1:~~|1~“ Ujni'v.e'rsi'ty'o'f1 Mi¢‘hi'gan _ 'BFUHRI , ‘TI, % '1 ' i;.;l , _\\ \ I w \ ~ Q? 1), » AV \~J., . ” ',".\| _ '5, "“Inun>: E M: QCBFM Q RICH‘? J5 OGLESBY. GOVERNOR OF ILLI11'OIS_ ENGRAN'I~'.D E.'\I}‘}U-l6Sj.‘x' FQR CLARKE & CO PUEIJSIHERB- THE PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. F: A RECORD OF THE CIVIL AND MILITARY 'HISTORY OF THE STATE IN THE WAR FOR THE UNION, WITHA HISTORY OF THE CAMPAIGNS IN WHICH ILLINOIS SOLDIERS HAVE BEEN CONSPIGUOUS, sxnmcnms or DISTINGUISHED ovmcmns, THE ROLL on THE ILLUSTBIOUS DEAD, “MOVEMENTS on THE SANITARX AND CHRISTIAN oommssxons. ?> (U BY 1‘§fI\I?”pDDY, D. 13., Editor N. W.TBhrIaIIan Advocate. ILLUSTRATED WITH STEEL ENGRAVWGS OF EMINENT MEN. IN TWO VOLS.--VOL. ll. CHICAGO: CLARKE & 00., PUBLISHERS. 1866. Entered aceordmg to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, BY CLARKE 8: 00., In the Clerk’s Oflice of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illinois TO ILLINOIS SOLDIERS, FROM THE LIEUTENANT GENERAL TO THE SMALLEST DRUMMER-BOY: TO THE GALLANT LIVING AND HEROIC DEAD WHO HAVE MADE THE STATE ILLUSTRIOUS ON EVERY BATTLE-FIELD, THESE VOLUMES ARE GRATEFULLY INS CRIBED. ' J 7"’ ’ I ; I /:v'_Y. ’ /' II ..II V )4 _ t i" /U I //:/'-.’v 1- .~’- . . I I’ ‘ fl AUTHOR’S N_0TE. HE second volume is before the reader. If it has seemed tardy in coming, the delay has been that it might be made as complete as possible, and the author feels that it is published only too soon. Every effort has been made to secure a condensed statement of each regiment and battery; advertisements, correspondence with oificers and State ofiicials, and personal solicitations have been employed, and yet a few remain unsketched. It will be a pleasure to add their record in the next, or in subsequent editions. The author respectfully asks that such material be sent to his address in this city, as soon as possible. It was the desire of the Publishers and the wish of the author to give a list of the killed and wounded, complete, with regiment, bat- tery and company. It was found impossible to secure such a list. The Adjutant-General of the State pronounced it impossible. It will be long ere such a record can be made, and when made will require several volumes. The dead, alone, would require an addition of more than 200 pages to this volume. It is with regret that it has been abandoned, at least for the present. The author gratefully acknowledges the courtesy of Governor Oglesby, and Adjutant-General Haynie. The archives at Spring- field were generously opened. He also expresses his appreciation of the services of Henry R. Boss, Esq., who has acted as private Secretary and assistant in correspon- dence, and in gathering and arranging materials for regimental sketches. In most instances these are based upon notes fi'om the ofiicers. The author returns general acknowledgment to the MANY whose courtesy he has received, and sends out the second volume, hoping that it may be long—-very long--ere war shall come again. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. GOVERNOR RICHARD J. OGLESBY. Hon. ALLEN G. FULLER. MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN M. PALMER, ADJUTANT-GENERAL I. N. MAJOR-GENERAL S. A.. HURLBUT. LIEUTENANT-GLINEBAL W. T. SHERMAN. RREVET MAJOR-GENERAL A. L. CHETLAIN. MAJOR-GENERAL B. H. GRIERSON. BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL M. BRAYMAN. SURGEON GEORGE OOATSWORTH. CONTENTS OF VOLUME II.‘ -CHAPTER I. D BATH AND BURIAL OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN- mom The Occurrence—Previous Warnings—The 14th of Apri1—Oonversations—hter- view with Colfax--Cabinet Meeting--Ford’s Theater--The Box--Boothe-, Preparations--'l‘he Shot--Assassin’s Escape--The Theater--The Dying Presi- dent—Record of Dissolution--Prayer—Payne and Seward-—Secretary Stan- ton’s Orders-—Grief of the Oountry~—Oongressional Committee--Funeral Ser- vices in Washington--Remains Borne to the Capitol-To the Funeral Car—- Funeral Cortege-Baltimore, New York, Phi1ade1phia—-Back to Illinois--- Reaches Chicago--The City in Sable—-The Last Stage—Springfield—Em- blems of Mourning-Lincoln’s Residence—-Oak HiI1—-The Services-—Bishop Simpson’s Oration—Dr. Gurley’s Ode—Lincoln’s Character—'1‘he Congres- sional Memorial Service-Bancroft’s Oration—-Doom of the Assassin--Trial of Conspirators--Execution—Ourtain Falls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . 19 CHAPTER II. BATTLE OF CHIOKAMAUGA. Action of Washington Authorities-Rosecrans’ Advance—Bragg Occupies Chat- tanooga—-Stanley’s Advance-—Successes—Plan of Federal Campaign--Burm side’s Column Reaches Knoxvil1e—Orders—Rosecrans Reaches Chattanooga- Bragg Evacuates the Oity—Pm;suit—-Orders to Hurlbut, Grant, Sherman, Pope and Schofield for Rcinforcements-—Bragg at Lafayette—Oavalry Raids-— 'Added Rebel Forces—-Rosecrans Mistaken—-His Line—Chickamauga Creek- Negley—Position-—Bragg Waits--The 17th-Change of Federal Lines- 18th, Order of Battle—Saturday the 19th-Minty ahd Wilder--Our Line- Battle Opens—No Decisive Results—-Night—Ohanged Order-—Rebel Order- Sabbath the 20th—Battle Opens—-The Fourteenth Army Corps--Desperate Fighting--Order to Wood--Our Army Broken in Two-Is the Day Lost ?- “ Rock of Chicka.mauga.”—Thomas’ New Position—Carniva1 of Death—-Posi- tion Held-A Gap Discovered-Granger in Time—Halleck’s Report-Day Saved I-—Losses--Efl‘ect on the Two Commanders-—Bnrnside—Knoxvil1e-~ Siege Raised—Illinois 48 8 comma. CHAPTER III. REGIMENTAL SKETCHES. near. The Twenty-seventh—General N. B. Buford—The Thirty-eighth--The Forty- second--Heavy Loss at Chickamauga—The Sixty-sixth—Birge’s Sharpshoot- ers—The Seventy eighth--At Chickamauga—-The Eighty-eighth-Colonel Francis T. Sherman--The N inety-sixth-Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas E. Champion—Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac L. Clark—Major John C. Smith-The One Hundred and Fourth—-The One Hundred and Twenty-fifth--Death of Chaplain Sanders—-Colonel O. F. Harmon. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . 53 CHAPTER IV. REG-IMENTAL AND PERSONAL. The Seventh Infantry—Muster Roll of the First Company Enlisted in the State —-General John Cook—The Eighth-—Colonel Lloyd Wheaton—The Ninth- Its Campaigns—-The Tenth-The March to Knoxvi11e—-The Eleventh—Its Original and Final Rosters—Colonel Garrett Nevins-—The Twelfth—What it Did-—Chicago Board of Trade Battery--Heroism and Devotion of the Men- Brydge’sBattery.............. . . . . . . . . . 83 . CHAPTER V. CHA'1"I‘ANOOGA—~LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN—MISSION RIDGE--‘KNOXVILLE. Disasters Retrieved—Situation of the Armies-Rosecrans Reinforced by Hooker —Grant in Command-—Thomas Supersedes Rosecrans—Burnside Takes Knox- ville—Is Besieged by Longstreet—-Union Peril—Sherman Sends Osterhans-— Ordered to Take His Whole Army—Its March--Sherman Placed in Command of the Department of the Tennessee—-McPherson and Hurlbut-—Sherman Ordered On—Goes—Hooker’s Assault on Lookout-—Oapture-‘Knoxville- Plan for Battle—Pontoons—Our Army--Orchard Knob—Sherman’s Position —Corse Opens the Battle—Loomis-—Sherman’s Forces Hard Pressed--Gran ger’s Advance—Grant and Thomas—Up the Ridge—Victory—The Dead- W'ounded--Lincoln’s Letter-Illinois Men-Grant’s Order of Congratulation --Pursuit—-Ringgo1d—Burnside Relieved—-Campaign Ended. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 CHAPTER VI. ‘ THE RED RIVER EXPEDITION—-MISSOURI. - Great Expectations--Sabine Pa§s—Loss—McPherson’s District-The Invinci- ble Armada—DeRussey—-Grand Advance—Ransom’s Advice—Disastrous Engagement near Mansfield--Heavy Sacrifice-Pleasant Hill—Smith’s Charge --Rebels give Back—Summing Up—Retreat--Grand Ecore—Through the Dam—Steele’s Army—Retreats on Little Rock—Sabine Crossings—Rosecrans in Missouri—Hundred Day Regiments-P1easanton’s Command--Price Escapes Union City—Golonel Hicks at Padu<:ah—Fort Pillow—North Carolina. . . . . . 118 comms. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL- PAGE. Change of Plan, Not of Base-—Governor Oglesby-—Memoir—Extracts from In- augural——Adjutant-General Haynie—Personal Sketch. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 122 CHAPTER VIII. REGIMENTS AND BATTERIES. The Fifteenth—First Enlisted for Three Years-Its Part at Shiloh—Brevet Brigadier-General George C. Rogers—The Seventeenth-—-Its Campaigns—Th<: Eighteenth—Bmvet Brigadier-General Jules C. Webber-The Twentieth- Life in PI-isons—-The Twenty-second--The Twenty-third-—List of Battles in which It was engaged-—The Twenty-ninth-—Re-enlistment in the Veteran Ser- vice-The Thirtieth-—A Veteran Regiment—The Thirty-first—The Charge at Fort Hill—-The Thirty-second-Eleven Thousand Miles of March-Bnsteeds’ Battery—-Old Batteries A and B, First Artillery—-An Honorable Record. . . . CHAPTER IX. THE MERIDIAN RAID. Sherman’s Department—Grant’s Order—Sherman’s Plan—General W. S. Smith’s Movements— Sherman -- McPherson - Hnrlbut-—Champion’s Hill—Jackson, Mississippi--Burnt Bridge--Rebels Evacuate—Where is Smith ?--Destruction -Kinglake-—Prophetic Significance--Backward March-—Results-Schofield. CHAPTER X. snnnmarfls GRAND MARCH- Sherman’s Statement of the Plan—Inspects his Department-—Supp1ies-—Letter to Grant—-March--Rocky Face Ridge—-Buzzard’s Roost Gap-Flanking-— Snake Creek Gap--Thomas’ Feint-—McPherson’s Movement—-Camp Creek-— Position of Troops—Hooker in Action—Johnston Retr'eats—-Resaca Ours-— Pursuit—Cost-—Logan and Palmer--Ninth Squad-—-One Hundred and Twenty- Seventh Color-Bearer—Rome-Adairsville--Lay’s Ferry—Sweeney--Sixty- Sixth Illinois—Allatoona Pass-Headed for Dallas—Rebel Courier-—-Fighting at New Hope Church--At Dallas---Rebel BI-avery—Assault on Bull-Dog Sweeney—-The Pass Secured—Etowa Bridge—Blair with Reinforcements. .. . CHAPTER XI. KENESAW AND PEACH TREE CREEK. Prospect—Big Shanty—-Sherman’s Description of Scenery-His Forces—0_pera- tions to Break Lines--Death of Polk---Railway Reconnoissance—Lost Moun- tain Occupied--Kulp House-Assault of Kenesaw—Sherman’s Statement-— 132 160 166 10 CONTENTS. PAGE- Illinois--Newspaper Paragmphs—Logan’s Corps—Palmer—Twenty-fifth and Twenty-seventh — Eighty-ninth -- Logan—-Fifty-ninth and Seventy-fou rth - Sherman’s Report--Peach Tree Creek--Cincinna.ti Commemial’s Account-— Situation—-McPherson’s Adva.nce—-Eighty-fifth Illinois-—Loga.n’s Corps-—Pa1- mer’s Corps--Forty-fourth--Hooker in Position and Fighting--Geary—Ward -— Face to Face —- Williams - Bradley —- Forty-second — Twenty-seventh - Thomas Commanding an Eclectic Detachment-—One Hundredth-—Eighty- eighth-—Seventy-fourth--Coburn--One Hundred and Twenty-ninth and Lieu- tenant-Colonel Flynn—McCook—One Hundred and Fourth in Peril-Defeat of Palmer-One Hundred and Fifth-—One Hundred and Twenty-ninth--Impon tanoe of this Battle-—Kcnesaw Redeemed—Ho0d in Command-—His Prestige Gone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................173 CHAPTER XII. INTO ATLANTA. At1anta—Its importance—Heart of Confederacy—-Must Be 'I‘a.ken--Hood in Command-Sherma.n’s Report—The Chattahoochee—-Battle of July 22(1- McPherson Killed-—Loga.n in Comma.nd—Blair Assailed by Hardee—Sweeney --Dodge-—Twelfth Illinois--Sixteenth Corps-—Long’s Corps--Smith’s Divi- sion--Loss of Guns—The Crisis——Sherman-—Order to Logan-Charge—Wood —Victory—Guns Retaken-—What Sherman Says—The Stoneman Raid- Changes in Command-—-Hooker-—Palmer-Howard—Slocum—-Davis—Wil- liams—Ba.ttle of J onesboro--Victory Decisive -Rebel Retreat~—Pursuit- “ Atlanta Ours and Fairly Won ”-—Sherma.n’s Promotion-Re-union and Freedom............................................................ 193 CHAPTER XIII. noon TURNS NORTH. The Situation—What will Hood Do ?—What He might have Done-His Chosen Po1icy—Athens Surrenders—Rosseau-Forrest in the Toils-Me.fietta.—-Smyr- na.-— Allatoona — Illinois Ninety-third -- Lieutenant-Colonel Tourtellotte - Coree Comes—“ Elfusion of Blood ”-—Desperate Defence--Seventh Illinois- Colonel Rowell—Corse’s Report—Sherman’s Signals--Twelfth and Fiftieth Illinois—-Victory—-Our Losses-—-Raum at Resaca.—-Various Movements- Troops sent Thomes—Thomas’ Army—-Ransom Dies--Armies Separated- Hood Crosses the River—Battle of Fra.nklin—Back to Nashville—Hood’s Position-—Fcderal Troops--Delay—Preparations-Moment-—Order of Battle —Ba.ttle of Nashville-Smith and Schofield--Night-Second Day—Wood’s Corps--Stecdman—Assault-Victory—-Rebel Retreat—The Eighty-eight— The Seventy-second—-Brydge’s Battery--The Seventy-fourth" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 C H A P T E R X I V . EEGIMENTAL SKETCHES. The Thirteenth Vctera.ns—C0nsolidated with the Fifty-sixth-—The Thirty-third oorrrnnrs. 1.1 men. -—The Students and Teachers as Solcliers—The Thirty-fourth--The Thirty- ninth (Yates Phalanx )-The Charge on Fort Gregg--The Forty-first—Its Marches and Battles—-The Forty-fourth-Re-enlistment When the Ink Froze Upon the Muster Rolls-—The Forty-fifth (Lead Mine Regiment )-—The Forty- sixth-—The Battle of the Hatchie-The Forty-seventh—-The Battle of Iuka— The Forty-eighth—Conclusion of Its Record-The Forty-ninth-Re-enlistment as Veterans-The Fiftieth—-The Fifty-first. .. .. .. .. .. .... . . .. . . .. ... 213 CHAPTER XV. BEGIMENTAL AND PERSONAL. The Thirty-seventh--Its Missouri Campaign—The Fifty-second—-Its Various Commanders—-General Sweeney—The Fifty-third-—“ Cushman’s Brigade ”-- The Fifty-fourth—Re-enlistment as Veterans-—The Fifty-seventh—-At Shiloh and Corinth--The Fifty-eighth—Capture at Shiloh—-General W. F. Lynch-— The Fifty-ninth—-A Missouri Regiment—Change of Designation—The Sixtieth —Conclusion of Its Record-The Sixty-third-—A Veteran Regiment-—The Sixty-fourth--“Yates Sharpshooters ”—The Sixty-fifth-—The “Scotch Regi- ment”—The Three Months’ Regiments of 1862--The Sixty-seventh-The Sixty-eighth—The Sixty-ninth—The Seventieth—-The Seventy-first.. . . . . . . . 238 ‘CHAPTER XVL FROM ATLANTA TO MILLEN- Toward the Sea--Communications Cut-Impedimenta Removed—The Eagle’s Wings—Composition—General Orders for the Campaign-Soldierly and States- man]ike—-Supp1ies—Sherman and the Atlanta Authorities—Atlanta Burnt—- “ On to the Sea ”--Astonishment at Sherman’s Plan—Rebel Reading—English Views—Northern Opinions—His Faith in Thomas—Four Columns-Advances —Skirmishes—Macon—Wolcott Wounded—Irwinton—-Into Milledgeville-— New Legislature—Thanksgiving--Rebel Pronunciamentoes--The Four Rivers --Griswoldsville—Sandersville--Kilpatrick’s March on Millen—Fa1ls Back—- Is Assaulted-—Defence—Louisville-Ready to go South. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 CHAPTER XVIL TO SAVANNAH. The Right Wing—'1‘wo Columns--No. 9-—Millen-—The Prison Pen—“ Working the Road ”--Captured Mail-Corduroy--Eden--Jenk’s Bridge-Twelve Mile Post-King’s Bridge—Enemy’s Rifle Pits—B1air—In Sight of Savannah-- The Left Wing-Its March—-Montieth Swamp—“ Water Witch ”—Jackson- boro--Pontoons--Kilpatrick and Wheeler—-Atkins--Waynesboro-The Nine- ty-second Illinois—Before Savannah—CharIeston Severed-Savannah Invest- ed--Rebel Defences--Fort McAllister—-Hazen’s Assault—Sherman on a Rice House—Illinois Regiments Engaged--Meets the N avy--Dahlgren and Foster 12 oomms. non. —Gnns from Fort Royal—Assault ordered—Hardee leaves Savannah-Geary goes in—Sherman to Lincoln—-To the Sea—Bowman’s Resume-Lincoln to Sherman—Chattanooga to Savannah--The End not Yet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'7 5 CHAPTER XVLH. THE CLOSE on 1864——THE ornnrne OF 1865. Mr. Stanton’s Summary of 1864-—Resume—Banks—Sherman—Stanton and Thomas—Hood’s Army Destroyed—John Morgan—Other Operations-—In the East-—The Valley of the Shenandoah-—Sheridan-The Lost Battle Saved-— Opening Year—Grant Reports the Situation—Stanton’s Enumeration--Redum tion of Fort Fisher--Schofield’s Corps——Battle at Kingston—Canby’s Depart- ment-—Mobile-Defences-The Forts-Farragut-The Plan-Lashed Vessels -Pass the Forts——Gunboats—-Ram Tennessee-—Terrific Fight-Triumph- Mobile Bay Ours--Forts Surrender—-The City Invested—Carr’s Brigades Assault and Carry the Spanish Fort-—Fort Blakeley Taken—0ur Losses- Mobile Ours—-Losses—Captures--Wilson’s Gigantic Alabama Raid—Ander- sonville-Record of its Honored Dead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 CHAPTER XIX. REGIMENTAL SKETCHES. The Seventy-second—Battles of Franklin and Nashville-General Joseph Stock- ton—The Seventy-fourth—What Hood Got-—The Seventy-fifth--Its Battles-— The Seventy-sixth---Its Roster and History — The Seventy-ninth — The Eightieth-Its Battles and Marches-—The Eighty-first—Pursuit of Price- The Eighty-second—Gettysburg-—Colonel Frederic Hecker—General E. S. Salomon--Tho Eighty-third--Defence of Fort Donelson—The Eighty-fourth-— The Eighty-sixth-—The Atlanta Campaign—The Eighty-ninth—A Brilliant Record--The Ninetieth—“ The Irish Legion ”-The Ninety-first—Service in Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 CHAPTER XX. INCIDENTS AND SKETCHES. Scarcity of Material—Seventy-fourth and Eighty-eighth at Franklin-Charge- Stampede——Colonel Smith—Captain Barnard--Corporal Newman--Captures -Thanks of General Wood--General Thomas-—Casua1ties—-The Seventy- second-—Charged by Rebels—Driven—-Retake Their Line—-Lieutenant-Colo- nel Stockton-—Major J ames-Loss—-The Seventy-fifth-Charge Through an Open Field--Its Captures—The Eighty-eighth at Stone River-On Front Line --“ Fire and Fire Low ”--At Mission Ridge—Lieutenant-Colonel Chandler— ' ColonelJohnW. Shaffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845 conrnnrs. 13 CHAPTER XXI. ‘ ONWARD FROM SAVANNAH- PAGE. January, 1865—Columns in Motion—Grant and Sherman—Logan-—Right Wing —A Skirmish—Chaplain’s Letter—-Logan’s Corps—Kilpatrick-Williams-- Extracts From Sherman’s Report—Swollen Waters—-Sherman’s Report- Edisto Bridges-—The Divided Rebel F cree--Kilpatrick—Atkins—Sherman and the Right Wing—Orangeburg-Hardee—Crossing of Congaree-Colum- bia—Sherman’s Report—The Conflagration-Who was to Blame ?—Sherman on Wade Hampton—Soldiers’ Love for South Carolina-—Left Wing--Marches for Winnsboro--Right joins It--Barnwell-Ninety-second Illinois—Black- vil1e—Aikin—Atkins’ Brigade—-Kilpatrick’s Movements—Exeiting Situation —Joe Johnston in the Field—Rocky Mount—-Sherman’s Report—Cheraw- Kilpatrick narrowly Escapes Capture—Schofield and Terry—Fort Fisher- Wilmington—Our Men in Wilmington Prison—-What a Correspondent Saw— Forward—-Cavalry Skirmish—Hardee tries to “ hold” Sherman—-Don’t Suc- ceed--Hard Fighting—-Hardee Abandons His Works—Retreats to Averysboro 357 ‘CHAPTER XXIL BEGIMENTAL SKETCHES. The Ninety-second—Rebel Treatment of Prisoners—Brevet Maj or-General Smith D. Atkins--Color Bearer “ Gedee” Scott—“ For God’s sake Save the Flag” —The Ninety-third-From Atlanta to Savannah-—The N inety-fifth—Regi mental Statisti<>s—Coloncl Thomas W. Humphrey—-The N inety-eighth-——A Fatal Accident—The Ninety-ninth-—-The Assault upon Vicksburg—The One Hundred and First-—Running the Blockade—The One Hundred and Second- Capture of a Bank-—The One Hundred and Third-Death of Colonel Dicker- man—The One Hundred and Fifth—-The One Hundred and Eighth—Port Gibson and Champion’s Hill—-The One Hundred and N inth—-A Brief but Dis- graceful Record--The One Hundred and Tenth--Heavy Losses—The One Hundred and Eleventh--Gallant Charge at Resana-The One Hundred and Twelfth--Sanders’ Raid—The One Hundred and Thirteenth—The Rankin Family.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 369 CHAPTER XXIII. OUR TROOPERS. . The Third Cavalry-Pursuit of Price’s Army--Pea Ridge—-Gallantry at Fair- view—Vieksburg and Arkansas Post—The Fifth Cavalry—Battle of Cache River--Privation and Suffering-Expeditions to Granada and J ackson—- Muster-out Roster—'I‘he Twelfth Cavalry-A Magnificent Saber Fight-Escape from Harper’s Ferry-The McClellan Dragoons—-The Fight at Dumfries—- Stoneman’s Raid—Approach to Richmond—-Tunstall Station—Gettysburg— Efiicient Service of the Twelfth-'-Re-organization as Veterans—Reception in Chicago-Snow Storm-The Red River Campaign--Service in 'I‘exas—Mus- - ter-out Roster--General Hasbrouck Davis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 14 omnmns Q CHAPTER XXIV. GRANT’S ARMY—v1c:roRY. PAGL Grant’s Army--Siege of Petersburg-Futile Eiforts-—0pening of Spring-Losses —Grant’s Strategy-Rebel Iron-clad Dash-Extension of Union Left—-Sheri- dan’s Command—-His great Raid—Reaches White House—Lee’s Dash on Fort Steedman-—Recaptured—-Rebel Prisoners-Important Position Gained-Ad- vance on the Union Left—Fifth and Second Corps-Face Northward-—White Oak Road-Five Forks Reached and Abandoned—-Sheridan Reinforced-Long- street Comes to Help Lee’s Right-—Ayer’s Division Broken-Grifiin and Hum- phreys-The Rebel Lion at Bay—Shcridan Again at Five Forks-Devins and Davies-—Enemy Concentrate on Sheridan——Nightfa1l—Ayer’s Division—Sher- idan’s Advance—Five Forks Again-Orders to Warren-His Removal--Union Assault-—Victory—Petersburg--Park’s Assault-—-Wright-Humphreys-—Gib- bons takes Gregg and Alexander—Miles goes to Sheridan—Enemy Driven- Sutherla.nd’s Depot—Hill Ki1led—Lee’s Right Wing Gone—Ten Thousand Lost—Desperation--Lee’s Telegram to Davis-—Excitement in Richmond—- Weitzell—Entrance into Richmond—“ Richmond Ours !”—Excited African- The Country-Grant’s Po1icy—Lee Attempts Retreat-Chesterfield-Amelia Court House—Sheridan Reaches J etersvil1e—Cuts Danville Railway—Deer Creek-Paine’s Cross Roads—Deatonville——Crooks—Ewell’s Corps Captured —Ord—General Theodore Re ed—Lee over the River—Hunger is King—Lee’s Ofiicers say Surrender—B1oody Fighting—Grant Demands the Surrender of Lee’s Army—Lee’s Answer—Grant’s Terms—-Sheridan Mistaken—Lee Heads toward Lynchburg—Changes and comes between Lee and Supplies--Appomat-. tox Station--Lee Proposes Diplomacy—Attempts to Cut through Sheridan’s Cavalry--“ What, Infantry !”-White Flag--Grant’s Answer—Lee Proposes Surrender-Correspondonce-The Army of “ Northern Virginia ”-—Grant goes to Washington—His Report—His Plans Successful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 424 CHAPTER XXV. THE ONE HUNDRED DAY TROOPS. The Call-The Response—The One Hundred and Thirty-second—The One Hundred and Thirty-third—The One Hundred and Thirty-fourth—-The One Hundred and Thirty-fifth--The One Hundred and Thirty-sixth—The One Hundred and ' Thirty-seventh—The One Hundred and Thirty-eighth—The One Hundred and Thirty-ninth—-The One Hundred and Fortieth—The One Hundred and Forty- first-The One Hundred and Forty-second—The One Hundred and Forty-third —The One Hundred and Forty-fifth..................................... 441 CHAPTER XXVI. INTO eonnsnono. From Savannah—Schofield and Terry-To Fayetteville—Carlin-—Slocum’s Left -Bentonville—The Fighting—Carlin’s Brigades--Hazen comes Up—Move- ments-—Mower’s Division--Losses—Coxe’s Brigade-Into Goldsboro-The Col- come. 15 PAGE. umns Converge--Major Nichol’s Statement--Colonel Bowman’s—Sherma@ Plans -Meets Mr. Lincoln-His General Orders-—Army of Georgia—Blunder _ o Q o o o o o o . c oooooooooooooooo o o o Q Q o o n coo CHAPTER XXVII. END OF THE WAR. Out of Goldsboro—Smithfie1d-News of Lee’s Surrender-Johnston’s Position- The Strategic Points--Sherman Sums Up—Oorrespondenee—Sherman’s State- ment — Interview — Agreement -- Disapproved — Grant—-Visits Sherman-— Truce Suspended—Fighting Order--Proposition to Surrender-Accepted—- March for Richmond-Washington—Grand Review—-Stanton and Sherman—- Four Needed Men-—Surrender of Taylor and Kirby Smith—The End--Sher- man’s Farewell-Troops Homeward—April to September-Doxology of Peace 459 CHAPTER XXVIII. REGIMENTAL SKETCHES. The Eighty-fifth--Perryville, Chiekamauga, Mission Ridge, Atlanta, Rome, Keno- saw, Peach Tree Creek, Savannah—-Brevet Brigadier-General C. J. Dilworth -The One Hundred and Seventeenth--Regimental Statisties—-The One Hun- dred and Nineteenth—Its Various Campaigns-The One Hundred and Twen- ty-second-—Pursuit of Price-The One Hundred and Twenty-fourth-The “ Bully One Hundred and Two Dozen ”--The One Hundred and Twenty-seventh --Vicksburg and the Atlanta Campaign—-The One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Guarding Railroads—The One Hundred and Forty-seventh—Olosing of Hos- tilities in‘ Georgia—The One Hundred and Forty-ninth——On Garrison Duty- The One Hundred and Fiftieth—Religious Reviva1s—The One Hundred and Fifty-first-—Wofi‘ord’s Surrender—The One Hundred and Fift -third—Colonel Stephen Bronson—The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 CHAPTER XXIX. INCIDENT——PERSONAL. Operations on the Gulf-Hurlbut—Brayman—Grierson-—Osband-Chet1ain— ColonelBowers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER XXX. THE CHICAGO CONSPIRACY- Exciting Rumors--First Objective-Diabolioal Scheme-Colonel Sweet—The Situation - Suspicion—-Impression --Government Detective-—Revelati0ns— Measures--Olfieial Report-Chicago Armed--Trials-Sentences--Pardons—- Brand of 513 N mmmw. CHAPTER XXXI. GENERAL GRANT. PACI- Former Estimate—His Western Career-Army of Potomac-Its Leaders—Mc- Clellan—Pope-——Burnside—Hooker—Meade—-Grant’s Plans--Lee’s Prestige- Wilderness— Petersburg — Results--Criticism—-People’s Answer—Grant in Chicago--Reception in Bryan Hall—Hooker’s Speech-Grant’s--Yates’-—Shen man and Grant as Orators-—Reception by Board of Trade—-Fairchild and Wash- burn—Second Visit—Ovation in Canada and Michigan—En-route for Galena— Marshal J ones--The Train—On the Way--The General at Home-Welcome by Hon. E. B. Washburne--Grant--Vincent—-Grade of General. . . . . . . . . . . 520 CHAPTER XXXII. THE woman OF ILLINOIS. Influence on Public Opinion—-Social Life--Institutions--Religious View--Relief Associations—The Great Fairs—Last Chicago Fair—Greetings of Soldiers. . 588 CHAPTER XXXIII. The Second Cavalry--Re-enlistment--Death of Colonel Mudd--Service in Tex- as——-The Eighth Cavalry—--Hunting Booth—Muster-out R0ster—Damage to the Enemy--Major James D. Ludlam——The Ninth Cavalry-Veteranizing-— Battles of Franklin and Nashville—The Sixteenth Cavalry—Thielman’s Bat- ta.lion—A Regiment Raised-—The Fight in P0well’s Valley-Heavy Loss— Final Roster--Captain Hiram S. Hanchett-—The Seventeenth Cavalry-Cam- paigning in Missouri—-Pursuit of Price—Fight at Booneville—Battle of Mine Creek—-A Saber Charge—In a Tight Place—The Enemy Retire——Surrender of J eff. Thompson-General H. Bevcridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . 546 CHAPTER XXXIV. SKETCH AND INCIDENT. The Eighty-sixth in South Carolina—At Bentonville—The Sixty-fourth-With Mower——The Fifty-second at Corinth—Colonel Buckner’s Prayer—The Harts- ville Surrender—Colonel Moore’s Official Report—-Our Sur-geons—Surgeon Coatsworth—His Services-His Death-—-Colonel J. A. Davis-—-The N on-com- missioned and Privates—-Young Elliott at Shiloh—The Dead Letter-—Sergeant Reyr_mlds—SergeantJones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56-8 CHAPTER XXXV. THE UNION LEAGUE OF AMERICA. The Origin of Union Leagues--The Loyal Men of Tennessee—The Traitors in Illinois-—First Council of the Union League of Amcrica—The Oath-0rgani- zation of the State Counci1—-Spread of the Order-—National Council--The Obligation--Importance of the Work--Sanitary Contributions--Joseph Me- dill, Esq.--Colonel Geo. H. Harlow—Incidents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585 mmmma 17 CHAPTER XXXVI. REGIMENTAL SKETCHES. mar. The Sixteenth Infantry‘--Attack‘ on EdgefieId—The Nineteenth-The “Big Muddy Campaign ”—Organization—Railroad Accident-—Alabama Campaign-— Stone River—Muster-out Roster-Lieutenant-Colonel Alex. W. Rafi’en—The Twenty-sixth—Kenesaw Mountain--“ Gopher Holes ”-Colonel Robert A. Gil1more—The Twenty-eighth--Fight at Little Bethel—Service in Texas- The Sixty-second—Holly Springs--Re-enlistment--The Seventy-third-—The “ Preachers’ Regiment ”---The One Hundredth-Stone River and Chickamau- ga——The Atlanta Campaign--Muster-out Roster-—Statistics—The One Hun dred and Fifteenth--Frorn Covington to Chickamauga-—From Atlanta to the Sea--General Kimball’s Farewell Order-—Brigadier-General Jesse Haile Moore —The One Hundred and Twenty-sixth--Its Record-—The One Hundred and Thirtieth-—Port Gibson—-Vicksburg—Service in Texas-Battle of Mansfield —-Consolidation—Colonel Nathaniel Niles —Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Matheny--Major John B. Reid—Adjutant John B. Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598 CHAPTER XXXVII. CAVALRY REGIMENTS. The Fourth Cavalry-Fort Henry-Donelson and Shiloh--—Death of Lieutenant- Colonel William McCullough-Colonel T. Lyle Dickey-General M. R. M. Wallace--The Seventh Cavalry--Campaign in Missouri—Farmington-—Pur- suit of Price—Grierson’s Raid-—Re-enlistment-Forrest’s Attack upon Mem- phis—Recruiting--—Muster-out—-Major Zenas Aplington-The Thirteenth Cav- alry—Campaign in Missouri and Arkansas-—Consolidation--New Companies- Battle Roll-Final Roster-Brevet Brigadier-General Albert Erskine--Major LotharLippert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 618 CHAPTER XXXVIII. MAMHPGENERAL PALMER. Early Life--Political Career-—Colonel-—Brigadier--In Kentucky--His Adminis- tration--Sustained by the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634 CHAPTER XXXIX. REGIMENTAL AND PERSONAL. Q The Fourteexith Infantry—Its Campaigns and Marches—The Fortieth-The Fifty- fifth—Frozen In—-Shiloh—Final Roster—Colonel Oscar Malmborg--The Sixty- first—Colonel Daniel Grass—The Seventy-seventh—Vicksburg and Arkansas Post--The Eighty-seventh—-Service as Mounted Infantry-Banks’ Red River Expedition—-Colonel John M. Crebs--The One Hundred and Eighteenth-—Sufl fcrings and Privations--Attack upon Vicksburg—Service in Louisiana--Final Roster—The Fourteenth Cavalry-—Difliculties in Raising the Regiment—Pur- suit and Capture of John Morgan-Campaigning in Tennessee--The Fight at 2 18 mmmws non. Bean Station--“Rout of Thomas’ Legion ”-Stoneman’s Raid upon Macon-— A Terrific Fight and a Sad Disaster-—Personal Sketches-—Major Wm. McCul- lough—-Colonel JohnM.Snyder..... . . . . . . . . . . . 639 CHAPTER XL. ARTILLERY’COJLPANIES. Chicago Mercantile Battery--Artillery Duel at Champion’s Hill--Battle of Sabine Cross Roads--Elgin Battery—Vaughn’s Battery--Its Marches and Campaigns --First‘ Artillery—Battery D—Captain E. H. Cooper—Battery I-Veteraniz- ing—Battery K—Burnside’s Tennessee Expedition—Battery M--The Atlanta Campaign—Second Artillery--Battery F-Shiloh—Battery H--Veterans-— Battery K—Its Services--Battery L—Battle of the Hatchie—Battery M- Harper’s Ferry-Service in Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670 CHAPTER XLL LOSSES OF ILLINOIS TROOPS- Complete Numerical List of Casualties by Regiments in Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry—Total Number of Deaths Twenty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-two.......'O....O‘..‘...I...........‘...’.......Ol..........l I PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. C H A P T E R I . DEATH AND BUHIAL or ABRAHAM LINCOLN. THE 0CCURRENCE——PRE'V’IOUS WARNINGS-THE 14TH or APH1L—CoNvEnsATIoNs-- INTERVIEW WITH CQLFAX—-CABINETMEETING--Foan’s THEATER-—THE Box-BooTHE —-PHEPARATIoNs-—-THE SHOT—-AssAssIN’s ESCAPE-—THE THEATER——THE DYING PRESlDENT——-RECORD or DIssoLnTIoN--PRAYER-PAYNE AND SEWARD-—-SECRETARY STANToN’s ORl')ERS——GRIEF or THE COUNTRY--CoNeP.EssIoNAL COMMITTEE——FUNERAL SERVICES IN WASHINGTON—-REMAINS BOHNE T0 THE CAPITQL-To THE FUNERAL CAR —FUNEHAL CORTEGE--BALTIMoRE, NEW Yomz, PHILADELPHIA--BACK To ILLINOIS-— REACHES OHICAGO—-THE CITY IN SABLE--THE LAST STAGE ——SPRINGFIELD——EMBLEMS or MoUHNING—LINcoLN’s RESIDENOE-—OAH HILL--THE SER.VICES——BISHOP SIMPsoN’s OHATION--DE. GUHLEY’S OnE—LINcoI.N’s CHARACTER-THE CoNoHEssIoNAL MEMO- RIAL SERVICE-BANcaoTT’s ORA'l‘ION—-DOOM or THE ASSASSIN—-TRIAL or CONSPIRA- TORS——EXECUTION—-G URTAIN FALLS. N advance of its chronological place, the second volume must open with the record of the nation’s great grief, and the bereav- ment of Illinois in the death of her noblest son. On the morning of April 15, 1865, in the midst of rejoicings for the capture of Richmond, and the surrender of Lee, the telegraph flashed the announcement of the President’s assassination. Never did a foul murder so shock the nation, or so astound the world. On the evening of the 14th in company with Mrs. Lincoln and some friends he visited Ford’s Theater,where he had been announced to be present with General Grant. As the play was progressing an assassin entered the State-box, and from a Derringer pistol sent a ball through the President’s brain, and turning, despite the efforts of Major Rathborne to detain him, sprang from the box upon the stage, brandishing a dagger and shouting “ Sic . 20 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. semper tyrannis,’ the South is avenged!” darted through a pri- vate passage into the alley, where a horse was in readiness, and escaped. As he crossed the stage he was recognized as J. Wilkes Boothe. The President was unconscious from the moment the pistol was fired. He was conveyed to a house in, the vicinity where he lay for several hours. About his bedside were the members of his Cabinet, with the exception of the Secretary of State, several senators, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and other intimate friends. The examination of the Surgeon General showed the wound to be fatal, and all that could be done was to wait in sadness the moment when one of the noblest of men should be no longer of earth. The President had been warned that assassination was premedi- tated, and at last both himself and Secretary Seward were com- pelled to believe the evidence, yet he none the less freely exposed himself‘. He felt that if men were resolved upon it, the deed could scarcely be prevented. The morning of the 14th, he talked with his wife of the four stormy years he had passed, and of the dawn of peaceful times, the coming of better days. He was free from forebodings; “ with malice toward none” he could not credit the malignity which would resort to assassination, solely for revenge. He conversed with his son, Captain Robert Lincoln, who was on General Grant’s staif, as to“ the details of Lee’s surrender. After breakfast he received various gentlemen, and among them Senator Hale and Speaker Colfax. The latter was preparing for an overland trip to the Pacific and to him the President said: “ Mr. Colfax, I want you to take a message from me to the miners whom you visit; I have very large ideas of the mineral wealth of our nation. I believe it to be practically inexhaustible. It abounds all over the Western country, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, and its development has scarcely commenced. During the war, when we were adding a couple of millions of dollars every day to our national debt, I did not care about encouraging the volume of our precious metals. We had the country to save first. But now that the rebellion is over- thrown, and we know pretty nearly the amount of our national debt, the more gold and silver we mine, we make the payment of that debt so much the easier. Now,’ said he, speaking with more emphasis, “ I am going to encourage that in every pos- sible way. We shall have hundreds of thousands of disbanded soldiers, and many have feared that their return home in such great numbers might paralyze industry HIS LAST DAY. 21 by furnishing, suddenly, a greater supply of labor than there will be demand for. I am going to try to attract them to the hidden wealth of our mountain ranges, where there is room enough for all. Immigration, which even the war has not stopped, will land upon our shores hundreds of thousands more from over-crowded Europe. I intend to point them to the gold and silver that wait for them in the West. Tell the miners for me that I shall promote their interests to the best of my ability, because their prosperity is the prosperity of the nation, and we shall prove in a very few years, that we are indeed the treasury of the world.” As he uttered the last sentence his eyes kindled with enthusiasm. At eleven o’clock he met his cabinet. General Grant was present, having come direct from the field. The questions arising out of victory were fully discussed, and the leading propositions of the President received the hearty approval of the Secretaries and the victorious Chieftain, so that the Secretary of War declared the Government stronger than at any time since the beginning of the rebellion. In the afternoon Mr. Lincoln saw a number of gentlemen from Illinois, and in the early evening conversed at some length with Messrs. Colfax and Ashmun. Before separation he wrote the fol lowing in pencil, his last note: “Allow Mr. Ashmun and friend to come in at nine o'clock to-morrow. ' “ A. Lmconn.” The President and General Grant had been invited to attend Ford’s Theater that night, and the public prints had announced that they would do so, and occupy the State-box. The General left the City. Mr. Lincoln was disinclined to go, but fearing a popular dis- appointment if neither himself nor the General was present, decided to attend and invited Colfax and Ashmun to accompany him, who declined. The President and Mrs. Lincoln entered their carriage, drove to the house of Senator Harris where they were joined by Miss Harris and Major Rathborne, the Senator’s step-son. They reached the theater at forty minutes past eight. They entered the reserved box and were greeted with prolonged and hearty applause in which was mingled love for the man, admiration for the Presi- dent, gladness for the victory of the nation. The President bowed and was seated. The box was a double one, on the second floor, above the stage. From the front, a narrow passage to the rear of the dress-circle 22 rarnrorrsm on ILLINOIS. reached the box, requiring three doors. The President occupied a high-backed rocking-chair, and the play went on. Turn to another person. In the morning of that sad Good Friday, John Wilkes Boothe, a disloyal actor, a man whose sym- pathy was all with rebellion, learned of the arrangement for the theater. He engaged a rapid and well-trained mare for a saddle- ride in the afternoon. Visiting Kirkwood’s Hotel he sent a card to Vice-President Johnson on which was written “ I don’t wish to dis- turb you ; are you at home ?” It was signed with his name. He was answered that the Vice-President was busy. At four he called at the stable and rode off on the mare, which he placed where it was to serve his purpose. ' In the evening he proceeded to the theater, passed through the narrow hall, and showing a card to the President’s messenger, entered the vestibule of the fated box. He secured himself against entrance from without by bracing the door with a piece of plank. All his arrangements were made with diabolical coolness. He took a careful survey of the interior of the box and saw that all was , ready; his victim was seated as it was meant he should be and there was a way of escape across the stage. The President was leaning forward, holding the curtain of the box. The assassin cocked a small silver-mounted Derringer pistol, and taking in his left hand a keen, double-edged dagger, he stepped to the inner door. The back and side of the President’s head were fully exposed. Boothe instantly fired, and the ball crashed through Mr. Lincoln’s brain; his head dropped forward very slightly, and he was quiet. The report of the pistol was supposed by the audience to be a part of the pro- gramme. Major Rathborne sprang to his feet and seized the assas- sin, who dropped his pistol and struck the oflicer with his dagger, wounding him in the left arm near the shoulder. He sprang to the front of the box, drew aside the folds of the flag with which it was festooned, and leaped to the stage. As he did so, his spur caught the folds of the flag and be partly fell. Recovering his balance, he waved his dagger and repeated the motto of Virginia, “ Sic semper Tg/rannis./”_ and added “the South is avenged l_” He started for the passage leading to the stage-door in the rear of the theater. He had calculated upon the audacity of the act as its security, and DYING. 23 so it proved. The audience did not yet comprehend the terrible fact. The murderer dashed aside all in his way, rushed through the door opened in readiness for him, sprang into the saddle, and rode rapidly over the Anacosta bridge, and for the time being was safe. The shot, the scene upon the stage, the escape were the work of a moment. ’Mrs. Lincoln screamed. Rathborne started for assistance to find the outer door barred, and the terrible fact of assassination burst upon the audience! Women shrieked and fainted. Men shouted impotently for vengeance and rushed to pursue the flying murderer. The uproar was terrific. The lights were turned off, and the grief- stricken multitude dispersed. Several surgeons came forward and examined the wound. The President was conveyed to the house of Mr. Peterson on Tenth street, where he was placed on a bed in a small room. Surgeon General Barnes examined the Wound and in a sad undertone said “ Mortal.” Secretary Stanton burst into tears and sobbed out, “ Oh no 1 General, no, no! Secretaries Welles and McCulloch, Postmaster-General Dennison, Attorney-General Speed, General Meigs, Senator Sumner and other distinguished gentlemen were soon in attendance and remained until all was over. Charles Sumner held one of the hands of the dying man and wept as a child. The wife, to be widowed in a few hours, sat with her son and Mrs. Senator Dixon in an adjoining room. The following minutes kept by Dr. Abbott show the progress of dissolution through that terrible night: 11 o’clock, pulse 44. 11.05 “ “ 45, and growing weaker. 11.10 “ “ 45. 11.15 “ “ 42. 11.20 “ "‘ 45, respiration 27 to 29. 11.25 “ “ 42. 11.82 “ “ 48, and full. 11.40 “ “ 45. 11.45 “ “ 45, respiration 22. 12 “ “ 48, “ 22. 12.15 “ “ 48, respiration 21. ecchymosis both eyes. 12.30 o’clock, pulse 45. 12.82 “ “ 60. 12.35 “ “ 66. 24 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. 12.40 o’clock, pulse 69, right eye much swollen and ecchymosis. 12.45 “ “ '70. 12.55 “ “ 80, struggling motion of arms. 1 “ “ 86, respiration 30. 1.30 “ “ 95, appearing easier. 1.45 “ “ 86, very quiet, respiration irregular, Mrs. Lincoln present 2.10 “ Mrs. Lincoln retired with Robert to an adjoining room. 2.30 “ President very quiet, pulse 54, respiration 28. 2.52 “ pulse 48, respiration 30. 8 “ visited again by Mrs. Lincoln. 3.25 “ respiration 24 and regular. 8.85 “ prayer by Rev. Dr. Gurley. 4 “ respiration 26 and regular. 4.15 “ pulse 60, respiration 25. 5.50 “ respiration 28 regular. 6 “ pulse failing, respiration 28. 6.30 “ still failing and labored breathing. 7 “ symptoms of immediate dissolution. 7.22 “ DEATH. At the last moment there were in attendance the Vice-President, Secretaries Stanton, Wells, McCulloch, Usher; Attorney- General Speed, Postmaster-General Dennison, Generals Halleck, Meigs, Famsworth, Augur and Todd; Senator Sumner, Rev. Dr. Gurley, Speaker Colfax, Ex-Governor Farwell, Judge Carter, Judge Otto, Surgeon-General Barnes; Doctors Crane, Stone, Abbott, and Hall; M. 13. Field and R. F. Andrews. At the moment death was announced Dr. Gurley kneeled and offered prayer, and then proceeding to the adjoining apartment prayed with those whose mourning was saddest as their grief was deepest. In another quarter of the city the tragedy of assassination was going forward, but not to completion. At ten o’ clock, within a few minutes of the time of the President’s murder, a man, subse- quently proven to be Lewis Payne Powell, one of the conspirators, ordinarily known as Payne, called at the residence of Secretary Sew- ard, who was disabled from a recent accident, and said to the color- ed lad at the door that he came with medicines for Mr. Seward. He was refused admission but forcibly made his way to the third floor and was about entering Mr. Seward’s room when Mr. Frederick Seward stopped him. The villain drew a pistol and snapped it, and then struck Frederick with it so Violently as to fracture the ASSAULT on snennranv SEWARD. 25 skull and knock him to the floor, made his way to the Secretary’s bedside, and stabbed at his throat, wounding him severely. A sol- dier named Robinson, Mr. Seward’s nurse, himself an invalid, threw his arms around Payne and struggled with him until severely stabbed. During this struggle, Mr. Seward rolled himself from his bed. The villain alarmed by cries of murder sprang for the door, meeting Maj or Augustus Seward he struck him with his knife, and on the stairs stabbed Mr. Hansell, one of Mr. Seward’s attendants, in the back. Thus he severely wounded five persons and made his escape! The intelligence of this double blow at the organic life of the state produced a fearful excitement. Many clamored for vengeance. There was a general inquiry, How far does the conspiracy extend? If we have entered upon an era of assassination how many are written in its doom-book? In Washington the commotion was terrible. Mr. Stanton hearing of the assault at once upon his supe- rior, and his colleague, saw that a formidable conspiracy was striking desperately, and promptly issued orders closing all drinking shops and places of public gatherings in the city, stationing guards at all avenues of assault or escape, for protecting the person of the Vice- President and government oflicials and for securing the public buildings. Throughout the country strong men staggered under the intelli- gence. Bells tolled in every steeple, and mourning badges were on every house. In Illinois that grief was the deeper because Illinois best knew and loved the slain chieftain. He had grown with her growth, he was identified with her history, he had fought the battle of freedom on her prairies, she had given him to the nation, and had sent him with loving benedictions and earnest prayers to the post of responsibility, peril, death! At Springfield and Chicago, the grief and indignation were most intense. Yet at its hight, men and women as by instinct made their way to the principal churches, crowding them to the utmost, and calling for Christianpastors to lead them in prayer and steady them with exhortation. ‘ So were away that day. The next was the Sabbath, and almost every pulpit made fitting allusion to the sad blow which had fallen 26 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. upon the country and drew such lessons as suggested faith in God, “ the King of nations,” “ the Father in heaven.” Immediately after the decease, the body was removed to the Executive Mansion and placed in the Green Room. Near the cen- ter of the apartment was a grand catafalque on which rested the mahogany cofiin covered with flowers. On Monday, the seven- teenth, a meeting of Congressmen and other leading gentlemen was held at the Capitol, over which presided Hon. Senator Lafayette S. Foster. A committee of arrangements was appointed for the func- ral, of which Hon. Charles Sumner was chairman. This committee selectedfias pall-bearers Senators Foster, pro tem. President of the Senate, Morgan, Johnson, Yates, Wade and Conness, and from the House of Representatives, Mr. Speaker Colfax, Dawes, Coifroth, Smith, Worthington and Washburne. A committee of one from each loyal State and Territory was chosen to accompany the body to its last earthly receptacle. On Tuesday, the Executive Mansion was opened and the body, which had been embalmed, was permitted to be seen by the people. It is estimated that twenty-five thousand passed by the catafalque. Dr. Holland says, “Hundreds of those -who pressed around the sacred dust uttered some affectionate word, or phrase, or sentence. The rich and the poor, the white and the black, mingled their tokens of affectionate regard and dropped, side by side, their tears upon the coflin. It was humanity weeping over the dust of its benefactor.” Wednesday, the 19th, was such a day as the nation had never seen. Throughout all the land was mourning and lamentation. The funeral services were announced to commence in Washington at 12 M. and at that hour almost every Church, from Ocean to Ocean, was crowded with tearful worshipers, was draped in mourn- ing, and resounded with sad dirge and doleful requiem. In many of the principal towns in Canada the observance was as general and impressive as in the States. All business was suspended. The Nation was a moumer. In Washington the Departments were closed, flags were at half- mast and all the public buildings were draped in black. The re- mains were in the East Room. The guard of honor retained its place, and at the head of the coffin was the brave Major-General 5 SERVICE AT THE WHITE HOUSE. 27 Hunter the friend of the slain President. Nearest the eoflin sat the family—except the widow who was too ill to leave her room. There were illustrious men from many parts of the world, members of Congress, Governors Andrew of Massachusetts, battle-scarred Oglesby of Illinois, brave “ John Brough” of Ohio, soon himself to go to the grave, the Judges of the Supreme Court, representatives from the Sanitary and Christian Commissions, clergymen, and others. At 12 o’clock ANDREW JOHNSON, now President of the United States, came forward, attended by his Cabinet with the exception of Secretary Seward. Rev. Dr. Hale, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, read the, service for the dead; Rev. Matthew Simpson, D. D., one of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, oifered prayer; Rev. Dr. Gurley, of the Presbyterian Church, pastor of the Church attended by the President and his family, pronounced a brief but fitting address. He pertinently said of Mr. Lincoln: “ He rose to the dignity and momentousness of the occasion; saw his duty as a chief-magistrate to a great and imper- iled pcople; and he determined to do his duty and his whole duty, seeking the guidance and leaning upon the arm of Him of whom it ‘ is written-—-‘ He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.’ Yes, he leaned upon His arm. He recognized and received the truth that the kingdom is the Lord’s.” Prayer was again offered by Rev. Dr. Gray of the Baptist Church, Chaplain of the Senate. Then in sad procession was made the march to the Capitol. Pennsylvania Avenue was_c1eared from the White House to the Capitol Hill. Every house was in mourning-—windows, piazzas, roofs, the spacious side-walks were crowded, awaiting the funeral car. Says Mr. Raymond: “Filling Pennsylvania Avenue, through its whole extent, this great procession—marshaled with military precision, and marching to the cadence of slow music from many bands-escorted with be- coming pomp, the remains of the martyred President to the Nation- al Capitol, which rose in white grandeur, clad from basement to the summit of its lordly dome, with garments of woe, to receive the precious. gift. The whole vast building was draped in black. All the pillars were entwined with crape—-from all the windows hung emblems of mourning, and a black canopy surmounted the East- 28 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. tern door, by which the great concourse was to enter. Minute guns from all the forts around the city, thundered forth their sad salu- tations—-the bells from every tower and spire rang out, in mufiied tones, their chronicle of the stately march. At a little after 3 P. M. the military cortege which led the procession, entered the open space in front of the Eastern entrance. Filing past in proper order, the infantry, wheeling, faced the Capitol,—-the artillery took position on the hill, opposite the entrance,——the cavalry remained in the street, and a great throng of spectators gazed in silence on the grand dis- play. As the funeral car approached, all the military bands burst forth into a solemn requiem-—the artillery thundered out their sol- emn greeting—-the vast crowd, as by a common impulse uncovered -and as Rev. Dr. Gurley, in deep and impressive tones recited the grand sentences in which the Church signalizes the departure of her dead, the body of President Lincoln was borne into the rotunda and placed upon the lofty catafalque. As the recitation closed President Johnson entered the hall followed by several senators. Captain Robert Lincoln and the family relatives came forward. The body-guard formed in double- column near the body. Dr. Gur- ley made a closing prayer and pronounced the benediction. All then left the rotunda. Guards were stationed at all the doors. Gen- eral Augur and his staff took charge of the remains, and with drawn swords the officers detailed for the service mounted guard over them. As night came on, the jets of gas concealed in the hight of the dome were lighted up and cast their softened glare upon the Vigil that was kept below.” In the rotunda the body remained through that night and the next day until 9 P. M. Thousands came to see the face of the dead, among them many of the wounded and invalid soldiers of the Union. On the morning of the 21st the members of the Cabinet, distinguished oflicers of the army, and many members of Congress made their final visit. Illinois demanded that he whom she sent forth with her benediction and invocation to be the nation’s leader, should be brought home to sleep in her own bosom, far from the scenes of the war which gave him so much anguish. It was meet that his last resting-place should be on the broad prairies where he made his home—-and that, not at FUNERAL TRAIN nourn. 29 Washington, neither in Chicago, where sleeps the dust of Douglas, his great rival, and at the last his trusted friend, but at Springfield, his former home, from which he spoke his good-by to Illinois, and asked the prayers of fellow-citizens should his grave be made. It was decided to make the ourney with the remains as rapid as possible, but the demand of the country compelled a modification-— the people demanded the privilege of looking upon the face of their honored, martyred President. It was not for ostentation, but because the love of the people would not be denied, that the funeral journey along a line of fifteen hundred miles was such as the world never saw before. A car was provided, fitted with elegant simplicity, hung in heavy black, festooned about the windows in double rows. With appro- priate religious service, the remains were removed from the rotunda and under escort of the Twelfth Veteran Reserve Corps, attended by the Lieutenant-General and many members of Congress, were conveyed to the Baltimore and Ohio Depot, where they were received by President Johnson and others, and placed in the ear. Prayer was oifered, and then the train of seven cars—-all, with the locomo- tive, hung in deep mourning—lefi the depot. The War Department ' had prescribed the whole route, with a schedule* of arrivals and departures at all principal points, and a pilot engine was invariably to precede the train. As the train moved away, all stood with uncovered heads, and that hour more than any previous, did Wash- ington feel its loss. *“The programme for the transportation of President Lincoln’s remains from Washington has been issued. The railroads over which the remains will pass are declared military roads, subject to the order of the War Department, and the rail- roads, locomotives, cars and engines engaged on said transportation will be subject to military control of Brigadier-G.eneral McCallum. N 0 person will be allowed to be transported on the cars constituting the funeral train, save those who are speci- ally authorized by the orders of the War Department. The funeral train will not exceed nine cars, including baggage and hearse car, which will proceed over the whole route from Washington to Springfield. “The remains left Washington at 8 this (Friday) morning, and arrived at Balti- more at 10. “ Leave Baltimore at 3, afternoon, and arrive at Harrisburgh at 8:20, evening. “Leave Harrisburgh at 12, midnight, 22d, and arrive at Philadelphia at 6:30 evening. “ Leave Philadelphia at 4, morning of Monday, 24th, and arrive at New York at 10. 30 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. At Baltimore, where little more than four years before the angry, brutal mob clamored for the blood of Abraham Lincoln, now a vast mass of sorrowful people stood in tempestuous weather, and with uncovered heads did reverence to the remains of the Great Emancipa- torl At Harrisburgh the body lay in state in the Capitol of Penn- sylvania. At Philadelphia the out-pouring of popular love and grief was overwhelming. In a new hearse, built for the occasion, the body of the President, followed by a procession of eleven divisions, was conveyed to old Independence Hall! Worthy was he to be brought where the founders of the Republic had declared the inalien- .able right of ALL MEN to life and liberty! For so holding and so teaching was he slain! The hall was dressed with exquisite flowers and draped in mourning. Until midnight the people were admitted, and then the Hall was closed; yet many remained about it through the night that they might be first in the morning. Before day-light lines had been formed reaching from the Delaware to the Schuylkill. The reception and funeral cortege in New York can not be des- cribed. The veteran General Dix was in command and the escort was the “ New York Seventh.” The body was conveyed with im- “Leave New York at 4, afternoon of the 15th, and arrive at Albany at 11, evening. “Leave Albany at 4, afternoon of Wednesday, the 26th, and arrive at Buffalo at 7, morning of Thursday, the 27th. “Leave Buffalo at 10:10 the same day, and arrive at Cleveland at 7, morning of Friday, the 28th. “ Leave Cleveland at midnight same day, and arrive at Columbus at 7:30 in the morning of Saturday, 29th. “Leave Columbus at 8 in the evening, same day, and arrive at Indianapolis at 7 in the morning of Sunday, the 30th. “Leave Indianapolis midnight of same day, and arrive at Chicago at 11 in the morning of May 1st. “Leave Chicago at 9:30 in the evening of May 2, and arrive at Springfield at 8 in the morning of Wednesday, May 3d. “At the various points on the route the remains are to be taken from the hearse- car by state or municipal authorities to receive public honors according to the afore- said programme. The authorities will make such arrangements as may be fitting and appropriate to the occasion, under the direction of the military commander of the division, department or district; but the remains will continue always under the special charge of the officers and escort assigned by the War Department. “Tho route from Columbus to Indianapolis is via Columbus and Indianapolis Cen- tral Railway, and from Indianapolis to Chicago via Lafayette and Michigan City. In order to guard against accidents, trains will not run faster than twenty miles per hour.”—[/Secretary /Stantonls Order. TO CHICAGO. r 31 posing circumstance and pomp to the City Hall and placed beneath the dome. It is estimated that not less than one hundred and fifty thousand persons looked into the dead man’s face, while twice that number sought in vain to do so! At Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland, Columbus and Indianapolis the body lay in state, amid similar dem- onstrations of regard. Illinois was waiting. He should first be brought to Chicago, and the people poured in by thousands from the country, crowding hotels and boarding-houses for days in advance. “ He comes back to us” said one of our daily papers, “ his work finished, the republic vindi- cated, its enemies overthrown and suing for peace. * * * * He left us, asking that the prayers of the people might be offered to Almighty God for wisdom and help to see the right path and pur- sue it. Those prayers were answered. He accomplished the work, and now the prayers of the people ascend for help to bear the great affliction which has fallen upon them. Slain as no other man has been slain—cut down while interposing his great charity and mercy between the wrath of the people and guilty traitors. The people of Chicago receive the sacred ashes with bowed heads and streaming eyes.” On the morning of May 1st, the funeral-train brought all that was mortal of ABRAHAM LINCOLN back to Illinois ! As it came into the approaches of Chicago, it passed very near and in full sight of the grave of DOUGLAS! On the lake-shore, on Michigan avenue and in the cross-streets was such a mass of people as never were crowded before on the shore of Lake Michigan. The train was halted at Park Place and the oofiin removed, and the remains borne to the hearse beneath a most beautiful, emblem- atic, gothic arch. Then moved one of the most imposing processions ever seen upon the continent, military and civic, all trades and pro- fessions ; the streets were hung with mourning; from roof, window, lintel, trembled the touching emblems of bereavement; flags at half- mast were edged with crape, and heavy with the sign of sorrow. In door-ways, in windows, on roofs, on temporary staging provided for the occasion, and along the side-walks of the streets assigned to the procession were thousands of people who came to look upon the cofiin, if they might see no more. At length, amid the firing of minute guns and the sad tolling of bells the coffin was borne into 32 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. the Court-House and placed upon a massive dais. In the evening it was opened and all through the afternoon, night, and the next day passed the line of citizens looking with sadness indescribable upon the dead man’s face. , At 9.30 on the night of May 2d, the funeral train left the depot of the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis railway, on its last stage. It was to bear the pure chieftain through the prairies he had so much loved to his final resting-place. He was going back to his old home and his old friends. It was the beginning of ‘the end. Said a Chicago paper: “ From the Capitol of the nation where he had so ably and faith- fully guided the republic in its trial hours, through the great East- ern cities, their thronging thousands bowed down in anguish, west- ward through the capitals of the great states of the Ohio valley, the mourning increasing in intensity and depth of feeling, at last to Chicago, the city that he loved and that loved him so well, received with a solemn magnificence of pageantry and funeral pomp unexcell- ed anywhere on the route. Arch and festoon, the black for sorrow and the white for hope, the old flag waving at half-mast that a week before was flying to the breeze in honor of victory; telling of bell and booming of minute gun; solemn dirges wailing upon the air, and thousands of silent men and women and children standing upon the walks with bared heads and reverential mien as the great dead passed by, receiving in their hearts the powerful impressions and in- fluences inspired by the presence of these sacred ashes.” “ At 9 o’clock on the morning of the 4th the train arrived. Two hours it had been preceded by a special train bearing a committee of one hundred citizens of Chicago. When that party reached Springfield it found already the depot and grounds adjacent crowded with sad, decorous people.’ The 146th Illinois Volunteers, under Col. Dean, was stationed in close order up Jefferson street and kept that broad avenue clear. “ When the cortege arrived the -procession was formed and moved to the State House, and after a preliminary survey by General Hooker, the coflin was removed to it. The general decorations of the Representatives’ Hall and the description of the catafalque can- not be given in detail. The latter was designed by Colonel AT srnmermnn. 33 A. Schwartz, late of General MeClernand’s staff, Mr. Wright, an artist of Springfield, and Dr. French of the same city. In its general tone, harmony, and relief of colors it was very artis- tic and admirable in conception, although the dingy contracted chamber in which it was placed detracted greatly from its effect. The painful contrast of black and white was relieved both in the inner surface of the canopy and the background against which it was thrown. The former was covered with white crape, over a ground of blue, and spangled with silver stars, giving it the general efl'ect of the sky immediately after twilight; the background was in the light tints of red, white and blue, radiating as from a sun and representing the national colors, in harmony with the tones of the picture of Washington resting against it and brightening up the gloom of the chamber. The decorations of the catafalque canopy and dais were all in good taste and harmony with the mournful oc- casion. The portrait of Washington was a copy of the well-known Stuart, and, -by an odd conceit of the artist, was gaily trimmed with green and white intending to portray the joy of the Father of his Country at meeting in the other world the Savior of the Republic. Whatever may be thought of the idea intended to be conveyed, the contrast with the general tone of the catafalque and surroundings was very violent, and was the only defect visible in the arrange- ments for the reception of the remains. The materials of which the catafalque was composed were all of the richest description. The decorations of the gallery were neat and appropriate, and the crossed sprays of laurel in the panels in excellent taste. The mournful prophetic extract from the late President’s speech at Phil- adelphia, ‘ Rather than surrender these principles, I would prefer to be assassinated on the spot,’ inscribed around the gallery, had a terrible significance in that sacred spot and in the presence of the great dead. Those principles were not surrendered. Acted upon up to the very syllable, not one scintilla of right yielded, firmly, prudently but infiexibly keeping the Ship of State straight on in the course of freedom and humanity, following only the lights of the Constitution and the law, he was struck down at. the helm while the old ship was entering the calm harbor of peace. Conspirators had skulked into the hold. Slavery had watched its opportunity, and 3 34 rarnrorrsn or ILLINOIS. struck the foul blow that to the latest syllable of recorded time shall crown the assassin with infamy. “The mourning decorations of the exterior of the State-House were marked by an excellent taste. The building itself most cer- tainly presents little architectural beauty, and can lay no more claims to stateliness or elegance of finish than an ordinary ware- house; but, draped in the symbols of mourning, it assumed an ap- pearance of solemnity, and, contrasted with the remainder of the city, had a somewhat imposing effect. The natural appearance of the grounds hightened this. Vegetation is much further advanced here than in Chicago, and the verdure in the grounds was beautiful. The trees were in full leaf, the flowers in blossom, and the plats of grass seemed beds of pure emerald. The hemisphere of the dome was covered with black and white streamers, looped at the center with rosettes. The main portion of the lower section was com- pletely encircled with black and white, and the outside pillars were connected with crossed bands. The main columns of the Capitol were completely swathed with evergreens, and at all the windows were heavy mourning curtains, looped at the sides with scalloped cornices, imparting to the building a very somber and funereal aspect.” The city wore signs of mourning throughout. The Old Home of Mr. Lincoln called about it thousands of visitors. Says the cor- respondent of one of the daily papers: “ With the appearance of the house which has now become historic, all are familiar. Plain, unpretending and substantial, it is the type of Mr. Lincoln’s character. The shrubbery in front of the house, princ-ipally rose bushes, many of them planted by Mr. Lincoln’s own hand, are in full leaf, and a beautiful rose-vine clambers up one of the door-posts and trails over the cornice. Lilies are sprinkled here and there, and closely shaven trim grass plats ran down to the neat picket fence surmounting the wall. The columns of the piazza at the rear of the house are also twined with vines and creepers, and the apple trees between the house and the barns showered the ground with the pigk and white of the blossoms, and filled the air with fragrance. The house, which is now occupied by Lucien Til- . ton, Esq., was very heavily draped in mourning. The windows AT SPRINGFIELD. 35 were curtained with black and white, the corner posts wreathed with evergreens,the cornice hidden by festoons of black and white looped up at intervals, and the space between the cornice of the door and the central window filled with the American flag gracefully trimmed. There is little of the furniture in the house which belonged to Mr. Lincoln. In the front parlor is a what-not and a small marble-top- ped table on which was lying a beautiful cross of white camelias. In the back parlor, which he was accustomed to use as his study, is his book-case. This was his favorite room, and here he toiled and wrote, unconsciously preparing himself for the great mission he was to fulfill. Idle the pen! closed the book! departed the writer! The mission is fulfilled. Dropped the curtain! out the lights ! for the drama is over, but the great thoughts and the great deeds that pervaded it are immortal. A heavy oaken bedstead and a chamber- set conclude the relics.” For twenty-four hours the people passed in a ceaseless line by the coflin, only pausing when the hour came to close the lid. The arrangements of the funeral were held in abeyance and somewhat disturbed by a difference of opinion as to the place of the tomb, final- ly adjusted in favor of Oak Ridge. It was on the 4th, the day was opprossively hot, and the walk one of wearisome length, yet an im- mense throng preceded, accompanied and followed the procession. The commanding officer was Major-General Joseph Hooker. The cemetery is naturally one of much beauty, though at that time comparatively unimproved. It is on two curving ridges, between which flows a Winding brook. Entering, and passing about midway, was reached the vault, asimple lime-stone structure with Doric columns. The floor was covered with cedar boughs. In front were the escort and official delegations. Immediately before the entrance were General Hooker, General Townsend, Admiral Davis and other ofiicers of note. The platform for the speakers was by some strange oversight left uncovered, exposed to the sun. Beside the cofiin of the President was also that of “ Willie.” Among the mourners were his two surviving sons. After singing Rev. A. Hale offered prayer. The oration was delivered by Rev. Bishop Matthew Simpson, for whom, as a preacher, the deceased President had en- tertained the highest regard. It was delivered without manuscript 36 rarmorrsm or ILLINOIS. or notes of any kind, and was a noble, impassioned tribute to the worth of the departed. He said : “ How different the occasion which witnessed his departure from that which witnessed his return! Doubtless you expected to take him by the hand, and to feel the warm grasp which you had felt in other days, and to see the tall form walking among you which you had delighted to honor in years past. But he was never permitted to come until he came with lips mute and silent, the frame encofiin- ed, and a weeping nation following as his mourners. Such a scene as his return to you was never witnessed. Among the events of history there have been great processions of mourners. There was one for the patriarch Jacob, which went up from Egypt, and the Egyptians wondered at the evidences of reverence and filial affec- tion which came from the hearts of the Israelites. There was mourning when Moses fell upon the hights of Pisgah, and was bid from human view. There have been mournings in the kingdoms of the earth when kings and warriors have fallen. But never was there in the history of man such mourning as that which has accompanied this funeral procession, and has gathered around the mortal remains of him who was our loved one, and who now sleeps among us. If we glance at the procession which followed him, we see how the nation stood aghast. Tears filled the eyes of manly, sunburnt faces. Strong men, as they clasped the hands of their friends, were not able in words to find vent for their grief. Women and little children caught up the tidings as they ran through the land, and were melted into tears. The nation stood still. Men left their plows in the fields and asked what the end should be. The hum of manufactories ceased, and the sound of the hammer was not heard. Busy merchants closed their doors, and in the exchange gold passed no more from hand to hand. Though three weeks have elapsed, the nation has scarcely breathed easily yet. A mournful silence is abroad upon the land ; nor is this mourning confined to any class or to any district of country. Men of all political parties, and of -all religious creeds, have united in paying this mournful tribute. The Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church in New York and a Pro- testant minister walked side by side in the sad procession, and a Jewish Rabbi performed a part of the solemn services. msnor snuPsoN’s ORATION. 37 “ Here are gathered around his tomb the representatives of the army and navy, senators, judges, governors and ofiicers of all the branches of the government. Here, too, are members of civic pro- cessions, with men and women, from the humblest as well as the highest occupations. Here and there, too, are tears as sincere and Warm as any that drop, which come from the eyes of those whose kindred and whose race have been freed from their chains by him whom they mourn as their deliverer. More persons have gazed on the face of the deceased than ever looked upon the face of any other departed man. More have looked on the procession for sixteen hundred miles, by night and by day, by sunlight, dawn, twilight and by torchlight, than ever before watched the progress of a pro- cession. ' it * * * * * * “ But the great act of the mighty chieftain, on which his fame shall rest long after his frame shall moulder away, is that of giving free- dom to a race. We have all been taught to revere the sacred char- acters. Among them Moses stands pre-eminently high. He re- ceived the law from God, and his name is honored among the hosts of heaven. Was not his greatest act the delivering of three millions of his kindred out of bondage ? Yet we may assert that Abraham Lincoln, by his proclamation, liberated more enslaved people than ever Moses set free, and those not of his kindred or his race. Such a power, or such any opportunity, God has seldom given to man. When other events shall have been forgotten; when this world shall have become a network of republics; when every throne shall be swept from the face of the earth; when literature shall enlighten all minds ; when the claims of humanity shall be recognized every where, this act shall still be conspicuous on the pages of history. We are thankful that God gave to Abraham Lincoln the decision and wisdom and grace to issue that proclamation, which stands high above all other papers which have been penned by uninspired men. * * * * ii‘ * ~39 “ The time will come when, in the beautiful words of him whose lips are now forever sealed, ‘ The mystic cords of memory stretch- ing from every battle-field and patriot grave to every living heart and hearth- stone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus 38 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS» of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.’ “Chieftain, farewell! The nation mourns thee. Mothers shall teach thy name to their lisping children. The youth of our land shall emulate thy virtues. Statesmen shall study thy record and learn lessons of wisdom. Mute though thy lips be, yet they still speak. Hushed is thy voice, but its echoes of liberty are ringing through the world, and the sons of bondage listen with joy. Pris- oned thou art in death, and yet thou art marching abroad, and chains and manacles are bursting at thy touch. Thou didst fall not for thyself. The assassin had no hate for thee. Our hearts were aimed at, our national life was sought. We crown thee as our martyr, and humanity enthrones thee as her triumphant son. Hero, Martyr, Friend, FAREWELL!” Rev. Dr. Gurley read the following ode, and offered a short prayer, and committed “ ashes to ash/es, dust to dust,” and the bodies of father and son were placed within the vault and the massive door closed ! “ Rest, noble Martyr ! rest in peace : Rest with the true and brave, Who, like thee, fell in Freedom’s cause, The nation’s life to save. “Thy name shall live while time endures, And men shall say of thee, ‘ He saved his country from its foes, And bade the slave be free.’ “These deeds shall be thy monument, Better than brass or stone ; They leave thy fame in glory’s light, Unrivaled and alone. “ This consecrated spot shall be To Freedom ever dear; And Freedom’s sons of every race Shall weep and worship here. “O God! before whom we, in tears, Our fallen Chief deplore, Grant that the cares for which he died May live forevermore.” I.INooI.N-Hrs GRAVE ! 39 There, in that quiet spot, in that beautiful cemetery, sleeps all that was mortal of the noblest man born to this country. The author will attempt no eulogy. Lincoln’s monument is,-in the love of a saved nation, and it will lift its summit higher with each succeeding age. His work was finished. We may not comprehend the mys- tery which permitted his removal at such an hour and in such a way. God hideth himself wondrously, and sometimes seems to stand afar from his truth and his cause when most needed. He came to his high position with his great qualities half hidden beneath rustic manners, but as emergencies revealed the man he was found to have mental breadth and clearness, incorruptible in- tegrity, strength of will, tireless patience, humanity, preserved from weakness by conscientious reverence for law, ardent love of coun- try, confidence in the American people, and an all-regulating sense of responsibility to God, the King of nations. He possessed the power to comprehend a subject at once in the aggregate and in its details. His eye swept a wide horizon and descried clearly all within its circumference. He was a keen logician, whose apt man- ner of “ putting things” made him more than a match for practiced diplomatists and wily marplots. There were men of might about his council-board, scholars and statesmen, but none arose to his alti- tude, much less was either his master. That very facetiousness sometimes criticised, kept him from be-' coming morbid, and gave healthfulness to his opinions, free alike from fever and paralysis. That his was incorruptible integrity, no man dare question. He was not merely above reproach, but emi- nently above suspicion. Purity is receptive. “ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,” is as profound in philosophy as comprehensive in theology. Purity in the realm of moral de- cision and motive, is a skylight to the soul, through which truth comes direct. Abraham Lincoln was so pure‘ in motive and pur- pose, looked so intensely after the right that he might pursue it, that he saw clearly where many walked in mist. He made mistakes, for he was human. But it is evident he was the divinely chosen Moses of our deliverance, albeit he was to die at Pisgah and be “ buried over against Bethpeor.” In the dawning hour of peace, amid the exultations of the Union, 40 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. was he slain! As the ship which had been rocking in the waves and trembling before the storm was ‘entering the harbor, a pirate who sailed with .the passengers, basely shot the pilot at the wheel! Never assassination produced so terrible a shock. For- “ He had borne his faculties so meek, had been So clear in his great ofliee, that his virtues Do plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against The deep damnation of his taking off.” One more impressive pageant was to commemorate his virtues. By order of Congress, the 12th of February, 1866, was observed by the National authorities and both Houses as commemorative of Mr. Lincoln. The hall was richly draped; mourning festoons had been ar- ranged around the speaker’s table and the “ American flag” hung just above and encircled the old clock which has noted time there since the days of Clay and Webster. An observer in the gallery thus wrote: “Twelve o’clock, and Speaker Colfax called the House to order, and prayer was of- fered by Dr. Boynton, Chaplain of the House of Representatives, at the conclusion of which a letter was laid before the House by the Speaker, from Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State, expressing his regrets that the state of his health forbade his participating in the ceremonies of the occasion. “ At ten minutes past 12 the Senate of the United States was an- nounced, which entered in a body, preceded by the Sergeant-at- Arms, and headed by Hon. Lafayette S. Foster, Vice-President of the United States, pro tempore, and was received by the House standing. “ Five minutes later the President of the United States and Cabi- net were announced. President Johnson entered arm-in-arm with Hon. Solomon Foote, Chairman of the Joint Committee of Ar- rangements on the part of the Senate, followed by Hon. George Bancroft, orator of the day, Senator Doolittle and the Cabinet. The President and Cabinet were seated immediately in front of the Speaker’s table. Mr. Bancroft was conducted to his seat at the table of the Speaker of the House, and Hon. Solomon Foote seated at his right and Hon. E. B. Washburne at his left. Acting Vice- BANCROFTS ORATION. 41 President Foote and Speaker Colfax also had seats at the Speaker’s table. “ Chief Justice Chase with the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States entered in full ofiicial robes of black and were seated to the left of the President and Cabinet. “ Le Miserere from ‘ Il Trovatore’ was executed by the Marine Band. Again we bowed our heads in prayer which was most fer- vently offered by Rev. Dr. Boynton. “ Vice-President Foster arose and after a few impressive introduc- tory remarks, introduced the Hon. George Bancroft. “ His oration was a masterly production. He reviewed the history of our Republic from its earliest period, showing the influence which slavery has exerted in our national polity until it culminated in rebellion and the murder of our illustrious chief. He gave a scorching review of the Dred Scott decision, which will fasten upon it fresh opprobrium. His history of the early life and career of Mr. Lincoln was graphic and touching. He gave a just and discrimi- nating analysis of his character and prominence to the leading events of his administration. Portions of his address were re- ceived with great applause. The names of Cobden and Bright were heartily cheered. “ The whole oration does justice not only to the lamented dead, but to the orator and the people for whom he has so nobly spoken.” Nemesis marked the murderers. Large rewards were offered for their capture. Payne, the wretch who attempted Mr. Seward’s murder was first arrested. Boothe, and his associate Harrold were traced through the counties of Prince George, Charles and St. Mary in Maryland, across the Potomac into King George and Caroline in Virginia. They passed the Rappahannock at Port Conway, and advanced some distance toward Bowling Green. Some colored men and a paroled rebel prisoner gave information which put the pur- suers directly on their path, and they were tracked and brought to bay on the morning of April 26th, in a barn on the place of Mr. Gar- rett. Harrold surrendered. Boothe was defiant and desperate, and Boston Corbett shot him. He lingered some hours in intense pain and died. It came out that as he leaped from the box of the theater, and fell upon the stage, he fractured a small bone. Thus, unable to 42 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. halt for treatment, he was driven to bay—smoked out like a'wild beast and shot like a hyena where he stood! He was not permitted to put 011 heroic parade and play the orator on the scaffold, but by swift and terrible retribution was sent to his account. Azterodt, O’Laughlin, Spangler, Dr. Mudd, Arnold and Mrs. Sur- ratt were arrested. On the 8th of May a Military Commission was convened and these parties brought to trial. Harrold, Azterodt, Payne and Mrs. Surratt were sentenced to be hanged, and the Ex- ecutive order carried the sentence into effect July 7th. O’Laughlin, Arnold and Dr. Mudd were sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for life, and Spangler for six years. So falls the curtain upon this terrible tragedy. C H A P T E R 1 I . BATTLE or cHIcxAMAUeA. AcTIoN or WASHINGTON AUTHoRITIEs--RosEeRANs’ ADvANcE—BRAee OCCUPIE8 CHAT- TANooeA—STANLEY’s ADvANcE—SuccEssEs—PLAN or FEDERAL CAMI>AIGN-BURN- s1DE’s COLUMN REACHES KNoxvII.LE—ORDERs—RosEcRANs REACHES CHATTANooGA —BRAGG EvAcUATEs THE CITY—PURSUIT—ORDERS To HURLBUT, GRANT, SHERMAN, POPE AND SCHOFIELD ron REINFORCEMENTS-—-BRAGG AT LAFAYETTE——CAVALRY RAIDS -—ADDED REBEL FoRcEs—RosEcRANs MIsTAKEN—HIs LINE——CHICKAMAUGA CREEK— NEGLEY—-POSITION——BRAGG WAITS—THE I7TH—CHANGE or FEDERAL LINES-—-18TH, ORDER or BATTLE—SATURDAY THE 19TH—MINTY AND WILDER——OUR LINE—BATTLE OPENS——NO DECISIVE RESULTS-NIGHT-—CHANGED ORDER—-REBEL ORDER—SABBATH THE 20TH-BATTLE OPENS-—THE FOURTEENTH ARMY CORPS—DESPERATE FIGHTING- ORDER To WO0D—0UR ARMY BROKEN IN Two—Is THE DAY Losr '2 “ Rocx or CHICKAMAUGA”—THOMAS’ NEW PosITIoN—-CARNIvAQL or DEATH—PosITIoN HELD-— A GAP DISCOVERED--GRANGER IN TIME—HALLECR’S REPORT-DAY SAvEn !-—LossEs -—EFFEC'1‘ 0N THE Two CoMMANDERs—BURNsIDE-—KNoxvII.LE—SIEeE RAIsED—ILLI- NOIS SOLDIERS. HE record of the campaigns which succeeded Vicksburg and Gettysburg must be brief. In the West, Illinois was repre- sented on every field. At Chickamauga a sanguinary battle was fought, and while the hero of Stone River lost his laurels, his wily competitor also came into disgrace—Rosecrans defeated, held the field ; Bragg successful, was compelled to retreat. In June, 1863, the authorities at Washington were convinced that Bragg’s army was being weakened to strengthen Lee, and urged Rosecrans to bring on a contest with him, and destroy or drive him back into Georgia. The General, with his associates, hesitated on the grounds of a deficiency in cavalry, and the importance of fight- ing near his base—Murfreesboro. Nevertheless he commenced on the 25th a series of maneuvers, which, without a great battle, com- 44 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. pelled Bragg to abandon Middle Tennessee, and retreat upon Chat- tanooga. General Stanley occupied Shelbyville, and, leaving it in command of General Granger, moved forward to Huntsville. In these preliminary movements, the Federal success was marked; 1,634 rebel prisoners were captured, with six pieces of artillery and a large amount of stores. Bragg reached Chattanooga and strongly fortified his position on the south side of the Tennessee River, as far up as Blythe’s Ferry. A grand campaign was designed. Rosecrans with the main col- umn was to move on Chattanooga from Tullahoma and Winchester, while the Army of the Ohio, under Burnside, should move from Lexington, Kentucky, via Knoxville. Rosecrans marching almost due east about eighty miles, Burnside south about two hundred. Burnside moved August 21st, and reached Knoxville onthe 3d of September, which surrendered unconditionally on the 9th, with 2,000 prisoners, fourteen pieces of artillery, with military stores. Burnside telegraphed that he held Cumberland Gap with all of East Tennessee above London, with the gaps of the mountains of North Carolina, and was directed by General Halleck, to concen- trate the principal portion of his victorious legions on the Tennessee, west from Loudon, to co-operate with Rosecrans, who was to “ oc- cupy Dalton or some point on the railroad, to close all access from Atlanta, and also the mountain passes in the West.”—[Halleck’s Order, September 11, 1863. Rosecrans advanced on Chattanooga, and found it too strong to be carried by assault, and by a series of masterly maneuvers com- pelled Bragg to abandon his stronghold and retreat, and the federal left wing entered the city. Bragg retreated toward Clenland and Dalton, important points on the triangle of the Western and Atlan- tic Railway. Rosecrans pushed on in pursuit, and the authorities at Washing- ton fearing Bragg was being reinforced by the flower of Lee’s army telegraphed on the 13th of September to General Hurlbut at Mem- phis, to leave Steel to defend himself and send all his available strength to Corinth and Tuscumbia, to aid Rosecrans, and in the event that Bragg should attempt to turn the Federal right and re- cross the river into Tennessee Hurlbut was to send to Sherman for THE POSITION. 45 help. Generals Grant and Sherman were also telegraphed at Vicks- burg with similar directions. On the 14th, Hurlbut and Burnside were directed to hurry forward reinforcements with all possible speed. And similar orders were given to General Pope, in com- mand of the Northwest, and General Schofield, of Missouri. On the 14th, the enemy was concentrated near Lafayette, Geor- gia. By repeated cavalry raids he had threatened the severance of Rosecrans from his supplies and to thrust the rebel wedge between him and Burnside, but was in fact awaiting reinforcements, which were reaching him. Johnston’s troops from Mississippi, and the men captured at Vicksbmg and Port Hudson, and with the usual rebel candor declared exchanged, were there, and Bragg only awaited the arrival of Longstreet with his veteran corps, when he meant to avenge, amid Georgian mountains, his army for its defeat at Stone River. General Rosecrans, deceived by the easy capture of Chattanooga, into the belief that Bragg was demoralized was pressing on to capture him with his whole army. His line stretched from Gordon’s Mills to Alpine—forty miles—occupying the passes of.Lookout Mountain. On Wednesday, the 16th, he concentrated on West Chickamauga Creek, about tenmiles northwest from Lafay- ette, Georgia, with headquarters at Crawfish Spring. The strength of the rebel force began to be felt when General Thomas directed Negley to debouch through a pass of Pigeon Mountain and at the moment met so staunch a resistance as to com- pel a hasty retreat. This caused the Federal leaders to consider whether Bragg meant to fight or to secure his retreat, and they decid- ed that he meant battle. McCook was next day moving back on Lookout Mountain, with orders to close ton the center, while Critten- den, at Gordon’s Mills, placed his corps in good position for defense. Rosecrans held the ground west of the creek, the left on Gordon’s Mills, while Bragg was east of the stream, with a position favorable for masked movements. Had he hurled his legions on Rosecrans immediately after Negley’s repulse he would have crushed him. McCook and Thomas were separated nearly three days’ march; Crittenden could send no help to Thomas without exposing Chatta- nooga and Thomas could not go to Crittenden without leaving Mc- Cook at the mercy of the rebel force. But Bragg waited, and, on I 46 mrnrorrsm or ILLINoIs. the 17th, McCook brought his dusty, travel-worn men to Thomas and they were placed in order of battle. Reconnoissances on the 18th convinced our leaders that Bragg was reinforced by the arri- val of a portion, at least, of Longstreet’s corps, and that he was massing his forces in front of our left center and left wing with the purpose of a movement which would place them between the Fed- eral army and Chattanooga. Rosecrans ordered a counter-move ment by the left flank, wheeling his army and placing it down the creek. During the night of the 18th, the 14th Army Corps (Thomas’) forming the center, with J ohnson’s division of McCook’s corps, swung to the left, past Crittenden’s (21st) corps, becoming the left and making the 21st the center of the army. Davis and Sheridan’s division of McCook’s corps were to move into the position occupied by the 14th corps, but had not fully occupied it before the bursting of the battle on the morning of Saturday, the 19th. On the after- noon of the 18th, Colonels Minty and Wilder, watching the Ring- gold road crossing, withstood gallantly a severe attack from the enemy’s left, but were compelled to retreat. On the morning of the 19th, the Federal battle-line extended along the Rossville and Lafayette roads, north and south, the right on Gordon’s Mills, the left at Kelly’s House. On the extreme left was Brannan, next Baird and Reynolds, with Johnson in the center as reserve; Palmer, with his iron men, was on the right of Reynolds, VanCleve was next him, and upon his right, reaching to the Mills, was the command of Wood. Negley, four miles south, held Owen’s Gap. Davis and Sheridan were south of Negley, moving to the old position of the 14th Army Corps. General Granger held the re- serve on Rossville road, covering the approach from Ringgold. At 10 A. M. the battle opened on the Federal extreme left, and was continued until night-fall, being a struggle for position on the Chattanooga road. It was without decisive results. i That night changes were made in both armies, preparatory to the 1 terrible contest of Sunday, the 20th. The Federal line was short- ened about a mile, the right resting upon a strong position at Mission Ridge, Thomas still holding the left, Crittenden the center, McCook the right. The rebel commander divided his army into two wings. Lieuten- THE BATTLE cR‘AsH. 47 ant-General Polk commanding the right, while the left was assigned to Lieutenant-General Longstreet, who arrived at 11 o’clock on the night of the 19th. From right to left the rebel army was under Breckenridge, Cleburn, Cheatham, Stewart, Hood, Hindman and Preston. Bragg’s order was to begin the engagement on the right and bring in engagement after engagement until all were hurled upon the Federal troops, and Lieutenant-General Polk was ordered to open the engagement at day-break, but from a derange- ment of his plans, that oflicer could not do so until 9 A. M., when Breckenridge and Cleburn assailed General Thomas. His men hold- ing a high point, the key of the position, had constructed a rude de- fense of rails and logs. Onward came the gray-clad legions and were dashed backward.‘ Again and yet again the brigades advanced en echelon, maddened to desperation, but melted like frost-work before the Union fire. The rebel force was massed for a final charge. Thomas rode along his torn line and steadied it. With a force of heavy artillery the rebel army came on——the Union men stood firm—- Palmer and Van Cleve were not to be easily crushed, and their brave men stood against that overwhelming assault until they looked their foemen in the very eyes. For more than _two hours the key was held, but they were at length compelled to yield. As Thomas stood like a lion at bay, General Longstreet had brought his veterans to the contest, and our out-numbered men were in sore peril. Rosecrans began moving troops rapidly from left to right. Thomas, compelled to fall back, had formed a new position, and was holding it and sent for help. Reynolds was sorely pressed, and General Rosecrans issued an order to Wood, concerning which there has been much dispute. The commanding General reports that it was to “close up on General Reynolds.” General Wood supposed he was to march by the left flank, pass General Brannan and go to the relief of Reynolds, and that Davis and Sheridan would shift to the left and close up the line. Wood says Brannan’s line was between him and Reynolds. The movement opened a wide gap in our line of battle, and Longstreet ordered Buckner with - twelve pieces of artillery to press into it. The order was instantly obeyed; on came the rebels, striking Davis’ division in flank and rear, throwing it into confusion, and causing it severe loss of men. 48 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. Van Cleve’s and Palme1"s divisions were struck with equal violence on the right, and thrown into disorder. The army was cut in twain, the right and center were routed, ‘and the day seemed hopelessly lost. ' But now Thomas won that title, “The Rock of Ohickamauga." The rout had carried the right and center, with Rosecrans, McGook and Crittenden, back to Chickamauga. Thomas learned the situation from General Garfield, Chief—of-Stalf, who made his way, somehow, through the carnage. He had formed his line cres~ cent shaped, on Missionary Ridge, the right at the Gap, the left on the Lafayette road, a southeast hill at the center forming the key. He formed his brave, bleeding men, with fragments from Sheridan’s and other divisions, fronted the Ridge with artillery and waited the coming of Longstreet, who had been the resistless Achilles of the day, and had described a circle of victory, and stood facing his men as at day-break. Kershaw, of Law’s division, was ordered to attack the Ridge and did so gallantly but was repulsed. The attack was renewed, and the attacking columns made repeated assaults, but were swept by the fire of our strong positions. At half-past three Longstreet ascertained there was a gap in the hills and through this poured his legions and the early disaster of the day was about to be repeated. But Granger came with the reserve. The God of battles held that forlorn hope of the Union army in his hand. Steadman’s Cav- alry Brigade burst upon Longstreet’s force. General Halleck thus tells the story: “In the words of General Rosecrans’ report, ‘ swift was the charge, and terrible was the conflict, but the enemy was broken.’ A thousand of our brave men killed and wounded paid for its possession, but we held the Gap. Two divisions of Long- street’s corps confronted the position. Determined to take it, they successively came to the assault. A battery of six guns, placed in the gorge* poured death and slaughter into them. They charged Within a few yards of the pieces, but our grape and canister, and the leaden hail of Dmusketry, delivered in sparing but terrible volleys from cartridges taken in many instances from the boxes of their fal- len companions, was too much even for Longstreet’s men. About *Add to the above a cavalry loss of 1,000—-total 16,851, with 36 guns, 20 caissons, 8,550 small arms, 5,834 infantry accoutrements. men LOSS. 49 sunset they made their last charge, when our men, being out of ammunition, moved on them with the bayonet, and they gave way to return no more. In the meantime the enemy made repeated attempts to carry General Thomas’ position on the left and front, but were as often thrown back with great loss. At night-fall the enemy fell back, leaving General Thomas victorious on his hard- fought field.” The defeat of the day was saved by the victory of the evening. Our army had been broken, but remained upon the field. The ene- my vauntingly announced a great victory, and yet was not able to remain upon the ground. But it is useless to deny that we had been severely smitten. Rose- crans had failed in his plans; the enemy had broken his battle array; he was pressed back into Chattanooga, but Thomas with his brave associates plucked victory out of the jaws of defeat. Thomas was from thence enrolled among the great generals of the army. During the night Thomas fell back to Rossville, where on the 21st he offered battle, which was declined by the rebel foe, and on the night of that day, he withdrew into the defences of Chattanooga The Union loss was reported as follows: THOMAS’ FOURTEENTH conrs. Ofiicers. Men. Total. Killed ......... ....... .. as 635 671 , Wounded ................ ..20s 3,277 3,503 Missing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 2,000 2,127 Total..................3-e-ti‘ 5,932 6,301 I Mo coox’s sncorrn conrs. Killed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 363 403 Wounded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168 2,367 2,535 Missing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 77 1,503 1,580 Total... 4,233 4,518 CRITTENDEN’S TWENTY-FIRST CORPS. Killed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 296 235 Wounded..................l31 2,15’? 936 Missing.................... 22 655 561 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . ..129 1,603 1,732 4 50 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. GRANGER’S RESERVE oonrs. Killed..................... 16 219 235 Wounded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 877 936 Missing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 507 561 Total ................ . .355 1,603 1,732 TOTAL. Killed ................... ..1:-31 1,531 1,644 Wounded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 8,698 9,262 Missing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 4,665 4,945 Total ................ . .975 14,866 15,s51* It was a bloody battle. Rosecrans lost both fame and position, and Bragg, by failing to follow up the victory he claimed, completed the overthrow of his reputation, which had been tottering since the battle of Stone River. He lost at Chickamauga some 18,000. After our forces retired into Chattanooga, he took possession of the passes of Lookout Mountain. Burnside failed to reach Rosecrans, and Bragg sent Longstreet to crush him. The Union General knew his antagonist, and evacuating Loudon, fell back to Lenoirs, and concentratinghis forces, advanced on Loudon, and drew the rebel force two miles, but learning that the principal rebel army was advancing upon him, again fell back. He was overtaken at Campbell’s Station and forced to give battle to a vastly superior force, which he held in check until night-fall, when he resumed his retreat, which was conducted in admirable order, and entered Knoxville November 17 th, and was besieged by Longstreet, who coolly sat down to starve out the Federal force, and remained until Sherman was sent by General Grant to relievewBurnside, when he raised the siege and retreated to Virginia, Burnside in turn be- coming pursuer, but not securing any general engagement. The share of Illinois soldiers in the strife of Chickamauga was not small. There was a large number of regiments trained to the stern music of Belmont, Donelson, Shiloh and Murfreesboro, and they proved themselves worthy of their record. They bore their eagles gallantly, and braved peril and death. Both oflicers and men proved themselves worthy compeers of the best and bravest. They were very soon to aid in retrieving the disasters of that field, to break the power of the rebel army in the West, and to bear their tattered banners from the mountain to the sea. TURCHIN-—-REGIMENTS. 51 One of the most gallant feats of the battle was a headlong charge made by General Turchin at the head of his brigade. His impetu- osity carried him far into the rebel lines, and he was almost instantly surrounded by the rebel hordes, but the stout old Russian had no thought of surrendering. He turned and cut his way through and reached our lines, actually bringing with him three hundred prisoners. Major Wall, of the 25th, Illinois, who was dangerously wounded, displayed the most signal bravery, and was subsequently promoted to a Lieutenant-Colonelcy, for meritorious services in this battle. Thirty-three graves of rebels Were found near a stone fence, from behind which, the 19th and 24th Illinois poured upon the advancing rebels such terrible volleys. The 51st Illinois captured the battle flag of the 24th Alabama, and the Inajor of the regiment who was trying to rally it. The following Illinois regiments were in the battle of Chicka- mauga: 10th, Colonel Chilson; 16th, Colonel R. F. Smith; 19th, Lieutenant-Colonel Rafiin; 21st, Colonel Alexander; 22d, Lieuten- ant-Colonel SWanwick; 2-4th, Colonel Mihalotzy; 25th, Colonel Nodine; 27th, Colonel Miles; 34th, Lieutenant-Colonel VanTassel ; 35th, Lieutenant-Colonel Chandler; 36th; Colonel Miller; 38th, Colonel Gilmer; 42d, Colonel Walworth; 44th, Colonel Barrett; 73d, Colonel Jacques; 74th, Colonel Marsh; 75th, Colonel Bennett; 78th, Lieutenant-Colonel VanBleek; 79th, Colonel Buckner; 80th, Lieutenant-Colonel Rogers; 84th, Colonel Waters ; 85th, Colonel Dilworth; 86th Lieutenant-Colonel Magee; 88th, Colonel Sherman; 89th, Colonel Hotchkiss; 98th, Colonel Funkhauser; 100th, Colonel Bartleson ; 104th, Lieutenant-Colonel Hopeman; 110th, Lieutenant- Colonel Topping; 123d, Colonel Monroe; 125th, Colonel Harmon; 12-9th, Colonel Case; 1st Artillery, Company C, Captain Prescott. It is an illustrious group, some of which we have met under fire on other fields, and who were destined to other deeds of daring at Lookout, Mission Ridge, Franklin and Nashville, and march with Sherman from the rocky face of the Ridge to Atlanta and on to the sea. And in this list of commanders are names of men whom Illinois can never forget. Soon were Chandler and Mihalotzy, and others, to strike their last blow and lie down in the soldier’s grave. 52 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. The state mourned her gallant dead. Her Sanitary and Christian Commissions pushed forward supplies, nurses and spiritual laborers, and from the north line to the south, from the Indiana line to the Mississippi, came the cry, “ No concessions to rebellion, but new and vigorous measures for the maintenance of the Union, the Laws, and the Constitution.” General Rosecrans pronounced the battle a necessity, and so the people of Illinois accepted it. They had put their hand to the plow and would not look back until the furrow was out clean through. They saw that new trials were before them, new burdens were to be \ borne, and were equal to the occasion. Their faith and courage rose to the morally sublime. They had their bereavements-—Chicka- mauga was to many of them indeed the river of death—-but with unfaltering purpose to save the country, they demanded that room he made for new levies and then turned their eye toward the hero of Vicksburg, as the leader for the crisis. The government was dejected, and heavily pressed on the heart of our President the fearful loss of the brave men who fell, and the necessary prolongation of the contest, but the PEOPLE, incorruptible and unconquerable, from their homes, their family altars, their tem- ples, spoke to the government and steadied its half desponding faith with the word, 0NWARDl v- E LWN ENCMVINO 00.081 '.'J~OO /ALLLE fl 1'3 0 [FM ll.d.lElR Q i~.NQ!-A\/Ell rzxeesss )1’ son CLARKE a co. PUBLI SHE RS CHAPTER 111. REGIMENTAL SKETCHE S. THE TWENTY-sEvENTH-GENERAL N. B. BUFORD—THE THIRTY-EIGHTH-—THE Fonrr SE-coND-HEAVY Loss AT CHICKAMAUGA-'-THE SIXTY-sIxTH—BIRGE’s SHARrsHooTERs —THE SIWENTY-EIGHTH—AT CHICKAMAUGA—THE EIGHTY-EIGHTH-—CoI.oNEI. FRANCIS T. SHERMAN--THE N INETY-sIxTH—-BREvET BRIGADIER-GENERAL Tnoms E. CHAM1>IoN -LIEUTENANT-CoI.oNEL IsAAc L. CI.ARx—MAJoR J OHN C. SMITH-—THE ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH-—-THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIFTH——DEATH or CHAPLALN SANDEM —CoI.oNEI. O. F. HABMON - I TWENTY-SEVENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. HE 27th regiment was raised in the counties of Adams, Scott, Pike, Madison, Jersey, Mason, Macoupin, Mercer, Jackson, Henry and Morgan. It was organized at Camp Butler, where it was mustered into the service on the 10th of August, 1861. The follow- ing is the original roster: Colonel, Napoleon B. Buford; Lieutenant-Colonel, Fazillo A. Harrington; Major, Hall Wilson; Adjutant, Henry A. Rust; Quartermaster, David B. Sears; Surgeon, Edward H. Bowman; lst Assistant Surgeon, Henry C. Barrell; Chaplain, S. Young McMasters. Co. A-Captain, William A. Schmitt; 1st Lieutenant, William Shipley; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph Voellinger. Co. B-Captain, Henry W. Hitt; 1st Lieutenant, George A. Dunlap; 2d Lieuten- ant, James M.,Buchanan. Co. C--Captain, Lemuel Parke; 1st Lieutenant, Lyman G. Allen; 2d Lieutenant, Laommi F. Williams. ' Co. D--Captain, William M. Hart; 1st Lieutenant, Robert R. Murphy; 2d Lieu- tenant, John W. Brock. Co. E-Captain, Robert S. Moore; 1st Lieutenant, William W. Stout; 2d Lieu- tenant, Royal W. Porter. Co. F—Captain, Jonathan R. Miles; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas C. Meatyard; 2d Lieu- tenant, Orson Hewitt. Co. G-Captain, Henry B. Southward; 1st Lieutenant, Simeon Sheldon; 2d Lieu- tenant, Robert P. Lytle. 54 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. Co. H--Captain, McHenry Brooks; 1st Lieutenant, Frederick C. Bierer; 2d Lieu- tenant, Daniel Worthen. Co. I-—Captain, Joseph W. Merrill; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas Sumner; 2d Lieu tenant, John A. Russell. 00. K-Captain, Abraham T. Bozarth; 1st Lieutenant, Horace Ghapin; 2d Lieu tenant, Erastus S. Jones. The 27th left for the field on the 26th of August, and arrived at Cairo on the 30th. On the 7th of November it was engaged in the battle of Belmont, [wide Vol. I., p. 182,] where it was assigned the post of honor, and opened the engagement. After two hours’ skir- mishing, it was ordered back for rest, and the balance of the ‘column passed through its lines. ‘After waiting half an hour, and receiving no orders, Colonel Buford led the regiment by a circuitous route to the rear of the enemy’s camp, upon which it made three distinct charges over fallen timber, routing the enemy and burning their camp. On the retreat from Belmont, the 27th was the last to leave, whereby it was cut off from the main body of the Union forces. It then marched through a railroad cutting from the river, which it again reached seven miles above Belmont, and after a five miles’ march up the bank hailed the gunboat Tyler, and was taken on board. On the 4th of March, 1862, it took possession of Colum- bus, Ky., and on the 14th proceeded to and occupied Hickman. On the 31st it took part in the splendid dash made upon Union City, which resulted in an important, though bloodless victory. [Vol. I., p. 200.] It took part in the siege and capture of Island No. 10, and was the first regiment of Union troops on the Island. On the 13th of April it arrived of Fort Pillow, which place it left four days later for Hamburg, Tenn. In May it took part in the battle of Farmington and the siege of Corinth, and after the evacuation of the latter town by the rebels, joined in the pursuit of them, having a skirmish with the enemy at Booneville. During the sum- mer of 1862 it was encamped at Camp Big Springs and at Iuka. When Bragg began his march for Kentucky and the Ohio river, the 27th was one of the regiments which ran the race with him. On the 12th of September it arrived at Nashville, Tenn., where for two months it subsisted on half rations. On the 3d of October it marched with a detachment to Lavergne, where a rebel camp was completely destroyed, many prisoners captured and the enemy routed. Late in THE TWENTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. 55 November, Rosecrans’ army arrived at'Nashville, releasing the troops from their confinement there and re-opening communication with the North. The battle of Stone River was one of the best illustrations of the tenacity, zeal and courage with which our boys fought, and here the 27th bore a conspicuous part, losing, among others, its Col- onel, Fazillo A. Harrington. It next participated in the Tullahoma campaign, and in September, 1863, distinguished itself at the battle of Chickamauga, where it suffered severely. In this batfle, Colonel Miles, commanding the regiment, had the entire hilt of his sword and the glasses of his field glass shot away by musket balls. The 27th was next engaged in the storming of Mission Ridge, after which it marched to the relief of Burnside at Knoxville, and was in the East Tennessee campaign which followed. It returned to London, Tenn., January 25, 1864, where it remained till April 18th, when it was ordered to Cleveland, Tenn., to join in the Atlanta cam- paign. It was engaged at Rocky Faced Ridge, May 9th; Resaca, May 14th; near Calhoun, May 16th; Adairsville, May 17th; near Dallas, from May 26th to June 4th; near Pine Top Mountain, June 10th to June 14th; Mud Creek, June 18th ,' Kenesaw Mountain, June 27 th; Peach Tree Creek, July 20th, and in the skirmishes around Atlanta. On the 25th of August, 1865, it was relieved from duty at the front by order of General Thomas, and ordered to Springfield, III., for muster-out. On its arrival at Springfield, it showed the following record of casualties : Killed or died of wounds, 102 ; died of disease, 80 ; number of wounded, 328; discharged and resigned, 209. Among the many incidents related of the 27th, is the following: Soon after Colonel Buford’s promotion to Brigadier-General, he preserited the regiment a magnificent stand of colors, which the men said should never fall into the hands of the enemy. At the battle of Chickamauga, the regiment made a charge upon a body of rebels protected by a stone wall. Two color bearers were shot down, when a third sprang on the wall, grasping the colors, when he, too, was killed, falling on the rebel side of the wall, where his body was seized by the enemy, and borne off with the colors, which the rebels retained as a trophy. General Napoleon B. Buford was born in Woodford county, Ky., 56 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. January 13, 1807. In 1823 he was appointed a cadet at West Point, through the influence of Richard M. Johnson. In 1827 he graduated with honor, and was commissioned Lieutenant of artillery. He was for a time stationed at the School of Practice at Fortress Monroe, where he employed his leisure time in the study of the law. He - was next detailed to make a survey of the Kentucky river, and after- ward of the Rock Island and Des Moines rapids, on the Mississippi river, both"of which commissions he executed with credit to himself and the service. In 1830 he joined his regiment at Eastport, Me., and there resumed his legal studies, and in the following year was granted a leave of absence, by General Scott, that he might enter the Law School of Harvard University, which was then under the direction of Chief Justice Story. In 1833 he was appointed an Assistant Professor at West Point, where he remained until 1835, when he resigned his commission and engaged in the service of his native State, Kentucky, as a civil engineer. In 1843 he removed to Rock Island, Ill., where he was successively a merchant, iron founder and banker. He took an active part in the building of the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad, of which company he was long one of the Directors, and was subsequently President of the Rock Island and Peoria Railroad. The breaking out of the rebellion ruined his banking business, as he had a large amount of money invested in Southern State bonds. He gave up all his property. to satisfy his obligations, and then offered his services to his country. On the 10th of August, 1861, he was commissioned by Governor Yates Colonel of the 27th Illinois Volunteers, which he thoroughly disciplined and prepared for service. At Belmont and Island No. 10 he gave ample evidence of his good qualities as a soldier, and for his gallant conduct at Union City he was commissioned Brigadier General by the President. After the surrender of Island No. 10 he was attachedto the Army of the Mississippi, and moved upon Fort Pillow; but the overflow rendered operations impracticable, and he was ordered to join General Halleck at Corinth, where he com- manded a brigade during the entire siege, taking a gallant and con- spicuous part. During the pursuit of the enemy, after the second bat- tle of Corinth, he was disabled by a sun-stroke, and borne back to Corinth, nearly insensible. To recover his health, so greatly impaired GEN. N. B. mrronn. 57 by the summer campaign, he was granted a leave of absence, and detailed upon courtmartial duty at Washington, for a period of two months. At the termination of his duties there he was commissioned Major-General, and the commission was handed.to him by the Score- tary of War, in person, accompanied by words of high praise and commendation. The Secretary also repeated the words of President Lincoln, that he desired to express his appreciation of his distin- guished and faithful services, and sent him the commission in token thereof, which commission he still holds and values, although allowed to expire by constitutional limitation. Reporting to General Grant then before Vicksburg, he was by him ordered to the command of Cairo, where he remained during the siege of Vicksburg. From this command he was ordered to the district of East Arkansas, head- quarters at Helena, where he commanded for eighteen months, reduc- ing the great expenses of that command, and bringing order out of confusion. He also held with a strong hand the horde of speculators and smugglers who infested that region, and who tried in vain to escape his strict and impartial investigation. During his long com- mand in this district he devoted himself with great zeal to the best welfare of the freedmen and refugees; established the only self-sup- porting colony of freedmen, at that time, on the river; protected and encouraged the schools, and founded the first orphan asylum and industrial school for freed people in that Department. The result of his labors is still apparent in the prosperity of the asylum now established on a permanent foundation, and in the increasing use- fulness of the industrial school. Both of these institutions were placed by him under the care of the Quakers of Indiana, who have most faithfully carried out his benevolent intentions. He was relieved by General Alex. McD. McCook, in March, 1865, and honorably mustered out of the service in September. He is now employed as General Superintendent of the Federal Union Mining Company, in Colorado. THIRTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 38th regiment was organized at Camp ‘Butler, and mustered into the service August 15, 1861. Its original roster was as follows: Colonel, William-P. Carlin; Lieutenant-Colonel, M01-timer O’Kean; Major, Daniel 58 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. H. Gilmer; Adjutant, Arthur Lee Bailhache ; Surgeon, John L. Teed; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Dudley W. Stewart; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Edward J. Tichener; Chaplain, Jacob E. Reed. Co. A—Captain, Henry N. Alden; 1st Lieutenant, George H. Alcoke; 2d Lieu- tenant, Walter E. Carlin. Co. B—-Captain, David Young; 1st Lieutenant, Robert M. Rankin; 2d Lieutenant, Harrison Tyner. Co. C-—Captain, Theodore C. Roding; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas Cole ; 2d Lieuten- ant, James Mullen. Co. D--Captain, Alexander G. Sutherland; 1st Lieutenant, James A. Moore; 2d Lieutenant, Robert Plunkett. ,. Co. E—Captain, James M. True; 1st Lieutenant, John McKinstry; 2d Lieutenant, John L. Dillon. Co. F—Captain, James P. Mead; 1st Lieutenant, William P. Hunt; 2d Lieuten- ant, Willis G. Whitehurst. Co. G—Captain, Andrew M. Pollard; 1st Lieutenant, William F. Chapman; 2d Lieutenant, Andrew J. Rankin. Co. H--Captain, Charles Yelton; 1st Lieutenant, Abraham E. Goble ; 2d Lieu tenant, Charles H. Miller. Co. I—Captain, Charles Churchill; 1st Lieutenant, William Ferriman; 2d Lieu tenant, Edward Colyer. Co. K—Captain, William C. Harris; 1st Lieutenant, Bushwood W. Harris; 2d Lieutenant, Isaiah Foote. On the 20th of September, the regiment left for Pilot Knob, Mo. On the 20th of October it marched for Fredericktown, and on the 21st engaged in battle at that place with the rebels under Jeif. Thompson. It then returned to Pilot Knob, and remained there during the winter. From March 3d to May 10, 1862, it was cam- paigning in Missouri and Arkansas, and was then transferred to the Department of the Mississippi, and went to Hamburg Landing, Tenn., moving to the front at Corinth, and participating in the last days of the siege. It then engaged in the various marches of the brigade in that section, till August 14th, when it set out to join the Army of the Ohio, under Buell, reaching Louisville September 26th, “ragged and exhausted.” It left Louisville October 1st, and was engaged at the battle of Perryville [Vol. I., p. 341], and behaved with such gallantry as to receive honorable mention from General Mitchell in his report. It then joined in the pursuit of Bragg as far as Crab Orchard, from whence it marched to Edgefield Junction, near Nashville, arriving November 9th. It was soon sent out on a scout to Harpeth Shoals, and destroyed a large amount of \ THE THIRTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. 59 rebel property, and capturing supplies of various kinds. It left Nashville December 26th, and with the brigade charged a rebel battery at Knob Gap, near Nolensville, capturing two guns. It was engaged in the battle of Stone River, December 30th to January 4th [Vol. I., p. 350], and lost heavily. It encamped at Murfrees- boro till- the following June, making, in the meantime, several scouts into the adjoining country. It was in the fights at Liberty Gap, June 24th, 25th and 26th, 1863, on the second day making a charge upon a hill occupied by the rebels, driving them from it, and cap- turing the flag of the 2d Arkansas. At the battle of Chickamauga, it fought with great gallantry, losing more than half the number of men it took upon the field. September 22d, it moved into Chatta- nooga, and remained there till the last of October, throwing up for tifications and doing guard duty. On the 25th it left Chattanooga for Bridgeport, Ala., and went into winter quarters. January 26, 1864, it broke camp and went to Ooltawah, Tenn. On the night of February 17th, it marched out with a detachment of the 4th Michigan Cavalry, and at daylight surprised and captured a rebel outpost at Burke’s Mill, near Dalton. February 29th, it re-enlisted in the veteran service, was remustered March 16th, and started for home on the 28th, arriving at Springfield April 8th, when the men received veteran furloughs. On the 11th of May, the regiment rendezvoused at Mattoon, Illinois, and on the 14th left for Louisville and Chatta- nooga. On the 22d, a train containing a part of the regiment was thrown from the track, near Tullahoma, and several of the men slightly injured. On the 8th of June it joined General Sherman’s army at Acworth, Georgia, and participated in the movement upon Atlanta. It was also engaged at J onesboro and Lovejoy’s Station, and on the 8th of September camped at Atlanta. On the 3d of October it broke camp and marched through Marietta, Acworth, Rome, &c., arriving at Chattanooga on the 30th. The next day it started on escort duty for Huntsville, and rejoined the corps at Pulaski, Tenn., on the 12th of November. On the 23d of Novem- ber, Lieutenant-Colonel Chapman died, and Captain A. M. Pollard assumed command of the regiment. On the same day it left Pulaski, reaching Columbia on the 24th. For two days it was engaged in throwing up fortifications, the rebels skirmishing with the pickets. 60 rarnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. At the battle of Franklin it bore a creditable part, and in the battle of Nashville took part in a charge upon the enemy, who were driven back. It next joined in the pursuit of Hood across the Tennessee river, and then marched to Huntsville, Alabama, reaching there January 5, 1865, and remaining till March 13th. Till April 2-2d, it was engaged in campaigning through Tennessee, when it camped at Nashville. On the 7th of June, the non-veterans of the regiment were mustered out. It broke camp on the 17th, and on the 25th arrived at New Orleans. It reached Indianola, Texas, July 15th, and was stationed in that state until its muster out at Victoria, March 20, 1866. It then proceeded to Springfield, where it was paid off and discharged. Colonel Carlin, by bravery and ability, won the successive stages of promotion until he wore the stars of a Major-General. He was born in Greene county, Illinois, November 24, 1829, entered the Military Academy at West Pointin 1846 and graduated in 1850. He served at various posts in the regular service, and participated in 'Ha1'ney’s Indian campaigns. In 1855 he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant. In 1857 he was attached to General Sumner-”s expe- dition against the Cheyennes, and participated in the engagement at Solomon’s Peak on the Kansas river. He shared in the hardships of General A. S. J ohnston’s celebrated Utah expedition. After various severe marches he was assigned to the command of Fort Bragg, in Mendocino county on the Pacific coast. In May, 1860, he was detailed for general recruiting service, and arriving at New York in J une, was assigned duty at Buffalo. He was unanimously requested by the officers to accept the position of Lieutenant-Colo- nel~ of the 74th New York. He subsequently was authorized to raise a regiment of cavalry in Western New York. These positions he declined, determined, if he entered the volunteer service, to be associated with the men and the history of his native state. Gov- ernor Kirkwood, of Iowa, tendered him a Lieutenant-Colonelcy, which was declined. Governor Yates commissioned him Colonel of the 38th, and he soon distinguished himself. He commanded in several important expeditions; was commander for some tiine of the District of Southeast Missouri, and participated in Steele's march on Arkansas. Subsequently he served with distinction in various LIEUT. ARTHUR LEE BAILHAGHE. 61 departments, in victory and defeat. Brave, full of energy and dash, yet duly attempered by discipline and military knowledge, General Carlin has won his distinction. He has been a soldier, an earnest, capable soldier. From choice he has been identified with the for- tunes of Illinois troops, and richly merits a portion of the glory they have won. . Of far lower rank, a few paragraphs may fitly be claimed for the Adjutant of the 38th, Arthur L. Bailhache, son of Hon. John Bailhache, and a type of thousands of the young men who rushed to arms at a personal sacrifice, yet who were branded as “mercenary recruits!” He shared in the campaign of ‘East Missouri, and in the battle of Fredericktown, October, 1861, though suffering from sickness. An experienced ofiicer writes, “Lieutenant B. displayed those fine soldierly qualities, courage, quickness of perception and judgment in execution which gave pledge of future distinction.” The same friend says: “ Among the many noble young men who gave their lives to their country, Lieutenant Arthur Lee Bailhache is worthy to be remembered. His father, Hon. John Bailhache, a native of the Island of Jersey, subsequently prominent as an Editor and leading politician in Ohio, and for nearly a quarter of a century a resident of Alton, Ill., a portion of the time Editor of the Tele- graph, was one of the noblest and purest of men. “Lieutenant Bailhache was born at Alton, April 12, 1839, was educated principally at Jubilee College. Anxious to enter upon the business of life, he withdrew from college in 1857, became an attache of the Journal newspaper, Springfield, where he remained until the breaking out of the war, performing valuable service during the ' memorable campaign of 1860. “ He entered the public service in connection with the Commis- sary department at Camp Yates, was transferred to Big Muddy as State Commissary Agent, thence to Cairo, aiding, with much energy and ability, in supplying our volunteers, and pushing them to the field. . “ On the organization of the 38th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, under the gallant and distinguished Colonel (now Brig- adier- General) W. P. Carlin, he was appointed by that oflicer, his 62 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Adjutant, and commissioned by Governor Yates, with the rank of Lieutenant. The regiment went into active service in Southeast Missouri. Colonel Carlin being‘ placed in the command of the Dis- trict, the complicated and weighty duties of Acting A. A. General fell upon Lieutenant Bailhache, who, though pursued by disease, continued with faithfulness at his post. But his health gave way, and on the 9th of January, 1862, he died at Pilot Knob, Missouri. His remains were brought to Springfield, the residence of his two remaining brothers andthere buried with the sad honors and loving 1'-emembrances which attend the last resting place of, alas! how many of the noblest and best of our young men who have died that their country might live. A fitting tribute to the memory of this patriotic and estimable young man, whom the cries of a bleeding country drew from the walks of peaceful life, to be refined and ennobled by duty and sacrifice, may be found in the following order, issued by his commanding ofiicer: “ ‘HEAD-QUARTERS 38TH REGIMENT ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS, “ ‘PII.o'r Knon, Mo., January 9, 1862. “ ‘ [Orders, .570. 24.] “ ‘It has become the painful duty of the undersigned to announce to the regiment the death of Lieutenant and Adjutant Arthur L. Bailhache. To the officers and men of this regiment, any eulogium on the character of the deceased would be superfluous. As a man, he was noble, generous and true ; as an officer, he was'faith- ful and energetic in the performance of his duties; as a soldier he was “ without fear and without reproach.” If he had a fault, none could see it. His virtues were visible in every personal and ofiicial relation. Long will we mourn the loss of this young oflicer. His example may be followed with advantage by all young men To the relatives and friends of the deceased, let us extend our heartfelt sympathies. “‘(Signed) W. P. Caamn, Colonel Commanding.’ ” FORTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The'42d regiment was organized at Chicago, and-mustered’ into the service on the 17th of September, 1861, 1,051 strong. The fol- lowing is the original roster: Colonel, William A. Webb; Lieutenant-Colonel, David Stuart; Major, George W. Roberts; Adjutant, Edward H. Brown; Quartermaster, Edward D. Swartout; FORTY-SECOND INFANTRY. 63 Surgeon, Edwin Powell; 1st Assistant Surgeon, E. O. F. Roler; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Octave P. F. Ravenot; Chaplain, G. L. S. Stuff. Co. A--Captain, Charles Northrop; 1st Lieutenant, Hamilton M. Way; 2d Lien- tenant, Elijah S. Church. Co. B-Captain, George Vardan; 1st Lieutenant, Alexander F. Stevenson; 2d Lieutenant, Julius Lettman. Co. C-—Captain, Nathan H. Walworth; 1st Lieutenant, James Leighton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Nicholas P. Ferguson. Co. D--Captain, Bela P. Clerk; 1st Lieutenant, Robert Ranriy; 2d Lieutenant, Jared W. Richards. Co. E-Captain, David W. Norton; 1st Lieutenant, William R. Townsend; 2d Lieutenant, Nathaniel H. DuFoe. Co. F-Captain, Charles 0. Phillips; 1st Lieutenant, William D. Williams; 2d Lieutenant, Andrew H. Granger. Co. G--Captain, William H. Boomer; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph N. Gettnian; 2d Lieutenant, John W. Scott. Co. H-—Captain, John H. Henstein; 1st Lieutenant, George D. Curtis; 2d Lieu tenant, Alexander J. H. Brewer. Co. I--Captain, Edgar D. Swain; 1st Lieutenant, Wesley P. Andrews: 2d Lieu- tenant, Ogden Lovell. Co. K--Captain, Jesse D. Butts; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph W. Foster; 2d Lieuten- ant, Gilbert L. Barnes. The 42d left Chicago for St. Louis, where it arrived on the 21st of September. By order of General Fremont, it joined General Hunter at Tipton, Mo., October 18th. On the 13th of December it went into winter quarters at Smithton, Mo., and left that place February 3d, 1862, arriving at Fort Holt, Ky., February 20th. On the 4th of March it occupied Fort Holt, and on the 15th proceeded to Island N o. 10, where it remained till the capture of that point. [ Vide Vol. I., p. 219 et seq.] On the 17th of April it left Fort Pil- low and proceeded to Hamburg, Tenn. It was engaged in the battle of Farmington on the 9th of May, and entered upon the siege of Corinth. On the 30th it led the advance in pursuit of the enemy as far as Booneville, Miss., and returned to Corinth, going into camp at Big Springs, Miss., June 14th. July 21st it broke camp and went to Courtland, Ala., where it remained till September 3d, when it left for Nashville. On the 9th, at Columbia, it met the enemy in a brisk engagement, and on the 11th arriving at Nashville. It remained at Nashville during the siege, engaging the enemy, Novem- bcr 5th, without loss. On the 26th of December it set out on the Murfreesboro campaign, and on the 30th ekirmished with the enemy; 64 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. On the following day it engaged in the battle of Stone River, where it lost 188 in killed and wounded and 85 taken prisoners. On the 5th of March, 1863, it started in pursuit of Van Dorn, and went as far as Columbia, returning to Murfreesboro on the 14th. June 24th it entered upon the Tullahoma campaign, camping at Bridgeport Ala., July 31st. September 2d it entered upon the Chattanooga campaign, and on the 19th and 20th fought bravely at the battle of Chickamauga, losing 156 in killed and wounded and 28 prisoners. On the 25th of November it was at the battle of Mission Ridge, being on the skirmish line during the whole engagement. It then pursued the retreating enemy as far as Chickamauga Creek, and returned to Chattanooga on the 26th. On the 28th it set out on the East Tennessee campaign, and established camp at Stone’s Mills, Tenn., December 27th. On the 1st of January, 1864, the regiment re-enlisted as veterans. January 15th it entered on the Dandridge campaign, and on the 16th, at Dandridge, had a skirmish with the enemy, without loss. February 2d it arrived at Chattanooga, and on the 21st started for Chicago, arriving on the 27th and receiving veteran furloughs. On the 2d of April the regiment re-organized and returned to Nashville, arriving on the 11th. It arrived at Chat- tanooga on the 27th, and entered on the Atlanta campaign, engag- ing the enemy at Rocky Faced Ridge, Resaca, Adairsville, New Hope Church, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, J onesboro and Lovej oy Station, encamping at Atlanta September 8th. On the 25th it left Atlanta for Bridgeport, Ala., and thence, October 19th, to Chattanooga, thence to Alpine, Ga., back again to Chattanooga, and thence to Pulaski, Tenn. Novem- ber 22d it began the retreat to Nashville, engaging heavily with the enemy at Spring Hill and Franklin, and on the 1st of December arrived at Nashville. On the 15th and 16th it was in the battles at Nashville, and joined in the pursuit ‘of Hood’s retreating army. January 1, 1865, it marched to Huntsville, Ala., and thence to Deca- tur, where it remained till April 1st, when it marched through sev- eral points, arriving at Nashville on the 25th. June 15th it left for New Orleans, arriving on the 23d. On the 18th of July it embarked for Lavaca, Texas. It was on post duty at Lavaca and at Camp Irwin until December 16th, when it was mustered out and ordered sIxTY-sIxTH INFANTRY. 65 home. On the 5th of January, 1866, it arrived at Springfield, and on the 10th was paid off and discharged. SIX'I‘Y~SIX'I'H ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 66th regiment was organized at Benton Barracks, St. Louis, in the fall of 1861, under the special patronage of Gen. Fremont, and was originally known as “Birge’s Sharpshooters,” and was com- . posed of three companies from Illinois, two from Ohio, one from Michigan, and three from squads of recruits sent to Benton Barracks from the various Western states. When Gen. Fremont was super- seded, his pet scheme of a complete sharpshooting regiment was partly suppressed by General Halleck, who stopped all recruiting for it and hurried it into the field, before it was thoroughly equipped and organized, leaving it with but nine companies, and in numbers below the minimum required for a regimental organization. Its arm was the American deer and target rifle. ' The accoutrements were not of the kind prescribed by army regulations, but consisted of a bullet-pouch of bear skin covering, and a powder horn, or in some cases a flask. In the bullet-pouch was a compartment where the soldier, or rebel hunter, carried his little et caeteras, such as screw- drivers, bullet-molds and patch-cutter--singular implements for a soldier, but Birge’s boys molded their own bullets, greased them and patched them with as much care as an old hunter would, and used them as effectively. It was the design to give them a complete hunter’s dress, but this too was vetoed by Halleck ; and the only thing peculiar about the dress was the hat, which was a gray sugar- loaf shaped affair, with three squirrel tails running from both back and front and meeting at the apex of the crown in an indescribable knot. Lieutenant-Colonel John M. Birge, of St. Louis, commanded the regiment, and on the 12th of December, 1861, marched it from Ben- ton Barracks to take the field in North Missouri. Arriving at Cen- tralia, on the North Missouri Railroad, the Colonel found plenty of work for his little command, which he scattered in detachments over the country in search of rebels, several small bodies of whom were met and defeated, besides being badly frightened at the squirrel tail hats and long range rifles. 5 66 PATRIOTISM on II.LINoIs. On the 28th of December, General Prentiss, commanding the Di..- trict of North Missouri, led four companies of Sharpshooters and four companies of Curtis’ Horse against the command of the rebel Colonel Dorsey, consisting of nearly a thousand mounted and dis- mounted infantry. General Prentiss’ command numbered about four hundred men, but so impetuously did they attack and so stub- bornly did they fight that inless than two hours the rebels were routed, “ foot, horse and dragoons.” This battle was at Mount Zion Church, twenty miles from Sturgeon, and has been known as the battle of Mount Zion. Our loss was about forty killed and wounded, but that of the rebels much larger. After this battleno fighting of any moment occurred during their stay in North Missouri, which termi- nated on the 4th of February, 1862, on which day the command was shipped by railroad to St. Louis, where it embarked on a steamer to Fort Henry, arriving on the 9th, just too late to take a part in the capture of the Fort. Here the regiment was attached to Colonel Lauman’s brigade of General Charles F. Smith’s division, and marched with it on the 12th to ourposition in front of Donelson. Here the General was a little perplexed to know what to do with soldiers with deer rifles and no bayonets, but finally concluded to let them fight in their own way. And thus it was that during that memorable siege the Squirrel Tails scattered themselves out along the entire front of Smith’s division, and crawling stealthily up, would sometimes get position behind a log within fifty yards of the rebel works. Every man had his hiding place, and keeping a sharp look- out and aiming with a steady hand, they kept the guns in front of the division silent the entire three days of the siege. Although the regiment performed good service here, the loss was very light. Remaining at Fort Donelson after its capture till March 5th, the command marched back again to the Tennessee river and embarked for Pittsburg Landing, where it landed on the 18th of the same month. On the 6th and 7th of April, it participated in the battles of Shiloh, but being used only as a skirmishing regiment its loss was small compared with that of some other regiments. From the 10th of May to the 30th, in the siege of Corinth, it was used for skirmish- ing almost constantly, and during that time lost a large number of men. Upon returning to Corinth from the pursuit of the rebels, THE SIXTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. 67 Colonel E. P. Burke took command, having been commissioned for it, Colonel Birge having been mustered out, and it was assigned ' to the city command as provost guard, where it remained till the battle of Corinth on the 3d and 4th of October, participating in the battle on the second day, and losing heavily in men and oificers. From Corinth, in pursuit of the fleeing rebels, and back to Rienzi, Mississippi, consumed some weeks, and the 26th of November found it again encamped six miles from Corinth, where it established a fine stockaded camp, called after an old commander, General Da- vies. While here, the regiment, which had heretofore belonged to Missouri, was transferred, by order of the Secretary of War, to Illinois. The name, Birge’s Sharpshooters, was discarded, and hence- forth the regiment was the 66th Illinois Volunteers, or West- ern Sharpshooters, with the following roster: Colonel, Patrick E. Burke; Lieutenant-Colonel, Charles W. Smith ; Major, George Pipe; Adjutant, William Wilson; Quartermaster, Nicholas Brown; Surgeon, Joseph Pogue; lst Assistant Surgeon, Edward Vogel; 2d Assistant Surgeon, David O. McCord; Chaplain, James M. Alexander. Co. A—-Captain, William S. Boyd; 1st Lieutenant, Frederick Ullrich; 2d Lieu- tenant, Austin S. Davidson. Co. B—-Captain, Henry Eads; 1st Lieutenant, Frank M. Bingham; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel B. Brightman. Co. C—-Captain, Ensign Conklin; 1st Lieutenant, Robert J. Adams; 2d Lieuten- ant, Francis A. Hartzcll. Co. D-—Captain, John Piper; 1st Lieutenant,-———; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Lusk. Co. E—Captain, Andrew K. Campbell; 1st Lieutenant, William H. H. Simpkins; 2d Lieutenant, John V. Bovell. Co. F-Captain, Michael Piggott; 1st Lieutenant, Cyrus A. Lemon; 2d Lieuten- ant, —--——-—. . Co. G--Captain, Benjamin D. Longstreth; 1st Lieutenant, Perry P. Ellis; 2d Lieutenant, Philip C. Diedrich. Co. H--Captain, Thomas B. Mitchell; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Lidack; 2d Lieu- tenant, Nicholas R. Park. \ Co. I—-Captain, Jerry N. Hill; 1st Lieutenant, John L. Hays; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel J. Smith. Co. K—-Captain, George A. Taylor; 1st Lieutenant, Alvin H. Davis; 2d Lieuten- ant, William C. Jones. Here, too, about two hundred men of the regiment pur- chased with their own funds, at a cost of $43.00 Panle 0-- 68 . PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. Henry Repeating Rifle, which repeats sixteen times at a loading. This arm has done much to make the regiment eifective, and the men who purchased them with their own means deserve great credit. The regiment remained at this camp till the 12th of November, when the division—then the 2d Division, 16th Army Corps--moved to Pulaski, Tennessee. Here, in December, 470 men re-enlisted, and ‘in January, 1864, were sent North to be furloughed. After being re-organized as a veteran regiment, it returned to Pulaski, and on the 29th of April started for Chattanooga, 600 strong, to enter with the grand army upon the Atlanta campaign. Leaving Chatta- nooga on the 6th of May, the 66th had the honor, on the 9th of the same month, to open the fighting of the Army of the Tennessee in this campaign, at Snake Creek Gap and Resaca, and unaided and almost unsupported captured and held till night the heights in front of that stronghold. From here through the whole of that memor- able campaign the regiment was always in front, and participated in not less than ten pitched battles, and skirmishes innumerable, losing 224 oflicers and men killed and wounded, among the former its com- mander Colonel Burke, and of the severely wounded its Major A. K. Campbell. Never did a regiment perform harder and better ser- vice than did this hardy little band of veterans. During this campaign the rifles f the original “Birge’s Sharp- shooters” became unserviceable by constant use and exposure, and were discarded, the command being at the close of the campaign armed with the Springfield musket and Henry repeating rifle. The division to which the regiment belonged being now attached to the 15th Corps, it marched with it on the ever-to-be-remembered cam- paigns of Georgia and South Carolina. On the Ogeechee river, near Savannah, the regiment, being thrown in front on the 9th of December, captured the enemy’s works protecting the Gulf railroad, with a fine Blakely gun. At Savannah it was awarded the post of honor, being quartered in the old United States Barracks, and used for special guard duty. At Bentonville, North Carolina, in the engagement of the 21 st of March, it lost eight men, after which it met no rebels to fight, and marched to Washington and there par- ticipated in the grand review before the President. It was then sent to Louisville, Ky., where it was mustered out in June, 1865. SEVENTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. 69 During its three years and ten months service the 66th regiment marched about 3,000 miles, fought in sixteen pitched battles, and has lost as many men in killed and wounded as it contained at the time of its muster out. The following is a list of the battles in which it was engaged: Mount Zion; Fort Donelson; Shiloh; Iuka; Siege and Battle of Corinth; Snake Gap; Resaca; Tanner’s Ferry, Ostenala River; Rome; Cross Roads; Dallas; Kenesaw; 22d of July, 1864, before Atlanta; Rufi"s Mills; Atlanta, and J onesboro; Nickojack Creek; Savannah, Georgia; Columbia, South Carolina, and Bentonville, North Carolina. SEVENTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 78th infantry was organized at Quincy, in August, 1862. The following is the original roster: Colonel, William H. Bennison; Lieutenant-Colonel, Carter Van Vleck; Major, William L. Broddus; Adjutant, George Greene; Quartermaster, Abner V. Humph- rey; Surgeon, Thomas M. Jordan; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Elisha S. Mclntire; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Samuel C. Moss; Chaplain, Robert F. Taylor. “ Co. A——Captain, Robert S. Blackburn; 1st Lieutenant, Philip Chipman; 2d Lieu- tenant, Archibald H. Graham. F Co. B-—Captain, John C. Anderson; 1st Lieutenant, William D. Ruddell; 2d Lieutenant, David M. Taylor. . Co. C—Captain, Charles R. Hume; 1st Lieutenant, Oliver P. Cartwright; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Blandin. Co. D——Captain, Robert M. Black ; 1st Lieutenant, John B. Warroll; 2d Lieuten- ant, Isaac N. Kincheloe. Co. E-Captain, George Pollock; 1st Lieutenant, Matthew Henry; 2d Lieutenant, John J. Mercer. Co. F-Captain, Henry E. Hawkins; 1st Lieutenant, Clinton B. Cannon ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Seldon G. Earl. Co. G--Captain, Jacob F. Joseph; Ist Lieutenant, Thomas L. Howden; 2d Lieu- tenant, Pleasant M. Herndon. Co. H-Captain, John K. Allen; 1st Lieutenant, George T. Beers; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel Simmons. Co. I-Captain, Granville H. Reynolds; 1st Lieutenant, Hardin Hovey; 2d Lieu tenant, James H. McCandless. Co. K--Captain, Maris R. Vernon; 1st Lieutenant, Jeremiah Parsons; 2d Lieu- tenant, William B. Akins. The 78th left Quincy on the 20th of September, 934 strong, and reported at Louisville. From Louisville the regiment was sent to Rolling Forks, and remained doing duty till the latter part of 70 PATBIOTISM or ILLINOIS. January, when, under General Gilbert, it went up the'Cumberland river to Nashville, and there re-organized and was assigned to the 10th Division of the Army of Kentucky, and then moved to Franklin; marched from Franklin on the 6th of June and participated in the advance movement of Rosecrans’ army from Murfreesboro to Shelby- ville, where it remained till the 6th of September. During this time it was assigned to the Corps of General Gordon Granger. On the 6th of September moved on Chattanooga, reaching Rossville on the 14th. On the 17th a portion of the Corps marched out to Ringgold, Ga., where it had a skirmish. On the 20th the 78th participated in the battle of Chickamauga, losing 156 killed, wounded and missing, fifty-eight in killed and wounded, and fifty-six taken prisoners. After the battle it fell back to Chattanooga, and there remained till the advance of the army under General Grant. It took part in the battles of Chattanooga and Mission Ridge, losing lightly. Next marched to the relief of Knoxville. Returning from Knoxville, it went into camp at Rossville, and remained till the 2d of May, 1864, when the army of General Sherman commenced its march on Atlanta. During this march the regimgnt was engaged at Resaca, Rome and‘ Peach Tree Creek. It skirmished along till the army abandoned its position in front of Atlanta, and moved to the flank and rear of that stronghold. On the 18th of August Colonel Van Vleck was mortally wounded while the regiment was skirmishin g on the right of Atlanta. At Jonesboro the 7 8th was engaged next, and bore a loss of eighty-three men in killed and wounded. This great loss was occasioned by charging a battery of six guns, which it captured. Next moved back to Atlanta, where it remain- ed until the 28th of September, when it moved in conjunction with the 2d division into Northern Alabama in pursuit of General For- rest’s guerrillas, rejoining the army at Gaysville, Alabama, and next helped to burn Atlanta. From Atlanta to Savannah the 7 8th left its mark all along the way. It next participated in the campaign through the Carolinas, burning and destroying as it went along. At Averysboro and Bentonville the 78th was engaged, losing heavily at the last place, sustaining a loss of forty-four men in killed and W011Ild8d- Rejoieing that “this cruel war is over,” it joined in the grand review at Washington, and at once proceeded to Chicago, EIGHTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. ' 71 where it arrived June 10, 1865, and was mustered out of service. It brought back 373 men and 20 officers. EIGHTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 88th regiment, commonly known as the “ Second Board of Trade Regiment,” was mustered into the service at Chicago on the 27th of August, 1862, with an aggregate of 840 men. The follow- ing is the original roster: Colonel, Francis T. Sherman; Lieutenant-Colonel, Alexander S. Chadburn, Major, George W. Chandler; Adjutant, Joshua S. Bullard; Quartermaster, Nathaniel S. Bouton; Surgeon, George Coatsworth; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Arthur C. Rankin; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Frank N. Burdick; Chaplain, Joseph C. Thomas. Co. A—Captain, John A. Bross; 1st Lieutenant, John P. D. Gipson; 2d Lieuten- ant, Lewis B. Cole. Co. B—Captain, George W. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, George Chandler; 2d Lieu- tenant, Gilbert F. Bigelew. Co. C—-Captain, Webster A. Whiting; 1st Lieutenant, Henry H. Cushing; 2d Lieutenant, Charlus H. Lane. ‘ Co. D—Captain, George A. Sheridan; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas F. W. Gullich; 2d Lieutenant, Alex. C. McMurtry. Co. E--Captain, Levi P. Holden; 1st Lieutenant, Sylvester Titsworth; 2d Lieu- tenant, Lorenzo Brown. ‘ Co. F--Captain, John W. Chiekering; 1st Lieutenant, James A. S. Hanford; 2d Lieutenant, James Watts. Co. G—Captain, Gurdon S. Hubbard, jr. ; 1st Lieutenant, Frederick C. Goodwin; 2d Lieutenant, Dean R. Chester. Co. H—Captain, Alex. C. McClurg; 1st Lieutenant, Charles T..Boal; 2d Lieuten- ant, Daniel B. Rice. Co. I--Captain, Joel J. Spalding; 1st Lieutenant, Orson C. Miller; 2d Lieuten- ant, Jesse Ball. Co. K-Captain, Daniel E. Barnard; 1st Lieutenant, Homer C. McDonald; 2d Lieutenant, Edmund E. Tucker. On the 4th of September, 1862, the 88th left Chicago for Louis- ville, and four weeks later we find it at the battle of Perryville [Vol. I., p. 345], after which, under gallant Phil. Sheridan, it went to the battle of Stone River. Then it went through the Tullahoma campaign to the battle of Chickamauga, where the regiment was driven back, but not without some loss and gallant fighting. Captain Holden wrote: “ Our regiment lost heavily-—-think it will exceed one hundredand twenty-five in killed and wounded.” 72 * PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. Another writer said : “ It was taken into the fight on a hard run ; ‘ was flanked right and left before it had time to form order of bat- tle, and although subjected to most murderous oblique and direct fire while going through their maneuvers pushed on into the thickest of the fight until it became a hand-to-hand contest. Borne back by (overwhelming numbers they pressed forward again only to recoil before new and overwhelming reinforcements, and only retreated when to stay would have been annihilation. Lieutenant- Colonel Chadburn, although suffering from the pain of a contused thigh, resolutely kept his command. Major Chandler, as brave as a lion in the very hail and sleet of battle, cried out: ‘ Come on, my brave boys, I won’t ask you to go where I am afraid to lead.’ Cap- tain Smith, acting as field ofiicer, was among the bravest of the brave. The lamented Captain J. A. Bross, who was on picket, not only dextrously extricated himself and men, but gallantly fought his way back to his regiment disputing every inch of ground.” At Mission Ridge, it was among the first to plant its colors on the heights. Then follows the campaign through East Tennessee, where, as Colonel Smith remarked, the 88th was “ without rations, without tents and without clothing.” Under General Sherman, in Howard’s (4th) Corps, it participated in every battle and skirmish of the Atlanta campaign. It was then sent to Watch Hood. After the skirmish at Spring Hill, it fought in the battle of Franklin, which made the victory at Nashville, in which the 88th bore a part, only the more easy. From that place it followed Hood to the Tennessee river. It then went into camp, where it quietly remained, with the exception of a brief expedition to East Tennessee, until June, 1865. On the 12th of June it arrived in Chicago, mustering 229 men of the more than 900 who went out in 1862. It met with a cordial Welcome from the citizens generally, and especially from the Board of Trade, under whose auspices it was organized. Colonel Francis T. Sherman was born at Newtown, Fairfield county, Conn., December 31, 1825. His father, Hon. F. C. Sher- man, Ex-Mayor, settled at Chicago in 1834, where his education was such as could be received in a newly-settled town. His summers were spent in laboring in his father’s brick-yard, and his winters at school. At the age of eighteen he entered a wholesale grocery NINETY-sIxTH INFANTRY. 73 store, where he remained for two years. During Polk’s adminis- tration he was for a time a clerk in the Chicago Post-Oflice under General Hart L. Stewart, P. M. He was afterward Secretary to the Board of Appraisers of Canal Lands, but was obliged to resign, on account of ill health. In the spring of 1849 he went to Cali- fornia, in pursuit of both health and wealth. He remained in California until November, 1850, undergoing the usual proportion of the perils and privations of a miner’s life. On the 8th of October, 1851, he was married, and from that time till the war broke out was engaged in business in" Chicago. On the 4th of October, 1861, he was mustered in as Lieutenant-Colonel of the 56th Illinois infantry, better known asthe “Mechanics’ Fusileers.” On account of some ' alleged fraud in its enlistment, this regiment soon mutinied, and on the 5th of February, 1862, was mustered out of service, with all its officers. On the 8th of March following, Colonel Sherman was mustered into service as Senior Major of the 12th Illinois cavalry, with which regiment he remained till August, 1862. On the 27th of that month he was mustered into the service as Colonel of the 88th infantry. With this regiment he was identified till the close of the war. On the 7th of July, 1864, while acting as Chief-of-Staff to General Howard, at the Chattahoochee river, he was captured by the rebels. For three months he was kept in close captivity, save on one occasion, when, with a number of other Union ofiieers, he jumped from a railroad train and attempted to escape. The most of his companions were captured immediately, but Colonel Sherman and a few others eluded their pursuers, but on the second midnight were captured by blood-hounds. On the 7th of October he was ex- changed, when he immediately returned to Chicago, and soon after rejoined his regiment. For gallant and meritorious conduct he was promoted first by. brevet and subsequently, by regular appointment, Brigadier General, a promotion well earned, amply merited. ' 0 NINETY-SIXTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 96th regiment was composed of six companies from Jo Da- viess county and four from Lake. It was organized at Rockford, on J 7 4 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. the 5th of September, 1862, numbering 950 men. The following- is the original roster: Colonel, Thomas E. Champion; Lieutenant-Colonel, Isaac L. Clark; Major, John C. Smith ; Adjutant, Edward A. Blodgett; Quartermaster, Stephen J effers ; Surgeon, Charlis Martin; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Moses Evans; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Daniel A. Shefiield; Chaplain, Jonathan M. Clendenning. Co. A-—Captain, George Hicks; 1st Lieutenant, William Vincent; 2d Lieutenant, Robert Pool. Co. B—Captain, David Salisbury; 1st Lieutenant, Rollin H. Trumbull; 2d Lieu- tenant, Allen B. Whitney. . Co. C—Captain, John R. Pollock; 1st Lieutenant, Addison B. Partridge ; 2d Lieu- tenant, William M. Laughlin. Co. D-Captain, Asiel Z. Blodgett; 1st Lieutenant, Caleb A. Montgomery; 2d Lieutenant, Walter Hastings. Co. E—Captain, Joseph P. Black; 1st Lieutenant, William F. Taylor; 2d Lieu- tenant, Halsey H. Richardson. Co. F-Captain, Thomas A. Green; 1st Lieutenant, Charles E. Rowan; 2d Lieu- tenant, Nelson R. Simms. Co. G--Captain, James H. Clark; 1st Lieutenant, David James; 2d Lieutenant, Benjamin G. Blouney. Co. H—Captain, Alexander Burnette; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel H. Bayne; 2d Lieutenant, Reuben L. Root. Co. I—Captain, John Barker; 1st Lieutenant, John P. Tarpley; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Moore. Co. K-Captain, Timothy D. Rose; 1st Lieutenant, Edward E. Townsend; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Pepoon. On the 8th of October, 1862, the 96th left for Kentucky, where it was stationed until the January following. While at Harrodsburg, Ky., in November, the boys took possession of a rebel printing office, and for a time issued a neat little sheet entitled the Soldiefs Letter, under the superintendence of Maj. Hicks, who was formerly associate editor of the Galena Advertiser. In January, 1863, the regiment was sent to Nashville, Tenn. It was soon after sent to Franklin, and participated in Rosecrans’ campaign against Tullahoma. In Sep- tember, 1863, it went to Rossville, Ga., with the Reserve Corps. At the battle of Chickamauga it bore a conspicuous part, losing heavily inkilled and wounded, Lieut. Col. Isaac L. Clark being among the former. The 96th was next found at Lookout Mountain, on the 26th of September. From the 2d of December, 1863, till the 26th of January, 1864, it lay in camp at Nicojack Creek, Ga. It was with Q enn. T. E. CHAMPION——COL. J. s. omnx. 75 Palmer in the demonstration on Buzzard Roost, in February, and then went through the Atlanta campaign, meeting the enemy at Rocky Faced Ridge, Resaca, New Hope, and Kenesaw Mountain, and losing 117 men in that campaign. It was detached from the 4th Corps on the march through Georgia, and returned to Pulaski. It was in the battle of Franklin, from whence it marched to Nash- ville, and participated in the glories and dangers of the battle at that place, where it captured the enemy’s works and three twelve-pound er batteries. From that date it remained in Alabama and East Ten- nessee until June, 1865, when it returned to Chicago, where it ar- rived on the 14th, and was mustered out and paid of. It returned with 420 men, having left a few recruits behind, while a number of others had been transferred to other regiments, seven sergeants hav- ing received commissions in colored regiments. Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas E. Champion was born in Pal- myra, Wayne County, New York, August 3d, 1825. At twelve years of age his parents removed to the West, settling in Michigan. He commenced life a printer, employing his leisure hours in study. He afterwards pursued a thorough course of medical studies, and was admitted to the practice of medicine in 1847. In 1850 he removed to-Freeport, Illinois, and in the following year to Warren, J 0 Da- viess county. Here he practised medicine successfully; but having a taste for the law, he studied the usual text books, and was admit- ted to the bar in 1856. From that time until the summer of 1862 he entirely devoted himself to that profession, taking an active and prominent part, however, indiscussing the exciting political topics of the day. When the new call for troops was made, he devoted himself with unusual energy to the raising of volunteers, and suc- ceeded so well that two companies were raised from his own town, of the first of which he was chosen Captain; and when the regi- ment was organized, he was elected as its Colonel; he filled that position not only to the satisfaction, but the admiration of his com- mand. Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac L. Clark was born in Orange county, Vt., in 1824 ; he graduated at Dartmouth College, July, 1848, and in the following September settled in Waukegan, Lake county, Ill., as Principal of the Academy of that city. He was distinguished for 7 6 runrorrsm OF ILLINOIS. his successful labors in that position for several years. In May, 1853, he was admitted to the bar, and soon commanded a lucrative prac- tice. When the “three hundred thousand more” were called for, he left his extensive business to serve his country; by his enthusiastic exertions he soon raised a company of volunteers, of which he was made Captain, from which position he was promoted, by the voice of the regiment, to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy. He accompanied the regiment on all its toilsome marches, and was with it in its many skirmishes and battles until his death, on the 20th of September, 1863, at the battle of Chickamauga. Major John o. Smith was born in Philadelphia, and Spent the earlier part of his life at Norristown, in that vicinity. Here he served his apprenticeship to the carpenter’s trade, and was afterward engaged on government buildings at Cape May and in New York city. In 1854 he went to Galena, where he made it his home until the breaking out of the war. In 1860-’61 he assisted in superintend- ing the erection of the Custom House at Dubuque, Iowa. In Au- gust, 1862, he raised a company of volunteers, was chosen Captain, and afterwards unanimously elected Major of the regiment. Major Smith was an Odd Fellow, and held the highest position as such in the State. Soon after entering the service he was presented with a fine gold watch by the Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. of Illinois. While in the army he served as Provost Marshal of Shelbyville, Murfreesboro, North Chattanooga and several other points. The men and ofiicers of the regiment ever .found in him a true patriot and a brave soldier. ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 104th infantry is emphatically a La Salle county regiment, nearly or quite all its members being enlisted in that county. It was orgamzed at Ottawa, and mustered into the service on the 23d of August, 1862. The following is the original roster : Colonel, Absalom B. Moore; Lieutenant-Colonel, Douglas Hapeman; Major, J. H. Widmer; Adjutant, Rufus C. Stevens; Quartermaster, Edward L. Herrick; Surgeon, Reuben F. Dyer; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Julius A Freeman; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Thomas B. Hamilton. ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH INFANTRY. 77 Co. A—Captain, James H. Leighton; 1st Lieutenant, Moses Osman; 2d Lieu-- tenant, Alphonso Prescott. _ Co. B——Captain, George W. Howe; 1st Lieutenant, Moses M. Randolph; 2d Lieu- tenant, Samuel A Porter. Co. C--Captain, Samuel M. Heslet: 1st Lieutenant, Malcomb W. Tewksbury ; 2d Lieutenant, David C. Rynearson. Co. D—Captain, William H. Collins; 1st Lieutenant, William E. Brush; 2d Lieu- tenant, James Snedaker. Co. E—Captain, John S. H. Doty; 1st Lieutenant, Milton Straun; 2d Lieutenant, Ransom P. Dewey. Co. F-—Captain, James I. McKernan; 1st Lieutenant, William Strawn; 2d Lieu- tenant, John C. Lindsley. Co. G-—Captain, Johnson Misner; 1st Lieutenant, Robert V. Simpson; 2d Lieu- tenant, John N. Wood. Co. H—Captain, Lewis Ludington; 1st Lieutenant, Orrin S. Davidson; 2d Lieu tenant, Samuel J. Haney. Co. I-Captain, John Wadleigh; 1st Lieutenant, Willard Proctor; 2d Lieuten ant, Charles E. Webber. Co. K—Captain, Justus W. Palmer; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Fitzsimmons; 2d Lieutenant, Otis S. Favor. On the 6th of September, the regiment, numbering 39 officers and 925 men, broke camp, and started for Louisville, where it remained till the 2d of October, and then moved to Frankfort, and was gar- risoned there till the 25th, when it marched to Bowling Green, ar- riving on the 6th of November, when it started for Tompkinsville, about five miles from the State line, and upon the day of arrival had a bout with Hamilton’s guerrillas. On the 25th of November, the 104th moved from Tompkinsville, and reached Hartville, Tenn., on the 28th, and remained till the 7 th of December when it was attack- ed by John Morgan with a largely superior force and forced to sur- render after fighting heroically for one hour and three quarters, losing forty-four men killed and one hundred and fifty wounded. Morgan marched them to Murfreesboro, and there paroled the whole regiment, and it was then sent to Chicago and remained guarding prisoners until exchanged, which was accomplished on the 12th of April, 1863. On the 12th the regiment started for Nashville, and there remained till June 7th, when it was sent to Murfreesboro, and assigned to the 1st brigade of the 2d division of the 14th Corps. The regiment participated in what is known as the Tullahoma cam- paign, losing one man killed and four wounded in a fight on Elk 7 8 PATRIOTISM OF rumors. .river on the 1st of July. On the 1st of September the 104th em- barked on the Chattanooga campaign; crossed Sand and Lookout mountains and came out at McLemore’s Cove, on the 9th of Sep- tember, and on the 11th skirmished at Bailey’s Cross Roads, with a loss of one man. On the 19th of the same month the regiment fought in a battle at Crawfish Springs, losing one man killed and seven wounded. On the 20th the battle of Chickamauga was fought, and the 104th came out with a loss of sixty-three men killed, wound- ed and missing. Fell back on Chattanooga and remained during the whole siege. On the 24th of November was engaged at Look- out Mountain; on the 25th took part in the assault onMission Ridge, the colors of the 104th being the first of the 14th Corps raised over the abandoned works. In the assault this regiment lost twenty- three men in killed and wounded. On the 7th of May skirmished in the vicinity of Buzzard’s Roost, and on the 12th passed through Snake Creek Gap. Previous to starting on this campaign, the 104th was transferred to the 1st brigade, 1st division of the 14th Corps, then commanded by General Palmer. On the 13th and 14th the battles before Resaca were fought, the 104th participating with a loss . of one man killed and fifteen wounded. On the 15th the regiment marched into Resaca, and on the 16th continued its march, gaining Kingston on the 20th, where it remained until the 28d, when it moved to Dallas and skirmished from that time till about the 1st of June, losing one man killed and four wounded. Kenesaw Mountain was the next fight, where the loss to the 104th was ten men, mostly all killed. On the 17th of July the regiment crossed the Chattahoochee river, and the next day was engaged in the battle of Peach Tree Creek, losing two officers“ and fifteen men killed, and thirty-two wounded. On the 21st had another engagement, losing one man killed and four wounded. On the 3d of August moved on Atlanta, and on the 7th, 8th and 9th skirmished, losing one ofiicer and twenty- one men killed. On the 8th moved to the right of Atlanta to J ones- boro, and on the 7th of September reached Atlanta. On the 3d of October marched north in pursuit of Hood; returning, started on the grand march to the sea, reaching Savannah on the 23d of December, 1864. Quitted Savannah on the 19th of January, and on the 19th of March was engaged in the battle of Bentonville, S. C., ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY"FIFTH. losing two men killed, fourteen wounded and twelve captured. At _ Averysville it was engaged, and then marched north, passing through Goldsboro, Raleigh and Richmond, taking part in the grand parade at Washington, arriving in Chicago on the 10th of J un'e, 1865, where it was mustered out. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 125th regiment was composed of seven companies from Ver- million county and three from Champaign. It was mustered into the service at Danville on the 3d of September, 1862, with the fol- lowing roster: Colonel, Oscar F. Harmon; Lieutenant-Colonel, J a_mes W. Langley; Major, John B. Lee; Adjutant, William Mann; Quartermaster, Alexander M. Ayers; Surgeon, John J. McElroy; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Charles H. Mills; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Joel F. Erving; Chaplain, Levi W. Sanders. Co. A—Captain, Clark Ralston; 1st Lieutenant, Charles Jackson; 2d Lieutenant, Harrison Low. Co. B--Captain, Robert Stewart; 1st Lieutenant, William R. Wilson; 2d Lieu tenant, Stephen D. Conover. Co. C—-Captain, William W. Fellows; 1st Lieutenant, Alexander Pollock; 2d Lieutenant, James D. N ew.‘ Co. D-—Captain, George W. Galloway; 1st Lieutenant, James B. Stevens; 2d Lieutenant, John L. Jones. Co. E—-Captain, Nathan M. Clark; 1st Lieutenant, William G. Isom; 2d Lieu- tenant, John Urquhart. Co. F--Captain, Frederick B. Sale; 1st Lieutenant, John B. Lester; 2d Lieuten- ant, Alfred Johnson. Co. H—Captain, Pleasant M. Parks; 1st Lieutenant, David A. Benton; 2d Lieu- tenant, John C. Harbor. Co. G--Captain, John H. Gass; 1st Lieutenant, Ephraim S. Howell; 2d Lieuten- ant, Josiah Lee. Co. I—-Captain, Levin Vinson; 1st Lieutenant, John E. Vinson; 2d Lieutenant, Stephen Brothers. Co. K-Captain, George W. Cook; 1st Lieutenant, Oliver P. Hunt; 2d Lieuten- ant, Joseph F. Crosby. On the 13th of September, 1862, the 125th left Danville for the field, reporting at Cincinnati, and occupying a position in the works around Covington, Ky., which was then threatened by the enemy. On the 25th it marched to Louisville, and from there took up the line of march under General Buell in pursuit of Bragg, coming up 80 - mrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. with him at Perryville, where the 125th was actively engaged [Vol. I., p. 341]. Upon the enemy retreating, the regiment marched to Nashville, and there remained in garrison for the nine months follow- ing its arrival in that city. Upon being relieved, by a circuitous march, the 125th reached Chattanooga in season to participate in the dreadful battle of Chickamauga, being one of the regiments thrown into Rossville Gap for the purpose of preventing the enemy’s ad- vance on our retreating army, and lost upward of thirty men in killed and wounded. Afterward the 125th was stationed at Cald- well’s Ford, on the Tennessee river, about nine miles north of Chat- tanooga, and suffered severely from exposure to the elements and short supplies. Upon the arrival of Sherman’s forces from the West, the regiment crossed the ford with him, and-took an important part in the assault on Mission Ridge ; and upon Bragg’s retreat from that stronghold, the division to which the 125th belonged marched to the relief of Knoxville, then besieged by the forces of Longstreet, and after defeating him the regiment took up the line of march for Chat- tanooga, a distance of two hundred miles, through snow, sleet, hail and torrents of rain, the men enduring the most terrible hardships, some of them without shoes, and the blood from their cut and lacerated feet marking the whole distance. From the 25th of De- cember, 1863, till May 1, 1864, the 125th was stationed at McAfee’s Church, Ga., and on the 3d started on the grand Atlanta campaign under the indomitable Sherman. The first engagement it partici- pated in was at Buzzard’s Roost, next at Resaca, and then following in close succession the battles of Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, and the various skirmishes before Atlanta, ending with the battle of J onesboro, which was the cause of Hood evacuating his strong works at Atlanta. The 125th lost at the battle of Kene- saw Mountain one hundred and fifty men killed and wounded, be- ing more than one-half the number which went in at the beginning of the battle. Seventy of these men were killed on the field, and forty afterward died from wounds received that day. The 125th started with Sherman’s grand army on its march to the Atlantic ocean on the 16th of November, being in the 3d brigade, 2d division of J eff. C. Davis’ 14th Corps. On this march the 125th had its full share of the resources of Georgia, doing its full duty as COLONEL o. F. HARMON. 81 foragers. The regiment remained in Savannah till the 20th of J an- uary, and then left on the campaign through the Carolinas, leaving its mark wherever it went. On the 19th of March happened the almost disastrous battle of Bentonville, which was retrieved by the 2d division of the 14th Corps, bringing victory out of defeat. The whole of Johnson’s army was on that day thrown upon the two divisions of the 14th Corps, and upon the first division giving way before the overwhelm- ing forces of the enemy, the 2d division gallantly came to the res- cue, and succeeded, after a desperate fight, in driving the foe from the field. The 125th marched from Bentonville to Goldsboro, and thence to Raleigh, where it witnessed the surrender of Johnston. Then on to Richmond and Washington, where it took part in the grand review. It arrived in Chicago, June 14, 1865, with 371 men of the 854 with whom it started for the field. A noticeable incident occurred during the ' stay of the 125th at Caldwell’s Ford, on the 17th of November, 1863. On that day a rebel battery opened upon the camp from the» opposite side of the river, killing the Chaplain, Rev. L. W. Sanders, but doing no other damage whatever, though over a hundred shots were fired from the battery. Colonel O. F. Harmon was born in Wheatland, Monroe County, New York, May 31, 1827. He lived with his parents until about twenty-one years of age, working on his father’s farm during the summer season, and going to district school in the winter. After spending two years in. academic studies, he engaged in the study of law in the fall of 1849, entering the law office of Messrs. Smith and Griifin, Rochester, New York. Was admitted to the bar in Albany, December, 1850, having attended lectures for six months in the Law School of Professor Fowler at Ballston Spa, New York. Upon be- ing admitted to the bar he returned to Rochester, and continued with Smith and Gritfin most of the time for the next two years. In November, 1852, he started west, with the intention of settling in Flint, Mich., but not being pleased with the town, went to Detroit, remaining there five weeks, and then started south, reaching Lafay- ette, Ind., in a few days- Falling in with Gen. H. L. Ellsworth at 6 82 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. this place, he was induced by the General’s glowing descriptions of Illinois prairie, to return home for funds toapurchase at government price a few hundred acres in the Danville Land district. Listening to his stories of the wonderful West, his father gave him fifteen hun- dred dollars, and on the 24th of March, 1853, he again left home, arriving at Danville, Ill., on the 31st of the same month. The land oflice was then closed. Meeting with Abram Stansberry of Che- ney’s Grove, he went home with him, and while there, selected 1000 acres of choice land for entry, and returned to Danville. The land was entered in the early part of May. He soon opened a law oflice, and commenced the practice of law, determining to abandon specu- lation, as detrimental to his success as a lawyer. He was married February 22, 1854, to Mrs. Elizabeth C. Hill, daughter of Alex- ander McDonald, Vermillion county, Ill., by whom he had four children. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1858, and served one session. In 1860 he was nominated for re-election by the Republican party, but declined the nomination. In June, 1856, formed a co-partnership with Hon. O. L. Davis. The firm had an extensive practice in Eastern Illinois. While attending Court at Urbana, Illinois, in August, 1862, Col. Harmon was solicited by numerous citizens and personal friends to attempt the organization of a regiment of infantry. After some hesitation he consented, left the Court, returned home, and immediately commenced the work. The organization was perfected within two weeks, and the regiment mustered into the service. The command being unani- mously tendered to him, it was accepted, and he left home and friends for the field, at great pecuniary sacrifice. He continued in command of his regiment until the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, when he fell, pierced by a rebel bullet while leading an assault. He was one of the bravest soldiers and most honorable gentlemen that ever drew sword in defense of his country. ' O H A P T E R I V. REGIMENTAL AND PERSONAL. Tan SEVENTH INMNTRY-Mnsrnn RoI.I. or THE Fmsr COMPANY ENLISTED IN THE Smrn—-GENERAL J OHN Coox—Tnn EIGHTH—COLONEL LLOYD WHEATON-—THE N 1NTH—-ITS CAMPAIGNS-——THE TENTH—-THE Manon T0 KNOXVILLE—--THE ELEVENTH —Irs ORIGINAL AND FINAL Rosrnns-COLONEL GARRETT Nnvrus--THE TWELFTH-~ WHAT Ir Drn—Cnroaco Boann or Tnann BATTERY—-HEROISM AND DEVOTION or ran MEN--BRIDGES’ Bursar. SEVENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. HE 7th Regiment was organized and mustered into the service at Camp Yates, Springfield, April 25, 1861, with the following roster: Colonel, John Cook; Lieutenant-Colonel, Wilford D. Wyatt; Major, Nicholas Greusel. Co. A--Captain, Edward S. J oslyn; 1st Lieutenant, Reuben H. Adams; 2d Lieu- tenant, James Davidson. Co. B--Captain, James Monroe ; 1st Lieutenant, Edmund W3‘ True; 2d Lieuten- ant, Robert H. McFadden. Co. C—-Captain, Samuel E. Lawyer; 1st Lieutenant, Silas Miller; 2d Lieuten- ant, Rufus P. Pattison. Co. D—Captain, Benjamin M. Munn; 1st Lieutenant, Elizur Southworth; 2d Lieutenant, Mark P. Miller. - Co. E--Captain, George H. Estabrook; 1st Lieutenant, Otto Buzard; 2d Lieuten- ant, H. C. Worthington. Co. F—Captain, J. F. Cummings; 1st Lieutenant, William O. Jenks; 2d Lieuten- ant, C. F. Adams. Co. G—Captain, William Sands; 1st Lieutenant, David L. Canfield; 2d Lieuten- ant, W. G. Kerchival. Co. H—Captain, Clifford W. Holden; 1st Lieutenant, Chris. C. Mason; 2d Lieu- tenant, L. Wash. Myers. Co. I--Captain, Andrew J . Babcock; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas G. Moffitt; 2d Lieu- tenant, Noah E. Mendell. Co. K—Captain, Richard Rowett; 1st Lieutenant, Manning Mayfield; 2d Lieu- tenant, George Hunter. 84 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. The 7 th left Camp Yates for Alton and Mound City, at which lat- ter place, on the 25th of July, it was mustered into the three years’ service. Its roster was then as follows: Colonel, John Cook; Lieutenant-Colonel, A. J. Babcock ; Major, Nicholas Greusel; Adjutant, Leroy R. Waller; Quartermaster, Wm. Brown, J r.; Surgeon, Richard L, Metcalf; 1st Assistant Surgeon, James Hamilton; 2d Assistant Surgeon, George C. McFarland; Chaplain, Jesse P. Davis. Co. A-—-Captain, Samuel G. Ward; 1st Lieutenant, Jonathan Kimball; 2d Lieu- tenant, Wm. Renwick. Co. B——Captain, James Monroe; 1st Lieutenant, Hector Perrin; 2d Lieutenant, Orlando D. Ellis. Co. C-Captain, Samuel E. Lawyer; 1st Lieutenant, Leroy Walker; 2d Lieuten ant, Ed. R. Roberts. Co. D-—-Captain, Benjamin M. Munn; 1st Lieutenant, Ira A. Church ; 2d Lieuten- ant, James M. Munn. Co. E—-Captain, George H. Estabrook; 1st Lieutenant, John A. Smith; 2d Lieu- tenant, H. N. Estabrook. Co. F-—Captain, James T. Cummings; 1st Lieutenant, William Mathie; 2d Lieu- tenant, A. D. Knowlton. Co. G—-Captain, Henry W. Allen; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Tipton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Adam E. Vrooman. , Co. H—-Captain, —-—-——-; 1st Lieutenant, Leo W. Myers; 2d Lieutenant, Jacob L. Ring. Co. I—Captain, Noah E. Mendell; 1st Lieutenant, Ed. S. Johnson; 2d Lieuten- ant, Newton Francis. Co. K—Captain, Richard Rowett; 1st Lieutenant, George Hunter; 2d Lieuten- ant, Thomas B. Rood. ' It was then sent to Ironton, Mo., where it joined the command of General Prentiss. From Ironton it marched through Missouri to Cape Girardeau. From here it was sent to Fort Holt, Kentucky, General U. S. Grant being district commander. Here Colonel Cook was made commander of the post. ‘During the battle of Belmont, it was sent to Elliott Mills, just above Columbus, returning the same night. On the 3d of February, 1862, the 7th was sent to Fort Henry, where it remained till February 12th, when it went to Fort Donelson, and participated in the capture of that place, being engaged in the last charge on the right of the enemy’s works. On the 21st of February, it was sent to Clarksville, Tennessee.‘ From here it made an expedition up the Tennessee river, and in April took part in the battle of Shiloh. Then followed the movement on Corinth, after the evacuation of which place it marched to Farm- FIRST COMPANY RAISED IN ILLINOIS. ington. At the battle of Corinth, on the 3d and 4th of October, the regiment fought almost continually. On the 18th of December, it was sent to Lexington, Kentucky, in pursuit of guerrillas. From the 15th of April, 1863, till May 3d, it was engaged in raids through the country to the Alabama line, when it returned to Corinth. From this date it was continually engaged in scouting and skirmish- ing until the re-enlistment of the men as veterans, on the 22d of December. It was mounted on the 18th of June, and remained a mounted infantry regiment until its re-enlistment. On the 11th of January, 1864, it arrived at Springfield, where, on the 19th, it received thirty days’ furlough, at the expiration of which it returned to Pulaski. Here it was again mounted, and placed on scouting service in Northern Alabama. While thus engaged it had a skir mish with the enemy at Tilton, Georgia, where the rebels had torn up the railroad track and destroyed a supply train. On the 16th of June it was dismounted and ordered to Rome, arriving on the 10th of July. On the 5th of October it was engaged at the battle of Allatoona Pass, where it lost 143 ofiicers and men. It remained at Rome, on guard duty, during the Atlanta campaign. On the 9th of November, Rome was evacuated, and the 7th joined Sherman’s grand army in the march to the sea, and in the Carolina campaign. It took part in the review before the President in Washiiigton, after which it proceeded to Louisville, where it was mustered out of the service on the 9th of July, 1865. On the 14th it was paid and finally discharged at Springfield. The following is the original roll of the first company mustered into the service from Illinois, with the promotions afterward received by some of its members: Captain John Cook, Major-General U. S. A.; Captain Andrew J. Babcock, Colonel 7th Illinois Infantry. 1st Lieutenant Thomas G. Moifett, Adjutant 7th Illinois Infantry. 2d Lieutenant Noah E. Mendell, Captain Co. I, 7th Illinois Infantry. 1st Sergeant Edward S. Johnson, Major 7th Illinois Infantry. Sergeant—John C. Reynolds; William A. Dubois, Lieutenant-Colonel 80th Illi- nois Infantry; Henry Van Hoff, Adjutant 14th Illinois Infantry. Corporals--Edward R. Roberts, Captain 7th Illinois Infantry; John S. Caulfield, Ist Lieutenant 114th Illinois Infantry; Thomas Bishop, Sergeant-Major 114th Illi- nois Infantry; John M. Pearson, Captain 4th New Jersey Infantry. Privates—Armstrong John W., Captain; Kain Albert W., (Musician); Adams 86 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. Alexander, (Musician), Lieutenant 7th Illinois Infantry; Alden William, Alsop Henry, Arnold Alf:-ed, Lieutenant 133d Illinois Infantry; Butler Thomas H., Butts Thomas, Lieutenant, -—~Regiment; Boring William, Clark William H., Cook Thomas H., Caufield John C., Decker John C., Dickerson Samuel, Earley Charles, Lieutenant 50th Illinois Infantry ; Fessenden George T., Leader 11th Missouri Band; Frances Thomas N., Adjutant 7th Illinois Infantry; Ferguson Robert J., Fisher Joseph S., Lieutenant 7th Illinois Infantry; Flint Solomon F., Lieutenant 7th Illi- nois Infantry; Fox James, Gregory Peter, Gourley Charles S., Green Francis M., Captain 41st Illinois Infantry; Gibson John, Captain 114th Illinois Infantry; Hickox Silas W., Lieutenant 10th Illinois Cavalry; Higgins Edwin S., Captain 33d Illinois Infantry; Heskett Benjamin S., Ide Albert L., Johns Chester, Lieutenant 10th Illinois Cavalry; Klipple Jacob, Kerlin George W.,' Captain 26th Illinois Infantry; Keefner George, Lawhead Charles, Manning George G., Morris Thomas A., McClease John, Captain 30th Illinois Infantry; Melntire Marshall M., 1st Lieu- tenant 29th Illinois Infantry; Nixon William A., Captain 33d Illinois Infantry; Norton Luke, Newman William, N aral Joseph D., Opdyke Thomas G., Post Truman S., Captain 29th Illinois Infantry; Polusky David R., Reed Lawson, Ruth J. Diller, Ruby Andrew M., Russell Samuel H., Captain 29th Illinois Infantry; Riley Asher, Lieutenant 114th Illinois Infantry; Richmond John S., Captain 26th Illinois Infantry; Strickland Edward P., Captain 114th Illinois Infantry; Sullivan John E., Captain 7th Illinois Infantry; Spriggs Fredrick R., Lieutenant 10th Illinois Cavalry; Saunders Henry A., Shunkland John H., Steele Reuben, Swearinger Thomas A., Captain 28th Illinois Infantry; Stockdale William G., Thorpe VVilliam G., Truman Oliver, Taylor Charles A., Uhler Martin J., Wells Charles H., Captain 38th Illinois Infantry; Wilson William H., Wyatt Frank, Williams Louis M., Jayne Henry, Lieutenant 7th Illinois Cavalry, A. D. C. Major-Gen'eral John Cook was born in Belleville, Illinois, June 12,1826. In 1855, he was Mayor of Springfield. He was made Major-General of Illinois Militia, by Governor Bissell, in 1856. In the same year he was elected Sheriff of Sangamon County. He was Captain of the Springfield Zouave Grays, Company “ A,” 20th Regiment Illinois State Militia. It was an admirably drilled company, and was to go to Washington as escort to Mr. Lincoln, when he went from Springfield, but was forbidden by General Scott. This was the first company tendered to the United States by the Governor of Illinois. . Upon the organization of the 7th, he was elected Colonel, April 25, 1861. He was in the battle of Fort Donelson, in command of a brigade in General Smith’s division, where his gallantry and efiiicient services won the approbation of his superiors, and he was recom- mended for promotion. He received a commission as Brigadier- General. He served faithfully wherever assigned to duty, whether \ EIGHTH INFANTRY. 87 on the field or in the state, and at the close of the war was mustered out as Major-General. General Cook had the honor to lead the gallant 7th, a heroic regi- ment, and was worthy of the command. Cool and yet confident, he proved himself worthy of position as a general ofiicer. EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 8th regiment was mustered into theservice at Camp Yates, Springfield, April 25, 1861, with the following roster: Colonel, Richard J. Oglesby; Lieutenant-Colonel, Frank L. Rhodes; Major, John P. Post. Co. A—Captain, Isaac C. Pugh; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac Martin; 2d Lieutenant, George M. Bruce. Co. B—Captain, Henry P. Westerfield; 1st Lieutenant, John M. Lowry; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas Goodman. - Co. C--Captain, James M. Ashmore; 1st Lieutenant, James B. Hill; 2d Lieuten- ant, Daniel Sayer. Co. D-Captain, John Lynch; 1st Lieutenant, L. M. Startsman; 2d Lieutenant, John H. Roberts. Co. E-Captain, Charles E. Dennison; 1st Lieutenant, John Wetzel; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles Proebesting. Co. F--Captain, Joseph M. Hanna; 1st Lieutenant, Christ. C. Glass; 2d Lieuten ant, Josiah A. Sheetz. Co. G--Captain, John McWilliams; 1st Lieutenant, James S. Bernard; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas Butler. Co. H--Captain, A. J . McCraner; 1st Lieutenant, R. H. Sturgess; 2d Lieutenant, John R. Mabry. ' Co. I-Captain, Daniel Grass; 1st Lieutenant, VVilliam C. Clark; 2d Lieutenant, Charles Fairbanks. Co. K—Captain, William H. Harvey; 1st Lieutenant, Price Keith; 2d Lieuten- ant, Ab’m Vandenlmrg. After serving three months at Cairo, the regiment re-organized for the three years’ service, with a nearly new roster, as follows: Colonel, Richard J . Oglesby; Lieutenant-Colonel, Frank L. Rhodes; Major, John P. Post; Adjutant, William C. Clark; Quartermaster, Samuel Rhodes; Surgeon, Silas T. Trowbridge; 1st Assistant Surgeon, John M. Phipps; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Charles N. Denison; Chaplain, Samuel Day. Co. A—Captain, G. M. Bruce; 1st Lieutenant, Frank Leeper; 2d Lieutenant, Walter J . Taylor Co. B-Captain, Herman Lieb; 1st Lieutenant, Peter Schlosser; 2d Lieutenant, Henry J. Marsh. 88 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Co. C--Captain, James M. Ashmore ; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel Sayers; 2d Lieuten- ant, James S. Brown. Co. D-—Captain, L. M. Startsman; 1st Lieutenant, J os. W. Robards; 2d Lieuten- ant, Joseph B. Jones. Co. E—-Captain, John Wetzel; 1st Lieutenant, Lloyd Wheaten; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel Caldwell. Co. F-—Captain, Joseph M. Hanna; 1st Lieutenant, Josiah A. Sheetz; 2d Lieu- tenant, Samuel Rhodes. Co. G--Captain, James S. Barnard; 1st Lieutenant, Elihu Jones; 2d Lieutenant, William P. Sitton. Co. H—-—Captain, Robert H. Sturgess; 1st Lieutenant, John L Shaw; 2d Lieuten- ant, Alva C. Bishop. Co. I—-Captain, Robert Wilson; 1st Lieutenant, William Zeidler; 2d Lieutenant, Deitrich Smith. Co. K-—Captain, William H. Harvey; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph G. Howell; 2d Lieu tenant, ‘N oah W. Dennison. In September, 1861, the regiment was stationed at Bird’s Point, Mo., where it remained till January, 1862, when it joined in the movement on Columbus. On the 2d of February it left Cairo with General Grant, to “ hew a way to the Gulf,” and actively partici- pated in the battles of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. It after- ward took part in the battle of Shiloh and in the siege of Corinth. After the evacuation of this place, the regiment remained for a brief time at Bethel, Tenn., and then went to Jackson, where it remained till November 17th. In this month it joined the army of Grant in the movement southward on the line of the Memphis and Charles- ton Railroad to Mississippi. On the 19th of January, 1863, it reached Memphis, where it remained till February 22d, when it embarked for Lake Providence. It was engaged in various minor movements till the grand advance upon Vicksburg was made. It took part in the battles of Thompson’s Hill, Raymond, Jackson and Champion Hills, and in the siege of Vicksburg. It afterward went upon several expeditions, and in February, 1864, marched with General Sherman to Meridian, Miss. On its return to Vicksburg, three fourths of its number having re-enlisted as veterans, it was furloughed for thirty days. On the 17th of May it returned to Vicksburg, where it remained on post duty, varying this with an occasional brief expe- dition. On the 21st of June it was strengthened by the consoli- dation with it of the veterans of the 17 th regiment. On the 21st of ? EIGHTH INFANTRY. 89 July it left Vicksburg on an expedition under General Dennis to Jackson, Miss., skirmishing with the enemy on its return. On the 25th of July the regiment left Vicksburg for Morganzia, La., where it remained till August 23d. While stationed at Morganzia, it made an expedition to Port Hudson and Clinton, La., in which it met the rebels in two or three slight skirmishes. On the 23d of August, it went upon an expedition to the mouth of White River. It remained at the latter place till October 18th, when it proceeded to Memphis, afterward to the mouth of White River, and thence to Duvall’s Bluff. Here it remained but a few days, when it returned to Memphis. While here it made a scout in the direction of La- grange, returning to Memphis on the 1st of January, 1865, when it left Memphis for New Orleans, in the vicinity of which it remained till February, when it was sent to Dauphin Island, where it was in camp_ till March 17th, when it started on the campaign against Mobile, and took part in the siege of Spanish Fort. It was also in the charge made upon Fort Blakely, where it did gallant service and was the first to plant its colors on the enemy’s works. From this date until May 27th, it was stationed at Mobile, doing guard duty. It then went to New Orleans, and from thence up the Red River to Shreveport, where it remained till June 15th, when it marched to Marshall, Texas. Here and at Shreveport it remained till its muster out in May, -1866. Colonel Lloyd Wheaton was born in Calhoun Coimty, Michigan, July 15, 1838. He came to Illinois at the age of fifteen, and settled at Peoria. He learned civil engineering from his father, and fol- lowed his profession until the breaking out of the war, when he joined the first company of volunteers raised in Peoria.’ The com- pany was mustered into the 8th infantry on its original organization at Springfield. When the regiment was mustered for three years’ service he was made First Lieutenant. At the battle of Shiloh, where he was seriously wounded, he won his promotion to the cap- taincy, and from that passed step by step to the colonelcy of the regiment; gaining his promotion through every grade by gallant and meritorious conduct. He was one of the first men to enter the rebel works at Fort Blakely, and was always in the front when dan- ger was near. 90 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. * NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 9th regiment was organized at Springfield, and mustered into the service on the 28th of April, 1861. The following is the original roster : ' Colonel, Eleazer A. Paine; Lieutenant-Colonel, Augustus Mersey; Major, Jesse J . Phillips. Co. A-—Captain, Aug. Mersey; 1st Lieutenant, Jacob Koercha; 2d Lieutenant, Hugo Westerman. Co. B-—Captain, Rudolph Beekier; 1st Lieutenant, F’d. T. Ledergerber; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry C. Hay. Co. C-—Captain, D. F. Tiedman; 1st Lieutenant, Philip Conrad; 2d Lieutenant, Hamilton Leiber. Co. D-Captain, Alex. G. Hawes; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph A. Cox; 2d Lieutenant, Cassius F. Roman. Co. E—Captain, Otto Kochlein; 1st Lieutenant, William Scheittein: 2d Lieuten- ant, S. Scheinminger. Co. F-—Captain, Collins Van Cleve; 1st Lieutenant, Loren Webb ; 2d Lieutenant, George Adams. Co. G--Captain, Benj. W. Tucker; 1st Lieutenant, Cary H. H. Davis; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jared P. Ash. Co. H--Captain, Jesse J. Phillips; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Kitchell; 2d Lieuten- ant, Wm. F. Armstrong. Co. I—-Captain, Joe. G. Robinson; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas J. N ewsham; 2d Lieu- tenant, Gerhard Gerride. On the day of its muster into the service, the 9th was ordered to Cairo, where it joined General Prentiss’ command. It was engaged in scouting service through Missouri, and on the expiration of its term of service, July 26, 1861, was mustered out of service. Under orders from the War Department, however, it was re-organized and mustered into the three years’ service on the day of its muster out. The following is the second roster: Colonel, Eleazer A. Paine; Lieutenant-Colonel, Augustus Mersey; Major, Jesse J . Phillips; Adjutant, Thomas J. Newsham; Quartermaster, Wm. C. Pinckard; Sur- geon, Samuel M. Hamilton; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Emil Guiliek; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Wm. A. Allen; Chaplain, James J . Ferree. Co. A.--Captain, John H. Kuhn; 1st Lieutenant, Emil Adam; 2d Lieutenant, Ernest J . Weiyrick. ' Co. B--Captain, Wm. C. Kueffner; 1st Lieutenant, Hamilton Leiber; 2d Lieu- tenant, Frederick E. Vogeler. - Co. C—Captain, Dederick F. Tedeman; 1st Lieutenant, Oscar Rollman; 2d Lieu-- tenant, Charles Scheve. NINTH INFANTRY. 91 Co. D—Captain, Rudolphus Beckier; 1st Lieutenant, Edward Krebs; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Bollen. Co. E--Captain, Alexander G. Hawes; 1st Lieutenant, William D. Craig; 2d Lieutenant, R. B. Patterson. Co. F-Captain, Loren Webb; 1st Lieutenant, William Britt; 2d Lieutenant, G. W. Williford. - Co. G—Captain, Eager M. Lowe; 1st Lieutenant, John Si Tutten; 2d Lieutenant, Isaac Clements. . Co. H—Captain, Wm. F. Armstrong; 1st Lieutenant, Cyrus H. Gillmore; 2d Lieutenant, Alfred Cowgill. Co. I-—Captain, J os. G. Robinson; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. H. Purviance; 2d Lieu- tenant, Samuel J. Hughes. Co. K—-Captain, George B. Poor; 1st Lieutenant, J as. C. McCleary; 2d Lieuten ant, Gilbert G. Low. On the 1st of September, 1861, the aggregate strength of the regiment was 1,040 men. On the 5th it left Cairo for Paducah, Ky., where it remained until February 5, 1862. While there, the regiment made numerous marches and reconnoissances through that portion of Kentucky. It next participated in the battles of Forts Henry and Donelson, in which it did excellent service. On the 22d of Febru- ary it took possession of Clarksville, Tenn.,where a large amount of commissary stores and supplies were captured. It was engaged in the battle of Shiloh, on the 6th and 7th of April, 1862, and in the advance on Corinth. After the evacuation of that place it was sent as far as Booneville, in pursuit of the retreating rebels. From June 13th to August 15th, it was in camp within two miles of Corinth. From there it went to Rienzi, and remained till October 1st. It was engaged in the battle of Corinth, October 3d and 4th. It was soon afterward ordered out on a reconnoissance to Guntown, Saltillo, Tupelo and Marietta. It was engaged in the battles of Buzzard Roost, Decatur, Snake Creek Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Rome Cross Roads, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta; Jonesboro, and a number of others. It was also°in the grand “march to the sea,” actively and - honorably participating in the Carolina campaign. It was present at the grand review at Washington, in 1865, after which it returned home for muster and discharge, having participated in not less than one hundred and ten battles and skirmishes. TENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 10th regiment was originally formed in 1861, from indepen- 92 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. dent companies, put together for three months, and afterwards re- organized as a three years’ regiment. The original roster was as follows: Colonel, Benj. M. Prentiss; Lieutenant-Colonel, James D. Morgan; Major, Charles H. Adams; Assistant Surgeon, Daniel Stahl. Co. A—Captain, John Tillson; 1st Lieutenant, J os. G. Rowland; 2d Lieutenant, John Wood, jr. . ' Co. B-—Captain, Chas. H. Adams ; 1st Lieutenant, John W. King ; 2d Lieutenant, Thomas W. Smith. Co. C--Captain, Lindsey H. Carr; 1st Lieutenant, Israel Jones. Co. D-Captain, Francis A. Dallam; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin Edson; 2d Lieu- tenant, Samuel J . Wilson. _ Co. E-Captain, Chas. S. Sheeley; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Minter; 2d Lieu- tenant, James Short. _ Co. F. (Artillery)——Captain, Chas. Houghtaling; 1st Lieutenant, Chas. C. Camp- bell; 2d Lieutenant, A. M. Wright; 3d Lieutenant, John W. Simmons. Co. G-—Captain, McLain F. Wood; 1st Lieutenant, James Mitchell; 2d Lieuten- ant, James F. Longley. Co. H—Captain, Daniel H. Gilmer; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Olney; 2d Lieu- tenant, James W. Harrie. Co. I. (Artillery)—Captain, Caleb Hopkins; 1st Lieutenant, James A. Lott; 2d Lieutenant, James P. Flood. Co. K. (Artillery)—Captain, Edward McAlister; 1st Lieutenant, George J . Wood; 2d Lieutenant, Wm. C. Chapman. Colonel Prentiss was made a Brigadier-General on the 10th of May, 1861, and afterward commissioned a's Major-General. His suc- cessor, Colonel Morgan, was appointed Brigadier-General on the 17 th of July, ’61. The third commanding officer, Colonel John Till- son, were the star of a Brevet-Brigadier-General on his muster out, in 1865 On the re-organization of the regiment for three years’ ser- vice, in July, 1861, the roster was as follows: ' Colonel, James D. Morgan; Lieutenant-Colonel, John Tillson; Major, Francis A. Dallam; Adjutant, Joseph G. Rowla‘nd; Quartermaster, Oliver I. Pyatt; Surgeon, Henry R. Payne ; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Daniel Stahl; 2d, Assistant Surgeon, John W. Craig; Chaplain, William H. Collins. Co. A—-Captain, McLain F. Wood; 1st Lieutenant, James F. Langley; 2d Lieu- tenant, Otho D. Critzer. Co. B—Captain, Thomas W. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, William D. Green; 2d Lieu- tenant, Chas. P. McEnally. $ Co. C--Captain, Charles S. Sheley; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew Wood; 2d Lieuten- ant, William Morgan. Co. D—Captain, Samuel '1‘. Mason; 1st Lieutenant, Harry M. Scarritt; 2d Lieu- tenant, William G. Galion. THE TENTH INFANTRY. 93 Go. E--Captain, Charles S. Cowan; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel I. Wilson; 2d Lieu- tenant, Colin McKinney. Co. F--Captain, George A. Race; 1st Lieutenant, Richm’d Wolcott; 2d Lieuten- ant, A. Neighmeyer. Co. G--Captain, John D. Mitchell; 1st Lieutenant, David R. Waters; 2d Lieu- tenant, Guy W. Blanchard. Co. H—Gaptain, Lindsay H. Carr; 1st Lieutenant, Edward H. Sylla; 2d Lieuten- ant, J. B. Carpenter. Go. I——Capt-ain, Morton S. McAtee; 1st Lieutenant, David Gillespie; 2d Lieuten- ant, Robert H. Mann. ' Go. K-—Gaptain, George G. Lusk; 1st Lieutenant, Godhold Girnth; 2d Lieuten- ant, Edward L. Friday. On the 10th of October, 1861, the 10th left Cairo, and on the 10th of January, 1862, started on a raid through that portion of Kentucky adjacent to Cairo, in which it accomplished the destruction of a large amount of rebel property. On the 10th of March it left Bird’s Point and joined General Pope at New Madrid, and took part in the head- ing off of the rebels who were endeavoring to escape from Island No. 10. On the 10th of April, three days later, it returned to New Madrid, and thence went to Osceola, near Fort Pillow,'which place it soon left for Pittsburg Landing, on hearing of the battle of Shiloh. It then took part in the siege of Corinth until that place fell, and was foremost in pursuit of the flying rebels. From the 13th of July till the 28th of August it lay at Tuscumbia, Ala., and was then sent to Nashville, which place it guarded until relieved by General Rosecrans’ army. During this time it was fighting almost constantly, for a part of the time being on half rations, then one fourth, until it was almostwithout rations at all. Yet the boys found time to build Fort Negley. Under General Thomas the regiment went through the Alabama and Mississippi campaigns, and on the 3d of October, 1864, joined Rosecrans’ grand army, participating in the battles of Mission Ridge, Lookout Mountain and the campaign on Knoxville. Then followed the famous march to the relief of Burnside at Knox- ville, made in mid-winter, without shoes, blankets or tents. On the 1st of January, 1864, the regiment re-enlisted for another three years. At the expiration of its “veteran furlough,” it joined in the advance on Atlanta. Then came Sherman’s “ march to the sea,” in which the 10th took a part, as also in the grand review at Wash- ington. On the 4th of July, 1865, the regiment was mustered out at 94 PATRIOTISM or rumors. Louisville, and two days later arrived at Chicago for final muster and discharge. At this date it numbered, all told, only 686 men of the 1,350 which it mustered at one time in 1861. The following is a list of the larger battles in which the 10th was engaged; New Madrid, Island No. 10, Tiptonville, Farmington, Corinth (May 8th and 28th, 1862), Tuscumbia, Columbia, Mission D Ridge, Chickamauga, Tunnel Hill, Buzzard Roost and Rocky Face, Resaca (May 14th and 15th and October 14, 1864), Rome, Dal- las, New Hope Church, Lost Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta, Nickojack, Chattahoochie River, Peach Tree Creek, Before Atlanta (thirty days), J onesboro, Snake Creek Gap, Oliver Station, Pooler, S. vannah, Rivers’ Bridges, Bennaker’s Bridge, Cheraw, Fayetteville, Bentonville. ELEVENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 11th regiment was organized at Springfield, and was mustered into the three months’ service on the 30th of April, 1861--two weeks after the President’s first proclamation calling for volunteers. The following is the original roster: Colonel, W. H. L. Wallace; Lieutenant-Colonel, J . Warren Fillers; Major, Thomas E. G. Ransom. Co. A-Captain, Smith D. Atkins; 1st Lieutenant, M. E. Newcomer; 2d Lieuten- ant, Silas W. Fields. Co. B--Captain, Fred. W. Shaw; 1st Lieutenant, Greenbury L. Foot; 2d Lieuten- ant, J. M. McClanahan. Co. C--Captain, A. L. Rockwood; 1st Lieutenant, S. P. J ones; 2d Lieutenant, J. C. Jewell. Co. D--Captain, Garrett Nevins; 1st Lieutenant, R. A. Bird; 2d Lieutenant, Wm. D. E. Andrews. Co. E-Captain, T. E. G. Ransom; 1st Lieutenant, Lloyd D. Waddell; 2d Lieu- tenant, Alvin H. Morey. Co. F--Captain, Wm. T. Hopkins; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Elton; 2d Lieutenant, George S. Doane. Co. G--Captain, J. Warren Filler; 1st Lieutenant, John H. J. Lacy; 2d Lieuten- ant, Geo. W. Parks. Co. H--Captain, Theodore C. Gibson; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin F. Hotchkiss; 2d Lieutenant, Douglas Hapeman. Co. I—Captain, Wm. L. Gibson; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph E. Skinner; 2d Lieu- tenant, E. A. Mullett. Co. K-Captain, Henry H. Carter; 1st Lieutenant, John Dick; 2d Lieutenant, James Ireland. THE ELEVENTH INFANTRY. 95 For three months the regiment was stationed at Villa Ridge, Ill., and Bird’s Point, Mo., doing garrison duty. During this term the lowest aggregate was 882 and the highest 933. On the 30th of July it was re-mustered for the three years’ service, with the follow- ing roster: Colonel, W. H. L. Wallace; Lieutenant-Colonel, J. Warren Fillers; Major, T. E. G. Ransom; Adjutant, Cyrus E. Dickey; Quartermaster, Guyan J. Davis; Surgeon, Owen M. Long; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Oliver G. Hunt; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Geo. H Dewey; Chaplain, Benjamin H. Pierson. Co. A—Captain, Smith D. Atkins; 1st Lieutenant, Guyan J . Davis; 2d Lieuten ant, James 0. Churchill. Co B—Captain, Fred W. Shaw; 1st Lieutenant, Alfred R. Wilcox; 2d Lieuten- ant, Samuel B. Dean. ' Co. G—Captain, George C. McKee; 1st Lieutenant, Geo. S. Doane; 2d Lieuten- ant, H. F. McWilliams. Co. D-—Captain, Wm. D. E. Andrews ; 1st Lieutenant, Henry H. Doane ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Orrin C. Towne. Co. E-Captain, Lloyd D. Waddell; 1st Lieutenant, Harrison C. Vore; 2d Lieu tenant, Samuel C. Moore. Co. F—(Formerly Co. K, 109th ) Captain, Samuel O. Lewis ; 1st Lieutenant, Rob ert B. Bartleson; 2d Lieutenant, Andrew Colvin. ‘ Co. G--Captain, Lucius Rose; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. J. Boyce; 2d Lieutenant, Wm. M. Murray. Co. H—Captain, James H. Coates; 1st Lieutenant, William Duncan; 2d Lieuten- ant, Douglas Hapeman. Co. I--Captain, Greenbury L. Fort ; 1st Liedtenant, John H. Widmer; 2d Lieu- tenant, Benjamin F. Blackstone. Co. K-Captain Henry H. Carter; 1st Lieutenant, Nathan C. Kenyon; 2d Lieu- tenant, Theo. H. Walrod. At the time of re-muster the regiment numbered 288. During the four months succeeding it was recruited to an aggregate of 801, in the meantime doing garrison and field duty, and it__participated in various expeditions to New Madrid, Charleston, Bloomfield, Colum- bus and Sikeston. February 2, 1862, it embarked for Fort Henry and took part in the campaign against that place. .On the 11th of the same month it moved toward Fort Donelson, and bore a gallant and bloody part in the siege and capture of that place, losing 329 killed, wounded and missing, out of about 500 engaged. On the 5th of March it embarked for Savannah, Tenn., and on the 6th and 7th of April took part in the battle of Shiloh, where it lost twenty- seven killed out of one hundred and fifty engaged. It next partici- 96 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. pated in the siege of Corinth, and thence marched to Jackson, Tennessee, camping there till August 2d, taking part, in .July, in expeditions to Trenton and Lexington, Tennessee. On the 2d of August, it was sent to Cairo to recruit. It remained here and at Paducah until November 20th, in the meantime engaging in various expeditions to Clarksville, Tennessee, and Hopkinsville, Kentucky. At the latter date it started for Lagrange, Tennessee. From this time till January 12, 1863, it participated in the campaign in North- ern Mississippi, having a sharp skirmish with the enemy at Talla- hatchie. Halting at Memphis, on the 17 th it embarked for Young’s Point, where it remained till February 11th, when it moved to Lake Providence. It made headquarters here till April 20th. On the 23d, the 389 “faithful men ” of the 109th Illinois Infantry [Vida history of the latter regiment] were transferred to the 11th. April 26th the 11th marched to the -rear of Vicksburg, arriving May 18th. On the 19th and 22d, it participated in assaults upon the enemy's works, and then in the advance siege works till the rebel surrender. During the assaults and siege it lost one field oflicer (Colonel Garrett Nevius) killed and three line officers and forty men killed and wounded. On the 17 th of July it moved with an expedition to Natchez, partici- pating in another to Woodville, Mississippi, returning to Vicksburg, October 12th, making headquarters there till July 29, 1864. In the meantime it took part in various expeditions, skirmishing at Liver- pool Heights, February 5th, Yazoo City, ‘March 5th, and at several other places. July 29th, it moved to Morganzia, and remained there till September 3d, thence by water, to the mouth of White River, Arkansas. On the 18th of October, it moved to Memphis, Tennes- see, returning to White River on the 27th. From this time it was engaged in “ general campaigning,” till February 4, 1865, when it moved to Dauphin Island, and from the 17th of March till April 12th, was engaged in operations against Mobile, on the latter date marching into and taking possession of the city. It had a part in the investment and siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, and in the assault on the latter. On‘, the 27th of May it left Mobile for New Orleans, from thence to Alexandria, La., where it remained till June 22d, when it was sent to Baton Rouge, where it was mustered out of service on the 14th day of July, 1865, and was sent thence to Springfield, where it was paid off and finally discharged. cononnm GARRETT nnvrus. 97 Killed on the field and died of wounds received. . . .149. Aggregate in three months’ service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933 “ “ years’ service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .1,8'79 FieldandStafi“‘ “ “ ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Total....I...l.'.....I...... . O O I I O O O O O O O I I O O O II‘I.2875 The following general ofiicers have been in the regiment: Gene- ral W. H. L. Wallace, General T. E. G. Ransom, General Smith D. Atkins. The following field oflicers of other regiments were members of the 11th: Colonel Hotchkiss, Colonel Hapeman, Major Widmer, Colonel H. H. Dean, Maj or S. B. Dean, Lieutenant-Colonel McCaleb, Colonel G. L. Fort. Line ofiicers made from this regiment to other regiments, thirty-three. The following is the roster at muster out: Colonel, Jas. H. Coates; Lieutenant-Colonel, N. C. Kenyan; Major S. 0. Lewis; Adjutant, A. A. Thompson; Quartermaster, J. W. Brewster; Surgeon, O. G. Hunt; Assistant Surgeons, Myron Hopkins, W. D. Briggs. . Co. A—--Captain, O. Ingersoll; 1st Lieutenafit, Jerome H. Liveland ; 2d Lieuten- ant, R. J. Hurlbut. Co. B—Captain, I. D. Vore; 1st Lieutenant, John Spire ; 2d Lieutenant, Geo. D. Carrington. / Co. C—-Captain, Geo. S. Doane; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Reading; 2d Lieuten- ant, Wm. J. Mclntyre. Co. D-—Captain, Ira. Beddo; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. H. Stalker; 2d Lieutenant, Aaron Bayless. Co. E--Captain, S. Bostwick; 1st Lieutenant, ———————; 2d Lieutenant, John Stevenson. Co. F--Captain, Robert Bartleson; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew Calvin; 2d Lieuten- ant, John W. Carnes. Co. G--Captain, Wm. S. Johnston; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. C. Ginter; 2d Lieuten- ant, Richard Hughes. Co. H—2d Lieutenant, M. D. Ayres. Co. I-—Captain, C. A. Peirronet. Co. K-—Capt-ain, Henry C. Mansfield; 1st Lieutenant, Frank Ricken ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Thomas Williamson. Colonel Nevius entered the service as Captain of “ Co. D,” in the 11th, when it enlisted in the three months’ service, his commission bearing date May 14, 1861. When the regiment enlisted for three years he was chosen Major and commissioned July 30, 1861. In the changes following the promotions of Colonel W. H. L. Wallace and T. E. G. Ransom, he became Lieutenant-Colonel, his commis- 7 98 mrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. sion bearing date February 15, 1862. Upon the promotion of Colo nel Ransom to Brigadier-General, November 29, 1863, he became Colonel of the regiment. He was a brave, competent commander, and maintained the morale the 11th had acquired under Wallace and Ransom. In the fearful assault of May 22d, when Ransom led his brigade, the 116th, 11th, 95th and 72d Illinois against the defences of Vicks- burg [see Vol. I., pp. 468-9 ], where that brigade won deathless fame, when Humphrey went down stunned, where Wright was mor- tally wounded, Colonel N evius was killed, and no truer patriot or braver soldier went down in that terrific charge. His remains were borne to Rockford and buried, June 4, 1863. The last letter he is known to have written to a Rockford friend, said: “ I am not afraid of death-—I may fall at any moment on the field of battle. I think I am ready to meet my fate if such it should be.” TWELFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 12th regiment was mustered into the three months’ service at Springfield, May 2, 1861, and was one of the six regiments organized under the call for 75,000 troops. Its original roster was as follows: Colonel, John McArthur; Lieutenant-Colonel, Aug. L. Chetlain; Major, Wm. D Williams. Co. A--Captain, Joseph Kellogg; 1st Lieutenant, John Noyes, jr.; 2d Lieutenant, Arthur C. Ducat. Co. B—Captain Phineas B. Rust; 1st Lieutenant, Tyler Hale; 2d Lieutenant, Henry Stephenson. “ \ Co. C-—Captain, Samuel Frazier; 1st Lieutenant, William Maum; 2d Lieutenant, Joseph Kirkland. ' Co. D-—Captain, Wm. D. Williams; 1st Lieutenant, David Benson; 2d Lieuten- ant, Quincy McNeill. ‘ Co. E--Captain, Vincent Ridgely; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Fisher; 2d Lieuten- ant, Nathaniel Sanford. ' Co. F-—Captain, Lucies M. Rose; 1st Lieutenant, Wallace Campbell; 2d Lieuten- ant, J . Bates Dickson. Co. G-—Captain, Chas. H. Brookins; 1st Lieutenant, S. B. Whetmore; 2d Lieu- tenant, Guy C. Ward. Co. H—Captain, Wm. T. Swain; 1st Lieutenant, Thompson Gordon; 2d Lieuten- am, John M. Mills. Co. I—-Captain, Frank B. Ferris; 1st Lieutenant, Geo. L. Paddock; 2d Lieuten- ant, G. Gilbert Gibon. THE TWELFTH INFANTRY. 99 Co. K--Captain, J as. R. Hugunin; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. E. Waite; 2d Lieuten- ant, Eben Bacon. When re-mustered into the three years’ service, the roster was as follows: Colonel, John McArthur; Lieutenant-Colonel, A. L. Chetlain; Major, Wm. D. Williams; Adjutant, J. Bates Dickson; Quartermaster, S. R. Wetmore; Surgeon, Horace Wardner; 1st Assistant Surgeon, James H. Ferris; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Wm. M. N ewell; Chaplain, Joel Grant. Co. A—Captain, Arthur C. Ducat; 1st Lieutenant, William Fisher; 2d Lieuten- ant, Duncan McLean. 4 Co. B-Captain, John Tyler Hale; 1st Lieutenant, Henry S. Stephenson; 2d Lieutenant, Justin D. Towner. Co. C-Captain, Wm. J . Allen ; 1st Lieutenant, Rob’t V. Chesley; 2d Lieutenant, David Jones. Co. D—-Captain, Robert H. Lackey; 1st Lieutenant, Robert Koehlor; 2d Lieu- tenant, Wm. F. Jobe. Co. E-Captain, Vincent Ridgely; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Fisher; 2d Lieuten- ant, Henry V. Sellar. Co. F-Captain, Wallace Campbell; 1st Lieutenant, J . Bates Dickson; 2d Lieu- tenant, Nicholas Roth. ‘ Co. G—Captain, Guy C.‘Ward; 1st Lieutenant, J. M. McArthur; 2d Lieutenant, John F. Watkins. Co. H—Captain, Wm. T. Swain; 1st Lieutenant, John M. Mills; 2d Lieutenant, W. S. Merriman. Co. I—-Captain, Frank B. Ferris; 1st Lieutenant, Geo. L. Paddock; 2d Lieuten- ant, Wm. D. Mills. Co. K—Captain, J as. R. Hugunin; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. E. Waite; 2d Lieuten- ant, Eben Bacon. On the 10th of hlay, 1861, the regiment left for Cairo, from whence it was sent to Cape Girardeau, to reinforce the troops at that point. It was afterward sent on an expedition through the country surround- ing Belmont, Missouri, but failed to discover any armed rebels. It afterward went down the river to Columbus, where could be distinctly heard the firing of the guns at the battle of Belmont. It was intended to advance on Belmont the next morning, but the retreat of our army prevented it. It was next engaged in a “ reconnoissance in force” to Fort Henry, and afterward took part in the battles at that place and at Fort Donelson. From the latter place the regiment was sent to Clarksville, Tennessee, and from thence to Nashville, being among the first Union troops to occupy the latter city. It bore an honorable and active part in the battle of Shiloh, where it lost 100 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. 109 killed and wounded and seven missing. Then came the siege of Corinth, in which the 12th was engaged. After Corinth had been evacuated, the 12th and other regiments pursued the rebels to Boone- ville, Mississippi. It was present at the battle of Iuka, but took no part in it, being held in reserve. It next engaged in the battle of Corinth, where it suffered severely. It then lay at Corinth, on guard duty, until June 6, 1863, when it was sent to Pocahontas to guard important bridges. On the 29th of October, the left wing of the 16th army corps was transferred to the 15th corps, under General Sherman. This regiment was engaged in a raid to Lauderdale, Alabama, where our troops destroyed a large cotton factory and several hundred bales of cotton. The 12th arrived at Pulaski, Tennessee, November 12th, and remained there until the 25th, when it again engaged in guarding railroad bridges. On the 14th of January, 1864, 3llmen and 24 oificers of the regiment re-enlisted as veterans and were mustered into the service, and ordered home on furlough. The regiment rendezvoused at camp Fry, Chicago, and remained there, recruiting, until March 28th, when it was sent to Pulaski, Tennessee. It was engaged in the engagements at Lay’s Ferry and Rome Cross Roads, Georgia, and assisted in repulsing a heavy night attack of the rebels at Dallas. It was slightly engaged at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain. It was also engaged at Nico- jack Creek and Decatur. On the 28th of July it was engaged at Ezra Church. It took part in the siege of Atlanta, losing nearly forty men killed and wounded. At the battle of Allatoona, Octo- ber 5th, it lost more than one third of the men it took into action. On the 11th of November it started on the march to the sea, and took a part in the Carolina campaign which followed it. It arrived at Raleigh, North Carolina, April 14, 1865, and at Washington on the 24th, where it passed in the grand review before the President. It was then sent to Louisville, and from there, July 10th, to Spring- field, when it was mustered out and paid off. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE BATTERY. The Chicago Board of Trade Battery was raised in July, 1862, by the organization whose name it bears. From the opening of its rolls until the company was full was only thirty-six hours. On the BOARD -01‘ TRADE BATTERY. 101 31st of July it was mustered into the service, with the following roster: Captain, James H. Stokes; Sen. 1st Lieutenant, George I. Robinson; Jun. 1st Lieutenant, Albert F. Baxter; Sen. 2d Lieutenant, Trumbull D. Grifiln; Jun. 2d Lieutenant, Henry Bennett. I On the 9th of September, 1862,-the battery left Chicago for Louis- ville, whence it participated in the expedition which resulted in driv- ing Bragg from Kentucky. It went as far as Crab Orchard, and- then returned to Bowling Green. At its own solicitation it was sent to Nashville, arriving there about the 1st of December. During the next campaign it participated in the battle of Stone River, firing, during the first day of the battle, nearly two thousand rounds of ammunition. In June, 1863, it moved with the army in the campaign in which Bragg was driven from Tennessee, at Elk river, taking part in its principal skirmish on that campaign. At Chickamauga the battery occupied the extreme right of the line. On Saturday morning it was forty-five miles from the scene of action, and arrived there on Sunday afternoon, having to drive the enemy ten miles to get into position. In the Cumber- land Mountains, after the battle of Chickamauga, it passed through one of those scenes of suffering with which many of our Illinois organizations became so familiar. For four weeks the men were Without rations, except corn obtained from the enemy. This was made into meal by rubbing over a grater extemporized by punching holes through the bottom of a tin pan. And this was borne, too, while they were suffering from lack of clothing and shelter ; and it was borne cheerfully and even gaily, for the salvation of the country the brave boys loved so well. At McMinnville and Farmington the battery was particularly distinguished for gallantry. In the spring of 1864, it moved from its winter quarters, at Huntsville, to Nash- ville, to refit and re-organize, after which it took part in the Atlanta campaign. When General Sherman cut loose from Atlanta, the bat- tery returned to Nashville, oining Thomas’ command, participating in the battle of Nashville, and afterward went into camp at East- port, Miss. In the spring of 1865 it took part in the successes at Selma, Montgomery, Columbus and Macon. It arrived in Chicago on the 26th of June, for final discharge. 102 , PATRIOTISM or rumors. BRIDGES’ BATTERY. In Vol. I. [p. 420 et seq.], we have given the record of Battery B (Bridges’ Battery), 1st Illinois Light Artillery, to January 1, 1865. From that date it had but little active service, and arrived in Chicago on the 27th of June for final muster and discharge, having shared in the greater part of the important campaigns and battles in the West, and won for its ofiicers and members imperishable renown. Captain Bridges was promoted to Major, and subsequently was bre- vetted Lieutenant-Colonel for gallant and meritorious conduct. CHAPTER V. CHATTANOOGA—LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN—MISSION RIDGE—KNOXVILLE. DISASTERS RETR1EvED—-SITuATIoN or THE ARMIES—ROSECRANS REINFoRcED BY Hooxnn —GRANT IN COMMAND——THOMAS SUPERSEDES RosEcRANs—BURNs1DE TAKES KNox- vILLE—Is BESIEGED BY LONGSTREET-——UNION PERIL—-—SHER.MAN SENDS OSTERHAUS—- ORDERED To TAKE Hrs WHOLE AR1uY—1Ts MARCH—SHERMAN PLACED IN COMMAND or DEPARTMENT or THE TENNEssEE——McPnERsoN AND HURLBUT-—SHERMAN ORDERED ON--GoEs—HooxER’s ASSAULT 0N LooxoUT-CAPTURE--KNoxv1LLE--PLAN ron BATTLE-—-PON'1‘00NB—-OUR ARMY—ORCIIARD KNoE—SEERMAN’s PosITIoN—CoRsE OPENS THE BATTLE—LoonIs—SEER1uAN’s FoReEs HARD PRESSED-GRANGER’S AD- vANcE--GRANT AND THo1uAs——UI> THE RIDGE—VIcToRY—THE DEAD—WOUNDED— LINcoLN’s LETrER—ILLINoIs MEN—GRANT’s ORDER or CoNeRATuLATIoN—-PURSUIT- RINGGOLD-—-BURNSIDE RELIEVED--CAMPAIGN ENDED. HE indecisive results of Chickamauga were to be redeemed; its disasters retrieved, its reproach rolled away. The soldiers of the West, with the leader of Shiloh, and the conqueror of Vicks- burg again at their head, were to achieve such a triumph as should ring around the world. In the armies of Sherman and Thomas, were the gallant “Illini” by thousands. Sun-burnt, hard-handed veterans, familiar with battle thunder, they were there on that moun- tain ridge, this time, to break the backbone of the rebellion. Briefly, the situation was the following: Rosecrans was at Chat- tanooga receiving reinforcements, the flanks of his army resting on the Tennessee above and below the place. The rebel sharp-shoot ers cut off communication by way of Bridgeport on the south bank, compelling the hauling of supplies sixty miles over almost impassa- ble roads. A bold rebel raid damaged the railway between Steven- son and Nashville, and captured the train of the 14th Corps. It became a question whether starvation would not compel the evacua- tion of Chattanooga, which would be virtually abandoning all that had been won in the valley of the Mississippi. - Ab 104 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Bragg remained strangely quiet. If he had won the brilliant vic- tory claimed in his dispatches, why did he fail to improve it; to hurl his force upon the shattered columns of the Union army, cap- ture Chattanooga, and again hold the key of East Tennessee? Two days after the battle, a war-council of the Confederate chieftains agreed that there should be a grand movement toward Knoxville. The generals under Bragg were making preparations accordingly, when he announced another plan and sat down three weeks before the tripple lines of Chattanooga. Rosecrans worked with energy, strengthening defences, and accumulating supplies. On the 23d of September the 11th and 12th Corps of the Army of the Potomac advanced. Hooker was sent to his relief increasing the fighting force and multiplying the number to be fed. - In the meantime Major-General Grant was placed in command; Thomas superseded Rosecrans who took leave of his army on the 19th of October. On the 18th Grant issued the following: “HEAD-QUARTERS MILITARY Drvrsron or THE MISSISSIPPI, “LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, October 18, 1863. “ [ G-'cneraZ Orders, N0. 1.] - “In compliance with General Orders, N o. 337, of date Washington, D. C., Octo- ber 16, 1863, the undersigned hereby assumes command of the Military Division of the Mi_ssissippi, embracing the Departments of the Ohio, of the Cumberland, and of the Tennessee. “The Head-quarters of the Military Division of the Mississippi will be in the field, where all reports and returns required by army regulations and existing orders will be made. “U. S. GRANT, Major-General.” He telegraphed Thomas to hold Chattanooga if he starved, and the grim veteran answered that he would and he did, with starvation perilously near. General W. T. Sherman was placed in command of the Department of the Tennessee. During the summer General Burnside planned an attack upon Knoxville. In August he began his advance, and moved with such caution and celerity as to throw the rebel forces into a panic and thus entered the town, September 1st, amid the joyful tears, and jubilant shoutings of the Union citizens. The rebel garrison at Cumberland Gap, 2000 strong, surrendered on the 9th of September and Burnside thus occupied the East Tennessee Railroad as far as Morristown. A \ \ ‘ Q snnnnan ORDERED TO CHATTANOOGA. '105 strong force moved toward Chattanooga, and a junction with Rose- crans was expected, when that General was ordered in his defenses, and it was evident that his own position was fraught with peril for Bragg detached Longstreet to besiege him, and thus it was confi- dentially expected by the rebels-that from Chattanooga and Knoxville, our brave men would be driven back to the Ohio. It was a dark day. Grant’s appointment restored heart and hope.’ Before he had been placed in command he ordered Sherman to send from Big Black a di- vision to the aid of Rosecrans. The order reached Sherman on the 22d of September. At four P. M. Osterhaus was on the war path towards Vicksburg twenty miles away, and the next day with his division was steaming toward Memphis. On the 23d Sherman was ordered to follow with his entire command. Four days later he was on the river but the ascent was tedious. Fuel was gone, and his soldiers were compelled to procure rails and haul wood from the interior to keep the engine in motion. He reached Memphis early in October. Here he received orders from Halleck to go to Athens, Alabama, repairing the railway as he marched and to secure his own supplies. He began and worked details day and night, until he found it ne- cessary to move upon the highways and clear his way, which he did. Blair drove the enemy from the front and entered Tuscumbia Oc- tober 27th. On the 25th Sherman received the order placing him in command of the Department of the Tennessee, and from Iuka issued an order placing the brave Mc Pherson in command with full authority at Vicksburg, and the heroic Hurlbut in West Tennessee. On the 27th a messenger from Grant, who had floated down the Tennessee over the Muscle Shoals, came to Sherman’s head-quar- ters with this sententious order. “Drop all work on the railroad east of Bear Creek. Put your command toward Bridgeport till you meet orders.” The order of march was reversed, and headed for Eastport, the only practicable crossing of the Tennessee. On gunboats and a coal-barge he commenced the crossing, expedited, by the arrival on the 31st, of a ferry-boat. Onward, through thickening difiiculties, that indomitable will pressed his brave men. On the night of the 13th he reached Bridgeport and reported by telegraph to Grant, was 106 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. summoned by him to his headquarters; took boat, and on the morn- ing of November 15th was at Chattanooga, his men coming forward. Others were active. When Grant arrived at Chattanooga, matters were gloomy enough. General Thomas had studied the situation and these able chieftains saw where advantage could be gained. Hooker, who held the right at Bridgeport, was ordered to cross the Tennessee and assail the rebel leftfiank. A force under General Hazen crossed at Brown’s Ferry, below, where pontoons had been laid by General W. F. Smith, and commenced the ascent of Lookout Mountain. By this movement the rebel retreat was cut off, and his forces compelled to march up the valley toward Trenton, Georgia, about twenty miles, before joining Bragg’s main army. Hooker crossed at Bridgeport and the forces united at Brown’s Ferry. In a drizzly, foggy atmosphere the march was made. The rugged sides frowned defiance, but in spite a storm of leaden hail, upward and still upward pressed the resistless column, until it passed into and above the low clouds. Below, our leaders, Grant and Thomas Watched and waited the result, but at length the clouds rifted and it was seen that ‘Hooker was carrying the rebel works, and that in his victory, so gloriously won, the first success of thecampaign was achieved. Communication was opened with Chattanooga, and the river cleared between Thomas and the Nashville railroad. Steam- ers brought up supplies and full rations succeeded scanty food. Burnside was holding Knoxville, and had a succession of sharp contests with the enemy under Longstreet, aided by some of the ablest of the Confederate generals, and by falling back, and again renewing the contest with desperation, drew Longstreet away from Bragg and held him pounding fruitlessly at the defenses of Knox- ville, as Grant desired him. Meanwhile preparations proceeded to repay Chickamauga. Sherman’s army came to the Tennessee, by Fayetteville to Bridge- port. He was to cross, effect a lodgment on the end of Missionary Ridge, and with a part of his force act against Lookout Mountain, near Trenton. Ewing’s division was to make the demonstration upon Lookout, but was to be ready to march rapidly on Chattanooga. Sherman rowed in a small open boat from Kelly’s to Bridgeport, and put his force in motion, and at Hooker’s headquarters on the 20th, oRDERINe THE BATTLE. 107 received Grant’s orders for an attack the next day. But only Gene- ral John E. Smith’s division, the 3d, was in position; the 1st, under Osterhaus, and the 2d, under Morgan L. Smith, were slowly, and footsore, coming over a wretched road from Shell-Mound to Chatta- nooga, and Ewing’s, the 4th, had not left Trenton. . Morgan L. Smith’s crossed the bridge at Brown’s Ferry on the 21st, Ewing reached it the same day, but it was so broken he could not complete his crossing until the 23d. Again it broke, and Osterhaus was not over, but Sherman proposed to go into action with the three divisions with him, supported by Jeff. C. Davis’ divi- sion of the 14th Army Corps, leaving Osterhaus to co-operate with Hooker against Lookout. Pontoon boats were silently carried, under the shelter of hills and woods, to the North Chickamauga, manned, and at midnight silently floated below the mouth, our men capturing the pickets along the banks, and taking a position on the left bank of the Tennessee, sending the boats across for reinforcements. M. L. Smith’s division was rapidly ferried over, and by daybreak of the 24th the two divisions of Morgan L. and John E. Smith, numbering 8,000 men, were across the Tennessee, and had thrown up a line of rifle-pits to protect the crossing. A substantial pontoon bridge was laid, and soon three divisions were on the left bank, and J eff. C. Davis declared his command ready to take Missionary Ridge. Grant now had his forces well in hand. Above was Sherman with his Western boys, below Hooker with his battle-tested veterans, and Thomas, eager to avenge Chickamauga was in front of Chatta- nooga. Bragg had requested Grant to remove all non-combatants, as he was about to bombard Chattanooga. He was astounded on the morning of the 25th to find Sherman’s army on his right. Hooker made his successful demonstration on Lookout Mountain, and the army had shouted his victory. On the 23d an unusual movement was observed in the rebel camps, and orders were given for a division of the Fourth Corps to make a reconnoissance in the direction of Orchard Knob. Wood’s division was selected, to be supported by Sheridan’sl Forming his men on the slope, outside of the fortifi- cations, Wood advanced rapidly, made his reconnoissance a storm- ing party, carried the Knob and the adjacent works at the point of 108 rmrnrorrsn or ILLINOIS. the bayonet, and made the interior line of rebel works untenable. So rapid and sweeping was the advance, that only about two-hundred were killed and wounded. An important position was gained and the 28th Alabama, with its colors, captured. General Wood was ordered to hold the position. The night of the 23d was a busy one. Before the dawn of .the 24th, the intrenchments were reversed, strengthened and made impregnable. Bragg, awaking from his dream of easy victory, was startled to find Sherman on his right, Hooker on his left, and before him the “Rock of Chickamauga.” But he still had faith in the impregnable sides and inaccessible hights of Missionary Ridge. Between Sherman and the hill was a deep valley, how deep he did not know, but the steep hill be-yond was covered with trees, and across the top a breast-work of logs and earth, thick with rebel soldiers. The narrow path leading to it was enfiladed by two guns. Behind, a still higher hill bristled with guns, placed to throw a plunging fire on the first, if taken. Colonel Bowman says: “The brigades of Colonel Cocherill of Ewing’s division, Colonel Alexander of John E. Smith’s and Gene- ral Lightburn of Morgan L. Smith’s were to hold their hill as the key point; General Corse, with as much of his brigade of Ewing’s division as could operate along the narrow ridge was to attack from the right center; General Lightburn was to dispatch a regiment from his division to co-operate with General Corse, and General Morgan L. Smith was to move along the eastern base of Missionary Ridge, connecting with General Corse and Colonel Loomis of Ewing’s division, in like manner to move along the west base, sup- ported by Mathias and Baum’s brigades of John E. Smith’s division in reserve.” . The sun arose red and lurid, and Corse ordered the advance. The Fortieth Illinois, with two Ohio regiments moved down into the valley and steadily up the hill-side held by the foe. It moved onward within eighty yards of the entrenchment, where Corse found a crest on which he halted, called his reserve and asked reinforcements, which came. His crowded ground was swept by musketry and artillery, and the approach to the entrenchment was through a sea of fire, and for an hour, the battle for that crest was fearful. Fortune was vary- THE LEFT arm THE cnwrnn. 109 ing, but the position taken by Corse was never yielded. Morgan L. Smith gained on the left spur of the Ridge, while Loomis pushed with unfaltering courage, his way until opposite the tunnel and rail- way embankment, and by concentrating upon his command a portion of the enemy’s fire, relieved in part the assaulting column. Bragg hurled his forces against our column, but Corse held his ground until about 10 A. M., when he was severely wounded and borne from the field, the command devolving upon Colonel Wolcott of Ohio, who gallantly held the position and continued to advance. On the right, Loomis fought his way. There was a temporary fall- ing back of two of John E. Smith’s reserve brigades, causing a, report that Sherman’s left had been repulsed. Sherman awaited with some anxiety the moving of Thomas on the center. Grant kept watch of the contest, but held the troops of Thomas as in a vice. Sherman says, “ column after column of the enemy was streaming toward me; gun after gun poured its concentric shot on us from every hill and spur that gave a view of any part of the ground.” Hooker moved along the Rossville road to assail the rebel left and his appearance moving north on the ridge was to be the signal for the assault of the Center. And thus, until three P. M. Sherman fought alone, and it was evident that his weared troops could not abide much longer the fearful strain upon their endurance. Hooker’s detention was occasioned by the necessity of building a bridge. Grant learned that he was coming, and seeing the rebel center weakened gave orders to Thomas to advance. The division of Granger’s Corps, upon the signal of six guns was to cross the wooded valleyr between Orchard Knob and Mission Ridge and carry the intrenched lines at the base of the Ridge, and then halt, under the belief that the Ridge was too formidable to be carried. It is abold rugged hight, towering 800 feet above Chattanooga, and was crowned with a skillfully constructed line of defensive works brist- ling with veteran-bayonets and buttressed with famed batteries. Sherman saw the white line of smoke and knew the wearily waited movement was made. Onward rushed the heroes of the army‘ of the Cumberland- through shot and shell they gained the pits and swept them clear. Bragg appears not to have suspected that men would be mad enough 110 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. to attempt to climb that bold ascent, rugged, steep, and with a fire like the lava-streams of Vesuvius rolling over its rocky side. But they did. Granger led his men to the mountain side and with shouts they began to climb—-to climb in a cataract of fire. Upward-—upward, they bore their torn banners. Grant and Thomas stood side by side at Orchard Knob. The latter exclaimed “ I. fear, General, they will never reach the top.” Only pufiing the smoke of his cigar, the hero of Vicksburg quietly said “ Give ’em time, General, give ’em time.” By sunset they had planted their standards on the crest of the Rid ge, the enemy was defeated and his Gibraltar carried! No wonder that catching the afar-off shouts of Granger’s men, those in the valley responded with such cheers as only strong-lunged soldiers can give. ~ The enemy was soon in full retreat. All the succeeding day pur- suit was made, and more thanseven thousand prisoners, and forty- seven guns were captured. Among the brave men of Sherman’s command, who fell on that field of honor, were Colonel Putnam of the 93d Illinois, Colonel O’Meara of the 90th Illinois and Major Bushnell of the 13th Illinois, while among the wounded were Colo- nel Raum, 56th, Lieutenant-Colonel Patridge, 13th, and Major A. P. Welch of the 56th. Colonels J. M. Loomis of the 26th and Raum of the 56th were recommended by Sherman for promotion as Brigadier-Generals, for gallantry and competency. Bragg had been beaten. The best army of the rebellion, save Lee"s, had been broken ; the most difiicult positions had been taken; the Tennessee was our own, and the gateway into the South was open. President Lincoln wrote thus to Grant: “WASHINGTON, December 8th. “ll[aym*- General Grant: . “ Understanding that your lodgment at Chattanooga and Knoxville is now secure, I wish to tender you, and all under your command, my more than thanks-my pro- foundest gratitude-—for the skill, courage and perseverance with which you and they, over so great difiiculties, have effected that important object. God bless you all I “A Lmcom.” Here, as elsewhere in the battle-fields of the west, Illinois blood. was shed like water. The shouts of victory upon its prairies were mingled with many a sob of bereavement. Its soldiers were present RESULTS or MISSION RIDGE. 111 in great numbers, and never were they more willing to assume the post of honor and peril. They were among the first to lead Sherman’s advance, and among the first to surmount the crest of the Ridge. Captain Guthrie of the 1 9th Illinois, captured with his own hand a brave rebel Brigadier. We cannot specify their deeds of daring. It is enough that the record of Illinois on November 25, 1863, was one of the most glori- ous it has made during the war for the Union. Grant—-the former Colonel of the 21st Illinois, thus addressed the army:. ‘ ’ “The General commanding thanks you individually and collectively. The loyal people of the United States thank and bless you. Their hopes and prayers for your success, against this unholy rebellion are with you daily. Their faith in you will not be in vain. Their hopes will not be blasted. Their prayers to Almighty God will be answered. You will yet go to other fields of strife, and with invincible bra very and unflinching loyalty to justice and right, which have characterized you in the past, you will prove that no enemy can withstand you, and that no defense, however formidable, can check your onward march.” His name was spoken throughout the land. Congress voted him a gold medal, and soon after, reviving the grade of Lieutenant-Gene ral, his name was sent in by the President and he was confirmed. Bragg was chased to Dalton. A stand was made and a despe rate show of resistance opposed to Hooker at Ringgold, but his impetuous bravery made it unavailing, and the enemy was compelled to fly. Again our victory was complete. Sherman andHoward pushed for the railroad and cut it up. Grant could have marched his army to Atlanta, or anywhere else, but Burnside was sorely pressed in Knoxville, and must be relieved. General Granger, who was designated to march to his assistance, did not march with energy, and Sherman was assigned the work. True his men had traveled from “Big Black” to Chattanooga, and without rest had gone into the battle of the 25th, true they had been active in pursuit of Bragg and were without tents, comfortable clothing or supplies, but Burnside was in Knoxville with 12,000 fellow soldiers, and that was enough. With rapid marches they went forward, and found that Longstreet, hearing of Bragg’s defeat, and anticipating the approach of our troops, had raised the siege and was in full retreat. Sherman’s cavalry reached Knoxville Dec. 3d 0 112 rmnrerrsu or ILLINOIS. This virtually closed the Union campaigns of 1863, for only the attack upon Charleston was subsequently of general interest. Had General Grant’s daring plan of the assault upon the rocky hights of Lookout and Missionary Ridge failed, the consequences had been most disastrous. It was fraught with peril, but was a stupendous success. It saved our cause. ' CHAPTER VI. THE RED RIVER EXPEDITION---MISSOURI. GREAT EXPECTATIONS—SABINE PAss—Loss—McPHERsoN’s DIsTRIcT—THE Invmcmm ARMADA——DE Russr—Gnmn AnvA1\'cE—RANsoM’s A_l)VI'CE—-~DISASTROUS ENGAGE- MENT NEAR MANSFIELD——HEAVY SACRIFICE-—PLEASANT HILL--SMITH’S CHARGE- REBELS GIVE BACK—-SUMMING UP-—RETREAT-——GRAND ECORE——-THROUGH THE‘DAM-— STEELE’S ARMY—-RETREATS ON LITTLE ROCK——SABINE CRossINGs—RosEcRANs IN MISSOURI——HUNDRED DAY REG1MEnTs—PLEAsANTon’s CoMMA1vn—PRIcE EscAI>Es—- UNION C1TY—CoI.oNEI. Hwxs AT PAnUcAH—FoRT PILLOW-NORTH CARoLnvA. REAT results were anticipated from an expedition under Gen- eral Banks. After the fall of Vicksburg he had been reinforced from the troopsunder General Grant, and every facility was afforded by the government to enable him to strike a severe blow destined to be a costly and disastrous campaign, losing heavily, gaining lightly. In September, 1863, General Banks was ordered to lead an expe- dition against Sabine Pass. It was to be a combined land and naval attack——General Franklin with 400 men, and Lieutenant Crocker with four steamers, transports, &c. On the 8th, the attack was made by the naval force and failed, losing the steamers, Clifton and Sachem. The expedition returned to Brashear City. General Franklin had his headquarters at New Iberia. “ The Nineteenth Army Corps under the immediate command of General Weitzel, had crossed and camped at Berwick. The Thirteenth (formerly McClernand’s) followed, leaving suflicient force to hold the base at Brashear.” There was some sign of activity in McPherson’s district. In October, a rebel force of infantry and horse, numbering about 2,500, were seen on the east side of the Big Black, and continued a series of feints and threatened advances, sometimes approaching closely 8 . 114 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. to our lines. McPherson concluded they were a blind to more impor- tant operations farther interior, and, on the 14th, ordered Logan’s and Tuttle’s divisions of the Seventeenth Army Corps, to make a demonstration. They marched sixteen miles and encamped at Big Black. By daylight, the cavalry advance had crossed the River at Messenger’s Ferry, closely followed by Logan, with Tuttle in the rear. At noon our cavalry was at Brownsville, which the infantry reached at 3 P. M. The next day, Logan’s advance met a part of Wirt Adam’s confederate cavalry strongly supported by a battery in the timber at the right of the road. McPherson sent forward Maltby’s brigade of Logan’s division, and two pieces of artillery, while our cavalry dismounting and advancing through the timber, deployed as skirmishers and a sharp contest began. The rest of Logan’s division coming up by the Canton road, confronted Whit- field’s brigade of cavalry and artillery, mostly Texas roughs of fight- ing celebrity. They commanded the road. There was spirited skirmishing. Night came on, and daylight showed that rebel rein- forcements had come up, and McPherson returned to Vicksburg. General Banks had succeeded in occupying the coast of Texas, to within one. hundred miles of Galveston, and early in 1864 a grand expedition was projected. Another “ Invincible Aramada” was set afloat. Dick Taylor was to be swept from Louisiana, Magruder from Texas, and Price from Arkansas. A grand fleet under Admiral Porter, was to ascend Red River to Shreveport, Steele was to sweep down from Little Rock, Arkansas, and unite with Banks at Shreveport, while another column should move from Brownsville. There were twenty heavily armed steamers of various draught, including monitors Ozark, Osage and Neosho; iron-clad gunboats Benton, Carondelet, Pittsburg, Mound City, Louisville, Essex and Chillicothe, and the rams Price, Choctaw and Lafayette. General A. J. Smith embarked 10,000 men at Vicksburg, iricluding the 1st and 3d divisions of the Sixteenth Army Corps, and the 1st and 4th divisions of the Seventeenth. The following afternoon the trans- ports joined the fleet, and on the 12th the Aramada moved up the old Red River into the Atchafalaya, and in the afternoon came to anchor at Semmesport, an old town burned by the Ellett’s. The appearance of our gunboats caused the abandonment of two FORT DE RUSSY-—RANSOM. 115 partly completed earthworks. Smith having landed a part of his forces, headed them toward Fort De Russy, a rebel strong-hold, thirty miles distant. The enemy’s cavahy swarmed about them, striking them at every opportunity. The fort was a strong quad- ' rangular work, with bastions and bomb-proofs, covered with rail- road iron, with a strong water-battery, having casemates capable of defying Federal guns and artillery, commanding the river above and below. Dick Taylor marched the main body of his troops out to give battle to our forces, who, by an adroit movement, placed them- selves on his interior line and pushed straight for De Russy. Taylor, angry beyond endurance, pressed after them, but they reached it in advance, and compelled the garrison to surrender and thus render- ing futile a year’s hard work of rebel engineering. General Smith destroyed the guns. The Armada passed on, occupying Alexandria on the 16th, the army entering on the 17th. Eighty miles beyond was Natchitoches, and that was occupied on the 21st. Thus far all had gone well. On the 26th, General Smith left Alexandria with the advance ijor Shreveport, the objective point of the expedition. On the 4th of April, General Banks reached Natchitoches in person, remaining two days,‘ moving on the 6th with General Lee’s cavalry in advance. On the 7th, Lee came—-was compelled to maintain a constant skir- mish as he advanced, until he passed Pleasant Hill, where he came upon the main body of the rebel cavalry under Major-General Green. Colonel Robinson commanded the Union cavalry advance of five thousand sabers, and engaged Green until the latter fell back upon the infantry and artillery at Bayou du Paul. Colonel Robin- son halted and awaited reinforcements, his weary men sleeping on their arms. Morning came and he was joined by an infantry brigade of the old 13th under Colonel Landrum, and he again advanced, the enemy falling back seven miles. Here was the main rebel force, massed in strength at a strong position in the vicinity of Sabine Cross Roads, east of Mansfield. ‘And now it was seen that the wily foe had drawn our forces into almost inevitable disaster. Banks had arrived with Ransom, who with two divisions of the 13th Army Corps, came on the field on the 8th. Ransom’s keen eye took in the situation, and he earnestly counseled against attack until the 116 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Nineteenth Corps under Franklin, and Smith with his Vicksburg veterans of the 16th and 17 th Army Corps, yet twenty miles distant, should arrive. That advice followed, had averted disaster, but it was over-ruled, and while orders were sent to General Franklin to hurry forward, an advance was ordered. The enemy were ready. Major-General Dick Taylor was in com- mand. General Green commanded the left, General Mouton the right with Walker’s division and two cavahy regiments still farther to the extreme right. A strong force, wedged-shape, was concealed in the woods. Our brave men were marched into the open base of that wedge and directed to charge upon its apex. As they advanced the wings of fire closed upon them, and on either flank and in front rolled in the waves of flame. Ransom made heroic efforts to turn defeat into victory, and to retrieve from disaster the terrible mistake of his superior. He saw with anguish his brave companions in arms mowed down, and did what man might to save the day. The cav- ah~y was thrown into confusion; the Chicago Mercantile Battery, with Battery G, Regular Artillery, and Nim’s Massachusetts Battery were driven from their guns. Retreat was the order, and was fast becoming a route, when Franklin came up with reinforcements, and the panic was stayed. The six guns of the Chicago Mercantile Bat- tery, two of Battery G, four of the 1st Indiana, six of Nim’s and two howitzers of the 6th Missouri were in rebel hands, and two thousand brave men hors olu combat. The forces of General Smith were known to have reached Pleasant Hill, and there General Banks concentrated his forces, and on the morning of the 9th awaited battle, on ground open and rolling, ascending both from the village, and from the direction of the rebel approach, while a belt of timber swept almost around it. On the right was Smith with his soldiers of the 16th and 17th Corps, Franklin held the left with the 19th. The 13th was in reserve. “Taylor’s Battery ” was there--two guns in the rear of General Dwight’s (19th) brigade on the left, and four on an eminence to the left of the road. General Emery’s division was exposed to the first assault, firlonel Lynch commanding his right brigade, Colonel Shaw the left. About 5 P. M. the enemy came on, and received a discharge of PLEASANT HILL—-RETREAT. 117 case shell from our batteries. They came forward grandly, and Emery slowly retired, pressed back. Part of Taylor’s guns were captured, and the confident foe crowded up to the crest of the hill. Suddenly Smith’s men poured upon them a sweeping shower from their batteries, and the infantry followed by round after round of musketry at short range and rushed forward to the charge with bayonets. It was not in rebel flesh and blood to withstand that ter- rific reception and they gave back, and were driven. Taylor’s guns were recaptured with two of Nim’s, and the Union army was for the present saved, but saved at fearful cost. Three thousand men were killed, wounded and missing, Ransom was wounded, never to recover. Twenty guns and one hundred and thirty wagons with twelve hun- dred horses and mules were lost. True we had captured Fort De- Russy, Alexandria, Grand Ecore and Natchitoches, had opened Red River, had captured three thousand bales of cotton, twenty-five guns, and twenty-three hundred prisoners, principally trophies of the navy, and had material for two colored regiments, but our brave army was defeated, wounded and bleeding, the objective point of the expedition must be abandoned and a line of suffering was to be traversed. The enemy hung upon our retreat, which, leaving our dead upon the field, began on the 10th and continued until the troops reached Alexandria. Orders were sent to Commodore Porter to fall back to Grand Ecore, but the river falling rapidly, rendered it almost impossible, and the destruction of the fleet seemed inevitable, and with it the destruction ' of the army. Below the fleet were the falls, rocky, rapid, turbulent and dangerous. Over this it was impossible for boats to pass. But there was an escape. Providence had reserved the man. Lieuten- ant-Colonel Bailey, acting engineer of the 19th Army Corps, pro- posed construeting a series of tree dams, thus deepening a channel over the falls and opening a door of escape. Thousands helped. Trees were felled, stone barges were made, teams moved—-all were active, and yet, Commodore Porter says “ not one in fifty believed in the undertaking.” The hour came; in spite of an inopportune breakage of the dam the Lexington drove through the narrow open- ing and was greeted with cheers from thirty thousand soldiers. The 118 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. frightened pilot of the Neosbo blundered, but the vessel came through with slight damage, and the Hindman and Osage followed safely. Then Bailey repaired and improved the dam, and on the 11th the Mound City, the Carondelet, and Pittsburg came through, and the day following, the Louisville, the Chillicothe and the Ozark and the two tugs. The fleet was saved, and on the 14th of May the army, under the protection of the gunboats, commenced its retreat from Alexandria, which it left in flames. On the 16th and 18th it had severe fighting. On the 19th it placed its pontoons over the Atclm-falaya, which it crossed at Semmesport on the 20th, and marched toward the Mississippi. The next evening it was at Mor- ganzia, and so ended General Banks’ Red River expedition. The rebels marched a strong force to crush General Steele, who had marched from Little Rock, Arkansas, to join Banks at Shreve- port. Steele was confronted at Camden, but made a flank march toward Washington, sending a detachment to secure Elkin’s Ferry, heading the main column southward, turning from his former course almost at right angles. ' His forces skirmished with Marmaduke and Shelby, and on the 3d of April held both banks of the Little Missouri, crossing at Elkm’s Ferry. On the 4th he was assailed by Marmaduke and Cabell, Whom he repulsed, and entered Camden on the 15th. Kirby Smith reinforced the rebels, and Banks’ defeat enabled Taylor to send Smith help. Steele’s supplies were cut off, Colonel Drake mortally wounded, losing 2,000 prisoners captured, four guns, and two hun- dred and forty wagons. Steele fell back, retreating with loss and constant fighting on Little Rock. Here he could only stand on the defensive while the enemy overrun the State, and organized a move- ment on Missouri. This State had been the Western battle-ground through the early stages of the war and its kaleidescopic fortunes were not yet ended. Late in September, 1863, the rebel General Cabell crossed, with 8,000 men, the Arkansas River east of Fort Smith. He sent General Shelby to join Coffrey at Crooked Prairie to make a destructive raid into Southwestern Missouri. This force was met and routed Octo- ber 12th at Booneville by the State militia, and its artillery captured. General Ewing took up the pursuit and chased them to Pea Ridge, where General McNeil took it up and drove them into Arkansas. mssounr. 119 Steele assisted by Generals Solomon, Thayer, Rice and Ingleman . and Colonel Benton fought the rebel force sharply at Sabine Cross- ings, losing some seven hundred, and inflictinga heavy loss upon the foe, capturing three pieces of artillery. This secured Steele a safe retreat into Little Rock, and temporarily relieved Missouri. General Rosecrans assumed command in Missouri, relieving Gene- ral Schofield.. About the 21st of September, 1864, he learned that Price, crossing the Arkansas with two divisions of cavalry and three batteries of artillery, had joined Shelby to invade Missouri again with some 14,000 veteran mounted men. He had about 6,500 men, scattered in various posts. A portion of A. J. Smith’s troops had crossed the Missouri in June and defeated Marmaduke, and re-em- barked for Memphis. ' As Price set forward, Steele’s forces came out of their defenses and followed him. A. J. Smith was halted at Cairo, en route to join the army of the Cumberland, and marched to confront Price, . who was marching for Jefferson City. When Springfield was safe, _General Sanborn went to reinforce General McNeil at Rolla, while General Ewing defended Pilot Knob, and ascertained on the 27th of September that the main force of Price was in Southeastern Missouri. Ewing’s defense saved St. Louis, then only covered by A. J. Smith’s command, giving its militia and citizens time to organize, and also the hundred day regiments of Illinois time to arrive. These were the 132d, the 134th, 136th, 139th, 140th and 142d. They were but partially drilled, but soldiers more ready for the conflict had never gone to the field. In the central district, General Brown was in command at Jefferson City, and was reinforced by Brigadier-General Fiske. Price waited a few days at Richwood, and finding his way into ’ St. Louis arrested, and that not yet could he supply his ruflian hordes from the stores of that city, marched for Jefferson City. By forced marches McNeil and Sanborn arrived there, and with their cavalry and artillery united with Brown and Fiske, and again the invaders were thwarted. . General Pleasanton assumed command at J efferson City on the 8th of October, and sent‘ a strong force of cavalry under Sanborn to follow up and harass the rebel force—keeping Price between our Q 120 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. three and the Missouri River. On the 22d of October Sanborn’s force routed General Fagan at Independence. On the 23d the Big Blue was crossed and there was a sharp engagement with the main rebel force, driving it beyond the Little Santa Fe. “ On the 24th, after a march of sixty miles, the enemy were overtaken at midnight at Marias des Cygnes. Skirmishing began at 4 A. M. on the 25th with artillery, when the enemy were driven from the field with loss of mules, horses, etc. They fell back skirmishing to the Little Osage Crossing, when a charge was made upon two divisions of them by two advanced brigades under Colonels Benton and Phillips, and eight pieces of artillery and nearly one thousand prisoners, including Generals Marmaduke and Cabell were captured. The pursuit was kept up by Sanborn’s brigade, with repeated and successful charges to the Marmiton, whence the enemy fled under cover of night toward Arkansas. Kansas troops and General Benton’s brigade followed rapidly, and on the 28th Sanborn reached Newtonia, where the enemy made his last stand, in time to turn the tide of battle going against General Blunt, thus giving the final blow to the invasion. “ The loss of the enemy was ten pieces of artillery, a large number of small arms, nearly all his trains and plunder, and, beside his killed, wounded and deserters, 1,958 prisoners.” There was general disappointment that Price’s army was not destroyed or captured, and General Rosecrans failed to retrieve in Missouri his laurels which withered at Chickamauga. 0 Elsewhere were events worthy of note, some of which are men- tioned here, to clear the way for the record of the grand events of the closing campaigns of the war. The rebel General Forrest moved on Union City March 23d and summoned its commander, Colonel Hawkins, to surrender. In oppo- sition to the wishes of his subordinates it was given up.' General Brayman marched from Cairo within six miles, when he heard of the surrender and returned.’ Forrest next occupied Hickman and with Buford’s‘\“division marched against Paducah, which was held by Colonel S. G. Hicks [see Vol. I., p. 325] of the~40th Illinois volun- teers and 655 men. He retired into Fort Anderson and made a defiant stand, assisted by gunboats Peosta and Paw Paw, under Captain Shirk of the navy. Forrest sent the following note; ‘t PADUCAH—-FORT PILLOW. 121 “ HEAD-QUARTERS FoRREsT’s CAVALRY Coars, PADUCAH, March 25, 1864. “ To Colonel Hicks, Commanding Federal forces at Paducak : “Having a force amply sufficient to carry your works and reduce the place, in order to avoid the unnecessary effusion of blood, I demand a surrender of the fort and troops with all the public stores. If you surrender you will be treated as prisoners of war, but if I have to storm your works, you may expect no quarter. “N. B. FORREST, Major-General Commanding.” To this summons from a greatly superior force Colonel Hicks made the following reply, free from bravado, but dignified and high-toned: “HEAD-QUARTERs, Posr PADUGAH, “ PADUGAH, KY., March 25, 1864'. ‘_‘M'aj0r-General N. B. Forrest, Commanding Confederate forces .- I “I have this moment received yours of this inst., in which you demand an uncon ditional surrender of forces under my command. I can answer that I .have been placed here by my Government to defend the post. In this, as well as all other orders from my superior oflicers, I feel it my duty as an honorable olficer to obey, and must, therefore, respectfully decline surrendering as you require. “Very Respectfully, “S. J. Hroxs, Commanding Post.” The assault was ordered, twice made and repulsed. Forrest occupied the town. and made some captures, but retired leaving Hicks uncaptured, with a loss of fourteen killed and- forty-six wounded. ' On the 12th of April Forrest assaulted Fort Pillow, under Major Booth. After a desperate resistance the fort was carried, and then occurred the most disgraceful and inhuman butchery of the war. Atrocities were committed scarcely equaled by Sepoys. The rebels were infuriated at the presence and bravery of colored troops and slaughter held high carnival. No special pleading can ever mitigate, inuch less justify the atrocity of that wholesale massacre. Columbus was summoned to surrender, but did not, and no assault was made. In North Carolina events of importance were transpiring, but Illinois troops were not engaged, although General J. N. Palmer was in command. O H A P T E R V I I . GENERAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL. CHANGE or PLAN, nor or BAsE Govmmon OGLESBY—MEMOIR-—EXTRAC'1‘S men INAUGURAL—ADJUTA.NT-GENERAL HAYNIE—-PERSONAL Snares. HE grand closing campaigns of the war were about to commence. In obedience to the clearly expressed will of the people, Con- . gress revived the grade of “ Lieutenant-Genera ,” and the President gave the act his approval, February 29, 1864, and placed Ulysses S. Grant in command of the armies of the United States. This was‘ the beginning of the end. Summoning Sherman to his counsel, the plan of the two great campaigns was laid down. Independent, not to say rival movements were to end, and the enemy was no longer to have the opportunity to swing his armies, as upon a pivot, nor to move upon interior lines and crush, at will, our armies. The policy of the Lieutenant-General is best indicated in his own sententious language: \ “I therefore determined first, to use the greatest number of troops practicable against the armed forces of the enemy, preventing him from using the same forces at different seasons against first one and then another of our armies, and the possi- bility of repose for refitting and producing necessary supplies for carrying on fesistance.” . The “ anaconda” of the earlier stages of the war was remembered, but was no longer to be in a state of torpor, but lithe and strangely terrible. The armies East and West were to be one, and under one mind. /Sherman, with the brave veterans of the West, should go against and through the army of Johnston; Grant, himself, would go with Meade and the army of the Potomac against Richmond; Sheridan should sweep the Shenandoah and Butler operate upon GOVERNOR OGLESBY. 123 James River. Grant’s eye ran over a battle-front of nearly 5,000 ‘ miles, from the Potomac to the Rio Grande. His preparations were inade, and soon the railways.groaned under the movements of vast bodies of men and supplies. Before tracing these grand movements, especially those of Sherman and his co-laborer, Thomas, brief space may be given to changes in the State Government, which occurred before their close, and are now introduced to avoid a break in the military narrative when the date shall be reached. Governor Yates declining a re-nomination as Governor, and becom- ing a candidate for the United States’ Senate, the people chose as his successor RICHARD JAMES OGLESBY. He was born in Oldham County, Kentucky, July 25, 1824, was orphaned by the death of both parents when but eight years of age, in consequence of which his early education was much neglected, for he attended school but twelve months before he was twelve years of age, and not more than three months afterward. He removed to Decatur, Illinois, in the spring of. 1836; lived during the year 1838 in Terre Haute, Indiana, returned to Illinois and remained until the fall of 1840, when he returned to Oldham County, Kentucky, to learn the carpenter’s trade ; remained eighteen months, returned to Illinois in the spring of 1842, worked at his trade and at farming until the spring of 1844, when he commenced the study of Law with Judge Silas W. Robins, at Springfield, Illinois; was licensed, as an attorney, in the fall of 1845, and commenced practice in Sullivan, Moultrie County, Illinois. He returned to Decatur in the spring of 1846, volunteered and assisted in raising Company “C,” 4th Regiment (Colonel E. D. Baker), Illinois Volunteers in the Mexican war, of which he was elected 1st Lieutenant——served twelve months—participated in the siege of Vera Cruz, and commanded his company at the battle of Cerro Gordo, where it lost twelve in killed and wounded out of forty-one engaged. Returned to Decatur in 1847, and practiced Law in ’47 and ’48. The winter of ’48 and ’49, he attended the Louis- ville Law School,- and received the diploma of the institution. The 124 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. next spring he returned to Decatur, and in April crossed the plains from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, driving a six mule team. He remained in California, inining, until the fall of 1851, when he returned to Decatur to renew the practice of Law. In the spring of 1856, he visited Europe, Egypt and the Holy Land. He returned to Decatur in the winter of 1857, having been absent twenty months; was elector on the Whig ticket in the year 1852 ; was Republican candidate for Congress in the 7th Congressional District i11 1858, but was beaten by Hon. James C. Robinson, by 1,900 majority. The district had formerly given from 4,000 to 5,000 Democratic majority. In 1860, he was elected on the Repub- lican ticket, State Senator, in a district that was largely Democratic, _ thus securing the election of the Hon. Lyman Trumbull to the United States Senate. Resigned his seat in the Senate, and accepted a commission as Colonel of the 8th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, on the 25th day of April, 1 861. His regiment was stationed at Cairo, Illinois, until July, 1861, when he was assigned to the com- mand of the United States forces at Bird’s Point, Missouri, where he remained six months in command of two brigades of infantry, and a portion of the time was also in command of the forces at Cairo, Illinois. ' He commanded a force of 4,000 men sent from Bird’s Point to Bloomfield, Missouri, a movement in connection with one made by General Grant, against the rebel forces at Belmont. On February 1, 1862, he was relieved of the command at Bird’s Point, and.placed in command of the 1st .Brigade, 1st Division, Army of West Tennessee, under command of Brigadier-General Grant.' The brigade consisted of his own regiment, the 8th, also the 18th, 29th, 30th and 81st Illinois infantry. - The brigade moved at the head of the army, and was the first to enter Fort Henry. It led the advance from Fort Henry to Fort Donelson during all the skirmishing, and was moved at the head or right of the army in the investment of Fort Donelson, and on the 12th, 13th and 14th of February, was constantly under fire. On the morning of February 15th, this command was the first at-' tacked by the rebels, maintaining the unequal contest without re- inforcements for four hours, with a loss of 500 killed and wounded, _ PROMOTION AND RESIGNATION. 125 the brigade numbering, 2,500 rank and file, present. It bore an ac- tive and most gallant part in the battle, and in the victory. He commanded a brigade, until the evacuation of Corinth, but was not in the battle of Shiloh, the brigade now consisting of the 9th and 12th Illinois Vols., 22d and 81st Ohio, and the 14th Mis- souri Volunteers. After the evacuaition of Corinth, he commanded the 2d Division, Army of the Tennessee, some -two months during the absence of Brigadier-General Davis, but on the return of the latter, resumed the command of his brigade, which he led through the terrible battle of Corinth, on the 3d day of October, 1862. Oglesby’s and Hack- leman’s brigades of the 2d Division kept the entire rebel army at bay from 3 o’clock.p. m., this day, thus saving Oofith to the Union arms. “ While nobly charging at the head of his command, the noble Hackleman was killed, and Oglesby was taken from the field appar- ently in a dying condition from a wound received by a ball which entered the left lung, and which has never been removed. On the 29th of November, 1862, for gallantry in the above battle,’ he was promoted Major-General over the Brigadier-General com- manding the Division, and was confirmed by the Senate. By the 1st of April, 1863, he had so far recovered as to be able to report for duty, and was assigned to the command of the left wing of the 16th Army Corps, consisting of two divisions of Infantry and one division of Cavalry, embracing all the territory in West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi, except a strip along the Missis- sippi River. _ Constant pain, resulting from his wound, compelled him to tender his resignation on the last of June, 1863, which General Grant re- fused to accept, but gave him a leave of absence for six months. On \ the 24th of May, 1864, his resignation was accepted. On the 25th of May, 1864, the Union Convention of the State of Illinois nominated him as candidate for Governor, and on the 8th of November, 1864, he was elected Governor, over James C. Robinson, (his former competitor for Congress), by 32,000 majority, the largest majority ever given in the State for any ofiice. ~ General Oglesby was inaugurated Governor of the State of Illi- 126 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. nois for four years on the 16th day of January, 1865. After taking the oath of oflice, the Governor ‘said: “I dc no‘ disguise the fact, nor do I desire to dose, that I have been chosen to this high position by the Union people of the State, without regard to party, and am ex- pected by them to administer its executive affairs, with a view to no partisan or self- ish purposes, and thus relieved of many of the burdens which usually attend a mere party triumph, am left free with you, to follow the path ‘bf duty pointed out so clearly that I hope to be able to adhere to it. “In addition to the large number of troops of every branch of the service, including infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers, voluntarily furnished by the State, in the last three and a half years, to carry on the war, could anything further have been required of us to have shown to the General Government our original, persistent and unalterable purpose to contribute every energy of the State and the cordial, hearty and soul-determined will of the people to maintain the integrity of the Union, and assist in extirpatingfi"om the soil of the republic the last vestige of treason, the recent matured and deliberate expression of an overwhelming majority of the peo- ple of the State, at the ballot-box, upon the well defined issues of the contest, reas- sure the nation and the civilized world that the State of Illinois; true to her in- stincts of loyalty and constitutional liberty, will remain faithful to her allegiance, true to the Union, an humble participant in the proud history and pure glory of the holy sisterhood of States, sharing their experience and abiding their fortune to the end of time. We say the Republic shall not die, the Union shall not be divide d, the rebellion shall not prevail, traitors shall not conquer patriots pledged to the main. tenance of these noble and dignified issues, believing their defense essential to the complete enjoyment of all the blessings promised us in the Con§titution and laws of of our country—with an entire consciousness of the exacting sacrifices imperiously demanded to support and uphold them—-with our eyes upon and hearts full of dev0_ tion to the flag of our country, we declare before the world that the rebellion and human slavery shall fall and perish together. ' -3- * -11- -x- -x- -x- * * -x- “The biennial message of my predecessor is before you. I invite your attention again to the full and careful statements it contains in reference to the present con- dition of the government. A faithful service of four years, the most interesting and embarrassing since the organization of the State government, has amply qualified him to study carefully the various interests of the State, and lends a dignity to his statements and recommendations, not to be accorded to those of one less experienc- ed in the’ affairs of the State. The result of his arduous labors are felt in every part of the State, and everywhere there will greet him, as he retires from the distinguish- ed ofitice he so ably administered, the plaudits of his generous countrymen, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” “It is a gratifying reflection that, since the commencement of the war, our State has been faithful to all her obligations to the National Government. No call has been made upon her that has not been promptly and fully answered. When it was the custom to fill the quotas of the State by volunteering, she exceeded all calls upon he: by nmuy thousands, and although there was some difference of views as to the INAUGURAL AnnREss. 127 credits to which the State was entitled, she nevertheless proceeded to fill the quota settled upon her under the apportionment made by the Provost Marshal General. When the attempt was made last year to raise the required number of men by draft ing, and although, for a time, serious apprehensions were felt that stubborn resistance would be made against the efforts of the regularly appointed oflicers of the law to enforce the draft, time and reflection suliiciently demonstrated to those who may have contemplated the folly of this appeal to force, that there was no reliable or - respectable portion of the community to be found to sustain this discreditable and dishonorable feeling. The law has been faithfully executed in every part of the State. “ I think I may with all truthfulness say, in communicating to you the state of the government, that at no time in the history of the State, has Illinois been in a better condition, in reference to all the great interests of the people.” as -x- * * * -x- * -x- er- “It is made the duty of the Governor to see that the laws of the State be faith- fully executed. Ordinarily, this can be no great task; but in turbulent times, when the authorities of the nation are openly defied and’ resisted, and the peace of the people is threatened by armed bodies of men, in actual rebellion, it becomes a serious responsibility. Happily for us, our State, thus far, has escaped the ravages and desolation of the war raging on our borders. There have been a few attempts, how- ever, in the last year, by two or three gangs of outlaws, to disturb the quiet of our people and involve the State in civil war. Their field of operations seems to have been confined to a few counties in the center of the State. Their time was spent in pillaging and murdering unprotected persons, and inflicting all manner of annoyance upon the peaceable inhabitants of those counties. Some of them claimed to be emissaries from the rebel States, sent into Illinois to raise recruits for the rebel army. As they were of the very lowest order of human existence, it is very likely true they were engaged in this infamous project. Another attempt was made, upon the eve of the election in November last, by a gang of desperate men, to release the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, fire the city of Chicago, by force take pos- session of the polls, and inaugurate revolution in the north part of the State. By the timely and prudent interference of the commanding officer at Camp Douglas, Colonel B. J. Sweet, zealously supported by his command, and the earnest co-opera- tion of the police of the city of Chicago, the chief men engaged in the plot, with many miserable dupes following their vicious instigations, were arrested and confined, the scheme defeated, and the city and State saved from the terrors of this dark plot. To meet emergencies like these, and to be ready, at any moment, to resist the efforts of evil-disposed persons against the State, it may be prudent to have such a force at the disposal of the State as will enable the officers of the law faithfully to execute their duties in any part of the State, and, if serious resistance be made to the law, to crush it at once, and bring the offenders to speedy and exemplary justice. The very slightest attempt at insurrection, in our State, should be met by the firm and united efforts of the people to annihilate it. So confident am I of the support of the peace-loving and law-abiding citizens of the State, and so firmly do Irely upon their determination to sustain the rights of the State and its high character, against the machinations of all evil-disposed persons we may venture to hope we shall pass safely through the perils that still seriously threaten the country 128 PATRIOTISMI 015‘ ILLINOIS. Every attempt at insurrection in the State, or invasion of our territory by an armed force, would involve a crime against the National Government, and would, in time, be met and resisted by the forces of the United States. “It is the deliberate purpose of the National Government to maintain peace and good order throughout the whole country, to subdue the spirit of resistance to and violation of the Constitution, and laws of ‘the country, whether it is dignified by the name of revolution, or seeks its covert designs in rebellion. as as * as ee * as * vs- ‘‘I desire to impress upon the defenders of our country, volunteers and drafted men alike, engaged in the same noble cause, the fact that the man who has faith- fully served his country in this war, has much to be proud of and much to honor him. Such a man owes it to his reputation to guard it well, and see that no foolish blemish gathers upon it to ruin and destroy it. He is interested in cultivating the morals of the country and elevating the tone of society, because he becomes a mem- ber again of the community in which, when he returns, he fixes his home. The conduct of our soldiers in the field continues to deserve our highest praise. From the first hour of the war to the present moment our arms have been upheld upon almost every field and in almost every battle. The blood of Illinois is mingled with the blood of traitors on the mountain top, amid the hills, through the valleys and along the streams, as far as the mad waves of war overlap the once peaceful domain of our proud country. For prompt obedience, submission to the necessary discipline of war, skill in the performance of their duties, bold and daring courage in battle and humane treatment to the defeated foe, both ofiicers and men continue to receive the highest encomiums of their commanders and deserve the lasting gratitude of every man, woman and child in the State and the nation. Illinois gives to our ar- mies the best general of modern times. ‘ “Although the war is not over, it is rapidly approaching the end. However for- midable the rebellion at first, we have seen the worst of it. We have measured its breadth, sounded its depth and ascended to its hight, and are bearing down upon it and crushing it out. It required nearly two years of dearly bought experience to learn its magnitude and discover the true means to be employed in halting its pro- gress. There was always a well-founded belief, with a large portion of our people, that to speedily and certainly break the back-bone of the rebellion, it would be nec- essary to strike directly at the institution of slavery. So long, however, had this institution been fostered and protected by the indulgent sympathy of a vitiated pub- lic sentiment; so firmly were we convinced that, under our Constitution, it had found some sort of foothold ; and, above all, so careful were we of the rights of our Southern brethren, and their delicate sensibilities upon this peculiar institution, that, to some extent, we had educated ourselves not to look fairly and squarely at the question; and I firmly believe, had the rebels remained true to the Union, and re- spected, in their true dignity, the rights of the people of the United States, and not sought, in a forcible appeal to arms, to divide and destroy the Nation and the Con- stitution, ages would have passed by before the wisdom and justice of man‘ would have reached and stricken from the roll of human errors this monstrous evil upon our country. They went to war to make slavery the corner-stone of a new confed- eracy, and to build upon this error, in the very face of God, a hideous despotism. To do this, it was first essential that the only well established and divinely favored maueunen ADDRESS. 129 I-fiepublic should be destroyed, and they actually began the war for this purpose. Nor is this monstrous truth to be hidden or denied by all the falsehood and pre- tense-the slander and misrepresentation—that fiction can invent or man concoct. The public sentiment of the whole North and Northwest was, to let slavery alone, in the slave States, forever; but it has forfeited whatever of real or imaginary pro- tection it ever was entitled to, and an impatient and outraged people will put up with its pretensions no longer By a joint resolution of Congress of March 2, 1861, the following amendment was proposed to the Constitution of the United States: ‘N o amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Con- gress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institu- tions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State.’ And the Legislature of this State, at the session of 1863, ratified said amendment. It is well known that this amendment was proposed to conciliate the South-—to show to them our temper on the slavery question; and thus, by a timely exhibition of moderation and forbearance, on the part of the administration coming into power, allay all cause for strife, or the pretense for it, on this embarrassing question. It was soon manifest, however, that no antidote could heal the mad spirit of rebellion. The South had deliberately prepared for the crisis, and were bent on involving the country in ruin. No concession could head oif the furious purposes of these self-conceited and self-constituted usurpationists, who claimed, at last, the right to dictate who should and who should not be elected President of the United States. Another proposed amendment to the Constitution is now pending before Congress. It came near passing the last session. There are some reasons for be- lieving it may yet be passed by the present Congress. This amendment is very unlike the one above quoted, but, like the other, will, I hope, when it reaches our Legislature, receive its early sanction and approval. It is as follows: Resolved, etc. (two thirds of both houses concurring), That the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as an amendment of the Consti- tution of the United States, which, when ratified by three fourths of said Legisla- tures, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as a part of said Constitution, namely: “ARTICLE XIII. _'{/‘ “SECTION 1. Neither slavery nor involuntaI’f§ servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the Uni- ted States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. “ SEC. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legis- lation. “ These different amendments, proposed at different periods during the progress of the rebellion, show the marked change the sentiment of the country has under- gone on this question. Moral convictions sometimes rest upon the demonstrations of moral proof. In this instance, there is the additional weight of moral conscious- ness, based upon the aggravated sufferings of a whole nation for nearly four years, arising solely out of this great evil—nor will the public sentiment of the country be checked or delayed, in its determination to eradicate slavery from the soil of the Republic by the constant inquiry, ‘ What is to become of the negro afizer he is free?’ It might better be asked, what may not become of him? He can labor. 9 130 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. He can learn. He can fight, improve and aspire, and if after we shall have tried, for as long to make him a useful free man as we have a useless slave, we shall fail, and he shall fail, there will be time enough left in which to solve this persistent question. If there were no other or higher motive for emancipation, I would still fervently advocate it as a punishment to traitors for the crime of treason, for it is . useless to talk about ending the rebellion in any other way, than upon our own terms and conditions. If we cannot subdue them, to the extent of an unqualified cessation of hostilities against the National Government, and a positive return to obedience to the laws of the land, as they are honored and obeyed by every good citizen of the United States, we shall not have conquered them at all. The -people of Illinois are not aiding in the prosecution of this war, with any view of at last, and when resistance to our laws is no longer possible, entering into any flimsy and deceptive compromise, to cajole ourselves and rebels into a fallacious and senseless settlement of the difiiculties. They are in hostile rebellion against the National Government, savagely,a.nd without cause, waging a cruel and barbarous war on us, and should be made to feel the strong arm of that government. When they lay down their arms and cry for peace, as they took them up and shouted for war, it will be time enough to arrange for them the terms upon which they shall be per- mitted to participate in the government. I do not adhere to the distinction so gen- erally made between leader and follower in the monstrous offence. Both are guilty. But as it may be impossible, in the administration of justice, to reach all, those most prominent in guilt should be made to suffer most. In theory, I know no dis- tinction amongst them; every man in rebellion against the’ United States, is guilty of treason and deserves the punishment of death. Those who are not, and who have not been in rebellion, are not to be classed with them, in any event. They deserve and will receive the gratitude of the whole country in all time to come. Those who were forced to take up arms against their will, deserve and will receive our clemency.” General Allen 0. Fuller resigned the position of Adj utant-General of the State to take his seat in the General Assembly of which he was chosen Speaker of the House of Representatives. Naturally the appointment of a successor fell to a soldier, late the gallant col- onel of the 18th. 2 - General Isham Nicholas Haynie was born on the 18th of Novem- ber, 1824, near Dover, Tennessee, and emigrated with his parents to Illinois in 1830, settling in Marion county, where both his parents still reside. He began the study of law in June, 1844, and was licensed to practice in March, 1846. In 1847, when volunteers were called out for the Mexican war, he volunteered, and was commissioned by Gov. French, as First Lieutenant of Company 0, 6th Illinois, com manded by Col. E. W. B. Newley. He was mustered in at Alton, in May, 1847, and served till the close of the war in 1848, being mus- tered out Oct. 12th. He then resumed the practice of law at Salem, and in 1850 was elected a member of the Illinois Legislature, serv- ADJUTAINT-GENERAL rmrmn. 131 during the sessions of 1851l52. In 1853 he graduated at the Louisville University with the highest honors of the law class, and thereupon resumed the practice of law until 1856, when he was ap- pointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas at Cairo, and remov- ed his residence thither. In 1860 he was nominated on the Douglas ticket for Presidential elector from the old 9th District, and vigor- ously canvassed his district for Douglas and Democracy. He retir- ed from the bench in 1861, and soon after the bombardment of Fort Sumter, declared in favor of the administration of Mr. Lincoln, and warm] y supported him to the day of Mr. Lincoln’s death. In the fall of 1861 he raised and organized the 48th Illinois Infan- try, and in September, 1861; was commissioned by Gov. Yates as its Colonel. In November he reported with his regiment to General Grant, at Cairo, and accompanied the army into Tennessee. He was at the taking of Fort Henry, and in the first assault upon Fort Don- elson, Feb. 13, 1862, commanded a brigade. On the 15th his regi- ment formed a part of the brigade of the lamented W. H. L. Wal- lace, and remained on the field till ordered to withdraw. At the bat- tle of Shiloh he was severely wounded while at the head of his reg- iment, but resumed command on the 28d of May following, and took part in the investment of Corinth. In the summer of 1862, he ran as the war candidate for Congress, in the 9th district, and was de- feated by only 700 votes-—-the former Democratic majorities in the district being 1,300 or more. During the balance of the summer of 1862 he was in command of a brigade and the post of Bethel, Tennessee, near Corinth. He was appointed Brigadier-General by Mr. Lincoln in November, 1862, and served till March 4, 1863, when the failure of the Senate to act on the appointment made the same expire by limitation. He resumed the practice of law till December, 1864, and in the following month was appointed by Governor Ogles- by Adj utant-General of the State, which position he now holds with great credit to himself and advantage to the pe_ople and the State. General Haynie is entirrly a self-made man. Till twenty years of age he was reared to hard labor on a farm, and thereafter prosecut- ed his studies and profession with no other aid than the means which he had himself earned. He has been a successful man, as is testified by a handsome private fortune and by an honored name as a citizen, a lawyer and a soldier. OHAP TER VIII. REGIMENTS AND BATTERIES. THE FIFTEEN'l‘H—FIRS'l‘ Enmsrnn FOR THREE YEARs-—ITs PART AT SIIILoII—BREvET BRIGADIER-GENERAI. GEoRGE C. RoGERs—TnE SEVENTEENTH-—ITS CAMPAIGNS-—THE EIGH'1‘EENTH—-—BREVE'l‘ BRIGADIER-GENERAL JULES C. WEBRER—TEE TWENTIETH—-— LIFE IN PRISONS—-THE TWENTY-SECOND—THE TWENTY-THIRD-—LIST or BATTI.Es IN WHICH IT wAs ENGAGED-—THE TWENTY-NINTH——RE-ENLISTMENT IN THE VETERAN SER- vIcE-—TIIE TRIRTIETH-A VETERAN REGINEENT-—-THE THIRTY-FIRST——THE CHARGE AT Fonr HILL-—THE THIRTY-SECOND—ELEVEN Tnousmn Mums or MARCH-—BusTEEn’s BATTERY--OLD BATTERIES A ‘AND B, FIRST ARTILLERY—AN HONORABLE REGORD. FIFTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. HE 15th Regiment was organized at Freeport, in April, 1 861, and mustered into the United States service May 24th, being the first Illinois regiment mustered into the three years’ service.* The following is the original roster: Colonel, Thomas J. Turner; Lieutenant-Colonel, Edward F. Ellis; Major, Wm. R. Goddard; Adjutant, Cyrenus C. Clark; Quartermaster, Samuel Hice, Jr. ; Sur- geon, William J . McKim; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Harman A. Buck; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Leonard L. Lake; Chaplain, David E. Halteman. Co. A-Captain, Louis D. Kelly; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel C. Joslyn; 2d Lieuten- ant, Mark Hathaway. Co. B—Captain, William Haywood , 1st Lieutenant, David L. Baker; 2d Lieuten- ant, Addison N. Longcor. * In Vol. I [p. 296], we have stated that the 13th was the first mustered into the three years’ service. Both the 13th and 15th were so mustered on the same day; but the former was mustered in in the afternoon, and the latter in the forenoon-~ giving the 15th the honor of being the first. It was also the second regiment of volunteers in the Union to be mustered for the three years’ serviee—the 15th Mas- sachusetts being the first. TH-E FIFTEENTH. 133 Go. C-Captain, Holder Brownell; 1st Lieutenant, Cyrenus C. Clark; 2d Lieu- tenant, George W. Bradley. Co. D--Captain, Harley Wayne; 1st Lieutenant, Frank S. Curtis; 2d Lieuten- ant, Fred. A. Smith. 0 Co. E-Captain, James Rany; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel J . Benner; 2d Lieutenant, John W. Luke. Co. F-Captain, John H. Paddock; 1st Lieutenant, William Henry; 2d Lieuten- ant, John J . Sears. Co. G--—Captain, James 0. P. Burnside; 1st Lieutenant, R. C. McEathron; 2d Lieutenant, Albert Bliss, Jr. I Co. H--Captain, Morton D. Swift; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas J . Hewitt; 2d Lieuten- ant, William H. Gibbs. Co. I—Captain, Joseph B. Jones; 1st Lieutenant, George C. Rogers; 2d Lieu- tenant, John S. Pratt. Co. K—Captain, Adam Nase; 1st Lieutenant, James O’Brien; 2d Lieutenant, J. W. Puterbaugh. On the 1st of June, the regiment proceeded to Alton, where it remained till the 1st of August, when it went to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. It then went to Rolla, Missouri, where it arrived in time to cover General Sigel’s retreat from Wilson’s Creek. On the 1st of October it marched to Tipton, where it joined General Fremont’s grand army, and began a campaign in Missouri. Near Sedalia it assisted in the capture of 1,300 of the enemy. Thence it marched to Otterville, where it went=into winter quarters on the‘ 26th of December, remaining there till February 1, 1862. On the 7th of the latter month it was ordered to St. Louis, whence it proceeded to Fort Donelson, arriving on the morning of the surrender. Here it was assigned to Hurlbut’s “Fighting Fourth Division.” It then went to Pittsburg Landing, being the first regiment to disembark there. At the battle of? Shiloh, on the 6th of April, the 15th was in the first line of battle, with the 77th and 53d Ohio regiments on either flank. At the first fire of the rebels, the Buckeyes broke and ran, and the enemy was soon on both flanks of the 15th, which bravely stood its ground for an hour, and until entirely out up. It was in the final charge on the 7 th, led by General Grant in person, which gave our army the victory. In this battle the 15th lost 252 men killed and wounded. Among the former were Lieutenant- Colonel E. F. W. Ellis, Major Goddard, Captains Brownell and Wayne and Lieutenant John W. Puterbaugh. It was in the advance on Corinth, when Colonel Turner, who had been absent on account 134: PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. of severe illness, again assumed command, but was obliged to give it up after the evacuation of that place. Captain George C. Rogers then took command of the regiment, and was soon afterward appointed Lieutenant-Colonel. After the evacuation of Corinth, the 15th marched to Grand Junction and Holly Springs, and on the 21st of July arrived at Memphis. After making numerous expeditions into the country, it broke camp at Memphis, on the 6th of September, and marched to Bolivar, Tennessee, and thence to the Hatchie River, and took an active part in the battle of the Hatchie, where General Hurlbut, with his division of 5,000 men, met 15,000 of the enemy on the retreat from Corinth, under VanDorn and Price, defeating them and capturing a large amount of property and many prisoners. It accompanied General Grant in his campaign through Northern Mississippi, and in the spring of ’63 was ordered before Vicksburg, where it participated in the siege of that place, and was also with the army that pursued the rebel General Johnston to Jackson, Missis- sippi, taking part in the battle that was fought there, forcing the enemy to evacuate the city. It afterward, likewise, assisted in the reduction of Fort Beauregard, Louisiana, and was with General -Sherman on his grand raid to Meridian, having a severe engage- ment with the enemy at Champion Hill, where it was deployed as skirmishers, and routed three regiments of rebel cavalry. The men now re-enlisted as veterans, and proceeded north on furlough, after the expiration of which they again returned south, and after a long and fatiguing series of marches, joined the grand army moving against Atlanta. Here, as attached to the brigade commanded by Colonel George C. Rogers, the regiment was detached with that command, and ordered to remain and fortify Allatoona Pass. While thus engaged, the 14th and 15th regiments, both in the same brigade, having become fearfully decimated, were consolidated by command of Major-General McPherson, and were afterward known as the Veteran Battalion, 14th and 15th Illinois Volunteers, the com- mand numbcring in all 625 men. After remaining at Allatoona for some days, the Veteran Battalion, with which the 14th regimenthad become identified, was ordered to Marietta, Georgia, and thence to. Ackworth, being detailed to guard the railroad at these places, the only communication of General Sherman. During this service, the THE FIFTEENTH. 135 battalion was constantly scouting through the country, and fighting guerrillas, until about the 1st of October, when the rebel General Hood with his army, then making a demonstration in the rear of Sherman, struck the railroad at Ackworth and Big Shanty, and after a fierce engagement succeeded in capturing a portion of the battalion. Those who escaped capture in this engagement now returned to Marietta, and after being mounted, started with General Sherman on his grand march to the sea. On this memorable incursion, the battalion acted as scouts, flankers, and advanced guard, and were the first to drive the rebel pickets inside their works at Savannah. During the long and arduous marches through the Carolinas, the ' battalion also accompanied General Sherman, being continuallyin the advance or on the flanks, skirmishing with the enemy. It was the first command to enter Cheneau, South Carolina, and Fayette- ville, North Carolina, upon the capture of those places,.and also participated in the battle of Bentonville. While at Goldsboro, recruits suflicient to refill both regiments were received, and the organization of the Veteran Battalion was discontinued from that time, and the 14th and 15th regiments re-organized. After the sur- render of Johnston, the regiment marched to Richmond, and thence to Washington, where it participated in the grand review of Sher- man’s army, May 24, 1865, being afterward ordered to Louisville, Kentucky, and thence to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. It was sent for a short time to Fort Kearney, Nebraska, but soon returned to Fort Leavenworth, where it was mustered out on the 16th of September, 1865, and ordered to Springfield for final discharge. At that time its roster was as follows: Colonel and Brevet-Brigadier-General, George 0. Rogers; Lieutenant-Colonel, Lemuel O. Gilman ; Major, Joseph Devlin; Adjutant, Andrew H. Hershey; Quarter- master, George A. Austin; Assistant Surgeon, Only P. B.‘ Wright; Chaplain, Barton F. Rogers. 00. A-1st Lieutenant, George W. Thompson; 2d Lieutenant, David McGrath. C0. B—-Captain, Arthur Dawson; 1st Lieutenant, Charles W. White. Co. D—Captain, Ezekiel Giles; 1st Lieutenant, Volney Bliss; 2d Lieutenant, Charles A. Harper. Co. E—-Captain, Benjamin F. Gardner; 1st Lieutenant, Henry M. Older. Co. F--Captain, Jonathan M. Clendening; 1st Lieutenant, Edwin H. Riley. 00. G—Captain, Albert Bliss, Jr. ; 1st Lieutenant, Devalson J. Kimball; 2d Lieu- tenant, Augustus S. Chappell. 136 i PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. Co. H—Captain, Edward Burrell; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas C. Shelly: 2d Lieuten- ant, William Dodds. Co. I—Captain, Benjamin J. Gifford; 1st Lieutenant, Septio Roberts; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Derth. Co. K--Captain, John A. Long; 1st Lieutenant, Jacob Paul; 2d Lieutenant, Tilghman Driesback. During its term of service (four years and four months) the 15th mustered in an aggregate of 1,965 men, and at the date-of its muster out numbered 640. It marched'on foot 4,299 miles; traveled by rail, 2,403 miles; by steamer, 4,310; total, 11,012 miles. General George C. Rogers was born at Piermont, New Hamp- shire, November 22, 1837, and came to the West in 1853. He was _ educated at Bradbury Academy, New Hampshire, and at Wauconda, Lake County, Illinois. He studied Law with Hon. E. P. Ferry, at Waukegan, and in 1860 was admitted to the bar, at Springfield. In that year he canvassed the State for Douglas. 011 the breaking _out of the rebellion he raised the first company in Lake County, and went into the 15th regiment as First Lieutenant of Company I, and in September was made Captain. At the battle of Shiloh he was wounded four times, and while at home received from Governor Yates a commission as Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment. After the battle of the Hatchie, he was appointed Colonel, in the place of Colonel Turner, who had resigned. At the battle of Champion Hills he was twice wounded. The works at Allatoona were built under his direction. In the Atlanta campaign he commanded a brigade, and in Washington, in June, 1865, he received his promotion by brevet as Brigadier-General—-an honor fairly and bravely won. He was mustered out of the service with his regiment. SEVEN TEEN TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 17th regiment was organized at Peoria, and was mustered into the State service on the 13th of May, 1861, and into the United States service on the 24th of the same month. The original roster was as follows: Colonel, Leonard Fulton Ross; Lieutenant-Colonel, Enos P. Wood; Major, Francis M. Smith; Adjutant, Abraham H. Ryan; Quartermaster, Henry L. Smith; Surgeon, L. D. Kellogg; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Charles B. Tompkins; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Henry H. Penneman; Chaplain, Sanford A. Kingsbury ‘ THE snvnnrnnnrn. 137 Go. A—Captain, Addison S. Norton; 1st Lieutenant, Abraham H. Ryan; 2d Lien- tenant, George W. Robson. I Go. B—Captain, Benjamin T. Baldwin; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph L. Dodds; 2d Lieutenant, Albert W. Jones. Co. C—-Captain, Allen D. Rose; 1st Lieutenant,. William Walsh; 2d Lieutenant, David A. Parks. Co. D-—Captain, Henry H. Bush; 1st Lieutenant, James McCartney; 2d Lieuten- ant, John J . Biggs. a C0. E-Captain, Francis M. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, Roderick R. Harding; 2d Lieutenant, James C. Beswick. Co. F—Captain, Josiah Moore; 1st Lieutenant, John R. Charter; 2d Lieutenant, Charles C. Williams. Co. G-Captain, Otis A. Burgess; 1st Lieutenant, Jonathan H. Rowell ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Frederick D. Callsen. Co. H—Captain, Leonard F. Ross; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas A. Boyd; 2d Lieu- tenant, Asias Willison. Co. I--Captain, Enos P. Wood; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Saunders; 2d Lieu- tenant, Edward S. Bruington. Co. K--Captain, James P. Walker; 1st Lieutenant, John Q. A. Jones; 2d Lieu- tenant, Andrew J . Bruner. The 17th left Peoria on the 19th of June, 1861, for Alton, from whence it proceeded to Missouri, and was employed there and in Kentucky until the 20th of October, when it opened and engaged in the battle of Fredericktown, Missouri. It then remained at Cape Girardeau until February 6, 1862. It was at the taking of Fort Henry, February 10th, and Fort Donelson, February 12th. It was also in the three days’ battle at Savannah, Tennessee, and in the battle of Shiloh, where it suifered severely. It next engaged in the siege of Corinth, frequently skirmishing with the enemy, but “ more frequently using the shovel and the hoe.” From Corinth it was ordered to Bethel, thence to Jackson, and on the 17th of July to Bolivar, where it was assigned to guard and provost duty. Here it remained till November, 1862, participating in an expedition to Iuka to reinforce General Rosecrans at the battle of that name, and in another to reinforce General Hurlbut at the battle of the Hatchie, but did not arrive in-time to participate in either of those engage- ments. About the middle of November it was placed on duty at Lagrange, Tennessee, Colonel Norton commanding the post. Here it was continually on the alert, as this was the general depot for supplies for the armies south of this point. Early in December, it was ordered to Holly Springs and thence to Abbeville, where it 138 ' PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. 9‘ remained till the surrender of the former place, when General Grant’s forces were compelled to fall back for supplies. The regiment was soon after ordered to Memphis, remaining there till January 16, 1868, when it was sent to Vicksburg. A few days after arriving there, it proceeded to Lake Providence, Louisiana, then the head- _ quarters of the 17 th Army Corps. It remained on duty at this point until -the operations for the investment of Vicksburg were com- menced. Arriving at Mi]liken’s Bend, La., on or about the 1st of May, it commenced the march across the Delta, to Perkins’ Land- ing, on the Mississippi River, thence, via “Hard Times,” to the place of crossing, below Grand Gulf, and advancing with McPher- son’s command, via Raymond, Champion Hills, Jackson, Big Black and to the final investment of Vicksburg, during which time it was on picket duty in the trenches before Vicksburg, on alternate days being employed as sharp-shooters. It remained in this position until the final capitulation of Vicksburg, when, having previously been assigned to General John A. Logan’s division, it had the honor of marching into that city together with the other forces comprised in that division, on the final surrender of the city. Here, and in the vicinity of Big Black, it remained doing garrison duty, making frequent incursions into the enemy’s country, once as far east as Meridian, under command of General Sherman, thence returning to Monroe, Louisiana, thence to Vicksburg and vicinity, where it remained until May, 1864. The term of service of the regiment expiring on the 24th of May this year, it was ordered to Springfield, Illinois, for muster out and final discharge; when and where those of the original organization, who did not re-enlist as veterans, were mustered out and discharged. A suflicient number not having enlisted to entitle them to retain their regimental organization, the veterans and recruits whose term of service had not expired, were con- solidated with the, 8th Illinois infantry, with whose history they were afterward identified, and were finally mustered out with that regiment, and discharged in the spring of 1866. EIGHTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. This regiment was organized in Camp Anna, in the 9th Congres- sional District, under the “ Ten Regiment Bill,” and rendezvoused THE EIGHTEENTH. -5*; 139 at Anna. On the 16th of May, 1861, it was mustered into the State service fin thirty days by Captain U. S. Grant. On the 28th it was mustered into the three years’ service, with the followmg roster: Colonel, Michael K. Lawler; Lieutenant Colonel, Thomas H. Burgess; Major, Samuel Eaton; Adjutant, William B. Fondey; Quartermaster, John Olney; Sur- geon, Henry W. Davis; lst Assistant Surgeon, Orange B. Ormsby; 2d Assistant Surgeon, William W. Hipolite; Chaplain, Lewis Lambert. Co. A--Captain, James Baird; 1st Lieutenant, James S. Craig; 2d Lieutenant, Henry S. Wilson. ' _ Co. B—Captain Elias W. Jones; 1st Lieutenant, Cornelius C. Weaver; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Scanland. Co. C—Captain, William S. Crawford; 1st Lieutenant, William J. Dillon; 2d Lieutenant, Andrew J.-Ice. ' ' Co. D.—Captain, Jos. T. Cormick; 1st Lieutenant, Wimer Bedford; 2d Lieu- ' tenant, George W. Green. Co. E-—Captain, William Hunter; 1st Lieutenant, Edgar Potter; 2d Lieutenant, Charles H. Reed Co. F——Captain, J abez J . Anderson; 1st Lieutenant, John Olney; 2d Lieutenant, William M. Thompson. Co. G--Captain, Wilson M. Cooper; 1st Lieutenant, Nathan Crews; 2d Lieuten- ant, William H. Robinson. Co. H—Captain, Richard R. Hopkins; 1st Lieutenant, John H. Moberly; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas G. Barnes. ‘ Co. I--Captain, Samuel B. Marks ; 1st Lieutenant, John H. Barton; 2d Lieuten- ant, Joseph 1/Villiams. Co. K—Captain, Daniel H. Brush; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Lawrence; 2d Lieu- tenant, Argill Conner. The regiment left camp on the 24th of June, and proceeded to Bird’s Point, Mo. On the 27th of August, it was sent to Mound City, and on the 6th of October to Cairo. On the 1st of November, it was sent on a brief expedition to Bloomfield, returning on the 12th. Jan. 10, 1862, it took part in the reconnoissance before Columbus. It was at the taking of Fort Henry, and bore an active part in the capture of Fort Donelson, where it lost 50 killed and 150 wounded. It next participated in the battle of Shiloh, losing 10 killed and 65 wounded, and in the siege of Corinth. After the evacuation of that place, it joined in the pursuit of the enemy as far as Brownsville, when it returned to Jackson. Dec. 20th, it started in the pursuit of Forest, returning the following day. It remained at Jackson until May, 1863, doing garrison duty. In the spring of that year it was mounted, and participated in the pursuit of the guerrilla bands which infested that region, making frequent captures-—at one time taking 37’ 140 3;; PATBIOTISM on ILLINOIS. of Chalmers’ guerrillas, including Col. Newsome and 12 of his men. April 29th it went to Covington, Tenn., and captured the town, where it had a brisk engagement with Roddy. On the 28th of May it was ordered to Vicksburg, via Memphis, and was one of the first regi- ments to occupy Haines’ Bluff, where it constructed works for the defence of the rear against Johnston, occupying them until the sur- render of Vicksburg. About the 10th of July it joined in General Steele’s Little Rock expedition, and took part in the capture of the Arkansas capital on the 10th of September. Here it remained on garrison duty until October, when it was ordered to Pine Bluff, Ark. On the 18th it took an active part in the battle of Mount Elba, where it distinguished itself by sharp fighting. Early in December it was ordered back to Little Rock, and on the 16th re-enlisted for the vet- eran service, and was consolidated into three companies. On the 16th of March, 1864, seven new companies were assigned to the regiment, and Col. J . C. Webber commissioned as its commander. The regiment remained on guard duty at Little Rock until Septem- ber, 1865, when it was ordered to Pine Bluff. Here it was en- gaged on guard duty, Col. Webber in command of the post, until Dec. 16th, when it was mustered out. It arrived at Springfield on the 31st, and was paid off and discharged on the 8th of January, 1866. It is related of the 18th that it was composed very largely of the friends and supporters of Senator Douglas, by whose influence, as exerted in the last grand efforts of his life, they were induced to enter the army, and warmly to support the Government in its hour of need. Col. Jules C. Webber was born at Mayville, Chautauque county, N. Y., August 27, 1838; At an early age he emigrated to Michigan’, where he resided until 1850, when he took up his residence in Grun- dy county, Ill. Here he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in February, 1861. He entered into partnership with Richard Rit- ter, afterward Colonel of the 28th Illinois. Col. Webber raised a company of volunteers for the army, and proceeded with it to Spring- field, but was unable to secure its acceptance, and was compelled to disband it. Hearing of the organization of the 18th regiment in the southern portion of the State, he proceeded to Anna, and enlisted as a private. He rose step‘ by step until June 6, 1865, when he was THE TWENTIETH mraurnv. 141 commissioned Colonel of the regiment. At the conclusion of the war he was brevetted a Brigadier-General for “ gallant and merito- rious conduct.” He is now Adjutant-General of the “Grand Army of the Republic.” ' TWENTIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 20th regiment was organized at J oliet by companies from dif- erent counties, as follows: A, from Champaign county; B, from Will; C, McLean; D, Livingston; E, DeWitt; F, Will and Bu- reau; G, Kankakee ; H, Putnam and LaSalle'; I, Iroquois; K, Ken- dall; and when mustered into the service on June 13, 1861, num- bered 924 men. The following is the original roster: Colonel, C. Carroll Marsh; Lieutenant-Colonel, William Erwin; Major, John W. Goodwin; Adjutant, John E. Thompson; Quartermaster, John Spicer; Surgeon, Christopher Goodbrake ; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Fred. K. Bailey; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Rolla T. Richards; Chaplain, Charles Button. Co. A--Captain, John S. Wolfe ; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel Bradley; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Kennard. Co. B—Captain, Fred. A. Bartleson; 1st Lieutenant, Lieutenant, John F. Cleghorn. Co. C—-Captain, John 0. Pullen; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Champion; 2d Lieu- tenant, Andrew J . Taylor. Co. D--Captain, John A. Hoskins; 1st Lieutenant, Joshua Whitmore; 2d Lieu- tenant, John A. Fellows. l Co. E—Captain, Evan Richards; 1st Lieutenant, Henry C. Pharres; 2d Lieuten- ant, James M. North. ' Co. F—Captain, William Erwin; 1st Lieutenant, James E. Shields ; 2d Lieuten- ant, James E. Shields. Co. G—Captain, James W. Burgess; 1st Lieutenant, John Tunison; 2d Lieuten- ant, Cephas Williams. _ Co. H—Captain, Orton Frisbie; 1st Lieutenant, Frank Whiting; 2d Lieutenant, John M. Powell. Co. I-Captain, George H. Walser; 1st Lieutenant, George E. King; 2d Lieuten- ant, John C. Tobias. Co. K—Captain, Reuben F. Dyer; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin Olin; 2d Lieutenant, John R. McKean. John W. Goodwin; 2d The first severe battle in which the Twentieth participated was at Fredericktown, Mo., October 21, 1861. After this it remained for some months encamped at Cape Girardeau, and when again called into active service, in the spring of 1862, participated in the follow- ing battles: Fort Henry, February 10, 1862; Fort Donelson, Febru- 142 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. ary 13,14 and 15; Shiloh, April 6; siege of Corinth; Britton’s Lane, September 1; Thompson’s Hill, May 1, 1863; Raymond, May 12; ‘ Jackson, May 14; Champion’s Hill, May 16; Vicksburg from May 19 to July 4, during the siege. In this siege it was engaged in the celebrated charges on Fort Hill, on May 22d and June 22d. After Vicksburg had fallen, it remained on guard in its vicinity until Sherman’s Meridian raid, on which it took its full share in the bat- tles of Clinton and Chunkeys’ Station. After the raid it returned to Vicksburg, and thence home, on veteran furlough, in the month of March, 1864. At this time only one hundred and ninety-seven of the old members remained in the regiment. On its return to service, it joined Sherman at Big Shanty, and under him was engaged in the first charge on Kenesaw Mountain, and the subsequent great battle there on June 27, 1864. Subsequently it participated in the great battles of July 21st and 22d before Atlanta, and on the last men- tioned date the enemy managed to flank it, and captured the entire regiment, with the exception of thirteen men and two or three offi- cers. When the detailed squad was sent back, its total strength was thirty-five men, commanded by Capt. King, all the rest being in An- dersonville, Charleston and other Southern prisons. This small rem- nant was mounted and employed in scouting service on Sherman’s “ march down to the sea,” until it reached Goldsboro, N. C., where it received two hundred and fifty recruits, was rejoined there and at Alexandria by nearly all the former members of the regi- ment who lived, and had, by this time, been exchanged, and once more it resumed its character as a regimental organization. It was present in the grand review at Washington, and thence returned, via Louisville, to Chicago,'where it arrived June 19, 1865, for final muster and discharge. It brought home twenty-one ofiicers and three hundred and twenty-two men, of whom only about seventy were in the original nine hundred and twenty-four of which the regiment was composed in 1861. TWENTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. In the first volume of this work (p. 307), we have given the origi- nal roster of this regiment and a sketch of its career up to the time of its marching to the relief of Burnside at Knoxville. It passed THE TWENTY-THIRD mrnrrnr. 143 the winter of 1863-’4 among the mountams of East Tennessee. Early in the spring it moved to London, Tennessee, thence to Cleve- land, marching thence under General Sherman, and was engaged in the two days’ fighting at Resaca. It was afterward, for eleven days and nights, under fire in the trenches at Ackworth, Georgia. It left this point on the 10th of June, and was mustered out of ser- vice on the 7th of July, 1864. TWENTY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY. In Vol. I. (p. 367 et seq.), we have given the original roster of this regiment and the history of its career until the battle of Winchester, West Va., July 25, 1864, when its brave commander, Col. Mulligan, was killed. After this battle, the 23d participated in all the campaigns of Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, and more than once avenged the death of its chief, under the respective commands of Captains Fitzgerald, Moriarty and Simpson. After the total over- throw of Early in the Valley, it was ordered to the Army of the James, and, ‘under Captain Ryan, took part in the great last movement of Grant. The Yates Phalanx, 39th Illinois, and the Chicago Irish Brigade, 23d Illinois, both successfully stormed Fort Gregg, the key to Petersburg, taking the fort at the point of the bay- onet-, and under a most disastrous fire. The 28d shared with the old Army of the Potomac the honor of driving the rebel armies to the “last ditch” of the defunct rebellion. After the surren- der of Lee’s army, the regiment was ordered back to Richmond, and did duty near that city up to the date of its muster out, in July, 1865, when it returned to Chicago. During its entire term of service, up to Richmond, it received but about one hundred recruits. Two hun dred men who enlisted for the 23d were sent off down to Sherman’s _ army, and the regiment never saw any of them but two, who had been captured by the enemy, escaped and rejoined at Richmond the command for which they originally enlisted. At Richmond they received five companies of recruits. The following are some of the principal battles in which this regiment was engaged: Lexington, Sept,, 1861 (nine days’fighting) ; Moorfield, W. Va., Jan. 3, 1863; Philippi, W. Va., April 26, 1863; Petersburg Gap, W. Va., Oct., 1863; Medley, W. Va., Jan. 30, 1864: Leetown, W. Va., July 3, 144: PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. 1864; Shepherdstown, W. Va., July 3, 1864; Maryland Heights, Md., July 6, 7 and 8, 1864 ; Snicker’s Gap, July 17, 1864; Winchester, July _ 23 and 24, 1864; Martinsburg, July 25, 1864; Cedar Creek, Aug. 13, 1864; Halltown, Aug. 22 and 23, 1864 ; Berryville, Sept. 3, 1864; Opequan Creek (or second Winchester), Sept. 19, 1864 ; Fiser’s Hill, Sept; 22, 1864; Cedar Creek, Oct. 13, 1864; Hatcher’s Run, March 31, April 1 and 2, 1865; Fort Gregg, April 7, 1865. In addition to these, detached companies have had desperate en- gagements, as follows: Companies B, D and K, South Fork of the Potomac, Nov. 12, 1862; company K, Fairmount, April, 1863; company I, Rowesburg, April, 1863; company I, Wolfsden, Oct., 1863 ; company C, Wil- liamsport, Jan. 3, 1864; companies C, D and K, Moorfield, Jan., 1865; company D, Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865 ; com- pany G, Greenland, April 25, 1863. - ' The last named company engagement, by company G, under Cap- tain Wallace, was one of the most desperate engagements during the war. They were in a church when attacked by the rebels, killed more than their own number of the enemy, and then only surrender- ed when the building in which they were was set on fire. t_ TWENTY-NIN TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 29th regiment was organized at Camp Butler, and mustered into the service July 27, 1861. The original roster is as follows: Colonel, James S. Reardon; Lieutenant-Colonel, James E. Dunlap; Major, Mason Brayman; Adjutant, Aaron R. Stout; Quartermaster, Ebenezer Z. Ryan; Surgeon, Charles C. Guard; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Samuel L. Cheaney; Chaplain, Zenas S. Clifford. Co.A—Capta1n, Charles M. Ferrell; 1st Lieutenant, David R. Jones; 2d Lieu- . tenant, Lorenzo D. Martin. Co. B—Captain, George W. McKenzie; 1st Lieutenant, John D. Jamison; 2d Lieutenant, George C. Jamison. 1 ' Co. C—Captain, John A. Callicott; 1st Lieutenant John M. -Eddy; 2d Lieutenant, Alfred DeWitt. Co. D—Captain, John S. Whiting; 1st Lieutenant, James B. Hart; 2d Lieutenant, Eberlee P. H. Stone. Co. E—Captain, William H. Parish; 1st Lieutenant, William Choisser; 2d Lieu- tenant, William W. Burnett. Co. F—Captain, James Roper; 1st Lieutenant, Peter Belford; 2d Lieutenant, Richard M. Bozman. THE TWENTY'NINTH INFANTRY. 145 Co. G--Captain, Soloman S. Brill; 1st Lieutenant, Henry Wakefield ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Theodore Millspaugh. Co. H—Captain, Jason B. Sprague; 1st Lieutenant, Abner Hostetter; 2d Lieu- tenant, William H. Stewart. 00. I-Captain, Augustus O. Millington; 1st Lieutenant, Marshall M. McIntyre; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel H. Russell. Co. K—Captain, John A. Carmichael; 1st Lieutenant, Elijah P. Curtis; 2d Lieu- tenant, William T. Day. In September, 1861, the regiment was ordered to Cairo. Here it remained, save when engaged in expeditions into Missouri and Ken- tucky, until the capture of Fort Henry, in February, 1862, when it was the first regiment to enter the rebel works after their evacuation. It next participated in the capture of Fort Donelson, where it suffer- ed severely. It bore ‘a most honorable part at the battle of Shiloh, and was engaged in the subsequent siege of Corinth. On the 6th of June, it was removed to Jackson, Tenn. While here, it engaged in several expeditions to various points inWest Tennessee, and formed part of the force sent by General Grant to reinforce General Rose- crans at the time of the attack on Corinth. It arrived too late to take part in the battle, but pursued the retreating rebels, inflicting serious damage. On the 18th of December, Lieutenant-Colonel Kent was sent with two companies to the reinforcement of Jackson, and on the 20th, Colonel Murphy, commandant at Holly Springs, disgracefully surrendered his command, which included eight com- panies of the 29th Illinois. The men were paroled and sent to Ben- ton Barracks, St. Louis, where they remained until exchanged in July, 1863. The remaining two companies were assigned to duty in the Western navy, where they served with honorable distinction in the siege of Vicksburg. In October, 1863, the regiment was re- enlisted; and a few days later the 131st Illinois was consolidated with it. On the 31st of December, 1863, the regiment was sent to Natchez, Mississippi. Here in the succeeding month it re-enlisted in the veteran service, and received veteran furloughs at Springfield on the 19th of July, 1864. On the‘22d..of August it left Spring- field for Natchez, where it remained until October, when it went to the mouth of White River, and from thence to Paducah, Ky. In the latter part of November it returned to Memphis. It took part in the expedition sent into East Tennesseeyand on the 1st of Jan- 10 146 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. uary, 1865, went to New Orleans. It then took part in thecampaign against Mobile, and was actively engaged at the siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely. On the 12th of April, it marched into the city of Mobile. On the 20th of June it left for Galveston, Texas, and proceeded thence to various points in that State, where it re- mained until the 6th of November, 1865, when it was mustered out of the service. It arrived at Camp Butler November 25th, and three days later was paid off and discharged. THIRTIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 30th regiment was mustered into the service at Camp Butler, August 28, 1861, with an aggregate strength of 992 men. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Philip B. Fouke; Lieutenant-Colonel, Elias S. Dennis; Major, Thomas McClurlns——LoGAN’s Conrs-—PALMER—-TWENTY-FIFTH AND TWENTY- SEVENTH—-EIGHTY-NINTH-—-LOGAN-—FIFTY-NINTH AND SEVENTY-FOURTH—SEERMAN’S REPoRT—PEAcE TREE GREEK——CINCINNATI GOMMERCIAIJS AUCOUNT-SITUATION- McPEERsoN’s ADvANcE--EIGETY-EDETH I1.LrNoIs—LoeAN’s Oonrs--PALMER’S Conrs --FORTY-FOURTH—-—HO0KER IN POSITION AND FIGHTING—GEARY—WARD—FAOE TO FACE-—WILLIAMS--BRADLEY--FORTY-sucoND--TWENTY-sEvEN:rn—THoMAs Comm- ING AN ECLECTIC DETACHMENT-—ONE HUNDREDTE—EIGETY-EIGHTH-;SEvENTY-EOURTH —-COBURN—-ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH AND LIEUTENANT-CoLoNEL FLYNN-— McGoox—ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH IN PER1L—DEEEAT or PALMER-ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH—ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH—IMPORTANCE or THIS BATTLE-—KEN' EsAw REDEEMED—HooD IN COMMAND--Hrs PRESTIGE GoNE. HERE was sharp work ahead. Sherman says in his report, “ On the 9th of June, our communications in the rear being secure and supplies ample, we moved forward to Big Shanty.” Before him was an army, inferior to his own in numbers, but in posi- tions assumed in the Switzerland of the Southwest, among moun- tains of rugged grandeur, streams of rapid volume and dense vine- tangled woodland, with the ablest Southern captain save Lee at its head, assisted by Polk, Hardee, Cleburn the Western Stonewall Jackson, Forrest the cavalry brigand, Hood the daring, dashing leader, soon to be in command, Wheeler and others. The eye of General Sherman took in the grandeur and the difiiculty of the situation. He says: “Kenesaw, the bold and striking twin mountain, lay before us, with a high range of chestnut hills, trending off to the Northeast, terminating, to our view, in another peak, called Brushy Mountain. To our right was the smaller hill called Pine Moun- tain, and beyond it, in the distance, Lost Mountain. All these, though links in a 174: mrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. continuous chain, present a sharp, conical appearance, prominent in the vast landscape that presents itself from any of the hills that abound in that region. Ken- esaw, Pine Mountain and Lost Mountain form a triangle, Pine Mountain the apex, and Kenesaw and Lost Mountain the base, coveriu g perfectly the town of Marietta and the railroad back to the Chattahoochee. On each side of these peaks the enemy had his signal stations. The summits were covered with batteries; the spurs were alive with men, busy in felling trees, digging pits and preparing for the grand struggle impending. “ The scene was enchanting, too beautiful to be disturbed by the harsh clamors of war, but the Chattahoochee lay beyond, and I had to reach it.” He thus states the disposition of his forces: “On approaching close to the enemy, I found him occupying a line full two miles long, more than he could hold with his force. General McPherson was ordered to move toward Marietta, his right on the railroad, General Thomas on Kenesaw and Pine Mountain, and General Schofield off toward Lost Mountain; General Garrard’s cavalry on the left, General Stoneman’s on the right, and General McCook looking to our rear and communications.” By the 11th of June the Federal forces were up, and Sherman commenced operations with a view to break the rebel line between Kenesaw and Pine Mountains. McPherson commanded the railroad line between Allatoona and Kenesaw. Hooker was on the right, General Howard on the left and front of the enemy, and General Palmer between it and the railroad. The 13th and 14th were rainy days, rendering anything more than artillery practice impossible. On the morning of the 14th the 4th Corps moved forward in the center, closing up well on Hooker. A correspondent of the New York lYeral0Z thus detailsian impor- tant incident occurring on the 14th: “ Skirmishers were thrown out in order to cover the advance of our lines, and a few sections of artillery were placed in position. The skirmishing was pretty brisk toward evening, and the batteries opened a dropping fire on the rebel position. Sherman rode up to a battery and turned his glass toward Pine Mountain. “After taking a good view he turned to the oflicer in command, saying ‘Captain Simonson, can you send a shell right on the top of that knob? I notice a battery there and several General oflicers near it.’ “ ‘I’ll try, General.’ “ The Captain fired, and the General looked on with his glass. LOST MOUNTAIN ocourmn. 175 “‘Ah, Captain, a little too high; try again with a shorter fuse ;’ and up went the glass to his eye. Away went the shell, tearing through Bishop Polk in its course. “ ‘ That will do’ said Sherman, shutting down his glass. “ It is said that Johnston and Hardee were on their horses beside Polk when he fell, and when the first shell came they said ‘ it is safer to alight.’ Polk smiled and still staid surveying our position, and thus met his death. We knewthat night that he was killed, for our sig- nal officers had discovered the system of rebel signals, which enabled them to read the dispatches along the enemy’s lines.” Lovell succeeded him in command. On the 15th Pine Mountain was found to be abandoned. Thomas and Schofield advanced to find him entrenched strongly along the line of rugged hills between Kenesaw and Lost Mountain. During the operations of the 15th and 16th, Sherman desired to ascertain the strength of some rebel batteries, known to be posted on their right flank commanding the Marietta road, and suspected to be of great strength, but no amount of shelling or sharpshooting would induce them to uncover. The General ordered out a locomotive, had steam raised to full head, attached three cars and ordered it started full speed toward Marietta. With a scream it plunged away, screaming and snorting as though bound for Atlanta with the latest news. The enemy started-—they supposed it a desperate attempt to run a body of men past them into Marietta to assail their rear, and instantly their batteries were ablaze, right and left, throwing shot and shell. Sherman smiled grimly, and walked away—-he had drawn the fire and ascertained the rebel strength, and it was clear an assault could not be made. I The weather was tempestuous, but our forces pressed onward slowly but surely. On the 17th the enemy abandoned Lost Mountain with the long line of admirable breast-works con- necting it with Kenesaw Mountain. Still the pressure on the rebel line continued. We quote again from Sherman’s report: “ We continued to press at all points, skirmishing in dense forests of timber and across most diflicult ravines, until we found him again strongly posted and entrenched, with Kenesaw as his salient, his right wing thrown back to cover Marietta, and his left behind Nose’s Creek, covering his railroad back to the Chattahoochee. This enabled him to contract his lines and strengthen them accordingly. “From Kenesaw he could look down upon our camps and observe every move- 17 6 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. ment, and his batteries thundered away, but did us little harm, on account of the extreme hight, the shot and shell passing harmlessly over our heads as we lay close up against his mountain town. “ During our operations about Kenesaw, the weather was villainously bad, and the rain fell almost continuously for three weeks, rendering our narrow wooded roads mere mud galleys, so that a general movement would have been impossible, but our men daily worked closer and closer to their entrenched foe, and kept up an incessant picket firing galling to him. Every opportunity was taken to advance our general lines closer and closer to the enemy. “ General McPherson watching the enemy on Kenesaw and working his left for- ward, General Thomas, swinging, as it were on a grand left wheel, his left on Kenesaw connecting with General McPherson, and General Schofield all the time working to the south and east along the old Sandtown road. On the 22d General Hooker had advanced his line, with General Schofield on his right, the enemy, Hood’s corps, with detachments from the others, suddenly sallied and attacked. The blow fell mostly on General William’s division of General Hooker’s corps, and a brigade of General Hascall’s division of General Schofield’s army. ' “The ground was comparatively open, and although the enemy drove in the skir- mish lines, an advanced regiment of General Schofield, sent out purposely to hold him in check until some preparations could be completed for his reception, yet when he reached our line of battle he received a terrible repulse, leaving his dead, wounded, and many prisoners in our hands. This is known as the affair of the ‘Kulp House.’ Although inviting the enemy at all times to commit such mistakes, I could not hope for him to repeat them after the examples of Dallas and the ‘Kulp House,’ and upon studying the ground, I had no alternative in my turn but to assault his lines or turn his position. Either course had its difiiculties and dangers. And I perceived that the enemy and our own olficers had settled down into a conviction that I would not assault fortified lines.” The severest criticism which assailed the course of General Sher- man at any point between Chattanooga to Raleigh has concentrated upon the Kenesaw assault. It was a failure, frankly so conceded, yet had it been a success, it had been lauded, as was the assault on Mission Ridge. If it had succeeded the results would have been ample repayment. It cost immensely in life, and added to the count- less bereavements already sustained. It is better that the gallant leader shall say to the people, to the fathers, mothers, sisters and wives of those who fell what he has said to the Government. His oflicial report says : “All looked to me to ‘ outflank.’ An army to be efficient must ‘not settle down to one mode of offense, but must be prepared to execute any plan which promises success. I waited, therefore, for the moral effect, to make a successful assault against the enemy behind his breastworks, and resolved to attempt it at that point where success would give the largest fruits of victory. The general point selected AssAUL'r 0N xENEsAw. 177 was the left center; because, if I could thrust a strong head of column through at that point by pushing it boldly and rapidly two and one half miles, it would reach the railroad below Marietta, cut ofl‘ the enemy’s right and center from its line of retreat, and then, by turning on either part, it could be overwhelmed and destroyed. Therefore, on the 24th of June, I ordered that an assault should be made at two points south of Kenesaw on the 27th, giving three days’ notice for preparation and reconnoissance; one to be made near Little Kenesaw by General McPherson’s troops, and the other about a mile further south by General Thomas’ troops. The hour was fixed, and all the details given in Field Orders No. 28, of June 24. On the 27th of June the two assaults were made at the time and in the manner prescribed, and both failed, costing us many valuable lives, among them those of Generals Harker and McCook, Colonel Rice and others badly wounded; our aggregate loss being near 3,000, while we inflicted comparatively little loss on the enemy, who lay behind his well formed breastworks. Failure as it was, and for which I assume the entire responsibility, I yet claim it produced good fruits, as it demonstrated to Gen- eral Johnston that I would assault, and that boldly, and we also gained and held ground so close to the enemy’s parapets that he could not show a head above them. “It would not do to rest long under the influence of a mistake or failure, and accordingly General Schofield was working strong on the enemy’s left ; and on the 1st of July, I ordered General McPherson to be relieved by General Garrard’s cav- alry in front of Kenesaw, and to rapidly throw his whole army by the right down to and threaten Nickojack Creek and Turner’s ferry across the Chattahoochee, and I also pushed Stoneman’s cavalry to the river below Turner’s.” Thus briefly do ofiicial reports tell the sad story of repulse and slaughter. In the skirmishes preceding the sanguinary battle of the 27 th, the men of Illinois were everywhere that danger was to be confronted, and they were worthy peers of those who fought beside them. The newspapers have such paragraphs as these: “ The rebels made a strong attack on McPherson’s left, where they vainly strove to recover their lost position, but were repulsed by Logan’s 15th Corps.” “Howard and Palmer were thundering at their center.” “The 5th Kentucky, 124th Ohio, Hazen’s brigade, 32d Indiana, and 25th Illinois of Gibson’s brigade were thrown forward as a heavy line of skirmishers, by General Wood. On their left Wag- ner’s brigade and the 27th Illinois of Harker’s brigade were also deployed, and with one gallant, united eifort they succeeded in cap- turing the enemy’s first line of works.” Again and again we meet this same division. Now we meet an honorable mention of the 89th, ‘made incidentally, showing its bravery in the face of appalling danger. 1 2 178 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. On the 26th Logan formed his Corps, entrenching in advanced position, and on the 27th, at 8 A. M., formed it in battle order, and led it against the first line of rebel works through a terrific fire of musketry and artillery and carried it, and again carried the second line, and advanced beyond, butthe abrupt mountain side and brist- ling strength of the defen ses compelled him to fall back, losing many valuable lives, to the second line. In all the VVestern divisions engaged our State was represented. The 59th was support to the skirmishers of Newton’s division. The 74th was in Harker’s brigade, and in the advance of Newton’s division. That gallant young hero was in the advance, and fell mortally wounded. The dead were buried, and the wounded cared for, and again the puzzling tactics of Sherman came in play, and we again quote from his official report: ' “ General McPherson commenced his movement the night of July 2d, and the effect was instantaneous. The next morning Kenesaw was abandoned, and with the first dawn of day I saw our skirmishers appear on the mountain top. General Thomas’ whole line was then moved forward to the railroad and turned south in pursuit toward the Chattahoochee. In person I entered Marietta at 8% in the morning, just as the enemy’s cavalry vacated the place. General Logan’s corps of General McPherson’s army, which had not moved far, was ordered back into Marietta by the main road, and General McPherson and General Schofield were instructed to cross N ickojack and attack the enemy in flank and rear, and, if possible, to catch him in the con- fusion of crossing the Chattahoochee ; but Johnston had foreseen andprovided against all this, and had covered his movement well. He had entrenched a strong tete du cont at the Chattahoochee, with an advanced entrenched line across the road at Smyrna camp-meeting ground, five miles from Marietta. “Here General Thomas found him, his front covered by a good parapet, and his flanks behind the Nickojack and Rottonwood creeks. Ordering a garrison for Mari- etta, and General Logan to join his own an-my near the mouth of Nickojack, I over- took General Thomas at Smyrna. On the 4th of July we pushed a strong skirmish line down the main road, capturing the entire line of the enemy’s pits, and made strong demonstrations along Nickojack Creek and about Turner’s Ferry. This had the desired effect, and the next morning the enemy was gone, and the army moved to the Chattahoochee, General Thomas’ left flank resting on it near Paices’ Ferry, General McPherson’s right at the mouth of N ickojack, and General Schofield in reserve; the enemy lay behind a line of unusual strength, covering the railroad and pontoon bridges and beyond the Chattahoochee. Heavy skirmishing along our whole front during the 5th demonstrated the strength of the enemy’s position, which could alone be turned by crossing the main Chattahoochee River, a rapid and deep stream, only passable at that stage by means of bridges except at one or two very difficult fords. “ To accomplish this result I judged it would be more easy of execution before he enemy had made more thorough preparation or regained full confidence, and accord- cnarranoocnnn. 17 9 ingly I ordered General Schofield across from his position on the Sandtown road to Smyrna campground, and next to the Chattahoochee, near the mouth of Soap’s Creek, and eifect a lodgment on the east bank. This was most successfully and skillfully accomplished on the 7th of July, General Schofield capturing a gun, com- pletely surprising the guard, laying a good pontoon bridge and a trestle bridge, and effecting a strong lodgment on high and commanding ground, with good roads lead- ing to the east. At the same time General Garrard moved rapidly on Roswell and destroyed the factories which had supplied the rebel armies with cloth for years. Over one of these, the woolen factory, the nominal owner displayed the French flag, which was not respected, of course. A neutral surely is no better than one of our own citizens, and we do not permit our own citizens to fabricate cloth for hostile uses. “General Garrard was then ordered to secure the shallow ford at Roswell and hold it until he could be relieved by infantry; and as I contemplated transferring the army of the Tennessee from the extreme right to the left, I ordered General Thomas to send a division of his infantry that was nearest up to Roswell to hold the ford until General McPherson could send up a corps from the neighborhood of N ickojack. General Newton’s division was sent and held the ford until the arrival of General Dodge’s corps, which was soon followed by General McPherson’s whole army. About the same time General Howard had also built a bridge at Powers’ Ferry; two miles below General Schofield had crossed over and taken a position on his right. Thus during the 9th we had secured three good and safe points of passage over the Chat- tahoochee, above the enemy, with good roads leading to Atlanta, and Johnston abandoned his teie du pant, burned his bridges, and left us undisputed masters north and west of the Chattahoochee, at daylight of the 10th of July. “This was one, if not the chief, object of the campaign, viz.: the advancement of our lines from the Tennessee to the Chattahoochee, but Atlanta lay before us only eight miles distant, and was too important a place in the hands of an enemy to be left undisturbed with its magazines, stores, arsenals, workshops, founderies, &c., and more especially its railroads, which converge there from the four great cardinal points. But the men had worked hard and needed rest, and we accordingly took a short spell. But in anticipation of this contingency I had collected a well appointed force of cavalry about 2,000 strong at Decatur, Alabama, with orders, on receiving notice by telegraph, to push rapidly south, cross the Coosa at the railroad bridge or the Ten Islands, and thence by the most direct route to Opelika. There is but one stem of finished railroad connecting the channels of trade and travel between Geor- gia and Alabama, and Mississippi, which runs from Montgomery to Opelika, and my purpose was to break it up effectually and thereby cut off J ohnston’s army from that source of supply and reinforcement. “General Rousseau, commanding the District of Tennessee, asked permission to command the expedition and received it. As soon as Johnston was well across the Chattahoochee, and as I had begun to maneuver on Atlanta, I gave the requisite notice, and General Rosseau started punctually on the 10th of July. He fulfilled his orders and instructions to the very letter, whipping the rebel General Canton en route; he passed through Talladega, and reached the railroad on the 16th about twenty-five miles west of Opelika, and broke it well up to that place. Also three miles of the branch toward Columbus and two toward West Point. He then turned 180 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. north and brought his command safely to Marietta, arriving on the 22d, having sus- tained a trifling loss not to exceed thirty men. “The main armies remained quiet in their camps on the Chattahoochee until the 16th of July, but the time was employed in collecting stores at Allatoona, Marietta, and Vihing’s station, strengthening the railroad guards and garrisons, and improving the pier bridges and roads leading across the river. General Stoneman’s and McCook’s cavalary had scouted well down the river to draw attention in that direction, and all things being ready for a general advance, I ordered it to commence on the 17th; General Thomas to cross at Power’s and Paice’s ferry bridges, and to march by Buckhead, General Schofield was already across at the mouth of Soap’s creek, and to march by Cross Keys, and General McPherson to direct his course from Roswell straight against the Augusta road, at some point east of Decatur, near Stone Moun- tain. General Garrard’s eavalary acted with General McPherson, and Generals Stoneman and McCook watched the river and roads below the railroad. On the 1'7th the whole army advanced from their camps and formed a general line along the Old Peach Tree road. “ Continuing on a general right wheel, General McPherson reached the Augusta railroad on the 18th at a point seven miles east of Decatur, and with General Gar- rard’s cavalry, and General Morgan L. Smith’s infantry division of the 15th Corps, broke up a section of about four miles, and General Schofield reached the town of Decatur. “On the 19th General McPherson turned along the railroad into Decatur, and General Schofield followed a road toward Atlanta, leading by Colonel Howard’s house and the distillery, and General Thomas crossed Peach Tree creek in force by numerous bridges in the face of the enemy’s intrenched lines. All found the enemy in more or less force, and skirmished heavily. “On the 20th all the armies had closed in, converging toward Atlanta, but as a gap existed between Generals Schofield and Thomas, two divisions of General Howard’s corps of General Thomas’ arniy were moved to the left to connect with General Schofield, leaving General Newton’s division of the same corps on the Buckhead road. During the afternoon of the 20th, about 4 P. M., the enemy sallied from his works in force, and fell in line of battle against our right center, composed of Gen- eral Newton’s division of General Howard’s corps, on the main Buckhead road; of General Hooker’s corps next South, and General J ohnson’s division of General Palmer’s corps. The blow was sudden and somewhat unexpected, but General New- ton had hastily covered his front by a line of rail piles, which enabled him to meet and repulse the attack on him. General Hooker’s whole corps was uncovered and had to fight on comparatively open ground, and it, too, after a very severe battle, drove the enemy back to his entrenehments, and the action in front of General Johnson was comparatively light, that division being well entrenched. The enemy left on the field over 500 dead, about 1,000 wounded severely, '7 stands of colors and many prisoners. His loss could not have fallen short of 5,000, whereas ours was covered by 1,500 killed, wounded and missing; the greater loss fell on General Hooker’s corps, from its exposed condition. “On the 21st we felt the enemy in his entrenched position, which was found to crown the hights overlooking the comparatively open ground of the valley of Peach Tree Creek, his right beyond the Augusta road to the east, and his left well toward PEACH TREE cREEx. 181 ‘l‘urner’s Ferry on the Chattahoochee, at a general distance from Atlanta of four miles.” “The battle of Peach Tree Creek cannot be dismissed without further notice. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial described the situation, the problem and the solution, and we con- dense his article. “ A very few words will make the situation clear, even to such of your readers as have not had the opportunity of consulting a good map of Georgia, since the opening of the campaign. “ Seven miles from the Chattahoochee, in a straight line (nearly eight by rail), lies the city of Atlanta, The river runs generally southwest. ' Our army was advancing along the line of the Atlanta and Western railroad, in a southeast direction. A little north of east from the city, fifteen miles in a straight line, is Stone Mountain, near the base of which rises a stream called Peach Tree Creek, deep and difiicult to. cross. The general direction of this creek is west, it entering the Chattahoochee just above the railroad bridge. The creek forms nearly a right angle with the river, and within that angle lies Atlanta. The city then was defended by the Chattahoochee on the west, and by Peach Tree Creek on the north. This peculiar conformation of the streams was taken advantage of by the rebel leaders, and when they fell back across the Chattahoochee, they arranged their lines also along the two sides of this angle. The apex of the angle is at the railroad bridge. From that point the rebel lines ran southwest along the Atlanta side of the river, and directly east and west along Peach Tree Creek. “ The problem now presented to our commanders was this : Ought they to force a passage across the river, in the face of the enemy, at some point or points south of the railroad bridge, and advance upon Atlanta from the west and south-—upon which sides, the river being crossed, it was comparatively defenseless ; or should they throw their troops over the river north of the bridge, where they were likely to meet with little or no opposition, and thence march upon the rebel defenses south of Peach Tree Creek? Taking the first course was to perform what is always considered one of the most difiieult achieve- ments in warfare, namely, to cross a great river in theface of a foe. The second case involved another exceedingly dangerous undertak- 182 PATRIOTISM or rumors. ing--the fighting of a great battle with a riverjust in the rear. It was finally concluded, however, to risk the second alternative--a conclusion which reflects great honor upon our generalship, and was fully justified by two considerations: First, our superiority in num- bers over the enemy made the danger of fighting, with a river in our rear, much less than ordinarily, under similar circumstances; and, second, a glance at the map will show that by crossing the Chatta- hoochee south of the railroad bridge, we exposed our line of communi- cations; whereas, by crossing north of it we kept this line completely covered. “ The last of the army, except such portions as were destined to hold our line of communications, went over the river early on the morning of the 18th of July. It was a very wise arrangement to throw the left wing over first, because the higher up the river the crossing was effected the less liable the troops were to any formidable attack from the enemy; and it was a matter of the first importance to have a strong force on the other side, to assist, if necessary, the right wing, which was compelled to cross much nearer the rebels and near the great angle in their lines which I have already described. Besides, as we should, after getting over the river, be obliged to face the right, in order to march southward upon the rebel works along Peach Tree Creek, the left wing would be compelled to move much further than the right; and this was an additional reason for its being first thrown across. Operations actually took place in accordance with this theory. “Before any portion of the army of the Cumberland (except How- ard’s corps) had reached the southeast side of the Chattahoochee, McPherson had made a material advance, moving his extreme left along a road which runs from Marietta direct to Stone Mountain, over a branch of Peach Tree Creek, named Nancy Creek, through I the small village of Cross Keys, and forward so as to threaten seri- ously the line of the Georgia or Augusta Railroad. Schofield, next to lV[cPherson’s troops on the right, and Howard, on Schofield’s right, made corresponding movements. By 10 A. M., on the 19th, Hooker and Palmer being then over, all portions of the line advanced, almost everywhere encountering the enemy’s skirmishers (principally dis~ mounted cavalry), and everywhere driving them back. Portions of PEACH TREE CREEK. 183 Stanley’s and Wood’s divisions very handsomely distinguished them- selves during this movement and by night of the 19th nearly the whole army had crossed to the south side of Peach Tree Creek. On the right, the brigade recently commanded by Colonel Daniel McCook, (now under the leadership oF Colonel Dilworth, of the 85th Illinois,) met with a determined resistance as it passed over late in the after- noon, and lost nearly two hundred and fifty of its number, killed, wounded and captured. Inspired, however, by the gallant spirit of its recent leader, it maintained its ground until Colonel John G. Mitchell’s brigade had come up to its support, when it drove the rebels from its front, and immediately threw up fortifications. The men of KnefHer’s brigade (Stanley’s division, Howard’s corps,) swam the stream under a fire of artillery, and captured near fifty prisoners on t.he south side. Logan’s corps, the 15th, moved over to the left of the Army of the Tennessee, and advancing with rapidity and energy, its left flank well covered by Garrard’s cavalry division, it struck the Augusta Railroad at a point two and a half miles west of _ Stone Mountain and immediately commenced tearing up the track. This brilliant achievement, in connection with Rosseau’s remarkable and daring raid upon the Atlanta and West Point (Mobile) Road, must have greatly alarmed the enemy, and probably determined him to make, the next day, a desperate effort to drive us out. “ On Weclnesday morning, then, behold our entire army south of Peach Tree (Jreek, on a line running nearly east and west, and con- fronting the rebel battalions who occupied strong works just before them. Day had scarcely dawned when the left wing of the army was in motion. The 17th corps (Blair’s) passed to the extreme left, while the 15th (Logan’s) marched westward along the Augusta Railroad, tearing up the track as it went, until it reached Decatur, eight miles from Stone Mountain. Schofield advanced toward Atlanta, connect- ing with General Dodge’s division of McPherson’s army on the left. Howard, marching by the left flank, formed a junction with Scho- field; and Hooker, marching by the right flank, filled up the interval between Howard and Palmer. By noon of the 20th, the whole army was in line of battle, nearly in the following order: “ The 14th corps, Palmer’s, on the extreme right; the 20th, Hook- er’s, next; the 4th, Howard’s, next; the 23d, Schofield’s, next; 16th, 184 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. Dodge’s, next, although partly in reserve; the 15th, Logan’s next; and the 17th, Blair’s, on the extreme left. Garrard’s cavalry division covered our right flank, while General Ed. McCook’s held the ferries along the river. “ During the afternoon of the 20th the whole left wing of the army advanced, driving the enemy before them in a series of sharp and brilliant skirmishes, which, occurring between small armies, would have been called battles. It was in one of these that General Gres- ham, commanding the right division of the 17th corps, received a severe if not dangerous wound. By nightfall our extreme left had advanced nearly ten miles south of the Augusta Railroad, and rested at a point which was a little south of east from Atlanta. “ The line which I spoke of as existing at noon on Wednesday, was not everywhere complete. A line of skirmishers (the 121st Ohio, Colonel Banning,) connected General Palmer’s right with the Chat- tahoochee, and only a strong line of skirmishers connected the left of General Newton’s division with the remainder of the 4th corps- a gap of nearly two miles being thus held. The situation was a dan- gerous one, and General Thomas, with his accustomed wisdom and promptness, immediately commenced a series of movements for the purpose of closing it. Subsequent events and the statements of rebel prisoners, revealed the fact that the enemy were aware of the existence of this gap——were actually hunting for it when they made their furious assault‘upon us in the evening, and most providentially failed to find it. “ Shortly after leaving the south branch of Peach Tree Creek, the ground begins to rise. A prolonged stretch of high ground extends thus all along the creek to the river, forming a ridge, cut with deep ravines, in Howard’s front, a sort of broken table land in Hooker’s, and rising into two considerable hills in Palmer’s. On this range of hights, but at a considerable distance from the northern edge, was the enemy’s principal line of works. The ground in front of How- ard was densely wooded, as was mostly that in front of Palmer. But on a great .part of Hooker’s front, after ascending to the table land, was a considerable space of open fields, on the other side of which in the direction of Atlanta, were heavy woods. Behind all three of these corps ran Peach Tree Creek, through open ground, with high PEAoH TREE CREEK. 185 ground (also open) still further back, and furnishing splendid posi- ' tions for our batteries, of which the experienced and able artillerists on Davis, Baird, Johnson, Hooker, Newton and Howard’s staffs did not fail to avail themselves. ' “ It was shortly after 12, noon, when in accordance with General Thomas’ design of closing up the Gap I have spoken of, General Newton’s division prepared to advance from the bank of the creek, in order to relieve Hazen’s brigade of Wood’s division, which had been thrown over previously, and allow it to move off to the left, as well as to take up a position, which, by materially shortening our line, would tend still further to close up the interval between Newton and Wood. “ A strong skirmish line was sent out to feel for the enemy, who had rifle pits in advance of their principal works. Colonel Barrett, 44th Illinois, was put in command of the skirmishers, who comprised six regiments, four from Brigadier-General Kimball’s brigade and two from Colonel Blake’s. The latter ofiicer is at present in com- , mand of General Wagner’s brigade. The whole line advancing with rapidity and enthusiasm, drove the rebels from their rifle pits, and captured several, with the loss of only two men. This brought them within 350 yards of the main rebel works. ' “ Our line of battle quickly followed up this advance, and Kimball and Blake immediately took up a position on the ridge. The men had merely halted, as they supposed, for the purpose of eating their dinner, but were ordered to commence constructing a line of barri- cades. No order is more cheerfully obeyed by our soldiers, when in presence of the enemy, than this, and in this instance, as the event subsequently proved, saved hundreds of their own lives, and perhaps prevented the rout of their division. Colonel Blake, never slow to follow any good example, did not hesitate an instant in this case; and the clatter of logs and rails thrown together, with the ringing of picks, spades and shovels, resounded all along his front. “ The enemy made repeated efforts, from noon to half past two, to ascertain the position of our forces ; and there was heavy skirmish- ing along Wood and Stanley’s fronts, as well as along the skirmish line, which, stretching across the great gap, connected the left of Newton with the right of Wood. Then there was a temporary lull along the whole line. 186 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. “It was about half past three when the enemy’s skirmishers, advancing as if to reconnoiter, gave notice that something was impending. Our line had halted longer than was expected, and was just upon the point of resuming the advance, when this appearance of the rebels determined Newton to remain behind his hastily con- structed works on the hill, and Hooker to march his troops at once from the low ground in front of him, so that he might connect with Newton’.s right. The order to advance was scarcely given, when from the high ground north of the stream, all Hooker’s batteries, and part of Howard’s, broke forth in a simultaneous peal of thun- der. The rebel legions were pouring forth from the woods beyond the open fields at the top of the ridge and, pressing forward, rank behind rank, in startling and magnificent array, seemed resolved to crush at one blow whatever might oppose them. This spectacle the artillerists upon the elevated ground, north of the creek, could plainly see, but the infantry, climbing up the hill, on the south, could not. A moment later, and a savage yell upon the left, followed by the clang and clatter of ten thousand muskets, announced that N ewton’s division had been assailed by the foe. On Newton”s front the enemy did not wait to push forward a skirmish line, but charged at once in lines of battle, two and three deep. Our skirmishers in advance of our hastily constructed works, were driven in with the velocity of a whirlwind, and as they rushed back in disordered haste, came near throwing into confusion the extreme right of Newton, and for a moment caused it to give way. “ Meantime, Brigadier-General Geary’s division of Hooker’s corps, which, was considerably in advance of both Williams’ division on the right and Ward’s (Butterfield’s) on the left, was struck by the rushing storm, and temporarily shattered. Both his right and his center divisions were pushed from their positions, after a short and desperate resistance, and hurled down the hill nearly to the banks of the creek. General VVard’s division was still advancing up the hill side, when the wary old Kentuckian saw, as he then supposed, both Geary on his right and Newton on his left, overthrown. He was about to detach three or four regiments to their assistance, when, to his astonishment, the whole scene was changed as if by magic. Newton’s line became firm as a rock, and, without another sign of WARD AND GEARY. 187 ' wavering, continued to pour into the rebel host a steady, uninter- rupted, and deadly fire. At the same time Geary’s disordered regi- ments reformed, even under a withering fire from the enemy, while a couple of his batteries, directing their pieces full at the right flank of the lines which had driven us back, tore them in pieces with a tor- nado of shot and shell. The indentation in our lines produced by the giving way of Geary’s two brigades, became a pit of death into which hundreds of maddened rebels plunged, only to die or to fall wounded and bleeding upon the sod. Not another inch did Geary retire, but began slowly to advance, until, when the fight closed, he occupied exactly the same ground as when it began. “It was just as General Ward became convinced that all was going well with Newton and Geary, that his own line reached the edge of the kind of table line I have described, only to find itself confronted at a distance of thirty paces, with the flower of the rebel army! The fearful tumult that at once burst forth was such that no man could tell which portion of it was the roar of musketry, and which the fierce, indignant, defiant yell that each host hurled at the other. Both were surprised. Our men scarcely knew that the enemy had emerged from the opposite woods, when they found them- selves full in their presence. The rebels, disappointed elsewhere, supposed they had certainly reached their long-looked-for gap, but found instead a line of battle and a sheet of vindictive fire! Both lines instantly charged forward, pouring the leaden hail full into each other’s bosoms. They stood in some places but fifteen feet apart, and still hurled death in each other’sfaces. They charged again, and the men intermingled and fought hand to hand! In places the lines crossed each other, and wheeled round only to renew the combat, the rebels facing Atlanta, the soldiers of the Union, Peach Tree Creek! “ When the storm broke upon Geary, General Williams’ division had advanced upon the extreme right of Hooker’s corps, almost as far as Geary himself. The gallant old veteran was struggling through a dense forest, and striving to form connection with Geary on his left, when suddenly the woods in front of him were filled with fierce yells and spurts of fire and whizzing missels, as if each tree had held 188 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. “ ‘A spirit prisoned in its breast, Which the first stroke of coming strife Had startled into hideous life!’ But neither Williams nor his division are made of the material which learns easily to quail. The savage yells of the demons of slavery were answered by the loud shouts of freemen, battling for their country and their God. Abristling line of steel, glittering with fire, everywhere met and checked the rebel advance. A few rude and unfinished bulwarks of rails, thrown together by the men when they had last halted, furnished but little protection from the pitiless showers of bullets flung from the muskets of the enemy; but, in spite of rebel daring, energy and hate; Williams would not yield a foot of ground. , “ Colonel Bradley’s brigade of Newton’s division (to the command of which he succeeded after the death of the noble Harker), was formed in columns of the regiments along the road leading from Buckhead to Atlanta, when the fight commenced. Immediately after the rebel assault began upon Newton’s front, the 64th Ohio and 42d Illinois were sent to support Colonel Blake, while the 27th Illi- nois was dispatched to the assistance of General Kimball. The remainder of the brigade was at first also intended to go to the sup- port of Blake; but its destination was changed, and it was formed in order of battle along the Atlanta road, where it assisted in repell- ing and capturing a column of the enemy which‘ had forced its way past Blal&/1/um l~L~’xQ GEl§-JOHl\l l\/l-PALl\/lEF. U S-VOLS- F‘.l%’3'R/‘~.Vi-TL EXPRESSLY FOR CJRECE & CL)- PUBLIDHEFIS. CHAPTER XII. IN TO ATLANTA. ATLANTA——I'1‘S IMPORTANCE—-HEAR’! or CONFEDERACY--MUST BE TAKEN—-HOOD IN Commxnn-SHERMAN’S REPORT---THE OHA'1"1‘AHO0CHEE—BATTLE or JULY 221)-— McPnnnson KILLED——LOGAN 1N‘CoMMAnD—'BLAm Assxmzn BY HARDEE——SWEENEY —-D 0DGE—-TWELFTH ILLINOIS—-SIXTEENTH Gonrs—-Lone’s Gonrs—-Snrrn’s Dwrsron —Loss or GUNS——THE CRISIS—SHERMAN——ORDER ro LOGAN—-CHARGE—WO0D-—VIC- ronx—Gnns RETAKEN—WHAT SHERMAN SAYS—-THE STONEMAN RAID——-CHANGES IN COMMAND-——HOOKER—PALMER—HOWARD——SLOCUM——DAVIS——WILLIAMS;BATTLE or J o.vEsBoRo—V1eroRY DEc1s1vE--REBEL RETREAT—-PURSUIT—“ ATLANTA Onas AND FAIRLY Won ”—-SEERMAN’S PB.0MO'IION——-RE-UNION AND FREEDOM. “ TLANTA,” said a rebel newspaper, “ is the gate city from A. the North and West to the Southeast. Its fall would open the way for the Federal army to the Gulf on one hand, and Charleston on the other, and close up those rich granaries from which Lee’s army is supplied. It would give them control of our net-work of railways and thus paralyze our efforts. “ The capture of Richmond would prove of greater advantage to our enemies in a poiitical point of view than any other sense. With our capital in their possession we would find additional influence brought against us abroad; but as a material loss its fall would in no manner compare with the disadvantages which would result from a defeat of General Johnston, and the occupation of Georgia that would follow. To lose the one Would be as the loss of a limb; should we be driven from the other, it will be a terrible blow at our most vital point.” Hood had declared “We cannot lose Atlanta. If we do, the confederacy is broken. For my part I’ll fight while a man stands by me, even until the streets of the city run with our blood.” 13 194 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Its importance is seen in that it is the entrepot for the following railways : The Georgia, connecting Atlanta and Augusta, the Macon and Western to Macon, the Western and Atlantic to Chattanooga, and the Lagrange branch road to West Point on the Chattahoochee. It was the heart of the confederacy pumping vitalized blood into the arteries extending to the extremities. By these lines it was con- nected with the whole country. It is, by rail, one hundred and sev- enty-one miles from Augusta; one hundred and one from Macon‘; two hundred and ninety-two from Savannah, one hundred and thirty- eight from Chattanooga. Davis said, “It must not be given up.” Here were the confederate rolling mills, founderies, machine shops, laboratories; here were great grain store-houses; here were the arsenal, oil stores, the pork depots, clothing factories, &c. No wonder it was to be defended to the extremity; no wonder that Grant and Sherman determined to take it, cost what it might. J ohnston’s policy was to compel Sherman to garrison post after post. As he fell back, Sherman must weaken the force with which he followed, and in due time he would strike the daring leader and his weakened army and crush him. Davis rejected the policy, and gave the command to Hood, brave, able, careless of human life, dis- posed to field work, who inaugurated his campaign by his assault at Peach Tree Creek, and was about to repeat the experiment in another bold; costly, yet fruitless movement. Yet his movements at first were in part deceptive. He, General Sherman, says: “On the morning of the 22d, somewhat to my surprise, this whole line was found abandoned, and I confess I thought the enemy had resolved to give us Atlanta with- out further contest; but General Johnston had been relieved of his command and General I-Iood substituted. A new policy seemed resolved on, of which the bold attack on our right was the index. Our advancing ranks swept across tl.e strong and well finished parapet of the enemy, and closed in upon Atlanta until we occu- pied a line in the form of a general circle of about two miles‘ radius, when we again found him occupying in force a line of finished redoubts, which had been prepared for more than a year, covering all the roads leading into Atlanta; and we found him also busy in connecting those redoubts with curtains strengthened by rifle trenches, abattis and chevaux-de-frise.” The General arranged his force to meet whatever emergency might arise. He says: JULY TWENTY-SECOND. 195 “ General McPherson, who had advanced from Decatur, continued to follow sub- stantially the railroad, with the 15th Corps, General Logan, the 17th, General Blair on its left, and the 16th, General Dodge on its right, but as the general advance of all the armies contracted the circle, the 16th Corps, General Dodge, was thrown out of line by the 15th connecting on the right with General Schofield near the How- ard house. General McPherson, the night before, had gained a high hill to the south and east of the railroad, where the 17th Corps had, after a severe fight, driven the enemy, and it gave him a most commanding position within easy view of the very heart of the city. He had thrown out working parties to it, and was mak- ing preparations to ‘occupy it in strength with batteries. The 16th Corps, General Dodge, was ordered from right to left to occupy this position and make it a strong general left flank. General Dodge was moving by a diagonal path or wagon track leading from the Decatur road in the direction of General Blair-’s left flank. “About 10 A. M. I was in person with General Schofield examining the appear- ance of the enemy’s lines opposite the distillery, where we attracted enough of the enemy’s fire of artillery and musketry to satisfy me the enemy was in Atlanta in force, and meant to fight, and had gone to a large dwelling close by, known as the Howard house, where General McPherson joined me. He described the condition of things on his flank and the disposition of his troops. I explained to him that if we met serious resistance in Atlanta, as present appearances indicated, instead of oper- ating against it by the left I would extend to the right, and that I did not want him to gain much distance to the left. He then described the hill occupied by General Lcggett’s division of General Blair’s corps as essential to the occupation of any ground to the east and south of the Augusta railroad on account of its commanding nature. I therefore ratified his disposition of troops, and modified a previous order I had sent him in writing to use General Dodge’s corps, thrown somewhat in reserve by the closing up of our line, to break up the railroad, and I sanctioned its going, as already ordered by General McPherson, to his left, to hold and fortify that position. The General remained with me till near noon, when some reports reaching us that indieated a movement of the enemy on that flank, he mounted and rode away with his staff. I must here also state that the day before I had detached General Gar- rard’s cavalry to go to Covington, on the Augusta road, forty-two miles east of Atlanta, and from that point to send detachments to break the two important bridges across the Yellow and Ulcofauhatehee rivers, tributaries of Ocmulgee, and General McPherson had also left his wagon train at Decatur, under a guard of three regi- ments commanded by Colonel, new General Spr-ague. Soon after General McPher- son left me at the Howard house, as before described, I heard the sounds of musketry to our left rear, at first mere pattering shots, but soon they grew in volume, accom- panied with artillery, and about the same time the sound of guns was heard in the direction of Decatur. N o doubt could longer be entertained of the enemy’s plan of action, which was to throw a superior force on our left flank, while he held us with his forts in front, the only question being as to the amount of force he could employ at that point. I hastily transmitted orders to all points of our center and right to press forward and give full employment to all the enemy in his lines, and for Gene- ral Schofield to hold as large a force in reserve as pc ssible, awaiting developments, Not more than half an hour after General McPherson had left me, viz., about 12% M. of the 22d, his Adjutant-General, Lieutenant-Colonel Clark, rode up and reporte. 196 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. that General McPherson was either dead or a prisoner; that he had ridden from me to General Dodge’s column, moving as heretofore described, and had sent off nearly all his staff and orderlies on various errands, and himself had passed into a. narrow path or road that led to the left and rear of General Giles A. Smith’s division, which was General Blair’s extreme left ; that a few minutes after he had entered the woods a sharp volley was heard in that direction, and his horse had come out riderless, having two wounds. The suddenness of this terrible calamity would have over- whelmed me with grief, but the living demanded my whole thoughts. I instantly dispatched a staff oflicer to General John A. Logan,’ commanding the 15th Corps, to tell him what had happened ; that he must assume command of the army of the Tennessee, and hold stubbornly the ground already chosen, more especially the hill gained by General Leggett the night before.” So opened a battle bloodier than had yet marked the great march. The death of McPherson was a terrible calamity, for few of the gal- lant subordinates of Sherman equaled him in ability or popularity. His death was for a time concealed from the men, but when known caused the most intense sorrow. Logan quietly assumed command, and developed anew the soldierly qualities which had already given him so prominent a place among civilian generals. At high noon the sun looked down on a desperate struggle. Har- dee assailed Blair’s left flank, overlapped it, and swung around until he came in contact with Dodge’s corps in motion. In front of the 17th Army Corps there was bloody work. Sweeney formed his division, and placed Rice’s brigade facing the rear, Mersey’s (9th Illinois) southward, with Morrill’s on his right. Dodge’s right was about to be turned when he ‘ordered the 81st Ohio and 12th Illinois under Von Sellar to charge the rebel flank. They crossed a valley, swept around the point of a ridge and burst upon the foe like a thun- derbolt, strewing the ground with dead and wounded, capturin g seve- ral prisoners and two stands of colors. “Bull-dog Sweeney” stood like a rock before Hardee, staying his advance, holding his ground against fearful odds until the troops could take position. The assault on our 17th Corps was terrible. The 16th Corps was involved by rebel masses, and lost several guns. Giles Smith’s and Leggett’s divisions fought against a swarm of troops-the old entrenchments was their battle-ground, a.nd they fought on either side. Logan’s corps at the center fought for victory and for life. Morgan Smith’s division was_so cut up it was compelled to retire. Our artillery was in part captured, including the celebrated Parrot 20-pounders, and Murray’s regular artillery. “ RETAKE THOSE eons.” 197 Sherman saw the crisis. On a hill near Colonel Howard’s house he placed a battery of the 15th Corps and one of the 23d, where they commanded a converging and enfilading fire upon the lines of gray, and sent to Logan the simple order “You must retake those guns.” Logan rode along his columns inspiriting them by stern, burn- ing words, and prepared to obey the order. Wood’s division was to lead the charge. Wood swung his men so as to envelop the rebel - rear, and supported by a portion of Schofield’s command the charge was made. The 15th met the rebel column—the batteries near Colonel Howard’s house opened upon the enemy—-too near for artil- lery, a cheer rang along our lines, a low deadly fire sent death and wounds into the rebel column, it staggered, paused—down to their level came the cold bayonets of - our army, and forward! The rebels until now flushed with success, broke and fled! A wild shout—a charge along the whole line, a seizure of all our lost artillery, except two guns, a pursuit and a victory. Hood had been a second time foiled. Sherman’s ofiieial account is the following: “ Already the whole line was engaged in battle. Hardee’s corps had sallied from Atlanta, and by a wide circuit to the east had struck General Blair’s left flank, envel- oped it, and his right had swung around until it hit General Dodge in motion. Gene- ral Blair’s line was substantially along the old line of the rebel trench, but it was fashioned to fight outward. A space of wooded ground of near half a mile, inter- vened between the head of General Dedge’s column and General Blair’s line, through which the enemy had poured, but the last order ever given by General McPherson was to hurry a brigade (Colonel Wangelin’s) of the 15th Corps across from the rail- road to occupy. this gap. It came across on the double quick and checked the enemy. While Hardee attacked in flank, Stewart’s corps was to attack in front directly out from the main works, but fortunately their attacks were not simultaneous. The enemy swept across the hill which our men were then fortifying, and captured the pioneer company, its tools, and almost the entire working party, and bore down on our left until he encountered General Giles A. Smith’s division of the 17th Corps, who was somewhat ‘in air,’ and forced to fight first from one side of the old rifle parapet and then from the other, gradually withdrawing, regiment by regiment, so as to form a flank to General Leggett’s division which held the apex of the hill, which was the only part that was deemed essential to our future plans. General Dodge had caught and held well in check the enemy’s right, and punished him severely, capturing many prisoners. Smith (General Giles A.) had gradually given up the extremity of his line and formed a new one whose right connected with Gene- ral Leggett, and his left refused, facing southeast. On this ground and in this order the men fought well and desperately for near four hours, checking and repulsing all the enemy’s attacks. The execution on the enemy’s ranks at the angle was terrible, and great credit is due both Generals Leggett and Giles A. Smith and their men for 198 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. their hard and stubborn fighting. The enemy made no further progress on that flank, and by 4 P. M. had almost given up the attempt. In the meantime Wheeler’s cavalry unopposed (for General Garrard was absent at Covington by my order) had reached Decatur and attempted to capture the wagon trains, but Colonel, now Gene- ral Sprague, covered them with great skill and success, sending them to the rear of Generals Schofield and Thomas, and not drawing back from Decatur till every wagon was safe except three which the teamsters had left, carrying off the mules. On our extreme left the enemy had taken a complete battery of six guns, with its horses ' (Murray’s), of the Regular Army, as it was moving along unsupported and unappre- hensive of danger, in a narrow, wooded road, in that unguarded space between the head of General Dodge’s column and the line of battle on the ridge above. but most of the men escaped to the bushes. He also got two other guns on the extreme left flank, that were left on the ground as General Giles A. Smith drew off his men in the manner heretofore described. About 4 P. M., there was quite a lull, during which the enemy felt forward on the railroad and main Decatur road, and suddenly assailed a regiment which, with a section of guns, had been thrown forward as a kind of picket, and captured the two guns; he then advanced rapidly and broke through our lines at that point which had been materially weakened by the withdrawal of Colonel Martin’s brigade, sent by General Logan’s order to the extreme left The other brigade, General Lightbnrn, which held this part of the line, fell back in some disorder about four hundred yards, to a position held by it the night before, leaving the enemy for a time in possession of two batteries, one of which, a 20-pounder Par- rott battery of 4 guns, was most valuable to us, and separating General Wood’s and General Harrow’s divisions of the 15th Corps, that were on the right and left of the railroad. Being in person close by the spot, and appreciating the vast importance of the connection at that point, I ordered certain batteries of General Schofield to be moved to a position somewhat commanding, by a left flank fire, and ordered an incessant. fire of shells on the enemy within sight, and the woods beyond, to prevent his reinforcing. I also sent orders to General Logan, which he had already antici- pated, to make the 15th Corps regain its lost ground at any cost, and instructed General Woods, supported by General Schofield, to use his division and sweep the parapet down from where he held it until he saved the batteries and recovered the lost ground. The whole was executed in superb style, at times our men and the enemy fighting across the narrow parapet, but at last the enemy gave way and the 15th Corps regained its position and all the guns except the two advanced ones which were out of view and had been removed by the enemy within his main work. With this terminated the battle of the 22d, which cost us 3,722 killed, wounded and prisoners. “But among the dead was Major-General McPherson,whose body was recovered and brought to me in the heat of the battle, and I had sent it in charge of his personal staff back to Marietta on its way to his Northern home. He was a noble youth, of striking personal appearance, of the highest professional capacity, and with a heart abounding in kindness that drew to him the affections of all men. His sudden death devolved the command of the army on the no less brave and gallant General Logan, who nobly sustained his reputation and that of his veteran army, and avenged the death of his comrade and commander. The enemy left on the field his dead and wounded, and about a thousand well prisoners. His dead alone are computed by General srcnnman. 199 Logan at 3,240, of which number 2,200 were from actual count, and of these he delivered to the enemy, undera flag of truce, sent in by him (the enemy) 800 bodies. I entertain no doubt that in the battle of July 22d the enemy sustained an aggregate loss of full 8,000 men.” General Garrard had been sent with a division of cavalry to break up the Augusta railway, and returned on the 24th, reporting success, having made the roads useless, and destroyed the bridges over the branches of the Ocmulgee. Sherman now desired to destroy the Macon road, on which Hood’s army must depend for supplies. He thus reports the partially unsuc- cessful attempts of McCook and Stoneman. The 14th Illinois under Colonel Capron, and perhaps other regiments, accompanied Stone- man: “Generals Schofield and Thomas had closed well up, holding the enemy behind his inner intrenchments. I first ordered the army of the Tennessee to prepare to vacate its line and to shift by the right below Proctor’s Creek, and General Schofield to extend up to the Augusta road. About the same time General Rosseau had arrived from his expedition to Opelika, bringing me about 2,000 good cavalry, but of course fatigued with its long and rapid march, and ordering it to relieve General Stoneman at the river about Sandtown, I shifted General Stoneman to our left flank and ordered all my cavalry to prepare for a blow at the Macon road, simultaneous with the move- ment of the army of the Tennessee towards East Point. To accomplish this, I gave General Stoneman the command of his own and General Garrard’s cavalry, making an eifective force of full 5,000 men, and to General McCook I gave his own and the new cavalry brought by General Rosseau, which was commanded by Colonel Harri- son, of the 8th Indiana cavalry, in the aggregate about 4,000. These two well appointed bodies were to move in concert, the former by the left around Atlanta to McDonough, and the latter by the right on Fayetteville, and on a certain night, viz., July 28th, they were to meet on the Macon road near Lovejoy’s, and destroy it in the most effectual manner. I estimated this joint cavalry could whip all Wheeler’s cavalry, and could otherwise fully accomplish its task, and I think so still. I had the officers in command to meet me, and explained the move- ment perfectly, and they entertained not a doubt of perfect success. At the very moment almost of starting, Gene:-al Stoneman addressed me anote asking permission after fulfilling his orders and breaking the road, to be allowed, with his command proper, to proceed to Macon and Anderson, and release our prisoners Of War confined at those points. There was something most captivating in the idea, and the execu- tion was within the bounds of probability of success. I consented that after the defeat of Wheeler’s cavalry, which was embraced in his orders, and breaking the read, he might attempt it with his cavalry proper, sending that of General Garrard back to its proper flank of the army. Both cavalry expeditions started at the time appointed. I have as yet no report from General Stoneman, who is a prisoner of war at Macon, but I know that he dispatched General Garrard’s cavalry to Flat Rock, for the purpose of covering his own movement to McDonough, but for some reason 200 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. unknown to me he went off towards Covington and did not again communicate with General Garrard at Flat Rock. General Garrard remained there until the 29th, skir- mishing heavily with a part of Wheeler’s cavalry, and occupying their attention, but hearing nothing from General Stoneman, he moved back to Conyer’s, where, learn- ing that General Stoneman had gone to Covington and south on the east side of the Ocmulgee, he returned and resumed his position on our left. It is known that Gen- eral Stoneman kept to the east of the Ocmulgee to Clinton, sending detachments off to the cast which did a large amount of damage to the railroad, burning the bridges of Walnut Creek and Oconee, and destroying a large number of cars and locomo- tives, and with his main force appeared before Macon. He did not succeed in cross- ing the Ocmulgee at Macon, or in approaching Andersonville, but retired in the ' direction whence he came, followed by various detachments of mounted men under a General Iverson. He seems to ‘have become hemmed in, and gave consent to two thirds of his force to escape back whilst he held the enemy in check with the remain- der, about 700 men, and a section of light guns. One brigade, Colonel Adams, came in almost intact. Another, commanded by Colonel Capron, was surprised on the way back and scattered; many were captured and killed, and the balance got in mostly unarmed and afoot, and the General himself surrendered his small command, and is now a prisoner at Macon. His mistake was in not making the first concentration with Generals McCook and Garrard near Lovejoy’s, according to his orders, which is yet unexplained. “ General McCook, in the execution of his part, went down the west bank of the Chattahoochee to near Rivertown, where he laid a pontoon bridge with which he was provided, crossed his command and moved rapidly on Palmeto Station of the West Point road, where he tore up a section of track, leaving a regiment to create a diver- sion towards Campbelltown, which regiment fulfilled its duty and returned to camp by way of and escorting back the pontoon bridge train. General McCook then rap- idly moved to Fayetteville, where he found a large number of the wagons belonging to the rebel army in Atlanta. These he burned to the number of 500, killing 800 mules, and carrying along others, and taking 250 prisoners, mostly quartermasters and men belonging to the trains. He then pushed for the railroad, reaching it at Lovejoy’s station at the time appointed. He burned the depot, tore up a section of the road, and continued to work until forced to leave off to defend himself against an accumulating force of the enemy. He could hear nothing of General Stoneman, and finding his progress east too strongly opposed, he moved south and west, and reached Newman on the West Point road, where he encountered an infantry force coming from Mississippi to Atlanta, which had been stopped by the break he had made at Palmetto. This force, with the pursuing cavalry, hemmed him in and forced him to fight. He was compelled to drop his prisoners and captures and cut his way out, losing some 500 officers and men. Among them a most valuable officer, Colonel Harrison, who, when fighting his men, as skirmishers on foot, was overcome and made prisoner and is now at Macon. He cut his way out, reached the Chattw hoochee, crossed and got to Marietta without further loss. “ General McCook is entitled to much credit for thus saving his command, which was endangered by the failure of General Stoneman to reach Lovejoy’s. But on the whole the cavalry raid is not deemed a success, for the real purpose was to break the enemy’s communications, which, though done, was on so limited a scale that I knew the damages would soon be repaired.” JONESBORO. 201 On the 26th, Major-General Howard assumed command of the Army of the Tennessee, by order of the President. General Hooker was offended at this promotion of a unior, and asked to be, and was, relieved, and Slocum was appointed to command the 29th Corps, but as he was at Vicksburg, it was placed under General H. S. Wil- liams. General Palmer also resigned the command of the 14th Corps, and was succeeded by Jeif. C. Davis, while General Stanley succeedeo Howard in command of the 4th Corps. Hood made another of his desperate attempts to cut our force in twain. In obedience to orders, the Army of the Tennessee had drawn out of its lines on the night of July 26th, and on the 27th moved behind the rest of the army to Proctor’s Creek, the extreme right beyond it to prolong the line due south, facing eastward. Lee and Hardee fell on Howard, on the 29th of September, coming out of their works at J onesboro. A stubborn contest of two hours fol- lowed, when the baflied rebels withdrew, leaving their dead and wounded. This victory was decisive. Sherman had seen that Atlanta was not--to be taken by assault, hence, after arranging his forces carefully he made the retrograde movement heralded through the South as a retreat, as the abandonment of the campaign, but which was one of the most masterly movements of the great tacti- cian. Hood came out of his defenses, as Sherman anticipated. The assault began on Hazen’s division of the 15th Corps, and was man- fully resisted. The 15th took possession of a hill commanding J onesboro, and rested for the night, the 16th on their right, the 17 th on their left, in front of them the dead and wounded. Sherman was attempting to thrust the left-center of his army between Stewart’s Corps, holding Atlanta, and Hardee and Lee in the field. General Schofield had succeeded in reaching the railroad near Rough and Ready, and was destroying it; General Stanley had reached it south of Schofield, and General Baird within four miles of Jonesboro, all tearing it up. The rebel forces were divided, and full attention turned to the wing at J onesboro. Garrard and Kilpatrick hung with the cavalry upon the rebel flanks. Davis assaulted the enemy’s lines and car- ried them, capturing a portion of Gowan’s brigade and two batteries, one of which was Loomas’, taken from us at Chickamauga. Stanley 202 mrrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. and Schofield were ordered to hurry forward, but could not get into position until night rendered further action impossible. That night explosion after explosion was heard, supposed to be either from the dismantling of rebel works at Atlanta or his magazines. Morning showed that Lee and Hardee had abandoned their works, and retreated. Pursuit was ordered south, and the enemy was over- taken at Lovej oy’s Station, which was assaulted. General Sherman saw that this stand was made to secure communication with the McT)onough and Fayetteville road, and immediately news came that Atlanta was abandoned on the night of the 1st, and was occupied by Slocum; that Hood had blown up his ammunition trains, and that Stewart was retreating to McDonough. He could not prevent the junction of the rebel forces, and he paused. Hood was in retreat. Atlanta was occupied by Slocum. The army moved back to Atlanta by easy stages, and paused for it sadly needed rest. The march had been made to Atlanta, and the mountainous center between the Ocean and Gulf slopes secured—the granary of the rebel- lion was ours. By careful forethought, and marvelous executive energy our long line of communications had been preserved, and by Weste1'n patriotism the army had been kept from reduction. Shei- man had been promoted to Major-General of the regular army, and through the country rang the shout, accompanied by ringing bells and booming artillery, Atlanta is ours, won by our W'estern troops ! Another “ Ebenezer” was set up on the path of the Union army toward a restored Union and universal freedom. 0 CHAPTER XIII. HOOD TURNS l\'ORTH. ,. THE SITUATION—WHAT WILL Hoon DO——WHAT HE MIGHT HAVE DONE——HIS Gnosnx POLICY——A’1‘HENS SURRENDERS——-ROSSEAU—FORRES'1‘ IN THE TOILS——MARIETTA—- SMYRNA-—-ALLATOONA-—ILLINOIS NINETY-THIRD—-L[EUTENANT-COLONEL TOURTELLOTTE -—CoRsE Gonns——“ EFFUSION or Bmon ”—-DESPEIIATE DEFE1\'SE——SEVENTH ILLINOIS—- COLONEL Rowan.-Consn’s RIIPOBT—SHERMAN’S S1GNALS——TWELFTH AND FIFTIETH ILLINOIS-VIcT0RY-OUR LOSSES—-RAUM AT REsAcA—VARIoIIs MovFA}IENrs—TIzoors sunr TII0MAs—TIIoMAs’ ARMY-—RANSOM DIES—ARMIES SEPARATED——HOOD caossns THE RIVER——-BATTLE or FRANKLIN—BACK T0 NAsHvIL1:.I~:—HooI5’s POSITION—FED- ERAL TROOPS-—DELAY—PREPARATIONS--MOMENT——ORDER or BATTLE—BATTLE or N ASHV1LLE—-SMITH AND SCHOFIELD—NIGHT——-SECOND DAY—WooI>’s CoRI>s—S'I'EEn- MAN—-ASSAULT—VICTORY——-REBEL RETREAT——THE EIGHTY-EIGHTH—THE SEVENTY- sEcoNn—BRYI>GE’s BATTERY—THE SEVENTY-FOURTH. HEN Sherman sat down to give his Weary men time to breathe, Grant was holding Lee at Petersburg, Sheridan was closing up the passes of the Shenandoah, while in the Carolinas little Was being accomplished--the angry contestants were confront- ing each other in lowering inaction. On and west of the Mississippi there were no movements of any magnitude, and all eyes were turned on the two great armies of the Union, Sherman evidently meant to advance. If he should head his column southeastwardly he might reach the sea-coast and effect a junction with Grant. “What will Hood do?” If he should do what Johnston would have done, abandon the Chattahoochee and the country west, and place his disciplined force west of Atlanta, con- fronting Sherman boldly if he moved down the Atlantic slope, or hang with vengeful opportunity upon his flanks if he turned toward the Gulf, at the same time sending his cavalry against the Federal 204: PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. *3. communications, then it was apparent that the difliculty of the Great March was yet to overcome, for between Sherman and Lee would be Hood; the rebels would have the interior lines; the concentration of their two armies would be possible, and with it the attacking of our force in detail. Another policy was adopted. Hood was to move northward. When this was detected, Major-General Thomas was sent with an army to Nashville, to defend the rear, and, as it subsequently proved, to break Hood’s army into pieces. September 23d General Forrest appeared before Athens, and on the 24th summoned Colonel Campbell to surrender, which he did, only to see in half an hour, the approach of reinforcements, which in turn were driven after a sharp engagement. Forrest advanced, breaking the railway until the 27th, when he encountered General Rosseau, who, with a hastily collected garrison, successfully resisted him. Forrest moved round to the Nashville and Chattanooga Rail- road and began to break it up, but Rosseau advanced upon him before the main body of the rebel cavalry came up, and General Steedman crossed the Tennessee the same day with 5,000 men, and the butcher of Fort Pillow fell back through Fayetteville, and the railroad was repaired within twenty-four hours. Forrest sent one portion of his command under Buford against Athens, where it was repulsed and fell back across the Tennessee. Forrest threatened Columbia, and finding the toils enclosing him, turned and succeeded, October 6th, in getting south of the Tennessee at Bainbridge. But for unforeseen difficulties, the plans of General Thomas must inevit- ably have accomplished the capture or entire destruction of his command. On the 1st of October Hood moved northward. His cav- alry was sent to strike our communication at Marietta, while he threw his three corps of infantry over the Chattahoochee and marched by Dallas. Slocum was left to hold Atlanta andthe railway bridge of the Chattahoochee, and, on the 4th, Sherman marched his army to Smyrna camp-ground, and the next day to a strong posi- tion at Kenesaw Mountain. The rebel cavalry and a division of infantry struck the railroad at Big Shanty and destroyed it and the telegraph, and advanced rapidly on Allat ona Pass where were a million of our rations in charge nnarooua PASS. 205 of Lieutenant-Colonel Tourtellotte, with the 93d regiment, Illi- nois Volunteers. If it was surrendered, Sherman’s army was in peril, but the ninety-third could not be expected to hold it against a whole division. The telegraph was out. From the mountain hights the signal flag sent word to General Corse at Rome to take his brigade and speed to the help of Tourtellotte, and hold Allatoona till Sher- man could come up. Corse took picked men, among them the "(th Illinois, and hur- rying by rail, reached Allatoona at 1 A. M. on the 5th, and sent back the train for additional forces, but an accident prevented their arrival in time. In an hour French was before the works with his rebel division. Corse was within with one thousand nine hundred and forty-four men. The enemy opened fire and continued it until-'8:30 A. M., when French sent in a note, summoning a surrender within five minutes, announcing that he had surrounded our defenses and wished to avoid the “ needless efiiision of blood.” There was some- thing of the comico-martial in Corse’s prompt, curt answer: ' “HEAD-QUARTERS Fouarn DIVISION, FIFTEENTH ARMY Corirs, ALLATOONA, GA., 8:30 A. M., October 5, 1864. “Major- General 8'. G. French, 0. 8’. Army, etc.: ‘‘Your communication demanding surrender of my command I acknowledge the receipt of, and respectfully reply that we are prepared for the ‘needless effusion of blood’ whenever it is agreeable to you. “I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, “Jens M. Conan.” The storm burst, striking the 39th Iowa and 7 th Illinois, commanded by Colonel Rowell. General Corse thus tells the story: “ YOung’s brigade of Texans, 1,900 strong, had gained the west end of the ridge and moved with great impetuosity along its crest till they struck Rowell’s command, when they received a severe check, but they came again and again; Rowell, rein- forced by the ninety-third Illinois, and aided by the gallant Redfield, encouraged me to hope we were safe here, when I observed a brigade of the enemy, under General Sea-.s, moving from the north, its left extending across the railroad. I rushed the two companies of the 93d Illinois, which were on the brink of the out turning north from the redoubt and parallel with the railroad, they having been rein- _ forced by the retreating pickets, and urged them to hold on to the spur; but it was of no avail. The enemy’s line of battle swept us like so much chaff, and struck the 39th Iowa in flank, threatening to engulf our little band without further ado. For- tunately for us, Colonel Tourtel1otte’s fire caught Sears in flank and broke him so 206 mzrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. badly as to enable me to get a staff ofiicer over the cut with orders to bring the 15th Illinois over to reinforce Rowell, who had lost very heavily. However, before the regiment sent for could arrive Sears and Young both rallied and made their assaults in front and on the flank with so much rigor aid in such force as to break Rowell’s line, and had not the‘39th Iowa fought with the desperation it did, I never would have been able to get a man back into the redoubt. As it was, their hand-to-hand-conflict and stubborn stand broke the enemy to that extent he must stop and reform before undertaking the assault on the fort. Under cover of the blow they gave the enemy, the 7th and 93d Illinois and what remained of the 39th Iowa fell back into the fort. “ The fighting up to this time was of a most extraordinary character. Attacked from the north, from the west and from the south, these three regiments, 39th Iowa 7th and 93d Illinois, held Young’s and a portion of Sears’ and Cockeral‘s brigades at bay for nearly two hours and a half. The gallant Colonel Redfield fell shot in four places, and the extraordinary valor of the men and officers of this regiment, and the 7 th Illinois, saved us Allatoona. So completely disorganized was the enemy that no regular assault could be made on the fort till I had the trenches all filled and the parapets lined with men. “The 12th and 50th Illinois arriving from the east hill enabled us to occupy every foot of trench and keep up a line of fire, that, as long as our ammunition lasted, would render our little fort impregnable.” The band of Leonidas scarcely excelled that of Corse, and for heroic resist-ance Allatoona may well be mentioned with Thermopylae. Sherman arrived at Kenesaw at 10 A. M., and flew signals telling them to hold out till help came. When he saw that Corse was there, the excited Commander-in-chief said: “If Corse is there, he will hold out. I know the man.” He could not forget the narrow path at Mission Ridge. Less than 2,000 brave men confronted over- whelming odds, and wrought a work not to be over-estimated in its results upon our cause. Corse was wounded in the face, but continued in command. Rowell and Tourtellotte distinguished themselves and both were wounded. Seven hundred men and seven oflicers, killed and wounded, were the price of our victory. The arrival of the 4th and 14th Army Corps at Pine Mountain, and the movement of the 23d Corps on Dallas hastened French’s withdrawal. Corse captured 800 muskets, three stands of colors, 411 prisoners, and buried 231 rebel dead. Hood hurried toward the northwest, aiming for the railway at Resaca, but his movement was discovered by Sherman’s cavalry, and the loyal troops were putin motion on the 10th, through Allatoona Pass on Kings- ton, which was reached by our three armies on the 11th after a forced THOMAS TO NASHVILLE. 207 march of thirty-eight miles. Various movements resulted in the conviction that Hood’s movement on Rome had been a mere feint, and that he was over the Coosa, making full speed for Resaca and Dalton. Steps were taken to check-mate him. General Raum was in Resaca with a small command, and coolly received Hood’s summons to surrender, and the latter, remembering Allatoona, contented him- self with skirmishing, destroying the railway, and breaking up the little garrisons at Dalton and Tilton. Various ‘movements took place preparatory to Sherman’s facing toward the Sea. He saw that Hood wanted to move toward Nash- ville, and told his subordinates that he would give him rations if he would. General Thomas was to take care of him. Satisfied that Hood had moved westward from Gadsden across Sand Mountain, Sherman dispatched, on the 26th, the 4th Corps under Stanley, and on the 30th the 23d under Schofield, directing them to report to Thomas at Nashville. The latter was fully apprized of the plan for the campaign and entrusted with the supreme command of all Sher- man’s army except the four corps with which he determined to move through Georgia. This gave him the two divisions of General A. J . Smith, 16th Army Corps, which had been in Missouri, but were en route for Tennessee, a force of cavalry to be commanded by General Wilson, with garrisons and supplying, as Thomas believed, a force, Which, with such reinforcements as could be sent from the North, would enable him to defend the railroads and whip Hood if he crossed the Tennessee to the North, or pursue him if he turned to follow Sherman. Thomas had an effective force of about 22,000 infantry, 7,700 cavalry, e:~:clusi¢e of garrisons, &c., confronting Hood’s army. On the 29th of October the gallant General Ransom died at Rome, a serious loss to the army and the country. General Thomas desired to await the arrival of Smith before assuming the oifensive against Hood with his three divisions of Lee, Stewart and Cheatham, estimated at 80,000 with Forest’s cavalry, 7,000 more. Hood had repaired the Mobile and Ohio Railway, and occupied Corinth, bringing supplies by rail. On the 12th of Novem- ber, Thomas received his last telegram from Sherman and communi- cation between them ceased. On the 17th Cheatham crossed the 208 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Tennessee at Florence, and on the 19th Hood began his march from Florence towards Waynesboro. General Schofield, commanding Union forces at Pulaski, fell back toward Columbia, which he reached on the 24th. As rapidly as possible our strength was concentrated. General Schofield was compelled to fall back upon Franklin, where with all the force he could muster, a stand was made. The enemy made a furious assault which, at one time, threatened to become successful, but Schofield had chosen position wisely, with the river covering bothflanks, and held his ground, repulsing each advance. Some of the Illinois troops suffered severely in this engagement. Major-General Stanley was badly wounded while rallying a portion of his command, which had been for the time being borne back by the furious rebel assault. The number of Federal killed was not large, but the aggregate loss of killed, wounded and missing was 2,326. Hood lost 1,750 killed, 3,800 wounded, 702 prisoners, an aggregate loss of 6,252, among whom were six general officers killed, six wounded, and one taken prisoner. Schofield fell back seven miles, and eifected a junction with A. J . Smith. The enemy crowded upon him, and Smith fell back into the outer defenses of Nashville. General Thomas put his army in line of battle three miles north of Nashville, and the enemy advanced to a point five miles distant, and for some time the intervening space Was the scene of constant skirmishing. Reinforcements were rapidly sent to General Thomas, and he determined at once to dislodge Hood from his position, which he was rapidly strengthening, and this brought on the battle of Nashville. As soon as Hood perceived General Thomas’ indications he fell back out of the range of the latter’s forts about Nashville to a much stronger position, withdrew both his wings from the river, and occu- pied some strong entrenchments on a range of hills, known as Granny White’s. General Thomas leisurely concentrated troops, made his arrangements, gathered cavalry as rapidly as possible, and waited until the country became impatient, and even Grant telegraphed to know the cause of the delay. The events of the battle justified his judgment as the magn animous Lieutenant-General says in his report. On the 15th our forces moved out to attack the new position. BATTLE or NASHVILLE. 209 Steadman held the extreme left, Wood’s 4th Corps the left center, A. J . Smith’s 16th Corps the right center, and Wilson’s cavalry corps the extreme right, Schofield’s 23d Corps being at first held in reserve. Steadman first moved his column on his left, driving in the enemy’s skirmishers, but after a gallant and protracted effort was repulsed with heavy loss. This movement on the left, however, was only a feint, or cover for the main attack from the center and right. In order to turn the rebel left, the 4th and 16th Corps got into motion early in the morning, the two corps forming into line splendidly under a heavy cannonade. The whole forenoon was devoted to get- ting positions, and at three o’clock the whole line, infantry, cavalry and artillery, pressed forward. Wood and Steadman met with stub- born resistance, but Smith and Schofield carried all before them, and sweeping down on the rebel left and flank, turned it. Nothing could exceed the enthusiasm of our troops. The infantry heroically charged the intrenchments, the cavalry dismounted and swept the enemy from the river, and even the gunboats played their part by fighting the enemy’s battery fourteen miles down the river. Sixteen guns were captured on right, left and center, and several battle flags were taken, and about 1,000 prisoners fell into our hands. The enemy was driven about eight miles when night closed in. During the night dispositions were made on both sides for a renewal of the battle, and at eight o’clock the next morning the roar of our batteries announced that it had commenced. Our line was about the same as on the day.previous. Wilson’s cavalry covered the right, Schofield came next, then A. J. Smith, on Smith’s left, Wood, and finally, Steadman on the extreme left. ‘ The whole line took the initiative by moving forward, Schofield and Smith against the rebel left flank. The fire that greeted Wood’s corps, which was already engaged, was so terrible our men fell back, and the line was broken, but relief soon came from Schofield and Smith, who once more - hurled themselves against the rebel left, and swept him from his works, completely turning his flank. Wood and Steadman followed it up with repeated assaults upon the rebel right. It held out for a long time, but again and again the assault was tried under tremen- dous storms of canister and shell, and it was finally successful. The enemy retreated in confusion, and victory rested upon the Union 14 210 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. banners. Treason received its death-blow, and there was nothing more left to fight behind Sherman, who pressed triumphantly for- ward in his grand march to the sea, while Grant‘ administered the blow of grace which ended the rebellion, and brought peace. The 88th Illinois bore a splendid part in the battles about Nash- ville. Its brigade held the advance, the 88th composing the rear of the column. Before reaching Spring Hill news came that Forrest was advancing upon the town: without halting or unslinging knap- sacks they were moved out of column by the -right flank, and deployed as skirmishers in Forrest’s front. Slowly and surely the regiment pushed the rebels back, and came to a halt for the night, The next morning, the 80th, the regiment was placed in position as skirmishers for the rear of the army. After some severe skirmish- ing with Hood’s cavalry Franklin was reached, which Cox’s division of the 23d Corps had already intrenched. At half-past three o’clock the second and third brigades of their division being flanked retired upon the main line in great haste and confusion, the rebels following closely. Almost instantly their brigade was on the charge, the con- solidated 88th leading and clearing the way. Colonel Smith, Major Holden and Adjutant Realf, one of the bravest of the brave, were 4011 horseback, not having had time to dismount. Colonel Smith, cap in hand, moved at the head of his regiment encouraging the gal- lant and shaming the cowards. It was a desperate hand-to-hand fight. Captain Barnard shot two rebels with his revolver. Corpo- ral Neuman, of Company G, nearly severed a rebel captain’s head with an ax, and somebody actually pinned a rebel soldier to the breast works by a stroke of a pick-ax. The rebel tide was stayed, but again and again, with the desperation of frenzy, Hood charged the unyielding Union lines. The slaughter was horrible on either side, but the rebels were repulsed. At midnight, when our troops withdrew to Nashville, the 88th was left to cover the movements of the brigade, and for an hour and a half opposed their skirmish line to the solid rebel columns. When the regiment arrived at Nashville, General Wood, accompanied by Generals Wagner and Thomas, paid it a visit. General Wood sought out Colonel Smith, and addressed him thus: “ Colonel, I desire to repeat to you, in the pres- ence of General Thomas and of your regiment, that which General ILLINOIS moors. 211 Stanley said to me respecting yourself and the troops you command, that with the exception only of Colonel Opdyke, commanding your brigade, with whom you share the honor, to your special gallantry and special exertions, more than to those of any other man, is owing the repulse of the rebel column, the safety of the army and the vic- tory of the day. In his name, and in mine, I thank you.” The casualties of the regiment were two killed, seven wounded and six missing. The 72d Illinois reached Franklin on the morning of the 30th, and proceeded at once to fortify the place. In the battle the regiment was placed at the center of the lines surrounding the city, and upon a slope, at the bottom of which was a grove of young trees. The men were not in the best condition for an engagement, but neverthe- less, took position in the pits with alacrity, willingly and eagerly. The rebels rushed upon them, and when they came in range, the cry went up “ Open on them, boys; give it to them,” and for two long hours the firing was kept up. The enemy, however, vastly outnum- bered them. and forcing the line on their left, opened a cross fire, which caused them to fall back to the second line. The first line was again taken by desperate fighting, and held till after dark, when the rebels coming up in superior numbers compelled them to leave it. The noble valor of the men was equaled by the coolness and determination of the ofiicers. The gallant Lieutenant-Colonel Stock- ton and Major James being wounded, the command devolved upon Captain James A. Sexton, whose exertions were constantlyr marked with valor and skill. B1-ydges’ Battery gained enviable distinction also in the battles around Nashville. At Columbia and Spring Hill it was constantly engaged in skirmishing, and at Franklin was warmly employed. After the battle of Franklin it marched with the artillery brigade to Nashville, and was placed in several positions for the defense of that place, always preserving its reputation for valor, and doing soldiers’ duty wherever situated. The battery was under command of Lieutenant White during the Nashville campaigns, Captain Brydges being Chief-of-Artillery, and commanding all the artillery of the corps. ' The gallant 74th regiment shared with the 88th the honor of sav- 212 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. ing the day at Franklin. In the tremendous rebel charge the two regiments met it side by side. The men of the 74th fought hand to hand with the enemy. The intrenching tools which they had been using on the breastworks were directed against the rebel hordes. Hundreds of them reached the. works with -their battle- flags only to be cut down by the rain of musketry and artillery that greeted them. The men of the 7 4th defied the rebels to come into the works. Again and again did Hood essay to break through the solid line opposed to him, but only to meet with disaster upon disas- ter. The works and the ground in front were literally covered with dead and wounded. They called out, “You men in the works, for God’s sake, bring us some water!” It was one of the most\gallant and desperate defenses of the war. The losses of the 74th were: killed, none; wounded, Cyrus H. Scott, Co. A; Sergeant John G. Waldie, Co. G; Charles Ericcson, Co. F; Allen M. Furguson, Co. D; William E. Lowe, Co. B. The same meed of praise which was awarded the 88th was given to the 7 4th. G H A P T E R X IV . REGIMENTAL SKETCHES. THE THIRTEENTH VETERANs—CoNsoLIDATED WITH THE FIFTY-SIXTH—-THE THIRTY- THIRD-—THE STUDENTS AND TEACHERS As SoLD1ERs—THE THIRTY-FOURTH-—-THE THIRTY-NINTH (YATES PHALANX)—-THE CHARGE 0N Fonr GREGG—THE FORTY-FIRST --Irs MARCHES AND BATTLES—THE FORTY-FOURTH——RE-ENLISTMENT WHEN THE INK Fnozn UPON THE MUSTER RoLLs——THE FORTY-FIFTH (LEAD MINE REGIMEN'1‘)—THE FORTY-SIXTH—THE BATTLE or THE HATCHIE—THE FORTY-sEvENTH—THE BATTLE or IUKA-—THE FORTY-EIeHTH—CoNcLUsIoN or ITS REoonn—THE FonTY-NINTH—RE- ENLISTMENT As VETERANS--THE FII‘TIETH—THE FIFTY-FIRST. THIRTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. N the first volume of this work [p. 296], we have given the orig- inal roster of the 13th regiment, and its history to the time of its re-enlistment in the veteran service. The veterans and recruits having accompanied the regiment as far as Springfield, Illinois, an order from Lieutenant-Colonel Cakes was received, detailing 1st Lieu- tenant Mark M. Evans, Company A, to proceed with the detachment to Huntsville, Alabama, and there to report to Brigadier-General John E. Smith, commanding 3d Division, 15th Army Corps, for orders. The whole number of veterans was 44, seven of whom, at this time, were prisoners of war. The number of recruits was 27 ; making the whole number for duty 64. It is due to the men of the 13th to say that many of the members of the old organization enlisted in other regiments, having intimate friends in them; hence the list of veterans does not give a correct idea of the number who re-enlisted. On the 5th or 6th of June, 1864, Lieutenant Evans proceeded with his detachment to Huntsville, and on the 11th received an order assigning his detachment to duty 214. PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. with the 56th Illinois infantry. There being but nine companies in this regiment, the detachment was assigned to duty as a company organization, but retained its original designation. On the 1st of July the regiment was ordered to Adairsville, Georgia, to guard that portion of the railroad from rebel raiding parties, who continu- ally attempted to destroy this line of communication with the front. The force being small, and the rebels exceedingly zealous in their attempts to accomplish their end, the duties of the regiment were of the most arduous kind. While at Adairsville the detachment was consolidated into one company, and transferred to the 56th Illinois, as Company I, by special field order No. 63. An election of offi- cers was then held, resulting in the unanimous choice of Lieutenant Mark M. Evans as Captain, Lyman M. Cole as 1st Lieutenant, and Joseph L. Tennant as 2d Lieutenant. The history of the veterans of the 13th now becomes merged with that Of the 56th. ' THIRTY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY The 33d regiment, known as the “ Normal Regiment,” being com- posed largely of teachers and students——its first Colonel being the Principal of the State Normal School—was organized at Camp But- ler, and was mustered into the service on the 15th of August, 1861, 1,006 strong. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Charles E. Hovey; Lieutenant-Colonel, William R. Lockwood; Major, Edward R. Roe; Adjutant, Frederick M. Crandall; Quartermaster, Simeon Wright; Surgeon, George P. Rex; lst Assistant Surgeon, Nathan W. Abbott; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Henry T. Antes; Chaplain, Herman A. Eddy. Co. A—Captain, Leander H. Potter; 1st Lieutenant, J. Howard Burnham; 2d Lieutenant, G. Hyde Norton. Co. B-Captain, Moses J . Morgan; 1st Lieutenant, C. Judson Gill ; 2d Lieutenant, E. Aaron Gove. Co. C—Captain, Daniel B. Robinson; 1st Lieutenant, Henry M. Kellogg; 9d Lieutenant, George H. Fifer. Co. D—Capta'm, Henry H. Pope; 1st Lieutenant, William W. Mason; 2d Lieu- tenant, Franklin J . Duncklee. Co. E-—Captain, Isaac H. Elliott; 1st Lieutenant, Clarendon A. Stone; 2d Lieu- tenant, Julian E. Bryant. ' Co. F—Captain, Dermont C. Roberts; Ist Lieutenant, Henry D. Winship; 2d Lieutenant, David A. Chumley. ~ ' THE THIRTY—THIRD INFANTRY. 215 C0. G—Captain, Ira Moore; 1st Lieutenant, George P. Ela; 2d Lieutenant, Wil- liam Elbert. Co. H—Captain, James A. McKenzie; 1st Lieutenant, George E. Smith ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Robert P. Williams. 00. I—-Captain, William W. H. Lawton; 1st Lieutenant, William T. Lyon; 2d Lieutenant, Edward A. F. Allen. Co. K—Captain, Charles E. Lippincott; 1st Lieutenant, William A. Nixon; 2d Lieutenant, William H. Weaver. The 33d left camp for Ironton, Missouri, September 20, 1861, receiving arms from the St. Louis arsenal. 1t remained-at Ironton during the winter, going frequently on scouting expeditions. On one of these expeditions was fought the battle of Fredericktown. In March, 1862, it started for the South, under General Steele. It marched overland from Pilot Knob to Batesville, where it joined General Curtis’ army, and then marched back to J acksonport, and thence to Helena, Arkansas. During this march it fought in the “ Battle of the Cache” and in many skirmishes, and sulfered severely from fatigue and exposure. On arriving at Helena, it camped about twenty miles below the town, where it remained during the months of July and August, and then moved up to Sulphur Springs, and thence to Pilot Knob, when its effective strength had dwindled to 200 men. Four weeks later it was sent to Van Buren, Missouri. From this time till March 1, 1863, it was engaged in campaigning through Southeast Missouri. In the latter month it was sent to Milli ken’s Bend, and participated in the engagements at Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Siege of Vicksburg and Siege of Jackson. In August it was. sent to New Orleans, and took part in the Bayou Teche campaign, fighting no battles, and returning to New Orleans in November. It then went to Arkansas Pass, St. Joseph, Matagorda Island and Saluria, participating in the capture of Fort Esperanza. i’It then went to Indianola and Port Lavaca, Texas. On the 1st of January, 1864, it re-enlisted as a veteran regiment, and on March 14th received veteran furloughs at Bloomington, Illinois. On the 18th of April it left Springfield for St. Louis and New Orleans. From May 1st to July 28th it was stationed at Brashear City. Soon after it was distributed by companies along the railroad from New Orleans to Brashear, where it remained till the spring of 1865. The non-veterans of the regiment were sent to New York in charge of a PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. body of rebel prisoners, September 17, 1864, and were mustered out at Camp Butler, about the 11th of October. When the Mobile expedition was organized, in the spring of 1865, the 38d was added to the 16th Army Corps, and began to make preparations for leav- ing. On the 2d of March, as it was proceeding by railroad to New Orleans, and had nearly reached Butte Station, where the last com- pany, H, was awaiting it, the train was thrown from the track by running over a horse, and was completely wrecked. Nine soldiers were killed and about seventy wounded, two of whom afterward died from the injuries received. On the 18th of March, the regiment embarked for Fish River, Alabama, and with General Canby’s army marched up the east side of Mobile Bay. It participated actively in the siege of Spanish Fort from March 27 th to April 8th, when the fort was surrendered to the Federal forces. On the 13th it marched to Montgomery, and while there received the news of the surrender of the rebel armies in the East. May 10th it left for Selma, and thence went to Meridian, Mississippi, remaining there till the middle of August. Here it was strengthened to more than the legal maximum, by the transfer of a large number of men from the 72d, 117th, 122d and 124th Illinois regiments, then serving in Alabama and about to be mustered out. On the 17th of August it reached Vicksburg, where it remained till its muster out on the 24th of November, 1865. On the 29th it arrived at Springfield, where it was paid off and dis- charged. THIRTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. On page 886 of our first volume we have given the original roster of the 34th regiment, and its history up to the 10th of October, 1863, with personal sketches of some of its oflicers. From that date until November 8th it was at Battle Creek and Anderson Cross Roads, a portion of the time engaged in repairing roads, when it went to Har- rison Landing, on the Tennessee River. November 15th, it arrived at Chattanooga, and on the 25th went out on the battle-field. At one o’clock the next morning it marched via Chickamauga Station to Graysville, where the enemy gave battle. The regiment was under fire for half an hour, but met with no loss. The next day it returned to Chattanooga, and was sent to Loudon, East Tennessee, where it THE THIRTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. 217 took possession of a grist mill, and for several days was detailed in grinding corn for the division. On the 19th of December it reached Chattanooga, and on the 22d re-enlisted as veterans. On the 8th of January, 1864, it started for Springfield on veteran furlough, and from there proceeded to Dixon, Lee county, for recruiting and re-or- ganization. On the 29th of February it left Dixon for Chattanooga, arriving there on the 7th of March. It immediately proceeded to Rossville, Georgia. Here it remained until the movement upon Atlanta commenced, in which it took an active part until the surren- der of the place. It accompanied General Sherman in his march to the sea, and through the Carolina campiiign, and was at the grand review at Washington. It then went to Louisville, Kentucky, where it was mustered out on the 12th of July, 1865. On the 16th it arrived at Chicago, where it was paid off and discharged. THIRTY-N IN TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. In Vol. I. of this work [p. 57 9] , we have given the original roster of the “Yates Phalanx,” and its history to the close of 1864. During the winter of ’64-65 it had frequent skirmishes with the enemy, but no regular engagements. During the month of March, 1865, it received about 100 recruits, and on the 27th of the same month it took part in the movements which finally resulted in the downfall of Petersburg and Richmond. It crossed to the left of the Army of the Potomac, and on the 2d of April took part in the charge on Fort Gregg, the key to the works about Petersburg and Richmond. The 89th displayed extraordinary gallantry in this charge, and was the first to plant its colors upon the works. The charge was made across an open field, with a heavy fire from the front and a raking cross fire from each side. Just before reaching the fort, the regiment_ was compelled to cross a ditch twelve feet wide and six feet deep, with very steep sides. It was very easy to get inside this ditch, but to get out the officers and men were obliged to dig footholds in the banks with their bayonets and swords, when they ascended with a cheer, and triumphantly placed their flag upon the fort. As a testi- monial, a magnificent brazen eagle, cast for the purpose, was presented to the regiment by Major-General Gibbons, and placed upon the regi- 218 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. mental color staff; the color sergeant, Henry M. Day, who was severely wounded while planting the colors upon the fort, was pre- sented with a medal of honor by the War Department, and Colonel T. O. Osborn was brevetted Brigadier-General. The 39th was after- ward in the advance of the Army of the James in the pursuit of Lee, and had the satisfaction of witnessing the surrender of Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia. It was retained for a few days as a guard over the camps and baggage of the conquered army, and then sent to Richmond, where it remained till August. It was then sent to Norfolk, where it remained till December 5, 1865, when it was ordered to be mustered out, which was accomplished on the follow- ing day, and on the 7th it started for Springfield, Illinois, for final muster and discharge, arriving at Camp Butler on the 12th. On the morning previous to receiving final payment, the regiment assembled at the chapel, and delivered its battle-torn flags to the State, ’and they were received in appropriate terms by Brigadier-General I. N. Haynie, Adjutant-General of the State. Here the career of the old 39th ended. FORTY-FIRST ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 41st regiment was organized at Camp Pugh, Decatur, and mustered into the service on the 5th of August, 1861. The follow- ing is the original roster: Colonel, Isaac C. Pugh; Lieutenant-Colonel, Ansel Tupper; Major, John War- ner; Adjntant, Bartley G. Pugh; Quartermaster, Henry C. Bradsby; Surgeon, William M. Gray; 1st Assistant Surgeon, George W. Short; 2d Assistant Surgeon, John W. Coleman; Chaplain, Henry C. McCook. Co. A-Captain, John H. N ale; 1st Lieutenant, Michael F. Kanan; 2d Lieuten- ant, George R. Steele. Co. B--Captain, Alsey B. Lee; 1st Lieutenant, John H. Davis; 2d Lieutenant, Jackson H. Aldrich. Co. C—Captain, John Conklin; 1st Lieutenant, William C. Campbell; 2d Lieu- tenant, Michael Danison. Co. D-—Captain, Edmund W. Tnie; 1st Lieutenant, Robert H. McFadden; 2d Lieutenant, Francis A. Norvell. Co. E-—Captain, John L. Armstrong; 1st Lieutenant, Willis S. Oglesby; 2d Lieu- tenant; Robert Warwick. Co. F--Captain, David P. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, Henry C. McCook; 2d Lieu- tenant, John C. Lewis. Co. G-—Captain, Francis M. Long; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel K. Hall; 2d Lieuten- ant, John C. Cox. - THE FORTY-FIRST INFANTRY. 219 Go. H--Captain, HiI-am Blackstonej 1st Lieutenant, James S. Steene; 2d Lieu- tenant, William F. Turney. Co. I-—C-aptain, Benjamin B. Bacon; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin B. Parish; 2d Lieutenant, Francis M. Green. Co. K—Captain, Alexander Kelly; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Woodward; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas Davis. The 41st left Decatur on the 8th of August, 1861, for St.‘ Louis, and proceeded on the 29th to Bird’s Point, Missouri. It was at the taking of Fort Henry, and bore an active part in the three days’ fight at Fort Donelson. It soon after went to Pittsburg Landing, and on the 6th of April participated in the fight at Shiloh, being ‘ held as a reserve on the 7th. It then took part in the siege and cap- ture of Corinth, after which it marched to Memphis, where it arrived on the 21st of July. It left Memphis on the 5th of September, arriving at Bolivar on the 14th. On the 19th it went on a reconnois- sance to Grand Junction, returning on the 4th of October, when it marched to the Hatchie River, where, on the 5th, it acted as a reserve and train guard, and opened communication between General Rose- crans and General Hurlbut. On the following day it returned to Bolivar, and from thence, on the 3d of November, it marched to Lagrange, arriving there on the 6th. Here it was sent out on recon- noissances to several points, and on the 28th started upon the “ Yocna expedition,” returning to the Tallahatchie River. On the 2d of January, 1863, it was sent to escort a supply train to Tullahoma, returning in five days. On the 10th it was stationed at Moscow, Tennessee, where it remained till the 5th of March, when it went to Memphis and camped till April 12th. It was then sent out on an expedition toward the Noncomo. At Coldwater, on the 13th, it met the enemy under Chalmers, and was under fire for seven hours. It returned to Memphis on the 15th, and on the 12th of May set out for Vicksburg, arriving at Young’s Point, Louisiana, on the 19th, and joined the besieging force on the 24th. It remained there till Vicks- burg surrendered, and on the succeeding day (July 5th) took up its line of march for Jackson, and participated in thebattle of Jack- son, July 12th, losing 162 in killed and wounded. It then marched to Vicksburg, and thence proceeded to Natchez. On the 28th of November it returned to Vicksburg, and immediately marched to the Big Black River, and went into winter quarters. In the spring 220 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. of 1864, it joined Sherman in his Atlanta campaign, participating in its various engagements until the fall of that place. In Novem- ber it took up its line of march for the sea, and on arriving at Savan- nah was consolidated with the 53d Illinois, January 5, 1865, with whose subsequent history it was identified. * FORTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 44th regiment was organized at Camp Ellsworth, Chicago, and mustered into the service September 13, 1861. The following is the original roster: ' Colonel, Charles Knobelsdorf ; Lieutenant-Colonel, William J. Stephenson; Major, -Thomas J . Hobart; Adjutant, Charles T. Dake; Quartermaster, William H. Gale; Surgeon, Ferdinand Weitzc; 2d Assistant-Surgeon, William D. Carter; Chaplain, George Erwin. Co. A—-Captain, George Zelle; 1st Lieutenant, Nicholas Davis; 2d Lieutenant, Charles J . Hulbig. Co. B—-Captain, Wallace W. Barrett; 1st Lieutenant, Lemon G. Hine; 2d Lieu- tenant, Samuel N. Andrews. Co. C-—Captain, John Russell; 1st Lieutenant, John B. Stoner; 2d Lieutenant, Eli R. Manley. Co. D--Captain, Edwin L. Hays; 1st Lieutenant, David O. Livermore; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jacob C. Hotfmire. Co. E—Captain, Lothar Lippert; 1st Lieutenant, John A Commerell; 2d Lieu- tenant, William H. Gale. _ Co. F—Captain, Andrew J. Hosmer; 1st Lieutenant, William Hicks; 2d Lieu- tenant, James M. Stephenson. Co. G—Captain, Luther M. Sabine; 1st Lieutenant, Randolph D. Hobart; 2d Lieutenant, Robert Penman. Co. H-Captain, James H. Barrett; 1st Lieutenant, Charles T. Dake; 2d Lieu- tenant, James S. Ransom. Co. I—Captain, Jasper Partridge; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas B. Lacy; 2d Lieuten ant, Jesse C. Bliss. - Co. K—-Captain, Hermann Stach; 1st Lieutenant, Martin Reininger; 2d Lieuten- ant, William Gebhardt. September 14th, the regiment left Chicago for St. Louis, and after receiving arms was sent to Jefferson City, arriving there on_ the 29th. It next went to Sedalia, where it was assigned to Sigel’s com- mand. October 13th, it left for Springfield, Missouri, arriving on the 27 th, a few hours after Zagonyi’s famous charge upon the rebels. November 8th it was sent to Wilson’s Creek, but soon returned to THE FOBTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. 221 ' Springfield, and on the 18th followed the main army to Rolla, remain- ing there during the winter, suffering severely from sickness. Feb- ruary 2, 1862, it again started for Springfield, to attack Price, who ingloriously fled on the approach of our forces. From the 13th to the 20th the enemy were actively pursued, the 44th being continually in the advance. On the 6th of March it moved to Sugar Creek Val- ley, and on the same day was began the battle of Pea Ridge [Vol. I., p. 222], which was concluded on the 7th, to the terrible discom- fiture of the rebels, whose chieftains were slain. The 44th assisted in the pursuit of the rebels for three days, when it was abandoned. The regiment remained in this vicinity till April 5th, when it marched to Forsyth, Missouri, and Batesville, Arkansas, where the army was reorganized. On the 8th of May the 44th left Batesville in the direc- tion of Little Rock, but the order was soon countermanded, and the regiment sent to Cape Girardeau, and thence to Pittsburg Landing, joining the main army two days previous to the evacuation _of Corinth. It followed in pursuit of the rebels, but soon returned to Rienzi, Mississippi, remaining there till August 26th. It was then sent to Cincinnati and Covington, where it remained till September 17th, when it joined General Buell’s army at Louisville, and started in pursuit of Bragg. It was at the battle of Perryville, October 8th, and followed in the subsequent pursuit of -the enemy as far as Crab Orchard. On the 20th it marched to Bowling Green, where General Rosecrans assumed command. November 4th it left for Nashville, and participated in the Murfreesboro campaign. At Stone River it took a prominent part, losing more than half its number in killed and wounded. It remained with the army at Murfreesboro till June 28, 1863, and again went out to meet the enemy, engaging them at Hoover’s Gap, Shelbyville and Tullahoma, arriving at Cowan Station July 2d. After a few days’ rest, it moved to Stevenson, Ala- bama, driving the rear of the rebel army across the Tennessee at Bridgeport, Alabama, returning to Stevenson. On the 21 st of August began the movement against Chattanooga. The 44th—which was in the 20th Corps-—crossed Sand Mountains, and was moving toward Rome when the rebels attacked our forces at Chickamauga. It was immediately ordered back, and after three days’ forced march- ing arrived on the field in time to take part in the battles of the 19th 222 PATRIOTISM or rumors. and 20th of September. Falling back to Chattanooga, it remained there, living on quarter rations, till the latter part of November. On the 25th of this month it was foremost in the bloody charge upon Mission Ridge, General Sheridan giving it the credit of being one of the first to place a flag on the rebel works. It then followed the retreating rebels, capturing many prisoners and several pieces of artillery. On the 27th it was ordered back to Chattanooga to pre- pare for a forced march to Knoxville to relieve Burnside. It arrived there three days after the siege had been raised. It then marched to Seaverville, back again to Knoxville, and thence to Strawberry Plains, where it was reported the enemy had made a stand. It then went into camp at Blaine’s Cross Roads, where for a time it was on the point of starvation, having several times, for days to subsist on corn in the ear, and but a limited supply of that. If anything were necessary to prove the devotion and patriotism of the gallant 44th, it may be said that while here, suffering intensely from hunger and cold, over three fourths of the men voluntarily re-enlisted as veterans, though the ink would freeze to the pen as they signed the roll. About the 12th of January, 1864, the regiment marched to Dandridge, Tennessee, and on the 16th and 17th was attacked by a superior force of the rebels, and forced back to Knoxville. From there it marched to Kingston, and on the 30th to Chattanooga, where, Feb- ruary 3d, it received full rations from the Government for the first time in four months. On the 1st of March it reached Chicago, where it received veteran furlough. On the 14th of April it reached Nash- ville on its return to the field, and immediately moved for the front. May 1st it left Chattanooga, and joined the main army in the move- ment upon Atlanta, participating in the battles of Buzzard’sRoost, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Adairsville, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Gulp’s Farm, Chattahoochee River, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta and J onesboro. From Atlanta, September 28th, it marched to Chattanooga, and on the 18th of October was sent out on a reconnoitering expedition to Alpine Valley. It then joined in the pursuit of Hood through Tennessee, participating in the battle ‘of Franklin, where it showed great gallantry. At the battle of Nashville it bore a prominent part, and followed in pursuit of the broken columns of the rebels. It remained at Bull’s Gap and Blue THE FORTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. 223 Spring till April 19, 1865, when it was ordered to Nashville, leaving there on the 19th of June for New Orleans, where it remained till July 16th, when it was ordered to Texas. It remained in this State till September 25, 1865, when it was mustered out at Camp Union, and ordered home. It arrived at Springfield on the 15th of October, and was paid off and discharged. FORTY-FIFT H ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 45th infantry—the well-known “ Lead Mine Regiment ”—was organized in Galena and Chicago, six companies being recruited from the lead mines in the vicinity of the former city. It was mus- tered into the service December 26, 1861, with the following list of otficers : Colonel, John Eugene Smith; Lieutenant-Colonel, Jasper A. Maltby; Major, Melancthon Smith; Adjutant, William T. Frohock; Quartermaster, John Pyatt; Surgeon, Edward D. Kittoe; 1st Assistant-Surgeon, Francis Weaver; 2d Assistant- Surgeon, William Lyman; Chaplain, George W. Woodward. Co. A—Captain Abraham Polsgrove; 1st Lieutenant, William T. Frohock; 2d Lieutenant, George Moore. Co. B-Captain, Luther H. Cowen; 1st Lieutenant, Nesbit Banger; 2d Lieuten- ant, Samuel H. Townsend. Co. C--Captain, Thomas Burns; 1st Lieutenant, James Rouse; 2d Lieutenant, John Byrne. Co. D—Captain, Thomas D. Connor; 1st Lieutenant, William R. Rowley; 2d Lieutenant, John O. Duer. Co. E-Captain, Leander B. Fisk; 1st Lieutenant, Charles D. Overstreet; 2d Lieutenant, John M. Adair. Co. F—Captain, Melancthon Smith; 1st Lieutenant, Robert P. Seely; 2d Lieu- tenant, Dennis W. Griffin. Co. G—Captain, Robert P. Seeley; 1st Lieutenant, Dennis W. Griflin; 2d Lieu- tenant, Syriac M. Budlong. Co. H—Captain, John B. Hawley; 1st Lieutenant, William B. Seymour; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas C. Morris. Co. I-—Captain, Oliver A. Bridgford; 1st Lieutenant, James Balfour; 2d Lieuten- ant, Henry H. Boyce. Co. K—Captain, Benjamin F. Holcomb; 1st Lieutenant, John Gray; 2d Lieuten- ant, Luther B. Hunt. The 45th left Chicago for Cairo on the 12th of January, 1862, and on arriving at the latter point was immediately dispatched to aid Grant in his capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, at which engage- 224 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Q ments, although entirely new to the service, “ the boys ” highly dis- tinguished themselves by their gallantry. From here the regiment was ordered to Pittsburg Landing, and was soon afterward employed in the memorable battfe of Shiloh, and the investment and siege of Corinth. After the fall of Corinth it was sent on Grant’s famous Mississippi campaign. In this it had several skirmishes and fights. ‘On the 25th of April, 1863, it was ordered back from Milliken’s Bend, Louisiana, where it had been for some time encamped, to join in the siege of Vicksburg. On the 1st of May it was in the engage- ment at Thompson’s Hill, in which, as at Bayou Pierre on the 3d, Raymond on the 12th, Jackson on the 14th and Champion Hill on the 15th, it proudly sustained the honor of the Union arms. On the 19th of May it went into the works at Vicksburg, and bore its full share of the toils of that arduous siege until the fall of that rebel stronghold. It was this regiment which mined and blew up Fort Hill,‘ aided in the desperate assault upon it on the 25th of June, and not only took, but held it, against every effort of the enemy, who saw inevitable ruin in its loss; and the battle flag of the 45th was the first to float over the Court House of Vicksburg. [Vol. I., p. 471.] It remained here doing provost duty until October 14th, when it was ordered out on the Canton raid, which was uneventful beyond a sharp skirmish at Boguechitto Creek, on the 17th. It returned from it to Vicksburg, went to Black River, Mississippi, on November 7th, and from there was sent to join Sherinan on the cele- brated Meridian raid. Beyond skirmishing and destroying rebel property, railroads, bridges, etc., the only event of this raid was a fight at Chunky Station, on the 14th, where the 45th whipped and drove off five times its number of rebels. Before going on this raid - the regiment had re-enlisted for three years, at Black River, January 5, 1864, and after its completion it was sent home on veteran fur- lough. On May 1, 1864, it returned to Cairo, its furlough having expired, and on the 14th arrived at Clifton, Tennessee, whence it performed a march of 310 miles to Big Shanty, Georgia, where it joined Sherman on June 9th. Its share in the great march “ down to the sea” was about the same as that of all the other regiments participating in that grand pedestrian feat, with the exception that it was sent by water from Savannah to Beaufort, and had a severe D’ THE FOBTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. 220 but victorious engagement with the enemy at Pocotaligo on January 14, 1865. It then rejoined the army of Sherman, and went with it to Washington, thence to Louisville, where it was mustered out, and then returned home, reaching Chicago on the 15th of July, 1865. This regiment won a gallant reputation, but at the expense of great losses. When first mustered into the service it numbered, rank and file, 960, and on its return on veteran furlough, disease and battle had reduced it down to 231. Again it was filled up to 705, and brought back but 393 men and 17 ofiicers. The first Colonel of the 45th, John E. Smith, was promoted to the rank of Major-General. _The first Lieutenant-Colonel, J . A. Maltby, became a Brigadier-Gene- ral. The first Major, J . A. Rawlins, became a Major-General, and Chief of General Grant’s staff. Lieutenant-Colonel Smith (succeed- ing Maltby) was killed at Fort Hill, on June 25, 1863, and in the same engagement Major L. H. Cowan (succeeding Rawlins) was also killed. Captain R. P. Seeley, of Company G, then became Lieutenant- Colonel in command, and Captain J. O. Duer, Major, and on the expiration of Lieutenant-Colonel Seeley’s term of ser- vice, Duer was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, which rank he held at the muster-out of the regiment. FORTY-SIXTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 46th regiment was raised as follows: Companies A, B, C, G and K, in Stephenson County; Company F, Richland County; Com- panies D, E, Hand I, in Lee,’ Ogle and Whiteside counties. It was organized at Camp Butler, and mustered into the service on the 28th of December, 1861. The following is the original roster: Colonel, John A. Davis; Lieutenant-Colonel, William 0. Jones; Major, Frederick A. Starring; Adjutant, Benjamin Dornblaser; Quartermaster, Frank Fuller; Sur- geon, Elias C. DuPuy; Ist Assistant Surgeon, Charles Carle; Chaplain, D. Teed. Co. A—-Captain, John Musser; 1st Lieutenant, William O. Saxton; 2d Lieuten- ant, Isaac A. Arnold. Co. B—Captain, Rollin V. Ankeny; 1st Lieutenant, Henry Roush; 2d Lieuten- ant, Thomas J. Hathaway. Co. C—Captain, Frederick Khrumme; 1st Lieutenant, Philip Arno; 2d Lieuten- ant, Addo Borchers. ’ Co. D-Captain, William F. Wilder; 1st Lieutenant, Joel L. Coe; 2d Lieutenant, Henry H. Woodbury. 15 226 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Co. E—Captain, John M. Marble; 1st Lieutenant, William Lane ; 2d Lieutenant, William Plantz. ‘ Co. F—Captain, Thomas Wakefield; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Barr; 2d Lieuten- ant, Winfield S. Ingraham. Co. G—Captain, William Young; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas Hood; 2d Lieutenant, Moses R. Thompson. Co. H-—Captain, John Stevens ; 1st Lieutenant, John A. Hughes; 2d Lieutenant, Frederick W. Pike. Co. I-—Captain, Charles P. Stinson; 1st Lieutenant, James Ballard; 2d Lieuten- ant, William H. HowelL Co. K--Captain, John McCracken; 1st Lieutenant, William Stewart; 2d Lieu- tenant, Beverley W. Whitney. On the 11th of February, 1862, the regiment left Springfield for Cairo, and at once reported to General Grant, before Fort Donelson, on the 14th. On the 15th it was ordered to the support of a battery on our right, where it was partially exposed to a brisk fire from the enemy, and had three men wounded, one mortally. After the surren- der it was put on guard duty, and on the 17th ordered to Fort Henry. March 6th it left for Savannah, Tennessee, and arrived at Pittsburg Landing on the 18th. It bore a heroic part in the battle of Shiloh, where Colonel Davis had two horses shot under him, and was him- self very badly wounded. It participated in the movement upon Corinth until the evacuation of the place. On the 10th of June it marched to the Hatohie River, and rebuilt a bridge which had been destroyed by the rebels. ' It then went to Grand Junction, Lagrange, etc. , making a reconnoissance in force. 011 the 1 7th of July it started for Memphis, arriving on the 21st, and going into camp. August 27 th it went out on the Pigeon Roost road, returning on the 31st. September 6th it started for Bolivar, remaining till October 4th, when the troops were ordered to make a diversion in the direction of Corinth. On the 5th, at Metamora, the battle of the Hatohie was fought, the 46th distinguishing itself for gallantry, and fully sustain- ing the glorious reputation won at Shiloh. Colonel Davis, who had returned to his regiment while still suffering from his wounds, fell at the head of his regiment, and died on the 10th, at the regimental camp at Bolivar. November 3d the regiment returned to its old camp at Lagrange, remaining there till the 28th, when it marched to Holly Springs, Mississippi, and took part in the Vicksburg campaign of 1862, during a part of which it was compelled to subsist entirely BE-ENLISTMENT AS VETERANS. 227 upon what could be obtained from the surrounding country, all sup- plies having been cut off. On the 12th of March, 1863, the 46th arrived at Memphis. On the 21st of April it marched to Hernando, Mississippi, to reinforce Colonel Bryant, who was in command of a brigade near Coldwater, and returned to Memphis on the 24th. May 13th the regiment left for Vicksburg, landing at Young’s Point on the 15th. A portion of the regiment was captured on the night of the 25th of May, while on picket duty. The balance of it partici- pated in the siege until the surrender. It next went to Jackson, Mississippi, and took part in the siege and capture of that place, returning to Vicksburg on the 23d of July. On the 11th of August it left for Natchez, where it remained till November 10th, and then returned to Vicksburg. January 4, 1864, the regiment was mustered into the veteran service, and on the 12th left for home on veteran furlough, arriving at Freeport, Illinois, on the 23d. From that date until the 1st of March the time was occupied in recruiting up to the maximum standard. On the 2d of the latter month, the regi- ment left Freeport, 987 strong, and proceeded to Vicksburg. On the 4th of May it embarked on an expedition under General McAr- thur to Benton and Yazoo City, returning to Vicksburg on the 21st. On the 1st of July it started upon the Jackson expedition under Major-General Slocum. While on this expedition, the regiment met the enemy on the 5th and 6th, near Clinton and Jackson, where it .well maintained its reputation. Its loss was 3 killed, 36 wounded, 1 captured, 3 missing; total, 45. On the 29th of July it embarked for Morganzia, Louisiana. While lying here, on the night of August 8th, Lieutenant-Colonel Jones and 200 men of the regiment, while out on a scout, captured twelve rebels, Who had fallen asleep, not dreaming of the near proximity of the boys in blue. On the 24th of August the 46th arrived at Port Hudson, and after a brief expe- dition to Clinton, returned to Morganzia. September 4th it proceeded to the mouth of the White River, where it went into camp, and where, on the 13th, the non-veterans of Companies A, B and C left it for home. On the 9th of October it arrived at Duvall’s Blufi‘, Ar- kansas, and thence, November 27th, proceeded to Memphis. Decem- ber 21st it joined in an expedition in the direction of Lagrange, returning on the 31st. On the 2d of January, 1865, it embarked for 228 rnrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. Louisiana, and on the 8th and 9th of February, went into camp at Dauphin Island, Alabama. During the investment of Spanish Fort, the 46th guarded the rear. During the siege of Fort Blakely, it alternated with other regiments in doing duty in the rear and in the trenches, taking part in the final capture. On the 12th of April Mobile was surrendered to our forces, who immediately occupied it. On the 27 th of May the 46th embarked for New Orleans, which place it soon after left for Shreveport. It was stationed here and at Grand Ecore till December 27th, when it received orders for muster out and discharge, which were given at Baton Rouge on the 20th of January, 1866, when it embarked for Camp Butler, Illinois. Here it received final discharge on the 1st of February, having been in the service nearly four years and a half. FORTY-SEVENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 47th regiment was organized at Peoria, and was mustered into the service on the 16th of August, 1861. The following is the origipal roster: Colonel, John Bryner; Lieutenant-Colonel, Daniel L. Miles; Major, William A. Thrush; Adjutant, Rush W. Chambers; Quartermaster, William Stewart; Surgeon, George L. Lucas; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Timothy Babb; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Luther M. Andrews; Chaplain, Jeremiah Hazen. Co. A—-Captain, John N. Cromwell; 1st Lieutenant, Converse Sonthard; 2d Lieutenant, John W. Dodds. Co. B--Captain, Joseph B. Miles; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin F. Biser; 2d Lieu- tenant, George Kinnear. Co. C—Captain, John D. McLure ; 1st Lieutenant, Silas Chapple; 2d Lieutenant, George Broad. Co. D—Captain, John C. Townsend ; 1st Lieutenant, Orlando Fountain; 2d Lieu- tenant, James P. Warrell. Co. E—Captain, Samuel R. Baker; 1st Lieutenant, George Puterbaugh; 2d Lieu- tenant, William W. Pierce. Co. F—Captain, Lyman W. Clark; 1st Lieutenant, Theodore M. Lowe; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph Moulton. Co. G—Captain, Harmon Andrews; 1st Lieutenant, William Armmtrout; 2d Lieutenant, Abel Bradley. Co. H—-Captain, Thompson Gordon; 1st Lieutenant, George A. Wilkins; 2d Lieutenant, James Brassfield. Co. I—Captain, Samuel S. J ackman; 1st Lieutenant, James Tisdale; 2d Lieuten- ant, Chester Andrews. Co. K—Captain, Jacob J emison; 1st Lieutenant, David DeWolf ; 2d Lieutenant, Amos Tucker. THE FORTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. 229 - On the 23d of September the regiment left Peoria for St. Louis, where it remained till October 9th, obtaining equipments and drill- ing. It then went to Jefferson City, and was engaged in post duties in Missouri till February 18, 1862, when it went to St. Louis. It then joined General Pope’s command in the movement upon New Madrid and Island N o. 10, and participated in it till those points were captured. April 22d it arrived at Hamburg Landing, to join in the Corinth campaign. May 9th it took part in the battle of Farmington, where Lieutenant-Colonel Miles was killed, and in the movement upon Corinth till its evacuation, when it joined in the pursuit of the rebels. July 3d it marched to Rienzi, Mississippi, and thence, August 18th, to Tuscumbia. It was at the battle of Iuka September 19th, and after one day’s pursuit of the enemy returned to Corinth, arriving in time to participate in the battles of October 3d and 4th. Here it lost 30 killed, and over one hundred wounded. Among the former were Colonel William A. Thrush and Captain David DeWolf. It engaged in the pursuit of the enemy as far as Ripley, Mississippi, returning to Corinth on the 14th. November 3d it started with General Grant on the Yocna expedition, arriving at Grand Junction January 1, 1863, and Corinth January 14th. From January 26th to March 12th it was guarding the railroad at Ridgeway Station, Tennessee. It then joined the grand army mov- ing upon Vicksburg, participating in nearly all its operations. May 14th it took part in the capture of Jackson, Mississippi. While leaving the city as rear guard, Colonel John N. Cromwell became momentarily detached from the regiment, and, being surrounded by the rebels, was summdned to surrender, but refused, and was killed in the attempt to escape. The regiment immediately returned to Vicksburg, and took part in the assault upon the enemy’s works on the 22d of May. June 4th it took part in an engagement at Mechanicsville, and on the 14th at Richmond, in both of which the enemy were defeated. After the fall of Vicksburg, it encamped at Bear Creek, engaging in an occasional scout till the middle of November, when it moved to Memphis, and from there to Lagrange, where it guarded the railroad, occasionally making a scout against Forrest’s guerrillas. On the 26th of January it returned to Mem- phis, and on the 1st of February to Vicksburg, going into camp at 230 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. the Black River Bridge. March 10th it left Vicksburg on the Red River expedition under General A. J . Smith, and was present at the capture of Fort De Russey, March 14th; participated in the night surprise and capture of a rebel regiment and battery at Henderson Hill, on the 22d ; took part in the battle of Pleasant Hill, April 9th, and during the expedition was under fire several times, besides endur- ing very severe hardships. May 22d it arrived at Vicksburg, having been for three months engaged in a very tedious campaign. June 5th it left for Memphis, disembarking at Lake Chicot, marching inland a short distance, and “pitched into” and whipped a strong force of the enemy under Marmaduke. It then proceeded to Mem- phis, where the non-veterans joined General Smith’s Tupelo expedi- tion, and with it took part in the battle of Tupelo. The re-enlisted veterans, 107 in number, were sent north on thirty days’ furlough, rejoining the regiment on the 8tl1 of August, and the entire regiment accompanied General Smith’s Oxford expedition. On its return it engaged the enemy at Abbeville, August 23d, and reached Memphis on the 27th. The original term of service of the regiment having expired, the non-veterans were ordered home to Springfield, where they were mustered out and discharged, October 1 1, 1864. The vete- rans and recruits, under Lieutenants Edward Bonham and Royal Olmsted, accompanied General Mower’s expedition up White River to Brownsville, Arkansas, and thence into Missouri, in pursuit of General Price. After campaigning for some time in Missouri, the detachment arrived in St. Louis November 4th, and proceeded to Chicago to assist in quelling any disturbance which might arise on the day of election. It was next ordered to Springfield, where two hundred drafted men and four full companies were assigned to it. Lieutenant Edward Bonham was commissioned Major, and the bat- talion ordered to St. Louis, December 3d. Its destination was then changed to Louisville, whence it was sent to Bowling Green. Janu- ary 27 , 1865, it moved via Nashville to its old command at Eastport, Mississippi. It went to New Orleans, and joined the expedition to MobileBay, taking part in the reduction of Spanish Fort. While lying in front of Spanish Fort, it received six additional companies from Springfield, making it once more a full regiment. After the fall of Mobile it marched to Montgomery, Alabama, arriving April THE FORTY-EIGHTH AND FORTY-NINTH INFANTRY. 231 25th. During the summer it was on duty at Selma, Cahawba and Demopolis, and was mustered out at Selma, January 21, 1866, and finally paid and discharged at Springfield on the 5th of February. FORTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. In the first.volume of this work [p. 326] we have given the origi- nal roster of this regiment, with its history to the time of its re-en- listment as a veteran regiment, in January, 1864. March 10th, at the expiration of its veteran furlough, it left Centralia for Nashville, thence to Chattanooga, where it joined Sherman’s army in the Atlanta campaign, and participated in the engagements at Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Sand Town, Decatur, before Atlanta, siege of Atlanta, and at J onesboro and Lovejoy Station. It next joined in the march to the sea and the Carolina campaign, with credit to itself and the State. After the grand review at Washington, in which it had a part, it went to Louisville, leaving that city for Little Rock, June 25, 1865. Here, on the 16th of August, it was mustered out and sent to Camp Butler, where it arrived on the 21st, and was paid oif and discharged. FORTY-NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 49th was organized at Camp Butler, and mustered into the service on the 31st of December, 1861. The following is the origi- nal roster: Colonel, William R. Morrison; Lieutenant-Colonel, Thomas G. Allen; Major, John B. Hay; Adjutant, James Morrison; Quartermaster, James W. Davis; Surgeon, William H. Medcalfe; lst Assistant Surgeon, Andrew Beatty; Chaplain, James B. Corrigan. _ Co. A-—-Captain, Thomas W. Morgan; 1st Lieutenant, Nicholas C. Chester; 2d Lieutenant, William H. Rogers. Co. B—Captain, William P. Moore ; 1st Lieutenant, James P. Burns; 2d Lieuten- ant, William Wesley. Co. C-Captain, Louis Kinghoff; 1st Lieutenant, Philip Doll; 2d Lieutenant, Simeon Spira. Co. D--Captain, John W. Brokaw; 1st Lieutenant, James W. Cheney; 2d Lieu- tenant, Emery B. Harlan. Co. E-Captain, John G. Berrey; 1st Lieutenant, James M. Mcguire ; 2d Lieuten ant, Henry W. Kerr. 232 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Co. F-—Captain, Benjamin W. Jones; 1st Lieutenant, Ransom C. Hagerman; 2d Lieutenant, William T. Freeland. Co. G—Captain, Lewis W. Moore; 1st Lieutenant, William W. Bliss; 2d Lieu- tenant, William M. Whaling. Co. H-Captain, Jacob E. Gauen; 1st Lieutenant, Service Sonday; 2d Lieuten- ant, Jacob Fischer. Co. I—Captain, Archibald W. Thompson; 1st Lieutenant, James L. MeClurken;~ 2d Lieutenant, George L. Watts. Co. K—-Captain, Benjamin T. Wood; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Laur; 2d Lieuten- ant, James G. Gilbert. February 3, 1862, the regiment left Springfield for Cairo. On the 9th it reported to General Grant at Fort Henry, and was sent to Fort Donelson, and bore a gallant part in the siege and capture of that stronghold. It was next at the battle of Shiloh, where it lost 17 killed and 99 wounded. It took part in the siege of Corinth till its evacuation. June 6th it was stationed at Bethel, Tennessee, guarding the railroad, remaining there till_March 10, 1863. It then went to White Station, guarding the railroad, until August 10th. It then joined the White River expedition against Little Rock. Be- tween 2 and 3 o’clock A. M., August 30th, while en route to VVhite River, the steamer Courier, on which it was proceeding, collided with the Des Are and was sunk. No lives were lost, but a number of mules and horses and a quantity of ammunition and equipage and the company records sank with the steamer. It was the advance regiment in the eaptu re of Little Rock, September 10th, and encamped there till November 15th, when it was sent to Memphis. Here, on the 15th of January, 1864, the regiment re-enlisted in the veteran service. On the 27th it went to Vicksburg, and joined i11 General Sherman’s Meridian campaign. Returning to Vicksburg, March 3d, it participated in the Red River expedition, and was at the capture of Fort De Russey, March 14th, and the battle of Pleasant Hill, Georgia, April 9th,and numerous skirmishes. It returned to Mem- phis, June 10th, and on the 24th was sent home on veteran furlough. The non-veterans remained, under Captain John A. Logan, and took part in the Tupelo expedition, engaging the enemy at Tupelo, July 14th and 15th. The veterans rendezvoused at Centralia, and on the 4th of August left for Cairo, Nashville and Holly Springs, where the regiment was re-united. It participated in the Oxford expedition, and returned to Memphis on the 30th of August. It was THE FIFTIETH INFANTRY. 233 then ordered to J eiferson Barracks, Missouri. When the boat was about three miles above Cape Girardeau, it struck a snag and Was sunk, but by the exertions of the regiment the leak was stopped and the boat bailed out and raised. September 30th the regiment left St. Louis for Franklin, Missouri, where, October 1st, it met the enemy and drove them out and occupied the town. It then accompanied the army in pursuit of Price. It returned to St. Louis November 18th, and on the 24th embarked for Nashville, and participated in the battles of December 15th and 16th. On the 24th it was ordered to Paducah, Kentucky, where the non-veterans were mustered out. The veteran organization remained here on garrison duty till it was mustered out, September 9, 1865. On the 15th it arrived at Spring- field, where it was paid oif and discharged. ' FIFTIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 50th regiment was organized at Quincy, and mustered into the service August 20, 1861. The original roster was as follows : Colonel, Moses M. Bane; Lieutenant-Colonel, William Swarthout; Major, George W. Randall; Adjutant, Thomas J . Brown ;- Quartermaster, William Keal; Surgeon, Henry W. Kendall; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Garner H. Bane. Co. A—-Captain, Edgar Pickett; 1st Lieutenant, Henry P. W. Cramer; 2d Lieu- tenant, Sergeant Moody. Co. B—-Captain, John W. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, Henry E. Horn; 2d Lieuten- _ant, William H. Harbison. C0. C--Captain, William M. Gooding; 1st Lieutenant, Theodore W. Letton; 2d Lieutenant, Horace L. Burnham. ' Co. D-—Captain, Thomas W. Gaines; 1st Lieutenant, Henry Cusick; 2d Lieuten- ant, William K. Hazlewood. Co. E—-Captain, William Hanna; 1st Lieutenant, Albert Pickett; 2d Lieutenant, William W. Birchard. Co. F—Captain, William B. Snyder; 1st Lieutenant, Charles J . May; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles M. Harris. Co. G—Captain, George W. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, Selah W. King; 2d Lieuten- ant, Edward P. Barrett. Co. H—Captain, Samuel R. Glenn; 1st Lieutenant, William S. Ishmel ; 2d Lieu- tenant, John Cooper. Co. I—Captain, Joseph D. Wolf; 1st Lieutenant, Horace L. Dunlap; 2d Lieu- tenant, George W. Elliott. Co. K—Captain, Timothy D. McGillicuddy; 1st Lieutenant, Jefferson White; 2d Lieutenant, William A. Shane. On the 9th of October, the regiment left for Hannibal, Missouri, 234: PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. and remained campaigning in that State till January 27 , 1862, when it reported to General Grant at Cairo. It was at the taking of Fort Henry by Commodore Foote, and took an active part in the siege and capture of Fort Donelson‘. February 23d it went to Clarksville, Tennessee, and occupied the town, Where it discovered several pieces of artillery which had been secreted by the rebels. On the 27th it was ordered to Nashville, but immediately returned to Clarksville. On the 30th of March it arrived at Pittsburg Landing, and took an active part in the battle of Shiloh and the subsequent movement upon Corinth. When the town was evacuated, the 50th joined in the pursuit of the rebels as far as Booneville, Mississippi, returning to Corinth, June 11th. On the 3d and 4th of October it was engaged in the repulse of the attack of the rebels upon Corinth, and did excellent service. The enemy was repulsed, and the 50th took part in pursuit of them to Ruckersville, Mississippi, returning to Corinth on the 12th. Here it remained until December 18th, when it went out on a scout to Lexington, Tennessee, returning on the 23d. April 15, 1863, it was sent to Tuscumbia, skirmishing, while on the way, at Bear Creek, Cherokee and Newsom’s Farm. On the 27th it met the enemy at Courtland, and fought them on the following day. On the 3d of May it again arrived at Corinth. November 6th it started for Eastport, Mississippi, and on the 12th went into camp at Lynnville, twelve miles north of Pulaski. On the 17th the regi- ment was ordered to be mounted for scouting duty. It remained here on such duty until it was mustered into the veteran service, January 16, 1864, when it started for home. February 28th, the veteran furlough having expired, the regiment left Quincy for Lynn- ville, Tennessee, to rejoin its command, arriving there March 5th, with over 200 recruits. It soon took part in the Atlanta campaign, doing garrison duty at Rome most of the time. At the battle of Allatoona, which soon followed, it bore an honorable part. It then joined Sherman in his grand march to the sea, and participated in the Carolina campaign. On the 24th of May, 1865, it took part in the grand review at Washington, and on the 3d of June started for Louisville. It was mustered out here on the 13th of July, and on the following day arrived at Camp Butler, where it was paid off and discharged. THE FIFTY-FIRST INFANTRY. 235 FIFTY-FIRST ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 51st regiment was organized at Camp Douglas, Chicago, and mustered into the service on the 24th of December, 1861. The fol- lowing is the original roster: Colonel, Gilbert W. Cumming; Lieutenant-Colonel, Luther P. Bradley; Major, Samuel B. Raymond; Adjutant, Charles W. Davis; Quartermaster, Henry Howland; Surgeon, William C. Hunt; 1st Assistant Surgeon, John S. Pashley; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Thomas L. Magee. Co. A—Captain, Henry F. Wescott; 1st Lieutenant, James E. Montandon; 2d Lieutenant, Antonio DeAnguera. Co. B——Oaptain, Isaac K. Gardner; 1st Lieutenant, Henry W. Hall; 2d Lieuten- ant, George J . Waterman. Co. C—-Captain, Nathaniel B. Petts; 1st Lieutenant, Albert M. Tilton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Albert Eads. Co. D—Captain, Ezra L. Brainard; 1st Lieutenant, Theodore F. Brown; 2d Lieu- tenant, James S. Boyd. Co. E—Captain, John C. McWilliams; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas T. Lester; 2d Lieutenant, Augustus B. Sweeney. Co. F—Captain, George L. Bellows; 1st Lieutenant, Robert Houston; 2d Lieu- tenant, Andrew H. Frasier. ‘ Co. G—Captain, George H. Wentz ; 1st Lieutenant, Merritt B. Atwater ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Orin S. Johnson. Co. H—Captain, John T. Whitson; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Greenwood; 2d Lieutenant, Charles B. Whitson. Co. K—Captain, Rufus Rose; 1st Lieutenant, Otis Moody; 2d Lieutenant, Albert L. Coe. The regiment left Chicago for Cairo February 14, 1862, and was engaged there in guarding the prisoners from Fort Donelson, and sending them north. On the 27th it crossed the river and camped on the Kentucky shore. March 4th it went to Bertrand, Missouri, where General Pope was collecting troops for a movement down the river. On the 9th of April it went to the vicinity of New Madrid, and took part in the movements which resulted in the capture of that place. It then joined in the movement upon Island No. 10, and actively participated in the capture of the rebels who fled from that post. It next went down the river to Osceola, and on the 27th was i ordered to Hamburg, and took part in the battle of Farmington and other movements upon Corinth. After the evacuation of the town, the 51st took part in the pursuit of the retreating enemy. Return- ing to Corinth, it was detailed for guard duty on the Memphis and 236 mrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. Charleston Railroad. On the 15th of September it reached Nash- ville, to join Buell in his pursuit of Bragg. On the 6th of Novem- ber a rebel attack on Nashville was made, but without success. After . doing post duty for some time at Nashville, the 51st joined in the movement against Bragg, and was in the thickest of the fight at Stone River. The three brigade commanders of the division were killed, and early in the day the command of the brigade fell upon Colonel Bradley, of the 51st. On the 6th of January, 1863, the regiment marched three miles south of Murfreesboro and encamped. On the 4th of March it marched to Eagleville, and two days later started for Franklin, to aid in the pursuit of Van Dorn, who was fol- lowed to Duck River, when the pursuit was abandoned. On the 24th of June it joined in the Tullahoma campaign, which resulted in driving Bragg out of Tennessee. On the 30th of July it camped at Bridgeport, Alabama, the rebel army being on the other side of the river. September 2d it crossed the Tennessee and marched to Alpine, Georgia, and took part in the various movements of the Chickamauga campaign. At Chickamauga, on the first day of the battle, it did gallant service, losing nearly one third its number in a single half hour. On the 'second day, the whole division to which it belonged became involved in confusion, but was skillfully extricated by General Sheridan. At the battles of Mission Ridge and Look- out Mountain the 51st was in the reserve. On the 28th of October it marched to the relief of Burnside at Knoxville, reaching there December 9th. On the 26th of January, 1864, the regiment reached Chattanooga, where it re-enlisted in the veteran service, and was sent home on furlough, reaching Chicago on the 17 th of February. On the 28th of March the regiment left Chicago for Nashville, and marched thence to Chattanooga. It then joined in the Atlanta campaign, taking part in the battles of Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta and Jones- M boro. It afterward took part in the campaign which ended with the battles of Franklin and Nashville, in both of which it did good ser- vice. It then followed the retreating rebels till the pursuit was abandoned, when it marched toward Huntsville, Alabama, and was placed on “outpost” duty at -Decatur till March 31, 1865, suffering great hardships. It then went to Greenville, East Tennessee, and FIFTY-FIRsT INFANTRY. 237 on the 15th of April to Nashville, where it remained till June 15th. During this time the men whose term of service expired prior to October 1, 1865, were mustered out and sent home. The remainder of the regiment then left for New Orleans. July 28th it embarked for Texas, camping, August 1st, at Placidor. On the 25th of Sep tember, 1865, it was mustered out at Camp Irwin, Texas, and was sent home for final payment and discharge, arriving at Camp Butler on the 15th of October CHAPTER XV. REGIMENTAL AND PERSONAL. THE THIRTY-SEVENTH—ITS MISSOURI CAMPAIGN~THE FIFTY-SECOND——ITS Vxmous Con- MANDERS——GENERAL SWEENEY--THE FIFTY-THIRD—-“ Cusnnxrfs BRIGADE ”--THE FIFTY-FOURTH—RE-ENLISTMENT as VETERANS—-THE FIFTY-SEVENTH—-AT SIIILOH AND CORINTH——THE FIFTY-EIGHTH—-CAPTURE AT SHILOH-——GENERAL W. F. LYNCH-—THE FIFTY-N1NTH—A MISSOURI REGIMEN'1‘—OHANGE or DESIGNATION-——THE SIXTIETH-— CONCLUSION or Irs Rsconn—Tns SIXTY~THIRD——A VETERAN REGIMENT—THE SIxrY- FOURTH-—-“YATES Snanrsnoornns”—BaIeAnIEn-GENERAL J osnrn S. REYNOLDS-— MAJOR FRED. W MATTESON——THE SIXTY-FIFTH-—THE “ SCOTCHREGIMENT ”-—THE THREE Mourns’ REGIMENTS or 1862-—THE SIXTY-SEVENTH--THE SIXTY-EIGHTH——THE SIXTY-N1NTH—THE SEVENTIE'1‘H—-THE SEVENTY-rmsr. THE THIRTY-SEVENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY AS organized in the fall of 1861, and took the name of “Fremont Rifles,” in honor of General J. C. Fremont, then a favorite among the radical Union men of the West. Com- panies A and H were enlisted at Rock Island; C and F, at Wauke- gan, Lake County; Company D, in part in Michigan,oand the bal- ance in Chicago; Company K, at Danville; Company E, at Men- .dota, LaSalle County; Companies G and I, in and about Chicago; Company B, in Stark County. On the 18th of September, 1861, the regiment was mustered into the United States service at Chicago, with the following roster: Colonel, Julius White ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Myron S. Barnes; Major, John Charles Black; Adjutant, A. Neiman; Quartermaster, John H. Peck; Surgeon, L. F. Humeston; Assistant Surgeon, E. A. Clark; Chaplain, Edward Anderson. Co. A-—C-aptain, J. A. Jordan; 1st Lieutenant, Hervey Curtis, Jr.; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles W. Hawes; Orderly Sergeant, L. B. Morey. Co. B—Captain, Charles V. Dickinson; 1st Lieutenant, Cassimer P. Jackson; 2d Lieutenant, Fracis A. J ones; Orderly Sergeant, W. B. Todd. THE THIRTY- SEVENTH INFANTRY. 239 C0. C—-Captain, Eugene B. Payne; 1st Lieutenant, Judson J . Huntley; 2d Lieu- tenant, Chauncey C. Morse; Orderly Sergeant, Arthur Whitney. Co. D--Captain, John W. Laimbeer; 1st Lieutenant, Wells H. Blodgett; 2d Lieu- tenant, Wm. O. Mazell; Orderly Sergeant, Wm. M. Johnson. Co. E—Captain, Phineas B. Rust; 1st Lieutenant, Orville R. Powers; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles W. Day; Orderly Sergeant, W. M. Smith. Co. F--Captain, Erwin B. Messer; 1st Lieutenant, Andreas Greve; 2d Lieuten- ant, Gallis Fairman; Orderly Sergeant, W. W. Doty. Co. G—Captain, Henry N. Frisbee ; 1st Lieutenant, George R. Bell; 2d Lieuten- ant, Manning F. Atkinson; Orderly Sergeant, D. McCarty. Co. H—Captain, J . B. Frick ; 1st Lieutenant, Herman Wolferd; 2d Lieutenant, Joseph Eaton ; Orderly Sergeant, Hinckley. Co. I-—Captain, Ransom Kennicott ; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac C. Dodge; 2d Lieuten- ant, Frederick J. Abbey; Orderly Sergeant, George Kennicott. Co. K—Captain, Wm. P. Black; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. H. Pithian; 2d Lieuten- ant, Wm. M. Bandy; Orderly Sergeant, N. B. Hicks. On the 19th of September, the regiment, then 1,035 strong, received from the Chicago Board of Trade two magnificent silk banners—one a national ensign and the other their battle fiag—and on the same day embarked for St. Louis, which city it reached on the 21st. On the 30th, the regiment was sent to Booneville, Mo., where it joined General Pope’s expedition to Springfield. From the latter place, eight companies proceeded to Ottersville, where they remained during the winter. On the 25th of January, 1862, the “ Grand Army of the West,” under Major-General Curtis, took up its line of march for Southwest Missouri, in search of General Price and his crew. On this memor- able march the 37th took part in the battle of Pea Ridge [ride Vol. I., p. 222], in‘ which its loss was 153 otficers and men. It was next stationed at Cassville, a small town in Southern Missouri, where it did garrison duty until the fall of 1862, when it was trans- ferred to General Schofield’s command, under whom but little active service was experienced. The regiment next joined General Herron at Prairie Grove, where it participated in the battle which bears that name, and under him again entered Arkansas. Again it was ordered back into Missouri, being stationed for a brief period at Raleigh. It afterward took part in the battle of Chalk Bluffs, near Cape Girardeau. It again returned to St. Louis, ‘ whence it embarked for Vicksburg, to join the forces under General Grant. After the capture of that city it went to New Orleans, 240 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. and thence to Brazos Santiago, Texas, forming a part of the expedition up the Rio Grande. At Brownsville, Texas, on the 10th of February, 1864, the men re-enlisted as veterans. At this date they numbered only about 327 men out of the 1,035 who left Chicago, in September, 1861. In March, 1864, the regiment returned to Chicago on veteran furlough, where it delivered its ‘battle-torn flags to the donors, the Board of Trade, and received in return therefor a new stand of colors. On the 26th of April, it again started for the front, reaching Memphis on the 29th. After taking part in a raid in search of Forrest, it proceeded to join the army of General Canby in Louisiana. The regiment was stationed at Simsport when General Banks made his disastrous retreat from Grand Ecore. It remained in General Canby’s department, traveling from place to place, until the middle of February, 1865, when it was sent to Pensacola, Florida. A few weeks later it started for Mobile, where it arrived on the 2d of April, and immediately invested Fort Blakeley. In the memorable charge upon this fort, the 37th Illinois marched side by side with the 20th Iowa over 900 yards of open space, under a galling fire, and charged directly -upon the enemy’s works, which were captured. The 37th remained at or near Mobile until June 28th, when it was sent to Texas, arriving at Galveston July 2d. It was stationed at Galveston, Sabine City, Beaumont, Columbus and Houston, Texas, until May 15, 1866, when it was mustered out and ordered to Spring- field for final payment and discharge. FIFTY-SEC ON D ILLINOIS INFANTRY. .’ The 52d regiment was organized at Geneva during October and November, 1861,under the superintendence of Colonel I. G. Wilson, and named the “ Lincoln Regiment,” and was composed of six com- panies from Kane County, one from Winnebago County, one from Bureau County, one from DeKalb County, and one from Whiteside County, in all 940 men. The original roster was as follows: Colonel, Isaac G. Wilson; Lieutenant-Colonel, John S. Wilcox; Major, Henry Stark; Adjutant, Ethan J. Allen; Quartermaster, Charles B. Wells; Surgeon, Leland H. Angel; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Phineas K. Guild; 2d Assistant Surgeon, George W. Rhor; Chaplain, Benjamin Thomas. THE FIFTY-sEooND INFANTRY. 241 C0. A-Captain, Smith G. Ward; 1st Lieutenant, George E. Young; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles R. White. - . Co. B--Captain, Edwin A. Bowen; 1st Lieutenant, Solomon L. Roth; 2d Lieu- tenant, George W. Graves. Co. C—-Captain, John S. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, Edward M. Knapp; 2d Lieuten- ant, Erskin M. Hoyt. Co. D-—Captain, Jacob Grimes; 1st Lieutenant, D. Carlos Newton; 2d Lieuten- ant, Lewis H. Everts. Co. E-Captain, Wesley Boyd; 1st Lieutenant, Edward Brainard; 2d Lieutenant, Henry C. Barker. Co. F-—Captain, Nathan P. Herrington; 1st Lieutenant, Slocum S. Dunn; 2d Lieutenant, John Dyer. - Co. G—Captain, Francis H. Bowman; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Wilcox; 2d Lieutenant, William H. Earl. Co. H--Captain, Alvah P. Maffatt; 1st Lieutenant, Luther C. Lee; 2d Lieuten- ant, Morris J . McGrath. Co. I--Captain, Joseph T. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph E. Ewell ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Henry G. Wilmarth. Co. K--Captain, Alphonso Barto; 1st Lieutenant, Edward S. Wilcox; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry S. Doty. During the months of December, 1861, and January, 1862, the regiment was occupied in guarding the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad in Missouri. In the latter part of January, 1862, it was ordered to Smithland, Kentucky, where it remained until the attack on Fort Donelson, when it was ordered to reinforce the army oper- ating there, and arrived just in time to be assigned the unpleasant duty of taking charge of several boat loads of prisoners, who were delivered at Springfield and Chicago, after which the regiment ren- dezvoused at St. Louis. It was then ordered to join the Army of the Tennessee. It arrived at Pittsburg Landing and debarked on the 19th day of March, 1862, and was assigned to the 2d Division. It was engaged in the bloody battle of Shiloh, April 6th and 7 th, and lost in killed, wounded and missing over one third of the number engaged, distinguishing itself on several occasions. Participating in the siege of Corinth, and the battles of Iuka and Corinth, it remained as a part of the garrison of the l.atter town until the sum- mer of 1863, being engaged much of the time in severe marches after the rebel Generals Roddy, Chalmers and Forrest. During the autumn of 1863, the regiment, as part of General Dodge’s command, marched across to Pulaski, Tennessee, from whence, on the 9th day of June, 1864, it started for Illinois on veteran furlough, more than 16 242 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. three fourths of the regiment having re-enlisted. Soon after its return to Pulaski, the division was ordered to Chattanooga, Tennes- see, and the regiment entered upon the campaign against Atlanta, participating in the battles of Snake Creek Gap, Resaca, Lay’s Ferry, Rome Cross Roads, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Nickojack Creek Decatur, 22d and 28th of July, before Atlanta, and Jonesboro. After the evacuation of Atlanta, the 2d Division of the 16th Corps, to which the regiment had been attached for two and a half years, was transferred to the 15th Corps, as the 4th Division, and was ordered to Rome, Georgia, the last of September, and on the 5th day of October it fought the bloody battle of Allatoona. On the 11th day of May, 1865, the regiment, as a part of General Sherm-an’s grand army, started on his ever memorable “march to the sea.” On the termination of that grand march, at Raleigh, North Carolina, the regiment went with the rest of the army on the pilgrimage to Richmond, and thence to the grand review at Washington. It was then ordered to Louisville, where it was mustered out of the service on July 6, 1865, and thence was ordered to Chicago for discharge. The 52d originally numbered 940 men, and afterward received about 400 recruits. When mustered out, it numbered but 517 oflicers and men. ‘ During its existence as an organization, the 52d had no less than six different commandants. The first was Colonel I. G. Wilson, under whom it was raised. He resigned in December, 1861, very soon after being mustered into the service, and was succeeded by Captain T. W. Sweeney, of the 2d Infantry, United States Army (Regulars). He was only in command about two months, when ho was promoted to the rank of Major in the regular army, and made Brigadier-General of Volunteers. He has since made himself more prominent by his connection with the Fenian Brother- hood and its designs in behalf of Ireland. Lieutenant-Colonel J . S. - Wilcox was promoted to the rank of Colonel, and took command upon Lieutenant-Colonel Sweeney’s promotion in April, 1863. Colo- nel Wilcox resigned while the regiment was home on veteran fur- lough, and was succeeded in command by Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. Bowen, who was mustered out on October 24, 1864, his term of ser- THE FIFTY-THIRD INFANTRY. - 243 vice having expired. Major Wesley Boyd next took command, until December 18th, when his term of service also expired. At that time, Lieutenant J . D. Davis, who had been promoted from the ranks to a 2d Lieutenant, for meritorious conduct at Shiloh, and for other gallant services had been raised to the rank of 1st Lieutenant, was again promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, as which he was in command at the time the regiment was mustered out. FIFTY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 53d regiment was organized at Ottawa, and mustered into the service in March, 1862. It originally consisted of ten companies of infantry, one of artillery and one of cavalry, and was known as “ Cushman’s Brigade.” * The original roster __was as follows : Colonel, Wm. H. W. Cushman; Lieutenant-Colonel, Daniel F. Hitt; Major, Theodore C. Gibson; Adjutant, Seth W. Hardin; Quartermaster, Philo Lindley; Surgeon, William W. Welsh; lst Assistant Surgeon, James 0. Harris; Chaplain, Festus P. Cleveland. Co. A—Captain, Josiah B. Wright; 1st Lieutenant, William Armstrong; 2d Lieutenant, Daniel Slattery. Co. B—Captain, Roland H. Allison; 1st Lieutenant, Seldon B. Griswold; 2d Lieutenant, Jarvis B. Smith. Co. C—Captain, Joseph E. Skinner; 1st Lieutenant, William F. Dewey ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Carser R. May. Co. D—Captain, James E. Hudson; 1st Lieutenant, Warren H. Norton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Albert S. Kinsloe. Co. E-Captain, Charles M. Vaughn; 1st Lieutenant, Alonzo W. Buell; 2d Lieu- tenant, Mark C. Wheeler. Co. F—Captain, Daniel L. Houston; 1st Lieutenant, William G. Earl; 2d Lieu- tenant, John Potter. Co. G—Captain, Morgan L. Payne; 1st Lieutenant, George R. Lodge; 2d Lieu- tenant, John H. Elwood. Co. H—Captain, John W. McClenahan; 1st Lieutenant, Timothy W. Atwood; 2d Lieutenant, Simeon Rathbun. Co. K-Captain, Michael Leahey; 1st Lieutenant, Patrick Buckley; 2d Lieuten- ant, Robert V. Simpson. The regiment left Ottawa in March, 1862, for Camp Douglas, Chicago, where it for a few days assisted in guarding the rebel prisoners from Fort Donelson. -It left Camp Douglas on the 23d, * The company of artillery was detached from the regiment while at Chicago, and was afterward known as “Coggswell’s Battery.” The cavalry company was detached at St. Louis, and became Company I, 15th Illinois Cavalry. 244 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. and proceeded to Savannah, Tennessee, and arrived on the battle field of Shiloh on the 7 th of April, after the enemy had been driven from the field. It participated in the' movement upon Corinth, which place it entered on the 30th of May. It marched thence to Grand Junction, where it was left alone for a few days. It entered Lagrange, Tennessee, June 26th, and moved from thence to Holly Springs, Memphis and Bolivar, arriving at the latter place September 13th. On the 20th it made a reconnoissance, returning to Bolivar the next day, having met the enemy in force near Grand Junction. On the 5th of October, while crossing “Davis’ Bridge,” on the Hatchie . River, it met four times its number of rebels, retreating in disorder from Corinth, and defeated them. It returned to Bolivar October 8th, and marched to Lagrange November 4th. While here it made two reconnoissances toward Coldwater. On the 28th it went with General Grant on the “ Yocna expedition,” returning northward, to the vicinity of Waterford, Mississippi, in the latter part of December. January 11, 1863, it arrived at Moscow, Tennessee, where it remained during the winter, on guard and picket duty. March 11th it reached Memphis, and remained there till May 17th, when it was sent to Young’s Point, Louisiana On the 20th it went to Haines’ Bluff, and thence to Snyder’s Bluff, where it remained till June 24th, and then joined the main army in front of Vicksburg. It participated in the siege and capture of that place, and suffered severely in killed and wounded. It then took part in the siege and capture of Jack- son, where it behaved with distinguished gallantry. Here Lieuten- ant-Colonel Earl was killed, and a number of staff and line officers were killed and wounded, while the entire regiment suffered sev;erely, losing 134 men out of the 200 engaged. A few days afterward, the regiment returned to Vicksburg, and on the 18th of August moved by transports to Natchez, Mississippi, where it remained until November 30th, when it embarked again for Vicksburg, camping at Milldale, eight miles from the city. While here the regiment re-en- listed in the veteran service. February 3, 1864, it started upon the Meridian campaign, returning to Hebron on the 29th. On the 13th of March it was sent home on veteran furlough, arriving at Ottawa on the 22d. At the expiration of the furlough, the regiment rejoined its command, and in May proceeded to Clifton, whence it marched THE FIFTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. 245 across the country to join Sherman’s army, then engaged in the Atlanta campaign. It bore its share of the toils and perils of the campaign, taking aprominent part in the desperate charges and assaults of the 20th, 21st and 22d of July, losing in the three days’ fights 101 men. After a few days’ rest at Eastp0rt, it marched in pursuit of Hood northward, returning to Marietta November 6th. On the 16th it started on the march to the sea, and participated in that and the Carolina campaign which succeeded it. While at Savan- nah, the 41st Illinois, consisting of two companies and about 222 officers and men, was consolidated with the 53d, and became com- panies G and K. The 53d was at the grand review at Washington on the 24th of May, and from there proceeded to Louisville, Ken- tucky, where it was mustered out of the service on the 22d of July. It was then sent to Camp Douglas, Chicago, where it was paid ofi‘ and discharged on the 28th. The 53d was in the service nearly four years, and traveled a distance pf 7 ,023 miles. FIFTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 54th infantry was organized at Camp Dubois, Anna, and was mustered into the service on the 18th of February, 1862. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Thomas W. Harris; Lieutenant-Colonel, Greenville M. Mitchell; Major, Augustus H. Chapmari ; Adjutant, John W. True; Quartermaster, George Monroe; Surgeon, Shubal York; 1stAssistant-Surgeon, Thomas Wilkins; Chaplain, Sidney L. Harkey. Cm A——Capta1n, Charles P. Woodruff; 1st Lieutenant, Russell W. Williams; 2d Lieutenant,William W. Purinton. Co. B——Captain, Samuel B. Logan; 1st Lieutenant, Johnson White; 2d Lieuten- ant, Alexander M. Houston. Co. C—-Captain, Bird Monroe; 1st Lieutenant, Moses W. Robbins; 2d Lieutenant, Joseph Ledbetter. Co. D—Captain, Presley B. O’Dear; 1st Lieutenant, Merit B. Redding; 2d Lieu- tenant, John F. Barkley. Co. E--Captain, Neil Fisher; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas R. Miller; 2d Lieutenant, Chapman Sutton. Co. F—Captain, John B. Hanah ; 1st Lieutenant, James Chapman; 2d Lieutenant, Stephen L. Latimer. ‘ Co. G-Captain, Richard W. Belknap; 1st Lieutenant, Newton J . Blankenbaker; 2d Lieutenant, Jacob M. Ryan. Co. H—Captain, Edward Roessler; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Johnson; 2d Lien- tenant, Hiram M. Scarborough. 246 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Co. I—-Captain, Jeremiah W. Boatman; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph T. Barkley; 2d Lieutenant, Resin W. Ashbrook. ‘ Co. K-Captain, Theodore C. Rodrig; 1st Lieutenant, John H. Bailey; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles T. Kimble. The regiment left Camp Dubois for Cairo on the 24th of February, and went thence to Columbus on the 14th of March. Here it remained on fatigue duty, repairing fortifications, &c., until June 29th. Three companies were stationed at Humboldt, Tennessee, during the fall. On the 18th of December the regiment was ordered to Jackson, which was threatened by the rebels. Company B and all the sick were left at “ State Line,” Tennessee, and the regiment finally reached Jackson on the 28th. The men left behind were . captured by Forrest, who destroyed nearly all the records of the regiment, which had been left along the railroad. The regiment remained at Jackson till March, 1868. In April it marched to Cor- inth, returning to Jackson within a week. On the 30th of May it left Jackson, and arrived at Haines’ Bluff on the 2d of June. Here it remained as a part of General Sherman’s army, confronting Gen- eral Joe Johnston. It left for Helena, Arkansas, July 24th, and on the 13th ofAugust set out on the Little Rock expedition. It arrived at Little Rock on the 1 8th of September, and swam the Arkansas during the attack, being the only infantry regiment to cross the river that day. October 15th it left for Benton and Rockport, returning 011 the 23d. Here the regiment re-enlisted in the veteran service, and on the 9th of February, 1864, was sent to Mattoon to receive fur- loughs. The furloughs expired March 28th, and on that day a few unarmed men from the regiment, who were en route to join it, were attacked at Charleston, Illinois, by a party of Copper-heads, killing Major Shubal York, Surgeon of the regiment, and four pri- vates, and wounding Colonel Mitchell. An hour later the regiment arrived from Mattoon, and a number of the ringleaders of the attack were captured. They were forwarded to Springfield, and thence sent to Fort Delaware, but were afterward returned to the civil authorities for trial. The regiment left Mattoon on the 12th of April, and arrived at Little Rock on the 30th. On the 18th of May, it left Little Rock and marched northward in pursuit of the rebel General Shelby, and returned on the 30th. On the 26th of June, it met Shelby’s forces near Clarendon, Arkansas, pursued them across THE FIFTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. 247 - the Cache River, and returned to Duvall’s Bluff on the 29th. August 5th it relieved the 11th Missouri from guarding hay contractors on the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad, having five stations, with two companies at each. On the 24th it was attacked by General Shelby, with 4,000 men and four pieces of artillery. Colonel Mitchell suc- ceeded in concentrating six companies at one station, and they fought till 3 o’clock P. M., when their hay works were set on fire by the enemy’s shell, and they were driven out and captured in detail. They were paroled at J acksonport, Arkansas, September 1st, and robbed of their clothing . and all their valuables, with General Shelby’s knowledge and consent. They were then sent to Benton Barracks, and on the 5th of December were exchanged. On the 18th of January, 1865, the regiment arrived at Hickory Station, and was immediately ‘ placed at its fornier station on the railroad, remaining there till June 5th. It was then sent to Pine Bluff, and thence to Fort Smith, arriving on the 30th of August. October 4th, it returned to Little Rock, where it was mustered out on the 15th. On the 26th of Octo- ber it arrived at Camp Butler, where it was paid oif and discharged. The regiment, from its original entry into the service till its dis- charge, mustered in 1,342 men and 71 commissioned officers. FIFTY -SE VEN TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 57th regiment was organized at Camp Douglas, Chicago, and was mustered into the service December 26, 1861, numbering 975 ofiicers and men. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Silas D. Baldwin; Lieutenant-Colonel, Frederick J . Hurlbut; Major, Nor- man B. Page; Adjutant, Norman E. Hahn; Quartermaster, Edward Hamilton; Sur- geon, James Zearing; Ist Assistant Surgeon, Henry S. Blood. Co. A--Captain, John Phillips; 1st Lieutenant, John N. Schilling; 2d Lieutenant, William F. Conkey. Co. B-Captain, Alfred H. Manzer; 1st Lieutenant, Nathan Linton; 2d Lieuten- ant, John R. Larkin. Co. C-Captain, William S. Swan; 1st Lieutenant, Robert B. Morse; 2d Lieuten- ant, Moses S. Lord. Co. D--Captain, Eric Forsee; 1st Lieutenant, Eric Johnson; 2d Lieutenant, Eric Berglend. Co. E—Captain, Robert D. Adams; 1st Lieutenant, Bradley D. Salter; 2d Lieu- tenant, Albert L. Otis. 248 PATRIOTISM or ’ILI.INoIs. Co. F—Captain, Frederick A. Battey; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph W. Harris; 2d Lieutenant, Joseph T. Cook. Co. G—-Captain, Gustav A. Busse; 1st Lieutenant, Fritz Busse; 2d Lieutenant, Charles W. Rosenthal. Co. H-—C-aptain, Josiah Robbins, J r.; 1st Lieutenant, Nelson Flansbury; 2d Lieu. tenant, George Welch. Co. I--Captain, Benjamin H. Chadburn; 1st Lieutenant, Theodore M. Dogett; 2d Lieutenant, William S. Hendricks. Co. K——Captain, Augustus C. Barry; 1st Lieutenant, Harlan Page; 2d Lieutenant, William Brewer. On the 8th of February, 1862, the regiment broke camp and embarked for Cairo, and then on to Fort Henry, joining General Grant’s army before Fort Donelson, and fought, during the three days’ battle, under General Lew. Wallace. The regiment, upon the capitulation of Donelson, marched back to Fort Henry, and encamped about one month. On the 6th of March it embarked for Crump’s Landing, where it remained for two weeks, and then, with the army, marched against A. S. J ohnston’s forces, then entrenched at Shiloh. The battles of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, were fought on the 6th and 7th days of April, and in these the 57th participated, losing 187 officers and men killed, wounded and missing. After these battles the 57th remained on the field till the army took up the line of march on Corinth, and took part in that siege, and Ipon its evacuation went into camp in the town, and remained there till Van Dorn’s rebels came up and assaulted the works on the 3d and 4th of October. The 57th, during these terrible days, stood the brunt of the battle, hurling back the enemy at the point of the bayonet when- ever he came up. Forty-two men of the regiment were either killed or wounded in these engagements. In May, 1863, under General G. M. Dodge, the 57th marched in pursuit of Forrest, who had been committing depredations, and chased him, skirmishing with his rear guard, up to the Tuscumbia Valley, when, the object of the expedi- tion being accomplish ed,'the army returned to Corinth, and remained in garrison till the 4th of November, when the regiment marched to Louisville, Tennessee, and went into garrison, remaining till the 17th of January, when it re-enlisted for a further term of three years, and on the next day started for Chicago, to spend its thirty days’ leave of absence, arriving on the 27th of January, 1864. While in Chicago the regiment was reinforced by 250 new recruits. On the 9th of March it quitted Chicago for the field, and reached Athens, Alabama, THE FIFTY—EIGHTH INFANTRY 249 on the 15th, and was garrisoned there till the 1st of May, when it joined Sherman’s army, then marching to the reilef of Rosecrans’ beleaguered army at Chattanooga, moving to the right and rear of Dalton, compelling its evacuation by the enemy, and then moved on with the Army of the Tennessee, commanded by the lamented McPherson, participating in the battle at Rome Cross Roads, and thence continued on to Rome, where it remained until about the mid- dle of August. When Wheeler made his raid north toward Nash- ville, the 57th followed him to the Muscle Shoals, where he escaped, and then returned to its camp at Rome, and remained till the 2d of October, when it marched to Georgia, and assisted in repulsing the rebel French, who assaulted our works. The 57 th lost in this fight fourteen killed and wounded, and returned to Rome. On the 13th of October it was engaged with the rear of Hood’s army, which was on the march north, driving the rebels in confusion seven miles, losing seven men killed and wounded. On the 10th of November, with the 3d Brigade, 4th Division of the 15th Army Corps, the 57th took up the line of march from Rome for Atlanta, and from thenee marched in conjunction with Sherman’s great army for the Atlantic coast, arriving in front of Savannah on the 10th of December, skirm- ishing with the enemy until the 21st, when the army marched in and took formal possession of the city. On the 27th of January, the 4th Division started north through the Carolinas with the 14th and 20th Corps, and on the 19th, 20th and 21st days of February was engaged with the enemy at Bentonville. On the 22d the regiment started for Goldsboro, and was present at the capture of Joe J ohnston’s army, which ended the rebellion. After Johnston’s surrender the 57th marched north, first to Raleigh, thence through to Richmond and Washington, and there participated in the grand review. From Washington the regiment took care for Parkersburg, and there embarked on steamers, reaching Louisville on the 8th of June, 1865, and encamped till the 7 th of July, when it took formal leave of the brave and glorious 15th Corps, and reached Chicago on the 10th of July, where it was mustered out and discharged. FIFTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 58th regiment was organized at Camp Douglas, Chicago, where nine companies were mustered into the service on the 24th 250 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. and 25th of December, 1851. The remaming company was not mustered in until February 7, 1862. The following is the origi- nal roster of the regiment: Colonel, William F. Lynch; Lieutenant-Colonel, Isaac Rutishauser ; Major, Thomas Newlan; Adjutant, Lewis H. Martin ; Quartermaster, George Sawin; Surgeon, Henry M. Crawford; lst Assistant Surgeon, Emory A. Merrifield. Co. A—Captain, Robert W. Healy; 1st Lieutenant, Eugene Lynch ; 2d Lieutenant, Hiram M. VanArman. Co. B—Captain, Thomas D. Grifiin; 1st Lieutenant, Abraham Vandenburgh; 2d Lieutenant, John W. Babbitt. Co. C—Captain, George W. Kittell; 1st Lieutenant, Sanford W. Smith; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph G. Burt. Co. D-Captain, Nicklaus Nicklaus; 1st Lieutenant, George Glassner; 2d Lieu- tenant, Gustav C. Kothe. Co. E—Captain, Karl P. Rutishauser; 1st Lieutenant, Charles Kittel; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph Stauffer. Co. F-—Captain, Frederick Kurth; 1st Lieutenant, Julius Kurth; 2d Lieutenant, Lewis W. Pfeif. Co. G—-Captain, James A. Bewley; 1st Lieutenant, Loring P. Fuller; 2d Lieuten- ant, Robert H. Winslow. Co. H—Captain, Lawrence Collins; 1st Lieutenant, John C. Lonergan; 2d Lieu- tenant, Danforth L. Scott. Co. I—Captain, Philip R. Heelan; 1st Lieutenant, David J . Lynch; 2d Lieuten- ant, Job Moxom. Co. K—Captain, Patrick Gregg; 1st Lieutenant, John Tobin; 2d Lieutenant, John VV. Gregg. The regiment left Chicago on the 11th of February, 1862, for Cairo, where it was immediately transferred to the steamer Fanny Bullitt, and proceeded to take part in the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. After the victory at that point, it was marched to Fort Henry, where it lay until March 6th, when it embarked for Crump’s Landing, seven miles below Pittsburg Landing. At the battle of Shiloh, which soon followed, the greater portion of the regiment were taken prisoners. The captured men were transferred to various rebel prisons at Mobile, Cahawba, Selma, Montgomery and other points in Alabama, and Macon, Grifliu and Madison, in Georgia. Here they suffered various vicissitudes of starvation, sickness and all the untold horrors of a Southern prison pen. On the 29th of May the privates and surgeons of the regiment were released on parole, by order of General Beauregard, but General O. M. Mitchell, commanding the Union forces, refused to receive them, and they THE UNION BRIGADE. 251 were returned to the rebel prisons. On the 17 th of Cctober, 1862, the men were gathered in Libby Prison, at Richmond, where the, were paroled and sent to Annapolis, Maryland, the ofiicers being paroled two days previously. They left Annapolis in December, and arrived at Camp Butler on/the 23d of that month. 4 That portion of the regiment not captured at Shiloh was organ- ized into what was known as the “Union Brigade,” composed of the remnants of the 58th Illinois and 8th, 12th and 44th Iowa, the 58th forming three companies out of the ten in the brigade. The Union Brigade participated in the siege of Corinth, and after the evacuation of that place joined in the pursuit of the enemy as far as Jonesville, Mississippi, returning to Corinth. At the battle of Iuka, one com- pany of the 58th was engaged, losing 17 in wounded and prisoners. The Brigade was also engaged in the battle of Corinth, October 3d and 4th. In December, 1862, the entire regiment was re-united at Camp Butler, where it remained, re-organizing, recruiting and guarding prisoners of war, until June 28, 1863, when it was ordered to Cairo. It garrisoned Cairo, Mound City, Union City, Columbus and Padu- cah until January 1, 1864, when it re-enlisted in the veteran service. It was then ordered to Vicksburg, and joined in General Sherman’s Meridian raid, in which it was engaged in numerous skirmishes. It next participated in the Red River expedition, under General A. J . Smith. It was the first regiment to enter and plant its colors on Fort De Russey. At the battle of Pleasant Hill, April 9th, ‘it was complimented with having made the charge which “changed the tide of battle,” and lost heavily. Returning from the Red River expedition, it was engaged at Marksville Prairie, Cloutierville and Yellow Bayou. At the latter place its loss was very heavy, nine color bearers being shot in less than ten minutes-—one of them, Fred. Mink, being wounded in each arm before he would give up the colors to another—-and Colonel Lynch, commanding the ‘brigade, being severely wounded. The regiment reached Vicksburg on the 24th of May, which it left for Columbia, Arkansas, on the 6th of June. At Memphis, on the 10th of June, the veterans were furloughed, and the non-veterans sent to Tupelo, Mississippi, at which place, on the 14th of July, and at Mill Springs, they met and whipped Forrest’s guer- 252 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. rillas. The command then returned to Memphis, where the veterans rejoined the regiment on the 6tl1 of August. On the following day it was sent out on the “Oxford raid,” returning on the 30th. On the 5th of September it began a campaign against Price in Misouri, and finally reached J eiferson Barracks September 29th. October 2d it left St. Louis, marching through Missouri to Kansas, returning on the 18th of November, having had a very hard march, with a poorly suppliedcommissary. On the 1st of December it arrived at Nash- ville, Tennessee, and on the 15th and 16th was ‘engaged in the bat- tles at that place, and on the 17 th joined in the pursuit of the retreating army of Hood, following them as far as Eastport, Missis- sippi. The term of the original organization expiring on the 6th of February, 1865, the non-veterans were ordered home on the 31st of January, and the veterans and recruits, numbering about 390, were consolidated into four companies and known as the “Battalion 58th Illinois Infantry,” Major R. W. Healy being retained in command. The battalion left Eastport on the 9th of February for New Orleans, and in March joined General Canby’s army in the operations against Mobile. It took part in the investment of Fort Blakeley from April 3d to the 9th. On the latter day it was in the front line when the charge was made which resulted in the capture of the fort.. While at Mobile it was joined by one new company, and subsequently by five others, raising it to a full regiment. On the 27th of April it reached Montgomery, Alabama, where, in July, it received from the 81 st and 114th Illinois the men not entitled to be mustered out with those regiments. It remained at Montgomery, doing garrison duty, until April 1, 1866, when it was mustered out. It was then sent to Camp Butler, Springfield, where it received payment and final dis- charge, after having been in the service over four years and a half. Its record during this time is one which will ever redound to the credit of the brave men of the 58th. General William F. Lynch was born in Rochester, New York, March 12, 1839, of Irish parents, and lmoved to Cuba, Alleghany County, New York, where he lived four years. He came from there to Elgin, Illinois, which place he has since made his home. His father, who was a merchant, liberally educated his family, of whom William was educated at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, GENERAL wm. F. LYNCH. 258 Indiana. He first enlisted from Notre Dame on the 19th of April, 1861, and raised a company from among the students, which was the firstycompany tendered to Governor Morton. Owing to the oppo- sition of the parents of the students and the members of the Faculty, the company was broken up, and General Lynch wmt from South Bend as a private. The company in which he went was not received, and he returned to Elgin, and there joined the 23d Illinois (Irish Brigade), in which he served as Sergeant-Major till September 1, 1861. He was then authorized to raise ‘the 58th Illinois, of which regiment he served as Colonel for nearly-four years. General Lynch was wounded at Shiloh, and captured on the evening of Sunday, April 6th, and held a prisoner about seven months. After being exchanged he was placed in command of Camp Butler, Springfield, Illinois. He was also post-commander at Cairo, Illinois, during the ' summer and fall of 1863. He was with General Sherman on the Meridian trip, and commanded the 1st Brigade of General A. J. Smith’s old division, as also during the Red River campaign. At Yellow Bayou he received a wound which crippled him for life. General Lynch was brevetted for gallant service in the field. At the time he was appointed Colonel of the 58th he was but 22 years of age-—then the youngest Colonel in the servicee. He was wounded seven times while in the service, ‘and has since made himself promi- nent" as a Fenian leader, holding a commission as Major-General in the Fenian “ forces.” FIFTY-NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 59th regiment was organized at St. Louis on the 18th of Sep- tember, 1861, as the 9th Missouri Volunteers. The men had pre. viously been mustered into the United States service by companies, recruited and organized in Illinois. The following is the original regimental staff: Colonel, John C. Kelton, Captain United States Army, and 1st Assistant-Adjutant General on General Fremont’s staff; Lieutenant-Colonel, Calvin H. Frederick, St. Louis; Major, D. C. McGibbon, St. Louis; Adjutant, P. Sidney Post, Galesburg, Illinois; Surgeon, J . D. S. Hazlett, St. Louis; 1st Assistant Surgeon, H. J . Maynard, Illinois; Quartermaster, Frederick Brasher, St. Louis. The various companies, previous to the organization of the regi- ment, were employed on guard and picket duty, building fortifi- 254 PATRIOTISM o'F ILLINOIS. , - cations, &c., at Cape Girardeau and St. Louis. On the 22d of Sep- tember the regiment embarked for J eiferson City, and was from that time engaged in active campaigning in Missouri till March 7th and 8th, 1862, when it took part in the battle of Pea Ridge [Vol. I., p. 222 ], where ifi fought bravely and successfully. On the 12th of February, while 011 the Missouri campaign, the designation of the regiment was changed from the 9th Missouri to the 59th Illinois Volunteers. The campaigning in Missouri was continued till May 22d, when the regiment arrived at Cape Girardeau, and immediately proceeded to Hamburg Landing, Tennessee, and took part in the siege of Corinth. It then pursued the enemy as far as Booneville, returning to camp at Clear Creek, near Corinth. August 6th it had a skirmish with the enemy at Big Springs, Mississippi, driving them from the town, and disabling a large cotton mill and capturing 200 bales of cotton. It arrived at Iuka on the 8th, and from here six companies of the 59th and detachments from the 3d Michigan cav- alry and 7th Kansascavalry, under Colonel Post, made a raid into Alabama and captured 190 bales of cotton. The regiment made various marches until it arrived ‘at Murfreesboro, September 1st, and there joined General Buell’s army. It accompanied Buell in his disastrous retreat to Louisville, where it remained till October 1st. It bore a gallant part in the battle of Perryville, October 7th and 8th, losing 113 in killed, wounded, &c., out of 361 men it took into action. It then pursued the enemy to Crab Orchard, and from thence marched to Nashville, where it arrived on the 7th of November, going into camp at Edgefield, eight miles from Nashville. On the 25th of December it started upon the Stone River campaign, taking part in the engagements at Franklin, Nolensville, Knob Gap, Mur~ freesboro and Liberty Gap. From July 3 to August 16, 1863, it was stationed at Winchester, Tennessee. It next marched to Chatta- nooga, where it arrived September 22d. During the siege of this point, from September 22d till October 25th, it was continually under fire. It was among the foremost at the glorious charges upon Look- out Mountain and Mission Ridge, following the enemy to Ringgold, where it again attacked and defeated them. On the 1st of Decem- ber it was engaged in burying the dead upon the battle field of Chicka- mauga. On the 12th of January, 1864, it was mustered in as a THE FIFTY-NINTH INFANTRY. 255 veteran regiment, and on the 6th of February left Chattanooga for Springfield, where it arrived on the 10th. On the 19th of March the regiment again left Springfield for Chattanooga and Cleveland, Tennessee. On the 3d of May the Atlanta campaign was begun, and the 59th bore its full share therein. It took part in the fights at Tunnel Hill, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Kingston, Dallas, Pine Top Mountain, -Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta, Atlanta, Rough and Ready and Lovejoy Station. September 6th it encamped at Atlanta, remaining till October 2d. On the 3d the 59th started in pursuit of Hood’s army, to Nashville, participating in the battles of Spring Hill and Franklin. It bore a conspicuous and honorable part in the battle of Nashville, leading in the assault upon Overten’s Hill. It then followed the enemy to the Tennessee River, camping at Hunts- ville, Alabama, January 3, 1865. On the 31st it again went to Nash- ville, returning to Huntsville on the 7 th of ‘February. March 15th it went to Strawberry Plains, and thence to Greenville. From here it made an expedition to VVarm Springs, North Carolina, leaving on the 6th and returning on the 10th of April, returning to Nashville April 23d. On the 16th of June it went to New Orleans, and thence to Indianola, Texas. It was stationed at New Braunfels, Texas, till December 8, 1865, when it was mustered out of the service, and on the following day started for home, arriving at Springfield on the 6th of January, 1866, where it was paid off and discharged. During its term of service the 59th was never stationed in the rear on garrison or other duty, but was constantly in the front. During this time it marched 13,339 miles, and has inscribed on its colors, by order of the War Department, the names of nineteen battles in which it bore a victorious and meritorious part. The following is the original roster of the 59th after it had been designated as an Illinois regiment: Colonel, P. Sidney Post; Lieutenant-Colonel, Charles H. Frederick; Major, Joshua C. W'inters ; Adjutant, Samuel West; Quartermaster, Frederick Brasher ; lst Assist- ant Surgeon, Charles Bunce. - Go. A--Captain, Clayton Hale; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel M. Jones; 2d Lieutenant, P. Sidney Post. . ‘ Co. B—Captain, Hendrick E. Payne; 1st Lieutenant, John H- Johnson; 2d Lieu- tenant, Andrew R. Johnson. Co. C—-Captain, Barzillai M. Veatch; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel W. Henderson; 26! Lieutenant, Heslip Phillips. " 256 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Co. D-Captain, Orlando W. Frazier; 1st Lieutenant, Emanuel Mennet ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Cherley A. Mossmans. Co. E—-Captain, James M. Stookey; 1st Lieutenant, James H. Knight; 2d Lieu- tenant, Robert Gooding. . Co. F—-Captain, George E. Currie; 1st Lieutenant, Reuben Maddox; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry C. Bonham. Co. G—-Captain, Joseph S. Hackney; 1st Lieutenant, Horace W. Starkey; 2d Lieutenant, Thomas B. Johnson. Co. H—Captain, Albert Anthony; 1st Lieutenant, Hamilton.-W. Hall; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry W. Wiley. Co. I—Captain, Charles F. Adams; 1st Lieutenant, James A. Beach; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles C. Doolittle. Co. K-—Captain, Henry N. Snyder; 1st Lieutenant, John M. Van Osdel. SIXTIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. On page 409 of the first volume of this work we have given the original roster of this regiment, and the history of its achievements / up to the date of its march with Sherman to the relief of Knoxville. On the 26th of December, 186 3, it went into winter quarters at Ross- ville, Georgia. On the 22d of February, 1864, it was mustered into the service as a veteran regiment. On the 26th it took part in the battle of Buzzard Roost, and on the 6th of March was sent home on veteran furlough. On the 18th of April it was again on the way to the front, arriving at Rossville on the 26th. It at once joined in the Atlanta campaign, taking an honorable part in the battles of Ring- gold, Dalton, Resaca, Rome, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Nickojack, Peach Tree Creek, J onesboro and Atlanta. It remained at Atlanta until the 29th of September, when it went to Florence, Alabama, where, on the 5th of October, it had a sharp skirmish with the enemy, and drove them across the river. On the 10th of October it returned to Chattanooga, and soon after joined in the grand march to the sea. It took part in the Carolina cam- paign, after which it marched to Washington and was present at the grand review before the President. From here it was sent to Louis- ville, Kentucky, where it was mustered out on the 31st of July, 1865. On the 2d of August it arrived at Springfield, where it was paid off and discharged. SIXTY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 63d regiment was organized at Camp Dubois, Anna, and mustered into the service on the 10th of April, 1862. The following is the original roster: THE SIXTY-THIRD INFANTRY. 257 Colonel, Francis Mora; Lieutenant-Colonel, Joseph B. McCown; Major, Henry Glaze; Adjutant, Charlie S. Chambers; Quartermaster, John M. Maris; Surgeon, William M. Gray; lst Assistant Surgeon, Lyman Hall; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Alex- ander A. Lodge; Chaplain, Stephen Blair. Co. A——Captain, Richard McClure; 1st Lieutenant, Charles E. Cartwright; 2d Lieutenant, Victor E. Phillips. Co. B-Captain, George J . Johns; 1st Lieutenant, John C. Grayscn; 2d Lieu- tenant, Arnot L. McCoy. Co. C-—Captain, William M. Boughatn; 1st Lieutenant, Alfred Laws; 2d Lieuten- ant, Jacob Lewis. Co. D—-Captain, John W. Champion; 1st Lieutenant, James Isaminger ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Benjamin M. Tabler. Co. E-—-Captain, Henry Gilbert ; 1st Lieutenant, Hiram H. Walser; 2d Lieuten- ant William C. Keen. Co. F—Captain, Joseph Lemon; 1st Lieutenant, Alfred Davis; 2d Lieutenant, James M. Hunter. Co. G—Captain, Joseph R. Stanford; 1st Lieutenant, Westford B. Russell; 2d Lieutenant, William P. Richardson. Co. H—Captain, Sylvester G. Parker; 1st Lieutenant, John M. Davis; 2d Lieu- tenant, James Houselman. Co. I—Captain, John B Craig; 1st Lieutenant, George F. Glossbrenner; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph H. C. Dill. Co. K—Captain, James H. Briggs; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew A. ‘Ricketts; 2d Lieu tenant, William Leamon. The regiment left Camp Dubois on the 28th of April for Cairo. July 12th it was ordered to -Henderson, Kentucky, to defend that place against a guerrilla'attack. On the 22d it returned to Cairo, and remained there until August 4th, when it was ordered to Jack- son. It then joined in the Yoona expedition, which forced the rebels to Grenada, Mississippi. The surrender of Holly Springs, by cutting off communications and supplies, forced the abandonment of the expedition, and the 63d returned to Memphis, reaching there January 20, 1863. On the 10th of May it was ordered to Vicksburg. On the 21st it crossed the Mississippi at War1'enton, and “closed the last link in the investment of the city, by silencing the guns of two forts on the extreme left,” on the 24th. It took part in the destruc- tion of Richmond, Louisiana, and other movements connected with the siege and capture of Vicksburg, and on the 5th marched into the city. On the 12th of September it arrived at Helena, Arkansas, and on the 28th was ordered to Memphis. October 6tl1 it left Memphis for Chattanooga, arriving there on the 20th of November. It took part in the battles at Mission Ridge on the 23d and 24th, and joined 17 258 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. in the pursuit of Bragg’s forces to Ringgold. On the 26th of December it arrived at Huntsville, Alabama, where it went into winter quarters. On the 1st of January, 1864, the regiment re-en- listed in the veteran service, and on the 10th of April arrived at Centralia, Illinois, where it received veteran furlough. On the 21st of May it reported at Huntsville, Alabama, and on the 23d was ordered to Triune. On the 30th of June it arrived at Kingston, Georgia, where it was stationed to guard the line of railroad. It continued here until November 11th, when it was ordered to join General Sherman at Atlanta. On the 15th it left Atlanta on the march to the seashore. After the capture of Savannah, it partici- pated in the Carolina campaign, and was in all its battles and skirm- ishes. At Columbia, South Carolina, it lost one oflicer and five men by the explosion of an arsenal. On the 24th of May, 1865, it took part in the grand review at Washington, and on the 3d of June started for Louisville. Here it was mustered out of the service on the 13th of July, and on the 16th arrived at Camp Butler, where it was paid off and discharged. During its term of service the 63d traveled 6,453 miles, of which 2,250 miles was on foot. SIXTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Recruiting for the 64th Illinois Infantry was commenced in Sep- tember, 1861, under authority to raise a battalion of four companies of riflemen. By the 31st of December, however, six companies had been raised, and on that day the battalion was mustered into the service, taking the title of “ Yates Sharpshooters.” The following is the original roster: Lieutenant-Colonel, David E. Williams; Major, Fred. W. Matteson; Adjutant, Aaron E. May; Quartermaster, A. T. Cameron; Surgeon, J. T. Stewart; Chaplain, Charles Cain. Co. A—-Captain, John Morrill; 1st Lieutenant, James 0. Cameron; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles J . Conger. Go. B—Captain, George W. Stipp; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel B. Thompson; 2d Lieutenant, Robert R. Gibbons. ‘Go. C—Captain, C. B. Keasey; 1st Lieutenant, George E. Doran; 2d Lieutenant, George A. Caine. Co. D—Captain, J. W. Stewart; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. N. Stewart; 2d Lieuten- ant, George W. Reid. ' THE SIXTY—FOU-RTH INFANTRY. 259 Go. E-Captain, D. G. Grover; 1st Lieutenant, M. W. Manning; 2d Lieutenant, E. H. Moore. Co. F-Captain, O. H. Payne; 1st Lieutenant, J. W. Baker; 2d.Lieutenant, J. S. Reynolds. The battalion left Camp Butler January 8, 1862, for Quincy, where it remained until February 4th, when it went to Cairo. On the 13th of March, with General Pope’s command, it arrived before New Madrid, Missouri, in the reduction of which place it took an active part. [Vol. I., p. 216.] The 64th then joined the forces moving southward, and on the 3d of May had a severe skirmish with the rebels at Chambers’ Creek. On the 8th it again met the enemy at the battle of Farmington, and on the 30th was among the first to enter Corinth. It also participated in the battle of Iuka on the 19th of September, in which it lost heavily. [_Vol. I., pp. 284-295.] From this date the battalion was engaged in various duties, with occasional skirmishes, until December 31, 1863, when'it re-enlisted for another three years’ service. On the 22d of January, 1864, the battalion arrived at Chicago, where it was given thirty days’ furlough. A month later, the men rendezvoused at Ottawa, where a sufficient‘ number of recruits were obtained to fill the six companies to the maximum. At this time Captain Manning brought to the battalion four new companies, making a full regiment, which was mustered in as the 64th Illinois Infantry, with the following roster: Colonel, John Merrill; Lieutenant-Colonel, M. W. Manning; Major, S. T. Thomson; Adjutant, VVm. H. Hinckley; Quartermaster, L. S. Ames; Surgeon, J. T. Stewart; 1st Assistant Surgeon, W. D. Plummer; 2d Assistant Surgeon, H. A. Mix; Chaplain, Alphonso D. Wyckoff. Co. A—Captain, Charles I. Conger; 1st Lieutenant, Frank S1nith ; 2d Lieutenant, D. M. Moore. Co. B-Captain, R. R. Gibbons; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Bell; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Robinson. Co. C--Captain, T. C. Fullerton; 1st Lieutenant, James H. Yates ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Thomas Horner. Co. D--Captain, George W. Reid; 1st Lieutenant, Duncan M. Reid; 2d Lieuten- ant, Darius N. Myers. Co. E--Captain, Ed. H. Moore; 1st Lieutenant, George Bargus; 2d Lieutenant, John Baker. ‘ (}0_ }_i'_._'(]:;;p1;ain7 Joseph S. Reynolds; 1st Lieutenant, Ward Knickerbocker; 2d Lieutenant, Wm. W. Zuel. Co. G—Captain, H. Logan; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin Snyder; 2d Lieutenant, Hanson H. Crews. 260 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Co. H—-Captain, Henry J. Stoner; 1st Lieutenant, Robert S. Rives; 2d Lieuten- lnt, Peter Bogardus. Co. I--Captain, John J . Long; 1st Lieutenant, Ambrose H. Brown; 2d Lieuten- ant, Julius W Brown. ' Co. K——Captain, Charles Case ; 1st Lieutenant, Harley Kingsbury; 2d Lieutenant, H0w1and Meeker. On the 15th of March, 1864, the regiment left Ottawa for the front, arriving at Decatur, Alabama, on the 23d. Leaving this place to join in the movement upon Atlanta, it reached Resaca on the 9th of May, where for five days it held the front line. It next met the enemy at Dallas. In the grand charge on Kenesaw Mountain the regiment bore a conspicuous and honorable part, and for twelve hours lay on the ground under the very muzzles of the enemy’s guns, finally planting its regimental flag on the rebel Works. From this time until the fall of Atlanta the regiment was actively engaged. Soon after that event it took part in the pursuit of the rebels under Hood, after which it joined in the grand march to the sea, bearing its full share of the privations of that campaign and the one immediately succeeding it, in the Carolinas. After taking part in the national review at Washington, it was ordered to Louisville, Kentucky, where, on the 11th of July, 1865, it was mus- tered out of the service, and on the 18th received final payment and discharge at Chicago. The following is the roster of the 64th Illinois at the time of its final discharge : Colonel and Brevet Brigadier-General, John Morrill; Lieutenant-Colonel and Bre- vet Brigadier-General, Joseph S. Reynolds; Adjutant, Robert Russell; Quarter- master, Edwin G. Lewis; Surgeon, Henry A. Mix; Assistant Surgeon, Otto E. Roesch; Chaplain, Alphonso D. Wyckoff Co. A-—Captain, Robert M. Woods; 1st Lieutenant, John Bunker; 2d Lieutenant, Theodore Gaylord. Co. B--Captain, John L. Hack; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac Hindman; 2d Lieutenant, Edward Forward. Co. C—Captain, William W. Zuel; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac W. Seaman. Co. D-—Captain, Darius N. Myers ; lst Lieutenant, Henry Miller; 2d Lieutenant, J. B. J. S. Evans. , Co. E-—Captain and Brevet Major, Ed. H. Moore; 1st Lieutenant, Patrick Feely. Co. F--Captain, Hanson H. Crews ; 1st Lieutenant, Rufus T. Sparks; 2d Lieuten- ant, Francis M. Frank. Co. G—Captain, Henry Logan; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph H. Bishop; 2d Lieuten- ant, John Berow. Co. H-—Captain, L. S. Amos; 1st Lieutenant, Oliver H. Abbott. C0. I—Captain, John J . Long; 1st Lieutenant, Julius W. Brown. Co. K--Captain, Charles Case; 1st Lieutenant, Howland Meeker. THE SIXTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. 261 Brevet Brigadier-General Joseph S. Reynolds was born at New Lenox, Will County, Illinois, February 3, 1839, where his parents still reside. At the age of sixteen young Reynolds came to Chicago, and atterded the Scammon school, where he was awarded the high- est prize—the Foster medal. He graduated in the High School in 1861. In the fall of that year he entered the 64th Illinois as 2d Lieutenant. By successive steps he rose to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel._ Soon after the discharge of his regiment fron1 the service, Colonel Reynolds was, on the recommendation of his superior ofiicers, commissioned as Brigadier-General of Volunteers by brevet—a com- pliment he richly deserved. Major Fred. W. Matteson, who died in the battalion hospital at Clear Creek, Mississippi, August 8, 1862, was a son of Ex-Gover nor J . A. Matteson, and a young man of superior ability and educa . tion. Graduating at Yale College, he spent a year in a military school in Vermont, and then went to Germany to complete his mili- tary education. Returning to his native land, he at once entered the service; bgt at the end of six months, worn out with the toils of war, he laid down his life for the flag he had so bravely defended. SIXTY-FIFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. In our first volume [p. 585] we have given the original roster of the “ Scotch Regiment,” and a brief resume of its history to the time of its re-enlistment in the veteran service. At the expiration of its vet-eran furlough, the 65th rejoined Sherman’s grand Army of the West, twenty-five miles below Kingston, Georgia. It was in the Atlanta campaign, participating in the battles of Kenesaw Mountain, Rough and Ready, Atlanta, J onesboro, &c. It then went into camp at Decatur, and on the 5th of October broke camp and started in pursuit of Hood, who was operating on our rear against the line of supplies. The pursuit was changed to a retreat, in which the whole army joined. At Columbia, Tennessee, November 25th and 26th, the 65th had a sharp skirmish with the rebels, suifering severely. The tables were turned again at Franklin; where Hood received a check, which culminated at Nashville in his disastrous defeat. In these battles the 65th bore a most gallant part, and after the victory pursued the rebels to Clifton. On the 15th of January, 1865, the 262 PATRIOTISM on rumors. 65th was sent, via Cincinnati, Washington and Annapolis, to Wil- mington, North Carolina, arriving there on the 7th of February. Here it did excellent service until the city fell, on the 22d, when it went into camp until Marcl1 6th. On the 7 th it marched to Kingston, where the non-veterans were detached and sent home for muster out. The regiment was then ordered to Goldsboro, and thence marched to Raleigh, where Sherman received the surrender of the rebel armies. It then went to Greensboro, into permanent camp. Here, in May, it received four companies of recruits, and in the latter part of June received four officers and 250 men from the 92d Illinois, two ofiicers and 120 men from the 112th, and 25 men from the 107th. This filled its ranks to the maximum strength. On the 13th of July it was mustered out at Greensboro, and at once started for home. On the 24th it was paid off and discharged at Chicago. THREE MONTHS’ REGIMENTS OF 1862. To preserve the uniformity of the record, mention should be made at this point of the enlistment of the three month's’ regiments of 1862. At a time of threatening peril, Governor Yates received a telegram from Mr. Stanton, bearing date May 25th, stating that me enemy was marching upon the National Capital in great force, and asking him to send forward without delay all the military force at his disposal, United States Volunteers and militia. On the 27th the call was revoked, but under it the three months’ regiments below mentioned were organized and in camp in two weeks. The alacrity and enthusiasm were marvelous. With the exception of the 71st they remained on guard duty in the State, and did good service by releasing veteran troops for the field. SIXTY-SEVEN TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 67th regiment was organized at Camp Douglas, Chicago, June 13, 186 2, where it remained during its term of service. The following is its roster: Colonel, Rosell M. Hough; Lieutenant-Colonel, Eugene Oakley; Major, Wm. H. Haskell; Adjutant, Daniel T. Hale; Quartermaster, Isaac N. Buck; Surgeon, Brook McVicker; lst Assistant Surgeon, Roscoe L. Hall; Chaplain, William H. Ryder. THE THREE mourns’ nnemnnrs or 1862. 263 C0. A--Captain, Charles B. Hull; 1st Lieutenant, King H. Milliken; 2d Lieuten- ant, Judson Ellison. Co. B—Captain, John F. Scanlon; 1st Lieutenant, Peter Caldwell; 2d Lieuten- ant, David F._ Maloney. Co. C—Captain, Hiram R. Enoch; 1st Lieutenant, James B. Kerr; 2d Lieutenant, Joseph s. Berry. , ' Co. D—Captain, Judson W. Read; 1st Lieutenant, Frederick W. Cole; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Sharp. _ Co. E—Captain, Charles A. Heilig; 1st Lieutenant, James A. Sexton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles H. Vogel. Co. F--Captain, William H. Frites; 1st Lieutenant, Abram D. Van Veckten; 2d Lieutenant, Horace E. Dyer. 'Co G—Captain, Charles K. Purple; 1st Lieutenant, Jeremiah Dockstater; 2d Lieutenant, Edward K. Valentine. Co. H—Captain, James W. Crane; 1st Lieutenant, Stephen Allen; 2d Lieuten ant, Alonzo Hilliard. Co. I—Captain, Ruel G. Rounds; 1st Lieutenant, Kelsey Bond; 2d Lieutenant, John Murphy. Co. K—Captain, S. W. McKown ; 1st Lieutenant, Edward Bailey; 2d Lieutenant, J amcs Wright. SIXTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 68th regiment was organized at Camp Butler, June 20, 1862, where it spent its term of service. The following is its roster: Colonel, Elias Stuart; Lieutenant-Colonel, Houston L. Taylor; Major, George W. Lackey; Adjutant, John S. Bishop; Quartermaster, Samuel F. True; Surgeon, Albert H. Lanphier. Co. A—Captain, John W. King; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Harrison; 2d Lieu- tenant, Martin V. B. Parker. Co. B—Captain, Daniel F. Coffey; 1st Lieutenant, Judson J. C. Gillespie; 2d Lieutenant, William Reynolds. Co. C--Captain, John P. St. John; 1st Lieutenant, Elsey Blake; 2d Lieutenant, Green B. Davis. ‘ Co. D-—Captain, John C. Hall; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas K. Jenkins; 2d Lieuten- ant, Hugh B. McKnight. Co. E--Captain, Henry Davey; 1st Lieutenant, George H. Whiteman; 2d Lieu- tenant, Isaac N. Coltrin. Co. F—Captain, John W. Morris; 1st Lieutenant, John R. Larrimore; 2d Lieu- tenant, Lewis Ijamis. Co. G—Captain, James P. Moore; 1st Lieutenant, Harvey C. DeMotte; 2d Lieu- tenant, John H. Stout. Co. H—Captain, Leroy T. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Hamilton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Adam H. Bogardus. Co. I——Captain, John W. Bear; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel B. Crisky; 2d Lieuten- ant, S. Wheaton West. 264 rxrmorrsn or ILLINOIS. Co. K—Captain, Edward J . J ones; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas L. Masters; 2d Lieu- tenant, Hiram L. Dunn. SIXTY-NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 69th regiment was organized at Camp Douglas, Chicago, and mustered into the service on June 14, 1862, with the following roster: Colonel, Joseph H. Tucker; Lieutenant-Colonel, Thomas J . Pickett ; Major, George P. Smith; Adjutant, Abram H. Van Buren; Quartermaster, Charles W. Cringle; Surgeon, Isaiah P. Lynn; Assistant Surgeon, Azro E. Goodwin ; Chaplain, William W. Everts. Co. A—Captain, Abram Lash, Jr. ; 1st Lieutenant, David Robinson Jr. ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Edward R. Virden. Co. B—Captain, Jonathan Kimball; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel H. Hunter; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas W. Tefft. Co. C—Captain, Lansing B. Tucker; 1st Lieutenant, James O. McClellan; 2d Lieutenant, John S. Mabie. Co. D--Captain, Frank J . Bush; 1st Lieutenant, Warfield B. Todd; 2d Lieuten- ant, Robert Irwin. Co. E—Captain, Tidel Schlund; 1st Lieutenant, Charles Varges; 2d Lieutenant, August W. Willige. Co. F——Captain, Frazer Wilson; 1st Lieutenant, Ezra M. Beardsley; 2d Lieuten- ant, George Schemerhorn. Co. G—Captain, Joseph A. Vincent; 1st Lieutenant, E. S. Scribner; 2d Lieuten- ant, John Herbert. , Co. H--Capt’ain, James W. Rearden; 1st Lieutenant, Eli B. Baker; 2d Lieuten- ant, Edwin F. Bennett. Co. I—Captain, William C. Hale; 1st Lieutenant, Charles L. Peny; 2d Lieuten- ant, Alvah R. Jordan. Co. K—Captain, John Coakley; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Tousley ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Isaac H. Allen. SEVENTIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 70th regiment was organized and mustered into the service at Camp Butler, July 4, 1862, with the following roster: Colonel, Owen T. Reeves; Lieutenant-Colonel, John D. Sage; Major, Joseph H. Scibird; Adjutant, James B. Breese ; Quartermaster, John B. Burrows; Assistant Surgeon, Madison Reece; Chaplain, William C. Lacy. Co. A—Captain, Gilbert Summe ; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel E. Wishhard; 2d Lieu- tenant, Benjamin Hove. Co. B—Captain, William Perce ; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin G. Bills; 2d Lieuten- ant, John S. Clark. THE sRvENTY-rIRsT INFANTRY. 265 C0. C—Captain, John T. Maddux; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas G. Black; 2d Lieuten- ant, James G. Seward. Co. D-Captain, George W. Fox; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac P. Wilson; 2d Lieuten- ant, William M. Lewis. Co. E—-Captain, Daniel D. Snyder; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Hinman ; 2d Lieu- tenant, George Dempsey. Co. F--Captain, Alfred Comings ; 1st Lieutenant, Charles P. Fleshbein ; 2d Lieu- tenant, William J . Allen. Co. G-—Captain, Newton Harlan; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Beyles; 2d Lieutenant, Daniel 0. Martin. Co. H—Captain, James 0. Donald; 1st Lieutenant, John A. Robinson; 2d Lieu- tenant, Albert Braxton. Co. I-Captain, James Hudson; '1st Lieutenant, George Wilderboor; 2d Lieuten- ant, William T. Hudson. , Co. K--Captain, George R. Brumlay; 1st Lieutenant, Robert W. Musgrave; 2d Lieutenant, Henry A. Club. SEVENTY-FIRST ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 71st regiment was organized and mustered into the service at Camp Douglas, Chicago, July 26, 1862, with the following roster: Colonel, Othniel Gilbert; Lieutenant-Colonel, James O. P. Burnside; Major, DeWitt C. Marshall; Adjutant, Henry G. Hicks; Quartermaster, James H. Moore; Chaplain, William C. Mason. Co. A—Captain, J crome B. Fuller; 1st Lieutenant, Edward Lafferty; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles C. Jamison. Co. B—Captaih, Luther W. Black; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Snyder; 2d Lieu- tenant, Emanuel Stover. Co. C--Captain, Charles A. Summers; 1st Lieutenant, Charles E. Hartman; 2d Lieutenant, Solomon N. N ebleck. Co. D—-Captain, Horatio G. Coykendall; 1st Lieutenant, James L. Smedley; 2d Lieutenant, Charles C. Huntley. Co. E—Captain, Charles Parker; 1st Lieutenant, Aaron S. Hadley; 2d Lieuten- ant, William D. Lattimer. Co. F-—Captain, Pliny L. Fox; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin H. Towner; 2d Lieuten- ant, James N. Phillips. Co. G—Captain, William H. Weaver; 1st Lieutenant, James C. Tice; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas B. Collins. Co. H—Captain, Theodore M. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, J ames W. Heifmgton; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Pittman. Co. I--Captain, Jesse P. M. Howard ; 1st Lieutenant, David P. Murphy; 2d Lieu- tenant, John M. Loy. Co. K-—Captain, James Creed; 1st Lieutenant, Flavius J . Carpenter; 2d Lieuten- ant, Absalom A. Lasater. ' C H A P T E R X V 1. FROM ATLANTA TO MILLEN. TOWARD THE SEA——COMMUNICATIONS Cur-—IMPEDIMENTA REMOVED—--THE EAGLE’S Wnves—-C oMPos1T1oN—-GENERAL ORDERS FOR THE CAMPAIGN---SOLDIERLY AND STATES- MANLIKE—-SUPPLIES--—SHERMAN AND THE ATLANTA AUTHORIT1ES—A.TLANTA BURNT-— “ ON To THE SEA ”—-ASTONISHHENT AT SHEnMAN’s PLAN—REBEL READING—ENGLISH VIEWS—-NORTHERN OPINIONS———HIS FAITH IN THoMAs-—FoUR CoLUMNs—ADvANoEs-- Sxmnrsnss-MAcoN—-WoLooTT WOUNDED—-IRWINTON—INTO MILLEDGEVILLE——NEW LEGISLATURE—THANKSGIVING-—REBEL PRONUNCIAMENTOES—THE Foun Rrvnns—Gms- woLnsv1LLE—SANnERsvILLE—-Kn.rATRrcK’s MARCH on MILLEN—FALLS BAoK——Is ASSAULTED——-DEFENCE——LOUISVILLE—-READY To G0 SOUTH. E resume the march toward the sea. Thomas was entrusted with holding Hood at Nashville until ready to crush him, and render his army he longer capable of mischief. Sherman was about to cut all connections between his army and Washington, between his men and their homes, between his Grand Army and the stores of the Government ; his men were to march to the sea before they could send or receive messages from their families, and henceforth their living was to be drawn from the country they traversed. The 15th and 17 th Army Corps were moved deliberately to the neighborhood of Smyrna, Kilpatrick’s cavalry and the 20th were at Atlanta, and the 14th marched to Kingston, where Sherman arrived in person November 2d. Here he put his army in light marching order ~ extra baggage and artillery, the small army of refugees, the sick, wounded ——in short all impedimenta were sent to Chattanooga. On the 11th Sherman sent his final dispatch to Halleck, and on the 12th his com- mand was isolated. General Corse destroyed bridges, manufactories,v etc., at Rome; Steadman gathered the garrisons northward from Kingston, and virith the public property, rails and railway stock, back- ward from Resaca, went into Chattanooga. The railway between THE WINGS——ORDERS. 267 the Ostanaula and Etowah was not destroyed, as it seemed impor- tant to leave it for General Thomas should he find it necessary to occupy the country to the Etowah line. Two huge wings were to envelop the rebellion. The right, under Howard, composed of the 15th Corps, commanded by Osterhaus, and the 17 th under Blair; the left was under Slocum, with the 14th under J eff. C. Davis, andthe 20th commanded by General A. S. WVilliams. In the 15th Army Corps were the divisions of Woods, Hazen, John E. Smith and Corse. We meet in Hazen’s command the scarred vete- rans organized by Sherman at Paducah, and led by him at Shiloh, and commanded afterward by David Stuart, Smith and Blair. The 17th Army Corps comprised the divisions of Mower, Leggett and Giles A. Smith. The 14th Army Corps comprised the divisions of Carlin, James D. Morgan and Baird. The 20th, to form which the 11th and 12th Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac had been consolidated, consisted of the divisions of Jackson, Geary and Wa1'd. The aggregate of infantry was about 60,000. There was a division of cavalry under Kilpatrick, 5,500 strong; this was divided in two brigades commanded by Colonel E. H. Murray of Kentucky, and Colonel Smith D. Atkins of the famous 92d Illinois moimted Infan- try. There was one field gun to each thousand men. On the 14th the entire force was again grouped around the doomed city of Atlanta. On the 9th, While at Kingston, the Commander-in-Chief issued the general orders for the great campaign. The first directed the grand march to be, Whenever practicable, by four roads as nearly parallel as possible to converge under orders from headquarters; the cavalry was to receive special orders from himself. “III. There will be no general trains of supplies, but each corps will have its ammunition and provision train distributed as follows: Behind each regiment should follow one wagon and one ambulance; behind each brigade should follow a due pro- portion of ammunition wagons, provision wagons and ambulances. In case of danger each army corps commander should change this order of march by having his advance and rear brigades unencumbered by wheels. The separate columns will start habit- ually at seven A. M., and make about fifteen miles a day, unless otherwise fixed in orders. “IV. The army will forage liberally on the country during the march. To this end each brigade commander will organize a good and sufiicent foraging party under the command of one or more discreet oflicers, who will gather, near the route trav- 268 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. eled, corn or forage of any kind, meat of any kind, vegetables, corn, meat, or what. ever is needed by the command ; aiming, at all times,_ to keep in the wagon trains at least ten days’ provision for the command, and three days’ forage. Soldiers must not enter the dwellings of the inhabitants, or commit any trespass: during the halt or at camp they may be permitted to gather turnips, potatoes, and other vegetables, and drive in stock in front of their camps. To regular foraging parties must be entrusted the gathering of provisions and forage at any distance from the road traveled. “V. To army corps commanders is entrusted the power to destroy mills, houses, cotton-gins, etc., and for them this general principle is laid down: In districts and neighborhoods where the army is unmolested, no destruction of such property should be permitted; but should guerrillas or bushwhackers molest our march, or should the inhabitants burn bridges, obstruct roads, or otherwise manifest local hostility, then army corps commanders should order and enforce a devastation more or less relent- less, according to the measure of such hostility. “ VI. As for horses, mules, wagons, etc., belonging to the inhabitants, the cavalry and artillery may appropriate fully and without limit, discriminating however, between the rich, who are usually hostile, and the poor or industrious, usually neu- tral or friendly. Foraging parties may also take mules or horses to replace the jaded animals of their trains, or to serve as pack-mules for regiments or brigades. In all foraging of whatever kind, the parties engaged will refrain from abusive or threatening language, and may, when the officer in command thinks proper, give certificates of the facts, but no receipts; and they will endeavor to leave with each family a reasonable portion for their maintenance. “VII. Negroes who are able bodied, and can be of service to the several columns, may be taken along ; but each army commander will bear in mind that the question of supplies is a very important one, and that his first duty is to see to those who bear arms.” There were also orders to pioneer battalions to prepare roads, crossings, etc., and requiring Captain O. M. Poe, Chief Engineer, to assign each wing a pontoon train and require its protection. These orders are the evidence alike of high military ability and statesmanship. The army of the Union must march to the sea. The enemy would not suffer uninterrupted communication with, its base of supplies in the rear. Then the enemy’s country should furnish the supplies. ' It had abundance; its soil was rich; its fields and gardens were full; its granaries freshly replenished, its barns pleth- oric-—-Sherman would compel the country which made the war support his army as well as that of Hood. All that was right. It was politic to say that private property should be treated according to the spirit of the owners. Houses, mills and cotton-gins might stand it there was quiet submission; if there was the contrary they should light the pathway of the grand march—the residents might choose. SHERMAN 0N WAR. _ 269 There was partial immunity and complete personal safety to such as acquiesced; as for others their “ treason was made odious,” and they must suifer. We had learned after a long discipline and a costly pupilage, that war was something terribly and deadly earnest, and that only when the interior South should feel its ravages could we hope to bring it to an end. This came out more fully in Sherman’s correspondence with the authorities of Atlanta. He ordered the city to be vacated by its inhabitants, and an earnest protest was sent in by the Mayor and councilmen. He answered in a letter worthy of preservation among the noted military documents of history. We can only give a few passages. “I give full credit to your statements of the distress that will be occasioned, and yet shall not revoke my order, simply because my orders are not destined to meet the humanities of the case, but to prepare for the future struggle in which millions, yea hundreds of millions of good people outside of Atlanta have a deep interest. We must have peace not only in Atlanta, but in all America. To secure this we must stop the war that now desolates our once happy and favored country. To stop the war we must defeat the rebel armies that are now arrayed against the laws and constitution which all men must respect and obey. -Jt * * -x- ‘ * as -x~ -x- -x-‘ “War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war on our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. -x- -x- * ~x- * * 99 e -x- “ You might as well appeal against the thunder storm as against the terrible hard- ships of war. They are inevitable, and the only way the people of Atlanta can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home is to stop this war, which can alone be done by admitting that it began in error, and is perpetuated in pride. We don’t want your negroes, nor your horses, or your houses, or your land, or anything you have; but we do want and will have a just obedience to the laws of the. United States.” On the 15th of November, by his orders, Atlanta was wrapped in a general conflagration, and in the glow of its flames commenced the grand march “From Atlanta to the sea.” The publication of Sherman’s plan astonished the world. Rebel journals expressed their pleasure, and assured the world that it was what, above all things, they most desired. In the East Lee had Grant just where he wanted him, and now Sherman, abandoning 270 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. supplies and defences, was marching his army straight into their power. An aroused people were to hang upon his flanks with fire and sword; before him would go destruction, and instead of malal/zg he would find destitution, while formidable combinations under great military leaders would confront and overwhelm his hunger-weakened troops. In the light of his march, such is now refreshing reading. In Europe various opinions were expressed. The London Times said, “Since the great Duke of Marlborough turned his back upon the Dutch, and plunged heroically into Germany to fight the famous battle of Blenhiem, military history has recorded no stranger marvel than the mysterious expedition of General Sherman on an unknown route against an undiscoverable enemy ;” and a military journal of England said, “He has done either one of the most brilliant or one of the most foolish things ever performed by a military leader.” At home, among loyal people, there was confidence mingled with serious apprehension. Thoughtful men said he will find the bulk of population largely made up of slaves, who will hail his coming as a deliverer, and there will be little bushwhacking, for the whites will not venture to provoke both an advancing army and a domestic force strong enough to crush them. Many feared that he would find it impossible to subsist his large force; others that he must fail in reducing strongly fortified places, and that his only success would be that of a raid on a gigantic scale. Others trembled lest Hood should crush Thomas, and then turn upon Sherman while armies from the coast should confront him, and secure his destruction. Sherman him- self said, “If Thomas had not whipped Hood at Nashville, 600 miles away, all my plans would have failed, and I would have been denounced the world over, but I knew General Thomas, and the troops under his command, and never for a moment doubted a favor- able result.” The army moved in four columns, on two general lines, Sherman being with J eff. C. Davis’ division. Howard with the right wing ~ moved from Whitehall on the 15th. His force was in two columns, Osterhaus marching by Rough and Ready, and turning to the left toward McDonough, a short distance from Jonesboro, while Blair marched to McDonough via the direct road. Kilpatrick was with the right wing, and met the enemy’s cavalry in force near East Point, MABCHING~—-—MACON. 271 and drove it to the crossing of Flint River, and Osterhaus met it at one or two points. Howard marched on the 16th by three routes to the vicinity of McDonough. At Cotton River Osterhaus barely saved the bridge, fired by the retreating cavalry. Kilpatrick C1.OSS(§(1 the Flint near J onesboro at 7 A. M., and chased the foe to Lovejoy’s, where they had taken position in the old rebel works with two pieces of artillery. Murray’s brigade was dismounted, and carried the works. Atkins pursued them, overtook them, made a brilliant charge and captured their artillery. ' On the 17th, the right wing, ‘still in three columns, reached Jack- son ; on the succeeding day the Ocmulgee was crossed; on the 19th, with much difficulty, the trains mounted a steep and slippery hill, and it was not until the morning of the 20th the troops were all over the river. On the 20th the force moved on Gordon in two columns, Kilpatrick via the Clinton road and river road toward Macon ; Oster- haus toward Clinton, and Blair by Blountsville. Kilpatrick waited at Clinton until the 'infantry arrived, and advanced toward Macon; met the enemy on the left hand road four miles from the city, drove them in, and charged their works though defended by artillery strongly supported. He forced the head of the column into the defences,but could not hold them. He struck the railway, destroyed a mile of track and a train of cars. On the 21st he took an advanced position covering all the roads leading from Macon. By the 22d the entire right Wing closed, up near Gordon. A demonstration was made toward Macon. The rebel cavalry made a dash and captured a cavalry picket post, but after a spirited encounter was driven from the ground in'disorder. In the afternoon Wolcott’s brigade met a sharp attack from rebel infantry and artillery, but repulsed it; Gene- ral Wolcott being wounded. Howard ordered an advance forward to secure Oconee bridge, and prepare it for crossing. On the 23d the entire wing was in or about Gordon, and Hazen’s division of the old 15th was marching on Irwinton, while Blair was wrecking the Macon and Savannah Railway. Slocum’s command, the left wing of Sherman’s grand army, left Atlanta on the 13th and on the Decatur road, and encamped that night near the Augusta railway, south of Stone Mountain. It moved along the Augusta railway, destroying it as far as Madison. It then 27 2 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. moved south upon Milledgeville, the capital of Georgia, which it reached on the 21st and 22d. Governor Brown and his legislature fled, forgetting the role of Rolla, which the people had been exhorted to play. The soldiers organized a legislature, and performed divers acts of legislation not precisely recognized by the Georgian Consti- tution or usual under its peculiar institutions. Davis’ 14th Army Corps moved from Altanta on the 16th, via Decatur and Covington. On the 18th it crossed Yellow River on pontoon bridges; on the 19th crossed the Ulcofauhatchee and marched to Shady Dale; on the 20th was at Eatonton Factories; on the 23d it went into camp near Milledgeville. After our boys had adjourned their legislature they celebrated thanksgiving day in the heart of the rebellion. They were merry, and sang and shouted to their hearts’ content. Turkeys and chickens were at every mess fire, and the exercises were enlivened by such national songs as “John Brown’s body lies mouldering in the grave,” and “ We’ll rally round the flag, boys,” while the army poets improvised stanzas adapted to the occasion. The enemy was alarmed by the magnitude and celerity of these movements, and made frantic appeals to the people to resist. Beau- regard appears once more, as witness: “CORINTII, November 18th, “ via SELMA, November 18th. “ TO THE PEOPLE OF GEORGIA. “Arise for the defence of your native soil! Patriotic Governor and gallant soldiers. Obstruct and destroy all the roads in Sherman’s front, flank and rear, and his army will soon starve in your midst. Be confident! Be resolute 1 Trust in an overruling Providence and success will soon crown your efforts. I hasten to join you in defence of your homes. “ G. T. BEAUREGARD.” Then spoke out the Georgia delegation in Congress as follows: “RICHMOND, November 19th. “TO THE PEOPLE OF GEORGIA. “We have had a special conference with President Davis and the Secretary of War, and are able to assure you that they have done and are still doing all that can be done to meet the emergency that presses upon you. Let every man fly to arms. REBEL PRONUNOIAMENTOES. 273 Remove your negroes, horses, cattle and provisions from Sherman’s army, and burn what you cannot carry. Burn all bridges and block up the roads in his route. Assail the invader in front, flank and rear, by night and day.” Safe advice given at the distance of Richmond, but not easy of execution to the “People of Georgia.” Senator B. H. Hill issued his manifesto from Richmond also, addressed to the People of Georgia. “You have now the best opportunity ever presented to you to destroy the enemy. Put everything at the disposition of our Generals, remove all provisions from the path of the invaders, and put all the obstructions you can in his way. “ Every citizen with his gun, and every negro with his spade and ax can do the work of a. good soldier. You can destroy the enemy by retarding his march. Geor- gians, be firm! Act promptly, and fear not I” And to this manifesto was appended “ I most cordially approve the above. “ JAMES A. SEDDEN, Secretary of War.” But in vain. The day had gone by when Beauregard’s name was a tower of strength, or when the decree of Southern Congressional hotspurs could call armies into the field. Senator Hill was to see that the negroes could not be safely trusted either with spade or ax, as quasi soldiers of the C. S. A. ‘ ' I On the 27th and 28th both wings were temporarily encamped between Sandersville and Irwin’s Cross Roads, in the vicinity of the Georgia Central Railway. Four large rivers lay at the outset in the line of Sherman’s march, all tending southeasterly; viz., the Ocmul- gee, Oconee, Ogeechee and Savannah, with smaller streams and much marshy ground between the last named two. The right wing passed the Oconee below the Oconee Bridge, and the left at Milledgeville. The Ogeechee was crossed at Finn’s Bridge in the march from Sandersville, and the main army grouped about Louisville in J effer- son County, where it made a temporary halt, foraging, bringing in mules and horses, and “ working on the railroad.” Aportion of the 15th Corps was left at Griswoldville to protect the rear in the march upon Milledgeville, which was furiously assaulted by three rebel brig- ades, which met a bloody repulse, leaving behind in killed and wounded nearly a thousand men. At Sandersville there was some skirmishing with Wheeler’s cavalry. 18 274 . PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. General Kilpatrick had marched from Milledgeville toward Mil- len on the 25th, hoping to liberate our brave prisoners held in torture disgraceful to humanity, and a message was received from him on the 29th that he was ten miles from Louisville hard pressed by Wheeler’s cavalry. He had struck the railway on the 27th, and had been constantly skirmishing with Wheeler, but had continued to destroy the road. At Waynesboro he learned that the prisoners had been removed two days before, and as the object of the expedi- tion was frustrated, he prudently resolved to fall back and await the infantry. Atkins moved his brigade to the intersection of the Waynesboro and Louisville roads, where he was to have halted until Murray should move into the rear, but from some misunderstanding he moved on, and the remainder of the force was attacked and partly surrounded, but gallantly cut their way out, and the two detach- ments united, crossed Buckhead Creek, burned the bridge, and halted for needed rest two miles beyond. Word came that Wheeler was crossing with his entire force, and coming on in hot pursuit. Our force assumed the defensive with a strong position, the flanks thrown toward the rear, and such barricades as could be were pro- vided. On came the rebel cavalry in fine style, making a desperate charge only to be repulsed and rolled back, inflicting slight loss upon Kilpatrick. Our force advanced a few miles, and again halted, and were not pursued. Reinforcements were sent, but were not needed, and on the 29th Kilpatrick joined the main army, taking position near the 14th Corps. The rivers were crossed, the enemy had been beaten at every point, the army was enthusiastic—-the way was open to the sea, and Sherman was ready to go. CHAPTER XVII. TO SAVANNAH. THE RIGHT Wnve—Two CoLUHNs—-No. 9—MILLEN-—-THE Parson PEN--“ Wonxmo THE ROAD”-CAPTURED MAIL——CORDUROY——EDEN’—-JENK’S BRIDGE-—-TVVELVE MILE Posr-—-KING-’s BRIDGE--ENEMY’s RIFLE PITS-—BLAIR——-IN SIGHT 0F SAVANNAH-—-THE LEFT WING—ITS MARGH——MONTIETH SWAMP-“WATER WITCH ”-J ACKSONBORO-—- PoNTooNs—KILPATRIox AND WHEELER--ATKINS-—WAYNEsRono--THE N INE'1‘Y-SE- conn ILLINOIS—-BEFORE SAVANNAH-—CHARLEs'roN SEVERED—SAVANNAH INVESTED—- REBEL DEFENSES-—-FORT McAu.rsrna-—HAzEN’s AssAnLT--SHERMAN on A Rren Housn--ILLINOIS Rnemnnrs ENGAGED——-MEETS THE N AvY—-DAHLGREN AND FOSTER—- Guns FROM Pour RoYAL—-ASSAULT ORDERED--HARREE LEAVES SAVANNAH--GEARY eors IN--SHERMAN T0 LINCOLN—-TO THE SEA--BowMAN’s RESUME-—L1NCOLN To SHER- MAN—-CHATTANOOGA To SAVANNAH-—-THE END NOT YET. ‘ HE right wing swept down the Ogeechee. Osterhaus with its right, Sherman accompanying Blair, who withthe 17th was on the left. November 30th Wood and Corse encamped near Deep Creek. Blair reached the Ogeechee at Barton, and crossed on a pontoon bridge.‘ On the 1st of December the right wing moved in three columns, Hazen’s and John E. Smith’s divisions, the lower, on the Statesboro road; the middle, Wood’s and Corse’s divisions, on the Savannah road, and Blair’s corps along the Georgia railroad, destroy- ing as they went. At night the two columns on the right encamped opposite Station N o. 8, where Wood secured and repaired a bridge, and sent over a detachment to break the railway and burn the depot both of which were done. Blair halted the 17th Corps at No. 9. On the 2d Blair entered Millen, having destroyed the road and depots to that point, with a large stock of cross-ties, lumber. It required an effort to restrain our gallant men at the seat of one of the Southern bastiles, where their comrades had suffered day after day, wearily and painfully watching the delayed coming of the PATRIOTI SM OF ILLINOIS. . delivering host. The prison stockade was in a thick forest of pine, six miles from the town. It was a square of fifteen acres, enclosed by a high log fence. Within was the dead line, a rail-fence, and the huts in which brave men burrowed, sickened, starved and died! In the center was a brick kitchen-a quarter of a mile away was the hospital with accommodations for 300 patients, and without it were 650 graves, a single n1onth’s mortality! One unburied corpse, found in one of the huts received Christian burial. Wood and Corse rested near Clifton’s Ferry, where they spanned the river with a bridge, and Corse sent a brigade to assist the 17th in “ working on the road.” Scouts dashed on to Scarsboro and cap- tured a Savannah mail, and read the morning papers of that day, thus again establishing communication with the outside world, through rebel sources. The 15th Corps remained in position the next day, sending additional forces to aid in destroying the railway between Millen and Scarsboro. The 17th Corps came up to No. 7, near Scarsboro and encamped. On the 4th Wood and Corse reached Wilson’s Creek, and Blair, with part of Corse’s men made Station 5%; Hazen and Smith reached Scarsboro, Hazen having had abrush with rebel cavalry, and having been compelled to make a corduroy road through swampy ground. On the 5th advances were made with little opposition. On the 6th reconnoissances were made in various directions. Efforts to save the bridges for crossing were made, but the rebels had fired them. At Eden Station the bridge was partially‘ burned, but Colonel Williamson constructed afoot-bridge, and threw over a small force, which went to the railway, one detachment going as far as Twenty-mile.Station, fighting both ways. General Howard sent a Lieutenant to strike the-Gulf railroad, but he found too strong a rebel force before the approaches to the burning bridge over the Cannonchee, and fell back. Wood’s command rested at Wright’s Bridge, except a brigade which crossed on the foot-bridge mentioned, and marched down the east bank toward Eden. At J enk’s Bridge a pontoon bridge was laid, in spite of bold resistance, and the troops began to cross. General Rice, of Corse’s division, encountered the rebel force and drove them from behind rail barricades, receiving small loss. The other troops advanced as rapidly as possible. General Howard resolved on the 8th to dislodge the enemy, reported EDEN. 27 7 K to have a strong force at the Twelve-mile post, and sent two divi- sions of the 15th down the west bank of the Ogeechee, to force the crossing of the Cannonchee, cut the Gulf railway and take King’s Bridge across the Ogeechee, and to reconnoiter between the Big and Little Ogeechee. The way was filled with trees, etc., which lwere rlimoved; a burnt bridge over the Savannah Canal was replaced in a half hour, and the bridge near the mouth of the canal found sufficient for pontoon crossing, which was laid. A reconnoissance disclosed the rebels in force at the junction of the road upon which our troops were moving and the King’s Bridge and Savannah road. Osterhaus got over the Cannouchee with two brigades, and the 17th Corps, corduroying much of the way, toiled up to Eden, or Station No. 2. On the 9th Blair came upon the rifle-pits of the foe, three miles and ahalf from Station No. 2, and launched upon them a force which drove the occupants, but the pursuers were stopped by an entrenched line defended by guns in position. Blair’s advance was through a thickly wooded swamp, full of undergrowth, but his three battle lines, preceded by hardy skirmishers made their way, driving the enemy, reaching Station No. 1, where he camped for the night. _ Savannah was near. Soon the ardent troops hoped to bathe their blistered feet in the waters of the sea! The Savannah and Gulf railway was reached and cut by the 15th Corps. Corse confronted six hundred rebels with two pieces of artillery. A single brigade dislodged them, capturing one of their guns, and chasing them within twelve miles of the city. His advance crossed the Little Ogeechee and camped within eight miles of Savannah. King’s Bridge was burnt, but pontoons spanned the Ogeechee, and thus, almost within sight of Savannah, Howard, under the eye of his chieftain, united the columns of his victorio'us army, and gave adoring praise to the God he worshiped. Slocum was not idle, but was crowding forward his army, the left wing of the great Eagle swooping down upon the South. ' Williains’ 20th Corps left Louisville December 1st, marching until the 8th via the Louisville and Savannah road, down the Peninsula between the Ogeechee and Savannah rivers, and on the 8th encamp- ing near Eden Cross-roads. His intermediate stops were Baker’s Creek, Buckhead Church, Horse Creek, Little Ogeechee, Sylvania 278 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. , Cross-roads, Cowpens and J ack’s Branch, near Springfield. From Eden the march was eastward toward Montieth Post-oflice, on the Charleston Railway. The Montieth Swamp, one of formidable extent, was to be crossed, ‘and obstructions were anticipated, and found in the form of felled trees, two limited earthworks, one gun and a small infantry force, which soon gave way. The corps reached Montieth Station on the 10th, destroyed several miles of the railway, and marched to a point near the five-mile post on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. A rebel dispatch-boat with Hardee’s dispatches was overhauled. The boat was the Water Witch, formerly of our navy. Here our corps halted, finding a strong rebel line before them. . ‘ Carlin’s division of the 14th Corps marched to Sebastopol, and on the 2d of December joined the corps, and the column encamped at the crossing of the Birdsville and ‘Waynesboro roads. Morgan’s division, in charge of the corps train, encamped two miles from Louisville. General Sherman indicated J acksonboro as the next cen- ter for the 14th Corps. On the 3d General Davis crossed the creek with pontoon bridges, and ordered Baird and Kilpatrick to move from Reynold’s toward Waynesboro, as though destined to Augusta. They halted near Thomas’ Station in presence of apretty strong rebel force. Carlin and Morgan made Lumpkin’s Station at the cross- ing of the J acksonboro road and the Augusta and Savannah rail- road. On the 4th they moved with their corps trains, leaving a long stretch of wrecked railway (for in the hands of those Illinois opera- tors Southern railway stocks declined) and made thirteen miles. Baird and Kilpatrick skirmished sharply with Wheeler’s cavalry, driving it over Brier Creek, and Baird tore up several miles of track. On the 5th the corps converged near Jacksonville ; on the next day it crossed the Beaver-dam and marched twenty miles to Hudson’s Ferry on the Savannah River. Onward through dense timber, pontooning streams, building cor duroy, yet ever indomitable,the march continued, Atkins covering the rear, and on the 9th Morgan found the rebel force in a strong field work to contest. the path. He placed his guns, opened fire, deployed his infantry, but night compelled inaction, and when morn- ing came the enemy was gone. On the 10th Carlin and Morgan OUR CAVALRY—-—WAYNESBORO. 279 reached the Ten-mile House and camped, giving the road to the 20th Corps. Baird was covering the rear, tearing track and aiming at the deslruction of the costly bridge over the Savannah. The cavalry had met some experiences not yet recorded. After various skirmishes with Wheeler, the force of Kilpatrick was busily engaged on the 3d in the usual railway operation. Wheeler burst upon one of Atkins’ regiments, expecting to crush it, but was repulsed. Sherman had ordered a reconnoissance toward Waynes- boro, and that wherever Wheeler was found he should be fought, and Kilpatrick ordered all impedimenta out of his way, and early on the 4th moved out in the clear crisp air, with Atkins in advance. The enemy was found and his skirmish line driven in. Atkins advanced and assailed his works, but found the cavalry dismounted, and posted behind strong barricades, the flanks secured, and his first effort failed. The gallant 92d Illinois dismounted; the 10th Ohio and 9th Michigan cavalry were also dismounted, and in columns of four, by battalions sent on the right, and the 9th Ohio in the same order on the left. Then Captain Beebe brought up his 10th Wis- consin battery within six hundred yards and opened a terrific fire, silencing the rebel artillery. The charge was sounded and forward went the line, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio, going like an avalanche! No pause, no stay, the barricades were reached and carried, and the rebel force broken_ into fragments. Desperately they rallied, and more than once attempted counter charges, and at one time with some show of success, but were again broken, and fell back to Waynesboro. There Wheeler was found even more strongly pro- tected, and his flanks secure. Kilpatrick ordered his center to be bro- ken, and Murray hurled his men upon it, broke it, scattered the foe, Whee1er’s famous cavalry was completely routed, and the town was ours. After some unimportant skirmishing the division united ten miles south of Springfield, and moved to the rear of the 17th Corps. Thus from Atlanta onward through bog and morass, over all obstacles had thundered our legions, now the enemy flying to the defence of Macon, now of Augusta, again trembling for Charleston, confident that Yankee pride would strike for the nest where treason broke its shell, but now the two wings, having marched more than 280 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. three hundred miles in twenty-four days --feeding from rebel grana- ries and smoke houses-——to the defences of Savannah, within which was the army of Hardee, stretched out across the peninsula between the two rivers, and Savannah was doomed! Sherman, the crazy man of Kentucky was, already, well nigh the most famous man in the world, but his work was not done—-strat- egy and heroism were yet to do more. The investment of Savannah was made as complete as possible. On the 11th the left wing took position on the right and in front of the city; the left of the 20th Corps rested on the Savannah, its right on the Ogeechee. The 17th Corps was on the right center, and the 15th in reserve, ready to open communication with the fleet. Slocum had struck the Savannah and Charleston railway, and severed communication between those two cities, and had erected breastworks and placed artillery; Baird’s division protected the rear of the left wing from Wheeler’s cavalry raids, and planted batteries on the river to check rebel gunboats. The Union line stretched ten miles from the Savannah, where Slocum’s left lay within three miles of the city, to the Gulf railway, where Howard’s right was posted, ten miles from Savannah. General Sherman was using every effort to open communication with the fleet in Tybee, Wassaw and Ossa- baw Sounds, for its appearance at this time was part of the precon- certed scheme. Kilpatrick‘ moved with alacrity through Sudbury to Kilkenny, and found the United States ship Fernandina, Captain West, in sight down the bay. The enemy’s defences were formidable, following substantially a swampy creek which empties into the Savannah about three miles from the city, and thence to another which debouches into the Little Ogeechee. Only by five narrow causeways could the city be entered, and these were commanded by heavy artillery, while the banks of the canal and dykes were broken and the ground flooded. Hence Sherman decided on a complete investment, and establishing com- munication with the fleet before any assault should be made. On the 13th, however, Hazen,of the 15th Corps,was ordered to assault and carry Fort McCallister. King’s Bridge, over the Ogee- chee, was burned, but was reconstructed in brief space, although a thousand feet in length, and Hazen took over his division, with a FORT Mo OALLISTER. 281 detachment from the 17 th Corps, and marched thirteen miles reach- ing the environs of the Fort at 1 P. M. He deployed his force about the place, both flanks resting upon the river, 'and posted his skirm- ishers judiciously behind the trunks of trees whose branches had been used for abattis, and about 5 P. M. made his assault. Gene ral Sherman says, “ I witnessed the assault from a rice mill on the opposite side of the river, and can bear testimony to the handsome manner in which it was accomplished.” Captain Gonyengham, in his “March through the South,” thus narrates the assault: ‘f-.Hazen brought no artillery, as the ground was too swampy to move it, and he had decided on taking the fort by a bold dash, and at the point of the bayonet. “ As soon as the line commenced moving over the open space the fort opened all its guns upon them. Hazen moving in a single line did not suffer much. “Their loss was mostly from torpedos, which now and then blew up, hurling piles of dirt on the column, and knocking some poor fellows over. The column was all this time rapidly closing up ; not a man wavered ; each resolved that the fort should be taken. As we got near enough we poured a steady fire in through the embras- ures, knocking off a good many of the gunners. We afterward found their bodies lying beside their pieces. The first obstruction we met was a thick abattis, which our troops tore up and crawled through. The column had now closed in around the fort; the guns were silenced, as nothing could live near them, so deadly was our fire. Only a deep ditch, studded with spikes, now separated us from the enemy. Into this the men jumped, tearing away the palisade, climbed up the crest, and mingled in a fierce hand-to-hand conflict with the foe. Shouts, groans and curses, the whir of the bullet, and the clash of steel rang from the enclosure. “The contest was of short duration, for our troops burst in on all sides, overpower- ing the enemy, who fought desperately, some of them being bayoneted at their pieces. The officers did all in their power to rally them; several of them preferring death to dishonor. “ The contest was over ; the palmetto had trailed in the dust; the stars and stripes had floated in its place. The fort was ours—thus opening the navigation of the river-—with its splendid guns, and large supply of arms, and a full cellar of rich old wines. This was one of the noblest exploits of the campaign, and proves how much quick, determined action can accomplish. Had Hazen sat down before this, to take it by regular siege, it would keep us days at work, and cost us more lives. As it was our loss in killed and wounded scarcely amounted to one lnmdred. “During the assault Generals Sherman and Howard and staifs occupied a Doctor Cheve’s rice mill, opposite the fort, on the Ogeechee. Sherman was on the roof of the mill. He had signal officers Berkely and Cole there to communicate With Hazen. While anxiously looking out for Hazen’s signals, Sherman’s eagle eye dcscried smoke in the distance-, seaward. As yet he had received no intelligence from the fleet, though Captain Duncan, chief of Howard’s scouts had started on the hazardous enter~ prise of opening communication with them as early as the 9th. 282 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. “ Sherman looked ; his bronzed features lighted up as he exclaimed—‘ Look, How- ard; there is the gunboat ! ’ “Soon after the guns of the fort opened one fierce fire, while puffs of smoke curled along Hazen’s line, showing that they were replying. Hazen signaled-- “ ‘I have invested the fort,’ and will assault immediately.’ “ Berkely announces a signal from the gunboat. All anxiously look out for it. The signals inform us that Foster and Dahlgren are within speaking distance, and ask- “ ‘ Can we run up‘? Is Fort McAllister ours?’ “ ‘N o, Hazen is just ready to storm it. Can you assist?’ “‘Yes; what shall we do ? ’ “Another moment, the thunder from the fort grew fiercer, the metallic rattle of small arms increase, and are borne clearly across the three miles of intervening marsh. Sherman looks toward the fort intensely with his glass, and exclaims, “ ‘How grandly they advance ! Not a waver !’ “ Again-—‘ Look, Howard, Look! Magnificent! See that flag how steadily it advances! Not aman falters! Grand, grand!’ Again he looks, and turns to Howard ; “ ‘They are closing in; there is faltering there ; no flinching. Stop; it has halted—-they are wavering—No, heavens ! it’s over the parapet! There, they go right over it! See, see, there is a flag, and another, and another on the works- Hurrah, it’s ours l The fort’s taken 1”’ The excitement of the great Captain was natural. He was about to take the key to Savannah; the fleet with its heavy guns and stores was at hand, and, beside, Hazen was leading his own old division, and he felt his old pride and soldierly affection all aglow. Turning to an aid he ordered a boat thathe might go to the captured fort, from which a half dozen flags were already flying. Illinois was fully represented in this brilliant assault. On the right of the attacking line was the 116th, under Lieutenant-Colonel Mad- dox, on the left, Colonel Martin commanded the 111th, in the center the old 48th was led by Major Adams, and the 90th by Colonel Stuart. Logan was not at the head of his old division, but it won that day laurels as unwithering as any with which his daring or genius had ever crowned it. Sherman went down to the fort, and gave cordial greeting to Hazen and his men, and entering another boat was rowed down the Ogee- chee until he met the tug Dandelion, Captain Williamson, and learned that his scout, Captain Duncan, had reached Dahlgren and General Foster, and that they were expected every hour in Ossabaw Sound He returned to the fort and wrote the Secretary of War: SUMMON TO SURRENDER. 283 “ The weather has been fine, and supplies were abundant. Our march has been most agreeable, and we were not at all worsted by guerrillas. * * * We have not lost a wagon on the trip, but have gathered in a large supply of negroes, mules, etc., and our trains are in much better condition than when we started. * * * * The quick work made with Fort McAllister, and the opening of communication with our fleet, and the consequent independence for supplies dis- sipates all their boasted threats to head me off and starve the army. I regard Savannah as already gained.” Major Strong, of Major-General Foster’s staff, arrived at the fort before daybreak, and informed General Sherman that General Fos- ter was in the Ogeechee on the steamer Nemaha. Sherman went to him, and after some time they proceeded down the sound in search of Dahlgren, whom they found about noon in Wassau Sound. Con- ference was held; Foster was to send some heavy artillery from Hilton Head; Dahlgren informed Sherman as to the fleet, the rebel forts guarding channels, etc., while Sherman informed the Admiral that with the exception of the plank-road on the South Carolina shore, Savannah was invested, and that he hoped to reach from his left flank across the Savannah River. He asked the fleet to engage the attention of the forts along the Wilmington Channel at Beau- lieu and Rosedew, and he would take Savannah with his men as soon as his heavy guns could arrive from Hilton Head. Returning to his lines in the rear of Savannah, on the 15th, Gene- ral Sherman considered with care the reports of his subordinates, and formed his plan for assaulting the city on the arrival of the guns to be sent by General Foster. Several thirty-pounder Parrotts reached King’s Bridge on the 17th, and he sent to Hardee, by flag of truce, a formal demand for the surrender of the city, and as a suggestion, enclosed a copy of Hood’s demand for the surrender of Dalton, with its sanguinary alternative, “ No prisoners being taken in case of a iefusal.” Hardee answered coolly that the investment was incomplete; that he had men and means to hold out, and that he should not surrender. General Sherman decided after careful and scientific reconnois- sance from the left flank that it was not prudent to push any consider- able force across the Savannah River, under fire from the rebel iron- clad gunboats, which could destroy our pontoons,' and isolate any force which might cross from Hutchinson’s Island to the South Caro- 284 PATRIOTISM or rumors. lina shore. Arrangements were made for Slocum to assault, while he went in person to Port Royal, and arranged with Foster to rein- force a division placed in the point between the Coosawhatchie and Tullifenney rivers, at the head of Broad River, where he could bring his artillery. There was a chivalrous strife among division com- manders who should first enter the city. Preparations for the assault were nearly complete, when Hardee decided to retreat. Accordingly he opened a fierce fire of shot and shell on the Union lines, from gunboats and batteries. On the night of the 20th he decamped, pentooned the river, and marched toward Charleston on the only open road. General Geary, suspecting the movement, pushed his division up to the city, and on the morning of the 21st received the surrender of Savannah from the hands of the Mayor, and sent the tidings to his superior, General Slocum. Sherman sent to President Lincoln this note, dated December 22d: “I beg to present you as a Christmas gift with one hundred and fifty heavy guns, and plenty of ammunition, and also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton.” The sea was reached. The wonderful march was made-—the con- quering army had established its base-—‘tons of letters from home were received, and eagerly read; and the army of the Union had made another grand stage toward its final goal. Colonel Bowman, in his valuable work, “ Sherman and his Cam- paigns,” thus sums up: “The army marched over three hundred miles in twenty-four days, directly through the heart of Georgia, and reached the sea with its subsistence trains almost unbroken. In the entire command, five bfficers and fifty-eight men killed, thirteen oflicers and two hundred and thirty-two men wounded, and one oificerand two hundred and fifty- eight men missing; making a total list of casualties of but nineteen commissioned officers and five hundred and forty-eight men, or five hundred and sixty-seven of all ranks. Seventy-seven ofiicers and twelve hundred and sixty-one men of the Con- federate army, or thirteen hundred and thirty-eight in all, were made prisoners. Ten thousand negroes left the plantations of their former masters, and accompanied the column when it reached Savannah, without taking note of thousands more who joined the army, but from various causes had to leave it at different points. Over 20,000 bales of cotton were burned beside the 25,000 captured at Savannah. 13,000 head of beef-cattle, 9,500,000 pounds of corn, and 10,500,000 pounds of fodder were taken from the country, and issued to the troops and animals. The men lived mainly on the sheep, hogs, turkeys, geese, chickens, sweet potatoes and rice gathered by the foragers from the plantations along the route of each day’s march. Sixty thou- sand, taking merely of the surplus which fell in their way as they marched rapidly LINCOLN T0 snnnnan. 285 over the main roads, subsisted for three weeks in the very country where the Union prisoners at Andersonville were starved to death or idiocy. Five thousand horses and four thousand mules were impressed for the cavalry and trains; three hundred and twenty miles of, railway were destroyed, and the last remaining links of com- munication between the Confederate armies in Virginia, and the West effectually seve_red by burning every tie, twisting every rail while heated red hot over the flam- ing piles of ties, and laying in ruin every depot, engine-house, repair-shop, water- tank and turn-table.” This wonderful march, made in four great columns, was from first to last a mystery to the rebel authorities, who knew not at what point the cloud they saw would launch its vengeful bolt. Their old van- tage of interior lines was gone. Mr. Lincoln was overjoyed. From the time the army leaped from its base at Atlanta until the head of the conquering column was before Savannah the Government was in suspense, hearing nothing except through rebel journals. Sherman’s brief dispatch brought unutterable gladness to the patriot President. He immediately replied: “Exscurrvn MANSION, “WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec._26, 1864. “MY DEAR GENERAL SHERMAN: “ Many, many thanks for your Christmas gift, the capture of Savannah. “ When you were about to leave Atlanta for the Atlantic coast, I was anxious, if not fearful ; but feeling you were the better judge, and remembering that ‘ nothing risked, nothing gained,’ I did not interfere. Now, the undertaking being a success, the honor is all yours, for I believe none of us went further than to acquiesce. And taking the work of General Thomas into the count, as it should be taken, it is, indeed, a great success. “Not only does it afford the obvious and immediate millitary advantages, but in showing to the world that your army could be divided, putting the stronger part to an important new service, and yet leaving enough to vanquish the old opposing forces of the whole—Hood’s army--it brings those who sat in darkness to see a great light. “But what next? I suppose it will be safe if I leave General Grant and your- self to decide. “Please make my grateful acknowledgments to your whole army, oflicers and men. “Yours, very truly, “A. L1NcoLN.” From Chattanooga to Savannah, and the end not yet. CHAPTER XVIII. THE CLOSE OF 1864—THE OPENING OF 1865. ’ Q Ma. STANToN’s SUMMARY or l864—REsIrME-—-BANKS--SHERMAN—STANTON AND THOMAS -Hoon’s ARMY Dssrnorsn-—Jomv MORGAN—OTHER 0PERATIONS——IN THE EAST- THE VALLEY or THE SHENANDOAH-—SHERIDAN--THE Losr BATTLE SAVED-—OPENING YEAR-—GRA.\*T Rnronrs THE SITUATIoN--SrAN'ro1\"s ENUMERATION——REDUCTION or Fonr FIsrIER—ScHoFIELn’s CoRrs—BATrLn AT Kn\"GsToN—CANBY’s DEPARTMENT- MOBILE—-DEFENCES--THE FORTS-—FARRAGU'1‘—-THE PLAN——-LASHED VESSELS——PASS THE FORTS—GUNBOATS—-RAM TENNESSEE——TERRIF1C FIGHT—-TR[UMPH—MOBILE BAY Ouas—-Fears SURRENDER—THE Orrv IIWESTED-—CARR’s BRIGADES ASSAULT AND CARRY THE SPANISH FORT—FORT BLAKELEY TAKEN—OUR LOSSES-—MOBILE OURS—— LossEs—GAPTUREs-W1LsoN’s GIGANTIc ALABAMA RAID-ANDERSONVILLE-—REGOR.D or ITS Houonnn DEAD. HE year was closing with grand achievements to the cause of the Union. The Secretary of War reported the forces under arms at the opening of the spring campaigns as follows: Department of Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42,124 ArmyofthePotomac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 120,380 Department of Virginia and North Carolina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,139 DepartmentoftheSouth........................... . . . . . . . . . . .. 18,165 Departmentof theGu1f . . . . . . . . . .......... ........ . . . . . . . . .. 61,866 Department of Arkansas . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 23,666 Department of the Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,174 Departmentof the Missouri.......................... . . . . . . . . . .. 15,770 Department of the Northwest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,295 Departmentof Kansas.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,798 Head-quarters military division of the’ Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . 4'76 Department of the Cumberland........... . . . . . . . . . 119,948 Department of the Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,416 Northern Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,546 Department of West 30,782 East.-000000 IOOOQQOOOOIQQU..I...l..\I.. IIOI Department of the Susquehanna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,970 THoMAs’ REPORT. 287 Middle Department............................................ 5,627 NinthArmyCorps . . . . ......................................... 20,780 Department of NewMexico..................................... 3,454 Department of the Pacific................. 5,141 I ' . . . . . ' I O I O IQIIOIOIII...IIl........II.I.l.'.I..I....’. The spring operations of the West began in March with the ill-fated expedition of Banks against Kirby Smith, costing our State so heavily in the loss of men. Sherman began his brilliant campaigns in May. Atlanta gained, Hood was bated with the golden apple of West Tennessee, and clutched eagerly at the tempting l_ure. We have seen the result. Secretary Stanton, inhis report, thus introduces and quotes from General Thomas: “ While General Sherman’s army was marching south from Atlanta to the sea coast, the rebel army under Hood, strongly reinforced, was moving north, threatening Ten- nessee. The task of encountering this formidable foe, and defending the border states from invasion, was entrusted to Major-General George H. Thomas, who was ably assisted by his second in command, Major-General Schofield. In his report, General Thomas says: “ ‘I found myself confronted by the army which, under General J . E. Johnston, had so skillfully resisted the advance of the whole active army of the military divi- sion of the Mississippi, from Dalton to the Chattahoochee, reinforced by a well-equip- ped and enthusiastic cavalry command of over 12,000 men, led by one of the boldest and most successful cavalry commanders in the rebel army. My information, from all sources, confirmed the reported strength stated of Hood’s army to be from forty to forty-five thousand infantry, and from twelve to fifteen thousand cavalry. My effective force, at this time, consisted of the 4th Corps, about 12,000, under Major- General D. S. Stanley; the 23d Corps, about 10,000, under Major-General Schofield; Hatcher’s division of cavalry, about 4,000; Croxton’s brigade, 2,500, and Capron’s brigade, of about 1,200. The balance of my force was distributed along the rail- road, and posted at Murfreesboro, Stevenson, Bridgeport, Huntsville, Decatur, and Chattanooga, to keep open our communications, and hold the posts above named, if attacked, until they could be reinforced, as up to this time it was impossible to deter- mine which course Hood would take, advance on Nashville, or turn toward Hunts- ville. Under these circumstances, it was manifestly best to act on the defensive until sufficiently reinforced to justify taking the offensive. On the 12th of Novem- ber communication with General Sherman was severed, the last dispatch from him leaving Cartersville, Georgia, at 2:25 P. M. on that date. He had started on his great expedition from Atlanta to the sea board, leaving me to guard Tennessee, or pursue the enemy if he followed the commanding General’s column. It was, there- fore, with considerable anxiety that we watched the force at Florence, to discover what course they would pursue with regard to°General Sherman’s movements, deter- mining thereby whether the troops under my command, numbering less than half those under Hood, were to act on the defensive in Tennessee, or take the offensive in Alabama.’ ” 288 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. The battles of Franklin and Nashville, and the subsequent pursuit destroy'ed Hood’s army, and the organization which wrought so fear- fully at Shiloh, Stone River and Chickamauga passed out of existence. In the battle of Franklin, alone, it lost six general oflicers killed, six wounded and one captured, and a further loss in killed, wounded and prisoners of 6,239. At Nashville the final blow was given, and it was crumbled into fragments, and the host led by Bragg, the two J ohnstons and Hood was no more. It had been ably commanded, and gallantly had it fought. It was only beaten by superior ability, and a better cause. John Morgan made, in June, another invasion upon the quasi-loyal state of Kentucky, was beaten by Burbridge on the 12th, and killed - by General Gillam’s command in the following September. “In the month of November, a rebel expedition, under Breckinridge, Duke and Vaughn, was repulsed by General Ammon, and driven from East Tennessee. An expedition, under General Stoneman and General Burbridge, penetrated to Saltville, in Southwestern Virginia, destroyed the works at that place, broke up the railroads, and inflicted great destruction upon the enemy’s supplies and communications. “ After the withdrawal of our troops from the Red River, a large rebel force advanced under Sterling Price into Kansas, and pene- trated thence into the department of the Missouri. But they were at length driven back with heavy loss. “ Other military operations, of greater or less magnitude, occur- red during the year-—some attended with disaster, some with brilliant success. Of the former class were Kilpatrick’s raid against Rich- mond, the capture of Plymouth and its garrison, at the commence- ment of the year, by the rebels under Hoke; the defeat of the expe- dition from Memphis, under General Sturgis; the capture of Fort Pillow by Chalmers and Forrest, and Stoneman’s expedition to Andersonville. On the other,hand, the raids of Grierson from Mem- phis, in December, of Stoneman and Burbridge into Virginia, of Wilson into Alabama, inflicted sore distress upon the enemy, and brought the rebels to a solemn sense of the sufferings caused to them- selves by the war they had undertaken against their Government.” —Secretary Stanton’s report. 0 = Eastward, momentous events were transpiring. In Vol. I., th snnnrnan. 289 movements of Grant and Mead were outlined down to the siege of Petersburg, June 16th. There, the army of the great leader, Robert E. Lee, was held before the defences of the rebel capital, chafing furiously, as the armies of the West melted before Sherman and Thomas, and city after city opened its gates to the triumphant con- querors of the Union. The valley of the Shenandoah had been the theater of adverse . contests throughout the war, relieved by partial victories and half successes. This was to change. Says the Secretary of War: “Active operations were also going on in the valley of the Shenandoah. On the 1st of May an expedition, under Generals Crook and Averill was sent out by Gene- ral Sigel, which reached Wytheville, and accomplished the destruction of much rebel property. General Sigel advanced, on the 8th day of May, with his force, from Winchester to New Market, where, met by the enemy under General Breckin~ ridge, he was defeated, and fell back to Cedar Creek. General’Hunter was then placed in command of the department. He marched with a strong force toward Staunton, and in a brilliant engagement at Piedmont defeated the enemy with severe loss. Advancing to Staunton, he was joined there by Crook and Averil, and moved against Lynchburg. Reinforcements from the enemy having arrived before him, General Hunter retired by way of the Kanawha. Meanwhile, in order to repair the losses of the Army of the Potomac, the chief part of the force designed to guard the middle department and the department of Washington was called forward to the front. Taking advantage of this state‘ of affairs, in the absence of General Hunter’s command, the enemy made a large detachment from their army at Richmond, which, under General Early, moved down the Shenandoah Valley, threatening Baltimore and Washington. Their advance was checked at Monocacy, where a severe engage; ment was fought by our troops under General Wallace, reinforced by a part of the 6th Corps under General Ricketts. After this battle the enemy continued to advance until they reached intrenchments around Washington. Here they were met by troops from the Army of the Potomac, consisting of the 6th Corps, under General Wright, a part of the 8th Corps, under General Gillmore, and a part of the 19th Corps, just arrived from New Orleans, under General Emory. By these troops the enemy was driven back from Washington, and retreated hastily to Virginia, pursued by our forces under General Wright. “On the 7th of August, 1864, General Sheridan was placed in command of the military division comprising the department of Washington, the department of West Virginia, the department of the Susquehanna, and the middle department. In two great battles, at the crossing of the Opequan on the 19th of September, and at Fisher’s Hill on the 22d of September, the rebel army under Early was routed, and driven from the valley with immense loss of prisoners, artillery and stores. A desperate effort was niade by the enemy to recover their position. Early was strongly reinforced, and on the morning of the 19th of October, in the absence of General Sheridan, his lines were surprised, his position turned, and his forces driven back in confusion. At the moment when a great disaster was impending, Sheridan 19 290 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. appeared upon the field, the battle was restored, and a brilliant victory achieved. The routed forces of the enemy were pursued to Mount Jackson, where he arrived without an organized regiment of his army. All his artillery, and thousands of prisoners fell into Sheridan’s hands. These successes closed military operations in the Shenandoah Valley, and a rebel force appeared there no more during the war.” The campaigns of Sheridan have the charm and glitter of romance, and yet were substantial realities. History has no parallel to his appearance upon the lost field at Middletown. Five hours of disaster had crushed hope; defeat was ordered, and grave peril was upon our cause, for the doors of the Shenandoah were to be thrown wide open for the descent upon the capital. . Sheridan had been to Washington and, returning, had slept at Winchester, where the booming artillery informed him that a battle was raging without him. Attended by his orderly he galloped to the field, and as he met the retreating troops swung his cap and shouted, “Face the other way, boys. We are going back to our camps. We are going to lick them out of their boots.” Reaching the army, he countermanded the order for retreat ; rode for two hours along his lines, arranging them for an assault upon the flushed foe, saying, “ Boys, if I had been here this never should have happened. I tell you it never should have happened. And now, we are going back to our camps. We are going to get a twist on them. We are going to lick them out of their boots.” Not very Ciceronic was the speech, but it had eifect, and was followed by loud huzzahs, and enthusiastic cheers. And when ready, he swept Early from the field. A defeated army was reinforced simply by its General and his orderly—not by fresh troops—and a disastrous defeat was converted into a glorious victory. The campaigns of the Shenandoah placed Sheridan as only below Grant and Sherman, and as the equal of Meade and Thomas; the subsequent battle of Five Forks assured the justice of the verdict. The country approved when he was promoted Major- General of the regular army in place of George B. McClellan, resigned. The new year opened with notes of preparation for the final strug- gle. Volunteers were being raised, State executives were bestirring themselves, a draft for 500,000 had been ordered, and the people were responding, as ever, to the calls upon them. All eyes were turned upon the movements in Virginia, and Sherman’s contem- GRANT on THE srruanon. 291 plated march through the Carolinas, in preparation for which he was resting and clothing his half-naked troops at Savannah. Lieutenant-General Grant thus states the situation: “ In March, 1865, General Ganby was moving an adequate force against Mobile, and the army defending it, under General Dick Taylor; Thomas was pushing out two large and well appointed cavalry‘ expeditions——one from Middle Tennessee, under Bi-evet Major-General Wilson, against the enemy’s vital points in Alabama; the other from East Tennessee, under Major-General Stoneman, toward Lynchburg-n and assembling the remainder of his available forces, preparatory to offensive opera- tions from East Tennessee ; General Sheridan’s cavalry was at White House ; the armies of the Potomac and James were confronting the enemy under Lee in his ' defences of Richmond and Petersburg; General Stoneman with his armies, reinforced by that of General Schofield, was at Goldsboro; General Pope was making prepara- tions for a spring campaign against the enemy under Kirby Smith and Price, west of the Mississippi, and General~ Hancock was concentrating a force in the vicinity of Winchester, Virginia, to _ guard against invasion, or to operate offensively, as might prove necessary.” The Secretary of War thus states the force in military service : “ Official reports show that on the 1st of March, 1865, the aggregate national mili- tary force of all arms, officers and men, was nine hundred and sixty-five thousand five hundred and ninety-one, to wit: Available force presentfor duty...................... . . . . . 602,598 On detached service in the different military departments . . . . . 132,538 ‘ Infieldhospitals,orunfitforduty.......................... . . . . .. 35,628 In general hospitals, or on sick leave at home...................... 143,419‘ Absent on furlough, or as prisoners of War......... . . . . . . . . . 31,695 Absentwithoutleave........... . . . . . . 19,683 Grandaggregate......................... ................... 965,591 “This force was augmented on the 1st of May, 1865, by enlistments, to the number of one million five hundred and sixteen of all arms, oflicers and men, (1,000,516). “ The aggregate available force present for duty on the 1st of March was distributed in the different commands as follows: ArmyoftheP0tomac........... . . . . . . . . . . 103,278 Head-quarters military division of the Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Department of the Cumberland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,626 Depai-tmentofthe'['ennessee . . . . 45,649 Leftwing,ArmyofGeorgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,644 Cavalry corps military divisions of the Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,410 Head-quarters military division of West Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Reserve brigades military division of West Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,748 Departmentof the Gulf.-noocoloo.~cQ................10000000000 Departmentof Arkansas................. ....... ..-........... 24,509 292 PATRIOTISM or rumors. Department of the Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,151 SixtecnthArmyCorps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,395 Head-quarters military division of the Missouri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . 12 Department of the Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,557 Department of theNorthwest.................... 4,731 Head-quarters middle military division. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841 Cavalry forces middle military division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,980 Nineteenth Army Corps............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,612 MiddleDepartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,089 Department of Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,056 Department of West Virginia..... . . . . . . . . . 15,517 Department of Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . .. 820 Department of theEast........................ . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,462 Department of Virginia. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45,986 Departmentof NorthCarolina . . . . . 34,945 DepartmentoftheSouth............ . . . . . ..., . . . . 11,510 Departmentof Kentucky........ ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,655 Northern Department.......................................... 11229 Departmentof thePacific....................................... 7,024 DepartmentofNewMexico........................ .. . . . . . . . . .. 2501 O Tota-LOIOOOOIOQQIIIOIIOQOOOCIOQQQOIOIQIOOOOOOOOOIOOOII The reduction of Fort Fisher was the first important occurrence of the new year. The Secretary of War says: “The active operations of 1865 began with the reduction of Fort Fisher, by a combined expedition of land and naval forces. The port of Wilmington, North Carolina, during the whole war, has been a principal point of foreign trade with the rebels. The advantage of its position defied the most rigorous blockade, and, after the fall of Savannah, it was the only gate through which foreign supplies could pass to the rebels. The strong works and garrison of Fort Fisher, at the mouth of Cape Fear River, were the main defence of Wilmington. On the 13th of December a force of about 6,500 men, under Major-General Butler, started from Fortress Mon- roe to operate in conjunction with a naval force under Admiral Porter, against Fort Fisher. General Butler effected a landing on the 25th of December, but re-embarked on the 27th, and returned with his troops to Fortress Monroe. The Lieutenant- General ordered the enterprise to be renewed by General Terry, who, on the 2d of January, was placed in command of the same troops, with a reinforcement that made the whole number about 8,000. On the morning of the 13th of January the troops were disembarked, under cover of a heavy, effective fire from the fleet. An assault was made in the afternoon of the 15th of January, and after desperate hand- to-hand fighting for several hours, the works were carried, the enemy driven out, and about midnight the whole garrison, with its commander, General Whiting, Sm-- rendered. The fall of Fort Fisher carried with it the other defenses of Cape Fear River. Fort Caswell and the works on Smith’s Island fell into our hands on the 16th and 17th, Fort Anderson on the 19th, and, General Schofield advancing, the enemy were driven from Wilmington on the 21st of February.” oANBY’s DEPARTMENT. 293 / This indicates the presence of Western troops. After the victory of Nashville, General A. J . Smith was ordered to report to General Canby, while Schofield was assigned to the command of the military department of North Carolina, and ordered to report to General Sherman, and his corps, the 23d, was taken East, and sent to Fort Fisher and Newbern, without the loss of a man or an animal.‘ Early in March he pushed inland, to meet Sherman at Goldsboro. Near Kingston, on the 10th, his advance was struck by the enemy, who captured two or three guns and a line of skirmishers. Flushed with this success, they came on in force, attempting to carry his entrench- ments, and cut his center. They met the stern, steady fire, and cool courage of the veterans of Franklin and Nashville, and after seve- ral repulses, retreated, leaving their dead and wounded on our hands, with several hundred prisoners. They made another stand at Kings- ton, but were compelled to retreat. Schofield made his way to Goldsboro. After the Red River disaster, a change was made in the military organization west of the Mississippi. The departments of Arkan- sas and the Gulf, including Louisiana and Texas, were placed in one military division, called West Mississippi, and Major-General Canby placed in command. Within it transpired events of much impor- tance, which only the magnitude of our movements elsewhere pre- vented from being famous. In July, 1864, Mobile was attacked by the land and naval forces. Three lines of strong earthworks extended five or six miles in the rear of the city; along the east coast of Mobile Bay was a line of formidable batteries of thirty-two pound rifled cannon, mounted in earthworks. Forts Morgan and Gaines commanded the entrance to the bay, while between them and the city the channels were obstructed by piles, deeply driven, sunken stone-boats, etc., while in the Mobile River, above the city, four wooden gunboats and an iron-clad ram kept watchful custody. Farragut came with his fleet, and a land force, under Gordon Granger, was sent by General Canby, who came in person. July 8th a consultation between the Admiral and the two Generals decided upon investing Fort Gaines. The fleet was to cover the landing of a force on Dauphin’s Island, and the 4th of August was finally fixed as the time. 294 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. ' On that day our fleet, twenty-six sail, including three monitors-— two double and one single turrets--and an iron-clad double-ender commenced closing in their lines southeast of Fort Morgan, as if intending to gather about Fort Gaines. Under the darkness of the preceding night Granger’s force of about 4,000 having been placed on Dauphin’s Island, kept up a fire upon Gaines as though it was meant to be assailed by land and sea. The Admiral lashed his vessels two abreast, and on the morning of the 5th steamed up the main chan- nel, opening fire forty-seven minutes past six. Then ensued a fear- ful fight. The heavy guns of the forts opened upon the ships—the Tecumseh was torn by a torpedo, reeled, staggered and went down, carrying into the depth most of her gallant crew. The fleet pressed steadily onward, and passed the forts a little before 8 o’clock._ The ram Tennessee made a fruitless attack upon the flag-ship Hartford, and our vessels rushed upon the rebel gunboats. The Selma was. captured by the Metacomet, and the Morgan and Gaines compelled to seek shelter under the guns of Fort Morgan, the latter was run down and destroyed, while the Morgan got into Mobile. The iron ram, the Tennessee, now made a rush for the flag-ship. Commander Strong struck it with the full weight of the Monongahalia, carried away the'iron prow and cut-water of his ship, doing the rebel no perceptible harm. Captain Marchand dashed the Lackawanna upon it full speed, crashing planking and timbers, but only rasing the rebel craft slightly. The Hartford now drove upon the Tennessee, but the wary pilot shifted the helm, and the blow was a glancing one, but as the vessels crashed past each other the Hartford delivered her port- broadside of nine-inch solid shot within ten feet of her adversary’s casemate. Our monitors came up, and worked slowly, delivering their fire as they could, while a shot from the Manhattan broke the rebel armor, and penetrated the wooden backing. The Hartford and Lackawanna, making for the enemy, came in contact, seriously injur- ing the former, but they soon cleared, and again bore down upon the Tennessee, which was in a strait place. The Chickasaw was strik- ing constantly upon the stern, the Ossipee was coming up under full head of steam, three other huge ships were bearing down upon her, her smoke-stack and steering chains were gone, compelling the resort to her relieving tackles, and several of her port-shutters were badly MOBILE BAY ouns. 295 jammed. From the time she received the desperate rush of the Hartford she had not fired a gun. Longer resistance was vain, the white flag was raised; the Ossipee stopped her engines, but could not be checked so as to prevent striking a glancing blow. - It was a severe and sanguinary fight, and Farragut lost more men from the Tennessee and the gunboats than from the heavy fire of the batteries. It was another demonstration of the strength of vessels» -of that class. Admiral Buchanan was wounded in the leg, and him- self and Commodore Johnston surrendered. Admiral Farragut lashed himself to the mast, and thus directed the fight. Fort Powell surrendered on the 7th; Fort Gaines followed, and the channel was ours. Fort Morgan held out, and on the 21st , Granger notified Admiral Farragut that he would be ready to open fire early the next morning. Accordingly the fleet took position in order of battle, a rain of shot and shell poured upon the fort. During the shelling the citadel was fired, and the enemy unable to extinguish the flames was compelled to flood his magazine with water, to throw vast quantities of powder into the wells. The following morning General Page sent a flag of truce to Granger asking for terms of capitulation. After consulting with the Admiral unconditional surrender was demanded and conceded. General Page acquired deserved odium by destroying property after the surrender. By this important and brilliant success we virtually secured the important city of Mobile and its harbor, a large number of excellent guns, 1,500 prisoners, and sealed Mobile Bay against the blockade runners of “ neutral powers.” ' A number of minor expeditions were successfully undertaken in this department. Mobile was not taken, but its time was at hand. We will antici- pate somewhat its order, and give the account of its capture. Grant ordered a demonstration against Mobile to keep occupied a large rebel force in Alabama, and prevent it moving to reinforce General Lee. Canby commenced his operations March 20th. Light-draft vessels had been gathered in Mobile Bay to assist the troops. A. J . Smith took his veterans from Gaines’ Fort to Fish River, where he was joined by Granger with the old scarred 13th Corps, brought 296 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. from Fort Morgan. Two forts obstructed the passage of the gun- boats to the city-—the Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely. The Spanish Fort was to be first attacked, the navy to engage the water batteries, the land forces the rear works. Heavy siege guns were brought, and the bombardment opened on the 4th of April. On the 8th a furious bombardment was made, and continued for three hours, our fire telling with fearful precision. At 3 P. M. two of Garr’s brigades made their way rapidly to the rampa1‘ts,.scaled them amid shouts of exultation, carried 300 yards of the works, made themselves secure, and waited for daylight to “go in,” but the admonished garrison capitulated at LA. M., the same day that Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia. These brigades comprised some of the best regiments from Illinois. Says Colonel Howe, “The 81st and 124th were in the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 16th Army Corps. Their guns were first to wake up the enemy at Mobile, and it was this brigade that led in the despe- rate charge on Spanish Fort on the 8th of Apn'l.” The scarred 72d was in the other brigade. The 33d was also engaged. On the same day General Steele assaulted Fort Blakely. As the orders for the assault were being read a dispatch announced Lee’s surrender. The effect was magical. The gallant men went forward gaily, removed obstructions under a galling fire, and among burst- ing torpedoes. The way clear, they crossed the ditch, scaled and carried the works in front, while Rinnekin and Gilbert turned the right, and entered the fort about the same time. White and colored troops vied in this assault. Our loss was near 1,000; the enemy suffering much less. We captured 3,300 prisoners, 4,000 stand of arms and 32 pieces of artillery. The navy worked its way toward the city, through a channel sown with torpedoes. On the 12th, as our column moved to invest the city, its evacuation was announced. To the 8th Illinois Infantry, as having been first to mount the Works of Fort Blakeley, and plant upon them our nationol colors, it was accorded the honor of marching first into Mobile. A soldier’s letter from that regiment says, “ Which was done on the 12th of April, about 3 P. M. We were greeted with cheers and welcomed wILsoN’s man. 297 at every point by a majority of the citizens. They all express sur- prise and satisfaction at the marked good behavior of the Union troops. The 8th and 28th Illinois, and 29th Wisconsin, are on duty in and around the city.” The 58th Illinois and 117th participated in the same charge.- Our loss in capturing the city was 2,000 men, two heavy iron- clads, one tin-clad, and one transport. Admiral Thatcher, who com- manded the fleet, reported 400 guns captured. A raid of much importance was almost overlooked in the excite- ment of the great events of the closing months of the war. We give it in the language of the Lieutenant-General’s ofiicial report. It refers to General Wilson’s raid: “ The expedition, consisting of 12,500 mounted men, was delayed by rains until March 22d, when it moved from Chickasaw, Alabama. On the first of April General Wilson encountered the enemy in force, under Forrest, near Ebenezer Church, drove him in confusion, cap- tured 300 prisoners, and three guns, and destroyed the Central Bridge over the Cahawba river. On the 2d he attacked and cap- tured the fortified city of Selma, defended by Forrest, with 7,000 men and thirty-two guns, destroyed the arsenal, armory, navy foun- dery, machine shops, vast quantities of stores, and captured 3,000 prisoners. On the 4th he captured and destroyed Tuscaloosa. On the I0th he crossed the Alabama river, and after sending informa- tion of his operations to General Canby, marched on Montgomery,- which place be occupied on the 14th, the enemy having abandoned it. At this place many stores and five steamboats fell into our hands. Then a force marched direct on Columbus, and another on West Point, both of which places were assaulted and captured on the 16th. At the former place we got 1,500 prisoners and fifty-two field guns, destroyed ten gun-boats, the navy yard, founderies, arsenal, many factories, and much public property. At the latter place we got 300 prisoners, four guns, and destroyed nineteen loco- motives and three hundred cars. On the 20th he took possession of Macon, with sixty field guns, 1,200 militia, and five generals, sur- rendered by Howell Cobb.” This is one of the most successful and gigantic raids known to history, and had it not happened at a time when great victories 298 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. were of constant occurrence, it would have set the nation ablaze with excitement. . A few weeks later, May 11th, Wilson’s command captured the arch-rebel, J efl‘. Davis, attempting to escape; Colonel Pritchard, of the 4th Michigan Cavalry, surprising his encampment and seizing him and Postmaster General Reagan. We close this chapter with a sad record. The fact that our cap- tured soldiers were subjected to the grossest indignities, and most unheard of sufferings, was early brought to the attention of our gov- ernment, but all efforts to right the cruel wrong were abortive. It seemed to be the cool, fiendish policy of the rebel authorities to ren- der our men unfit for duty when exchanged. They were reduced by slow starvation to the verge of death—some, alas many, beyond it. Andersonville, Millen, Columbia, Florence, Salisbury, Danville, Libby Prison, &c., have ghastly records, and thousands yet living can never remember them without a sickening shudder. At Ander- sonville, Georgia, the treatment was diabolical. Sherman’s march demonstrated that the land abounded with food, and yet our brave men died there by thousands for want of food, rotten with scurvy, prey to venom, shot, beaten—but we will not write the enormities only too clearly proven. The camp, near dense forests, yet no shelter from the Southern sun, was permitted either to strong or weak. Twenty acres were enclosed within the stockade, and in the céuter was a “ dismal swamp,” and here a score and a half thousand of our citizens, sons and brothers, were shut in at once. Some courted death by crossing the dead line, some sank into idiocy or went raving mad, some attempted escape, and were hunted down with blood- hounds. The’depraved villain, Captain Wirz, was tried, and upon sentence of a military court, hanged for his barbarism in coolly tortur- ing prisoners to death. That was well, but the “ Southern gentle- men ” who sat in the Presidential and Cabinet chairs of the Con- federacy, and commanded its armies, were far more guilty than Wirz, their miserable tool. We append a record of the soldiers from this state, known to have died in this horrible prison——died true to their country, for they would not have life at the cost of the loss of truth and fealty. The list comprises those who died from March 7, 1864, to January 1, ANDEESONVILLE DEAD. 299 1865, and was carefully copied from the death-register, by N. Rice Grevelle, of Company I, 6th Illinois Cavalry, while he was in the hospital at that place. The list,comprises all the Illinois men who died there within the dates named. The name, company, regi- ment, datc of death, and number of grave of each is given: mama. DATE. NAME AND ll-EGIMEIT. 7th. Corporal M. R. Kell, D,49th infantry,...................... . . . . 8th. Charles W. Prestoy, M, 8th cavalry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15th. William Tunlee, D, 16th cavalry.................................. 16th. Charles Myres, B, 16th eavalryn............................ . . . . .. 17th. Thomas McLarry, L, 16th cavalry................................ 17th. 19th. 19th. 19th. 21 st. 21st. 25th. 26th. 27th. 28th. 28th. 30th. .............'........'.II W. Hake, E, 16th cavalry............ David Hill, A, 36th infantry............. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . .... Philip Zo1am,I,44thinfantry.................. . . . . . . . . . . James Kimball, L, 2d artillery. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . William Horseman, 1, 16th cavalry.............. . . . . . . GustavusWill,E,16th cavalry............................ John Kunklc,G, 16th cavalry............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. P. Polk, G, 112th infantry..................... H. Hannah, C,107thinfantry............................ . . . . . LeviEadley,H,26thinfantry................. . . . . . . . . . C. Errickson, M, 16th cavalry............... William Collin, G, 93d infantry. . . . . . . ..Q'..II.. . C . I ...... 00 00-00 OQOOOOOIOIOOIOIIII'OO APRIL. 1st. Joseph Neal, K, 16th cavalry . . . . . . .. . . 2d. WilliamNewbury,M,2dartillery . . . . . . . . . 2d. John Cole, E, 112th infantry............................. 2d. Sergeant Erastus Rudd, K, 100th infantry...... 2d. Jaf. Sipple,E,107thinfantry................ . . . . . ........ . . . . . 3d. John Harlee, E, 65th infantry . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... 4th. George W. Devars, B, 21st infantry.................... . 4th. Andrew Davis, A, 112th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4th. George B. Sweet, L, 7th cavalry................................... 5th. A. Metcham,E, 92d infantry..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6th. JamesPenny,D,14th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . 6th. JohnKign,E, 22d infantry . . . . . 6th. Corporal W. Phillips, L, 16th cavalry.. . . . . . . .. . 7th. J. Belisky, D,16th cavalry..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8th. Sergeant A. D. Matheny, 1, 79th infantry. . . . .. . . .. . 8th. Louis Frass, E, 16th cavalry.............. 8th. Edward Nashen, A, 65th infantry.................................. 9th. Albert Cault, A, 116th infantry.. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 11th. George B. Fuller, D, 123d infantry..................... . . . . 12th. George Taylor, M, 16th cavalry..............".......-.'.......... 30- 01' GRAVE. 18 23 46 50 56 63 6'7 '72 82 89 90 158 161 187 209 214 257 ..U.I.l.O..I..I0.0.IO IOOOOIOOOOOOOOOQ 283 299 300 306 309 318 352 356 362 381 393 396 410 411 429 432 438 446 497 502 300 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. mu. mun: mm aromas. so. or earn. 12th. A. E. Clark, I, 16thcava1ry...................................... 504 12th. William Sweet, E, 89th infantry..............~................... 505 13th. W. B. Barr,E, 112thinfantry......... . . . . 526 13th.E.J.Rolla,G,103d infantry............. . . . . 528 13th. John Fowler, D, 49th infantry.. 531 14th. Martin Van Buren Trailer, I, 16th cavalry . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 16th. Hospital Steward, John Garvin, 57th infantry. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . 579 19th. George Byres, B, 65th infantry. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626 20th. Thomas Jones, E, 112th infantry. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 644 20th. JohnKrebs,K,16thcaval'ry . . . . . . . . 652 22d. J. Carroll, H, 5th cavalry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 666 23d. David Kirnchans, G, 65th infantry.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 685 23d. B. McSheine, K, 80th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 692 231. D. Kinderman, D, 82d infantry. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 696 25th. N. Hilderbrand, G, 24th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . 725 26th. Benjamin Weeks, L, 16th cavalry. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742 26th. O.Podoers,A, 12th infantry..................................... 747 26th. L. Trowbridge, M, 16th 751 28th. George Greaves,K, 16th cavalry................................. 783 80th. JosephTaylor, F, 4th cavalry.... . . . . 809 30th. J. Morris, H, 15th infantry 816 mar. 3d. S. L. Stine, G, 41stinfantry..................................-..... 855 sa. ThomasB. Mason, B, 93dinfantry.................................. 863 8th. SergeantP.Manty,E,16theavalry................................ 953 8th. ThomasLee,E,8th infantry . . . . 963 9th. 0. Basting, B, 47th infantry . . . . . . . . . . 977 10th. Louis Wink, G,16thcavalry......................... 989 10th. A. Wheelock, H, 96th infantry......... 992 10th. J. 0. Ramsey, B, 27th 1,011 11th. Frank Lowry, E, 65th infantry............................. . . . . .. 1,017 11th. J. Stegall, L, 16th cavalry..... ....................... . . . . . . . . .. 1,018 11th. RossVoriss, I, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . 1,026 11th. ThomasBales, M, 2dartil1ery. 1,064 12th. R. Woodcock, L, 16theava1ry................................... 1,042 13th. James Freemont, B, 7th cavalry........ . . . . . . . . . .. 1,055 13th. H. G.Maxen, H, 19th infantry. . . . . . . . 1,061 14th.‘JamesVaughn,I,16thcavalry...........'....................... 1,078 14th.’W. Hicks, D, 85th infantry.....................................; 1,102 15th. C.Dorwin,I,16th 1,103 15th. JohnWimer, I, 16th cavalry.................... . . . . . . .. 1,130 16th. D. Herbert, G, 84thinfantry........................ 1,136 16th. Fred. Purcer, A, 27thinfantry................................... 1,148 17th. W. P. Henry, A, 23d infantry...............J.... 1,162 18th. W. Coddington, I, 93dinfantry.......... ....................... 1,198 ANDERSONVILLE DEAD. 301 mm, mm AND nnenmmr. . no. or cans. 19th. M. Keefe, M, 2darti1lery........................................ 1,214 20th. GeorgeBender,C,12th cavalry............................:..... 1,230 20th. HenryLaws,G,93dinfantry..................;.................. 1,233 20th. William Hallay, H, 92dinfantry..................................' 1,241 21st. J. Aldrich, L, 16thcavalry....................................... 1,264 23d. T.Rudd, L, 16thcavalry . . . . . . . . 1,294 23d. Corporal W. E. Lee, I, 16th'cavalry....................I........... 1,297 23d. J. M. Dobin, H, 3dcavalry........................... 1,314 23d. J.McCluskey,K,16thcavalry............................ . . . . 1,315 23d. J. Morris, K, 66thinfantry........ . . . . . . . . . . 1,320 24th. G. H. Setters,38thinfantry.............................. 1,333 24th. W. W. McMullen, 11'2th infantry................. . . . . 1,337 24th. P. Germ G,24th.infantry......... ... . . . . . 1,340 24th. J.DowdfiK,16thcavalry.............. 1,343 24th. P. Galiger’-, C, 21stinfantry................ . . . . . . . . . . 1,347 27th. P.Myers,F,24thinfantry....................................... 1,407 27th. J. S. Johnson, C, 7thinfantry 1,412 27th. N. D. Gibson, K, 93dinfantry.................................... 1,416 28th. R.C.Allen,I,17thinfantry .... 1,423 28th. W. H. Massey, D,111th -inf-antry.................... . . . . 1,428 28th. H. H. Doran, 1, 78th infantry.................................... 1,441 28th. Sergeant A. Martin, L, 16th cavalry... . . . . . . . . . . 1,444 29th. J. Luty, H, 23d infantry ........................................ 1,456 31st. J. Gillgers, I, 16th cavalry.................... .. .. 1,499 31st. B. Whitmore, D,16th cavalry................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,496 31st. W. B. Pierce, H, 8th cavalry..................................... 1,506 JUNE. I 1st. H.J. O’Daniels, A, 9th infantry.................................... 1,533 3d. Victor Scitz,L, 16thcavalry......... . . . . . 1,573 3d. H.Bruternier, M, 7th cavalry.................. . . . . . . 1,578 4th. H. C. Budwell,D, 38th infantry.... . . . . 1,603 4th. H. Richards, I, 79thinfantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,616 4th. William McCreadey, C, 96th infantry . . . . . 1,617 4th. Sergeant C. Pranock, K, 79thinfantry..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,619 4th. B. McLaughlin, I, 90th inf-antry......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,634 4th. John Stillwell, I, 38th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,640 4th. J. V. Giles,H, 39th infantry . . . . . . 1,652 6th. Ed. Shawbach, E, 44th infantry........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,661 6th. Corporal L. Blanchard,D, 16th cavalry.................-........... 1,665 6th. M. Springer, E, 112th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,667 6th. Sergeant H. F. Brewer, C, 24thinfantry........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,669 6th. B. Linday, H, 57thinfantry......... . . . . .. . 1,685 6th. L.Whitmore,1,104thinfantry........................... 1,699 8th. F. Stark,H, 79th infantry................................ ..... . 1,718 8th. JO WI 38thinfantryI....O.......I....OQQOUCDIOO I....I.. 1,727 802 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS- DL'£I¢ HAME AND REGIME“- Sth. A. J. Remove, H, 112th infantry................................... 9th. B. W. JOI‘d0Il, infantry-.-....--......-U58-.............. 9th. John Sitter, I, 16th cavalry . . . . . . 10th. 10th. 10th. 10th. 10th. 10th. 10th. 11th., 11th. 11th. 11th. 12th. 12th. 12th. 13th. 13th. 13th. 14th. 14th. 15th. 15th. 15th. 15th. 15th. 15th. 16th. 16th. 16th. 16th. 16th. 17th. 17th. 17th. 17th. 18th. 18th. 19th. 19th. 19th. 19th. 19th. Charles Seeley, G, 44th infantry.................§................ SilasRogers,D, 65th infantry........................... JohnKyser,I, 32d infantry . . . . F. Brandeger, K, 24th infantry................................... Corp0ralJ. Linebarger, F, 16th infantry...................... J. Temple, H, 100th infantry........................ D. W. Darling, B, 23dinfantry.............. F. Castle,E,103dinfantry.... . . . . E. H. Jenning, F, 79th infantry.... . . . . . . . . . . . F. Glidewell, K, 73d infantry.......'... W. Hegenbeig, F, 24th infantry. . . T. Pollard, H, 127th infantry...................... J. Gillmore, I, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . J.Beal,F,78thinfantry........................................ E. D. T. Sharp, A, 89th infantry................................. P. P. Casey, G, 13th infantry. . . .. . J.Hester,C,38thinfantry. . . . . E. Trout,F, 21st infantry........................... F. O’Dean, F, 78th infantry.......... J. E. Boyd, B, 84th infantry......... . . . . W. W. Crandell, A, 93dinfantry............. . . . . . . . . F.Miller,M, 2dartillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Hartness, B, 39th infantry..................................... P. Blors, A, 21st infantry.......... M. Sadler,G,2'7thinfantry . . . . . . . . . W. Bought, H, 24th infantry . . . . OOUOOOIIO QUQOOQII‘ ... ...\..‘I'.. I I . Q I...'. OQI.......Ol.I. U O O O OIOOOOOQ OIIIQ .......l. ...... O O . . I I II .. ‘Q ‘OU...l\'.I.l QQOOOQIQCIIIIOOOQOOOUIOOOQOO An B,28dinfalntryl.O.II‘......l..‘.IOIIICQIOQQ I I . O . I Q. J. Crewin, D, 79th infantry . . . . H. Coalman, M, 16th cavalry,.................................... W. Martmay, K, 16th cavalry. . . . . W. W. Roberts, I, 16th eava1ry........ . . . . ..... J. French, B, 129th infantry................ J. R. Meissres, O, 116th infantry.................................. J. J. Hook, E, 98th infantry...... .. .. H. Fitzgerald, I, 16th cavalry....... . . . . F. Jewitt, A, 14th infantry...... W. Grace, D, 21st infantry. . . . . . C. Sows, A, 82d infantry...... C.Neher,F,l6thcavalry............. George Kreamer,C,24th infantry................................ W. Hart, K, 16thcavalry........................................ P. Fitz, C, 38th infantry....... WilliamErich, H, 9th infantry.........-......................... 20th. 20th. ... ...I...I................... OOOOOOOOOIOOOIQOO nO0IOOOOOlIlOOOoQOIQDOIIOIQ .00000000QIOOQQOIIQOOQOOOIOOIOQQ OIIOOQOIIQOOOQOUOOIDOOOIOODOOQIO '.l....... OOQIIQOIUIQOIQQIQQOIOOI QOOQQIIQ.........I....I....‘..OI.. NO. OF GRAVE. 1,729 .' 1,784 ' 1,777 1,787 1,807 1,809 1,815 1,818 1,825 1,826 1,844 1,845 1,850 1,852 1,862 1,858 1,870 1,899 1,902 1,906 1,915 1,921 1,971 1,974 1,975 1,980 1,988 2,000 2,015 2,021 2,082 2,048 2,051 2,074 2,080 2,097 2,098 2,129 2,185 2,164 2,165 2,177 2,179 2,002 2,210 2,211 ANDEBSONVILLE DEAD.’ 303 DATE. RAKE AND REGIl[BR'L N0. OF GRAVE. F0 A.,27thinfantryI....-.. C‘...’......l.I......‘..O...n 20th. W. Deetreman, E, 44th infantry.................................‘. 2,231 20th. A. Joyce, D, 90th infantry................................. . . . . .. 2,241 20th. T. Colborn, G, 16thcavalry................................ . . . . .. 2,224 21st. J. Elston, E, 112th infantry...................................... 2,245 21st. W. Crawford, K, 16th cavalry . . . . . . 2,253 21st. J. H. Miller, I, 31st infantry..... . . . . 2,257 21st. L. Lowden, F, 65thinfantry...... . .......... 2,258" 21st. Christensian, 1, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,287 22d. W. G. Heaward, I, 16th cavalry................................... 2,329 22d. M. Crane, E, 23d infantry... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 2,329 23d. John Lusk, B, 29th infantry........... . . . . . . 2,342 23d. Hy. Dincks, C, 89th infantry . . . . . . 2,365 23d. Sergeant M. Brinkuf, L, 16th cavalry. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,367 24th. J. Zimmerman, 1st artillery . . . . . . 2,391 24th. Allison, B, 21st infantry... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,400 24th. A. Thomas, H, 16th infantry.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,425 24th. John Thompson, L, 16th cavalry............ . . . . . . 2,453 26th. W. Deuhart,K, 16th cavalry......................... . . . . 2,497 26th. William Grogan, B, 66th infantry..... ....... . . . . . . . . . 2.501 26th. R. Filer, K,11th infantry....................................... 2,502 26th. H. Stansfield, H, 90th infantry....'................ . . . . .. 2,532 26th. H. Morey, M, 16th cavalry.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,539 27th. M. Ryan,A,89thinfantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,057 27th. D. Forney,G,93d infantry . . . . . . . . . 2,564 27th. Thomas J. Jones, 1, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,567 27th. A. C. Sharp, A, 22d l11f3.1B1‘y . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 2,570 28th. Corporal N. Slosher, E, 96th infantry. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,585 28th. N. Rodenbarger, C, 96th infantry . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,596 28th. Corporal F. Babcock, G, 44th infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,598 28th. P. Hanna, C, 21st infantry . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 2,605 28th. A. E. Perkins, A, 89th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 2,621 28th. J. W. Wright, C, 35th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,634 29th S M. Harrington, A, 112th infantry..................... . . . . . . . ... 2,633 29th. Sergeant F. Meritt, F. 89th infantry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . 2,637 29th. J.Morehead,E, 9thinfantry............. . . . . . . . . . . 2,646 29th. I. Shaw, E, 89th infantry....... . . . . . 2,467 29th. H. Jackson, C, 51stinfantry............................. . . . . . .. 2,658 29th. P. Durrand, E, 35thinfantry................... 2,666 30th. George Hart, K, 16th cavalry.................................... 2,677 JULY." 1st. M. Colburn, I, 73d infantry...............-......................... 2,753- 2d. 0. O. Curry,D, 106thinfantry............................. . . . . . . .. 2,758 2d. A. Marshall, H, 96thinfantry.......,.............................. 2,762 3d. ThomasHames,M,14thcavalry......... 2,825 304 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Darn. um AND REGIMEHL no. or ennvn. 3d. D.Mulkey,D,89thinfantry........................................ 2,834 3d. Corporal Charles Rictor, H, 82d infantry............ . . . . 2,836 4th. JamesDooley, L, 16th cavalry . . . . 2,867 4th. J.E.BagleV,D,21stinfantry . . . . . 2,890 4th. JohnBaker, B, 89th infantry . . . . . . . . . 2,892 5th. J. H. Black,E, 21stinfantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,906 5th. J. Brockhiller, M, 4th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,927 5th. D. Coovert, F, 78th infantry . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,933 5th. G._ W. Evans, 0, 103d infantry.. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 2,936 5th. H. Guadley,A, 24thinfantry...... . . . . 2;942 6th. B. V. Joy, I,16th cavalry.... . . . . 2,972 6th. M. Wahl, I, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,964 7th. W. Jones,D, 27th infantry . . . . . . . . . 2,990 7-th. W. R. Mulford, 23d infantry........ ..... 2,993 7th. 0.Boorem,B,64thinfantry . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,008 8-th. E. Tucker, B, 38th infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,032 8th. J. M. Ralston, I, 79th infantry......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,039 8th. H. McCume, O,13th infantry................ . . . . - . . . . . .- . 3,050 9th. I.Bartrinder,G,65thinfantry............................. . . . . . . .. 3,056 9th. D.Powell,K,16thcavalry........ . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,058 9th. A.Topp, G,19th infantry............................ . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,064 9th. M. Whalin, B, 23dinfantry..................... . . . . . . . . . .. 3,067 9th. 0. H. Myres, F, 24th infantry...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. 3,080 9th. D. McCampbell, B, 104th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 3,100 9th. B. Greenwall, L, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,111 10th. J. W. Dudley, F, 89th infantry..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,123 10th. H. Miller,F,92dinfantry..................... . . . . . . . 3,139 11th. BenjaminMcLin,E,23dinfantry................................. 3,169 12th. W. Ghinniworth, G, 9th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . 3,205 12th. J. W. Howell, F,78thinfantry....................... . . . . 3,211 13th. E. Williams, D, 49th infantry . . . . ................ . . . . . . . . 3,254 13th. B. Morris, F, 8th cava1ry...................‘..................... 3,263 13th. George Votter, 0, 9th infantry........................ . . . . 3,271 14th. J. Bathriek, A, 1st cavalry............................ . . . . . 3,275 14th.G.Mead,H,19thinfantry........................ . . . . 3,279 14th. Thomas Baker, M, 16th cavalry............................ . . . . .. 3,308 14th. J.Iverson,I,16thcavalry....................................... 3,312 14th. John Bensteel, H, 27thinfantry..................... . . . . . 3,345 15th. R.Erssdrower, F, 74th infantry.................................. 3,373 15th. 0. Carron, H, 38th infantry.... .................................. 3,393 15th. F. F. Parsley, E, 120thinfantry............ . . . . 3,408 16th. J. Powers, 0, 44th infantry.... 3,422 17th. L. McEntyre, K, 16thcavalry..................................... 3,470 , C. H, infantrj-..N........-......-0...“---~~ "' D, Reed, H, infantry..'...........-.........u'------~--QHH N. Perry, B, 181; 0aVa.l1‘y.........-nu.......--H-H-Q-'H"---H ANDERSONVILLE nnan. 305 mm. IIAMB AND RBGHBNT. NO. OF GRAVE. . lsth. C0 H7 1nfaIltI‘y..¢.....-......-.-....'..-ss boooooocooo 19th. F.Barssley,E,16thcavalry........................ 3,603 19th. W. Odown, G,9th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,609 20th. J. V. Corwin,L, 6th cavalry . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . 3,677 21st. J.Jarvis,K,7_3dinfantry.... . . . . . . . . 3,680 21st. James Workman, G, 7th infantry.... . . . . . . ..,..... . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,696 21st. JohnBabbitt,K 7thinfantry................. 3,709 21st. J.E. Brookman;. ,44th 3,717 21st. P. Gulk, B, 79th infantry................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,730 21st. J. Werner, G, 74th infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,743 22d. G. Place, F, 44th_infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,764 22d.P.Bailey,B,38th infantry.... . . . . . . . . . 3,783 23d. W. Beckhold,G,16thinfantry . . . . . . . . . . 3,809 23d. J. Hoffman, I, 7thcavalry . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . .. 3,825 23d. P. Barclay, I, 42d infantry......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,829 23d. G. W. Dodd, F, 21st infantry..........:.................. . . . . . . .. 3,834 23d. John Adlet, K, 119th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,840 23d. M. O’Coner, F, 2d cavalry........................................ 3,847 _ 24th. F. ‘M. Frnck, G. 21stinfantry...-........ . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,854 24th. J. Corwin,K, 7th cavalry..................... . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,850 24th. A. Curtis,D,16thinfantry.... . . . . 3,877 24th. R. J. Charles, M, 5th cavalry............................. . . . . . . .. 3,907 25th. F. S. Whamer, G,21stinfantry.....................- . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,910 25th. J. R. Malcolm, K, 38th infantry............................ . . . . .. 3,935 25th. JamesBrett,K,88th infantry..................... . . . . . . .. 3,940 25th. N. Mills, K,_11thinfantry................................. . . . . . .. 3,955 26th. D. Freeman, L, 16th cavalry............. . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,031 26th. H. Davis,A, 38thinfantry..... . . . . .. .. 4,048 26th. J. Martin, K, 9th infantry..-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,071 27th. E. Haggard, K, 16th cavalry..................... . . . . . 4,694 28th. D. Ottway,A,8th cava1ry............ . . . . . . . . 4,125 28th. S. A. Jackards, E, 29th infantry.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,132 28th. John Shuby, G, 42d infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,135 28th. W. Davis, M, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,150 28th. A. Lee, B, 112th infantry........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,172 29th. S. F. Gibson, I, 78th infantry............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,201 29th. H. F. Gooles, B, 47th infantry.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,203 29th. R. B. Dodson, B, 6th cava1ry..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,207 29th. J. Branch, C, 38thinfantry................................ . . . . .. 4,259 30th. H. Spangler, L, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,283 30th. J. Burrows, L, 9th cavalry.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,299 30th. H. Kappel, H, 30th infantry . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. 4,318 30th.J.Black,A,31st infantry............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4315 30th. S. C. Chitwood, M, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,319 81st. C. Wentworth,D, 27th infantry................................ . 4,353 31st. H. Rosecrans, A, 113th infantry.................................. 4,389 20 306 PATBIOTISM or ILLmoIs., DATE. NAME AND BBGIMERT. 170. OD‘ GM"- infantryl.O‘.O0.0I..I...l..I..I.OI’.OIOOOOOII 31st. P. Swanson, K, 9th cavalry...................................... 4,442 AUGUST. 1st. H. B. Robinson, B, 6th cavalry...........................-........ 4,460 1813. J.T€Pry,M,16thC3»Var1I'y-H5.-;-..-....---.-H45....-550--5-H... 1st. SergeantJ.Getcham,G,16th cavalry...............'............. 4,485 1st. J.Hill,G,9theavalry..................................... . . . . . .. 4,489 1st. T. Ewery,K, 22d infantry........................................ 4,502 1st. M. Miller, C, 16t-hcavalry......... . . . . . . .. 4,575 2d. H. Scuisser,G, 64th infantry........................... . . . . . . . . . .. 4,524 2d. J.Monreal,G,21stinfantry................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,526 2d. J. Greath0use,I, 6th cavalry............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,560 2d. J.Peck,G,21stinfantry............ . . . . . . . . . . . 4,578 2d. B. F. Heistand,D, 92d infantry . . . . . 4,583 3d. W. Spragan, H, 8th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,598 3d. J. B. Decker, C, 119th infantry......................... . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,608 3d. M. Batdorf, H, 92-Bdinfantry........................................ 4,618 3d. H. Medler, I, 38th infantry..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,678 3d. W.,Smitl1,M. 18111ca-a1ry,...l.............................:...... 4,659 3d. JamesDalby, H, 73dinfantry...................................... 4,663 4th. S. B. Mixell, F, 38th infantry.... . . . . . 4,680 4th. J. Govey,I, 38th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,683 4th IraKrahl,H,16th cavalry. 4,700 4th. S. W. Stopes,E, 89th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,724 4th. M. McMahon, E, 93d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,725 4th. D. Wilson, M, 16th cavalry................................ . . . . . .. 4,737 4th. J. O. Keefe, M, 2d artillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,743 5th. A. Kreigge, C, 13thinfantry.............:.................. . . . . .. 4,766 6th. A. McCray,D,103dinfantry...................................... 4,850 6th. George Ferry, G, 89th infantry................. 4,853 6th. R. B. Severn,I,112th infantry.... . . . . . 4,872 6th. T. H. Stillwell, E, 79thinfantry . . . . . 4,878 6th.G.P.C0ok,---,16th—-.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,879 6th. C. Pierce, H, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,887 6th. P. Jows, G,41stinfantry......................................... 4,889 6th.J. Knight, H, 9th infantry.................. . . . . . . 4,908 7th. J. Winemiller, G, 56th infantry.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,941 7th. C. D. Edwards, K, 51stinfantry..... . . . . 4,962 7th. Buckman, H, l6thcavalry . . . . 4,952 7th. J. Emerson, L, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,979 7th. C. A. Farnham, D, 51st infantry . . . . . . 4,991 8th. S. Hucliins, A, 104th infantry..................................... 5,019 8th. William Guyer, E, 72d infantry............................. . . . . .. 5,025 8th~ F.MyePS,L,16thC8.V3.lI‘y....-......-........4...-....-..-5--H-5. 8th- A0 0- B011U1,C, iIlfa.nl'.l‘y.-.-..........-.“---555-.~......--. ANDEBSONVILLE nnan. 307 DATE. ’ NAME AND REGIKENT. N0. 08' GRAVE. 8th. R.R. Drake, H,34thinfantry...................................... 5,053 8th. James Hagarman,E, 16th cavalry................................. 5,074 9th. William Clark,K,14th cavalry........... 5,143 9th. F. Wiley,M, 7th cavalry..... 5,153 9th. J. W. DeRue,E, 16thinfantry.................................... 5,163 9th. W. Wise, H, 16thcava1ry......................................... 5,183 10th. F. Hayworth, I, 7thcavalry................;..................... 5,192 10th. A. Bennett, B, 16th infantry...........‘\......................... 5,242 10th. M. Wright, E, 57th infantry..................................... 5,255 11th. WilliamMcGee,D,30th 5,283 11th. C. Y. Scybert, A, 39th infantry........ . . . . 5,350 12th. L. Madden,D,96th.....‘........................................ 5,390 12th. S. Johnson, B, 100thinfantry.................................... 5,395 12th. Corporal S. Myres, C, 25thinfantry............................... 5,432 2th. G. Burdiss,A, 89th.... .... ..... 5,457 13th. W. Bouden,F,Qthinfantry...............................,...... 5,475 13th. M. Sutten, M, 9th cavalry....................................... 5,515 13th. M. Kennedy, C, 38thinfantry...............t 5,518‘ 13th. C. Puden, F, 12thinfantry....................................... 5,541 14th. W. Colburn, G, 16thcavalry..................................... 5,597 14th. —Meyer,K,24thinfantry....................................... 5,608 14th. P. Wildberger, 13, 6th cavalry.................................... 6,613 14th. W. Vox, E, 24thinfantry............................. 5,038 15th. J. Kerby, H, 96thinfautry............. .... 5,701 15th. R.McComb,K,16th cavalry... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,724 15th. C. Heede, F, 24thinfantry....................................... 5,741 15th. E. Newby, A, 123d infantry . . . . ..... . . . . . 5,778 15th. A. Powell,C, 122d infantry............................ . . . . . . . . .. 5,783 15th. J. Cline, I, 12th cavalry............................. . . . . 5,787 16th. D. H. Howard, 79thinfantry..................................... 5,812 16th. C. F. Barber, 1, 112th infantry . . . . 5,848 16th. C. Akins, F, 78th infantry........ . . . . . . . . . . 5,876 16th. J. Pittijohn, F, 21stinfantry . . . . . . . . . 5,889 16th. William Watts, L, 16th cavalry. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,898 16th. W. A. Lanner, E, 9th cavalry.... . . . . . . 5,906 17th. J. M. Brown, B,29thinfantry.... 5,924 17th. K. Franklin, F, Slstinfantry . . . . . . . 5,933 17th. H.Burns,D,10thcavalry................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,936 17th. E. Bourman, F, 123d infantry................ . . . . . 5,943 17th. George Smith,E, 53d infantry . . . . . . . 5,960 17th. F. G1-uder,B, 16th cavalry...................................... 5,961 17th. John Redment, H, 112th infantry................................. 5,968 17th. J. Brown, B, 73d infantry....................................... 5,978 17th. W. Eastman, F, 36thinfantry.................................... 5,992 17th. J.F Whitney, G, 89th infantry.......................-.......... 5,998 17th. IsaacM. Price, D, 79th infantry.....-................... ......... 6,007 308 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. nun. rum: arm REGIMENT. \ no. or emvn. 18th. W. H. Hudson, C, 107th infantry..........................'. . . . . .. 6,035 18th. W. Winters, H, 24th infantry............................ . . . . . . .. 6,079 18th. J. B. Robison, A, 79th infantry . . . . . . . . . .. 6,080 18th. R. Huntley, F, 89th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,085 18th. J. Cotton, H, 100th inf-antry......... . . . . 6,091 18th. S. Payne, B, 88th infantry................._...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,095 18th. J. Olson, D, 89thinfantry....................;... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,098 18th. A. Schwartz, M, 7th cavalry..................... . . . . . . . . 6,105 18th. E. L. Chase, C,23dinfantry.......................... . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,109 18th. J. Garng, F, 78th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,111 19th. J. Hanell, K,120thinfantry._... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,113 19th. Peter Hoen, H, 112thinfantry....................... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,117 19th. G. Weaver, L, 16th cavalry. .. .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 6,173 20th. ThomasLewis,L,2dcava1ry . . . . . . . . 6,238 20th. W. C. Bryant, A, 107th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,256 20th. W.Mee,H, 51stinfantry....... .......... .. 6,266 20th. C. Fagan, G, 23d infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,268 20th. F. Steward, I, 78th infantry............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,292 20th. John Likin, I, 112th infantr-y................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,295 20th. J. M. Paschall, A, 114th infantry............. ...... . . . . . . . 6,301 20th. W. J. Partrage, F, 30th infantry.. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,303 21st. H. Mariett, L, 16th cavalry.......................... . . . . . 6,333 21st. C. Callagan, F, 39th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,356 21st. R. M0untz, B, 6th cavalry....................................... 6,402 22d. J.Rening, G,6tl1 cava1ry.... . . . . . . . . . .. 6,412 22d. A. Lindsay, D, 113th infantry................. . . . . . . . . . . . 6,414 22d. H. Brewer, F, 78thinfantry........ . . . . . ..... 6,421 22d. G. W. Henson, C, 31stinfantry................. .. . . . 6,489 22d. F. Thompson, B, 10th infantry............ . . . . . . . . .. 6,491 22d. J. M. Campbell, G, 120th infantry. . . . . . . . . . . 6,505 22d. J.McCreary,C,119thinfantry.................................... 6,513 22d. 0. B. Obevier, C, 112th infantry............... . . . . . . . . .. 6,519 23d. M. J. Graham, E, 44th infantry................. ... .......... . 6,617 23d. D. Bear, B, 93d infantry............._............................ 6,644 24th. J. C. Harlan, L, 9th eavalry..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,684‘ 24th. R. Cavit, D, 113th infantry................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,693 24th. A. Anderson, K, 19thinfantry................. . . . . 6,710 24th. G. B. Jernagan, E, 30th infantry............... . . . . . . . . . . 6,730 24th. J. Cornelions, H, 9th cavalry . . . . . . . . . 6,738 24th. Sergeant J. Crouse, 1, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . 6,749 25th. J.\Vaddle, C, 122dinfantry................................. .. 6,767 25th. -—Oss,D,89thinfantry................................... . . . 6,774 25th. W. Kelley, 1, 94th infantry...................................... 6,795 25th. T. Thompson, M, 2dcavalry . . . . . . 6,831 25th. W. Brown, G, 1stcava1ry................ 6,836 25th I ucunoooooocoouoo10000.00... . J . Christianson, F, 82d infantry.. . . . . . . ANDERSONVILLE nnan.- 309 NO. OF GRAVE. pyrg, NAME AND BEGIMIN1‘. 26th. L. C. Nichols, F, 14th 6,945 26th. John J. Coliers, B, 6th cavalry. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,971 26th. A. Floyde, A, 9th cavalry..... . . . . 6,972 27th. W. E. Day, H, 111th infantry . . . . . .... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 7,013 27th. J. R. Carroll, 1, 78th infantry..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . 7,037 27th. J. Burns, K, 100th infantry........................-... . . . . . . . . .. 7,055 28th. F. Nngent,E, 108th infantry......... . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,086 28th. G. G. Thompson, M, lst cavalry.......'........ . . . . . . 7,128 28th. B. F. Demos, F,78thinfantry................ . . . . . . . . . . 7,150 29th. C. Lambert, D, 38th infantry...................... .. . . . . . 7,155 29th. JohnScheider, K, 44th infantry. 7,163 29th. John Kelley, F, 7th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,183 29th. J. F. Hall, C, 9th infantry . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,194 29th. N. H. Cole, A, 112th infantry . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,210 29th. George Rodgers, G, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 7,228 30th. J. A. Shields, E, 6th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,270 30th. J. Ladrew, H, 110th infantry. . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,299 30th. Joseph Shaw, D, 98th infantry.. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,315 30th. K. Armstrong, A, 89th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . 7,339 31st. B. D. Westbrook, B, 6th cavalry . . . . . . 7,426 31st. W. Moran, C, 11th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,428 snrrnnnan. 1st. L. H. Needham, K, 42dinfantry............... . . . . . . . . . . . 7,439 1st. F. Merz, K, 44th infantry..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,464 1st. E. K. Center, K, 115th infantry.. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,502 1st. Joseph Denning, D, 31st infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,514 2d. D. Schuam, A, 23d infantry.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . 7,558 2d. J.H.Kearney,B,6th cavalry........ . . . . . . . . . 7,604 2d._ C. Simpson, D, 14th infantry....................................... 7,630 3d. H. M. Peeter, C, 107th infantry... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 7,700 3d. B. B. Foster, G, 112th infantry. . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,720 3d. D.Ritter,D,14th artillery..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,748 3d. A. O’Donell, I, 34th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,751 4th. C. Clark, K, 51st infantry............ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,760 4th. L. ’D.Vincent, G,7th cavalry............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,765 4th. H. A. Linderman, B, 99th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - -. - - -. - - . 7,768 4th. J. Kingham, G, 38th infantry............................. . . . . . .. 7,807 4th. M. Green, C, 9th infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,836 4th. G. A. Wilhelm, K, 11th infantry...... 7,840 4th. R. H. Kicholson, B, 123d infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 7,847 5th. J. Olderfield, B, 6th cavalry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,850 5th. J. W. Clancey, E, 38th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 7,868 5th. J. Wartnck, C, 93dinfantry . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 7,895 5th.J.M.Lacost,E,89thinfantry............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,927 5th. F. Gore,I, 36th infantry............ . . . . . 7,958 310 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. DATE. NAME AND BEGIMBNT. _ no. or enAvn. 6th. JohnPuck,D, 122d............................................. 7,972 6th. J.G.Cross,D,21stinfantry . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,882 6th. S.P.Giles,A,112thinfantry..... . . . . . . . 7,988 6th. D.Mund,D,8th infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . 7,989 7th. M. Eisenbach,D, 7thinfantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8,048 7th. J. Augustine, I, 100th infantry.................................... 8,049 7111. G. W. Hicks,F, 65th inane-y....................'.......... .... 7,868 7th. W. Somers,F,40thinfantry...................................... 7,079 7th. Ed. Elliont, B, 92dinfantry....................................... 8,084 7th. W. Funks, F, 26thinfantry......................... 8,114 8th. B. Alexander, B, 123dinfantry‘.................................... 8,127 8th. H. Newlan, A, 25th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . 8,129 8th. H. Newbury, F, 22dinfantry............................ . . . . . 8,166 8th. C. Dock, H, 9th cavalry........................ 8,187 8th. B. Berkiser, F, 16th cavalry . . . . 8,188 8th. J. Lyman, D, 100th infantry.......................... . . - . . . . . . . .. 8,196 9111. B. Guides,B, 6thcavalry....................;............ ..... 8,220 9th. A. J. Foster, M, 16thcavalry........-....................... ..... 8,230 9th. F. Adrian, E, 9th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,249 9th. J. Lidey, I, 113thinfantry........................................ 8,295 10th. H. Hicks, G, 11th infantry.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,303 10th. A. Williams, H, 22d infantry............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,310 10th. E.Klage,G,20thinfantry................................. 8,348 10th. D. Albury, D, 22d infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8,381 10th. J. F. Sherwood, 1, 16th cavalry . . . . . . . . .. 8,386 11th. H. F. Adams,E, 17thinfantry.................................... 8,402 11th. E. H. Robinson, A, 30thinfantry................................. 8,410 11th. C. Owens, 120thinf-antry . . . . 8,414 11th. W.Herell,K,14thcavalry........................-:............ 8,428 11th. A. Storm, D, 89th infantry . . . . . 8,451 11th. J. Barnett, I, 120th infantry..................................... 8,458 11th. W. Leaven, B, 115thinfantry.................................... 9,464 ' 12th. P. Lee, A, 16th infantry...“-.................................... 8,524 12th. J. Striker,K,11th infantry...................................... 8,539 12th. C. Davis, E, 112th infantry.................... . . . . 8,533 12th. A. Reed, I, 98th infantry........................................ 8,571 12th. M. A.Rankin,I, 3dcavalry...................................... 8,578 12th. J. W. Hawkins, I, 79th infantry.................................. 8,608 13th. John Sullion, I, 16th cavalry....................'................ 8,615 13th. G.Dake,D,100th infantry...................................... 8,626 13th. J. Ripley, B, Qthinfantr-y........................................ 8,632 14th. Charles Whipp,E, 9th cavalry................................... 8,713 14th. P. Harshman, H, 84thinfantry................................... 8,715 14th. HenryHill,11th infantry........................................ 8,721 14th. M. C1eggitt,l, 36th infantry . . . . 8,750 14th. D. Winning, C. 125th infantry................................... 8,755 ANDEBSONVILLE mean. ‘ 311 DA", RAKE AND BBGIMENT. NO. OF GRAVE- 14th. A.Barrett,D,25thinfantry...................................... 8,762 14th. J. Butten, A, 89thinfantry...................................... 8,776 15th. G.Helch,K,77thinfantry....................................... 3,798 15th. A. Wood, G,21stinfantry; . . . . 8,815 15th. A. Hill, C, 115th infantry.;............... . . . . . . ................ 8,830 15th. F.J.Clark,B,6theavalry................;...................... 15th. J. D.Cross,I, 14th cavalry...................................... 8,859 151711. Sl13I‘k,D, 113511 lI1fa.!l.t1‘ys.aa.'.-sanea.aaa.-..‘..-3..-Has“... 8,861 15th. J. Thome, H, 16th cavalry.. . . . . . . . . . . . 8,863 16th. D. Brathers, H, 48th 'mfantry........ 8,911 16th.W.Brown,C,16thinfantry. .......... . . . . 8,962 16th. J. Jones, E,117th infantry................ . . . . 8,971 17th. J. H. Brown, F, 12th infantry . . . . 9,011 17th. E. M. Strong, B, 95th infa;ntry......................L............ 9,013 17th. J.C.Dyer,D,30thinfantry.. 9,037 17th. F.Puckett,E, 30th infantry........................ . . . . . 9,059 17th. C. Decker, M, 7th 9,073 18th. W. Spindler, F, 113th infantry................................... 9,092 18th. J. Chattenay, H, 82d infantry........................ 9,095 18th. 0. S. ()tey,I, 21stinfantry.............................. . . . . . . . .. 9,106 18th. A. Marser, H, 24thinfantry...................................... 9,145 18th. M. Jourdan, C,38th infantry....................-. 9,153 18th. J.Whalen,F,61stinfantry....................'.................. 9,184 18th. F. Moram, C,89th infantry............................ 9,187 18th. F. Miller, B, 16th infantry............. . . . . ........ . . . . . .. 9,188 19th. J.Homer,F, 38thinfantry........................ . . . . . . . . .. 9,214 19th. G.Walker,K,31stinfantry..... ...... .... 9,218 20th. S. Craig, I, 38th infantry................ 9,307 20th. J. F. Graber, D, 81st infa.ntry..................... . . . . 9,312 20th. J.Perry,G,9thcavalry............. . . . . 9,313 20th. A.Weaver,A,93dinfantry.................... . . . . . . . . 9,318 20th. G. H. Shadrack,C,7thcavalry.......................... 9,322 20th. B. F. Boyd, D, 6th cavalry.... . . . . .. 9,323 20th. C ene,D.8th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,325 20th. J .Sales, F, 14thinfantry.............. . . . . . . . . . . .. 9,345 21st. A .Brown, C, 73dinfantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,350 21st. J Graber,H,24th infantry............ . . . . . 9,398 21st. J Johnson, H, 125th infantry . . . . . 9,458 22d. J Nelson, K, 93dinfantry......................................'.. 9,531 23d. C. Clark, B, 29th infantry............................._........... 9,560 23d. W. J. Bridges, F, 122dinfantry................................... 9,570 24th. L. G. Lawrence, G, 89thinfantry................................. 9,633 24th. G.Drum,F,89th infantry....................................... 9,678 25th. W. Ellis, G,26th infantry.......................... ............ 9,703 25th. J. Craig, B, 23d infantry........................................ 9,704 .S .B .F ' We G’ infantry..QIQIQOOUIIOUIUOOOOQI00000000100 312 ‘ PATBIOTISM or mnmors. DATE. NAME AND REGIHENEL KO, 0!‘ GRAVE. J. El‘bS, 0,1I1f&I1t-I‘y......-........u......................., J. D’ C3-Valry.-.......---H-6....‘--........6-6... 25th. W. Ellison, F, 14th cavalry . . . . 9,734 25th. 0. Hi1<,C,22dinfantry......................................... 9,753 25th.W.B McNiel,D,78thinfantry................I . . . . . . . . . .. 9,763 26th. J.Will,B,36thinfantry.... . . . . . . 9,785 26th. M. Miller, A, 92dinfantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9,795 27th. J.Butts,F, 22d infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,824 27th G.W.Jones,E,27thinfantry............................. . . . . . .. 9,827 27th. J. Thurman, E, 89thinfantry.............................. . . . . . .. 9,833 27th. J.F. Fisher, F, 123d infantry........................ . . . . . . . . . . .. 9,845 27th. A. F. Howson, F, 38th infantry................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9,880 27th. J.Olson,K,112thinfantry . . . . . . . . . 9,885 27th. W. Bowls, K, 89th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,899 28th. B. Sawyer, C, 36th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9,915 28th. M. C1eaves,H, 3d cava1ry.... . . . . 9,924 28th. C. Gains,B, 20thinfantry . . . . . . . . . . 9,925 28th. A. Chingburg, G, 89th infantry................................... 9,935 28th. W. Anderson, C, 89th infantry................................... 9,946 28th. A. Doun, A, 75th infantry....................................... 9,947 28th. D. L. Hews,H, 125th infantry . . . . . . . . 9,962 29th. J. Flanigan, H, 42d infantry . . . . . . . . . . 9,992 29th. J.Welch,E,1st cavalry........................................10,001 29th. H. M. May, I, 89thinfantry................... . . . . . . . . . ..........10,019 29th. C. Capell, D, 82d infantry . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,026 29th. H. Tayder, I, 7th cavalry.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10,036 29th. A. Olens,K, 108th infantry . . . . . . .10,042 30th. H. Flanesly, D, 14th infantry.....................................10,059 30th. C. H. Haley, H,22dinfantry.....................................10,061 30th. William Skinner, B, 16th infantry . . . . . . . . . . ..10,082 30th. G. Welch, A, 95thinfantry....-_......................... 10,085 30th. T. Craig, K, 9th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10,087 JD PI infalntryl.OI.OO0Ol....I..l...I....OOOOOIOO00000 OCTOBER. lst. J. W. Dowde, K, 112th infantry................................... 10,143 131:. J. B. Sickley, F, 96th infantry.....................................10,148 _lst. J.Sape,A,125thinfantry................................ . . . . . . ..10,178 1st. J. Q. Rofferty, H, 6th cavalry.... . . . . . . . . 10,184 3d. A. Anderson, E, 98th infantry............................. . . . . . . .l10,242 3d. E.Anthony,E,3d cavalry..... . . . . ... . . . . . ...................10,271 3d. D.J.Omerie,E,9th cavalry . . . . . . . . . ..10,279 4th. M. Jackson, F, 123d infantry...................................... 10,287 4th. Hans Godard, G, 89th infantry . . . . ........................10,307 4th. C. Dresser, G, 24th infantry...................................... 10,384 5th. No Go A, infantry...-..-.6... 0.0000000000000000. mu, sum AND nnenmnr. no. or cans. 5th. W. Schwartz, F, 44th infantry . . . . . . . . ............................10,359 5th. Corporal N. Butler, D, 89th infantry . . . . . ..........................10,362 01h. s. B. Lord, B, 112thinfantry......................................10,405 6th. D. Thompson, K, 24th infantry............................ . . . . . . ..10,411 6th. T. Pyner, D, 89thinfantry.. . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . ..................10,412 6th. W. H. Lansdon, A, 78th infantry.. . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10,419 6th. J. Strand, H, 9th cavalry............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......._.......10,440 7th. G. W. Harris, G, 9thcavalry............. . . . . . . . . . ........10,447 7th. Samuel Cheney, K, 79th infantry............... . . . . .. 10,459 7th. ‘H. Grower, K, 42d infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,466 7th. J. W. Osbourn, H, 9thcavalry.... . . . . . . . . . . .. 10,469 - 7th. T. Barnes, F, 135th infantry ............ ..... .. 10,480 8th. A. Downer, H‘, 24th infantry. .. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,496 8th. R. Lewis, K, 7th cavalry...................... . . . . . . . . . . 10,508 8th. W. Farmingham, K, 14th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. 10,509 8th. L. Sandler,D, 19th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10,512 8th. H. Justice, H, 7th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,513 8th. J. Tanner, A, 7th cavalry..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10,515 8th. J. Killbraith, A, 42d infantry.." . . . . .... . . . . . . . 10,520 8th. G. Quinn, A, 52d infantry........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........10,531 9th. W. Choat, D, 6th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,551 10th. A. A. Worthy, K, 21st infantry..... . . . . ... . . . . . . . ....... 10,582 10th. J. Butler, D, 88th infantry.. . . .... .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,586 10th. J. Gross, B, 20th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,594 10th. G. Davis, D, 113thinfantry . . . . ....................... . . . . . . . . ..10,603 10th. G. Hathaway, B, 15th cavalry. . . .. .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,606. 11th. B. Morhley, H, 48th infantry . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,645 11th., C. W. Benton,‘ B, 29th infantry.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,653 11th. P. Slick, E, 9th infantry. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10,663 11th. William Best, E, 88th infantry.. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 10,681 11th. S. Stevens, D,44th infantry . . . . ... 10,737 11th. L. Furguson, K, 115th infantry................................... 10,740 12th. F. Rodes,G,16th cavalry.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10,751 12th. H. Alf,A, 89thinfantry..... . . . . .... . . . . ....... . . . . .............10,762 12th. E. Breiden, E, 35th infantry....... . . . . . . . . . . . 10,763 12th. C. Yagle, B, 24th infantry..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......10,766 12th. c. F. Randall, I, 124thinfantry...................................10,772 12th. J. W. Weidman, I, 38th infantry................ .... .... .. 10,785 12th. J. Bowman, D, 108th infantry..... . . .......... . . . . . . . .-....... 10,791 13th. A. Stine, H, 14th infantry................................ 10,828 13th. J. S. Tucker, G, 8th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,832 13th. J. Smith, C, 14th cavalry . . . . . . . .................. . . . . . . ........:10,849 13th. D. O’Brien, 0, 89th ....10,s51 13th. N. P. Smith, G, 28th 10,836 13th. N. J. Ford, 1, 17th infantry................................. 10,881 14th. J. Buckmaster, C, 79th infantry............ ...................... . 10,882 ANDERSONVILLE nnan. 313 314 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. DATE. um AND Rnonnrnr. no. or nun. 14th. D. Prine, K, 103d infantry..... . . . . . ............................. 10,893 14th. M. Leatherman, E, 98th infantry.. . . .. . 10,896 14th. G. W. Williams, B, 15th infantry.. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,899 14th. W. A. Earley, G,21st............ 10,909 14th. C. W. Crelly, B, 29th................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10,912 14th. S. Mills, F, 14th cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,921 15th. J. J. Darren, I, 112th infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._._ . . . . . . 10,961 1515. P. Sniith,H, 1l4thinfantry....,.........-......................... 10,975 15th. E. Atkins, C, 6th cavalry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,979 15th. A. Madrill, A, 12th infantry . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,982 16th. J . Boyer, H, 14th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,984 16th. S. Farmer, A, 120th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,988 16th. J Graal, C, 51st infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . 10,998 17th. H. Scott, G, 28th im"-8.5111-y ................. . .... ........ 11,077 18th. E. L. Bodkin, D, 103d infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,085 18th. D. Underwood, E,11thinfantry.................................. 11,091 19th. N. Hungerford, I, 108th infantry.................................11,140 19th. John Green, H, 23d infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,155 19th. D. Hanson, E, 39th infantry............ . . . . . . . . . .............11,188 20th. c. Layson, 0, 89thinfantry.................'....... .... ...... .. 11,222 21st. C. Lewis, A, 79th infantry... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11,258 22d. W. Ochley, K, 24th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,274 22d. M. Sergeant, K, 14th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 11,289 23d. G. R. Ward, E, 7th cavalry . . . . ..- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,345 23d. J. W. Maddock, A, 79th infantry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,358 23d. J. Sheerlock, E, 89th infantry. . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,359 24th. J. Grinan,F, 78th infantry........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11,449 26th. V. Lincl1,'C, 38th infantry......8.:........... . . . . .... . . . . . . . . ..11,467 26th. W. Ross, F, 45th infantry.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11,473 26th. G. W. Williams, F, 15th infantry..¢.............................. 11,497 26th. J. Horpc, A, 100th infantry..................... . . . . . . . . 11,506 27th. Fiske, G, 65thinfantry..8........“................. . . . . . . 11,541 27th. J. J. Frask, B, 7th cavalry................................. . . . . .. 11,550 27th. G. H. Hall, .6, 7th cavalry.-..-1...‘...-........ . . . . . . .. 11,592 29th. J. R. Mitchell, G, 89th infantry. ..¢.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,617 29th. L. Waterman, D, 95th infantry...-... . . . . . . . . 11,619 29th. J. McGivens, A, 119th infantry.. .1 . .. ..... . . . . . . . . ..-....... . 11,623 30th. J. Beard, K, 14thinfantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......11,652 30th. A. R. Butten, E, 79th infantry“................................. 11,668 H. B; I, i11f8.Il1'1I’y.~..*;.*-.'a.-"... 00000001000 NOVEMBER 1811- 0, 89thlI]ffl.IltI‘y..................5-................. 156- H- H GO-D:IPt()D,K, 21811lI1f&I1tI‘y......-........8...--.-55--5"“... iI':1fa.ntI‘y...-..-“............-n-.............-.- 1st. E. K. Harris, C, 79th infantry..................................... 11,725 ANDERSONVILLE DEAD. 315 our. am am maenmnr. solos cans. 1st. W. Aron,M, 7thcavalry............................... . . . . . . . . . .. 11,727 1st. F. Boyle, B, 4th cavalry.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. 11,729 2d. T. Welch,F, 24th infantry.... . . . . . ... . . . . ........................11,751 3d. A. Alvord, G,23d infantry.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11,777 3d Green George, D, 120th infantry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,778 3d. G. S. Howard, K, 127th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11,782 4th. U. P Button, B, 100th infantry.. .. . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11,795 4th. B. F. Sutter, L, 4th cavalry . . . . . 11,808 5th. Peter Hall, D, 105th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 11,833 5th. R. Hoffman, C, 35th infantry.. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11,847 6ht. O. L. Burton, 1, 35th infantry................. . . . . ................11,858 7th. P. Knoble,E, 108th infantry................... . . . . . . ............. 11,891 7th. P Munz, I, 14th infantry................................. . . . . . . .. 11,900 8th. M. Beaver, B, 29th . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .................... . . . . . . . ..11,917 8th. G. Bonser, F, 89th infantry. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,921 10th. B. McLaven, A, 89th infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 11,952 11th. W. Haginus, G, 89th infantry.........., . . . . . ......... . . . . 11,959 15th. S. See, G,11th infantry.............. . . . . .............. . . . . . . . ..12,034 16th. V. Lance, D, 59thinfantry..................... . . . . . . . . . ..12,044 16th. H. C. Siebert, M, 7th cavalry.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12,046 16th. F. Clines, E,15th infantry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,051 16th. H. Kane, A,95th infantry... . . . . . . . . . . . .....................12,052 17th. C. Highland, C, 14thinfantry....................................12,070 18th. R. s. Ward, 0, 1501 infantry........ ........ .... 12,072 18th. F. Horn, A,86thinfantry . . . . . . ................. . . . . . . ...........12,090 226. C. Green, A, 79th infantry . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,116 23d. Stalholt, H, 92d infantry . . . . . ..... . . . . ... . . . . ....................12,132 24th. A. Sharp, B, 7th cavalry . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,149 27th. J. B. Peterson, 1, 112th infantry......... . . . . . . . . .. 12,179 28th. C.Stonn,C,96th 12,190 DECEMBER. 41-.11. J. L. Hall, G, 89th infantry ............ ..'.........................12,223 12th. c. Langley, K, 1101 inama~y................................£....12,270 19th. S. Delainey, D, 2d artillery............. . . . . ......................12,311 20th. H. C.Hall, D,41stinfantry....~.................,. .............. 12,314 23d. F. Richardson, E, 34th infantry.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. '. . .. . 12,324 27th. J. C. Cadding, B, 89th infantry.................................. 12,348 28th. F. Parkhurst, H, 14th infantry . . . . . ..'.........................Q...12,356 29th. B. Buffington, F, 74th infantry...................................12,362 Numberof patientsadmitted......................................17,460 Numberof deaths . . . . . . . . . . ...............;......................12,854 Remaiuinginhospital.... . . . . . . . . 886 Returnedto quarters............................................. 3,730 Highest number of deaths, 127, August 23, 1864. CHAPTER XIX. REGIMENTAL SKETCHES. Tan SEVENTY-SEO0ND—-—BATTLES or FRANKLIN AND NASHVILLE-—GENERAL J osnrn STOCKTON—-THE SEVENTY-FOUBTH—WHAT Hoon Gor—Tm; SEVENTY-Fnwn-ITS Barrnns—Tnn SEVENTY-sixrn-élrs Rosrna AND HI8TORY——THE SEVENTY-NINTH-— Trnz: Erenrmrn—lrs BATTLES AND MARGHES -—-THE EIGHTY-FIRS'1‘—PURSl1I'1‘ or PRICE -—THE EIGHTY-SECOND-—GETTYSBURG——GOLONEL FREDERIC HECKER——GENERAL E. S. SALOMON——THE EIGHTY-THIRD—-DEFENCE or Fonr DONELSON—-—THE EIGHTY-FOURTH- THE EIGHT?-SIX'l‘H—-THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN--THE EIGHTY-NINTH-——A BRILLIANT Rncom>—Tnn N mnrmrn—“ THE IRISH LEGION ”-THE N INETY-FIRST-—-SERVICE IN Tans. SEVENTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. HE ‘following is the original roster of this (the First Board of Trade) regiment ' Colonel, F. A. Starring; Lieutenant Colonel, Joseph C. Wright; Major, Henry W. Chester; Adjutant, Ebenezer Bacon; Quartermaster, Benjamin W. Thomas; Sur- geon, Edwin Powell ; 1st Assistant Surgeon, B. Durham, Jr. ; 2d Assistant Surgeon, E. A. Beers; Chaplain, Henry Barnes. ‘ Co. A—-Captain, Joseph Stockton; 1st Lieutenant, George B. Randall ; 2d Lien- tenant, William B. Gallaher. Co. B--Captain, Jacob S. Curtis; 1st Lieutenant, David W. Perkins; 2d Lieuten- ant, D. W. Whittle. Co. C—Captain, William James, Jr.; 1st Lieutenant, Glen C. Ledyard; 2d Lieu- tenant, Cliiford Stickney. Co. D—-Captain, J amcs A. Sexton ; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin C. Underwood; 2d Lieutenant, Nathan C. Underwood. ' - Co. E—-Captain, W. B. Holbrook; 1st Lieutenant, H. C. Mowry; 2d Lieutenant, Porter E. Ransoin. Co. F-—Captain, Isaiah H. Williains; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Colby; 2d Lieu- tenant, Richard Pomeroy. I Co. G--Captain, H. D. French; 1st Lieutenant, J . H. -Smith; 2d Lieutenant, J., H. D Bingham. -rnn snvnmr-snooun mrmvrnr. 317 C0. H—Captain, Edwin 0. Prior; 1st Lieutenant, J. W. Murray; 2d Lieutenant, Hezekiah Stout. \ Co. I-Captain, J. W. Harvey; 1st Lieutenant, Abner E. Barnes; 2d Lieutenant, John W. Abbott. Go. K—Captain, John Reid; 1st Lieutenant, Charles Gladding; 2d Lieutenant, Edwin Small. This regiment was organized by the Board of Trade of Chicago. Its enlistment rolls were first opened on the 23d of July, 1862, and on the 23d day of August--just one month from the first enlist- ments—1862, the regiment embarked on board the Illinois Central Railroad cars for Cairo, where it remained until September 8th. It then took boats to Paducah, Kentucky, where it arrived September 9th, and was employed in post duty until the 17th, when it again embarked for Columbus, Kentucky, and remained there on post and picket duty until November 21 st. On that day the regiment started on the march for Vicksburg, but, with the rest of the army, was obliged to retrace its steps, the cap- ture of Holly Springs, Mississippi, having cut off the supplies. On the 13th of March, 1863, the regiment again embarked to join in the movement against Vicksburg. On the 16th of May, after march- ing all day, it reached the battle-field of Champion Hills, just in time to help turn the enemy’s left flank, and send him flying from the field. On the next day (17th) it was’ engaged at BlackRiver ‘bridge, and on the 19th it was the first to bring on the engage- ment of that day at Vicksburg. May 22d it took part in the general assault on the enemy’s line around Vicksburg, and sufl'ered severely. From that time until July 4, 1863, the regiment took an active part in the siege of Vicksburg, and was among the first troops to enter the city after its surrender. Subsequently, the 7 2d participated in the capture of Natchez, the battle of Benton, Mississippi, and General Slocum’s expedition to Port Gibson and Grand Gulf. On the 30th of November, 1864, the regiment was engaged in the battle of Franklin, in which it suf- fered severely, losing, in killed, wounded and taken prisoners, nine ofiicers and one hundred and fifty-two enlisted men, and where Lieutenant-Colonel Stockton was severely wounded. On the 15th of December it bore a conspicuous part in the battle of Nash- 318 PATRIOTISM or ILLI_NoIs. ville. From this point it moved to Eastport, Tennessee, and, a month later, to New Orleans, where it arrived February 21st, 1865. Then followed the movement upon Mobile, in which it bore a not unimportant part, sharing in the capture of Spanish Fort, andin the subsequent capture of Blakeley. From Mobile the regiment marched to Montgomery, Alabama. Remaining in camp at that place until the 23d of May, it was ordered on post duty at Union Springs, Alabama, forty-five miles east of Montgomery, where it continued until July 19, 1865. Having received orders to muster out of the service, itproceeded to Vicksburg, Mississippi, via Montgomery and Selma, Alabama, Meridian and Jackson, Mississippi, arriving there on the 1st of Au- gust, and was mustered out on the 13th, having participated in the following engagements : Champion Hills, Big Black, Siege of Vicks- burg, Benton, Franklin, Nashville, Spanish Fort, Fort Pillow, Clark- son, Horn Lake Creek, Fort Pemberton, St. Catherine’s Creek, Cross Bayou, Grand Gulf, Columbia, Spring Hill, Iuka and Cedar Point. General Joseph Stockton was born at Pittsburg, August 10, 1833.~ He was educated at Sewickley, Pa., and removed to Chicago in 1851. Here he was engaged in mercantile pursuits until the break- ing out of the rebellion.* He was mustered into the service as First Lieutenant, and was the second man to sign the rolls of the Board of Trade regiments—Adjutant Heafford being the first. General S. rose by successive steps to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the regi- ment, which post, he ‘held when the regiment was ‘mustered out, previous to which time he was brevetted a Brigadier-General for meritorious service. SEVENTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. On page 397 et seq. of the first volume of this work, we have given the roster of this regiment, and followed its record till the 1st of September, 1864. After the retreat of the rebels from J onesboro, the 74th marched to Lovejoy’s Station, and from thence went to Atlanta and camped. On the 25th of September, Hood having commenced his campaign north, the 2d division moved back to Chat- THE ssmm-rm mrarrrnv. 319 tanooga, where it remained till the 22d_ of November, when the army began its retreat to Nashville, pursued by Hood, who, in an order to his soldiers, said he was bound.for h-.—.l or Nashville. At Spring Hill his advance cavalry came upon the 74th and 88th Illi- nois, who were in the rear guard of Thomas’ army, and was sent back reeling. At Franklin, when the enemy broke our lines, these two regiments charged forward and saved the day. On the 15th and 16th of December, at the battle of Nashville, the 74th nobly did its duty, the boys saying Hood got h—1, but not Nashville. The 74th reached Chicago on the 14th of June, 1865, and was then mus.- tered out. When it left Rockford for the field, it numbered 936 men and ofiicers. It returned with 279, one-third of whom were re- cruited during the last year of its service. SEVENTY-FIFTH ILIJNOIS INFANTRY. In the first volume of this work [p. 402] we have given the original roster of this regiment, and followed its fortunes as far as the commencement of Sherman’s memorable march to the sea. At this date (November 6, 1864), the 75th was attached ,to the 4th Corps, which Sherman left at Gaylesville, when it proceeded to Pulaski, Tennessee. The regiment was in the battle of Franklin, and suflfered severely. Then it went back to Nashville, where, on the second day of the siege, it charged through an open cornfield on the double quick for the distance of half a mile, driving out the rebels. A second charge was made by the whole corps, by brigades in echelon. The 75th was in the first charging line, and captured 223 prisoners, ‘and large quantities of arms and camp equipage. This was the last of its fighting. It went into quarters at Hunts- ville on the 14th of April, moving via Rollin to Knoxville, and thence to Greenville, where the news of the surrender was received, and the regiment returned to Nashville. On the 15th of June, 1865, it arrived at Chicago, where it was paid off and discharged. The 75th started out with 868 men, and during its service recruited hearly 200. It returned with 266 men and non-commissioned oflicers, leaving 85 behind. Its Colonel was justly complimented with a com- mission as Brevet Brigadier-General, and the regiment could point to the following battles and skirmishes in which it had borne an 320 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. honorable part: Perryville, Lancaster, Nolesville, Stone River, Liberty Gap, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Rid ge, Ring- gold, Buzzard’s Roost, Franklin, Nashville, Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, North Marietta, Siege of Atlanta, J onesboro, Lovejoy. SEVENTY-SIXT-H ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 76th regiment was raised in Kankakee, Iroquois, Champaign, Morgan and Grundy counties, organized at Kankakee, and mustered into the service on the 22d of August, 1862. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Alonzo W. Mack; Lieutenant-Colonel, Samuel T. Busey; Major, William A. Dubois; Adjutant, John F. Huntoon; Quartermaster, George J . Hodges ; Surgeon, Franklin Blades; 1st Assistant Surgeon, William A. Babcock; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Edmund Ridgeway; Chaplain, John W. Flower. Q Co. A-Captain, George C. Harrington; 1st Lieutenant, Abraham Andrea; 2d Lieutenant, James R. Elliott. Co. B--Captain, Homer W. Ayers; 1st Lieutenant, N ing A. Riley; 2d Lieuten- ant, James E. Smith. Co. C-Captain, Charles C. Jones; 1st Lieutenant, William Reardon, Jr.; 2d Lieutenant, Richard Hughes. Co. D—Captain, Francis Seguin; 1st Lieutenant, Charles 0. Savoil; 2d Lieuten- ant, Noel Brosseau. Co. E—Captain, Abram Irvin; 1st Lieutenant, Peter J . Williams; 2d Lieutenant, Cornelius L. Hoyle. Co. F—-Captain, George Cooper; 1st Lieutenant, William P. Mitchell; 2d Lieu- tenant, David Palmer. ‘ ' Co. G--Captain, Joseph Park; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Ingersoll; 2d Lieutenant, James R. Dunlap. ’ Co. H--Captain, Daniel Plummer; 1st Lieutenant, Peter Nichols; 2d Lieutenant, Jacob Ruger. Co. I—Captain, Walter W. Todd; 1st Lieutenant J . B. Durham; 2d Lieutenant, Warren R. Hickox. ' Co. K-Captain, Joseph Davis; 1st Lieutenant, Charles R. Ford; 2d Lieutenant, John B. Dille. On the 26th of August the regiment was sent to Columbus, Ken- tucky, remaining there till October 3d, when it was sent to Bolivar, Tennessee. On the 24th of November it joined in General Grant’s Yocna expedition. February 23, 1863, it returned to Memphis, and from there was ordered to Vicksburg, arriving May 20th. The great THE SEVENTY-NINTH INFANTRY. 321 charge of the 22d, in which it bore a prominent part, was the first real fight in which it was engaged, but the men behaved with the steadiness and gallantry of veterans. After this charge the regi- ment was placed on the extreme left of the besieging line, W here it remained, with the exception of the last week of the siege, when it was stationed at Hall’s Ferry, until the place surrendered. On the 5th of July it proceeded to Jackson, taking part in the siege and capture of that place. It then returned to Vicksburg, and from thence went to Jackson. It participated in Sherman’s famous Merid- ian raid, but took no part in any great battles. In February and May, 1864, it was on the expedition up the Yazoo, and participated in the battles of Benton, Vaughn’s Station and Deasonville, with credit, but, fortunately, with no serious losses. With the exception of one pretty severe conflict between Clinton and Jackson, Louisiana, the time was filled up with an uneventful routine of skirmishes and reconnoissances in Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee, until the time of General Steele’s expedition from Pensacola to Blakeley, Alabama, reaching the latter place April 1, 1864. On the line of march it had but one engagement of any note, that at P01- lard’s Station. On the 9th of May it assaulted and carried the enemy’s position at Blakeley. The assault lasted only about fifteen minutes, but in that time the regiment lost 17 killed and 81 severely wounded. Its colors were the first to be planted on the rebel works. Long and uneventful marches and tedious waiting in camp at Selden, Mobile and Galveston occupied the rest of the time until the 22d of July, 1865, when it was mustered out at Galveston. On the 29th it started for home, arriving at Chicago August 3d, where it was paid off and discharged. During its term of service, the 76th traveled over 10,000 miles. It received but 156 recruits, and trans- ferred all left of these to the 37th Illinois, bringing back 471 oflicers and men. It will thus be seen that it was very fortunate in the chances of war, having lost only about one half its original members by battle and disease. SEVENTY-NIN TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. In Vol. I. of this work [p. 391 ] we have given the original roster of this regiment, and its history to the time of its marching to the 21 322 PATRIOTISM o1r ILLINOIS. relief of Burnside at Knoxville. It previously participated in the Atlanta campaign, bearing itself gallantly at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro and Lovejoy Station. At the battles of Franklin and Nashville it fought bravely and suffered severely. It then followed the rebels till they were driven out of the State. Its time was after- ward occupied in uneventful marches and tedious waiting in camp at various points in Tennessee, until June 12, 1865, when it was mustered out of the service at Nashville, Tennessee, the veterans being transferred to the 42d regiment. It arrived at Camp Butler on the 14th, and was there paid off and discharged. EIGHTIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 80th regiment was organized at Centralia, and mustered into the service on the 28th of August, 1862. The following is the original roster : Colonel, Thomas G. Allen; Lieutenant-Colonel, Andrew F. Rogers; Major, Erastus N. Baker; Adjutant, James C. J ones; Quartermaster, Robert J . Harmer; Surgeon, Nathan W. Abbott ; Assistant Surgeon, Ebenezer Rodgers; Chaplain, John W. Lane. Co. A—Captain, James L. Mann; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel T. Jones; 2d Lieuten- ant, Goodwin Scudmore. Co. B--Captain, George W. Carr; 1st Lieutenant, William R. Wright; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry C. Smith. Co. C—Captain, Henry Zeis; 1st Lieutenant, Herman Steinscke; 2d Lieutenant, Benjamin Kohln. Co. D--Captain, Carter 0. Williams; 1st Lieutenant, James Neville; 2d Lieuten- ant, Alexander Van Kendle. C0. E-—Captain, Stephen T. Stratton; 1st Lieutenant, Newton C. Pace ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles W. Pavey. Co. F-—Captain, Edmund R. Jones; 1st Lieutenant, John Woods; 2d Lieutenant, Albert Foster. Co. G—-Captain, Andrew Wilson; 1st Lieutenant, John W. McCormack; 2d Lieu. tenant, William H. McDill. Co. H-Captain, James Cunningham; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel G. Andrews; 2d Lieutenant, John R. Cunningham. Co. I—Captain, Daniel Hay; 1st Lieutenant, James Adams; 2d Lieutenant, Richard M. Davis. Co. K—Captain, Alexander Hodge ; 1st Lieutenant, Edmund D. Kiersey ; 2d Lieu- tenant, John A. Miller. The regiment left camp on the 4th of September for Louisville, receiving arms at New Albany. On the 1st of October it started I THE EIGHTIETH INFANTRY. 323 with Buell’s army in pursuit of Bragg, participating in the battle of Perryville, where it suffered severely. It continued with the army ' in pursuit to Mumfordsville, where it arrived on the 24th. On the 31st it marched to Cove City, and returned on the 6th of November. On the 11th of December it arrived at Bledsoe Creek, Tennessee, and on the 26th started in pursuit of John Morgan. January 2, 1863, the pursuit of Morgan was discontinued, and the regiment marched to Nashville and Murfreesboro, arriving at the latter place on the 10th. It remained here till April 7th, foraging and scouting. On the 20th of March, the brigade, while on a scout, was attacked by a largely superior force of rebels, who were repulsed with a heavy loss. On the 7th of April the regiment left Murfreesboro for Nashville, where it prepared to go upon “ Straight’s expedition.” On the 10th all was ready, and it embarked. On the 30th, the expedition was attacked at Day’s Gap and Sand Mountain, repulsing the rebels on both occasions. On the 3d of May the expedition met with its dis- astrous defeat, and the forces were surrendered to Forrest. On the 17th, after great suffering, the private soldiers who had been captured were landed at Annapolis on parole (the oificers being retained in Libby Prison), and were at once sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. June 23d, having been exchanged, the regiment was sent to Nashville, arriving on the 29th. September 8th it moved to Stevenson, Ala- bama, where it was placed on guard duty along the railroad. On the 16th of October it moved to Battle Creek, and thence to Bridge- port. On the 27th it moved up Lookout Valley to open the road to Chattanooga, and was present at the battle of Wauhatchie on the night of the 28th, but, being in the reserve, was not actually engaged. November 24th and 25th it participated in the battle of Mission Ridge. On the 27th it made a forced march to Red Clay, and destroyed several miles of the track of the East Tennessee and Georgia Rail- road. On the 29th it started to the relief of Burnside at Knoxville, encamping within fourteen miles of the city on the 5th of Decem- ' ber. On the 7th, Longstreet having retreated from Knoxville, the regiment returned to its former camp in Lookout Valley, capturing and destroying a large amount of Confederate stores on the march. On the 24th of December it moved to Whiteside, Tennessee, where it remained till January 27, 1864, when it went to Blue Spring, Ten- 324 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. nessee. Here it encamped till May 4th. From the 22d to the 28th of February it was engaged in a reconnoissance toward Dalton, Georgia, skirmishing considerably with the enemy. On the 3d of May it started on the Atlanta campaign, participating in the battles of Dalton, Resaca, Adairsville, Cassville, Dallas, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, J onesboro and Lovejoy Station, and pursuing the rebels until September 5th, when it returned to Atlanta. October 3d, marching orders were received, and the regiment started in pursuit of Hood, halting at Pulaski November 3d. On the 23d it began the famous retreat to Nashville. It was present at the battle of Franklin, but did not participate. ‘It did its full share, however, at the battle of Nashville, and pursued Hood till he was driven out of the State. It then returned to Huntsville, arriving January 5, 1865. March 12th it moved to Chattanooga and Knoxville. , Here it was sent out to Straw- berry Plains, Morristown, Bull’s Gap, Shields’ Mills, &o., to Green- ville, to guard a signal station, returning to Nashville April 23d. It remained in camp near Nashville till June 10th, when it was mus- tered out and sent home, arriving at Camp Butler on the 13th, where it was paid 011' and discharged. During its term of service it marched over 6,000 miles, was engaged in more than twenty pitched battles, and the conduct of its members was such as to reflect honor on the regiment, the State and the nation. EIGHTY-FIRST ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 81st regiment was mustered into the service at Anna on the 26th of August, 1862, 915 strong. The following is the original roster: Colonel, James J . Dollins ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Franklin Campbell; Major, Andrew W. Rogers; Adjutant, Zebedee Hammock; Quartermaster, Logan H. Roots ; Surgeon, Lewis Dyer; Chaplain, William S. Post. Co. A-Captain, James P. Cowan ; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Payne; 2d Lieuten- ant, William McNeill. Co. B--Captain, Thomas Hightower ; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Grammar; 2d Lieutenant, Josiah Goodwin. Co. C-—-Captain, John C. Armstrong ; 1st Lieutenant, Mortimer C. Edwards; 2d Lieutenant, Thomas B. McClure. Co. D—Captain, Cornelius S. Ward; 1st Lieutenant, Logan Wheeler; 2d Lieu- tenant, Isaac Rapp. THE EIGHTY-FIRST INFANTRY. 325 C0. E-—-Captain, Marmaduke _F. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, John P. Reese; 2d Lieu- tenant, David R. Sanders. Co. F-Captain, Samuel L. Campbell; 1st Lieutenant, Jacob W. Sanders; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Kelly. l 00. G—Captain, George W. Sisney; 1st Lieutenant, William W. Russell ; 2d Lieu- tenant, William L. Farmer. ' Co. H—Captain, Albert F. Crane; 1st Lieutenant, William A. Stewart; 2d Lieu- tenant, James V. Pierce. Co. I——Captain, John W. Felt; 1st Lieutenant, James Bartleson; 2d Lieutenant, Charles J . Minniek. Co. K—Captain, Samuel Pyle; 1st Lieutenant, Lycurgus Rees; 2d Lieutenant, William Needham. On the 7th-of September, 1862, the 81st left Anna for the front, under James J . Dollins, its first Colonel, who fell at the charge upon the enemy’s fortifications at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. It was in that splendid series of battles, under General Grant: Port Gibson, Mississippi, May 1, 1863 ; Raymond, Mississippi, May 12, 1863 ; Jackson, Mississippi, May 14, 1863; Champion’s Hill, Mississippi, May 16, 1863 ; investment of and charge on Vicksburg, Mississippi, May 19 and 22, 1863, and marched in triumph into the city, July 4, 1863; Brownsville, Mississippi, October 16, 1863. On the death of Colonel Dollins, Lieutenant-Colonel F. Campbell succeeded to the oflice of Colonel, but being absent under orders, Lieutenant- Colonel A. W. Rogers was in command of the regiment while on the celebrated Red River expedition, under Banks. During that arduous expedition it participated in the battle and capture of Fort De Russey,Louisiana, spring of 1864 ; two battles of Cloutierville, Old River, Marksville, Yellow Bayou, and in numerous skirmishes while aboard the transports in their attempt to ascend the river to Shreveport. The 81st was in the disastrous Guntown expedition, under General Sturgis, and this was the first and only time it was ever driven from the field of conflict. On the 3d of August, 1864, the division to which it belonged was ordered to St. Charles, Arkan- sas, on White River. The 81st, with some other troops, having been sent up to Augusta, to drive away the enemy, who were con- centrating there, returned for a few days, after accomplishing this work, to Duvall’s Blufi', and from thence went to Brownsville, on the Little Rock Railroad, where the expedition under General Mower was organized and sent with all haste after the rebel General Price, 326 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. who was moving toward Missouri. This_little army, with twelve days’ rations, marched over the mountains, through swamps, fording and bridging streams, to Cape'Girardeau, a distance of 325 miles, in nineteen days. Colonel Campbell having resigned in consequence of protracted ill health, Lieutenant-Colonel Rogers assumed its entire command, which he retained, having the commission of Colonel from Governor Yates. At Cape Girardeau the troops were sent by river to St. Louis and Jefferson City, and from thence by rail and land marches to VVarrensburg, in W'estern Missouri. General Price hav- ing been driven from the country, the 81st was now assigned to General A. J. Smith’s command, and hurried to oppose General Hood, who was about to invest Nashville. It participated in the celebrated fights of the 15th and 16th of December before that city, and bore a noble part in the pursuit of that discomfited General to Pulaski,‘ eighty miles south, and thence to Clifton, on the Tennessee River, eighty miles west. Here it took boats for Eastport, making the recon- noissance of Corinth, and on the 8th day of February, 1865, it started on its way to New Orleans, making brief stops at Cairo, Memphis and Vicksburg. Remaining for some three weeks in camp, it commenced its movement toward Mobile, by way of Forts Gaines and Morgan ; landing on the eastern shore of the bay, the approaches to Spanish Fort, the most formidable of the defenses of Mobile and the key to all the rest, were at once pushed forward. The 3d divi- sion of the 16th Army Corps was ordered, on the 26th of March, to make a reoonnoissance in force into the immediate vicinity of the enemy’s fortifications. Locating him with suflicient accuracy, the 81st Illinois being in the advance, and deploying one half the regi- ment as a skirmish line, it received a heavy musketry fire from the enemy, when, i11 pursuance of orders, the siege was commenced by the whole division. On the thirteenth day of the siege the 3d Brig- ade of the 3d Division was ordered to charge upon the fortifications -—-the 8th“Iowa leading the charge, closely supported by the 81st Illinois, led by Colonel Rogers in person. The charge was a com- plete success. In a day or two after, Fort Blakeley was successfully charged by General Steele and the 2d Division of the 16th Army Corps, after which Mobile quickly surrendered. The 81st Illinois was now moved up to Montgomery, where it remained on provost THE EIGHTY-SECOND INFANTRY. duty until ordered home for discharge, arriving at Chicago on the 7th of August, 1865. EIGHTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 82d Infantry--named the “ Second Hecker Regiment,” in honor of its first Colonel—-was almost exclusively a Chicago organ- ization, and was also as exclusively made up of Germans, except Co. I, which was composed of Scandinavians. Its original roster was as follows: 4 Colonel, Frederick Hecker; Lieutenant Colonel, Edward S. Salomon; Major, Fer- dinand Rolshanson; Adjutant, Eugene F. Weigel; Quartermaster, Herman Pause; Surgeon, George Schloetzer; Ist Assistant Surgeon, Emil Brendel; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Oscar Julius Bergk ; Chaplain, Emannal Julius Richhelm. Co. A—-Captain, Anton Bruhn; 1st Lieutenent, Edward Kafka; 2d Lieutenant, Charles E. Stueven. Co. B—-Captain, Augustus Bruning; 1st Lieutenant, George Heinzman; 2d Lieutenant, Charles Lanzendorfer. Co. C--C aptain, Jacob Lasalle; 1st Lieutenant, Mayer A. Frank; 2d Lieutenant, Frederick Bechstein. _ Co. D—Captain, Matthew Marx; 1st Lieutenant, William Warner; 2d Lieutenant. Frank Kirchner. Co. E——-Captain, Robert Lender; 1st Lieutenant, Rudolph Mueller; 2d Lieuten- ant, John Breeh Celler. Co F-—Captain, Frederick L. Weber; 1st Lieutenant, Erich Hoppe; 2d Lieuten- ant, Lorenz Spoenmann. Co. G-—Captain, William N eussel; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Gottlob; 2d Lieuten- ant, Conrad Schonder. Co. H--Captain, Emil Frey; 1st Lieutenant, Johann Sporre ; 2d Lieutenant, Jos. Riegert. Co. 1-Captain, Ivar Alexander Weid; 1st Lieutenant, John Hillborg; 2d Lieu- tenant, Peter Hanson. Co. K.--Captain, Joseph P. Greenhut ; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Fuchs ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Dominicus kmtscn. The 82d was mustered into the service on the 26th of August, 1862, at Camp Butler, and left for the field on the 3d of November, 900 strong, and joined Sigel on the Potomac, and fought under him in the 11th Army Corps. The first fight was at Chancellorsville, where the regiment had a hard trial, doing some splendid work, and fighting bravely; it was the last to quit the field. The Colonel and Major were wounded, and two line oflicers killed; the regiment lost 328 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. 157 men killed and wounded, among which were ten commissioned ofiicers. At Gettysburg the regiment particularly distinguished itself, and was the only Illinois infantry regiment present there. On the first day of the battle it occupied the center of our line, and when both wings of the army began the retreat, it remained to cover the move- ment, and was the last regiment to leave the field. On the second day it was again placed in the center, on the cemetery hill, which was one of the most exposed positions in the entire line. On the second day, the rebels obtained possession-of our rifle pits, on the right, when Colonel Salomon with the 82d made a charge upon them, driving them back and taking more prisoners than the number of his own command. On the third day it occupied the same position as on the preceding, and took part in the winning of the glorious vic- tory. During the three days’ battle, Colonel Salomon had two horses shot under him. The regiment lost 131 men out of 312 engaged, and was highly complimented by Generals Schurz, Howard and Meade. The regiment took an effective part in the campaign in Northern Georgia. It left Whiteside, Tenn., where it had been stationed to guard the railroad, on the 3d day of May, 1864, arriving at Triune on the 7th, marching thence to Resaca, arriving there on the 13th. On the 14th the regiment marched with the brigade to the rear of the center of their line of battle before Resaca, and subsequently moved to the extreme left, on the double quick. The brigade formed on the high bank of a little creek, with an open field in the front. Before the line had been perfectly formed, the brigade on the right gave way, being closely pressed by the enemy, leaving the 5th Indi- ana battery in imminent danger of being taken. At this critical juncture the 82d charged in double quick across the open field, and with a full volley into the rebel ranks drove them back. The battery was saved, and the brigade occupied the field for the night. On the 15th this regiment again gallantly repulsed a severe attack, relieving the 150th New York amid a perfect hailstorm of bullets. It then pressed the enemy for three days, losing one man in a skir- mish on the 19th. At Dallas the regiment advanced in the face of a heavy fire to within one hundred and fifty yards of the enemy’s COLONEL FREDERIO nnexnn. 329 line, and remaining there till its ammunition was exhausted, and then, till more came, took the cartridges from the dead and wounded. Out of 245 muskets going into that fight, 11 men were killed and 69 wounded. At Kingston, during the first few days ' of June, the regiment kept up a lively skirmish with the rebels, throwing up breastworks; on the 4th and 5th a continuous fire was kept up dur- ing the day and night. On the 6th of June it marched and struck the pickets of the rebels near Lost Mountain, about twelve miles west of Marietta, and skirmished till the 15th of June, when at Pine Hill the regiment had a severe conflict with the enemy, losing five men. On the 17th it lost one man killed and three wounded, out of a skirmish line of fifteen. At Peach Tree Creek the regi- ment behaved most gallantly, each man firing from 135 to 140 rounds of ammunition, keeping up a brisk fire for over three hours at short range. At Atlanta, too, the 82d did noble service working in the trenches, and was in J:he first brigade that entered the city. Then began the march to the sea followed by the Carolina campaign, in which the 82d bore a prominent part. ' At Averysboro and Bentonville, it engaged the enemy with great bravery, losing about fifteen men at the former place and about twenty-five men at the latter. It arrived at Raleigh, N. C., on the 16th of April, 1865, where the news was received that hostilities had ceased. Fatiguing marching still remained, but there was no more fighting, and after a long delay the boys set their faces toward home, after the grand review at Washington, arriving in Chicago on the 17th of June, when they were mustered out. The regiment re- turned with 310 men ; it marched on foot 2,503 miles, traveled by railroad 2,385 miles, crossed 43 rivers and waded through innumer- able creeks and swamps. It has inscribed upon its record the story of gallant deeds at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Mission Ridge, Resaca, Cassville, Dallas or New Hope Church, Lost Mountain, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Savan- nah, Columbia, Averysboro and Bentonville. With its members love of liberty has been shown in deeds more than in words. Colonel Frederic Hecker was born in Baden, Germany, Septem- ber 28, 1811. He took a leading part in the revolution of 1848, and on the defeat of the revolutionary forces fled to America. On the 330 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. second outbreak, under the lead of Lorenz Brentano (now one of the editors of the I llinois Staats Zeitung in Chicago), in 1849, Colonel Hecker returned to his native land, but arrived there too late to take part in the struggle for liberty. He then returned to America and purchased a farm near Lebanon, St. Clair County, Illinois. In 1856, he was a candidate for Presidential Elector on the Fremont ticket—the only official position in civil life for which he has ever consented to be a candidate, though often pressed to do so. At the outbreak of the rebellion, he enlisted as a private in the 3d Missouri infantry, from which he was called to the Colo- nelcy of the 24th Illinois, his commission dating June 17, 1861. He resigned _in December, and accepted the same position in the 82d Illinois. He commanded his regiment in the bloody battle of Chan- cellorsville, and afterward commanded a brigade till he resigned, in March, 1864, and retired to his farm, where he now resides. Colonel Hecker is a gentleman of splendid abilities and education, and is an orator of no mean degree. He is brave even to rashness, very fiery and impulsive. General Edward S. Salomon was born in Schleswig-Holstein, on the 25th of December, 1836, of Jewish parents, and is, we believe, the only individual of that faith who rose to the rank of Brigadier- General. He removed to this country in 1854, settling in Chicago one year later. Here he was first employed as a clerk in a whole- sale hat and cap house, then studied law with Davis and Buell, and was admitted to the bar in 1859. In the following year he was chosen Alderman from the sixth ward, which position be occupied when the war broke out. In 1861, he entered the service in the 24th Illinois infantry (First Hecker regiment) as Second Lieutenant, and was promoted successively to First Lieutenant, Captain and Major. When Colonel Hecker resigned, Major Salomon resigned also, as did a number of other officers, and with Colonel H. set about the formation of “the Second Hecker regiment,” of which he was chosen Lieutenant-Colonel. His career was then with his regi- ment. On Colonel Hecker’s resignation in 1864, he was promoted to the Colonelcy, and in March, 1865, was commissioned Brigadier- General by President Lincoln, for gallant service. When the 82d was mustered out, General Salomon returned to Chicago, and in the THE EIGHTY-THIRD INFANTRY. 331 fall of 1865, was elected County Clerk of Cook County, a position he still holds. EIGHTY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY The 83d regiment was mustered into the service at Monmouth, on the 11th of August, 1862. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Abner C. Harding; Lieutenant-Colonel, Arthur A. Smith; Major, Elijah C. Brott; Adjutant, Wesley B. Casey; Quartermaster, John B. Cotton; Surgeon, Esaias S. Cooper; 1st Assistant Surgeon, John P. McClanahan; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Richard Morris; Chaplain, Adam C. Higgins. Co. A—Captain, Philo C. Reid; 1st Lieutenant, George H. Palmer; 2d Lieuten- ant, Davis M Clark. Co. B—Captain, John McClanahan; 1st Lieutenant, James Moore; 2d Lieuten- ant, William W. Turnbull._ Co. G—Captain, Lyman B. Cutler; 1st Lieutenant, John C. Gamball; 2d Lieuten- ant, Samuel L. Stephenson. Co. D—Captain, Joshua M. Snyder; 1st Lieutenant, Hugh M. Robb; 2d Lieuten- ant, Francis M. Sykes. Co. E—-Captain, James M. Gilson; 1st Lieutenant, Erastus H. Pierce; 2d Lieu- tenant, John L. Parsons. Co. F—Captain, John T. Morgan; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph A. Boyington; 2d Lieu- tenant, James W. Morgan. Co. G—Captain, James G. Hammick; 1st Lieutenant, Horace Jones ; 2d Lieuten- ant, John Jones. Co. H—Captain, William G. Bond; 1st Lieutenant, Walter N. Bond; 2d Lieu- tenant, James C. Johnson. Co. 1--Captain, Joseph B. Dowley; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel D. Shoop; 2d Lieu- tenant, William S. Latimer. Co. K—Captain, George W. Reynolds; 1st Lieutenant, Richard D. Russell; 2d Lieutenant, John S. Garrett. On the 25th of August, 1862, the 83d left Monmouth for Cairo, 938 strong. From Cairo it proceeded to Fort Donelson, where it was placed on garrison duty. In October the regiment was ordered out, with other forces, in pursuit of rebel cavalry under General Morgan and Colonel Woodard. A fight took place at Gar- rettsburg, Kentucky, in which the ‘rebels were completely routed. On the 3d of February, 1863, Colonel Harding made his heroic defence of Fort Donelson, of which we have given an extended account in Vol. I. (p. 496 et seq.) of this work. For gallantry in this fight Colonel Harding was promoted to Brigadier-General, and 332 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. ' Lieutenant-Colonel Smith to the Colonelcy of the regiment. Gener- al H. soon after left the service to take a seat in Congress. During 1863 and 1864, the regiment was almost constantly engaged in skirmishes with detached rebel commands and guerrillas--in the latter year participating in the campaign which expelled Wheeler and his forces from Tennessee, and afterward in the pursuit of For- rest. It was the fortune of the 83d to fight almost always against superior numbers, and no body of men could have exhibited more determined courage than did this regiment. It arrived in Chicago on the 30th of June, 1865, where it was mustered out and disbanded. The 83d went out 1,050 strong, and returned with 640 men. EIGHTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 84th regiment was organized at Quincy, and mustered into the service on the 1st of September, 1862. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Louis H. Waters; Lieutenant Colonel, Thomas Hamer; Major, Charles H. Morton ; Adjutant, Charles E. Waters; Quartermaster, Samuel L. Roe; Surgeon, James B. Kyle; 1st Assistant Surgeon, David McDill; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Elijah L. Marshall; Chaplain, Ralph Harris. Co. A—Captain, John P. Higgins; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas G. Wisdom; 2d Lieu- tenant, William F. Stearns. C0. B—Captain, Vincent M. Grewell; 1st Lieutenant, Lemuel L. Scott; 2d Lieu- tenant, James A. Russell. Co. C—Captain, William Erwin; 1st Lieutenant, Epaphroditus C. Coulson; 2d Lieutenant, William P. Pearson. Co. D--Captain, Moses W. Davis; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas D. Adams; 2d Lieu- tenant, Walter Scaggan. Co. E-—Captain, Miron G. Tousley; 1st Lieutenant, Hiram P. Roberts; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry V. Lewis. Co. F-Captain, Caleb B. Cox; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Nelson; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel Frost. Co. G--Captain, Frederick Garternicht; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Fuller; 2d Lieutenant, Russell W. Caswell. Co. E—Captain, John C. Pepper; 1st Lieutenant, Luther T. Ball; 2d Lieutenant, Henry E. Abercrombie. Co. I-—Captain, Albert J . Griflith ; 1st Lieutenant, William Scott; 2d Lieutenant, Thomas F. Kendrick. Co. K—Captain, John B. McGaw; 1st Lieutenant, Alexander P. Nelson: 2d Lieu- tenant, Hiram H. Mills. The regiment left camp for Louisville, September 22d, and was assigned to the “ Fighting Fourth ” Corps. On the 29th it marched THE EIGHTY-SIXTH INFANTRY! 333 ‘ in pursuit of Bragg, and was present at the battle of Perryville, though not engaged. It then made the march to Nashville, being on half rations for a considerable portion of the time. From thence it started for Murfreesboro, and was engaged at the battle of Stone River, December 31, 1862, and January 1, 1863, losing 228 men. From Manchester it started across the Cumberland Mountains to Chickamauga, where it engaged in the battle of September 19th and 20th, and lost 172 men. On the 24th, 25th and 26th of November, it was engaged in the battles of Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Ringgold. February 22, 1864, it took part in the battle at Dalton. It then joined in the Atlanta campaign, and engaged in the battles of Buzzard’s Roost, May 10th; Dalton, May 13th; Res- aca, May 14th; Burlet Hickon, May 26th to June 3d; Kenesaw Mountain, Smyrna, Atlanta, J onesboro and Lovejoy Station. During this campaign it lost 125 men. Then began the retreat to Nashville. At Franklin and Nashville the 84th did excellent service. During the spring of 1865 the regiment was stationed at Nashville, where it was mustered out on the 8th of June. On the 12th it arrived at Camp Butler, where it was paid ofi‘ and discharged. During its term ‘of service the 84th lost 558 men in battle ; had but one man taken prisoner; lost but ten men by desertion ; had but one man sent to military prison, and but four tried by court martial. On going to the front, in 1862, it crossed the Ohio with 936 men. On its return, in 1865, it crossed that river with 326 men-—making a total loss, from all causes, of 610 men. It was constantly in the front, in the Department of the Cumberland. EIGHTY-SIXTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 86th Illinois Infantry, was mustered into the service on the 27th of August, 1862, at Camp Lyon, Peoria, Illinois, at which time it numbered 923 men, rank and file. The original roster was as follows: Colonel, David D. Irons; Lieutenant Colonel, David W. Magee; Major, James S. Bean; Adjutant, James E. Prescott; Quartermaster, Charles H. Dean; Surgeon, Matsena M. Hooton ; 1st Assistant Surgeon, John Gregory; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Israel J . Gruth; Chaplain, George W. Brown. Co. A—Captain, William S. Magarity; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Major; 2d Lieuten- ant, Samuel T. Rogers. 334 PATRIOTISM or nznrnors. Go. B—Captain, Elias C. Breasley; 1st Lieutenant, Jonathan G. Kingsley; 2d Lieutenant, Nelson McVicker. . __ Co. O-Captain, Joseph F. Thomas; 1st Lieutanant, John H. Bachelder; 2d Lieu- tenant, Reuben B. Beebe. Co. D—Captain, Frank Hitchcock; 1st Lieutenant, William D. Faulkner; 2iLieu- tenant, William H. Hall. Co. E—Captain, Orlando Fountain; 1st Lieutenant, Malchi Grave ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Solomon H. Williams. Go. F——Oaptain, James L. Buckhalter; 1st Lieutenant, Nelson D. Combs; 2d Lieutenant, John Hall. 00. G—Captain, William B. Bogardus; 1st Lieutenant, Solomon L. Zinser; 2d Lieutenant, Martin Kingman. Co. H-—Captain, John H. Hall; 1st Lieutenant, Edwin E. Peters; 2d Lieutenant, Davilla W. Merwin. Co. I-—-Captain, Allen L. Fahnestock ; 1st Lieutenant, Abner A. Lee; 2d Lieuten- ant, Jacob L. Fahnestock. ' Go. K--Captain, John F. French; 1st Lieutenant, James B. Peet; 2d Lieutenant, Henry F. Irvin. On the 7th of September, the regiment embarked for Louisville, Kentucky, where it remained till the 1st of October, when it joined in the pursuit of Bragg, under the command of General Bu- ell. On the 8th of October, was fought the battle of Perryville, in which the 86th had the advance. In December the brigade was stationed at Nashville, Tennessee, where it remained, with a brief interim, until August 20th, 1863. The regiment was assigned to the Reserve Corps, Gordon Granger’s, and on the 19th and 20th of September participated in the battles of Chickamauga, without sustaining any very material loss. After garrisoning Columbia, Tennessee——-General Rosecrans at this time being in command of the Army of the Tennessee—the 86th mached to Huntsville and Bridge- port, and thence to Chattanooga. From this time until November 26th, the regiment was engaged in marching and skirmishing, at which date it had a sharp fight with Bragg at Sheppard’s Run. It next accompanied Sherman in his march to relieve Burnside, at Knoxville. When near that place, it was ordered to retrace its steps to its former camping-ground, on the North Chicka- mauga. On the 26th of December it moved down to McA‘fee Church, seven miles from Chattanooga, where it went into win- ter quarters. In February it joined in a reconnoissance, going as far as Buzzard’s Roost, where it took part in the engagement of THE EIGHTY-NINTH INFANTRY. 335 that name. On the 4th of May the 86th marched to Ringgold, where General Sherman was concentrating his grand army for the march upon Atlanta. In this memorable campaign it bore an honorable part, being engaged in the battles at Rome, Dallas, Lost Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, 850., and in the siege of Atlanta. The 86th took part in “ Sherman’s March to the Sea,” sharing in all its perils and privations, reaching Savannah with the loss of one man wounded and six captured. Then followed the Carolina cam- paign, in which the 86th gave the rebels exhibitions of Illinois pluck at Averysboro and Bentonville. On the 1st of May, 1865, the 86th left Raleigh, North Carolina, for Richmond, and participated in the grand review of the national armies at Washington. On the 21st and 22d of June, the regiment was paid off and disbanded at Chicago. The number of miles marched on foot by the 86th is 3,500 ; num- ber of miles traveled by rail, 2,000 ; number of commissioned officers killed in battle, 1; number of oflicers who died from wounds, 2; number of officers wounded in battle, 6; number of officers who died from disease, 1; number of oflicers who resigned, 17; number of oflicers discharged, 5 ; number of oflicers dismissed, 1. The number of men killed in battle is 52; number died of wounds, 25 : number died of disease, 85 ; number wounded in battle, 160; num- ber accidentally wounded, 16; number captured, 33; number de- serted, 28. The number of men who returned is 359, and 29 officers, making a total of 388. EIGHTY-NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 89th regiment was organized at Chicago, under the auspices of the several trunk railroads centering there, from which it re- ceived its well-known cognomen of “ The Railroad Regiment of Illinois.” The first company was mustered into the United States service on August 25th, and the last on August 27 , 1862. The early organization of the regiriient was under the care and supervision of Robert Forsyth, Esq., of the Illinois Central Railroad, and W. D‘. Manchester, Esq., of the Michigan Southern Railroad. On the 4th of September, the oflicers of the nine companies then composing the regiment elected the field oflicers, and completed the following mus- ter-in roster: 336 PATBIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Captain John Christopher, of the 16th U. S. Infantry, Colonel; Captain Charles T. Hotchkiss, formerly of the 11th Illinois Infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel; Duncan J . Hall, Major; S. F. Hance, Surgeon; H. B. Tuttle, Assistant Surgeon; Ed. F. Bish- op, Adjutant; Fred. L. Fake, Quartermaster; Rev. J . H. Dill, Chaplain. Co. A-Captain, E. A. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Rice ; 2d Lieutenant, ‘ Jacob N. Hopper. Co. B—-Captain, T. 0. Spencer; 1st Lieutenant, Henry W. Smith; 2d Lieutenant, Horace W. Adams. Co. C-Captain, Henry L. Rowell; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel A. Ellis; 2d Lieuten- ant, John L. Dorsey. ' Co. D—Captain, John W. Spink; 1st Lieutenant, George F. Robinson; 2d Lieu- tenant, W. D. Clark. Co. E—Captain, Bruce H. Kidder; 1st Lieutenant, John B. Watkins; 2d Lieu- tenant, George W. White. Co. F—Captain, William D. Williams; 1st Lieutenant, Ebenezer T. Wells; 2d Lieutenant, L. F. Dimick. Co. G-Captain, Thomas Whiting; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac Copley; 2d Lieutenant, William H. Howell. Co. H-—Captain, Henry S. Willett; 1st Lieutenant, Franklin M. Hobbs; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Harkness. Co. I—-Captain, Samuel Comstock; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Phelps; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jesse Hale. Co. K-Captain, Herbert M. Blake; 1st Lieutenant, William A. Sampson; 2d Lieutenant, James A. Jackson. The regiment left Camp E. H. Williams, Chicago, on September 4th, and arrived at Louisville September 7th. In and near there it remained on outpost duty, in General Woodruifs brigade, Crufts’ division, until October 1st, at which date it was assigned to the 6th _ brigade (Willich’s), 2d division (R. W. J ohnson’s), right wing, Army of the Ohio, General Buell commanding. It took part in all the wearisome marches and skirmishes in pursuit of Bragg’s army, from Lawrenceburg to Bowling Green, where it arrived October 31st. Here Company F, Captain Williams, joined the regiment. Here also the joyful tidings reached the army that Buell had been super- seded by the hero of West Virginia and Iuka, General Rosecrans. A few days later, at Tyree Springs, Tennessee, “ Old Rosie ” became the guest of the regiment, and from that time onward he was held in high esteem by the boys of the 89th. a The regiment remained eleven days at Tyree Springs, with a sec- tion of Goodspeed’s (A, 1st Ohio) Battery, doing picket and forage duty, when, being relieved by Rousseau’s command, it rejoined Mc- Cook’s corps at Nashville, November 17th. A few days afterward, THE EIGHTY-IIINTH AT STONE rnvnn. 337 General August Willich assumed command of the brigade, which consisted of the 32d Indiana (German), 15th and 49th Ohio, 39th Indiana, and 89th Illinois. Brigaded with what were then consid- ered veteram troops--for all the other regiments had come out of Shiloh with brilliant records, especially the 32d Indiana, which had, under Willich’s orders, gone through the manual of arms under heavy volley fire on that fatal field—the associations of the 89th with its sister regiments were anything but harmonious and friendly during the first three months. To Colonel Hotchkiss, the ablest drill master and shrewdest disciplinarian in the division, is due the honor of keeping up the spirits of his men and perfecting them in that drill which afterward made them an honor to their state and the pride of their several commanding generals. On the 31st of December, 1862, the regiment took a prominent part in the blundering disaster to the right wing of Rosecrans’ army in the decisive battle of Stone River. On the opening day of the battle, Wil1ich’s brigade occupied the extreme right of the line, its front slightly refused from the main line. The 89th lay in double column, en masse, in immediate rear of the 49th and 15th Ohio. The rebel General McCown (Kirby Smith’s corps), in his advance, drove in the pickets of Kirk’s and Willich’s brigades, while hard- ly firing a shot, and both brigades, after a few minutes of irregular firing, fell back. To deploy the 89th was impossible, as the fugi- tives from other regiments were crowding the narrow opening occu- pied by Willich’s men; but Colonel Hotchkiss managed to rally four or five companies around the colors, and by a few deliberate volleys checked the advance and inspired his own men. Captain Henry S. Willett, of Company H, was killed at this moment. From this time until reaching Rousseau’s position, two hours later, the regi- ment “ fought on its own hook,” the coolness of its ofllcers and the 'pluck of its men showing that veterans can be made in a day with the right material. Sergeant-Major Farquhar and Sergeant E. O. Young, of Company A, were both promoted for bravery in this bat- tle, the former to a captaincy and the latter to a lieutenancy. At nightfall of the 31st-, the regiment became the nucleus of reorgani- zation for the brigade, and, some would say, for the division. Dur- ing the following days of rain, hunger and skirmishing, nothing of 22 338 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. particular moment occurred to the regiment until Friday ‘night, when Breckinridge attempted to turn Rosecrans’ left flank, but suf- fered a most disastrous repulse. That afternoon and night the 89th was the infantry support of Stokes’ (Chicago Board of Trade) Bat- tery, when it again showed the reliable and stubborn qualities of the gloomy closing day of 1862. After this battle, the 89th was put in the front line of Willich’s brigade, in company with the 32d Indiana. Stone River being won, the army rendezvoused in and around Murfreesboro until June 24th. During this time many changes oc- curred in the regiment. Colonel John Christopher, who had never joined the regiment, resigned January 7th, Lieutenant-Colonel Hotchkiss succeeding as Colonel, Major Duncan J . Hall (taken pris- oner at Stone River), as Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain William D. Williams, of Company F, as Major. Sergeant-Major John M. Far- quhar became Captain of Company B, Captain T. O. Spencer hav- ing accepted the Chaplaincy, vacated by the decease of the noble, generous-hearted Mr. Dill, who died while on a mission for the re- lief of the wounded and sick of the regiment. Heavy battles and hard work at “the front” change muster-in rosters of new regi- ment-s wonderfully, and the 89th was no exception to the rule. Up to June 25th, the following resignations took place : Surgeon S. F. Hance ; Captain E. A. Smith and Lieutenant J . N. Hopper, Compa- nyA; Lieutenant H. W. Smith, Company B; Lieutenant Samuel A. Ellis, Company C ; Lieutenant W. D. Clark, Company D ; Lieu- tenants J . B. 'Watkins and George W. White, Company E ; and Lieutenant Isaac Copley, Company G. In Rosecrans’ advance against Bragg at Tullahoma, the only en- gagements worth ofiicial notice were at Shelbyville, Liberty Gap, and Hoover’s Gap. At Liberty Gap the 89th again distinguished itself, receiving flattering mention in general orders. Here, among others, fell Captain Herbert M. Blake, of Company K-—a noble Christian soldier. Rosecrans, by masterly strategy, having now driven Bragg across the Tennessee, began his celebrated movement against Chattanooga, General Johnson leading off on the extreme right, on August 16th. The march from Tullahoma to the Tennessee river, and over the Sand and Lookout Mountain ranges of Northern Alabama, until reaching THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. 339 Chickamauga Creek, Georgia, September 17th, presented no remark- able feature but hard marching and countermarching. On the morn- ing of September 19th, J ohnson’s division was rapidly marched from near the right of Rosecrans’ main line, to the extreme left, where it became hotly engaged about noon, and steadily gained nearly two miles of ground, until five P. M., when the rebels aban- doned their attempt to turn the left flank. It is shown by reports captured since Lee’s surrender, that J ohnson’s division (handled by Willich, as Johnson was sick), fought and drove back, successively, in these five hours, Bates’ and Cheatham’s rebel divisions, capturing all their artillery engaged, and on the last charge fighting against the odds of J. K. J ackson’s, Maney’s, Strahl’s, Wright’s and Pres- ton Smith’s rebel brigades. This day was the glory of the 89th, al- though its losses were fearful. On Sunday, the 20th, the regiment was again in the hottest fighting on the left, and, with the brigade, was the last body of organized Federal troops to leave the bloody field. General Thomas chose Willich’s brigade as the rear guard in the fall back of our army to Rossville, and Willich, in turn, assigned the 89th to the post of honor——Captains Farquhar and Sampson commanding the skirmishers. In the two days’ fighting, the regiment lost in oflicers killed, Lieutenant-Colonel D. J. Hall, Captains Rice, Spink and Whiting, and Lieutenant Ellis (Company B) ; wounded, Adjutant E. A. Bishop, Captain J . M. Farquhar, and Lieutenant J. W. Warren; prisoner, Lieutenant H. W. Adams. In the engagements at Orchard Knob and Mission Ridge, Novem- ber 23d and 25th, the 89th displayed its Chickamauga vim in its new organization——Willich’s brigade, Thomas J . Wood’s (3d) division, 4th Army corps. Here fell the brave Captain Rowell, of Company C, and Lieutenant E. 0. Young, of Company A. From November 28, 1863, to May 3, 1864, the regiment, with the division, campaigned in East Tennessee against Longstreet’s forces. In May commenced the celebrated Atlanta campaign, under Sher- man, in the prominent battles of which the 89th took‘ an honorable and oftentimes foremost part, losing two hundred and eleven oflicers and men, killed and wounded, in the campaign. At Peach Tree Creek, Lieutenant Nathaniel Street, of Company D, was killed; and at Kenesaw Mountain, Captain William Harkness, of Company A, 340 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. was killed, and Lieutenant O. C. Pease, Company E, wounded. At New Hope Church, May 27th, Captain Dimick and Lieutenant Arens— child, Company F, Captain Samuel Comstock, Company I, and Lieutenant ~H. C. Wood, Company B, were wounded. When Sherman divided his army for the “March to the Sea,” the regiment returned with the 4th corps to the campaign against Hood in Tennessee, and took an active part in the engagements at Columbia, Franklin and Nashville. In the last named battle it cap- tured more than its own number in prisoners, losing Peter G. Tait, of Company G, killed, and Major B. H. Kidder, and Lieuten- ant E. P. Walker, Company A, wounded. After participating in the skirmishes in the retreat of Hood to the Tennessee river, the regiment marched to Huntsville, Alabama, thence took railroad transportation to East Tennessee, to aid in re- establishing communication through to Virginia. On Lee’s surren- der, further movements in that section were abandoned, and the regiment returned by cars to Nashville for final muster out. On the 10th of June, in the field, the 89th was mustered out of the United States service, left N ashvilie the same day, arrived in Chicago on June 12th, and was discharged and received final payment on June 24,1865. The following is the muster-out rgster : Colonel, Charles T. Hotchkiss, entered as Lieutenant-Colonel, since brevetted Brigadier-General; Lieutenant-Colonel, William D. Williams, entered as Captain Co. F; Major, John M. Farquhar, enteredas private Co. B, then Sergeant-Major, then Captain Co. B; Surgeon, Henan B. Tuttle, entered as Assistant Surgeon; Assistant-Surgeon, Pembroke R. Thombs, joined March, 1863; Adjutant, J errie M. Grosh, entered as private Co. K, then Sergeant-Major; Quartermaster, George W. Deering, joined January 16, 1864. C0. A--Captain, E. P. Walker, enteredasCorporal ; 1st Lieutenant, Bryan O’Con- ner, entered as private Co. K, then Sergeant-Major. Co. B--Captain, Hardin C. Wood, entered as Sergeant; 1st Lieutenant, Horace W. Adams, original rank, long a prisoner; 2d Lieutenant, Emory H. Howell, enter- ed as Corporal. Co. C--Captain, James M. Rigney, entered as Corporal, then 1st Lieutenant; 1st Lieutenant, W. H. Kinney, entered as Corporal. Co. D—Captain, George F. Robinson, entered as 1st Lieutenant; 1st Lieutenant, Alexander Beecher, entered as private, then 2d Lieutenant. -Co. E--Captain, John W. Warren, entered as Sergeant; 1st Lieutenant, Robert Miller, entered as Sergeant; 2d Lieutenant, Oscar C. Pease, entered as Corporal. THE NINETIETH INFANTRY. 341 C0. F-Captain, James F. Copp, entered as Sergeant; 1st Lieutenant, Charles J . Arenschild, entered as Sergeant. Co. G-Captain, William H. Howell, entered as 2d Lieutenant; 1st Lieutenant, J. M. Swickard, entered as Corporal. . Co. H--Captain, John A. Beeman, entered as Sergeant; 1st Lieutenant, Aaron M. Boomer, entered as Corporal. ' Co. I-Captain, William H. Phelps, entered as 1st Lieutenant; 1st Lieutenant, Charles M. Carnahan, entered as Sergeant. Co. K—Captain, William A. Sampson, entered as 1st Lieutenant; 1st Lieutenant, James A. Jackson, entered as 2d Lieutenant ; 2d Lieutenant, Horace G. Greenfield, entered as Corporal. . The following ofiicial statement is the best encomium of the 89th’s hard service and gallantry that can be pronounced: In 1863, 440 recruits were added to the regiment, making a total borne on the rolls of 1,403. It left in the field 202 recruits (transferred to the 59th Illinois), and mustered out on its rolls 381 oflicers and men, leaving 820 men killed in action, died from wounds, or discharged on account of disability contracted in ‘service. The oflicial reports of Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Atlanta and Nash- ville show a casualty list of 536 oflicers and men. By ofticial authority the names of twenty-three battle fields are inscribed on the regimental colors. NINETIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 90th regiment was recruited and organized at Camp Doug- las, Chicago, and was christened the/“ Irish Legion,” by Father Dunne, who was largely instrumental in its organization. At the date of its muster into the service, September 22, 1862, its roster was as follows: Colonel, Timothy O’Meara; Lieuten-ant-Colonel, Smith McCleavy; Major, Owen Stewart; Adjutant, Edwin S. Davis; Quartermaster, Redmond Sheridan; lst Assist- ant Surgeon, John B. Davidson; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Darwin Hinckley ; Chaplain, Thomas F. Kelley. Co. A--Captain, Patrick Flynn; 1st Lieutenant, James Conway; 2d Lieutenant, Daniel Corcoran. Co. B-Captain, Michael W. Murphy; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas Gray; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles Billingale. Co. C—Captain, Patrick O’Marah; 1st Lieutenant, John C. Harrington; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas Murray. Co. D—Captain, David O’Conner; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Kelley; 2d Lieuten- ant, Peter O’Brine.- 342 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Co. E—Captain, Matthew Leonard; 1st Lieutenant, John McAssey; 2d Lieuten- ant, Lawrence S. McCarthy. Co. F—-Captain, Richard C. Kelley; 1st Lieutenant, Patrick Feeney; 2d Lieuten- ant, William White. Co. G--Captain, John Murphy; 1st Lieutenant, David Duffy; 2d Lieutenant, Patrick Campion. Co. H-Captain, Peter Casey; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew Liddle; 2d. Lieutenant, George W. McDonald. Co. I—Captain, William Cunningham; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Teahon; 2d Lieu- tenant, John J . O’Leary. Co. K——-Captain, Thomas K. Barrett; 1st Lieutenant, Peter Real ; 2d Lieutenant, John Larkin. On the 27 th of September, 1862, the regiment left Camp Douglas for Lagrange, Tennessee, 980 strong. After remaining four days at the latter place it was sent to Coldwater, Mississippi, where it was first engaged with the rebel General Van Dorn’s cavalry on the 20th day of December. After capturing Holly Springs, he attacked the pickets of the 90th, but was repulsed. In June, 1863, the regiment took part iii the siege of Vicksburg, and on the 13th, 14th and 17th of July participated in the battle of Jackson. On the 11th of Octo- ber, the 90th assisted in driving the rebels from Collierville, and saving the town from falling into the hands of the enemy. On the 25th of November it participated in the battle of Missionary Ridge [Vol. I., p. 314], with a loss of 148 killed, wounded and missing, including Colonel Timothy O’Meara among the killed. Then fol- lowed the battles of Resaca on the 13th and 14th of May, 1864; Dallas, Georgia, May 28th; before Atlanta, July 22d and 28th, and Augiist 3d ; J onesboro, Georgia, August 31st; Lovejoy Station, September 2d; Gadsden, Alabama, October 25th; Fort McAllister, December 7th. In 1865, we find them with Sherman in the march to Savannah and through the Carolinas. After the surrender of Johnston to Sherman, the 90th marched to Washington, where they took part in the grand review before the President. On the 10th of June, 1865, the regiment reached Chicago, where it was mustered out and discharged. . The 90th regiment sustained an aggregate loss of 300 men in bat- tle, and returned home with only 221 men, of whom forty-one were crippled beyond carrying a musket. O THE NINETY-FIRST INFANTRY. 343 NINETY-FIRST ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 91st regiment was organized at Camp Butler, Springfield, and mustered into the service on the 8th of September, 1862. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Henry M. Day; Lieutenant-Colonel, Harry S. Smith; Major, George A. Day ; Adjutant, William Grant; Quartermaster, Eugene M. Wiswell ; Surgeon, David LcRoy; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Edgar L. Phillips; 2d Assistant Surgeon, William T. Day; Chaplain, John C. Sargent. Co. A--Captain, Isaac Skillman; 1st Lieutenant, William R. Pack; 2d Lieuten- ant, J amts T. Renbart. Co. B-—Captain, Joseph A. James; 1st Lieutenant, John M. Marrah; 2d Lieuten- a.nt, Matthew Shaw. Co. C -Captain, John McKinney; 1st Lieutenant, Caswell Hanna; 2d Lieuten- ant, Jonathan P. Long. Co. D-Captain, Edwin I. Fosha; 1st Lieutenant, Philip Seelback; 2d Lieuten- ant, D miel N. Van Antwerp. Co. E--Captain, Thomas B. Hanna; 1st Lieutenant, Edwin Brown; 2d Lieuten- ant, John Q. A. Rider. Co. F—Captain, Elmers Ryan; 1st Lieutenant, Alfred H. Grass; 2d Lieutenant, Nathan B. Hoff. Co. G--Captain, James D. Roodhouse ; 1st Lieutenant, John H. Wilson ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Isaac N. Oaks. Co. H—Captain, Jordan Lakiu; 1st Lieutenant,- James Coates; 2d Lieutenant, John Jones. Co. I—-Captain, Slocum H. Culver; 1st Lieutenant, Robert Dennis; 2d Lieuten. ant, Theodore P. Hackney. Co. K—-Captain, Benjamin Newman; 1st Lieutenant, John F. Collins; 2d Lieu- tenant, Alexander S. Denton. The regiment left Camp Butler on the 1st of October for Louis- ville, from whence it went to Shepherdsville, where it guarded the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. On the 27th of December it was attacked at Elizabethtown, Kentucky, by the rebel General Morgan, and captured. It was paroled, and sent to Benton Barracks for exchange. The exchange was effected June 3, 1863, when the regi- ment was ordered to Vicksburg, arriving on the 14th of July. It was next sent to Port Hudson, and thence to Carrollton, arriving August 16th. Here it remained till September 6th, when it moved to Morganzia, thence to the Atchafalaya River, where it had a brisk engagement with the enemy, who were routed with heavy loss. October 10th the regiment returned to Morganzia, thence to Carroll- 344 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. 11 ton, and oh the 22d embarked for Brownsville, Texas, where it was determined to break up the illicit traflic between the rebels and Mexico. The troops landed on the 3d of November at Brazos San- tiago, and were entirely successful in capturing and occupying Brownsville. The 91st remained here till July, 1864, guarding the Texas frontier, when it was stationed at Brazos Santiago. Here it remained till late in December, when it was sent to New Orleans. In February, 1865, it joined the 13th Army Corps at Fort Morgan, where the expedition for the capture of Mobile was made up. The 91 st took an active part in this campaign, participating in the taking of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakeley. After the surrender of the city, it pursued the flying rebels to Eight Mile Creek, where it attacked them, driving them in confusion from the field at the point of the bayonet. This engagement was probably the last one of the war east of the Mississippi. After remaining in this vicinity for some time, the regiment returned to Mobile, where it was mustered out of the service on the 12th of July, 1865. On the 22d it arrived at Springfield, where it was paid off and discharged. “FQTIIOI 2210840-qua G-5-. W'- MAJOR GEN- S- A.-HUl5lLBUTT- FJT;'}Fo\YF.D l'l}ZPl‘_ESSI,Y FOR l_‘I..ARKE 8-; CC-PT.l'Bl.lSI:{'El-“LB- CHAPTER X21. INCIDENTS AND SKETCHE S. SCARCITY or MATERIAL-—SEvENTY-EoURTn AND EIGHTY-EIGHTH AT FRANKLIN——CHARGE —STAMPEDE—-COLONEL SMITH—-CAPTAIN BARNARD-—CoRPoRAL NEWMAN--CAPTURES -TIIANKS or GENERAL Woon--GENERAL TnoMAs—CAsUALTIEs-THE SEvENTY-sEc- 0ND—-CHARGED BY REBELS-—-DRIvEN—-RETAKE THEIR LINE--LIEUTENANT-CoI.oNE1. STOCKTON-—MAJOR J AMES-LOSS—THE SEvENTY-EIETII-CHARGE Tnnoucn AN OPEN FIELD--ITs CAP'l.‘UR.ES—-THE EIGHTY-EIGHT AT STONE R1vER—ON FRONT LINE-— “FIRE AND FIRE Low ”—-AT MISSION RIDGE-LIEUTENANT-CoLoNEL CHANDLER-— COLONEL J OHN W. SHAFFER. HE author regrets that there is not more of personal incident preserved in the came; of the war. He has sought them diligently, but such has been the magnitude of the issues and extent of the campaigns that little space has been accorded to personal prowess, personal self-sacrifice and devotion. And yet that grand army was made up of persons, sons of mothers to whom each son was ahero, brothers, husbands, fathers I THE SEVENTY-FOURTH AND EIGHTY-EIGHTH AT FRANKLIN. From a soldier’s letter we give the following describing the 88th and 74th at the battle of Franklin : “ Our brigade‘held the advance, the 88th (with which, for the purposes of field operations, is consolidated with the 74th Illinois) composing the rear of the column. A mile before reaching Spring Hill news came that Forrest, who had crossed Duck River during the night, was moving upon the town. Instantly, and not a moment too soon, we were put on the double quick. Reaching town we could see the enemy’s cavalry moving across the fields from the right in most gallant and confident style. Without halting or unslinging knapsacks the 88th was moved out of column by the right flank, and deployed as skirmishers in Forrest’s front. We pushed back the enemy steadily and surely, driving him a mile, when we formed our skirmish line 346 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. forthe night. Meanwhile he had massed heavily on the right of the division, mak- ing a series of desperate charges in front of the 2d and 3d brigades, which suffered some temporary disaster. Night closed in soon afterwards, and the fighting ceased. Meanwhile the trains were all getting in, and the other divisions of our corps and the 23d corps coming up. By 2 o’clo’ck A. M. of the 30th the last wagon was on the road to Franklin ; by 4 o’clock the army was in motion, and at 6 o’clock this regi- ment, which was again designated for the post of honor, was in position as skirmish- ers for the rear of the army. Hood’s cavalry followed us pretty closely, getting round on our flank whenever the wooded hills jutted out sufficiently close to the road to enable them to give us a volley. We had several sharp bouts with them during the march, but kept them at a respectful distance. At noon we reached Franklin, Which Cox’s division of the 23d Corps had already intrenched. The 2d and 3d brigades of our division were posted half a mile in advance of the works, as a sort of column of observation, with orders to retire to the main line in the event of the appearance of any considerable rebel force, while our brigade was massed in reserve three or four hundred yards in rear of the works for the purpose of rest and refresh- ment. Thus matters stood until about half past 3 o’clock, when the 2d and 3d brig- ades, being flanked by largely superior numbers, retired upon the main line in con- siderable haste and disorder. At the same time the rebel charging columns were set in motion, and when our outposts reached the works the rebels were close behind them, and all things were mixed up like confusion worse confounded. As our forces clambered over the breastworks they communicated a panic to that portion of the 23d Corps which occupied that part of the works, and then began a scene which beg- gars all description. Backward, in aifrighted stampede, came men and artillery; the rebel yells of triumph rang in our ears, and we all knew that unless, on our part, there was instant fighting as furious and desperate as last hope ‘could make it, noth- ing but irreti-ievahle disaster could possibly result. In the twinkling of an eye, therefore, our brigade was under arms. There was no time to form brigade front : we charged by regiments, the consolidated 88th leading and clearing the way. Col. Smith, Major Holden and Adjutant Realf were on horseback; there was indeed no time to dismount had we desired to do so. In all my life I never saw, in all my readings I never read of, a more knightly scene than that of Colonel Smith, at the head of the charging column, cap in hand, dashing hither and thither, chock in the white heat of the fray, nerving the brave, shaming the coward, an unconscious hero in every inch of him. Presently his horse was shot, presently the Major’s ; the Ad- jutant’s escaped being hit. Well, an awful time, for a while, we had of it. I never saw hand-to-hand fighting before. Captain Barnard shot two rebels with his revolv- er; Corporal Newman, of Company G, nearly severed a rebel ca_ptain’s head with an as; somebody actually pinned a rebel soldier to the breastworks by. the stroke of a pick-ax. I saw a rebel color-bearer knocked flat with the butt end of amusket, and there were bayonetings without number. But, thank God, we stayed all the rebel tide. Then, when we had things safe, we got up the stragglers, and by and by affairs again assumed order and shape. But Hood was not content; again and again, until the eleventh time, he charged us with desperate frenzy. The slaughter was perfect- ly horrible; the ground was actually slippery with blood and gore. The 88th Illinois captured one division and four regimental flags; the 74th Illinois captured two, making seven in all, and we took from 200 to 300 prisoners. sn V'ENTY~SECOND AT FRANKLIN. 347 “ At midnight, when the troops withdrew, we were left to cover the movement of our brigade, and for an hour and a half opposed our thin skirmish line to the solid rebel columns. Some of us confess to have been a little nervous, and certainly you will admit it to have been a critical and ticklish position. But we got off safely, rejoined our brigade, and moved with it to the outer defenses of Nashville. “ Arrived there, Gen. Wood (who in the absence of Gen. Stanley, wounded, com- mands the corps), accompanied by Wagner and Thomas, paid the regiment a visit. Gen. Wood sought out Col. Smith and addressed him thus: ‘ Colonel, I desire to repeat to you, in the presence of Gen. Thomas and of your regiment, that which Gen. Stanley said to me respecting yourself and the troops you command, that with the exception only of Col. Opdyke, commanding your brigade, with whom you share the honor——to your special gallantry and special exertions more than to those of any other _ man, is owing the repulse of the rebel column, the safety of the army and the victory of the day. In his name and in mine I thank you.’ Thereupon Gen. Thomas desired to see our captured flags, when, turning to Gen. Wagner, he desired him to make an official report relative to C01. Smith, and to the regiment, assuring the men that their services were most thoroughly appreciated. “Our casualties were, 2 killed, 7 wounded, and 6 missing—~l5 in all. The 74th suffered more, and it is due to the officers and men of that regiment to say that every word of commendation honestly earned by ourselves, was earned by them also. No soldiers could be cooler, more courageous or more enduring than they. Side by side we fought, and, as sometimes in whist, ‘ honors are easy’ between us.” THE SEV EN TY-SECON D. Another thus describes the 7 2d: “ The,'72d was placed at the center of the lines surrounding the city, and upon a gentle slope, at the bottom of which and outside of the line was a small grove of young trees. On our right was a depression an eighth of a mile wide, on our left the ground was higher than that occupied by our regiment. The men were not in the best condition for an engagement, but nevertheless they all took their positions in the pits, with an evident willingness, if not eagerness, and so confident were ofiicers and men that we should hold our line, that nothing was taken by them except their arms and accoutrements. The regiment was working on the breastworks when it was ordered to the pits, where it stood in silence some time previous to taking part. Some were watching the advancing foe and the dimly descried contest in the distance, some intently engaged in thinking over the probabilities of the impending battle, while not a few were silently but fervently offering up a prayer to Heaven. “ On rushed the maddened foe. When they came in range the cry went up, ‘Open on them, boys; give it to them.’ And the boys did open on them, and, when once commenced, the firing did not cease for ten long hours. “But the enemy were too powerful and numerous, and, forcing the line at our left, opened a cross-fire, which event, together with our skirmishers, rushing over our works, caused our regiment to fall back to the second line of works. But our line was soon after retaken, principally by our boys, and held till after dark, when the pebels, after repeated assaults, and from their position on the left, compelled us to cave it. ' 348 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. “The oflicers showed themselves to be as fearless as the men were brave, and both of our field officers were wounded while heroically facing the tremendous fire of the enemy and directing with coolness the fire of the men. Thus, in the very first part of our energetic resistance, fell our noble and brave Lieutenant-Colonel Stockton and Major James. But we can hope for their speedy recovery and return. The command of the regiment then devolved upon the gallant Captain James A. Sexton, whose exertions upon various parts of the field will not be forgotten. “The coolness and self-possession of the 'officers was truly encouraging to the men, and the determination of both was very effective in making such a successful resistance in the face of so many embarrassments. “ Charge upon charge was made by the rebels, and repulse upon repulse followed which brought forth yells and cheers from our lines. The proportion of our loss to that of the whole rebel loss shows plainly the part they took in the battle of Franklin.” The 75th in the same battle sufi"ered severely. In the battle of Nashville on the second day it charged through an open corn-field on the double-quick for the distance of a half mile, the enemy being under partial cover on the brow of a little hill; he was driven by the 7 5th,leaving twenty-six in our hands. The regiment kept up fire from that point for two hours. A second charge was made by the whole corps, by brigades en echelon; the 75th was in the front 'charging line and captured 223 prisoners, with quantities of stores, etc. The 72d lost nine oflicers out of sixteen engaged and 152 men killed and severely wounded. Such is an honorable record. THE EIGHTY-EIGHTH AT STONE RIVER. We quote from the MSS.of one on the field: “The morning of the 31st of December, 1862, broke cold and cheerless. The men were stiff with the cold, having lain, without fires, in a muddy cotton-field in front of Harding’s house during the night. The position of the regiment was on the left of the brigade and division, and in the first line of battle. Day had scarcely dawned before the pickets opened fire all along the lines, and ere the sun had risen, the rebels advanced in force on the right wing under Gen. McCook. “Four regiments of the enemy marched directly on the position held by the 88th. Col. Sherman gave orders that not a gun should be fired until he gave the word, and was obeyed. A brigade of four regiments in column were coming steadily on with their battle flags displayed. The regiment waited until the first line was within seventy-five yards of where it lay. With a yell the enemy took the double quick for the charge, and then our Colonel gave the order to ‘ fire, and fire low!’ A sim- ultaneous discharge of all the muske ts in his command answered, and as that volley MISSION RIDGE. 349 went tearing through the rebel ranks, it shook them as if an earthquake were rumbling beneath their feet. So unexpected was the volley that the whole column came to a dead halt giving the 88th time to reload. Again the rebel ofiicers suc- ceeded in getting the column to advance, and again another volley, more terrible than the first, swept through their ranks from the heavy guns with which the regi- ment was armed. This they could not face and the remnant of the brigade sank to the ground to find shelter. The Colonel now ordered file firing upon them as they lay, and soon drove them from their front in utter confusion. “ For six hours we were under heavy fire without cessation, and with empty car- tridge boxes were forced from the field, when Sheridan’s division fought so nobly against overpowering numbers and saved"the day. One hundred and fifty-one men out of 416, which was the effective force of the regiment in the morning, lay on the field at night and in the hands of the enemy. “At Chickamauga it lost 106 out of less than 300 with which it went into action.” MISSION RIDGE. The lamented Lieutenant-Colonel Chandler says in his report of the storming of Mission Ridge: “ We advanced on quick time until we reached the edge of the timber, when we took the ‘double quick’ across the plain, a distance of half a mile to the first line of works, the enemy firing into our ranks from the first line, and pouring grape and canister from the batteries on the crest of the ridge. Here, under the little shelter afforded by this first line of works, the men sank from exhaustion. We remained here only a few moments, and advanced to the second line, driving the enemy in confusion before us. The men were now so completely exhausted, and there was kept up such a galling fire from the enemy, that a further advance seemed out of question. A few moments of rest, however, and they followed the colors which were ordered forward. The advance, which was slow, but sure, having to contend not only with the direct fire, but enfilading fire from the right. When near the upper works of the enemy we halted, waiting for the troops on our right to move forward and draw from us the fire, which was enfilading our line of advance. This fire, not in any way diminishing, I ordered the colors forward on the works, which a moment after were carried, and the ‘ stars and stripes ’ waved triumphantly on Mis- sionary Ridge, the enemy being in full retreat and great confusion. “The distance from where the charge was begun to the top of the ridge was at least one and a. half miles across a wide open plain, and up a long steep hill, protect- ed by three lines of rifle-pits, one at the foot, the second about half way up, and the third on the crest of the ridge, with artillery at the top. The time occupied was about one and a half hours. The regiment rested on the ridge until about one o’clock the next morning, when, with the brigade, we moved to the front a mile and a half, and halted until about ten o’clock, when we moved forward to Chickamauga Creek. In the afternoon we returned to camp. “I desire‘ to make honorable mention of the ofiicers of this regiment, all of wh-om did their duty most gallantly. Captain George W. Smith, of Company A, acting field cflieer, was conspicuous for his bravery while urging on the almost ex- 350 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. hausted men, until about two thirds of the way up the hill, he fell, severely wound- ed. First Lieutenant, Dean R. Chester, commanding Company G, was shot through the leg while crossing the plain, but gallantly led his company to the second line of works. “Second Lieutenant Henry L. Bingham, commanding Company H, was killed just before we reached the second line, but proved himself entirely worthy the straps he had so recently mounted. First Lieutenant Edward E. Tucker, commanding Company D, was conspicuous for his daring, in moving among the men, urging them forward. Sergeant Richard Realf was everywhere, urging on those who fell behind of other regiments, as well as those of 'our own. It afibrds me great satisfaction to mention our brave color-bearer, Sergeant John Cheever, who gallantly carried our banner, planting it always in the advance for the regiment to rally on, never letting it trail in the dust, but waving it encouragingly to those behind, and defiantly to the enemy before him, never faltering until he waved it over the top of Missionary Ridge. It is diificult to select any one from the ranks and give him special mention where all behaved so well; but I must mention Corporal Thomas Lacy, of Company K, and private William Isbester, of Company C, who seemed to vie with the colors for the advance.” ~! In this engagement the regiment lost forty-seven men and seven ofiicers. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL. GEORGE W. CHANDLER. The unsuccessful attack upon Kenesaw cost the State many valu- able lives among whom were none more precious than that of Lieuten- ant-Colonel George W. Chandler of the 88th. He was born in St. Armand East, Messisquoi County, Canada East, and, although born in Queen Victoria’s domain, he was of- patriotic stock, his grand- sire having been a soldier of the Revolution from Hartford, Conn. Receiving a respectable education and a thorough training as an ac- countant, he came to Chicago in 1855 and entered the banking-house of George Smith, in which he remained until 1859 when he accept- ed a clerkship in the oflice of the City Comptroller. When war came he threw himself entirely in the cause of the country, assisted actively in enlisting two companies of the 88th, and was chosen Captain of the “ Kimbark Guards.” When the regiment was organized he was unanimously chosen as its Major and so commissioned, ranking from September 4, 1862. He was presented by personal friends with a handsome outfit. The Major was untiring in the performance of his duties through the campaigns of Buell, Rosecrans and Sherman. After the battle mace CHANDLER. 351 of Stone River General Rosecrans designated him to command the Brigacle of Honor, which he decided to form, to be composed of men selected from different regiments engaged in those battles, who had made themselves most conspicuous for deeds of bravery and gallantry, in honor of their services, and as an incentive to his army’s future acts of courage and daring. It was not deemed advisable to carry out the formation of the “Brigade of Honor,” although the Roll of Honor was completed, by designating the names of the brave men who would compose the brigade, whenever it might be thought proper to organize it. He distinguished himself for intrepidity and coolness on the field, and for personal morality, being entirely free from profanity, and other vices too common in the army. Subsequently to Stone River, Colonel Sherman being in command - of a brigade and the Lieutenant-Colonel absent, from illness and on detached duty, he was in command of his regiment. He was a rigid disciplinarian, but a tender-hearted, humane commander. After the battle of Chickamauga the Lieutenant-Colonel resigned and Major Chandler was promoted. He distinguished himself greatly at Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain. At midnight, after the storming of Mission Ridge, he wrote to a friend: “I am cheating myself out of the sleep I ought to have, to do some writing, and will steal time to say a word. “ We have this day accomplished that which the nation ought to feel proud of, and grateful to us for doing. I do not write this in any boasting spirit, but I feel that the blow has been struck that wlll cause the tottering to its very foundation of the so-called ‘Southern Confederacy.’ God grant that it may be so. “‘You will have read ere this reaches you, in the city papers, the telegrams of good news, and also the detail of the storming of ‘Mission Ridge,’ a position con- sidered by the enemy as impregnable to any assault. “It was glorious to see the ‘old flag ’—the stars and stripes--that proud emblem of Liberty and Freedom, cross the upper line of the rebel rifle-pits and wave tri- umphantly on the top of the ‘Bald Hills of Mission Ridge.’ It was all the more glorious to me to know that the 88th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry was the first to carry her colors across that line of works, and wave them defiantly to the retreating enemy.” His letters home expressed the most intense loathing of cowardly Northern sympathizers, but in this they only resembled those of al- most the whole army rank and file. ’ 352 ' PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. From Mission Ridge to Kenesaw his regiment was in the advance and day after day in the skirmish line, sustaining and brightening its reputation, and receiving commendations from its commanding Gen- eral. When the burst upon Kenesaw came, Howard’s corps, which was to have been held in reserve, was placed in advance, and in the charge Colonel Chandler fell, shot through. Major G. W. Smith thus wrote : “ IN THE FIELD, NEAR MARIETTA, Ga, “ June 28, 1864. “ Gno. M. KIMBARK, Eso., Cmcaco, ILL. : “Dear Szr :—-I am pained to write to you of the death of Lieutenant-Colonel George W. Chandler, who was killed yesterday in a charge upon the enemy’s works at this point, by a musket shot through the body. Death followed the wound almost in- stantly. It is unnecessary for me to express to you the sorrow which his loss occa- sions me, for you know my high estimation of his character (shared by all who knew him here and at home), and the warm friendship which has existed between us. The service has, in him, indeed, lost a capable, efficient officer, his regiment a. brave and gallant leader, and his brother oflicers a comrade with whom they have been proud to do battle, and to whose efficiency and continued faithful performance of duty, much of the reputation of the 88th is due. It is strange and mysterious that one should have escaped so many perils and dangers to fall at last in the closing struggle of the war, but I know that, on his part, the sacrifice of his life for the cause of the nation was willingly and cheerfully made; his patriotism was untainted, unselfish and rare. He died as he would have wished—on the field-—without pain or suffer- ing, saying only—‘ Give me some water and let me die.’ * * * * “ All that I can oifer in aid of his friends, will be gladly done. We are still in the midst of the campaign, when to end, no one knows. The work before us is yet hard, but will be accomplished. Very truly yours, “ Gnoneu W. SMITH, “Major Commanding 88th Illinois Volunteer Infantry.” A letter from Colonel F. T. Sherman, chief of General Howard’s stafl'—-dated “ near Marietta, Georgia, June 27 th,” giving an account of the repulse at Kenesaw Mountain—-says : “ Lieutenant-Colonel George W. Chandler, of the 88th, was almost instantly killed at the head of his regiment-one more has been added to the list of the noble and pure of our land who have laid down their lives in defending the right. May he rest in peace.” Upon the announcement of his death, the Board of Trade passed resolutions of respect, of condolence with his relatives and appoint-‘ cnnnmnn’s FUNERAL. 353 ed a committee to receive and bury with fitting honor the body of the deceased. The funeral was one of solemn pomp. The old mhmbers of the 88th acted as guard ‘of honor. The remains arrived in charge of Captain H. H. Cushing, Quartermaster 4th Corps, July 6th, and on the 7th were borne to Bryan Hall where they lay in state. The cas- ket was wreathed with flags and covered with rare flowers and across it lay his sword inscribed, Presented to Major George W Chandler, after the battle of Stone River, by the line ofiicers of his regiment, on the occasion of‘ his being appointed 'by Major- General Rosecrans to command his “ Brigade of Honor,” in consideration of his gallant services in the field. Thousands came to the hall with saddened, thoughtful step. At half past three P. M. detachments of the 8th and 15th Veteran Re- serve Corps under Major Skinner, the guard of honor, associations of the city and citizens filled the hall, where appropriate religious services were held and the procession moved to the depot, and the body was sent to the mother and sisters of the deceased in Canada. And so went to his grave a pure, brave soldier without reproach. COLONEL JOHN W. SHAFFER. Colonel John Wilson Shaffer was born in Union County, Pennsyl- vania, on the 5th of July, 1827. His father died in 1838, leaving seven children, four sons and three daughters. John was the oldest of the boys; his sisters were all older than himself. -Within two months after his father’s death, he started to earn his own living, and aid his widowed mother, with whom and the family, in the spring of 1849, he started west. On the road the emigrant family buried one of the sisters, who died of cholera. In May, 1849, he reached Free- port, Illinois, with less than five dollars in money, but with a stout heart. With the exception of one year in California, and his army life, he has continued to reside there. He engaged in mercantile life until elected Sheriff of Stephenson County in 1856, at which time he first took part in politics, in which he manifested, at once rare ability. In 1860, he was elected clerk of the Circuit Court, and Recorder for Stephenson County. When, in April, 1861, President 23 * 354 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. Lincoln issued his first call for 75,000 troops, Governor Yates tele- graphed Mr. Shaffer to repair at once to Springfield for consultation, where he remained until after the first six regiments were sent into the field. When the ten additional regiments were called for on the part of the State, Mr. Shaffer was requested by Governor Yates to return to Freeport, and arrange to take care of one of those regi- ments-—the 15th Illinois Volunteers. During its organization Mr. Shaffer was constantly associated with Captain John Pope, the mus- tering officer, and when Captain Pope was appointed a Brigadier- General he immediately telegraphed to Washington asking that Mr. Shaffer be appointed his Quartermaster. His appointment was sent to him by telegraph, and he went with General Pope to Missouri. Wlien General Hunter was appointed a Major-General, Captain Shaf- fer was relieved by order of the Secretary of War, from duty with General Pope, and ordered to report to General Hunter, and when General Hunter relieved General Fremont, at Springfield, Missouri, Captain Shaffer became chief Quartermaster of the army in the field. When General Hunter was sent to Kansas, Captain Shaffer accom- ' panied him, but was subsequently sent to Port Royal, as Chief Quartermaster Department of the South. When General Butler left Ship Island, the War Department selected Colonel Shaffer (Presi- dent Lincoln having, without solicitation from Captain Shaffer, pro- moted him to the rank of Colonel), as the proper oflicer to perform the responsible duties of Chief Quartermaster Department of the Gulf. He arrived in New Orleans about two weeks after General Butler had taken possession, and assumed direction of the Quarter- master’s Department. His services during 1862, were of the most extraordinary, responsible and harassing nature, so completely breaking down his health that he was compelled, in January, 1863, to send his resignation to Washington, which was returned by the Secretary of War, not accepted, but granting him leave of absence until he should recover his health. In the fall of 1863, he again reported for duty, and was ordered to report to General Butler, then in Washington, on his way to assume command of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina. He was assigned to duty, by Gene- ral Butler, as Chief-of-Staff, and in addition to the duties of his posi- tion took charge of the correspondence connected with the exchange \ COLONEL SHAFFER. 355 of prisoners, and, under the direction of General Butler, managed the entire office work of that bureau. In May, 1864, when the Army of the James was preparing to make that most remarkable movement up James River, into an enemy’s country, in unarmed boats, Colonel Shaffer, in addition to his ordinary duties as Chief-of- Staif, assumed entire ‘charge of the shipping, and to his indomitable energy General Butler acknowledged himself, in a great part, indebted for the success of ‘the expedition. Every movement of the Army of theMJames bore evidence of his energy and courage, until he was compelled to resign, in September, 1864, being again com- pletely broken down in health, and the War Department reluctantly accepted of his final resignation. Governor Yates, at several different times, tendered to Colonel Shaffer the command of a regiment, which he declined at the com- mencement of the war because he felt he had not the experience necessary; and, later, because he considered it due to the junior officers of the regiments that they should have the promotion. No more generous soldier than Colonel Shaffer was in the army; and while in the West, in the South, and on the Potomac he was ever zealous of the rights and interests of the ofiicers and soldiers of the Illinois regiments—-fighting their battles for them in the departments at Washington, and insisting on the promotions due to their gallantry in the field. Says an oflicer, “ His care for the Illinois troops is a bright page in his military history, and all over the State there are regimental and line oificers, who, with gratitude, remember ‘ Wilse,’ and who will wish him a long and happy life.” We cannot better close our sketch of Colonel Shaffer, than by quotingthe touching letter of Major-General Butler to him on his finally leaving the ser- vice with broken health: “ HEAD—QUARTERS DEP’T or VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA. “ IN THE FIELD, SEPTEMBER 25, 1864. “ MY DEAR SHAFFER-— “As now our long and pleasant personal relations in the camp and in the field are severed, probably never to be renewed under their former conditions, I will not refrain from saying to you with my pen, what each was too much moved when we parted—either to speak or to hear. “I have to thank you, in behalf of the country, with earnest gratitude for the unwearied vigilance with which you have always done your duty as an officer, with 356 mrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. the single purpose of her service and her interests. True patriotism is shown by acts and thoughtful devotion to public interests. Nothing but shattered health against which you have been struggling during the whole campaign, has taken you unwillingly from the army--and not till long after every friend thought it a duty to yourself that you should go—and I hope, and I-everently pray the Disposer of all events that in His wisdom you may be restored to the greatest of all blessings. “But it is not of the performance of your public duties that I desired to speak-— of that your military record, and the opinion of all your associates of the staff will testify. There is a warmer and nearer tie which has been your guide in our oflicial intercourse, which fills the heart as I write, and makes the pen tanie in utterance. The truest and most unselfish persorlal friendship—your country ffrst-myself next —yourse1f last was the chart of duty to you._ That your devotion to duty and friend- ship is most gratefully appreciated by me—-and your sentiments‘ of personal regard fully reciprocated--why need I write? That we shall be divided, except by space, is impossible, and I shall always be happy to subscribe myself, “ Most truly, your friend, “ (Signed) Bum. F. Bcrnsn. “Colonel J . W. Snmsn, “ ( Late) Chief-of-Staff, Army of the J ames.” CHAPTER XXI. ONWARD FROM SAVANNAH. JANUARY, 1865-Comnms IN MOTION——GRAN'1‘ AND SHERMAN-—LOGAN—-RIGHT WING- A SKIRMISH—OHAPLAIN’S LETTER——LOGAN’S CORPS-—KILPATRICK—WILLIAMS—EX- TRACTS mom SHERMAN’S REPORT-——SWOLLEN WATERS—SHERMAN’S REPORT-—-EDISTO BRIDGES——THE DIVIDED REBEL FORCE——KILPATRICK—ATKINS—SHERMAN AND THE RIGHT WING——0RANGEBURG—-HARDEE——CROSSING or CONGAREE—GOLUMBIA—SHER- MA5I’S REPORT—-THE GONFLAGRATION——WHO was re BLAME ?—SHERMAN on WADE HAMPTON-—SoLn1Ens’ LovE FOR Sourn CAROL1NA——LEFT WING-—MARCHES non Wmns- BOR0—-RIGHT JOINS IT—BARNWELL-—NINETY-SECOND ILLINOIS—BLACKVILLE——AIKIN -ATKINS’ BRIGADE -—Kn.rarnrcx’s IMOVEMENTS-—-EXCITING Srruarron—Jon J ons- sron IN THE FIELD—-ROCKY MOUNT—SHERMAN’S REPORT—CHERAW-—KILPA'1‘RICK NARROWLY Escarizs CAPTURE-—-SOHOFIELD AND TERRY-—FOR'l.‘ FISHER—-WILMINGTON-— OUR MEN IN WILMINGTON PRISON-WHAT A Connnsronnnnr saw—Foswr.nn—C.w- ALRY SKIRMISH—HARDEE rams T0 “ nonn ” SHERMAN—DQN’T SUCCEED—HARD FIGHT- ING—-HARDEE Anmnons Hrs Wonxs—-Rmnnars T0 Avnnrsnono. HE regiments of Sherman’s army obtained such rest as they might until January 15, 1865, when the columns were again set in motion, this time heading northward. Lieut. Gen. Grant had sent orders to Sherman to embark his troops and carry them to James River to give direct aid in the overthrow of Richmond and Lee. Sherman represented the difficulties of such transportation and prom- ised to get them sooner and in better condition where Grant wanted them, beside destroying the .enemy as he went. Grant yielded to his request to be permitted to march them thither by land ; Golds- boro being the first objective point. ‘ Logan had returned from the North and, relieving Osterhaus, had assumed command of the 15th Corps which greeted him with enthu- siasm. The right wing moved thus: the 17th Corps by transports from Humboldt to Beaufort, and thence marched to the Charleston and Savannah railway near Pocotaligo. 358 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. The chaplain of the 64th Illinois thus describes the skirmish at this station : 0 “With Captain J. I. Reynolds commending we moved out from Beaufort on the 13th of January, buoyant and confident. Marching toward Pocotaligo we were op- posed and found it held by a small rebel force who, as we approached, was heard to say, ‘Ah! there they come,’ ‘ they are Foster’s niggers.’ Whiz, bang-reomes the shell, our boys drop on seeing the flash and are up unharmed and on with double fury. The thing is repeated but on go the boys in blue. A rebel oflicer looks through his glass and is heard to say ‘I’l1 be — -- if they ain’t Sherman’s soldiers. Then and there was hurrying to and fro. An oflicer moves up the road and disap- pears, it grows dark and our troops entrench and hear movements of wagons and troops all night, at daybreak the enemy is gone, the fort is ours. “We plant the stars and stripes there and change the name to Poke-em-till-i-go in honor of the plan of the rebel general in leaving a small force to hold us at bay till he could get out of the way. “We remained there several days to complete an outfit or a farther movement, but in the meantime we were not idle.” Logan’s Corps went partly by transports and partly by land; Slocum was instructed to move the left wing as follows: Kilpatrick was to move with his mounted force against Coosawhatchie, South Carolina, on the Charleston and Savannah railway and Robertville on the Columbia road. Williams, in command of Jackson’s and Geary’s divisions of the 20th corps, marched to Hardeeville, on the Charleston railway where it was in communication with Howard’s command at Pocotaligo. Heavy rains, however, isolated these divis- ions from the rest of the Wing and they were compelled to move up toward Sister’s Ferry. General Sherman says : “On the 18th of January I transferred the city and forts of Savannah to Major- General Foster, commanding'the department of the South, imparted to him my plans of operation, and instructed him how to follow my movements inland by occupying in succession the city of Charleston and such other points along the sea coast as would be of any military value to us. The combined naval and land-forces under Admiral Porter and General Terryhad, on the L5th of January, captured Fort Fish- er and the rebel forts at the mouth of Cape Fear River, giving me an additional point of security on the sea coast. But I had already resolved in my own mind, and had so advised General Grant, that I would undertake at one stride to make Golds- boro and open communication with the sea by the Ne wbern railroad, and ordered Col. W. W. Wright, superintendent of military railroads, to proceed in advance to New- bern and to be prepared to extend the railroad out from Newbern to Goldsboro by the 15th of March. SALKEHATCHIE LINE. 359 “ On the 22d of January I embarked from Savannah for Hilton Head, where I held a conference with Admiral Dahlgren, U. S. N ., Maj.-Gen. Foster, commanding the Department of the South, and next proceeding to Beaufort.” Awaiting the subsidence of swollen streams and the concentration of his force the grand advance began on the first of February, though some of the divisions had moved out of camp the day previous. Says -General Sherman: “All the roads northward had been for weeks held by Wheeler’s cavalry, who had by details of negro laborers felled trees, burned bridges, and made obstructions to impede our march. But so well organized were our pioneer battalions and so strong and intelligent our men that obstructions seemed only to quicken their progress. Felled trees were removed and bridges rebuilt by the heads of columns before the rear could close up. On the 2d of February the 15th corps‘ (Logan’s) reached Loper’s cross-roads and the 17th was at River’s Bridge. From Loper’s cross-roads I communicated with General Slocum, still struggling with the floods of the Savannah at Sister’s Ferry. He had two divisions of the 20th corps, General Williams on the east bank and was enabled to cross over on his ‘pontoons the cavalry of Kilpatrick. General Williams was ordered to Beaufort’s Bridge by way of Lawtonville and Allandale, Kilpatrick to Blockville via Barnwell and Gen. Slocum to hurry the cross- ing at Sister’s Ferry as much as possible and overtake the right wing on the South Carolina railroad. General Howard with the right wing was directed to cross the Solkehatchie and push rapidly for the South Carolina railway at or near Mid- way. The enemy held the line of the Salkehatchie in force, having infantry and artil- lery intrenched at River’s and Beaufort’s Bridge. The former position was carried promptly and skillfully by Mower’s and Giles A. Smith’s divisions of the 17th corps, on the 3d of February, by crossing the swamp nearly three miles wide with water varying from knee to shoulder deep. The weather was bitter cold and Generals Mower and Smith led their divisions in person on foot, waded the swamp, made alodgment below the bridge and turned onthe rebel brigade which guarded it driving it in confusion toward Branchville. Ourcasualties was one ofiicer and seventeen men killed and seventy men wounded. The line of the Salkehatchie being thus broken, the enemy retreated at once behind the Edisto at Branchville, and the whole army was pushed rapidly to the South Carolina railroad at Midway, Bamberg (or Lowery’s Station) and Graham’s Station.” The 17th corps forced the rebels to burn two important railway bridges over the Edisto.’ on the 16th the railway was cut at Bau- brey and at Midway, and the whole army worked at destroying the road and cutting the rebel army in twain, one wing being at Branch- ville and Charleston, the other at Aikin and Augusta—each expect- ing “ the vandals ” who were cutting their way between them marching to their destination, resistless as destiny. 36'.) PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. ( 7n the 11th Kilpatrick brought up his cavalry to threaten Augusta, with orders not to be drawn into a battle. He managed to avoid it but had some serious skirmishing at Blackville, Williston and Aikin. At this point Brevet Brig-General Atkins was in advance with the 2d brigade, 92d Ill. mounted infantry and 9th Michigan cavalry and confronted W'heeler’s massed force. The General made a gallant fight but was compelled to fall back to Kilpatriok’s main line, near Johnston Station. On the 13th Kilpatrick moved toward the South Edisto. On the 9th the 55th Ill.-—of proud record--did good service cross- ing the South Edisto abov.e Holman’s Bridge, to strike the enemy’s flank. To secure the crossing, the men made their way over floating logs and fallen trees, until they reached a miserable swamp through which they waded near a mile before striking solid ground, but they did their work and secured their position despite the enemy. While the left wing continued railroad destruction west of Branch- ville, Sherman, with the right, moved against Orangeburg. The 17th Corps, on the 12th, found a rebel force in front of Orangeburg Bridge, but routed it, and crossed the bridge though partly consumed. The whole corps was in Orangeburg by 4 P. M. destroying the road. It wrecked it as far as Lewisville, and compelled the enemy to burn ‘ the bridges across the Congaree. Hardee now saw whither Sherman was heading, and evacuated Charleston, and retreated to Florence. General Gilmore’s men occupied the cradle of the rebellion on the 18th, and made it rock with their shouts. And now for Columbia. The 17th Corps marched gaily along the State road; Logan’s corps crossed the North Edisto at Schelling’s _\ bridge, and moved by a county road, entering the State road at Zeig- ler’s. February 15th Logan found the enemy in strong position at a bridge crossing the Little Congaree, with a tete-olu-pont on the south side, while on the north was a sturdy fort, defended with artillery commanding the bridge. Stone’s brigadewas ordered into a cypress swamp, to the left, to turn the left flank of the tete-du-pant ; the 111th was in the skirmish line—the cypress was threaded, the flank turned, the bridge seized, though partly in flames, and the fort captured. The bridge was repaired for the passage of artillery, and mo coLu1u:srA. 361 that delay made it nightfall before the head of the column reached the bridge leading across the Congaree into Columbia. Daylight found the bridge in flames, and the army halted for the pontoons. There was commotion in the streets, but no large force, though there were cavalry squads, at which one shot was fired by a battery, and only one. On the 16th Howard crossed the Saluda three miles above the city, skirmishing with rebel cavalry; the same night he threw a bridge over Broad River, and crossed Stone’s brigade. General Sherman says: “ Under cover of this brigade a pontoon bridge was laid on the morning of the 17th. I was in person at this bridge, and at 11 A. M., learned that the mayor of Columbia had come out in a carriage, and made a formal surrender of the city to Colonel Stone, of the 25th Iowa, commanding 3d brigade, 1st division, 15th corps. About the same time, a. small party of the 17 th corps had crossed the Congaree in a skiff, and entered Columbia from a point immediately west. In anticipation of the occupation of the city, I had made Written orders to General Howard, touching the conduct of the troops. They were to destroy absolutely all arsenals and public property not needed for our own use, as well as all railroads, depots and machinery useful in war to an enemy, but to spare all dwellings, colleges, schools, asylums and harmless private property. I was first to cross the pontoon bridge, and in company with General Howard, rode into. the city. The day was clear, but a perfect tempest of wind was raging. The brigade of Colonel Stone was already in the city, and was properly posted. Citizens and soldiers were on the streets, and general good order prevailed. General Wade Hampton, who commanded the rebel rear-guard of cav- alry, had, in anticipation of our capture of Columbia, ordered that all cotton, public and private, should be moved into the streets and fired, to prevent our making use of it. Bales were piled everywhere, the rope and bagging cut, and tufts of cot- ton were blown about in the wind, lodged in the trees and against houses, so as to resemble a perfect snow-storm. Some of these piles of cotton were burning, es- pecially one in the very heart of the city, near the court-house, but the fire was par- tially subdued by the labor of our soldiers.” The upshot was, during the night those smoldering fires burst into flame, and in spite the efforts of Sherman and his corps com- ‘manders, much of the beautiful city was laid in ashes. It caused a bitter correspondence between Hampton and Sherman. Sherman says, with J unius-like severity: “ And without hesitation, I charge General Wade Hampton with having burned his own city of Columbia, not with a malicious intent, or as the manifestation of a silly ‘Roman stoicism,’ but from folly and want of sense, in filling it with lint, cot- ton and tinder.’ 362 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. During the 18th and 19th the arsenal, depots, machine shops, founderies, etc., were destroyed, and the railway broken up to Kings- ville and Wateree Bridge. That General Sherman and his com- manders did their utmost to save the private property of Columbia from ruin, is true, but it is as true that in the army there was perfect resignation to the fate that thus came upon the capital of the fire- eating State of Calhoun, and the more because Columbia had been one of the prison pens of the cruel, heartless rulers of the Confeder- acy. The rank and file believed that nothing so well became the city as its robes of flame. South Carolina was associated with ram- pant State Rights heresy, with defiance of law, contempt of authority and defiance of the constitutional prerogatives of the Federal Govern- ment. Slocum came within two miles of Columbia, and was to march by the left against Winnsboro, and moved at once. On the 18th he broke up the railroad from Alston, fourteen miles northward including the Broad River Bridge. He reached Winnsboro on the 21st. The right wing join ed it there. Kilpatrick moved to Robertville, February 3d, and making Lawtonville on the 4th, Allandale on the 5th, on the 6th threatened Augusta, driving a rebel brigade, then turned squarely to the right, and crossed the Salkehatchie a little below Barnwell. Here the enemy, about 300 strong, had chosen a strong position behind heavy earthworks, commanding the bridge already blazing. With a shout the 92d Illinois, under Lieutenant- Colonel Van Buskirk, and the 9th Ohio cavalry dashed into the swamp, waded water up to their arm-pits, and despite the rebel artillery, carried the works, and scattered the enemy toward Barnwell. The bridge, only partly burned, was repaired, and at 4 P. M. Kil- patrick rode into the town. The next day a brigade of Wheeler’s was driven from Blockville on the Charleston and Atlanta railroad. For a short time there was a halt for the weary horsemen, spent, however, in destroying railway. On the evening of the 8tl1 Colonel Spencer’s brigade had a sharp and successful engagement with a portion of Wheeler’s cavalry. On the 11th General Atkins was reconnoitering in the vicinity of Aikin; he rode unharmed into the town, but was suddenly attacked by Wheeler’s entire force. It made the attack boldly, but the little brigade, though aware that it wmusnono. 363 was outnumbered heavily, bravely stood its ground, and slowly fell back, grimly fighting, determined to hold the foe in check until Kil- patrick could make his disposition to check his advance. The end was attained, and after a sharp and bloody rencounter Wheeler fell back to Aikin. Our cavalry remained at Johnston’s threatening Augusta and destroying track until the 12th, when it crossed the South Edisto, and encamped above it. It continued its ceaseless movements; on the 15th struck the Lexington and Augusta road, on the 17th crossed the Saluda, and found that Wheeler was head- ing for the Broad River railroad bridge at Alston’s ; on the 18th it held along its way parallel to the rebel General Cheatham’s corps, sometimes within three miles, and only prevented by a deep, tangled water-course from striking him a swift blow in flank; it cut the rail- way at Pomaria Station, destroyed the depot, “ fixed ’,’ the track, and destroyed several bridges; on the 18th reached Alston’s Station ; on the 19th crossed Broad River, and on the 20th reached Monticello to learn that Wheeler was across the river moving on Chestcrfield. It had done a full share of hard fighting, and rough campaigning. The position was an exciting one. Our infantry was being concen- trated in the vicinity of Winnsboro, on the Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad, and, until now, the campaign from Columbia had indicated a purpose to go into Virginia by the inland route, via Charlotte. Sherman had again confused and misled his enemy, but now a point was nearing when a battle seemed unavoidable, and this time under his old adversary, Joe Johnston, who had superseded Bragg in chief command. Slocum reached Winnsboro on the 21st of February. The 20th Corps reached Rocky Mount on the 22d, and laid a pontoon bridge over the Catawba, which it crossed on the 23d. The same night Kil- patrick crossed in a drenching rain, and marched up to Lancaster, as though leading a grand demonstration against Charlotte, North Carolina, to which Beauregard had gone with a strong cavalry force from Columbia. Sherman says, “ I was also aware that Cheathzim’s corps of Hood’s old army was aiming to make a junction with Beau- regard at Charlotte, having been cut off by our rapid movement on Columbia and Winnsboro.” The progress for some days is clearly told by General Sherman in his report: 364 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. “From the 23d to the 26th we had heavy rains, swelling the rivers and making the roads almost impassable. The 20th corps reached Hang Rock on the 20th, and waited there for the 14th corps, to get across the Catawba. The heavy rains had so swollen the river that the pontoon bridge broke and General Davis had very hard work to restore it, and get his command across. At last he succeeded, and the left wing was put in motion for the Cheraw. “In the meantime the right wing had broken up the railroad to Mindoro, and then turned for Pea’s Ferry, where it crossed over the Catawba before the heavy rains set in, the 17th corps moving straight on to Cheraw, via Young’s Bridge, and the 15th corps by Tiller’s and Killer’s Bridges. From this latter corps detachments were sent into Camden to burn the bridges over the Wateree, with the railroad depot, stores, &c. A small force of mounted men under Captain Duncan, was also dispatched to make a dash and interrupt the railroad from Charleston to Florence, but it met Butler’s division of cavalry, and after a sharp skirmish at Mount Elon, was com- pelled to return unsuccessful. Much bad road was encountered at Lynch’s Creek, Which delayed the right wing about the same length of time as the left wing had been at the Catawba. “ On the 2d of March the leading division of the 20th corps entered Chesterfield, skirmishing with Butler’s division of cavalry, and the next day about noon the 17th corps entered Cheraw, the enemy retreating across the Pedee and burning the bridge at that point. At Cheraw we found much ammunition and many guns, which had been brought from Charleston, on the evacuation of that city. These were destroyed, as also the railroad trestles and bridges as far down as Darlington. An expedition of mounted infantry was sent down to Florence, but it encountered both cavalry and infantry, and returned, having only broken up, in part, the branch road from Florence to Cheraw. “ Without unnecessary delay, the columns were put in motion, directed on Fay- etteville, North Carolina, the right wing crossing the Pedee at Cheraw, and the left wing and cavalry at Sneedsboro. General Kilpatrick was ordered to keep well down the left flank, and the 14th corps, moving by Love’s Bridge, was given the right to enter and occupy Fayetteville first. The weather continued unfavorable, and the roads bad, but the 14th and 17th corps reached Fayetteville by the 11th of March, skirmishing with Wade Hampton’s cavalry, that covered the rear of Hardee’s re- treating army, which, as usual, had crossed Cape Fear River, burning the bridge. During the march from the Pedee, General Kilpatrick had kept his cavalry well on the left and exposed flank. During the night of March 9th, his three brigades were divided to picket the roads. General Hampton detecting this, dashed in at daylight, gained possession of the house in which General_Kilpatrick and Colonel Spencer had their quarters. The surprise was complete, but General Kilpatrick quickly succeed- , ed in,rallying his men on foot in a swamp near by, and by a prompt attack, well followed up, regained his artillery, horses, camp, and everything, saving some pris- oners, which the enemy carried off, leaving their dead on the ground. “ The 12th, 13th and 14th corps were passed at Fayetteville, destroying absolutely the United States arsenal and the vast amount of machinery which formerly be- longed to the old Harper’s Ferry. United States arsenal. Every building was knocked down and burned, and every piece of machinery utterly broken up and wmmneron. 365 ruined, by the 1st Regiment Michigan Engineers, under the immediate supervision of Colonel O. M. Poe, Chief Engineer. Much valuable property of great use to the enemy was here destroyed or cast into the river. ' “Up to this period I had perfectly succeeded in interposing my superior army be- tween the scattered parts of my enemy. But I was then aware that the fragments that had left Columbia under Beauregard, had been reinforced by Cheatham’s corps from the west, and the garrison of Augusta, and that ample time had been given them to move to my front and flank about Raleigh. Hardee had also succeeded in getting across Cape Fear River ahead of me, and could therefore complete the junction with the other armies of Johnston and Hoke, in North Carolina. And the whole, under the command of the skillful and experienced Joe. Johnston, made up an army superior to me in cavalry, and formidable enough in artillery and infantry to justify me in extreme caution in making the last step necessary in the march I had undertaken. Previous to reaching Fayetteville, I had dispatched to Wilming- ton from Sorrel Hill Church, two of our best scouts, with intelligence of our po- sition and my general plans. Both of these messengers reached Wilmington, and on the morning of the 12th of March, the army tug Davidson reached Fayetteville from Wilmington, bringing me full intelligence of events from the outer world. On the same day this tug carried back to General Terry, at Wilmington, and General Schofield, at Newbern, my dispatches to the efl'ect that, on Wednesday, the 15th, we would move for Goldsboro, feigning on Raleigh, and ordering them to march straight for Goldsboro, which I expected to reach about the 20th.” Here we may pause and trace the line of the troops thus ordered to co-operate. After Fort Fisher was captured by Terry and Por- ter, Wilmington was next to be taken. Schofield had been put in charge of the Department of North Carolina, and was in com- mand. By a series of brilliant movements, he gained the main de- fenses of Cape Fear river and Wilmington, capturing ten heavy guns and much ammunition, with little loss. With his gallant subordi- nates, Cox and Terry, he continued to gain important advantages until the 22d of February, when General Terry entered Wilmington, capturing fifty-one heavy, fifteen light guns, stores, ammunition, 850. Then, as we have seen, he pushed on to join his old commander at Goldsboro, fought his way gallantly and successfully, and justified the choice of Lieutenant-General Grant, of the commander, for this important and diflicult command. . A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune thus describes what he saw after the capture of the city. It is one of the many chapters of loyal suifering and rebel barbarity—a barbarity worse than the quick cruelty of Thugs: . “ In the opinion of eminent engineers, Cape Fear river, from Wil- 366 PATRIOTISM or rumors. mington to the ocean, is more strongly fortified than any one of our northern harbors, or any river in the world—-nineteen forts and bat- teries linc its approaches within the short distance named, all of the heaviest character, most scientifically constructed, and thoroughly armed-three lines of formidable obstructions, consisting of piles, torpedoes, sunken ships and cribs, chain cable, and rafts of heavy timber securely fastened together. The entire front of this line, was covered by succession of lakes and deep swamps, stretching from the river to the ocean, and only crossed by two narrow causeways. Then three miles outside of these works was a second strong line. The city was capable of stronger defense than any we have taken dur- ing the war. Its only lack was in men. “ Schofield was most heartily congratulated on all sides for this flattering result of his combination. Only one division, the 3d, and one brigade, Moore’s, of the 2d Army Corps, were engaged. The remainder of the 23d Corps did not arrive. The total loss on both sides of the river after Schofield took command, will fall a trifle be- low 200. This was owing to the fact that the position assaulted could be turned. But few citizens left the city, except such as the enemy forced to enter the ranks. All able-bodied men hid them- selves and thronged the streets as soon as our forces entered. The ladies were also out in force, -and the negroes crowded all the ave- nues. N ot a symptom of animosity was displayed by man, woman or child throughout the day. Early in the morning a large class of citizens began to help themselves to goods in various stores, but a provost guard soon stopped this trafiic, so peculiar to rebel towns. “ The city contains a number of very fine church edifices and pub- lic buildings, and many beautiful private residences, but these serve to make the general shabbiness of the rest more conspicuous. The Union prisoners had been confined at Camp Lamb, about nine miles from the city, and their treatment was worthy of fiends from hell. Though agreements for a general exchange had been completed at Richmond, the starving process goes on. For three days before the evacuation, these prisoners had not received a mouthful to eat. “ To the credit of citizens, many attempts were made to relieve them, but food in all cases was taken away from them by order of the officer in command, and trodden into the ground before the eyes ILLINOIS mnsounas. 367 of prisoners and citizens. It was thought that 700 were recovered, but many in a dying condition. All which has appeared in the pub- lic prints in regard to this matter, utterly fails to prepare one for the awful reality. “After nerving myself for the visit, and trying to picture all its horrors, while riding slowly overla mile to the house where they had been collected, my brain reeled for a moment as the sickening reality burst upon me. An otficer came in, and those who had never quailed on the field of death, whose cheeks had never blanched, stood aghast with tears in their eyes, grinding their teeth, clenching their hands, and thanking God that there was a hell. Pale, haggard and emaciated skeletons glared on us from glassy eyes, whose light of reason was just expiring. With matted hair, and skin blackened with smoke, scarcely covered with the filthiest shreds of cast-off ' rebel clothing, without blankets, and most of them without coats and shoes, they gazed on us with almost idiotic stare, while the ma- jority could with ditficulty be roused from their listlessness. “Many had forgotten their names. Some could be aroused by asking them of home, wives and children; these magic words bring- ing them back from the grave into which they were sinking with hands clutching the bread our soldiers brought. As they lay there dying, an old negro woman passed from one to another, tenderly smoothing their awful passage to the grave, knowing that the authors of all this misery had escaped. How consoling to repeat, ‘Ven- geance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.’ “ The following are the names of the Western soldiers in this build- ing, and as many more ‘are scattered through the town: “ Joseph E-lmrich, 1st Ohio artillery ; John H. Ashmend, 80th In- diana; George Oswald, Company F, 5th Chio, Cincinnati ; G. H. Clark, 1st Wisconsin; William T. Collins, /ompany G, 18th Mis- souri ; Albert McCarter, Company I, 7th Indiana; James Cochrane, Company H, 8th Iowa cavalry; William F. Everman, Company H, 8th Iowa cavalry; James W. Hays, Company F, 8th Iowa cavalry; Thomas Rhodes, Company I, 3d Illinois cavalry ; John Taylor, 12th United States; Taylor Worded, Company II, 14th Illinois cavalry; F. Ronodent, Company D, 20th cavalry; William D. Minger, 2d Kentucky cavalry; Gottert Sting, 14th Illinois cavalry; Joseph At- 368 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. wood, 1st Indiana: John W. Lee, Company C, 14th Illinois caval- ry; John Zerveirson, Company I, 16th Wisconsin; Croyden Pierce, Company A, 99th Indiana; Thomas C. Groves, Company K, 96th Illinois; William Plumb, Company K, 14th Illinois cavalry; Wil- liam Munshaw, Company H, 5th Michigan.” It was horrible traveling, but Sherman set forward March 15th. Kilpatrick was in Slocum’s advance, moving up the river or plank road to Kyle’s, and had a sharp encounter with the rebel cavalry in the vicinity of Taylor’s Hob Creek. Howard sent his trains to the right toward Faison’s depot and Goldsboro, keeping four divisions in light order, ready to go to the aid of Slocum, if needed. Hardee had attempted an imitation of the policy of General Grant toward Lee, and halted in force in a swampy, narrow neck, lying between South and Cape Fear Rivers, hoping to hold Sherman in- active until Johnston could concentrate his whole force at some point in Hardee’s rear, such -as Goldsboro, Raleigh or Smithfield. It was necessary to dislodge him, and the enterprise was formidable, as he commanded 20,000 men, veteran troops, with artillery, infan- try and cavalry, and a position of his own choosing. Sherman wanted the Goldsboro‘road, and he also wished to keep up the ap- pearance of moving on Raleigh. Slocum was ordered toarout him. Williams’ 20th corps was first, and it was led in turn by Wood’s division. Rhett’s brigade of Con- federate artillery, armed as infantry, were stationed across the road, protected by a slight parapet, with a strong battery fairly sweeping the approach. Case’s brigade was sent to the left, turned Rhett’s line, and by a quick charge, broke it. The rebels fell back to a sec- ond and stronger line. Three guns and 217 prisoners, of whom 68 were wounded, were captured. The main rebel line extended from Black River on their left, to Cape Fear River on the right, covering fairly the roads to Goldsboro, Smithfield and Raleigh. On the 16th, Carlin and Morgan brought up their men, and a desperate, but un- successful effort was made to clear the Goldsboro road, but the en- emy held his position, though severely punished. During the nigh‘ lie abandoned the line and fell back to Averysboro, chased by Wood’s division, leaving his dead and wounded. UHAP TER XXII. REGIMENTAL snsrcnns. THE N INETY-sEcoND—REREI. TREATMENT or PRISONERS--BREvET MAJOR GENERAL SMITH D. ATxINs—-CoI.oR BEARER “ GEDEE ” Scorr—-“ Fon GoD’s SAKE SAVE THE FLAG ”— THE NINETY-THIRD-—FROM ATLANTA To SAVANNAH-—THE NINETY-FIFTH—R3GIMENTAL STATIsT1cs—CoLoNEL THOMAS W. HUMPHREY—THE N INETY-EIGHTH--A FAT IL Accr- DENT—THE N INETY-NINTH-—-THE AssAULT UPON VICKSBURG-—THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST—RUNNING THE BLocKADE—THE ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND——CAP'1'URE or A BANK--THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD—DEATH or CoLoNEr. DICKERMAN—TIIE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH—-THE ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTH——PORT GIRsoN AND CHAMPION HII.I.s—THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINTH—A BRIEF BUT DISGRACEFUL RECOR.D—-THE ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH -HEAVY LossEs—THE ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH—GAL- LANT CHARGE AT REsAcA--THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWELETH-—SANDERs’ RAID-THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH—CDLONEL GEO. B. HODGE-—-THE RANKIN FAMILY. N IN ETY-SECON D ILLINOIS INFANTRY. HE 92d infantry was organized at Rockford and mustered into the service September 4, 1862. It was composed of five com- panies from Ogle, three from Stephenson and two from Carroll Coun- ties. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Smith D. Atkins; Lieutenant-Colonel, Benjamin F. Sheets; Major, John H. Bohn; Adjutant, I. C. Lawver; Quartermaster, George W. Marshall; Surgeon, Clinton Helm; Ist Assistant, Thomas Winston ; 2d Assistant, Nathan Stevenson; Chaplain, Rev. 0. D. W. White. Co. A--Captain, William J . Ballinger; 1st Lieutenant, Harvey Simms; 2d Lieu- tenant, VVilliam Cox. , Co. B-Captain, Wilbur W. Dennis; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Crowell; 2d Lieutenant, E. F. Bander. Co. C.--Captain, William Stouffer; 1st Lieutenant, Robert M. A. Hawk; 2d Lieu- tenant, Norman Lewis. Co. D--Captain, Lyman Preston; 1stLieutenant, George R. Skinner; 2d Lieu- tenant, Oscar F. Sammis. Co. E—-Captain, Matthew Van Buskirk; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph L. Spear; 2d Lieutenant, Jeremiah Vorhis. . Co. F-Captain, Christopher T.Dnnham; 1st Lieutenant, Alfred G. Dunham; 8d Lieutenant, William C. Dove. 5 24 370 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Co. G—-Captain, John M. Schermerhorn; 1st Lieutenant, John Gishwiller; 2d Lieutenant, Justin N. Parker. - Co. H—Captain, James Brice; 1st Lieutenant, James Dawson; 2d Lieutenant, Edward Mason. . Co. I-Captain, Egbert T. E. Becker; 1st Lieutenant, David B. Colehour; 2d Lieutenant, Alexander M. York. _ Co. K--Captain, Albert Woodcock; 1st Lieutenant, Horace J. Smith; 2d Lieu- tenant, Horace C. Scoville. The regiment left Rockford on the 11th of October, 1862, for Cin-* cinnati, and passed through Chicago on the afternoon of the same day. The time spent in Rockford had been well employed in drill, and the soldierly appearance of the regiment attracted the atten- tion of our citizens who thronged the streets along the line of its march. Arriving at Cincinnati it was assigned to General Baird’s Division, Army of Kentucky. It marched immediately into the in- terior of the State, and was ordered on the last of October to Mt. Sterling, Ky., to guard the place from rebel raids. It soon gained a reputation throughout Kentucky and was known as “ The Aboli- tion Regiment.” Its anti-slavery sentiments were fully tested, even at the point of the bayonet. Its Colonel was sued and indicted in several of the civil courts of the State for stealing, as was alleged, “ men chattels.” At the solicitation of prominent slaveholders, the regiment was finally relieved at Mt. Sterling and ordered to Dan- ville, Ky. Here the brigade was reorganized and the command giv- en to Colonel Atkins, who continued to hold it until the regiment was mounted. On the 26th of January, 1863, the 92d with General Baird’s division was ordered to the Army of the Cumberland. Dur- ing its stay in Kentucky, it lost nearly two hundred by death and discharge. The regiment was not permitted to leave Kentucky without a renewal of its difiiculties with slave masters. The com- mand was followed to Louisville, where General Gordon Granger issued an order, to appease the wrath of slave hunters, to the effect “ that all slaves who had found their way into our lines during our stay in Kentucky, should be delivered to their masters or be left at Louisville.” This order was in direct conflict with orders from the War Department, and was openly disobeyed. Many amusing scenes occurred during these troubles, one of which is here mentioned, as illustrating the earnest zeal of the slave- THE NINETY-SECOND INFANTRY. ' holders. At Harrodsburg, during the march to Louisville, a well- dressed lady entered the ranks and collared a robust man, claiming him as her chattel, and endeavoring to drag him from the ranks. “ Sam ” did not seem to appreciate the beauties of the “ sacred in- stitution,” and refused to go. The lady called her neighbors to help her, but they stood in fear of bayonets in the hands of aboli- tionists, and refused their aid. Colonel Sheets, viewing the scene from the head of the regiment, ordered the band to play “ Kingdom Come,” and the regiment, joining in the chorus, sang with a genuine anti-slavery zeal. Arriving at Nashville, the command moved to Franklin, Tennes- see, and immediately started in pursuit of Van Dorn, who had afew days before captured the command of Colonel Coburn. When the Army of the Cumberland advanced from Murfreesboro, the 92d had a prominent part with the right wing of the army. With a portion of the cavalry, it occupied Shelbyville on the 27th of June. On the 5th of July it was ordered to rebuild a permanent wagon-bridge over Duck River, Bragg having in his retreat burned all the bridges. With no tools but axes and shovels, Colonel Sheets marched the 92d from Wartrail to the river, and in forty-eight hours a permanent bridge was completed, over which the trains of the army crossed and recrossed during the war. On the morning following this work, General Rosecrans ordered that the regiment be mounted and armed with the Spencer Repeating Rifle, and attached to Colonel Wilder’s brigade of General Thomas’ corps, in which corps it remained while General Rosecrans commanded the army. Horses and horse equip-_ ments were scarce. A few were obtained through the quartermas- ter’s department, and, mounted on captured saddles of every grade and style, a portion of the regiment started out, with orders to press all the serviceable horses, mules and colored men they could find, and bring them into camp. In three days they reported to Colonel Wilder, at Dechard, with three hundred and fifty negroes and thir- teen hundred horses and mules. The colored men fought for the flag, and the horses and mules were worn out in the government service. From this date the greater part of the time was spent in the sad- dle, and with its Spencer rifles the regiment became a terror to the 372 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. rebel cavalry, and gained a reputation second to no regiment in our army. During some forty battles and skirmishes, in which it was afterward engaged, it was not once driven from the field. For its thorough discipline, much is due to Lieutenant-Colonel (now Brevet Brigadier-General) Benjamin F. Sheets. The regiment for many months was in command of this excellent ofliccr. Crossing the mountains from Dechard, Tennessee, it had part in those movements opposite‘ and above Chattanooga, which deceived Bragg as to the point where the army was to cross the river. Hav- ing accomplished this, it recrossed the mountains via Bridgeport, and joined General Thomas at Trenton, Alabama. On the morning of the 9th of September, it led the advance to Chattanooga, drove the rebels from Point Lookout, and entered the rebel stronghold, unfurling from the Crutchfield House the first Union banner since Tennessee had attached herself to the Confederate cause.* As soon as General Crittenden’s troops came up, the 92d started in pursuit of the rebels. At Ringgold, Georgia, it came upon a brigade of Forrest’s cavalry,.and drove them from the town, killing and wound- ing a large number. During this engagement an amusing incident occurred. As our line was pressing the rebels back, a German, from Company F, came down from the rebel ranks, horseless and hatless. Approach- ing Colonel Sheets, he cried out, “ O Colonel, they shoots mine horse; they shoots mine coat here and there; they shoots mine pants; they spoils mine gun, and I ish almost dead.” And sure_ enough, he had dashed up to their lines, and had his horse killed, and himself escaped on foot, with three bullet-holes through his cloth- ing, and the half of the breech of his gun shot away. In April, 1864, the regiment appeared once more at Ringgold, Georgia. Here it lost its first prisoners. On the morning of the 23d of April, Lieutenant (afterward Captain) Scovill, in command of a picket post at Nickojack Gap, nine miles from Ringgold, was at- tacked by an overwhelming force, and after a gallant fight himself and twenty-one men were captured, and one man killed. Of the * J. S. C. Abbott, in his History of the War, erroneously mentions the 97th Ohio as the first regiment in Chattanooga. The oflicial records show the 92d there nearly two hours before other troops arrived. CRUEL TREATMENT OF PRISONERS. . men thus captured, twelve were shot down and murdered. Six of these were taken from the field dead, and six died of the wounds inflicted. The men who escaped this inhuman treatment were doomed to a more cruel death. They sufliered the tortures of Ander-9 sonville, and most of them lie buried there. From Ringgold, Georgia, on the 7 th of May, 1864, the regiment entered upon the Atlanta campaign, leading the advance of General Sherman's army. From Kingston, Georgia, in this campaign, it was commanded by Major (brevet Lieutenant-Colonel) Albert Woodcock, a faithful, efiicient, Christian officer. It had been assigned to Gen- eral Kilpatrick’s command, and is entitled to a large share of the honor won by Kilpatrick’s division. Its march was the scene of constant battles and skirmishes, the most important of which were Resaca, the raid around Atlanta, Bethsaida Church, Flint River Bridge and J onesboro. The charge at Flint River was witnessed by Major-General Howard, who complimented the men by telling them he had never witnessed a more brilliant charge. In the fight near J onesboro, the regiment lost one-fifth of the men engaged. From Mount Gilead Church, west of Atlanta, it moved out, on the 1st of October, to take part in the op- erations against Hood’s army. At Powder Springs it had a severe engagement, losing a large number in killed and wounded. Return- ing to Marietta, it commenced preparation for the march to the sea. It was commanded, during its subsequent service, by Lieutenant-Col- onel Matthew Van Buskirk, and assigned to General Atkins’ brigade of Kilpatrick’s division. During this march it was often engaged with Wheeler’s cavalry, and added new laurels to its reputation. An engagement demanding especial mention was at Macon, where the regiment fought three or four times its number, driving the reb- els from their works, capturing, killing and wounding quite a num- ber. On the following morning it was attacked by a brigade of rebels, who seemed furious, and determined to capture the regiment. Reserving its fire until the rebels were within easy range, it opened on them with its Spencer rifles, and scattered them. At Waynes- boro, on the 4th of December, it was ordered to charge Wheeler’s cavalry, who were strongly posted in a well-selected position, and inaccessible except by front attack. At daylight the order of battle 374 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. was formed, and, all being ready, the charge was sounded. The 92d dismounted and moved forward in splendid order. Climbing the eminence before it, under a very heavy fire, it halted not for a mo- “meat, but drove the rebels from three successive lines of barricades, scattering them in confusion, and killing and capturing more than its own number. From Savannah to North Carolina, Kilpatrick’s command kept the extreme left flank of the army. Its battles and skirmishes with Wheeler’s and Hampton’s cavalry were numerous. At Aiken, South Carolina, the 92-d was completely surrounded by a division of rebel cavalry, and in a hand-to-hand encounter cut its way out. At the crossing of the Salkehatchie River, near Barn well, the 92d charged the rebels from behind earthworks on the op- posite side. Colonel Bowman, of General Sherman’s stafl‘, writing of this, says : “ The 92d Illinois Mounted Infantry, Lieutenant- Colonel Van Buskirk, dashed through the swamp, the men wading in the water up to their armpits, crossed the stream on trees felled by the pioneers, and, under cover of a rapid fire of artillery, gallantly carried the works, driving the enemy in confusion toward the town of Barnwell.” The 92d had part in the fight at Bentonville. This was its last engagement with the rebels. Here Captain Hawk, Company C, was severely wounded, losing his leg. The people of Carroll County have shown their appreciation of him by electing him to the oflice of County Clerk. 6 This regiment lost in the aggregate more men than the average of regiments. Its ranks were kept well filled by constant enlistments. Its record is one that does honor to the state and credit to its mem- bers. It was engaged in some forty battles and skirmishes, num- bering some of the most sanguinary of the war. It was mustered out at Concord, North Carolina, and discharged‘ at Chicago, July 10,1865. The following is the muster-out roster: General, Smith D. Atkins : Lieutenant-Colonel, Matthew Van Buskirk; Major, Al- bert Woodcock; Adjutant, Charles C. Freegard; Quartermaster, Lieutenant Philip Sweeley; Surgeon, Clinton Helm; Assistant Surgeon, Nathan Stevenson; Chap- lain, Barton H. Cartwright. Co. A--Captain, Harvey Simms; 1st Lieutenant, William Cox; 2d Lieutenant, Wflliam H. Frost. mnvnr MAJOR-GENERAL s. n. uxms. - 375 O0. B-Captain, Horace J. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, Henry 0. Cooling; 2d Lieu- tenant, Miles B. Light. Co. C—-Captain, Robert M. Hawk; 1st Lieutenant, Norman Lewis; 2d Lieuten- ant, George P. Sutton. Go. D—Captain, Lyman Preston; 1stLieutenant, George R. Skinner; 2d Lieu- tenant, Oscar F. Sammis. Co. E—Captain, Joseph L. Spear; Lieutenant, Robert J. Huie. Co. F-Captain, William B. Mayer. Co. G-Captain, John M. Schermerhorn; 1st Lieutenant, Harry G. Fowler; 2d Lieutenant, William McGammons. Co. H—Captain, John F. Nelson; 1st Lieutenant, John F. Nettleton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Crawford B. Bowles. Co. I—Captain, Egbert T. E. Becker; 2d Lieutenant, Joshua S. McRea. Co. K-Captain, Horace G. Seovill; 1st Lieutenant, Peleg R. Walker; 2d Lieu- tenant, James D. White. Brevet Major-General Smith D. Atkins was born June 9, 1835, near Elmira, Chemung County, New York, and removed to Illinois with his father’s family in 1848, and lived on a farm till 1850,when he went to learn printing in the otfice of the Prairie Democrat, the first paper published in Freeport. He was educated at Rock River Semi- nary, Mt. Morris, Illinois, working in the printing oflice and attend- ing school, and in 1852 had control as foreman of the Mt. Morris Gazette, still attending school. In June, 1853, he bought out the paper with C. C. Allen, late Major on the stafl' of Major-General Schofield, and established the Register, at Savannah, Carroll County. In the fall of 1853 he entered the law oflice of Hiram Bright, in Free- port, as student at law, and was admitted to practice on the 27th of June, 1855. After admission to the bar he read law a short time in the oflice of Goodrich and Scoville, Chicago, and began practice in Freeport, September 1, 1856. In 1860 he canvassed for Lincoln, making a speech in review of the Dred Scott decision, which went through several editions. He was elected State’s Attorney of the 14th Judicial Circuit. On the 17th of April, 1861, he was trying a criminal case in the Stephenson Circuit Court when a telegram brought news that Lincoln had called for volunteers; and sitting down in the court room, General Atkins wrote an enlistment roll and signed it--the first man in his county to enlist as a private soldier- and telling the jury that he would be a soldier, if spared, until the stars and stripes again floated on the ramparts of Fort Sumter, and 37 6 - PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. was acknowledged throughout the land, he left the case in the charge of another attorney, half tried, and marched through the streets of Freeport with a band of music, and by dark had a hundred men enlisted. He was unanimously elected Captain, and went at on H to Springfield, and was mustered as Captain Company 'A,1lth Illim ' Volunteers. He enlisted for three years again as a private, and was again mustered as Captain Company A, 11th Illinois Volun- teers, at Bird’s Point, for three years. Captain Atkins had the only maximum company in that regiment. He was at Donelson with an unexpired leave of absence in his pocket, sick, but in command of his company, taking sixty-eight men into the fight, and coming out with but twenty-three. He was promoted to Major of the llth for services at Fort Donelson, Colonel Wallace being promoted to Brigadier-General. He went on the staff of General Hurlbut as A. A. A. G. by special assignment of Major-General Grant, immediately after the battle of Donelson, and as such was engaged with General Hurlbut in the battle of -Pittsburg Landing, receiving special mention for gallantry. Compelled by illness to resign after the battle of Pittsburg Landing, he spent a couple of months ‘on the sea coast. Recovering in time to take the stump to raise troops under the call of 1862; he raised the 92d Illinois, and was mustered as Colonel at Rockford, September 4, 1862. The Colonel was in command of the regiment until January 17 , 1863, when he was placed in command of a brigade. While the regiment was at Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, it being the first Yankee regiment that had visited that part, very many slaves flocked to it, begging for protection, saying that they would work, fight, or do anything for their freedom. The owners of the slaves soon followed, and demanded that the Colonel should give up their property. The Colonel replied that neither he nor his boys were responsible for the action of their slaves in leaving them; that Illi- nois troops had proved their nobility on too many bloody battle fields to be used as slave hounds in driving back to them their human chat- tels. They then laid their grievances before the Colonel command- ing the brigade, a Kentuckian. He ordered Colonel Atkins to deliver up the slaves. Colonel Atkins refused to obey the order. The fugitives were never given up. The Colonel was sued for human chattels appropriated by his regiment, and there are judg- xII.PATRIcx’s CAVALRY. 377 ments against him now in the Kentucky courts amounting to about $50,000. On the 17th day of January, 1863, the Colonel was placed in com- mand of the 2d Brigade 3d Division Army of Kentucky, which he commanded while in the Department of the Ohio. When the 92d was removed to the Department of the Cumberland he was placed in command of the 1st Brigade 1st Division Reserve Corps. When the regiment was mounted, and transferred to Wilder’s brigade of mounted infantry, he accompanied and commanded it until trans- ferred to Kilpatrick’s cavalry division. When General Kilpatrick reformed his division, preparatory to' the great march with Sherman, he gave command of the 2d Brigade to Colonel Atkins. As Sher- man was advancing southward from Atlanta, it was his aim to throw his army between the rebel forces and Savannah. The task of deceiv- ing the enemy and holding them while this movement was being made by Sherman was, by General Kilpatrick, assigned to Colonel Atkins and his brigade. Skillfully be accomplished this difficult task. From Clinton with his brigade he charged the rebels, driving them fourteen miles to Macon; he dashed upon their outer lines, driving thenr into their main works about the city, and held them there while Sherman swept majestically around to the eastward, leaving the enemy in the rear, and having nothing in front to impede his progress. The Colonel distinguished himself in the diiferent engagements in which his brigade took part, especially at Waynesboro, where Wheeler and his cavalry were defeated. While leading the charge made by his brigade in this fight, his color bearer was shot down by his side; his brigade flag attracting the attention drew the fire of the enemy, but amid the iron shower he wore a charmed life while he cheered on his men to victory. At Savannah he was brevetted Brigadier- General for his skill and gallantry as a commander. As a regimental commander he infused into the men his own ardent spirit of patriotism; he had their entire confidence as to his judgment and skill as a leader, and, perhaps, no Colonel was more popular with his men up to the time of his being removed from them to command a brigade. As a brigade commander he was exceedihgly popular; his courteous manner and gentlemanly deportment, and his calm, cool judgment and skill as a leader amid the strife of battle, gave him the 378 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. \ hearts of his command. At the close of the war he was mustered out of the service with his old regiment, and for his faithful services he was brevetted Major-General. He has again resumed the prac- tice of his profession at Freeport, where he was appointed Post- master--a position from which he has been removed to make room for one of President J ohnson’s bread-and-butter appointees. David Scott (nicknamed “ Gedee”) was a joyous-hearted printer boy in Polo, Ogle County. For many months he struggled between his affection for his aged parents, which restrained him at home, and his inclination to fight for the dear old flag. He finally enlisted in Company D, 92d Illinois, and on General Atkins, taking command of a brigade, he was made color-bearer. In one of the numerous engagements in which the 92d had part (it was at Waynesboro, we believe), it was ordered with an Ohio regiment to make a charge. Fearing that the latter regiment was about to falter, young Scott rode forward, exclaiming, “Come on, boys !” In his eagerness he had ridden some distance in advance of the brigade, when a rebel bullet struck him in the breast. Raising his arms, he cried out, “ Boys, I’m shot. For God’s sake, save the flag !” and fell dead— a noble sacrifice for the country he loved better than his life. NINETY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 93d regiment was mustered into the service at Chicago, October 13, 1862. Six companies were from Bureau County, two from Stephenson, one from Whiteside and one from Rock Island. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Holden Putnam ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Nicholas C. Buswell ; Major, James M. Fisher; Adjutant, David W. Sparks; Quartermaster, Edward S. Johnson; Sur- geon, Joseph Huyett; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Samuel A. Hopkins; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Charles A. Griswold; Chaplain, Thomas H. Hagerty. Co. A-Captain, Lewis S- Ashbaugh; 1st Lieutenant, William M. Morris; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel F. McDonald. Co. B—Captain, John W. Hopkins; 1st Lieutenant, David Deselms; 2d Lieuten- ant, James W. Lee. ' - Co. C—Captain, William J . Brown; 1st Lieutenant, William Yonson ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Thomas I. Lockwood. _ Co. D--Captain, Charles F. Taggart; 1st Lieutenant, Alpheus P. Goddard; 2d Lieutenant, George S. Kleckner. Co. E--Captain, Alfred F. Knight; 1st Lieutenant, John Dyer; 2d Lieutenant, William A. Payne. THE NINETY-THIRD mrnrrrnx. 379 Go. F-—-Captain, Orrin Wilkinson; 1st Lieutenant, Lyman J . Wilkinson; 2d Lieu- tenant, William C. Kinney. Co. G—Captain, Joseph P. Reed; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Hartsough; 2d Lieutenant, Jeremiah J. Piersol. Co. H—Captain, John A. Russell; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Dorr; 2d Lieutenant, Gad C. Lowrey. Co. I--Captain, Ellis Fisher; 1st Lieutenant, Elijah Sapp; 2d Lieutenant, Mills C. Clark. Co. K—Captain, David Loyd; 1st Lieutenant, Clark Gray; 2d Lieutenant, Harrison I. Davis. The 93d left Chicago on the 9th of November, 1862, for Memphis, where it remained until early in December, when it joined in the expedition to Tallahatchie until the project was abandoned. It was engaged in scouting duty until March 1, 1863, when it started on the Yazoo expedition to Fort Greenwood. When this undertaking was abandoned, the 93d marched to Helena, Arkansas, then to Milliken’s Bend, and on the 27th of April left the latter point on the Vicksburg expedition. While thus engaged it fought a severe battle with the rebels, at Raymond, May 12, 1863, another at Jackson on the 14th, a skirmish at Fort Gibson, and on the 16th participated in the terri- ble battle at Champion Hills. On the 19th of May the 93d reached Vicksburg,where it remained till the fall of the rebel stronghold, on the 4th of July. The regiment was then sent into the city, and remained there, on provost duty, till September 12th. It then returned to Helena, thence to Memphis, thence to Corinth, Missis- sippi, and from thence to Chattanooga on the Missionary Ridge expe- dition. It reached Chattanooga on the 21st of November, and on the 25th participated in the bloody battle of Mission Ridge, where the gallant Colonel Holden Putnam was killed. From the battle field the 93d marched to Bridgeport, Tennessee, thence to Larkins- ville, Alabama, and from there, in January, 1864, to Huntsville, Ala- bama, where it went into camp until February 12th. On the 25th of this month it took part in the battle of Dalton. Next we find it in various duties until August 2d, when it started for Allatoona, Georgia, where it fought a most sanguinary battle with the rebels, losing eighty-three men. From Allatoona, November 12th, it started on the Georgia and Carolina campaign. In this campaign it bore its full share of honors, and in May, 1865, left Rolla for VVashington, Where it participated in the grand review. In June it was mustered 380 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. out, and on the 24th of that month reached Chicago, where it was paid off and discharged. The 93d originally mustered 976 men; when it reached Chicago it numbered but 258 men and 23 oflicers. From the time it entered the service till mustered out at Louisville, it marched 2,554 miles, traveled 2,296 miles by water and 1,237 by rail—-a total of 6,087 miles. NINETY-FIFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 95th regiment was composed of seven companies from Mc- Henry County and three from Boone. It was mustered into the ser- vice at Rockford on the 4th of September, 1862, with the following list of oflicers: Colonel, Lawrence S. Church; Lieutenant-Colonel, Thomas W. Humphrey; Major, Leander Blanden; Adjutant, W'ales W. Wood; Quartermaster, Henry D. Bates; Surgeon, George N. Woodward; lst Assistant Surgeon, A. D. Merritt; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Walter F. Suiter; Chaplain, Thomas R. Satterfield. Co. A—Captain, William Avery ; 1st Lieutenant, Alexander S. Stewart ; 2d Lieu- tenant, James E. Sponable. Co. B—Captain, Charles B. Loop; 1st Lieutenant, Milton E. Keeler; 2d Lieuten- ant, Aaron F. Randall. Co. C—Captain, Jason B. Manzer; 1st Lieutenant, William W. Wedgewood; 2d Lieutenant, Otis H. Smith. Co. D--Captain, Edward J. Cook; 1st Lieutenant, John E. Beckley; 2d Lieuten- ant, William H. Heiffman. Co. E—Captain, John Eddy; 1st Lieutenant, Asa Farnam; 2d Lieutenant, Oscar E. Dow. Co. F—Captain, William H. Stewart; 1st Lieutenant, Sabine Van Curen; 2d, Lieutenant, Phineas H. Kerr. Co. G—Captain, Elliott N. Bush; 1st Lieutenant, Henry M. Bush; 2d Lieutenant» Joseph M. Collier. Co. H—-Captain, Charles H. Tryon ; 1st Lieutenant, James H. Wetmore ; 2d Lieu- tenant, William B. Walker. _ Co. I—Captain, James Nish; 1st Lieutenant, Gardnier S. Southworth; 2d Lieu- tenant, Converse Pierce. Co. K—Captain, Gabriel E. Cornwell; 1st Lieutenant, Almon Schellenger; 2d Lieutenant, Alonzo Brooks. On the 4th of November, 1862, the regiment left Rockford for Grand Junction, Mississippi, via Cairo, Columbus, Kentucky, and Jackson, Tennessee, and took an active part in General Grant’s campaign through Northern Mississippi in the ensuing winter, and THE NINETY-FIFTH INFANTRY. 381 afterward in the march to Memphis, Tennessee, thence down the river against Vicksburg. It participated in the numerous battles fought in the rear of Vicksburg, and was on the noted march from Milliken’s Bend, Louisiana, to Grand Gulf, Mississippi. During the entire siege of Vicksburg the 95th performed gallant duty, and in the two famous charges made by Grant’s army of the 19th and 22d of May, 1863, this regiment lost twenty-five killed, one hundred and twenty-four wounded and ten missing. On the day of the surrender of the rebel stronghold, July 4, 1863, the regiment was one of the first to enter the city, and remained there and at Natchez until March, 1864, when it went on General A. J. Smith’s Red River expedition, and was present in all the important actions of the expedition, includ- ing the capture of Fort De Russey, and the battles of Old River, Clouterville, Man souri and Yellow Bayou. Upon its return to Vicks- burg in the early part of May, 1864, the regiment proceeded with the Sturgis expedition, and participated gallantly i.n the disastrous battle of Guntown, fought on the 10th of July. In this battle the 95th suffered fearfully, losing Colonel Thomas W. Humphrey, then in command, and a large proportion of officers and men. After the battle the boys were sent to Memphis, where they remained in camp until August, when they went with General Mower up White River, then marched from Brownsville through Arkansas to Missouri, in pursuit of the rebel invader, Price. After participating in all the subsequent marches of General A. J . Smith’s army, during that cam- paign, the regiment, in the early part of November, 1864, rendez- voused at Benton Barracks, Missouri. In the latter part of Novem- ber, it embarked on transports at St. Louis, with General Smith’s forces, and proceeded to Nashville, Tennessee, to reinforce General Thomas, then operating against the rebel General Hood. It took part in the great battles around Nashville, of December 15th and 16th, and the subsequent pursuit of Hood’s defeated army to the Tennessee River; arrived there January 2, 1865, and a few days afterward ascended that river to Eastport, Mississippi, when Gene- ral A. J. Smith’s corps went into winter quarters. While at this point an expedition was sent out to Corinth, which the regiment accompanied, and was absent only a few days. Early in February, the troops were ordered to embark on steamers at Eastport and pro- 382 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. ceed to New Orleans, to operate in the campaign against Mobile, arriving in the Crescent City February 21st. On the 14th of March, the regiment embarked for Dauphin Island at the mouth of Mobile Bay, and on the 18th of the month landed on the west side of the bay, at Cedar Point, with Colonel Moor-e’s brigade. There the boys commenced the first offensive operations against Mobile City. The regiment took active part in the grand forward movement of Gene- ral Canby’s army from Fish River Landing, March 25th, against Mobile, and was one of the first regiments to advance to close posi- tion in the investment of Spanish Fort. During that siege the 95th carried its trenches to within thirty yards of the enemy’s works, under a most terrible fire of artillery and musketry, and participated in the storming and capture of the fort, April 8th, being the first regiment to occupy what was known in the rebel line as the “Red Fort.” Upon the fall of Mobile, the 95th Illinois marched with the 16th Army Corps from Blakeley to Montgomery, Alabama, where it arrived April 25th. Leaving Montgomery, the regiment proceeded to Opelika, Alabama, about seventy miles to the northeast, on the line of the Montgomery and West Point Railroad, with general orders to attack guerillas, collect Confederate property, and clear the district of the many marauders. On the 18th of July started for Montgomery on its way home to muster out of the service. It arrived at Vicksburg, Mississippi, August 3d, via Selma, Meridian and Jackson, and then received orders to proceed at once to St. Louis, Missouri, for muster out. On reaching that place, August 10th, the regiment was sent directly to Camp Butler, Springfield, Illinois, where, on the 16th day of August, 1865, it was mustered out, paid off, and discharged from the United States service. In addition to the foregoing, the regiment, during the summer of 1864, had a detachment of several otficers and about 100 enlisted men in General Sherman’s Georgia campaign. These were in charge of Major Charles B. Loop (then Captain), Captain James Nish, of Company I, and Captain Alexander S. Stewart, of Company A; were engaged at the battles of Kenesaw Mountain, Chattahoochee River, Atlanta, J onesboro and Lovejoy Station, and took active part in all the important events of that campaign, which resulted in the capture of the “ Gate City” of the South. THE NINETY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. 383 The following figures form an interesting record of the 95th dur- ing its term of service in the armies of the Republic: Aggregate number ofofiicers and men during service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,355 Aggregate number on entering service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983 Old soldiers belonging to the regiment when it was mustered out . . . . . . . 490 Number of recruits on mustering out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Number discharged during service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 Died in battle and of wounds received in action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Died of disease... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . .._ . . . . . . . . . . .. 276 Number of recruits transferred on muster out of regiment . . . .. . . . . . . . . 162 Number transferred during service to Invalid Corps, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Number missing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Miles traveled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,960 Miles marched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,800 Colonel Thomas W. Humphrey Was born at Knoxville, Ohio, April 4, 1835, but passed the greater part of his -life at Franklin, De Kalb County, Illinois. He was a graduate of Beloit College, Wisconsin, and afterward a clerk in the Recorder’s oflice in DeKalb County. Subsequently he was a candidate for Sheriff of that county. Dur- ing the summer of 1862, he raised a company for the war, and on the organization of the 95th regiment was chosen its Lieutenant-Colo- nel, and later promoted to the command of the regiment. As related above, he was killed at the battle of Guntown, Mississippi, while at the head of his regiment. His remains were conveyed to his home in DeKalb County, where they were interred with appropriate reli- gious and Masonic ceremonies, the latter being conducted by Major- General Stephen A. Hurlbut. N INETY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS IN FANTRY. The 98th regiment was organized at Centralia, and mustered into the service on the 3d of September, 1862. Its original roster was as follows: Colonel, John J . Funkhouser; Lieutenant-Colonel, Edward Kitchell; Major, Wm. B. Cooper; Adjutant, John H. J. Lacy; Quartermaster, Finney D. Preston; Sur- geon, Robert M. Lackey; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Samuel W. Vortrees; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Allen T. Barnes; Chaplain, William Cliife. Co. A--Captain, Enoch P. Turner; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Foster; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph C. Gadd. Co. B—Captain, David D. Marquis; 1st Lieutenant, William E. Hoffman; 2d Lieu-. tenant, William C. Rickard. 384: PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. Co. C-Captain, William McCracken; 1st Lieutenant, Stephen I. Williams; 2d Lieutenant, John P. Powell. Co. D--Captain, William Wood ; 1st Lieutenant, James H. Watts; 2d Lieutenant, William G. Young. Co. E——Captain, John T. Cox; 1st Lieutenant, Ira A. Flood; 2d Lieutenant, Charles Willard. . Co. F--Captain, Albert W. Lacrone ; 1st Lieutenant, Wiot Cook; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Hobbs. Co. G—Captain, Frederick A. Johns; 1st Lieutenant, Lindsy D. Laws; 2d Lieu- tenant, William J obes. . Co. H-Captain, Thomas Johnson; 1st Lieutenant, Ephraim Martin; 2d Lieuten- ant, George Moutray. Co. I—Qapta.in, William H. Wade; 1st Lieutenant, Simon S. Foster; 2d Lieuten- ant, Lawrence Banta. Co. K—-Captain, Orvilla L. Kelley; 1st Lieutenant, Alexander S. Mofiitt; 2d Lieutenant, William Torrent. The regiment left camp on the Stli of September, for Louisville. When the train reached Bridgeport, Illinois, on the evening of the 8th, it was precipitated down an embankment by the displacement of a switch,and several cars wrecked, and five persons killed and seventy-five wounded, several of whom afterward died. The regiment resumed its journey the next morning, and arrived at “ Camp Joe Holt,” at J effersonville, where it remained till the 13th, when it went to Camp Ward, at Louisville. It then engaged in campaigning in Kentucky and Ten- nessee till January 4, 1863, when it reached Nashville. On the 5th it marched to Murfreesboro, escorting a supply train. Here it was stationed during the months of January and February, on picket, foraging and guard duty. On the 14th of March, a part of the regi- ment was mounted, and from this date till September 16th was constantly engaged in scouting and foraging. On the 17th the bat- tle of Chickamauga was begun, and the 98th did excellent service. In this fight Colonel Funkhouser was wounded in both thighs. At Shelbyville, October 7 th, it charged upon the enemy and drove them in confusion. It next engaged with them at Farmington, with alike result. It then ‘pursued Wheeler until he crossed the Tennessee River. From the 17th of October to the 17th of November it was in camp at Maysville. On the 21st it moved to Chattanooga. Dur- ing the ensuing winter it was actively engaged in scouting, and took part in the Atlanta campaign, in like duties. At Dallas it did excel- lent service, materially assisting in driving the enemy from the field. THE NINETY-NIN I‘H INFANTRY. 385 After the capture of Atlanta it took part in Kilpatrick’s raid, and participated in the engagement at New Hope Church in October, 1864. At Rome, October 12th and 13th, it behaved with great gal- lantry, defeating the rebels. It was constantly employed in scout- ing till November 1st, when it dismounted, turning over its horses and equipments to Kilpatrick’s cavalry, to be used in the march to the sea. On the 13th the regiment reached Nashville, and on the 16th arrived at Louisville, where it was encamped until December 28th. It was then ordered to Bardstown to intercept the rebel Gene- ral Lyon, and on the 31st moved to Elizabethtown. On the 12th of January, 1865, being again mounted, it marched through Nashville, reaching Gravelly Springs, Alabama, on the 25th. Here it remained till March 22d, when it began the spring campaign. On the 2d of April, our forces attacked and routed Roddy’s command at Selma, Alabama, suffering severely. On the 12th of April it was present at the surrender of Montgomery, Alabama. On the 16th, Columbus, Georgia, was captured, with 1,500 prisoners and. many pieces of - artillery, and the public buildings and arsenal destroyed. On the 20th the forces entered Macon and took possession. This was at the virtual ending of the war, and on the 27th of June the 98th was \ mustered out of ‘the service at Nashville, and on the 1st of J uly, arrived at Camp Butler, where it was paid and discharged. K /1 NINETY-NINTH ILLINOIS INEANTRY. The 99th regiment was organized at Florence, Pike county, amt; mustered into the service on the 23d of August, 1862. The follow-_- ing is the originai roster : Colonel, George W. K. Bailey; Lieutenant-Colonel, Lemuel Parke; Majer,. Ed-1-.. win A. Crandall; Adjutant, Marcellus Ross ; Quartermaster, Isaac G. Hodgen; Sur- geon, Joseph H. Ledlie; Ist Assistant Surgeon, Archibald E. McNeal ; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Abner T. Spencer; Chaplain, Oliver A. Toplifl". . Co. A—-Captain, George T. Edwards ; 1st Lieutenant, James K. Smith; 2d-:Li€>u- tenant, James F. Stobie. Co. B--Captain, Benjamin L. Matthews ; 1st Lieutenant, James W. Fee; 2d Lieu- tenant, James A. Elledge. Co. C—-Captain, Asa C. Matthews; 1st Lieutenant, Joshua K. Sitton; 2d Lieuten- ant, Lucien W. Shaw. Co. D—Captain, John F. Richards; 1st Lieutenant, Francis M. Dabney; 2d Lieu- tenant William T. Mitchell. 25 386 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. ‘l C0. E-—Captain, John C. Dinsmore; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph ‘G. Colvin; 2d Lieu- tenant, Allen D. Richards. Co. F--Captain, Eli R. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, Leonard Greaton; 2d Lieutenant, Daniel McDonald. Co. G--Captain, Henry D. Hull; 1st Lieutenant, James H. Crane; 2d Lieutenant, Lewis Dutton. Co. H-Captain, Lewis Hull; 1st Lieutenant, Melville D. Massie; 2d Lieutenant, Gottfried Wenzell. Co. 1-—Captain, Joseph G. Johnson; 1st Lieutenant, John G. Sever; 2d Lieuten- ant, Robert E. Gilleland. ~ Co. K-Captain, Isaiah Cooper; 1st Lieutenant, William Gray; 2d Lieutenant, Thomas J. Kinman. The regiment left camp immediately upon its muster, and on the following day arrived at Benton Barracks, being the first regiment to leave the State under the call of 1862. It was immediately placed on duty in Missouri. It was in a skirmish at Beaver Creek, and in the engagement at Hartsville, Missouri. It remained in Mis- souri until March 15, 1863, when it embarked for Milliken’s Bend. On the 11th of April it entered upon the campaign against Vicks- burg, and on the 1st of May took an active part in the engagement at Port Gibson, where it lost 37 in killed and wounded. It then pursued the enemy to Jackson. On the 16th it participated in the battle of Champion Hills, and on the 17 th at Big Black River. On the 19th our forces were closely around Vicksburg, and on the 22d began the grand assault upon the enemy’s works, in which the 99th took part, losing 103 men out of 300 who went intolthe action. Among the wounded were the Colonel and Major of the regiment, leaving Captain Matthews in command. The 99th planted its colors upon the rebel breastworks, and did not retire till relieved by an- other regiment. It remained in front of Vicksburg, taking an active part in the siege, until its surrender, July 4th, losing, in that time, 253 in killed and wounded. On the 5th it started in pursuit of Johnston, returning to Vicksburg on the 24th. On the 21st of Au- gust, it embarked for New Orleans, and was engaged in the Teche campaign, a portion of the regiment taking part in the battle of Grand Coteau. On the 16th of November it embarked for Texas, arriving at Mustang Island about the 25th. It immediately marched up to the attack upon and capture of Fort Esperanza, which gave complete possession of the coast from the mouth of the Rio Grande orm HUNDRED AND mnsr INFANTRY. 387 to Matagorda On the 16th of June, 1864, it evacuated the Island, and reported to General Reynolds, at Algiers, Louisiana. During the entire summer of 1864, it was engaged in a kind of garrison duty on the Mississippi River. In November it went to Meniphis, where it was consolidated into a battalion of five companies. In Decem- ber General Grierson made his famous raid, and was supported by the 99th, until he reached Wolf River. The battalion then guarded the railroad till December 28th, when it was ordered to Memphis. On the 1st of January, 1865, it again embarked for New Orleans, and on the 1st of February ordered to Dauphin Island. It took part in the movements against Mobile, until its surrender. It then went up the Red River to receive the surrender of Kirby Smith. It ar- rived at Shrevesport, Louisiana, in June, and Colonel Matthews was immediately sent with an escort to the Indian Territory, to negotiate with the Indians, returning to Shrevesport July 3d, having traveled the entire distance—1,000 miles—-on horseback. On the 19th the battalion was ordered to Baton Rouge, where it was mustered out on the 31st. It arrived at Springfield on the 7th of August, where it was paid off and discharged. ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 101st regiment was organized at Camp Duncan, Jacksonville, and mustered into the service on the 2d of September, 1862. The original roster was as follows : Colonel, Charles H. Fox ; Lieutenant-Colonel, William J. Wyatt; Major, Jesse T. Newmari ; Adjutant, Harrison O. Cassell; Quartermaster, John M. Snyder; Surgeon, Clarke Roberts; 1st Assistant Surgeon, James Miner; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Alon- zo L. Kimber; Chaplain, Wongate J . Newman. C0. A—Captain, John B. Lesage ; 1st Lieutenant, Charles Heinz; 2d Lieutenant, Nimrod B. McPherson. Co. B-Captain, Napoleon B. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas J . Moss; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas B. Wofl‘. Co. C--Capt-ain,Horace E. May; 1st Lieutenant, C. Augustus Catlin; 2d Lieuten- ant, Joseph H. Belt. Co. D--Captain, Henry C. Coifman; 1st Lieutenant, J. Newton Gillham; 2d Lieutenant, Robert C. Bruce. Co. E—Captain, Charles Sample; 1st Lieutenant, Myron H. Lamb; 2d Lieuten ant, Liberty Courtney. Co. F—C.iptain, George W. Fanning; lst Lieutenant, James L. Wyatt; 2d Lieu- tenant, John W. Shelton. 388 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. Co. G--Captain, Robert McKee ; 1st Lieutenant, VVillis Meacham ; 2d Lieutenant, John Hardin. Co. H——Captain, J oab M. Fanning; 1st Lieutenant, William S. Wright; 2d Lieu- tenant, William R. Seymour. Co. I—Captain, John A. Lightfoot; 1st Lieutenant, Frederick E. Shafer; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas M. Guy. Co. K-Captain, Sylvester L. Moore; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas B. O’Rear; 2d Lieu- tenant, David B. Henderson. The regiment left Jacksonville on the 6th of October for Cairo. Here it remained until the 26th of November, when it proceeded to Columbus, Ky., and thence to Davis’ Mills, Miss., where it joined the Army of the Tennessee. On the 28th of November it started on its first march, and on the 30th reached Lumkin’s Mills. Three days later it was sent to Holly Springs for provost and garrison duty. December 13th, Company A was sent to Cairo in charge of rebel prisoners, and on the 21st Holly Springs was captured, with five companies of the 101st, who were taken prisoners and paroled. They were sent to Benton Barracks until exchanged,‘in June, 1863. When Holly Springs was captured, the remaining four companies of the 101st scattered along the line of the railroad, fell back to Coldwater, where they met the 90th Illinois (Irish Legion) and greatly assisted in repelling Van Dorn’s subsequent attack upon that place. They were afterward formed into a battalion and temporari- ly assigned to the 14th Illinois Volunteers. The battalion was en- gaged in scouting service in Tennessee, finally arriving at Memphis in February, 1863; there it was joined by Company A. Onleaving Holly Springs with prisoners, Company A had proceeded to Cairo, and thence to Vicksburg, but General Sherman then investing that place, it was sent back up the river, and finally got rid of the prison- ers at Alton, Ill., but not until the Company had been fearfully de- creased by the sickness they had contracted by contact with the prisoners. Often it could not muster half a dozen men for duty, and that, too, when it had over a thousand prisoners in charge. Early in March the battalion was ordered to Vicksburg, where it was broken up and the companies assigned to various independent duties, Companies A, G, D and H, being assigned to the naval fleet. From this date each company had its separate history of scouts and skirmishes up and down the Mississippi. Company G, had the hon- THE. MARCH TO KNOXVILLE. ' 389 or of running the blockade at Vicksburg, on the ram Switzerland, for which, after the fall of the city, General Grant furloughed the whole company. On the 7th of June the other part of the regi- ment was exchanged, and on the 11th of July arrived at Columbus, Ky., whence it started out on a series of scouts and expeditions which only terminated about the 25th of August, at Union City, Tenn. Here ‘the regiment was reunited, and it thenceforth remained a unit. September ‘24th it was transferred to the Departmentof the Cumberland, and on the 27th arrived at Louisville, and on the 30th proceeded via Nashville to Bridgeport, Ala., where it remained till October 27th. On the 28th it participated in the night battle of ' Wauhatchie. It lay in Lookout Valley until November 22d, when it- proceeded to Chattanooga, and participated in the battle at that place. It then took part in the famous march to the relief of Burn- side at Knoxville, returning to Lookout Valley December 17th. During this march many of the men were barefooted, and thus marched over the frozen ground, leaving traces of their march in blood. On the 17th of December the regiment returned to Look- out Valley, and after a few days.’ rest was set to work building cor- .- duroy ro ads. On the 1st of January, 1864, it was sent to Kelly’s Ferry to relieve the 16th Illinois, then about to return home on vet— eran furlough. After the completion of thei-ailroad to Chattanooga, ' the 101st was sent to Bridgeport, and remained there until May 2d. It then set out upon the Atlanta campaign, i11 which it participated until its close. It took part in the battles of Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw, Pine Mountain, Kulp’s Ferry, Peach Tree. Creek and Atlanta, being the first regiment to enter the captured city, on the second anniversary of its muster. In this campaign the regiment won imperishable glory. On leaving Bridgeport it hacl365 effect- ive men; on the morning following the battle of Peach Tree Creek this number had become reduced to 120. On the 15th of Novem- ber the 101st started on the grand march to the sea, and participat- ed in all its glories, trials and triumphs. It took part in the Caroli- na campaign, and was in the battles of Averysboro and Bentonville. On the 24th of May it participated in the grand review at Wash- ington, and went into camp at Bladensburg. Here it was mustered out on the 7 th of June, and on the 21st it was paid off and disband- ed at Springfield. " 390 narnrorrsm or II.LnvoIs. ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 102d regiment was raised in Knox, Mercer, Warren and Rock Island counties, by Colonel William McMurtrey, and was mustered . into the service at Knoxville, on the 2d of September, 1862. The original roster was as follows : Colonel, William McMurtrey; Lieutenant-Colonel, Frank C. Smith; Major, James M. Mannon-; Adjutant, John W. Pitman; Quartermaster, Francis H. Rugar; Sun- geon, David B. Rice; lst Assistant Surgeon, William Hamilton; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Thomas S. Stanway; Chaplain, Amos K. Tullis. Co. A-—-Captain, Roderick R. Harding; 1st Lieutenant, Levi F. Gentry; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles M. Barnett. _ Co. B—Captain, Elisha C. Atchisen; 1st Lieutenant, William Armstrong; 2d Lieutenant, James C. Beswick. ' Co. C--Captain, Frank Shedd; 1st Lieutenant, Almond Shaw; 2d Lieutenant, Watson C. Trego. Co. D--Captain, Horace H. Welsie; 1st Lieutenant, Highland H. Clay; 2d Lieu- tenant, John B. Nixon. Co. E-—Captain, Thomas Likely; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel W. Sedwick; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas G. Brown. Co. F-—Captain, Charles H. Jackson; 1st Lieutenant, Orlando J. Sullivan; 2d Lieutenant, Ethan A. Cornwell. Co. G-Captain, Joseph P. Wycoff; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac McMa-nus; 2d Lieuten- ant, William H. Bridgeford. ' Co. H—Captain, Lemuel D. Shinn; 1st Lieutenant, Hiram Elliott; 2d Lieutenant, John Thomas. Co. I—-Captain, George H. King; 1st Lieutenant, Edwin H.- Congon ; 2d Lieuten- ant, John L. Bonnell. Co. K--Captain, Sanderson H. Rogers; 1st Lieutenant, William A. Wilson; 2d Lieutenant, Van Willits. - - Early in October, 1862, the regiment arrived at Louisville, Ken- tucky, where it was brigaded with the 105th Illinois, 7 0th Indiana, and 79th Ohio regiments, General Ward commanding. From Lou- isville it marched to Frankfort, where it fought and whipped John Morgan. It was next placed at guarding the railroad between Mur- freesboro and- Nashville, where it remained from November, 1862, till February, 1864. In the latter month it was garrisoned in the Wauliatchie Valley, and there remained till May 2d, when it joined ' _ the 20th corps. When this corps advanced on K~enesaw Mountain, the 102d was in the advance skirmish line, and did effective service; and after the rebels fell back upon Marietta, Wheeler’s cavalry being / ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD INFANTRY. 391 in the rear, the 102d fell upon about 3,000 of them and drove them up the valley. At the battle of Resaca the regiment was desperate- ly engaged, losing 109 men killed and wounded. The 102d partici- pated in the march to Atlanta, losing in this campaign 170 men. Then followed Sherman’s grand march across the land, in which the 102d was detailed as a foraging regiment, which, to the boys, was capital sport. On this march two men of the regiment surprised and captured the Bank of Camden, South Carolina, from which they took $900 in gold and $500,000 in Confederate and South Carolina state bonds. At the battle. of Averysville, North Carolina, on the 16th of March, 1865, the 102d was under fire all day, and lost nine- teen men killed and wounded. After the conclusion of the Carolina campaign, the regiment marched to Washington and participated in the national review, when it proceeded to Chicago, where it arrived on the 9th of June, for final muster and discharge. . ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 103d regiment was raised and organized in Fulton County, in the fall of 1862. It was mustered into the service at Peoria, Octo- ber 2d, with the following roster: -S-‘Colonel, Amos C. Babcock; Lieutenant-Colonel, Parley C. Stearns; Major, George W. Wright; Adjutant, Samuel S. Tipton; Quartermaster, Willard A. Dick- erman; Chaplain, William S. Peterson; Surgeon, Thornton H. Fleming; lst Assist- ant Surgeon, Sydney S. Buck; 2d Assistant Surgeon, James W. Van Brunt. Co. A—Captain, Asias Willison ; 1st Lieutenant, William W’. Bishop; 2d Lieuten- ant, Isaiah C. Worley. Co. B-Captain, Onamel D. Carpenter; 1st Lieutenant, John S. Gardner; 2d Lieutenant, William Walsh. Co. C-Captain, Sidney A. Stockdale; 1st Lieutenant, Henry L. Nieolet; 2d Lieutenant, John S. Smith. Co. D-Captain, John S. Wyckoff; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin F. Wyckoff; 2d Lieutenant, Isaac A. McBean. Co. E-Captain, Frank G. Post; 1st Lieutenant, William S. Johnson; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles H. Suydam. _ Co. F-Captain, William Vandevander; 1st Lieutenant, Bernard Kelly; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Mellor. Co. G--Captain, Charles W. Wills; 1st Lieutenant, Charles F. Matteson; 2d Lieutenant, John H. Dorrance. Co. H-Captain, James J . Hale; 1st Lieutenant, ‘William Boyd; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel D. Woodsen. 392 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. C0. I—Captain, Philip Medley; 1st Lieutenant, Nathaniel P. Montgomery; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel H. Brown. Co. K--Captain, James C. King; 1st Lieutenant, Augustus B. Smith ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Aaron Amsley. On the 18th of October the Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment resigned. Lieutenant Dickerman, Quartermaster, was elected Colonel ; Major Wright promoted to the Lieutenant- Colonelcy; Captain Willison, Company A, to Major, and Sec- ond Lieutenant Mellor, Company F, to Quartermaster. On the 30th of October, the regiment left Peoria for Bolivar, Tenn., and thence to Jackson, Miss., where it joined Sherman. At Lagrange, Tenn., it remained until November 30th, when it was placed in garrison at Waterford, Miss., and on the 31st of December it went to Jackson, Tenn., then threatened by Forrest. Until J une 8th it was engaged in harassing the enemy, when it was ordered to Vicksburg, and there remained until the surrender, doing effective service. Then the boys were put upon the track of J ohnston’s hordes, fighting them all the way to Jackson, Miss., where the 103d left its mark in fiery letters of blood. This work was continued until the 24th of Novem- ber, 1863, when the 103d participated in the fearful battle of Mis- sionary Ridge. From this time until May, 1864, the regiment was in winter quarters at Scottsborough, Ala., whence it marched to Dal,-g ton, Ga., where it opened the summer campaign. Following this, it participated- in the battles of Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Atlanta, Jonesboro and Gadsden. At Dallas, Colonel Dickerman was killed while at the head of his regiment. At Kenesaw Moun- tain Lieutenant-Colonel Wright was seriously wounded and three commissioned oflicers and sixty men were killed. VVhen the grand march to the sea was begun, the 103d took part in it, as also in the Carolina campaign, and in the review at Washington. It then re- ported at Louisville, Ky., where it was mustered out and partially paid. On the 24th of June, 1865, it arrived in Chicago for final payment and discharge. Of the 800 men who left Fulton County under its banners, less than 400 remained on its arrival in Chicago. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTII ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 105th regiment was organized and mustered into service at ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH INFANTRY. ‘ 393 Dixon, Lee County, on the 2d of September, 1862, with the follow- ing roster: Colonel, Daniel Dustin; Lieutenant-Colonel, Henry F. Vallette; Major, Everett F. Dutton; Adjutant, William N. Phillips; Quartermaster, Timothy Wells; Sur- geon, Horace S. Potter; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Alfred Waterman; Caplain, Levi P. Crawford. Co. A-Captain, Henry D. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, George B. Heath; 2d Lieu- tenant, Robert D. Lord. Co. B-—-Captain, Theodore S. Rogers; 1st Lieutenant, Lucius B. Church ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Willard Scott, Jr. Go. C—-Captain, Alexander L. Warner; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Field; 2d Lieutenant, Henry B. Mason. Co. D——-Captain, Amos G. Graves; 1st Lieutenant, William H. J eifers; 2d Lieu- tenant, Luther L. Peaslee. Co. E—-Captain, Thomas S. Terry; 1st Lieutenant, Martin V. Allen; 2d Lieuten- ant, Albert C. Overton. Co. F -—-Captain, Seth F. Daniels; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Adams ;.2d Lieutenant, Porter VVarner. Co. G—Captain, John B. Nash; 1st Lieutenant, Richard R. Woodruff; 2d Lieu- tenant, John M. Smith. 00. H—Captain, Eli L. Hunt; 1st Lieutenant, James S. Forsythe; 2d Lieutenant, Charles G. Culver. Go. I—Captain, Enos Jones; 1st Lieutenant, William 0. Locke ; 2d Lieutenant, Augustus H. Fisher. Go. K—Captain, Horace Austin - 1st Lieutenant, Nathan S. Greenwood; 2d Lieu- tenant, Almon F. Parke. From Dixon the regiment was sent to Chicago, mustering 954 men, rank and file. On the last day of October, it left Chicago for Louisville. Here it was brigaded and under General Wa1'd marched to Frankfort, where the boys first “ smelled powder” in a skirmish with a regiment of rebel cavalry. From Frankfort the regiment marched to South Tunnel, where it remained in garrison until June, 1863, when it returned to Frankfort, and from there marched to Murfreesboro, and thence to Nashville, where the winter of ’63-4 was spent. In the latter part of February the regiment left Nash- ville for Wauhatchie Valley, five miles from Chattanooga, where it remained till April, when it was placed in VVard’s brigade of But- terfield’s division of the 20th corps, then commanded by Joe Hook- er. When General Sherman took command of the Army of the Cumberland, the 105th began war in earnest. Its first pitched bat- _ tle was at Resaca, where it was one of the regiments which stormed 394; ‘ PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. and captured the hights. It was next engaged at West Allatoona, and then followed in quick succession the hard-fought battles of Al- latoona, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek and Jonesboro, in all of Which the 105th bore a prominent part. After our army had recuperatecl, the 105th joined in the glorious march to the sea and the Carolina campaign. Following this was the grand review at Washington, and then--“ homeward bound.” The 105th arrived in Chicago on the 10th of June, 1865, for muster and discharge—re- turning, however, with only 460 of the 954 braves who started out in 1862. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 108th infantry was organized at Peoria, where it was mus- tered into the service on the 28th of August, 1862. The original roster was as follows : Colonel, John Warren; Lieutenant-Colonel, Charles Turner; Major, Reuben L. Sidwell; Adjutant, Benjamin T. Foster; Quartermaster, George W. Raney; Sur- geon, Richard A. Conover; Chaplain, George W. Gue. C0. A—Captain, William R. Lackland; 1st Lieutenant, Philo W. Hill; 2d Lieu- tenant, John W. Plummer. ' Co. B—Captain, Richard B. Howell; 1st Lieutenant, Garrett G.Ruhaak; 2d Lieu- tenant, Wilber‘ F. Henry. Co. C--Captain, Sylvester V. Dooley; 1st Lieutenant, Patrick Moore; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas Lynch. Co. D--Captain, David R. McCutchen; 1st Lieutenant, William A. Stewart; 2d Lieutenant, George H. Megguire. ' Co. E-—-Captain, Winefield M. Bullock; 1st Lieutenant, Francis F. Briggs; 2d Lieutenant, William A. Davidson. Co. F--Captain, Isaac Sarff; 1st Lieutenant, James Tippett; 2d Lieutenant, John H. Schulte. ' Co. G-—Captain, George K. Hazlitt; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel B. Hartz; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry C. Sommers. Co. H-—-Captain, William M. Duify; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac C. Brown ; 2d Lieuten- ant, William W. Nelson. Co. I—Captain, John W. Carroll; 1st Lieutenant, Richard Scholes; 2d Lieutem ant, Daniel Dulaney. Co. K-Captain, Lyman W. Clark; 1st Lieutenant, James F. Davidson; 2d Lieu- tenant, PhilanderE. Davis. On the 6th of October, 1862, the 108th left Peoria for the front, 900 strong, and joined the division of General Garrard at (loving- ton, Ky., in the advance guard of the army of Kentucky, in pursuit ONE HUNDRED AND NINTH INFANTRY. 395 of Morgan. It next went to Nicholasville, Lexington and Louisville, and from there went to Memphis, with the army of General A. J . Smith. It next joined Sherman, and participated in the expedition to Chickasaw Bayou, at which place it was engaged for two days with the rebels. At the conclusion of this affair it proceeded to Arkansas Post, where it remained until after the capitulation, when It was ordered to Young’s Point. Here the men were employed in digging canals for a length of time, after which they proceeded to Milliken’s Bend. On April 15, 1863, the regiment left the Bend and passed through the swamps of Louisiana to Port Gibson, at which place it participated in the fight of May 1st. On the 16th it took part in the battle of Champion Hills, after which it was sent to Memphis in charge of about 6,000 rebel prisoners. On June 1st it returned to the army, joining it at Vicksburg, before which place it did picket duty up to the time of the surrender. On July 28th it returned to Memphis, and on the 4th of August it went to La Grange and next to Pocahontas, at which latter place it remained until No- vember 10th, when it was ordered to Corinth, Miss. Again going to Memphis, it remained there until June 1, 1864, when it started with Sturgis’ expedition and participated in the battles of Guntown and Ripley, with the loss of about fifty men. It again returned to Memphis and was there when Forrest made his attack on that place on August 21st. It remained there until February 28, 1865, and then went to New Orleans, where it was quartered until March 12th, when it started by steamer for Dauphin Island, Mobile Harbor. On March 21st it went to Spanish Fort, and there took an active part in the engagement of the 27 th of March, and in the thirteen days’ siege. After the capitulation it went to Montgomery, Alabama, and there did provost duty until July 18th, when it was ordered to Vicksburg. At Vicksburg it was mustered out, and on the 8d of August started for home, arriving in Chicago on the 9th, with 261 men, all told ONE HUNDRED AND NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Of one Illinois regiment we have an inglorious record to make. We would gladly omit it, but the truth of history compels it, and it will at least serve to illustrate the VVOIIL =rful strength of treason in our own midst, and by its contrast aid to ilumine the record of the 396 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. men who did their duty. The 109th regiment was organized at Anna, Union County, and mustered into the service on the 17 th of Septem- ber, 1862. It was freely charged, and generally believed, that the regiment was composed almost exclusively of 'members of the knights of the Golden Circle. The following special order from the War Department tells as much of its history as it is necessary for us to follow : “ LAKE PROVIDENCE, LOUISIANA, “April 10, 1863. l ‘,‘ Special Order No. 6. ] “The oflicers of the 109th regiment Illinois Volunteers, except those of Company K, having been reported as utterly incompetent to perform the duties of their res- pective commissions, and evincing no disposition to improve themselves, are hereby discharged from the service of the United States. “ This is the regiment which was within a few miles of Holly Springs when attacked by the rebels, failed to march to the support of their comrades, but drew in their pickets, and stood ready to surrender. From nine companies 347 men deserted, principally at Memphis, and but one from Company K. To render the men efiicient, it is necessary to transfer them to a disciplined regiment, and they are accordingly transferred to the 11th regiment Illinois Volunteers, Company K to make the tenth company. “ The officers thus discharged are; ~ “ Colonel, A. J . N imma; Major, T. M. Perrine; 1st Lieutenant, C. B. Dishon, Regimental Quartermaster. “ Captains—J. C. Merustucker, Samuel P. McClure, Hugh Andrews, S. A. Lewis. “ lst Lieutenants—James P. McLane, Jacob Milligan, B. F. Hartline, Abraham Merrenhen, Morgan Stokes, Charles Barringer, J ostah Toler, B. B. Bartlinson. “ 2d Lieutenants—-M. M. Gordman, T. T. Robinson, Charles Kettles, Squire Crab- tree, Henry Gassaway, Andrew Calvin. “ Chaplain P. H. Crouch will, as the regiment has been consolidated, be mustered out of the service. “ Surgeon T. M. Perrine, Assistant Surgeons John W. Henly and George H. Dewey will be assigned by Major-General Grant to other Illinois regiments to fill vacancies. “By order of the Secretary of War, “ ( Signed) S. Tnomas, Adjutant-General. “ ADJUTANT GENERAL’s OFFICE, “WASHINGTON, April 24, 1863. “ Oflicial: “E. D. Townsrmn, Assistant Adjutant-General.” ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. 5 The 110th regiment was organized at J onesboro, where it was mustered into the service 011 the 11th of September, 1862. The fol- lowing is the original roster: 0ND HUNDRED AND TENTH INFANTRY. _ 397 Colonel, Thomas S. Casey ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Munroe C. Crawford; Major, Daniel Mooneyham; Adjutant, Oscar A. Taylor; Quartermaster, Thomas H. Hobbs; Surgeon, William C. Pace; lst Assistant Surgeon, Hiram S. Plummer ; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Zachariah Hickman. Cb. A-—Captain, Marion D. Hodge; 1st Lieutenant, Green M. Contrell; 2d Lieu- tenant, William B. Deming. Co.- B-—Captain, Charles H. Maxey; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel T. Maxey; 2d Lien- tenant, John H. Dukes. g Co. C-Captain, Francis M. Norman; 1st Lieutenarit, Richard T. McHaney; 2d Lieutenant, James L. Parks. Co. D—Captain, Ebenezer H. Topping; 1st Lieutenant, Robert A. Cameron; 2d Lieutenant, William J . Cameron. _ Co. E—Captain, George E. Burnett; 1st Lieutenant, Willis A. Spiller; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles Burnett. Co. F——Captain, Grayson Dellitt; 1st Lieutenant, Carrol Payne; 2d Lieutenant, Jesse G. Payne. Co. G--Captain, John F. Day; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Gibson; 2d Lieutenant, Joseph B. Scudmore. Co. H-—Captain, William K. Murphy ; 1st Lieutenant, Enos D. Hays ; 2d Lieuten- ant, James Richie. Co. I—-Captain, William L. Britton ; 1st Lieutenant, William S. Bales; 2d Lieu- tenant, William W. McAmie. Co. K—-Captain, Mark Harper; 1st Lieutenant, James S. Wycough; 2d Lieuten- ant, John T. Barnett. On the 22d of September, 1862, the 110th left J onesboro for Louisville, over 900 strong, remaining there till the 21st of October, when it joined in the pursuit of Bragg, being in the 19th Brigade of the 21st Army Corps, under the command of General T. L. Crittenden. The corps came up with Bragg at Perryville; but as it was on the extreme right of our line, it did not participate in the general battle at that place. Upon Bragg’s retreating, the 110th continued in the pursuit to Wild Cat, skirmishing with him all the way, and returned to Nashville on the 20th of November, where it remained till the 26th of December. At this place it was assigned to the 2d Brigade of the 2d Division of the 21st Corps. It started for Murfreesboro ~~ on the 26th, skirmishing with Bragg’s rear to their destination. After the battle of Stone River, in which the 110th lost seven men and one officer killed, and about fifty men wounded, it went into camp until the 6th of May, 1863, and on the 8th was consolidated into a battalion of four companies, and started on the Tullahoma campaign. It was afterward engaged in the Chattanooga campaign. It was assigned to the 3d Brigade of the 2d Division of the 14th 398 mrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. Corps, about the 25th of October. From this time until the 20th of July, 1864, the regiment was mainly engaged in guard duty. At that time it was assigned to its brigade, and started on the Atlanta campaign. It met the enemy at Eutaw Creek, August 7th, and at J .nesboro. At the conclusion of this campaign, the 110th remained a few weeks in camp-, when it went in pursuit of Forrest’s guerrillas, with whom it skirmished at various times. On the 6th of November it joined Sherman’s grand army at Gaylesville, and ten days later began the grand march for the Atlantic coast. It remained on duty as provost guard at General J . C. Davis’ head-quarters until the dis- bandment of the army. On the 12th of June, 1865, it arrived at Chicago with fourteen oflicers and 290 men. During the earlier part of its career it lost very heavily from disease. At Nashville, during one month, over 200 men of the regiment died from measles, diarrhea and other diseases. ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 111th regiment was organized at Salem, Marion County, and mustered into the service on the 18th of September, 1862. The fol- lowing is the original roster: Colonel, James S. Martin; Lieutenant-Colonel, Joseph F. Black; Major, William H. Mabry; Adjutant, William C. Stiles; Quartermaster, Benjamin F. Marshall; Surgeon, James Phillips; 1st Assistant Surgeon, John K. Rainey; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Thomas S. Hawley; Chaplain, James B. Woolard. Co. A--Captain, Amos A. Clark; 1st Lieutenant, John K. Morton ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Jacob V. Andrews. Co. B—Captain, Anderson Myers; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Walker; 2d Lieu- tenant, George C. McCord. Co. C—Captain, Thomas 0. Pierce; 1st Lieutenant, James M. Forth; 2d Lieuten- ant, William B. Holleman. Co. D--Captain, John Foster; 1st Lieutenant, Robert W. Elder; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Smith. Co. E-Captain, Joseph F. McGuire ; 1st Lieutenant, Lewellyn W. Castellom; 2d Lieutenant, William J. Young. Co. F—Captain, Abner S. Gray; 1st Lieutenant, William C. Dorris; 2d Lieuten- ant, William H. Carpenter. Co. G—Captain, Reuben W. Jolliff; 1st Lieutenant, Henry Simpson; 2d Lieuten- ant, John W. Stover. Co. H-Captain, George E. Castle; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew J . Larimer; 2d Lieu- tenant, Robett M. Lovell. oNE HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH INFANTRY. 399 C0. I--Captain, Alfred J. Nichols; 1st Lieutenant, John L. Souter; 2d Lieuten ant, Fran-klin W. Kirkham. Co. K-Captain, Joseph Shultz; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac H. Berry; 2d Lieutenant, James B. Pendleton. The regiment left Salem on the 31st of October, for Columbus, Kentucky, and remained there till March 12, 1863, when it was sent to Fort Heiman, Tennessee. Here it remained until May 28th, making frequent raids into Tennessee, capturing and destroying a large amount of rebel property. It was then ordered to Paducah, Kentucky, where it remained until October 31st, when it was sent to Gravelly Springs, Alabama. November 7 th it took up its line of - march for Pulaski, where it remained until February 25, 1864. On the 8th of March it participated in the capture of Decatur, Alabama. On the morning of the 9th, Captain Amos A. Clark, who had been on detached service for twelve months, rejoined the regiment, and Within two hours afterward was killed by the accidental discharge of a pistol. On the 16th the regiment marched to Huntsville, and thence to Larkinsville, where it encamped until May 1st. It then joined General Sherman’s army in the Atlanta campaign, and par- ticipated in the battles of Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Ken- esaw Mountain, Atlanta and Jonesboro. At the battle of Resaca, the 111th was ordered to force the passage of Camp Creek, which was done in gallant style, in the face of a heavy fire. This being accomplished, Colonel Martin, who commanded the brigade, ordered a charge on the rebel works on the hills beyond. General Logan, who was anxiously watching, saw the charge made, and exclaimed that “ the 111th had gone to !” He was mistaken, for the rebel works were carried and occupied by the regiment._ On the 25th of October it had a skirmish with Wheeler’s cavalry, in Cherokee County, Alabama. In November it started on the march to the sea, participating in all its trials and triumphs, being the first Union regiment to place its colors on Fort McAllister, Georgia. It next took part in the Carolina campaign, and was engaged with the ene- my at South Edisto River, North Edisto River, and Bentonville. It was present in the grand review at Washington on the 211th of May, 1865, and on the 10th of June started for home. It arrived at Camp Butler on the 15th, and on the 27th was paid off and finally dis- 400 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Q \ charged. The 111th shows a smaller casualty list than almost any other regiment serving an equal length of time. Total number killed in battle, 42; wounded, 143; missing, 87; died of disease, &c., 191 ; number of miles traveled, 4,700. ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 112th regiment was composed of seven companies from Hen- ry County, and three from Stark. It was mustered into the service at Peoria, 996 rank and file, on the 20th of September, 1862. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Thomas J . Henderson ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Emery S. Bond; Major, James M. Hosford; Adjutant, Henry W. Wells; Quartermaster, George C. Alden; Surgeon, John W. Spalding; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Luther S. Milliken ; Chaplain, Rosnill N. Henderson. ‘ Co. A——Capt&n, Tristram T. Dow; 1st Lieutenant, Asa A. Lee ; 2d Lieutenant, John L. Dow. Co. B—-Captain, James B. Doyle; 1st Lieutenant, Jonathan C. Dickerson; 2d Lieutenant, John Gudgel. Co. C—Captain, John J . Biggs; 1st Lieutenant, John B. Mitchell; 2d Lieuten~ ant, Alexander P. Petrie. _ Co. D—Captain, Augustus A. Dunn; 1st Lieutenant, Henry G. Griffin; 2d Lieu- tenant, Samuel L. Patterson. Co. E—Captain, Sylvester F. Oatman; 1st Lieutenant, Cranmer W. Brown; 2d Lieutenant, Elmer A. Sage. Co. F—-Captain, William W. Wright; 1st Lieutenant, Jackson Lawrence; 2d Lieutenant, Robert E. Westfall. Co. G-Captain, Alexander W. Albra; 1st Lieutenant, James McCartney; 2d Lieutenant, Thomas E. Milchrist.. ' Co. H—Captain, George W. Sroufe; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas T. Davenport; 2d Lieutenant, Elisha Atwater. Co. I—-Captain, James E. Wilkins; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Lawrence; 2d Lieutenant, Henry S. Comstock. Co. K—Captain, Joseph Westley; 1st Lieutenant, Christian G. Gearhart; 2d Lieu- tenant, Edward H. Colcord. On the 8th of October, 1862, the 112th left Peoria for Covington, Kentucky. From thence it went to Lexington, and from thence to Danville, in pursuit of Pegram’s cavalry. About the 1st of April, 1863, the ‘egiment was mounted, and soon after started in pursuit of Scott’s cavalry, whom it drove from Kentucky. On the 10th of June it made a raid into Tennessee, under General Sanders, and after doing considerable damage to various lines of railroads, it made a ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH INFANTRY. 401 demonstration against Knoxville, but was compelled to retire before superior forces. It next joined Burnside’s army, and, as his advance, entered East Tennessee, and participated in the battles of Philadel- phia, Campbell’s Station, Calhoun, Knoxville (where it lost 120 men), Bean Station, Kelly’s Ford and Dandridge. It returned to Ken- tucky in 1864, and was dismounted. On the 6th of April it marched to Knoxville, and in a few days started for Tunnel Hill, Georgia, arriving in front of Rocky Face on the 11th of May. It took part in the battle of Resaca on the 14th of May, where Colonel Hender- son was wounded and the regiment lost fifty-six men. It continued in the march to Atlanta, taking part in the battles of Nicojack Creek, Pumpkin Vine Creek, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw, Lost Mountain, Chat- tahoochee, Utoy Creek and Rough and Ready, losing heavily in several of them. After the battle of Atlanta it went into camp at Decatur, Georgia, where it rested for a while, and then3 started after Hood. At Cedar Bluffs it parted from Sherman, and started with Schofield to head Hood ofi'. While resting at Palesca, Hood attempted to flank it, and in order to make its position more secure, it had to fall back, encountering some heavy skirmishing at Colum- bia and Spring Hill. It continued to retreat until Franklin was reached, where the 112th took a conspicuous part, as also at Nash- ville, when it drove the rebels across the Tennessee into Alabama. Just before the close of the war, the regiment went to Fort Fisher on the 8th of February, 1865, and shortly after participated in the battles of Fort Anderson, Town Creek, Wilmington and Kingston. It then proceeded to Goldsboro, where it joined Sherman, and moved up to Greensboro, North Carolina, where it was mustered out of service on the 21st of June. The 112th participated in no less than twenty-five pitched battles, and one hundred and ten skirmishes, and out of 996 men who originally belonged to the regiment only 424 returned. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 113th regiment—“ Third Board of Trade ”—-was raised in Cook, Kankakee and Iroquois counties, in August, 1862, but was not formally mustered as a regiment until the 1st of October. The fol- lowing is the original roster: 26 402 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. Colonel, George B. Hoge , Lieutenant-Colonel, John W. Paddock; Major, Lucius H. Yates; Adjutant, Daniel S. Parker; Quartermaster, William A. McLean; Sm-. geon, Joel M. Mack; lst Assistant Surgeon, Lucien B. Brown; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, William N. Bailey; Chaplain, Adam L. Rankin. Co. A——Captain, George R. Clark; 1st Lieutenant, Henry W. B. Hoyt; 2d Lieu- tenant, Daniel Ferguson. Co. B—Captain, Cephas Williams ; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew Beckett; 2d Lieuten- ant, John Jeffcoat. Co. C—Captain, George W. Lyman; 1st Lieutenant, William E. Barry; 2d Lieu- tenant, Harvey P. Hosmer. Co. D-Captain, Robert B. Lucas; 1st Lieutenant, David H. Metzger; 2d Lieu- tenant, George B. Fickle. Co. E—Captain, Mason Southerland; 1st Lieutenant, U. Rial Burlingham; 2d Lieutenant, Charles D. Trumbull. Co. F—Capt-.ain, William I. Bridges ; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Rogers‘; 2d Lieuten- ant, William German. Co. G-—Captain, John G. Woodrufl‘ ; 1st Lieutenant, Frank Brown; 2d Lieuten- ant, James I. Conway, Co. H—Captain, Bliss Sutherland; 1st Lieutenant, Harrison Daniels; 2d Lieuten- ant, Aquilla C. Congill. Co. I-—Captain, George West; 1st Lieutenant, Anderson Tyler; 2d Lieutenant, Aaron F. Kane. Co. K-Captain, Silas J . Garrett; 1st Lieutenant, Levi Sargent; 2d Lieutenant, Charles Squires. During the month of October, 1862, the 113th was employed in guarding rebel prisoners at Camp Douglas, and on the 5th of Novem- ber left for Memphis, 840 strong. Here it was assigned to the 15th Corps, General Sherman, and with him marched to Oxford, Missis- sippi, to join the expedition against Vicksburg. It returned with General Sherman to Memphis, and thence to Vicksburg by water. It was in the fights at Milliken’s Bend and Chickasaw Bayou. The next move was to Arkansas Post [Vol. I., p. 444 ], under MeCler- nangmand Sherman. On the 3d of March, 1868, the 113th took transports to Vicksburg, and labored on the Butler Canal for a month. It was engaged in the expedition up the Black Bayou to relieve Porter’s gunboats, where it had a smart skirmish with the rebels. Returning to Vicksburg, the 113th participated in the labors and perils of the siege until the surrender of Pemberton, losing one third of its force engaged. From August, 1864, to February, 1864 it was engaged in scouting in the vicinity of Corinth, and then returned to Memphis. On the 10th of April it started on the expo- I THE RANKIN FAMILY. 403 dition under General Sturgis against Forrest. Returning, without a fight, they started out on another expedition under General Sturgis to Guntown, Mississippi, where it was engaged with the enemy for two hours, losing 135 men and five ofiicers killed, wounded and missing. It returned to Memphis, where it remained on picket duty till October, when it embarked on an expedition under General Washburn up the Tennessee River. It was in the disastrous fight at Eastport, Tennessee, where it lost fourteen men and two oflicers. The next move was to Memphis, where it remained on provost guard and picket duty until ordered home to stay. It arrived in Chicago on the 22d of June, 1865, with 272 men and officers, leaving 242 behind. It recruited 492 men while in the service, making a total of 1,332 men who served in its ranks. Colonel George B. Hoge was born in Alleghany County, Pennsyl- vania, April 16, 1834, and removed to Chicago in 1848. Five years later he graduated at the Western University, Pittsburg, and from that time was engaged in business avocations in Chicago until 1856, when he removed to Missouri. When the war broke out he raised a company for the 13th Missouri infantry (afterward 25 th Missouri infantry), and was chosen Captain. In this capacity he was at the siege of Lexington [Vol. I., p. 155] and Shiloh, and was wounded at the latter place. In the summer of 1862 he obtained leave of absence and visited Chicago, where he was elected Colonel of the 113th Illinois. In closing a sketch of the “Third Board of Trade ” regiment, it is not inappropriate to mention that in each of the three Board of Trade regiments was a son of the well-known anti-slavery apostle, Rev. John Rankin, of ‘Ripley, Ohio. One entered the first (7 2d) as wagon-master, another the second ( 88th) as 1st Assistant Surgeon, and the third in the Third Board of Trade (113th) as Chaplain. One of the three sons—if not all of them--is a native of East Tennessee, where the father was frequently persecfited for his utter- ances in behalf of freedom. CHAPTER XXIII. OUR TROOPERS. THE THIRD CAvAI.RY-—PuRsuIT or PRICFJS ARMY--PEA RIDCE—-GAI.LANTRv AT FAIR- YIEW-—VICKsBURG AND ARKANsAs Posr--’l‘IIE FIFTH CAvAI.RY—BATTI.E CF CACHE RIVER—-PRIVATION AND SUFFERING-—EXPEDITIONS To GRENADA AND J ACKsoN—-MUs- TER-OUT RCSTER--THE TWELFTH CAvAI.RY—A MAGNIFICENT SABER FIGHT--ESCAPE FROM HARPER’S FERRY——THE MCCLELLAN DRAGOONS-——THE FIGHT AT DUMFRIES-— STONEMAN’S RAID--APPROACH To RICIIMCND--TuNsTAI.L STATION——GETTYSBURG—- EFFICIENT SERVICE or THE TWELFTH—RE-ORGANIZATION As VETERANS--RECEFTICN IN CnrCAeo—-SNOW STORM--THE RED RIVER GAMPA1GN——SERVICE IN TEXAS-—MUS- TER our ROSTER--GENERAL HASBROUCK DAvIs. THIRD ILLINOIS CAVALRY. -HE Third Cavalry was organized at Camp Butler, and was mustered into the three years’ service on the 26th of August, 1861. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Eugene A. Carr; Lieutenant-Colonel, Lafayette McCrellis; 1st Major, Thomas Hamar; 2d Major, James M. Ruggles; 3d Major, John McConnell ; Adju- tant, William O’Connell; Adjutant 1st Battalion, Theodore Leland; Adjutant 2d Battalion, James S. Crow; Adjutant 3d Battalion, Burr Sanders; Quartermaster, Byron O. Carr; Commissary, James S. Crow; Surgeon, Albert H. Lanphere ; 1st Assistant Surgeon, J . Spaflbrd Hunt; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Charles Orvis; Chaptain, Horace M. Carr. Co. A—--Captain, Dwight D. Johnson ; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew J . Taylor; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joshua Tuthill. Co. B—-Captain, Joseph S. Mans ; 1st Lieutenant, Joel B. Ketchum; 2d Lieuten- ant, Michael Fisher. Co. C—-Captain, Charles P. Dunbaugh; 1st Lieutenant, David Black; 2d Lieu- tenant, Augustus W. Tilford. Co. D--Captain, Thomas M. Davis; 1st Lieutenant, James K. McLean; 2d Lieu- tenant, Moses Lytaker. Co. E—-Captain, John L. Campbell; 1st Lieutenant, Charles C. Guard; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas B. Vaughn. Co. F——Ca.ptain, Thomas W. Macfall; 1st Lieutenant, Wellington S. Lee; 2d Lieutenant, John Hendrickson. o->v1"‘U'I_’ fll — av-u-|-~c~ . THE THIRD CAVALRY. 405 C0. G—Captain, James B. Moore; 1st Lieutenant, Enos P. McPhai1; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles L. Raymond. Co. H-Captain, Edward Rutledge; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas G. McClel1and; 2d Lieutenant, Andrew B. Kirkbridge. Co. I—-Captain, James Nicolls; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel F. Dollofi' ; 2d Lieute-nant, Edward O. Rowley. Co. K-Captain, Robert H. Carnahan; 1st Lieutenant, Aaron Weider; 2d Lieu- tenant, John Zimmerman. Co. L—Captain, David R. Sparks; 1st Lieutenant, Norreden Cowen; 2d Lieu- tenant, Aaron Vanhooser. Co. M——Ca.ptain, George E. Pease ; 1st Lieutenant, Henry M. Condee ; 2d Lieuten- ant, James H. O’Conner. The 3d cavalry left Camp Butler on the 23d, 24th and 25th of September, and reported to General Fremont at Benton Barracks, St. Louis. On the 27th it left for St. Charles, and then began a series of marches, skirmishes, -&c., in Missouri and Arkansas, which continued until the close of Fremont’s and Curtis’ campaigns. On the 11th of February, 1862, it had a small skirmish with the enemy’s outposts at Marshfield. On the 13th it advanced toward Springfield, when Major Wright was sent forward with his battalion, and had a sharp fight with a regiment of rebel infantry, handsomely repulsing them. On the 15th the regiment started in pursuit of Price’s retreat- ing army, and overtook them at Crane Creek, capturing seven prison- ers, and throwing a few shells into their camp. _The pursuit was continued during the two days following, with frequent skirmishing, until Sugar Creek, Arkansas, was reached. Here the enemy made a stand, and a brisk engagement was had, ending with a splendid cavalry charge, in which one battalion of the 3d participated, rout- ing the enemy. On the 21st it arrived at Cross Hollows, and went into camp until March 5th, when it took the advance in an expedition to Fayetteville. The approach of the enemy caused it to fall back to Pea Ridge. In the battle at the latter place it bore an honorable and conspicuous part, opening the engagement by a charge upon the advance of the,» enemy [Vol. I., p. 216]. On the 10th of April it arrived at Forsyth, in the advance, and skirmished with the enemy. On the 16th it marched to the mouth of the North Fork of White River, where it destroyed the rebel saltpeter works, and marched thence to West Plains, and arrived on the 29th, “ having been fifteen days without wagons, rations or forage.” In May Colonel Carr 406 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. received notice of ‘ his promotion to Brigadier-General, dating back to the 7th of March. On the 11th of May Captain McLelland and five men were drowned while crossing White River. On the 7th of June, Captain Sparks and sixty-six men were surrounded by 300 rebel cavalry, near Fairview, and out their way through, with the loss of four men captured and four wounded. On the 15th of July the regi- ment arrived at Helena, Arkansas, after weeks of scouting and skirm- ishing, when it was gladdened with a sight of the Mississippi River, which it had crossed twelve months before. Here it went into camp, and suffered greatly from the climate, sickness and the demoraliza- tion of camp life. While stationed here, detachments were sent out on numerous expeditions through the country. On the 23d of Decem- ber, Companies B, C, D, H, I and L, Captain Kirkbride commanding, received orders to embark for Vicksburg, under General Sherman. Companies E and G were at St. Louis, under General Carr. On the 28th, Captain Carnahan was relieved from duty as Provost Marshal General, District of Eastern Arkansas, and ordered to report with his battalion—Companies A, K, F and M—to General Steele, at the mouth of the Yazoo River, which was done by running past the rebel battery at Napoleon, with the loss of three men wounded. At Chickasaw Bayou, Mississippi, the regiment was detailed for picket and escort duty, being the only cavalry accompanying that expedi- tion, and did good service throughout the battle as pickets and order- lies. Companies A, K, L and M were the last to embark in transports from that ill-starred attack on Vicksburg. The regiment next accompanied General McClernand to Arkansas Post, where it did good service. It then went with General McClernand to Young’s Point, where Colonel Me Crellis received permission to take his regiment back to Memphis, leaving Captain Carnahan with his battalion——companies A, C, K, E and L—as escort to General McClernand. Captain Carnahan was next ordered to report with his battalion to General Osterhaus, and with the 15th. Army Corps took part in the battles of Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge and the sieges of Jackson and Vicksburg. On the 13th of August, 1863, the battalion was sent to New Orleans, and partici- pated in the fights at Vermillionville, Opelousas and Carrion Crow Bayou.‘ In December, under the command of Major O’Conner, it THE FIFTH oavamzx. 407 was sent to Port Hudson, where it remained till July, 1864, when it was ordered to rejoin the regiment at Memphis. In June the main body of the regiment took part in the fights at Tupelo, Okalona and Guntown. On the 1st of July the regiment was again divided, a portion being sent out on a scout in Western Kentucky. During the month of July a large portion of the men re-enlisted as veterans, when the non-veterans were ordered to Germantown, to garrison that post. On the 21st of August, the regiment, under the com- mand of Captains Brice and Kirkbride, took part in the fight at Memphis, and contributed largely in repulsing Forrest, Major O’Con- ner being taken prisoner. On the 24th of that month, the non-vete- ' rans having been mustered out, the veterans were consolidated into six companies, and Captain Carnahan was commissioned Lieutenant- Coloncl. On the 29th of September the regiment left Memphis and proceeded to Florence, Alabama, where it confronted the rebel army, under Hood, and fell back, skirmishing with his advance, and took part in the battles of Lawrenceburg, Spring Hill, Campbellsville and Franklin. December 15th it was with the division which opened the battle of Nashville, and distinguished itself for gallantry. In January, 1865, it went into camp at Gravelly Springs, in General Wilson’s cavalry corps, and three weeks later marched to Eastport, Mississippi. On the 12th of May it was ordered to report at St. Paul, Minnesota, where it arrived on the 14th of June. On the 4th of July it started out on an Indian expedition, returning to Fort Snelling on the 1st of October. On the 10th it was mustered out of the service, and arrived at Springfield on the‘ 13th, where it was finally paid and discharged. FIFTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. The 5th cavalry regiment was organized. at Camp Butler in the fall of 1861, with the following roster: Colonel, John J. Updegrafi‘: Lieutenant-Colonel, Benjamin L. Wiley; 1st Major, Thomas A. Apperson; 2d Major, Speed Butler; 3d Major, James Farnan; Adjutant, Daniel M. Turney; Adjutant 1st Battalion, Frederick A. Nichey; Adjutant 2d Battalion, Oscar F.Lindsey; Adjutant 3d Battalion, Edward P. Harris; Quarter- master, Robert C. Wilson; Quartermaster 1st Battalion, Charles Neceswanger; Quartermaster 2d Battalion, William N. Elliott; Quartermaster 3d Battalion, Galvin A. Mann; Commissar_v,,Webster C. Wilkinson; Surgeon, Charles W. Hig- 408 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. gins; 1st Assistant, John B. Ensey; 2d Assistant, Charles B. Kendall; Chaplain, John W. Wood. Co. A—Captain, Edward W. Pierson; 1st Lieutenant, Gordon Webster; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jacob M. Cullers. Co. B-—Captain, Thomas McKee; 1st Lieutenant, Alfred Thayer; 2d Lieutenant, Dennis A. Harrison. Co. C—Captain, William P. Withers; 1st Lieutenant, James Depew; 2d Lieuten- ant, James A. Lawrence. Co. D-—Captain, Henry A. Organ; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel J . R. Wilson ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Calvin Schell. Co. E—Captain, George W. McConkey; 1st Lieutenant, John J. Adams; 2dLieu- tenant, Madison Glasco. Co. F—Captain, Horace P. Mumford; 1st Lieutenant, Francis M. Dorothy; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Wagenseller. Co. G——-Captain, John A. Harvey; 1st Lieutenant, William N. Elliot; 2d Lieu- tenant, Amos H. Smith. Co. H—Captain, Joseph A. Cox; 1st Lieutenant, Washington F. Crane ; 2d Lieu- tenant, William G. Nelson. Co. I—Captain, Bartholomew Jenkins; 1st Lieutenant, Edwin S. Norfolk; 2d Lieutenant, John F. Smith. . Co. K—-Captain, James Farnan; 1st Lieutenant, Charles J. Childs; 2d Lieuten- ant, John P. Mann. Co. L-—Captain, Henry D. Caldwell; 1st Lieutenant, Harrison H. Brown; 2d Lieutenant, William N. Berry. Co. M—Captain, Robert Schell ; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Burrell; 2d Lieutenant, Albert S. Robinson. The regiment left Camp Butler on the 20th of February, 1862, for St. Louis. On the 1st of March it received orders to march in- to the interior of Missouri. On the 1st of April it reached Doni- phan, where it had a considerable skirmish with the rebels, routing them and destroying their camp. Here it went into camp, diversi- fying the monotony with frequent scouting expeditions into the sur rounding country. On the 12th of May it voted upon the question of the adoption of the new constitution in Illinois, by far the great- er portion of the men voting in the negative. It continued cam- paigning and skirmishing in Missouri and Arkansas, with little vari- ation, until the 7th of July, when it fought in the battle of the Cache River, whipping three times its own number. Soon after, one of the’ men who had been left sick at Pocahontas joined the regi- ment and reported that all the sick at that place had been taken prisoners, and most of them paroled and sent to St. Louis. On the 14th of July it arrived at Helena, after suffering severe privations THE GRENADA ExrED1TIoN. 409 from lack of water and provisions. After its arrival at Helena, it suifered very much from bad water, hot weather, &c. On the 9th of September the regiment was sent out on a scout, returning on the 13th, having made 102 miles in twenty-two hours, without stopping to feed. On the 27th of October seven companies were sent out in the direction of Grenada, Miss., where they destroyed several miles of railroad track and a number of bridges, and took several prison- ers. The regiment remained at Helena till May 29, 1863. In J an- uary of that year it took part in the expedition to Duval’s Bluff, and in April joined in the pursuit of Marmaduke in his retreat out of the state. On the 1st of June it reported to General Grant at Sny- der’s Bluff, and on the 4th engaged the enemy at Mechanicsburg. During the siege of Vicksburg it was in the rear of General Grant’s army, watching the movements of Johnston. On the 6th of July it joined in General Sherman’s movement on Jackson. On the 11th the cavalry brigade was sent to Canton, Miss., where it destroyed several miles of railroad track and alarge amount of rebel property, rejoining the main army at Jackson. On the 10th of August an ex- pedition started for Grenada, capturing railroad trains by the way and moving the rolling stock forward till it reached Grenada, where the rebel General Chalmers was driven out. The engines and cars -were burned. On the 19th the r,eg-iment moved toward Memphis, and on the 21st, at the crossing of the Coldwater, met Blythe’s cav- alry, and after a brief engagement defeated them. It reached Memphis on the 22d, having marched 325 miles in 12 days, with but four days’ rations, and closely pursued by a largel.y superior force. It moved from Memphis to Vicksburg, reaching Black River August 29th, where it remained till May 1, 1864, when it moved into Vicksburg. During this time it was engaged in fre- quent expeditions. On the 1st of January the command re-enlisted in the veteran service, and on the 3d of February joined in General Sherman’s Meridian campaign. On this campaign several skirmish- es were had with the rebels, and many miles of railroad track and a large amount of rebel property destroyed, returning to camp March 3d. On the 17th the veterans were furloughed, returning to their post on the 10th of May. During their absence, the non-vet- erans participated in General McArthur’s expedition to Benton, 410 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Mississippi, meeting and defeating the enemy at Mechanicsburg. During the spring and summer, the regiment did a large amount of patrol and picket duty in and about Vicksburg. On the 27th of May, John McConnell, formerly Major of the 3d Illinois Cavalry, arrived at Vicksburg, and was mustered in as Colonel of the 5th, and Joshua Tuthill, formerly a Lieutenant in the 3d, was mustered in as Adj utant. The regiment being sadly deficient in horses and equipments, eight companies were dismounted, and the 1st battalion —Companies A, B, C and D-—completely mounted and equipped. On the 1st of July, this battalion was sent, with detachments from other cavalry regiments and a brigade of infantry, on an expedition to Jackson. Skirmishing began on the 3d, at Big Black River, and continued all the way to Jackson. On the 4th the rebels drove the 2d Wisconsin cavalry from their camp, when the battalion of the 5th Illinois in turn drove the rebels from the position they had gained. The return march was begun on the 6th, and when a few miles from Jackson, our forces were attacked by a large force of rebels, who were handsomely repulsed. The regiment reached the Big Black on the 8th, and from thence went to Port Gibson and Grand Gulf, where it had a skirmish with the rebels, returning to Vicksburg on the 12th. On the 29th of September, the 5th, with other regiments, all under the command of General E. D. Osband, proceeded to Port Gibson, where it had a brief skirmish with the rebels, driving them from the town. It moved thence to Natchez, where it was joined by the 4th Illinois cavalry, and a battery. It then went to Tornica Bend, and thence to Woodville, where it sur- prised and broke up a rebel camp, and captured a large amount of ammunition. The next morning it was found that the rebels had moved up with the intention of making an attack. General Osband did not wait “ for,manners’ sake,” but gave them battle, completely routing them. The command returned to Vicksburg on the 11th, with a large number of cattle and sheep, contrabands, &c. On the 20th of November, the same command was sent to destroy the Mis- sissippi Central Railroad, over which supplies were being transport- ed to Hood’s army, and accomplished the object of the expedition. On the 24th of January, 1865, the regiment went to Memphis. On the 26th it started upon a raid through Southern Arkansas and North- THE TWELFTH CAVALRY. 411 'ern Louisiana, returning February 13th. It remained at Memphis, except when engaged in raids, 620., until July 1st, when it was ordered to Texas, arriving at Houston, on the 13th of August, after a most fatiguing march over the country. It remained here until October 6th, when it was ordered home for muster out. On the 17th it arrived at Springfield, and on the 27 th it was mustered out, receiving final payment and discharge on the 30th. The following is the muster-out roster of the 5th cavalry: Colonel and Brevet Brigadier-General, John McConnell; Lieutenant-Colonel, Abel H. Seeley ; 1st Major, Alexander J essup; 2d Major, George W. MeConkey; 3d Major, Lyman Clark; Quartermaster, Richard Rainforth; Surgeon, William Watts; Assist- ant Surgeon, Charles B. Kendall; Commissary, George F. West. 00. A—Captain, Joshua Tuthill; 1st Lieutenant, John D. Rawlings; 2d Lieuten- ant, Warren Harper. Co. B—Captain, Charles K. Slack; 1st Lieutenant, Edwin Harrison; 2d Lieu- tenant, Marion T. Hall. Co. O-Captain, Clarenden W. Wheeloek; 1st Lieutenant, A. Y. Davidson; 2d Lieutenan-ant, Joseph Smith. Co. D-—Captain, Alonzo G. Payne. Co. E-Captain, Francis M. Webb; 2d Lieutenant, Townsend Wells. Co. F—Captain, James H. Wood; 1st Lieutenant, Jacob Stifal; 2d Lieutenant, James G. Bennett. Co. G—Captain, Alexander D. Pittenger; 1st Lieutenant, William A. MeAllister; 2d Lieutenant, John W. Patterson. 00. H—-1st Lieutenant, William H. Pinkerton; 2d Lieutenant, William Cox. Co. I—-Captain, James K. Brown; 2d Lieutenant, Ralph H. Osborne. Co. K—Captain, William C. Addison ; 2d Lieutenant, William Maxwell. C0. L—-Captain, William M. Berry; 1st Lieutenant, John L. Dow; 2d Lieuten- ant, William Inghmm. Co. M—1st Lieutenant, Ridley McCall; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel M. Ellis. TWELFTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. In our first volume (p. 561 et seq.) we have given the original roster of this gallant regiment, and a part of its history. At the risk of repeatingthe story, we publish the history of the 12th from its leaving camp till its muster-out. On the evening of the 26th of February, 1862, the regiment broke camp and took the cars for Springfield. The command then num- 412 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. bered less than three hundred men, all of whom, however, were of the real bone and muscle. When the regiment reached Springfield, instead of being fitted out for the field, as had been promised, orders were received from the Secretary of War to equip the men as infantry and put them to guarding rebel prisoners at Camp Butler. It remained at Spring- field during the spring and until June 25, 1862, when it was mount- ed and sent to Martinsburg, Virginia. The first time the 12th met the enemy was after the evacuation of Winchester by General White, of Chicago. It had become neces- sary, therefore, that the forces at Martinsburg should establish their. outposts. Lieutenant-Colonel Davis was placed in command of these stations. About five miles from the camp, on the Martinsburg and Winchester pike, on the morning of the 5th of September, 1862, he scouted the country as far as Bunker Hill, where he came up with the enemy’s cavalry, in numbers far superior to his own. These were in a strong position, but the scouting party, by a vigorous charge, routed them, and drove them several miles, killing, wound- ing and capturing a considerable number. On Saturday morning, the 7th, at daybreak, the enemy, having been largely reinforced, and designing to capture Colonel Davis and his command, made a bold attempt to get to his rear and cut him ofi' from his camp at Martinsburg. Anticipating this movement, Colonel Davis sent out a small party under Lieutenant Logan, to re- connoiter. This detachment was surrounded, but the men succeed- ed in cutting their way thro11gh\the enemy, and again joined the Colonel, who immediately despatched a messenger to Martinsburg for reinforcements. Captain Thomas W. Grosvenor (afterwards Maj or and Lieutenant-Colonel), commanding Company A, with forty men, was immediately ordered forward, to be followed by the re- mainder of the 12th as soon as they could be got ready. As soon as the Captain reported, Colonel Davis ordered him out at once to meet the enemy. He drove several squads of rebels from ambush in the woods and roadsides, until he reached Darkesville, when he met the enemy in force, to the number of eight hundred. As the little band of Federal cavalry approached the graybacks, the latter fired upon them at short range a most terrific volley, severely wounding the EscArE rnom HARrER’s- FERRY. 413 Captain and killing Lieutenant Luff s horse, thus leaving the company without a commander. Colonel Davis led the men in person. His presence animated the troops, and his voice was heard above the din of the conflict, calling upon the boys to follow him. Away they went, madly, furiously upon the enemy, drawing their sabers as they charged scorning to use their pistols, but delivering their concen- trated blows—the saber blows of forty resolute, noble heroes- against eight hundred rebels in position !——all in cold steel, cutting and thrusting as men never before cut and thrust, and finally drove them until their retreat became a rout, and the forty men literally masters of the field, the enemy running away beyond Winchester before they could be rallied! It is true that, in the meantime, the remainder of the regiment had come up, and that they joined the brave little band of forty, and completed the disaster of the rebels on the occasion—-but it was really the valor, the dash, the bravery of this ever memorable forty, under Colonel Davis, that did the busi- ness. The result of this encounter was that twenty-five of the rebels were buried on the field, including Lieutenant Carroll, of the Mary- land battalion, who, by the way, was a grandson of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Fifty rebels, with their horses and equipments, were taken back pris- oners to the Federal camp, many of them severely wounded by saber cuts. The strangest part of this history is that the forty did not lose a man on the field. A number were wounded, a few of whom sub- sequently died, and some of them were disabled for life. General White, who assumed command of the post at Martinsburg, a few days previously, reported to the Secretary of War the result of this battle, and Mr. Stanton responded in terms highly complimentary, thanking the ofiicers and men engaged, for their bravery on the oc- casion. A few days subsequent to this gallant affair on the Winchester pike, the 12th rejoined General White’s command, and with it fell back before the superior numbers of the enemy, and on the morning of September 12th entered Harper’s Ferry. On Sunday night, about nine o’clock, the 12th and other cavalry, to the number of two thousand men, under Colonel Davis, made their escape, having received permission from Colonel Miles to do 414 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. so. Following the line of the Potomac as far as Williamsport, Col- onel Davis with his command struck oif across the country, on his way capturing and burning a train of sixty wagons belonging to General Longstreet’s headquarters, and containing all that command- er’s private papers, documents, and other valuables. After cutting through the enemy’s lines, the brave boys finally reached Hagerstown, and soon after joined McClellan at Sharpsburg, where that celebrat- ed strategist was calmly waiting for Lee to make his escape before inaugurating another forward movement. While in camp at Sharpsburg, the 12th was reinforced by a con- solidation with the two companies comprising the McClellan Dragoons, which had been doing duty as a body guard to the General-in-Chief. Thus increased to ten companies, the 12th was assigned to General Averill’s brigade, and under that officer made several expeditions, until McClellan was relieved from the command of the army and Burnside assumed the head of affairs in that section, when the 12th was sent on picket at Williamsport and Dam Number Four on the Upper Potomac. . On the 16th of November, 1863, the grand army began to move by parallel routes. The 2d and 9th Corps under, Sumner, forming what was called the right grand division, had the advance; the 1st and 5th Corps, this center, under Joe Hooker, and the 11th and 12th Corps, under Sigel, were in reserve. The 12th cavalry was called away from picket and assigned to Sigel’s army, and acted as its escort from Warrenton to Fredericksburg, frequently having severe brushes with scouting parties of J . E. B. Stuart’s cavalry. After the disastrous battle of Fredericksburg, the 12th was sent to Manas- sas and below to observe the movements of Lee and Stuart. After performing this service the regiment was sent to Dumfries. , Generals Stuart and Fitz Hugh Lee’s cavalry, with a battery of artillery, in all about 3,500 men, crossed the Rappahannock above Burnside’s army, on Saturday, the 27th of November, 1862, and, advancing between Bentsville and Stafford Court House, were joined by Hampton’s Legion, when they made a combined attack on Dum- ries, on the Lower Potomac, at two o’clock the same afternoon. Dumfries was garrisoned by a portion of General Geary’s division, consisting of the 5th, 7 th and 66th Ohio regiments, and the 12th Illi- STONEMAN’8 nun. 415 nois cavalry, all under command of Colonel Charles Candy. The enemy surprised the outpost pickets, and took about fifty of the 12th Illinois and 1st Maryland cavalry men prisoners. ‘ Immediately after this surprise had been effected, the enemy opened upon the garrison with artillery, shelling our troops in the town, and made repeated charges upon them, each of which was met and repelled with the fire and steadiness which distinguished these troops at Winchester, Cross Keys, Cross Lanes, Port Republic, Cedar Mountain, Harper’s Ferry and Antietam. The fight was vigorously continued on both sides, without intermission, all the afternoon and until late in the evening. At four o’cloek the whole force of the enemy was concen- trated in an attack upon our flank, but the movement was promptly met and the rebels repulsed. At eight o’cloek they retired discom- fited and beaten by Colonel Candy’s force——so inferior to their own but who had never failed to face the enemy—to the Neobsco River, about four miles above Dumfries, when they encamped for the night. In this battle our loss, according to oificial returns, was only three killed (one commissioned oiiicer) and eight wounded. As far as could be ascertained from the prisoners taken by our side, and from citizens, the loss of the enemy was between twenty-five and thirty killed, and about forty wounded. In our sketch of this regiment we now come to the part taken by it in the celebrated “ Stoneman raid,” made during the first days of May, 1863. On the 3d of May, Lieutenant-Colonel Davis received orders to penetrate to the Fredericksburg railroad, and, if possible, to the Virginia Central, and destroy communications between Rich- mond and Lee’s army, then confronting Hooker on the Rappahan- nock. In case the latter part of the programme was carried out, the regiment was to make for Williamsburg, supposed to be in pos- session of General Keyes, of our army, who had been sent up the Peninsula, as a means of diverting the attention of the rebels. The 12th began the march before daybreak, passing down the bank of the South Anna, through a region never before occupied by our forces. It burned one bridge and dispersed a party of mounted guerrillas who made a poor attempt to oppose it. The first line of railway was struck at Ashland. Lieutenant Mitchell, with a party of about a dozen men, was sent ahead to occupy the place. He 416 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. dashed into the village and took it without loss. There were but few of the enemy there, and they escaped, minus their shooting- irons, however. The inhabitants were very much astonished at the appearance of this Yankee force in their midst, and it required a great deal of persuasion before they became assured that their per- _ sons and property would not be harmed. When the remainder of the regiment came up, the boys were set to work cutting the telegraph wires and tearing up the rails. A quantity of boards were piled in the trestle-work of a railroad bridge south of the town, which, being ignited, made an immense fire, and soon consumed the entire structure. While at this work, a train of cars approached the village, was captured, and brought in for inspec- tion. It proved to be an ambulance train from Fredericksburg, of seven cars, filled with two hundred and fifty sick and wounded officers and soldiers, with a guard. Among those captured were an Aid to General Letcher and several officers of high rank. Colonel Davis, after receiving from them their version of the battle of Chancellors- ville, paroled them and let them go, leaving the cars for the benefit of the poor fellows who were more seriously injured. The engine and tender of the train, together with another found in the town, were rendered completely useless by a mechanic from the ranks. After destroying a wagon train and a quantity of harness, and taking about eighty mules, the regiment moved out of Ashland. When about five miles from the town, word was brought that eight- een wagons were camped in the woods near by; Captain Roder, with Companies B and C, was sent to destroy them, which he did. The Central Railroad was struck at Hanover Station on the after- noon of the 5th. Although wearied and exhausted by the day’s march, Colonel Davis thought it best to complete the duty assigned him, and break all the enemy’s connections before going into camp. Thirty ofifibers and men were captured and paroled at the Station. Captain Shears was ordered to destroy the trestle-work, which reached about ten rods to the south of the depot. The work was effectually done by the same process as at Ashland, and by its blaze could be clearly discerned the Confederate guards passively stand- ing at the other end. The boys also burned a culvert and cut the telegraph wires, and burned the depot buildings, storehouses, stables FIGHT AT TUNSTALL sTATIoN. 417 and a train of cars, all belonging to the rebel government and filled with property. By the light of the burning buildings the regiment left the station and marched for the Court House, which had been previously occu- pied by Captain Fisher with Companies A and G, who had placed pickets there and taken a Captain and four men prisoners. Passing on through the Court House, and marching on down to within seven miles of Richmond, the regiment bivouacked till eight o’clock the next morning, when it marched for Williamsburg. At Tunstall Station (near the iVhite House and the Richmond and Yorktown railroad), a train of cars filled with infantry and a three-gun battery, was run up, with the intention of debarking there and giving battle to the 12th. Colonel Davis at once took measures to break through this force before the men could be got out of the cars or the battery in position. He therefore brought up the two foremost squadrons, and ordered a charge, which was executed, Cap- tain Reans, with Companies D and F, taking the lead. This charge was made most gallantly. The infantry filled the embankment of the railway and poured upon the boys a severe fire, but the brave fellows dashed upto the embankments in splendid style, and with carbines and pistols responded to the fire with equal eifect. It was impossible, however, to break through. There were formidable rifle- pits to the left of the road, which the enemy soon filled. The 12th retired from the conflict with a loss of two killed and several wound- ed; among the latter Lieutenant Marsh, who was one of the fore- most in the charge. Failing to penetrate the enemy’s lines at this point, Colonel Davis determined to cross the Pamunkey and Mattapony rivers, and make for Gloucester Point. In this movement he had nothing to guide him but a common map of the State of Virginia, and he also was in entire ignorance of the position of the enemy’s force, except that the line before him was closed. The only information he could gather was from ignorant contrabands. He selected Plunkett’s Ferry, over the Pamunkey, and occupied it after driving away a picket_ on the other side, with whom the regiment exchanged shots. The regiment was crossed in a boat holding fifteen or eighteen men and horses, which was poled across the river. In the same manner the passage of the 27 418 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Mattapony was made, at Walkertown, after driving away the pick- ets. The 12th captured fifteen rebels, and destroyed a quantity of saddles at Kings and Queens Court House. From Walkertown the regiment marched to Gloucester Point, having traveled a distance of over two hundred miles, much of it through Southern homes never disturbed by the presence of the enemy. N ot far from Saluda the regiment captured and destroyed a train of eighteen wagons loaded with corn and provisions. The total loss sustained by the 12th in this most remarkable raid was two commissioned ofiicers and thirty-three enlisted men, while the regiment brought with it, as results of the expedition, one hundred mules and seventy-five horses, captured from the enemy. A much larger number of animals were captured in the _course of the march, but they could not be brought along. The amount of property destroyed was estimated at over one million dollars. While a portion of the 12th remained at Gloucester Point, one battalion was sent to General Dix, commanding at Fortress Monroe, and the remainder reported at Alexandria. The detachment which" reported to General Dix made frequent forays into the interior counties, for the purpose of suppressing a band of’ smug.glers who infested that district. On one of these expeditions a rebel General, William H. Lee, a son of Robert E. Lee, was captured and taken to Fortress Monroe. It would be almost impossible to follow the history of the regiment in detail from the time it was broken in detachments up to the time these scattered fragments were again combined, which occurred in June, 1863. Immediately after the battle of Beverly Ford, the 12th cavalry joined Pleasanton, and was assigned to the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division. / Buford’s division, without waiting to recover from the fatigue consequent upon its recent severe engagements, marched toward the Potomac from Aldie Gap, and, following its windings, crossed into Maryland at Point of Rocks, and continued on in a northeasterly direction to Gettysburg, where it arrived on the 3d of June. Gene- ral Buford, with his usual quickness, perceived the necessity of tak- ing possession of a horse-shoe ridge of low, uniform hills, running just beyond the town of Gettysburg. The position was a most for- THE TWELFTH AT enrrxsnune. 419 midable one, as both ends of these ridges terminated in steep, sugar- loaf peaks, which would thoroughly protect the flanks of the force occupying them. Disposing the greater part of his force of cavalry and his horse batteries on these eminences, Buford, on the 1st of July, at an early hour, fell upon the flanks of Longstreet’s corps, which was moving south from Carlisle, charging and recharging, and still repeating the operation, forcing a portion of the enemy at every onslaught to halt and form line of battle. -In this manner the rebels were not only sorely damaged by the loss of a large number of men killed and wounded, but their movements were impeded greatly, which gave General Meade an opportunity to push forward his lag- ging infantry and get them into position for resistance. A brigade of Pennsylvania militia and a battery of artillery, commanded by “Baldy” Smith, which had got into Longstreet’s front, and were being hotly pressed with every indication of falling prisoners, were rescued from that unhappy fate by the daring Western roughriders under Davis, Medill and Chapman, who charged right into the face of the rebel infantry, and forced them to give up the pursuit. After this feat, the brigade fell back on the main body of the division, and until ten o’cloek Buford continued to hold his position against Long- street’s entire corps of infantry. At that hour he was relieved by the celebrated “Iron Brigade,” of Wisconsin infantry, and other troops of the 1st Corps, under the lamented Reynolds, who was killed while standing near General Buford, taking observations of the enemy. Immediately after being relieved by General Reynolds, the cavalry under Buford fell back to the rear of our army, and for the two succeeding days were engaged in guarding our supply trains from the attacks of Stewart. On the 4th of July, when Lee’s army made its last grand attempt to retrieve its fortunes, the brigade was hastened ofl' toward Williamsport, with orders to sieze the ford and hold it against the enemy. ' In the march from Gettysburg to Williamsport the boys succeeded in capturing upward of two thousand demoralized rebels, who were endeavoring to make their way back to the “ sacred soil,” and over two hundred wagons and teams. The wagons were destroyed, and the mules driven down to Washington. On the 6th of July the cav- alry reached the vicinity of Williamsport, and being informed that the 420 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. place was guarded by only one regiment of Stuart’s cavalry, the 8th Illinois and a portion of the 12th rushed forward for the purpose of driving out the enemy. After the defeat and retreat of Lee at Gettysburg, the 12th Illinois and other regiments of the brigade followed the fortunes of the Army of the Potomac. ' It was present at the cavalry battles which occurred at Falling Watei-s, the Rapidan, and at Stevensburg, in all of which it acquitted itself with its usual bravery. On the 20th of November, 1863, the 12th was relieved from duty with the Army of the Potomac, and was ordered home to Illinois to re-organ- ize as veterans. This distinguished privilege was awarded to the regiment, by the Secretary of War, “for brilliant services in the field.” On the evening of the 28th of November, the regiment reached Chicago, and was received, from first to last, with one grand burst of patriotic admiration and enthusiasm. At Bryan Hall the mo st ample provision had been made for its accommodation. Kind and bright eyes spoke a sweeter welcome to the tired and hungry boys than could be extracted from whole dictionaries of words. Every- thing pertaining to the entertainment passed ofi‘ without the least flaw to mar the general joy which prevaded all hearts and shone from all eyes. At the conclusion of a brief season of rest, the regiment, which had been recruited up to the maximum number of 1,256 oflicers and men, re-assembled at Camp Fry. On the night of January 2, 1864, a snow storm of unparalleled violence. set in and raged with uncon- trolled fury for three days. Cognizant of its irresistible power, the storm visited, in the course of its triumphant march, the camp of the 12th Illinois, causing much sufi"ering and hardship. The brave men who had unfiinchingly faced the rebels were taught that they could not successfully cope with the Northern Boreas. I On the 9th of February the regiment started for St. Louis, and went into camp there. In the early days of March it embarked on transports for New Orleans, and shortly after arriving there, was ordered to join General Banks, on his retreat down the Red River, participating in the different engagements of the retreat, and losing CONSOLIDATION. 421 a large number of men. At the conclusion of the disastrous Red River campaign, the 12th returned to New Orleans, and was almost immediately ordered to do picket duty on the Lafourche, from Don- aldsonville to Thibodeaux, Louisiana, continuing on this line during the summer. In the early part of September, the regiment was or- dered to report to General Lee, commanding the cavalry division, at Baton Rouge, where it was actively employed in scouting and picket duty. In the early part of November, 1864, the 12th (then brigaded with the 2d Illinois cavalry, the brigade commanded by Colonel Davis) and the other cavalry regiments, under General A. L. Lee, made an expedition to Liberty, Mississippi, where they had a severe action, driving the enemy and capturing a number of’ pris- oners, cannon and small arms. Lieutenant-Colonel Dox, in charge of the outposts, repulsed several attacks of the enemy.’ Subsequent- ly the regiment participated in General Davidson’s expedition against Mobile, returned to Baton Rouge, and on the 7th of Janu- ary, 1865, went up the river to Memphis, joining General Osband’s division. In the latter part of January, with the other regiments of the division, it made a raid through Southeastern Arkansas, returning to Memphis, and did scouting and picket duty in the vicinity, until June, 1865, when it was ordered to join General Oustar’s cavalry division at Alexandria, Louisiana. From there it marched with the division to Hempstead, Texas, at which place it remained until some time in September, when it marched to Houston, reporting to Ma- jor-General Mower, commanding the eastern district of Texas. From this time to the final mustering out, the regiment, distributed in detachments through the district, was actively employed in guard and escort duty, maintaining the United States’ authorities, and pro- tecting the Union men and freedmen. While at Memphis, “ in pursuance of Circular No. 36, paragraph three, section two, from War Department, A. G. 0., of 1864, the 12th Illinois cavalry was consolidated into an eight company organ- ization; and the 4th Illinois cavalry, having previously been consol- idated into a battalion of five companies, was, in compliance with instructions received from the War Department, transferred to and consolidated with the 12th Illinois cavalry. The organization to bear the designation of the latter regiment.” 422 mrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. The regiment was finally mustered out of the United States’ ser- vice at Houston, Texas, on the 29th of May, 1866, and ordered to proceed to Camp Butler, Springfield, for payment and discharge. It left Houston on the 2d of June, and arrived at Springfield on the 14th, and was paid off on the 18th-the last regiment from our state to return home. The following is the muster-out roster of the regiment: Colonel, Hamilton B. Dox; Lieutenant-Colonel, Andrew H. Langholz; Major, An- thony T. Search; Adjutant, William Crookes; Quartermaster, Asher B. Hall; Sur- geon, Asa Morgan ; lst Assistant Surgeon, Ralph D. Parsons; Commissary, Henry M. Stahl.‘ Co. A—-Captain, Isaac Conroe; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph A. Addington; 2d Lieu- tenant Frank G. Miller. . Co. B—Captain, Henry Lossburg; 1st Lieutenant, Edwin Kolkow ; 2d Lieutenant, Oscar Charles. Co. C—Captain, William H. Redman ; 1st Lieutenant, George R. Stowe ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Frank Meacham. Co. D—Captain, John J . DeLacey; 1st Lieutenant, Patrick Mahar; 2d Lieuten- ant, Robert Canfield. ' Co. E-—Captain, Edson H. Pratt; 1stLieut‘enant, Solomon P. Emden; 2d Lieu- tenant, William H. Estep. _ Co. F—-Captain, Edmund Luff; 1st Lieutenant, Charles L. Amet; 2d Lieutenant, Allen C. Hartwell. Co. G—Captain, Abraham Donica; 1st Lieutenant, Henry Martin; 2d Lieutenant, David W. White. Co. H--Captain, Robert Gray; 1st Lieutenant, Jesse C. Rodgers; 2d Lieutenant, Henry Richardson. Co. I-—Captain, Edward Mann; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew J. Norton; 2d Lieuten- ant, James E. Sterling. Co. K—Captain, William D. Wardlow; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin J. Arnold; 2d Lieutenant, Cornelius W. Sparkes. Co. L--Captain, John F. Wallace ; 1st Lieutenant; Sacia F. Taylor; 2d Lieuten- ant, Edwin E. English. Co. M—Captain, Charles H. Bussum; 1st Lieutenant, John Few; 2d Lieutenant, Frederick Walker. General Haslorouck Davis was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, April 23, 1827. His father, Hon. John Davis, was United States Senator and Governor of Massachusetts. Young Davis came to Chicago in 1855, and commenced the practice of law, and had very fair success till the war broke out, when he joined with Colonel Voss in raising the 12th Illinois cavalry, closed his law ofiice and left for BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL DAVIS. 423 the seat of war as Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment. He remained in service till August, 1865, when he resigned as Brevet Brigadier- General. He made an honorable record for bravery and sagacity, for courage and unflinching constancy to the country. _He is now one of the Editors of the Chicago Evening Post, an evening paper of this city, is a successful journalist, and sustains with his pen the policy for which he fought with his sword. Thus in our country the citizen becomes the soldier, and the sol- dier is merged in the citizen. War calls up an army line a million strong, while peace finds so many accessions to her sons of toil! General Hamilton Bogart Dox, was born in Albany, New York, April 28, 1827. He resided there until 1848, when he removed to Buffalo, New York, where he remained till 1854, and then took up his residence in Chicago. Here he was Cashier of the Exchange Bank of H. A. Tucker 8: Co., until 1860, when he was appointed Cashier of the Bank of Milwaukee. ‘He returned the same year to Chicago, to take the cashiership of the Marine Bank. In the fall of 1863, he was authorized to recruit three companies for the 12th eav- alry, which duty he performed, and joined the regiment with a bat- talion, on its return home on veteran furlough, and was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel. On the resignation of Colonel Davis he was commissioned Colonel and commanded the regiment from August, 1865, until its muster out. He was subsequently brevetted a Briga- dier-General for gallant and meritorious services-—a promotion he richly deserved. CHAPTER XXIV. GRANTS ARMY—VICTORY. GRANT’S ARMY-SIEGE OF PETERSBURG-FUTILE EFFORTS-—OPENING OF SPRING—LOSSES --GRANT’S STRATEGY--REBEL IRON-CLAD DASH—-EXTENSION OF UNION LEFT—-SHERI- DAN’S COMMAND-—HIS GREAT RAID-—REACIIES WHITE HoUSE—LEE’s DASH ON FORT STEEDMAN-—RECAPTURED-——REBEL PRISONERS—IMPORTAN'I‘ POSITION GAINED-—AD- vANcE ON THE UNION LEFT-FIFTH AND SECOND CORPS--FACE N 0RTHWARD——WHITE- OAK RoAD—FIvE FORKS REACHED AND ABANDONED--SHERIDAN REINFORCED—LONG- STREET COMES TO HELP LEE’S RIGHT-—AYER’S DIvISIoN BROKEN—GRIFFIN AND HUM- PHREYS--THE REBEL LION AT BAY—SHERIDAN AGAIN AT FIvE FORKS—DEVINS AND DAVIES-——ENEMY CONCENTRATE ON SHERIDAN—NIGHTFALL-AYERS’ DIVISION-—SHERI- DAN’S ADvANCE—F1vE FORKS AGAIN—ORDERS TO WARREN-HIS REMOVAL—UNION ASSAULT—-VICTORY—PETERSRURG-—PARK’S ASSAULT--WRIGHT—HUMFIIREvs’—GIB- BONS TAKES GREGG AND ALEXANDER——MILES GOES TO SHERIDAN—-ENEMY DRIvEN-- SUTHERLAND’S DEPOT—-HILL KILLED--LEE’S RIGHT ‘WING GONE—TEN THOUSAND LOST—DESPERATION—LEE’S TELEGRAM TO DAVIS--EXCITEMENT IN RICHMOND—WEIT- ZELL—-ENTRANCE INTO RICHIIOND—“ RICHMOND OURS I ”—ExcITED AFRICAN-THE COUNTRY—GRANT’S POLICY—-LEE ATTBMPTS RETREA'1‘—~GHESTERFIELD——AMELIA COURT HOUSE——SHERIDAN REACHES J ETERSvILLE—CUTs DANVILLE RAILWAY-—DEEP CREEK-— PAINE’S CROSS ROADS—-DEAToNvII.LE—-CROOKS—EWELL’S CORPS CAPTURED-—ORD-- GENERAL THEODORE REED—LEE OVER THE RIvER—HUNGER IS KING—LEE’S OFFICERS SAY SURRENDER-BLOODY FIGHTING—GRANT DEMANDS THE SURRENDER OF LEE’S ARHY—-LEE’S ANSWER—GRANT’S TERMS——SHERIDAN MISTAKEN--LEE HEADS TOWARD LYNCHRURG——CHANGES AND COMES BETWEEN LEE AND SUPPLIES—APPOMATTOX STATION —LEE PROPOSES DIPLOMACY-—ATTEMPTS TO CUT THROUH SHERIDAN’S CAvALRY—- “ WHAT! INFANTRY ! ”-—WHITE FLAG--GRANT’S ANSWER——LEE PROPOSES SURREN- DER—CORRESPONDENCE--THE ARMY OF “NORTHERN VIRGINIA ”—GRANT GOES TO WASHINGTON-—HIS REPORT--HIS PLANS SUCCESSFUL. HE siege before Petersburg went slowly on. Efforts had been made and failed to secure the South-side Railroad, and Han- cock sustained a severe assault from Lee, but repulsed it. The army of the James attempted to drive the enemy on the Williamsburg and York River railroads, but failed, though a work of considerable importance wascarried, and so the army rested from any grand movement from October until the opening of the spring campaign. The army under Grant and Meade had lost from May 5, 1864, to SHERIDAN’S nun. 425 November 1, 1864, as follows: Killed—oflicers, 796 ; enlistfid men, 9,776; wounded—oflicers, 2,796; enlisted men, 51,161 ; missing-— ofiicers, 775 ; enlisted men, 23,083. An aggregate loss of 88,387 and yet the defences of Petersburg were impregnable, Rich- mond flaunted its defiant flags in the face of our veterans, and the Army of Northern Virginia, one of the best disciplined and bravest ever led to battle, though decimated, held our forces at bay. Grant was criticized by many, but his strategy was to succeed. Possibly some shorter road to success might have been found, but Grant at last succeeded, and crushed the Army of Northern Virginia. He waited until he could crush it, instead of rolling it back upon Sher- man. December 7th three rebel ironclads attended with steamers, torpedo-boats, etc., made a daring effort to pass and destroy our bat- teries and had well-nigh achieved a dangerous success, but were de- feated. ' On the 5th and 6th of February, by a series of movements at- tended by hard fighting and 2,000 Federal loss, our left was extend- fied permanently to Hatcher’s Run and important advantage gained. There were some daring rebel movements in Northern and Western Virginia by Moseby and Rosser, but nothing of serious importance. Sheridan really opened the spring campaign by a grand raid of his cavalry. He was ordered to demonstrate against Lynchburg and the rebel communications, but had permission to swing southward and go to the aid of Sherman who was ‘deficient in horsemen. He left Winchester with 10,000 horse, rode rapidly to the bridge at Mt. Crawford, over the middle Shenandoah before the enemy could burn it, rode through Staunton, that nest of disloyalty, and fell upon Jubal Early who, with the remains of his army, some 2,500, was intrenched at Waynesboro, capturing 1,600 prisoners, 11 guns, 91 flags and 200 wagons. He wrecked the railroad and then dashed against Charlottesville which yielded at once, and Sheridan devoted two days to destroying rebel depots, manufacturies, bridges, etc. The alarm spread and there was the mustering of troops at Lynchburg too strong for unassisted cavalry. He divided his command and head- ed both columns for the James, one destroying the canal from Scotts- ville to Newmarket, the other tearing up the Lynehburg Railroad westward to Amherst C. H., then crossing to Newmarket and uniting with the other wing. 426 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. The ¢§1emy had taken steps, assisted by heavy rains, which baf- fled Sheridan’s purpose to ride in on Grant’s left and he chose the alternative of passing in the rear of Lce’s army to White House, which he did leisurely, destroying bridges, &c., as he went, reach- ing White House March 19th, giving four days’ rest to his weary men and jaded horses, then on the 27th reporting to the Lieutenant- General. S General Lee saw that he was being environed and must once more employ the frequently victorious policy of massing his forces, falling upon some vulnerable spot iII the Union lines and cutting it in twain. He selected Fort Steedman, which is nearly east of Peters- burg, and had he been successful he would have marched his army southward to unite with Johnston and thus Sherman would have been exposed to the assault of almost the entire force of the Con- federacy. At dawn on the morning of March 25th, General Gordon, with two divisions, with the bulk of Lee’s army as a support, charged across the narrow space, carried Fort Steadman, captured all of the l 14th New York Artillery who did not escape by flight and turned the guns upon our works ; three additional batteries were abandoned by us and seized by the rebels. Thus far all went well for them. The next eifort was to seize Fort Haskell, next to Steedman on the left, but the assault was re- pulsed; the support failed to come in time; the crest between and ‘behind the forts, if (3@1‘l‘l(3d, would have divided our army, but it was not carried. Our men recovered from their astonishment and ral- lied; a terrible fire isolated Gordon’s division, and 2,000 sur- rendered. It was the blunder of the Petersburg mine repeated this time, by the enemy. General Meade ordered an instant advance by our forces to the left of Fort Steedman, and they moved with such energy as to beat back the rebel line, carry its strongly-intrenchcd picket line and hold it. Lee’s retreat into North Carolina was thus rendered more diffi- cult and perilous than ever and an important advantage was gained by the army threatening his annihilation. The spirit of the rebel chieftain was almost broken. Grant was ready on the 29th for a general advance on his left. Not PRESSING LEE. 427 only did he wish to flank/ the rebel right but he would not permit Lee to escape into North Carolina. Hence he withdrew from the James three divisions of Ord’s army and ordered them to his left before Petersburg;' Warren and Humphreys with the 5th and 2d Corps respectively, were moved west across Hatcher’s Run and faced northward to operate upon the rebel right. At the extreme left was Sheridan with his 10,000 horsemen acting directly under orders from Grant. Humphreys reached the Boydton plank-road, and Sheridan rested at night at Dinwiddie Court House. Warren’s Corps met resistance, but held its ground, capturing 100'prisoners, and halted at night in front of the rebel intrenchments defending the White Oak road, having lost 370 killed and wounded. All night and the next day the rain fell; the infantry was, perforce, content with perfecting its formation and strengthening its connections. Sheridan gradually pressed back the foe, and crowded part of his command on the rebel right flank to the Five Forks but found him too strong to ride over or destroy with his unaided cavalry and re- turned to Dinwiddie Court House. General Grant directed Warren to assist Sheridan, placing the latter in command. So heavy had been the rain that Grant would have remained quiet , but for the movements of Lee who left Longstreet 8,000 men to hold Richmond, and with the main body of infantry hurried to support his right, while his cavalry, which Sheridan’s advance had cut off from the main body, made circuitous movement around Dinwiddie Court House to recover its communications. Lee met Wa1*ren, who was attempting to seize White Oak road, striking General Ayresin flank and rear, throwing his broken division upon Crawford’s, break- ing it, and disaster seemed imminent. But Griffin’s division stood meeting the rebel wave and breasting it. Warren rallied his divis- ions behind it, and advanced, assisted by Humphreys who ordered Miles’ division to move on Warren’s right and strike Lee’sleft flank, and thus the rebel tactics again failed, and the army deemed so long invincible, was driven into its intrenchments, having lost a large number in killed and wounded and more in prisoners. Here the lion was fairly brought to bay, and efforts to carry his works on the White Oak road were futile. While Warren was thus engaged Sheridan advanced and carried 428 mvrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. the point where he was before prevented from turning the rebel right at Five Forks. Lee sent two divisions of infantry which fell upon Devin’s brigade and Davies’ division of cavalry, and drove them, following almost to Dinwiddie Court House, cutting them off from Sheridan, compelling Devin to make a tedious detour before he could rejoin him. This was mistaken by the enemy for a retreat and they attempted pursuit, when Sheridan ordered two brigades to charge them in flank and rear. Turning from Devin, the enemy came in force upon Sheridan. He was vastly outnumbered, but dis- mounting his men and forming a slight barricade, the advancing fee was received by a deadly fire and recoiled. Nightfall stayed the slaughter, and Lee withdrew his men, for they were exposed to a flank assault from Warren while Sheridan held the front. At head- quarters there was intense solicitude when it was announced that Sheridan was compelled to fall back to Dinwiddie Court House and Warren was repeatedly ordered to his help. He sent Ayers for- ward through darkness and mud, but he was stopped at Gravelly Run for want of the bridge; he rebuilt it, crossed at 2 A. M., hur- ried forward and reached Dinwiddie as the last of the rebels were leaving. Sheridan was not alarmed, and at daylight, supported by Ayers, followed his foe, and was joined at 7 A. M. by Warren with his two remaining divisions. Again his cavah~y advanced at 2 P. M. and crowded the rebels into the works at Five Forks, thus leaving Warren’s troops at liberty for service. He ordered Merrick to threaten the rebel right with his cavalry, and Warren to move his corps on our right to the White Oak road on the rebel left flank, and then, when the moment came, by a wheel leftward, fall upon, throw his force back upon itself, and thus compel its confusion. McKenzie, with the cavalry of the army of the James, was to cover Warren’s right from assault and did so after a soldierly fashion, at- tacking and driving the only rebel force in that direction, and return- ing to bear a hand in the assault at Five Forks. Sheridan is by nature impetuous and now greatly fretted under what seemed to him tardiness upon the part of Warren, for at 4 P. M., the darkness coming on, Warren had not charged as order- ed. At length the advance was made. As a gap opened under the rebel fire, between the left of Crawford’s and the right of Ayers’ di- GENERAL wnnann. 429 \ vision, and some portion of our troops were thrown into confusion. This caused Sheridan to relieve General Warren, and give his com- mand to General Griflin.* The gap was filled-the rebels were outflanked and compelled to face a heavy fire in both directions. They were the veteran divi- sions of Pickett and Bushrod Johnson, and bravely they stood, but the odds were too formidable. Merritt’s cavalry came down infront; Ayers’ division charged on the entrenchments protecting their flanks, capturing 1,000 men of arms ; Griflin dealt a terrible blow against their refused flank in the rear, capturing 1,500 prisoners ; Crawford brushed aside the thin skirmish line which alone opposed him, seized the Ford road, isolating them from Lee, and cutting off their retreat in that direction, and then made a sharp assault upon their rear. The bravest could not stand in such a sea of fire, which dashed its billows from nearly all sides toward the center, and the ene- my broke in confusion and fled westward, pursued for miles by our cavalry, until darkness precluded further chase. Five thousand pris- oners were in our hands, and our loss did not exceed one thousand. Lee’s right wing was as eifectually destroyed as had been Hood’s army before Nashville. ' ‘ Grifiin moved two divisions eastward, toward Petersburg, re- opening communications with our main army, and sent another up the road to Hatcher’s Run. At dark Grant ordered the artillery to open upon Petersburg. At daybreak an assault was made. Parke’s corps ( 9th) carried the outer line of works, but was stopped by the inner; the 6th corps, under Wright, with two of Ord’s divisions, charged up to the Boyn- ton road, wheeled to the left, and came down behind the rebel works, capturing considerable artillery and some thousands of pris- oners. The remaining divisions of Ord’s army, by a rapid charge, forced the enemy’s lines, and Wright and Ord swung to the right, and moved against the doomed city from the_ west. Humphreys *It is doubtful if justice was done Warren. It is claimed that he was actually re- lieved after he had done the work assigned him. Swinton says, “ After the close of the action, Sheridan relieved Warren,” 2520. Headly says, “ From some unexplain- ed cause, right in the moment of victory, while Warren was in the front with his shouting troops, Sheridan removed him,” &c. Warren asserts that Sheridan’s order did not reach him until the fighting was done. Sheridan’s report is different. 430 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. ,\ carried a redoubt by storm, and came up with two shouting divisions, and closed in on their left. Gibbons, with two of Ord’s divisions, assaulted the rebel lines south of the city, and stormed Forts Gregg and Alexander, losing five hundred men. Thus our lines were short- ening, and the defences were giving way, and it was evident that the city must soon be opened to us. A division under General Miles was dispatched to Sheridan, reached him at dawn, and was ordered to move along the White Oak road eastward toward Petersburg, and at the junction of Clai- born road, attack the rebels where they were in force. Sheridan fol- lowed closely, with the divisions of Griifin and Crawford. The m.ovement was successful, and the enemy was dislodged and driven northward across Hatcher’s Run, when Miles’ division was summoned to rejoin Humphreys’ corps. Under the orders of this commander, it struck the enemy at Sutherland’s depot, capturing two guns and six hundred men. Sheridan returned to Five Forks, and went out toward Sutherland’s depot to assail the enemy, which Miles defeated before he came up. _ The rebel cause grew desperate. There was defeat in all direc- tions. Sherman held Johnston, Petersburg was about to fall, and Richmond could not much longer hold out. True there was yet a portion of the army of Northern Virginia--the flower of that army —but it could not achieve impossibilities. Longstreet, who had commanded the Richmond defences north of the James, came to Lee at Petersburg, Sunday, April 2d. Hill, one Of his Generals, and one of the ablest in the rebel service, ordered Heth to charge the captured works held by General Park, to regain them. The assault was desperately made, but troops were sent to Park’s help, and it was repulsed. Hill was shot dead. Lee’s right wing was gone. He had lost 10,000 men--Grant could take and hold the Appomattox at pleasure, while, unless there was the utmost promptness, the railroad junction at Burksville would soon be in Federal hands. It was evident Petersburg and Richmond must be given up. The hour of Providence had come. Lee tele- graphed at 10:30 A. M. to Davis, and a messenger went to the church at 11 and handed him this telegram: “ My lines are broken in three places. Richmond must be evacuated this evening.” DAVIS IN cannon. 431 As the message was handed the arch-conspirator there was a solemn, terrible pause—-he read it-—and left the church. Now he heard the summons of God as Pharoah upon the banks of the Nile. Now he felt the crushing Wretchedness. of one who attempting to lead a great conspiracy had failed, and hundreds of thousands of lives had paid the price of his failure ! Did he then see the wan faces and skeleton hands ‘of the victims starved slowly in Libby Prison, at Anderson- ville and Millen ‘? Did he already begin to hear the curses of a deceived and misled people? .He, whose word had summoned hund- reds of thousands to arms, went silently out of that church where religion had been prostituted to treason and misrule, a defeated man, upon whose hands was blood, upon whose soul was perjury. He was silent, but somehow the news took wings, and Richmond was in unwonted commotion. In the afternoon—Pollard, the rebel historian, says—“ Vehicles suddenly rose to a premium value that was astounding, and ten, fifteen and a hundred dollars in gold or Fede- ral currency was offered for a conveyance. Suddenly, as if by magic, the streets became filled with men, walking as though for a wager, and behind them excited negroes, with trunks, bundles, and baggage of every description. All over the city it was the same. The banks swarmed with depositors, and directors were busy remov- ing their coin ; in the ‘evening the Common Council met and ordered the destruction of the liquors in the city.” They were poured into gutters, and the air was even more strongly impregnated with alco- holic perfumes than when the Confederate Congress was in session. Bottled wines were ruthlessly thrown out. In some manner some of the thirsty soldiers got hold of a portion of the liquor, and then began a perfect saturnalia. Oaths, blasphemy, crashing windows, pillage, wild cries of distress, blows—these were the order of that fearful night. “By order of General Ewell, in spite of a remonstrance from the rebel Mayor and citizens, warehouses and shipping were fired, iron- clads were blown up, the bridges leading out of the city were burned and the rebel capital seemed wrapped in a sheet of avenging flame. Monday morning revealed a scene of almost unequaled desolation; the flames were roaring , ruins glared and smoked angrily, rioters and plunderers careered through the streets, government wagons 432 rxrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. loaded with stores, were driving furiously after the retreating army, and about the depot were hundreds of men, women and children, black and white, provided with capacious bags, baskets, tubs, buck- ets, tin pans and aprons; crushing, pushing and crowdin'g, awaiting the throwing open of the doors, and the order for each to help himself. “ About sunrise the doors were opened to the populace, andva rush that almost seemed to carry the building elf its foundation was made, and hundreds of thousands of pounds of bacon, flour, etc., were soon carried away by a clamorous crowd.” Such is a condensed description as given by arebel authority. “ The Government ” returned from the Danville Depot, and Rich- mond was evacuated. Before Richmond Weitzel had made a show of strength more than he possessed, holding, thereby, Longstreet and his force until the last. That Sunday night it is said his hands of music entertained the rebel capital with our national airs, and it is possible that Davis may have abdicated to the song, I “John Brown’s soul is marching on.” During the night the explosions convinced Weitzel and his staff that the city was being evacuated, and their conviction was cbnfirmed at 4 A. M. by a negro, who came in a buggy to bring the news. When daylight fully came, Draper’s black brigade in advance, Weitzel moved toward the city through the labyrinthine rebel works. The pathway was planted with torpedoes, but they were marked with flags for the rebel safety, and in the hurry of departure they had forgotten to remove them. The works were of such a character that had the intended assault been made upon them, the slaughter must have been without precedent. About 6 A. M. Weitzel and staff rode into the city. Above the noise of exploding shells were the glad huzzahs of negroes. Two cavalry guidons were quickly hoisted on the rebel capital, and soon the flag which formerly waved from General Butler’s head-quarters in New Orleans was run up the flag-staff, and its folds shaken out above that dome, and lo ! after the long, weary war, it revealed, in Richmond, every star still glittering in its field of blue! “ RICHMOND IS ouns ! ” was flashed along the wire, and a future EXCITED AFRICAN. 433 generation cannot imagine the excitement! Bells rang, flags were displayed, impromptu processions with banners and music paraded the streets of towns and cities; strong men wept and shouted ; when nightfall came on bonfires blazed, and windows were aglow with light. rThe author met a colored man on Dearborn Street, Chicago, and asked “ What’s the matter? ” He swung his battered hat, and answered-— ’ “ Richmond’s took, and Weitzel’s niggers is in it! ” “But,” said the author, “ don’t you know such proceedings are unconstitutional, that the local laws of Richmond forbid free negroes coming in without a pass ‘?” I “ I spect sir,” he replied, “ theys not enforcen such laws as much as they used to be,” and waving his hat he passed on. Hymns of praise and earnest thanksgivings were sent heavenward from family altars and places of secret prayer. Quietly, the same Sunday night, the army of Lee withdrew fiom the defences of Petersburg, and our troops entered it at daybreak. The country was now to see the results of Grant’s policy. Says Mr. Greeley: “ To have beaten Lee by a fair front attack would have thrown him back, possibly to Lynchburg or Danville: beating him by tum- ing and crushing his right might prove his utter destruction; for now that his shattered army could no longer cling to its formidable entrenchments around Richmond and Petersburg, and must retreat hurriedly westward or southward. The position of the 5th ( Grifiin’s) Corps at Sutherland’s, ten miles west of Petersburg, with Sheridan’s cavalry at Ford’s, ten miles further west, barring his way up the south bank of the Appomattox, with nearly all the residue of Grant’s forces but Weitzel’s command south or southwest of Petersburg, so narrowed and distorted his possible lines of retreat as to render the capture or dispersion of his entire army at least possible, and with Grant and Sheridan as his antagonists, it was morally certain that all would he made of their advantages that could be.” Before we return to our Illinois troops with Sherman and Schofield, we will follow to the close the blows against Lee’s army. Davis and his advisers had fled to Danville and there awaited Lee, hoping that 28 434 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. a junction might be made with Johnston. Lee’s army, greatly reduced by desertions and casualties, was concentrated at Chester- field, and rapidly moved to Amelia Court House, where he had ‘ordered supplies sent by rail from Danville, but found none. He was compelled to subsist his men as best he could from the Country. Sheridan hurried south of Amelia, came upon the Danville Road at Petersburg, out it to pieces, and laid the adjacent country waste almost to Burksville, scattering such rebel cavalry as confronted him. At Deep Creek an infantry force made stubborn opposition but was beaten. At J etersville Sheridan made a stand, determined to hold the railroad against Lee’s whole army until Grant could come up, His infantry entrenched, and his izavahy were disposed to the best advantage for the shock. Meade came up late on the 5tl1 with two corps cutting off Lee from the stores at Danville and Lynchburg. He saw himself being surrounded, and on the evening of the 5th moved around the left of Meade and Sheridan aiming for Farmville, designing there to cross the Appomattox and evade his pursuers. , He moved into the toils. General Davies made a reconnoissance in force, and at Paine’s Cross-roads caught Lee’s trains in advance, destroyed 180 wagons, and captured five guns and many prisoners. The rebel infantry was pushed up in massed strength, and attempted to surround and capture the small force before them. Davies was reinforced by two brigades and fought his way to J etersville. The next morning our army was concentrated about that point, and the pursuit of Lee resumed. Sheridan, with only his cavalry, took the advance, Crook was upon his left, facing eastward, and at Deatons- ville found Lee’s whole army moving westward. Of course he was outnumbered, but his orders were to fight, and thus hold Lee until he could be crushed, and without hesitation he threw his single divi- sion upon the rebel host. Of course he was repulsed, but Custer made a second charge farther in advance, and secured the road at Sailor’s Creek; Crook and Devin came to his help, and cut the rebel line, capturing 400 wagons, sixteen guns and many prisoners. This isolated Ewell’s corps from Lee, and Colonel Stagg charged it with ' his single brigade, and held it until the coming up of Seymour’s divi- sion of Wright’s corps in the rear. The rebels fought desperately, but were fairly surrounded, and surrendered at discretion. Ewell GENERAL monoan READ. 435 and four other Generals were among the captured, with 6,000 prison- ers of rank and file. Ord struck the head of Lee’s column farther westward, near Farm- ville, as it was about to place the river between it and Grant. His advance was only two regiments of infantry and a squadron of cav- alry, under Brevet Brigadier-General Theodore Read, an accom- plished scholar, who entered the service from Illinois. Not more desperate was the charge at Balaklava. The gallant young leader did not hesitate. He was to stop that army if he could, and he deter- mined to charge and, if possible, burn the bridges, and gave the word FORWARD. The handful dashed upon the solid column before them, to be met by overwhelming numbers and deadly slaughter. Read went down killed, slain in a hand-to-hand fight with the rebel leader, and his command was scattered. He had delayed, but could not stop the fee, the river was crossed, and Lee seemed to have escaped Grant ashe did Meade after Gettysburg. But hunger was king. Before his rear had gotten fairly over a division of the 2d Corps came up, and saved the bridge at the wagon road, and Barlow hurried over his division expecting a fight, but the rear guard hurried forward, abandoning eighteen guns. That night, around a smoldering fire, L_ee’s army decided, that with hunger before them, and Grant’s army already crossing the river and coming up in hot pursuit, the fortunes of the Confederacy must be abandoned, and that capitulation was inevitable. General Pendleton informed Lee of the conclusion. On the 7 th Lee’s army was again in motion, desperately fighting as it went, though in sheer despair from hunger, many had thrown down their arms. Humphreys’ corps was upon his track, and come up with Lee, entrenched in a strong position, with batteries sweeping the only approach for half a mile. Humphreys’ tried to turn the right flank, but could not. Miles made an assault, and was repulsed with the loss of 600 killed and wounded, among whom Brigadier- General Smyth and Major Mills, killed, Major-General Mott, Briga- dier-Generals Medill and McDougall, and a Colonel severely wound- ed. Before arrangements could be completed for a second assault, night came on. Before dark a messenger from Lieutenant-General Grant reached the rebel lines, bearing the following letter: 436 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. “ APRIL '7, 1865. “ GENERALZ—-The result of the last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia in this struggle. I feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the responsibility of the further effusion of blood, by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the army of the Confederate States, known as the Army of Northern Virginia. “ U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. “ GENERAL R. E. LEE.” The morning of the 8th revealed the fact that Lee had withdrawn silently from his strong position, and was again in full retreat. He, however, dispatched instantly to Grant the following note : “APRIL '7, 1865. “GENERAL:—I have received your note of this date. Though not entertaining the opinion you express on the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia, I reciprocate your desire to avoid useless effusion of blood, and, therefore, before considering your proposition, ask the terms you will offer on condition of its surrender. “R. E. LEE, General. “LIEUTENANT-GENERAL U. S. GRANT.” This was received on the morning of the 8th, and was promptly answered. “ APRIL 8, 1865. “ GENERAL : —Your note of last evening in answer to mine of same date, asking on what terms I will accept the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, is just received. In reply, I would say, that peace being my great desire, there is but one condition I would insist upon, namely, that the men and oflicers surrendered shall be disqualified from taking up arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged. I will meet you, or will designate ofiicers to meet any ofiicers you may name for the same purpose, at any point agreeable to you, for the purpose of arranging definitely the terms upon which the surrender of the Army of North- ern Virginia will be received. “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General= “ R. E. LEE, General.” “ On the '7th our pursuit was not successful. Sheridan moved his cavalry to cut off Lee from retreating to Danville, and Crook re- ceived a repulse from troops guarding a train, and General Gregg was captured. On the 8th our army was put in full pursuit, Meade following directly upon Lee’s track. Sheridan now knowing where to strike, moved his cavalry to cut off the retreat on Lynchburg, his force followed by Ord and Griflin. The cavalry made a brilliant ' picket-lines of the two armies. LEE To cam. 437 push of twenty-eight miles, and seized the Appomattox station on the Lynchburg Railroad, where four trains had arrived with supplies for Lee. These were captured, and General Custar, who was in advance, rode for Appomattox Court House, where he met the ad- vance of Lee’s army, and engaged them, fighting till dark, capturing twenty-five guns, a hospital train, wagons, prisoners, &c. Sheridan came up, secured the captured trains, took a strong position in Lee’s front, determined to fight his entire army, if need be, but at the same time sending couriers to hasten Ord and Griflin, notifying them that if they came up in season, the capture or destruction of Lee was in- evitable. By a forced march, their commands, in whole or in part, were brought to Appomattox Court House by daylight, April 9th. General Lee supposed his front was only confronted by Sheridan’s cavalry, and resolved upon a charge of massed infantry. He sent General Grant the following note: “ APRIL 8, 1865. “ GENERAL :—I received at a late hour your note of to-day. In mine of yester- day, I did not intend to propose the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, but to ask the terms of your proposition. To be frank, I do not think the emergen- cy has arisen to call for the surrender of this army ; but as the restoration of peace should be the sole object of all, I desired to knowr whether your proposals would lead to that end. I cannot, therefore, meet you with a view to the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia; but as far as your proposal may affect the Confederate forces under my command, and tend to the restoration of peace, I should be pleased to meet you at 10 A. M. to-morrow, on the old stage-road to Richmond, between the “R. E. LEE, General. “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General." .0 He expected when he wrote this note to scatter Sheridan’s caval- ry, and open his way to Lynchburg, where supplies would be abun- dant, and then await the logic of events. Grant received it at midnight. He was then with Meade’s col- umn. The next morning he proposed to join Sheridan. He was not to be misled into supposing himself a diplomat, to treat for peace, arrange boundaries, etc. When he left his home in Galena, an obscure man, it was to suppress the rebellion, and for that he was still contending. He sent the following reply : “ APRIL 9, 1865. “ GENERAL :—Your note of yesterday is received. I have no authority to treat 438 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. on the subject of peace. The meeting proposed for 10 A. M., could do no good. I 'will state, however, General, that I am equally anxious for peace with yourself, and the whole North entertains the same feeling. The terms upon which peace can be had, are well understood. By the South laying down their arms, they will hasten that most desirable event, save thousands of human lives and hundreds of millions of property not yet destroyed. Seriously hoping that all our difficulties may be set- tled without the loss of another life, I subscribe myself, &c., “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. “ R. E. LEE, General.” The cool brain of the ex-Colonel of the 21st Illinois, was too much for the white-haired Confederate leader. He wanted peace--he could have it upon such terms as a soldier could offer, by laying down his arms ! The night passed. Arrangements to cut through Sheridan’s line of cavalry were made, and the rebel host moved out of its resting- place. The infantry for which Sheridan had looked, had just ar- rived, weary, foot-sore, but determined. Sheridan had dismounted a portion of his horsemen, who, maintaining a steady front,- gradu- ally gave way, giving time for the infantry to form. That was done, and the cavalry moved swiftly to the right, and the astonished rebels beheld the solid lines of infantry, with gleaming bayonets, awaiting their coming, and Sheridan, with his terrible cavalry, already in mo- tion, ready to charge their left! It was too much; the proud courage of Lee’s veterans gave way; the iron-willed commander could do no more. A white flag stayed the advance of our cavalry. The Army of Northern Virginia proposed to surrender. Sheridan spurred to Appomattox Court House, and met General Gordon, and received his proposition for a suspension of hostilities, assured that negotiations were pending between the commanders-in- chief. Grant, while en route to Sheridan, received another missive from Lee, without any further request to play the role of diplomacy. It ran thus : “APRIL 9, 18 65. “ GENERAL :-I received your note of this morning, on the picket-line, whither I had come to meet you, and ascertain definitely what terms were embraced in your proposal of yesterday, with reference to the surrender of this army. I now ask an interview in accordance with the offer contained in your letter of yesterday for that purpose. “R. E. LEE, General. “ LIEUTENANT-GENERAL GRANT.” THE sunannnnn. 439 An interview occurred without delay at a residence near the Court House. The men who had led the two great armies of Amer- ican citizens, who had opposed strength to strength, strategy to strategy, were face to face. There was the formality of appointing commissioners, but the surrender of the army which had flaunted its banners at Bull Run, waved them Victoriously in the Peninsula, as they pursued the retreat of McClellan; the army that moved with unbroken purpose from Antietam, rolled up the legions of Burnside and Hooker, held Grant at bay at Spottsylvania, dashed him back at Cold Harbor, and had stood before him almost a year, is told in the following correspondence: “ APPOMATTOX Counr Houss, Va, April 9, 1865. “ GENERAL:-—I11 accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th in- stant, I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia on the following terms, to wit:—-Rolls of all the oflicers and men to be made in duplicate, one copy to be given to an oificer to be designated by me, the other to be retained by such officer or oflicers as you may designate. The officers to give their individ- iial paroles not to take up arms_ against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged; and each company or regimental commander sign a like parole for the men of their commands. The arms, artillery, and public property to be parked and stacked, and turned over to the oflicers appointed by me to receive them. This will not embrace the side-arms of the oflicers, nor their private horses or bag- gage. This done, each oflicer and man will be allowed to return to his home, not to be disturbed by United States’ authority as long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside. “U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. “ GENERAL R. E. LEE.” “ Hmnqmnrsns ARMY or Nonrnnan VIRGINIA, April 9, 1865. “ GENERAL :—-I received your letter of this date containing the terms of the sur render of the Army of Northern Virginia, as proposed by you. As they are sub stantially the same as those expressed in your letter of the 8th instant, they are ac- cepted. I will proceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. R. E. LEE,_General. “LIEUTENANT-GENERAL U. S. GRANT.” It was doubted if General Grant’s terms were not too generous, but with all our condemnation of the cause for which it fought, few such armies as Lee’s were ever surrendered. As rapidly as possible, the work of paroling went forward; our men were permitted to rest, and Grant, instead of going to Richmond, 440 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. quietly and unostentatiously went to Washington to arrange for reducing the army. We reproduce the closing paragraph of his report: “ It has been my fortune to see the armies of both the West and the East fight battles, and from what I have seen, I know there is no difference in their fighting qualities. All that it was possible for men to do in battle, they have done. The Western armies commenced their battles in the Mississippi Valley, and received the final surrender of the remnant of the principal army opposed to them in North Car- olina. The armies of the East commenced their battles on the river from which the Army of the Potomac derived its name, and received the final surrender of their old antagonist at Appomattox Court House, Va. The splendid achievements of each have nationalized our victories, removed all sectional jealousies (of which we have unfortunately experienced too much), and the cause of crimination and re- crimination-. that might have followed, had either section failedin its duty. All have a proud record, and all sections can well congratulate themselves and each other for having done their full share in restoring the supremacy of law over every foot of territory belonging to the United States. Let them hope for perpetual peace and harmmiy with that enemy, whose manhood, however mistaken the cause, drew forth smh nerculean deeds of valor.” It is sufficient answer to the criticisms upon the strategy of Gene- ral Grant, that he did destroy Lee’s army; he did take Petersburg and Richmond ; he did do the work upon which he set out when he assumed command of all the armies. He constructed a gigantic scheme, and it was Worked out, with God’s blessing. C H A P T E R X X V . THE ONE HUNDRED DAY crnoors. THE CALL-THE RESPONSE-—THE‘ ONE HUNDRED AND TE1RrY'sEcoND—TnE ONE HUN- DRED AND THIRTY-THIRD-—THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH—THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH——THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIXTH-—THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-sEvEN'rH—THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHTH--—THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINTH--—THE ONE HUNDRED AND FORTIETH-—THE ONE HUNDRED AND Fonrv- FIRST--THE ONE HUNDRED AND FDRTY-sEcoND-Tne ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THIRD --THE ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH. N our first volume (p. 147 ct seq.) we have given an account of the hundred-day troops, in the well-chosen words of Governor Yates. These troops were raised in the spring of 1864, and were placed on garrison duty for the purpose of relieving the veterans, who were needed in carrying out the stupendous operations of Grant and Sherman. The call for the regiments met with a prompt and hearty response, the people fully recognizing its necessity and importance. The service rendered by them was of great value, though none of them participated in any important engagement. The following are the rosters of the hundred-day regiments, in which very few changes were made before the expiration of their term of service: ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, Thomas J . Pickett; Lieutenant-Colonel, William H. Haskell; Major, John H. Peck; Adjutant, Daniel Merriman; Quartermaster, Hiram R. Enoch; Sur- geon, Robert F. Baker; 1st Assistant Surgeon, William R. Adair; Chaplain, Liston H. Pearce. Co. A--Captain, Hugh Shepard; 1st Lieutenant, Alonzo H. Davis; 2d Lieuten- ant, Donell Higgins. 00. B--Captain, Charles H. Vogell; 1st Lieutenant, Charles Varges; 2d Lieuten- ant, Anthony H. Heminover. Co. C—Captain, Charles Barker; 1st Lieutenant, Frank A. Buys; 2d Lieutenant, H. A. Hinckley. Co. D-Captain, Frank E. Chase; 1st Lieutenant, H. A. Anderson; 2d Lieuten- ant, William C. Babcock. 44:2 mrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. Co. E—-Captain, Samuel Nutt; 1st Lieutenant, George A. Turner; 2d Lieuten- ant, James F. Smith. Co. F—Captain, Isaac S. Bunnell; 1st Lieutenant, Jonathan Dow; 2d Lieuten- ant, Albert A. Sanborn. Co. G--Captain, Theodore F. Barnes; 1st Lieutenant, Richard B. Rians; 2d Lieutenant,‘ Henry H. Grimes. Co. H—Captain, Luke E. Hemenway; 1st Lieutenant, Henry Harwood; 2d Lieu- tenant, George Schermerhorn. - Co. I—-Captain, John A. Sedgwick; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel F. Stratton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Emanuel Engelstedt. Co. K—Captain, Calvin A. Laws; 1st Lieutenant, Frank H. Battershall; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry B. Gurlee. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, Thaddeus Phillips; Lieutenant-Colonel, John E. Moore; Major, James F. Longley; Adjutant, William J . Allen; Quartermaster, Thomas B. Clark; Sur- geon, Henry A. Folger; 1st Assistant Surgeon, James B. Carr; Chaplain, William R. Adams. Co. A—Captain, Norman B. Ames; 1st Lieutenant, A. V. Arnold; 2d Lieuten- ant, Henry F. Lightfoot. Co. B-Captain, George W. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Corcoran; 2d Lieutenant, Charles H. Ayers. Co. C—Captain, Walter M. Collins; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Carroll _; 2d Lieu- tenant, Martin A. Patterson. Co. D-—Captain, John Carstens; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas J. Davidson; 2d Lieu- tenant, John Packer. Co. E-—Ca‘ptain, Willson A. Duggan; 1st Lieutenant, John O. Piper; 2d Lieuten- ant, Columbus Woods. ‘ Co. F—Captain, George W. Dugger; 1st Lieutenant, Allen Cookrell; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry A. Sturgis. Co. G—Captain, William H. Edwards; 1st Lieutenant, John H. Valentine; 2d Lieutenant, Rufus C. Barnett. Co. H-—Captain, R. F. Ross; 1st Lieutenant, Peter A. Hoifman; 2d Lieutenant, James A. Young. Co. I--Captain, Alfred Ovendorff; 1st Lieutenant, Ethan A. Norton; 2d Lieuten- ant, Samuel A. Ramels. Co. K—Captain, Charles A. Summers; 1st Lieutenant, Isaiah Humrichouser; 2d Lieutenant, Anthony W. Moore. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, Waters W. McChesney; Lieutenant-Colonel, John C. Bigelow; Major, John A. Wilson; Adjutant, Edward D. Luxton; Quartermaster, Reuben P. Pierce; Surgeon. Willis Danforth; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Joseph M. Jenkins; Chaplain, Amos K. Tullis. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. 443 C0. A—-Captain, John Dyer; 1st Lieutenant, Charles E. Sinclair; 2d Lieutenant, George Barry. - Co. B—Captain, Nathaniel B. Petts; 1st Lieutenant, Hiram V. Wilkinson; 2d Lieutenant, Isaac Z. Packard. Co. C—Captain, Moses A. Thayer; 1st Lieutenant, Marshall B. Hughson; 2d Lieutenant, Francis X. Binz. Co. D——Captain, William Metlar; 1st Lieutenant, Charles E. Dickinson; 2d Lieutenant, Rossell G. O’Brien. ~' Co. E—Captain, Henry J . Milligan; 1st Lieutenant, Albert P. Williams; 2d Lieu- tenant, Seward C. Metz. Co. F—Captain, Alphonso C. Linn; 1st Lieutenant, Milton C. Springer; 2d Lieu- tenant, George E. Strobridge. Co. G—Captain, Joshua Pike ; 1st Lieutenant, Edward M. Atkinson ; 2d Lieuten- ant, James H. Rowe. Co. H—Captain, Samuel L. Andrews; 1st Lieutenant, Hiram T. Lay; 2d Lieuten- ant, Philip Potter. Co. I—Captain, Edward J . Whitehead; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew L. Hunt; 2d Lieutenant, Edward O’Neill. Co. K-—Captain, Anthony B. Porter; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas S. Sexton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Albert W. Danks. _ ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, John S. Wolfe; Lieutenant-Colonel, Theodore H. West ; Major, Green- bury Wright; Adjutant, Clifford W. Holden; Quartermaster, Joseph Peters; Sur- geon, Samuel H. Birney; 1st Assistant Surgeon, James A. Williams; 2d Assistant Surgeon, John Lacrone. Co. A-—-Captain, Benjamin Burt; 1st Lieutenant, George N. Ridards; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Archdeacon. Co. B—-Captain, Edward Bailey ; 1st Lieutenant, Patrick H. Scott; 2d Lieuten- ant, Joseph E. Conklin. Co. C—Captain, John V. Bovell; 1st Lieutenant, Calvin S. James; 2d Lieutenant, Walter S. Brown. Co. D—-Captain, Thomas H. Dobbs; 1st Lieutenant, John E. Vinson ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Francis M. Young. Co. E—Captain, George W. McClure; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel S. Dickens; 2d Lieutenant, John S. Gerrard. Co. F—Captain, Samuel G. McAdams; 1st Lieutenant, James A. Hubbard; 2d Lieutenant, Edward Stearns. Co. G-Captain, Derrick Lamb; 1st Lieutenant, James Easton; 2d Lieutenant, James T. Sweitzer. Co. H—Captain, James B. Wicklin; 1st Lieutenant, Philip Brown; 2d Lieuten- ant, Peter J ones. Co. I--Captain, Milton A. Ewing; 1st Lieutenant, James T. Ewing; 2d Lieuten- ant, Thomas J . Matthews. Co. K-Captain, Edward Laferty; 1st Lieutenant, Oliver S. Stewart; 2d Lieu- tenant, Isaac N. Payton. 444 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. I ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIXTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, Frederick A. Johns; Lieutenant-Colonel, William T. Ingram; Major, Henry A. Organ; Adjutant, Elias J. Beymer; Quartermaster, Henry F. Jerauld; Chaplain, John W. Phillips. Co A—-Captain, William Bowlby; 1st Lieutenant, George T. Hubbard; 2d Lieu- tenant, Pleasant N. Pope. Co. B-Captain, John Burke; 1st Lieutenant, John H. Taylor; 2d Lieutenant, Jasper N. Kerr. Co. C—Captain, Joseph B. Berry; 1st Lieutenant, Elijah C. Compton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles H. Robinson. Co. D--Captain, Thomas F. Clay; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph B. Curlee; 2d Lieuten- ant, Joseph L. Stedlan. Co. E-—Captain, John C. Scott; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Wiatt; 2d Lieuten- ant, John S. Hawkins. Co. F-—Captain, Linzey W. Cremeens; 1st Lieutenant, William F. Slocumb; 2d Lieutenant, Winfield S. Norcross. Co. G—Captain, James St Clair; 1st Lieutenant, James H. Carsin ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Peter Brillhart. Co. H—Captain, William H. Johns; 1st Lieutenant, Theoren Gould; 2d Lieuten- ant, Alfred Mayo. Co. I—Captain, Lafayette Twitchell; 1st Lieutenant, Eugene B. Cropper; 2d Lieutenant, Royal R. Lacey. Co. K-Captain, William R. Floydd; 1st Lieutenant, David J. Blackman; 2d Lieutenant, William T. Bird. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVEN TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, John Wood; Lieutenant-Colonel, Thomas K. Roach; Major, Hendrick E Paine; Adjutant, Edward W. Baker ;.Quartermaster, Jonathan J. Smith; Surgeon, William A. Huston ; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Nathan H. McNeal; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Robert G. Scroggs; Chaplain, Hiram P. Roberts. Co. A-Captain, Henry A. Castle; 1st Lieutenant, George M. Roberts; 2d Lieu- tenant, Edwin S. Francis. Co. B-Captain, John W. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, John A. Thompson; 2d Lieu- tenant, James A. Seaton. Co. C—Captain, Barzillai M. Veatch; 1st Lieutenant, Oliver H. Pitcher; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Craig. Co. D-Captain, John B. Johnson; 1st Lieutenant, James Robb; 2d Lieutenant Henry S. Adair. Co. E—Captain, Richard B. Higgins; 1st Lieutenant, James Onstott; 2d Lieuten- ant, James H. Anderson. Co. F—Captain, Robert B. Robinson; 1st Lieutenant, DeWitt C. Simmons; 2d Lieutenant, David D. Kedwell. Co. G—Captain, Orville C. Holcomb; 1st Lieutenant, John M. Johnson; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph L. Latimer. Co. H—Captain, Levi Barber; 1st Lieutenant, Henson S. Vandeventer; 2d Lieu- tenant, William A. Hubbard. oNE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY. " 445 C0. I--Captain, William H. Oglesby; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew R. Wilson; 2d Lieutenant, James N. Porter. Co. K-Captain, Robert A. Williams; let Lieutenant, Luke W. Clarke ; 2d Lieu- tenant, William H. Rice a ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, John W. Goodwin; Lieutenant-Colonel, Alexander H. Holt; Major, John Tunison; Adjutant,"John H. Johnson; Quartermaster, John H. Elward; Surgeon, James J. Rowe; 1st Assistant Surgeon, David P. Bigger; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Samuel T. Ferguson; Chaplain, Benjamin T. Haskin. Co. A—Captain, William S. McClanahan; 1st Lieutenant, Guy Stapp; 2d Lieu- tenant, John A. Finley. Co. B—Captain, Luther B. Hunt; 1st Lieutenant, Homer Gaines; 2d Lieutenant, Henry C. Driggs. ' Co. C—Captain, Jasper N. Reece; 1st Lieutenant, William B. Morse; 2d Lieu- tenant, William H. Rose. Co. D—-Captain,John M. Wilson; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew Kirkpatrick; 2d Lien- tenant, Wilson S. Baughman. C0. E—Captain, George D. Sofield; 1st Lieutenant, George F. Smith; 2d Lieu- tenant, Benjamin C. Davis. Co. F—Captain, David M. Lyon; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Coll; 2d Lieutenant, Frank J . Baird. Co. G-Captain, Thomas Lamport; 1st Lieutenant, Erastus W. Willard; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jerome A. Gay. Co. H—Captain, Septimus J . Hanna; 1st Lieutenant, John Verly; 2d Lieutenant, William M. Hanna. Co. I-—-Captain, Henry S. Hossack; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac Baldwin; 2d Lieutenant, William Ogden. Co. K—Captain, Charles Stout; 1st Lieutenant, Orin Beeme; 2d Lieutenant, A1- bert Schermerhorn. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NIN TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, Peter Davidson; Lieutenant-Colonel, Horace H. Willsie; Major, Solo- mon Z. Roth; Adjutant, David N. Sanderson; Quartermaster, John Bryner; Sur- geon, Charles C. Latimer; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Allen M. Pierce; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Joseph Shugart; Chaplain, Joseph T. Cook. Co. A—Captain, Edward R. Virden; 1st Lieutenant, Charles Robinson; 2d Lieu- tenant, James L. Kendall. Co. B—Captain, J eiferson Durley; 1st Lieutenant, Almon H. Thompson; 2d Lieu- tenant, Calvin Cossell. Co. C—-Captain, Deitrich C. Smith; 1st Lieutenant, Elijah W. Dickinson; 2d Lieutenant, Benjamin F. Burnett. Co. D-—Captain, William H. Marble; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Reynolds; 2d Lieu- tenant, Frank A. Thomas. Co. E-Captain, George W. Odell; 1st Lieutenant, Henry M. Evans; 2d Lieuten- ant, Alonzo Atwood. ' 446 ' rarmorrsn OF nmnvors. Co. F—Captain, Herman W. Snow; 1st Lieutenant, Appleton H. Fitch; 2d Lieu- tenant, James C. McKenzie. Co. G—Captain, Roderick B. Frary; 1st Lieutenant, Frank L. Angier ; 2d Lieu- tenant, James E. Chapman. Co. H—Captain, William Fairmon; 1st Lieutenant, Lyford R. Craig; 2d Lieuten‘ ant, Ansel J . Wright. Co. I—Captain, William H. Caldwell; 1st Lieutenant, Frank A. Mosely; 2d Lieu- tenant, John B. Brush. Co. K—Captain, Purnel H. Sniff; 1st Lieutenant, Russell W. Calkins; 2d Lieu- tenant, Gemeneomes Goble. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, Lorenzo H. Whitney; Lieutenant-Colonel, Michael W. Smith; Major, William 0. Evans; Adjutant, Lucius E. B. Holt; Quartermaster, George W. Bishop; Surgeon, George W. Phillips; Chaplain, Wiley A. Lipe. Co. A--Captain, Jonathan A. Morgan; 1st Lieutenant, Charles M. Worthington; 2d Lieutenant, Benjamin Gurtisen. Co. B—Captain, Charles W. Hills; 1st Lieutenant, George H. Fay; 2d Lieuten- ant, Erastus Fuller. Co. C—Captain, Joseph A. Bockiens; 1st Lieutenant, Edward A. Tomlin; 2d Lieutenant, David McGrath. Co. D-—Captain, Frank Smyth; 1st Lieutenant, Archibald Shaw; 2d Lieutenant, Wainwright H. Parks. Co. E—Captain, Ezekiel Giles; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Ball; 2d Lieutenant, John L. Skinner. Co. F—Captain, Russell S. Osborn; 1st Lieutenant, George Boone; 2d Lieuten- ant, Van R. Harriett. Co. G—Captain, John H Wilmans; 1st Lieutenant, Edward H. Dailey; 2d Lieu- tenant, John C. Parker. Co. H—-Captain, George E. Turkington; 1st Lieutenant, John McLindsey; 2d Lieutenant, Jacob Feslor. _ Co. I—Captain, James H. Cartwright; 1st Lieutenant, William A. Duflield; 2d Lieutenant, John R. Petrie. Co. K—Captain, Julius A. Barnsback; 1st Lieutenant, Charles T. Springer; 2d Lieutenant, Coleman Brayton. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIRST ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, Stephen Bronson ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Thomas Clark; Major, Jacob D. Lansing; Adjutant, Edward C. Lovell; Quartermaster, Alonzo H. Barry ; Surgeon, Harmon A. Buck; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Francis C. Hageman; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, F. W. Watson; Chaplain, Samuel S. Kimball. Co. A—Captain, Philip H. Carr; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas W. Teft; 2d Lieutenant, Edward W. King. Co. B-Captain, Alexander Grimes; 1st Lieutenant, Charles D. F. Smith; 2d Lieutenant, Charles S Gregg. oNE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THIRD INFANTRY. 447 C0. C-Captain, Samuel H. Hunter; 1st Lieutenant, Michael J. Dunne; 2d Lieu- tenant, James B. Robinson. Co. D-Captain, Bryant D. Beach; 1st Lieutenant, Hiram Sargent; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry A. Ferson. Co. E-—Captain, King H. Milliken ; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph H. Burns ; 2d Lieu- tenant, George W. Tracy. Co. F—-Captain, Eliphalet Barber; 1st Lieutenant, Charles W. Ingersol; 2d Lieu- tenant, Nelson S. Sweetland. Co. G—-Captain, Charles Hen-ington; 1st Lieutenant, George E. Gillman; 2d Lieutenant, Chester Stewart. Co. H-—Captain, Albert S. James; 1st Lieutenant, Amos Churchill ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Joseph R. McChesney. Co. I--Captain, Robert H. Winslow ;- 1st Lieutenant, Daniel W. Coan; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry C. Dodge. Co. K-—Captain, John Gilman; 1st Lieutenant, Giles D. Walker; 2d Lieutenant, Charles Ferson. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel, Rollin V. Ankeney; Lieutenant-Colonel, Morton D. Swift; Major, Charles J. Childs; Adjutant, Albert W. Brewster ; Quartermaster, Wm. D. McAfee; Surgeon, Asa E. Shephard ; Chaplain, Ruel Cooley. Co. A-'-Captain, Edward Hausmann; 1st Lieutenant, Denison C. Frisbie; 2d Lieutenant, David T. Maurer. Co. B—-Captain, Jacob D. Holmes ; 1st Lieutenant, Abel F. Boilean; 2d Lieuten- ant, Ezra E. Metz. Co. C—Captain, James M. Humphrey ; 1st Lieutenant, William G. Billings; 2d Lieutenant, Luther C. Lawrence. Co. D—Captain, Heman A. Todd; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew A. Robertson; 2d Lieutenant, William H. Work. Co. E—-Captain, Samuel J . Tompkins; 1st Lieutenant, Warren D. Coon; 2d Lieu- tenant, James R. Baker. Co. F--Captain, Henry Burr-ell; 1st Lieutenant, Francis A. Darling; 2d Lieuten‘ ant, Josiah D. Fye. Co. G—Captain, Hyatt Sinclair; 1st Lieutenant, M. J . Boyle ; 2d Lieutenant, Ca- leb S. Ransom. Co. H—Captain, David H. Porter; 1stLieutenant, Francis H. Cobb; 2d Lieuten ant, Andrew B. Hogard. Co. I—Captain, John C. Coakley; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac Pflaum; 2d Lieutenant, Daniel H. Waterbury. Co. K—Captain, John Stevenson; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel P. Barker; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles C. Lawson. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY. J Colonel, Dudley C. Smith; Lieutenant-Colonel, John P. St. John; Major, Harri- son Tyner ; 'Adjntant, Allen Steadman; Quartermaster, Richard W. Dawson; Sur- 448 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. geon, Russell J . Collins; 1st Assistant Surgeon, George W. Albin; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Robert L. Walston; Chaplain, Charles Yelton. Co. A—-Captain,Richard S. Curd; 1st Lieutenant, Stephen E. Guthrie; 2d Lieu- tenant, Robert M. Kimball. Co. B—Captain, William M. Boren; 1st Lieutenant, Henry H. Tucker; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jerry M. Pierce. Co. C-Captain, Samuel P. Mooney; 1st Lieutenant, William E. Miller; 2d Lieu- tenant, Shepherd Amerine. Co. D--Captain, Jacob Hays; lst Lientenant,George W. Rutherford; 2d Lieuten- ant, William J . Chittenden. Co. E—Captain, James P. Ray ; 1st Lieutenant, Nicholas Fitzgerald; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles F. Johnson. _ Co. F-—Captain, John F. Sisson; 1st Lieutenant, Ferdinand F. Holbrook; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas Brown. Co. G—Captain, Philander R. Webster; 1st Lieutenant, Richard Couch; 2d Lieu. tenant, Edward Dunaway. Co. H—Captain, James G. Seward; 1st Lieutenant, William R. Truesdale; 2d Lieutenant, George R. Fowler Co. I—Captain, Alsey B. Lee ; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin F. Harris; 2d Lieutenant, Joseph Kerchival. Co. K—Captain, Absalom T. Ash; 1st Lieutenant, Alfred F. Newman; 2d Lieu- tenant, David B. Wells. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFI‘H ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Colonel George W. Lackey; Lieutenant-Colonel, Rufus C. Crampton; Major, John W. Bear; Adjutant, John W. Morris; Quartermaster, James T. Snell; Surgeon, Robert W. McMahon; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Henry W. Boyd; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, William H. Hess ; Chaplain, J ohu C. Hanna. Co. A-Captain, Tamerlane Chapman; 1st Lieutenant, James W. Damron; 2d Lieutenant, Leonidas Chapman. Co. B—Captain,Edward C. Dew; 1st Lieutenant, Marmontell B. Geter; 2d Lieu- tenant, Barnard Gardes. Co. C--Captain, George R. Bibb; 1st Lieutenant, John P. Cowdin; 2d Lieuten- ant, Martin V. B. Parker. Co. D—Captain, Ira A. Church; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel H. Larison; 2d Lieuten- ant, James Palmer. Co. E-Captain, Silas W. West; 1st Lieutenant, William E. Nesbitt; 2d Lieuten- ant, Augustus W. Rogers. Co. F-Captain, Finis Evans; 1st Lieutenant, Oliver T. Pricket; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Barrett. Co. G--Capt-ain,William H. Weaver; 1st Lieutenant, Isaac N. Coltrin; 2d Lieu- tenant, Ebenezer Fish. Co. H—Captain, Adam H. Bogardus; 1st Lieutenant, William Morris ; 2d Lieuten- ant, John Morgan. ' Co. I-—Captain, Paphiras 13. Keys; 1st Lieutenant, Jonah S. Scovel; 2d Lieuten- ant, George H. Whiteman. C0. K—-—Captain, James P. Moore; 1st Lieutenant, Clarence D. Perry ; 2d Lieu tenant, Joseph M. Prior. , snonr ENLISTMENT. 449 The promptness with which the young men of the State filled up ' the regiments was indicative of the still unconquered purpose of the people. Many of these rank and file were youths who had become eligible to military service since former calls were made. Not a few came out of those nurseries of patriotism, the academies and colleges, in some instances entire classes volunteering. Even Bibli- cal schools were depleted in like manner. Many others were from flourishing business, and showed that love of country was stronger than luere. Not a few were bronzed vete- rans who had fought through severe campaigns, and after brief rest started again to the field. That these men were not all heard from amid battle shocks, was..because they were without the opportunity. Thus may the country ever depend upon its citizen soldiery, and be able to avoid that great peril, a standing army. The policy of enlistment for such short periods is one to be con- demned except when demanded by stern necessity. There is the derangement of trade; the disturbance of industry; the expense of enlistment-—outfit and organization is equal to that of troops for longer service. The soldier learns the vices of camp-life, and acquires its recklessness, while he does not remain long enough to overcome them by discipline. It is scarcely possible for officers, who were fellow-citizens with the rank and file up to enlistment, and are to be so again in a hundred days, to command the respect and wield the authority due their position. If they are sent to the front they must go comparatively undisciplined, and will, probably, be sacrificed in spite of the bravery common to American volunteers. That there was such an emergency as justified the measure was the opinion of the loyal Governors, and was shared by the War Depart- ment, and good service was rendered. But enlistment for the war, at least for a period of from two to four years, to be terminated by peace, if it should come at an earlier day, will hereafter be the rule of the country when war comes again. Only thus can the most eflicient morale be secured. To the dash and impetuosityr of the young volunteer must be added the coolness and precision of the veteran, and for the acquisition of these time is wanted. No troops fight more bravely than new recruits, but none are so subject to panics. Give them time, let them look forward to distinc- 29 450 PATRIOTISM or rumors. tion, and realize that their future is to be determined by themselves, and then there is the opportunity to make of our volunteers, our citi- zen recruits such soldiers as regulars never exceeded, in bravery, in coolness, in persistence. There is not before the ofiicers who command for a brief period the strong incentives which they need. There is scarcely a possi- bility of promotion, and no spur to the study of duties above their immediate position. That in spite of these considerations, one hundred day troops did so well is matter of State honor. Had they barely succeeded, it had been well, but they did more. When the term of service expired, five of the regiments remained to render needed help. They merited and received the thanks of the Government expressed by the President of the United States. CHAPTE R XXVI. mro GOLDSBORO. Faom SAVANNAH——SCHOFIELD AND TERRY-—-T0 FAYETTEVILLE—CARLIN—SLOCUM’S LEFT ---BEN'I'0NVILLE—-THE FIGHTING——GARLlN’S BRIGADES/—-HAZEN Comes Ur--Movn- MENTS--MowER’s DIvrs1oN—-Lossns—Coxn’s BRIDGE-—INTO GOLDSBORO-—-THE CoL- UMNS Couvnncn--Mama Nrcnorfs STATEMENT-—O0LONEL BowMAN’s—Sn_1§:lMAN’s PLANS——MEE'1‘S MR. LINCOLN--HIS GENERAL ORDERS--ARMY or GEORGIA--BLUNDER -—-ORDERS———STONEMAN mn Wusou. HE Illinois regiments with Sherman had a few more stages to make, a few more sharp conflicts and the end was reached. From Savannah Sherman had swept South Carolina, had passed the Edistos, captured Orangeburg, entered Coluinbia, crossed the Catawba, occupied Camden, had met the foe at Cheraw, and fired its captured guns in honor of Lincoln’s second inauguration, and cap- tured vast military stores sent thither from Charleston as a place of safety; had marched into North Carolina, our troops greatly modify- ing their treatment of the country after leaving South Carolina made the splendid march to Fayetteville, and seized it with its arsenal, works, etc.; had come into communication with Schofield and Terry at Wilmington, and before Averysboro had fought the rebel army on the 16th of March in a strong position, and compelled it to abandon its defences; Schofield had done his preliminary work after true soldierly fashion, and we left the two armies of Sher- man and Schofield advancing on Goldsboro. The commander issued his orders to the various departments of his force. Word reached him, on the 18th, while with Howard’s corps, that Carlin was fighting a portion of the rebel cavalry, but was managing it without difficulty. Later intelligence soon followed, informing him that S]ocum’s wing found J ohnston’s army massed in his path, before Bentonville. John- 452 mrniorrsm or rnnnvors. ston had put his army in light order, without trains and with little artil- lery, and by rapid flank marching had concentrated upon our left his entire command, expecting to crush Slocum before the other columns could reinforce him. The 17 th Corps was at Mount Olive; the 15th was marching between Lee’s Store and Coxe’s Bridge, while the 14th and 20th were on the Smithfield road, five miles from Benton- ville at the crossing of the road to Coxe’s Bridge, and at this junc- ' tion Johnston struck his blow. Sherman sent orders to bring up the divisions guarding the trains and Hazen’s division of the old 15th, and stand upon the defensive until the rest of the 15th and Blair’s corps could come up. Slocum’s troops drove the rebel cavalry before them, but were astonished to find infantry behind rude works, ready to contest their advance. Carlin’s two advance brigades charged the works, and carried a portion of them, but found themselves greatly outnumbered and about to be surrounded, and slowly fell back, losing three guns and caissons. Other troops came up, barricades were hastily pre- pared. Kilpatriek heard the firing and posted his horsemen on the left. Here our troops six times met the furious charge of the rebel veterans led by Hoke, Hardee and Cheatham, under Johnston in person, and resisted them. Nightfall came, and Johnston had won nothing of moment. He had failed to catch our left and destroy it; it was true that 1,500 killed and wounded were in our lines, but the rebel loss sustained in those fruitless assaults upon the hero of Kene-' saw was double. During the night General Slocum was strengthened by the arri- val of Hazen and the divisions from the trains, and his position rendered secure. He quietly awaited the coming of Howard, leav- ing Johnston free to assail his front if he wished, which he did not, but entrenched himself firmly in a strong triangle, its apex at the front, facing Slocum and Howard. Sherman moved deliberately. He knew this delay would secure Goldsboro to Schofield and leave General Terry free to come up the Neuse to Coxe’s Bridge. He was reversing the situation and placing Johnston on the defensive. It was no part of Sherman’s tactics to bring on a desperate battle and great loss of life if he could obtain his purpose without. All day on the 21st skirmishing and fighting went on from extreme BENTONVILLE. 453 right to left. Our skirmishers approached within rifle-shot of the main rebel entrenchment, and there was a long, deafening rattle of small arms. On the left Davis assaults and storms a battery, but cannot hold it. During this fighting, and in a heavy rain, Mower’s division of the 17 th Corps was worked around to the right, flanking the enemy, and almost reaching the bridge over Mill Creek. Had it been secured, the only line of rebel retreat would have been closed. He carried two lines of entrenchments, and by desperate fighting captured a breast-work in the advance of Corse and Smith. He lost, perhaps, a hundred and fifty in killed and wounded. There was danger that Johnston would mass his force and crush him, hence the fire was opened along our whole front, and Mower with difliculty regained his connections. He had shown that the enemy’s line could be broken. This alarmed Johnston, and that night he retreated on Smithfield, leaving his dead unburied and his pickets to be captured. Major Nichols in the “ Story of the Great March ” says~—“ Mower’s recon- noissance was, perhaps, the immediate cause of Johnston’s retreat. We know now how that movement must have carried consternation into the rebel ranks. We have found the bodies of some of Mower’s skirmishers Within fifty yards of J ohnston’s ‘head-quarters; they were killed there and near the bridge which was their principal line of retreat, and extending in the rear of the rebel position. When Mower was ordered to move on our right, it was not supposed that he would advance so far; had that movement been intended he would have had the support of the other divisions of the 17 th Corps. With 15,000 such veterans as those of the glorious 17th Corps en- trenched on J ohnston’s line of retreat, an attack along the entire line would have insured the total destruction of the rebel army. Many noble men would have been lost who are now rejoicing in the fruits of a less bloody victory; but there would no longer have been the rebel army of the Sout .” The total loss in the battle at Bentonville was 191‘ killed, 1,108 wounded, 344 missing; total 1,643. Our men buried 267 rebel dead, and took 1,643 prisoners, many of whom were wounded Johnston had made a daring move, and one marked by military genius ; he had hurled his veterans upon one wing of our army to 454 PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. crush it, but had failed. Slocum manifested a signal ability in meet- ing the onset, and prompt reinforcements defeated the purpose of the foe. Slocum’s wing deserves the credit of having alone borne and resisted the burst of the rebel assault. Leaving his commanders to bury the dead, Sherman went to C0xe’s Bridge, met General Terry, and on the 22d rode into Golds— boro, where Schofield and his army received him with enthusiastic greetings. ' The left wing went in the same day and the following morning, and the right on the 24th. The veterans who separated at Atlanta were again together. The third grand station on Sherman’s march was attained. Atlanta—Savannah—Goldsboro. Says ‘Major Nichols: “When our columns pushed up from the sea coast, Beauregard’s strongest line of defence was the Salka- hatchie; but his earliest steps were fatal to his cause, and insured the success of our movement toward our first objective-—Columbia— if not the final triumph of our campaign. Beauregard committed the gross error of attempting to defend cities which possessed no strategic value, neglecting, or having been ignorant of the truth, that the surest road to a successful system of defense was the con- centration of all his forces upon the line of the Salkahatchie, and the abandonment of Charleston, Augusta and all other garrisoned places. Although it would have been no easy task, we will suppose that Shermamhad out-flanked and forced this line. By moving upon converging lines the rebel leader could always have had the choice of a central position, which he could have occupied sooner than our army, obliged as it was, to cross the river encumbered with trains. Such a point was Branchville on our right, another was Augusta on our left. The advantage of either of these positions would have been, that if our objective had been Charleston, with the rebel army at Branchville, even though we had succeeded subsequently in cross- ing the Edisto, the enemy would have been in our front or flank. Had Augusta been our objective, the enemy could have thrown a dangerous force in our rear. Again if Beauregard had fallen back to Augusta, and our objective had been either that place or Charles~ ton, the same logic would have held good. The rebel army would have been as near Columbia as ours with greater facilities for reach- ing the capital before us, had we marched in that’ direction.” REBEL munnnns. 455 Colonel Bowman says, “ The failure to defend Columbia was the turning-point of the campaign, and necessarily involved its loss, since it enabled Sherman to move either upon Charlotte or Fayette- ville, at his pleasure, and compelled Johnston to sacrifice one of these lines to the defence of the other. Tn like manner, the inability to cripple Sherman’s army in detail, and thus prevent his occupation of Goldsboro, carried with it the impossibility of preventing his juncture with the Army of the Potomac. For should Johnston at- tempt to oppose Sherman in his progress to the Roanoke, on the Weldon read, he must necessarily expose himself to the danger of having his right turned, and being compelled to fight a battle be- tween the Neuse and the Roanoke, with his back to the sea. Should he‘ retire behind the Roanoke, to dispute its passage, his rear would be at the mercy of Grant, and with a large river and a powerful en- emy in his front, he must then choose whether to abandon the ut- tempt, or submit to be hemmed in without supplies. Again, if Johnston should decide to refuse his left, and retire on Raleigh or the south bank of the Neuse, he would, by that very act, abandon all hope of being able to restrain the accomplishment of his adver- sary’s purpose. The last alternative, though ineifeetual to oppose Sherman, was the best of the three, being the only one that did not point to immediate destruction, and it was the one which General Johnston promptly and very properly adopted.” General Sherman consulted briefly with Schofield and Terry, and went by railway to Morehead City, and thence by steamer to City Point, where he met the President of the United States, with Gene- rals Grant and Meade. There were men whose fame was spreading throughout the world, and the two first in rank were from the single state of Illinois! There was much for these men to say, but it was sp‘eedily said, and Sherman was again in Goldsboro on the 30th. On the 24th, he issued the orders for re-organizing his grand army, and furnishing it suitable supplies, as follows: I. Major-General Schofield was to organize an army equivalent to two corps, or five divisions, to be called the Center, to be posted to hold Goldsboro, and cover the railway back to Wilmington and Morehead City, and aid the railroad department, with details to fin- ish and equip in the shortest time, the two roads, so as to be fitted for the service. 456 PATRIOTISM or rumors. II. Colonel W. W. Wright, of the Railway Department, was to use extraordinary efforts night and day, for the completion of the two roads, “and to equip them to the capacity of three hundred tons per day of freight.” Various directions were given as to the amoimt and kinds of stores to be shipped, and the work was por- tioned among several specified corps. III. The Chief Quartermaster and Commissary were ordered to Goldsboro to superintend forwarding supplies. IV. The right wing of the army will group to the front and right of Goldsboro, looking north; the left wing in front and left of Goldsboro ; the center to Goldsboro, with detachments to cover the railroads, to the rear. The cavalry will be posted at or near Mount Olive Station. All will send foraging parties into the country, be- ing careful to have them strong enough and well guarded. The left wing, under Slocum, assumed the title of “ The Army of Georgia,” and Major-General Mower succeeded Williams in com- mand of the 20th. Howard’s retained its glorious and historic name, “The Army of the Tennessee,” and was still composed of the proven 15th, under Logan, and 17th, under Blair. Sherman reported to Grant that the 10th of April would be the earliest date at which he could advance. The railroads were put in order, but, as usual, somebody must blunder, and some one sent rolling-stock of the wrong gauge, restricting transportation to such as had been picked up in North Carolina, at Wilinington and Golds- boro. However, the best use was made of it, the men were sup- plied With clothing and sutficient forage collected, to justify the movement at the time specified. ' On the 5th the General issued orders as follows: “ The next grand objective is to place this army, with its full equipment, north of Roanoke River, facing west, with a base iof supplies at Norfolk, and at Wynton orMurfreesboro, on the Chowan, and in full communication with the Army of the Potomac, about Petersburg, and also to do the enemy as much harm as possible en route. “ I. To accomplish this result, the following general plan will be followed, or modified only by written orders from these headquar- ters, should events require a change: GENERAL onnnns. 457 “ 1. On Monday, the 10th of April, all preparations are presumed to be completed, and the outlaying detachments will be called in, or given directions to meet on the next march. All preparations will also be completed to place the railway stock back of Kinston on the one road, and below‘ the northeast branch on the other. “ 2. On Tuesday, the 11th, the columns will draw out on their lines of march, say about seven miles, and close up. “ 3. On Wednesday, the march will begin in earnest, and will be kept up at the rate of, say, about twelve miles a day, or according to the amount of resistance. All the columns will dress to the left, which is the exposed flank, and commanders will study always to find roads, by which they can, if necessary, perform a general left wheel, the wagons to be escorted on to some place of security on the direct line of march. “ Foraging and other details, may continue as heretofore, only more caution and prudence should be observed, and foragers should not go in advance of the advance guard, but look more to our right rear for corn, bacon and meal. “ II. The left wing, Majoi'- General Slocum commanding, will aim straight for the railway bridge near Smithfield, thence along up the- Neuse River to the railway bridge over Neuse River, northeast of Raleigh (Powell’s), thence to Warrenton, the general point of con- centration. The center, Major-General Schofield commanding, will move to Whitley’s Mill, ready to support the left, until it is past Smithfield, when it will follow up, substantially, Little River to Rolesville, ready at all times to march to the support of the left, after passing Tar River, en route to Warrenton. “ The right wing, Major-General Howard commanding, preceded by the cavalry, will move rapidly over Pikeville and Folk’s bridge ready to make a junction with the other armies in case the enemy offers battle this side of Neuse River about Smithfield, thence, in case of no serious opposition on the left, will work up towards Earpsboro Andrew’s Bridge and Warrenton. “The cavalry, General Kilpatrick, commanding, leaving its incum- brances with the right wing, will push, as though straight for Wel- don, until the enemy is across Tar River and that bridge burned, then it will deflect towards Nashville and Warrenton, keeping up a general communication with general headquarters. 458 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. “III. As soon as the army starts the chief quartermastenand commissary will prepare a supply of stores at some point in Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, ready to be conveyed to Kinston, or Wyn- ton and Murfreesboro, according to developments. As soon as they have satisfactory information that the army is north of the Roanoke they will forthwith establish a depot at Wynton with a sub-depot at M,urfreesboro. ‘ “ Major-General Schofield will hold, as heretofore, Wilmington, with the bridge across Northeast Branch as an outpost, Newbern and Kinston as its outpost, and will be prepared to hold Wynton and Murfreesboro as soon as the time arrives for that move. The navy has instructions from Admiral Porter to co-operate, and any com- manding ofiicer is authorized to call on the navy for assistance and co-operation, always in writing, setting forth the reasons, of which, of necessity, the naval commander is the judge. “ IV. The General-in-chief will be with the center, habitually, but may in person shift to either when his presence may be needed, leaving a staff-oflicer to receive reports. He requires absolutely a report of each army or grand detachment each night, whether any- tthing material has occurred or not: often the absence of an enemy’ is a very important fact in military prognostication.” ;-. R}: CHAPTER XXVII. END or THE WAR. _ ’ Our or GOLDSBORO-—SMITHFIELD—NEWS or LEE’s SURRENDER--JoHNsroN’s PosrrIoN-— —THE SrsA'rEc1c POIN'1‘S—-SHERMAN Sums UP—CoRREsPoNDENcE—-SnEm1AN’s STATEMENT--INTERVIEW—-AGREEMENT—DISAPPROVED—-GRANT VISITS SHERMAN-— TBUCE SUSPENDED-—FIGH'1‘ING ORDER--Pnoros1'r1oN ro SURRENDER—-AccEPTED-- MARCH FOR RIOHMOND——WASHINGTON—GRAND REVIEW——STANTON AND SHERMAN—- Foun NEEDED MEN—-SURRENDER or TAYLOR AND KIRBY SMITH—THE END—-SHER- MAN’s FAREWELL-—Tnoors HDMEWARD-—APR1L ro SEPTEMBER-—DOXOLOGY or PEACE. UR brave men under Sherman and his subordinates moved from Goldsboro on the 11th of April, and camped ten miles out on the Smithfield road. There was skirmishing with rebel cavalry and the loss of some twenty men. Smithfield, near which the halt was made, was an old Southern municipality. The enemy made a show of resistance, fighting behind street barricades, but they were driven out by the 14th corps. From there the army moved for Raleigh, the right wing crossing the Neuse at Battle’s Bridge, fifteen miles above Smithfield, where the center and left crossed. On the morning of the 13th the news of Lee’s surrender was re- ceived. The excitement is beyond description. In this army were Grant’s old soldiers of Shiloh, Vicksburg and Mission Ridge, and they were exultant that their former leader had crushed Lee, the Napoleon of the rebellion. Cheers for the Army of the Potomac rang along the line; shout succeeded shout, then came yells, peals of laughter, and sobs of joy! The rebellion was broken and the soldiers of the West saw peace coming. Home was in the back- ground of the picture that spread before them--home with its unut- terable joys l The bands of music vied in expressing exultant tri- umph, the bullet-torn flags, smoked and grimed, seemed to feel the inspiration in their dumb folds and their stars to glow with new luster. Never will that morning be forgotten by the soldiers of the grand army of the Southwest, but the soldiers will tell it to their children -1:60 rwrarorrsm or ILLINOIS. and they to the children that shall come after them, “ for it was a day long to be remembered.” Johnston was between Smithfield and Raleigh. His infantry and artillery were estimated at 85,000, and his cavalry from 6,000 to 10,000 strong, much superior to ours in numbers, but Kilpatrick had been in reserve at Mount Olive, recruiting his horses and was ready for a rapid march as early as the 10th and was now in full co-opera- tion with the commander-in-chief. Grant had said to Sherman in their recent interview that hereafter “ the Confederate armies of Lee and Johnston become the strategic _points” and every private saw as clearly as the Commanding Gene- rals that Johnston must be pushed. Sherman’s theory was that the line of the Confederate retreat must, per force, be the railway‘via Hillsboro, Greensboro, Salisbury, Charlotte, &c., and he arranged his forces accordingly. All were in light order, trains were dropped and Raleigh was entered on the morning of the 13th at 7.80. The rain was falling but the cavalry rode to Durham’s Station with the indomitable 15th Army Corps in full pursuit, and that night it rested at J ones’ Station ; the other columns were turned across the bend of the railway toward Ashboro. Kilpatrick was to make a show of pursuit toward the “ Company’s Shops ” in Almond County; How- ard was to turn to the left by Hackney’s Cross Roads, Pittsboro, St. Lawrence and Ashboro; Slocum was to cross Cape Fear River at Aven’s Ferry and move rapidly by Carthage, Caledonia and Cox’s Mills; Schofield was to hold Raleigh and the road in the rear and throw forward his spare force by an intermediate route. General Sherman thus sums up the position on the morning of the 15th: “ By the 15th, though the rains were incessant and the roads almost impractica- ble, Major-General Slocum had the 14th corps, Brevet Major-General Davis com- manding, near Martha’s Vineyard, with a pontoon bridge laid across Cape Fear Riv- er, at Aven’s Ferry, with the 20th corps, Major-General Mower commanding, in support, and Major-General Howard had the 15th and 17th corps stretched out on the roads toward Pittsboro’, while General Kilpatrick held Durham’s Station and Chapel Hill University. “ Johnston’s army was retreating rapidly on the roads from Hillsboro’ to Greens- boro’, he himself at Greensboro’. Although out of place as to time, I here invite all military critics who study the problems of war, to take their maps and compare the position of my army on the 15th and 16th of April with that of General Halleck snERMAN’s TESTIMONY. 461 about Burkesville and Petersburg, Virginia, on the 26th of April, when, -according to his telegram to Secretary Stanton, he offered to relieve me of the task of ‘ cut- ting ofi‘ J ohnston’s retreat.’ Major-General Stoneman at the time was at Statesville, and J ohnston’s only line of retreat was by Salisbury and Charlotte. It may be that General Halleck’s troops can outmarch mine, but there is nothing in their past his- tory to show it ; or it may be that General Halleck can inspire his troops with more energy of action. I doubt that also, save and except in this single instance, when he knew the enemy was ready to surrender or disperse, as advised by my letter of April 18th, addressed to him when chief of staff at Washington City, and delivered at Washington on the 21st instant, by Major Hitchcock, of my stafil” It was at this juncture that Johnston sent Sherman a note, proposing a conference, with the hope of terminating hostilities. The events which followed produced much excitement and discussion through- put‘the country. We append General Sherman’s statement made to the Committee on the Conduct of the War, Washington, May 22, 1865: “ Major General Sherman being sworn and examined : “ By the C’hairman—Q. What is your rank in the army ? A. I am major-general in the regular army. “ Q. As your negotiation with the rebel General Johnston, in rela- tion to his surrender, has been the subject of much public comment, the Committee desire you to state all the facts and circumstances in regard to it, or which you wish the public to know. A. On the 15th day of April last I was at Raleigh, in command of three armies: the Army of the Ohio, the Army of the Cumberland, and the Army of the Tennessee; my enemy was General Joseph E. Johnston, of the Confederate Army, who commanded 50,000 men, retreating along the railroad from Raleigh by Hillsboro’, Greensboro’, Salis- bury and Charlotte ; I commenced pursuit by crossing the curve of that road in the direction of Ashboro’ and Charlotte; after the head of my column had crossed the Cape Fear River at Aven’s Ferry, I received a communication from General Johnston, and answered it, copies of which I most promptly sent to the War Department, with a letter addressed to the Secretary of War, as follows : “ ‘ HEADQUARTERS MILITARY Drvrsron or THE MISSISSIPPI, In the Field, Raleigh, N. C., April 15, 1865. “‘GENERAL U. S. GRANT AND SECRETARY or WAR :--I send copies of a corres pondencc to you with General Johnston, which I think will be followed by terms of eapitulation. I will grant the same terms General Grant gave General Lee, and be 462 mrrnrorrsn OF ILLINOIS. careful not to complicate any points of civil policy. If any cavalry has retreated toward me, caution them to be prepared to find our work done. It is now raining in torrents, andI shall await General J ohnston’s reply here, and will prepare to meet him in person at Chapel Hill. “ ‘I have invited Governor Vance to return to Raleigh, with the civil officers of I his state. Ihave met ex-Governor Graham, Messrs. Badger, Moore, Holden, and others, all of whom agree that the war is over, and that the states of the South must resume their allegiance, subject to the Constitution and laws of Congress, and must submit to the national arms. This great fact was admitted, and the details are of easy arrangement. ' W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General.”’ “I met General Johnston in person at a house five miles from Dur- ham Station, under aflag of truce. After a few preliminary remarks he said to me, since Lee had surrendered his army at Appomattox Court House, of which he had just been advised, he looked upon farther opposition by him as the greatest possible of crimes; that he wanted to know whether I could make him any general conces- sions; any thing by which he could maintain his hold and control of his army, and prevent its scattering; any thing to satisfy the great yearning of their people ; if so, he thought he could arrange terms satisfactory to both parties. He wanted to embrace the condition and fate of all the armies of the Southern Confederacy to the Rio Grande, to make one job of it, as he termed it. “ I asked him what his powers were—whether he could command and control the fate of all the armies to the Rio Grande. He answered that he thought he could obtain the power, but he did not possess it at that moment; he did not know where Mr. Davis was, but he thought if I could give him the time he could find Mr. Breck- inridge, whose orders would be obeyed everywhere, and he could pledge to me his personal faith that whatever he undertook to do would be done. ‘ “ I had had frequent correspondence with the late President of the United States, with the Secretary of War, with General Halleck, and with General Grant, and the general impression left upon my mind, that if a settlement could be made, consistent with the Consti- tution of the United States, the laws of Congress, and the proclama- tion of the President, they would not only be Willing, but pleased to terminate the war by one single stroke of the pen. “I needed time to finish the railroad from the Neuse Bridge up to Raleigh, and thought I could put in four or five days of good time srn-:RMAN’S TESTIMONY. 463 in making repairs to my read, even if I had to send propositions to Washington; I therefore consented to delay twenty-four hours, to enable General Johnston to procure what would satisfy me as to his authority and ability as a military man, to do what he undertook to do; I therefore consented to meet him the next day, the 17th, at twelve noon, at the same place. “ We did meet again ; after a general interchange of courtesies, he remarked that he was then prepared to satisfy me that he could ful- ' fill the terms of our conversation of the day before. He then asked me what I was willing to do ; I told him, in the first place, I could- not deal with any body except men recognized by us as ‘belligerents,’ because no military man could go beyond that fact. The Attorney General has since so decided, and any man of common sense so un- derstood it before; there was no difference upon that point as to the men and oflicers accompanying the Confederate armies. I told him that the President of the United States, by a published proclamation, had enabled every man in the Southern Confederate army, of the rank of Colonel and under, to procure and obtain amnesty, by sim- ply taking the oath of allegiance to the United States, and agreeing to go to his home and live in peace. The terms of General Grant to General Lee extended the same principles to the ofiicers of the rank of Brigadier- General and upward, including the highest officer in the Confederate army, viz., General Lee, the Commander-in-Chief. I was therefore willing to proceed with him upon the same principles. “ Then a conversation arose as to what form of ' government they were to have in the South? Were the states there to be dissevered, and were the people to be denied representation in Congress? Were the people there to be, in the common language of the people of the South, slaves to the people of the North ‘P Of course, I said ‘No; we desire that you shall regain your position as citizens of the United States, free and equal to us in all respects, and with re- presentation upon the condition of submission to the lawful authority of the United States as defined by the Constitution, the United States courts, and the authorities of the United States supported by those courts.’ He then remarked to me that General Breckinridge, a Major-General in the Confederate army, was near by, and, if I had no objection, he would like to have him present. I called his atten- 4:64: PATRIOTISM or rumors. tion to the fact, that I had on the day before explained to him that any negotiations between us must be confined to belligerents. He replied that he understood that perfectly. ‘ But,’ said he; ‘Breckin- ridge, whom you do not know, save by public rumor, as Secretary of War, is, in fact, a Major-General; I give you my word for that. Have you any objection to his being present as a Major-General ‘P ’ I replied, ‘ I have no objection to any military officer you desire being present as a part of your personal staff.’ I myself had my own oili- cers near me at call. “ Breckinridge came a stranger to me, whom I had never spoken to in my life, and he joined in the conversation; while that conver- sation was going on a courier arrived and handed to General J ohn- ston a package of papers ; he and Breckinridge sat down and looked over them for some time and put them away in their pockets ; what they were I know not, but one of them was a slip of paper, written, as General Johnston told me, by Mr. Reagan, Postmaster General of the Southern Confederacy; they seemed to talk about it sotto voce, and finally handed it to me; I glanced over it; it was preceded by a preamble, and closed with a few general terms ; I rejected it at once. “ We then discussed matters; talked about slavery, talked about every thing. There was a universal assent that slavery was as dead as any thing could be; that it was one of the issues of the war long since determined; and even General Johnston laughed at the folly of the Confederate Government in raising negro soldiers, whereby they gave us all the points of the case. I told themthat slavery had been treated by us as a dead institution, first by one class of men from the initiation of the war, and then from the date of the Eman- cipation Proclamation of President Lincoln, and finally by the assent of all parties. As to reconstruction, I told them I did not know what the views of the administration were. Mr. Lincoln, up to that time, in letters and by telegrams to me, encouraged me by all the words which could be used in general terms to believe, not only in his willirigness, but in his desires that I should make terms with civil authorities, governors and legislatures, even as far back as 1863. It then occurred to me that I might write off some general propositions, meaning little, or meaning much, according to the construction of sHER1nAN’s TESTIMONY. 465 parties--what I would term ‘ glittering generalities ’—and send them to Washington, which I could do in four days. That would enable the new President to give me a clew to his policy in the important juncture which was then upon us, for the war was over; the highest military authorities of the Southern Confederacy so confessed to me openly, unconcealedly and repeatedly. I therefore drew up the memorandum (which has been published to the world) for the pur- pose of referring it to the proper executive authority of the United States, and enabling him to define to me what I might promise, simply to cover the pride of the Southern men, who thereby became subordinate to the laws of the United States, civil and military. I made no concessions to General J ohnston’s army or the troops under his direction and immediate control; and if any concessions were made in those general terms, they were made because I then believed, and now believe, they would have delivered into the hands of the , United States the absolute control of every Confederate ofiicer and soldier, all their muster-rolls, and all their arms. It would save us all the incidental expense resulting from the military occupation of that country by provost marshals, provost guards, military govern- ors, and all the machinery by which alone military power can reach 1 the people of a civilized country. It would have surrendered to us the armies of Dick Taylor and Kirby Smith, both of them capable of doing infinite mischief to us by exhausting the resources of the whole country upon which we were to depend for the future extin- guishment of our debt, forced upon us by their wrongful and rebel- lious conduct. I never designed to shelter a human being from any liability incurred in consequence of past acts to the civil tribunals of our country, and I do not believe a fair and manly interpretation of my terms can so construe them, for the words ‘ United States courts,’ ‘United States authorities,’ ‘limitations of executive power,"occur in every paragraph. And if they seemingly yield terms better than the public would desire to be given to the Southern people, if studied closely and well it will be found that there is an absolute submission on their part to the Government of the United States, either through its executive, legislative, or judicial authorities. Every step in the programme of these negotiations was reported punetually, clearly, and fully, by the most rapid means of communication that I had. 0 30 466 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. And yet I neglected not one single precaution necessary to reap the full benefits of my position in case the Government amended, altered, or absolutely annulled those terms. As those matters were neces- sarily mingled with the military history of the period, I would like at this point to submit to the coinmittee my official report, which has been in the hands of the proper oflicer, Brigadier-General Rawlings, Chief-of-Staff of the army of the United States, since about the 12th instant. It was made by me at Manchester, Virginia, after I had returned from Savannah, wliither I went to open up the Savannah River and reap the fruits of my negotiations with General J ohnston, and to give General Wilson’s force in the interior a safe and sure base from which he could draw the necessary supply of clothing and food for his command. It was only after I had fulfilled all this that I learned, for the first time, through the public press, that my conduct had been animadverted upon, not only by the Secretary of War, but by General Halleck, and the press of the country at large. I did feel hurt and annoyed that Mr. Stanton coupled with the terms of my memorandum, confided to him, a copy of a telegram to Gene- ral Grant which he had never sent to me. He knew, on the contrary, that when he was at Savannah, that I had negotiations with civil parties there, for he was present in my room when those parties were conferring with me, and I wrote him a letter setting forth many points of it, in which I said I aimed to make a split in J eff. Davis’ dominions, by segregating Georgia from their course. Those were civil negotiations,‘and, far from being discouraged from making them, I was encouraged by Secretary Stanton himself to make them. “ By coupling the note to General Grant with my memorandum, he gave the world fairly and clearly to infer that I was in possession of it. Now, I was not in possession of it, and I have reason to know that Mr. Stanton knew I was not in possession of it. Next met me General Halleck’s telegram, indorsed by Mr. Stanton, in which they publicly avowed an act of perfidy—-namely, the violation of my terms, which I had a right to make, and which, by the laws of war and by the laws of Congres, is punishable by death and no other punishment. Next, they ordered an army to pursue my enemy, who was known to be surrendering to me, in the presence of Gene- ral Grant himself, their superior officer; and, finally, they sent orders THE AGREEMENT. 467 to General Wilson and to General Thomas--my subordinates, acting under me on aplan of the most magnificent scale, admirably executed --to defeat my orders, and to thwart the interests of the Govern- ment of the United States. I did feel indig'nant; I do feel indignant. As to my honor, I can protect it. In my letter of the 15th of April I used this language: ‘I have invited Governor Vance to return to Raleigh, with the civil ofiicers of his State.’ I did so because President Lincoln had himself encouraged me to a similar course with the Governor of Georgia when I was in Atlanta. And here was the opportunity which the Secretary of War should have taken to put me on my guard against making terms with civil authorities, if such were the settled policy of our Government. Had President Lincoln lived, I know he would have sustained me.” The result was the adoption of a paper which certainly took the country by surprise. Its importance demands its reproduction : “ 1st. The contending armies now in the field to maintain the status guo until no- tice is given by the commanding General of any one to his opponent, and reasonable time, say forty-eight hours, allowed. “ 2d. The Confederate armies now in existence to be disbanded and conducted to their several State capitals, there to deposit their arms and public property in the State arsenal; and each oflicer and man to execute and file an agreement to cease from acts of war, and to abide the action of both State and Federal authorities. The number of arms and munitions of war to be reported to the chief of ordinance at Washington city, subject to the future action of the Congress of the United States, and in the mean time to be used solely to maintain peace and order within the borders of the States respectively. “3d. The recognition by the Executive of the United States, of the several State Governments, on their officers and Legislatures taking the oath prescribed by the Constitution of the United States; and, when conflicting State Governments have resulted from the war, the legitimacy of all shall be submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States. “ 4th. The re-establishment of all Federal courts in the several States, with pow- ers as defined by the Constitution and the laws of Congress. “ 5th. The people and inhabitants of all States to be guaranteed, so far as the Executive can, their political rights and franchises, as well as their rights of person and property, as defined by the Constitution of the United States and of the States respectively. “ 6th. The executive authority or Government of the United States not to dis- turb any of the people, by reason of the late war, so long as they live in peace and quiet, and abstain from acts of armed hostility, and obey the lawsin existence at the place of their residence. “ 7th. In general terms it is announced that the war is to cease; a general am- 4.-68 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. nesty, so far as the Executive of the United States can command, on condition of the disbandment of the Confederate armies, the distribution of arms and the re- sumption of peaceful pursuits bybflicers and men hitherto composing said armies. Not being fully empowered by our respective principals to fulfill these terms, we individually and ofiicially pledge ourselves to promptly obtain authority, and will endeavor to carry out the above programme. “W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General, “ Commanding Army of the United States in North Carolina. “ J . E. J omvsron, General, “ Commanding Confederate States Army in North Carolina.” General Sherman had been long separated from the body of the people, and perhaps did not fully apprehend their sentiments. He relied upon the teachings of President Lincoln’s Message of 1864; his amnesty Proclamation, Grant’s terms to Lee, and General Weit- zel’s invitation to the Legislature of Virginia to re-assemble in Rich- mond. He says it was designed to be and so expressed it upon the face a “mere basis for reference to the President of the United States,"’ and “admitted of modification, alteration and change. It had no appearance of an ultimatum.” There were many who thought the terms accorded by General Grant to General Lee were too lenient, but such was the desire for peace and the rejoicing that the proud army of Lee was captured that it was accepted. But there had been a cooling time. On the very day that Gene- ral Sherman held his second interview with Johnston he received intelligence of the assassination of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, cruelly murdered. This new enormity, this culmination of rebellion,aroused the people from ocean to ocean. They would not yield to the cause re-presented by assassination such terms as once might have been conceded. It also seemed that the agreement granted, if approved, what even the President might not grant, but which belonged to the American Congress to determine, viz., full political rights and fran- chises. Not even the great name of the patriotic and able General who had marched his men from Chattanooga to Raleigh and beyond could induce the American people to receive the proposed terms. The new President and his Cabinet received the papers, considered them and promptly disapproved the agreement. The following reasons were unofficially but authoritatively given by the govern- ment: ' GRANT IN RALEIGH. 469 “ lat. It was an exercise of authority not vested in General Sherman, and, on its face, shows that both he and Johnston knew that General Sherman had no authority to enter into any such arrangements. “ 2d. It was a practical acknowledgment of the Rebel Goverment. “ 3d. It undertook to re-establish Rebel State governments that had been over- thrown at the sacrifice of many thousand loyal lives and immense treasure, and placed arms and munitions of war in the hands of rebels at their respective capitals, which might be used, so soon as the armies of the United States were disbanded, and used to conquer and subdue loyal States. “4th. By the re’storation of rebel authority in their respective States, they would be enabled to re-establish slavery. “ 5th. It might furnish a ground of responsibility on the part of the Federal Government to pay the rebel debt, and certainly subjects loyal citizens of rebel States to debts contracted by rebels in the name of the State. “ 6th. It puts in dispute the existence of loyal state governments, and the new state of West Virginia, which had been recognized by every department of the United States Government. “ 7th. It practically abolished confiscation laws, and relieved rebels of every de gree, who had slaughtered our people, from all pains and penalties for their crimes. “ 8th. It gave terms that had been deliberately, repeatedly, and solemnly reject- ed by President Lincoln, and better terms than the rebels had ever asked in their most prosperous condition. “ 9th. It formed no basis of true and lasting peace, but relieved rebels from the presence of our victorious armies, and left them in a condition to renew their efforts to overthrow the United States Government and subdue the‘ loyal states whenever their strength was recruited, and any opportunity should oifer.” 0 Lieutenant-General Grant was sent to Raleigh, and announced to General Sherman that the agreement was rejected without reasons assigned. Grant had orders to direct military movements, but did not relieve General Sherman, or propose to assume command. No- tice was promptly sent from Sherman to General J ohnston, of the abrogation of the agreement, and suspension of the truce, coupled with a demand for the surrender of his army. Orders were issued to his own army, terminating the truce at 12 M. on the 26th, and re- quiring them to be ready to march according to the orders issued on the 14th. But it was not to be. The long roll was not to be sounded, nor the bugles blown, for the final charge. N o more of the men who had followed the eagles of their leader, were to be sacrificed. J ohnstori asked for a third interview, and it occurred on the 26th, when the surrender was agreed to on the terms granted to General Lee. J ohuston was not aware of_ Grant’s presence in Raleigh, with such 470 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. characteristic modesty had that great leader borne himself. How- ever, the agreement signed by Sherman and J ohnston, bore this en- dorsement: “Approved. U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General.” And thus the final triumph of the Weste1'n army came. Shiloh, Perryville, Stone River, Vicksburg, Big Black, Chickamauga, Mis- sion Ridge, Knoxville, Resaca, Dallas, Allatoona, Kenesaw Moun- tain, the Chattahooche, Jonesboro, ATLANTA, Rome, Macon, Mill- edgeville, Millen, SAVANNAH, Franklin, Nashville, Pocotaligo, Orangeburg, Branchville, Columbia, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Charles- ton, GOLDSBORO, Smithtield and Raleigh, were so many blood- marked stages on their way, but victory was won, and soon toward home, toward Northern gardens, wheatfields, forests and prairies, should the conquerors make their way ! On the 27 th, orders for the disposition of the army were issued. The 10th and 23d corps were to remain in the Department of North Carolina, and Schofield was to transfer to Gillmore, in the Depart- ment of the South, the two brigades drawn from Grover’s division. Kilpatrick was transferred to Schofield’s department. Stoneman and Wilson were to move their cavalry back to Decatur, Alabama. Howard and Slocum were to move their armies slowly and in good order, by designated roads, to Richmond. Sherman went to Alexandria, Virginia, and awaited his troops coming on to the grand review at the Capital. On the 20th of May both of the grand armies were in the vicinity of Washington, pre- paratory to being disbanded. Lieutenant-General Grant determined upon a grand review. An elevated platform, overlooking Pennsylvania Avenue, was erected, on which was the President of the United States, his Cab- inet, foreign ministers, women celebrated for beauty and position; illustrious men from different walks of life—altogether a grand tab- lean, wanting only ABRAHAM LINCOLN, whom the soldiers and the people knew was worthy of being trusted. Pennsylvania Avenue is very broad, and stretches from the Capitol, at the east end, to the White House at the West. Its sidewalks were lined with people, some of whom had traveled from the extreme northern limits of the Union to witness the grand pageant. The windows were filled with THE GRAND REVIEW. 471 women whose sympathies, prayers and loving labors had been with the men in blue, in their weary marches, battles and sieges. Yet the review was not of men in holiday soldier costume, in the flummery of dandy soldiering. The uniforms were soiled, the blue was cloudy, the arms were homely, the men were bronzed, they were travel-worn and rqugh, and yet were they kingly! They were the citizen soldiers who had saved the country! No mercenary troops were they. That long line of bayonets thought. Another portion of the Grand Army of the Republic was not there-—yet one no less instrumental in saving the nation. “ On Fame’s eternal camping-ground Its silent tents were spread ; And glory kept with solemn round The bivouac of the DEAD I” ~ The review of the Army of the Potomac was on the 23d, and was all that could be desired. “ Sherman’s Army ” marched along the loroad avenue on the 24th. At its head was its leader, and in their proper positions, his gallant colleagues. His army was in “field style.” The foragers with their supplies, the black men of the pi- oneer corps, with axes, shovels, spades, picks, told how roads were made, and in regular marching order, came the cavalry, artillery and infantry. It was the army as it “ Marched to the sea.” Sherman, Slocum, Howard, Logan, Mower, Carlin, Morgan, and others, were greeted enthusiastically. When the head of the col- umn had passed the Presidential platform, General Sherman wheel- ed out of line, and dismountirig, ascended the stairs, and was greeted by the President, his companion-in-arms, Lieutenant-General Grant, whose successor in rank he was soon to be, by Harlan, Speed, and Dennison, of the Cabinet. He refused to recognize Secretary Stan- ton. The alienation of feeling between these eminent gentlemen, was matter of regret. They both did good service, , and while we doubt not that the country could have found other good men, it is diflicult to see how the war could have been safely fought through, the Union preserved, and freedom secured, without ABRAHAM LIN- COLN, Edwin M. Stanton, Ulysses S. Grant, ‘and Willam Tecumseh 47 2 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Sherman. They were the men for the times, raised up by that Providence which never slumbers, and never is in want of an in- strument. The review was over. The alarm of war had ceased. The men who went from our prairies desired to return, and General Sherman issued the following farewell order: ' “HEADQUARTERS MILITARY Drvrsron or THE Mrssrssrrrr, In the Field, Washington, D. C., May 30, 1865. “Special Field Orders, No. '7 6. “ The General commanding announces to the armies of the Tennessee and Geor- gia, that the time has come for us to part. Our work is done, and armed enemies no longer defy us. Some of you will be retained in service until further orders. And now that we are about to separate, to mingle with the civil world, it becomes a pleasing duty to recall to mind the situation of national affairs when, but little more than a year ago, we were gathered about the twining cliffs of Lookout Mountain, and all the future was wrapped in doubt and uncertainty. Three armies had come together from distant fields, with separate histories, yet bound by one common cause-—the union of our country and the perpetuation of the Government of our inheritance. There is no need to recall to your memories Tunnell Hill, with its Rocky Face Mountain, and Buzzard Roost Gap, with the ugly forts of Dalton be- hind. We were in earnest, and paused not for danger and difliculty, but dashed through Snake Creek Gap, and fell on Resaca, then on to the Etowah, to Dallas, Kenesaw; and the heats of summer found us on the banks of the Chattahoochee, far from home and dependent on a single road for supplies. Again we were not to be held back by any obstacle, and crossed over and fought four heavy battles for the possession of the citadel of Atlanta. That was the crisis of our history. A doubt still clouded our future; but we solved the problem, and destroyed Atlanta, struck boldly across the State of Georgia, secured all the main arteries of life to our enemy, and Christmas found us at Savannah. Waiting there only long enough to fill our wagons, we again began a march, which for peril, labor, and results will compare with any ever made by an organized army. The floods of the Savannah, the swamps of the Combahee and Edisto, the high hills and rocks of the Santee, the flat quagmires of the Pedee and Cape Fear rivers, were all passed in midwinter, with its floods and rains, in the face of an accumulating enemy; and after the bat- tles of Averysboro and Bentonsville, we once more came out of the wilderness to meet our friends at Goldsboro. Even then we paused only long enough to get new clothing, to reload our wagons, and again pushed on to Raleigh, and beyond, until we met our enemy, suing for peace instead of war, and offering to submit to the in- jured laws of his and our country. As long as that enemy was defiant, nor mount- ains, nor rivers, nor swamps, nor hunger, nor cold had checked us; but when he who had fought us hard and persistently, offered submission, your General thought it wrong to pursue him further, and negotiations followed which resulted, as you all know, in his surrender. How far the operations of the army have contributed to the overthrow of the Confederacy, of the peace which now dawns on us, must be SURRENDER or TAYLOR AND smrrn. 47 3 judged by others, not by us. But that you have done all that men could do has been admitted by those in authority; and we have a right to join in the universal joy that fills our land because the war is over, and our Government stands vindicated before the world by the joint action of the volunteer armies of the United States. “ To such as remain in the military service, your General need only remind you that successes in the past are due to hard work and discipline, and that the same work and discipline are equally important in the future. To such as go home, he will only say, that our favored country is so grand, so extensive, so diversified in cli- mate, soil and productions, that every man may surely find a home and occupation suit- ed to his tastes; and none should yield to the natural impotence sure to result from our past life of excitement and adventure. You will be invited to seek new adven- ture abroad; but do not yield to the temptation, for it will lead only to death and disappointment. “ Your General now bids you all farewell, with the full belief that, as in war you have been good soldiers, so in peace you will make good citizens; and if, unfortu- nately, new war should arise in our country, Sherman’s army will be the first to buckle on the old armor and come forth to defend and maintain the Government of our inheritance and choice.” The rebellion was virtually ended when Davis went forth a fugi- tive, and its military power was broken hopelessly with the surren- der of Lee and J ohnston, hence the remaining events may be dis- missed with a paragraph or two. May 4th General Taylor surrendered to General Canby, the re mainder of organized Confederate troops east of the Mississippi River. A few weeks later, Kirby Smith surrerldered the trans-Mis- sissippi command. The first of April saw the grand armies of Lee, J ohnston, Taylor and Smith fully organized for resistance to nation- al authority—the first of June found not an organized disunion reg- iment east of the Rio Grande. By the first of September half a million of men had been sent by regiments to their homes, and still some two hundred thousand were retained for duty in the states late in rebellion. So perished the military power of the rebellion. So had been demonstrated the power of the nation to bear arms and pay money ; so had been proven-national devotion to government; so had been rebuked the pernicious dogma of the right of states to secede; so had perished slavery, the curse of the land God gave our fathers; and so was demonstrated that this land shall never be cut in twain ! Troublesome questions connected with reconstruction are before the people, but they believed that courage, fidelity and patience 474 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINoIs. would solve them, and they more firmly believed that the God whose hand had been so visibly manifested, would still lead them. For the blessings of peace, for sons, brothers, fathers and bus- bands returned, there was gratitude, and the prairies of Illinois were one grand orchestra, from which swelled heavenward the grand old doxology, “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” CHAPTER XXVIII. REGIMENTAL SKETCHES. THE EIGHTY-FIFTH-—PERRYVILLE, CHICKAMAUGA, MIssIoN RIDGE, ATLANTA, Roam, KENN- sAw, PEAUH TREE CREEK, SAVANNAH——-BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL C. J. DILwoRTH -THE ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEENTH——REGI.\IENTAL STArIsTIes—THE ONE HUN- DRED AND N INETEENTH—-Irs VARIOUS CA.\IPAIGNS—-THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- REUOND-PURSUIT or PRICE—--THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FQURTH—-THE “BULLY ONE HUNDRED AND Two DDZEN ”-THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVENTH——VICKS- BURG AND THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN—-THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH—GUARD- ING RAII.RoADs—THE ONE HUNDRED AND FDRTY-sEvENTH—-CLosINe or HosTILITIEs IN GEORGIA—-THE ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINTH-——0N GARRISON DUTY—THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIETIETH--RELIGIDUS REvIvALs--THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIRST —WoEroRD’s SURRENDER—THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THIRD-—CoLoNEL STEPHEN BRoNsoN-—THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH. EIGHTY-FIFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. HE 85th infantry was mustered into service at Peoria, August 27, 1862, numbering 850 men. The following is the original roster: Colonel, Robert S. Moore ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Caleb J Dilworth ; Major, Samuel P. Cummings; Adjutant, John B. Wright; Quartermaster, Samuel F. Wright; Surgeon, James P. Walker ; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Philip L. Duifenbecker. Co. A.—Captain, Matthew Langston; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas R. Roberts‘; 2d Lieutenant, John W. Neal. ‘ Co. B-Captain, James R. Grifiith ; 1st Lieutenant, Charles W. Pierce; 2d Lieu- tenant, John A. Mallory. Co. C--Captain, Samuel Black ; 1st Lieutenant, George A. Blanchard ; 2d Lieuten- ant, William A. Walker. Co. D—Captain, Charles W. Houghton; 1st Lieutenant, Comfort H. Raymon; 2d Lieutenant, Charles H. Chatfield. Co. E—-Captain, Pleasant S. Scott; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph M. Plunekett; 2d Lieutenant, Abraham Clarry. Co. F—Captain, John Kennedy; 1st Lieutenant, Robert A. Bowman; 2d Lieu- tenant, Richard W Tenney. Co. G—Captain, William McClelland; 1st Lieutenant, Lafayette Curless; 2d Lieutenant, John M. Robinson. PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. Co. H—Captain, Nathaniel McClelland; 1st Lieutenant, Luke Elliott; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Cohren. Co. I—Captain, William H. Mar-ble; 1st Lieutenant, David M. Holsted; 2d Lieu- tenant, Hugh McHugh. Co. K—Captain, Robert G. Rider; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Yates; 2d Lieutenant, Isaac C. Short. The regiment was immediately ordered to Louisville, Kentucky. On the 8th of October, 1862, it commenced the battle of Perryville before daylight and was engaged during the day, losing seven men killed and forty-nine wounded. After this battle, it marched to Nashville, Tennessee. It was next engaged in the battle of Stone River, after which it was stationed at Nashville, the greater part of the time, until the 20th of August, 1863, when it was ordered to Huntsville, Alabama, thence to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where it arrived the day after that place was evacuated by the enemy, and two days before the battle of Chickamauga. It was present at and engaged in that battle, but, being on the extreme left of the line, suffered but little. It was immediately afterward stationed at the mouth of the North Chickamauga, on the Tennessee River, where it remained until the battle of Mission Ridge, in which it participat- ed, but, being on favorable ground, suffered but little, losing not more than twenty men. After that battle the regiment, with the army, started to relieve Knoxville, but the siege being raised it re- turned to Chattanooga and was stationed at McAffee’s Church. On the 24th of February, 1864, the army around Chattanooga, includ- ing.the 85th, moved toward Dalton, Georgia, and on the 25th en- gaged the enemy at Buzzard’s Roost, where the 85th lost in killed and wounded eighteen men, and after night withdrew from the field, and with the remainder of the troops returned the next day to the old camp. * On the 1st of May, 1864, the 85th, being in the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 14th Army Corps, commenced its move with the army on the campaign against Atlanta, Georgia. The first day skirmishing commenced, and the regiment was under fire, sometimes severely engaged, and sometimes lightly, for one hundred and ten days. On the 28th day of May the 2d Division was ordered to Rome, Georgia. On the 20th it met the enemy at that place, on the north bank of the river. A severe but short engagement took place, night putting a THE EIGHTY-FFTH INFANTRY. 47 7 stop to the conflict-both parties remaining on the ground. In this engagement the 85th lost twenty-three men in killed and wounded. The next morning it was ascertained that the enemy had fallen back across the river and burned the bridges; but it was uncertain whether they had left the town of Home or not. In order to get this infor- mation, the 85th was ordered to cross the river and enter the town. There being no bridges, and the stream being very deep, the task was very difficult, and the only manner in which the crossing could be effected, was by the menswimming and pushing their guns and accoutrements over on rails and logs. After crossing over thirty men, a skirmish line was formed and moved toward the town, the rest of the men coming up and joining as fast as they could cross. As the skirmishers entered Rome, a sharp skirmish opened between our line and the rear guard of the enemy, who were retreating from the town. That night bridges were constructed, and the next day the remainder of the division crossed. On the 27th of June, 1864, in the attack upon Kenesaw Mountain, the 85th was placed on the skirmish line, with orders to drive in the enemy’s pickets, and then join in the main attack. The driving in and capturing their line was accomplished without much difficulty, but our entire line was repulsed, the 85th losing one hundred and thirteen men. Although the line was repulsed, the men did not quit the ground, but threw up earthworks within twenty-seven yards of the enemy. On the 19th of July, the 85th was the second regiment crossing Peach Tree Creek, and met an overwhelming force, suffer- ing severely, losing ninety men, but, being reinforced, was not driven from the ground. Nothing occurred after this except what is given in the general operations of the army around Atlanta, until the bat- tle at Jonesboro, at which place the 85th lost sixty men. After the fall of Atlanta, the regiment marched with General Sherman to the sea, participated in the Carolina Campaign, and in the grand review at Wasliington, where it was mustered out of the service, June 5, 1865. Brevet Brigadier-General C. J. Dilworth entered the service Au- gust 27, 1862, as Lieutenant-Colonel of the 85th infantry. He was present at the battles of Perryville and Stone River. He was promoted to the Colonelcy, and commanded the regiment at the bat- 478 PATRIOTISM on ILLINoIs. tles of Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Shepardstown, Buzzard’s Roost, Resaca and Rome, and at the commencement of the assault on KenesawMountain, June 27, 1862, at which place—Colonel Daniel McCook, who commanded the 3d brigade, 2d division, 14th army corps, having been mortally wounded early in the fight—Colonel Dil- worth took command of the brigade, and held the line within twen- ty-seven yards of the enemy’s works, for six days, at which time the army left. He was in command of the brigade at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, and continued in_ this command until the battle of J onesboro, at which place he was severely wounded and was sent North. After recovering from the effects of his wound, and being too late to join the brigade in the march to the sea, he was assigned to the command of a brigade at Chattanooga, at which place he remained until March 24, 1865. At that time he was as- signed to the command of the post at Covington, Kentucky, where he remained till mustered out of the service, June 5, 1865. He was brevetted Brigadier-General December 28, 1864, and confirmed by the Senate. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 117th regiment was organized at Camp Butler, where it was mustered into the service on the 19th of September, 1862. It was composed of companies from several counties, as follows: Company A, McLean County; B, Montgomery County; C, H, I and K, St. Clair County; D, F and G, Madison County; E, Clinton County. The following is the original roster : Colonel, Risdom M. Moore ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Jonathan Merriam ; Major, Thomas J . Newsham; Adjutant, Samuel H. Deneen; Quartermaster, Henry C. Fike ; Surgeon, Martin Wiley; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Humphrey H. Hood; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Thomas C. Jennings; Chaplain, John D. Gillham. Co A-Captain, Samuel B. Kinsey; 1st Lieutenant, Harrison W. Wood ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Dennis Kenyon. Co. B—-Captain, Robert McWilliams ; 1st Lieutenant, Frank H. Gilmore ; 2d Lieu- tenant, George W. Potter. Co. C—Captain, George F. Lowe; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Whitaker; 2d Lieutenant, William Wallis. Co. D—'-Captain, William P. Olden; 1st Lieutenant, Abraham B. Keagle; 2d Lieutenant, Benjamin F. Olden. C0. E-—Captain, Andrew J . Randall; 1st Lieutenant, Erastus M. Bursen ; 2d Lieu- tenant, John A. B. Apperson ONE HUNDRED AND sEvENTEENTH INFANTRY. 479 C0. F--Captain, Jacob I. Kinder; 1st Lieutenant, Charles W. Blake ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Gersham P. Gillham. Co. G—Captain, Curtis Blakeman; 1st Lieutenant, Alexander I. Gregg; 2d Lieu- tenant, James G. Elliff. Co. H—-Captain, Robert A. Halbert; 1st Lieutenant, James M. Hay; 2d Lieuten- ant, David H. Wilderman. Co. I—-Captain, David McFarland; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel M. Stiles; 2d Lieuten- ant, John R. Thomas. Co. K—-Captain, Nathan Land; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Fike; 2d Lieutenant, James A. Curtiss. The 117th left Camp Butler November 11, 1862, and arrived at Memphis on the 17th of the same month. It remained there, doing garrison and scouting duty, until July 5, 1863, when it was sent to reinforce Helena, Arkansas. Returning to Memphis, it was sent to Helena the second time, and soon returned again to Memphis, where it remained till December 25th, when it started out on the campaign through Western Tennessee against Forrest. In January, 1864, it went to Vicksburg, and thence to Meridian, soon returning to Vicks- burg. On the 10th of March it started on the Red River expedition, under General A. J . Smith, and took a part in the capture of Fort De Russey on the 14th. It was next in the battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, April 9th. It was then sent up the river to the relief of Commodore Porter’s gunboats. Returning, it took part in numer- ous skirmishes with the enemy, reaching Vicksburg May 24th, and accompanied an expedition against Marmaduke, who had established a blockade at Chicot Lake and Columbia, Ark. It then returned to Memphis, whence, June 14th, it was sent to Collierville, to the relief of General Sturgis. Then followed the Tupelo campaign, in which the 117th was engaged, meeting the enemy at Tupelo and Old Town Creek. It again fought at Hurricane Creek, August 13th, 19th and 20th. It was next sent on a campaign through Missouri, taking part in the battle of Franklin, October 1st, and returned to St. Louis, reaching there November 19th. We next find it at Nash- ville, where it participated in the battles of the 15th and 16th of December, and in the subsequent pursuit of Hood. It was next sent on the expedition against Mobile, where it took an active part in the siege and capture of Blakeley and Spanish Forts. After the fall of Mobile, the regiment was sent to Montgomery, Alabama, where it remained till July 16, 1865, when it was ordered home for 480 ‘ PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. muster out. It was discharged at Camp Butler on the 5th of August. During its term of service, the 117th participated in six battles and thirty-three skirmishes; traveled 778 miles by rail, 6,191 by water and 2,307 on foot, making a total distance of 9,276 miles. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 119th regiment was organized at Quincy, and mustered into the service on the 7th of October, 1862. The original roster was as follows: Colonel, Thomas J . Kinney; Lieutenant-Colonel, Samuel E. Taylor; Major, William H. Watson; Adjutant, Harvey S. Buck; Quartermaster, Delos Allen; Sur- geon, Thomas Munroe; lst Assistant Surgeon, Reuben Woods; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, George A. .Byrns, Chaplain, Charles S. Callihan. Co. A—Captain, Hugo Hollan; 1st Lieutenant, Sylvester T. Worley; 2d Lieuten- ant, Harmon B. Hubbard. ‘ Co. B—Captain, George Parker ; 1st Lieutenant, Johnston C. Dilworth; 2d Lieu- tenant, Ezekiel M. Bradley. Co. C—Captain, Robert L. Greer; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas J . Curry; 2d Lieuten- ant, Adam J . Bower. Co. D-Captain, John H. Hambaugh; 1st Lieutenant, Hiram E. Henry; 2d Lieu- tenant, William H. Breckenridge. Co. E—Captain, William N. Mumford; 1st Lieutenant, David K. Watson; 2d Lieutenant, Sylvester D. Nokes, Co. F—Captain, Josiah Slack; 1st Lieutenant, Oliver P. Brumback; 2d Lieuten- ant, Lewis Craycraft. 1 Co. G——-Captain, Peyton C. Smith ; 1st Lieutenant, Edward Corey; 2d Lieutenant, Livingston S. Dennis. Co. H--Captain, Samuel McConnell; 1st Lieutenant, Henry C. Mullen; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jackson Wells. . Co. I—Captain, John T. May; 1st Lieutenant, Irven W. Anderson; 2d Lieuten- ant, Robert H. Ellis. Co. K—Captain, Calvin Johnson; 1st Lieutenant, Erastus P. Julian; 2d Lieuten- ant, Jacob A. Bennett. On the 2d of November the 119th left camp for Jackson, Ten- nessee. Here a portion of the regiment was sent out to guard the railroad, and the balance was placed on garrison duty at Kinton. On the 21st of December Companies G and K were captured at Rutherford Station. On the 6th of February, 1863, the remaining eight companies formed a junction at Humboldt, Tenn. On the 10th of March it moved to Brentya Station, and on the 30th of May ar- onn HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. 481 rived at Memphis, where it Went into camp and remained until Jan- uary 27, 1864. It then proceeded to Vicksburg, from whence it took part in General Sherman’s Meridian expedition, returning to Vicksburg on the 4th of March. On the 10th it embarked on Gen- eral Smith’s Red River expedition, and took part in the battles of Fort De Russey and Pleasant Hills. On the way down the river, it was engaged at Bayou L’ Amour and at Yellow Bayou. On the 21st of May it embarked and proceeded to Vicksburg, and on the 5th of June went to Memphis. On the 24th it moved to Lagrange, and on the 5th of July took up the line of march through Mississippi, engag- ing Forrest’s forces at Tupelo on the 14th, and returning to Memphis on the 27th. On the 10th of August it started on another raid, and returned on the 31st, having met no enemy. On the 5th of Septem- ber it proceeded to St. Louis, and on the 2d of October started in pursuit of Price. It returned to St. Louis November ,18th, having marched nearly 700 miles in Missouri. On the 1st of December it arrived at Nashville, and was engaged in the two days’ fight at that point. It then followed the rebels to Eastport, Mississippi, where it Went into camp. On the 8th of February, 1865, it embarked for New Orleans, and on the 5th of March for Dauphin Island. It then took a part in the capture of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakeley. After the capture of Mobile it moved to Montgomery, Alabama, where it remained till June 1st. It was then ordered to Mobile, where it was mustered out on the 26th of August. On the 4th of September it arrived at Springfield, where it was paid elf and discharged. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SECOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 122d regiment was organized at Oarlinville, and was mustered into the service on the 4th of September, 1862. The following is the original roster: Colonel, John J . Rinaker; Lieutenant-Colonel, James F. Drish ; Major, James F. Chapman; Adjutant, Hardin G. Kaplinger; Quartermaster, William W. Freeman; Surgeon, William A. Knox; 1st Assistant Surgeon, John P. Mathews ; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Marinus W. Seaman; Chaplain, John H. Austin. Go. A-Captain, William B. Dugger; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas G. Lofton ; 2d Lieu- tenant, David B. Haldennan. Co. B-Captain, Manoah Bostiek; 1st Lieutenant, John Harding; 2d Lieutenant, Eli H. Davis. 31 482 mrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. I’ Co. C--Captain, Lucien King; 1st Lieutenant, Jacob L. Pope; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel L. Chapman. Co. D—Captain, Lewis P. Peebles; 1st Lieutenant, James N. Halt; 2d Lieutenant, Henry C. Gooding. Co. E--Captain, Baxter Haynes; 1st Lieutenant, Benjamin V. Casey; 2d Lieu- tenant, Abraham C. Hulse. Co. F--Captain, Sidney Hall; 1st Lieutenant, James S. Childs; 2d Lieutenant, Alvis Shass. Co. G—Captain, Balfour Cowen; 1st Lieutenant, William H. Cox; 2d Lieuten- ant, Rufus W. Loud. Co. H-—Captain, Benjamin Leigh; 1st Lieutenant, James C. McKnight; 2d Lieu- tenant, Pleasant L. Bristow. Co. I—Captain, Andrew F. Duncan; 1st Lieutenant, Stephen T. Sawyer ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Augustus M. Sparks. Co. K--Captain, Josiah Borough; 1st Lieutenant, John S. Colter; 2d Lieutenant, Thomas Miller. On the 8th of October the 122d left camp and proceeded to Tren- ton, Tennessee. On the 18th of December it was ordered to Jackson, Tennessee, to defend that place against a threatened attack by For- rest, whom it pursued to Lexington, returning to Jackson on the 21st. Two days later it marched again to Trenton, where it found that Forrest‘ had captured the sick of the regiment, left at that place, including Major Chapman and about ‘sixty enlisted men. 0 On the same night it countermarohed to Humboldt, and on the 26th again went to Trenton, leaving there on the following day in pursuit of the enemy. On the 31st it took part in a fight at Parker’s Cross Roads, which resulted in a brilliant success to the Union forces. Here Colonel Rinaker received a severe wound in his right leg. The regiment then returned to Trenton until February 17, 1863, when it was ordered to Corinth, Mississippi. On the 25th of April it engaged the enemy at Town Creek, Alabama. June 25th it left Corinth for Saulsbury, Tennessee, remaining there till October 30th, when it moved to Iuka, where Colonel Ririaker assumed command of the 'post. November 4th it marched to Eastport, where it was stationed till December 8th, Colonel Rinaker again post commandant, when it was sent to Paducah, Kentucky. On the 19th of January, 1864, Companies A, B, D, E, F, G and I moved to Cairo, Companies C, H and K remaining at Paducah, and Colonel Rinaker was assigned to the command of the post at Cairo in March. On the 24th of the latter month the three companies stationed at Paducah engaged the oNE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. 483 enemy under Forrest, repelling repeated and determined assaults and successfully defending the fort which they garrisoned. On the 20th of April the regiment was re-united at Cairo, and proceeded to Columbus, Kentucky, to defend that place against a threatened at- tack. June 26th it proceeded to Memphis, thence to Lagrange, Ten- nessee. On the 5th of July it marched southward from Lagrange, and on the 14th engaged the enemy at Tupelo, where it lost nine killed and thirty-three wounded. On the 23d it returned to Mem phis, and on the 4th of August marched to Holly Springs, where it was stationed for provost duty. On the 31 st it again reached Mem- phis, and on the 1'5th of September arrived at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. On the 25th it was sent to De Soto, Missouri,_to check the advance of Price, returning on the 29th. On the 26th of Octo- ber it started in pursuit of Price, proceeding as far as Harrisonville, and returning to St. Louis November 18th, after a march of 725 miles. On the 24th of November it proceeded to Nashville, and took part in the battles of December 15th and 16th, before that city, where it captured four pieces of artillery and one battle flag from the enemy. It then started in pursuit of the rebels, and on the 9th of January, 1865, arrived at Eastport, Mississippi, where it went into quarters. On the 8th of February it moved to New Orleans, where it joined the expedition against Mobile. It took part in the assault upon Fort Blakeley, where it lost 26 in killed and wounded, among the latter Lieutenant-Colonel Drish. On the 12th of April it marched to Montgomery, Alabama, returning to Mobile on the 5th of June, where it was placed on provost duty till July 15th, when it was mustered out of the service. On the 18th it embarked for Spring- field, where it arrived on the 27th, and was finally discharged and paid on the 4th of August. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 124th regiment was organized at Camp Butler, and was mus- tered into the service on the 10th of September, 1862. The follow- ing is the original roster: Colonel, Thomas J. Sloan; Lieutenant-Colonel, John H. Howe; Major, Rufus P. Pattison; Adjutant, William E. Smith; Quartermaster, Alonzo N. Reece; Surgeon, Leland H. Angeli; 1st Assistant Surgeon; James R. Kay; 2d Assistant Surgeon; John Jassoy; Chaplain, Horace B. F oskett. 484 1>A"rRIo'risM or nmmors. Co. A--Captain, Ralph A. Tenney; 1st Lieutenant, Julius A. Pratt; 2d Lieuten- ant, Edmund C. Raymond. Co. B—Captain, Adin Mann; 1st Lieutenant, Edwin F. Stafford; 2d Lieutenant, Fernando C. Vanvlack. Co. C--Captain, Henry L. Field; 1st Lieutenant, John W. Terry; 2d Lieutenant, James Rickey. Co. D-Captain, Stephen Brink; 1st Lieutenant, Asa A. Cowdery; 2d Lieuten- ant, Travis Meller. Co. E—Captain, William B. Sigley; 1st Lieutenant, James H. Blackmore; 2d Lieutenant, Osborn Wilson. ’ Co. F—-Captain, Matthew B. Potter; 1st Lieutenant, Norman H. Pratt; 2d Lieu- teriant, Enoch W. Taylor. - Co. G—Captain, Lyman H. Scudder; 1st Lieutenant, Eua C. Benedict ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Benton Pratt. Co. H-Captain, John W. Kendall; 1st Lieutenant, Justus D. Andrews ; 2d Lien- tenant, Theodore Potter. Co. I--Captain, Thomas K. Roach; 1st Lieutenant, Richard L. Howard; 2d Lieu- tenant, Benjamin A. Griifith. Co. K-Captain, James H. Morgan; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas J. Willian; 2d Lieu- tenant, Stephen N. Sanders. The regiment left Camp Butler October 6th, arriving at Jackson, Tennessee, on the 9th. On the 2d of November it marched to La- grange, where it remained till the 28th, when it joined in the Yoc-' na expedition under General Grant, arriving at Oxford, Mississippi, December 3d, having having had heavy skirmishing at Tallahatchie Bridge and other points along the route. On the 24th of Decem- ber it arrived at Tallahatchie Bridge, where it remained on short rations till January 5, 1863, when it left for Lagrange, Tennessee. On the 20th it arrived at Memphis, remaining there till February 22d, going then to Lake Providence. It remained in this vicinity till April 18th, when it went to Milliken’s Bend. On the 22d the brigade was reviewed by Governor Yates and staff. On the 25th it started on the campaign against Vicksburg. On the 1st of May the 124th engaged in its first battle, at Thompson’s Hills. It next par- ticipated in the battles at Raymond, May 12th ; Jackson, May 14th; Champion Hills, May 16th, and in the siege of Vicksburg, including the charge of May 22d and the terrible assault on Fort Hill, June 26th. On the 21st of August it left Vicksburg for the campaign to Monroe, Louisiana, under General Stephenson, returning September 2d. October 14th to 20th it was with General McPherson in his Brownsville campaign, and in the battles near that place on the 16th ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-snvnnrn INFANTRY. 485 and 17th. In January, 1864, the 124th won a splendid banner pre- sented by General Leggett to that regiment in his division which should excel all others in cleanliness in all respects, soldierly appear- ance, behavior, discipline and drill. This banner was inscribed, “ Excelsior Regiment, 3d Division, 17th Army Corps.” On the 3d of February it joined General Sherman in his famous Meridian raid, and on the 14th destroyed a trestle bridge at Chunky Station, after considerable fighting. On the 6th of April it was sent to Vicksburg for garrison duty. ' It was next in the Yazoo City expedition under General McArthur, and on the 7th and 10th of May participated in the battles near Benton, Mississippi. July 1st to the 9th, it was with General Slocum in the expedition to Jackson, and on the 5th and 7th took part in the sharp fights at Jackson Cross Roads. On the 14th of October it started on the White River campaign, under General Dennis. From October 26, 1864, to February 25, 1865, it lay at Vicksburg, doing provost duty. On the latter date it was ordered to report to'General Canby at New Orleans, and on the 12th of March left that city on the campaign against Mobile. It bore a gal- lant part in the siege and capture of Spanish Fort. On the 13th of April it started on the campaign to Montgomery, Alabama, at which place it was stationed until the 17th of July, when it started for home. On the 15th of August, 1865, it was mustered out and paid off at Chicago. The 124th went into the field with 926 ofiicers and men, recruited 255, and at its discharge mustered only 400. During its term of service it traveled by sea and land over 7,000 miles, and was engaged in fourteen skirmishes, ten battles and two sieges, being under the fire of the enemy eighty—two days and sixty nights. Number killed and died of wounds, 41 ; died of disease, 127; dis- charged for disability, 149; wounded in action, 129 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 39; transferred for promotion to colored regiments, 36. For its superiority in drill, discipline and good con- duct, this regiment was knqiwn in the army as the “ Bully One Hundred and Two Dozen.” ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 127th regiment was organized at Camp Douglas, Chicago, and mustered into the service on the 6th of September, 1862. The fol- lowing is the original roster: 486 rnrnrorrsm or rumors. Colonel, John Van Arman; Lieutenant-Colonel, Hamilton N. Eldridge; Major, Frank S. Curtiss; Adjutant, John Van Arman, Jr. ; Quartermaster, Daniel H. Hale; Surgeon, Joel R. Gore; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Anson L. Clark; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Julius P. Anthony; Chaplain, Jonathan C. Stoughton. Co. A—Captain, William L. Fowler; 1st Lieutenant, William Walker; 2d Lieu- tenant, William S. Bunn. Co. B—-Captain, Adoniram J. Burrows; 1st Lieutenant, John R. Morgan ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Frank J . Woodward. Co. C—Captain, John S. Riddle; 1st Lieutenant, Thomas Clark ; 2d Lieutenant, William Warner. Co. D-—Captain, Thomas W. Chandler; 1st Lieutenant, Edgar W. Pike; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles M. Libby. Co. E-Captain, Frank C. Gillette; 1st Lieutenant, James F. Richmond ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Frederick Knight. Co. F—Captain, Charles Schryver ; 1st Lieutenant, Jeremiah Evarts; 2d Lieuten- ant, Alfred Darnell. . Co. G--Captain, John S. Williams ; 1st Lieutenant, Augustus F. Higgs; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas Sewell. C0. H——Captain, Lawrence Riley; 1st Lieutenant, Hiram McClintock; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph S. Berry Co. I—Captain, Frederick A. Raymond ; 1st Lieutenant, Horace Perry; 2d Lieu- tenant, Addison A. Keys. Co. K—Captain, John H. Lowe; 1st Lieutenant, John B. Moulton; 2d Lieuten- ant, Edgar Percival. On the 9th of November, 1862, it started for the field, numbering 887 ofiicers and men, and remained at Memphis until the 26th, when it started on the Tallahatchie campaign, from which it returned to Memphis December 13th. On the 20th of the same month, the 127th started in company with General Sherman on his Vicksburg expedition [ Vida Vol. I., p. 435], and on the 28th took part in the Chickasaw Bayou fight. The regiment was next engaged with General McClernand in the capture of Arkansas Post [Vol. I., p. 444], being the first regiment to break the enemy’s lines and plant its colors in the rebel rifle pits. After this the 127th was sent to Young’s Point, where it remained till March 10th, when it was sent, with others, up Steele’s Bayou and Degr Creek, to relieve Commo- dore Porter’s gupboat fleet. From this expedition it returned to Young’s Point, and on the 7th of May started on the Grand Gulf campaign [Vol. I., p. 461], taking part in the battle of Champion Hills and fighting the enemy into his entrenohments at Vicksburg. Here it participated in the first assault on the enemy’s works, losing sixty-five men in killed and wounded. The regiment remained here orm HUNDRED , AND TWENTY-NINTH INFANTRY. 487 until the final surrender of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863, [Vol. I., p. 471 ], and on the day following started with Sherman on his march for Jackson, and took part in all the battles and skirmishes incident to the capture of that place. On the 17 th of October, it marched to the relief of Chattanooga, and afterward to the relief of Burn- side at Knoxville. On the 1st of May it started on the great Atlanta campaign, taking prominent part in the battles before Dallas, at Kene- saw Mountain, and before and around Atlanta. On the 31st of _ August and 1st of September were fought the battles of J onesboro, in which the 127th was engaged. On the 4th of October it started on the great campaign against Hood and Savannah. At Fayetteville, March 11, 1865, and Bentonville, March 19th, it lost heavily. The regiment soon after took part in the national review at Wash- ington, and was one of the four regiments mentioned in General Orders for accuracy in marching and good discipline. On the 10th of -June, 1865, the regiment reached Chicago for muster-out and discharge, returning with only 231 men of the 887 who started out in 1862. During its term of service it marched over 3,000 ‘miles, and participated in more than a hundred battles. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-N IN TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 129th regiment was organized at Pontiac, in September, 1862, and was composed of men from the following counties. Five. com- panies from Livingston County, four companies from Scott County, and one company from Rock Island County. The following was the original roster: Colonel, George P. Smith; Lieutenant-Colonel, Henry Case; Major, Andrew J. Cropsey; Adjutant, Philip D. Plattenburg; Quartermaster, William C. Gwin; Sur- geon, Harvey C. Johns; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Darius Johnson; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, William H. Walters; Chaplain, Thomas Cotton. Co. A—Captain, John A. Hoskins ; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph F. Culver; 2d Lieuten- ant, John W. Smith. Co. B—Captain, Samuel T. Walkley; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Gilcrist; 2d Lieutenant, Elihu Chilcott. Co. C—Ca.ptain, John B. Perry; 1st Lieutenant, Robert P. Edgington; 2d Lieu- tenant, Stephen H. Kyle. Co. D--Captain, Thomas H. Flynn; 2d Lieutenant, William Birch. Co. E—Captaiu, Cyrus N. Baird; 1st Lieutenant, John F. Blackburn; 2d Lieu- tenant, Benjamin F. Fitch. 488 PATRIOTIBM or ILLINOIS. Co. F--Captain, Erastus L. Gillham; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Horton; 2d Lieu- tenant, John B. Mayes. Co. G—-Captain, Henry B. Reed; 1st Lieutenant, Lemuel Morse; 2d Lieutenant, John P. McKnight. ' 00. H -Captain, George W. Martin. 00. I -Captain, James Edmundson ; 1st Lieutenant, James F. Crawford ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph W. Coppage. Go. K-Captain, Wolf H. Anderson; 1st Lieutenant, James Chapman ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Albert Lamb. On the 22d of September, 1862, it left Pontiac, with 927 ofiicers and men, and reported at Louisville, Kentucky, and shortly after started in pursuit of Bragg, advancing as far as Crab Orchard. From the middle of December, 1863, till the 1st of June, the 129th guarded‘the railroad from Bowling Green, Kentucky, to Gallatin, Tennessee, during which time it had frequent collisions with the rebels in repelling their attacks on the railroad. From the 1st of June till the 22d of August it garrisoned Fort Thomas, at Gallatin, which was threatened by Morgan and his entire command, who ap- proached to within about eight miles of the work, and then, thinking discretion the better part of valor, the celebrated horse-thief beat a retreat. On the 22d of August it took up the line ofmarch for Nash- ville, and remained there in garrison till the 24th of February, 1864; then took the line of march for Wauhatchie Valley, arriving about the middle of March. Previous to this it was assigned to the 1st Brigade of the 3d Division of the 20th Corps. On May 3d it left with Sherman’s grand army for Atlanta. On the march it partici- pated in the battles of Resaca, Buzzard’s Roost, Lost Mountain, Dallas, Peach Tree Creek and Atlanta. From the latter place it started upon “the grand march to the sea,” and bore its share in that and in the subsequent campaign in the Carolinas. It took a con- spicuous part at Averysboro and Bentonville. At the conclusion of this campaign the regiment marched to Washington and participated in the national review there. From thence it proceeded to Chicago, where it arrived on the 10th of June, 1865, and was mustered out. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEVENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 147th regiment ‘was organized at Camp Fry, Chicago, and was mustered into service for one year, on the 18th of February, 1865. The following is the original roster: ' ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Colonel, Hiram F. Sickles; Lieutenant-Colonel, Werner W. Bjerg; Major, Giles H. Bush; Adjutant, John C. Long; Quartermaster, Joseph Sears; Surgeon, Francis A. Emmons; lst Assistant Surgeon, William R. Adair; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Evert VanBuren; Chaplain, Albert C. Squire. Co. A—Captain, James H. Reynolds; 1st Lieutenant, Eseck B. Day; 2d Lieuten- ant, Smith T. Harding. Co. B—Captain, Frank Clendenin; 1st Lieutenant, George H. Fay; 2d Lieuten- ant, William H. H. J ones. Co. C—-Captain, Frank A. Buys; 1st Lieutenant, Lawrence E. Emmons; 2d Lieu- tenant, George W. Churchill. Co. D-—Captain, Matthew W: Borland; 1st Lieutenant, Edward E. H. Sturtevant ; 2d Lieutenant, Alfred P. Thornton. - Co. E--Captain, Francis A. Darling; 1st Lieutenant, Denison C. Frisbie ; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jacob N. Martin. Go. F-Captain, Azro A. Buck; 1st Lieutenant, Jonathan H. Dow; 2d Lieuten- ant, George Gilman. Co. G—Captain, Abalin C. Bardwell; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Harkness; 2d Lieutenant, Alfred J . Miller. 00. H--Captain, James Fullis; 1st Lieutenant, Romeyn A. Dixon; 2d Lieutenant, John Collins. Co. I--Captain, John S. Pratt; 1st Lieutenant, Albert Snow; 2d Lieutenant, Winfield S. Van Horn. Co. K—Captain, Achille Chiniquy; 1st Lieutenant, Charles A. Chiniquy; 2d Lieutenant, John T. Taylor. On the 21st of February the regiment was ordered to Nashville, and thence went to Chattanooga, and thence to Dalton, Georgia. Until the 25th of March it was stationed in the district of Etowah, Department of the Cumberland. On the latter date a portion of the regiment was sent out with a detachment from other regiments, un- der Major Bush, and at Spring Place had a brisk skirmish with the rebels. It was subsequently sent out on expeditions to Ringgold and Pull'en’s Ferry, having several skirmishes with the enemy. On the latter expedition it destroyed a flouring mill and captured a lot of forage. On the 2d of May it moved to Resaca, and-on the 12th General Wofferd surrendered his command, numbering about 4,000, to General Judah, at Kingston, Georgia. This closed hostilities in that section. June 26th the 147th marched to Calhoun, and on the 27th of July went to Marietta, Georgia, and thence to Macon, and thence to Albany, where its headquarters were located till October 28th. It was then ordered to Hawkinsville, Georgia, and a month later was sent to Savannah, where it was mustered out of the service 490 rnrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. on the 20th of January, 1866. On the 31st of the same month it arrived at Camp Butler, Springfield, where it received final payment and discharge. ONE HUNDRED AN D FORTY-NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 149th regiment was organized at Camp Butler, and was mus- tered into the service for one year, on the 11th of February, 1865, with the following roster: Colonel, William C. Kueffner; Lieutenant-Colonel, Alexander G. Hawes; Major, Moses M. Warner; Adjutant, Winfield S. Norcross; Quartermaster, John Berry; Surgeon, Thomas Winston; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Adolphus Green; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Samuel D. Mercer. Co. A--Captain, William E. Wenholz; 1st Lieutenant, James W. Howard; 2d Lieutenant, Albert A. Van Gieson. Co. B—-Captain, Charles Seitz ; 1st Lieutenant, Rudolph Strenge; 2d Lieutenant, Peter Bruscher. Co. C--Captain, John W. Renshaw; 1st Lieutenant, Oziel G. Smith; 2d Lieuten- ant, David Badgley. Co. D--Captain, Samuel Schimminger; 1st Lieutenant, Christian Zimmerman; 2d Lieutenant, Emil Scheitlin. Co. E--Captain, Edward Laiferty; 1st Lieutenant, Wesley Burke; 2d Lieutenant, Wifliam A. Mcllllurtry. ' Co. F—Captain, Devrick Lamb; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel G. Eldridge ; 2d Lieuten- ant, William Bays. . Co. G—-Captain, William W. Slandage; 1st Lieutenant, James Gilman; 2d Lieu- tenant, William T. Blythe. Co. H--Captain, George Bender; 1st Lieutenant, Samuel E. Keymer; 2d Lieu- tenant, Joseph Reith. Co. I—Captain, John S. Peterson; 1st Lieutenant, Edward S. French; 2d Lieu- tenant, Henry Gaty. Co. K--Captain, George Peters; 1st Lieutenant, Henry Kissell; 2d Lieutenant, George W. Sieber. This regiment left camp on the 14th of February, and proceeded to Chattanooga, where it reported to General Steedman. It was ' here placed along the railroads leading from Chattanooga to Knox- ville and Atlanta. On the 2d of May it went to Dalton, where it remained till July 6th. It then went to Atlanta, and on the 26th of July returned to garrison the 4th sub-district, District of Allatoona, and was distributed to the important places in that sub-district, with headquarters at Dalton. Here it remained till it was mustered out, orm HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH INFANTRY. 491 on the 27th of January, 1866. Oh the 1st of February it arrived at Springfield, where it was paid off and discharged. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 150th regiment was organized at Camp Butler, and mustered into service February 14, 1865, for one year. The following is the original roster: ' Colonel, George W. Keener; Lieutenant-Colonel, Charles F. Springer; Major, William R. Priekett; Adjutant, Chauncey H. Shelton; Quartermaster, John C. Pearce; Surgeon, Harmon A. Buck; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Joseph M. Jenkins; 2d Assistant Surgeon, James G. Cox; Chaplain, William H. Jordan. _ Co. A-Captain, John H. Stout; 1st Lieutenant, Clarence D. Perry; 2d Lieuten- ant, Aug. W. Rodgers. Co. B—Captain, William B. Lawrence; 1st Lieutenant, William Weaver; 2d Lieutenant, William Vangundy. Co. C——Captain, John V. Bovell; 1st Lieutenant, Walter S. Brown; 2d Lieuten- ant, Joseph Hollis. -' Co. D--Captain, Hiram B. Vennum; 1st Lieutenant, William .-Thompson; 2d Lieutenant, Richard Carroll. Co. E——Captain, Lines L. Parker; 1st Lieutenant, James H. Wells; 2d Lieuten- ant, Robert Carney. Co. F—Captain, Moses B. Sloan; 1st Lieutenant, Sylvester B. Miller; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jacob Miller. , Co. G—Captain, John W. Swift; 1st Lieutenant, Harlow Bassell; 2d Lieutenant, William M. Smith. Co. H-—Captain, Hiram D. Wilson; 1st Lieutenant, Charles H. West; 2d Lieuten- ant, Joseph E_. Springer. ' Co.1—Captain, Walter G. Barnes; 1st Lieutenant, Caleb F. Reynolds; 2d Lieu- tenant, James M. Stevens. Co. K-Captain, Allen C. Keyes; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel C. Deamude; 2d Lieu- tenant, Alexander Hughes. The regiment left Camp Butler on the 18th of February, and ar- rived at Nashville on the 21st. On the 25th it was ordered to Bridgeport, when it was distributed along the line of the railroad from Bridgeport to Chattanooga. On the 15th of March it was in- corporated with the brigade of Prince Felix Salm Salm, Brevet Brigadier-General and Colonel of the 68th New York volunteers. On the 25th it was ordered to Cleveland, Tennessee, where the usual routine of post duty was performed. May 2d it was ordered to Dalton, Georgia, and on the 8th of July 861111 to Atlanta. During the early part of August the brigade was broken up, and this regi- 492 rA'rRIo'rI'sM on ILLINOIS. ment transferred to the District of Allatoona, where it was detailed for guard duty. On the 31st of December it was assigned to the District of Atlanta, where it remained till its muster out, on the 16th of January, 1866. On the 25th it arrived at Camp Butler, where it received final payment and discharge. During its term of service the 150th was~'noticeable for its morality, intelligence and thorough discipline. . Several seasons of religious revival were experienced, with the happiest results. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIRST ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The companies composing this regiment were organized at Quincy between the 16th and 24th of February, 1864, and the regimental organization was completed at Camp Butler on the 25th. The fol- lowing is the original roster: Colonel, French B. Woodall ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Herman W. Snow ; Major, Silas Battey; Adjutant, Michael R. Butz; Quartermaster, James B. Russell; Sur- geon, Walter D. Stillman ; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Frank D. Cass ; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Frederick Cole ; Chaplain, Daniel S. Altman. Co. A-Captain, Harman Andrews; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph N. McVicker; 2d Lieutenant, Harrison Elliott. Co. B—Captain,Phi1ip Slaughter; 1st Lieutenant, William J. Harroll; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas Heuder. Co. C—Captain, George C. Steach; 1st Lieutenant, James L. Cochran; 2d Lieu- tenant, Harvey T. Gregg. Co. D-Captain, Isaac David; 1st Lieutenant, J ohn,M. Yamell; 2d Lieutenant, Carithus Zoll. ‘ Co. E-—Captain, Gemenemes Goble; 1st Lieutenant, George R. Carter: 2d Lieu- tenant, William Howe. Co. F-—Captain, Sylvester S. Newton; 1st Lieutenant, John E. N. Sparks; 2d Lieu- tenant, William A. Winsell. - Co. G—Captain, William H. Saunders; 1st Lieutenant, William Fairman; 2d Lieutenant, Daniel Clark. Co. H—Captain, Thomas J . Heiss; 1st Lieutenant, Austen J . Werden; 2d Lieu- tenant, Thomas J . Joseph. Co. I—Captain, Casimer P. Jackson; 1st Lieutenant, James Mentooth; 2d Lieu- tenant, Andrew Galbreth. - Co. K-Captain, John Sutton; 1st Lieutenant, Robert A. Williams; 2d Lieuten- ant, Isaac R. Davis. The regiment left Camp Butler on the 28th of February, 1865, and reported to General Steedman, at Chattanooga, on the 13th of March. It was then stationed at Dalton, where it remained till after ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THTRD INFANTRY. 493 the surrender of Lee, portions of it being sent out at different times, in pursuit of guerrillas. On the 25th of April Colonel Woodall was selected by General Steedman as bearer of dispatches to the rebel General Wilson, then at Macon, with whom there had been no com- munication from the North. He returned to General, Steedman’s headquarters on the 7th of May, and was sent to Nashville to report the result of his mission to General Thomas. He returned to his regiment, at Resaca, on the 11th of May. On the 30th of April the regiment was sent to Resaca, remaining there till the 12th of May, when it was present at the surrender, at Kingston, of the rebel forces in Georgia, under General Wofi'ord. On the 28th of July it concentrated at Marietta, and was ordered thence to Macon, where it was assigned to guard duty in the District of Columbus, Depart- ment of Georgia. Here it remained till its muster out, at Columbus, January 24, 1866. On the 2d of February it arrived at Springfield, where it was finally paid and discharged: This regiment was com- posed mainly of experienced soldiers. Colonel Woodall enlisted as a private soldier in 1861, and won his position as Colonel by his gallantry and industry. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 153d regiment was organized at Camp Fry, Chicago, and mustered into service for one year, on the 27th of February, 1865. The following is the original roster : Colonel, Stephen Bronson; Lieutenant-Colonel, Louis Schaffner; Major, John A. Wilson; Adjutant, John Gilman; Quartermaster, Moses A. Thayer; Surgeon, Wil- liam R. Adair; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Henry T. Cheesebrough; 2d Assistant Sur- geon, Amos Scott; Chaplain, James B. Jackson. Co. A—Captain, Giles D. Walker; 1st Lieutenant, John Steele; 2d Lieutenant, Luther C. Lawrence. Co. B-Captain,William G. Billings; 1st Lieutenant, James A. Landdn; 2d Lieu- tenant, Daniel S. Litzer. Co. C-Captain, Edward C. Lovell; 1st Lieutenant, Michael J. Dunne; 2d Lieu- tenant, Oliver P. Chesholm. Co. D-Captain, Samuel J. Tompkins; 1st Lieutenant, Warren D. M. Coon; 2d Lieutenant, Alonzo W. Fuller. co. E—Captain, Adam w'. Wheeler; 1st Lieutenant, Donald Nicholson; 2d Lieu- tenant, Zina Ward. Co. F—Captain, Enos Turner; 1st Lieutenant, James N. Johnson; 2d Lieutenant, Aaron Rushebacker. 4.-94; PAT’BIOTISM or ILLINOIS- Co. G-Captain, Jonathan E. Brown; 1st Lieutenant, Alanson Fainham; 2d Lieutenant, Fernando C. Brown. Co. H-Captain, Samuel H. Judd; 1st Lieutenant, Edson C. Howard; 2d Lieu- tenant, Charles E. Simmons. Co. I--Captain, Charles Bronson; 1st Lieutenant, Philip Carr; 2d Lieutenant, Jacob F. Glenn. Co. K—Captain, Charles H. Hitchcock; 1st Lieutenant, John H. Payne; 2d Lieu- tenant, William R. Colburn. The 153d left Chicago on the 4th of March, and proceeded to Tullahoma and reported to General Milroy. Here the regiment won the warmest commendations from the commanding Generals for the eificiency it attained in drill. On the 30th of June it was ordered to Memphis. Here it remained till mustered out, on the 3d day of September, to date September 21st. On the 18th of September it arrived at Springfield, and on the 24th received final payment and discharge. Colonel Stephen Bronson was connected with recruiting for the 12th Illinois Cavalry in 1861, for which he raised a company at his own expense. He proved himself a gallant soldier and eflicient officer, and was promoted Major. At the surrender of Harper’s Ferry he led the advance of the column which cut its way through the rebel lines. He commanded the regiment the greater part of the time during the famous Stoneman raid. When the hundred-day regiments were raised, he was chosen Colonel of the 141st, which position he filled with credit to himself and the service. He was brevetted a Brigadier-General for gallant and meritorious services. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. The 155th regiment was organized at Camp Butler, and was mus- tered into the one year’s service, on the 28th of February, 1865, numbering 904 men. The original roster was as follows : Colonel, Gustavus A. Smith; Lieutenant-Colonel, Joseph B. Berry; Major, John H. J. Lacy; Adjutant, William L. Warning; Quartermaster, Napoleon B. Walker; Surgeon, Russell J. Collins; lst Assistant Surgeon, Clark K. Hendee ; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Otto Knoblock; Chaplain, John Hamilton. Co. A--Captain, Jacob B.- Yeagley; 1st Lieutenant, George Schuerman; 2d Lieutenant, Christopher Snyder. ‘ Co. B—Captain, George W. Richards; 1stLieutenant, Edward Herrick; 2d Lieu- tenant, William Trainer. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. 495 Co. C--Captain, John W. Lowber; 1st Lieutenant, Ross Neely; 2d Lieutenant, Marshall C: Wood. Co. D--Captain, Charles J. Peshall; 1st Lieutenant, John Reddick ; 2d Lieuten- ant, James Lewis. 00. E—Captain, Isaac 0. Leger; 1st Lieutenant, Ephraim Beasly; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel Mitchell. Co. F--Captain, William Anderson; 1st Lieutenant, Whitfield N. Alley; 2d Lieu- tenant, John A. Souther. Co. G—Captain, Edmond L. Wells; 1st Lieutenant, John Miller. Co. H—-Captain, Tilmon Sherley; 1st Lieutenant, Absalom A. Lasater; 2d Lieu- tenant, J ohn‘Coker. Co. I-Captain, David Glenn; 1st Lieutenant, Henry T. J ones; 2d Lieutenant, Samuel Gerard. Co. K--Captain, Thomas F. Scott; 1st Lieutenant, George W. Hobbs; 2d Lieu- I tenant, James D. Smith. On the 2d of March the regiment left camp for Nashville, whence it proceeded to Tullahoma. Here it remained, perfecting itself in drill, until the 17th of June, when it was divided into small detach- ments, and distributedxalong the line of the Nashville and Chatta- nooga Railroad. It was engaged in this duty until September 4th, when it was mustered out of the service, at Murfreesboro. On the 17th it arrived at Springfield, where it was paid ofi‘ and discharged. CHAPTER X*l'XIX. IN CID ENT-PERSON AL. Ornnarrons on THE GU-LF—D-HiIB‘LBUT-—BRAYMAN-GRIERS0N——CSBAND-—CHETLAIN-— COLONEL Bownns. HE magnitude of the operations of Grant and Sherman eclipsed the real importance of later movements in the Gulf States. The operations of ‘Canby were of vital importance to the consumma- tion of the Union triumph. With him were such Illinoisans as Grierson, McArthur, Lippencott, Renaker, Lawler, Bush, Moor, Fonda, Osband, and in the weary marches and gallant fighting of that army they, with their commands, maintained the honor and brightened the record of the Prairie State. Maj or-General Hurlbut was for some time in command of the Department of the Gulf and, surrounded by vexatious difliculties, he won confidence and esteem and reduced the troubled elements to order. General Banks had not met expectation either as a military Govern or or Field Marshal. When Hurlbut was placed in command it was understood that the arrangement was temporary, and that General Banks would soon return and resume his command. Hence C General Hurlbut was embarrassed in laying down a policy. A newspaper correspondent says: “ His command was deemed to be temporary, and his presence of no special consequence. As the Jews look for the coming Messiah, so in some senses have the people of this city, in part, looked for the coming of General Banks. But, like the Jews, they have looked in vain. Eight months have passed, and still the elegant mansion* * An elegant house reserved and kept in complete order for General Banks when he should return. .. M i l¢[AJ.GEN.l:‘- H . I.'.l~lGl".A\1EL'l EXH1 l;' J.’ LY F HURLBUT IN NEW ORLEANS. 497 remains untenanted. Still the sentry challenges the visitor who, prompted by chriosity, approaches that seat of former splendor and fashionable and showy resort; but its former occupant comes not. At last the public mind begins to settle down in the belief that he will not come, and that, after all, the ‘Sucker General,’ and, as remarked by a member of the New Orleans bar in our hearing, ‘respectable member of the Illinois Legislature,’ is the permanent commander of the Department of the Gulf. “Perhaps, under all the circumstances, this delay, this blasted expectation, has been of great advantage to General Hurlbut. “ Without the annoyance of subservient and deceitful rebels, who swarm all over this city—-without being overwhelmed with foolish and unmeaning sycophaney and ceremony—-without being feasted and flattered by designing financial schemers, brainless demagogues, and fashionable fools, he has been enabled to quietly set himself down to the task of unraveling the endless complications of this department, and comprehending fully and perfectly the questions which have_ been so much discussed here and at Washington. The keen percep- tive faculties of the General, with his long legal and military train- ing, and his perfect knowledge of Southern habits, manners, and modes of thought, have rendered the task more easy than to a North- ern man; and it is simple justice to him to say, that he is now ‘ master of the situation.’ No man, perhaps, in the United States so fully understands the social, political and labor questions of this department, as does General Hurlbut. Of this fact the whole popu- lation here have at last become conscious.” He certainly displayed a rare executive ability, and his adminis- tration was eminently wise and efficient. The same correspondent thus refers to another gallant Illinois officer of whom mention has been made: “ Brigadier-General Mason Brayman, lately in command at Natchez and Vidalia, has been ordered to this city, and made President of a commission to examine and report on the vast accumulation of claims here since the coming of Major-General Butler. It is a post of great responsibility, and the General is in good health and hard at work. His command at Natchez was eminently successful and satisfactory to Generals Canby and Dana; but being the subordinate 32 4:98 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. of General Davidson, who seems doomed to trouble wherever he goes, from some cause, determined to supersede General Brayman in the command of Natchez, and reinstate Colonel Farrar, who had been relieved by the General. General Brayman was assigned to the command of ahandful of troops at Vidalia, the seat of justice for Concordia Parish, Louisiana, directly opposite Natchez. No quarters were assigned him, and for some days he and Mrs. Bray- man and their little daughter were driven to take shelter on the United States gunboat Benton. The General’s stay at Vidalia was - rendered most uncomfortable by the petulant, spiteful course of General Davidson who, it appears, on taking command of the Dis- trict of Natches, fell into strange hands for a Union oflicer. Parties who had been banished for flagrant disloyalty, confined in prison, refused admission to our lines, and others of most questionable character, are dominant now in Natchez, and genuine loyalty is no recommendation. I do not question the loyalty of General David- . son, but it does appear that being governed by his hot temper and personal dislikes, he has done many improper things, and fallen into very bad hands indeed. The best and most devoted Union people around Natches are subjected to reproach and indignities from rebel men and women who ought not to be allowed a domicile inside the lines of military occupation. “ General Davidson has received a severe rebuke in the order of General Canby assigning General Brayman to his present highly honorable and important position ; and it is rumored that General Dana is looking sharply into alfairs at Natchez. It is to be hoped that loyalty there may yet be vindicated.” Major-General B. H. Grierson has been among the most note- worthy of the illustrious officers of the state. He is of Scotch-Irish lineage, and was born in Pittsburg,‘ Pennsylvania, July 8, 1826, but at the commencement of the war, was resident in Jacksonville, and wished to enter the service in a company raised there, and hastened to Cairo, and was rejected—the company was full. Governor Yates sent him on a special message to General Prentiss, who was so im- pressed with his capacity as to place him upon his staff, with the rank of captain, but from some reason there was never such confirma- tion of the arrangement as to secure him any pay for six months, except a trifle from a special fund for special service. GENERAL enrnnson. 499 October 1, 1861, he was commissioned Major of the 6th Illinois cavalry, but remained on General Prentiss’ staff until December 1st, when he joined his regiment, and at once manifested his rare power as an ofiicer of cavalry. An article in the U. S. Service Magazine, gives a sketch of his services, which is here reproduced, somewhat condensed: “ In March, 1862, the 6th Illinois cavalry, proceeding to join Gen- eral Grant at Pittsburg Landing, being armed only with rusty sa- bers, was stopped at Paducah, Kentucky, and ofiicers and men chafed—like ‘ our army in Flanders,’ ‘ On what a slender thread ’ hang men’s destinies. Within three weeks, Governor Yates, then . on his way to General Grant at Shiloh, tendered to Major Grierson, the lieutenant-colonelcy of another regiment. Grierson promptly declined, preferring to remain junior major where he was known, to taking a higher grade among strangers, and doing injustice, per- haps, to deserving ofiicers in that organization. Soon afterward he called on Governor Yates to bid him farewell. As he was about to leave the boat the Governor detained him, and, taking him to the rear of the cabin, introduced him to aparty of ladies and ofiicers as Colonel Grierson. This was the first intimation he had that, at the request of every officer of his regiment except the lieutenant-colonel, he had been appointed colonel, the former incumbent having re- signed. “ Early in the summer of 1862, he was ordered with his regiment to Memphis, Tennessee, and here was opened the first adequate field for his peculiar dash and enterprise. Northern Mississippi and West Tennessee were full of bodies of rebel troops, large and small, plun- dering, conscripting, breaking lines of communication, sometimes even threatening Memphis. Upon these bands, Grierson pounced like a hawk. Keen, vigilant, alert—-swift in conception and prompt in execution-—never waiting for daylight when night hinted success —-moving to and fro with a celerity which seemed to partake of the marvelous-—striking right and left with a dash and vigor which was quite a new thing among Federal cavalry—he soon thoroughly dis- gusted Jackson, Richardson, Chalmers, and others, who had previ- ously ridden about at their pleasure. Hernando, Cold Water, Ger- mantown, the Loosehatchie, and scores of other fields witnessed the 500 PATRIOTISM or nmnvors. ' prowess of his command, and attested his possession of one among the highest attributes of the soldier, the faculty of achieving success with slight loss. On one occasion, while at dinner with about forty men, some seventeen miles from Memphis,he was surprised by over four hundred of the enemy. His men were dismounted, and there was no suspicion of danger. But there was as little intention of surrender. Taking to the fences and whatever other cover was at hand, they fought obstinately and with deadly effect. Astonished at their audacity, the rebels hesitated, and Colonel Grierson having succeeded in mounting eighteen of his men, put himself at their head and led a charge. More than ever’ astounded, the rebels broke and began to fly, and the sudden approach of Major Stacy, with a hundred men of Grierson’s command, who had proceeded by another road, completed the panic, and they fled from the field in dismay. Ten to one ! It reads like romance, but it is sober, literal truth. “ On November 26, 1862, he left Memphis with his regiment in advance of General Sherman’s corps, then making a part of Gene- ral Grant’s army in the forward movement of that winter, which was balked by the disgraceful surrender of Holly Springs. For fifty days, through swamp and morass and thicket, in cold and rain, these troopers were scarcely out of the saddle, making in that time an overland trip to Helena, Arkansas, to communicate with General Steele, and being the only troops who inflicted any serious injury upon Van Dorn after his capture of Holly Springs, hanging with tireless tenacity upon his rear—-fighting him at every opportunity- following him in his circuit through Tennessee and back into Mis- sissippi, and reluctantly giving up the pursuit only under positive orders far down in the latter state. “ After his return from this pursuit, Grierson was placed in com- mand of a brigade, and stationed at La Grange, Tennessee, whence he struck frequent blows, always with his old dash and élcm ; at one time surprising the rebel Colonel Richardson, killing and wounding thirty of his men, and capturing forty, Colonel B. being himself among the wounded, together with all his camp equipage, a large amount of ammunition, arms, horses, wagons, etc., without losing a man. , “ Early in April, 1863, Colonel Grierson received from General GENERAL GRIERSON. 501 Grant, then feeling Vicksburg, through General Hurlbut, informal permission to carry into execution a plan which Colonel Grierson _ had long before suggested and still anxiously cherished—that of making a long raid into Mississippi, cutting railways, telegraphs and bridges, and, more especially, destroying rebel communication with Vicksburg. Brief time for preparation needed the Colonel and his eager troops; and on the 17th of April they set out on an expedi- tion which proved one _of the most remarkable of modern times, and which was but repeated on a grander scale in Sherman’s great ‘ march to the sea.’ Through seventeen days of incessant marching and dodging and fighting, over eight hundred miles of hostile ter- ritory, swarming With active enemies, seeking night and day to com- pass their destruction, these nine hundred heroic troopers (the largest regiment having been detached for other purposes) followed their unflinchin.g leader, tearing up railways, cutting telegraphs, doing millions of dollars of damage to the enemy, carrying dismay to the astonished foe everywhere, and greetingnvith wild shouts and the blare of the Northwestern bugle their even more astonished friends ' at Baton Rouge. Well might General Grant say of Grierson, that he was the first to set the example of cutting loose from his base of supplies, and that he knew ‘ how to subsist on the country.’* “ From this time until July, 1863, he co-operated with General Banks before and during the siege of Port Hudson, rendering ser- vice without which, as General Banks has virtually said, it had been questionable if that campaign could have been carried to so success- ful a termination--taking with him, when he left, the thanks of the Nineteenth Army Corps, published in general orders. “ On June 3, 1863, he was appointed a brigadier-general of vol- unteers, and, after the fall of Vicksburg, met General Grant at that point (who warmly approved his past course), and very soon re- ported to General Hurlbut, at Memphis, who at once placed him in command of the cavalry of the Sixteenth Army Corps. Here again his services were, as they had been before, marked by singular promptness and decision, and signal success, and were too varied to admit of any thing like recapitulation here. “ In the expedition under General W. S. Smith, which left Mem- *See Volume I., p. 364. 502 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. phis with the purpose of joining General Sherman at or near Merid-. ian, Mississippi, on his great raid across that state, Grierson held subordinate command, and is mentioned in the highest terms by General Smith in his official report. “ In progress of time General Sherman assumed command of the armies about Nashville and Chattanooga, and, as a part of the com- prehensive plans then being begun by Generals Grant and Sherman, it became necessary to do something to hold Forrest in West Ten- nessee, away from Sherman’s communications. From some un- known reason, the command of the expedition from Memphis, or- ganized for that purpose, was withheld from General Grierson, and General Sturgis was sent by General Sherman to take command. The latter otiicer characterized General Sturgis as ‘a clever and excellent cavalry leader.’ Whether he would have done so six months later, quien sabe? Only another illustration, however, of how even great men may be mistaken. The expedition started, and, after ten days of almost incessant rain, reached Ripley, Mississippi, with its great train of two or three hundred wagons. Here General Grierson pre- dicted that disaster would inevitably follow a further advance in that way, and vehemently protested against such action. All in vain! The advance was ordered, and the result was a defeat as signal as was possible in the nature of things. The infantry were totally ex- hausted by long, laborious marching, and the only fighting of conse- qucnce done was by Grierson’s cavalry, or under his direction, and he was the only general officer who came out of the campaign with credit. 1 “Notwithstanding all these facts were patent and undeniable, when a second expedition against Forrest was organized, the com- mand was still withheld from Grierson and given to Maj or-General A. J. Smith, who, however, was a practical and earnest soldier. Q Arrived at Pontotoc, nearly in front of the enemy, Grierson advised a flank movement to a point at or near Tupelo, on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. General Smith, though inclined to doubt that the rebels would attack as Grierson predicted, took the advice as coming from a man who knew the whole country round about, and made the movement, and took the position suggested. Daylight the next ‘ morning witnessed the attack as General Grierson had anticipated, 0N A RAID. 503 and the result was the utter and overwhelming defeat and rout of the entire rebel force. , “ Some time during the fall of 1864, Brevet Major-General Wil- son came West, assigned to the command of all the cavalry in the Military Division of Mississippi, and immediately assumed supreme control, designating certain troops in the vicinity of Memphis as the ‘Fourth Division,’ and assigning General Grierson to the command, with special instructions, on November 6, 1864. The invasion of Missouri by General Price had drawn more than half of Grierson’s command to that state, whence portions had drifted into Kansas, and General Washburne, then commanding at Memphis, naturally re- fused to give up those left at that point. General Grierson was senior in rank, except the brevet, to General Wilson, but cheerfully began action, to carry out as promptly as possible General Wilson’s instructions. Nevertheless, on the 13th of December, without as- signing any cause, General Wilson suddenly relieved him of com- mand. Duae (like pocta) nascitur non fit. Nevertheless, General Dana retained General Grierson in command of all his cavalry, then organized for an important expedition, and accordingly, on Decem- ber 21, 1864, with detachments from twelve regiments, numbering about thirty-five hundred men, after weeks of incessant rain, against heavy roads and swollen streams, he moved out from Memphis toward the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. -Notwithstanding the ter- rible condition of the roads, such was the energy and celerity of the movement, that, thirty miles below the Tallahatchie River, they met and captured a rebel lieutenant on his way with a squad of men to burn the bridge over that stream. Striking their objective, the rail- road, first at Booneville, they destroyed it at short intervals for fif- ty-six miles, to a point south of Egypt, destroying at Verona im- mense quantities of munitions of war, and large numbers of wagons loaded with supplies for I-Iood’s army in Tennessee-—these wagons being the same captured from General Sturgis during the preceding summer--attacked and defeated a rebel force of two thousand at Egypt, capturing the entire garrison of the stockade, a detachment, during the fight, moving around the station and tearing up the rail- way three miles below, preventing the arrival of two trains of rein- forcements from Mobile-—swept over to the Mississippi Central 504 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Railway at Winona, destroying that road from Grenada to a point near the Big Black River, together with locomotives, rolling stock, immense quantities of supplies, munitions of war, and other Confed- erate property, and, after an average march of four hundred and fifty miles, reaching the Mississippi again at Vicksburg, with more than six hundred prisoners, on January 5, 1865. Very justly wrote General Washburne, in a note of that date to General Grierson, ‘it seems that when you are the ranking officer, something can be done.’ Here, as always, he gave all the credit to his officers and men. “In the following month he was ordered to Washington, made major-general by brevet (the Senate going into executive session especially to make the confirmation), and sent to General Canby to take command of all the cavalry in his military division, and in this post organized the cavalry for all practicable use against Mobile and for subsequent service. General Grant, in his letter to General Canby, advising him of this assignment, among other expressions of confidence, said: ‘ Grierson has been a uniformly successful cavalry leader. * * * I do not think I could have sent you a better man to command your cavalry on an expedition to the interior of Alabama. “ After the fall of Mobile, General Grierson organized a force of nearly five thousand cavalry at Blakely, and started on an overland ride to join Sherman and Grant. Near Eufaula, Alabama, he was met by intelligence of the Sherman-Johnston truce, and at that point, on the line between Alabama and Georgia, he remained until the final collapse in the East, and then, instead of seeking to make a part of the grand pageant at Washington, turned promptly west- ward in search of Dick Taylor, all there was left of the rebellion east of the Mississippi. Marching oia Montgomery--feeding the destitute as he went--he reached Columbus, Mississippi, to find, after his long ride of seven hundred iniles, that this part of the re- bellion had collapsed. From here he was ordered to New Orleans to prepare a force for Texas, but when he was ready, this, too, had collapsed. The war was over; and he who, during four years, had marched over ten thousand miles of hostile territory, and fought through more than a hundred battles and skirmishes, now asked to CONFEDERAGY A sHELL. 505 be ordered home to stay; but he was retained in service, and soon afterward settled down to the command of the ‘ Northern District of Alabama,’ with headquarters at Huntsville in that state, where, to use his own words, ‘ the military played “ second fiddle ” to the civil authority of ex-rebel, now Provisional Governors.’ His ad- » ministration of affairs at that post was marked throughout by great temperance, forbearance, and firmness, seeking to do ‘ equal and exact justice to all men,’ and especially careful to protect as well as restrain that modern institution, the colored soldier. Finally, on January 15, 1866, he was mustered out in orders, with many others, and sinks as quietly into common life as if he had never worn a bar --much less two stars. - “If success be proof of ability in a commander, then beyond all question, Grierson ‘ has made out his case.’ He was in the army in different capacities for nearly five years, and whether as aid to Gen- eral Prentiss, leading a raid at the head of sixteen men through a hundred miles of Missouri in 1861--cleaving his way with the sword from the Ohio to the Gulf far in advance of all others——leading five thousand cavalry through the heart of Alabama and Mississippi-— commanding a district within the trying precincts of a scotched re- bellion—at all times he has been unvaryingly successful. Whenever he had command there was never a single failure, and where he was subordinate, he has contributed largely to victory, or wrested laurels from the jaws of defeat. What other military leader can as truth- fully say the same? Of what he would have done with a larger force, we can only judge by his perfect success in all stations, from the command of a battalion to that of all the cavalry of a great military division. “ Of the clear,~far-sighted character of his mind, one illustration will sufiice. In a public speech at New Orleans, after his celebrated raid through Mississippi, he gave definite expression to the opinion . that the boasted Confederacy was ‘ a mere shell ’——hollow and with- out consistence—-a fact which that raid, no less than Sherman’s great march, amply demonstrated, and the identical expression of opinion which, long afterward, on General Grant’s lips became world-fa mous. He saw it then. How many of us were as clear-sighted in the spring of 1863 ? I 506 rarmorrsn or ILLINOIS. “ General Grierson is tall and slender—-his skin is quite dark-- hair and heard ‘ black as the wing of the night-raven,’ and eyes a clear dark hazel. Though slender, his figure is compact, sinewy and graceful, and, though he does not look robust, his tough physique and his will of iron enable him to endure great hardship, as was proven in the summer of 1863, when, though painfully lame from the kick of a horse, he stuck to his duty on crutches until perempto- rily ordered North for rest by General Hurlbut. Always genial, un- assuming, and genuinely modest, he is one of the few officers taken from civil life whom shoulder-straps have not made fools of, and not one of the million ‘ soldiers of the Republic ’ could lay aside twin stars with a clearer conscience or better grace than he. “ Since the preceding sketch was written, General Grierson has been appointed a full Major-General of volunteers, to date from the 27th of May, 1865, and the order mustering him out of service as a Brigadier and Brevet Major-General revoked; and still more recent- ly he has been ordered to be mustered out in his new grade.” Among the gallant cavalry leaders who figured on the Lower Mississippi was Brevet Brigadier-General E. D. Osband, ordinarily known as Ned Osband, who died of brain fever, September 4, 1866, on his plantation in Mississippi, aged about thirty-four years. The Tribune says: “In 1861, he entered the service as Lieutenant in Barker’s Dra- goons, which served under McClellan in West Virginia. He soon after raised and became Captain of Company A, 4th Illinois Cavalry. He was conspicuous in the Army of the Tennessee as Chief of Gene- ral Grant’s cavalry escort—a position which he retained during all the campaigns from Belmont to the fall of Vicksburg. General Grant’s attachment to him was manifested on more than one occa- sion, and especially when, having been assigned to a higher com- mand in the Eastern Department, he offered Osband a desirable position near him. Osband remained behind, however, to recruit and organize the 3d Colored Cavalry, of which he became Colonel. He was joined in this undertaking by a number of his comrades of the 4th Cavalry, particularly those of his own company which had been on duty as escort. The cavalry regiment which he organized became, under him, and with the excellent officers whom he had GENERAL osnrmn. 507 selected, especially Lieutenant-Colonel Jerry Cook, one of the most efficient bodies of men in the army, and was more than once compli- mented in general orders for its gallantry in action. Under the orders of Major-General Dana, his genius for organization and disci- pline was brought to bear, in the autumn of 1864, upon an inert mass of several regiments of cavalry lying at Vicksburg, of which, from the sickness incident to badly located camps, from insufficient equip- ment, and from mismanagement, hardly three hundred men were fit for duty. He earned the commendation of his superior officer by speedily improving the condition and morale of these troops, and the result was that he was placed in active command of them as a brigade. It soon realized the soldierly ideal of cavalry, in its rapid movements, daring onsets, and thorough subordination in all circum- stances. General Osband’s career as commander in independent operations here began. The records of his raids and fights, while acting under the orders of General Canby and the commanders in Mississippi and West Tennessee, will be a brilliant chapter in the history that is yet- to be written of campaigns in the latter days of the rebellion. Radiating from Vicksburg, Memphis and Natchez, from September, 1864, to April, 1865, he from time to time swept the interior country on either side of the river for hundreds of miles, with forces of cavalry varying from 1,000 to 5,000 men, engag- ing the enemy many times, and suffering no defeat or disaster. Hood’s movement westward and northward, and the movement of a considerable portion of Kirby Smith’s troops toward the river dur- ing that winter, was the occasion of giving ample employment to our cavalry. Its duty was to keep the river clear of rebel batteries, to destroy railroads in the interior, to destroy depots of supplies, to clear out guerrilla bands and spies, and to engage such rebel forces as might be found. The figure of Osband engaged in this service must linger in the memory of many a soldier as the impersonation of energy, vigilance, and activity. With the habitual air of a man used to the necessity of prompt and inflexible decisions, with keen apprehension and fertility of expedients apparent in eye and speech, with a power of endurance whose limit seemed never to be reached, with readiness to command, and with the consciousness of the esteem of his commanding oflicer and the devotion of his men, ‘ Ned ’ Osband 508 PATRI OTISM or ILLINOIS. moved and seemed to be, as he really was, every inch a General. Of the results of his almost incessant active service during that eventful year, it is unnecessary to speak further than that they were abundant in prisoners, trophies, and valuable captures. Early in 1865, he was made Brigadier-General by brevet. He left the service soon after the final surrender. In the fall he engaged in planting in the Yazoo country, gathering around him a number of his former officers and men. \ “ Without detracting from the distinction achieved by other cavalry- men whom the country has honored, it may be justly said that Gene- ral Osband possessed, in an extraordinary degree, those qualities which contribute to success in tfle most difiicult branch of the mili- tary service, and which would have ultimately won him a renown second to that of few others.” As commander at Memphis Brevet Maj or-General A. L. Chetlain filled an important position, and was invested with serious responsi- bilities. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, December 26, 1826, of French-Swiss parents, who removed subsequently to the lead mines in the vicinity of Galena. After receiving a liberal English education, the son engaged in mercantile business in Galena in 1859. Nine years later he sold out and went to Europe, remaining nearly one year; returning he engaged actively as a supporter of Mr. Lin- coln in the contest of 1860. Mr. Lincoln tendered him the appointment of Consul to Leipsic, but war came and he enlisted, aided in raising a company, and was elected its Captain. When the 12th Infantry was organized Gover- nor Yates commissioned him its Lieutenant-Colonel. In September, 1861, hewas placed by General C. F. Smith in command of Smith- land, Kentucky, where he remained until January, 1862, when he rejoined his regiment and accompanied it, with General Smith, in the campaign up Tennessee River. At Fort Donelson he commanded the 12th, which held the extreme right of the line, and acquitted itself with great gallantry, losing heavily in killed and wounded. For gallant conduct he was promoted to be Colonel of the 12th. He commanded the 12th at Shiloh, where it lost about one fourth of its number in killed and wounded, including several officers, and again at Corinth where it made a brilliant fight against heavy odds, 0HETLAIN—BOWER8. 509 and received honorable mention from its brigade commander, Gene- ral Oglesby. He was put in command of Corinth where he remained until May, 1862. Upon being relieved, General G. M. Dodge com- plimented, in general orders, his faithfulness and efficiency. While here he assisted actively in raising the first regiment of colored troops organized in the West north of New Orleans, after- ward known as the 55th regiment United States colored troops. He early believed that black men could fight and must fight before the war could close. In December, 1863, he received his well won promotion to be Brigadier-General, and, at General Grant’s suggestion, the War Department placed him in charge of the organization of colored troops in Tennessee. In the summer of 1864, Kentucky was added to his field. In January, 1865, he had in his charge 17,000 colored troops, and of this number one brigade did heroic fighting at Nashville. For his efiiciency in this department he received the rank of Major-General by brevet. General Lorenzo Thomas,Adjutant-General United States army, in the summer of 1865, when making his general report to the War Department, speaks of General Chetlain as follows : “Brigadier- General Chetlain reported to me and I assigned him as Superintend- ent of recruiting service in West Tennessee, and afterward in the entire State. He proved a most valuable oflicer, for I found him to possess both intelligence and zeal, with a rare qualification for the organization of troops. He never failed in any duty he was assigned either as Superintendent or as an Inspector, to which latter duty I assigned him, and I am gratified that he was subsequently rewarded by a Brevet Major-General.” Froin January to October, 1865, he commanded the post and defenses of Memphis. From October, 1865, to February, 1866, he commanded the District of Talladega, Alabama; subsequently be was honorably mustered out, thus closing an honorable and highly meritorious service under the banner of the country. After the close of the war, the public was startled by the announce- ment of the sudden death on Tuesday, May 6, 1866, of Brevet Colonel Theodore S. Bowers, United States Army, Assistant Adjutant-General to Lieutenant-General Grant, who lost his life at 510 rxrnrorrsm or rumors. Garrison’s Station in attempting to get on the cars while in motion. He was born in Pennsylvania, October 10, 1832, but was resident from boyhood in Mount Carmel, Illinois. When the war came he was editing the Register, but determined to enter the service upon the reception of the intelligence of the defeat at Bull Run. “ He commenced recruiting a company immediately, was enrolled at Mount Carmel, September 1, 1861, and mustered into the service a private in Company G, 48th Regiment Illinois Infantry Volun- teers at Camp Butler, Illinois, October 25, 1861, to serve for three years. He declined the captaincy of the company he had mainly raised, in consequence of the taunts of his former political associ- ates, that he entered the service for its oflices and emoluments, and resolved to shame them by setting an example of disinterested patri- otisn1. “His regiment was soon ordered to Cairo, Illinois, and private Bowers detailed and sent back on recruiting service. While away from his regiment, Captain Rawlins, Assistant Adjutant-General to Brigadier-General Grant, needed clerical assistance in his ofrice, and was advised by Colonel Haynie to detach Private Bowers. On his return this was done, and thenceforward his name became identified with the most glorious pages of his country’s history. “ The order detaching him from his regiment as a clerk at Gene- ral Grant’s headquarters is dated January 25, 1862. He went into the field in this capacity, followed the General to Forts Henry and Donelson, and was commissioned 1st Lieutenant of his Company March 24, 1862, having again waived its captaincy in favor of the Lieutenant who had accompanied and commanded it. Lieutenant Bowers was made aide-de-camp to General Grant in orders, April 26, 1862, but his duties were in reality those of an acting A. A. G., as the business of the command had become too onerous for the single labor of Major Rawlins. “ He was appointed Captain and Aid-de-camp, November 1, 1862. “ On the somewhat celebrated Tallahatchie Expedition, Captain Bowers was left at Holly Springs, in charge of the oflice work and official papers of the department, while the general headquarters were in advance at Oxford. _ He was surprised and captured at early dawn of the day the rebel General Van Dorn made his famous Q BOWERS A COLONEL. 511 raid on that place, and, by his great presence of mind, was enabled to destroy and secrete the most valuable papers in his charge, during the few seconds of time that the bold riders consumed in parleying with the guard who paced in front of his door. When his captors overpowered the sentry, and rushed into his room, the flames were consuming the oflicial report of the location and strength of every regiment in the department. Their discomfiture was complete. No papers of importance were captured, and the rebels probably never knew how narrowly a prize had escaped them. He refused all offers of parole, and, whenthreatened late in the day with being dragged off by ropes at the heels of their exultant squadrons, proudly defied them to do their worst, and declared he would never disgrace himself and his general by accepting a parole that must bind him for an indefinite period, when he knew that assistance was near at hand. By some unaccountable oversight, he _was allowed to escape from his guard in the‘ afternoon, and was left free in the streets by the hastily retreating rebels. For his conduct on this occasion, he was presented with a handsome dress sword by Gene- ral Grant’s own hands, and received the thanks and congratulations of that distinguished chief. “ Captain Bowers was appointed Judge Advocate for the Depart- ment of the Tennessee, with the rank of Major, February 19, 1868. “ W'hen Lieutenant-Colonel Rawlins was made Brigadier-General and Chief of Staff to General Grant after the surrender of Vicks- burg, Major Bowers was appointed Assistant Adjutant-General in his stead, and discharged its duties “well andfaithfully” to the day of his death. “He was brevetted Colonel of Volunteers, “for faithful and mer- itorious service,” February 24, 1865, which ended his promotion in that line of the service. “Until 1864, Colonel Bowers held no commission in the regular army. Anticipating the close of the war, and the consequent mus- ter out of all volunteer officers, General Grant had Colonel Bowers appointed Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. A., July 29, 1864, transferred to the Adjutant-General’s branch of the service, with the rank of Major U. S. A., January 6, 1865, by which he was enabled to retain his services for life. 512 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. “ His final promotions to be Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel U. S. A., by brevet, ‘for gallant and meritorious services during the war,’ are dated March 13, 1865, and close the oificial record of his brilliant promotions. History furnishes few parallels to his case. Commencing an obscure and friendless private, he rose steadily in the service without the adventitious aid of potential friends and patrons, to a rank coveted by the ablest ofiicers in the land,. and a position denied to men of eminence grown gray in serving their country.”—-—[U. S. Service Magazine. CHAPTER XXX. THE CHICACO CONSPIRACY. Excrrme Ruuons—Fmsr OBJ'ECTIVE——-DIABOLICAL SUHEME--CoLoNEL SWEET-—THE SITUATION — SUsPIc1oN -- IMPRESSION — GOVERNMENT DETECTIVE -— REVELATIONS-— MEASHRES——OFFICIAL Rnrom:—Cnrcxeo ARMED—TRIALS——-SEN'1‘ENCES——PARDONS—- BRAND or INFAMY. ‘ ENDING the Presidential election of 1864, the city of Chicago was thrown into a state of excitement almost equal to that which succeeded the announcement of the bombardment of Fort Sumter. It had been charged that there were organized, sworn, disciplined and drilled organizations in the West in full sympathy with the rebellion, waiting only a favorable opportunity to aid it by organized murder and the seizure of Union cities and especially Union leaders. Investigation before military commissions in the case of conspirators in Indiana and Illinois seem to have demonstrated the unwelcome fact beyond controversy. A report from the Judge Advocate of the United States stated the existence of an organization at the W‘est, which had for its object the overthrow of the Union. The con- spiracy, the report stated, had a military organization, with a Commander-in-Chief, general and subordinate ofiicers, and 500,000 enrolled members, all bound to a blind obedience to the orders of their superiors, and pledged to “ take up arms against any govern- ment found waging war against a people endeavoring to establish a government of their own choice.” The organization, it was said, was in every way hostile to the Union, and friendly to the so-called Confederacy; and its ultimate objects were “ a general rising in Missouri," and a similar “ rising in Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and Kentucky, in co-operation with a rebel force which was to invade the last-named State.” 33 514 PATRIOTISM OF ILLINOIS. The first “objective point ” was Camp Douglas, Chicago, the strate- gic importance of which was in the two-fold fact that it was the place where 8,000 rebel prisoners were held in durance, and that the abolition city of Chicago would afford admirable foraging ground. The prisoners were to be liberated and joined by Canadian refugees, Missouri bush-whackers, and the 5,000 members of the order in Chicago, in all a force of nearly 20,000 men, which would be a nucleus about which the conspirators in other parts of Illinois could gather; these being joined by the prisoners liberated from other camps, and members of the order from other states, would form an army a hundred thousand strong. So fully had everything been foreseen and provided for, that the leaders expected to gather and organize this vast body of men within the space of a fortnight! The United States could bring into the field no force capable of withstanding the progress of such an army. The consequences would be that the whole character of the war would be changed——its theater would be shifted from the border to the heart of the free states ; and South- ern independence, and the beginning at the North of that process of disintegration so confidently counted on by the rebel leaders at the outbreak of hostilities, would have followed. It was a bold scheme, and might have wrought mischief. General Orme had been succeeded in command of Camp Douglas by Colonel Sweet of lVisconsin, a gallant officer, who had been severely wounded in the shoulder at Perryville, and disabled for field duty. The’ camp which included about sixty acres of sandy soil, was inclosed by a board fence an inch thick and fourteen feethigh. The garrison ostensibly consisted of two regiments of veteran reserves, but could not muster more than 700 men fit for the duty of guarding 8,000 prisoners. Among these were men of noted daring and ferocity——Morgan’s freebooters, Texan rangbrs, guerrillas —-reckless, and ready for adventure. Many of the minor ofiices of the camp were performed by prisoners, who were thus in possession of the resources of the Commandant. Letters passing through the camp Post Otfice, enigmatically worded, first roused his suspicion. Subsequently he became convinced that it was designed to take advantage of a great convention to be held in the city, and convening the outside allies who might at that time come to the city without THE OHIO AGO consrrnacv. 515 suspicion, and carry out the plan. Prompt measures weretaken, such as convinced the leaders that an attempt would be dangerous, and it was postponed. The Presidential election was approaching, and the Commandant prepared to go home to take part in the can- vass, when he felt, he knew not why, that he must stay at his post, and did so. The next day showed why he was needed. Another writer makes this statement: “ On the 2d of November, a well-known citizen of St. Louis, openly a secessionist, but secretly a loyal man, acting as a detective for the Government, left that city in pursuit of a criminal. He fol- lowed him to Springfield, traced him from there to Chicago, and on the morning of November 4th, about -the hour the Commandant had the singular impression I have spoken of, arrived in the latter city. He soon learned that the bird had again flown. “‘ While passing along the street’ ( I now quote from his report to the Provost Marshal General of Missouri), ‘ and trying to decide what course to pursue-—whether to follow this man to New York, or to return to St. Louis--I met an old acquaintance, a member of the Order of American Knights, who informed me that Marmaduke was in Chicago. After conversing with him awhile, I started up the street, and about one block further on met Dr. E. W. Edwards, a practicing physician in Chicago ( another old acquaintance), who asked me if I knew of Southern soldiers being in town. I told him I did; that Marmaduke was there. He seemed very much astonished, and asked how I knew. I told him. He laughed, and then said that Marmaduke was at his house, under the assumed name of Bur- ling, and mentioned, as a good joke, that he had a British passport, vised by the United States Consul under that name. I gave Edwards my card to hand to Marmaduke (who was another old acquaintance), and told him I was stopping at the Briggs House. , “ ‘That same evening I again met Dr. Edwards on the street, going to my hotel. He said Marmaduke desired to see me, and I accompanied him to his house. There, in the course of a long con- versation, Marmaduke told me that he and several rebel oflicers were in Chicago to co-operate with other parties in releasing the prisoners of Camp Douglas and other prisons, and in inaugurating a rebellion at the North. He said the movement was under the 516 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. auspices of the Order of American Knights (to which order the Society of the Illini belonged), and was to begin operations by an attack on Camp Douglas 011 election day.’ “ The detective did not know the Commandant, but he soon made his acquaintance and told him the story. ‘ The young man,’ he says, ‘rested his head upon his hand, and looked as if he had lost his mother.’ And well he might! A mine had opened at his feet; with but 800 men in the garrison it was to be sprung upon him. Only seventy hours were left! What would he not give for twice as niany? Then he might secure reinforcements. He walked the room for a time in silence, then, turning to the detective, said, ‘ Do you know where the other leaders are?’ ‘I do not.’ ‘Can’t you find out from Marmaduke?’ ‘I think not. He said what he did say voluntarily. If I were to question him he would suspect me.’ That was true, and Marmaduke was not of the stuff that betrays a comrade 011 compulsion. His arrest, therefore, would profit nothing, and might hasten the attack for which the Commandant was so poorly prepared. He sat down and wrote a hurried dispatch to his General. Troops! troops! for God’s sake, troops! was its burden. Sending it off by a courier-the telegraph told tales—-he rose, and again walked the room in silence. After awhile, with a heavy heart, the detective said, ‘ Good night,’ and left him.” From another quarter he obtained a full statement of the scheme, which was gigantic in detail, and contemplated a general uprising through the North, while Hood should move upon Nashville, Buck- ner upon Louisville and Price upon St. Louis, and the blow was to be struck in Chicago on the night of the 8th of November. The Commandant took prompt measures, secured the police, and arranged his plans, and at 2 A. M. in the morning made his descent. When daylight came a hundred of the suspected leaders were in custody. The oificial report of the Commandant says: “Have made during the night the following arrests of rebel officers, escaped prisoners of war, and citizens in connection with them: . “ Morgan’s Adjutant-General, Colonel G. St. Leger Grenfell, in company with J. T. Shank (the Texan), an escaped prisoner of war, at Richmond House; Colonel Vincent Marmaduke, brother of General Marmaduke; Brigadier-General Charles Walsh, of the Sons of Liberty; Captain Cantrill of Morgan’s command; Charles Traverse (butternut). Cantrill and Traverse were arrested in Walsh’s house, in THE omcaeo CONSPIRACY. 517 which were found two cart-loads of large size revolvers loaded and capped, 200 stand of loaded muskets and ammunition. Also seized two boxes of guns con- cealed in a room in the city. Also arrested Buck Morris, Treasurer of the Sons of Liberty, having complete proof of his assisting Shanks to escape, and plotting to release prisoners at this camp. “ Most of these rebel officers were in the city on the same errand in August last, their plan being to raise an insurrection and release the prisoners of war at this camp. There are many strangers and suspicious persons in the city, believed to be guerrillas and rebel soldiers. Their plan was to attack the camp on election-night. All prisoners arrested are in camp. Captain Nelson and A. C. Coventry, of the police, rendered very efiicient service. “B. J . SWEET, Colonel Commanding.” “ CAMP DOUGLAS, Nov. ‘7th, 4 A. M.” The city was horrified, and none knew certainly that the storm would not yet burst. Husbands and fathers shuddered at the thought of the city given up to the brutal control of that mob of eight thousand rebel prisoners and their more brutal allies ! Never were so many citizens armed in Chicago as that day. Pa- trols rode to and fro, and the city were the appearance of a military camp. The election progressed peacefully, additional arrests were made, and arms seized, but the life was gone, and the conspiracy collapsed. “ Early in January, 1865, pursuant to the ord_er of Major-General Joseph Hooker, commander of the Northwestern Department, and the Department of the Ohio, a military commission assembled in Cincinnati——the headquarters of the military department—to try by court martial, the alleged ringleaders in the conspiracy. After one or two informal meetings, the Court formally assembled January \ 9th, being constituted as follows: Colonel Charles T. Murray, 89th Indiana, President; Colonel M. M. Wisewell, 6th V. R. C. ; Colonel R. Spooner, 83d Indiana; Colonel R. H. DeHart, 138th Indiana; Lieutenant-Colonel P. Van Radowitz, A D. C., U. S. A.; Lieuten- ant-Colonel S. H. Lathrop, A. I. G., U. S. V.; Lieutenant-Colonel Allen Heath, 100th Indiana, and Major S. R. Lee, 6th V. R. C. The Judge Advocate of the Court was Colonel H. S. Burnett, assisted by Colonel J. R. Jackson. Benn Pittman, Esq., acted as recorder. On the 18th of January the prisoners were arraigned upon the following charges, with suitable specifications: “ Charge Fz'rst——‘ Conspiring in violation of the laws of war, to 518 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. release the rebel prisoners confined by authority of the United States, at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Illinois.’ ' “ Charge Second-—‘ Conspiring in violation of the laws of war, to lay waste and destroy the city of Chicago, Illinois.’ “ The prisoners thus charged were Buckner S. Morris, of Chicago ; Charles Walsh, Chicago; Colonel George St. Leger Grenfell, C. S. A., of London, England; Colonel Vincent Marmaduke, C. S. A., Saline County, Missouri; Raphael S. Semmes, Chicago ; Charles Travis, alias Charles Daniels, alias Charles Travis Daniels, of Mis- souri ; Benjamin Anderson, St. Louis, Missouri; George Cantrill, Scott County, Kentucky. Of these, the prisoner Cantrill was granted a separate trial, on the ground of his manifest sickness. The others first attempted to gain separate trials, but failed; then with equal unsuccess, appealed from the jurisdiction of the tribunal ; and finally, after wasting much time in useless pleas, entered a plea of ‘ not guilty ’ to the charges and specifications. Of the evidence adduced, nothing need be recapitulated, the testimony being still fresh in the memories of all our readers. “ The trial slowly progressed until about the middle of April, when the cases for the Government and the defendants were alike concluded, and the sealed findings of the Court transmitted to the commanding general for approval. They were approved without ex- ception, and were to the following effect: Charles Walsh, Brigadier- General of the Sons of Liberty--guilty, and sentenced to three years’ imprisonment with hard labor in the Ohio State Penitentiary. Buckner S. Morris-—not guilty. Vincent Marmaduke--not guilty. G. St. Leger Grenfell—-guilty of both charges and specifications, and sentenced to the extremest penalty—-death. Raphael S. Semmes —guilty, and sentenced to two years’ imprisonment. The prisoner Anderson, on the 19th of February, committed suicide by shooting himself while confined in McLean Barracks ; and on the 16th of the same month, Travis alias Daniels, escaped from the custody of a careless guard, during a momentary recess of the court, in the Court House. “ The above sentences were none of them carried into effect, and on the glorious victories of the Federal armies, annihilating the re- bellion, the convicted Chicago iconspirators, with other military pris- THE END. ' 519 oners, received the benefit of executive clemency. The sentence of Grenfell was commuted from death to imprisonment for life in the Dry Tortugas, and the other convicts were pardoned and allowed to return to their homes, after an absence and confinement in dur- ance vile of nearly nine months.” ' So ended the conspiracy trials, and the punishment of the con- spirators. Perhaps it was well that executive clemency was extend- ed, but no pardon could remove the withering disgrace which had come upon the conspirators. They were free to go or come, but they were none the less outlaws. The Northern conspirators in behalf of rebellion, slavery, prisoner-starvation and assassination, must forever wear the brand of infamy. CHAPTER XXXI. GENERAL GRANT. Fommn EsTIMA'rE—HIs WESTERN CAREER-—-ARMY or Po'.roIIAo—I'.rs LEAI>ERS—MGCLEL- LAN—-POPE-—BURNSIDE—‘——HOOKER——MEADE-—GRANT’S PLANs—LI~:E’s PRESTIGE—WIL- DERNESS——PE'1‘ERSBURG——-RESULTS——-CRITICISM-—-PEOPLE’S ANSWER—-—GRANT IN GIIIOA- G0——RECEPTION IN BRYAN HALL-—HooKER’s SPEEcn—GRAN'r’s—YArEs’—SHERMAN AND GRANT As 0B.ATORS——RECEPTION BY BOARD or TRADE—FAIRCHILD AND WASH- BURN-—SEO0ND VISIT-0vA'rIoN IN CANADA AND MICHIGAN—EN-ROUTE FOR GALENA -—MARSHAL J 0NES—-THE TRAIN—-ON THE WAY-—THE GENERAL AT HOME—WELGOME BY HON. E. B. WASHBURN—GRANT—VINOENT—GRADE or GENERAL N the resumé of General Grant’s character and services in the first volume it was intimated that time was to test the sagacity of his great plans, the wisdom of his strategy, and the power of his endurance. Time has proven. The analysis of his character given in advance of his consummated victories was not inaccurate, and General Grant has taken his place among the great Captains of the world. As our fellow-citizen his final services demand special recognition in this volume. . His commands in the West have been traced from Cairo to Mis- sionary Ridge, and an outline has been given of his service in the Army of the Potomac. That gallant army had fought bravely as ever men fought, but some strange fatality seemed to have rested upon it. The country had been impatient. Our leaders sought Richmond; the rebel leaders sought Washington. The -failure of ours was subject of indignant comment, and the army of Lee was surrounded by a haze of invincibility. It had failed to reach its objective point, but yet the press spoke of it as though accomplish- BREVET MAJ GEl\LM.BRAYl ENGEAVEL DU-EESSLY :","l-‘ 1‘ L_-\.?—T.{.E & (‘O FORMER OOMMANDERS. 521 ing all it sought. We had the record of Vienna with its masked batteries, Big Bethel and Bull Run. General McClellan had proven himself an admirable organizer of a great army, and secured a remarkable popularity with rank and file, but he adopted a “ Fabian policy,” and waited. The troops of the West were also held chafing; the nation waited for the “ short, sharp, decisive ” operations which were to end its costly struggle-—waited and received—-Ball’s Bluff! The rebel army held Manassas until ready to leave it. Then came the many campaigns of the Peninsula. The nation shouted over Yorktown, and considered Richmond as already won. Pope was tried, failed—failed sadly. McClellan returned, in part retrieved his waning reputation at Antietam, and passed from sight. Swinton in his Campaz'gns of the Potomac, thus sums up the character of Gen- eral McClellan: “ Of him it may be said, that if he does not belong to that fore- most category of commanders made up those who have always been successful, and including but a few illustrious names, neither does he rank with that numerous class who have ruined their armies without fighting. He ranges with that middle category of merito- rious commanders, who, like Sertorious, Wallenstein, and William of Orange, generally unfortunate in war, yet were, in the words of Marmont, ‘ never destroyed nor discouraged, but were always able to oppose a menacing front, and make the enemy pay dear for what he gained.’ ” If the country is content to receive this verdict we arenot careful to disturb it. General Burnside came next. A brave and honest man, surrounded by difficulties which he could not master, he led the army against the defences of Fredericksburg, and the nation was again disappointed. Hooker succeeded him. A splendid soldier, and one whose fame will endure. He was beaten at Chancellorsville, and the command of the army was thrown upon Meade barely in time for him to fight and win the battle of Gettysburg. The army of Lee escaped across the Potomac. The day of isolated and conflicting movements was to pass. The hero of Vicksburg and Mission Ridge was promoted to the grade of Lieutenant- General to command the armies of the United 522 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. States. A plan contemplating the movements of Sherman and Can- by in the West, Meade, Butler, Gillmore and Terry in the East, was perfected. Leaving Sherman, to execute it in the West, the Lieutenant-General made his headquarters with the Army of the Potomac, and laid his plans for defeating Lee. The theory of the Lieutenant-General was, that, first of all, the prestige of Lee’s army must be broken. Our army must prove that it can go into Lee’s defences, meet his entrenched army, fight day after day, sustain repulse, disaster and frightful loss, and yet not lose heart, but still advance, and ultimately grind the rebel army to powder. _ His army was found on May 5, 1864, on the south side of the Rapidan, marching through the ‘Wilderness, meaning to sever Lee’s communications with Richmond. Lee assumed the oifensive, and attacked our army in the tangled mazes of the forest, and fear- ful slaughter was upon both sides, decisive victory upon neither. Grant moved by the left upon Spottsylvania Court House, but Lee was there in advance, and choosing his position, a series of desperate engagements followed. The army was marched through the fertile region lying between Spottsylvania and the North Anna. On the south side of this stream Lee secured a position, where he was strongly entrenched, his line resting on the river in the center, and receding on the flanks. Grant’s army attacking, must be divided by this formation, and after crossing the river, it so discovered, and found that this was by far the strongest position Lee had taken, and withdrew to the north bank, and marched for the Chickahominy. Lee moved by a shorter line, and was at Cold Harbor behind strong entrenohments in advance of our army. The desperate assaults of the 1st and 3d of June, were made upon this position, without car- rying it, but causing heavy loss. By a flank movement, the army was thrown across the J amés, the outer works of Petersburg were carried by assault, and had the Lieutenant-Gcneral’s orders been carried out, Petersburg would have_ been taken at that time. As it was, the army sat down before it, awaiting the results of other movements, and the coming of the hour when the defences might be rendered useless, and Lee driven out to sure capture. THE END AssURED. 523 The results we have told elsewhere. It is now easy to sit down and show how if something else had been done at Spottsylvania, on the south bank of the North Anna, or at Cold Harbor, it had been better. But it had been seen that the army of Lee was not able to prevent the advance of Grant. Its prestige was broken. Its for- mer fame was made of none effect, and for weary months it was com- pelled to guard its prison-walls, while Sherman, Thomas, Canby, Schofield and Terry were destroying army after army, and capturing the military centers of the Southwest and Atlantic, and Sheridan rode at will through the hitherto chained Valley of the Shenandoah. With the final blows of the sturdy fist of “ the Colonel of the 21st Illinois Infantry,” the rebellion tottered from its base and lay in ruins. The answer of the people to military critics who demonstrated to their own satisfaction that Grant had failed here and there, was the single word “ victory.” He had broken the power of the re- bellion--the great campaigns, bewildering in the distances to be traversed and numbers employed, were successful, and their lines converged, with shouts of victory to the grand review in Wash- ington. GRANT, next to ABRAHAM LINCOLN, was in the heart of the Amer- ican people. They believed him to be a true man, no braggart, no dreamer, no visionary, a thoughtful, strong-willed MAN. They found him generous to subordinates, giving unstinted praise to his brave co-workers. ' While the nation was ringing with his praise, Illinois was espec- ially anxious to welcome him again. The first opportunity was dur- ing the great Sanitary Fair. He reached Chicago on the 10th of May, 1865, and preparations were accordingly made for a reception befitting the man and the occasion. Committees were appointed from the executive commit- tees of the Fair, and by the Board of Trade, to receive him on his arrival, and’ escort him through the streets of the city. The Com-, mon Council inet in special session, and, after passing appropriate resolutions, decided to join in a body in doing honor to the General. These committees assembled at the Tremont House at half-past eleven o’clock on Saturday morning, and formed in procession on 524: PATRIOTISM on ILLINOIS. Lake street. The crowd was quite large, extending on all the streets near the hotel. On the steps were a goodly number of Generals, other army ofiicers, and distinguished citizens, conspicuous among whom were Generals Sherman, Hooker, Hazen, Augur and Sweet, and ex-Governor, now United States Senator, Yates. About noon, preceded by the band of the 8th Veteran Reserve Corps, the procession moved forward, two abreast, toward the sta- tion. All along the line of march there was a good deal of enthu- siasm manifested by the citizens; but this was nothing compared with that which made the streets ring on its return. Long before the arrival either of the train or the procession, the station was be- sieged with people, on foot, in carriages and on horseback, whilst a long line of omnibuses barricaded one side of the depot. By half- past twelve the workmen availed themselves of the dinner hour to swell the number of the spectators, and it was with great difficulty that even a foot passenger could make his way through the crowd. At the depot a line was formed from the platform to the street, for the General and the committee to pass through, and all waited in deep anxiety for the important arrival. Committees of the most eminent gentlemen representing the Fair, the Board of Trade, and the city, were in waiting. The 24th Ohio battery, from Camp Douglas, was sent out at an early hour, and was now drawn up for the purpose of firing a sa- lute in honor of the distinguished arrival. A little after half-past twelve o’clock the booming of the first gun was heard, announcing the appearance of the train. This was followed by fifteen other dis- charges, in slow succession, and then a tremendous shout both in- side and outside the building, proclaimed that General Grant had arrived in Chicago. The arrangements were soon completed for the march, and when the General appeared, the enthusiasm was unbounded. There was no sham in this wild display of feeling. It was dictated by patriot- ism, and a strong personal affection--and literally “ smote the air.” The police, under the command of Captain Nelson, did efficient ser- vice on the occasion, and created order out of the mighty disorder which at first prevailed. \ The General was escorted to the north end of the depot, and im- \ enm’s RECEPTION. 525 mediately mounted his old war-horse—the old favorite, which has carried him safely in so many battles, and is as dear to the Ameri- can heart as Alexander’s Bucephalus is to the Greeians and to history. He was received by aroar of voices, like the thunder of a tempestu- ous sea, and welcomed by as happy faces as ever greeted the return of a conqueror. He gracefully took oif his hat and returned the greet- ing. Then the other generals and officers, and civic functionaries mounted their carriages and horses, and the vast cavalcade marched down Clark street, then east upon Lake street, from thence south, down Wabash Avenue, and so on to the north entrance of Union Hall. The procession was headed by the police, followed by a com- pany of young cadets, dressed in the Zouave costume, and a Zouave band, from Notre Dame, Indiana——by the Hon. Thomas Drummond, Judge of United States Courts, and Judges Van H. Higgins, and Joseph E. Gary, with Mayor Rice and the Common Council of the city. Then followed the several committees of reception, after which rode General Grant on his charger, accompanied by Thomas B. Bryan and the General’s staff, backed by a carriage containing General Hooker and Senator Yates, and a long array of military and citizens. It was a splendid outburst of popular enthusiasm, the people turning out en masse to receive the savior of their country. All the town, indeed, were in the streets, if we may so express the fact of the universal presence of the citizens, the procession arrived at the northern entrance, and attempted to get through the hall to the gallery at the other end. But it was so densely packed that the thing was impossible. General Grant himself, accompanied by Mr. Bryan, had the hardest work to elbow his way. This was done at last, however, and his presence in the gallery was announced and welcomed by the shouts of the assembled spectators, and by a sea- like waving of handkerchiefs, and hats and bonnets. After some little delay, Major-General Hooker, who, it had been announced, would deliver the address of introduction, advanced and said: “ Ladies and Gentlemen :-—Allow me to present to you our Lieu- tenant-General, Lieutenant-General Grant. [Loud cheers] He is the ofiicer of whom you have been reading for the last four years, 526 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. who has been reflecting honor and glory on you and on all our land from that time to this. [Enthusiastic cheering.] I have been re- quested by the authorities of this city, by the representatives of its trade and commerce, and by the projectors of this great Fair, to welcome General Grant to Chicago. [Lengthened applause] As it regards General Grant, as it regards yourselves, no more grateful, no more pleasant duty could be devolved upon me. Pre-eminently patriotic, and pre-eminently appreciative, this people have watched with intense interest every step which he has taken from the be— ginning of the rebellion to its conclusion. [‘That’s so.’] And they have watched his campaign throughout its course with the proudest satisfaction. [Cheers.] They have sympathized with his labors, his perils, his privations, and they have gloried in his un- rivaled victories and successes. [Great applause.] But for still greater reasons this people have cause to be proud of General Grant. No man lives who has been more’ faithful to his Government, and to ‘the principles of humanity, and the" sacred principles involved in this rebellion, than this brave oflicer who is now presented to you for the first time. [Great cheers.] “ Gentlemen and Ladies :—The most acceptable introduction that I can make of our Lieutenant-General to you, is to turn him over to you. [Cheers.] That I now do.” The speaker here bowed to Lieutenant-General Grant, who ad- vanced to the front amid a perfect storm of applause. Every throat in that vast assemblage seemed strained to the uttermost, hats and handkerchiefs were waved, hands innumerable were clapped, and every other possible mode of expressing enthusiasm was resorted to. It was some minutes ere the cheering subsided. At length the Gen- eral spoke as follows: “ Gentlemen and Ladies .'——I never made a speech myself, and therefore I will ask Governor Yates, of Illinois, to convey to you the thanks which I should fail to express.” [Immense and long contin- ued cheers and laughter greeted this unexpectedly short speech of the Lieutenant-General.] . Senator Yates then came forward and spoke as follows: “Fellow Citizens .'-—This is indeed an unexpected duty on my part. General Grant has devolved upon me the duty of returning YATE’s REsPoNsE.' 527 to the citizens of Chicago his thanks for the splendid reception which they have given him upon this occasion. “Fellow Citizens :——VVhile I feel ill prepared for the duty, yet I confess it to be the proudest moment of my life, that I should have the honor to reply, in the name of this most distinguished American citizen, to the people of Chicago, and to the people of the state of Illinois. Some four years ago, as you will see in a Vicksburg pa- per, which was published in the city of Vicksburg some four years ago, it was then and there announced that a certain Captain Grant had made a report to the Governor of the State of Illinois of the number of arms that the State of Illinois had at that time, and that Captain Grant (as the paper said) had reported that the State of I11- inois had nine hundred rusty muskets for the defence of the Gov- ernment of the United States. But, fellow citizens, before two years had elapsed, that same Captain Grant stood under the Grant and Pemberton tree, smoking his cigar, while the ever-glorious banner of stars and stripes floated over the battlements of Vicksburg. [Cheers.] And fellow citizens, we have followed him from that day to this, at Belmont, at Shiloh, at Donelson, at Vicksburg, at Chattanooga, through the Wilderness, at Lee’s surrender, until, all along the banks of our rivers, ocean coasts, from every turret and steeple floats to-day, in proud and unsullied splendor, our ever-glo- rious star-spangled banner. [Applause.] “ Fellow Citizens .'-—I have often said before, and you must allow me to say it once more, that I am proud that these fingers signed the colonel’s commission of the world’s greatest commander, Ulysses S. Grant. [Tumultuous cheers.] I did not know that the General would be as great a man then, or I might have been a little more complimentary. [Laughter and cheers.] Now his name, glory-crowned with garlands, and the riches of shining victories up- on more than a hundred battle-fields, proclaims him the idol of this country and the world. [Loud and long continued cheers.] And next to HIM--noble Lincoln-—he is in the choice and honor of the nation; and, fellow citizens, I am here to-day to say, that the proud est reflection that fills the heart of this brave soldier and General, is, that we have gloriously triumphed, that our Union is preserved, that the authority of the Government has been sustained, and that 528 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. free institutions have been secured for us, and for our posterity for- ever.” [Enthusiastic applause] Major-General Sherman being loudly called for, came forward and said: “ Ladies and Gentlemen .'-I am here to-day as a mere listener, and cannot be drawn into any speech whatever. Always ready, al- ways willing, always proud to back my old and beloved commander- in-chief, I will do anything in the world which he asks me to do. I know he will not ask me to make a speech.” [Cheers and laughter.] _ General Grant being thus appealed to, responded by saying: “ I never as/la a soldier to do anything I cannot do mysel .” A loud laughter greeted this sally, amid which the two Generals withdrew. Mrs. Grant was presented amid tumultuous cheering. On Sunday the General attended divine service at Trinity Metho- dist Episcopal Church, of which his old friend, Rev. John H. Vincent, was pastor. On Monday he received a formal welcome from the Board of Trade. It is thus reported by the Tribune : “ It had been appointed that the ceremony of reception on ’Change should take place at one o’clock, but as early as half past twelve business was entirely suspended, and every one was on the tiptoe of expectation in anxious desire to see our celebrated commander. The desks and tables on which venders do usually, in a very quiet manner, dispose of their commodities, were converted into stands for the more determined of those who had vowed, in their minds, to see the one most prominent man on our continent. Even the reporters (those highly respectable and deservably respected members of the com- munity) had a difiiculty in obtaining places. In their anxiety to gain good positions, members of the Board of Trade took out pencil and paper and mingling with the staff said they were connected with the press gang. “ At a quarter to one o’clock, the Lieutenant.-General, accompanied by Hon. E. B. Washburne, Hon. Richard Yates, Hon. J. R. J ones, and the reception Committee appointed by the Board of Trade, entered the room at the eastern entrance, and proceeded through the well packed crowd to the platform, amid the most tumultuous applause. “ Vice-President W. D. Houghteling then said, ‘ Gentlemen of the AT THE BOARD or TRADE. 529 Board of Trade .'—I have the honor of presenting to you Mr. N. K. Fairbank, who, on behalf of the Board of Trade, on this occasion, will welcome and introduce to you our distinguished visitor, Lieu- tenant-General Grant.’ [Cheers.] “Mr. N. K. Fairbank said: ‘ General Grant :——In the absence of the oflicers of the Board of Trade, the honorable and pleasing duty has devolved upon _me of offering a welcome to you on behalf of the Board of Trade of the city of Chicago. “ ‘ I need not tell you, sir, how grateful the people are to see you. The spontaneous bursts of enthusiasm and welcome at every turn- the feelings of oy and gratitude which well up from every heart- tell you in language plainer than any words of mine can do, how much the people recognize in you the man whose genius, energy and pluck have rescued this country from the most gigantic rebellion that ever was known in the history of nations.’ [Cheers.] “‘I will not affect to conceal the cause of the pride we feel: you went out from among us, one of our own citizens—bearing the com- mission of our own Governor, as a Colonel of Illinois Volunteers-—- and that now you return to us, to-day, as the Commander of the whole of the armies of the United States [applause], with a name and a fame as imperishable as time itself [loud applause] ; the idol of the whole country, as of every lover of liberty, free institutions and good government, throughout the world.’ [Renewed applause, and cries of “ good.”] “ ‘As merchants of the commercial capital of the great North- west, we thank you, with feelings of unbounded gratitude, for the return of peace and its abundant blessings ; for the opening of Com- merce throughout the whole of the United States ; for the removal of restrictions on trade; and, with the return of peace, the return of so many of our citizens, soldiers, who went out to battle with the foe. They come, in a most opportune time, to aid us in gathering the bounteous harvest promised to us, and now growing green and luxuriant upon our prairies; and we pledge to you, as an earnest of the gratitude we feel, that the merchants of Chicago and the North- west will ever be found standing by the Republic; and that our energies and all we have shall be devoted to the development of the commerce and the prosperity of the Northwest. 34 580 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. “ ‘ We will endeavor, at all times, and on all occasions, to show to you and to the world that “Peace has her victories, no less renowned than war.” “ ‘ General, I thank you for your presence here to-day, and I ten- der to you, on behalf of the Board of Trade, our most hearty thanks, and our most cordial welcome. “ ‘ Gentlemen of the Board of Trade, I have the honor of intro- ducing to you Lieutenant-General Grant.’ “ The announcement was received with three deafening cheers and a roaring tiger. “General Grant spoke as follows: ‘ Gentlemen of the Board of Trade, and Citizens of Chicago .'--I will not be able to thank you as I would like to do, for the very kind welcome which you have given me, but I will ask my old friend Mr. Washburne to return to you the thanks I should fail to express.’ [Loud cheers and laughter.] “ Hon. E. B. Washburne then came forward, and addressed the audience as follows : ‘ Mr. President, and Gentlemen of the Board of Trade .'—-I regret, my friends, that my friend and neighbor, the Lieutenant-General, has not more fully tendered to you his thanks, himself; but he is in the habit of speaking more by actions and deeds than by words. [Cheers.] I wish that he had undertaken the task of replying to your compliments, because I know that if he had undertaken it he would have done it far better than any other-‘man, for I tell you that I never knew him, if he undertook to do a thing, but he did it. [Applause and laughter.] And what is more than that, he did it better than any other man. [Renewed applause.] But after all, his silence is more eloquent than any utterances. “ ‘ Somewhat more than three years have gone by since the time when, in the Congress of the United States, General Grant had not quite so many friends as he appears to have to-day. [Laughter, and cries of “ that’s so.”] I took occasion in Congress at that time, in speaking of him, to observe that he was as modest as he is brave and incorruptible. [Tremendous cheers, and shouts of “ good,” “ good.”] You have known of his bravery and incorruptibility by ' the hearing of the ear, and to-day you have the pleasure of witness- ing his modesty by the sight of the eye. [Cheers.] If he were to wAsHRURNE’s REMARKS. 531 ‘speak, he would, in the first place, tender his profound and grateful acknowledgments to the Board of Trade of Chicago, for this kind, this cordial, this heart-felt greeting which you have extended to him to-day; and he would also bear testimony to the distinguished patriotism which has characterized your body throughout this whole war-—how you bravely stood by the Government in its dreadful perils--following its fortunes alike when victory flashed from all our banners, and when defeat and disaster hung upon our arms. He would also speak of your noble and patriotic city—-of its marvelous prosperity during this time of war—-and he would tender to the citi- zens of Chicago, and to all the citizens of Illinois, his grateful acknowledgments to them, and particularly to the soldiers in the field, in whose hands his banner has never been withered. [Loud cheers.] He would tender all these things to you here, for Chicago --although my friend and myself came from the rural districts [Laughter] yet we are proud of Chicago, and particularly when you extend a little welcome to your country cousins. I [Renewed laughter, and expressions of “ good,” “that’s so,” 850.] And the Chicago people, let me say I like them, but they are somewhat like the Parisian, who says that France is the world, and that Paris is France. [Laughter.] And the Chicago man says, as all true Illi- noisans say, that Illinois is the world, and Chicago is Illinois. [Cheers and laughter.] We are willing in the country to say that, to the extent of one little fourteent .’ ” Mr. Washburne proceeded in an admirable address on topics rela- tive to the situation of the country. Senator Yates was called for, and responded. The Lieutenant-General hastened his departure for Washington. His second reception was upon the occasion of revisiting his home in Galena, where a comfortable mansion had been purchased and furnished by his friends. He came through Canada, and received a welcome almost as hearty and imposing as that which greeted him along the lines of railway in the Union. The journals which, in fee- ble imitation of the London Times, had heaped odious criticism upon him were filled with double-leaded laudations. Through Michi- gan, along the line of the Michigan Central Railway, thousands greeted him with enthusiastic shouts. PATRIOTI SM OF ILLINOIS. Arriving in Chicago, in deference to his wishes, the General and family were permitted to have a quiet day or two, and preparations were made for his visit to Galena. We append an account written at the time by the author, who accompanied the expedition: “ The care of the guests, with their general supervision was upon J. R. J ones, Esq., U. S. Marshal, himself formerly of Galena. His care, urbanity, and unwavering attention, deserve the gratitude of the recipients, and it is a pleasure to make this public and well merited recognition. “ The train was made up of four of the most superb coaches yet placed on trucks, three of them being of the new style of the Chicago and Northwestern railway, complete in all their details, the fourth was the elegant director’s car of the Illinois Central road, considerately tendered by Superintendent Arthur. “ The rear car, assigned to the General and his family, has never been surpassed in elegance. Entirely new, without seats, the floor was carpeted with rich Brussels, while costly center-tables, sofas, ottomans, upholstered easy chairs, etc., gave the appearance of a superb parlor. Long before reaching Galena the center-tables were filled with fragrant bouquets, while some of monster proportions were deposited-in the baggage racks, making the car really a thing of beauty. “ Mr. S. S. Hobart, Superintendent of the Wisconsin Division of the Northwestern railroad gave special supervision to making up the train, which was superintended by Mr. E. J . Cuyler, Assistant Superintendent of the Galena Division Chicago and Northwestern railroad, assisted by that accomplished conductor, James G. Knapp. “ The train moved out of the Wells-street Depot at precisely 8:30 A. M., and thousands sent skyward deafening cheers as the hero of the war for the Union stood upon the platform of the rear car. “ The company was made up of old friends, neighbors of General Grant, with a few invited guests. “ The trip was one magnificent ovation. Even at the stations where no stop was to be made, hundreds gathered hoping to catch a glimpse of the General. Where the train was to stop the people had come en-masse--strong men, old men leaning on their staves, tottering grandames, young men and maidens, and little children. EN ROUTE TO GALENA. 5'33 Shouts made the welkin ring; flowers were rained; tremulous ‘ God bless you,’ came often struggling through the sound-waves of lusty voices. The General would stand at the rear of the car and bow and give his hand to those who pressed about him, but no speech would he make. “ At Belvidere, as the train stopped, and the Lieutenant-General took his usual position, Major-General Hurlbut, the gallant hero of the Hatchie, temporarily at his home, sprang on the steps, and despite his superior officer’s modesty, whisked him off amid burst- ing huzzahs, and fairly carried him around the depot. Among the most excited of the throng was the venerable Bishop Mcllvain, of Ohio. “ At Rockford, as at Marengo, there was a triumphal arch, hand- somely decorated; beneath it was a platform upon which the con- queror of Vicksburg was compelled to mount, while Hon. E. B. Washburne made a few fitting remarks. “Between Rockford and Freeport a collation was served in the most approved style by Kinsley of the Opera House restaurant. He made many new friends and satisfied several craving appetites. His staff consisted of four American citizens of African descent, who, with their tasseled Fez caps, made a picturesque appearance, shaded off into the practical by trays of sandwiches, chicken, salad, cold fowl, meats, cake, with deep bowls of ice-cream, pyramids of grapes, and baskets of pears.. “ At Galena the demonstration was grand. He who went from that town of hills the humble Colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteers, was returning the most famous military chieftain of the age. He was their townsman—no wonder they were proud. On one of the sunny slopes stood a handsome house, furnished from basement to attic, the gift of a few citizens. “Thronging about the triumphal arch are thousands of people, not only from Illinois-, but also from Wisconsin and Iowa. “ Almost all processions are alike—-this one was not an exception. When the General reached the stage, after the band played ‘ Hail to the Chief,’ Hon. E. B. Washburne thus addressed him: “ ‘ Lieatenant- General Grant :-With emotions of pride and grat- itude, which no language can express, all loyal hearts bid you a 534 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. cordial welcome to your home. Four years and four months gone by, you found your country assailed by traitors, who laid their bloody hands upon the Constitution, and essayed to tear down the most splendid fabric of human liberty ever erected by the wisdom and patriotism of man. Instantly identifying yourself with the sacred cause of your country and of human rights, you presided at the first war meeting ever held in our city after the firing upon Fort Sumter. Unheralded and almost unobserved, you left your quiet home and the peaceful pursuits of private life, and placed your services at the disposal of the Government, to aid in vindicating the honor of our insulted flag, and in restoring the national authority. The mighty results you have achieved since you left your home in our rock- bound city, at the breaking out of the rebellion, stand out unparal- leled in historic annals. They are engraven upon the hearts of the patriotic and grateful people who here gather around you to lay at your feet the tribute of their profoundest gratitude. These uncounted hosts who to-day throng our streets, and who have come to join in the welcome of grateful hearts, are not only from our own State, but they come to greet you from our patriotic sister states of Wis- consin and Iowa, and they join with us in offering to you the homage of their obligation, and in extending to you heartfelt congratulations that you have been spared, by an overruling Providence, to return to us unharmed through all the perils of four years of sanguinary war. The young and the old and the middle aged are her'e to greet you with their fresh, warm words of welcome. Childhood lisps its words of affectionate salutation, and youth and beauty surround you, and with patriotic emblems wave you their greetings. And here to- day, in your presence, are our gallant soldiers, who have carried your victorious eagles over so many blood-stained battle fields, and who with martial tread and military air “ show how fields were won.” They, too, have our greetings and our thanks, and while we welcome the living, we pour out our tears over the green graves of our heroes, fallen in battle, or dying in hospitals or prison pens. “ ‘ It must be left to history to make a full record of your battles and your victories, your marches and your sieges, your labors, your anxieties and your watchings; the glories you have achieved, and the magnificent triumphs which, underProvidence, you have wrought out. The occasion will not permit more than a passing allusion to THE WELCOME. 535 \ all you have done for your country, but when we of the West forget that it was the “ Hero of Vicksburg” who opened to us the naviga- tion of the “ Great Farther of Waters,” so that our commerce can run “unvexed to the sea,” may our right arms fall from their shoul- der blades. “ ‘ Permit me to say here, General, that as you were the first gen- eral oflicer from our city entrusted with important commands, and engaged in active military operations, your loyal fellow-citizens watched your career with unflagging interest, and followed your fortunes with a faith that never faltered. When calumny and detraction swept over you, your friends and neighbors breasted the wave, and your laurels were never withered by any of the soldiers of J o Daivess who followed your victorious banners. And when you poured your leaden hail into the rebels, it is no wonder they thought you hailed from the “ Galena Lead Mines,” where the peo- ple sell that product in time of peace, but give it away in time of war. “ ‘ We welcome you not only to your Galena home but to your own noble and gallant State, which has made a record during the war which makes the hearts of all her loyal sons swell with pride. The blood of her soldiers moistens every battle field of the Republic. It is in our State where repose the ashes of Lincoln and Douglas. Lincoln, the martyred President, struck down by the assassin hand of slavery, and who illustrated in his life the purest patriotism, the sublimest courage, and the most elevated devotion to the cause of his country and of liberty. Douglas, the illustrious Senator, the gifted statesman, the champion of popular rights, falling, alas, too soon, but with love of country in his heart, and words of patriotism on his lips. “ ‘The empire of the Northwest, with its teeming millions of patriotic hearts, is everywhere vocal with your cordial reception, and in the name of our regenerated and disenthralled country, in the name of our restored Union, in the sacred name of Liberty, all, all bid you welcome.’ ” “Amid a teinpest of shouts, General Grant simply said: “ ‘ Gentlemen anal Fiallow Citizens .'-—Rev. Mr. Vincent, who has come out on the train from Chicago, has kindly consented to return my thanks for this hearty welcome, which you have given me.’ 536 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS, “ Mr. Vincent, Pastor of Trinity Church, Chicago, who had been fairly pressed into the service by his former panishoner, came for- ward, and amid hearty cheers, said: “ ‘ I am glad to be made the medium for so noble a soul as Gene- ral Grant’s. To follow his example I must be brief, and will choose the words he wished me to use on this occasion. The General wishes to return his thanks to you and the citizens of Northern llllinois, for your welcome. During his career in the army he has felt a warm interest in you, and has looked back here with pleasure. In the darkest hours when calamity and destruction assailed the Government, he has always found the loyal citizens of Galena his unflinching and unchanging friends. He regards Illinois as the State Where he retains the right to cast his vote, and Galena as his home. Business will require his residence in Washington, but he will make as frequent visits here as possible. The reason General Grant does not speak in public is because he has never been accustomed to do so, and now chooses to make this his excuse for not responding to the innumerable calls made upon him. He is reminded now of that other great gathering, when the first company left Galena for the war. Then dark clouds obscured the horizon which are now swept away. Then, the very life of the nation was threatened. To-day the nation stands on foundations never to be shaken.’ With renewed expressions of thanks, Mr. Vincent concluded amid uproarious cheers. “The Galena Glee Club then sang ‘ Auld Lang Syne ’ in a mag- nificent style, followed by the band with the ‘ Star-Spangled Banner,’ when the Glee Club sang the ‘ Soldiers’ Chorus,’ and ‘ Victoria.’ “ Other exercises, receptions, etc., followed, and with a brilliant illumination and display of fireworks, closed a memorable day in Galena. “ In conversation General Grant, without show or atfectation, is quite fascinating. He utters in his crisp style an occasional gem. When talking with him concerning the battles of the Wilderness we received a new impression of the magnitude of the interests involved, and the plans of the great commander. “ He returns for brief stay to his home. Two men went from Illi- nois to fill large spaces in the world’s observation-Abraham Lin- coln, Ulysses S. Grant. Each has returnecl——Lincoln to his grave, _LINOOLN—GRANT. 537 Grant amid plaudits. Both were men of the people—each was given of God to the nation, and the fame of each is imperishable. Said the General, ‘ I always confided in Mr. Linco1n’s integrity, but when I went East and became acquainted with him, I admired the man, and his mental strength. That admiration increased until his death. Mr. Lincoln was a greater man than the people have yet come to regard him.’ ” The American Congress subsequently passed a bill, creating the full grade of GENERAL, and Lieutenant-General Grant was nomi- nated to fill the position, and unanimously confirmed, Major-General .W. T. Sherman being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General. This chapter has its place, not so much as a tribute to the General commanding our armies as a record of the enthusiastic gratitude of the people. CHAPTER XXXII. THE WOMEN or ILLINOIS. INFLUENCE 0N Pusuc 0PINION—--SOCIAL LIFE—-INSTITUT1'0NS—RELIGIOUS Vmw--Rnr.mr AssoeIA'rIoNs—THr. GREAT FAIRs--LAsr CIIIeAeo FA1R—-GREETINGS or Sommns. T is now impossible to narrate the services of the women of Illi- nois during the war, for they were in great part so unostentatious and silent that they were not made matter of record. In the begin- ning of the war they fostered the spirit of patriotism; their hus- bands, brothers and betrothed were not only given up but were en- couraged to enter the service of their country. Of course such sacrifices were not made without effort and great sorrow. They kept public opinion rightly influenced from social life. How much the life of home and the animus of what we call “ socie- ty ” influence great political movements is only appreciated by the close observer. It is the talk of home which makes the public opin- ion by which Senators, Cabinets and Presidents are swayed. Patri- otic women made that influence auxiliary to the support of the nation in its struggle. It was there the patriotic song was invari- ably heard ; the tone of conversation was unmistakably earnest and showed that whatever it might cost, the mothers of this nation de- manded a country one and indissoluble; a country undivided, a flag with no stain of dishonor. . _ Woman’s intuitions are proverbially keen and far-sighted. Men argued; politicians made sharp distinctions and spun elaborate the- ories. Our women saw at once that slavery was in the way of Q WOMAN AND THE WAR, 539 peace and must die, and they simply said “ we may not understand this matter, but it does seem to usthat slavery must be overthrown, for it was always wrong, and now is chargeable with this cruel war.” So they said quietly and so the nation came to believe. When our army of brave citizens was shoveling and ditching at Yorktown and cutting canals before Vicksburg some Generals saw only the labor of common soldiers-—women saw their fathers, hus- bands, sons and brothers doing menial labor, overtasked and dying of disease. Indignantly, sorrowfully, they asked “ why must this be ? Why not confiscate slaves of rebels; they are born to the cli- mate and inured to its perils—-why not take them from their rebel masters and let them save our son’s lives?” And many an eye ordinarily gentle flashed fire as it was added: “ We gave our boys to fight for the country, not to stand guard over the slaves of the rebels or to die in the trenches which colored men would gladly make if they were only permitted.” Such words made public sen- timent rapidly and compelled action. Equally potent was woman’s demand that colored soldiers should be brought into service, and do their part in the struggle. Many a woman said “ I have two sons now in the army, if necessary I will send my third ; but it is not necessary when the government refuses to permit the colored man to strike.” And the colored man became a soldier. But in another direction her influence was patent beyond words. Ours was a citizen soldiery, accustomedto home and home comfort. American women could not consent that the army regulations should deal with their flesh and blood as mere hirelings. Hence organized industry for soldiers became the order. Associations for army relief sprang up everywhere. Not to engage in them was in many places to forfeit social position. Supplies for the sick and wounded ; hos- pital comforts, delicacies for which taste would pine, but of which army regulations were ignorant. were accumulated in vast quantities and sent forward “to the front.” Those great organizations, the Sanitary and Christian Commissions could not have moved a wheel or lasted a month but for this organized help of women. Women were instrumental in correcting many abuses in hospital arrangements. They visited them; inspected them and told what they saw. They 540 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. would not be put off; they would not be silenced. Red-tape ofiicials pompously said “such are the regulations.” “Then the regulations are wrong, inust be corrected,” and they went with their‘ story to leading generals', and to the great-hearted LINCOLN and persisted until they were. It is strange how much difiiculty the people experienced and overcame in being simply humane! Our women took a religious view of the war from the out- set, and relied much upon religious influences. Convictions of relig- ious duty led them to the sacrifices which they cheerfully endured. It led them to the hospitals where the wounded were in need of their care, and with a tenderness which no man can imitate they dis- charged the laborious duties of hospital nurses—not as hirelings but unpaid. Kneeling beside many a cot they whispered in the ears of the dying the “ words of life,” sang them the holy songs of home and committed the parting spirit to‘ the Redeemer’s tender care ! Their names are unwritten in our histories, but their witness is above, their record is on high. Among the means devised to aid the soldiers was a series of National Fairs commencing in Chicago and -extending throughout the country. The returns to the Sanitary Commission were enor- mous. The second series closed with great fairs in Chicago and Milwau kee. The former was not confined to Illinois but was shared throughout the West; the different states were represented with departments, and it was one of the grandest exhibitions ever witnessed. It was under the Presidency of T. B. Bryan, Esq., one of the most accomplished and liberal patriots of the Northwest. It is simple justice to state that while many gave it their hearty co-opera- tion it owed more for its original plan, inauguration and successful completion to Madames Hoge and Livermore than any other persons. These ladies, acting for the Sanitary Commission, threw their souls into the work; wrote appeals for the press, sent forth circulars, went through the country, addressed public meetings, visited influen- tial persons, and were, in short, irrepressible and irresistible. It was first intended to hold the fair exclusively for the benefit of the Soldiers’ Home, and to make of it a great institution, capable of receiving a large number of disabled soldiers, and giving them a THE GREAT FATE. 541 comfortable support. It became necessary to modify this plan, and a union of effort between the Home, the Sanitary Commission and the Christian Commission was agreed to. The rebellion collapsed suddenly, and the Fair was held after the war actually closed, and naturally the receipts were diminished, for the pressure of necessity was withdrawn, yet the gross receipts were in excess of three hundred thousand dollars, and the net gain was reported at about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The entire space of Dearborn Park was occupied by the chief building, called Union Hall. It extended from Randolph to Wash- ington Streets. Here, in the central avenue, were placed the tables and booths of the religious denominations. These were highly orna- mented, and were filled with the handiwork of Christian ladies. In this department were also the booths containing contributions from the old world, which were rare and beautiful. There were two wings devoted to heavier goods, to mechanical and agricultural implements, and stores amassed by the business Committee. The hall was bril- liantly lighted from the floor to the apex of its sharp Gothic roof, and filled with beautiful and costly wares; thronged by thousands of people, it presented a sight worth crossing the Continent to witness. Eastward, covering Michigan Avenue, a whole block, was Floral Hall, where taste and industry had made a wilderness of beauty. Eastward still was the Soldier’s Rest, in which was the “ Old New England Farm House,” a genuine Yankee reproduction, where Patience, and Faithful, and Prudence, in olden costume, served baked beans, Indian pudding and pumpkin pie to hungry consumers. Around were relics of the land of steady habits and General Courts. Northward of Floral Hall was Monitor Hall. The Lincoln Log Cabin was slightly to the West, on Randolph Street. Bryan Hall, then the largest in the city, was the depository of arms and military trophies. There were battle-torn flags, tattered, smoked banners brought home in honor. In the rear was the gallery of Fine Arts. Bryan Hall was under the care of Honorable Judge Bradwell. The Lincoln Log Cabin was a structure of the primitive sort, and what gave it historic importance is indicated in the ofiicial paper appended: 542 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. “ STATE or ILLINOIS, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, “ SPRINGFIELD, May 20, 1865. “ J OHN HANKS, Esq., DECATUR, II.I.INoIs: “ My Dear Old Friend : In reply to your question relating to the log cabin, said to have been built by yourself, Thomas Lincoln and the late President, Abraham Lin- coln, I take pleasure in stating to you that for twenty-five years there has been no doubt in the public mind in Macon County, Illinois, on this question. If the cabin you now have is the one you pointed out to me in the spring of 1860, where you were collecting the Lincoln rails, I cheerfully state that I am certain it is the one built by Mr. Lincoln ; besides your voluntary statements on the subject abundantly satisfy me there can be no mistake about it. “ As the old companion and friend of Mr. Lincoln, and one who has been constant in your support of his administration, and an ardent friend of the Union, I hope you may receive a just compensation for your efforts to bring before the country the simple but honorable testimonies to the early, laborious and worthy eiforts of our beloved late President in his youth to make for himself a home, a fortune and a name. “The old cabin would be out of place in any other hands than your own. You should retain the control of it that not one timber may be lost. There is but one such in the United States, and it rightfully and properly should be intrusted to your keeping. “ (Signed,) RICHARD J . OGLESBY, “ Governor of Illinois.” The Fair was opened May 30, 1865, by a grand procession, fol- lowed by an address from Governor Oglesby. He was there as Governor of the State, but was even more honored as one of the wounded heroes of the Union than as an illustrious civic oflicer. When the returned soldiers caught sight of him they rent the air with hearty shouts. A poem was read by T. Buchanan Read, which was well received. The 1st of June was the day appointed by President Johnson as one of humiliation, and the Fair was virtually closed, but re-opened on Friday, and thenceforward until June 17th, from morning until midnight, did the ofiicers and the ladies in charge of the booths remain on duty. A week after the closing up was occupied in dis- posing of the remaining goods. The Fair was honored by the presence of several illustrious heroes. The interest, however, concentrated upon Grant and Sherman. The latter came first and received a welcome befitting the leader of the army of the West. But the culmination was with the coming of Grant, described elsewhere. soLD1ERs’ WELCOME. 543 But the grandest feature of the Fair was the reception of so many regiments of returning soldiers. It was well to honor great leaders, but the men who carried muskets, dug trenches, stormed breast- works, swept aside defences, charged bayonets, served artillery-— the common soldiers who did all that heroism could, though their names were unknown to oflicial reports-—these were the true heroes of our war for the Union. It is not in language to describe the enthusiasm with which they were greeted, as they came with thinned ranks and shortened lines, with faded uniforms and tattered flags ! They were met with shout and cheer, with songs, orations, triumphal arches and rich banquets. Governor Oglesby issued the following proclamation: 0 “ STATE or ILLINOIS, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Springfield, June 15. l “ To the People of Illinois : “ Our soldiers are returning home in large numbers, by regiments, companies and detachments, after years of arduous and faithful service,‘ to be finally mustered out and honorably discharged from the service of the United States. The camps near Springfield and Chicago have been designated as the points of rendezvous for this purpose. The troops will arrive at these camps by rail from the East and South, passing through the state, by day and night, for several weeks. Several regiments have arrived, and from these points, as they are discharged, they will separate, in every direction to every part of the state, soldiers no longer, but citizens again, when they will settle to enjoy with us the peace they have given the country and the honors they have won. “ Let us meetthem, fellow citizens, as our hearts dictate we should, with open arms, with joyful shouts, with warm affection. Spread the best the state affords, with luxuries such as women alone can prepare; and above all, let us meet them as the defenders of our liberties and the saviors of our country. Turn from every em- ployment long enough to tender these brave men these hospitalities. Their thinned ranks and battered flags, their bronzed faces, and steady, firm step, show what their strong arms and stout hearts have done for us. Turn out, all Illinois, to welcome your noble sons, as such a state can afford to do. Show them by your recognition how they have earned your lasting gratitude, and when the days of welcome shall be passed, you will see that a good soldier knows how to make a good citizen. “ In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and have caused the great seal of the state of Illinois to be affixed, this 15th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. H (signed) RIUHARD J. Oerssmr. “By the Governor. “ SHARoN TYNDALE, Secretary of State.” But the people had not waited. They knew how to send their - 544 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. sons away, and they knew how to give them welcome. The Chi- cago Tribune says: “ One of the‘most'pleasant uses to which the Fair building was put, was the reception of our brave soldiers, thousands of whom were there saluted, and all-—from Lieutenant-General to High Pri- vate-received with a hearty enthusiasm that told how much we felt the debt owed to them. Major-General Sherman arrived here on the 8th of June, and a most cordial reception was extended to him by all classes. On the 10th, Lieutenant-General Grant arrivedhere, and was received in Union Hall with an ovation perfectly tremen- dous in extent and enthusiasm. On the same day arrived the 105th regiment Illinois volunteers, followed subsequently by the following regiments, in the order named, all of which were suitably received in the Union Hall, and subsequently entertained at the Rest or elsewhere: “ 102d, 90th, 127th, 78th, 86th,104th,129th, 74th, 88th, 89th, 110th, 128th, 96th, 75th, 100th, 125th, 82d, 113th, 103d, 93d, Board of Trade Battery, 112th, and Bridges’ Battery. “ In July the soldiers returned home thick and fast. The close of the war had rendered their services no longer necessary in the field, and with all possible dispatch they were sent home. The following returned in.July, all being Illinois troops, unless otherwise named: 92d, Mercantile Battery, Battery E, 10th, 52d, 57th, Colvin’s Bat- tery, Elgin Battery, 2d Minnesota, 7 th Minnesota Battery, 3d Wis- consin, 34th, 64th, 45th, 1st Wisconsin, 8th cavalry, 20th, Batteries D and M, 12th Wisconsin, Battery I, 65th, 3d Wisconsin, 6th and 13th Iowa, 53d, 15th Iowa, 4th Iowa, 23d. “ In August, the following arrived: 124th, 76th, Bolton’s Battery, 81st, 108th, 72d, 55th, 95th, 16th cavalry. ' “ After this, the returning braves came in more slowly ; we note the following: October 15th, 3d regiment Illinois cavalry; Novem- ber 20th, 9th Illinoislcavalry; December 10th, 39th Illinois regi- ment. Total, fifty-five regiments andi eleven batteries, embracing altogether about, thirty thousand men,came home in 1865.” First came the 102d, which, armed with the Spencer-repeating rifle, had been a terror to evil-doers. It had been one of Sherman’s forag- ing regiments, and enjoyed the hospitalities of the Hall. Next came I THE FAIR cnosnn. 545 the 105th, battered and rugged; then the 90th, the Irish Legion, came with its remnant of 221 men—-the rest, where were they? The 127th, which received Sherman’s thanks for its gallantry in the assault on Vicksburg, which had been under fire one hundred and three days out of the one hundred and twenty-five spent between Chattanooga and Atlanta.' . But this specification cannot continue. It was regretted that in some instances regiments arrived unexpectedly, and were not received at the depot as became them, but as soon as possible the error was corrected. The people asked the opportunity to give such welcome as was , fitting, and the managers of the great Fair were of the people. And so passed into the grand record of the war the doings of the great Fair, in which the women of Illinois did so much. With them were noble women from other states, whose presence and co- operation was welcome. But the devotion of the women of the State is not, cannot be told. It never cooled; it Was never corrupted, it was never wearied. A Chaplain in charge of two of ‘ the National Cemeteries to which our dead are removed said, that of the thousands of letters received from mothers, wives and sisters enquiring about their dead, not one expressed regret that the loved one had entered the service of the country! They were sad and sorrowing, but they did not murmur that they had consecrated their lives to the country. Of such spirit are the women of Illinois. ‘ 35 CHAPTER XXXIII. THE SECOND GAVALRY-—-RE-ENLISTMENT——DEATH or COLONEL MUDD-—SERVIGE IN TEXAS —THE EIGHTH CAvALRY--HUNTING BOOTH—-MUSTER-OUT ROSTER-—DAMAGE T0 THE ENEMY--M AJOR JAMES D. LUDLAM—-THE NINTH CAVALRY——VETERANIZING——BATTLES or FRANKLIN AND NAsHvILLE--THE SIXTEENTH OAvALRY--THIELMAN’s BATTALIoN—- A REGIMENT RAISED—THE FIGHT IN PowELL’s VALLEY—HEAvY Loss—FINAL Ros- TER——OAPTAIN HIRAM S. HANCHETT-—THE SEVENTEENTH GAVALRY—CAHPAIGNING IN MISSOURI-—PURSUIT or PRICE--FIGHT AT BooNEvILLE—BATTLE or MINE CREEK—A SABER CHARGE—IN A TIGHT PLACE-—-THE ENEMY RETIRE——SURREND.ER or JEET THoMI>soN-GENERAL H. BEVERIDGE. SECOND ILLINOIS CAVALRY. N the firstvolume of this work [p. 301 et seq.] we have given the original roster of this regiment, and its history to the 1st of January, 1864. We quote from a newspaper correspondent the fol- lowing respecting its subsequent career : “At New Iberia, Louisiana, January 5, 1864, more than two thirds of the regiment re-enlisted and took their first furlough home. The remainder were through the Red River campaign of the follow- ing spring, and, being constantly exposed to the enemy in the front going up, and covering the rear coming back, suffered severely. “ At Baton Rouge, May 1, 1864, good Colonel Mudd shook hands and bade us good-by, to embark for Alexandria, on duty as Chief- of-Staff to General McClernand. It was his last greeting and final adieu. Two days after, when a few miles below Alexandria, ,the ' boats were furiously attacked with rifle and cannon from the left 5 bank, and soon Colonel Mudd fell, shot through the head. Never was leader more respected, nor friend more esteemed. He knew every man in his regiment to the latest recruit, and each remembered THE snconn cnvnnnr. 547 him for some special favor and kindness. In November, the regi- ment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Marsh, made a quick and successful trip. Leaving Baton Rouge in the evening, at 9 o’clock, it the next night completely surprised Liberty, Mississippi (rebel headquarters of General Hodge 82: 00.), taking alarge number of prisoners. The circuitous route taken made the distance ninety miles. 'A few days after this, it went on the Davidson raid to Pascagoula Bay. New Year’s day, it embarked on the Gulf, and returned to Baton Rouge, but soon again -had the privilege of sea sickness, and, March 12th, landed at Barrancas, Florida. On the 21st mounted again and Went on Sp-urling’s raid; was General Steele’s advance, charging the enemy at Blakeley, and in at the death of the rebellion in the South and West—-the fall of Mobile; took our last prisoners, before the final surrender, at Union Springs, Alabama, General Pillow and staff and the rebel Governor and Lieutenant-Governor being among them. Then to Montgomery and, by way of Columbus, Mississippi, to Vicks- burg, making a horseback ride of about 1,500 miles. Went by boat to Shreveport, Louisiana, and thence to the southwest frontier. Have been stationed at San Antonio, but made a trip of twenty days to the outposts, Eagle Pass and Fort Clarke, a few having had a chance to cross the Rio Grande, and stand on foreign soil. .“ ‘ Going home, going home to the old hearthstone l ’ We see the door open and the outstretched arms of welcome rushing to clasp us. “For the past, sober thoughts and satisfaction at duty fulfilled, with a tear and regret for our missing comrades, a smile for the pre- sent, and a thrill of good purpose and hope for the future—civil life and duty, welcome! ” The regiment was mustered out of the service at San Antonio, Texas, on the 24th of November, 1865. EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. In Vol. I. (p. 451) of this work, we have given the original roster ~ of this gallant regiment, with its history up to the date of its “ vet- eranizing,” about the 1st of January, 1864. In February of that year, the 8th, which had recruited up to 1,140 men, resumed duty as provo.st guard in Washington, where it re- mained until June, 1865, when it was ordered out to Muddy Branch 548 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. and thence to Monocacy Creek, where it had the pleasure of meeting Early on his famous raid. From Monocacy, seven companies were sent to Frederick City, and the remaining five companies were dis- patched to Baltimore. The campaign was a very severe one, but ended in the rebels being beaten and driven across the Potomac. In August the 8th was sent to Loudon Valley, and after a brief employment in the duty of catching smugglers and other obnoxious persons, was ordered out to Fairfax Court House, where it winter- ed, keeping itself from stagnation by frequent dashes after Mosby. After the assassination of President Lincoln, the regiment was or- dered to Maryland, and put upon the duty of hunting Booth, the assassin. On the 23d of May, 1865, it was relieved from duty at Washington, and returned to Fairfax, where it remained until re- ceiving orders to report at St. Louis, on June 23d. On the 17th of July following, it was mustered out of the service, and returned home. The following was the roster at the time of muster out: Colonel, William Gamble; Lieutenant-Colonel, D. R. Clendenin; 1st Major, Geo. A. Forsyth; 2d Major, John M. Waite; 3d Major, Edward Russell; Adjutant, George Gamble; Surgeon, Abner Ward; Assistant Surgeon, T. W. Stull; 2d Assistant Surgeon, E. L. Nelson ; Chaplain, W. A. Spencer; Quartermaster, R. W. Gates; Commissary, B. L. Chamberlain; Sergeant Major, John C. Ketchison; Quartermaster’s Sergeant, J. R. Manville; Veterinary Surgeon, G. E. Corwin; Commissary Sergeant, J. A. Soles; Hospital Steward, G. Van Bathelle; Clfief Trumpeter, G. W. Bartholomew ; Saddle Sergeant, W. D. Raslett. ' Co. A—Captain, R. A. Humphrey; 1st Lieutenant, L. Y. Smith; 2d Lieutenant, B. Van Dyke. Co. B-Captain, G. W. Corbitt; 1st Lieutenant, R. R. Hakes; 2d Lieutenant, J. Weed. Co. C—Captain, P. J . Kennedy; 1st Lieutenant, D. P. Martin; 2d Lieutenant, C. W. McLenawee. Co. D-Captain, W. C. Hazelton; 1st Lieutenant, Andrew Denning; 2d Lieuten- ant,QS. D. Martin. , Co. E--Captain, M. E. Jones; 1st Lieutenant, Alexander Ridley; 2d Lieutenant, E. Wane. Co. F-Captain, J. Clapp; 1st Lieutenant, R. Pierson; 2d Lieutenant, C. W. Sprague. Co. G—Captain, George F. Warner; 1st Lieutenant, Lewis Rucker; 2d Lieuten- ant, Charles Scriber. Co. H—Captain, John W. Delaney; 1st Lieutenant, vacant; 2d Lieutenant, A. V. Teeple. - Co. I—Captain, F. M. Gregory; 1st Lieutenant, W. A. Chase; 2d Lieutenant, R. A. Sheldon. WHERE To FIND THE EIGHTH. . 549 C0. K—Captain, R. J. Ingersoll ;' 1st Lieutenant, G. Rupp; 2d Lieutenant, George R. Wells. Co. L—Captain, C. L. Bradley; 1st Lieutenant, vacant; 2d Lieutenant, B. F. Lee. Cc. M—-Captain, J . Sargent; 1st Lieutenant, A. C. Fowler; 2d Lieutenant, R. B. Swartout. A correspondent says with truth: “The old Eighth was like a flying sword, turning every ‘way; never quiet, always on the start, never caught napping, ever sleeping with one eye open. It was never taken by surprise, lost but few prisoners, and with two or three exceptions it always inflicted greater damage on the enemy than itself received. Some one-—Stoneman perhaps-—asked Gene- ral Sumner, while the Peninsular campaign was in progress, where the 8th Illinois was; and the old gray-haired hero answered: ‘You go to our outside picket line and then two miles further, and you will find the 8th still four or five miles further on.’ It always was the first body of troops in an advance and the last in a retreat.” The following is an oflicial list of casualties inflicted upon the rebels by the 8th during the war : Rebels putlwrsducombat............--............... . . . . . . . . ..3,946 Slavesset atliberty...' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. .3,000 Horses killed and captured. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,110 Mules killed and captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 661 Sheep killed and captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400 Cattle killed and captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2, 200 Wagons captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Smuggling crafts destroyed . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Ammunition, number oftons captured. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Leather, number of tons captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Pork, number of tons captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Colors captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '7 Pieces of artillery captured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Besides the articles enumerated, the regiment destroyed and cap- tured over $2,000,000 worth of corn, oats, etc., together with many thousand stand of small arms. But how few of the original gallant band returned at the close of the war! Scarcely one fifth! The rest nobly gave up ‘their lives on the altar of their country—some from disease, others from the fatal messenger which, as it went whistling through the air, gave its 550 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. ' victim no warning note. Although many of them “sleep the last sleep ” on the banks of those Virginia streams, which have been the silent witnesses of many a sanguinary fight, without any stone to mark their last resting-place, still their names will live forever green in the minds and hearts of their countrymen, even among genera- tions yet unborn. ' The. record of the 8th cavalry from first to last is a glorious one, and every member was a Murat-the hero of a hundred battles. They fought “like brave men, long and well,” and although some- times opposed to overwhelming numbers of the enemy, never once beat an inglorious retreat. Major James D. Ludlam is the second son of Dr. Jacob W. Lud- lam, formerly of Cumberland County, New Jersey, and more recently of Evanston, Illinois. He was born in Cumberland County, J une 22, 1833, and was educated there for the calling of a farmer. In 1854, he removed to Chicago, and soon after arriving there associated himself with Messrs W. F. Dominick do Co., remaining with them for five years. At the expiration of this time he embarked in mercan- tile pursuits, and was successfully prosecuting his business at the breaking out of the war, in 1861. When President Lincoln issued his call for 300,000 men, and General Farnsworth secured permis- sion to raise a cavalry regiment, General Beveridge waited upon Mr. Lud-lam, and together they signed the muster roll, on the 18th of August, 1861. When his company was organized, he was chosen 1st Lieuten ant. The regimental organization was completed on the 18th of September, when Colonel Farnsworth appointed Lieutenant Ludlam Adjutant. This position he filled with credit until August 4, 1862, when he was commissioned Captain of Company F. On the day on which he received this commission he was placed in com- mand of a squadron. On the 1st of March, 1864, he was appointed Major, vice William H. Medill, who died of wounds received in bat- tle. When the 8th came home to re-enlist, Major Ludlam was one of the first to enter his name for the “end of the war,” and was placed in command of the regiment, which he retained until its return to Washington. In consequence of the continued ill health of his family, he resigned his position in the army, in January, 1865. This resignation was twice refused by his commanding oflicers, but was finally accepted. THE NINTH OAVALRY. 551 Major Ludlam was present with his regiment in every skirmish, battle and march in which it took part on the Potomac and elsewhere, except the battle of Gettysburg, when he was confined in the hospi- tal at Georgetown, He was under fire between sixty and seventy times, and had four horseskilled under him. His record is that of a gallant and meritorious officer. NINTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. The 9th cavalry regiment was organized at Camp Douglas, Chica- go, and was mustered into service October 26, 1861. The follow- ing is the original roster: Colonel, Albert G. Brackett; Lieutenant-Colonel, Solomon A. Paddock; Major, Roscll M. Hough; 2d Major, Hiram F. Sickles; 3d Major, Hector J. Humphrey; Adjutant, Joseph H. Knox; Adjutant 1st Battalion, Charles M. Waterbury; Adju- tant 2d Battalion, Samuel Rockwood; Adjutant 3d Battalion, Frank Cantello ; Quarter- master, Samuel H. Price; Quartermaster -1st Battalion, Joseph W. Brackett , Quartermaster 2d Battalion, Thomas E. Morrison; Quartermaster 3d Battalion, Frank Sheflield ; Commissary, Joseph W. Brackett; Surgeon, Charles Brackett; 1st Assistant Surgeon, James W. Brackett; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Stacy Hemenway; Chaplain, O. Winsor Briggs. Co. A—-Captain, Henry B. Burgh; 1st Lieutenant, William C Blackburn ; 2d Lieutenant, William M. Benton. ' Co. B—Captain, Hector J . Humphrey; 1st Lieutenant, Thaddeus W. O. Broifett; 2d Lieutenant, Ransom Harrington. Co. C—Captain, John S. Buckle; 1st Lieutenant,,Charles W. Blakemore; 2d Lieu- tenant, F1-ancis H. McArthur. Co. D—Captain, William J . Wallis; 1st Lieutenant, Lewellyn Cowen ; 2d Lieu- tenant, John H. McMahon. Co. E-—Captain, Ira_R. Gifford; 1st Lieutenant, Richard D. Ellsworth; 2d Lieu- tenant, Benjamin 0. Wilkinson. Co. F—Captain, Bernard A. Stampoffski; 1st Lieutenant, Morlaud L. Perkins; 2d Lieutenant, Dwight S. Heald. C0. G—Captain, Henry M. Buell ; 1st Lieutenant, John E. Warner; 2d Lieutenant, Henry A. Huntington. Co. H—-Captain, Linus D. Bishop; 1st Lieutenant, Edwin W. Luce; 2d Lieuten- ant, Henry Prather. Co. I—Captain, William M. Chidister; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph W. Harper; 2d Lieutenant, Leander L. Shattuck. Co. K—Captain, Charles S. Cameron; 1st Lieutenant, Joseph E. Knox; 2d Lieu- tenant, William McMannis. Co. L—Captain, Louis F. Booth; 1st Lieutenant, Charles T. Scammon; 2d Lieu- tenant, William E. Bayley. Co. M-Captain, Eliphalet R. Knight; 1st Lieutenant, Jacob C. Shear; 2d Lieu- tenant, Jacob Riner. 552 rxrnrorrsm or ILLINOIS. The regiment left Chicago February 17 and 18, 1862, for St. Louis, going from thence to Pilot Knob, where it began a long campaign in Missouri and Arkansas, reaching J acksonport, Arkan- sas, May 5th. While stationed here it had many skirmishes with the enemy. On the 27th of June, at Stewart’s plantation, near J acksonport, it lost two men killed and thirty-five more or less wound- ed; among the latter was Colonel Brackett. On the 14th of July “it arrived at Helena, Arkansas, much exhausted from a fatiguing march. Here it remained on outpost duty, varied by an occasional skirmish and by General iWashburn’s expedition into Mississippi, until January 9, 1863. It then marched with General German on his White River expedition. After going as far as Duval’s Bluff, it returned to Helena, arriving January 23d. Remaining at Helena until April 7th, it was then sent to Memphis, and on the 12th to Germantown, where it was stationed on patrol and scouting duty, making frequent reconnoissances~ into the enemy’s country. It was engaged with the enemy at Coldwater, Mississippi, July 28th, and met and drove them at Grenada on the 18th of August. _ On the 26th it moved to Lagrange, where it was actively engaged in scout- ing, reconnoitering and raiding. It skirmished with the enemy at Coldwater on the 6th of October, and on the 8th had a sharp and hotly-contested engagement at Salem, Mississippi. On the 13th it again met them at Wyatt, Mississippi, where the ground was stub- bornly fought over for nearly an entire day, the enemy retreating at night under cover of the darkness. The regiment remained at La- grange until November ’7th, when it moved to Corinth, remaining there, however, but a short time, when it returned to Lagrange. It soon moved to Collier-ville, Tennessee, and on the 3d of December met the enemy at Salisbury, and on the 4th at Moscow. In the latter engagement the 9th bore a conspicuous part. On the 11th of February, 1864, it marched with Generals Smith and Grierson on the expedition into Mississippi. ' On reaching West Point General Forrest was met and a brisk engagement ensued, the rebels being driven at every point. The troops then countermarched, hotly pur- sued by Forrest. At night the rear guard, in which the 9th was included, formed in line of battle, and repulsed an impetuous charge. The skirmishing was renewed the next morning and continued for BE-ENLISTMENT. ~ 553 several miles. The principal engagements of this expedition were at West Point, February 21st; Okalona, February 21st, and Mount Joy, February 23d, in all of which the 9th took an active part. On the 24th it went into camp at Germantown. On the 16th of March it re-enlisted as a veteran regiment and was immediately furloughed. It ‘returned to the field on the 27th of April, and went into camp at Memphis. A detachment of _ the regiment accompanied General Sturgis on an expedition to Guntown, and took an active part in the battle of Tishomingo Creek, June 10th. On this expedition it had ‘ five killed, twenty-three wounded and twelve captured, out of 160 engaged. On the 7th of July it marched with Generals A. J. Smith and Grierson to ‘Tupelo, Mississippi. At Pontotoc, Missis- sippi, Julyr 13th, the regiment, being in. the advance guard, skir- mished with the enemy, who attempted to check our march, but were defeated and driven before our troops. The regiment participated in the two days’ fighting (14th and 15th) at Tupelo, Mississippi, and at Oldtown Creek, Mississippi, July 15th. The 9th was again ordered out on an expedition to Oxford, Mis- sissippi, August 3, 1864, commanded by General Giles A. Smith and General Grierson, August 10th. It skirmished with the enemy at Tallahatchie and at Oxford, August 11th. On this expedition it had an engagement at Hurricane Creek, August 13, 1864,/win which it lost four killed and several wounded. It returned to camp at White Station, near Memphis, Tennessee, September 4th, having been out thirty-two days. September 30th it left camp and moved with General Hatch’s division to Middle Tennessee, via Summerville, Bolivar, Jackson, Lexington and Clifton, where it crossed the river. It moved from Clifton via Waynesboro, Lawrenceburg, Florence, Waterloo, Hamburg and Savannah, returning thence to Clifton. The command again moved via 'Waynesboro, Lawrence, Pulaski, thence to near Florence, Alabama, where it met the advance of the rebel General Hood’s army. The 9th, being in advance, after a brisk engagement successfully drove the rebels from the ford on Shoal Creek, which they were picketing. It was then ordered to return to join the command. Here the division commanded by General Hatch remained, watching the movements and designs of the enemy. November 11th the brigade was ordered to force the enemy from a 554 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. certain ford and cross Shoal Creek. The 9th Illinois cavalry was ordered to cross at another ford above, and strike the ene- my in the rear. This was successfully performed, but the brigade had failed to dislodge the enemy and effect a crossing, as was intended. This left the regiment in a precarious situation. But a vigorous attack upon the enemy’s rear caused them to retire from the ford from which the brigade had failed to dislodge them, and opened up a way by which the regiment re-crossed the creek to the consternation of the brigade. The regiment remained here, and skirmished with the enemy daily until November 19th, when the brigade was ordered to cross the river and camp at Bailey Springs. It had not pro- ceeded far when it was attacked by the rebel General Buford’s divi- sion and nearly surrounded by greatly superior numbers, effectually preventing its re-crossing at the ford which it had lately passed. A crossing was found, and the brigade saved from the desperate attacks of two rebel divisions. November 20th the whole rebel force under General I-Iood moved forward, which compelled our troops to fall back. November 24th, at Campbellville, Tennessee, the enemy crowded our rear so hard that it was necessary to make a stand and hold them in check until the train could get out of danger. The 9th performed an active part in the battle of Franklin, Ten- nessee,‘ November 30, 1864, and participated in the two days’ battles in front of Nashville. December 15th and 16th it took an active part in the pursuit of Hood’s army to the Tennessee River. It then moved to near Huntsville, Alabama, thence back to Florence, thence to Eastport, and then again moved back toward Florence, Alabama, to Gravelly Springs, where it went into camp. It was actively engaged from November 30, 1864, until going into camp January 10, 1865. On the 9th of February it moved to Eastport, Mississippi, and went into camp, where it remained until the 23d of June, when it moved to Iuka, Mississippi. July 4, 1865, it moved to Decatur, Alabama, thence to Montgomery, Selma, and finally to Gainesville, Alabama, August, 20, 1865. It was mustered out of the United States service at Selma, Alabama, October 31, 1865, and ordered to Springfield, Illinois, for final payment, arriving there on the 8th of November. The 9th Illinois cavalry marched 20,000 miles, and never did any garrison duty after leaving Chicago in February, 1862. THE SIXTEENTH GAVALRY. 555 SIXTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. The 16th cavalry was composed principally of Chicago men. Thielman’s and Schambeck’s cavalry companies, raised at the out- set of the war, formed the nucleus of the regiment. The former fcompany served as General Sherman’s body-guard for some time. Captain Thielman was made a Major, and authorized to raise a bat- talion. Thielman’s and Schambeck’s companies were thenceforth known as Thielman’s battalion, with the following roster: Co. A—Captain, Berthold Marschuer; 1st Lieutenant, James W. Lavigne; 2d Lieutenant, Irving L. L. Ponds. ' Co. B-—Captain, Matthew Marx; 1st Lieutenant, Milo Thielman; 2d Lieutenant, George Hamilton. Schambeck’s Battalion-Captain, Frederick Schambeck; 1st Lieutenant, John G. Rolli; 2d Lieutenant, Julius J aehe. In September, 1862, the War Department authorized the exten- sion of the battalion to a regiment, and on the 11th of June, the reg- imental organization was completed, the following being the muster- in roster: Colonel, Christian Thielman; Lieutenant-Colonel, Robert W. Smith; 1st Major, Frederick Schambeck; 2d Major, Milo Thielman; 3d Major, Charles H. Beers; Adjutant, Joseph Gotthelf ; Commissary, Bernhard Finger; Quartermaster, William Bohlon; Surgeon, Henry Parker; 1st Assistant Surgeon, Nathaniel W. Webber; Chaplain, Cornelius R. Ford. - . Co. A—Captain, Berthold Marschuer; 1st Lieutenant, James W. Lavigne; 2d Lieutenant, Irving L. L. Bonds. Co. B—Captain, Matthew Marx; 1st Lieutenant, George Hamilton; 2d Lieuten- ant, William S. Kelley. - Co. C—Captain, Julius Jaehne; 1st Lieutenant, John G. Rolli; 2d Lieutenant, Benedict Weinger. Co. D--Captain, Benedict Weniger; 1st Lieutenant, John Hoffman; 2d Lieuten~ ant, Frederick Herfert. Co. E—Captain, Edward M. Seibel; 1st Lieutenant, John G. Bush; 2d Lieuten- ant, John Reiser. Co. F—-Captain, John Klein; 1st Lieutenant, August W. Busche ; 2d Lieutenant, Max Sehman. Co. G—Captain, Charles Held ; 1st Lieutenant, Emil Cotta; 2d Lieutenpnt, Friedrick Schueddig. I Co. H—-Captain, William P. Gibbs; 1st Lieutenant, John Q. Hattery; 2d Lieu- tenant, James D. Fox. 00. I—Captain, Francis Jackson; 1st Lieutenant, Charles 0- Huntley; 2d Lieu- tenant, John McKinstry. 556 PATRIOTISM or ILLINOIS. Co. K-Captain, Nathan C. Goodnow; 1st Lieutenant, John P. Hutton; 2d Lieu- tenant, Abraham Allee. Co. L-Captain, Edward A. Wolcott; 1st Lieutenant, William M. True; 2d Lieu- tenant, Samuel Osgood. Co. M-—Capta.in, Hiram S. Hanchett; 1st Lieutenant, Henry D. Stocker; 2d Lieu- tenant, Franklin B. Wakefield. In October, 1863, the 16th was ordered to Knoxville, Tennessee, and a portion of it participated in the memorable defence of that place in November and December. Adetachment under Colonel Thielman constituted the garrison at Cumberland Gap, and one bat- talion, under Major Beers, was sent up Powell’s Valley, in the direc- tion of Jonesville, Virginia. On the 3d of January, 1864, this bat- talion was attacked by three brigades of Longstreet’s command, and after maintaining its ground for ten hours, against five times its own number, and losing heavily in killed and wounded, its ammunition having become exhausted, it was compelled to surrender. The loss of the regiment upon this occasion was three hundred and fifty-six men and fifty-six officers. Long afterward the rebels exchanged less than one-third of these prisoners-—sent them back in the most wretched condition, from the horrors of the prison-pen at Anderson- ville. The others were victims of the frightful tortures to which they were there subjected, and now lie buried in the national cem- tery at that place. After the conclusion of the East Tennessee campaign, the regi- ment was, in February, 1864, ordered to report at Camp Nelson, at Mount Sterling, Kentucky, where it was remounted, and in the lat- ter part of April it left that place for Georgia. It then constituted a part of the cavalry corps under General Stoneman. It arrived at Red Clay, Georgia, May 10th, and on the 12th was engaged in the battle of Vornell Station, where it lost one oificer— Lieutenant Kerfurth, wounded and captured-—-and twelve men. It was then on duty almost every day, from that time until after the fall of Atlanta—a period of nearly four months, during which it participated in the battles of Rocky Face Ridge, Buzzard’s Roost, Resaca, Kingston, Cassville, Carterville, Allatoona, Kenesaw, Lost Mountain, Mines Ridge, Powder Springs, Chattahoochee and various engagements in front of Atlanta and J onesboro. Returning to De- catur, Georgia, it remained there till September 14th, and was ' then MUSTER-OUT nosrnrz. 557 ordered to Nieholasville, Kentucky, to again remount. On the 22d of October it left that place for Nashville, and was ordered thence to Pulaski, thence to Fayetteville and back, and then, after a few days, to Waynesboro, near the Tennessee River. It had been there but three days when Hood crossed the river at Florence and below, and the brigade in which the 16th was then serving was ordered to fall back. On this retreat it kept up a running fight with the enemy for three days and nights until it reached Columbia. While the main army remained here,the 16th was sent up Duck River to defend some fonds at which it was supposed the enemy would attempt to cross. The expectation was realized, and in the six hours’ engage- ment which followed the regiment held its position triumphantly against a vastly superior force of the rebels until dusk, when it learned that a large body of the enemy had crossed Duck River and got completely in its rear. The only support the regiment then had was part of a company from the 8th Michigan and one company from the 8th Iowa. The enemy had two brigades in line of battle across the pike, and directly in the rear. The night was dark, and our boys approached quietly until within one hundred yards of the enemy, when the charge was sounded, and the lines of the enemy were broken. . The 16th next participated in the battle of Franklin and in vari ous skirmishes between there and Nashville. It engaged in the two days’ battles at the latter place, and in the pursuit of the enemy to the Tennessee River. It then returned to Pulaski and there went into camp, but most of the regiment was kept on scouting duty from that time until March, 1865. It then moved to Springfield, and in May returned to Pulaski, whence most of it was sent to Holton, Courtland and Decatur, Alabama. On the 18th of June it returned to Pulaski and on the 2d of July it was ordered to Franklin, where it remained, scouring the country in all directions, until ordered to Nashville for muster out. It arrived in Chicago on the 28d of Aug- ust, 1865, for final payment and discharge. At that time its roster was as follows: Colonel, Robert W. Smith; Lieutenant-Colonel, Nathan C. Goodenow; 1st Ma- jor, John Hoffman; 2d Major, F1-ancis Jackson; Adjutant, Charles F. Schreman; Surgeon, Nathaniel W. Webber; Assistant Surgeon, Eleazer C. Stangland ; Chap- lain, Cornelius R. Ford; Quartermaster, Almond S. Tomlinson; Sergeant Major, 558 PATRIOTISM or ILLINoIs. Samuel Stallinger; Quartermaster Sergeant, James T. Spear; Commissary Ser- geant, Gottleib Schindler; Hospital Steward, Julius Wagner. Co. D—-Captain, Frederick Hurfurth ; 1st Lieutenant, Charles May ; 2d Lieutenant, H. Gustavus Burk. ‘ Co. E—Captain, Henry Stierman; 2d Lieutenant, Julius Miller. Co. F-1st Lieutenant, Christ Eckelkamp. Co. G-Captain, Adolph Gerisher; 2d Lieutenant, Adolph Strieleor. Co. H——Captain, John Q. Hattery ; 1st Lieutenant, Charles McCurdy. Co. I—1st Lieutenant, Hartwell Silver. Co. K—Captain, Abraham Allee ; 2d Lieutenant, W. W. Vititon. Co. L—-Captain, Louis E. Ijams; 2d Lieutenant, Henry Butler. Co. M—Captain, Franklin B. Wakefield; 2d Lieutenant, James M. Mendenhall. During its term of service the 16th marched about 5,000 miles and engaged in thirty-one general battles and numerous skirmishes. At its muster out the only members left of the original field and staff oflicers were Colonel Smith, Captain Ford and Lieutenant Finger. The original force of the regiment was 1,200 men. It received 100 recruits, and at its discharge could muster only 285 men-—showing a casualty list of nearly one thousand. In January, 1865, Captain Hiram S. Hanchett, of this regiment, was captured at Mount Pleasant, Tennessee, and taken to the rebel prison at Cahawba, Alabama. There-he organized the sixty men he found in prison, systematized a plan of escape, and this band of braves overpowered the guard, broke out and marched for two days, fighting all the while,.hoping to reach the river and capture a steam- boat on which they might escape. After that struggle, however,. they were overpowered and taken back. A number of the fugitives were killed, but for Captain Hanchett a worse fate was reserved. He was enclosed in a wooden box eight feet square, with one aperture, through which his food was passed. Here he remained until the rebels heard General Wilson was coming, and deemed it was best to shift their quarters. Poor Hanchett was, by over a month of this confinement, reduced to too feeble a state to move, and they blew out his brains when they left. SEVENTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. This regiment was organized at St. Charles, Illinois, by Major John L. Beveridge, who was called from the 8th Illinois cavalry for that purpose, in November, 1863, by Governor Yates, at General Farnswcrthb suggestion. THE snvnurnnnru cavnmav. 559 With but fifty men in camp, only $100 bounty allowed to their recruits, and several veteran regiments at home recruiting in the neighborhood on the $300 bounty, this new regiment yet numbered five hundred men in two months. The subsequent allowance of $300 to all recruits filled the ranks so rapidly, that nine companies were mustered in January 22, 1864, and three more companies on the 12th of February following. Its original roster was as follows: Colonel, John L. Beveridge; Lieutenant-Colonel, Dennis J. Hynes; Major, Hiram Hilliard; 2d Major, Lucius C. Matlack; 3d Major, Philip E. Fisher; Adjutant, Samuel W. Smith ; Quartermaster, Philo P. Judson; Commissary, John A. Colton ; Surgeon, Samuel K. Crawford; 2d Assistant Surgeon, Samuel A. Dow; Chaplain, Edward O. Brien. Co. A—Captain, Francis Beaufort; 1st Lieutenant, Francis L. Clair; 2d Lieuten- ant, Egbert Johnson. ' Co. B—-Captain, Samuel H. B. McReynolds ; 1st Lieutenant, Jonas L. Buck ; 2d Lieutenant, Calvin H. Shapley. Co. C—Captain, Jesse D. Butts; 1st Lieutenant, Jasper H. Waite; 2d Lieutenant, Philip McRae. Co. D—Captain, Edward J. Jones; 1st Lieutenant, Israel Eldredge; 2d Lieuten- ant, William S. Hutchinson. ' , Co. E—_Captain, Charles Parker; 1st Lieutenant, Marcus Davis; 2d Lieutenant, Amos B. Pollock. Co. F—Captain, Reuben Baker; 1st Lieutenant, William W. Black; 2d Lieuten- ant, Ebenezer M. Backus. Co. G—Captain, Louis D. Kelly; 1st Lieutenant, Christopher C. Kelly; 2d Lieu- tenant, Ebenezer Knapp. Co. H—Captain, William Hebard; 1st Lieutenant, Charles D. Laribee ; 2d Lieu- tenant, William J . Laird. Co. I--Captain, Nathaniel Vose; 1st Lieutenant, Cyrus Hutchinson; 2d Lieuten- ant, James Upham. Co. K—-Captain, George Stratton; 1st Lieutenant, Edward P. Grosvenor; 2d Lieutenant, Robert Souders. Co. L—Captain, Benjamin Harding; 1st Lieutenant, Robert G. Dyhrenfurth; 2d Lieutenant, James H. Clark. Co. M-Captain, John F. Austin; 1st Lieutenant, John Aeker; 2d Lieutenant, Edward G. Wheeler. After a brief sojourn at Alton, Illinois, awaiting a complete out- fit, and in charge of rebel prisoners, the 17th. was ordered to Mis- souri. It engaged in the pursuit of the rebel army in October, 1864. It was then divided intosquadrons, and engaged in scouting service in Missouri. During the ensuing spring it was re-united in Kansas. In July, 1865, the second battalion, Major Matlack commanding, 560 PATRIOTISM or nmrnors. was sent to Glasgow, Howard County, Missouri. This post was adjacent to numerous guerrilla strongholds. In such a community the battalion was set down, numbering 350 men. Instantly on land- ing, at midnight, telegraphic dispatches were handed to the Major, announcing the approach of.formidable rebel bands. The leading citizens were dreading an attack that night. Outposts were estab- lished and personally inspected by the commanding oflicer, within two hours, and an attack was prevented for that time. The next day, peremptory orders from General Rosecrans directed the Ma- jor, with 150 of the 17th, a squadron of the 9th Missouri cavalry, from Fayette, Missouri, and several hundreds of Missouri militia, from the north, to move out in search of the rebel Thornton, who was reported to be in North Missouri with 1,500 men. Two weeks of rapid movement, in three separate columns, failed to reach a has- tily retreating foe. Returning to Glasgow, it was found that a small force of the 17th had suffered in a fight, with superior numbers, near Allen, Missouri. Thus was inaugurated a short, vigorous cam- paign, which required for two months afterward a continual series of scouting parties, whose skirmishes were occasionally severe, and in some instances fatal to the boys from Illinois. But the guerrillas dreaded the 17th. The third battalion, with regimental headquarters, remained at _ Alton until September, 1864, and then moved to Jefferson City, Missouri, where the second battalion joined it, and the regiment, in command of Colonel Beveridge, reported to General John McNiell, at Rolla, Missouri. On the 28th of September, 1864, General Mc- Niell learned of Price’s attack and repulse at Pilot Knob, and of General Ewing’s retreat toward Rolla, and the approach of the rebel army. The same night the enemy burnt Cuba, twenty-four miles distant. To relieve Ewing from capture, and check the enemy, General McNiell directed Colonel Beveridge to move out with the ‘ 17th at 11 A. M. of the 29th. At night the regiment reached Cuba, driving before them a column of rebel cavalry. The next morning (30th) it found Ewing with his force of 800 men, slightly entrench- ed, looking for an attack at any hour, and fearful of capture. The present Governor Fletcher (then Colonel) has frequently expressed his great delight at the deliverance wrought for them by the 17th. BATTLE OF BOONEVILLE. 561 The enemy, rumored to be 20,000 strong, were now between Rolla and St. Louis, on the way to the state capital, J etferson City. They had seized the railroad, and destroyed the telegraph lines. No cer- tain knowledge was attainable, nor orders from St. Louis. General Sanborn’s brigade had come up from Springfield, Missouri. Both this and McNiell’s brigades moved out at a venture, in the direction of Jefiferson City. On the second day out (October 2, 1864) the advance scouts reported the enemy’s column moving parallel to theirs, within five miles, and they reached the capital only a few hours in advance of Price. Preparations for a vigorous defence were hastily made. The men worked with a will, for the enemy outnumbered them three to one. ' The 17 th had the post of danger and honor, on the extreme right. Here an approach in force was more practicable for the enemy, from the nature of the ground. During the 4th of October,.General Fisk, then in command, rode over the ground examining the works, and General McNiell ad- dressed the men of the 17th, in anticipation of the battle which threatened to be a bloody struggle on the right.‘ Already it had commenced at the center with artillery, as a diversion of attention from what was supposed to be their main objective point—-the right. And here the 17 tl1 was but thinly posted over a wide spread of open country, unsupported. But being vigorously resisted at the center, and apprehensive of serious trouble, the enemy moved by in the night, heading for Booneville. 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