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With this view, the different individuals of each species contained im the collection are indicated by the letters a, b, c, &c., following the name of the species and its syno- nymes, and the description, if it appeared to have been before undescribed. This part of the Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects has been prepared and the new spccies described by Mr. FRANCIS WALKER, so well known for his attention to this order of Insects. The continuation is in hand, and will follow as soon as it can be completed JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, 1st September, 1852. CATALOGUE OF NEUROPTEROUS INSECTS. Order NEUROPTERA. Neuroptera, Linn. fc. Synistata p., et Odonata, Fabr. Dictyoptera, Clairv. Sub-order I. PHRYGANIDES. Ocelli tres, primus inter antennas deorsum spectans. Partes oris inter se connatæ, labro subcoriaceo inflexo, mandibulis nullis, maxillarum mandinibus obsoletissimis, palpis maxillaribus tri- quadri- vel in omnibus feminis quinque-articulatis, labialibus triar- ticulatis. Antennæ elongatæ aut longissimæ, setaceæ, multiarti- culatæ, articulis cylindricis. Prothorax transversus. Abdomen compressum, segmentis novem, appendicibus caudalibus coriaceis. Coxæ exserta, retrorsum vergentes; tibiæ calcaratæ ; tarsi quinque- articulati, spinulosi, plantula aroliisque inter ungues instructi. Alæ quatuor deflexæ, quoad nervaturam æquales, quoad consistentiam et picturam inæquales ; anticæ coriaceæ, pilosæ, absque nodo, cum thyridio in tertio radii principalis ramo; posticæ diaphanæ, plicatæ. Metamorphosis semicompleta per larvas aquaticas, hexapodas, mau- dibulis liberis instructas, branchio-preustas, in folliculo sibi con- structo hamis analibus affixas ad" nymphas immobiles, artubus solutis, imagini stigmatibus respiranti similes. PHRYGANIDÆ. Caput transversum, longitudine latius. Oculi magni, reticu- lati. Antennæ corporis longitudine aut longiores, articulis plurimis minime notatis. Os capite infero insertum. Labrum inflectum, mediocre. Palpi labiales articulo 30 ovato elongato. Thorax lati- tudine altior. Prothorax cerviciformis. Abdomen sæpissime sub- compressum, apice truncatum. Larva aquatica, sæpissime thecæ opifex et tritor. Caput corneum. Thorax coriaceus. Abdomen sacculis respiratoriis, segmentum ultimum uncis duobus munitum. Phryganea p., Linn. Phryganea, DeGeer ; Geoffroy; Fabr. ; Olivier'. Friganides p., Latr. (olim); Lamarck. Agnatba p., Duméril. Plicipennia, Latr. Lophiacera, Billberg. Trichoptera, Leach, Kirby ; Stephens ; Westw.; Kolenati. Pbryganides, Pictet. Trichoptera (Phryganides), Rambur. Trichoptera (Phryganodea), Burmeister. Elingula, Retzius. Fam. 1. PHRYGANIDÆ. Phryganidæ, Stephens, Illust. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 203. Palpi maxillares mediocres, subhirsuti. Antennæ setacea. Pedes calcarali. Ala anticce venis transversis ; posticæ plicatæ. Heteropalpoidea p., Kolenati. (Palpi maxillares quoad sexum dif- formes, fæminarum semper articulis quinque, marum aut tri- aut quadriarticulati. Palporum maxillarium articulus ultimus reliquis quoad latitudinem æqualis. Larvæ incolunt thecas, omnes fere herbivoræ, branchiis simplicibus et ventralibus, nun- quam compositis lateralibus, hanc et appendicibus analibus simplicibus, imagines de die aut ad vesperas nunquam turba- tim et tumultuariter volitant). Group I. PHRYGANEOIDEA. Palpi maxillares tantum tenuissime pubescentes, maris articulis quatuor. Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ, calcaribus acutis et immobili- bus. Alarum anticarum anastomosis postica cum margine postico parallela, areolis subapicalibus longitudine æqualibus, anastomosi hasali nulla, costula gemina inferius bipartita et foro cubitali mo- dico, areolis apicalibus in sculptura a reliquis non differentibus. PHRYGANIDÆ. Larvæ corpus depressum, utrinque angustius, capite oblongo- ovali. Prothorax solus corneus semilunaris, transversus. Abdomi- nis segmenta soluta, distincte infibulata; appendices anales carnosæ, longiores, conicæ. Branchiæ simplices, longæ, patentes. Pedes breves, ad posticos paullo longitudine increscentes. Theca semper cylindrica, e plantarum frustulis. Pupa magis depressa, recens semper viridis, torulis iisdem in abdominis dorso corneis, postea viridi-fusca aut fusco-nigra, abdo- minis segmentorum insterstitiis viridibus, thorace profunde sulcato, ore protracto, absque penicillo, segmento primo abdominis in dorso processu cornev deorsum vergente, appendicibus in segmento anali brevibus. Phryganeoidea, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 77. Genus 1. PHRYGANEA. Corpus subcompressum, non depressum. Palpi maxillares tenuissime pubescentes aut subnudi, maris 4-articulati; articulo ultimo brevi, subelliptico. Tibiæ setigeræ ; anticæ bicalcaratæ ; intermediæ tricalcaratæ ; calcares immobiles, acutæ. Alæ anticæ pilosæ, vix setigeræ, apice parabolice rotundatæ. Phryganea, Uddman, Linn., Fabr., Bill.bg., Scheff., Gmel., Schr., Steph., Curt., Zett., Fischer, Burm., Hummel, Westu., Wood. Semblis, Fabr. Simblis, Billbg. Holostomis* et Trichostégia,t Kolenati. Olostomis, Guér. et Perch. Gen. Ins. 4, 9. Neur. pl. 3. * Holostomis, Mannerheim, Revue Critique, 21. Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 82. Tibiæ vix spinulosæ, calcaribus brevibus et spinis brevissimis, parcis, adpressis; alarum anticarum interstitiæ rugulosæ, vix pilo- sæ, alæ anticæ cum posticis concolores, areola 5a in ala antica anastomosim non attingens, brevis. + Trichostegia, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 84, 17, pl. 2, f. 17. Alæ anlicæ cum posticis discolores, apice parabolice rotun- dato, interstitiis pilis densis et adpressis tectis, radio subcostali cum sectore apicali primo solum in ala per anastomosim juncto, ramo thyrifero cum cubito in alis anticis per anastomosim ad basim juncto, palporum labialium articulo apicali elliptico et compresso; tibiæ intermediæ et posticæ quadricalcaratæ. B 2 PHRYGANIDÆ. 1. PHRYGANEA GRANDIS. Obscure fusca, supra cinereo-pubescens ; alæ anticæ viltatæ areolis dense pilosis, maris fusco-testuceæ maculis parvis conferlissimis pallidioribus punctoque albido, fomine fusco-cinerea nebulis pallidioribus lineolisque duabus interruptis nigris punctoque albu; tibia unicolores. Long. 4-9; alar. 18—28 lin. Phryganea grandis, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1, 2, 909, 7. Faun. Suec. ed. 2, 1485. Roesel, Ins. Belust. 11. Aquat. 11, pl. 17. Sul- zer, Hist. Ins. pl. 29, f. 9. Réaum. Ins. iii. pl. 14, f. 4. Deg. Ins. ii. 1, 507, pl. 13, f. 1. Billbg. En. İns. 94. Schaff. Icon. pl. 180, f. 1, 2, Mas. pl. 109, f. 3, 4, Fem. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 389, 8. Mant. Ins. I. 245, 9. Ent. Syst. ii. 76, 9. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2633, 7. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. ii. 213. Panz. Faun. Germ. pl. xciv, f. 18. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 255, pl. 82, f. inf.. Wood, Ill. Lin. Gen. Ins. ii. 25, pl. 48. Kirby and Sp. Intr. Ent. iii. 68, pl. 3, f. 4. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 396. Leach, Ed. Enc. ix. 136. Schr. Ins. Austr. 310, 618, 11, pl. 48. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 205,1. Curt. Brit. Ent. xiii. 592, 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 934, 3. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1061, 3. Westu. Introd. Class. ii. pl. 48. Syn. 49. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 470, 1. Trichostegia grandis, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 84, 1. Mas.-Phryganea Beckwithii, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 206, 2. Phryganea fulvipes, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 934, 4. a-h. England. 2-u. ? From Mr. Children's collection. w. Versailles. x. - ? 2. PHRYGANES CINEREA. Testacea, supra cinereo vittata ; alæ anticæ fusca, pubescentes , cinereo confertim guttatæ ; alæ posticæ fusco-cinereæ. Phryganea cinerea, Barnston, MSS. Testaceous, with a broad gray dorsal stripe extending from the head to the tip of the abdomen : tips of anterior tibiæ and of the joints of the anterior tarsi black: fore-wings brown, downy, thickly covered with gray dots; the posterior or cubital anastomosis and the form of the adjoining subapical areolets vary according to the sex PHRYGANIDÆ. as in other species: hind-wings brownish. Length of the body 7-8 lines; of the wings 22—26 lines. a, b. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 3. PHRYGANEA VARIA. Cinereo-fusca, antenna fulve, fusco annulatæ ; ala anticæ vittate, nigro alboque variæ, puncto niveo, areolis dense pilosis ; pedes fulvi, fusco annulati. Long. 5–7; alar. 11-163 lin. Phryganea varia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 77, 10. Réaum. Ins. iii. pl. 14, f. 9. Deg. Ins. ii. pl. 13, f. 1. Fourcroy, Ent. Par. ii. 357, 13. Stew. Šl. Nat. Hist. ii. 2, 14. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 396. Donov. Brit. Ins. viii. pl. 277, f. 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 934, 2. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 160, 31, pl. 11, f. 1. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 206, 4. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1061, 4. Westw. Intr. Class. ii. 63, f. 68, 9. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 471, 2. Phryganea variegata, DeVill. Ent. Linn. iii. 44, 60. Hummel, Ess. Ent. ii. 23. Phryganea annularis, Oliv. Enc. Méth. Ins. 558, 16. Trichostegia varia, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 86, 2. Q-c. England. d. Malaga. Presented by Benjamin Frend, Esq. e-I. - ? From Mr. Children's collection. Genus 2. TRICHOSTEGIA. C 1. TRICHOSTEGIA MINOR. Fusco-ochracea ; alæ anticæ ochracer, fasciate, nigro-fusco nebu- lose, macula costali fusca fasciaque subrepanda postica albido- ochracea. Long. 31–5; alar. 9–12 lin. Phryganea minor, Curt. Brit. Ent. xiii. pl. 592. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 207,5. Phryganea mixta, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 934, 1. Phryganea tortriceana, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 471, 3. Trichostegia minor, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 8, 7, 3. a-d. England. B 3 PHRYGANIDÆ. Genus 3. HOLOSTOMIS. 1. HOLOSTOMIS ALTAICA. Ale posticæ margine maculato. Phryganea Altaica, Fischer de Waldh. Ent. Ruth. i. 2. Neur. pl. 2, f. 2. Phryganea phalænoides, var., Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1061, Nota. Anabolia (Holostomis) Altaica, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 83, 5. North Europe. 2. 'HOLOSTOMIS PHALÆNOIDES. Nigra ; tibiis tarsisque posticis flavis, tibiis vix spinulosis, calcaribus brevibus; alis albidis, anticis maculis atro-violaceis majoribus et minoribus, posticis maculis similibus in margine antico et limbo externo. Phryganea phalanoides, Udeman, Nova Insectorum Sp. Dissert. Acad. Aboæ, 1753, 26, 53, pl. 2, f. 16. Linn. Syst. Nal. i. 2, 908,3. Faun. Suec. 1481. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i, 5, 2631,3. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 396. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi, 207, 6. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1060, 14, 1. Semblis phalænoides, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 386, 5. Mant. Ins. i. 244, 5. Ent. Syst. ii. 73, 6. Simblis phalanoides, Billby. Enum. Ins. 94. Phryganea Daurica, Fisch. Entom. Ruth. i. 52, 1. Neur. pl. 2, f. 1. Hummel, Éss. Ent. iii. 31. Phryganea phalanodes, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 935, 8. Olostomis phalaenoides, Guér. et Perch. Gen. Ins. livr. 4,9. Neur. pl. 3. Holostomis phalanoides, Mannerheim, Revue Critique, 21. Anabolia (Holostomis) phalænoides, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 82, 4. Oligotricha pbalænoides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 472, 2. a. - From Mr. Birch's collection. b, c. ? From Mr. Children's collection. d. Hungary. Genus 4. NEURONIA. Palpi labiales articulo apicali crassiori, ovali, lato et compresso: tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ, posteriores quadricalcaratæ : alæ anticæ cum posticis concolores, apice rotundato, interstitiis glabris ; radius subcostalis cum sectore apicali primo solum in alis posticis per PHRYGANIDÆ. anastomosim junctus, in alis anticis cum subcosta ad basim in anas- tomosi. Neuronia, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 234. Anabolia, Kolenáti, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 79, 16. 1. NEURONIA RETICULATA. Nigra ; caput subconvexum, in medio carinula longitudinali ; tibiæ posticæ flavæ; ala anticæ virescenti-flavæ, nitidæ, cre- bre fusco-reticulatim maculate, margine apicali dentato nigro; alæ posticæ viridi-flave, fascia discali, maculis duabus costali- bus limbuque apicali dentato nigris. Phryganea reticulata, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 908, 4. Faun. Suec. 1482. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 388, 1. Mant. Ins. i. 245, 1. Ent. Syst. ii. 75, 1. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2632, 4. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 395. Billbg. En. Ins. 94. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. lxxi. 5. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1061, 2. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 935,7. Philopotamus ? reticulatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 170, 4. Anabolia (Oligostoinis) reticulata, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 81, 2. Oligotricha reticulata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 472, 1. Phryganea flavilatera, Linn. Fuun. Suec. 1488. Syst. Nat. ii. 909. Geoffr. Ins. Par. ii. 255, 3. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5,2634, 10. Berl. Syn. i. 151. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 214. Europe. 2. NEURONIA OLATHRATA. Nigra; capite plano et occipite torulo utrinque transverso; palpis, apice femorum, tibiis tarsisque testaceis ; alis virescenti-auran- tiacis, nitidis, anticis crebre reticulatim nigro maculatis, mar- gine apicali undulalo nigro, posticis umbra basali, fascia dis. cali luta margineque apicali dentato, nigris. Phryganea clathrata, Hoffmansegg, MSS. Anabolia (Oligostomis) clathrata, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 82, 3. Sweden, Prussia, Russia, Carniolia. a-9. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 3. NEURONIA PARDALIS. Atra ; caput subtus luteum ; thorac antice luteo-hirtus; ala an.. ticæ luteo confertim guttatæ ; alæ posticæ antice luteo guttatæ, fascia lata subapicali lutea. Black: head with luteous hairs above, luteous beneath : tborax with luteous hairs in front: fore-femora ferruginous : fore-wings PHRYGANIDA. with numerous luteous dots which are mostly confluent in the mid- dle of the wing of the male : hind-wings with a few luteous spots along the fore border and with a broad luteous band extending ob- liquely from the tip along part of the hind border. Length of the body 6–7 lines ; of the wings 22–24 lines. a, 6. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 4. NEURONIA CONCATENATA. Rufa; antenne piceæ ; pedes testacei ; abdomen fuscum; alæ sub- . hyaline, anticæ fusco reticulata. Red, shining: head and thorax clothed with whitish hairs: an- tennæ piceous: abdomen brownish: legs testaceous: fore-wings pale brown, with very numerous almost colourless dots which are mostly confluent and especially so towards the base : hind-wings subhya- line, their tips reticulated with brown ; a brown spot on the fore bor- der opposite one on the fore-wing; a few pale brown marks on the hind border. Length of the body 5-6 lines; of the wings 16–18 lines. a, b. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. C, d. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. e. — From Mr. Children's collection. 5. NEURONIA OCELLIFERA. Testacea ; capite thoraceque supra nigris; antenna nigra, apices versus ferrugineæ ; ale anticæ nigro subreticulata et subfasci- atæ. Fem.-Black, with black bairs and bristles: antennæ ferrugi- nous at the tip of each joint except towards the base, and wholly fer- ruginous towards the tips : breast, abdomen and legs testaceous : wings testaceous :. fore-wings irregularly reticulated with black, which here and there forms short and irregular bands: hind-wings with a broad curved black band near the tips. Length of the body 5. lines; of the wings 19 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. 6. NEURONIA OCELLIGERA. Nigra; tibiæ picex ; alæ testacea, antica nigro reticulata. Male.— Black, with pale hairs and black bristles : shanks pitchy: wings testaceous; fore-wings reticulated with black, which PHRYGANIDÆ. forms spots along the borders: hind-wings with black spots along the borders. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 7. NEURONIA FUSCA. Nigra ; antennæ ferrugineæ ; pedes testacei; ale anticæ ferruginea fusco confertim reticulatæ maculisque duabus fuscis. Phryganea fusca, Barnston's MSS. Black, clothed with brown hairs : antennæ ferruginous: abdo- men beneath and legs testaceous : fore-wings ferruginous, thickly reticulated with brown, with a brown spot on the hind border and another in the disk at the base of the intermediate subapical areo- lets ; a few brown transverse streaks on the fore border: hind-wings slightly gray. Length of the body 6—8 lines ; of the wings 18-34 lines. . Var. B. Body ferruginous. ame. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. f-i. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redian's collection. . Newfoundland. Presented by W. E. St. John, Esq. k. ? 8. NEURONIA ANTICA. Ferruginea; palpi pedesque testacei ; alæ anticæ subluridæ, con- fertim tuberculata, fascia brevi gracili discali ; alæ posticæ subhyalina. Ferruginous: palpi and legs testaceous : fore-wings slightly lurid, with numerous little brown pimples of various size in the are- olets, and with a short slender band in the disk : hind-wings subhy- aline Length of the body 5-6 lines; of the wings 18-20 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 9. NEURONIA POSTICA. Fusca ; palpi pedesque testacei ; abdomen nigro trivittatum ; alæ anticæ fusco reticulatæ, posticæ fuscia brevi angulata fusca. Ferruginous: palpi and legs testaceous: abdomen with three blackish stripes: fore-wings indistinctly and very minutely reticu- lated with brown, which colour is most prevalent at the tips : hind- PHRYGANIDÆ. wings paler, with a short angular brown hand in the disk towards the tip. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 20-22 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 10. NEURONIA VESTITA. Ferruginea ; thorax fusco bivittatus ; alæ anticæ fusco confertim irroratæ, posticæ cinerea. Ferruginous: thorax with two brown stripes: thighs and tips of the shanks of the anterior legs brown: hind-legs testaceous: fore-wings thickly reticulated with brown, which is most prevalent towards the tips: bind-wings gray, bordered with brown. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a, 6. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 11. NEURONIA COMMISTA. Nigra; corpore subtus antennis pedibusque ferrugineis ; alæ anticæ fusce, macula magna discali sublimpida, yuttis apicalibus albidis ; ale posticæ subcinerea, apice margineque postico fuscis. Black, clothed with pale hairs, beset with black bristles, under side, antennæ and legs ferruginous: fore-wings brown; discal areo- let, discal cell and areolet of the thyridium mostly almost colourless; fore border slightly motiled; apical and subapical areolets with whitish dots; veins brown: hind-wings slightly gray, brown at the tips and along the hind borders. Length of the body 4} lives ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 12. NEURONIA FUSCULA. Ferruginea, nigro-hirta, subtus testacea ; thorax maculis duabus subfuscis; tibiæ anteriores apice fusce; alæ cinerea, anticu albido irrorata. Phryganea fuscula, Barnston's MSS. Ferruginous, partly clothed with black hairs, testaceous be- neath : thorax with a brownish mark on each side: legs testaceous; anterior shanks black lowards the tips: wings gray: fore-wing's PHRYGANIDÆ. with whitish dots which are more numerous along the border than in the disk. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 13. NEURONIA RUFICRUS.. Nigro-fuscà ; tibiæ posticæ ochracea, alæ subochraceo-fuscescentes, venis piceis. Long. 5-7.; alar. 10–15 lin. Phryganea ruficrus, Scop. Ent. Carn. Schr. Neuronia fusca, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 234, 1. Phryganea striata, Burn. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 935, 6. Anabolia analis, Kol. Gen. et. Sp. Trich. 80, 1. Phryganea chloroneura, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 473, 3. a. England. 14. NEURONIA ? SUB FASCIATA. Phryganea fasciata, Say. Philadelphia Genus 5. AGRYPNIA. Corpus latum depressum: palpi labiales articulo 30 vis crassi- ori et ovali: tibiæ anticæ bica)caratæ, posteriores quadricalcaratæ : alæ anticæ pube tenui tectæ, apice antice parabolico oblique rotun- dato postice subangulato, radius subcostalis cum sectore apicali in alis quatuor in anastomosi ; alæ posticæ hyalinæ. Agrypnia, Curt. Brit. Ent. xii. 540 ; Steph.; Kolenati. Phryganea p., Roesel; Burm. Phryganea p. ? Réaum. ; Zett. 1. Agrypnia PAGETANA. Ochracea ; tibiæ spinis testaceis ; alæ immaculatæ, apice subfus- cescentes. Long. 4 ; alar. 12 lin. - Roesel, ii. Aquat. ii. pl. 14. Agrypnia Pagetana, Curtis, Brit. Ent. xii. 540. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 229, i. Westw. Class. ii. Synops. Generic. 49. Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 78, 1. Pyganea ægrota, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 2, 935, 5. Phryganea striata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 935, 6. PHRYGANIDÆ. Phryganea testacea ? Réaum. Ins. iii. pl. 18, f. 11. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1065, 23. a. (Type specimen). Yarmouth. Presented by W. Fisher, Esq. 2. AGRYPNIA PICTA. Tibiæ spinis fuscis. Agrypnia picta, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 79, 2. Silesia. Group 2. LIMNOPHILOIDEA. Palpi maxillares maris articulis tribus: tibiæ anticæ unicalca- ratæ, calcaribus acutis ac inmobilibus: alarum anticarum subcosta cum costa nunquam in anastomosi, radio subcostali sub parastigmate flexo: alæ posticæ anastomosi postica obliqua, ita ut areolæ subapi- cales retrorsum longitudine decrescant, et anastomosi basali distincta, costulis tendinis geminis simplicibus et foro cubitali ainplo, areolis apicalibus punctulatis et subpilosis. Larvæ corpus omnino cylindricum: caput ovale: thorax segmen- tis duobus corneis, quadrangularibus transversis : abdomen segmen. tis minus solutis et non infibulatis, appendicibus analibus carnosis cylindricis brevibus et crassis : branchiæ simplices, breves, adpressæ : pedes postici paullo longiores. Theca frequentius ex arena et lapil- lis, semper conico-cylindrica, subtus angustior. Pupa cylindrica, recens semper flava, segmento abdominis dor- sali duobus, segmento quinto quatuor Corulis corneis, fuscis, postea evadit fusca aut ferruginea, abdominis segmentorum interstitiis lan- tum flavis, thoracejam sulcato, ore protracto, penicillo verticali erecto instructo, segmento anali appendicibus duobus longis, filiformibus. Limnophiloidea, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 35. Genus 6. HALESUS. Corpus subcompressum, von depressum : palpi maxillares maris triarticulati, articulo ultimo elongato filiformi: antennæ articulo ba- sali capite breviori : tibiæ setigeræ, anticæ unicalcaratæ, posteriores triarticulatæ : alæ anticæ latæ, pilusæ, vix setigeræ, apice dilatatæ, rotundatæ, margine postico rotundato, rugulis in areolis inermibus, radio thyrifero cun cubito antico in anastomosi. Halesus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 201. Westw. Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 68, pl. 1, f. 10. PHRYGANIDÆ. 13 Phryganea p., Schri, Vill., Oliv., Pictet, Zett. Limnophilus p., Burm. Halenus, Leach. Anabolia (Drusus), Steph. 1. PALESUS DIGITATUS. Ochraceo-fuscus ; antenna fusce ; alæ antica pallida, venis albis fusco marginatis, areolis granulatis, posticis linea longitudi- nali fusca. Long. 7-9; alar. 18—24 lin. Phryganea digitata, Schr. Ins. Austr. 309, 616. DeVill. Ent. iii. 42, 52. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 556, 8. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 138, 7, pl. 7, f. 2. Phryganea interpunctata, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1067, 29. Limnophilus digitatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 933, 14. Halesus digitatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 208, 1. Hallesus digitatus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 69, 1. amd. England. : 2. HALESUS CINGULATUS. Fulvo-ochraceus ; alis anticis pallide ochraceis immaculatis ; ab- domine fulvescente segmentorum marginibus nigris. Long. 8}; alar. 18 lin. Halesus cingulatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 209, 2. England. This and Limnephilus pilosus are perhaps the same species. 3. HALESUS VIBEX. . Ochraceus ; alis anticis subangustatis pallide fusco-ochraceis, ato- mis numerosis pallidioribus, costa excepta, sparsis. Long. 7-9; alar. 14-22 lin. Limnephilus Vibex, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 125. Halesus Vibex, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 209, 3. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. PHRYGANIDÆ. 4. HALESUS LATIPENNIS. Pallide ochraceus ; alis anticis sublatis ochraceo-fuscis, vix pallide irroratis, venis fusco submarginatis. Long. 7-8; alar. 18—20 lin. Limnephilus latipennis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 125. Halesus latipennis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 209, 4. England. 5. HaleSUS HIEROGLYPHICUS. Ochraceo-flavus ; alis anticis, costa excepta, fuscescentibus, atomis pallidioribus confertim irroratis. Long. 8-10; alar. 17– 25 lin. Limnephilus hieroglyphicus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 125. Halesus bieroglyphicus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 210, 5. ame. England. f-h. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 6. HALESUS LATERALIS. Fulvo-ochraceus ; thoracis lateribus fuscescentibus ; alis' anticis pallide ochraceis, concinne irroratis, venis subfulvis. Long. 8; alar. 17-20 lin. Halesus lateralis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 210, 6. England. This and Limnephilus striatus are perhaps the same species. 7. HALESUS STELLATUS. Ochraceus ; alis anticis fuscescentibus lineis maculisque pallidis. Long. 51–6; alar. 16-18 lin. Limnephilus stellatus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 125. Halesus stellatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 210, 7. a-d. England. e. -? This and Limnephilus pantherinus are perhaps the same spe- cies. PHRYGANIDÆ. 15 8. HALESUS NIGRICORNIS. Ochraceus ; capite thoraceque supra fuscis; antenna picco-nigræ ; pedes testacei ; alæ anticæ pallide ochraceæ, albido indistincte irrorata, areolis rugulosis, areola la apicali ad basim rotun- data. Long. 4; alar. 10-11 lin. Phryganea nigricornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 136, pl. 6, f. 4. Anabolia (Drusus). nigricornis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 232, 6. Hallesus nigricornis, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 70, 2. Europe. 9. HALESUS AURICOLLIS. Pedes testacei. Ale anticæ licolores, areolis rugulosis, areola la apicali ad basim acuta. Long. 5; alar. 12–14 lin. Phryganea auricollis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 141, 10, pl. 8, f. 1. Hallesus auricollis, Kol. Gen. et. Sp. Trich. 70, 3. Europe. 10. HALESUS FLAVIPENNIS. Rufescenti-ochraceus ; pedes testacei ; alæ anticæ subhyalina, uni- colores, tomento subaurato ornatæ, areolis rugulosis. Long. 3; alar. 9 lin. Phryganea flavipennis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 155, 23, pl. 11, f. 8. Anabolia (Drusus) flavipennis, Steph. ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 231, 5. Hallesus flavipennis, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 71,5. Europe. 11. HALESUS PECILUS. Pedes fusci. Hallesus pecilus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 71, 4. Carinthia, Austria. 12. HALESUS TESTACEUS. Rufescenti-ochraceus; ale pallidores, antica atomis paucis pallidis ; pedes ochracei. Long. 4–5; alar. 12–13 lin. Phryganea testacea, Mus. Lesk. 51, 38. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. 2637, 47. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 155, 4, pl. 6, f. 3. Žett. Ins. Lapp. 1065, 23. C 2 16 PHRYGANIDÆ. Phryganea brunnea, Oliv. Enc. Méth. 559, 28. Mus. Lesk. Pars Ent. 51, 37. Limnephilus luridus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Avabolia (Drusus) testacea, Steph. Ili. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 231, 3. Europe. 13. HALESUS ANNULATUS. Rufescenti-ochruceus ; abdomen fuscescens, segmentorum margini- bus ochruceis; alæ hyaline, flavescenti-ochracea, immaculata. Long. 3 ; alar. 11 lin. Anabolia (Drusus) annulata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 231, 4, pl. 34, f. 3. England. 14. HaleSUS DUBIUS. Rufescenti-ochraceus ; antennæ fusco annulatæ; ale antice pu- bescentes, fusco-ochraceae, punctis remolis pallidioribus. Long. 53 ; alar. 12 lin. Anabolia (Drusus) dubia, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 232, 7. England. 15. HALESUS GUTTIFER. Testaceus ; alæ anticæ macula una nonnunquam obsoleta subfusca in areolis apicalibus, alteraque in cella discali areola thy- ridic et cellà thyridii, guttaque nigra in areola apicali 3a; ale posticæ albide. Testaceous : antennæ ferruginous: fore-wings thickly and very minutely tuberculated, with two pale brown spots which are occa- sionally obsolete, one at the base of the apical areolets, the other occupying the base of the discal cell, of the areolel of the thyri. dium, and of the cell of the thyridium ; a black clot near the base of the third apical areolet: hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 5—7 lines; of the wings 16—20 lines. a–d. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Baroston, Esq. é, f. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. PHRYGANIDÆ. 16. HALESUS PUNCTATISSIMUS. Testaceus; alæ anticæ albido indistincte et confertissime irroratæ ; alæ postica albida. Testaceous, rather broad : antennæ stout: fore-wings broad, minutely tuberculate, very thickly covered with whitish dots ; fore- border mostly whitish; a large irregular whitish spot on the discal areolet, on the areolet of the thyridium, and on the cell of the thy- ridium : hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 31 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a, 6. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. Genus 5. LIMNEPHILUS. Corpus subcompressum, non depressum. Palpi maxillares ar- ticulo ultimo elongato, filiformi. Tibiæ setigeræ ; intermediæ tri- calcaratæ. Alæ anticæ angustæ, pilosæ, vix setigeræ, margine postico.oblique truncato. Limnophilus, Leach ; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 211. Limnophilus, Burm. Group 1. GLYPHOTÆLIUS.. Alæ anticæ apice obliquè truncatæ ; margo apicalis excisus, bis sinuatus, sinu anteriore minore, inter sinus substantia excedente. Tibiæ intermediæ tricalcaratæ, posticæ quadricalcaratæ. Glyphotælius, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 211. Glyphidotaulius, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. Pars la (1848), 36, pl. 1, f. 1, A, B. Phryganea p., Deg., Oliv., Pictet. Limnophilus p., Leach, Burm. UIMNEPHILUS UMBRACULUM. Alæ unicolores. Glyphidotaulius umbraculum, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. Pars la, 37, 1. Germany. C 3 IS PHRYGANIDE. 2. LIMNEPHILUS PELLUCIDULUS. Ochraceus; alæ antica bicolores, emarginata, fusco irrorate, ma- culis duabus hyalinis ; alæ posticæ hyalinæ, apice ochraceo in maribus fusco nebuloso. Long. 6–8; alar. 15—18 lin. Phryganea pellucida, Oliv. Enc. Méth. 541, 12. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 146, 17, pl. 8, f. 4. Phryganea, &c., Deg. Ins. ii. 526, 1, pl. 12, f. 19. Limpophilus pellucidus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 932, 8. Glyphotælius pellucidus, Steph. Westw. Synops. 49. Mas. Limnephilus basalis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 122. Foem.-Liinephilus emarginatus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 122. Limnephilus (Glyphotælius) pellucidulus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 211, 1. Var. ornatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi 212. Var. diaphanus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 212. Var, cognatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Mand. vi. 212. Limnephila pellucida, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 485, 24. d. England. P. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 3. LIMNEPHILUS LÆVIS. Ferrugineus ; antennis palpis pectorisque disco nigris ; abdomen nigro varium ; ala anticæ luridæ, areola interclavali nigro guttata. Ferruginous, clothed with pale hairs : antennæ, palpi and disk of the breast black: abdomen, coxæ and thighs marked with black : fore-wings lurid, minutely tuberculated, with a row of black dots along the interclaval areolet; veins testaceous : hind-wings slightly gray. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. - ? From Mr. Children's collection. Group 2. GRAMMOTAULIUS. Alarum posticarum sector apicalis 4a in sexu utroque linea fusca, infra et supra glabra ; alarum anticarum margo apicalis inte- ger, nimis oblique truncatus, alarum omnium apex acuminatus. Tibiæ intermediæ tricalcaratæ ; posticæ quadricalcaratæ. PHRYGANIDE. Grammotaulius, Kolenati, Gen.et Sp. Trich. Pars la, 38, pl. 1, f. 2. Phryganea p., Fabr., Schr., De Vill., Zett. Limnephilus p., Leach, Steph., Westw. Limnophilus p., Burm. Limpephila p., Ramb. 4. LIMNEPHILUS LINEOLA. Pallide ochraceus ; alæ anticæ pallida, fusco irroratæ ; posticæ immaculatæ lineola apicis fusca. Long. 6–7; alar. 14-22 lin. Phryganea lipeola, Schr. Ins. Austr. 307, 613, var. a. DeVill. Lin. Ent. iii. 41. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1063, 10. Limnephilus strigosus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 122. Limnophilus gracilis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 932, 12. Limnephilus lineola, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 213, 2. Grammotaulius lineola, Kol. Gen, et Sp. Trich. 39, 1. Limnephila lineola, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 474, 1. ame. England. f, g.- ? From Mr. Children's collection. 5. LIMNEPHILUS ATOMARIUS. Fusco-cinereus ; alæ anticæ fusco-cinerascentes, punctis nigris con- fertissimis sparsis ; pedes ochracei. Long.7; alar. 22 lin. Phryganea atomaria, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 78, 15. Phryganea lineola, Schr. Ins. Austr. 308, 613. Var. b. Phryganea irrorata, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1063, 11. Limnephilus atomarius, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 206, 3. . Limnophilus atomarius, Burn. Handb. Ent. ij. 932, 11. Grammotaulius atomarius, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. Pars 1a, 39, 2. Europe. 6. LIMNEPHILUS INTERROGATIONIS. Ala antica vittate. Phryganea interrogationis, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1063, 12. Grammotaulius interrogationis, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 40, 3. Lapland, Greenland. 20 PERYGANIDE. Group 3. CHÆTOTAULIUS. Alarum sector primus apicalis in mare lineola brevi fusca, quæ supra glabra, infra hirta, e pilis accumulatis suberectis rigidis est composita, in foemina ibidem vena latiori, alarum apticarum margo suturalis late sinuatus, apice subacutus, margo apicalis integer, sub- crenulatus. Tibiæ intermediæ tricalcaratæ ; posticæ quadricalca- rata. Chætotaulius, Kolen. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 41, 3, pl. 1, f. 3. Phryganea p., Linn. Limnephilus p., Leach, Steph., Curt., Westw., Pictet. Limnophilus p., Burm. 7. LIMNEPHILUS VITRATUS. Ochraceris; alæ anticæ flavescente-ochraceve, fusco variegata, ma- cula discali rhombea utrinque fusco marginata, lunulaque apicis pallidis. Long. 31–5; alar. 13-141 lin. Phryganea vitrata, Deg. Ins. ii. pl. 12, f. 19. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1064, 13. Limnophilus lunaris, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 931, 5. Phrygauea lunaris, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 152, 21, pl. 9, f: 3. Chætotaulius vitratus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 42, 1. Limnephila lunaris, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 481, 18. Limnephilus nebulosus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 215, 10. Var. Limnephilus apicalis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. ami. England. j. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. k. From Mr. Children's collection. 8. LIMNEPHILUS BOREALIS. Ale anticæ macula apicali marginali quadrangulari. Phryganea borealis, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1062, 7. Chætotaulius borealis, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 42, 2. Lapland. PHRYGANIDÆ. 9. LIMNEPHILUS NOBILIS. Caput albo-pilosum. Ale anticæ macula discali rhombea ; venæ bicolores. Chætotaulius nobilis, Kolen. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 43, 3. Livorno. 10. LIM NEPHILUS ANGUSTATUS. Caput fusco-pilosum. Alæ antice macula disculi rhombea ; vena bicolores. Chætotaulius angustatus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 43, 4. Styria. 11. LIMNEPHILUS DECIPIENS. Ala antice macula discali rhombea absque fuscedine, maculaque stigmaticali ; venæ unicolores. Chætotaulius decipiens, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 44, 5. Europe. 12. LIMNEPHILUS FLAVICORNIS. Ochraceus ; antennæ pedesque flavescentes ; alæ anticæ hyaline cinereo variegate, venis margineque interiore fusco punctatis, macula discali rhombea absque fuscedine, macula stigmaticali nulla, venis unicoloribus. Long. 5-6; alar. 14-16 lin. Phryganea flavicornis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 77, 12. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 541, 13. Schr. Faun. Boic. ii. 184, 1917. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 88, 8. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 151, 20, pl. 9, f. 2. Limnephilus flavicornis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 213, 3. Limnophilus flavicornis, Billb. En. 94. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 932, 10. Phryganea atomaria, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1063, 8. Chætotaulius flavicornis, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 44, 6. Limnephila Aavicornis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 484, 23. Var. ? Limnephilus discoidalis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 214, 5. Sordide ochraceus; ale an- ticæ fuscescentes basi pallidiores, macula discoidali et altera pos- tice semihyalince; alæ posticæ apice fusco. Long. 7; alar. 15 lin. PHRYGANIDÆ. a-f. England. 9, h. Polish Ukraine. Presented by Dr. Dowler. i. Italy. From Dr. Leach's collection ;. South France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. k-0. From Mr. Children's collection. 13. LIMNEPHILUS RHOMBICUS. Ochraceus ; ale antice cinereo-flavescentes, macula magna rhom- boidalt pallida utrinque fusco marginata. Long. 6-8; alar. . 12- 16 lin. Phryganea rhombica, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, ii. 909, 8. Faun. Suec. 1486. Réaum. Ins. iii. pl. 11, f. 5. Roesel, Ins. Bel. ii. Aquat. 2, pl. 16. Scheff. Icon. pl. 90, f. 5, 6. Elem. Ent. pl. 100. Geoff. Ins. ii. 246, 2. Schr. Ins. Austr. 307, 612. Faun. Boic. ii. 180, 1905. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2633, 8. Ahrens, Faun. ed. Germar, ix. 13. Fourcr. Ent. Par. ii. 354, 2. De Vill. Ent. iii. 29, 12. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. 680. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 511, 14. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 389, 10. Mant. Ins. i. 245, 10. Ent. Syst. . 77, 13. Wilh. Recréat. iii. 23, 30. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 88,9. Don. Brit. Ins. vii. pl. 220. Stew. Elem. ii. 214. Turt. ed. Syst. Nat. xiii. 396. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 256; pl. 82, f. med. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 148, 19, pl. 9, f. 1. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1062, 6. Limnophilus rhombicus, Billberg, Énum. 94. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 932, 9. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 148, 19, pl. 9, f. 1. Phryganea grandis, Sulzer, Ins. pl. 17, f. 104. Phryganea rhomboidica, Berk. Syn. i. 151. Chætotaulius rhombicus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 45,7. Limnephila rhombica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 481, 17. amd. England. e, f. -- From Mr. Children's collection. g. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 14. LIMNEPHILUS ELEGANS. Fusco-ochraceus; ale anticæ pallide fuscescentes, vittis aliquot al- bidis subradiatim dispositis. Long. 6—7; alar. 14-16 lin. Limnephilus elegans, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Brit. Ent. pl. 488. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 215, 9. PHRYGANIDÆ. Chætotaulius signifer, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 46, 8. Phryganea signifer, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1063, 9. Europe. MNEPHILUS STRIOLA. Alæ anticæ unicolores. Chætotaulius striola, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 47, 9. Germany. Group 4. COLPOTAULIUS. Antennæ corpore longiores. Alæ anticæ apice oblique trunca- tæ, areola basali una, margine apicali integro, fimbriis longioribus. Alæ posticæ non vittatæ, margive postico fimbriis longioribus, inter cubitum et costulam trochlearem profunde exciso, sectore apicali primo in utroque sexu absque juba. Tibiæ intermediæ tricalcara- tæ ; posticæ quadricalcaratæ. Colpotaulius, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 47, 4, pl. 1, f. 4. 16. LIMNEPHILUS EXCISUS, Corpus rufum. Ala anticæ sectoribus apicalibus variegatis. Colpotaulius excisus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 48, 1. Limnephilus incisus ? Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 228, 48. a. England. 17. LIMNEPHILUS VULSELLA. Corpus fuscum. Alæ anticæ sectoribus apicalibus unicoloribus. Colpotaulius vulsella, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 48, 2. a, b. England. 18. LIMNEPHILUS INDICANS. Ferrugineus ; palpi et pedes testacei ; ala anticæ testacea, albido marginatæ, vitta discali brevi alba apud medium contracta api- ce quinque-digitata. Ferruginous: antennæ paler: palpi and legs testaceous : fore- wings-testaceous, deeply and irregularly whitish round the border ; disk with a short white stripe which is slender in the middle and 24 PHRYGANIDÆ. towards the tip forms five rays, the middle one longest: hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 19. LIMNEPHILUS DESIGNATUS. Testaceus ; thorax fusco bivittatus ; abdomen fuscum ; alæ antice vitta sericea alba interrupta et apicem versus dilatata. Testaceous, clothed with testaceous hairs : thorax with two brown stripes : abdomen brown : fore-wings with a silky white dis- cal stripe which is interrupted beyond the middle, dilated and irre- gular towards the tip: hind-wings whitish. Length of the body v lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a, b. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. c. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. d, e. Arctic America. District watered by the Mackenzie and Slave Rivers. Presented by Sir John Richardson. f. Great Bear Lake. Presented by Sir John Richardson. 9. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. Group 5. GONIOTAULIUS. Alæ anticæ apice oblique truncatæ, margine apicali integro, oblique cum suturali in angulum connivente, areola apicali prima quintæ inæquali. Alæ posticæ margine non exciso, integro, areola apicali prima quintæ quoque inæquali. Tibiæ intermediæ tricalca- ratæ ; posticæ quadricalcaratæ. Goniotaulius, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 48, 5. Phryganea p., Linn., Deg., Fabr., Billbg., Oliv, Schr., Pictet, Zett. Limnephilus p., Leach, Steph., Curt., Westw. Limnophilus p., Burm. 20. LIMNEPHILUS VITTATUS. Subtestaceus ; ala antica ochraceo-flave, vitta longitudinali inter- rupta fusca. Long. 3}; alar. 9 lin. Phryganea vittata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 201, 16, 17, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 157, 27, pl. 10, f. 4. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1064, 16. Limnephilus vitiatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 225, 39. Limnophilus vittatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 931, 3. PARYGANIDÆ. 25 Goniotaulius vittatus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 49, 1. Limpephila vittata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 485, 26. Europe. Var.? Fuscus, subtus ochraceus ; alæ anticæ pallide fusco-flavide, flavo irrorata, stigmate obscuro. Long. 4–41; alar. 104-11 lin. Limnephilus ochraceus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 223, 34. . a. England. Var.? Fuscus, subtus ochraceus ; ale anticæ ferrugineo-ochracere fusco irrorata, angulo postico fusco ochraceo irrorato. Long. 4-53; alar. 10–11} lin. Limnephilus consobrinus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Steph. N. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 224, 35. @~g. England. 21. LIMNEPHILUS NIGROVITTATUS. Ochraceus; antenna pedesque pallidiores; alce anticæ ochraceo- Aave, linea abbreviata longitudinali media nigra, margine pos- tico fusco irrorato, stigmate fusco. Long. 41; alar. Ìl lin. Var. ? Phryganea elegans, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 157, 26, pl. 10, f. 3. Var. ? Limnophilus elegans, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 931, 2. Var. ? Limnephila elegans, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 486, 27. Limnephilus nigrovittatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 225, 40. Europe. 22. LIMNEPHILUS TLAVUS. Ochraceus ; thoracis dorsum et abdomen fusca ; alæ anticæ flavce, vittis duabus indistinctis longitudinalibus fuscis. Long. 5 ; alar. 10-11 lin. Phryganea flava, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 910, 21. Faun. Suec. 1502. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2636, 21. De Vill. Ent. iii. 31, 25. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 548, 39. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 92, 28. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 156, 25, pl. 10, f. 2. Limnephilus terminalis ? Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Limnepbilus flavus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 226, 42. Limnophilus flavus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 931, 4. Goniotaulius flavus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 50, 2. Europe. PHRYGANIDE. 23. LIMNEPHILUS FUSCINERVIS. Alæ anticæ vittatæ ; venæ omnes rufo-fuscæ. Femora testacea. Phryganea fuscinervis, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1065, 19. Goniotaulius fuscipervis, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 51, 3. Lapland; Germany. 24. LIMNEPHILUS FEMORATUS. Ale anticæ vittata. Femora picea. Phryganea femorata, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1065, 17. Goniotaulius femoratus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 51, 4. Lapland. 25. LIMNEPHILUS ANASTOMOSIS. Alæ anticæ vittatæ; venæ in anastomosi fusce. Femora testacea. Goniotaulius anastomosis, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 52, 5. Phryganea elegans ? Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 157, 26, pl. 10, f. 3. Hungary. 26. LIMNEPHILUS FENESTRATUS. Alæ antica albo pustulatæ, macula stigmaticali. Phryganea fenestrata, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1064, 15. Goniotaulius fenestratus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 52, 6. Lapland. 27. LIM NEPHILUS TRIMACULATUS. Alæ anticæ muculis tribus fuscis, maculaque stigmaticali. Phryganea trimaculata, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1065, 18. Goniotaulius trimaculatus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 53, 7. Scandinavia. 28. LIMNEPHILUS GRISEUS. Fusco-cinereus ; ala antica fuscescentes, flavido irroratæ, macula rhombea albida, stigmate niyro-fusco. Long. 5-61; alar. 12--15. lin. PHRYGANIDE. 27. Phryganea grisea, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, ii. 909, 6. Faun. Suec. 1484. Leg. Ins. 399, 3, pl. 13, f. 18-21 ; 539–543. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 389, 11. Mant, Ins. i. 245, 13. Ent. Syst. ii. 78, 14. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2632, 6. Cederhieim, Faun. Ingr. Prodr. 139, 422. Mus. Lesk. 51, 35. Rossi, Mant. Ins. 104, 229. Billb. Ent. i. 94. De Vill. Linn. Ins. iii. 28, 10. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 541, 15. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 88, 10. Schr. Faun. Boic. ii. 181, 1907. Dahlb. Skand. Ins. 239, 156. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 147, 18, pl. 11, f. 7. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1062, 5. Limnephilus griseus, Leach. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 217, 13. Curt. Brit. Ent. 488. Westw. Synops. 49. Limnophilus griseus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 932, 7. Goniotaulius griseus (vars. senex, Selene, tæniatus), Kol. Geń. et Sp. | Trick. 43. ami. England. j. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 29. LIMNEPHILUS STIGMATICUS. Ale anticæ fusco irrorate, macula stigmaticali. Goniotaulius stigmaticus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 55, 6. Europe. Var. ? Fuscus, subtus ochraceus ; alæ anticæ albido-fusca, pallide irrorata, lunula media maculaque bisinuata postice hyalinis plerisque fusco marginatis, venis longitudinalibus albo punc- tatis, stigmate picco. Long. 6—7; alar. 104-133 lin. Limnephilus bipunctatus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv, 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 218, 18. 4-c. England. Var ? Pallide ochraceus; alæ pallidiores, immaculata, venis piceo irroratis, stigmate piceo. Long. 51–6; alar. 13–14 lin. Limnephilus affinis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv, 123. Sleph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 217, 15. a-d. England. P. From Mr. Children's collection. D 2 PHRYGANIDÆ. 30. LIMNEPHILUS CONCENTRICUS. " Ale anticæ maculatæ, parastigmate nullo. Phryganea concentrica, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1067, 30. Goniotaulius concentricus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 55, 10. North Europe. 31. LIMNEPHILUS TENEBRICUS. Fuscus; alæ antica saturate fusce plus minus ochracco irroratæ, maculis duabus pallidis, stigmate piceo.' Long. 4–53; alar. 12–14. lin. Limnephilus tenebricus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 222, 29. am. England. 32. LIMNE PHILUS SPARSUS. Fuscus, subtus ochraceus ; alæ anticce fusco-ochraceæ, atomis pai- lidioribus, macula postica ochracea ; pedes ochracei, tibiis anticis fusco annulatis. Long. 4—54; alar. 11--13 lin. Limnephilus favus var. ? Limnepbilus sparsus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 223, 31. a-c. England. 33. LIMNEPHILUS AURICULA. Ochraceus ; alæ anticæ lucida, saturate ochracea, macula media alteraque auriculæformi postice hyalinis, stigmate obscure fus- co. Long. 4–5; alar. 10–11. lin. Limnephilus Auricula, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 220, 22. a-h. England. 34. LIMNEPHILUS COMBINATUS. Ferrugineus, abdomine pedibusque testaceis; alæ antica fuscæ, costa maculaque magna subrhomboidali discali guttisque subtestaceis, apicem versus subtestacea fusco conspersæ, alæ posticæ hyaline. PHRYGANIDE. 29 Ferruginous, clothed with pale hairs : abdomen and legs testa- ceous : fore-wig's brown, slightly testaceous along the foreborder and with a large nearly rhomboidal spot of that colour in the disk; some pale testaceous dots in the disk and more towards the tips where the brown hue least prevails : hind wings colourless. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Newfoundland. Presented by W. C. St. John, Esq. 35. LIMNEPHILUS OCHRACEUS. Ochraceus ; ale anticæ angustæ fusco-ochracea, mucula centrali scriisque duabus punctorum posticis hyalinis, stigmate fusco- ochraceo. Long. 4-5; alar. 10-12. lin. Limnephilus obscurus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 220, 24. England. 36. LIMNEPHILUS FENESTRALIS. Ochraceus, supra fuscus; alæ anticæ albida, basi excepto irregula- riter fusco irroratæ et maculata, lineola discali maculisque postice subhyalinis, stigmate piceo. Long. 5-63; alar. 10– 15 lin. Limnephilus fenestralis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 218, 17. a-f. — From Mr. Children's collection. 37. LIMNEPHILUS STIPATUS. Nigro-cinereus, subtus testaceus ; antenne fulvæ; pedes testacei ; alæ anticæ fusca, albido guttatæ et maculata. Allied to L. variegatus. Black, tinged with gray, clothed with pale hairs and with longer black hairs, testaceous beneath: antennæ tawny; 1st joint mostly black or brown: legs testaceous : fore-wings brown, with numerous whitish dots and spots, many of these conflu- ent, and especially so on the disk and on the fore border: hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. b. Arctic America. District watered by the Mackenzie and Slave Rivers. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. D 3 30 PHRYGANIDÆ. 38. LIMNEPHILUS MARMORATUS. Ochraceus ; alæ pallidiores, anticæ fusco nebulosa, maculis duabus subhyalinis, venis transversis fuscis. Long. 6—7; alar. 12– 15 lip. Limnephilus marmoratus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mund. vi. 214, 7. England. 39. LIMNEPHILUS DIVERGENS. Testaceus ; antennæ ferrugineæ ; alæ anticæ confertissime tuber- culatæ, apice subfusce ; alæ posticæ albida. Testaceous, clothed with pale hairs: antennæ ferruginous: fore- wings very thickly covered with ferruginous tubercles, very pale brown at the tips, with a large tubercle at the base of the third api- cal areolet: hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a, b, North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. 40. LIMNE PHILUS BIMACULATUS. Testaceus; antennæ ferrugineve ; thorax piceo bivittatus ; ale an- ticæ obsolete irroratæ ; alæ postice albida. Limnephilus bimaculatus, Barnston, MSS. Testaceous, clothed with pale hairs and black bristles : anten- næ ferruginous: thorax with a broad pitchy stripe on each side : fore-wings with very indistinct pale dots, which are most prevalent towards the base: bind-wings whitish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 41 LIMNEPHILUS INTERCISUS. Ferrugineus, albo-tomentosus ; caput supra, thorax vittis duabus, et abdomen fusca ; ale anticee fuscæ albo-tomentose, maculis nonnullis albis discalibus et apicalibus ornate, Ferruginous, covered with white down: disk of the head, two stripes of the thorax and abdomen brown: legs testaceous : fore- wings brown, with white down, here and there with some darker PHRYGANIDE, 31 marks, speckled with white, with three white spots in the disk and with a smaller one on the tip of each of the apical and subapical areolets; two of the discal spots are on the cell of the thyridium and one on the 4th and 5th apical areolets; tips slightly notched : hind- wings slightly gray. Length of the body 4-4 lines ; of the wings 15–16 lines. Var. B. Niger, antennis pedibusque ferrugineis ; thorax cano vit- tatus ; alæ anticæ fusca', albido irrorata, maculis fuscis ob- scurioribus albidisque discalibus et apicalibus ; alæ postica subcinereæ. Black, clothed with pale hairs, tinged with gray: antennæ, legs, and tip of the abdomen ferruginous: thorax with a very broad hoary stripe : fore-wings brown, very minutely tuberculated, covered with white, sprinkled with whitish dots, adorned with some oblong darker brown and whitish spots in the disk, and with small white spots along the tips : hind-wings slightly gray. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 15 lines. ame. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 42. LIMNEPHILUS DESPECTUS. Cinereo-ferrugineus ; antennæ subfusca, articulis basi abdomine pedibusque testaceis; thorax albo bivittatus; ale anticæ fuscæ 'albido irrorata et bimaculata, costa discoque apicem versus al- bidis. Dark ferruginous, tinged with gray, clothed with pale hairs and beset with longer black bristles : antennæ pale brown; joints testa- ceous at the base: maxillary palpi brown : labial palpi, abdomen and legs testaceous: thorax with two white stripes : fore-wings brown, with whitish dots, and a whitish spot on the cell of the thy- ridium and on the interclaval areolet, and another on the 1st sub- apical areolet; the whitish colour also prevails along the fore border and on the disk towards the tip: hind wings wbitish. Length of the body 3} lines; of the wings 10 lines. aớc. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. This may be L. nebulosus, Kirby, but does not well agree with the description. PHRYGANIDÆ. 43. LIMNEPHILUS MULTIFARIUS.. Nigro-cinereus ; antennæ fuscæ, annulatæ; pedes testacei ; alæ an- tice fusce, albido irrorate et bimaculatæ. Phryganea variegata, Barnston's MSS. Black, tinged with gray, clothed with pale hairs and with longer black bairs : antennæ brown, testaceous at the base of each joint: legs testaceous: fore-wings brown, with numerous whitish dots, some. of which are large and irregular; a whitish spot on the areolet and on the cell of the thyridium, and another on the base of the apical areolets; hind border fringed with black hairs : hind-wings grayish. Length of the body 3# lines; of the wings 10 lives. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. Much resembles L. fenestralis. 44. LIMNEPHILUS PRÆTERITUS. Niger ; antennis tibiis tarsisque ferrugineis ; alæ antice fuscæ, al- bido irroratæ et maculatæ, venis nigris; alæ posticæ subhyalina. Black, clothed with pale hairs: head clothed in front with black hairs : antennæ ferruginous; the 1st joint black: legs ferruginouis; thighs black: fore-winys brown, with numerous minute whitish dots and with some oblong whitish spots in the disk and along the bor- der at the tips : hind-wings almost colourless, with a brown spot on the hind border towards the tip: veins black. Length of the body 3} lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. Arctic Regions. District watered by the Mackenzie and Slave Rivers. Presented by Sir John Richardson. 45. LIMNEPHILUS PARTITUS. alæ hyalina, antice vitta interrupta maculisque duabus fuscis. Black, with a gray covering, clothed with pale hairs: antennæ fore-wings with an irregular brown stripe near the hind border, this stripe is obliquely interrupted before the middle, a little beyond which it contains two colourless dots; a brown spot on the parastigma, and another on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th apical areolets; veins brown. Leogth of the body 3} lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. PHRYGANIDÆ. 46. LIMNEPHILUS PERFORATUS. Ferrugineus ; cuput, thorax vittis duabus et scutellum nigra ; alve anticæ fusca, albido irroratæ et maculatæ. Ferruginous, clothed with black hairs: head above, sides of the thorax and scutellum black: legs testaceous : fore-wings brown, with numerous whitish dots; fore border mostly wbitish ; a rather large whitish spot on the areolet and on the cell of the thyridium, and another occupying the base of the apical areolets: hind..wings slightly gray. Length of the body 31 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. b. Arctic America. District watered by the Mackenzie and Slave Rivers. Presented by Sir John Richardson.. 47. LIMNEPHILUS CONSOCIUS. Ferrugineus ; thorax nigro vittatus ; abdomen supra nigricans ; pedes testacei; alæ anticæ testacee, albido confertissime irro- ralæ; alæ posticæ subhyaline. Ferruginous, clothed with pale hairs : antennæ black at the base: thorax with a broad black stripe: abdomen blackish above : legs testaceous : fore-wings testaceous, with very numerous whitish dots, many of which are confluent; veins brown: kind-wings almost colourless. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. 48. LIMNEPHILUS SUBMONILIFER. Niyer ; antennæ articulis basi testaceis ; abdomen subtus ferrugi- neum ; pedes testacei; alæ anticce fuscæ, macula discali albida guttisque fere obsoletis hyalinis, lineiisque tribus nigris albido- guttatis ; ale postica subcinerea. Black, clothed with pale hairs, beset with black bristles : joints of the antennæ testaceous at the base: abdomen ferruginous be- neath : legs testaceous : fore-wings brown, with a whitish spot on the disk, and with almost obsolete colourless dots towards the tips; three pitchy stripes on each wing, one near the fore border, the other two near the hind border; veins piceous: hind-wigs very slightly gray. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. 34 PHRYGANIDÆ. 49. LIMNEPHILUS EXTRACTUS. Obscure testaceus ; palpis pedibusque pallidioribus ; thorax fusco bivittatus ; abdomen supra fuscum; alæ sordide albida. Dark testaceous, clothed with pale hairs : antennæ brown towards the tips : palpi and legs pale testaceous: thorax with a short broad brown stripe on each side: abdomen brown above : wings whitish ; fore-wings with a slight testaceous tinge along the hind border ; veins pale testaceous. Length of the body 31 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. Testaceus ; antennæ fusce, articulis lo ad et 20 omnino sequenti- busque basi testaceis ; alæ anticæ subtestuceæ, hyalino indis- tincte et confertissime irroratæ ; alæ postice hyalina. Testaceous, clothed with pale bairs : antennæ brown, paler towards the base; first and second joints and each following joint at the base testaceous: fore-wings slightly testaceous, thickly co- vered with indistinct colourless dots, some of which are confluent; veins ferruginous: hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 33 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 51. LIMNEPHILUS INDIVISUS. Pallide testaceus, alæ anticæ subtestacea, macula stigmaticali sub- fusca; alæ posticæ hyaline. Pale testaceous: antennæ a little darker: fore-wing's slightly testaceous, very minutely tuberculate, with a very pale brown stig- ma; veius testaceous : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 52. LIMNEPHILUS SUBGUTTATUS. Testaceus ; ala antica albido subguttatæ, apud stigma fuscum albido plagiate. Nearly allied to L. affinis. Testaceus, clothed with pale hairs : fore-wings with indistinct dots towards the base, along the hind- PHRYGANIDÆ. border and about the tips ; a brown spot on the fore border, and about it a large almost colourless space: hind-wings almost colour- less. Length of the body 3} lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany Riser, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 53. LIMNEPHILUS PLAGA. Testaceus ; alæ anticæ macula mayna postica media subquadrata fusca, apice fusco subreticulatæ. Testaceous, clothed with pale hairs and with a few longer black hairs : fore-wings with pale shining testaceous down, adorned with a large dark brown subquadrate spot near the hind border, a little beyond the middle ; tips indistinctly reticulated, with two patches of brown, Length of the body 33 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 54. LIMNEPHILUS PERPUSILLUS. Testaceus ; antenna fulve; alæ anticæ subtestaceæ, posticæ albidæ. Testaceous, clothed with testaceous hairs: antennæ tawny: fore-wings slightly testaceous, very indistinctly mottled with darker colour from the disk to the bind border and about the tips; veins tawny: hind-wings wbitish. Length of the body 2} lines; of the wings 6 lines. .a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. . Presenteu by G. Barnston, Esq. Group GONIOTAULIUS? 55. LIMNEPHILUS AREOLATUS. Cinereo-niger ; tibia obscure ferrugineæ ; ale antica albida, areo- lis fusco fasciatis. Black, with a slight gray tinge, clothed with black hairs: shanks dark ferruginous: wings whitish; veins black; most of the areolets of the fore-wings with brown bands which are broadest at the tips ; borders fringed. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 36 PHRYGANIDE. Group 6. DESMOTAULIUS. Alæ anticæ apice oblique rotundatæ, cubito pilis erectis, rigidis, areola apicali quinta basi angustiori et oblique triangulari. Alæ posticæ cubito cum sectoribus apicalibus per anastomosim brevein juncto. Tibiæ intermediæ tricalcaratæ ; posticæ quadricalcaratæ. Desmotaulius, Kolenati, Gen, et Sp. Trich. 56, 6, pl. 1, f. 6. Limnophilus p., Burm. Phryganea p., Pictet. 50. LIMNEPHILUS PLANIFRONS. Frons plana. Ale anticæ variegate, thyridio reniformi. Desmotaulius planifrons, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 56, 1. Greenland, Labrador. 57. LIMNEPHILUS MEGERLEI. Frons plana. Ala anticæ variegate, thyridio cum arculo fasciola albido. Desmotaulius Megerlei, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 57, 2. Europe. 58. LIM NEPHILUS HIRSUTUS. Frons convexa. Ala anticæ variegata. Phryganea hirsuta, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 159, 29, pl. 11, f. 10. Phryganea nigriceps ? Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1065, 21. Desmotaulius hirsutus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 57, 3. Germany 59. LIMNEPHILUS FUMIGATUS. Fulvus ; caput supra, antenna et metathoracis dorsum nigra ; alæ anticæ fuscæ, unicolores. Long. 6; alar. 16 lin. Phryganea fumigata, Germ. Ahrens, Faun. Fasc. xiii. 21. Phrygapea rubricollis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 135, 3, pl. 1, f. 2. Limnophilus rubricollis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 933, 13. Desmotaulius fumigatus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 58, 4. Europe. PHRYGANIDÆ. 37 60. LIMNEPHILUS INDISTINCTUS. Testaceus ; caput et thorax ferruginea; alæ anticæ vitta lata pos- tica strigaque apud areolas 4am et 5am subapicales subfuscis. Testaceous : head and thorax ferruginous: antennæ pale ferru- ginous : fore-wings pale testaceous, with a broad very pale brown stripe along the hind-border, with a live of the same colour on the vein between the fourth and fifth subapical areolets, and with a white spot on the thyridium. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. Newfoundland. Presented by W. C. St. John, Esq. Group 7. PHACOPTERYX. Frons inter antennas cornuta aut carinata. Alæ anticæ apice oblique rotundatæ, cubito pilis mollibus adpressis, areolis et areis alarum posticarum granulatis aut verrucosis, glabris, area costali interclavali et foro toto cubitali lævibus. Tibiæ intermediæ tricalca- ratæ ; posticæ quadricalcaratæ. Phacopteryx, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 59, 7, pl. 1, f. 8. 61. LIMNEPHILUS GRANULATUS. Phacopteryx granulata, Kol. Gen. et. Sp. Trich. 59, 7, pl. 1, f. 8. North Europe. Group 8. STATHMOPHORUS. Alæ anticæ apice oblique rotundatæ, cubito pilis mollibus ad- pressis, arevlis et areis lävibus et pubescentibus, areola apicali pria ma ad fundum longiori et acutiori. Theca supra et infra surculis gravata. Tibiæ intermediæ tricalcaratæ; posticæ quadricalcarate. Stathmophorus, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 60, 8, pl. 1, f. 7. Phryganea p., Linn. &c. Limnephilus p., Leach. Anabolia p., Šteph. Limnophilus p., Burm. m . 38 PHRYGANIDÆ. ; 62. LIMNEPHILUS DESTITUTUS. Antennæ fusco-piceæ. Ale anticæ unicolores. Stathmophorus destitutus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 60, 1. Phryganea picicornis ? Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 155, 24, pl. 11, f. 9. Germany. 63. LIMNEPHILUS LAPPONICUS. Ala anticæ bicolores. Phryganea fusca, var. B. Lapponica, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1067, 31. Stathmophorus Lapponicus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 62, 3. Lapland. Group 9. STENOPHYLAX. Antennæ articulo basali capite breviori. Alæ anticæ apice para- bolico aut orbiculari, radio thyrifero cum cubito antico in apasto- mosi. Tibiæ intermediæ tricalcaratæ ; posticæ quadricalcaratæ. Larva omnino cylindrica, folliculum explens, branchiis brevibus sim- plicibus, pedibus brevibus æqualibus. Stenophylax, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 62, 3, pl. 1, f. 9. Phryganea p., Linn. &c. Limnophilus p., Burm. Halesus p., Steph.; Westw. 64. LIMNEPHILUS PUBERULUS. Ala anticæ unicolores, fusco-pilosa. Alæ anticæ et posticæ areola apicali 5a brevi. Phryganea puberula, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1066, 27. Stenophylax puberulus, Kol. Gen. et. Sp. Trich. 63, 1. North and East Europe. 65. LIMNEPAILUS ARCTICUS. Ala anticæ unicolores, nigro-pilosa, areolis apicalibus æqualibus. Stenophylax arcticus, Kol. Gen. et. Sp. Trich. 63, 2. Sweden. PHRYQANIDA. 66. LIMNEPHILUS PILOSUS. Ala anticæ unicolores, aureo-pilosæ. Phryganea pilosa, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 76, 6. . Oliv. Enc. Méth. 540, 7. De Vill. Ent. iii. 40, 44. Cederhielm, Faun. Ingr. Prodr. 138, 419. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 87, 5. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 134, 2, pl. 6, f. 2. Limnophilus pilosus, Billbg. Ent. 94. Stenophylax pilosus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 64, 3. Europe. 67. LIMNEPHILUS STRIATUS. Alæ anticæ bicolores, in areolis conspersce. Phryganea striata, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii, 908, 5. Faun. Suec. 148, 2. Aldrovand. Ins. 763. Acta Upsalia, 1736, 27, 2. Valisnieri, Op. i. 37. Réaum. Ins. iii. pl. 13, f. 8, 9, 11. Albin, Ins. 763. Raii, Ins. 274,2. Schæff. Icon. pl. 168, f. 2, 3. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 388, 2. Mant. Ins. i. 245, 2. De Vill. Ent. iii. 28, 9. Scop. Ent. Carn. 688. Fourcroy, Ent. Par. ii. 353. Etrusc. 679. Oliv. Enc. Méth. Ins. 358, 3. Wilhelm, Récréat. &c. iii. f. 32. Berk. Syn. i. 151. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. ii. 213. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 396, 5. Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 87, 3. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 132, 1, pl. 6, f. 1. Limnophilus striatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 933, 16. Stenophylax striatus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 64, 4. Limnephila striata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 479, 11. a-f. Èngland. 9. Šouth France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 68. LIMNEPHILUS MERIDIONALIS. Ala antica bicolores, in venis conspersæ. Stenophylax meridionalis, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 65, 5. Isle of Crete. E 2 40 PH RYGANIDÆ. 69. LIMNEPHILUS ALPESTRIS. Alæ anticæ bicolores, circa anastomosim guttata, absque parastig- mate. Stenophylax alpestris, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 66, 6. Carniolia. Ala antica bicolores, circa anastomosim guttata, macula stigmată- cali. Phryganea nigridorsa, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 158, 28, pl. 10, f. 5. Stenopbylax nigridorsus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 66, 7. Europe. 71. LIMNEPHILUS PANTHERINUS. Ale antica bicolores, in areolis guttatæ. Phryganea pantherina, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 137, 6, pl. 6, f. 1, d, e, Limnophilus pantherinus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 933, 15. Stenophylax pantherinus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 67, 8. Europe. Group uncertain. 72. LIMNEPHILUS DORSALIS. Virescenti-ochraceus ; antenna flavescentes, fusco annulatæ ; alv pallidæ, antice hyalina margine interiore fusco irroratæ. Long. 5-63; alar. 14–16 lin. Limnephilus dorsalis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 213, 4. Phryganea concentrica ? Zett. England. 73. LIMNEPHILUS BINOTATUS. Sordide ochraceus ; alæ anticæ flavescentes, maculis tribus pallidis, stigmate piceo. Long. 6; alar. 14 lin. Limnephilus binotatus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 125. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 215, 8. PHRYGANIDÆ. 41 Phryganea borealis? Zett. England. 74. LIMNEPAILUS LUNATUS. Ochraceus ; alæ anticæ fusce, costa macula centrali alteraque sub- lunata postice subhyalinis, stigmate magno piceo. Long. 5; alar. 14. lin. Limnephilus lunatus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 216, 11. England. 75. LIMNEPHILUS STIGMA. Ochraceus; ale anticæ saturatiores, basi costaque pallidis, disco immaculato stigmate rotundato piceo. Long. 5-6; alar. 14 -15 lin. Limnephilus stigma, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 216, 12. England. 76. LIMNEPHILUS COSTALIS. Ochraceus; alæ anticæ fuscescentes, nebulis saturatioribus, venis transversis fuscis, alteris plerisque fusco irroratis stigmate per- fusco. Long. 6; alar. 13 lin. Limnephilus costalis; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 217, 14. England. 77. LIMNEPHILUS MARGINALIS. Fuscus, subtus ochraceus ; alæ antica fuscescentes, lunula media, maculaque tripartita postice hyalinis, stigmate piceo. Lung. 5}; alar. 12 lin. Limnephilus marginalis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 218, 16. England. 78. LIMNEPHILUS SIGNATUS. Fuscus, subtus ochraceus ; alæ anticæ ochraceo-albida, macula me- diu utrinque fusco marginuta alba, stigmate pallide fuscu. Long. 6; alar. 12 lin. Limnephilus signatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 219, 19. England. E 3 42 PHRYGANIDA. Fuscus, subtus ochraceus; alæ anticæ flavescente-ochracea, macula preobliquu pallida, stigmate piceo. Loog. 5 ; alar. 10 lin. Limnephilus obliquus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 219, 20. England. 80. LIMNEPHILUS LUNIGER. Ochraceo-fuscus; alve anticæ fuscescentes, lunula media macula- que postice subhyalinis, stigmate fusco. Long. 53; alar. 11 lin. Limnephilus luniger, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 219, 21. England. 81. LIMNEPHILUS GEMINUS. Fuscus ; alæ anticæ lucidæ, fuscescente-ochracea, macula gemi- nata media hyalina, stigmate ochraceo. Long. 3—5; alar. mata meihia hyalina, stigma Limnephilus geminus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 220, 23. England. Ochraceo-fuscus ; alce anticæ fuscæ, atomis maculisque quatuor pallidis, stigmate fusco-piceo immaculato; tibie anticæ fusco annulata. Long. 33–4; alar. 10–11 lin. Limnephilus fuscus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 221, 25. England. 83. LIMNEPHILUS CŒNOSUS. Ochraceo-fuscus; ala breves, fusca, ochraceo pallido obsolete irro- rata, stigmate obscuro utrinque pallide marginato. Long. 4; alar. 10^-11 lin. Limnephilus cænosus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 123. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 221, 26. England. PHRYGANIDÆ. MNRPHILUS PUNCTATISSIMUS. Ochraceo-fuscus ; antenne fusce, ochraceo tenuiter annulatæ; alæ anticæ anguste, pallide fuscæ, perlepide vageque albido irroratæ. Long. 4; alar. 12 lin. Limnephilus punctatissimus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 221, 27. England. 85. LIMNEPHILUS VINCULUM. Ochraceo-fuscus ; alæ antica fusca, maculis quatuor pallidis, stiy- mate fusco pallide irrorato. Long. 31; alar. 91–10 lin. Limnephilus Vinculum, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 222, 28. England. 86. LIMNEPHILUS FUSCATUS. Ochraceo-fuscus; alæ antice pallide fusca, marginibus interioribus et posticis saturatioribus, stigmate fusco-piceo pallide irrorato. Long. 41 ; alar. 12 lin. Limnephilus fuscatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 222, 30. England. : 87. LIMNEPHILUS IRRORATUS. Ochraccus; antennce fusco annulatæ ; abdominis dorsum fuscum ; alæ anticæ pallide ochraceæ, atomis numerosissiinis pallidiori- bus ; pedes ochracei, spinis fuscis. Long. 4.; alar. 11 lin. Limnephilus irroratus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 223, 32. England. 88. LIMNEPHILUS FLAVESCENS. Ochraceus ; ale antice pallide flavescente-ochracea, immaculata, postice pallidissime flavescentes. Long. 6; alar. 14 lin. Limnephilus flavescens, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 223, 33. England. 44 PH RYGANID: 89. LIMNEPHILUS NOTATUS. Ochraceus, dorso fusco; alæ anticæ pallide ferrugineo-flavidæ, ato- mis saturate fuscis longitudinaliter notatæ, angulo postico fus- cescente ochraceo irrorato. Long. 5; alar. 10} lin. Limnephilus notalus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 224, 36. England. 90. LIMNEPAILUS SUBSTRIGOSUS. Ochraceus ; thorax et abdomen supra fuscescentia ; ale anticæ pal- lide ochraceæ margine interno apiceque saturatioribus, strigis duabus obscuris fuscis. Long, 57; alar, 12 lin. Limnephilus substrigosus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 224, 37. England. 91. LIMNEPHILUS BIPARTITUS. Ochraceus ; ale anticæ pallidiores, margine interno et postico vage fusco irroratis, disco linea longitudinali fusca. Long. 43–5 ; alar. 10.--11lin. Limnephilus bipartitus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 225, 38. England. 92. LIMNEPHILUS PRÆUSTUS. Fuscus, subtus ochraceus; alæ anticæ pallide ochraceæ, margine postico macula apicali stigmateque ustulatis. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Limnephilus præustus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 226, 41. England. 93. LIMNEPHILUS CENTRALIS. Ochraceus ; alæ anticæ fusca, interne ochraceo irroratæ, macula centrali alteraque postice lunulaque marginali pallidis. Long. 4-5; alar. 10-11 lin. Limnephilus centralis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 227, 43. England. PHRYGANIDÆ, 45 94. LIMNEPHILUS PUNCTATUS. : Fusco-ochraceus ; ala antica pallide ochracea, interne fusco punc- tata. Long. 5; alar. 10 lin.. Limnephilus punctatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 227, 44." England. EPHILUS ELONGATUS. Pallide ochraceus ; alce unticæ angustatæ et elongata, pallide ochracea, interne fusco subirroratæ. Long. 31; alar. 11-12 lin. Limnephilus elongatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mund. vi. 227, 45. England. 96. LIMNEPHILUS FULIGINOSUS. Fusco-ochraceus ; abdomen pallidum ; alæ anticæ fusco-fuliginose, atomis pallidioribus obscure notatæ ; posticæ hyalina, albidæ, iridescentes. Long. 4; alar. 11 lin. Limnephilus fuliginosus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 227, 46. England. 97. LIMNEPHILUS USTULATUS. Ochraceus ; abdomen pallidum ; alæ unticæ ochraceæ, fusco irro- ratæ, costa immaculata, disco macula magna irregulari fusco- ustulata. Long. 4; alar. 9. lin. Limnephilus ustulatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 228, 47. England. 98. LIMNEPHILUS INCISUS. Ochraceus; alæ pubescentes, subbreves ; anticæ margine interno venisque fusco irroratis ; posticæ pallida ad apicem emargi- nata. Lovg. 3—4*; alar. 91–103 lin. · Limnephilus incisus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 124. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 228, 48. Colpotaulius excisus ? Kol. England. 46 PHRYGANIDÆ. 99. LIMNEPHILUS MIXTUS. Niger ; femora, tibiæ alæque fusca ; yenu nigra. Long. 3 ; alar. 8 lin. Phryganea mixta, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 142, 11, pl. 8, f. 2. Geneva. 100. LIMNEPHILUS SERICEUs. Niger ; antenna et alæ fuscæ ; pedes fulvi, tarsis fuscis. Long. 31 ; alar. 10 lin. Phryganea sericea, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 143, 12, pl. 11, f. 3. Geneva. 101. LIMNEPHILUS GUTTULATUS. Fuscus ; antennce et pedes fulva ; alæ fuscescentes, guttulis albidis indistinctis. Long. 41; alar. 12 lin. Phrygauea guttulata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 143, pl. 11, f. 4. Geneva. 102. LIMNEPHILUS BIGUTTATUS. Fulvus ; alæ nitide, basi pubescentes, macula media alba. Long. 4; alar. 11 lin. Phryganea biguttata, Pictet, Rech, Phryg. 144, 14, pl. 11, f. 5.. Phacopteryx granulata ? Kol. Geneva. 103. LIMNEPUILUS PUNCTICOLLIS. nigra ; pedes fulvi, tarsis fuscis; alæ fulvo cinereoque variæ, basi fulve. Long. 3 ; alar. 13 lin. Phryganea puncticollis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 145, 15, pl. 11, f. 6. Geneva. 104. LIMNEPHILUS RUFICOLLIS. Fulvus ; caput supra antennæ et tarsi nigra ; alæ fuscæ macula dis- cali albida. Long. 4; alar. 12 lin. Phryganea ruficollis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 145, 16, pl. 8, f. 3. Geneva. 47 105. LIM NEPHILUS SCABRIPENNIS. Limnephila scabripennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 488, 30. Europe ? 106. LIMNEPHILUS FUSCICORNIS. Lironephila fuscicornis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 486, 28. Desmotaulius fumigatus ? France. 107. LIMNÉPHILUS GUTTATUS. Goniotaulius fenestratus ? France. 108. LIMNEPHILUS FUSCATUS. (Nomen bis lectum ; vide Sp. 86.) Limpephila fuscata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 483, 22. Phryganea Megerlei ? Pictet. France. 109. LIMNEPHILUS OBSCURUS. (Nomen bis lectum ; vide Sp. 35.) Limnephila obscura, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 483, 21. France. 130. LIMNEPHILUS VARIEGATUS. Limnephila variegata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 482, 20. Goniotaulius griseus ? France. 111. LIMNEPHILUS VITREUS. Limnephila vitrea, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 482, 19. France. 48 PHRYGANIDA. 112. LIMNEPHILUS NIGRITUS. Limnephila nigrita, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur..480, 16. Chamounix. 113. LIMNEPHILUS CHRYSOTUS. Limoepbila chrysota, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 480, 15. Chamounix. 114. LIMNEPHILUS DISCOLOR. Limnephila discolora, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 480, 14. Halesus? Chamounix. 115. LIMNEPHILUS RUFESCENS. Limnephila rufescens, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 479, 13. Halesus ? South France ? 116. LIMNEPHILUS RADIATUS. Limnephila radiata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 479, 12. Pyrenees. 117. LIMNEPHILUS TESSELLATUS. Limnephila tessellata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 478, 10. Halesus digitatus ? France. 118. LIMNEPHILUS STRIOLATUS. Limnephila striolata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 478, 9. Limnephilus incisus ? Steph. France. PHRYGANIDÆ. 49 . 119. LIMNEPHILUS NEBULOSUS. (Nomen bis lectum; vide Sp. 126). Limnephila nebulosa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 477, 8. France. 120. LIMNEPHILUS OBSOLETUS. Limnephila obsoleta, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 477, 7. Sierra Nevada, Spain. 121. LIMNEPHILUS FLAVIDUS. Limnephila flavida, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 476, 6. Barcelona. 122. LIMNEPHILUS IMPURUS. Limnephila impura, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 476, 5. Goniotaulius stigmaticus ? Kol. France. 123. LIMNEPHILUS FULVUS. Limnephila fulva, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 475, 4. France. 124. LIMNEPHILUS ASPERSUS. Limnephila aspersa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 475, 3. Stenophylax meridionalis ? Kol. South France. 125. LIMNEPHILUS SUBMACULATUS. Limnephila submaculata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 174, 2. South France. 50 PHRYGANIDE. 126. LIMNEPAILUS NEBULOSUS. Niger ; ale anticæ testacer, albido maculate et irrorate, areola costali immaculata ; posticæ albidae ; venæ testacea. Long. Limnephilus nebulosus, Kirby, Fauna Boreali-Americana, 253, 1, (1837). British North America. 127. LIMNEPHILUS FEMORALIS. Niger ; alæ antica dilute testaceæ ; pedes testacei, femoribus nigris. Long. 61 lin. Limnepbilus femoralis, Kirby, Fauna Boreali- Americana, 253, 2. British North America. 128. LIMNEPHILUS PILOSULUS. Nigro-cinereus ; palpis fuscis; antennis pallide annulatis ; pedi- bus testaceis, alis pallescentibus, obsolete fusco nebulosis, pi- losis. Long. 3 ; alar. 8-8 lin. Phryganea pilosula, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1066, 24. Lapland. 129. LIMNEPHILUS BREVIS. Nigro-cinereus ; antennis palpis pedibusque testaceis ; alis oblongo ovalibus, cinereo-flavescentibus, obsolete fusco punctatis, pu- bescentibus, venis dorsalibus costalis pilosis. Phryganea brevis, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1066, 25. Lapland. 130. LIMNE PHILUS STIGMATELLUS. ciliatis, subpubescentibus, stigmate fusco hirto, striga media transversa alba notato. Phryganea stigmatella, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1066, 26. Lapland. PHRYGANIDÆ. Genus 6. CHÆTOPTERYX. Corpus subcompressum, non depressum. Tibiæ setigeræ ; auticæ unicalcaratæ , intermediæ et posticæ tricalcaratæ. Alæ anticæ setis erectis, apex rotundus, areæ ac areolæ tuberculosæ, tu- berculis pilis longis, erectis, rigidis armatis, area subcostali et sutu. rali lævibus. Tibiæ intermediæ et posticæ tricalcaratæ. Chætopteryx, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 232, (1837). Kole- nati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 71, 11, pl. 1, f. 11. Phryganea p., Fabr., Pictet, Zett. Limnephilus p., Billbg. 1. CHÆTOPTERYX VILLOSA. Fulvescente-ochracea; antenne fuscæ ; ale anticæ subgranulatæ, ochraceo-fusca, punctis duobus pallidis, areolarum verrucis bż- seriatis. Long: 43–5}; alar. 10–12 lin. Phryganea villosa, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 200, 6, 7. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 139, 8, pl. 7, f. 3. Limnephilus villosus, Billbg. En. Ins. 94. . Chætopteryx villosa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 233, 1. Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 72, 1. amd. England. 2. CAÆTOPTERYX BREVIPENNIS. Fusca, subtus ochracea; abdomen nigricans ; ala antice tuber- culatæ, fulvescente-ochracea, punctis tribus minimis pallidis, areolarum verrucis biseriatis. Long. 3–37; alar. 9-11 lin. Limnephilus brevipennis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 125. Phryganea tuberculosa, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 140, 9, pl. 7, f. 4. Phryganea villosa, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1068, 33. Chætopteryx brevipennis, Steph. İll. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 233, 2:. Europe. 3. CHÆTOPTERYX RUGULOSA. Alarum anticarum areolæ verrucis uniseriatis. Chætopteryx rugulosa, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 73, 3. Dalmatia. F 2 52 PHRYGANIDÆ. Genus 7. ECCLESIOPTERYX. Corpus subcompressum, non depressum. Tibiæ setigeræ ; in- termediæ bicalcaratæ ; posticæ tricalcaratæ. Alarum anticarum apex parabolicus, alarum posticarum forum cubitale modice dilata- tum, radio subcostali paullo crassiori. Ecclesiopteryx, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 74, 13, pl. 2, f. 13. 1. ECCLESIOPTERYX DALECARLICA. Ecclesiopteryx Dalecarlica, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 75, 1. Dalecarlia. Genus 8. APATANIA. Corpus subcompressum, non depressum. Tibiæ setigeræ ; in- termediæ bicalcaratæ; posticæ quadricalcaratæ. Alarum anticarum apex parabolice rotundatus, radio subcostali valde incrassato ad pa- rastigma non flexo, cubito antico cum ramo clavali per anastomosim juncto, in ala non dilatato, anastomosi postica non obliqua, sed ramo subdiscoidali cum cubito in sectoribus sese cruciante. Apatania, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich, 75, 14, pl. 2, f. 14. Phryganea p., Pictet, Zeit. Limnophilus ? p., Burn. 1. APATANIA VESTITA. Phryganea vestita, Zett. Ins. Lapp, 1071, 45. Phryganea fimbriata ? Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 159, 30, pl. 11, f. 11, Limnophilus pusillus ? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 931, 1. Apatania vestita, Koi. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 76, 1. Europe. Genus 9. ANABOLIA. Corpus subcompressum. Palpi maxillares articulo ultimo elon. gato filiformi. Tibiæ setigeræ. Alæ anticæ pilose, angustæ, mar- gine postico rotundato. Anabolia p., Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 229. PHRYGANIDÆ.' Phryganea p., Linn.; Deg.; Cederh. ; Geoffr. ; De Vill. ; Fabr. ; Gmel.; Lat.; Pict.; Zett. Limnephilus p., Leach ; Billb. Stathmophorus, Kol. Limnephila p., Ramb. 1. ANABOLIA FUSCA. Nigricante-fusca ; tibiæ posticæ ochraceæ ; alæ subochraceo-fus- Phryganea fusca, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 910, 20. Faun. Suec. 1500. Deg. Ins. ii. 407, 4, pl. 15, f. 11-14. Cederhielm, Faun. Inyr. Prodr. 137, 418. Mus. Lesk. 51, 33. Geoffr. Hist. Nat. I'ns, ii. 247, 4. De Vill. Ent. iii. 34, 24. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 388, 4. Mant. Ins. i. 245, 4. Ent. Syst. ii. 75, 4. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2635, 20. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 90, 16. Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 153, 22, pl. 10, f. 1. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1067, 31. · Limnephilus nervosus, Leach, Sam. Comp. pl. 7, f. 3.** Billby. En. Ins. 94. Anabolia nervosa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 230, 1. Limnophilus fuscus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 931, 6. Stathmophorus fuscus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 61, 2. Limnepbila fusca, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 487, 29. Var.? Anabolia lurida, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 330, 2. Ochraceo-fusca, subtus lurido-ochracea; antennis fuscis ; alis anticis lurido-ochraceis, macula obsoleta albida, posticis hyalinis, apice lurido. a, b. England. c, d. — From Mr. Children's collection. Genus 10. ENOICYLA. Corpus subcompressum, non depressum. Tibiæ setigeræ ; in- termediæ et posticæ bicalcaratæ. Alæ anticæ apice rotundatæ : alæ posticæ foro cubitali angustato, areola apicali quinta in ala anasto- mosim non attingente, radio subcostali incrassato. Enoicyla, Ramb. Nat. Hist. Ins. Neur. 488. Phryganea p.? Fabr. ; Coq.; Piclet. Limnophilus p., Burm. Ptyopteryx, Kol. Dromophila, V. Heyden. T 3 54 PHRYGANIDÆ. 1. ENOICYLA PUSILLA. Niger ; pedes flavi, tibiżs tarsisque apice femoribusque nigricanti- bus ; ale subflavescentes, venis fuscis. Phryganea pygmæa ? Fabr., Coq. Phryganea fimbriata ? Pict. Limnophilus pusillus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. Enoicyla silvatica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 488. Ptyopteryx Reichenbachii, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 74, 1. Dromophila montana, Von Heyden, Ent. Zeit. Stett. Europe. Alæ subpilosæ et Genus 11. MONOCENTRA. Tibiæ intermediæ et posticæ unicalcaratæ. subsquamose. Monocentra, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 489. Phryganea? 1. MONOCENTRA LEPIDOPTERA. Nigra, fuliginosa, hirta ; abdomen rufescens ; tibice posticæ subtus tarsique flavescentia ; ale nigro-fusca. Moņocentra lepidoptera, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 489. Sardinia. Genus 12. BARYPENTHUS. Palpi maxillares hirsuti, maris 3-articulati, fæminæ 5-articu- lati. Tibiæ posteriores vix ip apice nec in medio calcaratæ. Alæ posticæ dilatatæ, areola postica instructæ. Barypenthus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 928, 14. 1. BARYPENTHUS CONCOLOR. Totus niger, opacus ; corpore subtus pedibusque dilutioribus. Barypenthus concolor, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 929, 2. Brazil. LEPTOCERIDA. 55 2. BARYPENTHUS RUFIPES. Niger, opacus ; pedes obscure ochracei ; ala anticæ supra rufo- hirte, subtus dimidio auro-hirtæ. Barypenthus rufipes, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 929, 2. Brazil. Fam. 2. LEPTOCERIDÆ. Antennæ setacea. Palpi maxillares elongati, hirsutissimi. Pe- des calcarati. Alæ anticæ venis transversis. Alæ posticæ plicatæ. Leptoceridæ, Leach, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 191, (1836). Isopalpoidea p., Kolenati. Genus 1. ODONTOCERUS. Antennæ graciles, alis longiores, inaris denticulatæ. Tibiæ posteriores quadricalcaratæ. Odontocerus, Leach, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 192, (1836). Phryganea p., Scopoli. 1. ODONTOCERUS ALBICORNIS. . Cinereo-fuscus ; antenne albido-ochraceæ ; alæ cinereæ aut canes- centes, vix maculatæ. Long. 4-6; alar. 15—18 lin. Phryganea albicornis, Scop. Ent. Carn. 689. Schr. Ins. Austr. 619. De Vill. Ent. iji. 36, 29. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 555, 2. Odontocerus griseus, Leach, Edin. Encycl. ix. 130. Mystacide albicornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 162, 1, pl. 12, f. 1. amh. England. Genus 2. MOLANNA. Antennæ incrassatæ, alis non longiores, baud denticulatæ. Ti- biæ posteriores quadricalcaratæ. Molanna, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 214. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 202. 56 LEPTOCERIDE, :1. MOLANNA NIGRIPALPIS. Fusca; antennæ fulva, fusco guttatæ ; thorax et pedes fulvi ; ala anticæ ochraceo-sericec, posticæ pallide fuscescentes. Long. 3; alar. 12 lin. Molanna nigripalpis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 203, 1.. England. 2. MOLANNA ANGUSTATA. Fusca ; palpi pedesque rufo-ochracei ; ala anticæ subfulvæ venis fuscis; posticæ fuscescentes. Long. 3 ; alar. 12 lin. Molanna angustata, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 264. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 203, 2. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 922, 1. England. 3. MOLANNA MACULIPENNIS. Niger'; pedes fulvi ; tibiis tarsisque anticis femoribusque obscuris; alæ anticæ ochraceæ, nigricante-maculata. Long. —; alar. 16. lin. Odontocerus maculipendis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 214. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 193.. Mystacide cylindrica, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 164, 2, pl. 12, f. 2. Molanna cylindrica, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 922, 2. England. Genus 3. CERACLEA. bicalcaratæ. Ceraclea, Leach, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 193. Phryganea p., Latr. 1. CERACLEA NERVOSA. Nigra ; pedes obscure ochracei, nebulis obscurioribus ; alæ anticæ cinerea venis fuscis, posticæ hyalina obscura. Long. 4; alar. 11-13 lin. LEPTOCERIDA. 57 Phryganea nervosa, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 91. Ceraclea nervosa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 194, 1. a-d. England. e. - - From Mr. Children's collection. Genus 4. LEPTOCERUS. Palpi maxillares articulo lo tantùm brevi. Tibiæ posteriores bicalcaratæ. Phryganea p., Linn., Fabr. Mystacide, Latr., Pictet. Leptocerus, Leach, Steph, Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 194. Mystacides, Burm. Mystacida, Rambur. Group 1. Alarum anticarum areolæ apicales linea subcurvata venarum transversarum inclusæ. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 195. 1. LEPTOCERUS OCHRACEUS. Pallide ochraceus ; thorax ferrugineus, lineis tribus obscuris; ala posticæ hyalina. Long. 31-4; alar. 12–13 lin. Leptocerus ochraceus, Curt. Brit. Ent. ii. 57. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 195, 1. a. England. 2. LEPTOCERUS TESTACEUS. Rufescente-ochraceus; alæ posticæ hyalina, apice subfusce. Long. - ; alar. 8 lin. Leptocerus testaceus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 214. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 195, 2. a-c. England. d, e. - From Mr. Children's collection. 58 LEPTOCERIDA. 3. LEPTOCERUS OBTUSUS. Niger, nitidus; antenne et pedes obscure fusci; alæ fuscæ, anticæ apice rotundato-obtusa. Long. 3–33; alar. 77–8 lin. Leptocerus obtusus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mund. vi. 195, 3. a, b. — From Mr. Children's collection. 4. LEPTOCERUS NIGRICANS. Niger, nitidus ; antenne albo annulatæ ; pedes obscure fusci, tar- sis ochraceis ; alæ fusca. Long. 31; alar. 9 lin. Leptocerus nigricans, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 196, 5, 4. England. 5. LEPTOCERUS ATER. Ater ; antenna nigro alboque subannulata ; pedes nigri ; alæ im- maculatæ subiridescentes. Long. 3 ; alar. 9. lin. Mystacide atra, Pictel, Rech. Phryg. 169, 9, pl. 12, f. 4. Leptocerus ater, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 196, 5. Mystacides ater, Burn. Handb. Ent. ii. 919, 4. England. 6. LEPTOCERUS NIGER. Niger, nitidus ; antenna nigro alboque annulatæ ; pedes obscure fusci ; ala antice splendide chalybeo-nigre. Long. 3–3}; Phryganea nigra, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12. 909, 2. Geoffr. Ins. ii. 250, 10. Deg. Ins. ii. 580, 12, pl. 15, f. 21-23. Raii, Ins. 275. Roemer, Gen. Ins. pl. 24, f. 10, 11. De Vill. Ent. iii. 31, 15. Mus. Lesk. 51, 42. Cederh. Faun. Ingr. Prod. 139, 424. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. 68). Oliv. Enc. Méth. 545, 21. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 390, 14. Mant. Ins. i. 246, 17. Ent. Syst. ii. 79, 20. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. v. 2634, 11. Schr. Faun. Boic. ii. 183, 1903. Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 90, 15. Berk. Syn. i. 151. Stew. Elem. 1072, 53. Phryganea fuliginosa, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 696. Mystacide nigra, Pictet, Řech. Phryg. 169, 10, pl. 12, f. 5. Mystacides niger, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 919, 5. LEPTOCERIDE. 59: Mystacida nigra, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 511, 8. Leptocerus niger, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 196, 6. a-e. England. f-h. ? From Mr. Children's collection. Group 2. Alarum anticarum venæ 2a et 3a apud marginem posteriorem bifidæ. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 196. 7. LEPTOCERUS PERFUSCUS. Niger ; antenne albo nigroque annulatæ ; pedes ochracei; alæ an- ticæ cupreo-fusca, posticæ pallidiores. Long. 3; alar. 9 lin. Leptocerus perfuscus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 196, 7. England. 8. LEPTOCERUS AUREUS. Niger, cano-pilosus ; antennæ albo annulatæ ; pedes pallidi, tarsis albis fusco annulatis ; alæ anticæ aureo-sericeæ, postica cine- reæ iridescentes. Long. 3; alar. 10–11 lin. Mystacide aurea, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 164, 3, pl. 13, f. 1. Leptocerus aureus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 197, 8. a. England. 9. LEPTOCERUS ANNULATUS. Niger ; antenne fusce., alho subannulatæ ; palpi pedesque fusci ; alæ fusce, maculis holosericeo-fulvescentibus ornatæ. Long. 3; alar, 10–11 lin. . Phryganea annulata, Mus. Lesk. Pars Ent. 52, 43. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. 2037. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 560), 31. Mystacide annulata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 165, 4, pl. 13, f. 2. Leptocerus andulatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 197, 9. England. 60 LEPTOCERIDÆ. 10. LEPTOCERUS DISSIMILIS. Fulvo-ochraceus ; antenna albida, fusco annulata ; alæ antica cinereo-ochraceæ immaculatæ, posticæ hyalina iridescentes. Long. 3; alar. 81-9 lin. Leptocerus dissimilis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 197, 10. a. England. ll. LEPTOCERUS BIMACULATUS. Niger ; aloe fusca, antica macula laterali duplici flava aut çinerea. Lung. 24; alar. 9 lin. Leptocerus bimaculatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 197, 11. England. 12. LEPTOCERUS INTERRUPTUS. Niger; alæ fusca, antice strigis aliquot interruptis niveis margi- neque postico albo punctuto. Long. 23-3; alar. 8:29. lin. Phryganea interrupta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 79. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. ii. 215. ^ Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 397. Donov. Ins. xvi. pl. 551. Leptocerus interruptus, Leach, Edinb. Enc. ix. 136, 28. Steph. Ill. . Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 198, 12. Mystacides interruptus, Burm. Handb. Ent. 919, 6. a-f. England. 13. LEPTOOERUS AFFINIS. Ater ; antennæ albo annulate; pedes subochracei, tarsis albis ; alæ anticæ punctis duobus marginalibus albis. Long. 3; alar. 8) lin. Leptocerus affinis, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ili. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 198, 13. England. LEPTOOERIDE. 61 61 Group 3. Alarum anticarum vena 2a bifida, 5a trifida apud marginem posteriorem. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 198. 14. LEPTOCERUS ASSIMILIS. Viridi-fuscus; antenna albo fuscoque annulatæ ; alæ anticce cine- reo-ochraceæ immaculata, posticæ hyalinæ iridescentes. Long. 213; alar. 8–9 lin. Leptocerus assimilis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 198, 14. Mystacida fulva, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 509, 3. a. England. 15. LEPTOCIRUS ANNULICORNIS. Pallide fuscus ; palpi pedesque ochracei ; antenna alba, nigro an- nulatæ ; alæ antica cinerco-fusca, posticæ subhyalina fusces-- centes. Long. 21–3; alar. 9—10 lin. Leptocerus annulicornis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 199, 15. England. Lepto centes. Leo an 16. LEPTOOERUS SEMINIGER. Niger; antenna albo annulatæ; pedes pallidi ; alæ anticæ cinereo- ochraceæ, posticæ atro-fuscæ immaculatæ. Long. 3 ; alar. 9 lin. Leptocerus seminiger, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 199, 16. England. 17. LEPTOCERUS CINEREUS. Cinerco-fuscus; tibic tarsique albido-ochracea ; alæ anticae cano- pubescentes, costa nebulisque aliquot subochraceis. Long: 4– 41; alar. 12–13 lin. Leptocerus cinereus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 214. Steph. Il. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 199, 17. England. 62 LEPTOCERIDA. 18. LEPTOCERUS FILOSUS. Niger ; caput subtus fulvum ; antenna graciles, fusco alboque an- nulatæ ; pedes pallidi, fusco annulati ; ale anticæ ochraceo- fusce marginibus flavescentibus, posticæ hyalina iridescentes. Long. 3–34; alar. 11 lin. Phryganea filosa, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, ii. 910, 16. Faun. Suec. 1493. Mus. Lesk. 52, 40. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 991, 23. Mant. Ins. i. 246, 26. Ent. Syst. ii. 80, 30. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 547, 34. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2634, 16. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. ii. 215. Türt. Syst. Nai. iii. 397. Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 92, 24. Mystacide filosa, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. vi. 166, 5, pl. 13, f. 3. Leptocerus filosus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 199, 18. Mystacides filosus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 920,8. Mystacida obsoleta, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 509, 4.' a. England. 19. LEPTOCERUS CALIGINOSUS. Niger ; antennce tenuissime albo annulatæ ; pedes ochraceo-fusci, tarsis pallidioribus ; alæ obscure fuscæ immaculata, postica basi subiridescentes. Leptocerus caliginosus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 200, 19. England. OCERUS ATERRIMUS. Ater; antonna albo tenuissime annulatæ ; pedes fusci ; alæ fusco- nigre, uenis saturatioribus. Long. 3 ; alar. 874-9. lin. Leptocerus aterrimus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 200, 20. England. 21. LEPTOCERUS BILINEATUS. Niger ; palpi fusci ; antenna fusce, obscure flavo annulatæ ; pedes ochracei; alæ fuscæ, lineis duobus abbreviatis albidis. Long. 21 ; alar. 8 lin. Phryganca bilineata, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, ii. 910, 19. Faun. Suec. 1496. De Vill. Ent. iii. 34, 23. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 991, 18. Mant. Ins. i. 246, 21. Ent. Syst. ii. 79, 24. Oliv. Enc. Mélh. 546, 27. Schr. Faun. Boic. ii. 183, 1914. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 2635, 19. Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 91, 20. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 397. LEPTOOERIDÆ. 63 Leptocerus bilineatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 200, 21. England. Group 4. Alæ anticæ venis sat indistinctis, 2a tantum apud marginem posteriorem bifida. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 200. Niger ; ala ochracco-testacea, anticæ fasciis quatuor latis nigris, postic immaculata. Long. 21-3; alar. 8–10 lin. Pbryganea quadrifasciata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 80, 28. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 937. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1072, 50. Leptocerus quadrifasciatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 200, 22. Mystacida quadrifasciata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 511, 9. a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. bre. England. f-h. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 23. LEPTOCERUS LONGICORNIS. · Fuscus ; antenna albidæ ; pedes albidi; alæ antica cinereo et : nigricante varia, posticæ cinerea immaculata. Long. 3 ; alar. 9} lin. Phryganea longicornis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 910, 15. Faun. Suec. 1492. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 391, 21. Mant. Ins. i. 246, 24. Geoffi. Ins. Par. ii. 249, 1. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat, i. 5, 2634, 15. Berk. Syn, i. 151. Stew. El. Nat. Hist, ii, 214. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 397. Mystacides longicornis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii, 918, 2, Leptocerus longicornis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent, Mand. vi. 201, 23. England. 24. LEPTOCERUS RUFOGRISEUS. Fuscus; antenna alba nigro maculatæ ; pedes albidi ; ale antice rufo-cinerece atomis pallidioribus, posticæ fusce subhyalince. Long. 21; alar. 71-8 lin. Leptocerus rufogriseus, Steph, Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 201, 24. England. G 2 A4 LEPTOCERIDE. 25. LEPTOCERUS BICOLOR. Ochraceo-ferrugineus; antennæ nigræ, albo annulatæ ; pedes fulvi ; abdomen nigricans ; alæ posticæ nigricantes. Long. 21–3; alar. 6-8 lin. Leptocerus bicolor, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 214. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 201, 25. ame. England. 26. LEPTOCERUS ELONGATUS. Pallide rufo-ochraceus; antennæ pallide cinerec, albido annulatæ ; pedes pallide cinerei ;. alæ anticæ angusta ochraceæ. atomis paucis atris, posticæ subfusco-hyalinæ iridescentes. · Long. 2; alar. 7 lin. Leptocerus elongatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 201, 26. a. England. 27. LEPTOCERUS TINEIFORMIS. Fusco-cinereus ; antennæ albe, nigro annulatæ ; pedes ochraceo- albi; alæ anticæ angustissimæ, venis fusco irroratis. Long. 2–23; alar. 6–61 lin. Leptocerus tineiformis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 214. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 202, 27. England. 28. LEPTOCERUS ATTENUATUS. Fuscus ; antenna pallida, fusco annulatce ; abdomen pallide ochraceum ; pedes pallide ochracei ; ala angustissimæ, sub- hyalinæ immaculatæ. Long. 11–2; alar. 5-6 lin. Leptocerus attenuatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 202, 28. England. LEPTOCERIDA. 65 . Group ? 29. LEPTOCERUS ALBIFRONS. Niger ; antenna albo annulatæ ; maculu inter oculos alba ; pedes cinerei ; alæ anticæ fusca, fasciis tribus interruptis albis. Phryganea albifrons, Linn. Syst. Nal. ed. 12, ii. 910, 18. Faun. Suec. 1495. De Vill. Ent. iii. 33, 22. Oliv. Enc. Méth. Ins. 547, 36. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 4, 2635, 18. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1072, 51. Mystacide albifrons, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 168, 8, pl. 13, f. 5. Mystacida albifrons, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 510, 6. L. bilinealus, var. ? a. England. 30. LEPTOCERUS VENOSUS. Mystacida venosa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 508, 1. . Phryganea Fennica ? Fabr. Gmel. Phryganea barbata ? Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1071, 47. Nigra ; palpis longe hirsutis ; tarsis albidis ; alis cinereo-fuscis, venis longitu- dinalibus duabus postice infra venas transversas furcatis. Long. fere 3 ; alar. 8–9 lin. France.. 31. LEPTOCERUS BIFASCIATUS. Niger ; antennæ albo annulatæ ; pedes albidi, fusco annulati ; alce anticæ atra, fasciis duabus punctisque nonnullis albis. Long. 44 lin. Phryganea bifasciata, Fourcr. Ent. Par. ii. 358, 17. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 558, 20. Mystacide bifasciata, Piclet, Rech. Phryg. 166, 6, pl. 12, f. 3. Mystacides bifasciatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 920, 10. Europe. 32. LEPTOCERUS ALBIMACULA. Mystacida albimacula, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 509, 2. France. 33. LEPTOCERUS FILICORNIS. Cinereus ; antenna fulva, longissimæ; pedes flavescentes ; ulet ciliatæ. Long. 3} lin. Mystacide filicornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 171, 12, pl. 12, f. 6. Geneva. G 3 66 LEPTOCERIDÆ. 34. LEPTOCERUS HECTICUS, Totus flavo-cinereus ; alarum vena longitudinali unica infra venas transversas medias furcata. Long. 3 ; alar. 8-9 lip. Phryganea hectica, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1072, 48. Lapland. 35. LEPTOCERUS UNIGUTTATUS. Cinereus, subtus fulvus ; antennæ albidæ, fusco annulatæ ; pedes fulvi ; ala fulve, macula communi alba. Long. 41 lin. Mystacide uniguttata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 170, 11, pl. 13, f. 6. Genera. 36. LEPTOCERUS GENEI. Mystacida Genei, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 511, 7. Sardinia. 37. LEPTOCERUS LACUSTRIS. Fulvus ; alæ anticæ maculis nonnullis apicalibus posticisque. Long. 3 lin. Mystacide lacustris, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 171, 13, pl. 13, f. 7. Geneva. 38. LEPTOCERUS RUFINUS. Phryganea rufipa, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 910, 16. Mystacide rufina, Pict. Rech. Phryg. 166, 5, pl. 13, f. 3. Mystacides rufinus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 920, 8. Mystacida rufina, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 510, 5. Europe. 39. LEPTOCERUS VETULUS. Mystacida vetula, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 512, 12. France. 40. LEPTOCERUS NOTATUS. Mystacida notata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 514, 18. France. LEPTOCERIDE, 41. LEPTOCERUS RUFUS. Mystacida rufa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 514, 17. France. 42. LEPTOCERUS CONSPERSUS. Mystacida conspersa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 514, 16. France. 43. LEPTOCERUS FURVUS. Mystacida furva, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 512, 11. 44. LEPTOCERUS LEUCOPHÆUS. Mystacida leucophæa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 512, 13. Mystacida subtrifasciata, varı, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 513, 14. France. 45. LEPTOCERUS SUBFASCIATUS. Mystacida subfasciata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 513, 15. France. 46. LEPTOCERUS FERRUGINEUS. Mystacida ferruginea, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur, 512, 10. France. 47. LEPTOCERUS OCHRATUS. Nigricans, flavo-pilosus ; antennis fuscis tenuiter pallido annula- tis ; alis ochraceis ; pedibus testaceis. Long. l; alar. 5 lin. Phryganea ochrata, Dalm. MSS. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1072, 49. Scandinavia. 48. LEPTOCERUS RESPERSELLUS. Setodes respersella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 515, 1. France. 49. LEPTOCERUS PUNCTATELLUS. Setodes punctatella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 516, 2. LEPTOCERIDÆ. 50. LEPTOCERUS PUNCTATUS. Phryganea punctata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 80, 29. Mystacides punctatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 919, 7. Setodes punctata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 516, 4. Setodes punctella, var.? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 516, 5. Europe. 51. LEPTOCERUS ASPERSELLUS. Setodes aspersella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 516, 3. France. 52. LEPTOCERUS SENILIS. Fuscus ; corpore supra cum alis anticis hirto ; pilis dorsi cinereis, alarun testaceis; antennis pedibusque testaceis, his nigro an- nulatis. Mystacides senilis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 920, 11. Germany. Burmeister arranges the species which he has described in the following groups :- Group 1.--Eyes very large, each of them broader than the space between them. Three first joints of the maxillary palpi of equal length ; fourth shorter; fifth longer but much more slender than the preceding. A. Fore-tibiæ with apical spurs; middle tibiæ longer than the hind tibiæ, with two spurs near the base. L. albicornis. B. Fore-tibiæ without apical spurs. Posterior tibiæ with a pair of more slender and rather longer a pical spurs but without any middle spurs. L. longicornis, concolor. Group 2.- Eyes much smaller ; each of them much less than the space between them. A. First joint of the maxillary palpi almost as long as the second, which is as long as the third. Fore-tibiæ without spurs at the tips. a. Last joint of the maxillary palpi longer than the preceding. Posterior tibiæ with very small spurs at the tips. L. ater, niger, interruptus, punctatus, ochraceus. LEPTOCERIDÆ. b. Last joint of the maxillary palpi shorter than the preceding; first thinly pilose. Posterior tibiæ with long spurs at the tips. L. filosus. B. First joint of the maxillary palpi smaller in proportion, hardly half as long as the second, which is as long as the third or somewhat longer ; last joint longer and more sleuder than the preceding. a. Fore-tibiæ with little spurs at the tips, those of the hinder tibiæ somewhat larger. L. 3-punctatus, bifasciatus, senilis. tibiæ bave a single little spur somewhat above one-fifth of their length. L. gracilis, princeps, fennicus (Fabr. = uni- guttatus, Pict.), bimaculatus, bilineatus, 4-fasciatus, mi- nutus. 53. LEPTOCERUS CONCOLOR. Puscus; corpore supra cum alis anticis fulvo-hirto; antennis pal- pisque nigris, articulo lo utriusque organi pedibusque flavis. Mystacides concolor, Burn. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 919, 3.. Germany. 54. LEPTOCERUS ALBICORNIS. Fusco-niger ; antenne corpore cum alis triplo longiores, apice niveæ ; pedes dilutiores. Mystacides albicornis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 918, 1. Brazil. 55. LEPTOCERUS GRACILIS. Testaceus ; antennis tarsisque fuscis, illis apice albis, dorso alis- que pilosis, pilis testaceis cum albis intermixtis appressis nigrisque longioribus patentibus. Mystacides gracilis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 921, 12. Brazil. 56. LEPTOCERUS PRINCEPS. Fulvo-fuscus; antennis apice albo annulatis; pedibus cinereo-tesla- ceis; dorso alisque pilosis, pilis alarum fuscis et flavis in ma- culas alternas congestis. Mystacides princeps, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 921, 13. . Brazil. an LEPTOCERIDA. 57. LEPTOCERUS SEPULCHRALIS. Niger ; antenne albo annulutæ ; abdomen apice ferrugineum ; pe- des testacei ; alæ nigricantes. Psychomyia sepulchralis, Barnston, MSS. L. niger, var. ? Black, clothed with black hairs : antennæ more than twice the length of the body, with a white ring on each joint, wholly black towards the tips : abdomen ferruginous at the tip: legs testaceous : wings blackish, deeply fringed. Length of the body 23 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 58. LEPTOCERUS RESURGENS. Fuscus, albido-hirtus ; ala antica fuscæ albo maculata, postice cinere. Brown, with a hoary tinge, clothed with whitish hairs: palpi and legs tawny, with whitish down : palpi not hairy : fore-wings brown, with white spots at the base and about the middle and with a white spot on the tip of each apical areolet: hind-wings gray. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barostou, Esq. 59. LEPTOCERUS SUBMACULA. Niger, tibiis tarsisque testaceis ; alæ cinerea, anticæ maculis tribus albidis, una basali, 2a subcostali, 3a postica. Black, clothed with black hairs: palpi hairy: antennæ very slender, about thrice the length of the body ; tibiæ and tarsi testa- ceous : wings gray; fore-wings sprinkled with whitish down, adorn- ed with three whitish spots, one in the middle near the base, the second on the anterior or discal anastomosis, the third on the arcı- lus; veins black. Length of the body 33–4 lines ; of the wings 10 - 12 lines. a, b. River St. Lawrence. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. LEPTOOERIDÆ. 60. LEPTOCERUS MENTIEUS. Ferrugineus ; antenna nigræ albo annulatæ ; tarsi albo cincti ; ala antica cinereo-fusca, ferrugineo - pubescentes, ' posticæ cinerea. Ferruginous, hairy: antennæ black, with a white ring on each joint : palpi slightly. hairy : tarsi with white bands: wings gray ; fore-wings with a brown linge, clothed with ferruginous down; veins ferruginous. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 9 lines. 2. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnstou, Esq. 61. LEPTOCERUS INCERTUS. Obscure testaceus, aureo-pubescens, corpore subtus antennis pedibus- que albidis, abdominis apice ferrugineo ; aloe cinered, antice aureo-pubescentes. Dark testaceous, clothed with gilded down and with a few black hairs, whitish beneath : palpi hairy : antenna whitish, full thrice the length of the body: tip of the abdomen ferruginous : legs whit- ish: wings gray; fore-wings covered with gilded down. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 53 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 62. LEPTOCERUS ALBIDUS. Fuscus, albo-hirlus ; antenna basi albo annulatæ ; palpi testacei ; pedes albidi ; alæ albida, venis testaceis. Brown, clothed with white hairs : antennæ about four times the length of the body, with white rings on the joints towards the base : palpi testaceous : legs whitish : wings whitish, with testaceous veins. Length of the body 31 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 63. LEPTOCERUS INCONSPICUUS. Ferrugineus ; abdomine nigricante ; palpis pedibusque testaceis ; ala cinerea, testaceo-pubescentes. Ferruginous, with pale bairs : palpi testaceous, slightly bairy: antennæ about thrice the length of the body, testaceous at the base : 72 LEPTOCERIDÆ. abdomen blackish: legs testaceous : wings slightly gray, covered with testaceous down ; veins pale. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 9-11 lines. a-c. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 64. LEPTOCERUS IGNITUS. Testaceus ; antenne albide fulvo annulatæ ; pedes albidi ; ala albide, iridescentes, antice testaceo-pilose, maculis duabus posticis nigris. Testaceous : palpi slightly hairy : antennæ whitish, more than four times the length of the body, with a tawny ring on each joint: legs whitish : wings whitish, iridescent, deeply fringed; fore-wings clothed with testaceous hairs, and having two black spots on the hind border. Length of the body 24 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 65. LEPTOCERUS EXQUISITUS. Testaceus, albo-hirtus ; antennæ articulis basi albis ; pedes albi ; alæ albe, anticæ testaceo fasciate maculisque quatuor apud marginem posticum nigris. Pale testaceous, clothed with white hairs : joints of the antennæ white towards the base ; those towards the tip wholly testaceous; sutures brown: legs and wings white : fore-wings with five pale tes- taceous bands, the outer ones irregular; Dearer the tip are some streaks composed of blackish hairs, and at the tip there are some pale testaceous marks or interrupted bands ; five black spots furnish- ed with long black hairs in a row on the bind border near the tip; veins white. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 7} lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbots collection. 66. LEPTOCERUS INDICUS. Testaceus, albo-hirtus; antenne articulis albo cinctis; ale antice fusco conspersa, posticæ albide. Testaceous, clothed with white hairs : head partly clothed with brownish hairs : joints of the antennæ with white bands: fore-wings with minute patches of brown hairs which are most prevalent and partly confluent towards the tips ; veins pale: hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 4} lines; of the wings 15 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. LEPTOCERIDE. 67. LEPTOCERUS CEPHALOTES. Ferrugineus, sublus testaceus ; caput latum ; antennæ testacea, nigro annulatæ ; pedes testacei; alæ subhyaline, venis tes- taceis. Ferruginous, testaceous beneath: head broader than the tho- rax: palpi slightly hairy: antennæ testaceous, more than four times the length of the body, with a black ring on each joint: thorax with three brownish stripes : legs testaceous: wings subhyaline; veins testaceous. Length of the body 34 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. The wings of the specimen described are much rubbed. 68. LEPTOCERUS OPPOSITUS. Ferrugineus, subtus nigricans ; antennis pedibusque testaceis ; alæ cineree, fusco-pubescentes. Ferruginous, blackish beneath, clothed with pale hairs : an- tennæ pale testaceous, almost whitish, full thrice the length of the body: legs testaceous : wings gray, slightly clothed with pale brown down ; veins pale. Length of the body 21–3 lines; of the wings 10-11 lines. a. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's sale. 69. LEPTOCERUS MAGNUS. Ferrugineus, cano-hirtus ; antennæ nigræ, longissimæ, articulis apice albis; palpi nigri ; pedes testacei ; alæ anticæ cervine, posticæ subcinereæ. Ferruginous, clothed with hoary hairs: palpi black, rather hairy: antennæ black, more than five times the length of the body, ferruginous at the base; tips of the joints white: abdomen at the base beneath and legs testaceous : fore-wings fawn-colour, with darker veins: hind-wings slightly gray. Length of the bods 4-5 lines; of the wings 15-19 lines. a-d. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. e. Van Dieman's Land. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. H LEPTOCERIDE, 70. LEPTOCERUS ? MACULATUS. Ferrugineus ; antennis nigro flavoque variis ; pectoris lateribus et abdomine nigricantibus ; pedibus flavicantibus ; alis anticis fusco et hyalino variis, maculis aliquot ad marginem anticum fulvis, alis posticis pellucidis immaculatis. Long. 5); alar. 16 lin. Phryganea maculata, Perty, Delect. Anim. Artic. 129, Pl. 25, f. 16. St. Paul, Brazil. Genus 5. MACRONEMA. Palpi maxillares in utroque sexu conformes 5-articulati, nudi vel breve pilosi, articulo ultimo longissimo filiformi : antennæ quam alas duplo vel triplo longiores : alæ spatulatæ, apice rotundatæ. Macronema, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. et Hist. Nat. Genéve, vii. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 507. Macronemum, Burm. 1. MACRONEMA SPECIOSA. Fulvo-testacea ; antenna annulate ; alæ anticæ fusco-pilose, fascia media et altera ante apicem e maculis congesta nigra, areolis apicalibus apice fusco-nigris. Macronemum speciosum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 916, 1. Brazil. 2. MACRONEMA LINEATA. Fulvo-testacea ; antenna annulatæ ; alæ fascia post medium argeri- tata, apice aurantiaco. Macronema lineata, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. et Hist. Nat. Gen. vii, Macronemum lineatum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 916, 2. Brazil. LEPTOCERIDÆ. 75 3. MACRONEMA HYALINA. Fusco-nigra; antennis articulo lo femoribus tarsisque testaceis ; alæ anticæ fusce maculis quinque hyalinis, posticæ hyalinæ margine apicali fusco. Macronema hyalina, Pict. Mém. Soc. Phys. et Hist. Nat. Gen. vii. Macronemum hyalinum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 916, 3. Brazil. 4. MACRONEMA AURIPENNE. Macronema auripenne, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 507, 2. Brazil. 5. MACRONEMA RUBIGINOSA. Nigricans, subtus flavescens ; antennis longis fuscis; pedibus pal- lidis ; alis anticis ferrugineo-fuscis semihyalinis apice obscu- rioribus, posticis pallidioribus. Macronema rubiginosa, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Texte, 395. Brazil. 6. MACRONEMA OCULATA. Testacea ; caput thoracisque dorsum ferruginea, nigro vittata ; antennæ nigro annulatæ; alæ anticæ purpuree, ad costam tes- taceæ, apice fusce, macula magna rotunda posticu ante apicali hyalina ; ale posticæ viridi-purpurea. Testaceous : head and thorax above ferruginous, the former with two black stripes, the latter with a black disk: antennæ more than four times the length of the body; joints with black bands; fore-wings purple with gilded down, testaceous along the fore border; tips brown, with a large round hyaline spot on the hind border : hind-wings purple, partly green. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a-c. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. H 2 76 LEPTOCERIDA. . 7. MACRONEMA CUPREA. Nigra ; palpis pectore pedibusque fulvis, alæ nigricantes, antice supra cupree, posticæ ud costam fulve. Black, covered with coppery down: antennæ about four times tbe length of the body: palpi, breast, legs and hind borders of the abdominal segments tawny: wings blackish ; fore-wings covered above with bright coppery down ; hind-wings tawny alung the fore border. Length of the body 4} lines; of the wings 16 lines.. Q. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 8. MACRONEMA FASTOSA. Lutea ; antenna nigræ ; alæ anticæ nigro bifasciatæ apice cinerea, posticæ apice nigre. Mystacida fastosa, Brit. Mus. MSS. Pale luteous: antennæ black, luteous at the base, about thrice the length of the body: fore-tibiæ and fore-tarsi black; fore-tibiæ with two very short apical spurs: posterior tibiæ with two pair of long spurs; middle tibiæ with one pair above the middle; hind-tibiæ deeply fringed, with one pair at three-fourths of the length: fore- wings with two black bands, one before the middle, the other irre- gular and slightly curved near the tips, which are gray: hind-wings paler with blackish tips. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 15 lines. a. Hong Kong, China. Presented by J. Bowring, Esq. 9. MACRONEMA ALBOVIRENS. Viridi-alba.; antennis palpisque testaceis, illis fusco annulatis et terminatis. Whitish, with a slight green tinge: palpi testaceous : antennæ testaceous, with a brown ring on each joint, and wholly brown to- wards the tips, more than thrice the length of the body: tarsi testa- ceous : veins of the wings greenish. Length of the body 3-4 lines; of the wings 12-16 lines. ame. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. f. -- ? From Mr. Children's collection. 10. MACRONEMA SCRIPTA. Macronema scriptum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 507, 1, Madagascar. LEPTOCERIDÆ, 11. MACRONEMA CAPENSIS. Testacea; antenne nigræ ; abdomen nigricans ; alæ subcinerea. Testaceous, slightly pubescent: eyes black : antennæ black, about thrice the length of the body, tawny at the base: abdomen blackish ; hind borders of the segments and tip testaceous: fore- tibiæ with a pair of short apical spurs; hinder tibiæ with two pairs of long spurs : wings very slightly gray; veins testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 12. MACRONEMA SIGNATA. Fulva ; antenna nigrue; alæ anticæ testacea, fasciis duabus una furcata fuscis, apice cinerea. Tawny, almost without bairs : antennæ black, tawny at the base: legs testaceous; fore-tibiæ with a pair of very short spurs at the tips : hinder tibiæ with two pair of long spurs, one in the mid- dle, the other at the tips : fore-wings testaceous, gray towards the tips, with two brown bands, one before the middle, oblique, the other nearer the tip, forked towards the fore border: hind-wings slightly gray. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan, 13. MACRONEMA INSCRIPTA. Testacea ; antennæ nigræ; alæ hyaline, anticæ fasciis duabus fuscis unaque cinerea. Testaceous, almost without bairs : antennæ black, testaceous at the base : wings colourless ; veins testaceous; fore-wings with an oblique brown band about the middle, with a semicircular brown band beyond the middle, and with an irregular pale gray band near the tip. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 14. MACRONEMA PULCHERRIMA. Testacea; antenna nigræ; alæ hyaline, antice testaceo vittatæ strigis nonnullis obliquis fuscis. Testaceous, almost without hairs: antennæ black, testaceous at the base : wings colourless, with stripes of gilded down about the H 3 78 LEPTOCERIDA. veins, and with some oblique dark brown streaks, one of them form- ing a curved band across the wing. Length of the body 22 lines; of the wiogs 7 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Note.--The three preceding species are very nearly allied to each other. 15. MACRONEMA ? APICALIS. Testacea ; thoracis dorsum nigrum ; ale apice nigricantes. Testaceous : head wanting: disk of the thorax black, clothed with testaceous hairs : wings clothed with testaceous down, and towards the tips with black down; hind-wings very iridescent. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Genus 6. LEPTONEMA. Corpus elongatum. Palpi maxillares 5-articulati ; articulus lus brevis; 2us lo duplo longior; 3us 20 paullo brevior et crassior; 4us validus, li ongitudine ; bus gracilior, præcedeutibus conjunc- tis longitudine. Palpi labialis triarticulati; articuli lus et 2us sat loogi, æquales ; 3us gracilior lo et 2o conjunctim longior. Leptonema, Guérin, Icon. Règne Anim. Texte, 396. 1. LEPTONEMA PALLIDA. Pallide flava ; antennis fusco annulatis ; alis cinero-flavis semi- hyalinis. Leptonema pallida, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Texte, 396. Brazil. Gepus 7. POLYMORPHANISUS, m. Palpi brevissimi: antennæ setaceæ, longissimæ, gracillimæ : tibiæ apice brevi-calcaratæ; tarsi dilatati : alæ anticæ nudæ venulis trausversis nonnullis apud areolam costalem. This genus seems to indicate an affinity between the Planipen- nides and the Phryganides. Head with a triangular compartment LEPTOCERIDA. 79 between the eyes, very convex beneath : palpi extremely short: an- tennæ very long and slender ; joints cylindrical : eyes small: legs pubescent; posterior legs comparatively short; tips of the tibia armed with two very little spurs; joints of the tarsi dilated, rather short: fore-wings quite bare, semifusiform towards the tips; costal areolet intersected by several rather indistinct transverse veinlets ; · subcostal areolet and discoidal areolet very narrow, the latter subdi- vided longitudinally ; apical areolets very long ; first divided near its base by a transverse vein which encloses a subquadrate areolet ; second and fifth very broad; third narrow ; fourth moderately broad; subapical areolets long; areolet of the thyridium divided by a very oblique transverse vein which joins the thyriferous branch of the radius at the thyridium ; cell of the thyridium divided by a transverse veinlet. 1. POLYMORPHANISUS NIGRICORNIS. Testaceus ; antenne nigre; ala albide, venis viridibus. Testaceous, clothed with pale hairs: antennæ black, about thrice the length of the body, taway at the base; first joint short, thick: tips of the tibiæ black above; tips of the tarsi black, fringed with black hairs; claws black: wings whitish ; veins pale green. Length of the body 6} lines ; of the wings 23 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Genus 8. ASCALAPHOMERUS, m. Palpi hirsutissimi : oculi maris maximi, connexi: antennæ longæ, extrorsum crassiores, apice recurvæ. This genus has a slight resemblance to Ascalaphus. Eyes of the male very large, connected above : maxillary palpi very hairy : antenvæ long, slender, but slightly increasing in thickness from the base to the tips, towards which they are recurved and have trans- verse joints : tibia with two apical spurs; fore-tibiæ rather short; posterior tibiæ with two spurs at two-thirds of the length: fore-wings pubescent; apical areolets very long; cell of the thyridium trian- gular, rather short, very broad towards the tip, a little nearer to the fore border than to the hind border of the wing; interclaval areolet and cubital areolet unusually broad. 80 PSYCHOMIDA. 1. ASCALAPHOMERUS HUMERALIS. Niger, hirtus ; antennæ corpore duplo longiores ; thoracis latera antica rufo-hirta. Black, thickly clothed with black hairs: eyes red: antennæ full twice the length of the body, hairy at the base : thorax with a tuft of bright red bairs on each shoulder: legs hairy ; posterior thighs and tibiæ partly clothed with boary hairs : wings blackish ; fore-wings thinly covered with black down, slightly angular on the hind border, semifusiform towards the tips ; veins black. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Northern China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. Fam. 3. PSYCHOMIDÆ. Antennæ setaceæ. Alæ posticæ non plicatæ. Pedes calca- rati. Psychomidæ, Curt. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 190. Psychomides, Westw. Intr. Ent. ii. 50. Psychomioidæ, Agassiz. Genus 1. CHIMARRA. Palpi maxillares longissimi ; articuli 2us et 3us elongati, vali- di; 4us gracilis. Chimarra, Leach ; Curt. Brit. Ent. 561 ; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 190. Phrygadea p., Linn. Chimarrha, Burm.; Ramb. 1. CHIMARRA MARGINATA. Pusco-nigra ; alarum costa, margine postica et alarum anticarum lineis nonnullis ochruceo-flavis. Long. 4--5; alar. 6-9 lin. Phryganea marginata, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 910. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 390, 16. Mant. Ins. i. 246. Ent. Syst. ii. 79, 22. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2634, 14. Chimarra marginata, Leach. Curt. Brit. Ent. xii. 561. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 191, 1. PSYCHOMIDÆ. . 81 Chimarrha marginata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 910. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 498. a-d. England. €. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 2. CHIMARRA Morio. Tota atra, opaca, pilosa. Chimarrha Morio, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 911, 2. Brazil. Genus 2. PSYCHOMIA. Palpi maxillares 5-articulati, articulo 50 elongato filiformi. Antennæ mediocres, setaceæ. Alæ anticæ angustæ, acuminatæ, venis transversis bullis; alæ posticæ anticis similes, non plicatæ. Psychomia, Latr.; Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 222 ; Ramb.. Isopalpoidea p., Kolenati. (Palpi maxillares in utroque sexu con- • formes, 5-articulati). 1. PsychOMIA ANNULICORNIS. Fusca; antennæ fusco fulvoque annulatæ ; thorax subtus pedes- que fulvi ; alæ anticæ iridescentes, postica cinereæ. Long. 22 lin. Psychomia annulicornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 222, 1, pl. 20, f. 7. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 500, 1. Geneva. 2. PsychOMIA ACUTA. Fulva ; antenna subannulatæ ; alæ fulvo-cinerea, elongatæ, acu- minate, iridescentes. Long. 3. lin. Psychomia acuta, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 223, 2, pl. 20, f. 8. Geneva. 3. PSYCHOMIA TENUIS. Fulva ; palpi fuscescentes; antenna basi subannulatæ, apice ni- gricantes ; mesothorax punctis nonnullis nigris. Long. 3 lin. Psychomia tenuis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 223, 3, pl. 20, f. 9. Geneva. 82 SERICOSTOMIDÆ. Fam. 4. SERICOSTOMIDÆ. Palpi maxillares maris articulis 4, fæm. , pilis simplicibus, densis et longis obtecti, articulo 20 elongato, 30 brevi, ovato. Calcaria tibiarum obtusa et mobilia. Alæ anticæ longe fimbriatæ, radio subcostali recto, facie inferiori etiam pilosa, venis transversis vix ullis. Alæ posticæ plicatæ, quoad colorem alis anticis magis æquales, pilosæ, foro cubitali nunquam dilatato, potius angustato. Larvæ corpus cylindricum, infra sensim angustins aut oblongo- ovale: caput orbiculare aut trapsversum: prothorax solus corneus, semilunaris, transversus, antice caput amplectens ; pedes fere æqua- les, breves: abdomen segmentis minus solutis, appendicibus anali- bus brevibus, bamis bidentatis : branchiæ simplices, brevissimæ, basi inter se connatæ, radiatæ, aut nullæ. Theca fere semper ex arena aut lapillis, intus neto subserta, depressa aut conica. Pupa cylindrica, recens flava, serius rufa, ore cucullato, appendicibus aut nullis, eorum loco setulis accumulatis, aut appendicibus tribus. Seriocostomidæ, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 180. Sericostomides, Westw. Intr. Ent. ii. 50. Phryganeidæ p., Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 922. Sericostomoidea p., Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 88. Genus 1. POTAMARIA. Tibiæ anticæ von calcaratæ. Potamaria, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 182. Phryganea p., Fabr. Trichostoma ? Pictet. 1.. POTAMARIA ANALIS. Nigra ; alæ fuscæ, anticæ macula anali alba nebulaque basali albida. Long. 41–6; alar. 13--15 lin. Phryganea analis, Fabr. Ent. Syst, ii. 75. Potamaria analis, Steph." Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 183, 1, pl. 34, f. 4. a, b. England. SERICOSTOMIDÆ. ię larsique obsculong. 4—5; ada ti vi. 183, 2. 2. POTAMARIA ASSIMILIS. Nigra ; tibia tarsique obscure ochracei ; alæ fuscæ immaculata, anticæ cupreo tincta. Long. 4-5; alar. 13–14 lin. Potamaria assimilis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 183, 2. England. MARIA HYALINA. Nigra ; palpi, tibia tarsique ochracea ; antenne graciles, fuscæ ; alæ subhyalinæ, pallide fuscescentes, immaculata. Long. 4}; alar. 14 lin. Potamaria hyalina, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 183, 3. England. IU 4. POTAMARIA NIGRA. Nigra, nigro-pilosa; abdominis segmentis apice tarsis basi tibiis- que ferrugineis ; ale nigricantes. Phryganea nigra, Barnston, MSS. Black, clothed with black hairs above, with some tawny hairs beneath : antennæ rather short, much longer than the body: breast tinged with gray: bind borders of abdominal segments, tarsi at the base and tibiæ ferruginous : wings blackish with black hairs. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 7} lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. . - Genus 2. SERICOSTOMA. Palpi maxillares maris lati, crassi, hirsutissimi, sursum flexi et fronti adpressi, personati : tibiæ apticæ et intermediæ bicalcaratæ, posticæ quadricalcaratæ : alæ anticæ radio subcostali in sectore api- cali lo in anastomosi, areola basali una ; areola apicalis la areola discalis basim non attingens; alæ posticæ anastomosi antica inter sectorem apicalem 2uw et 3um interrupta, esinde areola discali nulla; anastomosis postica distincta. Sericostoma, Latr. Fam. Nat. 439 ; Curt. ; Steph.; Westw. ; Pic- tet; Schneider. 84 SERICOSTOMIDÆ. Phryganea p., Deg. ; De Vill.; Oliv.; Schr.; Zett. Prosoponia, Leach ; Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 88, pl. 2, f. 18. 1. SERICOSTOMA COLLARIS. Fusco-nigrum; antennc fusce, basi punctoque verticis auranti- aco-ochraceis ; ale anticæ sericeo - testacere, aureo tinctæ. Long. 4–5; alar. 10–14 lin. Phrygranea collaris, Schr. Ins. Austr. 615. Deg. Ins. ii. pl. 15, f. 19. De Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 42, 51. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 556, 7. Sericostoma collaris, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 176, 1, pl. 14, f. 1. Sericostoma Spencii, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 33, f. 2. Sericostomum collare, Burm. Handb. Ent. ï. 2, 928, 2. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 496, 4. Phryganea personata, Spence, Intr. Ent. iii. 489. Prosoponia Spencii, Kirby, Intr. Ent. (4th edit.), 111, 488. Phryganea chrysocephala, Zett. Iter. Lapp. 1832, 103. Ins. Lapp. 1070, 42. Prosoponia collaris, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 90, 3. Sericostoma Latreillii, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 214. Sericostoma Spencii, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand vi. 184, 1, pl. 38, f. 2. a-d. England. eri. Dartmoor, England. From Dr. Leach's collection. 2. SERICOSTOMA SCHNEIDERII. Nigrum; palpis maxillaribus cochleiformibus capiti adpressis; oc- cipite thoraceque nigro-hirtis; antennis crassis flavis basi ob- scurioribus ; alis anticis densissime obscure cupreo-pilosis ; pedibus flavis, femoribus infuscatis. Long. cum alis 6 lin. Sericostoma flavicorne, Schneider, Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. 155, 10. Prosoponia Schneiderii, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 89, 1. Dalmatia. 3. SERICOSTOMA MULTIGUTTATUM. Caput unicolor ; antenna lutea. Sericostoma multiguttatum, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 178, 2, pl. 14, f. 2. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 496, 2. Prosponia multiguttata, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 90, 2. Germany; Geneva. SERICOSTOMIDÆ. 85 4. SERICOSTOMA GALEATUM. Fusco-fulvum ; thorax et abdomen nigra. Sericostoma galeatum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 495, 1. South France. 5. SERICOSTOMA LATREILLII. S. multiguttato simillimum ; ala fulvo-fusca, fasciis tribus in- distinctis. Sericostoma Latreillii, Gené, MSS. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 496, 3. South France, Sardinia. 6. SIRICOSTOMA VITTATUM. Sericostoma vittatum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 497,5. Sierra Nevada, South Spain. 7. SERICOSTOMA FESTIVUM. Sericostoma festivum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 497, 5. Madrid. 8. SERICOSTOMA AMERICANUM. Nigrum, hirtum ; pedes picei ; alæ nigro-fusca, antica plus tri- I ente posticis longiores. Black, clothed with black hairs : antennæ about twice the length of the body; joints long, cylindrical: legs pitchy: wings dark brown, hairy; fore-wings almost fusiform, more than one-third longer than the hind-wings. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 86 SERICOSTOMIDÆ. Genus 3. BRACHYCENTRUS. Anteonæ remotæ. Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ; intermediæ et posticæ quadricalcaratæ ; calcares breves. Brachycentrus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 215; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 181. Trichostoma? Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 172. “Maris palpi maxillares triarticulati, articulo 30 clavato. Antennæ breves, robustæ, articulo lo crasso hirto. Alæ anticæ breves, venis transversis nullis. Alæ posticæ vix plicatæ.” Trichostomum D., Burm. Pogopostoma, Rambur. Hydronautia, Kolenati. Alæ posticæ absque anastomosi postica, cubito bipartito, . areolis apicalibus tribus, areola discoidali nulla, alarum anticarum ramo subcostali prope parastigma flexo, radio thyrifero cum cubito antico in anastomosi, areola apicali prima reliquis non longiori: pal- pis maxillaribus maris hirsutissimis et fronti adpressis, minus in- crassatis : tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ, intermediæ et posticæ tricalca- ratæ." 1. BRACHYCENTRUS MACULATUS. Cinercus; capite vertice, thorace, palpisque longius pilosis ; tibiis tarsisque testaceis ; alis anticis fuscis luteo-pubescentibus, ma- culis pallide flavescentibus, quarum duæ in margine principali, septem vel octo ad marginem apicalem et in areolis reliquis complures, alis posticis fuscis fusco-pilosis et fimbriatis. Phrygranea maculata, Oliv. Enc. Méth. 543, 17. Réaum. Ins. iii. pl. 13, f. 13? Geoffr. Ins. ii. 248, 6. Fourcroy, Ent. Par. ii. 355,6. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 89, 13. Sericostoma maculatum, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 180, 5, pl. 14, f. 4. Trichostomum maculatum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 925, 1. Phrygranea tincta, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1071, 44. Hydronautia maculata, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 93, 1. Pogonostoma vernum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 490. Europe. 2. BRACHYCENTRUS SUBNUBILUS. Niger ; tibiæ tarsique ochracea ; ale fuscescentes, venis picers, an- ticæ flavescente-subnebulosa. Long. 23–37; alar. 8112 lin. SCRICOSTOMIDE. 87 Steph. III. Brachycentrus maculatus var. ? Brachycentrus subnubilus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 215. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 182, 1. a. England. 3. BRACHYCENTRUS CONCOLOR. Ater; tibiæ tarsique ochraceo-fusca ; alæ fuscescentes, immaculata, venis piceis. Long, 2); alar. 8 lin. Brachycentrus concolor, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 182, 2. . England. 4. BRACHYCENTRUS COSTALIS. Ater ; femora fusca ; tibice tarsique fusco-ochracea; ala fusces- centes, immaculate, costa stigmateque fuscis, venis piceis. Long. 2; alar. 8 lin. Brachycentrus costalis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 182, 3. England. 5. BRACHYCENTRUS ALBICANS. Nigro-fuscus ; capite et thorace albo-hirsutis ; antennis albidis ; tibiis tarsisque albido-testaceis; alis fusco-testaceis, pube densa albido-flava depressa tectis, fimbriis albidis. Phrygranea albicans, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1071, 46. Hydronautia albicans, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 93, 2. North Europe. 6. BRACHYCENTRUS CREPUSCULARIS. Niger, luteo-hirtus ; antennis, abdominis segmentis apice, pedibus- que testaceis ; alæ cinerea, anticæ testaceo-pubescentes. Phryganea crepuscularis, Barnston, MSS. Black, clothed with luteous hairs : antennæ testaceous, with an indistinct ring of a darker colour on each joint, black towards the tips : abdomen testaceous along the hind border of each segment and at the tip: legs testaceous : wing's gray; fore-wing's thickly co- vered with testaceous down ; veins tawny. Length of the body 21 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. I 2 88 SERICOSTOMIDÆ. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay: G. Barnslon, Esq. Presented by 7. BRACHYCENTRUS FULIGINOSUS. Niyer, cano-hirtus; abdominis segmentis apice pedibusque testaceis ; antennæ ferrugineæ; palpi testacei, apice nigricantes ; alæ an- ticæ fusco-cinereæ, postica cinerea. Phryganea fuliginosa, Barnston, MSS. Black, tinged with gray, clothed with hoary hairs : antennæ ferruginous, longer than the body: palpi testaceous, with blackisha tips: hind borders of the abdominal segments and legs testaceous : fore-wings brownish gray, with pale down; veivs ferruginous: hind- wings gray. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. Genus 4. LASIOSTOMA. “ Calcares æquales. Tibiæ et tarsi spinosa. Alæ anticæ anasto- mosi antica et postica valde flexa, a se non remotis, areola apicali quinta apastomosiin non attingente, area interclavali ad anastomo- sim dilatata, spathulæformi; alæ posticæ anastomosi antica incom- pleta, areola discali non clausa, areola apicali quinta anastomosim non attingente, cubito et costula sequenti bipartitis, ad basim inter se anastomosi junctis.” Lasiostoma, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Neur. 492. Spathidopteryx, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 95, 21, pl. 2, f. 23. 1. LASIOSTOMA CAPILLATUM. Fusco-cinereum; caput et alæ fulva ; antennæ et pedes flava. Long. alar. I liv. Trichostoma capillatum, Pictet, Rech. Hist. Phryg. 173, 1, pl. 13, f. 8. Trichostomum capillatum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 926, 3. Trichostomum auratum, Burm.. Handb. Ent. ij. 2, 926, 4. Fus- cus; capite, dorso, alisque anticis densissime fulvo-hirtis, pilis auratis longioribus ; tibiis tarsisque testaceis. Spathidopteryx capillata, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 95, 1. Lasiostoma fulvum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 492. Europe. - SERICOSTOMIDÆ. Genus 5. ASPATHERIUM. « Tibiæ antica bicalcaratæ, intermediæ et posticæ quadricalca. ratæ, calcaribus æqualibus; tibiæ et tarsi parce spinulosa. Alæ an- ticæ anastomosi antica a postica valde remota, areola interclavali ad apicem alæ triangula, non spathulæformi ; alæ posticæ anastomosi 'antica completa, areola discali clausa, triangulari, anastomosi pos- tica nulla, cubito et costulis duabus bipartitis, reliquis simplicibus." Trichostoma p., Pictet. Aspatherium, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 96, 23, pl. 2, f. 24. 1. ASPATHERIUM FUSCICORNE. Fuscum ; capite, antennis, dorso, alisque anticis fusco-ochraceo hirtis et pilosis ; antennis apice infuscatis ; alis posticis fus- co-pilosis ; femoribus basi fuscis; tibiis tarsisque testaceis. Trichostuma fuscicorne, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 174, 3, pl. 13, f. 10. Aspatherium fuscicorne, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 97, 1. Europe. 2. ASPATHERIUM PICICORNE. Nigro-fuscum ; capite, thorace, et antennarum articulo lo cinereo- hirtis ; femoribus cinereo-fuscis; tibiis tarsisque testaceis ; alis anticis fuscis, fusco-luteo pilosis, apice fusco-fimbriatis, posticis fuscis, fusco pilosis et fimbriatis. Trichostoma picicorne, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 174, 2, pl. 13, f. 9. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 491, 1. Aspatherium picicorne, Kol. Gen, et Sp. Trich. 97, 2. Trichostoma rufescens, var. ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 492, 2. Europe. Genus 6. NOTIDOBIA. “ Palpi maxillares maris non incrassati, nec personati. Tibiæ anteriores bicalcaratæ, posticæ quadicalcaratæ. Alæ apticæ radio subcostali cum sectore apicali lo in anastomosi, areola basali una, areola apicalis la areolæ discoidalis basim attingens; alæ postica areola discoidali clausa, distincta, anastomosis postica adest.” Phryganea p., Linn.; Billbg.; Fabr.; Latr.; Zett. Sericostoma p., Latr. ; Pictet. I 3 SERICOSTOMIDE. Notidobia, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 185; Kolen. Gen. et Sp. Tach, 91. 1. NorIDOBIA CILIARIS. Atra, atro-pilosa ; tibiis posterioribus tarsisque subtestaceis vel albi- cantibus ; alis anticis subnitidis, longe atro-pilosis et pubes- centibus, posticis atro-fuscis subopalinis fusco-pubescentibus et fimbriatis. Phrygranea ciliaris, Linn. Fuun. Suec. 1497, fæm. Billbg. En. * Ins. 94. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1070, 41. Phrygranea atrata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 78, 17. Coquebert, Illust. Icon. Déc. i. 1, pl. 1, f. 6. Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 89, 12. Sericostoma atratum, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 178, 3, pl. 14, f. 5. Sericostomum atratum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 927, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 497, 7. Notidobia ciliaris, Kol. Gen, et Sp. Trich. 91, 1. Notidobia atrata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 186, 1. a, b, England. c. Dartmoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. . 2. NOTIDOBIA PYRALOIDES. Fulvus, hirtus ; antenna testacec, basi fuscæ, corpore duplo longi- ores ; pedes testacei ; alæ fuscu, anticæ lata. Tawny, clothed with tawny hairs : antennæ testaceous, slender, about twice the length of the body, joints long, cylindrical, brown, with testaceous tips towards the base ; Ist joint stout, tawny: legs testaceous : wings deep brown, thickly clothed and fringed with hairs; fore-wings very broad ; veins brown. Length of the body 3 -4 lines ; of the wings 10—12 lines.. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 3. NOTIDOBIA LATIFASCIA. Testaceus, hirtus ; antenna articulis fusco cinctis ; alæ antica fascia lata obliqua fusca, posticæ cinerea. Testaceous, clothed with testaceous hairs: antennæ slender, longer than the body, or perhaps twice its length; each joint brown at the base ; 1st joint stout: fore-wings with a broad oblique brown band beyond the middle; hind-wing's gray. Length of the body 21 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. SERICOSTOMIDE. @ Genus 7. DIPSEUDOPSIS, n. Notidobiæ affinis. Antennæ approximatæ ; articulus lus non elongatus : tibiæ anticæ tricalcaratæ ; posteriores quadricalcaratæ. Fem. Allied to Noridobia. Maxillary palpi stout; 4th joint slėnder ; 5th very slender: antennæ stout, longer than the body; joints oblong : fore-shanks with one spur before the middle and 2 at the tips; middle shanks with 2 spurs before the middle and 2 at the tips; hind-shauks with 2 spurs beyond the middle and 2 at the tips : fore-wings long, elliptical towards the tips. 1. DIPSEUDOPSIS CAPENSIS. Picea ; antennis palpisque ferrugineis ; pedibus fulvis ; ale an- ticæ fuscæ aureo-pubescentes, postica cinerea. Pitchy, slightly tinged with gray: antenna and palpi ferrugi- nous : legs tawny: fore-wings brown, thinly clothed with gilded : down : hind-wings gray; veins testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collectiou. Genus 8. MORMONIA. Antenvæ approximatæ, articulo lo elongato hirsutissimo. Ti- biæ anticæ bicalcaratæ ; intermediæ quadricalcaratæ. Mormoria, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 215; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 188. Goëra p., Burm.; Kol. Lepidostoma, Rambur. Phryganea p., Fabr. ; Oliv.; De Vill.; Hummel. Goëra, Hoffmansegg; Burm.; Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 98, 24, pl. 2, f. 21. “ Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ ; intermediæ et posticæ quadrical- caratæ, calcaribus æqualibus; tibiis absque spinis; tarsis spinulis minimnis, adpressis : alarum anticarum anastomosi antica a postica valde remota, arca interclavali ad apicem triangula, subcosta cum radio subcostali in anastomosi ; alarum posticarum anastomosi anti- ca completa, areola discoidali clausa, anastomosi postica nulla, cu- bito bipartito, costulis simplicibus tantum duabus." 92 SERICOSTOMIDÆ, 1. MORMONIA NIGROMACULATA. Obscure fusca ; antenne uchracea, fusco annulatæ ; pedes ochra- cei; alæ fuscescentes, anticæ nigro irroratæ. Long. 2* ; alar. .94 lin. Mormonia nigromaculata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 189, 1, pl. 32, f. 2. Goëra hirta, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 99, 3. Lepidostoma squamulosum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 493. Europe. 2. MORMONIA HIRTA. Obscure fusca ; antenna pallidæ, fusco annulatæ ; pedes pallidi ; alæ anticue maculis duabus obscurioribus. Long. 3 ; alar. 9 -10 lin. Phryganea hirta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 80, 26. De Vill. Ent. iii. 40, 47. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 547, 31. Hummel, Ess. Ent. iv. 16. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1069, 40. Mormonia gracilicornis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 215. Mormonia hirta, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 189, 2. a. - From Mr. Children's collection. 3. MORMONIA IMMACULATA. Ochraceu-fusca; antenna ochracea, fusco punctate ; alæ antica pallide fusce, immaculate. Long. 21—34; alar. 9–10 lin. Mormonia maculicornis ? Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 215. . Mormonia immaculata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 189,3. Goëra basalis ? Kol. Gen. ét Sp. Trich. 98,1. Goëra hirta ? Burm. Handb. Ént. ii. 2, 924, 1. England. 4. MORMONIA MINOR. Ochraceo-fusca ; antenne et pedes ochracea ; ala hyaline, irides- centes, immaculatæ. Long. 2 ; alar. 7 lin. Mormonia minor, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand vi. 169, 4. England. SERICOSTOMIDÆ. 93 5. MORMONIA VILLOSUM. Lepidostoma villosum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 494, 2. France. 6. MORMONIA SERICEA. Lepidostoma sericeum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 494, 3. France. 7. MORMONIA DALMATINA. Antennæ simplices, fusce. Goëra Dalmatina, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 99, 2. Dalmatia. Genus 9. SILO. “Palpi maxillares maris divaricati. Antennæ setaceæ, approxi- matæ, articulo lo elongato vix hirsuto. Tibiæ non pinnatæ; anticæ bicalcaratæ, calcaribus brevibus ; posteriores quadricalcaratæ. Alæ absque areola discali, anastomosibus omnibus incompletis, subcos- tali nulla.” Phryganea p., Linn.; Fabr.; Zett. Trichostomum p., Burm. Sericostomum p.? Pictet. Athripsodes p., Billberg. Silo, Curtis ; Steph. Iil. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 186; Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 101, 26, pl. 2, f. 26. 1. SILO MINUTUS. Nigra ; pedes pallide ochrucei ; alæ nigro-fusca, immaculata. Long. 4; alar. 9—11. lin. Phryganea pallipes, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii, 76. Silo pallipes, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 186, 1. Phrygranea minuta, Linn. Faun. Suec. 1591. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 81, 32. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1070, 43. Phrygranea pallipes ? Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 388, 6; Mant. Ins. i. 245, 7; Ent. Syst. ii. 76, 7. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2636, 36. 94 SERICOSTOMIDÆ. Sericostoma minutum ? Pictet, Rech. Hist. Phryg. 181, 6, pl. 14, f. 5, d, e. Trichostomum pallipes, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 926, 2. Athripsodes minuta, Billbg. Enum. Ins. 94. a. Dartmoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. Genus 10. GOERA. “ Palpi maxillares maris recurvi. Antennæ approximatæ, arti- culo lo elongato vix hirsuto. Tibiæ non spinosæ ; anticæ bicalcara- tæ ; intermediæ quadricalcaratæ ; calcares omnes æquales. Alæ absque anastomosi postica.” 1. GOERA PILOSA. Sericeo-ochracea ; alæ anticæ subtestaceo-ochraceæ immaculatce, posticæ subfuscentes. Long. 33–5; alar. 9–11. lin. Phryganea pilosa, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 388, 5; Mant. Ins. i. 245, 6: Ent. Syst. ii. 76. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2635, 35. Goëra pilosa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 187, 1. Europe. 2. GOERA FLAVIPES. Sericeo-ochracea ; thorax, abdomen, coxæ femoraque fusca. Long. 31–5; alar. 10–12 lin. Goëra flavipes, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 215. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 187, 2. a-d. England. e. — From Mr. Children's collection. 3. GOERA VULGATA. Nigra; pedes ochraceo-flavi; alæ flavo-testaceæ immaculatæ. Long. 33 ; alar. 10 lin. Phryganea vulgata ? Olivier ; Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 91. Goëra vulgata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 188, 3. England. SERICOSTOMIDE. 95 4. GOERA IRRORATA. Ochracea ; antenna piceæ, ochraceo subannulatæ; alæ anticæ sub- ochracea, punctis plurimis indistinctis albidis. Long. - ; alar. 7 lin. Goëra irrorata, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 215. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 188, 4. England. 5. GOERA ELEGANS. Testacea, pilosa ; antenna nigro annulata, corpore triplo longiores ; alæ cinerea, antica testaceo-pubescentes. Testaceous, clothed with testaceous hairs : antennæ full thrice the length of the body, with a black ring on each joint: wings gray; fore-wings thickly clothed with testaceous down. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. North America ? Presented by the Entomological Club. 6. GOERA INDECISA. Nigra, pilosa; antennæ corpore plus duplo longiores ; pedes ferru- ginei ; alæ nigricantes, anticæ fusco-pubescentes. Black, clothed with black hairs: palpi clothed with hoary hairs; antennæ more than twice the length of the body: legs dull ferrugi- nous : wings blackish ; fore-wings clothed with dark brown down. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lipes. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq.“ Genus 11. ? « Antennæ ubique æquales, cylindricæ. Tibiæ non pinnatæ, anticæ bicalcaratæ, calcaribus brevissimis; posteriores quadricalca- ratæ. Alæ anticæ et posticæ areola discali clausa; anastomosis an- tica completa, postica nulla; areola in alis posticis 4a apicalis et 2a subapicalis anastomosim non attingens.” Potamaria, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 99, 25. 96 SERICOSTOMIDE. . ? PICTETII. Fusco-nigra, corpore nigro ; antennis nigro-fuscis, articulo lo ca- 'pite et thorace ochraceo-pilosis ; femoribus tibiisque fusco-cia nereis ; genubus et tarsis testaceis ; alis anticis fuscis subopa- linis fusco-ochraceo pilosis fusco fimbriatis, posticis fuscis subopalinis fusco-pilosis et fimbriatis. Potamaria Pictetii, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 100, 1. Trichostoma nigricorne? Pictet, Rech. Hist. Phryg. 175, 4, pl. 13, f. 11. Nigrum ; pedes flavi ; ala fuscæ, nitida. Long. 7 lin. Germany; Switzerland ? 2. - - ? SCHMIDTII. Fusca, pubescens ; capite et prothorace aureo-hirtis ; ventre albido- cinereo ; femoribus cinereis ; tibiis testaceis, basi fuscis, anti- cis brevi-calcaratis ; tarsis fuscis; alis anticis fuscis, pilosis, fusco-fimbriatis, macula discali magna et sutura aurco-pilosis ; posticis fuscis, fusco-pilosis et fimbriatis, pulcherrime iridi- coloribus. Potamaria Schmidtii, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 100, 2. Carniolia. Genus 12. DASYSTOMA. · Dasystoma, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 490. 1. DASYSTOMA PULCHELLUM. Dasystoma pulchellum, Ramb. Nat. Hist. Ins. Neur. 491. Granada, South Spain. Genus 13. PLECTROTARSUS. Plectrotarsus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 94, 21, pl. 2, f. 22. “Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ, intermediæ et posticæ quadricalca. ratæ, calcaribus tibiarum omnium æqualibus. Tibiæ et tarsi valde spinosa. Alæ anticæ anastomosi antica et postica in una fere linea; alæ posticæ anastomosi antica completa, areola discali clausa, pen- HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 9 tagona, anastomosi postica nulla, cubito bipartito, reliquis costulis simplicibus. 1. PLECTROTARSUS GRAVENHORSTII. Plectrotarsus Gravenhorstii, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 94, 1. Var. Luteus, hirtissimus; capite :supra, antennis, tarsisque nigris ; alæ anticæ nigro-cyanea, basi costaque luteæ, albo maculate. Luteous, thickly clothed with luteous hairs : head above black, thickly clothed with black hairs : antennæ black, thick, joints com- pact: tarsi black : fore-wings bluish black, very hairy, marked with white, more or less luteous at the base and along the fore border ; hind-wings slightly luteous, blackish towards the tips. Length of the body 44 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a, b. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. C. Van Dienan's Land. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. d. Australia. From Mr. Argent's collection. Fain. 6. HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. Palpi maxillares articulo 3o elongato, filiformi. Anteunæ se- taceæ. Pedes calcarati. Alæ anticæ venis transversis vix ullis ; posticæ plicatæ. Hydropsychidæ, Curt.; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 167; Burm. Hydropsychides, Westw. Genus 1. CYRNUS. Tibiæ anticæ tricalcaratæ. Alæ anticæ venis transversis di- versis. Hydropsyche p., Pictet. 98 HYDROPSYCHIDE. 1. CYRNUS UNIPUNCTATUS. Nigricans ; antennæ et pedes fulva ; alæ fuscescentes, venis saturn- tioribus, antice macula albo-hyalina. Long. 21–3; alar. 2143 lin. Cyrnus unipunctatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 175, 1. a. England. . Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 2. CYRNUS PULCHELLUS. Fuscus ; antenna ochraceæ, fusco annulatæ ; pedes fulvi ; ala ochraceo-fuscæ, anticæ ad apicem pallide luteo-irroratæ punc toque discali albido. Long. 3; alar. 6–7 lin. Cyrnus pulchellus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 175, 2. England. 3. CYRNUS URBANUS. Gracilis, ochraceus ; caput et thorax supra fusca ; palpi nigrican- tes; antenne fusco annulatæ ; alæ anguste, immaculata. Long. 2}; alar. 51–6 lin. Hydropsyche urbana, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 215, 20, pl. 19, f. 13. Cyrnus urbanus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 175, 3. Philopotamus urbanus ? Ramb. Hist Nat. Ins. Neur. 503, 5. England. 4. CYRNUS UNICOLOR. Subgracilis, ochraceus ; caput et palpi fusca ; ale hyalina, irides- centes. Long. 2 ; alar. 6 lin. Hydropsyche unicolor, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 218, 27, pl. 20, f. 5. Cyrnus unicolor, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 176, 4. England. Genus 2. POLYCENTROPUS. Antennæ alis non longiores. Tibiæ anticæ tricalcaratæ. Alæ anticæ venis transversis paucis. Polycentropus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 213 ; Brit. Ent. xii. 544 Steph.; Westw. HYDROPSYCHIDE. 1. POLYCENTROPUS SUBPUNCTATUS. Obscure fuscus ; antennæ et pedes ochracea; alæ ochracco-fusca, antice obsolete fusco-irroratæ. Long. 11-2; alar. 6–7 lin. Polycentropus subpunctatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 176, 1. a. England. 2. POLYCENTROPUS PICEICORNIS. Nigricans ; antennæ piceæ, nigro annulata; tibiæ tarsique ochra- cea ; alæ fusco-fulvescentes, anticæ obsolete fusco-nebulosa. Long. 2; alar. 6–7 lin. Polycentropus piceicornis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 177, 2. a. England. 3. POLYCENTROPUS PYRRHOCERAS. . Fusco-nigricans ; antenna fulva, fusco annulatæ ; pedes ochra- ceo-fulvi ; ala fulvescentes, anticæ ochraceo-irroratæ. Long. 21; alar. 67 lin. Polycentropus pyrrhoceras, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 177, 33. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 4. POLYCENTROPUS TULIGINOSUS. Nigricans ; antennæ et abdomen picea ; pedes obscure ochracei ; alæ fusco-infurnata, obsoletissime ochruceo-irroratæ. Polycentropus fuliginosus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 177, 4. a. England. 5. POLYCENTROPUS CONCINNUS. Obscure fuscus ; antennæ et pedes ochraceo-fulva, illæ obscure fus- co annulatæ ; abdomen fuscum, basi pallidius; alæ anticce fulvescente-fuscæ, ochraceo-irroralæ. Long. 2* ; alar. 8 lin. Polycentropus concinnus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 178, 5. England. K 2 100 HYDROPSYCHIDE. 6. POLYCENTROPUS TRIMACULATUS. Ochraceo-fuscus ; antenne et pedes ochracea, illæ annulis pallidio- ribus; alæ antice ochraceo confertissime punctate. Long. 11 -2; alar. 5-6 lin. Polycentropus trimaculatus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 213. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 178, 6. Burm. England. 7. POLYCENTROPUS IRRORATUS. Obscure fuscus; pedes subcastaneo-ochracei ; alue anticæ maculis plurimis ochraceo-sericeis nebulisque fuscis. Long 2-3; alar. 8-9 lin. Polycentropus irroratus, Curt. Brit. Ent. xii. 544. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 187, 7. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 914, 3. a-h. England. 8. POLYCENTROPUS MULTIG UTTATUS. Fuscus ; alæ anticæ ochraceo confertissime punctata, macula alba. Long. 3 ; alar. 81-9 lin. Polycentropus multiguttatus, Curt. Brit. Ent. 544. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 178, 8. England. 9. POLYCENTROPUS CONCOLOR. Cinereus ; verlice dorsoque flavo-hirtis ; antennis pedibusque cine- red-flaris ; alis fusco-hirtis, pilis mediis flavis in fasciam ob- soletam congestis. Long. 5} lin. Polyceutropus concolor, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2. 914, 2. Germany. 10. POLYCINTROPUS VALIDUS. Nigricans, flavo-hirtus, subtus ferrugineus ; palpi testacei, basi nigri ; antenna fulva, robustæ ; pedes testacei ; ala cinerece, flavo-pubescentes. HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 101 Blackish, clothed with pale yellow hairs, ferruginous beneath : maxillary palpi testaceous; ist joint black : antennæ tawny, stout: legs testaceous: wings gray, clothed with yellow down. Length of the body 2} lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. | 11. POLYCENTROPUS CRASSICORNIS. Ferrugineus, flavo-hirtus, subtus testaceus ; antenna fulva, robus - tæ; palpi pedesque testacei ; ala subcinerea, antice flavo-pu- bescentes et irroratæ. Ferruginous, thickly clothed with yellow hairs, testaceous be- neath: antennæ tawny, robust: palpi and legs testaceous : wings pale gray; fore-wings clothed with yellow down, adorned with nu- merous pale yellow dots. Length of the body 11-24 lines; of the wings 6–8 lines. Var. B. Fore-wings without dots. ame. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 12. POLYCENTROPUS INVARIUS. Fulvus, aureo-hirtus ; antennis vertice thoracisque disco nigris ; pedes testacei ; alæ anticæ subfusce, posticce cinereæ. Tawny, clothed with gilded hairs : crown of the head and disk of the thorax black : antennæ black, a little longer than the body, tawny at the base: legs testaceous: fore-wings brownish ; veins fer- ruginous: hind-wings gray. Length of the body 21 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. Genus 3. PLECTROCNEMIA. Antennæ alis longiores. Tibiæ anticæ tricalcaratæ. Alæ an- ticæ venis transversis paucis. Plectrocnemia, Steph. Ill. Bril. Ent. Mand. vi. 168; Westw. Philopotamus p., Curt. Hydropsyche p., Pictet. K 3 102 HYDROPSYCHIDA. 1. PLECTROCNEMIA SENEX. Obscure fusca ; frons et thorax pilis argenteo-albidis vestiti ; an- tenna fulvæ, albo annulatæ ; alæ unticæ canescentes, albido nigroque variegate, costa nigro punctata. Long. 5–6; alar. 12-13 lin. Philopotamus conspersus ? Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 213. Hydropsyche senex, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 219, 28, pl. 19, f. 1. Plectrocnemia senex, Steph. Ili. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 168, 1. Polycentropus senex, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 913, 1. ~e. England. f. Italy. From Dr. Leach's collection. Genus 4. PHILOPOTAMUS. Antennæ graciles, alis longiores. Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ. Alæ posticæ parvæ, vix plicatæ. Philopotamus, Leach, MSS.; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 169 ; Westw.; Ramb. Phryganea p., Fabr.; Scop.; Schr.; Oliv.; Latr. ; Donov. 1. PHILOPOTAMUS SCOPULORUM. Niger ; antennae et pedes fulva, illæ fusco annulatæ; alce anticce fusca, luteo maculate, posticæ fuscescentes, maculis obscurio- ribus. Long. 4-54; alar. 9—15. lin. Philopotamus Scopulorum, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 169, 1. (1. England. b. Italy. From Dr. Leach's collection. 2. PHILOPOTAMUS VARIEGATCS. Niger ; antennæ et pedes fulvescentia ; alæ anticæ fusca, maculis plurimis rotundatis luteis, postica cinereæ. Long. 5; alar. 14–16 lin. Phryganea variegata, Scop. Ent. Carn. 693. Schr. Ins. Austr. 621. Faun. Boic. ii. 182, 1910. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 79, 23. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 546, 26. Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 90, 19. HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 103 Philopotamus variegatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 169, 2. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 915, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 502, 1. Hydropsyche montana, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 210, 12, pl. 18, f. 5. Hydropsyche variegata ? Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 208, 11, pl. 18, f. 4. a. - From Mr. Children's collection. 3. PHILOPOTAMUS MONTANUS. Niger ; antennæ obscure fuscæ ; pedes fulvi ; alæ fuscæ ; obscure luteo maculatæ. Long. 3—4 ; alar. 9-11 lin. Phryganea montana, Donov. Brit. Ins. xvi. p). 548, f. 1. Philopotamus montanus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 170, 3. England. 4. PHILOPOTAMUS LONGIPENNIS. Philopotamus longipennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 504,6. France. 5. PHILOPOTAMUS DUBIUS. Philopotamus dubius, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 503, 3.. France. 6. PHILOPOTAMUS TENELLUS. Pbilopotamus tenellus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 503, 4. France. 7. PHILOPOTAMUS CONFUSUS. Niger, cano-pilosus; antennis basi testaceo annulatis; abdomine sub- tus, palpis, pedibusque testaceis ; ale cinereæ, antica obsolete irrorata. Black, clothed with hoary hairs : palpi, abdomen beneath and legs dull testaceous : wings gray; fore-wings very indistinctly covered with pale dots; veins black. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 11 lines a. Arctic America. District watered by the Mackenzie and Slave Rivers. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 104 HYDROPSYOHIDÆ. 8. PHILOPOTAMUS ALTERNANS. Niger, cano-hirtus; antennis basi, abdominis segmentis apice pedi- busque fulvis ; alve anticæ fusca, cano confertim irrorata, posticæ cinerece. Black, clothed with hoary hairs : antennæ tawny at the base: hind borders of the abdominal segments and legs tawny: fore-wings brown, mostly thickly covered with hoary dots; hind-wings gray. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 9. PHILOPOTAMUS INDECISUS. Nigricans, subtus testaceus ; antennæ testacea, fusco annulatæ ; pedes testacei ; alæ cinereæ, anticæ confertim flavo guttatæ. Blackish, testaceous beneath: palpi testaceous, tawny towards the base: antennæ testaceous, with a brown ring on each joint: legs testaceous : wing's gray ; fore-wings slightly brown, adorned with numerous pale yellow dots of various size. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10+ lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. b. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 10. PHILOPOTAMUS RECIPROCUS. Nigricans; antennis pedibusque testaceis ; palpi ferruginei, basi nigri; alæ anticæ subfusce, flavo confertim irroratæ, posticæ subcinerece. Blackish: palpi ferruginous, black towards the base : antennæ and legs testaceous: fore-wings slightly brown, with numerous pale yellow dots of various size; hind-wings pale brown. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 13 lines. Closely allied to P. indecisus. a. North America ? Presented by the Entomological Club. NO 11. PHILOPOTAMUS DISTINCTUS. Niger ; palpi et pedes obscure testacei ; ala anticæ fusco-cinerea flavo conferlim guttate, posticæ cinerea. HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 105 Black, clothed with black and yellow hairs: antennæ very much longer than the body: palpi and legs dull testaceous : wings gray: fore-wings tinged with brown, adorned with numerous pale yellow dots of various size. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. 46–d. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Genus 5. MONOPSEUDOPSIS, n. Capitis vertex utrinque gibbosus. Antennæ articulis longis cy- lindricis. Pedes antici breves, tenuies, tibiis bicalcaratis; posteriores longi, tibiis quadricalcaratis. Head a little narrower than the thorax, with a large round convex protuberance on each side between the eyes, by the base of the antennæ : maxillary palpi long ; last joint very long and slen- der: joints of the antennæ thrice longer than broad, or more, except near the base, where they are twice longer than broad; first joint very stout: legs slender; their pairs of spurs of unequal length; fore-legs short and slender, with two little spurs at the tips: poste- rior legs long, with four long spurs, one pair in the middle, and one at the tips. 1. MONOPSEUDOPSIS INSCRIPTUS. Niger ; pedes flavi ; alæ antica luride, maculis vittisque flavis maculaque subapicali hyalina ornata'; alce posticæ subci- nerece. Black, with a slight hoary tinge: head clothed with short black hairs above, with ferruginous hairs beneath : antennæ longer than the body; second, third and fourth joints ferruginous: palpi and legs yellow : fore-wings lurid, with three yellow stripes, one on each border and one on the disk, and with six large irregularly-triangular yellow spots, three resting on each border ; tips gray, with a large almost round hyaline spot in the disk: bind-wings pale gray, with two almost colourless marks near the tip of the fore border; veins pale. · Length of the body 41 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. i 106 HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. Genus 6. HYDROPSYCHE. Antennæ graciles, alis longiores. Tibiæ anticæ hicalcaratæ. Alæ posticæ amplæ, valde plicatæ. Phryganea p., Donov. Philopotamus p., Curt. Hydropsyche, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 199 ; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 170; Westw. 1. HYDROPSYCHE ATOMARIA. Fusca, cano-pilosa, subtus ochracea; pedes flavescentes ; alæ ca- nescentes, anticæ ochraceo nigroque maculatæ. Long. 43; alar. 9-11 lin. Phryganea atomaria, Mus. Lesk. pars Ent. 51, 36. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. 2637. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 559, 27. Phryganea maculata, Donov. Brit. Ins. xvi. pl. 548, f. 2. Hydropsyche atomaria, Pict. Rech. Phryg. 201, pl. 17, f. 1-5. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 171, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 505, 1. Philopotamus instabilis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 213. a. England. 2.. HYDROPSYCHE TENUICORNIS. 1 Nigricans ; antenne graciles, ochraceæ ; pedes ochraceo-fulvi; ala anticce canescentes ochraceo nigroque punctata, posticæ fus- cescentes. Long. 4; alar. 10-11 lin. Hydropsyche tenuicornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 203, 2, pl. 17, f. 2. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 171, 2. Europe. 3. HYDROPSYCHE GUTTATA. Nigra, cinereo-pilosa; pedes fulvi ; alæ antice canescentes ochraceo nigroque distincte maculata, posticce albide. Long. 31; alar. 9-10 lin. Hydropsyche guttata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 203, 3, pl. 17, f. 3. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 172, 3. Burm, Handb. Ent. ii. 912, 3. Europe. HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 107 4. HYDROPSYCHE PELLUCIDULA. Nigricans ; antennæ ochracea, fusco punctatæ ; abdomen fuscum ; alæ semnihyalince, antice indistincte ochraceo fuscoque irroratæ, marginibus internis et posticæ ochraceo maculate. Long. 63; alar. 13-153 lin. Philopotamus pellucidulus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 213. Hydropsyche læta, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 204,5, pl. 17, f. 4. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 912, 1. Hydropsyche pellucidula, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 172, 4. a-d. ! From Mr. Children's collection. 5. HYDROPSYCHE HIBERNICA. Fusca, subtus antennis pedibusque ochraceis ; ale hyalina, venis ochraceis, anticce ad marginem posticum fusco obscure punc- tatæ. Long. 4–5; alar. 114-12; lin. . Hydropsyche hibernica, Curt. Brit. Ent. 601. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 173, 5. Britain. 6. HYDROPSYCHE LANCEOLATA. Nigricans ; pedes fulvo-ochracei ; alæ fuscæ, anticce subfalcatæ obscure irrorata margine postico fusco punctata. Long. 31–4; alar. 12—13 lin. Hydropsyche lanceolata, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 213. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 173, 6. England. 7. HYDROPSYCHE ANGUSTIPENNIS. Nigricans; antennæ subserratæ; alæ fuscæ, anticæ ochraceo tinc- tæ stigmate fusco maculisque ochraceis. Long. 31-41; alar. 10-13 lin. Hydropsyche angustipennis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 213. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 173, 7. England. 108 HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 8. HYDROPSYCHE FULVITES. Nigra ; abdominis segmenta marginibus pallidis ; tibiæ tarsique pallide fulva ; alæ anticæ fusce, ochraceo obscure nebulosa. Long. 5—6; alar. 13–14 lin. Hydropsyche fulvipes, Curt. Brit. Ent. xiii. 601. Steph. Ill. Bril. Ent. Mand. vi. 174, 8. England. 9. HYDROPSYCHE ANGUSTATA. Fusco-cinerea ; abdomen nigricans, subtus virescens ; alæ subhy- aline, antice ochraceæ holosericea iridescentes nebulis duabus subochraceis. Long. 2}; alar. 61–7 lin. Hydropsyche angustata, Curt. Brit. Ent. 601. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 174, 9. a, b. England. ROPSYCHE CINEREA. Nigra, albo-pilosa ; thorax utrinque et pedes fulvi ; alæ antica ci- nereæ, iaculis albis punctisque nigris. Long 7 lin. Hydropsyche cinerea, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 204, 4. pl. 19, f. 3. Geneva. 11. HYDROPSYCHE VARIABILIS. Nigricans ; alæ antica fulvce, maculis pallidis punctisque nigrican- tibus. Long 6 lin. Hydropsyche variabilis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 205, 6, pl. 17, f. 5. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 912, 2. Geneva. 12. HYDROPSYCHE NEBULOSA. Nigra ; tibiæ tarsique fulva ; alæ anticæ fusce, pilis flavis macu- late. Long. 6 liv. Hydropsyche nebulosa, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 206, 7, pl. 19, f. 4. Genera. HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 109 13. HYDROPSYCHE TINCTA. Nigricans ; caput et antenne cinerea ; pedes cinereo-fulvi ; alve anticæ fusca, maculis duabus posticis indistinctis aryenteis. Long. 5 lin. Hydropsyche tincta, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 206, 8, pl. 19, f. 5. Geneva. 14. HYDROPSYCHE LEPIDA. Fulva; antennæ apice nigricantes ; ale anticæ subcineree, maculis auratis punctisque anticis nigris. Long 3 lin. Hydropsyche lepida, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 207, 9, pl. 18, f. 1. Geneva. 15. HYDROPSYCHE ANGUSTATA. Nigricans; os fulvum ; antenne fulvo fuscoque annulatæ ; ala antice subcinereæ maculis nonnullis anticis unaque postica fuscis. Long 3 lin. Hydropsyche angustata (bis lecta), Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 208, 10, pl. 19, f. 6. Geneva. 16. HYDROPSYCHE BREVICORNIS. Nigra ; antennæ fulva, fusco annulatæ; caput maculis duabus, thoracisque latera fulva; abdomen fuscum; alæ antica fusce, iridescentes. Long. 4 lin. Hydropsyche brevicornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 211, 13, pl. 19, f. 7. Geneva. 17. HYDROPSYCHE OCCIPITALIS. Nigra ; antenne fuscæ, annulis obscurioribus ; caput et thorax maculis duabus, hujusque latera fulva ; abdomen fuscum ; alæ untice fusce, iridescentes. Long, 4 lin. H. brevicornis, var.? Hydropsyche occipitalis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 211, 14, pl. 19, f. 8. Genera. 110 HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 18. HYDROPSYCHE COLUMBINA. Nigra ; caput fulvo-pubescens ; antenna nigricantes ; pedes fulvi ; ale anticæ fusca, iridescentes. Long. 3 lin. Hydropsyche columbina, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 212, 15, pl. 19, f. 9. Geneva. 19. HYDROPSYCHE VITREA. Nigra, subtus fusca ; occiput et prothorax fulva ; antenna fusce ; pedes fulvi ; ale cinerea, hyalina. Long. 3} lin. Hydropsyche vitrea, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 212, 16, pl. 19, f. 10. Geneva. : 20. HYDROPSYCHE MICROCEPHALA. Nigra, subtus fusca ; pedes cinereo-fulvi ; alæ hyalinæ, iridescen- tes. Long. 3. liv. Hydropsyche microcephala, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 213, 17, pl. 19, f. 11. Geneva. 21. HYDROPSYCHE MACULICORNIS. Fulva; caput nigrum; antenna annulis apiceque fuscis; ala anticæ subcinerea, maculis posticis nigricantibus. Long. 3 lin. Hydropsyche maculicornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 213, 18, pl. 18, f. 2. Geneva. 22. HYDROPSYCHE FRAGILIS. Fulva ; caput nigricans; antenne fusco annulatæ; thorax dorso fusco, alæ antica cinereæ nebulos. Long. 24 lin. Hydropsyche fragilis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 214, 19, pl. 19, f. 12. Geneva. HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 111 23. HYDROPSYCHE DIVES. Nigra ; tibiæ anticæ et intermediæ fulvæ ; alæ anticæ nigricantes, aureo-pilose, viridi purpureoque micantes. Long 3 lin. Hydropsyche dives, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 215, 21, pl. 19, f. 14. Geneva. 24. HYDROPSYCHE TURTUR. Nigra, aureo-pilosa ; antenna fuscæ ; pedes fulvi ; ala anticæ subcinereæ, iridescentes. Long. 3 lin. Hydropsyche turtur, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 216, 22, pl. 20, f. 1. Geneva. 25. HYDROPSYCHE FLAVICOMA. Nigra ; caput aureo-pilosum ; pedes cinerei; ala nigricantes, iri- descentes. Long. 3 lin. Hydropsyche flavicoma, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 216, 23, pl. 18, f. 3. Geneva. 26. HYDROPSYCHE NIGRIPENNIS. Nigra ; pedes cinerei ; ale nigricantes, iridescentes. Long. 3 lin. Hydropsyche nigripennis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 217, 24, pl. 20, f. 2. H. flavicoma, var.? Geneva. 27. HYDROPSYCHE HUMERALIS. Nigra ; thorax fuscus ; pedes cinerei ; alæ anticæ nigricantes, iri- descentes, basi fulva. Long. 3 lin. Hydropsyche humeralis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg, 217, 25, pl. 20, f. 3. Geneva. L 2 112 HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 28. HYDROPSYCHE PICEA. Nigra ; pedes cinerei ; ale antice nigricantes, subiridescentes, macula media albida. Long. 2} lin. Hydropsyche picea, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 218, 26, pl. 20, f. 4. Geneva. 29. HYDROPSYCHL BREVICOLLIS. Nigra; antennæ fusco fulvoque annulatæ ; pedes fulvi ; alæ fulvæ, iridescentes. Long. 3 lin. Hydropsyche brevicollis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 221, 30, pl. 20, f. 6. Geneva. 30. HYDROPSYCHE ASPERSA. Hydropsyche aspersa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 506, 4. France. 31. HYDROPSYCHE OPHTHALMICA. Hydropsyche ophthalmica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 505, 2. France, Spain. 32. HYDROPSYCHE VARIA. Hydropsyche saria, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 506, 3. France. 33. HYDROPSYCHE DUBIA. Nigra, subtus testacea ; antenne pallide testacea, fusco annulatæ ; palpi ferruginei ; pedes testacei ; alæ antica subfusce obsolete irroratæ, postice subcinerea. Black, testaceous beneath: antennæ pale testaceous, with a brown ring on each joint, and wholly brown towards the tips: palpi ferruginous : legs testaceous : fore-wings slightly brown, indistinctly covered with pale dots : hind-wings pale gray. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 11 lives. a. North America ? Presented by the Entomological Club. HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 113 34. HYDROPSYCHE DUBITANS. Picea ; antennæ testaceæ apice nigræ ; pectus ferrugineum ; pedes testacei ; alæ cinerea, anticæ fusco-hirtæ, maculis nonnullis e pilis flavis congestis pallidioribus. Pitchy, clothed with pale hairs : antennæ testaceous, black to- wards the tips : palpi, legs and hind borders of the abdominal segments testaceous: breast ferruginous : wings gray; fore-wings clothed with brown hairs, having some indistinct spots composed of pale yellow hairs. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 35. HYDROPsycHE GRASSICORNIs. Ferruginea, fulvo-hirta ; antenna articulis basi pallidioribus ; palpi pedesque testacei ; ala cinerece fulvo-pilose, antica ma- cula discali subhyalina. Ferruginous, clothed with tawny bairs : antennæ very stout, very much longer tban the body; each joint paler towards the base : palpi and legs testaceous : wing's gray, clothed with tawny hairs ; fore-wings with an almost colourless spot at the base of the apical areolets; veins brown. Length of the body 2} lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. ' 36. HYDROPSYCHE MACULICORNIS. Nigricans ; antennæ testacew, fusco annulate; pectus ferrugineum ; pedes testacei; alce antica fusco-cinereæ obsolete irrorate ; posticæ cinerea. Blackish, hairy: antennæ testaceous, with a brown ring on each joint: palpi tawny: breast ferruginous : legs testaceous : fore-wings brownish gray, with numerous indistinct pale dots: hind- wings gray. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Bariston, Esq. L 3 114 HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 37. HYDROPSYCHE ROBUSTA. Ferruginea ; antennis palpis pedibusque testaceis ; thorax piceo bi- vittatus ; alæ cinereæ, anticæ irrorata. Ferruginous, hairy: palpi, antennæ and legs testaceous: thorax with a broad pitchy stripe on each side: wings gray, clothed with yellowish down ; fore-wings with pale dots, which are most distinct aloug the border ; veins brown. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. North America ? Presented by the Entomological Clựb. 38. HYDROPSYCHE TRANSVERSA. Testacea ; antenna nigræ, basi testacere ; abdomen nigrum, mnar- ginibus posticis albidis ; pedes albi ; alæ albida, anticæ gultis apicibusque subcinereis ad costam flavescentes. Testaceous: antennæ black, very slender, testaceous towards the base : abdomen black; hind borders of the segments whitish : legs white : wings whitish ; fore-wing's yellowish on the fore border and along some of the longitudinal veins, adorned with numerous transverse pale gray marks, some of which are confluent; tips pale gray, with some whitish marks; veins pale yellow. Length of the body 3} lines; of the wings 12 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 39. HYDROPSYCHE VICARÍA. Ferruginea ; corpore subtus pedibusque testaceis ; antenna testacece nigro-hirtæ ; alæ anticæ fulve fusco conspersæ macula parva rotunda discali flavescente. Ferruginous, clothed with pale bairs, testaceous bepeath: an- tennæ testaceous, partly clothed with black hairs : legs testaceous : fore-wings hairy, tawny, with numerous brown marks, which are most prevalent towards the tips, and with a small round pale yel- lowish spot in the disk before the middle; hind-wings gray. Length of the body 3} lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. 115 40. HYDROPSYCHE DIMINUTA. Nigra, ferrugineo-hirta ; antenna fulva, annulis albidis; palpi pedesque testacei ; alæ anticæ fusco-cincreæ, posticæ cinerede. Black, clothed with ferruginous hairs : antennæ tawny, with a whitish ring on each joint: palpi and legs testaceous : fore-wings brownish gray; hind-wings gray. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 61 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan, 41. HYDROPSYCHE HYALINA. Nigra ; pedes fulvi, tarsis nigricantibus ; alæ anticæ fusca macu- lis sex hyalinis, postica hyalinc fusco marginatæ. Hydropsyche hyalina, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. et d'Hist. Nat. de : Genèvé, vii. pl. f. 2. East Indies. 42. HydroPSYCHE MULTIFARIA. Nigra ; caput testaceum, nigro fasciatum ; antenna fulva, nigro testaceoque fasciatæ ; pedes testacei, tibiis posticis nigris; alce fuscæ, flavo maculata. Black, shining: head luteous, testaceous beneath, with a black band between the eyes : antennæ black towards the base, which is luteous, with a broad pale testaceous band in the middle, tawny from thence to the tips : legs pale testaceous; tips of tibiæ and of tarsi black; hind-tarsi black, except at the base : fore-wings brown, with four triangular yellow spots on the fore border, and with seven others of various size and shape in the disk or on the hind border ; bind-wings pale brown, pale yellow along the fore border. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by William Templeton, Esq. Genus 7. PHILANISUS, n. Palpi maxillares articulo 50 elongato filiformi. Antennæ sub- filiformes sat validæ, alis vix breviores. Tibiæ anticæ vix calcaratæ, intermediæ bicalcaratæ, posticæ quadricalcaratæ. 116 HYDROPSYCHIDÆ. Maxillary palpi with the fifth joint long, filiform : antenna nearly filiform, rather stout, almost as long as the wing's : fore-tibiæ with two very short spurs at the tips; middle tibiæ with a pair of long spurs at the tips; bind tibiæ with two pairs of long spurs, one at three-fourths of the length, the other at the tips. 1. PHILANISUS PLEBEIUS. Fulvus ; antennis pedibusque testaceis ; ala anticæ subcinerea fusco maculatæ, posticæ subhyalina. Male.-Tawny, thinly clothed with tawny hairs : antennæ tes- taceous, ratber stout, slightly setaceous, much longer than the body : legs testaceous, long; fore-tibiæ without spurs; binder tibiæ with two pairs of long spurs, one pair near the tips, the other at the tips : abdomen with two appendages at the tip : wings varrow ; fore-wings sligbtly gray, with pale brown marks or interrupted bands: bind- wings subhyaline. Length of the body 21–2lines; of the wings 7-8} lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. . Genus 8. APAELOCHEIRA. Antennæ alis breviores. Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ. Aphelocheira, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 179. Hydropsyche p., Pictet. Diplectrona, Westw. 1. APHELOCHEIRA FLAVO-MACULATA. Obscure fusca ; abdominis segmenta marginibus pallidis ; alue . cinereo-fusca, anticæ obsolete luteo maculatæ. Long. 21-23; alar. 6–8 lin. Phryganea umbrosa, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, ii. 910, 21. Fuun. Suec. 1498. De Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 35, 26. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 548, 40. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1069, 36. Hydropsyche flavo-maculata ? Pictel, Rech. Phryg. 220, 29, pl. 19, f. 2. Aphelucheira flavo-maculata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. ri. 179, 1, pl. 32, f. 3. England. RHYACOPHILIDÆ. 117 2. A PHELOCHEIRA SUBAURATA. Obscure fusca ; pedes ochraceo-fulvi ; alæ subfusca, anticæ imma- culatæ aureo-pilosa. Long. 14; alar. 54 lin. Aphelucheira subaurata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 180, 2. England. Fam. 5. RHYACOPHILIDÆ. LVL Palpi maxillares articulo 20 brevissimo; 30 brevi, ovato. An- tennæ setaceæ. Pedes calcarati. Alæ anticæ venis transversis vix ullis ; posticæ plicatæ. Rhyacophilidæ, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 154. Rhyacophilides, Westw. Rhyacophiloidea, Agassiz. Genus 1. GLOSSOSOMA. Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ. Alæ quatuor areola discali. Glossosoma, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 216; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 160 ; Westw. 1. Glossosoma Boltoni. Fusco-castanea ; abdominis apex et pedes ochracei ; ala pallide fus- cescentes, anticce maculis apicalibus obscure ochraceis. Long. 4?; alar. 10 lin. Glossosoma Boltoni, Curt. Phil. Mag. ir. 216. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 161, 1. Rhyacophila vernalis ? Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 189, pl. 15, f. 4. 4, b. England. " V . 2. GLOSSOSOMA FIMBRIATA. Piceo-fusca ; caput, abdomen apice, pedesque ochracea ; ale pallide fuscescentes immaculate. Loog. 21-3; alar. 57 lin. Glossosoma fimbriata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 161, 2, pl. 32, f. 1. ame. England. 118 RHYACOPHILIDÆ. Genus 2. TINODES. Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ. Alæ anticæ areola discali. Tinodes, Leach, MSS.; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 162; Westu. Group 1. Pedes fæminæ tibiis tarsisque intermediis non dilatatis. Alæ anticæ venis distinctis, areola discali clausa. 1. TINODES PALLESCENS. Pallide ochraceo-fulvus ; abdomen saturatius, apice pallidum ; pedes ochracei ; alce anticæ ochraceo-flavce, venis pallidis. Long. 24; alar. 6–7 lin. Tinodes pallescens, Sleph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 162, 1. a. England. 2. TINODES FLAVICEPS. Ochraceus ; caput et pedes ochraceo-flava ; antenne obscure fuscæ ; thorax et abdomen supra schistacea. Long. 23; alar. 7-8 lin. Tinodes flaviceps, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent: Mand. vi. 162, 2. England. 3. TINODES XANTHOCERAS. Fuscus ; antenna et pedes flavo-ochracea ; alæ hyalina, ochraceo- fuscæ, iridescentes, venis saturatioribus. Long. 2}; alar. 8 lin. Tinodes xanthoceras, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 163, 3. England. 4. TINODES LURIDOS. Fusco-ochraceus ; caput, antenna, thorax supra, et abdomen satu- rate fusca ; pedes ochraceo-fulvi ; alæ iridescentes, venis fuscis. Lovg. 21-3; alar. 81-94 lin. RHYACOPHILIDÆ. 119 Tinodes luridus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 163, 4. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. : Mand. vi. 163, 4. England. 5. TINODES PALLIPES.. Ochraceo-fuscus ; palpis nigris ; pedibus flavis ; alis latis, anticis ochraceo-fuscis aureo-pilosis venis fuscescentibus, posticis iri- descentibus. Long. 3; alar. 8} lin. Tinodes pallipes, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 163, 5. England. 6. TinODES ANNULICORNIS. Ochraceus ; palpi, thoracis dorsum et abdomen basi supra fuscescen- tia ; antenne fusce, ochraceo annulatæ ; pedes ochraceo-flavi. Long. 23; alar. 8 lin. Tinodes annulicornis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 163, 6. England. 7. TINODES ALBIPUNCTATUS. Pallide ochraceus ; caput, thorax et abdomen supra fusca ; pedes pallide flavi ; ala subochracco-fusca, anticæ ad marginem posteriorem nebulis saturatioribus punctisque albidis. Long. 2}; alar. 71 lin. Tinodes albipunctatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 164, 7. England. . Group 2. Pedes fæminæ tibiis tarsisque intermediis dilatatis. Alæ anti- cæ venis indistinctis, areola discali postice aperta. 8. TINODES OBSCURUS. Ochracco-flavus ; abdomen supra subfuscum ; alæ subhyalinæ ; an- ticæ fulvescente-ochraceæ, immaculatæ. Long. 24; alar. 81, lin. Tinodes obscurus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 164, 8. 4, b. England. 120 RHYACOPHILIDÆ. 0 9. TINODES PUSILLUS. Obscure fuscuS ; antenna ochraceo fuscoque annulatæ ; abdomen nigricans ; pedes ochraceo-fluvi ; alæ fusco-testacee. Phryganea pusilla ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 81. Tinodes pusillus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 164, 9. England. Genus 3. BERÆA. Antennæ articulo lo maximo. Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ. Alæ areola discali nulla. Beræa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 158; Westu. Thya, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 216. 1. BEREA ALBIPES. Atra; pedes fusci; tarsis albidis ; alæ niyro-fusca, anticæ subiri. descentes atomis nonnullis albidis. Long. 2; alar. 5.1-6 lin. Beræa albipes, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 158, 1. Thya pullaia ? Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 216. England. 2. BEREA PYGMÆA. Atra ; pedes fusci, genubus albidis ; alæ fusca, immaculatæ. Long. 2; alar. 43-5 lin. Beræa pygmæa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi, 158, 2. Rhyacophila melas ? Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 196, 25, pl. 16, f. 21. England. 3. BERÆA MARSHAMELLA. Atru ; pedes fusci, genubus tarsisque subochraceis ; alæ antica anguste, subochraceo-fusce, immaculata. Long. 2; alar. 5 lin. Thya Maurus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 216. Rhyacophila nigrocincta ? Piciet, Rech, Phryg. 197, 27, pl. 16, f. 23. Beræa Marshamella, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 158, 3. England. $ U . RHYACOPHILID. 121 4. BERÆA? OBSCURA. . Nigricans, fusco-hirta ; pectus et abdomen ferruginea ; pedes testacei ; alæ nigro-fusca, ciliata. Blackish, thickly clothed with brown hairs : antennæ black: breast and abdomen ferruginous : legs testaceous : wings blackish brown, deeply fringed. Length of the body l line; of the wings 4 lines. a, b. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. Genus 4. ANTICYRA. Antendæ articulo lo parvo. Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ. Alæ areola discali nulla, elongatæ, angustæ, obtusæ. Anticyra, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217; Westw.; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 159. Rhyacophila p., Pictet, 1. ANTICYRA PHEOPA. Ochracea; caput et thorax supra fusca ; antenna fuscæ, ochraceo cinctæ ; tibiæ tarsique fuscescentia ; alæ antica cinereo-fus- cescentes, posticæ iridescentes. Long. 27; alar. 51 lin. Rhyacophila tomentosa ? Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 189, 11, pl. 16, f. 9. Anticyra phæopa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 159, 1, a. England. 2. ANTICYRA GRACILIPES. Pallide fusca ; antenne pallida, nigro annulatæ ; pedes fuscescens tes; alæ anticæ ochracea. Long. 23; alar. 5—5} lin. Anticyra gracilipes, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mandi vi. 159, 2. England. 122 RAYACOPHILIDÆ. 3. ANTICYRA SUBOCHRACEA. Pallide ochraceo-fusca; antennæ fusco annulatæ ; pedes fulvescen- tes ; alæ angusta, anticæ subochracea. Long. 21; alar. 51–6 lin. Anticyra latipes? Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217. Anticyra subochracea, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 160, 3. a. England. 4. ANTICYRA CILIARIS. Pallide ochracea; antenne fusco maculate ; thorax rufus ; abdo- men nigro-fuscum. Long. 1}; alar. 4. lin. Anticyra ciliaris, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mund. vi. 160, 4. a, b. England. 5. ANTICYRA ? ROBUSTA. Picea, fulvo-hirta, subtus ferruginea ; antennis, palpis, pedibusque testaceis ; alæ anticæ subfusce maculis duabus discalibus e pilis congestis flavis, posticæ subcinerea. Pitchy, clothed with tawny hairs, ferruginous beneath : antennæ testaceous, stout, almost as long as the body: palpi and legs testa- ceous: fore-wings slightly brown, with two spots on the disk com- posed of pale yellow hairs : hind wings pale gray. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. England. This species probably belongs to a genus not yet described. Genus 5. AGAPETUS. Antennæ articulo lo parvo. Tibiæ anticæ bicalcaratæ. Alæ breves, rotundatæ, areola discali nulla. Agapetus, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv.; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 155 ; Westu'. Phryganea p., Linn.; Oliv.; Turton. Rhyacophila p., Pictet. RHYACOPHILIDÆ. 123 1. AGAPETUS FUNEREUS. Niger, obscurus ; pedes fusci; alæ anticæ obscure fusca, ciliis elongatis nigricantibus. Long. 21; alar. 5. lin. Phryganea funerea ? Oliv. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 93. Agapetus funereus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 156, 1. Eugland. uu, 2. AGAPETUS FUSCIPES. Niger, supra tomentosus ; pedes fusci, ochraceo maculati ; alæ an- ticæ ochraceo-fusca, pilis pallidioribus. Long. 2; ; alar. 5 lin. Agapetus fuscipes, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 156, 2. Agapetus ochripes, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv, 217, fæm. Rhyacophila lanata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 194, 22, pl. 16, f. 18. Europe. . 3. AGAPETUS LANIGER. Obscure fuscus, tomentosus, subtus ochraceus ; pedes ochracei, an- tici nigricantes ; ale anticæ cinereo-ochracea, pilis pallidiori- bus. Long. 2}; alar. 5—51 lin. Rhyacophila lanigera, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 195, 23, pl. 16, f. 19. Agapetus laniger, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 156, 3. Europe. 4. AGAPETUS COMATUS. Niger, tomentosus, subtus ochraceo-fulvus ; pedes ochracei; alce anticæ canescentes, pilis subochraceis. Long. 21; alar. 51 lin. Rhyacophila comata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 194, 21, pl. 16, f. 17. Agapetus comatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 157, 4. Europe. M 2 124 RHYACOPHILIDÆ. 5. AQAPETUS SETIFERUS. Obscure fuscus ; antenna ochraceæ, fusco annulate ; pedes flavi ; aloe cinerea, sericece. Long. 2; alar. 5 lin. Rhyacophila setifera, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 197, 28, pl. 16, f. 24. Agapetus setiſerus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 157, 5. Europe. 6. AGAPETUS AZUREUS. Niger' ; antenna fuscæ ; pedes ochracei ; alæ antice atra, nitide, posticæ atro-azurec. Long. 2 ; alar. 5. lin. Phryganea azurea ? Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, ii. 909, 12. Faun. Suec. 1491. Cederh. Faun. Ingr. Prodr. 139, 425. De Vill. Ent. iii. 32, 16. F'abr. Sp. Ins. i. 390, 15. Mant. Ins. i. 246, 18. Ent. Syst. ii. 79, 21. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 545, 24. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2634. 12. Turt. Syst. Nat, iii. 397. Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 90. Rhyacophila azurea, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 193, 19, pl. 16, f. 16. Agapetus azureus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 157, 6. Geneva. Phryganea azurea, Linn., is probably a species of Lepto- cerus. Genus 6. RHYACOPHILA. Tibiæ anticæ tricalcaratæ. Rhyacophila, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 181; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Hund. vi. 165; Westw.; Burm. ; Ramb. Group 1. Fæmina tibiis tarsisque intermediis non Corpus gracile. dilatatis. ·1. RHYACOPHILA VULGARIS. Fusco-ochracea; ale hyaline, antica fusco subpunctatæ maculu- que dorsali communi rhomboidali pallide flavescente. Long. 5–6; alar. 12-13 lin. RHYAOOPHILIDE. 125 UU. Rhyacophila vulgaris, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 182, 1, p). 15, f. 1. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 165, 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 909, 1. Philopotamus dorsalis ? Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 213. Nais plicata ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 505, 1. England. 2. RHYACOPHILA STIGMA. Pallide ochracea ; antenna et pedes fulvescentia ; alve fuscescentes, atomis flavescentibus, stigmate elongato fusco. Long. 5—6; alar. 12-15 lin. Philopotamus longipennis ? Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 213. Rhyacophila stigma, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 166, 2. England. 3. RHYACOPHILA OPACA. Subfuscescente-ochracea; antenna crassce, breves, fulvescentes ; pedes fulvescentes ; alæ fuscescentes, ochraceo indistincte irroratæ, nebulis albidis. Long. 5 ; alar. 11} lin. Rhyacophila opaca, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 166, 3. England. Group 2. Corpus latum. Fæmina tibiis tarsisque intermediis dilatatis. 4. RHYACOPHILA NEBULOSA. Ochraceo-fusca ; abdomen ochraceo cingulatum ; pedes fulvescen- tes, coxis fuscescentibus ; ale subfusco-nebulosce, anticce apice subtruncatce. Long. 6; alar. 131 lin. Rhyacophila nebulosa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 166, 4. England. M 3 126 RHYACOPHILIDÆ. Group —? 5. RHYACOPHILA TORRENTIUM. Nigro-fusca, subtus fulva ; antenna fulvo annulatæ; pedes fulvi ; alæ anticæ cinerea, guttis fulvis et fuscis maculaque postica ghomboidali alba. Long. 8 lin. Rhyacophila torrentium, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 184, 2, pl. 16, f. 1. Geneva. 6. RHYACOPHILA TRISTIS. Nigra; pedes subcinerei ; alæ anticæ nigro-fusca. Long. 5 lin. Rhyacophila tristis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 184, 3, pl. 16, f. 2. Geneva. 7. RAYACOPHILA UMBROSA. Nigru ; pedes fulvi ; alæ anticæ fusca, maculis auratis, venis ni- gris. Long. 4 lin. Rhyacophila uinbrosa, Piclet, Rech. Phryg. 185, 4, pl. 15, f. 2. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 909, 2. Genera. 8. RHYACOPHILA PUBESCENS. Nigro-fusca ; antennæ fusca; ala anticæ subcinerea, aureo-pilosa, macula postica fusca. Long. 4 lin. Rhyacophila pubescens, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 186, 5, pl. 16, f. 3. Geneva. 9. RHYACOPHILA ANGULARIS. Nigra, nitens ; pedes fulvi; alæ anticæ fusca, macula postica ob- scuriore. Long. 4 lin. Rhyacophila angularis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 186, 6, pl. 16, f. 4. Geneva. RHYACOPHILIDE. 127 10. RHYACOPHILA LÆVIS. Nigra ; pedes cinereo-fulvi ; alæ anticæ nigricantes, iridescentes. Long. 3} lin. Rhyacophila lævis, Piclet, Rech. Phryg. 187, 7, pl. 16, f. 5. Geneva. 11. RHYACOPHILA FLAVIPES. Fusca; pedes flavi ; alæ fuscescentes. Long. 4 lin. Rhyacophila flavipes, Piclet, Rech. Phryg. 187, 8, pl. 16, f. 6. Geneva. 12. RAYACOPHILA BIGUTTATA. Nigra, subtus fusca ; pedes fulvi ; ala anticæ fusca, inacula me- dia alba. Long. 4 lin. Rhyacophila biguttata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 188, 9, pl. 16, f. 7. Geneva. 13. RAYACOPHILA OBFUSCATA. Nigra ; antenna fuscæ; pedes fulvi; alæ fusca, iridescentes. Lung. 3lin. Rhyacophila obfuscata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 188, 10, pl. 16, f. 8. Geneva. 14. RHYACOPHILA LATIPENNIS. Nigra, subtus fusca; antenna fuscæ ; abdomen apice fulvum ; pedes flavi ; ala fulva, iridescentes. Long. 3 lin. Rhyacophila latipennis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 189, 12, pl. 16, f. 10. Geneva. 15. RHYACOPHILA VERNALIS. Fusca ; antenna fulvo annulatæ; pedes fulvi; alæ anticæ subci- nerea ciliata, maculis posticis fulvis. Long. 4 lin. 128 RHYACOPHILIDE. Rhyacophila vernalis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 189, 13, pl. 15, f. 4 Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 909, 3. Geneva. 16. RHYACOPHILA NEBULOSA (bis lecta). Nigra ; pedes fulvi, femoribus medio nigris ; alæ antica cinerea fulvo-hirta. Long. 4 lin. Rhyacophila nebulosa, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 190, 14, pl. 16, f. 11. Geneva. 17. RHYACOPHILA MICROCEPHALA. Nigra ; antennce fuscæ ; pedes fulvi ; alæ cinerea, iridescente. Long. 3 lin. Rhyacophila microcephala, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 191, 15, pl. 16 f. 12. Geneva. . 18. RHYACOPHILA DECOLORATA. Fulva, supra fusca ; antenna apice nigricantes ; alæ anticæ cili- atæ, immaculatæ. Long. 2 lin. Rhyacophila decolorata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 191, 16, pl. 16, f. 13. Geneva. 19. RHYACOPHILA INCOLOR. Nigra, subtus fusca ; antenna robustæ, fuscæ ; pedes fulvi; ale anticæ fulve, iridescentes. Long 24 lin. Rhyacophila incolor, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 192, 17, pl. 16, f. 14. Geneva. 20. RAYACOPHILA LEVIGATA. Nigra ; tibia fulvæ; alæ nigricantes, subiridescentes. Long. 2. lin. Rhyacophila lævigata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 192, 18, pl. 16, f. 15. Geneva. RHYACOPHILIDA. 129 21. RAYACOPHILA CILIATA. Nigra, hirta ; antenna robustæ ; pedes fulvi ; ala antica cinerea, aureo-pubescentes. Long. 3 lin. Phryganea ciliata, Mus. Lesk. Pars Ent. 52, 39. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. 2637. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 560, 30. Rhyacophila ciliata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 193, 20, pl. 15, f. 3. Geneva. 22. RHYACOPHILA PENICILLUS. Nigra, obscura ; palpi hirti ; pedes fusci ; alæ ciliata. Long. 21 lin. Rhyacophila penicillus, Piclet, Rech. Phryg. 193, 24, pl. 16, f. 20. Genera. 23. RHYACOPHILA BARBATA. Nigra ; palpi subpilosi ; pedes fusci ; alæ nigricantes, fasciculis ciliata. Long. 2; lin. Rhyacophila barbata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 196, 26, pl. 16, f. 22. Geneva. 24. RAYACOPHILA GRANULATA. · Nigra ; palpi breves ; pedes fusci, valde pilosi ; alæ antice subiri- (lescentes, granulata. Long. 2 lin. Rhyacophila granulata, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 197, 29, pl. 16, f. 25. Geneva. 25. RHYACOPHILA ARTICULARIS. Nigra ; palpi hirti ; pedes fusci, articulis nigricantibus ; alæ an- tice subcinerea, iridescentes, basi fulva. Long. 2} lin. Rhyacophila articularis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 198, 30, pl. 16, f. 26. Geneva. 26. RHYACOPHILA IRRORELLA. Rhyacophila irrorella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 501. France. 130 RHYA 130 . RHYACOPHILIDÆ27. RHYACOPHILA ARMENIACA. Nigro-fusca, subtus flavescens ; antennis, tibiis, tarsisque flavescen- tibus fusco cinctis ; alis anticis cinereis semihyalinis maculis fuscis et flavescentibus maculaque postica media obscuriore. Armenia. 28. RAYACOPHILA? WENERI. Nigricans ; antennis pedibusque testaceis; alis anticis cinereis, ve- narum longitudinalium duabus versus apicem furcatis, posticis hyalinis, omnibus margine interiori mediocriter ciliaris. hyalini in ; alar. 47 limpaun. Suec. 14946:82. Zett. In Phryganea Wæneri, Linn. Faun. Suec. 1494. Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 201, 28. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. 13, 682. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1069, 37. Sweden, Lapland. 29. RHYACOPHILA ? AUREOLA. Fusca; antennis pedibusque testaceis ; alis anticis aureo-flavis, ve- rarum longitudinalium duabus versus apicem furcatis, posticis cinerascentibus, omnibus margine interiori mediocriter ciliatis. Long. 11; alar. 4 lin. Phryganea aureola, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1069, 38. Lapland. 30. RHYACOPHILA ? GRISEOLA. Fusca ; antennis pedibusque testaceis ; alis omnibus cinereis, mar- gine interiori mediocriter ciliatis, anticis venarum longitudi- alar. 4. lin. Phryganea griseola, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1069, 39. Lapland. HYDROPTILIDE. 131 Fam. 7. HYDROPTILIDÆ. Autennæ filiformes aut pectinatæ. Tibiæ calcaratæ. Hydroptilidæ, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mund. vi. 151; Burm. Hydroptilides, Westw. Hydroptiloida, Agassiz. Genus 1. HYDROPTILA. Tibiæ anticæ non calcaratæ, intermediæ bicalcaratæ, posticæ quadricalcaratæ; calcares externa breviora: tibiæ posticæ unilate- raliter fimbriatæ. Alæ anticæ anastamusi nulla : alæ posticæ anas- tomosi antica incompleta, postica nulla ; fimbriæ longissimæ, in apice fasciculatæ : alæ apice acuminatæ. Antennæ ubique æquales, ante apicem nonnunquam paulo crassiores, articulis modice infibu- latis. Hydroptila, Dalman, Act. Holm. 1819, 1; Pictet ; Steph. Ili. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 151; Westw.; Burm.; Zett. ; Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 104, 29, pl. 3, f. 29, 8. 1. HYDROPTILA TINEOIDES. Fusca; caput, antenna et pedes pallida ; alæ fuscæ, anticæ fasciis duabus punctoque apicali albis. Long. 14; alar. 2} lin. Hydroptila tineoides, Dalm. Act. Holm. 1819, i. 125, pl. 1, f. 4. Analecta Ent. 26, pl. 3. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 152, 1. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1074, 1. Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 105, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 499, 1. Hydroptila tineodes. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 906, 1. Hydroptila flavicornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 225, 2, p], 20, f. 11. Guér. Icon. Règne Anim, pl. 63, f. 12. Hydroptila hirsutula, Kollar. a, b. England. 132 HYDROPTILIDAL. 2. HYDROPTILA BRUNNEICORNIS. Nigra ; frons albus ; antenna flavo-fuscæ, annulis tribus fuscis, apice nigræ ; alæ canescentes, anticæ marginibus albo nigroque punctatis. Long. l; alar. 2-3 lin. Hydroptila brunneicornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 226, 3, pl. 20, f. 12. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 152, 2. Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 106, 3. H. recurva, Dalm. Kol. a. England. 3. HYDROPTILA SPARSA. Fusco-nigra ; frons canescens ; antenna et pedes fulva ; alve anti- ce marginibus albo niveoque punctatis. Long: 1}; alar. 3 lin. Steph. Ill. Brit. Hydroptila sparsa, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217. Ent. Mand. vi. 152, 3. England. 4. HYDROPTILA VECTIS. Fusca ; frons albida ; abdomen subtus et pedes argenteo-micantia ; aloe anticæ fuscia media angulata punctisque variis ochraceis. Long. 1; alar. 3} lin. Hydroptila vectis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 152, 4. England. 5. HYDROPTILA COSTALIS. Pallide ochracea, nitida ; alæ anticæ fusco variegata, ciliis cos- talibus elongatis nigris, areola centrali pallidu. Long. 1- }; alar, 3 lini. Hydroptila costalis, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 153, 5. England. HYDROPTILIDÆ. 133 6. HYDROPTIĻA PULCHRICORNIS. Antennc annulis duobus fuscis. Hydroptila pulchricornis, Pictet, Rech. Phryg. 224, 1, pl. 20, f. 10. Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 105, 2. Hydroptila calorira, Dalm. Kol. Europe. . 7. HYDROPTILA FUSCICORNIS. Antenna fuscæ, apice obscuriores. Hydroptila fuscicornis, Schneider, Ent. Zeit. Stett. 1844, ii. 346, 46. Hydroptila obscura, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 106, 4. Sicily. T 8. HYDROPTILA PUMILIO. Tota fusca ; pedibus flavo-testaceis ; alis omnibus cinereis subpu- bescentibus margine distincte ciliatis, anticis venarum longitu- dinalium duabus versus marginem interiorem breviter furcatis. Long. i ; alar. 2 lin. Hydroptila pumilio, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1074, 2. Lapland. 9. HYDROPTILA ? AMBIGUA. Nigra ; alis anticis fusco-irroratis. Long. 14; alar. 3 lin. Hydroptila ambigua, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1074, 3. Lapland. ROPTIIA LANCEOLATA. Hydroptila lanceolata, Zett. Lapland. 134 HIYDROPTILIDA 11. HYDROPTILA TENEBROSA. Nigricans; antenna fuscæ ; pedes testacei ; alæ nigro-cinereæ. : Blackish : antennæ brown: legs testaceous: wivgs blackish gray, fringed ; veins black. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 3 lines. a-e. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presenteu by G. Barnston, Esq. 12. HYDROPTILA ? PARVA. : Testacea ; abdominis dorsum piceum ; ala albidæ. Hydroptila parva, Barnston, MSS. A mutilated specimen. Testaceous: abdomen pitchy above : wings wbitish. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 3 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnslon, Esq. Genus 2. AGRAULES. “Tibiæ anticæ non calcaratæ, intermediæ tricalcaratæ, posticæ quadricalcaratæ; calcares externa breviora : tibiæ posticæ unilate- raliter pinnatæ. Alæ autice anastomosi antica incompleta, venis omnibus repræsentatis; anastomosis in alis posticis nulla ; fimbriæ longissimæ : alæ a pice acuminatæ. Antenuæ ubique æquales, ar- ticulis infibulatis." Agraylea, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 163; Westw. Agraules, Agassiz. Hydrorchestria, Kolenati, Gen. et Sp. Trich. 103, 28, pl. 3, f. 28, y. 1. AGRAULES SEXMACULATA. Ochracea ; antenna apice fuscæ ; alu anticæ fuscæ, maculis sex albidis. Long. —; alar. 4 lin. Agraylea sexmaculata, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 153, 1. Hydrorchestria sexmaculata, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 103, 1. Europe. HYDROPTILIDB. 135 * 2. AGRAULES MULTI PUNOTATA. Fusca; vertex cinereus ; facies, abdomen et pedes fulva ; ale an- ticæ maculis plurimis ochraceis. Long. —; alar. 4 lin. Agraylea multipunctata, Curt. Phil. Mag. iv. 217. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 153, 2. Hydroptila argyricola, Dalman, MSS. Hydrorchestria argyricola, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 104, 2. Europe. Genus 3. NARYCIA. Antennæ pectinate. Narycia, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 154; Westu. 1. NARYCIA ELEGANS. Fusco-nigra ; alæ anticæ nigræ, fusco variæ, punctis flavis, mar- gine tenuiore maculis ochraceis. Long. 13; alar. 4 lin. Narycia elegans, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 154, 1, pl. 32, f. 4. England. Genus 4. PTILOCOLEPUS. “ Tibie utrinque pinnatæ, anticæ bicalcaratæ, intermediæ et posticæ quadricalcaratæ ;. calcares tibiarum anticarum brevia. Alæ anticæ cum areola discali clausa et anastomosi antica completa, postica incompleta: alæ posticæ anastomosi antica et postica semi- completa.” Ptilocolepus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 102, 27, pl. 3, f. 27. .1. PIILOOOLEPUS TURBIDUS. Prilocolepus turbidus, Kol. Gen. et Sp. Trich. 102, 1. Saxony. N 2 136 ACENTROPIDE-PERLIDES. The following Lepidopterous insect has been described as one of the Phryganides. Fam. ACENTROPIDÆ. Tibiæ non calcaratæ. Acentropidæ, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 148. Genus 1. ACENTROPUS. Acentropus, Curt. Brit. Ent. xi. 497; Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 150, 1; Westw. Phryganea p., Oliv. ; Latr. 1. ACENTROPUS NIVEUS. Pallide rufo-ochraceus ; caput et thorax canescentia ; alæ sericeo- nivec. Long. 21—3; alar. 6–74 lin. Phryganea nivea, Oliv. Latr. Hist. Nat. Crust. fc. xiii. 93. Acentropus Garnonsii, Curt. Brit. Ent. 497. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. i. 117. Acentropus niveus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 150, 1. Europe. Sub-order 2. PERLIDES. Caput subtrigonum, antice obtusun, thoracis latitudine aut latius. Oculi subglobosi, prominentes. Ocelli 3, triangulum fin- gentes. Antennæ inulti-articulatæ, setaceæ, remotæ, ante oculos insertæ, corpore vix breviores. Mandibulæ distinctæ. Palpi exerti, inflexi, filiformes aut setacei ; palpi maxillares 5-articulati. Pro- thorax depressus, transverso-quadratus. Abdomen molle, elongatum, depresso-cylindricum, setis apicalibus multi-articulatis sæpe in- structum. Pedes compressi; tibiis tarsisque elongato-cylindricis; PERLIDES. 137 tarsis triarticulatis, articulo lo longiore obconico. Alæ incumben- tes; posticæ plerumque longiores, venosæ, abdominis duplo longi- tudine, margine interiore plicato. Phryganea p. Linn. Semblis p., Fabr. Perla, Geoffroy. Planipennes p., Latr. Perlariæ p., Latr. Perlidæ, Leach ; Steph. Megaloptera p., MacLeay. Perlides, Piciet. The five principal veins of each wing are the following: 1st, the costal, wbich forms the fore border ; 2nd, the subcostal, which is parallel to the costal and not far from it; 3rd, the median, which springs immediately from the side of the subcostal, is in juxtaposi- tion with it for a short space, then diverging divides the wing into two almost equal parts, and is bifurcale at two-thirds of its length; 4th, the submedian, which springs near the internal angle of the wing, and terminates in the middle of the hind border, and is bifur- cate very near its beginning, its fore branch forming the anterior submedian vein, and its hind branch the posterior submedian vein ; 5th, the anal, which is wear the base, has a short course, and of which it is often difficult to distinguish between the principal and secondary branches. These veins divide the wing into four princi- pal regions, which are thus named: 1st, the marginal region, com- prised between the costal vein and the subcostal vein ; 2nd, the submarginal region, between the subcostal and the median vein ; 3rd, the median region, between the median vein and the anterior submedian vein ; 41h, the anal region, which contains all the internal part of the wing between the lower submedian vein and the anal angle, and in which the vein of the same name ramifies. There is besides the submedian areolet, between the branches of the subme- dian vein. The principal line of transverse veins divides the 1st, 2nd and 3rd regions into two parts, the basilar part and the termi- bal part. The basilar part of the marginal region is divided longi- tudinally into two parts by the veio accessory to the costal, and thus contains three principal areolets, the external hasilar areolet, the internal basilar areolet and the terminal areolėt. In the hind-wing's the subınarginal region is divided longitudinally by a vein accessory to the median vein, not by one accessory to the subcostal. 1 N 3 138 PERLIDES. Genus 1. KOLLARIA. Palpi setacei. Alæ reticulatæ. Maxillæ capite longiores. Palpi maxillares longissimi. Kollaria, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Perl. 114. Maxillary palpi very long and slender: mandibles small : maxillæ formed of two processes; one internal, small, slender, ter- minated by three bristles; the other external, large, curved, longer than the head, dentated at the tip: labium very slender : wings large, strongly reticulated over nearly the whole surface : tail- bristles long. 1. KOLLARIA INSIGNIS. Kollaria insignis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 123, pl. 4. . Genus 2. EUSTHENIA. Palpi setacei. Alæ reticulatæ. Maxillæ mediocres, capite breviores. Palpi maxillares mediocres, non dilatati, articulis lo et 20 brevissiinis. Eusthenia, Westw. ; Gray, Griff: Anim. Kingd. xv. 348, pl. 72, f. 4. Maxillary palpi of moderate length; their 1st and 2nd joints very short; 3rd and 4th long, not dilated ; 5th ovate, straight: mandibles of moderate length: maxillæ large, not altogether ex- tending beyond the mouth: wings large, strongly reticulated over nearly the whole surface ; 8th abdominal segment furnished beneath in the female with a large median and slightly recurved prolonga- tion : tail-bristles long. 1. EUSTHENIA SPECTABILIS. Eustlienia spectabilis (Westw. MSS.), Gray, Griff. Anim. Kingd. x. 348, 11. 72, f. 4. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 139, pl. 5, f. 145. a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. 6. Vau Dieman's Land. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. C. Van Dieman's Land. Presented by R. T. Ewing, Esq. r. New Holland. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection, e. Van. Dieman's Land. From Mr. Westwood's collection. f. Van Dieman's Land. From Lieut. Ross's collection. PERLIDES. 139 Subnigra ; pedes nigri, femoru basi testacea, tibice prope basin tes- taceo annulata. Eusthenia Thalia, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. New Series, iii. 33, 1. Pteronarcys Thalia, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 132, 3, pl. 5, f. 6-8. Van Dieman's Land. JSTHENIA DIVERSIPCS. Eusthenia diversipes, Westw. Genus 3. PTERONARCYS. Palpi setacei. Alæ reticulatæ. Maxillæ parvæ. Palpi max- illares mediocres, dilatati, articulo lo brevissimo. Pteronarcys, Newman, Entomological Magazine, v. 175. Maxillary palpi of moderate length ; first joint short; second, third and fourth longer, dilated outwardly; fifth cylindrical, slightly strongly reticulated over nearly the whole surface : eighth abdomi- mal segment furnished beneath in the female (at least of some spe- cies) with two projecting and recurved ungulæ : tail-bristles long. 1. PTERONAROYS PROTEUS. Fusca; caput, prothorax, mesothorax et metathorax linea communi longitudinali interrupta flava signatu; abdominis segmenta postice fava, 7um subtus inerme ; alæ hyalina fusco varie- gatæ ; pedes fusci, genubus flavis. Pieronarcys Proteus, Newm. 'Ent. Mag. v. 177, 3. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 128, 1, pl. 6, f. 1–6. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 449. 16. New York. Presented by the Entomological Club. b-e. Trenton Falls. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. f. District watered by the Mackenzie River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 140 PERLIDES. 2. PTERONARCYS RETICULATA. Perla reticulata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 879. Pieronarcys reticulata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 130, 2, pl. 6, 1.7,8. Siberia. 3. PTERONARCYS REGALIS. Fusca ; caput, prothorax, mesothorax et metathorax linea communi longitudinali flava signata ; abdominis segmenta postice flavu ; aloe hyalince fusco tinctæ; pedes fusci, genubus concoloribus. Pteronarcys regalis, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 176. Ann. Nat. Hist. xiii. 21. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 134, 4. Ann. Sci. Nat. i. 183. Froriep, N. Notizen, xxx. 179. a, b. Canada. Presented by the Entomological Club. cme. District watered by the Mackenzie and Slave Rivers. Pre- sented by Sir J. Richardson. f, g. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. h. North America. 4. PTERONAROYS BILOBA. Fusca; caput, prothorax et mesothorax concoloria; metathorax linea longitudinali flavu ; abdominis segmentum 7un sub- tus lobis duobus conicis auctum ; alce hyalince fusco vuriegate; pedes fusci, yenubus concoloribus. Pteronarcys biloba, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 176, 2. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 135, 5. a. Trenton Falls. Presented by the Entomolngical Club. b. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. C. North America. 5. PIERONARCYS CALIFORNICA. Capite thoraceque saturate fuscis; fronte, clypeo, labroque rufis ; oculis ocellisque nigris ; segmentis thoracis linea longitudinali interrupta flava ; abdomine aurantiaco lateribus fuscis; setis caudalibus basi flavis ; antennis pedibusque totis atris ; alis obscuris niyro venosis, sed absque macula stigmaticali. Pterovarcys Californicus, Newport, Proc. Linn. Soc. (1848) i. 388. a. California. From M. Hartweg's collection. PERLIDES. 141 Genus 4. PERLA. Palpi setacei. Alæ venosæ. Perla, Geoffroy ; Fabr. ; Latr.; Ncwman ; Curt.; Steph. ; Pictet; Burm. Diura, Billberg. Maxillary palpi of moderate length ; first joint short; second, third, and fourth larger, not dilated ; fifth straight : mandibles and maxillæ of moderate size, or small : wings veined, with only a few cross-veins; eighth abdominal segment without an inferior prolon- gation in the female: tail-bristles long. Group 1. DICTYOPTERYX. Caput parvum. Ala rotundatæ. Venæ longitudinales sæpe irregulares. Regionis submarginalis pars terminalis venis transver- sis divisa. Alarum posticarum regio analis magna, plicata. Dictyopteryx, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 143.. Anal region of the hind-wings large, folded; terminal part of the submarginal region divided by cross-veins ; longitudinal veins of this same part often irregular: head small : maxillæ multiden- tate : wing's large, rounded. Colour of the body almost always black, with a yellow stripe on the head and on part of the thorax. 1. PERLA INTRICATA. Flava ; prothorax longitudine multo latius, vitta flava ; alæ ob- scure fuscæ, dense reticulata, regione submarginali irregulari- ter reticulata. Perla intricata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 152, 1, pl. 7, f. 1–8. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 452, 5. .. Chamounix. 2. PERLA MICROCEPHALA. Flava ; prothorax longitudine multo latius, vitta flava ; ale pallide fusca, mediocriter reticulata. Perla bicaudata ? Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 908, 1. Faun. Suec. 1489. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 2631, 1. Barbut, Gen. 216. Berk. Syn. i. 150. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. ij. 213. Turt. Syst. 142 PERLIDES. Nat. iii. 395. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 24, 1. Cederhielm, Faun. Ingr. Prodr. 136, 414. Semblis hicaudata ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 73, 8. Semblis bicaudata, Panz. Faun. Ins. lxxxi. 4. Perla bicaudata, Geoffr. Hist. Nat. ii. 230, 1, pl.. 13, f. 2. Fourcr. Ent. Par. 349, 1. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 49, 2. Règne Anim. Cuv. v. 158. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 136, 3. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1057. ' Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. pl. 63, f. 6. Diura bicaudata, Billberg. Perla microcephala, Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxviii. pl. 6, f. 4, 5. Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 155, 2, pl. 7, f. 9–13. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 878, 2. Perla Cymodoce, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 37. Perla Parisina, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 450, 1. Perla proxima, var. ? Ramb. Hist Nat. Ins. Neur. 451, 2. Perla dispar, var. ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 451, 3. Perla dubia, var. ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 453, 6. Perla angustata, var. ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 453, 8. a-d. Dartmoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. emh. England. 2. France. j. South France. 3. PERLA RECTANGULA. Flava ; prothorax longitudine multo latius, vitta flava ; regio sub- marginalis rectanijulis sat regularibus reticulata. Perla rectangula, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 159, 3, pl. 8, f. 1—3. Turin. 4. PERLA HISPANICA. Perla hispanica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 452, 4. Madrid. 5. Perla MALACCENCIS. . Perla Malaccensis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 453, 7. Malaga. 6. PERLA ALPINA. Fusca; prothorax longitudine vix latius, vitta flava ; alæ subfusca, apud costam fulva. Perla alpina, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 161, 1, pl. 8, f. 4—7. Swiss Alps. PERLIDES. 143 7. PERLA VENTRALIS. Fusca ; prothorax longitudine vix latius, vitta flava ; alæ limpida, apud costam læte flave. Perla ventralis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 164, 5, pl. 8, f. 8, 9. Balkan. 8. PERLA IMHOFTII. Læte fusca ; prothorax non vittatus. Perla Innhoffii, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 166, 6, pl. 9, f. 9, 10. Basle. Group 2. ISOGENUS. Nigra, vitta flava. Alæ macula apud stigma nebulosa ; vena subcostalis accessoria valde ramosa et irregularis ; regionis sub- marginalis pars terminalis venis transversis non divisa. Alæ pos- 'licæ regione anali magna, plicata. Isogenus p., Newman, Ent. Mag. i. 415. Sexuim amborum alis pariter repandis, pariterque abdomen tegentibus ; telo setis duabus instructo. Nepheliun, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 144, 3. Terminal part of the submarginal region without cross-reins ; accessor's vein of the subcostal vein much ramified and very irregu. lar. Species with a black body, which has almost always the yellow stripe, with the likeness of Dictyopleryx; they are also characterized hy a blackish clouded spot on the side where the principal line of 'The cross-veins terminates.. 9. PERLA NUBECULA. Caput macula flava occipitali ; frons omnino nigra ; prothorax longitudine paullo latius, vitta flava ; alæ antica sordide hya. lina, nubecula costali ultra medium fusca. Perla bicauilata, St. Farg. et Serv. Enc. Méth. Ins. x. 69,1. Dum. Cons. Gén. Ins. pl. 27, f. 10. Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxviii. pl. 6, f. 6,7. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 878. Perla nubecula, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 170,7, pl. 9, f. 1-6. · 144 PERLIDES. Isogenus nebecula, Newm. Ent. Mag. i. 415. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 137, 1, pl. 31, f. 4. a. England. b. ? 10. PERLA FRONTALIS. Fusca ; caput macula flava occipitali ; frons macula V-flava ; prothorax longitudine paullo latius, vitta flava ; alæ anticæ hyalina, fusco tincta, nubecula costali ante medium vix con- spicua fusca. Isogenus frontalis, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 178. Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 85. Perla bicaudata, Kirby, Faun. Bor. Amer. Ins. 252. Perla frontalis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 172, 8, pl. 8, f. 10, 11. a–c. Trenton Falls. Presented by the Entomological Club. d. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 11. PERLA POSTICA. Atra, nitens ; caput thorace vix latius, maculis tribus flavis ; pro- thorax flavo vittatus, antice bicornis ; alæ subhyalina. Black, sbining: head a little broader than the thorax, with a yellow triangular spot on the hind-border, and a pale yellow spot on each side in front of the antennæ : prothorax very rugulose, with a yellow stripe along the longitudinal furrow, produced into an acute angle or short horn on each side by the fore-angle, hardly broader in front; sides almost straight; angles rather sharp: wings subhy- aline; veins black; external basilar areolet with five transverse veins; terminal areolet with four transverse veins ; submedian areo- let with six or seven ? transverse veins. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Mackenzie River, Arctic America. Presented by Sir John Richardson. A OLIVAOEA. Piceo-nigra ; caput thorace vix latius, macula triangulari margine- que postico flavis ; prothorax rugulosus, vitta flava, lateribus rectis, angulis sat acutis ; alæ subcinerea. Perla olivacea, Barnston, MSS. PERLIDES. 145 Pitchy black: head hardly broader than the thorax, yellow be- neath and at the base of the antennæ, and with a yellow triaugular spot on the hind-border, which is also yellow: prothorax rugulose, with a yellow middle stripe, not broader in front; sides straight ; angles rather sharp ; under side yellow : wings very slightly gray; veins black; external basilar areolet with six transverse veins; ter- minal areolet with two transverse veins; terminal part of the sub- marginal areolet with no transverse veins; submedian areolet with six transverse veins. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 13. PERLA MEDIA. Nigra ; caput thorace paullo latius, lateribus, margine postico, ma- culisque duabus flavo-ferrugineis ; prothorax valde ruyulosus, antice multo latius, sulco dorsali, angulis anticis sat acutis, posticis rotundatis ; alis subcinereis. Perla media, Barnston, MSS. Black : head a little broader than the thorax, ferruginous mixed with yellow on each side and behind; and with two spots of that colour diverging from each other on the vertex towards the fore-border: scutum very rugulose, with a slight middle furrow, much broader in front; hind-angles rounded ; fore-angles rather sharp: wings very slightly gray; veins black; external basilar areo- let with thirteen transverse veins; terminal areolet with three trans- verse veins; terminal part of the submarginal areolet with no trans- verse veins; submedian areolet with eight transverse veins. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 14. PERLA NUBES. Caput macula flava occipitali ; prothorax omnino niyer, longitudine paullo latius. Perla nubes, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 174, 9, pl. 9, f. 7,8. America. 146 PERLIDĖS. 15. Perla ServillEI. Caput macula nulla occipitali ; prothorax longitudine multo latius. Perla Servillei, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 175, 10, pl. 9, f. 11- 14. Egypt. Div. ? 16. PERLA LIGIA. Fusca ; facies testacea ; abdomen testaceum, lateribus saturatiori- bus ; alæ vix hyalinæ, cruceo-fusco tinctæ. Isogenus Ligea, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. neu series, iji. 84, 1. 17. Perla Clio. Fusca ; capitis latera circa oculos flavida ; prothorax linea medi- ana longitudinali flavida ; abdomen testaceum. Isogenus Clio; Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 86, 7. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbol's collection. 18. Perla Drymo. Fusca; caput testaceum, clypeo maculaque quadrata postica fuscis; prothorax fuscus, maculis duabus maynis late testaceis signa- tus ; femora basi pallidiora. Isogenus Dryino, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 86, 6. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. Group 3. ACRONEURIA. Caput maguum. Alä elongatæ. Venæ longitudinales regu- lares. Regionis submarginalis pars terminalis venis transversis di- visa. Alarum posticarum regio analis magna, plicata. Acroneuria, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 144. Terminal part of the submarginal region divided by cross- veins ; longitudinal veins of this same part regular: head large : maxillæ unidentate. Species with elongate wings, and with the likeness of the group Perla. PERLIDES. 147 19. PERLA ARENOSA. Perla arenosa, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 178, 11, pl. 10, f. 1, 2. North America. 20. PERLA PENNSYLVANICA. Perla Pennsylvanica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 456, 13. Philadelphia. 21. PERLA ABNORMIS. Fusca, fere concolor; alæ fuscescentes, superne apicibus reticu- late. Perla abnormis, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 177. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 180, 12. a. Trenton Falls. Presented by the Entomological Club. Group 4. PERLA. . Alæ apud stigma non maculatæ. Vena subcostalis accessoria simplex, aut regulariter unifurcata vel bifurcata. Areola marginalis apicalis venis duabus aut pluribus transversis. . Perla, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 144, 4. Terminal part of the submarginal region without cross veins ; accessory vein of the subcostal vein without ramifications, or with one or two regular bifurcations; marginal terminal areolet with at least two transverse veins. Species of a large or middle size, of a more or less deep brown or yellowish colour. Sub-group 1. Species plus minusve obscure fuscæ, magnæ vel mediocres. Prothorax lateribus rectis angulisque acutis. Alæ subfuscæ vel subfulvæ, venis robustis. Species of large or moderate size: prothorax with straight sides and sharp angles : wings with a brown or a tawny tinge, strongly veined : general colour more or less deep brown. 02 148 PERLIDES. Div. 1. Areola costalis vix areolis reliquis colore diversa. Subdiv. 1. Alæ æqualiter hyalinæ vel opacæ. Sect. 1. Prothorax rufescens, linea marginali nigra. Alæ flavido-fuscæ. Subsect. 1. Prothorax gultis maculisve duabus nigris. 22. PERLA BIPUNCTATA. Venæ fusca, robustee. Perla bipunctata, Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxviii. (1833), 12, pl. 5, f. 12-14. Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 187, 13, pl. 11, 12. Perla bicaudata, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 35. Perla cephalotes, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 380. a, b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c. England. 23. PERLA PALLIDA. Vena flavescentes. Perla pallida, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. pl. 63, f. 5. Texte, 393. Piclet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 192, 14, pl. 13, f. 8. Caucasus. Subsect. 2. Prothorax maculis nigris nullis. 24. Perla IMPUNCTATA. Perla impunctata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 194, 15, pl. 13, f.9. Rome. PERLIDES. 149 Sect. 2. Prothorax nigricans. Alæ obscure fusce. Subsect. 1. Alæ semibyalinæ, venis robustis. Abdomen fusco varium. 25. PERLA CEPHALOTES. Prothorax parvus, capite angustior. Perla cephalotes, Curt. Brit. Ent. iv. pl. 100. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 136, 2. Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 36. Pictet, Perla bipunctata, Roemer, Gen. pl. 24, f. 8. Sulzer, Abgek. Geschichte, pl. 24, f. 8. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 881, 15. a. - From Mr. Children's collection. 26. PERLA MARGINATA. Magna ; caput et prothorax fusco varia ; caput obscure fuseum, macula nigra non bene determinata ; prothorax maynus, cupi- tis latitudine ; venæ fusce; abdomen fulvum, fusco-obscurum ; setæ caudales alis occultæ. i Perla marginata, Muraldt, Ephem. Nat. Cur. Dec. 2, An. 2, 1683, 191, f. 16–19. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 73, 7. Hummel, Essais Ent. 2. Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxviii. pl. 5, f. 1-3.' Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 200, 17, pl. 16, f. 1-4; pl. 17, f. 1, 2. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 135, 1. Newm. Mag. Nill. Hist. iii. 35. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1057,1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 880, 11. Perla bicaudata, Sulzer, Ins. pl. 17, f. 104. Perla maxima, Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 269, 705. Perla grandis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 454, 9. Phryganea marginata, Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 395. 4. Dartmoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. b. Rbeinwald. Presented by the Entoinological Club. c. ? 03 150 PERLIDES. 27. PERLA ABDOMINALIS. Magna ; caput et prothorax omnino nigra ; prothorax magnus, ca- pitis latitudine ; venc fuscæ; abdomen fulvum, fusco-obscu- rum ; seta caudales alis non occultæ. . Perla abdominalis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 881, 14. Scheff. Icon. Ins. Ratisb. p. 160, f. 2, 3. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 204, 18, pl. 16, f. 5—7. Guér. Icon. Reyne Anim. Texte, 394. a. ? 28. PERLA BARCINONENSIS. Perla Barcinonensis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 454, 10. Barcelona. 29. PERLA MADRITENSIS. Perla Madritensis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 455, 11. Madrid. 30. Perla Betica, Perla Bætica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 455, 12. Malaga. 31. PERLA CAPITATA. Parva ; caput flavum, macula valde distincta nigra ; thorax nigri- cans ; prothorax maynus, capitis latitudine ; abdomen fulvum, fusco-Obscurum ; venæ fusce. Perla capitata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 214, 23, pl. 18, f. 4, 5. United States. 32. PERLA COULONII. Maxima; caput macula nigra bene determinata ; prothorax mag- nus, capitis latitudine; abdomen fere thoracis colore ; vena fusce. Perla Coulonii? Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 212, 22, pl. 10, f. 4. a, b. District watered by the Mackenzie and Slave Rivers. Pre- sented by Sir J. Richardson. PERLIDES. 131 33. PERLA CAUCASICA. Mediocris ; capitis macula non bene determinata ; prothorax mag- nus, capitis latitudine ; abdomen fere thoracis colore ; vena fusce. Pictet, Perla Caucasica, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Texte, 394. Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 206, 19, pl. 17, f. 4. Caucasus. 34. PERLA. TIBIALIS. Prothorax magnus, capitis latitudine; vence aureo-flava. Perla tibialis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 217, 25, pl. 18, f. 6, 7. Japan. Subsect. 2. Abdomen omnino flavum. Alæ fere opacæ, venis vix con- spicuis. 35. PERLA FERRERI. Perla Ferreri, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 210, 21. pl. 18, f. 1, 2. Turin. Subdiv. 2. Alæ fuscæ, opacæ, areolarum discis limpidioribus. 36. PERLA BRASILIENSIS. Perla Brasiliensis, Kollar, MSS. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 216, 24, pl. 18, f. 3. Brazil. 152 PERLIDES. Div. 2. Areola costalis areolis reliquis multo magis colorata. 37. PERLA SELYSII. Al concinne fusce. Perla Selysii, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 208, 20, pl. 17, f. 5. Liège. 38. PERLA LIMBATA. Abdomen rufescens ; pedes fusci ; alæ obscure fusce. Perla limbata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 219, 26, pl. 19, f. 1-5. Japan. 39. PERLA INFUSCATA. Fusca ; pedes nigri ; alæ nigricantes, costis omnibus flavis. Isogenus infuscatus, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 499; Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 85; Zool. iii. 852. Perla infuscata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 221, 27, pl. 19, f. 6-11. a. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. b. North China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. C. China. From Mr. Stevens's collectiou. 40. PERLA LYCORIAS. Perla Lycorias, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 85. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 214. a. Trenton Falls. Presented by the Entomological Club. 41. PERLA INTERNATA. Fuscescens, subtus flava ; caput thorace paullo latius, fasciis dua- bus undatis flavo signatis luteis ; antenna fulvæ; prothorax rugulosus, lateribus rectis vittaque testaceis, angulis acutis, pedes fulvi ; alæ subhyalinæ. Brownish, yellow beneath : head a little broader than the tho. rax, with two undulating yellow-marked luteous bands on the disk : PERLIDES, 153 antennæ dull tawny, paler towards the base: prothorax somewhat rugulose, slightly testaceous on each side, and with a testaceous dorsal stripe, increasing in breadth from the hind angles to the fore angles ; sides straight; angles sharp : legs dull tawny: caudal ap- the external basilar areolet has eighteen transverse veins, and the two transverse veins ; tbe submedian areolet has seven transverse veins. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. North America ? Presented by the Entomological Club. 42. PERLA INTERMIXTA. Flava ; capitis et prothoracis latera fuscescentia ; caput thorace non latius ; prothorax subrugulosus, antice paullo latius, late- ribus subconvexis, angulis subobtusis; pedes testacei ; alæ subhyalina. Yellow: head and thorax brownish along each side; head not broader than the thorax: prothorax slightly rugulose, a little broader in front; sides slightly convex; angles rather obtuse : legs dull tes- taceous: caudal appendages pale testaceous: wings subhyaline ; veins testaceous; external basilar areolet with sixteen transverse veins; terminal areolet with five transverse veins; terminal part of the submarginal region with no transverse veins; submedian areolet with six transverse veins. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 28 lines. Q. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 43. PERLA TRIJUNCTA. Lutea, fulvo varia, subtus flava ; caput thorace vix latius ; pro- thorax rugulosus, sulcatus, antice paullo latius, lateribus rectis, angulis acutis ; ale subhyaline. Luteous, partly tawny, yellow beneath : head very little broader than the thorax: prothorax rugulose, with a slight middle furrow, little broader in front; sides straight; angles sharp : wings subhy- aline; veins testaceous; external basilar areolet with twenty trans- verse veins; terminal areolet with six transverse veins; terminal part of the submarginal region with no transverse veins; submedian areolet with eight transverse veins. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 28 lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 154 PERLIDES. 44. PERLA SUFFUSA. Fulva, subtus testacea ; caput prothorace latius, disco fusco, macu- lis tribus marginisque antici lateribus testaceis; antenna nigræ ; prothorax subrugulosus, antice multo latius, margine antico fusco, lateribus rectis, angulis acutis ; scutellum macu- lis tribus flavis ; alæ subfusca. Tawny, testaceous beneath : head broader than the thorax ; disk brown, including three testaceous spois ; fore border testaceous on each side: antennæ black: prothorax minutely rugulose, much broader in front, brown along the fore border; sides straight; angles sharp: scutellum with three pale yellow spots in front: wings pale brown; veins ferruginous; external basilar areolet with twelve transverse veins ; terminal areolet with seven transverse veins ; ter- minal part of the submarginal areolet with no transverse veins ; submedian areolet with eight transverse veins. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 22 lines. a, b. Nepaul. From the Hardwicke bequest. 45. PERLA ÆTHIOPS. Atra ; caput thorace vix latius; prothorax subrugulosus, subsulca- tus, antice latius, lateribus convexcis, angulis sat acutis ; alu nigro-fuscæ. Deep black : head hardly broader than the thorax: prothorax minutely rugulose, with a slight longitudinal furrow, broader in front, convex or almost angular on each side ; angles rather sharp : wings dark brown; veins black; external basilar areolet with fif- teen transverse veins ; terminal areolet with three transverse veins ; terminal part of the submarginal areolet with no transverse veins; submedian areolet with seven or eight transverse veins. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. Mexico. From M. Hartweg's collection. - 46. PERLA LUTEICOLLIS. Atra, nitens ; caput læve, thorace non latius ; prothorax luteus, subrugulosus, subsulcatus, antice latius, lateribus rectis, angu- lis anticis acutis posticis obtusis ; alæ nigro-fusca. Deep black, shining : head smooth, not broader than the tho- rax : scutum luteous, minutely rugulose, with a slight longitudinal PERLIDES. 155 furrow, broader in front, straight on each side; hind angles rounded ; fore angles sharp: wings dark brown ; veins black; external basilar areolet with ten transverse veins ; terminal areolet with two trans- verse veins; submedian areolet with six transverse veins. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Sub-group 2. Species mediocres. Prothorax fuscus, rugosus, lateribus rectis. Alæ omnino hyalinæ et limpidæ, venis fuscis. Species of moderate size: prothorax with straight sides, brown, rugose : wings quite transparent and colourless, with brown veins. 47. PERLA VITRIPENNIS. Perla vitripennis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ij. 880, 10. Nat. Neur. Perl. 224, 28, pl. 20, f. 1, 2. Germany. Pictet, Hist. 48. PERLA BICOLOR. Perla bicolor, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 880, 9. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl, 226, 29, pl. 20, f. 3, 4. France, Germany. 49. PERLA TERMINALIS. Nigra, subtus lutea ; caput thorace vix latius, margine antico late- ribusque luteis ; antenna nigræ ; prothorax subrugulosus, an- tice paullo latius, submarginatus, subsulcatus, lateribus rectis, angulis acutis ; ala hyalina. Black, luteous beneath : head very little broader than the tho- rax, luteous on each side and in front: antennæ black, testaceous towards the base : prothorax minutely rugulose, a little broader in front, with a slight border and a slight middle furrow; sides straight; angles sharp: wings hyaline; veins blackish brown ; external basi- lar areolet with seventeen transverse veins ; terminal areolet with four transverse veins ; terminal part of the submarginal areolet with no transverse veins ; submedian areolet with seven transverse veins, 156 PERLIDES. the seventh forked. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a, b. East Indies. Presented by J. W. Evans, Esq. Sub-group 3. Species magnitudine variæ. Prothorax semper bicolor, angulis rotundatis. Species above or below the middle size: prothorax with rounded angles, always of two colours. Div. 1. Prothorax fuscus vel niger, flavo marginatus. 50. PERLA CINCTA. Ale unicolores. Perla cincta, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 229, 30, pl. 20, f. 5. Vera Cruz. A BITASCIATA. Alæ fasciis duabus conspicuis. Perla bifasciata ( Klug. MSS.) Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 230, 31, pl. 20, f. 6,7. Columbia. Div. 2. Prothorax flavus, nigro marginatus. 52. PERLA GENICULATA. Perla geniculata (De Haan, MSS.) Piclet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 232, 32, pl. 21, f. 1, 2. Japan. PERLIDES. 157 53. PERLA ANGULATA. Testacea ; caput antice rotundatum marginatum, thorace latius, disco fulvo ; prothorax valde rugulosus, antice rotundatus, lateribus subangulatis ; alæ subtestacea. Testaceous: head rounded and with a rim in front, broader than the thorax; disk tawny: antennæ testaceous : prothorax very rugose, oblusely angular on each side, rounded in front : wings with an indistinct testaceous tinge; veins testaceous; exter- nal basilar areolet with ten transverse veins ; terminal areolet with three transverse veins; terminal part of the submarginal areolet with no transverse veins; submedian areolet with six transverse veins. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by William Templeton, Esq. 54. PERLA SIGNATA. Testacea, nitens ; caput thorace non latius; antennæ nigrue; scu- tum antice mulio latius ; pedes femoribus et tibiis apice tarsis- que nigris ; alæ albide, fasciis duabus cincreis. Testaceous, shining: head almost smooth, not broader than the thorax: eyes and antennæ black: ocelli bright red : scutum minutely rugulose, with a very slight longitudinal ſurrow, much broader in front; sides almost straight; angles rounded: tips of the femora, knees, tips of the tibiæ and tarsi black: wings whitish, with two gray bands which are occasionally indistinct, one in the middle, the other at the tip ; veins yellow, blackish on the bands; external basilar areolet with fifteen transverse veins; terminal areolet with three transverse veins; submedian areolet with three or four trans- verse veins. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. @mc. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Sub-group 4. Species above or below the middle size : prothorax rugose, with straight sides which are often infected when dry ; its colour bright in the middle, black or brown on each side: wings livid or yellowish ; veins of the same colour. 158 PERLIDES. Div. 1. Species magnæ. Alæ fuscæ, vix hyalinæ, ad costam flavæ. 55. PERLA GAYI. Perla Gayi, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 238, 33, pl. 10, f. 3. Chili. Div. 2. Species mediocres vel parvæ. Alæ fusco-hyalinæ ; costa vix propriæ coloris. Sub-div. 1. Species mediocres. Prothoracis color discalis maculam irregu- larem fingens. 56. PERLA NIGRO-CINCTA. Prothorax flavus et niger ; setæ caudales longitudine mediocres. Perla nigro-cincta, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 236, 34, pl. 22, f. 5--8. Mexico. 57. PERLA LONGICAUDA. Prothorax lividus et fuscus ; setce caudales longa. Perla longicauda, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 238, 35, pl. 23, f. 1-4. Brazil. Sub-div. 2. Species parvæ. Prothoracis color discalis vittam dorsalem fin- gens. 58. PERLA DILATICOLLIS. Alæ læte fuscæ. Perla dilaticollis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 880,7. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 240, 36, pl. 23, f. 5-10. Isogenus Clio ? Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 86. Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Canada ? 159 59. PERLA LITURA. Ala nigra. Perla litura, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 242, 37, pl. 24, f. 1–3. Mexico. Sub-group 5. Species mediocres vel parvæ, flavæ vel fuscæ, fere unicolores. Prothorax rugosus, lateribus rectis vel sinuatis. Alæ plus minusve limpidæ, venis corporis colore. Species of middle or small size: prothorax rugose, with straight or sinuated sides ; general colour yellow or brown, almost uniform : wings more or less colourless ; veins of the ground colour. Div. 1. Color corporis et alarum pallide favus. 60. Perla XANTHENES. Lutea ; ocelli 3 nigro cincti ; antenna flavæ ; prothorax quadra- tus, postice valde angustior. Perla Xanthenes, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 178; Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 35, 3. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 245, 38, pl. 21, f. 3, 4. a,b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 61. PERLA HYALINA. Ocelli postici nigro cincti ; antennc fusca. Perla hyalina (Kollar, MSS.), Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 247, 39, pl. 21, f. 5-8. Brazil. P 2 160 PERLIDES. Div. 2. Color corporis et alarum fuscus vel lividus. Sub-div. 1. Antennæ bicolores. 62. Perla ÆGYPTIACA. Antenna basi fusca, apice flava. Perla Ægyptiaca (Kollar, MSS.), Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 251, 41, pl. 25, f. 6–8. Egypt. 63. PERLA ANNULARIS. Antennæ flavæ, apice nigræ ; articulus lus fuscus. Perla annularis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 252, 42, pl. 25, f. 3-5. Brazil ? Sub-div. 2. Antennæ fuscescentes, fere unicolores. 64. PERLA ANNULICAUDA. Mediocris ; prothorax capite latior. Perla annulicauda, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 249, 40, pl. 22, f. . 1-4. Mexico, Brazil. 65. PERLA OCCIPITALIS. Parva ; caput rufescente-fulvum, macula occipitali nigra ; protho- rux fuscus, capite angustior ; venæ valde distincle. Perla occipitalis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 254, 43, pl. 26, f. 1-3. United States. PERLIDES. 161 06. PERLA DEBILIS. Parva ; prothorax capite angustior ; venæ pallidissimæ vix dis- tinctæ. Perla debilis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 255, 44, pl. 26, f. 4. Brazil. 67. PERLA LUTEOLA. Fulva ; caput et prothorax angusta, colore similia. Perla luteola, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 881, 13. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 257, 45, pl. 26, f. 5-7. Java. 68. PERLA DUVAUCELII. Fusca ; caput et prothorax lata, colore similia. Perla Duvaucelii, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 258, 46, pl. 27, f. 1, 2. East Indies. Sub-group 6. Species parvæ, maculis rufescentibus et nigris. Species of small size: body with reddish and black spots. 69. PERLA PICTA. Perla picta, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 261, 47, pl. 27, f. 3—8. a-c. New York. Presented by the Entomological Club. Sub-group 7. Species parvæ. Caput et prothorax nigra. Alæ nigro-fuscæ. Species of small size: head and prothorax black : wings very deep brown. P 3 162 PERLIDÉS. Div. 1. Caput mediocre, prothorace infixum. Subdiv. 1. Vena costalis flava. 70. PERLA COSTALIS. Perla costalis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 264, 48, pl. 24, f. 4. Vera Cruz. Subdiv. 2. Venæ omnino nigræ. Sect. 1. Mesothorax et metathorax flavi. 71. Perla CALIGATA. Perla caligata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 880, 8. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 266, 49, pl. 24, f. 5, 6. a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. Sect. 2. Mesothorax et metathorax nigri. * Pedes nigri, basi læte flavi. 72. Perla Klugi. Perla Klugii, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 267, 50, pl. 25, f. 1, 2. Brazil. PERLIDES. .163 ** Pedes nigri, vel fusco varii, sed non distincte bicolores. + Abdomen et pedes nigri, fusco varii. 73. PERLA OBSCURA. Antenna fusca, unicolores, vix crenulatæ ; alarum venæ copiosis- sima. Perla obscura, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 269, 51, pl. 28, f... 1-4. Brazil. 74. PERLA POLITA. Antennæ crenulatæ, subannulate; alarum venæ sat copiosa. Perla polita, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 879, 6. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 271, 52, pl. 28, f. 5—9. Brazil. # Color omnino niger. . 75. PERLA MORIO. Perla Morio, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 272, 53, pl. 30, f. 14-5. Columbia. Div. 2. Caput magnum, liberum, omnino nigrum. Aldomen fulvum. 76. PERLA FLAVIVENTRIS. Perla flaviventris (Hoffmansegg, MSS.) Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 274, 53, pl. 29. Portugal. 164 PERLIDES. Sub-genus 5. CHLOROPERLA. Alarum areola marginalis terminalis vena una aut nulla trans- versa. Regio submarginalis venis transversis nullis apud apicem. Venæ subcostalis venula accessoria simplex aut bifurca, singula vel duplici. Chloroperla p., Newman, Ent. Mag. v. 500. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 137. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. 145, 5. Terminal part of the submarginal region without cross veins ; accessory vein of the subcostal vein simple or bifurcate; marginal terminal areolet with at most one cross vein beyond that wbich ter- minates the accessory vein at the costal vein. Species generally small; European species more or less yellowish green; some exotic species brown or blackish. Div. 1. Alæ unicolores. Subdiv. 1. Corpus plerumque nigrum. Sect. 1. Caput et prothorax vitta dorsali flava. 77. PERLA GUERINII. Perla Guerinii, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 279, 55, pl. 30, f. 6-8. New Orleans. Sect. 2. Caput nigrum, flavo marginatum. nigra. Prothorax vitta media 78. PERLA MACULATA. Perla maculata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 280, 56, pl. 30, f. 9. Philadelphia. PERLIDES. 165 Subdiv. 2. Corpus plerumque flavum vel viridescens. Sect. 1. Capitis macula nebulosa. Subsect 1. Occipitis discus fuscus, unicolor. 79. PERLA RIVUĻORUM. Perla rivulorum, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 284, 58, pl. 32. Switzerland. Subsect. 2. Occipitis discus flavo maculatus. Group 1. Corpus robustum. Prothorax capitis latitudine. 80. PERLA AFFINIS. Perla affinis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 286, 59, pl. 31, f. 5—7. Portugal. Group 2. Prothorax capite angustior. Corpus gracile, tenue. ERLA VENOSA. Areola costalis viridis. Chloroperla venosa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 139, 4. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 297, 62, pl. 35, f. 1-3. Perla virescens, var. ? 166 PERLIDES. 82. PERLA GRISEIPENNIS. Areola costalis hyalina, cinerea. Perla griseipennis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 299, 63, pl. 35, f. 4-7. Switzerland. Subsect. 2. Capilis macula isolata, ferri-equini figura. Group 1. Color plerumquè fulvus aut viridis. Setæ caudales non aut vix annulatæ. 83. PERLA VIRESCENS. Perla virescens, Pict. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxxiii. 60, pl. 6, f. 8—11 Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 288, 60, pl. 33, 34, f. 1. Burm. Handı Ent. ii. 878, 2. Phrygranea grammatica ? Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 269, 703. Poda Museum Græcum, 99. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 26, 4. Schrank. Faun. Boic. 1897; Ins. Austr. 608. Perla virens ? Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1059. Chloroperla grammatica, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 87, 2. Chloroperla fuscipennis, var., Curt. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 138, 1. Chloroperla lateralis, var., Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 138, 2. Chloroperla media, var., Curt. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 138, 3. ame. England. fel. Dartmoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. m--p. ? From Mr. Children's collection. PERLIDES. 167 Group 2. 84. PERLA ROFESCENS. Chloroperla rufescens, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 139, 5. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 295, 61, pl. 34, f. 7. Perla virescens, var. ? a. England. Div. 2. Alæ tricolores. 85. PERLA FENESTRATA. Perla fenestrata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 281, 57, pl. 31, f. Columbia. 86. PERLA SPIO. Testacea fere unicolor ; ocelli duo fusco-nigri ; oculi magni, nigri ; caput prothoruce latius ; pedes incrassati ; alæ subobscuræ iridescentes. Chloroperla Spio, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 186, 1. Perla Spio, Pictet. Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 282. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 87. PERLA CLYMENE. Caput flavum ; oculis ocellisque nigris ; alæ fusco leviter tincta, venis omnibus fuscis. Chloroperla Clymene, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 87, 4. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 283. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. . 168 PERLIDES. 88. PERLA CYDIPPE. Pallide lutea ; antennæ fusca, basi imo tantum luteæ ; alæ venuste virescentes, venis concoloribus. Chloroperla Cydippe, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iïi. 88, 8. Perla Cydippe, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 317. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 89. PERLA TRANSMARINA. Pallide fusca; prothorax fuscus, linea mediana longitudinali fa- vida ; caput flavidum ; oculis maculisque duobus fuscis; alæ anticæ hyalina, basi flavidæ venis fuscis ; alarum posti- carum venæ apice tantum fusca. Chloroperla transmarina, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 87, 3; Ent. Mag. v. 499. Perla transmarina, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 283. a. United States. 90. PERLA ? CYRENE. Atra ; caput vix depressum ; antenna 40-articulatæ, validæ, sub- moniliformes, corpore vix breviores, articulis subovatis ; pro- thorax subtransversus, acutangulus, fere quadratus, capite paullo latius ; setæ caudales brevissime, incurvæ, 14-articula- tæ ; tibiæ flavo cinctæ ; alæ nigricantes, semiopace. Long. alar. 12 lin. Chloroperla Cyrene, Newm. Zool. iii. 853, 3. New Zealand. 91. PERLA EPHYRE. Caput flavum, macula verticali fusca ; oculi nigri ; setve caudales virescentes fusco annulatæ. Chloroperla Ephyre, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 87, 5. Perla Ephyre, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 283. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. PERLIDES, 169 92. Perla OPIS. Nigra, nitida, concolor; prothoracis latera convexa ; ala obscure fusco tincta, venis saturatioribus. Chloroperla Opis, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 89, 11. 93. PERLA VIRIDELLA. "Perla viridella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 456, 14. Chamounix. 94. PERLA CHLORELLA. Perla chlorella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 457, 15. Europe as far as South Spain. 95. PERLA TENELLA. Perla tenella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 457, 16. France. Div. 3. Antenne setæque caudales elongatæ. Pedes elongati. Alarum anticarum venæ apicales parallelæ 6, venulis transversis numerosis intersectæ. Leptoperla, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 89. 96. PERLA BEROE. Fusca ; pedes anteriores fusci, tibiis medio testaceis ; femora pos- tica testacea, apice fusca ; ala opacæ fuscæ, versus apicein maculis albidis notata. Leptoperla Beroe, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 89, 1. Van Dieman's Land. 97. PERLA CITRINELLA. Lutea ;' caput thorace non latius; antennæ fusca, basi pallidæ ; scutum antice et apud sulcum nigricans ; alæ limpida. 170 PERLIDES. Perla citrinella, Barnston, MSS. Newport, Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. (1848), i. 388, 6. Pale luteous, shining: head not broader than the thoras : eyes and ocelli black: antennæ brown, pale towards the base: scutum minutely rugulose, blackish on the fore border and along the longi- tudinal furrow, rounded on each side, not angular nor broader in front; wings quite colourless ; veins pale yellow ; external basilar areolet with four transverse veins; terminal areolet with one or two transverse reins ; submedian areolet with four transverse veins. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a, b. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. c. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 98. PERLA DECOLORATA. Pallide testacea ; caput thorace paullo latius, macula angulari ni. gricante ; scutum fusco bimaculatum; ale hyalince. Pale testaceons : head a little broader than the thorax, with a blackish irregular mark extending forwards from the ocelli, truncate in front: eyes and ocelli black: anteunæ very minutely pubescent: scutum minutely rugulose, with a longitudinal furrow, not broader in front, a large oblong brown spot on each side ; sides almost straight; angles rather sharp : wings hyaline ; veins black, testa- ceous towards the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. 4, b. Great Bear Lake, N. America. Presented by Sir John Ri- chardson. 99. PERLA DECISA. Ferruginea, nitens, subtus testacea; antenne fuscæ; scutum sub- quadratum, angulis sat acutis ; alæ anticæ subcinerea. Ferruginous, shining, testaceous beneath : head testaceous in front, a little broader than the thorax: antennæ brown, minutely pubescent: scutum minutely rugulose, subquadrate; angles rather sharp : wings slightly gray ; veins black; external basilar areolet with four transverse veins; terminal areolet with three transverse veins; submedian areolet with five transverse veins. Length of the body 34 lines; of thre wings 11 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. PERLIDES. . 171 100. PERLA OPPOSITA. Nigra, nitens, ferrugineo varia ; caput antice testaceum, thorace bus marginatis rectis, angulis sat acutis ; scutellum flavo ma- culatum ; ala subcinereæ, ad venas transversas obscuriores. Black, shining, partly ferruginous : head testaceous in front, hardly broader than the thorax : antennæ very minutely pubescent: prothorax minutely punctured, rugulose on the disk, not broader in front, with a rim on each side and along the fore border ; sides straight; angles rather sharp: scutellum with a yellow spot in front: wings very slightly gray, darker about the transverse veins; veins black. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a, b. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. c. Van Dieman's Land. From Mr. Sunith's collection. d. New Zealand. Presented by Capt. J. C. Ross. Sub-genus 6. ISOPTERYX. Alarum posticarum regio analis vix ulla. Anal region of the hind-wings almost wanting. Isopteryx, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 146, 6. Species yellow, of small size. Div. 1. Antennæ serratæ. Prothorax maculis duabus magnis fuscis. 101. PERLA SERRICORNIS. Perla serricornis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 303, 64, pl. 36, f. 1-3. Germany. 172 PERLIDES. Div. 2. Antennæ setaceæ. Prothorax uvicolor, aut striis nigris notatus. Sect. 1. Antennæ plerumquè flava. · Perla montana, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 305, 65, pl. 36, f. 4-6. Bex. Alps of Piedmont. . Sect. 2. Antennæ nigræ, triente basali flavæ. Subsect. 1. Setæ caudales apice nigræ. Group 1. Corpus viridescente-flavum. Macula nulla nigra inter ocellos. : Prothorax vitta nulla dorsali nigra. 103. PERLA TORRENTIUM. Perla torrentium, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 307, 66, pl. 37, f. 1-_4. Jena. Bohemia. · Group 2. Corpus plerumquè læte fulvum. Macula parva nigra inter ocellos. Prothorax vitta gracili nigra. PERLIDES. 173 104. PERLA TAURICA. Areola costalis viridis; vena fusca. Perla taurica, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 309, 67. pl. 37, f. 5, 6. Taurus. 105. PERLA BURMEISTERI. Areola costalis limpida ; venæ pallidæ. Perla Burmeisteri, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 311, 68, pl. 37, 1. 7, 8. North Germany. Subsect. 2. Setæ caudales omnino flava. Group 1. Prothorax mediocris, nigro marginatus. 106. PERLA FLAVA. Perla flava, Geoffr. Ins. ii. 232, 4. Fourcr. Ent. Par. 349, 4. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur'. Perl. 313, 69, pl. 38, f. 1, 2. Perla viridis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 74, 11. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1059, 6. Perla tripunctata, Scop. Ent. Carn. 267, 704. De Vill. Linn. Enl. iii. 26, 5. Semblis tripunctata, Schrank, Ins. Austr. 607. Faun. Boic. 1898. Phryganea viridis, Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 395. Perla lutea, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 491. Oliv. Enc. Méth. x. . 69, 3. Chloroperla flava, Newm. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 88, 6. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 139, 6. Dodecatoma flava, Léon Dufour. a-c. England. d-f. Dartmoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. y-i. - -? From Mr. Children's collection. Q3 174 PERLIDES. Group 2. Prothorax minimus, omnino flavus. Chloroperla, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 500. Sexuum amborum alæ pariter repandæ, pariterque abdomeu tegentes. Teluni setis duabus instructum. Proalæ vena subcostali cum costali paral- lelo. 107. PERLA APICALIS. Luteo-viridis ; oculis antennarum apicibusque nigerrimis. Chloroperla apicalis, Newm. Ent. Mag. i. 286. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 88, 7. Perla pallida, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 139, 7. Perla apicalis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 316, 70, pl. 38, f. 3-9. a, b. England. Genus 5. CAPNIA. Palpi filiformes. Abdounen setis longis. Capnia, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 318. Perla p., Zett.; Pictet (olim). Chloroperla p., Newman. Sernblis p., Burm. Leptomeres ? Rambur. Palpi filiform : abdomen with long bristles. Sub-genus I. CAPNIA. Alarum apices venis transversis nullis. Capnia, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 319. Tips of the wings without transverse veins. 1. CAPNIA NIGRA. Abdomen disco flavum ; maris alæ longæ ; venæ rectæ, regulares, PERLIDES. 175 • Capnia nigra, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 321, 1, pl. 39. Perla nigra, Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxviii. 61, pl. 6, f. 11-13. Chloroperla nigra, Newm. Mag. Nal. Hist. new series, iii. 88, 10. 2. CAPNIA PYGMÆA. Abdomen omnino nigrum ; maris alæ breves; venæ rectæ, regulares. Semblis pygmæa, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 874, 1. · Capnia pygmæa, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 324, 2, pl. 40, f. 1-3. Pennsylvania, Newfoundland. 3. CAPNIA NECYDALOIDES. Vena ad partem indirectæ, irregulares. Capnia necydaloïdes (Kollar, MSS.) Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 326, 3, pl. 40, f. 4, 5. North America. Sub-genus 2. GRIPOPTERYX. Alarum apices venis plurimis transversis reticulatæ. Gripopteryx, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 319, 327. • Tips of the wings reticulated with numerous transverse veins : abdomen of the female terminated by claviform appendages. 4. CAPNIA CANCELLATA. Nigro-fusca ; alæ posticæ reticulata. Capnia cancellata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 328, 4, pl. 41. Brazil. 5. CAPNIA GRACILIS. Cinerea ; alæ posticæ non reticulata. Semblis gracilis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 876, 8. Capnia gracilis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 330, 5, pl. 42, f. 143. Brazil. 176 PERLIDES. 6. CAPNIA ? BIFRONS. Fusco-nigra, nitida ; alæ fusco tinctæ. Chloroperla bifrons, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 401. Mag. Nat. Hist. new series, iii. 89, 9. Scotland. 7. CAPNIA PYGMÆA (Nomen bis lectum). Nigra, subnitida, immaculata ; alæ cinereæ, venis apicalibus omni- bus simplicibus, plaga discali solita venis tribus tuntum ornata. Perla pygmæa, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1059, 4. Lapland. 8. CAPNIA VERNALIS. Perla vernalis, Barnston, MSS. Capnia vernalis, Newport, Proc. Linn. Soc. (1838), 388, 3. 9. CAPNIA ? RUFEOLA. Leptomeres rufeola, Ramb. Nat. Hist. Ins. Neur. 457, 1. France. 10. CAPNIA ? FLAVEOLA. Leptomeres flaveola, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 458, 2. France. 11. CAPNIA ? PALLIDELLA. Leptomeres pallidella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 458, 3. France. 12. CAPNIA? ALBELLA. Leptomeres albella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 458, 4. France. . PERLIDES. 177 Genus 6. NEMOURA. Palpi filiformes. Abdomen setis nullis. Nemoura, Latr. Phryganea p., Linn. Perla p., Geoffr. Semblis p., Burm. Nemoura et Leuctra, Steph. Sub-genus 1. TENIOPTERYX. Palpi labiales mediocres, remoti. Abdomen setis tribus triar- ticulatis brevissimis terminatum. Tarsorum articuli longi, sub- æquales. Alæ plerumque involutæ, cinereo et albido sæpe fasciatæ. Parastigmatis venæ X non fingentes. Tæniopteryx, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 343, pl. 42, f. 4. Veins of the parastigma not forming an X: labial palpi middle- sized, far apart: abdomen terminated by very short rudimentary three-jointed tail-bristles : joints of the tarsi long, almost equal : wings generally involved into a half cylinder, often with gray and whitish bands. Div. 1. Alæ fasciis cinereis plus minusve distinctis. Subdiv. 1. Alæ fasciis tribus valde distinctis, maris rudimentales. 2 1. NEMOURA TRIFASCIATA. - fig., Schæff. Icon. pl. 37, f. 2, 3. Abhandl. Ins. Mem. 7. Nemoura trifasciata, Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 379, 3, pl. 15, f. 4–10; Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 178; Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 351, 2, pl. 44, 45, f. 1-5. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1057. Brachyptera trifasciata, Newport. a, b. England. c. Darimoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. 18 .PERLIDES. . Subdiv. 2. Alæ fasciis indistinctis vel minusquam tribus, maris nonnun. quam brevissimæ at non rudimentales. Sect. 1. Femora fusca. Ale subopacæ, maris breves ; venæ mediocres. 2. NEMOURA NEBULOSA. Phryganea nebulosa, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 908, 2; Faun, Suec. 1499. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 2631, 2. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 25, 2. Deg. Ins. ii. 2, 730, pl. 23, f. 16, 17; vii. pl. 44, f. 17, 18. Berk. Syn. i. 150. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 213. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 395. Perla X-fusca, &c. ? Geoffr. Ins. ii. 232, 3. Perla nebulosa, Fourc. Ent. Par. 349, 3. Semblis nebulosa, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 74,9. Walck. Faun. Par. ii. 11, 2. Cederh. Faun. Ingr. Prod. 136, 415. Schrank, Ins. Austr. 610; Faun. Boic. 1896. Mus. Lesk. i. 51, 22. Müll. Prodr. 144, 1655. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 875, 4. Nemoura nebulosa, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 50; Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 210, 1. Oliv. Enc. Méth. Ins. viii. 186, 1. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1056, 1. Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 379, 3, pl. 15, 1. 7,8; Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 178,1; Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 347, 1, pl. 43. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 875, 4. Nemoura variegata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 144, 15, pl. 31, f. 2. Nemura nebulosa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 459, 1. a. England. b, c. From Mr. Children's collection. d. ? 3. NEMOURA FUSCATA. Semblis fuscata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 200, 10, 11. Europe. PERLIDES. 179 Sect. 2. Femora flava, fusco vittata aut maculata. Alä hyalinæ, maris longæ; venæ robustæ. 4. NEMOURA PRÆTEXTATA. Femora basi ad apicem fusco vittata. Semblis prætestata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 875, 5. Nemoura prætextata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 355, 3, pl. 45, f. 7-9. Europe. 1OURA TASCIATA. Femora flava, apice fusca. Nemoura fasciata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 359, 5, pl. 46, f. 4, 5. Pennsylvania. Div. 2. Alæ fasciis nullis cinereis. 6. NEMOURA MONILICORNIS. Fusca ; antenna annulis distinctis. Nemoura monilicornis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 357, 4, pl. 46, f. 1-3. Switzerland, Banks of the Arve. 7. NEMOURA MAURA. Nigra ; antennæ annulis indistinctis. Nemoura maura, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 361, 6, pl. 46, f. 6. Var.? a-rc. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Pre- sented by G. Barnston, Esq. 180 PERLIDES. Sub-genus 2. LEUCTRA. Palpi labiales brevissimi. Setæ caudales nulla. Tarsorum articuli lus et 3us longi; 2us brevissimus, subtus parum dilatatus. Alæ angustæ, plerumquè semicylindro involutæ. Parastigmatis venæ X non fingentes. Leuctra, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 144; Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 343, pl. 42, f. 5.. Veins of the parastigma not forming an X: labial palpi very short: nu rudiments of tail-bristles : first and third joints of the tarsi long; second very short, a little dilated beneath : wings nar- row, long, generally rolled up into a half cylinder. Div. 1. Prothorax longus, antice et postice contractus. Abdomen su- pra pallide flavum. 8. NEMOURA CYLINDRICA. - cylindrica, Deg. Ins. vii. 599, pl. 44, f. 17, 19. Nemoura cylindrica, Oliv. Enc. Méth. Ins. viii. 186, 4. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 366, 7, pl. 47, f. 1–5. Europe. 9. NEMOURA GENICULATA. Nemoura geniculata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 145, 1, pl. 31, f. 4. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 369. a-d. England. PERLIDES. 181 Div. 2. Prothorax fere quadratus. Abdomen fuscum aut nigrum. Subdiv. 1. Prothorax lineis tribus longitudinalibus elevatis. S Sect. 1. Antennæ omnino aut ad partem nigricantes. Subsect. 1. Antennæ omnino nigricantes. Group 1. Pedes fusci aut fulvi; femora apice nigra. 10. Nemoura rUSCIVENTRIS. Pedibus alisque fuscis. Nemoura cylindrica, Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 385, pl. 15, f. 1-3. Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 188. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 105, 5. Leuctra fusciventris, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 145, 2. Nemoura fusciventris, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 370, 8, pl. 48. awe. England. 771 11. NEMOURA ABDOMINALIS. Leuctra abdominalis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 145, 3. Nemoura fusciventris, var.? a, b. England. ci Dartmoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. 182 PERLIDES. 12. NEMOURA NIGRA. Minima ; pedes nigricantes ; alæ cinerea. Nemourà nigra, Oliv. Enc. Méth, viii. 186, 5. Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. 384, 4; Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 188; Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 373, 9, pl. 47. F. 6, 7. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1055, 6. Europe. Group 2. Pedes omnino fulvi. 13. NEMOURA TENUIS. Nemoura tenuis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 375, 10, pl. 49, f. 143. Nemoura nivalis, Fitch. a-d. New York. Presented by Dr. Asa Fitch. e—h. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. inj. York Factory. Presented by Dr. Rae. Sub-sect. 2. Antennæ basi fulvæ. Alæ valde iridescentes. 14. NEMOURA ANGUSTA. Nemoura angusta, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 376, 11, pl. 49, 1. 4-6. Switzerland. Section 2. 15. NEMOURA FLAVICORNIS. Nemoura flavicornis, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 187, 16; Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 378, 12, pl. 49, f. 1--9. Switzerland. PERLIDES, 183 Sub-div. 2. Prothorax punctis elevatis lineas distinctas non fingentibus. 16. NEMOURA BRUNNEA. Nemoura brunnea, Piclet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 380, 13, pl. 49, f. 10-12 Germany. Dir.? 17. NEMOURA FUSCA. Leuctra fusca, Curt. a, b. England, c, d. Dartmoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. 18. NEMOURA FERRUGINEA.. Fusco-ferrugineu, nitens ; caput thorace paullo latius ; scutum an- tice latius ; alæ subhyalina. Brownish ferruginous, shining: head a little broader than the horax: antennæ pale ferruginous, minutely pubescent: scutum ninutely rugulose, with a slight longitudinal furrow, broader in 'ront; sides slightly convex; angles somewhat rounded : wings subhyaline ; veins brownish ; external basilar areolet and terminal treolet with no transverse veins; submedian areolet with about eight ransverse veins. Length of the body lline ; of the wings 6 lines. amd. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 19. NEMOURA MINIMA. Nigra, nitens ; caput thorace latius. Perla minima, Barnston, MSS. Newport, Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. (1848), i. 388, 2. Black, smooth, shining, slender : head broader than the tho- rax: antennæ very minutely pubescent, shorter than the body: pro- thorax subquadrate, not broader in front; sides straight; angles sharp: wings hyaline; veins black; external basilar areolet with one transverse vein; terminal areolet with no transverse veins ; in- ternal basilar areolet and terminal areolet with no transverse veins ; submarginal region divided by a single upright transverse vein ; R 2 184 PERLIDES. submedian areolet with one transverse vein. Length of the body 14-21 lines ; of the wings 2-3} lines. ame. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. Sub-genus 3. NEMOURA. Palpi labiales breves, approximati. Abdomen setis nullis api- calibus, maris ponnunquam ungulatum. Tarsi articulis lo et 30 longis, 20 brevissimo. Alæ plerumquè expansæ. Parastigmatis venæ X fingentes. Nemoura, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 343, pl. 42, f. 6. Veins of the parastigma forming a very distinct X : labial palpi short, approximate : abdomen with no rudiments of tail-bris- tles; that of the male in some cases furnished with two ungulæ : first and third joints of the tarsi long ; second very short: wings ge. nerally outspread. Div. 1. Prothorax obscurus, granulatus, tuberculatus, lateribus rotun- datis. Sub-div. 1. Antennæ articulo lo flavo. Alæ læte fuscæ, fere unicolores. 20. NEMOURA VARIEGATA. Nemoura variegata, Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 186,3. Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxvi. pl. 14; Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 179; Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 386, 14, pl. 50. Zeit. Ins. Lapp. 1055, 3. Nemoura macrophthalma, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, rii. (mas). Semblis pallipes, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 875, 3. Nemura lunata ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 461, 4. Nemoura nebulosa ? Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 140, 1. Fusco-nigra ; prothoracis lateribus rufo-piceis ; pedibus pallide rufescentibus, femoribus posticis annulo obscuro ; alis cinereis ve- nis fuscis. Europe. PERLIDES. 185 21. NEMOURA FULIGINOSA. Fusco-nigra ; capite postice, prothoracis lateribus, pedibusque fus- co-rufescentibus ; alis fuscescentibus venis fuscis. Nemoura fuliginosa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 141, 2. Nemoura nebulosa, var. ? a. England. b. Germany. Sub-div. 2, Antennæ omnino nigricantes. Alæ albidæ, cinereo-nebulosa. 22. NEMOURA MEYERI. Nemoura Meyeri, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 390, 15, pl. 51, f. 1-3. Burgdorf. Div. 2. Prothorax lævis, nitens, punctis magnis projicientibus, lateri- bus subrectis. Sub-div. 1. Prothorax longitudine et latitudine æqualis. Sect. 1. Caput et antennæ nigra. Alarum venæ obscure fuscæ. Sub-sect. 1. Alæ hyalinæ, cinereæ vel læte fuscæ. Group 1. Femora postica macula lata nigra signata. Ala cinerea. R3 186 PERLIDES... Sub-group 1. Prothorax omnino niger. Alarum venæ cinereo, obscuriore marginatæ. 23. NEMOURA NITIDA. Nemoura nitida, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 179, 5. Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 392, 16, pl. 51, f. 4-8. Europe. Sub-group 2. Prothorax flavo marginatus. Alarum venæ cinereo non nebu- losæ. OURA LATERALIS. Nemoura lateralis, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 180, 6;. Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 395, 17, pl. 52, f. 1-3. Swiss Alps. Group 2. Femora postica omnino fulva, aut striga gracili nigra tantum signata. Alæ læte fuscæ. 25. NEMOURA MARGINATA. Nemoura marginata, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 181,7; Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 397, 18, pl. 52, f. 4-6. Switzerland. Sub-sect. 2. Alæ opacæ, nigro-fuscæ, basi flavæ. 26. NEMOURA HUMERALIS. Nemoura humeralis, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 184, 11 ; Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 399, 19, pl. 52, f. 7–2. Switzerland. PERLIDES. 187 Section 2. Statura minina. Caput et antennæ læte fusca. Alaruin venæ fulvæ.. 27. NEMOURA INCONSPICUA. Nemoura inconspicua, Pictet, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vii. 185, 12; . Hist. Nat. Neur. Perl. 404, 21, pl. 53, f. 10–13. Geneva. Sub-div. 2. Prothorax longitudine distincte latior. . 28. NEMOURA CINEREA. Nemoura cinerea, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 186, 2. Pictet, Ann. Sci. 1-10. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1057, 4. Semblis cinerea, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 876, 7. a, 6. Hammerfest, Finmark. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. Div. ? 29. NEMOURA PALLIDA. Pallide fusco-rufescens ; oculis, meso- et meta-thoracis dorso, geni- culis intermediis, abdomineque fusco-nigris ; alis hyalinis, pallidis, venis fuscescentibus. Nemoura pallida, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 141, 3. England. Eusco-nigra ; prothoracis lateribus piceo-rufescentibus ; tibiis tar- sisque intermediis piceo-nigris ; alis fuscescentibus, cruce ve- nisque saturatioribus. Nemoura cruciata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 141, 4. a, b. England. - c, d. England, Dartmoor. From Dr. Leach's collection. 188 PERLIDES. 31. NEMOURA AFFINIS. Fusco-nigra ; prothoracis marginibus rufescentibus ; pedibus an- ticis piceo-nigris, posterioribus pallide rufis ; alis cinerascenti- bus cruce fusca, venis subfuscentibus. Nemoura affinis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 141, 5. a. Eugland. b. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 32. NEMOURA PUSILLA. Fusco-nigra ; prothoracis lateribus pedibusque pallide rufescenti- bus ; capite lato ; antennis gracilibus ; alis hyalinis pallidis, venis subfuscescentibus. Nemoura pusilla, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 142, 6. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 33. NEMOURA ANNULATA. Rufo-fusca, nigro variegata ; pedibus pallide rufescentibus, femo- ribus posticis annulo obscuro fusco ; alis fusco-cinereis, venis fuscis. Nemoura annulata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 142, 7. a. - From Mr. Children's collection. 6-d. England. 34. NEMOURA PALLIPES. Piceo-fusca, nitida ; antennis subpilosis ; pedibus pallidis ; alis hyalinis subcinereis, venis pallidis. Nernoura pallipes, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 142, 8. Euglaud. 35. NEMOURA LUTEICORNIS. Nigro-picea, nitida ; labro, capite postice, prothoracis lateribus, pedibusque rufescentibus ; alis pallide cinereis, venis pallidis ; antennis gracilibus pallide luteis. Nemoura luteicornis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 142, 9. a. England. PERLIDES. 89 36. NEMOURA PALLICORNIS. Nigro-picea, nitida ; antennis elongatis pedibusque pallidis ; alis subfusco-cinereis, venis fuscis. Nenioura pallicornis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi.. 143, 10.' England. 37. NEMOURA NITIDA (Nomen bis lectum). Piceo-fusca, nitida ; antennis gracilibus elongatis nigris ; pedibus pallido-rufis ; alis angustis hyalinis, venis pallidis. Nemoura nitida, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 143, 11. c. England. di ? From Mr. Children's collection. 38. NEMOURA CAMBRICA. Piceo-nigra ; prothorace rugoso ; mesothoracis lateribus pedibus- que rufescentibus ; alis fuscescentibus, venis fuscis. Nemoura Cambrica, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 143, 12. England. 39. NEMOURA SULCICOLLIS. Nigra, nitida ; prothorace rugoso, sulco dorsali ; pedibus piceis ; alis fuscescentibus, venis saturalioribus. Nemoura sulcicollis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 143, 13. · England. 40. NEMOURA FUMOSA. Atra, nitidissima; abdomine tibiisque rufo-piccis ; alis fuscenti- bus, venis saturatioribus. Nemoura fumosa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 143, 14. England. 41. NEMOURA GENEI. Nemura Genei, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 461,5. Sardinia. 190 PERLIDES. 42. NEMOURA MINUTA. Nemura minuta, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 460, 2. France. 43. NEMOURA SOCIA. Nemura socia, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins, Neur. 460, 3. France. 44. NEMOURA PYGMÆA. Nemura pygmæa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 462, 6. 45. Nemoura FONSCOLOMBII. Nemura Fonscolombii, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 462, 7. South France. 46. NEMOURA NIGRIPES. Nemoura nigripes, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1056, 2. Group Tæniopteryx ? Lapland. La Toup Tenisripes, 47. NEMOURA NIVICOLA. Perla nivicola, Fitch, Wint. Ins. E. N. York, May, 1847, 5, 3. New York. 48. NEMOURA NIVALIS. Nemoura pivalis, Fitch, Wint. Ins. E. N. York, Muy, 1847, 6, 4. New York. 49. NEMOURA PUTATA. Fusca, nitida; antennce moniliformes, alis fere longiores, et cum pedibus concolores ; alæ fusco tincte, brevissima, tibias pos- ticas sedentis haud dimidio exporrigentes. PERLIDES. 191 191 Nemoura putata, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 401. Scotland. 50. NEMOURA ALBIDIPENNIS. Ferruginea, nitens ; caput thorace multo latius ; scutum antice vix latius, angulis sat acutis ; alæ albida. Ferruginous, shining: head much broader than the thorax : antennæ pubescent: scutum minutely rugulose, with an indistinct longitudinal furrow, hardly broader in frout; sides almost straight; angles rather sharp : wings whitish; veins very pale testaceous; external basilar areolet with no transverse veins ; terminal areolet with one transverse vein ; submedian areolet with six or seven trans- verse veins. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a.. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 51. NEMOURA PERFECTA. Nigra, nitens ; caput thorace multo latius ; scutum ferrugineum, rugulosum ; pedes testacei, femoribus basi nigris ; alæ hya- line, anticæ fusco-nebulose. Black, shining: head smooth, much broader than the thorax : antennæ blackish, minutely pubescent: prothorax mostly ferrugi- nous, minutely rugulose, much broader in front; sides almost straight; angles rather sharp: legs testaceous ; femora, especially the hind pair, black towards the base and at the tips; tibia and tarsi blackish at the tips : wings hyaline; fore-wings clouded with brown near the tips and about the transverse veins in the disk ; veins black. Length of the body 21 lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection 52. NEMOURA COMPLETA. Nigra, gracilis, nitens ; caput thorace multo latius, macula testa- cea ; prothorax rugulosus; pedes ferruginei; alæ hyalina, anticæ fusco bifasciata. Black, slender, shining : head much broader than the thorax, with a large testaceous spot between the eyes : antennæ minutely pubescent: prothorax minutely rugulose, with a slight longitudinal furrow, not broader in front; sides almost straight; angles rather sharp: legs ferruginous : wings hyaline ; fore-wings with a distinct 192 PERLIDES. brown band beyond the middle, and another at the tip ; veins black. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5} lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection, 53. NEMOURA GLACIALIS. Piceo-nigra ; antenna crassce, corpore multo longiores ; pedes fusci, validi; alæ subhyalina. Nemoura (Brachyptera) glacialis, Newport, Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. (1838), i. 389, 4. Nemoura glacialis, Barnston, MSS. Pitchy black : antennæ very stout, minutely pubescent, much longer than the body: legs brown, very thick: wings subhyaline ; veins black, testaceous towards the base. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. @mc. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 54. NEMOURA SPEUSTICA. Nemoura speustica, Newm. Zool. Append. cxxxii. 55. NEMOURA ? REGELATIONIS. Phryganea regelationis, Scop. Ent. Carn. 269, 702. « Tota nigra, alis (plapiusculis) fuscescentibus, incumbentibus, hyalinis. Inter caput et thoracem plica transversa pallida. Abdomen muticum, supra plicæ prædictæ concolor. Long. 4 lin." 56. NEMOURA ? MARTIA. Phryganea Martia, Scop. Ent. Carn. 268, 701. “Alæ incumbentes (planiusculæ), hyalinæ, immaculatæ, venulis fuscis. Corpus fuscum. Pedes testacei. Antennæ nigræ, alarum longitudine. Frons tuberculis tribus. Thorax linea depressa antica sub qua foveolæ nonnullæ. Palpi colore pedum. Abdomen muticum, subtus fusco testaceum. Long. 5 lin.” LIST OF THE SPECIMENS OF NEUROPTEROUS INSECTS . IN THE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MUS E UM. nat. hist Dept. of zoology. PART II.-(SIALIDÆMNEMOPTERIDES). PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1853. LONDON : PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE st., BISHOPSGATE, Centro When acris INTRODUCTION. The principal object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the specimens of Neuropterous Insects contained in the collection of the British Museum, indicating at the same time the peculiarities of each, as regards variation of character, locality, and the source from whence it has been derived. With this view, the different individuals of each species contained in the collection are indicated by the letters a, b, c, &c., following the name of the species and its syno- nymes, and the description, if it appeared to have been before undescribed. This part of the Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects has been prepared and the new species described by Mr. FRANCIS WALKER, so well known for his attention to this order of Insects. The continuation is in hand, and will follow as soon as it is completed. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, 8th February, 1853. CATALOGUE OF NEUROPTEROUS INSECTS. Sub-order 3. PLANIPENNIA. Mandibulæ corneæ, maxillarum mando membranacea lobifor- mis ciliata. Palpi maxillares 5-articulati, labiales bi- vel triarticu- lati. Tarsi 5-articulati. Alæ quatuor planæ. Neuroptera, p., Linn., Brullé. Synistata, P., Fabr. Planipennes, p., Latr. Planipennia, Burm. Orthoptera, P., Brullé. Megaloptera, p., MacLeay. Planipennes et Panorpates, Pictet. Planipendes et Semblides, Ramb. Subnecromorphotica, Westw. Stegoptera, P., Newman. Fam. 1. SIALIDÆ. Os nou rostratum. Ocelli conspicui, vel tarsi articulo 40 dila- tato. Coxæ apticæ maris non cornutæ. Tarsorum articulus 5us præcedentibus non crassior. Semblides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 435. Raphidiidæ et Sialidæ, Leach ; Curt.; Steph. Rapbidini, Latr. Planipennes, p., Latr. Perlariæ, p., Latr. S 194 SIALIDÆ. Panorpidæ, P., Westw. Sialidæ (Sialides ; Corydalides) et Raphidiidæ, Westw. Sialidæ et Rhaphidiodea, Burm. Corydalina et Raphidiina, Newm. Genus 1. SIALIS. Ocelli nulli. Tarsorum articulus 4us cordatus. Hemerobius, P., Gmel. Semblis, P., Fabr. Sialis, Latr. ; Leach ; Pictet ; Steph.; Newm. Semblis, Latr. (olim), Ramb. 1. SIALIS LUTARIUS. Fuscus ; vertice vittis duabus latioribus guttisque plurimis flavo- fulvis impressis ; alis infumatis, venis nigris. Hemerobius lutarius, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 913, 14; Faun. Suec. 1513. Geoffr. Ins. Par. ii. 255, 3. Hoefn. Pict. Pl. 12. Roes. Ins. Aq. ii. pl. 13. Schæff. Elem, Pi. 97. Icon. Ins. Ratisb. pl. 37, f. 9, 10. Deg. Ins. ii. 2, 74,5, pl. 20, f. 14, 15; pl. 23, f. 1-15. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2638, 14. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 216. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 400. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. pl. 83, fig. inf. Semblis lutarius, Fabr. Sp. Ins, i. 387, 8; Mant. Ins. i. 2440, 8; Ent. Syst. ii. 74, 10. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 447, 2. Sialis niger, Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 44; Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 200. Leach, Ed. Encycl. ix. 139. Sialis lutarius, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 133, 1. Pictet, Ann. Sci. Nat. v. 8, pl. 3, f. 1, 4. Sialis lutaria, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 947, 2. Var.? Sialis fuliginosa, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 947,1. Fusco-atra ; vertice vittis duabus angustis punctisque minutis fulvo-fuscis impressis. 24. England. j. Germany. k-n. ? From Mr. Children's collection. SIALIDE. 195 2. SIALIS INFUMATUS. Niger ; alæ vix hyaline, nigro punctatæ, basi præcipuè infuscata. Sialis infumatus, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 500. Semblis americanus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 447, 1. amc. United States. Presented by the Entomological Club. d. St. Martiu's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. e. Arctic America. Presented by Sir John Richardson. f. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. g. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 3. SIALIS FERRUGINEUS. Ferrugineus; capitis vertex nigricans, vittis maculisque flavis; antenna nigræ ; abdomen nigrum, apice ferrugineum ; pedes picei, coxis femoribusque ferrugineis ; alæ pallide fuscescente- cinerea. Ferruginous: vertex of the head blackish, with several more or less interrupted yellow stripes : some yellow spots between the an- tenpæ and about the mouth : palpi piceous : antennæ black, very pubescent : abdomen black, with a ferruginous tip: legs piceous; coxæ and femora ferruginous : wings pale brownish gray ; veins pi- ceous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 11] lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. Genus 2. ITHONE. Caput porrectum, fere rotundatum, corpore paullo angustius. Antennæ setaceæ, corpore paullo breviores, basi approximantes, multi-articulatæ ; articulo basali magno, rotundato, cæteris valde minoribus, subæqualibus. Oculi mediocres, rotundati, Labrum obtusum, setosum, medio subemarginatum. Mandibulæ elongatæ, apice acutæ, paullo incurvæ, haud dentatæ; maxillarum lacinia ob- tusa, apice membranacea, intus pilosa ; galea tenuis, lacinia vix brevior. Palpi maxillares 5-articulati, articulo lo 2oque brevissi- mis, cæteris longioribus subæqualibus. Maxilla extus setis rigidis instructa. Labium membranaceum, rugosum quasi desiccatum ; palpi labiales 3-articulati, articuli breves subæquales. Prothorax transversus, brevis, capite latior. Mesothorax fere quadratus. s 2 196 SIALIDÆ. Metathorax latitudine brevior. Abdomen breve, obesum, hirsutum. Alæ ampla, longitudinaliter sinuatæ, quasi plicatiles, magnitudine subæquales. Tarsi 5-articulati. Ithone, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 180. 1. ITHONE FUSCA. Fusca, setosa, subtus dilutior et paullo flavescens ; alæ fuscescentes ; venæ longitudinales setis tectæ, transverse nisi supracostales nuda. Ithone fusca, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 181. a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. New Holland. From Mr. Argent's collection. c. New Holland. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection. d. Swan River. Presented by Sir John Richardson. Genus 3. MEROPE. Caput corpore valde angustius, pronum, antice elongatum. Os sub pectore inclinatum. Antennæ corporis dimidio vix brevi- ores, multi-articulatæ, ante medium incrassatæ, apice tenues, ante oculos insertæ, basi fere attingentes; articuli hirsuti, longitudine subæquales. Oculi elongati, reniformes, ad verticem, quasi Dipte- rorum conniventes, et infra antennas approximantes. Instrumenta cibaria elongata et rostrum, quasi Panorpæ formantes. Labrum elongatum, apice acutissimum. Alæ haud plicatæ, reticulatæ, am- plissimæ, quasi Hemerobii, apice rotundatæ, magnitudine subæ- quales. Tarsi 5-articulati. Abdomen obesum, apice acutum. Merope, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 180. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 194. 1. MEROPE TUBER. Fuscescens ; antenne, caput et prothorax saturatiora ; abdomen, pedes et alæ dilutiora ; oculi nigri; alarum anticarum margo posterior prope basin tubere parvo instructa. Merope tuber, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 180. a. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by the Entomological Club. SIALIDE. 197 Genus 4. DILAR. Os vix prominens. Ocelli tres, remoti, postici maximi opaci. Palpi brevissimi. Antennæ maris sat longæ, molles ; extus pecti- natæ, fæm. denticulatæ. Prothorax brevis. Oviductus longus, gracillimus. Tarsi articulis quinque, lus cæteris multo longior, 5us 20 paullo brevior. Dilar, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 445. Mouth hardly prominent: palpi extremely short: ocelli three, far apart, hind pair very large, opaque: antennæ of the male rather long, soft, pectinated on the outer side; teeth long, soft, far apart; antennæ of the female denticulate: prothorax short : tarsi 5-jointed; first joint inuch longer than the others; fifth a little shorter than the second ; claws simple, very slender, with a prominent foot-cushion between them: anal tip of the female furnished with a long, very slender oviduct: veins of the wings rather numerous ; cross-veinlets few, exceptivg'on the costal space which is rather long. 1. DILAR NEVADENSIS. Obscure rufus ; caput testaceum ; abdomen basi et apice flavum ; antenna fuscæ; pedes fusco-flavescentes ; al fuscescentes, apud medium unimaculata. Dilar Nevadensis, Ramb. Faune de l'Andalousie, .ii. pl. 9, f. 4, 5. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 445, pl. 10, f. 3, 4. Sierra Nevada; Granada. Genus 5. CHAULIODES. Ocelli tres in fronte supra antennas. Mandibulæ parvæ vel mediocres. Antennæ pectinatæ. Tarsorum articulus 4us integer, minutus. Chauliodes, Latr.; Burm. ; Ramb. Hemerobius, p., Linn. Semblis, p., Fabr. S 3 198 SIALIDE. Group 1. Antennæ pectinatæ. 1. CHAULIODES PECTINICORNIS. Cinereus, testaceo variegatus; alæ pallide cinereæ, venis fuscis pal- lide annulatis. Hemerobius pectinicornis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 911, 1; Amæn. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2638, 1. Deg. Ins. iii. 562, 2, pl. 27, f. 3. Drury, Ins. i. pl. 46, f. 3. Pal. Beauv. Ins. Afr. et Amer. Neur. pl. 1, f. 2. Chauliodes pectinicornis, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 198. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 950, 3. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 444, 1. a, b. United States. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. Wilmington, Delaware. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. Massachusetts. From Professor Sheppard's collection. €. ? From Mr. Children's collection. f, g. ? 2. CHAULIODES RASTRICORNIS. Piceus ; prothorax multo longior quàm latior ; pedes testacei, tarsis obscurioribus; ala cinerea. Chauliodes rastricornis, Ramb. Hist. Nut. Ins. Neur. 444, 2. Body pitchy: head broader in front with several blackish lobes on the hinder part which is ferruginous: mouth ferruginous: an- tennæ black, deeply pectinated; branches subclavate: metathorax with a yellowish spot: legs testaceous; tarsi pitchy, except at the base: wings gray ; veins pale teslaceous in the fore-wings, with brown bands, about which the wings are slightly clouded ; marginal region with twenty-three transverse veins, which are shorter and more oblique towards the tip. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. SIALIDÆ. 199 3. CHAULIODES SINENSIS. Piceus; caput thorace latius, ad os testaceum ; antennæ nigræ; prothorax testaceus; alæ subhyalina, anticæ e maculis mag- nis fuscis oblique fasciate, posticæ margine antico fasciisque duabus fuscis. Male. Piceous: head broader than the prothorax, testaceous towards the mouth: mandibles with black tips: antennæ black, deeply pectinated; branches subclavate: prothorax testaceous : legs pubescent; kpees testaceous : wings subhyaline ; fore-wings with many rather large brown spots, most of which form irregular oblique bands; veins pale testaceous; marginal region with two dark brown subquadrate spots and with about twenty-seven trans- verse veins which are mostly clouded with brown, are parallel to each other, and towards the tip are more contiguous and more ob- lique: hind-wings brown along most of the fore border, and with two oblique brown bands, one in the disk darker and more complete than the other which is diffuse, irregular, and interrupted, and con- tains some subhyaline spots in front. Length of the body 8-9 lines; of the wings 28-32 lines. a. North China. From Mr. Cuming's collection, b. China. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 1. CHAULIODES CALIFORNICUS. Piceus aut obscure ferrugineus; caput antice et postice testaceum ; metathorax flavo maculatus ; abdomen subtus rufescens ; pedes nigricantes, coxis femoribusque subtus testaccis; alæ cinereæ, fusco guttatee. Body pitchy or dark ferruginous: bead broader in front, as long as the prothorax, with several ridges of various length towards the hind border which is testaceous in the middle : mouth testace- ous : prothorax slightly rugose longitudinally, much longer than broad: metathorax with a yellowish spot on the disk : abdomen reddish beneath : legs blackish ; coxæ and femora testaceous be- neath: wings gray; fore-wings adorned between all the veins with numerous brown dots of various size and shape, a few of them confluent; veins pitchy, here and there pale testaceous; transverse veins of the marginal region with the usual structure: hind-wings with very indistinct dots except along the fore border; veins piceous on the costal region, testaceous elsewbere. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 38 lines. a. California. From M. Hartweg's collection. 200 SIALIDÆ. 5. CHAULIODES SIMPLEX. Piceus; caput antice latius, ore luteo; thorax subferrugineus , pedes testacei, tarsis piceis; alæ subcineree, anticæ fusco sub- guttatæ et bimaculate. Body pitchy : head broader in front, with slight longitudinal ridges towards the bind part, longer than the prothorax: mouth lu- teous: thorax slightly ferruginous : legs testaceous; tarsi piceous : wings slightly gray; fore-wings with very indistinct pale brownish dots which are most apparent in front: veins pale testaceous ; mar- ginal region with twenty-three transverse veins which are more oblique and more approximate towards the tips; fore border of each wing with two oblong brown spots towards the tip. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 26–29 lines. aớc. Silbet. From Mr. Argent's collection. 6. CHAULIODES VIRGINIENSIS. Capite thoraceque nigris, fulvo punctatis ; alis latis hyalinis, venis nigro punctatis. Long. alar. 36 lin. Hemerobius pectinicornis ? Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 911, 1. · Pal. Beauv. Ins. Afr. et Amer. Neur. pl. 1, f. 2. Hemerobius Virginiensis, Drury, Ins. App. vol. ii. Chauliodes Virginiensis, Westw. Edit. of Drury, i. 105, pl. 46, f. 3. · Virginia. 7. CHAULIODES SUBFASCIATUS. Var? Piceus; caput antice testaceum; alæ subcinerece, fasciis duabus obliquis latis fuscis, anticæ fusco maculata, venis albido fasciatis basi luteis. Chauliodes subfasciatus, Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. 70, pl. 34, f. 5. Body pitchy: head broad in front, testaceous towards the mouth, much broader and a little longer than the prothorax : eyes prominent: prothorax a little broader in front, slightly contracted in the middle, rather broader than long, with a very slight dorsal ridge: wings slightly gray, with two broad oblique brown bands, one at the tip : fore-wings with numerous brown spots towards the base and with a few between the bands; veins brown, with whitish bands, SIALIDIÆ. 201 luteous at the base ; marginal region with above twenty transverse veins. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Silhet. From Mr. Stainforth's collection. Group 2. Antennæ bipectinatæ. 8. CHAULIODES FASCIATUS. Piceus; caput luteum ; antenna nigræ, bipectinatæ ; pedes ferru- ginei, tarsis piceis ; alæ fusce, albo fasciatæ et apice gut- tatæ. Body pitchy: head luteous, striated longitudinally, broader in front, longer than the prothorax: mouth pitchy: eyes rather pro- minent: antennæ black, pectinated on both sides; branches short, clavate: legs ferruginous ; tarsi pitchy: wings dark brown'; across the middle disk of each a broad white band which does not extend to the hind border, and in the fore-wings is adorned with several brown dots; some white dots towards the tip of each wing, and a white spot near the tip of each fore border ; veins brown, here and there white; costal region with about twenty-four transverse veins. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 24 lines. a, b. New Holland. Genus 6. HERMES. Ocelli tres in fronte supra antennas. Mandibulæ parvæ vel mediocres. Autennæ serrata. Tarsorum articulus 4us integer, minutus. Hermes, Gray, Griff. ed. Cuv. Anim. Kingd. ii. 322. Hemerobius, p., Linn. Semblis, p., Fabr. Chauliodes, p., Latr.; Pal. Beauv.; Burm. Neuroinus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 441. Epistoma slightly or not notched, a little rounded on each side: mandibles alike in both sexes; angles of the mentum moderately projecting: labial palpi 4-jointed ; first joint rather large, the others short: maxillary palpi 6-jointed; the three last joints very short: maxillæ compressed, hardly prominent, seated alongside and not 202 SIALIDÆ. only at the tip of the second joint of the maxillary palpi; external: part thick, furnished with thick-set hairs along a part of the length, shorter than the other part : antennæ simple: first and fifth joints of the tarsi longer than the others ; fourth a little shorter than the third. The species included in this genus agree in having simple an- tennæ, but some of them are allied to Perla, others to Sialis or to Chauliodes, and a few to Raphidia. 1. HERMES MACULATUS.' Fusco-niger ; capite et prothorace rufis ; alæ fuscæ venis nonnullis transversis albis, anticæ macula ad costam triangulari alba. Chauliodes serricornis, Say, Keating and Long's Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, ii. Appendix 47; Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. ii. Append. 307; Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 949, 1. Neuromus maculatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 442, 3, pl. 10, f. 2. : Body pitchy: head red, much longer than broad, a little broader in front, striated longitudinally, longer and a little broader than the prothorax: eyes hardly prominent: antennæ black, slightly serrated : prothorax red, slightly longer than broad, piceous on each side and in front, indistinctly ridged towards the hind border, a little narrower in front than behind, slightly impressed on each side: wings dark browni, paler towards the tips and along the hind borders, adorn- ed with numerous white spots which are largest and most confluent across the middle of tbe fore-wings and towards the tips of the hind-wings; marginal region with 18–21 transverse veins. a. North America. Presented by Henry Jones, Esq. b. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. North America. d, e. ? 2. HERMES RUFICOLLIS. Niger ; capite et prothorace rufis, hujus disco nonnunquam nigro ;- femora ferruginea ; alæ fusca, maculis nonnullis basique albis Chauliodes (Hermes) maculipennis, G. R. Gray, Edit. Cuv. Anim. Kingd. ii. 331, 332, pl. 72, f. 1. SIALIDE. 203 Semblis fuscata ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 73, 5. Neuromus ruficollis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 443, 4. a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. b,c, ? From Mr. Children's collection. 3. HERMES MAQULIFERA. Niger ; capite et prothorace rufis; caput sulcatum, thorace paullo latius; antenna nigræ, subserratæ ; prothorax apud medium subcontractus, latitudine longior ; femora rufa; alæ latæ, fuscæ, apice subpallidiores, anticæ maculis 17 albis, posticæ maculis 3 basique albis. Black: bead and prothorax red: head with longitudinal fur- rows, a little broader in front than behind, rather broader than the prothorax: antennæ black, slightly serrated: prothorax a little con- tracted in the middle, longer than broad : femora red : wings broad, brown, a little paler towards the tips : fore-wings with about 11 mostly round white spots of various size: bind-wings white towards the base with the exception of a brown angular spot on the fore border, extending towards the base and to the disk ; three round white spots of various size in the disk. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 32 lines. a. Malabar. Presented by the Entomological Club. 4. HERMES SINENSIS. Ferrugineus ; caput inter oculos piceum, thorace latius; antennæ nigre; abdomen apice nigricans ; pedes nigri, femoribus piceis ; alæ subhyalina, guttis plurimis fasciaque obliqua fuscis. Ferruginous : head piceous between the eyes, broader than the prothorax: antennæ black: abdomen blackish towards the tip: legs black; femora piceous : wings subhyaline, with numerous brown dots and with an oblique brown band which is interrupted towards the hind border of each of the four wings; veins testaceous; mar- ginal region of the fore-wings with about thirty transverse veins. Length of the body 13 lines ; of the wings 36 lines. a. Hong Kong, China. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 204 SIALIDÆ. 5. HERMES GUTTIFERUS. Obscure ferrugineus ; alæ subcinerea, antica fusco guttata, pos- ticæ fusco trimaculata. Body dark ferruginous : head broader in front, with some longi- tudinal ridges on the disk, a little broader and longer than the pro- thorax : eyes slightly prominent: prothorax a little impressed on each side, with a slight longitudinal furrow, much longer than broad : wings slightly gray; fore-wings adorned with very nume- rous brown dots of various size between all the veins, and with two brown spots towards the tip of the fore border; marginal region region with about twenty-eight transrerse veins ; hind-wings with three large brown spots, one adjoining the marginal region, the se- cond on the fore border, between the first and third, which is in the disk. Length of the body 10 ? lines ; of the wings 32 lines. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 6. HERMES DUBITATUS. Piceus ; femora subtus ferruginea ; alæ cineree, apud venas fus- co guttata. Body pitchy: bead a little broader in front, rather broader and longer than the prothorax, slightly striated on the hind part where the disk is luteous : prothorax broader than long, narrower in front, slightly rugulose longitudinally: femora ferruginous beneath : wings gray ; fore-wings with very numerous brown dots along the veins ; margipal region with above twenty transverse veins ; dots on the hind-wings indistinct except along the fore border. Length of the body 10 lines ; of the wing 38 lines. a. ? 7. HERMES INDECISUS. Ferrugineus; caput antice testaceum, postice nigro-varium ; an- tenne piceæ ; pedes testacei; alæ subcinerea, anticæ subma- culatæ. Body dark ferruginous : head very little broader in front, a little broader but not longer than the prothorax, testaceous in front, with various black lines towards the hind border: antennæ pitchy, subserrate: prothorax hardly narrower in front, a little broader than SIALIDE. 205 long, with a slight dorsal suture: legs testaceous : wings slightly gray: fore-wings with very indistinct darker spots; veins brown, with pale testaceous bands; marginal region with twenty-two transverse veins : hind-wings with testáceous veins. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 36 lines. a. ? 8. HERMES ANTICUS. Luteus ; prothoracis vittis duabus, abdomine pedibusque piceis ; antenna nigræ ; ala subcinerea, fusco maculatæ et oblique subfasciata. Body luteous: bead a little broader in front, broader but hardly longer than the prothorax: eyes prominent: antennæ black, sub- serrate: prothorax linear, very little broader than long, with a short pitchy stripe on each side: abdomen pitchy: legs pitchy, pubescent: wings slightly gray, with many brown spots, the largest forming two very imperfect oblique bands; veins testaceous, blackish towards the fore border ; marginal region with about thirty transverse veins. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 38 lines. a. China. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 9. HERMES DIVERSUS. Ferrugineus ; caput vittatum, antice testaceum ; antenne piccæ ; abdomen piceum ; alæ longa, anguste, anticæ albidæ fusco guttatæ. Ferruginous: head much broader than the thorax, striped, testaceous in front, contracted hindward : antennæ piceous : pro- thorax with a slight longitudinal furrow, its length a little exceed- ing its breadth : abdomen piceous : wings long and narrow; fore- wings dingy white, with numerous pale brown dots which are mostly on the pale testaceous veins; margival region of the fore-wings with twelve transverse veins. Length of the body 13 lives; of the wings 34 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by the Rev. W. Colenso. b. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Hooker. 206 SILAIDÆ. 10. HERMES PRASINOS. Viridis, depressus ; caput thorace paullo latius ; prothorax sub- transversus, antice fere rectus, postice rotundatus ; setæ cau- dales 13-articulate ; alæ pallide virides. Long. alar. 24 lin. Chloroperla prasina, Newm. Zool. iii. 853, 2. This species seems to connect the Perlides with the Semblides. a. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. 11. HERMES TESTACEUS. Testaceus ; antennis, prothoracis maculis quatur, tibiis basi tarsis- que nigris ; alis albis, venis transversis basi infuscutis. Neuromus testaceus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 442, 1, pl. 10,8.1. Like the three following species in structure. a. East Indies b. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. C. ? . 12. HERMES HIEROGLYPHICUS. Testaceus; capitis maculis duabus, prothoracis maculis quatuor, mesothoracisque duabus nigris ; alis albis, strigis plurimis fuscis, venis transversis nigricantibus. Neuromus hieroglyphicus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 442, 2. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 13. HERMES ALBI PENXIS. Testaceus ; caput thorace multo latius, maculis duabus lateralibus punctuque antico antennisque nigris; thorax vittis duabus la- teralibus abdominisque apice nigris ; ale albide. Pale testaceous: head much broader than the prothorax, with a black mark on each side behind the eyes, and with a black dot in front of the anterior ocellus, and having a tooth on each side, which is also a character of the two preceding species : antennæ black ; first joint leslaceous : prothorax having on each side a black inter- lupted stripe wbich is continued in a spot on each side of the meso- thorax: abdomen black towards the tip: wings whilish; veits pale SIALIDE. 207 testaceous; marginal region with about thirty-five transverse veins, which are mostly parallel to each other and at equal distances. Length of the body 14 lines; of the wings 46 lines. a, b. Nepaul. From the Hardwicke bequest. 14. HERMES COSTALIS. Testaccus; caput thorace multo latius ; antenne nigræ ; prothorax. vittis duabus lateralibus interruptis nigris ; abdominis seg- menta marginibus posticis nigricantibus ; tibiæ tarsique nigra ; alæ subcinereæ, anticæ maculis albidis. Testaceous : head longer and much broader than the prothorax: mandibles black : antennæ black; first and second joints testaceous: prothorax with a black interrupted stripe on each side: hind borders of abdominal segments blackish: tibiæ and tarsi black, the former pale testaceous towards the base: wings slightly gray, very shining; fore-wings with some round indistinct whitish spots of various size; veins testaceous; marginal region with about thirty-eight transverse veins which are mostly parallel to each other, and towards the tip are more contiguous and occasionally forked ; a brown transverse spot in each of the areolets formed by these veins. Length of the body 11–12 lines; of the wings 44-48 lines. 15. HERMES ? GRISEUS. Alis cinereis albo maculatis. Hemerobius griseus, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 386, 2; Mant. Ins. i. 244, 2; Ent. Syst. ii.. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2638, 16. Tropical Africa. 16. HERMES ? ATRATUS. Magnus, ater ; thorace hirto; abdomine cylindrico ; alis albidis, anticis nigro maculatis. Hemerobius atratus, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 386, 3; Mant. Ins. i. 244, 3; Ent. Syst. ii. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2638, 17. Tropical Africa. T 2 208 SIALIDA. 17. HERMES ? GRANDIS. Oblongus, flavescens, glaber; antennis maxillisque nigris ; alis subæqualibus reticulato-venosis, maculis duabus pallide flavis. Hemerobius grandis, Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. i. 28, f. 44. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2639, 19. Japan. Genus 7. CORYDALIS. Ocelli tres, in fronte supra antennas. Mandibulæ maximæ, sorum articulus 4us integer, minutus. Raphidia p., Linn. ; Deg. Hemerobius, p., Linn. (olim); Fabr. ; Gmel.; Pal. Beauv. Corydalis, Latr.; Burm. ; Ramb. 1. CORYDALIS CORNUTA. Fusco-testaceu ; alæ cinereæ, areolis omnibus albo punctatis, venis fuscis et alternatim pallidis. Raphidia cornuta, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, ii. 916, 3. Dey. Ins. iii. pl. 27, f. 1. Hemerobius cornutus, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 551, 14. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 392, 1; Mant. Ins. i. 146, 1; Ent. Syst. ii. 81, 1. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i, 5, 2639, 30. Corydalis cornuta, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. ii. 916, 3. Pal. Beauv. **Ins. Afr. et Am. Neur. pl. 1, f. 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 950, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 440, 1. Crochard, ed. Cuv. Règ. Anim. Ins. pl. 104. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. b, c. ? 2. CORYDALIS CEPHALOTES. Testaceo-cinerea ; alæ infumatæ, venis transversis areolæ costalis crebrioribus nigris areolisque impunctatis ; areolis vero dis- calibus quibusdam post radium albo punctatis. Corydalis affinis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 951, 2. Corydalis cephalotes ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 441, 2. Brazil. SIALIDÆ. 209. Genus 8. RAPHIDIA. Tarsi articulo 30 cordato, bilobo; 40 vix ullo. Div. 1. Caput longum, planum. Raphidia, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 916; Fabr.; Gmel.; Barbut ; Berk.; Stew.; Turt. ; Latr.; Leuch; Wood; Curt:; Steph.; Schumm. ; Perch.; Ramb.; Schneider. Rhaphidia, Burin. 1. RAPHIDIA NOTATA. Capite gibbo, vertice latiori ; ocellis obsoletis ; prothoracis limbo laterali postico pallido ; alarum venis nigris, stigmate longiori fusco tri- vel quadriareolato. Long. 7 lin. Raphidia notata, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 402, 1; Mant. Ins. i. 251, 1. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. í. 5, 2648, 2.' Stew. El. Nat. Hist. iii. 218. Kirby and Spence, i. pl. 3, f. 6. Schuim. Beitr, zur Ent. 13, 3. Perch. Mém. Raph. 2, f. 2. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 436, 1. Schneider, Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. 252, 1. Rhaphidia notata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 964, 5. a. ~? From Mr. Children's collection. b. -- --? 2. RAPHIDIA MAJOR. Capite latiori, vitta lata rufa verticali ; prothoracis limbo pallido ; alarum venis testaceo-fuscis, stigmate brevi pallido triareolato. Long. 64 lin. Rhaphidia major, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 964, 4. Germany. 3. RAPHIDIA MEDIA. Vertice vitta obsoleta rufa; prothorace concolore ; alarum venis omnibus nigris, areolis in margine omni postico furcatis, stig- mate fusco plerumque triareolato. Long. 6 lin. Rhaphidia media, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 964, 3. Germany. • T3 210 SIALIDE. 4. RAPHIDIA BETICA. R. notatæ affinis ; capite breviore, magis punctato postice plus quam retracto, rugoso ; prothorace graciliore, punctato ruguso; alis angustioribus. Raphidia Bætica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 437, 2. Schneider, Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. 253, 2. South Spain. 5. RAPHIDIA XANTHOSTIGMA. Alarum stigmate elongato pallido, biareolatæ. Long. 5 lin. Raphidia xanthostigma, Schummel, Beitr. zur Ent. 12, 2. Schneid. . Mon. Raphid. 71, 2, pl. 3, f. 8. Rhaphidia xanthostigma, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 963, 1. Raphidia ophiopsis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 99, 1. Raphidia notata, Perch. Mon. Raph. 2, f. 1. Raphidia cognata ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 438, 3. Schneider, Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. 254, 3. Europe. 6. RAPHIDIA OPHIOPSIS. Alra, nitida ; clypeo, antennis basi, femoribus apice, tibiis tarsisque ochraceo-flavis ; abdomine lineis duabus lateralibus marginibusque segmentorum stramineis ; alarum stigmate brevi fusco biareolato, areolis quinque in apice alarum furcatis. Long. 4 lin. · Raphidia ophiopsis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 402, 2; Faun. Suec. 1517. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 402, 2; Mant. Ins. i. 251, 2; Ent. Syst. ii. Geoffr. Ins. Par. ii. 233, 1. Scop. Ent. Carn. 711. Roes. Ins. iii. App. i. pl. 21, f. 6,7. Sulz. Hist. Ins. pl. 25, f. 9. Scheff. Elem. pl. 107; Icon. pl. 95, f. 1, 2. Deg. Ins. ii. 2, 93, pl. 25, f. 4. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2647, 1. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 265, pl. 87, f. inf. Sam. Ent. Comp. 261, pl. 7, f. 6. Curt. Brit. Ent. vi. pl. 37. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 130, 1, pl. 31, f. 1. Waterh. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1, 23, pl. 3, 1. 1. Schumm. Beitr. zur Ent. 10, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 439, 5. Schneid. Mon. Raph. 68, 1, pl. 2, f. a, b; Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. 255, 5. Crochard, ed. Cuv, Règ. Anim. 102, Ins. pl. 105, f. 4. Rhaphidia ophiopsis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 963. SIALIDÆ. 201 Var. ß. Atra, nitida ; capite magno linea postica picea ; ore, an- tennis basi, tibiis tarsisque ochraceo-flavis ; abdomine lineis duabus lateralibus stramineis, stigmate fusco. Raphidia megacephala, Leach, MSS. Sleph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 130, 2. a-f. England. g. Germany. K. From Mr. Children's collection. i. ? 7. RAPHIDIA HISPANICA. . R. notata paullo major ; capite latiore, breviore, rufo fasciato, punctis subtilioribus crebrioribus ; prothorace rugoso, trans- versim sulcato, rufo fasciato. Raphidia hispanica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 438, 4. Schneider, Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. 255, 4. South Spain. 8. RAPHIDIA LONDINENSIS.. Nigra, nitida ; ore, antennis basi, prothoracis lateribus, tibiis tar- sisque ochraceo-flavis ; abdomine flavo punctato; alis hyalinis, stigmate flavescente. Raphidia Londinensis, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 130, 3. R. ophiopsis ? Barbut, Gen. 229, pl. 12. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 218. Wood, Ill. Linn. Gen. Ins. ii. 37, pl. 52. a. England. Presented by F. Smith, Esq. 6mf. England. 9, h. - 9. RAPHIDIA AFFINIS. Nigra, nitida ; antennis basi, ore, prothoracis marginibus, pedi- busque anterioribus ochraceo-flavis ; abdomine punctis flavis; . alis hyalinis, stigmate subflavescente. Raphidia affinis, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 131, 4. R. Londinensis var.! am-c. England. 212 SIALIDA 10. RAPHIDIA MACULICOLLIS. Nigra, nitida ; clypeo, antennis basi, tibiis tarsisque ochraceo-flavis ; prothorace fulvescente-ochraceo, nigro maculato, lateribus. luteo-flavis ; alis subflavescentibus, stigmate concolore, venis fuscescentibus. Raphidia maculicollis, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 131, 5. R. Ophiopsis var. ? a. England. 11. RAPHIDIA CONFINIS. Nigra, nitida ; ore fulvo ; protharacis lateribus ochraceis ; pedibus ochraceo-flavis ; alis hyalinis, stigmate concolore, venis fuscis. Raphidia confinis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 131, 6. R. notatæ var. ? a, b. England. 12. RAPHIDIA CRASSICORNIS. Ocellis nullis ; pedibus totis pallidis ; alarum stigmate elongato, fusco, uniareolato. Long. 44 lin. Raphidia crassicornis, Schumm. Beitr. zur Ent. 15, f. 4. Perch. Mém. Raph. pl. 66, f. 4. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 439, 6. Schneid. Mon. 89, pl. 7; Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. 255, 6. Rhaphidia crassicornis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 964, 6. Europe. Div. 2. Caput breve, convexum. 13. RAPAIDIA VARIA. Nigra ; antenna robusta, breves, basi ferrugineæ : prothorax line- aris, duplo longior quam latior ; pedes rufescentes ; alæ lim- pidæ, venis albo nigroque variis, stigmate fusco flavo fasciato. Black: head hardly longer than broad, much broader than the prothorax, very convex above: antennæ short, stout, filiform, sub- moniliform, ferruginous at the base : prothorax linear; its length HEMEROBIDES. 213 . about twicc its breadth: legs reddish; coxæ black : wings limpid; veins alternately black and white ; subcubital and marginal veinlets towards the base clouded with black; stigma long, yellow in the middle, brown at each end. Appears to connect Raphidia with the Hemerobii. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Brazil. From the nest of Myrapetra scutellaris. Presented by Walter Hawkins, Esq. Fam. 2. HEMEROBIDES. . Corpus elongatum, molle. Caput trigonum, verticaliter in- flexum. Frons elevata. Oculi extantes, semiglobosi. Palpi max- illares 5-articulati, labiales 3-articulati. Antennæ filiforines aut setaceæ, elongatæ, multi-articulatæ, inter oculos insertæ. Abdomen elongatum, compressum, subcylindricum, subfalcatum. Pedes gra- ciles; calcaria fere obsoleta; tarsi breves, 5-articulati; articuli integri; ungues duo, parvi. Alæ æquales, amplæ, deflexæ, valde l'eticulatæ, costa distincta. Iemerobius, P., Linn. Raphidia, p., Linn. Hemerobius, Fabr. Mantis, P., Fabr. Phryganea, P., Fabr. Hemerobiini, P., Latr. : Termitines, p., Latr. Hemerobidæ, Leach ; Steph.; Wesm. Stegoptera, P., Duméril. Hemerobidæ, p., Burm. Rhaphidiodea, p., Burm. Coniopterygides, Burm. Hemerobides, P., Pictet. Hemerobides, Nymphides, Mantispides et Coniopterygides, Ramb. Hemerobiina, Macleay. Neuroptera, p., et Orthoptera, p., Brullé. Hemerobiidæ et Mantispidæ, Westw. Hemerobiiva et Mantispina, Newm. Genus 1. MANTISPA. Pedes antici raptorii, femoribus incrassatis dentatis, tibiis arcuatis. Mantispa, Illiger, Käf. Preuss. Anh. ; Latr.; Charp.; Erichs.; Burm. ; Ramb.; Westw. 214 HEMEROBIDES. Raphidia, p., Linn. ; Scopoli ; Vill. Mantis, p., Fabr.; Schr. ; Stoll. 1. MANTISPA SEMIHYALINA. Obscure cærulea ; antennis pedibusque anticis basi testaceis. Long, 8-10. Mantispa semihyalina, Serv. et St. Farg. Encycl. Méth. x. 270. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 434, pi. 10, f. 5. Westw. Trans. Ert. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 253, i. Mantispa chalybea, Erichson, Germar's Zeitsch. f. d. Ent. i. 160, 1. Mantispa grandis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 967, 4. Brazil, Surinam. a. —-—. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. b, c. ? 2. MANTISPA BRUNNEA. Fusca ; alis antice concoloribus, postice nisi ad basim hyalinis. Long. 9 lin. Mantispa brunnea, Say, Long's Exped. St. Peter's River, vii. 309; Amer. Ent. ii. pl. 25. Érichs. Germar's Zeitschr. Ént. i. 161, 2. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 253, 2. United States. a. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by the Entomological Club. b, c. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection, 3. MANTISPA VARIA. Castaneu, nigro flavoque variegata ; alis antice fulvis, margine postico fulvescente. Long. 6–7 lin. Var. Corpore pedi- busque unicoloribus, fusco-rufis. Mantispa varia, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 161, 3. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 253, 2. a. Central America. From Mr. Children's collection. HEMEROBIDES. 215 4. MANTISPA AMBUSTA. Nigra; abdoininis segmentis margine tibiisque flavis ; alis hya- linis margine anteriore apiceque fuscis. Lovg. 7 lin. Mantispa ambusta, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 162, 4. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 254, 4. Monte Video 5. MANTISPA IRRORATA. Fusco-cinerea ; capitis thoracisque dorso flavescentibus ; alis fusco irroratis. Long, 9 lin. Mantispa irrorata, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 162, 5. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 254, 5. Brazil. 6. MANTISPA DECORATA. Flava, fusco variegata ; alis hyalinis, fusco maculatis. Long. 5— 10 lin. Mantispa decorata, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 163, 6, pl. 11, . f. 5. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 254, 6. a. Brazil. 7. MANTISPA PROLIXA. Flavo fuscoque varia ; alis stigmale maculaque apicali fuscis. Lung. 77 lin. Mantispa prolixa, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 163, 7. Westri. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 254, 7. South Brazil. a. ? Georgia. b.? ? 8. MANTISPA GRANDIS. Fusca ; prothorace cinereo ; alis hyalinis, costa maculaque apicali fuscis. Long. 11 lin. Mantispa grandis, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 164, 8. 216 HEMEROBIDES. Mantispa Erichsonii, Guérin, Icon. Règn. Anim. Ins. 391. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 254, 8. a. Port Natal. From. M. Gueinzius' collection. b. Port Natal. 9. MANTISPA COSTÁLIS. Fusca ; prothorace abdomineque luteis ; alis hyalinis, costa lutea. Long. 8 lin. Mantispa costalis, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 164, 9. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 254, 9. Brazil. 10. MANTISPA PUSILLA. Fusca, flavo variegata ; prothorace tenuiter flavo lineato ; alis flavi- canti-hyalinis, costa fusca. Long. 4-6 lin. Mantis brevicornis, Deg. Ins. vii. 620, 18, pl. 46, f. 9, 10. Mantis pusilla, Pall. Spicileg. Zool. fasc. 9, 17, pl. 1, f. 9. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 351, 31; Mant. Ins. i. 230, 39; Ent. Syst. ii. 25, 51. Stoll, Mant. pl. i. f. 3. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 4, 2052, 34. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 631, 30. Mantis brevicornis, Deg. Ins. vii. 620, pl. 46, f. 9, 10. Mantispa pusilla, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 967, 3. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 432, 3. Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 165, 10. :' Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 254, 10. a, 6. Cape. From the Hardwicke bequest. c, d. Cape. Presented by R. W. Townsend, Esq. e. Cape. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. f. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss' collection. 9. S. Africa. From Mr. Children's collection. Var. Testaceous: head varied with yellow, with a brown spot on the vertex, and a short brown stripe on the face: antennæ dark , brown, pubescent, imperfect in the specimen described, yellow at the base: prothorax very slender, dilated near the head, with a brownish stripe on the back and one on each side:abdomen with a fer- ruginous stripe on each side: fore-coxæ yellow; fore-femora with a ferruginous stripe on each side: wings limpid; stigma ferruginous; veins black ; transverse veins of the discal areolets very undulating. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. HEMEROBIDES. 217 11. MANTISPA PAGANA. Flava, fusco varia; antennis ferrugineis ; alis hyalinis, costa flava, stigmate fusco. Long: 4-7. lin. Mantis Styriaca, Poda, Ins. 101, pl. 1, f. 15. Raphidia Mantispa, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 916, 2. Scop. Ent. Car- Triol, 272, 712, Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 67, pl. 8, f. 13. Mantis pagana, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 278, 20; Spec. Ins. i. 350, 29; Mant. Ins. i. 230, 37; Ent. Syst. ii. 24, 49. Stoll, Mant. pt. 2, f. 6. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2052, 32. Panz. Faun. Germ. 50, 9. Latr. Hist. Nat. Cr. et Ins. xii. 110. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. i. 261, 637, (Ed. Hellw. i, 324, 637). Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 631, 28. Mantis pusilla, Schr. Ins. Austr. 241. Mantispa pagana, Illig. Käff. Pruss. 499. Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iii. 93, 1. Charp. Hor. Ent. 92. Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 66, 11. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 967, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 431, 1. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 254, 11. Crochard, ed. Cuv. Règ. Anim. Ins. pl. 105, f. 3. a. Frejus. Presented by the Entomological Club. 6.- ? From Mr. Children's collection. c. ? From Mr. Shuckard's collection. d-9. ? 12. MANTISPA PERLA. Flava, fusco variegata ; antennis nigris ; alis flavicanti-hyalinis, costa testacea. Long. 5 lin. Mantis Perla, Pall. Spic. Zool. fasc. ix. 16, pl. 1, f. 8. Mantispa Christiana, Charp. Hor. Ent. 23. Mantispa Perla, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 167, 12. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 967, 2.. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 432, 2. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc Lond. new ser. i. 254, 12. Mantispa Victorii, Guér. Icon. Règn. Anim. Ins. 391. South Russia ; Greece. a, ? a 218 HEMEROBIDIS. 13. MANTISPA FLAVEOLA. Flava, fusco varia ; alis hyalinis, costa stigmateque flavis. Long. 5 lin. Mantispa flaveola, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 168, 13. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 254, 13. Pará. 14. MANTISPA DORSALIS. Atra ; prothorace toto corporisque dorso flavis ; alis hyalinis, costa fusca. Long. 6 lin. Mantispa dorsalis, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 169, 14. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 254, 14. Caffraria. 15. MANTISPA FUSCIPENNIS. Fusca ; pectore pedibusque testaceis ; alis fuscis, nilidis. Long. 5 lin. Mantispa fuscipennis, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 168, 15. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 254, 15. Caffraria. 16. MANTISPA TENELLA. Flava ; prothorace æquali subtiliter granulato ; abdomine fusco variegato; alis hyalinis, costa pallida, stigmate fusco. Long. 44-5 lin. Mantispa tenella, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 169, 16. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 255, 16. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 17. MANTISPA NANA. Pallida ; prothorace æquali subtiliter granulato ; abdomine fusco- variegato ; alis hyalinis, stigmate subfusco. Long, 4 lin. Mantispa nana, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 169, 17. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 255, 17. Dongola. HEMEROBIDES, 219 18. MANTISPA GRACILIS. Fusca; capite, prothorace pedibusque flavescentibus; prothorace æquali lævi ; alis hyalinis, costa flava, stigmate fusco. Long. 5 lin. Mantispa gracilis, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 169, 18. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 255, 18. Brazil. . 19. MANTISPA VIRIDULA. Pallide viridis ; alis albo-hyalinis, costa stigmateque viridibus. Long. 4. lin. Mantispa viridula, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 170, 19. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 255, 19. Brazil. 20. MANTISPA NOTHA. Picea, pilosa; prothorace brevi ; abdomine supra lobato'; tibiis pos- ticis compressis ; alis inæqualibus, fusco maculatis. Long. 33 lin. 1. Mantispa notha, Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 170, 20, pl. 2, f. 6. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 968, 5. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 255, 20. Anisoptera notha, Schneider, Mon. Raphid. 30. Brazil. 21. MANTISPA INTERRUPTA. , Pallida ; abdomine linea dorsali incisurisque nigris ; alis hyalinis, costa ferruginea ante apicem interrupta. Long. 6. lin. Mantispa interrupta, Say, Amer. Ent. ii. pl. 55. Erichs. Germ. Zeitsch. Ent. i. 171, 21. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 255,21. North America. U 2 220 HEMEROBIDES. 22. MANTISPA MINUTA. Capite thoraceque cylindrico flavescentibus ; abdomine virescente dorso flavescente; pedibus virescentibus ; alis hyalinis, costa flavescente vel virescente. Mantispa minuta, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 278, 21; Sp. Ins. i. 350, 30; Mant. Ins. i. 230, 28; Ent. Syst. ii. 24, 50. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2052, 33. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 631, 29. Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. i. 171, 22. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 255, 22. 23. MANTISPA FLAVO-MACULATA. Flava ; capite pedibusque posterioribus viridibus; prothorace late- ribus fusco ; abdomine pedibusque anticis ferrugineis ; alis virescente-hyalinis. -- Stoll, Spectr. vii. pl. 2, f. 7. Mantispa flavo-maculata, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 94. Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. i. 172, 23. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 255, 23: Mantis Liliputiana, Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 640, 3. Surinam. 24. MANTISPA RUFESCENS. Obscure fusca ; antennis filiformibus ; alis flavescentibus, stigmate fusco. - Stoll, Spectr. 12, pl. 4, f. 15. Mantispa rufescens, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 94. Erichs. Germ. Zeitschr. Ent i. 173, 24. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond, new ser. i, 255, 24. Mantispa nabota, Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 604,5. Corvinandel. a. ? Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. 25. MANTISPA GUERINII. Atro-fusca ; femoribus anterioribus latis, transverse rugosis ; tibia- rum et tarsorum spinis castancis; antennis obscurioribus; alis angustatis, perlucidis, antice rutilis, apice obscurioribus. HEMEROBIDES. 221 Mantispa grandis, Guér. Voy. de Duperrey, Ins. Atl. pl. 10, f. 4, Texte, pt. 2, 11, 196. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 433, 4. Mantispa Guerinii, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 255, 25. Amboina. 26. MANTISPA AURIVENTRIS, Rufo-castanea; fronte luieo ; abdomine flavo, fasciis quatuor unoque fuscis; alis hyalinis, anterioribus et margine inferioribus luteis, anticis macula exigua apicali obscura. Mantispa auriventris, Guérin, Mag. Zool. 1838, Ins. pl. 202. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 256, 26. Egypt. 27. MANTISPA NODOSA. Nigra ; capite, antennis, prothorace et pedibus anticis ferrugineis; abdominis dorso in medio obscure fulvo ; prothorace brevi nodoso; antennis 48-articulatis ; alis subhyalinis, dimidio costali fulvo, basi fusco strigaque obliqua ante medium fusca, in posticis fere obliteratis. Alar. long. fere 24 lin. Mantispa nodosa, Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. 70, pl. 34 ; Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. neu ser. i. 256, 27. Assam. 28. MANTISPA CORA. Fusca ; antennarum basis, facies, prothoracis latera (lineâ obliquâ interrupid), mesothoracis scutellum, tuberculi ad alarum basin, metathoracis scutellum, abdominisque incisura fava ; pedes varii. Mantispa Cora, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 401. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 256, 28. a. Malabar. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Wood's collection. U 3 222 HEMEROBIDES. 29. MANTISPA VIRESCENS. Pallide viridi-flava ; antennæ rufescentes, apice obscurce; ala albi- do-hyaline, venis viridi-flavis ciliatis, pterostigmate concolore. Mantispa virescens, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 433, 5. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond, new ser. i. 256, 29. Equal to the smallest size of M. pagana : antennæ a little long- er: prothorax a little thicker : anterior tibiæ shorter and broader : stigma very long, slightly villose: median longitudiual row of areolets with their lateral veins much sinuated. Mantispa viridula ? Erichs. 30. MANTISPA GRACILIS. Rufescens ; antenna nigricantes, basi pullidæ ; abdomen cinereo- fuscum, flavo subnebulosum; pedes albidi, tibiæ anticæ sub- rufescentes, antice striatæ; ala hyalina. Mantispa gracilis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 433, 6. Westw. . Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 256, 30. Mantispa iridipennis ? Guér. Icon. Règn. Anim. Ins. 392. Flava ; antennæ apice fusca ; alce hyalina, lete iridescentes, venis stig- mateque flavis. Size of M. pagana ; eyes larger, more prominent, more ap- proximate, more excavated behind the antennæ : face with a black line: antennæ paler at the base: prothorax more slender, inore gibbose, less dilated in front: anterior tibiæ with a dark line on their inner side: veins yellowish, slightly varied with brown : stigma a little narrower than that of M. pagana. 31. MANTISPA APICALIS. Obscure fusca ; epistomate, abdominis basi supra cingulisque tribus pone medium utrinque flavis ; alis subæqualibus, anticis dilute nem exteriorem dilute flavo-fuscis. Long. 7 lin. Mantispa apicalis, Loew, Germ. Zeit. iv. 433. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 257, 31. Rhodes. HEMEROBIDES. 32. MANTISPA VITTATA. Fusca ; cupite supra carinato; antennis pallidis, apice nigricanti- bus ; abdomine flavo, vittis lateralibus latis duabus aliaque media angusta supra et infra fuscis; pedibus Aavis, femoribus anticis apice intus nigris, spina la flava, apice nigra ; alis hyalinis, stigmatibus fulvis. Long. 3–4 lin.; alar. 6-10 lin. Mantispa vittata, Guér. Voy. Coquille, Ins. Texte, 196. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 257, 32, pl. 17, f. 1. New Holland. 33. MANTISPA AUSTRALASI Æ. Fulvo-fusca ; capite thoraceque subtus fulvescentibus ; capite antice et oculorum marginibus flavis, vertice carina discali longitu- dinali ; antennis fuscis; abdomine supra nigricante, vittis duabus lateralibus ventreque flavis, hoc fusco vittato ; pedibus fulvo-flavis;. alis flavo-hyalinis, venis stigmateque rufo-fuscis. Mantispa Australasiæ, Guér. Icon. Règn. Anim. Ins. Texte, 392. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 258, 33, pi. 17, f. 2. a, b. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton's collection. c. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. - d. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. e, South Australia. From Mr. Stevens' collection. f. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. g. Van Dieman's Land. Presented by the Rev. T. Ewing. h. Van Dieman's Land. From Mr. A. J. Smith's collection. 34. MANTISPA STRIGIPES. Castanea ; facie flava, linea media nigra ; vertice flavo, vario; an. tennis brevibus, 25-articulatis; prothorace supra punctis non- nullis lineaque tenui media flavis ; femoribus anticis extus linea media nigra ; alis areolis septem obliquis discalibus. Long: 5. lin.; alar. 12} lin. Mantispa strigipes, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 259, 34, pl. 17, f. 3. Adelaide. 224 HEMEROBIDES. 35. MANTISPA SCUTELLARIS. Luteo-flava ; capite magis castaneo ; mesothorace supra lineis dua- bus nigris, convergentibus, scutello magis elevatis; antennis brevibus obscure fuscis, 32-articulatis ; abdominis segmentis fascia apicali nigra in medio interrupta. Long. 7 lin. ; alar. 15 lin. Mantispa scutellaris, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 260, 35, pl. 17, f. 4. New Holland. 36. MANTISPA DELICATULA. Picea; capite flavo vario; antennis longis, gracilibus, 44-articula- tis ; abdominis lateribus flavo punctatis ; pedibus anticis elongatis, gracilibus, piceis, luteo striatis; alis elongatis, stig- mate cinereo fusco cincto, sectoris 3i radialis anticarum areolis decem. Long. 4–7 lin.; alar. 10–15 lin. Mantispa delicatula, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new. ser. i. 261,36, pl. 17, f. 5. a. Australia. From Mr. Argent's collection. 37. MANTISPA DISCOLOR. Fulvo-lutescens ; prothorace opaco, granuloso, setoso; meso- et me- tanoti lateribus fuscis; pedibus anticis longis gracilibus, femoribus anticis intus macula elongata fusca, spinis nigris basi albidis, tarsis anticis biunguiculatis ; alis elongatis, stigmate fusco, areolis obliquis tredecem. Long. 104 lin.; alar. 23 lin. Mantispa discolor, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 262, 37, pl. 17, f. 6. a. Australia. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection. HEMEROBIDES. 225 38. MANTISPA BISERIATA. Lutea ; verticis linea tenuissima media fusca ; antennis gracilli- mis, 40-articulatis ; prothoracis lateribus fuscis ; alarum venis albidis nigro punctatis ; areolis discalibus in medio vena transversa in duplice serie divisis. Long. 8 lin.; alar. 19 lin. Mantispa biseriata, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. new ser. i. 263, 38, pl. 17, f. 7. a. Australia. From Mr. Strange's collection. 39. MANTISPA QUADRITUBE ROULATA. Fusco-fulva, flavo nigroque varia ;, antennis brevissimis, 32-articu- latis ; pronoto carina transversa ante alteraque pone medium alarum, stigmate venisque subcostalibus fulvis, nubilaque api- cali fusca. Long. 5—9 lin,; alar. 11-17 lin. Mantispa quadrituberculata, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 264, 39, pl. 18, f. 1. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 40. MANTISPA TROPICA. Fusco-picea, flavo varia ; antennis gracilibus, 29-articulatis ; pro- thorace subelongato, lineis duabus obliquis flavis.; scutelli margineque postico segmentorum abdominalium tenuissime flavis; femoribus anticis intus et extus fuscis, margine tenui pallido. Long.44–51 lin.; alar. 9–11 lin. Mantispa tropica, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 265, 40. Gambia. 41. MANTISPA AREOLARIS. Fusca, flavo varia ; facie nigra, flavo marginata ; antennis graci- libus, 34-articulatis ; prothorace elongato angustato, parum transverse rugoso; scuti angulis anticis scutelloque favis ; alis hyalinis, arcolis obliquis discalibus ordinariis 15 vel 16. Long. 10 lin.; alar. 23 lin. 226 HEMEROBIDES. Mantispa areolaris, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 265, 41, pl. 18, f. 3. Brazil. 42. MANTISPA JAVANICA. Nigra, flavo varia ; faciei maculis tribus, labro, fasciaque trans- verså occipitali flavis ; prothorace flavo, lineis duabus latis dorsalibus nigris ; pedibus anticis favis, femoribus extus et intus striga abbreviata basali nigra ; alis hyalinis, stigmate sanguineo. Long. 8 lin. ; alar. 16 lin. Mantispa Javana, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 267, 42. Java. 43. MANTISPA LINEOLATA. Flava, nigro variegata; facie flava, macula angulata subtus alte- raque majori ad antennarum basim, macula labri alteraque parva triangulari verticali, nigris; antennis gracilibus nigris ; prothorace fere lævi, elongato, strigis tribus longitudinalibus nigris; alarum stigmate nigro. Long. 6 lin.; alar. 13 lin. Mantispa lineolata, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 267, 43, pl. 18, f. 4. a. Nepaul. From the Hardwicke bequest. . 44. MANTISPA Indica. Fulva ; facie linea fusca, media longitudinali, verticeque striga transversa fusca; prothorace flavo, lineis duabus lunatis la- teralibus antice, lateribusque posticis fuscis ; femoribus anticis intus nigricantibus; alis hyalinis, stigmate sanguineo. Long. 5-6 lin. ; alar. 12 lin. Mantispa Indica, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 268, 44, pl. 18, f.5. a. Nepaul. From the Hardwicke bequest. HEMEROBIDES. 227 45. MANTISPA MOZAMBICA. Luteo-fulva ; facie macula lunari, fasciaque transversa verticali rigris ; prothorace subrufescente, linea antice abbreviata nigra; femoribus anticis luteis, linea tenui fere circulari intus notatis ; alis parum areolatis, stigmate nigro. Long. 41. lin.; alar. 8 Mantispa Mozambica, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 269, 45, pl. 18, f. 6. Mozambique. 46. MANTISPA FENELLA. fascia interrupta stigmateque posticarum nigricantibus ; an- tennis longis, gracilibus, 46-articulatis ; alis anticis ovalibus, posticis minoribus. Long. 3; lin.; alar. 8 lin. Mantispa (Trichoscelia) Fenella, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. i. 269, 46, pl. 18, f. 7. a. Pará. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 47. MANTISPA VIRIDIS. Viridis vel flava, rufo bivittata ; facies rufo varia ; antennæ ru- fescentes ; ulæ limpida, venis pallidis nigro guttatis. Mantispa viridis, Newm. MSS. Green or yellow, with a reddish stripe on each side along the whole length of the body; face variegated with red ; antennæ reddisb, pubescent, compact, with about twenty joints; prothorax linear, slender, broader towards the head, more than half the length of the rest of the body; wings quite colourless ; veins pale green or yellow with black dots, arranged much like those of M. Styriaca; transverse veins of the discal areolets more undulating. Length of the body 3} lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. East Florida. Presented by the Entomological Club, 228 HEMEROBIDES. 48. MANTISPA ? PERSPICUA. Obscura ; ale hyalina, postice macula marginali apieeque fuscis. Mantis perspicua, Fabr. Mant. Ins. i. 230, 36; Ent. Syst. ii. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2052, 31. Cayenne. Genus 2. HOPLOPHORA. Caput transversum, pronum ; cum oculis, thorace duplo latior; oculi magni, laterales, rotundati. Antennæ filiformes, corporis di- midio longiores, multi-articulatæ ; articulo lo magro, 20 parvo, 30 elongato, cæteris brevissimis ; ante medium leviter incrassatæ ante apicem pedetentim attenuantes apice ipso paullo incrassato et cheli- formi? Labruin elongatum, membranaceum, apice rotundatum. Mandibulæ validæ, corneæ, fere trigonæ, extus convexæ, intus con- cavæ; apice acuto, dente parvo contiguo; basi intus dente acuto. Maxillarum lacinia tenuis, marginibus reflexis, apice gracilis sed rotundata, extus subconcava intus prope basin, dente magno setosu instructa. Palpi maxillares 5-articulati, articulus lus brevissimus fere reconditus, esteri elongati subæquales cylindrici ; sus incurvus, Labium fere quadratum, lateribus concavis ; palpiger fere quadra- tum, medio emarginatum. Palpi labiales 3-articulati, articulis cy- lindricis subæqualibus, 3us incurvus; ligula quadripartita, lobi laterales subcylindrici, subpalpiformes, apicibus acutis ; lobi interni breviores obtusiores, hirsutiores. Prothorax angustus, capite duplo longior. Corpus lineare, apice acuto ante apicem setis duabus bre- vibus 7-articulatis instructum. Alæ hyalinæ, reticulatæ, angustæ, sublineares, apice rotundatæ, area supracostali vix ulla. Pedes di- versi ; pedes antici quasi Mantidis ; coxæ elongatæ; femora, præ- sertim basi, crassa, coxis vix longiora, subtus spinarum validarum triplici serie armata ; tibiæ femoribus breviores, tenuiores, apice spina magna incurva definientes, subtus spinarum validarum unica - serie armata ; tarsi ante tibiarum apicem inserti, 5-articulati ; arti- culus lus elongatus, cæteris omnino longior, 2us brevis, 3us 4usque ad buc breviores, 5us eum longitudine æquans; pedum anticorum structura manifeste raptoria ; pedes posteriores simplices. Hoplophora, Perty, Delect. Anim. Artic. Bras. 126. Mantoida, Newm. Ent. Maj. v. 179. Chæteessa, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 527. HEMEROBIDES. 229 Burmeister and Westwood place this genus with the Mantide. 1. HOPLOPHORA VALIDA. Fusco-testacea ; alis subcinereis, venis longitudinalibus obscuriori- bus. Long: 7 lin.; alar. 14 lin. Hoplophora valida, Perty, Del. Anim. Artic. 126, pl. 25, f. 6. Chæteessa filata, Klug; Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 528. Brazil. 2. HOPLOPHORA TENUIS. Obscure fusca, glabra ; antenna nigra, ante apicem albidæ ; caput et prothorax linea communi longitudinali flavida signata ; aloe glaberrime. Long 4 lin.; alar 11 lin. Hoplophora tenuis, Perty, Del. Anim. Art. 127, pl. 25, f. 7. Mantoida nitida, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 179. Pará. . Genus 3. NYMPHES. Ocelli nulli. Tarsi antici elongati, longissimi. Ungues elon- gati, graciles, plantula vix conspicua. Nymphes, Leach, Zool. Miscell. i. 102, pl. 45. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 982. Nymphides (Nymphes), Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 412. Ocelli none : labrum notched in the middle: last joint of the maxillary palpi cylindrical, obtuse, a little longer than the pre- ceding; last joint of the labial palpi short spindle-shaped, a little longer than the preceding, much attenuated at its tip: antennæ filiform, at least as long as the thorax; middle joints a little thicker than the others : hind-shanks with a pair of almost obsolete spurs ; tarsi shorter than the tibiæ, composed of five short joints; claws simple, bent, furnished with onychia almost as long as themselves : fore-wings with the second and third veins re-united before the tip, and at the base a little cross-vein, wbich parting from the third vein ends in the fifth. S2 230 HEMEROBIDES. 1. NYMPHES MYRMELEONIDES. Rufescens ;" antenna nigra, apice rufæ ; ale hyaline, apice rufes- centes albo maculatæ. Nymphes myrmeleonoïdes, Leach, Zool. Miscel.i. 102, pl. 45. Ramb. : Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 412. Crochard, ed. Cuv. Règn. Anim. pl. 103, f. 5. Nymphes myrmecoleontoïdes, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 983. a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. New Holland. From Mr. Milne's collection. C-9. New Holland. 2. NYMPHES EXTRANEUS. Testaceus ; caput prothorace multo latius ; antenna nigræ ; pro- thorax nigro varius, duplo longior quam latior; abdomen piceum, apice testaceum ; ala albida, longa, angusta, subacu- minata, venis testaceis nigro variis. Testaceous : head much broader than the prothorax: antennæ black, setaceous, submoniliform, pubescent, testaceous towards the base, much shorter than the wings : prothorax hairy, a little nar- rower in front, with a black streak along each side and with a black band along the fore border; its length about twice its breadth : ab- domen pitchy, testaceous at the tip : leg's pale testaceous: wings whitish, rather long and narrow, slightly acuminated; veins testa- ceous, here and there black, especially in the fore-wings; subcostal veinlets very numerous; second sector parallel with the radius, the intervening areolets mostly almost square ; it emits seven successive branches ; areolets in the disk very numerous, all forked ; stigma long, pale testaceous ; fore-wings longer than the hind-wings. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 28 lines. Q. ? 3. NYMPHES SEJUNCTUS. Luteus ; abdomine basi et metathorace fuscis; caput ferrugineo vit- tatum, prothorace multo latius ; antennæ flavæ ; prothorax duplo longior quam latior, antice angustior, nigro bimaculatus, lateribus viridibus ; mesothorax nigro unimaculatus; alæ lim- pidæ, venis viridibus, venulis basi nigris. Pale luteous: head much broader than the prothorax, with an interrupted ferruginous stripe: eyes very prominent: antennæ yel- low : prothorax green on each side, narrower in front, with two black HEMEROBIDES. 231 dorsal spots, one towards the fore border, the other towards the hind border, its length full twice its breadth: mesothorax with a black thorax brownish: legs yellow: wings limpid; veins pale green, much like those of N. extraneus in structure, but less numerous; transverse veinlets more or less black towards the base and along parts of the hind border; stigma slightly testaceous, very faint: fore-wings deeply emarginate on the hind border at the base. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton's collection. Genus 4. POLYSTOCHOTES. Ocelli nulli. Tarsi antici tibiæ æquales, ungues elongati, gra- ciles, plantula vix conspicua. Polystochotes, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 982. Hemerobius, p. ? Fabr. 1. POLYSTĘCDOTES STICTICUS. Fuscus, subtus pallidior ; alarum anticarum venæ albo variegatæ vittisque transversis irregularibus fuscis. Polystochotes sticticus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii, 982. Hemerobius nebulosus ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 202, 1, 2. North America. Genus 5. OSMYLUS. Caput transversum. Frons tumidus. Labrum rotundum. La- bium apice rectum, transversum, margine lineari subfisso. Oculi mediocres. Antenna breves, moniliformes. Prothorax elongato. cylindricus, valde distinctus, antice rotundatus, mesothorace multo angustior. Metathorax tuberculatus. Alæ longæ, pilosæ, sublan- ceolatæ, margine postico subacutæ ; areolæ discales rhomboidales aut polygonæ; venæ marginales bifidæ ; costa alarum anticarum subdilatatæ subrotundatæ. Osmylus, Latr.; Leach; Sam.; Steph.; Burm.; Ahrens; Wesm.; Ramb. Hemerobius, p., Linn.; Vill. ; Oliv.; Sulz.; Schr.; Fabr.; Rem.; Berk. ; Turt. ; Don.; Shaw. Osmylina, Schneider, Monogr. Chrysop. 35. x 2 232 HEMEROBIDES. “ Subcosta et radius paralleli, sed ante alæ acumen conjuncti; duo tantum sectores, a radio oriundi, mox in ramos partiti; multæ : areulæ discoidales, perpendiculares, inter sectorum ramos formatæ ; cubitus cum ramis suis aream cubitalem e duabus (vel tribus) cellu- larum seriebus compositam formans; antennæ corpore breviores, moniliformes; interdum ocelli tres." Schneider. Schneider in his Monograph on Chrysopa, uses the following nomenclature for the veins and areolets of the wings. Costa ; subcosta; radius; sector radii lus; sector radii 2us; cubitus; ramus cubiti ; postcosta; vena basalis vel tendo ; venulæ subcostales ; pterostigma; venulæ sectoris radii 2i ; venulæ radiales ; venulæ sectoris radii li, vel obliquæ ; venulæ cubitales; venula gradatæ seriei læ; venulæ gradatæ seriei 2æ ; venulæ marginales furcatæ ; venulæ marginales furcatæ simplices; areola cubitalis cum venula diversoria ; venulæ subcubitales ; ramus cubiti vel vena sub- cubitalis; rainus postcostæ, vel reno postcostalis; tendo lus. 1. OSMYLUS CHRYSOPS. Fuscus ; caput et pedes testacea ; al hyalinæ, antica limbo præ- sertim posticæque apud costam fusco maculata. Hemerobius chrysops, Linn. Faun. Suec. 1505; Syst. Nat. ii. 912, 4. Sulz. Gesch. pl. 25, f. 1. Schrank, Faun. Boic. ii. 188, 1. Rom. Gen. pl. 25, f. 1. Berk. Syn. i. 151. Don. Brit. Ins. vi. 21, 11. 188. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 259, pl. 83, fig. med. Hemerobius fulviccphalus, Scop. Ent. Carn. 706. Schr. Ins. Austr. 311, 622. Villers, Ent. Linn. iii. 55, 20, pl. 7, f. 7. Hemerobius maculatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 85, 7. Rucs. Ins. iii. 126, pl. 21, f. 8. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 401. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 61, 9. Osmylus maculatus, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 39, 1; Gen. Crust, et Ins. iii. 197, 1. Leach, Edin. Enc. ix. 138. Sam. Ent. Comp. 260, pl. 7, f. 4. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 983, 1. Ahrens, Faun. Ins. Eur. vi. 17. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 415, 1. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 99, 1. Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. 18, 1. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 220. Crochard, ed. Cuv. Règn. Anim. pl. 103, f. 4. ame. England. fig. Gerinany. h, i. ? From Mr. Children's collection. HEMEROBIDES. 233 2. OSMYLUS STRIGATUS. Niyer ; capite rufo; pedibus ferrugineis ; alis anticis nigris, strigis basalibus transversis, arcula ad marginem posticum, macu- lisque duabus magnis in margine antico sulphureis ; posticis flavis, fascia lata ante apicem nigra. Osmylus strigatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 984, 2. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. 415, 2. Chrysopa maculipennis, White, Eyre's Travels, Appendix. Subcostal and marginal veinlets much like those of 0. chry- sops ; many transverse veins between the radial rein and the sub- costal vein ; space between the second sector and the radial vein much broader; areolets of the disk mostly quadrilateral and trans- verse: prothorax subcylindrical, tapering from the mesothorax to the head ; its length about thrice its breadth. a. Australia. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 6, c. Australia. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection. d. Australia. From Mr. Argent's collection. e. Australia. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 3. OSMYLUS VALIDUS. Piceus, crassus ; prothorax linearis ; pedes ferruginei ; alæ cinc- reæ, anticæ fusco signata, marginibus albo maculatis. Subcostal veinlets much like those of O. chrysops ; space be- tween the second sector and the radius much narrower; its veinlets much less numerous: marginal veinlets more numerous, more ob- lique towards the base in all the wings. In the hind-winys the space between the second sector and the radius is broader, and the space between the two sectors has much fewer transverse veinlets; the gradate veinlets in the disk on all the wings form only one series, whereas they form two and more in 0. maculatus. Body pitchy, stout, pubescent: head very little broader than the prothorax, which is hairy, linear, and much broader than long: legs ferruginous : wings gray: fore-wings with very numerous brown marks which are most prevalent about the margin, along which are some whitish spots; the largest brown spot on the gradate veinlets below the middle: Hind-wings with some slight whitish and brown marks along the border: veins black, with whitish bands. Length of the body 7–10 lines; of the wings 23-28 lines. X 3 234 HEMEROBIDES. a. United States. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. ? From Mr. Milne's collection. C-e. ? 4. OSMYLUS TENUIS. Testaceus ; caput flavo varium; prothorux lineris, albidus, fusco strigatus; abdominis dorsum piceum ; alæ subcinerece, angusta, anticarum venis fusco albidoque ulternatim fasciatis. Subcostal veinlets much like those of 0. chrysops ; veinlets of the second sector more numerous; areolets in the disk more nume- lous, especially in the hind-wings, more regular in form, generally rectangular; marginal areolets much more numerous. Testaceous : head yellow on each side by the eyes, and with some yellow spots in front: antennæ pale testaceous, very pubescent: prothorax linear, whitish, with some brownish streaks; its length about twice its breadth: abdomen pitchy above except at the tip: legs pale testa- ceous : wings slightly gray, narrow; stigma a little darker; veins of the fore-wings alternately brolyn and whitish, of the bind-wings testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a, b. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. c. Adelaide. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 5. OSMYLUS CONSPERSUS. Testaceus; caput fusco maculatum; prothorax linearis, nigro 6-maculatus ; thoracis discus piceus, flavo biinaculatus; ab. domen piceum ; ulæ sublimpida, murginibus repice fluivo macu- latis, venis fusco albidoque alternatim fasciutis, transversis fusco nebulosis. Veins of the wings much like those of 0. chrysops; areolets of the disk more regular in form especially in the fore-wings, and mostly quadrilateral. Testaceous: lead with some brown spots on the vertex: antennæ pale testaceous, pubescent: prothorax linear, with six black spots, not longer than broad: mesothorax and meta- thorax pitchy with it yellow spot on each disk : abdoinen pitchy: leg's pale testaceous : wings almost limpid ; some yellowish marks on the borders towards the tips; veins alternately brown and whitish; transverse veins clouded with brown, of which there are a few spots in the disk and along the fore border. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 16 lines. 4. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. HEMEROBIDES. 235 6. OSMYLUS LONGIPENNIS. Piceus ; prothorax linearis ; pedes testacei, fusciis trusisque piceis ; alæ cineruscentes, longissime, unticæ fusco guttata. Subcostal veinlets much more numerous than in 0. chrysops, and more contiguous towards the base; veinlets of the sector of the second radius also much more numerous ; gradate veinlets forming many more series ; veins more oblique towards the tips; marginal veinlets much more numerous; areolets in the disk much more numerous, more alike and regular in form, generally almost square. Pitchy: protborax linear, longer than that of O. chrysops, and not narrower in front as is the latter: legs testaceous, with pitchy hands : tarsi pitchy: wings grayish, very long ; fore-wings very thickly covered with brown dots, many of which are confluent; veins brown. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 30 lines. a. New Holland. 7. OSJYLUS TUBERCULATUS. Testaceus, fusco varius ; antennis pedibusque fluvis ; ala hyalina, venis albidis fusco variis, venulis nonnullis transversis fusco nebulosis, stiymate flavescente ; tubercula una fusca flavo vit- tuta in alce unticæ murgine postico. Structure of the wings like that of 0. chrysops : transverse veins of the fore-wings less numerous. Testaceous, with brown marks : antennæ and legs pale yellow : wings hyaline; veins whitish, here and there with brown bands; a few of the transverse veins clouded with brown; stigma yellowish ; a brown tubercle with yel- low stripes on the hind border at one-third of the length from the base. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. 8. OSMYLUS LONGICORNIS. Testaceus, fusco subnotatus ; untenna stri:mineæ, pubescentes, gra- cillima, alis multo longiores ; pedes slimminei ; ulæ hyalina, anguste, antice fusco notatæ, venis albidis fusco variis." Allied to 0. chrysops: distinguished from all the other species of Osmylus by its very long antennæ, and by the marginal region which is almost equal in breadth along most of the length, and is · narrower towards the tip than that of O. chrysops ; areolets and 236 HEMEROBIDES. marginal veins fewer than in the last species. Testaceous, slightly marked with pale browo : antennæ straw-colour, pubescent, very slender, very much longer than the wings : legs straw-colour: wings hyaline, rather long and narrow; veins of the fore-wings alternately whitish and brown, of the hind-wings whitish ; some brown spots on the space between the subcosta and the radius. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. Genus 6. CHRYSOPA. “ Subcosta et radius paralleli et segregatim usque ad alæ acu- men percurrentes ; duo sectores simplices prope ad basin oriundi, inter quos multæ areolæ discoidales oblique, positæ, venulis earum finalibus simpliciter furcatis; cubitus cum primo radii sectore aream cubitalem angustam formans; antennæ setaceæ, longitudine corpus vel æquantes, vel superavtes.” Schneider. Hemerobius, p., Linn.; Fabı.; Scop.; Schr.; Oliv.; Rossi ; Panz. ; Latr.; Donov.; Shaw; Ratz.; Guér.; Zett. Chrysopa, Leach; Sum. ; Curt.; Steph.; Burm.; Evans ; Wesm.; Brauer. Hemerobius, Ramb. Chrysopina (Chrysopa et Apochrysa), Schneider. Div. 1. “Caput antice conicum, paullo elongatum; antennarum articuli in apice pilis setosis duobus oppositis ornati ; alæ inferiores supe. rioribus paullo breviores; in alæ area discoidali duæ venularum gradatarum series ; area cubitalis angusta, e cellulis cubitalibus ple- rumque quinquangulis vel quadrangulis composita; venula cellulam cubitalem (plerumque) tertiam secans aut curvata, ante primi sec- toris radii primam venulam transversalem in hunc aperta, aut directa cum ipsa proxima venula cubitali conjuncta." Schneider. Subdiv. 1. Labrum marginis anterioris integrum, non emarginatum. Sect. 1. Antenparum articulus 2us non maculatus, vel rarissime superne tantum maculis insignis. HEMEROBIDES. 237 Subsect. 1. Alarum venæ omnes unicolores. Group 1. Corpus viride, vitla dorsali tantum plane deficientibus. conspicua, aliis picturis 1. CARYSOPA VITTATA. Læte viridis; vitta per caput totumque dorsum percurrente flavida ; antennis fulvis brevibus, primo articulo longo, incrassato ; alis angustis, acuminatis, costa in mare ante mediam partem valde introrsum curvata, venis omnibus pallide viridibus ; venulis yradatis numerosis, ambabus seriebus sibi approximatis, paral- lelis ; costa et venarum fimbriis brevissimis, nigris. Chrysopa viitata, Wesm. Bull. Acad. Brux. viii. 211, 7. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 65, 1, pl. 7. - Roesel, Insekt. Belust. iii. 127, pl. 21, f. 4. ? Reaum. Ins, iii. 411, pl. 33, f. 2, 4-6. Hemerobius albus, Oliv. Enc. Méth, vii. 60, 7. Fabr. Ent, Syst. ii. 82, 4. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. 87, 14. Hemerobius flavus ? Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 270, 707. Chrysopa alba, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 981, 13. Ratz, Forst. Ins. pl. 14, f. 6. Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten Chrys. Sp. 5. Chrysopa perla, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 105, 12. Evans, Monogr. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4, 78, pl. 9, f. 4. Ent. Mag. iv. 176. Hemerobius Perla, Don. Ins. Bril. viii. pl. 277, f. 2. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 258, pl. 83, fig. sup. Crochard, ed. Cuv. Règn. Anim. Ins. 99, pl. 103, f. 3. Hemerobius proximus ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 425, 4. 2-9. England. k-.- ? From Mr. Children's collection. k. Malaga. Presented by Benjamin Frend, Esq. 238 HEMEROBIDES: 2. CHRYSOPA CONGRUA. Flava, gracilis; capitis latera antica rufescentia; antennæ ferru- ginec; prothorax latior quam longior; alæ limpida, sat an- guste, venis stigmate pedibusque viridibus. Pale yellow, slender : head reddish on each side towards the mouth: antennæ ferruginous, pale yellow towards the base: pro- thorax almost linear, broader than long : abdomen wanting : legs pale green : wings limpid, rather narrow ; veins pale green; cubital areolet less than one-fourth of the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet; stigma pale green. Length of the body 33 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. West Africa. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 3. CHRYSOPA REMOTA. Testacea, valida ; antenna alis vix longiores ; prothorax latior quam longior, antice vix angustior ; alæ limpide, sat breves, venis viridibus, stigmate testaceo. Testaceous, stout: antennæ very little longer than the wings: prothorax broader than long, a little narrower in front: abdomen slightly ferruginous, testaceous at the tip: wings limpid, rather short, of moderate breadth ; veins pale green, bristly; first series of gra- · date veinlets incomplete towards the tip; cubital areolet much less than half the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet ; stigma pale testaceous. Length of the body 52 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a, b. Navigator's Islands. c. Loochoo Islands. Presented by Capt. Beechey. 4. CHRYSOPA OCEANICA. Testacea ; prothorax multo longior quam latior, antice paullo an- gustior, lateribus rufescente-viridibus ; alæ limpidæ, anguste, venulis stigmateque testaceis. Very nearly allied to C. remota. Testaceous: prothorax a little narrower in front, much longer than broad; sides pale green, with a slight reddish streak in front: wings limpid, rather narrow, moderately long ; veins pale testaceous; first series of gradate vein- lets incomplete towards the tip; cubital areolet less than half the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet; stigma pale testaceous. Length of the body 42 lines; of the wings 16 lines. 4. Sandwich Islands. Presented by Capt. Beechey, HEMEROBIDES. 239 5. CHRYSOPA BASALIS. Ferruginea, subtus testacea ; prothorax paullo longior quam latior, antice vix angustior ; pedes testacei ; ale limpide, venulis testaceis distinctissimis. Ferruginous, testaceous beneath : antennæ testaceous towards the base: prothorax a little longer than broad, hardly narrower in front: legs pale testaceous : wings limpid, rather short and narrow; veins testaceous, strongly marked : second series of gradate veinlets incomplete at the tips ; cubital areolet less than half the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Loochoo Islands. Presented by Capt. Beechey. 6. CHRYSOPA CONCOLOR. Flava ; antennæ fusce, graciles, alis vix breviores ; prothorax paullo latior quam longior, antice angustior, lateribus subangu- latis et antice fusco vittatis ; aloe limpidæ, angusta, venis stigmateque viridibus. Pale yellow : antennæ slender, brown, pale yellow towards the base, nearly as long as the wings : prothorax a little broader than long, narrower in front, having on each side a slight angle in front of wbich there is a pale brown stripe : abdomen wanting : wings limpid, rather narrow; veins pale green ; second series of gradate veinlets rather irregular, near the forked marginal veinlets which are short; areolets large; veinlets rather few; stigma greenish. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 12 lipes. a. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. Group 2. Caput rubro vel nigro pictum. 7. CHRYSOPA VULGARIS. Læte viridis ; thorace et abdomine vitta media flavida ; vitta san. guineu ab utraque parte in genis ante oculos et stria in clypei lateribus; antennis fulvis; alis angustis, acuminatis ; costæ fimbriis sparsis, haud longis, cum reliquarum venarum fimbriis longioribus, nigris; venula tertiæ areolæ cubitalis diversoria ante primam sectoris radii primi venulam transversam in ip- sum aperta ; duabus venularum gradatarum seriebus parallelis. 240 HEMEROBIDES. - ? Barbut, Gen, 220, pl. 22. - ? Roesel, Ins. Belust. iii. 127, pl. 21, f. 5. . - ? Reaum. Ins. iii. 393, 412, pl. 33, f. 14, 15. Göd. ii. 40, pl. 7, f. 14. Lister on Göd. 93, 104. Albin, pl. 64. Hemerobius perla, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 82, 2. Scop. Ent. Carn. 271, 709. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 59, 5. Schrank, Ins. Austr. 311, 623; Fuun. Buic. ii. 189, 1922. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 216. Don. Brit. Ins. viii. pl. 277, f. 2. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 401. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 258, pl. 83, f. sup. Latr. Hist. Nat. Crust. xiii. 37, 1. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. Ed. ii. 2, 13, 683. Panz, Faun. Ins. Germ. 87, 13. Labram a Imhoff, Ins. Schweiz. iv. 5, 6. Ratz. Forst. Ins. iii. 247, p. 26, f. 6, F. Chrysopa affinis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 104, 11. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4, 78, pl. 9, f. 2. Chrysopa vulgaris, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 68, 2, pl. 8. Hemerobius pectinicornis, Berk. Syn. i. 151. Chrysopa perla, Wesm. Bull. Acad. Brux. viii. 1, 207, 1. Petagna, Ins. Cal. 336, 1, x. 17. Westw. Class. ii. 46; Ent. Text-book, pl. 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 980, 4. Ratz. Forst. Ins. pl. 14, 8. Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten. Chrys. X. Sp. 1. Larva, pl. 2, f. 8. Var. a. primaveria, Brauer. Var. B. incarnata, Kollur. Chrysopa carnea, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 103, 7. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4, 78, pl. 9, f. 6. Var. y. rubro-punctatata, Brauer. Hemerobius biseriatus, Schum- mel, MSS. Europe; Asia Minor. af. England. gmi. Nice. From Dr. Leach's collection. i-m. -? From Mr. Children's collection. n. South France. Presented by Lady Seymour. 8. CHRYSOPA GRACILIS. Sordide fusco-viridis ; palpis fuscis; puncto fusco ante oculos posito ; clypeo et labro subrubris ; alis albidis longis, angus- tissimis, acutis ; venis læte viridibus, fimbriis haud brevibus, nigris : venulis gradatis perpaucis; pedibus vireis, tarsis fla- vidis, unguiculis simplicibus fuscis. Chrysopa gracilis, Heyden, MSS. Schneid. Monogr. Chrys, 723, pl. 9. Germany. HEMEROBIDES. 241 9. ChrysoPA STENOPTILA. Pallide viridis, palpis fuscis, in clypei lateribus stria parva, et in genis ante oculos macula fusca ; in fronte, ante antennarum basin macula dilute fusca, 20 antennarum articulo annulo semicirculari fuliginoso; pronoti lateribus pallide fuscis ; alis hyalinis, longis, angustissimis, acutis, venis pallide viridibus ; fimbriis modice longis, nigris; tarsorum unguiculis simpli- cibus. Chrysopa stenoptila, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 73, 4, pl. 10. Silesia. 10. CHRYSOPA FLAVEOLA. Flavida ; antennarum articulo lo longiore, incrassato, superne lineola nigra excellente, inde a 30 articulo fusca ; prothorace antice angustato, lateribus subfuscis; ala inferiore superiori fere pari, omnibus angustis, acuminatis, earum venis flavidis, fimbriis admodum longis. Chrysopa flaveola, Mus. Berol. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 75, 5. pl. 11. Java. . 11. CARYSOPA INVARIA. Lutea, subtus testacea ; antenne testacea, subpubescentes ; thorax viridi varius; pedes testacei ; alæ limpidæ, sat breves, stig. mate venisque viridibus. Luteous : antennæ testaceous, minutely pubescent; first joint luteous : lobes of the thorax green: under side and legs pale tes- taceous: wings limpid, rather short; stigma greenish; veins pale green, much like those of C. vulgaris. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. . I a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. Subsect. 2. Alarum venæ, præcipue transversæ, ex parte aut totæ fusco vel vigro pictæ. 242 HEMEROBIDES. Group 1. Caput et reliquum .corpus quavis pictura destituta. TRYSOPA INTERRUPTA. Flavido-viridis ; alis angustis, paullo acuminatis, venis pallide flavidis ; in ala superiore venulis gradatis parallelis et subcu- bitalibus totis, subcostalibus, 2i sectoris radii omnibus, li sectoris nonnullis, cubitalibus in initio et in fine, reliquis li sectoris venulis in initio tantum, nigris ; in ala inferiore non- nullis venulis subcostalibus ex parte nigris; fimbriis costæ pallidis, densis, modice longis, venarum paullo longioribus, satis densis. Chrysopa interrupta, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 76, 6, pl. 12. Pennsylvania. 13. CHRYSOPA DIVISA. Flava, gracilis ; abdomine pedibusque viridibus ; capitis latera an- tica rufo varia ; prothorax multo latior quam longior, antice paullo angustior; alæ limpide, breviuscula, venis stigmateque viridibus, venulis plerumque fusco variis. Pale yellow, slender: head on each side pale reddish towards the mouth, and with a pale reddish mark by the base of the an- tennæ : antennæ pale yellow: prothorax a little narrower in front, very much broader than long, slightly luteous on each side: abdo- men and legs pale green : wings linipid, rather short; veins pale green; subcostal, subcubital and marginal veinlets, veinlets of the second sector, and the second series of gradate veinlets partly brownish; costal areolet less than one-third of the size of the ad- joining subcostal areolet; stigma pale green. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 14. CHRYSOPA ATTENUATA. Flava, longa, gracillima ; capitis latera antica rufa ; palpi rufo varii ; prothorax sublinearis, multo longior quam latior, late- ribus anticis rufescentibus ; alæ limpide, venis stigmateque viridibus, venulis plerumque obscurioribus. · HEMEROBIDES. 243 · Yellow, long, very slender: head red on each side towards the mouth : palpi with slight reddish marks : antennæ yellow: pro- thoras almost linear, very much longer than broad, with a slight transverse ridge on the disk, and with a reddish mark on each side in front: abdomen very long and slender : legs pale yellow : wings limpid, of moderate size ; veins pale green ; subcostal and radial veinlets, veinlets of the second sector, the two series of gradate veinlets and some of the subcubital veinlets partly or wholly darker green ; cubital areolet much less than half the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet ; stigma pale green, very indistinct. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Esq. 15. CHRYSOPA THORACICA. Viridis, flavo vittata, sat robusta; caput flavum ; antenne tes- taceæ, validæ ; prothorax multo latior quam longior ; alæ limpidæ, parvula, venis stigmateque viridibus, venulis non- nullis nigricantibus. . Green, rather stout: head yellow: antennæ testaceous, rather thick, yellow towards the base, very much shorter than the wings : prothorax with a broad yellow dorsal stripe, slightly angular on each side in front, very much broader than long: scutellum yellow: ab- domen with a slender yellow dorsal stripe: legs pale green : wings limpid, rather small; veins pale green ; subcostal veinlets, veinlets of the second sector and some of the subcostal veinlets partly blackish ; costal areolet not more than one-third of the size of the adjoining subcostal areolet; stigma pale green. Length of the body 3} lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Domingo. Presented by M. A. Pierret. 16. CHRYSOPA ALBA. Albido-viridis ; vertice valde fornicato; oculis animali vivo ob- scure æneo micantibus ; alis paullo acutis, venis pallide albido- viridibus ; fimbriis coste densis longis ; alæ superioris venulis bitalibus totis, 2i sectoris radii venulis, primisque li sectoris, in initio et in fine, postcostalibus et marginalibus, simplicibus in fine, nigris; alæ inferioris ; venulis subcostalibus et la venularum gradatarum serie totis, 2i sectoris venulis in initio et fine, li sectoris in initio nigris. Y 2 244 HEMEROBIDES. Chrysopa alba, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 204, 9. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4, 78, pl. 9, f. 1. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 77, 7. Hemerobius albus, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, 1, 2, 911, 3. Faun. Suec. Ed. 2, 382, 1506. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 82, 4. Scop. Ent. Carn. 709 ?' Chrysopa ciliata, Wesm. Bull. Acad. Brux. viii. 1, 212, 8. Var.? Chrysopa microcephala, Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten,' Chrys. Sp. 4. a-c. England. d. Wales. From Mr Foxcroft's collection. 17. CHRYSOPA REPLETA. thorax paullo longior quam latior, antice vix angustior; abdo. men maculis dorsalibus fuscis, subtus albidum ; pedes albidi ; alæ limpida, venis flavis distinctis, venulis transversis non- nullis fusco variis. Testaceous : antennæ a little darker towards the tips, minutely pubescent, shorter than the wings: prothorax a little longer than broad, hardly narrower in front: abdomen with a brown spot on the hind border of each segment ; under side and legs whitish : wings limpid; veins pale yellow, bristly, strongly marked ; costal region moderately broad; both series of gradate veinlets regular and very distinct; cubital areolet not one-third of the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet; transverse veinlets of the fore-wings and of some few of the bind-wings partly tinged with brown ; stigma yellowish. Length of the body 33 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. Group 2. Caput et prothorax picturis rubris vel nigris insignia. Sub-group 1. Caput picturis rubris insigne. Prothoracis margines laterales fusco colore cinctæ. HEMEROBIDES. 245 18. CARYSOPA RUFILABRIS. Vireu-flava ; macula utrinque ante oculos, striga in frontis clypei, labrique lateribus et puncto in occipite utrinque juxta oculos sanguineis ; pronoti marginibus lateralibus fuscis; alis an- gustis, venis subviridibus ; in ala superiore venulis gradatis totis, venulis subcostalibus in initio et fine, venulis 2i sectoris radii in initio tantum fuliginosis; abdomine superne ab utra- que parte vitta angusta fulva cincto. Chrysopa rufilabris, Burm. Hand. Ent. ii. 2, 979, 2. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 79, 8, pl. 14. United States ; Mexico. 19. ChrysoPA COLLARIS. Vireo-flavida ; stria rubra utrinque in genis. ante oculos, alia in margine laterali clypei et labri, puncto rubro utrinque in oc- cipite juxta oculos; prothorace paullo latiore quam longiore, in lateribus læte ferrugineo; alæ superioris venulis gradatis et subcubitalibus totis, subcostalibus in initio et fine, venulis 2i sectoris radii in initio, et nonnullis li sectoris et cubitalibus ex parte nigris ; alue inferioris venulis subcostalibus tantum nigris. Chrysopa collaris, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 80, 9, pl. 15. . Isle St. Thomas. 20. CHRYSOPA HYBRIDA. i Vireo-flava ; palpis fuscis; prothorace in anticam partem perspicue angustato, marginibus lateralibus rubescentibus; alarum venis pallide flavo-vireis; in ala superiore venulis subcostalibus, nonnullis 2i et li sectoris radii, venulis gradatis, cubitalibus, subcubitalibus, postcostalibus, uti marginalibus simplicibus totis, reliquis ex parte tantum nigris ; in ala inferiore venulis subcostalibus, gradatis et nonnullis 2i sectoris radii nigris; abdomine superne duabus lineis longitudinalibus aurantiacis ; apicibus tarsorum unguiculorum vix dilatationem superemi- nentibus. Chrysopa hybrida, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 81, 10, pl. 16. Hemerobius hybridus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 426,7. a. Brazil. Y 3 246 HEMEROBIDES. Sub-group 2. Caput et prothorax punctis aut maculis rubris insignita. 21. ChrysoPA BRASILIENSIS. Pallide vireo-flava ; prothorace fere dimidio longiore quam latiore, venulis subcostalibus, venulis 2i sectoris radii, venulis gra- datis, quarum duæ series valde distantes, venulis cubitalibus, subcubitalibus, postcostalibus totis, plurimis le sectoris radii, uti venulis marginalibus ex parte tantum nigris ; alæ infe- rioris venulis gradatis tantum nigris. Chrysopa Brasiliensis, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 83, 11, pl. 17. 22. CHRYSOPA QUADRIPUNCTATA. Vireo-flava ; vertice valde fornicato ; ultimo palporum articulo in apice fusco; stria in genis ante oculos et in clypei luteralibus, punctoque oblongo utrinque in occipite juxta oculos auran- tiacis ; prothorace fere tertia parte longiore quam latiore ; juxta pronoti sulcum longitudinalem utrinque maculis parvis duabus, abdomineque superne lineis duabus longitudinalibus, aurantiacis ; alæ superioris venulis subcostalibus, 2i sectoris, cubitalibus totis, reliquarum plerisque ex parte nigris; in ala inferiore venulis subcostalibus et gradatis totis, utriusque sec- toris radii et marginalibus furcatis ex parte nigris. Chrysopa quadripunctata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 980, 5. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 84, 12, pl. 18. r. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 23. CARYSOPA INFECTA. • Lutea, antennarum basi, capite, corporeque toto rufo infectis ; ala hyaline, venis longitudinalibus pallidis, cæteris fuscis. Chrysopa infecta, Newm. Ent. Mag. v. 400. a. Malabar. Presented by the Entomological Club. HEMEROBIDES, 247 Sub-group 3. Prothorax, et interdum thorax totus vittis rubris marginalibus. 24. CHRYSOPA CINCTA. Vireo-flava ; palpis fuscis, articulis 10 et 20 antennarum longarum superne, et occipite utrinque juxta oculos linea saturate san- guinea insignibus; prothoracis marginibus lateralibus anguste colore obscure sanguineo cinctis; alis angustis, superiorum plerisque tantum venulis subcostalibus, venulis 2i sectoris radii, venulis parallelis gradatis et subcubitalibus totis, nonnullis aliis venulis ex parte nigris. Chrysopa cincta, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 86, 13, pl. 19. a. Brazil. Presented by Sir G. Stewart. b. Pará. From Mr. Bådgerley's collection. 25. CHRYSOPA CIRCUMFUSA. Vireo-flavida ; palpis fuliginosis, vertice valde fornicato; linea superne in antenne articulo lo, stria in genis ante oculos, in clypei lateribus, inter oculos et antennarum basin conspicua, punctoque oblongo utrinque in occipite proxime ad oculos, san. guineis; prothorace paullo longiore quam latiore, marginibus lateralibus sanguineo cinctis ; alis albidis, superioris venulis subcostalibus fuscis, venulis transversis fere omnibus macula nebulosa fuscă tinctis. Chrysopa circumfusa, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 980, 3. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 87, 14, pl. 20. Brazil. 26. CHRYSOPA CRUENTATA. Flavida ; antennarum articulo 10, stria ingenis ante oculos et in clypei lateribus, pronoti marginibus lateralibus limbo bilobo, maculis duabus in mesonoto et utrinque ad alæ superioris basin, abdomineque in segmentis tribus prioribus superne lineis duabus vix perspicuis, in 60, 70, 80 duabus perspicuis, san- guineis ; alis latis ; coste fimbriis longis; pterostigmate fus- cescente, antice macula fusca ; ale superioris venulis radialibus, gradatis parallelis, cubitalibus, subcubitalibus, postcostalibus, et omnibus marginalibus totis, reliquis in initio et fine nigris; initio 2i sectoris radii nigro, macula fusca circumscripto ; alæ inferioris 20 radii sectore ex parte nigro. 248 HEMEROBIDES. Chrysopa cruentata, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 89, 15, pl. 21. Brazil. 27. CHRYSOPA COSTALIS. Flava ; macula in genis ante oculos, stria in clypei lateribus, et punctis duobus in occipite juxta oculos, sanguineis ; pronoto limbo laterali obscure rufo paullo sinuato ; meso- et metatho- racis lateribus vitta latissima pallide rufa, cæruleo-pruinosa ; ala superiore lata, area costali latissima; ala inferiore an- gusta, acuta ; fimbriis costæ longissimis; venulis alæ superioris gradatis totis nigris, la earum serie maculis fuscis circum- scripta ; nebula cinerea in utraque ala juxta marginem poste- riorem dilatata ; abdomine lineis duabus longitudinalibus fuscis. Chrysopa costalis, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 90. 16, pl. 22. America. Sub-group 4. Caput et interdum thorax punctis, lineis vel vittis aut fuscis aut fuliginosis aut nigris insignita. * Palpi pallidi vel interdum ex parte) fusci. 28. CHRYSOPA PUSILLA. Vireo-flava ; vertice valde fornicato ; articulis duobus prioribus antennarum longarum subtus puncto fusco insignibus ; thorace toto in lateribus vitta obscure rufa cincto ; fimbriis costa longis ; alæ superioris venis omnibus transversis (nonnullis marginalibus furcatis exceptis) nigris ; alæ inferioris venulis subcostalibus tantum nigris. Chrysopa pusilla, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 92, 17, pl. 23. 29. CARYSOPA BREVICOLLIS. Vireo-flava ; vertice modice fornicato; palpis fuscis; antennis incrassalis ; stria fusca in genis ante oculos; prothorace la- tiore quam longiore, in anticum angustato, marginibus late- ralibus fuscis; alis longis, fimbriis coste densis, admodum brevibus, pallidis; venularum subcostalium parte apicibus nigris. HEMEROBIDES. 249 Chrysopa brevicollis, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 93, 18, pl. 24. Hemerobius brevicollis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 427, 9. Isle of France. 30. CHRYSOPA TENELLA. Pallide virea ; vitta media albida in thoracis abdominisque dorso ; vertice valde fornicato ; antennarum articulo lo incrassato; palpis læte fuscis ; macula in genis ante oculos et stria in clypei lateribus fuscis; venis pallide vireis ; costæ fimbriis brevibus pallidis ; ale superioris venulis transversis plerisque in initio et fine, venulis subcubitalibus, gradatis et alæ infe- rioribus venulis subcostalibus totis nigris. Chrysopa tenella, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 94, 19, pl. 25. Silesia. 31. CHRYSOPA Chloris. Pallide viridis ; palpis in apice fuliginosis; lineis duabus parallelis fuliginosis utrinque in capitis lateribus ante oculos ; alis paullo dilatatis, venis pallide viridibus ; fimbriis costa longis densis ; in mare ala superiore venulis gradatis, la cubitali et subcubitalibus, totis, venulis reliquis ex parte nigris; in ala inferiore venulis subcostalibus et venulis sectoris 2i in initio et fine nigris ; in fæmina venis omnibus unicoloribus. Chrysopa Chloris, Mus. Berol.; Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 95, 20, pl. 26. Cape. 32. CHRYSOPA VIRIDANĂ. Læte viridis ; capite et vitta media in thorace et abdomine flavi- dis ; in frontis et clypei lateribus utrinque stria fuliginosa ; antennarum articulo lo incrassato ; venis et fimbriis modice longis, alæ superioris venulis subcostalibus viridibus, radi. alibus, gradatis, subcubitalibus et postcostalibus totis, reliquis ex parte nigris; alæ inferioris venulis subcostalibus et gradatis seriei 2æ totis, venulis sectoris 2i in initio nigris. Chrysopa viridana, Schneid. Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. 1845, 345, 35. Mon. Chrys. 97, 21, pl. 27. Naples. 250 HEMEROBIDES. 33. CHRYSOPA FLAVIFRONS. C. viridanæ affinis esse videtur, - a qua vero, maculis duabus rubris in pronoto conspicuis, formam litteræ S imitantibus distinguitur. Chrysopa flavifrons, Brauer, Beschreibung und Beobachtung der Osterreichischen Arten der Gattung Chrysopa, Sp. 3. Austria. 34. CARYSOPA NIGRICOSTATA. Læte viridis ; capite et vitta longitudinali in thorace et abdomine parum distincta, pallide vireo-flavidis ; puncto magno utrinque ante oculos, et lineola in clypei lateribus nigris ; venis læte viridibus ; fimbriis brevibus, sparsis, nigris ; alæ superioris venulis subcostalibus, radialibus, venulis sectoris 21,-gradatis numerosis illis, non parallelis, subcubitalibus, postcostalibus, marginalibus simplicibus, totis, reliquis ex parte nigris ; ala inferioris venulis subcostąlibus, radialibus, et sectoris 2i in initio, nigris. Chrysopa nigricostata, Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten, Chrys. Sp. 6, Larva, pl. 2, f. 9. Chrysopa Heydeneii, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 98, 22, pl. 28. Germany. a, b. - From Mr. Children's collection. 35. CHRYSOPA PALLIDA. Læte viridis; thorace et abdomine vitta laterali fusca; capitis flavo- virei vertice valde fornicato, macula fusca utrinque post an- tennas; his brevibus, articulo lo crasso; pronoto latiore quam longiore; alis angustis, acutis ; fimbriis brevibus paucis ; et alæ superioris radii sectore lo, vena subcubitali et postcosta, et in- ferioris costa, lo et dimidio 20 radii sectore, venulisqae fere omnibus transversis, nigris. Chrysopa pallida, Schneid. Uebersicht d. Arb. d. Vaterl. Gesellsch. J. 1845, 49. Mon. Chrys. 99, 23, pl. 29. Silesia ; Bohemia. HEMEROBIDES. 251 36. CHRYSOPA SEPTEMPUNCTATA. Prasina; palpis fulvis ; puncto inter antennas, alio utrinque ante antennus, alio utrinque ante oculos in frontis angulis angustis, et stria utrinque in clypei-lateribus,-nigris ; pronoto in an- gulis anticis punctis nigris insigni ; venis læte viridibus ; ale superioris venulis subcostalibus, nonnullis et subcostalibus totis, nonnullis aliis ex parte, inferioris venulis subcostalibus et ul- timis sectoris 2i nigris. Chrysopa septempunctata, Wesm. Bull. Acad. Brux, viii. 1, 210,5. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 101, 24, pl. 30. Chrysopa nobilis, Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten, Chrys. Sp. 9. Larva, pl. 2, f. 13. Europe. a. England. Presented by J. Taylor, Esq. bme ? From Mr. Children's collection. 37. CARYSOPA MAURICIANA. Hemorobius Mauricianus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 425, 5. Chrysopa septempunctata, var. ? Schneid. Mon. Chrysop. 101. Mauritius. 38. CHRYSOPA BIPUNCTATA. Pallide ochracea ; palpis unicoloribus Aavis ; stria arcuata ante antennas, puncto magno inter eas collocato, stria in genis ante oculos, et in clypei lateribus,- nigris ; prothorace latiore quam longiore; venis flavidis ; fimbriis brevibus, densis, flavis ; alæ superiorisvenulis subcostalibus, tribus li sectoris prioribus, venularum gradatarum scrie la, et subcubitalibus, totis,nonnullis aliis venulis ex parte,-nigris; alæ inferioris venulis subcostalibus totis, sectoris 2i ex parte-nigris. Chrysopa bipunctata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 982, 15. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 103, 25, pl. 31. Japan. 252 HEMEROBIDES. · 39. CARYSOPA PALLENS. Vireo-flava ; antenne articulo 10 brevi ; puncto inter antennas alio utrinque ante oculos, alio utrinque in clypei lateribus, nigris; prothorace paullo latiore quam longiore, lateribus ob- scure fulvis ; venis flavidis; fimbriis modice longis ; alæ su- perioris venulis subcostalibus fere omnibus, uti subcubitalibus totis, sectoris 2i et postcostalibus in initio nigris ; alæ inferio- ris venulis subcostalibus totis, sectoris 2i maximam partem, nigris. Chrysopa pallens, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 104, 26, pl. 32. Hemorobius pallens, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 425, 3. Malaga. 40. CHRYSOPA INTERMEDIA. Flavido-viridis ; caput flavidum, macula fusca in genis proxime ante oculos, antennis plus dimidia parte longioribus quam alis,--articulo lo incrassato ; prothorax valde in anticum an- gustato, marginibus lateralibus fuscis; alarum vene pallide viree, fimbriis densis admodum longis; pterostigmate ab initio macula fusca ; alæ superioris venulis gradatis, cubitali. bus et marginalibus furcatis, totis,reliquis ex parte,-alæ inferioris venulis subcostalibus et sectoris 2i parte nigris. Chrysopa intermedia, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 106, 27, pl. 33. a. Santarem, Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. b. ? From Mr. Children's collection. Brazil. 41. CARYSOPA INTERNATA. Testacea; antenna gracillima, alis multo longiores; prothorax pallidus, conicus, flavo bivittatus; abdomen supra ferrugi- neum, apice flavo vittatum ; pedes albidi ; alæ limpida, latce, purpureo-nitentes, stigmate fusco. Nearly allied to C. intermedia, from which it differs in the pale sides of the prothorax and in the pale gradate and marginal areolets. Testaceous : antennæ pale testaceous, darker at the base, very slen. der, much longer tban the wings: prothorax pale testaceous or HEMEROBIDES. 253 whitish, conical, with a yellow stripe on each side, a little longer than broad: abdomen ferruginous above, with a bright yellow band towards the tip : legs whitish: wings limpid, rather broad, adorned with bright purple reflections; veins pale green, with very few black bands; second series of the gradate veinlets mostly black; margi- nal region broad, especially towards the base; stigma brown, short. Var. B. Antennæ reddish at the base: hind border of the pro- thorax luteous: disk of the mesothorax and of the metathorax fer- ruginous, with six yellow dots : abdomen above and stigma paler. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. Brazil. 6.- ? From Mr. Children's collection. 42. CHRYSOPA NIGROVARIA. Flava ; caput fusco varium ; thorax nonnunquam nigro varius ; antennæ supra basi nigricantes; abdomen nigro vittatum ; ala limpide, venulis transversis nigro variis, stigmate fusco. Pale yellow : head with a broad brown band beneath the an- tenne, and with a slender undulating brown band on the front : an. tennæ blackish above towards the base: prothorax broader than long, a little narrower in front, with a black stripe on each side: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with black borders : abdomen with a black dorsal stripe: wings limpid; costal region moderately broad ; two complete series of gradate veinlets; cubital areolet full half the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet ; veinlets of the cubitus and of the two sectors towards the base and gradate veinlets partly black, hind-wing veins of one colour; stigma brown. Length of the body 3} lines; of the wings 15 lines. ! Var. B. Head with only a brown dot in front of the antennæ ; brown band on the front very narrow: prothorax with a red stripe on each side: thorax without black marks: abdomen with a blackish stripe on each side, but without a dorsal stripe. 4, b. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 254 HEMEROBIDES. 43. CHRYSOPA RAMBURI. Flavido-viridis ; palpis acutis ; antennis longioribus quam alis ; articulo lo incrassato; lineolis duabus ante antennas, et punctis duobus in vertice nigris ; prothorace páullo latiore quam longiore ; pronoto medio linea transversa interrupta, in finibus paullo curvata,-postico lincolis duabus, punctoque in angulis anticis,-nigris ; fimbriis costa brevibus ; alæ su- perioris venulis multis transversis,-inferioris venulis subcos- talibus, fuliginosis ; unguiculis simplicibus. Hemerobius affinis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 426, 6. Chrysopa Ramburi, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 107, 28, pl. 34. a. Van Dieman's Land. Presented by the Rev. T. Ewing. 44. CHRYSOPA SIGNATA. Vireo-flava ; antenne articulis duobus prioribus in exteriore et interiore parte lincola fuliginosa insignibus; puncto fuliginoso inter antennas et utrinque in genis ante oculos ; alis peran- gustis,--superiorum venulis transversis fere omnibus,-infe- riorum pluribus nigris. Chrysopa signata, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 109, 29, pl. 35. a. Swan River. Presented by Sir John Richardson. 6. Van Dieman's Land. From Mr. A. J. Smith's collection, 45. ChrysOPA INNOTATA. Viridis, flavo vittata ; antenne testacea, prothorax latior quam longior, antice paullo angustior ; ale limpidæ, breviusculæ, venis stigmateque viridibus, venulis plerumque nigris. Green, with a yellow dorsal stripe extending from the head to the tip of the abdomen : head luteous on each side towards the mouth: antennæ pale testaceous; first joint pale green ; second luteous : prothorax broader than long, a little narrower in front : legs pale green : wings limpid, rather short; veins pale green; transverse veinlets mostly black; cubital areolet about one-third of the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet; stigma pale green, very narrow and indistinct. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Australia. Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake. HEMEROBIDES. 255 46. CHRYSOPA TRANSVERSA. Flava ; caput antice rufo varium; palpi nigro varii ; prothorax vix latior quam longior, lateribus rufescentibus ; ale limpidce, venis stigmatique viridibus, venulis transversis nigris. Yellow: head with a red spot on each side below the base of the antenna ; sides of the face red : palpi partly blackish : antennæ yellowish, pubescent, paler at the base, shorter than the wings : pro- thorax slightly reddish on each side, hardly narrower in front, very little broader than long : leg's pale green : wings limpid, rather short; veins pale green ; transverse veinlets nearly all black, rather few; areolets less numerous than usual; cubital areolet less than half the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet ; stigma pale green. Length of the body 3-4 lines; of the wings 9-11 lines. amc. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. ** Palpi fuliginosi, aut unicolores, aut pallide annulati. Løte viridis ; palpis fuliginosis; articulis binis penultimis in apice pallide annulatis ; puncto inter antennas, stria utrinque in genis ante oculos et in clypei lateribus,-nigris; pronoto medio punctis duobus nigris lineisque duabus posticis longitu- dinalibus fuscis, in lateribus utrinque punctis binis nigris; mesothorace duobus et alarum costa ad basin puncto singulo, nigris ; alæ superioris venulis transversis omnibus (marginali- bus furcatis exceptis) lotis nigris. Chrysopa prasina, Burm. Handb. Ent, ii. 2, 981, 14. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 110, 30, pl. 36. Hemerobius prasinus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 424, 2. Germany. 22 256 HEMEROBIDES. 48. CHRYSOPA ASPERSA. Pallide viridis; palpis fuliginosis, -articulis binis penultimis in, apice fulvo annulatis, puncto in capite inter antennas, et stria, utrinque in genis ante oculos et in clypei lateribus-nigris ; in pronoto medio punctis duobus,-in marginibus utrinque binis vel ternis,--in mesothorace duobus et in alarum costa ad basin singulo, puncto-nigris ; venulis transversis plerisque in utroque apice, -venulis gradatis plerumque lotis nigris. Chrysopa aspersa, Wesm. Bull. Acad. Brux. viii. 1, 210, 5. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 112, 31, pl. 37. Chrysopa ventralis, Curt. Brit. Ent. xi. 520, 36. Steph. Ill. Brit. : 'Ent. Mand. vi. 103, 8. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4,78, pl. 10, f. 6. Chrysopa cærulea, Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten, Chrys. Sp. 7. Larva, pl. 2, f. 18. a. Nice. From Dr. Leach's collection. b. ? From Mr. Children's collection, 49. CHRYSOPA ZELLERI. Pallide viridis ; palpis fuliginosis ; articulo 30 et 40 in apice pal- lide annulato ; antennce articulo lo in externa parte linea nigra insigni ; inter antennas uno, in vertice punctis duobus, -stria in genis proxime ante oculos et in clypei lateribus, punctis duobus in medio mesothurace et metathorace,--puncto singulo in alarum costa ad basing---nigris ; alce superioris venulis omnibus transversis, infcrioris venulis subcostalibus, radialibus, sectoris 2i, gradatis et subcubitalibus nigris. Chrysopa Zelleri, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 114, 32, pl. 98. Italy ; Sicily. HEMEROBIDES. 257 50. CHRYSOPA CLATHRATA. Albido-virea, capite pallidiore ; palpis fuliginosis ; frontis et clypei lateribus puncloque inter antennas rufescentibus vel ferrugi- neis; stria fusca in genis ante oculos ; utrinque juxta verticem et in occipite puncto fusco; prothoracis abdominisque late- ribus vitta,-mesonoto, scapulis et metanoto utrinque macula fuscis ; venis albido-viridibus, costa ad basin puncto fusco ; in alis superioribus el inferioribus venulis subcostalibus, gradatis et subcubitalibus totis-reliquis in utroque apice fuscis; ungui- culis apice valde curvato et brevi angustaque dilatione ad basin insignibus. Chrysopa clathrata, Schneid. Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. 1845, 345, 39; "Mon. Chrys. 116, 33, pl. 39. Italy; Sicily. Sect. 2. Antennarum articulus 2us fusco aut nigro colore cinctus. Subsect 1. Alarum venæ omnis unicolores. Caput punctis nigris insigne. 51. CHRYSOPA ABBREVIATA. Lule prasina ; palpis fuliginosis, articulo 30 et 40 pallide annu- latis ; antenna articulo lo incrassalo, puncto niyro in interna parte notato ; puncto ante antennas, alio utrinque in genis, in clypei lateribus et utrinque in occipite,-punctis drobus in vertice, nigris ; stria purva arcuata ante utriusque antenna basin,-stria magna arcuata pone in vertice, punctis duobus in prothoracis lateribus,-linea transversa, media interrupta, in ejus media parte, punctisque nonnullis in meso- et metathorace, --nigris ; alis brevibus, latis, in apice rotundatis ; fimbriis longis, nigris ; unguiculis simplicibus. Chrysopa abbreviata, Curt. Brit. Ent. xi. 520, 3c. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 103, 5. Wesm. Bull. Acad. Brux. viii. 1, 209, 3. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4, 78, pl. 9, f.7. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 119, 35, pl. 41. 2 3 258 HEMEROBIDIS. Chrysopa immaculata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 103, 6. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4, 78, pl. 10, f. 5. Hemerobius chlorophanus, Ratzeburg, Forst. Ins. iii. 248. Chrysopa phyllochroma, Wesm. Bull. Acad. Brux. viii. 209, 4. Chrysopa pusilla, Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arlen, Chrys. Sp. 11. Var.? Chrysopa tenella, Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten, Chrys. Sp. 2. Var.? Chrysopa decora, Evans, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 78, pl. 9, f. 6. Caput roseum, antennæ et pedes pallida; alwe rufescentes, breves, rotundata, stigmate roseo. a. - ? Froin Mr. Children's collection. Subsect. 2. Alaruin venæ transversæ ex parte fuscæ vel nigræ ; caput et plerumque etiam thorax maculis rubris vel nigris insignes. Group 1. Alæ non maculatæ. Sub-group 1. Unguiculi in basi dilatati. 52. CHRYSOPA FORMOSA. Læte prasina ; palpis fuliginosis, articulo 30 et 40 in apice flavis ; antennis corpore longioribus, articulo 20 anguste fuliginose annulato ; puncto nigro inter antennas, alio utrinque in genis, -stria parva in clypei lateribus, et stria arcuata utrinque ante antennarum basin ; punctis duobus in vertice,-singulo in oc- cipite juxta oculos, et binis vel ternis in pronoti lateribus ; alis subacutis, superiorum venulis subcostalibus, nonnullis sectoris li, et subcubitalibus—totis,-venulis 2i et reliquis sec- toris li ex parte-nigris; fimbriis costa brevibus, nigris. Chrysopa formosa, Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten, Chrys. Sp. 10. Chrysopa Burmeisteri, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 123, 36, pl. 42." Europe. HEMEROBIDES. 259 53. CHRYSOPA NIGRICORNIS. Flavido-viridis ; palpis pallidis, articulo 30 macula fusca, ultimo in apice fusco; antennis a articulo 30 usque ad 3am longitu- dinis partem nigris, deinde fulvis, 20 fuliginose annulato; alis angustis ; venulis gradatis subparallelis in media parte, reliquarunc venularum transversarum nonnullis, eac parte ni- gris ; fimbriis admodum longis, densis, pallidis. Chrysopa nigricornis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 980, 6. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 126, 37, pl. 43. Carolina. 54. CHRYSOPA LATIPENNIS. Læte viridis ; alis brevibus latis, in apice rotundatis ; venis viri- dibus,--fimbriis coste et venarum densis longis nigris ; ala superioris venulis gradatis et duabus subcubitalibus totis, venulis subcostalibus in utroque apice, et venulis sectoris li et 2i ab initio nigris ; alæ inferioris subcostalibus totis, sectoris 2i in initio nigris. Chrysopa latipennis, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 118, 34, pl. 40. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. North America. 55. CHRYSOPA CHLOROPHANA. Læte viridis; capite flavido ; labro antico et clypeo utrinque san- guineo ; palpis pallidis, fuliginose annulatis ; antennarum articulo lo antice macula sanguinea ; in fronte, ante et circa antennarum basin, uti inter eas, stria lata fuliginosa ; in medio vertice macula. bifida, -et in occipite juxta oculos puncto, -sanguineis; alis brevibus, latis, rotundatis ; superiorum venulis subcostalibus in utroque apice, inferiorum totis--nigris; fimbriis longis, densis. Chrysopa chlorophana, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 979, 1. Schneid.. Mon. Chrys. 127, 32, pl. 44. a. La Chine, near Montreal. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 6. Newfoundland. Presented by W. C. St. John, Esq. (me. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 260 HEMEROBIDES. f. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. g. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 56. CHRYSOPA OCULATA. Flavido-virea ; palpis fuliginosis, pallide annulatis; antennarum articulo 20 nigro; stria in clypei lateribus,—altera arcuata ante antennarum basin, earum basin ipsam et spatium inter antennas cingente,-quatuor punctis magnis in vertice, et sin- gulo puncto utrinque in occipite,-tribus punctis in prothoracis lateribus, duobus ante mediam illius partem,-et linea media transversa interrupta,-fuliginosis ; alis latis, superiorum ve- nulis gradatis et subcubitalibus totis, subcostalibus, prioribus sectoris li, et illis sectoris 2i ex parte-nigris ; fimbriis longis. Chrysopo oculata, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. viii. 45. Chrysopa euryptera, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 980, 7. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 129, 39, pl. 45. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnslov, Esq. Sub-group 2. Ungues simplices. 57. CHRYSOPA GENEI. Vireo-flava ; thorace et abdomine in lateribus fusco cinctis ; palpis fuscis, subacutis; annulo in antenne articulo 20, stria subtili in clypei lateribus et in genis,-stria arcuata ante cu- jusque antenna basin, et stria recta inter ipsas,-duabus lineolis parallelis in vertice, et duobus punctis juxta oculos,-puncto singulo utrinque in occipitefuscis ; alis angustis, superio- rum venulis transversis omnibus,-inferiorum plerisque fuligi- nosis; fimbriis longis, pallidis. Chrysopa Genei, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 130, 40, pl. 46. Hemerobius Genei, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 430, 18. Sardinia ; Naples ; Sicily. HEMEROBIDES. 261 58. CHRYSOPA Venosa. Flava ; meso- et metathorace in lateribus, et abdomine in segmen- torum marginibus posticis late fusco cinctis; palpis fuscis ; labro antice duobus, clypeo postice tribus punctis,-fronte maculis duabus trigonis, fere confluentibus, et antice punctis duobus, --stria in genis, - lineolis duabus longitudinalibus in vertice, et picturis in prothorace-fuscis; alis angustis ; venulis transversis omnibus totis vel ex parte nigris ; fimbriis modice longis, fuscis. Chrysopa venosa, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 132, 41, pl. 47. Hemerobius venosus, Ramb. Faun. Ent. de l'Andal. ii. pl. 9, f. 7; : Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 430, 17. Granada. Group 2. Alä maculatæ. 59. CHRYSOPA ELEGANS. Nigro flavoque colore varia ; capite, palpis, antennarum articulis duobus prioribus, meso- et metathorace superne, abdominisque segmentis nonnullis ex parte,-nigris; labro, clypei lateribus, vertice partim, occipite, prothorace et abdominis reliqua parte, -flavis ; alis latis, in superiorum et inferiorum, apice, et in superiorum areæ costalis parte 3a macula majore, sub hac mi- nore annuliformi, et parva in murgine interiore,-fuscis ; fimbriis longis pallidis. Chrysopa elegans, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 134, 42, pl. 48. Hemerobius elegans, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. Texle, 388. Brazil. 262 HEMEROBIDES. Subsect. 3. Alaruin venæ transversæ omnes et totæ pigræ: corpus punctis et maculis fuliginosis aut nigris insigne. Group 1. Venæ longitudinales nullæ nigræ. 60. CHRYSOPA PERLA. Æruginosa ; capite pallidiore ; palpis fuliginosis, penultimis binis articulis in apice pallidis ; labri margine antico, macula in clypei angulis anticis, alia in genis,-puncto in frontis an. gulis anticis, antennarum articulo 20,--annulo earum basin cingente, annulo in vertice et occipite toto,maculis in pro- mneso- et metathorace,-nigris; alis latis ; fimbriis longis, nigris ; abdomine subtus nigro, maris superne viridi, foemina nigro maculato. Chrysopa perla, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 136, 43, pl. 49. Hemerobius perla, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, i. 2, 911, 2; Faun. Suec. Ed. 2, 382, 1504. Geoffi. Ins. ii. 253, 1, pl. 13, f. 6. Réaum. Ins. iii. 411, pl. 33, f. 3. Frisch. Ins. iv. 40, pl. 23, f. 5,6. Geoffr. Ins. Par. ii. 253, 1. Hemerobius chrysops, Deg. Ins. ii. 2, 68, 1, pl. 22, f. 1, 2. Scheff. Icon. Ins. Ratisb. i. pl. 5, 7, 8. Scop. Ent. Carn. 271, 708. Schr. Ins. Austr. 312, 625. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 60, 8. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 83, 6. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. Ed. 2, ii. 15, 687. Latr. Hist. Nat. Crust. xiii. 37, 2. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. Ixxxvii. f. 13. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1048, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 427, 11. Hemerobius cancellatus, Schr. Faun. Boic. ii. 189, 1923. Chrysopa reticulata, Leach, Edin. Encycl. ix. Sam. Ent. Cab. ii. 1. Ins. Trunsf. f. 45. Curt. Brit. Ent. xi. 520, 3. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 102, 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2,980, 8. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4, 78, pl. 10, f. 3. Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten, Chrys. Sp. 12. Larva, pl. 2, f. 11. Hemerobius reticulatus, Ratzeb. Forst. Ins. iii. 247. Chrysopa cancellata, Wesm. Bull. Acad. Brux. viii. 1, 208, 2. HEMEROBIDES. 263 Chrysopa maculata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 102, 4. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4, 78, pl. 10, f. 2. amd. England. e-g ? From Mr. Children's collection. Group 2. Venæ longitudinales nonnullæ nigræ. 61. CHRYSOPA DORSALIS. Flavido varia ; thorace in lateribus, ventreque toto--fuliginosis ; palpis, macula in clypei angulis anticis et in genis,--stria arcuata ud antennarum basin, juxta oculos et inter antennas in vertice furcam formante continuata,-- fuliginosis ; alis longis angustis, subcosta nigra; fimbriis brevibus ; tarsorum unguiculis simplicibus. Chrysopa dorsalis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 981, 10. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 140, 44, pl. 50. Chrysopa Pini, Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten, Chrys. Sp. 13. Larva, pl. 2, f. 12. Germany. Subsect. 4. Alarum venæ omnes fuscæ aut nigræ. Corpus picturis nigris insigne. 62. CARYSOPA NOBILIS. Flava ; palpis, antennis, stria utrinque in clypei lateribus et in genis,-linea longitudinali media per totum caput et protho- racem percurrente et ejusdem lateribus utrinque, - lineis duabus in antennarum articulo 10,-maculis in meso-et meta- thorace et in ventris segmentisnigris; alis latis, rotundatis ; venis nigris, nonnullis ad basin pallidis; fimbriis brevissimis, raris ; in femoribus superne linea nigra, tibiis in basi et apice annulo nigro notatis ; unguiculis simplicibus. Chrysopa nobilis, Heyden, MSS. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 142, 45, pl. 51. 264 HEMEROBIDES. Chrysopa elegans, Burm. Handb. Ent, ii. 2, 981, 9. Hemerobius elegans, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 427, 10. Europe. Subdiv. 2. Labrum antice magis minusve emarginatum. Areola cubitalis 3a plerumque venula divisoria in areolas duas divisa. Sect. 1. Antennæ longitudine corpus æquantes vel aliquantum super- antes, fuscæ aut nigræ, articulis duobus prioribus lætius coloratis. Corpus plerumque robustum, crassum. Prothorax latior quam longior. Subsect. 1. Alarum venæ unicolores, fuliginosæ. capite et prothorace exceptis. Corpus fuliginosum, 63. CHRYSOPA CAPITATA. Fuliginosa ; capite et prothorace aurantiacis ; antennis nigris, articulis duobus prioribus aurantiacis; alarum venis fuligi- nosis ; pedibus fulvis, femoribus in apice, tibiis in basi et in apice fuscescentibus ; unguiculis simplicibus parum curvatis. Chrysopa capitata, Curt. Brit. Ent. xi. 520, 2. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 102, 2. Wesm. Bull. Acad. Brux. viii. 1, 212. 9. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. v. 4, 78, pl. x. f. 2, Schneider, Mon. Chrys. 144, 46, pl. 52. Hemerobius capitatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 82,5. Guér. Icon. Règ. Anim. Ins. Texte, 387, pl. 62, f. 4. a-c. England. HEMEROBIDES. 265 Subsect. 2. Alarum venæ bicolores, flavæ et fuliginosæ. Group 1. Corpus fuliginosum, picturis et maculis flavis insigne. 64. CHRYSOPA FULVICEPS. Fuliginosa; abdominis segmentis in medio et in lateribus flavo cinctis ; capite aurantiaco; antennis fuliginosis, articulo lo flavo, puncto fuliginoso in interiore parte ; thorace flavo, pronoto vitta in lateribus et postice,-meso- et metathorace maculis,-fuliginosis, insignibus ; alarum venis fuliginosis, insignibus ; alarum venis fuliginosis, costa, subcosta et radii parte 3a, flavis. Chrysopa fulviceps, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 101, 1, pl. 30, f. 2. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 4, 78, pl. 10, f. 1. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 146, 47, pl. 53. Hemerobius erythrocephalus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 428, 13, pl. 9, f. 5. a. England. Group 2. Corpus flavum vel fulvum, maculis fuscis aut fuliginosis, aut . nigris insigne. 65. CHRYSOPA VARIEGATA. Pallide testacea ; capite et palpis fulvis ; prothorace brevi, picturis arcuatis fuliginosis ; meso- et metathorace fuliginose cinctis; abdomine fuliginoso, segmentis superne flavo limbatis ; alis angustis acutis ; venis flavis,----costa ab apice ex parte et radii sectore 20 dimidio fuliginosis; venulis transversis plerisque totis nigris ; alæ superioris fine ramuli cubiti et venulæ læ marginalis simplicis in margine interiore in maculam parvam nigram conjunctis. Chrysopa variegata, Burm. Handb. Ent, ii. 2,981, 11. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 147, 48, pl. 54. Isle St. John. 2 A 266 HEMEROBIDES. 66. CHRYSOPA NEURODES. Flava; capite fulvo ; palporum articulo ultimo brevi subacuato; pronoti lateribus vitta lata flavo punctata,-meso- et meta- thorace maculis--nigris ; alis angustis, venis flavis, ex parte nigro variegatis; venulis transversis omnibus nigris, radi- alibus sub pterostigmate incrassatis ; tarsorum unguiculis simplicibus, ad basin incrassatis , abdomine superne in seg- mentorum lateribus vitta angusta,-in eorum margine posteriore subtus vitta latiore—nigra. Hemerobius nevrodes, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 428, 12. Chrysopa neurodes, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 149, 49, pl. 55. Cape. 67. CHRYSOPA ÆQUALIS. Testacea, valida ; prothorax ferrugineo marginatus, multo latior quam longior; thorax fusco varius ; abdomen fuscum, segmen- torum marginibus posticis apiceque testaceis ; femora et tibia fusco cincta ; alæ limpidae, venulis nonnullis transversis sub- cubitalibus nigro variis, stigmate longo fusco. Testaceous, stout: antennæ mutilated; first and second joints tawny: prothorax mucb broader than long, with two ferruginous bands which are connected on each side by a broad ferruginous stripe: two large brown spots on each side of the thorax connected by two slender bands; metathorax mostly brown: abdomen brown; hind borders of the segments and tip testaceous: femora and tibiæ with brown bands : wings limpid, narrow; costal region nearly thrice broader near the base than by the stigma ; two complete series of gradate veinlets; costal areolet as large as the adjoining subcostal areolet; veins pale yellow; subcostal veinlets near the base of the wing black towards the subcosta ; transverse veinlets near the base of the wing between the subcostal areolets black; stigma long, pale brown. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a, bi 68. CHRYSOPA ITALICA. Flava ; thoracis lateribus abdominisque vitta media fuliginosis ; antennis crassis fuliginosis, in apicem lætioribus, articulis duobus prioribus fulvis ; alis albidis,-venis flavidis, venulis yradatis totis,-reliquis plerisque in utroque apice, nigris ; pedibus crassis, flavis. HEMEROBIDES. 267 Chrysopa italica, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 981, 13. Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 151, 50, pl. 56. Hemerobius Italicus, Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. Ed.-1, 12; Ed. 2, 14, 684, pl. 10, f. 12. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 429, 14. Hemerobius lateralis, Oliv. Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. vii. 61, 10, pl. 96, f. 8. Var. Hemerobius grandis, Ramb. Faun. Ent. de l'Andal. ii. pl. 9, f. 6. South Europe. 69. CHRYSOPA STIGMATICA. Fulva ; antennis nigris, articulo lo aurantiaco ; prothorace bre- vissimo; lineolis duabus fuliginosis transversis in media parte; meso-et metathorace flavo-vireis postice fuliginose maculatis ; alarum venis fulvis, macula parva fuliginosa prope ad earum basin; venularum sectoris 2i parte, cubiti, ejusque rami, ut postcostæ parte totis vel ex parte nigro-circumfusis ; alæ in- ferioris venis unicoloribus ; pedibus fuscis, femoribus tibiisque in apice flavis.. Chrysopa stigmatica, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 152, 51, pl. 57. . Hemerobius stigmaticus, Ramb. Faun. Ënt. de l'Andal. ii. pl. 9, f. 8; Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 429, 15. a, b. Malaga. Presented by Benjamin Frend, Esq. c. Algeria. From M. Parzudaki's collection. 70. CHRYSOPA INSIGNIS. Lutea, crassa, nigro maculata ; antennæ fusce, robusta, articulis testaceo cinctis ; alæ hyalina, sat angusta, venis viridibus optime determinatis, venulis transversis nigris. Pale luteous, very stout: face slightly furrowed transversely: antennæ brown, stout, shorter than the wings, with a testaceous ring on the fore border of each joint: prothorax convex along the fore border, with a slight dorsal furrow, and with three black marks on each side; its breadth much more than twice its length : meso- thorax with two oblique converging black marks on each side in front: metathorax with two slight black marks towards the fore border: abdomen with two black spots on each side at the base, and with some blackish marks beneath :. legs pale luteous : wings bya. line, rather narrow ; veins pale green, strongly inarked; transverse veinlets of the fore-wings black, of the hind-wings mostly black at 2 A 2 268 HEMEROBIDES. each end, areolets rather more numerous than usual ; cubital areolet as large as the adjoining subcubital areolet; stigma long, pale tes- taceous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 22 lines. a. New Holland. Sect. 2. Antennæ longiores quam alæ, unicolores, læte coloratæ. Cor- pus gracile. Prothorax longior quam latior. Subsect. 1. Corpus maculatum. 71. CHRYSOPA VARIA. Vireo-flava ; vertice antice ferrugineo cincto; antennis 3a parte alis longioribus, articulis duobus prioribus sanguineis ; macula in genis, puncto postice utrinque juxta oculos, et puncto in pro- noti angulis anticis,-sanguineis ; meso- et metathorace, abdominis segmentis tribus penultimis superne maculis fuli- ginosis ; alis anticis latis, rotundatis posticis acutis ; venis pallidis ; venulis transversis nonnullis nigris ; pterostigmate ab initio macula fusca ; fimbriis longis. Chrysopa varia, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 154, 52, pl. 58. Wood. b. Pará. From Mr. Stevens' collection. ci Brazil 72. CARYSOPA AMPLA. Lutea, subtus flava; antennæ flavæ, gracillima, alis multo lon- giores, basi rufescentes ; prothorax flavescens, conicus, vix longior quam latior ; thorax. fusco maculatus ; abdomen non- nunquam piceum ; alæ albida, sat latæ, venulis fusco variis, venula basali subcubitali fusco-nebulosa, stigmate fusco. Luteous, yellow beneath: antennæ yellow, very slender, minutely pubescent, very much longer than the wings ; first and second joints reddish : prothorax yellowish, conical, hardly longer than broad; ..mesothorax and metathorax with eight brown spots ; legs yellow : HEMEROBIDES. . 269 wings whitish, rather broad; marginal region broad; costal region of the fore-wings twice broader near the base than by the stigma ; second sector of the radius not wanting as in C. leptalea ; cubital areolet nearly equal in size to the adjoining subcubital areolet; veins pale yellow ; veinlets of the two sectors with very few brown marks ; apical and cubital veinlets and second series of gradate vein- lets mostly brown; veinlet between the hind borders of the second and third subcubital areolets clouded with brown: hind-wing veids of one colour ; stigma brownish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 20--22 lines. Var. B. Spots on the thorax very indistinct: abdomen pitchy, pale at the base. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 6 ? From Mr. Children's collection. 73. CHRYSOPA INSULARIS. Testacea, subtus pallidior ; caput rufo varium ; antennæ testacere, alis multo longiores ; prothorax conicus ; abdominis segmen- torum margines postici fusci ; ala limpida, anticæ fusco uniguttatæ, stigmate fusco, venis viridibus nigro variis. Testaceous: head reddish towards the mouth, and with a red- dish band on the vertex: antennæ testaceous, much longer than the wings: prothorax conical, longer than broad: hind borders of the abdominal segments brown, under side and legs pale testaceous : wings limpid, broad; marginal regions as broad as that of C. vul- garis; veins pale green, here and there blackish ; stigma small, pale brown ; a brown dot on one of the transverse veins of the fore-wings at three-fourths of the length from the base and at one-third of the breadth from the hind border; the adjoining series of gradate trans- verse veins black. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 74. CHRYSOPA CONFORMIS. Testacea ; antennw obscuriores, basi nigricantes ; pedes pallidi ; alæ limpida, inmaculata, stigmate testaceo, venis viridibus nigro variis. The dark antennæ, the pale hind borders of the abdominal segments and the unspotted wings distinguish this species from C.. 2 A 3 270 HEMEROBIDES, base: abdomen of one colour: legs whitish or pale green : wings. limpid, without spots; veins pale green, here and there blackish; stigma pale testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 15 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. Subsect. 2. 75. CHRYSOPA LONGICOLLIS. Corpore gracili elongato, læte fusco; ore elongato; antennis tenuis- simis, longis ; prothorace duplo longiore quam latiore ; alis elongatis, --inferioribus sublanceolatis; vitta fusca diluta juxta marginem posteriorem percurrente ; venis fulvis ; pterostigmate brevi fuliginoso; alæ anticæ venulis gradatis seriei' 2c totis, venulis subcostalibus, plerisque marginalibus ab initio furcatis, -posticæ venulis subcostalibus totis, nonnullis marginalibus ab initio furcatis-nigris. Chrysopa longicollis, Schneid. Mon. Chrys. 156, 53, pl. 59. Hemerobius longicollis, G. R. Gray, Griff. Anim. Kingd. xv. 331, pl. 72, f. 3. 76. CHRYSOPA ANTICA. Lutea, aut testacea ; antenna testacea, graciles, alis multo lon- giores ; prothorax sublinearis, fere duplo longior quam latior ; pedes flavi ; alæ limpide, venulis fusco variis, stigmate fusco perangusto. Luteous, testaceous beneath: antennæ testaceous, slender, very much longer than the wings : prothorax almost linear, its length a little less than twice its breadth: legs pale yellow : wings limpid, of moderate breadth; costal region not broad, its breadth by the stigma less than half that near the base; twelve areolets between the radius and its second sector, and thirteen between the second sector and the first sector; first series of gradate veinlets mostly wanting; cubital areolet not one-third of the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet ; veins very pale green ; veinlets of the subcosta . and of the second sector slightly marked with brown; second sector HEMEROBIDES. 271 brown at the base ; forked marginal Veinlets towards the base and second series of gradate veinlets brown; hind-wings having the veinlets of the subcosta and the forks of the marginal veinlets slightly brown; stigma brown, very narrow. Length of the body 5-6 lives; of the wings 16–18 lines. Var. B. Testaceous: abdomen slightly brownish, testaceous at the base. a, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 77. CHRYSOPA DIVERSA. Testacea ; antenne alis multo longiores ; prothorax antice angustior, paullo latior quam longior ; pedes flavi ; alæ limpidæ, an. gusta, venulis transversis fusco variis, stigmate flavo. Testaceous : antennæ minutely pubescent, very much longer than the wings: prothorax narrower in front, a little broader than long: legs pale yellow: wings limpid, narrow ; costal region var- row, not half so broad by the stigma as near the base; two complete series of gradate veinlets ; cubital areolet about half the size of the adjoining subcubital areolet; veius pale yellow, setose ; transverse veiplets partly tinged with pale brown; stigma yellow. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 15 lines. a, b. - From Mr. Children's collection. 78. CHRYSOPA MARIONELLA. Antennæ gracillima, pubescentcs, alis multo longiores; abdomen longissimum; gracillimum ; alæ latissimæ, pubescentes!; tuber- culæ duce albidæ in ala antica, fusco univittatæ et quadri- fasciate. Hemerobius Marionella, Guér. Rev. Zoologique. Antennæ very slender, pubescent, especially towards the base, much longer than the wings : abdomen very long and slender: wings very broad, very pubescent; marginal region very deep ; disk of the fore-wings with two whitish tubercles, each of them with a brown stripe and four brown bands. a. Pará. From Mr. Hewitson's collection. 272 HEMEROBIDES. 79. CHRYSOPA AURIFERA. Testacea; caput supra ferrugineum, facie rufo varia; antennce albide, gracillime, alis multo longiores ; prothorax antice angustior, paullo longior quam latior ; thoracis discus ferru- gineus ; abdomen longissimum, gracillimum, apice supra fer- rugineum; pedes albidi ; alæ limpida, pubescentes, latissimæ, basi iridescentes, apud marginem aurata, anticæ fusco bituber- culate. Like C. Marionella in structure. Testaceous : head ferruginous above, red about the face, very pale near the mouth: antennæ whitish, very slender, slightly pubescent, very much longer than the wings: prothorax slightly narrower in front, a little longer than broad, reddish about the hind border: disk of the mesothorax and of the metathorax ferruginous: abdomen very long and slender, ferruginous above towards the tip: legs whitish; wings limpid, very broad, very pubescent, adorned with iridescent reflections at the base, and with gilded reflections about the borders and about the two brown tubercles in the disk of each fore-wing; marginal region very broad; veins pale testaceous, black about the tubercles : bind- wings longer than the fore-wings. Length of the body 7-9 lines ; of the wings 27-30 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. b. Ceylon. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection. 80. CHRYSOPA LUTEA. Lutea, longa, gracillima ; antenna albide, gracillima, alis multo longiores ; prothorax antice angustior, multo longior quam latior ; abdomen ferrugineum ; pedes albidi; alæ limpida, latæ, anticæ tubercula una guttisque duabus fuscis, postice fusco quadriguttatæ. This species resembles C. aurifera and Marionella, but has the peculiar characters of the group less developed. Luteous, long and slender: head paler than the thorax : antennæ whitish, very slender, much longer than the wings, pale luteous towards the base: pro- thorax slightly narrower in front, much longer than broad.: abdomen ferruginous except at the base : legs whitish : wings limpid, broad; marginal region very deep, half the breadth of the discal region ; a dark brown tubercle on ihe disk of the fore-wing, by the gradate veinlets, which are blackish and partly clouded with brown; a brown HEMEROBIDES. 273 dot on the hind border of the fore-wing, two on the fore border of the hind-wing, and one on the disk of the latter; veins whitish, black towards the tips of the fore-wings hetween the marginal region and the disk, and towards the tip of the hind border. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 19 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Strange's collection. Div. 2. “ Caput antice paullo abbreviatum ; alæ inferiores superioribus vix.longiores; in area discoidali tres vel quatuor venularum grada- tarum interruptæ series ; area cubitalis angustissima; cubitus non fractus, primo sectori parallelus; areolæ cubitales oblongæ quad- rangulæ, tertia sine venulæ secante.” Schneider. Apochrysa, Schneider, Monogr. Chrysop. 38, 157. 81. CHRYSOPA LEPTALES. Fulva ; palpi pallidi ; antenna maris alis paullo longiores, fæminæ breviores, -fulve, articulis duobus prioribus exterius stria obscure rufa; prothorax latitudine duplo longior,-postice utrinque lineola nigra ; alæ magnæ, acuta, albidæ ; venis pal- lidis, in margine posteriore nebula fumata diluta ; la venu- larum gradatarum serie in mediu ala postica nigra, nebula fusca, aureo-splendente circumfusa ; abdomen in lateribus linea obscure rufa cinctum. Apochrysa leptalea, Schneid, Mon. Chrys, 159, 1, pl. 60. Hemerobius leptaleus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 429, 16. Саре. Species dubiæ. 82. CHRYSOPA FILOSA. Cinerea ; antennæ longissimæ ; alæ exalbidæ. Hemerobius filosus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 82, 3. Otaheite. 274 IEMEROBIDES. 83. CHRYSOPA CANDIDA. Pallida ; alæ hyaline, antice punctis tribus fuscis. Hemerobius candidus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 202. East Indies. 84. CARYSOPA IRIDEA. Lutea ; ala albe, irideæ, maculis difformibus fuscis. Hemerobius irideus, Oliv. Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. Ins. vii. 50, 4. Surinam. 85. CHRYSOPA MARGARITINA. Viridis, pallida ; antenna fusca, pubescentes, corpore longiores ; alæ subpilose, iridescentes. Hemerobius margaritinus, Palisot de Beauvois, Ins. 87, pl. 7, f. 5. Benin. 86. CARYSOPA LATERALIS. Viridis; antennæ nigro-fuscæ, basi rufe, corpore longiores ; caput et prothorax lateribus rufis ; tarsi fulvi; alarum venæ virides. Hemerobius lateralis, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. Texte, 388. Vera Cruz. 87. CHRYSOPA FLAVICEPS. Plava; caput fulvum, fasciis tribus e punctarum nigrarum ; antennæ obscura, basi fulve ; prothorax viridis, maculis lateralibus fasciaque interrupta nigris; meso- et metathorax maculis lateralibus fuscis; alæ venis flavis aut fuscis, ptero- stigmate rufo-flavo. Hemerobius flaviceps, Brullé; Webb et Berthelot, Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries, Ent. 83. Canaries. HEMEROBIDES. 275 88. CHRYSOPA CONFORMIS. Viridis ; antenna rufo-fusca, alis longiores, articulo lo maximo flavo; alæ albido-hyaline, venis pallide rufescentibus, venulis, rufo-fuscis. Hemerobius conformis, Ramd. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 426, 8. Colombia. 89. CHRYSOPA VALIDA. Viridis, C. Italica crassior, alis latioribus brevioribus ; thorax vittis duabus rufo-fuscis; alæ limpidæ, venis pallidis, venulis apicalibus nigris. Hemerobius validus, Erichson, Schomburgk, Brit. Guiana, 586. Guiana. 90. CHRYSOPA ANGUSTIPENNIS. Pallide viridis, immaculata; ala subelongatæ, angustiores apice rotundato, venis virescentibus. Allied to C. Alba. Chrysopa angustipennis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 104, 10. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 78, pl. 9, f. 3. " England. 91. CHRYSOPA SUBFALCATA. Luteo-viridis, inmaculata; ala elongatæ attenuata, apice aculo subfalcato, venis virescentibus. Allied to C. vulgaris. Chrysopa subfalcata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 105, 13. Evans, Mon. Chrys. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 78, pl. 9, f. 5. England. 92. CHRYSOPA QUADRIMACULATA. Fuscescens ; caput flavo-fuscum, maculis duabus nigris; antenna, prothorax et pedes flava ; alæ hyalinæ, iridescentes, venis fla- vescentibus, stigmatibus fuscis. Hemerobius quadrimaculatus, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. Texte, 388. China. 276 HEMEROBIDES. 93. CHRYSOPA ABDOMINE-PUNCTATA. Pallide cyaneo-viridis ; prothorax vittis duabus punctoque discali rufo-fuscis ; mesothorax punctis duobus rufo-fuscis; antenna alarum longitudine ; abdominis segmenta rufo-fusco bimacu- lata ; alæ venis cyaneo-viridibus punctis nonnullis nigris. Chrysopa abdomine-punctata, Brauer, Beschr. Osterreich. Arten, Chrys. 7, Sp. 8, pl. 2, f. 7. Austria. Genus 5. HEMEROBIUS. Ocelli nulli. Palporum maxillarium articuli duo ultimi eadem inter se circiter longitudine. Antennæ moniliforines. Ungues tenues. Plantulæ apice muticæ. Hemerobius, P., Linn; Fabr.; Vill. ; Geoffr.; Sulz.; Scheff.; Deg.; Schr.; Barbut ; Donov. ; Stew., Turt. ; Shaw; Oliv.; Panz.; Latr. Hemerobius et Drepanepteryx, Leach; Steph. Hemerobius et Drepanopteryx, Burm. Hemerobius, Drepanopteryx et Sisyra, Wesm. Hemerobius, Drepanepteryx et Psychopsis, Newm. Micromus, Megalomus, et Mucropalpus, Ramb. Hemerobina, Schneider, Monogr. Chrysop. 35. “Subcosta et radius paralleli et segregatim usque ad alæ acu- men percurrentes-rarius ante apicem alæ conjuncti; unus, vel duo vel plures sectores a radio oriundi, plerumque plures in ramos par- titi, quorum venæ finales pluries furcatæ ; venularum gradatarum duæ vel tres tantum series formatæ ; area cubitalis deficiens; anten- næ fere semper corpore paullo breviores, moniliformes.” Schneider. Div. I. Palporum maxillarium articuli duo ultimi eadem inter se cir- citer longitudine. Antennæ moniliformes. Unguiculi tenues. Plantulæ in processum dentiformem utrinque desinentes. Alæ anticæ emarginatæ, angulatæ. 1. HEMEROBIUS VIRIDIPENNIS. Viridi-testacea, lata, crassa, hirta; antennæ testacere, corporis di- midio breviores; prothorax duplo longior quam latior ; alæ anticæ virides confertim areolata, posticæ albidæ. HEMEROBIDES. 277 Body broad, stout, greenish testaceous, bairy, testaceous be- neath: head short : antennæ testaceous, submoniliform, not half the length of the body; joints successively decreasing in length: length of the prothorax about half its breadth; hind segment transversely semi-elliptical, with a longitudinal suture: abdomen and legs testaceous: fore-wings vivid pale green, with indistinct ferruginous dots and oblique stripes ; marginal region very broad and convex near the base where it projects on each side of the head, muderately broad towards the tip; subcostal veinlets along the greater part of the length, forked towards the costa, and connected together towards the subcosta by many transverse veinlets which forin numerous areolets; space between the subcosta and the radius intersected at nearly equal distances by transverse veinlets which generally form rectangular areolets; second sector of the radius forked six times successively, some of its forks also divided ; disk of the wing occupied by numerous little areolets which are mostly tetragonal, hut occasionally pentagonal or hexagonal; veinlets along the hind border mostly forked: hind-wings whitish, tinged with green along the borders; veins green, in structure much re- sembling those of the fore-wings. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 34 lines. a. East Indies. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 2. HEMEROBIUS PEALÆNOIDES. Obscure testacea ; alæ anticæ strigis duabus obliquis punctoque fuscis, maculaque triangulari marginali alba. Hemerobius phalanoïdes, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 912,5; Faun. Suec. 1508. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 83, 8. Sulz. Gesch. pl. 25, f. 2. Roemers, Gen. Ins. pl. 25, f. 2. Schaff. Icon. Ins. Ratisb. i. pl. 3, f. 11. 12. Deg. Ins. ii. 714, 4, pl. 22, f. 12, 13. Réaum. Ins. iii. 390, pl. 32, f. 8. Schr. Ins. Austr. 313, 628. Faun. Boic. ii. 190, 192, 5. Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 48, 4. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. 87, 15. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 61, 11. Petagn. Inst. Calab. i. 336, 4. Drepanepteryx phalænoïdes, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 100, 1, pl. 33, f. 1. Drepanopterpx phalanodes, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 975, 1. Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. 17. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 219. Megalomus phalænoides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 418, 1. a. Germany. 2 B 278 . HEMEROBIDESHEMEROBIDES. 3. HEMERORIUS BINOCULUS. Fuscescens; alæ sordide hyaline, pilosce, ocello magno, maculis plurimis minoribus fuscis. Drepaneptaryx binoculus, Newn. Ent. Mag. v. 400. a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. New Holland. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection. c, d. New Holland. From Mr. Argent's collection. 4. HEMEROBIUS FLAVICORNIS. Ferrugineus ; capite prothoraceque testaceis ; abdomine piceo ; an- tennce flave ; pedes testacei, fusco cincti ; alæ subcineree, fusco subnebulosa, anticce apice fusco strigatce, posticce fusco unimaculatæ. Distinguished from H. phalænoides and from H. binoculus by its much narrower marginal region. Ferruginous: head and pro. thorax testaceous : antennæ yellow : abdomen pitchy: legs pale testaceous, with brown rings : wings grayish, indistinctly clouded with pale brown: fore-wings with some brown streaks near the tips. which are brown; stigma brown, tawny towards the tip : hind-wings with a brown spot near the hind horder opposite the stigma, and with a testaceous tinge along the tips; veius with whitish and brown rings which are most conspicuous in the fore-wings. Var. ß. Fore-wings without brown streaks, hind-wings with- out the brown spot near the hind border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 5. HEMEROBIUS HAMATUS. Testaceus ; antenne flavæ ; pedes pallidi ; alæ subhyalina, fusco conspersee, margine postico excise, apice subhamatæ. Marginal region of the fore-wings narrower than that of H. flavicornis ; hind border more indented towards the tip, which is almost hooked. Testaceous : antennæ pale yellow: legs pale testa- ceous : wing's subhyaline: fore-wings very minutely and indistinctly sprinkled with pale brown; borders at the tip alternately brown and HEMEROBIDES. 279 whitish; stigma brown, lurid towards the tip. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. Div. 2. Alæ non emarginatæ. Regio marginalis latissima. 6. HEMEROBIUS MIMICUS. Alæ albidæ ; anticæ macula antica fusca, postica rosea, lineisque transversis obliquis fuscis ornatæ ; alæ posticæ macula sub- rotunda pone medium sita fusca signatæ. Long. 5 lin. ; alar. 20 lin. Psychopsis mimica, Newm. Entomologist, 415, fig. title-page. a. Adelaide. Presented by the Entomological Club. b, c. Australia. From Mr. Ker's collection. d. South Australia. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 7. HEMEROBIUS CELIVAGUS. Niger ; facies Aavo bimaculata ; antenne picea, articulis basi tes- taceis ; pedes testacei, femoribus piceis ; alæ albæ, anticæ cinereo maculate vittaque lata arcuata metallico-resplendente ornata, This species and the preceding are distinguished from the other Hemerobii by the breadth of the marginal region or space between the costal and subcostal veins. Black, shining, clothed with whitish hairs : head smooth; face with a yellow spot on each side by the antennæ: antennæ 17-jointed, pitchy, short, submoniliform; joints testaceous at the base: legs pale testaceous ; thighs pitchy: wings white : fore-wings gray at the tips, and with gray spots along the borders, and above the disk with a curved broad deep brown stripe which has various-coloured metallic reflections; hind-wings with a round brown spot towards the tip. Length of the body 3} lines : of the wings 15 lines. 4. Australia. From Mr. Strange's collection. 2 B 2 280 HEMEROBIDES. 8. HEMEROBIUS HIRTUS. Piceus ; thoracis linea dorsalis maculæque ochraceæ ; alæ sub- ochraceæ, fimbria subinterrupta fuscescente. · Hemerobius hirtus, Linn. Sysi. Nat. ii. 912. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 216. Donov. Brit. Ins. iv. pl. 113, f. 1, 2. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 401. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 166, 1. Wesm. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 218, 11. Hemerobius fimbriatus, Curtis, Brit. Ent. v. pl. 202. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 113, 26. Radius with six sectors. a. England. 6.- ? From Mr. Children's collection. 9. HEMEROBIUS TORTRICOIDES. Rufus, fascia verticis fronteque nigris; prothorax striis duabus transversis distinctis ; pedes pallidi; alæ antica latæ, breves, apice rotundatæ, venulis transversis bilineata. Megalomus tortricoides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 419, 2. Hemerobius hirtus, Linn." Buda; Hungary 10. HEMEROBIUS PYRALOIDES. Obscure rufus, supra subnigricans ; 'ala antica rufescentes, sub- hyalina. Megalomus pyraloïdes, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 419, 3. Resembling H. tortricuïdes : fore-wings less rounded at the tips, covered with a great number of darker indistinct transverse lines which form punctures on the veins; with two transverse lines of veinlets, the outer one more oblique than in H. tortricoïdes. France. HEMEROBIDES. 281 11. HEMEROBIUS TINEOIDES. Parvus, nigricans, rufo varius ; caput rufescens ; antenna rufes- centes; thorax maculis rufescenti-flavis ; prothorax striis duabus longitudinalibus ; abdomen rufo-fuscum ; alæ anticæ rufescentes, subhyalina, punctis obscurioribus, marginibus fusco strigatis. Megalomus tineoides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 420, 4. South Spain. Div. 3. Regio marginalis non dilatata. Subdiv. 1. Radii sector unus trifurcatus. Piceus, hirtus ; caput ferrugineum ; antennæ lutea, corpore paullo longiores ; prothorax tricarinatus, multo longior quam latior ; : Allied to Chrysopa. Pitchy, hairy: head ferruginous : an- tennæ luteous, rather stout, a little longer than the body: prothorax narrower in front, much longer than broad, with three slight lon- gitudinal ridges: legs testaceons : wing's grayish: fore-wings in- distinctly and minutely clouded with pale brown ; stigma lurid ; subcostal transverse veinlets much fewer and less strongly marked than those of H. fuscus ; space between the subcosta and the radius much broader; vein running parallel to the radius emitting several successive branches ; first series of gradate areolets nearly complete, the second mostly wanting ; longitudinal veins more numerous than , those of H. fuscus; veins of the hind-wings much paler and less distinct; fore-wings much longer than the hind-wings. Length of the body 21-3 lines; of the wings 7-8 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 2 B 3 282 HEMEROBIDES. Subdiv. 2. Radii sectores tres. Sect. 1. Radii sector lus bifurcatus. Subsect. 1. Radii sector 2us bifurcatus. Group 1. Radii sector 3us unifurcatus. 13. HEMEROBIUS SUBANTICUS. Ferrugineus ; caput antice testaceum ; antennæ pallidiores ; pedes testacei ; alæ subluridæ, angustæ, venis testaceis fusco guttatis, venulis gradatis fuscis nebulosis. Dark ferruginous : head testaceous in front: antenna pale ferruginous: leg's pale testaceous; wings slightly lurid, rather nar- row; veins pale testaceous; veins of the fore-wings with brown dots; two very incomplete series of gradate veinlets which are dark brown and clouded. Length of the body 1} line ; of the wings 5 lines. «. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Group 2. Radii sector Zus bifurcatus. 14. HEMEROBIUS OBSCURUS. Fusco-ochraceus; thoracis latera fusca ; alæ abbreviatæ pallide fuscescentes, venis subsaturatioribus obsoletissime albido punc- tatis. Hemerobius obscurus, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 108, 8. a, b. England. HEMEROBIDES. . 283 15. HEMEROBIUS POSTICUS. Ferrugineus ; antenna testacea, corpore longiores ; alæ subhya- linæ ; antica fusco-nebulos@, venis testaceis fusco fasciatis ; postica venulis gradatis seriei 2æ fusco subnebulosis. Dark ferruginous : head paler: antennæ testaceous, longer than the body: wings almost hyaline: fore-wings mottled with pale brown, especially towards the tips and along the hind borders; veins pale testaceous, with numerous brown bands; two complete series of gradate veinlets which are dark brown and clouded : hind-wings also with two complete series of gradate veinlets, the second series brown and slightly clouded; all the other veins wholly pale testa- ceous. Length of the body 2-2,1 lines; of the wings 7-8 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. Group 3. Radii sector 3us trifurcatus. 16. HEMEROBIUS FUSCUS. Fuscus ; clypeus nitidissimus ; frons, thoracis dorsum, antennæ et pedes ochraceo-flava ; ale fuscescentes, venis saturatioribus albo punctatis. Hemerobius fuscus, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 107, 4. amd. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. e-p. England. 9.- ? From Mr. Children's collection. 17. HEMEROBIUS SUBNEBULOSUS. Pallidus ; clypeus et thoracis latera piceo-rufa; alæ albide, an- ticæ margine interno subnebuloso, venis albidis fusco punctatis. Hemerobius subnebulosus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 107, 6. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 284 HEMEROBIDES. Group 4. Radii sector 3us quadrifurcatus. 18. HEMEROBIUS PALLIDUS. Ochraceo-pallidus ; prothoracis abdominisque latera picea ; alæ hyaline, costa venisque punctatis fuscescentibus. Hemerobius pallidus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 112, 24. Q. England. b. From Mr. Children's collection. Subsect. 2. Radii sector 2us unifurcatus. 19. HEMEROBIUS PELLUCIDUS. Piceus ; antenna nigra, corpore breviores ; abdomen subtus testa- ceum ; pedes testacei ; alæ subhyaline, venis testaceis. Pitchy: antevnæ black, shorter than the body : abdomen tes- taceous beneath : legs pale testaceous: wings subhyaline; veins testaceous; two incomplete series of gradate veinlets; two trans- verse subcubital veinlets slightly clouded; stigma slightly testaceous. Length of the body 11-1} line; of the wings 4–41 lines. Hemerobius pellucidus, Dale, MSS. a-c. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. Sect. 2. Radii sector lus unifurcatus. Subsect. 1. Radii sector 2us bifurcatus, 3us trifurcatus. 20. HEMEROBIUS NERVOSUS. Nigricans ; vertex thoracisque dorsum flavicantia ; alve variegata, venis albo-punctatis. HEMEROBIDES. 285 Hemerobius nervosus, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 85, 19. Deg. Ins. ii. 711, 2, pl. 2, f. 4, 5.' Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 402? Walck. Faun. Paris. ii. 18, 6. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 108, 10. Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. 15, 9. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii, 217,9. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. S 21. HEMEROBIUS NEBULOSUS. Ochraceo pallidus ; antenne fusco annulata ; thoracis latera fusca; ale albidæ opaline, anticæ fusco-nebulosa, venis fuscis. Hemerobius nebulosus, Step. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 107, 5. a. Germany. 22. HEMEROBIUS SIMULANS. Piceus; caput ferrugineum; antennæ picee, basi ferrugineæ ; pedes testacei ; alæ cinereæ, anticæ fusco-nebulosa, maculis tribus subcubitalibus fuscis, margine postico albido maculato. Pitchy: head ferruginous: antennæ pitchy, ferruginous at the base: prothorax short, much broader than long: legs testaceous : wings gray: fore-wings indistinctly and minutely clouded with brown ; veins black; two series of gradate veinlets almost complete, more distinctly clouded with brown; three brown spots on the sub- cubital veinlets; a row of whitish spots along the hind border. The dark antennæ of this species seem to be the only character which distinguishes it from H. nervosus. Length of the body 2} lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 286 HEMEROBIDES. Subsect. 2. Radii sector 2us unifurcatus. Group 1. Radii sector 3us quadrifurcatus. 23. HEMEROBIUS MARGINATUS. Pallide ochraceus ; alæ alba, venis transversis nebulisque aliquot ad marginem internum fuscis. Hemerobius marginatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi, 109, 12. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection Group 2. Radii sector 3us trifurcatus. 24. HEMEROBIUS HUMULI. Pallide ochraceus ; antennæ fusco alboque annulatæ ; pedes pallidi ; ale hyalina, punctis fuscis sparsis. Hemerobius Humuli, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 912, 10; Faun. Suec. 1507. Geoffr. Ins. ii. 912, 10. Schr. Ins. Austr. 313, 626; Faun. Boic. ii. 191, 1927. Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 47, 6. Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 84, 13. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 62, 14. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 38,7. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 402. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 108,7. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 974, 5. Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 215, 3. b, c. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. HEMEROBIDES. 287 25. HEMEROBIUS PERELEGANS. Piceus ; frons thoracisque dorsum testacea ; antenna fulvæ, fusco annulatæ ; alæ fusca albo concinne variegaiæ et punctata. Hemerobius perelegans, Step. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 109, 11. Hemerobius Humuli, var.? a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 26. HEMEROBIUS LUTESCENS. Flavescens ; alæ albæ, fusco substrigose, Hemerobius micans, Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 63, 19. Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. 14,7. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 216, 7. Hemerobius lutescens, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 84, 12. Dey. Ins. ii. pl. 22, f. 8 ? Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 402. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 38, 6. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 109, 13. Burn. Handb. Ent. ii. 974, 4. Hemerobius paganus? Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 49, 7. Micropalpus lutescens, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 420, 1. a~e. England. f. - ? From Mr. Children's collection. 27. HEMEROBIUS AFFINIS. Pallide ochraceus ; thoracis latera et abdomen nigricantia, seg- mentorum marginibus albidis ; alæ albide anticæ postice fusco subnebulosa, venis pallidis. Hemerobius affinis, Leach MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 109, 14. England. 28. HEMEROBIUS PAGANUS. Lutescens ; antennis pedibusque pallidis ; alæ albæ, anticę obscure subfasciata. Hemerobius paganus, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 912. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 403. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 110, 16. 288 HEMEROBIDES. a, b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq, C, d. England. e, f. From Mr. Children's collection. 29. HEMEROBIUS APICALIS. Rufo-ochraceus ; thoracis latera et abdomen picea ; pedes pallidi ; alwe opaline, anticæ apice præsertim fusco-nebulosæ, venis fus- cescentibus albo punctatis. Hemerobius apicalis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 110, 17. a. England. 30. HEMEROBIUS PUNCTATUS. Ochraceo-rufus ; prothoracis latera picea; alæ opalina, antica venis longitudinalibus albis fuscescente punctatis, transversis fuscis immaculatis. Hemerobius punctatus, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 111, 18. a. England. 31. HEMEROBIUS CRISPUS. Testaceus ; thoracis latera et abdomen saturatiora ; alæ opalina angusta, anticæ fuscescente maculatæ uenis transversis fuscis, posticæ immaculata. Hemerobius crispus, Curtis Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 112, 23. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b, c. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. d, e. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 32. HEMEROBIUS STIGMA. Testaceus ; antenna fusco annulatæ ; pedes pullidi ; abdomen pi- ceum ; ala hyalina, fusco-lutescentes, stigmate rufo-fusco, venis fuscis albido punctatis. Hemerobius stigma, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 112, 22. a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. b. England. HEMEROBIDES, 289 33. HEMEROBIUS ELEGANS. Atro-piceus, nitidus ; abdomen rufo-piceum ; pedes pallidi ; alæ abbreviatæ fusco-hyaline, anticæ albo perlepide irrorate, venis fuscis immaculatis. Hemerobius elegans, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 114, 27. England. 34. HEMEROBIUS MARSHAMI. Piceus, nitidus ; abdomen pallidius ; alæ abbreviatæ rotundatæ fusco-hyalina, antice concinne albo punctate fasciis.duabus fuscescentibus, venis fuscis immaculatis. Hemerobius Marshami, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 114, 28. H. elegans, var.? a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. b. England. 35. HEMEROBIUS OBLITERATUS. Testaceus; antennæ fusce, albido annulatæ, corpore multo lon- giores ; pedes pallidi; ale subhyaline, anticee fusco vir nebulosa, venis testaceis fusco guttatis. Testaceous: antennæ brown, much longer than the body; each joint with a whitish band at the base ; apical joints wholly dark brown; first joint testaceous: legs pale testaceous: wings sub- hyalive; veins pale testaceous : fore.wings almost imperceptibly mottled with very pale brown ; veins slightly dotted with brown ; two incomplete series of gradate veinlets which are slightly clouded: gradate veinlets of the hind-wings incomplete and irregular. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 36. HEMEROBIUS AUSTRALIS. Testaceus; antennis pedibusque flavis ; alæ subhyalina, venis testa- ceis fusco guttatis et margine postico nebulosis. Testaceous: antennæ and leg's yellow: wings subhyaline; veins pale testaceous; veins of the fore-wings with very numerous 2 C 290 HEMEROBIDES. brown dots, slightly clouded with brown along the hind border ; two nearly complete series of gradate veinlets which are brown and slightly clouded. Length of the body 2} lines; of the wings 7 lines. a.. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. Group 3. Radii sector 3us bifurcatus. 37. HENEROBIUS VARIEGATUS. Fuscus ; antennc ochraceo-rufce; pedes pallidi ; alæ albo-hyalince fusco maculatu et subfusciatæ, venis punctalis. Hemerobius variegatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst, ii. 85. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 402. Walck. Faun. Par. ii. 18, 7. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 113, 25. Burm. Handb. Ent. ji. 974, 2. Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 214, 1. Micromus variegatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 417, 3. a-c. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. d-i. Eugland. Subdiv. 3. Radii sectores quatuor. Sect. 1. Radii sector 3us bifurcatus; 4us trifurcatus. 38. HEMEROBIUS CONCINNUS. Rufescente-ochraceus; metathorax et abdomen picea ; alwe lutes- centes, venis pallidioribus nigro punctatis. Hemerobius concinnus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 106, 3, pl. 30, f. 3.. ll. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. 6. From Mr. Children's collection. BLMEROBIDES, 291 Sect. 2. Radii sector 3us unifurcatus. 39. HEMEROBIUS PINI. Testaceus ; antenne fusco annulatæ; abdomen nigrum aut piceum; pedes pallidi ; alæ hyalina, antice fusco-lutescentes margine postico saturatiore, punctis fasciisque abbreviatis fuscis. Hemerobius Pini, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 111, 21. ad. England. 40. HEMEROBIUS LONGIFRONS. Testaceus, fusco notatus; antennce fusca, annulata, corpore lon- giores ; abdomen piceum ; pedes pallide testacei ; alce cinerece, anticce fasciis tribus obliquis interruptis maculisque maryina- libus nigris. Testaceous, with some brownish marks: antennæ brown, longer than the body; each joint pale testaceous at the base: abdomen pitchy: leg's pale testaceous: wing's gray: fore-wings with black spots along the borders, and with three oblique interrupted black bands; veins pale testaceous, with numerous black bands; two in- complete series of gradate veinlets. Length of the body 3 lines; of the rings 9 lines. Q. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. 41. HEMERODIUS L'ASCIATUS. Niger ; caput et thorax flava, lituris fuscis; alce albide, anticce fusciis tribus atomisque numerosis nigricantibus, radii sectori- bus lo et 20 unifurcatis. Hemerobius fasciatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 85. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 108, 9. 2 c 2 292 HEMEROBIDES. a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. C-f. England. Div. 3. Sub-div. ? 42. HEMEROBIUS ANGULATUS. Testaceo-flavescens ; antenne nigro annulatæ ; alæ abbreviate, venis transversis præsertim fuscis fascia angulata saturatiore. Hemerobius angulatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 106, 2. England. 43. HEMEROBIUS NEMORALIS. Pallide ochraceus ; prothoracis latera nigricantia ; abdomen piceo- nigrum, segmentoruin marginibus pallidis; ala albida, antice fasciis duabus obscuris fuscescentibus. Hemerobius nemoralis, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 110, 15. England. VA 44. HEMEROBIUS SUBFASCIATUS. Pallide ochraceus ; thoracis latera abdominisque dorsum fusca ; alæ attenuatæ, opalina, anticæ fasciis transversis interruptis utomisque fuscis. Hemerobius subfasciatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi, 111, 19. England. 45. HEMEROBIUS IRRORATUS. Ochraceo-rufus ; antenne fusco annulatæ ; ala opaline, anticæ crebre fusco-irroratæ, posticæ immaculate. Hemerobius irroratus, Leach, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 111, 20, England. HEMEROBIDES, 293 46. HEMEROBIUS INTRICATUS. Ochraceus ; maculæ thoracis abdominisque fuscæ ; alæ anticæ cinereo-hyalina, venis et venarum intervallis fusco variegatis. Hemerobius intricatus, Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 214, 2. Belgium. 47. HEMEROBIUS MACULATUS. Flavus ; vitta macularis utrinque in thoracis dorso et abdomen fusca; al albo-hyalina, antice fusco confertim variegatæ venis nigro punctatis, seriei gradatæ posterioris venulis la et 2a furca nulla separatis. Hemerobius maculatus, Wesn. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux, viii. 215, 4. Belgium. 48. HEMEROBIUS OCHRACEUS. Ochraceus; ala concolores, venis crebre nigro punctatis. Hemerobius ochraceus, Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. Bull. Acad. Belgium. 49. HEMEROBIUS LIMBATUS. Luteus; abdomen fuscum ; ala subcinero-hyalina, anticæ disco nebulis limboque lato luteis, venis nigro punctatis. Hemerobius limbatus, Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 215, 5. Belgium. 50. HEMEROBIUS AFFINIS (Nomen bis lectum). Flavus ; vitta macularis utrinque in thoracis dorso et abdomen fusca ; alæ albo-hyalina, anticæ cinereo parce variegatæ venis fusco punctatis, venularum serie gradata priore septenaria. Hemerobius affinis, Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. Bull. Acad. Roy: Brux. 216, 6. Belgium. 203 294 HEMEROBIDES. 51. HEMEROBIUS CONSPERSUS. Fuscus ; antennis annulatis pedibusque pallidis ; alæ anticæ fusco variegata, venis nigris albo punctatis, sectore tertio quater.fur. cato. Long. alar. 9 lin. Hemerobius conspersus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 974, 6. Germany. 52. HEMEROBIUS CYLINDRIPES. Pallide ochraceus ; tibiis omnibus cylindricis ; alarum anticarum venis nigro punctatis, venarum intervallis nebulis creberrimis cinereis. Hemerobius cylindripes, Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. 16, 10. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 218, 10. Hemerobius hirtus, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 393,7. Mant. Ins. i. 247, 9; Ent. Syst. ii. 84, 10. Deg. Ins. ii. 2, 70, 2, pl. 22, f. 4, 5. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2640, 6. Schr. Faun. Boic. 71, 191, 1928. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. ii. 15, 686. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 61, 13. Petagn. Ins. Calabr. i. 336, 5. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 975, 7. Europe. 53. HEMEROBIUS LINEOSUS. Obscure rufescens ; antenna rufo-flava. ; prothorac transverse sul- catus, fusco maculatus ; tibiæ posticæ longissimæ ; alæ vittis fasciisque fuscescentibus. Micromus lineosus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 416, 1. 54. HEMEROBIUS TENDINOSUS. Rufo-fuscus ; alæ semihyaline, fasciis apud venulas fuscis. Micromus tendinosus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 417, 3. Europe. This Hemerobius, and probably some others here enumerated, are identical with species previously characterized, but are not easily recoguized by the descriptions. HEMEROBIDES. 295 55. HEMEROBIUS FALLAX. Flavus, villosus, maculis obscure rufis ; antennæ flavescentes ; pedes pallidi ; alæ anticæ hyaline, venis rufescentibus, venulis transversis nigro marginatis. Mucropalpus fallax, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 422, 4. Sardinia. 56. HEMEROBIUS PYGMÆUS. Minutus, rufo-fuscus ; cuput nigricans ; pedes pallidi ; alæ antice fusco subcinereæ vel favescentes, fusco maculatæ, venulis trans- versis fusco marginatis. Mucropalpus pygmæus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 422, 5. South France. 57. HEMEROBIUS OBSCURUS. Obscure rufescens ; caput antice nigricans ; antennæ fuscæ, annu- latæ ; pedes testacei ; alæ late, fuscescentes, immaculate, venis nigro punctatis. Mucropalpus obscurus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 423, 6. France. 58. HEMEROBIUS PARVULUS. H. lutescenti similis, minor, obscurior, nigricans, rufescente- flavo varia ; palpi nigri, apice albidi; antennæ fusce; protho- rax flavo vittatus ; abdomen flavo-fuscum ; pedes pallidi ; alæ anticæ subhyulina, fasciis sinuatis indistinctis fuscis. Mucropalpus parvulus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 422, 3. Sardinia. 59. HEMEROBIUS DISTINCTUS. Flavescens, nigro varius, H. lutescenti similis paullo major ; frons nigra; vertex nigro et prothorax trivittati ; abdomen nigrum ; pedes pallidi, tibiis anterioribus nigro maculatis, posticis lon- gissimis subarcuatis ; alæ anticæ fusco variæ, punctate, venulis transversis externis quinque. Mucropalpus distinctus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 421, 2. South Spain. 296 HEMEROBIDES. Div. 4. Alæ sectoribus radii renulisque gradatis nullis. Hemerobius, P., Fabr. ; Steph. Sisyra, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 975. Palporum maxillarium articulus ultimus penultimo quadruplo longior. Antennæ moniliformes. Unguiculi tenues. 60. HEMEROBIUS FUSCATUS. Piceus ; pedes testacei ; alæ fusco-hyaline, nitidissima, venis atro-fuscis, ramo sectoris lo ter furcato. Hemerobius fuscatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 84, 11; Deg. Ins. ii. 713, 3, pl. 22, f. 8-11. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 402. Walck. Faun. Paris. ii. 17, 5. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xii. 38, 5. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 114, 29, pl. 30, f. 4. Sisyra fuscata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii.976,1. Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. ii. 1. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 213,1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 416. Hemerobius niger, Retz. 59, 199. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 64, 26. Larva ? Branchiostoma Spongillæ, Westw. Truns. Ent, Soc. iii. 105, pl. 8. a, b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c, d. England. 61. HEMEROBIUS NITIDULUS. Testaceus ; antenne fusce ; pedes pallidi ; alæ cinereo-hyalina, nitidula, venis obscurioribus. Hemerobius nitidulus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 83. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 401. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 114, 30. ame. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. HEMEROBIDES. 297 62. HEMEROBIUS CONFINIS. Testaceo-fuscus; antennæ piceæ ; pedes testacei ; alæ fuscescente- hyaline immaculate nitida.. Hemerobius confiuis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 115, 31, a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. bmd. England. 63. HEMEROBIUS NIGRIPENNIS. Fuscus ; ala concolores ; pedes testacei. Sisyra nigripennis, Wesm. Mon. Hémérob. Belg. ii. 2. Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. viii. 213, 2. Belgium. 64. HEMEROBIUS MORIO. Totus niger, pedibus concoloribus ; ramo sectoris lo bis furcato. Sisyra morio, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 976, 9. Germany. 65. HEMEROBIUS VICARIUS. Ferrugineus, robustus ; antennæ pallida, moniliformes ; abdomen obscurum ; pedes testacei ; alæ fusce. Ferruginous, stout: anteunæ moniliform, pale ferruginous, occasionally black towards the base: abdomen dark ferruginous : legs testaceous: wings brown ; fore-wings darker than the hind- wings; veins dark brown; no sectors of the radius, vor series of gradate veinlets. Length of the body i} line; of the wings 47 lines. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 298 HEMEROBIDES. Div. ? 66. HEMEROBIUS DIPTERUS. Fuscus, pedibus alisque pallidis ; alæ anticæ fusco conspersa, venis transversis infuscatis; alæ posticæ ininimæ. Long. 1} lin. Hemerobius dipterus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 973, 1. Germany. Genus 7. DROMOPHILA. Ocelli tres, remoti. Antennæ filiformes, crassæ. Tarsi ungui. bus duabus acutis onychiisque bipartitis. Alarum posticarum rudi. menta. Dromophila, Heyden, Ent. Zeit. Stett. xi. 83. 1. DROMOPHILA MONTANA. Nigro-fusca, nitens, abdominis lateribus pedibusque flavis. Dromophila montapa, Heyden, Ent. Zeit. Stett. xi. 83. Germany. Genus 8. CONIORTES. Palpi labiales 3-articulati, securiformes. Tarsi 5-articulati. Alæ inæquales, undique venis corneis expansæ. Coniortes, Westw. Proc. Ent. Soc. 1834. Coniopteryx, Haliday, Curt. Brit. Ent. xi. pl. 528. Coniopterygides et Coniópteryx, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii.771. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 315. Coniopterygidæ, Newman. Hemerobius, P., Vill. Phryganea, p., Fabr. Malacomyza, Wesm. HEMEROBIDES. 299 1. CONIORTES PARVULUS. Margaritaceo-cinerea, opaca; antenna corpore non longiores ; abdo- men rufo-ochraceum; alæ posticæ mediocres. Hemerobius parvulus, Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 56, 25. 0. F. Müll. Faun. Friedr. Phryganea alba, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 201, 30, 31. Coniopteryx tineiformis, Curt. Brit. Ent. xi.'pl. 528, 1. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 116, 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 771, 1, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 316. Malacomyza lactea, Wesm. Bull. Acad. Sci. &c. Bruz. iii. 166, pl. 6, f. 2. a--c. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. 2. CONIORTES ALEYRODIFORMI8. Margaritaceo-alba, opaca; antenna corpore longiores ; abdomen piceum ; alæ postica mediocres. Coniopteryx aleyrodiformis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 116, 2. England. 3. CONIORTES PSOCIFORMIS. Margaritaceo-alba, opaca ; antenna corpore multo longiores ; alue posticæ parve. Coniopteryx psociformis, Curt. Brit. Ent. xi. pl. 528,2. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 117, 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 772, 2. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 316. . 2, b. England. 4. CONIORTES APHIDIFORM 19. Farinosa, C. tineiformi similis ; ale posticæ brevissime. Coniopteryx aphidiformis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 316. 300 MYRMELEONITES. Fam. 3. MYRMELEONITES. Os non rostriforme. Antennæ plerumque clavatæ. Pedes Myrmeleonides, Latr. Myrmeleonidæ, Leach ; Steph.; Westw. Myrmeleonina, MacLeay. Myrmeleontides et Ascalaphides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 338. Myrmecoleontidæ, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 988. Myrmeleontina, Newinan. Genus 1. MYRMELEON. Antennæ breves, clavata vel subclavatæ, vel filiformes. Corpus longum, gracile. Myrmeleon, Linn.; Fabr. ; Geoffr.; Gmel.; Barb.; Stew.; Turt. ; Wood ; Latr. ; Oliv. ; Panz. ; Ramb. Hemerobius, P., Berk. Formicaleo, Leach; Guilding. Myrmeleontidæ, Newman. Div. 1. Alæ integræ. Subdiv. 1. Alæ posticæ anticis plus maculatæ. Palpares, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 365. Labrum quadrilateral, slightly notched: maxillæ hardly broad at the base, fringed with very thick-set hairs; maxillary palpi with the penultimate joint shorter than the last, the latter widening a little towards the tip, which is abruptly truncated, slightly depressed, almost notched ; labial palpi much longer, second joint slender, sometimes at least as long as the preceding ; last joint slender, sub- clavate: spurs at the tips of the hind-femora always longer than the first joint of the larsi, straight or slightly bent; four first joints of the tarsi very short, almost equal in length, not together longer than the fifth : wings almost always covered with more or less large spots which are often numerous; costal space with only one row of areo- lets : hind-wing's always more deeply and more largely spotted than the fore-wings; hind-wings of the male having at their articulation M'YRMELEONITES. 301 behind a little dilatation furnished at its tip with a little tuft of hairs forming a compact mass and fitted to a lateral cavity of the hind part of the metathorax. 1. MYRMELEON GIGAS. Lutcus ; abdomine infuscato, vitta dorsi media nigra ; pedes obscure castanei ; alæ fusco maculata, maculis flavo venosis. Myrmeleon gigas, Dalm. Analect. Entom. 88, (annot.) 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 998, 25. Myrmeleon libelluloïdes, rar. Drury, Int. iii. pl. 41. Palpares gigas, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 366, 1. Testaceous, with a black dorsal stripe: prothorax with a pitchy stripe on each side: abdomen dark testaceous : leg's ferruginous : wings limpid, with a very slight rosy tint which is most distinct towards the truncated tips: fore-wings with a row of brown spots along the costa, and with four interrupted oblique brown bands which are composed of large spots: hind-wings as long as the fore- wings, with five brown bands, first much interrupted; second dila- ted; third and fourth connected in the middle and on the hind border; fifth apical, interrupted, connected on the hind border with the fourth. This and the following species are distinguished from all the others by the great breadth of the marginal region towards the trun- cated tips of the wings. 06- C. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 2. MYRMELEON CONTRARIUS. Testaceus ; vertex nigro maculatus ; palpi ferruginei ; antennae nigræ ; thorax nigro trivittatus ; abdomen apicem versus piceum ; pedes picei, tarsis nigris ; alæ late, subacuminatae, anticæ fusco marginibus guttatæ et apud discuin quadrifasci- atæ ; posticæ fusco trifasciata et unistrigatæ. Testaceous, clothed with pale hairs : vertex with a slight lon- gitudinal furrow, and with two bands of black spots; a black spot behind the bind band : palpi ferruginous : antennæ black: thorax with three black stripes: abdomen darker than the thorax, pitchy along half the length from the tip, much shorter than the wings: legs pitchy, stout, tarsi black; spurs as long as the three first 2 D 302 MYRMELEONITES. joints of the tarsi : wings limpid, obtusely pointed at the tips, wi- dened convex and slightly undulating along the bind border like those of M. gigas; stigma very indistinct, hardly coloured ; veins whitish, except where they are coloured by the brown of the wings, slightly ciliated ; subcostal areolets simple, their veins with a few forks towards the stigma ; marginal region very broad at the tips and along the adjoining part of the hind horder: fore-wings dotted with hrown, tinged here and there with pale brown, especially along the hind borders towards the tips ; some brown spots along the sub- costal region; four oblique dark brown bands on the disk; first much interrupted in the middle, and with a spot between it and the base; second extending nearly to the hind border; third shorter ; fourth interrupted in the middle, its hind part blending with the pale brown tinge of the wing: hind-wings with three dark brown bands; first irregular towards the hind border, emitting an inter- rupted branch towards the hind border of the first; third apical, interrupted in front; some brown dots towards the base along the subcostal region and along the hind border; an oblique blackish streak on the hind border along the post-costa and the branch of the cubitus; disks of some of the areolets in the bands more or less hyaline, but less so than in the fore-wings; longitudinal veins pitchy towards the base.; transverse veinlets of the fourth band bordered with white in all the wings. Length of the body 24 lines; of the wiugs 60 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. 3. MYRMELEON SOLLICITUS. Testaceus ; caput piceo varium, facie flava ; palpi nigri ; thorax nigro trivittatus ; abdomen ferrugineum, subtus piceum; pedes niyri, femoribus subtus piceis, alæ limpide, sat latæ, anticæ fusco guttatae et e maculis fuscis trifasciatæ ; posticæ fusco quadrifasciata. Testaceous ; vertex with a short pitchy stripe behind and with a curved pitchy spot on each side ; face yellow; palpi black : thorax with three black stripes, which are irregular on the mesothorax and on the metathorax: prothorax narrower in front, broader than long: abdomen ferruginous,. pitchy beneath except towards the tip: legs black, stout ; femora pitchy beneath; wings limpid, rather broad, in structure like those of M. inclemens, rounded at the tips : fore-wings sprinkled with brown dots towards the base, along the hind border and at the tips; some larger brown spots in the disk form three short interrupted and irregular oblique brown bands, one of them MYRMELEONITES. 303 very near the tip; stigma yellow; veins whitish ; subcostal areolets simple, with a few brown spots which increase successively in size towards the stigma, or two of their veins forked towards the stigma: hind-wings not narrower and hardly shorter than the fore-wings, without spots except a few along the hind borders and at the tips, but with four irregular slightly oblique brown bands which are not connected with each other and do not reach the hind border; the disks of their areolets nearly hyaline. Length of the body 27 lines; of the wings 68 lines. a. ? Voyage of the Blonde. Presented by Capt. Lord Byron. 4. MYRMELEON INCLEMENS. Testaceus, nigro vittatus ; palpi et pedes ferruginei ; abdomen pi- ceum, testaceo varium; alæ limpida, sat late, apice rotundatæ; anticæ subfusco-nebulosæ et fusco guttatæ, nec non apud dis- cum e maculis fuscis unistrigatæ et trifasciatæ; posticce fasciis quatuor apud medium connexis purpureo-fuscis., Perhaps a variety of M. cephalotes. Testaceous, with a black stripe from the vertex to the metathorax: head black about the base of the autenna and with a blackish band beneath: palpi ferrugi- nous: abdomen pitchy, partly dark testaceous : legs ferruginous : wings linapid, rather broad, in structure like those of M. libellu- loïdes, rounded at the tips : fore-wings slightly clouded here and there with pale brown, dotted with brown towards the base and to- wards the tips and along the bind border; some larger brown spots in the disk form three incomplete oblique bands; there is also a stripe of small brown spots in the disks ; stigma yellow ; veins testaceous, here and there whitisb ; subcostal areolets simple, with brown dots towards the base, and with brown spots towards the stigma; a few of their veins forked towards the stigma: hiud-wing's shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings, without spots except a few along the bind border, but with four irregular oblique purplish brown bands, which are connected with each other in the middle. Length of the body 24 lines ; of the wings 68 lines. a.- ? b, c. Port Natal. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 2 D2 304 MYRMELEONITES. MELEON CEPHALOTES. Cinereus ; capite thoraceque vitta media obsoleta fusca; alis ovato- lanceolatis, albo-hyalinis, punctis maculisque nigris. Myrmeleon cephalotes, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, 1, pl. 35, f. 1. Palpares cephalotes, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 368, 3. The Egyptian species described by Klug may be distinct from the Senegal M. cephalotes of Rambur, which more resembles the insect here described. Yellow: head with a pitchy stripe which is dilated between the eyes, and with another beneath the antennæ : thorax with three pitchy stripes; mesothorax and metathorax with some pitchy streaks on each side of the dorsal stripe : abdomen testaceous, pitchy to- wards the tip and beneath : legs pitchy: fore-wings with three ob- lique interrupted brown bands, and with numerous brown dots along the costa, towards the base, at the tips and about the hind border: hind-wings with four brown bands ; first, second and third connected together in the middle, forked on the hind border of the wing; first emitting a branch from its middle towards the base; fourth apical, containing two hyaline spots. a, b. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 6. MYRMELEON FURFURACEUS. Rufo-flavus, nigro vittatus ; caput magnum, vertice gibboso ; palpi rufescentes, labiales articulo 30 nigro maculato ; abdomen fus- cum, flavo bivittatum ; pedes rufescentes ; alæ lata, maculis guttisque rufescentibus. Palpares furfuraceus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 373, 10. Like M. libelluloïdes in structure. Testaceous, with a pitchy stripe : antennæ black: abdomen pitchy: legs ferruginous: wings spotted, much like those of M. pardus. ? a, b. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson. MYRMELEONITES. 305 7. MYRMELEON PATIENS. Piceus, robustus; caput antice fulvum, vertice fulvo maculato ; an- tenna nigræ ; thorax fulvo varius ; abdomen maris supra ferrugineum ; pedes ferruginei, tibiis apud medium tarsisque nigris ; alæ subangusta, fusco quinquefasciata, anticoè mar- ginibus posticis et apicibus fusco-nebulosis guttisque obscuri- oribus. Pitchy, stout, like M. libelluloïdes in structure. Front and face tawny; some tawny spots on the vertex: palpi and antennæ black: prothorax narrower in front, broader than long, partly tawny along the transverse middle ridge and along the fore border: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with tawny spots and bor- ders: abdomen of the male longer than that of the female, ferruginous above except at the tip: appendages short: legs stout, ferruginous; tibiæ in the middle and tarsi black: wings limpid, rather narrow : fore-wings sprinkled with numerous brown dots which are mostly along the hind borders and at the tips, these parts are also clouded with pale brown; some large spots in the disk form five irregular incomplete and slightly oblique bands, the disks of whose areolets are more or less hyaline; stigma yellowish ; veins testaceous; discal areolets simple, with brown dots towards the base and with browi: spots towards the stigma; one or two of their veins by the stigma occasionally forked : hind-wings shorter, but not narrower than the fore-wings, without spots except a few along the bind border, but with five bauds, of which all except the last are occasionally more or less connected with each other in the middle Length of the hody 22–24 lines ; of the wing's 48–60 lives. a-d. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. e. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 8. MYRMELEON LIBELLULOIDES. Testaceus ; vitla verticis et prothoracis media fusca ; abdomine supra trivittato ; femora rufa; ala fusco maculata, maculis uni- coloribus fusco venosis ; abdomen maris alis brevius cercis lon- gissimis instructum, fæminæ alis dimidiis vix longius cercis minutissimis. Hemerobius libelluloïdes, Mus. Lud. Ubr. 401. Myrmeleon libelluloïdes, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 913, 1. Drury, Ins. ii. pl. 46, f. 1. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 398, 1. Mant. Ins. i. 249, 1; 203 306 MYRMELEONITES. Ent. Syst. ii. 92, 1. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2642, 1. Deg. Ins. iii. 365, 2, pl. 27, f. 9. Rai, Ins. 53. Petiv. Gazoph. 6, pl. 3, f. 1. Sulz. Hist. Nat. Ins. pl. 25, f. 3. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 121, 1. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. ii. 14; ed. Illig. ii. 17. Descript. de l'Egypte, Neur. pl. 3, f. 4. Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. Invert. ix. 210, 3. Dalm. Analect. Ent. 88, (annot.) 2. Charp. Hor. Ent. 51, 52. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 698, 24. Brullé, Ecped. Scient. Morée, 216, 556. Palpares libelluloïdes, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 367, 2. Myrmeleon papilionoïdes, Fem. ? Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, 2, pl. 35, f. 2. a, b. Salerno and Amalfi. Presented by M. Pierret. C-e. Albania. Presented hy W. Wilson Saunders, Esq. f, g. Marseilles. From Mr. Walker's collection. h, i. Tunis. From Mr. Fraser's collection. j.- ? From Mr. Milne's collection. K, 1. ? From Mr. Children's collection. m, n. ? MELEON SPECIOSUS. Rufo-fuscus ; vertice toto nigro; prothorace sulphureo limbato ; fe- mora basi rufa ; alæ angustiores, fusco maculatæ, maculis anticarum intus cinereis fusco venosis ; abdomen maris alis longius supra rufo-teslaceum apicem versus nigrum, foemina alarum longitudine itidem coloratum. Myrmeleon speciosum, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 912. Roes. Ins. iii. pl. 21, f. 1. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 121,2. Charp. Hor. Ent. 51. Burin. Hundb. Ent. ii. 998, 23. Myrmeleon leopardus, Dalm. Analect. Ent. 89, (annot.) 3. Palpares speciosus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 370, 6. Like M. libelluloïdes in'structure. a, b. South Africa. Presented by F. Angas, Esq. c. - n ? Presented by J. W. Evans, Esq. d-I. Cape. Presented by R. W. Townsend, Esq. h-k. Cape. From the Hardwicke bequest. I. Cape. From Mr. Argent's collection. m-0. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. p, q. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss' collection. 7, s. ? From Mr. Milne's collection. t. Cape. V-X ? MYRMELEONITES. 307 10. MYRMELEON TIGRIS. M. libelluloïdis magnitudine ; ala angustiores lanceolatæ, margine postico fusco non punctato; antice striato maculatæ ; caput flavum, macula inter antennas, punctoque verticis nigris ; pedes flavi, tarsis nigris. Myrmeleon tigris, Dalm. Analect. Ent. 88, 99. Palpares tigris, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 374, 12. Like M. libelluloides in structure ; wings a little more angular. a, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 11. MYRMELEON INFIMUS. Testaceus ; vertex nigro bimaculatus ; palpi ferruginei, apice picei ; thorax nigro triviltatus; pedes nigri, tibiis supra testaceis ; ala limpide, sat ampla, apice non angulata, fusco maculata, anticæ vix bifasciata, posticæ quinquefasciate. Testaceous, stout, clothed with whitish hairs : head darker than the thorax; vertex with a slight longitudinal furrow, and with a black spot on each side: palpi ferruginous with pitchy tips : thorax with three black stripes: prothorax much parrower in front, not broader than long, with a transverse furrow in the middle; abdomen much shorter than the wings : legs black, stout; tibiæ testaceous above; spurs curved, longer than the first joint of the tarsi : wings limpid, moderately long and broad, rounded and not angular at the lips; stigma yellowish ; veins pale testaceous except in the brown parts, slightly ciliated; disks of the areolets more or less hya- line in some of the brown marks, transverse veinlets bordered with white in others; subcostal areolets simple, their veins with one or two forks by the stigma: fore-wings with dark brown marks along the fore border and on one-third of the length from the base, and with larger and paler brown spots along the hind border and about the tips; two oblique brown bands extending from the subcosta to the disk, the first about half the breadth of the wing, the second longer but interrupted and forming three spots: hind-wings shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings, with a few dark brown spots along the subcosta, and with five dark brown bands; first shortened behind, second, third and fourth slightly undulating, forked and accompanied by some brown spots near the hind border ; fifth apical, including a little spot above the tip: alulæ small. Nearly allied to M. pardus. Length of the body 23 lines; of the wings 56 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 308 MYRMELEONITES. 12. MYRMELEON PARDUS. Flavus, M. libelluloïdis magnitudine ; palpi labiales rufescentes ; thorax fusco varii. Palpares pardus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 375, 15. Testaceous: head black about the base of the antennæ which are black: prothorax in some cases, with a black stripe: disk of the thorax pitchy: abdomen pitchy; hind borders of the segments yel- low: legs tawny; tarsi black : wings limpid, rounded at the tips; subcostal areolets simple, with some forked veips towards the stigma, a row of quadrate spots above the costa : fore-wings with numerous little brown dots at the base and along the hind border, and with a few large brown spots in the disk; spots at the tip forming an un- dulating band : bind-wings as long and almost as broad as the fore- wings, with a few large spots in the disk and more smaller ones along the hind border. a, b. East Indies. Presented by Lady Amherst. c. East Indies. From the Hardwicke bequest. d. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. emh. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 13. MYRME LEON SUBDUCENS. Testaceus ; palpi ferruginei, labiales apice picei; antenne nigre; thorax fusco trivittatus ; pedes niyri, femoribus ferrugineis ; ala hyalina, sat long@, subanguste, apice vix angulatæ ;' an- ticæ fusco gutlatæ et disco maculata, posticæ fusco maculata et quinquefasciata, Testaceous, clothed with whitish hairs : head paler than the thorax; vertex very convex, with a longitudinal furrow; face paler: palpi ferruginous; third joint of the labial palpi pitchy: antennæ black: prothorax and mesothorax with three blackish brown stripes, the lateral stripes dilated on the mesothorax, and each including a testaceous stripe and dot; some brown spots on the disks of the seg- ments of the metathorax; abdomen mutilated, testaceous at the base; legs black; femora dark ferruginous; spurs as long as the two first joints of the tarsi : wings hyaline, rather long and narrow, rounded or very slightly angular at the tips, where the marginal region is broad; stigma yellowish, yery indistinct; veins whitish, ex- cept in the brown marks, in some of these the transverse veinlets are bordered with white; subcostal areolets simple, the forks of their MYRMELEONITES. 309 veins beginning by the stigma; fore-wings with brown dots which are mostly at the tips, along the hind horders and especially towards the base where they are darkest; an oblique long brown spot in the disk, and beyond a slightly oblique streak, and a spot above it; two brown spots near the tip: hind-wings shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings, with brown spots at the tips and from thence along two-thirds of the hind border, and with five brown bands which do not extend to the hind border ; first band irregular and occasionally interrupted ; second widened behind ; third partly or wholly inter- rupted; fourth and fifth interrupted : alulæ whitish with black tips. Length of the wings 68 lines. a. - Voyage of the Blonde. Presented by Capi. Lord Byrop. 14. MYRMELEON INCOMMODUS. Testaceus ; caput nigro vittatum ; palpi labiales apice nigri ;. thorax fusco trivittatus ; tarsi nigri ; ala limpide, longe, angusta, apicibus et marginibus posticis subfuscentibus, fasci- isque quinque interruptis fuscis, anticæ strigis tribus basalibus nigricantibus, posticæ guttis basi marginalibus fuscis. Testaceous, stout, clothed with whitish hairs: vertex very convex, with a broad black stripe and a slight longitudinal furrow: palpi pale testaceous; labial palpi with black tips: antennæ mutilated, testa- ceous at the base : thorax with three slightly interrupted dark brown stripes: prothorax a little narrower in front, its breadth more than twice its length: abdomen mutilated, testaceous towards the base: legs testaceous, stout; tarsi black; spurs much curved, as long as the two first joints of the tarsi : wings limpid, long and narrow, tinged with pale hrown at the tips and about the hind border, es- pecially in the fore-wings, where the brown hue extends along the whole length and on half the breadth except a limpid space on each side of the fork of the radius ; stigma indistinct; veins whitish, except on the brown parts wbere many of the transverse veinlets are bordered with white ; longitudinal veins mostly testaceous or pitchy towards the base ; disks of many of the areolets in the brown parts more or less hyaline; subeostal areolets simple, with two or three forked veins by the stigma : fore-wings with three blackish basal streaks, one along the costa, the second along the cubitus and its fork, and the third in dots along the hind border; five interrupted brown bands, first and second each forming three spots, first extending to the bind border, third forming three spots and broken towards the hind border into four long slender oblique streaks ; fourth and fifth short, the 310 MIYRMELEONITES. hind part of each consisting of a longitudinal streak in the disk: hind-wings shorter but hardly narrower than the fore-wings, with some dark brown dots along the cubitus, and along the hind border towards its fork; five dark brown oblique interrupted bands, first shortened in front, connected in the middle with the second, which also extends to the bind border, third, fourth and fifth shortened behind. Length of the wings 62 lines. a. West Africa. From Mr. Argent's collection. 15. MYMELEON ZEBRATUS. Flavus ; palpi nigro maculati ; thorax nigro trivittatus ; abdomen rufo-flavum, apice obscurius ; femora extus obscuriora ; tarsi nigri; alæ fusco maculate et bifasciatł, apicibus margini- busque posticis subfuscis. Palpares zebratus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 371, 7. Var.? Testaceus, nigro trivittatus ; caput nigro univittatum, facie flava; palpi ferruginei ; antennæ nigræ; pedes nigri, femo- ribus basi ferrugineis, tibiis testaceis apice nigris; alæ albide, longe, apice rotundata, anticæ fusco guttatæ et maculate, posticæ fusco quadrisubfasciata. Testaceous, stout, covered with whitish hairs : head with a black stripe; face yellow: palpi ferruginous: antennæ black, sub- clavate, about half the length of the thorax: thorax and abdomen with three black stripes: abdomen much shorter than the wings: legs black, stout ; femora ferruginous at the base; tibiæ testaceous with black tips : wings whitish, long, not pointed nor angular; stigma yellow ; veins mostly pale ; subcostal areolets simple, with one or two forked veins by the stigma: fore-wing's sprinkled with numerous brown dots which are most prevalent along the hind borders and at the tips ; some larger and darker brown spots along the cubitus, and between the forks of the sector of the radius, and near the tips: hind-wings as broad and almost as long as the fore- wings, with brown dots along the subcosta, and with a row of brown spots of various size along the hind border, from one-third of the length to the tip; some large dark brown spots in the disk forming four irregular and imperfect brown bands, in which several of the veins and of the disks of the areolets are more or less distinctly. white. Length of the body 21 lines; of the wings 50 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens collection. MYRMELEONITES. Testaceus; vertex piceo bimaculatus ; antenne picea, basi ferru- gineæ ; thorax piceo vittatus ; abdomen fæminæ apicem versus piceum ; tarsi picei ; alæ limpida, subampla, apice vix angu- late, fusco maculate , anticæ fasciis duabus apicalibus connexis fuscis, posticæ semifasciatæ. Testaceous, rather stout, clothed with whitish hairs: head pitchy about the base of the antennæ and with two pitchy spots on the veriex: palpi testaceous: antennæ pitchy, ferruginous towards the base: thorax with a slight pitchy stripe : prothorax a little nar- rower in front; its breadth more than twice its length : abdomen of the female pitchy towards the tip, shorter than of the male : appen- stout; tarsi pitchy; spurs pitchy, as long as the three first joints of the tarsi: wings limpid, moderately long and broad, indistinctly angular at the tips ; stigma very indistinct, hardly coloured : veids whitish, except in the brown parts, whose areolets are here and there paler; subcostal areolets simple, with a few forked veins near the stigma; a row of subquadrate brown spots along the subcosta : fore- wings with öumerous brown duts except near the fore border and at the tips; three larger brown spots along the fore part of the disk, first often divided, second short, third long and forming a short band ; two brown bands at the tip, first zigzag, upited at each end to the second : hind-wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings; two rows of brown spots along the hind border, the inner one imperfect; four brown spots in the disk, the first half the size of the second, the third forming with the fourth an interrupted curved band, two browu spots beyond these, connected with the brown at the tips and occasionally with each other, and thus includ- ing a limpid spot. Length of the body 19-20 lines; of the wings 42-50 lines. Q. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Flavescens ; vertex fusco fasciatus ; thorax vitta dorsali maculisque nigris ; abdomen testaccum, apice nigro vittatum ; tarsi rufo- fusci; alce subflavescentes, fusco strigatis. Palpares radiatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Inis. Neur. 369, 4, pl. 11, f. 1. Senegal. 312 DIYRMELEONITES. 18 MYRMELEON PAPILIONOIDES. Pallidus, fusco trivittatus ; alis ovatis, fasciis maculisque fuscis. Myrmeleon papilionoïdes, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 35, f. 3, mas. Palpares papilionoïdes, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 369, 5. Caput fascia transversa inter oculos maculaque longitudinali media in vertice fuscis: palpi rufo-testacei, articulis apice obscuri- oribus : antennæ vix thorace breviores, nigræ, basi testaceæ: thorax albido villosus, dorso vitta media et laterali utrinque fusco ferrugi. neis ornatus, subtus obsolete ferrugineo maculatus: pedes pallide testacei, nigro hispidi, tarsis fusco-ferrugineis: alæ albo-hyalinæ, al- bido reticulatæ, venis subcostalibus pallide testaceis, antici fasciis duabus reticulatis abbreviatis punctisque numerossimis, postici fas- ciis abbreviatis totidem maculisque ad marginem externum fuscis: abdomen pittis tribus fuscis ornatum. Arabia. 19. MYRMELEON MANICATUS. Flavus, nigro maculatus ; palpi apice nigri; pedes fusco fasciati, tibiis apice tarsisque nigris ; ale subcinerea, maculis guttisque nigricantibus. Palpares manicatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 372, 8. 20. MYRMELEON COGNATUS. Flavus ; palpi rufo-fusci ; thorax nigro vittatus ; abdomen testa-, ceum, apice nigricans ; pedes rufi, tibiis apice tarsisque nigris; alæ subrufescentes, nigro maculatæ et guttuta. Palpares cognatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 373, 9. 21. MYRMELEON LATIPENNIS. Rufo-flavus ; palpis antennisque nigris; thorax nigro trivittatus ; abdomen testaceum; pedes flavi, tibiis apice tarsisque nigris ; alæ latissimæ, flavo maculatæ et guttata.“ Palpares latipennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 374, 11. Senegal. MYRMELEONITES. 313 22. MYRMELEON HYÆNA. Niger ; vertice et prothorace cinereo subglabro, vitta media nigra ; thorace reliquo maculato, cinereo-hirto; alæ anticæ fusco con- spersæ venis punctatis, posticæ fusco maculatæ venis unico. loribus. Long 21 lin. Myrmeleon Hyæna, Dalm, Analect. Ent. 89, 100. Myrmecoleon Hyæna, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 997, 19. Palpares Hyæna, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 374, 13. Sierra Leone. 23. MYRMELEON TESSELLATUS. Flavus, M. libelluloïdis magnitudine ; antenna nigræ, basi flavæ ; thorax rufo-fusco varius ; palpi labiales apice nigro maculati ; abdomen rufo-fuscum, flavo trivittatum ; femora rufescentia ; ala hyaline, fusco reticulata. Palpares tessellatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 375, 14. Senegal 24. MYRMELEON SPECTRUM. Nigricans, M. libelluloide minor ; labrum flavo maculatum ; tho- rax rufo-fuscus; abdomen basi rufo-maculatum, segmentorum 4 vel 5 marginibus posticis flavis ; alæ nigricantes, fasciis duabus maculis guttisque hyalinis. Palpares spectrum, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 376, 16. 25. MYRMELEON VENOSUS. Niger ; prothoracis margine flavo ; ala anticæ hyaline, venis longi- tudinalibus flavo limbatis, transversalibus nigris ; alæ postica pallide flavæ, fusco maculatæ. Long. 12 lin. Myrmecoleon venosus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 998, 22. Palpares venosus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 376, 17. Cape. 2 E 314 MYRMELEONITES. 26. MYRMELEON PARDALINUS Niger; prothoracis et segmentorum abdominalium margine flavo ; alæ antica fulvce fusco conspersa, posticæ flavæ nigro trifas. ciata ; fascia media furcata; abdomen maris alarum longi- tudine cercis mediocribus clavatis. Long. 12 lin. Myrmecoleon pardalinus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ï. 997, 20. Palpares pardalivus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 377, 18. Var. ? Niger, gracilis ; caput antice et subtus flavum ; antenne clavatce ; thorax flavo bivittatus ; abdomen nigro testaceum ; pedes graciles ; alue subluridce, latce, breves, apice rotundata ; anticae basi apice marginibusque fusco maculata, apud medium fusco.interrupte bifusciate ; posticæ maculis nonnullis fasciis- que duabus fuscis. The insect here described differs much from the preceding species in structure, and in the form of the antennæ, and appears more allied to M.clavicornis. Black, slender: head yellow beneath ; vertex very convex, with a slight longitudinal furrow; two yellow rings at the base of the antennæ ; face yellow: palpi black : an- tenne clavate, slender, much shorter than the thorax: thorax with two gilded yellow irregular and interrupted stripes : prothorax a little narrower in front, much broader than long, with a transverse furrow near the hind border and a transverse suture near the fore border: abdomen dark testaceous, tinged with black, much shorter than the wings : legs black, slender; ungues bright red ; spurs fer- ruginous, straight, as long as the two first joints of the tarsus: wings slightly lurid, broad, short, rounded at the tips ; stigma white; veins pale testaceous except in the brown parts, ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, a few of their veins forked towards the stigma ; marginal region very broad towards the tips of the wings : fore- wings with dark brown dots on one-third of the length from the base, especially on the subcostal region where they are darkest and most regular; from thence along the borders and at the tips the spots and dots are paler, and there are two paler oblique short and interrupted bands on the disk; hind-wings as long and as broad as the fore- winys, with some brown dots along less than half the length of the costa from the base, with three or four dots opposite to them near the bind border, with a brown spot in the disk near the latter, with some spots at the tip and from thence along half the length of the hind border, and with two bands across the middle, the first very undulating, the second notched in the middle on the inner side and MYRMELLONITES. 315 tapering towards the hind border. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 28 lines. a. Cape. 27. MYRMELEON CONSPURCATUS. Niger ; prothoracis margine flano , ala antica fulvæ venis transversis infuscatis, posticæ fusca flavo maculatæ. Myrmecoleon conspurcatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 997, 21. Palpares conspurcatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 377, 19. S. Africa. Subdiv. 2. Alæ anticæ posticis plus maculatæ. Tibiæ calcaribus valde Alexis. Acanthaclisis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 378. Labiuin heart-shaped; maxillary palpi with the penultimate joint shorter than the last which is cylindrical and a little attenuated towards the tip; labial palpi much longer, their second joint some- times as long as the maxillary palpi, last joint also very long, clavate: legs short; spurs on the tips of the tibiæ notched about the middle on the inner side, thence bent almost at it right angle, always much longer than the first and second joints of the tarsi ; claws with a prominent, rounded and much beni dilatation at the base: wings more or less spotted, only varied by the different colouring of the veins; hind-wing's always less marked than the forc- wings, slightly prolonged, and with a winglet on their hinder base. The species of this division may be distinguished by their thick bodies, and by their short and narrow wings, in which the sub. costal areolets are generally divided. 28. MYRMELEON - OCCITANICUS. VO Rubicundo-cinereus, albo-hirtus, vitia media nigrue; abdomen ni- grum, seymentorum marginibus fillvis ; alarum vence fusco punctatæ, radius et cubitus fusco fasciati. Myrineleon occitanicus, Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 63, 9, pl. 7, f. 10. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 122, 5. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. lix. 4. Late. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 192, 1; Descript. de l'Egypte, Neur. pl. 3, f. 5. 2 E 2 316 MYRMELEONITES. Myrmeleon pisanus, Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. ii. 14, pl. 9, f. 8. Myrmeleon pisanum, Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. sans Vert. iv. 210, 1. Acanthaclisis occitanica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 378, 1. Myrmecoleon pisanus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 996, 16. a. Frejus. From Mr. Walker's collection, b. South France. c. Portugal. d. ? 29. MYRMELEON BÆTIOUS. M. occitanico simillimus, capite minore ; palporum labialium arti- culo 30 longiore graciliore, apice tantum clavato ; thoracis vitta latiore ; pedibus nigro maculatioribus, calcaribus minus arcu- atis, alis fusco guttatis vix maculatis. Acanthaclisis Bætica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 379, 2. Malaga. 30. MYRMELEON DISTINCTUS. M. occitanico affinis sed paullo crassior; antennis longioribus gra- cilioribus albido annulatis, palporum labialium articulo 30 longiore graciliore, clava apice breviore acuminata, thoracis vittis latioribus, alis obtusioribus, areolis subcostalibus sin- plicibus. Senegal. Var. aut species altera ? Pallidior, thoracis vittis angustioribus, abdominis maculis flavicantibus vittas duas fingentibus, alis pallidioribus. Acanthaclisis distincta, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur, 380, 3. Mauritius. Var. ? Cinereo-ferrugineus, robustus ; caput antice testaceum, ver-' tice nigro ferrugineoque guttato ; antenna subclavate, fusce, albo annulatæ; thorax nigro sexvittatus; abdomen ferrugi- neum, piceo testaceoque bivittatum ; pedes testacei, tarsis nigris ; alce breves, angusta, subangulatæ, anticæ apice vix notatæ. Grayish ferruginous, stout, clothed with white hairs : vertex with a slight longitudinal furrow, with a band of black dots above, MYRMELEONITES. 317 and with some ferruginous dots in front; front face and palpi tes- taceous; labial palpi brown towards the tips: antennæ subclavate, much shorter than the thorax, with a brown and a white band on each joint: prothorax a little parrower in front, rather broader than long, with six black slender stripes, the innermost pair almost contiguous, forked towards the hind border: mesothorax and metathorax also with six stripes which are more irregular than those of the pro- thorax: abdomen ferruginous, much shorter than the wings; hind borders of the segments occasionally brown, a pitchy and a testa- ceous stripe on each side: legs testaceous, stout, with a few black marks; tarsi black; spurs stout, much bent, angular, reddish, with a tooth beneath before the flexure, black towards the tips : wings hyaline, rather short and narrow, slightly angular at the tips ; stigma yellowish ; veins alternately black and white, slightly ciliated, a few of them slightly clouded in the disks towards the tips ; subcostal areolets simple, with the exception of a few of them near the stigma which are divided by transverse veinlets, and are forked in front; marginal region very narrow : hind-wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, most of the veins white. Length of the body 16- 17 lines ; of the wings 42-46 lines. a, Port Natal. From Mr. Stevens' collection. bod. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 31. MYRMELEON AMERICANUS. i Cinereo-fuscus, fronte vittisque duabus dorsi roseo-cinereis ; pedes carneo-annulati ; alæ hyalinæ maculis fuscis et margaritaceis, venis nunc roseis nunc fuscis. Long. 18—21 lin. Myrmeleon Americanus, Drury, Ins. Exot. i. pl. 46, f. 4. Myrmecoleon americanus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 996, 17. Acanthaclisis Americana, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 380, 4. United States. 32. MYRMELEON EDAX. Ferrugineus, robustus ; caput testaceum, supra piceum ; palpi tes- tacei ; antennae subclavatæ, apice supra piccæ ; thorax nigro quinquevittatus ; abdomen nigrum, maculis lateralibus ventre- que testaceis ; pedes validi, femoribus supra nigricantibus, larsis nigro bifasciatis ; alæ subhyalina, anguste, breves, apice angulate, anticæ nonnunquam nigro notatu. 2 E 3 318 •MYRMELEONITES. - Ferruginous, stout, mostly clothed with black hairs: head tes- taceous : disk of the vertex pitchy: palpi pale testaceous : antennæ ferruginous, subclavate, pitchy above towards the tips, much shorter than the thorax : thorax with five black stripes, the middle one broad and partly subdivided, the others very slender: prothorax much narrower in front, much broader than long: abdomen black, much shorter than the wings, with testaceous spots along each side; under side testaceous : legs ferruginous, stout; femora blackish above; tarsi with two black bands; spurs reddish, bent, dentated beneath, as long as the three first joints of the tarsi: wings subhy- aline, narrow, rather short, obtusely angular at the tips; stigma yellowish ; veins testaceous, here and there blackish or white; sub- costal region very narrow at the base of the wing, narrow and almost linear from thence to the stigma, near which some of the areolets are divided by transverse veinlets, and a few of the veins are forked ; marginal region very narrow: fore-wings with a blackish interrupted stripe along the cubitus from the base to the tip of the wing; a blackish spot within the angle formed by the cubitus and its fork; some little blackish marks near the tip of the fore border, where a few of the forks of the marginal veinlets are slightly clouded: hind- wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, without marks, except a single little one by the cubitus at two-thirds of the length and not far from the hind border; veins mostly white. Var. B. Stripe on the fore-wing almost obsolete, but traceable by some slight marks along its course, so also the spot by the fork of the cubitus. Var.y. All the marks of the wings quite obsolete. Length of the body 14–17 lines; of the wings 36-42 lines. amd. ? From Mr. Children's collection. e ? 33. MYRMELEON BRACHYGASTER. Rufo-cinereus, M. formicario paullo major ; facies flava ; pro- thorax fusco notatus ; abdomen breve; pedes hirsutissimi, fusco varii, tarsis nigricantibus ; alarum venæ rufescentes fusco varia. Acanthaclisis brachygaster, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 381, 5. 34. MYRMELEON LONGICOLLIS. Acanthaclisis longicollis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 381, 6. Senegal. MYRMELEONITES. 319 Var.? Niger, gracilis, subtus testaceus; caput prothorace multo latius, vertice fulvo maculato, facie palpisque testaceis ; an- tennæ subclavata, graciles, testaceo annulatæ; thorax testaceo sexvittatus; prothorax longior quam latior, antice angustior; pedes testacei, graciles, nigro varii, tarsis basi apiceque nigris ; ala hyaline, amplæ, apice subangulatæ, anticæ fusco notatæ. Black, slender, testaceous beneath : head niuch broader than the prothorax; vertex with three bands of tawny spots; face and palpi testaceous : aptenpæ black, subclavate, slender, as long as the Thorax; joints with testaceous bands increasing in breadth from the tips to the base of the antenna which they wholly occupy: thorax with six irregular and interrupted testaceous stripes : prothorax parrower in front, longer than broad, with the transverse furrow at one-third of the length from the fore border: abdomen about half the length of the wings : legs testaceous, slender; tarsi pale testa- ceous, black at the base and at the tips ; fore-femora and anterior tibiæ with some black marks; spurs ferruginous, much curved, an- gular, dentate beneath, longer than the three first joints of the tarsi: wings hyaline, ample, slightly angular at the tips; stigma whitish, with a small adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins alter- nately black and white; second sector of the radius undulating, emitting numerous forks ; subcostal region very narrow at the base of the wing, areolets divided by transverse veinlets from near the base to the stigma, veins mostly forked from one-fourth of the length to the stigma; marginal region rather broad at the tips of the wings, many of the forked veinlets subdivided; some of the neighbouring gradate veinlets indistinctly clouded with brown, some of the inner series much more darkly marked and forming an oblique streak in the disk opposite the stigma; hind-wings shorter, narrower and more lanceolate than the fore-wings, without marks, except a very little one on two transverse veinlets by the cubitus, at two-thirds of the length and not far from the bind border : veins white along the hind border and at the tips; subcostal region very narrow at the base, then widened and convex for a space, beyond which it is nar- rower and linear; areolets simple excepting two or four by the stig- ma which are divided by transverse veinlets; a few forked veins near the stigma. Length of the body 16 lines; of the wings 44 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 320 MYRMELEONITES. 35. MYRMELEON LONGICORNIS. Fuscus, M. formicarii magnitudine, alis latioribus, facies pallide rufescens ; palpi pallidi ; antenna subfuscæ, annulate, thorace longiores, basi pallidæ; prothorax longus, transverse bisulcatus, flavo varius ; abdomen maculis elongatis furcatis fulvis, subtus flavescens ; pedes pallidi, fusco notati , alæ sat latæ, fusco variæ, flavido albo-nebulosa, areolis subcubitalibus duplicatis. Acanthaclisis longicornis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 382, 7. 36. MYRMELEON FUNDATUS. Cinereo-ferrugineus; caput subproductum, antice et subtus testa- ceum, vertice nigro bifasciato ; palpi testacei, labiales apice ferruginei ; antenne nigre, clavata, albido annulate ; thorax nigro quinquevittatus ; abdomen nigrum; pedes ferruginei, validi, nigro varii, tarsis nigris albo cinctis ; alæ hyaline, angusta, apice vix angulata, anticæ apicem versus fusco vix notate. Dark ferruginous, stout, tinged with gray, clothed with whitish hairs : head testaceous in front and beneath; vertex with a slight longitudinal furrow, and with two black bands; epistoma and mouth prominent; palpi testaceous; third joint of the labial palpi ferrugi- pous: antennæ black, slender, clavate, reddish towards the base in the male, much shorter than the thorax; tips of the joints whitish : thorax with five black stripes, the middle one broad and subdivided, the others slender and interrupted : prothorax much narrower in front, a little longer than broad : abdomen black, much shorter than the wings : appendages short, ferruginous beneath, armed with short reverted spines: legs ferruginous, stout, hairy, more or less marked with black which mostly prevails on the fore-legs; tarsi black; fifth joint very long, white towards the base; spurs reddish, slightly curved, not angular, as long as the three first joints : wings hyaline, narrow, rather short, very obtusely angular at the tips; stigma whitish, with a small adjoining brown spot which is occasionally obsolete; veins alternately black and white, wholly white in some limpid parts ; subcostal region very narrow at the base of the wing; areolets divided by transverse veinlets from near the base to the stigma, veins with one or no forks between the base and the stigma; marginal region narrow: fore-wings with a slight brown mark by the cubitus in the disk, and two or three by that vein beyond, form- ing a slight oblique streak opposite the stigma, these marks are MYRMELEONITES. 321 occasionally obsolete : hind-wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, without marks; veins mostly white. Length of the body 14-20 lines; of the wings 40- 52 lines. a. Australia. From the voyage of H. M.S. Rattlesnake. “Found on board, December 25th, 1847, off Port Curtis.” b. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton's collection. C. Van Dieman's Land. From Mr. A. J. Smith's collection. d. ? 37. MYRMELEON SUBTENDENS. Ferrugineus, subrobustus ; caput flavum, supra nigrum ; palpi labiales articulo 30 piceo; thorax nigro sexvittatus ; protho. rax antice angustior; abdomen nigrum, segmentis apice tes- taceis ; pedes nigri, testaceo varii ; alæ albida, peranguste, lanceolata, sat breves, cinereo subnebulosa, antica nigro notatæ. Ferruginous, clothed with white hairs, rather stout: head black above, slightly produced in front, yellow in front and beneath: palpi yellow; third joint of the labial palpi pitchy except at the base and at the tip: thorax with six slight indistinct black stripes : prothorax much parrower in front, broader than long on the hind border: ab- domen black, very much shorter than the wings; hind borders of the segments ferruginous : legs black, rather stout; femora at the base, hind-femora also above, hind-tibiæ and coxæ testaceous; tarsi and anterior tibiæ with two testaceous bands; spurs ferruginous, curved, longer than the first joint of the tarsus: wings whitish, very narrow, rather short, lanceolate, rounded at the tips, slightly mot. tled with gray; stigma whitish, slight, with a small adjoining black spot; veins alternately black and white; forks of marginal region very narrow: structure of the forks of the radial sector like that of M. rapax and fundatus : fore-wings with the subcostal areolets re- gularly divided by oblique transverse veinlets, but with no forked veios from near the base to the stigma; some little blackish marks along the cubitus and on the tip of its fork, and on two veinlets in the disk opposite the stigma : hind-wings less mottled, narrower and much shorter than the fore-wings; subcostal areolets upright from the base to one-third of the length where they decrease in size, from thence to the stigma they are larger and successively more and more oblique; all of them simple and with no forked veins. Length of the body 15 lines ; of the wings 40 lines, a, West Australia. From Mr. Clifton's collection. 322 MYRMELEONITES. - 38. MYRMELEON MOLESTUS. Ferrugineus, robustus; caput testaceum, vertice piceo-nigro guttato; antenna nigræ, subclavate, fulvo annulatæ; thorax nigro sexvittatus ; abdomen nigrum ; maculis dorsalibus testaceis ; pedes nigri, validi, femoribus fulvo vittatis, tibiis testaceo fasciatis ; ale subhyaline, breves, anguste, subangulata. Ferruginous, stout, clothed with whitish hairs : head testace- ous; vertex pitchy, with a band of black dots: palpi ferruginous : antennæ black, subclavate, much shorter than the thorax; fore borders of the joints tawny: thorax clothed above with black hairs, with six black stripes which much resemble those of M. distinctus : prothoras a little narrower in front, much broader than long: abdo- men black, much shorter than the wings, with a testaceous dorsal spot on each segment: legs slout, black, hairy ; femora with a tawny stripe beneath; tibiæ with testaceous bands; tips of the tarsi reddish; spurs reddish, much bent, angular, dentate beneath, black towards the tips: wings subhyaline, rather short and narrow, slightly angular at the tips; stigma yellowish ; veins alternately black and yestaceous, or whitish, in structure like those of M. dis- tinctus; none of them clouded. Length of the body 15 lines ; of the wings 42 lines. a. - 39. MYRMELEON FERALIS. Niger, robustus ; caput antice subtusque testaceum ; palpi testaceis, labiales apice ferruginei ; antennæ subclavata, testaceo annu- lutæ ; thorax ferrugineo quinquevittatus ; abdomen testaceo maculatum ; pedes vulidi, ferrugineo varii ; alæ hyalinæ, anguste, breves, apice subacuminate, anticæ apicem versus fusco vix notatæ. Black, stout, clothed with whitish hairs: head testaceous in front and beneath ; vertex with a slight transverse ridge: palpi pale testaceous ; labial palpi with ferruginous tips : antennæ black, subclavate, much shorter than the thorax; tips of the joints testa. ceous: prothorax much narrower in front, a little broader than long, with a very slender ferruginous dorsal stripe, and a very broad sub- divided one on each side : mesothorax and metathorax with five ir- regular ferruginous stripes : abdomen much shorter than the wings, MYRMELEONITES. 323 with a large testaceous dorsal spot on each segment, and with two or more on each towards the tip: appendages very short, beset with long curved black bristles : legs stout; fore-coxæ testaceous; mid. dle femora and middle tibiæ partly ferruginous beneath ; tarsi with reddish tips: spurs much curved, angular, reddish towards tbe base, dentate beneath : wings hyaline, narrow, rather short, slightly an- gular at the tips ; stigma whitish with a sinall indistinct adjoin- ing brown spot in each wing; veins black, with white bands, slightly ciliated; costal areolets simple, with a few forked veins near the stigma; marginal region narrow, most of the forks of the vein. lets subdivided ; a few veins in the disk opposite the stigma clouded slightly and for a very short space with brown : hind-wings a little narrower and much shorter than the fore-wings, not marked. a. North Africa. Presented by M. Doué. 40. MYRMELEON FERUS. Ater, latus; facies flava; palpi ferruginei ; prothorax obscure ferrugineus, vitta lata nigra strigisque duabus obliquis flavis ornatus ; alæ subcinerea, angusta, sat breves, anticæ fusco strigata. Deep black, very stout and broad, clothed with black and white hairs : face pale yellow: palpi ferruginous: antennæ black, subcla- vate, much shorter than the thorax: prothorax narrower in front, dark ferruginous, with a broad black dorsal stripe, and with a yellow transverse slightly oblique streak on each side near the hind border; its breadth more than twice its length; abdomen much shorter than the wings, with a tawny spot on each side of the fifth, and on part of the fourth segment: legs stout, bairy ; spurs very stout, much curved, as long as the three first joints of ihe tarsi : wings grayish, narrower, rather short, very slightly angular at the tips ; stigma wbite, with a larger adjoining black spot in each wing; veins black, except on a small space in the disk of each wing, where they are white ; subcostal areolets divided by transverse vein- lets and with a few forked veins from two-thirds of the length of the radius with numerous forks, which are generally nearly parallel to each other for a space, then approach very near to each other by means of two very obtuse angles, from whence to their marginal forks they are slightly converging : fore-wiogs with pumerous slight 324 MYRMELLONITES. and generally interrupted brown streaks on the borders of the vein's : hind-wings shorter but hardly narrower than the fore-wings, with a single very slight brown mark on the veins of a little subquadrate areolet by the white veins in the disk. Length of the body 20 lines; of the wings 49 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 41. MYRMELEON IMPOSTOR. • Piceus, vittis una albida duabusque testaceis ; facies ferruginea; palpi testacei ; antennæ annulatæ ; abdomen vittis duabus ventreque testaceis ; pedes testacei ; alæ albida, longe, suban- gusta, subangulatæ, apicibus marginibusque posticis fusco notatis. Pitchy, stout, clothed with whitish hairs : vertex with a slender dorsal whitish stripe, and with two testaceous spots on each side ; face ferruginous : palpi testaceous: antennæ pitchy, subclavate, little more than half the length of the thorax; tips of the joints testaceous: prothorax very little narrower in front, bardly broader than long, with a slender whitish dorsal stripe which is shortened behind, and with two irregular testaceous stripes on each side: mesothorax and metathorax also striped, but less distinctly: abdo- men testaceous beneath, and with an interrupted testaceous stripe on each side, much shorter than the wings; appendages of the male short, testaceous, curved outward, beset with black bristles : legs testaceous, stout, clothed with white hairs; spurs curved, as long as the three first joints of the tarsi: wings whitish, loug, rather nar- row, very obtusely angular at the tips; stigma wbite; veins alter- nately white and black; subcostal areolets with veins mostly forked from the base to the stigma, many of them divided by trapsveise veinlets from half the length to the stigma; marginal region broader at the tips; several slight, and in some cases almost obso- lete brown marks along the hind border and about the tips, many of them on the forks of the marginal veinlets: hind-wings much parrower but hardly shorter than the fore-wings, with fewer brown marks, very slightly undulating along the hind border. Length of the body 23–24 lines; of the wings 60-64 lines. a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. b. ? From Mr. Children's collection. c,d. ? MYRMELEONITES. 325 42. MYRMELEON PERITUS. Niger, robustus, linearis ; caput album, nigro maculatum, antice testaceum ; antennæ subclavatæ; thorax testaceo bivittatus ; prothorax linearis, multo latior quam longior ; pedes validi ; alæ longe angusta sublineares, apice oblique truncatæ, fusco guttatæ et strigatæ, anticæ subfusce, posticæ hyaline. This, and the following Myrmeleon form a group in the genus, and are easily distinguished from the preceding species by the great length and peculiar form of their wings. Black, stout, linear, clothed with hoary hairs: bead white; vertex very convex and prominent, with a slight longitudinal fur- row, and with an oval grayish black spot on the disk, and with some black dots on each side; a black spot at the base of each an- tenna; front and face testaceous: antennæ subclavate, a little more than half the length of the thorax: prothorax linear, much broader than long, with a broad white, or testaceous white stripe, including gular and interrupted testaceous stripe on each side: abdomen about half the length of the wings: legs very stout; spurs much curved, longer than the first joint of the tarsus: wings very long and narrow, almost lipear from near the base to the tips, where they are. obliquely truncated, and very slightly and in some cases almost imperceptibly hooked near the fore border; stigma wbitish, small, indistinct; veins black, here and there with testaceous bands, or wholly testaceous, or white; marginal region broad and with nu- merous transverse veinlets at the tips of the wings: fore-wings pale browo, completely covered with dark brown dots which are largest and most regular on the subcostal region, having also some dark brown streaks on the disk at two-thirds of the length and at the tips, and a few little spots the hind border; subcostal region broad, each arevlet with two transverse oblique veinlets near the base, and with one or two from thence till near the stigma: hind- wings, pale brown towards the tips, and with a pale brown inter- rupted band near the middle; some dark brown spots along the hind border, and one on the disk at one-fourth of the length from the base; a long dark brown streak near the hipd border beyond the middle, one opposite to it in the disk, one at the tip, and on the fore border a larger one which is partly interrupted by the stigma ; some of these marks are occasionally indistinct or obsolete, and the 2 F 326 MYRMELEONITES. number of subcostal areolets with double divisions is variable. Length of the body 17–23 lines; of the wings 56–68 lines. a. b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 43. MYRMELEON IMPROBUS. Niger, robustus ; caput testaceum ; palpi nigri, labiales apice ru- fescentes ; antennce subclavatæ ; thorax testaceo bivittatus ; abdomen maris piceum elongato-fusiforme, foemince longius lineare nigro-piceum testaceo varium; femora fæminæ picea; . alæ longa, angusta, apice oblique truncata, antica fusco gut- tatæ ; posticæ fusco maculata et guttata. Black, rather stout, clothed with wbite bairs: head testaceous; vertex whitish testaceous, very convex, with several black dots : palpi black; labial palpi with reddish tips : antenuæ black, sub- clavate, little more than half the length of the thorax : prothorax linear, clothed on each side with brown hairs, with a broad testaceous stripe including a black dot on each side ; its length about half its breadth : mesothorax and metathorax clothed on the disk with brown hairs, with two irregular and interrupted testaceous stripes on each side: abdomen of the male pitchy, elongate-fusiform ; joints from the third successively decreasing in length and breadth : appendages straight, long, ferruginous with a black streak on each side, arred on the ioner side with short black reverted spines : abdomen of the female pitchy black, linear, compressed, longer than that of the inale, with testaceous marks along the disk: legs stout; spurs curved, longer than the first joint of the tarsus; femora of the fe- male ferruginous: wings long and narrow, very slightly convex along the hind border, obliquely truncated at the tips, almost im- perceptibly hooked near the fore borders; stigma whitisb, small, indistinct; veins black, here and there with testaceous bands, or wholly testaceous, or white; marginal region broad at the tips of the wings: fore-wings of the male very pale brown, with a few small limpid spaces, covered with numerous brown dots, which are most prevalent on the hind border, and along tlie middle of the disk and near the tip of the fore border, where they are larger and darker and partly confuent; subcostal areolets divided by a single row of oblique transverse veinlets; a double row on one, or occasionally on three near the base : hind-wings subhyaline, very little shorter and not narrower than the fore wings, with various brown dots along the hind border from half the length to the tip where the dots extend to the disk, with a brown streak along the truncated part, with another MYRMELEONITES. 327 on the fore border by the tip, and on the other side of the stigwa a brown spot which extends towards the disk, and is there occa- sionally connected with another spot: wings of the female hyaline, a little narrower and less truncated at the tips than those of the male; the brown marks paler and more diffused ; hind-wings with larger and paler spots along the hind border, with two brown streaks on the disk before the middle, with the spot at the tip shorter, and with that by the stigma longer and narrower and not descending to the disk where there is no other spot. Length of the body 20–22 lines; of the wings 59—60 lines. a. East Indies. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. b. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 44. MYRMELEON INCLUSUS. Obscure ferrugineus, subtus testaceus ; caput piceum, facie palpis- que testaceis ; antenna nigra, filiformes ; pedes nigri, femoribus basi tibiisque posticis testaceis ; alæ subcinerea, angusta, lon- sissimce, apice subacuminate, maculis limpidis et subfuscis varie, posticæ maculis duabus magnis subrotundis fuscis. This Myrmeleon forms a group of itself, and differs in structure from all the preceding species. Dark ferruginous, rather stout, clothed with blackish hairs, testaceous beneath: head pitchy; face and palpi testaceous: antennæ black, filiform, a little longer than the thorax; joints very numerous : prothorax with some hoary marks, narrower in front, a little broader than long: abdomen a little paler than the thorax, with a hoary tinge at the base, less than half the length of the wings: legs black, stout; femora at the base and coxæ testaceous; hind tibiæ mostly testaceous; spurs curved, as long as the four first joints of the tarsi : wings grayish, narrow, very long, slightly pointed at the tips; stigma whitish ; veins black, some of them with testaceous or with white bands, here and there wholly white; subcostal areolets divided by transverse veinlets from near the base to the stigma, many of their veins forked towards the stig- ma; marginal region broad at the tips : fore-wing's with numerous limpid spots which are mostly along the borders and at the tips, and are alternate with some pale brown spots; a few dark brown spots at the base, and one at the tip of the subcosta; and one in the disk between the first sector of the radius and the cubitus near their tips: hind-wings a little narrower and paler but not shorter than the fore- wings, with some alternate pale brown and limpid spots along the borders towards the tips; two large brown nearly round spots, one 2 F 2 328 MYRMELEONITES. near the fore border at five-sixths of the length, the other near the hind border at two-thirds of the length. Length of the body 23 lines; of the wings 72 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. Subdiv. 3. Alæ anticæ posticis plus maculatæ. Tibiæ calcaribus fere rectis aut subflexis. Myrmeleon, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 382. Body almost bare: labial palpi twice or four times the length of the maxillary palpi; last joint generally spindle-shaped, very thick in the middle, sometimes club-shaped : spurs of the tips of the tibiæ almost straight or slightly bent, not reflected ; first joint of the tarsi much longer than any one of the three following, sometimes at least as long as the last, or as the other three together; claws very long, hardly reflected, not dilated at the base : wings generally rather narrow, rarely with large spots; subcostal region having generally only a single row of areolets ; hinc-wings almost always less spotted than the fore-wings, very rarely with a winglet at the hind base in the males; veins various. Sect. 1. Antennarum clava oblonga. Tarsorum articulus 2us vel 3us lo multo brevior. · Subsect. 1. Palpi labiales maxillaribus non plus duplo longiores. Group 1. Alæ maculis nullis magnis aut determinatis. a. Regio costalis e areolis bilineata, vel reticulata, vel venulis transversis sæpe furcatis. MYRMELEONITES. 329 Regio subcostalis venulis sæpe bifidis. Maris alæ posticæ alula parva apud basim posteriorem munitæ. 45. MYRMELEON FALLAX. · Rufus, fusco varius, magnus ; facies flava; antenna flavescentes, subclavata, nigro annulata, thorace breviores; abdomen fus- cum, maculis lateribus ventreque flavis; pedes hirti, breves, flavescentes, fusco varië; alæ dilatate, posticæ albido varice. Myrmeleon fallax, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 385, 1. Guiana. b b. Regio subcostalis reticulata, vel e areolis bilineata. Alæ posticæ alula nulla. In this group the species have very slender bodies, the abdomen of the male is very long, and in some species the areolets of the subcostal region are divided by transverse veinlets. 46. MYRMELEON LONGICAUDUS. Fuscus; antennæ sensim clavatæ, crassæ ; thorax pallide variegatus ; ale ad areolarum posticarum angulos fusco punctate, obtusi- usculæ; abdomen maris longissimum hirtum supra testaceum cercis prominulis brevibus, focminæ alis æquale fuscum hirsu. tiusculuin. Mymecoleon longicaudus, Burm. Hundb. Ent. ii. 994, 8. Myrmeleon longicaudus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur: 386,2, pl. 12, f. 3. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. ? From Mr. Milner's collection. 47. MYRMELEON CONSPERSUS. Niger, gracilis ; antenne sensim clavata, crassce, nigræ ; abdomen supra cingulis pallidis ; alce graciles, anticæ dense fusco con- spersa, stigmate obsoleto albido. 2 F 3 330 MYRMELEONITES. Myrmecoleon irroratus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 995, 11. Myrmeleon conspersus ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 387, 3. . North America. a, b. ? From Mr. Milne's collection. c, d. ? 48. MYRMELEON NEBULOSUS. Rufo-cinereus ; vertex subgibbosus; antennæ rufescentes, apice obscuriores ; thorax fusco varius ; pedes flavi, tibiis et tarso- rum articulis apice nigris; alæ hyalina, anticæ muculis gut- tisque rufo-flavis. Myrmeleon nebulosus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 387, 4. a. North America. b. ? From Mr. Milne's collection. 49. MYRMELEON INIQUUS. Mas. Fulvus, gracillimus; caput nigro maculatum ; antenne ferruginea, subannulate, apice picea, thorace multo longiores ; thorax piceo bivittatus ; abdomen pubescens, apice piceum, alis mullo longius ; pedes testacei; ala hyalina, breves, subacu- minatæ, fusco confertim guttate. Tawny, very slender : head blackish about the base of the an- tennæ; vertex with six black spots, two in front and four in a band behind: antennæ ferruginous, subclavate, pitchy towards the tips, very much longer than the thorax; fore borders of the joints slightly testaceous: thorax with two pitcby stripes: prothorax linear, broader than long : abdomen very much longer than the wings, pubescent, pitchy towards the tip: appendages short, bristly, curved downwards: legs testaceous: wings hyaline, moderately broad, rather short, slightly pointed ; stigma whitish, very indistinct, as is also an adjoin- ing pale brown spot; veins brownish, with very numerous little brown dots on their forks and junctions; subcostal areolets simple, several of their veins forked or twice forked- towards the stigma. Length of the body 18 lines; of the wings 25 lines. a. ? MYRMELEONITES, 331 50. MYRMELEON IMMITIS. Albido-testaceus, gracillimus ; palpi albidi; antenna nigræ, tes. taceu annulate, thorace breviores ; thorax piceo bivittatus ; pedes testacei, nigro strigati, tarsis albidis nigro bicinctis; alæ limpida, breves, sublata, anticæ basi fusco notate. Whitish, testaceous, very slender: head pitchy about the base of the antennæ; vertex slightly tuberculated: palpi whitish : an. tennæ black, clavate, shorter than the thorax; tips of the joints testaceous: thorax with a pitchy stripe on each side: prothorax linear, a little longer than broad: abdomen longer in the male than in the female; sides pitchy in the female, black in the male espe- cially towards the tip which is almost wholly black: legs pale tes- taceous, streaked with black, beset with whitish and black bristles ; tarsi whitish, black at the base and at the tips : wings linopid, rather broad and short, not pointed; stigma white, rather small; veins and areolets comparatively few; veins white, with black bands, ciliated, slightly clouded with brown from the base to the middle of the wing; forks of some of the margival veinlets along the bind border also clouded with brown, but very slightly; besides these are two darker brown dots, one near the tip of the first sector of the radius, the other near the tip of the fork of the cubitus : bind-wings shorter and a little narrower than the fore-wings, unspotted. Length of the body 11-147 lipes; of the wings 18–20 lines. a. Santarem, Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. b. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 51. MYRIELEON VERSUTUS. Niger, gracillimus ; caput flavo varium ; pulpi flavi, apice nigri, maxillares nigro bifasciati ; antennæ subfiliformes, thorace multo longiores; prothorax flavus, nigro bivittatus ; thoracis segmenta flavo maculata et marginata; abdomen testaceum, longissimum, piceo vittatum, apice nigrum ; pedes testacei ; alæ hyalina, parve, fusco confertim guttata. Black, very slender: head shining in front, yellow about the eyes and around the base of the antennæ ; vertex with two yellow bands which are interrupted in the middle; face yellow on each side, and with a yellow angular band : palpi yellow with black tips ; max- illary palpi with two black bands: antenna black, almost filiform, 332 MYRMELEONITES. very much longer than the thorax: prothorax yellow, a little nar- rower in front, broader than long, with two broad black stripes, each of which includes a yellow dot in front: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with yellow dots or stripes and borders: ab- domen dull testaceous, with a pitchy stripe, very much longer than the wings, black towards the tip: appendages testaceous, .curved upward, thickly beset with black bristles: legs testaceous : wings hyaline, short and narrow, thickly and almost equally covered with brown dots, of which there are two rows on the subcostal region ; stigma whitish; veins partly white, ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, with a few forked veins near the stigma: hind-wings a little longer and shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 14 lines; of the wings 22 lines. a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. 52. MYRMELEON FEROX. Niger, gracillimus ; vertex luteus, valde convexus, nigro interrupte fasciatus ; facies flava ; pulpi testacei ; antenna subfiliformes, thorace longiores; prothorax flavo univittatus et quadrimacu- latus ; thoracis segmenta flavo maculata et marginata ; abdo- men longissimum, segmentorum lateribus testaceo maculatis ; pedes testacei, graciles, tibiis tarsisque apice nigris ; alæ ci-. nereæ, anticæ fusco quadrinotatæ. Black, very slender: head with a yellow ring round the base of each antenna; vertex luteous, very convex, with an interrupted black band; face pale yellow: palpi testaceous: antennæ black, almost filiform, longer than the thorax: prothorax linear, a little longer than broad, with a yellow dorsal stripe, and two yellow spots on each side; under side yellow : segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with yellow spots and borders : abdomen very much longer than the wings; hind borders of the segments with a testaceous spot on each side: appendages black, short, bristly, slightly curved: legs testaceous, slender ; tips of the tibiæ and of the tarsi black, the latter black about the middle : wings gray, mo- derately long and broad; stigma whitish, small, with a brown spot adjoining it in each fore-wing; veins black, with some white bands ; subcostal areolets simple, their veins mostly forked along one-third of the length from the stigma to the base; three slight brown marks along the cubitus, and a short brown streak proceeding MYRMELEONITES. 333 obliquely outwards from the tip of the fork of the cubitus: hind- wings very little narrower or shorter than the fore-wings, without marks. Length of the body 20 lines; of the wings 28 lines. a. California. From M. Hartweg's collection. a a. Regio costalis venulis transversis simplicibus, vel e areolis uni- lineata. b. Alä posticæ anticis multo longiores. 53. MYRMELEON INSIGNIS. Pallidus, nigro varius; vertex productus ; antenne nigra, basi flavo cincta, thorace longiores ; abdomen rufescens, vitta dor- sali fusca, subtus nigricans ; pedes nigri, albido annulati ; alæ fusco guttatæ lineatæ et nebulosa, anticæ obtuse, postice lanceolatæ anticis multo longiores. Myrmeleon insignis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 388,5, pl. 11, f. 2. 54. MYRMELEON ANOMALUS ? Fuscus, gracillimus; caput testaceum, nigro quadrifasciatum; palpi albidi; antennæ pubescentes, gracillima, albo annulate, apicem versus alba, clava fusca; prothorax longior quam latior, testaceo (rivittatus ; mesothoracis et metathoracis segmenta testaceo maculata et marginata ; abdomen fasciis ventreque testaceis; pedes testacei, nigro varii; alæ limpide, apice al- bidæ, non acuminata, anticæ fusce confertim guttate, posticæ longiores angustiores, apice tantum fusco notata. Myrmeleon anoinalus ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 388, 6. one above, tbe other below the base of the anteppä; vertex with two black bands: palpi whitish : antennæ subclavate, brown, pu- bescent, very slender, as long as the thorax; joints with white 334 MYRMELEONITES. thorax longer than broad, hardly narrower in front, with three slen- der, testaceous stripes : segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with testaceous borders, some of them with testaceous spots : abdomen shorter than the wings; segments with testaceous bands on their hind borders ; underside testaceous: legs pale tes- taceous, long and slender; fore-femura streaked with black; fore- tibiæ and fore-tarsi black, testaceous at the base; bind-femora, hind-tibiæ and hind-tarsi with black tips: wings limpid, with whitish tips which are not pointed ; stigma white; veins white, with black tips, here and there wholly white in the fore-wings which are moderately broad; subcostal areolets simple, with a few forked veins near the stigma : fore-wings with numerous brown dots on the forks and junctions of the veins; none of these dots on the broad subcostal region, nor on two spaces where the veins are wholly white: hind-wings much longer and narrower than the fore-wings, without dots except at the tips. The specimen here described does not agree in some respects with Rambur's characters of M. ano- malus, and may be a distinct species. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 36 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. b b. Alæ æquales, vel anticæ posticis longiores. Tibiarum calcaria plus minusve flexa, tarsorum articulis lo ad 3um vel 10 ad 4um longitudine æquales. Venæ 5æ ramus lus marginem posteriorem oblique attingens. 55. MYRMELEON ANNULATUS. Flavescens ; capite thoraceque maculis, abdomine fasciis fuscis, alis fusco alboque reticulatis. Myrmeleon annulatus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 36, f. 7, No. 13. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 389,7. Dscheil el achterie. South Spain. MYRMELEONITES. 335 56. MYRMELEON LINEOSUS. Flavus, M. formicario minor, nigro varius ; thorax nigro univitta- tus ; abdomen nigro trivittatus, vittis lateralibus subinter- ruptis ; alæ breves, hyalina, sat latæ, anticæ e maculis fuscis bilineatæ, et apice V-notato, posticæ breviores vix notatæ. Myrmeleon lineosus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 389, 8. Egypt. 57. MYRMELEON SUBPUNCTATUS. Fusco-rufescens, M. formicarii magnitudine ; caput nigro fascia- tum, vertice nigro lineato, facie flava ; antenna pallidæ, apice obscuriores ; thorax flavo varius, prothorax flavo trivittatus ; abdominis segmentorum margines postici rufescentes ; pedes testacei, tarsis rufo-fuscis, articulo 50 pallido fusco annulato; ale hyalina sat latæ subacuminata, apice V-notate, posticæ seriato striata, anticis non breviores. Myrmeleon subpunctatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 390,9.. Africa. 58. MYNMELEON BISTRIGATUS. Cinereus, rufo fuscoque varius, M. formicarii magnitudine, alis longioribus ; abdomen fuscum, segmentis nonnullis apice flan lanceolatæ, anticis paullo longiores, fascia postica apicali fusca. Myrmeleon bistrigatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 391, 10. Otaheite. 59. MYRMELEON TETRAGRAMMICUS. Fuscus, segmentorum omnium marginibus flavis ; alæ stigmate albo, postica puncto fusco ad limbum internum ante apicem. Myrmeleon tetragrammicus, Pallas, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Supp. 205, 3,4. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 123, 13. ,Ramb, Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 391, 11. 336 MYRMELEONITES. Myrmecoleon tetragrammicus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 995, 14. a. ? France, Hungary. 60. MYRMELEON PULVERULENTUS. • Fuscus, M. formicario paullo minor; caput nigrum, facie lineis- que duabus flavis ; antenne fusce, clavate, thoracis longitu- dine, clava flavo maculata; abdomen fuscum; pedes flavi, tarsorum articulis apice fuscis; alce æquales, breviuscula, sut latæ, anticæ fusco pulverulentæ. Myrmeleon pulverulentus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 392, 12. Bengal. 61. MYRMELEON HORRIDUS. Testaceus, subgracilis; thorax supra ferrugineus; prothorax lon- gior quam latior, antice angustus, testaceo bivittatus ; abdo. men longum, nigro maculatum ; tibiæ nigro variæ; tarsi nigri, apice testacei; alæ ampla, subcinerea, apice subangu- latæ, anticæ apicem versus fusco notatæ. Testaceous, rather slender: face and palpi pale testaceous : thorax ferruginous above: prothorax narrower in front, longer than broad, with a pale testaceous stripe along each side, and a slight short dorsal pale testaceous streak by the hind border: abdomen long, but much shorter than the wings ; second and third segments with large black spots which are forked behind; fourth wholly black; fifth partly black: appendages pitchy, rather long, very slightly curved, beset with black bristles: legs testaceous, stout; tibiæ with black marks; tarsi black from the first to the fourth joint; spurs ferruginous, much curved, nearly as long as the four first joints of the tarsus, which joints are very short: wings ample, slightly gray, very obtusely angular at the tips; stigma whitish, with a small adjoining brown spot in each wing; veins black, here and there with white bands which are most frequent on the subcosta and on the radius; several of the subcostal areolets divided by cransverse veinlets towards the stigma; many of their veins forked between one-third of the length of the wing and the stigma; mar- ginal region broad at the tip of the wing: fore-wings with some short brown streaks along the radius, with some brown marks on the forks of the veinlets at the tip and along the bind border, with a MYRMELEONITES. 337 brown spot at the end of the fork of the cubitus, and with another in the disk nearly opposite the stigma: hind-wings shorter and nar- rower than the fore-wings, with a brown spot near the tip and with another on the biod border at two-thirds of the length. . Length of the body 17 lines; of the wings 43 lines. a. ? 62. MYRMELEON PERICULOSUS. Piceus ; caput subtus oculos flavum, facie palpisque maxillaribus testaceis ; antenna nigræ, thorace paullo longiores, testaceo subannulate ; pedes fulvi, femoribus tibiisque apice nigri- cantibus, tarsis nigris basi pallidis ; alæ limpida, longe, anguste, lanceolatæ, acuminate. Pitchy: head yellow beneath the eyes and with two yellow rings at the base of the antennæ; face and maxillary palpi testa- ceous; labial palpi pitchy: antennæ black, subclavate, a little longer than the thorax; tips of the joints along three-fourths of ibe length testaceous: prothorax linear, a little broader than long: legs tawny ; femora and tibiæ blackish towards the tips; tarsi black; first joint pale testaceous at the base: wings limpid, long, narrow, lanceolate; their tips distinctly pointed; stigma wbite, with a very small adjoining pale brown spot in the fore-wings; veins alternately black and white; subcostal areolets simple, with a few forked veins from half the length to the stigma; marginal region narrow : hind wings narrower but very little shorter than the fore-wings, Length of the body 14 ? lines; of the wings 36 lines, a. ? 63. MYRMELEON INGENIOSUS. Cinereo-piceus, gracilis; vertex fulvo maculatus ; facies testacea ; antenna gruciles, thoracis longitudine, testaceo annulatæ; tho- racis et abdominis segmenta testaceo maculata et marginata ; pedes testacei, tibiis apice nigris, tarsis albis nigro cinctis ; ala hyaline, longa, anguste, subacuminatæ, apice fusco no- tatæ, antica linea obliqua postica fusca. Pitchy, slender, with a hoary tinge: vertex with two bands of tawny spots; face and palpi testaceous; third joint of the labial palpi with a pitchy band: antennæ subclavate, slender, as long as The thorax; före borders of the joints testaceous; club testaceous 2G 338 MYRMELEONITES. beneatb : prothorax nearly linear, not broader than long; meso. thorax and metathorax with some testaceous marks in the disks of the segments and with testaceous hind borders: abdomen much shorter than the wings; segments mostly with testaceous spots and hind borders: legs testaceous ; tibiæ with black tips; tarsi white, with a black band and black tips : wings hyaline, long, and narrow, slightly pointed; stigma white, with a small adjoining brown spot in the fore-wing ; veins white with black bands, ciliated ; subcostal areolets simple, most frequently with a few of their veins towards the stigma forked ; gradate veidlets towards the tip, and marginal veinlets along the tip and along the hind border clouded with brown; a darker brown oblique streak on some veinlets in the disk beneath the stigma, and another rising obliquely outward from the tip of the fork of the cubitus, which is sometimes clouded with brown at its base: bind-wings narrower but not shorter than the fore-wings; furks of marginal veinlets towards the tips slightly clouded with brown. Length of the body 11-12 lines; of the wings 28--31 lines. a. Brazil. 0.- c,d. From Mr. Milne's collection. ? 64. MYRMELEON AUDAX. · Testaceus, gracilis ; caput nigro fasciutuin ; palpi albidi ; antenna. graciles, piceo annulata, thoracis longitudine ; thorax piceo varius ; prothorax paullo longior quam latior, piceo quadri- vittatus ; abdomen piceum, marginibus posticis testaceis ; alv limpida, longæ, angusta, anticæ apice fusco notatæ. Testaceous, slender: head black about the base of the antenne and with a black band on the vertex : palpi whitish : antennæ tes- laceous, slender, subclavate, as long as the thorax, with a pitchy band on the hiud border of each joint; club mostly pitchy: prothorax a little narrower in front, rather longer than broad, with four pitchy interrupted stripes, the outer pair shortened in front: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax pitchy, with testaceous spots and borders : abdomen pitchy; hind borders of the segments tes- taceous: legs testaceous, long, slender; tips of the tibiæ and of the tarsi black : wings limpid, long, narrow, veins whitish, with a small adjoining pale brown spot in the fore-wings; veins wbite; a few of them with black bands; subcostal areolets simple, with very few forked veins near the stigma; some of the forks of the marginal veinlets about the tips, and some of the contiguous gradate veinlets MYRMELEONITES. 339 clouded with brown, the latter more darkly coloured than the former as is also an oblique brown streak proceeding outwardly towards the disk from the tip of the fork of the cubitus: hind-wings narrower and a little longer than the forewings, without marks except a brown dot near the hind border at three-fourths of the length. Length of the body 10? lines; of the wings 34 lines. a. Nepaul. From the Hardwicke bequest. 65. MYRMELEON GRAVIS. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput nigro bifasciatum ; vertex piceo macu- latus; palpi albidi, labiales apice piceo maculati ; antenne subannulatæ ; prothorax longior quam latior, piceo quadrivit- tatus ; mesothorax et metathorax maculis piceis ; abdomen piceum cano-testace? maculatum; larsi nigro annulati ; alæ limpida, longa, perangusta, subacuminata, anticæ apice fusco notatæ. Testaceous, slender: head black about part of the eyes, and with two black bands, one above, the other below the base of the antennæ ; vertex with two bands of pitchy spots: palpi whitish; third joint of the labial palpi with a pitchy spot: antennæ testa- ceous, clavate ; each joint darker at the base: prothorax linear, longer than broad, with four irregular and interrupted pitchy stripes : mesothorax and metathorax grayish, testaceous, with pitchy spots : abdomen pitchy, much shorter than the wings; each segment with a large, oblong, hoary-testaceous spot, and a small one on each side by the hind border: legs testaceous, with some pitchy or black inarks ; joints of the tarsi from the first to the fourth black at the base; fifth black at the tip: wings limpid, long, very narrow, slightly pointed; stigma white, with an adjoining very dark brown spot in ihe fore-wings; veins white, with black bands, ciliated, here and there wholly white: subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma; a small brown spot near the stig- ma, a larger one, near the tip of the fork of the cubitus, and an oblique one on some of the gradatë veinlets towards the tip; others of the gradate veinlets, and some of the forks of the marginal vein- lets along part of the hind border from the tip clouded with brown : hind-wings a little narrower and shorter than the fore-wings, with- out marks, except a dot near the hind border al three-fourths of the length from the base, Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 28 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. 2 G 2 340 MYRMELEONITES. 66. MYRMELEON STRIOLA. Cinereo-piceus, gracilis ; caput luteum, nigro vari um, facie palpis- que testaceis ; antennee piceæ, graciles, luteo annulatæ, thoracis longitudine ; prothorax sublinearis, multo latior quam longior, testaceo maculatus ; thoracis segmenta testaceo maculata et marginata ; pedes testacei, nigro notatæ ; alæ longe, peran- gustæ, acuminata, posticæ fusco strigatæ. - striola, Leach, MSS. Male. Pitchy, slender, tinged with gray: head luteous, black above the base of the antennæ, with some black ridges and spots on the vertex; a black shining band beneath the base of the antennæ ; face and palpi pale testaceous; antennæ pitchy, slender, clavate, as long as the thorax; a luteous band on the fore border of each joint: prothorax almost linear, much broader than long, with several dull testaceous spots : segments of the mesothorax and of the meta- thorax with testaceous borders, their disks with indistinct testaceous marks: abdomen shorter than the wings: legs testaceous, stout, bristly, with some slight black marks : wings long, very narrow, pointed; stigma pale brown, indistinct in the hind-wings; veins tes- taceous, sligbtly ciliated; sectors and cubitus with black bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked betweeu the base and the stigma ; hind-wings narrower and a little longer than the fore- wings, with a brown streak which passes through the forks of the marginal veinlets and extends obliquely to the tip of the wing, where it joins the hind border; its length varies from less than one- fourth to less than one-third of that of the wing. Length of the body 14–16 lines ; of the wings 32-38 lines. a, 6. New Holland. 67. MYRMELEON PENJURUS. Testaceus, subrobustus; caput nigro bifasciatum, vertice nigro maculato ; antenna ferruginem, subannulatæ, thorace vix bre- viores ; thorax piceo sexvitlatus ; abdomen piceum ; pedes validi, tarsis apice nigris ; alæ hyalina, anguste, apice fusco notatæ, postice striga subapicali fusca. Testaceous, rather stout: head with a black band before and another behind the base of the antennæ; vertex with two bauds of black spots: palpi testacevus, not long: antennæ ferruginous, sub- clavate, nearly as long as the thorax; fore borders of the joints MYRMELEONITES. 341 testaceous : prothorax very little narrower in front, broader than lung, with six more or less complete pitchy stripes, which are con- tinued on the mesothorax and on the metathorax, but are there more interrupted and irregular: abdomen pitchy, sometimes partly testa- ceous on each side and on the bind borders of the segments : legs testaceous, stout; tarsi black towards the tips: wings hyaline, rather long and narrow, pointed; stigma pale testaceous, with an adjoining indistinct pale brown spot in the fore-wings; veins pale testaceous, with black bands, ciliated; suhcostal areolets simple, with occasion- ally one or two forked veins near the stigma ; forks of the gradate veinlets along the hind border towards the tip clouded with pale brown ; in some cases a more distinct streak beneath the stigma at one-third of the breadth from the hind border ; hind-wings narrower and more pointed, but liardly shorter than the fore-wings, with a brown streak towards the tip near the hind border, and forming a line with the clouded forks of the marginal veinlets. Length of the body 13-15 lines; of the wings 32-36 lines. a-c. Sandwich Islands. Presented by Capt. Beechey. 68. MYRMELEON TORVUS. Luteus ; caput nigro quadrifasciatum, facie palpisque testaceis : thorax nigro notatus ; prothorax paullo longior quam latior, antice subangustior ; abdomen piceum, vitta interrupta dorsali ventreque testaceis ; pedes testacei ; alæ longa, peranguste, acuminata, posticæ anticis angustiores et multo longiores, fusco strigatæ et apice notata. Pale luteous, slender; vertex with two irregular interrupted black bands; two more in front, one above, the other below the base of the autennæ; face and palpi pale testaceous: thorax with some blackish marks which are most prevalent on each side, and there form an irregular interrupted stripe : prothorax slightly narrower in front, a little longer than broad : abdomen pitchy, shorter than the wings, testaceous beneath, and with an irregular teslaceous dor sal stripe, which is interrupted towards the hind border of each segment, and especially so near the tip: legs testaceous ; fifth joint of the tarsi whitish, with a black hand near the tip which is testaceous : wings long, extremely narrow, pointed ; stigma narrow, very pale brown, hardly visible in the bind-wings; veins pale les- taceous, ciliated ; longitudinal veins with a few black bands ; sub- costal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma ; two transverse veinlets above the second sector and 2 G 3 342 MYRMELEONITES. beyond its third fork clouded with browu, as is also the outer veinlet of the last of the quadrate areolets and the cubitus: hind-wings Darrower and much longer tban the fore-wings; forks of the margi- nal veinlets at the tip of the wing clouded with brown at the base ; a brown streak near the hind border like that of the preceding species, but irregular and interrupted. Length of the body 14 lines; of the wings 34 lines., a. ? 69. MYRMELEON VERENDUS. Testaceus, robustus, piceo quadrivittatus ; caput nigro maculatum ; antenne picece, annulate, thorace paullo breviores ; prothorax longior quam latior, antice paullo angustior ; abdomen piceo univittatum ; alæ limpida, latæ, apice fusco notatæ. Testaceous, rather stout: head blackish about the base of the antennæ; vertex with several blackish spots: palpi pale testaceous; antennæ pitchy, subclavate, rather long, a little shorter than the thorax; a tawny band on the fore border of each joint: prothorax longer than broad, a little narrower in front, with four irregular pitchy stripes, the outer pair shortened in front: mesothorax and metathorax with four pitchy stripes which are much indented and very irregular, and inclose some testaceous spots: abdomen dark testaceous, shorter than the wings, with a pitchy stripe above and another beneath: legs pale testaceous, with a few black dots : wings limpid, broad; stigma rosy, indistinct in the hivd-wings; veins whitish; sectors of the radius and cubital vein with black bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veins with three forks before the stigma; forks of the marginal veinlets clouded with pale brown at the base along the hind border to the tip of the wing; a darker browu dot by the last of the quadrate areolets by the cubitus : hiyd- wings narrower and a little shorter than the fore-wings; an oblong brown spot formed by the clouded gradate veiolets near the hind border at three-fourths of the length; forks of marginal veivlets from thence to the tip of the wing clouded with brown at the base. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 36 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. MYRMELEONITES. 343 70. MYRMELEON VESANUS. Testaceus ; capitis vertex nigro quinquemaculatus; palpi albi- cantes ; antenna lutea, piceo annulatæ ; prothorax linearis, latior quam longior, ferrugineo quadrivittatus ; mesothorax et metathorax ferruginei, testaceo quinquevittati ; abdomen piceo univittatum ; alæ limpida, latæ, apice fusco notata. Very nearly allied to M. verendus. Testaceous : head pale yellow towards the mouth; vertex with five black spots : palpi whitish: antennæ luteous; hind borders of the joints with pitchy bands along two-thirds of the length from the base: prothorax linear, broader than long, with four ferruginous stripes, the outer pair shortened in front and very slight; a ferruginous dot on each side of the hind border between them and the inner pair : meso- thorax and metathorax dark ferrugiuous with five slender testaceous stripes: abdomen nearly as long as the wings, with a pitchy dorsal stripe; underside pitchy: legs pale testaceous: wings limpid, broad ; stigma rosy, indistinct, especially in the hind-wings; veins whitish with black bands; subcostal areolets simple from the base to the stigma; one or two of their veins forked before the stigia; tip of the radius and of the auterior fork of the sector and outer side of the last quadrate areolet by the cubitus clouded with dark brown; forks of the marginal veinlets from the stigma to the tips and along the hind border clouded with pale brown: hind-wings narrower but not shorter than the fore-wings; forks of the marginal veinlets clouded with pale brown at the base from the stigma to the lip of the wing and along the adjoining part of the bind border. Length of the body 17 lines; of the wings 34 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 71. MYRMELEON MINAX. Ferrugineus, flavo trivittatus ; caput testaceo varium, antice flavum ; palpi albidi ; antennæ picea, annulata, thorace paullo brea viores ; prothorax antice angustior, non longior quam latior ; thoracis segmenta flavo marginala; abdomen piceum, fulvo bivittatum, apice flavum ; pedes testacei ; ale hyaline, sat latæ, subacuminatæ, apice fusco notatoe. Very nearly allied to M. verendus and vesanus. Dark ferrugi- nous : bead pale yellow in front; vertex with a testaceous band; 344 MYRMELEOVITES. hind part with some testaceous spots : palpi whitish: antennæ pitchy, subclarate, a little shorter than the thorax; fore borders of the joints and club beneath luteous: thorax with three yellow stripes; prothorax narrower in front, not longer than broad: seg- ments of the mesothorax and of the metalhorax with yellow bor- ders: abdomen pitchy, a little shorter than the wings, with two in- distinct tawny stripes; tip yellow : legs testaceous : wings hyaline, moderately broad, slightly pointed; stigma slightly rosy, indistinct in the hind-wings; veins whitish, slightly ciliated towards the tips of the wings, with blackish bands towards the base; gradate vein- lets darker towards the tips ; subcostal areolets simple and with veins not forked from the base to the sligma; five dark brown dots, one at the junction of the radius and the subcosta, the second on the anterior fork of the sector, the third on its thirteenth fork, the fourth by the last quadrate areolet by the cubitus, and the fifth at the end of the fork of the cubitus ; marginal veinlets along the hind border and from the stigma to the tips clouded with brown at the base ; hind-wings shorter and a little narrower than the fore- wings, marked in like manner, but very indistinctly. Length of the body 18 lines; of the wings 34 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 72. MYRMELEON PUGNAX. Niger, gracilis ; caput flavo fasciatum, facie palpisque flavis ; an- tennce thoracis longitudine, clava subtus testacea; prothorax antice paullo angustior, multo longior quam latior, flavo tri- vittatus; mesothoracis et inetathoracis segmenta flavo margi- nata; abdomen vittis duabus et segmentorum marginibus pos- ticis fulvis ; pedes testucei, femoribus nigro strigatis ; alæ limpida, perangustæ, acuminata, apice fusco notatæ. Black, slender : head with an interrupted yellow band on the vertex; face and palpi yellow: antennæ black, clavate, as long as the thorax; club testaceous beneath : prothorax a little narrower in front, much longer than broad, with three very slender yellow stripes; underside yellow: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with yellow borders : abdomen nearly as long as the wings, with a tawny stripe on each side; hind borders of the seg- ments tawny: legs testaceous; femura streaked with black: wings limpid, very narrow, pointed; stigma slightly gray, very indistinct MYRMELEONITES. 345 in the hind-wings; veins whitish, slightly ciliated ; longitudinal veins with black bands; gradate veinlets black towards the tips of the wings; subcostal areolets simple, and with veins not forked from the base to the stigma; a few brown dots near the tip of the wing and on the forks of the adjoining marginal veinlets in the four wings : fore-wings with two brown dots at one-third of the breadth from the hind border, one above the tip of the fork of the cubitus, the other at the last quadrate areolet by the cubitus: hind-wings narrower and a little longer than the fore-wings. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 29 lines. Q. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 73. MYRMELEON VAFER. Nigro-cinereus ; facies antice testacea, nigro bimaculata ; palpi testacei, apice nigri; antenna thorace longiores ; prothorax antice angustior, multo latior quam longior, testaceo bimai.lb- latus ; thoracis et abdominis segmenta testacco marginata ; pedes postici femoribus subtus testaceis, tibiis testaceis apice nigris, tarsis basi testaceis ; alæ subcinerea, lonyw, angusta, subacuminata, apice fusco notata. Black, tinged with gray: face towards the mouth testaceous, with two black spots: palpi testaceous, with black tips: antennæ black, subclavate, longer than the thorax : prothorax a little nar- rower in front, much broader than long, with a testaceous spot on each side of the fore border: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with slightly testaceous borders: abdomen much shorter than the wings, with slightly testaceous borders: legs black ; hind-femora testaceous beneath; hind-tibiæ testaceous with black tips; hind-tarsi testaceous at the base: wings slightly gray, long and narrow, slightly pointed; stigma whitish, with an adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins black, with whitish bands; subcustal areolets simple, three of their veins forked before the stigma; a few of the gradate veinlets towards the tip of the wing, and the tip of the fork of the cubitus clouded with brown: hind- wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings; last of the quadrate areolets by the cubitus clouded with brown). Length of the body 11 lives ; of the wings 30 lines. a. New South Wales. Presented by J. W. Evans, Esq. 346 MYRMELEON ITES. . 74. MYRMELEON DIRUS. Piceus, robustus, subtus testaceus ; caput testaceum, nigro macu- latum ; antenna annulate, thorace vix breviores ; prothorax sublinéaris, latior quam longior, testaceo trivitiatus ; thoracis segmenta testaceo marginata et maculata ; abdomen testaceo vittatum; pedes testacei, tarsis nigro annulatis; alce limpidæ, longe, angusta, subacuminatæ, apice fusco notatæ. Pitchy, testaceous beneath, rather stout: head testaceous, black about the base of the anteonæ; vertex with two rows of black spots, fore row with six spots; hind row with eleven spots; some black marks on the hind part: palpi pale testaceous : antennæ pitchy, capitate, nearly as long as the thorax ; a testaceous band on the fore border of each joint: prothorax almost linear, with some long white bristles on each side, broader than long, with three tes- taceous stripes above, the middle one slender, the other two broad, irregular, and each including two pitchy spots : segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with testaceous spots in the disks and with testaceous borders: abdomen much shorter than the wings, with an interrupted irregular testaceous dorsal stripe: legs testaceous; joints of the tarsi with black bands : wings limpid, long, narrow, very slightly pointed; stigma whitish, with an indis- tinct adjoining brown streak in the fore-wings, almost obsolete in the hind-wings; veins whitish, ciliated, with black or pitchy bands; subcostal areolets simple ; their veins not forked between the base and the stigma; gradate veinlets and the forks of some of the mar- ginal veinlets towards the tip of the wing indistinctly clouded with brown; a darker brown mark on the outer vein of the last quadrate areolet by the cubitus: hind-wings almost as long as the fore-wings, but much narrower; the brown marks almost obsolete. Length of the body 13 lines; of the wings 33 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. 75. MYRMELEON LENTUS. Fuscus, subtus testaceus ; caput testaceum, nigro bifasciatum, ver- tice nigro maculato, facie flava ; prothorax antice angustior, latior quam longior, testaceo trivittatus ; thoracis segmenta testaceo maculata et marginata ; abdomen testaceo maculatum; pedes testacei, tarsis flavis ; ale hyaline, longa, subangusta, subacuminate, anticæ apice fusco notatæ. MYRMELEONITES. 347 Pale brown, testaceous beneath ; head testaceous, with two black bands in front, one above the other below the base of the an- tennæ; vertex with two bands of black spots; face and palpi pale yellow : prothorax narrower in front, broader than long, with three testaceous stripes, the middle one sleuder, the other two broad and irregular: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with testaceous borders: abdomen with testaceous spots, mutilated : legs testaceous, with a few slight black marks; bind tibiæ fringed with long hairs; tarsi yellow : wings limpid, long, rather narrow, slightly pointed; stigma small, whitish, with an adjoining small indistinct brownish spot in the fore-wings, almost obsolete in the hind-wings; reins whitish, with a few black or pitchy bands, slightly ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma; forks of the marginal veiplets about the tip of the wings and the adjoining gradate veinlets more or less clouded with brown : hind-wings as long as the fore-wings but much narrower, the veinlets above mentioned dark testaceous but not clouded. Length of the wings 32 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection, 76. MYRMELEON TRUCULENTUS. Testaceus, subrobustus ; caput piceo varium, facie flava ; prothorax latior quam longior, piceo quinquevittatus ; mesothorax et metathorax piceo maculati ; abdomen piceum, segmentorum marginibus testaceis ; pedes robusti ; ala limpida, sublatæ, non acuminatæ, anticæ apice fusco notatæ. Testaceous, rather stout: head with a pitchy spot between the eyes, and a pitchy band above the base of the antenuæ; vertex with three interrupted and irregular pitchy bands; face yellow : prothorax linear, broader than long, with five imperfect pitchy stripes : meso- thorax and metathorax with numerous small pitchy spots: abdomen pitchy, much shorter than the wings : hind borders of the segments testaceous: legs testaceous, stout, with a few slight pitchy marks: wings limpid, rather broad, not poiuted; stigma wbitish, rather large and distinct, with an adjoining very pale brown spot which is hardly visible in the bind-wings; veins white, with black bands, very slightly ciliated ; subcostal areolets simple; their veins not forked between the base and the stigma ; some veinlets along the cubitus and its sector, some of the gradate veinlets and of the forks of the marginal veinlets near the tip very indistinctly clouded with pale brown ; a more distinct mark on a veinlet by the cubitus in the 348 MYRMELEONITES. disk of the wing and a little nearer the base than is the stigma: hind- wings not marked, shorter and narrower than the fore-wings. Leugth of the body 12 lines; of the wings 28 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 77. MYRMELEON VIOLENTUS. Fulvus ; capitis vertex nigro maculatus ; antenna ferruginea ; thorax fusco quadrivittatus ; prothorax linearis, multo latior quam longior, fusco quadrimaculatus ; abdomen fuscum; pedes fulvi ; alæ subhyalina, angusta, subacuminata, stig- mate flavo. Tawny: head black about the base of the antennæ ; vertex with two hands of black spots: antenpæ ferruginous, tawny at the base : prothorax linear, much broader than long, with four brown stripes; inner pair approximate; two brown spots on each side be- tween them and the outer pair: mesothorax and metathorax with four broad irregular brown stripes which are partly connected, and occupy most of the surface: abdomen brown, shorter than the wings: legs tawny; wings subhyaline, narrow, slightly pointed ; stigma yellow; veins black, bere and there with yellow bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma ; a dark brown dot by the last of the quadrate areolets by the cubitus on each of the four wings : hind-wings as long and as narrow as the fore-wings. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 32 lines. auf. Sandwich Islands. Presented by Capt. Beechey. 78. MYRMELEON ACER. Nigro-cinereus ; palpi ferruginei ; antenna thorace breviores ; thorax marginibus fulvis ; prothorax linearis, multo latior quam longior ; pedes nigri, femoribus basi fulvis, tibiis fulvis apice nigris ; alæ limpida, sat longa, perangusta, vix acumi- natæ, venis nigris flavo variis. Black, tinged with gray: mouth tawny: palpi ferruginous : antennæ black, clavate, shorter than the thorax: prothorax linear, convex in front, much broader than long; fore border and hind border tawny: margins of the segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax slightly tawny: abdomen wanting: legs black; fe- mora towards the base and trochanters tawny; tibiæ tawny, with MYRMELEONITES.. 349 black tips: wings limpid, rather long, very narrow, bardly pointed; stigma white, with a brown spot adjoining it in the fore-wings; veins black, with yellow bands ; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma: hind-wings shorter and very little narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body“? lines; of the wings 28 lines. a. New Holland. 79. MYRMELEON CAUTUS. · Piceus, subtus testaceus ; caput testaceum, nigro bifasciatum, vertice piceo fasciato ; antenna fulve, piceo annulatæ, thorace bre.. viores, clava subtus testacea; prothorax testaceus, antice vix angustior, paullo latior quam longior, disco ferrugineo ; tho- racis segmenta testaceo guttata et marginata ; abdomen testaceo hotatum, apice appendiculatüm ; pedes testacei, tibiis tarsisque apice nigris ; alæ limpidæ perangústæ, vix acuminata, antice apice fusco notata. Pitchy, slender: head testaceous, shining in front, with two black bands, one below, the other above the base of the antennæ, the latter with an adjoining white band; vertex tawny with a pitchy hand, which is inclined forward at each end : palpi pale yellow, with darker tips: antennæ tawny, clavate, shorter than the thorax, with a pitchy band on the fore border of each joint; club testaceous be- neath : prothorax testaceous, hardly narrower in front, a little broader than long; disk mostly ferruginous : segments of the mesothorax and metathorax with some testaceous marks in their disks, and with testaceous borders ; under side testaceous: abdomen nearly as long as the wings, with some testaceous marks above, and wholly testa- ceous beneath towards the base; two curved testaceous filaments at • the tip, beset with black bristles : legs testaceous, with black dots; tips of the tibia and of the fifth joint of the tarsi black : wings limpid, very narrow, hardly pointed; stigma whitish, with a very small adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veïns white, slightly ciliated, here and there with black bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veinlets not forked between the base and the stigma; gradate veinlets mostly black, clouded with brown near the border above the cubitus and above the intersection of the first fork of the sector; an oblique brown streak along two veinlets above the fork of the cubitus near the tip: hind-wings not spotted, narrower but hardly shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 13 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 2 2 H 350 – MYRMELEONITES. 80. MYRMELEON DURUS. Piceo-ferrugineus; caput testaceum, vertice piceo maculato ; an- tennæ picea, clavate, thorace multo breviores, basi ferrugineæ ; prothorax longior quam latior ; abdomen alis multo brevius ; pedes testacei, tarsorum articulo 50 albido ; alæ limpide, sub- angustæ ; apice subangulata. Pitchy, ferruginous: head and palpi testaceous ; vertex with pitchy spots : antennæ pitchy, clavate, much shorter than the tho- rax, ferruginous towards the base: prothorax linear, longer than broad : abdomen much shorter than the wings: legs testaceous, slender; fifth joint of the tarsi whitish except at the tip: wings limpid, rather narrow, slightly angular at the tips; stigma indis- tinct; veins testaceous with darker bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma ; marginal region narrow, Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 22 lines. a. ? 81. MYRMELEON PERFIDUS. Testaceus, gracilis ; vertex ferrugineus; antenne ferruginea, an- nulate, thorace breviores ; thorax brevis; mesothoracis et meta- thoracis segmenta discis piceis; abdomen nigrum ; alæ limpida, angustæ, non acuminate. Testaceous, slender : vertex ferruginous: antennæ ferruginous, subclavate, shorter than the thorax; joints testaceous towards the tips : thorax short: prothorax linear, inuch broader than long: seg- · ments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with pitchy disks : abdomen black: legs testaceous : wings limpid, narrow, not pointed ; stigma whitish, indistinct; veins testaceous, ciliated; subcostal areolets short, simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma. Length of the body 13 lines ; of the wings 26 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' cullection. 82. MYRMELEON INSIDIOSUS. Testaceus, gracillimus; antennæ ferruginea, apice picea, thorace multo breviores ; prothorux ferrugineo quadrivittatus ; meso- thorax et metalhorax ferrugineo guttati et bivittati ; abdomen ferrugineo bivittatum ; tarsi apice nigri ; alæ limpidæ, parve, non acuminata. MYRMELEONITES. 351 Pale testaceous, very slender: antennæ ferruginous, clavate, much shorter than the thorax; club pitchy: prothorax linear, much longer than broad, with two ferruginous stripes on each side, the inner pair shortened in front: mesothorax and metathorax with fer- ruginous dots on the disks of their segments and with an interrupted ferruginous stripe on each side: abdomen shorter than the wings, with a ferruginous stripe on each side: legs testaceous ; third joint of the tarsi with a black tip: wings limpid, rather short and narrow, not pointed ; stigma whitish, indistinct; veins white with black bands, slightly ciliated; subcostal areolets simple; their veins very short, not forked between the base and the stigma : hind-wings a little narrower and shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 21 lines. a. --- ? dd. Venæ 5æ ramus lus fere longitudinalis, venaque spatio non- nullo parallelus. 83. MYRMELEON ÆGYPTIACUS. Fuscus, fluvo varius, M. formicarii magnitudine, alis paullo lon- gioribus et angustioribus ; caput nigricans, vertice flavo varia, facie flava; prothorax flavus, nigro quinquevittatus ; abdo- men fuscum ; pedes flavi, nigro subnotati ; alæ subhyalina, anticæ venis fusco-nebulosis, posticæ anticis paullo breviores. Myrmeleon Ægyptiacus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 393, 13; Descript. de l’Egypte, Neur. pl. 3, f. 10, 11. Egypt. 84. MYRMELEON V-NIGRUM ? Fuscus ; thorace pallide variegato, abdominis segmentis utrinque puncto pallido ; alarum anticarum venis quibusdam transversis, infuscatis, fasciam obliquam ante apicem formantibus. Myrmecoleon Nemansiensis ? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 994, 9. Myrmeleon V-nigrum? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 394, 14. (Malaga.) a, b. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss' collection. 2 1 2 352 MYRMELEONITES. i celou 85. MYRMELEON PALLIDIPENNIS. Niger ; caput fuscia lata frontali maculaque verticis nigris; an- tennæ nigre, clava subtus testacea ; prothorax piceo trivit- tatus ; thorax testaceo varius ; pedes testacei ; alæ hyalinæ, immaculatæ, venis testaceis fusco annulatis. Myrmeleon pallidipennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 394, 15. Myrmeleo plumbeus ? Oliv. Encycl. Méth. viii. 126, 28. Brullé, Exp. Scient. de Morée, Ins. 276, No. 557, pl. 32, f. 1. a. Malaga. Presented by Benjamin Frend, Esq. b. Nice. From Dr. Leach's collection. C. Albania. Presented by W. Wilson Saunders, Esq. 86. MYRMELEON AFRICANUS. M. pallidipenni simillimus; vertex nigricans, fascia maculisque quatuor posticis flavis ; facies flava ; palpi pallidi; antenna obscure rufa, basi fave ; thorax rufo-fuscus, flavo varius ; prothorax flavus, vitta fasciisque duabus rufo-fuscis; pedes rufo-fusci, tarsis fusco suhannulatis ; alæ subæquales, anticæ latiores. . . Myrmeleon Africanus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 395, 16. a. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss'. collection. b. ? From Mr. Milne's collection. 87. MYRMELEON SUBMACULOSUS. Rufo-fuscus, flavo varius, M. formicarii vix magnitudine,-facies fiava; antenna thoracis longitudine ; abdomen immaculatum; pedes rufo-cinerei, fusco vurii, tarsis annulatis ; ale hyalina, " subæquales, anticæ e guttis fuscis seriato lineatæ. Myrmeleon submaculosus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 396, 17. Malaga. MYRMELEONITES. 353 · MELEON MORTIFER. Cinereo-ferrugineus, gracilis ; caput antice et subtus testaceum, vertice nigro trifasciato; palpi testacei, labiales articulo 30 nigro; thorax nigro varius; abdomen vittis duabus margini- busque posticis testaceis ; pedes testacei, validi, femoribus tibiisque apice tarsisque nigris, tibiis nigro cinctis, tarsis an- ticis testaceo cinctis; alæ limpidæ, apice angulate, anticæ nigro strigatæ et notata. Grayish ferruginous, slender : head testaceous in front and be- neath, with a black spot at the base of each antenna, and with three black bands on the vertex, the hinder bands irregular and composed of black dots: palpi testaceous; third joint of the labial palpi mostly black: antennæ mutilated, testaceous at the base : prothorax linear, with a transverse furrow near the front, a little broader than long, with six interrupted irregular black stripes which are continued as spots on the meso- and metathorax: abdomen shorter than the wings, with a testaceous stripe on each side along two-thirds of the length from the base ; hind borders of the seg- ments testaceous : legs testaceous, stout; femora and tibiæ with black tips, and the latter with a black band; tarsi black; fifth joint of the fore-tarsi pale testaceous with a black band; spurs and claws ferruginous : wings limpid, lanceolate, with angular and pointed tips; stigma white, with a very small adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins alternately black and white; subcostal areolets simple, very short at the base, generally without forked veins froin thence to the stigma; marginal region rather broad towards the tips: fore-wings with some black dots along the radius and the cu- bitus, an oblique black streak near the tip of the post-costa, and with another on the gradate veinlets near the tip where the forks of the marginal veinlets are very slightly clouded: hind-wings without marks, shorter, more lanceolate and much narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 16 lines ; of the wings 34 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 2 H 3 354 MYRMELEONITES. 89. MYRMELEON PERVIGIL. Piceus ; caput flavum, nigro varium; palpi flavi, labialium arti- culo 30 nigro ; antennæ ferrugineæ, annulata, thorace paullo breviores ; pectus testaceum; prothorax testaceo quinquevitta- tus ; mesothorax et metathorax testaceo varius ; abdomen ni- grum ; pedes testacei, tibiis tarsisque apice nigris ; ale hy. alinæ, lanceolatæ, acuminate, subhamata. Pitchy: head pale testaceous, yellow in front, with a 'black band about the base of the antennæ ; another in front of the vertex, and above the latter two bands of black spots : palpi yellow; third joint of the labial palpi black, with a tawny tip: antennæ ferrugi- nous, clavate, a little shorter than the thorax, with a testaceous band on the fore border of each joint: thorax testaceous beneath: prothorax narrower in front, rather broader than long, with five pale testaceous stripes : segments of the mesothorax and of the meta- thorax with testaceous streaks in their disks and with testaceous horders: abdomen black, shorter than the wings: legs testaceous, rather stout, with black dots; tips of the tibiæ and of the joints of the tarsi black: wings hyaline, moderately broad, rather long, lan- ceolate and slightly hooked towards the tips which are pointed ; stigma whitish, with an adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins white with black hands, ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, only one of their veins forked between the base and the stigma; gradate veinlets, forks of the marginal veinlets towards the tip of the wing, and some forks of the cubitus and a few transverse vein- lets in the disk clouded with brown : hind-wings unspotted, nar- rower and a little longer than the fore-wings. Var. Veins more clouded, especially the gradate veinlets, where the brown hue forms two oblique streaks on each wing. Length of the body 12—13 lines ; of the wings 28–30 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 6. Port Natal. From Mr. Stevens' collection. MYRMELEONITES. 355 90. MYRMELEON SEDULUS. Testaceus, facie palpisque flavis ; antennæ thorace vix breviores ; prothorax linearis, multo latior quam longior; abdomen fer- rugineum, apice subpiceum, segmentis apice testaceis ; alæ albido hyalina, angusta, acuminatæ. Testaceous : face and palpi yellow: antennæ dark testaceous, clavate, almost as long as the thorax: prothorax linear, much broader than long: inesothorax and metathorax rather short: ab- domen ferruginous, shorter than the wings, slightly pitchy towards the tip ; hind borders of the segments : testaceous : legs testaceous, rather stout : wings whitish, hyaline, narrow, pointed; stigma yel- low, indistinct in the hind-wings; veins pale testaceous, hardly ci- liated; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma; hind-wings narrower but very little shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 13 lines ; of the wings 28 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 91. MYRMELEON LUGDUNENSIS. Fuscus, thorace sulphureo vittato ; pedibus sulphureis, extus tar- sisque fuscis; costa alarum, subcosta et radio nigris, reliquis venis flavis ; stigmatibus magnis flavis. Myrmeleon lugdunense, Villers, Ent. iii. 63. 10. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 125, 22. Myrmeleon lineatum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Supp. 205. Latr. Gen. Cr. et Ins. iii. 193, 30. Myrmecoleon lineatum, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 993, 1. a-d. South France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. e. South France. From Mr. Walker's collection. f. Marseilles. 9. Malta. From Dr. Leach's collection. ho-k. - From Mr. Children's collection. 356 MYRMELEONITES. CC. Tibiarum calcaria tarsorum articulis lo et 20 fere breviores. Tarsorum articulus lus 50 brevior. 92. MYRMELEON CONFUSUS. Sordide flavus, M. formicario paullo minor ; caput rufo-fusco varium ; facies flava, apud antennas nigro notata ; antennæ rufescentes, thorace longiores ; thorax rufo-fusco quadrivitta- tus ; abdomen rufum ; pedes rufo-flavi, fusco varii, tarsis annulatis ; ala vis subrufescentes, posticæ anguste acuta, anticis paullo longiores. Myrmeleon confusus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 396, 18. Africa. 93. MYRMELEON APPENDICULATUS. Testaceus, fusco variegatus, abdomine supra testaceo, longissimo, alis longiore; his ante apicem obtusiusculum sinuatis. Myrmeleon appendiculatus, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 193, 5. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 124, 19. Burm. Handb. Ent ii. 994, 7. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 397, 19. Myrmeleon pictus ? Latr. Gen. Cr. et Ins. iii. 193, 4. Myrmecoleon pictus ? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 994, 6. Capite thoraceque flavis, fusco variegatis ; abdomine fusco, segmentorum marginibus pallidis ; alis ante apicem acutum sinuatis, subcosta pallida, stigmatibus albis ; mas cercis brevibus vix prominulis. Myrmeleon linearis, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, No.7, pl. 36, f. 1. Flavescens, capite inter oculos, thorace striis, abdomine vittis lon- gitudinalibus fuscis, alis fusco reticulatis, stigmate albido. a. Marseilles. b. Spain. MYRMELEONITES. 357 94. MYRMELEON INFESTUS. Testaceus, gracillimus, piceo varius ; caput apud antennas nigri- cans, facie flava ; antennæ graciles, thoracis longitudine, piceo annulatæ et terminatæ ; prothorax piceo quadrivittatus ; ab- domen piceum, lateribus testaceo maculatis ; pedes longi, graciles, tibiis apice piceis ; ulæ limpide, ampla, non acumi. natæ, anticæ apice signo ovato fusco bifasciata. Testaceous, very slender: head blackish around the base of the antennæ; face yellow, shiping; vertex pitchy behind, and with a slender pitchy band in front: antennæ testaceous, slender, as long as the thorax; joints pitchy towards the base; club pitchy: pro- thorax nearly linear, a little longer than broad, with four imperfect pitchy stripes : dorsal segments of the mesothorax and of the me- tathorax pitchy, with testaceous borders and with some testaceous marks on their disks: abdomen pitchy, much shorter than the wings; segments testaceous towards the base on each side : legs pale testaceous, long and slender ; tips of the tibiæ pitchy: wings limpid, ample, very iridescent, not pointed; stigma whitish, small in the hind-wings; veins, white with black bands, ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma; gradate veinlets near the tip and forks of the marginal veinlets at the tip of the wing clouded with pale brown, which forms an irregular and imperfect transverse oval figure on the wing: hind- wings very little narrower and shorter than the fore-wings, with two pale brown marks on the forks of the marginal veinlets, one near the tip, the other near the hind border at three fourths of the length. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 30 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens collection. 95. MYRME LEON NEFANDUS. Testaceus ; caput ferrugineo guttatum ; antennæ ferruginea, tho- race paullo breviores ; prothorax ferrugineo bivittatus et quad- rimaculatus ; mesothorax et metathorax lateribus guttisque ferrugineis ; abdomen ferrugineum, basi testaceum ; alæ, hyalina, acuminatæ, apice fusco notatæ. Testaceous : head shining in front; vertex with some ferruginous dots: antennæ ferruginous, clavate, a little shorter than the thorax; fore borders of the joints testaceous : prothorax very little narrower 358 MYRMELEONITES. in front, hardly longer than broad, with two ferruginous spots and a ferruginous stripe on each side: mesothorax and metathorax ferru- ginous on each side, and with ferruginous dots on the disks of their segments : abdomen ferruginous, testaceous towards the base, much shorter than the wings: legs testaceous : wings hyaline, pointed ; stigma whitish, indistinct ; veins white with black bands ; subcostal areolets simple; their veins not forked from the base to the stigma; gradate veinlets towards the tip of the wing, and forks of marginal veinlets along the curve of the bind border clouded with pale brown; the middle part of the branches of some of the forks also clouded : hind-wings marked like the fore-wings, but longer and narrower, and more lanceolate towards the tips. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 26 lines. Q. North India. From Mr. Sterens' collection. 96. MYRMELEON ADVERSUS. Ferrugineus, gracilis ; caput subtus testaceum; antenne thorace paullo breviores, prothorax paullo longior quam latior ; ab- domen piceum, basi et subtus ferrugineum ; pedes testacei, ro- busti ; alæ limpida, angusta, acuminato. Ferruginous, slender: head testaceous towards the mouth and beneath: antennæ ferruginous, subclavate, a little shorter than the thorax: prothorax hardly narrower in front, a little longer than broad: abdomen slightly pitchy, ferruginous beneath and towards the base, a little shorter than the wings : legs testaceous, stout: wings limpid, narrow, pointed : stigma yellowish, indistinct; veins testaceous, slightly ciliated ; subcostal areolets simple, their veins very short, pot forked between the base and the stigma: hind-wings narrower but hardly shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 13 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 97. MYRMELEON BARBARUS. Testaceus, gracillimus, piceo varius ; antenne picea, graciles, an- nulate, thoracis longitudine ; abdomen piceum fasciis macu- lisque testaceis ; pedes longi, graciles ; alæ hyalina, longæ, angusta, subacuminatæ, apice fusco notatæ. Testaceous, very slender : head pitchy about the base of the antennæ; vertex with six pitchy spots ; hind part with two pitchy MYRMELEONITES. 369 spots : palpi pale testaceous: antennæ pitchy, clavate, long and slender, as long as the thorax, a testaceous band on the fore border of each joint; club altogether pitchy, the joints before it wholly testaceous: prothorax linear, almost twice longer than broad, with two irregular pitchy stripes; a transverse furrow on the fore-part : mesothorax and metathorax with three irregular pitchy stripes : ab- domen pitchy, much shorter than the wings; segments generally with yellow hind borders and with a yellow spot on each side: legs testaceous, long and slender, with a few black marks : wings hyaline, long and narrow, slightly pointed; stigma white, with a very small brown spot adjoining it in the fore-wings; veins black, slightly cili- ated, with whitish bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veins forked from two-thirds of the length to the tip; forks of the mar- ginal veinlets beyond the stigma and along the hind border slightly clouded with brown; some of the gradate veinlets near the tip and , at the last of the quadrate areolets by the cubitus, and the fork of the cubitus near its tip, more distinctly clouded : hind-wings par- rower and a little longer than the fore-wings; gradate veinlets near the tip clouded with dark brown ; forks of the marginal veinlets along the bind border from two-thirds of the length to the tip clouded with pale brown. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 28 lines. a, b. Ceylon. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection. 98. MYRMELEON DESPERATUS. Nigro-piccus, facie palpisque testaceis ; antenna nigræ, flavo annu- latæ; prothorax latior quam longior, antice subangustior ; mesothorax testaceo marginatus ; abdominis segmenta margi- nibus posticis testaceis ; pedes testaceo notati, postici testacei nigro varii ; alæ hyaline, longa, perangusta, non acuminatæ, apice fusco notatæ. Pitchy black : face and palpi testaceous: antennæ black, muti. lated, with a yellow band on the fore border of each joint, and two yellow rings at the base; prothorax broader than long, slightly par. rower in front: mesothorax with a testaceous hind border: abdomen much shorter than the wings ; hind borders of the segments pale testaceous : anterior legs black, with a few. testaceous marks; hind- legs testaceous ; femora above and tarsi except at the base black: wings hyaline, moderately long, very narrow, not pointed ; stigma whitish, with an adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins black, with whitish bands, ciliated ; subcostal areolets simple, their 360 MYRMELEONITES. veins not forked between the base and the stigma; gradate veinlets and the forks of a few marginal veinlets about the tips of the wings, and the veins at the tip of the fork of the cubitus clouded with brown : hind-wings not clouded, narrower but not shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 9 lines : of the wings 25 lines. a. New Holland. 99. MYRMELEON PERNICIOSTs. Nigro-piceus, gracilis ; facies flava ; palpi testacei ; antenna flavo subannulata, thoracis longitudine ; prothorax testaceo trivittatus ; mesothoracis et abdominis segmentorum margines postici flavi ; pedes graciles, femoribus tibiisque basi testaceis, tibiis posticis supra et tarsis posticis basi albidis ; alæ hyalina, angusta, sublanceolatæ, apice vix angulata. Pitchy black, slender : face pale yellow : palpi testaceous: an- tennæ black, slender, clavate, as long as the thorax; fore borders of the joints to the club indistinctly yellow; prothorax linear, broader than long, with three very slight testaceous stripes : bind border of the mesothorax and of the abdominal segments yellow: abdomen much shorter than the wings : legs black, slender ; femora and tibiæ at the base and coxæ testaceous; hind tibiæ above and hind tarsi at the base wbitish : wings liyaline, narrow, slightly lanceolate but hardly angular at the tips; stigma whitish ; veins black, with white bands ; subcostal areolets simple, with two or three occasional forked veids near the stigma; marginal region narrow: fore-wings with the tip of the fork of the cubitus, the gradate veinlets and the forks of a few miarginal veinlets near the tip clouded with brown : hind-wings longer and much narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 24 lines. a. — -? 100. MYRMELEON ABDITUS. Flavus, gracilis, nigro vittatus ; caput nigro fasciatum, verlice piceo quadriguttato; antenn, fulva, apice ferruginea, thoracis lon- gitudine ; abdomen piceum, segmentorum marginibus posticis ventreque flavis; alæ limpidæ, parvæ, non acuminata, postica. vitla brevi subapicali fusca. Yellow, slender: head with a black band about the base of the antennæ; vertex with four pitchy spots, one in front, one behind, and one on each side ; face pale yellow: antennæ tawny, clavate, as MYRMELEONITES. 361 long as the thorax; clubs ferruginous: prothorax. linear, a little longer than broad, with four black stripes; the outer pair remote from the inner pair: mesothorax and metathorax with three black stripes above, and with two on each side beneath, all much inter- rupted : abdomen pitchy, shorter than the wings ; hind borders of the segments and under side yellow : legs yellow; claws red : wings limpid, rather short and narrow, not pointed ; stigma tawny; veins wbite, slightly ciliated; longitudinal veins with black bands; sub- costal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma ; hind-wings a little narrower and shorter than the fore- wings, with a brown streak near the tip and parallel to the hind border, and extending along the base of the marginal veinlets. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. d d. Tarsorum articulus lus 50 non brevior. 101. MYRMELEON NIGROCINCTUS? Piceo-testaceus, gracillimus ; caput nigro fasciatum ; antenne piceæ, graciles, subfiliformes, testaceo annulatæ ; abdomen nigrum, basi contractum ; alæ limpidæ, angusta, subacuminatæ, apicem versus fusco maculatæ. Myrmeleon nigrocinctus ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 298, 20. Allied to M. pulchellus. Testaceous, very slender: ,head with a black shining band about the base of the antennæ : antennæ pitchy, long, slender, almost filiform, rather longer than the thorax ; joints testaceous in front, those adjoining the club wholly testaceous: prothorax narrower in front, longer than broad: disk of the meso- thorax and of the metathorax somewhat pitchy; abdomen black, slender, contracted towards the base, much shorter than the wings : legs long, slender, testaceous : wings limpid, narrow, slightly pointed ; stigma whitish ; veins white with a few black bands, ciliated ; sub- costal areolets simple; many of their veins forked between one-third of the length of the wing and the stigma ; transverse veiolets be- tween the radius and its sector, forks of some marginal veinlets above the tip, and of others near the bind border towards the tip, clouded with brown; two brown spots on the fore border near the tip, and some small brown spots along the lind border : hind-wings a little longer and narrower than the fore-wings, adorned 2 1 362 MYRMELEONITES. near their tips with two brown spots on the fore border and some smaller ones on the hind border. Length of the body 94-10 lines; of the wings 26–28 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Milne's collection. b,c. ? 102. MYRMELEON TACITUS. Piceus, gracilis ; caput nigrum, facie flava ; palpi fulvi ; prothorax testaceo vittatus ; pedes longi, graciles, tarsis basi tibiisque posticis testaceis, his apice nigris; alæ limpide, longa, an- gusta, subhamata, vix acuminatæ, anticæ fusco confertim guttatæ, posticæ apice fusco maculatæ. Pitchy, slender, mutilated: head black, with a yellow streak in front by each eye ; face yellow: palpi tawny: prothorax narrower in front, longer than broad, with a slender testaceous dorsal stripe : mesothorax and metathorax with testaceous hind borders : legs long, slender, pitchy; tarsi testaceous at the base ; hind-tibia testaceous, with pitchy tips: vings limpid, long, narrow; tips very slightly hooked, hardly pointed; stigma whitish, indistinct, with a long ad- joining brown spot; veins white in the colourless parts; subcostal areolets simple, with a few forked veins near the stigma: fore-wings from the subcosta to the hind border covered with numerous small brown spots of various form which are confluent in the disk behind the stigma: hind-wings a little Darrower but hardly shorter than the fore-wings, without marks on three-fourths of the length except a few brown dots along the radius and the cubitus; behind the stig- ma the spots are clustered together as in the fure-wings, and form an irregular band which emits a branch to the tip of the wing, and there are two distinct spots above this branch. Length of the wings 46 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. ccc. Tibiarum calcaria fere recta, tarsorum articuli li longitudine, vel articulorum li et 2i vix longitudine. Tarsorum articulus lus 50 plus minusve brevior. MYRMELEONITES. 363 Tibiarum calcaria tarsorum articulis 10 et 20 fere breviora. IELEON FLAVUS. Flavus, fusco trivittatus, M. formicarii magnitudine, alis latioribus obtusioribus ; cuput inter antennas nigro maculatum ; palpi apice nigri ; antenne rufo-fuscæ, apice obscuriores ; tarsi nigro annulati ; alæ flavescentes, venis rufescentibus. Myrmeleon flavus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 398, 21. a, b. Albania. Presented by W. Wilson Saunders, Esq. C. South Russia. d, e. - ? 104. MYRMELEON ATOMARIUS. Flavus, M. formicario paullo minor ; vertex quadrimaculatus ; an- tennæ thorace paullo breviores ; thorax interrupte trivittatus ; abdomen rufo-fuscum, maris appendicibus dorsalibus ciliatis recurvis ; alæ breves, sat latæ, flavescentes, atomis marginalibus conspersa. Myrmeleon atomarius, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 399, 22. Senegal. 105. MYRMELEON ANGUSTICOLLIS. Niger, M. formicario minor ; facies flava ; palpi flavescentes, labi- ales articulo 30 nigro notato ; antenne rufescentes, nigro cincte ; prothorax angustus, subcylindricus, maculis duabus anticis lateralibus flavis ; pedes longi, flavescentes, hirsuti, nigro varii ; ala parvæ, subæquales, breves, ciliata, rufo-fusco maculatæ, venulis furcatis apicalibus paucis. Myrmeleon angusticollis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 399, 23. Bombay. 106. MYRMELEON VARIEGATUS. Pallidus; capite thoraceque lineis, abdomine vittis longitudinalibus apiceque fuscis; alis lanceolatis, hyalinis, venis lineisque trans- versis denticulatis nigris, stigmate albo. 2 1 2 364 MYRMELEONITES. Myrmeleon variegatus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 30, f. 4. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 400, 24. a. South France. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Marseilles. 107. MYRMELEON Tappa. · Pictus ; caput flavo varium; antenna fuscce, fulvo annulatæ ; pro- thorax linearis, paullo longior quam latior, flavo trivittatus ; pedes testacei ; alæ longa, anguste, subhyalina, subacuminatæ, stigmate roseo, anticarum apicibus marginibusque posticis fusco guttatis. Male. Pitchy: head yellow towards the mouth; vertex yellow with pitchy spots : antennæ brown, clavate, a little longer than the head and the thorax, with a tawny ring on each joint except at the tip: prothorax linear, a little longer than broad, with three yellow stripes which extend over part of the mesothorax : abdomen shorter than the wings, with a tuſt of black hairs at the tip: legs testaceous : wings long and narrow, subhyaline, slightly pointed : hind-wings a little longer and narrower than the fore-wings; stigma rosy, indis- tinct.; veins pale yellow, with numerous black bands which are chiefly on the junctions or forks of the veins; all the subcostal areo- lets simple; a brown dot on the base of the fork of each marginal veinlet towards the tip of the wing. Length of the body 16 lines; of the wings 38 lines. 2-d. Nepaul. From the Hardwicke bequest. 108. MYRMELEON MALEFIDUS. Niger, gracilis ; caput flavo notatum ; palpi pallidi ; antenna graciles, fere capitatæ, testaceo annulata, thoracis longitudine ; thorax testaceo marginatus; prothorax testaceo tr'ivittatus ; abdominis segmenta testaceo marginata ; pedes testacei, nigro varii ; alæ subcincrea, longa, angusta, striga postica obliqua fusca signatæ, apice fusco notala. Black, slender : head with a yellow ring around the base of each antenna, and with a yellow spot on each side between the eye and the face, which is testaceous : palpi testaceous, partly ferrugi- nous : antennæ slender, as long as the thorax, almost capitate; fore borders of the joints testaceous; club broad: prothorax hardly narrower in front, broader than long, with a dull testaceous border MYRMELEONITES. 365 and three dull testaceous stripes: mesothorax and metathorax with testaceous hind borders: abdomen much shorter than the wings; hind borders of the segments testaceous : legs testaceous, with black bands; tarsi black, testaceous at the base; fure-tarsi sometimes partly testaceous : wings slightly gray, long and narrow; stigma whitish, with an adjoining dark brown spot in the fore-wings; veins black with white bands, ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, with two or three forked veins near the stigma: a few of the gradate vein- lets and of the adjoining forks of the marginal veinlet near the tip of the wing clouded with brown, one of the dots on the former near the hind border, and the most remote from the tip of the wing is darker than the rest; a short brown streak rising obliquely outward from the tip of the fork of the cubitus : hind-wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, without marks, excepting a short streak at two-thirds of the length, near and parallel to the hind border. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 32 lines. a, b. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. c. New Holland. 109. MYRMELEON Infidos. Flavus, nigro vittatus ; caput piceo trivittatum ; abdomen piceum testaceo varium ; pedes favi, longi, graciles; alæ limpidæ, angustæ, vix acuminatæ, anticæ apice fusco notata, postice striga postica fusca subapicali. Yellow : head with a broad pitchy band about the base of the antennæ: an irregular interrupted pitchy band above this, and another more interrupted in front of the vertex; two pitchy dots above the latter: antennæ mutilated, yellow at the base : prothorax almost livear, a little longer than broad, with three black stripes, the middle one very slender, the other two broad bebind, shortened in front; under side with two black stripes : mesothorax and meta- thorax with three interrupted irregular black stripes on each side, one above and two below: abdomen pitchy with testaceous marks, mutilated : legs yellow, rather long and slender : wings limpid, rather narrow, hardly pointed; stigma yellowish; veins whitish, slightly ciliated : subcostal and radial veins pale yellow, the former with pale brown bands; subcustal areolets simple, their veinlets not forked between the base and the stigma; forks of the marginal veinlets at the tip of the wing clouded with brown : hind-wings very little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, with a brown streak about one-fourth of the length of the wing, near the tip and 2 1 3 366 MYRMELEONITES. not far from the hind border to which it is slightly oblique. Length of the body 10 ? lines ; of the wings 28 lines. a. Gambia. Presented by - Rendall, Esq. 110. MYRMELEON ACERBUS. Flavus ; caput nigro varium ; antennæ nigræ, apice subfulve; prothorax multo longior quam latior, antice paullo angustior, nigro quinquevittatus ; thorax nigro trivitiatus ; abdomen nigro univittatum ; alæ limpidæ, breviusculee, sat lata, non acuminatæ, stigmate flavo. Yellow: head black about the hase of the antennæ; vertex with a black spot on each side ; hind part with a black dorsal stripe, and a black dot on each side: palpi partly ferruginous towards their tips: antennæ black, clavate, much shorter than the thorax; club tawny on the outer side: prothorax a little Darrower in front, very much longer than broad, with five black stripes ; the inner pair shorter than the outer pair, and not more than half the length of the prothorax: mesothorax and metathorax with three interrupted black stripes; the lateral pair forked in front and united to the dor- sal one: abdomen almost as long as the wings, with a black stripe above and beneath ; tip blackish, that of the male with six black ciliated appendages, which terminate in setæ: abdomen of the fe- male furnished towards the tip with two successive tufts of silky testaceous hairs : legs yellow: wings limpid, moderately broad, rather short, not pointed ; stigma yellow, indistinct in the hind- wings; veins black, with pale bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base of the wing and the stigma; in this species there is a sector which has its origin above the fifth fork of the first sector, to which it is at once united: hind-wing's shorter and narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 12-14 lines; of the wings 26–28 lines. amc. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 111. MYRMELEON MENDAX. Niger ; vertex flavo bivittatus et bifasciatus ; palpi flavo-ferru- ginei ; antenne picee, thorace multo breviores, basi fave ; prothorax flavus, linearis, latior quam longior, nigro quadri- vittatus ; thoracis segmenta flavo maculata et marginata ; ab- dominis segmenta nigro terminata; pedes flavi, tibiis, tarsisque apice femoribusque apice piceis ; ala subhyalina, angusta, pia acuminatæ. MYRMELEONITES. 367 Black: vertex with two yellow stripes which are united behind by means of an arched band, and are connected by a short band on each side with a yellow circle round each eye: palpi yellow; first joint ferruginous at the tip; second pitchy in the middle; third ferruginous : antennæ pitchy, clavate, much shorter than the thorax, yellow towards the base : prothorax yellow, linear, broader than long; dorsum with four irregular black stripes which are partly con- nected : mesothorax and metathorax with a yellow spot on each disk ; their segments with yellow borders: abdomen shorter than the hind borders of the segments, yellow: legs yellow; tibia and tarsi with pitchy tips; hind-femora mostly pitchy: wings subhya- line, narrow, hardly pointed; stigma yellowish, with an adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins pale yellow with black bands, slightly ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma: hind-wings almost as long as the fore-wings and very little narrower. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. ? 112. MYRMELEON SOLERS. Nigro-cinereus, gracilis ; caput atrum, facie palpisque maxillari- bus testaceis, labialibus fulvis ; antenna clavatæ, basi testaceæ ; prothorax latior quam longior, margine antico lateribusque testaceis ; pedes picei, tibiis supra femoribus tarsisque basi coxisque testaceis ; alæ hyalina, mediocres, apice subangulatæ. Black, slender: head deep black with a yellow circle round each eye and round the base of each antenna ; face and maxillary palpi testaceous; labial palpi tawny: antennæ black, clavate, testa- ceous at the base, shorter than the thorax: prothorax broader than long, rather narrower in front, testaceous along each side and on the fore border: abdomen shorter than the wings; legs pitchy, slender; tibiæ above, femora and tarsi towards the base and coxæ testaceous : wings hyaline, of moderate size, obluselv angular at the tips; stigma white; veins white, some of the longitudinal veins with black bands; subcostal areolets simple, with one or two forked veins by the stigma; margival region narrow: hind-wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 24 lines. a. China. Presented by J.C. Bowring, Esq. 368 MYRMELEONITES. dd. Tibiarum calcaria tarsorum articuli li longitudine aut paullo breviores. Palporum labialium articulus ultimus clavam acuminatam fin- gens, 2us palpis maxillaribus vix brevior. 113. MYRMELEON FORMICARIUS. Fuscus; thorace variegato ; pedibus testaceis annulatis ; segmentorum abdominalium margine pallido ; alis anticis maculatis, stig- mate albo, posticis ad marginem anticum bimaculatis. Hemerobius formicaleo, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. x. 550, 4. Myrmeleon formicarius, Linn. Faun. Suec. 1509; It. El. 149, 206; Syst. Nut. ii. 914, 3. Roes. Ins. iii. pl. 20, f. 25, 26. Geoffr. Ins. Pur. ii. 258, pl. 14. Fabr. Mant. Ins. 249, 5; Sp. Ins. ii. 93, 5; Ent. Syst. ii. 93, 5. Vallisn. Op. i. 77, 2. Reaum. Ins. iv. pl. 11, f. 6, pl. 14, f. 18, 19, pl. 32–34. Sulz. Ins. pl. 17, f. 105. Poda, Ins. pl. 1, f. 8. Schaff. Elem. pl. 65. Icon. Ins. Ratisb. pl. 22, f. 1, 2. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2643, 3. Oliv. Enc. Mélh. viii. Barbut, Gen. Ins. Linn. 221, pl. 12. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 217, pl. 7, f. 12—15. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 404. Wood, Ill. Lin. Gen. Ins. ii. 32, pl. 50. Latr. Gen. Cr. et Ins. iii. 191, 2. Cuv. Règn. Anim. v. 249. Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. Invert. iv. 210, 1. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. xciii. 11. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 401, 25. Crochard, Ed. Cuv. Règ. Anim. Ins. 97, pl. 103, f. 1. Hemerobius formicarius, Berlt. Syn. i. 152. Formicaleo formicarius, Leuch, Edin. Encycl. ix. 138. Myrmecoleon formicarius, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 996, 15. ame. ? *114. MYRMELEON INOPINUS. Niger ; caput antice subtusque flavum ; palpi labiales flavi, apice nigri ; prothorax testaceus, sublinearis, paullo longior quam latior, piceo fascialus ; thoracis et abdominis segmenta testaceo marjinata ; pedes flavi, femoribus apice tibiis subtus tarsisque nigris ; alæ hyalinæ, angustæ, non acuminata. MYRMELEONITES. 369 Black, slender, covered with whitish down : head shining in front, with a yellow interrupted circle round each eye and with ano- ther round the base of each antenna ; vertex with a longitudinal furrow; face and underside yellow: labial palpi yellow; last joint black: maxillary palpi mostly black: antennæ black, clavate, shorter than the thorax: prothorax testaceous, almost linear, a little longer than broad, pitchy about the fore border, and with a broad curved pitchy band on the disk: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with testaceous borders : abdomen shorter than the wings; hind borders of the segments testaceous : legs pale yel- low; femora towards the tips, tibiæ beneath, and tarsi black; wings hyaline, narrow, not pointed ; stigma white, with an adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins black, with yellow bands, ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma; hind-wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 13 lives; of the wings 26 lines. a. Van Dieman's Land. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. ее. Palparum labialium articulus ultimus acuminatus, fusiformis vel conicus; articulus 2us palpis maxillaribus multu brevior. 115. MYRMELEON LANCEOLATUS. Testaceus, gracilis ; antennæ piceæ, annulatæ, caput nigro variun ; abdomen elongatum, apicem versus piceum ; alæ hyalina, longa, angustce, venis totis pallidis. Myrmeleon lanceolatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 401, 26. a-d. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 116. MYRMELEON NOTATUS. Testaceus, gracilis, piceo varius ; antennæ piceæ, graciles, annulatæ; abdomen piceo fasciatum ; pedes testacei, longi, graciles ; ale hyalina, antica macula media postica guttaque discali substigmaticali fuscis. Myrmeleon notatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 402, 27. Malaga; Senegal. a. ? 370 MYRMELEONITES. 117. MYRMELEON LINEOLA. Pallidus vel cinereus, M. notato simillimus ; thorax fusco quadri- vittatus ; abdomen fuscum, segmentorum omnium marginibus posticis 3ique maculis duabus flavis ; pedes testacei atomis nigris, tarsis longis nigro cinctis ; alæ longa, subæquales, perangustæ, M. votati alis similes, at aliter maculatæ et venosa. Myrmeleon lineola, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 402, 28. 118. MYRMELEON OBSCURUS. M. formicario minor ; palpi pallidi, labiales articulo 30 fusiformi fusco ; thorax nigricans, flavo marginatus ; prothorax rufo- flavus, longus, fusco trivittatus; abdomen nigricans, segmentis rufo-flavo maculatis ; pedes testacei, fusco notati ; alæ hyalina, apice.obtusa, posticæ paullo breviores. Myrmeleon obscurus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur, 403, 29. Mauritius. 119. MYRMELEON CAPENSIS. Nigricans, M. formicarii magnitudine ; caput nigrum, occipite rufescente nigro trivittato, epistomate flavo ; antenna breves, rufescentes ; prothorax brevis, flavo interrupte quadrivittatus ; pedes flavo varii ; alæ hyalina, anguste, sat longa, posticæ paullo breviores. Myrmeleon capensis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 404, 30. Myrmeleon capensis ? Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. 479, f. 91. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2643, 10. Саре. 120. MYRMELEON OCHRONEURUS. Flavus, nigro-varius, M. formicarii magnitudine aut paullo major, alis longioribus ; antenna breves ; thorax nigro univittatus ; abdomen nigricans, segmentoruin marginibus posticis favis ; pedes flavi, tarsis rufescente-cinctis ; alæ longa, hyaline, sat acuminale, posticæ paullo breviores. Myrmeleon ochroneurus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 404, 31. Cape. MYRMELEO VITES. 371 121. MYRMELEON PUNCTULATUS. Flavus, nigro trivittatus, M. formicarii magnitudine ; palpi apice nigri ; antenna rufo-fusca, thorace breviores ; abdomen cya- nescente-fusco quinquevittatum ; pedes flavi, nigro notati, tarsis subannulatis ; alæ lata, obtusæ subflavescentes. Myrmeleon punctulatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 405, 32. Bengal. 122. MYRMELEON TENUIPENNIS. Fuscus, M. formicario paullo minor; caput nigrum, verticis ma- culis duabus et epistomate flavis; prothorax flavo trivittatus ; mesothorax et metathorax marginibus posticis flavis ; abdo- minis latera flavo subvaria; pedes flavi, fusco conspersi, tarsis fusco annulatis ; alæ longa, angusta, posticæ anticis paullo "longiores. Myrmeleon tenuipennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 405, 33. Bombay. . 123. MYRMELEON INNOTATUS. Nigro-piceus ; caput nigrum, facie antica flava; palpi nigri; an- tenna nigræ, thorace breviores; thoracis latera flavo varia ; pedes testacei, femoribus tibiisque apice tarsisque nigris ; alce hyalina, immaculatæ. Myrmeleon innotatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 406, 34. Var.? Fuscus, thoracis segmentis in margine pallidis ; alis latius- culis, in apice summo subobtusis, stigmatibus albis. - ? Roesel, Ins. iii. pl. 21, f. 2. Deg. Ins. iii. 564, 1, pl. 27, f. 8. Myrmeleon Forinicalyux, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 914, 4. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 399, 5; Mant. Ins. i. 250, 8; Ent. Syst. ii. 94, 8. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2644, 4. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. Myrmecoleon Formicalynx, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 994, 4. Germany, Hungary. a. — ? From Mr. Children's collection. 6. ? Ó 372 MYRMELEONITES. 124. MYRMELEON INCERTUS. Fuscus ; thoracis vitta indistincta, marginibus et segmentorum marginibus, necnon abdominis segmentorum marginibus pos- ticis flavis ; caput posticum nigrum ; palpi flavi, apice nigri; antenna fuscæ, breves ; pedes testacci, tarsis nigris; alæ hyalince, maris posticæ plantula postica basali nulla. Myrmeleon incertus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 407, 35, South France ? 125. MYRMELEON INCONSPICUCS. Nigricans ; palpi flavi, apice nigri ; antenna fusca, breves ; pro- thorax vitta maculisque duabus flavis ; abdominis segmentorum margines postici flavescentes ; pedes testacei, tarsis nigris ; ala Myrmeleon inconspicuus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 406, 36. South France ? 126. MYRMELEON DISTINGUENDUS. Fuscus, flavo varius, M. formicario minor ; caput nigrum; vertex flavus vitta maculisque quatuor nigris; fascia antica flava ; palpi flavescentes, apice nigri ; antenna rufescentes apice fusce, thorace breviores; prothorax flavus, vitta fasciisque duabus fuscis; mesothoracis et metathoracis margines postici flavi ; abdomen nigrum, segmentorum marginibus posticis fla- vescentibus ; pedes flavescentes, fusco varii, sat longi ; alæ al- bicantes. Myrmeleon distinguendus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 407, 37. Malaga; Senegal. MYRMELEONITES. 373 127. MYRMELEON LEACHII. Fuscescens, flavido maculatus; oculis cupreis; pedibus brevibus pal- lidis, tarsis simplicibus, unguiculis mediocribus; alis hyalinis subfalcatis immaculatis, venis ciliatis. Formicaleo Leacbii, Lansdown Guilding, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xvi. 49, 1. a, b. Jamaica. d, e. 128. MYRMELEON TRISTIS. Flavus ; caput nigro varium ; palpi apice nigri; antennæ nigre ; thorax nigro quadrivittatus ; abdomen fuscum ; pedes nigro strigati ; alæ latæ, subacuminata, subcinercæ, apice obscu- riores, stigmate flavo. Yellow: front and face mostly black ; vertex with three black spots; a semicircular black spot towards the mouth : palpi with black tips: antennæ black, slender, subclavate, acuminate, much shorter than the thorax : prothorax linear, much longer than broad, with two black stripes above, and with two beneath, the latter pair shortened in front: mesothorax and metathorax with four irregular black stripes, the outer pair interrupted : abdomen brown, slender, much shorter than the wings: legs yellow ; femora and tibiæ with black streaks : wings broad, very slightly pointed, very slightly gray, a little darker about the stigma ; hind-wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings; stigma yellow, distinct; veins black ; subcostal areolets divided by transverse veinlets from half the length of the wing to the stigma; their veins forked from a little beyond half the length to the stigma. Length of the body 16 lines; of the wings 36 lines. n. Congo. Presented by Sir Jobn Richardson. 6. -? From Mr. Milne's collection. c, d. -- - ? 2 K 374 MYRMELEONITES. YRMELEON LETHALIS. Flavus ; caput nigro varium ; antenna nigre; thorax nigro quad. rivittatus; abdominis dorsuin fuscum, flavo vittatum ; ale subhyaline, angusta, acuminata, anticarum basi margineque postico fusco guttatis, stigmate flavo. Yellow: front and face mustly black; vertex with a black spot on each side, and with three black stripes which are connected in the middle by a black band : palpi yellow : antennæ black, slightly sub- clavate, very much longer than the thorax, with three yellow rings at the base: prothorax linear, much longer than broad, with four black stripes : mesothorax and metathorax with three black stripes : abdo- men brown, much shorter than the wings, with a narrow yellow dorsal stripe; under side yellow : legs yellow, with a few black dots : wings subhyaline, narrow, pointed, grayish at the tips ; stigma pale yellow, partly brown in the fore-wings; veins black; subcosta, radius, and its sectors, and some other veins with numerous yellow bands; transverse veinlets of the fore-wings clouded with brown towards the base and along part of the hipd border; a small transverse dark brown spot by the last of the quadrate areolets adjoining the cubitus; subcostal areolets simple; their veins not forked from the base to the stigma: hind-wings longer and narrower than the fore- wings; a little dark brown spot between the eighth and ninth forks of the sector beneath the stigma. Length of the wings 40 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. b, c. Port Natal. From Mr. Stevens' colleciion. 130. MYRMELEON LETHIFER. Niger; caput flavo quadrimaculatum ; prothorax multo longior quam latior, antice paullo angustior, dorso nigro ; scutelli abdominisque segmentorum margines postici flavi ; pedes ful- vi; alæ subhyaline, sat latæ, subacuminatæ, stigmate nullo. Black: bead with four yellow spots, two on the vertex and two behind: mouth and palpi ferruginous: anteonæ black, clavate, shorter than the thorax: prothorax much longer than broad, a little narrower in front, yellow on each side and beneath and along the hind border : hind border of the scutellum of the mesothorax and of the metathorax yellow : abdomen shorter than the wings ; hind borders of the segments yellowish: legs lawny: wings subhyaline, MYRMELEONITES. 375 moderately broad, slightly pointed; no stigma; veins testaceous, very slender, ciliated ; subcostal areolets divided by veinlets beyond the middle, their veins forked from thence to the stigma: bind-wings a little longer and narrower than the fore-wings. The origin of the first sector of the radius in this species is variable, in some cases it springs distinctly from the radius by the eighth subradial areolet; in others it appears to commence at half the distance between the radius and the second sector. Length of the body 13-14 lines; of the wings 28-30 lines. amb. Port Natal. From M. Gueiuzius' collection, - Port Natal. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 131. MYRMELEON SECRETUS. Piceus, gracilis; caput nigrum, vertice fulvo nigro maculato, facie fulva flavo fasciata ; palpi testacei, labiales apice picei ; an- tenna nigro-piceæ, thorace breviores, ferrugineo vittatæ; pro- thorax fulvo bivittatus, multo latior quam longior; abdomen fulvo maculatum ; pedes nigro-testacei ; alæ limpide, angusta, vix acuminata. Pitchy, slender: head black, fiat above the base of the antenna, very shining below; vertex tawny, with six black spots in two bands; face tawny, with a pale yellow band; a yellow circle round each eye: palpi testaceous; labial palpi much longer than the maxillary palpi; third joint pitchy: antennæ pitchy, black, clavate, shorter than the thorax, with a ferruginous stripe from the base to the club : pro- thorax linear, much broader than long, with two tawny interrupted stripes which are wideped on the fore border and extend along the sides of the first division of the prothorax: mesothorax and meta- thorax with testaceous hind borders : abdomen shorter than the wings, with six oblong, tawny, dorsal spots : anterior legs black; anterior femora and middle tibiæ with testaceous streaks: hind legs testaceous; femora and tibiæ with black streaks; tarsi black, testa- ceous at the base: wings limpid, narrow, hardly pointed ; stigma whitish ; veins white, with black bands, ciliated; transverse veinlets with black dots; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked from the base to the stigma excepting the vein adjoining the latter: hind-wings a little narrower and shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 12. lines; of the wings 27 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius collection. 2 K 2 376 MYRMELEONITES. 132. MYRMELEON İMPLEXUS. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput ferrugineo varium, facie palpisque flavis ; antennce fulva, thorace multo breviores, clava supra ferruginea'; prothorax ferrugineo trivittatusmesothorax et metathorax piceo maculati ; abdomen piceum, testaceo vittatum ; pedes flavi; alæ limpida, subangusta, perbreves, non acumi- nata. Testaceous, slender : vertex with a ferruginous stripe on the disk, and with two ferruginous spots on each side; face and palpi yellow: antennæ tawny, clavate, much shorter than the thorax; club ferruginous above: prothorax linear, much broader than long, with three interrupted ferruginous stripes: segments of the meso- thorax and metathorax with pitchy spots on their disks: abdomen pitchy, almost as long as the wings, with testaceous stripes widen- ing from the tip towards the base, which they mostly occupy: legs yellow: wings limpid, rather narrow, very short, not pointed ; stigma white, with a small adjoining pale brown spot in each of the four wings; veins whitish, slightly ciliated ; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma : hind-wings narrower and shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 133. MYRMELEON EXITIALIS. Niger ; caput flavo varium; thorax flavo submarginatus; pro- thorax antice angustior, multo latior quam longior, luteo sex- maculatus ; abdominis segmentorum margines postici flavi ; pedes flavo varii ; alæ subcinerea, longae, angusta, subacumi- nata, anticæ fusco guttatæ, stigmate flavo. Black: head luteous about the mouth, with a yellow spot on each side between the eye and the mouth, with another at the base of each antenna, and with a yellow dot between the antenna and the eye; vertex with a luteous spot on each side and a yellow streak by each ege: antennæ clavate, much shorter than the thorax: pro- thorax much narrower in front, much broader than long, with four luteous spots forming a band in front and one on each side behind : margins of the segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax partly yellow: abdomen much shorter than the wings; hind borders of the segments yellow: legs black; femora partly yellow; tarsi MYRJELEONITES. 377 yellow at the base; tibiæ with two yellow bands : wings slightly gray, long and narrow, slightly pointed ; stigma pale yellow, with a brown spot on each side, indistinct in the hind-wings; veins black, with yellow bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked from the base of the wing till near the stigma; a row of dark brown spots along the radius, and another indistinct row along the cubitus ; fork of the cubitus and the adjoining veins partly clouded with brown; gradate veinlets towards the tip clouded with brown ; forks of the marginal veins indistinctly clouded at the base: hind-wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, not clouded. Length of the body 14 lines; of the wings 34 lines. a. California. From Mr. Hartweg's collection. 131. MYRMELEON ACUTUS. Nigro-cinereus ; caput flavo varium ; palpi fulvi ; pedes nigri, femoribus basi tibiisque posticis flavis ; alæ subcinerea, longa, perangusta, anticæ fusco guttata et bimaculatæ, stigmate flavo. Black, slender, slightly tinged with gray: head yellow towards the mouth, with a yellow spot on each side of the face and with a yellow streak by the base of each antenna; palpi tawny: antennæ wanting: abdomen much shorter thau the wings: legs black; fe- mora beneath towards the base and hind tibiæ yellow : wings slightly gray, long, very narrow, slightly pointed ; stigma pale yellow ; veins black, with yellow bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veins forked at intervals from one-third of the length of the wing to the stigma where there is a dark brown spot; rows of dark brown spots along the radius and its sector, and along the cubitus and its fork ; small brown spots on the forks of the marginal veins, and on the gradate veinlets towards the tip of the wing and along the hind border; a larger brown spot at the tip of the fork of the cubitus and another by the last of the quadrate areolets between the first sector of the rarlius and the cubitus : hind-wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, with a few brown dots towards the tips and along the hind border. Length of the body 14 lines ; of the wings 34 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. 2 K 3 378 MYRMELEONITES. 135. MYRMELEON TECTUS. Nigro-cinereus, robustus, facie palpisque luteis; oculi flavo semi- cincti ; antenne thorace breviores, flavo annulatæ ; prothorax linearis, multo latior quam longior ; thoracis segmenta testaceo marginata; pedes nigri, femoribus tarsisque basi testaceis, tibiis testaceo cinctis; alæ hyaline, longa, sat angusta, sub- acuminatæ. Black, tinged with gray, rather stout : head shining, black in front; face pale luteous except at the base; a yellow semicircle by each eye : palpi luteous: antennæ black, subclavate, shorter than the thorax; a yellow ring at the base of each joint excepting those towards the tip; first and second joints mostly luteous; a yellow circle round the base of the first: prothorax almost linear, with a middle transverse furrow, much broader than long : segments of the inesothorax and of the metathorax with testaceous horders: abdo. men mutilated : legs black; femora and tarsi testaceous at the base; tibiæ with testaceous bands which are very broad on the hind pair: wings hyaline, long, rather narrow, slightly pointed; stigma white, with a small adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins black with yellow bands, ciliated ; veins of a few areolets wholly yellow; subcostal areolets simple, with a few forked veins near the stigma: hind-wings a little narrower and shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 15 ? lines ; of the wings 34 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Cluh. b. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 136. MYRMELEON ASPER. Nigro-cinereus, gracilis ; caput antice subtusque testaceum, vertice ruguloso ferrugineo vario, fronte nigro nitente; antennæ pice@, testaceo annulatæ; prothoracis maculæ duæ anticæ vitteque quatuor testaceæ; thoracis et abdominis segmenta marginibus posticis testaceis; pedes testacei, subvalidi, femoribus tibiis et tarsorum articulis apice nigris, tibiis nigro cinctis; alæ lim- pidæ, anguste, sublongæ, apice angulata. Grayish black, slender : head black and shining in front; vertex transversely rugulose, with some ferruginous tubercles ; face, under- side, and palpi testaceous: antennæ pitchy, subclavate, as long as the thorax, testaceous at the base and on the fore borders of most of MYRMELEONITES. 379 the joints: prothorax almost linear, broader than long, testaceous on each side in front, and with four obscure testaceous stripes : me. sothorax and metathorax with testaceous hind borders: abdomen inuch shorter than the wings, slightly increasing in breadth from the base to the tip ; hind borders of the segments testaceous: legs testacevus, rather stout; tips of the femora, of the tibiæ and of the joints of the tarsi black; tibiæ with black bands : wings limpid, narrow, rather long, angular and pointed at the tips; stigma white; veins black, with white bands, slightly ciliated ; discal areolets siin- ple, with a few forked veins towards the stigma ; marginal region narrow: hind-wings narrower and more lanceolate but hardly shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 15 lines ; of the wings 36 lines. a. ? From Mr. Milne's collection. 137. MYRMELEON INVISUS. Piceus, gracilis ; caput nigrum, antice et subtus testaceum, vertice ferrugineo vario, fronte nitente; palpi ferruginei; antenne nigrue, basi fulvæ; thorax flavo varius ; prothorax multo lon- gior quam latior ; pedes testacei, tibiis anticis femoribusque subtus nigro strigatis, tarsis nigris basi testaceis ; alæ limpide, subangusta, lanceolatæ, apice non angulatæ. Pitchy, slender : head black, shining in front; vertex partly ferruginous, with a slight longitudinal furrow; face and underside testaceous : palpi ferruginous: antennæ black, subclavate, tawny at the base, much shorter than the thorax: thorax yellow along each side and on the hind borders, and with three interrupted very slender stripes : prothorax linear, much longer than broad: legs testaceous, slender; femora and fore-tibiæ streaked with black beneath; tarsi black, testaceous at the base : wings limpid, rather narrow, lanceo- late, not angular at the tips; stigma whitish ; veins white, with a few black bands; subcostal areolets simple, with some forked veins from half the length to the stigma; marginal region narrow: hind- wings a little shorter, narrower and more lanceolate than the fore- wings. Length of the body 14 ? lines; of the wings 32 lines. a. — M? From Mr. Milne's collection. 380 MYRMELEONITES. 138. MYRMELEON MALIGNUS. Piceus, gracilis; caput nigrum, facie testacea ; palpi labiales tes- tacei, longi, apice picei ; prothorax testaceo marginatus ; mesothorax et metathorax marginibus posticis testaceis ; pedes picei, tibiis nisi ad apices femoribus basi coxisque testaceis ; alæ limpida, ungusta, apice subangulatæ. Pitchy, slender : head black, shining in front, with a yellow circle round each eye and round the base of each antenna ; vertex with a slight longitudinal furrow; face testaceous : maxillary palpi pitchy ; labial palpi long, testaceous; third joint pitchy : antennæ mutilated, testaceous at the base: prothorax linear, broader than long, with testaceous borders : mesothorax and metathorax with testaceous hind borders : legs pitchy, slender; tibiæ except at the tips, femora at the base and coxæ testaceous: wings limpid, narrow, slightly angular and pointed at the tips; stigma white; veins black, with white bands, ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, with an occa- sional forked vein by the stigma; marginal region very narrow : hind.wings shorter, narrower and more lanceolate than the fore- wings. Length of the wings 26 lines. a. ? 139. MYRMELEON FICTUS. Piceus; caput nigrum, vertice facieque fulvis, illo nigro sexmacu- lato; palpi maxillares fulvi, labiales flavi, apice nigri ; prothorax fulvus, nigro trivittatus ; thoracis segmenta fulvo marginata ; abdomen fulvo varium; pedes testacei, longi, gra- ciles, nigro varii ; alve hyalinæ, angusta, subacuminatæ. Pitchy: bead black, shining in front; vertex tawny, with two hands of incomplete black spots, three in each row ; face and max- illary palpi tawny: labial palpi yellow; third joint black: prothorax lawny, a little broader than long, hardly narrower in front, with three blackish interrupted stripes : segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with tawny borders : abdomen with some tawny marks, mutilated ; hind borders of the segments lawny: legs testa- ceous, rather long and slender; feinora striped with black above; libiæ black beneath; fifth joint of the tarsi with a black tip: wings hyaline, narrow, slightly pointed; stigma wbitish, with a small ad- joining pale brown spot in the fore-wings; veins white with black MYRMELEONITES. 381 hands, ciliated ; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma: hind-wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 9 ? lines ; of the wings 26 lines. a. Congo. Presented by Sir John Richardson. 140. MYRMELEON IMMANIS. Cinereo-niger, gracilis ; vertex flavo bimaculatus ; palpi flavi ; antennæ graciles, basi flava, thoracis longitudine ; prothorax flavus, paullo longior quam latior, disco nigricante, subtus nigro bivittatus ; thoracis segmenta flavo marginata ; abdomen apice flavum ; pedes testacei ; alæ limpida, subangusta, pubes- centes, venis testaceis. Black, slender, slightly tinged with gray: head not grayish, shining towards the mouth, with two yellow spots on the vertex : eyes bordered with yellow: palpi yellow: antennæ black, subclarate, slender, as long as the thorax, yellow at the base : prothorax yellow, rather longer than broad, a litile narrower in front; disk blackish ; underside yellow, with a blackish stripe on each side : segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with yellow borders: abdo- men shorter than the wings; tip yellow: legs testaceous; bind-legs occasionally with some black marks: wings limpid, rather narrow, very pubescent and iridescent; stigma slightly testaceous, very in- distinct; veips testaceous, of one colour; subcostal areolets simple, their veins forked from two-thirds of the length to the tip: hind- wings narrower than the fore-wings but hardly so long. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 24 lines. a, b. China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. 141. MYRMELEON SÆVUS. Testaceus ; caput nigro varium, facie palpisque flavis; antenne nigræ, thorace mullo breviorés, basi flavo biannulatæ ; protho- rax antice vix angustior, paullo longior quam latior, nigro trivittatus ; thorax nigro quinquevittatus; abdomen nigro vittatuin, lateribus nigro variis ; alæ hyalina, sublatæ, sat breves, non acuminatæ, anticæ upice fusco notata. Pale testaceous: bead shining in front, black about the base of the antennæ ; vertex rather projecting, with a black stripe in the 382 MYRDELEONITES. middle and a few black spots on each side ; face and palpi yellow : antennæ black, clavate, very much shorter than the thorax, with two yellow rings at the base : prothorax hardly narrower in front, a little louger than broad, with tbree black stripes, the middle oue broader than the other two which are interrupted : mesothorax and meta- thorax with five black stripes, the middle one broad, the other four interrupted, the inner pair more slender than the outer pair : abdo- men almost as long as the wings, with a black stripe above, and another below, and with some black streaks and dots on each side: legs testaceous, with a few black dots : wings hyaline, moderately broad, rather short, not pointed ; stigma wbitish, with a small ad- joining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins black, with whitish bands, slightly ciliated : subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked from the base to the stigma; forks of the marginal veinlets about the tips of the fure-wings indistinctly clouded with brown : hind- wings much shorter but hardly narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 12. lines; of the wings 22 lines. a. China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. 142. MYRMELEON SAGAX. Niger, gracilis ; caput antice flavum nigro maculatum, vertice flavo bimaculato; palpi flavi ; antennæ graciles, thorace paullo longiores ; prothorax linearis, paullo longior quam latior, favo trivittatus ; thoracis segmenta flavo marginata ; abdomen sub- tus flavum ; alæ hyalina, longa, anguste, subacuminute. Black, slender: head with two yellow spots on the vertex; front and face yellow, with some black spots: palpi yellow: an- tennæ black, slender, subclavate, a little longer than the thorax : prothorax linear, a little longer than broad, with three yellow stripes, the middle one very slender: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with yellow borders: abdomen yellow beneath, much shorter than the thorax: legs testaceous : wings hyaline, slightly pointed, long and narrow; stigma whitish, very small in the hind- wings; veins black, slightly ciliated; subcostal and radial veins yellow with black bands; subcostal areolets with forked veins, and divided by transverse veiolets for some distance from the stigma to- wards the base : hind-wings a little narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 36 lines. a. Silbet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection. MYRMELEONITIS. 383 143. MYRMELEON INFENSUS. Flavus, gracillimus; caput nigro varium ; antenne nigræ, thorace multo breviores ; thorax nigro maculatus et univittatus; abdo- men piceum, basi testaceum ; alæ limpidæ, sublatæ, sat breves, non acuminate. Yellow, very slender : head shining in front, black about the base of the antennæ, and with a black band above; vertex with a black dorsal stripe and with some black spots on each side: antennæ black, clavate, very much shorter than the thorax : prothorax nearly cylindrical, a little narrower in front, much longer than broad, with á black dorsal stripe, and with two black dots on each side; under- side with two black stripes : mesothorax and metathorax with a black dorsal stripe, and with two rows of black spots on each side; underside with two interrupted black stripes on each side : abdomen pitchy, pubescent, much longer than the wings, testaceous above along half the length from the base : legs yellow; claws reddish : wings limpid, moderately broad, rather short, not pointed; stigma whitish, indistinct; veins white with black bands, ciliated; sub. costal areolets siinple, their veins not forked from the base to the stigma: hind-wing's a little narrower and much shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 16 lines; of the wings 24 liues. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 144. MYRMELEON DOLOSUS. Nigro-piceus, gracillimus ; facies antica flava ; palpi ferruginei ; antennce graciles, subfiliformes, thorace longiores ; thorax flavo bivittatus ; pedes graciles, femoribus testaceis apice nigris, tibiis subtus testaceis ; ala limpidæ, vix acuminata, stiymate albo optime determinato. Pitchy, black, very slender : head with a yellow mark at the base of each antenna ; face yellow towards the mouth: palpi ferru- ginous : antennæ black, slender, almost filiform, longer than the thorax: thorax with a slight interrupted yellow stripe along each side by the base of the wings : prothorax a little narrower in front, convex and testaceous along the fore border, concave behind, rather broader than long : abdomen shorter than the wings: legs black, slender; coxæ partly testaceous; femora testaceous with black tips; tibiæ testaceous beneath: wings limpid, moderately long and broad, hardly pointed, very iridescent; stigma snowy white, very distinct ; 384 MYRMELEONITES. veins black, ciliated ; subcostal and radial veins tawny; a few of the subcostal areolets towards the stigua divided by transverse veinlets and baving forked veins: hind-wings very little narrower and shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 13 lines ; of the wings 30 lines. a. Santarem, Brazil. Froin Mr. Stevens' collection. 145. MYRMELEON HOSTILIS. Piceus ; caput nigrum, facie flava ; palpi maxillares nigri, labiales albidi apice nigri ; antenna nigræ, thorace breviores ; thoracis margines postici et prothorax omnino testacei ; pedes flavi, nigro varii ; ale hyalina, angustæ, non acuminate. Pitchy: head black, with a pale yellow circle round each eye, and a pale yellow ring round the base of each antenna; face pale yellow in front: labial palpi whitish ; third joint black: maxillary palpi black: antennæ black, clavate, shorter than the thorax: pro- Thorax dark testaceous, hardly narrower in front, a little longer than broad ; fore border and bind border occasionally yellow: mesothorax and metathorax with testaceous hind borders : legs pale yellow; a broad black band round each femur ; tibiæ black beneath; tarsi black, yellow at the base ; fore-tibiæ ferruginous, with yellow streaks; wings hyaline, narrow, not pointed ; stigma white, with a small adjoining pale brown spot in the fore-wings; veins white with black bands, ciliated ; subcostal areolets simple, their veinlets with one, two or three forks near the stigma: hind-wings shorter but very little narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 10? lines.; of the wings 27 lines. a. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton's collection. 6. Australia. Froin the Voyage of H. M. S. Rattlesnake. 146. MYRMELEON CALLIDUS. Testaceus, gracillimus ; caput nigro maculatum ; prothorax antice subangustior, paullo longior quam latior, piceo bivittatus ; thorax piceo maculatus ; abdomen piceum, testaceo guttatum ; pedes nigro guttati, tibiis et tarsorum articulis apice nigris ; ala limpidæ, longa, perangusta, acuminatæ, anticæ apice fusco notatue, Testaceous, very slender : head blackish about the base of the antennæ; vertex with two bands of black spots, the fore one of four MYRMELEONITES. 385 spots, the hind one of eight spots : palpi yellow; a black spot on the last joint of the labial palpi: prothorax rather narrower in front, a little longer than broad, with two pitchy stripes which are forked in front: mesothorax and metathorax with pitchy spots: abdomen pitchy, long, as long as the wings, with a testaceous dot on each side of the second segment, and a testaceous mark on the fourth : legs testaceous, with a few black dots; tips of the tibiæ and of the joints of the tarsi black : wings limpid, long, pointed, very narrow; stigma whitish, with a very small adjoining brown spot in the fore- wings; veins white, ciliated, with black lands, wholly white in two large spaces of the disk of each wing ; subcostal areolets simple, dot on the tip of each marginal veinlet along the hind border from the base to the end of the fork of the radius, about which the veins are clouded with brown ; gradate veinlets black, clouded with brown about the intersection of the cubitus; forks of the marginal veinlets along the bind border towards the tip of the wing clouded with paler brown; hind-wings narrower but not shorter than the fore-wings; veins in the disk wholly white; no brown marks except a very mi- of the wings 28 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 147. MYRMELEON INSOMNIS. Nigro-piceus, gracilis; caput antice subtusque testaceum, fronte nigro nitente, vertice fulvo e tuberculis nigris trifasciato; thorax testaceo varius ; prothorax testaceus, paullo longior quam latior, nigro quadrivittatus ; pedes testacei, tibiis et tar- sorum articulis apice nigris, femoribus posticis apioem versus nigricantibus ; alæ limpidæ, angustæ, apice subangulatæ, an- ticæ fusco notatæ. Pitchy black, slender: head black and shining about the base of the antenne ; vertex tawny, with three bands of black tubercles ; face, underside and palpi testaceous: prothorax linear, a little longer than broad, with four blackish stripes: segments of the meso- thorax and of the metathorax with testaceous spots and borders : legs testaceous, slender; tips of the tibiæ and of the joints of the tarsi black; hind-femora blackish towards the tips: wings limpid, a small accompanying black spot in each fore-wing; veins wbite with the exception of the clouded parts and of a few black bands ; 2 L 386 MYRMELEONITES. subcostal areolets short, simple, with one or two forked veins by the stigma; fore-wings with many of the transverse veinlets clouded. with pale brown: hind-wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, not marked. Length of the body 10 ? lines ; of the wings 27 lines. a. ? From Mr. Milne's collection, 148. MYRMELEON OCCULTUS. Testaceus, gracillimus ; caput piceo varium, antice nigro fascia- tum, facie palpisque flavis ; antenna nigra, graciles, thorace multo breviores; prothorax subcylindricus, antice angustior, piceo trivittatus, duplo longior quam latior ; thoracis segmenta dorsalia picea, testaceo guttata et marginata ; abdomen piceo bivittatum; pedes longi, graciles, tibiis anticis tarsisque albo nigris ; ale subhyalina, sublongæ, perangusta, non acuminata, apice fusco notata. Testaceous, very slender, like Chrysopa : head with a black band above the eyes; vertex with a short pitchy band ; hind part mostly pitchy; face and palpi pale yellow: antennæ black, slender, subclavate, much shorter than the thorax: prothorax subcylindrical, narrower in front, with three pitchy stripes ; its length about twice its breadth: mesothorax and metathorax pitchy above; their seg- ments with testaceous dots and borders: abdomen with two pitchy stripes, very much shorter than the wings: legs testaceous, long and slender; tarsi black, whitish at the base; fore-tibiæ with hlack tips, and with a black band between two whitish bands near the base: wings subhyaline, rather long, very narrow, not pointed, cili- ated along the hind borders ; stigma whitish, with a small adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins black, with whitish bands, cili- ated; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma; gradate veinlets and forks of marginal veinlets from the end of the fork of the cubitus to the tip of the wing clouded with browo : hind-wings narrower and a little shorter than the fore- wings; clouds on their veinlets very few and indistinct. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Adelaide. Presented by the Earl of Derby. MYRMELEONITES. 387 149. MYRMELEON METUENDUS. Piceus, gracilis; caput antice niyrum, vertice fulvo piceo maculato, facie testacea nigro bimaculata ; palpi pallidi, labiales apice picei; antenna nigræ, thorace breviores ; prothorax testaceo trivittatus ; pedes testacei, piceo varii ; alæ limpidæ, anguste, subacuminata. Pitchy, slender: head black in front and about the base of the antennæ; vertex tawny, with two bands of pitchy spots; face testa- ceous, with two black spots : palpi pale; third joint of labial palpi pitchy: antennæ black, clavate, shorter than the thorax, with two vellow rings at the base: thorax with testaceous borders : prothorax linear, a little broader than long, with three interrupted testaceous stripes, of which there are some traces on the rest of the thorax : legs testaceous, with pitchy streaks: fore-legs pitchy; femura testa- ceous towards the base; first and fifth joints of the tarsi testaceous with pitchy tips; second, third, and fourth joints testaceous at the base: wings limpid, narrow, slightly pointed ; stigma whitish, indis- tinct; veins white; subcosta, radius and cubitus with black bands; subcostal areolets simple, with one or two forked veins by the stigma: hind.wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 22 lines. 4. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 150. MYRMELEON EFTERUS. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput antice nigrum, vertice nigro maculato; palpi albidi, apice nigri; antenna ferrugineæ, annulate, thorace multo breviores; prothorax multo latior quam longior, piceo quadrivittatus ; mesothorax et metathorax picèo notati; abdomen piceo fasciatum ; pedes postici albi, nigro cincti; alæ limpida, subacuminatæ, apice cinerea. Testaceous, slender: head paler beneath, black and shining about the base of the antennæ ; vertex with a band of black spots : palpi whitish with black tips; antennæ ferruginous, subclavate, very much shorter than the thorax; tips of the joints testaceous: pro- thorax linear, much broader than long, with four irregular piichy stripes: mesothorax and metathorax with indistiact pitchy marks: abdomen with pitchy bands, nearly as long as the wings: anterior legs testaceous, with black marks: hind-legs white, long and slender, 2 1 2 388 MYRMELEONITES. each femur, tibia and tarsus with a black band and a black tip: wings limpid, rather short, slightly pointed, with gray tips ; stigma whitish, with an adjoining brown spot in the fore-wings; veins and areolets comparatively few ; veins white, with black bands, wholly white along the borders, a few wholly black veinlets in the disk ; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma : hind-wings shorter than the fore-wings and not more than half their breadth ; veins wholly white excepting some black bands on the radius, a few black veinlets between the stigma and the tip; these also appear on the fore-wings. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 22 lines. a. Pará. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 151. MYRMELEON EXSANGUIS. Niger, gracillimus ; facie palpisque testaceis ; thorax ferrugineus, testaceo marginatus ; prothorax linearis, longior quam latior; pedes testacei, tibiis et tarsorum articulis apice piceis; alæ limpidæ, angusta, apice subangulatæ. Black, very slender : face and palpi testaceous: antennæ mu- tilated, testaceous at the base: thorax ferruginous, with testaceous borders : prothorax linear, longer than broad : abdomen shorter tban the wings: legs testaceous, slender; tips of the tibiæ and of the joiuts of the tarsi pitchy: wings limpid, narrow, slightly angu- lar at the tips: stigma whitish, very indistinct; veins white, ciliated; some pitchy dots on the subcosta, radius and cubitus of the fore- wings; subcostal areolets simple, with a few forked veins near the stigma; marginal region narrow: hind-wings narrower and shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 25 lines. a. From Mr. Milne's collection. 152. MYRMELEON CRUDELIS. Piceus, gracilis ; caput antice et subtus testaceum, vertice ferrugineo, fronte nigro ; palpi testacei ; antenna ferruginea, clavatæ, apice piceæ ; prothorax testaceus, longior quam latior, piceo trivittatus ; thoracis margines postici et pedes Lestacei , alæ limpida, anyusta, apice subangulatæ, MYRMELEONITES. 389 Pitchy, slender: head black in front; vertex ferruginous, very convex, with a slight longitudinal furrow; face and underside tes- taceous: palpi testaceous: antennæ ferruginous, clavate, much shorter than the thorax; tips pitchy: prothorax linear, pale testa- ceous, longer than broad, with three pitchy stripes, the side pair short: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with testaceous bind borders : abdomen shorter than the wings: legs testaceous, slender: wings limpid, narrow, slightly angular at the tips ; stigma wbitish, very indistinct; veins white, ciliated; subcosta and cubitus with pitchy bands; subcostal areolets simple, with two or three forked veins by the stigma; marginal region narrow: hind- wings a little shorter and narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 26 lines. a. St. John's Bluff; E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 153. MYRMELEON MOROSUS. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput nigro fasciatum, vertice nigro vittato et maculato; palpi albidi; antenne picea, annulata, thoracis dimidio vix longiores; thorax nigro trivittatus, prothorace paullo latiore quam longiore ; abdomen nigrum, basi testaceo strigatum ; pedes testacei piceo varii ; alæ limpida, parve, non acuminatæ, anticæ apice fusco notatæ. Testaceous, slender: head with a black band above the base of the antennæ; vertex with a black stripe, and with two bands of black spots : palpi whitish : antennæ pitchy, clavate, testaceous at the base, little more than half the length of the thorax; tips of the joints testaceous: thorax with three black stripes, which become in- terrupted and irregular as they extend hindward : prothorax a little narrower in front, rather broader than long, with a black stripe on each side beneath : segments of the mesopectus and of the ineta- pectus pitchy, with testaceous borders: abdomen black, nearly as long as the wings, with a testaceous streak on each side at the base: legs testaceous, with pitchy dots; femora with pitchy streaks ; tips of the tibiæ and of the joints of the tarsi pitchy: wings limpid, rather short and narrow, not pointed ; stigma wbite with an adjoin- ing brown spot; veins white with black bands; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma; two slight oblique brown streaks, one in the disk near the tip, the other proceeding in a curved line outward from the fork of the cubitus which is clouded at its base; forks of some of the marginal veinlets very slightly clouded: hind-wings narrower and much shorter than 2 L 3 390 MYRMELEONITES. the fore-wings, not marked; veins here and there wholly white. Length of the body 13 lines; of the wings 22 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 154. MyRMELEON ATROX. Flavus; capul ferrugineo varium; antennce ferrugineæ; thorax nigro trivittatus ; prothorax linearis, latior quam longior; abdomen vitta dorsali dimidioque apicali nigris; alæ limpidæ, breviusculæ, sat latæ, non acuminatæ, stigmate flavo. Yellow: vertex with a ferruginous dorsal stripe, and on each side with a spot and a dot of the saine colour: antennæ ferruginous, clavate, longer than the thorax: prothorax linear, broader than long, with three black stripes; the pair shortened in front: mesothorax and metathorax with three black stripes, the pair more interrupted than the middle one: abdomen shorter than the wings, blackish from the tip to the middle, and with a black stripe froin thence to the base : legs yellow : wings liinpid, moderately broad, rather short, not pointed; stigma yellow, more indistinct in the hind-wings; veins yellow ; longitudinal veins with black bands; subcostal areo- lets simple, their veins not forked between the base of the wing and the stigma; hind-wings shorter and a little narrower than the fore- wings. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. Turkey. Presented by - Loftus, Esq. 155. MYRMELEON INERS. Testaceus, ferrugineo sexguttatus ; antennce ferruginea; abdomen piceum, basi testaceum ferrugineo vittatum; alæ limpida, breviusculæ, sat latæ, non acuminatæ, stigmate flavo. Pale testaceous : vertex with two ferruginous dots : antennæ ferruginous, clavate, much shorter than the thorax; prothorax linear, a little broader than long, with a ferruginous dot on the fore border and one on each side of the disk : wesothorax with a ferruginous dot on each side of the scutellum : abdomen pitchy, testaceous, and with a ferruginous dorsal stripe towards the base : legs testaceous : wings limpid, moderately broad, rather short, but not pointed; stig- ma pale yellow, indistinct; veins very pale testaceous; subcostal veins with brown bands ; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base of the wing and the stigma: bind-wings MYRMELEONITES. 391 shorter and a little narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 11-12 lines; of the wings 24–26 lines. a, b. Turkey. Presented by - Loftus, Esq. 156. MYRMELEON PRÆDATOR. Piceus, gracillimus ; caput testaceum, nigro maculatum ; antenna testaceo annulata, thorace breviores ; prothorax testaceo quad- rivittatus ; thoracis et abdominis segmenta testaceo marginata ; pedes albidi, graciles, nigro notati, postici longi ; aloe lim- pidæ, sat breves, subacuminata. Pitchy, very slender: head dark testaceous, black about the base of the antennæ and on the disk of the face, and with a band of four black spots on the vertex: antennæ pitchy, subclavate, shorter than the thorax, with a testaceous band on the fore border of each joint: prothorax broader than long, a little narrower in front, with four testaceous stripes : segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with slightly testaceous borders : abdomen a little shorter than the wings ; hind-borders of the segments pale testaceous: legs whitish, slender, with a few blackish marks which are most prevalent on the fore-legs; hind-legs long: wings limpid, rather short, slightly pointed: fore-wings moderately broad; stigma whitish, very indistinct; veins white, with a few black bands, thickly ciliated towards the tips of the wings which appear grayish ; veins and areolets comparatively few; sector with no forks, and not run- ning parallel to the radius, but descending to the disk like the fol- lowing forks which proceed immediately and successively from the radius; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma : hind-wings shorter and much narrower than the fore-wings; no stigma; veins all white with the exception of a few black bands on the subcosta and on the radius. Length of the body 81 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. Santarem, Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 392 MYRMELEONITES. Group 2. Alæ maculis magnis vel determinatis. Prothorax fuscus vel cinereus. Alæ posticæ iaculis magnis nigris. 157. MYRMELEON GRATUS. Niger, thorace albo variegato ; alis anticis in apice roseis, fusco maculatis, posticis hic fuscis, maculis tribus roseis. Formicaleo ? grata, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. viii. 45, 2, Myrmeleon rosipennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 408, 38, pl. 12, f. 2. Myrmecoleon roseipennis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 995, 13. This species is the type of a group which approaches very near Chrysopa. The body is long and slender, the antennæ are long, slender and almost filiform; the prothorax is long; the abdomen is nearly cylindrical, but contracted towards the base: the wings are broad; the marginal region is extremely developed towards the tip; the subcostal areolets are simple, and many of their veins towards the stigma are forked. a, b, United States. 158. MYRMELEON PULOHELLUS. Niger, gracilis, testaceo varius ; antenne subfiliformes, ad clavam luteo cincte; alæ anticce subcinerece fusco consperse, postica hyaline fusco bifasciata. Myrmeleon pulchellus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 408, 39. a. New Holland. From Mr. Strange's collection. 6. New Holland. From Mr. Walker's collection. c. New Holland. From Mr. Lainbert's collection. d. New Holland. From Mr. Milne's collection. e, f. New Holland. MYRMELEONITES. 393 159. MYRMELEON PALSUS. Ater, gracillimus ; caput fascia facieque testaccis ; palpi testacei, piceo annulati ; antenna gracillima, testaceo annulata, tho- race multo breviores ; pedes longi, graciles, testaceo varii ; ale longissimæ, perangusta, antica cinereæ apice fusco notatæ, posticce subhyalinæ fascia lata fusca. Deep black, very slender, clothed with short black hairs: head with a pale testaceous band above the base of the antennæ; face testaceous: palpi testaceous; joints pitchy towards the base: an- tennæ very slender, subclavate, much shorter than the thorax ; joints towards the base with testaceous fore borders : prothorax much nar- rower in front; its length nearly twice its breadth: mesothorax and metathorax with pitchy hind borders: abdomen very much shorter than the wings: legs long and slender; femora and tarsi testaceous at the base; tibiæ partly testaceous : wings very long and narrow; veins black, ciliated : fore-wings gray; stigwa black; subcosta, radius and cubitus with some white bands; subcostal areolets sim- ple, with a few forked veins towards the stigma; a dark brown spot close to the stigma, and some black dots along the hind horder ; gradate veinlets towards the tips and forks of marginal veinlets at the tips and along part of the bind border clouded with brown : hind-wings subhyaline, much shorter and a little narrower than the fore-wings; marginal region very broad at the tips; a broad dark brown band near the stigma, narrower towards the fore border. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 28–30 lines. a. New South Wales. Presented by J. W. Evans, Esq. b. Port Stephen, New Holland. Presented by the Earl of Derby, The following Myrmeleon is closely allied to the two preceding species, but its unspotted wings do not agree with Rambur's defi- nition of the group to which they belong. MELEON MALUS. Nigro-piccus, graoillimus; caput testaceo varium ; palpi pallidi, apice picci; antennae graciles, albo annulati, thorace longiores ; thorax testaceo varius ; abdomen subcylindricum, apice testa- ceum; pedes testacei, longi, graciles, piceo varii ; aloe hyalince, longa, angusta, vix acuminata. 394 MYRMELEONITES. Pitchy black, very slender, like a Chrysopa : head yellow on each side of the front by the eye ; face testaceous; vertex partly ferruginous ; hind part with two testaceous stripes, and a testaceous spot by each eye: palpi pale, with pitchy tips: antennæ pitchy black, slender, clavate, longer than the thorax, linear from the base to the club; joints with white bands wbich diminish in breadth from the base to the club: prothorax narrower in front, a little longer than broad, with some indistinct testaceous marks on each side: segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax with partly testaceous borders : abdomen slender, subcylindrical, shorter than the wings; tip testaceous : legs testaceous, long, slender, with some slight pitchy marks ; femora at the base and trochanters paler; tarsi and tips of the tibiæ pitchy, the former testaceous at the base : wings Ligaline, long, narrow, hardly pointed; stigma brownish, in- distinct, hardly visible in the hind-wings; veins black, with white bands, slightly ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma : hind-wings a little nar- rower and longer than the fore-wings, with a brown streak near and parallel to the hind border, at two-thirds of the length from the base. Length of the body 7} lines; of the wings 22 lines. ä. New Holland. Presented by Captain Grey. a a. Prothorax rufus. Alæ guttis magnis. 161. MYRMELEON ERYTHROCEPHALUS. Niger ; caput rufum; antenna nigræ; prothorax transversus, rufus ; thorax interrupte rufo vittatus ; femora posteriora basi et antica omnino rufa; alæ albæ, antica e maculis nigris bi- vittatæ, postica maculis 1–4 apicalibus. Myrmeleon erythrocephalus, Leach, Zool. Miscell. 1, 70, pl. 30. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 409, 40. a. Australia. From Mr. Strange's collection, b. Australia. MYRMELEONITES. 395 162. MYRMELEON GUTTATUS. M. erythrocephalu affinis; alæ paullo latiores, maculis majoribus aliter collocatis. Myrmeleon guttatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 409, 41. M. erythrocephalus, Var. ? Subsect. 2. Palpi labiales maxillaribus triplo vel quadruplo longiores. 163. MYRMELEON ELEGANS. Rufo-flavus ; antennæ nigræ, basi ferrugineæ ; palpi flavi, labiales maxillaribus quadruplo longiores; abdomen rufo-fuscum, flavo bivittatum ; pedes testacei ; ala hyalina, fusco octoma- culatæ. Myrmeleon elegans, Perty, Del. Anim. Artic. 125, pl. 25. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 409, 43. Brazil. 164. MYRMELEON SUBDOLUS. Piceus, gracilis; caput testaceum, piceo fasciatum, vertice nigro guttato, facie flava ; pulpi ferruginei, labiales longi apice cluvati picei ; antenne basi ferrugineæ ; thorax testaceo ma- culatus ; abdomen testaceo bivittatum ; pedes testacei ; ala limpidæ, ampla, apice vix angulate; anticæ guttis basalibus et posticis, fasciis daabus apicibusque fuscis, posticæ fasciis tribus connexis fuscis. Pitchy, slender: head testaceous, pitchy about the base of each antenna, and with a pitchy band in front; vertex with two bands of partly confluent black dots ; face pale yellow: palpi ferruginous; labial palpi very long and slender, with pitchy clavate tips: an- tennæ pitchy, subclavate, ferruginous towards the base, very much shorter than the thorax : prothorax narrower in front, broader than 396 MYRMELEONITES. long, with two oblong oblique testaceous spots on each side: meso- thorax and metathorax with testaceous spots on the borders of their segments : abdomen long, shorter than the wings, with a testaceous stripe along each side : legs testaceous, slender; spurs and claws ferruginous, the former slightly curved and a little longer than the first joint of the tarsus: wings limpid, ample, hardly angular at the tips; stigma white; veins mostly wbite; subcostal areolets simple, with a few forked veins towards the stigma; marginal region rather broad at the tip of the wing: fore-wiugs brown on one-third of the length from the tips, with brown dots at the base and alony most of the hind border, and in the middle with two oblique brown bands which do not extend beyond half the breadth from the fore border ; the brown parts contain many limpid or grayish dots, and some of the gradate veinlets near the tip are bordered with white: hind- wings very little shorter and hardly narrower than the fore-wings, with a brown spot in the disk and some brown dots on the hind border before the middle, and with three connected brown bands beyond the middle, the third apical, and including with the second some limpid spots. Length of the body 17 lines; of the wings 38 lines. a. Lima. From Mr. Walker's collection. Sect. 2. Antennarum clava fere rotunda. 3us lo multo brevior. Tarsorum articulus 2us vel 165. MYRMELEON CLAVICORNIS. Pallidus, vertice thoraceque nigro punctatis ; antennæ capitatæ, thorace multo breviores ; alæ anticæ guttis strigisque niyris conferlim notatæ, posticæ nigro maculatæ et fasciata. Myrmeleon clavicornis, Latr. Cuv. Règne Anim. iii. 438, 5, pl. 19, f. 6. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 410, 43. Senegal. MYRMELEONITES. 397 166. MYRMELEON COMPOSITUS. Flavus, subrobustus ; caput flavo trifasciatum ; antennæ nigre, rax fusco fasciatus; mesothorax et metathorax margine antico lateribusque nigris ; abdomen nigro varium ; pedes validi, tibiis tarsisque nigris, illis basi flavis ; alæ albą, apice fusco In the structure of the body and colouring of the wings this species is allied to the first group of the genus, while it resembles with a black band beneath, and a broader one above, the base of the antennæ, and a third on the hind part: palpi pale yellow, slender: antennæ capitate, black, yellow at the base, not longer than the breadth of the head; club very broad: prothorax pale yellow, par- rower in front, twice broader than long, with a short brown band which is excavated on each side of the hind border: mesothorax and metathorax black in front and on each side, and with a black sput on each disk; a yellow dot on each side of the metathorax : abdomen slender, shorter than the wings, clothed with whitish hairs towards the base in the female, and with short black bairs in the male, mostly black beneath and partly su on each side : appendages of the male short, tawny, .curved upward, armed on the inner side with short black spines, curved outward towards the base: legs stout, yellow; tibiæ except at the base and tarsi black; spurs slightly curved, longer than the first joiut of the tarsi ; ungues fer- ruginous : wings white, moderately broad, not pointed; tips bordered with brown ; stigma bright yellow; veins pale yellow; marginal region broad at the tips ; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma: fore-wings with numerous transverse brown dots which are variable in number, and are most frequent on three separate spaces along the wing; fork of the cubi- tus descending obliquely to the hind border : hind-wings a little narrower and shorter than the fore-wings, with a brown spot of variable size in the disk, and with a few brown marks near the slig- ma and by the opposite hind border; a little winglet at the base; subcubitus descending obliquely towards the bind border, forming an acute angle, and again returning towards the cubitus. Length of the body 16-17 lines; of the wings 38—40 lines. Q. East Indies. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. b. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. C. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. d. 2M .. 398 MYRMELEONITES. 167. MYRMELEON ASTUTUS. Piceus, gracilis ; facies flavo fasciata; antenna nigre, thorace multo breviores; thoracis segmenta postice testacea ; abdomen testaccum, basi piceum ; pedes nigri, validi ; alæ ampla, fla- vido-albæ, non acuminata, fasciis duabus marginibusque fuscis .. This species is most allied to M. compositus, but will form a distinct group. Pitchy, rather slender, mostly clothed with whitish hairs :. head shining in front; face with a yellow band : labial palpi much longer than the maxillary palpi : antennæ black, clavate, much shorter than the thorax: prothorax much narrower in front, much broader than long: segments of the mesothorax and of the meta- thorax with testaceous hind borders: abdomen dark testaceous, pitchy at the base and occasionally beneath towards the tip ; legs black, rather stout; spurs as long as the first and second joints of the tarsi : wings long and broad, pot pointed, yellowish white, bor- stigma obsolete ; veins ciliated; margival region broad at the tips and along the hind border; subcostal areolets simple; their veins forked at intervals between the base and the stigma: fore-wings with spots along the fore border and at the tips and along part of the forms three broad, irregular, oblique bands; the second and third more or less connected towards the bind border : hind-wings as broad and almost as long as the fore-wings, limpid towards the base, with two broad undulating brown bands wbich are connected in the middle ; spots very few; subcubitus ascending and descending as in M. compositus, but less deeply, and formning a right angle. Length of the body 18 lines; of the wings 44 lines. a, b. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 168. MYRMELEON TRANSLATUS. Niger ; antenna thorace multo breviores ; prothorax fulvo margi- nalus ; alæ latissima, anticæ lutece fusco guttata, posticæ pallidiores fusco fasciatæ et maculate. This differs from all the other species of Myrmeleon by its short body, and especially by the great breadth of its wings. Black, shining, clothed with black hairs : face yellow, and with a yellow DYRMELEONITES. 399 spot on each side ; palpi short: antennæ clavate, about half the length of the thorax: prothorax tawny in front and behind, nar- rower io front; its length about half its breadth : abdomen of the female about twice the length of the thorax; that of the male a little longer and witb two short, subclavate, slightly curved appen- dages at the tip : legs short, stout; spurs not longer than the first joint of the tarsi ; wings of the female broader than those of the male; fore-wings luteous, thickly covered with browu dots ; veins very slightly ciliated: hind-wings of the male yellow, of the female whitish, with numerous brown spots towards the base and towards the tip, and in the middle with two irregular and incomplete brown bands which are united towards the hind border in the female. Length of the body 12-14 lines ; of the wings 28—36 lines. a. Cape. Presented by R. W. Townsend, Esq. 6. — From Mr. Milne's collection. c. ? Sect. 3. Antennarum clava elongata. Tarsorum articulus lus 20 vel 30 brevior. 169. MYRMELEON BISIGNATUS. Rufo-fuscus, flavo maculatus ; facies flava; antennæ rufo-fuscu, subtus clava basique flavæ , abdomen flavum, segmentis antice nigro cinctis; pedes testacei ; alæ hyalina, breves, sat late, an- ticæ fusco notatæ et unimaculate. Megistopus bisignatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 411, 1. South France ? Div. 11. Alæ excisæ. 170. MYRMELEON SINGULARIS. Albidus, fusco variegatus ; capite parvo, fusco irrorato ; antennis sensim incrassatis ; prothorace elongato, postice fusco maculato, thoracis dorso fusco maculato, maculis duabus obscurioribus inter basin alarum posticarum; abdominis segmentis albido oblique vittatis ; pedibus albidis, calcaribus elongatis curvatis ; alis elongatis, anticis apice dilatatis subfalcatis ; posticis apice acutis ; omnibus fusco maculatis ; alis in famina nitidissimis. Long. alar. 48 lin. 2 M 2 400 MYRMELEONITES. Myrmeleon singulare, Westw. Orient. Ent. 70, pl. 34, f. 4. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 171. MYRMELEON CIRCUITER. Ater, nitens, subglaber, gracillimus, antice ferrugineus ; antenna flavæ, filiformes ; prothorax multo longior quam latior ; abdo- men fasciis duabus apiceque testaceis ; pedes testacei, longis- simi, gracillimi, intermedii nigro varii ; alæ limpidissima, angusta, iridescentes, apice opaline, fusco maculatce et bifas. ciata, margine postico apicein versus excavato. Deep black, shining, very slender, almost bare: head and pro- thorax ferruginous : palpi short; maxillary palpi testaceous ; labial palpi pitchy: antennæ yellow, filiform, a little darker at the tips, much shorter than the thorax : prothorax linear, with two transverse furrows, much longer than broad: second and third segments of the abdomen testaceous at the base; tip testaceous: legs testaceous, very long and slender ; spurs slender, curved towards the tips, nearly as long as the two first joints of the tarsi ; fore-legs shorter and darker than the hind-legs; middle femora black with testace- ous tips; middle tibiæ with three black bands : wings narrow, quite limpid, very iridescent, with opaline lustre towards their tips, excavated along their hind borders vear the tips which are rounded; stigma wbite, small; veins ciliated, white, excepting the brown parts and a few black bands ; subcostal areolets simple, a few of them narrower towards the base, very few of them forked before the stig. ma; marginal region very broad about the tips of the wings: fore. wings with some brown spots and dots, and with two dark brown interrupted bands, one before the middle, the other near the tip, which has a brown border varied with limpid marks: hind-wings narrower and a little shorter than the fore-wings; excavation on the hind border less deep; none of the subcostal areolets narrower to- wards the base ; two brown bands, one beyond the middle and occa- sionally interrupted, the other apical and including some limpid marks; radius with some brown dots which vary much in size and number. This species is allied to Chrysopa, and forms with M, sin. gularis a distinct group of the genus. Length of the body 12-13 lines; of the wings 36—40 lines. a, 6. Australia. From Mr. Strange's callection, MYRMELEONITES. 401 Div. ? 172. MYRMELEON OCELLATUS. Capite thoraceque testaceis, hoc vitta laterali nigra ; abdomine pedi- busque nigris, illo testuceo cingulato; antennis roseis, clava nigra ; alis hyalinis, fusco maculatis. Myrmeleon ocellatus, Scriba, Beytr. 161, pl. 11, f. 5. Myrmecoleon ocellatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 995, 12. New York. 173. MYRMELEON PUMILIO. Niger, pallide variegatus ; antennis pallidis, nigro annulatis, clava abrupta nigra, pedibus albo-setosis ; alis latioribus, stigmati- bus albis. Myrmecoleon pumilio, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 995, 19. South Carolina. Testaceo-fuscus, segmentorum marginibus pallidis ; alis angustis elongatis, in apice summo acutis, posticis acuminatis. ? Deg. Ins. iii. pl. 27, f. 8. Myrmecoleon immaculatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 994, 5. North America. 175. MYRMELEON FRONTALIS. Luteus ; fronte abdomineque nigris ; femoribus fasciatis ; alarum venis testaceis, subpunctatis ; alis posticis in quiete longioribus, omnibus in apice brevibus sed acutis. Myrmecoleon frontalis, Burin. Handb. Ent. ii. 993, 3. Java. 2 M 3 402 MYRMELEONITES. 176. MYRMELEON LUTEIPENNIS. Luteo-flavus ; dorso infuscato ; abdomine nigro ; alis flavo venosis, anterioribus in quiete brevioribus, omnibus in apice elongatis obtusiusculis Myrmecoleon luteipennis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 993, 2. Cape. 177. MYRMELEON GULO. Thorace hirsutissimo cinereo vittato ; abdomine fusco, segmentis in basi testaceis ; alis hyalinis, venis radialibus anticis et mediis alternatim fuscis et albis. Myrmeleon Gulo, Dalm. Anal. Entom. 89, 101. Myrmecoleon Gulo, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 997, 18. Senegambia. 178. MYRMELEON GRACILIS. Cinereus ; alis lanceolatis hyalinis, obsolete reticulatis, sparsim fusco maculatis. Myrmeleon gracilis, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 35, f. 5, No. 4. Syria. 179. MYRMELEON IRRORATUS. Cinereus ; capite thoraceque fusco punctatis ; alis lanceolatis, subfal. catis, hyalinis, obsolete reticulatis. Myrmeleon irroratus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 35, f. 6, No.5. Arabia Felix, Saccahra. 180. MYRMELEON TENELLUS. Cinereus, obsolete pallido maculatus ; alis lanceolato-hyalinis, fusco alboque reticulatis, denticulato-lineolatis. Myrmeleon tenellus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 35, f. 7, No. 6. Egypt, Arabia Deserta. MYRYELEONITES, 403 181. MYŘMÉLEON VIRGATUS. Flavescens ; capite maculis, thorace abdominisque vittis fuscis ; alis fuscescente reticulatis, stigmate obscuriore. Myrmeleon virgatus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 36, f. 2, No. 8. Arabia Deserta. 182. MYRMELEON CINEREUS. Flavescens ; maculis abdomineque fuscis ; alis flavescente reticu- latis. Myrmeleon cinereus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 36, f. 3, No. 9. Syria, Arabia Deserta. 183. MYRMELEON LÆTUS. Flavus ; lineis longitudinalibus antennisque fuscis ; alis stigmate flavo. Myrmeleon lætus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 36, f. 4, No. 10. Arabia Deserta. 184. MYRMELEON MURINUS. Testaceus ; capite thoraceque maculis fasciisque longitudinalibus obscurioribus ; abdomine fusco-cinereo; alis albo reticulatis. Myrmeleon murinus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 36, f. 5, No. 11, Syria. 185. MYRMELEON PALLENS. Flavescens ; capite thoráceque lineis ferrugineis obsoletis ; abdomine linea media maculisque fuscis ; alis pallido reticulatis. Myrmeleon pallens, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 36, f. 6, No. 12. Egypt. 404 MYRMELEONITES. 186. MYRMELEON GRISEUS. Cinereus ; capite thoraceque ferrugineo parum variegatis ; abdomine obsolete fusco maculato ; alis albido reticulatis. Myrmeleon griseus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 36, f. 8, No. 14. Egypt. 187. MYRMELEON STICTICUS. Fuscus, pilosus; capite thoraceque testaceis, fusco punctatis et lineatis ; alis diaphaneis, venis fusco alboque annulatis. Myrmeleon sticticum, Blanch. Orbigny, Voy. Amer. Mérid. 218, 753, pl. 28, f. 7. Chiquitos, Bolivia. 188. MYRMELEON MACULATUS. Niger; prothorace luteo ; alis cinereis, anticis fusco punctatis et maculatis, posticis maculis fusciisque duabus incurvis fuscis. Myrmeleon maculatum, Deg. Ins. iii. 565, 2, pl. 27, f.9. Roem. Gen. Ins. 56, pl. 25, f. 3. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 121, 3. Myrmeleon speciosus ? 189. MYRMELEON SINUATUS. Abdomine rufo, apice nigro ; alis angustis, sinuatis ; posticis fuscis, albo maculatis. Myrmeleon sinuatum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 121, 4. Саре. 190. MYRMELEON LUTEUS. Niger ; femoribus basi flavo maculatis ; alis anticis flavis, nigro punctatis ; posticis albis, nigro maculatis. Myrmeleon luteum, Thunb. Spec. Ins. pars 4,78, f. 90. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2643, 6. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 122, 6. Cape. MYRMELEONITES. 405 191. MYRMELEON BIPASCIATUS. Niger, flavo varius ; antennis nigris ; alis cinereis, anticis fusco- nebulosis ; posticis fasciis duabus fuscis, prima flexuosa. Myrmeleon bifasciatum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 122, 7. Cape. 192. MYRMELEON PARDALIS. Nigro flavoque varius ; femoribus flavis ; alis albis, punctis nigris, sparsis. Myrmeleon pardalis, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 398, 2; Mant. Ins. i. 249, 2; Ent. Syst. ii. 92, 2. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2643, 7. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 122, 8. Coromandel. 193. MYRMELEON PANTHERINUS. Flavus ; abdomine nigro variegato ; alis albis nigro maculatis. Myrmeleon pantherinus, Fabr. Mant. Ins, i. 249, 3 ; Ent. Syst. ii. 93,3. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2643, 8. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 122, 9. Austria. 194. MYRMELEON LYNCEUS. Fuscus, subtus flavescens ; antennæ filiformes, breves, nigra, apice ferrugineæ; ale hyaline, macula marginali apicis nigra, medio niveo. Myrmeleon lynceus, Fabr. Mant. Ins. i. 249, 4; Ent. Syst. ii. 93, 4. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2643, 9. Myrmeleon lynx, Oliv. Enc. Méth, viii, 122, 11. Sierra Leone. 195. MYRMELEON RAPAX. Niger, flavo varius ; abdomine fusco, bifariam flavo maculato ; alis hyalinis fusco submuculatis. Myrmeleon Caita, Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. ii. 15, 692. 406 MYRMELEONITES. Myrmeleon tetragrammicum, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 192, 2. Myrmeleon rapax, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 123, 12. Myrmeleon formicarius, Var. ? South Europe. 196. MYRMELEON ORNATUS. Nigro flavoque varius ; antenne nigre; pedes flavi, genubus ni- gricantibus ; ala hyalinæ flavo reticulatæ. Myrmeleon ornatum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 123, 14. South Russia. 197. MYRMELEON PICTUS. Flavus, nigro maculatus ; abdomen nigrum, linea laterali flava ; alæ hyaline, immaculatæ. Myrmeleon pictum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Supp. v. 206. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 124, 17. South Russia. 198. MYRMELEON ERMINEUS. Cinereus ; abdomen nigrum; alæ hyaline, immaculatæ, vena mar- ginali flavescente cinerea. Myrmeleon ermineum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Supp. v. 206. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 124, 18. East Indies. 199. MYRMELEON CATTA. Alæ hyalina, fusco submaculatæ, venis nigro maculatis. Myrmeleon Catta, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 399, 4; Mant. Ins. i. 249, 6; Ent. Syst. ii. 93, 6. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2644, 11. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 124, 20,- Madeira, MYRMELEONITES. 407 200. MYRMELEON LUPINUS. Niger, testaceo variegatus ; antennæ fuscæ, apice pallidiores ; alæ subpunctate, venis albo nigroque variis. Myrmeleon lupinum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 125, 21. Egypt. 201. MYRMELEON PUNCTATUS. Flavescens, statura et magnitudine Cattæ ; antennis incurvis ; abdo. mine fusco; alis hyalinis, venis punctatis albis nigrisve alternis. Myrmeleon punctatum, Fabr. Mant. Ins. i. 249,7; Ent. Syst. ii. 94,7. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2644, 12. Oliv. Enc. Méth. i. 5, 125, 23. East Indies. 202. MYRMELEON TIGRINUS. Fuscus, thoracis margine pedibusque flavis ; ala hyaline, imma- culatæ. Myrmeleon tigrinum, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 312, 5; Sp. Ins. i. 399, 6; Mant. Ins. i. 250, 9; Ent. Syst. ii. 94, 7. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2644, 13. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 125, 24. New Holland. 203. MYRMELEON ELONGATUS. Flavus, fusco varius ; antenna nigricantes, basi flava ; abdomen nigrum, vitta laterali flava ; alæ hyalinæ, venis albis nigro punctatis. Myrmeleon elongatum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 125, 25. South France ; Italy; Greece. 408 MYRMELEONITES. 204. MYRMELEON VITTATUS. Flavus, nigro varius : antenna obscure flave, basi pallidiores ; pedes flavi ; ale hyalina, stigmate albo. Myrmeleon vittatum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 126, 26. Arabia. 205. MYRMELEON HYALINUS. Flavus, nigro varius ; antennæ obscure flavæ; abdomen nigrum, linea laterali flava ; pedes flavi, tarsis nigro annulatis ; alce hyaline, venis pallidis immaculatis. Myrmeleon hyalinum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 126, 27. Arabia. 206. MYRMELEON VARIEGATUS (Nomen bis lectum). Alæ fusco, cinereo, alboque variegate, violaceo-nitentes. Myrmeleon variegatum, Pal.-Beauv. Ins. Afric. 20, Neur. pl. 1, f. 5. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 126, 29. · Benin, Africa. 207. MYRMELEON IRRORATUS. Niger, flavo varius ; antenna nigræ, flavo annulatæ ; pedes flavi, tibiis apice nigricantibus ; abdomen nigrum, segmentis flavo bimaculatis ; alæ hyaline, venis nigris albo variis. Myrmeleon irroratum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 126, 30. Italy; Greece. 208. MYRMELEON FLAVICORNIS. Flavus, nigro varius; antenna nigræ, flavo annulatæ, clava flava ; abdomen nigricans, segmentis flavo maculatis; pedes flavi, tarsis nigricantibus, ale hyalina. Myrmeleon flavicornis, Rossi, Faun. Etr. ii. 16, 693, pl. 9, f. 2. Myrmeleon favicorne, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 127, 31. South France, Italy. MYRMELEONITES. 409 209. MYRMELEON IRINUS. Alæ immaculate, viridi, cupreo violaceoque nitentes. Myrmeleon irinum, Pal.-Beauv. Ins. Afric. 20; Neurop. pl. 1, f. 4. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 127, 32. Owara, Africa. 210. MYRMELEON MELANOCEPHALUS. Testaceus; caput nigrum; antenne nigræ, basi testacec; alæ hyaline, immaculatæ, venis albis guitatis. Myrmeleon melanocephalum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 127, 33. 211. MYRMELEON LITURATUS. Flavus, nigro varius ; abdomen obscurum ; pedes flavi, femoribus anterioribus tarsisque obscurioribus ; ale hyalinæ, venis albo nigroque variis, anticæ lituris duabus fuscis. Myrmeleon litturatum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 127, 34. South France; Greece. 212. MYRMELEON NEBULOSUS. Niger, flavo notatus ; abdomen nigrum, segmentis basi pallidis ; pedes flavi ; alæ hyaline, fusco reticulate, punctis maculisque obscuris. · Myrmeleon nebulosum, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 127, 35. New York. 213. MYRMELEON MUSTELINUS. Obscure cinereus, nigro lineatus; abdomen nigricans ; alæ hyulince, venis albo nigroque punctatis, apice fusco punctatis. Myrmeleon mustelinum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. r. 207. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 127, 36. East Indies. 2 N 410 MYRMELEONITES. 214. MYRMELEON URSINUS. Fuscus ; caput flavum, nigro maculatum ; pedes cinerei ; alæ hya- lina, immaculate. Myrmeleon ursinum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Supp. v. 207. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 127, 37. 215. MYRMELEON CANINUS. Fuscus, flavo maculatus ; antenne nigræ; ala hyalina, immacu- Myrmeleon caninum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 94, 10. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 128, 38. Guinea. 216. MYRMELEON TARSALIS. Nigro-fuscescens, flavido maculatus ; facie pallida, vertice atro signato ; antennis flavescentibus atro fasciatis ; pedibus longis hirsutis flavescentibus atro variis, tarsis hirsutis, ungula sub- tus spinulosa, unguiculis elongatis ; alis hyalinis immaculatis subfalcatis, venis interrupte nigris, stigmate nigro. Formicaleo tarsalis, Lansdown Guilding, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xvi. 51, 2. Demerara ? 217. MYRMELEON ? ORNATUS. Viridis, nigro varius ; alæ limpida, anticæ fasciis duabus obliquis nigris. Hemerobius ornatus, Drury, Ins. i. pl. 46, f. 2. Euptilon ornatum, Westw. edit. Drury. Chauliodes ? ornatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 445, 3. Virginia.. MYRMELEONITES. 411 Genus 2. ASCALAPHUS. Corpus breve, latum. Antennæ longæ, capitatæ. Ascalaphus, Fabr. ; Latr.; Oliv.; Pallas; Klug ; Burm. ; Du- méril ; Borkh. ; Charp.; Kunze; Ramb.; Brullé; Laxmann; Westw. Papilio, P., Scopoli. Myrmeleon, P., Linn.; Gmel.; Laxmann; Petagna. Ascalaphides, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 341. Ascalaphidæ et Haplogleniidæ, Newman. Div. 1. Oculi sulco bipartiti. - Ascalaphus, Burm. Ascalaphi Schizophthalmi, Lefebvre. Subdiv. 1. Alæ integræ. Sect. 1. Alæ anticæ regio costalis basi dilatata, medio angustata. Group Ascalaphus, Rambur. Subsect. 1. Alæ densissime reticulatæ, semper opacæ, maculis flavis aut albis. 1. ASCALAPAUS MERIDIONALIS. Niger ; thorace flavo guttato; alis fusco venosis, anticis in basi flavis, striga hyalina infuscata ; posticis in basi nigris, in medio flavis, tum hyalinis, gutta flava ante apicem. Ascalaphus Barbarus, Oliv. Enc. Méth. Ins. i. 245, 1. Ascalaphus Italicus, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 194, 3. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. iii. 23, Burm. Handb, Ent. ii. 1003, 17. 2 N 2 412 MYRMELEONITES. Ascalaphus meridionalis, Charp. Hor. Ent. 57, pl. 2, f. 8. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 344, 1. a, b, ? From Mr. Children's collection. c, d. Italy. Presented by Dr. Dowler. 2.- ? From Mr. Birch's collection. f. Interlacken. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. g. ? 2. ASCALAPIUS BÆTICUS. A. meridionali simillimus ; abdominis appendicibus brevioribus, apice obtusissimis rotundatis, postice extus spinosis. Ascalaphus Bæticus, Ramb. Faune de l Andalousie, ii. pl. 9, f. 3; Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 345, 2. A. meridionalis var.? Hairs in front of the head and of the occiput cinereous : thorax with only one yellow dot by the junction of the fore-wings, the two beneath more conspicuous: yellow hue of the femora and of the tibiæ more extended, and also that of the wings, which sometimes passes into a whitish hue: some yellow dots on the space between the two spots of the fore-wings : black mark at the base of the hind-wings occupying a much smaller space than in A. meridionalis. a. M? From Mr. Children's collection. 3. ASCALAPHUS LACTEUS. Niger ; thorace flavo guttato ; alis anticis hyalinis, dimidio fusco venosis, vitta duplici basali lactea ; posticis in busi nigris, tum late lacteis, in apice hyalinis, fusco venosis. Ascalaphus lacteus, Brullé, Exped. Scient. de Morée, Zool. pl. 32, f. 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1004, 18. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 345, 3. Ascalaphus Ottomanus, Kunze, Germ. Faun. Ins. Europ. fasc. xxi. pl. 21. Greece ; South Russia. 4. ASCALAPLUS ITALICUS. Niger, flavo maculatus ; abdominis segmentorum marginibus flavis ; alis fusco venosis, flavo maculatis, basi macula parva nigra. · MYRMELEONITES. 413 Ascalaphus Italicus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 95, 2. Schæff. Apterjung- forchen, 4; Icon. Ins. Ratisb. pl. 50, f. 1, 3. Oliv. Enc. Méth. iv. 245, 2. Charp. Hor. Ent. 57, pl. 2, f. 9. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 346, 4, pl. 2, f. 3. Crochard, ed. Cuv. Règ. Anim. pl. 103, f. 2. Myrmeleon barbarum, Petagna, Specim. Ins. Ult. Calabr. f. 22. a. South France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. South France. From Mr. Walker's collection. c. Sicily 5. ASCALAPHUS PUPILLATUS. A. meridionali minor ; abdominis appendicibus superioribus plus arcuatis ; caput magnum, facie et occipite rufo-cinereis ; tho- racis margine postico guttisque quatilor flavis ; tibia fere omnino flavce ; alæ posticæ minores, triente basali nigræ. Ascalaphus pupillatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 346, 5, pl. 10, f. 7. South Russia. 6. ASCALAPHUS RHOMBOIDEUS. Niger ; capite nigro-villoso, facie fulva griseo-villosa ; alis anticis hyalinis, fusco venosis, basi flavis, macula costali parva nigra, et maculis aliquot minutis fuscis in areolis maculam basalem flavam cingentibus ; alis posticis totis flavis, macula violaceo- fusca æquali angusta in margine interiore, apice fusco-vio- laceis, vitta angulari maculam flavam rhomboideam includente ; pterostigmatibus nigris ; pedibus nigris, tibiis flavis ; appen- dicibus abdominis superioribus forcipatis, inferioribus permi- nutis. Long. 61 liv.; alar. 18 lin. Ascalaphus rhomboideus, Schneider, Ent. Zeit. Stett. vi. (1845), 153, 29. Rbodes. 7. ASCALAPAUS KOLYVANENSIS. Niger ; thorace flavo guttato, fronte fulvo-hirto ; alis anticis flavo venosis, macula duplici izigra, altera ante basim flavam flavo venosa ; posticis flavis, macula basali circuloque lato in apice nigris. Var. Alarum colore sulphureo et lacteo. 2 N 3 414 MYRMELEONITES. · Myrmeleon Kolyvanensis, Laxmann, Nov. Comm. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petropol. xiv. 1, 599, 10, pl. 25, f. 9. Ascalaphus longicornis var. Borkh. Scrib. Beytr. pl. 2, f. 4. Charp. Hor. Ent. 56, pl. 2, f. 7. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1003, 16. Ascalaphus oculatus, Brullé, Exp. Scient. de Morée, Zool. pl. 32, f. 2. Ascalaphus Kolyvanensis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 347, 6. Papilio Macaronius ? Scopoli, Ent. Carn. 168, 446. East Europe; North Asia. 8. ASCALAPAUS HUNGARICUS. A. Kolyvanensi simillimus ; caput facie et occipite rufescente- pilosis; thorax lineis duabus guttisque octo fulvis; abdomen subtus cano-pilosum ; alæ unticæ macula mediana minore flavo reticulata. Ascalaphus Hungaricus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 347, 7, pl. 10, f. 6. Hungary. Subsect. 2. Alæ densissime reticulatæ, rufescente-flava non distincte maculatæ nec omnino opacæ. aut fuliginose, 9. ASCALAPHUS LONGICORNIS. Niger ; thorace flavo guttato ; ore verticeque albo-hirto ; alis infus- catis, flavo venosis ; anticis nebecula duplici fusca, posticis in basi nigris, fascia ante apicem arcuata fusca. Myrmeleon longicornis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 914, 2. Mus. Ulr. 402. Ascalaphus longicornis, Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 28. Borkh. Scrib. , Beytr. pl. ii, f. 3. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 348, 8. Ascalaphus Barbarus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 95, 1. Burm. Handb. *Ent. ii. 1002, 15. Charp. Hor. Ent. 56, pl. 2, f. 7. Bw. Ascalaphus V.-nigrum, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. 194, 2. Ascalaphus Italicus, Oliv. Enc. Méth. Ins. i. 345, 2. Dum. Consid. Gener. pl. 26, f. 2. MYRMELEONITES. 415 a. Nice. From Dr. Leach's collection. b. From Mr. Children's collection. c. South France. From Mr. Walker's collection. d, e. South France. f. Marseilles. 9, h. - - ? 10. ASCALAPUUS BARBARUS. Niger, subtus albo-hirtus ; thorace flavo gutiato, fronte anoque flavo; alis infuscatis, posticis basi apiceque obscurioribus, venis omnibus flavis. Ascalaphus Barbarus, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 194, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 348, 9, pl. 11, f. 4; Descript. de l’Egypte, Neur. pl. 3, f. 1. Var. ? . Ascalaphus ictericus, Charp. Hor. Ent. 59. Germ. Faun. Europ. xxi. pl. 22. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1002, 14. a. Italy. Presented by Signor Passerini. b. - -? From Mr. Birch's collection. 11. ASCALAPHUS SICULUS. A. barbaro simillimus ; antenna basi albidæ vel flavicantes ; pedes flavi, femoribus basi tibiisque apice vix nigricantibus. Ascalaphus Siculus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 349, 10. Sicily. 12. ASCALAPHUS CORSICUS. A. barbaro simillimus ; antennæ basi flavæ, articulo lo nigro ; ale anticæ pallidiores, venis fuscis marginis postici multiplicatis diffusis areolas plures hyalinas includentibus. Ascalaphus Corsicus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 349, 11, pl. 11, f. 3. Corsica. 416 MYRMELEONITES. 13. ASCALAPHUS HISPANICUS. A. barbaro affinis ; caput vertice nigro-piloso ; facie et occipite albido-pilosis ; capitis margine postico nigro flavo unimacu- lato; thorax punctis sex anticis flavis ; abdominis segmentorum margines postici lateribus tantum flavis ; alæ fuscescentes, nec flavæ et fuliginose. Ascalaphus hispanicus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 350, 12, pl. 9, f. 4. Madrid. Sect. 2. Alæ anticæ regio costalis non distincte dilatata vec angustata. Subsect. 1. Oculorum divisio la 2â duplo longior. Group 1. Maris abdomen appendiculatum. Theleproctophylla, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 350. 14. ASCALAPHUS AUSTRALI6. Corpus flavo fuscoque variegatum ; antenna nigra, longitudine corporis ; ala alba, macula marginali fusca. Myrmeleon barbarum, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 914, 5. Ascalaphus Australis, Fabr. Mant. Ins. i. 250, 4; Ent. Syst. ii. 96, 50. Myrmeleon Australis, Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2645, 14. Ascalaphus variegatus var. ? Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, 2, pl. 360, f. 11. Flavo nigroque variegatus, albido-villosus; alis hyalinis, stigmate fusco. MYRMELEONITES. 417 . Theleproctophylla australis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 351. Syria. South Europe. Group 2. Maris abdomen non appendiculatum. Puer, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 352. 15. ASCALAPHUS MACULATUS. Niger ; fronte abdominisque.cingulis albo-hirtis ; alis hyalinis, an- ticis totis pellucidis, posticis in apice fusco tessellatis. Ascalaphus maculatus, Oliv. Enc. Méth. Ins. i. 246, 6. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 352, pl. 9, f. 2. Ascalaphus niger, Borkh. Scrib. Beytr. pl. 11, f. 2. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1002, 13. a. Marseilles. From Mr. Walker's collection. Subsect. 2. Oculorum divisio la 2æ æqualis aut paullo longior. . Group 1. Tibiarum posticarum calcareis tarsorum articulum lum super- antia. Bubo, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 353. Antennæ somewhat variable in length; club pyriform : spurs of hind-tibiæ shorter than the two first joints; wings not perceptibly widened behind; reticulation large ; males of some with, of others without, appendages. 418 MYRMILIONITES. * Abdomen appendicibus cornutis. 16. ASCALAPHUS AGRIOIDES. Cinereo-fuscus, A. bamato paullo minor ; antennæ rufo-fuscæ ; thorax cano-hirtus, maculis rufescentibus ; abdomen subgla- brum, appendicibus longis biarcuatis ; pedes rufo-flavi, nigro varii ; alæ angusta. Ascalaphus agrioides, Ramb. Faune de l'Andalousie, ii. pl. 9, f. 2. Bubo agrioides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 353, 1. Proctarrelabis ? agrioides, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. a, b. Malaga. Presented by Benjamin Frend, Esq. 17. ASCALAPHUS HAMATUS. Niger, cinereo-villosus ; thorace maculis, abdomine segmentis apice flavis, forcipe elongata, flexuosa, subtus appendiculata flava, nigro-villosa; alis basi stigmateque flavis. Ascalaphus hamatus, Klug, Symb. Phys. dec. 4, pl. 36, f. 10; De- script. de l'Egypte, Neur. 3, f. 2 ? Bubo hamatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 354, 2. Theleproctophylla hamatus, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Syria, Egypt. ** Abdomen appendicibus non cornutis. Antennæ basi verti- cillato-pilosæ. 18. ASCALAPHUS CAPENSIS. Fuscus, dorso maculato, subtus albo-hirtus; pedibus annulatis ; alarum limbo antico fusco punctato. Ascalaphus capensis, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 400, 3; Ent. Syst. ii. 96, 3. Ascalaphus capensis? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1002, 12. Ascalaphus annulicornis? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1001, 11. Fuscus, luleo maculatus, cinereo-hirtus ; antennis pedibusque annulatis; alis hyalinis, nigro venosis, venis transversis inter costam et sub- costam infuscatis. MYRMELEONITES. 419 Bubo capensis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 354, 3. Proctarrelabis capensis, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool, 1842. Proctarre annulicornis, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Cape. 19. ASCALAPA US RHODIOGRAMMUS. A. capensi affinis, paullo major ; antenna breviores, clava nigriä cante apice flava ; thorax rufo-fuscus, macula dorsali flaves- cente ; 'abdomen maculis ferro-equinis nigro-velutinis ; pedes rufescentes; alæ sat longæ, venis fuscis, 2a 3a que rufescenti- bus horum intervallo stigmateque roseis. Bubo rhodiogrammus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 355, 4. Cape. *** Antennæ basi nudæ. 20. ASCALAPHUS JAVANUS. Fuscus, vitta dorsali lata flava ; alis subfulvis, stigmatibus fuscis ; antennis fuscis, clava nigra ; Mas obscurior, alis fulvo-au- ratis ; cercis analibus brevibus uncinatis; Fom. dilutior, lætius colorata, alis hyalinis, radio cum subcosta fulvo, venis reliquis stigmatibusque nigris. Ascalaphus Javanus, Vand. Lind.; Bum. Handb. Ent. ii. 1001, 10.. Bubo Javanus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 355, 5. Hybris Javanus, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Java. **** Abdomen appendicibus nullis. 21. ASCALAPHUS FESTIVUS. Flavus ; caput magnum ; antenne rufæ, nigro, annulata, clava obscura ; thorax nigro bivittatus ; abdomen nigro varium ; alæ hyaline, venis rufis, stigmate fuscescente. Bubo festivus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 356, 6. Senegal, Madagascar. 420 MYRMELEONITES. 22. ASOALAPHUS FLAVIPES. Flavo fuscoque varius ; antenna nigricantes, basi et ante clavam flavicantes ; pedes flavi, tarsis obscurioribus ; alæ immaculata, nigro reticulatæ, stigmate flavo. Ascalaphus flavipes, Leach, Zool. Miscell. i. 48, pl. 20. Bubo flavipes, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 357, 7. Subpalasca flavipes, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. a, b. New Holland. The two preceding species belong to the last division; the fol- lowing twenty-eight species also form part of the subsection Bubo, but are not included in its subdivisions. 23. ASCALAPHUS VERSICOLOR. Fuscus, luteo maculatus ; antennis longissimis pallidis, segmentis in apice nigris, ante clavam albidam infuscatis ; alis stigmate fusco. Ascalaphus versicolor, Burm. Handb. Ent, ï. 1000, 4. Subpalasca versicolor, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Brazil. 24. ASCALAPHUS TESSELLATUS. Niger ; capite pone'oculos fulvo ; facie fusca; oculorum parte supera: infera multo majori; protiorace fascia tenui, mesothorace maculis 5, metathorace 3 transversis, flavis ; antennis fulvis apice magno pyriformi nigro ; abdomine nigro dilatato, dorso serie macularum, lateribusque versus basim et apicem naculis flavis; alis subfulvescentibus stigmate nigro, venis versus basim fusco tinctis maculaque parva discali fusca notatis ; abdomine ut videtur haud appendiculato. Ascalaphus (Ogcogaster) tessellatus, Westu. Cab. Orient. Ent. pl. 34, 1. a, b. East Indies. From Mr. James' collection. c, d. East Indies. From Mr. Stevens' collection. MYRMELEONITES. 421 25. ASCALAPHUS SEGMENTATOR. Flavus ; facie vix pilosa; oculis antennisque fuscis, harum apice fere rotundato ; thorace supra lineis longitudinalibus et trans- versis nigris notato ; abdominis segmentis dorso fascia tenui hasali alteraque subapicali latiori nigris, lateribus dilatatis nigro striatis ; pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis ; alis subflavescen- tibus stigmate lineaque subcostali, basique flavis, venis trans- versis costalibus subcostalibus et basalibus fusco tinctis. Ascalaphus (Ogcogaster), Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. pl. 34, f. 2. a. East Indies. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. b, c. East Indies. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. . ... f. East Indies. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 26. ASCALAPHUS DENTIFER. Niger ;: capite pone oculos luteo ; thorace vitta longitudinali sub- interrupta flava ; mesothoracis scutelli marginibus, punctoque inter hoc et alarum basim flavis ; abdomine vitta longitudinali dorsali interrupta margineque postico segmentorum flavis ; calcaribus posticis brevibus ; alis subfusco-hyalinis, basi ex- tremo flavis, sligmate nigro, posticis pone stigma fusco magis tinctis, anticis prope basim marginis postici dente parvo in- structis. Ascalaphus (Ogcogaster?) dentifer, Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. a. East Indies. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 27. ASCALAPHUS ANGULATUS. Niger ; capite pone oculos luteo; antennis valde elongatis pallide fuscis apice nigricantibus ; facie, ore, pedibusque nigris; thoracis dorso flavo lateribus antice nigris, mesoscutello vittis duabus obliquis nigris, abdominis dorso fulvo segmentis antè apicem fascia tenui nigra, margine postico pallidis, apice ob- scuriori ; alis subhyalinis, stigmate fusco, busi extremo sub- fulvis ; anticis prope basin marginis postici angulatis. Long. alar. 36 lin. Ascalaphus (Ogcogaster?) angulatus, Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. Assam. 20 422 MYRMELEONITES. 28. ASCALAPHUS CANIFRONS. Fuscus ; facie dense cano-hirto, ore subfulvo ; capite postice fulvo fusco variegato ; thorace etiam fulvo vario ; antennis fuscis, apice dilatato subtriangulari ; abdomine supra fulvo vitta tenui dorsali nigra ; pedibus fulvis, basi femorum obscuro ; alis parum venosis pellucidis hyalinis, stigmate parvo sub- fusco. Ascalaphus (Bubo) canifrons, Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. pl. 34, f. 3. East Indies. 29. ASCALAPHCS INVOLVENS. uscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput ferrugineum, cano-hirtus, apud an- tennas nigro hirtuin; antenne ferruginea, subtus testaceæ, basi piceæ et verticillato pilose, clava testaceo notata ; thorax sub- tus cano-hirtus; abdomen latum, fusiforme; pedes nigri, tibiis apud medium femoribusque ferrugineis ; alæ sublim- pidæ, antica margine postico basi excavato, posticæ fusco maculatæ el fasciatæ. Brown, clothed with brown hairs: head ferruginous, clothed with hoary bairs; a tuft of black hairs at the base of the antennæ : antennæ shorter than the wings, ferruginous above, testaceous be- neath, pitchy and verticillate pilose towards the base; club broad, partly testaceous: thorax clothed beneath with hoary hairs: abdo- men broad, ſusiform, about half the length of the wings: legs black; tibiæ about the middle and femora ferruginous: wings nearly limpid; stigma brown, with three or four veins; subcosial region slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to near the stigma where it again widens: fore-wings excavated on the hind border at the base, slightly tinged with brown along the hind border, and with a small brown spot behind the stigma: hind-wings much shorter but very little narrower than the fore-wings, with a row of brown spots along the subcostal region, and with a broad oblique brown band behind the stigma from whence it extends dif- fusedly along the hind border; broadest part at little before half the length. Length of the body 101 lines; of the wings 30 lines. MYRMELEONITES. 423 'se, b. Port Natal. From Mr. Gueinzius' collection. C, d. Port Natal. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Var. ? Alæ posticæ immaculatæ. e. ? 30. ASCALAPHUS RUFOPICTUS. Rufus, crassus ; caput magnum, apud antennas fusco-hirtum ; oculi magni ; untennæ læte rufi ; clava lata nigra ; thorax albido-hirtus, antice fusco-hirtus ; abdomen lateribus ventreque piceis ; pedes læte rufi, tarsis nigris ; alæ albo-hyalina, sub- angusta, stigmate rufo, venis testaceis. Red, stout: head large, bright red behind, with some brown hairs about the base of the antennæ : eyes large: antennæ bright red, very much shorter than the wings; club broad, black: thorax clothed with whitish bairs, and with a band of brown hairs in front : abdomen much shorter than the wings, pitchy on each side and he- neath, and with a pitchy dot near the hind border of each segment: legs bright red, stout; tarsi black: wings whitish hyaline, rather narrow; stigma bright red, rather large, with five veins; veins tes- taceous, red at the base; subcostal region slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to the middle of the wing, parallel from thence to the stigma: hind-wings much shorter but very little nar- rower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 15} lines; of the wings 38 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 31. ASCALAPAUS DICAX. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput flavum, antice flavo-hirtum, vertice nigro ; antenn@ nigræ ; thorax marginibus, scutello lateri- busque flavis ; abdomen luteum, fusiforme, vitta dorsali maculisque nigris ; pedes flavi, tibiis posterioribus femoribus- que mediis nigro strigatis, tarsis posticis ferrugineis ; alue limpida, stigmale maculaque postica fuscis. Brown, clothed with brown bairs: head yellow, clothed with yellow hairs in front; vertex black, shining: antennæ black, very much shorter than the wings : thorax bordered with yellow on most of the segments; scutellum of the mesothorax and of the meta- thorax and sides yellow: abdomen luteous, fusiform, much shorter 202 424 MYRMELEONITES. than the hind-wings, with a black dorsal stripe, black also on the hind borders of the segments and with some black marks on each side : legs yellow; posterior tibiæ and middle femora with black streaks ; hind-tarsi ferruginous: wings limpid ; stigma dark brown, large, with six veins; veins black: fore-wings with the subcostal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to half the length of the wing, slightly widening from thence to the stigma : hind- wings a little narrower and much shorter than the fore-wings ; sub- costal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to less than half the length of the wing, parallel from thence to the stigma, adjoining which there is a brown mark. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection, 32. ASCALAPHUS SINISTER. Ferrugineus ; caput flavum, antice albo-hirtum, vertice nigro fasci- culato; thorax vitta dorsali lateribus pectoregue flavis ; abdo- men luteum, longifusiforme, viltis duabus strigisque nonnullis nigris ; pedes flavi, tarsis testaceis; alæ limpidæ, basi sub- flavescentes, apud costam subluridæ. Pale ferruginous, clothed with brown hairs : head yellow, clothed with white hairs in front; a luft of black hairs on the vertex: antennæ ferruginous, shorter than the wings; club wanting: thorax yellow on each side and beneath and with a yellow dorsal stripe: abdomen elongate-fusiform, luteous, much shorter than the hind-wings, with two black dorsal stripes, and with some black streaks on each side: leg's yellow; tarsi testaceous : wings limpid, with a yellowish tinge at the base, and a more slight lurid tinge on the subcostal region ; stigma brown, with five veins; veins black; subcostal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to the middle of the wing, from thence to the stigma slightly widening in the fore-wings, parallel in the hind-wings, which are a little nar- lower and much shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a, North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection, MYRMELEONITES. . 425 33. ASCALAPHUS IMMOTUS. Fuscus ; caput fulvum, albo-hirtum, antice subtusque flavum ; an- tenna nigrce, basi fulvæ ; thorax anco-fuscus, flavo varius; abdomen flavum, vittis duabus lateralibus unaque ventrali nigris; pedes flavi ; alæ limpidæ, breviuscula, basi subflaves- centes. Brown, clothed with brown hairs: head tawny; clothed with white hairs, pale yellow in front and beneath, with some black hairs on the vertex: antennæ black, very slender, tawny at the base, much shorter than the wings; club broad : thorax slightly æneous, with an interrupted yellow stripe, and with yellow marks on each side and on the hind borders of the segments: prothorax and metathorax almost wholly yellow: abdomen yellow, very much shorter than the wings, with a black stripe interrupted by yellow spots on each side, and one beneath : legs yellow; tarsi tawny to- wards the tips: wings limpid, rather short, with a very slight yellow tinge at the base; stigma dark brown, comprising six veins ; sub- costal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to half the length of the wing, from whence to the stigma it is parallel : hind- wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, broadest before half the length. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 26 lines. a. China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. 34. ASCALAPHUS PROCAX. Ferrugineus, fulvo-hirtus ; caput flavum, antice albo-hirtum, ver- tice ferrugineo fusco-hirto; antenna ferruginee, clava lata nigra; pectus testaceun ; abdomen rufescens, subtus nigro vittutum ; pedes testacci ; alæ limpidæ, sublatæ, stigmate flavo. Ferruginous, thickly clothed with tawny hairs: head pale yel. low, clothed in front with white hairs; vertex ferruginous, clothed with brown hairs : antennæ ferruginous, much shorter than the wings; club broad, black: thorax testaceous beneath: abdomen l'eddish, with a black stripe beneath, much shorter than the hind- wings : legs testaceous : wings limpid, rather broad; stigma pale yellow, with five veins in the fore-wings, and with four veins in the hind-wing's ; veins black, those tuwards the base and the whole of the subcusta and of the radius testaceous; subcostal region of the fore- wings slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to half the 2 0 3 426 MYRMELLONITES. length of the wing and more slightly widening from thence to the stigma, of the hind-wings decreasing in breadth to half the length and parallel froin thence to the stigma: hind-wings narrower and much shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 12 ? lines; of the wings 29 lines. a. Nepaul. From the Hardwicke bequest. 35. ASCALAPHUS ODIOSUS. Fulvus, fulvo-hirtus ; caput flavum, subtus albido-hirtum, vertice niyro-hirto ; antenne ferrugineæ, clava picea; pectus testa- ceum ; abdomen piceo bivittatum ; pedes testacei ; alæ lim- pida, parve. Tawny, clothed with tawny hairs: head yellow and clothed with whitish hairs beneath ; a tuft of black hairs in front of the vertex: antennæ ferruginous, much shorter than the wings; club pitchy: thorax testaceous beneath : abdomen slender, with a pitchy stripe on each side, nearly as long as the hind-wings ; legs testa- ceous : wings limpid, short and narrow; stigma ferruginous, with five veins ; veins black; subcosta and radius tawuy; subcostal re- gion decreasing in breadth from near the base to balf the length of the wing, from whence to the stigma it again, but more slightly, widens : bind-wings a little narrower and much shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 36. ASCALAPHUS VERBOSUS. Piceus, fusco-hirtus ; caput nigrum flavo varium, antice testaceum, vertice nigro fasciculato., antennæ picea, basi fulvæ, clava testacea apice nigrn ; pectus ferrugineum, cano-hirtum; abdo- men nigrum, longifusiforme, maculis lateralibus flavis ; pedes ferruginei, tarsis piceis ; alæ limpida, sublata, stigmate nigro. · Pitchy, clothed with brown hairs: head black, pitchy, with a yel- low spot on each side behind, shining in front, yellow about the eyes, testaceous towards the mouth; a tult of black hairs on the vertex : antennæ pitchy, tawny at the base, much shorter than the wings; club testaceous, black towards the tip: thorax ferruginous and clothed with hoary bairs beneath : abdomen black, elongate-fusi- form, shorter than the hind-wings, with a row of yellow spots along MYRMELEONITES. 427 each side: legs ferruginous ; tibiæ darker than the femora ; tarsi pitchy: wings limpid, rather broad, stigma and veins black; sub- costal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to half the length of the wing, parallel from thence to the stigma; hind border rather convex towards the base: hind-wings narrower and much shorter than the fore-wings. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 37. ASCALAPHUS SABULOSUS. Niger, cinereo-hirtus, subtus cano-hirtus ; caput antice flavum ; antennae basi fulvæ, clava latissima testaceo fasciata ; abdomen nigro-hirtum, lateribus luteo maculatis et cano fasciculatis ; pedes fulvo varii, tibiis anticis supra testaceis ; ala limpida, parvæ, stigmate nigricante. Black: head and thorax thickly clothed with gray hairs above and with hvary hairs beneath: bead yellow in front aud about the eyes : antennæ black, comparatively thick, much shorter than the wings, tawny at the base, with a few hairs aloug the whole length, more towards the base; club very broad, with testaceous bands : abdomen much shorter than the wings, clothed with short black hairs, and along each side with tufts of hoary hairs; hind borders of the segments with a luteous spot on each side: legs black; fe- mora at the tips, tibiæ and tarsi at the base and at the tips tawny; fore-tibiæ testaceous above: wings limpid, rather short and narrow, yellow at the base ; stigma blackish, comprising four veins; veins black; subcoslal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigma: hind-wings shorter but not narrower than the fore- wings; hind border very slightly convex. Length of the body 14 lines; of the wings 34 lines. a. Adelaide. Presented by the Entomological Club. 38. ASOALAPHUS IMPORTUNUS. Fuscus, gracilis, fusco-hirtus ; caput apud oculos testaceum, subtus albido-hirtun, vertice nigro-hirto ; antennce nigræ, gracillima, basi testacee, apicem versus testucco fasciatæ ; abdomen fer- rugineum, gracillimum, subtus piceum murginibus posticis tes- taceis ; pedes testacei, tarsis ferrugineis, femoribus posticis piceis ; alæ angustæ, sat longæ ; stigma flavum, in alis posticis fusco maculatum. 428 MYRMELEONITES. Brown, slender, clothed with brown hairs: head testaceous on each side by the eyes in front and beneath, with black hairs about the base of the antennæ and with whitish hairs beneath; antennæ black, very slender, much shorter than the wings, testaceous to- wards the base, and with a testaceous band adjoining the club which is broad: abdomen ferruginous, very slender, much shorter than the wings; under side pitchy, with the hind borders of the segments testaceous : legs testaceous ; tarsi ferruginous; hind- femora pitchy with testaceous tips: wings narrow, rather long, with an indistinct lurid tinge, yellow at the base; stigma yellow, with five veins; veius black; subcostal region slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base unto near the stigma where it again widens; hind-wings narrower and much shorter than the fore- wings ; stigma partly brown; subcostal region narrower. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 28 lines. a. - 39. ASCALAPHUS PROFANUS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput nigrum, antice albido-hirtum, lateribus anticis flavis, fucie iestacea; antennce nigræ, gracillimæ, clava lata basi testacea ; abdomen nigro-piccum, subtus testacco bivittatum ; pedes testacei, tarsis nigris; alæ limpide, longa, stigmate fusco, anticæ margine postico basi excavato; postica apice sublimpida. Brown, clothed with brown hairs : head black, clothed in front with whitish hairs, yellow about the lower part of the eyes ; face testaceous: antennæ black, very slender, much shorter than the wings; club broad, testaceous at the base : abdomen pitchy-black, very much shorter than the wings, with an interrupted testaceous stripe on each side beneath : legs testaceous; tarsi black : wings liinpid, long; stigma dark brown, with five veins; veins black : wings with a short and deep excavation on the hind border at the base; subcostal region slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigma: bind-wing's narrower and very much shorter than the fore-wings, less limpid towards the tips; subcostal region much decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigma. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 32 lines. a. East Indies. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. MYRMELEONITES. 429 40. ASCALAPHUS-NIMIUS. Fuscus, albido-hirtus ; caput testaceum, pustice flavum, lateribus anticis albido-flavis; antennæ ferrugineæ, testaceo annulatæ, apicem versus intus denticulatæ, clava nigra subtus testacea ; prothorax flavus ; mesothorax flavo bivittatus ; metathorax univiltatus ; abdomen ferrugineum, basi flavum ; pedes flavi, tarsis nigris ; alæ subfulvescentes, posticæ apud cubitus sub- fuscescentes. Brown, clothed with whitisb hairs: bead testaceous, yellow behind, whitish yellow on each side in front: antennæ ferruginous, shorter than the wings; joints with testaceous bands, denticulate on the inner side towards the lips; club broad, mostly black above, testaceous beneath: thorax beneath and prothorax yellow ; meso- thorax with two interrupted yellow stripes : metathorax with one yellow stripe : abdomen ferruginous, slender, yellow at the base, shorter than the wings: appendages slightly curved, armed with black spines: leg's yellow; tarsi black: wings with a very slight tawny tinge which appears most on the bind-wings about the bor- ders of the veins; stigma brown, small, comprising four veins; veins black; subcostal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to half the length of the wing, parallel from thence to the stigma:, hind-wings most tinged with brown along the pubilus, shorter and a little narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 13 lines; of the wings 29 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 41. ABCALAPHUS INSIMULANS. Ferrugineus, fusco-hirtus ; caput postice testaceum, antice flavum flavoque hirtum, vertice fusco; antennce nigre, basi ferrugi- neæ et verticillato pilosa, clava atra latissima; thorax piceo quadrimaculatus ; abdoulen piceum, subtus ferrugineum ; pedes testacei ; alæ limpidæ, breves, basi subflavescentes, stig- mate nigricante, anticæ margine postico basi excavato. Bright ferruginous, thinly: clothed with brown hairs: head testaceous behind, yellow and elothed with yellow hairs in front; vertex brown: antennæ black, slender, ferruginous and verticillate pilose towards the base, much shorter than the wings; club deep 430 MYRMELEONITES. black, very broad: thorax with two pitchy spots on each side, one above the base of each wing; under side almost testaceous, pitchy in the disk: abdomen slender, pitchy, shining, almost bare, ferru- ginous beneath, nearly as long as the hind-wings: legs testaceous : wings limpid, short, with a slight yellow tinge at the base; stigma blackish, long, with six veins; subcostal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to the middle of the wing, parallel from thence to the stigma : fore-wings with the hind border excavated at the base; hind-wings narrower and much shorter than the fore- wings. Length of the hody 13 lines; of the wings 25 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 42. ASCALAPHUS SUBTRAHENS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus, subtus albo-hirtus; caput apud antennas nigro-hirtum, lateribus anticis, epistomate flavo ; antenne nigræ, gracillima, basi flavæ, clava flava apice nigra ; thorax flavo bimaculatus et marginatus ; abdomen nigrum, luteo vit- tatum; pedes nigri, femoribus anterioribus flavis; alæ lim- pida, longa, antica margine postico basi excavato. Brown, clothed above with brown bairs, beneath with wbite hairs: head with black hairs about the base of the antennæ, yellow behind, white on each side in front; epistoma yellow: antennæ black, very slender, very much shorter than the wings, yellow to- wards the base; club yellow with black tip: thorax with two large yellow spots, oue on the scutum, the other on the scutellum ; hind borders of the prothorax and of the mesothorax yellow: abdomen black, clothed with short hairs, shorter than the wings, with a lute- ous interrupted stripe above, and one on each side beneath towards the base : legs black; anterior femora yellow : wings limpid, long; stigma dark brown, comprising four veins; veins black, yellow at the base ; radial region very slightly lurid : fore-wings with the subcostal region very slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigma; hind border excavated at the base : bind-wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings; subcostal region almost parallel from the base to the stigma; hind border ciliated at the base. Length of the body 14 lines; of the wings 36 lines. 4. Adelaide. Presented by the Entomological Club. MYRMELEONITES. 431 43. ASCALAPHUS ACCUSANS. Piceus ; caput supra testaceum, apud antennas nigro-hirtum ; antennæ ferrugineæ, longa, clava nigra ; thorax supra flavus, nigro varius, subtus flavo fasciatum ; abdomen luteo vittatum, lateribus subferrugineis ; pedes nigri; ale hyalina, longæ; sat latæ, stigmate magno fusco. Pitchy: head testaceous above, clothed with black hairs about the base of the antennæ: antennæ ferruginous, long, slender, sborter than the wings; club black: thorax yellow above, clothed with black hairs on each side in front: prothorax with a black band : mesotho- rax with a black oblique stripe on each side; under side with a short slightly oblique yellow band on each side extending to the base of the fore-wing: abdomen long, shorter than the wings, with a luteous dorsal stripe, slightly ferruginous along each side: legs black: wings byaline, long, rather broad; stigma dark brown, large, coinprising six veins ; veins black; subcostal region slightly de- creasing in breadth from near the base to the middle of the wing, and increasing from thence to the stigma; hind-wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 16 lines; of the wings 38 lines. a. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection. 44. ASCALAPHUS SUBJACENS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus; caput ferrugineum, apud antennas nigro- hirtum, vertice testaceo; anten næ nigre, longissimæ ; thorax vitta dorsali flava; pectus flavo fasciatum; abdomen flavo vittatum; pedes ferruginei; alæ longæ, limpide. Brown, clothed with brown hairs ; head ferruginous, clothed with black hairs about the base of the antenuæ ; vertex testaceous: antennæ black, slender, very long, a little shorter than the wings: thorax with a broad yellow dorsal stripe, widest on the scutellum where it contains an oblique pale brown streak on each side ; some yellow marks on each side of it about the base of the wings; under side with a broad yellow band between the fore-wings: abdomen shorter than the wings, with a narrow yellow dorsal stripe which tapers from the base to the tip: legs ferruginous : wings limpid, long; stigma brown, comprising six veins; subcostal region slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to half the length of the 432 MYRMELEONITES. wing where it again slightly widens towards the stigma: hind- wing's shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, widest at a little before half the length. Length of the body 14 lines; of the wings 36 lines. a. China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. 45. ASCALAPHUS TRUX. Fuscus, nigro-hirtus ; caput postice testaceum ; antennæ testaceæ, basi intus denticulatæ, apice obscuriores, clava nigra, thorax testaceo varius; pectus fasciis quatuor obliquis lateralibus flavis ; abdomen nigro testaceoque varium ; pedes picei, femo- ribus basi testaceis, tibiis posticis testaceo maculatis, tarsis nigris; alæ longee, limpidæ. Group Acheron, Lefebvre. · Brown, clothed with blackish hairs : head testaceous brown, testaceous behind, thickly clothed about the base of the antennæ with black hairs: antennæ testaceous, slender, shorter than the wings, darker towards the club which is black; joints armed on the inner side with teeth which successively decrease in size from the base and disappear at one-third of the length: segments of the thorax adorned with testaceous streaks and borders: metathorax mostly testaceous; underside with two bright yellow oblique bands on each side: abdomen nearly as long as the wings, testaceous with black marks towards the base, black with testaceous marks towards the tip: legs pitchy; femora testaceous at the base; a testaceous spot on each hind-tibia; tarsi black: wings limpid, long; stigma pale brown, comprising five or six veins; subcostal region very slightly tinged with brown, very narrow and of equal breadth from the base to the stigma: hind-wings sborter but not narrower than the fore-wings; hind border slightly convex towards the base. Length of the body 20 lines ; of the wings 36 lines. a. ? 46. ASCALAPHUS LUCTIFER. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput flavum cano-hirtum, vertice piceo ; antenne nigræ, gracillima, clava latissima ; thorax flavo bi- vittatus, subtus cano-hirtus ; abdomen testaceum, lateribus nigricantibus ; pedes testacei, tarsis nigris ; alæ limpidæ, sat longa, stigmate fusco, anticæ margine poslico basi excavato, posticæ fusco bistrigato. MYRMELEONITES. 433 Brown, clothed with brown hairs: head yellow, clothed with hoary hairs; vertex pitchy, with brown hairs: antennæ black, very slender, much shorter than the wings; club very broad : thorax with two irregular yellow stripes which are partly united; underside clothed with hoary hairs: abdomen testaceous, blackish along each side, much shorter than the wings : leys testaceous; tarsi black: wings limpid, rather long; stigma brown ; veins black ; subcostal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to half the length of the wing, parallel from thence to the stigma; radial region tinged with brown; fore-wings excavated at the base of the hind border: hind- wings shorter but very little narrower than the fore-wings, with two pale brown oblique streaks, one along the cubitus, the other beyond and diffused towards the tip. Length of the body 13 lines; of the wings 33 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 47. ASCALAPHUS NUGAX. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput ferrugineum ; antenna nigræ ; thorax flavo vittatus ; pectus flavo bifasciatum ; pedes ferruginei ; alæ longae, apud costam fulva, stigmate fusco, anticæ mar- gine postico anguste dilatato, posticæ apice fulva. Brown, thickly clothed with rather long brown hairs : head ferruginous; epistoma paler: antennæ black, long, shorter than the wings: thorax with a broad yellow dorsal stripe, and on each side beneath with two oblique yellow bands : abdomen wanting: legs ferruginous: wings long; stigma dark brown, rather large, with six or seven veins; veins black: fore-wings bright tawny along the costa from the base to the stigma, with a slender, acute angular dila- tation near the base of the hind border: subcostal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to the middle of the wing, widening from thence to the stigma: hind-wings shorter and narrower than the-fore-wings, bright tawny in front along the whole length and about the tips; subcostal slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to ihe middle, parallel from thence to the stigma. Length of the wings 36 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. - 2 P 434 · MYRMELEONITES. 48. ASCALAPHUS LOQUAX. · Ferrugineus, nigro-hirtus ; antenna clava nigra ; thorax fusco varius; pectus fascia arcuata testacea ; abdomen rufum, sub- tus testaceum, apicem versus nigro varium; tarsi nigri; ala ample, basi fusca., anticæ apud costam fusco-fulva, posticæ fulve. Ferruginous, clothed with black hairs: antennæ ferruginous or tawny, much shorter than the wings; club black: thorax with some brown marks on the disks of the segments; underside with a curved testaceous band : abdomen red, testaceous beneath, black on each side towards the tip, much shorter than the wings : legs ferruginous, stout; tarsi black: wings ample, brown at the base ; stigma dark brown, large, with six veins ; veins black; subcostal region decreas- ing in breadth from near the base to the middle of the wing, hardly widening from thence to the stigma: fore-wings brownish tawny along the fore border from the base to the stigma, and with an in- distinct lurid tinge over half the surface from the base: bind-wings shorter but hardly narrower than the fore-wings, bright tawny except at the tips. Length of the body 17 lines; of the wings 42 lines. a. Brazil.. 6. ? 49. ASCALAPHUS ANTICUS. Ferrugineus, nigro-hirtus ; antennæ fulva, longa, clava lata nigra ; thoracis segmenta testaceo notata et marginata ; pectus flavo fasciatum ; abdomen gracile, subtus busi testaceum ; alæ lim- pida, ampla, basi fuscæ, apice subangulata, stigmate magno subfusco. Dark ferruginous, clothed with black hairs : head paler: an- tennæ tawny, long, shorter than the wings; club broad, black: segments of the thorax with dark testaceous marks on their disks and borders; underside with a curved yellow band : abdomen ferrugi- nous, slender, shorter than the wings, testaceous beneath at the base: legs dark ferruginous : wings limpid, ample, dark brown at the base, slightly angular at the tips ; stigma large, pale brown, with five or six veins; veins black; radius tawny; subcostal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to half the length of the wing, slightly widening from thence to the stigua : hivd-wings MYRMELEONITES; 435 rather less limpid and shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 16 lines; of the wings 38 lines. a. Bengal. 50. ASCALAPHUS LONGUS. . Fuscus, nigro-hirtus ; caput ferrugineum ; antennæ picea, basi ferrugineæ et intus denticulata, clava nigra lata ; thorax fer- qugineo notatus, postice ferrugineus, subtus testuceo fasciatus ;" abdomen longissimum, alis anticis paullo longius, basi subtus ferrugineum vel testaceum; pedes picei, tarsis nigris; ale subhyalina vel subfusce, basi nigro-fusce. Dark brown, clothed with black hairs : head ferruginous : an- tennæ pitchy, much shorter than the wings, ferruginous and denti. culated on the inner side towards the base; club broad, black: thorax with some ferruginous marks ; hind part ferruginous ; under- side with a curved testaceous band: abdomen very long, a little longer than the fore-wings, ferruginous or testaceous beneath at the base: legs pitchy; tarsi black : wings subhyaline or pale brown, dark brown at the base; stigma dark brown, large, with six veins; veins black : subcostal region slightly decreasing in breadih from near the base to the middle, and again slightly widening from thence to the stigma : hind-wing's shorter but very little narrower than the fore-wings. Length of the body 20 lines; of the wings 34-36 lines. 2, b. Bengal. Group 2. Tibiarum posticarum calcaria tarsorum articulis lo ad 4um vix breviora. * Alæ posticæ non dilatatæ. Subpalasca, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Ulula, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 357. Labium almost quadrilateral, having on each side of its upper border a tuſt of thick bristles bent at their tips and almost like spines : last joint of labial palpi a little sinuated and unequal to- wards its tip: feelers variable in length, with whorls of hairs ål their 2 P 2 436 MYRMELEONITES. base; club pyriform, solid: spurs of the hind-tibiæ as long as the four first joints of the tarsi: wings parrow; reticulation rather diffuse : appendages of the male short, thick, bristly, hardly pro- minent. 51. ASCALAPHUS MACLEAYNUS. Ferrugineo-rufescens, fusco maculatus; ventre cinereo; antenna nigricantes, clava subtus pallida ; pedes rufescentes ; alæ hyalinæ immaculatæ. Ascalaphus Macleaynus, Lansd. Guild. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiv. 140, pl. 7, f. 11. Ascalaphus quadripunctatus? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1001, 9? Fuscus ; capite et thorace cinereo-hirto ; alis hyalinis, stigmati- bus. albis, posticis maculis duubus fuscis, altera pone stigma, allera in margine postico. Ascalaphus senex, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1001, 7.? Luteo-fuscus ; abdomine obscuriori ; thorace capiteque cinereo-hirto; antennis longitudine corporis, nigris, clava in apice albida ; alis hyalinis, stigmatibus fuscis. Ulula senex ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 357, 1. a, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 52. ASCALAPHUS VETULA. Fuscus ; caput parvum ; antenna rufa, nigro annulata, clava ni- gricante ; thorax rufo varius; abdomen supra nigrum, iaculis lateralibus fulvis; pedes flavi, femoribus rufis; alæ hyalina. Ulula vetula, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 358, 2. Campos-Geraes. 53. ASCALAPHUS LIMBATUS. Fuscus, luteo maculatus, cinereo-hirtus ; alis hyalinis, stigmatibus nigris, posticorum limbo interno apiceque fusco. Ascalaphus limbatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1001, 8. Ulula limbata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 358, 5. Brazil. MYRMELEONITES. 437 54. ASCALAPHUS MICROCEPHALUS. Obscure rufescens, cano-pilosus ; caput parvum; antenna flave nigro annulatæ, clava obscura ; thorax nigro varius ; pedes gufi, tarsis nigro subannulatis; alæ hyaline, angusta, venis stigmateque rufescentibus. Ulula microcephala, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 359, 4. a. St. Lucia. Presented by W. Muter, Esq. 55. ASCALAPHUS SUBVERTENS. Testaceo-fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput flavum, albo-hirtum; antenne nigræ; prothorax albo-hirtus; abdomen testaceum, strigis ob- liquis lateralibus nigris, subtus piceum ; pedes testacei, tarsis ferrugineis; alæ limpida, margine costali subfuscescentes, pos- ticæ apice fusco maculatæ. Testaceous brown, thickly clothed with brown hairs : head yellow, very thickly clothed with white hairs and with a few brown hairs; bind part with a brown spot on each side: lower division of the eyes more than balf the length and breadth of the upper divi. sion: prothorax clothed wilh: white bairs : abdomen testaceous, pitchy beneath, much shorter than the wings; second and third fol- lowing segments with an oblique black streak on each side: legs testaceous, tarsi ferruginous:.wings limpid, of moderate size; stigma white, comprising four veins; veins black, with the exception of those by the stigma; subcostal region hardly decreasing in breadth from the base to the stigma, slightly tinged with brown : hind-wings shorter and a little narrower than the fore-wings, having between the stigma and the tip a large brown spot which is darkest in front. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 21 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 56. ASCALAPHUS INHONESTUS. Ferrugineus, nigro-hirtus ; caput antice albo-hirtum, facie testacea; antennce testaceæ, nigro annulata, clava nigra ; abdomen la- teribus nigro strigatis, subtus nigrum ; pedes testacei ; alve limpidce, sat breves, anticæ stigmate flavo, posticæ stigmate nigro, apicem versus fusco maculatie. 2 P 3 438 MYRMELEONITES. Ferruginous, clothed with black hairs : head with a yellow circle about the eyes, thickly clothed with black hairs about the base of the antenne and with white hairs in front; face testaceous : an- tennæ testaceous, very slender, a little shorter than the wings; borders of the joints and club black: abdomen shorter than the hind-wings; segments with black streaks on each side ; underside black: legs testaceous: wings limpid, rather short; stigma pale yellow in the fore-wings, deep black in the hind-wings, comprising five or four veins which are not forked ; breadth of the subcostal region decreasing, slightly in the fore-wings, distinctly in the hind. wings, from near the base to the stigma : hind-wings shorter and a little narrower than the fore-wing's, with a large brown spot on the whole breadth behind the stigma, occupying only the disks of the areolets. Length of the body 11 lines ; of the wings 24 lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens collection. ** Alæ posticæ dilatatæ. Subpalasca, p., Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Cordulecerus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 359. Head and chest very hairy: labium slightly heart-shaped, very slender, with its side borders much folded inward, fringed with thick bristles, coarctate, united with the upper border, which declines within in the form of a hood ; its upper extremity notched or exca- rated, its angles bearing a tuft of bristles, which are rather long, very thick, bent, almost like spines : last joint of the labial palpi longer than the preceding one; first and second joints of the maxil- lary palpi very short; third and fifth almost equal, longer than the fourth: maxillæ broad at the base where their bristles are the longest : antennæ rather long, shorter than the wings, their clubs compact and oblong: divisions of the cyes almost equal : abdomen almost bare: spurs of the hind-tibiæ as long as the first and second joints : wings broad, dilated (the hind-wings especially) hindward; reticulation rather close; transverse branch of the fifth vein forming with the basilar vein a narrow well-defined space, which has hut one range of areolets, of wbich the first and second are often tra- versed by a veinlet. Male without appendages. MYRMELEONITES, 439 57. ASCALAPHUS SURINAMENSIS. Capite thoraceque rufo, hirsuto ; abdomine fusco ; alis aureis, stig- matibus fuscis, posticis basi subsinuatis, nubecula lata fusca. Ascalaphus Surinamensis, Fabı. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 207, 4, 5. Ascalaphus villosulus, Pal.-Beauv. Ins. Afr. et Amer. Neur. pl. 7, f.4, 86. Ascalaphus Brasiliensis, Guér. Icon. du Règne Anim. pl. 62. Ascalaphus Alopecinus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1000, 5. Ascalaphus vulpecula ? Burm Handb. Ent. ii. 1001, 6. Capite thoraceque rufo, hirsuto ; abdomine fusco ; alis aureis, stigmati- bus infuscatis, posticis basi profunde sinuatis. Subpalasca Surinamensis, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Cordulecerus Surinamensis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 360. ac. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. d. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 58. ASCALAPHUS SUBIRATUS. Aler, nigro-pilosus ; antennæ fulvæ, nigro annulate, clava sub- tus testacea; thorax testaceo vittatus ; abdomen breve; pedes picei ; alæ limpidæ, anticæ apice subfuscescentes, postice basi nigro-fusca, fasciisque quatuor posticis obliquis abbreviatis fuscis. Deep black, clothed with black hairs, which are very thick on the head between the antennæ and the face : antennæ tawny, slen- der, as long as the wings; tips of the joints black; club broad, black above, testaceous beneaih: thorax with a broad testaceous stripe : abdomen not half the length of the wings: legs pitchy: wings limpid; stigma deep black ; subcostal region decreasing in breadth, and especially so in the hind-wings, from near the base to the stigma; wings very slightly notched on the hind border at the tip of the cubitus: fore-wings very slightly tinged with brown at the tips, brown on one-fourth of the length from the base, with the exception of the disks of the areolets which are nearly limpid: hind-wings a little broader and much shorter than the fore-wings, deep brown along more than one-third of the length from the base, with a lurid tinge along the rest of the subcostal region, and with four short oblique brown bands extending from the disk to the bind 440 MYRMELEONITES. border, the fourth united in the disk to the third, and extending to the stigma; hind border dilated before one-third of the length, ex- cavated towards the base near which there is a tuft of hairs. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 27 lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. h. Guatimala. From Mr. J. Deby's collection, Subdiv. 2. Alæ posticæ et nonnunquam anticæ margine postico inciso. Orphne, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. Colobopterus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 360. Head small: third joint of the maxillary palpi almost as lung as the last, longer than the others; second joint of labial palpi tkicker at the tip; last joint more slender: labium somewhat heart- shaped, with its lateral borders broadly folded within, fringed with little short bristles which are very numerous and thick-set; upper border deeply declining and forming a large excavation wbuse angles bear a tult of thick rather long bristles like spines: an- tennæ very slender, as long as the wings, with verticillate hairs at the base : legs slender, fringed with very long hairs; the two bristles as long as the claws between which they are placed : spurs of hind. tibiæ at least as long as the three first joints of the tarsi ; wings long and narrow; bind-wings with a broad notch on the hind bor- der near the base which is rather prominent. 59. ASCALAPIUS LEPTOCERUS. Niger, flavo varius ; caput parvum; antenna longissime, flava, nigro annulata, basi verticillato-pilosa, clava elongata subtus alba ; pedes fusco-flavi ; alæ hyaline, anguste, venis rufis, stigmate fusco. Colobopterus leptocerus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 361, 4. a. - From Mr. Birch's collection. 6. — ? From Mr. Children's collection.' Brazil ? MYRMELEONITES. 441 60. ASCALAPAUS NEMATOCERUS. Luteo-fuscus; abdominis segmentis bilineatis ; antennis longissimis fuscis, clava pallida ; alis hyalinis, stigmate fusco. Colobopterus nematocerus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 361, 2. Ascalaphus macrocercus ? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1000, 3. Subpalasca macrocercus, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. 61. ASCALAPAUS GARRULUS. Fuscus, rufo-hirtus ; caput antice ferrugineum ; antenna nigræ, basi fulvæ, clava fusiformi subtus alba ; pectus ferrugineum ; abdomen rufum, gracile, nigro varium; pedes testacei ; alæ luride, ampla, apice subangulata, stigmate subfusco. Brown, very thickly clothed with bright reddish hairs, which form a tuft in front of the head and are there mixed with some brown ones: head ferruginous towards the mouth: aptennæ black, shorter than the wings, tawny towards the base; club fusiform, white beneath: thorax ferruginous beneath: abdomen red, slender, very much shorter than the wings; segments partly black on each side and towards the hind border: legs testaceous: wings lurid, ample, slightly angular at the tips, indistinctly undulating along the hind borders; stigma pale brown, very small, with two, three, or four veins; veins black; longitudinal veins testaceous; subcostal region slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigma: hird-wings shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings;. hind border slightly dilated near the base, and more distinctly so before half the length. Length of the body 16 lines ; of the wings 38 lines. a. Brazil. b. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 62. ASCALAPHUS LITIGIOSUS. Fuscus, rufo-hirtus ; caput antice ferrugineum ; antenna nigræ, basi fulve, clava fulva fusiformi ; thoracis latera et pectus fusco-hirta ; abdomen nigrum, rufo bimaculatur ; pedes tes- tacei ; alæ luridæ, ampla, apice subangulatæ, postice basi fusca, margine postico valde convexo vix dilatato. 442 MYRMELEONITES. Female of A. garrulus ! Brown, very thickly clothed with bright reddish hairs, which form a luft in front of the head, and are there mixed with some brown hairs : head ferruginous towards the mouth: antennæ black, shorter than those of A. garrulus, much shorter than the wings, tawny towards the base; club fusiform, tawny: thorax clothed with brown hairs on each side and beneath : abdomen black, with two red dorsal spots, shorter than that of A. garrulus : legs testaceous : wings lurid, ample, slightly angular at the tips; stigma brown, very small; veins black ; longitudinal veins testaceous; subcostal region decreasing in length from near the base to balf the length of the wing, parallel from thence to the stigma: hind-wings shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings, dark brown on near one-third of the length from the base except towards the fore border, very convex but hardly dilated on the hind border at one-third of the length from the base. Length of the body 15 lines ; of the wings 38 lines. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 63. ASCALAPAUS INCUSANS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput ferrugincum, subtus cano-hirtum; antenna piceæ, longe, basi ferrugineæ, clava nigra ; thorax testaceo vittatus, subtus testaceo bifasciatus ; abdomen nigro- piceur, sublus basi testaceo varium, apice dilatatum ; pedes ferruginei ; alæ subluridæ, margine postico basi excavato.et in anticis dilatato acuminato. Brown, clothed with brown hairs : head ferruginous, with some hoary hairs beneath : antennæ pitchy, long, ferruginous at the base, a little shorter than the wings; club black, broad: thorax with a testaceous dorsal stripe; under side with two testaceous oblique bands on each side: abdomen pitchy black, much shorter than the wings, partly testaceous towards the base beneath, dilated at the tip; appendages very short: legs ferruginous: wings with a slight lurid tinge; bind border with a long shallow excavation at the base; stigma dark brown, with five or six veins, one of which is forked; veins black; space between the subcostal and the radius lurid : fore- wings with the subcostal region very slightly increasing in breadth from the base to the stigma; hind border dilated into a long acute angle near the base : bind-wings shorter and narrower than the fore. wings; subcostal region slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to half the length, parallel from thence to the stigma. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 30 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Hooker. MYRMELEONITES. 443 64. ASCALAPHUS SUBRIPIENS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus; caput ferrugineo flavoque varium, apud an- tennas nigro-hirtum, fronte nigro, antennæ picea, basi fulvæ et verticillato pilosa, clara subtus basique testacea ; thorax favo varius, subtus flavo bivittatus; abdomen testaceo notatum ; pedes ferruginei, femoribus flavis ; alæ limpide, longæ, an- gusta, margine postico basi excavalo, in anticis quoque dila- tato. Deep brown, clothed with brown hairs : head with a tuft of black hairs near the base of the antepnæ, yellow about the borders of the eyes, ferruginous with yellow spots behind; front black; face ferruginous: antennæ pilchy, slender, almost as long as the wings, - tawny and verticillate-pilose towards the base ; club narrow, sub- fusiform, testaceous at the base and beneath : thorax varied with yellow; under side with iwo broad yellow stripes : abdomen very much shorter than the wings, with testaceous marks along the whole length above and below: legs ferruginous; feinora yellow: wings limpid, long and narrow; stigma black, veins black, yellow at the base; subcostal region slightly increasing in breadth from the base to the sligma: fore-wings slightly excavated at the base of the hind border: hind-wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings; hind border dilated at the base, and thence excavated along more than one-third of the length. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 28 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 65. ASCALAPHUS IMPAVIDUS. Ferrugineo-fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput ferrugineum, apud an- tennas nigro-hirium, fronte atra ; antenne ferruyince, graciles, nigro annulata, alis longiores, clava apice subtus albida ; ab- domen niyrum ; pedes ferruginei ; alæ limpida, parva, mar- gine postico basi excavato et dilatato. Ferrugineous brown, thickly clothed with brown hairs : head ferruginous, with black hairs about the base of the antennæ; front deep black : antennæ ferruginous, slender, longer than the wings; tips of the joints black; club narrow, black, whitish towards the tip beneath: abdomen black, thinly clothed with short hairs, with a hoary tinge towards the base beneath, as long as the hind-wings : 444 MYRMELEONITES. legs ferruginous: wings limpid, rather short and narrow; stigma blackish, its veins generally simple ; veins black; hind border ciliated with black bairs at the base: fore-wings with the subcostal region very slightly widening from the base to the stigma ; hind border near the base with a long and very narrow dilatation between two shallow and broad excavations: hind-wings narrower (except in the dilated part) and shorter than the fore-wings; hipd border deeply excavated by the base and as much dilated before one-third of the length ; subcostal region very slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigma. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 24 lines. a. Santarem, Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 66. ASCALAPHUS INTEMPESTIVUS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput ferrugineum, antice nigrum ; antenne ferruginea, gracillimee, basi pilose, clava nigra apice sub- testacea ; thorax ferrugineo vittatus ; pectus cano-hirtum ; abdomen nigro-cinereum ; pedes ferruginei ; alæ limpidæ, an- gusta, margine postico in anticis anguste dilatato in posticis late excavato, stigmate fusco. Dark brown, clothed with paler brown hairs : head ferruginous, very thickly clothed, black in front: antennæ ferruginous, very slender, hairy at the base, a little longer than the wings; club black, slightly testaceous towards the tip: thorax with a ferruginous stripe, with a hoary tinge and clothed with hoary hairs beneath ; abdomen grayish black, slender, shorter than the hind-wings: legs ferrugi- nous : wings limpid, narrow; stigma dark brown, rather small, with four veins: fore-wings with a slender, conical dilatation on the hind border near the base; subcostal region increasing in breadth from the base to the stigma: hind-wings much narrower and shorter than the fore-wings, with a long and very shallow excavation on the hind border towards the base; subcostal region slightly widening from the base to less than half the length, more slightly decreasing in breadth from thence to the stigma. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 25 lines. a. Santarem, Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. MYRMELEONITES. 445 67. ASCALAPHUS SEPULTUS. Ferrugineus, supra fusco-hirtus, subtus cano-hirtus ; caput antice nigro-hirtum, fronte nigro ; antenne nigre, gracillima, clava lata subtus basi albida ; abdomen piceuin, testaceo varium, alis paullo brevius; pedes testacei, tarsis nigris ; alæ lim- pidæ, parve, margine postico basi excavato, stigmate sub- limpido. Ferruginous, clothed with brown hairs above, with houry hairs beneath: head thickly clothed between the antennæ and the front with black bairs; front black: antennæ black, very slender, a little longer than the wings; club broad, whitish towards the base be- neath : abdomen pitchy, a little shorter than the wings, with testa- ceous dorsal marks; underside testaceous: legs testaceous ; tarsi black, testaceous at the base: wings limpid, rather short and nar- row; stigma bardly coloured, its four veins generally simple; veins black : fore-wings with the subcostal region increasing in breadth for a short distance from the base and from thence parallel to the stigma; hind border with a short and rather deep excavation at the base: hind-wings much shorter and a little narrower than the fore. wings ; subcostal region increasing in breadth for some space from the base, and thence slightly decreasing to the stigma; hind border with a broad excavation near the base. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 24 lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Div. 2. Oculi integri. Ascalaphi Olophthalmi, Lefebvre. Subdiv. 1. Abdomen planum. Sect. 1. Alæ latæ, non incisæ nec appendiculatæ. Byas, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 361. 2 Q 446 MYRMELEONITES. Eyes not quite spherical: antennæ very short, hardly half the length of the wings; club oblong: spurs of bind-tibiæ hardly as long as the first joint of the tarsi : wings broad; reticulation very clear; fore-wings having the basilar branch of the fifth vein anas- tomosed with the transverse branch before the bind border, and forming a large areolet; the branch of the corresponding vein in the hind-wings has the like structure. ALAPHUS MICROCERUS. Magnus, rufescens, fusco maculatus ; antennæ flave, clava ob- scuriore ; pedes flavi, tarsis nigricantibus ; alæ latæ, hyaline, venis rufo-fuscis, stigmate flavescente lineis obscurioribus. Byas microcerus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 363. West Indies. Sect. 2. Alæ basi incisæ et appendiculatæ. Haploglenius, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. Ptynx et Amca, Lefebvre, Mag. Zool. 1842. . 69. ASCALAPHUS APPENDICULATUS. Fuscus; thoracis lateribus vittatis, ventre pedibusque testaceis ; alarum omnium limbo antico fusco, anticarum basi subden- tato. Ascalaphus appendiculatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 96, 4. Ascalaphus costatus, Winth.; Burm. Handb. Ent. ii 1000, 1. Ascalaphus subcostatus ? Burm. Handb. Ent, ii. 1000, 2. Fuscus, pallide maculatus; alarum omnium limbo antico infuscato, stig. matibus obscurioribus, anticarum basi integra. Haploglenius appendiculatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 363. a. ? North America ? Bahia, Brazil. MYRMELEONITES. 447 70. ASCALAPHUS OBSCURUS. Fusco-niger ; oculis fuscis; antennis apice pallidis ; thoracis dorso concolori obscuro ; abdominis segmentis 20 et 30 strigis duabus obliquis velutino nigris ; alis subparallelis subangustis hyalinis venis stigmateque nigricantibus ; anticis versus basin marginis postici vix angulatis, margine ipso anguli parum incrassato, unguibus tarsorum longioribus curvatis. Long. alar. 27 lin. ' Ascalaphus (Haplo genius) obscurus, Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. East Indies. 71. ASCALAPHUS REMOTUS. Piceus, fusco-hirtus ; caput albido-hirtum, antice testaceum ; oculi parvi ; antenna nigra, articulis intus basi denticulatis, clava lata; thoracis discus flavescens ; abdomen gracile, vitta dorsali rufa; alæ limpida, sublonga, basi fuscæ, stigmate fusco magno. Pitchy, clothed with brown hairs: head thickly clothed with wbitish hairs, testaceous in front: eyes small: antennæ black, long, a little shorter than the wings; joints denticulate on the inner side near the base; club broad : disk of the thorax mostly yellow above and beneatb ; abdomen black, slender, much shorter than the wings, with a red dorsal stripe: wings limpid, rather long, dark brown at the base; stigma dark brown, large, with six veins ; veins black; subcosta and radius ferruginous; subcostal region decreasing in breadth from near the base to the middle of the wing, whence it widens to tho stigma: hind-wings shorter and narrower than the fore-wings, and with less variation of breadth in the subcostal re- gion. Length of the body 13 lines; of the wings 36 lines. Q. China. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 72. ASCALAPHUS INJURIUS. Testaceo-fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput pilis canis et nigricantibus vestitum, antice testaceum testaceoque pilosum ; antenna ni- græ, basi fulve, clava subtus testacea ; pectus testaceum, nigro maculatum ; abdomen testaccum, piceo maculatum ; pedes testacei, tarsis nigris ; alæ longa, limpida. 2 2 2 448 MYRMELEONITES. Testaceous-brown, clothed with brown hairs: head clothed with blackish and hoary hairs, testaceous and clothed with testaceous hairs in front: antennæ black, tawny towards the base, very slender, very much shorter than the wings; club testaceous beneath : thorax testaceous beneath with black spots : abdomen testaceous with some pitchy marks: legs testaceous; tarsi black : wings limpid, long; stigma brown, comprising four veins which generally are all forked ; veius black; subcostal region almost equal in breadth from the base to the stigma: hind-wings shorter but uot narrower than the fore- wings ; hind border slightly convex towards the base. Length of the wings 40 lines. a. Brazil. 73. ASCALAPHUS INIQUUS. Fuscus, fusco nigroque hirtus ; cuput antice albido-testaceum, fulvo- pilosum ; antenna nigræ; pectus flavum, albo-hirtúm, piceo notatum ; abdomen gracillimum, supra ferrugineum nigro guttatum, subtus testaceum, apice piceum ; pedes flavi, piceo strigati, tarsis piceis ; alæ limpida, postice basi anticis latiores. Brown, clothed with black and brown hairs: head whitish tes- taceous and clothed with tawny hairs in front: antepnæ black, very slender, much shorter than the wings : thorax beneath pale yellow with some pitchy marks, thinly clothed with white hairs : abdomen very slender, as long as the hind-wings, ferruginous with two or three black dots on each side above, testaceous beneath, pitchy to- wards the tip: legs yellow, with pitchy streaks ; tarsi pitchy: wings limpid; stigma dark brown, comprising four veins ; subcostal region slightly, and in the fore-wings almost imperceptibly, decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigma : hind-wings much shorter than the fore-wings, but towards the base much broader and with a very convex hind border. Length of the body 17 lines; of the wings 34 lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. MYRMELEONITES. 449 74. ASCALAPHUS IMPEDIENS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput anticum maris testaceum, foemina ferrugineum ; antenna nigræ ; thorax fascia antica vittisque duabus testaceis; pectus albido-testaceo bivittatum ; abdomen testaceo vittatum; pedes picei, femoribus tibiisque testaceo vittatis ; alæ limpida, basi fusce, stigmate maris sublimpido, foeminæ subfusco. Brown, clothed with brown hairs : head of the female with black hairs about the base of the antennæ; front and face of the male testaceous, of the female ferruginous : antennæ black, very slender, much longer in the male than in the female, much shorter than the wings: thorax with a testaceous stripe along each side and a testaceous band in front; underside with two broad whitish testa- ceous stripes : abdomen long, much shorter than the wings, shorter in the male than in the female, with a testaceous dorsal stripe along more than half the length and with some testaceous streaks on each side: legs pitchy; femora aud tibiæ with testaceous stripes: wings limpid, brown at the base; stigma hardly coloured in the male, pale brown in the female, comprising four veins; veins black ; subcostal region decreasing in breadth on the hind-wings, but hardly so on the fore-wings, from near the base to the stigma: hipd-wings much shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings; their greatest breadth at one-third of the length from the base, where the fore border is most convex. Length of the body 121_13 lines; of the wings 33 lines. a. Pará. From Mr. Stevens' collection. b. Santarem, Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 75. ASCALAPHUS DAMNOSUS. Fuscus, albido-hirtus ; caput testaceum, subtus flavum, apud an- tennas nigro-hirtum, vertice piceo ; antenna nigræ; thorax flavo varius ; abdomen nigrum, subtus testaceo vittatum; pedes testacei, tibiis supra fuscis, tarsis nigris ; alæ hyaline, longa, latæ, apice fusca. Brown, clothed with wbitish hairs: head testaceous, yellow be- neath : vertex pitchy; a tuft of black hairs about the base of the antennæ : antennæ black, slender, very much shorter than the wings: segments of the thorax with yellow marks and borders : abdomen 2 Q3 450 M-YRMELEONITES. black, slender, with a testaceous stripe beneath, much shorter than the wings: legs testaceous; tibiæ brown above, tarsi black : wings hyaline, long, broad, dark brown at the base; stigma small, very pale brown, comprising four veins, of which three are forked ; veins black ; subcostal region with a lurid tinge, slightly, and in the fore- wings almost imperceptibly, decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigina: hind-wings shorter than the fore-wings, but broader near the base, where the bind border is very convex. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 34 lines. a. ? 76. ASCALAPHUS ARENOSUS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput apud antennas nigro-hirtum, facie fengujinea ; antenna nigrce, clava subtus albido-testacea ; tho- rax disco dorsali pectorisque vittis duabus albido-testaceis ; pedes testacei, tarsis nigris; alæ limpida, breviusculæ. Brown, clothed with brown hairs : head clothed with black hairs about the base of the antennæ; face ferruginous : antennæ black, very slender, much shorter than the wings; club whitish tes- taceous beneath ; disk of the thorax whitish testaceous; underside with two broad whitish testaceous stripes by the wings: abdomen à little longer than the hind-wings, clothed on each side with whitish down, whitish testaceous above along more than half the length from the base: legs testaceous ; tarsi black: wings limpid, rather short; stigma pale brown, comprising five veins, of which two oi three are forked ; veins black; subcostal region slightly, and espe- cially so in the fore-wings, decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigma: hind-wings much shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings; their greatest breadth at one-fourth of the length from the base, where the hind border is most convex. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 27 lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 77. ASCALAPHUS LUTEUS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput apud antennas nigro-hirtum, facie testacea ; antennce piceæ, testaceo annulata, clava nigra subtus testacea ; abdomen nigrum, subtus basi testaceum ; pedes tes- tacei, tarsis nigris; alæ longa, limpide, basi fuscæ, stigmate ftαυο. MY'RMELEONITES. 451 Brown, clothed with brown hairs : head thickly clothed about the base of the antennæ with black hairs; face testaceous: antennæ pitchy, very slender, much shorter than the wings; club black, under. side and the borders of the joints testaceous; abdomen black, very inuch shorter than the hind-wings; underside pitchy, testaceous to- wards the base: legs testaceous; tarsi black: wings limpid, very long, brown at the base ; stigma very pale yellow, comprising four yellow veins which generally are all forked ; veins black; subcostal region of equal breadth from near the base to the stigma, but with its breadth slightly decreasing in the hind-wings; the latter much shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings, their greatest breadth at one-third of the length where the hind border is convex. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 46 lines. a. ? 78. ASCALAPHUS CIRCUMFLEXUS. Fuscus, fusco-hirtus ; caput apud antennas nigro-hirtum, facie testaceo-fusca ; antenne ferrugineæ; testaceo annulate, clava niyra subtus testacea; abdomen piceum ; pedes testacei, tarsis nigris; alæ longa, limpide, apice subangulata, posticæ apice fusce. Brown, clothed with brown hairs : head thickly clothed with black hairs about the base of the antennæ : face testaceous brown: antennæ ferruginous, very slender, much shorter than the wings; joints from about one-third of the length to the club testaceous at the base ; club black, testaceous beneath, rather narrow: abdomen pitchy, much shorter than the hind-wings: legs testaceous; tarsi black; wings limpid, long, indistinctly angular at the tips, these with a brown tinge, which is indistinct on the fore-wings, but much darker and broader on the hind-wings; stigma yellowish, comprising five or six veins which are nearly all forked ; veins black; subcostal region of the fore-wings brown, slightly increas- ing in breadth from the base to the stigma, near which there is a forked vein : hind-wings much shorter, but very little narrower than the fore-wings, their greatest breadth at one-third of the length from the base ; subcostal region slightly tinged with brown towards the stigma, very slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to near the stigma. Length of the body 16 lines; of the wings 46 lines. a. Santarem, Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 11 452 MYRMELEONITES. 79. ASCALAPHUS CONTRARIUS. Piccus, gracilis, fusco-hirtus ; caput apud antennas nigro-hirtum, facie flava ; antennæ ferruginea, clava nigra subtus albida; thorax maculis duabus fasciaque antica flavis; pectus flavo bifasciatum ; abdomen gracile, favo guttatum et strigatum et apice maculatum; pedes fulvi, subtus testacei, tarsis nigris apice ferrugineis ; alæ limpide, longissimu, apice fusca, stig- mate albido, anticæ ad costam fusce. Pitchy, slender, clothed with brown hairs: head with black hairs about the base of the antennæ; face yellow : antennæ ferrugi- vous, much shorter than the wings; club black, whitish beneath: thorax with a yellow spot on each shoulder and a yellow band in front; underside with two oblique yellow bands on each side : ab. domen slender, much shorter than the wings, with some yellow dots and oblique streaks on each side, and with a yellow spot at the tip: legs tawny, testaceous beneath; tarsi black, with ferruginous tips: wings limpid, very long; tips brown, especially in the hind-wings; stigma whitish, with whitish veins; veins black : fore-wings with the subcostal region brown, very slightly widening from the base to the stigma: hind-wings much shorter but not narrower than the fore-wings; subcostal region slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to near the stigma, where it again slightly widens. Length of the body 17 lines ; of the wings 52 lines. a. Pará. From Mr. Stevens collection. 80. ASCALAPHUS ALBISTIGMA. Ferrugineus, fusco-hirtus ; antenne fulva, breves, clava nigra sub- tus testacea; pectus vittis duabus notisque discalibus testaceis; abdomen piceum, subtus basi testaceum ; pedes ferruginei, tibiis testaceis, tursis nigris ; alæ subluride, longe, sat late, stigmate albo, anticæ ad costam fusce. Ferruginous, clothed with brown hairs : antennæ tawny, short, less than half the length of the wings; club black, testaceous be- neath : thorax beneath with a broad testaceous stripe on each side and some testaceous marks in the disk: abdomen pitchy, testaceous beneath at the base: legs ferruginous ; tibiæ testaceous; tarsi black: wings with a very slight lurid tinge, long, rather broad, pale brown fur full one-fourth of the length from the tips; stigina white, large, MYRME LEONITES. 453 with white veins ; veins black: fore-wings with the subcostal and radial regions dark brown, the former slightly decreasing in breadth from near the base to the stigma; middle of the wing parallel from thence to the stigma, its veins clouded with darker brown except near the base where the areolets are partly limpid about their fore borders : hind-wings shorter and a little narrower than the fore- wings ; subcostal region decreasing much in breadth from near the base to the middle, whence it very slightly widens to the stigma. Length of the body 16'? lines ; of the wings 40 lines. 2. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Group 81. ASCALAPHUS CHLOROPS. Testaceo-fuscus, pilosus ; thorace maculis seu vittis obscurioribus ; oculis nitidis pallide aureo-viridibus ; alis vitreis, venis fus- cis ; pedibus pallidis, genubus, tibiarum apice tarsisque piceis. Ascalaphus chlorops, Blanch. Orbigny, Voy. Amér. Mérid. 218, 754, pl. 28, f. 8. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Genus 3. STILBOPTERYX. Caput transversum, pronum, cum oculis prothorace latius. Ad- tennæ capite duplo longiores, multi-articulatæ, capitatæ. Os sub pectore inclinatum. Labrum transversuun, lateribus rotundatis, medio submarginatum. Mandibulæ validæ, incurvæ, apice acutæ, intus deutibus duobus distantibus armatæ. Maxillarum lacinia apice vix acuta, intus pilosa, basi unguiculo elevato instructa ; galea fere linearis, lacinia paullo longior, apice trifida. Palpi maxillares galea paullo longiores, 4-articulati ; articuli longitudine subæquales. Labium subquadratum, valde pilosum. . Palpi labiales ligula paullo longiores, 3-articulati, articulis cylindricis, longitudine subæquali- bus. Ligula rotundata, apice emarginata, dente mediano obtuso. Prothorax brevis, ca pite metathoraceque angustior, Abdomen elon. gatum, lineare. Alæ lineares, haud abdomen sedentis superinjicientes, Tarsi 5-articulati. Stilbopteryx, Newman, Ent. Mag. v. 399. Azesia, Lefebvre, Guér. Mag. Zool. 1842. 404 PANORPIDES. 1. STILBOPTERYX COSTALIS. Fusca , alæ nitida, hyaline, costis apicibusque late fuscis ; quali- bet ala macula costali alba ante apicem instructa. Stilbopteryx costalis, Newm. Ent. May. v. 400. Azesia Napoleo, Lefebvre, Guér. Mag. Zool. 1842; Ins. pl. 92. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 364. a. Australia. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. b. Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club. C. Australia. From Mr. Strange's collection. Fam. 3. PANORPIDES. Os in rostrum plus minusve productum. Mandibulæ elongato- trigonæ, dentibus nullis. Maxillæ corneæ, apice elongatæ, bifidæ, lobo interno longiori, lanceolato, piloso, externo subulato, biarticu- lato. Palpi maxillares maxillis parum breviores, quioquearticulati, articulis cylindricis, apicis brevioribus. Mentum elongatum, cor- neum, apice emarginatum. Ligula submembranacea, porrecta, lan- ceolata, pilosa. Palpi labiales ligula longiores, triarticulati, articulis cylindricis, ultimo reliquis parum breviore. Alæ quatuor similes aut nullæ. Panorpides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 326. Panorpidæ, Leach; Westw. Rhaphioptera et Panorpina, MacLeay. Boreidæ et Panorpidæ, Steph.; Newman. Panorpa, Linn.; Fabr. ; Ĝmel. ; Coqueb.; Oliv. ; Panz. Gryllus, p., Punz. Panorpatæ, Latr.; Klug, Abhandl. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 81. Panorpites et Boreites, Blanchard. Genus 1. CHORISTA. Chorista, Klug, Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 87. Os in rostrum haud productum. Mandibulæ lineares, corneæ, apice incurvæ acuminatæ. Maxillæ elongatæ, basi corneæ, apice membranaceæ, bifidæ, lobis subæqualibus, apice villosis, externo lineari, interno cylindrico, sublongiore. Palpi maxillares maxillis longiores, 5-articulati, articulis subæqualibus, cylindricis, subhir- PANORPIDES. 455 sutis, 40 50 que subacuminato reliquis tenuioribus. Mentum breve, subquadratum, corneum, apice truncatum. Labium mento, cui insidet, fere longior, membranaceum, profunde et acute emargina- tum. Palpi labiales labio, cujus apici affixi, fere longiores, biar- ticulati, articulis subhirtis, lo ovato, crassiori, 20 lineari illo parum minori, 1. CAORISTA AUSTRALIS. Fusca; capite femoribusque rufo-testaceis ; alis flavescenti-hyalinis, fusco venosis. Chorista australis, Klug, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 101, pl. f. 8. a. New Holland. Geous 2. BOREUS. Os in rostrum productum. Ocelli nulli. Mandibulæ com- pressæ, lineares, subcorneæ, apice subincurvæ, intus ante apicem denticulatæ. Maxillæ basi cum meuto connatæ, lineares, coriacoa, dein membranaceæ, apice ovatæ, integræ, margine subtilissime den. ticulato. Palpi maxillares maxillis longiores, 5-articulati, articulis cylindricis subæqualibus, ultimo reliquis longiori, elongato. "Men- tum cum maxillis connatum, antice sinuatum. Labium mento in. sidens, obconicum, apice paullo ampliatum, rotundatum, integrum. Palpi labiales brevissimi, biarticulati, articulo lo quadrato, 20 lo vix longiore, cylindrico. Boreus, Cuvier, Règne Anim. v. 247; Lalr.; Guérin ; Curtis; Steph. Panorpa, P., Linn. ; Fabr. ; De Vill.; Oliv.; Turt.; Klug ; Ramb. Gryllus, P., Panzer. Bittacus, P., Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. 1. BORIUS HYEMALIS. Æneo-viridis ; antenna nigricantes ; oviductus et pedes pallidi. Panorpa hyemalis, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 914, 3. Fabr. Syst. Ent. .. 314, 3; Ent. Syst. Emend. ii. 98, 5. Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 65, • 3. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 715,7. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 406. Gryllus proboscideus, Panz, Faun, Ins. Germ. xxii. 18. 456 PANORPIDES, Bittacus hyemalis, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 20, 3. Boreus hyemalis, Latr. Cuv. Règne Anim. v. 247. Guér. Iconi Règne Anim. pl. 61, f. 4. Guér. et Perch. Gen. Ins. 1, Neu- · · ropt. pl. 1. Curt. Brit. Ent. iii. pl. 118. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi, 51, 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 955. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 328. Crochard, ed. Cuv. Règn. Anim. 95, pl. 102, f. 5. a. England. b. — Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ( f. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 2. BOREUS NIVORIUNDUS. Niger vel nigro-fuscus, nitens ; thoracis dorso pedibusque fulvis ; rostro et oviductu fulvis apice fuscis. Boreus nivoriundus, Fitch, Winter Insects of New York (May, 1847), 4, 1. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 96, 1. a.-d. New York. Presented by Dr. Fitch. 3. BOREUS BRUMALIS. - Nigro-viridis ; rostro, oviductu, antennis pedibusque nigris. Boreus brumalis, Fitch, Winter Insects of New York (May, 1847), 5, 2. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new series, i. 96, 2. a, b. New York. Presented by Dr. Fitch. Genus 3. PANORPA, Os in rostrum productum. Ocelli tres. Mandibulæ lineares, corneæ, apice incurvæ, acute trideotatæ, dente externo majori, in- terno minimo. Maxillæ basi cum mento in tubum connatæ, line- ares, corneæ, apice liberæ, membranaceæ, bifidæ, laciniis linearibus, subæqualibus, inarginibus apiceque villosis. Palpi maxillares max. illis pone medium inserti, his fere longiores, 5-articulati, articulis lo 20 que cylindricis subæqualibus, 30 40 que subcompressis sublatiori- bus, 50 ovato obtuso. Mentum subquadratum, corneum, apice truncatum. Labium elongatum, membranaceum, acute emargina- tum. Palpi labiales labio vix longiores, biarticulati, articulis mem- branaceis, subcompressis, 10 20 parum longiore. Ungues biungui. culati. PANORPIDES. 457 Panorpa, Linn.; Fabr. ; Barbut ; Gmel.; Berk.; Panz.; Stew.; Don.; Turt.; Shaw; Leach ; Wood; Steph.; Klug; Curt. ; Westw. ; Rainb. 1. PANORPA COMMUNIS. Fusca ; abdominis apice maculisque rufis; alis hyalinis, venis fasciis maculisque nigris. Aldrovand. de Animal. Ins. 386, f. 8, 9, 387, f. 5, 6. Mouf. Ins. Theatr. 62. Panorpa communis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. 2, 915, 2; Faun. Suec. 384, 1516. Poda, Ins. Mus. Græc. 100, 1. Müll. Faun. Ins. Fridrichsdal, 66, 581. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 313, 1; Ent. Syst. emend. ii. 97, 1. Barbut, Gen. 226, pl. 12. Berk. Syn. 1, 152. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. ii. 218. ^ Scop. Ent. Carn. 271, 110. Deg. Ins. ij. 2, 733, pl. 22, 24, 25, f. 1-3, 5. Schr. Ins. Austr. 316, 633; Faun. Boic. ii. 206, 1960. Fourcr. Ent. Par. ii. 360, 1. Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 64, 1. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. 4, 10. Geoffr. Ins. ii. 260, 1, pl. 14, f, 2. Schæff. Elem. Entom. pl. 93; Icon. pl. 88. f. 6, 1. Sulz,'Ins. 177, p. 25, f. 6, 7. Roem. Gen. Ins. 56, pl. 25, f. 5, 6. Frisch. Ins. ix. 28, pl. 14. Reaum. Ins. iv. 157, pl. 8, f. 9, 10. Lalr, Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 19, pl. 98, f. 2; Gen. Cr. et Ins. iii. 188, 1. Cuv. Règne Anim. v. 247. Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. Invert. iv. 420, 1. Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 714, 1, pl. 97. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 406. Leach, Zool. Misc. ii. 28, pl. 94, f. 1. Dumé- ril, Dict. Sci. Nat. pl. Zool. Ent. Neuropt. 27, f. 6. Sam. Ent. Comp. 260, pl. 7, f. 5. Donov. Nat. Hist. Brit. Ins. vi. pl. 20, f. inf. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 264, pl. 86, f. med. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 52, 1. Wood, ill. Linn. Gen. Ins. ii. 35, pl. 51. Klug, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 102, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 328, 1. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. vi. 185, 1. Fusco-nigra, meso- et metathorace linea media lata lutea, abdominis apice rufo ; alis ad apicem subacutis, hyalinis, venis fasciis maculisque nigris, stigmate elongato ; vena la lon- gitudănali, pone stigma, ter furcata. Var. Panorpa affinis, Leach, Zool. Misc. ii. 98, pl. 94, f. 2. Steph Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 52, 2. P. Germanica, Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 406. Sam. Ent. Cab. i. 3, 4. P. communis, Donov. Nat. Hist. Brit. Ins. vi. pl. 201, f. sup. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. pl. 86, f. sup. et inf. Var. Panorpa apicalis, Steph. *Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 52, 3. 2 R 458 PANORPIDES. Var. Panorpa borealis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 53, 4. Var.? Panorpa meridionalis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 329, 2. “Wings more spotted with black tban those of P. communis and P. Germanica, from which the male also differs in the form of the underside of the abdomen, whose fifth segment instead of being tapering at the tip and cylindrical as in those species has a pointed elevation; the sixth segment is much more attenuated at the base and more thickened at the tip than in the other two species : teeth of the claws shorter than those of P. communis." - Rambur. France; Spain. a_b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq.' (-7. England. $, t. South France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. v. Louvain. Presented by Lady Seymour. U, W. S. France. 2-cc. Nice. From Dr. Leach's collection. ee-3;. ? From Mr. Children's collection, lik-1 n. ? 2. PanOnPA GERMANICA. · Fusco-nigra; meso-et metathoracelinea media lutea; abdominis apice rufo-luteo; alis ad apicem rotundatis hyalinis, venis fasciis maculisque nigris, stigmate breviori; vena la pune stigma bis furcata. Panorpa Germanica, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 915, 2. Act. Nidros, iii. 414, pl. 6, f. 10. Schrift. Dronth. Ges. a.d. Dan. Ubers. ii. 372, pl. 6, f. 10. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 313, 2; Ent. Syst. Emend. ii. 97, 2. Schr. Ins. Austr, 316, 634. Vill. Ent. Linn. jii. 65, 2. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vii. 714, 2. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 53, 5. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 185, 2, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 329, 3. “ Especially distinguished from P. communis by the form of the different segments of the abdomen, and of the clavate tip whose forcers have perceptibly shorter branches and joints, and whose two appendages, which are applied above on parting from the base, when it is raised, are dilated at the tip, and shorter, whilst in P. communis they are linear, and approach much nearer to the base of the forceps; the second segment presents above on its hind border an elevated projection, which rests on a little eminence of the fol- lowing segment: clays with only three teeth."- Rambur. PANORPIDES. 459 Var. Panorpa apicalis, Steph. fil. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 52, 3. Nigra ; alis hyalinis, immaculatis, apice fusco solo excepto, Denis fuscescentibus, pebibus piceis. Var. Panorpa borealis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 53, 4. Ni- yra ; rostro abdominis apice pedibusque piceis ; alis hyainis, venis maculaque costali fuscescentibus. Var.? Panorpa alpina, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 330, 4. 6 A little smaller than P. Germanica, which it much resem- bles : second abdominal segment bardly gibbous on its hind border above, not perceptibly prolonged; fifth truncate-conical, very slightly gibbose on its border above, which is not so in P. Germanica : leg's reddish; ungues with only two distinct teeth, whereas there are three in P. Germanica, and the point is longer than in the latter species : wings narrow, slightly reddish, with two or three scarcely perceptibly brown dots, without spots at the tips.”—Rambur. Chamounis. Var. Panorpa cognata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 330, 5. "Male. Size of P. Germanica, which it much resembles, and has almost the same colours, but is quite distinct: hind border of the second abdominal segment a little raised; fifth short, thicker at its tip than at its base, compressed and prominent above at its tip ; sixth gibbous at its base, bardly dilated at its tip; seventh a litile gibbous after the base, not dilated towards the tip, much notched above on its hind border: terminal clavate part thicker than that of P. communis, and with more linear appendages, which extend almost to the base of the forceps.”-Rambur. Var.? Panorpa rufescens, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 330, 6. N. America. a, b. England. ?'c, d ? La Chine, near Montreal. Presented by Dr. Barnston. This may be a variety of P. communis. 2 R2 460 PANORPIDES. 3. PANORPA RUFOSTIGMA. Fulva; thorace luteo, lateribus nigris ; alis hyalinis, fusco macula- tis apiceque fusco, stigmate magno rufo; vena la longitudia nali, post stigma, bis furcata. Panorpa rufostigma, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv, 186, 3. Albania. 4. PANORPA APPENDICULATA. Nigra ; capite thoraceque fulvis ; abdominis segmento 20 in a ap- pendiculo tenui valde elongato ; alis nigris, albo variis. Panorpa appendiculata, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 186, 4. a, b. Madras. Presented by Walter Elliot, Esq. Var.? c. East Indies. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. d. ? 5. PANORPA JAVANICA. Nigra ; thoracis abdominisque lateribus rufescentibus ; alis sublatis hyalinis, fasciu parva, postice dilatata, ante medium alce, fascia . altera lata, postice furcata pone medium, apiceque lato nigris. Panorpa Javanica, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 186, 5. Java. 6. PANORPA ANGUSTIPENNIS. Nigra ; rostro rufo, lobis lateralibus thoracis luteis, alis valde elon- gatis, basi angustis, fascia tenuissima ante medium alteraque versus apicem postice furcata, apice lato, postice abbreviato, nigro. Panorpa angustipennis, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 187, 6. Var.? a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. PANORPIDES. 461 7. PANORPA TU ROATA. Testacea ; alis flavescentibus, punctis 4 ante medium, fascia lata postice furcata apiceque lato nigris ; abdominis in maribus segmento 50 furca cornea armato, 60 et 70 valde elongatis. . Panorpa furcata, Hardwicke, Linn. Trans. xiv. pl. 5, f. 2-6. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 187, 7. a, b. Nepaul. From the Hardwicke bequest. 8. PANORPA CHARPENTIERI. Capite abdomineque fuscis, thorace cum pedibus testaceo, dorso in- fuscato; alis hyalinis, puncto singulo fusco in areola una media, Panorpa Charpentieri, Burm. Handb. Ent. ij. 2, 958. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 187, 8. East Indies. 9. PANORPA JAPONICA. Nigra; pedibus testaceis ; alis hyalinis, fasciis duabus maculisque atris. Panorpa Japonica, Thunb. Nov. Ins. Sp. Diss. 3, 67, f. 9.' Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 715. Klug, Mon. Panorp. Trans. Berl. Acad. 1836, 26. Buri. Handb. Ent. ij. 2, 957. Westw. Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 188, 9. Japan. 10. PANONPA RUFA. Rufo-testacea ; antennis fuscis, basi rufescentibus, regione ocellorum nigra ; alis elongatis, apice subacutis, hyalinis ; maculis 2 ba- salibus, fascia obliqua ante mediun, macula media costali, fascia pone medium postice furcata apiceque nigris, punctis nonnullis hyalinis in apice nigro; abdomine elongato, seg- mento 50 supra inermi. 2 R3 462 PANORPIDES. Panorpa rufa, G. R. Gray, Anim. Kingd. Ins. pl. 105, f. 2. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 188, 10. P. fasciata, Klug, Mon. Panorp. Trans. Berl. Acad. 1836, 25. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 11. PANORPA LUGUBRIS Nigra ; abdomine ferrugineo, apice nigro, segmento 50 inermi ; alis nigris albo maculatis. Panorpa lugubris, Swederus, Suec. Trans. 1787, 279. Klug, Mon. Panorp. Trans. Berl. Acad. 1836, 20. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 188, 11. P. Scorpio, Fabr. Ent. Syst. emend. ii.97, 3. Oliv. Enc. Méth. riii. 715. Leach, Zool, Misc. 11, 90, pl. 94, f. 3, 4. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 927, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 331, 8. Bittacus Scorpio, Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 189. and North America. 12. PANORPA NEBULOSA. Obscure luteo-fulva ; abdominis segmento 50 maris inerni ; alis sub- cinereo-hyalinis, puncto magno nigro ad basin stigmatis, venis- , que brevibus transversis nebulosis. Panorpa nebulosa, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 188, 12. a. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 13. PANORPA PUNCTATA. Testacea; thoracis maculis, abdominisque basi fuscis ; alis hyalinis, venis punctoque in singula areola nigris. Panorpa punctata, Klug, Mon. Panorp. Trans. Berl. Acad. 1836, 25, pl. ann. f. 57. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 189, 13. Mexico. PANORPIDES. 463 14. PANORPA TERMINATA. Testacea ; capite thoraceque fusco maculatis ; alis hyalinis, apice nigricantibus. Panorpa terminata, Klug, Mon. Panorp. Trans. Berl. Acad. 1836, 26, pl. ann. f. 10. Westu. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 189, 14. Mexico. 15. PANORPA AMERICANA. Testacea ; alis latis flavescentibus, fasciis 3 fuscis (2a recta, ultima apicali), anticis ante fasciam lam, et inter fascias lam et 2am puncto parvo fusco; venis fulvis, in partibus fasciatis fuscis ; abdominis segmento 50 in 5 cornu brevi erecto armato. Panorpa Americana, Swederus, Act. Holm. 1787. Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 189, 15. P. fasciata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 98, 4. Klug, Mon. Panorp. Trans. Berl. Acad. 1836, 252. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 331, 7, pl. 8, f. 5. Georgia 16. PANORPA VENOSA. Obscure fulva ;' meso- et metathoracis lateribus obscuris; abomine obscuro, linea dorsali pallidiori ; alis pallide flavo-luteis, venis transversis fasciis apiceque nigricantibus. Panorpa venosa, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 190, 16. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 17. PANORPA CONFUSA. Fulva ; alis luteo-hyalinis, venis nigricantibus, transversis fusco-. tinctis, fasciis apiceque tenuibus nigricantibus ; abdominis segmento 50 maris supra spina longa armato, 6o ad basim haud inciso. Panorpa confusa, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 190, 17. Massachusetts. 464 PANORPIDES. 18. PANORPA DEBILIS. Luteo-fulva ; abdominis basi supra nigro, segmento 50 cornu brevi obliquo armato, 60 basi supra emarginato ; alis pallidis, fas- ciis apiceque fuscis. Panorpa debilis, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 191, 18. a. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 6.- ? From Mr. Children's collection. 19. PANORPA SUBFURCATA. Obscure fulva ; capite magis rufescente ; abdomine supra ad basin obscuro, segmento 50 cornu brevi dorsali armato ; alis fusco fasciatis, vena pone stigma ad apicem vix furcuta. Panorpa subfurcata, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 191, 19. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. b-f. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. g-l. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection). 20. PANORPA RUFICEPS. Nigra ; capite femoribusque ferrugineis ; alis fuscescentibus im- muculatis. Panorpa ruficeps, Newman, Zoologist, 2835. Genus 4. EUPHANIA. Caput prothorace haud occultum, infra in proboscidem longi- tudine mediocri productum. Ocelli tres. Euphania, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 192. 1. EUPHANIA LUTEOLA. Fulva, piceo varia; antennis nigris basi fulvis, alis pallide luteis. Long. 5}; alar. 154 lin. Euphania luteola, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 192, pl. 14, f. 1. a, b. Australia. From Mr. Argent's collection. C. - - ? PANORPIDES. 465 This genus may be united with Chorista. Merope seems to be nearer allied to this family than to the Sialides, with which it is placed. Genus 5. BITTACUS. Os in rostrum productum. Ocelli tres. Mandibulæ lineares, corneæ, apice acute bidentatæ. Maxillæ elongatæ, corneæ, basi cum mento connatæ, apice porrectæ, bifidæ, lobo externo interno parum breviore, lanceolato, apice subtilissime denticulato, interno lineari, apice hirsuto. Palpi maxillares 5-articulati, articulo lo hrevissimo, subgloboso, sequentibus cylindricis, 20 30 breviori. Men- tum cum maxillis connatum, apice truncatum. Labium membra- naceum, attenuatum, apice profunde et acute emarginatum. Palpi labiales elongati, biarticulati, articulis linearibus, 20 lo longiore. Ungues unguiculo unico arinati. Panorpa, P., Linn.; Müller ; Schr.; Fabr,; De Vill. ; Sulzer ; Römer; Shaw; Thunb. Bittacus, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. viii.; Lam.; Leach ; Guér.; Pictet ; Klug ; Westw.; Ramb. 1. BITTACUS ITALICUS. Testaceus ; alis flavescentibus ; tibiis apice fuscis. Panorpa italica, Müller, Manip. Ins. Taur. ed. Allioni, Miscell. Taurin. iii. 194. Panorpa tipuloides, Schr. Beitr. Nat. 82, 40; Ins. Austr. 317, 635. Panorpa tipularia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. emend. ii. 98, 6. Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 66, 5, pl. 7, f. 11. Sulz. Ins. 177, pl. 25, f. 7, 8. Römer, Gen. Ins. pl. 25, f. 7,8. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. pl. 86. Bittacus tipularius, Látr. Hist. Nat. Ins. viii. 20, 2; Gen. Cr. et Ins. iii. 189, 1. Lam. Hist. Nat. iv, 421, 1. Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. pl. 61, f. 2. Leach, Ed. Enc. ix. 137, 493, 1, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 956. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 326, 1. Bittacus italicus, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 97, 1. South Europe. 2. BITTACUS CAPENSIS. Testaceus ; thorace utrinque maculis ; capite medio antennisque nigris. 466 PANORPIDES. Panorpa capensis, Thunb. Nov. Sp. Ins. Diss. 3, 67, f. 78. Dissert. Acad. lii. 187, pl. 9, f. 15. Bittacus capensis, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 97, 2. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. 3. BITTACUS TESTACEUS. Testaceus ; capite macula nigra ; tibiis apice antennisque fuscis. Bittacus testaceus, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 98, 3. Cape, Senegal. 4. BITTACUS BRASILIENSIS. Testaceus ; alis stigmate testaceo. Bittacus Brasiliensis, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 98, 4. Brazil. 5. BITTACUS FEMORALIS. Testaceus ; capite macula, femoribus anterioribus fere totis, posticis apice, tibiis apice tarsisque fuscis. Bittacus femoralis, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 98, 5. Brazil. 6. BITTACUS MEXICANUS. Testaceus ; capite macula media, femoribus litura apicali fuscis ; alis subvenosis. Bittacus Mexicanus, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 99, 6. Mexico. 7. BITTACUS FLAVESCENS. Flavescens ; abdomine apice clavato obscuriore ; alis hyalinis, stig- mate testaceo. Bittacus flavescens, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 99, 7. Brazil, PANORPIDES. 467 8. 'BitraCUS NEBULOSOS. Testaceus ; fronte macula media pedumque anteriorum femoribus tibiisque apice fuscis ; alis venis testaceis, transversis subin- fuscatis. Bittacus nebulosus, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 99, 8. Cape. 9. BITTACUS CHILENSIS. Pubescens ; obscure testaceus ; alarum venis transversis utrinque maculisque fusco nebulosis. Bittacus chilensis, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 100, 9. pl. f. 6. Chili. 10. BITTACUS BLANCHETI. Fuscus ; alis hyalinis, fusco variegatis. Bittacus Blancheti, Pictet, Mém. Phys. Soc. Genève, vii. 403, f. 3. Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 100, 10. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 327, 3, pl. 8, f. 6. Brazil. 11. BITTACUS AUSTRALIS. Rufus ; capite thoraceque maculis, femoribus apice nigris. Bittacus australis, Klug, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 100, 11. Bittacus corethrarius ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 327, 2. a b. Port Stephen, New Holland. Presented by the Earl of Derby. c. New Holland. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. dag. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. h. Van Dieman's Land. Presented by R. Butler, Esq. į. Van Dieman's Land. From Mr. A. J. Smith's collection. j. New Holland. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. kmp. New Holland. 468 - PANORPIDES. 12. BITTACUS AFFINIS. pallide fuscescentibus, stigmate fusco, venisque parum fusco tinctis. Bittacus affinis, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 196, 1. a. Brazil. b. Pará. 13. BITTACUS PUNCTIGER. Fulvescens ; femoribus setis paucis nigris e guttis minutis fuscis prodeuntibus armatis ; alis paullo latioribus nitidis, flavido- hyalinis, stigmate fere concolori gutlisque numerosis paullo obscurioribus. Bittacus punctiger, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 195, 2. a, b. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. 14. BITTACUS PALLIDIPENNIS. sime luteis unicoloribus, stigmate vix obscuriori. Bittacus pallidipennis; Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 195, 3. a. ? 15. BITTACUS PILICORNIS. Pallide fusco-luteus ; pedibus lutescentibus ; alis hyalinis, stigmate vix colorato ; antennis longe pilosis. Bittacus pilicornis, West. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 196, 4. United States. Var. ? Pale testaceous : antennæ very pilose: legs slender, of equal thickness : wings limpid ; stigma very pale brown; trans- verse veins clouded with brown. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 19 lines. a, b. La Chine, near Montreal. Presented by Dr. Barnston. PANORPIDES. 469 16. BITTACUS OCCIDENTIS. Testaceus ; proboscidis apice palpis antennisque nigris ; thoracis discus fuscescens ; femora postica valida, fulva, apice nigra ; femora antica nigra, basi fulva ; tibia antice picea; alæ sub- lurida, stigmate fusco, antennis nigris. Testaceous : mouth towards the tip, palpi and antennæ black: disk of the thorax brownisb : legs mutilated; hind-femora stout, tawny with black tips; fore-femora black, tawny towards the base ; fore-tibiæ pitchy: wings slightly lurid ; stigma brown; veins black. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Erie, United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 17. BITTACUS INDICUS. Luteus ; antennæ pubescentes, apice obscuriores ; abdomen ferrugi- neum ; pedes sat graciles, æquales ; alæ lurida, apice subob- scuriores, stigmate nullo, venis piceis basi fulvis. Luteous : antennæ minutely pubescent, darker towards the tips: abdomen ferruginous : legs rather slender, of equal thickness : wings lurid ; a little darker at the tips; stigma not coloured; veins pitchy, tawuy towards the base. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. 18. BITTACUS SINENSIS. Ferrugineus ; antenne pubescentes ; abdomen piceo vittatum ; pedes fulvi, graciles ; alæ flavæ, stigmate fulvo, venis trans- versis fusco-nebulosis. Ferruginous: antennæ pubescent : abdomen with a pitchy stripe: legs tawny, slender: wings yellow; stigma tawny; trans- verse veins clouded with brown. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. Shanghae, China. From Mr. Fortune's collection. 2 s 470 NEMOPTERIDES. . Fam. 4. NEMOPTERIDES. Os in rostrum productum. Alæ posticæ longissimæ, fere fili- formes. Nemopterides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 332. Nemopteridæ, Newman. Genus 1. NEMOPTERA. Nemoptera, Latr.; Oliv.; Lam. ; Klug; Ramb. Physapus, Leach, Edin. Encycl. Nemopteryx, Leach, Zool. Misc. Panorpa, P., Linn.; Fabr.; Forsk. Ephemera, p., Hasselquist, Div. 1. Os valde elongatum, rostriſorme. Subdiv. 1. Alæ anticæ fasciis anguliferis strigis punctisque plurimis nigris aut fuscis. Group Nemoptera, Rambur. 1. NEMOPTERA COA. Corpore flavo nigroque variegato; alis pallidis, anticis punctis sparsis fasciisque repandis transversis quatuor, posticis tribus • nigris. Panorpa Coa, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 915, 4. Kongl. Suenska. Vet. Handl. 1747, viii. 176, pl. 6, f. 1. Abh. Köngl. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. 9, 196, pl. 6, f. 1. De Vill. Ins. iii. 95, 4. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 314,5; Ent. Syst. Suppl. 208,7. Coqueb. Illustr. Icon. i. 15, pl. 3, f. 3. Panorpa halterata, Fabr. Gen. Ins. Mant. 245, 6; Mant. Ins. i. 251, 6. Ephemera Coa, Hasselquist, Iter Paloest. 423. Reise nach Palestina, a, d. 462, 90. Libella, &c., Petiver, Op. i. dec. vi. pl. 73, 11. NEMOPTERIDES, 471 Papilio, &c., Ruysch, Thesaur. Anim. lus, pl. 1, f. 1, 6. Nemoptera Coa, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 178, 1. Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim, sans Vert. iv. 419, 1. Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 18:36, 92, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 333, 2, pl. 8, f. 3. Crochard, Ed. Cuv. Règne Anim. pl. 102, f. 2. Nemoptera Ægyptiaca ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 334, 3. Descript, de l'Egypte, Neur. pl. 2, f. 15. Q. Albania. Presented by W. Wilson Saunders, Esq. b. Albania. From Mr. Walker's collection. 0, d. Egypt. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. e ? Presented by the Dowager Lady East. f. ? 2. NEMOPTERA SINUATA. Alis flavis, punctis fasciisque quatuor sinuatis nigris. Neinoptera sinuata, Oliv. Enc. Méth, viii. 178, 2. Lam, Hist. Nat. Anim. Invert. iv. 419, 2. Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss, Berl. 1836, 93, 2. Nemoptera Coa, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 987, 9. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 335, 4. Asia minor. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 3. NEMOPTERA LUSITANICA. Corpore nigro flavoque vario; alis anticis flavis, punctis numerosis fasciisque sinuatis transversis, posticis albidis, basi fasciaque fuscis. Nemopteryx lusitanica, Leach, Zool. Miscell. ij. 74, 1, pl. 85, f. sup. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 987, 5. Ramb. Faune d'Anda- lousie, ii. pl. 9, f. 1; Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 332, 1. Nemoptera Coa, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiji. 20, pl. 97, f. 2; Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 186, 1. Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 93, 3. a Malaga. Presented by Benj. Frend, Esq. b-d. Portugal. 2 s 2 472 NEMOPTERIDES. Subdiv. 2. Alæ plerumque hyalinæ, posticæ plus minusve dilatatæ. Group Halter, Rambur. 4. NEMOPTERA EXTENSA. Corpore flavo ferrugineoque vario ; alis hyalinis, posticis ante api- cem apiceque extensis et infuscalis. Nemoptera extensa, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 178,4. Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. Invert. iv. 419, 4. Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. pl. 61, f. 1. Klug, Abh. Kön. Alcad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 93, 4. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 336, 8. Nemoptera halterata, Dumeril, Dict. Sci. Nat. pl. Zool. Ent. Neuropt. 27, f. 7. Bagdad. 5. NEMOPTERA BARBARA- Alis erectis pallidis, costa fusca, posticis linearibus longissimis sub- biclavatis. Neinoptera barbara, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 208, 8. Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 94, 5. Barbary. 6. NEMOPTERA DILATATA. Obscure fusca ; alis anticis hyalinis, posticis ante apicem biextensis fuscis, apice lacteis. Nemoptera dilatata, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 94, 6, pl. f. 1. South Africa. NEMOPTERIDES. 473 Div. 2. Os vix elongatum. Group Brachystoma, Rambur. 7. NEMOPTERA COSTATA. Corpore lestaceo fuscoque variegato ; alis hyalinis, anticis costa, posticis lincaribus basi fasciaque testaceis. Nemoptera halterata, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 178, 3. Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. Invert. iv. 419, 3. Nemoptera costata, Klug, Abh. Kön. Alcad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 94,7. Nemoptera Olivieri, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 337, 9. Alexandria. 8. NEMOPTERA HALTERATA. Pallida, dorso fusco vario ; alis anticis hyalinis, costa venisque pal- lidis, posticis linearibus, longissimis, basi pallidis, dein latio- ribus albis, fascia fusca. Panorpa halterata, Forsk. Descript. Anim. 97, pl. 25, f. 2. Nemoptera pallida, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 179, 5, pl. 98, f. 1. Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. Invert. iv. 419, 5. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 335, 5, pl. 8, f. 4. Nemopteryx Africana, Leach, Zool. Miscell. ii. 74, pl. 85, f. inf. Grift. Ed. Anim. Kingd. xv. 324, pl. 105, f. 4. Nemopiera halterata, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 94, 8. Syria, Bagdad, Egypt, Sierra-Leone. OPTIRA BAOILLARIS. Pallida, dorso fusco varia ; alis hyalinis, anticis costa pallida, ad apicem infuscata, stigmate albo, posticis linearibus, lon- gissimis, basi pallidis, ante apicem late fuscis. 474 NEMOPTERIDES. Nemoptera bacillaris, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 95, 9, pl. f. 2. South Africa. 10. NEMOPTERA SETACEA. Pallida, dorso pedibusque fuscescentibus ; alis anticis hyalinis, ad apicem subinfuscatis, macula alba, posticis setaceis, apice albis. Nemoptera setacea, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 95, 10, pl. f. 3. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. 11. NEMOPTERA CAPILLARIS. Pallida, dorso luteo varia ; alis anticis hyalinis, venis fusco alboque variegatis reticulatis, macula ad marginem anticum ante api- cali alba, posticis longissimis, setaceis, albis, basi hyalinis, reticulatis. Nemoptera capillaris, Klug, Abh. Kön. Alcad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 96, 11, pl. f. 4. Arabia Felix. 12. NEMOPTERA ARISTATA. Albida ; alis albo-hyalinis, anticis macula ante apicali fusca, pos- ticis setaceis. Nemoptera aristata, Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 96, 13, pl. f. 5. Ambukohl. 13. NEMOPTERA ALBA. Alba, immaculata ; alis posticis setaceis. Nemoptera alba, Oliv. Enc. Méth. viii. 179, 6. Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. Invert. iv. 419, 6. Klug, Abh. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836, 96, 12. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 336, 6. Bagdad. NEMOPTERIDES. 475. 14. NEMOPTERA APRIOANA. Alis anticis ad apicem rotundatis, hyalinis, stigmale albo, nubila terminali fuscescenti, costa immaculata ; posticis ad basin antennisque pallidis. Nemoptera Africana, Leach, MSS. a. Cape. 15. NEMOPTERA COSTALIS. Alis anticis ad apicem rotundatis, hyalinis, stigmate nigro nubila terminali alba, costa maculis parvis fuscis ; posticis ad basin fuscescentibus, antennis pallidis. Nemoptera costalis, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. i.; Journ. Proc. Ixxv. a. Interior of the Cape. From Mr. Westwood's collection. 16. NEMOPTERA ANGULA. Alis anticis ad apicem acutis, hyalinis, stigmate nigro, costa ma- culis parvis fuscis ; posticis ad basin fuscescentibus ; antennis elongatis fuscis. (An mas præcedentis ?) Nemoptera angula, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. i.; Journ. Proc. lxxv. Cape. 17. NEMOP'TERA ALGIRICA. Flava, rufo-fusco' varia ; caput parvum, fascia antica rufescente ; pedes flavi ; alæ anticæ hyaline costa rufescente-fusca, posticis. fuscis bidilatatis apice flavo bimaculatis. Nemoptera Algirica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 336, 7. Smaller than N. pallida. Yellow, varied with reddish brown: head small, with a reddish band on the mouth: legs yellow, brownish towards the tips : fore-wings hyaline; fore border tinged with pale reddish brown; second and third veins yellow, the others brown : 476 NEMOPTERIDES. hind-wings brown, with two dilatations before their tips, first large, second much smaller, lanceolate at its tip; tips of the wings with two yellowish spots. Algiers. 18. NEMOPTERA FILIPENNIS. Subfulva; antennis fuscis ; alis anticis hyalinis stigmate fusco, alis posticis longissimis filiformibus dimidio basali fusco apice albo. Nenoptera filipennis, Westw. Cab. Ind. Ent. 70, pl. 34, f. 6. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 19. NEMOPTERA HUTTII. Nigra, subtus et utrinque flava, nigro varia; antennis crassis longis ; alis anticis hyalinis, stigmate minimo fusco; posticis elongatis, fuscis, pone medium biextensis, incisionibus obliquis, apice hyalino ; pedibus flavis. Long. alar. 18 lin. Nemoptera Hultii, Spence, MSS.; Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. v.; Proc. xxvii. pl. 8, f. 1. a. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton's collection. LONDON, 1853. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. PART III.-TERMITIDÆ-EPHEMERIDÆ). OF THE IN THE COLLECTION OF NEUROPTEROUS INSECTS Bapt. of zoology. BRITISH MUSEUM.Olat his OF THE SPECIMENS LIST 2 . mi-- -- - - -.-.---...--...------- - -. ..- - ayr a m arrem e ce LONDON : PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE ST., BISHOPSGATE. Balco INTRODUCTION. The principal object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the specimens of Neuropterous Insects contained in the collection of the British Museum, indicating at the same time the peculiarities of each, as regards variation of character, locality, and the source from whence it has been derived. With this view, the different individuals of each species contained in the collection are indicated by the letters a, b, c, &c., following the name of the species and its syno- nymes, and the description, if it appeared to have been before undescribed. This part of the Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects has been prepared and the new species described by Mr. FRANCIS WALKER, so well known for his attention to this order of Insects. The continuation is in hand, and will follow as soon as it is completed. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, April, 1853. CATALOGUE OF NEUROPTEROUS INSECTS. Sub-order 4. CORRODENTIA. Mandibulæ njagnæ, corneæ, corrosivæ, maxillarum mando cornea, in apice dentata. Pedes ambulatorii, tarsis 2-5-articulatis. Alæ membranaceæ, homonomæ, venis transversis paucioribus vel pullis. Corrodentia, p., Burmeister. Fam. 1. PSOCIDÆ. Palpi labiales nulli. Tarsi 2-3 articulati. Alæ vel nullæ vel inæquales, venis corneis expansæ. Termes, P., Linn. Hemerobius, p., Linn.; Turt. Psoquilii, Latr. Psocidæ, Leach ; Steph.; Westw. Psocina, Burm. Psocides, Ramb. Psocina Psocidæ, Newman. 2 T. 478 PSOCIDA. “ Head exserled : eyes hemispherical, widely distant: mandi- bles corneous: antennæ long, setaceous, multi-articulate : thorax narrow: abdomen with two caudal papillæ : wings recumbent, dea flected; fore-wings ample, variously veined; bind-wings smaller, with fewer veins, slightly folded longitudinally: larva generally ar- horeal: pupa with rudimentary wings at the posterior angles of the wing-bearing segments.”~ Newman. Genus 1. THYRSOPHORUS. Caput angustum. Oculi minimi. Ocelli fere contigui. An- tennæ hirsutæ, apud medium incrassutæ. Prothorax elevatus, gib. busus. Tibiæ anteriores compressæ, subdilatatæ; tarsi articulis duobus distinctis. Alæ vena cubitali simplici. Thyrsopborus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 781. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 318. Head narrow : eyes very small: ocelli almost contiguous : feelers tumid towards ihe middle: prothorax elevated and gibbous: anterior shanks compressed, slightly dilated : tarsi with only two distinct joints, the first thrice the length of the second. 1. THYRSOPHORUS SPECIOSUS. Fuscus; capite, thorace, femoribusque ferrugineis; tibiis compressis hirtis ; alæ antica maculis tribus costalibus albis. Thyrsophorus speciosus, Klug, MSS. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 782, 1. Pará. 1 2. THYRSOPHORUS PENNICORNIS. Fuscus; pedibus alisque testaceis, his venis albis, mediis reticulatis. Thyrsophorus pennicornis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 782, 2. Bahia. PSOOIDE. 479 3. THYRSOPHORUS SPINOLÆ. Rufus ; antenna nigræ basi fulvæ; abdomen, tibiæ tarsique nigra ; ale anticæ nigro-fusca, basi pallidiores, fasciis abbreviatis apud stigma alba rufa duabusque flavis ornatæ. Thyrsophorus Spinolæ, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 318. Tbird joint of the antenne with minute, thin pubescence along one half from the base, with long, thick pubescence from thence to the tip: fore-wing with two discal areolets; the first nearly twice the size of the second, emitting a vein to the hind border ; the se- cond also emitting a vein to the hind border, and two veins towards the tip of the wing, of these the fore one ends in front of the tip of the wing, and the hind one shortly forms three branches, of which the fore one ends at the tip of the wing, and the middle one is shortly forked. a. Pará. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 4. THYRSOPHORUS LEUCOTELUS. Piceus ; caput fulvum ; antenna nigræ basi fulvæ; thorax fulvo varius ; pedes fulvi, metaiarso postico albido; ala limpida, anticæ luteo albido fuscoque varice, venis nigricantibus apud discum albis. Third joint of the antennæ with more equal pubescence along the whole length : fore-wing with two discal areolets; the first very much larger than the second, emitting a vein to the lind border; the second also emitting a vein to the bind border, and two veins towards the tip of the wing, of these the fore one ends in front of the tip of the wing, and the hind one is shortly forked, the fore fork ends at the tip of the wing, the hind one is nearly parallel to it and emits two branches to the hind border, one near its base, the other near its tip. Pitchy: head tawny: antenna black, pubescent, very much longer than the body; first, second and third joints tawny, third black towards the tip: thorax gibbous; its sides and the borders of its segments tawny: legs tawny, stout, pubescent; hind metatarsus wbitish: fore-wings limpid in front except at the base and about the stigma where they are luteous, and in front of the tip where they are whitish; hind part mostly brown ; veins blackish, mostly 2 T 2 480 PSOCIDA. white in the disk: hind-wings limpid. Length of the body 21 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Pará. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 5. THYRSOPHORUS RAMOSUS. Piceus ; caput fulvum ; antenna nigræ basi fulvæ ; thorax flavo varius ; tibice flavæ ; tarsi nigricantes ; ale antice fusca, basi et ad costam limpidæ, apud stigma rufo-fusce albo stri- gata. Third joint of the antennæ with the pubescence of almost equal thickness along the whole length : fore-wing with two discal areo- lets; the first a little larger than the second, omitting a vein to the hind border; the second also emitting a vein to the hind border and two towards the tip of the wing, of these the fore one ends in front of the tip of the wing, and the hind one is shortly forked, the fore fork ends at a little in front of the tip of the wing, the hind one has a branch near its base and another a little beyond one-third of its length : the two discal areolets and some space beyond them are adorned with numerous little ramose veinlets, which proceed from the borders to the disks and are here and there united. Pitchy: head tawny: antennæ black, pubescent, full twice the length of the body; first, second and third joints tawny; third black towards the tip: thorax yellow on each side and along the borders of the seg- ments : legs pubescent, stout; tibiæ yellow; tarsi blackish: fore- wings brown, limpid at the base and along the fore border except about the stigma where they are reddish brown ; a whitish streak between the stigma and the tip; veins blackish; transverse veiolets in the disk white: hind-wings limpid, slightly gray at the tips. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Pará. From Mi. Stevens' collection. 6. THYRSOPHORUS ANTICUS. Fulvus ; caput antice flavum ; antenne lutea apice nigre ; tarsi apice ferruginei ; alæ limpida, anticce vittis duabus ferrugi- neis, una apice alba, altera apice fusca. Third joint of the antennæ equally pubescent from the base to the tip: fore-wing with two discal åreolets; the first full four times PSOOID. 481 the breadth of the second, emitting a vein to the hind border ; the second also emitting a vein to the hind border, and two towards the tip of the wing, of these the fore one ends in front of the tip of the wing, the hind one is very near the fore one and ends at a little in front of the tip of the wing; it emits two branches, one at one-third, the other at a little beyond two-thirds of the length: dorsum of the thorax forming a high horn which is slightly inclined forward. Tawny: bead yellow in front: antennæ luteous, pubescent, nearly twice the length of the body; third and following joints towards the tips, and the whole of the last joint black: legs stout, pubescent, second joint of the tarsi ferruginous : wings limpid; fore-wings with two ferruginous stripes from the middle to the tips, the first costal with a white tip, the second discal with a brown tip; veins mostly yellow in the disk. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Pará. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. Genus 2. PSOCUS. Antennæ simplices, setaceæ. Tarsi biarticulati. Alæ vena cil- bitali furcata. Hemerobius, p., Linn.; . Berl. ; Coqueb.; Stew. Psocus, P., Fabr. Psocus, Latr. ; Panz. ; Leach ; Steph.; Burm. ; Ramb. Chermes, P., Roemer. Psocus et Cæcilius, Curt. Div. 1. Steph. Alæ anticæ areola discali transversa subquadrata. . Subdiv. 1. Steph. Alæ anticæ vena la bifurcata. Sect. 1. Steph. Alæ variegatæ ; venæ vix distinctæ. 2 T 3 482 PSOCIDA. Subsect. I. Steph. Antennæ pilosissimæ. 1. Psocus PILICORNIS. Niger ; antenna longe pilose ; alæ anticve maculis nebulisque nigricantibus. Psocus pilicornis, Latr. Coqueb. Ill. Iconograph. 13, pl. 2, fig. 12. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 117, 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2,779, 22. 16,. England. c. France. 2. Psocus PICICORNIS. Niger; antenna picea ; alæ anticæ albo fuscoque variæ. Psocus picicornis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 204, 6. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 118,2. Hemerobius picicornis, Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 402. a, b. England. Subsect. 2. Steph. Antennæ nudæ, aut vix pilosæ. 3. Psocus FASCIATUS. Flavus; caput et thorax lituris fuscis; abdomen nigrum ; ala anticæ hyaline, fasciis tribus atomisque numerosis nigris. Hemerobius fasciatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 85, 17. Psocus fasciatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 203. Turt. Syst. Nat. ii, 402. Pan.z. 'aun. Ins. Germ. xciv. f. 20. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 118, 3. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1052, 2. Q-d. England. PSOCIDE 483 4. Psocus VARIEGATUS. Niger ; frons, thorac supra et abdomen ochracea ; alæ anticæ ni- gricantes atomis albis. Hemerobius variegatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 85, 18. Psocus variegatus, Latr. Coqueb. Ili. Icon. 13, pl. 2, f. 13. Sleph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 118, 4. Burm. Handb. Ent. ï. 2, 778, 11. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 332, 12. Europe. 5. Psocus ATOMARIUS. Piceus ; caput flavum ; pedes pallidi ; ale anticæ fusce atomis albis, stigmate semiflavo. Psocus atomarius, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 118, 5. England. 6. Psocus MACULATUS. Piceus ; antenne pallidæ ; pedes pallidi ; ale anticæ hyalina maculis remotis fuscis sparsis. Psocus maculatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 119,6. England. 7. Psocus SUBFASOIATUS. Ochraceus ; caput et thorax nigro variegata ; abdomen piceum ; pedes pallidi ; ale anticæ hyalinæ fasciis duabus maculisque variis fuscis. Psocus subfasciatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 119, 7. England. 484 PSOCIDÆ. Sect. 2. Steph. Alæ non variegatæ ; venæ distincte. Subsect. 1. Steph. Areola discalis venula radiata clausa. 8. Psocus FUSCIPENNIS. Fuscus ; alis concoloribus, venis, fuscia baseos arcuata, antennisque basi pallidis. Psocus fuscipennis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 778, 9. Brazil. 9. Psocus VENOSUS (Nomen bis lectum). Fuscus ; alis concoloribus, venis basalibus stigmateque albis. Psocus venosus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 778, 10. North America. 10. Psocus MAGNUS. Fuscus; segmenta flavo marginata ; antenne nigræ basi fuscæ; pedes testacei ; alæ anticæ fuscæ, stigmate venisque flavis, his apice nigris, alæ posticæ subcinereæ venis nigris. Antennæ minutely pubescent, more than twice the length of the body : fore-wings with a quadrate transverse discal areolet: longitudinal vein beneath the stigma deeply furcate. Brown, smooth: antennæ black, brown at the base: segments of the thorax and of the abdomen with yellow borders : legs testaceous; femora paler than the tibiæ; second joint of the tarsus half the length of the first : fore-wings brown; stigma yellow, large, triangular; veins yellow, black towards the tips; outer angle of discal areolet emit- ting two veins, the fore one extending to the tip of the wing and PSOCIDA. 485 emitting two forks to the hind border: hiud-wings grayish with black veins. Length of the body 1# line; of the wings 7 lines. a, b. Mount Pleasant, Ohio. Presented by the Entomological Club. 11. PsocUS LINIATUS. Ochraceus, fusco maculatus ; caput lineis rufo-fuscis; ale anticæ basi nigro fasciate. Psocus lineatus, Latr. Coqueb. Ill. Icon. 12, pl. 2, fig. 8. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 119, 8. Burm, Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 780, 18. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 319, 2. Chermes Buxi, Roem. Gen. Ins. 16, pl. 11, lig. 7. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. bmd. England. 12. Psocus Novæ Scotie. Nigro-fuscus, flavo varius; antenna nigræ ; pedes testacei, tibiis apice tarsisque piceis; alce limpidce, anticæ fusco quadrima- culatce. Very nearly allied to P. lineatus. Dark brown: head pale yellow, with two black spots behind, and two more contiguous between the eyes; disk of front brownish : palpi yellow with black tips : antennæ black, more than twice the . length of the body: underside and borders ef the segments of the thorax and of the abdomen pale yellow : legs testaceous, pubescent; tibiæ towards the tips and tarsi piceous; second joint of the tarsi a little shorter than the first: wing's limpid; fore-wings with four brown spots, one occupying the stigma, one at the tip, and two on the hind border, the basal one joining a darker brown dot; veins black. Length of the body lline ; of the wings 5.4 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 13. Psocus NEBULOSUS. Ochraceus ; caput fusco lineatum ; thorax maculis nigris ; abdo- men piceum; pedes pallidi; alæ anticæ hyalinæ venis nebu- lisque aliquot fuscis. 486 PSOCIDA. . Psocus nebulosus; Kirby, MSS.. Steph III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 119, 9. Psocus nebulosus ? Burn. Handh. Ent. ii. 2,780, 17. Luteus, fusco maculatus ; fronte lineis 16 fuscis convergentibus arcuatis ; alis unticis fusco nebulosis. Psocus infuscatus ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 319, 1. Mas ? Psocus affinis ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 320, 4. a. England. 14. Psocus SIMILIS. Nigricans ; antenna nigræ ; abdomen piceum ; pedes picei ; ala immaculata, antica fuscescentes venis fuscis, posticæ sub- hyalina. Psocus similis, Kirby, MSS.? Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 120, 10. a. England. 15. Psocus BIFASCIATUS. Flavo nigroque variegatus; alæ antica fasciis duabus transversis punctoque nigris. Psocus bifasciatus, Latr. Coqueb. Ill. Icon. ii. pl. 2, fig. 4. Steph. II. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 120, 1l. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 780, 15. a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. bre. England. 16. Psocus STRIATUS. Piceus, flavo varius ; caput testaceum fusco varium; pedes testacei, tibiis apice tarsisque fuscis; alæ limpidæ, antica fusco uni- maculatæ et fasciatæ apice cinerea. Very nearly allied to P. bifasciatus. Piceous; head testaceous, adorned between the eyes with nu- merous confluent brown dots which form a broad stripe, and have on each side an oblique stripe formed of three brown dots: front PSOCIDÆ. with numerous brown streaks: clypeus piceous: borders of the seg- ments of the thorax and of the abdomen yellow : legs testaceous, stout, pubescent; tarsi and tips of the tibiæ brown; second joint of the tarsi one-third of the length of the first: wings limpid; fore. wings gray towards the tips; stigma brown, from its base an irregu- lat, interrupted, oblique, partly dark, partly pale brown band traverses the wing, which has also a brown spot in the disk behind the stigma; veins black. Length of the body 14 line; of the wings 4 lines. and. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 17. PsocUS CONTAMINATUS. Piceus, nigro variegatus ; anlennæ fuscæ ; pedes fusci; alæ unticæ · fasciis duabus transversis basim versus stigmateque fuscis. Psocus contaminatus, Kirby, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 120, 12. England. 18. Psocus MEGASTIGMUS. Ochraceus; caput fusco lineatum ; thorax fusco nebulosus ; ale hyaline, anticæ fascia obsoleta media macula stigmateque magno, fuscis. Psocus megastigmus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mund. vi. 120, 13. England. 19. Psocus SUBNEBULOSUS. Ochraceus, nigro variegatus ; antenna et pedes pallida ; ala hya- lina, anticæ nebulis fuscescentibus. Psocus subnebulosus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 121, 14. England. 488 PSOCIDÆ. Subsect. 2. Steph. Areola discalis apud apicem interiorem aperta. 20. Psocus LONGICORNIS. Niger ; os pallidum ; antenna longe, fuscæ ; pedes pallidi , ala anticæ hyaline stigmate fusco. Hemerobius longicornis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 84, 14. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 402. Psocus longicornis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 203, 1. Udd. Diss. Nov. Ins. 26, 52. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. xciv, f. 19. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mund. vi. 121, 15. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 777, 6. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1052, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 320, 3. Psocus vitripennis, Curt. Brit. Ent. 648, 28. amc. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. d. England. 21. PsocUS IMMUNIS. Fuscus, flavo variegatus ; antenna basi et pedes luteo-ochraceæ ; alæ hyalina, stigmate subfusco. Psocus immunis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 121, 16. Psocus Naso ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 320, 5. a. England. 22. Psocus VENOSUS. Ochraceo-rufus ; caput et thorax fusco punctata ; antennc fusca, articulo lo luteo ; pedes pallidi; alæ limpidæ, venis fusces- centibus. Psocus venosus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 121, 17. a-c. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. d, e. England. PSOCIDÆ. 189 23. Psocus VITTATUS. Atro-fuscus ; antenna basi pallidæ; abdomen piceum ; pedes pallidi ; ale anticæ vitta lata fusca, venis saturatioribus. Psocus vittatus, Kirby, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 122, 18. . England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 24. Psocus OCHROPTERUS. Pallide ochraceus, fusco punctutus; abdomen rufum ; pedes flavi ; alæ subochraceæ, venis fuscescentibus. Psocus ochropterus, Kirby, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 122, 19, Psocus flavidus ? Rumb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 322, 9. a, b. England. 25. Psocus FLAVIDUS. Ochraceo-rufus ; abdomen flavum; pedes pallidi ; älæ hyalina, subfuscescentes, venis saturatioribus. Psocus flavidus, Kirby, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 122, 20. a, b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. - 26. Psocus FLAVIOANS. Niger ; prothorax flavus ; abdomen ovatum, flavum ;, alæ hyalince. Hemerobius flavicans, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 913; Faun. Suec. 512. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 86, 22. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 403. Psocus flavicans, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 203, 2. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 122, 21. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 781, 19. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1054, 8. Europe. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. - ? From Mr. Children's collection. 490 PSOCIDE 27. Psocus OBSOLETUS. Pallide rufo-ochraceus ; capite postice abdominisque macula dorsali atris; alæ obscure fuscescentes, venis tenuissimis saturatio. ribus. Psucus obsoletus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 123, 22. a. England. 28. Psocos HYALINUS. Fusco-piceus ; abdomen basi ochraceo-flavum ; pedes rufo-picei ; alæ limpide, sligmate fusco. Psocus hyalinus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mund. vi. 123, 23. a, b. England. 29. Psocus BIPUNCTATUS. Flavo nigroque varius ; alce hyalina, anticæ maculis duabus nigricantibus. Hemerobius bipunctatus, Linn. Syst. Nat.; Faun Suec. 1514. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 86, 23. Turt. Syst. Nat. iij. 403. Hemerobius Aphidioides, Schr. Ins. Austr. 629. Psylla Aphidioides, Geoffr. Ins. Par. i. 488, 7. Psocus bipunctatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 204,7. Latr. Coqueb. Ill. Icon. ii. pl. 2, f. 3. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. xciv. f. 21. Leach, Edin. Encycl. ix. 139. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 123, 24. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 779, 14. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 321,7. a~d. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. eng. England. 30. Psocus SEXPONCTATUS. Fuscus; alæ anticæ maculis fuscis punctisque sex distinctis. Hemerobius sexpunctatus, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 913; Faun. Suec. 1511. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 86, 20. Berk. Syn. i. 151. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. iï. 216. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 402. PSOCIDE 491 Psylla sexpunctatus, Geoffr. Ins. Par. ii. 205, 10. Psocus sexpunctatus, Latr. Coqueb. Ill. Icon. 13, pl. 2, f. 10. Fabr. "Ent. Syst. Suppl. 203. Steph, Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 123, 25. Burm. Handb. Ent. ij. 778, 8. Psocus irroratus, Curt. Brit. Ent. 648. a, b. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. c. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 31. Psocus QUADRIMACULATUS. Nigro flavoque varius ; alæ anticæ maculis quatuor fuscis. Psocus quadrimaculatus, Latr. Coqueb. Ill. Icon. 12, pl. 2, fig. 6. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 124, 26. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 779, 13. a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. 32. Psocus STRIATULUS. Fuscus, flavo maculatus ; alæ hyalina, anticæ fusco striata. Psocus striatulus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 203. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 124, 27. Hemerobius striatulus, Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 402. England. US FLAVICEPS, pedes Fuscus; caput ochraceo-flavum ; untennæ rufo-picec; ochraceo-flavi ; alue hyalinæ, nebulis subfuscescentibus. Psocus flaviceps, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 124, 28. England. 34. Psocus SUBOCELLATUS. Niger, albido variegatus ; antenna breves ; pedes pallidi; alæ hy. alina, maculis nonnullis subocellatis venisque fuscescentibus. Psocus subocellatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 124, 29. a, b. England. 2 0 2 492 PSOCIDÆ. Subdiv. 2. Steph. . Alæ anticæ vena la trifurcata. 35. Psocus IMMACULATUS. Pallide ochraceus; antenne longa, fuscescentes ; pedes pallidi ; alæ limpidæ, venis tenuibus stigmateque fuscescentibus. Psocus immaculatus, Kirby, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 125, 30. England. 36. Psocus RUFESCENS. Rufescente-flavus, nigro maculatus; antenne longe ; abdominis dorsum subpiceum ; pedes ochraceo-pallidi; alæ limpida, stigmate concolore. Psocus rufescens, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 125, 31. England. 37. Psocus FLAVESCENS. Ochracco-flavus, immaculatus; antennæ longæ fusce; pedes pal- lide flavescentes ; alæ limpida, stigmate subfuscescente, venis tenuissimis fuscescentibus. Psocus flavescens, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 125, 32. England. 38. Psocus QUADRIPUNCTATUS. Niger; antenna, abdomen et pedes pallida ; ala hyalina, antice basi punctis quatuor atris, apice fusco radiatæ. Hemerobius quadripunctatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 86, 24. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 403. Psocus quadripunctatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl, 204, 8. Latr. Coqueb. Ill. Icon. 12, pl. 2, f. 9. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. xciv. 22. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 776, 2. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 776, 2. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 321, 8. PSOCIDE 493 Var. ? Psocus subfasciatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 322, 10. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 39. Psocus SUBPUNCTATUS. Pallide rufus; antennæ et pedes pallida ; alæ subflavescentes ne- bulis nonnullis obscuris venisque fuscescentibus. Psocus subpunctatus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mund. vi. 126, 34. Psocus conspurcatus ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 323, 13. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 40. PsocUS PUPILLATUS. Nigro-piceus ; antenne basi fulva, alis breviores ; femora fulva ; alæ cinerea, anticæ basi fusco apice albido maculatæ. Psocus pupillatus, Dale, MSS. Piceous-black: antennæ minutely pubescent, tawny towards the base, shorter than the wings: legs piceous; femora dull tawny: wings grayish, fore-wings with the disks of the areolets brown, brown towards the tips with whitish spots on the areolets ; veins black. Length of the body line; of the wings 24 lines. . a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. 41. Psocus COSTALIS. Testaceo-rufus ; caput et thorac fusco punctata ; antenne et pedes pallide rufa ; alæ anticæ ad costam præsertim fusco macu- latæ. Psocus costalis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 126, 35. 2. England. 2 U 3 494 PSOCID F.. 42. Psocus NERVOSus (Nomen bis lectum). Testaceo-rufus ; thoracis dorsum et abdomen apice atra ; alæ hya- line, venis fuscescentibus. Psocus nervosus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 126, 36. England. 43. Psoccs MACULIPENNIS. Niger ; pedes picei ; ala anticæ fusco-nebulose, maculis duabus magnis apicem versus saturatioribus. Psocus maculipennis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 126, 37. England. Div. 2. Steph. Alæ anticæ areola discali nulla; vena 2a trifida. 44 Psocus NIGRICORNIS. Niger ; thoracis latera et pedes rufo-picea ; ala fusco-hyalina. Psocus nigricornis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 126, 38. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 45. Psocus PHCOPTERUS. Rufo-piceus ; antennce pallide piceo-rufa, breves, maris subpilose; pedes pallide piceo-quifi ; alæ hyalina, saturate fusca. Psocus phæopterus, Kirby, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 127, 39. a,b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c, d. England. 46. Psocus NIGRICANS. Piceo-testaceus ; thorax et abdomen supra nigricantia ; pedes pal- lide testucei ; alæ sublimpide, venis fuscis. PSOCIDA. 495 Psocus nigricans, Kirby, MSS. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 127,40. Hemerobius pedicularius ? Vill. Ent. Linn. iii. 51, 11. . Psocus domesticus ? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 777, 4. Psucus pedicularius? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 323, 15. a, b. England. CUS ABDOMINALIS. Fuscus ; antenna breves, pallidæ; abdomen flavum, ano nigro ; pedes pallidi; ala hyalina. Hemerobius abdominalis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 86. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 403. Psocus abdominalis, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 204, 9. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. ii. 217. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 127, 41. Psocus fenestratus, Curt. Brit. Ent. 648. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2,778, 7. a. England. Presented by J.C. Dale, Esq. 48. PsocUS DUBIUS. Rufo-piceus ; antennæ et pedes pallidiora ; abdominis dorsum vitta nigricante; alæ hyalina, subflavescentes, venis subochraceo- fuscis. Psocus dubius, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 127, 42. Psocus pedicularius ? Latr. Coqueb. Ill. 10, pl. 2, f. 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 776, 3. Psocus binotatus ? Ramó. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 323, 14. a-h. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esų. Coqueb. 192., mi. 127, 4 amh. Debinotatus ? "Rame Div. ? 49. Psocus STRIGOSUS. Rubro-testaceus ; antennis longissimis subglabris ; linea verticis, prothoracis maculis tribus, scutelloque fuscis. Psocus strigosus, Curt. Brit. Ent. 648, 26. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 776, 1. England. 496 PSOCID.E. 50. Psodus LASIOPTERUS. Luteo-fulvus ; dorso fusco maculato ; alæ luteæ, venis fusco cinctis, ' longissime pilosis. Psocus fuscopterus ? Latr. Coqueb. Ill. Icon. 10, pl. 2, f. 2. Psocus lasiopterus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 777, 5. Germany. 51. Psocus NERVOSus. Fusco-niger, luteo variegatus; frontc lineis 15 punctorum nigrorum ; pedes annulali; alwe anticce fusco conspersa, venis albo punc-, tatis. Hemerobius nervosus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 85, 19. Psocus nervosus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 780, 16. Germany. 52. Psoous monio. Niger, nitens, P. bifasciato paullo brevior et crassior; antenna fuscæ, villosulæ; abdomen apice lutcum; pedes fusco-pallidi ; ala anticce cuprco nitentes, basi dimidiate nigre, puncto mar- ginali triangulari nigro, apice venisque tribus albidis. Psocus morio, Latr. Coqueb. III. Icun. ii. pl. 2, f. 5. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2,781, 20. France. 53. Psoous OBSOU'R US. Rufo-fuscus, supra nigricans ; antennæ nigra, hirsutisstme, alis valde breviores ; pedes fuscescentes ; alwe subfuscescentes, im- maculatce; stigma postice rotundatum, angulo interno nigro submaculato ; arcola discalis aperta. Div. of P. pilicornis Psocus obscurus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 322, 11. France. PSOCIDA. 497 54. PsocUS ALBOQUTTATUS. Niger, magnitudinis medic ; abdomen rufescens, segmentorum marginibus albo guttalis ; alue nigræ, maculis discalibus majo- ribus albis 6 puncto nigro inscriptis, vel subocellatis ; intra marginen apicalem puncta 10 minora alba, duplici serie or- dinata, alarum vence nigræ ; arcola subcentralis petiolata, aperta, libera, vena superiore furcata, inferiore triramosa. . Psocus alboguttatus, Dalman, Analecta Ent. 98, 14. Sweden. 55. PsocuS VITTATUS. Niger vel fuscus ; antennce pallide testaccæ, immaculate, breviter pubescentes, alis multo breviores ; pedes pallide flavo-testacei, immaculati, tarsis apice infuscatis ; alarum anticarum basin et discum occupat vitta latissima nigro-fusca, ad apicem usque producta, relicto margine apicali utrinque albo-hyalino, qui tamen ad stigma costale a ramulo vitta interruptus ; stig- ma album apice tantum a ramulo illo obscuratum; alce postice dilutius, fusce, margine apicali antico albo-hyalino; unce omnes nigro-fusce ; areolce discalis apicalis truncus inferior liber, venas emittens 3, omnes ad costam areola anguli in feri- oris libera, vena unica arcuata formata. Psocus vittatus, Dalman, Analecta Ent. 98, 13. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 98, 13. Sweden. 56. Psocus SUBFASCIATOS. Fuscus ; pedes pallidiores ; ala hyalince, antica maculis subqua- tuor parvis, fascia media stigmatoque antice posticeque albo tincio, fuscescentibus, areola discali quadrato-oblonga, angulo subobtuso ad marginem intcriorem descendente, venarum furcis 2 upicalibus inæqualiter longis. Long. 1; alar. fere 3 lin. Psocus subfasciatus, Sundew, MSS. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1032, 3. Lapland. 498 PSOCIDE. 57. Psocus OBLITERATUS. Ferrugineo-fuscus, subnitidus ; pedes pallidi ; ala hyaline imma- culatæ, anticæ stigmate oblongo fumato, areola discali oblongo quadrata incompleta, venarum fürcis 2 apicalibus inæqualiter longis. Long. 13; alar. 3 lin. Psoeus obliteratus, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1052, 4. Lapland. 58. Psocus SUBFUMIPENNIS. Testaceus, nitidus ; thoracis dorsun fuscum ; pedes pallidi ; ale hyalino-cinerer, anticæ areola discali irregulariter oblongo- quadrata, venis furcatis parallelis, furcis 2 apicalibus sub- æqualiter longis. Long. *; alar. 2 lin. Psocus subfumipennis, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1053, 5. Lapland. 59. Psocus BOREELLUS. Testaceus, nitidus ; thoracis dorsum obscurum ; pedes pallidi ; alæ cinereo-hyalina, anticæ areola discali nulla, venis furcatis parallelis, furcis inæqualiter longis, omnibus fuscedine cinciis, furcis 2 apicalibus subæqualiter longis. Long. $; alar. 21 lin. Psocus boreellus, Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1053, 6. Lapland. 60. Psocus STRIATTS. Testaceus, nitidus ; pedes pullidi ; alæ cinereo-hyalina, anticæ areola discali nulla, venis furcatis subparallelis, furcis æqua- liter lonyis, omnibus fuscedine cinctis. Long. $; alar. 2 lin. Psocus striatus, Dalm. MSS. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1053, 7. Lapland, PSOCIDÆ. 499 Testaceus, gibbus ; thoracis latera et abdomen fusco varia ; tibice tarsique fuscescentia ; ale subfuliginosæ ; stigma album. Psocus microphthalmus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 321, 6. large; front very gibbous, without marks or striæ: eyes very small, not prominent: mesothorax very gibbous above: sides of the thorax and abdomen slightly clouded with brown : tibia and tarsi brownish: wings very slightly fuliginous, rather darker along the hind borders and at the tips; veins very distinct, mostly yellow, stigma white; discal areolet very large. Exotic ? Genus 3. ATROPOS. Tarsi triarticulati. Alæ nullæ. Atropos, Leach ; Latr.; Nitzsch ; Steph. Termes, P., Linn. ; De Geer ; Schæff.; Wood. Pediculus, p., Geoffr. Psocus, P., Fabr. Troctes, Burm. Atropos et Lachesilla, Westw. 1. ATROPOS PULSATORIUS. Pallidus ; os rubrum ; oculi lutci; venter macula fusca. Atropos pulsatorius, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 128, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 324. - Allen, Phil. Trans. 1693. Derham, Phil. Trans. 1701. Stackhouse, Phil. Trans. 1724. Termes pulsatorium, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 1015, 2. Faun. Suec. 1937. Schaff. El. Ent. pl. 126, f. 1; Icon. pl. 269, f. 4, a, b. Geoffi. Ins. Par. ij. 601, 12. Wood, Ill. Lin. Gen. Ins. ii. 120, pl. 75. 500 PSOCIDE. Termes lignarium, Deg. Ins. vii. 41, pl. 4, f. 3. Hemerobius pulsatorius, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 87, 26. Psocus pulsatorius, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 204, 10. Latr. Coqueb. Ill. Icon. 14, pl. 2, f. 14. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. 48, 2. Atropos lignarius, Leach, Edin. Encycl. ix. 139. Trocies pulsatorius, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 773, 1. Europe. 2. ATROPOS FATIDICUS. Ochraceus ; os pallidum ; abdomen ovatum. Atropos fatidicus, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 129, 2. Termes fatidicum, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 1016; Faun. Suec. 1938. Psocus fatidicus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 204, 11. Troctes fatidicus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 774, 2. Europe. Genus 4. CLOTHILLA. Corpus parvum, apterum. Caput subtriangularc. Thorax capite vix latius. Prothorax brevis. Abdomen ovatum, subcon- vexum, prothorace mesothorace aut metathorace brevior. Antennæ longæ, gracillimæ, articulis circiter 27 ; lus et eus crassi. Pedes simplices; tarsi 3-articulati. Clothilla, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 72. 1. CLOTHILLA STUDIOSA. Luteo-albida ; labro pedibusque albidis ; oculis, antennis abdomi- nisque incisuris fuscis. Long, 1 lin. Clothilla studiosa, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iv. 72; Proc. 4. England: TERMITIDES. 501 Genus 5. LEPINOTUS. Ocelli 2, contigui. Tarsorum articulus lus 20 duplo longior. Lepinotus, Von Heyden, Ent. Zeit. Stett. xi. 84. Crown with three contiguous ocelli: first joint of the tarsi twice the length of the second: two rudiments of wings. INOTUS INQUILINUS. Obscure fuscus, breviter pubescens ; antennis pedibusque flavescen- tibus ; femoribus anticis crassis. Long. } lin. Lepinotus inquilinus, Von Heyden, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, xi. 84. Austria, Tyrol, Hungary. Fam. 2. TERMITIDES. Labium fissum. Tarsi 3-4-articulati. Alæ æquales. Termes, P., Linn. Termitides, Lalr. Termitidæ, Leach ; Westw. Corrodentia, p. (Termitina et Embidæ), Burm. Termitina (Termitidæ et Embiadæ), Newmun. “Imago flies slowly and lahoriously, and rids itself of its wings before founding a new colony. Antennæ moderately long, moniliform. Head depressed, received in the prothorax. Eyes he- mispherical, small, distant, lateral. Mandibles strong, corneous. Prothorax transverse, fully developed. Wings 4, long, membranous, of equal size and form, decumbent but not deflected when at rest ; hind pair not folded. Abdomen with 2 minute caudal papillæ. Tarsi 3- or 4-jointed. Larva and pupa terrestrial, active, hexapod, furnished with powerful mandibles : social, constructive, voracious, omnivorous."-Newman. 2x 502 TÉRMITIDES. Genus TERMES. Tarsi 4-articulati. Alarum venæ discales obsoletæ membrána. ceæ, recurrentes nullæ. Terines, Linn., fc. Termitina, Burm. ; Hagen, Ueber die Lebens weise der Termiten und ihre Verbreitung. Termitidæ, Newman. Rambur divides Termes into the two following groups :- a. Costal space traversed by oblique veins. T. flavicollis, ochraceus, pallidus, quadricollis, obesus. aa. Costal space without veins. T. lucifugus, morio, Mauricianus, costatus, grandis, angustatus, subhyalinus, dirus, nigricans, Rippertii, trivervius, dubius, cephalotes. 1. TERMES FLAVICOLLIS. Fuscus ; ore, antennis, prothorace pedibusque testaceis ; alis in medio purpureo, lateribus æneo-micantibus. Termes flavicollis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 91,6. Descript. de l'Egypte, Neur. pl. 2, f. 12. Burin. Handb. Ent. ii. 1764, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 302, 1. T. flavicollis ?--Testaceous, sublinear, smooth, shining, thinly pubescent, paler beneath: head elliptical, flat above, very little broader than the thorax : ocelli 2, one on each side, close to the eye: palpi short, straw-colour: antenuæ straw-colour, 16-jointed, nearly as long as the head: prothorax nearly twice broader than long, slightly concave in front, slightly convex on each side, straight be- hind: abdomen widening from the base to the tip, a little broader but hardly longer than the thorax: legs straw-colour; fourth joint of the tarsi as long as all the other joints: wings quite colourless and transparent, more than twice the length of the body; costal and subcostal veins testaceous ; tbe other veins obsolete. Length of the body 24 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a-b. ? From Mr. Children's collection. TERMITIDES, 503 T. flavicollis ! Larva ?-Straw-colour, smooth, bare, shining, sublinear: head short-elliptical, a little broader than the thorax : eyes pone: ocelli 2, one on each side between the antennæ : man- dibles small, with black tips : palpi short: antennæ with not more than 16 joints, hardly more than half the length of the head: pro- thorax more than twice broader than long, slightly impressed in front and behind, almost straight on each side, with an indistinct longitudinal furrow: abdomen rounded towards the tip, longer than the thorax: legs short; fourth joint of the tarsi twice tbe length of all the other joints. Length of the body 1} line. a. Marseilles. T. flavicollis . Soldier.-Ferruginous, tawny or piceous, pu- bescent, shining: head almost oval, very much broader than the rest of the body, and nearly as long, impressed in front, with two sutures beneath : clypeus narrow, conical: eyes and ocelli none : palpi short: antennæ shorter than the head; first and second joints short; third rather long; the following successively decreasing in length: prothorax more than twice broader than long, impressed before and behind, convex on each side, with a slight longitudinal suture: mesothorax much shorter than the prothorax: metathorax much shorter than the mesothorax: abdomen a little longer and broader than the thorax: legs long; fourth joint of the tarsi more than twice the length of all the other joints. a. ? T. fatalis " Labourer.--Testaceous, slender, linear, pubescent, shining: head cylindrical, tawny and impressed in front, with the mandibles nearly as long as the rest of the body, with two furrows beneath : eyes and ocelli none: palpi testaceous, small : mandibles black, stout, curved, acute, toothed near the base: protborax sub- quadrate, broader than long, deeply indented on the fore border : abdomen not longer than the thorax : legs short, stout; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the other joints; claws long, thick. Length of the body 22 lines. a.~ ? From Mr. Children's collection. Var. ? Like the last, but with the sides of the thorax angular: sides of the prothorax straight, angular in front. Length of the body 4-6 lines. a. Tripoli. be ? 2 x 2 504 TERMITIDÈS. T. flavicollis ? Piceous, rather flat, very thinly pubescent, sub- linear : head oval, very much longer than broad, tawny in front and with a convex protuberance of that colour between the eyes, nearly as broad as the thorax: ocelli two, small, one on each side at some little distance from the eye: mandibles small, acute, black towards the tips: antennæ tawny, as long as the bead, with not less than twenty joints: prothorax scutcheon-shaped; fore border nearly straight, indented in the middle; hind border convex, much nar- rower: mesothorax and metathorax with the basal parts of wings : abdomen fusiform, with nine segments of nearly equal size, longer than the thorax: legs tawny; fourth joint of the tarsi longer than. all the preceding joints. Length of the body 4 lines. a. West Coast of Africa. From Mr. Fraser's collection. 2. TERMES PALLIDUS. Flavo-rufus, T. flavicolli similis, minor; antennis pedibusque palli- dis; femoribus crassis ; alis albis, venis costalibus rufis. Termes pallidus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 303, 3. Şmaller than T. flavicollis, entirely yellowish red : prothorax almost like that of T. flavicollis : feelers and legs pale; thighs very short and thick: wings white, slightly rugose; the two costal veins red; costal space traversed by 4–5 veinlets; secondary veins moderately numerous and distinct; first of the two longitudinal veins bent after its middle to the second costal vein which it joins, Isle of France. T. pallidus ? -Tawny, almost bare, testaceous beneath: head elliptical, longer than broad, as broad as the thorax, testaceous in front, with a very slight furrow on the disk: ocelli none: mandibles short, broad, black towards the tips, with two teeth: antennæ pu. bescent, with more than fifteen joints, not longer than the head ? joints increasing in length towards the tips : prothorax twice broader: than long, slightly concave in front and equally convex behind ; sides somewhat rounded : abdomen subelliptical, shorter and a little broader than the thorax: legs testaceous, pubescent; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the preceding joints : wings dingy white, slightly rugulose and opaque, very much longer than TERMITIDES. 505 the body; veins along the costa tawuy ; subcostal space slightly tawny, with six or more very oblique transverse veins ; space between the subcostal vein and the discal vein rather closely and irregularly reticulated ; discal vein emitting about ten secondary veins, some of which are forked, and the spaces between them are more or less reticulated. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. ? 3. TERMES LUCIFUGUS. Fuscus; ore, antennis pedibusque pallidis ; alis purpureo-micanti- bus. Long. 21 ; alar. 4 ſin. Termes lucifugus, Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. Mant. i. p. 107, pl. 5, f. k. Latr. Gen. Cr. et Ins. iii. 206, 1. Blanch. Hist. Ins. 47, 4. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 764, 2. Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. pl. 63, f. 3. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 204, 6. South Europe. T. lucifugus ?-Piceous, partly testaceous, linear, bare, shining, rather broad : head subelliptical, rather flatieved on the disk, as broad as the thorax: prothorax full twice broader than long; sides nearly straight : abdomen suhfusiform, longer and a little broader than the thorax : legs testaceous; fourth joint of the tarsi much longer than all the others; wiligs removed. Length of the body 2 lines. a. Marseilles. T. lucifugus ?-Tawny; underside, head in front, antennæ, palpi and legs testaceous : ocelli two, one on each side very near the eye: abdomen slightly widening from the base to the tip : wings removed. Length of the body 1; line. a. - From Mr. Children's collection. Piceous, parrower than the first : head in front, antennæ, tibiæ and tarsi tawny: abdomen not broader than the thorax: wings re- moved. Length of the body 14 line. a, b. ? 2 x 3 506 TERUITIDES. 4. TERJES CASTANEUS. Flavo-castaneus ; fronte retusa ; alæ costis marginalibus tribus cor- neis. Long. 3; alar. 5 lin. Termes castaneus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 764, 3. California and Porto Rico. T. Californiæ ?-Pale ferruginous, sublinear, bare, shining, tawny beneath: head elliptical, flat above, with an impression be- tween the eyes and another between the antennæ, testaceous in side in front of the base of the antenna: ocelli none: clypeus rather long: antenna with about twenty-seven joints, a little longer than the head : prothorax nearly twice broader than long, with a slight longitudinal furrow, convex on each side and behind, slightly con- cave in front: abdomeu subfusiform, a little broader but not longer ihan the thorax, with two short quadriarticulate pubescent appen- dages at the tip: legs tawny; tibiæ with a few short spines ; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the other joints: wings pale brown, full twice the length of the body, thickly reticulated with veinlets which mostly form irregular quadrilateral areolets; six very oblique transverse veins along the fore border, the four last connected by transverse veinlets. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a—d. California. From M. Hartweg's collection. 5. TERMES NASUTUS. Fuscus ; ore, antennis, pedibus ventreque flavo-rufis ; fronte cor- nuta. Long. 3; alar. 5 lin. ii. 367, poz. 11. 912, 9. Perty, Delect. Perty, Delect. Phryganea nasuta, Deg. Ins. iii. 367, pl. 27, f. 6, 7. Hemerobius inarginatus, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 912, 9. Terines monoceros, König, Berl. Schrift. iv. pl. 1. Anim. Artic. 127, pl. 25, f. 10. Termes nasutus, Burin. Handb. Ent. ii, 2, 764, 4. Suriram. TERMITIDES. 507 T. nasutus ?-Piceous, sublinear, pubescent, shining, testace- ous beneath: head nearly elliptical, depressed above, testaceous to- wards the mouth, full as broad as the thorax: ocelli two, one on longer than the head: prothorax twice broader than long, slightly concave in front, almost straight behind, convex on each side : ab- domen subfusiform, luteous beneath, a little broader but hardly longer than the thorax: legs testaceous; fourth joint of the tarsi much longer than all the other joints: winys grayish brown, full twice the length of the body; veins brown ; transverse veins before and bebind ibe subcostal vein indistinct; discal longitudinal veins with about twelve distinct secondary veins. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. b. Pará. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 6. TERMES OCHRACEUS. Totus testaceus; alæ subcinerea, areolis reticulatis, costa margi- nali necnon venarum prima cum ramis omnibus corneis. Long. 4; alar. 9 lin. Termes ochraceus, Burin. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 765, 5. Descript. de l'Egypte, Neur. pl. 2, f. 11. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 303, 2. Egypt. T. ochraceus ?-Pale luteous, sbining, pubescent, nearly linear, testaceous beneath: head nearly elliptical, hardly depressed above, as broad as the thorax: ocelli two, one on each side close to the eye: mandibles mostly black: antennæ pale testaceous, longer than bardly concave; sides and hind border hardly convex: abdomen slightly increasing in breadth towards the tip, a little broader but not longer than the thorax: legs pale testaceous : wings slightly testaceous, nearly twice the length of the body, a little opaque and ru- gulose: veins pale; transverse veins between the costa and the sub- costa distinct. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a,b. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 508 TERMITIDES. 7. TERMES VIATOR. Fuscus ; ore, antennis, pedibusque dilutioribus ; fronte bipunctata ; ocellis nullis ; alarum costis 3-4 maryinalibus corneis. Long. 6 lin. Termes capensis, Deg. vii. 24, pl. 38, f. 1-4. Termes viator, Latr. Nouv. Dict. d'Hist. Nat. xxii. 49; Hist. Nat. Cr. et Ins. xiii. 51. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 91, 6, annot. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 765, 6. Termes viarum, König, Berl. Schrift. vi. pl. 1. Cape. Female, Queen.--Head and thorax ferruginous: abdomen whitish. Length of the body 42 lines; breadth of the body 18 lines: length of the head 1 line; of the thorax 2 lines. a. (In spirits). Cape Coast Castle. Presented by -- Williams, Esq. Soldier.-Testaceous, pubescent, shining: head subelliptical, broader and longer than the thorax, rather flat above, with a black spot on each side by the base of the clypeus: eyes small: ocelli none: antenna with twenty-seven or more short joints, shorter than the head : prothorax nearly twice broader than long, Darrower be- hind, with a tranverse furrow, in front of which it is slightly elevated and applied to the head ; fore border nearly straight: abdomen as long as the thorax, with a very short filament on each side at the tip: legs long; fourth joint of the tarsi a little longer than all the other joints. Length of the body 6 lines. a. South Africa. From Mr. Pearson's collection. Labourer.-Pale brown, testaceous beneath: head short ellip- tical, piceous, very much broader than the thorax, with a testaceous dot on each side between the eyes : clypeus testaceous along the fore border : eyes small: ocelli none: mandibles short, triangular, armed with short obtuse teeth: palpi testaceous; tips pale brown: antennæ pale brows, testaceous at the base, shorter than the head: hind borders of the segments of the thorax and of the abdumen and legs testaceous. Length of the body 5 lines. a. South Africa. From Mr. Pearson's collection. TERMITIDES. 509 T. viator ? — Piceous, linear, shining, bare, tawny beneath : head subelliptical, depressed between the eyes, tawny in front, hardly broader than the thorax : ocelli two, one on each side, very near the eye: antennæ tawny: prothorax full twice longer than broad, concave in front, .convex on each side and behind where it is slightly impressed : abdomen hardly broader or longer than the thorax : legs tawny; fourth joint a little longer than all the other joints : wings dingy whitish, slightly fawn-coloured along the fore border, full twice the length of the body; costal and subcostal veins tawny, space behind the latter indistinctly and irregularly reticulated with veinlets, some of these also occur in front of the discal longi- tudinal vein; the other veins almost colourless. Length of the body 4-6 lines; of the wings 20–36 lines. a, b. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss' collection. Cn. P 8. TERMES FATALIS. Fuscus; ore, antennis, pedibus, macula prothoracis media dorsoque testaceis ; fronte subprominula ; alis fuscescentibus. Long, 7; alar. 18 lin. Termes fatalis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 87, 1. Burm. Handb, Ent. ii. 2, 765, 7. Termes bellicosus, Smeathman, Phil. Trans. lxxi. . Sierra Leone, T. fatalis ?-Piceous, smooth, shining, bare, sublinear: head elliptical, ferruginous, paler in front and beneath, a little shorter than the rest of the body, with a porrect horizontal horn in front : eyes very small, in a cavity on each side in front: ocelli none: man- dibles long, curved, acute, unidentate, piceous except at the base : palpi and antennæ tawny: prothorax nearly semicircular, more than iwice longer than broad ; fore border straight, forming an acute angle on each side, and with two porrect borizontal acute horns in the middle: mesothorax and metathorax very short, angular on. each side: abdomen with nine short equal segments : legs tawny, rather slender ; fourth joint of the tarsi longer than all the preced- ing joints. Lengih of the body 2 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rer. D. F. Morgan. 510 TERMITIDES. .: T. fatalis ? Female.--Ferruginous, pubescent: bead a little longer than broad, as broad as the thorax, tawny in front and be- neath: ocelli two, one on each side between the eyes, but at some distance from them : mandibles broad, short, black towards the tips: antennæ 19-jointed, nearly as long as the head; joints of equal length: prothorax obconical: abdomen linear, much longer than: the thorax, tawny beneath : legs tawny; fourth joint of the tarsi longer than the three preceding joints: wings brown, nearly twice the length of the body ; no transverse subcostal veins ; discal lon- gitudinal vein emitting about twelve secondary veins. Length of the body 41 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. Gambia. T. fatalis. Labourer ?-Ferruginous, pubescent, sublinear, tawny beneath: head nearly twice longer than broad, tawny in front, depressed on the disk, with a convex protuberance between the an. tennæ, as broad as the thorax : ocelli two, 'one on each side, very near the eye: mandibles black towards the tips: antennæ tawny, mutilated, longer than the head ? prothorax scutcheon-shaped; fore border nearly straight, indented in the middle; hind border convex, much narrower: mesothorax and metathorax with the basal parts of wings: abdomen with nine segments of nearly equal size, a. little longer than the thorax: legs tawny. Length of the body 5 lines. a. Congo. Presented by Sir. John Richardson. 9. TERMES DIRUS. Fuscus; ore, puncto frontali, antennis, pedibus pectoreque ferrugi- reis ; alæ fuscescentes, costis duabus marginalibus corneis. Long. 7; alar. 18 lin. Termes dirus, Klug. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 766, 8. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 307, 13. Termes flavicollis, Perty, Delect. Anim. Artic, Bras. 128, pl. 26, f. 11. Termes obscurum, Blanch. Hist. Ins. pl. 47, f. 1. Brazil. TERMITIDES. 511 T. dirus.---Pale ferruginous, sublinear, bare, shining: head elliptical, concave between the eyes, a little narrower than the tho- rax : ocelli none : antennæ tawny, very much longer than the head, with about twenty-two joints: prothorax more than twice broader than long, almost transversely semi-elliptical, nearly straight in front, convex on each side and behind: mesothorax and metatho. rax scutcheon-shaped : abdomen piceous, subfusiform, longer than the thorax: fourth joint of the tarsi more than twice the length of all the other joints: wings dark brown, piceous along the fore border, about twice the length of the body ; transverse oblique veins behind the subcostal vein, and secondary veins towards the hind border indistinct Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 32 lines. a. Interior of Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Pará. Presented by Reginald Graham, Esq. c. Pará. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. d. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. e ? From Mr. Children's collection. T. dirus.—Testaceous, convex, smooth, shining, pubescent: head twice the breadth of the thorax, very thick, narrower and im-. pressed in front: eyes and ocelli none: mandibles piceous, tawny at the base, strong, curved, edged, acute, with a stout tooth near the base: palpi long: antennæ 19-jointed, longer than the head: protho- rax, mesothorax and metathorax severally with a strong acute spise projecting from each side: prothorax more than twice broader than long, vertical in front and applied closely to the head, straight be- hind: abdomen fusiform, nearly twice the length of the thorax, with ten segments of equal size: legs long; fourth joint of the tarsi more than twice the length of all the other joints. Length of the body 3–7 lives. a, b. Demerara. Presented by Mr. Bowerbank. cod. ? From Mr. Children's collection. Var.B. Head a little narrower. a, b. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. Cod. ? 512 TERMITIDES. : Var. y. Head narrower than in var. a, spines of the thorax shorter. a. British Guiana. Presented by Sir. R. Schomburgk. .i Var. 8. Smaller: head much narrower, with shorter and black mandibles : spines of the thorax short. a, b. Demerara. Presented by Mr. Bowerbank. Var.? Head much smaller, with a yellow dot on the disk: mandibles small, concealed beneath the clypeus: antennæ as long as two-thirds of the body. a. Pará. Presented by Reginald Graham, Esq. Var. ? Like the last, but smaller : head narrower: spines of the thorax rudimentary.. a. Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. Var.? Tawny, puhescent: head narrower in front, twice the length and breadth of the thorax: eyes and ocelli uone: mandibles black, loog, curved, acute, not dentated : palpi long, testaceous: antennæ more than half the length of the body, 20-jointed ; tips of the joints whitish ; joints from The second to the fifth short; the rest rather long: spines of the thorax short, ohtuse : abdomen sub- fusiform, broader than the thorax and nearly twice its length. a. Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. Var.? Immature. Testaceous, soft: head short-elliptical, pice- ous on the disk, full twice the breadth of the thorax: antennæ shorter than the head: thorax without spines: fore border of the prothorax with two lobes: abdomen linear, longer than the thorax. Length of the body 2 lines. amd. Pará. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. T. dirus ? Worker ? — Tawny, sublinear, pubescent, shining, rather fat: bead nearly elliptical, broader and shorter than the thorax: ocelli two, one on each side, near the base of the aptenna, far from the eye: mandibles mostly black, each armed with two strong teeth : antennæ shorter than the head: prothorax, mesotho- rax and metathorax nearly equal in size and shape: abdomen a TERMITIDES. 513 little longer but hardly broader than the thorax : fourth joint of the tarsi nearly twice the length of all the other joints. Length of the body 5 lines. a. ? 10. TERMES MOLESTUS. Fuscus; antennis, ore, pedibus corporeque subtus testaceis ; fronte puncto impresso ferrugineo ; alis pellucidis, costa e vena du. plici cornea confecta, fusca. Long. 57; alar. 12 lin. Termes fatale, Perty, Del. Anim. Artic. Braz, 127, pl. 25, f. 8. Termes cumulans ? Kollar, Brasiliens Vorzüglich lästige Insecten, 13, f. 9. Termes molestus, Klug, MSS. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 766, 9. Brazil. 11. TERMES TESTACEUS. Fuscus; antennis, ore, pedibus corporeque suhtus testaceis ; fronte immaculata ; alis fuscis, costa cornea bivenosa. Long. 3; alar. 6 lin. Hemerobius testaceus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 912, 8. Perla fusca, Deg. Ins. iii. 367. pl. 27, f. 4,5. Termes destructor, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 89. Perty, Del. Anim. Artic. Braz, 127, pl. 25, f. 9. Termes destructor ? Illiger, Mag. iv. 227, 2. Termes testaceus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 767, 10. Brazil. T. destructor P-Tawny, pubescent, shining, linear: head pi- ceous, subelliptical, very much longer than broad, depressed in the disk, tawny in front and beneath, nearly as broad as the thorax: ocelli two, one on each side, near the eye : mandibles small, piceous towards the tips : antennæ testaceous, 15-jointed, as long as the head: prothorax twice broader than long, slightly excavated above, straight in front, convex on each side and behind : abdomen tes- taceous beneath, a little longer than the thorax: legs testaceous ; fourth joint of the tarsi much longer than all the other joints : wings gray, fawn-colour on the fore border, full twice the length of 2 Y 514 TERMITIDES. the body ; reins tawny; no suhcostal transverse veins ; longitudinal veiu behind the subcostal emitting iwo branches at two-tbirds of its length ; discal longitudinal rein emitting about twelve distinct, very oblique, secondary veins. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a, b. Honduras, From Mr. Miller's collection. c. - -? T. destructur! Soldier.--Tawny, convex, shining, pubescent: head ferruginous, globose, bare, more than twice the breadth of the thorax, tawny beneath, front part produced into a long, porrect, ho- rizontal, acute horn : eyes and ocelli indistinct, or none: palpi and antennæ testaceous : thorax short: abdomen fusiform, much broader and longer than the thorax: legs testaceous, long, slender. Length of the body 1 line. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 12. TERMES MORIO. Niger ; antennis, ore, pedibus ventreque testaceis ; alis nigris, opacis. Long. 21 : alar. 54 lin. Termes morio, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 90, 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. ji. 2, 767,11. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 305,7. Cayenne; Porto Rico. T. Morio ?-Piceous, pubescent, linear, hardly shining, testa- ceous beneath: head nearly oval, slightly produced and narrower in front, depressed on the disk, tawny towards the mouth, full as broad as the thorax: ocelli two, one on each side near the front of the eye : mandibles with black tips: antennæ testaceous, longer than the head: prothorax nearly twice longer than broad, slightly concave in front, more convex behind, slightly convex and sinuated on each side ; a transverse furrow near the fore border, and a longitudinal furrow on the disk : abdomen as broad as the thorax and very much longer ; sides and bind borders of the segments testaceous : legs testaceous, slender; fourth joint of the tarsi as long as all the pre- ceding joints: wings gray ; veins brown; no transverse veins be- tween the costal and subcostal veins; some very indistinct transverse veins between the latter and the next longitudinal vein, which TERMITIDES. 15 emits one or two branches; discal longitudinal vein emitting six secondary veins, three of which are forked... Length of the body 27 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a, b. Columbia. From Dr. Cuming's collection. 13. TERMES LIVIDUS. Pallide testaceus ; abdomine supra fusco; alis cinereo-fuscis, costa marginali duplici, in apice summo triplici pallida. Long. 24; alar. 6 lin. Termes lividus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 767, 12. St. Domingo. 14. TERMES CINGULATUS. Fuscus; ore, antennis, pedibus pectoreque testaceis ; abdominis segmentis pallide marginatis, alis infumatis subnitidis, venis omnibus fuscis. Long. 4; alar. 9 lin. Termes cingulatus, Klug, MSS. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 767, 13. South Brazil. 15. TERMES FLAVIPES. Fuscus ; ore, tibiis tarsisque pallidis ; alis hyalinis, costa margi- nali duplici fusca, venis discalibus reliculatis. Long. 2; alar. 3 lin. Hemerobius marginalis, - Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. Ed. Hellw. ii. 16, 688. Termes flavipes, Kollar, MSS. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 768, 14. South Europe. 16. TERMES QUADRICOLLIS ? Ferrugineus, subtus fulvus, capitis discus piceus ; antenna fulva ; abdomen thorace latius ; pedes fulvi ; alæ subfuscescentes. Termes quadricollis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 304, 4. 2 y 2 516 TERMITIDES. Ferruginous, pubescent, tawny beneath: head elliptical, longer than broad, a little narrower than the thorax, piceous on the disk, tawny in front: ocelli two, one on each side, between the eyes and close to them: mandibles short, broad : antennæ tawny, mutilated, with less than twenty joints, not longer than the head; joints of equal length : prothorax twice broader than long, slightly concave in front and equally convex behind; sides somewhat rounded : ab- domen increasing in breadth from the base to near the tip, broader but not longer than the thorax: legs tawny; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the preceding joints : wings brownish, slightly opaque and rugulose, brown along the costa, nearly twice the length of the body, indistinctly reticulated; five or six trans- verse oblique veins in the subcostal space; the other veins pale; se- condary veins numerous but indistinct. Length of the body 21 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. - ? From Mr. Children's collection. 17. TERMES OBESUS. Piceus ; pedes fulvi ; alæ sordide albidi. Termes obesus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 305, 5. Bombay. T. obesus ?-Piceous, sublinear, shining, pubescent: head sub- elliptical, Aat between the eyes, very little broader than the thorax : ocelli two, one on each side, near the eye: antennæ a little longer than the head: prothorax twice longer than broad, convex on each side and behind, hardly concave in front: abdomen a little shorter than the thorax: legs tawny; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the other joints : wings dingy whitish ; veins fawn-colour; no distinct transverse subcostal veins ; discal longitudinal vein with distinct secondary veins. Length of the body 41 lines; of the wings 24 lines. a. North India. From Mr. L. James's collection. b, c. ? T. obesus ?—Piceous, sublinear, pubescent, shining, tawny be- neath: head tawny in front: ocelli two, one on each side, at some TERMITIDES. 517 distance from the eye: mandibles small, with black tips: palpi tes- taceous : antennæ tawny, 20-jointed, as long as the head : prothorax more than twice broader than long, alınost straight in front and be- hind, convex on each side: abdomen twice the length of the thorax : legs tawny; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the other joints: wings removed. Length of the body 5 lines. a. Madras. Presented by Walter Elliot, Esq. 18. TERMES MAURIOIANUS. Rufo-fuscus; prothorax sut magnus; abdomen latum; pedes flavi, tibiis tarsisque gracilibus ; alæ latæ, ad costam rufes- centes. Termes Mauricianus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 305, 8. 6 Size of T. flavicollis or a little larger, dull reddish brown, slightly pubescent: head brown, reddish in front: antennæ reddish, a little bristly; joints short: prothorax rather large, dull red, a little narrower behind, where it is rounded and rather strongly notched, a little notched in front: abdomen broad, flat, reddish brown above, reddish beneath: legs yellow; tibiæ and tarsi slender : wings large, a little broader than those of T. flavicollis ; fore border reddish; veins slightly pubescent; secondary veins moderately dis- tinct; second costal vein emitting some recurrent branches which spread on the disk towards the base; spaces between them micro- scopically reticulated ; costal space without veins.” Isle of France. T. Mauricianus ?-Piceous, pubescent, shining, sublinear, tes- taceous beneath : head nearly elliptical, rather broad, tawny in front. of the eyes, a little broader than the thorax : ocelli two, one on each side, at some distance from the eye: mandibles with black tips: antennæ tawny, not longer than the head: thorax mostly testaceous: abdomen subfusiform, longer and a little broader than the thorax: legs testaceous; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the other joints: wings gray, with a luteous tinge along the fore border, full twice the length of the body, slightly opaque and rugulose; some transverse veins between the costal and subcostal veins ; space behind the subcostal vein towards the tip slightly reticulated with veinlets ; secondary veins proceding frorn 2 y 3 518 TERMITIDES. the discal longitudinal vein, and the branches of the longitudinal vein distinct. Length of the body 3} lines ; of the wings 18 lines. : a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. 19. TERMES COSTATUS. Ferrugineo-flavus ; cuput ovatum, gutta pallida; prothorax fere semicircularis, capite latius ; abdomen supra nigricans, fasciis flavis ; alæ subrufescentes, marginibus obscurioribus. Termes costatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 305, 9. “Ferruginous-yellow: head oval, moderately large ; front rather obscure, with a pale dot: ocelli two: antennæ with the third joint longer than the following joints; fourth shortest; the rest succes- sively increasing in length: maxillary palpi long: first joint of labial palpi very short, last joint longer than the preceding one : prothorax almost semicircular, broader than the head, depressed on each side, slightly notched behind ; anterior angles prominent: ab- domen blackish above; hind borders of segments yellow: wings pale reddish, darker along the hind border especially towards the base, blackish in front, where the two veins are not rainified; the other veins numerous and distinct; no perceptible reticulation, but some irregular and indistinct veinlets," Cayenne. T.costatus ?- Piceous, pubescent, nearly linear, tawny beneath : head subelliptical, depressed above, with a red dot between the eyes, tawny in front, hardly broader than the thorax : ocelli two, one on each side, far from the eye: antennæ tawny, longer than the head : prothorax nearly twice broader than long, straight in front, convex on each side and behind, forming two-thirds of a circle: abdomen not longer than the thorax: legs tawny; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the other joints: wings nearly hyaline, full twice the length of the body, tawny along the fore border; costal and subcostal veins ferruginous; the other veins indistinct. Length of the body 7 lines : of the wings 32 lines. a, b. British Guiana. Presented by Sir. R. Schomburgk. TERMITIDES. 519 20. TERMES GRANDIS. Termes grandis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 306, 10. T. fatalis ? Senegal. 21. TERMES ANGUSTATUS. Termes angustatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 306, 11. T. viator ? Cape. 22. TERMES SUBHYALINUS. Termes subhyalinus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 307, 12. T. fatalis ? Senegal. T. subhyalinus ? Soldier. --Testaceous, smooth, shining, pubes- cent: head bare, linear, luteous, ferruginous in front, much broader and thicker than the rest of the body and nearly as long, excavated in front, with two porrect, horizontal, acute horns on the fore bor- der: eyes small: ocelli two, one on each side, close to the eye: mandibles long, slender, black, curved, acute, unidentate, more than · half the length of the head : palpi long, testaceous : antennæ tes- four times the length of the thorax ; segments short and of equal size: legs testaceous, rather long and slender; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the preceding joints. Length of the body 2 lines. a, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 23. TERMES NIGRICANS. Termes nigricans, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 308, 14. 520 TERMITIDES. 24. TERMES RIPPERTII. Ferrugineus ; caput piceum, antice fulvum ; antenne luteæ ; ab. dominis segmenta teslaceo marginata ; pedes lutei ; alæ sub- cinereæ, costa fusca apice lutea. Termes Rippertii, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 308, 15. Havanah. Ferruginous,'shining, pubescent, nearly linear, luteous beneath : head short-elliptical, piceous, longer than broad, tawny in front, hardly narrower than the thorax: ocelli two, one on each side, close to the eye: antennæ luteous, 15-jointed, a little longer than the head; joints of equal length: prothorax much broader than long, slightly concave in front, convex along the hind border, very convex on each side: abdomen longer and a little broader than the thorax ; bind borders of the segments testaceous: legs luteous; fourth joint of the tarsi longer than all the rest together : wings pale gray, slightly opaque ; fore border brown, luteous towards the tip; sub- costal space with numerous oblique, indistinct, transverse veins ; longitudinal vein behind them emitting two branches; discal lon- gitudinal vein emitting nine oblique secondary veins. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a-d. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 25. TERMES TRINERVIUS. Termes trinervins, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 308, 16. Senegal. T. trinervius? Ferrugineus ; corpore subtus, prothorace, abdo- mninis segmentorum marginibus pedibusque luteis; antenne 'testacere; alæ cinerea, ad costam lutea. Ferruginous, shining, pubescent, linear, luteous beneath: head subelliptical, picevus, very much longer than broad, luteous in front, hardly narrower than the thorax : ocelli two, one on each side, close to the eye: mandibles acute, bidentate, black towards the tips: antennæ testaceous, not longer than the head: prothorax luteous, TERMITIDES. 521 twice broader than long, slightly concave along the fore border, convex on each side and behind : abdomen very much longer than the thorax ; hind borders of the segments luteous: legs luteous ; fourth joint of the tarsi longer than all the preceding joints: wings gray, slightly opaque, luteous along the fore borders ; subcostal space with about ten oblique transverse veins; longitudinal vein be- hind them emitting near its tip three branches, one of which is forked; discal longitudinal vein emitting twelve distinct oblique secondary veins. Length of the body 33 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. Tripoli. 26. TERMES DUBIUS. Rufo-ferrugineus ; caput maximum, latum, subquadratum; palpi maxillares mandibulis vix breviores ; thorax utrinque trispi- nosus; abdomen rufo-flavum, pubescens. Termes dubius, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 309, 17. Termes dirus ? Brazil. 27. TERMES CEPHALOTES. Flavus, ferrugineo varius ; caput ferrugineum, subquadratum, de. pressum, thoracis abdominisque longitudine; mandibulæ nigra non dentate ; labrum longissimum ; antennarum articulus aus reliquis brevior ; abdomen ovatum, flavum, disco obscu- riore ; pedes pallide flavi. Termes cephalotes, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 309, 18. Termes dirus? . Brazil. 28. TERMES INSULARIS. Fulvus, nitens ; pedes pallidiores ; alæ limpida. Termes insularis, White, Zool. Erebus and Terror, fig. 11. Tawny, bare, shining, linear, paler beneath: head elliptical, flat above, a little narrower than the thorax; ocelli two, one on 522 TERMITIDES. each side, close to the eye: mandibles mostly black: antenuæ hardly so long as the head : prothorax twice broader than long, slightly concare in front, slightly sinuated on the hind border, con- vex on each side: abdomen nearly linear, fully as long and as broad as the thorax: legs pale tawny; fourth joint of the tarsi longer than all the other joints: wings whitish, transparent, nearly twice the length of the body; veins along the fore border tawny ; trans. verse subcostal veins distinct; the other veios colourless but dis- tinct; space belween the subcostal vein and the discal vein slightly reticulated ; the usual number of secondary veins, those at the base testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 19 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. 29. TERMES TAPROBANES. Ferrugineus, subtus fulvus ; caput antice fulvum, thorace vix latius ; pedes fulvị ; alæ subcinerea, ad costam cervina. Ferruginous, sublinear, shining, very pubescent, tawny be- neath: head subelliptical, flat between the eyes, tawny in front, hardly broader than the thorax: ocelli rather large, one on each side, near the eye: mandibles with black tips: antennæ ferruginous, tawny at the base, a little longer than the head, with not more than twenty joints : prothorax twice broader than long, convex on each side and behind, slightly concave in front: abdomen sublinear, hardly broader or longer than the thorax: legs tawny; fourth joint of the tarsi twice longer than all the other joints : wings grayish, much more than twice the length of the body ; veins and fore border fawn-colour; transverse subcostal veins most distinct towards the tips of the wings; discal longitudinal vein with very distinct trans- verse secondary veins. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. aớc. Ceylon. From Mr. Cuming's collection. d. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. Female, Queen.--Head wanting : thorax piceous, pubescent, shining, partly ferruginous: prothorax small, full twice broader than long, narrower behind; fore border almost straight; sides and bind border convex: abdomen dull ferruginous, tuberculated, 523 cylindrical; segments closely. anchylosed : legs very sbort and slender. Length of the thorax 1 line; of the abdomen 23 lines. a. Ceylon. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 30. TERMES LATERALIS. Piceus, gracilis, linearis, subtus, antennis pedibusque fulvis ; caput antice fulvum, thorace paullo latius ; alæ fusce. Piceous, slender, linear, shining, minutely pubescent, tawny beneath: head subelliptical, much longer than broad, depressed on the disk, tawny in front, a little broader than the thorax: ocelli two, small, one on each side, near the eye: mandibles small, acute, pi- ceous towards the tips: antennæ tawny: prothorax scutcheon- shaped, nearly twice broader than long, very slightly concave in front, convex and narrower behind : abdomen hardly longer than the thorax: legs tawny: wings brown, full twice the length of the body; veins brown; transverse veins along the subcostal space nu- merous and oblique, very indistinct; discal longitudinal vein emit- ting about nine oblique secondary veins, two of them forked. Length of the body lline; of the wings 6} lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. S. F. Morgan. 31. TERMES ANTICUS. Fulvus, subtus, antennis pedibusque testaceis ; caput antice testa- ceum ; alæ albidæ, ad costam testacea. Female.-Tawny, pubescent, testaceous beneath : head a little longer than broad, as broad as the thorax, testaceous in front: ocelli iwo, one on each side, between the eyes and close to them : mandi- bles short: antennæ testaceous, a little longer than the head, with less than twenty joints; joints increasing in length towards the sublinear, a little broader and shorter than the thorax: legs testa- ceous; fourth joint of the tarsi longer than the three preceding joints: wings whitish, finely rugulose, twice the length of the body; veins along the costa tawny and including a testaceous space; the other veins white and very indistinct; about twelve nearly uprigbt transverse veins and about fifteen secondary veins. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Miller's collection. 524 TERMITIDES. 32. TERMES INDECISUS. · Fulvus, subtus, antennis pedibusque testaceis; ala limpida. Tawny, sublinear, pubescent, shining, testaceous beneath : head elliptical, depressed above, with a slight longitudinal furrow in front, testaceous towards the mouth, as broad as the thorax: ocelli two, one on each side, close to the eye: mandibles with black lips: antennæ pale testaceous, pot longer than the head : prothorax nearly twice broader than long, slightly concave in front, convex be- hind and on each side: abdomen broader but hardly longer than the thorax, slightly increasing in breadth towards the tip: legs pale testaceous; fourth joint of the tarsi as long as all the preceding joints : wings limpid, full twice the length of the body; costal and subcostal veins testaceous; all the other veins colourless and very indistinct. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Columbia. From Dr. Cuming's collection. 33. TERMES BREVIS. Fulvus, linearis, subtus pedibusque testaceis ; abdomen supra pi- ceum ; alæ albo-limpidæ. Tawny, shining, linear, testaceous beneath: head nearly ellip- tical, very much longer than broad, slightly depressed on the disk, as broad as the thorax: ocelli two, one on each side, close to the eye: antennæ tawny, not longer than the head; joints of equal length : prothorax twice broader than long, very slightly concave in front, equally convex behind, convex on each side: abdomen linear, piceous ahove, a little longer but not broader than the thorax: leg's pale testaceous; fourth joint of the tarsi a little longer than all the preceding joints: wings whitish, limpid, full twice longer than the body; cosial and subcostal veins tawny; subcostal vein very near the costal, with eight oblique transverse veins between them ; all the other reins colourless and very indistinct. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. TERMITIDES. 525 34. TERMES FUMIPENNIS. Piceus, subtus, antennis pedibusque fulvis ; caput antice. fulvum ; abdomen subtus luteum ; alce fuscæ. Piceous, pubescent, shining, nearly linear, tawny beneath : head nearly elliptical, very much longer than broad, depressed on the disk, tawny in front, as broad as the thorax: ocelli two, one on each side, close to the eye: mandibles with black tips: antennæ tawny, a little longer than the head; joints of nearly equal length: prothorax nearly twice broader than long, concave in front, convex behind, slightly convex on each side: abdomen fusiform, luteous beneath, a little longer and broader than the thorax : legs tawny ; tibiæ darker than the femora; fourth joint of the tarsi nearly twice the length of all the preceding joints : wings brown, more than twice the length of the body; veins brown, no transverse veins be- tween the costal and subcosial, but numerous indistinct, transverse, oblique veins between the latter and the next longitudiual vein which emits two branches: discal longitudinal vein with twelve se- condary veins. Length of the body 24 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a, b. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. RMES AUSTRALIS. Testaceus ; caput supra ferrugineum ; alæ sublimpida. Testaceous, pubescent: head longer than broad, as broad as the thorax, ferruginous above except in front, and a slight stripe on the disk: ocelli two, one on each side, between the front of the eyes and close to them : mandibles piceous towards the tips, with two acute teeth : antennæ with less than twenty joints, not longer than the head; joints increasing in length towards the tips: prothorax sub- quadrate, nearly linear, almost twice broader than long: abdomen subelliptical, a little broader and longer tban the thorax: legs rather stout; fourth joint of the tarsi twice the length of all the preceding joints : wings sublimpid, twice the length of the body; costal and subcostal veins pale testaceous; the other veius very indistinct; no transverse oblique veins in front. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Adelaide. Presented by the Entomological Club. 6. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. 2 Z TERMITIDES. T. australis ? - Testaceous, pubescent, shining: head tawny, ferruginous in front, broader and longer than the thorax: eyes and ocelli none: mandibles black, stout, curved, acute, with a tooth near the base: antenna with about twenty-three short joints, much shorter than the head: prothorax somewhat obconical, slightly con: vex in front, very convex along the bind border: mesothorax and metathorax very short: abdomen sligbtly decreasing in breadth from the base to tbe tip, a little longer than the thorax : legs of moderate lengih; fourth joint of the tarsi full twice the length of all the other joints. Length of the body 4 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. T.australis ? –Testaceous, pubescent, shining : head elliptical, tawny, depressed above, ferruginous in front, longer and broader thali the thorax: eyes and ocelli none: mandibles black, stout, nearly straight, with hooked tips, armed with two broad teeth: an- ternæ tawny, shorter than the head; joints with whitish tips, suc- cessively decreasing in length: prothorax full twice broader lụan long; fore border slightly concave; sides and hind border convex : abdomen subfusiform, a little broader and longer than the thorax : legs rather stout; fourth joint of the tarsi more than twice the length of all the other joints. Length of the body 3 lines. a. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. T. australis Immature. — Testaceous, pubescent, shining: head short-elliptical, depressed on the disk, blackish on each side between the antepræ and behind the clypeus: eyes and ocelli none: antennæ shorter than the head; joints very short: prothorax full twice broader than long, hardly concave in front, convex behind and on each side: abdomen longer than the thorax ; fourth joint of the tarsi full twice the length of all the other joints. Length of the body 3 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. T. australis ? Immature.—Testaceous, like the last : head nar- rower, with a piceous spot on each side between the antennæ which are almost as long as the head : abdomen subfusiform, very much broader and longer than the thorax. Length of the body 3 lines. «. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. TERMITIDES. · 527 36. TERMES OBSCURUS. Ferrugineus ; caput antice fulvum ; antennæ testaceæ ; pedes fulvi ; alæ sordide albidi. Ferruginous, pubescent, sublinear: head elliptical, much longer tban broad, tawny in front, a little narrower than the thorax: ocelli Lwo, small, one close to the eye on each side: mandibles small: antennæ testaceous, mutilated, not longer than the head ? joints of nearly equal length: prothorax very much broader than long, slightly concave in front, equally convex behind, hardly rounded on each side: abdomen linear, rounded at the tip, shorter than the thorax: legs tawny: wings dingy white, slightly rugulose and opaque; costal and subcostal veins tawny, a few very oblique trans- verse veins between them; the other veins wbitish, few and indis- tinct. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Swan River. Presented by Sir John Richardson. 37. Termes CONVEXUS. Ferrugineus ; subtus, abdomen, antennis pedibusque fulvis ; alæ subfusca. Ferruginous, smooth, shining, linear, pubescent, tawny be- neath : bead elliptical, much longer than broad, tawny about the mouth, hardly narrower than the thorax : ocelli two, small, one close to the eye on each side: mandibles small, bidentate, black to- wards the tips : antennæ tawny, shorter than the head, with about thirteen joints: prothorax with an indistinct discal furrow, very inuch broader than long, slightly concave in front, almost straight behind, convex on each side: abdomen hardly longer than the tho- rax: legs tawny; fourth joint of the tarsi as long as all the preced- ing joints: wings pale brown, slightly rugulose and opaque; costal and subcostal veins ferruginous, with about twelve oblique transverse veins between them; the other veins very pale and indistinct, with rows of punctures between them and along them; about twelve se.. condary oblique veins proceeding to the hind border. Length of the body 11 line ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Van Dieman's Land. From Mr. A. J. Smith's collection. 2 z 2 528 TERMITIDES. 38. TERMES GUATIMALÆ. Ferrugineus, subtus testaceus ; prothorax rufescens; pedes tes - tacei. Ferruginous, sublinear, very pubescent, shining, testaceous be- close to the eye : mandibles small : antennæ 20-jointed ? fully as long as tbe head: prothorax reddish, nearly twice broader than behind: abdomen a little longer than the thorax: legs testaceous ; fourth joint of the tarsi nearly twice the length of all the other joints : wings removed. Length of the body 3 lines. a. Guatimala. From M. Deby's collection. 39. TERMES MEXICANUS. Fulvus ; subtus, antennis pedibusque testaceis ; ala hyalina. Tawny, slender, linear, shining, thinly pubescent, testaceous beneath: head short-elliptical, with a slight longitudinal furrow, de- pressed between the eyes, as broad as the thorax: clypeus convex along the hind border: ocelli two, one on each side, near the eye ; palpi short, testaceous: antennæ testaceous, 18-jointed, much shorter than the head ; first, second, and third joints of moderate length; the rest very short: prothorax subquadrate, much broader than long, with a slight longitudinal furrow in front; sides nearly straight : abdomen longer than the thorax: legs testaceous, short and stout: fourth joint of the tarsi longer than all the preceding joints: wings hyaline, nearly twice the length of the body; veins along the fore border testaceous, with a few ramifications towards the tips; the other veins very indistinct. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. 40 TERMES PUSILLUS. Piceus ; caput antice testaceum ; tarsi testacei ; alæ subhyalina, Picevus, sublinear, pubescent, shining : head elliptical, de- pressed above, testaceous in front, as broad as the thorax: eyes TERMITIDES. 529 small : ocelli none ? prothorax more than twice broader than long, a little inpressed in front, slightly convex on each side; abdomen a little broader but not longer than the thorax: tarsi testaceous ; fourth joint twice the length of all the other joints: wings subbya- line, minutely rugulose, twice the length of the body ; costal anni subcostal veins testaceous; the other veins almost obsolete. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. -- - ? 41. TERMES OCCIDENTIS. Frilvus, latus, linearis ; caput crassum ; pedes validi. Tawny, linear, very broad, pubescent, shining: head subellipti. cal, very thick, full as broad and as long as the thorax, depressed on the disk, with a tooth on each side in front near the base of the an- tenna: eyes very small: ocelli none: mandibles black, stout, long, slightly curved, bidentate: prothorax more than twice broader than long, narrower behind, very concave along the front, hardly convex on each side and behind : abdomen short: legs very thick; fourth joint of the tarsi full twice the length of all the other joints: wing's rudimentary. Length of the body 5 lines. a, b. West Coast of America. Presented by Captain Wood and Lieut. Wood. Genus 2. EMBIA. Labium profunde bifidum, palpis 3-articulatis instructum. Antennæ 17-articulatæ. Tarsi 3-articulati, articulo lo maximo. Alarum venæ omnes corneæ, venis recurrentibus inter se junctæ. Embia, Latr. ; Westw.; Burm.; Blanch.; Ramb. 1. EmbIA SAVIGNYI. Testacea ; alæ fuscæ, albo striate. Long. 4} lin. Embia - Descript. de l'Egypte, Neur. pl. 2, f. 9, 10. Embia Savignyi, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xvii. 372, pl. 2, f. l. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii.770. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 311, 1. Embia Ægyptiaca, Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. 48. a, b. Egypt. Presented by C. Lamb, Esq. 2 z 3 : 530 TERMITIDES. 2. EMBIA LATREILLII. Oligotoma Saundersii, Westw. Embia Latreillii, Rumb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 312, 2. Bombay; Isle of France; Madagascar. E. Latreillii ? Ferrugineus, gracilis, pubescens; prothorax sulcatus ; pedes testacei, femoribus tibiisque latis; alce subfusce, ulbido strigatæ, Pale ferruginous, slender, pubescent, like a Raphidia, and may serve as a connecting link thereto from the Termitina : head sub- fusiform, broader than the thorax: eyes with large facets: ocelli none: mandibles testaceous, short, tridentate: palpi short: an- tennæ very pubescent: prothorax longer than broad, nearly obconi- cal, with a slight longitudinal furrow: abdomen linear, shorter than the thorax, with two short articulated filaments at the tip : legs tes- taceous, rather short ; femora and tibiæ broad : wings pale brown with whitish streaks, a little shorter than the body; veins pubescent, much like those of Olynthu Brasiliensis in structure. Length of the body 24 lines; of the wings 4 lines. a. - From Mr. Children's collection. 3. EMBIA KLUGI. Ferrugineo-fusca ; abdominis seiæ sat longæ; pedes dilatati. Embia Klugi, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 313, 3. . Ferruginous-brown, nearly the size of E. Suvignyi : head ovate; hind part moderately contracted: prothorax narrower than the head, narrower in front, with a transverse furrow before its fore border: abdominal appendages rather long ; last joint longer than tbe first: legs dilated. Brazil. TERMITIDES. 531 4. EMIA SOLIERI. Ferrugineo-fusca, E. Savignyi minor ; tarsorum articulus lus minus dilatatus et arcuatus. Embia Solieri, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 313, 4. “ Larva.--Ferruginous-brown, a little smaller than E. Savignyi : : head smaller, more depressed, almost quadrate : antennæ with shorter joints: prothorax narrower than the head, with a furrow be- fore the middle, hardly sinuated on each side : metathorax larger than the prothorax, or than the mesothorax: first joint less dilated and curved than that of E. Savignyi, and of a different form.” Genus 3. OLIGOTOMA. Labium profunde bifidum, palpis 3-articulatis instructum. Antennæ 11-articulatæ. Tarsi 3-articulati, articulo lo maximo. Alarum venæ omnes corneæ, venis recurrentibus inter se junctæ. Oligotoma, Westw. Linn. Trans. xvii. 369; Burm. 1. OLIGOTOMA SAUNDERSII. Testaceo-fuscescens, segmentis abdominalibus pallide marginatis; alarum areolæ albido vittatæ. Long. 34 lin. Oligotoma Saundersii, Westw, Trans. Linn. Soc. xvii. 373, pl. 2, f. 2. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 770. Bengal. 532 TERMITIDES. Genus 4. OLYNTHA. Labium profunde bifidum, palpis 3-articulatis instructum. An- tennæ 30-articulatæ. Tarsi 3-articulati, articulo lo maxiino. Alaruu venæ omnes corneæ, venis recurrentibus inter se junctæ. Olyntha, Gray, Griff. Anim. Kingd, xv.; Westw.; Burm. 1. OLYNTHA BRASILIENSIS. Piceo-nigra ; prothorace femoribusque anterioribus ochraceis ; an- tennæ apice albe; alæ albo vittatæ, cercis Alavis. Long: 7 lin. Olyntha Brasiliensis, Gray, Griff. Anim. Kingd. xv. 347, pl. 72, f. 2. Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xvii. 373, pl. 2, f. 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. ij. 2, 770, 1. a. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collection. 2. OLYNTHA RUFICAPILLA. Fusca ; capite et prothorace rufis ; alæ albo striata, cercis fuscis. Long. 34 lin. Olyntha ruficapilla, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 770, 2. Brazil. 3. OLYNTHA STAPHILINOIDES. Piceus, testaceo varius ; caput antice ferrugineum ; pedes testacei, femoribus piceo strigatis. Larva ? - Piceous, sublinear, slender, flat, dull, pubescent: head somewhat conical, ferruginous in front, not longer than broad, much broader than the thorax; a transverse suture between the eyes forms a very obtuse angle, from whence a longitudinal suture pro- ceeds to the hind border: clypeus pale brown, shining; eyes of moderate size: ocelli none: palpi brown: antennæ mutilated ; EPHEMERINÆ. 533 first joint broad: prothorax slightly conical, not broader than long; borders and dorsal stripe testaceous : mesothorax and metathorax each as large as the prothorax; mesothorax partly testaceous : ab- domen linear, not broader or longer than the thorax, with a short, broad, testaceous stripe on the disk: legs testaceous ; femora with piceous streaks. Length of the body 5 lines. The broader head of this species and the shape of its prothorax distinguish it from 0. Brusiliensis. a. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Sub-order 5. EPHEMERINÆ. . Partes oris obliteratæ, subnullæ. Abdominis apex bi- vel tri- setiis. Tarsi 4-5-articulati. Alæ duo vel quatuor, inæquales, homonomæ, membranaceæ, venis transversis plurimis. Larvæ aquaticæ, branchiopneustæ, nudæ. Ephemerinæ, Latr.; Pictet; Blanchard. Epheinera, Linn.; Fabr. ; Deg.; Barb.; Gmel.; Berk.; Stew.; Turt.; Panz. Agnatha, Cuvier, Ephemeridæ, Leach ; Steph. ; Curt.; Westw. Biomorphotica, p., Westw. Arkiptera, p., Brullé; Delaporte. Ephemerina, Newman. “Antennæ very short, 3-joiuted; terminal joint longest, and a inere seta. Ocelli three. Mouth and prothorax atrophied. Abdo. men terminating in long caudal multiarticulate setæ. Legs simple; fore-legs longer and porrected in the males. Wings much reticu- lated with veins, very unequal in size, the fore-wings being ample, the hind small, and sometimes lolally wanting ; when at l'est. they are erect and meet vertically over the back. Larva.--Aquatic, breathes by means of external gills, which also serve as organs of natatory locomotion. Antennæ long, filiform, multiarticulate. Mandibles corneous, small, feeble. Setæ long, filiform, multiarii- çulate. Leys long and strong. Frequents the bottom of ponds, and especially of running streams, secretes itself under stones, and appears to feed on the decomposing organic matter which mingles so largely in the sediment of all waters. Pupa.-Similar to the 534 EPHEMERINÆ. larva in form, habit and food. Rudiments of wings very percepti- ble at the posterior angles of the wing-bearing segments. Attains its perfect state by a double ecdysis; after the first, the insect re- tains the soft, silky pellicle which invests a great number of insects, and which, in all other cases, is shed with the pupa-case. After a feeble flight the insect settles, and in the course of a few hours di- vests itself of the pellicle, and has then accomplished all its trans- formations."—Newman. Genus 1. EPHEMERA. Oculi remoti, maris simplices. Pedes bene determinati. Setä caudales tres, æquales. Alæ reticulatæ, quatuor, venis plurimis transversis. Larva subiens, instrumentis respiratoriis quasi ainen- tales. Ephemera, Linn., doc. Ephemeræ trisetæ, p., Zett. Ephemeridæ, p., Newman. Eyes simple in both sexes, always separated by a broad interval : wings four, with numerous cross-veins ; bind-wings almost as long as one-fourth of the fore-wings, with a complete neuration and an angular costal border : abdominal tentaculæ of middle size ; inter- nal appendages hidden, very small: three tail-bristles of equal length. 1. EPHEMERA VULGATA. Obscure fusca ; abdomen lulescens ; sete" caudales nigricantes ; pedes pallidi, obscure nebulosi ; ala fuscescentes, anticæ costa pallida fusca, maculis tribus vel quatuor, posticæ maris ma- cula media. Ephemera vulgata, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, ii. 906, 1. Fauna Suecica, 1472, 1. Geoffr. Hist. Ins. ii. 238, 1. Scop. Ent. Carn. 264, 683. Scheff. Elem. pl. 72. Deg. Ins. ii. 621, pl. 16. Müll. Prod. Zool. Dan, 142, 1641. Sulz. Ins. fig. 103. Mus. Lesk. i. 50, 13. Schrank, Ins. Austr. 602; Fuun. Boic. 1937. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2678, 1. Barbut, Gen. 213, EPHEMERINÆ. : 535 pl. 11, fig. inf. dext.? Fourcroy, Ent. Par. 351, 1. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 16, 1. Berk. Syn. Nat. Hist. i. 150. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. ii. 672. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vi. 417, 1. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. ii. 211. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 249, pl. 81, fig. sup. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 68, 1. Panz, Faun. Ins. Germ. xciv. fig. 16. Cederhielm, Faun. Ingr. Prod. 134, 407. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 393. Walcken. Faun. Par. ii. 8,1. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 94, 1. Wood, Ill. Linn. Gen. Ins. ii. 23, pl. 47. Duméril, Cons. Gen. Ins. pl. 28, f. 4,5. Sam. Ent. Comp. pl. 7, f. 2. Zeit. Ins. Lap. 1044. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 55, 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 804, 1. Blunch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 53, 1. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 293, 1. Westw. Intr. Class. Ins. ii. 25, 61, 1-16. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. Eph. 126, 1, pl. 1-5. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 293, 1. a-c. England. Var. ? Ephemera hispanica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 294. "A little smaller than E. vulgata, which it resembles: thorax black: abdomen yellow, spotted with black: filaments reddish with brown rings, very long : anal appendages much attenuated at the tip, with the two last joints longer and more slender than in E. vul- gata, but not suddenly contracted at tbe base of the penultimate as in E. lutea: legs blackish, a little shorter than those of E. lutea : wings slightly reddish, almost hyaline ; almost all the veins bor- dered with brown, with which the spots of the middle are con- fluent.” Madrid. . 2. EPHEMERA DANICA. Oculi fusci; thorax maris nigricans ; setæ caudales fulva, fusco annulatæ ; alæ antico maculis tribus vel quatuor, posticæ immaculatce. Ephemera Danica, Müll. Faun. Fridr. 554; Syst. Ins. pl. 9, f. 5, 6. Prod. Zool. Dan. 142, 1640. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 18, 6. Schaff. Icon. Ins. Ratisb. pl. 9, f. 5, 6. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 130, 2, pl. 7. - Ephemera vulgata ? Donovan, Nat. Hist. Brit. Ins. iv, 53, pl. 128. Ephemera maculata, De Vill. Linn. Ent. iji, 22, 17. 536 EPHEMERINÆ. . Ephemera cognata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 516, 2. Curt. Brit. Ent. 708. 1, b. England. 3. EPHEMERA GLAUCOPS. · Oculi cyanei ; thorax maris flavus; setæ caudales fulva, fusco an. nulatæ; ale antice maculis tribus vel quatuor, posticæ im. maculatæ. Ephemera lutea, Sulz. Ins. 171, pl. 24, f. 6. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 804, 2. Ephemera glaucops, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 132, 3, pl. 8, f. 1-3. Europe. Var.? Ephemera flavicans, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 296, 7. “A little larger than Cloeon Diptera : yellow : abdomen dull red above, darker on the borders of the segments: filaments three, red, twice the lengih of the body, with brown rings; anal appendages horn-shaped, long, slender, contiguous at the tip and forming an oval by their reunion : legs yellow; anterior legs long, reddish, al- most as long as the body, with red rings at the tips of the thighs, and with brown rings on the other joints: wings large, hyaline, very slightly yellowish, a little darker along the fore border; veins yellow; transverse veinlets brownish. Female paler than the male." France. 4. EPHEMERA GUTTULATA. Ale anticæ confertim maculatæ. Ephemera guttulata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 135, pl. 8, f. 4. Switzerland. 5. EPHEMERA SIMULANS. Picea ; setæ pubescentes, corpore longiores; pedes fulvi, antice obscuriores ; alæ subcinerea, anticæ fusco maculate et sub- fasciate, venis nebulosis. EPAEMERINÆ. 537 Piceous: abdomen more than twice the length of the thorax : setæ pale piceous, pubescent, longer than the body: legs dull tawny; fore-legs darker: wings grayish ; veins black, clouded ex- cept towards the tips and along the hind border with brown, which forms in the disk a spot at one-third of the length, another at two- thirds of the length, and an interrupted band between them. Length of the body 5 lines; of the setæ 6 lines; of the wiogs 14 lines. a. River St. Lawrence. Presented by the Entomological Club. 6. EPHEMERA COLOMBIÆ. Fulva ; antenne fusce; thorax testaceo notatus ; abdomen luteuin, nigro fasciatum et bivittatum; setæ fusce, corpore duplo lon- giores ; pedes fulvi ; alæ albidæ, venis testaceis. Subimago.---Tawny: antennæ brown : thorax with some tes- taceous marks: abdomen luteous, about twice the lengtb of the thorax, with two black stripes, and with a black band on the hind border of each segment: setæ brown, about twice the length of the body: legs tawny: wings whitish ; veins testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the setæ 9 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Columbia. From Dr. Cuming's collection. 7. EPHEMERA DECORA. Picea ; antenna nigra, basi fulve; abdomen ferrugineo rarium ; setæ testacee, fusco fasciatæ, corpore multo longiores ; pedes testacei, antici picei ; alæ hyalina, fusco maculatæ et apud venas nebulose. Piceous: antennæ black, tawny at the base : abdomen rather more than twice the length of the thorax, partly ferruginous on the disk and about the borders of the segments : setæ testaceous with brown bands on the sutures of the joints, much longer than the body: legs pale testaceous; fore-legs piceous: wings byaline; reins black, and with the exception of those at the tips and along the hind border deeply clouded with brown which forms a few spots in each disk. Length of the body 5 lines; of the setæ 12? lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. Canada. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 3 A 538 EPHEMERINÆ, 8. EPHEMERS HEBES. Picea ; antenna nigræ; selæ fusco-testaceæ ; pedes testacei, antici fusci; ala cinereæ, venis nigris. Subimago, Fem.-Dull piceous : antennæ black : abdomen more than twice the length of the thorax: setæ brownish testace- ous, mutilated : legs dull testaceous; fore-legs brown : wings gray; veins black, not strongly marked. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Newfoundland. Presented by W. C. St. John, Esq. 9. EPHEMERA AUSTRALIS, Mas. Picea; vertice antennisquc nigris; thoracis latera flavo maculata; abdomen rufum ; setæ fulva, corpore plus duplo longiores; pedes fulvi, antici fusci ; alæ limpidæ, costa apicali fusca. Subimago ? F'errugineo-fusca ; șetæ corpore longiores ; ala antica fusco bifasciata. Male.—Piceous: head black above: antennæ black: thorax with yellow spots on each side : abdomen red, paler beneath, bardly twice the length of the thorax : setæ tawny, much more than twice the length of the body: leg's tawny; fore-legs brown : wings lim- pid; veins black, very slender: fore border of the fore-wings brown along one-third of the length from the tip. Length of the budy 4 lines; of the setæ 11 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a-d. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. Subimago ? — Ferruginous-brown; borders of the segments paler : antennæ black: abdomen full twice the length of the thorax : setæ longer than the body : wings limpid; veins black, clouded with brown : fore-wings with two broad, irregular, interrupted, and very oblique bands. Length of the body 3 lines; of the setæ 6 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a-d. Van Dieman's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. EPHEMERINE. 539 Genus 2. POTAMANTHUS. Oculi maris duplices. Pedes bene determinati. Setæ caudales tres. Alæ reticulatæ, quatuor, venis transversis plurimis. Larva non depressa, repens, nun subiens, cauda siinplici. . Potamanthus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 197. Ephemera, p., Steph. Ephemeræ trisetæ, p., Zett. Ephemeridæ, P., Newman. Each of the ordinary eyes of the male surmounted by a large reticulated eye, whose superior border rests against the front eye: wings four, with numerous transverse veins, which are delicate, and often invisible to the unaided eye: hind-wings smaller than those of the three preceding genera, but with a complete neuration : ab- dominal tentaculæ of middle size; internal appendages conical, of moderate size : three tail-bristles of equal length. 1. POTAMANTHUS FERRERI. Corpus læte flavum ; setæ caudales non annulatæ ; alæ distinctis- sime reticulatæ, venis transversis pallidis. Potamanthus Ferreri, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 203, pl. 25, f. 1. Switzerland. 2. POTAMANTHUS LUTEUS. Corpus læte flavum ; setæ caudales annulatæ ; alæ distinctissime re- ticulate, venis transversis fuscescentibus. Ephemera lutea, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, ii. 906, 2. Geoffi. Hist. Ins. ii. 239, 2. Schæff. Icon. İns. Ratisb. 42, f. 7? Sulz. Abg. Gesch. 171, pl. 24, f. 6. - Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 68, 2. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 2628, 2. Schrank, Ins. Austr. 603; Faun. Buic. 1939. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iïi. 17, 2. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. ii. 673. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vi. 417, 2. Walck. Ent. Par. ii. 8, 2. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 95, 2. 3 A 2 540 EPHEMERINÆ. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 393. Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 54,1. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 57, 5. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 294, 2. Ephemera hyalinata, Panz. explicat. Schæff. tabul. Baëtis margivalis ? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 801, 3. Potamanthus luteus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 2052. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. Subimago ? Ephemera chloretica, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 296, 9. A little larger than Cloeon Diptera, resembling E.flavicans, R.: yellow, with a dull red band on the dorsal part of the abdomen be- neath, red on the prothorax: filaments three, longer by half than the body, dull, with blackish rings, slightly downy: anal appen. dages rather thick, moderately attenuated and tapering at the tips : legs yellow, much shorter than the body ; feet 4-jointed, with in- distinct brownish rings; anterior legs slightly reddish: wings very slightly yellowish, a little more tinged at the base and along the fore border; reticulation yellowish ; membrane slightly opaque. Paris. 3. POTAMANTHUS MARGINATUS. Corpus obscurum ; alæ indistincte reticulatæ, regione subcostali nigricante. Ephemera marginata, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, ii. 906, 3. Geoffr. Hist. Ins. ii. 239, 3. Müll. Zool. Dun. Prodr. 142, 1642. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 17,3. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vi.417, 3. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 69, 4. Cederhielm, Faun. Ingr. Prod. 134, 408. Schrank, Faun. Boic. 1941. Stew. Elem. Nat. Hist. ii. 211? Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. pl. 81, fig. inf. ? Walck. Faun. Par. ii. 8, 3. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 95, 3. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 57, 6. Blanch. Cours Hist. Nat. iii. 54, 3. Ephemera procellaria, Roesel, Ins. ii. pl. 12, f. 1, 2. Ephemera viridescens, Fourcr. Ent. Par. 351, 3. Potamanthus marginatus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 208, 3, pl, 25, f. 4,5. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. England. EPHEMERINÆ. 541 Var. ? Ephemera rufa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 296, 8. A little larger than Cloeon Diptera : red: body thick, rather short, . rather dark red above: eyes very prominent on the outer side: fila- ments three, blackish: legs rather dark red, perceptibly shorter than the body, with 5-jointed tarsi ; anterior legs brownish: wings hya- line, long, hardly broad, yellowish at the base and along the fore border ; reticulation brownish, tolerably distinct; reins yellow to- wards the base. Tarbes. 4. POTAMANTHUS GEERII. Corpus longum, plerumque nigro-fuscum; mesothorax non vittatus ; setæ caudales fuscæ ; pedes violaceo-fusci; alæ indistincte reticulata, regione subcostali vix colorata ; ale subimaginis muculatæ. Ephemera vespertina, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 906. Deg. Ins. ii. 646, pl. 17, f. 11-16. Berk. Syn. i. 150. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 211. Zett. Ins. Lap. 1044, 5. Ephemera albipennis, Retz. Gen. de Deg. 57, 181. Baëtis fusa, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 800, 1. Leptophlebia, Westw. Intr. Class. Ins. ii. 31. Potamanthus Geerii, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 211, 4, pl. 26, f. 1–3. Europe. 5. POTAMANTHUS TALCOSUS. Piceo-fuscus ; abdominis apice pedibus setisque luridis; alis hya- linis immaculatis. Ephemera talcosa, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 57, 4. Potamanthus talcosus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 234. England. 6. POTAMANTHUS STIGMA. Piceo-fuscus; abdomine pallidiore; pedibus setisque luridis imma- culatis ; alis hyalinis pallide lutescentibus haud maculatis, anticarum costa ad apicem luteo-fuscescente. 3 A 3 542 EPHEMERINÆ. Ephemera stigma, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 56, 3. Potamanthus stigma, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 235. P. Geeri? England. 7. POTAMANTHUS DISPAR. Piceo-niger ; abdominis basi pedibusque pallide rufo-piceis ; setis luridis fusco subannulalis. Ephemera dispar, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi, 58, 8. Potamanthus dispar, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 234. P. Geeri ? England. 8. POTAMANTHUS CASTANEUS. Corpus longum, plerumque nigro-fuscum; mesothorax vitta discali ; setæ caudales fuscce ; pedes omnino fusci ; alarum venæ in- distincle reticulatæ, regione subcostali vix colorata ; alæ sub- imaginis maculata. Potamanthus castaneus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 215, 5, pl. 26, f. 4,5. Switzerland. 9. POTAMANTHUS BRUNNEUS. Corpus longum, plerumque nigro-fuscum; setæ caudales flaves- centes; alæ indistincte reticulate, regione subcostali vix colo- rata ; alæ subimaginis cinereæ, unicolores. Potamanthus brunneus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 217, 6, pl. 27. Switzerland, EPHEMERINA. 543 10. POTAMANTHUS FUSCUS. Obscure piceus ; vertice et basi pedum anteriorum ferrugineis ; pe- dibus posterioribus ochraceis ; setis luridis fusco punctatis. Ephemera fusca, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 120. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 58,9. Potamanthus fuscus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 235. P. brunneus, Var.? England. 11. POTAMANTHUS HELVIPES. Piceo-niger obscurus ; pedibus helvolis ; setis pallide luridis imma- culatis ; alis hyalinis. Ephemera belvipes, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 59, 14. Potamanthus helvipes, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 235. P. fuscus ? England. 12. POTAMANTHUS CINCTUS. Corpus obscurum ; abdomen nigricans, segmentis mediis maris albis ; alæ indistincte reticulata, regione subcostali vix co- lorata. Ephemera cincta, Retz. Deg. Gen. et Sp. Ins. 57, 182. Deg. Ins. ii. 650, pl. 17, f. 17, 18. Ephemera dubia ? Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 59, 15. Fuscus subnitidus; abdominis basi pedibusque pallidis ; setis pallide luridis immaculatis ; alis hyalinis, costa subflavescente. Potamanthus cinctus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 219,7, pl. 28. a. England. 544 EPHEMERINÆ. 13. POTAMANTHUS APICALIS. Fusco-ferrugineus, nitidus; abdominis basi pallida ; pedibus ochra- ceo-ferrugineis ; alis hyalinis. Ephemera apicalis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 59, 11. Potamanthus apicalis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 236. Ephemera balterata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 69 ? Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 253, pl. 81, fig. med. ? Europe. 14. POTAMANTHUS INANIS. E. cincto affinis ; abdominis segmenta lo ad 3um nigra. Ephemera inanis, (Mus. Lesk.) Enc. Méth. vi. 421. Potamanthus inanis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 235. Europe. 15. POTAMANTHUS ERYTHROPITHALMUS. Corpus latum, breve, læte coloratum ; mesothorax imaginis dis- tincte lincatus ; abdomen fere unicolor; alue indistincte re- ticulata, regione subcosiali vix colorata. Ephemera erythrophthalma, Schr. Faun. Boic. 1940. Ephemera rufescens, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 59, 12. Pal- lide rufo-fulvus, subnitidus ; pedibus rufescentibus posterioribus pallidioribus ; setis luridis fresco-naculatis ; alis hyalinis costa flavescente. Potamanthus erythrophthalmus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 222, 8, pl. 29, 30. Europe. 16. POTAMANTHUS GIBBUS. Corpus latum, breve, læle coloratum ; mesothorax maris saltem non lineatus ; abdomen fere unicolor; alæ indistincte reti- culata, regione subcostali vix colorata, venæ subcostalis di- midio apicali nigricante. EPHEMERINÆ. 545 Potamanthus gibbus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 226, 9, pl. 31, 32. Switzerland. 17. POTAMANTHUS SUBMARGINATUS. Rufo-piceus ; pedibus pallidioribus, geniculis posticis nigricanti- bus ; alis hyalinis, costa subochracea. Ephemera submarginata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 58, 7. Potamanthus submarginalus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 236. Allied to P. erythrophthalmus. England. 18. POTAMANTHUS DILUTUS. Pallide rufo-ferrugineus ; abdomine nigricante ; pedibus pallidis ; alis hyalinis costa concolore. Ephemera diluta, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 58, 10. Potamanthus dilutus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 236. England. 19. POTAMANTHUS ROSEUS. Pallide roseus, subnitidus; pedibus pallidioribus; setis luridis fusco maculatis ; alis hyalinis basi summa et costa dilute roseis. Ephemera rosea, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 59, 13. Potamanthus roseus, Piclet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 236. England, 20. POTAMANTHUS ÆNEUS. Corpus latum, breve, læte coloratum ; mesothorax maris saltem non regione subcostuli vix colorata, vena subcostali omnino flava. Potamanthus æneus, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 229, 10, pl. 33. Switzerland. 546 EPHEMERINE. POTAMANTHUS HALTERATUS. Fuscus; abdomen album, apice fuscum; pedes antici albi ; setæ corpore quadruplo longiores ; alæ alba. Ephemera halterata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 69, 6. Potamanthus halteratus, Piclet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 236. Europe. 22. POTAMANTHUS Minor. Obscure fuscus, segmentorum marginibus rufescentibus; pedibus pallidis ; alis angustis hyalinis costa concolore. Ephemera minor, Sleph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 60, 16. Potamanthus minor, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. vi. 237. England. 23. Potamanthus ? OOSTALIS, Mas. Niger ; thoracis linca ante alas albida ; abdomine pedibusque rufo cingulatis ; alwe subfumato, venis omnibus arcolae margi- nalis læ et 2æ infuscutis. Long. 6 lin. Baëtis costalis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 800, 2. Potamanthus ? costalis, Piclet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. vi. 237. New Holland. P. costalis ? Fem. Nigro-picea, flavo guttata ; thorax rufo-bivit- tatus ; abdomen rufo varium ; setæ piccue; pedes rufi, femoribus piceo bifasciatis, tarsis piceis, antici picei, femoribus rufo fas- ciatis ; alæ limpida, venis costalibus nigro-nebulosis. Fem.—Piceous black : head and thorax with pale yellow dots: head reddish on each side : antennæ black: thorax with an indis- tinct reddish stripe on each side : abdomen with some reddish marks, about twice the length of the thorax: setæ piceous: legs red; femora with two piccous bands; tarsi piccous: fore-legs piccous, with a red band near the tip of each ſemur: wings quite EPHEMERIN. 647 limpid; veins black; transverse veins numerous and distinct ; veins clouded with black along the fore border, which is brown along one- third from the tip. Length of the body. 44 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a-c. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. : 24. POTAMANTHUS ? INANIS. Ala duæ. Potamanthus ? inanis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 232, 11, pl. 24, f. 5. Brazil. Genus 3. PALINGENIA. Oculi remoti, maris simplices. Pedes bene determinati. Setæ caudales tres, media maris saltem brevissima. Ale reticulatæ, quatuor, venis plurimis transversis. Larva subiens, instrumentis respiratoriis foliaceis, ciliatis. Palingenia, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2. Piclet. Ephemeridæ, p., Newman. Eyes simple in both sexes, almost always parted by an interval: wings four, like those of Ephemera, but with a more close reticula- tion : prothorax large : abdominal tentaculæ slightly curved ; inter- nal appendages large and conical: median tail-bristle of the male rudimentary. 1. PALINGENIA VIRGO. Corpus flavum, immaculatum ; prothorax longior quam latior ; seta caudalis media brevissima sed distincta ; alce hyalina. Palingenia virgo, Piclet, Hist. Nat. Neur. 141, 1, pl. 9, 10, u, f. 1-3. Ephemera virgo, Oliv. Enc. Méth. vi. 419, 11. Reaum. Ins. vi. 457, pl. 42–44. Schaeff. Alhundi. Ins. iii. 30; Icon. Ins. Ratisb. pl. 175, f. 1-3. Larr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xii. 98, 13. 548 EPHEMERINÆ. Ephemera maroccana ? Fabr. Ent. Sist. ii. 69, 3. Palingenia horaria, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 802, 1. Ephemera albipennis, Latr. Règne Anim. de Cuv. v. 252. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Neuropt. 296. Westw. Intr. Class. Ins. ii. 33. Blanch. Cours Hist. Nat. iii. 54. Ephemera plumosa ? Müll. Zool. Dan. Prodr. 244. Ephemera, &c., Villa, Comparsa Periodica delle Eſimere nella Brianza, 1847. a. Rhine. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. LINGENIA PUELLA. Corpus flavum, immaculatum; prothorax latior quam longior ; seta caudalis media brevissima sed distincta ; ulæ hyaline. Palingenia puella, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 145, 2, pl. 11, f. 4. New Orleans. 3. PALINGENIA LIMBATA. Corpus flavo fuscoque varium; prothorax pallide fulvus, fusco bimaculatus ; seta caudalis brevissima sed distincta. Palingenia limbata, Serville, Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. pl. 60, f. 7. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 146, 3, pl. 12. Ephemera limbata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 295, 4, pl. 8, f. 2. North America. 4. PALINGENIA ALBICANS. Corpus flavum, immaculatum ; seta caudalis media brevissima sed distincta ; alæ basi violaceae. Ephemera albicans, Percheron, Gen. Ins. Livr. vi.; Neuropt. pl. 6. Palingenia albicans, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 803. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 149, 4, pl. 13, f. 1-3. Brazil. EPHEMERINE. 549 Pal. albicans ? Fem. -- Testaceous, whitish beneath: bead darker than the thorax: abdomen pale testaceous, blackish above for three-fourths of the length, less than twice the length of the thorax: setæ white, slender, shorter than the body: legs whitish, short i wings white, slightly opaque; veins whitish, brownish along body 31 lines; of the setæ 23 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 5. PALINGENIA DORSALIS. Corpus flavo fuscoque varium ; prothorax fusco vittatus ; seta caudalis media brevissima sed distincta; alarum venæ violaceo- fuscæ. Palingenia dorsalis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 803, 3. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 153, 6, pl. 13, f. 5. Brazil. 6. PALINGENIA INDICA. Corpus flavo fuscoque varium; prothorax fusco vittatus ; seta cau- dalis media brevissima sed distincta; alarum venæ flavæ. 151,5, pl. 13, f. 4. East Indies. 7. PALINGENIA LONGICAUDA. Maxima ; seta caudalis media fere obsoleta. . Ephemera longicauda, Oliv. Enc. Méth. Ins. vi. 418, 6. Aug. Clutius, De Hemerobio sive Ephemero, p. 96, 100. Swammerd. Bibl. Nat. i. 234-270, ii. pl. 13-15. Schæft. Icon. Ins. Ratisb. pl. 204, f. 3. Latr. "Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 98, 8; Gen. Cr. et Ins. iii. 184. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Neur. 295, 5. Ephemera flos-aquæ, Illig. Mag. i. 187, 17. Ephemera Swammerdamia, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 98, 7; Règne Anim. v. 244. Blanch. Cours Hist. Nat. iii. 54. 3 B 550 EPHEMERINÆ. Palingenia longicauda, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 803, 2. Westw. Intr. Class. Ins. ii. 33. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 155, 7, pl. 14, 15. Germany; France. 8. PALINGENIA SAVIGNYI. Descript. de l'Egypte, Neuropt. Savigny, pl. 2, f. 5. Palingenia Savignyi, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 157. Egypt. 9. PALINGENIA ATROSTOMA. Palingenia atrostoma, Weber, Obs. Entom. pl. 99, 1. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 157. Brazil. 10. PALINGENIA LATA. Subimago. Testaceu ; caput fuscum; thorax fusco bivittatus ; abdominis dorsum fuscum ; setæ lata, pilos@, corpore triplo longiores ; ala fuscæ. Male.—Testaceous, rather broad: head mostly brown: thorax with two brown stripes (which are broadest on the prothorax), and with some slight brown streaks : abdomen less than twice the length of the thorax, brown above except on each side: seta pale testace- ous, broad, hairy, thrice the length of the body: wings brown, with about twelve distinct longitudinal veins; transverse veins few and indistinct especially towards the hind border. Length of the hody 9 lines; of the setæ 27 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a, b. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 11. PALINGENIA VIRIDESCENS, Fen. Cinereo-fusca, subtus testacea; antennæ nigræ; abdomen apice Lestaceo bivittatum ; seta testaceæ abdomine breviores ; pedes testacei ; alæ subcinerea. EPHEMERINÆ. 551 Ephemera viridescens, Barnston's MSS. Grayish brown, testaceous beneath excepting the disk of the pectus: antennæ black: hinder part of the thorax with testaceous borders: abdomen scabrous, more than twice the length of the thorax; the two last segments with a testaceous stripe on each side: setæ testaceous, pubescent, shorter than the abdomen: legs testa- ceous: wings grayish; veins black, testaceous at the base; longitu- dinal veins about twelve in number, differing much in structure from those of P. lata ; transverse veins numerous and distinct : hind-wings with brown hind borders. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the setæ 8 lines; of the wings 24 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 12. PALINGENIA OCCULTA. Testacea; antenne nigræ; mesothoracis latera fusca ; abdomen fusco bivittatum; setæ corporis longitudine; tarsi et pedes antici subfusci ; alæ subcinerea. Testaceous: antennæ black, testaceous at the base : mesutho- rax brown on each side: abdomen darker than the thorax, with two irregular brown stripes : setæ dark testaceous, minutely pubes- cent, as long as the body: legs testaceous; tarsi and fore-legs brownish : wings grayish ; veins black, testaceous at the base : fore- wings pale yellow at the base; fore border slightly tinged with brown. Length of the body 9-11 lines; of the setæ 8 lines; of the wings 18-22 lines. a-c. Arctic America, between Lake Winipeg and Lake Superior. Presented by Sir John Richardson. 13. PALINGENIA NATATA. Fusco-testacea ; antenna nigræ ; abdomen fusco bivittatum ; sete fulva, fasciata, hirsutissime, corpore paullo breviores ; pedes testacei, tibiis tarsisque fuscis; alæ subcinerea, venis nebu- losis, anticæ nigro maculatæ. Ephemera natata, Barnston, MSS. 3 B 2 552 EPHEMERINÆ. Subimago.-Dull testaceous, slightly shaded with brown: an- tennæ black: abdomen with two interrupted brown stripes, about thrice the length of the thorax: setæ tawny with darker bands, very hairy, a little shorter than the body: leg's dark testaceous; tibiæ and tarsi brown: wings grayish ; veins black, clouded with blackish brown except at the tips and along the hind borders: fore-wings with three or four black spots in the disk. Length of the body 9 lines; of the setæ 7 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a, b. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 14. PALINGENIA HUMERALIS. Testacea ; abdomen olivaceo-fuscum, subtus piceo-fuscum ; seta pubescentes ; tibiæ anticæ albidæ, alæ subcinerea, costa basali Aava apicali subfusca. Dull testaceous; abdomen olive-brown above, piceous brown beneath, about twice the length of the thorax: setæ testaceous, pu- bescent, longer ? than the body, composed of very short and nu- merous joints: legs pale testaceous; fore-tibiæ whitish: wings slightly gray ; veins black; fore border of the fore-wings yellow at the base, slightly tinged with brown towards the tip, its intermediate veins clouded with black. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. 15. PALINGENIA BICOLOR. Ferruginea; pectus nigro bimaculatum; abdomen fuscum ; setce testacea, pilosæ, abdomine duplo longiores; pedes flavi, antici fusco-testacei, tarsis basi albidis ; alce cinerea. Subimago.--Pale ferruginous: pectus with a blackish spot on each side: abdomen brown, paler beneath, full twice the length of the thorax: setæ testaceous, hairy, about the length of the abdo- men: legs yellow : fore-legs brownish-testaceous; tarsi whitish to- wards the base ; wings gray, pubescent along the hind borders; EPHEMERINE. 553 veins black, slightly clouded with brown. Length of the body 5 lines; of the setæ 3 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 16. PALINGENIA PALLIPES. 1 Ferruginea; capitis discus piceus; antenna nigræ ; thoracis latera fulvo maculata ; setce fulve, subfasciatæ; pedes testacei, antici ferruginei; alæ limpidæ, anticæ macula stigmaticali sub- lurida. Fem. Dark ferruginous, paler beneath : disk of the bead pice- ous: antennæ black: thorax with some tawny spots on each side: abdomen less than twice the length of the thorax: setæ dull tawny, a little darker about the sutures of the joints, a little longer than the body: middle seta short: legs testaceous: fore-legs ferruginous : wings limpid ; veins brown, distinct: fore border of the fore-wings with a lurid tinge towards the tip. Subimago.—Brown: wings gray. Length of the body 41 lines; of the setæ 7 lines; of the wings 11 lines. 0-c. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 17. PALINGENIA CONCINNA. Picea, subtus ferrugineo varia ; sete testacee, corpore plus duplo longiores ; pedes testacci, grucillimi, antici fusci longissimi, femoribus testaceis ; alæ limpide, costa apicali subfusca. Male.-Piceous, partly ferruginous beneath : antennæ black: abdomen less than twice the length of the thorax: tentacula lute- ous: middle seta very short; lateral setæ dull testaceous, more than twice the length of the body: leg's testaceous, very slender : fore- legs brown, very long; femora testaceous : wings limpid ; veins pale testaceous, darker towards the tips : fore border of the fore. wings pale brown along one-third of the length from the tip. Length of the body 4 lines; of the setæ 12 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 3 B 3 554 EPHEMERINA. 18. PALINGENIA NEBULOSA. Niger ; abdomen piceum, subtus fulvum ; seta testuccæ, fusco fas- ciato, corpore plus duplo longiores ; pedes fulvi, antici ob- scuriores longissimi; alæ limpida, anticæ fusco fasciata. Male.--Black: abdomen piceous, tawny beneath, nearly twice the length of the thorax: setæ testaceous; middle seta very slender, about half the length of the abdomen ; lateral setæ with brownish bands, more than twice the length of the body: legs tawny: fore- legs dark tawny, very long : wings limpid; veins brown: fore- the length, and extends nearly to the tip. Length of the body 4: lines ; of the set 12 lines; of the wings 9 lines. amb. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 19. PALINGENIA ALBIFILUM. Fulva ; caput nigrum; antennæ testaceæ ; abdomen testaceum ; setæ alba, corpore triplo longiores ; pedes testacei, antici sub- fusci ; ala limpidæ, venis albis. Tawny: head mostly black: antennæ testaceous: abdomen testacevus: setæ white, slender, thrice the length of the body: legs Length of the body 4-5 lines; of the setæ 15–18 lines; of the wings 10-13 lines. Var. Abdomen brownish above: fore-wings with a blackish tinge towards the base: veins of the fore border blackish for one- third of the length from the base. a, b. Pará. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 20. PALINGENIA LATIPENNIS. Pallide testacea, nonnunquam obscurior ; setæ alba, corpore duplo longiores ; pedes albi ; ale subalbe, sublimpidæ, venis albis. EPHEMERINÆ. 555 Subimago.-Pale testaceous : abdomen twice the length of the thorax: setæ white, twice the length of the body: legs while : wings whitish, nearly limpid; veins white. Length of the body 3-34 lines; of the setæ 7 lines; of the wings 7 lines. Var. Head piceous above: prothorax with two short brown streaks : disk of the mesothorax tawny. 16-c. Pará. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 21. PALINGENIA VITREA. Testacea ; femora fusco subnotata ; alæ albida, subopacæ, venis testaceis. Ephemera vitrea, Barnston, MSS. Subimago.—Testaceous: abdomen hardly twice the length of the thorax: an indistinct brownish mark on each femur: wings dingy whitish, slightly opaque; veins testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. Genus 4. BAËTIS. Oculi maris approximati, simplices. Pedes bene determinati. Setæ caudales duæ. Alæ reticulatæ, quatuor, venis plurimis. Larva valde depressa, repens, non subiens, cauda simplici. Baëtis, Leach ; Steph.; Curt. ; Burm. ; Pictet. Ephemeræ bisetæ, Zett. Baëtidæ, Newman. Eyes simple in both sexes, but much largest in the male where they are generally only separated by a very small interval: wings four, with numerous cross-veins; fore-wings long and narrow; bind- wings almost as long as one-fourth of the fore-wings, with a com- plete veuration and an angular costal border: abdominal tentacula large and much curved ; internal appendages short and quadrate: 556 EPHEMERINÆ. two tail-bristles of equal length, without any rudiment of the me dian bristle. 1. BAETIS FLUMINUM. Corpus fulvum, fusco maculatum ; caput mediocre ; oculi maris approximati ; pedes immaculati, aut vix maculati ; alce hya- linæ, aut basi subtincta, areola costali pallida invaria. Baëtis fluminum, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 164, 1, pl. 16-19. Allied to Ephemera - Schæff. Icon. Ins. Ratisb. pl. 229, 2, 3, and 232, 4, 5. a, b. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. c-e. England. 2. BAETIS VENOSA. Pallide castanea ; oculi nigri; abdominis lutera lineis obliquis valde; distinctis notata, marginibus fuscis ; alæ hyaline, areola costali basi hyalina apice colorata. Baëtis venosa, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 801, 6. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 63, 2. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 167, 2, pl. 20, f. 1. Ephemera venosa, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 70, 8. Deg. Ins. ii. 652, 4, pl. 18, f. 1-4. Oliv. Enc. Méth. 418,8. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 97, 10. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1045, 7. Ephemera nervosa, Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 384, 6. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 22, 14. Baëtis dispar? Curt. Brit. Ent. xi. pl. 484. Phil. Mag. 1834, 120. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 63, 1. a, b. England. 3. BAETIS CYANOPS. Corpus angustum, fulvum ; oculi cyanci ; alæ hyalina, aut bași subtinctæ, areola costali basi hyalina apice coloruta. -- Schæff. Icon. Ins. Ratisb. 229, 2, 3, 239, 4, 5. Baëtis cyanops, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 171, 3, pl. 20, f. 2. Switzerland. EPHEMERINÆ. 557 4. BAETIS MONTANA. Oculi cyanei ; thorax niger ; abdomen viridescens, innotatum ; alæ hyalina, aut basi subtinctæ, areola costali basi hyalina apice colorata. Baëtis montana, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 172, 4, pl. 20, f. 3. a, b.? England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 5. BAETIS PURPURASCENS. Oculi cinerei ; thorax et abdomen pallide) violacea ; alæ hyalina, aut basi subtinctæ, areola costali basi hyalina apice colorata. Baëtis purpurascens, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 174, 5, pl. 20, f. 4. Switzerland. IS LATERALIS. Corpus fulvum, fusco maculatum ; caput maximum ; oculi maris remoti; pedes immaculati aut vix maculati ; alæ hyalinæ aut basi subtincta, areola costali pallida invaria. Baëtis lateralis, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 121. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 65, 8. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 175, 6, pl. 21. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 7. BAETIS SEMICOLORATA. Femora anteriora fusca ; alæ dimidio basali valde colorata, areola costali immaculata. Baëtis semicolorata, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 121. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 64,7. Pictet, Älist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 7. Europe, 558 EPHEMERINÆ. 8. BAETIS SEMITINCTA. Femora anteriora fulva ; alwe dimidio basali mediocriter colorata, areola costali immaculata. Baëtis semitincta, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 180, 8, pl. 22, f. 1-3. Switzerland. 9. BAETIS OBSCURA. Corpus omnino nigrum ; ala hyalinæ; areola costalis invaria. Baëtis obscura, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 65, 9. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 182, 9, pl. 23, f. 1. a? England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 10. BAETIS CEREA. Corpus omnino fulvum vel flavum ; alce hyalinæ aut basi subtinctæ, areola costali immaculata, venis transversis fulvis indistinctis. Baëtis cerea, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 183, 10, pl. 23, f. 2. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 6. England 11. BAETIS SULPHUREA. Corpus latum, stramineum ; oculi virides ; ala hyalince aut basi subtincta, areola costali basi hyalina apice colorata. Baëlis sulphurea, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 185, 11, pl. 23, f. 3. Ephemera sulphurea, Müller, Zool. Dan. Prodr. 142, 1645. Ephemera helvcla ? Sulz. Abg. Gesch. pl. 24, f. 7. Roemer, Gen. pl. 24. Baëtis straminea ? Curt. Phil. May. 1834, 121. Europe. EPHEMERINÆ. - 559 12. BAETIS FLAVEOLA. Corpus omnino fulvum vel flavuin ; alæ hyalinæ aut basi subtincta, areola costali immaculata, venis transversis nigricantibus op- time determinatis. Baëtis filaveola, (Kollar, MSS.). Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 186, 12, pl. 23, f. 4. B. flaveola ? -Pale testaceons : antennæ darker: abdomen pale luteous, with narrow blackish bands on the sutures of the segments, about twice the length of the thorax: setæ whitish, very minutely pubescent, without bands, more than twice the length of the body : leg's whitish, slender: fore-legs long; femora with a brownish spot in the middle and another at the tip : wings limpid; veins brown- ish, partly pale, not strongly marked. Subimago.—Paler: setæ shorter : wings slightly opaque, pu- bescent along the hind border; veins pale or brown. Length of the body 2} lines; of the setæ 8 lines; of the wings I lines. a-c. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr Barnston. 13. BAETIS GUTTATA. Corpus fulvum, fusco maculatum ; pedes distinctissime maculati ; alæ hyalinæ aut basi subtinctæ; areola costalis fuscescens invaria. . Baëtis guttata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 187, 13, pl. 24, f. 3. Switzerland. 14. BAETIS AUSTRALASICA. Arcola costalis venis transversis nigro maculatis. Baëtis Australasica, (Kollar, MSS.) Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 189, 14, pl. 24, f. 1. New Holland. 560 EPHEMERINE. 15. BAETIS AURANTIACA. Rufo-testacea ; segmentis abdominalibus utrinque linea obliqua nigra ; alæ graciles, hyalina. Long. 3} lin. Baëtis aurantiaca, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 801, 4. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 191. Germany. 16. BAETIS LONGICAUDA. Ochraceo-lutea ; pedibus pallidioribus ; setis longissimis ; geniculis abdominisque segmentorum marginibus fuscis. Baëtis longicauda, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 63, 3. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 193. Baëtis mellea, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 121. England. 17. BAETIS ELEGANS. Ochraceo-flava ; abdomine pallide subcastaneo; tursorum articulis apice nigris ; alis subflavescentibus, costa saturatiore. Baëtis elegans, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 120. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 64, 6. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 193. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. . 18. BAETIS CARNEA. Incarnata ; abdomine saturatiore; setis immaculatis ; alis elon- gatis, hyalinis, costa subrosea, venis subfuscis. Baëtis carnea, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 121. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 65, 10. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 193. England. EPHEMERINÆ. 561 19. BAETIS FLAVESCENS. B. stramineæ similis sed minor. Baëtis flavescens, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 121. Pictet Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 193. Baëtis straminea, var? England. 20. BAETIS COSTALIS. Pallide castanea ; thoracis lateribus, abdominis apice et pedibus ochraceis ; alis hyalinis, costa flavescente. Baëtis costalis, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 120. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 64, 4. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Éph. 194. England. 21. BAETIS SUBFUSCA. Obscure castanea ; abdomine fuscescente, segmentorum marginibus saturatioribus ; alis subflavescentibus, costa concolore, stigmate subochraceo. Baëlis subfusca, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 64, 5. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 194. England. 22. BAETIS? RETICULATA. Fusca; thoracis vittis, abdominis cingulis femoribusque pallidiori- bus; alæ cinerea, venis omnibus late fuscis. Long. 3} lin. Baëtis reticulata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 801, 5. “Baëtis fluminum et Potamanthi vespertini subimagines confusæ ?” Pictet. Germany. 30 562 EPHEMERINE. 23. BAETIS INTERPUNCTATA. Albida ; caput viridescens ; abdominis segmenta marginibus pos- ticis nigris. Baëtis interpunctata, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. viii. 41, 1. Yellowish white, tinged with green : head rather prominent, yellow-green; vertex with a lateral black point: eyes with a longi- tudinal black line: ocelli distant, each with a black orbit; anterior one less than balf the size of the others: front with a black angular line under the antennæ: seta of the antennæ black: prothorax with a black line on each side: thorax somewhat brownish: abdomen with the hind borders of the segments black: setæ immaculate: legs greenish ; anterior femora with two blackish bands; hind pair with dusky tips: wings greenish on the fore border, with black transverse veins, and a distinct black abbreviated longitudinal line on the middle, between the third and fourth veins; the small black spot on the middle of the costal border is very obvious: tip of the abdomen more or less ferruginous. Length nearly three-tenths of an inch. Indiana. 24. BAETIS ARIDA. Fuscescens ; pedes posteriores et setæ alba. Baëlis arida, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. viii. 42, 2. Reddish brown, with dusky incisures: head rather prominent, whitish, varied with ferruginous; vertex with a small black spot on cach side of the orbit: eyes rufous, with a whitish vitta : ocelli pro- minent, approximate ; anterior one nearly as large as the others : fore-tibiæ whitish, obscure at each end; posterior legs and setæ greenish white. Length aths of an inch. Indiana. 25. BAETIS VERTICIS. Flavido-alta ; caput ferrugineum ; thorax ferrugineo bivittatus. Baëtis verticis, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. viii. 42,3. EPHEMERINÆ. 563 with two ferruginous vittæ, confluent before and becoming obsolete behind : setæ with black rings, hardly longer than the body: legs white; fore-femora ferruginous at the tips; tips of the fore-tibiæ and of the joints of the fore-tarsi brown : veins of the wings except those of the margin, black; hind-wings not extending beyond the fourth abdominal segment. Length more than of an inch. 26. BALTIS OBESA. Brevis ; alæ nigricantes, maculis una magna plurimisque parvis hyalinis. Baëtis obesa, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. viii. 43, 4. Subima.go.-Very short and robust, blackish livid: borders of the abdominal segments dull rufous, livid : setæ very short, hairy, with black rings : legs pale yellowish ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black : wings dark brown or blackish, with numerous small, trans- verse, hyaline spots or abbreviated lines, and a large, hyaline, very oblique semifascia about the middle on the anal half: hind-wings with numerous transverse abbreviated hyaline lines, which do not extend to the apical margin. Length over ths of an inch. Indiana. 27. Baeris LURIDIPENNIS. Fusca ; abdomine cingulato ; alis luridis fusco' venosis. Long. mar. 7 lin.; læm. 9lin. Baëtis luridipennis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 801,7. Pictet, Hist. Nut. Neur. Eph. 192. North America. B. luridipennis ? Male.-Tawny: antennæ brown, tawny at the base: abdomen with brownish bands on the sutures of the seg-- ments, less than twice the length of the thorax : setæ whitish, very minutely pubescent, a little more than twice the length of the body: 3 c 2 564 EPHEMERINÆ. legs whitish, rather stout; a pale brownish band on the middle and another at the tip of each femur: fore-legs long : wings limpid; veins tawny: fore border of the forewing with a slight tawny tinge towards the tip. Length of the body 4 lines; of the setæ 12 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 28. BAETIS ANGULATA, Mas. Ferruginea, testaceo varia; abdominis discum piceum ; sete fusce, testaceo annulatæ, corpore plus duplo longiores , pedes testacei, antici picei; alæ limpida, anticæ ad costam fusca, postice fusco submarginatu. Male.-Ferruginous, partly testaceous beneath: disk of the head tawny in front: mesothorax and metathorax testaceous : ab- domen less than twice the length of the thorax; disk above piceous : setæ brown with distinct testaceous bands, more than twice the length of the body: legs testaceous: fore-leg's piceous: wings limpid; veins black; transverse veins numerous and strongly marked : fore border of the fore-wings brown : hind-wings slightly tinged with brown along the bind border. Length of the body ģ lines; of the setæ 23 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. Canada. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 29. BAETIS REMOTA. Picea, ferrugineo varia ; setæ testacea, corpore multo longiores ; pedes testacei, antici picei longissimi ; alæ limpida, anticæ longe, costa basi lurida apice fusca. Piceous, partly ferruginous on each side and beneath : setæ dull testaceous, much longer than the body: leg's testaceous, slen- der : fore-legs piceous, very long : wings limpid; veins black: fore-wings long, with an indistinct tinge on the fore border, which is lurid at the base and brown towards the tip. Length of the wings 16 lines. r. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair, EPHEMERINE. 565 30. BAETIS VICARIA, Mas. Ferruginea ; antennæ nigræ; thoracis latera flavo notata ; abdo- men fusco fasciatum ; setæ testacere, subannulatæ, corpore plus duplo longiores ; pedes testacei, femoribus nigro bifusci- atis ; alæ hyalina, anticæ venis costalibus et discalibus fusco nebulosis. Male.-Ferruginous ; antenuæ black : thorax with pale yellow marks on each side: abdomen hardly twice the length of the tho. rax; a brown band on each segment: setæ dull testaceous, darker on the sutures of the joints, more than twice the length of the body : legs testaceous, slender ; a broad brown band on the middle, and a narrower one on the tip of each femur: fore-legs longer and darker: wings hyaline ; veins of the fore-wings brown, indistinctly clouded along the fore border, and in the disk : fore border pale brown for one-third of the length from the tip. Length of the body 6 lines; of the setæ 15 lines; of the wings 15 lines. a. North America? Presented by the Entomological Club. 31: BAETIS BASALIS, Mas. Nigro-picea, longa, gracilis ; abdomen testaceo fasciatum ; seta albidæ, nigro annulata, corpore fere duplo longiores; alce anticæ limpidæ, venis costalibus fusco nebulosis, posticce fusce apice limpida. Pitchy black, long, slender: abdomen with dull testaceous bands on the sutures of the segments, more than twice the length of the thorax: tentacula whitish: setæ whitish with blackish bauds on the sutures of the joints, nearly twice the length of the body : fore-wings liinpid ; veins brown, clouded along the fore border with black, which forms a spot about the middle of the costa : hind- wing's brown, limpid towards the tips. Length of the body 6 lines; of the setæ 11 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Lake Winipeg. Presented by Sir John Richardson. 1 303 566 EPHEMERINÆ. 32. BAETIS TESSELLATA. Albido-testacea, sat lata, fusco notata ; abdomen Supra fuscum ; setæ testaceæ, corpore fere duplo longiores ; pedes testacei, fe- moribus nigro fasciatis, tarsis fuscis , alæ subcinerer, venis testaceis fusco nebulosis. Subimago.—Whitish testaceous, rather broad, marked here and there with brown : antennæ brown, testaceous at the base : ab- domen brown above, less than twice the length of the thorax: setæ testaceous, without bands, nearly twice the length of the body: legs testaceous, rather long; femora with a blackish band on each ; tarsi brown: wing's grayish ; veins testaceous, clouded with black. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the setæ 9 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 33. BAETIS ALBIVITTA. Nigra, gracilis, albo vittata, subtus ferruginea ; setæ fuscæ, testaceo annulata, corpore duplo longiores; pedes testacei, tibiis tar- sisque anticis nigris ; alæ sublurida, anticæ costa saturate lurida, posticæ venis fusco nebulosis. Black, slender, with a white dorsal stripe extending along the whole length of the body, and having a testaceous tinge on the head; under side ferruginous : setæ twice the length of the body, brown with testaceous bands : legs testaceous ; fore-tibiæ and fore-tarsi black: wings with a slight lurid tinge ; veins black: fore-wings deeply lurid along the fore border: veins of the hind-wings clouded with brown. Length of the body 8 lines; of the setæ 16 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. Pará. Presented by Gordon Graham, Esq. b. Brazil From Mr. Stevens' collection. EPHEMERINÆ. 34. BAETIS ANNULATA, Mas. Ferruginea, subtus testacea ; thorax testaceo bivittatus ; abdominis latera testaceo maculata ; seta albidæ, nigro annulatæ; pedes albidi fasciis nigricantibus, antici longissimi ; ala hyalina. Male.-Ferruginous, testaceous beneath: eyes very large, con- 'pected : antennæ brown, ferruginous at the base : thorax with two testaceous stripes: abdomen rather less than twice the length of the thorax; each segment with a triangular testaceous spot on each side: setæ whitish, mutilated, with black bands on the sutures of the joints : legs whitish, with blackish bands : fore-legs very long: wings hyaline; veins blackish, very slender, but distinct. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by the Entomological Club. 35. BAETIS TAPROBANES, Mas. Nigra; thoracis latera ferrugineo notata ; abdominis latera testa- ceo maculata ; setæ picee, corpore plus duplo longiores ; pedes picei ; alæ hyalina, anticæ basi fusce. Male.—Black: thorax with some ferruginous marks on each side: abdomen twice the length of the thorax ; each segment with a triangular testaceous spot on each side of the fore border: setæ piceous, much more than twice the length of the body: legs pice- ous : wings hyaline; veins black; transverse veins numerous and distinct: fore-wings brown at the base; fore border pale brown for one-third of the length from the tip. Length of the body 5 lines; of the setæ 14 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. 36. BAETIS? DETERMINATA, Mas. nis vitta piceo notata ; pedes testacei, femoribus ferrugineo fasciatis, tarsis apice ferrugineis ; ale limpida, costa fusca striga basali flava. 568 EPHEMERINE, Male.--Piceous, testaceous heneath: head yellow about the eyes: antennæ black; thorax with a yellow stripe which has a lu- teous tinge on the metathorax: abdomen hardly twice the length of the thorax, with a broad yellow stripe which contains some piceous marks : legs testaceous; a broad ferruginous band ondeach femur; tarsi ferruginous towards the tips: fore-legs long: wings quite lin- pid : veins black; transverse veins very numerous and strongly marked : fore border of the fore-wings dark brown, with a yellow streak in the front towards the base. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. 37. BaeTiS INVARIA, Mas. Ferruginea, subtus fulva ; antenna nigra, basi ferrugineæ ; pedes testacei, antici longi ; alæ limpidæ, venis testaceis transversis albidis. Male.—Pale ferruginous, tawny beneath : antennæ black, fer- ruginous at the base: abdomen hardly twice the length of the thorax: legs testaceous; fore-legs long : wings limpid; veins pale testaceous, indistinct; transverse veins whitish, very indistinct. Length of the body 2-3 lines; of the wings 7-9 lines. a-c. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented hy Dr. Baroston. 38. BAETIS FUSCA. Picea, subtus ferruginea ; abdomen ferrugineum, subtus fulvum ; setæ testacee, fusco subannulata, corpore plus duplo longiores; pedes testacei, antici fusci ; alæ hyaline, venis testaceis, antica costa apicali fusca. Piceous, ferruginous beneath: antennæ black: abdomen ferru- ginous, tawny beneath, hardly twice the length of the thorax: setæ dull testaceous, more than twice the length of the body, with pale brownish bands on the sutures of the joints: legs testaceous; fore- legs brown: wings hyaline; veins testaceous ; fore border of the fore-wings pale brown for one-third of the length from the tip. EPHEMERINÆ. 569 Length of the body 4 lines; of the setæ 12 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. c. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 39. BAETIS DEBILIS. Ferruginea ; setæ testacea, corpore longiores ; pedes testacei ; alæ sublimpidæ, venis testaceis. Fem.--Ferruginous: abdomen darker than the thorax and twice its length; setæ testaceous, longer than the body: legs pale testaceous : wings nearly limpid;. veins pale testaceous, distinct. Length of the body 3 lines; of the setæ 4 lines; of the wings 81 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 40. BAETIS CANADENSIS. Testacea; capitis vertex thoracisque discus ferruginei ; abdomen piceo fasciatum; pedes pallidi; femorum fasciis tarsisque nigricantibus ; alæ limpide, costa apicali fusca. Var. ? Fluva; caput supra piceum ; thorax antice piceo bivittatus, apud discum ferrugineus ; abdomen ferrugineo fasciatum ; setæ fusco subannulatæ, corpore paullo plus duplo longiores ; femora fasciis duabus nigricantibus ; ala antica costa apicali subflava. Male.- Pale testaceous: head ferruginous above: disk of the thorax ferruginous: abdomen rather less than twice the length of the thorax; borders of the segments piceous: legs pale testaceous; bands of the femora and tarsi blackish : wings limpid; veins black, very distinct : fore border of the fore-wing's brown along one-third of the length from the tip. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Canada. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 570 EPHEMERINÆ. Var.? Pale yellow : head piceous above: thorax with two piceous stripes in front; disk mostly ferruginous: bind borders of the abdominal segments mostly ferruginous : setæ rather more than twice the length of the body; sutures of the joints brownish : fe- mora with two blackish bands : fore border of the fore-wings with a pale yellow tinge, brown for one-third of the length from the tip. Length of the body 4 lines; of the setæ 9 lines; of the wings To lines. a. - ? 41. BAETIS FUSCATA. Picea, subtus ferruginea ; thoracis latera luteo maculata ; pedes ferruginei, antici picei ; alæ limpidæ, venis pallidis. Sub- imago ? Testacca; sete corpore longiores ; alwe cinereæ. Ephemera fuscata, Barnston, MSS. Piceous, ferruginous beneath : antennæ black: thorax with some luteous spots on each side: abdomen less than twice the length of the thorax: legs ferruginous; fore-legs piceous : wings limpid; veins pale, slender; transverse veins indistinct. Sub- imago?--Dull testaceous : setæ pale testaceous, longer than the body: wings gray ; hind borders ciliated. Length of the body 2- 2} lines; of the wings 6–8 lines. a, b. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston. 42. BAETIS SCITA. Nigro-picea, gracilis ; setæ albidæ, nigro annulatie, corpore multo longiores ; pedes testacei, longi, graciles, femoribus libiis et tarsorum articulis apice nigris ; ale limpidæ, venis nigris, costa venis nigro nebulosis basi nigro-fusca. Piceous black, slender: setæ whitish with numerous black rings, much longer than the body : legs pale testaceous, long and slender ; tips of the femora, of the tibiæ and of the joints of the tarsi black; a blackish band on each femur: wings quite limpid; veins black, very slender: fore border of the fore-wing's blackishi- EPHEMERINÆ. 571 brown at the base; its veins stout, clouded with black. Length of the body 2 lines; of the setæ 4 lives; of the wings 64 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. 43. BaeTiS ? TORRIDA. Ferruginea; caput piceum; thoracis latera testacea ; pedes testacei, validi, femoribus apice pedibusque anticis piceis ; alæ sublu- ridæ, anticæ costa fusca. Ferruginous, paler beneath: head piceous : sides of the thorax teslaceous : abdomen mutilated : legs 'testaceous, stout; tips of the femora and fore-legs piceous: wings with a slight lurid tinge; veins black, distinct; fore border of the fore-wings brown. Length of the body 4 lines ? of the wings 10 lines ? a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Wood's collection. 44. BAETIS ? IGNOTA, Mas. Picea ; abdomen subtus ferrugineum ; setæ testaceæ ; pedes flavi, antici picei ; alæ limpidæ, venis albis. Male.—Piceous: abdomen twice the length of the thorax, ferruginous beneath: setæ testaceous, mutilated ; legs entirely pale yellow; fore-legs picevus : wings wholly limpid, with no stigma or iinge along the fore border ; veins white. Length of the body 41 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. --- ? . 45. BAETIS? - Subimago. Ephemera angustipennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 295, 6. Fem.--Size of Clocon Diptera : bead with the eyes broader than the chest: eyes very prominent exteriorly, very far apart: ocelli almost on the same line : thorax rather dark red : abdomen reddish- gray, pale, with two rather thick filaments: legs dull reddish; tarsi 5-jointed: wings grayish: fore-wings narrow at the base, their veinlets with slightly brownish borders. Madrid. 572 EPHEMERINÆ. Genus 5. CLOËON. Oculi maris duplices. Pedes bene determinati. Setæ caudales duæ. Alæ quatuor, venis transversis paucis. Larva natans, non subiens, cauda valde ciliata. Epbemera, Linn. ; De Vill.; Fabr. ; Gmel.; Oliv.; Schr.; Walkn.; Latr.; Stew.; Turt.; Guér.; Zett.; Blanch. Cloëon, Leach ; Steph. ; Curt. Cloë, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2; Pictet ; Ramb. Baëtis, P., Steph. Oxycypha, p., Burm. Each of the ordinary eyes of the male surmounted by a great reticulated eye in the form of a turban, that is supported on an ob- conical ring at whose base is the ordinary eye : wings two or four ; fore-wings having only very few cross-veins which generally form two crooked lines: lower wings, when they exist, rudimentary, and with a more or less incomplete neuration : abdominal tentacula rather large; internal appendages short, conical: two tail-bristles with a very little rudiment of the median one. A. Alæ quatuor. 1. CLOEON BIOCULATA. Maris oculi obscuri ; mesothorax flavus unicolor ; abdomen basi apiceque obscurum, apud medium pallidius ; alæ non fasciata nec maculata. Ephemera bioculata, Linn. Hist. Nat. Ed. 12, ii. 906, 5. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 18,7. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vi. 419, 10. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 70, 9. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 2629,5. Barbut, Gen. pl. 11, fig. inf. sinist. ? Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 211. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 394. Walkn. Faun. Par. ii. 9,6. Panz. Faun. xciv. fig. 17. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 97 ? Guér. Icon. Règne Anim. Ins. Pl. 60. Zett. Ins. Lapp: 1044, 9. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 54,6. EPHEMERINÆ. 73 Baëtis bioculata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand, vi. 65, 12. Cloë bioculata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 244, pl. 34, 35. ard. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ef. England. g. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 2. CLOEON RHODANI. Maris oculi obscuri ; mesothorax fuscus vel niger, nonnunquam albo · lineatus; abdomen basi apiceque obscurum, apud medium pallidius ; setæ caudales fusco maculutæ ; pedes anteriores fusci vel fusco maculati ; alæ non fasciatæ nec maculata. Cloë Rhodani, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 248, 2, pl. 36–39. Switzerland. 3. CLOEON FUSCATA. Oculi fusci; mesothorax omnino niger ; abdomen basi apiceque obscurum, medio pallidius; setæ caudales albæ ; pedes albi, non maculati ; alæ non fasciatæ nec maculata, posticæ me- diocres. Ephemera fuscata, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, ii. 907, 6. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 19, 8. Oliv. Enc. Méth. vi. 419, 9. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ij. 70,11. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. j. 2629, 6. Walkn. Faun. Par. ii. 9, 8. Schr. Faun. Boic. 1946. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 394. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 97, 11. Baëtis fuscata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 62, 13. Cloë fuscata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 251, 3, pl. 40, f. 1. Europe. 4. CLOEON PUMILA. Oculi fusci ; mesothorax omnino niger; abdomen basi apiceque obscurum, medio pallidius ; setce caudales albæ ; pedes albi, anteriores suturis fuscis; ale non fasciatæ nec maculate, posticæ parva. 3 D 574 EPHEMERINÆ. Ephemera parvula ? Scop. Ent. Carn. 264, 687. Cloë pumila, Burn. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 799, 4. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 253, 4, .pl. 40, f. 2. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 298, 5. a.? England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. . 5. CLOEON TRANSLUCIDA. Oculi rufi ; mesothora.c fuscus, albo lineatus ; abdomen basi apice- que obscurum, medio pallidius ; setæ caudales albæ ; pedes albi ; alæ non fasciatæ nec maculatæ. Cloë translucida, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 255, 5, pl. 40, f. 3, 4. a, b. England. 6. CLOEON ALPINA. Oculi maris obscuri ; mesothorax lineis nullis aut pallidis ; abdo- men unicolor, transverse lineatum; setæ caudales fuscæ ; alæ non fasciatæ nec maculata. Cloë alpina, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 257, 6, pl. 40, f. 5. Switzerland. 7. CLOEON MELANONYX. Oculi maris obscuri ; mesothorax lineis nullis aut pallidis; abdo- men fuscum invarium ; setæ caudales flavæ, maculatæ; alæ non fasciatæ nec maculatæ. Cloë melanonyx, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 258, 7, pl. 40, f. 6. Switzerland. 8. CLOEON LITURA. Oculi maris flavi ; mesothorax fuscus, nigro vittatus ; alæ non fasciatæ nec maculata. Cloë litúra, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 260, 8, pl. 4, f.1-3. Switzerland. EPHEMERINE. 575 9. CLOEON FASCIATA. Ala distinctissime fasciata. Cloë fasciata (Kollar, MSS.) Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 262, 9, pl. 41, f. 4. Brazil. 10. CloEON UNDATA. Alæ quatuor maculis nebulosis. Cloë undata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 264, 10, pl. 41, f. 6. Switzerland. B. Alæ duæ. 11. CLOEON DIPTERA, Pallide rufescente-cinerea, segmentorum marginibus fuscescentibus; setis fusco punctatis ; alis hyalinis, costa flavescente-fusco, albo marmorata, posticis nullis. Ephemera diptera, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, ii. 907, 11. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2630, 11. Deg. Ins. ii. 2, 650, 5, pl. 18, f. 5.- 7, fem., 8–10 mas. Retz, Gen. Deg. 57, 184. Schrank, Faun. Boic. 1947. De Vill. Linn. Ent. iii. 22, 21. Rossi, Syst. ii. 71, 16. Latr. Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. xiii. 99, 19. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 253. Zeit. Ins. Lapp. 1046. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 54, 11. Ephemera annulata, Müll. Zool. Dan. Prodr. 143, 1652, fem. Epbemera striata ? Müll. Zool. Dan. Prodr. 143, 1651, mas? Cloëon marmoratum, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 12). Cloëon obscurum, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 121, Subimago. Cloëon unicolor? Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834. Cloëon dipterum, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 67, 1. 3 D 2 576 EPHEMERINÆ. Cloë diptera, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2,798, 1. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 266, 11, pl. 42. Cloë affinis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 298, 4. a-c. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. d-f. England. 12. CLOEON HORARIA. Fusca ; abdomine cinerascente, segmentorum marginibus albis ; pedibus pallidis ; alis hyalinis, costa nigricante. Ephemera horaria, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, ï. 907, 9; Faun. Suec. 1476. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 71, 13. Ginel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5. Berk. Syn. i. 150. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 211. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 394. Baëtis horaria, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 66, 15. Cloë horaria, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 270. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 299, 7. Europe. 13. CLOEON CULICIFORMIS. Nigricans ; abdomine fusco; pedibus pallidis ; alis immaculatis. Ephemera culiciformis, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, ii. 907,8. Geoffr. Berk. Syn. i. 150. Stew, El. ii. 211. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 394. Baëtis culiciformis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 66, 14. Cloë culiciformis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 270. a. England. . 14. CLOEON STRIATA. Fusca ; abdomine maris albo pellucido, fæminæ opaco rufescente ; alis hyalinis, venis subfuscis. Ephemera striata, Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, ii.907, 10. Berk. Syn. i. 150. Stew. El. Nat. Hist. ii. 212. Turt. Syst. Nat. iii. 394. Baëtis striata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 65, 11. Cloë striata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 270. a-d. England. EPHEMERINE. 577 • 15. CLOEON DISCOLOR, Fem. Cinerea, subtus pallida ; filamenta longius pilosa ; alæ infuscatæ, ciliatæ, costa obscuriori. Long. 2, lin. Onycypba discolor, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2,797,3. Cloë obscura ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur, 297, 1. Cape. 16. CLOEON HALTERATA, Mas. Pallida ; oculi medii maximi rubri; abdomen apice ochraceum ; filamenta alba, subcingulata. Lopg. 24 lin. Ephemera halterata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 69, 6. Deg. Ins. ii. 2, 27, pl. 17, f. 17, 18. Cloë halterata, 'Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 798, 3. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 299, 6. Europe. Var.? Cloë brunnea, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 298, 3. Larger than C. obscura, Ramb.: body dull reddish, with paler legs : appendages of the male short, slightly diverging, not opposed, their tips short, somewhat pointed : wings brownish, fringed; second vein rather deeply bent after the middle, South Spain. Var.? Cloë subinfuscata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 298, 2. Much larger than C. obscura, Ramb., which in other respects it just resembles ;.veins of wings thicker; extremity of costal space broader ; second vein after the middle much more bent, so that the following space is broader. South France. 3 D 3 578 EPHEMERINÆ. 17. CloeON VERNA. Pallide ferruginea ; thorace picco, ochraceo maculato ; setis pal- lidis fusco punctatis ; pedibus obscuris. Baëtis verna, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 121. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. 'Mand. vi. 66, 16. Cloë verna, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 270. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 18. CLOEON AUTUMNALIS. Pallide fusca ; thoracis lateribus ochraceis ; setis longissimis pal- lidis; pedibus luridis. Baëtis autumnalis, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 121. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 67, 17. Cloë autumnalis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 270. England. 19. CLOEON CINGULATA. Gracilis, fusca ; abdominis segmentorum marginibus pedibusque posterioribus luridis; alis hyalinis. Baëtis cingulata, Steph. Iil. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 67, 18. Cloë cingulata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 271. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 20. CLOEON OCHRACEA. Pallide rufo-ochracea ; pedibus pallidioribus ; alis hyalinis costa concolore ; setis pallidis fusco subpunctatis. Cloëon ochraceum, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 68, 2. Cloë ochracea, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 271. a. England. EPHEMERINTE. 579 21. CLOEON HYALINATA. Incarnata ; pedibus pallidioribus ; alis hyalinis, venis obsole- tissimis. Cloëon hyalinatum, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 68, 3. Cloë hyalinata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 271. England. 22. CLOEON ALBIPENNIS. Nigra ; abdominis basi pallida apice fusco; pedibus pallidis, geniculis nigricantibus ; alis hyalinis. Cloëon albipenne, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 69, 4. Cloë albipennis, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 271. Ephemera albipennis ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 70. England. 23. CLOEON UNICOLOR. Rufescente-ochracea; pedibus pallidioribus; setis albis immacu- latis ; alis hyalinis ; costa apicem versus fuscescente. Cloëon unicolor, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 69, 5. Cloë unicolor, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 271. England. 24. CLOEON COGNATA. Piceo-rufa ; abdominis basi pallidiore ; pedibus setisque luridis, his fusco punctatis ; alis hyalinis. Cloëon cognatum, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 69, 6. Cloë cognata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 272. England. 580 EPHEMERINE. 25. CLOEON DIMIDIATA. Castaneo-fusca ; prothoracis lateribus puncto ochraceo; pedibus stramineis. Cloë dimidiata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 272. Cloëon dimidiatum, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 121. Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 69, 7. England. 26. CLOEON VIRGO. Pallida; oculis nigris ; femoribus anticis apicem versus obscuris ; alis hyalinis. Cloëon virgo, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 70, 8. Cloë ? virgo, Piciet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 272. Ephemera virgo? Oliv. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 98. England. Genus 6. CÆNIS. Oculi remoti, maris simplices. Pedes bene determinati. Alæ duæ, venis transversis paucis. Cænis, Stephens; Pictet. Ephemera, p., Fabr. Brachycercus, Curt. Oxycypha, Burm. Ephemeræ trisetæ, p., Zett. Cænidæ, Newman. Eyes simple in both sexes, and always separated by a broad in- terval: wings two, much rounded on the internal border, fan- shaped, almost without transverse veins : body short and broad: ungues of the tarsi terminated by two small laminæ ; three tail- bristles of equal length, very long in the male, and very short in the female. EPHEMERINÆ. 581 1. CÆNIS LACTEA. Cinerea ; setæ caudales immaculatæ ; pedes anteriores cinerei. Oxycypha lactea, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 796, 1. (Subimago) Brachycercus chironomiformis, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834.--- Ochracea nitida ; oculis nigris; pedibus pallidis; alis lacteis, costa fusca. Cænis chironomiforinis, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 62, 6. Cænis lactea, (Hoffm. MSS.) Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 276, 1, pl. 43, f. 1-4; pl. 44. Europe. 2. CÆNIS GRISEA. Flava ; setæ caudales immaculatæ ; pedes anteriores albi. Cænis grisea, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 278, 2, pl. 45, f. 1, 2. Switzerland. 3. CÆNIS ARGENTATA. Cinerea ; setæ caudales fusco obscuro pallidoque indistincte annu- late. Cænis argentata, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 279, 3, pl. 43, f. 6. Switzerland. 4. CÆNIS VARICAUDA. Flava ; setæ caudales nigro flavoque scite annulatæ. Descript. Egypte, Neuropt. pl. 2, f. 6 (mas), f. 7 (fæw.) Cænis varicauda, (Kollar, MSS.) Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 281, 4, pl. 43, f.5. Egypt. 582 EPHEMERINÆ. 5. CÆNIS LUCTUOSA. Nigro-fusca aut nigra ; pedes anteriores flavi, distinctissime fusco notati ; alarum venæ costali excepta indistincta. Oxycypha luctuosa, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 797, 2. Cænis luctuosa, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 283, 5, pl. 45, f. 3. Germany. 6. CÆNIS OOPHORA. Nigro-fusca aut nigra ; pedes anteriores omnino flavi ; alarum venæ sat distinctæ. Cænis oöphora, (Kollur, MSS.) Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 284, 6, pl. 45, f. 4. Sardinia. 7. CÆNIS DIMIDIATA. Piceo-nigra ; abdomine pallido; pedibus ochraceis ; alis lacteis costa fusca. Cænis dimidiata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 61, 2. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 286. Brachycercus minimus, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 122. England. 8. CÆNIS BREVICAUDA. Piceo-fusca ; abdomine pedibusque pallidis ; setis brevibus ; alis albidis, costa fusca. Ephemera brericauda, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ï. 69. Cænis brevicauda, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 61, 3. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 286. a, b. England. EPHEMERINE 583 9. CÆNIS HARRISELLA. Pallida ; alis hyalinis, costa concolore. . Ephemeron, Harris, Excp. pl. 6, fig. 3. Brachycercus Harrisellus, Curt. Phil. Mag. 1834, 122. Canis Harrisella, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 61, 4. Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 286. England. Pictet, 10. CÆNIS PENNATA. Thorace lato fusco-ferrugineo ; abdomine pedibusque albidis ; oculis atris; setis brevibus pennatis. Cænis pennata, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 61, 5. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 286. England. 11. CÆNIS INTERRUPTA. Atra, nitida ; abdomine pallido, strigis duabus dorsalibus atris interruptis ; pedibus fuscis; alis fuscescentibus, costa satura- tiore. . Cænis interrupta, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 62, 7. Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 287. England. 12. CÆNIS MACRURA. Fusco-nigra; abdomine piceo ; pedibus piceo-fuscis ; alis hyalinis, costa fusca ; setis longissimis. Cænis macrura, Steph. Ill. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 60, 1. England. 13. CÆNIS HILARIS. Alba, minuta ; stethidium pallide fulvum ; abdomen punctis late- ralibus fuscis. 584 EPHEMERINÆ. Ephemera hilaris, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. viii. 43. White, minute: eyes black, double : stethidium pale fulvous : pleura and pectus with a few abbreviated dusky lines : abdomen de- pressed, with three brownish punctures on each side towards the tip : setæ long : wings ample; costal border slightly dusky. Length one-tenth of an inch. Indiana. 14. CÆNIS DIMINUTA, Mas. Fulva ; abdomen testaceum ; seta alba, corpore quadruplo lon- giores; pedes albi, antici fasciis duabus vel tribus nigricanti- bus ; alce limpidæ, venis albis ad costam nigricantibus. C. bilaris, var. ? Male.—Tawny: abdomen pale testaceous, not longer than the thorax : setæ white, about four times the levgth of the body: legs white : fore-legs with two or three blackish bands: winy's limpid; veins white, blackish along the fore border. Length of the body 11 line : of the setæ 6 lines ; of the wings 3 lines. a. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 15. CÆNIS SINENSIS. Fusco-fulva, subtus testacea; antenna albida, articulis lo et 20 apice fuscis; thorax testaceo bivittatus ; abdomen album, basi et apice fuscum ; alæ limpida, venis albis. Brownish tawny, testaceous beneath : antenna whitish; tips of the first and second joints brown: thorax with two slender, tes- taceous stripes: abdomen white, hardly twice the length of the thorax, brown at the base and towards the tip: wings limpid, veins white, few and slender. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines. a. China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. EPHEMERINÆ. 585 16. CÆNIS PERPUSILLA. Testacea ; setæ albæ, corpore quadruplo longiores ; pedes albi ; ale limpidæ, antice subcinerea, venis albis. Pale testaceous : abdomen a little longer and paler than the thorax: setæ white, about four times the length of the body: legs white: wings limpid, with a grayish tinge on the fore border of the fore-wings; veins white. Length of the body 11 line ; of the setæ 6 lines ; of the wings 3 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. Genus 7. OLIGONEURIA. Oculi maris simplices. Pedes informes ; tarsi filiformes. Alæ quatuor, venis transversis paucis. Oligoneuria, Pictet, Hist. Nat. Neur. Eph. 289. Wings four; fore-wings triangular, with only seven longitudi- val veins, and with some cross-veins near the fore border; hind- wings large, with four longitudinal veins, without cross-veins: legs distorted , tarsi filiform : three short tail-bristles. . 1. OLIGONE URIA ANOMALA. Oligoneuria anomala, (Kollar, MSS.) Pictet, Hist. Nat. . Neur. Eph. 291, pl. 46, 47. Brazil. 3 E LIST OF THE SPECIMENS OF NEUROPTEROUS INSECTS אן THE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MU SE U M. Wat hin - Iepti suf zooloqu. SLX _ PART IV.-ODONATA. ILLSYSTE PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1853. ***. T ED.. L LONDON : PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE ST., BISHOPSGATE, INTROUCTION, THE principal object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the specimens of Neuropterous Insects contained in the collection of the British Museum, indicating at the same time the peculiarities of each, as regards variation of character, locality, and the source from whence it has been derived. With this view, the different individuals of each species contained in the collection are indicated by the letters a, b, c, &c., following the name of the species and its syno- nymes, and the description, if it appeared to have been before undescribed. III This part of the Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects has been prepared and the new species described by Mr. FRANCIS WALKER, so well known for his attention to this order of Insects. The continuation is in hand, and will follow as soon as it is completed. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, November 15th, 1853. CATALOGUE Of NEUROPTEROUS INSECTS. · Sub-order 6. ODONATA. Odonata, Fabr. Subulicornia, p., Latr. Libellulina, Mae Leay ; Steph. Libellula, Linn. Alæ æquales, basi non articulatæ. Tarsi plusquam triarticu- lati. Antenna brevissimæ, setiformes, articulis paucis. Mandi- bulæ et maxillæ magvæ, validissime dentatæ. I am indebted to the kindness of M. le Baron De Selys Long- champs for nearly all the following descriptions, which are trans- lated from the MSS. which he gave me. Fam. 1. AGRIONIDÆ. Palpi labiales inarticulati, aut labium lobis lateralibus. Oculi valde remoti, aut petiolati. Agrionidæ, Leach ; Steph. ; De Selys. Agrionides, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 215. Agrion, Fabr.; Latr. ; Vanderl. Occiput narrow, linear: eyes very small, as regards the tribe, far apart, as if pediculate : ocelli seated in a triangle round the slightly elevated vertex: antennæ inserted quite beneath the ocelli; 1st joint long, incumbent on tbe head ; 2nd generally very long, upright: labium large, divided into 2 parts which are reunited by a sometimes obsolete membrane, or more generally do not extend to 3 F 588 AGRIONIDE. the tip; 2010 joint of the labial palpi with more than half the breadth of the labrum, with the internal angle of its tip prolonged into a long spine; last joint narrow, almost cylindrical, often much shorter than, but sometimes as long as, the preceding : labrum entire, con- vex, rounded : abdomen of the male with 4 appendages : areolets of the wings mostly quadrilateral : membranule quite obsolete. Rambur divides this family into the following genera :- a. Veinlets of the 1st costal space more or less numerous. b. Pterostigma very small or only visible in the female: wings not pediculate. 1. CALOPTERYX. bb. Veinlets of the 1st costal space always rather numerous : pterostigma regular in the wings of both sexes. c. Epistoma without a hump. 2. EUPHÆA. cc. Epistoma with a hump. 3. RHINOCYPHA. bbb. Epistoma with a bump: veinlets of the 1st costal space only 5 or 6 in number. 4. MICROMERUS. aa. Only two veinlets in the 1st humeral or costal space. b. Shanks dilated, or at least in the male. 5. PLATYCNEMIS. bh. Shanks dilated in neither sex. c. Areolets often pentagonal: pterostigma oblong-quadrate, as in the Libellulides. 6. LESTES. cc. Almost all the areolets quadrilateral ; hind-border of the wings having most often only a single row of areolets after the last veil: pterostigma most often lozenge-shaped. d. Legs deeply fringed. 7. ARGIA. dd. Legs with short hairs or spines. e. A single row of areolets on the hind-border. . f. Size small : pterostigma small, lozenge-shaped. 8. AGRION, ff. Size large: pterostigma large, or blended with a spot at the tip. 9. MECISTOGASTER. ee. A great number of areolets on the hind-border of the wings after the 8th vein. f. Pterostigma obsolete, or broader than long. 10. MICROSTIGMA. ff. Plerosligma well defined. 11. MEGALOPREPUS. AGRIONIDÆ. 589 Sub-fam. 1. CALOPTERYGINÆ. Calopterygina, De Selys. A. Arculi sectores duæ apud ejus medium incipientes. Quadrila- teralis fere regularis. a. Venulæ costales et subcostales numero fere æquales. a. Epistoma non prominens. Abdomen longum, gracile, cylin- dricum. ad. Quadrilateralis sat Pterostigma nullum vel brevissimum. reticulata, spatio basilari longitudine æqualis. Div. 1. CALOPTERYX. Quadrilateralis antice recta vel fere recta, lateribus æqualibus. - Calepteryx, Leach; Steph.; Burm. Calopteryx, Ramb.; De Selys. Genus 1. CALOPTERYX. Antennarum articulus lus cylindricus, 20 inulto brevior. Alæ quatuor unicolores ; sectores omnes simplices, non ramosæ. Labium lengthened, deeply severed into 2 narrow obtuse divi- sions : labial palpi very slightly covering the mouth, with the penultimate joint shorter or not longer than the labium, notched at the tip, prolonged into a point inwardly where it bears a long spine; last joint delicate, flattened, shorter by half than the preceding, nar- row, slightly bent : eyes very remote : abdomen much longer than the wing; upper appendages of the male varying but little, formed like rounded pincers : legs very large, fringed with long slender hairs : hind-border of the wings prolonged even to the base; reticu- lation very fine and very close, quite unvarying; humeral part form- ing less than balf but much more than one-third of the length of the wing; pterostigma anomalous, only appearing in the female, or obsolete, or also appearing a little in the male. 3 F 2 590 Sub-gen. 1. SYLPHIS. Alæ immodice angustæ. Pedes abnormes, breviter ciliatæ. Spatium basilare librum. Tubercula post occipitis latera duo. Sector præcipua medianâ non aut vix contigua. Alæ in utroque sexu hyalinæ; vena costalis metallica. Sylphis, Hagen. 1. CaloPTERYX ELEGANS. Statura magna. Alæ valde angusta, hyalince, flavescente tinctæ ; reticulatio rufescens ; vena costalis chalybea ; venulce ante cu- bitales 30. Mas. Ignotus. Femina. Caput viride, metallicum. Labrum, labium, nasus omnino, frontis latera, et antennce rufescentia. Thorax rufes- cens, vittis duabus lateralibus latissimis duplicatis chalybeis unaque dorsali viridi. Abdomen viride, lateribus ventreque rufescentibus. Pedes fusci. Calopteryx elegans, Hayen. North America. 2. CALOPTERYX ANGUSTIPENNIS. Statura magna. Ale anguste, hyalince, viridi lucido tinctæ; reti- culatio viridescens ; venulæ antecubitales 29. Mas. Viridis, metallica, nitens. Labrum, labium, et antennce basi pallide flavescentia. Pedes nigri. Foemina. Ignota. Calopteryx angustipennis, De Selys. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. Sub-gen. 2. CALOPTERYX. Pedes Alæ latæ vel sat angustæ; spatium basilare librum. mediocres, aut longi; ciliæ mediocres, vel longæ. Calepteryx, Leach. AGRIONIDA. 591 Group 1. Type C. Virgo. Sector præcipua medianâ contigua. Fæmina pseudopterostig- mate albo (C. apicali excepta). Tuberculæ duo post occipitis latera. Sub-group 1. Vena costalis viridis, metallica. Maris alæ ex parte opacæ (C. exul excepta ?) OPTERYX APICALIS, Statura parva. Corpus viride, mnctallicum, subtus suturis pedibus- que nigricantibus. Ala anguste, hyalina, subviridescentes ; venu costalis metallica ; venulæ antecubitales circiter 20. Mas. Alarum pars sa apicalis subito saturate fusca. Fem. Thoracis sutura laterales subflavescentes. Pterostigma nu- lum. Abdominis segmentum 10un mucrone dorsali nullo, lateribus non dentatis. Calepteryx apicalis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 827, 8. Pennsylvania. 4. CALOPTERYX DIMIDIATA. Mas et fæm. Viridi-cenea ; alis luteo-rufescentibus, apice late obscure cæruleis (mas), late nigricantibus, pterostigmate albo (fem.) Statura sat parva. Corpus viride, metallicum, subtus suturis pedi- busque nigricantibus. Ala angusta, hyaline, subflavescentes ; vena costalis metallica ; par's quarta apicalis subito saturate fusca (colore fusco in foemina nonnunquam obsoleto). Mas. Venulce antecubitales 25–30. Fæmina. Venulæ antecubitales circiter 20. Nodus basi quam pte- rostigmate propior. Pterostigma album rotundatum. Abio- minis segmentum 10um mucrone dorsali acuminato, lateribus dentutis. Libellula Virgo, Drury, Ins. i. 114, pl. 848, f. 2, fæm. Calepteryx diinidiata, Burm. Hanıb. Ent. ii. 826, 16. Calopteryx dimidiata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 223, 7. De Selys. 3 F3 592 AGRIONIDÆ. Calopteryx papilionacea ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 222, 6. Viridi-ænea, vel viridi-cærulea, nitens ; thorace tenui ; alis fuliginosis, nitidis, ad basim dilutioribus, dilatatis, in fæm. dilatioribus apice excepto, pterostigmate albo, maximo. United States. 5. CALOPTERYX MACULATA. Corpore viridi-nitente ; alis fuscis, subnigris, albo maculatis. Statura parva vel mediocris. Corpus saturate viride-metalli- Cum ; subtus, suturis antennisque nigris. Alæ in mare pre- sertin valde dilatatæ ; vena costalis metallica ; venula ante cubitales in anticis 25—30. Pedes nigri, sat longe ciliati ; tibiæ fusce (in immaturis extus flavescentes). Mas. Ale nigre, opacæ, fulgida, basi extrema paullo lucidiore, in immaturis fumato-hyalina. Fæm. Ale fumato-hyaline, triente apicali sensim obscuriore ; nodus basi quam pterostigmate propior. Pterostigma album, latissimum, subquadratum. Abdominis segmenta tria apicalia striga dorsali flava ; 10i spina apicalis acuminata, flava ; mucrones laterales obtusi, dentati. Libellula maculata, Pal. Beauv. Ins. Afr. et Am. Neur. 85, pl. 7, f. 3. Calepteryx maculata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 829, 17. Calopteryx maculata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 222, 5. De Selys. Calopteryx cognata ? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 222, 4. Fæm. Viridi-anea ; alis luteo-subrufescentibus, apice obscurioribus, pterostigmate magno lato, albo. United States. a–d. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. e. ? Presented by J. W. Evans, Esq. 6. CALOPTE RYX VIRGINICA. Sluturi magna. Corpus viride-metallicum, fæminæ viridi-cupre- um, sublus suturisque nigricantibus, pectoris maculis nonnul- lis, abdominisque segmenti 2i striga laterali flavis. Oris lalera livida. Alæ hyaline subflavescentes, non dilatatæ, api. cibus (quarta parte in anticis triente in posticis) opacis, mare nigricantibus, fem. fuscis ; vena costalis metallica ; venula antecubitales in anticis circiter 30. Pedes nigri, ciliis medi- ocribus. Mas. Labrum et antenna nigra. Abdominis segmentum 10um subtus flavum. AGRIONIDE.. 593 Fem. Labrum lividum, nigro marginatum et fasciatum. Anten- ne articulo 20 livido. Nodus pterostigmate quam basi pro- pior. Plerostigma album, sat longum, venulis transversis nullis. Abdominis latera, segmenta tria apicalia subtus stri- gaque dorsali flavescentia ; segmentum lóum spina apicali acuta ; mucrones laterales mediocres, vix dentati. Agrion virginica, Westw. ed. Drury, Ins. i. 118, pl. 48, f. 2. Libellula Virgo, 7., Drury, Ins. i. pl. 48, f. 2.' Calepteryx materna, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. viii. 32, 1. Calepteryx opaca, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. viii. 32, 2. Calepteryx æquabilis, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. viii. 33, 3. United States, Canada. md. Mount Pleasant, Ohio. Presented by the Entomological Club. e. Canada. Presented by Dr. Barnston. f, g. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. h. 7. CALOPTERYX SYRIACA. Statura mediocris. Macula apud oris latera, labrum (nigro sub- marginatum), antennarum articulus lus 3i macula et thoracis sutura lateralis 2a flavescentia. Ala angustæ; vena costalis et reticulatio metallicæ ; venulce antecubitales 24. Pedes nigri; femora intus, tibice (et sæpe tarsi) extus flavescentia. Mas. Viridi-violacea ; thorace linea laterali albida ; alis subviri- di-hyalinis, apice late nigro-subviridibus. Corpus cyaneum, metallicum, lateribus viridi-micantibus, subtus ex parte flaves - cens, macula pectorali obscuriore. Alæ hyaline, reticulatione chalybea, triente apicali subito nigricante. Fem. Corpus splendide viride-metallicum, subtus flavescens; striga dorsalis aurantiaca apud abdominis segmenta qum et 10um, hujus spina apicalis præcipue flava ; mucrones laterales non bene determinati ; appendices laterales flavescentes. Alve hyaline, reticulatione viridi metallica ; posticæ triente api. cali fusca. Nodus pterostigmate quam basi propior. Ptero- stiyma sat magnum, apice valde approximatum. Calopteryx syriaca, Géné, MSS. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 223, 9. Syria. Egypt. 594 AGRIONIDÆ. PTERYX EXUL. Statura mediocris. Macula apud oris angulos, labrum (nigro submarginatum), antennarum articulus 2us, 3i macula, et tho- racis sutura 2a lateralis flavescentia. Ala valde anguste, hyalinæ ; vena costalis et reticulatio metallicæ ; venula ante- cubitales 21. Pedes nigricantes ; tibiæ cxius pallidiores ; femora intus flavescentia. Mas. Corpus cyaneum metallicum, lateribus viridi micantibus, subtus ex maxima parte flavescens, macula pectorali metallica. Alarum reticulatio cyaneo-chalybea. Fam. Corpus viride-metallicum micans, subtus flavescens. Ala- rum reticulatio cyaneo-viridis. Nodus pterostigmate quam basi propior. Pterostigma parvum, album, apice valde approximatum. The 9th and 10th abdominal seginents are wanting in the female specimen described. Calopteryx exul, De Selys. Algeria. 9. CALOPTERYX SPLENDENS. Var. Mas. Viridi-cærulea, nitens ; abdomine subtus lineis duabus apiceque et pectoris maculis flavis, appendicibus inferioribus flavis, supra apiceque subtus nigris ; alis pallide viridibus, fascia mayna nigro-cerulea, interdum obscuris. Fæm. Viridi-ænea, nitens ; alis pallide viridibus. Statura mediocris vel magna. Macula apud oris angulos, labrum (nigro plus minusve marginatum et fasciatum), antennarum articulus 2us antice, et thoracis sutura lateralis 2a flavescentia. Ala angustæ ; vena costalis et reticulatio metallicæ ; venula cubitales 25- 35. Pedes nigri. Mas. Corpus viridi-cyaneum, metallicum, subtus suturisque nigri- cantibus, pectoris maculis et abdominis segmentis duobus api- calibus subtus livido-flavis. Ala hyaline usque ad nodum, hinc opacæ nigro-cyanea (in immaturis cinereæ), aut puncto hyalino. Spatium postcostale simplex. Reticulatio cyaneo- chalybea. Fem. Corpus viride-metallicum resplendens, subtus flavescens nigro notatum. Abdominis segmenta tria apicalia dorsalia flavo unistrigata ; striga apud 10um spina acuta ejusdem coloris terminata. Mucro lateralis obtusus subdentatus. Alue AGRIONIDE. 595 hyalina. Nodus basi quam pterostigmate multo propior. Pterostigma album, apice valde approximatum. Reticulatio viridis. - Roesel, Ins. 11. Ins. Aquat. c. 2, pl. 19, f.7. Geoffr. Ins. Par. ii. 221, 1. Scop. Ent. Carn. 262, 681. Vur. a. 3. Var. b. 6. Agrion Virgo, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 386, 1, a. Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 15, 1, a. Libellula splendens, Harris, Exp. pl. 3.0, f. 1, 3. Libellula uxor, Thunb. Mus. Xanthostoma virgo, Hansem, Mus. Agrion Xanthostoma, Charp. Hor. Ent. ; Libell. Europ. Agrion Parthenias, Charp. "Libell. Europ. 137, pl. 33.“ Călepteryx Ludoviciana, Leach, MSS. ' Curt. * De Selys (olim). Calepteryx Virgo (ex parte), Steph. Ill. Mand. vi. 79, 1. (Var. a. 7.) Evans, Brit. Lib. 18. Calepteryx Ludoviciana, Vanderl. Agr. Bonon. I. a. Monog. Lib. 33, 1. a. Fonscol. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. vii. 559. Var. A. mas., var. a. fæm. Selys, Mon. Lib. 131, 2. Calepteryx Parth epias, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 828, 15. Calopteryx Ludoviciana, Hagen. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 220, 2. Calopteryx splendens, De Selys, Rev. Odon. 138, 2, 387. Europe. Asia Minor. lina. Stirps septentrionalis (typica). Alw mediocres ; spatium post cos- tale sat simplex. Mas. Alæ partâ opaca apud nodum incipiente, sextie apicali hya- Fam. Pterostigma parvum, nonnunquam nullum. Striga flava dor- salis apud abdominis segmenta tria apicalia eneo terminata. Appendices anales nigre. Central and Northern Europe. Stirps Prussica. Alue subdilatate. Spatium postcostale sat com- plicata. Mas. Alarum pars opaca ante nodum incipiens ; apex sæpe hyalina. Fæm. Pterostigma sat nagnum. (Var. fortuita. Alce usque ad qua- drilateralem opacæ). Var. ancilla. Prussia, 596 AGRIONIDÆ. Stirps Meridionalis. Ala angustiores. Spatium postcostale simpli- cius. Mas. Alarum pars opaca apud nodum incipiens ; apex non hyalina. Fæu. Pterostigma parvum aut fere nullum. Abdominis striga dor- salis flava apicalis flavescente-rufo in lateribus confusa. Ap- pendices anales flavescentes. Var. Xanthostoma. South-west of Europe. Stirps Crimeæ. Labrum nigro distinctissime fasciatum et, margina- tum. Mas. Alarum pars opaca brevior, post nodum incipiens, et apud me- dium inter hunc et apicem terminata. Fæm. Stirpi septentrionali similis. Var. Taurica. Crimea. a. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. b, c. England. Presented by Edw. Shepherd, Esq. d-9. England. From the late Mr. Stephens' collection. 7, s. England. t-z. Belgium. Presented by the Baron De Selys Longchamps. a dd. ? 10. CALOPTERYX VIRGO. Mas et Fem. Viridi vel cæruleo-cenea, nitens ; alis rufescentibus, vel fusco-qufis, vel ceruleo, vel vivlucco-fuscis, ad basim et interdum ad apicem dilutioribus; maris appendicibus inferi- oribus cylindricis, fuscis, subtus ad basim fluvis. Statura mediocris vel magna. Macula apud oris angulos, labrum (nigro marginatum et fasciatum), antennarum liticulus 2us antice, 30 vestigium, thoracis sutura lateralis, pectorisque ma- culæ flavescentiu. Ale latce (maris valde dilatalæ). Vend costalis metallica. Mas. Corpus cyaneo-viride metallicum, subtus nigricans, notis pec- toralibus fuscis; ubdominis segmenta trin dorsalia apiculia subtus rufescentia. Alue omnino nigro-cylinec (in immaturis fumoso-hyalince reticulutione rufescente), basi extrema et scepe anticarum apice pallidioribus. Reticulatio valde stipata ; arcolarum series duce inter sectores ab harum origine. Vence antecubilules circiter 40. Spatium postcostale valde reticulatum. AGRIONIDÆ. 597 Fæm. Corpus viridi-ceneum, subtus flavescens, nigro notatum (in adultis pulverulentum). Striga apud abdominis segmenta tria apicalia dorsalis flavescens, spina brevi sat acuta terminata. Mucrones laterales læves, vix ulli. Appendices anales æneæ. Alæ hyalina, rufescentes, reticulatione ejusdem coloris (triente apicali posticorum in adultis senioribus saturatiore). Nodus basi quam pterostigmate propior. Pterostigma album, plus minusve elongatum, apice sat remotum. Venulce anlecubitales circiter 30. Europe. Asia Minor. Stirps septentrionalis. Statura mediocris. Alarum reticulatio sti- pata. Mas. Ala basi sæpius vix hyaline ; anticæ apice lucidiores. Fæm. Corpus subtus sordide minusque flavum. Alæ rufescente-fus- cæ ; pterostigma mediocre. Var. typica. Northern and Central Europe. Stirps Meridionalis. Statura sæpe minor. Alarum reticulatio mi- Nus stipata. Mas. Ala basi fere ad quadrilateralis apicem hyaline, hinc ad apices opaca. Fæm. Corporis color flavus nitidior magisque repandus. Ale sub- viridescentes. Pierostigma mediocre. Var. occitanica. South-west of Europe. Stirps Hellenica. Statura major. Alarum reticulatio magis sti- pata. Mas. Alce latiores, omnino opacæ. Fæm. Pterostigma majus magisque dilatatum. Var. festiva. ; Greece. Libellula splenden, Harris, Expus. Engl. Ins. pl. 30, f. 5. Libellula Virgo, Linn. Faun. Suec. ed. 2, 1470 ; Syst. Nat. ii. 904, 20. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. 526, 1; Mant. Ins. i. 339, 1. Schr. Ins. Austr. 302, 600. Rossi, Faun. Etrusc. 195, 948. Scop. Ent. Carn. 262, 681. Var. a. 1, 2, 5. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2626, 20. Anon. Rem. L. G. 24, pl. 4. Turt. Hist. Nat. iii. 391. Barbut, Gen. 207, pl. 11. Berk. Syst. i. 149. Donov. 598 AGRIONIDÆ. Nat. Hist. Brit. Ins. i. pl. 36, f. 1. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 246, pl. Var. a. Linn. Faun. Suec. ed. 1, 756. Ray, Ins. 50, 11. Roes. Ins. ii. aqu. 11, pl. 9, f.7. Geoffr. Ins. Par, ii. 221,1. Schæff. Elem. pl. 78, f. 1. Icon. Ins. pl. 184, f. 1. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. lxxix. 18. Var. B. Linn. Faun. Suec. ed. 1,757. Ray, Ins. 50, 10. Hom- berg, Act. Par. iii. 145. Reaum. Ins. vi. pl. 35, f. 7. Lee- wenh. Arc. 19, pl. 19. Var. y. Linn. Faun. Suec. ed. 1, 758. Rai, Ins. 51, 12. Roes. Ins. ii. aqu. 11, pl. 9, f. 6. Geoffr. Ins. Par. ii. 122, 2. Var. 8. Linn. Faun. Suec. ed. 1, 759. Mouff. Ins. 68, f. 1, p. 3. Rai, Ins. 50, 9. Roes. Ins. ii. aqu. 11, pl. 9, f. 5. Libellula Vidua, Thunberg, Mus. Agrion Virgo, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. ], B. y. 8. Lam. Hist. Nat. Anim. Invert. iv. 228, 1. Latr. Hist. İns. xiii. 15, 1, var. b. c; Cuv. Règn. Anim. v. 241. Hansem, Wied. Zool. Mag. ii. 1, 151. Charp. Hor. Ent. 4 ; Libell. Europ. 134, pl. 31. Dahlb. Skand. Ins. 226, 149. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 1041, 1. Eversm. Agriun festivum, Brullé, Voy. en Morée. Calepteryx Virgo, Leach, MŠS. Steph. Ill. Mand. vi.79, 1. Evans, Bril. Lib. 1, 18, pl. 7, f. 1, 2. (Var. ß. y. E.) Curt. Vanderl. Agr. Bonon. Var. 7. Monogr. lib. 33. Fonscol. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. vii. 551. Var. B. y. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 2, 828, 14. Selys, Mon. Lib. 130, a. B. y. mas, a. ß. y. fæm. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 218, 1. Hagen, 1. De Selys, Monogr. 128, pl. 3, f. 26. Bullet. Rev. Odon. 134, 1, 387. Millet. Calepteryx Ludoviciana, Steph. Ill. Mand. vi. 79, 2. Evans, Brit. Lib. 19, pl. 7, f. 3, pl. 8, f. 1. Calepteryx Xanthostoma, Steph. Ill. Mand. vi. 80, 3. Calepteryx anceps, Steph. Ill. Mand. vi. 80, 4. Evans, Brit. Lib. 19, pl. 9, f. 1. Calepteryx hæmorrhoidalis, Evans, Brit. Lib. 19, pl. 8, f. 2, 3. Agrion Vesta, Charp. Libell. Europ. 136, pl. 32. Calopteryx Vesta, Hagen, 3. Xanthostoma Parthenias, Hansen, Mus. Q~-c. England. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esa. dmt. England. From the late Mr. Stephens' collection. v-bb. England. cc-99. Europe. Presented by the Baron De Selys Longchamps. hh-jj. AGRIONIDÆ. 599 Sub-group 2. Vena costalis non metallica. Mas. Alæ ex parte opacæ. 11. CALOPTERYX HÆMORRHOIDALIS. Viridi-cupreu, vel cuprea, vel nigra ; thorace lineis tribus lineolis- que utrinque abdominis albidis, sæpe obsoletis ; tibiis externe rufis ; alis nigro-fuligineis, basi hyalinis, vel fuliginco-hyali- nis, vel rufis, in fæm. rufescentibus vel subfuligineis, posticis apice obscuriore. Statura mediocris. Alæ sat angusta. Reticulatio substipata. Vena coslalis fusca. Venæ antecubitales circiter 24. Pedes nigri, sat breves ; tibiæ cxtus rufescentes. Mas. Corpus nigro-violaceum ; macula apud oris angulos livida ; abdominis segmenta tria apicalia subtus rufa in immaturis flavescentia). Ala opaca nigricantes fulgidæ (in immaturis hyalino-fusca), triente basali oblique hyalina ; anticæ apice sæpe lucidiores. Fæm. Corpus æneo-viridescens ; macula apud oris angulos, labrum (nigro marginatum et fasciatum), antennarum articulus 2us, thoracis sutura, pectus, venter, strigaque dorsalis apud segmenta duo vel tria apicalia, flava ; segmentum 10um mucrone medi- ano nullo. Alæ hyalina, niti de rufo-fusc@; posticæ quartario apicali subito fusco-obscuriore. Pterostigma album, ovatum, parvum. Agrion Virgo, De Villers. Rossi. Agrion hæmorrhoidalis, Vanderl. Monogr. Lib. 34, 2. Calepteryx hæmorrhoidalis, Fonscol. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. vii. 560. De Selys, Mon. Lib. 133. Calopteryx hæmorrhoidalis, Hagen, 4. Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 221, 3. De Selys, Rev. Odonat. 141, 3, 388. S. Europe and North Africa. Var. Calopteryx Papyreti, Zeller, MSS.; Schneider, Stett. Ent. Zeit. 1845, 339. Sicily. a, b. Europe. Presented by the Baron De Selys Longchamps. C . Nice. From Dr. Leach's collection. j, k. Portugal. 3 G 600 AGRIONIDÆ. 12. CALOPTERYX Cornelia. Statura maxima. Occipitis tubercula elementaria. Ala apud medium subdilatatæ. Vena costalis fusca. Venæ antecubi- tales circiter 50. Pedes longi ; ciliæ mediocres. Mas. Corpus nigro-viride, metallicum. Labrum nigrum. Labi- um, macula apud oris angulum, pectus et venter fusco-fufa. Ale hyalina, flavo-rufæ; reticulatio concolor, valde stipata ; tale valde reticulatum. Pedes nigri, femoribus intus tibiisque extus rufescente-flavis. Fæm. Ignota. Calopteryx Cornelia, De Selys. Japan. Group 2. Type C. atrata. Tuberculum post occiput nullum. Alarum sector præcipua medianâ non contigua. Pseudopterostigma nullum. Alæ opacæ (mar. et fæm.?) Vena costalis non metallica. | 13. CA LOPTERYX SMARAG DINA. Mas. Statura magna. Corpus intense viridi-metallicum. Labrum basi pallidum. Antennæ articulo 20 lasi pallido. Pectus, venter, femoraque intus pruinosa. Alæ subdilatatæ, opacæ, nigricantes, fulgida. Pēdes longi, valde ciliati. Fæm. Ignota. Calopteryx smaragdina, De Selys. East Indies. a.~ ? From Dr. Leach's collection. 14. CaLOPTERYX GRANDEVA. Mas. Ignotus. Fem. Statura maxima, gracilis. Caput supra, thoracis dorsum et latera viridescenti-metallica. Labruni et labium nigrican- tia. Nasus chalybeo-metallicus. Antenna, thoracis suture, pectus et abdomen nitide fusca, hujus segmentorum suturce AGRIONIDÆ. 601 viridescente-metallicæ. Ala latissimæ, rufo-fusco hyalina. Reticulatio valde stipata. Nodus fere apud trientem longitu- dinis. Venulæ antecubitales 40–45, 16-18 apud quadrila- teralem. Spatium postcostale simplex. Pedes fusci, longissi- mi, extus flavescentes, ciliis longis nigricantibus. Calopteryx grandæva, Hagen. China. 15. CALOPTERYX ATRATA. Slatura maxima, gracilis. Corpus subtus nigrum, pruinosum. Oris anguli et antennarum articulus lus basi flavescentes. Ala sat late, rotundate, opaca, nigricantes (maris saturate viridi fulgida). Reticulatio nigricans. Nodus fere ad alue trientis longitudinem. Venulæ antecubitales 35--40, 12--20 apud quadrilateralem. Spatium postcostale simplex. Pedes longissimi, nigri, intus pruinosi, ciliis longissimis. Mas. Caput supra et thoracis dorsum nigro-ænea. Labrum nigrum, nitens. Nasus et abdominis dorsum intense viridi-metallica. Fam. Corpus supra nigro-æneum. Nasus cupreus. Labrum (nigro marginatum et fasciatum), os, thoracis sutura 2a latera- lis, et abdominis striga dorsalis apicalis flavescentia. Abdo- minis segmentum apicale mucrone mediano spinam fingente ; mucrones laterales distincti, dentati. Calopteryx atrata, De Selys. China. Sub-gen. 3. MATRONA. Alæ latæ. Spatium basilare reticulatum. Pedes longi, ciliis longis. Tubercula post occiput nulla. Sector præcipua medianâ non contigua. Pseudopterostigma apud fæminam. Alæ opacæ. Vena costalis non metallica. Matrona, De Selys. 16. CALOPTERYX BASILARIS. Statura maxima, gracilis. Ala latissime, saturate fusco-nitentes. Reticulatio valde stipata, dimidio basali lacteo-tincta, hinc ad rpicem nigro-fusca. Venulæ antecubitales 50, 20--25 apud 3 G 2 602 AGRIONIDE. quadrilateralem, 10—12 basilares seriebus duabus. Spatium postcostale valde reticulatum. Pedes longissimi, nigricantes, longe ciliati ; femorum apices puncto flavo. Mas. Corpus supra intense viridi-metallicum. Labrum chalybe- um. Nasus cyaneo-viridis. Thoracis sutura 2a lateralis, pectus, et abdominis segmenta 5 postica subtus flavescentiu. Ala anticæ apice paullo lucidiores. Fam. Caput supra, nasus, et ihoracis dorsum intense viridi-metal- lica. Oris anguli, et antennarum articulus lus omnino 2us- que basi lividi. Lubrum et labium flavescentia ; labrum nigro marginatum et fasciatum. Nodus basi quam pterostig- ma propior. Pterostigma longum, album. Abdomen supra æneo-nigricans. Thoracis sutura 2a lateralis, pectus, abdo- minis margines, et striga dorsalis apud segmenta tria apicalia, flavescentia ; segmentum 10um spina dorsali ; mucrones late- rales dentati. Calopteryx basilaris, De Selys. Silhet. China. a, b, Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection. Genus 2. NEUROBASIS. Antennarum articuli lus et 2us æquales. Maris alæ anticæ et posticæ colore dissimiles. Sectores nodalis et mediana bifurcatæ. Neurobasis, De Selys. Sub-gen. 1. NEUROBASIS. · Alæ sat latæ. Spatium basilare reticulatum. Pedes longis- simi, confertim ciliati. Neurobasis, De Selys. Group 1. Type C. Sinensis. · Tubercula post occiput nulla. Sector præcipua medianâ non contigua. Fem. pseudopterostigma album (nonnunquam nullum), inter nodum et alæ apicem. Alä hyalinæ (maris posticis exceptis). Vena costalis metal- lica. AGRIONIDÆ. 603 17. CALOPTERYX SINENSIS. Mas. Viridi-ænea ; alis anticis hyalinis, posticis supra viridi-vio: laceis, nitidis, apice fuscis, subtus aureo fusco-virescentibus. Fam. Alis posticis infumatis, stigmate elongato albo, anticis stigmate minuto punctoque medio marginis antici albis. Statura sat magna, gracilis. Corpus intensé viridi-metallicum. Labrun et labium flava, illum puncto nigro. Ale vix dila- tata. Reticulatio stipata. Spatium postcostale complicatum. Nodus fere apud alæ longitudinis dimidium. Venula basila- res 9; antecubitales 34-42. Pedes longissimi ; feinora ænen intus flava ; tibice nigræ, extus flavæ, ciliis nigris. Mas. Labrum nonnunquam apud medium nigro marginatum. Thoracis suturæ duæ laterales pectusque flava ; suture hume- ralis et la lateralis fusce. Ale anticæ hyaline, subvirides- centes. Reticulatio in venis primariis præsertim viridi-metal- lica. Nodus lucide fuscus. Alæ posticæ opaca, viridi aut cyaneo-metallicæ, triente apicali subito obscure fusca. Reti- culatio viridis. Abdomen longissimum, subtus nigrum. Fom. Thoracis suturæ humerales, laterales tres, pectus, fastigium dorsale, et abdominis latera flava ; hujus segmentum 10um spina dorsali et mucronibus lateralibus acutis. Appendices anales flavescentes. Ale hyalina. Reticulatio rufescens. Vena costalis viridi-metallica. Venula postcubitales 18-30. Punctum nodale et pterostigma alba, hoc (nonnunquam fere nullum) inter nodum et alæ apicem, in alis posticis longius. Alæ anticce flavescente tinciæ, posticæ flavescente-fusco tincte triente apicali obscuriore. East Indies. China. Stirps Indica. Mas. Labrum nigro confertim marginatum et fasciatum. Fæm. Alæ fere limpida. Punctum nodale et pterosligma nulla aut vix ulla. Var. florida, Hagen. East Indies. Libellula Sinensis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 904, 15. Fabr. Sp. Ins. i. , 523, 21; Mant. Ins. i. 337, 22; Ent. Syst. ii, 374, 28. Edw. Aves, 112, pl. 112. Gmel. ed. Syst. Nat. i. 5, 2623, 15. Agrion nobilitata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 388, 4. Calopteryx Chinensis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 828, 1? Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 226, 15. De Selys. 3 G 3 604 AGRIONIDÆ. Var. Mas et Fem. Viridi-ænea ; alis flavido - rufescentibus, anticis in mare tantum margine antico apiceque, in fem. anticis, pallidioribus, puncto cubitali in omnibus, posticis pterostigmate ab apice remoto albis. Calopteryx disparilis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 224, 11. a. China. Presented by the Entomological Club.. b. China. Presented by J. W. Evans, Esq. C. China. From Mr. Larking's collection. d, e. Nepaul. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. fol. North India. From Mr. Števens' collection. ! m. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. N, 0. Silhet. From Mr. Stainforth's collection. p. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 9. Borneo. From Mr. Low's collection. 9. ? s, t. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. Genus 3. ECHO. Sectores omnes simplices, non bifurcatæ. Nodus fere apud alæ dimidium. Pterostigma magnum, regulare, rhomboideum. Echo, De Selys. Sub-gen. I. ECHO. Antennarum articulus lus occultus, 2us longus. Spatium basi- lare reticulatum. Pedes sat longi. Echo, De Selys. Group 1. Type C. margarita. Arculi sectores ab origine disjunctæ ; præcipua medianâ conti- gua. Alæ (maris ?) et foeminæ ex parte opacæ ; vena costalis non metallica. AGRIONÍDE. 605 18. CALOPTERYX MARGARITA. Mas. Ignotus. (Alæ opacæ nigro-nitidæ ??). Fæm. Statura magna, gracilis. Corpus nigricans, eneo varium. Labrum nigrum, nitens. Nasus viridi-metallicus, obscurus. Antennarum articulus 2us basi lividus. Ala sut latæ, hyalina, quartario fere apicali subito nigricante-fusco fulgido intusque subconve.ca. Pterostigma album, breve, postice rotundatum, prope alæ apicem fuscoque inclusum. Reticulatio valde sti- pata, nigra. Venulæ antecubitales circiter 30-37, postcubi- tales 57, basilares 6–9. Spatium postcostale sat simplex. Calopteryx margarita, De Selys. China. Sub-gen. MNAIS. Antennarum articulus lus occultus; 2us longus. Spatium basilare librum. Trianguli sectoris 2x ramus inferior extus arcua- tus. Pedes sat longi. Mnaïs, De Selys. gia.com Alæ (maris et fem.) non opacæ. Vena costalis non metallica. 19. CALOPTERYX STRIGATA. Statura magna, robusta. Labrun et nasus viridi-metallica. Thoracis latera strigis duabus arcuatis flavis. Ala sat angusta, hyaline, subviridescentes. Reticulatio nigra, dif- fusa. Spatium postcostale simplicissimum. Vena costalis et mediana fuscæ. Ale anticæ venulis circiter 26 antecubitali- bus et 36 postcubitalibus. Pedes nigri. Mas. Caput supra et thoracis dorsum eneo-viridia. Antennce nigræ Pterostigma rufum, mediocre. Abdomen saturate æneum, basi apiceque subpruinosum. 606 AGRIONIDÆ. Fam. Antennarum articulus mus puncto basali flavo. c-Caput supra, thoracis dorsum et abdomen intense ænea rufescente irradiata. Pterostigma albo-flavum, paullo brevius. Calopteryx strigata, Hagen. Japan. 20. CALOPTERYX PRUINOSA. Mas. Statura magna, robusta. Caput supra, thoracis dorsum et abdomen cupreo anco-viridia. Labrum et nasus viridi-metal- lica. Antenna nigra. Thoracis lateru strigis duabus arcua- tis flavis (illius dorsum et latera in adultis pruinosa). Ala subdilatatæ, ochraceo-flava, apud medium paullo saturatiores et infuscate, triente basali hyalina. Reticulatio lucide rufa, sat diffusa. Pterostigma rufescens, mediocre. Alæ anticce venulis circiter 28 antecubitalibus et 30 postcubitalibus. Spa- tium postcostale simplicissimum. Fæm. Ignota. Calopteryx pruinosa, De Selys. Japan. Sub-gen. 3. SAPHO. Antennarum articuli lus et 2us occulti; 2u3 robustus, brevis. Spatium basilare librum. Trianguli sectoris 2æ ramus inferior intus rejectus. Sapho, De Selys. Group 1. Type C. ciliata. Arculi sectores origine eadem ; præcipua medianâ non aut fere contigua. Alæ maris ex parte opacæ; fæminæ hyalina. Vena costalis metallica. 21. CALOPTERYX BICOLOR. Statura magna, valde robusta. Corpus viridi-metallicum, micans, abdomine intensiore, subtus nigricans subpruinosum. Anten- narum articulus lus et thoracis sutura 2a lateralis ex parte AGRIONIDÆ. 607 flavescentes. Ala lata, posticæ apud medium valde dilatala, Reticulatio nigra, apud costam viridi-metallica. Spatium postcostale sat simplex. Alæ anticæ venulis 31~-33 antecubi- talibus, 38—-42 postcubitalibus. Mas. Pectus nigrum. Ala hyaline, limpida, paullo plus quarta- rio apicali subito nigro-violaceo fulgido colore intus concava. Pterostigma longum, latum, nigricans. Pedes nigricantes (in adultis pruinosi). Fam. Pectus flavescens. Alæ hyalinæ, vix sordida, paullo plus quartario apicali flavescente sordido tincto, colore intus con- cavo. Pierostigma sat longum, latum, flavum, nigro margina- tum. Abdominis segmentum 10um spina nulla dorsali. Ap- pendices anales nigricantes, segmento 100 paullo longiores. Pedes nigricantes ; femora intus flavescentia. Calopteryx bicolor, De Selys. Guinea. 22. CALOPTERYX CILIATA. Statura magna, robusta. Ala latæ. Spatium postcostale sat sim- plex. Reticulatio nigra, apud costam viridi-metallica. Sec- tor præcipua medianâ in puncto fere contigua. Ala anticæ venulis 30–35 antecubitalibus, 35–40 postcubitalibus. Mas. Corpus (antennis inclusis) supra intense cyaneo viridi-metal- licum, subtus suturis pedibusque nigrum. Ale opace, nigro- fulgidae, viridi-irradiuto (in immaturis cinereo-hyalina). Pte- rostigma mediocre, nigrum (in immaturis cinereum). Fæm. Corpus supra saturate viridi-metallicum (in adultis æneo- viride), subtus nigricans. Antennarum articulus lus antice, et thoracis sutura 2a lateralis flavescentes; suturæ cæteræ, pectus pedesque nigra. Abdominis segmentum 10um spina dorsali. Appendices anales nigricantes, segmenti ultimi lon- gitudine. Ala hyaline, subcinerescentes (in adultis subflaves- centes). Pterostigma mediocre, flavescens, nigro margina- tum. Agrion ciliata, Fabr. Guinea. (1,b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. c. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. dl, e. ? 608 AGRIONIDE. Genus 4. PHAON. Nodus fere apud alæ dimidium. Plerostigma minimum vel Spatium basilare semper la bifurcata, in alis anticis saltem. librum. Phaon, De Selys. Sub-gen. I. CLEIS. Artennarum articulus lus vis conspicuus ; 2us brevis, robus- tus. Trianguli sectoris 2æ ramus inferior intus rejectus. Spatium postcostale apice complicatum. Cleis, De Selys. Group 1. Type C. cincta. Arculi sectores ab origine eadem incipientes : præcipua medi- Alæ in utroque sexu hyalinæ. Vena costalis metallica. 23. CALOPTERYX CINCTA. Mas. Statura sat magna. Corpus supra cyaneo viridi-metallicum, subtus, antennis, suturis, pedibusque nigris. Alæ subdilatatæ, hyalina, subviridescentes, fusco vix limbatæ. Reticulatio nigra, stipata, apud costam metallica. Pterostigma parvum, elongato quadratum, fuscum (nonnunquam et venula abnormi) permeatum. Ale anticce vcnulis 36–38 antecubitalibus, 60 -66 postcubitalibus. Spatium postcostale sat simplex. No- dus fere apud longitudinis dimidium. Fæm. Ignota. Calopteryx cincta, Hagen. Guinea. 1 AGRIONIDE. 609 Sub-gen. 2. PHAON. Antenparum articuli lus et 2us æquales. Trianguli sectoris 2æ ramus inferior extus arcuata. Spatium postcostale usque ad apicem simplex. Pedes longi. Phaon, De Selys. Group 1. Type C. iridipennis. Arculi sectores ab origine eadem incipientes ; præcipua medi- anâ non contigua. Alæ in utroque sexu hyalinæ. Vena costalis non metallica. 24. CALOPTERX IRIDIPENNIS. Statura magna, gracilis. Corpus viridi-metallicum. Labrum, labium, frons, antenna, thoracis vitia duplex, suture una humeralis et tres laterales, pectus (in adultis pulverosum), abdominis segmenti 2i striga dorsalis, lateraque rufo-flava. Alæ apud medium vix dilatata, hyalina, subiridescentes, pos- ticæ præsertim subsordide et flavescente tinctæ. Reticulatio diffusa, omnino nigricans. Venulæ in anticis 22–29 antecu- bitales, 28 postcubitales. Nodus fere apud alæ medium. Per des flavescentes, tihiis extus ciliisque longis nigris. Mas. Luteo-testacea ; dorso viridi-æneo ; alis anticis limbo luteo, disco cæruleo micante, posticis luteis. Corporis color flavus et 902fescens minus diffusus. Pterostigma partum fuscum (sæpe venula permeatum) aut nullum. Fæm. Color flavus et rufescens magis diffusus. Pterostigma nul- lum. Calopteryx iridipennis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 827, 9. Euphæa iridipennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 232, 6. Calopteryx iridipennis, De Selys. Guinea. Port Natal. 610 AGRIONID.E. Genus 5. VESTALIS. Nodus fere apud alæ trientem basalem. Pterostigma nullum. Sectores nodalis, mediana, et trianguli la bifurcatæ. Spatium basi- lare semper librum. Vestalis, De Selys. Sub-gen. 1. VESTALIS. Antennarum articulus lus brevis, semi-annuliformis ; 2us longus. Trianguli sectoris 2æ ramus inferior extus arcuatus. Spa- tium postcostale usque ad apicem simplex. Sector præcipua medi- anâ contigua. Vestalis, De Selys. Group 1. Type C. luctuosa. Arculi sectores ab origine disjuncti. Alæ maris opacæ, fæminæ hyalinæ. Vena costalis non metal- lica. 25. CALOPTERYX LUOTUOSA. Mas et fæm. Viridi-cærulea. Mas. alis crispis fusco-violaceis basi dilutioribus. Fem. alis crispis, rufescentibus vel aureo- rufescentibus, vena nigra cinctis. Statura sat inagna, gracilis. Alce valde plicata, apud medium paullo dilatato. Nodus apud trientem longitudinis. Ale antice venulis 30-34 anlecubitalibus, 55-80 circiter post- cubitalibus. Pedes longi, nigri (fæminæ femoribus posticis intus fuscis). Mas. Corpus supra cyaneo-chalybeum, metallicum, subtus anten- nisque nigrum. Ala opaca, nigro-fusca, violaceo-iridescentes, basi paullo lucidiores (in immaturis fere hyalina upice obscul- piores). Reticulatio nigra, sat stipata. Appendices anales super intus dilatata, apice truncatce. Fæm. Corpus supra saturate viridi-metallicum. Labium nigrum. Antennarum articulus 2us thoracis sutura 2a lateralis et pectus AGRIONIDE. 611 flavo-rufa. Alæ hyalince, flavescentes. Reticulatio rufescens, apud costam nigricans. Abdomen viridi-neum ; segmentum 10um spina mediana valida, mucronibus lateralibus tenuiori- bus. Appendices anales fusca. Calepteryx luctuosa, Burn. Handb. Ent. ii. Calopteryx formosa, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 225, 12. Java. Japan. a, b. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. Group 2. Type C. gracilis. Arculi sectores origine eadem incipientes. Alæ maris et fæın. hyaline. Vena costalis non metallica. 26. CALOPTERYX AMENA. Statura magna ) gracillima. Corpus supra saturate viridi-metalli- cum, subtus nigricans. Thoracis sutura la lateralis, margo posterior, et pectus ex parte flavescentia. Alve angusta, hyalina, vix plicute, subiridescentes. Reticulatio nigra, simplicissima. Venule in anticis 26-27 antecubitales, 55 circiter postcubitales. Nodus apud trientem longitudinis. Spatium postcostale simplicissimum." Mas. Läbri maculæ duce et antennarum articulus lus basi flava. Appendices anales superiores non dilatatue, apice truncate et fere bifidie. Pedes nigri ; femora postica basi intus fusca. Fæu. Labrum et antennarum articulus lus flavescentin. Abilominis segmentum 10um, spina mediana et mucronibus lateralibus longis. Appendices anales nigri. Pedes nigri, femoribus posticis intus tibiisque posticis extus fuscis. Calopteryx amana, Hagen. Sumatra. 27. CaloprLRYX GRACILIS. Mas et fæm. Viridi-onea ; pectore lineisque tribus lateralibus thoracis Nuvidis ; abdomine gracili, in mare elongato appendi- cibus superioribus apice dilatatis ; alis (in mire anticis tan- tum margine antico) subfluvidis. 3 H 612 AGRIONIDÆ. Chern Statura magna, gracillima. Corpus supra splendide viridi- metallicum. Rhinarium, frontis striga, antennarum articuli lus et 2us, pectus, suture humerales et laterales, abdominisque margo, pallide flava. Alä apud medium vix dilatatæ, pli- catæ, hyalince, vix iridescentes ; maris anticæ apud margines, foeminæ omnino, et posticce in utroque sexu flavescente tincte. Reticulatio stipata, nigricans (venulis nonnullis transversis antecubitalibus flavescentibus exceptis); mediana et sector superior rufescentes. Spatium postcostale simplex. Ale anticæ venulis 28–36 antecubitalibus, 40–58 circiter post- cubitalibus. Nodus apud bis trientem longitudinis. Pedes longi, flavescentes, ciliis nigricantibus, femoribus extus tibiis intus tarsisque fuscis. Mas. Appendices anales superiores intus dilatatæ, truncata, apice crenulata. Fom. Abdominis segmentum 10um spina dorsali duabusque latera- libus. Appendices anales fusce. Calopteryx gracilis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 224, 10. De Selys. Bombay. Java. amc. Sillet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection. Div. 11. HETÆRINA. Quadrilateralis antice convexa, latere externo latiore. Hetærina, Hagen. Genus 6. HETÆRINA. Alæ longæ, non petiolatæ. Mas. Corporis color fundatus æneus, rufescens, fuscus vel niger. Alæ hyalinæ (H. Titia excepta), macula basali rufa ; anticæ spatio postcostali areolis plurimis abnormibus repleto. Fom. Corporis color fundatus viridi-metallicus vel æneus. Alæ hyalina (H. Titia excepta), plus minusve flavescentes aut sordidæ. Hetærina, Hagen. Tropical America. AGRIONIDÆ. 613 Sub-gen. 1. LAIS. Corporis color fundatus æneus, aut viridis aut niger. Alæ hyalinæ (H. pudica excepta) ; spatium postcostale seriebus duabus areolaruin normalium. Lais, Hagen. (Tropical South America). Group 1. Type H. hyalina. Mas et Foem. Occipitis tubercula bene determinata. Alæ hyalinæ, sat angustæ. Pedes longi. Sub.group 1. Guttula apicalis fusca apud maris alas posticas. 1. HETÆRINA GLOBIFERA. Statura maxima. Corpus nigrum. Labrum flavum, nigro fas- ciatum. Epistoma cyaneo-metallicum. Antennarum articu- lus 2us flavus. Thoracis latera strigis duabus flavis. Al anguste hyalinæ ; venula antecubitales 18-23. Pedes nigri. Mas. Corpus nigrum. Thorax fasciis anticis nullis. Ale pos- ticæ macula apicali parva, antica vestigio nonnunquam. Ab- domen alis fere duplo longius; segmentum lum tuberculo subtus valido. Appendices superiores dilatatæ ibique dentes duas apud bis trientem longitudinis approximatas fingentes ; inferiores approximate, quintiei precedentium longitudine. Fem. Thorax antice fasciis duabus aurantiacis strigaque humerali. Alæ subflavescentes. Abdomen brevius ; segmentum lum subtus tuberculo parvo nigro. Hetærina globifera, Hagen. Brazil. Colombia. 3 H 2 614 AGRIONIDÆ. 2. HETÆRINA ÆNEA. Statura minima. Corpus æneo-violaceum aut rufo-cupreum, in foemina præsertim micans. Caput nigrum. Epistoma vio- laceo-metallicum. Ala angusta, hyaline. Pedes nigri. Mas. Thorax lineæ lateralis pallidæ vestigio. Alae hyalinæ ; venula antecubitales incertæ ; alæ anticæ macula apicali sat magna. Abdomen alis paullo longius. Appendicium supe- riorum dilatatio dentes duas medianas approximatas fingens ; appendices inferiores superiorum trientis longitudine. Fam. Antennarum articulus 2us, thoracis vestigium humerale, et linece 3 laterales angusta, pallide flava. Ala hyaline sub- sordide ; venula 22-26 antecubitales. Hetærina ænea, De Selys. Para. 3. HETERINA CUPRÆA. Statura minima. Corpus æneo-violaceum. Caput nigrum. Epi- stoma violaceo-metallicum. Ala angusta. Pedes nigri. Mas. Ale hyalina, striga nigra inter subcostalem et medianam a basi usque ad nodum ; venulae antecubitales 28–32. Ale anticæ macula apicali sat magna. Abdomen alis paullo lon- gius. Appendices ut in H. anea. Fæin. Ignota. Hetærina cupræa, De Selys. Brazil. a. Parà. From Mr, Stevens' collection, 4. HETÆRINA HYALINA. Mas. Statura mediocris. Epistoma viridi-æneum. Labrum et · labium nigra, illius margines laterales subflavescentes. Tho- rax æneus, lineis duabus lateralibus angustis flavis. Alæ sat angusta, hyalina; posticæ apice subsordida, fuscescentes ; venula antecubitales 20. Pedes nigri. Appendices ignotce. Føm. Ignota. Hetærina liyalina, Hagen. Brazil. AGRIONIDÆ. Sub-group 2. Alæ guttula apicali nulla. Statura mediocris. Corpus aneum obscurum. Labrum flaves- cens, basi nigrum. Vestiyium humerale, et thoracis lineæe tres laterules anguste, ſavescentia. Alæ sat latæ ; venule antecu- bitales 18—20. Mas. Alue hyalinæ ; antice basi sublacteæ ; striga fusca nitida inter medianam et subcostalem a basi usque ad nudum. Ap- pendicium superiorum dilatatio dentes duas trans medium fin- gens, 2am acutam ; appendices inferiores superioribus duplo breviores. Pedes nigri ; femora intus fusca aut pruinosa. Fæm. Antennarum articulus 2us flavus ! Alæhyaline, subflaves- centes. Femora intus flavescentia ; tibiæ extus fusca. Hetærina pruinosa, Hagen. Brazil. Group 2. Type H. pudica. Occipitis tubercula vix ulla. Alæ valde dilatatæ, maris rufæ, fæminæ fuscæ. Pedes sat breves. Alæ apice hyalinæ. 6. HETÆRINA PUDICA. Statura parra. Epistoma nigrum, nitens. Labri latera, et anten- narum articulus mus (linea humeralis et strigce duce laterales in fominis et immaturis) flava. Alæ latissimæ ; venule 17-19 antecubitales. Mas. Thorax neo-cupreus, linea laterali angusta flava. Aloe rufæ (in immaturis fuscæ), vix quintie apicali limpida ; margo anticus fuscus. Abdomen nigrum. Appendicium sub- periorumn. dilatatio post medium dentem validam fingens ; appendices inferiores superiorum dimidio longiores. Fæm. Corpus saturate ceneum. Alve infumate, antice presertiin, basi et medio fusce. Femora postica basi intus flava. Hetærina pudica, Hagen. Brazil. 3 H 3 616 AGRIONIDAE. Sub-gen. 2. HETÆRINA. Alæ longæ, non petiolatæ : sector præcipua medianâ contigua ; nodus paullo ante alæ inedium; quadrilateralis reticulata, arcuata, apice latior; spatium basilare reticulatum ; sector inferior trianguli valde arcuata. Antennæ articulo lo occulto semicirculari. Pedes longi. Abdomen maris longissimum, fæminæ brevius. Maris ar. pendices anales superiores semicirculares forcipem fingentes, margine infimo bidentato vel tridentalo ; inſeriores plus minusve cylindricæ, semper brevissimæ. Group 1. Type H. Caja. Alæ angustæ ; pterostigma nullum. Sub-group 1. Alæ anticæ apice hyalinæ ; posticæ guttula Tibiæ nigræ. apicali rufa. 7. HETÆRINA SIMPLEX. Statura parva. Occipitis tubercula vix ulla. Venulæ 14–18 ante- cubitales. Mas. Caput supra, epistoma et thorax ceneo-cuprea ; hic lineis trei- bus lateralibus flavis tenuissimis (macula lateralis labii,antennæ basi, lineæ humerales tenues pectorisque macula in immaturis, flava), Labrum nigrum. Appendices superiores dilatatione mediana lata, apice incisa et dente parva acuta terminata ; inferiores dimidio breviores, apice attenuata. Pedes nigri. Fam. Labrum flavum, nigro marginatum et fasciatum. Epi- stoma et vertex ænea. Frons viridi-metallica. Antennae basi flava. Thorax flavescens, fascia mediana et lateralibus tri- bus, una completa, tribusque incompletis viridi-æneis. Pro- thorax viridis flavo maculatus. Pectus nigro maculatum. Segmenti 10i abdominalis carina completa, mucrone brevissimo terminata. Pedes nigri; feinora intus basi nonnunquam rufescente notala. Hetærina simplex, De Selys. Minas Geraes. AGRIONIDE. 617 8. HETÆRINA SANGUINEA. Statura parva. Occipitis tubercula vix ulla. Mas. Labrum flavum, nigro marginatum et fasciatum. Epistoma saturate rufo-cupreum, fascia antica flava. Thorax aneus, antice violaceus, linea humerali tribusque lateralibus flavis. Pectus flavescens, nigro maculatum. Alarum venulæ antecu- bitales 23–25; macula basilaris anticarum quadrilateralem vix superans, posticarum scite fusca, quadrilateralem non supe- rans, apud postcostalem terminata ibisque antice usque ad illius dimidium et ad nodum cxtensa. Abdominis segmentum 10um brevissimum ; appendices superiores illo fere duplo longiores, dilatalæ et apud medium dentem longam angulo recto fingentes, excavationibus duabus posticis ; inferiores superiorum quadrante æquales, crassa, truncata, fere furcatce. Pedes nigri; femora postica dimidio interno flavescente. Fæm. Thorax viridi-metallicus, striga humeruli tribusque laterali. bus latioribus flavis. Ala fuliginosce, basi subflavæ, venulis 25 antecubitalibus. Pedes nigri. Hetærina sanguinea, De Selys. ard. Para. From Mr. Sievens' collection. emh. Tapayos. Brazil. Froin Mr. Stevens collection. 3. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 9. HETERINA ROSEA. Statura parva, gracilis. Mas. Labrum flavum, macula parva basali mediana nigra. Epi. stoma anco-cupreum. Frons fascia fusca. Antennce busi flavescentes. Prothoracis lobus anticus flavescente marginatus. Thorax æneus, antice rufo-cupreus, strigce humerali tribusque lateralibus flavescentibus. Peclus flavescens, nigro macula. tum. Alarum venula antecubitales 19-21. Anticarum macula basalis apud medianam vel apud submedianam inci- piens, quadrilateraler non transiens ; posticarum fusca ad quadrilateralis originen terminata, apud illius dimidium usque ad nodum extensa, postcostalem non superans. Appen- dices superiores abdominis segmento 100 paullo longiores, dilatate et post medium dentem validam distincte incisain fina gentes ; inferiores graciles, superioribus quartâ breviores. Pedes nigri ; femora posteriora intus flavescentia ; 'tibia extus fuscæ. 618 AGRIONIDÆ. Foem. Labrum, frons et antenna basi flavescentia. Caput supra et epistomatis fascia busalis æneo-viridia. Prothorax æneu- viridis maculis flavescentibus. Thorax aurantiacus, fascia mediana et latcruli anco-viridibus, lineisque duabus lateralibus angustis nigris. Pectus fluvo maculatum. Alu subflaves - centes ; venule antecubitales 17-19. Abdominis segmenti 10i carina completa, spin, terminata. Pedes nigricantes ; femora postica præsertim intus flavescentia. Hetærina rosea, De Selys. Minas Geraes. Brazil. 10. HETERINA CAIA. Mas. Fusco-cuprea ; thorace lateribus lineis flavis ; alis hyalinis basi lute et posticis apicis macula sanguineu. Statura purva gracilis Mas. Labrum flavum, macula basali mediana sæpe fasciatum. Epistoma æneum. Antenna basi fusce. Prothoracis lobus posticus rufo marginatus. Thorax aneus, antice rufo-cuprcus, linea humerali strigisque tribus lateralibus flavescentibus. Pectus flavescens, nigro maculatum. Alarum venulae ante- cubitales 19-21. Anticarum macula basalis apud media. nam incipiens, quadrilateralem paullo transiens ; posticarum rufescens apud quadrilateralis apicem terminala, apud illius dimidium usque ad nodum extensa, postcostalem non transiens. Abdominis appendices superiores segmento lo paullo longiores, dilatate et post medium dentem validam truncatam fingentes; inferiores graciles, superiorum bis triente cequales. Pedes nigri; femora postica in inmaturis intus flavescentia. Fam. Labrum, frons, occipitis margo et antennæ basi, flavescentia. Epistoma et occiput viridi-ænea. Thorax flavescens, fascia angusta mediana vestigiis duabus lateralibus æneis. Ala basi præsertim subflavescentes ; venulu antecubitales 17–20. Ab- dominis segmenti 10i curina incompleta, spina purva terminata. Pedes nigricantes ; femora intus flavescentia. Libellula Caia, Drury, Ins. ii. 82, pl. 45, f. 2. Agrion Caia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 287. Calepteryx Caia, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 826,5. Calopteryx Caia, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 226, 16. Hetærina Caja, De Selys. Brazil. Colombia. Venezuela. a, b. Brazil. AGRIONIDE. 619 11. HETÆRINA DOMINULA. Statura parvn. Mas. Labrun nigricans. Epistoma obscure ancum. Frons, ver- tex et prothorax cenei. Thorax nigricans, antice anco-viola- ceus, lincis tribus lateralibus lenuissimis flavescentibus, inter- media tantum bene determinata. Macula basalis (inticurum rufu ; venulae antecubitales 26–30. Anticarum macula basalis latus attingens, a basi ad nodum quintie excepta cxtensa, extus rotundata ; posticarum fere usque ad nodum producta, postcostalen facile superuns, obliqua, extus subcon- vexa et denticulata, et quadrilateralem lunge superans. Abdo- minis appendices superiores segmento 100 paullo longiores, dilatate et post medium dentem validam late incisam fingentes, dente quoque parva posteriore apud marginem superiorem armatic; inferiores graciles, superiorum bis trientis longitu- dine. Pedes nigri. Fæm. I.abrum nigrum, macula laterali flava. Epistuma anco- cupreum. Mons et vertex viridi-enei. Antennae basi fava. Thorax viridi-metallicus, vestigio humerali, lineisque tribus lateralibus angustis flavescentibus. Pectus flavescens, nigro maculatum. Ala manifeste flavescentes, posticce apice sordi- dulce; venulae antecubitales 22-26. Abdominis segmenti 103 carina bene determinata, spina brevissima terminata. Pedes nigricantes. Hetærina dominula, Hagen. Para. Surinam. 12. HETÆRINA AURIPENNIS. Corpore fusco-testacco ; verlice thoracisque viltis viridi-eneis; alis Qurco-fulvis, venis viridi-ncis. Statura parva. Mas. Vertex et frons nigri, cupreo fulgidi. Labrum flavescens, basi necnon extensione medianu. nigris. Epistoma (eneo-viola- ceum. Antennarum articulus mus basi frascus. Prothorax et thorax conei, hic antice rufo-cupreo violaceus, linea nume- rali indistincta, strigisque tribus lateralibus, la tenuissima, flavescentibus. Pectus flavescens, nigro muculatum. Alarum venulæ antecubitales 21 (21-29); anticarum macula basulis latus cjus busi tantum attingens, hinc secus subcostalem extensa, et basi usque ad bis trientem producta, extus fere recta ; posti- 620 AGRIONIDÆ. carum extensione antica nodum attingens, postcostalem facilè superans, obliqua, angulosa, extus subconcava et quadrilate- ralem vix superuns. Appendices superiores segmento 100 paullo longiores, dilatate et post medium dentem obtusam valde extantem fingentes ; inferinres graciles, superioribus quadrario breviores, apice attenuata. Pedes nigri. Fæm. Verte.c et frons saturate aneo-virides. Labrum, puncto basali mediano excepto, flavescens. Epistoma cupreo-viride, flavescente confertim marginatum. Antenna basi flavescentes. Prothorax enco-viridis. Thorax antice uneo-viridis, fascia lata humerali aurantiacu ; latera flavescentin vestigiis duabus abbreviatis strigarum angustarum viridescentium. Pectus flavescens, maculis nonnullis fuscis. Ale basi præsertim ma- nifeste flavescentes, venulis antecubitulibus 21--24. Segmenti 10i abdominalis carina spinâ nigra sat longa. Pedes nigri. Calepteryx auripennis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 827, 10. Calopteryx auripennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 225, 13. Hetærina auripennis, De Selys. Brazil. Babia. 13. HETÆRINA HEBE. Siulura parva. Mas. Caput supra et epistoma aneo-cuprea. Labrum nigrum. Prothorax æneus. Thorax; cncus, antice rufo-cupreus, strigis tribus lateralibus flavescentibus, la tenuissima. Corpus sub- tus flavescens, fusco subirculatum. (Labrum, antenna brisi, strigaque humeralis in immaturis flava). Alarum venula antecubitales 20—26. Anticarum macula basalis latus di- midio basali attingens, basique ad nodum quadrario exceplo producta, extus fere recta ; posticarum extensione antica no- dum atlingens, postcostalem facile superans, obliqua, extus concava et quadrilateralem facile superans. Ale antica sæpe vestigio apicali roseo. Appendices superiores segmenti voi longitudine, dentem fingentes medianam triangularem magnam, incisura denteque parva superiore secutam; inferiores plus dimillio breviores, crassa, apice truncate. Pedes nigri. Fæm. Vertex et frons ænea. Labrum flavum, nigro marginatum et fasciatum. Epistoma anco-violaceum. Antenne basi flavce. Prothorax aneo-viridis, lateribus flavescentibus. Thorax antice ceneo-viridis, fuscia lata humerali aurantiaca; latera et pectus flavescentia, vestigiis strigarum lateralium AGRIONIDA. 021 duabus abbreviatis viridiscentibus. Alæ basi præsertim fla- vescentes ; venulæ antecubitales 18-20. Segmenti abdomi- nalis 10i carina spinâ sat brevi terminata. Pedes nigri. Hetærina Hebe, De Selys. Brazil. Bahia. 14. HETERINA SANGUINOLENTA. Statura minima; tubercula vix conspicua. Mas. Caput nigrum, supra subæneum. Epistuma subviolaceum. Prothorax niger. Thorax anco-niger, antice subcupreus, strigis tribus lateralibus flavescentibus, la tenuissima. Pectus immaturis flavescentia). Alarum venulæ antecubitales 20-23. Anticarum macula basulis extensione antica latus fere usque ad nodum attingens, extus fere rectu basique ad nodum bis trientem attingens ; posticarum vix diversa sed nodo omnino conjuncla, ectus paullo obliqua et concava, maryinem posticum dimidio basali uitingens. Appendices superiores subarcuata ; dilatatio dentem subito fingens medianam extantem obtusam non incisam, incisura denteque parva superiore distincta se- cuta; inferiores dimidio breviores, crassce, apice truncata. Pedes nigri. Fæm. Caput nigrum. Epistoma et frons subænea. Labri ma- cula lateralis et antenna basi fluvæ. Prothorac nigricuns. Thorax robustus, antice saturate viridi-metallicus, lineu tenui (in inmaturës latu) humerali flavescente ; latera et pectus fla- vescentia strigis duabus incompletis abbreviatis viridibus. Ala sordide flavescentes ; venulo antecubitales 19-20. Sey- Hetærina sanguinolenta, Hagen. Brazil. Bahia. 15. HETÆRINA MORTUA. Statura minima. Occipitis tubercula optime determinata. Mas. Caput supra et epistoma cupreo-enea. Labrum nigrum, lateribus flavis. Antenne basi nigro-flavescentia. Thorax antice ancus, fascia humerali arcuata strigisque tribus late- ralibus flavis, la tenuissima. Pectus flavum, nigro macula- tum. Alarum venulæ antecubitales 21-25. Aniicarun macula basalis extus obtusa, quadrilateralem basi ad nodum 622 AGRIONIDÆ. paullo ante medium superans, apud subcostalem incipiens ; posticarum coslalem vix attingens, paullo post quadrilateralem oblique lerminata, et marginem posticum dimidio basali attin- gens. Ala posticce macula apicali indeterminata rosea. Ap- pendices superiores robustæ ; dilatatio mediana dentes duas fingens, la minor acuta, 2a obtusa ; inferiores dimidio bre- viores, apice valde attenuata. Pedes nigri. Fem. Ignota. Hetærina mortua, Hagen. Guiana. 16. HETÆRINA SEPTENTRIONALIS. Slatura parva. Mas. Epistoma metallicum. Thorax neo-fuscus, flavo lineatus. Alarun anticarum macula basulis quadrilateralem superans, posticarum fere nodum attingens. Abdominis appendices superiores dilatate, ibique dentes duas subacutas sat remotas fingentes ; inferiores graciles, apice incrassate, superioruin dimidio longiores. Fæm. Ignota. Hetærina septentrionalis, De Selys. Georgia. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abhot's collection. b. Canada. Presented by Dr. Barnston. Sub-group 2. Tibiæ nigræ. Alæ quatuor maris guttula apicali rufa. 17. HETÆRINA LÆSA. Statura sat magna. Mas. Epistomai, frons et vertex anea. Antenna basi flava. La- brum flavum, medio nigrum. Thorax aneus, antice cupreus, fascia lata humerali flava, fasciaque posteriore anea, sejuncta ; latera pava, fasciis duabus aneis, la brevi superiore, 2a gra- cili. Pectus flavescens. Ala antica. basi flavescentes, ma- cula rufa parva al submedianam incipiente apud quadrilate. AGRIONIDÆ. 623 ralis apicem terminata ; venula antecubitales 26-30. Aloe posticæ apice obtusa, quasi truncatu, basi flavescentes, nebula fusca inier subcostalem et medianam, venulis subtus albican- tibus ; venulæ antecubitales 24-26. Appendices anales ademp- tæ. Pedes longissimi, nigri, ciliis sat abbreviatis; femora postica basi interna vix flavescente. Fæm. Corpus eneo-viride, subtus flavescens. Ala sordidissimæ, basi præsertim flavescentes ; antice venulis antecubitalibus 24– 27, postice 20-23. Segmenti abdominalis 101 carina mu- crone sat longo terminata. Pedes nigri ; femora postica intus et anteriora basi interna flava. Hetærina læsa, Hagen. Surinam. 18. HETERINA LONGIPES. Statura magna. Epistoma, frons, vertex et prothorax saturale anea. Labruin flavuin, fusco marginatum, puncto basali mediano. Antennae basi flavescentes. Mas. Thorax saturate cupreo-aneus, striga humerali alteraque laterali flavis sat latis supra confluentibus, duabusque aliis lateralibus latioribus supra et subtus confluentibus. Pectus flavum. Alarum renulæ antecubitales 21–28, anticarum macula basalis ad subcostalem incipiens, nodo quam hasi pro- pior, extus oblique terminata, margine postico sub quadrilale- ralem divergens; posticarum postcostalem paullo superans, acl quadrilateralis apicem terminata, antice a basi ad nodum quadrario excepto elongata et inde extus concava. Appendices superiores busi subtus non tumide, apice valde arcuatce, dila- tatione mediana dentem oblusan validam fingente apice sub- in cisam, ad dentis parvue superioris superficiem ; inferiores superiorum trientis longitudine, upice truncatce. Pedes nigri, longissimi; tibiæ posticæ 81-10 millomet. longitudine. Fam. Thorax obscure flavus, fascia antica mediana angusta versus alas dilatata strigisque duabus lateralibus aneo-viridibus, ja brevi cuneiformi, 2a clementaria. (Abdomen mutilatum). Pedes anco-virides longissimi ; tibice posticce 10 millomet. longitudine. Jetærina longipes, Hagen. Brazil. 3 I 624 AGRIONIDÆ. 19. HETÆRINA CARNIFEX. Statura magna. Epistoma, frons et vertex saturale cupreo-ænea. Labrum nigrum, macula laterali saturate flava. Mas. Antennarum articulus lus macula flavescente. Prothorax et thorax anticus saturate cneo-cuprei, linea humerali flaves- cente indistincta sejuncta; latera anea, linea tenuissima stri- gisque duabus flavescentibus, his supra ei infra confluentibus. Pectus flavescens, nigro cingulatum. Alarum venulæ antecu- bitales 20-25. Anticarum macula basalis ad costalem in- cipiens, extus suboblique terminata, nodo quam basi paullo propior, margine postico sub quadrilateralem desinens; pos- ticarum postcostalem paullo superans, ad quadrilateralis api- cem terminata, basi ad nodum quadrario excepto antice elongata et inde extus concava. Appendices superiores seg- mento 100 longiores, apice subarcuata, subtus basi tumide, in dentem oblusam medianam incisura lerminatam ei dente parva superiore secutam dilatatæ ; inferiores dimidio breviores, apice truncalce. Pedes nigri, longi; tibiæ posticce 71–8 millomet. longitudine. Fæm. Antennce basi Alava. Prothorax viridis, iaculis duabus medianis quadratis flavis. Thorax antice viridi-metallicus, lineola lineaque humerali angusta flavis ; latera et pectus flava, fascia la lata interrupta anea, 2a que superiore elemen- taria. Alasubinfrimata, basi vix flavescentes, venulis 17--20 antecubitalibus. Segmenti abdominalis 10i carina marginem non superans. Pedes nigri, longi. Hetærina carnifex, Hagen. Brazil. (New Friburg). Stirps ? Mas. Statura mediocris. Alaruin anticarum macula basalis extus subconvexa. Tibice postica 6} millomet. longitudine. Hetærina fulgens, De Selys. Minas Geraes. TERINA PROXIMA. Statura mediocris. Mas. Epistoma, frons, vertex et prothorax cenea. Labrum flavum, puncto basali mediano, vel nigro marginatum et fasciatum Thorax aneus, antice violaceus, striga humerali et la laterali AGRIONIDÆ. 625 flavis tenuissimis, duabusque posterioribus lateralibus latiori- bus supra et infra confluentibus. Pectus flavescens. Alarum venulæ antecubitales 22–26; anticarum macula basalis apud subcostalem incipiens, nodo quam basi paullo propior, extus oblique terminata, margine postico sub quadrilateralem desi- nens ; posticarum postcostalem paullo superans, apud areolam proximam post quadrilateralem terminata, basi ad nodum quadrario excepto antice elongata, et inde extus concava. Appendices superiores segmento 100 paullo longiores, basi non tumidæ, in denten acutam ad apicis originem terminate ; inferiores superiorum dimidio breviores, crassa, apice attenu- atce. Apex brevis, distincte arcuatus. Pedes nigri, longis- simi ; tibiæ posticæ 7 millomet. longitudine. Fæm. Caput flavescens, supra aneum. Thorax flavescens, sutu- ris omnibus flavis pallidioribus; sutura dorsalis strigâ angusta anco-viridi utrinque marginata, fascia la dorsalis maculâ cuneiformi viridi præcessa. Alce basipræsertim hyalino-fla- vescentes, venulis antecubitalibus 23. Abdominis segmentum 10um inucrone conspicuo terminatum. Hetærina proxima, De Selys. Brazil. Ypanama. Sub-group 3. Tibiæ in utroque sexu extus flavescentes. Maris alæ limbo apicali ſusco vel hyalino. 21. HETÆRINA CRUENTATA. Mas. Fusco-rufescens ; alis subrufescentibus, basi sanguineis, apice tenuiter fuscis. Statura sat magna. Mas. Vertex niger. Frons ex parte nitide fuscus. Epistoma cyaneo-chalybæum. Labrum rufescens, basi marginatum et sæpe nigro fasciatum. Prothorax niger, macula laterali au- rantiaca. Thorax rufescens, subtus flavescens, fascia lata dorsali nigra, striga laterali nigro-chalybea suturam lam an- tecedente pedesque non altingente, maculaque cuneiformi viridi- metallica superiore suturam 2am antecedente. Alce, posticce præsertim, apice fusco limbatre, venulis antecubitalibus 24- 29; anticarum macula basalis apud medianan incipiens, basi ad nodum medio terminata, extus paullo convexa, spatio 31 2 626 AGRIONIDÆ. inter cam et costalem sordido; posticaruin paullo brevior, latus dimidio basali excepto non attingens, postcostalem mani- feste superans, marginem posticum triente prima attingens, apud quadrilateralis apicem elongatione antica brevissima terminata. Appendices superiores segmento 100 longiores, basi fusco, vix arcuate ; dilatatio basi incipiens, apud dentem medianam obtusam incisura parva secutam subito terminata. Inferiores superiorum dimidio paullo breviores. Pedes nigri ; tibiæ extus rufescentes. Fæm. Vertex niger. Frons, labrum, et antenna basi flavescentia. Epistoma rufescens, macula violaceo-chalybea. Prothorax rufescens, fusco maculatus. Thorax rufescens, fascia latu mediana dorsali, striga laterali suturam lam antecedente, ma- culaque cuneiformi superiore ante suturam 2am viridi-metalli- cis. Ale basi præsertim subflavescentes, venulis antecubitalibus 20-22. Segmenti abdominalis 102 carina mucrone brevi terminata. Appendices anales breves, basi fusce. Pedes nigri, femoribus intus tibiisque extus flavescentibus. Calepteryx apicalis, Var. ? Burm, Handb. Ent. ii. 827, 8. Calopteryx cruentata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 228, 19. De Selys. Venezuela. Brazil. Surinam. Mexico. Martinico. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Stirps ? Brasiliensis, De Selys. Mas. Statura mediocris. Epi- sloma viridi-metallicum. Alarum venule anlecubitules 18–20. Tibiæ extus flava. Fæm. Statura magna. Alarum vence antecubitales 25–27. (lineata, Hagen.) 22. HETÆRINA VULNERATA. Statura mediocris. Mas. Vertex niger. Frons ad partem nitide fuscus. Epistoma aneo-nigrum, antice flavescente marginatum. Labrum rufes- cens, basi late marginatum. Prothorax fusco-metallicus, im- maculatus. Thorax antice æneo-niger, violaceo et cupreo fulgidus; striga humerali flavescente anteriore, fasciaque la laterali cneo-nigra lata suturam lam attingente; lateribus rufescentibus macula cuneiformi superiore sat longa anea suturam 2am antecedente. Alæ venulis antecubitalibus 19- AGRIONIDÆ. 627 23. Anticæ apice non limbatæ; macula basalis brevis, apud medianan incipiens, basi ad nodum medio terminata, extus obliqua. Posticæ apice nonnunquam subsordidæ ; macula basalis paullo brevior, latus dimidio basali tantum attingens, postcostalen manifeste superans, marginem anticum, triente basali attingens, ad quadrilateralem terminata elongatione .. antica brevissima. Appendices superiores basi et intus flave, segmento 100 longiores, subarcuata, dilatatione ad basim incipiente in dentem terminata medianam obtusissimam inci- sura minima secutam, inferiores dimidio breviores. Pedes nigri, femorum fascia laterali tibiisque extus flavescentibus. Fom. Vertex niger. Epistoma flavesceris, macula parva chalybea. Labrun, frons et antenna basi flavescentia. Prothorax fus- cus, maculis flavis. Thorax aurantiacus, fascia viridi-metal- lica mediana angusta apud alas vix latiore, striga enea æquali suturam lam lateralem antecedente, maculaque viridi- metallica cuneiformi. Ale antice et basi subflavescentes, venulis antecubitalibus 17-19. Segmenti abdominalis 10i carina 2a marginem non superans, appendices anales fara, apice nigra. Pedes nigri, femoribus tibiisque intus late Havescentibus. Helærina vulnerata, Hagen. Brazil. Colombia. Mexica. .- Group 2. Type H. Titia. Mus et fæm. Alæ angustæ ; pterostigma parvum, nonnunquam elementarium. Sub-group 1. Mas et fcem. Alæ quatuor a pice hyalinæ. Pedes extus flari. - 23. HETÆRINA AMERICANA, Obscure viridi-cenea, thoracis lateribus flavo lineatis, alis basi sanguineis. Statura mediocris. Caput validum. Pedes nigri, femoribus extus tibiisque intus flavescentibus. 3) 3 628 AGRIONIDÆ. Mas. Vertex et frons aureo-virides. Epistoma aneo-viride. La. brum rufescente flavum, macula mediana. Antennarun arti- cuius 2us flavescens. Prothorax aneus. Thorax antice cupreo-viridis, lateribus aneis, sulura humerali et la laterali lenuiter flavis, 2a et margine postico late flavis. Pectus fla- vuin. Alarum venæ antecubitales 20-24. Pterostigma sat magnum, flavescens. Macula basalis basi ad nodum dimidii longitudine in alis anticis quadrilateralem paullo superuns et extus subconvexus nec ante medianam incipiens, in alis posticis extus fere recta et marginem posticum fere per omnem ejus lon- gitudinem attingens, elongatione antica elementaria. Appen- dices flavescentes, apice nigræ; superiores in dentem medianam latam intus vix concavam subito dilatatæ; inferiores obtusa superioribus triplo breviores. Fæm. Corpus æneo-viride. Capitis fascia antica interrupta, labrum, et antennarum articulus 2us flava. Agrion americana, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 287. Calepteryx americana, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 826, 4. Calopteryx americana, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. 228, 18. De Selys. United States. it. North America. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Sub-group 2. Mus et fam. Alæ maris apice fusco limbatæ. Pedes nigri. 24. HETERINA MORIBUNDA. Statura parva. Mas. Caput supra nigrum. Epistoma cupreo-fuscum. Labrum flavescens, nigro marginatuin et fasciatum. Antenna basi flavescentes. Prothorax nigricans. Thorax antice rufo- cupreus, lateribus æneis, sutura humerali et la laterali an- guste, 2a laterali, margine postico pectoreque obscure flavescen- tibus. Alarum venula antecubitales 27–28. Pierostigma minimum, nigrum ; limbus fuscus, apud pterostigma latus; anticarum macula basalis quadrilateralis apicem attingens, exlus obtusa, ad medianam incipiens, et marginem posticum ilimidio lo tantuin attingens ; posticarum macula basalis cxtus fere recta, ad subcostalem incipiens, postcostalem non superans, quadrilateralem non tegens, at dilatatione parva antica fusca a quadrilaterali ad nodum : medium spatium AGRIONIDÆ. 629 attingens. Segmenti 10i abdominalis curina acuta. Appena dices nigræ ; superiores dilatatione intus sube:ccavata, prope basim incipiente, ad bis trientem longitudinis terininata ; in- feriores duplo breviores. Pedes nigri. Fæm. Epistoma nigro-viride. Prothorax aneo-niger. Thorax rufescens, antice viridi-metallicus, striga humerali aurantiaca, strigisque tribus lateralibus angustis nigricantibus. Ala sordide subvirescentes, venulis antecubitalibus 22–23; ptero- stigma minimum, lividum, medio fuscum. Segmenti 10i abdominalis carina acuia. Pedes nigricantes ; femora intus pallidiora. Helærina moribunda, Hagen. Parà. Cayenne. 25. HETÆRINA TRICOLOR. Statura mediocris. Caput validum. Mas. Caput nigricans. Episloma fuscum. Antenne fuscu. Prothorax nigricans. Thorax antice nigricans, fascia hume- rali flava ; latera et peclus flava, fasciis tribus plus minusve incompletis nigricantibus. Ala limbo angusto, venulis ante- cubitalibus 24, pterostigmate sat mayno ; anticarum macula basalis quadrilateralem paullo superans, extus rotundata, apud medianam incipiens ; posticarum fusca, vix postcostalem supe- rans, ad quadrilateralis apicem recte terminata, elongatione antica quadrilaterali ad nodum medium attingente. Segmenti 101 abdominalis carina acuta. Appendices superiores sey- mento 100 vix longiores, dente validissima lusali interna obtusa, dilatationeque posteriore ad lonyitudinis triquedru- rium in dentem obtusam subito terminata ; inferiores dimidio breviores. Pedes nigri ; tibia extus fusce. Fæm. Caput nigricans. Epistoma, labrum, fascia antica et occi- pilis margo flavescentia. Prothoracis margo posticus flaves- cens. Thorax antice aurantiacus, fascia mediana arjusta nigra ; latera flavescentia, strigis tribus abbreviatis nigris. Ala baseos versus viv flavescentes, venulis antecubitalibus 20 --23; pterostigma sat magnum, flavescente album. Segmenti abdominalis 101 carina acuta. Pedes nigri, femoribus intus flavescentibus, tibiis extus fuscis. Calepteryx tricolor, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 827,7. Calopteryx tricolor, De Selys. United States. 630 AGRIONID.E. Stirps. Mas. Parra, gracilior. Labrum fuscum, macula basali mediana nigra, striga frontali apud medium interrupta fusca. Alarum pterostigmă minimum ; limbus fuscus, apicalis, posti- carum apud pterostigma incipiens. Appendices superiores longiores. (limbata, De Selys). a, b, Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. C. Var. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection, 26. HETÆRINA 'Titia. Mas. Niyra ; alis anticis basi rubris, exterius hyalinis, fascia media maculaque apicali parva fusca ; posticis fuscis, fascia hyalina ante apicem strigaque basilari rubra. Statura parva vel mediocris. Mas. Caput, prothorax, thorax et pedes nigra, nitida (in inmaturis fusca, linea humerali tribusque lateralibus flavescentibus). Alce saturate fusca, upaca, venulis antecubitalibus 22–24, plerostigmate flavo sat longo; antica inter nodum et ptero- stigma obligue hyalince, macula busali rufa apud medianam incipiente et quadrilateralem superante ; (poslicæ in imma- turis fascia angustiore hyalina). Segmenii 10i abdominalis carina acula. Appendices nigræ i superiores segmento 100 æquales, dente basali interna obtusi validissima, dilatationeque posteriore ad longitudinis triquadrarium in dentem obtusam subito terminata ; inferiores superiorum dimidio paullo breviores. Fæm. Caput nigricans. Labri margo ei antennarum articulus 2us rufescentes. Prothorax nigricans. Thorax nigricans, antice saturale viridi-metallicus; lalera fasciis duabus incom- pletis æneo-viridibus, sutura 2a margineque postico flavescenti- bus. Ale opace, fusce, venulis antecubitalibus 19-20, pterostigmate sat magno albo ; anticce triente apicali (limbo excepto) sensim hyalina. Segmenti 10i abdominalis carina acuta. Pedes nigri; femora basi interno pallidiore. Libellula Titia, Drury, Ins. ii. 83, pl. 45, f. 3. Calepterys Titia, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 826,3. Calopteryx Tilia, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 227, 17. Mexico. Honduras. a, b. Honduras. From Mr. Miller's collection. AGRIONIDE. 631 Sub-group. 3. Mas et foem. Maris alæ quatuor guttula apicali fusca. nigri. Pedes 27. HETÆRINA MACROPUS. Statura parvu. Mas. Caput niilrum. Labrum flavum, macula basali medianu nigru. Antennarum articulus mus basi rufescens. Prothorax nigricans. Thorax intice aneo-violaccus, fuscia humerali flava ; latera nigra, strigis tribus flavis. Peclus flavum, ni- gro maculatum. Alaruin verulue antecubitales 22-24, spa- tium usque ad nodum intercostalen et medianam nitide fuscum; anticarum macula infera posterior rufa busalis qua- drilateralem superans et marginem posticum fere per omnem ejus longitudinem attingens ; posticarum spatium roseum æquabile postcostalem superans marginem posticum non attin- gens. Appendices adempte. Pedes nigri, longissimi. Fæn. Corpus evanide fuscum, maculâ apud labrum mediana saturata. Caput supra viridi-metallicum. Occipitis margo flavescente fuscus. . Thorax antice fasciis duabus inferis viridi-metallicis ; latera fasciis duabus viridibus incompletis, sutura 2a posterior flavescens. Alæ subflavescentes, venulis antecubitalibus 20-21; pterostignu album, sat longum. Segmenti abdominalis 10i carina acuminata. Pedes flaves- cente fusci ; femora extus nigricantia. Hetærina macropus, De Selys. Mexico. Honduras. 28. HETÆRINA OCCISS. Statura mediocris, gracillima. Mas. Caput obscure aneum. Frons fusco notatus. Facies in immaturis rufescens. Labrum flavum, macula basali mediana niira. Antenna basi flavescentes. Prothorax æneus. Tho- raz antice rufo-cupreus, striga humerali aurantiaca antice dilatuta; latera anea, strigis tribus pecloregue flavescentibus, (frontis fascia et prothoracis maculce in immaturis flavce). Alarum venulæ antecubitales 20-25. Plerostigma parvum, 632 AGRIONIDÆ. vel abnormiter nullum, nigrum, medio pallidius. Macula basalis rufa, uniformis ; in alis anticis extus rotundata et quadrilateralem paullo superans, media inter basim et nodum, latus et marginem posticum dimidio lo tantum attingens ; in poslicis (iminaturis pallidissima) quadrilateralem et postcosta- len non superans, elongatione per medianane" antica brevi. Appendices superiores basé et apice nigro-yufæ, segmento 100 fere duplo longiores, dilatutione basi ad dimidium ibique in dentem oblusam subito lerininata ; inferiores superioribus triente breviores, gracillima, apice subito dilatata. Pedes nigri, longissimi. Fæm. Caput supra aneum. Epistona nigro-chalybeum. Lu- brum et labium flavescentia. Prothorax olivaceus, eneo maculatus. Thorax (intice flavescens, fascia mediana viridi- metallica ; latera flavescentia, fasciis tribus sæpe angustis et incompletis anco-nigricantibus. Ala basi et marginibus sub- flavescentes, venulis antecubitalibus 17–20; pterostigma mi- nimum vel abnormiter nullum, subcinereum vel albidum. Segmenti 10i abdominalis carina acuta vel non acuta. Pedes nigricuntes, (in immaturis olivacet). Hetærina occisa, Hagen. Colombia. Venezuela. Stirps albistigma, Hagen. Frem. Minor, gracilior. Pterostigma album, sat magnum. Pro- thorax viridi-metallicus. Segmenti abromidalis 10i carina valde acuminata; valvulæ non denticulatæ. Pedes pigri. Puerto Cabello. 29. HETÆRINA SEMPRONIA. Statura parva, sat crassu. Mas. Caput nigrum. Labrum et epistoma cyaneo-metallica sub- viridescentia. Thorax obscure aneus, linca humerali et tribus lateralibus angustis flavis. Pectus flavum, niyro notatum. Ala venulis antecubitalibus 27–28, pterostigmate nigro sat longo; antica macula basali vix elongata, apud medianam in- cipienie, paullo post quadrilateralem terminata ; posticce mi- cula basali minore et postcostalem non superante, macula fusca apicali sal mayna. Appendices superiores paullo arcuate, di- latalione trienter medianam occupante plagam dente nulla fingente; postica dimidio breviores, crassce, apice attenuata. AGRIONIDE. 633 . Fæm. Ignota. Hetærina Sempronia, Hagen. Mexico. Sub-group 4. Mas et frem. Alæ posticæ maris guttula apicali ruſa. Pedes nigri. Statura magna. Mas. Caput et prothorax nigra, nitentia, illum apud labrum plus metullicum. Thorax cnco-rriger, linei tribus lateralibus flavis la brevi. Pectus maculis nonnullis flavis. Ale venulis anticce macula basali quadrilateralen manifeste superante, ad bis quintiem inter basin et nodum producta, ibique margine postico juncta, extus subrotundata, ad subcostalem incipiente (basi ad costulem); posticce gutlula apicali sat magna rufa, macula basali quadrilateralem quoad in anticis superante, elongatione antica brevi, post costalem superante. Segmenti abdominalis 10i carina dorsali brevi. Appendices superiores nigræ, segmento 100 paullo longiores, dilatatione mediana valida, subincisa, apud bis trienten in dentem subacutam subito terminatam ; inferiores attenuatae, superiorum dimilio paullo longiores. Pedes nigri. (Antenna basi et sutura humeralis in immaturis flavescentes) Fam. Caput nigrum. Labri latera et antennarum articulus 2us flava. Prothorax nigricans. Thorax ceneus, fascia hu- merali lineis tribus lateralibus pectoreque flavescentibus. Alæ subolivacec, venulis antecubitalibus 25; plerostigma parvum, lividum. Segmenti abilominalis 102 carina acuminata. Pedes nigri. Agrion Brightwelli, Kirby, Linn. Trans. xiv. 107, pl. 3, f. 5. Calepteryx Brightwelli, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 827, 6. a, b. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. . Sub-group 5. Mas et fom. Alæ quatuor maris guttula apicali rufa. Pedes nigri. 634 AGRIOVIDE, ETÆRINA MAJUSCULA. Stutur maxima. Mas. Caput nigrum, supra nigro-eneum. Labrum et epistoma. saturate cyaneo-viridia. Prothorax niger. Thorax nigri- cans, antice ceneus fascia humerali rufescente ; latera et pectus hufescentia fusciis et strigis duabus lateralibus nigro.ceneis. Ala subsurdida, venulis antecubitalibus 37, guttula apicali rufa distincta ; pterostigma minimum, lividum aut abnur - miter nullum ; spatium inter subcostalem et medianam fus- cum. Alarum anticarum macula basalis exlus rotundata ct quadrilateralem superans (inter basim el nodun media), latera et marginem posticum apud cjus bis trientem: attingens ; posticarum apud quadrilateralem terminata, postcostalem su- perans, clongatione parva antica per medianain. Segmentum. abdominis Toum depressum, carina nulla. Appendices supe- riores niyrue, segmento 100 fere duplo longiores, in dentes duas obtusas propter incisuram divisa ; inferiores vix ullæ, tubere- culum breve intus penicillo simile fingentes. Fæm. Ignota. Hetærina majuscula, De Selys. Colombia. BB. Pterostigma longum. Quadrilateralis non ant vix reticulala, spatiu basilari multo brevior. Div. 3. EUPHÆA. Alæ non aut vix petiolatæ. Sector in ferior trianguli apice valde curvata. Spatium postcostale seriebus plurimis areolarum apicaliuın. Euphæa, De Selys. Calepieryx, P., Burm. narrower; last joint longer and more slender: abdomen longer than the wing; upper appendages of the male shorter, broad, dil- AGRIONIDAE. 635 with a shorter fringe: wings somewhat variable; pterostigma like that of the Libellulides ; hind border more or less approximate to the base; humeral part of the fore-wing forming almost half its length. Genus 7. ANISOPLEURA. Mas et frem. Alæ non coloratæ. Anisopleura, De Selys. Sub-gen. 1. ANISOPLEURA. Alæ subpetiolatæ, angustæ ; sector præcipua medianâ valde elongata. Mas. Segmenti abdominalis 10i margo non relevatus, vix emarginatus. Foem. Segmenti 10i margo incisus. Group 1. E. lestoides. 1. EUPHÆA LESTOIDES. Statura sat robusta. Labrum flavescens. Thorax antice niger, fasciis duabus latis flavescentibus ; latera flava, striga nigra. Alævenulis antecubitalibus circiter 15; fastigium et abdominis striga lateralis flava. Pedes nigri ; femora intus flava. Mas. Corpus ex parte albido subpulvercum, in adultis pulverulen- tum. Als hyalina ; antica macula minima fusca apicali ; pterostigma nigricans. Segmentum Ium nigricans. Appen- dices anales superiores cxtus arcuate dente mediana, intus in trigonum dilatatce ; inferiores elementaria. Fæm. Segmentum abdominale gum dimidio postico flavo. Ale hyalinc, immaculatce, basi subrufescentes. Euphæa lestoides, De Selys. East Indies. 3 K 636 AGRIONIDE. Genus 8. EPALLAGE. Mas et Fæem. Alæ apice tantùm coloratæ. Epallage, Charp. Sub-gen. 1. BAYADERA. Alæ angustæ, subpetiolatæ ; sector præcipua medianâ valde contigua. Mas. Segmenti abdominalis 10i margo non relevatus, subemar- ginatus. Bayadera, De Selys. 2. EUPHÆA INDICA. Statura robusta. Corpus nigrum. Labrum nitide cyanescens, vix nigro limbatum. Thorax antice lineis duabus olivaceis ; latera olivacea, fasciis tribus nigricantibus. Ala antica venulis antecubitalibus 19-20. Abdominis latera, fasti- gium dorsale apud segmenta lo ad 6um, femora intus tibiæque extus, olivacea. Mas. Thorax ex parte in adultis cyanescente pulverulentus. Ale hyalina, subflavescentes, pterostigmate usque ad apicem s01e- dide fusca. Pterostigma saturate fuscum. Appendices supe- giores forcipem fingentes, apice depresse et mucrone externo munitæ, dentibusque duabus prope basin, la valida inferiore, 2a parva mediana posteriore ; inferiores paullo breviores, acu- minatæ, remote. Fæm. Ignola. Euphæa Indica, De Selys. East Indies. Sub-gen. 2. EPALLAGE. Ala angustæ, vix petiolatæ ; sector præcipua venâ mediana non contigua. Epallage, Charp. AGRIONIDE. 637 Group 1. Fatime. 3. EUPHÆA FATIME. Statura robusta. Corpus nigrum. Labrum flavescens, nigro via: marginatum, virgula mediana ejusdem coloris. Thorax antice strigis duabus latis flavis ; latera flavescentia, fasciis tribus nigricantibus. Pierostigma flavum (in immaturis), aut fus- cum (in adultis). Alce antice venulis antecubitalibus 14-16. Abdomen striga dorsali fasciaque laterali flavis. Pedes nigri, femoribus intus lateribusque flavo lineatis. Mas. Corpus plerumque cærulescente subpulverosum in adultis. Ala hyaline, subflavescentes, pterostigmate usque ad apicem nitide fuscæ. Fem. Ale hyalina, basi flavescentes, pterostigmate usque ad apicem nigricantes. Agrion Fatime, Charp. Libell. Europ..132, pl. 45, f. 2. Epallage Fatime, Schneider, Stett. Ent. Zeit. 1845. Hagen, 1840, 1. Euphæa Fatime, De Selys. Rev. Odon. 143, 1 ; 388. Greece. Asia Minor. Bagdad. Genus 9. EUPHÆA. Alæ maris ex parte opacæ, fæminæ non coloratæ. Sub-gev. 1. EUPHÆA. Venulæ antecubitales in alis anticis postcubitalibus pauciores. Nodus ante earum dimidium locatus. Mas. Segmenti abdominalis 10i margo apud medium valde relevatus. Appendices superiores anales vix arcuatæ, margine in- terno subtus valde dilatato; auriculæ triangulares. Euphæa, De Selys. Group 1. Type E. variegatu. Alæ latæ, non petiolatæ, rotundatæ ; reticulatio tetragona, plus stipata. Mas. Alæ quatuor ex parte opacæ, coloratæ. 3 K 2 638 AGRIONIDE. Sub-group 1. Mas. Penis mucrone laterali nullo. 4. EUPHÆA GUERINI. Mas. Nigra ; alis fuligineis, infra obscurioribus, anticis apice hya- linis, posticis postice in medio macula maxima viridi-subviola- cea, nitida ; appendicibus superioribus brevibus, subsecurifor- mibus. Statura mediocris. Alæ posticæ valde dilatata. Mas. Corpus nigrum ; thoracis latera et abdomen basi vestigiis nonnullis fuscis. Ale anticæ nigricantes fulgida, basi vix lucidiores, quintie apicali ante pterostigma subito hyalina, apice fusco-limbata ; postice omnino nigricantes, viridi et violaceo apud medium præsertim micantes. Pedes nigricantes. Fem. Ignota. Euphæa Guerini, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 229, 2. De Selys. Cochin China. IEA REFULGENS. Statura robusta. Alæ posticce dilatata. Mas. Corpus et pedes nigra, immaculata. Ale nigricantes, plus dimidium basale viridi-metallico nitens ; anticæ post ptero- stigma hyalina, apice nigricante limbatæ ; posticæ post ptero- stigma lucidiores. Fæm. Ignota. Euphæa refulgens, Hagen. Manilla. 6. EUPHÆA SPLENDENS. Statura robusta. Ale posticæ valde dilatata. Mas. Corpus nigrum ; thoracis latera et abdomen basi vestigii. nonnullis rufescentibus. Ale anticæ nigricantes fulgidæ quartario basali sordide hyalino, apice post pterostigma sensin lucidiore ; posticæ nigricantes, basi extrema hyulina fusci AGRIONIDÆ. 639 nitida, medio viridi et violaceo metallico fulgido. Ab- dominis segmentun gum basi appendicibus duabus parvis setiformibus lateralibus. Pedes nigri. Fem. Iynola. Euphæa splendens, Hagen. East Indies. Sub-group 2. Mas. Penis mucrone utrinque laterali recto. 7. EUPHÆA VARIEGATA. Mas. Nigro-viridis ; appendicibus superioribus brevibus, compres- sis, subreciis, inferioribus subnullis, penis basi bicornuto; alis nigro-fuligineis, basi hyalinis, posticis macula magna supra viridi-cenea, subtus pulchre violarea. Statura sat robusla. Ale posticæ dilatatæ. Mas. Corpus nigrum. Thoracis latera lineis tribus incompletis aurantiacis. Ala nigricantes (in immaturis fusca); antice quadrario basali et apud marginen posticum fere dimidio basali, hyalinæ ; posticæ basi extrema hyalina, apud medium viridi metallicce violaceo fulgidæ. Abdomen fastigio tenui dorsali duruntiaco. Penis vnucronibus robustis. Pedes nigri- cantes ; tibice ex parte extus fusce. Fem. Ignota. Euphæa variegata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 229, 1. De Selys. a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. b, c. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. 8. EUPHEA ASPASIA. Statura mediocris. Ale postice non dilatatæ. Mas. Corpus nigrum. Thorax uiringue lincis 5-6 flavis. Alue hyalince, subsordida, triente apicali et margine costali post nodum in fuscum nigricans sensim nulatis. Abdomen basi flavo notalum. Penis mucronibus brevibus. Pedes nigrican- tes; femora basi intus flavescentia ; iibiæ cætus fuscæ. Fæm. Corpus nigricuns, flavescenic notatum. Thoracis latera flavescentia. Ala hyalince, basi margineque costali subflaves - centes. Pedes nigri ; femora intus flavescentia. Euphæa Aspasia, De Selys. Java. Sumatra. · 3 K 3 640 AGRIONIDÆ. Group 2. Type E. dispar. Alæ petiolatæ ; reticulatio ex parte pentagona, minus stipala. Mas. Alæ quatuor hyalinæ, posticarum fascia vel inacula excepta. Sub-group 1. Alæ auticæ angustæ ; posticæ dilatatæ. 9. EUPHÆA DECORATA. Statura parva. Alæ posticæ apud medium dilatata. Pterostigma - ዎሽን°°ሪንግ2. Mas. Corpus nigricans. Thorax vestigio utrinque strigarum sex rufescentium. Ala hyaline, basi præsertim subflavescentes ; posticæ fascia post nodum lata nigricante nitente pterostigma non attingente. Abdomen muculis nonnullis rufescentibus obliteratis. Pedes nigri ; libiæ extus rufescentes. Fam. Ignota. Euphæa decorata, Hagen. China. Sub-group 2. Alæ quatuor valde angustæ. 10. EUPHÆA DISPAR. Mas et fæm. Rufa vel flava ; thorace fasciis nigris ; abdominis segmento ultimo postice supru valde angulato ; alis hyalinis ad basim flavidis, anticis apice tenuissime, posticis late nigro- coeruleo-violaceis (mas), viridi. flavidis (fem.) Statura valde robusta. Labrum nitide viride, puncto et margine nigris. Thorax rufescens vel flavescens, fasciis utrinque quatuor anticis nigris. Pierostigma magnum. Pedes nigri ; femora intus tibiæque extus rufescente-flava. Mas. Ala hyalina, subflavescentes ; antica macula parva apicali, et posticæ triente apicali subito nigricantibus fulgidis. Abdo- men rufum ; segmenta quatuor nigra, Oum utrinque fasci- culatum. AGRIONIDE. 641 Fæm. Alä hyalina, subflavescentes. Abdomen nigrum, segmento- rum lateribus et suturis flavescentibus. Euphæa dispar, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 230, 3. Nelgherries. ard. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. e. Africa. Sub-gen. 2. DYSPHÆA. Alærum anticarum venulæ antecubitales postcubitalibus plures ; nodus apud eorum dimidium locatus. Mas. Segmentum abdominale 10um margine depresso. Ap- pendices anales posticæ semicirculares, simplices. Auriculæ ele- mentariæ. Dysphæa, De Selys. Group 1. Type D. dimidiata. Alæ valde angustæ, acuminatæ, non petiolatæ; reticulatio sti- pata, ex parte pentagona. Mas. Alæ quatuor ex parte opacæ, coloratæ. 11. EUPHEA DIMIDIATA. Statura robusta. Alce anticce venulis antecubitalibus 32-36, postcubitalibus 24-26. Mas. Corpus nigrum. Thoracis latera vestigiis nonnullis fuscis obliteratis. Ala hyalince, dimidio basali nigricantes (hec color linea recta subito terminata), apice post pterostigma ni- gricante limbatac. Pedes nigri. Fæm. Ignota. Euphæa dimidiata, De Selys. Java. 642 AGRIONIDÆ. · Div. 4. DICTERIAS. Alæ valde petiolatæ. Trianguli sector inferior recta. Spatium subcostale serie areolarum unica. Gen. 10. HELIOCHARIS. Alarum spatium basilare reticulatum. Pedes longi. Heliocharis, De Selys. Group 1. Type D. Amazona. Alæ angustæ, usque ad arculum posticum petiolatæ; sector præcipua medianâ valde contigua. Mas. Segmenti abdominalis 10i margo posterior fere rectus. 1. DICTERIAS AMAZONA. Statura robustu. Pterostigma fuscum, longissimum, dilatatum ; venula basilares 4 ; antecubitales in alis anticis circiter 16. Mas. Corpus cyanescente-viride. Caput supra saturate viride. Thorax antice olivaceus. Ala hyalina, basi subflavescentes. Appendices anales superiores simplices, sat longa, intris sub- arcuata (inferiores elementariæ ??) Fæm. Ignota. Dicterias Amazona, De Selys. Ega, on the Amazon River. Gen. 11. DICTERIAS. Alarum spatium basilare librum. Pedes longissimi. Dicterias, De Selys. 2 Group 2. Type D. atrosanguinea. Alæ angustæ, usque ad arculum posticum petiolatæ ; sector præcipua medianâ fere contigua. Mas. Segmenti abdominalis 10i margo posterior late sed vix profunde incisus. AGRIONIDE. 643 ERIAS ATROSANGUINEA. Slatura minima. Pierostigma angustum, nigrum, valde elongatum. Alæ anticæ venis antecubitalibus 10-12. Mas. Corpus rufescens. Labrum nigrum rufo maculatum. Tho- rax antice castaneus, strigis duabus rufescentibus. Ala hya- lina. Appendices anales superiores simplices, intus sat arcuatu (inferiores elementarice ?) Fæm. Ignota. Dicterias atrosanguinea, De Selys. Parà. Amazon River. Epistoma valde prominens. Abdomen breve, subdepressum. Div. 5. LIBELLAGO. Gen. 12. LIBELLAGO. Mus et fæm. Pterostigma apud alas quatuor. Arculi sectores ab origine disjunctæ. Appendices superiores semicirculares, sim- plices; inferiores breves. Libellago, De Selys. Sub-gen. 1. LIBELLAGO. Mas et fam. Alä hyalinæ; quadrilateralis brevior, venula unica. Abdomen valde depressum, Libellago, De Selys. Tropical Africa. Group 1. Type L. dispar. 1. LIBELLAGO CALIGATA. Thorax antice niger, fascia utrinque lata laterali rufa vel flaves- cente fere divisa ; latera rufa, nigro lineata. 644 AGRIONID.E. Mas. Pterostigma 2 millomet. longitudine. Abdomen cyanescens ; segmenta lum et eum supra nigra, lateribus rufis. Femora nigra, lineis extus duabus flavis ; tibice valde dilatatæ, extus ufæ, intus alba. Fæm. Pterostigma 2 millomet. longitudine. Abdomen flavescens, suturis viltisque duabus supra et totidem subtus nigris. Libellago caligata, De Selys. South Africa. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 2. LIBELLAGO CURTA. Thorax antice niger, fascia utrinque lata flava divisa ; latera fla- vescentia, nigro lineata. Mas. Pterostigma 2 millomet. longitudine. Abdominis segmenta rufa, nigro maculata ; qualuor postica cyanescentia. Pedes nigri; tibiæ non dilatatie, posteriores intus flavce. Fæm. Ptcrostigma 2,1 millomet. longitudine. Abdomen flavescens, vittis duabus supra totidemque subtus nigris. Pedes nigri ; femora basi flava. Libellago curta, Hagen. Guinea. 3. LIBELLACO RUBIDA. Mas. Thorax niger, strigis duabus anticis totidemque lateralibus rufescentibus. Pterostigma 3 millomet. longitudine. Abdo- men supra omnino rufum, maculis nonnullis nigris segmento- rum li, 2i et 3i exceptis. Pedes omnino nigri. Fæm. Ignota. Libellago rubida, Hagen. Guinea. 4. LIBELLAGO DISPAR. Mas. Thorax omnino niger. Picrostigma 2 millomet. longitudine. Abdomen rufum ; segmenta lum, 2um et 3um nigra, maculis dorsalibus rufis. Pedes nigri; tibice posteriores intus flavie. Fæm. Thorax niger, lineis utrinque duabus abbreviatis anticis, fusciisque duubus lateralibus flavis. Plerostigma 21 millomei. AGRIONIDA. 645 longitudine. Abdomen olivaccum ; sutura, vittæ duce dorsa- les totidemque ventrales latissimæ nigra, abdominis maximam partem occupantes. Pedes nigro-fusci. Libellula dispar, Pal. Beauv. Guinea. Sub-gen. 2. RHINOCYPHA. Quadrilateralis longior, venulis numerosis. Abdomen paullo depressum. Mas. Alæ ex parte opacæ. Rhinocypha, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 232. Calepteryx, P., Burin. Libellago, P., De Selys. Epistoina very tuwid and prominent: labium divided even to the base into two triangular narrow obtuse parts ; labial palpi nar- rower than the labium, their penultimate joint much shorter, with its internal angle prolonged and terminated by two spines, or one bifid spine; last joint slender, filiform, almost cylindrical, nearly as long as the preceding : abdomen shorter or hardly longer than the wings; upper appendages a little more simple than those of Calep- teryx : legs tolerably long, finely fringed ; claws of the tarsi not per- ceptibly divided towards the tips : wings rather narrow, with a variable reticulation, a little pediculated, or with the hiud border not extending to the base; bumeral part much shorter than the radial part; pterostigma like that of the Libellulides. Tropical Asia. Sect. 1. Statura minor. Mesothoracis angulus semper brevis, triangu- laris. Alæ plus minusve angustæ, areolarum postcostalium serie inica. Group 1. Type L. tincta. Mas et frem. Alæ quatuor coloratæ, maculis vitratis nullis. 646 AGRIONIDAD. 5. LIBELLAGO TINCTA. Mas. Nigra, cæruleo variegata ; thorace parte media inferiori cærulea ; abdomine supra segmentorum maculis duabus minu- tis anticis maculisque lateralibus magnis cæruleis ; alis fuscis, basi hyalinis, subtus posticis macula magna viridi nitente. Ale sublatescentes, ex parte colorata, maculis vitralis nullis; nodus basi quam pterostigmate multo propior. Mas. Ala bistriente nigro-fusca, basi hyalina (apice post ptero- stigma in immaturis hyalince). Fæm. Ale hyalina, fascia post nodum frisca, apud pterostigmatis lalus ægre terminata, et illum non attingens. Rhinocypha lincta, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 237, 8. Mavilla. Group 2. Type L. heterostigma. Alæ anticæ hyalinæ ; posticæ ex parte coloratæ. Mas. Alæ posticæ macula metallica. 6. LIBELLAGO HETEROSTIGMA. Mas et frem. Nigra ; thorace utrinque fasciis lineisque duabus flavis ; alis anlicis hyalinis, pterostigmate nigro, posticis ob- scure flavidis, externis fuscis, pterostigmate flavo, intus nigro. Alæ acuminatae, angustæ; antica hyalina, pterostigmate nigro; posticæ ex parle colorata, pterostigmate ex parte flavo ; nodus basi quam pterostigmale mullo propior. Femora intus flaves- centia ; libice fusca. Mas. Ale posticæ plus dimidio posteriore (margine antico excepto) fusco-violacea, macula mediana subvitrata apud areolarum series quatuor. Fæm. ? Ale posticæ hyalina, .sordida, nebula ante pterostigma cyanea lucida mediana. Rhinocypha heterostigma, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 236, 6. Java. AGRIONIDÆ. · Group 3. Type L. fenestrata. Alæ maris coloratæ, foemina hyalinæ. Sub-group 1. Mas. Alæ posticæ seriebus duabus macularum vitratarum. 7. LIBELLAGO PERFORATA. Nigra, maculis cæruleis ; alis hyalinis, anticis apice late, posticis post medium fuligineis, his hic fasciis duabus e maculis hyalinis. · Ala valde angustæ, acuminatæ ; nodus basi et pterostigmate æqua- liter remotus. rate fusco; postice bis quintie concise et saturate fusca, macularum 3-4 oblongarum vitratarum seriebus duabus trans- versis rectis notata. Fæm. Ignota. Calepteryx perforata, Percheron, Gen. Ins. ii. 5. Neur. pl. 2. Rhinocypha perforata, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 235, 4. Libellago perforata, De Selys. Cochin China. 8. LIBELLAGO FENESTRATA. Ala anguste; nodus lasi quam pterostigmate propior. Mas. Alæ triguintie postica saturate fusca, margine postico et rum vitratarum seriebus duabus transversis notata, serie la mediana arcuata e maculis 2-3, 2a paullo citra pterostigma e maculis 3 (nonnunquam conjunctis). Fem. Ale hyalina. Calepteryx fenestrata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 826, 2. Libellago fenestrata, De Selys. a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. 31 648 AGRIONIDÆ. 9. LIBELLAGO BISIGNATA. Ala angusta ; nodus basi quam pterostigmate propior. Mas. Ale anticæ quartario apicali concise et saturate fusco; pos- ticæ quartario apicali saturate fusco, fasciis duabus vitratis notato ; fascia la mediana (iniens intus tantum) e maculis tribus, 2a maculam maximam fere ad pterostigmatis margi- nem posticum fingens. Fæm. Ignota. Libellago bisignata, Hagen. Nelgherries. Sub-group 2. Mas. Alæ posticæ macularuin vitratarum serie unica. 10. LIBELLAGO ANGUSTA. Alæ valde angusta, acuminatæ ; nodus basi quum pterostigmate propior. Mas. Ala antica triente apicali et posticæ plus dimidio colorate, hæ macularum trium parvarum vitratarum serie unica trans- versa arcuata inter nodum et pterostigma notata. Fam. Ignota. Libellago angusta, Hagen. Sumatra. ll. LIBELLAGO TRIMACULATA. Ala sal angustæ ; nodus basi quam pterostigmale vix propior. Mas. Ala anticæ bis triente postico et posticæ dimidio fuscæ, hæ macularum trium parvarum vitratarum serie transversa recta inter nodum et pterostigma notatæ. Fæm. Ignota. Libellago trimaculata, De Selys. East Indies. AGRIONIDA. 649 Sect. 2. Statura major. Alæ plus minusve dilatatæ, areolarum post- costalium seriebus duabus (nonnunquam elementariis). S Group 1. Type L. unimaculata. Angulus mesothoracis brevis, triangularis. · Sub-group 1. Mas. Alæ posticæ fascia unica vitrata. 12. LIBELLAGO UNIMACULATA. Angulus mesothoracis brevis, eneus. Ale mediocres. Femora tibiæque posteriora intus flava. Mas. Alæ margine antico lucide hyalino; anticæ hyaline, trans medium in fuscum lucidum mutatæ ; posticæ hyalina, plus dimidio postico saturate fusco in fuscum lucidum apud punc- tum inutato, fascia vitrata latissima truns nodum notatæ. Fæm. Alw hyalina ; pterostigma longum, flavum, basi fuscum. Libellago unimaculata, De Selys. a, b. Nepaul. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. C. East Indies. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esq. d. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Group 2. Type L. fulgipennis. Angulus mesothoracis longissimus, sinus ante alas attingens. Sub-group 1. Mas. Alæ posticæ fasciis duabus vitratis. 3 L 2 650. AGRIONIDÆ. 13. LIBELLAGO TRIFASCIATA. Ala mediocres. Mas. Angulus mesothoracis nitide viridis. Ale subcinereo-vio- lacex iridescentes lucidæ, triente basali hyalina ; posticæ fas- ciis tribus fuscis angustis notata, la mediana, 3a apicali, 2a intermedia. Fæm. Ala hyaline ; pterostigma mediocre, flavum, basi fuscum. Cuneus rufescens. Pedes nigri. Libellago trifasciata, De Selys. a. Nepaul. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwicke. b, c. East Indies. Presented by J. C. Dale, Esg. dh. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Sub-group 2. Mas. Alæ posticæ macularum vitratarüm seriebus duabus. 14. LIBELLAGO CUNEATA. Ala subdilatatæ. Mas. Angulus mesothoracis carneus. Ala anticæ bicolores, sinua- tim divise, antice fusco-nigricantes, postice subcinereo-violacea iridescentes lucida, quartario basali hyalino. Ale postice bis triente postica nigricante, maculis duabus magnis trans- versis vitratis, la mediana arcuata divisa, 2a ovali paullo citra pterostigma. Fem. Ignota. Libellago cuneata, De Selys. 15. LIBELLAGO FENESTRELLA. Nigra; thorace macula antica media, elongata, fulva ; alis dilute fuscis, micantibus, basi late anticisque margine postico hya- linis, posticis fascia e maculis tribus violaceo-hyalinis, macu- laque ante apicem viridi-hyalina, fulgidis. Alæ dilatata. Mas. Angulus mesothoracis viridis (in immaturis carneus). Ale fusca, plus triente basali et margine postico usque ad trientem AGRIONIDÆ. 651 latitudinis hyalinis ; posticæ macularuin trium magnarum æqualium vitratarum serie transversa mediana maculaque post pterostigma magna vitrate notate. Fem. Angulus mesothoracis rufescente fuscus. Ala hyalina; plerostigma breve, flavum, triente interna nigra. Rhinocypha fenestrella, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 236, 5. Libellago fenestrella, De Selys. Prince of Wales Island. Pulopenang, East Indies ? a, 6. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 16. LIBELLAGO QUADRIMACULATA. Ala latissimæ. Mas. Angulus mesothoracis rufescens. Ale nigricantes fulgide, in immaturis cinereo-fuscæ lucida, triente basali hyalina, margine postico anguste (vix quintie latitudinis) subcinereo- violaceo iridescente hyalino, hoc apicem non attin gente. Ale posticæ macularum trium magnarum vitratarum serie trans- versu mediana arcuata ( macula intermedia minore externa), et macula magna transversa vitrata paullo ante pterostigma notala. : Fæm. Angulus mesothoracis rufescente-fuscus. Ala hyalina; pterostigma breve, flavui, dimidio interno nigro. Libellago quadrimaculata, De Selys. East Indies. Sub-group. 3. 17. LIBELLAGO FULGIPENNIS. Mas. Nigra ; epislomale gibho; alis aureis, basi hyalinis, maculi . discali anticarum, posticis maximu, spatiis quatuor hyalinis nitidis notuta fusca. Alæ latissima. Mas. Angulus mesothoracis rufus. Alue fusce, lucida, aureo et viridi micanles, triente basali hyalina ; margo inter nodum et plerostigma fusco-custancus, macularum trium magnarum subquadratarum vitratarum serie transversa mediana notatus, in alis posticis marginem posticum 12.00 attingens. Ala anticle mocula mediana antica fusco-castanea. 3 L 3 652 AGRIONIDÆ. Fæm. Ignota. Agrion fulgipendis, Guérin, Mag. Zool. Ire Année, Ins. pl. 15. Rhinocypha fulgipennis, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 233, 2. Libellago fulgipennis, De Selys. Cochin China. Genus 13. MICROMERUS. Arculi sectores origine eadem. : Mas. Alæ anticæ pterostigmate nullo. Appendices superiores semicirculares, simplices; inferiores curvatæ. Micromerus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 238. Calepteryx, p., Burm. Libellago, De Selys. Structure nearly similar to that of Rhinocypha: epistoma very prominent: eyes large, moderately flat, far apart : abdomen inani- festly shorter than the wings: wings narrow; reticulation very dis- tinct and very simple; humeral part forming a little more than one- third of the length, traversed anteriorly (or in the first humeral space) by only five veinlets; pterostigma well defined in the four wings of the female, obsolete in the hind-wings of the wale. Group 1. Type L. lineatus. Alæ hyalinæ, anticæ maris apice opacæ. 18. LIBELLAGO BLANDUS. Niger, aurantiaco varius. Prothorax apud medium macula pal- lida nulla ; illius lobus posticus niger. Striga antchumeralis aurantiaca valde angusta ; humeralis incompleta aut nulla ; fascia la lateralis macularia. Abdomen anyustius, nigro et aurantiaco notatum. Mas. Alarum anticarum macula nigra apicalis earum quintiei lon- gitudine (4 millomet.), longior quam latior. Femora antica omnino nigra. Fem. Abdominis segmentuin Oum nigrum, macula flava laterali rotundata. Pedes nigri. Libellago blandus, Hagen. Nikobas Isles. AGRIONIDE. 653 19. LIBELLAGO LINEATUS. Mas. Niger ; epistomate gibbo; thorace lineis anticis tribus lineo- laque et fasciis duabus lateralibus abdomineque antice supra fluvis ; alis hyalinis, basi flavidis, anticis apice macula fusca. Niger, flavescente varius. Prothorax apud medium maculis Aavis; illius lobus posticus flavescens. Striga antehumeralis faves- cens, antice sat lata ; linea humeralis completa ; fascia lo lateralis integra. Abdomen latius, nigro et flavescente notatuin. Mas. Alarum anticarum macula nigra apicalis earum partis deci- mæ circiter longitudine (2 millomet.), longitudine et latitudine æqualis. Femora antica macula flava. Fæm. Abdominis segmentum Ium nigrum, striga dorsali et macula laterali flavis. Pedes intus flavi. Calepteryx lineata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 826, 1. Micromerus lineatus, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 238, 1. Libellago lineatus, De Selys. Fæm.? Niger ; epistomate gibbo ; thorace lineis antice. tribus, lineolaque et fasciis duabus lateralibus, abdominisque linea dorsali lateribusque nigro notatis flavis ; alis hyalinis. Micromerus uxor, Ramh. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 239, 2. East Indies. Java. a. Ceylon. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection, b. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. C. Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. Vepulæ subcostales duæ vel tres, costales multo plures. Div. 6. AMPIPTERYX. Ampipteryx, De Selys. Gen. 14. AMPIPTERYX. Caput robustum. Alarui sector inferior medianâ non contigua. Pedes breves. Mas. Appendices superiores semicirculares, simplices; infe- riores breviores. Ampipteryx, De Selys. 654 GRIONIDE. Group 1. Type A. Ayrionides, 1. AMPIPTERYX AGRIONIDES. Mas. Ignotus. Fæn. Thorax nigricans, strigis anticis rufescentibus, lateribus olivaceis. Alve hyalince, subsordida ; pterostigma fuscum, vix elongatum, vena robusta nigra maryinutum, intus yracile et valde attenuatum, latus ad apicem obliquum et crassum inodo attingens ; quadrilateralis latus posticum antico longius; trianguli sector za ad marginem posticum terminata, nodi su- perficie manifeste remotior'; venule anlecubitales 8, 1a, 2a et 3a tuntun usque ad venam medianam elongate. Alce antica venulis postcubitalibus 30, posticce 25. Abdomen nigricans, lateribus et segmento 100 ex parte counide rufescentibus. Ap- pendices anales fuscce. Aupipieryx Agrionides, De Selys. Colonbia. 2. AM PIPTERYX LESTOIDES. Mas. Thorax fuscus, antice rufo strigatus, lateribus flavescentibus. Alee hyalince, subsordide, fascia albicante lactea transversa inter nodum et pterostigma, hoc nigrum sat longum; apices post pterostigma infumatæ ; quadrilateralis latus anticum pus- lico fere æquale ; trianguli sector 2a ad marginem posticum apud nodi superficiem terminuta ; venulce antecubitales 6, la ei 2a tantum usque ad venam medianan elongate. Alce an- ticce venulis postcubitalibus 18, posticic 16. Abdomen nitide viridi-cyaneum, vitta dorsali upud segmentum rum suturisque nigris. Appendices anales nigre. Fuem. Ignolu. Ampipleryx Lestoides, De Selys. Australasia? Arculi sectores duæ ejus summo simul incipientes. Quadrilate- ralis abnormis, basi latissiina, summo concava. AGRIONIDC. 655 Div. 7. THORE. Pedes breves. Mus. Appendices superiores semicirculares, subarcuatæ ; inle- riores vix ullæ. Thore, Hagen. Genus 15. CHALCOPTERYX. Alæ anticæ latæ, non coloratæ ; posticæ latiores, breviores, upacæ, metallicæ; nodus apud longitudinis trientem. Mas. Appendices anales superiores dente acuta mediana pulla. Chalcopteryx, De Selys. Sub-gen. 1. CHALCOPTERYX. Chalcopteryx, De Selys. Group 1. Type T. rutilans. Statura minima. 1. THORE RUTILANS. Nigra , cupite supra maculis duabus ; thorace antica vittis duabus, lateribus lineis tribus rubidis ; alis anticis hyalinis, posticis brevioribus, latis, rotundatis, supra colore aureo iyneoque mi- cantibus, basi carulcis, subtus igneo-9-utilis. Mas. Corpus nigricans. Labrum ex parte maxima aurantiacum. Thorax vittis duabus anticis submedianis lineaque humerali rufo-aurantiacis, necnon utrinque lineis tribus flavis. Alce anticce hyalina, subviridescentes ; posticce breviores, opuce, viridi-violaceo et cupreo micante metallicæ, apice valde rotun- datee et dilatata, pierostigmate breviore; venulce antecubitales circiter 25, postcubitales 34; nodus basi quam pterostigmate propior; pterostigma nigrum, non dilatatum. Fæm. Ale postica basi antecubitali et apice usque ad pterostigma hyalinis. Rhinocypha rutilans, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 233, 1. Thore rutilans, De Selys. a, b. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 656 AGRIONIDÆ. Genus 16. THORE. Alæ quatuor similes, latissimæ, sepæ coloratæ. Mus. Appendices superiores dente valida mediana. Thore, Hagen. Group 1. Type T. gigantea. Statura enormis. Reticulatio valde stipata, tetragona. 2. THORE GIGANTEA. Mas. Corpus nigricans. Labrum nigrum. Thorace utrinque lineis quinque flavescentibus. Ala fuscæ iridescentes, apice valde rotundatæ et latæ, triente basali hyalina lateribus . sor- didis ; nodus basi quam pterostigmate propior; pterostigma flavescente fuscum, crassissimum. Ale unticæ venulis antecu- bilalibus 48, postcubitalibus 86; posticce antecubitalibus 38, postcubitalibus 75. Fem. Ignota. Thore gigantea, De Selys. Bogota. Group 2. Type T. picta. Statura magna. Alæ apice dilatatæ, reticulatio stipate, tetra- gona. 3. THORE PICTA. Mas. Fusco-viridi-cnea ; thorace flavo lineato ; alis hyalinis, apice latissime fusco-virescente, nitente et ante apicem fasciu sorilide albida, vel cinerascente. Mas. Corpus nigricans. Labrum nigricans ? Thorax utrinque lineis quinque rufescentibus. Ala valde rotundatae, lata, dimidio basali hyalino sordido, fascia media lacteo-alba, triente apicali fusca iridescente (in immaturis infumata); venula antecubitales circiter 50, postcubitales 64 ; nodus basi quam pterostigmate ! propior ; pterostigma magnum, nigrum, (in immaturis flavescente fuscum). Fæm. Ignota. Euphæa picta, Ramb. Hist. Nat. Ins. Neur. 231, 4. Parà. Cayenne. AGRIONIDÆ. 657 4. THORE SAUNDERSII.. Corpus nigricans. Labrum maculis duabus flavescentibus. Tho- rax utrinque lineis quinque flavescentibus. Alæ apice valde rotundate et dilatatæ, plus dimidio basali hyalince et sordidæ, deinde fascia lacteo-alba; nodus basi ad pterostigma medius ; pterostigma magnum. Ala antice venulis antecubitalibus circiter 40, posticæ paullo angustiores venulis antecubitalibus 30. Mas. Alæ paullo plus quartario apicali nigricante fulgido ; venula postcubitales 60 ; pterostigma nigrum. Fem. Alæ paullo plus quartario apicali fusco, apice late hyalina et trans pterostigma sordida ; venulæ postcubitales 50 ; ptero- stigma fuscum. Thore Saundersii, De Selys. Amazon River. Parà. Group 3. Type T. fasciata. Statura mediocris. Alæ apud medium dilatatæ ; reticulatio sat stipata, ex parte pentagona. 5. THORE FASCIATA. Alae latæ, apice rotundatæ, apud medium valde dilatatæ ; venula postcubitales circiter 40; nodus basi ad pterostigma apud medium. Pterostigma nigricans, mediocre. Ale antice venulis antecubitalibus circiter 35 ; posticæ 30. Mas. Corpus nigricans. Labrum nigrum. Thorax lineis utrin- que quinque flavescentibus. Ale quartariu basali hyalina, hinc usque ad nodum lacteo-alba, fascia inter nodum et ptero- stigma recta nigricante fulgida, apice hyalinæ limbo vix sordido. Fam. Corpus nigricans. Labrum maculis duabus aurantiacis. Thorax lineis utrinque sex flavescentibus. Ale hyalina, sordidæ, fasciis duabus ægre terminalis et in alis anticis etiam elementariis, la inter nodum et pterostigma albida, 2a fusca. Thore fasciata, Hagen. Colombia. Venezuela. 658 AGRIONIDE. 6. THORE HYALINA. Mas. Corpus nigricans. Labrum lividum. Thorax : utrinque lineis quinque lividis. Ale hyalina, subflavescentes, subro- tundata, sat latæ, apud medium non dilatatæ ; limbus apicalis vix sordidus ; venulæ antecubitales circiter 30, postcubitales 40; nodus a basi ad pterostigma apud medium. Pterostigma nigrum, mediocre. Fæm. Ignota. Thore hyalina, De Selys. Bahia. Sub-gen. 2. CORA. Alæ quatuor valde angustæ, similes, hyalinæ. Nodus apud alæ medium. Mas. Appendices superiores dente valida mediana. Cora, De Selys. Group 1. Type T. Cyane. Statura parva. 7. THORE CYANE. Mas. Corpus pallide cyanescens, subtus nigrum., Labrum et facies aurantiaca. Thorax striga mediana antica nigra. Ala angusta, acuminatæ, hyalina, subflavescentes, apice vix sordidæ, venula postcubitales 20—24; nodus basi quam ptero- stigmate paullo remotior ; pterostigma nigricans, elongatum. Ale anticæ venulis antecubitalibus circiter 30, posticæ 25. Abdominis suture, puncta segmento cuique dua apicalia, nec- non segmenta duce ultima fere omnino nigra. Fæm. Ignota. Thore Cyane, De Selys. Colombia. Venezuela. 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