. COST OF BORING. The cost of well boring in Nueces County, where the strata are soft and hydraulic rigs are used, is about $1 per foot without casing, for 6-inch wells up to 1,000 feet. In the vicinity of San Antonio 12-inch wells up to about the same limit cost about $7 per foot, casing in- cluded. In Refugio County, where the strata are exceedingly hard and hydraulic rigs which revolve in the casing are used, the cost is about $1 per inch diameter per foot up to 1,000 feet. Thus, a 12-inch well would cost complete about $12 a foot, including casing. In many parts of the country 6-inch wells are bored for about 50 cents a foot up to 100 feet. In sinking a deep artesian well it is almost universally the case that many strata pervious to water are passed through. In some of these the hydrostatic pressure will be insufficient to cause the wells to flow, and hence, provided a free passage is formed between strata of dif- ferent pressure or between a pervious stratum which has no water and another stratum wherein the water stands above the level of the pervious stratum, there will be, of course, a flow from the stratum of higher hydro- static head into the other stratum. Provided the hydrostatic head of highest value is re- duced by flow down to the head of other - -> ... strata in connection, there would be no ex- **.*.*.* change of water. Provided the hydrostatic head of highest water pressure is lowered still further, water will flow into the well from the other strata, which here will become useful in supplying water to the well, whereas in the first case considered they would be of a decided dis- advantage because of the leakage of water between strata, which is consequently lost. This exchange or leakage of water between strata of different pressures is apt to be a matter of considerable moment in case of wells. Provided the hydraulic level of the water enter- ing the well is above the hydraulic level of various strata encoun- tered, then it is obviously important to cut off both from the well casing and from communication outside the casing all strata with too low hydrostatic pressure. The most effective and in fact prob- SSSS SSS § N WN Cº N N É ſº N R SN bº N W º N N N N i SS N | ſ § Rº N N ` N § º-3 *> º º N Y |...] N N º 㺠# N W N Fº º-E H N Ş º | | § PS E. § N # = | | - |. N § N e-S º 2 == Ná º ğı | g §: | º - s: É N N ſº § § N N Fº N § ſº N § : | N º-º | IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 363 ably the only way to accomplish this result is to make sure that the well casing has a water-tight joint between itself and the ground in Such a way as to shut off all undesirable strata. It is perhaps an open question as to how much the clay or other strata in a well will close in around the easing if the same has been loosely set therein. Pro- vided there were no constant flow of water tending to keep the chan- nel open between the casing and the clay, the latter would undoubt- edly sooner or later settle in and make an absolutely tight joint. But with considerable pressure difference between two connecting water strata it is quite possible that there may be considerable leakage of water which will keep up continuously. As evidence bearing on this question may be mentioned the fact that in the oil fields in various parts of the country many of the wells have been ruined by leakage of water into the oil owing to the drillers not having landed the casing properly and shut off communication between different strata. Nor is this action apt to be confined to one well. There are cases on record where entire fields have been greatly damaged by wells badly put down, the leakage of water into the oil of one well coming up in other wells. That this same thing will occur in artesian wells, causing possibly serious loss of water, there can be little room to doubt. The quantitive value, however, is a thing which there is little means of judging. Suppose the hydrostatic pressure in the artesian stratum is sufficient to elevate the water 10 feet above the ground level and that the water pressure due to some of the strata through which the well has to pass is such that the water stands 50 feet below the ground surface. Then there would be 60 feet differ- ence of pressure, with the well shut off, between the two water strata, water tending to cause the artesian stratum to flow into the other. With the well flowing, if indeed it did flow, owing to the loss of water in the ground not being too great, suppose that 5 feet static pressure are necessary to account for the flow in the well pipe and into the casing and that the other 5 feet pressure are lost in the ground due to friction of the water flowing to supply the well and the leakage. Then there will still be a difference of 55 feet static pressure, tending to cause an exchange of water between the artesian and the other water-bearing stratum. It would certainly appear that this had a fair chance of keeping the channel open on the outside of the casing and preventing the clay closing in around it, as it should do in order to get full benefit from the well and cut off the harmful effects of leakage. It has been reported to be the experience in many parts of Nueces County that the closing down of wells by throttling or shut- ting off entirely the supply, if continued for any length of time, will diminish the quantity of water which the well is capable of throwing when opened wide. This may be due either to settlement of the sand in the bottom of the well or possibly to changes in the strata through 364 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. which the water is passing, due to decreased flow, or else the increased pressure at the bottom of the well will cause an enlargement of the leakage area on the outside of the casing. In fact, in certain wells in Texas which have only limited pressure to cause artesian flow, when the well is shut off the water will follow up the casing and even appear on the outside at the surface. In view of these facts it is certainly advisable to use precautions to make a tight joint between the casing and the sides of the well hole. In the country near Carizzo Springs, where a considerable quantity of rock is encountered in the wells, cement has been occasionally used for this purpose, being put down between the well hole and casing. Some precaution of this kind is practically necessary in order to prevent leakage where there is no clay in the well which would make a tight joint with the casing. The supply of artesian water, like the supply of surface water, is of course limited in quantity, and there is every reason why proper precaution should be taken to prevent undue loss and to draw there- from only what is needed. It is perhaps useless to talk economy until the necessity for the same begins to be felt, but the fact remains that it is a matter of public interest to take some means to throttle or shut off the water from wells when the full supply is not needed. The increased demand on the ground supply due to the growing number of wells will sooner or later have its effect on the hydrostatic pressure, and hence on the quantity of water available. - FUEL. The fuels available in Southwestern Texas are coal, oil, mesquite, and oak. Of these, mesquite is the most widely used for irrigation pumping. Roughly speaking, the fuel value of dry wood is propor- tional to its weight. The moisture in the wood, however, which may form a large percentage of its weight, is detrimental to its fuel value. Mesquite, according to figures of the Brownsville Land and Irriga- tion Company, weighs 3,700 pounds per cord. This weight was ob- tained from a cord closely stacked, a condition which may be regarded as not usually adhered to. Mesquite is so plentiful that the supply for the operation of a pumping station is commonly obtained from the land of the owner, in which case the cost of same is figured merely as the cost of cutting and hauling. A large supply is obtained from clearing and grubbing the land, some parts of the country yielding about 10 cords to the acre. In the valley of Guadalupe River consid- erable bottom oak is used for fuel. This wood is regarded as in- ferior to mesquite. - - In the territory investigated oil was used only to a limited extent, the principal companies using it being the Victoria Land and Irriga- tion Company and the Ross Clark plant, near Port Lavaca. Even in IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. 365 the vicinity of San Antonio the use of fuel oil is limited. The water- works station there recently changed from oil and returned to the use of coal. The Beaumont and Saur Lake districts are the principal oil fields of the State. The price of oil at the wells has been subject to wide fluctuations, varying from 8 to 80 cents a barrel. Most of the Texas coal is of the lignite variety and of low thermal efficiency. The table below gives cost and efficiency of several of the grades of coal commonly used in the State. The British thermal units per pound of fuel represent the total heat units available from perfect combustion in that quantity of fuel. However, perfect com- bustion is never obtained, and consequently considerable heat goes to waste. The practical efficiency of a fuel depends on the amount of heat which the boiler is able to extract from a pound of fuel, and this in turn depends on the completeness of the combustion and on the various other factors involving boiler efficiency. The commercial efficiency is not proportional to the British thermal units per pound, owing largely to the variation in the percentages of complete combus- tion. The degree to which the latter is attained is largely dependent upon making the construction of the boiler suitable to fuel that is to be burned. - - In the table the relative boiler efficiency represents the relative efficiencies of various fuels when burnt under a boiler in quantities sufficient to supply an equal number of theoretical heat units. These values, and also the relative fuel values, by weight, are based on the use of fuel for the boilers of locomotives. From what has been said upon this subject, evidently these quantities are approximate, depend- ing on the type of boiler employed, but they still serve as a guide in the selection of fuel. If the plant to be operated is of considerable size the saving in labor of firemen by the use of oil is a point worthy of consideration. - Mesquite makes a very hot fire, and unless proper precautions are taken in the designing of a fire box it is liable to reduce the life of the boiler considerably. 366 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Cost and fuel value of coal. É Analysis of fuel. § # - É sº §§ tº ää # | * t- § 3; ##|35 *::::: *|Quality. Kind. # | #3 |##| 5 || : ă șg|##### 2. rc o | cº-º d ++ # 335| #3 º # * | 35 || 3 | E. ..? d 3 ºf sº sº; O J: o 8 TE O dº dº º 'º q) P- O § P- 5 || 3 || 3 || 3 ||3° F : B | B. T. U. - $1 sº P. ct. P. ct.| P. ct, P. ct, P. ct. per lb. P. ct. P. ct.|Tons McAlester, UBitumi. Jº - X: * t Ind.T. }º § #} ºf & 1 to 2 | toº |1310|| 0 || 0 | 1.0 - Lump 1.85 Lºshina. } do...!. 1.65 |} 40 40 4.5 |3 to 4 || 13 | 11,900 87 || 86 | 1.33 º ; #; Thurber, ſlr = -s ump * * |}Lignite-RM. R.-- 2.05 57 32 1 to 2 1 9'-------------------- 1.33, Tex. } §: 1.00 iº.” ---do ---- #5 *; § l (c) (c) (c) (*) (*) --------|------------|------ agle PaSS, - ump - tº Tex. ..do----|{{...} £55 || 42 35 | 10 4 || 9 || 10,300 | 75 80 | 1.67 Mºde, €Y. Calver t , --do ------------ .90-1.00 ------------|--------------------|--------|------|------ 2.00 TeX. - - Rºdale, ---do---------------------- 37 37 l 18 7 6. 200 45 ------------ €X. Lytle, Tex--|---do ----|--------|---------- 19 60 ------- 13 8 4,800 35 ------|------ Carr -------- ---do ----|------------------ 37 41 1 13 8 6,900 50 ------|------ Laredo, TeX.]---do ----|--------|---------- 39 51 1 2 7 8,500 62 ------|------ a M. R.—Mine I*UIIl. b At El Paso. c No analysis obtainable; about same as Thurber. .” Beaumont crude oil at the wells has sold for 8 to 80 cents per bar- rel of 42 gallons (310 pounds per barrel), the present price being 45 to 55 cents per barrel. Analysis of same shows 84.6 per cent carbon, 10.9 per cent hydrogen, 1.6 per cent sulphur, 2.9 per cent oxygen. The calorific value, B. T. U., per pound is 19,100. The relative calorific value per pound referred to McAlester coal is 1.39 per cent. The relative boiler efficiency is 1.32 per cent. Three and one-half barrels of oil are considered the equivalent of 1 ton Mc- Alester coal. - - Mesquite and oak are the principal woods for fuel. They cost 60 cents to $2.50 per cord. Oak weighs 3,500 pounds per cord and mes- quite 3,000 to 3,700 pounds, depending upon the moisture, the size of the timber, and the closeness with which it is stacked. The calorific value of these woods is about 4,500 B. T. U. per pound. The relative calorific value compared with McAlester coal is 33 per cent. The relative boiler efficiency is 58 per cent. Three cords of oak and 2.8 to 3.5 cords of mesquite are considered equivalent to 1 ton McAlester coal. The following table gives present freight rates on fuel in Texas as established by the railroad commission. The rates on coal are per ton of 2,000 pounds; on wood, per cord, and on oil, per barrel of 42 gal- lons, weight 310 pounds, oil being assumed to be 7.4 pounds per gallon. The rates are all for carload lots. The minimum carload of coal is 20 tons; of wood, 30-foot cars 8 cords, 32-foot cars 9 cords, 34-foot IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. 367 cars 10 cords, over 34-foot cars 12 cords; of oil over broad-gauge roads, 123 barrels. Two classes of rates are given. No. 1 applies to shipments transported over a single line of railroad or over two or more lines of railroad under the same management and control. No. 2 applies to shipments transported over two or more lines of railroad which are not under the same management and control. Table of freight rates. Distance and rate. . Rind of fuel. 6 miles. 10 miles. 30 miles. 100 miles. 200 miles. Rate Rate Rate|Ratel Rate Ratel Rate Rate|Ratel Rate 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. . . 2. 1. 2. Soft coal except slack, Smithing . . . . . . * coal, and coke----------------------|-------|------|------|------ $0.55 30.70 $0.90 ($1.05 ($1.40 ($1.55 Anthracite ---------------------------|-------------|------|------ .605; .77 iſ .99 || 1.155||1.54 || 1.705 Slack coal ----------------------------|-------|------|------|------ .40 .55 .75 .90 | 1.25 | 1.40 Lignite and lignite briquettes-------|-------------------|------ .32 .47 | .60 .75 .91 1.06 Wood------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> -- - - j - - - - - - - - - - - - - $0.50 ($0.90 .70 | 1.03 | 1.25 | 1.40 | 1.80 | 1.95 Oil------------------------------------ wonº wº .093 - 14 j . 14 .186 .217 ** * .31 Distance and rate. º - Rind of fuel. 300 miles | 400 miles. 500 miles. 600 miles. 100 miles. . Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate | Rate Rate Rate 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. '1. # 2. 1. 2. soft ğaº slack, Smithing $1.90 ($2.05 ($2.27 $2.37 $2.67 Š2 $3.10 S3.20 ($3 60 $3.70 CO81, 8,1101 COke---------------------- º 'º - e. º * . 37 S2.67 S2. 77 &#. - ... 7 Anthracite--------------------------- 2.09 2.255 2.497 2.607 2.937 3.047 3.41 3.52 || 3.96 || 4.07 Slack coal ---------------------------- 1.75 | 1.90 2.17 2.27 2.57 2.67 3.00 || 3. 10 || 3.50 3.60 Lignite and lignite briquettes-------| 1.23 | 1.38 1.54 1.64 || 1.86 1.96 || 2.17 2.27 2.29 2,39 W900-------------------------------- 2.50 | 2.70 || 3.25 | 3.30 3.75 3.75 || 4.00 4.00 || 4.00 || 4.00 Oi!-----------------------------------. .356 .356 º .418 .48 .511 .511 .511 .511 .511 In addition to the rates quoted in the table, the following are a few special carload rates per ton of coal: Eagle Pass to El Paso - - - -------------------- Eagle Pass to Saguin------------------------------------- Eagle Pass to San Antonio-------------------------------- Hartz to San Antonio---------------------------- -------- Minera and Cannel to Laredo-----------------------i----- Rio Bravo mines to San Antonio-------------------------- Dolchburg (Rio Bravo) and Hartz mines to Eagle Pass.---- Lytle to San Antonio––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 368 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. Rates on coal change every 10 miles of haul, the rate quoted for 30 miles being the minimum. The rate on oil between Beaumont and Galveston is 18.6 cents per barrel. Special rates per cord on wood are as follows: . . Galveston, Houston, and San Antonio road, Pierson and intermediate points to San Antonio (except where mileage rates are less)----------------------------------------- $1.00 San Antonio and Aransas Pass road: Serbin, Winchester, West Point, Rock Island, Cheetham, Sublime, and Dilworth, Lockhart, and intermediate points to San Antonio------------------------------ 1. 50 Cheetham and intermediate points to Corpus Christi (eXcept where mileage rates are less) --------------- 1. 50 Altair to San Antonio-------------------------------- 1.50 The freight rate on coal from McAlester, Ind. T., to Denison, Tex., is 90 cents per ton. From Lehigh, Ind. T., to Denison, Tex., the rate is 70 cents per ton. *. - Rates on wood are made for 10, 15, and 20 miles; then every 10 miles up to 100; then every 20 miles up to 300; then every 30 miles up to 400; then every 50 miles up to 500. Rates on oil are quoted for 6, 10, 15, and 20 miles; then every 10 miles up to 60; then every 20 miles up to 100; then every 25 miles up to 250; then every 50 miles up to 550. - WATER CONDUITS IN USE. The majority of the canals in use in Texas, particularly the large ones, are built exceedingly wide for the depth. The earth which forms the banks of the canal when same is not in a cut is usually taken from borrow pits. Sometimes, as in the case of the Browns- ville Land and Irrigation Company, these borrow pits are on the inside of the canal. (See p. 441.) As is seen, the dirt is not taken from the entire bottom, which hence presents additional surface for friction to flowing water. Of course, in the course of time these borrow pits will fill up with sediment. In several other plants, however, large borrow pits have been made on the outside of the canal, either for dirt to form the banks or to raise the grade of the canal. This is a practice which is usually to be condemned, as much valuable land is wasted thereby in addition to rendering the land impassable for vehicles, except in certain places, although this latter consideration is possibly of secondary importance. In one instance which the writer recalls there was a space fully 50 feet wide on each side of the canal absolutely ruined in this way. If the dirt for the construction of the ditch had been obtained by going back some distance from the ditch and taking a uniform layer off the ground, instead of taking it all out in a lump, this land would have been as good as ever and a IRRIG ATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 369 considerable saving would have been made. Moreover, it presents a most unattractive appearance to see the land all cut up in this way, though perhaps this is not as appealing to most people as the idea of pecuniary loss. º The work of irrigation in many parts of this country is compara- tively new, and many people entering the field have had no experience before in work of this nature. As a consequence, many of the canals are constructed with exceedingly weak banks, coming almost to a point on top, with the water level entirely too close to the top of the bank for safety. These are continually breaking and causing a large amount of trouble and expense. It is poor policy to put in work in this manner. A ditch should always be constructed with the banks amply wide and a safe distance between the water level and the top of the canal bank. These are things, however, which will, of course, come in time and with experience. Canals should be built on such a slope as to give sufficiently high velocity to the water to prevent the accumulation of Sediment and the tendency to plant growth. At the same time the velocity should not be high enough to cut. About 2.5 feet per second is usually considered a good velocity for flow. There is a natural tendency with beginners in irrigation to attempt to make the slope of banks entirely too steep. Of course, the slope which can be given depends largely upon the nature of the ground, and in the softer earths 2 to 1 on the outside and 3 to 1 on the inside may usually be regarded as about as steep as good practice will permit. The result of using a steeper slope, particularly on the inside, is that caving will ensue from the wash of water. WOODEN FLUMES. Wooden flumes are not much used in this country, as there is very little demand for them, owing to the level nature of the ground. Their principal use has been in conveying water from the pump stations to the canals, where some form of conduit was necessary. Even here more expensive earth fills have frequently been made to avoid the trouble of building and maintaining flumes. There are several cases where more careful selections of sites for pump stations would have been of material benefit in the construction of the canal system and would have avoided the use of either wooden flumes or expensive fills. These flumes are always a source of more or less trouble and of high depreciation, particularly where they are alternately wet and dry, in which case it is very difficult to keep them tight. In some instances they are being lined with tin or galvanized iron to make them water- tight. This should give good results and will doubtless be well worth the additional expense. 30620–No. 158—05—24 370 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. There is great variation in the timber frames supporting the flumes, some having many times the requisite amount of material and others being so light that the flumes seem to be in imminent danger of col- lapse. It should be borne in mind that if a flume is to remain water- tight it should be well supported, in order that the spring of the tim- bers may not cause a leak. - wooDEN PIPE. No wooden pipe whatever is in use in this region. It would cer. tainly pay irrigators to investigate this subject in connection with plants where the quantity of water delivered is large. For handling AEO //o /22 390 4/5 A/~ce 2er Z/oza/ /*ao? of A^e Zo 42O//3/5. * FIG. 55.—Cóst of Wooden Stave pipe. small quantities of water it is of course out of the question. Even though more expensive, it would be advisable in many instances to install stations with pipe leading from pumping stations to the ditch rather than to use the flume construction now practiced. The pipe for this purpose should of course be sufficiently large to obviate the friction loss of head and could be made of steel or wood, depending upon the size of the pipe. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 3.71 The following table represents the approximate cost of redwood- stave pipe in Texas (figs. 55 and 56). Wooden pipe built of pine could be constructed for about one-third less than the figures given below: * Cost of redwood stave pipe in Teazas. Cost per foot of wooden pipe, inside diameter of Pressure w a; g o, ai w; a; o, a; g É § # # # # # # | # # # | 3 || 5 || 5 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 || s | 3 || 3 || 3 || 5 || 3 oº: $0.58 in $2.65 $3.75 $4.90 $6.15 $7.35 $8.70 |310.00 ($11.30 $12 - * * * * * * * * .58 $0.98 || $1. . 65 $3.75 || $4. 6.15 $7.35 $8. .00 ($11.30 $12.75 20–30 --------- .65 | 1.10 sº 3.00 4.20 5.50 || 7.00 8.35 9.85 11.30 || 12.95 14.50 30–40 --------- . 72 1. 20 2.10 | 3.25 4.70 || 6. 20 7.75 | 9.45 11.10 12.80 14. 55 | 16. 40 40–50 --------- .79 | 1.30 2.25 3.50 5.00 6.75 8.50 10.35 12.20 14.20 16.15 18.15 50–60 --------- .86 | 1.40 2.40 || 3.80 5.50 7.30 9.30 || 11.35 | 13. 40 15.50 17.70 || 20.00 70--------- .93 | 1.50 | 2, 60 4.10 6.00 | 8.00 10.15 12.40 14.70 17.00 | 19.00 22.00 70–80 --------- 1.00 | 1.62 2.75 4.35 6.40 || 8.50 10.90 13.25 15.70 | 18.35 | 21.00 23.70 90 --------- 1. 10 1.74 2.95 4.65 6.75 9. 10 || 11.70 || 14.30 17.00 | 19.80 22.70 || 25.70 90–100 -------- 1.21 | 1.86 3.15 4.95 || 7.20 9.75 12.50 | 15. 35 ; 18.30 21.30 24.40 27.60 100–120 -------- 1.33 | 1.98 || 3.35 5. 30 || 7.85 10.75 13.95 17.20 20. 50 24.00 27.60 31.30 120–140 -------- 1.46 2. 14 || 3. 55 5.70 || 8.50 11.70 || 15.20 | 18.80 22.55 26.50 || 30.75 35.00 140–160 -------- 1.59 2.32 3.75 5.00 || 9. 10 12.70 | 16. 55 | 20.70 || 24.9%) 29.30 || 34.00 39.00– 160–180 -------- 1.62 2.50 4.00 || 6.35 | 9.70 || 13. 50 17.75 22.30 26.80 31.80 37.00 42.50 180–200 -------- 1 2.70 || 4, 30 6.80 | 10.30 14.50 | 19.00 24.90 29.00 34.40 | 40.00 46.10 Wooden pipe when properly installed is subject to very little depreciation. It should be set in such a manner that the entire inner AeC) Z/62 A632 J.5" A-ſce Axe- Z/7e5/ /öor of Ape ſo ZX2//arx FIG. 56.—Cost of wooden stave pipe. surface will always be kept wet. Manufacturers of wooden pipe claim that redwood pipe under good conditions should last fifty years and even under quite unfavorable conditions at least twenty-five years. This would give an average annual depreciation rate of 3 per cent. Pipe built of pine is subject to much more rapid deprecia- 372 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, tion, its life being approximately fifteen years under similar condi- tions, which would signify a 7 per cent depreciation. Experience with wooden pipe leads to the conclusion that a pipe not buried will last longer than one which is buried only a few inches to a foot below the surface of the ground, due to the action of roots and brush on the wood. The life of pipe may be much prolonged by burying the top at least 5 feet below the surface. Exposed wooden pipe is more liable to damage by fire or maliciously inclined people than were it covered with earth. - - One great advantage of wooden pipe over metal is the increased carrying capacity due to the smoothness of the wood. Thus, for . example, wooden pipe will carry approximately 16 per cent more water than the same size iron pipe for a given loss of head, owing to the greatly diminished friction. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Concrete construction for conduits for water has been used to a limited extent in Texas. The San Antonio Irrigation Company have a considerable amount of concrete-lined canal for the conveyance of sewage water of the city of San Antonio to the sewage farm. The Del Rio Irrigation Company have made quite extended use of con- crete expanded metal pipe, of which an account is given on page 425. They have also built a large amount of ditch in which the outer wall, in steep hillside work, has been largely constructed of con- crete, and in the case of fills the entire channel has been lined with concrete. wº - - - The cost of expanded metal pipe will depend largely upon local conditions and the question of the use of concrete pipe requires care- ful consideration of both conditions and the demands of the work as to whether some cheaper form of construction would not answer fully all requirements. For example, wooden pipe could be in- stalled at a lower first cost than concrete expanded metal pipe, but would be subject to higher depreciation. Any settlement of founda- tion would render the concrete pipe more liable to leak. The ques- tion to be determined by the engineer is whether the expense of interest, depreciation, and repairs would be greater or less for wooden than for concrete pipe. - GENERAL CONDITIONS OF LABOR. In the southwestern part of Texas labor for farm purposes is unusually cheap, particularly near the Mexican border. The greater part of the labor throughout the country is Mexican. Until recently near Brownsville 50 cents Mexican per day, or 23 cents currency, was the price of Mexican labor, but since then prices have gone up. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 373 With the settlement of the country it is probable that these will in- crease still further owing to increased demand. Along the Mexican border labor costs 75 cents to $1 Mexican a day and throughout a large part of the southern country $1 Mexican is the rate of compen- sation. Throughout the remainder of the country in question the rate of labor is from 50 cents to $1 a day in currency, except near the larger cities, where it is from $1.50 to $1.75. Very few negroes are to be found working in the fields here, and negro labor hardly counts at all as a factor. With all his short- comings, under the present conditions the Mexican is practically a necessity for conducting farm operations in the lower country, and although Mexican labor may not be as efficient as American labor, still, considering the prices paid, there can be little cause for com- plaint. The clearing of large areas of land covered with brush and trees is often let out to Mexicans by contract at So much an acre. The cost of work of this nature seems exceedingly moderate consid- ering conditions, some of the most heavily timbered land being cleared for from $10 to $15 an acre. The fact that from 5 to 10 cords of wood per acre can be obtained from some of this land shows for itself the amount of work which it is necessary to perform. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF IRRIGATION PLANTS. The data given in the following pages are based largely on infor- mation furnished by the owners of irrigation plants. In many places where the plants were not in operation at the time of the visit it was impossible to form any definite idea of the rate of flow of water. As far as possible the flow of wells, pumps, and canals was measured or estimated by the writer. While it is difficult to obtain accurate infor- mation on the operation of plants, still it is believed that the descrip- tions and data of the farms will give, on the whole, a good idea of the present state of irrigation in Texas. CUER.O. Cuero, the county seat of Dewitt County, is situated on the bank of the Guadalupe River. There is a limited amount of rich bottom land in this vicinity, which is occasionally flooded by the river at high water, as well as several irrigated farms of a few hundred acres each lying along the banks of the river. Large tracts of irrigable land, however, can not be obtained so far from the coast without involving considerable expense. The irrigated land is of a rich, black, waxy nature. The principal crops are rice, corn, and truck. Water for irrigation is pumped from the river by steam plants, the vertical lift being about 36 feet. 374 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Mr. Otto Buchel has erected a dam across the Guadalupe River, to which reference has already been made. He has installed a water- power station, utilizing a fall of about 12 feet, which is usually ob- tainable except at times of very high water. The installation in the station consists of three vertical turbines of 225 horsepower each, which drive through bevel gears a line shaft, to which are belted two 2-phase 2,000-volt electric generators. The plant distributes elec- tricity for power and lighting to the town of Cuero, about 2 miles distant, and also furnishes power for driving a cotton mill, as well as an irrigation pumping plant owned by Crouch & Slacker. In addition to the electric equipment at the station, the following hydraulic equipment is also installed: One 225-horsepower 54-inch new American turbine drives through bevel gears and belting a No. 15 centrifugal pump rated to deliver 7,000 gallons of water per min- ute at 42-foot lift; a duplex power pump, 18 by 22, driven by water power, delivers 3,500,000 gallons per day when operated at about 25 revolutions per minute. This is equivalent to a flow of, in round numbers, 2,400 gallons per minute. These pumps both discharge water into a reservoir 500 feet square and 7 feet deep, from which, however, only 3 feet in depth of water can be drawn. The centrifu- gal pump discharges into a flume which empties into the reservoir, while the duplex pump empties directly into the reservoir. The out- let canal from the reservoir is 60 to 90 feet wide and about 7 feet deep, the size, however, varying in different parts, the capacity of the canal being rated at 12,000 gallons per minute. - s- Mr. Buchel owns 600 acres planted to rice and irrigated from the plant just mentioned. The land is laid out in checks varying in size from 0.5 to 8 acres, the difference in elevation between the checks being 0.4 foot. The land requires 10 gallons per minute per acre. The irrigation season is from April 1 to October 1, or about 120 days. The average yield in 1903 was 11 sacks of 165 pounds each per acre, but in 1904 the owner expected to get 14 sacks per acre. Water is admitted into the checks by wooden gates and will pass through about six checks in series. Under favorable conditions it is possible to irrigate from one gate 30 acres per day of twelve hours, or in twenty-four hours 50 acres. * Thomas ranch.-Mr. Thomas owns 180 acres of rice which he irrigates with a 10-inch Morris double-suction centrifugal pump, rated at 3,000, but said to deliver 4,000 gallons per minute. The lift from the river is 33 feet, and the pump is driven by a 60-horsepower simple noncondensing engine, which consumes 8.5 cords of wood in twenty-four hours. The fuel used is mostly bottom oak and costs $2 per cord delivered. The average size of the checks is 6 acres, and the plant operates on an average eighteen hours per day for the irriga- IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 375 tion Season of one hundred days. Corn unirrigated yields 25 bushels per acre. Woofort dº Rathbone ranch.-Woofort & Rathbone own a farm of 350 acres on the side of the river opposite to Cuero, a short distance from town, which they planted in rice. They have installed a pumping station with the following apparatus: A 100-horsepower boiler furnishes steam at 100 pounds pressure to a 14 by 18 inch 75- horsepower noncondensing simple engine, which drives a No. 12 cen- trifugal pump, rated at 5,000 gallons per minute. The plant con- Sumes 2.75 cords of oak in a twelve-hour run, the lift of the water being 33 feet. The rice irrigation season lasts for one hundred and twenty days, for several plantings of rice, and usually the plant is operated twenty-four hours per day. The checks, which vary in size up to 40 acres, are irrigated by passing the water through them in series. The main canal is 40 feet wide and 5 feet deep. The plant started March 21, and requires an average of 24 men to irrigate the land throughout the season. The average yield is 13 sacks of rice per acre, and the operation of the power plant is conducted by two engi- neers, one of whom receives $50 per month and the other $1.25 per day, and two firemen, one of whom receives $1 and the other $1.25, working twelve-hour shifts. Davidson dé Breeden farm.—This farm consists of 420 acres, 260 of which are at present under irrigation, being planted to rice. Irri- gation on part of the farm starts the last of April and on the other part May 20, and ends September 10. All the land is usually sown by June 1. Rice is cut about September 10. The pump station con- tains the following equipment: One 125-horsepower boiler supplies steam to a 90-horsepower engine belted to a No. 12 centrifugal pump rated to deliver 6,000 gallons per minute under a maximum lift of 26 feet. The pump is stated to deliver 6,500 gallons per minute. Steam pressure carried is 70 to 80 pounds, and average daily run for the season of one hundred and ten days is twelve hours. The fuel used is box elder, elm, Oak, pecan, ash, and hackberry, the plant re- quiring about 400 cords per year. The fuel is figured to cost $1.50 per cord, as it is cut on the land of the owners, but were it nécessary to buy the same it would cost about $2.50. The operation of the plant and general superintendence of the ditch require three men—fore- man, engineer, and fireman. The foreman receives $40 a month and the engineer and fireman get $60 a month together. In addition to this, four men at 75 cents a day are required for irrigation. The owners estimate that they could irrigate 500 acres in rice with the addition of another engineer and fireman to their present force. The average yield per acre is 14 sacks of rice. The engine, according to a test, delivered 98 indicated horsepower. The boiler consumes 3.5 * 376 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. cords of wood in twelve hours. The canal is about 60 feet wide, and varies in depth from 25 feet near the river bank to 6 feet near the other end. Near the power house there is a large fill and in conse- quence the canal has been made exceedingly deep. The length of the canal is three-fourths of a mile, and it is possible to draw the water down 4 feet. The canal is used in part as a reservoir. The checks vary in size from 5 to 25 acres, the laterals running diagonally across the same. The main ditch cost $2,300 to construct, at 10 cents per yard, and the contractor lost $250 on the work on account of bad weather. Water is let into each check from a lateral ditch and then is drained back into the ditch for renewal of the water, because fresh water is regarded as giving better results. It usually takes about twelve hours to flood the checks, and the water seeps and evaporates in the fields 1 to 2 inches per day. In one part of the field, which had been previously used for a wagon road and was much harder than the remainder, the growth of rice was materially stronger than elsewhere and the same beneficial results are obtained in other places where the ground is more compact. - Crouch dé Schleicher farm.—The Crouch & Schleicher farm con- sists of 400 acres, 300 of which are planted in rice and 100 in truck. Water is obtained from the river. The pump installation consists of one 100-horsepower 2,000-volt 2-phase motor belted to a 12-inch centrifugal pump. The lift is 46 feet and the rate of flow about 4,000 gallons per minute. The length of run for the rice season is one hundred and twenty days, and the pump is operated twenty-three and one-half hours per day, except Sunday, when it is shut down from 6 to 10 a. m. The pump is said to have been delivering at the time of the writer's visit 4,500 gallons per minute, and it was taking a current of 18 amperes at 2,300 volts. A steam engine had also been provided to take the place of the motor in case anything should hap- pen to the electric power, such as an excessive rise of the river, which would decrease materially the fall at the dam. The boiler consumed 6 cords of bottom wood in twelve hours, but delivered somewhat more water than the motor. The cost of power was three-fourths of a cent per horsepower hour, which is certainly very reasonable considering the conditions, and hence the cost of operation of the electric plant was about $1 per hour for power. In one hundred and twenty days' season the average pump hours run per day was seventeen. The greater part of the water was used for rice. The checks were of 1 to 15 acres and 0.4 foot difference in elevation. As many as 6 checks were irrigated in series from one gate. The yield of rice was 4,300 sacks on the 300 acres, or 14 Sacks per acre, the weight of the Sacks being 180 pounds. tº- - The steam plant which was put in to take the place of the electric plant consisted of one 110-horsepower engine and two 70-horsepower IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 377 horizontal boilers. The cost of the steam plant was about $4,000. According to the present method of operation, two men run the motor and pump and four men are required to run the steam engine and boiler. Four irrigators were required to handle the water of the plant. The cost of wood for fuel was about 50 cents per cord for cut- ting and 25 cents for hauling and would cost about $2 if purchased from outsiders, but the wood was cut on the land of the company. Mr. McHenry, who used to be in charge of the Beeville State Ex- periment Station, has at present taken supervision of the truck farm on this ranch, and the results of the same should be of considerable interest to the truck farmers as illustrating the possibilities of this kind of farming on a large scale. He uses for a fertilizer for onions 100 pounds of bat guano and 500 pounds of acid phosphate per acre, and figures that the cost of the culture of onions per acre is $27 and the cost of gathering and sacking $1 per 1,000 pounds. The depth of water per irrigation for truck is 1.5 inches, and one man can irri- gate 2.5 acres of truck per day. Cabbage on the ranch requires about three irrigations per year. VICTORLA. The country in the vicinity of Victoria is very level and offers a good field for irrigation on a large scale. At present there is only one large plant in this vicinity, though there are several plants of a few hundred acres. Rice is the principal crop grown, and the char- acter of the land is almost universally of a black, waxy consistency. The Victoria Rice and Irrigation Company.—The largest irriga- tion company in this vicinity is the Victoria Rice and Irrigation Company, which irrigates nearly 3,600 acres of land entirely devoted to rice. The pumping plant is situated about 8 miles south of town on the banks of the Guadalupe. In order to lift the water to a sufficient height for irrigation, two pumping stations have been installed, one of which raises the water 20 feet and discharges it into a flume 1,400 feet long, from which the second pumping station takes its water and elevates it 42 feet. The flow of water is estimated, when all machinery is running, at 52,000 gallons per minute. It would surely have been far cheaper to have installed all the ap- paratus in one power house and to have used a sufficiently large pipe to have conveyed the water to the canal. The double installation and operating expenses both conspire to put a considerable addi- tional burden on the plant. The equipment of the pumping stations is as follows: The plant near the river has two 16 by 24 engines of 180 horsepower each, belted to “a centrifugal pump, 30-inch discharge, of the open- runner type; three 250-horsepower boilers furnish steam for this power. The upper plant contains two Corliss engines of 570 horse- 378 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. power each, each of which operates by a rope-drive a centrifugal pump of 30-inch discharge, delivering 26,000 gallons per minute, the pumps being the same as those in the lower power house. These engines were bought secondhand and they leak so badly that, al- though jet condensers have been installed, it is impossible to operate them on account of the leakage of air. The boiler capacity of the Second plant consists of a battery of nine 72-inch by 18-foot horizontal multitubular boilers of 180 horsepower each. One hun- dred and ten pounds steam pressure is carried. The fuel is Saur Lake oil, which is pumped from the nearest railway station 7 miles dis- tant through a 2-inch pipe. An outside-packed plunger pump is used for this purpose and uses a pressure of 450 pounds to the square inch. This will deliver two cars, or 14,000 gallons, of oil on a twelve-hour run. The pressure, of course, will depend more or less on the temperature of the ground, but fortunately this oil is rather thin and is not affected to anything like the extent of the California oils by the cold. In July the cost of the oil delivered to DeKosta, the nearest railroad station, was 80 cents a barrel of 42 gallons. The fuel consumed by the two plants is about 150 barrels per day on an average, though with continuous running at full capacity about 300 barrels are required in twenty-four hours. In the year 1904 3,600 acres were planted to rice. In addition to the land watered by the main and lateral ditches there are 300 acres lying above the available water supply, which are furnished with water by a Menge pump driven by a traction engine and lifting 9,000 gallons per minute 44 feet. The engine is 18 horsepower and runs in the daytime only. The main canal of the company is 100 feet wide by 3 feet deep, not counting the borrow pits which are on the inside. It costs about $1.25 per acre to disk and plow waxy land. One man irrigates about 25 acres a day, and the plant is of sufficient capacity to irrigate 5,000 acres if desired. Five thousand three hundred acres are owned by the company, but not all under cultivation. The checks are laid out 3 to 25 acres in size. The total yield of rice was 48,000 bags of 180 pounds each, or 13.3 bags per acre. The company furnishes water to the cus- tomers for one-fifth of the crop and rents land under the same terms. McKoy ranch.-Situated a few miles to the northeast of the Vic- toria property is the ranch of Mr. McKoy, on which two well-pumping stations have been installed. The owner intends to raise alfalfa and expects to get ample supply from wells to make this venture a finan- cial success. The first vein of water in the wells is fit a depth of 36 feet. At 45 to 50 feet there is a stronger vein, from which the water rises to the 36-foot level, as also at 65 and at 80 to 100 feet. The last- named stratum is composed of gravel and *e upper water strata IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. 379. are of sand. The first stratum is about 3 to 5 feet thick; the Second, 7 to 8; the third, 8 to 12, and the fourth, 3 to 10 feet. The pumping . plant had been recently installed. In pump station No. 1 was a No. 5 centrifugal pump set at a depth of 36 feet, driven by a 50- horsepower engine, which drew the water down 22 feet and delivered a flow of 600 gallons per minute. In plant No. 2 was a No. 6 centrif- ugal pump, also set in a pit 6 feet Square and 36 feet below the ground, driven by a 35-horsepower traction engine. The well for this plant was 90 feet deep and water was found, for the most part, in gravel between 79 and 90 feet. A 12-inch strainer 42 feet long was put in the well. The water was drawn down to 60 feet from the surface when delivering a flow of 500 gallons per minute. McCan farm.—Mr. McCan has an irrigated farm within the town limits of Victoria. A 4-horsepower gasoline engine operates a deep- well pump, 6 by 21 inch cylinder, running 30 strokes per minute, delivering water from a well 115 feet deep. The quantity delivered is 70 gallons per minute and the engine consumes 10 gallons of gaso- line in twenty-four hours. The cost of gasoline is 18.5 cents per gallon. The pump delivers its waters into a reservoir of about 60 feet bottom diameter by 9.5 feet deep, holding 300,000 gallons. The pump will fill the reservoir in seventy-six hours’ continuous run, and, starting with the reservoir full, will irrigate 8 acres in three and one- half days. Water stands 53.5 feet below the ground level without flow, and the suction pipe of the pump is submerged 12 feet under these conditions. The discharge pipe is 9 feet above the ground level. The surface soil is 2 to 3 feet thick, and the ground will yield 5 tons of alfalfa hay in six cuttings. The plant irrigates 20 acres, the land usually receiving three irrigations a year. Seligson plant.—Mr. Seligson has a farm of 50 acres which he irrigated by pumping water from a dug well 6 by 8 feet, 34 feet deep. A 15-horsepower gasoline engine was used to drive a No. 4 centrifugal pump, which lowered the water 5 feet in the well. The water was found in Sand and gravel. In the center of this well another well 230 feet deep was put down with 113-inch casing. With- out pumping, the water in the well stood 25 feet from the ground. The cost of gasoline for operating this plant was $4 for twenty-four hours, the price of gasoline being 18 cents per gallon. Of this farm 40 acres were planted in rice and 10 in truck. The rice irrigation season lasted one hundred days and one man was able to attend to all the work. The gross yield of rice was 80,000 pounds. At $1.75 per barrel, the price of rice late in the season, this farm was just able to pay expenses. - Lander dé Rathbone place.—About 4 miles from Victoria is a plant, owned by Lander & Rathbone, irrigating 64 acres. Rice and 380 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. corn are the two crops grown, the yield of rice being 18 to 20 barrels per acre. Water is taken from a lake adjoining the field. The owners estimate the size of the lake as follows: Length; 2 miles; average width, 250 yards; average depth, 12 feet. The average lift of water is 12 feet, and it is elevated by a centrifugal pump driven by a 16- horsepower traction engine. The pump delivers 150 gallons per minute. The plant is operated day and night until the land is flooded, and thereafter about ten hours per day, the fuel consumption being 0.08 cord per hour. Rice was planted April 1 and the pumps were started May 15. The length of the irrigation season is ninety days. The operation of the plant required one pump man and one irrigator. The overflow from Guadalupe River helps largely to fill the lake. The centrifugal pump is of the vertical type and is completely sub- merged. It requires twelve days’ continuous running to flood the land thoroughly. Davis farm.—About 8 miles northeast of Victoria is the irrigation plant of Mr. Davis, which consists of three pump stations one-fourth of a mile apart, which irrigate 60 to 75 acres of rice per well. The surface soil is 6 to 10 inches deep, with a clay subsoil. The average yield is 10 sacks per acre, although it was said last year that as much as 18 sacks per acre was produced. The pumping plants are run continuously, two men being required for each plant, as they work twelve-hour shifts. Plant No. 1 was throwing 300 gallons per minute, as estimated by the writer, and consuming 4.5 cords of wood in twenty-four hours; plant No. 2 was not giving more than one-half this amount of water, with the same fuel consumption, and No. 3 was delivering 300 gallons per minute, with a fuel consumption of 3 cords for twenty-four hours. The cost of fuel is $1.50 per cord. Each pumping plant has a steam engine of 30 horsepower driving a No. 6 vertical centrifugal pump set at the bottom of a pit 30 feet deep. In the bottom of each pit was sunk an open-bottom well with 8-inch casing. The first water-bearing stratum lies between 90 and 120 feet from the surface and is 15 feet thick, consisting of fine Sand. At a depth of 270 feet, which is the depth of the wells, there are about 50 feet of the same kind of sand. The water in the wells stands without flow 17 feet from the surface of the ground, and is lowered 20 feet below the level of the pumps. The total lift is about 53 feet. The land is laid off in checks of 2 to 40 acres, with 4-inch differences in level. Keeran ranch.-About 6 miles east of Inez is the ranch of Mr. Reeran. This is at present used as a stock ranch, none of the land being under cultivation. Numerous artesian wells of very shallow depth have been put down on the ranch. The following may be regarded as the average strata encountered near the ranch. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. - 381 6 to 8 feet, soil. 10 feet, fine water sand. 10 to 50 feet, red clay. 20 feet, fine water sand. 10 to 50 feet, white clay. 20 feet, water sand slightly coarser with black specks. 100 feet, indigo-blue clay. 20 feet, coarser. water sand. 100 feet, blue clay. * 20 feet, light artesian-water sand; better quality has black specks. 50 to 200 feet, white clay. 20 feet, dirty sand. 200 feet, clay. 25 to 30 feet, coarse artesian sand with black specks. This artesian stratum in Some places has a static pressure of 17 pounds to the square inch. 200 feet, blue clay. 30 feet, coarse artesian-water sand. Pressure about 20 pounds. In low places on the ranch artesian water has been obtained at the following depths from the surface, some of the flows being small, however: 17, 50, 127, 130, 114, 148, 202, 222, 425 feet. All these wells give off an odorless fuel gas. The wells already put down are of Small diameter, being designed for stock purposes only, consequently give Small flows. The method employed in finishing these wells, which have been put down by hydraulic process, is to support the casing on top and pump clear water for some time down the well and up around the outside of the casing in order to wash the clay out of the sand and set the casing properly. The wells are all open bottom. - - Garacitus Creek, which runs through the Keran ranch, carries a considerable quantity of drainage water at the time of rainfall and could be utilized as a reservoir by a dam estimated at 0.75 mile long and 20 feet high, to store water 15 feet deep on 7,000 acres. Bennett dé West ranch.-This land, near by, has the following wells: 2-inch well, 330 feet deep, delivering 20 gallons per minute. 2-inch well, 50 feet deep, delivering 9 gallons per minute. 2-inch well, 327 feet deep, delivering 30 gallons per minute. Well (12-inch, 300 feet; 9-inch, 390 feet; 6-inch, 210 feet), 900 feet deep, delivering 150 gallons per minute. Duesse ranch.-Within a few miles of the Keeran ranch is that of Mr. Duesse. A well 880 feet deep furnishes artesian water. The well was sunk 515 feet with 5-inch casing and the remaining distance with 2-inch. This well supplies both water and gas and is used mainly for the house of the owner. It has a static head of 28 feet above the ground level without flow and will deliver on the ground 30 gallons per minute. The water from the well goes into an ele- vated tank, in which is also placed a sheet-metal drum for collecting 38.2 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. the gas, which is piped into the house and used for fuel and lighting. The gas burns with a bluish flame and is used with a Welsbach mantle for light. Laughter dé Simon ranch-About 4 miles north of Mr. Duesse's place is a pumped well which irrigates 150 acres, belonging to Laugh- ter & Simon. CREERS. In the country lying along the coast of Texas from Port Lavaca to the mouth of Aransas River there are many creeks and streams emptying into the Gulf which are dry except in times of rain. The run-off of much of this land is relatively large, as there is but little to retain the water. Some of these creek beds and valleys could be dammed to store this water which now runs to waste. Generally speaking, however, such undertakings would require fairly long dams of moderate height, and in order to utilize the water on the land pump stations would have to be installed. As the region is liable to rain storms of occasional severity, it is of first importance to provide ample spillways to take care of the water. The Clark Irrigation Company near Port Lavaca is the only case of any note in which a dam has been built to utilize water stored in this manner. It has been estimated that its reservoir capacity is 2,000 acres, with an average depth of 12 feet, and the watershed supplying the same 22 by 20 miles. The reservoir is supplied by Placado and Agula creeks. It is claimed that 14,000 acres can be irrigated with this storage. At present 1,300 acres of rice and 200 acres of corn are being irrigated. The latter was irrigated once, and the yield is estimated at 25 bushels per acre. The company have also 300 acres in cotton not irrigated. From the engineering standpoint, the pumping station is a decided improvement over all the other stations in this part of the country. Two water-tube boilers supply steam at 125 pounds pressure to a cross-compound condensing engine of 250 horsepower, which is direct connected to a 36-inch centrifugal pump. The output of the pump as run at present is 30,000 gallons per minute. This output can be doubled if desired. The station is operated three days a week. The fuel consumption for twelve hours is 8 barrels of oil. Six days' run of twelve hours each are required to keep 1,300 acres flooded. The pumps were run about sixty days during the season. The lift varies from 23 to 31 feet, the average being 29 feet. The main canal is 60 feet wide and 4 to 11 feet deep. Water is taken into this by a flume 6 feet wide and 3 feet deep, into which the pump discharges. The laterals are run on contours and irrigate by passing the water through several checks. The fields are divided IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 383 into checks of various sizes, the largest one being 200 acres. The contour checks are 2 to 9 inches. The checks can be drained by draws, which return the water to the reservoir. Corn is irrigated by furrows 300 to 400 feet long. The operation of the plant requires one fireman, one engineer for the power house, four irrigators, and four additional men to make necessary repairs to ditches, etc. In 1903 the average yield of rice was 15 sacks (180 pounds each) per acre, the highest yield being 26 Sacks. - The Clark dam is situated a short distance below the junction of Placado and Agula creeks. It is about 0.5 mile long, 4 feet wide on top, front slope 1.5 to 1, and back slope 2 to 1, and is built of dirt. As originally constructed the dam had a wasteway cut in the clay bank near one end which was intended to carry off the surplus water. However, in time of heavy rain this wasteway was cut out and let out all the water that was in the reservoir. After this accident the wasteway was filled up solid and a wooden spillway about 400 feet long made in the center of the dam. The spillway was double boarded on top with 1-inch and 1.5-inch planks and on the down- stream side provided with sacks filled with sand for taking the impact of the water and preventing wash. The wings of the dam are made of 2-inch plain sheet piling. Big Chocolate Creek-It has been claimed that Big Chocolate Creek, which empties into Chocolate Bay a few miles from Port Lavaca, could also be used as a storage basin by putting a dam across the lines of the grade of an old railroad which formerly ran to Indianola. Noble dé Wilson.—Noble & Wilson have a pumping plant near the mouth of Lavaca River, from which they irrigate 250 acres of rice. O’Connor ranch.-In the eastern part of Refugio County is the stock ranch of Mr. O'Connor, where several artesian wells have been sunk. Artesion water is obtained at depths of 900 to 1,200 feet in fine sand. The wells are of 7 to 10 inch casing. About 30 feet of fine sand constitutes the main artesian stratum, although small arte- sian strata may be found higher up. The formation through which the wells pass is very hard and drilling is expensive. The wells have been put down by rotating the casing with a cutting shoe on the end of it and utilizing the hydraulic process for forcing the cuttings up the outside of the casing. The wells are provided with strainers of smaller diameter than the casing, consisting of perforated joints of casing over which is a layer of wire gauze covered in turn by a layer of perforated brass. The cost of these wells was $1 per foot per 1-inch diameter of casing, with a guaranty to go at least 1,000 feet. They are said to yield 30 to 200 gallons per minute. 384 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, Among the other artesian wells and attempts to obtain the same in this vicinity may be mentioned the following: . . . Waterworks well at Victoria, artesian water 888 and 1,062 feet deep, found in fine sand, giving a flow of 100 gallons per minute. In Gonzales County, near Pilgrim, a well was put down 1,402 feet without getting water. - - At Sinton, on the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railroad, a well was sunk 1,860 feet for J. J. Welder. While no artesian flow resulted, yet at the 900-foot level a supply of pump water was obtained. SAN ANTONIO. Irrigation at San Antonio was begun by the Spaniards and mission fathers many years ago, and some of their original ditches are still in use. In the earlier days sufficient water was obtained by gravity from the San Antonio River—which is the main source of supply— to perform all the desired irrigation, but since the discovery of arte- sian water irrigation has taken on a new aspect and the field for the same has widely increased. Pumping plants have also been installed on many of the wells situated above the level of the water plane, where no artesian water was available, as well as to increase the flow from artesian wells. At many places along the San Antonio River pumping stations of considerable capacity have been installed, increas- ing greatly in value the land which they irrigate. San Antonio itself, in addition to being the largest city in Texas, is the natural commercial center of a large section of the richest land in the State, much of which is at present in an undeveloped state, and the city is destined to grow considerably with the development of the sur- rounding country. The most important feature in promoting this result is the irrigation of lands now arid. - The San Antonio River has its source in springs a few miles from the city. There are three ditches which at present derive their water by gravity alone from the river. The Upper Labor takes its water from the river at a point about a mile below its source, on the right bank. This ditch was formerly owned by the city and ran past the International and Great Northern depot, but at present it is owned by 22 truck gardeners, who formed an association and charged $2 an “ hour º’ three times a month throughout the year for the use of the entire flow. The length of the ditch has been cut down to 3,000 yards. This ditch, which was originally built by the Spaniards many years ago, is 6 feet wide on top and 3.5 feet deep, and water runs about 2 feet deep. It is said to deliver 2,000,000 to 4,000,000 gallons per day. Within the city limits of San Antonio are the San Pedro Springs, which belong to the city. There are altogether seven springs, five of IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 385 which are in rock and two in sand, furnishing a supply of 2,000 gal- lons per minute. Of this amount one-fourth runs through the town in the lower ditch and goes to waste. One thousand five hundred gallons per minute are used in the San Pedro ditch and a branch ditch, for irrigation, these two dividing the flow between them about evenly. Water is sold in shares known locally as “hours,” each of which entitles the purchaser to the entire flow of the ditch for one hour three times a month throughout the year. The annual charge is $2 per “hour,” which is equivalent to $2 for thirty-six actual hours' flow of the ditch. On the main ditch two hundred and forty-four “hours” of water were sold during 1903 and 274 acres were irrigated; on the branch ditch one hundred and forty-three “hours” of water were sold and 150 acres irrigated. - About 6 miles from San Antonio in the vicinity of the hot springs are the heads of the San Juan and Espado ditches, which are over 150 years old. San Juan ditch is on the east side of the river and is said to have a flow of 4 cubic feet per second. It irrigates 500 acres, thus giving the entire flow one-half hour per acre once every ten days. The ditch was originally 7 miles long, but has been cut down to 3 miles. - Espado ditch, which is on the west side of the river, irrigates 600 acres, the flow of water and conditions being about the same as under the San Juan ditch. The land irrigated by this ditch is all in small holdings and the owners of the land also own the ditch, which was originally 12 miles long but has been cut down to 5 miles. These two ditches are practically the same size—5 feet wide on top, 4 feet on the bottom, and 3 feet deep, with a grade of 1 foot per mile. Water runs about 1.5 feet deep in the ditches. The flow from these ditches is considered hardly sufficient for the irrigation of the land. The main crops grown are truck, corn, cotton, ribbon cane, and alfalfa. The bed system is used for the irrigation of cane, alfalfa, and grain, the checks being 10 feet wide and 300 to 600 feet long, with a fall of about 3 inches. The other crops are irrigated by the furrow system. It takes the flow of the ditch one-half hour to irrigate 1.5 acres by the furrow system, while the same length of time will irri- gate only 1 acre by flooding. The soil is 1 to 3 feet deep, with clay subsoil. The frequency of irrigation in dry periods with different crops is about as follows: Days. Corn and Cotton * * * * * * * **m am memº m ºr em ºm mas. * * * * * * * * * * * *m ºsm m mºm 20–30 Cane _ 10–15 Truck * * * * 10 Numerous artesian wells in the vicinity of San Antonio derive their supply of water from caverns in the rock at depths of 600 to 800 feet. The underground connection between the different wells appears to 30620–No. 158–05—25 386 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. be very free and results in the static pressure being practically equal in wells which are several miles apart. It is commonly supposed, and without doubt is the case, that these artesian wells derive their sup- ply of water from the same strata as the water which forms the San Pedro Springs and the headwaters of San Antonio River. - San Antonio River is said to have fallen very considerably in flow since the numerous wells have been sunk in the surrounding country, and this is commonly attributed to the flow from these wells having diminished the subterranean supply. During the drought of 1898 San Antonio River went entirely dry, for the first time since 1875, and remained so until 1900. In this period the output from the wells decreased considerably. - Among the various wells and irrigation plants in the vicinity of San Antonio may be mentioned the following: On the river, 2.5 miles north of town, is a farm belonging to the estate of H. B. Kampman, which is leased by Louis Lehr. The Upper Labor ditch runs along the border of the field, which, however, de- rives its water supply from a 10-inch artesian well 1,020 feet deep. Artesian water is found in a limestone formation. The well is cased for 854 feet, the remainder of the hole being in rock. When first put down the well had a static head of 11 feet above ground level. At present it is said to discharge 700 gallons per minute. During the drought of 1898 the well ceased temporarily to flow. Thirty-five acres are irrigated, but it is considered that the flow of water is hardly sufficient for this area without rain, and that under these conditions the well will irrigate 20 acres of truck. A reservoir which stores twelve hours' flow will, with four hours’ additional flow, irrigate 2 acres in four hours by the furrow system. The furrows are 150 yards long, and the time required for the water to run through them is one and one-half to two hours. Mr. Lehr irrigates every ten days in dry weather, and in the summer starts at 5 p.m. to avoid irrigating when the ground is excessively hot. The city waterworks of San Antonio have three pumping stations which derive their supply from artesian wells, the water being deliv- ered direct into the city mains. In addition, there is a reservoir into which the surplus water from the pumps flows. One of these pump- ing stations is situated near the head of San Antonio River and utilizes the water power of the river for driving the pumps. The capacity of this station is 3,000,000 gallons per day. The second station is situated about 2 miles nearer town, on the river, and likewise derives its supply from artesian wells, which, like all the others in the vicinity of San Antonio, are open bottom. At this station there are three 8-inch wells and one 12-inch well 800 feet deep. Water without pumping at present stands 7 feet above the IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. 387 ground level. When the pumps are running, delivering 3,100 gallons per minute, the static pressure of water will be diminished only 2 or 3 feet. In the year 1900 water stood 18 feet above the ground. The lowest point recorded was 1 foot below the ground level. The machinery is steam driven, and can also be driven in part by stored water power in the river. It has two vertical 50-horsepower boilers, and supplies steam at 100 pounds’ pressure for a 100-horse- power simple Corliss engine, which has a jet gravity condenser giving about 23 inches vacuum. The engine drives two Worthington geared pumps, which supply water under a pressure of 52 pounds. The pumps operate six hours a day. Fuel consumption is 15,000 pounds of Lytle coal per day. The San Antonio River at this station has a fall of 14 feet, which is also utilized in 80 and 50 horsepower turbines for driving the pumps. The main station of the San Antonio waterworks is also situated on the river, near the center of town. It has four 8-inch and five 12-inch wells 880 feet deep. These are about 20 feet apart. Each is fitted with 650 feet of casing, the remainder of the hole being in rock. The wells are all connected by piping to the suction side of the pumps. In May, 1904, the static head above the ground was 35 feet. One of the 12-inch wells delivered 4,200 gallons per minute. The maximum fluctuation of water level due to drought is 12 feet. The water pressure carried on the mains at this station is 75 pounds. Water is supplied by triple-expansion Worthington duplex pumps, with a steam end of 12, 20, 33 by 24 and a pump end of 18.5 by 24, capacity 5,000,000 gallons per day, and six Gould triple-plunger single-acting pumps, with a total capacity of 5,000,000 gallons per day. Lytle coal, at $1.60 per ton, is used for fuel. It will evaporate about 3 pounds of water per pound of coal, as against 4 pounds evaporated by Black Diamond coal. Oil cost, delivered in San Antonio, 86 cents per barrel, being 42 cents at the oil wells, 37 cents freight, and 7 cents drayage. The average output of the station was at the rate of 10,000,000 gallons per day, and while delivering this quantity with one of the wells disconnected the static pressure in that well was only 1 foot lower than when the other wells were not flowing at all. The pressure on the suction side of the pumps was 10 pounds positive pressure when delivering this flow, thus showing that the ground pressure was scarcely affected, due to the flow of water pumped from the ground, the principal source of loss being friction in the pipes and well casing. - Adjoining the old station the waterworks have put up a new plant, which is at present in operation, delivering 15,000,000 gallons per day. It consists of a large triple-expansion pumping engine 24, 46, 68 by 42, and three pump cylinders 28.5 by 42, the speed being 28.5 revolutions per minute. The boiler pressure is 150 pounds. 388 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The cost of 10-inch wells in this vicinity 500 to 1,000 feet deep is $4 to $4.50 per foot. - - - The strata have a general Southeasterly slope, on a greater grade than the grade of the ground, hence near the headwaters of San Antonio River the wells are more shallow and the water pressure above the ground is less than farther downstream. Near the springs at the head of San Antonio River at the first waterworks station it is only 350 feet to artesian water. At the main waterworks station the following is the log of one of the wells: .. Three hundred and fifty feet, blue clay. One hundred and eighty feet, magnesium limestone—very soft, white. Three feet, shale and sulphur. Three hundred and fifty to three hundred, and eighty feet, blue, white, and gray limestone. - At a depth of 720 feet there was a stratum, however, of blue mud 50 feet deep. ...” The following represent average strata encountered in well boring in San Antonio: - Feet. Soil -------- — — — — — — 3— 4 Yellow Clay and gravel ––––––––––– — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 60 Blue clay---------------------------------------------- 500–700 Blue and gray rock------------------------------------- 120 Black marl-like lignite clay and rock--------------------- 20–30 Loam rock-------------------- ". –––––. - - - 60 Blue clay (locally known as a “mudhole ‘’) -------------- - 50 Below the mudhole lies a water rock, which is usually blue, yellow, and white. Sometimes a dark brown sand rock is found in which the water supply is plentiful. In the artesian belt water is almost always found within 50 feet of the mudhole. The artesian belt extends fully 16 miles west, 9 miles north, and 6 miles east of the town. - The cost of well boring, furnishing everything complete, is as fol- lows for wells up to 1,500 feet deep : - . Cost of boring wells. Diameter. - Boring. Casing. Total. 6-inch Well----------------------------------------------------- per foot-- $2.50 $0.75 .25 8-inch Well--------------------------------------------------------- do---- 3.25 i.6% s: 25 10-inch well --------------------------------------------------------do---- 4.20 1.30 5.50 12-inch Well -------------------------------------------------------- do---- 5.30. 1.70 7.00 At San Louis College, which is somewhat northeast of San Antonio, there is an 8-inch well 713 feet deep, the casing extending down 500 feet. Water is found in rock. The well is open bottom. The col- lege is about 130 feet above San Antonio, and water stands without IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAs. 389 flow in this well 80 feet from the surface. A deep-well pump, 5% by 30, capacity 80 gallons per minute, driven by a 20-horsepower engine, lifts water into a tank 70 feet above the ground. At a depth of between 150 and 200 feet is a water-bearing stratum giving a poor supply of sulphur water. Between 300 and 400 feet a better supply is obtained, but the main water-bearing rock, which is evidently the same stratum as that of the artesian flow in San Antonio, is between 700 and 800 feet deep. The elevation of San Louis is 760 feet above the sea. Another 8-inch well near by is 705 feet deep and is provided with a 53 by 19 inch deep-well pump driven by a 25-foot windmill. This is by far the largest windmill in this part of the country. It delivers most of the water at ground level into a tank near by. Under aver- age conditions this windmill will throw a stream of about 40 gallons per minute. The wind in the vicinity of San Antonio averages 6 to 8 miles per hour and is fairly constant. The average velocity, as deter- mined by the Weather Bureau, is 7.4 miles per hour. Very extensive use of windmills has been made throughout Texas, and in several cases small irrigation plants have been run by the aid of water so pumped. Windmill capacities as usually given by manu- facturers are based upon a wind speed of about 15 miles per hour. The energy of the wind which passes a windmill varies as the cube of the velocity of the wind, hence with a wind at half the speed men- tioned the power obtained would be greatly reduced. Where wind power is used for pumping for irrigation it would usually pay to install much larger mills than has been the custom. - Polo ranch.-A short distance from San Louis College is Captain Tappen's Polo ranch. The irrigated portion of this ranch consists of 86 acres, which is planted mainly in corn. Water for irrigation is supplied by a pumped well tapping the San Antonio artesian stratum. The well is 1,000 feet deep and water stands without flow 76 feet from the surface of the ground. A brick shaft is built down 84 feet below the ground level and in the bottom of this sets a vertical centrifugal pump. A 25-horsepower gasoline engine belted to a countershaft drives this pump, which lifts the water 8 feet above the ground into an outlet box, from which it can be turned either into a flume or into an earth reservoir about 150 feet in diameter and 17 feet deep. This depth is due to excavating material for the banks, and, of course, part of the water stored in the reservoir can not be used for irrigation. The pump discharged 600 gallons per minute by measurement and the engine required 5 gallons of gasoline per hour. The plant would irrigate 6 to 7 acres per day, the length of run being nine hours. Corn was irrigated four times during the past season. The ground is very liable to crack when dry and seemed to have been over- irrigated. The ditches were in poor condition. The land was also 390 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. unfavorably situated for irrigation, being quite hilly. Gasoline for the engine cost 12 cents per gallon. - Vance ranch-A few miles from San Louis College is the ranch of Mr. Vance. The house is situated on the top of a hill at an elevation of 804 feet, and near by is a small farm, which is irrigated by water pumped from two wells. Water rises without flow to 145 feet from the ground level. The wells are 6 inches in diameter. One is 160 feet deep and the other 660, but the water supply for both comes from the 160-foot level. In the valleys near by, 100 feet lower, the water stratum is at a depth of 400 feet. Mr. Vance's wells are oper- ated by deep-well pumps, one of which is driven by a 24-horsepower engine giving 15 gallons per minute, the engine consuming 5 gallons of gasoline in sixteen hours. The other is driven by a 6-horsepower engine giving 35 gallons per minute and consuming 7 gallons of gaso- line in fifteen hours. The combined capacity of these wells will irri- gate 1.5 acres in three days. The price of gasoline is 17 cents per gallon. Creamery Dairy Company.—South of San Antonio, on the river, near the town limits, is a pump station belonging to this company which has recently been installed. A No. 10 centrifugal pump belted to a 50-horsepower engine pumps water from the river 16.5 feet into a ditch. The pump is intended to irrigate 400 acres of land and has a rated capacity of 5,500 gallons per minute. Lytle coal, costing $2 per ton delivered, will be used as fuel for the 60-horse- power boiler which furnishes steam for the engine. The ditch for conveying water from the pump to the field is 3 feet wide on the bottom, 6 to 8 feet wide on top, 3 feet deep, and 1.5 miles long. The slope of the ditch is 0.5 inch in 250 feet. The water will be used to irrigate truck, cane, and alfalfa by the furrow system. In the irri- gation of alfalfa the furrows will be 5 feet apart. Part of this land was formerly irrigated by sewer water, which is now, however, con- veyed several miles below the city and used by another irrigation company. The intake to the suction pipe is through a channel formed by sheet piling, and the water in the river is backed up by a small dam. When the pump station of the creamery started running it utilized a large part of the water flowing in the river, and will undoubtedly interfere with the users of water farther down the stream. About a mile farther down the river are two current wheels about 20 feet in diameter, operated by a 3-foot fall in the river. These will deliver a flow of 500 gallons per minute and will irrigate 12 acres in about twelve hours. The construction of these current wheels is shown in figure 57. This water is used to irrigate 100 acres of land owned by Mr. Klein, who is also one of the owners of the creamery company. - IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. 391 Kellman well.—Near the “Sap * roundhouse in San Antonio is a tract of 18.5 acres irrigated by the flow of a well on the place of Mr. Kellman. The well is 1,100 feet deep, of 8-inch, 6-inch, and 4.5-inch casing. The flow from this well will irrigate 3.5 acres in twelve hours, and is utilized for irrigating the land owned by Mr. Kellman, as well as that of many of the neighbors near by. The well is said to have a pressure without flow of 25 pounds at the ground level. It has been estimated that the well would irrigate 100 acres of truck with irrigations three to ten days apart. There are several small irrigation plants along the river which pump water with gasoline engines. West of San Antonio, however, are the largest irrigation plants in that vicinity. FIG. 57.—Plan of current wheels belonging to Mr. Klein, San Antonio, Tex. Collins plant.—F. F. Collins owns a tract of 180 acres just outside of the town limits of San Antonio which is irrigated by water from two artesian wells. One is 700 feet deep, with 12-inch casing down 500 feet. The other well, near by, is 640 feet deep and has a 10-inch casing. The first well reaches to the artesian water stratum, and the second evidently derives its supply from the same water stratum through the lower 60 feet of hole of the first well, the water then running across between well holes through the intervening strata. From measurements by the writer in September, 1904, the well water without flow stands 17 feet above the ground. The output of the 12-inch well with the other well shut off was 1,080 gallons per minute, whereas the combined output of the two wells was only 60 gallons more, or 1,140 gallons per minute. With both wells flowing, the out- 392 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. put of the 12-inch well was very materially reduced over the condi- tion existing when the other well was shut off. The 640-foot well struck water at that level and at first had a flow of 15 gallons per minute from the porous limestone. Eventually the other well broke through into it, greatly increasing its flow. The cost of these wells was about $5,000 apiece. Adjoining the wells is an earth reservoir of 3,000,000 gallons capacity, the banks of which are 7 feet above the ground. The reser- voir is 1.5 acres in area and 12 feet deep. While this reservoir is kept full, it is never used, as the wells are of ample capacity for the irrigation of the land. The cost of building this reservoir was 11 cents per cubic yard for earth handled. It was made entirely of earth, which is a sticky black soil, and is water-tight. The land owned by Mr. Collins is divided into 10 and 15 acre tracts, each of which has its house and barn, and improved land is rented out at $25 per acre per year, all necessary water being Sup- plied tenants. The main ditch is 6 feet wide on top, 2 feet deep, and has a grade of 8 feet per mile. The laterals run at right angles to the main ditch and have the same slope. The water from the plant is utilized day and night, and allowance made of the entire flow of fifty-five minutes per acre per week. Mr. Collins estimates his wells to be sufficient for the irrigation of 500 acres. Much of the water at present runs to waste. It is stated that one man can irrigate 12 acres a day with the output of the wells. * r Brady ranch.-Near the Collins ranch is that of T. F. Brady, on which is a 6-inch open-bottom well 1,500 feet deep. This has a static pressure above the ground of about 15 feet, and the flow of the well is sufficient to fill two 6-inch horizontal pipes. This would probably mean a flow of 800 gallons per minute. Mr. Brady irrigates 50 acres in garden truck and runs the surplus water into a tank, and estimates that he could irrigate 40 acres more. He also supplies three tenants with water in addition to irrigating his own place. According to his figures, it would cost $2 a foot for 1,000 feet of 6-inch well, pro- vided the owner furnished casing. The furrows used for irrigation were 75 yards long, and the length of time consumed in running the water through them was fifteen minutes. - |Wautrs ranch.--Near the Brady place is a ranch owned by F. Wautrs which has a 6-inch well 1,474 feet deep. This well delivers a flow of 45 gallons per minute, and water will rise 16 feet above the level of the ground without flow. The artesian stratum from which the well derives its water is evidently of a close porous forma- tion, which throttles very much the water which can be obtained from the well. IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. * 393 Near the well is an earth tank, which, however, is not often used, the practice being to pump direct from the well onto the ground. The reservoir is 100 by 75 feet, with banks 3 feet wide on top. The total depth of the reservoir is 6 feet, owing to the excavation for the banks, but of this only 4.5 feet are available for storage. The reservoir cost $65. It takes twenty-four hours to fill the tank with the pump running and four days and nights to fill it from the well alone. The area irrigated is 50 acres. Two to 4 acres can be irri- gated with the pump in fourteen hours. The water-bearing stratum of the well is rock, at a depth of 1,235 feet. The pumping plant consists of a direct-acting steam pump set in a pit and a 12-horse- power vertical boiler. The cost of the well was $4,000 complete. The cost of the boiler, pump, and house was $900. The fuel con- sumed is 0.5 ton Lytle coal in fourteen hours and costs $1.35 per ton. The yield from 2.25 acres was 557 bushels of potatoes. The land is planted to truck and is irrigated by the furrow system. The rows are 120 yards long, and it takes one to five hours to run the water through them. The soil is of a black, waxy nature and is carefully cultivated. The well when pumped has a flow of 142 gallons per minute. * Reichert ranch.-In the same vicinity is the farm of Mr. Reichert, on which is a 6-inch well 1,200 feet deep. Water will rise in this well without flow 20 feet above the ground. At present 25 acres are irrigated from the well, and the crops raised are cane, corn, and truck. An earth tank 70 by 100 feet, with 3 feet available depth of water, is utilized, mainly to avoid the necessity of running at night. It is stated that 5 acres more could be irrigated with the same water. Truck is irrigated-every ten days. Cane and corn each receive two irrigations per year in dry weather. The furrow system is used, the furrows being 100 yards long and 3 feet apart. It takes the water one to four hours to run through the furrows. Level land takes about an hour and hilly land about four hours. The well discharges in the neighborhood of 300 gallons per minute. The usual rate of irrigation is 1 acre with ten hours' flow. J. Epp, jr., ranch.-In the same vicinity is the ranch of J. Epp, jr. The water is furnished by a 4.25-inch artesian well 884 feet deep. The well stands without flow 20 feet above the ground and delivers 200 gallons per minute. The area irrigated from this well is 21 acres, 10 of which are farmed by the owner of the well and planted in corn and Johnson grass. The remaining 11 acres are planted in truck and cultivated by tenants, who are allowed the water six days out of every nine. Irrigation goes on day and night. No reservoir is used. All irrigation is performed by the furrow system. The total flow of the well will irrigate 0.5 acre of corn in twenty-four 394 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. hours. The cost of the well was $3,500. Part of the water is de- livered through 1,700 feet of 3-inch pipe to a point 5 feet above the level of the well. This of course cuts down greatly the supply of water, due to extra elevation and friction loss in the pipe. For night runs the water is turned into four or five furrows 300 feet long 3.5 feet apart, and runs in them all night. Barnes ranch.-Adjoining the Collins ranch is the property of Mr. Barnes, with an artesian well with a capacity of about 1,100 gallons per minute. This well is provided with a throttle valve, as are also many of the other wells in the vicinity of San Antonio. This is a wise provision, as it prevents waste of water. Meerscheidt dé Stieren Irrigation Company.—The ranch of this company is about 4 miles west of San Antonio. It consists of 572 acres ready for cultivation, but at present only 470 acres is cultivated. Of this land, 200 acres is planted to truck, 170 to cotton, and 100 to corn. The land is all leased to tenants and water for irrigation is furnished them from a 10-inch well. The elevation of the land is considerably above the level of San Antonio, and water stands with- out flow in the well about 2 feet below the level of the ground. The pump station which has been installed has the following equipment: One 80-horsepower horizontal tubular boiler; one 80-horsepower automatic simple engine, belted to a centrifugal pump. The pump is set in a brick pit 12 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep. - The well was started with 12-inch casing, which went down 45 feet; then 10-inch casing for 850 feet, and an 8.25-inch hole 110 feet deep, the well being 1,005 feet deep. The pump is a No. 8 special, with 12-inch suction and 10-inch discharge. When operated at the speed at which the pump is normally run, the suction -on the pump is 25 feet and the lift and friction loss in discharge pipe 25 feet, making the total head against which the pump must operate 50 feet. The fuel consumed is 2.75 tons Lytle coal in ten hours' run, costing $1.75 per ton delivered. One man operates the entire station. The pump runs ten hours per day for about two hundred days a year. The ditches for conveying the water go in four directions from the station and are 3 feet wide on the bottom, 5 to 6 feet wide on top, and 2 feet deep. Some of the strata passed through by the well is as follows: First rock, at a depth of 625 feet. At 670 feet Sulphur water was encountered. At 765 feet, brown rock and a small quantity of water. At 800 feet, white rock. At 865 feet, mudhole. At 930 feet was a second water rock, from which the supply for the well is obtained. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. - 395 The well was sunk to a depth of 1,005 feet in the hope of obtaining flow, but, as said above, the elevation of the ground is too great. The Well is open bottom and is apparently limited in flow only by friction in the pipe itself. The cost of the well was $4,500, and the cost of the pumping plant was $3,000. The output of the well when pump is running full capacity is 2,500 gallons per minute. The cost of running the plant, as figured by the owners, is $10 a day, segregated as follows: Attendance ––––––––––––––––––- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1.00 Coal --- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. OO Interest, depreciation, and operating expenses 4.00 Cost of pumping per acre-foot, about----------------------- 2. 20 The steam plant irrigates 350 acres of the tract. The remaining 120 acres are irrigated from a separate plant near by, supplied from a 6-inch well, to which is attached a No. 6 centrifugal pump delivering a flow of 433 gallons per minute. The pump is placed in a pit 10 feet deep and is driven by a 12-horsepower gasoline engine, which uses, in twenty hours' run, 29 gallons of gasoline, costing 13 cents per gallon. The average daily run of the plant is six hours. A run of three to four hours is required for an acre. The land is irrigated by the furrow system, the furrows being 200 feet long. The entire flow of the pump will take one-half to one hour to run through the fur- rows, the flow being divided between 40 furrows. The plant is said to have sufficient capacity to irrigate 200 acres. The cost of the well was $2,700, and of the station $1,300. The well is 980 feet deep, being 650 feet to the first rock, which is 260 feet thick. Below this is the formation found throughout this region, known as “mudhole,” 50 feet deep. Twenty feet below this is the second rock, containing the water supply. Water stands without flow close to the surface of the ground. - - Land and irrigation water from the steam plant are furnished ten- ants at an annual rate of $17 an acre. The plant has been in opera- tion but a comparatively short time. The following is the form of contract between the company and the tenants which has recently been prepared: STATE OF TEXAS, County of Beazar: This agreement, this day made and entered into by and between Meerscheidt & Stieren Irrigation Co., as party of the first part, and , as party of the second part, witnesseth : g 1. The party of the first part hereby leases for the term of years, begin- ning on the day of , 190—, and ending On the day of y 190—, the following described tract or parcel of land out of their irrigation farm near and within the city of San Antonio, Texas, on the Castroville road and Cupples lane, and Containing acres Of land : 2. The party of the second part agrees to pay the sum of $ per acre for said land, to be paid as follows: $ in Cash upon signing or taking posses- 396. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. . . Sion of Said land, and the balance in equal payments. $– on the first day of , 190—, $ on the first day of , 190—, $ On the first day of —, 190—. - 3. The party of the first part further leases to the party of the second part acres Of land on shares—that is to say, each party to receive One- half of the crop raised and gathered thereon, and the party of the second part agrees to gather and deliver the equal one-half part belonging to parties of the first part to them on said farm, or if so desired to market and sell same in the City of San Antonio and turn over the money realized from such sale to the parties of the first part, in their office in the city of San Antonio, Texas, * - 4. The party of the first part agrees to furnish out of their well, at their Own expense, to the second party, Once every week, one-third of the water pumped out of their well in ten hours for each fifteen acres rented for money rent, and for land leased on shares only supplus water will be furnished, to be left to discretion of first parties after all land rented for money has been sup- plied; however, that the parties of the first part shall not be responsible to the second party for any damages for failure to supply water by reason of a break- down in the machinery, or if for any reason the well fails to furnish sufficient water, as long as the first parties make reasonable efforts to repair any break- down and pump the water contained in the well. And it is understood that in case their well should diminish, or if for any reason it should become impos- sible for the party of the first part to furnish sufficient water to the party of the second part, as hereinbefore agreed, to make a crop, the damages therefor shall never exceed the amount of rent the party of the first part agrees to pay 5. The party of the first part agrees to furnish to the party of the second part a house and stable with said land, and being house known as No. —. 6. The party of the second part agrees to cultivate his crop in a good farmer and gardener. like manner and to keep the land free of weeds and Johnson grass and to furnish all labor, tools, teams, and seed necessary to such cultiva- tion, and he is to make the ditches on the land so leased and to keep them, in repair and clean of weeds, and he further agrees to pay his rent promptly, as hereinbefore set out, and a failure to comply fully with this article shall for- feit this lease • . - - 7. It is further agreed and understood by the parties to this contract that the parties of the first part have a lien on any and all crops raised on said, leased land for rents due and to become due, and for advances made, if any, to such tenant e * Witness our hands this day of , 190—. =-- * - º As will be seen, the contracts provide for payment in part of the crop, for a cash consideration per acre, or for a combination of the two. SAN ANTONIO SEWAGE. The city of San Antonio has a population of 60,000. The water supply per capita is 167 gallons per day. In 1904 there were 3,462 houses, or about one-third of the total number in the town, connected with the sewerage system. According to the report of the city engi- neer, the average rate of flow of sewage water is 11 cubic feet per sec- TREIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 397 ond. On the basis of the above figures, and assuming that six people occupy a house, the water consumed per house would be 1,000 gallons per day. This would account for only four-sevenths of the flow of the sewer. The remaining three-sevenths of its supply comes from Seepage into the brick sewer. The sewage of San Antonio had previously been disposed of by utilizing the water for irrigation on the old sewer farm, a short dis- tance outside the city limits. As a Sanitary precaution, however, it was decided to convey the sewage several miles farther, to the vicinity of Mitchells Lake. The San Antonio Irrigation Company, of which H. McC. Potter is manager, has obtained from the city the right to utilize this sewage water for ninety-nine years for the disposal of the same. The Government experiment farm, which is close by the old sewage farm, had previously used the sewage water for irrigation, but is at present cut off from this supply. The pipe line for conveying the sewage ends a short distance beyond the old sewage farm, from which point the water is conveyed by a FIG. 58.-Section of San Antonio sewage ditch. ditch to Mitchells Lake, a distance of 7 miles. The ditch is 4.5 feet wide on the bottom, 3 feet deep, with side slopes of 1 to 1 and a grade of 4.5 feet per mile. The banks have a 3-foot crown. The ditch is designed to carry 20,000 gallons per day. In addition to the ditch, 1,500 feet of flume are used, of the follow- ing sizes: 6 by 2, 5 by 2.5, and 4 by 2.5 feet. The sections of flume are constructed of cypress, with 2-inch bottom and sides and 4 by 4 inch posts bolted to stringers set 8 feet apart. The flumes are set on a grade of 10 feet per mile. A wooden retaining wall has been constructed where the ditch is in a cut 700 feet long in loose ground. The joists are on the inside of this wall, which is an objectionable feature, as they form stopping places for sediment. It would have been better had they been placed on the outside of the wall and the timbers bolted through. Two thousand two hundred feet of open concrete invert were also used, of a semielliptical section 3 feet in depth and 4 feet across at the top (fig. 58). The thickness of the concrete lining is 6 inches. 398 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. The lining was put in when the embankment was green and has cracked in places. The concrete cost 90 cents per square yard. According to the city engineer's estimate, the following acreage is available for irrigation from sewage water without the use of pumps: * Acres. From the point where the pipe line crosses the San Antonio River to the Sewer farm-------------------------------- 400 Sewer farm and land lying east of it----------------------- 350 Sewer farm to Mitchells Lake_____________________ -------- 300 In addition to this, the Mitchells Lake property : - Filter beds------------------------------------------ 550 Cultivated filter beds_______________ - * * * * * * = am. * * m sº sº m 'm, ºm * - 400 Land which can be irrigated from the lake and Canal____ 375 Land irrigated from the lake only--------------------- 125 Total----------------------- *w- * ___ 2, 500 Mitchells Lake, a shallow basin through which the drainage water from a large section of country runs, formerly went dry in the sum- mer time. At present the outlet of the lake has been closed by a dirt dam 250 yards long with a slope of 3 to 1 on the inside and 2 to 1 on the outside. The spillway, which includes the entire length of the dam, is 1,000 feet long and is well covered with sod. It is of such ample dimensions that no cutting has resulted from the water which passes over it. The lake when full covers an area of 864 acres, with a depth of water of 2 to 10 feet. The storm waters, which drain into the lake from a section reaching as far as San Antonio, all pass through a natural basin, the utilization of which the company is at present contemplating by the erection of a dam 2,400 feet long, with a maximum height above the ground level of 38 feet. The estimated capacity of the reservoir is 8,000,000,000 gallons. Leona Creek will be used as a wasteway for the reservoir. If this reservoir were con- structed, Mitchells Lake could be drained and the land used for agricultural purposes. . . - The company figures that 2,000 acres are available for irrigation by gravity under the existing canal, and that by damming the storage basin 2,500 acres additional will be made available, of which 1,000 acres could be irrigated from the sewage supply by gravity alone if desired. According to the figures of the city engineer, the present sewage water supply is sufficient for the irrigation of 2,000 acres. This would give a duty of about 180 acres per 1 cubic foot per second. The sewage water which is at present not used for irrigation is spread over what are known as filter beds—large sandy and gravelly tracts—and eventually finds its way by percolation through the soil into Mitchells Lake. The water is distributed over the filter beds by means of Small laterals 4 feet wide on top and 8 inches deep, con- IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAS. ... " 399 structed with V scrapers and run on a grade of 1 foot to the mile. Part of the filter beds can be used for farming. There are about 2 miles of ditches in the filter beds, through which the water is turned into different sections as occasion may demand. By the time the sewage reaches the filter beds there are no solids left in the water. At present there are 450 acres under irrigation, planted as follows: 140 acres in Indian COrn, irrigated three times a year. 75 acres in Kafir corn, irrigated three times a year. 80 acres in Sorghum, irrigated three times a year. 25 acres in sweet poCatoes. 100 acres in Cassava, peanuts, COWſpeas, etc. 30 acres in Irish potatoes and alfalfa. Irrigation commenced March 1. Sorghum matured in fifty days and sweet potatoes in ninety days. Furrow irrigation was practiced for all crops except alfalfa, which was flooded by the bed system, the beds being about 25 feet wide. The laterals are about 300 feet apart. SAN ANTONIO RIVER, San Antonio River, in addition to the supply of water from the springs at its source, receives considerable additions farther down from seepage and from the creeks which run into it. Several pump- ing plants have recently been installed considerable distances below the city, which utilize this water for irrigation. Ballard plant.—At Floresville, on San Antonio River, Mr. Ballard has installed on his farm of 150 acres an irrigation pumping plant consisting of a 65-horsepower boiler furnishing steam at 30 pounds pressure to a duplex pump delivering a flow of 500 gallons per min- ute. Water is raised 47 feet and 1 cord of mesquite is consumed in twelve hours' run. One hour's run of the pump will irrigate an acre. Mr. Ballard expects to put in 8 acres of onions this year (1905), to be irrigated by the bed system, the beds being 13 by 100 feet. Forty to 50 tons of manure per acre are used for fertilizer. Spencer plant.—At Falls City, on the San Antonio River, is the irrigation plant of C. W. Spencer. This plant has just been installed and is intended to irrigate 15 acres. A No. 3 centrifugal pump driven by a 12-horsepower gasoline engine will be used to raise the water 50 feet, forcing it through 450 feet of 4-inch pipe. McKay plant.—Six miles from Falls City, on San Antonio River, Dr. Donald McKay has installed an irrigation pumping plant con- sisting of a 15-horsepower portable engine belted to a No. 5 centrifu- gal pump. The lift is 37 feet. The fuel consumption is 1 cord of mesquite for twelve hours' run, during which time 4 acres are irrigated. The water is pumped through 95 feet of 54%-inch pipe. Wood costs. 75 cents a cord and is cut on the ranch. The present plant irrigates 400 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, 26 acres. According to the owner's figures 50 acres could be irrigated. s The following crops were grown on the land: - Crop returns. Irriga- Crop. Acres. |tions per Yield per acre. Se&SOIl. Onions---------------------------------------------------------- 5 10 22,000 pounds. Potatoes -------------------------------------------------------- 5 2 : 100 bushels, Melons---------------------------------------------------------- 5 4 || 75 bushels. Cotton ---------------------------------------------------------- 6 1 | Failure. Corn ------------------------------------------------------------ 5 1 | 40 bushels. Corn not irrigated yielded 20 bushels per acre. The onions were . placed in rows 12 inches apart, the spacing being 5 inches. Trans- planting the onions required thirty days’ labor per acre and harvest- ing five days. - - The soil is alluvial and cements easily. No fertilizer was used. The bed system of irrigation is employed for onions, the beds being 12 by 100 feet and the slope 1 inch per 100 feet. The entire flow of the pump is utilized on 2 to 4 beds at a time, and when irrigating 2 beds about ten minutes flow is required. Crops other than onions are irrigated by the furrow system, the furrows being 200 to 600 feet long, with a slope varying from 2 inches to 1 foot per 100 feet. Weir plant.—Near Karnes City Peter Weir has installed an irri- gation plant pumping water from San Antonio River with the follow- ing equipment: 100-horsepower horizontal tubular boiler; 100-horse- power throttling engine, speed 140 revolutions per minute, which drives through belting a No. 8 centrifugal pump provided with 10- inch suction and discharge, throwing a stream of 2,500 gallons per minute. The pump makes 400 revolutions per minute. Water is raised 47 feet vertically through 75 feet of 10-inch pipe. The fuel consumption of the plant is 1.5 cords of wood in twelve hours. Water is pumped into a canal 25 feet wide with a maximum depth of 6 feet and an average depth of 3.5 feet. It is 0.75 mile long, and is utilized in part to store water. - At present 110 acres are irrigated by the plant, 65 acres being planted in corn, of which the yield is claimed to be 70 bushels per acre. The land is rented out to tenants under contracts, of which the following is a copy: STATE OF TEXAS, County, of Karnes: This contract, made by and between Peter Weir and —s— — —, both of Karnes County, Texas, witnesseth : That said Peter Weir has this day leased and rented to the Said — for the term of — months, beginning on the day Of , A. D. 190—, and ending on the – day of , A. D. 190—, that certain acres of land this day marked and staked off by the par- ties hereto, it being a part of the farm of the said Peter Weir, situated in Karnes County, Texas, about four miles north of the town of Karnes City, on the San Antonio River, and being a part of the A. Lombrano grant, IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. 3” 401 Said Peter Weir further agrees to furnish from the San Antonio River with his pumping machinery, in the main ditch or canal near said land, sufficient water to irrigate said land and to water the crops that may be growing thereon at all necessary times for and during the term of this lease. It is expressly stipulated and agreed, however, that the said Peter Weir shall only be required to exercise reasonable diligence to supply the water for irriga- tion purposes above mentioned, and he shall not be liable for damages on account of a failure to supply such water occasioned by a breakage in machinery or acci- (lent thereto, high water, failure of the water in the river, breakage in canal, or from any other cause that can not be provided against with reasonable prudence. For the rent of said land and the use of said water for and during the term Of this lease the said agrees to pay to the said Peter Weir, at Karnes City, Texas, the sum of $ , as follows: $– cash, the receipt of which is now here acknowledged by the said Weir, and $– on the — day Of , A. D. 190—, and $– on the day of , A. D. 190—, and a first lien is now here acknowledged on all the crops grown and to be grown on Said land for and during the term of this lease to secure the payment of all said Sums of money. It it further understood and agreed that the said Peter Weir shall, either in perSon Or by an agent, at all times, during usual working hours, be at or near Said pumping plant, and the said shall not take any water from said main ditch or canal, except as hereinafter provided, until the consent of the said IPeter Weir or his said agent shall have first been obtained, and then only such quantity of water shall be taken as shall be prescribed by the said Weir or his agent: Provided, That the said shall always be entitled to water OD of each week, and at his request shall also be entitled to water at any time during transplanting. The Said - hereby agrees to work and cultivate said premises in a good and farm-like manner during the term of this lease and to peaceably sur- render the possession thereof to the said Weir at the termination thereof in as good condition as it now is, natural wear and tear, the act of God or a public enemy alone excepted. Witness Our hands this . A. D. 190— day of - - Land adjoining the plant has increased in value $17 to $25 per acre since its installation. With furrow irrigation the pump flow is used on 30 rows 250 yards long, taking about an hour to flow through the same. The corn crop was planted early in March and harvested the first part of September. It was irrigated twice. Without rain it would require three irrigations. Wood for fuel costs $1.25 per cord, being cut from the land of the owner of the plant. Delutz-Campbell plant.—Near Karnes City is another irrigation plant pumping from San Antonio River, owned by Delutz and Camp- bell. In 1903–48 acres were irrigated by this plant: Six in onions, 1 in melons, 0.5 in potatoes, and 0.5 in truck. This year (1905). 20 acres will be irrigated—15 in onions and 5 in cabbage. Water is 30620–No. 158—05—26 402 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. pumped from the river by a No. 3 centrifugal pump driven by a 10-horsepower gasoline engine consuming 1.25 gallons of gasoline per hour. The lift is 44 feet and the flow 295 gallons per minute as measured. The present plant will irrigate about 3 acres of onions in ten hours. Last year’s onion yield was 14,000 pounds per acre, for which the price received was 2 cents per pound f. o. b. No ferti- lizer was used. Onions were planted October 15 and harvested April 15–20. Transplanting took 10 men three weeks and harvesting 5 men two weeks. The onions were planted 4 inches apart in rows 14 inches apart. The bed system of irrigation was used, beds being 12 by 100 feet. The entire flow of the pump required five to eight min- utes to irrigate a bed. The first part of the season the onions were irrigated every two weeks and after that every seven or eight days. About 12 irrigations were required during the Season. The Onions weighed 1.25 to 1.5 pounds each. It is the intention of the owners to install later a No. 6 pump driven by a 40-horsepower engine, to irrigate 70 acres. . BEEVILLE. In the country near Beeville there are several successful small irri- gation plants which illustrate how trucking may be carried on to . advantage by a man of small means. The water supply is obtained entirely from pumped wells which furnish a comparatively limited flow. In consequence much greater economy is practiced here in the use of water than in most other parts of Texas which the writer visited. All kinds of soil are found within a short distance, varying from a sandy to a waxy consistency. The State experiment station, of which Mr. Robertson is at present in charge, is situated about 6 miles from Beeville. Experiments have been conducted there to determine the commercial value of irrigation which show clearly its great importance. Reports are carefully kept of the cost of various operations and the labor necessary for growing a crop and the results from irrigated and nonirrigated land show a striking contrast. - - A well 1,333 feet deep was bored in an attempt to obtain artesian water near Beeville. At 40 feet the first water stratum, which was of small capacity, was encountered, water standing at that level. At 65 feet the water rose to within 30 feet of the ground surface. At 237 feet in fine sand a good supply of water was encountered which rose to within 37 feet of the surface. At 400 feet a better supply was encountered and at 600 feet the water rose to within 9 feet of the surface. No artesian flow, however, was struck. The formations encountered in well boring near Beeville are in general as follows. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. - 403 From 35 feet down to 65 to 80 feet the ground is porous clay rock with a small water supply. - From there to 100 feet is a stratum of sand. At 120 feet is a 5-foot vein of quicksand. At 224 feet is another water-bearing stratum of sand. These conditions hold to about 4 miles east of the town. About 6 miles west of the town the formation is rock to a depth of 125 to 150 feet. At 120 feet is a water-bearing stratum of rock. At 150 feet is a water-bearing sand stratum. Nearer Beeville between depths of 40 and 100 feet the ground is honeycombed sand rock yielding a limited water supply and which is underlaid with about 60 feet of clay. Twelve miles west of Beeville is a gravel stratum between 100 and 150 foot levels. Water stands 130 feet from the ground. In the northern part of Bee County the wells are small. At the 60-foot level a small amount of seepage was encountered in a well at Pettus, and at the 220-foot level the well was dry. West of Bee County, at 150-foot levels, is a water-bearing stratum of sand and gravel which furnishes a fair flow. Water stands 100 feet from the surface of the ground. In the southern part of the county the water gravel is 40 feet below the surface and furnishes a good supply. Water stands without flow 30 feet from the surface of the ground. In the eastern part of the county the water-bearing sand is 100 feet below the surface and furnishes a good supply. The lift is 50 feet. At Pettus, 19 miles north of Beeville, is a dug well near the bank of Medio Creek, which is said to furnish a good supply of water. At Skidmore is a well 180 feet deep, dug 8 feet square for the first 100 feet and drilled for the remaining 80 feet, supplied with 8 and 12 inch casing. Water stands 120 feet from the surface. The water strata were encountered at 90, 120, and 180 feet, the stratum at 180 feet being gravel. A steam pump is set 15 feet above the water level. The length of suction pipe is 28 feet. The delivery of the pump is 100 gallons per minute. At Sinton, near Chiltipin Creek, is a pumped well delivering 95 gallons per minute. A well 1,600 feet deep was put down in this vicinity in the hope of finding artesian water. Strata of water- bearing gravel were encountered between 75 and 400 feet, but no arte- sian flow was obtained. 3. H. M. Perry irrigates 25 acres southwest of Skidmore. A 6-horse- power engine drives a pump delivering 75 gallons per minute against a lift of 140 feet. A reservoir of 500,000 gallons capacity is used. Near Driscoll are three small farms of 15 to 20 acres each irrigated by pumping. 404 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. Beeville ea periment station.—According to the figures of J. K. Robertson, irrigation for trucking in the vicinity of Beeville requires an average of 1 inch depth of water applied every 10 days when the weather is dry. The irrigations required per year per crop are two to ten. The pumping plant at the experiment station consists of a deep-well pump operated by a gasoline engine delivering 65 gallons per minute against a lift of 90 feet, utilizing 4.5 gallons of gasoline in ten hours at a cost of 14.5 cents per gallon. An earth reservoir 62 by 44 top inside measurements, 8 feet deep, side slope 1 to 1.5, capacity 90,000 gallons, is used in connection with the pumping plant. The well from which the water supply is obtained is 100 feet deep, the water being in a porous adobe formation. In the summer of 1904, water stood 65 feet below the surface of the ground. Formerly the level was 15 to 20 feet higher. Water is pumped by a 6 by 22 inch deep-well pump run at 32 strokes per minute. Pumping at this rate the well pit is emptied in five hours. The probable flow into the pit when empty is estimated at 45 gallons per minute. - The reservoir is lined with a mixture of 73 per cent sand, 2 per cent lime, and 25 per cent coal tar. Air-slaked lime and sand were mixed dry and poured into boiling coal tar. Fifty-three pounds of mixture per square yard were used. The surface was coated with a flashed tar applied as a paint, made by boiling tar twenty minutes and flashing it while boiling until the grease was burned out. This lining has worked quite Satisfactorily. - . Mr. Robertson figures that the cost of gasoline for raising water near Beeville was 4 cents per 1,000 gallons. - The land on the experiment station used for truck growing was fertilized at a cost of $7 per acre with the following commercial ferti- lizer: Five parts of nitrate of soda, 6 of acid phosphate, 9 of muriate of potash. The two latter were applied from seven to ten days before setting out onions, and the former in two applications, one when the bulb was half grown and the other when the onions were half grown. Five hundred pounds per acre was applied and the same required from one-half to five hours’ labor for its application. Three pounds of onion seed, at $2 per pound, were used per acre. The following are figures made by Mr. Robertson on the cost of farming and the yield of land with and without irrigation. The time was carefully kept of all operations required for one-twentieth of an acre. IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. 405 Oost of farming 1 acre of nonirrigated land. Plowing and harrowing---------------------------------- $2.00 Laying off furrows, labor in irrigation before planting, etc. – 2.00 Restirring with 5-tooth cultivator---- - - 2. 00 Transplanting Onions--------- - — — - - 9. (90 Water for irrigation before planting (40,000 gallons) ------- 1.66 Eight cultivations---------------------------------------- 3. 60 Hand Weeding–––––-----------------------------------___ 5.00 Pulling onions, 33.3 hours, at 74 cents ---- 2. 50 Trimming, sacking, and weighing, 100 hours, at 7.5 cents____ 7. 50 Total -------------------------------------------- 35. 20 NoTE.—The land received one irrigation only before planting. The following was the cost for irrigated land: Plowing and harrowing------------ - - - - - - - $2.00 Laying off furrows, and labor of irrigation before planting_- 2.00 Restirring------------- tº º m, - ____ 2.00 Transplanting ------------------------------------------- 9. OO Water for irrigation before planting – - 1. 60 Eight cultivations---------- ------------- 3: 60 Laying off rows for irrigating after planting________ — — — — — — —- 1. 50 Four irrigations—Water---------------------------------- 6. (O Four irrigations—labor----------- 4.80 Pulling, trimming, sacking, and weighing, 190 hours, at 7.5 cents------------------------------- - - - 14.25 Total --------------------------------------------- 47.45 The Onions were red Bermuda, planted 44 inches apart in the rows, which were 15 inches on centers. The nonirrigated land yielded 19,075 pounds per acre, and the irrigated land 38,056 pounds per acre. Onions planted with the above spacing gave the following yield in pounds from a 50-foot row: - Pounds. Red Bermuda-------------------------------------------- 63. 50 White Bermuda --- - -- 49.25 Creole ----------------------------- __ 35.25 Irrigated onions required no hand weeding; unirrigated onions required 10 days’ labor in weeding per acre. The following are the comparative results of the irrigated and unir- rigated cabbage land. One-eighth acre was used in obtaining these figures, but the results are reduced to cost per acre: Unirrigated, earcept for planting. Man and team laying off rows, 4 hours––––––––––––––––––––– $0.80 One man, 4 hours, irrigating------------------------------ . 40 Water for irrigation before planting_-_____________________ , 80 Labor, transplanting, 30 hours---------------------------- 2. 72 One man raking in furrows------------------------------- .80 Man and mule, 9 Cultivations----------------------------- 2.96 Hoeing, 6 hours--- - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - * = . 60 406 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Cost of farming irrigated cabbage per acre. Man and team, laying off rows, 4 hours____________________ $0.80 Six irrigations (167,000 gallons) -------------_____________ 6. SO Labor, 6 irrigations, making ditch, etc., 22 hours____________ 2. 20 Man and mule, 9 Cultivations----------------------------- 2.96 Labor, transplanting, 30 hours---------------------------- 2. 72 Labor, raking in furrows--------------------------------- . 80 Labor, hoeing, 6 hours ---- - - . 60 Total --------------------------------------------- 16. S8 There were 8,320 plants transplanted, 152 being killed by black rot, 2,720 plants failed to head, and 5,448 plants yielded a total of 6,144 pounds on the unirrigated land. Irrigated land which had the same number of plants transplanted yielded 17,632 pounds, 248 plants being killed by black rot, 80 failed to head, and 7,992 matured. The following prices were received for cabbage in 1904: In Feb- ruary, 1.90, 1.76, 1.75, 2.02 cents per pound; in March, 1.96, 2.17 cents per pound, and in April, 2.26 cents per pound. The average for February was 1.86 cents, for March, 2.07 cents, and the average for February, March, and April, 2.05 cents. Figuring on 2 cents per pound, the irrigated land yielded a return of $352, whereas the yield of unirrigated cabbage was only $123. These figures demonstrate beyond a doubt the absolute commercial necessity of irrigation, particularly in view of the comparatively Small cost of the same and vastly increased returns, the difference in cost being only $7.80 per acre, with an increased yield equivalent to a profit of $229. These figures represent what can be obtained by skillful farmers and are considerably above the average. Rankin farm.–In the country around Beeville there are several thriving truck farms, the most successful of which belongs to Carl |Rankin. The water supply for irrigation comes from three wells, two of which are pumped by 12-foot windmills and the third by a gasoline engine. The present supply of water is just sufficient for the irrigation of 20 acres, 15 of which belong to Mr. Rankin and 5 to a neighbor. By far the larger part of the water supply is derived from the engine-driven pump, the well for which is of 54%-inch casing and 175 feet deep, the water standing about 40 feet from the ground level. From experience in wells near by, water will be lowered at a rate of probably 6 inches per 1 gallon per minute rate of flow. A deep-well pump, 3.75 by 24, is driven at 32 strokes per minute by a gasoline engine of 24 horsepower. The capacity of this pump is 37 gallons per minute. The end of the pump cylinder is 40 feet below the standing-water level. The pump discharge into an earth reservoir, 80 by 52 feet top inside measurement, and about 6 feet deep, the banks having a slope of 1 vertical and 2 horizontal. -- IRRIG ATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 407 The pump, engine, well, and house complete cost $1,000. The cost of boring wells in this vicinity is 50 cents per foot. The gasoline engine runs day and night without attention. The owner estimates that the engine runs one-third of the year. Gasoline at 14 cents per gallon costs 80 cents for twenty-four hours' run. Labor for irrigating 1 acre costs 60 cents to $1. Irrigation is car- ried on during the day only, the pump discharging into the reser- voir at night. Twenty-four hours' run of the pump will furnish sufficient water for the irrigation of 2 acres. Freshly plowed land will take at the start twice this quantity of water. Truck land is irrigated every ten days in dry weather. The soil on this ranch varies from black waxy to light sandy, and is 1 to 2 feet thick, underlain with a red clay subsoil. The land is all fertilized with barnyard manure. This farm is a good example of the benefits of diversified farming. All kinds of vegetables and truck are grown on the land, and the owner says he is able to sell some kind of produce from the farm every day in the year. The land requires six to eight irrigations per crop per year for truck raising. The land originally cost $25 per acre a short time ago and it is now greatly increased in value. Five acres of radishes marketed between January and March brought $200 per acre. One acre of beets yielded 145 barrels—264 bunches to the barrel. Benton farm.—Adjoining the Rankin farm is the farm of Mr. Benton. A well for irrigation purposes has recently been sunk to the same depth as the Rankin well, the water standing 42.5 feet below the ground level. A test was made on this well to determine the rela- tion between the delivery of the well and the distance the ground water was lowered. This gave the following results: Effect of pumping on level of ground water. Gallons Depth Gallons Depth per water was per Water Was minute. lowered. minute. | lowered. Feet. Feet. 00 00 12.9 7.5 20.7 11.2 8.8 5.6 20, 7 11.3 7.2 4.5 17.1 10 20.3 11.2 This indicates that the flow of this well, which is open bottom, is directly proportional to the distance which the ground water level is lowered. * Messenger farm.—W. D. Messenger irrigates 10 acres of land from a pumped well 6.25 inches in diameter, 90 feet deep, and cased 40 feet. The pump delivers water into an earthen tank 40 by 55 feet inside top measurements, side slopes 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal. The tank is about 5 feet deep and cost $250. The cost of the well, 408 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. ditches, 3-horsepower gasoline engine, and 4-inch deep-well pump was $750. The cost of the land was $40 per acre. The land was fertilized with manure costing 10 cents per 2-horse load. Stovall farm.—A. M. Stovallirrigates a small tract with water from a 6-inch pumped well. The water stands 36 feet below the ground level and is raised 6 feet above the surface to the top of an earth reservoir. A 1.5-horsepower gasoline engine drives a 3.75 by 20 inch deep-well pump 30 strokes per minute, delivering 1 gallon per minute per stroke. The engine uses 4 gallons of gasoline in twenty- four hours. The suction pipe of the deep-well pump is 25 feet below the level of the standing water. The reservoir is 45 feet inside base diameter, with side slopes 1 to 1, and is 5.5 feet deep. The total cost of plant was $425. -- Eidson plant.—Mr. Eidson has an irrigation plant which obtains its water supply from a pumped well 60 feet deep; the distance from ground to standing water is 35 feet. A 2.5 horsepower gaso- line engine drives a 3.75 by 24 inch deep-well pump 30 strokes per minute and delivers water 6.5 feet above the ground level into an earthen tank 88 feet inside top diameter with side slopes of 1 ver- tical to 2 horizontal. The cost of the reservoir was $200; total cost of plant, including reservoir, $800. Seven acres in corn, beets, and truck are irrigated. The pump delivers 30 gallons per minute. The cost of gasoline was 17 cents per gallon and of operation for twenty-four hours 75 cents. In boring the well the first water- . bearing stratum was encountered at 30 feet, but was very weak. At 60 feet the water stratum consisted of 2 feet of gravel. The reser- voir capacity is 200,000 gallons. - Muckleroy farm.—R. C. Muckleroy has a farm 4 miles south of Beeville, which derives its water supply for irrigation from a well 59 feet deep. The suction pipe of the deep-well pump is within 2 feet of the bottom of the well. The water stands 24 feet below the ground level and is elevated 6.5 feet farther to the top and discharges into an earthen reservoir 65 feet inside top diameter and 6 feet deep, with side slopes of 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal. The well is of 51%-inch casing. A 2.5-horsepower gasoline engine drives a 3.75 by 24 inch deep-well pump 30 strokes per minute. The cost of the res- ervoir was $200; cost of engine, $245; cost of well boring, 55 cents per foot. The well is cased 53 feet. Below the standing water level is a 30-foot sand stratum and 5 feet of stone, the soil being 10 inches thick, underlain with clay subsoil. Cabbage set out in September was shipped in December and Feb- ruary, and was followed by a crop of black-eyed peas planted May 1 and plowed under August 1. On the same land a crop of cauli- flower and cabbage was set out in September and shipped in Decem- ber and January. English peas planted September 1 were shipped IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 409 October 15–30, and radishes planted November 1 were shipped De- cember 15–30. Grissett place.—C. L. Grissett has a farm irrigated from a well 160 feet deep. Water stands about 44 feet below the ground level. A 4-horsepower gasoline engine drives a 3% by 20% inch deep-well pump, delivering a flow of 28 gallons per minute. Two acres of land were irrigated per day of ten hours, in which time 34 gallons of gasoline were consumed. The land is used for truck raising and is irrigated every twelve days in dry weather, requiring from 6 to 8 irrigations per year. * > McDowell farm.—This farm of 4 acres adjoins the Grissett place and is irrigated with water from a pumped well 100 feet deep. A 1.5-horsepower gasoline engine drives a 2.75 by 10 inch deep-well pump 44 strokes per minute. The depth to ground water is 44 feet 8 inches, the water being discharged into a wooden tank 5.5 feet deep, 8.75 feet in diameter at the bottom, and 7.5 feet in diameter at the top. A windmill also furnishes a small additional supply. The pump and windmill together deliver 2,800 gallons of water in 2.33 hours on an average. Starting with the tank full and the pump running 1.5 acres can be irrigated in ten hours. Truck is irri- gated once a week in dry weather. Koon plant.—W. T. Koon leased 5 acres of improved land for one- half of the crop. The land is irrigated every ten days, from 0.5 to 1 acre of land being irrigated per day. On the land is a reservoir 6 feet deep, 46 by 62 feet top inside measurements, with side slopes of 1 vertical to 14 horizontal. The water supply is furnished from an 80-foot well dug 6 feet square, the distance to water being 40 feet. A deep-well pump driven by a 3-horsepower gasoline engine supplies the necessary water. Holliday plant.—Mr. Holliday has an irrigated farm on which is a well 320 feet deep, the water standing 40 feet below the ground level, and it is said that at 50, 70, 90, 120, 180, 240, and 320 feet water strata were encountered. This is the deepest well in Bee County. Bowen farm.—J. J. Bowen has a small irrigation plant which de- rives its water supply from wells pumped by windmills. The water is discharged into a tank 53.5 feet top diameter, 5 feet deep, side slopes 1 vertical to 2 horizontal. Considerable difficulty was experienced in making the reservoir hold water. To prevent seepage, 6 barrels of crude oil were applied in two coats to the reservoir, the cost of the oil being $20. This was not wholly successful. Mock farm.—Mr. Mock irrigates a small tract of land with water pumped from a 5%-inch well, 93 feet deep. The ground water stands without flow 50 feet below the level of the ground. A 23 by 13% inch deep-well pump is submerged 34 feet, the pump being 410 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. driven by a 14-horsepower gasoline engine. A windmill can be connected to the pump in place of the engine. The water is dis- charged into an earth tank 38 by 45 feet inside top measurements, side slope 1 vertical to 2 horizontal. The tank is 5 feet deep and is coated with the following combination: Twelve parts ashes, 8 parts sand, 1 part lime, and 0.4 part salt. This is put on as a mortar. After hardening it is given a coat of oil or coal tar. The well has a limited capacity, and when the engine is operated only a small part of the pump capacity is obtained. . The cost of apparatus is as follows: - 12-foot windmill ------------------------------------------ $60 30-foot tower, erected -------------------------------------- 25 2-horsepower gasoline engine------------------------------- 135 Deep-Well pump ------------------------------------------- 25 Gasoline tank --------------------------------------------- 8. Shed------------------------------------------------------ 15 Well------------------------------------------------------ 70 Pipe ------------------------------------------------------ 48 Setting up engine ----------------------------------------- 1() Reservoir ------------------------------------------------- 75 Total ----------------------------------------------- 471 Elliott plant.—Mr. Elliott irrigates a small farm with water pumped from wells by two 10-foot windmills operating one 3 by 8 and one 3% by 8 deep-well pumps. The water is pumped into an earthen tank with a top diameter of 53 feet, side slopes of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal. In normal wind the pumps will fill the tank, which is about 4 feet deep, in from two to three days. The owner estimates that he can irrigate 5 acres with water pumped by the windmills. Truck and Sorghum are the crops grown, and are irrigated every ten days in dry weather. Waterworks well.—The city waterworks at Beeville derives its water supply from a 64-inch well 225 feet deep near the center of the town. The water supply is obtained from a stratum of 15 feet of water sand. The well is operated by means of an air lift, a 1.5-inch air pipe being inserted in the center of the casing. When water was first pumped from this well it delivered 55 gallons per minute; in two weeks the flow increased to 121 gallons per minute, and a day later to 146 gallons per minute. One month after starting the well gave 123 gallons per minute and shortly afterwards 263 gallons per minute. The air pipe extended 6 feet below the end of the cas- ing. The air pressure Supplied under these conditions was 50 to 55 pounds per square inch. With the air pipe at this depth con- siderable sand was pumped from the well. The air pipe was sub- sequently shortened to a length of 210 feet, at which depth 45 pounds IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 411 of air pressure are required, delivering a flow of 234 gallońs per minute. Coleman-Fuleton Pasture Company.—This company owns 170,000 acres near Gregory, extending practically to the Gulf. The land, much of which is quite level, is used entirely for stock raising, and as yet there has been no attempt at irrigation. In places it has been found necessary to put in surface-drainage ditches to handle the surplus rain water. Several wells have been bored for stock water, but these are all of small capacity. Near the eastern part of the ranch Chiltipin Creek empties into Aransas River, the basin at this point being about a mile wide and fully 20 feet deep. Chiltipin Creek channel, to which the flow of water is mainly confined, except during freshets, is about 10 feet below the bottom of the creek basin and at its mouth is about 3,500 yards wide. About a mile from the mouth of the creek is a 10-foot dam across the river channel, which backs the water up 20 miles. The bed of Aransas River is also very level, and it has been estimated that a dam across the river basin would furnish a storage 40 miles long, 0.25 mile wide, and 20 feet deep, and that Chiltipin Creek would furnish a storage 20 miles long, 0.125 mile wide, and 20 feet deep. Aransas River is 75 miles long, its drainage extending through a distance somewhat less than 10 miles on either side near the mouth, while Chiltipin Creek, which is 35 miles in length, has a drainage area of about one-half this width. If these figures are correct they would give a storage for Chiltipin Creek of 32,000 acre-feet and for Aransas River of 128,000 acre-feet, and, allowing 18 inches of stored water for the irrigation of land, they would together irrigate 106,167 acres. Assuming 10 per cent of the water which falls as the run-off of the land and 30 inches of rainfall, this would call for a drainage area of 1,000 square miles which would apparently be available. The figures given, however, are not the results of measurements, but are based on observations by those familiar with the country. An accurate survey would, of course, be required to definitely determine the feasibility of such an undertaking as damming the river. The water in Chiltipin Creek runs about thirty days in the year and in Aransas River for six months of the year. The possibility of the storage of water which this exemplifies is certainly worthy of careful consideration, owing to the vastly increased value of irrigated over unirrigated land. CORPUS CHRISTI AND ALICE. The supply of water near Corpus Christi consists of (1) the Nueces River, (2) drainage from the land into Oso Creek, and (3) pumped wells. Nueces River can not be depended upon to furnish a continuous Supply of any extent throughout the year. Oso Creek 412 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. runs in wet weather only. The pumped wells so far developed which furnish a reliable supply of water are of small capacity. In an attempt to find artesian water a well was bored 1,730 feet and artesian water encountered, but it was so strongly impregnated with sulphur and salt that it was impossible to use it for irrigation. At 540 feet sulphur water was found, and at 1,440 feet there was a strong flow of salt water which had a head of 90 feet above the ground. Numerous surface wells have been sunk for irrigation pur- poses, but these are all of small capacity and operated mainly by windmills. Three irrigation projects have been talked of which would involve the storage of rain or river water, but nothing has ever been seri- ously attempted in the construction of the reservoirs. Oso Creek drains a country 25 miles long and 20 miles wide, and at its mouth opens out into a large shallow lake, about 5 Square miles in area, lying next to the sea, but is seldom filled with water. The soil in the bottom of the lake is of a sandy alkaline nature. It has been pro- posed to build a levee 2 miles in length to make this lake serve as a storage basin for rain water, an average depth of 10 feet being obtainable in this manner. * Another proposition is to erect a dam across the creek a short distance above where it widens out into the lake. The plans which were made involved the erection of a dam 2,200 feet long, built with a masonry section 500 feet long, 26 feet maximum depth, and resting on clay 6 feet below the surface, the remaining 1,700 feet to consist of an earth fill. Four hundred and fifty feet of the masonry part of the structure was to serve as a spillway, the maximum depth being 20 feet. This dam would store about 12,000 acre-feet of water. The third project involves the damming of Nueces Bay. The Nueces River empties into Nueces Bay, a large shallow sheet of water 2 to 3 feet deep and 20 square miles in area (fig. 59). When the river is very high the water in Nueces Bay, and even for some dis- tance beyond, opposite Corpus Christi, becomes so fresh that it is potable. At the mouth of Nueces Bay, where it joins Corpus Christi Bay, the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railroad crosses a trestle 13 miles long. Numerous proposals have been made to make this bay serve as a reservoir by building a low levee across the bay near the railroad trestle. Much of the land near the bay is very low, and, in consequence, were a reservoir to be constructed it would necessitate many miles of levee in addition to the levee crossing the mouth of the bay. The Nueces River itself near the coast has very little fall for many miles and before entering the bay the river channel is narrow and deep, the result being that when the river is at all high it floods considerable land. In connection with the proposed dam, it was esti- IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 413 mated that even though the water level in the bed should be raised only 2 feet, 10,000 acres would be flooded. The bottom of the bay is composed of black, sticky' mud and oyster shells. Only careful surveys could determine the feasibility of such an undertaking, but a shallow reservoir would be open to many objections. Evaporation losses would be heavy and, in addition, the danger of contamination by salt would be very great. The plan proposed for the reservoir called also for 10 miles of embankment 2 feet high, and it was the intention to run the water within 1 foot of the top. This is entirely - 2.2% Aſex/coo s A@772/72 VSS FIG. 59.—Map of Corpus Christi Bay. too little margin to allow, as the waves would probably wash the levee out. In order to irrigate any quantity of land from Nueces Bay the water would have to be pumped against a head of 40 to 70 feet. The land near Corpus Christi is very productive, and in good years irrigation is not a necessity. However, the benefits of irrigation in the insurance against loss as well as in the increased returns are greatly appreciated, as shown by the high rates paid for water. The customers of the Corpus Christi waterworks, in spite of the high water rates, as a rule think the results accomplished justify the expenditure. Cabbage and cotton have been two of the most 414 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. successful crops grown at Corpus Christi, the returns from the former being exceptionally large in 1904. Some of the cotton land produced 1 to 1.5 bales per acre, but the boll weevil cut down this yield materially. a- - The irrigable land near Corpus Christi starts from the bluff on which a part of the city is situated, some 20 to 40 feet above the sea level. The land is fairly level, with a sufficient slope, however, to be irrigated advantageously, and in some places it has been neces- sary to construct drainage canals to dispose of the rain water. Sev- eral Small irrigated farms near Corpus Christi derive their supply from pumped wells, the usual motive power for driving the pump being a windmill. The quantity of water obtained from these wells is limited and inclined to be brackish. The wells are mostly open bottom, and the water is usually found in gray sand. 2. The city waterworks of Corpus Christi obtain their water supply from the Nueces River, the pumping station being situated at Nueces- town, about 16 miles from Corpus Christi, at which point the Nueces River is about 150 feet wide and 8 feet deep. A short distance below the power station a wooden dam has been constructed across the river channel, rather to keep the salt and fresh water separated than to serve for storage purposes. The actual storage basin of the river itself is some 25 miles long, due to a very gradual slope. The pump station delivers water through a 10-inch pipe into a standpipe in Corpus Christi. In several places along the pipe line this water has been used for irrigation purposes. The friction in the pipe adds very greatly to the head against which it is necessary to pump. The company furnishes water for irrigation from the pipe line at $75 per 500,000 gallons, the water being sold in these units only. Water for stock is furnished at $14 per farm per year. This charge of 15 cents per 1,000 gallons for irrigation purposes is so high that the *ost careful means of utilizing the water are employed. Iron pipe ind canvas hose are used for distribution, the water being allowed to ºn freely out of the hose, which is moved as soon as the ground is ºrigated. Huff farm.—H. T. Huff irrigates 35 acres with 500,000 gallons of water per irrigation, 3-inch canvas hose being used for the work. Cabbage received two irrigations and peas one. According to these figures, the depth per irrigation was only slightly over one-half of an inch. Irrigation was carried on in March and April. The cost per year per acre irrigated was $5. Kleberg farm.—Robert Kleberg irrigated 15 acres of fruit and truck four times at a cost of $10 to $15 per acre, which corresponds to a depth of 2.5 to 3.7 inches per annum. Trott farm.—Mr. Trott irrigated 8 acres of cabbage with 2,000,000 gallons of water from the pipe line of the Corpus Christi water- IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 415 works, the ground receiving four irrigations and the depth per irrigation being 2.3 inches. Thirty thousand to 75,000 gallons of water were used per acre per irrigation, depending on the condi- tion of the soil. g Moakes farm.—N. Noakes owns 10 acres near Nuecestown, which were planted to cabbage in 1904. The land is situated on the bank of the Nueces River and water was pumped by a No. 5 centrifugal pump driven by a gasoline engine, utilizing 5 gallons of fuel per day of ten hours' run. The lift averaged 9.5 feet. The volume of water discharged was approximately 250 gallons per minute. Seven acres were irrigated, water being applied twice, the first time requiring eight days' run of ten hours each and the second six days' run of ten hours each. The furrow system was used, the furrows being of lengths varying up to 600 feet and the stream of water being divided between seven furrows. Fowler farm.—Mr. Fowler irrigates a small tract by means of rain water collected in reservoirs formed by damming the natural draws. Water is also pumped from a 54%-inch well 178 feet deep, provided with a strainer of 44-inch casing 8 feet long, in which are drilled three- eighths inch holes, the lower end of the strainer being set in clay. Water was found in a sand stratum and is somewhat impregnated with sulphur and iron. It stands 9.5 feet from the surface and does not rise above the 9-foot level. It is raised by a pump set in a pit 18 feet deep. Everhardt farm.—The well on this farm is 150 feet deep and has an open bottom. It starts with a 5%-inch casing and ends with 3-inch. The level of standing water in the well is 16 to 23 feet below the ground. A windmill operates a 2.5 by 6 inch deep-well pump, which, at 40 strokes per minute, lowers the water level in the well 6 feet. This corresponds to a flow of about 5 gallons per minute. Heath farm.—Captain Heath irrigates 4 acres with water pumped from a well 182 feet deep. The well starts with 64%-inch casing and ends with 4-inch. A 12-foot windmill drives a deep-well pump 4 by 8, delivering about 6,000 gallons per day. A supply of good water is obtained at a depth of 182 feet in 6.5 feet of sand, below which are 18 inches of clay and 10 feet of sand, these three strata being overlain by one of rock. * Know farm.—Mr. Knox irrigates his land from a 44-inch well 150 feet deep, the supply being in 7.5 feet of water sand and the distance from the ground to the surface of the water 23 feet. A 12-foot windmill drives a 2.75 by 12 inch pump. 416 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. ALICE. From the coastal country near Corpus Christi to the Rio Grande for a distance of 50 to 60 miles inland the ground is very level. From Corpus Christi to Alice the rise is very gradual, the elevation at Alice being 210 feet above the sea. Little irrigation is carried on near Alice, the water supply being derived from pumped wells of limited capacity. At a depth of 600 to 640 feet a fairly good water stratum is found, in which the water rises to a level of 30 to 40 feet below the ground. In the surface wells near Alice the first water sand is encountered between 90 and 125 feet. The San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railroad has a pumping sta- tion operating four wells 210 feet deep with 6-inch casing, each pro- vided with a single-acting 3 by 18 inch deep-well pump. These pumps are all operated from the same shaft, and when run at a speed of 40 strokes per minute, delivering 88 gallons per minute, the water level is lowered 15 feet. Without flow the water stands 115 feet below the ground. The wells are 12 feet apart. An 8-inch well near by delivers 125 gallons per minute. At Alice the Texas-Mexican Railroad has a 5-inch well 800 feet deep, from which water is raised by a direct-connected steam deep-well pump. The level of the standing water in this well is 40 feet. At 150, 300, and 450 feet water-bearing strata were encountered, at which points the casing was perforated. The water is somewhat brackish. The rate of discharge of the pump is 26 gallons per minute. SOUTH OF THE MEXICAN NATIONAL IRAILROAD. The elevation of Alice is too great to obtain an artesian flow of water. The general slope of the country is toward the south and east and the nearest artesian wells are close to the Santa Gertrudas ranch, about 25 miles south of Alice. Eighteen miles southeast of Alice Mr. Weill has a well 970 feet deep, in which water stands 15 feet below the surface. Nine miles south of this well and about 6 miles north of Kingsville is a flowing well 500 feet deep, delivering 25 gallons per minute. As a general rule the flow of the wells increases toward the south and east. This is mainly due to the fact that the ground strata slope in this direction more rapidly than the ground itself, resulting in wells having a higher static pressure above the level of the ground and therefore greater flows. At the same time the wells toward the Southeast become deeper. In boring wells in this vicinity many water strata were encountered which are unfit for use on account of sulphur or salt. This is particularly true toward the coast, as at Corpus Christi, where artesian strata are encountered at great depth, but the water is so strongly impregnated IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 417 with sulphur and salt it is unfit for use. The sand in which arte- sian water is found in this country is rather fine and of a brown color, overlaid by a thick bed of reddish-brown clay. Artesian sand strata are usually 15 to 40 feet thick and on the Santa Gertrudas ranch are, as a rule, 400 to 600 feet below the surface. The majority of the wells are of 54%-inch casing and 500 to 1,200 feet deep. Some are open bottom, but most of them are provided with strainers made of sections of pipe Small enough to fit inside the casing and drilled with a number of three-eighths or one-half inch holes. A strainer commonly used consists of a joint of 44-inch cas- ing, in which six three-eighths inch holes are drilled in the circum- ference, the rows of holes being 3 to 12 inches apart. The strainers have their lower ends set in the clay beneath the water sand and project into the well casing. They are not provided with either gauze or wire. On account of the danger of the clay above the water strata caving, wells with strainers of this nature are preferred to those with open bottoms. Strainers with holes of this size, how- ever, will scarcely keep out the sand, and the result will be, as pointed out in the discussion of wells, that the lower part of the strainers will fill with sand and the entire water supply enter the casing through the upper holes only. The wells are all put down with hydraulic rigs, a 2-inch drill pipe with a bit on the end being used in boring, as already described. These boring rigs are usually operated by gasoline engines, though some utilize horsepower. Forty feet of well are ordinarily made in 'a day, the rigs operating during the daytime only. In boring 6-inch wells two 6 by 6 inch single-acting pumps are used for supplying water to the drill pipe. These pumps run at 40 revolutions per minute and operate under a pressure of 35 to 40 pounds, and deliver a flow of about 60 gallons per minute for wells of this size. About 1,500 gallons of water per day are needed to compensate for seepage losses in drilling. A 9-horsepower gasoline engine used to supply power for drilling and pumping consumes 6 gallons of fuel in twelve hours. The land in this part of the country is all in large holdings, which in the past have been used for cattle raising. The two largest ranches belong to Mrs. M. H. King and John Kenedy, and each con- tains in the neighborhood of 1,000,000 acres. The Santa Gertrudas ranch of 600,000 acres, starting about 18 miles south of Alice, and El Sauz ranch of 400,000 acres, situated some 50 miles north of Brownsville, are both the property of Mrs. King. The Kenedy ranch lies between these two tracts, extending toward the coast. E. C. Lasater and Maj. J. B. Armstrong are also large landholders in this section. 30620–No. 158–05—27 418 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The country is practically devoted to cattle raising. About 15 acres of ground are required per head of stock. Artesian wells have been sunk mainly to supply water to stock, but the possibilities of irrigation are beginning to be better appreciated, and there is a gen- eral tendency to undertake the irrigation and farming of the land. The static head above the level of the ground in the artesian district varies from a few feet up to 50 feet. The static level of the water from the artesian wells is, however, by no means the same through this country, as may be seen from the following statement of wells along the line of the “Sap ’’ Railroad from Alice south: Variations in the Static level of the water from artesian wells. Distance *...* static Elevation Depth of from * level of Ali. of ground.; ºaſe. well. 19.0 158 —10 468 27.5 155 - + 4 475 36.3 114 +15 568 The St. Louis and Brownsville Railroad, which was completed last July, runs within 3 miles of the headquarters of the Santa Ger- trudas ranch. Kingsville is the nearest railroad station, and the country adjoining the station has been laid out as a town site. Land in this vicinity, which was worth little a few years ago, is selling at $15 to $25 per acre. The conditions of the sale of this land are that any individual purchasing 40 acres or more of land is allowed to sink an artesian well for the irrigation of the same. These wells, however, will be put down by the King Ranch Company, and the purchaser of the land is to pay the company the cost of sinking the well. The purchaser is entitled to utilize as much of the flow of the well as he may need, but the surplus flow belongs to the King Ranch Company, and consequently the purchaser is not allowed to dispose of the same. The idea of the company itself putting down the wells is to be commended not only on the ground that it can do the work more cheaply than individuals, but particularly since only competent drillers will be employed in boring wells. - The land near the Santa Gertrudas ranch is of a black waxy na- ture, the soil being about 2 feet thick, underlain with a stratum of clay. The land is covered with a growth of mesquite and costs from $5 to $15 per acre to clear. In going toward the South the Soil grad- ually becomes more sandy, finally changing to a sand belt 50 miles wide, which extends down to El Sauz ranch. The rate of discharge of the wells is between 25 and 300 gallons per minute, the larger wells in this part of the country being on the Kenedy ranch. These figures were obtained by measurements made by the writer. Over 100 artesian wells have already been sunk in this district near the Santa Gertrudas ranch. A few of the wells are provided with IRR [GATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 419 storage reservoirs and the water of the same is used for irriga- tion. A measurement of Santa Gertrudas well No. 3 near the ranch houre showed a flow of 81 gallons per minute. This well is 565 feet deep. The well at the railroad station at Kingsville gave a flow of 113 gallons per minute. EENEDY RAN CH. This ranch lies mainly in the sand belt, which is sparsely covered with a growth of oak and a few mesquites. Owing to the country being so open it is estimated that 10 to 12 acres are required per head of stock. The lands are covered with a variety of grasses, including considerable wire grass. The sandy surface soil is 4 to 6 feet deep and underlain with a stratum of yellow clay. The largest wells in this district are on this ranch. The following are the data of the various wells, the flow of each having been measured or estimated by the writer. Paistle well Wo. 1.-This well is 700 feet deep, with 200 feet of 5 ſº- inch and 500 feet of 44-inch casing. The strainer is 22 feet long and the artesian sand stratum is 40 feet thick. The discharge of the well is 250 gallons per minute. Mifflin well.—This well is 740 feet deep, with 371 feet of 63-inch, 395 feet of 51%-inch, and 60 feet of 44-inch casing, the latter including the strainer, which is 22 feet long. The thickness of the water sand is 22 feet. The estimated flow is 180 gallons per minute. Esteranza well.—This well is 747 feet deep, with 340 feet of 63- inch casing, 385 feet of 5%-inch casing, and 60 feet of 44-inch casing. The thickness of artesian sand stratum is 30 feet. Estimated flow, 260 gallons per minute. Bariosa well.—This well is 700 feet deep. There are 411 feet of 63-inch casing, 225 feet of 54%-inch casing, and 160 feet of 44-inch casing. The water-bearing sand is 22 feet in thickness. Estimated flow, 240 gallons per minute. Serpa well.—The depth of this well is 617 feet. There are 60 feet of 63-inch casing, 460 feet of 5%-inch casing, and 180 feet of 44-inch casing, the strainer being 22 feet long, and the thickness of the artesian sand, 38 feet. Measured flow, 307 gallons per minute. Turcott well.—This well is 787 feet deep. There are 425 feet of 63-inch casing, 247 feet of 54%-inch casing, and 258 feet of 44-inch casing. The strainer is 22 feet long, and the thickness of the arte- sian sand belt 38 feet. The estimated flow of the well is 300 gallons per minute. While boring this well a flow of 25 gallons per minute developed at a depth of 600 feet, coming from a 10-foot stratum of sand. The casing, however, was not perforated at this point. 420 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Alegos well.—This well is 865 feet deep. There are 560 feet of 51%-inch casing, 700 feet of 44-inch casing, and 100 feet of 34-inch casing. The thickness of artesian sand was 22 feet; the measured flow 212 gallons per minute. - .- Arabia well.—At a depth of 647 feet the first artesian flow of 25 gallons per minute was encountered in this well from a 16-foot sand stratum. At a depth of 200 feet greater a second flow of about 100 gallons per minute developed, the thickness of artesian stratum being 17 feet, the water entering through a 4.25-inch strainer. At a depth of 900 feet the third flow developed 200 gallons per minute. This stratum of artesian sand is 22 feet thick and water entered the casing through a 3-inch strainer. On this ranch near the coast the depth of the first flow of water was 1,000 to 1,350 feet, with a sand stratum 22 feet thick. The other artesian sand strata are too deep to be reached by the wells. One well was finished with 3.5-inch casing at a depth of 1,512 feet. In drilling a well three-fourths mile from the ranch house, when the drill entered the water-bearing stratum from which the ranch wells derive their supply the water from the latter became muddy and gushed out, carrying considerable quantities of clay and sand, although it had been running clear for two years. ARMSTRONG RANCEſ. South of the Kenedy ranch is the cattle ranch of Col. J. B. Arm- strong, consisting of 50,000 acres. The following are descriptions of some of the wells on this ranch : ** Katherine well.—This well is 730 feet deep. There are 500 feet of 6.25-inch casing and 230 feet of 4.25-inch casing in the well, which has a flow of 60 gallons per minute. The quality of the water is good. The owner thinks that at 800 feet a larger supply of water would be available. Comal well.—Five miles north of Katherine is the Comal well, which is of 3-inch casing, 820 feet deep. The flow is 100 gallons per minute. - Marana well.—This well, which is 2 miles west of Katherine, is 500 feet deep and has a 2.5-inch casing. The flow is 20 gallons per minute. St. Thomas well.—Three miles southwest of Katherine is this well, which is of 2.5-inch casing 500 feet deep and has a flow of 20 gallons per minute. On this ranch are 15 surface wells which have a good quality of water. The wells are open bottom, with 3.5-inch casing, and are pumped by 8 and 10 foot windmills. A 10,000-gallon cistern in connection with each well provides ample water for 1,000 head of cattle. The ranch land is slightly rolling prairie, covered with IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 421 sandy soil to a depth of 4 to 6 feet. The clay subsoil is 6 feet thick, below which is 4 feet of sand, 6 feet of clay, and 20 feet of coarse water sand, from which the surface wells derive their supply. In ordinary years the surface wells furnish sufficient water for stock, surface water standing 12 feet below the ground, but in dry years the supply almost gives out. At a depth of about 40 feet below the surface a stratum of salty water is encountered. EL SAUZ RAN CHI. South of Colonel Armstrong's ranch is El Sauz, the lower of Mrs. Ring's ranches. At the ranch house is a well 1,462 feet deep with a measured flow of 127 gallons per minute. The well has 800 feet of #-inch and 600 feet of 44-inch casing. Several artesian strata were encountered while sinking the well, but as they were salt they were not utilized. There are 8 feet of perforated casing in the well. The water tastes strongly of soda. A reservoir of 170 feet mean diameter and 5 feet deep is being constructed to serve as a storage for well water, which will be used for the irrigation of a small tract. Nine miles north of the ranch is a well 1,300 feet deep with a flow of about 50 gallons per minute. This is open bottom, the casing being reduced to 2-inch pipe, of which there is 60 feet. The water tastes of soda and corrodes the iron. Rosita well.—Fifteen miles to the north is the Rosita well, which is 1,100 feet deep. The well was started with 51%-inch casing and ended with 60 feet of 24-inch casing. The casing was perforated where it passed through an artesian stratum of 8 feet of sand. The estimated flow of the well is 170 gallons per minute. The water is used for stock purposes only and has formed a shallow lake of about 12 acres in area. t At Rudolph, 15 miles west of the Rosita well, the railroad com- pany sunk a well 940 feet deep, starting with 63-inch casing and end- ing with 330 feet of 44-inch casing. This well is stated to have a flow equal to twice the flow of the Rosita well and is the largest on the ranch. - - Saltillo well.—Seven miles to the northwest of Rosita is the Saltillo well, which is 900 feet deep and finished with 200 feet of 34-inch casing perforated at the water stratum. This well is estimated to deliver a flow of 75 gallons per minute. Noria well.—This well is situated 6 miles north of Rudolph and is 900 feet deep, being of 44-inch casing, perforated at the water stratum. The flow is estimated to be 175 gallons per minute. 422 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. LASATER RAN CH: E. C. Lasater owns a large stock ranch west of the Kenedy ranch and south of the Santa Gertrudas ranch on which are 12 artesian wells delivering flows of 15 to 100 gallons per minute. The depth of the wells varies from 450 to 700 feet and most of them are of 5*-inch casing and open bottom. There are also about 60 surface wells, 70 to 220 feet deep; the water standing in these wells usually about 40 feet from the surface, though in some it is 100 feet from the ground level. These wells are 54%-inch, open bottom, having a sand stratum 10 to 20 feet in thickness. The water is pumped by windmills attached to 4 by 6 inch and 4 by 8 inch deep-well pumps and delivering water at the rate of 10,000 gallons in twelve hours or 14 gallons per minute, which they can do with a good wind of 15 to 20 miles per hour. They lower the water when pumping at the rate of 10 to 15 feet. Shallow wells cost 75 cents to $1 per foot, and deep wells cost $1 per foot, the owner furnishing the casing. Two of the wells, discharging together about 180 gallons per minute, flow into a reservoir 5.5 acres in extent and 6 feet deep. At the time of the writer’s visit the seepage was so great that the reservoir would not hold water at all. Since that time it has been puddled by stock and made water-tight. Near the ranch house is a well with a flow of 90 gallons per minute by actual measurement, which discharges at present into a small tank. A larger tank, 75 by 100 yards and 6 feet deep, is being constructed in which to store well water. About 25 miles South of the LaSater ranch is a 53-inch artesian well having a measured flow of 73 gallons per minute. Near this . is another artesian well with a flow of 54 gallons per minute. These wells represent the extreme limit of proven flow. Since the writer's visit it is reported that a well recently sunk on the Lasater ranch has a flow of 300 gallons per minute. Santa Gertrudas, Olmos, and San Fernando creeks, which flow in wet weather only, serve to carry off the drainage from a large section of country in the Southern part of Nueces and Duvall counties. Earth dams have been built in places across the beds of these creeks to serve for the storage of water for stock, but high water has almost invariably carried the embankments away. While not available for the storage of any large quantities of water, still, by providing suitable wasteways, the creeks could serve as storage basins of appre- ciable extent. - * At Duval, which is 70 miles southwest of Corpus Christi on the Mexican National Railroad and has an elevation of 390 feet, a shallow artesian well was put down, but the water was strongly charged with salt. IRRIGATION IN SOUTEIERN TEXAS. 423 RIO GRANDE WALLEY. The largest irrigation field in the part of Texas investigated lies in the valley of the Rio Grande. The soil is largely alluvial, having been deposited by the river waters, but its nature varies considerably, depending upon the section of the country from which the sediment has come. In general it may be said that alluvial soil requires a large amount of moisture, owing to the fact that it is exceedingly deep and porous and has a tendency to crack after irrigation. The irrigable land lying along the river is in somewhat limited areas from Del Rio to a point 15 miles above Hidalgo, where the low- lying part of the valley widens out considerably. From this point to the coast the area of irrigable land increases considerably. About 10 miles from the coast the land becomes so alkaline that it is unfit for use. Apprehension has been felt at certain points along the river as to the effect of this alkali upon crops, but no reliable information upon this matter is to be obtained. The lift from the river to the irrigable land increases rapidly at first as one ascends the river, vary- ing from 12 feet to practically nothing at high water at Brownsville, while near Laredo it is 60 feet. About 12 miles above Del Rio, Devils River empties into the Rio Grande. Devils River, which runs through a canyon of limestone formation, has a fall of 700 feet in 70 miles. A measurement of the flow of the river, made August 2, 1904, at a point a few miles north of the Southern Pacific Railroad, gave a discharge of 324 cubic feet per second. The crest of the hills on either side near where the Southern Pacific railroad crosses the river is at such an elevation and so far distant that it is improbable that water from the river will be used for irrigation. Near the town of Del Rio are several springs of considerable capac- ity, which have been used for irrigation for a number of years, but which will be further utilized by the Del Rio Irrigation Company, of which G. B. Moore, of San Antonio, is president, through what is perhaps the most costly irrigation enterprise of the State. The San Felipe Springs, a short distance from the town of Del Rio, deliver a flow of 70,000 gallons per minute. About thirty-five years ago the San Felipe Agricultural Company built a ditch, through which until recently they utilized water from the springs for the irrigation of a considerable tract of land. The company consisted of the land- owners, who operated the ditch at a cost of about $1 per acre per annum. No charge was made for water from the springs, of which a great part ran to waste. John Twohig was the original owner of the springs and gave them to a priest, from whom they eventually passed into the control of Mr. Moore. In the meantime he had 424 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. bought sufficient shares in the old ditch company to obtain control of that, whereupon he formed the Del Rio Irrigation Company, and water for irrigation was furnished to the stockholders of the old ditch company at $5 per acre per annum. This, of course, raised a storm of protest from the landowners, and as a compromise measure the price was temporarily cut down to $2.50 per acre per annum. In order to utilize to the best advantage the full capacity of the springs the Del Rio Irrigation Company has undertaken a most expensive engineering work in the construction of a ditch to carry water from the springs some 21 miles. J. W. Maxcy, of Houston, is the engineer in charge, and the undertaking is particularly worthy of note owing to the difficulties of construction. One of the San Felipe springs has a flow of 20,000 gallons per minute, another 45,000 gal- lons per minute, and two smaller springs bring the total rate of flow up to 70,000 gallons per minute. The springs have a static head of 9 feet above ground. The lower level of San Felipe Creek, through which the springs discharge, was raised 10 feet by means of a masonry dam 300 feet long, 12 feet high, and containing 1,200 cubic yards of material, which cost $4,600. The main canal is 16 feet wide on the bottom, 4.5 feet deep, and designed for a capacity of 70,000 gallons per minute. Side slopes in earth are 1 vertical to 2 horizontal; in rock, 5 vertical to 1 horizontal; in embankments, 1 vertical to 14 hori- zontal. The upper part of the canal is built on a grade of 0.45 foot per 1,000 feet. The remainder will be built on a grade of 0.3 foot per 1,000. The velocity of flow in the open channel is about 2.5 feet per second. - The country through which the canal passes necessitated heavy cuts and fills, a 34-foot rock cut being necessary in One place. A consid- erable amount of the ditch had to be built along a sidehill, where the soil was of a treacherous nature. In the first 5 miles of canal, which was the distance completed at the time of the writer's visit, 5,000 feet of sidehill ditch had been constructed, with a concrete wall on the downhill side 18 inches thick on the bottom and 9 inches thick on top, set 18 inches into the ground. (Pl. VI, fig. 1.) Much trouble had been experienced from some of this construction owing to the banks washing out. To overcome this difficulty the canal was lined on the bottom with 18 inches of clay at points where seepage was liable to occur, and in addition a good deal more earth was thrown on the outside of the concrete walls and the canal dug farther into the bank. As the country is subject to rains of considerable violence, much attention was paid to rendering the canal Safe from accidents. due to such storms. Where a large quantity of water is liable to be carried down a draw the canal water is taken under the ground in inverted siphons of 5 feet inside diameter, built of reinforced con- crete 9 inches thick. At other places where the canal is carried across wº U. S. Dept. of Agr, Bul. 158. Office of Expt. Stations. Irrig, and Drain. Invest. PLATE VI. FIG. 1.-DEL RIO CANAL, TEXAS. SIDEHILL ConSTRUCTION, witH CONCRETE OUTER WALL. FIG. 2.-DEL RIO CANAL, TEXAS. REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 425 small draws provision has been made for passing rain water under- neath by means' of suitable underdrains. Figure 60 shows a cross section of a concrete pipe which was reinforced by 0.5-inch steel corrugated bars, running both lengthwise and around the pipes, set 1 foot apart. Plate VI, figure 2, shows the reinforced concrete pipe in the process of construction. An inverted siphon 2,200 feet long will carry the water under Sycamore Creek. In addition to the use of concrete pipe for inverted siphons, a considerable quantity was /2"6 orroyoted bars /2" (ºenºres § §- -ºº \\ * - k— ///“ FIG. 60.-Cross section of reinforced concrete pipe. utilized in places for sidehill construction. This pipe was laid on a grade of 4.5 feet per 1,000 and has a theoretical capacity of 70,000 gallons per minute. The work involves 90,000 cubic yards of solid rock excavation, 120,000 cubic yards of loose rock, and 1,750,000 cubic yards of earth, with 5 miles of concrete wall and 2 miles of vitrified pipe. The total length of the concrete siphons is 8,000 feet and 110 tons of steel rein- forcing rods were used in their construction. Steam shovels were 426 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. used for handling the rock and digging the canal. The cost of oper- ating shovels per day was as follows: * Cost of operating steam shovels. 1 engineer ---------------------------------------------- $5.00 1 assistant engineer ------------------------------------- 5. 00 1 fireman ------------------------------ t---------------- 2. 00 1 coal hauler ------------------------------------------- 2. 00 1 Water hauler ------------------------------------------ 2. 00 1 assistant ---------------------------------------------- 2. 00 2 tons of Coal, at $3.50––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 7. 00 Total --------------------------------------------- 25, 00 The steam shovel handled about 1,000 yards of dirt per day of ten hours or about one-half this quantity of rock, the size of the bucket being 1 cubic yard. The estimated cost of handling rock by the steam shovel was 50 cents per cubic yard, and of earth, 25 cents per cubic yard. The cost of the expanded-metal pipe, which was built of 1, 2, and 5 Portland cement, was. $4.66 per running foot in place. The wing walls were built of rubble masonry laid in con- crete mortar, and cost $6.30 per cubic yard. Head walls and aprons of 1, 2, and 5 concrete cost $5.75 per cubic yard. Rock excavation cost 85 cents, loose rock 42 cents, and earthwork 13.5 cents per cubic yard. The concrete work was done by Mexican day labor. The total estimated cost is said to be nearly $1,000,000, and the system will furnish water to about 15,000 acres on the assumption of a duty of 100 acres per 1 cubic foot per second. At several points it is proposed to utilize the water for the genera- tion of electric power, and it has been estimated that 1,200 horsepower could be developed altogether from the various falls. * A few miles east of Del Rio are the Pinto, Sycamore, and Los Moras creeks, the first two having a flow of 4,000 gallons per minute each, and the last 5,000 gallons per minute. It has been estimated that by means of storage in these creeks and the flow of the canal 40,000 acres could be irrigated, and the company has under contem- plation the building of storage reservoirs. At present the water from Sycamore Creek is used for the irrigation of 300 acres by means of a 26-horsepower traction engine, which drives an 8-inch centrifugal pump, delivering 2,400 to 3,000 gallons per minute, against a bead of 27 feet. The fuel consumption is 1.5 cords of mesquite in ten hours. Corn is the principal crop grown under this plant, and the bed system of irrigation is used. Forty-five days of ten hours' run each are necessary to irrigate 273 acres. About 500 acres are at present irrigated from Los Moras Creek and 350 acres from Pinto Creek by gravity. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 427 The old ditch of the San Felipe Agricultural Company is supplied from a spring delivering 15,000 gallons per minute, which irrigate 3,000 acres of land planted as follows: Acres Corn ---------------------------------------------------- 2,000 Garden truck -------------------------------------------- 300 Rice----------------------------------------------------- 250 Johnson grass and cane----------------------------------- 450 The ditch is 10 feet wide on the bottom, with nearly perpendicular sides, and water runs 3 feet deep. It is 5 miles long and feeds 32 miles of laterals. The land is irrigated every fifteen days, irrigation being carried on day and night. So far the water supply has proven ample for all demands, even in dry weather. Rice is irrigated partly by flooding checks and partly by wild flooding; 45 acres are irri- gated by Japanese in accordance with the practice in Japan. About 11 gallons of water per minute per acre were used on this land in 1903, and the yield was 14 bushels per acre; but it is the opinion of the company that this can be much improved. A large amount of Johnson grass growing in the rice fields was killed by the constant flooding. - The laterals under the main canal of the Del Rio Irrigation Com- pany are 4 feet wide, 4 feet deep, and carry a depth of 3 feet of water. The grade is 0.9 foot per 1,000 feet, or twice the grade of the main canal. It is figured that they will irrigate 1,000 acres. The ditches leading from the laterals are 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep. The first 5 miles of the main canal control only 1,500 acres, most of the irrigable land lying farther down the canal. CIENEGAS SPRINGS. About 2 miles to the west of Del Rio are the Cienegas Springs, belonging to D. Hart, the water of which is used to irrigate 550 acres of Johnson grass. The land is irrigated by wild flooding once after each cutting, when there is no rain, and requires the services of two irrigators to control the flow. It takes two months to irrigate 550 acres with the full flow, utilizing the same twelve hours per day. The flow of the springs is 2,500 gallons per minute. The land pro- duces 1 ton of hay per cutting, yielding three cuttings a year. EAGLE PASS. The Rio Grande Valley Irrigation Company’s farm, situated about 3 miles north of Eagle Pass, comprises 360 acres of land belonging to Messrs. Dolch, Dibrell, and Mosheim, 300 acres of which are irrigated by water pumped from the Rio Grande. A 125-horsepower hori- zontal boiler furnishes steam at 90 pounds pressure to an automatic 428 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. engine of 125 horsepower, which drives a 10-inch vertical centrifugal pump, delivering 5,600 to 7,000 gallons per minute, against a lift of 46 feet. The pump is set in a pit 46 feet deep and 20 feet in diame- ter, the sides of which are lined with brick and cement. A tunnel 60 feet long and 4 feet square leads to the river and supplies water to a 15-inch suction pipe connected with the pump. The pump discharge pipe is also enlarged to 15 inches in diameter. Four and one-half tons of coal screenings are consumed in twelve hours and cost $1.40 per ton. The coal comes from the Eagle Pass mines, which are close at hand. One fireman and one engineer operate the plant, which irrigates 25 acres in twelve hours. * The main ditch is 1.5 miles long, 4 feet wide on the bottom, 7 feet wide on top, 3 feet deep, and carries water to a depth of 18 to 20 inches. It has a grade of 18 inches per mile. The bed system of irrigation is used throughout, the beds being 50 feet wide and 400 to 700 feet long, flooded from ditches at the ends. The areas and yields of crops are as follows: Crop on farm of Dolch, Dibrell, and Mosheim. º Number Crop. * Acres. Yººper When irrigated. of irri- e gations. Cotton------------------------------------------ 200 || 1 bale ----| Every 15 days ------- 7 Cane-------------------------------------------- 7 | 40 tons ---|----- do ---------------- 10 Sorghum --------------------------------------- 20 4 tons ----|----- do---------------- 5 Melons------------------------------------------ 10 ------------ Every 10 days -------|---------- Green peppers --------------------------------- 1 ----------------- do---------------- 10 OTD ---------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62 || 35 bushes Every 15 days ------ . 5 Pioneer Rio Grande Irrigation Company.—Dolch and Dobrowolski irrigate 350 acres of land three-fourths of a mile south of Eagle Pass with water pumped from the Rio Grande. Two 80-horsepower boilers furnish steam to a 115-horsepower automatic engine driving a No. 10 double-suction centrifugal pump, with an extreme rated capacity of 10,000 gallons per minute. The pump normally delivers 7,000 gallons per minute and is set in a pit 36 feet deep and 30 feet in diameter, about 300 feet from the river. The suction pipe, which is 14 inches in diameter, runs into a tunnel 4 by 4 feet. The discharge pipe of the pump is 14 inches in diameter. The irrigable land lies in two sections, one of which is adjacent to the pumping station, and the other 1,100 feet distant, with an additional elevation of 8 feet. For conveying water to the higher land a 14-inch pipe is used. The head against which the pump has to operate in delivering water to the lower land is 36 feet plus the friction in the pipe, and to the upper land is 44 feet plus the friction in 1,100 feet of 14-inch pipe. In normal operation the pump will deliver 7,000 gallons by the lower and 4,000 by the upper lift. The plant consumes 44 tons of Eagle Pass IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 429 coal in 12 hours. The lower bench requires much more water than the upper, as the soil is more Sandy; and the pump is able to irrigate about the same quantity of land in either bench in a day's run. Twenty acres of onions can be irrigated in twelve hours, or 25 acres of other land in the same period, with the entire flow of the pump. The Soil is a light alluvial Sandy loam, very deep, and bakes but little when irrigated. Seventy-five acres were planted in onions, yielding 19,500 pounds per acre, irrigated every ten days; 15 acres in cane; 20 acres in Sorghum.; 47 acres in corn; 20 acres in truck, irrigated every ten days; 40 acres in alfalfa, irrigated every fifteen days, twice for each cutting. The alfalfa yield was three-fourths of a ton per acre per crop, and six crops per year, cut between the middle of April and October; 5 acres planted in fruit, and 5 acres in melons, the remainder, 123 acres, being in Johnson grass. The onions re- ceived altogether twenty-one irrigations; the cane, Sorghum, and corn received eight irrigations each. The onions were planted 5 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart. They were irrigated by the bed sys- tem, the beds being 30 by 150 feet, and were planted October 20, trans- planted December 1, and harvesting commenced April 25. No fer- tilizer was used on the onion land. One man irrigated 2 acres of onions per day and from 4 to 5 acres of other crops in the same period. Eighty men were thirty days transplanting the onions, and 100 men twenty days in harvesting them. The onions sold for $1.75 per hundred f. o. b. Eagle Pass. The bed system of irrigation is used for all irrigation. The A. B. Frank ranch.-Eighteen miles to the southeast of Eagle Pass is the ranch of A. B. Frank. Fourteen hundred acres of land is under irrigation by water pumped from the Rio Grande. Two hori- zontal multitubular boilers, 60 inches in diameter and 18 feet long, deliver steam, under 150 pounds pressure, to a 500-horsepower Corliss engine, 20 by 42 inches. A surface condenser is used, and a vacuum of 25 inches is obtained. The engine drives a 24-inch centrifugal pump, supplied with water through a tunnel 5 feet wide and 5 feet high, arched on top. The power house is situated on the making bank of the river, and the tunnel is inclined to fill with sand. The pump delivers 12,000 gallons per minute against a 52-foot lift, and water is discharged into a flume 612 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. One engineer, 2 firemen, and 2 helpers are required for the operation of the plant per shift. The plant consumes 15 cords of mesquite in a twenty-four-hours' run, the cost of fuel being $2 per cord, owing to the necessity of hauling the same 10 miles. The total cost of the plant, including the flume, was $20,000, the flume itself costing $2,000. The main canal is 8 feet wide at the bottom, 15 feet at the top, and 3 feet deep, the crown of the banks being 30 inches. The slope is 30 inches per mile; the length, 3 miles, and the depth of 430 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. <- water when carrying a full discharge of the pump, 18 inches. While 1,400 acres are subject to irrigation, so far only 250 acres are irri- gated, planted to alfalfa. The land had previously been irrigated by the furrow system, but is being changed to the check system, the checks being 6 inches in height. The yield of the land is 14 tons per acre per cutting and from 6 to 8 cuttings per year. The plant will irrigate 60 acres in a twenty-four hours' run. LAREDO AND WICINITY. The land around Laredo, which until recently has been considered of little value, has in the last year produced some remarkable crops of Bermuda onions. While other crops have been raised here and between Cotulla and Carizzo Springs, still the yield of onions has been so great and the prices realized so high that they have easily taken first place in the products of the region. Financially the most successful section of the country in onion growing is in the vicinity of Laredo. The irrigable land in that region lies along the Rio Grande, and comprises a comparatively narrow strip extending up and down the river several miles. Some little distance back from the banks, which are 50 to 75 feet high, the land slopes toward the river on a steep grade, so that a considerable length of pipe is required to convey water to the land. The soil is of a light alluvial nature and very deep, requiring a comparatively large quantity of water for irri- gation, which must be pumped from the river. The farms have been so successful that many new pumping plants are being installed and will be in condition for operation this season. The two most suc- cessful plants from the financial standpoint were those of Mr. Alex- ander and Mr. Nye. The former is said to have sold the onion crop from 40 acres for $26,000, while the latter received $9,000 for the crop from 13 acres. The yield of onions in this vicinity went as high as 40,000 pounds per acre. The ground, however, was all heavily manured. Onions were planted about November 1, transplanted a month later, and the crops were harvested in April. On the majority of the farms after the onion crop had been harvested cowpeas were planted, to be plowed under in time for the next onion crop. Richter farm.—Near Laredo is a farm, owned by A. C. Richter, containing 6 acres. The ground was sown to white Bermuda onions last year and the yield was 20,000 pounds per acre. The crop was sold for $2,500. Cowpeas were grown on the land, plowed under, and the land manured with 20 tons of goat manure per acre, as well as 1 ton cotton-Seed meal, and 600 pounds of sodium nitrate put on in six applications of 100 pounds each. The pumping plant consisted of an 8-horsepower gasoline engine driving a triplex power pump delivering 235 gallons per minute. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAs. 431 * The lift was 65 feet. The engine consumed 1.5 gallons of gasoline per hour at a cost of 184 cents per gallon. This plant flooded 6 acres in thirty hours. The land received 12 irrigations per season, which were applied two weeks apart at first and once a week later. Two men were required for irrigation and running the engine. The cost of labor was 50 cents per day. After each irrigation the land was cultivated. It required 30 men twenty days to transplant the onions and ten days to harvest them. Cowpeas were planted as soon as the Onions were out of the ground, and received last year two irriga- tions. Here, as in all other plants in the vicinity of Laredo, the bed system of irrigation was used. The entire flow of the pump was turned into one bed at a time, the beds being 104 by 12 feet. The sup- ply was stopped when the water had reached three-fourths of the way down the bed. The cost of fertilizers was: Cotton-seed meal, $25 per ton; manure, 90 cents per ton; sodium nitrate, 3.5 cents per pound. Onions were planted in October, transplanted in December, and crops moved April 15. Aleaxander farm.—Near North Laredo, on the Rio Grande, is the 40-acre irrigated farm of Mr. Alexander. The pumping plant is as follows: A 90-horsepower horizontal multitubular boiler furnishes steam to a 40-horsepower engine belted to a No. 5 compound centrif- ugal pump set in a concrete pit 17 feet in diameter and 19 feet deep. The pump delivers 800 gallons per minute from the river against a vertical lift of 65 feet and forces the water through 1,500 feet of 6-inch pipe. The plant was operated twelve hours a day, consuming in that period 4 tons of coal, at a cost of $1.50 per ton. It requires five days’ operation of the plant to supply water for one irrigation of the land. One man was required to run the plant. The ditch for distributing the water is 2 feet on the bottom, 5 feet on top, 18 to 24 inches total depth, and has a grade of 7.5 feet per mile. The laterals are on a grade of 4 inches per 100 feet. White Bermuda onions were grown on the entire tract and yielded 30,000 pounds per acre, the gross yield being sold for $26,000. They were planted October 1, transplanted in December, and harvested in April. One hundred and twelve pounds of seed were used. The fre- quency of irrigation was increased toward the end of the season— every fifteen days in January, every twelve days in February, and every ten days in March. Including the planting, about nine irriga- tions were given. Bat guano (1 ton per acre) was used for fertilizer on most of the land, though parts of it were not fertilized. Stable manure was used for the seed beds. The bed system of irrigation was used, beds being 13 by 150 feet, with a fall of 4 inches per 100 feet. Onions were planted 4 inches apart and rows spaced 12 inches. Hand culture was employed, and 432 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. two men were required to irrigate with the water furnished by the pump. It took 60 men twenty-four days to transplant the onions and 85 men fifteen days to harvest the crop, the pay being $5 Mexican per week of six days. Cowpeas have been grown on the land, but without much success. Grapes are grown with tolerable success. The Soil is very deep, of a light alluvial nature, and will not retain moisture. Well water in this vicinity is decidedly brackish. Owing to sediment in the river the ditches fill rapidly. In 1892 the North Laredo Land and Irrigation Company built a ditch 3 miles long in this vicinity, which has now been cut up and is used in sections by the various ranches. Madrigal farm.—Adjoining the Alexander farm is a 13-acre tract belonging to Mr. Madrigal. The irrigation plant consists of a 15- horsepower gasoline engine geared to a triplex pump delivering 300 gallons per minute from the river against a lift of 65 feet through 800 feet of 5.5-inch pipe. The engine uses 2 gallons of gasoline per hour, at a cost of 18.5 cents per gallon. Another gasoline engine of 10 horsepower, not now used, formerly ran a similar pump deliver- ing 225 gallons on 1 gallon of gasoline per hour. A small ditch, 20 inches wide on top and 10 inches deep, was used for conveying the water to the land, which was irrigated by the bed system, the beds being 10 by 100 feet and the entire flow being turned into one bed. - Ten acres were planted in onions and 3 in truck. The onions were irrigated every twelve days, requiring 8 to 10 irrigations during the season. They were planted October 1, transplanted November 15, and harvesting began April 1. Two and one-half to 3 acres of onions were irrigated per day of ten hours. Truck was irrigated from August to March, partially by the bed and partially by the furrow system. The latter saved one-third of the water. The furrows were 100 feet long and 2.5 feet on centers. The flow of the pump was turned into three furrows. Onions were planted 4.5 inches apart in rows 12 inches on centers. The yield of onions was 22,000 pounds per acre. Nye farm.—Near the Alexander place is the farm of Mr. Nye, one of the oldest residents of the section, as well as a pioneer in irrigation. The farm comprises 25 acres, 23 acres being planted to onions, of which 13 were farmed by the owner and the remainder rented. The yield was considerably better on the part farmed by Mr. Nye than on the rented land. The pumping plant consisted of a 60-horsepower boiler, which supplied steam to a duplex steam pump 12 by 12 inches, delivering 900 gallons per minute from the river against a lift of 65 feet and forcing water through 350 feet of 8-inch pipe. The pump was set in a brick pit 15 feet in diameter and 15 feet deep. The fuel IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. - 433 used was coal, about 3 tons being required for a day's run of twelve hours. The main ditch is 4 feet wide on top and 2 feet deep. Seed was planted October 1, 35 to 40 pounds per acre being used in the seed beds, equivalent to 3 pounds per acre after the Onions were transplanted. The land was irrigated every ten to fifteen days dur- ing the season, the crop requiring 10 irrigations. For fertilizer ma- nure from the stock yards was used, applied at the rate of 60 tons per acre, costing $2.50 per ton. The entire onion beds of 23 acres could be irrigated in two days' run of fourteen hours each. Onions were irrigated by the bed system, the checks being 13 feet wide and 100 to 300 feet long. The smaller beds required the full flow of the pump four to five minutes and the larger beds fifteen to twenty minutes. Onions were spaced 5 inches apart in 13-inch rows. One irrigator could look after 10 acres. Transplanting 13 acres of onions required 40 men sixteen days, and harvesting the crop from the same re- quired 40 men twenty days. The yield of the 13 acres farmed by Mr. Nye was 35,000 pounds per acre, while that of the rented land was but 15,000 to 20,000 pounds per acre. Three acres of grapes brought $260. Six tons of alfalfa per acre per year are raised, the land being irrigated every week. Johnson farm.—Near Laredo, on the river, is the 4.5-acre farm of Mr. Johnson. A 45-horsepower boiler furnishes steam to a 12 by 14 inch steam end duplex pump delivering 770 gallons per minute from the river against a lift of 53 feet and forcing the water through 2,000 feet of 6-inch pipe. One man is required for the operation of the pump station. Fuel is mesquite, costing $2.25 per cord delivered, and 1 cord is required for ten hours' run. The soil is 3 to 30 feet deep and varies from a dark chocolate to a light color. The subsoil is partially rock. The land which slopes back from the river 7 feet in 0.5 mile holds moisture fairly well. It was planted to onions in beds spaced 5 inches apart, in rows 14 inches apart, and required five to eight hours run to irrigate the 4.5 acres, the flow of the pump being divided into two beds which were made 15 feet wide and 100 to 200 feet long. The onions required 8 to 10 irrigations per season and were irrigated about every ten days between December 1 and April 1. No fertilizer was used, but this year cowpeas are being grown, which will require two irrigations. Matteson farm.—Mr. Matteson is installing on his farm, near Laredo, a plant for irrigating 15 acres. The plant consists of a pump station containing a 50-horsepower boiler and a 35-horsepower automatic engine belted to a No. 6 centrifugal pump discharging 1,500 gallons per minute through 400 feet of 9-inch pipe. The lift from the river is 53 feet. • 30620–No. 158—05—28 434 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Cogley farm.—Fifteen miles southeast of Laredo Mr. Cogley has a farm of 8 acres. The pump station has a 60-horsepower horizontal boiler which supplies steam at 80 pounds pressure to a pulsometer delivering from the river 500 gallons per minute through 700 feet of 8-inch pipe against a vertical lift of 62 feet. The fuel used was mesquite, costing 90 cents per cord, the wood being cut on the land of the owner. The consumption of fuel was 4 cords per day of ten hours, which was the length of time it took to irrigate the entire farm. The ground was sown to onions irrigated by the bed system, the entire flow of the pump being utilized on each bed. Onions were planted in October, transplanted in December, and harvested the latter part of April. The yield was 32,000 pounds per acre. The land was irrigated every ten days and cultivated after each irrigation. Two irrigators and one man to run the pump station were required. For fertil- izer 200 tons of goat manure were used on the 8 acres. The soil is a light, Sandy loam, very deep, with clay subsoil. From the main ditch, which is 4,000 feet long, the water enters 12- inch sewer pipes from – which it is distributed to the land. Transplanting the onions took 18 men fifteen days, and harvesting re- quired the same amount of labor. After the onion crop had been harvested cowpeas were planted and up to the middle of July had not been irrigated. - Harvey dº. Thompson plant.—Near Laredo is a 20-acre ranch rented and farmed by Harvey & Thompson. The pumping plant consisted of an 80-horsepower boiler, supplying steam to a 6-inch pulsometer pump delivering 500 gallons per minute from the river, against a lift of 60 feet through 1,500 feet of 12-inch pipe. One man was required to operate the pumping plant, receiving 55 cents per day. Four tons of Laredo coal was consumed in a twelve-hour run, at a cost of $1.50 per ton. The coal is of poor quality and the railroad company figures that 2 cords of wood are equivalent to 1 ton of this coal. Thirty tons of sheep and goat manure were used per acre for fer- tilizer, at a cost of $1 per ton in addition to the hauling, which was done by the tenants, and cost 40 cents per ton. s & a ,” • £7,2 % ZZZZ,222.2%%% // / / * *z * a ~22222 z e ºf e e ! Z 2%%',', * A z a * * * / e * a y ^, 22222222*.*, %22% 22%2, 222','o','.’,222%Z’,”,222'22','A', * FIG. 61.-Bed irrigation. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 435 Onions were planted 4 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart. They were transplanted in December and harvested in April. The irriga- . tion beds were 12 by 150 feet. It took the entire supply of the pump two and one-half minutes to irrigate each bed and twelve hours to irrigate 12 acres. The supply of water to each bed was stopped when the water had reached part way down and the check between the bed and the adjoining one below opened in order that the surplus water which arrived at the bottom of the bed might pass into the adjoining bed. For illustration see figure 61. Two men and a .boss were re- quired for the irrigation work. Field hands received $2.25 per week with no Sunday work. - Fifty men transplanted 1.5 acres per day, and 60 men were required to gather, trim, pack, and load the yield from 1 acre—25,000 pounds (500 crates)—per day. In harvesting, the onions were plowed up while the tops were still green. This method, of course, destroyed a certain number of onions, but the lessees believed that the damage was more than equaled by the saving in labor over the customary method of pulling by hand. Onions yielded 20,000 to 30,000 pounds per acre, and the entire crop sold for $12,200. The lessees estimated their net gain at $7,500, as shown in the following statement: Twenty acres Onions––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– $12, 200 Water and labor------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 200 Total gain -------------------------------------- 10, 000 One-fourth share to OWIler of plant___________________ _ _ _ 2, 500 Net gain ---------------------------------------- 7, 500 HIDALGO TO THE COAST. Irrigable land in the vicinity of Hidalgo starts at a point about 15 miles upstream in a narrow strip which rapidly increases in width down to the mouth of the river. The country is filled with resacas (old river beds), some of which retain their supply of water through- out the year. The country is highest near the river and at first slopes away from the banks, gradually rising, however, to what is known as the second bench. At Hidalgo the vertical distance from the top of the river bank to extreme low water is 23 feet, the river at this point being subject to a rise of 10 to 12 feet. Land slopes also in the general direction of the river with a fall of about 1 foot per mile, the distance by river being about 2.5 times the distance by straight line. According to figures taken from a survey of the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railroad line from Alice to Brownsville, via Hidalgo, land at the latter place is 20 feet above the average low-water stage of the river. Five and one-half miles to the north the ground falls 8 feet. Seven and one-half miles north of Hidalgo the elevation is 24 feet above the Hidalgo bank. The ground is nearly level for 6 miles, 436 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. after which it drops 15 feet in 2 miles. At Brownsville the average low-water stage of the river is 13 feet below the level of the land, while the elevation at Brownsville is 35 feet above the sea. At Santa Maria, 27 miles west of Brownsville, it is 73 feet; 43 miles West, 85 feet; 53 miles west, 110 feet. For about 20 miles north of Brownsville the ground slopes off gradually, having a fall of 18 feet in 15 miles. At the end of this distance there is an abrupt rise of 12 feet, after which the ground gradually slopes off again and then rises to the banks of the Arroyo Colorado, a stream which is usually, dry. It heads a short distance above Santa Maria, and tide water extends 30 miles upstream from its mouth. The land of the first bench, starting at the river, is composed of a light alluvial soil which cracks when it dries and when newly plowed requires a large quantity of water for irrigation. The timber is mainly mesquite, with a very heavy undergrowth. The land of the second bench is a black Sandy loam and quite firm. It has not been flooded for some time and the timber is much heavier. After cross- ing the Arroyo Colorado the ground gradually becomes more sandy, until at the beginning of the sand belt, about 3 miles beyond El Sauz ranch and 52 miles north of Brownsville, the black sandy loam entirely disappears. Going northward the timber growth becomes lighter until it finally disappears at the beginnig of the sand belt. Until very recently labor along the river has been about 50 cents Mexican per day, or about 23 cents currency. Opening up the country, however, caused prices to rise about 50 per cent. Labor is practically entirely Mexican. Much land near Brownsville has been cleared at $10 per acre. The usual method of procedure is to let con- tracts for clearing the land rather than to have the work done by day labor. Considering the nature of the land, some of which will yield as much as 8 cords of wood per acre, these figures seem exceedingly low. The clearing should pay for itself in fuel value. Up to the past year this country was seriously handicapped in its development by lack of transportation facilities. The only means of getting supplies in was either by a 150-mile haul over Sandy roads or by shipment by water to Port Isabel and transportation from there to Brownsville, 20 miles distant, over a steam railroad, which is in reality more of a tramway. Port Isabel is so situated that only light- draft boats can enter the harbor, and even these often have to stay outside in case the weather is at all rough. From Brownsville to Hidalgo, a distance of 70 miles, there is at present no railroad on the American side, though on the Mexican side a line runs from Reynosa, which is opposite Hidalgo, to Matamoras, opposite Brownsville, which has one mixed train every other day. However, there are no bridges across the river east of Eagle Pass. In July, 1904, a rail- road line was completed between Robstown and Brownsville, which IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 437 was the signal for general celebration throughout the country. A branch line is at present being constructed to run near Hidalgo, which will greatly improve the prospects and conditions of the farm owners and enable them to enter into competition in the open markets. Irrigation development in this country has been particularly marked the past few years, and now that the railroad has been com- pleted it will be natural to look for a large increase in the products of the land. This country is one of the largest irrigation fields in the State of Texas, and the low lift, cheap fuel and labor, and early Sea- sons all combine to make it one of the leading Sections for irrigation on a large scale. The flow of the Rio Grande will not be nearly sufficient for all the irrigable land in this vicinity, but it will prob- ably be some years before the low-water flow of the river will be entirely used. The resacas form natural storage reservoirs capable of aiding in the irrigation problem to a certain extent when the supply of the river shall be entirely utilized. In connection with reservoirs, however, the sediment carried by the river deserves careful consideration. It has been estimated by those familiar with the region that 100 miles of resaca de los Palmas, 60 miles of resaca de la Guera, and 50 miles of resaca Fresno form part of the possibilities of storage. By constructing earth dams every 6 or 8 miles these resacas would form storage basins 250 feet wide and 7 feet deep. In addi- tion, the Arroyo Colorado could be dammed to form several basins of an average depth of 25 feet and a maximum depth of 40 feet. This stream has a fall of 55 feet from its head to its mouth, a distance , of 200 miles and an average width of 300 feet. The adjacent land could be irrigated partly by gravity both north and South of the stream. The water of this stream is sometimes Salty, due to local rains. Hidalgo Company.—In the records of the county office at Hidalgo is a notice of appropriation made in 1896 in the name of the Hidalgo . and Cameron Irrigation Company, appropriating all the unappro- priated waters of the river and all the underflow, stored and rain waters, all the lakes and resacas, and all other water, in or out of sight. The company had intended to irrigate 800,000 acres by a canal 30 feet wide on the bottom, 8 feet deep, and side slopes of 60°, to be 100 miles in length, and to deliver 1,370 cubic feet of water per second. The canal was to divert water by gravity from the Rio Grande and run to a point 6 miles below Brownsville. The project, however, fell through entirely. Hidalgo Canal Company.—This company has a pumping plant on the river a short distance above Hidalgo, by means of which it irri- gates 300 acres. The plant consists of two 50-horsepower boilers, fur- mishing steam at 80 pounds pressure to two 50-horsepower throttling engines, each driving a vertical centrifugal submerged pump. The 438 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATMONS, 1904. engines and boilers are in the open, and have no protection against the weather. The plant was installed in anticipation of the necessity of moving it, due to caving of the river bank. It is operated by two firemen and one engineer per twelve-hour shift. Wages in Mexican money are as follows: - Per day. 2 firemen, at $1.25 per day------------------------------ $2.50 2 helpers, at $0.75 per day---------------------- -------- 1. 50 1 engineer, at $1.50 per day---------- ------------------- I. 50 1 engineer, at $5.50 per day----------------------------- 5. 50 Total-------------------------------------------- a 11. 00 Fuel consumption is between 8 and 10 cords of wood in twenty-four hours, at $1 per cord. The pumps are stated to deliver a combined flow of 10,000 gallons per minute against a lift of 23 feet maximum. A rough observation, made at a point about 600 yards from the pump- ing station, indicated a flow of 11 cubic feet per second, or 5,000 gal- lons per minute. The main canal is 50 feet wide and very shallow, with small banks. Its grade is 3.5 feet for the first mile, and its total length is 4 miles. The company has also one lateral canal 50 feet wide and another 25 feet wide, each 1 mile long. Some of the lateral canals are 6 feet wide and run in the direction of greatest slope. The land is planted in alfalfa, irrigated by the check system, the checks being on 2-inch contours. The land has considerable slope, and is very much cut up by this method. The check system is not suitable for irrigation on steep slopes, and some other method should be used unless the land is leveled off. The bottoms of the ditches are lower than the irrigable land, and it is customary after the land has been irrigated to drain the water back into the ditches. The banks of the canals were poorly constructed, and are subject to considerable leakage. When starting to irrigate for alfalfa, the entire flow of the pump ran four days and three nights for 30 acres. The fourth time this land was irrigated, after the alfalfa had grown, only twenty hours' flow was required. Alfalfa is the principal crop, and the land yields 9 to 11 crops of 0.75 ton each per year. Land and water for irrigation are furnished to the tenants of the company for two-fifths of the crop. Closner plant.—One of the most successful irrigation plants in this part of the country belongs to John Closner, who irrigates 500 acres situated 6 miles below Hidalgo on the banks of the Rio Grande. The pumping plant consists of a simple noncondensing engine 14 by 14 inches, which drives an 18-inch centrifugal pump delivering 6,000 gallons per minute. The steam pressure used is 60 pounds. The plant cost about $3,000. One engineer and two firemen are required per shift of twelve hours for the operation of this plant. The fuel a Equals $5 in currency. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 439 consumption is 14 cords of wood in twenty-four hours, costing $300 per month of twenty-five days. One engineer receives $50 per month, one $30 per month, and the firemen $12 per month each. Eight men, who receive $12 per month, are required to take care of the irrigation water. The pump is operated ten months per year. The principal crops are sugar cane and alfalfa. Alfalfa irriga- tion began in February and cane irrigation in March. The irriga- tion of alfalfa ceased the middle of November, while water was dis- continued on the cane about the middle of September. Cane was irrigated by the furrow system and during the hot season it received an irrigation every twenty to twenty-five days. The furrows are about 300 feet long and 7 feet center to center. Alfalfa was irrigated by flooding by the check system, the size of the checks varying from one-fourth to 5 acres. According to the owner's figures the cost of irrigation was $8 per acre. The present plant supplies sufficient water for the irrigation of 700 acres. The lift from the river is the same as at Hidalgo, namely, 23 feet at low-water stage. From the middle of May to the middle of June and from the middle of August to the middle of September are the usual periods for high water in the river, the lowest water occurring between the middle of December and the first of April. The river is liable to sudden rises from floods caused by rains or the melting of Snow in the mountains. At a point near Brownsville last Summer the rise in the river was 6 feet in as many hours. -- A sugar mill which handles the cane grown on Mr. Closner's farm has recently been materially enlarged. Other plants.-J. Box has an irrigated farm adjoining the Closner place. Seventy-five acres are at present under irrigation and it is the intention of the owner to irrigate 200 acres with his plant, which con- sists of a 12-inch centrifugal pump delivering 4,000 gallons of water per minute. One engineer and one fireman are required for the operation of the plant. The water is used principally for the irriga- tion of corn. •. Twelve miles below Hidalgo is the plant of La Blanca Agricultural Company, which is similar to that of Mr. Closner and irrigates about the same area. One hundred and twenty acres of alfalfa are irri- gated in forty-eight hours. The principal crops grown are alfalfa, corn, and truck. Florencio Ganz has a plant very similar to the Box plant. From the plants just mentioned down to the plant of the Brownsville Land and Irrigation Company no irrigation is practiced at present, though there is much prospective irrigation. Brownsville Land and Irrigation Company.—This company, capi- talized at $300,000, has been a most important factor in the develop- ment of the lower Rio Grande Valley. Its pumping plant, situated on the river bank 6 miles above Brownsville, is the only one in this 440 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. vicinity which has made any attempt at permanent installation. In all the other plants the idea seems to prevail that the bank of the river is going to cave sooner or later and that it will hence be necessary to move the machinery. The Brownsville Land and Irrigation Com- pany has built a brick wall along the river front for a distance of 150 feet to protect the bank. This wall, as well as the foundation of the power house, rests on a clay bottom. The suction pipes of the pumps project through the wall into the river. A clay foundation is apt to be treacherous, and it would have been preferable to have driven piling underneath the foundation of the wall and power house. The pumping plant, which is built next to the river bank, consists of the following apparatus: One 200-horsepower water-tube boiler supplies steam at 100 pounds pressure to an 18 by 42 inch 225-horse- power Corliss simple condensing engine, which is belted to a 36-inch double-suction centrifugal pump, the suction pipe of which is 42 inches in diameter and the discharge end of which is square with an area equal to that of a 36-inch circle. The engine speed is 70 revo- lutions per minute and the pump speed 164 revolutions per minute. The engine is provided with a surface condenser giving only about 15-inch vacuum. Two 72-inch by 18-foot horizontal multitubular boilers of 125 horsepower each supply steam to two throttling, non- condensing, slide-valve engines of 125 horsepower each operating at a speed of 120 revolutions per minute. Each engine is belted to a 24-inch centrifugal pump run at 180 revolutions per minute. The pumps have a 26-inch suction and 24-inch discharge. The capacity of the plant under a 12-foot lift is 40,000 gallons per minute from the 36-inch pump and 20,000 gallons per minute from each of the 24-inch pumps at rated speeds, the normal speed, however, being 10 per cent less than the rated. The labor required for operating the plant is as follows: Three engineers, each of whom works on an eight-hour shift, and 10 labor- ers and 4 firemen, each working a twelve-hour shift. The operation of the 36-inch pump requires 1 fireman at $1.50 Mexican and 2 helpers at $1 Mexican to fire the boiler, the remainder of the plant requiring 1 fireman and 3 helpers per shift. The fuel consumption for the 36-inch pump is 11 cords of wood per twenty-four hours, the pump speed being 10 per cent less than given above. The remainder of the plant consumes 13 cords of wood in twenty-four hours with the same reduction in pump speed. The pumps discharge into a flume whose top lies directly over the discharge pipes. The lift of water as expressed by the figures of the company is the vertical distance between the bottom of the flume and the level of the water in the river. However, as the water runs at considerable depth in the flume, 2 feet should be added to the rated lift to obtain the actual distance, which in this case would allow for IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 441 only the depth of water in the flume and not for the velocity head of the discharge. The rated lift is between 12 feet 9 inches and minus 16 inches, or, in other words, practically between 14 feet 9 inches and 8 inches. During high water, however, it is necessary to run the pumps slowly, although the level of the water in the river is above the level of the bottom of the canal. Twenty-six cords of wood are consumed in twenty-four hours under a 10-foot rated lift. . When the lift falls off the fuel consumption is 30 to 32 cords per day. The main canal is 100 feet wide and very shallow and has a fall of 6 inches per mile. Excavations for the banks were largely made by borrow pits on the inside next to the banks, the canal having a sec- tion, as shown in figure 62. The deposit made by the river in the beds of the canals is partly clay and partly sand, but in most of the canals near Brownsville it is clay, which cracks open when dry and becomes almost as hard as Soapstone. About 25 miles of main canal have been constructed and water is furnished to 7,000 acres, planted mostly to rice. Two crops of rice per year are grown on part of the land, but the second is decidedly smaller than the first. The irrigation Seasons for rice are from Žº wnsville canal. March 1 to November 1. The canal company figures that about 10 gallons of water per minute per acre are required during the season for rice irrigation. The first crop required one hundred days’ irriga- tion and the second, sixty days. The land yields 4 to 17 sacks per acre, with an average of 10 sacks of 195 pounds each. The price realized for rice was between 2 and 3.4 cents per pound. For the irrigation of 6,000 acres of rice the yearly consumption of fuel was 2,250 cords of wood. Rice land is irrigated by the check system of flooding, the areas of the checks varying up to 10 acres in extent. The bottoms of the ditches are in many places constructed considerably lower than the land itself in order to make the same ditch serve both for supplying water and to drain when it is necessary to draw the water off the land. * In addition to the rice, about 125 acres were planted in truck. The land for farming and water for irrigation of the same are furnished tenants for one-half the value of the crop, much of the land being farmed by renters. No measurement whatever was made of the water consumed by tenants. 442 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Up to May 30, 1904, the 36-inch pump had operated forty-nine days and five hours, one 24-inch pump twenty-eight days and eight hours, and the other 24-inch pump nineteen days and two hours. The average corrected lift during this period was 11 feet 6 inches. During a test of the flow of the canal, made by the writer, the cor- rected lift was 12 feet 8 inches, and the quantity of water measured at a flume 1 mile from the power house was 64,800 gallons per minute. The conditions of operation of the machinery at the time were as follows: - 3. 36-inch pump, 63 revolutions per minute; engine, 147 revolutions per minute; pressure, 110 pounds; vacuum, 15 pounds. - 24-inch pumps, 114 revolutions per minute; engine, 175 revolutions per minute; pressure, 90 pounds. Mesquite, which is used for fuel, is rather green and when closely stacked weighs 3,700 pounds per cord. The price of same is $1.60 to $1.70 per cord. Brick construction is used very extensively in Brownsville, as it is cheaper than wood. * - The Brulaye plant.—George Brulaye has an irrigation plant on the river 9 miles below Brownsville. His farm consists of 400 acres, of which 181 are at present under irrigation, 70 acres being in rice, 11 in corn, and 100 in cane. The lift from the river is about 15 feet at low water. The boilers supply steam to two engines, one of which drives a 15-inch and the other a 10-inch centrifugal pump. The 15- inch pump requires 6 cords of wood for a twelve hours' run, the 10- inch requiring 4 cords of wood for the same length of run. The pumping station is situated on the making bank of the river and the distance from the station to water has materially increased since the plant, was first put in. At present the water is conveyed through a channel about 150 feet long to the suction pipe. At the time of the writer’s visit the banks of the channel had caved in and all the pipes were filled with sand, and in consequence the plant was not in opera- tion. A sugar mill was installed on the farm and the fuel consump- tion for both the power house and sugar mill was 700 cords per year. The engines and pumps are direct-connected units and were installed without adequate protection from the weather. The furrow System of irrigation is practiced for corn and cane. On the Mexican side of the river there were several plants that are worthy of note. M. M. Mendiola plant.—M. M. Mendiola, a well-known engineer in the employ of the Mexican Government, has an irrigation plant at Matamoras, across the river from Brownsville. A steam engine drives a centrifugal pump delivering 4,000 gallons per minute against a 22-foot lift. The fuel consumption is 3 cords of wood in twelve hours. The plant is sufficient for the irrigation of 300 acres of cane, though at present only 100 acres are irrigated. Sugar cane IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 443 requires six irrigations a year in dry weather. The plant is operated from 3 a. m. to 7 p. m. The irrigation season is from March to August, in which time the crop requires one hundred and fifty days' operation of the plant. Cotton is irrigated twice in dry years, once When planting and once when half grown. The pump station will irrigate 10 acres of land in twelve hours. All irrigation is done by flooding, the land being divided into checks and about half an acre in extent. It is flooded 8 inches deep, the owner preferring flooding to the furrow system, as it tends to kill the vermin. Corn in dry years receives two irrigations, one when it is planted in March and a second in May. The Fernandes plant.—Near Matamoras is an irrigation ranch belonging to J. H. Fernandes, consisting of 600 acres, planted to rice. The pump capacity is 14,000 to 20,000 gallons per minute, but only one-third of this capacity is used for the present acreage. A 24-inch pump furnishes the water supply to the land, and it is the intention of the owner to irrigate 2,500 acres. A 15-inch centrifugal drainage pump is used in connection with this work. The water pumped by the latter is used for the irrigation of pasture. Sauto Company.—The Sauto Company applied to the Mexican Government for an appropriation of 20 cubic meters of water per second, to be used for the irrigation of land near Matamoras. The application was refused, however, since the quantity asked for was more than one-half the minimum rate of flow of the river. The Government, however, said it would grant them 183 second-feet, the same being one-third of half of the minimum flow of the river, or a flow of 1,100 cubic feet per second. The company owned 100 square leagues of land, but it is thought possible that they may irrigate 10 square leagues with the flow which they would be allowed to appro- priate. This would be a duty of over 300 acres to the second-foot, which is decidedly large considering the nature of the country. Up to July, 1904, the Sauto Company had taken no action on the offer of the Government. On the San Diego River, 25 miles from Del Rio on the Mexican side, an irrigation company proposes to irrigate 60,000 acres of land from the river by a gravity system, with the aid of storage. The land to be irrigated lies in two tracts, the lower of which is 60 feet above the Rio Grande. There is a fall of 278 feet between the site of the proposed storage reservoir and the lower irrigable land. It is proposed to utilize the water power in two falls of 40 and 50 meters, respectively, for pumping water from the Rio Grande to assist in irrigation work. A large canal with a capacity of 4 cubic meters per second is intended for the irrigation of 30,000 acres, and a canal with a quarter of this capacity will be utilized for power purposes. 444 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The Rio Grande was formerly navigable some distance above Hidalgo, but in recent years the sediment has deposited so rapidly that at present no attempt at navigation is made. The river is still classed as a navigable stream by the Government, and it may be considered an open question what effect the diversion of water would have on its legal aspect. Among the principal tributaries on the Mexican side may be mentioned the San Juan River, which empties into the Rio Grande 108 miles above Brownsville, and the Salavo River. The water of the former is of a good quality; the Salavo River is decidedly salty and alkaline. NUECES, FRIO, AND LEONA RIVERS. Beginning a short distance north of the Southern Pacific Railroad in Uvalde County the ground rises gradually to the mountains in the northern part of the county. Several rivers and creeks have their headwaters in the mountains, among which may be mentioned the Nueces, Leona, Frio, and Dry Frio rivers, all of which finally empty into the Nueces. The beds of the rivers in the mountains are filled with loose rock and gravel, through which the water percolates when the rivers are low. The river beds themselves are of rock, and where the gravel layer is thin surface flow appears. By the time the rivers reach the plains the flow has largely disappeared, except in times of wet weather. South of Uvalde, however, the Leona River always carries sufficient water to serve for considerable irrigation. On the visit of the writer to this district in July, 1904, the rivers were at an exceptionally low stage. In the mountains the flow from the Nueces and Frio rivers was utilized for irrigation, and the supply was sufficient for the present needs of the country. The river valleys in the mountains, while not wide, still have a considerable amount of land capable of being irrigated to good advantage. In general, how- ever, it may be said that large tracts of irrigable land lies toward the center and south of Uvalde County, and tò obtain irrigation water for this land would necessitate the construction of storage reservoirs. There are a few sites on these rivers where, from preliminary obser- vations, it would seem that storage reservoirs could be built to advan- tage. There has been some talk of their construction, but no actual steps have been taken in this direction. NUECES RIVER, Fern Lake Ranch Company.—A few miles north of the town of Montell is a 190-acre tract owned by this company and irrigated by a ditch from the river. A dam 2.5 feet high and 4 feet base, built of gravel and willows, serves to raise the level of the water sufficiently to irrigate the land by gravity. Like other dams of this nature, it leaks IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAs. 445 considerably, but as there is sufficient water in the river this is a mat- ter of no consequence. The ditch is 3 feet wide on the bottom, 5 feet on top, and 3 feet deep. Water runs about 30 inches deep. The ditch is said to carry 3,000 gallons per minute. At the time of the writer's visit it was not full and was carrying, by measurement, about one-half this quantity of water. One hundred and twenty acres are planted in Johnson grass, irrigated every fifteen days; 35 acres in cotton, irrigated twice a season; 35 acres in corn, irrigated twice a season. The yield of corn was 30 bushels per acre. The ditch full will irrigate all the corn and cotton land in fifteen days of twelve hours each, and Johnson grass in ten days. The latter is irrigated by the tablet system, the tablets being 40 to 60 feet by 200 to 300 yards long. One man can look out for the irrigation of John- son grass at the above rate and two men for the irrigation of corn and cotton. The yield of Johnson grass is 1 ton per cutting and 4 cuttings per year. W. M. Jones ranch.-A short distance below Montell, W. M. Jones irrigates 50 acres with water pumped from the river. A 6-horse- power gasoline engine drives a No. 3 centrifugal pump delivering 350 gallons per minute against a 27-foot lift. The engine uses 9 gallons of gasoline in ten hours, the cost of same being 12.5 to 18 cents per gallon. Twenty acres were planted in cotton, which up to the end of July had received one irrigation; 30 acres in corn and Sorghum, which received two irrigations per crop. A ten-hour run of the pump fur- mished sufficient water to irrigate 3 acres. The tablet system of irri- gation is used, the tablets being 50 to 80 feet wide by 400 yards long. One man can irrigate 1.5 acres in a day with one-half the flow of the pump. Corn yielded 30 bushels per acre. Baylor ranch.-A short distance below the Jones ranch Mr. Baylor irrigates 25 acres with water from Montell Creek, which, however, runs dry part of the time. A ditch about 18 inches wide runs 6 inches deep, delivering a flow of 800 gallons per minute. Four acres planted in corn were irrigated every fifteen days; 18 acres in John- son grass were irrigated every fifteen days; 3 acres were planted in CàIle. wº A rock-and-clay dam was used for diverting the water, which flowed into an earth tank 2 feet deep, 350 by 95 feet. The flow of the ditch will fill this tank in ten hours. The tank full will irrigate 4 acres in six hours. Johnson grass was irrigated by the tablet sys- tem, the tablets being 30 feet wide and 240 yards long. The yield of corn was 30 bushels per acre. A few miles below this ranch an attempt was made a few years ago to dam the Nueces River to divert water into a ditch which was to irrigate a large area near the base of the mountains. At the dam 446 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. site selected the river had filled up to a depth of some 17 feet with rock and gravel, and to cut off the underflow from the same sheet piling was driven through the rocks. The piling was composed of three pieces of 3 by 12 held together in such a way as to form a tongue- and-groove boarding, the middle piece being offset. This attempted dam, however, was a dismal failure, as the sheet piling drove any- ° thing but straight through the bowlders and utterly failed to inter- cept the flow of water. Figure 63 shows a section of the river at the point of the attempted dam. Still another difficulty encountered was in the construction of a ditch for diverting the water. The ground through which the ditch ran was gravelly and acted like a sieve. Only a short section of the ditch was constructed and that has now been abandoned. At present there is a proposition to divert the river water at a point a short distance above this dam site, where the bed rock of the river comes to the surface. The projected plan involves the construc- tion of a low dam at this point, whence the water will be carried by O * %& & /O’ 20. 30° *O' 20 FIG. 63.−Section of Nueces River bed. a pipe submerged in the river channel to a point about a mile dis- tant, where the head of the ditch will be located. One idea of this plan is to avoid encountering the gravelly strata through which the old ditch ran. The water would then be conveyed by a ditch some 20 miles long to an earth reservoir built by damming some of the draws in the foothills. If this were carried out an immense quantity of land would be subject to irrigation. The main point about such an undertaking is the building of a reservoir of suitable size. The esti- mated storage capacity of the proposed one was 124,000,000 cubic feet. Allowing 18 acre-inches storage capacity for the irrigation of 1 acre would make this reservoir capable of irrigating 2,000 acres. A continuous supply from the river would of course increase to a considerable extent the acreage which would be subject to irrigation. For this proposed reservoir the embankment is to be 5 feet higher than the level of high water, 14 feet wide on top, built with side slopes of 3 to 1. The maximum height of the dam will be 42 feet and the length 1,700 feet. The cubic yards of earth in the dam would be 310,000. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 447 A measurement of the river at the proposed dam site, made in the latter part of July, 1904, showed a flow of 35 cubic feet per second. At the point where this measurement was made there was a con- siderable bed of gravel, which would add materially to the actual flow, which, as an approximation, was a total of perhaps 50 cubic feet per second. Dodson farm.—A short distance below the site of the attempted dam is the farm of J. J. Dodson, who irrigates 144 acres with water pumped from the river. Two 40-horsepower boilers supply steam to a 65-horsepower throttling engine driving a No. 6 centrifugal pump delivering 1,000 gallons per minute against a head of 39 feet. The boilers consume 2 cords of mesquite in twelve hours' run. The mesquite grows on the land of the owner and the cost of cutting and hauling is $1 per cord. Three acres were planted in alfalfa which received two irrigations for each cutting. This was not a very successful crop. One hun- dred and fifteen acres were planted in cotton, which in 1904 received one irrigation. When the weather is dry the owner figures that two or three irrigations per season would be necessary. Two acres were planted in truck, 4 in sorghum, and 20 in corn. The latter received one irrigation, but in dry years would require two. The yield of corn was 30 bushels per acre. Part of the time it was necessary to run the plant day and night. The tablet system was used for alfalfa and the furrow system for other crops. The flow of the pump would irrigate 8 acres in twelve hours by the furrow system and 3 acres in the same time by the tablet system. Alfalfa was laid off in tablets 25 by 300 feet. The rows in the furrow system were 600 feet long on 4-foot centers, the flow of the pump being divided between 2 to 3 rows. The time re- quired to run through the rows was twenty to thirty minutes. FRIO RIVER, In this section of the country the term “head of water ’’ is used as a kind of unit of measurement, meaning the amount of water that one man can handle to advantage in irrigation, and may be consid- ered to be from about 1,000 to 1,500 gallons per minute, though it is naturally a widely varying quantity. Grigsby & Horton ditch-Grigsby & Horton own 120 acres of land near Lakey, which is irrigated by water diverted from the Frio through a ditch 3 feet wide on the bottom, 5 to 6 feet wide on top, and 2 feet deep. The ditch, which was constructed in 1897, is 2 miles long and has a grade of 2 inches in 300 feet. It is said to carry two “heads of water,” and irrigates 60 acres of corn and 60 acres of cotton, each of which received two irrigations in 1904. The flow of the ditch is sufficient to irrigate 10 acres in twenty-four hours. At 448 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. present water is used mainly in the daytime. In very dry weather the ground should be irrigated every fifteen days. The soil is black and waxy, 2 feet deep, with clay subsoil. Corn will yield 30 to 35 bushels per acre and cotton three-fourths to 1 bale per acre. The owner figures that by irrigating day and night the amount of land irrigated could be doubled. Water is diverted from the creek by a log, brush, and gravel dam, which raises the water level 1 foot. The furrow system of irrigation is used, the furrows being 150 to 300 feet long. One head of water is divided between 8 to 10 rows, and twenty minutes' flow is required to irrigate furrows 300 feet long. The rows are 3.5-foot centers. - Smith, Patterson dé Watkins ditch.-Near the town of Rio Frio a ditch, constructed by Smith, Patterson & Watkins in 1867, diverts water from the Frio River for the irrigation of 850 acres of land. The ditch is 5 feet wide at the bottom and 3 feet deep, set on a grade of one-sixteenth inch per rod, and delivers between 3,000 and 4,000 gallons per minute. Five hundred acres are planted in cotton and irrigated every twenty-one days, the yield being 1 bale to the acre; 300 acres are planted in corn, irrigated every twenty-one days, the yield being 45 bushels per acre; 50 acres are planted in oats and wheat, irrigated every twenty-one days. The yield of oats is 15 to 30 bushels and of wheat 20 bushels per acre. A small amount of truck is also grown. The ditch is 5 feet wide on the bottom, 3 feet deep, and 3.5 miles long, and its capacity is said to be 3.5 “heads,” which would mean that a head in this case is equivalent to a flow of 1,000 gallons per minute. One head will irrigate 10 acres in twenty- four hours. Land, with water-right, rents for one-third of the crop, and labor costs $12 to $15 per month and board. Ditch water is divided in proportion to the land to be irrigated, each field receiving water every three weeks, the water running con- tinuously in the ditch. When the river is at its lowest stage this ditch consumes all the visible supply, though there is considerable more water under the gravel bed. The full supply of the ditch is required for irrigation. Land is watered by the tablet system, the tablets being 40 to 48 feet wide and the length varying up to 1,200 feet. The water is run 40 to 50 feet down the tablets from each opening made in the Supply ditch. Where the Frio River emerges from the mountains the valley nar- rows to about 600 feet and on either side for a height of about 60 feet the walls are solid rock, forming apparently a good site for a dam. Some years ago there was a project to build a dam at this point and convey the water by ditch to the plains near Uvalde, but no work was ever actually undertaken in this direction. The area of the watershed of the river up to the dam site has been estimated at 750 square miles, and the run-off in the mountains is undoubtedly high. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 449 Several unsuccessful attempts have been made to find artesian water on the line of the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railway from Uvalde to Sabinal. In a well 1,822 feet deep at Sabinal water rises to within 80 feet of the surface. At a point 18 miles to the west of Uvalde a well 1,500 feet deep was sunk, in which the water was 300 feet from the surface. Although the water dis- appears in dry weather in many of the rivers as they emerge from the hills, still it follows along under the river channel in many places, and the indications are that large surface wells can be obtained in Some localities. The city waterworks of Uvalde has a well from which the supply for the city is derived which is 100 feet deep. At a depth of 40 feet there is a stratum of gravel 3 to 4 feet thick, with clay below it. This was originally a dug well 20 feet square and 40 feet deep, but in 1897 the water gave out, whereupon three 6-inch open-bottom wells were drilled in the bottom of the old well 60 feet deeper. The water at present rises to 33 feet from the surface and is scarcely lowered by a pump with a capacity of 1,000 gallons per minute. A direct-acting steam pump delivers the water against a pressure of 45 pounds, with a suction lift of 6 feet. Two and one-half cords of oak or elm are consumed in eight hours, with a delivery of 800 gallons per minute. Ike West has dug a well 30 feet deep and 5 feet square 5 miles from Uvalde. Water stands 4 feet deep in the well, which is about 400 yards from the Leona River. The water-bearing stratum consists of bowlders. The surface soil is a light-red sandy loam 6 feet deep, underlain by a clay subsoil. A 20-horsepower engine drives a ver- tical centrifugal pump for lifting water from the well. Considerable irrigation is carried on below Uvalde with water taken from the Leona River. The river is dammed in several places by means of crib dams, which raise the water to a sufficient height to irrigate. the land by gravity and at the same time serve as storage basins of small capacity. Three miles south of Uvalde is a rock- filled crib dam belonging to Mr. Patterson, resting on a rock bottom. The dam is 9 feet wide at the base, with the timbers notched and bolted together, and sets into the banks 20 feet. It is faced with an apron of 2-inch plank, which is covered with dirt to aid in making it water-tight. The dam is 140 feet long with the addition of the two 20- foot wings, and is 64 feet high. The cost of construction was $1,250, the work being let by contract. The timbers built for forming the crib work are about 14 inches in diameter on the small end and made of oak. The dam has lasted two years without accident, but so far has not passed through any severe flood. It backs the water up 2 miles in the river, which has an average width of 120 feet and a depth of 4 feet. The water can be drawn down 34 feet. The ditch 30620–No. 158–05—29 - 450 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. which heads near the dam is 6 feet wide on the bottom, 9 feet on top, and 3 feet deep, with a slope of 2 feet to the mile. It is owned by a company, the stock being divided into six shares, of which Mr. Pat- terson owns 3% shares. Eight hundred acres are now under irrigation from this ditch, which delivers a flow of 4,000 gallons per minute. Irrigation is carried on day and night; one share in the ditch entitled the holder to twenty-fours' flow of the ditch every six days. The irrigators take what water they please and regulate the same by a gate at the head of the ditch, no measurement of water being taken. A ditch man is employed whose duty it is to keep the ditch clean and in repair. Mr. Patterson’s land, which is situated at the end of the ditch, 9 miles from Uvalde, in addition to the ditch supply receives water also from a pumping station on the river adjoining his farm. A 50-horsepower boiler supplies steam to a duplex steam pump delivering 1,200 gallons per minute against a lift of 22 feet. The plant consumes 14 cords of live oak or elm in twenty-four hours' operation. The cost of the wood is 60 cents a cord delivered at the pump. As the wood comes off the land of the owner, only the cost of cutting and hauling is included in these figures. For the past two years the pump has not been operated, as the ditch supplied sufficient water. However, in time of low water the pump is an additional Security against an insufficient supply, the river between the dam and the pump being fed by a number of springs. Near the pumping station is a dam of natural rock which forms a reser- voir 1 mile long and 75 feet wide, 15 feet deep in places. Mr. Patter- son irrigates 500 acres, but thinks he would be able to irrigate twice this acreage with his present water supply. Two hundred acres are planted in cotton, irrigated four to five times each season, and 150 acres of Johnson grass, irrigated six to eight times; 70 acres of corn, irrigated four times. The Johnson grass is irrigated twice per cut- ting, and is usually cut four times a year. The cotton land formerly produced 1 bale per acre, but the ravages of the boll weevil have mate- rially cut down this yield. Johnson grass yields 1 ton per acre per cutting and the corn 30 bushels. With the full flow of the ditch— 4,000 gallons per minute—40 acres of land can be irrigated in twenty- four hours. - Irrigation throughout this district is carried on by the tablet sys- tem. The tablets are 36 feet wide and 300 feet long, and are mainly irrigated from the small ditches running lengthwise of the tablets, though occasionally a head ditch is used for this purpose. Canvas dams are used in the head ditches for stopping the flow of water. One man handles one-quarter of the full flow of the ditch, turning the same into one tablet. The irrigation season lasts practically all the year. T. E. Taylor irrigates 150 acres of corn and cotton from the Patterson ditch. J. L. Tyner irrigates 150 acres of corn, cotton, IRRIG ATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 451 and Johnson grass from the same source. Johnson grass, which for- merly sold for $15 per ton, now sells for $10 per ton in Uvalde. Below the Patterson place the Leona River is dammed to supply water to a ditch owned by A. A. Kelley, B. F. Wilson, and L. R. Norseworthy. Five hundred and fifteen acres are at present insculti- vation from this ditch. Three hundred acres are owned by Mr. Kelley, who is entitled to six-twelfths of the flow; 175 acres by Mr. Wilson, who is entitled to five-twelfths, and 40 acres by Mr. Norse- worthy, who has one-twelfth of the flow. The ditch is said to deliver four heads of water, or about 4,000 gallons per minute. One head will irrigate 1 acre per hour. Land in this vicinity sells for $50 per acre, with water rights included, and rents for one-third of the crop. It is to be noted that the water right goes with the land. The Kelley ditch is 6 feet wide on the bottom, 9 feet wide on top, and 3 feet deep, and the water runs in the same to a depth of about 2 feet. The slope of the ditch is 18 inches per mile and the length is 2 miles to the nearest farm which it supplies, and 2% miles farther to the end of the ditch. It was built in 1870 and has been somewhat enlarged since then. The full flow of the ditch is said to irrigate 4 acres per hour. J. C. Priddy irrigates 105 acres by the tablet system, 40 acres in corn, 60 in cotton, and 5 in cane. The Lewis plant.—G. W. Lewis irrigates 220 acres of land lying a short distance south of the end of the Kelley ditch. Irrigation water is pumped from the Leona River, and the Supply pumped is just sufficient to irrigate the land. A 45-horsepower throttling engine drives a 10-inch centrifugal pump running 310 revolutions per minute, delivering 2,400 gallons per minute against a lift of 23 feet. The fuel consumed is 5 cords of wood for twenty-four hours' run, in which time 10 acres of land can be irrigated. One hundred and seventy acres are planted in cotton, irrigated about every three weeks; 50 acres in corn, irrigated every three weeks. The tablet system of irrigation is used, two men handling the supply of water from the pump. This year the probable yield will be at least one-half bale of cotton to the acre. The boll weevil has caused considerable trouble in this vicinity. The crops received, 5 irrigations in the year. The main ditch is 6 feet wide on top and 18 inches deep and V-shaped. Some of the tablet ditches are as much as 200 feet apart, and one irrigator will turn one-half the supply of the pump into 20 rows, which are about 50 feet long. Batesville.—The Comanche Ditch and Irrigation Company, which is about thirty years old, diverts water from the Leona River near Batesville and irrigates about 500 acres of corn, cotton, oats, John- son grass, fruit, and truck. The ditch is about 8 feet wide on top, 3 feet deep, and water runs 2 to 2.5 feet deep in the same. It is said 452 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. to carry two heads of water. One head per hour per acre is allowed for irrigation, the irrigation period recurring every ten days. A dam composed of brush, dirt, and gravel 10 feet high forms a reser- voir in the river bed 1.5 miles long, 30 feet wide, and 4 feet deep. It washes considerably with every freshet. When the supply of water falls off, one head of water is used instead of two and the time of use is correspondingly cut down. When the pumps farther up the river are operating there is sometimes not sufficient water for one head. The main idea of the dam was not so much for storage as to raise the water to a sufficient level to supply the ditch. Altogether about 640 acres owned by the company are subject to irrigation. The tablet and bed systems are used, the tablets being 45 to 60 feet wide and the beds 20 to 40 feet wide, with a length of 150 to 200 feet. One head of water will irrigate a bed in fifteen minutes. In this vicinity there are indications of good surface wells. At a depth of 30 feet is a water-bearing gravel stratum 8 feet in thickness underlaid with sand and gravel strata. The water stands 35 to 45 feet below the surface of the ground. Artesian water is found in the southwest part of Zavalla County, being a continuation of the artesian belt near Carrizo Springs. Ed English and B. H. Eskins have each two artesian wells, and James Odin has one in that vicinity used for irrigation, and there are also a few other artesian wells used for stock. Artesia.-Near Artesia artesian water in small quantities has been discovered and there are at present in this vicinity seven open-bottom wells, 54%-inch casing, delivering a flow of 12 to 18 gallons per min- ute each. These wells are 500 feet deep, and are located within 1.5 miles of the railroad station. The artesian water-bearing stra- tum is fine sand. The wells were put down by horsepower machines, and cost $1 per foot to complete. The total area irrigated is 75 acres, the main crops being truck and onions. Four acres of Onion land gave a yield of 2.5 cars. In connection with irrigation there are two storage reservoirs 8 feet deep and 0.5 and 0.75 acre, respectively in area. * Cotulla. The Nueces River runs near the town of Cotulla and furnishes water for several irrigation plants in that vicinity. The surrounding country is very rolling, though occasional places are to be found where the land is sufficiently level for farming to good advantage. However, much of the hilly land is also farmed. The supply of Nueces River is variable. In times of high water the discharge is very great, while at low water it practically disap- pears. The indications are, however, that there is a considerable sub- surface flow when water has disappeared entirely from the surface channel. Owing to the lay of the land pumping is necessary in order to irrigate. Some of the pump stations have been installed so IRRIG ATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 453 low down that they are entirely submerged during high water. This is a practice which can hardly be looked upon with favor. Hargus plant.—This is 3 miles above Cotulla and is just being installed. It has a 60-horsepower boiler, with a 40-horsepower throt- tling engine, which is belted to a No. 6 centrifugal pump, having a 10-inch suction and 103-inch discharge pipe of a total length of 660 feet. The lift of this plant is 35 feet and the flow of the pump is Supposed to be 2,500 gallons per minute. In all probability the eco- nomic flow will not be more than one-half this, however. One hun- dred and thirty acres to be planted in onions and alfalfa will be irri- gated. It is the intention of the owner to dam the river in order to provide storage for a small amount of water. The river has a fall of 8 inches per mile. In general the distances by river are about twice as long as by land. Caley plant.—H. Caley irrigates 40 acres situated near the Hargus plant. A 30-horsepower boiler supplies steam to a 60-horsepower automatic engine driving a No. 3 centrifugal pump, delivering water to the field through a 3.5-inch pipe, the farthest point of delivery being 1,500 feet from the pump station. The height of this point of delivery above the river is about 40 feet. There are three outlets for the water in the pipe line. The flow of water is said to be 300 to 500 gallons per minute, depending upon which outlet is open. The fuel used is mesquite, 0.75 cord being consumed in twelve hours. The river is dammed near the farm by a structure 3 feet high and 30 feet long, composed of loose rock on the lower side, while on the upper side is a wooden apron covered with dirt. Floods have caused no trouble with the dam, the water passing over the same without damage. It backs the water up 2 miles in the river, forming a res- ervoir with an average width of 35 feet when water is near the top of the dam. Before the dam was put in there was a shortage of water, but since the installation of the same no trouble has been experienced on this account. Thirteen acres were planted in onions and the remainder in can- taloupes, tomatoes, corn, and truck. White Bermuda and Crystal Wax onions were sown and were spaced 3 to 4 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart. The crop was harvested April 15 and sold for 1.5 cents per pound, yielding $3,349. The land was irrigated by the furrow system every 15 days and it required twelve hours pumping to irrigate 2 to 4 acres. The fur- rows were 60 feet long. The season for irrigating tomatoes is Octo- ber 1 to January. With one irrigation 1.25 acres of corn yielded 80 bushels. Cotton land yielded without irrigation 1 bale per acre. The soil is a black chocolate Sandy loam 3 feet deep, with clay sub- soil. No fertilizer was used. 454 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. One to two men are required to handle the water. The owner cuts his fuel and estimates it to cost 50 cents per cord. With ‘a larger pipe he figures that he could irrigate 65 acres. Usually the plant is run in the day time only, but during the past season it ran six nights. . . - • Fuller plant.—Near the Caley place is that of Mr. Fuller, compris- ing 15 acres. The pumping plant which draws water from the same storage consists of a 15-horsepower boiler, which supplies steam at 75 pounds pressure to a No. 7 pulsometer, lifting water 35 feet and delivering 400 gallons per minute through 460 feet of 4.75-inch pipe. The fuel consumed is 0.75 to 1 cord in twelve hours' run. The owner of the plant says he could irrigate with the flow of the pump 30 acres without night run. He irrigated 4 acres of truck with six hours' run of the plant, using the furrow system, but intends to change to the bed system. Land is irrigated every fifteen days, receiving six to eight irrigations per season. The yield of 1 acre of tomatoes brought $300. A short distance from these plants are two farms belonging to Mr. Goldtrap and Mr. Gates, respectively, which obtain water by pump- ing from a small lake. Goldtrap farm.—This comprises 101 acres planted in corn, cane, cotton, and tomatoes and irrigated by the furrow system. The pump- ing plant consists of a 35-horsepower boiler and a 35-horsepower throttle engine belted to a centrifugal pump delivering a rated flow of 800 gallons per minute through 1,000 feet of 6-inch pipe against a lift of 40 feet. The fuel consumption is 0.5 to 0.75 cord of wood per day. To irrigate the entire area would require pumping six days of twelve hours each per week, and requires the services of two men for irrigating and one man for operating the pump station. The furrow system of irrigation is used, the furrows being 60 to 150 feet long. Cotton is irrigated every sixteen days, with about four irrigations per season; corn every twenty days, with about three irri- gations per crop. Cane received one irrigation per crop; tomatoes four irrigations per crop. Two crops of corn, cane, and tomatoes per year are gathered. Corn was planted in January and August; cane in the early spring and in June; tomatoes in January and August. The size of the lake when full has been estimated at 0.5 mile long, 50 yards wide, and 8 feet deep. The lake derives its supply from the river which flows into the lake when the river rises 4 feet. Evapora- tion and seepage from the lake is about one-eighth inch per day, and about the same amount of water is taken out by the pumps of the two plants drawing from the lake. a' The flow of the pump was turned into four to six rows. While irrigating the pump averaged four days' run per week. A small part of the land was planted to onions, which were spaced 4 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart. They yielded 15,000 pounds IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 455 per acre, and the crop was all harvested by April 25. The onions were irrigated every ten days. # The Soil is deep and is composed of a light waxy loam. Gates farm.—Adjoining the Goldtrap farm is one of 100 acres belonging to Mr. Gates. A 30-horsepower boiler supplies steam to a 30-horsepower engine belted to a No. 5 centrifugal pump, delivering a flow of 850 gallons per minute from the lake against a vertical lift of 42.5 feet through 500 feet of 8-inch pipe. The fuel consumed is 0.75 cord of wood in ten hours. The pump is operated about one- quarter of the time during the irrigation season. Eighty-three acres were planted to cotton, requiring 3 to 4 irriga- tions per season, from March 1 to August 1. The furrow system was used, the furrows being 50 to 100 yards long and 4 feet apart. The flow is turned into 3 to 7 furrows at the same time and it takes five minutes for the water to run through the same. The yield was 1 bale per acre. The boll weevil is causing considerable trouble in this Section now. Five acres of cane, 2 acres of corn, and 10 acres of tomatoes were also irrigated, the latter requiring irrigation every two weeks during dry weather. The level of the lake does not vary much more than 1 foot and this variation may be expected within four months’ time. Kech plant.—Southeast of Cotulla, a short distance from the town, is the 25-acre farm of E. A. Kech. The pumping plant consists of a 15-horsepower boiler and a duplex pump delivering 250 to 300 gallons per minute against a head of 35 feet through 2,000 feet of 4-inch pipe. The plant consumed 0.75 cord mesquite in twelve hours. The pump draws its supply from a small reservoir in the river formed by a rock and dirt dam which in high water cuts out con- siderably. Last year 15 acres were planted in Onions and 10 acres in melons and corn. The latter were not irrigated. The onion land, after the removal of the crop, was planted in cowpeas and tomatoes, no irri- gation being required for the cowpeas up to July. Onions were irri- gated every twelve days by the furrow system. The furrows were 30 to 40 feet long, and the flow of the pump was turned into three or four furrows at a time. One man irrigated 3 acres of Onions a day. The onions were planted 3 inches apart in 12-inch rows. The yield was 20,000 to 30,000 pounds per acre. The crop was harvested in May. In irrigating for tomatoes the entire flow was turned down one furrow, making the amount considerably too great for the furrow and difficult to control. Seefeld plant.—Adjoining the Kech place is the farm of R. H. Seefeld. A new plant is being installed to pump from the river and 456 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. consists of a 30-horsepower boiler and 25-horsepower throttling engine driving a No. 5 centrifugal pump delivering a rated flow of 1,000 gallons per minute against a head of 36 feet. The pump will deliver water into a galvanized flume lined with 42-inch sheets bent half-round, this form of construction being used since it is cheaper than pipe and avoids the loss in head which occurs in pumping through a small pipe. The flume has a slope of 18 inches in 625 feet. Last year a 15-horsepower boiler was used to supply steam to a direct- acting pump delivering 300 gallons per minute against a head of 36 feet and forcing the water through 700 feet of 4.25-inch pipe. One cord of wood was consumed in twelve hours’ operation of the plant during which time 3.5 acres of onions could be irrigated. Wood costs $1.50 per cord. The wages of a man for operation of plant were 55 cents per day. The cost of operating plant was $2.25 per day. Onions were spaced 3.5 inches apart in 12-inch rows and irrigated by the furrow system, the furrows being 30 to 50 feet long. The yield was 20,000 pouilds per acre. No fertilizer except cowpeas was employed. FIG. 64.—Plan of Taylor dam, Nueces River, Texas. Taylor plant.—About 30 miles from Cotulla, on the road to Carrizo Springs, is an irrigation plant engineered by J. S. Taylor. The farm is situated on the northeast bank of the Nueces River, which is dammed by a rock-filled timber crib structure (see Pl. VII and fig. 64) 500 feet long over all and 110 feet wide at the base. The maxi- mum height at the spillway is 32 feet, the wings being built up 10 feet higher than the rest of the structure. The dam rests on a clay foundation and is built up with timber cribs 12 feet square composed of rough logs spiked together with 3-inch Square spikes. The spill- way, which is in the center of the dam, is 40 feet wide, and is built of rough logs spiked in place and held down also by rock, constructed in such a manner as to let the water down in a series of drops of 2 to 8 feet each, in a horizontal distance of 40 feet. The dam is back- filled with rock covered with dirt with a crest of 15 feet and a slope of 1 in 2. Six feet below the spillway is the top of the wastepipe, 3 feet in diameter, provided with a gate valve. The dam backs the water 10 miles up the river with a storage area estimated by Mr. PLATE V ||. Irrig, and Drain. Invest. U. S. Dept. of Agrº, Bul, 158, Office of Expt, Stations. TAYLOR DAM, NUECES RIVER, TEXAS. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 457 Taylor at 15 miles long, average width of 175 feet, and average depth of 15 feet, 5 miles of a branch of the river being included in this estimate. The plant serves at present for the irrigation of 175 acres, of which 100 can be irrigated by gravity and 75 acres by pumping. The gravity canal is 9 feet wide on top and 3 feet deep near the head, and 8 feet wide on top, 3 feet on the bottom, and 1.5 feet deep near the end of the canal, which is 1.5 miles long. The grade is 1.5 feet per mile. A heavy cut was made where the canal heads near the dam and water can be drawn off by gravity not more than 2.5 feet below the top of the dam; therefore the gravity system can be used for the most part only when there is a flow in the river, and can make little use of the stored water. The canal is provided with a wooden head gate 10 feet wide and 6 feet high. - A No. 5 centrifugal pump driven by an 18-horsepower engine is used to lift water 12 feet above the level of the top of the spillway and delivers a flow of 1,200 gallons per minute. The flow of the pump was used to irrigate onions, corn, and cane. The furrow system was employed. The furrows for onions were 18 inches apart and 100 feet long. Onions were spaced 4 inches apart in 18- inch rows. The land was plowed and cultivated by the use of horses, the spacing being sufficiently wide to permit of this. The land was irrigated every eight to ten days and required four hours' run of the pump to irrigate an acre. In irrigating, the flow of the pump was turned into 20 rows at a time. Onions were harvested May 1 and the yield was 11,000 to 16,000 pounds per acre. No fertilizer was used. The dam as originally constructed was built with insufficient wings, which resulted in its washing out around the ends. The cost of the present dam and canal was $35,000. Irrigable land in the vicinity which originally sold for $1.50 per acre now brings $10 to $15 per acre. At the time of the writer's visit, about the middle of July, 1904, no water was flowing over the spillway of the dam. LAKES NEAR CARRIzo SPRINGs. Near Carrizo Springs is a chain of seven lakes which receive their water partially from the drainage of the surrounding land and par- tially from the river when water is sufficiently high. In fact, they afford additional channels through which the river water may flow in times of flood. The drainage area from which it is estimated that these lakes are fed is 100 by 25 miles. The overflow from the lakes runs into the river farther down. The following estimates have been 458 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. made by those familiar with the country as to the probable size of these lakes: - Capacity of lakes near Carrizo Springs. Name of lake. Length. Width. Depth. Capacity. Mean. Miles. JFeet. Feet. Acre-feet. Acre-feet, Rocky------------------------------------------ 1 180 11 239 239 7 300 15 3,820 Caymanche------------------------------------ 6.5 225 11 1,950 2,650 4 300 15 2,180 5 300 15 2,730 Espantoso ------------------------------------- 5 225 11 1,500 |} 2,260 7 150 20 2,540 - 4 150 10 727 Soldier----------------------------------------- i 3 90 12 392 464 : 3 75 10 272 . 5 75 10 45 McDonald ------------------------------------- i .16 240 9 42 69 | * *| || 1: Buckhorn-------------------------------------- { . 28 150 8 41 43 - j 3.5 150 10 453 Fincenia---------------------------------------- t 2 6 348 509 4 150 10 727 Near the center Caymanche Lake is about 200 yards in width. The ground near the lake is subject to flood in high-water periods. It is composed of an exceedingly rich black loam and is called locally of a “bayouky” nature. Going from the lake the ground rises gradually at first about 5 feet in 500 yards, and then is fairly level for a distance of about one-half mile or more. At the end of this stretch the rise is much more rapid. The land near the lake is cov- ered with a fairly heavy growth of timber, mainly oak and mesquite. The average width of the “bayouky” country is between one-half and three-fourths mile, widening out toward the outlet of the lake. There have been several plans for utilizing the water of these lakes for irrigation, but as yet no actual steps have been taken in the matter. The land lying near Rocky Lake has been bought with the idea of utilizing it for the growing of rice. Mr. J. S. Taylor had made plans for the erection of a dam across Caymanche Lake 1.75 miles long and 25 feet high, which he states would give a storage capacity of 12 by 3 miles, 15 feet deep. CARRIZO SPRINGS. . . With the exception of the irrigation from the Taylor dam, all irrigation around. Carrizo Springs is carried on by means of water obtained from artesian wells. The proven artesian field in this vicinity is about 8 miles in width, running 16 miles Southeast and an equal distance northwest of Carrizo Springs. The southwest line of the belt passes approximately through Carrizo Springs itself. The artesian strata evidently slope more rapidly than the ground toward the southeast, as is the general rule in all this part of Texas, IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 459 the result being that the artesian wells to the southeast are larger and deeper than those in the opposite direction, since the static pressure above the ground is greater, the general slope of the ground being toward the southeast. The discovery of artesian water has made great increases in land values near Carrizo Springs. Lack of proper transportation facili- ties, however, is hampering at present the development of this region. A railroad line to either Eagle Pass or Cotulla, the nearest railroad stations, would be of the greatest assistance to the farmers. The formation of earth usually encountered in drilling artesian wells north and east of Carrizo Springs is as follows: Soil, 1 to 2.5 feet thick. Clay, 2 to 10 feet thick. Hardpan, 6 to 20 feet thick. Sand rock (water does not rise from this, however), 16 to 20 feet thick. Hardpan or Soapstone, 25 to 75 feet thick. Sand rock (water rises from this 10 feet), 8 to 10 feet thick. This is followed by layers of soapstone and hardpan, below which is 20 to 30 feet of sand rock, the depth of this varying from 175 to 500 feet below the ground. This is followed again by soapstone, hardpan, and 100 feet of water rock, the latter being found at depths of 300 to 600 feet. Little farm.—About 10 miles from Carrizo Springs, in the direc- tion of Cotulla, is the farm of Mr. Little. Water is supplied by an artesian well 600 feet deep, 4.5 inches at the bottom and 5% inches at the top. The flow is said to be 200 gallons per minute. Last year 23.5 acres were irrigated. Though it was a dry season, part of the well supply ran to waste. A reservoir 40 by 100 yards at the bottom, with side slopes of 1 to 1.5, is being constructed. The top of the banks will be 6 feet above the ground, and the crown will be 5 feet wide. The owners of the place are building the reservoir themselves, at a cost of about 6 cents per yard of dirt. The banks of the reservoir are united to the subsoil of clay, the surface soil being removed. Last year onions were grown on 16.5 acres on which no fertilizer was used. The Onions were irrigated every eight days. The crop was harvested April 12, producing 25,000 pounds of white Bermuda onions per acre. They were spaced 4 inches apart, with a furrow between every other row of onions. The furrows were 2 feet 2 inches apart. Four inches was found to be too close to plant onions. The land is owned by T. M. Berry and F. M. Shaw, who took charge of the place at the expiration of the Little lease during the summer. The owners will be able with the aid of the reservoir to irrigate 50 acres to be planted in alfalfa, corn, and onions. Corn was planted July 25. Hughes farm.—Near the Berry-Shaw place is the Hughes farm, irrigated from an artesian well 640 feet deep, cased with 54%-inch 460 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. casing for 48 feet. The first flow was in sand rock at 350 feet. The well is in the center of a rectangular reservoir 130 by 40 feet. It takes the well ten hours to fill this reservoir 3 feet. This would mean a flow of 192 gallons per minute. The plant irrigated 50 acres of onions and corn, the water supply being just sufficient to irrigate every twelve days by the furrow system. Thirty-five acres were planted in Onions and 15 acres in corn, the latter being planted in March and April. With the aid of the reservoir 3 acres per day were watered. Corn was irrigated every fifteen days in dry weather. One man looked after the irrigation. The Onions were spaced 3 by 18 inches. They matured May 1, and the yield was 16,000 pounds of red and white Bermudas per acre, which sold for 1.75 cents per pound. Transplanting the onions took 18 men thirty days and harvesting required the same amount of labor. No fertilizer was used on the land. - The rows were 150 feet long, and the water was turned into 10 to 15 rows, the time required for the water to flow through the rows being five to ten minutes. The cost of putting down the well was $1 per foot for the first 100 feet and 25 cents additional per foot for each succeeding 100 feet, without casing. Eardley place.—A short distance from the Hughes farm is that of Mr. Eardley, irrigated by water from an artesian well 720 feet deep. The well started 12 inches and finished 10 inches in diameter. It is shut off by a valve when water is not desired. This well is by far the largest in this part of the country and is said to deliver a flow of 1,400 gallons per minute. It passes through three rock strata and is cased to the first stratum only with 10-inch casing. The flow of the well is used to irrigate C0 acres, 20 acres being in corn, planted April 1; 5 acres in onions, and 5 acres in truck. Corn was irrigated twice in the season and onions once a week. Only one-third of the flow of the well, it is estimated, was used to irrigate 5 acres of Onions a day, requiring two or three irrigators. The onions were planted 4 inches apart in rows 18 inches on centers. The rows were 225 feet long, the land being very level. The main ditch is 4 feet wide and 18 inches deep. No fertilizer was used on the land. The yield of onions was 19,000 pounds per acre and of corn 35 bushels per acre. No reservoir was used in connection with the well, which should be capable of irrigating a tract much larger than the area at present watered. Patterson farm.—Mr. Patterson owns 43 acres of irrigated land near the Eardley place. The water supply is obtained from two artesian wells, one of which is 600 feet deep, with 55-inch casing, and the other 662 feet deep, 8 inches in diameter. An artesian water stratum is found at 240 feet, and a second one at 500 feet. The first well is cased for 90 feet down and cost $1 per foot. The 8-inch well IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 461 is without casing. Each well flows 120 gallons per minute and dis- charges direct on the ground, no reservoir being used. The pressure of the wells was estimated to be 40 feet above the ground without flow. The second well irrigated 30 acres of corn, which was esti- mated by the owner to be its maximum capacity. The total irrigated area under both wells included 12 acres onions, 26 acres corn, and 5 acres truck. Of the 26 acres in corn, 3 were put in June corn, and yielded 40 bushels per acre. The remainder of the corn was planted in the spring. Onions yielded 13,000 pounds per acre. They were spaced 5 inches apart in 18-inch rows. The onion furrows were 130 feet long, and the flow of one well was divided between 12 furrows at a time. Onions were irrigated three to six times, while corn was irrigated twice. The land was cultivated after each irrigation. The first onions, which were shipped April 10, brought 2 cents per pound in the field. The cost of hauling onions from Carrizo Springs to Co- tulla, the nearest railroad point, is approximately one-half cent per pound. The corn furrows were 400 feet long, and it took the water six hours to flow through them. All furrows were nearly level, and one well could irrigate an acre in twelve hours. The soil is black waxy and black sandy about 18 inches deep, with a substratum of clay. -> Shaw farm.—F. M. Shaw has 35 acres of irrigated land supplied with water from a 53-inch well 380 feet deep, cased 60 feet. Water is found in sand rock, and will rise without flow at least 20 feet above the ground. The output of this well is said to be 150 gallons per minute. In connection with the well is a reservoir 178 feet inside top diameter, with a side slope of 1 to 1.5. The banks are clay 7 feet high and 6 feet wide on top. The reservoir cost 10 cents a cubic yard for material handled. It takes six days to fill the reservoir within 6 inches of the top. In a dry year Mr. Shaw figures that he could irrigate 30 acres. The crops grown were as follows: Seventeen acres of Corn, planted in March. Twelve acres of alfalfa yielded 8 crops of 1 ton each per acre, irrigated by flooding after each cutting. Six acres of onions yielded 23,000 pounds per acre. The Onions were spaced 4 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart. They were shipped the last of April and May. Onions and corn were irrigated by the furrow system. With the reservoir full and the addi- tional flow of the well, 20 acres can be irrigated in two days, two men being needed to handle the water. McDaniel & McCaleb farm.—This farm consists of 100 acres, irri- gated with the flow of three wells. Two of the wells discharge into a reservoir 120 by 420 feet top inside measurements and 8 feet deep. 462 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The reservoir fills with the discharge of these two wells at the rate of 1 inch in two hours. Allowing for the slope of the banks of 1 on 1.5 would, however, make the total output of these two wells 230 gallons per minute. The third well will deliver about 100 gallons per minute, and its reservoir is 120 by 210 feet at the top on the inside. The reservoirs were built by the owners of the land. In order to make the banks compact, teams with scrapers were driven around the reservoir on the embankment. The cost was estimated at 8 cents per yard of material handled. • The wells are about 400 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter. The first well mentioned is cased 86 feet, and the last two only 20 feet. One of the ditches leading from the reservoir is made on top of a fill and is lined with 3 inches of clay, which was applied in the fol- lowing manner: The ditch is 2 feet wide on top and 8 inches deep, curved in section. After the earth had settled the section was made uniform by dragging a board of the desired cross-section along the ditch. After this had been done the clay was hauled to the head of the ditch and mixed into a mortar, which was run down the ditch by the aid of water, another wooden templet being used to give the clay the proper shape. Two scrapers and four men could line 1,200 feet of ditch in three days. In applying the clay mortar it can be run up the ditch in the manner outlined to good advantage for a distance of 100 yards. In order to keep the clay from cracking a small supply of water is usually kept in the ditch. The ditch was given a fall of 1 inch in 64 feet. The method utilized of setting the ditch on proper grade was by means of a plumb bob attached to a T board. When the plumb line was a given distance off center, the ditch was at proper grade. The irrigated land was planted 25 acres in onions, 25 acres in corn, 5 acres in Sorghum, and 45 acres in truck. Eight acres of the onion land were subsequently planted to corn and tomatoes. The onions yielded 22,000 pounds per acre. No fertilizer was used last year, but this year the owners will use artificial fertilizer rather than manure, on account of the danger of Bermuda grass, which has been a source of great annoyance to farmers. Some of the onions, which were shipped as early as March 26, brought 5% cents per pound. These were planted in September and transplanted November 1. They were planted 6 inches apart in rows 9 inches apart, the furrows being 3 feet apart. This made a furrow every 3 rows of onions. This year, however, the furrows will be 6 feet apart and the Onions 4.5 inches apart, in rows 9 inches apart, there being accordingly one furrow for every 5 rows of onions. The owners are convinced that owing to the nature of the ground this system of irrigation will be perfectly satisfactory and that the onions will all receive sufficient water. This allows for closer planting than is customary. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. º 463 Sorghum and corn were irrigated every fourteen days, truck every eight days. Furrows are 200 to 400 feet long, but the former are considered preferable. It takes the water about thirty minutes to run through the furrows, and 12 to 15 furrows are irrigated at a time. Part of the land which is hilly will be leveled off in order to put it in better shape for irrigation. This is a plan which might be followed elsewhere to good advantage. The owners estimate that the flow of the wells, with the reservoirs, will irrigate 200 acres. Moore place.—Mr. Moore has put down an 8-inch well 400 feet deep, cased 100 feet. At 175 feet a weak artesian flow was struck which increased somewhat at 215 feet. At 375 feet it received a considerable increase. This water will be used in irrigation. Arnold farm.—This farm has an 8-inch well 480 feet deep deliver- ing a measured flow of 40 gallons per minute. Seven acres of corn were irrigated from the well, water being applied every eight days. The flow of the well will irrigate 2 acres of new-plowed land in four twenty-four hour days and in the same time 5 acres of old land, the respective irrigation depths in inches being 1.7 and 4.2. The furrows are 400 feet long and it takes the water six hours to run through them. The discharge pipe from the well stands 3 feet above the ground, thus forcing the well to work against needless additional head. The well is provided with a throttle valve and when this valve is closed water is forced up around the outside of the casing. This shows clearly the point previously mentioned in the chapter on wells—the possibility of considerable loss of water by opening a path of com- munication between artesian strata and other pervious strata. Shipp farm.—Near the Arnold place O. E. Shipp has an irri- gated tract supplied with water from two artesian wells, one of which is 365 feet deep with 55 feet of 43-inch casing, and the other 417 feet deep with 65 feet of 6-inch casing. The owner estimates that the two wells can irrigate 30 acres without reservoir; with reservoir, a larger area. He thinks that there is a considerable loss of water from the wells, due to their being improperly cased. Water will rise without flow 18 to 20 feet above the ground. The first well has a flow of 15 gallons per minute and the second 25 gallons per minute. The land is irrigated by the furrow system, the furrows being 300 to 500 feet long. It takes two to six hours to run the water through the furrows. Corn is irrigated twice a season, onions every ten days, truck every week, and sorghum and grapes every two weeks. Corn not irrigated yielded 30 to 35 bushels per acre, while irrigated corn yielded 40 bushels. The two wells will irrigate about 2 acres per day. The Soil is of a black sandy nature, 18 inches to 5 feet deep, with a clay Subsoil. - 464 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Richardson ranch.-The largest ranch in the vicinity of Carrizo Springs belongs to Asher Richardson and contains 550 acres of irri- gable land, although at present only 400 acres have been irrigated. Water is furnished from two wells 650 feet deep cased down 90 feet. One well is 6-inch and the other 12-inch. Water rises without flow in these wells 75 to 80 feet. A circular reservoir 8 feet high and covering 7 acres is in course of construction. The base of the bank is 50 feet wide and the crown 8 feet wide. The reservoir will have a 6-foot clay core. The two wells are 100 yards apart, and the second well did not affect the flow of the first. Artesian water was found at 390 feet and 650 feet in white sandstone. The output of the 6-inch well is 234 gallons per minute and the combined output of the two wells, as measured after the water from the 6-inch well had gone through 100 yards of ditch, was 520 gallons per minute. These outputs are by weir measurements made by the writer. The land irrigated includes 100 acres of corn planted in February, receiving one irrigation; 200 acres of cotton, one irrigation; 75 acres _ of barley and oats, two irrigations ** a season; 25 acres of truck, irri- gated every ten days. Having no reservoir, the land is irrigated day and night, and it requires Seven days for the flow of the two wells to irrigate 100 acres of corn. The furrows are 150 to 1,350 feet long, the average being 300 feet. The flow of the two wells was di- vided between 15 rows and took an hour to go through furrows 300 yards long. The rows were 3.5 feet apart for cotton. The main ditch was 3 feet wide and 1 foot deep, the slope varying from 1 in 1,000 to 3 in 1,000. The laterals had a slope of 1 in 1,000 and the furrows the same or less. The furrows in many places are curved. A marker was used on the plow to locate the next furrow in order to keep the lines parallel. Gates were used in the laterals for regulating the supply of water and dividing the same properly. Some regulating gates used were made of a semicircular piece of sheet metal, provided with a slide in the center which could be forced down into the laterals. (Fig. 65.) A night farm.—Adjoining the Richardson place is the farm of Mr. I(night, containing 27 acres, which will be irrigated with water from an 8-inch artesian well 640 feet deep. The well delivers about 125 gallons per minute. Five acres of corn can be irrigated with the flow of the well in two days of twelve hours each. Two acres of FIG. 65.—Regulating gate for laterals. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 465 onions can be irrigated in one day. No reservoir is used. Last year 2 acres of onions and 15 acres of corn were irrigated. The onions were planted in December, spaced 4 inches apart in rows 16 inches apart. The flow of the well was divided between 30 furrows, taking about one and a half hours to irrigate the same. The yield of onions was 25,000 pounds per acre. In irrigating corn the water was turned into 8 furrows at a time and took about an hour to run through. The furrows are 150 feet long. No fertilizer was used. Pollard farm.—Adjoining the Knight farm is the farm of Charles Pollard. It has a 10-inch well, 640 feet deep, cased 35 feet. The well formerly had a considerably larger flow than at present, but has filled up until it is now only 420 feet deep. The present flow is 120 gallons per minute and is used to irrigate 38 acres, no reservoir being employed. In 1903–4 there were 24 acres in corn, 7 in sweet potatoes, and 7 in truck. This year 18 acres will be planted in onions and the same area in corn. The onions required irrigation every ten days and corn every fifteen days, aſ The onions were planted 3.5 inches apart in 16-inch rows. They yielded 16,000 pounds per acre. It took twenty- five to forty hours' flow of the well to irrigate 8.5 acres }] of onion land a depth of 1 } f is inch per irrigation. Forty- e 2 * eight hours continuous flow 4; ſº % %yº N of the well was required to FIG. 66.—Furrow irrigation in Texas. irrigate 4.5 acres of Sandy land when very dry. Black sandy loam is considered best for onions. Corn furrows were 200 feet long. The flow of the well was usually divided between 15 furrows, requiring about three hours to run through the same. Night irrigation of corn was carried on in the following manner: At the lower end of the furrows was a small ditch perpendicular to the same. This ditch was opened between the furrows, into which the water was turned, and a sufficient number of adjacent furrows, so that the water which ran down and through the ends of the furrows, being irrigated from the lateral, would go along the ditch and up the adjacent furrows, partially irrigating the same. (See fig. 66.) While this is somewhat wasteful of water, still it saves night attendance. - Considerable trouble has been experienced from Smut Spoiling the corn. The yield of corn was 25 to 40 bushels per acre. 30620–No. 158—05—30 *.S.Š J[ſ/ 466 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Jeffrey and Cowan farm.—Augustus Jeffrey and W. C. Cowan own 12 acres of irrigated land, supplied with water from a 51%-inch well 332 feet deep. Water is taken into an earth tank through a 2.5-inch pipe, which necessarily cuts down the supply. The tank is 60 by 100 feet at the top, inside, and 4 feet deep, the banks having a 4-foot crown and 20-foot base with slopes of 1 to 2. The well fills the tank at the rate of 4 feet in forty-eight hours, hence has a capacity of 50 gallons per minute. No trouble is experienced from seepage. Eight and one-half acres were planted in onions and the remainder of the area in corn and truck. The furrow system of irrigation is employed. Onions were spaced 5 inches apart in rows 14 and 18 inches apart, the irrigating furrows coming in the 18-inch intervals, with two rows of onions between. The yield was 9,000 to 10,000 pounds per acre. No fertilizer was used. Harvesting began April 10. * * The flow was divided between four to six furrows and irrigated two-thirds of an acre per day of twelve hours. This rate of irriga- tion lowered the water in the reservoir about 6 inches. To irrigate 13 acres of Onions per day required two irrigators. The land is quite level and is a red and chocolate sandy loam, the surface Soil being 2.5 feet, underlain by a clay subsoil. The red sand bakes considerably. The owners consider waxy land best for onions. The onion land is set out in black-eyed peas, which will later be plowed under for fertilizer. Burton farm.—This comprises 40 acres, subject to irrigation from two artesian wells, each 5% inches in diameter and 400 feet deep, which discharge into a reservoir 450 by 100 feet, inside top dimensions, with banks 6 to 7 feet above the ground. The crown of the reservoir is 6 feet. It was built by contract at 10 cents per cubic yard for material handled. The wells fill the reservoir 6 inches in twenty-four hours, giving a flow of 103 gallons per minute for the two. This, of course, allows for seepage and evaporation in the reservoir. Six acres were in onions, irrigated every eight to ten days. Three acres in Sorghum received two to three irrigations per season. One acre in cane was irrigated every ten days. Eight acres in corn re- ceived two to three irrigations per season. Two and one-half acres in truck were irrigated every ten days. The 6 acres in onions were irrigated in two days’ time, with a fall of 4 inches in the reservoir. The water used for this irrigation included, also, the flow of the well for thirty-six hours; hence 2 inches was the depth required for the irrigation. Two men irrigated 5 acres of corn in twelve hours. All irrigation was done by the furrow system, the onion furrows being 330 feet long. The flow as utilized was run into ten to twelve rows, and required fifteen minutes to run through them. The owner figures IRRIG ATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 4.67 that in very dry years the plant could irrigate about 20 acres to good advantage. The soil is a black Sandy loam. Onions were spaced 4 inches apart in 18-inch rows. They yielded 13,000 pounds per acre. After the onion crop was removed, the land was sown with black-eyed peas. Some of the corn furrows were 900 feet long. Rector place.—W. E. Rector has recently put down a 63-inch well, 380 feet deep, delivering a flow of about 65 gallons per minute, with which he irrigated 3.5 acres last year and will irrigate 10 acres this year. Last year 1.5 acres of onions yielded 14,000 pounds. Foster place.—J. P. Foster irrigates 12 acres with water from two 53-inch wells, 384 feet deep and about 50 yards apart, delivering a flow of about 33 gallons per minute each. There is no reservoir on the land, and it is the common practice to irrigate only in the daytime, though occasionally the land has been irrigated at night. Mr. Foster estimates that when the second of his wells was sunk the first well de- creased to about four-fifths of its previous flow. The cost of the wells was $1 per foot. Five acres were planted late in the season in onions, which were irrigated every twelve days. The yield was 8,000 pounds per acre. Four acres were planted in corn in January and received two irri- gations. Three acres were planted in truck, irrigated every three weeks. º Under good conditions it takes the combined flow of the wells two days of twelve hours each to irrigate an acre, though occasionally twice this quantity of water had to be used per acre. The Onions were planted in rows 150 feet long. The water was divided between eight furrows and required forty minutes to run through them. The soil is of a black and red waxy nature, about 18 inches deep, with clay subsoil. Moehrig place.—Fritz Moehrig irrigates 30 acres from two 6.4-inch wells, one 550 and the other 420 feet deep. The capacity of the wells is about 40 gallons per minute each. No reservoir is employed, and the owner figures that he can not irrigate more land with the present supply of water. Water for irrigation is seldom used at night. Eleven acres were planted in onions, irrigated every seven days, and 10 acres in corn, which was planted in March and irrigated every fourteen days. Nine acres were planted in truck, irrigated every twelve days. - The land was irrigated by the furrow system, furrows being 200 to 300 feet long. One well irrigated five to eight furrows in one-half to one hour. When the Onion land is irrigated every week, one well can irrigate an acre in ten hours, but when the irrigations are less fre- quent it will irrigate one-half this area in the same time. 468 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The onions were spaced 4 inches apart in rows 16 inches apart. The yield was 14,000 pounds per acre. They were harvested April 1, and the land was subsequently planted in black-eyed peas, which were irrigated every two weeks. The ground is black, red, and white sandy clay loam, 18 inches to 2 feet deep, which bakes when irrigated. The subsoil is clay. Owen farm.—J. C. Owen irrigates 20 acres with the flow of two wells, one of which is 5% inches in diameter and 636 feet deep. The main flow of this well, which is cased 60 feet, comes from the 315- foot level. The owner estimates that this well delivered 60 gallons per minute, though this has now been reduced about one-half, owing to the other well, which was sunk 400 yards away. The flow of the first well was very much throttled, being led into a reservoir through two 1.5-inch pipes. The reservoir is 100 by 300 feet, top inside meas- urements, and 6 feet deep. Its banks are sloped 1 to 2. The second well is 64 inches in diameter and 360 feet deep, deliver- ing about 60 gallons per minute. The owner will build another reser- voir, with the intention of irrigating 40 acres with the aid of a third well. The ground level of the second well is 4 to 5 feet lower than at the first well, which accounts for the increase in discharge. Ten acres were planted in corn, irrigated every ten to fifteen days. Seven acres in cotton received two irrigations per season; 2 acres in cane, the same, and 1 acre in truck was irrigated every eight days. Ten acres of corn can be irrigated in three days with the combined flow of the wells and reservoir. - Kendall place.—W. L. Kendall irrigates 15 acres from a 4-inch artesian well 406 feet deep, said to deliver 87 gallons per minute. The land was planted in onions and corn, the latter being sown in March and July. A reservoir has been constructed, 60 by 30 yards inside top dimen- sions and 6 feet deep. The banks are built up with clay core, but the reservoir leaks slightly. The land is irrigated every eight to ten days, and with the well and reservoir the owner figures that 15 acres is about the limit of capacity. A 3-inch artesian well 357 feet deep supplies water to stock. Oden farm.—Sixteen miles north of Carrizo Springs, J. Oden has 48 acres under irrigation. Water is supplied from a 43-inch well 449 feet deep, cased 165 feet. The owner thinks it should be cased 330 feet to prevent caving, as it is necessary occasionally to clean out the well. The casing is landed in rock 8 feet thick. A reservoir 8 feet high and 125 feet inside bottom diameter is being constructed for use in connection with the well. The banks will have a slope of 1 to 2 and the crown will be 8 feet. Y. Fifteen acres were planted in corn, 17 in broom corn, 6 in cotton, and 10 in truck. The furrow system of irrigation was used, the fur- IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 469 rows being 30 to 100 yards long. The well will irrigate 2 acres in twelve hours. The water was divided between 10 to 15 short furrows and between 5 to 6 long furrows at a time. The cost of boring the well was $1 per foot for the first 500 feet, the owner furnishing the casing. The well has a head without flow of 12 feet above ground, and is said to have a capacity of 300 gallons per minute. English farm.—Mr. English irrigates without reservoir 100 acres with two 6-inch wells 380 feet deep, delivering 75 to 100 gallons per minute. PEARSALL. The soil in this vicinity is mainly of a light Sandy nature. Near Pearsall are several small irrigation plants which derive their water supply from pumped wells. Maney farm.—About 4 miles southeast of Moore is a plant owned by E. P. and Mason Maney, which derives its supply of water from two 55-inch wells 100 feet deep. A 4-horsepower gasoline engine operates two deep-well pumps, 3% by 36 inches, delivering, when run- ning at 30 strokes per minute, 50 gallons per minute per pump. The pumps lowered the water in the wells over 20 feet. The pump cyl- inders are 75 feet from the surface of the ground. The level of standing ground water was 35 feet below the surface of the ground. The pumps elevated the water 4 feet above the ground and utilized 5 to 7 gallons of gasoline in ten hours, at a cost of 18 cents per gallon. The wells discharge into a storage tank 60 feet base inside diameter and 80 feet top inside diameter, with a depth of 3.5 feet. The base of the reservoir bank is 20 feet and the crown 6 feet. The banks are composed of stiff clay. The cost of the reservoir by contract was $50. There is considerable loss from seepage from the reservoir and no attempt has been made to puddle or tamp the earth. One and one- half to 2 inches of water are lost per night due to this cause. The water comes from a porous sand rock which extends from 42 feet down to 100 feet below the ground. The wells are cased 44 feet. Nine acres of onions were irrigated by the plant and yielded 100,000 pounds gross. No fertilizer was used on the ground, which was irrigated every six to ten days. It was necessary to run the pumps four nights during the irrigation season. The bed system of irrigation was used, the beds being 12 to 30 feet wide and 70 yards long. The plant could irrigate one acre in ten hours. The soil is 2 to 6 feet deep. It takes fifteen hours' pumping to fill the reservoir, and with the reservoir full and the pumps running 3 acres could be irrigated in six hours. - - 470 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Harkness farm.—A. C. B. Harkness irrigates 4 acres at Pearsall with water from a 53-inch well 100 feet deep, the water-bearing stratum being sand rock. Ground water stands 45 feet below the surface of the ground and the end of the suction pipe in the well is 70 feet below the ground. A deep-well pump, 3% by 30, run at 38 strokes per minute, delivering a flow of 60 gallons per minute at an elevation of 4 feet above the ground, is operated by an 8-horse- power gasoline engine, consuming 5 gallons in ten hours. The land produced 15,000 pounds of onions per acre. On the same farm was a 6-inch well 150 feet deep. The cost of these wells was 50 cents per foot. No casing was used as it was found to be unnecessary. Hess farm.—W. D. Hess irrigates 6 acres with water from two pumped wells, 105 and 108 feet deep, respectively. The water stratum is sand rock and runs from about 60 to 95 feet below the ground. The wells are cased for a distance of 12 feet. A 6-horse- power gasoline engine drives two deep-well pumps, 4% by 28 and 33 by 36, respectively, lifting the water 7.5 feet above the ground. The combined flow of the pumps is 125 gallons per minute. The engine uses 5 gallons of gasoline in ten hours, the cost being 15 cents per gallon. Ground water stands 38 feet below the ground. The ends of the suction pipes in the wells are 75 and 85 feet, respectively, below the ground. The pumps discharge into a reservoir 75 feet Square inside bottom, 7.5 feet deep, crown 4 feet, and width of base of bank 34 feet. The pumps will fill the reservoir in forty hours. There is a coating of clay 4 inches thick on the inside of the reservoir, which was built by the owner at a cost of $170, or about 7% cents per yard. One and one-third acres were planted in onions, irrigated every eight days. Four and two-thirds acres were planted in truck, irri- gated every twelve days. The pumps without the reservoir will irri- gate 1 acre in twelve hours. Fully 2 acres can be irrigated with the reservoir alone. Onions are irrigated by the bed system, the beds being 10 feet wide by 200 feet long. The beds were flooded crosswise, but next year will be irrigated by flooding from the end, as is done in other sections. The onions were placed 5 inches apart in rows 14 inches on centers. Twenty tons of stable manure per acre were used for fertilizer. Cowpeas have been planted this year. The onions were planted late, and owing to this cause the yield was but 10,000 pounds per acre. - Patterson farm.—Tom Patterson irrigates 8.5 acres with water from a 51%-inch open bottom well 240 feet deep, water being in a purple sand stratum cased 216 feet. A 4-horsepower gasoline engine drives a 33 by 24 inch deep-well pump, running 38 strokes per minute and delivering a flow of 45 gallons per minute. Ground water stands 60 feet below the level of the ground and is elevated by the pump 6 IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 471 feet above the ground. The end of the pump cylinder is 160 feet below the ground. The engine consumes 6 gallons of gasoline in ten hours at a cost of 18 cents per gallon. The pump discharges into an earth tank 40 by 80 feet inside base measurement, 4.5 feet deep, side slope 1 to 2. The pump will fill the reservoir 1 foot in ten hours. One-half tankful will irrigate 1.5 acres of onions in three hours. One tankful can irrigate the entire acreage in melons, Seven acres were planted in watermelons and 1.5 acres in onions. The furrow system of irrigation is used, the furrows for onions being 2 feet apart with 2 rows of onions 8 inches apart between each pair of furrows, and the furrows for melons being 12 feet apart. Onions were spaced 6 inches apart in rows which were 70 yards long. The average length of time required for water to flow through the fur- rows was 5 minutes. Trickey farm.—W. Trickey irrigates 23 acres with water from an 8-inch well 121 feet deep and a 6.5-inch well 201 feet deep, each well having 6 feet of casing. The water stratum runs from 65 to 121 feet below the ground. The ground water stands 46 feet below the ground surface and the bottom of the cylinders of the pumps is 60 feet below the ground level. A 6-horsepower gasoline engine drives a 3% by 31inch and a 3% by 36 inch deep-well pump, running at a speed of 33 strokes per minute. The water is lifted 6.5 feet above the ground. The engine consumes 5 gallons of gasoline per ten hours, the cost of same being 17 cents per gallon. A 300,000-gallon reser- voir, 60 by 75 feet bottom inside dimensions, 7 feet high, side slope 1 to 2, crown 3 feet, is used in connection with the pumps, which deliver a combined flow of 110 gallons per minute. Seven acres planted in onions were irrigated every ten days; 2 acres in alfalfa were irrigated every two months; one-half acre in ribbon cane, 2 acres in tomatoes, 1 acre in cabbage, 9 acres in sweet potatoes, 1 acre in truck, and 1 acre in beans were irrigated every three weeks. Commonly the ground is irrigated from the pump without the res- ervoir. Four acres of onions can be irrigated in twelve hours with- out the reservoir. Onions are irrigated by the furrow system, the rows being 14 inches apart and the Onions spaced 5 inches apart. The length of the furrows is 125 feet and the flow of the pumps was divided between five furrows. The onions were planted late and no fertilizer was used. The yield was 9,300 pounds per acre. It is intended to plant cowpeas on the onion land. Sweet potatoes took practically the same quantity of water as onions. Alfalfa was irrigated by flooding, the beds being 30 by 60 feet, and was used for grazing. On the farm were 150 peach, pear, and plum trees, which were doing well. 472 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Berry farm.—J. E. Berry irrigates 7 acres 4 miles south of Moore with water from a pumped well. The end of the pump cylinder is 60 feet below the ground level. A 6-horsepower gasoline engine runs a 3% by 30 inch pump. Three acres were planted in onions, 1 in tomatoes, and 3 in corn and cantaloupes. The onions were planted late and yielded 8,000 pounds per acre. Bennett farm.—John Bennett irrigated 10 acres near Derby with water pumped from a 10 and an 8 inch well, each of which is 200 feet deep. The ground water is 40 feet and the pump cylinders 60 feet below the ground level. A 24-horsepower engine drives a deep-well pump supplying 50 gallons per minute to a reservoir, and a 6-horse- power gasoline engine is utilized for driving another pump deliver- ing 70 gallons direct to the land. The land was planted in onions, which yielded 10,000 pounds per acre. ** Coker farm.—J. M. Coker irrigates 16 acres near Devine by pump- ing water from a well 110 feet deep. The pump is a 43 by 20 inch eep-well and runs 30 strokes per minute. The consumption of gaso- line is 6 gallons in ten hours. A tank 56 by 22 yards inside top meas- urement by 8 feet deep is utilized in connection with the pump. In twelve hours the supply of the tank and pump can irrigate 4 acres. The crops grown are onions, sweet potatoes, and truck. Starting about 12 miles southeast of Pearsall there are 15 artesian wells 165 to 675 feet deep delivering a flow of 10 to 85 gallons per minute. These wells belong to the Keystone Land and Cattle Com- pany and are used for stock purposes. In the vicinity of Pleasanton there are also several small artesian wells, used mainly for stock purposes. Mr. Harry Landa, of New Braunfels, who owns the land where the springs supplying the Comal River are situated, has made a park of the surrounding country, which is one of the garden spots of Texas. The waters of Comal River, clear as crystal, gush forth from the rocks and flow into a small artificial lake, whence the greater part of the water is diverted into a canal, through which it flows about one- half mile into the fore bay for supplying power to two 350-horse- power turbines, one of which drives a cotton-seed oil mill, a corn sheller, and two No. 5 centrifugal pumps for supplying adjacent fields with irrigation water; the other operates a corn mill, flour mill, ice plant, and electric lighting and power plant. The fall is about 21 feet when the river is very low. High water in the Guadalupe River, which seldom occurs, cuts this figure in two. These centrifugal pumps run about 700 revolutions per minute and deliver a measured flow of 350 gallons per minute each. They dis- charge through about 300 feet of 6-inch pipe into wooden pressure boxes 12 by 12 by 15 feet. From there the water is distributed through 8 and 10 inch sewer pipes to hydrants, the farthest of which IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 473 is about 1,500 feet distant. It takes about two and one-half hours to irrigate an acre with the flow of one pump when the ground is dry, but not cracked. This is equivalent to a depth of 1.95 inches per irrigation. The hydrants which supply the fields with irrigation water are peculiar in construction. As will be seen by referring to figure 67, water is admitted through a supply pipe a, which connects with the pressure box. The water level will stand at l. Water is supplied through the opening h to the outlet o. The plugs p, faced with leather and usually provided with iron handles, serve to cut off the flow of water from hydrants from which it is not desired to irrigate. The hydrants are constructed of brick and are about 6 feet high. They are usually provided with 12-inch plugs for the outlets. This plant of two centrifugal pumps supplies two fields with water, which is dis- tributed a considerable dis- tance with practically no loss. From the lake in Landa Park there is another outlet besides the canal, which supplies the turbines. The water from this source is used to drive an undershot wheel, which in turn drives a rotary pump with an 8-inch discharge pipe, which supplies a reservoir on top of a hill near by with a flow of about 500 gallons per minute. Water is taken from this reservoir through an iron pipe into a pressure box and thence distributed to hydrants in the field in the manner already described. The land is rented, and water is sup- plied for one-half of the crop produced. The renter is also furnished, free of cost, with wagons and stock. The flow of Comal River through the canal was measured August 18, 1904, and was 236 cubic feet per second. The irrigated land is all of a black waxy consistency. The principal crop raised was onions, which were harvested May 1. In order to make an attractive appearance for sale the onions were all washed off after harvesting. The yield averaged 24,000 pounds to the acre, the maximum yield being 39,000 pounds. Onions and potatoes were irrigated about every twenty days by the furrow system, the onions receiving about seven irrigations and the potatoes three or four irrigations per year. FIG. 67.-Hydrant in use at New Braunfels, Tex. 474 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The two 5-inch pumps irrigated 70 acres, of which 39 were planted in onions, 30 in potatoes, and 1 in truck. Potatoes averaged 200 bushels per acre. The cost of labor was 75 cents to $1 per day. ALTGELD RAN CHI. About two miles south of New Braunfels is a ranch owned by Mr. Altgeld, supplied with water from a spring 60 feet deep, which on August 18, 1904, gave a measured discharge of 120 gallons per minute. This spring is situated in the center of a small pool or tank, which can be used for a limited storage of water. According to Mr. Altgeld's observation the spring water will rise without flow to a height of only 2.5 feet above its present level. He is at present constructing a much larger tank in addition to the present basin and figures on the installation of a pump. Owing to the small hydro- static head available for causing flow from the spring, it is natural to expect that there would be great increase in the amount of water supplied and that good results could be obtained by the installation of a pump. Ten hours' flow of the spring was required per acre irrigated by bed flooding when the alfalfa was on level ground. This is equivalent to a depth of 2.7 inches per irrigation. When the alfalfa is on hillside 2.5 acres are irrigated in the same time. This would mean a depth of water of only 1.1 inches. As the hydrostatic head of the spring is so small the flow may vary considerably in a short time from changes in the head of the spring. For the irriga- tion of corn the flow of this spring in ten hours will irrigate 2 acres. This would mean a depth of 1.3 inches per irrigation. Alfalfa pro- duces five or six crops of a ton each per acre and $15 a ton is the average price realized. One acre of unirrigated land produced 25 bushels of corn to the acre. An acre next to it irrigated gave a yield of 75 bushels. Land in the vicinity of New Braunfels not subject to irrigation can be bought for $50 an acre, whereas irrigated land brings $150. TESTS OF PUMPS AND IRRIGATION PLANTS, The following tables contain results of tests of irrigation and pumping plants at San Antonio and Beeville. The first table gives the results of tests to ascertain the quantity of water applied for irrigation. The land near Beeville was nearly all of a black, sandy description, while the land at San Antonio was of a black, waxy variety. The headings of the table explain fully the results. At Beeville the Grissett farm was the only one which did not employ a reservoir, but pumped water directly onto the land. None of the plants at San Antonio used reservoirs. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 475 Irrigation tests. # Rate of ... Ar Depth Time OW ; ©8, U6 §In Ce E is tº & gº ©1* |CUIII’e Name. irri- of # last ir- conſººn Of K. of IS ; * tºw!”. gated. |gation... riga- * sº W* | per "|through tion. min- furrow. ute. Beeville: cres. |Inches. Days. Feet Galls. | Minutes. TMuckleroy --- 0.11 0.83 60 Very dry ----| B. S. a ----|------------ 27 ---------- .06 .43 5 Ty ---------- B. S.L. a-- 254 by 1.6- 34 7 Mock --------- . 07 .20 1 --------------------- do----|------------------------------ * , .09 .30 1 ----------------|------------ 54-------- 24 ---------- Grissett ------ .43 1.51 |-------- Dry---------- B. S. L. a--| 310 by 3-l- 28 32 #| || || |†:2:::::::: ***: ####| || || e & OlSt ------------- O ---- y 3--- McDowell----|| 3 | 1.f., | 155 || Wººdry.........] §§§... 3 41 .04 .83 3 || ---- O--------|----- do---------------------------------- sº 2.13 | 1.02 8 : Fairly moist - B. S. L. a--!------------|------------------ Rankin ------- 1.33 1. 55 10 |----- do------------- do---------------------------------- | 1 1.67 8 |----- do--------|----- do----------------|--------|---------- .03 .75 10 |----- do--------|----- do ----|468 by 3--- 30 20 .06 .85 11 ||----- do------------- do ----| 468 by 3--- 22 35 .06 1.11 18 1----- do------------- do ---- 468 by 3--- 24 41 * .13 || 1.22 21 TV --------------- do ----| 480 by 3--- 14 80 Elliott -------- * .03 1.26 16 Fairly moist -|-----do ----| 468 by 3--- 55 20 .07 1. 30 Dry ----------|----- do ----| 480 by 3--- 19 47 . 07 .30 .5 ! Wet ----------|----- do ----| 480 by 3--- 27 12. .10 1.18 30 Dry ----------|----- do ---- 480 by 3--- 19 57 . 07 .30 .5 ! Wet ----------|----- do ----| 480 by 3--- 17 21 San Antonio: - 1.03 7.15 -------- Dry ----------|------------|------------|--------|---------- Meerscheidt--|{ 4.40 7.80 ------------------------ B. W.” ---------------|------------------ 8. 20 6.28 --------|--------------------- do---------------------------------- .91 3.57 ------------------------|----- do---------------------------------- 1: | ##|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 33----|--------...------------------- * tº º ºs m sº m ºr sº sm ºm m ºm º mº sº, as as sº * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * Q ----|------------------------------ Wautrs------- i .81 4.13 --------|----------------|----- do------------------------|---------- .55 | 6.94 |--------|--------------------- do---------------------------------- | 1.66 4.13 ------------------------|----- do---------------------------------- 6.04 4.10 --------|----------------|----- do---------------------------------- 5.08 5.30 --------|--------------------- do---------------------------------- * 3.13 4.78 ----------------------------- do---------------------------------- Collins-------- { 4.03 3.67 --------|--------------------- do---------------------------------- 2.95 9.13 ----------------------------- do---------------------------------- 3.14 6.45 --------|--------------------- do ---------------------------------- 6.50 6.70 ----------------------------- do---------------------------------- a B. S. =black Sandy; B. S. L. =black sandy loam; L. S. L. =light sandy loam; B. W. =black Waxy. - Summary of irrigation tests. Area irri- Depth of ºf Name. *s-siºner, 4-5 of water gated. irrigation. applied. Beeville: Acres. Inches. Acre-in. Muckleroy---------------------------------------------------- 0.11 0.83 0.09 9°k---------------------------------------------------------- .22 .30 . 07 Grissett------------------------------------------------------- .43 1.51 .65 McDowell----------------------------------------------------- . 22 .75 .17 Rankin-------------------------------------------------------- 3.46 1.33 4.60 Filliott--------------------------------------------------------- . 62 1.13 . 70 Total ---------------------------------------------------- 5.06 I. 24 6.28 San Antonio: Meerscheidt— Gasoline -------------------------------------------------- 1.03 7.15 7.37 Steam----------------------------------------------------- 12.60 6.80 85. 70 Wººtts ------------------------------------------------------- 5, 33 3.75 20.00 Collins -------------------------------------------------------- 30, 90 5.50 170.00 Total.---------------------------------------------------- 49.86 5.68 283. 07 The table brings out most prominently the relation between depth of water used in comparison with the supply. The farms at San Antonio had a much larger supply on which to draw and used the 476 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. water much more extravagantly than at Beeville, the average depth of irrigation at Beeville being 1.24 inches and at San Antonio 5.68 inches, or nearly five time as much. The following table gives the results of tests of gasoline pumping plants. All of the pumps at Beeville were of the deep-well variety. The pump at Meercheidt's was centrifugal. The ratio of explosions to misses was in most cases very small, the engines being much under- loaded. As a result the consumption of gasoline per horsepower hour was exceedingly high, and the cost of operation considerably greater than it should be. Deep-well pumps should operate under not over half a gallon of gasoline per water horsepower hour. Results of tests of gasoline pumping plants. Mºle. Mock. Grissett. McDowell. Rankin. ºil. Pump: - Size------------- inches--| 3} by 24 2} by 134 33 by 20%| 23 by 10 3} by 24 No. 6. Speed ----rev. per min-- 29 28 273, 47 31}l------------ Engine Size------- horsepower-- 2} 13 4 1} 2} 12 Speed ----rev. per min-- 350 328 258 390 380 ------------ Explosions-------- per min-- 32 102 43 50 ------------ isses ---------------- - - - 143 120 27 152 140 ------------ Engine load ------ per cent 18 79 22 26 100 ead ------------------ feet-- 44.5 92 59 61.5 63 33.1 Rate offlow --gals. permin-- 28 5.4 28 11 36.5 433 Water horsepower --------- .314 . 125 . 417 . 171 .58 3.63 Gasoline per hour ----gals-- . 422 . 136 . 35 .284 a .394 1.43 Gasoline per water-horse- power hour --------- gals-- 1. 34 1.09 .84 1.66 (t. 68 . 394 Gasoline per acre-foot raised 1 foot -------- gals-- 1.84 1.49 1.15 2. 27 a .93 54 Gasoline per acre-foot, gal- ODS ------------------------ 82 137 68 140 a 59 47 Cost of gasoline per gallon, cents ---------------------- 14 14 14 14 14 13 Cost of gasoline per water- horsepower hour--cents-- 18.8 15.3 11.8 23.2 a 9.5 5.1 Cost of gasoline per acre- foot raised 1 foot --cents.-- 25.7 20.9 16.1 31.8 a 13 7 Cost of gasoline per acre- foot------------------------ $11.40 $19.20 $9.50 $19.50 a $8.00 $2.30 * Average of several observations. The following table shows the results of tests of two steam pump- ing plants in San Antonio. In test No. 1 there was a leak in the suction side of the pump, resulting in a very low vacuum and con- Sequent inefficient operation of the pump. The weight of water evaporated was calculated from the amount of water supplied to the boiler by the pump, no allowance being made for the moisture in the steam delivered to the engine. In the Meerscheidt plant the boiler was fed by a pump, no allowance being made for the steam used by the pump, which is hence credited to the engine. The Wautrs plant used an injector instead of a pump for boiler feed water. If satu- rated steam is supplied to an engine, the weight of the steam con- sumed per horsepower is dependent on the difference of temperatures between the entering steam and exhaust. The line marked “Theo- retical pounds of steam per horsepower hour' represents the amount IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 477 of steam required provided the engine were operated at 100 per cent efficiency. In the next line is given the engine efficiency, which is the ratio of theoretical steam consumed by the engine to the steam per indicated horsepower hour. In the next line is the given effi- ciency of the engine, allowing 8 per cent of the apparent steam con- Sumption for moisture and for operating the feed pump. In the last column is given the total combined engine and pump efficiency, which is the ratio of the total energy output of the pump to the energy which is furnished by the required weight of steam, with 8 per cent allowance, as above. Tests of steam pumping plants, San Antonio, Tea., 1904. Meerscheidt & Stieren. Wautºrs. Boiler: Type---------------------------------------------- Size----------------------------------------------- Engine: Type---------------------------------------------- Size----------------------------------------------- Pump: Type---------------------------------------------- Size----------------------------------------------- Kind of fuel------------------------------------------ Cost of fuel--------------------------------- per ton-- Consumption of fuel per hour. ------------ pounds-- Water evaporated per pound of fuel--------- do---- Water evaporated per pound of fuel from and at 212° F -------------, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pounds-- Steam per I. H. P. hour----------------------- do---- Steam per W. H. P. hour --------------------- do---- Fuel per I. H. P. hour------------------------- do---- Fuel per W. H. P. hour ----------------------- do---- Fuel per acre-foot raised 1 foot--------------- do---- Fuel per acre-foot pumped-------------------------- Water º: pêT DOllf--------------- pounds-- Cost of fuel per acre-foot raised 1 foot ------ centS.-- Cost of fuel per acre-foot pumped ------------------ Cost of fuel per W. H. P. hour -------------- centS.-- T. H. P.------------------------------------------------ Head ------------------------------------------- feet-- Discharge-------------- --------------------- g. p. In-- Water horsepower------- :- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Combined pump and engine efficiency -- per cent-- Temperature of feed water-------------------- o F__ Steam pressure ---------------------------- pounds-- Engine. ------------------------------------- T. p. In-- Pump ------------------------------------------ do---- Suction gauge, inches in mercur Calculated head lost in friction in discharge pipe * velocity head----------------------------º * * sº s = * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - Theoretical pounds steam per H. P. hour--pounds-- Engine efficiency er cent-- Engine efficiency, allowing 8 per cent for moisture and steam for feed pump per cent-- Engine and pump efficiency, allowing 8 per cent for moisture and steam for feed pump--percent-- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * inch. Simple automatic º 80 H. P., 12 inch by 16 * * * * * * * * . | Test, 2. * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - -s ºn º º tº 733 3, 20 3.55 41.3 75 12.9 23.3 31, 9 1,620 2,340 2.8 $1.42 2.04 56. I JU). 2,417 31.2 140 76 174 403 22, 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Vertical M. T. 12 EI. P. Direct-acting steam. Mesquite roots. 30.9. 142. 1.074. 75. 11.3. a Strokes per minute. During test No. 1 there was a leak in the suction of the pump, thus cutting down the discharge and also the head against which the pump operated. In test No. 2 the combined efficiency of the pump 478 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. and engine, which is the ratio of the water horsepower output to the indicated horsepower, is 55 per cent, which is a good result. The engine efficiency of 51 per cent is also not bad, considering that the engine is operating under about 70 per cent load. The water evapo- rated per pound of fuel is exceedingly low. This, however, is due to the poor grade of fuel which is used; owing to this the fireman was hardly able to keep up steam during the test. The results of the test of the Wautrs plant gave a steam con- Sumption per horsepower-hour of 205 pounds, as against 75 pounds with the Meerscheidt plant. This is due to the poor efficiency of the direct-acting steam pump. Although the boiler is considerably Smaller, still the results of evaporations show that 1 pound of coal used in the Meerscheidt plant performed the same amount of evapora- tion as 13 pounds of wood. This would give an equivalent evapora- tion efficiency in the two cases of 1 ton of coal against 1 cord of wood weighing 3,000 pounds. SUMMARY. Several tables have been prepared to summarize the results of the foregoing investigations. The figures given in the tables are derived mainly from the data in the text and are based largely upon informa- tion furnished by the farmers and not upon actual measurements; hence there will undoubtedly be found discrepancies in results in individual cases. Still, the number of plants is so large that possible individual errors will be greatly minimized in the average results. The tables of performances of plants are useful not alone for statis- tical purposes but to indicate the sources of undue expense, as well as the means by which this may be avoided. The results shown in these tables point very clearly to methods by which considerable improve- ment may be expected over present conditions. In the preparation of the tables assumptions have been made, mainly with regard to cost of fuel and labor, only where the conditions of neighboring plants seem to warrant the same. There are two kinds of averages, viz, the straight and the weighted. For example, the average flow per acre for several farms may be secured in two ways: (1) The straight average will be secured by dividing the sum of the averages for the several farms by the number of farms; (2) the weighted average will be secured by dividing the total flow to all the farms by the total acreage. The straight average is probably of more value from the agricultural point of view, since it gives the results attained on the average farm and is a good indication of what others may expect to do. The weighted average is better for statistical purposes, be- cause it is the true average per unit of area. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 479 AREA AND CROPS. In the districts investigated there were approximately 30,000 acres of irrigated land, devoted more largely to rice than to any other one crop. The following table gives the recorded acreages of the various crops: - Areas of crops in districts investigated. Area irri- Percent- Area irri- || Percent- Crop. gated. age. Crop. gated. age. Acres. Acres. Truck---------------------- 2,917 10 || Sorghum ------------------ 14 1. Onions --------------------- 462 2 || Johnson grass------------- 1,371 5 Corn ----------------------- 4,843 17 || Rice ----------------------- 13,325 48 Cane ----------------------- 995 4 Alfalfa--------------------- 1,447 5 Total ---------------- 27;780 100 Cotton --------------------- 2,273 8 METHODS OF IRRIGATION. The methods of irrigation at present in use are mainly furrow, check, bed, and tablet systems. In the matter of adopting a system of irrigation there is a strong tendency for each man to imitate his neighbors. Thus one is almost certain to find the same system of irrigation used exclusively throughout any district, independent of whether it is suitable for conditions encountered. The system of irrigation most commonly used in Texas is the furrow system. Usu- ally the water for irrigation is turned into a temporary head ditch, from which it is divided among several furrows. This system neces- sitates the constant attendance of the irrigator to see that the water is evenly divided among the different furrows. The furrow system of irrigation, which is now being used in California, governs the flow of water to different furrows by small wooden boxes or pieces of pipe set temporarily in the head ditch opposite each furrow. This system insures an equal distribution of water among the different furrows, removing the danger of the ground at the entrance to the furrow washing away and hence distributing the water unequally. It enables an irrigator to accomplish much more work in a given space of time, as, after once the water has been started into the fur- rows no further attention is required until the irrigation is com- pleted. The old-fashioned method, however, of furrow irrigation prevails throughout Texas, no devices being used for controlling the flow at the entrance. In onion culture the bed system is in common use. The land is laid out in beds about 12 feet wide and 100 to 200 feet long. Between the beds small levees are thrown up. The supply ditch runs along the head of the beds, and water which is admitted to them from this ditch flows along the beds in the form of sheet, covering the entire ground. This method is used occasionally for alfalfa and truck. 480 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. In the tablet system of irrigation the ground is laid off in rectan- gles, called tablets, from 30 to 40 feet wide and 150 to 500 feet long. At the head of these tablets is the ditch, which supplies water in turn to ditches running between tablets. From these ditches the tablets are watered by making cuts in the bank, from which the water is spread out to irrigate part of the length of the tablet. When this is wet the ditch bank is closed and another break made to irrigate farther down, and so on at as many places as may be necessary to irrigate the field. The boundaries of the tablets running lengthwise are alternately levees and ditches. The check system of irrigation is used principally for rice, and sometimes for alfalfa. The basin system is used to a limited extent for the irrigation of trees. In the distribution of water, in some places canvas dams are used in lateral ditches to cut off the lower part of the ditch. Some more permanent installation, such as wooden gates and drops, would be decidedly preferable, as the additional cost of installation would soon be saved through smaller expenditures for labor. The following table brings together the information collected as to sizes of beds and tablets, lengths of furrows, etc. tions in the column showing kind of soil are as follows: B. S., black sandy; B. W., black waxy; S., Sandy; L. S., light sandy; A., allu- vial; B. L., black loam. Irrigation practice. The abbrevia- Dist Time º ISU8, Ince Uli I’0 Rate of between I’URIl * No. Of Length of furrow or bed or area. te flow per Eind of i...] System. Of check. fºrews|ºr. through | *.i. or bed | . . furrow or width bed or into check. Gallons per Feet min'wte. Minwies. 1 Check -------- 0.5–8 acres -------------------------|----------|---------------------- B. W. 2 |----- do -------- 6 acres---------------------------------------|----------|------------ B. W. 3 |----- do -------- To 40 acres------------------------|----------|----------|------------ B. W. 5 l----- do -------- 1-15 acres--------------------------|----------|---------------------- B. W. 6 ----- do -------- 3–25 acres-------------------------- * * * * * * * * * * r * m sº m 'm sº sº se mºe ºr 4 m am ºr sº ºr ºm as sº me m ms a B. W. 16 |----- do -------- To 200 acres-----------------------|--------------------|------------ B. W. 19C Bed ---------- 800–600 feet ------------------------ 10.0 ---------------------- B. W. 196 ||----- do --------|----- do------------------------------ 10.0 ----------|------------ B. W. 20 Furrow ------ 450 feet ----------------------------|----------|---------- 105 || B. W. 29 |-|--|-- do -------- * feet ----------------------------|----------|---------- 15 B. W. 30 -----do -------- 360 feet ----------------------------|-------------------- B. W. 31 |----- do-------- 0 feet ---------------------------- 3.0 ---------- 60–240 || B. W. 32 |----- do------------- do------------------------------ 3.5 !---------- To 600 . B. W. 34 |----- do -------- 200 feet ----------------------------|----------|---------- 30–60 | B. W. 34.5 |----- do -------- 300 feet ----------------------------|--------------------|------------ S. 35 Bed ---------- 110 feet ---------------------------- 13.0 ---------------------- B. S. 37 ----- do -------- feet ---------------------------- 12.0 ---------- 10 || A. 37 Furrow ------ 200-600 feet ------------------------|----------|----------|------------ A. 38 H----- do -------- 750 feet ------------------------------------------------ 60 | B. S. 39 Bed ---------- 100 feet ---------------------------- 12.0 ---------- 7 | B. S. 48 Furrow - - - --- 310 feet ---------------------------- 3.0 ---------- 30 S. 49 |----- do -------- 300–400 feet ------------------------ 3.0 20 , 8–41 L. S. 53 |----- do -------- 254 feet ---------------------------- 1.6 34 7 | B. S. 54 ----- do -------- 470 feet ---------------------------- 3.0 25 a 12–80 || B. S. 60 |----- do -------- To 600 feet-------------------------|--------------------|------------ B. W. 86 Bed ---------- 400–700 feet ------------------------ 50.0 ---------------------- A. 87 ----- do-------- 150 feet ---------------------------- 80.0 ---------------------- A. *Average 38. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 481 Irrigation practice—Continued. Dista, Time º Il Ce quire Rate of between I*UID. & ;º: System. Length of *:::::::::: bed or area. furrows º,*: through K. Of & Or bed or bed furrow or & width. ‘ ibed or into check. Gallons per Feet. minute. Minutes. 89 Bed ---------- 104 feet ---------------------------- 12.0 235 9 || A. 90 ----- do-------- 150 feet ---------------------------- 13.0 800 ------------ A. 91 |----- do-------- 100 feet ---------------------------- 10.0 300 5 | A. 92 |----- do -------- feet ------------------------ 13.0 900 4–20 | A. 93 |----- do -------- 100–200 feet ------------------------ 15.0 385 5–9 A. 96 || ----- do-------- 150 feet ---------------------------- 12.0 500 2–3 || A. 98 Furrow ------ feet ---------------------------- 7.0 ---------------------- A. 98 heck-------- 0.25-5 acres --------------------------------------------|------------ A. 101 |----- do -------- To 10 acres ------------------------|----------|---------------------- A. 105 Tablet ------- 900 feet ------------------------ 50.0 ---------------------- 106 |----- do-------- To 1,200 feet----------------------- 65.0 ---------------------- 107 |----- do -------- 720 feet ---------------------------- 30.0 i----------|------------ 108 ----- do -------- feet ---------------------------- 25.0 ---------------------- S. 108 Furrow ------ 600 feet ---------------------------. 4.0 330 15 S. 109 |----- do -------- 150–300 feet ------------------------ 3.5 150 28 B. W. 110 Tablet ------- To 1,200 feet ----------------------- 44.0 ---------------------- B. W. 110.75 ----- do -------- feet ---------------------------- 36.0 ---------------------- B. L. 112 |----- do-------- 150–200 feet ------------------------ 53.0 ---------------------- B. L. 112 Bed ---------- 150-200 feet ------------------------ 30.0 1,000 15 || B. L. 114 Furrow ------ feet ----------- 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B. S. 116 |----- do -------- 60-160 feet-------------------------|-------------------------------- B. S. 117 |----- do-------- 150–300 feet ------------------------ 4.0 210 5 B. S. 118 J----- do -------- 30–40 feet -------------------------- 1.0 75 ------------ S. 119 |----- do -------- 30–50 feet -------------------------- 1-0 ---------------------- S. 120 ! ----- do -------- feet ---------------------------- 1.5 60 ------------ S. 122 l----- do-------- 150 feet ---------------------------- 1.5 !---------- 8 B. S. 123 |----- do -------- 225 feet ---------------------------- 1.5 ---------------------- B. S. 124 |----- do -------- 130 feet ---------------------------- 1.5 10 ------------ B. S. 124 |----- do -------- 400 feet ------------------------------------------------ 360 | B. S. 126 ----- do -------- 200–400 feet ------------------------ 3.0 ---------- 30 B. S. 128 |----- do -------- 400 feet ------------------------------------------------ 360 | S. 129 |----- do -------- 350-500 feet ------------------------|----------|---------- 120–360 | B. S. 130 ----- do -------- 150–1,550 feet ---------------------- 3.5 85 ------------ B. S. 131 ----- do -------- 150 feet ---------------------------- 1.3 4 90 S. 131 |----- do -------- 150 feet -------------------------------------- 16 60 S. 132 - - - - - do ------- 200 feet -------------------------------------- 8 180 S. 134 ----- do--------| 330 feet ------------------------------------------------ 15 S. 136 |----- do -------- 150feet -------------------------------------- 8 40 B. W. 137 || ----- do-------- 200–300 feet ------------------------|---------- 7 45 | L. 140 |----- do -------- 90-300 feet --------------------------------------------------------- 142 Bed ---------- 210 feet ---------------------------- 21.0 ---------------------- S. 144 |----- do -------- feet ---------------------------- 10.0 ---------------------- S. 145 Furrow ------ 210 feet ---------------------------- 13.0 ---------------------- S. 146 |----- do -------- 125 feet ---------------------------- 1.2 22 3 S. 146 Bed ---------- 60 feet ----------------------------- 30.0 ---------------------- S. Experiments made by the United States Department of Agricul- ture to determine the amount of water used by the various systems of irrigation show that the furrow system required considerable less water than flooding the land, and that irrigation by means of deep furrows required less water than irrigation by means of shallow furrows. In some soils the system of flooding can not be used to ad- vantage owing to the baking of the ground. If the ground is of such consistency as to bake when dry, the furrow system should be used. The advantages of the furrow system for the irrigation of a crop over systems of flooding are that it requires less water and that it leaves the soil in much better condition. The finely pulverized top layer of soil is a great benefit in assisting vegetation and in keep- ing out the intense heat of the Sun. In many places in Texas more cultivation and less irrigation would produce very beneficial results. 30620–No. 158–05—31 482 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. DUTY OF WATER. The quantity of water used for irrigation varies widely in differ- ent parts of the country. Where it is abundant there is a natural tendency to use it to excess; where it is scarce the reverse is found to be the case. Results of tests made to determine the depth of water used in irrigation for a limited number of cases have shown that between 1 and 8 inches were used per irrigation. Where the higher limit was used the ground became exceedingly boggy, and crops were probably damaged by the excess of water. Among truck farmers it is common to irrigate once in 7 to once in 14 days in the driest weather. Ten days will represent a fair average of opinion in the matter. Where land is irrigated so often it will of course require considerably less water per irrigation than in cases where irrigations are far apart. The quantity of water required for irrigation, which was commonly measured by the depth to which the water would cover the land were it evenly spread out, depends upon so many factors— such as the frequency of irrigation, condition of the soil, kind of soil, seepage losses in ditches, and, last but not least, the irrigator him- self, that it is not easy to arrive at definite conclusions with regard to the same. The following table gives the averages from the tables showing for the various crops the frequency of irrigation, the number of irriga- tions per season, the depth of water applied per irrigation, and the depth per season: - Duty of water in southern Teazas. Frequen. Irriga. Pºpº ºf Pºpº ºf Crop. cy of ir- |tions per ºi. * rigation. Season. gation. SOD1. Days. Inches. Peet. Alfalfa ------------------------------------------------------- 38 9 5.1 5. 72 Cane---------------------------------------------------------- 13 5 3.6 2.50 Corn---------------------------------------------------------- 16 3 4.4 1. 53 Cotton-------------------------------------------------------- 21 3 5.5 1.60 Johnson grass. ----------------------------------------------- 37 7 6.1 3. 51 . nions-------------------------------------------------------- a 11 11 2.4 2.40 Rice ----------------------------------------------------------|----------|----------|---------- 5. 12 Sorghum ----------------------------------------------------- 13 4 3.5 1.86 Truck -------------------------------------------------------- 12 6 2, 8 1.30 Average for all crops.----------------------------------|----------|---------- 4.2 2.67 * Irrigated less frequently early in the season than later ; the average is given. It will be noticed that the figures in the last column of the table are not calculated from those in the other columns, but are computed independently. The figures showing the depths per irrigation are averages of all statements showing this, while those showing depths per season are averages of all statements from which the total for the Season can be computed. These averages naturally include different plants, and hence will not check. IRRIGATION. IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 483 Expressing the duty of water in the flow required per acre, rather than in depth of water received by the land, the statements from the plants reported on give the following averages: Rate of water 8tºpply per acre. Area irrigated ams, sº sº sº smºs assº sºme sº as sºme me sº me mº, sº sº me = * * * * = **m amº sº, smº, ºs m = ** acres—- 25,030. 50 Rate of Supply------------------- gallons per minute – 303, 320.00 Corresponding rate of supply per acre---------- do–––– 12. 10 Straight average rate of Supply---------------- do–––– 16. 40 Average depth of irrigation-------------------- feet—- 2. 67 Average irrigation factor a – per Cent—— 15. 10 LABOR AND COST OF IRRIGATING. The following table gives averages made from the data secured relating to the labor required for irrigation and its cost: Cost of labor per day------------------------------------- $0.59 Labor per irrigation per acre------------------------ days—— . 42 Cost per irrigation per acre------------------------------- $0.31 Labor for irrigation per acre per year_______________ days__ 3. 07 - $1.96 Cost for irrigation per acre per year CROP RETURNS. The following table shows the average crop returns per acre: * Cro Assumed Value of Unit, iel value crop per y per unit. acre Alfalfa ---------------------------------------------- Ton ---------- 5.9 $15.00 $88.50 Corn-------------------------------------------------- Bushel ------- 41.0 . 50 20.50 Cotton------------------------------------------------ le---------- .8 50.00 40.00 Johnson grass---------------------------------------- Ton ---------- 3.0 12.00 36.00 nions ----------------------------------------------- Pound ------- 18,612.0 .02 372.24 Rice ------------------------------------------------------- do -------- 2,140.0 .02 42.80 Sorghum.-------------------------------- :- - - - - - - - - - - - - Ton ---------- 4.0 -------------------- ONION CULTURE. While only a small percentage of the area reported upon is devoted to onions, the last table shows that this crop yields by far the largest returns of any grown. This fact and the great interest taken in onion culture in certain sections led to the collection of information as to onion culture. The following tables give the returns secured by six persons who were irrigating onions and the expenses incurred in rais- ing the crops. a Ratio of the given depth to the depth to which the land would have been Covered by the given volume flowing Continuously for One year. 484 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Returns of onion crop. - Gross || Yield per | Returns Area. Gross yield. returns. 8,Ol’e. per acre. Acres. | Pownds. Pounds. 75 1,462,500 $25,600 | . 19,500 $341, 6 120,000 2,500 20,000 416.67 40 1,200,000 26,000 30,000 650. 13 455,000 9,000 34,300 692. 30 20 500,000 12,200 ,000 610.00 13 223, 3,349 17, 154 257.62 167 3,960,500 78,649 23,716 470.95 Approximately 500 acres were planted in onions, the average yield reported being 20,497 pounds per acre, giving a gross yield of 10,- 000,000 pounds in the year 1904. * The following table shows the average cost per acre of raising Onions, as well as the gross and net returns: Cost of raising Onions. Per acre. Plowing and harrowing–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– $2.00 Laying off beds or furrows------------------------------ 2. 00 Eleven cultivations–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 5. OO Transplanting------------------------------------------- 16. 36 Harvesting --------------------------------------------- 12. 95 Fertilizer ----------------------------------- ––––––––––– 15. 87 Irrigation Water ---------------------------------------- 25. 55 Labor for irrigating 11 times–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.41 Total -------------------------------------------- 83. 14 Interest on investment in land, 7 per cent on $30__________ 2. 10 Total -------------------------------------------- 85. 24 Returns: 20,497 pounds at 2 cents per pound______________ 409.94 Expenses ---------------------------------------------- 85. 24 Profit -------------------------------------------- 324. 70 The cost of irrigation water is considerably higher than it should be, owing largely to the fact that the pumping stations installed are considerably larger than required for the areas irrigated, and the fixed charges of plants are correspondingly high. IRESERVOIRS. Many artificial reservoirs built of earth are in use in irrigation in Texas. Some of them are supplied with water by windmills, while others derive their supply from pumped and artesian wells. In most of this work considerable care has been taken in construction, and as a rule tanks of this nature have been fairly successful. There are, however, several instances where the soil was unfavorable and the construction poor, where difficulty has been experienced in making IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 485 reservoirs water-tight. The usual method of construction is to plow down to the clay under the bank of the reservoir to make a tight joint and then tamp the bank thoroughly during construction by the teams making a circle of the reservoir after having dumped their loads of dirt. Sometimes a layer of clay is placed on the inside bank of the reservoir, and in other instances dirt alone is used in the formation of the banks. Some of the reservoir banks are constructed of black, waxy soil having suitable consistency without the addition of clay to answer all the requirements. Should the clay be used in reservior embankments the best place in which to put it is the center of the bank, where it will be protected from the air and where there would be no danger of cracking. A thorough joint should be made between the embankment of the reservoir and the ground itself. If the ground is of such nature that it would not hold water a trench should be dug to the nearest impervious stratum and a proper joint made there with the bank. In some of the reservoirs where trouble has been experienced in making them water-tight this has been remedied by puddling, by driving stock around inside while the soil is wet. One large reservoir with clay stratum below the ground appeared to be on porous ground and water went through it like a sieve. After tamping and puddling, however, no difficulty was ex- perienced in making it water-tight. In many of the reservoirs of Texas borrow pits for the banks have been made on the inside. As it is impossible to empty these by gravity they are frequently stocked with fish. Near Beeville, where the soil is largely of a sandy consistency, some difficulty has been experienced in making the reservoirs hold water. Some of the reservoirs have been lined with a coating of tar to make them water-tight. A description of the method of mixing the lining is given under the head “Beeville * (p. 404). Most of the reservoirs in use in the region investigated have been constructed with a slope of 1 to 2 or 1 to 1; inside and outside. This, in many cases, is too steep for the slope on the inside of the reservoir. This eventually results in the caving of the banks, which finally assume a more gradual incline. The proper slope to give the bank of a reservoir depends largely upon the material of which the banks are constructed as well as on the wave action on the sides. As a rule 1 to 3 on the inside and 1 to 2 on the outside will give suitable proportions. Where reservoirs are of any extent the banks should be protected against the action of waves. The usual method of protec- tion is the use of riprap, laid on about 10 inches in thickness, made of assorted sizes of rough stone. Contracts for reservoir construction are commonly let by the cubic yard of earth handled, the average cost of most of the reservoirs 486 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. being 10 cents per yard, most of the earth being obtained near by, necessitating only short hauls. In the computations following, 10 cents per cubic yard will be assumed as the cost of all such work, though with high embankments and longer hauls the cost will increase; but for embankments up to 10 feet there should be no mate- rial increase in cost of construction. The earth or clay for embank- ments is usually plowed and then handled by drag Scrapers. Reservoir capacity with reference to the size of a given plant may be conveniently reckoned in terms of the number of hours the total flow from the supply of water will require to fill the reservoir. The total area irrigated by the aid of artificial reservoirs is in the neigh- borhood of 2,000 acres. One of the most important factors in improv- ing the irrigation facilities of the country and utilizing its resources to the fullest extent is the judicious use of reservoirs. Natural reser- voir sites are few and often inconveniently located. In much of the country in Texas, on the other hand, artificial reservoirs may be built entirely in embankment wherever desired, provided the subsoil is suitable for retaining water. These reservoirs could be used for the storage of artesian well water, river water supplied by gravity, or pumped water. A study of the use made of artesian well water indicates that of the wells which are used for irrigation only about 20 per cent of the total available water supply is actually utilized, the remainder going to waste, although under present conditions the wells themselves may have reached their practical limit of irrigation. In other words, throughout a great part of the year well water not desired for irrigation will go to waste. Artesian wells will be subject to a certain annual expense which will represent the cost of the total amount of water furnished by them, and which will be taken at 12 per cent of first cost for all wells, made up of 7 per cent for interest and taxes and 5 per cent for depreciation and repairs, the latter to include all possible costs in connection with the wells, such as Sand pumping, etc., as well as the elements of depreciation of wells due to deteriora- tion of casing and to the supply falling off, owing to increased number of neighboring wells. The annual cost of the well is independent of the amount of water obtained from it. Thus, if only one-fifth of the well's supply is used the water per unit of volume will be five times as expensive as if the entire supply were used. While large sums of money have been expended for artesian wells, little has been done in the way of utilizing the resources of these wells to anything like their fullest extent. - The construction of reservoirs in general is a thing which should not be gone into in a haphazard manner. The conditions of the case should be carefully studied from the standpoints of rainfall, evapora- tion, seepage, time and amount of the water supply, and time and duration of the irrigation Season. One very obvious method of IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 487 increasing the use of well water is by means of diversified farming, by planting crops requiring water at different periods of the year, . instead of attempting to raise one crop only which will require irriga- tion for a brief period. Throughout Texas there are many districts where at certain seasons of the year large amounts of water run to waste, while at other Seasons the rivers run practically dry. In most localities no natural reservoir sites are obtainable, and to store the water would necessitate the construction of entire artificial reservoirs, as well as the installa- tion of pumping plants to raise the water sufficiently to flow into the reservoirs. A study of the possibilities of reservoir construction indicates that such a water supply may be turned to the greatest prac- tical advantage at a cost for irrigation water considerably below present figures for pumping, and that lands hitherto without an available water supply may experience the beneficial effect of irri- gation. A summary of the reservoir data shows a gross capacity of 123 acre-feet for 35 reservoirs, the total cost of construction being $9,033. These reservoirs aided in the irrigation of 1,704 acres. The average cost of reservoirs per acre-foot was $73. In consideration of the use of reservoirs with artesian wells it should be borne in mind that artesian pressure will raise the water in the well without flow a certain height above the ground level, known as the static head. It is this head which is effective in creating pressure, causing the flow of water. Should the static head be large, a few feet additional pressure against the well will not have a great effect upon the discharge, but should it be comparatively small the additional pressure of a few feet of water would materially affect the output. - The pipe supplying the reservoir should therefore not be taken over the top of the reservoir bank, as is commonly done; it should be taken into the reservoir through the bank at the lowest point, in order that the maximum pressure operating against artesian flow may be as small as possible while the reservoir is filling up. If the static head of the well is very low an outlet should be provided from the well directly into the ditch used for irrigation, and a valve should be placed between the well and the reservoir in order that when the well is discharging into the ditch it may not have to supply water against the additional head caused by the water in the reservoir. Also, a separate discharge should be provided from the reservoir itself. This would necessitate at least three valves. Where piping is taken through the bank into the reservoir care should be taken to so design the connections that it will not be necessary to disturb this piping in any way to get at any of the valves or at the well itself. For this reason the pipe entering the reservoir should be provided with a flange connection. Any tend- 488 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. ency to disturb the pipe where it passes through the reservoir bank is liable to start a leak, resulting in much trouble. The piping lead- ing from the wells should be arranged in such a manner that the interior of the well would be easily accessible. For this purpose a vertical T with the plug in the top end or else removable-flange connections should be provided in order to allow access to the inside of the well should it be necessary to sand-pump the same. Precau- tions should always be taken against malicious or thoughtless people throwing things down the well. In some of the wells which the writer saw, the top of the casing was provided with an elbow con- nected with horizontal pipe which went through the reservoir bank, all joints being screw joints, no flange couplings being used. Were it ever desired to get at these wells it would be impossible to do so without disturbing the earth around the pipe which enters the reservoir. This method of construction should by all means be avoided. ARTIESIAN WELLS. The following table gives information as to the cost and capacity of and area irrigated by various artesian wells in Texas: Cost of artesian wells in Teacas. Average cost per gallon per minute (straight average) –––– $21.62 Average cost per gallon per minute for irrigation wells a (Weighted average) ----------------------------------- $8.30 Area irrigated ----------------------------------- acres—— 1, 406 Average cost per acre irrigated (straight average) ––––––––– $71.00 Average cost per acre irrigated (weighted average) –––––––– $57.77 Annual cost per acre irrigated–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– $8.63 Average cost per acre-foot-------------------------------- $2.86 In order to simplify the work of calculation it has been assumed that the wells to certain depths cost a certain amount per foot and that deeper wells cost a certain additional amount per foot of total depth, which varies for each additional 100 feet. This method is not very accurate, but as the figures are only approximate and the cost of boring is liable to vary considerably for different wells of the same depth, the figures may be regarded as sufficiently accurate for prac- tical purposes. The following approximate assumptions have been made in figuring the cost of boring 6-inch wells: King and Kenedy ranches: $1.00 per foot to 900 feet. sº 1.10 per foot to 1,000 feet. 1.20 per foot to 1,100 feet. a Wells delivering 7,618 gallons per minute cost $63,272, IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 489 *- King and Kenedy ranches—Continued. $1.30 per foot to 1,200 feet. 1.40 per foot to 1,300 feet. 1.50 per foot to 1,400 feet. 1.60 per foot to 1,500 feet. Around Carrizo Springs: $1.00 per foot to 400 feet. 1.10 per foot to 500 feet. 1.20 per foot to 600 feet. 1.30 per foot to 700 feet. 1.40 per foot to 800 feet. 1.50 per foot to 900 feet. 1.60 per foot to 1,000 feet. The following summary shows the cost of irrigation and the irri- gation factors of a few artesian wells in the vicinity of Carrizo Springs: - Cost of irrigation. Cost of well— Annual * * No. Pergallon | Per acre- cost per Irºn per ſºld | foot used 3. CT6. & ute. e Per cent. 122- . . $5.77 $1.06 $2.71 40.6 124--- 5.54 4.01 3.73 10.3 125--- 2.85 1.17 1.48 18.2 130- - - 3.95 1.74 .63 16.9 184--------------------------------------- 12.3 136__ 11.62 5.09 7.64 17.0 137__ 15.00 4.09 4.91 27.3 Total - - - - 44.73 17.16 21, 10 142.6 Average - 7.46 2.86 3.52 20.4 PUMPED WELLS. The following summary gives information on the cost and output of pumped wells. These have been rated at the cost per gallon per minute rate of pumping. It should be borne in mind that, provided the well capacity is not exceeded, this cost is dependent upon the capacity of the pump installed and is not fixed, as is the case with artesian wells. Cost of pumped wells. Average cost per gallon per minute (straight average) --___ $6. 13 Average Cost per gallon per minute (weighted average) --__ $2.75 Area irrigated ----------------------------------- àCI'êS__ 934 Cost per acre irrigated (straight average) – $15.25 Cost per acre irrigated (weighted average) ---____________ $14. 79 It will be noted that the cost per gallon per minute is considerably less than the corresponding cost for artesian wells, being practically one-third as great. To this must be added the cost of pumping machinery to make a comparison. The average cost of pumping plants as shown by the report is as follows. - 490 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Cost of pumping plants. Num Average cost per acre Description. Assumed Area irri- i. irrigated. cost. gated. lants p * | Straight. Weighted. Steam plants: Acres. od ---------------------------------- $109,940 9,790.5 26 $79,32 $11.23 Coal------------------------------------ 16,800 855.0 6 90.75 19.65 Oil ------------------------------------- 85,300 5,100.0 2 15.00 16.73 Electric plants ---------------------------- 3,000 400.0 l 7.50 7.50 Gasoline plants---------------------------- 19,140 483.5 21 109.40 39.59 Total.--------------------------------- 234,180 16,629.0 56 88. 24 14. 12 From the above tables the following comparative statement is made up : Comparative cost of artesian and pumped wells. Straight. Weighted. Average cost of pumped wells and machinery per acre irrigated.-- ------- $103.49 $28.91 Average cost of artesian Wells per acre irrigated.--------------------------- 71.00 57.77 The wide difference between the straight and weighted averages of the cost of pumping plants is caused by the extremely high cost for some of the small pumping plants. One plant, watering but 4.5 acres, cost $778 per acre, while the largest plant included watered 6,000 acres, at a cost of $6 per acre—0.77 of 1 per cent as much as the small plant. IPUMIPING IPLANTS. The following table summarizes the data on the apparatus installed and the capacity of the various pumping stations, as well as the irri- gation factors. The capacity of the pumps, in gallons per minute per acre irrigated, is calculated from the total capacity and the area actually under irrigation. The irrigation factor was calculated by dividing the total hours run per year by 8,760, the number of hours in a year. The investment in pumping plants was approximately $310,000. Capacity of pumping plants. Area irrigated -------------------------------- acres—- 17, 190. 0 Gross capacity of boilers––––––––––––––––– horsepower__ 5, 732.0 Steam engines–––––––––––––––––––––– total horsepower__ 4, 227. 0 Gasoline engines ------------------------------ do––––– 181. 0 Water motors -------------------------------- do––––– 225. O Electric motors ------------------------------- do––––– 100. O Steam engines–––––––––––––––––––––– number of plants__ 31. 0 Gasoline engines ----------------------------- do––––– 28. 0 Water motors –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– do––––– 1. 0 Electric motors ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– do––––– 1. 0 Steam engines–––––––––––––– ----- average horsepower__ 136.0 Gasoline engines ----------------------------- do––––– 6. 0 Water motors -------------------------------- do––––– 225. 0 Electric motorS_ - - - - - - - - - - do––––– 100.0 IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAs. 491 Gross capacity of pumps--- * * * * sº mºs as sº gallons per minute - 265, 992. 0 Average pump capacity------- _do----- 3, 640. 0 Average pump capacity per acre (straight average), gal- lons per minute------------------------------------ 21.4 Average pump capacity per acre (weighted average), gal- lons per minute------ --------- sº ºn * * * 14.3 Average daily run---------------------------- hours—— 15. 0 Average irrigation factor-------------------- per Cent—— 14. 0 The following table gives data on capacity, lift, and water horse- power of various plants, as well as the cost of fuel consumption per water horsepower. The water horsepower is calculated by dividing the product of the capacity in gallons per minute and lift in feet by 3,960 and making no allowance for losses of head in the piping. Consumption of fuel per water horsepower. Water horse- Cost Of power. tº fuel per Consumption of fuel - Fuel. Ayººse per water - horse- Cost of fuel. H. & Gross. Aver- power-hour. power- age. hour. Steam: Feet. Wood ----- 36 868 26.4 0.01852 cord --------- $1.46 per cord-------- $0.027 Coal------- 54 297 33.1 ! 39.60000 pounds ------ 1.58 per ton--------- .031 Oil -------- 45 | 1,034 517.0 .02420 barrel ------- .82 per barrel------ .020 Total.---- 40 2,199 50.0 - Water -------- 42 100 99.8 Electricity---- 46 52 52.3 2.22000 horsepower- .0075 per horse- .017 hours. power-hour. Gasoline ------ 64 60 2.1 56000 gallon ------- . 1580 per gallon.---- .088 Total.---- 50 2,411 32.6 It will be noted that the cost of wood, coal, and oil was particularly low, but gasoline, on the contrary, is necessarily an expensive fuel. A very large Saving could be made in the operation of gasoline plants by the use of distillate, which is nearly as efficient as gasoline. How- ever, this is an article which is scarcely known throughout Texas, though quite commonly used in California. Based on the figures given in the fuel table in the column “Num- ber of B. T. U.’s per pound ’’ (p. 366), the following are the weights of the various kinds of fuel required to generate 1 horsepower-hour provided the efficiency were 100 per cent: Heat value of fuels. [Pound per horsepower-hour.] Coal : McAlester ------ - - - Eagle Pass_______ Carr ----------- = <= = * * Laredo –––––––––––– * * * * * * * * * * * * m amm me sº ºms ºm. * = <= <= sma mºs. * * * * * * * *= a- sºme Oil ---- Wood \ Pehigh --------------------------------------------- Rockdale ------------------------------------------- Lytle ---------------------------------------------- 492 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Allowing 310 pounds of oil per barrel would require under the same conditions 0.000430 barrel per horsepower-hour. Allowing 3,500 pounds of wood per cord would correspondingly require - 0.000161 cord of wood per horsepower-hour. The losses of efficiency in a pumping plant may be segregated the following manner: -- (1) Losses in the boiler and piping. (2) Losses in the cylinder of the steam engine, due to condensa- tion, etc. - - (3) Losses in the mechanical efficiency of the engine. (4) Losses in the belting and pump. (5) Losses in the piping. The most important loss of heat is one which it is theoretically impossible to avoid, but which may be reduced by increasing the pressure of steam supplied to the engine by superheating or by the use of condensers. The following table gives the theoretical effi- ciency and steam consumption in pounds per hour for various pres- sures of steam supplied to the engine, taken from Peabody's Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine: in Efficiency and consumption of a perfect steam engine operating on the Carnot Cycle. Initial - e Noncondensing en- pressure Condensing engines. gines. by the tºº, º: Of - . Of 8, OOWe the * Steam per - Steam per atmos- Efficiency. horsepow- Efficiency. horsepow- phere. er-hour. er-hour. 15 0, 189 14.3 0.053 50.9 30 .215 12.8 .084 32.8 60 . 249 11.4 . 124 22.9 100 .278 10.5 .157 18.4 150 .302 9.8 , 186 16.0 200 .320 9.5 . 207 14.6 300 . 347 9.0 .238 13.1 The theoretical figures can, of course, never be attained, but serve merely as a standard of comparison for the actual results. The fol- lowing figures may be taken to represent approximately average con- ditions which should obtain in pumping plants installed in Texas, consisting of noncondensing steam engine driving centrifugal pump: Efficiencies of elements of pumping plants. Per cent. Boiler efficiency ------------------------------------------ Theoretical efficiency of a perfect noncondensing engine at 100 pounds gauge pressure------------------------------- 15. 7 Efficiency of engine cylinder------––– __ 55.0 Mechanical efficiency of engine------ ---------------------- 85.0 Pump efficiency ------------------------------------------- 55. 0 Efficiency of piping ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––--------- 95.0 IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TExAs. 493 The product of these efficiencies would give the combined efficiency of plant, representing the ratio of the actual work performed in lift- ing the water to the number of units of work available in the corre- sponding quantity of coal consumed, which in this case would be 2.5 per cent. On the basis of the theoretical quantity of fuel required per horsepower-hour the following efficiencies have been calculated for the plants in Texas: Efficiencies of pumping plants. # 3 & Fuel effi- * g ºf Fuel effi- Description. ciency. Description. ciency. Wood: Per cent. || Wood—Continued. Per cent. No. 3.------------------------------ 1.5 No. 116--------------------------- 2.5 No. 8------------------------------ 2.9 No. 117--------------------------- 2.0 No. 4.------------------------------ 2.1 No. 118--------------------------- ... 6 No. 5------------------------------ 1.7 No. 119--------------------------- ... 5 No. 10----------------------------- .9 No. 11----------------------------- ... 3 Total.--------------------------- 47.9. No. 11----------------------------- .2 Average ----------------------- 1.5 No. 11----------------------------- .5 : No. 30----------------------------- ... 5 No. 6 ----------------------------- 1.0 No. 85----------------------------- 1.2 No. 16---------------------------- 14.2 No. 37----------------------------- 1.3 *-i-º-º-mº ºmºmº- No. 88----------------------------- 3.7 Total --------------------------- 15.2 No. 84----------------------------- 1.8 Average ----------------------- 7.6 No. 88----------------------------- 4.1 || Coal: No. 93----------------------------- 1.6 9 * ---------------------------- 1.9 No. 95----------------------------- .3 No. 30 ---------------------------- .8 No. 97----------------------------- 1.4 No. 84---------------------------- 2.1 No. 98----------------------------- 1.0 No. 86---------------------------- 2.1 No. 101---------------------------- 3.5 No. 87 ---------------------------- 1.7 No. 101---------------------------- 3.0 No. 90---------------------------- ... 6 No. 102---------------------------- .7 No. 93---------------------------- .9 No. 108---------------------------- 1.4 No. 96---------------------------- .3 No. 108---------------------------- .9 No. 110.50------------------------- 1.2 Total --------------------------- 10.4 No. 110.75------------------------- 1.7 Average ----------------------- 1.3 No. 111---------------------------- 1.1 No. 114---------------------------- 1.0 || Total.--------------------------------- T3.5 No. 115---------------------------- .8 || Average ----------------------------- 1-8 In a certain large pumping station, designed with great care to give the highest efficiency, the fuel consumption was only 1.25 pounds of coal per water-horsepower-hour output, corresponding to a combined efficiency of 15 per cent. PUMPING. METHOD OF ARRIVING AT COST. In figuring the cost of irrigation, particularly in the case of pump- ing plants, it is a very common mistake to Reglect entirely all allow- ance for interest on the investment, depreciation of the plant, repairs, renewals, and sometimes labor, fuel expense being regarded as the sole expense of operation. As a consequence the results obtained may be - far from the true state of affairs. The cost for pumping water may be subdivided into three classifications: (1) Interest on the invest- ment and depreciation of the plant; (2) operating expenses, repairs, and renewals, and (3) fuel expense. The interest is of course independent of the time of operation, and the depreciation of the plant is also to a large extent independent of 494 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. the same, while the operating expenses may be considered in one sense dependent solely on the time of operation of the pumps. But this is not strictly true, since it is often impossible to engage labor on these terms owing to variations in weather, and the employer must often pay the engineer his full time. In small plants it is not uncom- mon to find the engineers employed on other work on the farm when the pumps are not running. This applies particularly to cases where the operation of the plants is not continuous over a long period of time. Repairs and renewals are partly dependent on the length of time of operation. Depreciation, repairs, and renewals are commonly fig- ured as a percentage of the first cost of the plant. In steam plants fuel expense, while depending mainly on the time of operation and the load, is nevertheless dependent also upon the number of times the plant is started and stopped. If the steam is allowed to go down between the stopping and starting of the plant it is commonly as- sumed that it will require two hours’ fuel supply at full load to get up steam in starting. - In considering the percentage values of first cost which ought to be assigned to the various quantities making up the cost of pumping, circumstances and care of apparatus, of course, have a material effect. Seven per cent may be considered as a fair value to allow for interest and taxes on the entire plant; depreciation will vary from 2 to 30. per cent, depending upon the apparatus, its use and abuse; 8 to 10 per cent should be sufficient to represent depreciation of pumping plants if reasonable care is used; 2 per cent should be sufficient to cover depreciation of iron pipe; repairs and renewals commonly, require 2 to 20 per cent of the original investment. Allowing 7 per cent for interest and taxes, 10 per cent for depreciation and 3 per cent for repairs and renewals gives a total of 20 per cent per annum of the original cost to be allowed for these items. With any sort of proper supervision this should be on the safe side for power-house work, though of course this will not allow for accidents which may occur through carelessness. Irrigation plants, particularly the Small ones, are usually subject to quite heavy deterioration. They are generally poorly set up, exposed to dust and dirt getting into the working parts of the engines from insufficient housing, and as a result the real cost of pumping is higher than it should be. The annual fixed charges of pumping plants have been figured at 20 per cent on the pumping- plant investment, and 12 per cent on the remainder of the investment, such as pipe line, reservoir, and wells. * . r In the following table the cost of power is segregated under the heads of fuel expense, labor expense, and fixed charges per water- horsepower-hour. The amount of power required for raising 1 acre-foot of water 1 foot is 1.37 horsepower-hours, hence the column IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 495 representing this quantity in the table is easily obtained from the pre- ceding column of “Total cost per water-horsepower-hour.” The cost per acre-foot is obtained by multiplying the preceding column by the total lift and the cost per acre irrigated by multiplying the cost per acre-foot by the average annual depth of irrigation. The last column in the table gives the pump investment per acre irrigated. The results given are the straight averages of the results for the Several plants. Average C0&t of pumping water. Cost per water-horsepower-hour. Cº.,t Cost per | Cost per | Invest- Fixed P...?" acre acre fºriment per Fuel. Labor. charges. Total. foot. foot. gated. 3,CI’e. Steam: Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Wood--------------- 2.76 1. 24 12.93 17.45 23.91 $10.71 $16.83 $74.00 Coal ---------------- 2.97 .49 10.89 14. 16 . . 19.41 11.56 18.44 91.00 Oil------------------ .76 .17 1.08 2. 3.42 1.56 5.75 15.00 Average ---------- 2.71 1.04 11.70 15. 72 21.60 10.27 16. 40 Electricity ------------- 1.68 . 32 . 56 2.56 3.51 1.61 6.83 8.00 Gasoline---------------- 8.65 .03 14.46 22.20 30.45 18. 40 28.90 109.00 Average---------- 4.85 , 69 12.72 17.25 23.66 12.38 19.75 85. The cost of gasoline plants per unit of water pumped is far in excess of the cost of other plants. This is due mainly to the small size of the gasoline plants, since naturally the relative cost of small units is considerably higher than that of large units. The following table gives the total annual water-horsepower-hours as well as the segregated and total annual expense for various plants. The table is classified according to fuels. Wood-burning plants are further classified under the heads of rice-irrigation plants and plants used in irrigating other crops. Gasoline plant No. 9 is also used for rice irrigation. Total Cost of pumping water. Annual Total annual cost. Area irri- Yº.* gated jºr. Fixed hours. Fuel. Labor. charges. Total. Wood for fuel: Acres. Rice ----------------------------- 7,460.0 817,685 $9,283 $4,633 $10,916 $24,832 Other crops --------------------- 1,423.5 449,664 5,801 1,815 9,524 17,140 Total -------------------------- 8,883.5 | 1,267,349 15,084 6,448 20,440 41,972 Gasoline-for fuel-------------------- 3.11.0 28,030 1,535 53 3,844 4,432 QQal for fuel ------------------------ 855.0 255,025 3,683 1,049 4,992 9,724 Qil for fuel-------------------------- 5, 100.0 | 1,428,400 16,396 2,521 17,060 35,977 Electricity -------------------------- 400.0 106,700 1,792 342 600 2,734 Total for steam plants a ------------ 14,838.5 2,950, 774 35,163 10,018 42,492 87,673 Rice --------------------------------- 12,610.0 2,254,015 26,075 7,154 28,244 61,473 Other crops ------------------------- 2,589.5 724,789 10,6 ,917 18,092 31, Total -------------------------- 15,199.5 2,978,804 36,698 10,071 46,336 93, 105 "The totals here do not include the items “ Gasoline for fuel " and “Electricity.” From this summary the following summary of segregated and total charges per acre irrigated and per water-horsepower-hour is 496 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. obtained. This summary gives the weighted averages and is to be contrasted with the summary on page 507, which is obtained by averaging the results for the various plants. Cost of pumping per acre and per water-horsepower-hour. Annual costper acre irrigated. | *P* wºol *P*W* | Cost per 4. acre- ºpt * tº T8...ISO Fuel. Labor. cº, Total. Fuel. Labor. ciº. Total. 1 foot. Wood for fuel: Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Rice-------------- $1.25 $). 62 $1.47 $3.34 1. 14 0.57 1. 3.04 4.17 Other crops.------ 4.08 1.27 6, 69 12.04 1, 29 , 40 2. 12 3.81 5.22 Qtal:------------ 1, 70 , 73 2. 30 4.73 | 1.19 .51 1.61 3.31 4. 53 Gasoline for fuel----- 4.93 . 13 12.36 || 17. 46 5, 48 . 19 18, 73 || 19. 40 26.60 Coal for fuel--------- 4.31 | 1.23 5.84 || J1.38 1.44 .41 1.96 || 3.81 5.22 Oil for fuel----------- 3.22 . 49 3.35 7.06 | 1.15 .18 1.19 || 2, 52 3.45 Electricity----------- 4.50 .85 1.50 6.83 1.68 . 32 .56 .56 3.51 For all steam plants- 2.37 .67 2.87 5.91 1. 19 .34 1.44 2.97 4.07 Total results: Rice-------------- 2. 07 .56 2.24 4.87 1.16 1.25 2.73 3.74 Other crops.------ 4. 10 1. 13 6.98 || 12, 21 1.46 40 2.50 || 4.36 5.98 otal.------------- 2.41 , 66 3.05 6.13 1.23 1.56 3, 13 4.29 It will be seen that the average cost of irrigation per acre per year lies between $4.87 for rice-irrigation plants and $12.21 for plants irrigating other crops, and between $4.73 for wood-burning plants and $17.46 for gasoline plants. The lowest cost of irrigation was under plant No. 101, and was $2.19 per acre per year. It is particularly to be noted that throughout the fixed charges are higher than charges for fuel, the total average fixed charges per acre irrigated being approximately equal to the sum of the charges for fuel and labor. In some cases the fixed charges make the cost of power far out of proportion to the other charges. It may perhaps be considered that in the column of fixed charges some allowance should be made for the small use made of some of the plants, but the deterioration can not by any means be considered as ceasing when the plant is not in operation; in fact, in many instances, owing to the rusting of the machinery, it would rather increase than decrease from disuse. A fixed charge of 20 per cent as assumed would then allow 7 per cent for interest, 3 per cent for repairs and renewals, and 10 per cent for depreciation, corresponding to a life for the plant of ten years. As shown on page 491, the average irrigation factor is but 14 per cent, indicating that the plants are used on an average only one-seventh of the time. In order to cut down the expense of irrigation the irrigation factor itself should be increased. This may be done in the following manner: If a plant were designed for the irrigation of a certain crop requir- ing water only in May, June, and July, and demanding the maximum rate of flow continuously for these three months, the irrigation factor would be 25 per cent. If another crop were to require water in August, September, and October, under the same conditions the irri- gation factor would also be 25 per cent. Were the maximum supply in the two cases to be the same, and were both crops watered from the IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 497 same pumping plant without storage, the irrigation factor would then be 50 per cent instead of 25 per cent. The only additional expense of water for the second crop would be for operation, the fixed expenses being practically not increased. The larger the fixed expense with reference to the operating expense the greater is the inducement for improvement in the irrigation factor by diversified farming. Suppose, for example, an irrigation plant were installed for irri- gating 50 acres of land at a first cost of $2,500. Allowing 7 per cent for interest and 13 per cent for depreciation, repairs, etc., would make a total fixed cost per year of $500. If fuel and labor for con- tinuous operation of the plant three months in the year cost $500 the annual cost of operation would be $1,000, provided the plant were operated three months of the year. Provided, now, that it is required to irrigate an additional tract of land requiring the same quantity of water during three other months of the year, this would necessitate an additional expense of $500, or a total expense of $1,500 per year, and hence at an expense of $15 per acre instead of $20 per acre, which would have been the cost had the first tract alone been irrigated. In general, two plans may be followed to increase the irrigation factor—(1) construction of reservoirs and (2) the use of water at different seasons. Of course if the dry season is of brief duration, say two or three months, it is possible that little may be done under the latter plan, but provided the dry season is uncertain and of long duration considerable may be done by judicious management and varied crops. Additional water may be furnished at nearly the cost of the additional operating expenses, and it is usually poor policy to let the plant lie idle part of the year when it should be bringing in revenue. This is perhaps largely caused by owners failing to appre- ciate the large fixed expense under which they operate. In order to cut down the fixed charges it would appear that it is important to have a low first cost of plant, particularly where fuel is as cheap as in Texas. The greater part of the pumping is per- formed by means of centrifugal pumps, which are in general by far. the cheapest part of the plant. It is the poorest kind of economy, however, to invest in a cheap pump of this nature, provided the cheapness is secured at the expense of efficiency, as the necessary increase of boiler and engine equipment would much more than make up for any saving which might be made in this manner, aside from increased fuel expense. The cost of labor for operation of pumping plants is exceptionally low, and hence conditions are correspondingly favorable for econ- omy in this direction. One of the main advantages of gasoline lies in the Saving of labor, particularly in small plants. The cheapness of 30620–No. 158–05—32 498 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. labor, however, would indicate the inadvisability of installing gaso- line plants of any capacity, if no cheaper form of the fuel, such as distillate, is available for use in gasoline engines. One of the main savings in the use of fuel oil over other fuels lies in the greatly diminished labor of firing. This is a matter of impor- tance in plants of considerable size only and is further minimized by the cheapness of labor. The smaller irrigation plants in Texas, requiring up to about 20 horsepower, have usually been run by gasoline engines, and plants over this size by steam. In the majority of cases steam plants are cquipped with steam engines, though a few of them have direct-acting steam pumps and others have pulsometers. While the use of the last two methods of pumping would involve probably a minimum in the way of initial expense and have the advantage of simplicity of operation, their use is not generally to be recommended on account of the high steam consumption. Were compound steam pumps to be used, considerably better economy could be obtained than with pumps not compounded, but these have so far not found their way into the field. The majority of the steam engines for plants of 20 to 100 horsepower are of the throttling variety and consequently do not make efficient use of the steam. Where fuel is as cheap as it is in many parts of Texas it is true that simplicity may count for quite a little in the operation of the plant, considering the kind of labor which is usually employed for the same; still, automatic engines in plants of any size should justify the additional expense in the Saving of fuel. By far the greater proportion of the steam pipes leading from the boilers to the engines have no covering and the loss by condensation is considerable. As an approximation, it may be said that 80 square feet of exposed steam-radiating surface demand 1 boiler horsepower. A little extra care and money spent in installation of plants would be amply repaid. In all the territory covered there is only one irriga- tion pumping plant of any size in which due consideration appears to have been given to economy of operation. This is the plant of Ross Clark. It is the only plant which has water-tube boilers, com- pound condensing engines which condense, and centrifugal pump directly connected to the engine. Direct connection is here made by a rigid coupling. In order to direct-connect machinery with a rigid coupling the foundation must be particularly good, as otherwise it would be better to use a flexible coupling to avoid possible strains from the shafts getting out of line. Direct-connected units do away with loss in belting, usually 5 to 10 per cent, besides Saving considerable space. It requires, however, a proper combination of pump and engine to be effective. - IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 499 The automatic engines are to be preferred to throttling engines on the ground of efficiency, although more expensive to install. Few of the stations use condensers, and in the majority of places where they were used not over 16-inch vacuum was obtained, indicating either poor design or operation of the plants. In many of the pumping stations some simple form of gravity or jet condenser could be used for condensing the steam in the engine which would probably increase considerably the efficiency of the plant. Single-acting deep-well pumps, 2.5 to 6 inches in diameter, with a stroke of 15 to 20 inches, are used extensively. These are driven by a power head as a general thing, though occasionally they are driven by means of a walking beam. The efficiency of this type of pump with a lift of 60 to 70 feet will usually be between 40 and 50 per cent, and although not high, they are usually the most efficient pumps that can be used in the conditions under which they operate, namely, a small quantity of water and a high lift, considered together with the fact that no pit is necessary to bring the pump nearer the water, the pump being inserted in the well. It is a common fallacy to assume that the lift is dependent upon the position of the bottom of the suction pipe attached to the pump cylinder. Of course this is not the case, as the lift is measured from the surface of the water standing in the well on the outside of the suction pipe. In the case of most wells operated by deep-well pumps the pump cylinder and casing usually fit the well so closely that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to measure the actual distance of the level of the well water below, the ground, particularly when the well is being pumped. Should there be room between the well casing and the pump cylinder for the insertion of a small pipe the water level may be determined very accurately by means of the method which the writer has used. A one-eighth-inch pipe will answer very well the requirements of the case. By blowing down the pipe it is a very simple matter to tell instantly when the surface of the water in the well has been reached, as the concussion of the air bubbles emerging from the end of the pipe under water will give very definite indica- tion thereof. Knowing the length of the pipe, the distance to stand- ing water in the well is easily obtained. In one well which was tested by this means the water level seemed quite indeterminate, vary- ing perceptibly. However, by observation it was ascertained that this variation was due to the unequal flow naturally occasioned by the pump, the level being highest just before the pump started to de- liver water on the upstroke. In figuring the lift of well water allowance has been made in the wells, which were not measured, for the probable distance which the water would be drawn down, based on the rather limited information which could be obtained on this subject. 500 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. There are two sources of loss in pumping plants—(1) on entrance to the piping and (2) on discharge from the end of the pipe—which could easily be greatly reduced by suitable design. While in many cases these losses are small and negligible, in others, particularly with low-head plants, they are liable to represent a considerable per- centage consumption of energy, which should by all means be reduced, since this can be done very simply and cheaply. The energy of water discharged from the end of a pipe varies with the square of the velocity of discharge, and a velocity of 8 feet per second is represented by the energy required to lift the quantity discharged 1 foot higher than necessary. A taper joint of gradually increasing section will largely overcome the loss of head in discharge. Since the discharge varies with the fourth power of the diameter, by increasing the diam- eter of the pipe 42 per cent the discharge would be reduced to one- fourth of its previous value, and by doubling the diameter would be reduced to one-sixteenth of its previous value. At the entrance to a straight pipe projecting into a body of water there is a loss of energy equivalent to one-half of the velocity head in the pipe itself. This can be easily avoided by belling the pipe at entrance. A bell-shaped entrance is preferable to a cone-shaped, though the latter will often be a decided improvement over a straight pipe. It is no uncommon sight to find discharge pipes throughout Texas throwing water into the air considerably higher than the level of the discharged water, owing to the high velocity head in the piping. It is obvious to even a casual observer that this represents a considerable loss of power. PRACTICAL POINTS ON INCREASED EFFICIENCY OF PLANTS. Deep-well pumping plants are sometimes provided with stuffing boxes near the ground level, in order to force the water to a few feet greater elevation. It is not uncommon for a large amount of power to be consumed in the stuffing boxes, due to either the pump rod being bent or to the gland being screwed down too tightly. In fact, if gasoline engines are used for operation, it is not difficult to put such a load on the engine by screwing down the gland as to bring the engine to a standstill. With intelligent care stuffing boxes should cause no trouble, but as commonly operated in such plants, if the stuffing box leaks the operator will simply screw the gland tighter until the leak has been stopped. In order to prevent leaks in stuffing boxes the packing should be taken out at least once a week and oiled and coated with graphite. Packing to be effective should retain its elasticity, and if in that condition it would require only light pressure from the gland to prevent leakage. Stuffing boxes can be avoided in most cases by the use of a walking beam connected with the pump and by running the continuation of the discharge pipe to a sufficient IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 501 height. Where apparatus will not receive due attention this is to be preferred for obvious reasons. With deep-well pumps all the work is commonly on the upstroke. This necessitates larger engines and means more wear and tear on machinery than if the power required were equally divided between the up and down strokes. When a walking beam is used, by prop- erly adjusting the weight on the end away from the pump, work on the two halves of the stroke can be very nearly equalized. The sound of the machinery operating furnishes the best clue to the amount of weight which is best to use. A long, strong spring can be used if desired on deep-well pumps without a walking beam, the spring being attached directly to the pump rod and being put under con- siderable initial tension; but this would be generally more expensive than a walking beam. But little attention is commonly paid to the leakage from deep- well pumps until the leakage has become very bad. The leather pump cups are frequently left in so long that they become badly worn and allow very large leakage of water, thus materially reducing the output of the pump. The leakage may be judged by the speed at which water sinks in the well pipe when the pump is at rest. In several windmill plants visited, the pumps when operated at slow speed delivered no water, owing to undue leakage. While many kinds of machinery will run without attention, to obtain the best results they should always be kept in good condition and should receive frequent overhauling. When a gasoline engine is operating at full load it will, as usually constructed, have an explosion every other stroke. The percentage of load may be judged approximately by the ratio of the total num- ber of explosions to the total possible number of explosions per min- ute, which can be counted without difficulty. This would be more accurate by deducting from each the explosions per minute required to run the motor unloaded. Gasoline engines require a certain mix- ture of air and gasoline in the cylinder to obtain the best results from the fuel. If the mixture is too strong or too weak the best results can not be obtained. Thus by allowing too great a flow of gasoline to the engine a large amount of fuel may be wasted. The proper mixture of gasoline and air will depend in part on the quality of gasoline used. Most gasoline engines are provided with a small needle valve for regulating the flow of gasoline, with two positions marked—one for the gasoline supply for starting and the other for operation. By not setting this valve to the right point considerable gasoline may be wasted. In general, it is well to throttle the supply of gasoline to a point where the rate of explosion starts to increase or the speed to fall off. Losses due to improper setting of this valve may be very large. In California distillate has been used directly 502 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. in the engine cylinders in place of gasoline, thus reducing greatly the cost of operating plants. The following tables give detailed information regarding artesian wells and pumped wells in southern Texas: Location and description of artesian wells in southern Teayas. Ö º § * $ º Q) - §: N f - § , : # Wat, .* Q- 8, Dºle O - E. Q) 8ter” Location. : Well. Kind of Well, § º § : * E Strata. Q rº rö à | 8 .d 8 & ă # # | | | # º - Q) Q) 2. ſº > U2 Q | I] Gal- Gal- lons perlons per 777,270,- || ???, ???- wte. wte. Im. | Feet. | Feet. Inez--------------- 1 ------------- Open bottom 10 -------------- 222 |------- * * * * = * * * - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - do ------- 50 --------|------| 179 |------- Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do------- 30 --------|------ 705 |------- Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do ------- 10 -------------- 180 |------- Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do------- 10 --------|------ 425 |------- Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do------- 60 l.-------|------ 127 ------- Do ------------ 1 ----------------- -do ------- 60 --------|------ 114 |------- Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do-------| 20 --------|------ 50'l------- Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do ------- 9 --------|------ 127 ------- Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do ------- 30 --------|------ 148 ------- Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do ------- 8 --------|------ 17 ------- Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do ------- 30 --------|------ 202 |------- Do ------------ 1 ---------------------------- 20 -------- 2 || 330 - - ----- Do ------------ 1 -------------|--------------- 9 -------- 2 50 |------- Do ------------ 1 -------------|--------------- 30 I-...------| 2 | 327 |------- Do ------------ 1 ---------------------------- 150 |-------- 12 900 ------- Do ------------ 1 ------------- - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * 30 |-------- 5 880 28 Port Lavaca ------ 1 ------------- Strainer ---- 62 -------- 7 900 || ------- Sand. Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do------- 173 |-------- 7 950 ------- Do. Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do------- 173 |-------- 10 | 1,100 |------- Do. Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do------- 35 -------- 7 900 ------- Do. Victoria ---------- 1 ---------------------------- 100 --------|------ 1,062 |------- San Antonio ------ 1 |-------------| Open bottom 700 -------- 10 | 1,020 11 | Caverns. Do ------------ 4 ------------------ do -------|--------|--4.170 8 880 35 DO. Do ------------ 5 ------------------ do--------------- ... }12 880 | 85 Do Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do -------|--------|-- 1,080 || 13 || 700 # É. } & O Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do --------------- { +60 || 10 || 640 17 DO. Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do ------- 800 |-------- 6 1,500 15 Do. Do ------------ 1 -------------|----------------------- 45 6 1,474 16 || Lime rock. Do ------------ 1 -------------|--------------- 300 -------- 6 1,200 20 | Caverns. Do ------------ 1 |---------------------------- 200 -------- 4}. 884 20 Do. Santa, Gertrudas - 1 | Santa, Ger-i Strainer -----------.. 81 51%. 565 i------- Sºnd. trud a s III. Do ------------ 1 || Kingsville |----- do --------------- 113 ------|-------|------- Do. Lapara ----------- 1 | Paistle I --|----- do--------------- 250 5%| 700 |------- DO. Do ------------ 1 | Miflin -----|----- do ------- 180 -------- 6; 740 ------- Do. Do ------------ 1 || Esperanza. ----- do ------- a 260 -------- 6# 740 ------- Do. Do ------------ 1 | Bariosa ---|----- do ------- a 240 -------- 6# 700 - - ----- Do. Do ------------ 1 | Serpa -----|----- do--------------- 307 6# 617 | ------- Do. Do ------------ 1 Turcott ---|----- do ------- a 300 -------- 6# 787 ------- DO. Do ------------ 1 | Alegos ----|----- do--------------- 212 53%. 865 ||------- Do. Katherine -------- 1 Katherine |--------------- 60 -------- 6+ 730 ------- DO. Do ------------ 1. omal-------------------- 100 -------- 3 820 ------- DO Do ------------ 1 | Marana ---|---------------| 20 --------| 24 500 |------- DO Do ------------ 1 | St.Thomas!------ - - - - - - - - - 60 -------- 6+ 730 || ------- DO El Sauz ----------- 1. auz ---| Strainer ----|-------- . 127 51%. 1,462 |------- DO Do ------------ 1 Rosita-----|--------------- a 170 -------- 5*| 1,100 ------- DO. Do ------------ 1 Rudolf ----|--------------- 340 --------|------ 940 ------- DO. Do ------------ 1 | Saltillo----|-Strait, er ---- *75 -------------- 900 |------- Do. Do ------------ 1 | Noria -----|----- do------- a 175 -------- 4} 900 ------ - DO. Falfurrias -------- 1 ------------- Open bottom -------- 90 5*|-------|------- Do. 25 #. - - - - - -tÅ of 2 - - - - - - m sº * * * * *- : - - - - - - - - - - - - ºn m. m. Ot 90 - - - - - 73 \ * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - tº * * * * = DO. In 116S SOilt, El O Talfurrias ------ ? -------------|----------------------- { 54 || 5* |-------|------- - Carrizo Springs --| 1 ||------------- Open bottom 200 -------- 5% 600 1------- Sand rock. Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do ------- 192 |-------- 5* 640 |------- Do. Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do------- 1,400 |-------- 12" | 720 - - - - - - - | Do. a Estimated. IRRIGATION IN souTHERN TEXAs. 503 .** Location and description of artesian wells in southern Texas–Continued. g o C # B. ... 3 . 5: TN f 3 =; : $3 wate º {}- 8, Iſle O º º à têI’ Location. : Well. Kind of well. ; 'E § * Ł à Strata. GD †† # | < || 2 || 3 ; ;C rt; ; 3 || 3 || 3 à | # | 3 || 3 | # 3 2. p3 > f Q |I. Gal- Gal- lons per long per 7min- mim- wte. 'wte In Feet. | Feet. Carrizo Springs --| 2 |-----. ------- Opºtion #|::::::: #| || || Sangºok. Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- O ------- 150 -------- # 380 ------- Do. Do ------------ 8 ------------------ do --------------- b 230 { 6 } 400 ------- Do b 100 6 Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do------------ i5 40 i. ; Tº B: - - - - - - - - O.- Do ------------ ? ---------------------------- { }}|… § #| || 19 | Po. Do ------------ ? ------------- Open bottom -------- { § 1. § # É. Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do ------- a 125 -------- 8 640 1------- Do. Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do--------------- 120 10 640 ------- Do. Do ------------ ! ------------------ do-------|-------- b : 51%; 332 ||------- Do. Do ------------ * !------------------ do--------------- b103 ||------ 400 ------- Do. Do ------------ 1 ------------------ do ------- a 65 -------- 380 ------- Do- Do ------------ '? -------------|--------------- { #|…] §§ 384 |------- Do. 550 ------- Do. Do ------------ * !---------------------------- 80 -------- 6+ 420 ------- O. Do ------------ ? ------------- Open bottom{ § }------- 51%. 636 ------- Do. Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do ------- 87 -------- 4 406 |------- DO. Do ------------ 1 -------------|----- do ------- 300 -------- 4; 449 12 DO Do ------------ * !-------------|----- do ------- 175 -------- 6 380 l------- DO a Estimated. b Calculated. Location, and COSt of artesian wells in Southern Teacas. Casing. Cost per Cost An- foot. Cost - per nual Esti- Cost, 1 |gºal Area|mated per | jºsſ'. Location. Di- Tº: sººn irri- irri- acre wºlis *: - Length.|ame-ſºº. 9. H. gated. gable irri: mated * ter. ing. ing. lite. area. gated. to irri- ga- gate. ted Feet Im. Acres. 4cres Ineż ------------- 800 | 13 ----------------------|------------------------------|--------|------ O----------- 390 9 ------|------|----------|-------------------------------------------- Do----------- 210 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Do----------- 515 5 ------------------------------------- * * * - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - Do----------- 365 ? ------|----------------|--------------- * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - Port Lavaca ----|----------|------|------|------ $6,300.00 ($101.50 |-------|-------|--------|--------|------ Do-----------|----------------|------------ 6,650.00 38.45 ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do--------------------------------------- 11,000.00 63.65 |-------|-------|--------|--------|------ Do-----------|---------------------------- 6,300.00 | 180,00 ------- * * * * * - - - - - - - * * * * : * * * * * * * * : - - - - - - Victoria-------------------|------------------|----------------------------------------|---`-----|------ San Antonio ---- 854 10 $4.20 ($1.30 5,394.00 7.72 35.0 ------- $154.00 $269.70 |$19.48 O----------- 650 2.50 | 1.00 | 3,250.00 --------|-------|-------|--------|--------|------ Do----------- 650 | 12 5.30 | 1.70 || 5,770.00 1.38 ------------------------------------ Do---------------------------------------|------------------ 18, 5 100 ----------------|------ Do-----------|----------|------|------------ 10,000.00 8.78 180.0 500 55, 56 6 Do----------- 1,500 6 2.50 75 4,875.00 6.10 50.0 90 97. 54.17 | 11.7 . Do-----------|---------- 6 ------------ 4,000.00 00 50, 0 ------- 80.00 -------- Do--------------------- | 6 || 2.50 75 3,900.00 13.00 0 30 156.00 || 130 19.72 O-----------|---------- 4+ ------|------ 3,500,00 17.50 21.0 ||------- 166.67 -------- 20, 00 Santa Gertrudas!----------|------ 1.00 ------ 995.00 * !------------------------------------ L Do----------------- 200 5; 1.00 ſis fi - * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * : * * * * * * * : - - - - * * * * : * * * * * * * * i - - - - - - 8|981'8---------- * - Fº Do----------- 500 4} }1 00 |{ {, }1,176.00 4.70 -------|-------|--------|--------|----- - Do----------- 371 6$ .00 Do----------- 5\};}1.00 78 |}1,475.00 8.20 ------------------------------|------ Do----------- 60 4+ 504 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Location and cost of artesian wells in sowthern Teacas—Continued. . Casing. Cººper cost An. foot. Cost Esti- | Cost peº |nuº! T É., | Area mated per |...}}}...] gºt Location. e | | Total gallon | . ." §e wellis per Length.|...] Bor: gas | * | #. gººd gaie º lºal: *“|º. ing. ing. ute. area. gated. toirri-| ga- gate. ted. Feet, In . Acres.| Acres Lapara.---------- 340 6; $1.00 -- Do----------- 385 5;}$1.00|{ .78|}$1,418.00; $5.46 |-------|-------|--------|--------|------ Do----------- 60 4+ .64 Do ---------- 411 6# 1.00 Do ---------- 225 5;}} 1.00; .78|} 1,388.00 5.76 ------ - I - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - I - * ~ * * *s Do ---------- 160 4+ . 64 Do ---------- 60 | 6; 1. ()0 Do ---------- 460 | 5;} 1,008 . T8|} 1,251.00. 4.08 |-------|-------|--------|--------|------ Do ---------- 180 4+ .64 Do ---------- 425 6& 1.00 Do ---------- 247 5;} 1.008 . T8|} 1,555.00) 5, 18 |-------|-------|--------|-------. ------ Do ---------- 248 4+ . 64 Do ---------- 560 5; .78 - - Do ---------- 700 4{T} 1. 10R .64|} 1,561.00 7.37 -------|-------|--------|-------------- Kaºis: #| # : 8, UDiél'IIlò - - - - - - 3. * * #3 … §| # 1.00 #: 22.60 |------- * gº sº º º mº m i º ºn ºn ºn tº º ºs ºn sº º ºs º wºm º ºs ºg º sº tº º gº º O ---------- + tº * tº El sº * * * * * * * * * * ; ; 1.00 .# 1,857.00 22.60 -------|-------|--------|--------|------ Sauz --------- 3. .78 Py #: * * * * * * * * * *m. sº #} 1.60 º 27.36 -------|-------|---------------------- O ---------- Eliºt, 5 ... 7 rº #. & tº º ºs º nº º sº ºm m. º § 㺠1. 30 1.É. 2, 000,00; 11. ſt -------|-------|-- * = - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O ---------- 8, I’ § g B. :::::::::: ###| # }* .# 1,900.00 5.60 -------|-------|--------|-------------- O ---------- Il $ & * cºś sº | # } 1.20% : 1,655,00--------|-------|-------|--------|-------------- arrizo SprlingS- I’t. # ------ e Do -------* Sº #|: .67|ſ---------|-------- 23.5 50 l--------|--------|------ Do ---------- 48 || 5; 1.67 .78 1,107.00 5.77 50.0 50 $22.14 $22.14 $2.66 Do ---------- (a) 10 f i. 60h "...If 666.06| 5.56 30.0 -------|----------------|------ Do ---------- 90 5; {}}} .85% 663.60 × 5i } 48.0 60 || 31.90 22.14 || 3.82 Do ---------- 60 53 | 1.00 .81; 429.00 2.85 || 35.0 |------- 12.30 -------- 1. 48 Do ---------- 86 || 6 | 1.00 .90 Do ---------- 20 || 6 | 1.00 .90}} 1,312.00 3.97 || 100.0 200 | 13.12 6.51 | 1.57 Do ---------- 6 | 1.00 , 90 Do -------------------------- 1.10|------ 600.00. 15.00 7.0 - - - - - - - 85.71 ||-------- 10, 28 Do ---------- 55 43 | 1.00 .69 403.00. 26.85 } 30 30, 73 #. * * * gº º º mº me ºn as ; º #; .# 518.00. 20.70 |ſ------| “” -------- * * * | * as sº sº sº a O ---------- º g * Do ---------- 90 | 12 ||------ gº! 926.00 8.95 |400.0|-------|--------|--------|----- Do ----------|----------------|------|----------------|-------- 27.0 ---------------|--------|------ Do ---------- 35 | 10 ||------ 1.56]------------------ 88.0 -------|-------- sº º ºr sº wº º ºs º * * * * * * Do ----------|----------|------|------------|------------------ 12.0 -------|--------|-------------- Do ----------|---------------- * * * * m * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 28.0 20 --------|--------|------ Do ----------|----------------|------4------|------------------ 10.0 -----------------------|------ Do --------------------|------ {}}|...] §§ ##} 12.0|------- 64.00 |--------| 7.68 Do --------------------|------ 1. 101------ 1,200.00; 15. 30.0 30 | 40.00 40.00 || 4, 80 Do ----------|----------|------|------|------|----------|-------- 20.0 ---------------|--------|------ Do ----------|----------|------------|------|------------------ 15.0 15 --------|--------|------ Do ---------- 165 || 4 | 1.00 . 60 548.00) 1.83 || 48.0 -------| 11.41 ||--------| 1.37 Do ----------|----------------|------|------|----------|-------- 100.0 -------|--------|--------|------ a To first water stratum. IRRIGATION IN SOUTHERN TEXAS. 505 Location and description of pumped wells used for irrigation in southern Teacas. £g g bſ) : * | ## 3; #|## B. §§ *s 3. q} ; * r: 8 bº) Location. ‘8 # Kind of well. B. 3 : § # Water strata. # gº § | # # | 3 ||3: 3 : 5 ro p ‘5 .c. #3 à |# # | 3 | | | # |## .3r: *: .S § #3 24 Q £d > Ú2 Q Q Gals.perigals.per Feet St. minº; 7minute. # * Fº: Sand and - - rainer -----| 600 --------- nd and gravel. Victoria --------- 2 { 24 H----- do -------- 500 --------- 90 36 Do. Do ----------- 1 ---------------------- 70 --------------- 115 54 | Sand. Do ----------- 1 5 !----------------|------------------ 11; 230 25 DO. a 300 l.-------- 8 Inez-------------- 3 38 ---------------- a 150 --------- 8 } 270 17 Do. a 300 --------- 8 San Antonio ----- ? ------ Open bottom- 80 --------- 8 { # -: Limºjock Do ----------- 1 ----------------------|--------- 600 ------ 1, 76 Do. Do ----------- 2 |------ Openbottom: ; } - - - - - - - - 6 { § # B. Do ----------- 1 45 |----- do ----------------- 2,417 | 12 | 1,005 2 DO. Do ----------- 1 31 -----do --------|--------- 433 6 980 2 Do. Beeville ---------- 1 35 ----- do-------- 45 --------------- 100 65 | Porous rock. Do ----------- 1 ----------- do ----------------- 37 51%. 175 40 Do ----------- 1 (b) |----- do-------------------------- 5*------------- Do ----------- 1 ----------- do --------|------------------ 6+ 90 |------ Do ----------- 1 ----------- do ----------------- 30 6 . 60 35 ; Gravel. Do ----------- 1 ----------- do-------- 28 --------- 5fs 59 24 Sand. Do ----------- 1 ----------- do ----------------- 28 6 160 44 Do ----------- 1 ----------- do --------|--------- 11 100 45 Do ----------- 1 ------ Pug ----------|---------|--------- c 72 80 ------ Do ----------- 1 ------ Open bottom-|--------- 5 5* 93 50 Do ----------- 1 64 |----- do----------------- 234 6; 225 40 | Sand. Uvalde----------- 3 (d) ||----- do -------- 1,000 --------- 6 100 33 Gravel. Moore------------ 2 | 20 !-----do -------- { }}-------. 5# 100 35 | Sand rock. Pearsall --------- 1 ------|----- do-------- 60 --------- 5; 100 45 DO. Do ----------- ? ----------- do --------|-- 125 --------- 6 |{ }; } 38 DO. Do ----------- 1 ----------- do -------- 45 --------- gº # ; #. O. Do ----------- ? ------|----- do -------- 110 !--------- { 64 201 || 46 Derby------------ ? ---------------------- 120 --------- {1} } 200 40 Do. Devine ----------- 1 ------|---------------- 46 --------- 6 110 !------ a Estimated. b Six inches per gallon per minute. c Square d Slightly. 506 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. * Location and COSt of pumped wells used for irrigation in Southern Teayas. º Cost per C tº - Cost aSling foot. Cost º per | Time * Esti- || Cost * Total ºn Area ºd per wiis quºted Location. Dºle, loss |*|* :alji, ºf wº - Bor- gas- * ... [gated. gable irrl- ** Length *...*|ing. |ing. º area. gated. tº *:::: gate. Feet, Im. Acres. Acres, FIowºrs Victoria ------------------------|--------------------------- 20.0 -------|---------------- Po-------------|--------------|--------------------|-------- 50.0 ---------------|-------- tº º sº. * sº tº mº º 1194---------------|--------|------|------|------|--------|-------- 200,0 200 --------|--------|-------- San Antonio ------ 500 8 $3.25 $1.00 $2,815 $35,20 |-------|-------|--------|--------|-------- Po-------------|--------------|---------------------------- 86.0 -------|--------|---------------- Do------------- { }| # 3.30 (#|} 4,500 | 1.86 |350,0|....... $12.86 ||--------|-------- DQ------------- 97() 6 2.01 | .75 2,700 6, 22 120, 0 200 22.50 $13.50 ||-------- Beeville ----------- 175 5* .50 | . 60 193 5.20 20.0 |------- 9.65 ---------------- Do------------- 40 6} | .50 .80 77 |-------- 10.0 |------- 7.70 --------|-------- Do------------- 60 6 . 50 | . 75 75 2.50 7.0 |------- 10.71 --------|-------- Do------------- 53 || 5* .55 ! .60 | 64 2.29 |-------|-------|--------|--------|-------- Po-------------|--------|------|------|------|--------|-------- 4.0 -------|--------|---------------- Pºº------------|---is---|-----|------ 70 14.00 -------|-------|--------|--------|-------- Uvalde------------ { # º } * * * * * r * * *wo* I ºm m = * * si is* º ºs ºs = * * * * = gº sº as sº = * * * * * * * : * * * *m sº sº sº º sº * * * * * * * § * e e Moore------------- { #| #|}.50 |{:}}| #| ##|} 9.0|------- 18.00 l--------|-------- Pearsall-----------|----- 12 || || 6 : 75` § . 87 4.0 ------- 12.25 ---------------- - e , ſo Do------------- { #| | | #| #| #|} 1.00 6.0|....... 20.83 --------|-------- Do------------- 216 5* .50 | . .60 250 5. 55 8.5 ------- 29.40 --------|-------- Do------------- { }| || $|*}| ſº | 1.79 23.0 ------- 8.61 ---------------- a Feet square. Investment per acre irrigated by pumping plants in Southern Teacas. Cost Of Investment per acre. pºis Total invest- Area, irri- s jº ment. * | * | total Steam: Acres. Wood -------------------------- $109,940.00 || $119,125.00 9,790. 5 $11.21 $12.18 Coal---------------------------- 16,800.00 30,500. CO 855. 19.67 35. 70 Oil ----------------------------- 85,300.00 85,300.00 5,100.0 16. 72 16. 72 Total------------------------- 212,040.00 234,925.00 15,745.5 13.47 14.92 Electricity------------------------- 3,000.00 3,000.00 400.0 7.50 7.50 Gasoline --------------------------- 18,290.00 31,530.00 483.5 37.90 65.20. Total------------------------- 233,330.00 269,455.00 16,629.0 14.00 16, 20 'Investment per water horsepower pumping plants in southern Teacas. Investment per water f 99*9t. Total invest.] water horsepower. pumping lant. ment. horsepower. Pumping p .# Total. Steam: - Wood -------------------------- $117,690.00 $126,875.00 807. 70 $146.00 $157.00 Coal---------------------------- 18,800.00 32,500.00 206.36 91.00 158.00 Oil ----------------------------- 85,300.00 85,300.00 1,034.00 83.00 83.00 Total------------------------- 221,790.00 244,675.00 2,048.06 108.00 119.00 Electricity------------------------- 3,000.00 3,000.00 52. 30 57.00 57.00 Gasoline --------------------------- 21,455.00 35,815.00 56. 12 382.00 638, 00 Total------------------------- 246,245.00 283,490.00 2,156.48 114.00 132.00 #81. ‘3 || 009 3#9 26), ‘I 00!,"90I | 0'00; KūIOI?HALOGITGI 39; ‘g | #58 ‘g 93 939 “I 030'8& 0 “TT3 0.13 012 ---------- 09 §II 0 '93 ,993 gig ---------- 93 #98. I 0 °9 093 19L ---------- 80I 93; "I 0 '6 99T 031 ---------- !ºk, 0 °09 #8 |---------- 0.9.I 0 '81. 93.9 #0} ---------- &I f{Q.I 0 '8T #g I---------- 00I 063 ‘I 0 '9 OII 00I ---------- 0I 88 0 1. 99T ---------- 033°I 0'03 $ 011 ||---------- 09 090 “I 0 °8 SS; ‘I | 0g I ‘I 89 Q:S3 08), ‘9 0 '98 * * * * * * * * * * 963 (86.4 0'09 I63 16I ---------- #6 Ożg "I 0 03 ‘GINITOSW3) 1,16'98 || 090'ſ.I Igg'3 963'9I 00; ‘83; ‘I 0'00I 'g 1683, Q93.3 §3. 9%, Qºţ.8%I. Q003. 380°33 008'3I 8.83 °3 000°9'I 000'013 "I 0'009'8 ‘’IIO #31 ‘6 || 366"; 650 “I 889'g g30°gg3 || 0 'gg3 6#6 818 TT 03I 028 ‘I 0 °03 Off #I 3II gº 0 '93 §Ik. 8ſ. 93 0.13 (80.1 () "Of 93.8 963. I 999 969"I QºI Q.0% I & 863 !03. Q0.39 0'003 9I9 °3 || Of I ‘I 86 I 813 "I ()09'99 0 0&I "TWOO Of I ‘LI #39'6 g[8‘I I08°g #99'6% g'93; ‘I ### £13 93 Af 333.I 0 g L 1.3% 993 6I 3# gū.g 0'00ſ #8; Off g|I 63 OI6'3 0 ‘IOI 93.3 86I 8 03 999 0 °g|I 309, 0.3% 63.I QºI'9 0 'Oy MI9. "I 088 OIL A38 Q08.98 0'033 Ił9. 3I9 16 QIkº 0 “ºf L 9.6.8 |Q13, ggg'g 008:19L | 0:009 809 "I | Ogg “I 8 09 g80 "I 0 '8 993, §3. 3 #I %9. g"; 919 '9 000"? I89 #66 “I Q03.393 |0.0% 903 99T 93 AI 981, "I 0 '93 4 2.88% 9I6 ‘OI £6.9% £83"6 g89“LI3 0'09; ‘I. OLI'gī | 003'L 0.93% 03. ‘8 0000gſ , 0.000°9 196, I08 003 9996 . M.I "I T08 003 919 933. 0 003 8/I*T || 3:03 003 919 Q396 9%, 003 10I Q98. 0 ‘j9 1933 |008 989 891. Q.90I | Q.9% 683. I | 83!, 8T3 §3. Q003: 0 098 §3.3, 1819 939 000. I 0000&I 0.038 888 ‘I$ | 0giš gºz “T3 || 000'09 0'08T ‘82.lop” * * "Señ.16119 . g "S.I.1.10 Iºjo.J., pøX}{ Joqar I - [911,8. : "peºpæ -1949A -I.L.I] ge.IV ‘sesùedxe [anuuv. Iºnuuv. "CIOOAA ‘lanſ ſo spuyº! 1"taua ſpp. 6v18m ‘424001 Guydund 10 828wada’a 10m www. /09 *SWXGLJ, Nºſºſ Hūſ). OS NI NOILW 91.318(I 3 ºš, "º. 3...?"º sº-T, 3. ; **- As. #### tº: *::: jºr's *, * : #4. 3. .* ..º.º. # , # tº , 3 3. . . . # ,- 2 * * * #3 . “$$...; sº ** ‘e- * * - ** * * + -** § * jº Ż-š %; 3. #: : ~...” £, 3. * * *...* * {3 ~& f i., § *} 3 3 * º 4 ºr * .* 3 , , zºº ** ~s ** º ***** * *; ; - ~. º & 3 * * *%, ,” %, % 3% ~3. ~~ * * * *...? * --> * * * *- .*.* .* j- Jº- .* sº # * **- ** aſſ, # *ś, ź. # & ". # * * * , ſº, º, ** * * > . * * 3, } - * .** * .* • 2 - ... * *-** º º: º *. ~ : { 3. * f , * * ~ * , , , - * *- * Ç. " 㺠f 7. 7 * * 3: *: * 3 $ y y ºf...,3,...º.º. * $ #4. " # * . Jº" r ;" * * iº ** Tº 㺠, & • ? ‘. -- * * *’ .* ; Tr f +- . . ; : 23.4% sº “, * * ~ *... , º, . 2. . . . . g- # º dº & ...A *_k: “...' *, * , * , #. 4 ~ * 7 * jºr { r # . . . * • *; jº. # f * '...} $º *** * * * # * ~. > * -: 4%-"...” ‘’s * ** * »” ... * * *. rº- .* * ^- £3. 3.- : * * . { . . * A > #,é. $ K. * .* •t sº - *# , º, º sº" * * 1. - sº ... ." º ...” A z * +- y?" ,-- - º; : * ~ * Z. * - º r * * - * <> * -> > 3.x 2^.” UBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON * ...+. f •x -º * 3. #'." * a A * • A *: º * * ** ...x: « w” *. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. . : A'. - * * * A 2. ... *~~ A A t z wº Rs. ~5. º }, ... , 53. * * & * ... Note:-Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are not available for distribution. ... * xº~ ..., z º.º.Bul, 36. Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. Pp. 64. .." 3: ... Bul, 58. Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries. Pp. 80. v. Bul. 60. Abstract of Laws for Acquiring"Titles to Water from the Missouri River t; " * -. and its Tributaries, with the Legal Forms in Use. Pp. 77. .*.*.*. Bul, 70. Water-right Problems of Bear River. Pp. 40. * * *- * * * * '...' *Bul. 73. Irrigation in the Rocky Mountain States. Pp. 64. Bul. 81. The Use of Water in Irrigation in Wyoming. Pp. 56. * . Bul. .86. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 253. – ... Bul. 87. Irrigation in New Jersey. Pp. 40. …', Bul. 90. Irrigation in Hawaii. Pp. 48. * "* ... Bull, 92. The Reservoir System of the Cache la Poudre Valley. Pp. 48. Bul. 96. Irrigation Laws of the Northwest Territories of Canada and of Wyoming. S / . . . Pp. 90. f 2. - Bul. 100. Report of Irrigation Investigations in California. Pp. 411. Bül. 104. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 334. ~ * *Bul. 105. Irrigation in the United States. Pp. 47. , , Bul. 108. Irrigation Practice among Fruit Growers on the Pacific Coast. Pp. 54. Bul. 113. Irrigation of Rice in the United States. Pp. 77. Bul. 118, Irrigation from Big Thompson River. Pp. 75. Bul. 119. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901. Pp. 401. K Bul. 124. Report of Irrigation Investigations in Utah. Pp. 330. . . . Bul. 130. Egyptian Irrigation. Pp. 100. Bul. 131. Plans of Structures in Use on Irrigation Canals in the United States. Pp. * . ~ * 51. • Bul. 133. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1902. Pp. 266. , , Bul. 134. Storage of Water on Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers. Pp. 100. Bul. 140. Acquirement of Water Rights in the Arkansas Valley, Colorado. Pp. 83. . . . . Bül. 144. Irrigation in Northern Italy. Part I. Pp. 100. y - Bul. 145. Preparing Land for Irrigation and Methods of Applying Water. Pp. 84. Bul. 146. Current Wheels: Their Use in Lifting Water for Irrigation. Pp. 38. ... : Bul. 147. Report on Drainage Investigations, 1903. Pp. 62. 4. t Bul. 148. Report on Irrigation Investigations in Humid Sections of the United States J. . . in 1903. Pp. 45. * .. Bul. 157; Water Rights on Interstate Streams. Pp. 116. tº } ...” w. * *- ~~ * *. * *. ºw, * ** ~ *. * \, 2 • { * x * FARMERS’ BULLETINs. ... Bul, 46. i. in Humid Climates. Pp. 27. Bul. 116. Irrigation in Fruit Growing. Pp. 48. ... Bul. 138. Irrigation in Field and Garden. Pp. 40. - ... Bul: 158. How to Build Small Irrigation Ditches. Pp. 28. “” Bul, 187. Drainage of Farm Lands. Pp. 40. +- * → f * > * ... --> ** y III C ^* & **- - * , ” wº ..". *: -- *. “. * } ^ * t * *... wr r }~ tº ** *- 4. 2-- Yº. ** ~ * \, : /* 2 * * w$v. [. * * * ** t tº: * * * * * ~f %. ..?' " *. * * , * t" ...v. * t • * Af * * # - • t ** * ~, *, *, *, * } y. , sº *. * * A. - >, < A * x * }. *. 3. * • * % 2 -* * * ** * * * *, < * ... * & y -e. * y * , *~ *- *r x ~x, Jr. * , ~ * * g Ar * *- * ~, - ? - ºr * ^- t *r .* > * ** • ‘ *** 1. 3.x. ' * + x * *. A :- * 3: Jº ^- *.* ***, -- -f * * * * fº * * 3. ** * { *r ºf . . . * * ** * *, *%. & ‘w .33. - * "... • •-ºr -, * * * * * . 4:k." *; *}, “... \ſ?ſae; *§§ &#%$§$% 3, șigº:,:;&ſºkſø%? º.*;; * * . „ţ”; }y & ***ą. W* „. “, ”%{ ae;*�*&* • g •ș. §§≡ſae**£și3%|×* : » º„ “ ”,} +'Ç , ‘;"• ** ,# {+ &|-!”}, 3,~);* );§„* * * *,,,,,,, º&�ș ،## y„º • ×< {�? *#§.ø-·Ë #*y§§§};***\,,* «¿X„ x * #1%,}× ș4 §§¿?º.ſ.fi��º → · §§ 13$ zºš; * *,:æ· * �^;ſae.sº%>*;{* -,%\ , *** • * *�X.*… * ģ§.§§± &*):§. ***|**ș****\ º.ſ.- * *,…,~¿ț¢… a&ś.», «ºſ' ';.ae. *};{{ §§§***§§§§),*** 3. {"?“)į. &}ſą ¿#*)*)*,,!\,§ſ.^ * },%}*„ “,• , !|×|! * ?,&& … ?ț &`a^ < ). , ' x• ,}Ņ�! }»! ș· *�#**,--;-* * %» º ź. *Bul.105. Irrigation in the United States. Pp. 47. §. Builios irrigation Practice among Fruit Growers on the Pacific coast. Pp. 34. $3:…º.º. : , . •r º & - p-y £ººl. 113. Irrigation of Rice in the United States. Pp. 77. § *:: * 3. . * Y- •w *...* * º º - *-y sº. *Bgi, 118. Irrigation from Big Thompson River. Pp. 75. * ‘Ks X. *...*** *** * sº tº *::::::::Bui. 119. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901. Pp. 401. §º Buł. 124. Report of Irrigation Investigations in Utah. Pp. 330. & 3.3" . *. g tº a tº †: Bul. 130.-Egyptian Irrigation. Pp. 100. K ... º.º.But 131. Plans of Structures in Use on Irrigation Canals in the United States. Pp. # ... *:: - :- > 51. “y. **. ~ra. a ...< * * * & #... . . I. _*** > . Ul & ** "S *::: *-*…* ..º. *A 133. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1902. Pp. 266. & 3. ABul: 134. Storage of Water on Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers. Pp. 100. §§- Bul. 140. Acquirement of Water Rights in the Arkansas Valley, Colorado. Pp. 83. º Bul. 144. Irrigation in Northern Italy. Part I. Pp. 100. *:::::...But ſºft. Preparing Land for Irrigation and Methods of Applying Water. Pp. 84. Bul, 146. Current Wheels: Their Use in Lifting Water for Irrigation. Pp. 38. * - Bul, 147. Report on Drainage Investigations, 1903. Pp. 62. ſº Bul. 148. Report on Irrigation Investigations in Humid Sections of the United States * -- . . in 1903. Pp. 45. ul. 157. ~4 *. º B Water Rights on Interstate Streams. Pp. 116. 3.3 * *. FARMERS’ BULLETINs. - : .*. … §: l tº $ º º * :::::::: *Bul., 46. Irrigation in Humid Climates. Pp. 27. * ºf: zº. **. w t º e * ‘. . ‘s:Hul. 116. Irrigation in Fruit Growing. Pp. 48. § 3 ; Bul. 138. Irrigation in Field and Garden. Pp. 40. *- ^- * *~ §. .., Bul, 158, How to Build Small Irrigation Ditches. Pp. 28. *: Bul. 187. Drainage of Farm Lands. Pp. 40. ~~ *- III C ^. 3. ar -- - -- º ~, w - * -* - *~~ “, - --- ^- - S iſ ** x- * tº ~ as “” * ~ * +- ‘. * -- 3. : . & ** *- § §§ CATIONS-OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON. ºf º-, - IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. * 2^ - *śāº... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . - * r *** * * #Ngrº-publicatiºns marked with an asterisk (*) are not available for distribution. § º, . “ ğ t"...º.º.º.º. i’: " :”,”Yº..." º §§ * º:*, *. #º: **...* : *::::::::::: - * ** s ºf ~ : ºrror or Experiwest stations . ... A. C. TRUE, Director. - - - . . . . ANNUAL REPORT OF - - - §: . . . . . . . ºf RRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF * . . . ELWOOD MEAD, - SEPARATE No. 9. * . - - * . 3EPORT of DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. . . . By C. G. ELLIoTT, Engineer in Charge of Drainage Investigations. s •. Reprint from Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin No. 158.] ... - §§ - - WASHINGTON: . . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. ; * ãº, º, . . . . . 1905. * *….. - . . . ." ºš: , , 3. - - : Å . ** º & . § +. s: & 3. >. 3 * - *2:3. - t ** º, - - ~ .* -- º: ...º. , a . -- - ‘. . -- ** 3: * , ," - *. - - - * * -*. 3: : # --~~ *- -- - **"...º. •- . . . . . . - g ...' ... ** * * * * - s', sº -> *.* - * ... * *- ** SEPARATES FROM OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS BULLETIN N0. 158. * # SEPARATE No. 1. Review of the Irrigation Work of the Year 1904. By R. P. Teele. Pp. 1-75. º SEPARATE No. 2. Irrigation in Santa Clara Valley, California. By S. Fortier. Pp. 76–91. * Mechanical Tests of Pumping Plants used for Irrigation. By J. N. Le Conte. Pp. 195—255. SEPARATE No. 3. The Distribution and Use of Water in Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts, Cal- ifornia. By Frank Adams. Pp. 93-139. Relation of Irrigation to Yield, Size, Quality, and Commercial Suitability of Fruits. By E. J. Wickson. Pp. 141–174. Irrigation Conditions in Imperial Valley, California. By J. E. Roadhouse. Pp. 175–194. SEPARATE No. 4. Irrigation in Klamath County, Oregon. By F. L. Kent. Pp. 257–266. Irrigation Investigations in the Yakima Valley, Washington, 1904. By O. L. Waller. Pp. 267–278. Irrigation Conditions in Raft River Water District, Idaho, 1904. By W. F. Bartlett. Pp 279–302. * * SEPARATE No. 5. Irrigation Investigations at New Mexico Experiment Station, Mesilla Park, 1904. By J. J. Vernon. Pp. 303–317. * Irrigation Investigations in Western Texas. By Harvey Culbertson. Pp. 319-340. Pumping Plants in Texas. By C. E. Taiu. Pp. 341–346. * **, SEPARATE No. 6. * .A. * Irrigation in Southern Texas. By Aug. J. Bowie, jr. Pp. 347–507. SEPARATE No. 7. Rice Irrigation in Louisiana and Texas in 1903 and 1904. By W. B. Gregory. Pp. , 509–544. r Rice Irrigation on the Prairie Land of Arkansas. By C. E. Tait. Pp. 545–565. SEPARATE No. 8. as” Irrigation Experiments at Fort Hays, Kansas, 1903 and 1904. By J. G. Haney: Pp. 567–583. Irrigation near Garden City, Kansas. 1904. By A. B. Collins and A. E. Wright. Pp. 585–594. w **. Pumping Plants in Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas. By O. V. P. Stout. Pp. 595– ,608. Irrigation near Rockyford, Colorado, 1904. By A. E. Wright. Pp. 609–623. The Irrigation and Drainage of Cranberry Marshes in Wisconsin. By A. R. Whitson. Pp. 625–642. - SEPARATE No. 9. Report of Drainage Investigations, 1904. By C. G. Elliott. Pp. 643-743. II C A- * * ... x', ; * a c. •rd, ** *** •42 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, 4s. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, A. C. TRUE, DIRECTOR. ANNUAL REPORT OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ELWOOD MEAD, CHIEF OF IRRIGATION AND DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. SEPARATE NO. 9: REPORT OF DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. By C. G. ELLIOTT, Engineer in Charge of Drainage Investigations. [Reprint from Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin No. 158.] WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. A. C. TRUE, Ph. D., Director. IE. W. ALLEN, Ph. D., Assistant Director. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. ELwooD MEAD, Chief. C.G. ELLIOTT, in Charge of Drainage Investigations. S. M. WooDward, in Charge of Irrigation Investigations. R. P. TEELE, Ezpert in Irrigation Institutions. C. J. ZINTHEO, in Charge of Farm Mechanics. SAMUEL FoRTIER, in Charge of Pacific District. F. C. HERRMANN, Eapert in Irrigation as Related to Dry Farming. II * & 4 0-0 + - 43- CO N T E N T S. Page. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------- 643 Ground-water records ---------------------------------------------------- 645 Drainage in Utah -------------------------------------------------------- 652 Cleaning dredged drainage ditches ---------------------------------------- 656 Construction and maintenance of large ditches through sandy lands- - - - - - - - - - 657 Plans for the drainage of the bottom lands of the Missouri River in South Dakota ---------------------------------------------------------------- 658 Survey -------------------------------------------------------------- 659 Topography---------------------------------------------------------- 661 Sources of Water------------------------------------------------------ 661 Plan of drainage ----------------------------------------------------- 663 Size of ditches --------------------------------------------------- 663 Estimate of cost-------------------------------------------- ------ 664 Effect of river backwater---------------------------------------------- 665 Cooperation of two counties required ---------------------------------- 665 Drainage laws-------------------------------------------------------- 666 Suggestions as to organization ----------------------------------------- 666 Reclamation of overflowed lands ------------------------------------------ 667 Illinois River -------------------------------------------------------- 668 Pekin-Lamarsh levee and drainage district ------------------------- 669 Lacey levee and drainage district ---------------------------------- 670 Coal Creek levee and drainage district ----------------------------- 672 Individual farms protected by levees ------------------------------ 674 Wabash River-------------------------------------------------------- 675 Mississippi River----------------------------------------------------- 676 Meredocia flat---------------------------------------------------- 677 Muscatine Island------------------------------------------------- 678 Muscatine Island irrigation------------------------------------ 679 Flint Creek-Iowa River levee-------------------------------------- 680 Warsaw-Quincy levee -------------------------------------------- 682 Sny Island levee ------------------------------------------------- 684 Levee construction --------------------------------------------------- 691 Levee maintenance--------------------------------------------------- 696 Levee failures-------------------------------------------------------- 700 Drainage ------------------------------------------------------------ 703 Value of overflowed lands--------------------------------------------- 713 Florida Everglades ------------------------------------------------------- 714 Wisconsin marsh lands --------------------------------------------------- 718 Hillside erosion of farm lands --------------------------------------------- 728 Indiana tile drainage ----------------------------------------------------- 731 Madison County------------------------------------------------------ 731 Ellsworth farm--------------------------------------------------- 732 Lukin, Thomas, Matthews, Corey, and Davis farms- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 734 Miami County-------------------------------------------------------- 738 Howard County------------------------------------------------------ 738 Tipton County ------------------------------------------------------- 741 Comments ----------------------------------------------------------- 74.1 I L L U S T R AT I O N S. PLATES. PLATE IX. Map of Missouri River Valley, Yankton and Clay counties, S. Dak- X. Map of portion of Illinois River Valley, showing Hartwell, Roberts, and Lowenstein levees -------------------------------------- XI. Crevasse in Warsaw-Quincy levee where the embankment has been XII. Fig. 1.-Wooden outlet in Hartwell ranch levee. Fig. 2.-Outlet FIG. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 98. 99. 100. end of outflow culvert in Flint Creek-Iowa River levee, showing wooden valves. Fig. 3.−Outlet end of outflow culvert in Flint Creek-Iowa River levee, showing method of counterbalancing cast-iron Valves---------------------------------------------- TEXT FIGURES. Rise of ground water near Fresno, Cal - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------ Weekly record of fluctuation of ground water levels at Fresno, Cal - - Record of well No. 19, Sunnyside, Wash - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Record of well No. 3, Sunnyside, Wash - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Map of lower field, St. George, Utah ------------------------------ Profiles across Missouri River Valley, from river to bluff - - - - - - - - - - - Section of the old Iowa River levee, built in 1858, now a part of the Flint Creek-Iowa River System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Map of Pekin-Lamarsh levee and drainage district - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Map of Lacey levee and drainage district -------------------------- . Lacey district—change in section of levee since first constructed.----- . Map of Coal Creek levee and drainage district- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Coal Creek district . Specified Section of Sugar Creek levee------------------------------ . Specified Section of Brevoort levee -------------------------------- . Map of Meredocia levee and drainage district ---------------------- . Map of Muscatine Island levee district.----------------------------- . Map showing location of Flint Creek-Iowa River levee - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Specified section of enlarged Flint Creek-Iowa River levee ---------- . Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section on firm land which did not section of levee constructed with dipper dredge- . Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section exposed to waves, protected by riprap, has never failed-------------------------------------- Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section where slough occurred on inner slope, afterwards strengthened by banquette - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section at northern part of Zieglers Slough, sloughed in 1908 --------------------------------------- Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section at Iowa Slough, where slough- ing occurred in 1908 -------------------------------------------- Page. 660 674 702 706 647 651 651 653 662 667 669 671 671 673 673 676 676 677 679 681 681 681 681 Vi IDIUSTRATIONS. FIG. 101 . Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section at Campbell Slough, where sloughing was checked in 1903 by sand Sacks ------------------- 102. Map of Warsaw-Quincy levee ------------------------------------ 103. Hunt district levee—section where crevasse occurred - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 104. Indian Grave district levee—section where Houghton crevasse occurred ----------------------------------------------------- 105. Section across Bear Creek waterway------------------------------ 106. Map of a part of Sny Island levee and drainage district - - - - - - - - - - - - 107. Map of a part of Sny Island levee and drainage district - - - - - - - - - - - - 108. Sny levee—section across old channel known as the “cut-off,” pub- lic roadway on the crown-------------------------------------- 109. Sny levee—section near Hannibal, Mo., public roadway on the banquette ---------------------------------------------------- 110. Hunt district levee—section of new levee built to close the crevasse 111. Proposed section of levee for closing the Houghton crevasse- - - - - - - - 112. Section showing plan for improving the original Sny levee--------- 113. Section showing trace of a muskrat burrow across a levee of small section ------------------------------------------------------- 114. Section showing trace of a muskrat burrow across a levee of ample section ------------------------------------------------------- 115. Section showing formation of a boil inside of a levee- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 116. Map of break No. 1, Indian Grave district - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 117. Section across Otter Creek showing dredged channel and spoil-bank levees --------------------------------------------------- - - - - - 118. Sketch of valve for riveted-plate outflow culvert- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 119. Sketch of wooden valve for outflow culvert - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 120. Sketch of cast-iron valve for outflow culvert - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 121. Method of protecting cultivated hillsides from erosion - - - - - - - - - - - - - 122. Plan of underdrains for Georgia hillside experiment- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 123. Ellsworth farm ------------------------------------------------- 124. Lukin farm----------------------------------------------------- 125. Thomas farm --------------------------------------------------- 126. Matthews farm ------------------------------------------------- 127. Phelps farm ---------------------------------------------------- 128. George Ehrman farm-------------------------------------------- 129. Bennett farm --------------------------------------------------- Page. 682 683 683 683 684 685 686 687 687 692 692 693 697 REPORT OF DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. By C. G. ELLIOTT, Drainage Engineer. INTRODUCTION. Drainage investigations as conducted during the past year have included the consideration of questions pertaining to farm and field drainage as well as the larger projects requiring the united action of many landowners under provisions of State laws. In view of the fact that drainage is an essential factor in the productive value of farm lands, it is important that the best information upon the theory and practice of drainage for agriculture should be made available to all who desire a knowledge of this subject. Personal examina- tions of conditions, and in some cases surveys, have been made by engineers connected with this Office in order to render needed assist- ance and promote and encourage the best practice. The following outline presents the work of this Office relating to the drainage and protection of agricultural lands: The construction of the larger works in the Middle West is quite often necessary before thorough farm drainage, which is the object ultimately sought, can be successfully accomplished. The annual rainfall for a few years preceding 1902 was below the normal, while since that date it has exceeded the average and has been unevenly dis- tributed. It has been observed that the field drains put in during the Seasons of light rainfall are in many instances inadequate for the service required by reason of insufficient outlets. The years of large rainfall have taught in a most emphatic manner that more careful attention should be given to the construction and improvement of main drainage channels and to their subsequent care and maintenance. It is also found in some of the localities where drainage work was first done, and which for a term of years was satisfactory to land- owners, that better work in field construction, more complete outlets, and in some cases a general revision and reconstruction of the work done in former years are now being carried out. A study of the necessities of such localities has been made in Indiana. Coon River drainage district, Buena Vista County, Iowa, was ex- amined and plans proposed. This district includes the land at the headwaters of Coon River, 25,000 acres of which will be benefited by the proposed improvements, estimated to cost $150,000. The water from an area of 128,000 acres must be provided for by the improve- 643 644 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. ment of natural water courses in such a manner that the lower lands will not be injured by flooding. Soldier River cut-off and other improvements in Harrison County, Iowa, proposed for the protection and drainage of 33,000 acres of Missouri River bottom lands and estimated to cost $111,000, have been carefully examined and reported upon. The plans for the proposed main drainage channels for the im- provement of 43,000 acres of river-bottom lands in Burt County, Nebr., to cost $98,000, have been reviewed with the local engineers. An investigation of the best methods to be followed in the subsequent drainage of individual farms in that locality was also made and pre- sented to the landowners at a conference called for that purpose. The improvement of Nemaha River in Richardson County, Nebr., for the protection of 30,000 acres of lowland from overflow, has re- ceived a preliminary examination. The estimated cost is $205,000. Wisconsin has large areas of marsh lands, some of which have been drained and brought under cultivation. An examination of a district organized in Marathon, Portage, and Wood counties and consisting of 32,000 acres of muck and peat marsh land, the proposed drainage of which is estimated to cost $192,000, was made and some of the peculiar features reported upon quite fully. An important work is contemplated in Clay and Yankton counties, S. Dak., involving the drainage of 70,000 acres of bottom land. By special request a preliminary survey was made by this Office from which plans and estimate of cost were developed. Suggestions were offered regarding State legislation needed to enable owners to unite and execute this and other similar large drainage projects. A careful examination has been made of the methods of protecting the fertile farm lands along the bottoms of the Illinois River from Peoria to Kampsville by means of levees and of the best methods of drainage applicable to such lands. The methods used and the cost of cleaning dredge ditches and their behavior when constructed through sandy land in different locali- ties are matters which have received attention. Surveys and plans have been made for the drainage of 2,000 acres of cotton land in the Yazoo Delta, Mississippi, where an experiment station for the purpose of testing the efficiency of tile drains in the heavy soils of that locality is located. A preliminary examination of a portion of the Everglades, in Dade County, Fla., was made in conjunction with the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, with a view to draining a field for experimental purposes, and a report with the plan pro- posed for such drainage has been submitted. Investigations of a special character were made in Cache, Washing- ton, and Emery counties, Utah, where lands under irrigation have DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 645 been seriously injured by seepage water and alkali. An experiment at Hyde Park, Cache County, was begun in September, 1904, to deter- mine the most efficient plan of draining seeped lands not yet injured by alkali. This Office cooperates with the owners of the land and the State experiment station in conducting this work. Soil-water records have been kept at Hyde Park and also at Hunt- ington, in Emery County, Utah, Fresno, Cal., and Sunnyside, Wash. Investigations in Indiana have included special examinations of levees and reclaimed lands along the Wabash River and of farms in the upper Wabash Valley which have been tilo drained. The object of the latter investigation was to ascertain the ordinary drainage practice of farmers in the section mentioned. A detailed discussion of all the questions which have received atten- tion from this Office during the year is not attempted in this report. A variety of these problems has been considered, all of them impor- tant in the localities where the examinations were made, but as some are covered in their essential points by the treatment of similar ones which have received attention elsewhere, it is not thought necessary to discuss them all in detail. Some investigations are of a tentative character, the results of which will be given in a future report. The field work for this report has been done as follows: John T. Stewart prepared reports on the reclamation of overflowed lands along the Missouri River in South Dakota and along the Mississippi and Illinois rivers; Prof. W. D. Pence, of Purdue University, studied the levees along the Wabash River in Indiana and farm drainage along the upper Wabash; A. B. Collins reported on the excavation of ditches through sandy lands in Missouri. In addition, all of these agents have given advice in individual cases, where farmers have ap- plied to them for aid. GROUND-WATER RECORDS. The rise of ground water can be detected easily by the aid of test wells. The wells are used as gauges for determining the upper limit of the saturated soil, the surface of the water in them corresponding to the water line of the soil. Measurements made at any time indi- cate the relation of the water plane to the surface of the ground and a series of such measurements shows the rate of the rise of ground water, giving the data for determining the quantity of water which must be removed by drainage. The test wells at Fresno, Cal., are wooden boxes 6 inches Square and 8 feet long, placed in the ground with their tops nearly flush with the surface. The distance from the surface of the ground to the water surface in the wells has been meas- ured once and a part of the time twice each week during the irrigat- ing season. The records of these wells for the season form an in- structive study and should be considered in connection with those secured last year. 646 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. *I'8O ‘OUISQIJI I BØUI 19ņēAA puno I3 JO 9sĻI 3ūļAAOqs uue JºețCI–*$/, ‘Ê’IJI --→====== ( (_)~~~~•======= (№ ?augºyw??yw?ywſ/?«// ‘yw?O -----r--r----|: •!092 TT~~~~~~------r--r----...sr=− {∞į /92 ºžēgš------):• Lºſ^Î~~~,:; _!~~~~){;29? ~~):tº LP:t~~- £927 (T ! L; 2.7 XF § aſ O//ē/12/37 The basis used for the estimate of the quantity of water which |W DZ7-~`s, <~~~);•9,92 *、、|-* Žž77āzzzzzz!* —~·992 ) Ēāzē!�\ ºȘJ}} •zz>~ºzā, †)~\©*、、 ;292< (~N5\s*)(\\ ~A_)~~ L<!>À►992$ �O2|-‘O2CNT)__\,∞ 2.0////&M Ș'9'0////3/M§;?'ON //ØM~--~)*„º ÈQaeN69 №,**~QN,ŅN $ ſº ow/føM SJ\ *?>� ~ /2ā7 § © “№ O////3/M%)£N\NȚ §"? OAV //2/4è\ \222 $ ∞ç<■ SRS*N IN ºÈSN£Zº ?NN •O±22 ºà\ È Ø§@@ ºŞ should be removed from this soil is the volume of its interspace. This is found to be about 55 per cent by volume, which when filled with water produces a Saturated Soil, but when filled with air only DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 647 an arid soil. Twenty-five per cent by volume is capillary space and the water retained by it, termed “capillary water,” is required for ; 3 $ S § ; : ; plant growth. When the remaining space is filled with water the soil is saturated, this 30 per cent representing the quantity which 648 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. should be removed by drainage. A graphical representation of these conditions is shown in figure 78, and the water curves of each of the Seven Fresno wells, together with the line to which drainage should reduce the water table, are shown in figure 79. The problem which here engages our attention is to ascertain the amount of drainage water which must be handled and the method of controlling the rise of soil water which the records show takes place during the irrigating season. The average daily rise of ground water in the Fresno district from March 17 to June 2, when the ground water began to fall, and the fall from June 2 to September 1 are shown in the following tables: Fluctuation of water table at Fresno, Cal., March 17 to June 2, 1904. Well No. 1: Total rise Average daily rise * = * * me as mº m 'm º ºs m. sº * * * * * * m ms sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ſº daily rise Well NO. 3: Total rise º Average daily rise "Well No. 4; Total rise g Average daily rise Well NO. 5: Total rise ----------------------------------------------------------- Average daily rise Well No. 6: Total rise * Average daily rise Well No. 7: Total rise e i Average daily rise * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a = s. sº a m = ** = * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = & - º º ºs = º ºr * * * *-* - m = ** - * * sº sº ºr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = - amº m am m as * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *m, ºr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * s = * * * * * = * * * * * = * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = ** = * * * = * * * * * * m sº mº m 'm º ºs ºr sº lºs as sº m 'm as as as * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Average daily rise º 30 per cent average daily rise to be removed by drainage * * * * * * * * * * = Mar. 17 *}. 3 to May 5 to to Apr. 3 ay 5 June 2 (17 days). (32days). (28 days). Inches. | Inches. | Inches. 12.0 11.0 4.25 .705 . 152 11.0 5.0 5.50 . 647 . 156 , 196 11.50 2.50 7.0 .676 .078 .25 11. 75 10. 75 .00 . 691 .335 .00 12.0 9.50 1.50 . 705 .297 .037 34.50 12.75 a 1.50 2.029 . 398 a .037 6.50 12.50 6.50 . 382 | T .291 . 233 . 832 . 271 . 113 . 249 .081 .034 a Fall. Fluctuation of water table at Fresno, Cal., from June 2 to September 1, 1904. June 2 July 7 || Aug. 4 to July 7 to Aug. 4|to Sept. 1 (35days). (28days).|(26days). Well No. 1: Inches. | Inches. Inches. Total fall------------------------------------------------------------ 1. 75 8.50 13.0 Average daily fall-------------------------------------------------- .033 .305 . 50 Well NO. 2: Total fall------------------------------------------------------------ 19.50 ----------|---------- Average daily fall-------------------------------------------------- -556 -------------------- "Well NO. 3: Total fall------------------------------------------------------------ 20.50 ----------|---------- Average daily fall-------------------------------------------------- .585 -------------------- Well NO. 4: Total fall.-------------------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13.75 7.0 l---------. *Average daily fall-------------------------------------------------- . 393 * £º sº as w is as ºs ºr * * * Well No. 5: Total fall------------------------------------------------------------ 9.50 7.25 14.75 flººge daily fall-------------------------------------------------- . 271 , 259 . 567 Well No. 6; Total fall------------------------------------------------------------ . 75 4.75 9.75 ñº.” daily fall-------------------------------------------------- .002 . 17 .357 Well No. 7: Total fall.-------- +--------------------------------------------------- 5.0 .75 11.75 Average daily fall-e----------------------------------------------- . 143 .026 , 457 Average daily fall------------------------------------------------ .283 . 144 .267 DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 649 Water was turned into irrigation canals the first week in January and turned out the second week in September. The average daily rise, in inches, during the part of March in which water appeared in the wells was 0.832; in April, 0.271, and in May, 0.113. Deducting 25 per cent for the capillary water required leaves 30 per cent to be removed by drainage. This amounts to 0.249 inch in depth daily in March, 0.081 inch in April, and 0.034 in May. It should be observed in this connection that during a part of the time a portion of this water may be used to supply needed moisture to the Soil above the water plane, the amount depending greatly upon the kind of crops grown on the land and the frequency of its irriga- tion. This is necessarily an indeterminate amount and may in some cases be nothing. # The plans submitted in 1903 for the main drainage of this area provided for the removal of 0.098 inch in depth each day, with drains located to hold the plane of saturation at a depth of 5 feet from the surface. After the water first appears in the wells in March the rise is quite rapid, the first measurement being made when the water is below the 5-foot horizon; hence the rate of rise for the first period is greater than will be necessary to offset by drainage. The data furnished by the records of the two years indicate that the capacity of the drains proposed will be sufficient, though not greater than it will be wise to provide. The facts bearing upon the solution of this drainage problem are herein pretty clearly presented. It should be observed that though water was turned into the canals during the first week in January, water did not appear in many of the wells until March 17, but that the rise was rapid during the remainder of the month. The rate was approximately the same in all of the wells, indicating that the rise was not materially interfered with by local differences in the soil. This water represents waste from canals and from early irrigation in sufficient quantity to raise the level of the soil water to within 24 inches of the surface before it began to decline. The soil is sufficiently permeable to water to respond readily to the action of drains should they be provided, with the exception of areas where hardpan is found. This material affects the distribution of irrigation water locally, but not the general water level as it rises dur- ing the irrigation season. Drainage will not be required after June 10 of each season, as the water then begins to decline and reaches the bottom of the 8-foot wells in September. In view of these conditions it may be urged that drainage by pumping is especially practicable. A single well into which drains are discharged may be pumped and local drainage provided. Investigations thus far lead to the opinion that a well or drainage sump may be employed in this way with greater effect than was at first supposed, so that a few land- owners may, in the absence of more comprehensive plans, unite and in 650 IRRIGATION AND DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. this way effect such drainage as they need. It could not be expected, however, to restrict the benefit of such work to the land it is intended to serve, because of the readiness with which water passes through the soil of adjoining lands. This plan is worthy of careful consideration and experiment. Soil-water records kept at Sunnyside, Wash., for a period of eight- een months show a condition quite different from that in the Fresno district, California. At the latter place the surface is a plane with uniform slope of 4 to 5 feet per mile, with no ditches for drainage. As may be learned from figures 78 and 79, the water table rises to the 5-foot horizon during the first part of the irrigating season, reaches its maximum height in June, then declines and falls below the 5-foot depth limit in September. The surface of the Sunnyside district is more broken, the larger unbroken areas having a slope of 20 to 50 feet per mile, with a final drainage relief in a valley ditch. The profiles (figs. 80 and 81) represent the fluctuations of the water table at two locations. Well No. 19 is situated near the lower border of a tract of irrigated land extending fully 1 mile back, the seepage and drainage of which gravitate toward the well whose record is represented. Well No. 3 is on the opposite side of the same valley and has back of it only two fields from which seepage and drainage are derived. In the first soil water reaches its lowest level in August of the first season, from which time it rises until November 1 at an average daily rate of 0.43 inch, then maintains this level until April 16, when it begins to descend, reaching its lowest level again in July and August. During the second season the daily rise is 0.312 inch, and reaches its maximum November 1, as in the first season. In the second well the same general movement takes place, but the area of land behind it being much smaller, the water level does not retain any one position as persistently as it does in well No. 19, where the supply area behind it is larger. The rise begins in May, reaches its maximum September 1, which it retains three months before it begins to decline. The average maximum rate of rise during the first season was 0.261 inch per day and during the second season 0.348 inch. The records of other wells indicate similar fluctuations, but with modifications which evidently are the result of the slope of the land and of local irrigation. The period of high soil water occurs during fall and winter and continues three to five months, while at Fresno it is in midsummer and maintains its maximum height only one month. It appears from these records— (1) That the highest and longest continued water level of the soil is maintained near the foot of the more extended and uniform surface slope, DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 651 XOA/ “qS8AA ºpţSKUIunŞ ‘8 ”ON [[0AA ſo pro00}{-‘Iº ºby, I * • *= *s* → → → →== √æ æ *** • • •=••••• • • • → • • • • • •ææ*) • •••••• • • • • • • • •====æ • • → →→→→→→→ → → → •æ,ą= *Mozae &q/ºw� � «/º/^ | -2267M04/„(209„gºgº | zºº *ųse AA ºpţSKUIUInŞ‘6I 'ON[[9AA ĮO pI000}L−'08 ºĐIJI } .*? çº � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• • • •••� ſẠŹ20 | Zdºgº6my | /ſ/,/z/^ | 22/7/^ | Mºſ/Jº//Q/2/Z/º/^ | 2267ŽMOM/ M7ør //// //Ă 22€///?º AO///m0/9 652 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. (2) That the daily rate of rise at any point depends upon the degree of surface slope, the openness of the soil, and amount of water applied to the land lying above it. (3) That the daily rise of the water plane varies from 0.26 to 0.43 inch and that the daily drainage that should be provided is a depth of 0.08 to 0.13 inch over the land to be drained. (4) That the drainage required for each 40 acres which show injury by Saturation is 0.1 to 0.2 cubic foot per second, requiring a 6-inch pipe drain or its equivalent for the greater amount. These deductions are made from averages obtained from the meas- urements of rise of soil water. A minute study of these changes, as well as experience in dealing with soil water as affected by irrigation and rainfall, suggests that, while drains of the capacity indicated may be sufficient for the work, local conditions may necessitate a doubling of the drainage capacity provided, which may be accomplished either by enlarging drains or increasing the number of drains of the smaller size. The minimum size for underdrains, to be used in loose soils under irrigation should be 28 to 36 square inches in section where they are laid across the slope upon a minimum grade of 0.2 per cent. DRAINAGE IN UTAH, There is scarcely an irrigated valley in the State of Utah which has been cultivated for a term of years in which some of the best land has not become too wet for cultivation and abandoned or from which only uncertain crops of inferior value are now obtained. Among the several counties examined in Utah none affords a better example of the conditions which produce boggy lands, the resulting serious losses suffered by their owners, and the difficulties in the way of their reclamation than are found in Washington County, near St. George. The tract, which was examined in June, 1904, was at one time a barren lake bed, but when it was irrigated by an extension of the St. George and Washington canal it became the most productive land in the Rio Virgin Valley. The map of this tract (fig. 82) shows that the canal passes on three sides of it. The water applied flows from the boundary toward the interior lower part of the tract, result- ing in a concentration of waste water in the lower levels to such an extent that the ground is filled with water and the surface so highly charged with alkali that much of it is useless. The surface slopes about 36 feet per mile. The soil is deep red in color and without apparent stratification, a mass of material washed in from the sur- rounding hills. A drainage ditch has been opened, into which the side ditches receiving the waste of irrigation discharge. All attempts thus far made to drain this tract have proved unsuc- cessful. The central drainage ditch, 3 feet and in some places 4 feet DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 653 deep, fails to drain the land quite near it. Water flows from the ditches, yet the soil contiguous to them is wet. Alkali in injurious quantities is found on the surface where there is no water. A rim of productive land borders the canal, but much of the interior is abandoned. The soil possesses one characteristic quite common to irrigated lands which has much to do with its facility of drainage. It is not disposed in horizontal layers or strata, as is the case with most of the soils in Tº +———— 35' ! - : & \ p. ; * ! i. % : ! É ! { }------- - ...t º % : \ ă : & § ; S s : C2 sº º * s: s 742.5 AAW is *— 1742.5.5/5 wº 7:55.775% ºf ITaTETTEFT 743.5. FEW i ș | S : SS - & | J | | | -: { § | Az i || 4/702%/?s i i i fººt | § Ósº i : 1 || 1 | 1 || | | | | s' O AN s S (O.S: | | || | | | | | -- s º | º | | š t = r_*- - - - - -S------ P li Tº Tº T -T-T I -- I' H - - --------------g * * * * * * - - - - - - - less : A| Wºe;|ai Płºń;|| || ||Zzºney || | § SNSW d / l | | | | & s : / -S I | l | | /3/777 | § : | §: | | | | | 4OA | š A / I all i i ill l i ill i 14––––– 7 TWEETATEF, |= à / | Š \ |S | i || || i i | = } || ||# | | | | | | à f Ś ||\; i || | | | - | š • *s, * ~ *.* rºy |- - - - - Wó57e & || Drain s º ºme ºs º- - - - - § { # \ | $ | Ş —r- i sº | t | i | All/2ºlº s SNN.” "lº NWN his | Willº N | /A : | : Allº I \ºm fees ºf # FIG. 82.-Map of lower field, St. George, Utah. the humid areas, but is a heterogeneous mass, porous, but not strati- fied. While it permits water to move among its particles, its structure does not materially aid the passage of water laterally, as is the case in a stratified soil. For this reason surplus water goes downward until it fills the permeable soil below, after which it flows to the lower levels and then rises by reason of the head furnished by water occupy- This accounts in part for the presence of ing higher elevations. They receive the excess of water after water near drainage ditches. 654 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. the soil has been filled, but do not relieve the soil of its water of satu- ration. This condition is especially noticeable when land has as much slope as is found in this tract. In the process of irrigation water is applied to the higher land first; this fills the lower levels with a supply greater than can pass through the soil, so that a part is forced to the surface at various points along the downward slope. The plan of drainage outlined on the map (fig. 82) is but a more complete development of one upon which work has already begun. The main ditch, upon which considerable work has been done, is necessary to receive waste and drainage water and is located in the proper place. It is now narrow, with nearly vertical sides, which are constantly caving and obstructing the ditch. It should be made wider at the top and the excavated earth moved several feet away from the bank, so that the ditch can be easily maintained at the de- sired depth. The drainage of the land should be accomplished by field drains constructed across the greatest slope, as indicated on the map, and discharged into the waste ditches, which should be enlarged and deepened. Each of the field drains will intercept a portion of the soil water coming down from the upper levels or from below the level of the drains, as the case may be, and conduct it to the outlet or waste ditch, which in turn will discharge into the main passing through the lowest part of the tract. The lateral or field drains will lie at right angles to the greatest surface slope and in position to intercept soil water before it passes to the lower levels of the field. . Lumber is the best material for drains in this section, if for no other reason than that it is the only material which is not prohibited on account of its cost. In many respects box drains are not only the most practical but will prove the most efficient drains that can be used. Boxes made of boards 1} inches thick, with three sides solid, the fourth side being open, with crosspieces to hold the two adjacent sides in position, are serviceable drains. The box, which is made in sections of convenient length, is placed in the trench, which has been dug to grade, with the open side down, and the Sections then joined closely together. The adaptability of such drains to land of this character consists in their being in sections sufficiently long to be self-supporting in Soft, wet ground and also in their being closed on top so securely that soft and fluidlike soil can not enter them. All water will enter the drains from the bottom and flow along the earth floors until discharged into the outlet. Field drains 80 rods long may be made with sides of boards 6 inches wide and a top board 8 inches wide, having cross-ties on the bottom 4 feet apart. A drain with these dimensions has a sectional area of 33 Square inches. No lands in Utah are more seriously affected by seepage and alkali than those in the vicinity of Huntington, in Emery County. Many acres formerly productive are entirely destitute of vegetation. Some DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 655 lots in the village formerly occupied by buildings have been aban- doned and are now boggy and covered with alkali. Seepage is mak- ing rapid inroads upon productive areas, and the people realize that they must reclaim their lands or Soon abandon them. The surface is undulating and cut into Small valleys, which will facilitate the action of any drainage ditches. The soil is underlain by black shale or slate in many places, by the disintegration of which the soil has been largely formed and which also serves to prevent the even distribution of the soil water, concentrating it at various points, where it speedily produces saturation and later alkali. It is noticed that the action of water disintegrates the shale in places, thereby producing changes in the subsoil which continually modify the drainage condition. Farmers have made no attempts to open main drainage channels or to relieve the land of surplus water in any effective way; on the contrary, additional water has been used on those lands which show alkali for the purpose of washing it out and encouraging the growth of certain plants which flourish in wet alkali soils, to give the land a better appearance by reason of the green vegetation, which also affords some pasturage. Some surveys were made in the vicinity of Huntington and a sys- tem of drainage outlined and recommended, preliminary to detailed plans which could be executed later. Some soil-water wells were put in and observations of the fluctuations of the water have been made weekly during the season for the purpose of determining more fully the difficulties that must be overcome in draining these lands. The results of these observations indicate that the land in that locality must be treated according to the peculiar conditions which develop in the several slopes and that examination of individual tracts will be required preparatory to adopting plans for adequate drainage. However, a few main intercepting drainage ditches should be con- structed and will be of general service. These conditions were pointed out and suggestions made with a view to impressing upon landowners the necessity of immediate steps being taken toward con- structing the main ditches preliminary to more complete drainage of farm lands and village lots. In Cache County the land in the vicinity of Logan rises from the streams in a series of benches, the lower lands being underlaid with clay and the higher with gravel. Only the higher benches have escaped injury from the excessive use of water. The flow, in many instances, is apparently through crevices or channels in the soil, but there appears to be no hardpan or shale formation such as is found in the locality in Emery County previously described. The water flows to the lower levels and makes its appearance at the surface in July and August, indicating that there is a comparatively free flow through the soil when the land above becomes Saturated. No alkali 656 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. appears, but the land is made boggy to such an extent that frequently only water grasses thrive. * A large number of soil-water wells have been put down near Hyde Park and weekly measurements made to determine the water condi- tions peculiar to the soils of both bench and bottom lands. Coopera- tive arrangements have been made with several farmers under which this Office and the Utah Experiment Station furnish the drain tile and the farmers the labor for making an experiment in draining some land which has become seeped from the underflow of gravel land above and unfit for the production of the best crops. Drains were constructed in September, 1904, so that while the observations so far are interesting they are only preliminary and the results, when obtained, will be made the subject of a later report. CLEANING DREDGED DRAINAGE DITCHES. In localities where the construction of dredged drainage ditches is contemplated, inquiry is often made regarding the permanency of these channels and the frequency of repairs that it may be nec- essary to make upon them. Ditches of this class were first con- structed for the drainage of level areas in Illinois and Indiana about twenty-five years ago. The adaptation of the steam shovel and river dredge to the work of excavating ditches through level lands gave a marked impetus to the reclamation and improvement of farm lands in those States. Usually but little care has been bestowed on the ditches after their construction, and in many instances they have been neglected to such an extent that grass, willows, and other vege- tation have grown up in the channels and silt has been deposited, thereby impairing their efficiency. The difficulties met in cleaning the smaller dredged ditches—those 6 to 8 feet wide on the bottom— are the small amount of excavation required on each linear foot of ditch, the mucky and sticky nature of the material, and the height to which it must be raised. Under such conditions the price of exca- vation will be high. The first work of this kind noted in Illinois is in Iroquois County, a description of which will serve to indicate the character of the work already beginning elsewhere. & The ditches to which reference is made were excavated with small drag dredges seventeen years ago. They were 6 to 8 feet wide on the bottom, 6 to 9 feet deep, and had side slopes of 1 to 1. The grades upon which they were dug were 3 to 4 feet per mile. The side slopes have remained approximately as made, but silt and wash have accumulated until the bottoms have been raised 2 feet or more. The entire district of 17,000 acres for which the ditches give drain- age outlets is tile-drained, the efficiency of the several systems depending upon the maintenance of the dredged ditches at their original depths. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 657 The conditions found here favor the growth of luxuriant vegeta- tion in many sections of the ditches. The area served by the drain- age system is in the belt of artesian wells, so that in places there is a constant supply of waste water flowing into the ditches, furnishing the best possible condition for the growth of flags, water grasses, and willows. Failure to remove these growths annually has permitted trees of considerable size to grow in the ditches. In localites where there is no artesian water it is not uncommon to find the ditches dry during a part of the summer, in which condition they may be cheaply cleared of growing vegetation. Some parts of the ditches are obstructed by fine earth which has been carried by winds from adjoining plowed fields during the late fall or early spring and intercepted by the ditches. 4. A contract for cleaning 16 miles of these ditches was let in 1903, at 224 cents per cubic yard. The bottoms were to be finished 6 feet wide and the side slopes of the excavated portions made 1 to 1, but the side slopes above the plane of excavation were not to be changed. The excavation ran about 1 cubic yard to the linear foot of ditch. The work was done with drag dredges, but they were operated down- stream, contrary to the usual manner of working these machines, in order that water for the boilers might be constantly obtained. There were two boats on the work, each with 8 miles of ditch to complete, and the work accomplished by each was 300 to 400 feet of ditch in twelve hours. The outfits had three small houses on wagons which moved from place to place for the accommodation of the men. Four men on a boat and one man and team to haul coal constituted a shift. With the exception of a few places all the ditches pass through firm earth and are finished upon good clay bottoms. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF LARGE DITCHES THROUGH SANDY LANDS. In digging lateral ditches in the Cypress drainage district, near Shawneetown, Ill., a fine river sand caused some trouble. The speci- fied size of these ditches was 6-foot bottom, with 1 to 1 slope, and depth ranging from 4.5 to 10 feet. The excavating was done with a floating dredge. Trouble occurred in cutting across small ridges where sand was encountered 2 feet below the surface. The motion of the dredge kept the water agitated to such an extent that a great deal of fine sand was taken up by the water and held in suspension. It also caused the sandy material in the banks to cave in back of the machine. After the dredge had passed a sufficient distance for the water to become quiet the suspended matter was deposited in suffi- cient quantities to raise the bottom of the ditch 0.3 to 0.6 foot above the line to which it had been excavated. To obviate this difficulty 30620–No. 158—05—42 658 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. the ditch was excavated wider and deeper through those places than the specifications called for. It is the opinion of those who have had experience in this work that ditches excavated through sandy land will require cleaning about two years after construction. In southeastern Missouri a great deal of dredge work has been done during the past few years in material of a more or less sandy nature. The country is underlaid by a sand stratum 5 to 12 feet below the surface, and it is customary to excavate the ditches so that the bottom will be 2 to 3 feet below the top of the sand, as better underdrainage is Secured when this stratum is opened. The specified slopes of the ditches are 1 to 1. The contractors dig the ditches 1 foot deeper and 1 to 2 feet wider on the bottom than specified, to avoid going over the work again in case of any filling in of the ditch after the dredge has passed. Usually very little material falls into the ditch during construction. Occasionally in cutting through a sand ridge it caves to such an extent that the dredge must pass over it the second if not the third time before the ditch will maintain its speci- fied dimensions. However, these stretches are short and infrequent and are not regarded by the contractors as serious difficulties. The greatest trouble in these ditches is due to the caving of the banks during the spring thaws. Experience so far indicates that ditches with 1.5-foot fall per mile will keep reasonably clean, as the caved material is carried away in suspension by the water. Where the fall is less than 1.5 feet per mile the ditches fill rapidly, and it has been found necessary to clean them in a year after construction. It is thought that thereafter once every three years will be sufficient. It should be noted in this connection that the ditches in Southeastern Missouri have no free outlet at grade, but are extended southward through the valley until their waters are discharged by overflow on the lower-lying lands or into shallow and obstructed channels. Under such conditions a much larger percentage of sediment will be depos- ited in the lower reaches of channels than if they were free to dis- charge into an adequate outlet stream. PLANS FOR THE DRAINAGE OF THE BoTToM LANDS OF THE MISSOURI RIVER IN SOUTH DAKOTA. Between the bluffs of Clay Creek on the east and the Missouri River and James River on the South and west is a large and fertile valley comprising 71,000 acres. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad passes through the central portion of this tract. The towns of Meckling and Grayville, on this road, are conveniently situ- ated for the commercial accommodation of this territory. Large portions of it have been cultivated and are always found productive in favorable seasons. No complaint has been entered against the DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 659 land except that it is often too wet for profitable cultivation, it often being difficult to secure the crop of wild grass because of the wet condition of the soil. Not only are the owners of the land vitally interested in its im- provement, but the towns of the valley depend largely upon the land for their business. The loss of production for either of the last two years amounts to a sum which if applied to drainage would easily pay for all of the main ditches required. It is a matter of public concern that land of this character, with ready market and transpor- tation facilities, be drained. Roads may then be established, farm improvements made, and the land cultivated in the most approved Iſla, Illſle]". The questions arise: How may this result be brought about? What are the preliminary steps to be taken toward its accomplish- ment? What will be its cost? What laws, if any, should be enacted to enable owners to combine and drain large areas and distribute the cost equitably over the land improved? For the purpose of obtaining answers to these questions and getting at the matter in a comprehensive way, some of the citizens . petitioned the Office of Experiment Stations of the United States Department of Agriculture for such assistance as the Department might be able to give. The matter was referred to the irrigation and drainage investigations, and the report herewith submitted gives the result of such investigations. A preliminary plan and estimate were made and suggestions were offered relative to State legislation upon drainage. SURVEY. In the absence of knowledge concerning levels, slopes, nature of streams, and natural depressions of the area to be drained, it was decided to make a level survey from which a drainage plan could be developed. This was done in August, 1904, by John T. Stewart, in charge of field surveys. A description of the manner in which this survey was made may be of Service to engineers and others inter- ested in similar projects. The first step was to collect such information concerning the land in question as could be obtained from the county records. Con- venient plats for field use were made upon Land Office township blanks on a scale of 2 inches to the mile. Upon these were traced all Land Office data and such roads, ditches, and sloughs as were shown on the county maps. A day was then spent in making a general reconnoissance by driving over the area, in order to become somewhat familiar with its general topography. In this reconnoissance it was seen that the section lines could be easily followed, as where they 660 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. were not marked by highways there were fences or turning rows located on them, and nearly all the one-quarter and one-sixteenth section lines could be approximately located on the ground by fence or field lines. From the reconnoissance and the field plats it was found that field measurements could be obviated by using land lines for locations, and all additional data necessary could be obtained by running levels. The plan decided on and carried out consisted in running levels along parallel north-and-south Section lines 2 miles apart, ex- tending from the ridge which marks the high-water bank of the Missouri River to the foot of the bluff. A permanent bench mark of the Missouri River Commission survey furnished the datum for the levels. Levels were recorded at each one-quarter mile along the lines surveyed, the instrument being set midway between the one- quarter mile turning points. Turning points were taken on short wooden pegs driven to the natural surface of the ground. A target rod was used and read by both levelman and rodman. A light two-horse rig, with driver, was kept on the line and used to convey the rodman from one turning point to another. As the rodman moved one-quarter mile at a time and there was usually a good road, there was a considerable saving of time in the use of the rig, which was also used for conveying the party to and from work and for carrying water, lunch, and such survey stakes as were needed. From 5 to 10 miles of level lines were run per day. The growth of high grass and weeds often retarded the work. The number of side shots which were necessary to secure desired data also cut down the day's run. Side lines were also run to the lowest points in sloughs or depressions 1 mile each side of the main line. Where there was water in the sloughs the elevation of the water surface was taken and the depth found by Sounding from a boat or wading. The level of the surface of the water of both Missouri and James rivers was also obtained. The high-water marks were obtained from points located by residents, and the low-water marks were determined from the plats of the Missouri River Commission. Bench marks were established at nearly all section corners and were made by driving 30-penny spikes into corner fence posts or telephone poles at the surface of the ground, a blaze being made about 4 feet above the spike and the elevation marked upon it. Each night the elevations were recorded in their proper locations upon the field plats. After the completion of the level work, the line between the cul- tivated and wet land was sketched upon the field maps by personal inspection. After the data had all been collected and platted the interior watershed boundaries and lines of proposed ditches were located on the field maps. A corrected map on a scale of 1 mile to U. S. DEPT. of AGR., Bull, 158, office of ExPT. STATIONS. RRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. PLATE IX. sºns" /3 16 /7 Irrigation & Drainage Investigations. DRANAGE NAAP OF A PART OF THE MI55OUR RVER WALLEY YANKWON& CLAY COS, aſ sºH DAKOTA. e • scAl– E 1">< \rni. Drzdgº. D iſch tº º sº º B \ Ul ff \l. All Mly. $craper Piłch—-—. Farmed Land Zuula \-Qvg|Q ****** High VVatºr --------. froad = Loyºr VVater - - --- 5urface Elev. 55.O tº ta. CŞ C/5. Dzpf: Agr. O.E.5 a 3 Af 7"/on //og Že 5 ºr/ace ºf/2 važ/ory. 32 * * * * * > . . . • * * > . . . * = * ... • * * * * * * * * * /7 | ** N\lſ, SS 3.5./ wº, ºf Sº" n iſioni }S a j- /* i iſ on "H E NORR Is FE TERS CO., WA SH 1 N GTo N. D. c. DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 661 1 inch was afterwards made up from the field maps and is here shown. (Pl. IX.) The cost of this survey was as follows: Cost of running 82 miles of levels and making field plans and estimates, Engineer, 14.5 days’ leveling, at $6 per day________________ $87. 00 Engineer, 5.5 days’ special field examinations, at $6 per day_ 33.00 Rodman, 14.5 days, at $1.75 per day---------------------- 25. 37 Livery hire, team and driver, 20 days, at $3 per day------- 60.00 Railway fare------------------------------------------- 2. 2.5 Total cost of Survey–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 207. 62 Engineer, 12 days’ office work, at $6 per day_____ _________ 72. 00 Drafting supplies--------------------------------------- 1. 50 Total Cost of plans–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 73. 50 Total Cost of Survey and plans_____________________ 2s1. 12 Regarding this preliminary Survey, it should be said that only suf- ficient work was done to furnish the information required for devel- oping a general plan, yet all levels are accurate and are connected with and checked upon Government river survey bench marks. A list and description of bench marks, which were fixed at each section corner of the surveyed lines, accompany the report and map which were filed with the auditor of Clay County, the expense of which is not included in the above memorandum. The survey was inexpen- sive, yet sufficiently full for forming a comprehensive plan for the drainage of 70,000 acres of land, and established a sufficient number of points from which future surveys for detail and construction work can be made whenever required. tº TOPOGIRAPHY. A profile or section of three of the lines running from the river to the bluff shows that the surface near Clay Creek is, in every case, 2 feet or more lower than the surface of the land one-half mile distant from the Missouri River banks; that the banks of the river are, with a few exceptions, higher than any land found in crossing the valley directly toward the bluff, and that the valley has a slope of 8 to 12 inches per mile from the river directly toward the bluff (fig. 83). It is also observed that the general slope down the center line of the valley in a southeasterly direction toward Vermilion River is about 1 foot per mile. SOURCES OF WATER. The water to be considered in draining the valley comes from three sources: (1) Clay Creek and its tributaries; (2) overflow from James River between Mission Hill and its junction with the Missouri; and (3) direct rainfall upon the surface of the tract. Water from all of these sources contributes at times to the injury of the land, for which 699 '#06T ‘SNOILVOILSGIANI (IowNIVAICI ONV NOILVoIHHI FIG. 83.—Profiles across Missouri River Valley, from river to bluff. DRAIN AGE IN VESTIGATIONS. 663 no adequate remedy has been provided. Clay Creek brings the drainage from a watershed of 60,000 acres, and Turkey Creek that from 39,000 acres, all near the head of the valley and 17 miles from any river outlet. The entire area to be drained through the outlet of Clay Creek channel is 160,000 acres, about 39,000 acres of this being valley land and the remainder hill land. PLAN OF DIRAINA.G.E. The plan outlined on the map (Pl. IX) contains the following fea- tures: (1) A large channel on the line of Clay Creek ditch, extending from the bridge about 2 miles above the town of Vermilion upstream to the north line of sec. 15, T. 94, R. 54, a distance of 17 miles. (2) What may be called the Meckling ditch, to take the general course of the old ditch bearing that name, as shown upon the map, the same to discharge into Clay Creek ditch and form a part of the Clay Creek ditch system. Its total length, as mapped, will be 10.75 miles. (3) The Gayville ditch, which provides the main drainage for the land south of the railroad. Its source, or head, is east of Mission Hill, in Yankton County. It passes through and drains a chain of sloughs and discharges into Vermilion River near the railroad bridge west of the town, having a total length of 20.5 miles. (4) Two levees 5 feet high along James River, one at Mission Hill and the other near the mouth of that stream, to prevent the ordinary high-water floods from breaking over. The main ditches named divide the valley into areas of such size that drainage by laterals can be accomplished without great difficulty. Clay Creek ditch may be used for draining 30,000 acres of the valley, Meckling ditch for 8,700 acres, and Gayville ditch for 32,600 acres. The tract north of the Milwaukee Railroad may be drained independ- ently of that on the south side, and vice versa, though by reason of the level character of the land one portion can not be drained without incidentally benefiting the other. SIZE OF DITCHES. The Clay Creek ditch watershed has some peculiarities which should be considered in determining the size of its channels. The larger portion of the water to be carried is received at or near the upper end. The run-off of 39,000 acres from Turkey Creek and 60,000 acres from the head of Clay Creek is delivered to the ditch along the upper 2.5 miles of its length, coming to it through natural channels. The ditch also receives the drainage from about 39,000 acres of valley land, brought to it by lateral ditches, as well as from 22,000 acres of hill land below Turkey Creek. 664 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Starting at the bridge 1 mile above the junction of Clay Creek with Vermilion River as an outlet point, the ditch will have a grade of 1 foot per mile for 11 miles and of 1.5 to 2 feet per mile for the remaining distance of 6 miles. The width of the bottom of the ditch for the lower 11 miles will be 50 feet and its depth 6 to 9 feet. From a point where the grade increases to 2 feet per mile to Turkey Creek, a distance of 3.5 miles, the bottom width will be 35 feet. From that point to the end, a distance of 2.5 miles, the bottom width will be 30 feet. This ditch is designed to carry one-fourth of an inch of water each twenty-four hours from the entire head end of the watershed, which extends from the upper end of the ditch northward about 40 miles. - The Gayville ditch will drain 32,000 acres. It will have a bottom width of 16 feet at the outlet, which is at Vermilion River, and will diminish in size as the upper end is approached. It will be 6 to 13 feet deep, except in the deep sloughs, and 20.5 miles long. ESTIMATE OF COST. The estimates herein submitted indicate the approximate cost of executing the main drains described. The valley may be taken up in two separate systems—the upper and the lower—or, as the map shows, the Clay Creek ditch and the Gayville ditch, with their several tributaries. Clay Creek system. Clay Creek ditch excavation -------------------------- $112, 507 Turkey Creek ditch excavation------------------------- 740 Meckling ditch excavation ---------------------------- 20, 880 Damage claims, Clay Creek--------------------------- 10,000 Damage claims, Meckling ditch------------------------ 3,000 Organization and contingent expenses, 5 per Cent-------- 7, 356 Total cost ------------------------------------- 154, 483 (Number of acres benefited, 38,700; average cost per acre, $3.99.) . - Lateral ditches for more complete drainage of lands and I'Oads: Main systern, laterals discharging into Clay Creek - ditch, 33 miles --------------------------— — — — — — – $29, 100 Meckling ditch System, 5.75 miles------------------ 4, 728 Contingent expenses, 10 per Cent------------------- 3,383 Total Cost ------------------------------------- 37,211 (Average cost per acre, $0.96.) t DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 665 Gayville ditch system. Gayville ditch excavation –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– $54, 384 Levee on James River, 3 miles––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4, 120 Damages -------------------------------------------- 6,000 Contingent expenses, 7 per Cent–––––––––––––––––––––––– 4, 515 Total cost ------------------------------------- 69,019 (Number of acres benefited, 25,000; average cost per acre, $2.76.) Laterals for Gayville ditch system, 31 miles------------ $25,614 Contingent expenses, 10 per Cent----------------------- 2, 561 Total Cost ------------------------------------- 28, 175 (Average cost per acre, $1.13.) The estimates on lateral systems are here given to indicate the probable final expense of such drains as will be required for both farm and road improvement. They are shown upon the map for the »urpose of indicating the general plan, but should be constructed in col nection with the improvement of the road system. These estimates are of a preliminary nature and indicate only the general and average elements of expense which may be encountered. Damages to property and right of way for ditches may be placed at high figures by some boards. Legal expenses are an exceedingly variable feature in ditch cases. It should be understood in all cases that the property affected by the improvement must pay the cost of construction of the main ditches. Any unnecessary increase of expense merely reacts upon those who, under the laws relating to drainage, must pay the bills. These estimates may be regarded as sufficiently close to determine the practicability of the project herein proposed for the drainage of the valley. EFFECT OF RIVER, BACE WATER,. The two main ditches will discharge into Vermilion River. The low watermark recorded by the river survey at the mouth of Vermil- ion River is 24.6 feet. As near as can be determined, the high water- mark is 20 feet above this. According to these figures it may be expected that the high-water stage of Vermilion River will affect the flow of the ditches for a distance of 10 miles upstream, but that it will not seriously affect the drainage of adjoining land for more than 4 miles back unless the extreme high stage should be long continued. COOPERATION OF TWO COUNTIES BEQUIRED. The plans outlined involve the improvement of land in two coun- ties, Clay and Yankton. The portion lying in Yankton County, if drained at all, must be drained through Clay County to Vermilion River, as indicated in the described plan. Cooperation of the two 666 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904, ** counties in this work is the only proper way to handle the proposi- tion. It will be noted from the estimates given that while the aggregate expense is large the amount per acre, when distributed over the whole area, is small. The main outlets for drainage should be constructed at the expense of all the land affected, and thus become common outlets. IXIEAINAGE LAWS. A project of this magnitude can not be worked out without the assistance of a drainage law. South Dakota has a law intended to meet the requirements of citizens who wish to drain their farm lands, but in the absence of an affirmation by the court its constitu- tionality is questioned. In any event some amendments will be required to make the present law applicable to projects requiring combined drainage. The statute as it now stands makes no pro- vision for the issue of drainage bonds Secured by liens upon the lands assessed for the improvements. It is better economy for land- owners to pay interest on bonds for a time, while their land is being reclaimed and brought into a more productive condition, than to pay the entire amount in cash. Money applied in developing farm land will bring much greater interest than is called for by the bonds. The method of making assessments for benefits and the preparation of assessment rolls is not sufficiently defined in the present law. The liability of the district and county in the construction of highway and field bridges is not provided for. No provision is made for securing right of way for ditches by condemnation proceedings, which may sometimes be necessary in carrying out a project. It is distinctly stated that all ditches shall be completed from the outlet upstream, a thing that is impracticable in large works. The matter of giving proper legal notices to all landowners through the different stages of work is not sufficiently provided for. A careful perusal of the later enactments on drainage of other States, when compared with the South Dakota law, will bring to light the fact that the latter is legally and physically deficient in many important respects. A drainage law should form a complete rule of procedure from start to finish. It should be of such a charac- ter that it may be followed step by step, with the assurance that when it is so followed the legality of proceedings can not be attacked. SUGGESTIONS AS TO ORGANIZATION. Before any drainage project can be carried out harmoniously a large majority of the landowners should appreciate the necessity of the work and favor it. The law merely permits the county commis- sioners to presecute such work under provisions which will secure to DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 667 each property owner an equitable division of the cost, and his rights in the works when completed. While under the law one or more owners may legally present a petition, it is desirable to have as many owners as practicable signify their indorsement of the project by signing the petition. 2: The drainage of the valley under consideration may be taken up in two divisions. Any further division would be unwise. The interior or lateral ditches outlined upon the map may or may not be included in a petition for main ditches. A petition for either of the main drainage plans may be drawn describing the territory to be included and the ditches to be constructed. Such a petition, when accompanied by a sufficient bond and filed with the auditor, brings the matter under the jurisdiction of the county board. The board must then proceed as directed by law. The history of this class of work in other States emphasizes the necessity of having a clear and well- established drainage law in force and of a close adherence to the let- ter of the same in every essential particular. RECLAMATION OF OWERFLOWED LANDS. The fertile overflowed lands lying along the alluvial streams in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa attracted the attention of settlers many years ago. As early as 1858, a ru- dimentary system of protection for r-----ſo----------sº these bottom lands was begun (fig. 3. 84), but no well-organized plan of % improvement was carried out until º - - 1873. The greater par t of these FIG. 84.—Section of º º River levee, built lands, now included in drainage districts, has been improved since 1890. The difficulties encountered in making this class of improvements have in many instances been greater than landowners expected, so that the results of the work have not uncommonly been disappointing. In order that the experi- ence thus far gained in reclaiming overflowed lands might be col- lected and made available to those desiring to repair injured works or execute new ones, an investigation of the peculiar conditions upon which the success of such improvements depends was carried on dur- ing a part of the year. An examination was made of the lands lying along the Wabash River in Indiana, the Illinois River from Peoria to Kampsville, in Illinois, and the Mississippi River from Albany, Ill., to Louisiana, Mo., and information obtained through interviews with engineers, attorneys, commissioners, landowners, and others who were familiar with this class of work, and by personal inspection and measurement of the structures of different reclamation systems, 668 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. ILLINOIS IRIVER,. The bottoms along the Illinois River vary in width from 1 to 3 miles. The river usually flows nearer to the bluffs on one side of its valley than to those on the other, leaving the bottom lands at any point largely on one side of the river. The stream has been improved for navigation by means of locks and dams, there being three of these structures on this section for the purpose of maintaining a navigable channel throughout the low-water period. On account of these improvements the river does not reach the old low-water stage between Peoria and Kampsville, where the lower dam is located. The gauge readings now used are often based upon a different datum from that employed before the dams were built. At Havana, Ill., the lowest gauge reading since 1890 is 1.7 feet, recorded in September, 1896, and the highest is 19.9 feet, recorded in March, 1904. The lat- ter is the highest flood ever recorded at that place and is notable by reason of the fact that the water remained above the 19-foot mark for ten days. From 1890 to 1898 the high water ranged from 9.9 to 17.8 feet, during two years of which time it failed to reach the 12-foot mark. From 1897 to 1904 it ranged from 13.7 to 19.9 feet, reaching during four of these years the 18-foot mark. Near the mouth of the river the flood did not rise as high in 1904 as in 1903, due to the stage of water in the Mississippi River. In 1904 the Mississippi was not unusually high, so the flood water of the Illinois had a free discharge, while in 1903 the extreme floods on the Mississippi produced an upstream current in the Illinois which was quite perceptible at Kampsville and its effect was noticed as far up as Beardstown. Consequently the 1903 flood in the lower reaches of the Illinois River was higher than the one of 1904. - During the period covered by the gauge readings the maximum yearly floods have occurred from March to July, that of 1904 occur- ring the latter part of March, while the next highest, 19.2 feet, recorded on the Havana gauge, occurred late in July, 1902. The river channel along the bottom lands is skirted by a ridge or bank, which is approximately 12 feet above low water. The surface slopes to 1 to 4 feet below this ridge, so that the lands lie 8 to 12 feet above low water. In places there are old channels and sloughs which are much lower than the surrounding land. With the exception of an occasional sand ridge these bottom lands have a gray alluvial soil, becoming black when mixed with vegetable matter. They are covered with a dense growth of timber, and in their native condition furnish some pasturage in the late summer and fall months. When cultivated the higher parts yield crops about two years out of three, but the lower parts are flooded so frequently DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 669 that their cultivation is unprofitable. All of these bottom lands when sufficiently drained and properly cultivated produce large crops of corn and wheat. PEKIN-LAMARSHI LEVEE AND DRAINAGE DISTRICT. This district lies across the river from the city of Pekin (fig. 85). It covers an area of 2,500 acres and is protected on all sides by ºa//o///5. & s\ º W w s'W NN WN 2. 8. º I &mwmwmwimwº 77/2 (2//e? § 2 i //A/O OAT º AAEA//V— ZA/MAAPJ/7 2 Z//// CP/)/24///46/ ZX57/2/(7. AA’ATA 2.5 OOA. FIG. 85.—Map of Pekin-Lamarsh levee and drainage district. levees except about 1.5 miles on the northwest, where the bluff forms the back line of the district. An organization was effected in 1889 and work completed in 1890. The Peoria and Pekin Union Railway grade was used for 1.5 miles as a levee on the northwest side from the river to the bluff. Five miles of new levee were constructed along the river bank and up Lamarsh Creek to the bluff. The 670 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. work was done with scrapers and the levee finished with a 14 to i slope on the river or out side, 1 to 1 slope on the district or in side, and 3-foot top. The foundation for the embankment was not pre- pared in any way, stumps and logs being left, and in some instances trees not being even cut, and the earth for construction was taken from both sides in such a manner as to leave a large continuous ditch on the inside. The railway company filled in a trestle and raised their track in the section used as a levee, burying the old timbers and ties in both cases. The drainage ditches were constructed with scrapers. A pumping plant was built at the upstream corner of the district and a circular outlet 4 feet in diameter was made at the downstream corner for gravity drainage. The only hill water flowing into the district is that which falls on the slope of the bluff bordering the back line of the district. The present pumping plant consists of a Menge pump with two wheels, having a capacity of 500,000 gallons per hour. The district was flooded in 1902 from a break in the railway grade caused by the water seeping along the old ties until it carried the levee away. During March, 1904, the water ran over the lower part of the river levee and also over the railway grade, causing a break at each of these places. After the interior became filled with water great damage was done to the levees by wave action on the inside. It is now acknowledged by those interested in the district that the original cross section of the levee was too small, and that it was faulty construction to build a levee without first preparing the foun- dation to prevent seepage, to use banks with timbers running trans- versely across them, and to have borrow pits on the inside; also that it is not economy to buy inferior or secondhand machinery. The drainage system would have been more efficient if the ditches had been made with a dredge and the pumping plant located at the down- stream corner of the district. LACEY LEVEE AND DRAINAGE DISTRICT. This district lies across the river from Havana (fig. 86). It covers an area of 5,180 acres and is protected by 9.5 miles of levees, 7 miles being new levee and 2.5 miles on the north side an old unused railway grade. The bluff forms the back line of the district for a distance of 1 mile. / Work was begun in 1897. The river part of the levee was built on the ridge which marks the river bank in ordinary high water, with a 2 to 1 slope on the outside, 1 to 1 slope on the inside, and 8-foot top (fig. 87). It varies in height from 6 to 13 feet, averaging 8.1 feet. The foundation was prepared by clearing, grubbing, and 1DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 671 thoroughly plowing the entire width of the base of the embankment, one short section having a 4-foot muck ditch under it. The work % % | Wö470/7 /72.5°C/ // %22zcz 4%e 5** = ...º. i > S $ N. * ſo Š lº º § N; § o/22 /%://7 37.5//o/7 o Q § •S *J § & Q N ſt) N y A/PA 24 J/50 ACAPES. ******~~~~ AAAAAAAAA A a | sºg FIG. 86.—Map of Lacey levee and drainage district. was done with scrapers, the earth being taken from the outside and a 10-foot berm left between the borrow pit and the toe of the slope. The only storm water coming into the district is that which falls on /o/ºr 5 F. 0 fºll zºº; - Aºver 5./r/ðce O/* /o/Fy- ao Aºy" 3O Fºr *O Ay: 5 OFy- FIG. 87,-Lacey district—change in section of levee since first constructed. the slope of the bluff. The land is drained by a system of dredge ditches 6 feet deep, but with no fall. The pumping plant is located 672 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. near the middle of the river levee and consists of two high-speed engines, two horizontal fire-tube boilers, and two horizontal cen- trifugal pumps with 20-inch discharge pipes, each pump having a capacity of 750,000 gallons per hour. This levee failed because it was not built high enough. The top was supposed to be 20 feet above low water. In 1902 the river rose to. 19.2 feet and ran over the old railway grade which served as the north levee, flooding the district. In March, 1904, the river rose to 19.9 feet and ran over the low places in the levee. A break in the railway grade was caused by a wave which came from a crevasse in an old levee on Spoon River. After the district was flooded there were high winds, which greatly injured the levee by wave action on both inside and outside where not protected by timber. COAL CREER LEVEE AND DRAINAGE DISTRICT. This district, inclosing 7,000 acres lying across the river from Beardstown, was organized in 1897 (fig. 88). The Chicago, Bur- lington and Quincy Railway grade is used as a levee from the river to the bluff on the east side. Six miles of new levee were built on the south and west sides, it not being necessary to levee against the river water on the north side. With the exception of a short section at the north end of the west levee, work was done with a dipper dredge. The levee was raised to 3 feet above the 1844 high water- mark and was built with a 3 to 1 slope on the outside, 2 to 1 slope on the inside, and no specified width of top (fig. 89). The foun- dation and the land used for the borrow pit were cleared, the stumps dynamited and pulled, and roots taken out to a depth of 3 feet. The earth was all taken from the outside, a 20-foot berm being left between the edge of the borrow pit and the toe of the slope. The levee as built by the dredge is rough and irregular both on top and on the slopes, caused by the dumping of the dirt 2.5 yards at a time. In finishing, many places were a little low and required only a small amount of material, but a whole dipperful of earth was nec- essarily dumped, making some places a foot or more higher than nec- essary. The lowest places were brought to the required height, but the entire surface of the levee is covered with a series of humps of varying heights above the required grade. There was a tendency of the banks to run and slide during construction, due to the soft con- dition of the material dug out of the water and the successive drop- ping of the heavy material on the bank. On account of this running of the banks only a part could be put up at a time, so the dredge boat had to pass two or three times before the levee was completed. Because of this sliding a great deal of extra material had to be * DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 673 moved. When the material finally settled in place the levee became more solid than if it had been put up dry by scrapers. | //4/2 O/T CO4/ CAP/AAſ Z//// &/)/24/4% /X57%Z" A/P/A 2'OOOA —— ///2/, Wºſer /'73//r /o/344) N 2% k. 2. ºme ºf ºss & & . . /692 sº.” b. : | - * | f *: % *zºo W/? t º ~3 FIG. 88.-Map of Coal Creek levee and drainage district. Coal Creek runs diagonally across the district from the river to the bluff. This stream was diverted where it comes out of the hills by a ditch which was constructed along the foot of the bluff, intercepting zoo-ſº-wro-Hºimmişºs-60ſ-60ſ-ao •oſser - T |Zºº º, ſº s : $––$–$4ezzzzze of 79.2% iſſ S "S * * Qö - * * § S 5.7° | \ . , APrveſ Jºſe. ſº º 8tº º ºffil ºš%=/=%:S aſſ=|i sº £ff * § &orrow, Aº £3 * $2. 4|3 SZSN. Šºs: sº://sºs. Sººs, ºr, sº ſºft sºmes wº- 23 gº š% in its course several small creeks which come out of the hills and leading their waters around the north end of the west levee and thence to the river. The channel of Coal Creek was dredged out to 30620–No. 158–05—43 674 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. t form the main ditch of the interior drainage system of the district. The pumping plant is located at the lower end of this channel and consists of one 24-inch and two 15-inch horizontal centrifugal pumps, having a combined capacity of 1,583,000 gallons per hour. Power is furnished by one boiler and a Corliss condensing engine. The land has not yet been fully reclaimed. It has not been flooded by river water since the completion of the levee, but the water from the hill streams has not been controlled, so that repeated inundations have occurred from that source. Coal Creek and the little streams which flow out of the bluff are so heavily charged with sediment that they fill the channel of the intercepting ditch and cause its water to flow over the waste bank in such quantities that the pumping plant can not remove it. Owing to this difficulty, the interior drainage system has never been completed. During high water there is a great deal of Seepage through the railway grade and some through the district levee. It is thought that if a muck ditch had been dug in the foundation of the levee and refilled there would have been no seepage, as the water does not go through the embankment, but through the upper 3 feet of the original earth, which contains a great deal of vegetable matter. º INDIVIDUAL FARMS PROTECTED BY LEVEES. In the vicinity of Hillview there are three tracts of land which have been leveed by owners without the aid of the State law. (Pl. X.) The Hartwell ranch, containing an area of 4,000 acres, was leveed in 1889. The levee was cheaply constructed, having steep slopes and a narrow top and the greater part of the dirt being taken from the inside. The land inclosed receives a large amount of bluff water, and several dredge ditches have been made for the interior drainage. During low water drainage is effected through a sluice gate into Apple Creek. During high water the gate is closed and the water is raised with a Menge pump, but it has not sufficient capacity to remove the water as rapidly as it collects. The levee was broken by waves during the flood of 1904 and the ranch was flooded. The Roberts ranch, situated between the Hartwell ranch and the river and covering an area of 3,000 acres, is entirely surrounded by levees whose construction was similar to those of the Hartwell ranch. The levee broke in 1903 and 1904, due to the action of the waves and of the water running over the top. This was the only point in the Illinois River levees where a deep crevasse was formed similar to those which occur in the Mississippi levees. The drainage water is carried by open ditches to the pumping station, which is on the river levee. The pumping plant consists of a 24-inch horizontal direct- connected centrifugal pump having a capacity of 1,200,000 gallons per hour. U. S. DEPT. OF AGR., BUL. 158, office of EXPT. STATIONS. RRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. —--- r - . . . . . . ~. -- PLATÉ X. zº NS § º s ºf º * § /24/d OATA AOAP77O/V O/* ///2%5 AP//ZAP APO770///4//) J//O////VG ZOC47/O/VOA’ //4AP7//ZZZ.APCA3/AP7C & ZO//7%57///////ZZ, 5. /7.27 /?d of Zoos & Des A2/7es A*/vers, Zy Goſz's of A/22/5 &J A/72/ /902–/904 THE NORR Is PETERs co., WAs.H 1 NoTon, p. c DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 675 The Lowenstein farm, consisting of 600 acres, is protected by a levee built with a 2 to 1 slope on the outside and a 1% to 1 slope on the inside, with a 4-foot top. The foundation was grubbed and plowed and the dirt was all taken from the inside. The land receives the bluff water from an area 1.5 miles long by 1 mile wide. During low water it drains by a gravity outlet. For high water a Menge pump with two wheels was provided. This plant failed because the pump could not be kept in working order, and So it has not been run the past two years. The levee broke in 1903, due, it is thought, to burrowing by muskrats. In 1904 the water stood for ten days within 1 foot of the top of the levee, but it did not break. Part of the land on the inside, however, became too wet for cultivation, because the pumping machinery could not be operated. The levees have failed to fully reclaim these tracts of land from the following causes: In the Hartwell ranch the levee did not have a sufficient cross section, was poorly constructed, and the pumping machinery was not of sufficient capacity to handle the large quantity of water which came from the bluffs through the district. In the Roberts ranch the levee was not high enough, nor of sufficient cross section. In the Lowenstein farm the levee was not of Sufficient height and cross section to withstand the water, and the pumping plant, though in place, was not in working order. WAIBASEI RIVER- The lower Wabash River has a range of 21 feet between low and high water, the channel banks averaging 12 to 15 feet above low water. At various points along the river between Clinton and Vin- cennes organizations have been formed under the State laws and the work of protecting these lands from flood water has begun. The Brevoort levee at Vincennes was begun forty years ago, and has been in its present condition for sixteen years. All other reclamation work has been done within the past ten years. A levee opposite Clinton protects 1,500 acres. This district is drained by gravity through an outflow culvert consisting of four 24- inch sewer pipes. During construction deep borrow pits were left on the inside of the levee and in times of high water they fill with seep water, but otherwise the drainage of the district is good. This levee failed in 1904. The maximum flood overtopped the embank- ment by 1.5 feet, but crevasses were formed before the flood height was reached. One crevasse was attributed to the effect of borrow pits and the others were probably due to faulty construction and insufficient cross section. The Blocksom levee, near Terre Haute, was completed in 1904, and has not yet been subjected to a flood. The Sugar Creek levee, on the opposite side of the river from 676 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Terre Haute, protects 1,500 acres. This was built at a slope of 14 to 1 on each side with a 6-foot crown raised 1.5 feet above high-water mark (fig. 90). The district has gravity drainage through one 42- inch and one 24-inch outflow culvert. In the west part of Sullivan County there are two levees. One, the Island levee, near Sullivan, is 8 miles in length, protecting an area of 6,000 acres. The other, the Gill Township levee, protects an area of 12,000 acres. The cross sections of these levees are the same as the Sugar Creek levee described above. Considerable water passes through these districts and each has several outflow culverts, the Sk •-6-- *N yyyy’s – - - - -tº:- atzg/, wºrer Z277 \ § S 3/2° tº b a' 0 ? » -/Cº. Aſorrow A/ wº- gaºzºmºeºs 45% *$22s22s22s2/s/s/gºžs/s/s/s Šº *———wafer ** 50ſ face * //, /7/ver FIG. 90.-Specified section of Sugar Creek levee. larger ones being 3 feet in diameter, constructed of masonry. In the Gill district two Menge pumps, each of 500,000 gallons per hour capacity, are now being installed. The Brevoort levee at Vincennes protects 12,000 acres. It has a slope of 2 to 1 on the river side and 1% to 1 on the land side, with a 3-foot crown raised 4 feet above high-water mark (fig. 91). This district is drained by two large ditches which discharge under the levee through stone outflow culverts 3 feet in diameter. During high water the low part of the district is flooded by back water, and a pumping plant is necessary for complete drainage. This levee was > = − = * ~ * * * = *** * * Z3/22 s. $ __z.2/, Mºrer '," Q Joſe ſº § e’ A/?" Žºrž: Ajoſ-/rovv /-/ º/s/º Ž */ºzzº #4/#/º --- -------> *%2. *Sºgºź & $2s *——-wazar &zº, sayſ fºcé SZºś/F //, /P/ver FIG. 91.-Specified section of Brevoort levee. the only one on the river which withstood the 1904 flood without a crevasse, although it required constant patrolling and strengthening of weak places to hold it intact. MISSISSIPPI RIVER,. Along the Mississippi River the larger tracts of bottom lands usu- ally lie opposite the bluffs nearest the river, but in some localities there are extensive flats on both sides of the stream which are more or less cut up by old channels and bayous that in high water become navigable, but in low water either dry up entirely or become lakes DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 677 and sloughs of stagnant water. The soils of these bottom lands vary from a black “gumbo” to a coarse Sandy loam, a light sandy loam being the more common. They are all very fertile and when culti- Vated yield large returns of corn and vegetables. The average fall of the reaches of the river which border the low- land is approximately 6 inches per mile. The river has a rise and fall of 23 feet, the high-water period occurring from March to June. During low-water period the river is approximately 0.5 mile wide, while during high water it varies from 1 to 6 miles. The low-water channel has been improved for navigation by wing dams built out from the shore and by dams thrown across the head of side channels and bayous, the object of these structures being to concentrate the water in the main channel 2% and keep it free from bars by the eroding force of the % Water. On both sides of the river Leº these bottom lands have # been partially reclaimed by organizations under the State laws for drainage purposes, by the United States Government for river improvement, or by a combi- nation of the two for drain- age and river improvement. 3 2 /74. A O/7" /*7A:ApAZOOC/4 AZ /ZZ & Z)/P4/A/467/ſ Z)/5.7/P/C7" AAPAE4 3.735 A. is—|§wswa ** * º —3t Ł§ *} J. s /5" /* *s * %. MEREDOCIA FLAT. 2, At Albany, Ill., is a sec- tion of lowland known as the Meredocia flat, bounded on either side by highland and extending from the Mississippi River to Rock River. Previous to its im- provement the water of either river at flood time * flowed through this flat. *alsº During low-water periods it *%. formed a continuous string | of sloughs. The land was | º improved in 1897 by the FIG. 92–Map of Meredocia levee and drainage district. Meredocia levee and drainage district. (Fig. 92.) On the divide between the two rivers 7,800 feet of levee with a maximum height of 8 feet were built to prevent the flooding of the district by Rock River. *& * % % -%22 % 2 5 24, ºs 2 $º. * Ż TSN \ N 6N 2 3" *- \ | K 678 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. A levee 7,400 feet in length, with an outside slope of 3 to 1, inside slope of 2 to 1, 10-foot crown, and maximum height of 23 feet, was built at the lower extremity of the flat to shut out the Mississippi River floods. In the bed of the flat the levee was built on a natural foundation of 7 feet of “gumbo’ underlaid by sand and gravel. A muck ditch constructed under the entire length of the levee and the embankment itself were built of “gumbo.” Twenty per cent was added to the height for shrinkage. During low water drainage is through an outflow culvert consisting of two 48-inch pipes. During high water drainage is effected by a 30-inch horizontal centrifugal pump direct connected to a double vertical engine, the pump having a capacity of 1,500,000 gallons per hour. While the district contains an area of only 8,000 acres, it is estimated that the drainage of 25,000 acres is handled at the pumping station. During extreme high water a few “boils " have developed in the flat. With these exceptions the levee has since its construction withstood all floods without any special patrol or repairs and is in good condition. All of the land is not thoroughly reclaimed for the reason that it has never been sufficiently ditched to make good farm land of the lowest part of the flat, yet many acres have been redeemed, and the entire district is sufficiently drained for meadow land. MUSCATINE ISLAND. Muscatine Island is a 20,000-acre tract near Muscatine, Iowa (fig. 93), cut off from the highland by an old river channel known locally as Muscatine slough. The surface differs from the lowlands usually found along the river in that it is more undulating, the sand ridges on the upper end of the island rising in many places above high water, and there is one quite prominent sand hill near the river bank. The land contiguous to the slough is low and flat. An attempt to protect this island from flood water was begun as early as 1858, but on account of legal difficulties work was discontinued until about twenty years ago, when it was again taken up and completed. A levee was constructed along the river bank from the head to the mouth of the slough. At the upper part of the island for a distance of 4 or 5 miles the only work done was to fill in the low places between sand ridges. At first the lower end of the island was left open be- tween the mouth of the slough and the bluff, but experience soon proved that the plan was faulty, as the flood water from the river backed up the slough, caused it to overflow, and flooded the lowlands of the island. To prevent this a levee was built from the river to the bluff a short distance above the mouth of the slough. The drain- age of the slough was provided for by an outflow culvert, consisting of three 36-inch pipes laid in the bed of the old channel under the levee. At present there are 13 miles of levee, ranging in height from DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 679 zero to 12 feet, the maximum height occurring only in the lowest places. The levee was probably built at a 2 to 1 slope on each side with a 4-foot crown, which was a small cross Section for sandy mate- rial. Erosion and settlement have reduced this section until the levee is prevented from breaking during extreme high water only by the vigorous efforts of residents. At high-water periods the valves at the outflow culvert close and the slough acts as a reservoir to hold * * \ | ! //5(247////////////74%7 ZA/Vo AA’O7·C7:/5, 200004. § the storm water until the river falls sufficiently for the valves to open and gravity drainage to begin. As a result there is a great deal of land lying along the slough too wet for cultivation. FIG. 93.−Map of Muscatine Island levee district. MUSCATINE ISLAND IRRIGATION. In the Southern part of the district ordinary field crops are raised, but in the northern part, near Muscatine, vegetables and melons are the principal products. On account of the sandy nature of the soil and the rapidity with which it dries out in summer irrigation was tried in 1894 and has since been practiced more or less extensively. An irrigation well consists of a pointed 8-inch pipe driven approxi- mately 20 feet into the earth, in which the water stands 9 to 12 feet below the surface during the irrigation season. The part of the pipe which extends down into the water stratum is perforated with slots one-fourth inch wide and 12 inches long, staggered so as not to weaken the pipe. On top of the well pipe is attached a collar, to which the pump is bolted. Some of the wells consist of three or four 4-inch pipes connected at the top in place of one 8-inch pipe. Centrifugal 680 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. pumps with 5-inch and occasionally a 6-inch discharge are used. The pump is mounted on a cast-iron frame bolted to two timber sills which rest in two small trenches dug in the earth. The suction pipe is bolted to the collar of the well tube. The pump can be moved on a small sled from one well to another in about three hours. Power is furnished by a portable engine. The cost of a well, complete, is $75, and of a 5-inch pump ready to attach to it, $145. The engines used are either secondhand thrashing engines or those kept for other pur- poses. No record has been kept of irrigation operations, so that the data collected are those furnished by the gardeners from memory. The average cost of irrigating is as follows: Cost of irrigation. Cents per hour. 1 man to run engine_------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sºme sºm. * *me mº, º sº. 20 1 man to tend Water -------------------------------------- 12. 5 Ruel ---------------------------------------------------- 22. 5 Total cost of running pump one hour 55 Area irrigated in one hour, 0.5 acre. Total cost of irrigating 1 acre, $1.10. During the summer of 1900, the last extremely dry season, 14 pumps were operated and approximately 1,000 acres irrigated. As the irrigating plants are not used every year, and during only a part of the season in dry years, there is no special preparation of the soil for irrigation. The well is located on the highest part of the area to be watered. The pump is started, and a head ditch is made with a plow, the water following in the furrow after the plow. When the head ditch has been carried as far as it is désired to take the water, the water is turned down between the rows at the lower end of the head ditch. As soon as it has reached the farther end of the rows the head ditch is dammed and the water turned between new rows, thus working from the outer end toward the well. Forty acres have been irrigated from a single well, but usually 10 to 15 acres is as large a tract as can be economically watered from one well. Water is applied one to three times a season. The crops irri- gated are sweet potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, watermelons, and canta- loupes. The cash value of the crops varies from $35 to $200 per acre with an average of $60 per acre. Everyone interviewed on the subject considers it a paying investment to have an irrigating plant installed so that it can be used any time a crop is in danger from drought. FLINT CREEK-IOWA RIVER LEVEE. From 1894 to 1900, 35.25 miles of levee were built on the Iowa side of the river by the United States Government for river improve- DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 681 ment (fig. 94). This levee begins at the bluff and extends down the south bank of the Iowa River to its mouth, thence down the až4/> 5//OW/WG ZOC47/OW OF /7/W7 (4///-/M////P/A// AAMD A&O7/C7ZZ). 24722,4CFES. ~He avºor Coºert arough zerº- FIG. 94.—Map showing location of Flint Creek-Iowa River levee. Mississippi to Flint Creek, where it again joins the bluff, thus protecting 44,000 acres from overflow. It was constructed with a •–6—º Z3/207 % zizé wºrer 42e 3/2e 2% AP/ver • 3 x: » 27° /s/º *-i-º-º: %zzº Aſſo/-/-o vºw A2/7." %s %=}= *%-yzzºz. Aft" SAS //zzcAr - =zzº-º-º/ezzas * Z Z}/72/. * FIG.95.—Specified section of enlarged Flint Creek-Iowa River levee. 3 to 1 slope on the river side throughout its entire length. The first sections constructed had a 2 to 1 slope on the land side with 4-foot crown, but the last sections had a 2 to 14 slope with 6-foot crown (figs. 95, 96, and 97). The foundation was cleared 1-4-r---o-º-º-º-o-º-º-º: of all vegetable matter, 3% % 6. ! gº! grubbed, and thoroughly z/ - 2 plowed, a muck ditch 4 feet º FIG. 96.-Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—Section. On firm deep and 4 feet wide con- land which did not fail. structed where considered necessary, and the slopes at completion were smoothed off and sown in grass. Mile posts were set in the crown and iron bench marks on the land slope near the mile posts. Since construction, sections exposed to wave action and not protected by growing tim- ber have been riprapped. º % ºf Jºe In 1903 occurred the 4%zº/º/7% highest flood ever recorded FIG. 97.-Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section exposed to º - waves, protected by riprap, has never failed. at New Boston, which ls near the upper end of this levee. At that time the levee was patrolled and weak places strength- ened. At no point was a crevasse formed, although 23 weak places 682 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. /* * developed. , These were caused by seepage and sloughing on the inner. slope in the high sections of the levee (figs. 98, 99, 100, and 101). as m as sº m º ºs m = ***/62---------- “e-fºr-222 % sºlº ----/50---------4-5.0-------/620.----> l | § 3 %x $ -T- I § 230& 3rde § S * Avers ^S % Jjøe, Sls So • S SIS \, § \\ §§ (SIV) Ø%g Şā * * - T * *** *=. Tº ºme sº- * - * FIG. 98.—Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section where slough occurred on inner slope, afterwards strengthened by banquette. The drainage of the land back of this levee is by gravity, outflow culverts being constructed through the levee at different points. 2-&- - - - - - - -----j- - - - - - "T" ºff % ----- ge-, -ºo- T - - --/O- º - - - -/69- - - - || || || > *s - N, N: S m) s N. N. S g § § *\s AP/ve /* * | N & Zö07 3/oſe §§ sº 3/øe & f § &|S Ż SIS % sº FIG. 99–Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section at northern part of Ziegler's Slough, sloughed in 1903. * Each culvert is composed of one to four 36-inch pipes with automatic 55: 6. /o---------->māmāz--//5:--------9----------2-------------------------------------r | Qö § § 3. N s N. ~ N . § Zó// % % Qö S \) § 5 3/øe AP/ve/- ^ S$ º J/67° §§ NS aſſed ºy Accreſton—ºjš Sºſ/ % 4%g/57;s % š/º/, // &: *. -- * % FIG. 100.—Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section at Iowa Slough, where sloughing occurred in 1903, valves. The sloughs and channels act as reservoirs to hold the storm water until the river falls and the valves open. **-------/6---------3--------4----------. ſ /O | 3: $5: ſ /62------- », ºs--------4--- -- ~5---4------&------ * § § § I ſ | § N R § Ž Ö § "S & § S; Z3/22 N * S $|Š J/ø/? /t/ver § § J/67& 4. º %gs Šišº * Ž%zºº gº FIG. 101.-Flint Creek-Iowa River levee—section at Campbell Slough, where sloughing was checked in 1903 by sand sacks. WARSAW-QUINCY LEVEE. This extends from Warsaw along the Illinois bank of the river to Quincy (fig. 102). It was constructed and is controlled by three * DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 683 Separate districts: The Hunt district, extending from Warsaw to the Adams County line; the Lima Lake district, from Adams County line to the mouth of Bear Creek, thence along the north bank of the creek to the bluff; and the Indian Grave district, from the bluff on º *** \º %3A%izz agoza crºſo, wººd At FIG. 102.-Map of Warsaw-Quincy levee. the South side of Bear Creek; thence down the river and across to the bluff at the head of Quincy Bay. Several years after the levee was constructed a muck ditch was put in at the foot of the outer slope and the embankment strengthened by the United States Government. The cross section is 3 to 1 slope on the outside and 2 to 1 slope on the inside, with ſ ... “I”2% % #2-3-40-gº----20* * * * * * [... wº f * Adoo' % & AP/ver | 6-foot crown. The greater tº: % % ”s $3% part of the levee is built of ºzº. % * , * a sandy loam in which the *…* Sand is very fine. For 2 or 3 miles at the Warsaw end the material is very sandy, but the sand is coarse, and this section is said to be the best in the Hunt district. There is an occasional section of gumbo, which has never given any trouble. During the flood of 1903 the Hunt levee broke in two places, caused by lateral pressure (fig. 103). Several other breaks occurred in this and in the Lima Lake district, but they were due to water FIG. 103.—Hunt district levee—section where crevasse occurred. Q ----ZO---- -----20----&o-s3g. #2-ses--------// O-----F - - - - - - - - - - - /6. O--------4----Z O------- | 2/ ! Adž/26/ YS % &\ AP/ve/T !, Side % § 5ide § S % S. 72 - %Ø 22 Ž%zº/º/º////º/////#/º FIG. 104.—Indian Grave district levee—section where Houghton crevasse occurred. on the inside after the districts had flooded from the preceding breaks. The Indian Grave levee broke at Houghtons Landing when the water was 4 feet below the top of the levee (fig. 104). Several other breaks occurred in this levee, caused by the water on the inside, which came from the previous break. - 684 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. A waterway approximately 1,000 feet wide was left for the flow of Bear Creek between the Lima Lake and Indian Grave levees (fig. 105). There is no distinct channel in this waterway, and it becomes overgrown with weeds and bushes; when the creek rises the growth obstructs the flow of water and causes it to overtop the levees. This waterway has a grade of 4 feet per mile, which causes a ready flow in the ditches along the levees, and as a consequence the districts have been at considerable expense to prevent the water flowing down the borrow pits and washing out the levees. By plowing each year in the center of the waterway a good channel is being made which in time will be large enough to carry the water, as the channel erodes rapidly after it has once been cut through the “gumbo’ to the Sand strata. On account of the heavy deposits of sediment in the Waterway, the levees have been raised several times. The storm water of Hunt and Lima Lake districts is discharged through outflow culverts, made of 4-foot pipe fitted with automatic &O.A.R. Arizº Pººr /.393. \ * * * ºssº. Tº sº ºmams mºs. ººm-Tºms emem.T-zºwº –––––––––– ge: || || / j| || f \ | \ | \ | fo/ff | lls, § Ay N & £y Key — cross-secrop. /696 — — Cross-56C//on, (699 *—º-é—é=*—%–é 322 *—º–é—é=#” FIG. 105–Section across Bear Creek waterway. valves, located near the mouth of Bear Creek. The Indian Grave dis- trict drains through similar culverts into Quincy Bay. The interior sloughs and old channels act as reservoirs to hold the storm water until it can escape by gravity. Some dredge ditching has been done in Lima Lake district, but because of poor outlets it has been of no benefit. Much valuable land is rendered unfit for cultivation on account of these interior sloughs overflowing during long seasons of high water. SNY ISLAND LEVEE. The Sny Island levee and drainage district was organized in 1871 and the levee constructed in 1872–73 (figs. 106 and 107). The levee begins at Bluff Hall, on the Illinois side of the river, and extends to Hamburg Bay, a distance of 52 miles, protecting 110,000 acres, of which 90,000 are in cultivation. The district is drained by an old channel called the Sny, which leaves the river near Bluff Hall and DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 685 ºſoțInsȚp oºgtipo Ip puts 90.Aoſ putºſsI KUIS JO Qitad º go dº IN–'90I ‘bīJI §/2/X/Pº ^^o^4}y}{P/9 ∞ → 22YT!=~ ?)<Ų ºrvoj ae\_/^= \!2^{294łºſy. &<>~ ' /5 *------42; go-º----------eo.-----|--ſo--f----eo------ § Izma - ! ; N: - ãº. § ! I AP/ver l s: § 5%ze Š 35- ). * Š side § 3 §§ § 2 ºrºž/ ZZZZzzzzzzz §§ &zºº////////////#4%%;" FIG. 108.—Sny levee—section across old channel, known as the cut-off, public road on the crown. for the foundation to be cleared of all timber and vegetable matter and thoroughly plowed after the stumps and brush had been grubbed and for a muck ditch 18 inches wide on the bottom and 3 feet deep, filled with black dirt. Subsequent events proved that the specifica- tions had not been complied with in regard to the muck ditch and the clearing, grubbing, and plowing of the foundation, and the borrow pits which were opened up in many places near the foot of the inner slope were a source of continual trouble and danger until they were refilled. During the first few years after construction the levee was frequently broken by floods. In time the height was raised, the * o try N 2. S Aj Tº gº. - 3--7:- ge sº-Tº-e * - - - * Tºri Nº. * º w & Ö º Q wº * $ S o; J/øe Q} Ö Q § § five, Z5% z/ 3/a2; Z:. * *ZZzºg FIG, 109.-Sny levee—section near Hannibal, Mo., public road on banquette. inside borrow pits filled, and the slopes flattened or strengthened by a banquette, so that the levee held intact from 1888 to 1903. The Louisiana crevasse of the latter year was over 300 feet wide and 60 feet deep and cost the district $25,000 to refill. Up to 1894 more material had been used in repairing and strengthening than had been used in the original construction (figs. 108 and 109). A history of the construction and maintenance of the levee up to December, 1893, was given in the testimony to the courts in the Sny Island bond suit by H. P. Dodge, who during construction worked on the levee as an employee of the contractor and later as a Subcon- 688 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. tractor, and since construction has been on the levee an average of three months each year and has repaired several of the breaks. He testified in effect as follows: When the contractors first began work the specifications were carried out, but they soon began slighting their work. The engineers passed over the ground between 8 and 10 a. m. and 3 and 4 p. m. Between times the contractors would cover up stumps, logs, and brush, refill the muck ditch with Sand and vege- table matter that had been thrown out of it, and poorly plow rooty ground. These defects would be Govered up and look all right when the engineers came along. When the freezing weather came On the muck ditch was omitted entirely and the plowing was more poorly done. The inside borrow pits were often Worked out 6 to 7 feet deep and everything was hauled into the levee that would make a bank. The big cut-off was filled during the winter of 1872–73. Piles were driven and brush filled in to keep the bank from sliding. South of Black Wood Bend the levee was built on top of roots and drift sand. The levee as originally built was not high enough nor wide enough and the siopes were too steep. The deep borrow pits on the inside were extremely injurious, and the failure to Complete the muck ditch and clear the foundation of vegetable matter has been the cause of serious trouble. After construction seepage caused by trash in the foundation of the embankment came out at one point on the inside of the levee and finally resulted in a crevasse. Before the Goodman Crevasse Occurred Springs were formed On the inside, and when the break came it washed the levee away, but it did not wash out below the original surface, showing that the ground had not been plowed. In a distance of 300 feet along this break there were 22 Stumps 2 to 4 feet high. The break at Government Circle revealed the fact that the muck ditch had been omitted, the brush not removed, and the ground not plowed. Before the crevasse devel- oped at Murphy's Bay the water came through between the surface of the ground and the levee, where there was a layer of decomposing vegetation. The breaks of 1876 and at Black Woods Bend were repaired in the following manner: The ground was cleared and well plowed, a muck ditch dug 3 feet deep and 3 feet wide, which was refilled with black earth well tamped, and the levee constructed with a 3 to 1 slope on each side. The Government used the same method in repairing the break at Murphy's Bay. None of these repairs has given any trouble, although in the most treacherous places along the levee. E. J. Chamberlain, who had been engineer of the district since 1884, testified in effect as follows: There were defects in the Original location and construction of the levee. In many places it was located so near the bank of the river that material for its Construction had to be taken from the land side. The opening up of these land- . side borrow pits, which are 2 to 6 feet deep, has been the cause of much trouble and expense, as quicksand was often exposed and when the surface soil was removed there was nothing to hold the quicksand in place. The hydrostatic pressure forces the water through the quicksand, forming springlike streams, When the work of destruction is rapid. The Crewasse of 1876 came from this cause alone. In many places it would have been better if the levee had been far enough from the river so as to have left a fore shore of timber and brush as a protection from wave action, as where the levee is located near the river and not protected by brush and timber great injury has been done to the slopes by currents and wave action. DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 689 The errors of construction may be placed under four heads: (1) Insufficient grade; (2) insufficient preparation of foundation ; (3) insufficient cross section ; (4) improper location of borrow pits. The original notes show that the data for determining the grade of the crown were the high-water marks of 1851 at Hannibal and Louisiana. The difference in elevation between these marks gave a grade line of less than 6 inches per mile for that flood plane of the river, and this was adopted as the grade line of the levee crown. No allowance was made for any change, such as Confining the river within a narrower channel, as at the Hannibal and LOuisiana bridges, where the width of the river at flood height has been reduced from 6 miles to Something less than 1,500 feet. Theoretically the river is supposed to descend at a certain grade, but that is affected by circumstances. For instance, a sudden rise in Salt River causes the plane of high water in the Mississippi River immediately below the mouth of Salt River to raise above the uniform plane, the water becoming “piled up,” as we say in common parlance. While agreeing to the theory that water will find depth when ...the banks are contracted, there are reasons for believing that the water is higher at Hannibal and Louisiana than in 1872. The effect of nar- rowing the channel at these places, as found from notes actually taken in the field in 1888, and also in 1892 at the time when the river was at or near its highest stage, has been to elevate the plane of water at these points, and there has also been more or less change in the grade of the water at other points. Above the Hannibal Bridge for 4 or 5 miles the plane or surface of the Water is level, and at another place at the head of the levee it is nearly level. Then there is a section below the Hannibal Bridge where there is a fall of 2 feet or more. In a number of places between Cincinnati and Louisiana there are reaches of the river extending for half a mile where the plane of the river was level, as observed in 1892, then there would be a rapid fall for a short distance. Above the Louisiana Bridge it is level for some distance. While local conditions cause the grade to vary at different points, the average fall of the high-water plane from One end Of the levee to the Other is about 6 inches per mile. The original grade of the levee was not even theoretically correct unless the levee had been composed of a hard substance that would have kept it up to grade and prevented burrowing animals from making tunnels 6 to 24 inclies under the surface from standing water on one side of the levee to standing water on the other. Mole tunnels about 2 inches under the surface caused much injury to the levee in 18S8 in localities of insufficient grade, where the water Came to Or within a few inches of the Original grade. The levee was not high enough. It was supposed to be to the high-water plane of 1851, but even that height was not theoretically correct, for it would be insufficient from the fact that the Wind would throw Waves Over the Crown, gutting the material away unless it were of stone. The levee would also settle and become much lower. It was found on rerunning levels over the levee that in one section, just above the head of Gilgal Prairie, for a distance of 3 miles the crown was 2 to 3 feet below grade. At another place for half a mile it was 2 feet below grade, and there were a number of other places where it was below the original grade. The plane of the water having been raised at the Hannibal and Louisiana bridges, the levee would have been insufficiently high to have withstood the 1851 water. It was known from working on the levee prior to 1888 that the sections above Hannibal were at the original grade. In that year the water was 6 inches to 2 feet above the crown of the levee where it was at the original grade, although records from other points on the river show that this flood did not equal that of 1851. In 1888 the grade of the origi- 30620–No. 158–05—44 690 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. nal levee was generally 2.5 feet below the 1851 water mark. To make a levee reasonably Safe the grade of the crown should be not less than 3 feet above the highest known water. The present plans are based on a grade line estab- lished from the flood plane of 1888 and confirmed by the flood of 1892. The next defect was in the preparation of the foundation. In filling around the Old CrevaSSes at Kings Lake and Bay Island some of the original levee was removed, and in the foundation were found stumps and vegetable matter which are very objectionable. Unless the foundation is cleared of all perishable matter, a seam will be formed and the new embankment will not become mortised to the ground, but will permit water to flow between the levee and the Original surface. This has been observed in small embankments and was Seen here in 1887, when the road on the inner berm had considerable water on it, all coming from under the levee. The river was high enough to have sub- merged the land with no levee, but not high enough to cause the water to percolate through the embankment. Seepage under the levee did not occur where the muck ditch had been made and the foundation properly prepared. All repair levees constructed since 1884 by the district or the Government have had all roots and connections between the river side and the land side cut off by muck ditches. The best way to form a bond between the new levee and the original ground is to make a ditch 4 to 6 feet wide and tamp with impervious material. This protects the joint and mortises the embankment. Insufficient Cross section means insufficient thickness and size of embank- ment, and a great deal of trouble has been experienced from this cause. In sections where there is quicksand the levee has been giving way on the land side by sloughing, but where the material is black clay or gumbo there has been no trouble from this cause. In regions of quicksand a levee will stand at Only a very flat slope. The improper location of borrow pits has further weakened the cross section. In many places borrow pits 6 feet deep were made within 10 feet of the levee On both the river and land sides. So far as the strength of the embankment is concerned this would have the effect of adding 6 feet to the height of the levee without sufficiently increasing the base. For instance, a levee 10 feet high of the original cross section would have a base of 55 feet, but if borrow pits 6 feet deep were dug 10 feet from the toe of each slope it would be equivalent to a levee 16 feet high, with a base of 75 feet, instead of 85 feet, as it should be. It was found from observation that the river banks and also the levee itself, where exposed to wave action, took slopes of their own varying from 4 to 1 to 8 to 1. Nature’s slopes were adopted as far as the district was able to pay for them. In 1888, a new grade line and system of construction were adopted after study of the high-water plane for that year, and it was decided to make the slopes on the river side 3 to 1, 4 to 1, and 5 to 1, depending on the location. Where there was a good foreshore of timber and brush and the levee composed of impervious material, 3 to 1 on the river side, and 2 to 1 on the land side were sufficient, but where exposed to wave action a 5 to 1 slope on the river side was decided on. In regions of quicksand a 4 to 1 slope on the land side has been used. This slope has R8t been Carried quite to the top of the levee on account of expense, but as high as there was likely to be percolation from the river. To keep the quicksand in place a coating of heavy material 2 to 6 feet deep and 10 to 20 feet wide was placed over the land side borrow pits. Where prac- ticable material was hauled from the river side of the levee, otherwise it was obtained on the land side Some distance back. Bushes growing on a levee are an injury, as the roots penetrate the embank- ment and, decaying, leave an opening for a waterway through the levee. They also prevent the detection of weak places in time of high water. BRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 691 The action of the elements is always a source of great danger, wave action being especially injurious. Burrowing animals are also a constant menace to . Safety. It is absolutely necessary to provide for the repairs of a levee as it Would not be safe to put up an embankment for flood protection and then give no attention to its maintenance. To protect a levee in time of high water requires constant watching because the material of which it is built is not such as would be used in building a reservoir for constantly retaining a body of water. Where construction is defective more vigilant watching in time of danger is necessary than if prop- erly built. In a general way the commissioners and all interested prepare to protect the levee in times of danger by organizing a patrol and getting materials, such as Sand bags, burlap, brush, and straw in readiness. Loose-woven burlap Spread over the slope and held in position by sand bags has been found to be the best means of stopping sloughing. Several times overtopping has been prevented by setting on edge boards 1 foot wide; in a few places a second board has had to be added to the first. As the danger increases the patrol is increased and is kept going night and day from One end of the levee to the other. The levee is divided into districts which are subdivided into 1-mile sections. As Occasion requires the landowners turn out and give assistance. In 1892, a large body of men had to be secured in a short time and many were obtained from outside the district. Many residents of the district who could not go personally sent help or supplies. In that year $14,000 was spent in patrolling and strengthening the levee. From the completion of the levee to 1888, there were 18 breaks which de- stroyed altogether 4.1 miles of the old levee. The large breaks were repaired by circling around the old crevasses. On account of the extra length this involved, 4.8 miles of new levees were required, 3.3 miles being on new loca- tion which required new right of way. None of the new work has given any trouble. The Government has placed some dikes in the river for improving navigation, but they have little or no influence on high water. The United States engineer’s report on the high water of 1903 says of the Sny levee: Many boils and seeps were developed, but no danger of breaks. Where there was a good wide banquette on the inside, boils and seeps were eliminated and the ground solid enough to drive over with a wagon at all times. The danger of a break at Hannibal and the break at Louisiana were caused by using rail- way grades as a part of the levee. LEVEE CONSTRUCTION. In selecting a route for a levee care should be taken to locate on stable ground where there is sufficient room for borrow pits on the river side, to keep a foreshore of timber between the location and open water, to cross sloughs and old channels by the shortest courses, and to avoid places where the levee would be exposed to erosion by currents Or Waves. The height should be not less than 3 feet above high-water mark. This is necessary to prevent overtopping of the levee by waves, by an unexpected rise in the flood plane, or by the lowering of the crown by the crossing of animals, erosion, etc. f 692 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The cross section required for a levée depends on its height, the material, and the length of time it is exposed to high water. An embankment of an impervious material does not need the cross section of one built of a material easily saturated and a levee of pervious material which would withstand a flood for five days might fail under the same height of flood if it continued ten days; this would depend upon the rapidity with which the material becomes saturated. The injurious effect of waves and currents is materially decreased as the slope is flattened and of burrowing animals as the area of the cross Section is increased. A flat slope is cheaply maintained as grass z O •As- “ & = * * *A“T-ºº-ºº: * * * * * * /620-----f-------------a-5. O---------------f- - Yº | Zó/767 § fu try AP/p/a/T | wg/ fº/.5 Ż #. #º/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/ºft, - - - * FIG. 110.-Hunt district levee—section of new levee built to cross crevasse. grows more readily and is not injured by the tramping of animals, and vegetable growth can be kept down by the use of mowing machines. In heavy material such as is found on the Illinois River it is desir- able to make the slopes 3 to 1 on both sides. For the river side the most economical slope under all conditions is 3 to 1, but for the land side a 2 to 1 slope may have sufficient strength in the heavier materials, though it is believed that 3 to 1 would be more economical in the end. Where light material is used, such as is found on the •-6- 4*.42e g/922 %2ss •2 / * *-ao' - N- 3: I ſº /P/ver Jºoſe l $2 Zéna'.5/ae. zºº FIG. 111.—Proposed section of levee for closing the Houghton crevasse. Mississippi, the greater bulk should be placed on the inside of the center of the cross section. The inside slope should not be steeper than 3 to 1 and in Some localities it is necessary to increase this to 4 to 1 or to reenforce the land side by a banquette, the top of which should be kept 8 feet below the top of the levee. The width of its crown may vary from 20 to 30 feet. The inside slope below high- water line should be not less than 3 to 1 and, in some special cases, should be increased to 5 to 1. In a few places on the Warsaw- Quincy levee the inner slope has been increased from 2 to 1 to 4 to 1. In the Sny levee the old 2 to 1 slope has been strengthened by a 24-foot banquette or increased to a 4 to 1 slope (fig, 112). In places DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 693 where exposed to wave action the river slope of 3 to 1 has been increased to 5 to 1. In levee construction on the lower Mississippi, 8 feet has been accepted as a common top width, but 6 feet is thought sufficient width for the levees just described. Many levee builders now advo- cate adding 1 foot vertical to the crown and grading to an apex (fig. 112). The object of this addition is to furnish a supply of material on top of the levee for use in emergencies, to induce moles and muskrats to burrow above the high-water plane, and to increase the height of the levee against an unforeseen rise in the flood plane. The underdrainage of farms and the improvement of creek chan- nels in the uplands concentrate the storm water and deliver it to the main drainage channels rapidly. In leveeing overflowed lands large areas which have served as reservoirs to hold the water and deliver it gradually to the streams are cut off, as well as channels and currents occurring throughout the overflowed area. After these improvements have been made the same amount of water must necessarily pass through a narrower channel in less time. Under this condition the velocity of the stream increases, and observations indicate that the ." É% : I Zº --~ 2-d /º/−. 4. % •-6/7– Y--~ Ø % 3.2 Adno Jide 4:1 //// \ * *>3 - 2% *Tºyº ºº: 5. Qomo A.33°od’ Ø AP/ver Side FIG. 112.—Section showing plan for improving the Original Sny levee. flood height is also raised. Hence the following conclusion may be drawn: The ordinary improvement of land within the watershed of a stream tends to raise the flood plane of the stream and decrease the duration of the flood. In constructing levees along streams where large projects of improvement are likely to be carried out in the future the structures should be planned to provide, as far as possible, for this increased rise. The greater percentage of levee failures are due to using cross sections barely sufficient to hold floods under ordinary conditions. During the unusual high water of 1903 on the Mississippi and of 1904 on the Illinois and Wabash the leveed lands were flooded because no preparation had been made for those exceptional conditions. The levees were patrolled and weak places strengthened, yet these precau- tions were ineffectual because the levees were of such small cross sections that every trivial injury to the original embankments pro- duced a serious weakness and there was not sufficient foundation nor material at hand to work with. In consequence much money and labor were lost in maintaining and rebuilding the levees, besides the damage done to property inside the district. 694 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. # & Levees are usually constructed with wheeled and drag Scrapers. Slips are used in some of the smaller levees, and occasionally they are put up by wheelbarrows. The Coal Creek levee was successfully con- structed with a 2.5-yard dipper dredge. The only objection to this method of construction is the large borrow pit which is necessarily left close to the levee. On a stream of slow current and tenacious material, such as the Illinois River, this is not objectionable, but along a stream with rapid current or through sandy material this pit might cause a current down the levee and lead to caving. Near Hannibal, Mo., a section of the South River levee is being constructed by means of a hydraulic dredge. This section crosses gumbo land covered with water, where scrapers can not be used. The levee averages 14 feet in height. The borrow pit is kept at 150 feet from the toe of the slope. The gumbo varies in depth from 10 to 30 feet and is underlain by sand. The suction pipe of the dredge is kept in the Sand, and as the gumbo drops down it is taken up with the sand, so that the material which goes into the levee is a mixture of gumbo and sand laid down in water. On account of the fluidity of the material as it leaves the discharge pipe, it is difficult to hold in place, but by using earth ridges and planks the embankment is raised to within 7 feet of the grade line and is then completed by scraping up the waste material with drag scrapers. The completed levee was put up for the same price per yard as sections of the same height with scrapers, and it has the advantage of containing an immense amount of waste material—100 feet on each side of the embankment. This material deposited along the foundation of the levee in swampy ground is of great value in the maintenance of the levee, and it also decreases the height of the levee actually subject to the pressure of the Water. This dredge will undoubtedly occupy an important field in future levee work, as it can fill up sloughs and low land where scraper work would be extremely difficult and expensive. It also has the advan- tage of constructing the levee without injuring the timber or making a borrow pit near the foot of the slope. The foundation for a levee should be prepared by cutting all tim- ber for a distance of 20 feet on either side of the toes of the slopes. Roots in the foundation should be grubbed to a depth of 3 feet and all vegetable matter removed. The foundation should then be plowed deep and thoroughly. A muck ditch should be constructed under the center of the levee of sufficient depth and width to cut through any vegetable matter, roots, holes, or sand strata which may lie under the surface. The object of the muck ditch is to unite the embankment to the earth and cut off any material which might cause seepage. This ditch may vary from 2 feet in width and 3 feet in depth to 4 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 695 feet in width and 12 feet in depth, its cross section depending entirely upon the kind of material through which it passes. It should be filled with the best material obtainable. The shallower ditches can be tamped by driving the teams across them, the deeper ones by lead- ing a horse back and forth through them as they are filled. Where the soil is tenacious and a muck ditch is not considered necessary, the foundation should be plowed outward, leaving a deep dead furrow in the center. A berm not less than 10 feet in width should be left between the toe of the slope and the edge of the borrow pit. When this is done the side of the borrow pit next to the levee should have a slope not less than that of the levee. In sandy or loose material or where deep borrow pits are to be made with a dredge the berm should be not less than 20 feet in width. Where there are strata of quicksand or unstable earth the slope of the borrow pit next to the levee should be as flat as practicable. Earth should not be taken from the inside if it can be avoided and never nearer than 60 feet in the best material. The pits should be shallow. Where levees are built with scrapers the material should be deposited in layers not exceeding 2 feet in depth so that it may be tamped by the teams pass- ing back and forth over it. The embankment should be started at the full width of the slope stakes and carried to the crown at the width of the finished embankment, for it is not good construction to dump material over the sides. The shrinkage of levees allowed by engineers varies from 5 to 20 per cent. Under ordinary conditions 10 per cent for scraper work and 20 per cent for untamped wheelbarrow work is sufficient, sandy material shrinking less than clay. On the Coal Creek levee the dredge work has settled only 3 per cent and the scraper work 10 per cent at the end of a year, and no further shrinkage was perceptible the second year. Oftentimes several feet of settlement takes place under the weight of the embankment. The heaviest settlement is liable to occur in the beds of sloughs. For convenience in maintenance and description of localities mile- posts should be set in the crown. A white post 3 by 4 inches, standing 3 feet above the crown and having the number of the mile painted in black, makes an economical and neat marker. A bench mark should be established near each milepost. A metallic post set near the toe of the inner slope would be more desirable, as it would be permanent. It should be set in such a position as not to be affected by the settle- ment of the levee. - After the levee is completed the slopes should be smoothed off and sown in grass. In latitudes where it will grow, Bermuda is the best, as it makes a thick sod and grows readily on slopes. In other lati- tudes a mixture of bluegrass and redtop gives better service. The bluegrass will grow on the upper part of the slopes and the crown, 696 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. while the redtop will grow on the berm and borrow pits. These grasses make a tougher and better sod than any other tame varieties. On levees which have been built with dredges some difficulty will be experienced in getting grass started, as the slopes are rough and uneven and the material on the surface has often come from the bot- tom of the borrow pit, but after the slopes have weathered two or ihree seasons they can be smoothed down and grass started on them. Observation shows that it is difficult to get grass set on slopes steeper than 3 to 1; however, occasional short sections of steeper slopes well Sodded are found. LEVEE IMAINTENANCE. On the completion of a levee efficient measures should immediately be taken for its maintenance. One of the first features to be looked after is the protection of the slopes from high water, currents, and waves. Where there is a foreshore of thick-growing timber there will not be much trouble from this source. Thick, small timber, which will not bend before the force of the water, is better than large timber, as it breaks up the waves more effectually. Where there is no native timber a good protection can Soon be secured by planting willows, maples, and cottonwoods in and along the borrow pit. No timber should be allowed nearer the slopes than 20 feet, as the roots will penetrate the base of the levee, and when they decay will cause Seepage. Occasionally a green root will cause seepage of water under pressure. --- Another protection to the levee slope is a covering of tough sod, which retards erosion occasioned by rain storms, currents, and waves. The vegetable growth on the levee and berms on each side should be kept cut, since weeds growing and dying on the slope loosen the Sur- face. Bushes also keep the surface loose and increase the danger of injury by waves and currents. Any neglected growth over the levee affords protection to burrowing animals, making it difficult for hunters to locate them. --- Another method of protecting the slopes which is lasting but ex- pensive is a revetment of rock 6 to 10 inches in depth laid over the exposed slope. Muskrats do more damage to a levee than does any other animal, their nature being to begin their burrows below the water surface, continuing them into the bank 12 to 24 inches beneath its surface. Where water stands on both sides of the bank, as it does where a levee crosses a slough, they frequently make burrows from one side to the other not more than 2 feet below the surface of the embankment at any point. At no place is there any evidence that a rat has burrowed directly through an embankment. These burrows are a serious injury to a levee of small cross section with the crown near the flood plane DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. O 697 (figs. 113 and 114). Where the levee has ample dimensions they seldom cause serious injury. Where the burrows are numerous near the foot of the slope they frequently cause sloughing when the bank becomes saturated. Such animals as opossums, skunks, and ground- hogs may burrow in a levee to Secure dry retreats, but their burrows Jo/-/?ce o/* , 3/oz/2/? TTL-º- * %//e/e/e/e/ºyº FIG. 113.-Section showing trace of a muskrat burrow across a levee of small section. seldom extend through an embankment, the injury done by them being due to weakening of the cross Section which permits seepage water to pass through more readily. Crawfish usually work straight down, and where there is a stratum of pervious material near the sur- face they work into it, causing seepage. An example of this may be Jø/~/?ce o/f 5/222/? ~~~ ~ J %;%:/º/e/e/e/#/e/E/F/E/s/º/E/E/=/=% FIG. 114.—Section showing trace of a muskrat burrow across a levee of ample section. found in the district back of the Warsaw-Quincy levee; this is under- laid by a sand stratum 6 feet below the surface from which water often flows through crawfish holes during times of flood (fig. 115). There are many conflicting opinions regarding the pasturing of levees, and a special effort was made to obtain definite information ///g/ bºxer Z § Zevee § 7, º &/s. A *, - * s/ºſs s/s/gºžºs/Eºgs £757;7E. sº/EZEWE Es/E/F 7 tº Æorrow Air g--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s' ºa -º Goy/774) o. º ſ/ §ºžtº Mé/?/"Aşºsº; §§§§§2,527 ºozłºśjºšššš %2/ A#$$º §éâfaç㺠5t//.4 & FIG. 115.—Section showing the formation of a boil inside of a levee. on this point. In the Flint Creek-Iowa River levee pastured sections alternate with those bordering cultivated fields which are not pas- tured. In the former the 2 to 1 slopes showed more injury from the tramping and slipping of the live stock than the 24 to 1 slopes. Cattle had also injured the steeper slope with their horns by tearing up the Sod and loosening the surface. No injury, however, was 698, IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. done on the 3 to 1 slopes. Where there were no fences trails were made transversely across the levee, which wore 6 to 10 inches below the surface, but they were narrow, easily located, and the depressions made by them are easily repaired. Observations on small pastured sections of various other levees showed similar conditions. Where it is impracticable to keep down the growth of vegetation with mowing machines the levee should be pastured, since the injury done by live stock is less than that occa- sioned by an unchecked growth of weeds and bushes. +. Where it is necessary to construct a fence on a levee it should either pass across the embankment at right angles to its course or parallel to it along the crown. The objection to all fences upon levees is that animals make trails along them, which are undesirable, espe- cially on the slope. The crown is sometimes used as a road, but this practice is objec- tionable, as in a 6 or 8 foot crown the edges are cut off by the wheels, ruts and chuck holes form low places, and in loose material fine particles are blown off by the wind, which in time materially lessens the top width and the height of the bank. Another serious objection is that in times of heavy rain storms the ruts collect the water, carry it some distance, and turn it down the slope, causing injury. The better place for a road is at the foot of the inner slope. If the levee has a banquette, the top of that makes an excellent roadway. Where it is necessary to use the crown of a levee for a road, the crown should be made wide. - An embankment built for railway purposes should not be included as part of a levee system unless it has been especially prepared for such use by placing a heavy layer of good material over the Outer slope after a muck ditch has been put in at the foot of the old grade. A railway embankment is usually constructed on the surface without any preparation of the foundation, and in Swampy lands layers of vegetable matter are often buried, which will prove fruitful sources of seeps if the grade is used as a levee. After construction, tracks are often raised and long trestles filled; timbers and old ties are buried and become sources of weakness in the bank. There can be no objection to a railway on top of a levee if the embankment has been prepared for levee purposes. Experience in the management of levees has demonstrated quite clearly that they must be patrolled and inspected systematically. During the first year after construction the settlement of a levee should be looked after, particularly where it crosses sloughs or unsta- ble ground, as settlement is liable to lower the crown below the flood plane. The best protection against burrowing animals is to occa- sionally patrol the levee with dogs, repair the injury done to the bank by animals, and keep the brush and weeds cut. During the DRAIN_AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 699 flood season the patrol should be increased so that any threatened weakness may be at once detected and strengthened. Where a levee is threatened by overtopping the crown can be raised by setting planks on edge, holding them in place by stakes, and backing them up with earth taken from the inner slope. Where there is a current sacks filled with earth may be used with good effect. Wave action can be checked by putting sacks filled with sand along the line of erosion. Cornstalks, brush, and lumber will also serve the same pur- pose when held in position by stakes and wires. Planks set on edge at the surface of the water and held on the outside by posts driven in the embankment, while the inside is packed with straw, have been successfully used. Sloughing on the inner slope can be checked by packing brush or other material on the slope and holding it down with wire fas- tened to stakes driven in the berm and crown. Sheets of burlap stretched over the inner slope and held in position by stakes or sand bags are also a quick and effective remedy. When seeps are found they can be effectually cut off by sand bags if the location on the outer slope can be discovered. If not, it will be necessary to wall them in by Sand bags from the inner slope, for which purpose the bags should not be filled quite full and should be laid around the seep in the form of a wall, within which the water will rise until it can do no more injury. The most convenient material for levee repairs in an emergency is the sand bag. When practicable the bag should be filled with sand in preference to other material, as it is more quickly handled and is useful for any form of repairs. For walling in seeps and preventing Sloughing and overtopping, any material with which the bag can be filled will serve the purpose, but to prevent cutting by waves and strong currents it is necessary to fill them with a material so coarse that it can not wash out of the bags. Sand bags used for this pur- pose should be placed systematically on the bank, so as to get the greatest good from the least number. Where it is necessary to build them up it is often advisable to lay one course header and the next stretcher, while under other conditions two courses stretcher could be laid to one header. - If repairing a large crevasse it is found more economical to build a new levee around the inside of the crevasse than to refill on the old line. This new embankment is semicircular in form and is known in levee parlance as a “circle.” The Indian Grave district specifies that in repairing small crevasses and slopes which have been injured by erosion the dirt shall not be taken nearer than 100 feet nor more than 200 feet from the toe of the levee on the inside, and never nearer than 25 feet on the outside. Before filling the base should be plowed down and outward, so as to 700 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. leave a deep dead furrow in the center. The end of the levee, where it can not be plowed, must be dug down. When necessary a muck ditch shall be dug or planks set on end for the purpose of uniting the new and old embankments. Unless otherwise specified the new fill shall have the same crown and slope as the old levee. * LEVEE FAILURES. Experience has shown that the stability of a levee is dependent upon its location, cross Section, material used in construction, and maintenance. If all these conditions were ideal there would be no levee failures, but in practice it is not often possible to get them. Locations must be used which leave the foundation and slopes exposed to erosion by currents and waves. Such material as is at hand must be used, and the funds available often determine the size of the cross section. The ideal material for levee construction is a heavy tenacious earth which will not erode or dissolve when sub- jected to the direct action of water and will resist percolation under hydrostatic pressure. Of the available materials found in river bot- toms gumbo and “buckshot ” are the best. The material of the low land bordering the Illinois River is excellent for levee construction. It yields very slowly to the eroding action of running water and only small crevasses are formed in case the water breaks the embankment. A number of places were observed where the water had run over the top for several days without injuring the bank. Where crevasses had been formed the foundation of the embankment was not cut below the original surface. Even where the water had been running out from the inside through crevasses for weeks the material under and at the sides of the running water was solid, and it was necessary to use a spade to deepen the crevasses suf- ficiently to relieve the inclosed district of surface water. Wave action causes the most serious injury to levees composed of this material. Where the levee is exposed to an expanse of open water, during a high wind the waves undereut the embankment at the surface of the water and dissolve the material. As the waves cut back into the levee the overhanging material falls into the water and is rapidly broken up and carried away, while the material above the point of the eroding force assumes a vertical position. The length of time a levee can withstand wave action is dependent upon the width of the levee at the water line and the intensity and duration of the storm. If the water is falling during a series of storms of short duration the slope will be worked into steps, the dimension of each step being determined by the stage of the water and the duration of the storm. Much of the material of the lowland bordering the Mississippi River is a sandy loam, in which the sand is very fine. This is poor DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 701 material for levee construction, as it erodes rapidly under the action of water. A number of crevasses 500 to 1,000 feet in width were observed in levees of this material in which the inflow of the water had eroded the foundation 20 to 30 feet below the original surface. (Fig. 116.) The crevasses in the Warsaw-Quincy and Sny levees were of this nature, and also the crevasse formed in that part of the Roberts levee on the Illinois River, which had been constructed on a sand ridge. The material readily permits the percolation of water, and becomes soft and unstable when under hydrostatic pressure. APiver jºde. /a47%03 ||||| ||||| 6%/ i |; º 600. - - - |####|ſiſſiſſil ºff. ######5 TNTmº" - ſ | ; f ~ - - - ºr illiliği'ſſiſſillºliifºliºſińſºft|} ! ; {} S § ſº ſº * { ; ; ; ; * . ! h ſº : ! º * *> | 3% *& : aſº" QS S. Aroooseo/ Aew Zevee. s; gº § * @ & Q. § S; § § § Wº: s f s AZAA-5 O/* AAPAAA /VO / ////)/A// 6/24// /X57AP/(7. J///VEJ /SPO3. FIG. 116.-Map of break No. 1, Indian Grave district. Embankments built of it, when subjected to long periods of high water, become trembling, shaking masses when disturbed, and so soft that long poles may be thrust down into them. Waves cut rapidly into a sandy material, but the sand, not dissolv- ing, will be rolled back, and thus the superincumbent mass will not assume a vertical form, but will be continually sliding down to the water's edge. Consequently, wave action is to some extent retarded by the material from above the water line and the slope is gradually flattened. A heavy Sandy material will permit seepage, but it is 702 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. better than a sandy loam, since it is not so unstable. When cavities are formed it will drop down and fill them and for a time retard erosion. Overtopping is due to the following causes: Insufficient height when first made, Settlement after construction, or excessive and un- usual floods. Overtopping is usually followed by crevasses, their size and the rapidity with which they are formed depending on the nature of the material. The failure of a number of the Illinois and Wabash river levees was due to overtopping. Failure from seepage is due to water working its way through the levee under pressure, thus forming a small channel, which is enlarged by erosion until a crevasse results. In this way roots, bur- rowing animals, or a stratum of loose sand weaken the levee. Any material which will permit an opening through the levee or its foun- dation may be the cause of a failure from seepage. The cross tim- bers in the railway section of the Pekin-Lamarsh district caused the failure in 1902, the Houghton break on the Warsaw-Quincy levee was said to have been caused by a small hole through the levee, and numerous crevasses and dangerous seeps in the Wabash, Illinois, and Mississippi river levees owe their origin to animals or foreign materials. (Pl. XI.) - The crest of the levee is sometimes cut off by the waves and over- topping follows. The greatest damage from this source occurs after a crevasse has been formed and the area back of the levee has filled with water. This has occurred in several of the Illinois and Wabash districts. Where a direct current strikes against the slope it may cut off the crest and then overtop the levee, but when the river is at its lower stages the danger from erosion of banks arises from the undermining of the levee. When saturation is the direct cause of failure the water running down the inner slope erodes the material and causes it to slough. This sloughing, not dangerous at first, may continue until the inner slope is weakened to such an extent that the crown sinks and over- topping results. Saturation indirectly causes many crevasses in levees built of light soils. It lessens the resistance of the material to the action of the water and facilitates seepage, so that any small weakness will be developed, resulting in failure that might otherwise have been averted. - - - Boils may occur near the toe of the slope and for an indefinite dis- tance back. They are caused during high water by water-bearing strata lying below the surface. Where there is an opening to the sur- face pressure forces the water out in the form of a spring (fig. 115, p. 697). So long as the spring runs clear, there is no danger, but if it spouts muddy water sufficient material may be carried from under the Irrig, and Drain. Invest. PLATE XI. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Buſ. 158, Office of Expt. Stations CREVASSE IN WARSAW-QUINCY LEVEE, wHERE THE EMBANKMENT HAS BEEN SWEPT OFF. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 703 levee to cause it to sink, and overtopping results. If these boils are seen in time, crevasses may be prevented by filling in on top of the levee as rapidly as subsidence takes place. IXERAINA.G.E. One of the first problems to be disposed of in considering a project for the improvement of overflowed lands is the disposal of the storm water which comes from the higher lands back of the district. Where there are wide bottoms along streams having good falls it is often practicable to carry both the hill and the storm water of the district in a channel extending for a long distance near the foot of the bluff and parallel to the main river, finally discharging it at the lower end of the levee into the main stream. This is the plan of drainage in the Sny district and is common in the districts of the lower Missis- sippi. In many sections of the Illinois Valley this plan is impracti- cable, and it is necessary to lead small streams by the most direct route to the main channel. In order to accomplish this, frequent cross levees from the river to the bluff are required, which divide the re- claimed lands into districts, depending in size upon the width of the bottoms and the distance between the drainage systems that must be provided. Each district organized in this way is practically inde- pendent, being protected by its own levees, which extend along the river and laterally to the bluffs. This form is spoken of as a closed district to distinguish it from the open district of which the Sny is representative. The location of the levees and boundaries of the various districts are shown on the accompanying plats. Some of the districts are almost entirely surrounded by levees, while others are leveed on two sides only. In an open district the drainage water is disposed of by ordinary gravity drainage, the only drawback to this system being that the land at the lower end of the district is necessarily flooded by the backwater from every overflow. The amount of land thus wasted depends upon the gradient of the river and the width of the bottom of the outlet channel. In the closed districts the most serious problem is the disposal of the highland drainage, known as “hill water.” When it has been concentrated into larger creeks or drainage channels before leaving the highlands, it can be carried through the bottoms in a channel leveed on both sides to prevent overflow during the seasons of high water. As a rule, these side streams have a good grade during the iow-water period, and if a proper channel is constructed they do not overflow as long as there is no backwater from the outlet stream, but during high water, the flood plane being higher than the surface of the bottoms, the tributary stream is without grade from the point 704 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. where it enters the district, and hence its flood must be carried on top of the river flood. The difficulty of handling streams of this charac- ter arises from the silting up of their channels by reason of the Sud- den breaking of the current. The streams coming from the culti- wated lands are heavily charged with sediment, and as they have a rapid gradient the silt is carried along until the current is broken by the backwater of the lowlands, when it is deposited and the channel rapidly fills, often causing the bed of the stream to rise until the water flows over the levees. In constructing the Warsaw-Quincy levee it was necessary to lead Bear Creek directly across the bottom from the bluff to the river between the Indian Grave and Lima Lake districts. To do this, a waterway of 1,000 feet was left between the cross levees. This was thought to be ample for the highest water that could occur in the creek; yet the levees have been overtopped and they have been raised several feet above the first height. The trouble was caused by vegetable growth and the deposition of silt in the waterway. During the summer season a heavy growth of weeds chokes the chan- nel and checks the current during times of high water, allowing silt 22 2 —/4"— e—/4—, º %22 * asº/ºgs ...? Ž 4%=%g/e/º/g/4%. QO to be deposited. During low-water periods the stream is spread over Such a large surface that the channel will not keep clean, although there is a good fall. At Otter Creek, on the Illinois River, a similar improvement was made, but instead of building cross levees 1,000 feet apart a deep channel was dredged from the river to the bluff, the waste material being deposited on either side in the form of levees (fig. 117). The excavated channel is of sufficient capacity to carry the ordinary floods at times of low water, while during the high-water season the spoil banks act as levees to hold the flood water in the channel. By reason of the narrow channel in which the water is confined it retains . its velocity and thus carries the greater part of the silt through the channel. Whenever silt is deposited in the ditch under these conditions, it is removed as soon as the water in the river falls, as this produces an increased velocity in the channel of the ditch in which the water is concentrated. During the past spring a break occurred in the Otter Creek levees, caused by the ice breaking in the creek before it did in the river, and a jam was formed near the lower end, causing the water to overtop the levees. Near the point where this break occurred an area of DRAIN_AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 705 ë approximately 20 acres was covered about 3 feet in depth with silt deposited by the water after it had escaped from the channel of the creek. So far experience shows that narrow, deep channels of not more than sufficient capacity to carry the floods of the watershed will clean out better than larger ones. In some localities the hill water emerges from the highlands in numerous small streams, as in the Coal Creek district before described. These streams are difficult to control, as they come into the bottom with very rapid currents, heavily charged with sediment, which is deposited immediately upon the checking of the current. Where it is desired to prevent the hill water from entering the district it is nécessary to unite these streams by an intercepting ditch running along the outer edge of the bottom until a point is reached where it can be carried to the river between cross levees. As the intercepting ditch is of lighter grade than the streams coming from the hills, it has less velocity, and as a result is rapidly filled with sediment, only a few days of flood water being necessary sometimes to entirely destroy its efficiency as a drainage channel. No satisfactory plan for pre- venting this has been devised. In one class of closed districts, such as the Warsaw-Quincy, Flint Creek-Iowa River, and others in the Mississippi, where the bottoms are intercepted by old channels and sloughs, no effort is made to carry the hill water around the district, but it is permitted to run directly into the district, filling up the channels and sloughs, which act as reservoirs until the water in the river falls sufficiently for gravity drainage to take place. In all closed districts it is necessary to provide means for gravity drainage during low water, and this is accomplished by variously constructed outflow culverts, so arranged that they can be closed against the river water during the flood season and opened during the low-water season. For this purpose both earthen and iron pipes are used. A few wooden sluices have been used, but on account of the short life of wood and its contraction and expansion when alternately wet and dried they have not been satisfactory. On the Flint Creek-Iowa River levee cast-iron water pipe 3 feet in diameter has been used. On the Warsaw-Quincy levee pipe 3 or 4 feet in diameter, made of boiler plates, has been exclusively used. A private levee on the Illinois River and also the South River levee near Hannibal, Mo., which are in process of construction, are using 36-inch vitrified sewer pipe, with one joint of cast-iron water pipe on the outer end, but neither of these culverts has yet been tested. All the culverts examined showed the effect of settlement imme- diately under the levee, the weight of the levee having caused the culvert to settle faster in the center than at the ends. This settle- 30620–No. 158—05—45 706 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. ment has a tendency to distort and flatten some of the riveted pipes, while in the cast-iron pipes it springs the outer joint, causing them to leak. In Several instances the flow of water through the outer joint has eroded away a great deal of the earth covering the culverts back of the abutment. In all cases where cast-iron pipes have been used for outflow culverts the outer end is protected by a masonry abutment and the inner end by masonry or riprap. Some of the steel-plate culverts have their ends protected by masonry, others by riprap or timber sheathing, while a few have no protection whatever. There is as much variety in the form and construction of the valves which open and close the culverts as in the culverts themselves. In a few cases the valve is merely a heavy iron lid, made to fit the pipe, and fastened to its upper side by a hinge, and designed to open and close by º - | § {L} lſº §ºšš. | §§§ |}} ſº Q Sºś2 º ; ) º WNN \\ *: Sºº º W º & *. Elºğlſº --> tº FIG. 118.-Sketch of valve for riveted- FIG. 119.—Sketch of FIG. 120.-Sketch of plate outflow cul- Wooden Valve for cast-iron valve for Vert. Outflow Culvert. Outflow Culvert. hand. Those for the outflow culvert at the Meredocia district are rectangular cast-iron valves, opened and closed by means of a capstan placed on a pier which is built on the outer abutment of the culvert. They are not satisfactory, from the fact that they require constant at- tention and are hard to manipulate. In the greater number of the districts attempts have been made to secure automatic valves. Where steel-plate culverts are used the valves are usually made of one-quarter inch plate, hinged to the upper side of the pipe by two strap hinges (fig. 118). The section of pipe which acts as the seat of the valve is sometimes cut at a slight angle and reenforced by a 2-inch angle iron bent around the pipe so as to fit along the edge. Both wooden and cast-iron valves are used on the cast-iron pipes. Wooden valves are made of three thicknesses of 2-inch plank cut in a circular form, the inside diameter being 6 inches Smaller than the outside (fig. 119). U. S. Dept. of Agrº, Bul. 158, office of Expt. Stations. Irrig, and Drain. Invest. PLATE X||. †: ºil. º - - - - - - - - - ºf FIG. 1.-WooDEN OUTLET IN HARTWELL RANCH LEVEE. FIG. 2.-OUTLET END OF OUTFLow CULVERT IN FLINT CREEK-low A RIVER LEVEE, SHOWING WooDEN VALves. FIG. 3.-OUTLET END OF OUTFLow CULVERT IN FLINT CREEK-low A River LEVEE, SHOWING METHOD OF COUNTERBALANCING CAST-IRON VALVES. DRAIN AG E INVESTIGATIONS. 707 This gives a bevel shape to the edge of the valve and permits it to close by the inner face fitting the inside of the pipe, while the outer face does not enter it. The valve is attached to the upper side of the pipe by a cast-iron hinge seat bolted to the pipe. The cast-iron valves are heavy plate, planed to fit the end of the pipe, which has been cut with a small angle and also planed, and is hung to the upper side of the pipe by a cast hinge (fig. 120). The iron valves, being heavy, close easily, but require considerable head of water to open them. In a test on the Flint Creek-Iowa River culverts it required 12 inches of head to open the valve. This diffi- culty was obviated by counterbalancing the valve with an iron rail. (Pl. XII, fig. 3.) The wooden valves give good satisfaction, as they will open under a small head of water, but they are not easily kept in working order, as the alternate wetting and drying causes them to warp and twist until they do not fit properly. During the dry sea- son they close, and then expand when wet until they will not open. They should be so constructed that they can not rise above a horizon- tal position. There is no valve, regardless of its mechanism, that can be depended on to operate perfectly at all times. When it is closed drift and silt may lodge against it and prevent its opening, or when opened the drift and silt may lodge on the seat and prevent its closing. Hence it should be looked after and kept free from accumulations of this character. It should also be so constructed that if desired it can be locked either open or closed. In timbered districts drift is a con- tinual source of annoyance at the outflow culverts, as it lodges in the valve or around the inlet, preventing the free flow of water. Where there is drift in the interior drainage channels the outflow culverts should be protected by screens made of timbers or wire cables, which will catch and hold the drift before it comes in contact with the inlet ends of the culverts. In some of the low-lying bottoms the elevation of the general sur- face above that of low water is so slight that it is necessary to use pumps, and a number of districts have installed pumping plants. Pumps of the rotary pattern, like the Menge, and the horizontal cen- trifugal pumps are used. In the Lacey and Meredocia districts the discharge pipes are arranged as siphons, so that the actual lift of the pump is only the difference in elevation of the water on the two sides of the levee. In some districts the water is discharged from the pump directly through the levee, so that there is no loss of power due to lifting the water to an unnecessary height in order to discharge it over the levee. Some of the rotary pumps raise the water over the top of the levee regardless of the surface of the water on either side, while others have arrangements by which the water can be dis- & 708 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. charged at various heights through the levee. Whatever the style of pump, a method of discharge should be adopted in which there would be as little waste of power as possible due to raising the water higher than necessary to give it a free escape on the outside of the levee. The pumping plant should be located at the natural drainage outlet of the district. In a number of districts the results obtained from the first pump- ing plants have been disappointing, due partly to failure to provide for the volume of water that it is necessary to raise in order to drain the land inclosed and partly to failure to take into account the sources of the water that must be removed. In a closed district the water to be removed is storm water which actually falls on the area and seep- age water which percolates through and under the levee. Where a district is not entirely inclosed by a levee the drainage from the high lands that comes through the district should also be provided for. Where drainage conditions are similar to those of Illinois, storm water can probably be removed by pumping plants having capacities of one-fourth inch in depth per acre every twenty-four hours. This is the experience along the Illinois River, but it should be noted that the amount of Seepage to be removed may require considerable addi- tional capacity in the pumping outfits. Where closed districts are protected by well-constructed levees and all hill water taken care of outside the levee, it is believed that pumping plants can furnish efficient interior drainage at reasonable cost, but it is not practicable to remove hill water from a district by this method except for quite Small areas. Where pumps are required they should be started in the spring as soon as water appears in the ditches and should keep the water down to the lowest limit until the flood season has passed. By So doing the soil will be thoroughly drained and it will serve as a reservoir during times of heavy rains or excessive flood heights of the river, thus preventing all injury to growing crops from oversaturation of the soil. The cost of reclaiming a tract of land subject to overflow varies with its area and shape, a wide tract being cheaper proportionately than a narrow one, as the expense of the river levee is the same regardless of the width between the river and the bluff. The follow- ing tables give these costs in the various districts as nearly as it was possible to obtain them. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 709 Nature and cost of reclamation worles in different districts. PEKIN-LAMARSHI DISTRICT. Organized in 1889. Length of levee, including 1.5 miles of rail- way, 6.5 miles. Area protected, 2,500 acres. Cost of levee -------------------------------------- $12,500.00 Paid railway company for use of grade______________ 3, 200.00 Cost of drainage system---------------------------- 7,000. 00 Cost of pumping plant ----------------------------- 3, 500.00 General expenses----------------------------------- 5, 800. 00 Average annual expenses--------------------------- 1, 200.00 Average Operating expenses for 12-hour shift : 1 engineman----------------------------------- 2. 00 Oil and Waste---------------------------------- . 125 3.5 tons of coal (when river was at 15-foot stage).--------------------------------- $5.77 2.5 tons of coal (when river was below 15- foot stage) ------------------- –––––––– 4. 12 4.95 Average expense per 12-hour shift----------- 7. 08 One year it was not necessary to run the pump ; another year it ran only two weeks. In the remaining years it was operated through March, April, and May, but part of the time only twelve hours per day. LACEY DISTRICT. Organized in 1897. Length of levee, including 2.5 miles of rail- way grade, 9.5 miles. Area protected, 5,180 acres. Cost of levee-------------------------------------- $30,000. 00 Cost of drainage System---------------------------- 11, 550.00 Cost of pumping plant–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12,000. 00 General expenses----------------------------------- 9, 950. 00 Cost of pumping after break of 1902––––––––––––––––– 4,000. 00 Cost of repairs after break of 1902–––––––––––––––––– 4,000.00 Cost of patrolling during flood of 1904_______________ 500. 00 Average operating expenses for 12-hour shift: Engineman ------------------------------------ 2. 00 Fireman--------------------------------------- 1. 75 Oil and Waste---------------------------------- . 375 9 tons coal, at $2.15 (when river is above 15-foot stage) ------------------------ $19. 35 7 tons coal, at $2.15 (when river is at 15- foot stage).--------------------------- 15. 05 *mºmº-º-º-º: 17. 20 Average expense per 12-hour shift --_______ 21. 33 The Cost of pumping has ranged from $1,500 to $5,000 per annum, the daily cost ranging from $30 to $45 per 24 hours. The pumps usually start the latter part of February and run until after the high-water period is over, in May or June. In 1901 the pump was operated only 20 days. ſ 710 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. COAL CREEK DISTRICT. Organized in 1896. Length of levee, including 4 miles of railway grade, 10 miles. Area protected, 7,000 acres. Clearing right of way, per acre------------------------ $40.00 Constructing levee with dredge, per yard--------------- , 09 14 by 36 Corliss engine ---- *-* * * * = m. me sº sº me mºs. sº- * * * * * * * * * * 1,400.00 Cartage and Setting engine---------------------------- 600, 00 18 by 72 inch boiler, set-------------- * 1, 500.00 Condenser, set --------------------------------------- 400, 00 24-inch centrifugal pump ----------------------------- 1,050.00 Cartage on pump------------------------------------- , 50, 00 Setting pump---------------------------------------- 100.00 190 feet 26-inch riveted pipe with valve in place________ 1,000. 00 Two 15-inch Centrifugal pumps, at $500---------------- 1,000.00 Cartage and Setting pumps, at $75––––––––––––––––––––– 150.00 Two 20-inch discharge pipes with valve (each pipe 290 feet long), at $550--------------------------------- 1, 100.00 Average Operating expenses for 12-hour shift: Engineman –––––– * *-* * * *-* * * * *-* * * * * *-* -- * * * =º ºn 2.00 Oil and Waste ----------------------------------- . 20 3 tons coal, at $2--------------------------------- 6. 00 Average expense per 12-hour shift----______s_-_ 8. 20 Annual maintenance of pumping plant----------------- 50. 00 If the hill water were shut out of the district it is thought that the pump would drain it thoroughly with an average of four months pumping per annum, beginning in February and ending in June. It would be necessary to run two shifts only part of the time. MEREDOCLA DISTRICT. Organized in 1897. Length of levee, 2.9 miles. Area protected, 8,335 acres. River levee, at 8 cents per yard----------------------- $7,997. 20 Divide levee, at 7.5 cents per yard––––––––––––––––––––– 1,987. 50 Outflow culvert-------------------------------------- 3, 320. 14 Pumping plant--------------------------------------- 7,096.47 General expenses------------------------------------- 3,399. 10 Dredging ditches, at 8 Cents per yard_-________________ 8, 100. 32 Annual Operating expenses of pumping plant : For year ending July 1, 1900— Engineman --------------------------------- 205, 00 Coal ---------------------------------------- 514. 14 Repairs and Small bills––––––––––––––––––––––– 74. 58 Insurance of plant––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 35, 00 Total for 82 days of 12 hours--------------- 828. 72 Average per day--------------------------- • 10. 10 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 711 Annual operating expenses of pumping plant—Continued. For year ending July 1, 1901— Engineman --------------------------------- $352. 50 Coal --------------------------------------- 1, 319.49 Repairs ------------------------------------- 99.73 Oil and waste ------------------------------- 38. 88 Kindling ------------------------------------ 9. 50 Insurance –––––––––––––––––– * * 35. 00 Total for 141 days of 12 hours_-____________ 1, 855. 10 Average per day------------ 13. 16 For year ending July 1, 1902— Engineman --------------------------------- 160. 00 Coal ---------------------------------------- 412. 58 Oil -------------- - - * 5. 36 Repairs ------------------------------------- 47. 15 Insurance ----------------------------------- 35. 00 Total for 64 days of 12 hours–––––––––––––––– 660. 09 Average per day ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 10. 31 For year ending July 1, 1903— Engineman ---------------------------------- 418. 00 Coal ----------------- 1, 887. 72 Insurance ----------------------------------- 35.00 * Total for 167 days of 12 hours––––––––––––––– 2, 340. 72 Average per day ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 15. 21 For year énding July 1, 1904— Engineman ––––––––––––––––– - * - 470. 00 Coal ------------- - - ___ 2,083. 24 Repairs and Sundries___ 285. 00 Insurance ––––––––––––––––––– * 44. 00 Total for 188 days of 12 hours_______________ 2,882. 24 Average per day ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 15. 32 FLINT CREEE-IO WA RIVER LEVEE. Built by United States Government and completed in 1900. Length of levee, 35.3 miles. Area protected, 44,722 acres. Levee at 12.6 cents per yard------------------------- $233, 963. 97 Superintendence and inspection --------------------- 29, 555.05 14,770 linear feet of levee revetment__________________ 5,457. 64 6,876 linear feet of shore protection__________________ 9, 645. 97 Outflow culverts ----------------------------------- 10, 618.23 Right of Way -------------------------------------- 444. 75 Surveys for final location_______ 5, 794. 72 712 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. WARSAW-QUINCY LEVEE. This protects three districts. Original cost and maintenance does not include $85,000 spent by the United States Government in strengthening the levee. w Hunt district : Organized in 1886. Length of levee, 16 miles. Area protected, 180,000 acres. Original cost of levee--------------------------- $102, 387.45 Annual expense of maintenance----------------- 4, 500.00 Estimated value of property destroyed in flood of 1908 ---------------------------------------- 200,000. 00 Cost of repairing break of 1903–––––––––––––––––– 8, 762. 00 Lima Lake district : Organized in 1886. Length of levee, 10 miles. Area protected, 14,000 acres. Original COSt Of levee-------------------------- 94,000, 00 Annual expense of maintenance----------------- 3, 125.00 Estimated value of property destroyed in flood of 1908 ---------------------------------------- 210,000. 00 Cost of repairing breaks of 1903–-_______________ 9, 000. 00 Indian Grave district : Organized in 1880. Length of levee, 21 miles. Area protected, 17,926 acres. Original Cost of levee-------------------------- 178,000.00 Estimated value of property destroyed in flood of 1908----------------------------------------- 270,000. 00 Cost of repairing breaks of 1903–-______________ 10,000. 00 Each of the above districts was flooded in 1892, 1895, and 1897, With a total estimated loss as great as that of 1903. SNY ISLAND LEVEE. Organized in 1871. Length of levee, including 3 miles of rail- way grade, 52 miles. Area protected, 110,000 acres. Original cost of levee-------------------------------- $500, 000 Estimated value of property destroyed in flood of 1876- 174,000 Estimated value of property destroyed in flood of 1880– 249,000 Estimated value of property destroyed in flood of 1881- 500,000 Estimated value of property destroyed in flood of 1888– 1, 434,000 Amount expended for repairs prior to 1893–––––––––––– 446, 438 Expense of patrolling levee during flood of 1892–––––––– 14,000 Estimated value of property destroyed in flood of 1903– 415,000 Cost to district of filling in Crevasse of 1903–––––––––––– 25,000 Where levee construction is comparatively new, the contract and specifications for the work as drawn often contain requirements which are unnecessarily exacting. Some require a large percentage to be added for shrinkage and the work to stand to grade for a num- ber of days after completion, etc. Such specifications often prevent DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 713 responsible contractors from bidding on the work or lead them to bid So high that the contract is awarded to irresponsible and poorly equipped contractors who are not able to carry on the work in a Satisfactory and efficient manner. It is better economy for a dis- trict to assume more risk and responsibility in the construction than to charge the contractor with all contingencies that may arise. The most economical work is done where the specifications are clear and explicit on all points and where risks and uncertainties which con- tractors must assume are reduced to a minimum. Ten per cent for shrinkage is usually ample to require of the contractor, and as soon as a given section is brought to grade it should be accepted and the contractor released from responsibility. Where settlement occurs it should be filled at district expense. The contractor could be re- quired to put up any structure necessary to show that undue settle- ment was taking place and by which the amount could be deter- mined. The contract and specifications should set forth clearly the amount and character of the work to be done, bids called for on each item, and the contract let to a responsible contractor who is fully equipped to execute the work. It should be remembered that no class of work should be more thoroughly done than that required in reclaiming overflowed lands. One weakness in a levee system may cause an almost inestimable loss of crops and farm property as well as great injury to the works themselves. Levees can not be made a piece at a time or cheaply constructed with the intention of improving and strengthening them later without the risk of having the entire system destroyed before the contemplated improvements can be made. Consequently a reclamation project should be carefully planned and then rapidly executed in the most thorough manner. VALUE OF OVERFLOWED LANDS. These lands range in price from $5 to $60 per acre. The lower . value is for land which floods every year and will furnish no valuable timber, the higher price being that at which owners hold improved high land which overflows only at times of extreme high water. During the low-water years of the nineties large yields of corn and wheat were grown on Such lands as were then reclaimed, which caused their price to advance to $60 per acre. Had they been successfully protected during the floods of 1902, 1903, and 1904 the value of these lands would have been greatly increased, as uplands which are not as . productive are now valued at $125 to $150 per acre. The following estimate, showing the financial side of the improvement of these lands, has been made by calculating the costs and profits of 1 acre 714 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. under the same conditions as have been found on a 160-acre farm in the Lacey district: Estimated cost per acre: Original cost of land––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– $5.00 Clearing--------------------------------------------- 15, 00 Buildings and improvements _ _ _ 10, 00 Levee assessment * - - - - * * * * * * * * *-* ºn 14.00 Additional assessment necessary to construct the levee Sufficiently strong to withstand high water in the river ---------------------------------------------- 10. 00 Total cost--------------------------------------- 54.00 Estimated annual eXpense per acre : Interest on total cost ($54) -- 3. 24 Taxes, insurance, and repairs 1. 00 Pumping tax ---------------------------------------- 1. 00 Total annual expense------------------------------- 5. 24 Average annual rental------------------------------------ 7. 50 Annual net profit----------------------------------------- 2. 26 The productive possibilities of these lands are now being appre- ciated and renewed interest is being taken in the work of their recla- mation. The problems to deal with and the nature of the work nec- essary to be done are being better understood by landowners, so that more profitable results will doubtless be obtained in the future than have been realized in the past. FLORIDA EVERGILADES. The Everglades of southern Florida are attracting attention by reason of their ability, under proper drainage and management, to produce vegetables for the northern winter market and subtropical fruits of acknowledged excellence. A reconnaissance of lands in the vicinity of Miami was made for the purpose of determining upon the feasibility of draining a small tract of everglade land for experi- mental use. * The part examined comprises a belt of land extending about 60 miles north and 25 miles south of the city of Miami and for various distances from the coast line toward the Everglades. The topog- raphy of the land near the coast and its relation to the Everglades which occupy the interior are interesting and important. The rise of the general surface from the coast line westward for a distance of 3 or 4 miles is 9 to 16 feet. From this westward across the Ever- glades the rate is about 0.3 foot per mile, as ascertained by two separate Surveys made under the direction of the Florida East Coast Railway Company. The dividing line between the slopes toward the Gulf and the Atlantic is about 22 feet above tide and extends DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. º 715 south from near the center line of Lake Okeechobee. The belt of land 3 or 4 miles wide first mentioned may be regarded as a rim which prevents the ready flow of water from the Everglades southeasterly to the ocean. Numerous small streams extend from the edge of the glades proper through this rim and are the only natural facilities for draining the glades. The rock found in this part of the State is the coral breccia, which crops out at the surface over the entire width of the rim and is covered with pine timber and palmetto, with the exception of Small areas termed “hammocks,” which are covered with hard-wood trees. Arms of the glade land 0.5 to 2 miles wide extend from the head end of these small streams back into the Everglades proper for a distance of 2 or 3 miles, bordered by pine woods, beyond which is the open expanse known as the Everglades. These lands are called “prairies' and are covered with saw grass. Two types are best known, the marl and the sand prairies. The soil varies in depth from 1 inch to several feet and in all cases rests upon a base of coral rock. In some instances the rock is known as “plate rock,” which is apparently smooth and solid. In other cases the rock is filled with potholes, making an irregular base upon which the soil rests. In some por- tions of the northern part of the tract examined muck and peat lands are found in quite extended beds, but they usually thin out and pass into the prevailing marl formation. A great deal of money has been expended in drainage works by the Florida East Coast Railway Company. The operations of this company so far have been directed toward opening and enlarging the natural streams for the purpose of lowering the water of the arms of the glades during the winter season, in order to facilitate the growing of winter vegetables. This drainage has also permitted Some fruit growers owning small detached tracts of glade land to so drain them that trees are now successfully grown. The average annual rainfall of that portion of the State is about 63 inches. The so-called dry season or portion of the year in which there is the least rainfall occurs between the months of November and March, during which time the normal precipitation is about 11.5 inches, ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 inches per month. During this season portions of the prairie lands are planted to vegetables, principally tomatoes, which are more profitable for shipping to the northern market than others and when properly fertilized produce large crops. The remainder of the year these lands are frequently covered with water and are largely abandoned until the opening of the winter Season, when they are again plowed and planted. None of the glade land proper, as far as examined, has been so drained as to be suitable for the growing of trees or of vegetables requiring the entire season, except openings which are sufficiently 716 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. high to be protected from the volume of water of the interior, and which, by reason of their more elevated situation, have been arti- ficially drained. There are some features of climate, soil, and geological structure peculiar to this section which have an important bearing upon the success of any reclamation project that may be considered. The Soil, both the marl and the sand, lacks those natural elements of fertility commonly found in other low-lying lands, and requires the liberal use of artificial fertilizers to produce either fruits or vegetables. The soil-water table may be 8 to 20 inches from the surface without injuring the growth of fruit trees, and it is observed that plants usu- ally are not as sensitive to a Saturated condition of the soil as they are in colder latitudes, where clay is a leading element in the composi- tion of the soil. The porous and absorbent nature of the coral rock has an impor- tant effect upon the water problems of the country. It is known that cavities exist in the rock at various depths, as shown by drilled wells, which occasionally penetrate reservoirs of water 4 to 6 feet in depth. It is also noted by truck farmers occupying cleared land near the coast that water comes upon their fields in some cases from the under- lying rock when the water of the glades is at high stages. It is quite probable that this open and irregular structure is more strongly characteristic of the rim or coast belt than of land nearer the glades, since as we approach the latter the plate or Solid rock seems to pre- dominate. This point, however, has not been demonstrated and is one of the undetermined factors entering into the drainage of this portion of the Everglades. The channels of the streams which now. form the overflow outlets of the interior prairies disappear at the outer border of this vast expanse at an elevation of 9 to 13 feet above tide. As a result of surveys made across the glade, as before stated, it is reported that they have a slope of 0.3 foot per mile in a southeasterly direction. Should these streams be deepened, enlarged, and extended through the prairies, a grade of 0.4 foot per mile might possibly be obtained for the channels, part of which would necessarily be excavated through the rock. In case only one channel should be made, it would tap the waters of the entire area at flood time, but would afford no more than flood relief, even if the canal were fully ample to carry the water of the entire area, for the reason that this expanse is practically level, and the water will not flow to this channel rapidly enough to give good drainage. This makes it necessary to dredge all of the natural streams into or through the glades as far as the divide between the eastern and western slopes, which is reported to be 22 feet above tide and to lie in a line extending South from the center of Lake DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 717 Okeechobee. For the reasons above mentioned, all of this work must be done before this area of approximately 3,500 square miles can be drained sufficiently for summer culture. The practicability of draining small tracts about the border of the glades has been demonstrated only for the production of winter vege- tables. While these areas may be somewhat increased and the risk of winter flooding diminished by the improvement of natural chan- nels, it will be impossible to extend the area of these lands for fruit growing or make the glades more than temporary winter fields until more effective drainage is provided. The problem which confronts the investor and cultivator is not so much the possibility of draining the tract as a whole as what may be done in this direction within the limit of individual means to fit portions of this land for the produc- tion of crops. Investigation of this portion of the glades was made with the view of ascertaining whether some plan might not be devised for reclaim- ing small areas. An experimental plan for determining whether por- tions of the marl land could not be inclosed by dikes to protect them from outside water and the interior be kept dry by pumping was pro- posed and a tract selected for the experiment, but it has not yet been put in operation. The success of this method of drainage will depend upon whether a good dike can be made of the marl soil and also whether the head of water back of the dike may not force water through the underlying porous tracts into the inclosed area in greater quantities than can be profitably removed. The plan merits a trial. Such a method of improvement would admit of gradually pushing the drainage of the glades away from the higher rock lands, leaving an overflowed space of sufficient width to allow for the passage of the interior water. The dikes would be 4 feet high, and the total lift of water about 6 feet. The economic advisability of such work will depend upon the value of the product. The prestige of Florida fruit in the market is en- couraging and indicates that the State may easily lead in the quality of many of her fruits. The value of fruit products during the last two years, as reliably reported, has been $200 to $1,000 per acre, which amount would justify considerable expenditure for reclamation improvements. The expense of preparing the rock land for trees is not less than $100 per acre, while the reclamation by levees, if such were found practicable, will not be more than $50 per acre, though there would be a continuous expense for maintenance. Shallow drainage channels should accompany the levee system to provide relief from flood water from the glades and to carry off the water pumped from the land inclosed by levees. . A combination of the two plans will admit of the gradual develop- ment of the glade lands as the demand for their products increases. *~ 718 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. WISCONSIN MARSH LANDS. It is estimated that there are 300,000 acres of marsh land in Wis- consin which at present have little or no value. Much of it is muck or peat derived from the sphagnum moss, and constitutes a class of land somewhat different from swamps found elsewhere, some of which have been drained and converted into productive farms. At the request of parties interested in the improvement of 32,000 acres of this marsh land lying in Marathon, Wood, and Portage counties, and organized under the name of the Dancy drainage district, this Office made a preliminary examination of the general characteris- tics of the project, and also of two similar ones in counties adjoining. A portion of the report submitted to the district is here given, which embodies such deductions and suggestions as seem justified by exami- nations So far made. * The purpose of drainage, aside from its benefit to the general health, is to prepare the land ultimately for the production of profit- able crops. Therefore it is quite essential that a tract of land be drained with reference to its subsequent use. The drainage and management of peat lands have occupied the attention of agriculturists and engineers in England, Scotland, Sweden, and other European countries for at least one hundred years. In these countries they are found in areas of considerable extent. While the origin and composition of moss lands in different localities vary widely, their general characteristics with respect to drainage are quite similar. In the first place, moss-peat lands have in many instances not responded to the ordinary methods of drainage. The secretary of the Orebro Agricultural Society of Sweden, in referring to this matter, says that there has been more money wasted upon the drainage of these lands than upon any other improvement attempted. It was not until a new system of drainage was devised by Joseph Elkington, of England, and put into practice in Sweden by George Stephens, an English engineer, that these lands were successfully drained. The practice of one hundred years ago in the treatment of these lands should not be disregarded at this time, since the methods then used with success may be now applied when the character of the land and conditions are similar. The methods of drainage used by Elkington, Smith, Stephens, and many other English engineers were for a period of fifty years or more found eminently successful where other methods had failed. The following is a brief descrip- tion of them: Af The water which supplied the marshes was in almost every case found to have its source in outlying Sandy or porous land occupying DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 719 higher elevations. The water flowed directly through this permeable layer into the lowlands, thus forming the bogs. The rainfall upon the bog land direct was an insignificant matter compared with the outside feeders which supplied such land. The rainfall itself was not sufficient to produce the moss growth which characterized the land. These beds of peat were often 20 to 30 feet deep, lying upon clay or sandy bottoms. Attempts to drain the lands by numerous parallel ditches of ordinary depths proved futile, although no expense was spared. It was found that the proper method was to intercept and cut off the supply of water coming from the higher levels. This was done by means of deep ditches located along the borders of the marshes and placed at the bottom of the peat formation wherever possible. Where it was not possible to reach the bottom of the peat the ditches were supplemented by wells, which were sunk below the bottom of the drains into the water-bearing material below the bed of the marsh. These wells offered free flow to the water beneath, which, impelled by the head furnished by the higher lands, rose to the level of the drains and passed away. Other ditches were constructed at somewhat wide intervals through the interior of the marsh for the purpose of receiving the storm water which it was necessary to remove, and also to intercept any bottom water that might pass under the outer drains. In case these wells failed to cut off the “bottom water,” as it was called, wells were sunk at various points, as before described. Interior shallow surface ditches were added to remove heavy rainfall, and especially the water from melting snows which could not pass through the soil with sufficient freedom to leave the surface dry. --- The history of this work, especially in Sweden, as given by Mr. Stephens in his book called “The Practical Irrigator,” published in 1854, is instructive and suggestive to anyone engaged in the treatment of peat lands. The various accounts given in the proceedings of the Royal Agricultural Society of England and of the Highland Agri- cultural Society of Scotland, which include prize papers upon the reclamation of marsh lands, form a valuable compendium of early practice and indicate that the subject was regarded as of great im- portance to English and Scottish farmers. We find, however, some- thing of a reaction in later practice from the fact that while the zeal of the early drainers was entirely exercised in making the land dry; it was soon found that its subsequent moisture content was a matter of no little importance. Mr. James Anderson, a noted agricultural writer, in his treatise on peat moss refers to the fact that in many cases the lands had become too dry, and in order to make them pro- ductive water should be in some way artificially provided. This is very strikingly set forth in the following quotation, which is given 720 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. because it apparently represents the close observation and wide expe- rience of a practical man: MOSS, when thus reduced to a dead state ato a sufficient depth, is in little danger of ever being too damp, unless the main drains are choked up so as to force the Water to rise very near to or above the surface. Indeed, if no manure be given to it, moss is never extremely productive either of grass or corn (grain) unless it be kept moderately moist at all times. The soil is of itself so light that When dry it ceases to give nourishment to any useful plant whatever. Such dry moss Spontaneously produces little else than the narrow-leaved sorrel (Rumea, acetosella), and if plowed and sown with oats, though the corn (grain) may Spring up and appear healthy enough for some time, yet when it gets into ear it becomes weak and soft in the stalk and falls over and withers before there be the smallest mark of a kernel in the grain. This disease is well known in all moss countries, and as it was originally believed to be occasioned by witch- Craft, the name still remains, and it is called witched corn (grain). If, on the Contrary, the land be laid flat and it be kept moderately moist without being Wet, it produces luxuriant crops of excellent corn (grain) and grass, which, under proper management, it may be made to afford alternately forever with- Out any manure Whatever. This I myself have experienced for more than twenty years together, so that I reckon it one of the most profitable soils, Where Water can be commanded and duly regulated, that can anywhere b found. 3: But where the moss lies high, and no water can be commanded (very little will do), some kinds of manure are required to render this a very productive Soil. Of all the manures that have ever been tried upon moss, no one can be Compared to calcareous matter, under whatever denomination it may be applied, whether lime, marl, chalk, or shell sand. No bottom is better for a mossy soil than quick moss, and if there be about 2 feet deep of dead moss, which in future I shall call moss earth, above it, it will admit of being properly managed either for grass or corn (grain) at all times; for the moss earth, acting as a sponge, allows the water during severe rains to sink slowly through it to the surface of the quick moss, so as never to render it, then, too wet. And when the plants are established upon it in the spring, these by their roots and leaves attract moisture both from above and below, so as to keep the surface mold in a due state for promoting vegetation. Even during the greatest droughts in summer the moss earth which lies next to the quick moss is kept perpetually moist, so that the roots which penetrate down to it find always abundant moisture to keep the surface mold in a proper state for promoting vegetation. But that this effect may be fully felt, the surface of a mossy soil should be laid perfectly flat and as Smooth and even as possible. It should on no account be laid up into ridges, but should be plowed into broad lands, without any open furrows at all, or with as few as may be. As the whole moss earth for 2 feet deep is, in fact, one continued covered drain, not one drop of hurtful water can be allowed to remain upon the surface, but sinks directly down till it reaches the quick moss, from whence it readily will find its way to the main drain if the initiatory operations shall have been properly conducted. From these considerations, perhaps no Soil can be made so proper for being Converted into watered meadows as moss. Superabundant moisture can be drained from moss land when thus managed perhaps more quickly and more thoroughly than from any other soil, and this is a circumstance that has been found to be highly favorable to watered meadows. The only difficulty in this case for pas- ture land is the softness Of the Surface Of the moss. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 721 When the situation is dry a narrow border of quick moss should be left untouched all round the field, through which the small drains going into the main drain should pass; and in this place the drains ought to be left uncovered, SO as to admit of being stopped up at pleasure with a little quick moss. They Ought thus to be stopped immediately after sowing corn (grain) and the water to be let off Occasionally only as circumstances might indicate.a It was later found that no soils respond more readily to irrigation than these peat lands after drainage. Their use in what were termed “Water meadows" has existed to the present time, resulting in the production of large crops of hay and pasture grasses. The matter is strikingly set forth in an old work, called “Smith on Water Mead- ows, Draining Peat Bogs, and Other Improvements,” from which the following quotation is taken : All live peat bogs are composed of vegetable substances which abound with Seeds Or roots of many aqueous grasses, forming land which is fit for irrigation Wherever the degree of moisture can be appropriated. But if the peat be entirely Čeprived of all moisture and left exposed to the summer sun it is then little better than a barren substance. The plants on the surface, being totally deprived of their former subsistence, cease to grow, and the vegetable matter (for in this case there is little or no soil) being unfit for the support of plants suited to dry land, the most perfect sterility must be the consequence. It is well known that peat once dried will not readily receive moisture again. and this may serve to account for the uncommon sterility of some peat bogs which I have seen plowed up after drainage. Though these works are all old, they give experiences which are extremely valuable, and in the light of later investigations suggest methods of handling the peat lands with which we now have to deal in this country. Some attention has already been given to the sub- ject in this country, though it may be said that the use of peat for fuel and land fertilizing has formed the principal subject of investi- gations. About fifty years ago Prof. S. W. Johnson, of Yale University, took up the investigation of peat with reference to its value as a fertilizer, and for the purpose of obtaining information regarding the location, peculiarities, and condition of peat beds issued a circular containing questions arranged to secure such information. The answers to this circular are instructive in considering the question of the use of these lands for producing crops, since in many cases the landowners described the drainage and the kind and yield of crops produced. From these answers it appears that the land had proven profitable in all cases for the production of hay, and in many cases for cabbage, onions, celery, and some other garden crops. Coming down to more recent times, we find that the matter has received attention from the Pennsylvania State Experiment Station, and that a report was issued in 1895 entitled “Some Pennsylvania a A Practical Treatise on Peat Moss, 1794, pp. 99 et seq. 80620–No. 158–05—46 722 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. Peats.” “ In this report analyses of samples from different parts of the State are given and the samples are discussed with reference to their value as fertilizers. The cultivation of peat beds is referred to, and we quote the following paragraph relating to that phase of the subject: To accomplish the transformation of peat into a substance readily available for plant food two or three very simple operations are sufficient: First, the peat must be thoroughly aired, as a consequence of which the poisonous lower Oxids of iron and sulphids will be reconverted into valuable plant foods. Sec- Ond, if there is a deficiency of mineral matter, especially lime, the latter must be added ; the acidity of the organic matter is thus neutralized, the helpful bacteria come in and soon begin the conversion of the inert nitrogen into ammonium compounds and salts of nitric acid capable of sustaining the most vigorous Crop development if Other essential food materials be at the command of the plant. Bulletin No. 95 of the Indiana State Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, published in 1903, treats of the unproductive black soils found in that State. Instances are cited in which the drainage of these lands, which are of a peaty nature, has failed, to which fact is attributed much of the difficulty in making them productive. Drain- age was attempted by the Ordinary method of laying parallel lines of tile through the bog. Upon examination, water was found to stand 6 or more inches above the tile. The failure of the tile to lower this water table is explained in the bulletin upon the theory that the water would not readily enter the tile when laid in muck land. The true explanation, derived from descriptions of the conditions given in the report, is that the upward pressure of the water by reason of the head derived from outside the bog is greater than the weight of water above the tile. It is stated as a conclusion from many of the investi- gations made that the permanent improvement of such lands demands efficient drainage and that this drainage should usually be of a special character. It is further advised that before making any outlay for the permanent improvement of such lands a preliminary drainage survey should be made and the system of improvement should be based upon the results of such survey. The improvement of peat and muck Swamp lands in Illinois is the subject of Bulletin No. 93 of the experiment station of that State. It deals principally with fertility problems. It is concluded, how- ever, that before any system of improvement can be successful the soils must be well drained. The soils mentioned, however, are of different origin from those known as moss peats. They may prop- erly be called grass peats, which, though similar in structure and the way in which they are affected by drainage, are different in chemical composition. In that State they are found resting upon clay, some- a Pennsylvania Sta. Rpt. 1895, pp. 148–156. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 723 times upon sand. The treatment of muck lands upon a clay founda- tion is more simple as far as the fertility problems are concerned, from the fact that the clay subsoil, when mixed with the muck mate- rial, has a marked effect on its productiveness. An instance of this kind is cited in the treatment of the soil in the Vermilion swamp, in Ford County, in which the plowing of the soil sufficiently deep to bring some of the clay subsoil to the surface converted a compara- tively unproductive soil into one which produced 60 bushels of corn to the acre.” In looking over the history of this matter it seems that work pertain- ing to the reclamation of peat lands has not been done in such a way as to derive definite conclusions concerning their productiveness. The efforts of those who have had charge of drainage have been directed toward drying the lands, while those who have investigated with ref- erence to their fertility or use for fuel have examined them with refer- ence to these points alone. In the bulletins referred to efforts have been directed toward ascertaining the fertility of these lands from the standpoint of the chemist. The value of free water or of moisture conditions in these soils as elements of their productiveness does not seem to have been made the subject of experiment. We learn from the experience of engineers with moss lands in England and Sweden that they can be made too dry, in which state they are as valueless for prôduction as when too wet. The remarkable yields of grasses reported from these drained lands after being irrigated show that their proper water content is of vital importance in their productive- ness. It is quite possible that this feature has been lost sight of in later investigations, yet it is admitted by all capable of giving an opinion upon the subject that these lands must be well drained before they can be fitted for the production of land instead of water plants. It is also noted, in a study of these marshes in various countries, that they are as frequently found resting upon sand as upon clay, and that there appears to be no material difference in the structure of the two or in their value after reclamation. Those underlaid with clay are more difficult to drain, since the water must be taken from the moss itself by means of frequent and deeply laid underdrains. The clay bottom aids in retaining needed moisture and, where it can be reached in the cultivation, forms an excellent material for mixing with the peat, supplying in a measure, as it is claimed, the potash frequently wanting in these lands. Through some inquiries instituted by the writer during the season of 1901 it was learned that the turf lands in the valley of the Kanka- kee River in Indiana, which had been drained, suffered more from drought than ordinary loam lands. Mr. E. M. Pike, of Chenoa, Ill., a Illinois Sta. Bul. 93, p. 293. 724 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONs, 1904. who has had eight years’ experience with a tract of land in the Kan- kakee Valley, near South Bend, Ind., describes the soil as a grass turf resting upon a clay bottom. After tile-draining the land with lines 20 rods apart he burned the turf, which was 13 inches thick, and in the fall sowed timothy grass directly upon the surface without further preparation. He raised a crop of excellent timothy hay the follow- ing season, 300 acres giving him 400 tons of hay. He has since sup- plemented the first drainage by placing a line of tile between those first laid, making the drains now 10 rods apart. He has also found it necessary to place them not less than 4 feet deep, as the soil, which is about 4 feet thick, settles one-half. In his eight years’ experience he finds that the turf is gradually becoming more compact and forming what he thinks will eventually prove a first-class corn soil, though up to the present time it has not produced that crop successfully. The clay at the bottom gives a continuous supply of moisture, which, when the soil has reached its final condition, will, he thinks, make it exempt from the effects of drought. He expresses the opinion that it would be better, if possible, to pasture these lands for a term of years, until they become fully settled and the wild grasses have been completely destroyed. He has raised potatoes and all kinds of vegetables with success, and continues to get about 1.25 tons of hay per acre from his meadow land. In Bulletin No. 80 of the Wisconsin State Experiment Station, issued in 1900, Professor King describes a large number of labora- tory experiments made for the purpose of determining the fertility of the Wisconsin swamp lands. His experiments show that the application of lime does not produce any improvement. One of his experiments was made to determine whether the difficulty with these soils might not arise from the presence of soluble salts which might be washed out. After passing 42 inches of water through a sample of soil it was learned from a culture test that its fertility had been decreased in a marked degree, showing that excessive washing of the soil and removal of the drainage water produced an injurious rather than a beneficial effect upon the productiveness of the soil. The experience of Mr. Ingraham, of Babcock, Wis., as well as of other farmers, indicates that these lands will grow tame grasses in great luxuriance under favorable conditions. Onions and cabbage of good quality and in large quantities have been grown, but the land thus far cultivated for these purposes seems unaccountably fickle in its behavior, and the factors controlling its peculiar productive prop- erties are not yet understood. With these preliminary notes, we may now take up the discussion of the problems to be considered in the drainage of the 32,000 acres of land included in the Dancy drainage district. While there may be DRAIN_AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 725 some clay and loam soil bordering the stream and at the lower parts of Bear and Howe creeks, we may regard the entire area as a moss peat or muck swamp resting upon a sand bottom, the thickness of the vegetable formation being 4 to 5 feet. The survey shows that the basin included in this district receives the drainage of 122,520 acres of outside land. The light fall of the main stream—less than 6 inches per mile—and the modifications made in its channel to fit it for slack- water log floating produce conditions most favorable to the perma- nence of the swamp. The Weather Bureau records show that the annual precipitation is about 32 inches, reasonably well distributed. The large snowfall and consequent spring run-off produce floods which do not depend for their volume upon the immediate precipita- tion, but often upon local conditions of temperature, which require that the main drainage ditch have ample capacity. The main chan- nels shown on the engineer's plans are designed to remove one-fourth inch in depth of water in twenty-four hours from their respective watersheds. These are none too large for the work which will be required of them during the spring months. Under the conditions of a northern climate the run-off will be as great from peat and muck lands as from surfaces of any other character. The quantity to be removed during the growing season, however, will be greatly modified by absorption and the peculiar physical structure of the soil. It is expected that the drainage of the entire area will be accomplished by lowering the water table of the sand sufficiently to permit the sur- plus water contained in the muck to pass directly downward into the sand, the latter, when drained, affording the best possible underdrain- age to the muck. The facility with which water may be expected to pass laterally through the Sand to the ditches is somewhat problematical, but from observations made in other localities it is probable that ditches 3 feet in the sand will afford reasonably free drainage for land one- half mile distant. The extension of the lateral system farther than is now indicated in the plan is not advised, except in one respect, and that is this: It will be found that the supply of underground water will seep into the basin at the base of all the ridges and will keep the muck wet, which condition the interior ditches will not materially relieve. An intercepting ditch constructed parallel with the bases of the ridges and connecting with the most convenient laterals or with the main channels will probably be required. It may not be practicable in every case to excavate intercepting ditches sufficiently deep to reach the sand, in which cases they may be supplemented by box-curbed wells at various points, their location being governed by the contour and slope of the outlying land. These wells should be sunk 3 to 4 feet into the sand and be connected with the ditches 726 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. *. at their grade lines. This method has proven successful in the West in relieving land of seep and spring water resulting from irrigation at higher levels, and is practically the same method at one time used in Europe and described in the preceding pages. Another addition to the plans of the engineer may in time be found necessary. While the removal of the floods of spring and pos- sible heavy downpours by means of the large ditches and by under- draining the land, which can be accomplished through the medium of the bottom sand, will be necessary, it may be just as important to Subirrigate the muck land by holding back the water contained in the sand so that it may be kept in contact with and feed the muck soil during the summer season. When we drain soils contain- ing loam and clay we rely upon the power of such soils to retain capillary moisture in sufficient quantities to feed vegetation when the moisture from rainfall direct is insufficient. The lands under consideration lack this property and must rely for their supply upon the free water carried by the sand. The complete removal of the surplus water at first will permit air, heat, and frost to ameliorate the raw condition of the partially decayed vegetation, but later the soil must be kept constantly moist, especially in its lower horizon, in order that the process may be continued and that the plants may have sufficient moisture. That is, the soil should always be dry on top but moist below. Much more water is required to secure this condition in turf soils than in loams or clays. To regulate this moisture supply, it is suggested that all of the lateral ditches be pro- vided with adjustable gates or dams by means of which the flow may be retarded or stopped and the water raised or lowered at the will of the cultivator until the required state of moisture is obtained. It is probable that no such devices will be required in the large main channel or two creek ditches, but may be in all of the others. In this connection it should be observed that it is difficult to drain some muck soils in certain stages of their decomposition, as they retain water against gravity with great tenacity, but the ability to regulate the level of the water table will be desirable in the management of the lighter forms of turf. * Keeping in mind the results of examinations thus far made and information gathered from various Sources concerning drainage and management of turf lands, the following condensed outline of pro- cedure for their reclamation is suggested: (1) Construct the system as represented upon the engineer's plans, adding the intercepting drains bordering the marshes, where thought necessary, in the manner previously described. The lateral ditches should reach not less than 2.5 feet into the sand. All ditches should have their waste banks deposited in such a way that a clear berm of 10 feet will be secured. JDRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 727 (2) At the end of the first year after completion of the ditch sys- tem make provision for regulating the water in the lateral ditches during the summer, as suggested. (3) Provide shallow field ditches to lead spring flood water into the lateral district ditches. ſº (4) Remove the moss turf by burning when the land contains such an amount of moisture that the burning process will not reach deeper than desired, after which sow the grass. (5) In all subsequent management give careful attention to mois- ture conditions, as it is believed that this is important in getting crops from these lands. Subsequent treatment with both farm and com- mercial fertilizers may be found valuable, and experiments should be made with them, but the efficiency of nature's ordinary means of soil improvement should be tried first, for they will in any event be required as a preliminary to any more complete treatment. It is generally conceded that lands of this character will settle 50 per cent after the moss or top turf has been removed. This will take place gradually as the turf becomes changed into muck, so that the space between the surface of the ground and the bottom sand will diminish from year to year until the muck soil assumes a practically stable condition. This suggests that the quantity of soil water required may be decreased as the process of decay and consequent Settling of the turf goes on. There may be differences in the mechanical make-up and chemical character of several of the swamp tracts in Marathon, Wood, and Portage counties, but where they are underlain with sand the drainage treatment of each should be similar, with possibly the exception of a few details. By reference to the geology of the State it is seen that the section covered by the Dancy marsh was not glaciated. It belongs to that area found in the middle of the glacial drift of the State which for some cause, variously explained by geologists, was passed around by the lobes of the glaciers which moved southwesterly over the State and was left like an island in a sea of ice. The prevailing rock is granite, from which the sand underneath the marsh appears to have been derived. It is possible that this sand, when exposed to the weather in the form of a top dressing for the muck, may become valuable as a fertilizer by reason of the feldspar it contains. The question whether or not feldspar has been dissolved by the water in which it has lain so long has a direct bearing upon its value in this respect and merits investigation. It may be here observed that the amount of moisture required by different soils for maximum crop production has not received such attention from investigators as the importance of the subject deserves. It is known that a sandy Soil containing 8 per cent of moisture will often produce good vegetable growth, while a clay loam requires 728 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. 20 to 27 per cent of moisture to produce the best results. Some soils apparently moist will not readily give up their water content to plants. Peat and muck soils have a large capacity for water, yet Some of them, owing to their open structure, yield it up rapidly when exposed to dry atmospheric conditions, while others retain it with great tenacity. The conversion of peat formations into muck, their succeeding stage, is accomplished most rapidly through the agencies of air, heat, and moisture. They must be deprived of such water as will flow by gravity, yet, by reason of the open nature of the material, capillary water will be most rapidly removed by air, which will fill every space not otherwise occupied. For this reason large evaporation takes place, producing a low temperature in such soils until they become covered with a coat of well decom- posed and finely divided soil. Special investigations along this line would be of great service to those who contemplate the reclama- tion of peat marshes. Drainage and fertility are coordinate prob- Iems, which should be investigated in the field as well as in the laboratory, the solution of which will have an important bearing upon the reclamation and development of the Wisconsin marshes. HILLSIDE EROSION OF FARM LANDS. The surface washing of hillsides in the Southern States results in great loss to farmers by depleting the fertility of the cultivated land, not infrequently causing the abandonment of entire fields to briers and broom grass. The terrace system which is commonly em- ployed to prevent washing consists of a series of small ridges con- structed across the slope on contour lines at intervals the width of which depends upon the degree of the surface slope. These ridges are sometimes placed as close together as 20 feet. As the ridges are at least 4 feet in width, 16 per cent of the land is thus occupied. It is not uncommon to find entire fields terraced at 100-foot intervals, in which cases 4 per cent of the land is occupied by the ridges. The object of their construction is to retain the rainfall until it can pass into the soil by slow percolation. In some cases the trench on the upper side of the terrace is given a gentle grade for the purpose of leading the water to some point where it can be taken to the stream, at the foot of the slope. The ridges serve as a series of small dams which, when they break, as they frequently do, cause the water to wash away considerable soil, and break one or more of the terraces below. Such breaks often open out washes during a single rainstorm, which are costly to repair and which, if neglected, seriously injure the field. The permeability of hill-land soil to water varies greatly, as does the slope and contour of the surface. Farmers usually vary but little their practice of terracing, applying the same system of construction to all hill lands. DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 729 From some studies of the different situations and close observations upon the behavior of terraced hills it is believed that there is much room for the exercise of skill in adapting various means to their improvement. It is desirable to conserve a good portion of the rainfall in the subsoil, and to accomplish this its removal should be as slow as practicable. A special effort should be directed toward preventing its concentration in depressions which are found on the hillsides, as this causes gullies to be formed, which will increase in size and destructiveness with every considerable rainfall. An improvement in the laying out of terraces is suggested and prac- ticed by Hon. L. G. Hardman on his farms in Jackson County, Ga. Instead of a ridge or dike being made for the retention of the surface water, the terrace is made level and seeded to meadow grass, which is $7%52%-5% sº AP º ** ***= sº sº. Y & Wºź Nz sº sº. * ź S/º Sº S r:7 Ś º c la *ś/#/ºzº: %$ ## lesſ, tº */º: 7a. *s sºzº, S 65 g >zzzz as (3) A3//ra/pa/ /)//º/, 72//ace. %= %; S; ser 5- *śºsze Żë%$2s ***S’s;Z35% sºxs 352.52s ***ś2sºgºs (Ö) Zeve/ 72/73ce. Ś%sz- * S/ZS2s :* %2. Wºźºzº; º tº §§§ºzº:/own2 seepage [SHSHSE:Sº §:Sº S222s- (WAAAſ CºITESS HSłłłShº‘º & S *- S2s2= WA & ×{}}S(Siși- ~~s º %; s T^*2%.52s22s, \VZ Žº %; Wy Slº) 42/3//7 77/e éºé/sºs 52- s º;2S: * (c) (/70éro/ā//7 3/70//70 /č//öce. FIG. 121.-Method of protecting cultivated hillsides from erosion. mowed for hay each season. The effect of a terrace of this kind is to check the flow of water and cause such part of it as is not absorbed by the soil to pass to the next tier of land without concentration. The growing grass in summer and its stubble in winter serve to arrest the soil matter suspended in the water. The location of such terraces may be easily changed, so that land at one time occupied by a terrace may subsequently be cultivated. It was noted in the report of drainage investigations for 1903 " that an experiment was made on hillside land in Jackson County, Ga., to test the efficiency of tile drains for preventing the erosion of the land, and thus doing away with terraces altogether. These drains have been in operation two years. Two crops have been produced and the land is now seeded to the third. A portion of a field having an a Office of Experiment Stations Bul. 147. 730 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. average slope of one foot in ten, which had been abandoned because of excessive erosion, was selected, and drain lines were laid out and the drains constructed in the spring of 1903 according to the plan shown in figures 121 and 122. The soil is red sandy loam of good depth, with firm clay Subsoil containing scattering gravel stones. It is much more permeable to water than hills made up of light-colored clay material, which condition is favor- able to treatment by underdrainage. It had been ob- Served that seepage Water appeared in Small quantities at points part way down the slope, caus- ing the earth to sof- ten and readily yield to the eroding action of surface water as it flowed down the hill. Ditches soon resulted, which gath- ered the water in greater quantities 732 of ///// than could be con- |. trolled by the ordi- \\ nary methods em- \ e’ ployed. In the ex- * \ periment described \ underdrains were *~~. p 1 a c e d at points `---.......… * where seepage water *** * * * * * * * * appeared to inter- cept the water of percolation and thus preserve the firmness of the surface soil. The drains do not conduct all the water away from the land, but permit an outflow through the joints of the drains into the subsoil in case it has sufficient porosity to receive it. The drains thus assist not only in arresting the surface water, but distribute and conserve it in the sub- soil. To accomplish this end it is desirable to lay the drains on a comparatively light grade, though that must be largely dependent upon the contour of the land treated. The cost of the improvement under this experiment was $10 an acre for the land regained. The high price of drain tile, 4-inch FIG. 122.-Plan of underdrains for Georgia hillside experiment. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 731 costing $41 per 1,000 feet, made the work more expensive than similar drainage should be ordinarily. The gross receipts of either of the two crops produced from the land previously abandoned would pay the cost of the improvement. It is here sugguested that underdrains judiciously located in such soils or the use of level terraces where the former plan can not be readily employed greatly facilitate the cultivation of hill lands and increase the crop area of each field so treated. Four to 16 per cent of the land can often be saved for cropping purposes, besides the annual expense of cutting the briers and grass which grow luxuriantly on the terrace lines. The level system permits the terraces to be used for hay and the product will fully pay for their care. It is not here urged . that terraces may be abolished, but that underdrains may frequently be employed in lieu of them, that they will conserve the moisture of hill soil, and at the same time prevent the formation of surface washes. When abandoned hillside land can be restored to producing fields at a cost of $7 to $10 an acre, it is an improvement that will commend itself to the owners of such fields. Too great care can not be taken to adapt such improvements to the soil and surface slopes. Subsequent cultivation should as far as possible fill up ditches and depressions that would serve to collect the surface flow. sº INDIANA TILE DRAINAGE. For the purpose of ascertaining the process by which the tile drain- age of many farms in the upper Wabash Valley has been developed, a few farms in Madison, Miami, Howard, and Tipton counties have been examined, and such information as could be obtained is herewith given. Some of the details were collected by local surveyors who were familiar with drainage methods and were in some instances sup- plemented by the visits of our regular field assistant. As might be expected, much of the work described has been done in a haphazard manner, yet along lines which have in the end secured fairly satis- factory results. MIADISON COUNTY. The swamp lands of this county, when first occupied, had little value except for the fine growth of timber which covered them. The first occupants began to drain them by removing the undergrowth, fallen trees, and other obstacles which were found along the natural depressions, thus obtaining some relief from overflow. In subsequent work it was not uncommon for the settler to use a small section of a tree from which the heavy limbs had been removed to within 6 or 8 inches of the main trunk and, attaching a team, drag it through the opening previously cleared, and so deepen and enlarge the drainage course. These channels were afterwards gradually deepened and 732 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. widened, ranging from 4 to 6 feet in depth and 12 to 20 feet wide on top, and eventually became the main outlets for drainage systems. Underdrainage was begun and carried out along the lines first made for open drains, the farmer following the meanderings of slight de- pressions and later making branch ditches to parts of fields which most needed draining. As his circumstances or opportunity per- mitted, branch drains were laid from time to time through the lowest ground, so we find very few instances in Madison County where drains have been placed at regular intervals. Some of the first underdrainage was accomplished by “timber ditches,” which were made by digging trenches 1 to 2 feet wide, in which timber 6 to 8 inches wide was placed on each side and covered by slabs, usually rived from elm trees, laid crosswise, and then the earth backfilled over them. This made an underdrain 6 to 8 inches deep and 8 to 20 inches wide. Such drains are reported to have done good Service and lasted many years. No material advancement in the drainage of swamp lands was made until drain tile came into general use. A description of the drainage of a few of the farms will give an insight into the character of the improvement, the present location of the drains, and the results which may be attributed to the drainage of the area involved. ELLSWORTH FARMI. This is a farm of 80 acres situated 4 miles west and 2.5 miles north of Summitville. Its surface is quite level, there being no more than 3 or 4 feet difference in the extremes of elevation. The soil is made up of about 6 or 8 inches of vegetable mold, which is quite permeable to water, below which is a stratum of bluish clay which, before being underdrained, is close and tenacious and through which water per- colates slowly. It is seriously injured if cultivated while wet and requires some time and subsequent treatment to restore it to its best condition. After being drained, however, the subsoil becomes quite permeable and, with cultivation sufficiently deep to mix the subsoil with the surface, it becomes very productive. The first effort toward the drainage of this farm was to construct an open drain diagonally across the north half of the tract 3 feet in depth and 10 feet wide on the top (fig. 123). Tributary drains of 5 and 6 inch tile, laid approximately 20 rods apart, were discharged into this ditch. Lateral branches of 4-inch tile were used to complete the drainage. The sizes of tile used were suggested to the owner by observation and experience in draining other lands. No records were kept of the work, and information only approxi- mately correct can be obtained. No Survey was made, the tile being laid by water level about 30 inches deep upon grades approximately 0.1 to 0.2 foot per 100 feet. Ditches were dug by hand and the bot- DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 733 toms were finished with the draw Scoop. The drainage on this farm was done when labor was cheap, so that the cost for trenching and laying was 15 to 20 cents per rod, and tile were at least 25 per cent less than list prices now quoted by factories. It is noted that the quality of the crops w a s greatly im- —w- APO307 |- proved and the Sö S — quantity about dou- & Co… ea º bled; also that ma- 1 a ri a 1 diseases, which were very prevalent be for e drainage, have en- tirely disappeared. The owner suggests that better results would have been ob- tained by making the drains deeper and laying the lat- erals not over 10 rods apart. The land was purchased in 1882 at $18.125 per acre. After draining, as de- scribed, and one crop being raised the land was rated at $35 per acre, or about double the original cost. The open ditches first used as outlets for the drainage of this farm had slight & fall, perhaps not 9/S greater than 0.08 ſyk foot per 100 feet. &O/OOX5 /62//7 º- The Water flowed “T Aſoº’& 1 F- with sluggish CUII*— FIG. 123.-Ellsworth farm. rent and the channels were easily obstructed by growing weeds which retained silt, so that the outlets to the tile were in many cases covered with earth and their efficiency impaired. During the past two years large tile have been substituted for the open ditches, the largest being t § ; d 6 i (9 i i i } % A."3 ſ i | i i 734 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. 15-inch, which were placed at an average depth of 4.5 feet or 1.5 feet deeper than the open channels. The size used was necessary, because of the area of land lying above the drains through this course. The entire farm can now be cultivated. While no record was kept of the grades, it is probable that the line of 15-inch tile was laid on a grade of 0.04 to 0.06 foot per 100 feet and the Smaller tile on slightly increased grades. No tile drains have been taken up, the later lines having in all cases followed the general direction of the old open ditches. The farm yields large crops of corn, oats, and rye, to which the land seems to be adapted. It is now considered worth $100 per acre. LUKIN, THOMAS, MATTHEWS, COREY, AND DAVIS FARMS. The conditions of these farms as to Soil, topography, drainage, and crops are similar to those of the Ellsworth farm just described. The land is slightly rolling, diversified by Swales and ridges forming pockets which collect the rainfall. With the exception of the ridges, where spots of white clay occur, the soil is generally a bur oak or black loam. The subsoil of the black lands permits the ready pas- sage of water, while that of the clay lands is tenacious, requiring drains at frequent intervals. Five, 6, and sometimes 8 inch tile are used as mains and submains, and the lateral drains are 4-inch tile. With regard to the size of main drains, Mr. Davis, a tile manufac- turer, of Madison County, says that an 8-inch tile will drain 80 acres, a 12-inch 200 acres, and a 15-inch 500 acres. Aside from such rules as these, no method of estimating the size of drains appears to have been used. The farmers have usually followed the plan of adding lines of 4-inch tile year by year as needed. If the drainage proved insufficient, another line of 4-inch tile was laid a few rods distant. In some instances lines of tile were laid only in the swales, while in others a systematic arrangement of 4-inch laterals at intervals of 2 to 3 rods in clay soil and 6 to 8 rods in black soil was followed. Concerning the depth at which tile should be laid, there seems to be some difference of opinion. Some owners of the farms here noted advocate the laying of tile 4 feet deep, while others contend that 30 inches is sufficient. It is also claimed that tile may be laid deeper in clay land than is generally practiced, for though the land may not drain so well during the first year after construction, it has been found that the tile will operate satisfactorily after two or three years, since the soil becomes more open and aerated by the action of the drains. It is said that drains 4 feet deep may be laid twice as far apart as those 2.5 to 3 feet deep. This “rule of thumb' method is followed by the farmers in this locality to a considerable extent. As a rule, no grade was established before laying the tile. The ordinary method followed was to begin at the outlet and use the flow DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 735 of the water in the trench as a guide in preparing the bottom of the ditch. On this account most farm tiling was and is yet done in the spring, when there is an abundance of water. Some of the lines are apparently laid almost on a level, as the head of water in the soil is considered sufficient to cause a flow. Few records of the cost of the work can be obtained, as it was mostly done by the farmers them- selves, who have - kept no accounts. The drainage of these farms has N made a better method of culti- vation possible and permitted an in- telligent rotation, of crops to be fol- lowed, which was not the case before the entire farm was fitted for cul- tivation. It is commonly asserted that crops have been doubled and even trebled by M these improve- cº % ments, instances & being given º in % Which the yield || of corn per acre A has been increased from 25 to 80 22 / *::/2 bu S h e I S. Of T - -z/2. t ARoaa. --- 77/27/0ſoposed. ºº i § 22 6//2 4/2 */ course a part of A2 this increase may be attributed to 7- / FIG. 124.—Lukin farm. better methods of farming and the use of proper fertilizers. Not among the least of the benefits may be mentioned the increased healthiness of the community, everyone consulted stating that fevers and ague, which prevailed previous to the drainage of the lands, are now unknown. Lukin farm.—The farm of Mr. Lukin contains 100 acres and was in some respects quite difficult to drain because of a large flat or pond 736 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. near its center. The first attempt at drainage was made near the center of the farm, at which place two large wells were dug into the gravel stratum, which lies 6 to 7 feet below the surface, and lined Several lines of tile were discharged into with brick (fig. 124). 2O/Tod's -2//7 Zº,5/"OO3 Ż//7 S NS § Q $) § \S /9/242 § S –77, N. NS S § Sºº 2 s] …as NI /3^oaz %22 Žse \ssºgºs § - s3% &/S A6, 2. W } E473/7 /2 § Ascog: O § Sºs 24//? & & /2 (WW /7”/oa's § - J:#//? 8|S *(\ §l") S 6) O || S 6. S2A/oo's - § & & aord? 22 T 2% sº90S Sºzáž J22 /9/Too's =- 4//7 *- s' FIG. 125.-Thomas farm. these wells, the water passing through the gravel, which served as an excellent out- let except during the Spring months, when it failed to operate satisfactorily be- cause the water was delivered into the wells faster than the gravel could remove it. During the year 1904 the owner suc- ceeded in getting a county tile drain through his farm, which affords him a good outlet, and he now proposes to drain his place thoroughly. The plat represents what has been done to the present time, and also the work proposed. In de- signing the system the owner has fol- lowed the local prac- tice, and proposes to lay his tile 2 to 3 rods apart in clay soil and 6 to 8 rods apart in the more porous, black soil. The depth of drains is about 30 inches in clay and a few inches deeper in the black soil. Thomas farm.—The Thomas farm of 120 acres, located 3 miles east of Pendleton, is slightly rolling and, like the one previously described, has a soil of black loam, with some spots where a tough white clay is DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 737 found. The present owner has been identified with its drainage since 1871. Wooden drains 4 to 5 inches high and 12 to 15 inches wide inside, built of split timber and laid without bottom, were first used (fig. 125). Nothing is known of the method of laying these drains except that they were 18 to 24 inches below the surface. They were used because earthen pipe was at that time difficult to get and costly. When tile could be obtained at a reasonable price a 6-inch main was laid through the center of the Swale, as shown upon the plat. Each succeeding year a string of tile was added. The owner soon found his 6-inch main too small and supplemented it by an 8-inch tile, which he laid by the side of the first drain. Some farmers object to laying two lines of tiling close together, as, in Some instances. the water forms a channel between them and undermines the tile. No trouble, however, has been experienced with these drains. Nearly all the laterals are 4 inches in diameter and laid where most needed, usually through surface depressions. Marked success has attended /3/2 />/////ar ZO/3//? /a22 AV/A//ar ZX/a/o /o/a Ax/5/rc Zºrºro APoacy -º-º-E M-S-S- & 3) Sloº. § 42 ess § Sº, § fy & Aono. 'O. Afā’//7. 2 FIG. 126.—Matthews farm. the tiling of wet clay spots, which, when drained, can be plowed the day following any ordinary rainfall. The depth at which tile were laid in this farm varies from 18 inches to 6 feet, though 30 inches is regarded as the standard. The owner did the work with the assistance of his farm help, locat- ing the lines as his experience year by year suggested, and grading the ditches by the water method. Neither the exact location of the drains nor the cost of the work is known. It is learned that the first lot of 4-inch tile used cost 80 cents per rod, which is at least double current prices. Matthews farm.—The Matthews farm of 120 acres, lying about 6 miles northeast of Anderson, up to fifteen years ago had no drainage except a small open ditch extending from a pond to the public road (fig. 126). The farm is generally quite level with the exception of a knoll in the center, upon which the buildings are located. The soil 30620–No. 158—05—47 738 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. & is the usual black oak loam interspersed with spots of clay, the subsoil being tenacious and wet, except when artificially drained. * The work has been done entirely by the owner, no system being fol- lowed except to lay lines of tile from time to time where the ground appeared to be wet. No record of the work has been kept, the plat here given showing only such particulars as could be described by the owner from memory. On the east side the work is unfinished, but elsewhere the farm is drained to the satisfaction of the owner. Corey farm.—Mr. Corey, near Anderson, has drained his land more systematically than many. His experience in tiling Several farms indicated to him that tile were usually of too small size and laid too shallow. In revising his drainage plans he gives no attention to existing lines, but locates the drains as systematically as possible. He has tile laid upon hillsides and also upon the top of the hill land. In clay soils he lays his lines 2 to 3 rods apart, but in the black loam the intervals are 8 rods or more. He advocates laying the lines as deep as 3 feet in clay and deeper in black soil. Davis farm.—Mr. Davis, a tile manufacturer located southwest of Anderson, owns a farm of 200 acres, most of which is systematically drained. In clay land he places the lines at intervals of 2 to 3 rods, and in black land 7 to 8 rods. His practice is to locate the lines irre- spective of the Swales, which sometimes necessitates placing the drains at a depth of 9 to 10 feet. MIAMI COUNTY. The farm of Andrew J. Phelps, consisting of 160 acres, is located 1.5 miles east of Bennetts Switch. The surface is slightly rolling. The soil is black, underlaid with quite permeable clay, and is injured greatly if worked when wet. The original drains, which were put in about 1875, were made of timber and placed in lines. 16 to 25 rods apart (fig. 127). The general depth is 30 inches, though in some cases a depth of 7 feet is reached in passing through ridges. The grades varied from to 3 inches per rod. The size of tile used upon this land varied from 4 to 8 inches. The plat shows the general arrangement of the drains. No accurate account of the cost was obtainable. EIOWARD COUNTY. The George Ehrman farm, of 160 acres, located 7 miles west of Kokomo, is reported upon quite fully by the county Surveyor (fig. 128). The soil is black Sandy loam, 18 to 24 inches deep, underlaid with clay. It was formerly covered with timber, the sugar tree, black walnut, and poplar being the prevailing kinds. As in other farms described, the drains are placed about 30 inches deep, and on DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 739 this farm nearly all discharge into natural outlets. They are re- ported as giving good service. It is noted that the grades are all good, varying from 2 to 3 inches per 100 feet. The usual price paid – | Z - .fs= Aroadſ 37. 4/m | \S 3% S| Crib S S. *S S& SH S S. c 4//? s S Ys 2. Slă § & o :S S& 0. $) º Börſ, S * s _^ 4//? $ `ss 42.Zºº, 26° -*. 4/7 St. Tºssºs _* (2 § S *º-º- S S S § * * \l I Š § § § 6. § S. Z/2 4/7 -2 S $ \ 5//7 65/. & º S 42 K x- & W. f S.2 2 322 S S S N- \ W \s |- 5 & 6//? NG| YS º S § W Qº S § $ WD 6//? * = * * * * * * * * ——— #4260/3/7& FIG. 127.-Phelps farm. for excavating the ditches and laying and covering the tile was about 25 cents per rod. The cost of the tile used was as follows: CentS per rod. 3}-inch ---------------------------------------------------- 16 4-inch ----------------------------------------------------- 20 5-inch ----------------------------------------------------- 25 0-inch ----------------------------------------------------- 30 7-inch ----------------------------------------------------- 40 The report upon the effect of the drains says that the soil is made more porous, permitting it to dry more readily after heavy rainfall and affording better aeration. In dry weather a greater amount of moisture is retained, the effect of which is to increase the usual corn crop in a wet season about 50 per cent and in a dry season about 740 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. 25 per cent. The effect upon the land for wheat growing is more marked, since drainage prevents the heaving out and consequent destruction of the plants. No drains have been taken up and relaid, all seeming to now oper- ate satisfactorily. It is noticed that malaria, which was formerly Wood/??& * * * * * 2 / * =yee gº tºº 4//7 2-mºmºmºm- &e % c * ºs §l S ye S. S. 49 Š § WS S 2 § NS S ſ -N Š } } } NS & V S S $ § Moſe://nes Wo 29 &% N N #|Weſe org/pa/y Wood. Slen boxeº Aſºº’ s N1/2/379–30 w/ſh CŞ .* 77/e & s § Š sº § /Woź/4///e/ºpe 00%)3 //, /ö//pes | w//ch emory//ö + W//a/ Cºyº Cree/< Grºve/ AFoºd/ FIG. 128.-George Ehrman farm. prevalent, has disappeared and there is a marked improvement in the healthiness of the locality, as instanced by the fewer, cases of typhoid and other diseases. The following table is given by Mr. William A. Ehrman, county surveyor, for determining the sizes of tile for drainage in this vicinity, laid upon different grades: DRAIN AGE INVESTIGATIONS. 74.1 Size of tiles for different grades. h- i * . Grade ' -- Grade Size of g Area Size of Area. Éie." | P.” drained. #ie." | Pº." armed. g ! Inches. Foot. Acres. | Inches. Foot. Acres 4 0.15 23 6 0.15 62 4 . 20 26 6 . 20 72 4 . 25 29 6 .25 80 5 . 15 40 | 7 . 15 92 5 . 20 46 | 7 20 106 5 .25 50 | 7 25 128 TIPTON COUNTY. The Bennett farm, consisting of 40 acres. 6 miles west of Sharps- ville, has been satisfactorily drained at quite small expense (fig. 129). The soil is 10 to 14 inches deep, under- laid with heavy clay. The first As 3 iſ 370 drains were made by placing split Ç rails 10 to 15 feet 4//7 long in the bottom of trenches and covering the rails with slabs. The drain tile first used were 2.5 and 3 inches in diameter and were laid only 4/7 18 to 24 inches deep. Later larger tile were used and were \ laid at a depth of 40 inches. The owner has attended to all of the draining person- ally and has located the lines where in his judgment they were needed. The grades are 1 to 3 inches per 100 feet. Drainage has cost about 1 cent per rod for each inch of depth, and hauling, laying, and filling about 5 cents per rod. The land which he bought for $25 an acre is now valued at $95. He estimates that the drainage, aside from other improvements, has enhanced the value of the farm fully one-half. ë § & j §§ & FIG. 129.-Bennett farm. COMIMIENTS. An examination of the tile drainage of Indiana farms herein de- scribed brings out the manner in which the work was ordinarily accomplished in the earlier development of the improvement. Atten- tion may be profitably directed to a few of the characteristics which appear. 742 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS, 1904. The black loam soil is open and consequently easy to drain, so that it has not been found necessary to place the lines of tile at frequent intervals except where the surface soil is quite largely composed of clay. The plan generally followed has consisted in placing the drain tile where open ditches were first made, and supplementing these by lines of tile through the wet places. The surplus water readily passes through the soil to these drains with the assistance of such few laterals as have been used, thus reducing the number of lines to the minimum. The distance between laterals where they are in parallel lines appears to be no less than 12 rods, while it is not uncommon to find drains 24 rods apart. The presence of a clay subsoil at a depth of 24 inches or less, in such sharp contrast to the top soil, has led to the placing of drains 30 inches deep, except where greater depth was necessary to obtain suffi- cient grade. The upper line of the tile is just below the level of the permeable soil, and at this depth they appear to render efficient Serv- ice, though it should be noted that experiments with deeper drains have given satisfactory results. The size of the drains used is perhaps the most variable feature of the work. While the farms are, in the estimation of the owners, sat- isfactorily drained, it is readily seen that as far as the size of tile is concerned, unnecessary expense has been incurred on Some of the farms, provided all are equally well drained. In one instance it is moted that on the same farm 6-inch tile is used on one part for the drainage of 2 acres, while in another part the same size serves 20 acres. But little difference in size is noted between the drains laid upon light and upon heavy grades, lines having been added until the land was drained to the satisfaction of the owner. It is noticed that the sizes of pipes used for mains and submains are far larger than those suggested in the table of Mr. Ehrman, Surveyor of Howard County (see p. 741). Even with careful work in location and con- struction it is doubtful if the sizes suggested will meet the require- ments of drainage for field crops except where relief by supplementary drains is provided. However, later practice elsewhere may be cited to show that where grades are carefully adjusted and followed in construction, the size of drains may be considerably diminished with- out affecting their efficiency. As examples of the sizes of outlets or their equivalents used on some of the farms described, the following may be mentioned: 40 acres, one 9-inch tile. 80 acres, one 10-inch and one 9-inch tile. 80 acres, one 9-inch tile. 80 acres, two 10-inch tiles. 160 acres, four 9-inch tiles. 160 acres, one 6-inch and one 8-inch tile. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. 7.43 The farm which has the largest drainage outlet capacity per acre has drains laid on the steepest grade, so that it is quite evident that there is much room for modifications in the size of drains were the work to be done in accordance with our present knowledge of such Imatters. The lack of facts regarding the cost of these improvements, as well as lack of method in constructing the drains, might be expected in the instances described, especially since the work was largely one of experiment from year to year. PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. kotº.—Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are not available for distribution. l. 36. Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. Pp. 64. 58. Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries. Pp. 80. . 60. Abstract of Laws for Acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River and its Tributaries, with the Legal Forms in Use. Pp. 77. t 70. Water-right Problems of Bear River. Pp. 40. *Buy. 73. Irrigation in the Rocky Mountain States. Pp. 64. Bul. 81. The Use of Water in Irrigation in Wyoming. Pp. 56. Bul. 86. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 253. Bul. 87. Irrigation in New Jersey. Pp. 40. Bul. 90. Irrigation in Hawaii. Pp. 48. * Bul. 92. The Reservoir System of the Cache la Poudre Valley. Pp. 48. Bul. 96. Irrigation Laws of the Northwest Territories of Canada and of Wyoming Pp. 90. Bul. 100. Report of Irrigation Investigations in California. Pp. 411. Bul. 104. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Pp. 334. *Bul. 105. Irrigation in the United States. Pp. 47. Bul. 108, Irrigation Practice among Fruit Growers on the Pacific Coast. Pp. 54. 2. Bul. 113. Irrigation of Rice in the United States. Pp. 77. Bul. 118. Irrigation from Big Thompson River. Pp. 75. Bul. 119. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901. Pp. 401. Bul. 124. Report of Irrigation Investigations in Utah. Pp. 330. Bul. 130. Egyptian Irrigation, Pp. 100. Bul. 131. Plans of Structures in Use on Irrigation Canals in the United States. Pp. 51. Bul. 133. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1902. Pp. 266. Bul. 134. Storage of Water on Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers. Pp. 100. Bul. 140. Acquirement of Water Rights in the Arkansas Valley, Colorado. Pp. 83. Bºl. 144. Irrigation in Northern Italy. Part I. Pp. 100. Bul. 145. Preparing Land for Irrigation and Methods of Applying Water. Pp. 84. Bul. 146. Current Wheels: Their Use in Lifting Water for Irrigation. Pp. 38. ... Bul. 147. Report on Drainage Investigations, 1903. Pp. 62. }, 148. Report on Irrigation Investigations in Humid Sections of the United States - in 1903. Pp. 45. pal 157. Water Rights on Interstate Streams. Pp. 116. & FARMERS’ BULLETINs. Bul. 46. Irrigation in Humid Climates. Pp. 27. ſtion in Fruit Growing. Pp. 48. ation in Field and Garden. Pp. 40. w to Build Small Irrigation Ditches. Pp. 28. ainage of Farm Lands. Pp. 40. *. III C **