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The Principle and Mathematical- Rationale of -- UNIVERSAL FUNCTIONAL COMBINATION as e º OF º : , ... • * 8 & O PHYSICAL INFLUENCES also The Mathematical Rationale of BLENDING An addendum to a series of monographs on the subject of “Perpetual Motion of the Second Kind.” BY º JAcob T. WAINwright civil ENGINEER ABSTRACT. The subject matter of this paper may be properly described as a study of conditions as we find them in Existence, in contra- distinction to inventing and attempting to uphold the theories which begin and end in the imagination; and the following is merely a partial list of secondary principles which are shown to be readily deduced from the fundamental principle which is iden- tified with the title of the paper: 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. “Poincare's Principle of a Constant Something.” “Mayer's Principle of Conservation of Energy.” “There is functional compensation for every happening.” “All elements or influences which constitute Existence are merely some manner of conserved energy.” “Conserved energy is the only real existing something, and is transmuted without loss from one form or man- ner into another.” “So-called actual energy is merely a manifestation of functional compensation.” “Change of any kind whatsoever anywhere throughout the Universe, can not be produced nor maintained by any manner other than blending.” “All happenings are irreversible.” “Degradation of energy is impossible.” 10th. “Two physical systems may be maintained in perpetual motion, merely by the operation of blending applied successionally to different sets of functional influences, when such successional sets are opposite or contrary in functional activity; and thus is disclosed Nature's scheme by which it maintains Perpetual Motion and Perpetual Transmutation.” 3H 34.15 UNIVERSAL FUNCTIONAL CONTBINATION It is in accord with our experience, and it may be safely said as a fundamental law of Nature, that com- plete isolation from physical influence does not exist in the scheme of the Universe, and that all physical influences combine in accord with a fixed functional relation. This necessitates that aggregation does not exist, but that Functional Combination prevails through- out all Earistence. This principle may be properly styled the Principle of Universal Functional Combination of Physical In- fluences; and means that all Existence is bound to- gether in a complete and orderly union by influences which, separately, or collectively, cannot be completely destroyed; but each holds a ready tendency for devel- opment into a greater degree of intensity, or vice- versa, by reason of functional compensation. In the following paragraph it is shown that this principle is more generic than “Mayer's Principle of Conservation of Energy,” also more generic than “Poincare's Principle of a Constant Something,” and that all are readily reconciled one with the other. In fact, it is shown that the last two are readily deduced from the first. From a mathematical point of view, it will be ob- - served that, a formulation of a combination of variable but functional elements, in order to hold true for all variations or changes, must necessarily consist of a fixed formulation to maintain a constant for a 1 such changes. Furthermore, the maintenance of such con- stant, for all changes of the variable elements, necessi- 5 tates functional compensation for all changes. Also functional compensation means the maintenance of a constant total of variable somethings; otherwise, it would be possible to create something from nothing, by a mere functional change of the variables, and thus effect a résult which would be contrary to our experi- ence. Also, the ultimate constitution of the function- al compensation necessarily determines the ultimate constitution of the something which it maintains con- stant for all changes of the variables; and since it is in accord with our eacperience that the functional compensa- tion for all known changes in the elements or influences which constitute Easistence is always manifested as quanti- ty of energy, it necessitates that this maintained constant something must be conserved energy. Thus, from the fundamental principle of “Universal Functional Combination of Physical Influences,” is deduced “Mayer's Principle of Conservation of En- ergy,” and also Poincare's supposed somewhat more generic principle that “There is a Something which is Constant.” Furthermore, it necessitates that Poin- care’s constant something must be conserved energy. From the foregoing, it necessarily results that all effects result from functional causations; or in other words, there is functional compensation for every hap- pening. Also, since all happenings are merely changes in the functional elements or influences which consti- tute Existence, it necessarily results that all elements which constitute Ea:istence are merely some manner of conserved energy. This necessitates that the ultimate constitution of that something which we are pleased to call Matter must be merely some manner of trans- mutable something which we identify as conserved en- ergy. In other words, the principle of “Universal Functional Combination,” means that nothing can exist free from the functional influence, that is to 6 say, free from the compensating transmuting in- fluence; otherwise, aggregation would exist. Since the generic principle of “Universal Functional Combination” or in other words “Universal Compen- sating Transmutation” necessitates that the respective functional elements or influences must be but some manner of conserved energy, and since functional in- fluence is measured by its degree or intensity; it neces- sarily results that conserved energy is the only real exist- ºng something, and is transmuted without loss from one form or manner into another, and that so-called actual energy is merely a manifestation of functional compen- sation. This is a new and somewhat interesting definition of energy, is fully in accord with our experience, and may be readily perceived by a careful consideration of a simple case of thermodynamic transformation under conditions in accord with the law of Boyle and Gay-Lussac. This law is sufficiently accurate for this particular purpose, when applied to extreme Con- ditions of temperature and volume. It may be remarked that accurate knowledge of the relation between Cause and Effect is the true meaning of all Science. Consequently, true advancement in physical Science must necessarily consist mainly in discovering functional influences and accurately form- ulating their mutual relation to connect a seeming aggregation of elements into a complete combination of various forms of conserved energy. This is in accord with our experience. In fact, necessarily, aggregation must always be identified with lack of knowledge. Also, it may be remarked that true advancement in physical science will progress on two fundamentally distinct lines. The First, consists in progressively building up a . 7 formulated concrete structure of accurately estab- lished functional influences or elements, the whole based on the fundamental principle of Universal Func- tional Combination of Physical Influences, and pro- gressing through a series of evolutions from the most elementary and simple combination toward an ulti- mate condition comprising an infinite number of func- tional influences and an infinite degree of complexity in the formulation of the fixed universal functional relation of such influences. Which means progress toward an accurate concrete conception of the entire Universe, and formulated so as to accurately apply to an infinite succession of differentiations toward the ultimate constitution of Existence. The Second, consists in accurately deducing from the concrete structure, secondary principles which Serve a useful purpose when recognized as accurate only when applied to conditions having limitation iden- tified with the particular state of the concrete struc- ture from which the principle is deduced. It may here be remarked that, failure in promptly recognizing this limitation feature is the main cause of the characteristic delayed death to many popular dog- Iſla S. From what precedes, it will be observed that seem- ing lack of functional compensation identified with a physical phenomenon indicates scant knowledge in re- gard to formulation, and such phenomenon serves a useful purpose by indicating where an advancement in Science is possible. ** A physical system may be properly defined as a par- tially isolated combination of physical elements or in- fluences, combined in accord with a fixed universal functional relation for their respective intensities; and may comprise a group of minor systems held one to . . the other in combination by one or more functional 8 influences at the same degree of intensity and common to two or more of such minor systems, not necessarily common to all, but thus sufficient to effect a chain of combining links; and this manner of differentiating into minor systems may extend without limit toward the ultimate constitution of Existence, or a reversed progression of an integral nature may extend without limit toward a condition to comprise the entire Uni- VēI'Se. When isolating barriers or conditions are removed from two or more physical systems, removed suffi- ciently to permit the union of some elements or influ- ences which are common to two or more of such sys- tems, and thereby form connecting links, a union of the several systems into one system results. By such union, the respective changes in functional inten- sities result from the universal and ever present prop- erty which continuously maintains a constant aggre- gate of conserved energy for the several systems in- cluded as a whole, and at the same time continuously maintains a fixed universal mutual relation of func- tional intensities separately in each of the several systems. Only functional elements of the same kind or nature can unite or blend into a common influence or connect- ing link. When the operation of blending is simultaneously carried on by several different kinds of elements or influences, and between two or more physical systems, the respective relative speeds of operation are not fixed by any functional law, but are dependent upon the respective completeness or extent of removal of the isolating barriers, and also upon the respective difference in intensity of the blending elements. Fur- thermore, while there remains a difference between any such intensities, the different systems separately. . 9 maintain the fixed universal functional relation of intensities, are identified with the consequent func- tional compensating transmutation, and are not united into one system until continued blending successively eliminates such respective difference of intensities, and thus, practically, but not in a strict sense, are finally brought into a state of equilibrium and consequent rest. Therefore, it results that change of any kind whatsoever anywhere throughout the Universe, can not be produced nor maintained by any manner other than blending; and thus is disclosed Nature's scheme by which it maintains Perpetual Motion and Perpetual Transmutation. Also, since blending is an irreversible operation, it results that, in a strict sense, change of any kind whatsoever is an irreversible operation; in other words, all happenings are irreversible. From a careful mathematical consideration of the foregoing, it will be perceived that the action of the operation of blending between two partially isolated physical systems, is not merely to unite the blended elements or influences into a common degree of inten- sity, but that the transmuting action in each system, to maintain the fixed universal functional relation, causes a contribution of functional intensities from one system to augment Some intensities in the other sys- tem. Since such contribution is a direct measure of conserved energy to balance or compensate for the changed condition of the contributing system, it results that the operation of blending is balanced, in the sev- eral systems taken as a whole, that degradation of energy is impossible, that two physical systems may be maintained in perpetual motion merely by the opera- tion of blending applied alternately to different sets of functional elements, and that such alternate operations cause a corresponding alternate shifting of potential preponderance from one system to the other. 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