TA 151 N28 DUPL A 58084 6 ERASIVE TABLET. ARTES 1817 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TUEBOR SI-QUÆRIS PENINSULAM-AMŒNAMI CIRCUMSPICE THE GIFT OF Dean M.E.Cooley .... 7 1 1 ESTATE OF E, L. COOLEY 1 та 15.1 •N-28 NATIONAL TUBE WORKS COMPANY. WORKS AT MCKEESPORT, PA. M 1310 NATIONAL TUBE WORKS COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT IRON WELDED STEAM, GAS AND WA- TER PIPE, PLAIN, GALVANIZED AND ENAMELED, STANDARD BOILER TUBES, SEMI-STEEL LOCOMOTIVE BOILER TUBES, HYDRAULIC TUBES, ARTESIAN, SALT AND OIL WELL CASING, TUBING, DRIVE AND LINE PIPE, SPECIAL WROUGHT IRON LAP-WELDED PIPE WITH THE CONVERSE PATENT SLEEVE JOINT, FOR CONVEYING WA- TER, GAS AND AIR, LIGHT FLANGED PIPE, PUMP COLUMNS FOR MINES, MACK'S PATENT INJECTORS, FOR STATIONARY, LOCOMOTIVE AND MARINE BOILERS. BOSTON, MASS., MCKEESPORT, PA., NEW YORK, BRADFORD, PA., OFFICES: CHICAGO, ILL., PITTSBURGH, PA., PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORKS: BOSTON, MASS., AND MCKEESPOrt, Pa. POCKET COMPANION, CONTAINING TELEGRAPHIC CODE. TABLES OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS OF WROUGHT IRON PIPE, TUBES, &c. AS MANUFACTURED BY THE NATIONAL TUBE WORKS CO., AND TABLES OF USEFUL INFORMATION. 1883. PRINTED BY STEVENSON & FOSTER, PITTSBURGH, PA. PREFACE. The principal object in issuing this book is to place in the hands of our patrons accurate tables of the standard dimensions of our manufactures, and our telegraphic code, which has been in use between our various Houses for some time with satisfactory results. In addition to our own tables we have inserted a few others such as, it was thought, would prove of service to users of iron in general. They are derived from Trautwine, Haswell, Molesworth, Hurst and other good authority, and are, therefore, reliable. Attention is called to the fact that in the tables of standards of our own manufactures, the measurements given are those worked to; but absolute accuracy is not attainable in the manipula- tion of iron in welding, and therefore there may be, at times, a very small fractional variance between the standard and the fin- ished product. External measurements of Pipe and Tubes are the standards; differences in thickness of metal affect always the internal dimen- sions. NATIONAL TUBE WORKS CO. Gift Deon 10.2 7 2-3 : TELEGRAPHIC CODE. STOCK. QUESTIONS. Aback.........How soon could Abaft... Abash Abate.... Abbess. Abduct.... Abet... Abhor Abode...... Abolish... Abound...... How soon could you furnish? How soon and at what price could you furnish? Have you in stock and could you furnish at once ? Can you furnish within- If so, enter order. If not, how soon could you furnish? Abridge...... ANSWERS. Adage.......... We have in stock. Adam We have in stock and could ship at once. Adder... We have in stock and will ship at once. Addling....... We could ship- Adept... We could probably ship in- Adjourn.......If ordered by telegraph promptly we could ship in- Adjunct....... We have none in stock. Admire. .....We have no Admix Adrift...... in stock. We could make and ship- Cannot promise positively, but think we could ship- Advent.........On receipt of order. Affect. Affirm Afflict.. Affray Affright. Affront.... • ... .After receipt of order. .If ordered immediately. Iron will have to be made specially for it. We could not make and ship- Afresh.... Agate.. PRICES. QUESTIONS. Babble......... At what price could you furnish? Baboon..... Quote us lowest price on- Baby...... Quote lowest price and best terms on- 5 Back..... Backing. Badger.... Badness Baffle.... PRICES-CONTINUED. What is the price of— .Has there been any change in price of— ..We are offered- Will you hold offer open? Will you allow us- Baffling....... Bag.... Bailiff. Baily Baker... ANSWERS. Bald. Ballad Balloon... Ballot... Baltic. Bandage We quote- We quote on your specification— We will sell at- We will not sell at- Please specify quantity wanted. Please specify sizes, and quantity wanted. Bandit... We will accept order. Banner... We will not accept order. Banquet. We cannot do better. Banter. We will hold offer open. Baptist... Barber Barrack.... We cannot hold offer open. There has been no material change in price of- The price of boiler tubes is to-day advanced to- Basement. ....The price of pipe is to-day advanced to- Bashful... All previous quotations are hereby withdrawn. Barren... For immediate acceptance. · • Base..... .For acceptance within- Basin.. Bastard.... Bassoon... Bastion Batch Bath Bathing.. Beach.. Beadle. Basting......... What is the state of your market? Market is firm. Market is firmer. .Prices are a little weaker. Market is- Beam.. is being quoted freely. Beard... The regular quotation is- Bearing. Demand is light. Beast.. Demand is good. Beauty ......Demand is likely to be- Beaver 6 Bed...... 16 Bedeck... Bedding..... 3 Bedlam 4 Beech.... 5 Beetle... Befall.. Befit Beg. Beggar Blasting. Bleed. Begrudge...... 1 1 16 QUOTATIONS. Bladder.......... 43 Blame Blameless.... Blaming.... Blanch... Blanket.. Blarney.. Blast... 43 47 ++W5 LO LO LO LO LO LO ستان 5% .... Behave.. 6 / 5 Bleeding........ 6 Blemish. Bouncing.......10 Bound... Bounding 11 • Bounty Bowlder. Bowling.... Bracket.... 11. • Brackish..... ..11 Botanist.... .10%/ Bough... Bounce ..10 108 51 .10급 ​.... .111 .11 113 Brag.. 113 Behead 1 3 Behest.. Blending.. Bless.... 61 Brain. .117 6 Branch. .12 8 Behold.... 15 Blessed.... 63 Bramble... 12 16 Belay 1 Blessing..... Brass...... 12 Bemoan. 11 Blight Bravado………….. 123 Bending. 1 Blissful. 6 / /F Brave. .12 Benefit.. .1 Blister... 7 Breach .125 Bengal.... 1. Bloat. 71 Breaking .12/3/ Benumb..... 1 Bloody. 7 Breast.... ..12 Bequest.... 1 Blotch... 7/3/ Brevet.. 13 Beset. 1 Blouse... 7% Brick.... 131 ... Besought. .2 Blow. 78 Bride.... 131 Bestow .21 Blubber 73 Bridal. .133 · Betide 21 Bluff... 7 Bridling 13 Betoken... 2 Bluffing S Brigade...... 13 Betray. Blunder... 81 Brigand... 133 Betroth 2 Blunt 81 Brilliant ………………..133 a#pocene-WW+> Bewail.. 2 Board... 831- Brimful.. 14 Bewitch... Boarding. Bristol.. 143 Bigamy. Boast... Briton. .14 Bigness.. 3 ģ Boastful...... Brittle... 14 Bigot. Boat Broach.. 143 Bilious .33 Bobbin..... 9 Brocade...... 143 Billiards. Bold... 91 Brogans 143 Biped.... 35 Bolster.... 91 Brogue..... 143 Birth 3 Bombard....... 93 Brook..... 15 Biscuit.... 3궁 ​Bombast 93 Brother. 15 Bishop 4 Bombay 95 Brow.. 151 + Bismuth. .4 3 Bondman.. 93 Brush..... 15 Bison.... • 41 Bonnet.... Brutal. 15 Blab. Black.... 4 Borrow.. 10 Brute. ... 15 § 43 Bosom.... .....10 Blacking………………..4§ Botany......101 Buckish..... .153 Budget...... 157 saloo He quoboCTU 7 Buff. Buffer.. Buffoon. • .16 16 Canal.. • 16 Canary QUOTATIONS-CONTINUED. 1 Camping........32 Castle....... .33 Castor.. .554 ..56 ..56 .33 Casual..... Bugbear. .16% Candid. 34 Cat...... ..57 Buggy 16 Candle .34 Bugle. 165 Candor.... .35 Catch..... Bulb.. 163 • • Candy .35 Catching Catacomb.......573- 58 .58 LO LO LO • Bullock... • 163 Canine... .36 Catnip.. ..59 Bullion .17 Canker.... .361 Cattish. ..59 Bulrush.... 17 Cannibal... 37 Caucus. .60 ... Bulwer.. 17 Canon... .37 Caustic.... Bump. .17 Canopy. 38 Cavern. Bumping. 17 Canton .381/ Cavil.. Bumpkin.. .17 Canvas. .39 Cavity • Bunch.... ..17 Caper.. 40 Cedar 603- 61 61312 62 621/ Bungling.. .173 Capital.... .403 Cellar... 63 Bunting ..18 Capstan... .41 C'ement 63 Bunion. .183 Captain... 41 Censure. 64 Burden 19 Captor... .42 Census. 64 Burdock... 193 Carbine.. 42/3/ Central.... 65 Burglar...... ..20 Carat..... 43 Century... 65 Cab.... .203 Caravan. .433 Cestus... .66 Cabbage.... 21 Carboy... .44 Chafing .664 Cabal.. 213 Carcass.. 443 Chaff... .67 Cabin. Cabinet 22 22 Caboose... 23 WN N 221 Card.... Cardinal 45 Chagrin.. 67/ 45 Chain.. 68 Cackle... 231 Cackling. .24 Carding Caress.. Carman. .46 • Chaining.......683 463 Chalice.. 69 47 Chalk... .69 Cadence. .24 Carnage.... 473 Challenge......70 Cadet.... 25 Carnal.. 48 Chamber. .701/ Cafton... .25 Carnival.. 48/3/20 Champion......71 Caging .26 Carpet 49 Chandler.... .71½ Cajole.... 26 Carrion 491 Chant...... .72 Caldron.. 27 Carriage........50 Chanting .72} Caleb... 27 Carrot..... ...503 Chaos.. 73 Calendar. .28 Cart.. .51 Chapel... 73 Caliber.... .281 Cartoon. 51 Chaplain. ..74 Callous. 29 Carver.. ..52 ... Chaplet..... .74 / Calm ... 29 Carving. .52 Chapping.......75 Calmness. 30 Cascade. .53 Chapters... .75 Calvin..... .30 Casement. .53 Charade. 76 Cameo. .31 Casino... ..54 Charger. Camp. .31 Casket... .543 Chariot Campaign......32 Casting..... ..55 .77 .78 Charity.........79 • 8 Charm........$ 80 Chubby......$2 25 Charming... 81 Chuckle...... 2 30 QUOTATIONS-CONTINued. Clodding.....$6 50 Closet...... 675 Chasten.... 82 Chum... 2 35 Chastise...... 83 Church. 2.40 Cloven.... Cloud.. 7 00 7 25 Chastity..... 84 Cinder..... 2 45 Cloudless.... 7 50 Chat.... 85 Cinnamon... 2 50 Clouded...... 7 75 Chatting 86 Citadel... 255 Clown....... 800 Chatham.. 87 Citation 2 60 Clownish.... 8 25 Chattel....... 88 Citizen.... 265 Club..... 850 Cheat 89 Citron.. 2 70 • Clubbing. 875 Cheer.... 90 Civilian... 2 75 Cheerful.. 91 • Claimant .... 2 80 Clumsy. 9.00 Cluster.. 9 25 Chemist..... 92 Clam 285 Clutch..... 9 50 Cherish..... 93 Cherub..... 94 Clamber...... 2 90 Clammy 295 Coach...... 9 75 Coachman....10 00 Chess.... 95 Clamor..... 3.00 Coast..... 10.50 Chester 96 Clan... 3 05 Coasting......11 00 Chestnut..... 97 Clang 3 10 Coax... .11 50 Chicken...... 98 Clanish.... 3 15 Coaxed.... .12 00 Chide.... 99 Clapper... 3 20 Coaxing......12 50 Chiding...... 1 00 Claret. 3 25 Cobbler..... 13 00 Chief... 1 05 Clarion.. 3 30 Cobbling... 13 50 Chieftain... 1 10 Clarify 3 35 Cobweb..... 14 00 Child..... 1 15 Clash... 3 40 Cockade.... 14 50 Childish.. 1 20 Clashing... 3 45 Cockney.... 15 00 Childless..... 1 25 Clatter. 350 Children..... 1 30 Chilly........ 1 35 Chime... 1 40 Chiming 1 45 Chimney..... 1 50 China..... 1 55 Chinese... 1 60 ·· Clawing...... 3 65 Cleaver. 370 Cleft..... 3 75 Clement.... 3 80 Clause... 3 55 Claw.... 3 60 Clergy. 385 Chink...... 1 65 Client.. 3.90 Chirp... 1 70 Cliff..... 3.95 Chisel. 1 75 Climate...... 4 00 Choke. 1 80 Climax ….. 4 25 Choking...... 1 85 Choose... 1 90 Choral........ 1 95 Chorus... 2.00 Chosen..... 2 05 Chowder..... 2 10 Christian.... 2 15 Chronic...... 2 20 Climb.... Climbing. 450 4 75 Combat......and Clinch...... 5 00 Combine.....and Clincher...... 5 25 Clinker... 550 Clipping Cloak Clod..... 5 75 600 6 25 Combust.....and Comet........and Comfit........and Comfort......and Comma......and برای راحتی سرات ماری در اخرت این 9 DISCOUNTS. Command.....Per cent. discount. Comment...... And per cent. discount. Commute...... ..And 1 per cent. discount. Compact... ..And 2 per cent. discount. Compass And 23 per cent. discount. Complain...... And 5 per cent. discount. Con plex......And 5 and 23 per cent. discount. Compose.. And 5 and 5 per cent. discount. Compound....And 6 per cent. discount. Compute......And 74 per cent. discount. Comrade. And 10 per cent. discount. Special discount. Concave.. Conceal.... Concord....... Discount to dealers. MISCELLANEOUS PHRASES. Conduct. .Per pound. Confess... Per ton. Confide .Per foot. Convex .Cents per foot net. Convict .Cents per foot less- Coquette .Cents per pound net. Coral... .Cents per pound less- Cordage... .Dollars per foot net. Cordial Dollars per foot less- Coronal.. At net list. Cottage.. F. O. B. at mill. • Council.... Delivered F. O. B. at- Countess.. Delivery equalized with- Coupon... Spot cash. Courtesy .Cash 60 days. Cuffing.. Cupid..... Cupping.. Curator. Curse.. Couple. Less a freight allowance per 100 lbs. of- Courage. .Cash 30 days. Cudgel..... Coward... Cash 4 months. Pipe price-list of Nov. 24th, 1880. Boiler tube price-list of March 8th, 1881. Culprit.........Special semi-steel locomotive tube list of Jan. Cursing. Custard.. Custody Custom.. Cutlass 1st, 1881. List price for- Less allowance for fitting up. .Fitted up as per specification. Courtship...Cash 90 days. Cowhide.....With interest at- 10 ORDERS AND SHIPMENTS. Ship immediately. Dabbler.......Ship as soon as possible. Dabbling......Ship by rail. Dab... Dabster.. Daddy.... Dado.. Ship by river. Ship by steamer, via— Ship by express. • Dagger. Ship by fast freight. Daggle..... Ship by quickest route. Dagon ...Ship to the care of- Can you ship? Dally. Damask....... When will you ship? Damp.. Have you shipped? Damper... If not, when will you ship? Dampish......Our order of the Damsel... Enter our order for— Damson.. ... Specifications to follow. Dancer.. Hasten shipment of Dandy Dandruff.. ...... We are entirely out of— We must have- Dangle...... Ship what you have ready and let balance follow as soon as possible. Danish.........If you cannot ship in the time named, advise us by telegraph. Danube........Get through rate of freight. Dapple...... Prepay freight. Dappling...... What is rate of freight to- Daring.... Send tracer for shipment- Darkness...... Telegraph numbers of cars and route shipped. Darling........ To be delivered. Darken..... ..In addition to previous order. Darning.. Dashing....... Dastard........ Daub.. We will ship- Dawn. We will make a shipment— Dazzle... We will complete— Dazzling We expect to ship- Deacon... We will try to ship— Deafen.. We have shipped- Deafness...... We have not shipped-- お ​11 ORDERS AND SHIPMENTS-CONTINUED. Dean........ ..We can ship- Dearth... ......We cannot ship— Debar..... Debate... We have ready for shipment- .Shall we ship what we have ready? Debut..... We have no-but will ship the other sizes promptly. Decade......... We cannot promise definitely. Decamp. We will do our best. Decanter...... We have been disappointed in delivery of— Decay. ...We are waiting for the- Deceit Expect to have the- Declaim... .....We cannot get iron. Declare... Will make immediately on receipt of the iron. Default... ......We have the iron. Defame... Derby. Despot... Detach...... Dial... Dogma.. We have entered order. Shall we enter order? We have no order. Rate of freight is— We cannot obtain through rate of freight to- .Please send shipping instructions. Dolphin....... Telegraph shipping instructions. Dotage.... We are now making- Dotard. ........We are now cutting- Doublet........We are now loading- Drag......... Your order of the- Dragon.. Drama..... Dream.... Dredge......... Doublet...... Dropsy.... Drunkard..... Ducat........ Dwarf... Dwarfish...... ག་ས་ཟད་ 12 QUANTITIES AND ORDER NUMBERS. Fagot...... Order number: Festal.. Festival... Festoon.. Fetch.... Feudal.... 123 + LO Flashing.........44 Forbid........... 87 Flashy .45 Fording. 88 Flasket ·.46 Forehead. 89 4 Flat...... 47 Forefend.. 90 5 Flatness. .48 Forest... 91 Fibbing.... 6 Flatten. .49 Forgave.... 92 Fiddle. 7 Flaunt.. .50 Forging 93 Fiddling 8 Flavor. 51 Formal 94 Fidget... Flaw. .52 Forsake... 95 ... Field... 10 Flaxen. .53 Forswear.. 96 · Fight.... .11 Fleam .54 Fortress... 97 Figment 12 Fledge..... ...55 Fortune 98 Filbert.. .13 Fleet.. ...56 Fossil.... 99 Filch... 14 Flemish .57 Fought .100 Filter.. .15 Flesh.. .58 Founder. ..125 Filthy. 16 Fleshing .59 Fountain..... ..150 Final... 17 Flexible 60 Fraction. ..175 Finance. .18 Flight. 61 Fragment. 200 Finch. 19 Flimsy... 62 Framing……. 225 Finger. 20 Flinch. 63 Frank. 250 Finish 21 Fling. ..64 Franking. 275 Finisher 22 Firkin.... Fireman Fiscal. 23 Flirt.... Flirting. Float Flippant.. .65 Fraud... .300 ...66 Freshen 325 Fishing • Fist.... Fitful... Fitting. 29 Fixing. ..30 .24 .25 26 Floating. 27 Floral.. 28 Flower.. Flowing. Fluent... ...67 Fret...... .350 • 68 Fretting... ..375 .69 Fretful. 400 70 Frigate .425 71 Fright... .450 .72 ... Frigid.... .475 73 Frisk... 500 Flabby 31 Fluting .74 Frog.. .525 Flag. 32 Focus .75 Frost. .550 Flagon. .33 Fodder.. .76 Froward.. ..575 Flagrant. 34 Foggy .77 Frugal... ..600 Flail..... .35 Folding .78 Fruitful.........625 Flake.. .36 Foliage .79 Fullness.. .650 Flaming .37 Fondly... 80 Function .675 Flank.. .38 Fondness. 81 Funding... ...700 Flannel... ..39 Foolish 82 Fungus... .725 Flap..... 40 Footman. ....83 Funnel.... .750 Flapper. .41 Foppish.... 84 Furnace. .775 Flapping .42 Forage.. 85 Furlong.. .800 Flash... .43 Forbear.... .86 Furlough……………..825 13 QUANTITIES-CONTINUED. Fury..... 850 Garrick ……………. .......4,900 Girdle....... 9,400 Fusion 875 Garter... ..5,000 Girl.... 9,500 Fuse...... 900 Garth ..5,100 Girlish... 9,600 Fusil 925 Gasp...... ..5,200 Glad...... 9,700 Gab...... 950 Gasping ...5,300 Gladden.... 9,800 Gabion... 975 Gather ...5,400 Gladness.... 9,900 Gabble... ..1,000 Gaudy ...5,500 Glance......10,000 Gabbling.....1,100 Gauge.........5,600 Glancing...11,000 Gad..... .1,200 Gauging......5,700 Gland.. .12,000 Gadder... .1,300 Gaunt... .5,800 Glanders ...13,000 Gadding. .1,400 .. Gaddish......1,500 Gauntlet.. ... .5,900 Glaring......14,000 Gawk .6,000 Glass... ...15,000 Gaff.... 1,600 Gay ...6,100 Gleam... .16,000 Gaggle. .1,700 Gayly..... ...6,200 Glen.........17,000 ...... Gainful... .1,800 Gaining...... 1,900 Gainsay .2,000 Gaiter.... ...2,100 Galaxy 2,200 Galena.. ..2,300 Gallant. .2,400 Galley... ..2,500 Gayness......6,300 Glendale.. .18,000 Gearing......6,400 Gelatine......6,500 Gelding .6,600 Gem..... .6,700 Gender.... 6.800 General ......6,900 Genial.... .7,000 Gliding......19,000 ... Glimmer...20,000 Glisten.. 21,000 Gloat. .22,000 Globe... .23,000 Globular....24,000 Gloom.. 25,000 Galling .2,600 Genius 7,100. Glorify......26,000 Gallop. ..2,700 Genteel. .7,200 Glory.. ..27,000 Gallows... .2,800 Gentle.. .7,300 Glorious....28,000 Galvanic......2,900 German 7,400 Glossing....29,000 Gambit .3,000 Gesture.......7,500 Glow.........30,000 Gambler......3,100 Ghastful.. .7,600 Glowing....31,000 Gambol.......3,200 Ghost. • 7,700 Glut...... .32,000 Gambling....3,300 Giant. .7,800 Glutton......33,000 Gamester. 3,400 Giantess. .7,900 Gnash. .34,000 Gammon......3,500 Gibson... .8.000 Gnashing....35.000 Gander. ..3,600 Giddy. .8,100 Gnat... .36,000 Gang .3,700 Gifted.... 8,200 Gnaw. .37,000 Gannet.. ..3,800 Gigantic ..8,300 Gnawing....38,000 Gaping. .3,900 Garb..... .4,000 Garbage......4,100 Garden.... ..4,200 Gargle. ..4,300 Gargling. .4,400 Garland......4,500 Gimbal .8,800 Gimlet. .8,900 Giggling......8,400 Gild... ...8,500 Gilding ...8,600 Gilman.......8,700 ... ... Goblet.......40,000 Goddess.....41,000 Godwin. .42,000 Goggle .43,000 Golden......44,000 Goodness...45,000 Goblin ......39,000 Garlic.........4 600 Garment......4,700 Garnish .4,800 Ginger.. ...9,000 Gingham.....9,100 Goose .. ..46,000 Gingling......9,200 Gordian.....47,000 Ginseng......9,300 Gore.... 48,000 14 Graceful... 90,000 Gracious... 95,000 Grading...100,000 Graduate..200,000 QUANTITIES-CONTINUED. Gorging... 49,000 Gormand.. 50,000 Gossamer.. 55,000 Gosling.... 60,000 Gospel...... 65,000 Gossip...... 70,000 Gothic...... 75,000 Govern..... 80 000 Grace...... 85,000 66 Grandness, 1 mile Grandson.. 2 Grange.. 3 Granite .... 4 Granny. 5 Grant ... NCO LOCO 6 Granted.... 7 Granting. S Granville.. 9 Grape. .10 Graphic ...11 Grapnel....12 Grapple....13 • • (i 123HÚN ∞ Grave....... Gravel Gravity.. Gravy... Gray Grayness. Grayson.. 6 Greatness. Greedy..... Green.. 5 Car load. بات 2 (( (C CC 7 " 8 (( 9 " Greenland. .10 Grief.... 11 Graft.......300,000 Grasp... .....14 Griffin 12 Grafting....400,000 Grasping...15 (C Grimace. 13 Graham...500,000 Grass.......16 (( Grimness ..14 Graining..600,000 Grateful...17 Grinding.......15 Grammar, 700,000 Gratify.....18 Grinner....Assort- Grampus..800,000 Grating.....19 (C ed car load. Grand......900,000 Gratis......20 (6 Grandly,1,000,000 Gratuity...30 PIPE. GROG.........STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE. .BLACK PIPE. GULCH.. Hackney... Inch. Halt.. 8 43 Inch. Haddock.... ว Halter. 5 Hadley.... 4 3 Haft Hag. Haggard... Haggling.. Halting.. Hamden. Hamlet 6 (C 7 S ({ 1 ( Hammer 9 (C • Hammock 10 Hail.... Hammond 11 ໄ ໄ Hailing. Hamper.... .12 Halibut. Halifax. Halleck... .23 3 33 Hampton... .14 (C Hamster. 15 (C Hancock ..16 (( Hallow.... 4 (C Handcuff. .17 (( པ Handling......Extra strong. Handsome.....Double extra strong. Handy.... Extra strong, with threads and couplings. .Double extra strong, with threads and couplings Hang.. 15 Hanker..... Hannah. Hanover. ... Inch. Harem. Harlot... PIPE-Continued. HANK.........GALVANIZED PIPE. 5 Inch. 6 66 ... Harm.. 7 Happen. 66 Harmful...……. 8 (( Happy. 1 Harmless. 9 (6 Hapless.. 1 (( Harmonic. .10 (( 4 Harangue. 1 1/ (( Harmony .11 Harass.. 2 (C Harness.. 12 ܐ، Harbor. 23 (( Harden ..3 (( Hardness. .3 1 Hardship.. 4 Harp...... Harping Harpoon Harrow 14 15 16 (C · 17 (6 Harelip..... 4/1/ (( BOILER TUBES. Hawthorn.....Standard boiler tubes. Hawking......Special semi-steel locomotive boiler tubes. Jabber...... Jack..... SIZES OF TUBES. (O.D.) 1 Inch. 4 Inch. Jaunt...... 4 1 1 ह Jackdaw.... Jacket.. Jackson.. ... 1 14 (( Jaunty Jaunting... Javelin.. Jaw... 4/1/ (6 5 (C 5 5/ 1412 เ Jacobin. 13 (6 Jealous. 6 (( Jaconet. 13 (( Jaded...... 19 (( Jean.... Jeer.... 6/5/ ocker (( 7 (( Jadish... 13 Jefferson 8 (C ... Jaguar. Jailer.. Jam.... Jammed.... Jangle... Jangling Janitor. Janus... ... Japan Jargon. Jasper Jaundice. 31 3 4 1234 ལྕ་ཪི་༥—༤167# 1222222 + 7 << Jennet. 8 83 (C Jennings.. ... 9 (C (( Jerk..... 10 (6 21 (C Jessant.... 103 (6 (( Jester. 11 (( 6.6 Jestful. .12 (( (( Jesting. 13 (( • • (6 (C Jesuit... Jew.. Jewel.... 14 15 (C .16 (( Jewelling Jewelry... .17 (( .18 16 BOILER TUBES-CONTINUED. LENGTH OF TUBES IN FEET. Jewess. 1 Journal...... .16 Jewish... 2 Journey. .17 Jig... 3 Jovial. 18 Job.... 4 Jowl.... .19 Jobbing.... 5 Joyful.... 20 Jockey. 6 Joyous.. .21 Jocular.... 7 Jubilant.. 22 Jogging. 8 Jubilee.... ..23 Joking. 9 Judas.. 24 Joint... 10 Judaism 25 Jolly.... Jonathan.... Jordan.... 11 Judge.... 12 Judgment.. Judicial...... .26 .27 13 14 Juggler.. .15 Jugular... ..28 29 ..30 Jostle. Jostling... LENGTH IN INCHES. Julep.. 1 Junior.. Julian... Jumble... 2 Juniper. 3 Junk... Jumbling 4 Jurat. ... Jungle. Jump... 6 5 Jurist... LENGTH IN FRACTIONS OF AN INCH. Juror... Just.. Justice. Justify.... 8 1 Justness.. 1 Jutland. 8 Juvenile.. 8 .10 .11 woodter Keeper.. Kidder. Kidnap... Kidney. Kansas.. Kantism. Karob.... Keck... Keen... Keenness. KANGAROO.-Wire Gauge. 1 Killow.. 233H Kindle.. Kindling. 3 Kilogram. 4 Kindred.... 44 King... Kingdom.. LO 5 6 Kink. 63 Kinship.... 8 9 .10 • .11 12 .13 14 .15 ..16 7 Kinsman...and wire gauge. Killing.. 7 17 Kiss.... Kissing. Kitchen. THICKNESSES. Inch. Knell. .... 32 1 (C 16 3 (6 33 Knight... Knitting. Knocking. Inch. (( 16 15 "" Kite.... Kittish. (( 32 Knotty. Knab..... Knubs... (C 16 Knack.. 32 Knuckle. (C Knag.. (( Koran.. (6 Knapping...... Knave.. Knavish.. 32 16 1 1 (C Knead... Koster.. Labor...... Ladder... Lamb.. • 16 .1 ARTESIAN, SALT AND OIL WELL CASING. LAMENESS-(General Term.) 13 16 7 (( 8 15 འ Nominal I. D. Inches. Inches. Actual O. D. Nominal Actual I. D. O. D. Inches. Inches. Lament. Lamp.... Lampoon. Lancet.... .14 2 21- 2 ... Landing. Landlord. 3 3 Landmark... 1 34 4 Language 3} Languid. 3 A 00 00 0WN NN 13 Lank..... 21 Lantern 43 4 Lapel..... 4 22 Lapland. 3 Larboard. Largess.. Lark. 55 C F A قسم مار تحت هر 43 43 5 516 4 32 Larkspur. Larynx.. 65 7 Languish.... 4 44 Lash. ان السلم منكم LOLO LOCON∞∞ 5 54 5 7 8 83 ARTESIAN, SALT AND OIL WELL TUBING. LASHING (General Term.) Nominal Nominal I. D. Inches. 1. D. Inches. 1 Latinism.... 4/1/ 1 Lattice.... 2 Laugh... 22 Laughter. Launch Laundry. .4 Laureate.. 10 CO 5 6 7 9 ... .10 Latch..... Latching. Latent. Lateral. Lath.... 3 Lather.. 3 Latin.... 18 Lavish..... Law. Lawbreaker…….. Lawful....... LINE PIPE. LAVA-(General Term.) Nominal I. D. 2 Lawless. 2 Layman. ..3 Leader... ..4 League..... Nominal I. D. 5 6 7 78 Leisure.... PUMP COLUMNS. LEGION-(General Term.) Inch. Inch. 8 O. D. Lettuce. .14 O. D. Lemon. 9 Leonine. (C .10 Leveret. Leverock. .15 (( 16 (C Leopard... .11 (C Leprosy 12 (( Leviathan Levite..... 17 18 (C Lesson.... ..13 (C Lexicon. Libel.... SPECIAL LIGHT PIPE, FITTED WITH Converse Patent Lock Joint. LEVITY (General Term.) Inch. 3 0. D. Lightly.. 456 Likeness. Likings Lilacs.. Limestone... Limewort.. (6 (( ..8 9 << ..10 (( Limning Limmer Inch. 11 0. D. * 12 .13 14 (( 15 (( .16 17 (C • .18 (C Liberty. Librarian. Lifeless... ... Ligament. Ligature.. Lighthouse.... ... 19 MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURES. Limp... .Mack's Injector. Limpets.......Quicksilver Flasks. Lineal... Riveted Pipe. Linkboy.......Air Pipe. Linnet. Tuyere Pipe. Linstock. Lion...... .Ice Machine Pipe. Diamond Drill Pipe. Lioness Liquor Lisbon Listen ..Sand Pipes. Liquid…………………..Dry Pipes, (plain). Dry Pipes, (galvanized). Exhaust Pipes. ...Water Grates. Litany.. Pump Plungers. Liver..... Hand Rails. Liverwort.....Core Barrels. Living Drill Rods. Loadstone.....Blasting Tubes. Loaf... Tumbling Rods. Loafer.... .Stay Bolts. Loathed... .Sucker Rods. Loathing. Hose Poles. Loathsome... Telegraph Poles. Lobby .Glass Blowers' Pipe. Lobcock.. Air Brake Pipe. Lobster. Gas Tanks. Lockjaw Cemetery and Fencing Pipe. Locksill.. Hydraulic Elevator Pipe. Lockstitch....Building Columns. Locust.. • • Ocean Tubular Pier Piles. Lodging. Hollow Bridge Stays and Girders. Lodgment.....Pipe Cutting Machines. Logic.. .Safe Ends. Logical........ Patent Corporation Stops. Logistic... .Malleable Iron Fittings. Logwood......Cast Iron Fittings. Logotype......Assorted Nipples. Lonesome Wrought Iron Couplings. Loom.... ...Patent Couplings. Loophole......Special Couplings. Loop Galvanized Couplings. Loosen. Casing Couplings. Lotion. .Drive Pipe Couplings. Loudest.... ...Drive Pipe Shoes. Lounge.. Drive Pipe Caps. Loutish ..Drive Pipe. 20 MISCELLANEOUS-CONTINUED. Lovefeast......Sprinkler Pipe. Loveletter....Wiley's Patent Hub Joint. Loveliest. Converse Patent Lock Joint. Lovelocks.....Patent Flush Coupling Joint. Loveth.........Special Light Pipe (O. D.) Steel Tubes. Lowland Loyal.... Hydraulic Tubes. Lubricant..... Lucid...... Lucifer.... Luckless...... EXPLAINING ORDERS. Luggage.......Extra wire gauge. Lugger.. Standard gauge. Lugmark......Plain ends. Lukewarm...One en i plain, other end screwed. Lullaby........ Threads, but no couplings. Lumbago......R. H. thread on one end and L. H. on the other. Luminous..... With nuts, bolts and gaskets complete. Lunar .Screws and sockets. Lunatic.... Threaded to meet in coupling. Luncheon.....Inserted joints. Lunettes Lunge... Flush joints. Ends to butt together in coupling. Lupercal.. ...With iron rings. Luster. ....With plugs. Lustful.. ......With N. T. W. patent couplings. Lutheran. .....With flanges. Mab........ With flanges, wrought iron, rivetted on. Macaroni......With flanges, cast iron, shrunk on. Macassar.. With flanges, cast iron, screwed on. Maccabean... With flange on one end only. Macaw... With flanges on both ends. Machine...... With inserted rivetted joint. Mack...... .Plain, not dipped. Mackintosh...Dipped in asphaltum. .... Madam .Coated on the outside only. Madcap.. ....Coated both inside and outside. Madden. ..Heads welded in. 21 EXPLAINING ORDERS-CONTINUED. Maddening…..Must be guaranteed. Madly Madman. Madness... .To stand- -lbs. pressure per square inch. Stenciled tested Cut to exact lengths. Madonna.. Cut to specification. lbs. Madras .Random lengths. Madrepore ...To be used for- Magazine......Exact outside diameter- Maggot .Same outside diameter as- Magical. Outside diameter by-inside diameter. Magician......Inside diameter. Magistrate....Outside diameter. ..... Magnate Weight per foot. Magnesia......To weigh per foot- Magnet To weigh per foot not less than— Magnetic......8 threads to the inch. Magnetized...10 threads to the inch. Magnificent...11½ threads to the inch. Magnify.... 12 threads to the inch. Magpie Maid. Maiden.... .14 threads to the inch. With English threads. With American threads. Mailcoach With standard threads. Maimed.... With steam pipe thread. Maine.... With casing thread. Mainsail......Swaged down one end. Maintained...Swaged down both ends. Majesty..... .Safe ended one end. Major .Safe ended both ends. Majority... Expanded one end to— Malachite.....Expanded both ends to- Maladroit.....With copper ferrules. Malady........Ends cut off square. Malaga. On one end. Malapert......On the other end. Malaria..... Lap welded. Malcontent...Butt welded. Malefactor....Sold by weight. Malice..... .Sold by the foot. Malicious .....Same as last ordered. Malign.........Specification good. Malignant....Specification undesirable. Mallard.....Specification very well assorted. ... Mallet.. Mallows.. Specification not very well assorted. Specification mostly—and under. 22 EXPLAINING ORDERS-Continued. Malmsey......Specification mostly—and over. Maltster... One inch long. Mameluke....Two inches long. Mammalia.... Three inches long. Mammon...... Four inches long. Mammoth. Five inches long. Manacle.......Six inches long. Manage... ... .Seven inches long. Mandate......Eight inches long. Mandible......Nine inches long. Mandolin...... Ten inches long. Mandrake..... Eleven inches long. Mandrel... And inch long. Manful.........And inch long. Manger. .And inch long. 4 Mangling .....And inch long. Manhood......And And inch long. Maniac ....And inch long. inch long. Manifold …………..And MANDAMUS. FOR EXPORT. Manikin ......To To go to Australia. Manicheism..To go to Germany. Manichord...To go to Russia. Manipulate... To go to Scotland. Mankind......To To go to Brazil. Mansard.... To go to Cuba. Mansions. .....To go to Canada. Mantilla. ......To go to Austria. Mantling ......To go to west coast South America. Mantraps......To go to east coast South America. Manual.... To go to Mexico. Manubial...... Manure........ Manuscript.... Map.......... Mapping...... 23 DATES AND TIMES. JANUARY. FEBRUARY. MARCH. 1..... Marble. Matting. Menace. 2. Marching. Mattock. Mend. 3. Margot. Mattress. Mending. 4. Margrave. Mature. Mental. 5. Marion. Maypole. Messiah. 6... Marital. Mayor. Messmate. 7 Maritime. Mead. Metallic. 8... Marjoram. Meadow. Meteor. 9.... Marksman. Meager. Methinks. 10... Marmot. Meander. Metrical. 11. Maroon. Meanness. Miasma. 12... Marplot. Medal. Midriff. 13... Marquis. Meddling. Midday. 14... Marriage. Medical. Midland. 15..... Marrow. Medino. 16... Marry. Medium. 17. Marsh. Medley. 18... Marshal. Meekly. Midnight. Midship. Midst. Midway. 19. Martin. Meekness. Mightless. 20.... Marvel. Melange. Mighty. 21... Mashing. Mellow. Migrant. 22. Mask. Melody. Mild. 23.. Mason. Melon. Mildew. 24... Massive. Melting. Mildness. 25... Master. Member. Milfoil. 26.... Mastful. Membrane. 27... Mastiff. Memoir. Militant. Milkmaid. 28... Match. Memory. Milksop. 29... Matchless. Memphian. Milldam. 30... Matrix. 31.... Matron. Militia. Milliner. APRIL. MAY. JUNE. Millwright. 2... Mimic. Misprison. Misrule. Moleskin. Molest. 3... Minaret. Mission. Mollify. 4. Minced. Misspent. Moment. 5... Mindless. Mistrust. Monarch. 6 Mineral. Misty. Mongol. 7 Minerva. Mitten. Mongrel. 8... Mingle. Mittimus. Monitor. 9..... Minstrel. Mix. Monitress. 24 DATES AND TIMES-CONTINUED. APRIL. ΜΑΥ. JUNE. 10..... Mint. 11.... Minus. Mixing. Mixture. 12... Minute. Moan. Monkey. Monogram. Monolith. 13. Miracle. Moanful. Monotone. 14. Mirage. Moaning. Monsoon. 15... Mirror. Mobbed. Monster. 16... Mirth. Mobbing. Mood. 17.... Mirthful. Mock. Moonbeam. 18..... Miscast. Mocking. 19... Mischance. Moccasin. Moonlight. Moorfowl. 20... Mischief. Model. Moorish. 21.... Miscount. Moderate. Moral. 22.... Misdeed. Modern. Moralist. 23... Miser. Modest. Morass. 24.... Miserly. Modify. Morbid. 25.... Misfit. Modulate. Mordant. 26... Misgive. Modus. Moribund. 27... Misguide. Mogul. Mormon. 28... Mishap. Mohair. Mortal. 29... Mislay. Mohawk. Morsel. 30.... Mislead. Molar. Mosaic. 31.... Mold. JULY. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. 1.... Moscow. Mulberry. Musty. 2.... Motion. Mulch. Mutable. 3..... Mother. Mulcted. Mutilate. 4... Motive. Mule. Mutter. 5. Motor. Muleteer. Mutiny. 6... Motley. Muldoon. Mutton. 7.. Motto. Mulish. Muzzle. 8.. Mount. Mullet. Muzzling. 9.... Mountain. Mullock. Mystic. 10..... Mounting. Multum. Nabbing. 11. Mourn. Mumble. Nabob. 12. Mourning. Mumbling. Naff. 13... Mouse. Mumps. Naked. 14.. Mousetrap. Mummy. Nameless. 15... Mouth. Mundane. Namesake. 16... Mouthful. Munford. Nancy. 17. Movable. Muriate. Nankeen. 18. Mower. Murmur. Napkin. 19..... Mowing. Murrain. Narcotic. 25 DATES AND TIMES-CONTINUed. JULY. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. 20.... Mucky. Muscular. Narrate. 21... Mucus. Museum. Narrow. 22.... Muddle. Mushroom. Nasal. 23.... Muddling. Music. Nascent. 24... Muddy. Musical. Nation. 25 Muff. Musician. Native. 26... Muffin. Musket. Naughty. 27... Muffle. Muskrat. 28.... Muffling. Muslin. Nautic. Nautilus. 29.... Mug. Musquash. Navigate. 30... Muggard. Mustache. Navy. 31.... Muggy. Mustard. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. 1...... Neatness. Noon. Noxious. 2.... Nebulous. Noose. Nozzle. 3. Neck. Nopal. Nubbin. 4.. Necklace. Normal. Nucleus. 5... Neckcloth. Normandy. Nude. 6. Nectar. Norseman. Nudge. 7 Needful. Northerly. Nudging. 8... Needle. Norway. Nudity. 9 Negation. Norwich. Nugatory. 10... Negative. Norwood. Nugget. 11... Nimble. Nosegay. Nuisance. 12. Nimblest. Nostril. Nullify. ... 13..... Ninevah. Nostrum. Numb. 14... Ninepins. Notable. Numbed. 15. Ninny. Notarial. Numbness. 16. Nipper. Notary. Numeral. 17... Nitrogen. Notation. Numskull. 18... Noble. Notch. Nunnery. 19.... Nobleman. Notching. Nuptial. 20.... Nocturn. Noted. Nursing. 21... Nodding. Notify. Nurture. 22... Noggin. Noting. Nutmeg. 23.... Noiseless. Notorious. Oakland. 24.... Noisome. Noun. Obelisk, 25...... Nomad. Nourish. Oblivion. 26…….. Nominal. Novation. Oblong. 27... Nominate. Novel. Obloquy. 28.... Nonage. Novelist. Obscure. 29... Nonplus. Novelty. Obtuse. 30.... Nonsense. Novice. 31..... Nonsuit. Octagon. Oculist. 26 H DATES AND TIMES-CONTINUED. Packet... 1st inst. (( Pacify.... 2d Pacing... 3d Padding.. 4th " Paddle... 5th " Padder... 6th " Paddy. 7th Paddock, 8th “ Pagan.... 9th “ .... ( Pagod...12th inst. Painful.. 13th Paining..14th Painless, 15th " Paint....16th " Painter.. 17th Palace...18th " Paladin..19th " Palate....20ta " Pageant..10th " Palatial.. 21st (( Palatine..22d inst. Palaver...23d Paleness..24th Palisade..25th " Pallet.....26th Pallid.....27th Palm......28th " Palmer...29th " Palmetto,30th " Palpable,31st “ (6 Paging...11th “ Pamphlet.....To-day or to-morrow. Panacea.. To-morrow or next day. Panado.... In a day or two. Panama Pancake.... Pang. Panic... Panel. Pannier. Panoply Pansy. In a few days. In about a week. Pandering....Middle of this week. .Last of this week. .Last of this week, or early next week. Early next week. First of next week. .Middle of next week. Last of next week. Pant. Next Monday or Tuesday. Pantheon......Next Tuesday or Wednesday. Panther.... Next Wednesday or Thursday. Pantile.........Next Thursday or Friday. Next Friday or Saturday. Next Saturday or Monday. Pantry Papal Papaw. First week in— Paper. Second week in- Papist First half of— Pappoose......About the middle of— Parable... ..Last half of- Parade.. ..Last week in— Paradise...... Within the next- Paradox.... In less than- In the time named. Parasang......As soon as- Parapet.. Parasol Pardon.... Parent.. Parian.... Paring.. .As soon as we can. .As soon as possible. In about- Not sooner than- Not later than- 27 DATES AND TIMES-CONTINUed. Parish..... Park... Parlance.. Parley... Parlor... Parody 6 Parole.. Parquet.... 8 O COLD COIT ∞ 2 " 3 (( 1 Day. Partial. Particle. Partisan... 1 Week. ..2 (( 3 (( 4 ( Parting 4 (( • 5 (( Partner. .5 (( 7 (( (" Partook. Passbook..... Paschal.... .1 Month (C 2 CC Parrot.. .10" Pasquin.. 3 (( Parsing... .12 (( Passable.... 4 Parsley. 30 (< Pastry 5 CC Parsnip. Partake • 60 "( Patch. པ .90 Pathos....... Pathway.... Patriot... Patrol Pattern Paunch... Pawn...... Pelican.... Pelting Pencil.... Pendant....... Pensive..... Penstock...... 28 LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS. Have you received DATE. our letter of Your letter of -received. Have you received our telegram of ? ? 20th ult. Persian. Pilot. 21st Persist. Pimple. Playing. Plead. 22d Person. Pinch. Pleading. 23d (( Perspire. Pinching. Pleasant. 24th " Pertain. Pine. Pleasing. 25th " Pertness. Pinion. Pleasure. 26th " Perturb. Pink. Plebeian. 27th " Perusal. Pinnacle. Pledge. 28th Peruvian. Piping. Pledging. 29th " Pervade. Piquant. Plenary. 30th " Pervert. Pique. Plenty. 31st (( Pester. Piracy. Plevin. 1st inst. Petal. Pirate. Pliable. 2d Petard. Pistol. Pliant. 3d Petrify. Piston. Plight. 4th " Petroleum. Pitcher. 5th " Pettish. Pitiful. Plot. Plotting. 6th " Petulant. Pitiless. Plow. 7th " Pewter. Pitman. 8th " Photon. Pittance. 9th " Phalanx. Pity. Plowing. Pluck. Plucked. 10th " Phantom. Pivot. Plucking. 11th " Pharisee. Placard. Plug. 12th " Pharmacy. Placid. Plugging. 13th " Pheasant. Plague. Plumage. 14th " Phial. Plaid. Plumb. 15th " Philander. Plaint. Plumbago. 16th " Philistine. Plaintiff. Plumber. 17th " Photograph. Planet. Plunge. 18th " Piano. Planing. Plural. 19th " Pica. Planish. Plush. 20th " Pick. Plash. Poach. 21st " Picking. Plank. Poem. 22d << Picnic. Plaster. Pocket. 23d 24th " (( Pigeon. Plastron. Polish. Pigment. Plant. 25th " Polishing. Pigmy. Plating. Polite. 26th " Pilchard. Plato. Political. 27th " Pilfer. Platonic. Pollution. 28th " Pilgrim. Platoon. Poltroon. 29th 30th " 31st " (C Pillage. Plaudit. Pompous. Pillar. Play. Ponder. Pillow. Playful. Pontiff. 29 LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS CONTINUED. Answer our letter DATE. Your Telegram of received. Answered your of the -by telegram of telegraph. by mail. 20th ult...... Pontoon. Pretty. Provoke. 21st Pony. Pride. Provost. 22d (C Poodle. Primal. Prowl. 23d ،، Poplar. Primate. Prudence. 24th " Popular. Prime. Prudish. 25th " Porcelain. Primness. 26th " Pruning. Portico. Princess. Prussian. 27th " Portend. Prin. Public. 28th Possess. Prison. Publican. 29th " Possum. Pristine. Pudding. 30th " Postage. Privation. Puff. 31st (C Postman. Prize. Puffing. 1st inst... Posy. Probate. Pug. 2d Potash. Probing. Pulley. 3d Potence. Problem. Pulpit. 4th " Pottage. Proclaim. Pump. 5th " Potter. Proctor. 6th " Pumpkin. Pounding. Prodigal. Punch. 7th " Pout. Profane. Punching. 8th CC Poverty. Profess. Pungent. 9th 10th 11th “ 66 Powder. Profile. Punic. Practice. Profound. Punish. Prank. Profuse. Punster. 12th 13th 14th " (C Prating. Programme. Puppy. Prattle. Progress. Purging. Pray. Project. Puritan. 15th " Praying. Prolong. Purity. 16th " Preach. Promote. Purloin. 17th " Preacher. Prompter. Purple. 18th " Preaching. Prone. 19th " Purpose. Precede. Prong. Pursuit. 20th " Predict. Pronoun. Push. 21st (( Preface. Proof. Purvey. 22d (6 Prefix. Prop. Putty. 23d (6 Pregnant. Propel. Quack. 24th " Prelate. Prophet. Quacking. 25th " Premium. Propose. Quad. 26th " Prepare. Propping. Quadrant. 27th " Preside. Prosaic. Quadratic. 28th " Press. Proscribe. Quadroon. 29th " Preston. Proud. Quadruped. 30th " Pretend. Proverb. 31st " Pretor. Providence. Quaff. Quaffing. من راس الواد المال 30 LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS-CONTINued. Quake... ...Your letter was received in time. Quaking....... Your letter was not received in time. Quandary..... Your telegram was received in time. Quantum Your telegram was not received in time. Quarantine...Telegraph to— Quarrel........ Telegraph in cipher. Quarry Telegraph in plain language. Quarter... Telegram received, which reads- Quarterly.....We do not understand your message. Quash ... Does your telegram read— Queen Quelling Quest.. Please repeat the word in your telegram. The- -word in our telegram is— Answer by telegraph immediately. Quibble... ...Answer by telegraph, half-rate message. Quietus........Answer by telegraph, in care of— Quince..... .Send particulars by telegraph immediately. Quiver.. .Send particulars by telegraph, half-rate message. .Send particulars by mail. Quorum. Quota.... We have telegraphed. Quoth... We will telegraph. Quoting. Rabbit... Have telegraphed reply direct to- .Telegraph at once; am waiting in telegraph office for reply. Rabid ..........Telegraph to-morrow, early. Raccoon Will send particulars by telegraph. Rachel.. ..Will send particulars by half-rate message. Racket.... ....Will send particulars by mail. Radiant.... .....Have sent particulars by mail. Radical……………….. Have repeated your telegram to— Radish......... When did you telegraph? Radius... How did you address the communication? Rafter Rag.... Ragged Raging.. .... Ragstone. Railing Raiment.. Rain...... Why don't you telegraph? Why don't you answer? See letter. .See our letter of the-- .See your letter of the― .See our telegram of the— .See your telegram of the-- Our telegram of the— Rainbow ...... Your telegram of the— Rakish. Rally...... Our letter of the- Your letter of the-- 31 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Ramble........ How much (or many)— Rammer What is the- Rammish......What shall we do? Rampage ....Will that do? Rampant...... Can you use- Ramrod... We cannot use- Ranch Rancid...... Do you want— Do not want- Sad.... ..Is it satisfactory? Sadden.... Saffron..... Saint.. Salad... If not satisfactory telegraph us at once. It is satisfactory. Sagging........It is not satisfactory. Can we substitute- ... You can substitute- Salesman.. ....Can you make- Salmon.. ...We can make— Saloon. ....We cannot make- Salute.. Sambo...... Samson .... • We do not make- We will make- We are not fitted up to make-- Sanctum.. We could not fit up for the work for less than- Sand....... We cannot undertake an order of that kind for a less quantity than-- Sandal………………....We can make length wanted by joining pieces together. Sandwich...... The longest length we can make in one piece is- Sanguine......What kind of a joint is wanted ? Sapling We have no-- Sapphire......It will take- Sardine........ We send you to-day by-- Satrap Saturn.. Savage .... Savant... Scabbard...... Scanning ......Please advise us of the standing and credit of— Scarf....... Are they (or is he) good for- Scarlet.........They are (or he is) good for 32 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS-CONTINUED. School.........When will you be in- Scoff... Will be in your city— Scollop......... Where and when can I meet- Scutcheon.....Will meet you at— Segment....... Will call on you- Serpent.. Is on his way to- Sextile. ..I will be in. Shad..... Cannot leave at present. Shadow.... ........Where will a letter reach- Shaft.. ......Can be reached by letter at― Shagbark...... Shaggy...... Shaker... . Shallow..... Shamrock..... Shank......... Sharp......... OFFICES. Shepherd......National Tube Works Co., No. 8 Pemberton Square, Talisman......National Tube Works Co., Boston, Mass. No. 104 and 106 John Street, Urchin.........National Tube Works Co., New York. No. 159 and 161 Lake Street, Vandyke...... National Tube Works Co., Chicago, Ill. No. 315 Willings Alley, Philadelphia, Pa. Wagner........ National Tube Works Co., Warlock...... National Tube Works Co., McKeesport, Pa. No. 113 Water Street, Watchman...National Tube Works Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bradford, Pa. 33 Wax......... Weakling...... Wealth......... Weapon....... Witness...... Witch........ Wizard......... Wolf………………….. Wolfish...... Woodcock.... Woodman..... World......... Worry.... Worship...... Worth....... Wrangler...... Wrathful....……. Wreck......... Wreckage..... Wren........... Wrench.... Wretch …………………. Yacht.......... Yachting...... 34 TABLES OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS -OF- WROUGHT IRON WELDED PIPES, TUBES, ETC., AS MANUFACTURED BY THE NATIONAL TUBE WORKS Co. 35 WROUGHT IRON WELDED STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. DIAMETER. CIRCUMFERENCE. Length TRANSVERSE AREAS. Thick- Nomi- Length of Pipe of Pipe per Sq. Foot of Nomi- nal contain- Actual Actual ness. nal Exter- Inter- ing One Weight Num- ber of Th'rds Exter Inter- Cubic per per Inch off Inter- nal. nal. External Internal Foot. nal. nal. External Internal. Metal. Foot. Screw. nal. Surface. Surface. 19th. perfect thread INS. INS. INS. INS. INS. INS. SQ. INS. SQ. INS. SQ. INS. FEET. FEET. FEET. POUNDS //% .405 .27 .068 1.272 .848 .129 .0573 .0717 9.44 14.15 [2513. .241 1/4 .54 .364 .088 1.696 1.144 .229 .1041) .1249 7.075 10.49 1383.3 .42 270 19" 18 29 3/8 .675 .494 .091 2.121 1.552 .358 .1917 .1663 1/2 .84 .623 .109 2.639 1.957 .554 .3048 .2492 4.547 5.657 7.73 751.2 6.13 472.4 .559 18 30 3/4 1.05 .824 .113 3.299 2.589 .866 .5333 .3327 3.637 4.635❘ 270. .837 6214 39 1.115 14 40 1 1.315 1.048 .134 4.131 3.292 1.358 .8626 .4954 2.904 3.645 | 166.9 1.668 (1125T 114 1.66 1.38 .14 5.215 4.335 2.164 1.496 .668 2.301 2.768 96.25 2.2441154 12 1.9 1.611 .145 5.969 5.061 2.835 2.038 .797 2.01 2.371 70.66 2.678 11255 2.375 2.067 .154 7.461 6.494 4.43 3.356 1.074 1.608 1.848 42.91 3.609 11258 212 2.875 2.468 | .204 9.032 7.753 6.492 4.784 1.708 1.328 3.5 3.067 .217 10.996 9.636 9.621 7.388 2.243 1.091 1.547 1.245 19.5 30.1 5.739 8 89 7.536 8 95 32 4. 3.548 .226 12.566 11.146 12.566 9.887 2.679 .955 1.077 14.57 9.001 81100 4.5 42 5. 5 6 4.026 .237 14.137 4.508 .246 15.708 14.162 5.563 5.045 .259 17.477 15.849 6.625 6.065 .28 20.813 12.648 15.904 12.73 3.174 .849 .949 11.31 10.665 19.635 15.961 3.674 .764 .848 9.02 12.34 801 24.306 19.99 4.316 .687 .757 7.2 14.502 19.054 34.472 28.888 5.584 .577 .63 4.98 18.762 81105 8116 8116 81.26 36 WROUGHT IRON WELDED STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS-Continued. DIAMETER. CIRCUMFERENCE. TRANSVERSE AREAS. Thick- Length of Pipe of Pipe per Sq. Foot of contain- Length Nomi- Num- ber of nal Th'rds Nomi- Actual Actual ness. nal Exter- Inter- Inter- Exter- Inter- nal. ing One Cubic Weight per per Inch of nal. nal. nal. External Internal. Metal. nal. INS. INS. INS. INS. INS. INS. External Internal Surface. Surface, SQ. INs. SQ. INS! SQ. INS. FEET. FEET. Foot. Foot. Screw. FEET. POUNDS 7 7.625 7.023 .301 23.955 22.063 45.664 38.738 6.926 .501 .544 3.72 23.271 8 8.625 7.982 .322 27.096 25.076 58.426 50.04 8.386 .443 .478 2.88 28.177 9.625 8.937 .344 30.238 28.076 72.76 62.73 10.03 .397 .427 2.29 33.701 10 10.75 10.019 .366 33.772 31.477 90.763 78.839 11.924 .355 .382 1.82 40.065 11 11.75 11. .375 36.914 34.558 108.434 95.033 13.401 .325 .347 1.51 45.028 12 12.75 12. .375 40.055 37.7 127.677 113.098 14.579 .299 .319 1.27 48.985 13 14. 13.25 .375 43.982 41.626 153.938 137.887 16.051 .273 .288 1.04 53.921 14 15. 14.25 .375 44.768 15 16. 15.43 16 17. 16.4 .3 17 18. 17.32 51.52 54.41 47.124 .284 50.26 48.48 201.06 187.04 14.02 53.41 .34 56.55 176.715 159.485 17.23 .255 .268 .903 57.893 .239 .248 .77 47.11 226.98 254.47 211.24 15.74 .225 .233 .68 52.89 235.61 18.86 .212 .221 .61 63.37 co co co co ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞o 8136 8146 15 8 WROUGHT IRON WELDED EXTRA STRONG PIPE. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. DIAMETER. Nearest CIRCUMFERENCE. Length of Pipe TRANSVERSE AREAS. Nomi- Actual nal Exter- Inter- Thick- Actual ness. Internal Wire Gauge. per Sq. Foot of. Nominal Weight per nal. nal. External. Internal External. Internal. Foot. Metal. External Internal Surface. Surface. INS. INS. INS. INS. Number. Ins. INS. SQ. INS. SQ. INs. Sq. INS. Feet. Feet. Pounds .405 .205 .1 12% 1.272 .644 .129 .033 .086 9.433 18.632 .29 .54 .294 .123 11 1.696 .924 .229 .068 .161 7.075 12.986 .54 3/8 .675 .421 .127 10% 2.121 1.323 .358 .139 .219 5.657 9.07 .74 1/2 .84 .542 .149 9 2.639 1.703 .554 .231 .323 4.547 7.046 1.09 3/4 1.05 .736 .157 81/2 3.299 2.312 .866 .452 .414 3.637 5.109 1.39 2 6 1111 al co co +LO CO 1.315 .951 .182 7 4.131 2.988 1.358 .71 .648 2.904 4.016 2.17 1/4 1.66 1.272 .194 6½ 5.215 3.996 2.164 1.271 .893 2.301 3.003 3. 12½ 1.9 1.494 .203 6 5.969 4.694 2.835 1.753 1.082 2.01 2.556 3.63 2.375 1.933 .221 7.461 6.073 4.43 2.935 1.495 1.608 1.975 5.02 22 2.875 2.315 .28 2 9.032 7.273 6.492 4.209 2.283 1.328 1.649 7.67 3.5 2.892 .304 10.996 9.085 9.621 6.569 3.052 1.091 1.328 10.25 32 4. 3.358 .321 12.566 10.549 12.566 8.856 3.71 .955 1.137 12.47 4 4.5 3.818 .341 14.137 11.995 15.904 11.449 4.455 .849 1. 14.97 5.563 4.813 .375 00 17.477 15.120 24.306 18.193 6.12 .687 .793 20.54 6.625 5.75 .437 000 20.813 18.064 34.472 25.967 8.505 .577 .664 28.58 38 WROUGHT IRON WELDED DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG PIPE. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. DIAMETER. Nearest CIRCUMFERENCE. TRANSVERSE AREAS. Nomi- Thick- Actual nal Actual ness. Exter- Inter- Internal Wire Gauge. Length of Pipe per Sq. Foot. of nal. External. Internal.j nal. External. Internal. Metal. External Internal Surface. Surface. Nominal Weight per Foot. INS. INS. INS. INS. Number. INS. INS. SQ. INS SQ. INS. SQ. INS. Feet. Feet. Pounds .84 .244 .298 1 2.639 .766 .554 .047 .507 4.547 15.667 1.7 3/4 1.05 .422 .314 1 3.299 1.326 .866 .139 .727 3.637 9.049 2.44 1 1.315 .587 .364 00 4.131 1.844 1.358 .271 1.087 2.904 6.508 3.65 11/4 1.66 .885 .388 00 5.215 2.78 2.164 .615 1.549 2.304 4.317 5.2 1½ 1.9 1.088 .406 000 5.969 3.418 2.835 .93 1.905 2.01 3.511 6.4 2 2.375 1.491 .442 0000 7.461 4.684 4.43 1.744 2.686 1.608 2.561 9.02 21/2 2.875 1.755 .560 9.032 5.513 6.492 2.419 4.073 1.328 2.176 13.68 16 3 3.5 2.284 .608 5/18- 10.996 7.175 9.621 4.097 5.524 1.091 1.672 18.56 32 4. 2.716 .642 /% + 12.566 8.533 12.566 5.794 6.772 .955 1.406 22.75 4 6 < LO CO 4.5 3.136 .682 11 14.137 9.852 15.904 7.724 8.18 .849 1.217 27.43 6 5.563 4.063 .75 3/4 17.477 12.764 24.306 12 965 11.34 .687 .940 38.12 6.625 4.875 .875 7/8 20.813 15.315 34.472 18.666 15.806 .577 .784 53.11 39 LAP WELDED CHARCOAL IRON BOILER TUBES. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. DIAMETER. Wire Thickness. External. Internal, Gauge. Inches. Inches. Inches. Number. CIRCUMFERENCE. TRANSVERSE AREAS. LENGTH OF TUBE PER SQ. FOOT OF Nominal Weight per External. Internal, Inches, External. Internal. Metal. Exter, Surf. Inter. Surf. Foot. Inches. Sq. Inches. Sq. Inches. Sq. Inches. Feet. Feet. Pounds. .856 .072 15 3.142 2.689 .785 .575 .21 3.819 4.462 .71 18 .981 .072 15 3.534 3.082 .994 .756 .238 3.395 3.894 .8 11/4 1.106 .072 15 3.927 3.475 1.227 .961 .266 3.056 3.453 .89 11% 1.146 .083 14 4.123 3.6 1.353 1.031 .322 2.91 3.333 1.08 13% 1.209 .083 14 4.32 3.798 1.485 1.148 .337 2.778 3.159 1.13 12 1.334 .083 14 4.712 4.191 1.767 1.398 .369 2.547 2.863 1.24 1% 1.435 .095 13 5.105 4.508 2.071 1.618 .456 2.352 2.662 1.53 134 1.56 .095 13 5.498 4.901 2.405 1.911 .494 2.183 2.448 1.66 1% 1.685 .095 13 5.89 5.294 2.761 2.23 .531 2.037 2.267 1.78 2 1.81 .095 13 6.283 5.686 3.142 2.573 .569 1 909 2.11 1.91 21s 1.935 .095 13 6.676 6.079 3.547 2.94 .607 1.797 1.974 2.04 24 2.06 .095 13 7.069 6.472 3.976 3.333 .643 1.698 1.854 2.16 238 2.157 .109 12 7.461 6.776 4.43 3.654 .776 1.608 1.771 2.61 22 2.282 .109 12 7.854 7.169 4.909 4.09 .819 1.528 1.674 2.75 234 2.532 .109 12 8.639 7.954 5 94 5.035 .905 1.389 1.509 3.04 28 2.657 .109 12 9.032 8.347 6.492 5.545 .947 1.328 1 438 3.18 3 2.782 .109 12 9.425 8.74 7.069 6.079 .99 1.273 1.373 3.33 314 3.01 .12 11 10.21 9.456 8.296 7.116 1.18 1.175 1.26 3.96 31½ 3.26 .12 11 10.996 10.241 9.621 8.347 1.274 1.091 1.172 4.28 334 3.51 .12 11 11.781 11.027 11.045 9.676 1.369 1.018 1.088 4.6 4 3.732 .134 10 12.566 11.724 12.566 10.939 1.627 .955 1.024 5.47 40 LAP WELDED CHARCOAL IRON BOILER TUBES. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS-Continued. DIAMETER. Wire Thickness. External. Internal. Gauge. External. Internal. Inches. Inches. Inches. Number. Inches. Inches. CIRCUMFERENCE. TRANSVERSE AREAS. External. Internal. Metal. Exter. Surf. Inter. Surf. LENGTH OF TUBE PER SQ. FOOT OF Nominal Weight per Foot. Sq. Inches. Sq. Inches. Sq. Inches. Feet. Feet. Pounds. 44 3.982 .134 10 13.352 12.51 14.186 12.453 1.733 .899 .959 5.82 42 4.232 .134 10 14.137 13.295 15.904 14.066 1.838 .849 .902 6.17 434 4.482 .134 10 14.923 14.081 17.721 15.777 1.944 .804 .852 6.53 5 4.704 .148 9 15.708 14.778 19.635 17.379 2.256 .764 .812 7.58 514 4.954 .148 9 16.493 15.563 21.648 19.275 2.373 .728 .771 7.97 5/2 5.204 .148 17.279 16 349 23.758 21.27 2.488 .694 .734 8.36 6 5.67 .165 18.85 17.813 28.274 25.249 3.025 .637 .673 10.16 7 6.67 .165 21.991 20.954 38.485 34.942 3 543 .546 .573 11.9 8 7.67 .165 25.133 24.096 50.266 46.204 4.062 .477 .498 13.65 9 8.64 .18 28.274 27.143 63.617 58.629 4.988 .424 .442 16.76 10 9.594 .203 31.416 30.14 78.54 72.292 6.248 .382 .398 20.99 11 10.56 .22 34.558 33.175 95.033 87.583 7.45 .347 .362 25.03 12 11.542 .229 4/2 37.699 36.26 113.098 104.629 8.469 .319 .33 28.46 13 12.524 .238 4 40.841 39.345 132.733 123.19 9.543 .294 .305 32.06 14 13.504 .248 31/2 43.982 42.424 153.938 143.224 10.714 .273 .283 36. 15 14.482 .259 3 47.124 45.497 176.715 164.72 11.995 .254 .264 40.3 16 15.432 .284 2 50.26 48.48 201.06 187.04 14.02 .239 .248 47.11 17 16.4 .3 1 53.41 51.52 226.98 211.24 15.74 .225 .233 52.89 18 17.32 .34 0 56.55 54.41 254.47 235.61 18.86 .212 .221 63.37 NOTE-In estimating effective steam-heating or evaporating surface of tubes, the surface in contact with air or gasses of combustion according from one liquid or one gas to another, mean surface of tubes is to be computed.. to manner of application as whether internal or external, is to be thus taken. For heating liquids by steam, superheating steam, or transferring heat 41 LAP WELDED SEMI STEEL LOCOMOTIVE TUBES. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. DIAMETER. CIRCUMFERENCE. TRANSVERSE AREAS. Thick- Wire Length of Tube per Sq. Foot of Nominal Weight ness. Gauge. Exter- Inter- Exter- Inter- per Foot. nal. nal. nal. nal. External. Internal. Metal. External Internal Surface. Surface. INS. INS. INS. Number. INS. INS. SQ. INs. | SQ. INS. SQ. INS. Feet. Feet. Pounds. 1 .834 .083 14 3.1416 2.62 .7854 .5463 .2391 3.82 4.58 .81 114 1.084 .083 14 3.927 3 405 1.227 .9229 .3041 3.056 3.524 1.03 1½ 1.31 .095 13 4.712 4.115 1.767 1.3478 .4192 2.546 2.916 1.42 134 1.532 .109 12 5.498 4.813 2.405 1.8433 .5617 2.183 2.493 1.91 2 1.782 .109 12 6.283 5.598 3.1416 2.494 .6476 1.91 2.144 2.2 蘿蘿蘿 ​214 2.032 .109 12 7.069 6.384 3.976 3.2429 .7331 1.698 1.88 2.49 2.26 .12 11 7.854 7.1 4.9087 4.011 .8977 1.528 1.69 3.05 234 2.51 .12 11 8.639 7.885 3 2.76 .12 11 9.425 8.67 5.94 4.948 7.069 .992 1.389 1.522 3.37 5.983 1.086 1.273 1.384 3.68 NOTE-The Special Semi-Steel Tube is manufactured expressly for locomotive work. Each tube has a special test and uniform quality is guaranteed. HARRY RESPERARENDUSKONET Apr) i ka GKVADREOVER, DENNE SPEELTER MED AT SORAYASTANEKANIU RAKETEPRESSION KAJ NEVERE 42 WROUGHT IRON LAP WELDED CASING, FOR ARTESIAN, SALT AND OIL WELLS. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. Nominal Actual Approx. Nominal Actual Approx. Nominal Actual Approx. Internal External Weight per Diameter. Diameter. Foot. Internal External Diameter. Diameter. Weight per Foot. Internal External Weight per Diameter. Diameter. Foot. INS. INS. POUNDS. INS. INS. POUNDS. INS. INS. POUNDS. 1½ 1.75 1.66 3¼ 3.5 4.27 134 2. 1.91 3%2 375 4.59 10 10 5.25 7.66 5.5 8.08 2 2.25 2.23 334 4. 5.32 5% 6. 9.35 2¼ 2.5 2.75 4 4.25 5.50 614 6.625 10.06 22 2.75 3.04 44 4.5 6.01 6% 7. 12.44 234 3. 3.33 42 4.75 6.5 7% 8. 15.10 3 3.25 3.95 434 5. 7.23 814 8.625 16.15 WROUGHT IRON LAP-WELDED ARTESIAN, SALT AND OIL WELL TUBING, DRIVE PIPE AND LINE PIPE, MADE TO DIMENSIONS SPECIFIED, OR TO MEET REQUIREMENTS. 43 THICKNESS OF IRON REQUIRED FOR FLUSH JOINT PIPE AND TUBING. 5 Inch. SIZE. Pipe. 5 Inch External 6 Inch Diame- 6 Inch. External 7 Inch Pipe. Diame- Pipe. 7 Inch. External 8 Inch Diame- 8 Inch. 9 Inch. Pipe. Pipe. External 9 Inch External Diame- Diame- ter. ter. ter. ter. ter. Thickness of Iron, ins. SIZE. 32 16 1 1 32 1 1 1 1 3 2 32 1 1 32 10 Inch. 11 Inch. 10 Inch. External 11 Inch External 12 Inch Diame- Pipe. Diame- Pipe. ter. ter. Pipe. 12 Inch. 13 Inch. 14 Inch. 15 Inch. External External External External Diame- Diame- Diame- Diame- ter. ter. ter. ter. Thickness of Iron, ins. 33 3/8 3/8 38 1 3 3 2 13 32 Com ར་ celot 44 SPECIAL LAP WELDED WROUGHT IRON PIPE. FITTED WITH CONVERSE PATENT LOCK JOINT. Thick- Size. Size. ness, Thick- ness. Weight Nominal Weight Nominal of Lead of Lead Actual for one weight Nearest Exter- nal Diam. side of per foot Actual for one Nearest Wire finished. Exter- side of Coupling. Wire nal Coupling. weight per foot finished. Gauge. Diam. Gauge. Inches. Number, Pounds. Pounds. Inches. Number. Pounds. Pounds. 23HLO CO 15 13/2 1 1.85 9 29 10 538 14.50 1½ 3.28 10 10 6½ 16.35 4 12½ 24 5.03 11 9 9 19.50 5 11/2 2½ 7.16 12 12 23.91 11½ 8.62 13 7/2 13 27.39 10½ 334 10.79 14 7 14 30.57 8 10/2 44 12.59 15 62 15 35.42 THE SPECIAL LAP WELDED WROUGHT IRON PIPE fitted with the CONVERSE PATENT LOCK JOINT is especially adapted to conveying water, gas or air, under either light or heavy pres- The joint has been tested to a hydraulic pressure of over 1,000 lbs. to the square inch, and an air pressure of 100 lbs. to the square inch. Prices given on application. sures. LIST OF TOOLS USED WITH THE SPECIAL LAP WELDED WROUGHT IRON PIPE. NATIONAL SERVICE CLAMP, for tapping under or not under pressure. NATIONAL DRILLING MACHINES WITH RATCHET, for tap- ping under or not under pressure. COMBINATION LOCKING and POURING CLAMPS. FLUTED DRILLS, for tapping round hole, under and not under pressure. BRASS SERVICE COCKS, for use with National Service Clamp. FARRINGTON NIPPLE, for tapping not under pressure. CALKING TOOLS. 45 I CONVERSE PATENT LOCK JOINT. The Armor Lithographing Co. Limited Pittsburgh Pa . ! CONVERSE PATENT LOCK JOINT. The Armor Lithographing Co. Limited Pittsburgh Pa. -- CAST IRON FITTINGS, For Special Lap Welded Wrought Iron Pipe fitted with Converse Patent Lock Joint. TEES. CROSSES. ELBOWS. REDUCERS. PLUGS. Wt. Wt. Wt. Wt. Wt. Size. Size. Size. lbs. lbs. Degs. Size. Size. lbs. lbs. lbs. 3 x 3 x 3 3 x 3 3 x 4 18 со со 18/ 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 21 3 x 3 3 x 3 x 4 x 4 37 3 x X 4 4 x 4 28 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 28 4 x 4 x 26 4 x x 3 x 4 x 3 363 PATHO 5 x 5 5 x GOTH LO LO 90 90 90 14 3 to 2G 10 20 4 to 2G 17 4 90 28 4 to 3 14 5 45 20/ 4G to 3 21 6 4 x 4 x 29 X 5 x 5 x 5 38 6 x 6 90 31 5 to 4 18 8 9 2344O OD 21/ 4 x 4 x 8 59 5 x 5 x 4 x 4 6 x 6 45 25 6 to 3 30 5 x 5 x 5 34 6 x 6 x 3 x 3 351 8 x 8 90 54 6 to to 4 27 6 x 6 x 3 34 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 51 8 x 8 45 40 6 to 5 22 6 x 6 x 4 422 6 x 6 x 4 x 4 413 10 x 10 90 80 6G to 6 27 6 x 6 x 5 42 6 x 4 x 6 x 3 50 10 x 10 45 6 x 6 x 6 44 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 77 10 x 10 30 48 6 x 6 x 8 84 8 8 x 4 x 3 61 10 x 10 15 39/ 8 x 8 x 8 73 8 x 8 x 4 x 4 63 8 x 8 x 4 61 8 x 8 x 5 x 5 56 8 x 8 x 6 84 8 x 8 x 6 x 6 111 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ = = 8 to 4 32 5 x 8 to 4G 33 Y's. 5 x 5 10x 10 x 10 8 to 5 27 8 to 6 223 10 to 5 11 to 10 10 x 10 x 10 91 8 x 6 x 8 x 6 10 x 10 x 5 60 8 x 8 x 5G X 5G 142 382/2 NOTE, The above list in- cludes but a few of the sizes made. Fittings of all sizes can be made to suit requirements. 10 x 5 x 10 89 10 x 10 x 5 x 5 62 10 x 10 x 8 x 8 48 External Size. Length. Diameter. STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE SOCKETS. STANDARD DIMENSIONS. Weight of One Socket. Threads per Inch of Screw. INS. INS. INS. Pounds. 1/8 .58 3/4 27 .04 1/4 .73 /8 18 .059 3/8 .88 7/2 18 .096 1/2 1.08 1¼ 14 .15 3/4 1.35 15% 14 .24 1 1.65 134 11%2 .40 114 2.04 176 11/2 .51 11/2 2.28 214 11/2 .83 2 2.84 21/2 113/2 1.52 21/2 3.30 212 8 3 4. 3% 32 4.57 34 4 5.05 3¼ 5.6 34 5 6.25 31/2 6 7.41 334 7 8.41 4¼4 8 9.41 434 9 10.56 5 10 11.69 61//3 11 13.12 61/8 12 14. 13 15.25 61 14 16.25 61 15 17.50 6¼ 16 18.75 61 17 19.75 614 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞o 1.72 2.75 3.40 4. 4.66 6.04 8.77 12.41 16. 22. 28.75 34. 36. 45. 63.93 82. 8 99.62 105,35 STANDARD DEPTH OF THREAD. Number of Threads. 8 to the inch……….. 10 111 66 14 18 (C 27 Depth of Thread. Inches. .0955 .0787 .068 .054 .043 .032 49 ARTESIAN WELL CASING SOCKETS, WITH NATIONAL PATENT PROTECTING SLEEVE. STANDARD DIMENSIONS. Threads External Size. Diameter. Length. per Inch of Screw. Weight of one Socket. INS. INS. INS. Pounds. 12 2.06 2 18 .68 134 2.37 214 14 85 .87 2 2.63 23% 14 1.02 21/4 2.88 258 14 1.24 21/2 3.23 234 3.42 လက 3 14 1.90 3 14 2.20 3 3.77 32 14 2.70 314 4. 35% 14 3.17 3½ 4.27 3% 14 3.44 334 4.59 35% 14 3.94 4 4.81 3% 14 4.15 44 5.06 35% 14 4.20 4/2 5.50 35% 14 4.80 434 5.56 3% 14 4.90 5 5.93 3% 14 5.74 573% 6.18 35% 14 6.04 55% 6.62 35% 14 6.45 6¼4 7.28 35% 14 7.22 65% 7.69 334 14 8.35 758 8.70 334 11/2 10. 814 9.37 334 11½ 11.52 50 ARTESIAN, OIL AND SALT WELL TUBING SOCKETS, WITH NATIONAL PATENT PROTECTING SLEEVE, STANDARD DIMENSIONS. Size. External Diameter. ! Threads Length. per Inch of Screw. INS. INS. INS. Weight of one Socket. Pounds. 1/2 1.15 2 14 .30 3/4 1.41 28 14 .42 1 1.72 23/% 11/%2 .64 114 2.15 31/4 112 1.34 12 2.43 31/4 11/2 1.47 2 2.97 334 11/2 2.58 21/2 3.53 334 3 4.10 334 32 4.62 334 4 5.15 48 4/2 5.75 41/ 5 6.37 45%% 7.37 514 7 8.45 6 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞o 8 3.50 3.66- 4.50 7. 8.25 9.60 12.83 17.75 8 9.43 64 19.60 9 10.50 614 23. 10 11.62 61/4 8 28. 12 13.87 64 8 42. 51 CAST IRON STEAM PIPE FLANGES. CAST BLANK; BOLT HOLES DRILLED TO ORDER. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMEMSIONS. Nominal External Thickness Internal Diameter of Approximate Weight of Diameter of Pipe. of Flange. Metal. Flange. INS. INS. INS. POUNDS. 3/4 32 1/2 1 114 44. 1/2 4/2 9 12 11/1/0 2% 16 1½ 52 16 334 223 62 5/3 2% 7 8 3½ 82 1 3 16 4 9 7/8 42 91/2 16 5 11 1 6 12 1 I6 13 11/% 8 15 1,3 16 9 15 14 1 1 16 3/4 15 614 8 934 11 14 15 2112 24 334 442 422 10 16 1,5 16 47¼4 il 17 1,5% 50 12 18 13% 55 13 19 116 7 65 14 20 12 76 15 21 15% 88 16 22 134 103 17 23 13/4 120 NOTE.-Flanges made of any dimensions to suit requirements. 52 CAST IRON PUMP COLUMN FLANGES. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. From From External External Thick- Diam. Diameter of ness of of No. Center of to Bolt Center Size Approx. External External Thick- of Weight Diam. Diameter ness No. Center Size of to Approx. Weight of of of of of Bolt Center of Pipe. Flange. Flange Holes. of Holes. Bolts. Bolts. Flange. Pipe. Flange. Flange. Holes. of Holes. Flange. INS. INS. INS. INS. INS. Pounds. INS. INS. INS. INS. INS. Pounds. 3 4 7 8 ∞ +LO CON∞ CO 2 94 10% 12 ོ་ ༠ོ་༠༠ на со сосо 434 616 10 40% 58 \00 100 5 11 17 334 12 12 18 3% 75% 25 13 19 4 4 85% 30 14 20 4 6 10 32 15 21 4 1234 34 6 10% 3/4 40 16 22 4 10 85% 14 34 6 1134 3/4 45 17 23 4 10 9 154 3% 13 7/8 70 18 24 4 10 ∞∞∞∞∞89A 16 7/8 80 16g 85 17 7/8 90 172 1 92 1834 1 95 1934 100 2034 1 107 21¾ 1 115 10 16 3% 6 14 1/8 75 NOTE.-Flanges made of any dimensions to suit requirements. 33 CAST IRON FLANGES FOR SPECIAL LIGHT PIPE. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. External External Thick- Num- From Size Approx. Diam. Diam. ness. ber Center to of Weight of of Pipe. Flange. Flange. of of Center of of Bolts. Holes. Holes. Flange. INS. INS. INS. INS. INS. Pounds. ∞ CA 00 3 6 2 73% 11/2 84 11/%2 6 94 2 03 09 19 1 2 434 5/3 6 2 5% 10 634 12 734 3/4 20 8 1234 21/2 10% 34 38 10 14. 27/15 6 12 7/3 42 12 17/ 3/4 8 15% 58 LAP-WELDED CHARCOAL IRON MARINE BOILER TUBES. Of thickness of metal required by U. S. Law for Western waters. External Trans- Diame- ter. Circum- THICKNESS. verse ference. surface Nominal per 1 foot weight Area. length of per foot. tube. Exter. inches. Wire External Internal Inches. Gauge. Inches. Sq. Ins. Sq. Feet. Lbs. 12 .24 13 .26 14 .28 15 .29 4321 37.699 104.23 3.142 29.8 40.841 122.33 3.403 35.0 43.982 141.67 3.665 40.58 47.124 163.31 3.927 45.06 16 .3125 50.265 185.66 4.189 51.77 NOTE. For diameters below 12 inches the thickness of stand- ard tubes given in table pages 40 and 41 equals or slightly exceeds the government standard for marine tubes. 54 CAST IRON FLANGE UNIONS. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. From From Nominal Internal Diam. External Thick- No. Diameter Center ness of of of Pipe. of Bolt Center Flange. Metal. Holes. of to of Approx. Size Weight Nominal Internal Diam. External Thick- No. Center Size Diameter ness of to of Approx. Weight Bolts. per of of of Pair. Pipe. Bolt Center Flange. Metal. Holes. of Bolts. per Pair. Holes. Holes. INS. INS. INS. INS. INS. Pounds. INS. INS. INS. INS. INS. Pounds. 3/4 1 16 416 41% 1 9 11/4 4% 1 1½ 54 1 122334+ 534 1 64 1 4 714 14 72 1/4 82 13% 5 4/2 9 1½ 6 0000 + +++ LO LO CO 34 3/8 10 5 10 9 1½ 7/2 25 + 32 6 10½ 12 85% 3/4 31 32 1/2 62 1134 1/2 10 41 3% 1/2 13 1/2 11% 48 4/2 9 14 1½ 12 54 5 9 10 15 12½ 1234 60 534 34 15 11 16 1% 14 75 6 17 12 17 134 634 3/4 23 13 18 134 72 3/4 26 14 19 134 со со х 15 80 16 95 17% 100 55 55 MACK'S PATENT INJECTORS. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, STATIONARY, PORTABLE, AND MARINE BOILERS. MANUFACTURED BY NATIONAL TUBE WORKS COMPANY. SIZES AND CAPACITIES. Size of Injectors, Nos.. 1 2 со 3 4 10 6 •7 9 10 12 Minim. Internal Diameter of Pipe Con- nections, inches. 13- calt 1 11 11 12/ 11 2 2 2 Lifting Injector lifts at 40 lbs. pressure, feet.. 5 со 10 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Delivery per hour in galls. at 50 lbs. steam pressure and above... 150 300 400 565 970 1,210 1,750 2,150 2,600 3,100 3,600 Nominal Horse Power at from 30 to 80 lbs.. 20 40 50 75 129 161 233 286 346 413 480 NOTE.-Below 25 pounds pressure the capacity is less. RULE TO DETERMINE SIZE OF INJECTORS REQUIRED. One nominal Horse Power per hour, requires 7 gallons (or 1 cubic foot) of water per hour. For PLAIN CYLINDER BOILERS, divide the number of square feet of heating surface by 9 for the horse power. For FLUE BOILERS, divide by 12; and for MULTI-TUBULAR BOILERS, divide by 15 for the nominal horse power. 56 STARTING VALVE. MACK'S IMPROVED LIFTING INJECTOR CLASS A, PATENT, 1882. WATER VALVE. OVERFLOW. 57 MACK'S IMPROVED LIFTING INJECTOR. CLASS A, PATENT 1882. 3 8 7 CO 9 2 LO We would respectfully call the attention of Locomotive and Engine Builders, Master Mechanics and Engineers, to the IMPROVED MACK INJECTOR, (Class A, Patent 1882), and to the ease with which all needed repairs can be made, By removing the Spanner Nut (No. 7 in the above cut), all the wearing parts of the instrument can be taken out and renewed in a few minutes' time, and at small expense, The parts are each made to a template, and can be ordered by num. ber as above. + 58 MACK'S IMPROVED LIFTING INJECTOR, CLASS A, PATENT 1882. TO OPERATE THE LIFTING INJECTOR. As soon as water shows at the Open the starting Valve one-fourth of a turn. Overflow, continue to open the Starting Valve till it ceases to run, which is about another turn. The Water Valve regulates the supply to the boiler, giving the least at one-fourth and the greatest at one turn open. To stop the Injector, Close the Starting Valve. TO OPERATE THE NON-LIFTING INJECTOR, Open the Water Valve, (or Lazy Cock), one turn. the Overflow, open the Steam Valve till it ceases to run. As soon as water appears at To stop the Injector,-Close the Steam Valve and Water Valve, (or Lazy Cock), in the order named. 59 Mack's Patent Lifting and Non-Lifting Injectors. B OVERFLOW Water Valve. CLASS B. PATENT 1876. Starting Valve. 6TEAM TO BOILER CLASS D, PATENT 1882. CLASS C, PATENT 1876. 60 दे ! ་ LAP WELDED STEEL LOCOMOTIVE TUBES. TABLE OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. A DIAMETER. CIRCUMFERENCE. TRANSVERSE AREAS. Length of Tube per Sq. Foot of Thick- 1 ness. Wire Gauge. Nominal Weight per Foot. Exter- Inter- Exter- Inter- nal. nal. nal. nal. External. Internal. Metal. External Internal Surface. Surface. INS. INS. INS. Number. INS. INS. SQ. INS. SQ. INS. SQ. INS. Feet. Feet. Pounds. 1 .834 .083 14 3.1416 2.62 .7854 .5463 .2391 3.82 4.58 .81 11/4 1.084 .083 14 3.927 3.405 1.227 .9229 .3041 3.056 3.521 1.03 12 1.31 .095 13 4.712 4.115 1.767 1.3478 .4192 2 546 2.916 1.42 134 1.532 .109 12 5.498 4.813 2.405 1.8433 .5617 2.183 2.493 1.91 2 1.782 .109 12 6.283 5.598 3.1416 2.494 .6476 1.91 2.144 2.2 2¼4 2.032 .109 12 7.069 6.384 3.976 3.2429 .7331 1.698 1.88 2.49 21/22 2.26 .12 11 7.854 7.1 4.9087 4.011 .8977 1.528 1.69 3.05 234 2.51 .12 11 8.639 7.885 5.94 4.948 .992 1.389 1.522 3.37 3 2.76 .12 11 9.425 8.67 7.069 5.983 1.086 1.273 1.384 3.68 1 * CAROTENOISEMATISSA First mis MNOŽI. que sequely 1 60% 1 10% ** TABLES -OF- USEFUL INFORMATION, NATIONAL TUBE WORKs Co. · ་་་་ 61 WEIGHT OF WROUGHT IRON, STEEL, COPPER AND BRASS PLATES PER SQ. FOOT. (FROM HASWELL.) Thickness Determined by Birmingham Gauge. Thickness Determined by American Gauge. No. of Gauge. Thickness Wrought Steel. Copper. Brass. Thickness Wrought Iron. No. of Gauge. Steel. Copper. Brass. Iron. Inches. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Inches. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 0000 .454 18.22 18.46 20.57 19.43 0000 .46 18.46 18.70 20.84 19.69 000 .425 17.05 17.28 19.25 18.19 000 .4096 16.44 16.66 18.56 17.58 00 .38 15.25 15.45 17.21 16.26 00 .8648 14.64 14.83 16.53 15.61 0 34 13.61 13.82 15.40 14.55 0 .3249 13.04 13.21 14.72 13.90 1 .3 12.04 12.20 13.59 12.84 1 .2893 11.61 11.76 13.11 12,38 .284 11.40 11.55 12.87 12,16 .2576 10.34 10.48 11.67 11.03 .259 10.39 10.53 11.73 11.09 .2294 9.21 9.33 10.39 9.82 .238 9.55 9.68 10.78 10.19 .2043 8.20 8.31 9.26 8.74 .22 8.83 $.95 9.97 9.42 .1819 7.30 7.40 8.24 7.79 .203 8.15 8.25 9.20 8.69 .1620 6.50 6.59 7.34 6.93 .18 7.22 7.82 8.15 7.70 .1443 5.79 5.87 6.54 6.18 .165 6.62 6.71 7.47 7,06 8 .1285 5.16 5.22 5.82 5.50 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PREBER952227 .148 5.94 6.02 6.70 6.33 9 .1144 4.59 4.65 5.18 4.90 .134 5.38 5.45 6.07 5.74 10 .1019 4.09 4.14 4.62 4.36 .12 4.82 4.88 5.41 5.14 11 .0907 3.64 3.69 4.11 3.88 .109 4.37 4.43 4.94 4.67 12 .0808 3.24 3.29 3.66 3.46 13 .095 3.81 3.86 4.30 4.07 B .0720 2.89 2.93 3.26 3.08 .083 3.33 3.37 3.76 3.55 14 .0641 2.57 2.61 2.90 2.74 .072 2.89 2.93 3.26 3.08 15 .0571 2.29 2.32 2.59 2.44 .065 2.61 2.64 2.94 2.78 16 .0508 2.04 2.07 2.30 2.18 .058 2.33 2.36 2.63 2.48 17 .0453 1.82 1.84 2.05 1.94 .049 1.97 1.99 2.22 2.10 18 .0403 1.62 1.64 1.83 1.73 .042 1.69 1.71 1.90 1.80 19 .0359 1.44 1.46 1.63 1.54 .035 1.40 1.42 1.59 1.50 20 .0320 1.28 1.30 1.45 1.37 .032 1,28 1.30 1.45 1.37 21 .0285 1.14 1.16 1.29 1.22 62 WEIGHT OF WROUGHT IRON, STEEL, COPPER AND BRASS PLATES, PER SQ, FOOT. CONTINUED. Thickness Determined by Birmingham Gauge. Thickness Determined by American Gauge. Thickness Wrought No. of Gauge. Steel. Copper. Brass. Iron. No. of Gauge. Iron. Thickness Wrought Steel. Copper. Brass. Inches. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Inches. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 22 .028 1.12 1.14 1.27 1.20 23 .025 1.00 1.02 1.13 1.07 21 .022 .883 .895 1.00 .942 25 .02 .803 .813 .906 .856 26 .018 .722 .782 .815 .770 27 .016 .642 .651 .725 .685 28 .014 .562 .569 .634 .599 29 .013 .522 .529 .589 .556 30 .012 .482 .488 .544 .514 31 .01 .401 .407 .453 .428 32 .009 .361 .366 .108 .385 22 00 .008 .321 325 .362 .342 33 31 .007 .281 .285 .317 .300 35 .005 .201 .203 .227 .214 35 36 .001 .161 .163 .181 .171 ********--**-08 22 .0253 1.02 1.03 1.15 1.08 23 .0226 .906 .918 1.02 .966 24 .0201 .807 .817 .911 .860 .0179 .718 .728 .811 .766 26 .0159 .640 .618 .722 .682 .0142 .570 .577 .643 .608 28 .0126 .507 .514 .573 .541 .0113 .452 .458 .510 .482 30 .0100 .402 .408 .454 .129 ,0089 ,358 .363 .401 .382 32 .0080 .319 .323 .360 .340 .0071 .284 .288 .321 .303 34 .0063 .253 .256 .286 .270 .0056 .225 .228 .254 .240 .005 .201 .203 .227 .214 Specific Gravity... 7.704 7.806 8.698 8.218 Weight of Cub. Ft.. 481.25 487.75 543.6 513.6 " In.. .2787 .2823 .3146 2972 As there are several different standards of wire gauges, and the gauges in ordinary use, even those made to any one standard, materially differ from each other, orders for sheets and wire should always give the re- quired thickness in decimals of an inch instead of by number of gauge, WEIGHT OF PLATE IRON PER SQ. FOOT. THICKNESS. THICKNESS. THICKNESS. Weight Weight Weight per sq. per sq. per sq. B. W、 Gauge foot. B. W. foot. B. W. foot, Inches. Inches. Inches. Lbs. Gauge. Gauge. Lbs. 1 32 or 7 .180 7.22 000 .425 17.05 .03125 1.25 13 or 7 16 Or or 2227 21 .032 1.28 .1875 7.57 .4375 17.65 20 .035 1.40 6 .203 8.15 0000 .454 18.22 19 .042 1.69 15 32 or 35 or 18 .049 1.97 17 .058 2.33 1 16 or 54 .2187 .22 8.79 .4687 18.90 8.83 ½ or •238 9.55 .50 20.20 .0625 2.52 1/4 or 9 fr or 16 15 .065 2.61 .25 10.10 .5625 22.75 15 .072 2.89 CO 3 .259 10.39 5% or 14 .083 3.33 9 37 Or .625 25.16 3 or .2812 11.38 11 or .0937 3.78 .284 11.40 .6875 27.75 13 .095 3.81 1 .3 12.04 34 or 12 .109 4.37 5 16 옳 ​or .75 30.30 11 .12 4.82 .3125 12.58 3 18 or % or 0 .34 13.64 .8125 32.75 .125 5.05 11 or 7/8 or 10 .134 5.38 .3437 13.88 .875 35.30 9 .148 5.94 3/8 or 15 or 16 5 or .1562 37 Or .375 15.10 .9375 37.75 6.30 00 .38 15.25 .1 40.40 со 8 .165 6.62 32 13 or .4062 16.34 For weight of steel plates, multiply weight of wrought iron by 1.01. To find the weight of Plate Iron for Rectangular Sheets. RULE. Multiply the product of length by breadth in inches, by one of the following decimals, according to thickness, and the result will be the weight required. thick X .0526 16 16 thick X .1226 1/4 X .07 1/2 CC X .14 5 (6 X .0874 (C 16 X .158 (( X .1048 16 3/8 For Circular Sheets. RULE. Multiply the square of the diameter by one of the following decimals: 3 thick X .0414 16 thick X .0962 16 X .055 1/2 แ X .11 (( X .0686 9 (C 16 X .124 3/8 (( X .0823 64 ་་་ WEIGHT OF FLAT ROLLED IRON PER LIN- EAL FOOT. Width in inches. 1 16 Voor 100 THICKNESS IN INCHES, TO 1 5 16 4 1 6 16 17 ocker 3 140 اين # 1 lbs. lbs. lbs. | lbs. | lbs. | lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. | lbs. | lbs. | lbs. 1 .21 .42 .63 .84 1.05 1.26 11 •24 .47 .71 .95 1.18 1.47 1.42 1.66 1.68 2.90 2.11 2.53 2.95 3.37 2.37 2.84 3.32 3.79 1 .26 .53 .79 1.05 1.32 1.58 1.84 2.11 2.63 | 3.16 3.16 3.68 | 4.21 13 .29 .58 .87 1.16 1.45 1.74 112 2.03 2.32 | 2.89 | 3.47 4.05 4.63 .32 .63 .95 1.26 1.58 1.90 2.21 2.53 3.16 3.79 4.42 5.05 15 .34 .68 1.03 1.37 1.71 2.05 2.39 2.74 | 3.42 4.11 4.79 5.47 13 .37 .74 1.11 1.47 1.84 2.21 2.58 2.95 | 3.68 4.42 5.16 5.89 1 .40 .79 1.18 1.58 1.97 2.87 2.76 3.16 3.95 4.74 5.53 6.32 .42 .84 1.26 1.68 2.11 2.53 2.95 3.87 4.21 5.05 5.89 6.74 21 .45 .90 1.34 | 1.79 | 2.24 | 2.68 3.13 3.58 .47 .95 .50 1.00 1.42 1.90 2.37 2.84 3.32 3.79 1.50 21 .53 1.05 1.58 2.00 2.11| 2,63 | 3.16 2.50 | 3.00 3.50 3.68 .55 1.11 1.66 2.21 2.76 3.32 3.87 1.47 5.37 4.74 5.68 6.83 7.58 4.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 4.215.26 | 6.32 | 7.37 | 8.12 4.42 5.58 6.63 7.74 8.84 6.26 7.16 .55 1.16 1.74 2.32 2.89 3.47 4.05 4.63 5.79 6.95 8.109.26 .61 1.21 1.82 2.42 3.03 3.63 4.24 4.84 6.05 7.26 8.47 9.68 .63 1,26 1.90 2.53 3.16 3.79 1.42 5.05 6.32 7.58 8.84 10.10 3 68 1.37 2.05 2.74 3.42 4.11 4.79 5.47 6.84 8.21 9.58 10.95 31 .74 1.47 2.21 2.95| 3.68 4.42 33 .79 1.58 2.37 2.37 3.16 | 3.95 4 .84 1.68 2.53 | 3.37 4.21 44 .90 1.79 1.79 2.63 2.68 3.58 4.47 5.37 4 .95 1.90 2.84 3.79 43 1.00 2.00 5 1.05 2.11 5 5.16 5.89 7.37 4.74 | 5.53 | 6.32 | 7.89 6.32 7.89 9.47 11.05 12.63 6.74 8.42 10.10 11.79 13.47 7.168.95 10.74 12 53 14.31 4.74 5.68 6.63 7.58 9.47 11.88 13.26 15.16 3.00 4.00 5.00 | 6.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 3.16 4.21 5.26 6.32 7,37 | 8.42 10,53 12.63 |14.74 |16.84 1.11 | 2.21 3.32 4.42 | 5.53 | 6.63 7.74 8.84 11.05 13.26 15.47 17.68 51 1.16 | 2,32 | 3.47 4.63 5.79 6.95 8.10 9.26 11.58 13.89 |16.21 18.52 1.21 2.42 3.63 3.63 4.84 6.05 7.26 8.47 9.68 12.10 14.53 16.95 19.37 1.26 2.53 3.79 | 5.05 | 6.32 | 7.58 7.58 8.84 10.10 12.63 15.16 17.68 20.20 Rule for finding the sectional area of a bar of wrought iron, given the weight per foot: Multiply by 3 and Divide by 10. To find the weight per foot, given the area: Divide by 3 and Multiply by 10. 8.84 10.32 11.79 5.05 5.89 6.26 65 WEIGHT OF ROUND AND SQUARE BARS OF WROUGHT IRON PER LINEAL FOOT. ONE CUBIC FOOT WEIGHING 480 LBS. Thick- Thick- Weight Weight Weight Weight ness or ness or of square of round diam. of square of round diam, bar. bar. bar. bar. in ins. in ins. Thick- ick- ness or diam. in ins. Weight Weight of square of round bar, bar, .013 .010 16 14.18 11.14 1 16 4 55.01 43.21 .052 .041 15.05 11.82 41% 56.72 44.55 .117 .092 15.95 12.53 47% 58.45 45.91 .208 .164 16.88 13.25 44 60.21 47.29 5 16 .326 .256 17.83 14.00 61.99 48.69 .469 .368 238 18.80 14.77 43/8 63.80 50.11 .638 .501 16 19.80 15.55 47% 65.64 51.55 .833 .654 22½ 20.83 16.36 41 67.50 53.01 1.055 .828 21.89 17.19 41% 69.39 54.50 1.302 1.023 22.97 18.04 45% 71.30 56.00 1 1 1.576 1.237 16 3/ 4 24.08 18.91 4층 ​73.24 57.52 1.875 1.473 25.21 19.80 434 75.21 59.07 1 3 16 2.201 1.728 21 26.37 20.71 41 77.20 60.63 2.552 2.004 278 27.55 21.64 47% 79.22 62.22 15 16 2.930 2.301 1 3.333 2.618 111/6 3.763 2.955 11/% 4.219 3.313 CU CU CU N inko - 28.76 22.59 415 81.26 63.82 3 30.00 23.56 5 83.33 65.45 316 31.26 24.555 51% 85.43 67.10 3% 32.55 25.57 5% 87.55 68.76 1,73% 4.701 3.692 3 33.87 26.60 53 89.70 70.45 11/4 5.208 4.091 31 1-5 5.742 4.510 35.21 27.65 51 91.88 72.16 36.58 28.73 21 94.08 73.89 13% 6.302 4.950 37.97 29.82 53% 96.30 75.64 1 6.888 5.410 16 39.39 30.94 5% 98.55 77.40 1½ 7.500 5.890 40.83 32.07 52 100.8 79.19 17% 8.138 6.392 42.30 33.23 516 5103.1 81.00 1% 8.802 6.913 43.80 34.40 55% 105.5 82.83 2 1 16 134 113/0 9.492 7.455 10.21 8.018 334 10.95 8.601 17% 11.72 9.204 37% 11/5/3/5 12.51 9.828 34 13.33 10.47 31/500 4 45.33 35.60 5층 ​107.8 84.69 16 46.88 36.82 534 110.2 86.56 sako 48.45 38.05 543 112.6 88.45 50.05 39.31 5% 115.1 90.36 afer 51.68 40.59 515 117.5 92.29 53.33 41.89 6 120.0 94.25 66 ANGLE IRONS. (Union Iron Mills, Pittsburgh, Pa.) ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS. ANGLES WITH EQUAL LEGS. Size. Thickness. Weight per foot. Area. Size. Thickness. Weight per foot. Area. Inches. Inches. Pounds. Sq. Inches. Inches. Inches. Pounds. Sq. Inches. Min. Max, Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max, Min. Max. Min. Max. 6 X 6 ½ 1 19.2 39.2 5.75 11.75 CO X 4 X 4 3/8 3. 9.5 19.5 2.86 5.86 3½ X 32½ 34 × 34 3 X 3 8.3 17.0 2.48 5.11 7.7 15.8 2.30 4.73 5.9 16 12.2 1.78 3.65 4 23/4 X 234 5 To 1/2 5.4 8.8 1.62 2.65 4 2/2 X 212 5 16 1/2 4.9 8.0 1.46 2.39 24 X 24 1/2 3.5 7.3 1.06 2.19 X 2 3.1 5.6 0.94 1.69 3 134 X 134 2.1 15 T ह 5.0 0.62 1.50 3 1½ x 1½ 1.8 16 3.6 0.53 1.09 1/4 X 14 1/4 1.0 2.0 0.30 0.61 2 1 19 09 00 00 00 1AA ХХХ 3/4 DNNW0 09 09 09 COA A 7 13 I A 13.9 26.4 4.18 16 7.93 3/8 10.8 22.0 3.23 6.61 10.2 4 20.8 3.05 6.23 9.5 * 19.5 2.86 5.86 3½ 3 8.9 18.3 2.67 5.48 دن 8.3 17.0 2.48 5.11 7.7 15.8 2.30 4.73 1/2 4.2 8.5 1.25 2.56 4.4 9.0 1.31 2.69 2 4.0 8.1 1.19 2.44 2/2 × 2 X I 3.5 7.3 1.06 2.19 Х 13/8 I A 2.6 4.0 0.78 1.20 1% X 1% 0.9 1.8 0.27 0.55 1 X 1 1/8 0.8 1.2 T6 0.23 0.36 3/4 X 3/4 1/8 3 0.6 16 0.9 ❤ Angle Irons may be rolled to any weight intermediate between the minimum and maximum weights in table, The lengths of the legs correspond with the min, weight and increase somewhat with the increase of thickness. 67 T IRON. (UNION IRON MILLS, PITTSBURGH, PA.) Average Thickness of Weight per foot. Flange. Stem. Size. Flange by Stem. Average Thickness of Weight per foot. Flange. Stem. Size. Flange by Stem. Inches. Lbs. Ins. Ins. Inches. Lbs. Ins. Ins. 09/0 54 သ cok Hawlt-15~|2, A/CON/X/NO/NA/NW/W/ 3 x 3 7.6 212 144400 63 6.6 6.1 X X X X X X 221MNN N ~+ 09/0 36. H 'Hopako' 'Holocko' 5.4 3 CHCH HKOONK' 7474)2 aka Ha تت اكبرت البنت 237 Turkorfor omlook on 63474341234)2342 2 kooltatt-act_look_lea, TANKOHOKOH korts Korko 100 41001 S-APIC- PROF 13 x 1 13 x 14 1.9 13 x 13 2.5 13 x 1.8 13 x 2.9 1 x l 1.7 1 x 1 1.9 1 x 14 1.5 x 1 1.1 x 1 .75 NNNN 61474 HONGWHOM HON ONTHON "THMPONRO" THHpoHbo coko Hinojo Nó "~/ TH-kocokopajo Thajsk K-bob-hchat_kot_kah_K 13 13 101 15 161 14 223LO Ha-a-b رات 13 12 93 اللام 8.8 7.5 сост Harbi سرت 00:0 LOLOLO + +++++++ 13.8 111 11 1 10 111 121 11 HO FA 10 X X X X X CO COA co сосо 212 68 CHANNEL BARS. EYEBEAMS. Desig- nation. Weight per foot. Area of Thickness Width of Section. of Web. Flange. Desig- nation. Weight per foot. Area of Section. Thickness of Web. Width of Flange. Depth Pounds. Sq. Inches. Inches. Inches. Depth Pounds. Inches. Inches. Sq. Inches. Inches. Inches. Min. Max. 15 12 12 522 40. 60. 20. 22.5 30. Min. Max. Min. Max. 12.00 18.00 .525 .925 6.00 .318 6.75 9.00 .324 .512 Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max, Min, Max. 3.53 3.93 15 50. 65. 15.0 19.5 .47 .77 5.03 5.33 3.01 15 67. 80. 20.1 24.0 .67 .93 5.55 5.81 3.01 3.20 12 42. 69. 12.6 18.0 .51 .96 4.64 5.09 12 30. 50. 9.00 15.0 .457 .957 2.71 3.21 10% 31.5 45. 9.5 13.5 .41 .79 4.54 4.92 10 16. 4.80 .329 2.52 10 30. 45. 9.0 13.5 .32 .77 4.32 4.77 10 17.5 30. 5.25 9.00 .300 .675 2.43 2.80 9 23.5 33. 7.0 9.9 .26 .58 4.01 4.33 10 20. 35. 6.00 10.50 .305 .755 2.56 3.01 9 45. 50. 13.5 15.0 .75 .91 4.94 5.10 9 14.5 4.35 .316 2.50 22. 35. 6.6 10.5 .31 .79 3.81 4.29 9 18. 30. 5.40 9.00 .305 .705 2.43 2.83 18. 25. 5.4 7.5 .23 .53 3.61 3.91 12.5 15.5 3.75 4.65 .264 .376 2.01 2.13 6 13.5 18. 4.1 5.4 .24 .46 3.24 3.46 16. 28. 4.80 8.40 .303 .753 2.30 2.75 5 10. 13. 3.0 3.9 .225 .405 2.73 2.91 7 10.5 13.5 3.15 4.05 .247 .375 2.00 2.13 4 8. 10. 2.4 3.0 23 .38 2.48 2.63 7 14. 20. 4.20 6.00 .296 .554 2.30 2.55 3 7. 9. 2.1 2.7 .19 .39 2.32 2.52 7.5 9.5 2.25 10. 16. 3.00 LOLO + Eag 6.5 8.5 1.95 9. 14. 2.70 4 6. 7. 1.80 4 7. 9. 2.10 5. 6. 1.50 2.85 .196 .296 4.80 .227 .527 2.55 .219 .339 4.20 .245 .545 2.10 .246 .321 2.70 .244 1.80 .199 .299 .394 1.76 1.86 1.98 2.28 1.66 1.78 1.93 2.23 1.62 1.70 1.74 1.89 1.51 1.61 REMARKS.-The above tables for Channels and Beams are condens- ed from the "Pocket Companion of Useful Information" issued by Mess. Carnegie Bros. & Co., Limited, Union Iron Mills, Pittsburgh, Pa. They roll Beams and Channels to any weight intermediate between the min. and max. ones given in the tables, and also make Deck Beams and all varieties of I. L. & T. Iron, Bar Iron, Columns, Bridge Work, Roof Iron and Steel rails &c. In the tables more than one line of dimensions for same depth of Beam or Bar indicates a difference in shape. } 69 CORRUGATED IRON. (KEYSTONE BRIDGE CO., PITTSBURGH.) No. by Birming- ham Gauge. Thickness. Weight per Sq. Foot. Flat. Weight per Sq. Foot. Corrugated. Weight per Square of 100 sq. feet, when laid, allowing 6 lap in length and 2½" or one cor- rugation in width of sheet, for sheet lengths of : In. Lbs. Lbs. 5/ 6' 7/ Weight per Sq. ft. Flat, galvanized. 8' के 9/ 10/ Lbs. 16 .065 2.61 3.28 365 358 353 350 348 346 2.95 18 .049 1.97 2.48 275 270 267 264 262 261 2.31 20 .035 1.40 1.76 196 192 190 188 186 185 1.74 22 .028 1.12 1.41 156 154 152 150 149 148 1.46 24 1.022 .88 1.11 123 121 119 118 117 117 1.22 26 .018 .72 .91 101 99 97 97 96 95 1.06 AVERAGE NUMBER OF WASHERS IN A BOX OR KEG OF 150 LBS. OF STANDARD SIZES. Thickness Number. Diameter. Size of hole. Wire Gauge. Size of Bolt. Number in 150 lbs. 18 1/2 1% 80,000 16 5/8 1/4 34,285 5 16 3/4 16 1/4 22,000 16 5 18,500 7/8 16 1 14 3/2 10,550 16 11/4 治 ​14 7,500 13% 12 4,500 16 9 1½ 13/4 2 5. 12 16 3,850 1 1 10 5 2,500 16 1 3 10 3/4 1,600 16 214 15 9 7/8 1,300 16 21/2 11% 9 1 950 23/4 114 118 700 3 13% 114 550 32 11/2 9 13% 450 70 VALUE OF IRON PER TON OF 2240 POUNDS @ OF A CENT TO 6 CENTS PER POUND. 16 Price per lb. Value per ton Price Value Price Value in cts. of 2240 per lb. per ton Price of 2240 per lb. per lbs. in cts. in cts. per ton of 2240 lbs. lbs. per lb. in cts. Value per ton of 2240 lbs. 1 16 $ 1.40 1-8 10 $29.12 1 2.24 1-5 29.40 10 16 2.80 138 30.80 4.20 1.4 31.36 16 10 2 10 4.48 1,7 32.20 16 5.60 11/2 33.60 6.72 35.00 NNNNNNN 21% $57.40 4-2 $ 94.08 21% 25% 58.24 10 414 95.20 58.80 4,33% 96.32 21/1/ 60.20 438 98.00 60.48 2,7 4,4 98.56 61.60 4½ 100.80 2 62.72 103.04 Τσ 16 10 5 16 7.00 1-6 35.84 10 3/8 8.40 1 36.40 8.96 16 9.80 17 10 11.20 13 37.80 38.08 39.20 2150 3 4 12.60 18 40.32 T6 TO 6 13.44 1 10 13 16 40.60 3 Touko ICION ∞ CO M 13 16 63.00 45% 103.60 64.40 41 105.28 64.96 434 106.40 65.80 47% 107.52 67.20 4% 109.20 1 69.44 109.76 70.00 5 112.00 14.00 17% 42.00 3-2 71.68 10 510 114.24 1 1 15.40 16 15.68 To THA Touto 42.56 72.80 114.80 43.40 3 73.92 116.48 16.80 2 44.80 338 75.60 51 117.60 17.92 2.1 46.20 3-4 76.16 118.72 16 1 3 18.20 2.1 47.04 32 78.40 T 1 53% 120.40 7/8 19.60 21/% 47.60 3 80.64 5 120.96 20.16 ΙΟ 216 49.00 35% 81.20 123.20 1 5 21.00 49.28 82.88 5% 125.44 1 16 11 22.40 2 50.40 334 84.00 5% 126.00 23.80 51.52 3-$ 85.12 127.68 1 6 TO 130 24.64 5 ह 51.80 3% 86.80 128.80 25.20 238 53.20 310 87.36 129.92 116 26.60 2+F 53.76 4 89.60 5% 131.60 1. 1 26.88 54.60 Τσ 41% 91.84 51% 10 132.16 28.00 21/2 56.00 4/8 92.40 6 134.40 71 AVERAGE NUMBER OF SQUARE AND HEXA- GON NUTS IN A BOX OR KEG OF 200 LBS. OF STANDARD SIZES. SQUARE NUTS. Width. Thickness. Hole, Size of bolt. No. in 200 lbs. HEXAGON NUTS. Width. Thickness. Hole. Size of bolt. No. in 200 lbs. است ماست سرانت سر است. la barbacoa 1414,844 7,880 4,440 I 1/2 16 انت انت ماز 17,332 16 8,964 5,016 2,732 2,988 1/2 2,450 16 2,674 1 11/8 11/8 14 138 12 15% 1 16 2 1,816 1 2,160 16 16 1,390 1% Τ 1 1,445 122NNNN ∞ ∞ ∞ 134 1 1 24 1% 15 1/% 16 16 15 11/% 12 14 24 14 22 14 234 13/8 3 4 11/2 15% 134 1% 2 1 I ठ _to_ko-a-busowable 100 Hamamakacakes ~\ 1,174 | 1% I 1,310 898 114 9 16 1,028 662 11/4 9 920 4 16 538 13/8 21 752 32 392 11/2 21 510 326 158 450 1 304 15% 1 428 224 134 1 1 372 214 134 7/8 1 336 11/8 152 2 11/4 15 211 143 21 36|1|14 159 175 14 108 22 119 3 16 13/8 83 23 158 16 1-5 1/2 88 11/2 65 3 134 177% 15/8 69 158 51 3/4 172% 16 134 56 9 16 134 1% 42 3/2 32 3/2 16 27 4 222 Ι 111 113 16 113 44 22 43 29 72 NUMBER OF CUT NAILS AND TACKS PER POUND. NAILS. TACKS. Size. Length Number Size. Length Number Ins. per lb. Ounce. Ins. per lb. IN CO 2 M60 H LO 2 fine. 1 1050 1 16,000 3 14 860 1/2 10,666 1. 800 2 I 8,000 3 11/4 480 केल 6,400 4 11/2 300 3 5,333 5 134 200 4,000 6 2 160 9 16 2,666 7 128 8 9 234 10 12 16 32 NTAT AUNTA 2,000 92 10 1 1 16 1,600 72 12 1,333 60 14 1,143 44 16 1,000 32 18 15 888 16 20 4 24 20 1 800 30 4/2 18 22 12 727 40 5 14 24 1 666 50 5½ 12 60 6 fence. 8 10 12 00 00 N NO 10 2 SO 21/2 50 34 3/4 29 Length. in. in.in. 16 } WROUGHT SPIKES. Number to a keg of 150 lbs. Length. in. in. in. in.in. 16 16 Ins. No. No. No. Ins. No. No. No. No. No. 3 2,250 3 1/ 22 4 1,890 1,208 1,650 | 1,135 1,464 | 1,064 78 1,161 662 482 445 306 635 455 384 256 573 424 300 240 10 391 270 222 5 1,380 930 742 11 249 203 1,292 868 570 12 236 180 73 WEIGHT AND STRENGTH OF IRON BOLTS. (TRAUTWINE.) Ends Enlarged, or Upset. Ends not Ends Enlarged, or Enlarged. Upset. Ends not Enlarged. Weight Weight Weight Weight Diame- Break- Diame- Diame- Break- Diame- per per per per ter of foot Shank. ing ter of Strain. Shank. ter of run. foot run. foot Shank. ing Strain. Shank. ter of foot run. run. Ins. Pounds Tons. Ins. Pounds Pounds Ins. Pounds Tons. Ins. Pounds 2240 lbs 2240 lbs .0414 .245 T6 .093 .553 134 8.10 8.69 11/8/ 45.7 2.14 12.0 49.0 2.22 12.9 .165 .983 .35 .321 17% 9.30 52.5 2.30 13.8 16 .258 1.53 .43 .452 12 9.93 56.0 2.38 14.7 .372 2.21 .50 .654 2 10.6 59.7 2.45 15.7 'S 7 16 .506 3.00 .58 .897 2% 12.0 63.8 2.59 17.5 .661 3.93 .66 1.14 214 13.4 71.6 2.73 19.5 16 .837 4.97 .73 1.41 23% 14.9 79.7 2.88 21.6 1.03 6.14 .80 1.67 21½ 16.5 $8.4 3.02 23.9 1 1 16 34 1.25 7.42 .88 2.03 29% 18.2 97.4 3.16 26.1 1.49 8.83 .96 2.41 234 20.0 106.9 3.30 28.5 구룡 ​1 3 16 1.75 10.4 1.04 2.81 27% 21.9 116.8 3.45 31.1 % 2.03 12.0 1.12 3.26 3 23.8 127.2 3.60 33.9 16 15 2.33 13.8 1.20 3.77 34 27.9 141.0 3.86 39.1 1 2.65 15.7 1.27 4.27 31% 3% 32.4 163.6 4.12 44.4 16 1층 ​2.99 16.8 1.35 4.77 33 37.2 187.7 4.41 51.0 11% 3.35 18.9 1.42 5.28 4 42.3 213.6 4.70 57.8 116 17% 3.73 21.1 1.49 5.81 414 47.8 227.0 4.98 65.2 14 4.13 23.3 1.55 6.39 41 53.6 254.5 5.25 72.9 11% 4.56 25.7 1.64 7.04 434 59.7 283.5 5.53 80.5 13% 5.00 28.2 1.72 7.74 5 66.1 314.2 5.80 88.1 10 15.47 30.8 1.80 8.48 54 72.9 324.7 6.08 97.0 11% 5.95 33.6 1.87 9.20 512 80.0 356.4 6.36 106. 16 6.46 36.4 1.94 9.88 534 87.5 389.5 6.63 116. 15% 6.99 39.4 2.00 10.6 6 195.2 424.1 6.90 126. 11 1층 ​7.53 42.5 2.07 11.3 For square bars increase the breaking strains 4 part. A long upset rod is no stronger than one not upset, against slowly applied loads or strains. Therefore in such cases the col- umn of greatest diameter in the table should be used. 74 WEIGHTS OF RIVETS AND ROUND-HEADED BOLTS WITHOUT NUTS, PER 100. Length from under head. One cubic foot weighing 480 lbs. Length. DIAMETER-INCHES. Inches. 3 1/2 6% 3% 34 76 1 11/2 114 114 5.4 12.6 21.5 28.7 43.1 65.3 91.5 123. 116 6.2 13.9 23.7 31.8 47.3 70.7 98.4 133. 134 6.9 15.3 25.8 34.9 51.4 76.2 105. 142. 7.7 16.6 27.9 37.9 55.6 81.6 112. 150. 21 8.5 18.0 30.0 41. 59.8 87.1 119. 159. 21/2 9.2 19.4 32.2 44.1 63.0 92.5 126. 167. 234 10.0 20.7 34.3 47.1 68.1 98.0 133. 176. 10.8 22.1 36.4 50.2 72.3 103. 140. 184. 34 11.5 23.5 38.6 53.3 76.5 109. 147. 193. 3 12.3 24.8 40.7 56.4 80.7 114. 154. 201. 334 13.1 26.2 42.8 59.4 84.8 120. 161. 210. 4 13.8 27.5 45.0 62.5 89.0 125. 167. 218. 414 14.6 28.9 47.1 65.6 93.2 131. 174. 227. 4/2 15.4 30.3 49.2 68.6 97.4 136. 181. 236. 43/4 16.2 31.6 51.4 71.7 102. 142. 188. 211. 5 5¼ 16.9 33.0 53.5 74.8 106. 147. 195. 253. 51/+ 17.7 34.4 55.6 77.8 110. 153. 202. 261. 512 18.4 35.7 57.7 80.9 114. 158. 209. 270. 534 19.2 37.1 59.9 84.0 118. 163. 216. 278. 6 20.0 38.5 62.0 87.0 122. 169. 223. 287. 612 21.5 41.2 66.3 93.2 131. 180. 236. 304. 7 23.0 43.9 70.5 99.3 139. 191. 250. 321. 72 24.6 46.6 74.8 106. 147. 202. 264. 338. 8 26.1 49.4 79.0 112. 156. 213. 278. 355. 81/3 27.6 52.1 83.3 118. 164. 223. 292. 372. 9 29.2 54.8 87.6 124. 173. 234. 306. 389. 10 91/2 30.7 57.6 91.8 130. 181. 245. 319. 406. 32.2 60.3 96.1 136. 189. 256. 333. 423. 1012 33.8 63.0 101. 142. 198. 267. 347. 440. 11 35.3 65.7 105. 148. 206. 278. 361. 457. 1112 36.8 68.5 109. 155. 214. 289. 375. 474. 12 38.4 71.2 113. 161. 223. 300. 388. 491. Heads. 1.8 5.7 10.9 13.4 22.2 38.0 57.0 82.0 From Carnegie Bros. & Co.'s "Useful Information." 75 STANDARD PROPORTIONS FOR SCREW THREADS, NUTS AND BOLT HEADS. Recommended by the Franklin Institute and adopted by the Master Car Builders' Association. Angle of thread 60º. Flat at top and bottom =% of pitch. SCREW THREADS. NUTS. BOLT HEADS. Ins. No. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. 4 20 .185 .0062 3 16 5 18 .240 .0069 19 16 3/8 16 .294 .0078 14 .344 .0089 ½ 13 .400 .0096 9 12 .454 .0104 3 16 THE \~KHHOP 16 29 rjoajenoja ovichaf 16 5/8 11 .507 .0113 11 16 9 16 H\ABA|Houjse \\ celsa \a al-kombiyo mbi 34 10 .620 .01251 1-3 16 1 1 16 1715 1 11/4 9 .731 .0138 13 13 16 1 сог .837 .0156 1 17% 1 15 .940 .0178 134 1 16 11/4 13/8 1/2 1.065 .0178 | 2 1 1 1.160 .0208 1.284 .0208 21/8 13/8 11/2 15% 21.389 .0227 16 134 5 1.490 .0250 23 2 27% 17 2 7s 1% 5 1.615 42 1.712 24 42 1.962 21/2 4 2.175 WNNNN 234 4 2.425 3 3/2½ 2.629 3 16 7 I Cejto —¡Hod{to \\&\ ©©|HH|__ MOGkojos ©0\t=|=={" 16 H\HB-karo" THmpo-pps \)\c1|90H|Hapo 24194125476147268 33692 16 I Τ 16 3 9 11 16 16 1 3 16 15% 19% 16 16 1 118 13 29 1 1,7 2 2 $1 16 5 1.3 1 32 16 11% 17 1원 ​1 ह 1 1 11 11 16 2 2½ 13½ 11 11 234 21 13% 11 .0250 2 113 218 27% 115 .0277 31% 37% 13% 3% 11% .0227 323 24 2 3% 3% 134 .0312 3% 313 2% 21% 3% 318 115 276 .0312 44 4 234 211 44 41% 2% 21 .0357 4% 4% 3 24% 47% 25% 24 + 1 Short diam. of rough nut = 1½ × diam of bolt + ½ in. Short diam. of finished nut = 1½ × diam. of bolt in. Thickness of rough nut diam. of bolt. Thickness finished nut diam of bolt 1 in. 16 ½ + Short diam. of rough head= 1½ x diam. of bolt + in. Short diam. of finished head = 1½ X diam. of bolt in. Thickness of rough head ½ short diam. of head. Thickness of finished head diam. of bolt 1 inch. The long diam. of a hexagon nut The long diam. of a square nut 16 short diam. X 1.155. short diam. X 1.414. 16 16 76 WEIGHT AND STRENGTH OF IRON CHAINS. (TRAUTWINE.) Assuming 20 tons per square inch as the average breaking strain of a single straight bar of ordinary rolled iron, 1 inch in diameter; or 1 inch square; 19 tons, from 1 to 2 inches; and 18 tons from 2 to 3 inches. Chains of superior iron will require 4 to more to break them. Diam. of rod Weight Diam. of rod Weight of of which chain Breaking strain of of links per the chain. foot of which links per foot chain Breaking strain of the chain. are are run. run. made. made. Ins. Lbs. Lbs. Tons. Ins. Lbs. Lbs. Tons. .325 16 1,731 .773 1 9.26 49,280 22.00 .579 3,069 1.37 11/8 11.7 59,226 26.44 .904 Τ 4,794 2.14 14 14.5 73,114 32.64 1.30 6,922 3.09 138 17.5 S8,301 39.42 1.78 16 9,408 4.20 11/2 20.8 105,280 47.00 1/2 2.31 12,320 5.50 15% 24.4 123,514 55.14 9 2.93 16 15,590 6.96 134 28.4 143,293 63.97 8 5% 3.62 19,219 8.58 32.6 164,505 73.44 1 1 16 3 4.38 23,274 10.39 37.0 187,152 83.55 5.21 27,687 | 12.36 1 6.11 32,301 14.42 7/8 7.10 37,632 16.80 15 16 8.14 43,277 19.32 UN N N 46.9 224,448 100.2 57.9 277,088 123.7 70.0 335,328 335,328 149.7 83.3 398,944 398,944 | 178.1 WOOD SCREWS. Diameter Number (Nunber × 0.01325) + 0.056. (Diameter .056).01325. No. Diam. No. Diam. No. Diam. No. Diam. No. Diam. O1234 0 .056 ♡ .135 12 .215 18 .293 24 .374 .069 .149 13 .228 19 .308 25 .387 .082 .162 14 .241 20 .321 26 .401 .096 9 .175 15 .255 .334 27 .414 .109 10 .188 16 .268 .347 28 .427 .122 11 .201 17 .281 23 .361 29 .440 30 .453 77 TO TEST IRON AND STEEL. A medium even grain with fibres denotes good iron. A soft, tough iron, if broken gradually, gives long silky fibres of leaden-gray hue, which twist together and cohere before breaking. Badly refined iron gives a short, blackish fibre on fracture. A very fine grain denotes hard, steely iron, likely to be cold- short and hard. Coarse grain, with bright crystallized fracture or discolored spots, indicate cold-short, brittle iron, which works easily when heated, and welds well. Cracks on the edge of a bar are indi- cations of hot-short iron. Good iron is readily heated, is soft under the hammer and throws out few sparks. Good steel, in its soft state, has a curved fracture and a uniform gray lustre; in its hard state, a dull, silvery, uniform white. Cracks, threads, or sparkling particles denote bad quality. Good steel will not bear a white heat without falling to pieces, and will crumble under the hammer at a bright red heat, while at a middling heat it may be drawn out under the hammer to a fine point. Čare should be taken that before attempting to draw it out to a point, the fracture is not concave, and should it be so, the end should be filed to an obtuse point before operating. Steel should be drawn out to a fine point and plunged into cold water; the fractured point should scratch glass. To test its toughness, place a fragment on a block of cast iron, if good, it may be driven by the blow of a hammer into the cast iron; if poor, it will crush under the blow. Nitric acid will produce a black spot on steel; the darker the spot the harder the steel. Iron, on the contrary, remains bright. if touched with nitric acid. To restore burnt iron. Give a smart heat, protected from the air; if injured by cold hammering, anneal slowly and moderately; if hard or steely, give one or more smart heats to extract the carbon. WEIGHTS OF GRINDSTONES. RULE.-Square the diameter (in inches), multiply by thickness (in inches), then multiply by decimal .06363. Example. Find the weight of a stone 4 feet 6 inches diameter and 7 inches thick. 4 feet 6 inches 54; square of 542916; multiplied by 7=20412; multiplied by .06363 = answer 1298.815 pounds weight of stone. 78 FAIRBAIRN'S TABLE FOR PROPORTIONING THE RIVETING FOR STEAM AND WATER-TIGHT LAP JOINTS. Length From Thickness Diameter of Shank center to of each plate. of rivets. before driving. center of rivets. Lap in single riveting. Lap in double riveting. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 3 18 1/4 5 тъ 3/2 16 34 /% 3 13 16 1 3/2 1/2 \00 \Q \00 Velekonko 112 7. 111 11/4 22 216 112 11/2 11/2 212 134 15% 1% 31% 15 13/ 2 33% 214 2 21/4 334 212 23/4 45% 3 34 512 23/4 34 Joints for boilers and water-tight cisterns are usually propor- tioned about as per the above table. Mr. Fairbairn considers the strength of the single-riveted lap joint to be about .56; and that of the double-riveted about .7, that of one of the full un- holed plates, when both joints are proportioned as in the above table. * Trautwine thinks .5 and .6 (or about one-seventh part less than Fairbairn's assumption) can be relied upon as safe for practice, with fair qualities of plate and rivet iron. For im- portant work rivet holes should be drilled, not punched. For steel plates the above proportions are too small. D A W Р P 1 L PROPORTIONS OF SAFETY-VALVE, LEVERS, &c. (MOLESWORTH.) = Diameter of valve in inches, Area of valve in inches. Weight in pounds. Pressure in lbs. per square inch of the safety-valves. W L ΑΙ Distance from fulcrum to centre of valve. Whole length of lever. The weight of lever and valve must be allowed for in addition to weight of W, Let G Distance of centre of gravity of lever from fulcrum. W X G w 1A X A Weight of lever. Weight of valve. Pressure per square inch due to the weight of lever. Pressure per square inch due to the weight of the valve. 79 TABLE OF SAFE WORKING STEAM PRESSURE, FOR IRON BOILERS OF VARIOUS SIZES, BASED UPON A STANDARD OF OF ONE-SIXTH OF TENSILE STRENGTH OF PLATES. Internal Diameter of Shell in Inches. Thickness of Iron. Longitudinal Seams, Single Riveted. Longitudinal Seams, Double Riveted. Tensile Strength of Iron.Tensile Strength of Iron. 45000 lbs, 50000 lbs. 55000 lbs. 45000 lbs. 50000 lbs. 55000 lbs. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 104 116 127 125 139 152 36 130 145 159 156 174 191 16 99 110 121 119 132 145 38 123 137 151 148 164 181 16 1 94 104 115 113 125 138 40 117 130 143 140 156 172 16 1 89 99 109 107 119 131 42 112 124 136 134 149 163 16 85 95 104 102 114 125 44 5 107 118 130 128 142 156 16 46 1/4 82 91 100 98 109 120 5 102 113 125 122 136 150 1 6 78 87 96 94 104 115 48 98 109 120 118 131 144 100 3 118 131 144 142 157 173 75 83 92 90 100 110 50 94 104 115 113 125 138 16 112 125 138 134 150 166 シ ​72 80 88 86 96 106 52 90 100 110 108 120 132 16 108 120 132 130 144 158 87 96 106 101 112 122 16 54 104 116 127 120 134 148 121 135 148 140 156 172 T6 5 78 87 95 94 104 114 16 60 94 104 115 113 125 138 109 121 134 131 145 160 TG 85 95 104 102 114 125 66 99 111 121 120 133 146 16 1/2 112 117 138 137 152 167 3/2 78 87 96 94 104 115 72 91 102 112 110 122 134 16 1/ 102 117 128 125 140 153 To Compute Pressure for a given thickness and diameter, or thickness for a given pressure and diameter: For Pressure.-Rule: Multiply thickness of plate in inches, by one-sixth of tensile strength of metal, and divide product by radius or half diameter of shell in inches. For double riveted seams add one-fifth to result obtained by the rule. For Thickness. Rule: Multiply pressure by radius of shell, and divide pro- duct by one-sixth of tensile strength of metal. 80 TABLE OF PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. GIVING VALUE OF ALL PROPERTIES REQUIRED IN CALCULA- TIONS CONNECTED WITH STEAM BOILERS. Volume. Pressure. Temper- ature in Com- Cub. Ft. Fahren- By Total Steam heit Degrees. pared of steam from 1 with lb. of lbs. water. Gauge. water. Total heat required to generate I Latentib. steam heat in from water der con- Fahren- at 32° un- heit de-stant pres- sure. grees. In heat units. 0 15 212.0 1642 26.36 965.2 1146.1 5 20 228.0 1229 19.72 952.8 1150.9 10 25 240.1 996 15.99 945.3 1154.6 15 30 250.4 838 13.46 937.9 1157.8 20 35 259.3 726 11.65 931.6 1160.5 25 40 267.3 640 10.27 926.0 1162.9 30 45 274.4 572 9.18 920.9 1165.1 35 50 281.0 518 8.31 916.3 1167.1 40 55 287.1 474 7.61 912.0 1169.0 45 60 292.7 437 7.01 908.0 1170.7 50 65 298.0 405 6.49 904.2 1172.3 55 70 302.9 378 6.07 900.8 1173.8 60 75 307.5 353 5.68 897.5 1175.2 65 80 312.0 333 5.35 894.3 1176.5 70 85 316.1 314 5.05 891.4 1177.9 75 90 320.2 298 4.79 S$8.5 1179.1 80 95 324.1 283 4.55 885.8 1180.3 85 100 327.9 270 4.33 883.1 1181.4 90 105 331.3 257 4.14 880.7 1182.4 95 110 334.6 247 3.97 878.3 1183.5 100 115 338.0 237 3.80 875.9 1184.5 110 125 344.2 219 3.51 871.5 1186.4 120 135 350.1 203 3.27 S67.4 1188.2 130 145 355.6 190 3.06 $63.5 1189.9 140 155 361.0 179 2.87 859.7 1191.5 150 165 366.0 169 2.71 856.2 1192.9 160 175 370.8 159 2.56 852.9 1194.4 170 185 375.3 151 2.43 849.6 1195.8 180 195 379.7 144 2.31 846.5 1197.2 $1 WEIGHT OF CIRCULAR BOILER HEADS. Diam- eter THICKNESS OF IRON-INCHES. in inches. 3 16 ¼ 5 16 33 1775 16 ½ Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 16 11 14 18 21 25 28 32 18 13 18 22 27 31 36 40 20 17 22 27 33 38 44 50 22 20 27 33 40 47 54 60 24 24 32 40 47 55 64 71 26 28 37 46 56 64 75 84 28 32 43 53 65 75 86 97 30 37 50 62 74 87 100 112 32 42 56 70 84 99 112 127 34 48 64 79 96 111 128 143 36 54 71 89 108 125 142 161 38 60 79 99 120 139 158 179 40 66 88 110 132 154 176 198 42 73 97 121 146 170 194 220 44 80 107 133 160 187 214 240 46 88 117 145 176 204 234 262 48 95 127 158 190 222 254 286 50 103 138 172 206 241 276 310 52 112 149 186 224 260 298 335 54 121 160 200 242 281 320 362 56 130 172 214 260 302 344 389 58 139 185 231 278 324 370 417 60 149 198 247 298 336 396 446 FOR CALCULATING THE SPEED OF PULLEYS. Problem 1.-The diameter of the driven being given to find its number of revolutions. RULE.-Multiply the diameter of the driver by number of its revolutions; and divide the product by the diameter of the driven; the quotient will be the number of revolutions of the driven. Problem 2.-The diameter and revolutions of the driver being given to find the diameter of the driven that shall make any given number of revolutions in the same time. RULE.-Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revo- lutions of the driven; the quotient will be its diameter. Problem 3.-To ascertain the size of the driver. RULE.-Multiply the diameter of the driven by the number of revolutions you wish it to make, and divide the product by the revolutions of the driver; the quotient will be the diameter of the driver. TO CALCULATE, APPROXIMATELY, THE HORSE POWER OF A BOILER AND ENGINE. BOILER. Horizontal, Tubular and Flue Boilers-Divide the number of feet of heat-- ing surface x 15 the H. P. For Locomotive Boilers, use 12 as a divisor. For Cylinder Boilers, use 9. ENGINE. A area of piston in square inches. S = Number of feet traveled by piston per minute. Р = Mean pressure in pounds. A XS XP 33,000 Number of H. P. Another rule for tubular boilers is: Multiply the number of square yards of heating surface by the area of grate surface in square feet, and extract the H. P. of boiler. square root; multiply this by 1.8 "Another rule for cylinder boilers is: Divide the sectional area of boiler by 6 H. P. of boiler. * "Professor R. H. Thurston estimates that for the best steam engines (those using high pressures, and working expansively), the quantity of water re-- quired to be evaporated per hour, per horse power, is equal to the constant 150, divided by the square root of the pressure. The horse power is understood to. be that furnished by the indicator. The quantity of water required by the best Corliss engine, for example, using steam at one hundred pounds pressure, would be ascertained by this formula, as follows; Square root of 100 = 10; then 150 15 pounds of water required per hour, per indicated horse power, or about 4 of one cubic foot. This, it should be understood, takes no account whatever of the losses incident to the genera-- tion of steam, but shows what the demand of the engine is upon the boiler. For GOOD engines he increases the constant to 200. This would give for the same pressure twenty pounds of water, which accords closely with good aver- age practice for high grade engines. "By carrying this still further, a constant of 350 might be employed for slide- valve engines. This class of engines use steam of lower initial pressure, and with less economy than those above referred to. The usual point of cutting off is two-thirds the stroke, which allows but one-third for expansion. If an ini- tial pressure on the piston be assumed to be fifty pounds, or to get rid of a frac-- tion we will say forty-nine pounds, we have: Square root of 49 7; then 35,0 50 pounds of water required per hour, per horse power, or nearly five- sixth of a cubic foot." The Railway Master Mechanic's Association of the United States estimates that the loss of fuel, extra repairs, etc., due to incrustation, amount, on an av- erage, to $850 per annum for every locomotive in the Middle and Western. States, and it must be nearly the same for the same power in stationary boil- ers. It is absolutely essential to the succesfful use of any boiler, except in pure water, that it is accessible for the removal of scale, for though a rapid cir-- culation of water will delay the deposit, and certain chemicals introdnced. into the water will lessen it, yet the only certain cure is periodical inspection and mechanical cleaning. GLAMA, SAY THE 83 RESISTANCE OF WROUGHT IRON TUBES TO EXTERNAL PRESSURE. It has been ascertained by experiment that resistance of thin metal plates to a force tending to crush them, varies directly as a certain power (x) of their thickness. P LX Hence the value of a tube to resist collapse is as t rep- resenting thickness of metal in inches, and P total pressure in lbs. per square inch. In several experiments the mean of value of x for all thicknesses is 2.19. t. 2.19 Id Let P represent pressure tube is subjected to in lbs. per square inch, 1 the length of tube in feet, and d diameter in inches. By taking 2.19 for index of t, this formula becomes V = P. -collapsing pressure, which is the general formula for computing strength of wrought iron tubes subjected to external pressure, where the length is from 13 feet to 10 feet. V varies somewhat with length of tube, but is taken by Fairbairn at 806300. ld According to Molesworth the above formula approximately (Kt) 2 K having the following values: 800 in .25 in. plate 820 in .375 in. plate; 840 in .5 in. plate; 860 in .625 in. plate; to which Haswell adds 780 in .125 in. plate. Example. What is collapsing pressure of a wrought iron tubeinch thick, 15 inches diameter and 10 feet long? (800 x .25)2 10 x 15 10000 266.6, collapsing pressure. 150 Tubes have greater resistance to bursting than to collapsing pressure, but the difference has not been determined as a rule. The resistance of a tube to collapse is inversely as the pro- duct of diameter and length. A cylindrical tube has three times the resistance to external pressure of an elliptical one. The more perfectly cylindrical in shape a tube is the more strength it has to resist collapsing pressure. SLUICE TO DISCHARGE THE RAINFALL EROM A GIVEN A C SURFACE (approximate.) (J. T. HURST.) Area of sluice in square feet. Ditto of catchment basin in acres. H = Head of water over center of sluice in feet. C A 250 H NOTE. The channel and approach are assumed to have a section of sufficient area, and the sluice is supposed to be constantly submerged. Should the out- fall not be free, take H difference of level between the water inside and out- side the sluice. The rainfall is assumed at 1½ inches 24 hours, one-third of which passes off by the sluice. mcm མ WEIGHTS PER FOOT OF CAST IRON PIPES, IN GENERAL USE, INCLUDING SOCKET AND SPIGOT ENDS. Diame- Thick- Weight Diame- Thick- Weight Diame- Thick- Weight ness. per foot. ter. ter. ness. per ton. ter. ness. per foot. Ins. Ins. Lbs. Ins. Ins. Lbs. Ins. Ins, Lbs, 11/2 11/2 1½ 10 5500 со 68 10 50 20 10 54 2 N N ∞o co co co +++ OOOO ∞ ∞ ∞ 6¼ 10 5/8 68 2 91 10 3 80 OOH NNNNN 20 7/8 197 1 2154 24 5/8 159 24 190 24 7/8 224 1/2 14 12 67 24 1 257 3 11 12 82 30 3 237 4 13½ 12 99 30 277 18 12 117 30 1 319 3 23 14 74/2 30 360 4 16/2 14 94 36 7/8 332 4 23 14 3 1137% 36 1 381 4 31 14 138/2 36 429 25 16 85 36 1 479 6 33 16 108 48 1 512 6 42/2 16 129144 48 1 584 6 52 16 152 48 11 685 40 16 1 175 48 1 775 43½ 20 5/8 132/2 56 20 3 160 8 STANDARD WEIGHTS OF CAST IRON WATER PIPE. (For ordinary pressures not exceeding 100 lbs. per square Inch,) 2 inch, 7 lbs. per foot 56 lbs. per length of 8 feet. 23H CO 15 (( (( 180 (( 12 (( 4 22 (( 264 (( 12 ་ (( 33 (( 66 400 (( 12 (3 10 ༤ (( 42 60 (( (i 500 (( 12 (C 720 (( (C 12 (( 12 (( 75 (( 900 (C 12 STANDARD WEIGHTS OF CAST IRON GAS PIPE. 2 inch, 6 lbs. per foot. 48 lbs. per length of 8 feet. 3 (C 4 (C 12/2 17 (C 150 (C (C 12 (( (C 204 (( 12 (( ཝཱ 12 པ 6 8 10 (( (( 40 70 30 (C 360 I 12 (C "( 480 (( (( 12 (( 50 (( (( 600 (( 12 (( 840 12 (C 85 TABLE OF COMPARISON OF SAFE THICKNESS OF CAST IRON WATER PIPE. Calculated by various formulas for 65 lbs. and 250 lbs. pressure per square inch. Formula Kirkwood's Shedd's. Trautwine's Francis'. Molesworth's. Dupuis'. Pressure. 65 lbs. 250 lbs. 65 lbs. 250 lbs. 65 lbs. 250 lbs. 65 lbs. 250 lbs. 65 lbs. 250 lbs. 65 lbs. 250 lbs. ness. ness. ness. ness. | Diam- Thick- Thick- Thick- Thick- Thick- Thick- Thick- Thick- Thick- eter. Thick- ness. ness. ness. ness. ness. ness. Thick- ness. Thick- ness. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 4 0.46 0.78 0.45 0.58 0.36 0.53 0.40 0.50 0.41 0.50 0.40 0.48 6 8 coa 0.50 0.99 0.49 0.70 0.39 0.65 0.45 0.60 0.46 0.60 0.44 0.57 0.55 1.20 0.54 0.81 0.42 0.76 0.50 0.70 0.50 0.69 0.48 0.64 10 0.60 1.41 0.58 0.92 0.45 0.88 0.55 0.80 0.55 0.78 0.52 0.73 12 0.65 1.62 0.62 1.03 0.48 0.99 0.59 0.89 0.60 0.87 0.57 0.82 14 0.70 1.83 0.67 1.15 0.50 1.11 0.64 0.99 0.62 0.95 0.60 0.89 16 0.74 2.04 0.71 1.26 0.53 1.23 0.70 1.10 0.65 1.03 0.65 0.98 20 0.83 2.45 0.80 1.48 0.59 1.46 0.79 1.29 0.69 1.17 0.73 1.14 24 0.92 2.86 0.89 1.71 0.65 1.69 0.89 1.48 0.73 1.29 0.80 1.38 30 1.07 3.48 1.02 2.05 0.74 2.04 1.03 1.77 0.80 1.50 0.93 1.55 36 1.23 4.15 1.15 2.38 0.83 2.39 1.17 2.07 0.87 1.70 1 05 1.80 42 1.38 4.79 1.28 2.72 0.91 2.73 1.31 2.36 0.94 1.91 1.18 2.05 48 1.54 5.42 1.42 3.06 1.00 3.08 1.45 2.65 1.01 2.12 1.29 2,28 65 lbs. pressure 150 feet head; 250 pressure 577.5 feet head. 86 WEIGHT OF RIVETED IRON AND COPPER PIPES. PER RUNNING FOOT, INCLUDING LAPS FOR RIVETING AND CALKING, BUT NOT THE WEIGHT OF RIVETS. Inter. Thick- Diam. ness. Iron. Copper. Diam. ness. Inter. Thick- Iron. Copper. Ins. Ins. Lbs. Lbs. Ins. Ins. Lbs. Lbs. LO 5 7.12 8.14 11 22.75 26.30 16 3 16 10.68 12.21/ 30.50 31.85 14.25 16.28 38.15 43.70 I 5½ 7.78 8.89 12 3 24.08 28.50 16 3 11.66 13.33 I/ 16 4 33.13 38.00 I 15.56 17.78 41.25 I 47.50 6 8.44 9.64 13 3 16 26.75 31.20 12.65 14.46 16 35.75 41.50 16.88 19.29 44.55 51.80 I 6½ 9.10 10.40 14 3 28.75 33.20 16 Ι 13.65 15.60 I 4 38.50 44.00 4 18.2 20.80 1 47.00 55.50 7 9.78 11,18 15 30.83 35.50 16 14.68 16 16.78 41.00 47.25 19.57 22.37 51.50 59.30 7/2 10.49 12.00 16 4 43.75 50.50 15.73 17.98 5 54.75 16 63.00 I/ 4 20.90 23.87 17 I/ 46.50 53.20 8 со 11.20 12.60 58.00 66,50 16 16.70 19.08 18 49.20 56.50 I 22.25 25.44 16 61.50 70.50 8½ 11.9 13.50 19 I A 51.75 59.50 18.0 I 20.20 5 Iठ 64.70 75.00 14 23.60 26.96 20 I 55.60 62.60 9 3 I ह 18.75 21.50 Τι 68.00 78.00 I 25.00 28.58 24 81.33 93.60 9½ 16 19.75 22.50 25 5 I6 84.50 97.50 26.33 30.09 28 5 16 94.56 107.95 10 21.00 24.00 30 5 Iठ 101.14 115.60 27.75 31.71 TA 34.50 40.00 87 SEAMLESS DRAWN BRASS AND COPPER TUBING. SIZES AND WEIGHTS. Weight per foot. Lbs. External Diam. in inches Length in feet. Thickness in inches. Brass. Weight per foot. Lbs. Copper. External Diam. in inches. Length in feet. Thickness in inches. Brass. Copper. 5/8 10 .049 .375 .375 .083 12 .058 .500 .500 23% 13 to 2.50 2.67 10 .058 .625 .625 .109 1 10 .065 .750 .750 .095 1% 10 .065 .875 .875 22 13 to 2.75 3. .083 .120 14 15 to .095 .109 1.25 1.25 2% 12 to 3. 3.13 .083 .120 13% 10 to .095 .109 1.375 1.375 234 12 to 3.13 3.25 .083 .120 1½ 14 to .095 .109 1.50 1.60 со 3 12 to 3.33 3.5 .083 .120 15% 12 to .095 .109 1.631 1.70 3% 10 to 3.5 3.63 .083 .120 134 13 to .095 .109 1.75 1.80 34 10 to 3.88 4.13 .083 .120 1% 12 to .095 .109 1.88 1.94 3½ 10 to 4.25 4 38 .083 .120 2 15 to .095 .109 2.2 2.25 4 10 to 5. 5.25 .083 .120 2% 13 to .095 .109 2.25 2.38 10 5 10 to 7. 8. .083 .120 24 14 to .109 2.38 2.50 88 Internal Diame- WEIGHT OF LEAD PIPES PER FOOT RUN. THICKNESS OF METAL IN INCHES ter in 16 1/8 16 1/4 16 3/8 15 1/2 5/8 3/4 inches. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 1/4 .305 .724 1.28 1.95 2.74 3.65 4.53 5.84 8.52 11.7 .366 .845 1.47 2.20 3.05 4.02 4.96 6.33 9.14 12.4 .427 .967 1.65 2.44 3.35 4.38 5.39 6.82 9.76 13.2 .488 1.09 1.83 2.69 3.66 4.75 5.82 7.31 10.4 13.9 1 ह .548 1.21 2.01 2.93 3.96 5.11 6.24 7.79 11.0 14.6 .670 1.46 2.38 3.42 4.57 5.85 7.10 8.77 12.2 16.1 3/4 .791 1.70 2.74 3.90 5.18 6.58 7.96 9.75 13.4 17.6 .911 1.95 3.11 4.39 5.79 7.31 8.82 10.7 14.6 19.1 1 1.03 2.19 3.47 4.88 6.40 8.04 9.67 11.7 15.8 20.5 1/% 1.16 2.44 3.84 5.37 7.01 8.77 10.5 12.7 17.1 22.0 1/4 1.28 2.69 4.21 5.85 7.62 9.50 11.4 13.7 18.3 23.4 1% 1.40 2.94 4.58 6.34 8.23 10.3 12.3 14.7 19.5 24.9 1½ 1.52 3.18 4.94 6.83 8.84 11.0 13.1 15.6 20.7 26.3 15% 1.64 3.43 5.31 7.32 9.47 11.7 14.0 16.6 22.0 27.8 134 1.76 3.67 5.67 7.81 10.1 12.4 14.8 17.6 23.2 29.3 1% 1.89 3.92 6.04 8.30 10.7 13.2 15.7 18.6 24.4 30.8 3 NNNN M 2 2.01 4.16 6.40 8.78 11.3 13.9 16.5 19.5 25.6 32.2 24 2.25 4.65 7.13 9.76 12.5 15.4 18.2 21.5 28.1 35.1 21/2 2.49 5.14 '7.86 10.7 13.7 16.8 20.0 23.4 30.5 38.0 234 2.73 5.63 8.59 11.7 14.9 18.3 21.7 25.4 32.9 41.0 2.98 6.12 9.32 12.7 16.1 19.7 23.4 27.3 35.4 43.9 68 NUMBER OF BARRELS (31) GALLONS) CONTAINED IN CISTERNS AND TANKS. Diame- ter in feet. or 5 6 7 со DEPTH IN FEET. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5 23.3 28.0 32.7 37.3 42.0 46.7 51.3 56.0 60.7 65,3 70.0 74.7 79.3 84.0 88.7 93.3 6 33.6 40,3 53.7 47.0 60.4 67.1 73.9 80.6 $7.3 94.0 100.7 107.4 114.1 120.9 127.6 134.3 45.7 54.8 64.0 73.1 82.2 91.4 100,5 109.7 118.8 127.9 137.1 146.2 155.4 164.5 173.6 182.8 59.7 71.7 $3.6 95.5 107.4 119.4 131.3 143.2 155.2 167.1 179.0 191.0 202.9 214.8 226.8 238.7 9 75.5 90.6 105.7 120.9 136. 151.1 166.2 181.3 196.4 211.5 226,6 241,7 256.8 287.0 272.0 302.1 10 93.2 111.9 130.6 149,2 167.9 186.5 205,1 223.8 242.4 261.1 289,8 298.4 317.0 335.7 354.3 873.0 11 112.8 135.4 158.0 180.5 203.1 225.7 248.2 270.8 293.1 315.9 338.5 361.1 383.6 106.2 428.8 451.3 12 134.3 161.1 188.0 214.8 241.7 268.6 295.1 322.3 349.1 376.0 402.8 429.7 456.6 483,4 510.3 587.1 13 157.6 189.1 220.6 252.1 283.7 315,2 346.7 378.2 409.7 411.3 172,8 504.3 535.8 567.8 593. 630.4 14 182.8 219.3 255.9 15 209.8 251.8 16 238.7 286.5 292.4 329.0 335.7 293.7 377.7 334.2 382.0 429.7 365.5 402.1 438.6 475.2 419.6 461.6 503.5 477.4 525.2 511.8 518.3 584.9 621.4 658.0 694,5 781.1 545.5 587.5 629.4 671.4 713.4 755.3 797.3 839.3 572.9 620.7 668.2 716.2 778.9 811.6 859.4 907.1 954.9 17 269.5 323,4 377.3 431.2 485.1 539. 592.9 646.8 700.7 754.6 808.5 862.4 916.3 970.2 1024.1 1078. 18 302.1 362.6 423. 483.4 543.8 604,3 667.7 725.1 785.5 846.0 906.4 966.8 1027.2 1087.7 1148.1 1208.5 19 336.6 404. 471.3 538.6 605.9 673.3 710.6 807.9 875.2 942.6 1009.9 1077.2 1144.6 1211.9 1279.2 | 1346.5 20 373. 447.6 522.2 596.8 671.4 746.0 820.6 895.2 969.8 1044.4 1119.0 1193.6 1268.2 1342.8 1417.4 | 1492,0 21 411.2 493.5 575.7 658.0 740.2 822,5 904.7 987.0 1069.2 1151,5 1233.7 | 1315.9 1398.2 1480.4 1562.7 1644.9 22 451.3 541.6 631.9 722.1 $12.4 902,7 992.9 1083.2 | 1173.5 1263.7 1354.0 1444.3 1534.5 1624.8 1715.1 1805.3 23 493.3 592.0 690.6 789.3 887.9 986.6 1085.2 1183.9 1282.6 1381,2 1479.9 1578.5 1677.2 1775.9 1874.5 1973.2 24 537.1 644.5 752.0 $59.4 966.8 1074.2 1181.7 1289.1 1396.5 1503.9 1611.4 | 1718.8 1826.2 1933.6 2041.1 2148.5 25 582.8 699.4 $15.9 932.5 1049.1 26 630.4 756.5 882.5 1008.6 | 1134.7 27 679.8 815.8 951.7 28 731.1 877.3 29 30 1165.6 1282.2 1398,7 1260.8 1386.8 1512.9 1087.7 1223.6 1359.6 1495.6 1631.5 1023.5 | 1169.7 1316.0 1462,2 1608.7 1754.6 784.2 941.1 1097.9 1254.8 1411.6 1568.5 1725.3 1882.2 | $39.3 1007.1 1175.0❘ 1342.8 1510.7 1678.5 1846.4 2014.2 2182.0 2343.9 2517.8 | 2685.6 1515.3 1631.9 1748.4 1865.0 1981,6 2098.1 2214,7 | 2321.2 1639. 1765.1 1891.1 2017,2 2143.3 2269.4 2395.4 | 2521.5 1767.5 1900.8 2039.0 2195.9 1903,4 2089.4 | 2175.4 2311.3 2447.3 2583.2 2719.2 2047.1 2193.3 2389.5 2485.7 2631.9 2778.1 | 2924,4 2352.7 2509.6 2666.4 2823.3 2980.1 | 3137.0 2853.5 3021.3 3189.2 | 3357.0 For tanks that are tapering, measure the diameter th from the large end. I 90 CONTENTS OF CYLINDERS AND PIPES IN CUBIC FEET AND GALLONS. Diam. (CONDENSED FROM TRAUTWINE. For one foot Diam. For one foot in length. Diam. For one foot in length. in length. Galls. Galls. Galls. Cubic of 231 Cubic of 231 Cubic Ins. of 231 Ins. Ins. feet. cubic feet. cubic feet. cubic inches. inches. inches. 4 .0003 .0025 I/ 44 .0985 .7369/2 .6013 4.498 .0005 .004 1/2 .1104 .8263 34 .6303 4.715 .0008 .0057 .1231 .920611 .66 4.937 .001 .0078 5 16 .1364 1.02 1 74 .6903 5.164 2 .0014 .0102 .1503 1.125 1/2 .7213 5.396 Тё .0017 .0129 .165 1.234 .753 5.633 .0021 .0159 34 .1803 1.349 12 7854 5.875 1 .0026 .0193 6 .1963 1.469 16 1/2 .8522 6.375 .0031 .0230 .2131 1.594 13 .9218 6.895 13 .0036 .0269 .2304 1.724 1/2 .994 7.436 7 .0042 .0312 3. .2485 1.859 14 1.069 7.997 15 .0048 .0359 7 .2673 16 1.999 1/2 1.147 8.578 1 .0055 .0408 .2867 2.145 15 1.227 9.180 .0085 .0638 .3068 2.295 1/2 1.31 9.801 .0123 .0918 3. .3276 2.45 16 1.396 10.44 .0167 .1249 8 .3491 2.611 1½ 1.485 11.11 2 .0218 .1632 .0276 .2066 .3712 .3941 2.948 2.777 17 1.576 11.79 泛 ​1.67 12.49 .0341 .255 .4176 3.125 18 1.767 13.22 .0412 .3085 9 .4418 3.305 1/2 1.867 13.96 ون .0491 .3672 .4667 3.491 19 1.969 14.73 .0576 .4309 .4922 3.682 1/2 2.074 15.51 1/2 .0668 .4998 37 5185 3.879 20 2.182 16.32 3/4 .0767 .5738 10 .5454 4.08 22 2.640 19.75 4 3.409 25.50 .0873 .6528 1/4 .573 4.286 25 To find contents of larger pipe than given above. - 8522 (contents of 123 Take the size and multiply by 4, or take the size and mul- tiply by 16, thus; contents of pipe 30 inches diameter €9.180 (contents of 15 inch pipe) × 4 36.72 gallons. Contents of pipe 50 inches diameter inch pipe) X 16 13.6352 cubic inches. Cubic inches in a gallon 231. Gallons in a cubic foot = 7.4805. A cubic foot of water Weight of a gallon of water 62 lbs, usually taken at 623 lbs. 83. lbs. 91 WEIGHT OF WATER, (At 624 lbs. per cubic foot) contained in one foot length of pipes of different bores. (TRAUTWINE.) Bore. Water. Bore. Water. Bore. Water. Bore. Water. Ins. Lbs. Ins. Lbs. Ins. Lbs. Ins. Lbs. 8 .00531 3 3.0557 73/4 20.392 18 110.00 .02122 3% 3.3156 21.729 182 116.20 .04775 3% 3.5862 814 23.109 19 122.56 .08488 33 3.8673 8½ 24.530 192 129.10 .13263 4.1591 834 25.993 20 135.81 .19098 4.4615 9 27.501 21 149.73 7/8 .25994 4.7745 9/2 30.641 22 164.33 1 .33952 3% 5.0980 10 33.952 23 179.60 1% .42969 4 5.4323 10½ 37.432 24 195.56 11/4 .53050 4 6.1325 11 41.082 25 212.20 138 .64190 6.8750 11½ 44.901 26 229.51 1/2 .76392 434 7.6601 12 48.891 27 247.51 15% .89654 8.4880 12/2 53.049 28 266.18 134 1.0398 514 9.3580 13 57.379 29 285.53 1% 1.1936 52 10.2-0 13/2½ 61.877 30 305.57 2 1.3581 534 11.225 14 66.545 31 326.27 % 1.5331 6 12.223 142½ 71.384 32 347.66 214 1.7188 614 13.262 15 76.392 33 369.74 238 1.9150 6/2 14.345 15/2 81.568 34 392.48 22 2.1220 634 15.469 16 86.916 35 415.90 25% 2.3395 7 16.636 16½ 92.434 36 440.0 234 2.5676 1/4 17.846 17 98.121 2% 2.8063 7/2 ½ 19.098 17½ 103.97 And in larger pipes, as the squares of their bores. Thus a pipe of 40 or 60 inches bore will contain four times as much as one of 20 or 30 inches bore; and one of , one-fourth as much as one of 3% inch. At 624 lbs. per cubic foot, a square inch of water 1 foot high weighs .432292 of a lb. 92 PRESSURE OF WATER PER SQUARE INCH FOR DIFFERENT HEIGHTS. Pressure Feet head. per sq. Pressure Pressure Pressure Feet head. Feet inch. per sq. head. inch. per sq. Feet head. per sq. inch. inch. 15 0.43 135 58.48 270 116.96 425 184.10 2.16 140 60.64 275 119.12 450 195.00 10 4.33 145 62.81 280 121.29 475 205.77 15 6.49 150 64.97 285 123.45 500 216.58 20 8.66 155 67.14 290 125.62 525 227.42 25 10.82 160 69.31 295 127.78 550 238.25 30 12.99 165 71.47 300 129.95 575 249.09 35 15.16 170 73.64 305 132.12 600 259.90 40 17.32 175 45 19.49 180 75.80 310 134.28 625 270.73 77.97 315 136.46 650 281.56 50 21.65 185 80.14 320 138.62 675 292.40 55 23.82 190 82.30 325 140.79 700 303.22 60 25.99 195 84.47 330 142.95 725 314.05 65 28.15 200 86.63 335 145.12 750 324.88 70 30.72 205 88.80 340 147.28 775 335.72 75 32.48 210 90.96 345 149.45 800 346.54 80 34.65 215 93.13 350 151.61 825 357.37 85 36.82 220 95.30 355 153.78 850 368.20 90 38.98 225 97.46 360 155.94 875 379 03 95 41.15 100 43.31 235 101.79 230 99.63 365 158.10 900 389.86 370 160.27 925 400.70 105 45.48 240 103.96 375 162.45 950 411.54 110 47.64 245 106.13 380 164.61 975 422.35 130 115 49.81 250 108.29 120 51.98 255 110.46 125 54.15 260 112.62 395 171.11 2000 56.31 265 114.79 400 385 166.78 1000 433.18 390 168.94 1500 650.00 866.50 173.27 3000 1300.00 To compute the pressure per square inch of a column of wa- ter, multiply the head in feet by .434. 93 TO FIND THE THICKNESS OF A PIPE TO RESIST SAFELY A GIVEN INTERNAL PRESSURE. Divide the ultimate cohesion of the material in lbs. per square inch by the factor of safety. The quotient is the safe cohesive strength of the metal. Divide the given pressure by this safe cohesion. Call the quotient m. To half of m add 1. Multiply the sum by m. Multiply the product by the radius of the pipe in inches, Example. What should be thickness of a 14 inch diameter wrought iron pipe to withstand 250 lbs., internal pressure with a safety of 4; taking the ultimate cohesion of the iron at 50,000 lbs. per square inch? 50000 I 250 12500 12500 lbs. per square inch safe cohesion. .02 M. Half of m = .01, to which add 1 = 1.01; 1.01 × .02 × .0202 × 7 = .14 thickness required. X REM. Where it is known that the safe thickness will be less than one-thirtieth of the radius, it may be found by merely multiplying m by the radius. Thus: .02 X 7 = ‚14. The above rule is correct for wrought iron welded pipes, where we have only to consider the capacity of the metal to resist pressure, and do not have to provide against liability to break- age in handling, irregular casting, air bubbles, &c., as in the case of cast iron pipe; or weakening of the plate by rivet holes, as in the case of riveted pipe. The thickness resulting from the rule is amply sufficient for the strength of welded wrought iron pipes, but thicker metal is used in practice, owing to difficulty in weld- ing so thin sheets as are required for the strength only. In computing the practical thickness of cast iron pipes for different pressures, Trautwine takes one-eighth of the ultimate cohesion of the metal and then, for the imperfections above mentioned, adds .3 inch to the resulting thickness by the foregoing rule. The result gives 1.11 inches thickness required for a 14 inch cast iron pipe under 250 lbs. pressure per square inch, taking the ultimate cohesion at 18000 lbs. The opinions of engineers differ largely, however, on this question, the points of difference being as to what allowances are necessary to cover the contingencies of defective castings, rust, or life of the pipe, safety in handling, and the force of the ram, or pulsation in the pipes, produced by a sudden closing of stop cocks and hydrant valves, which, from the incompressibility of water, resembles a blow or shock from a solid substance. Molesworth gives .95 inches thickness for 14 in, cast pipes un- der 250 lbs. pressure per square inch, which agrees more nearly, we believe, with the present standards of the manufacturers. [On page 86 will be found a table of comparison of thicknesses by various formulas.] For single riveted wrought iron pipes the thickness should be at least 1.8 times that required for welded ones, the safe cohesion of the iron being reduced by .56 to allow for weakening by the rivet holes. 94 As double riveted pipes are about 1.25 times as strong as single riveted, they may be part thinner than the single riveted. For the thickness of iron required for single riveted pipes, tanks, &c., the rule gives .1016 × inner radius in inches, under the following conditions: 1000 feet head of water, or 434 lbs. per square inch. Ultimate cohesion of plate being taken at 48000 lbs. per square inch, or at 8000 lbs. for a safety of 6, which is further reduced × .56 = 4480 lbs. to allow for weakening of rivet holes. - A 14 inch single riveted pipe, therefore, under these conditions would be made of thickness of iron = .1016 × 7 = .711 inches. X For a 20 inch diameter, thickness required .1016 X 10-1.01 inches, &c. For a less head or pressure, or for any safety less than 6, the thickness may be reduced in the same proportion as said head, pressure, or safety is less than the one here assumed. TABLE OF THICKNESS OF LEAD PIPE. To bear internal pressures with a safety of 6. taking the ultimate cohesion of lead at 1,400 lbs. per square inch. HEADS IN FEET. Internal Diame- 100 300 200 PRESSURE IN LBS. PER SQ. INCH. 400 500 ter in 43.4 86.8 130 174 217. inches. THICKNESS IN INCHES. I/ .026 .055 .089 · .128 .171 3/8 .038 .083 .134 .192 .256 .051 .111 .179 .256 .341 .064 .138 .223 .320 .427 .076 .166 .268 .383 .512 4 .089 .193 .313 .447 .597 1 .102 .221 .357 .511 .682 11 .127 .276 447 .639 .853 11/2 .153 .332 .536 .767 1.02 13 4 .178 .387 .626 .895 1.20 2 .204 .442 .714 1.02 1.36 ON THE FLOW OF WATER THROUGH PIPES. [The following rules and tables are taken from Trautwine's "Civil Engineer's Pocket Book," and illustrate his practical and comprehensive manner of treating this interesting subject.] TO FIND THE VELOCITY AND THE QUANTITY DISCHARGED through a straight smooth, cylindrical cast iron pipe, whose length is not shorter than 4 times its diameter; knowing its total head, its length, and its diameter, or bore. RULE. Multiply the diameter in feet by the total head in feet; call the pro- duct A. Add together the total length of the pipe in feet; and 54 times its diameter in feet. Divide the product A by the sum. Take the square root of the quotent; multiply this square root by the constant number 48. The product. will be the first or approximate velocity in feet per second. 95 For any head, not less than at the rate of 4 feet per mile (about .9 of an inch per 100 ft.) multiply the approximate velocity thus found by the number corresponding to the diameter in feet in the table below. If the pipe is in good order, this last velocity will probably be within 5 to 10 per cent. of the truth. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. No. No. No. No. in feet. in feet. in feet. in feet. .1 .48 .6 .2 .63 .7 67 .87 1.5 1.10 4. 1.37 .91 2. 1.18 5. 1.42 3 .71 .8 .95 2.5 1.21 6. 1.46 .4 .77 .9 .98 3. 1.30 7. 1.50 .5 .82 1.0 1,00 3.5 1.34 10. 1.60 Then to find the discharge in cubic feet per second, multiply the velocity last found by the area of circular, transverse section of the pipe in square feet. www. Example: A straight pipe a mile or 5280 feet long, with a diameter of 1 foot has a total fall of 12 feet, measured from the water surface in the reservoir to the center of gravity of its lower end or opening. With what velocity will the water flow through it, and how much will be discharged per second? Here the diameter in feet X total head in feet 1 X 12 12 A. The length in feet is 5280; and 54 times diameter in feet is 54; and these two added together 5334. And the And the pro- duct A divided by 5334 = }} The square root of .00225 is .04743, and .04743 X constant 48 2.27 feet per sec- ond approximate velocity. The number in above table for 1 foot diameter is also 1; therefore 2.27 × 1 = 2.27 feet per sec- ond, the required velocity. 1 2 5334 .00225. - Discharge. The area of cross-section of a pipe 1 foot diame- ter is .7854 of a square foot. (See pipe table, page 37, 113.098 square inches). Hence 2.27 velocity X .7854 area = 1.782 cubic feet per second discharge. The following table, calculated by the above rule, shows the velocities and discharges through a pipe one mile long and 1 foot in diameter, under different heads, But they will be very nearly the same for any greater lengths; and also quite approximate for shorter ones not less than 1000 or even 500 diameters long, provided that in all cases they have the same RATE OF HEAD; that is, if the given pipe of one foot diameter is 2 or 3 miles long, it must have 2 or 3 times as much head as the pipe in the table which is 1 mile long; or if the given pipe of 1 foot diameter is, or,, &c., of a mile long, it must have but 1, 3, 1, as much total head as the 1 mile one in the table, in order to have very nearly the same velocity and discharge. 96 TABLE No. 1. Of the actual velocities and discharges through a pipe 1 foot in diameter; 1 mile or 5280 diameters in length; and of cast iron, smooth and straight. Discharge Head in feet per Head in 100 feet. feet per mile. Velocity in feet per in cubic Discharge in cubic feet feet second. per second. per 24 hours. .0019 .0038 .0057 .0076 .0095 12345 .208 .1633 14,114 .293 .2301 19,880 .359 .2819 24,360 .415 .3267 28,229 .464 .3638 31,435 .0114 .6 .508 .3989 34,464 .0132 .7 .549 .4311 37,247 .0151 .8 .585 .4602 39,760 .0170 .9 .623 .4901 42,343 .0189 1. .656 .5144 44,431 .0237 .25 .735 .5753 49,701 .0284 .5 .805 .6322 54,604 .0331 .75 .871 .6832 59,011 .0379 2. .928 .7276 62,870 .0426 .25 .984 .7696 66,484 .0473 .5 1.04 .8163 70,572 .0521 .75 1.08 .8482 73,284 .0568 .0758 4. .0947 .1136 có tỉ lệ có 3. 1.13 .8914 76,982 1.31 1.028 88,862 5. 1.47 1.150 99,403 1.61 1.264 109,209 .1325 7. 1.74 1.366 118,022 .1514 8. 1.86 1.455 125,740 .1703 9. 1.96 1.539 132,969 .1894 10. 2.08 1.633 141,145 .2273 12. 2.27 1.782 153,964 .2652 14. 2.45 1.924 166,233 3030 16. 2.62 2.057 177,724 .3409 18. 2.78 2.183 188,611 .3788 20. 2.93 2.301 198,806 .4735 25. 3.28 2.572 222,156 .5682 30. 3.59 2.819 243,604 .6629 35. 3.88 3.047 263,260 .7576 40. 4.15 3.267 282,288 .8523 45. 4.40 3.451 298,209 .9470 50. 4.64 3.638 314,352 1.136 60. 5.08 3.989 344,649 1.326 70. 5.49 4.311 372,470 1.515 80. 5.85 4.602 397,613 97 Head in feet per 100 feet. Head in feet Velocity in feet per TABLE No. 1.-CONTINUED. Discharge in cubic Discharge in cubic feet feet per mile. second. per second. per 24 hours. 1.704 90. 6.23 4.900 423,435 1.894 100. 6.56 5.144 444,312 2.083 110. 6.87 5.395 466,128 2.272 120. 7.18 5.639 487,209 2.462 130. 7.47 5.866 506,822 2.652 140. 7.76 6.094 526,521 2.841 150. 8.05 6.322 546,048 3.030 160. 8.30 6.534 564,576 3.219 170. 8.55 6.715 580,176 3.408 180. 8.80 6.903 596,418 3.596 190. 9.04 7.100 613,440 3.788 200. 9.28 7.276 628,704 4.261 225. 9.84 7.696 664,848 4.735 250. 10.4 8.168 705,728 5.208 275. 10.8 8.482 732,844 5.682 300. 11.3 8.914 769,824 6.629 350. 12.3 9.621 831,168 7.576 400. 13.1 10.28 888,624 8.532 450. 13.9 10.91 943,056 9.47 500. 14.7 11,50 994,032 10.41 550. 15,4 12.09 1,044,576 11.36 600. 16.1 12.64 1,092,096 12.30 650. 16.7 13.11 1,132,704 13.25 700. 17.4 13.66 1,180,224 14.20 750. 18.0 14.13 1,220,832 15.15 800. 18.6 14.55 1,257,408 16.09 850. 19.1 15.00 1,296,000 17.04 900. 19.6 15.39 1,329,696 17.99 950. 20.3 15.94 1,377,216 18.94 1000. 20.8 16.33 1,411,456 22.73 1200. 22.7 17.82 1,539,648 26.52 1400. 24.5 19.24 1,662,336 30.30 1600. 26.2 20.57 1,777,248 34.08 1800. 27.8 21.83 1,886,112 37.87 2000. 29.3 23.01 1,988,064 47.35 2500. 32.8 25.72 2,221,560 56.81 3000. 35.9 28.19 2,436,040 Head is the vertical distance from the surface of the water in the reservoir to the center of gravity of the lower end of the pipe when the discharge is into the air; or to the level surface of the lower reservoir when the discharge is under water. To reduce cubic feet to U. S. Gallons. Multiply by 7.48. Since, therefore, 8 cubic feet are equal to 60 gallons (about), if we divide the cubic feet per 24 hours, by 8, we get the number of persons that may be daily supplied with 60 gallons each, by a pipe constantly running full, and at the velocity given in the third column. 98 TO FIND EITHER THE AREA OF PIPE; OR THE MEAN VELOCITY; OR THE QUANTITY DISCHARGED, when the other two are given: Area in square feet Mean velocity in Discharge in cubic feet feet per second per second Discharge in cubic feet per second, Mean velocity in feet per second. Discharge in cubic feet per second Area in square feet. Area in X Mean velocity in square feet feet per second. [All the terms may be in inches instead of feet; and minutes or hours instead of seconds.] Proportion of discharge to pipe,with the same head TABLE No. 2. OF THE DIAMETER OF LONG PIPE REQUIRED TO DELIVER EITHER MORE OR LESS WATER THAN THAT OF 1 FOOT DIAMETER IN TABLE 1. Under the same rate of inclination, or of head in feet per mile. The use of this table is not sufficiently correct for pipes less than about 1,000 (or at furthest 500) diameters long. Diam. Diam. of that through of long long pipe a 1 foot, long pipe in inches. in feet. Proportion o discharge to Diam. of that through long pipe a 1 foot, long in feet. pipe, with the same head Diam. of long pipe in inches. per mile. per mile. 112∞ ∞ ∞ H + LO LO COCO .0833 .0020 12/2 1.042 1.106 11/2 22 3 3½ 4 4/2 5 52 6 NY NY NY NY .1250 .0055 13 1.083 1.221 .1667 .0113 14 1.167 1.470 .2083 .0198 15 1.250 1.746 .2500 .0310 16 1.333 2.053 .2917 .0453 17 1.417 2.388 .3333 .0643 18 1.5 2.754 .3750 .0857 19 1.583 3.153 .4167 .1119 20 1.667 3.585 .4583 .1422 21 1.75 4.051 .5 .1767 22 1.833 4.551 6/2½ .5417 .2159 23 1.917 5.084 .5833 .2600 24 2. 5.649 7/2 .6250 .3090 245 2.052 6.000 8 .6667 .3631 26 2.167 6.912 82 .7083 .4220 28 2.333 8.319 9 .75 .4871 30 2.5 9.822 9/2 .7917 .5575 30/4 2.521 10. 10 .8333 .6337 32. 2.667 11.6 10½ ,8750 .7157 34 2.833 13.5 11 .9167 .8044 36 3. 15.5 11/2 .9583 .8987 38 3.167 17.8 12 1. 1. 40 3.333 20.2 i 99 TO FIND THE DISCHARGE (but not the velocity) through an- other pipe, not less than 1000, or at least 500, of its own diameter in length. First take out the discharge through the 1 foot one, from Table 1: Divide the required discharge by this tabular one. Look for the quotient in third column of Table 2, of pro- portion of discharge; and opposite to it, in columns 1 and 2, will be found the required diameter. From this table we see that a 13 inch pipe will deliver nearly 14 times as much as a 12 inch one; a 14 inch one, nearly 1½ times; a 15 inch one, nearly 134 times; and a 16 inch one, fully twice as much as a 12 inch one, &c., of the same length and head. Example of the use of Tables 1 and 2. Having a head from a reservoir to a certain point of delivery, of 20 feet in a distance of 1860 feet, and wishing to receive 6 cubic feet of water per second; what must be the diameter of pipe to accomplish this? In the first place, we find that a fall of 20 feet in 1860, is equal to a fall of 1.075 feet in 100 feet. Then we see by Table 1, that with a fall of 1.075 feet in 100, a long pipe of 1 foot diameter yields about 3.8 cubic feet per second. But we want 6 1.58 times as much as the 1 foot pipe can deliver; and by Table 2, we see that the pipe to do this, under the same rate of head, must be about 14½ inches in diameter. In practice we should adopt at least 15 inches. Near enough, we may say, that double the diameter gives 5½ times the discharge. 3.8 TO FIND THE TOTAL HEAD IN FEET that must be given to a straight, smooth, cylindrical cast iron pipe, not less than 4 diame- ters long to enable it to discharge a given required quantity per second, knowing its diameter in feet. [If the pipe, instead of being straight, has easy curves (say with radius not less than 5 dianieters of the pipe), either horizon- tal or vertical, the discharge will not be materially diminished, so long as the total heads, and total actual lengths of pipe, remain the same but it is advisable to make the radius as much more than 5 diameters as can conveniently be done.] RULE. Square the given discharge in cubic feet per second. Add together the total length of the pipe in feet and 54 times its diameter in feet. Multiply the sum by the square of the discharge just found. Call the product P. Next divide the diameter in feet by the decimal .235. Take the fifth power of the quotient. Divide P by this fifth power. The quotient will be the required head in feet. Example. A straight, clean, cast iron pipe 6 inches or .5 feet diameter, and 20 feet long is required to discharge 3.066 cubic feet per second. What total head must it have? Here the square of the discharge, 3.066, is 9.4. The length in feet added to 54 diameters in feet 20 + 27 47; and 9.4 X 47 441.8. .5 Next, the diameter in feet divided by .235, or = 2.128. .235 The fifth power of 2.128 is 43.64. Hence the total head is 441.8 43.64 10.12 feet. The following rule is more simple, but is applicable only when the pipe is so long that the 54 diameters may be omitted from the calculation without affecting the result to a practical 100 degree; in which case writers call it a long pipe. If, however, we take it as low as 1,000 diameters, the resulting head will be about 6 per cent. or part too small; at 2,000 diameters, smail, &c. 16 too RULE 2. Having the diameter of the pipe in feet. find its area in square feet. (See table, page 36.) Divide the required discharge in cubic feet per second by this area. The quotient will be the velocity in feet per second. Then Square of velocity in feet per second Diameter in feet. Head in feet per mile in long pipes X 2.3 Example. How much head in feet per mile must be given to a long pipe, 1 foot diameter, to enable it to discharge 1.782 cubic feet per second? Here the area of the pipe is .7854 square feet, and 2.269 feet per second velocity, and the square 1.782 .7851 of 2.269 = 5.1484. per Hence, mile 5.1484 X 2.3 Head in feet Then say as 1 mile Head • • • 5280 ft. • 11.84 1 =11.84 feet. Length of pipe its head. in feet Table 1, which is for a pipe 5280 diameters long, gives the head 12 feet per mile, instead of 11.84, which is near enough. TO FIND THE DIAMETER OF A CAST IRON PIPE REQUIRED TO DELIVER A GIVEN QUANTITY PER SECOND; knowing its length and total head. No simple direct rule can be given for the diameter of short pipes. For those longer than about 1000 diameters, (also quite approximate even for 500) we may use the following: RULE. Square the discharge in cubic feet per second. Multiply this square by the length in feet. Divide the product by the head in feet. Take the fifth root of the quotient. Multiply this fifth root by the decimal .235. The product will be the diameter in feet. FOR THE DIAMETER OF A SHORT PIPE; that is, of one less than about 2000 diameters in length, the last rule gives the diameters of such pipes too small. To obtain correct results, in such cases, multiply the diameter as found, by the correspond- ing multiplier in the following table: Length of Length of Length of pipe in Multiplier pipe in Multiplier diams. diams. pipe in Multiplier diams. 1,000 1.01 100 1.09 12 1.40 500 1.02 75 1.11 10 1.45 300 1.03 50 1.16 8 1.50 250 1.04 35 1.20 1.54 200 1.05 25 1.26 6 1.58 150 1.06 20 1.30 5 1.63 125 1.07 15 1.35 4 1.70 THE FOREGOING RULES RELATING TO THE FLOW OF WATER THROUGH PIPES may be taken only as approximations to the truth, as they are based on experiments made with very smooth, selected cast iron pipes carefully laid in straight lines and free from all 101 obstructions to the flow of the water, whereas, in the ordinary laying of pipe such care is not exercised, and the deviations from a straight line, as well as the obstructions caused by imperfectly making the joiuts in the ordinary cast iron pipe interfere, more or less, with the perfect flow of the water. Besides which, the pipes themselves are not cast perfectly straight, or smooth, or of uniform diameter, and these irregularities of surface also im- pede the flow. Under the most favorable circumstances, there- fore, Mr. Trautwine advises, in the ordinary use of cast iron pipe for conveying water, to make an allowance of not less than 20 per cent. for the imperfections noted; and in permanent pipes where incrustation is to be anticipated, he recommends a still greater allowance.** FOR LAPPED AND RIVETED PIPE even greater allowance than for cast iron pipe should be made on account of the additional friction resulting from the seams and projecting rivet heads. An allowance of from 30 to 40 per cent. would be advisable in the use of this class of pipe. IN THE USE OF A LINE OF WROUGHT IRON WELDED PIPE, how- ever, the figures given in the tables may be taken as very close ap- proximations to the truth, and little or no allowance from these fig- ures need be made in ordinary cases, owing to the superior smooth- ness and uniformity of diameter of the pipe and the absence of seams, rivets, imperfect joints, &c. From a line of lapped and riveted pipe, laid over a very rough, mountainous country, the actual discharge for 24 hours was 35 per cent. less than that computed by the foregoing rule for ascertaining the discharge, while by a line of wrought iron welded pipe, with common screw coupling joint, laid over the same ground, the actual discharge was within 5 per cent. of that computed by the rule. By the use of the improved sleeve joint, illustrated on pages 46 and 47, which gives a flush connection and presents practically an unbroken line of surface, leaving no projections or indentations to retard the flow, friction is reduced to a minimum and a saving in that re- spect of 25 to 35 per cent. over cast iron pipe, and 35 to 45 per cent. over lapped and riveted pipe, is obtained. The strength, lightness, durability and capacity for delivery of large quantities of water, of the lap welded wrought iron pipe, are strong recom- mendations in its favor, and its use for water mains is rapidly extending. [The limits of this book do not admit of presenting the results of tests of durability, capacity, &c., of wrought iron pipe, but full in- formation on this subject can be obtained on application to the Company.] *An 8 inch cast iron pipe, coated, 1000 feet long, having a continuous current through it and discharging through an open end, discharged but two-thirds as much water, under the same pressure, at the end of six years as when first put down. †A line of 12 inch riveted pipe laid across the Washoe Valley, 7½ miles, by the Virginia City Water Works, gave a discharge of two million gallons per day, while a 10 inch lap welded pipe laid over the same ground, gave a dis- charge of two and a half millions per day. 102 AREAS AND CONTENTS OF PIPES, AND SQUARE ROOTS OF DIAMETERS. བ2 F{xt Diam. Diam. Area in sq. ft.: also cub. Sq. root Diam. Diam. Area in sq. ft.: in in of diam. in in Inches. Feet. ft. in 1 ft. length of in Feet. also cub. ft. in 1 ft. Sq. root of diam. Inches. Feet. length of in Feet. pipe. pipe. .0208 .0003 .145 111 .9583 .7213 .979 3 .0313 .0008 .177 1134 .9792 .7580 .990 .0417 ‚0014 20-4 12 1. .7854 1.000 .0625 .0031 .250 12 1.021 ,8184 1.010 1 .0833 .0055 .289 121 1.042 .8522 1.020 .1042 .0085 .322 123 1.063 .8866 1.031 1 .1250 .0123 .354 13 1.083 .9218 1.041 2 .1667 .0218 .408 13 1.104 .9576 1.051 21 .2083 .0341 .457 131 1.125 .9940 1.060 23 .2292 .0412 .478 133 1.146 1.031 1.070 3 2500 ,0491 .500 14 1.167 1.069 1.080 31 .2708 .0576 .520 14) 1.208 1.147 1.099 31 .2917 .0668 510 143 1.229 1,187 1.110 33 .3125 .0767 .560 15 1.250 1.227 1.118 4 3333 .0873 .579 15 1.271 1.268 1.127 41 3542 .0985 .596 151 1.292 1,310 1.136 41 .3750 .1104 .612 153 1.313 1.358 1.146 43 .3958 .1231 .629 16 1.333 1.396 1.155 5 .4167 .1363 .645 16 1.354 1.440 1.163 51 .4375 .1503 .660 161 1,375 1.485 1.172 51 .4583 .1650 .677 163 1.396 1,530 1.181 5 .4792 .1803 .693 17 1.417 1.576 1.190 6 .5 .1964 .707 17 1,437 1.623 1.199 6% .5208 .2131 .722 17% 1.458 1.670 1.207 61 .5417 .2304 .736 173 1.479 1.718 1.216 63 .5625 .2485 750 18 1.5 1.767 1.224 .5833 .2673 ,761 181 2 1,542 1.867 1.241 71 .6042 .2867 .777 71 .6250 .3068 .791 20 73 .6458 .3276 .803 21 .6667 3491 .$17 22 81 .6875 .3712 .829 81 .7083 .3941 .841 .7292 .4176 .854 25 9 .75 .4418 .866 26 .7708 .4667 .879 27 91 .7917 .4922 .890 28 93 .8125 .5185 .902 10 .8333 5454 .913 104 •8542 .5730 .924 101 .8750 .6013 .935 103 .8958 .6303 .946 40 11 .9167 .6600 .957 42 Padasana:88598 19 1.583 1.969 1.258 1.667 2.182 1.291 1.750 2.405 1.323 1.833 2.640 1.354 1.917 2.885 1.384 2.000 3.142 1.414 2.083 3.409 1.443 2.166 3.687 1.472 2.250 3.976 1.500 2.333 4.276 1.528 2.416 4.587 1.555 2.500 4.909 1.581 2,666 5.585 1.633 2.916 6.681 1.708 3.333 8.727 1.825 3.500 9.621 1.871 1114 .9375 .6903 .968 103 Table.-Of the velocity and discharge of water through straight, smooth, cylindrical cast iron pipes; with the friction head required for each roo feet in length; and also the velocity head. Calculated by means of Weisbach's formula. The velocity head remains the same for any length of pipe, being dependent only on the velocity of the water in the pipe. The entry head is equal to half the velocity head. DIAMETER IN INCHES. Velocity in feet per second. Velocity Head in feet. 3 3½ 4 4/2 5 6 7 Friction Cubic Friction Cubic Friction Cubic Friction Cubic Friction Cubic Head feet per Head in feet. minute. in feet. feet per Head fect per Head feet per Head feet per Friction Head Cubic Friction feet per Head Cubic feet per minute. in feet. in feet. minute. minute. in feet. minute, in feet. minute. in feet. minute. in feet. minute. cicisici 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 0240 .062 .659 5.89 .565 8.02 .494 10.4 .439 13.2 .395 16.3 .329 23.5 .282 32.0 .075 .780 6.48 .669 8.82 .585 11.5 .520 14.6 .468 18.0 .390 25.9 334 35.3 .090 .911 7.07 .781 9.62 .6$3 12.5 .607 15.9 .547 19.6 .456 28.2 .390 38.5 .105 1.05 7.65 .901 10.4 .788 13.6 .701 17.2 .631 21.3 .526 30.6 .450 41.7 2.8 .122 1.20 8.24 1.03 11.2 .900 14.6 .S00 18.5 .720 22.9 .600 32.9 .514 44.9 3.0 .140 1.35 8.83 1.16 12.0 1.02 15.7 .905 19.8 .815 24.5 .679 35.3 .582 48.1 3.2 ,160 1.52 9.42 1.31 12.8 1.14 16.7 1.02 21.2 9.15 26.2 .763 37.7 .654 51.3 3.4 .180 1.70 10.0 1.46 136 1.27 17.8 1.B 22.5 1.02 27.8 .851 40.0 .729 54.5 3.6 .202 1.89 10.6 1.62 14.4 1.41 18.8 1.26 23.8 1.13 29.4 .943 42.4 .808 57.7 3.8 .225 2.08 11.2 1.78 15.2 1.56 19.9 1.39 25.2 1.25 31.0 1.04 41.7 .892 60.9 4.0 .250 2.28 11.8 1.96 16.0 1.71 20.9 1.52 26.5 1.37 32.7 1.14 47.1 .979 64.1 4.2 .275 2.49 12.3 2.14 16.8 1.87 22.0 1.66 27.8 1.50 34.3 1.25 49.5 1.07 67.3 4.4 .302 2.71 12.9 2.33 17.6 2.03 23.0 1.81 29.1 1.63 36.0 1.35 51.8 1.16 70.5 4.6 .330 2.94 13.5 2.52 18.4 2.21 24.0 1.96 30.4 1.76 37.6 1.47 54.1 1.26 78.7 4.8 .360 3.18 14.1 2.72 19.2 2.38 25.1 2.12 31.8 1.91 39.2 1.59 56.5 1.36 76.9 5.0 .390 3.43 14.7 291 20.0 2.57 26.2 2.28 33.1 2.05 40.9 1.71 58.9 1.47 80.2 5.2 .422 3.68 15.3 3.15 20.8 2.76 27.2 2.45 31.4 2.21 42.5 1.84 61.2 1.58 83.3 5.4 •455 3.91 15.9 3.38 21.6 2.96 28.2 2.63 35.8 2.37 44.2 1.97 63.6 1.69 86.6 5.6 .490 4.22 16.5 3.61 22.4 3.16 29.3 2.81 37.1 2.53 45.8 2.11 65.9 1.81 89.8 5.8 .525 4.50 17.1 3.85 23.2 3.37 30.3 3.00 38.1 2.70 47.4 2.25 68.3 1.93 93.0 6.0 .562 4.78 17.7 4.10 21.0 3.59 31.4 3.19 39.7 2.87 49.1 2.39 70.7 2,05 96.2 6.2 .600 5.08 18.2 4.36 24.8 3.81 32.4 3.39 41.0 3.05 50.7 2.54 73.0 2.18 99.4 6.4 .610 5.39 18.8 4.62 25.6 4.04 33.5 3.59 42.4 3.23 52.3 2.69 75.4 2.31 102. 6.6 .680 5.70 19.4 4.89 26.4 4.28 31.5 3.80 43.7 3.42 54.0 2.85 77.7 2.44 106. 6.8 .722 6.02 20.0 5.16 27.3 4.52 35.6 4.01 45.0 3.61 55.6 3.01 80.1 2.58 109. 7.0 .765 6.35 20.6 5.45 28.0 4.77 36.6 4.24 46.4 3.81 57.2 3.18 82.4 2.72 112. 104 Table.-Of the velocity and discharge of water through straight, smooth, cylindrical cast iron pipes; with the friction head required for each 100 feet in length; and also the velocity head. Calculated by means of Weisbach's formula. The velocity head remains the same for any length of pipe, being dependent only on the velocity of the water in the pipe. The entry head is equal to half the velocity head.-Continued. DIAMETER IN INCHES. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Friction Cubic Friction Cubic Head feet per Head in feet. minute. in feet. feet per Friction Head Cubie Friction Cubic Friction Cubic Friction Cubic Friction Cubic feet per Head feet per Head minute. in feet. minute. in feet. minute. in feet. feet per minute. Head in feet. feet per minute. Head feet per in feet. minute. 2.0 .062 .247 41.9 .220 53.0 .198 65.4 .180 79.2 .165 91.2 .152 110 .141 128 2.2 .075 .293 46.1 .260 58.3 .234 72.0 213 87.1 .195 103. .180 121 .167 141 2.4 .090 342 50.2 804 63.6 .273 78.5 248 95.0 228 118. .210 133 .195 151 2.6 .105 .894 54.4 .350 68.9 315 85.1 .287 103. .263 122. .242 144 .225 167 2.8 .122 .450 58.6 .400 74.2 .360 91.6 .827 111. .300 132. .277 156 .257 179 3.0 .140 •509 62.8 .453 79.5 .407 98.2 870 119. .339 141. 3B3 166 .291 192 2 .160 .572 67.0 .508 81.8 .458 105. .116 127. .381 151. .352 177 327 205 3.4 .180 .638 71.2 .567 90.1 .510 111. .464 134. .425 160. .393 188 365 218 3.6 .202 .707 75.4 .629 95.4 .566 118. .514 142. .472 169. .435 199 404 231 3.8 225 .780 79.6 .693 101. .624 124. .567 150. .520 179. .480 210 .446 243 4.0 250 .856 83.7 ,761 106. .685 Bl. .623 158. .571 188. .527 221 .489 256 4.2 .275 .935 87.9 .832 111. .748 137. .680 166. .624 198. .576 232 .534 269 4.4 .802 1.02 92.1 .905 116. .814 14. .740 174. .679 207. .626 243 .582 282 4.6 .330 1.10 96.3 .981 122. .883 150. .803 182. .786 217. .679 254 .631 295 4.8 .360 1.19 100. 1.66 127. .954 157. .867 190. .795 226. .734 265 .682 308 5.0 .390 1.28 105. 1.14 132. 1.03 163. .935 198. .857 235. .791 276 .784 321 5.2 .422 1.38 109. 1,23 138. 1.10 170. 1.00 206. .920 245. .850 287 .789 333 5.4 .455 1.48 11. 1.31 143. 1.18 177. 1.07 214. 986 251. .910 298 .845 346 5.6 .490 1.58 117. 1.40 148. 1.26 183. 1.15 222. 1.05 264. .973 309 .903 359 5.8 .525 1.68 121. 1.50 154. 1.35 190. 1.22 229. 1.12 273. 1.04 321 .964 372 6.0 .562 1.79 125. 1.59 159. 1.43 196. 1.30 237. 1.19 283. 1.10 332 1.02 385 6.2 .600 1.90 130. 1.69 164. 1.52 203. 1.38 245. 1.27 292. 1.17 843 1.09 397 6.4 .640 2.02 134. 1.79 169. 1.61 209. 1.47 253. 1.35 301. 1.24 354 1.15 410 6.6 .680 2.14 138. 1.90 175. 1.71 216. 1.55 261. 1.42 311. 1.31 365 1.22 423 6.8 .722 2.26 142. 2.01 180. 1.81 222. 1.64 269. 1.50 320. 1.39 376 1.29 436 7.0 .765 2.38 146. 2.12 185. 1.90 229. 1.73 277. 1.59 330. 1.46 387 1.36 449 105 TABLE OF FIFTH ROOTS & FIFTH POWERS. No. No. No. Power. or Power. or Power. or Root. Root. Root. .0000100 1 .000796 .240 .034503 .51 .0000110 .102 .000893 .245 .038020 .52 .0000122 .104 .000977 .250 .041820 .53 .0000134 .106 .001078 .255 .045917 .54 .0000147 .108 .001188 .260 .050328 .55 .0000161 .110 .001307 .265 .055073 .56 .0000176 .112 .001435 .270 .060169 .57 .0000193 .114 .001573 .275 .065636 .58 .0000210 .116 .001721 .280 .071492 .59 .0000229 .118 .001880 .285 .077760 .60 .0000249 .120 .002051 .290 .084460 .61 .0000270 .122 .002234 .295 .091613 .62 .0000293 .124 .002430 .300 .099244 .63 .0000318 .126 .002639 .305 .107374 .64 .0000344 .128 .002863 .310 .116029 .65 .0000371 .130 .003101 .315 .125233 .66 .0000401 .132 .003355 .320 .135012 .67 .0000432 .134 .003626 .325 .145393 .68 .0000465 .136 .003914 .330 .156403 .69 .0000500 .138 .004219 .335 .168070 .70 .0000538 .140 .004544 .340 .180423 .71 .0000577 .142 .004888 .345 .193492 .72 .0000619 .144 .005252 .350 .207307 .73 .0000663 .146 .005638 .355 .221901 .74 .0000710 .148 .006047 .360 .237305 .75 .0000754 .150 .006478 .365 .253553 .76 .0000895 .155 .006934 .370 .270678 .77 .000105 .160 .007416 .375 .288717 .78 .000122 .165 .007924 .380 .307706 .79 .000142 .170 .008459 .385 .327680 .80 .000164 1.175 .009022 .390 .348678 .81 .000189 .180 .009616 .395 .370740 .82 .000217 .185 .010240 .400 .393904 .83 .000248 .190 .011586 41 .418212 .84 .000282 .195 .013069 .42 .443705 .85 .000320 .200 .014701 .43 .470427 .86 .000362 .205 .016492 .44 .498421 .87 .000408 .210 .018453 .45 .527732 .88 .000459 .215 .020596 .46 .558406 .89 .000515 .220 .022935 .47 .590490 .90 .000577 .225 .025480 .48 .624032 .91 .000644 •230 .028248 .49 .659082 .92 .000717 .235 .031250 .50 .695688 93 106 TABLE OF FIFTH ROOTS & FIFTH POWERS. No. No. No. Power. or Power. or Power. or Root. Root. Root. .733904 .94 15.9495 1.74 525.219 3.50 .773781 .95 16.8874 1.76 563.822 3.55 .815373 .96 17.8690 1.78 604.662 3.60 .858734 .97 18.8957 1.80 647.835 3.65 .903921 .98 .950990 .99 1. 1. 88 19.9690 1.82 693.440 3.70 21.0906 1.84 741.577 3.75 22.2620 1.86 792.352 3.80 1.10408 1.02 23.4849 1.88 845.870 3.85 1.21665 1.04 24.7610 1.90 902.242 3.90 1.33823 1.06 26.0919 1.92 961.580 3.95 1.46933 1.08 27.4795 1.94 1024.00 4.00 1.61051 1.10 28.9255 1.96 1089.62 4.05 1.76234 1.12 30.4317 1.98 1158.56 4.10 1.92541 1.14 32.0000 2.00 1230.95 4.15 2.10034 1.16 36.2051 2.05 1306.91 4.20 2.28775 1.18 40.8410 2.10 1386.58 4.25 2.48832 1.20 45.9401 2.15 1470.08 4.30 2.70271 1.22 51.5363 2.20 1557.57 4.35 2.93163 1.24 57.6650 2.25 1649.16 4.40 3.17580 1.26 64.3634 2.30 1745.02 4.45 3.43597 1.28 71.6703 2.35 1845.28 4.50 3.71293 1.30 79.6262 2.40 1950.10 4.55 4.00746 1.32 88.2735 2.45 2059.63 4.60 4.32040 1.34 97.6562 2.50 2174.03 4.65 4.65259 1.36 107.820 2.55 2293.45 4.70 5.00490 1.38 118.814 2.60 2418.07 4.75 5.37824 1.40 130.686 2.65 2548.04 4.80 5.77353 1.42 143.489 2.70 2683.54 4.85 6.19174 1.44 157.276 2.75 2824.75 4.90 6.63383 1.46 172.104 2.80 2971.84 4.95 7.10082 1.48 188.029 2.85 3125.00 5.00 7.59375 1.50 205.111 2.90 3450.25 5.10 8.11368 1.52 223.414 2.95 3802.04 5.20 8.66171 1.54 243.000 3.00 4181.95 5.30 9.23896 1.56 263.936 3.05 4591.65 5.40 9.84658 1.58 286.292 3.10 5032.84 5.50 10.4858 1.60 310.136 3.15 5507.32 5.60 11.1577 1.62 335.544 3.20 6016.92 5.70 11.8637 1.64 362.591 3.25 6563.57 5.80 12.6049 1.66 391.354 3.30 7149.24 5.90 13.3828 1.68 421.419 3.35 7776.00 6.00 14.1986 1.70 454.354 3.40 8445.96 6.10 15.0537 1.72 488.760 3.45 9161.33 6.20 107 TABLE OF FIFTH ROOTS & FIFTH POWERS. No. No. No. Power. ΟΙ Power. ΟΙ Power. or Root, Root. Root. 9924.37 6.30 41821. 8.40 161051. 11.0 10737. 6.40 44371. 8.50 176234. 11.2 11603. 6.50 47043. 8.60 192541. 11.4 12523. 6.60 49842. 8.70 210034. 11.6 13501. 6.70 52773. 8.80 228776. 11.8 14539. 6.80 55841. 8.90 248832. 12.0 15640. 6.90 59049. 9.00 270271. 12.2 15807. 7.00 62403. 9.10 293163. 12.4 18042. 7.10 65908. 9.20 317580. 12.6 19349. 7.20 69569. 9.30 343597. 12.8 20731. 7.30 73390. 9.40 371293. 13.0 22190. 7.40 77378. 9.50 400746. 13.2 23730. 7.50 81537. 9.60 432040. 13.4 25355. 7.60 85873. 9.70 465259. 13.6 27068. 7.70 90392. 9.80 500490. 13.8 28872. 7.80 95099. 9.90 537824. 14.0 30771. 7.90 100000. 10.0 577353. 14.2 32768. 8.00 110408. 10.2 619174. 14.4 31868. 8.10 121665. 10.4 663383. 14.6 37074. 8.20 133823. 10.6 710082. 14.8 39390. 8.30 146933. 10.8 759375. 15.0 For most practical purposes of the rules relating to flow of water through pipes, the fifth root of the power nearest to that whose root is wanted may be taken when the exact one is not in the table. POWER REQUIRED TO PUNCH BOILER PLATES, &c. (MOLESWORTH.) Р Power required in tons. Thickness of iron in inches. PHA T D Diameter of hole in inches. P 80 D T. Punching copper requires a force of about that required for iron. 108 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH IN LBS. PER SQUARE IN. METALS. Average. Brass, cast... (( wire.. Bronze or gun metal. 18,000 49,000 36,000 (C Copper, cast... sheet.... wire.... Iron, cast, 13,400 to 29,000.... wrought, ordinary bar.. 19,000 30,000 60,000 16,500 45,000 (( (( bar, double refined……. boiler plates. 50,000 to 54,000 .48,000 to 56,000 (( wire. .70,000 to 100,000 (( (6 Steel.... Tin... Zinc. ropes.. Lead, cast... pipe.. 90,000 2,000 1,650 • 65,000 to 120,000 4,600 3,500 A bar of wrought iron will expand or contract 151200th of its length for each degree of heat; and assuming that the extreme range of temperature in this country is 140°, it will expand or contract with this change the 1080th of its length, which is equiv- alent to a force of 20,740 lbs., or 9 tons per square inch of sec- tion. The tensile strength is increased, in from 1 to 6 reheatings and rollings, from 43,904 to 61,824 lbs., and decreased again to 43 904 lbs. in from 6 to 12. The tensile strength at different temperatures is as follows: 60°, 1; 114°, 1.14; 212°, 1.2; 250°, 1.32; 270°, 1.35; 325°, 1.41; 435°, 1.4. Ash, American. Beech, Box... " Cedar, American, red. TIMBER, SEASONED. • 11,000 to 14,000 15,000 to 18,000 20,000 10,300 Fir or Spruce..... 10,000 to 13,600 Hickory, American • 12,800 to 18,000 Mahogany. .8,000 to 21,000 Oak, American, white.. 18,000 Pine, American, white, red, and pitch. 10,000 (C long leaf yellow 12,600 to 19,200 Poplar... 7,000 Walnut, black. 16,000 ULTIMATE RESISTANCE TO COMPRESSION. METALS. Brass, cast... 10,300 Iron, .82,000 to 145,000 (( wrought..... 36,000 to 40,000 109 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. TIMBER, SEASONED, COMPRESSED IN THE DIRECTION OF THE GRAIN. Average. Ash, American. •• · 4,400 to 5,800 Beech, .5,800 to 6,900 Box.... 10,300 Cedar, American, red…… 6,000 Fir or Spruce..... .5,100 to 6,800 Oak. American, white.... .7,200 to 9,100 Pine, .5,000 to 5,600 (C (C yellow. 6,000 Walnut, black...... Brick, weak.. 7,500 550 to 800 } (( strong... fire.... ( best... Granite..... Limestone.. Sandstone, ordinary 1,100 1,700 Brickwork, ordinary, in cement. 300 to 450 1,000 .5,500 to 11,000 4,000 to 11,000 4.000 ULTIMATE RESISTANCE TO SHEARING. Iron, cast.. wrought, along the fiber. .... Steel...... 27,700 45,000 67,000 BREAKING LOAD IN TONS FOR A HORIZONTAL HOLLOW WROUGHT IRON WELDED TUBE, SUPPORTED AT BOTH ENDS AND LOADED AT THE CENTER. Area of metal in square inches X mean depth X constant 1.09 Clear span in feet. external diameter thickness of metal.) (The mean depth or internal + (6 Example.-Center breaking load for 4 inch external diameter welded tube, .32 inches thick and 6 feet clear span. 3.71 X 3.68 X 1.09 14.88 Span 6 feet. 6 2.48 tons load. A load evenly distributed over the entire length may be twice as heavy as a center load. • 110 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. RULE FOR THE BREAKING LOAD IN POUNDS OF HOLLOW CYL- INDRICAL WROUGHT IRON COLUMNS WITH FLAT ENDS, FIRMLY FIXED, AND WITH THE LOAD PRESS- ING UPON THEM EQUALLY THROUGHOUT. Multiply the transverse metal area in square inches by 36000. Call the product a. Divide the square of the length in inches by the square of the outside diameter in inches. Divide the quotient by 3000. To this last quotient add 1. Divide a by the sum. The result will be the required load in pounds. For the breaking load in tons use 16.07 instead of 36000. Example. What is the breaking load in pounds of a round wrought iron tube 23 inches external diameter, .12 inches thick- ness of iron, and 1 foot long? The area of metal (by table of tubes on page 42) is .8977. The square of external diameter is 6.25. The square of the length in inches is 144. Then the breaking load in lbs. 32317.2000 .8977 X 36000 32317.2000 1+ (6.23 144 ÷ 3000 1.00768 32,070 lbs., or 14.31 tons. Substituting 16.07 for 36000 and omitting the metal area, we 1.00768 have 16.07 144 1 + 3000 16.07 1.00768 15.94 tons per square inch of 6.25 metal area = 14.31 tons for the tube. RULE FOR THE BREAKING LOADS OF EITHER SQUARE OR REC- TANGULAR PILLARS OR POSTS, OF MODERATELY SEASONED WHITE AND COMMON YELLOW PINE, WITH FLAT ENDS FIRMLY FIXED AND EQUALLY LOADED. Call either side of the square, or the least side of the rectangle, the breadth. Then breaking load in lbs. per square inch of area, of a pillar of w. or y pine] 1 + 5000 Square of length in inches. Square of breadth in inches. X .004 TIT STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. RULE FOR THE BREAKING OF PILLARS-CONTINUED. Example.-Breaking load per square inch, of a white pine column 2½ ins. square and 1 foot long. The square of length in inches is 144. The square of breadth is 6.25. 144 6.25 23.04; and 23.04 × .004.09216; and .09216 + 11.09216. 5000 1.09216 = 4578 lbs., the required break- ing load per sq. inch. As the area of the column is 6.25 sq. inches, the entire breaking load is 4578 × 6.25 : =28612 lbs. 12.78 tons. The value of timber should not be taken at more than to of its breaking strength. SAFE LOADS, UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED, FOR RECTANGULAR WHITE OR YELLOW PINE BEAMS ONE INCH THICK. Allowing 1200 pounds per sq. inch fiber strain. To obtain the safe load for any thickness, multiply the safe load given in the table, by the thickness of beam. To obtain the required thickness for any load, divide by the safe load for one inch, given in the table. Span DEPTH OF BEAM IN INCHES. in 6 7 8 9 10 | 11 12 13 14 15 16 feet. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 960 1310 1710 2160 2670 3230 3840 4510 5230 6000 6830 800 1090 1420 1800 2220 2690 3200 3760 4360 5000 5690 690 930 1220 1540 1900 2300 2740 3220 3730 4290 4880 600 820 1070 1350 1670 2020 2400 2820 3270 3750 4270 530 730 950 1200 1480 1790 2130 2500 2900 3330 3790 480 650 850 1080 1330 1610 1920 2250 2610 3000 3410 440 590 780 980 1210 1470 1750 2050 2380 2730 3100 12 400 540 710 900 1110 1340 1600 1880 2180 2500 2840 13 370 500 660 830 1030 1240 1480 1730 2010 2310 2630 14 340 470 610 770 15 320 440 570 720 16 300 410 530 680 950 1150 1370 1610 1870 2140 2440 890 1080 1280 1500 1740 2000 2280 830 1010 1200 1410 1630 1880 2130 17 280 380 500 640 780 950 1130 1330 1540 1760 2010 18 270 360 470 600 740 19 250 340 450 570 700 900 1070 1250 1450 1670 1900 850 1010 1190 1380 1580 1800 20 240 330 430 540 670 810 960 1130 1310 1500 1710 21 230 310 410 510 630 770 910 1070 1240 1430 1630 29 22 220 300 390 490 23 210 280 370 470 24 200 270 360 450 25 190 260 340 430 26 180 250 330 420 27 180 240 320 400 500 600 710 28 170 230 300 390 480 580 690 170 230 290 370 460 560 660 780 610 730 870 1020 1190 1360 1550 580 700 830 980 1140 1300 1480 530 650 560 670 | 800 940 1090 1250 1420 770 900 1050 1200 1370 510 620 740 870 1010 1150 1310 830 970 1110 1260 800 930 1070 1220 900 1030 1180 112 TABLE OF BREAKING LOADS IN TONS, OF HOLLOW CYLINDRICAL WROUGHT IRON COLUMNS, With flat ends, perfectly true, and firmly fixed, and the load pressing equally on every part of the top. Length of Tube in feet. (CALCULATED BY THE FOREGOING RULE.) Thickness of Iron ¼ inch. Thickness of Iron ¼ inch. External Diameter in ins. 2 242% 234 3 1/4 External Diameter in ins. 2 LO 214 212 234 3 Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Length of Tube in feet. 10045O 11.7 13.2 14.8 16.4 2 11.2 12.8 14.5 16.1 18.0 21.9 25.4 28.3 17.8 21.1 24.3 27.6 31.4 34.5 1 30.7 33.9 3 10.6 12.2 13.9 15.6 17.3 19.9 23.1 26.4 29.7 33.0 9.9 11.6 13.3 15.0 16.7 18.6 21.8 21.8 25.3 28.5 31.9 9.1 10.8 12.5 14.2 16.0 17.0 20.4 23.5 27.3 30.7 8.3 9.9 | 11.6 13.4 15.2 15.4 18.8 | 22.1 25.7 29.2 7 7.4 9.1 10.8 12.6 14.4 13.9 17.3 20.5 23.8 27.8 8 6.7 8.3 9.9 11.7 13.5 12.5 15.6 19.1 22.3 259 HOLM THOOD SO 2 9 6.0 7.5 9.1 10.8 12,6 11.2 14.2 17.5 20.6 24.3 9 10 5.4 6.9 8.4 10.1 11.8 10.0 13.0 16.1 19.1 22.7 10 11 4.8 6.2 7.7 9.3 11.0 9.0 10.7 15.7 17.6 21.1 11 12 4.3 5.6 7.0 8.6 10.2 8.1 10.6 13.5 16.4 19.6 | 12 13 3.9 5.2 6.5 8.0 9.5 7.3 9.6 12.4 15.1 18.2 B 14 3.5 4.7 6.0 7.4 8.9 6.6 8.8 11.3 14.0 17.0 14 15 3.2 4.3 5.5 6.9 8.3 6.0 8.0 10.4 12,9 15.8 15 16 2.9 4.0 5.1 6.4 7.7 5.5 7.3 9.5 12.0 14.6 16 18 2.1 3.4 4.4 5.6 6.8 4.5 6.0 8.0 10.3 12.7 18 20 2.0 2.8 3.7 4.7 5.8 3.8 5.1 6.8 8.7 11.0 20 Length of Tube in feet. Thickness of Iron inch. Thickness of Iron ½½ inch. External Diameter in ins. External Diameter in ins. 32 4 4½ 5 6 7 89 10 12 Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Length of Tube 1 40 47 53 2 40 47 53 39 46 52 38 45 51 5 37 44 50 36 43 49 31 41 17 8 32 40 46 9 30 38 44 10 29 37 43 SSABARH858: 60 60 59 72 166 189 214 238 72 163 186 212 237 71 158 184 210 235 290 2 289 4 288 6 71 151 181 207 232 284 8 57 70 149 176 203 228 280 10 56 69 143 171 199 224 276 12 54 68 137 165 194 219 272 14 53 67 131 160 187 213 268 16 51 65 124 153 180 207 263 18 50 64 117 145 173 201 257 20 11 27 35 41 48 62 12 26 33 40 46 61 13 24 31 38 14 59 14 23 30 36 43 57 15 21 28 34 41 55 16 20 27 33 40 54 18 18 24 30 37 50 20 16 21 27 34 47 The breaking loads for less thicknesses may safely be assumed to diminish at the same rate as the thickness. Wrought iron columns shorten at the average rate of about 1 inch iu 30 feet, under loads of 4 tons per square inch of metal cross-section; and cast iron ones average about twice as much. For lengths up to about 25 times the diameter cast iron columus are stronger than wrought iron ones; but for longer lengths wrought iron are the stronger. In fixing a column it is important to equalize the pressure over every part of the top and bottom of it. in feet. 113 Q L D H G FLOW OF GAS IN PIPES. Quantity of gas in cubic feet per hour. Length of pipe, yards. - Diameter of pipe in inches. Head of water pressure in inches. Specific gravity of gas. Q = 1000 v´D³ H 5 GL D = .0631 Q² G L H G may be assumed H (( (for service pipes use 780 in place of 1000.) (J. T. Hurst.) 45 for ordinary calculations. ½ an inch to 1 inch. The pressure with which gas is forced through pipes should seldom exceed 21½ inches of water at the works, or the leakage will exceed the advantages to be obtained from increased pressure. When pipes are laid at an inclination either above or below the horizon, a correction will have to be made in estimating the supply, by adding or deducting of an inch from the initial pressure for every foot of rise or fall in the length of the pipe. 1 100 The volumes of gases of like specific gravities discharged in equal times by a horizontal pipe, under the same pressure and for different lengths, are inversely as the square roots of the lengths. The velocity of gases of different specific gravities, under like pressure, are inversely as the square roots of their gravities. By experiment, 30000 cubic feet of gas, specific gravity of .42 were discharged in an hour through a main 6 inches in diameter and 22.5 feet in length; and 852 cubic feet, specific gravity .398, were discharged, under a head of 3 inches of water, through a main 4 inches in diameter and 6 miles in length. (Haswell.) The loss of volume of discharge by friction, in a pipe 6 inches in diameter and 1 mile in length, is estimated at 95 per cent. Table showing proportionate size and length of service pipes to give perfect flow of gas. Size of Pipe. Inches. Greatest Length Allowed. Greatest Number of Size of Pipe. Inches. Greatest Length Allowed. Greatest Number of Burners, Burners. Feet. Feet. I 6 1 1 20 1/2 30 40 3. 50 20 3622 11/4 1½ NTAT 12 2 70 35 100 60 150 100 200 200 114 WEIGHT OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES.-CONTINUED. Sand, well shaken.. (( perfectly wet. Steam.. Steel... Spelter or zinc.. sea........ Water, pure rain or distilled, at 60° Fahrenheit... Ash, American, white.... TIMBER-DRY. Cherry.. Chestnut. Ebony. Elm.... ... Hemlock.. Hickory. Lignum Vitæ.... Mahogany, Spanish.. Honduras. (C Maple..... Oak, live.... (( white. (( other kinds..... Pine, white.... 66 yellow, Northern. (C Southern... Spruce..... Sycamore.. Walnut, black.. 99 to 117 120 to 140 .036747 490 437 6231 64 38 42 41 76 35 25 53 83 53 35 49 59 52 32 to 45 25 34 45 25 37 38 (Green timbers usually weigh from to more than dry.) FORCE OF WATER IN MOTION, AGAINST A PLANE SURFACE AT RIGHT ANGLE TO THE DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT. V v = P P Velocity of water in miles per hour. Velocity in feet per second. Pressure in lbs. per square foot. 2.1 V2. P = .976 v². THEORETICAL HORSE-POWER OF WATER. Quantity of water in cube feet per minute. Head of water from tail-race in feet. Theoretical horse-power. h P: P=.001892 Q h. Q 528.5 P h 121 1 DECIMALS OF AN INCH FOR EACH TH. ds.ths. Decimal. Fraction.ds. 4ths. Decimal. Fraction. 1 2 3 123 TLOCO .015625 .03125 17 oo co 33 .515625 34 .53125 .046875 35 .516875 .0625 1-16 18 36 .5625 9-16 .078125 37 .578125 .09375 19 38 .59375 .109375 39 .609375 4 .125 1-8 20 40 .625 5-8 .140625 41 .640625 LO 5 10 .15625 21 42 .65625 11 .171875 43 .671875 6 12 .1875 3-16 22 44 .6875 11-16 13 .203125 45 .703125 7 14 .21875 23 46 .71875 15 .234375 47 .734375 من 8 16 .25 1-4 24 48 .75 3-4 17 .265625 49 .765625 9 18 .28125 25 50 .78125 19 .296875 51 .796875 10 20 .3125 5-16 26 52 .8125 13-16 21 .328125 53 .828125 11 22 .34375 27 54 .84375 23 .359375 55 .859375 12 24 .375 3-8 28 56 .875 7-8 25 .390625 57 .890625 13 26 .40625 29 58 .90625 27 .421875 59 .921875 14 28 .4375 7-16 30 60 .9375 15-16 29 .453125 61 .953125 15 30 .46875 31 62 .96875 31 .484375 63 .984375 16 32 .5 1-2 32 64 1. 1 122 WHEEL GEARING-CONTINUED. Mortise wheels to be wider than iron wheels by twice the thickness of the rim, or by pitch X 0.9; their rim to be double the thickness of that of iron wheels. To compute the number of teeth in a pinion or follower to have a given velocity. RULE.-Multiply the velocity of the driver by its number of teeth, and divide the product by the velocity of the driven. Example.--The velocity of the driver is 16 revolutions, the number of its teeth 54, and the velocity of the pinion is 48; what is the number of its teeth? 16 X 54 48 18 teeth. 2. A wheel having 75 teeth is making 16 revolutions per minute; what is the number of teeth required in the pinion to make 24 revolutions in the same time? 16 X 7524 = 50 teeth. To compute the diameter of a wheel for a given pitch and number of teeth. RULE.-Multiply the diameter in the following table for the number of teeth by the pitch, and the product will give the diameter at the pitch circle. Example.-What is the diameter of a wheel to contain 48 teeth of 2.5 inches pitch? 15.29 X 2.5 = 38.225 inches. × To compute the pitch of a wheel for a given diameter and number of teeth. RULE. Divide the diameter of the wheel by the diameter in the following table for the number of teeth, and the product will give the pitch. Example.-What is the pitch of a wheel when the diameter of it is 50.94 inches, and the number of its teeth 80? 50.94 ÷ 25.47 2 inches. To compute the number of teeth of a wheel for a given diam- eter and pitch. RULE.—Divide the diameter by the pitch, and opposite to the quotient in the following table is given the number of teeth. To compute the pitch of a wheel. RULE. Divide the circumference at the pitch line by the number of teeth. To compute the true or chordial pitch. RULE. Divide 180° by the number of teeth, ascertain the sine of the quotient, and multiply it by the diameter of the wheel. To compute the diameter of a wheel. RULE.-Multiply the number of teeth by the pitch and divide the product by 3.1416. To compute the number of teeth in a wheel. RULE, Divide the circumference by the pitch. To compute the diameter of a pinion, when the diameter of the wheel and number of teeth in the wheel and pinion are given. : :: 127 WHEEL GEARING--CONTINUED. RULE-Multiply the diameter of the wheel by the number of teeth in the pinion, and divide the product by the number of teeth in the wheel. To compute the number of teeth required in a train of wheels to produce a given velocity. RULE.-Multiply the number of teeth in the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of each pinion, for each driver and pinion. To compute the circumference of a wheel. RULE.-Multiply the number of teeth by their pitch. To compute the revolutions of a wheel or pinion. RULE. Multiply the diameter or circumference of the wheel, or the number of its teeth, as the case may be, by the number of its revolutions, and divide the product by the diameter, circum- ference, or number of teeth in the pinion. To compute the velocity of a pinion. RULE.-Divide the diameter, circumference, or number of teeth in the driver as the case may be, by the diameter, &c., of the pinion. When there are a series or train of wheels and pinions. RULE. Divide the continued product of the diameter, circum- ference, or number of teeth in the wheels by the continued pro- duct of the diameter, &c., of the pinions. To compute the depth of a cast iron tooth. RULE. (When the stress is given.) the stress and multiply it by .02. Extract the square root of RULE.—(When the horse power is given.) Extract the square root of the quotient of the horse power divided by the velocity in feet per second, and multiply it by .466. To compute the horse power of a tooth. RULE.--Multiply the pressure at the pitch line by its velocity in feet per minute, and divide the product by 33000. To compute the stress that may be borne by a tooth. RULE.-Multiply the value of the material of the tooth to resist a transverse strain, as estimated for this character of stress, by the breadth and square of its depth, and divide the product by the extreme length of it in the decimal of a foot. [For further information on Wheel Gearing, see Haswell's Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket Book.'] WROUGHT IRON PIPE FOR HIGH PRESSURE TURBINES. Thickness of metal in inches D P D P 800 + 0.2. Internal diameter of pipe in inches. Pressure of water in atmospheres. 33 feet from the top 1 atmosphere nearly. Diameter of supply-pipe for water pressure engines of cylinder X .41 for single-cylinder engines. diameter = diameter of cylinder × .68 for double-cylinder engines. 128 TABLE SHOWING THE DIAMETER OF A WHEEL FOR A GIVEN PITCH, OR THE PITCH FOR A GIVEN DIAMETER. Number of Teeth. Diam. Number of Teeth. Diam. Number of Teeth. Diam. Number of Teeth. Diam. Number of Teeth. Diam. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. 8 2.61 45 14.33 82 26.11 119 37.88 156 49.66 9 2.93 46 14.65 83 26.43 120 38.2 157 49.98 10 3.24 47 14.97 84 26.74 121 38.52 158 50.3 11 3.55 48 15.29 85 27.06 122 38.84 159 50.61 12 3.86 49 15.61 86 27.38 123 39.16 160 50.93 13 4.18 50 15.93 87 27.7 124 39.47 161 51.25 14 4.49 51 16.24 88 28.02 125 39.79 162 51.57 15 4.81 52 16.56 89 28.33 126 40.11 163 51.89 16 5.12 53 16.88 90 28.65 127 40.43 164 52.21 17 5.44 54 17.2 91 28.97 128 40.75 165 52.52 : 18 5.76 55 17.52 92 29.29 129 41.07 166 52.84 19 6.07 56 17.8 93 29.61 130 41.38 167 53.16 20 6.39 57 18.15 94 29.93 131 41.7 168 53.48 21 6.71 58 18.47 95 30.24 132 42.02 169 53.8 22 7.03 59 18.79 96 30.56 133 42.34 170 54.12 23 7.34 60 19.11 97 30.88 134 42.66 171 54.43 24 7.66 61 19.42 98 31.2 135 42.98 172 54.75 25 7.98 62 19.74 99 31.52 136 43.29 173 55.07 26 8.3 63 20.06 100 31.84 137 43.61 174 55.39 27 8.61 64 20.38 101 32.15 138 43.93 175 55.71 28 8.93 65 20.7 102 32.47 139 44.25 176 56.02 29 9.25 66 21.02 103 32.79 140 44.57 177 56.34 30 9.57 67 21.33 104 31 9.88 68 21.65 105 32 10.2 69 21.97 106 33.11 141 33.43 142 33.74 143 44.88 178 56.66 45.02 179 56.98 45.52 180 57.23 33 10.52 70 22.29 107 34.06 144 45.84 181 57.62 34 10.84 71 22.61 108 34.38 145 46.16 182 57.93 35 11.16 72 22.92 109 34.7 146 46.48 183 58.25 36 11.47 73 23.24 110 37 11.79 74 23.56 111 35.34 35.02 147 148 46.79 184 58.57 47.11 185 58.89 38 12.11 75 23.88 112 35.65 149 47.43 186 59.21 39 12.43 76 24.2 113 35.97 150 47.75 187 59.53 40 12.74 77 24.52 114 36.29 151 48.07 188 59.84 41 13.06 78 24.83 115 36.61 152 48.39 189 60.16 25.15 42 13.38 79 116 43 13.7 80 25.47 117 49.02 191 44 14.02 81 25.79 118 37.56 155 49.34 192 NOTE―The pitch in this table is the true pitch, as before described. 36.93 153 48.7 190 60.48 37.25 154 60.81 61.13 129 SHAFTING. POWER OF SHAFTS. (BOX.) d4 The strength of a cylindrical shaft to resist torsion varies as d³ (d diameter) and is independant of the length, but tor- sional stiffness varies as length) and it is necessary to consider both the strength and the stiffness in fixing the proper size for a shaft. IIL It is necessary to make a distinction between engine crank shafts and ordinary ones, and in that case the following formula d³, in which P may be used: P= d³ X R M MX P and R con- nominal horse-power, R= number of revolutions, M stant. The value of M for cast iron crank shafts for large en- gines, say 30 horse-power, is 400, and for wrought iron 260. For ordinary shafts the value of M is 254 for cast iron, and 160 for wrought iron. Where there is a liability to sudden strain, extra strong shafting should be used. For shafts, say 4½ inches diameter and under, owing to their greater elasticity a different rule from the above becomes necessary, and we have for ordin- ary wrought iron shafts the rules: P=d4 x R x .00135 and Р RX.00135 d¹. PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH ON BEARINGS. Bearings should be proportioned according to the pressure; otherwise the lubricant is squeezed out. This pressure may be as high as 700 lbs. to the square inch with proper lubrication, but in ordinary practice should never exceed 500 lbs. per square inch. The power consumed by friction is not increased by lengthening the bearings, and a wide bearing will wear longer and is easier to keep cool. In cases where the shaft has only its own weight to carry, the distance between bearings may be ex- pressed by the formula: L=1/(D× 16)² in which D= diam- eter in inches, and L length between bearings in feet. 3 PROPORTIONS OF KEYS FOR WHEELS AND PULLEYS. Diameter of shaft in inches. D B Breadth of key in inches. T d Thickness of key in inches. Depth sunk in shaft, measured at side of key. d'= Depth sunk in boss of wheel, measured at side of key. D +125 B. 4 D 11 +.16 T. D 40 +.075=d. T—d=d'. The key should be of equal breadth the whole length, but should taper in thickness about % inch to the foot in length. The same taper should be given to the key seat in the boss of the wheel, but not to the key bed in shaft. 130 FLOW OF AIR IN PIPES. The loss of pressure of air resulting from friction in the pipes. may be calculated by the same rules as for water flowing at the same velocity as the air, the loss of pressure found being then reduced in the ratio of the density of the compressed air to that of water. The growing application of air power in mines makes the question of saving of loss of pressure by friction a very im- portant one to those using it. A light, strong, tight jointed pipe is desirable for this kind of work, and the requirements are per- fectly met by the National Tube Works Company's special light wrought iron lapwelded pipe fitted with flanges or with the Con- verse Patent Lock Joint (illustrated on pages 46 and 47.) This joint is the result of many years experience with various styles of joints invented to connect together wrought iron pipes too light for cutting a screw thread on without unduly weakening the metal, and at the same time have a connection that would withstand all strains. The end sought for has been attained in this joint. It has been tested experimentally and practically and is now in use extensively in wrought iron pipe lines for conveying water, gas and air. The saving in loss of pressure from friction and leakage to be effected by the use of a tight, flush joint such as. this, is worth the careful consideration of those interested in wa- ter and gas works, or the introduction of air power into coal mines and the various other forms of mining to which com- pressed air is now being applied. RESULT OF TEST OF CONVERSE PATENT LOCK JOINT BY AIR PRESSURE. PITTSBURGH, May 4th, 1882. "I beg leave to state that I have just made a test of the Con- verse Patent Locked Joint Coupling, with an air pressure of 100 lbs. per square inch. I find it perfectly tight, and have no doubt that it would be equally tight with any pressure that could be put upon it.” Yours very truly, (Signed) WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE Co., T. W. WELCH, Supt. The following formula for computing loss of pressure in air pipes has been adopted by M. Stockalper, from experiments in the St. Gothard tunnel and its accuracy is confirmed by B. R. Förster, though it gives results considerably lower than those of Weisbach and some others. J L Loss of pressure per yard. Length of the pipe in yards. G Cubic feet of air passing per second. D ་ a (Which may be cal- culated from the strokes of the air compressor.) Weight of 1 cubic foot of air in ounces. Coefficient given in Darcy's table, corresponding to the diameter of the pipe, Total loss of pressure in line of pipe a X G 2 X D X 0.000733 × L. 1000 131 FLOW OF AIR IN PIPES-CONTINUED. Diameter of Pipe in inches. Diameter of Coefficient a. pipe in inches. Coefficient a. .394 58395000.00 5.905 25.32 .787 1169250.00 7.087 9.918 1,063 222800.00 7.874 5.785 1,575 26280.00 9.055 2.836 2.126 5267.50 10.236 1.517 2.362 3010,40 11.024 1.042 3.150 601.00 12.205 0.621 3.543 356.90 13.386 0.339 3.937 206.20 14.173 0.291 5.118 52.92 14.961 0.221 [The diameters of pipe given in this table do not agree ex- actly with the standard sizes of wrought iron pipes, but are near enough to obtain approximate results in ordinary practice.] WEIGHT OF CHARCOAL. (Per bushel of 2748 cubic inches.) ·Oak .... 21.38 Oak and Pine mixed .. 19.64 Pine..... 17.85 Pine (light). 17.19 [These weights are taken from the Journal of Charcoal Iron Workers, and based on data by Mr. A. L. Tyler of Woodstock Iron Co. of Alabama.] TO FIND THE APPROXIMATE WEIGHT OF A CASTING BY THE WEIGHT OF ITS PATTERN. If pattern is of perfectly dry white pipe, multiply its weight by 20; if well seasoned but not perfectly dry, multiply by 19 or 18. TO FIND THE STRENGTH OF AN EASY FITTING FASTENING AGAINST SHEARING. (RANKINE.) RULE.-Multiply the sectional area by the modulus of strength; take 2 of result for squares and 34 for circles or ellipses. 132 LINEAR EXPANSION OF SUBSTANCES BY HEAT. To find the increase in the length of a bar of any material due to an increase of temperature, multiply the number of de- grees of increase of temperature by the coefficient for 100 de-- grees and by the length of the bar, and divide by 100. NAME OF SUBSTANCE. Coefficient for 1000 Fahrenheit. Coefficient for 180° Fah- renheit or 1000 Centigrade.. Brass (cast)..... (wire) Brick (fire)..... .00104 .00188 .00107 .00193 .0003 .0005 Cement (Roman) .0008 .0014 Copper.. .0009 .0017 Glass (English flint). .00045 .00081 CC (French white lead)... .00048 .00087 Gold... .0008 .0015 Granite (average).. .00047 .00085 Iron (cast).... .0006 .0011 (( (soft forged).... .0007 .0012 (( (wire)... .0008 .0014 Lead.. Mercury .0016 .0029 .0033 .0060 Platinum. .0005 .0009 .0005 .0009 Sandstone....... to to .0007 .0012 Silver.... .0011 .002 Water (varies considerably with the tem- perature)...... .0086 .0155 RULE FOR COMPUTING THE WEIGHT OF PIPES AND TUBES. D d W: External diameter of pipe in inches. Internal (( Weight of a lineal foot of pipe in lbs. Then W K (D²-d²) K = 2.64 for wrought iron. 2.45 "cast iron. 2.82 "brass. 3.03 (( 3.86 copper. "lead. Example. tube? 9 - 7.739 What is weight per foot of a 3 inch standard boiler 3 inch (external diam.) squared 2.782 inch (internal diam.) squared g. 7.739. 1.261, which × by 2.64=3.33 lbs. weight per foot. 133 PUMPING ENGINES. G F Number of gallons to be raised in 24 hours. Number of cube feet raised in 24 hours. h HP Height in feet to which the water is to be raised. Actual horse-power required. GX h HP or 4752000 FX h 762088 20 per cent. must be added to overcome friction, &c., and 50 or 60 per cent. more is usually allowed for contingencies, mak- ing a total of 70 or 80 per cent, additional power. HGEZA F TO FIND THE DIAMETER OF A SINGLE-ACTING PUMP. Length of stroke in feet. Number of galls. to be delivered per minute. Number of cubic feet to be delivered per minute. Number of stroke per minute. Diameter of pump in inches. F.00545 D2 L N. G .034 D2 L N. D= √ D = V G .034 L N. F .00545 L. N. NOTE. These formulas give the net diameter of the pump plunger; it is usual to increase the area of the plunger 4, to allow for leakage, &c. USEFUL NUMBERS FOR PUMPS. D = Diameter of pump in inches. S Stroke of pump in inches. D2S 7854 N D2 SX .002833 D2 S X .0004545 D2 S x .02833 cubic inches. gallons. cubic feet. lbs. fresh water. Q H HORSE-POWER OF PUMPING ENGINES. Quantity of water raised per minute cube feet. Height in feet. Actual horse-power = .0023 H Q. 134 Į ** ? "FACTS WORTH KNOWING." 7 7 137 1 ? } 1 138 FACTS WORTH KNOWING. METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The following Tables show the correct relation between the meas. ures of the Metric System and the system now in use in the United States and vice versa. Since the Metric System is now recognized by all civilized countries, these Tables will be found sufficient, in most cases, to transfigure the measurements given in the standard of any country with American measurements. MEASURES OF LENGTH. One Millometer One Centimeter 0.001 Meter 0.0394 inches. 0.01 46 0.3937 " One Decimeter 0.1 66 3.937 One Meter 1 (6 39.37 One Decameter 10 393.7 One Hectometer= 100 One Kilometer 1000 One Minameter 10000 328 feet, 1 inch. =3280 "10 inches. 6.2137 miles. MEASURES OF CAPACITY. One Milliliter 0.001 Liter One Centiliter 0.01 . One Deciliter 0.1 6.1922 (6 (6 0.061 cubic inches. 0.6102 66 One Liter 1 One Decaliter 10 One Hectoliter 100 One Kiloliter or Stere = 1000 WEIGHTS. 0.908 quart. 9.08 2 bushels, 3.35 pecks. 1.308 cubic yards. 0.001 Gram 0.015-1 grains. One Milligram One Antigram One Decigram One Gram One Decagram 0.01 (6 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 66 0.1543 1.5432 —15.432 เ " " 0.35274 ounces. 3.5274 (6 2.2016 pounds. -22.046 (C COMMON MEASURES AND WEIGHTS AND THEIR METRIC EQUIVALENTS. One Hectogram One Kilogram One Myriagram An Inch A. Foot A Yard A Rod A Mile A Square Inch A Square Foot A Square Yard A Square Rod An Acre A Square Mile A Cubic Inch A Cubic Foot A Cubic Yard A Cord A Gallon A Dry Quart A Peck A Bushel 2.54 Centimeters. 0.3048 Meter. 0.9144 66 5.029 Meters. 1.6093 Kilometers. 6.452 Square Centimeters. 0.0929 Square Meter. 0.8361 (C 25.29 Square Meters. 0.4047 Hectare. 259 Hectares. 16.39 Cubic Centimeters. 0.02832 Cubic Meter. 0,7646 3.624 Steres. 3.786 Liters. 1.101 แ 8.811 ( 35.24 66 139 An Ounce Troy A Pound Troy METRIC WEIGHTS AND MEASURES-CONTINUEd. An Ounce Avoirdupois A Pound Avoirdupois A Ton A Grain Troy 28.35 Grains. 0.4536 Kilogram. 0.9072 Tonneau. 0.0648 Grain. 31.101 Grains. 0.3732 Kilogram. DIMENSIONS OF THE EARTH. Diameter at the Poles, 7,898.8809 Statute Miles. 7,911,8960 66 Diameter at the Equator, Diameter, mean, Difference of diam, at Poles and Equator, Flattened at each Pole, Circumference round the Poles, Circumference, mean, 7,924.9111 26.0302 13.0151 " 24,815.0452 แ 24,855.9333 " = 24,896.8214 " แ ASSAYERS' WEIGHT. Circumference round the Equator, 1 Carat 1 Carat grain ་་ 24 Carats 1 6 Parts 4 Grains 20 Parts Diamond Weight 10 Pwts. Troy. 2 Pwts. 12 grains or 60 Grains Troy. 1 Pound Troy. DIAMOND WEIGHT. 1 Grain 1 Carat .8 Grain Troy. 3.2 Grains Troy. 1 Grain Troy. UNITED STATES MONEY. 10 Mills (M) I Cent C. 10 Cents 1 Dime d. 10 Dines 1 Dollar $. 10 Dollars 1 Eagle. E. The Mill is one thousandth of a dollar and derives its name from the Latin word mille, which means a thousand. The Cent is one hundredth of a dollar and derives its name from the Latin word centum, which means a hundred. The Dime is one-tenth of a dollar and derives its name from the French word disme, which means ten. ORIGIN OF THE DOLLAR. The monetary unit of this country prior to July 6, 1785, was the English pound. On that date the Continental Congress established the dollar in its place, its precise weight and value being fixed Au- gust 8, 1786, which was about that of the old Spanish Carolus pillar dollar. The dollar was not original with Spain, its true origin being the "Joachim's Thaler," first coined in the mines of the Bo- hemian Valley of Sant Joachim. 4 Farthings (far) 12 Pence 20 Shillings ENGLISH MONEY. 1 Penny 1 Shilling d. S. 1 Pound £. In England a pound of standard Troy gold, 916 fine, is coined into £46 14s. 6d. The full weight of one gold pound or sovereign is 123.274 grains of standard gold, or 113.001 grains of pure gold. Allowing for the abrasion or wear, a sovereign weighing 122.75 grains of standard gold, in England is a legal tender for the pay- ment of debts. The alloy for gold coin is copper. Before 1826 silver entered into the composition of English gold coin; hence, the difference in color of different coinages. A pound of silver, 92.5 per cent. silver and 7.5 copper, is coined into 66 shillings. The full weight of a shilling is 87.273 grains stand- ard silver, or 80.729 grains of pure silver. A pound of copper is coined into 24 pennies. 140 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES-CONTINUED, A pound of bronze, 95 parts copper 4 parts tin and 1 part zinc, is coined into 40 pennies, or 80 half pennies, or 160 farthings. Bank of England notes are a legal tender in England for any sum exceeding £5. Gold is a legal tender for any amount, silver, not ex- ceeding 40 shillings, and copper not exceeding 12d. when in pennies or in half pennies, and not exceeding 6d. when in farthings.j 10 Centimes 10 Decimes FRENCH MONEY. = 1 Decime. 1 Franc. All French coin is based on the gramme, the unit of weight. A kilogramme of standard gold .9 pure is coined into 3,100 francs. The denominations of gold coin are 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 franc pieces. The alloy is copper. A kilogramme of silver .9 pure is coined into 200 francs. The de- nominations of silver coins are 5, 2, 1, 1½ and 4 franc pieces. The copper coins of France since 1852 contain 95 parts copper, 4 parts tin and 1 part zinc. The denominations are 10, 5, 2 and 1 cen- times, which weigh 1 gramme for each centime. COMPARATIVE VALUES OF GOLD AND SILVER. United States, estimating silver 1, gold is 15.988. England, France, Spain, China, 66 1, (2 14.287. 1. 15.50, "C 1, 1, แ 16.00. 14.25. In the United States and England gold is the standard; in France and other European countries silver is the standard. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT, 20 Grains-(gr.) 3 Scruples-() 1 Scruple 1 Dram 8 Drams-(3) 1 Ounce 12 Ounces (3) 1 Pound gr. Э 3 60 480 24 5,760 288 96 as those of Troy weight. The grain, the ounce and the pound of this weight are the same MEDICAL DIVISIONS OF THE GALLON. 69 Minims-(M) 1 Fluidram 8 Fluidrams-(fz) 16 Fluidounces-(f3) 1 Fluidounce 1 Pint M fz 480 7,680 - 128 Copenh f3 NO 8 Pints-(0) 1 Gallon (Cong.) 61,440-1,024 128 O is an abbreviation of octans, the Latin for one-eighth; Cong. for congiarium, the Latin for gallon. 1 Common teaspoonful 45 drops. 1 Common teaspoonful 1 Common tablespoonful 1 Common teacup 1 Pint of water ¼ common tablespoonful 1 fluidram. common teacup=about ½ fluidounce about 4 fluidounces. about 1 pound. Ris an abbreviation for recipe, or take; a aa., for equal quanti- ties; j. for 1; ij. for 2; iij. for 3; ss. for semi, or half; gr. for grain; P for particula, or little part; P. æq. for equal parts; q. p., as much as you please. LIQUID MEASURE. 4 Gills 1 Pint Gills. Pints. Quarls. Gals. 2 Pints 1 Quart 8 4 Quarts 1 Gallon 32 S 31% Gallons 1 Barrel 1,008 252 126 2 Barrels 1 Hogshead 2,016 504 252 63 141 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES-CONTINUED, The United States standard unit for liquid measure is the gal- lon-231 cubic inches-8.3388$22 pounds of the standard pound avoirdupois of distilled water. The English standard is the Imperial gallon-277.2738 cubic inches 10 pounds avoirdupois of the standard pound avoirdupois of distilled water. In some States the barrel is estimated at 31½ gallons, and in others at 32.28. 2 Pints 8 Quarts DRY MEAsure. 1 Quart Pints. 16 64 Quarts. 32 4 Pecks 1 Peck 1 Bushel The United States standard unit for dry measure is the old Eng- lish Winchester bushel, and contains 2,150.42 cubic inches or 77.627413 pounds, of the standard pound avoirdupois of distilled water. The heaped bushel, the cone of which is 6 inches above the brim of the measure, contains 2,747.7 cubic inches. In New York a bushel contains 2,218.191 cubic inches, which is the same as the Imperial bushel of England. 33 English or Impe- rial bushels are equal to 34.04 Winchester or United States bushels. BOOK MEASURE. A sheet (24X38) folded in 2 leaves is called folio. " LL แ 66 CC "L quarto or 4to. octavo or 8vo. 4 ** 8 Li 12 66 duodecimo or 12mo. "66 16 แ 16mo. " 66 18 18mo. 24 16 24mo. ( 32 32mo. EM-An em is that portion of a line of print which will form a square; formerly so named when the letter m was a square type. It is used as a unit to measure printed matter. Composition is computed by the number of thousand ems. The type used in this page is nonpareil. The length of a page is equal to 68 lines of solid type; the length of each line is 38 ems, which makes the number of ems in a page 68 X 38=2,584 ems. When but little print appears on a page it is called fat matter. 4 Inches 3 Inches MISCELLANEOUS, A Hand. A Palm. 9 Inches 18 Inches 36 Inches or 3 Feet 28 Inches or 2¼ Feet 33.38676 Inches 25 Pounds 56 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 196 Pounds 200 Pounds 256 Pounds 280 Pounds A Span. A Cubit. A Pace. A Military Pace. 1 Vara. 1 Keg of powder. 1 Firkin of butter. 1 Cental of grain. 1 Cask of raisins. 1 Quintal of dried fish. 1 Barrel of flour. 1 Barrel of beef, pork or fish. 1 Barrel of soap. 1 Barrel of salt. 142 MISCELLLANEOUS-CONTINUED. POWER.-The units of force, distance and time, are respectively I pound, 1 foot and 1 minute. Man Power-One man's power.0909 horse power-3,000 units of work 3,000 pounds raised vertically 1 foot in 1 minute, or its equivalent. Horse Power.-One horse power-11 men's power-33,000 units of work=33,000 pounds raised vertically 1 foot in 1 minute, or its equivalent. ATMOSPHERIC WEIGHT.-In whole numbers the atmospheric pressure per square inch is 15 pounds. Atmospheric Air.-A column, 1 inch square, full height=14.73 pounds. Mercury.-A column, 1 inch square, and 30 inches high-14.73- pounds. Fresh Water.-A column, 1 inch square, and 33.95 feet high — 14.73 pounds. Salt_Water.—A column, 1 inch square, and 33.05 feet high=14.73 pounds. 20 Units 12 Units 1 Score. 1 Dozen. 1 Gross UNITS. = 144 units. 1 Great gross-1,728 units=144 dozen. 12 Dozen 12 Gross 24 Sheets 1 Quire. 20 Quires 1 Ream 2 Reams 1 Bundle 5 Bundles= 1 Bale PAPER. 480 sheets. 960 sheets-40 quires. 4,800 sheets-200 quires=10 reams. IRON OR LEAD. 14 Pounds = 212 Stone I Stone. 1 Pig 8 Pigs 1 Fother 301 pounds. 2,408 pounds=172 stone. WAVES OF THE SEA. The extreme height of mid-ocean waves is estimated to be from 20 to 22 feet. The average force of ocean waves has been estimated to be 611 lbs. per square foot daring the summer months, and 2,086 lbs. during the winter months. During a heavy gale a force of 6,983 lbs. was ascertained. By observations it has been determined that when waves had heights of 8 feet, there were 35 in one mile, and 8 per minute. 15 20 66 "L 6 (6 เ 3 เ " 5 4 .per bushel ..60 lbs Corn, in the ear. LL WEIGHT OF GRAIN, PRODUCE, ETC., PER BUSHEL. Minimum Weight according to the Laws of the United States. Wheat ..... Clover Seed......per bushel...60 lbs ...70 lbs Flax Seed..... ...56 lbs Corn, shelled.... ...56 lbs Millett Seed... ...50 lbs Rye... .. 56 lbs Hun.Grass seed • ...50 lbs Buckwheat...... ...52 lbs Timothy Seed... ...45 lbs Barley. แ ...47 lbs Blue Grass Seed เเ ...44 lbs. Oats. เ ...32 lbs Hemp Seed ...... ** ...44 lbs Peas ...60 lbs Fine Salt...... ...55 lbs White Beans. " ...60 lbs Salt.... ...50 lbs Castor Beans.. ...46 lbs Corn Meal..... (C ...48 lbs Irish Potatoes.. ...60 lbs Ground Peas.. CC ...24 lbs Sweet Potatoes. ཟ¢ ...55 lbs Malt... ...38 lbs Onions.. ...57 lbs Bran ...20 lbs Turnips ...55 lbs Stone Coal.. . ...80 lbs Dried Peaches.. ...83 lbs Lime, unslac'd. ...30 lbs Dried Apples.... " ...26 lbs Plasteri'g Hair. ... 8 lbs 143 MISCELLANEOUS-CONTINUED. The number of United States bushels in a quantity of grain is equal to its measurement in cubic inches divided by 2,150.42. EXAMPLE. Required the number of bushels in a bin even full of grain the inside dimensions being-length, 12 feet; width, 7 feet 5 inches; depth, 6 feet 6 inches. Solution. Reduce to inches. 144 X 89X78÷÷÷2150.42-464.86 bushels. In measuring fruit, vegetables and other substances, the "heaped bushel" is the measurement; for this divide the number of cubic inches by 2,747.7. EXAMPLE 2. Required the number of pounds of wheat in the quantity as given in Example 1. Solution. 144 X 89 X 782156.42 × 60—27,891.6 pounds, or 278 91 centals. SOUND. The velocity of sound through the air in a temperature at 62° Fahrenheit is 1,125 feet per second. The velocity of sound through water is 4½ times, through iron, 10` times, and through wood, from 11 to 17 times that in air. Description of Sound. Audible at a Distance of FEET. MILES. A powerful human voice in the open air and no wind...... 460 .087 Beating of a drum.... 10,560 Music of a heavy brass band..... 15,840 23 A strong human voice, with the breeze, the breeze barely observable ... 15,840 3 Report of a mušket....... 16,000 3.02 Cannonading, very strong.. 475,000 90 LIGHT. The velocity of light is 192,500 miles per second. Estima ting the distance to be 95,000,000 miles, it passes from the sun to the earth in 8.2 minutes. It can pass through the distance of the cir- cumference of the earth in % of a second. VELOCITY AND FORCE OF WIND. WIND.-The velocity of air in passing into a vacuum is 1346.4 feet per second. Miles: Feet Force Description. per per in lbs. Description, Hour. Min. p.sq.ft Miles Feet Force per per in lbs. Hour. Min. p.sq.ft Hardly percept. Just percept...... Gentle breeze... Pleasant breeze{ 130 1 23 88 .005 High wind....... 2,640 4.429 35 3,080 6.027 176 .020 40 264 .011 Very high wind 3,520 7.873 45 3,960 9.963 352 .079 50 Storm.. 4,400 12.300 440 .123 1 55 4,840 14.883 6 528 .177 Creat Storm.... 1 60 5,280 17.712 9 792 .400 165 5,720 20.787 Brisk gale........ 10 880 .492 70 Hurricane.. 6,160 | 24.108 15 Very brisk gale. 20 1,320 1.107 1,760 1.968 7 25 2,200 3.075 85 7,480 35.547 Tornado.. 100 8,800 49.200 THE NINE MUSES. 1. Clio or Klio, the muse of History. 2. Melpomene, the muse of Tragedy. 3. Thalia, the muse of Comedy and Burlesque. 4. Caliope or Kaliope, the muse of Eloquence and Epic Poetry. 5. Urania, the muse of Astronomy. 6. Euterpe, the muse of the Art of Music. 7. Polyhymnia or Polymnia, the muse of Song and Oratory. 8. Erato, the muse of Love and Marriage. 9. Terpsichore, the muse of Dancing. S 144 # CAPACITY OF RESERVOIRS IN GALLONS. NOTE. The columns headed Length and Width denote the length and width in feet; the columns headed Gallons denote the capacity in U. S. gallons of one foot in depth. Length and Gallons. Length and Length Gallons. Width. Width. and Gallons. Width. Length and Gallons. 1932 FL 1 x 1 7.481 15 x 7 785.455 23 x 10 2 x 1 14.961 16 x 7 837.818 24 x 10 1720.519 1795.325 Width. 13 x 13 1264.208 x 1 22.442 17 x 7 890.182 25 x 10 1870.130 14 x 13 | 1361.454 15 x 13 | 1458.701 2 2 29.922 18 x 7 9412.545 28 x 10 1944.935 16 x 13 1555.948 3 2 4 5 6 3 x 4 x NNNN MO CO Mo Co 44.883 19 x 7 991.909 27 x 10 2019.740 17 x 13 1653.195 59.844 20 x 7 1047.273 28 x 10 2094.545 18 x 13 1750.442 74.805 21 x 7 1099.636 29 x 10 | 2169,351 19 x 13 1847.688 89.766 8 x 8 178.753 30 x 10 | 2244.156 20 x 13 1944 935 67.325 9 x 8 538.597 11 x 11 89.766 10 x 8 598.442 12 x 11 112.208 11 x 8 658.286 13 x 11 134.649 12 x 8 718.130 14 x 11 7 3 157.091 13 x 8 777.974 15 x 11 8 x 3 179.532 | 14 14 x 8 837.818 9 201.974 | 15 4 4 119.688 16 X 5 x 4 149.610 17 x 8 16 x 11 897.662 17 x 11 957.507 18 x 11 1017.351 19 x 11 6 x 4 179.532 | 18 x 8 18 x 8 1077.195 7 x 4 209.455 8 x x 4 239.377 20 x 1196.883 9 x 4 269.299 21 x 8 | 1256.727 10 4 299.221 22 22 x 8 1316.571 11 x 4 329.143 23 x | 81376.416 12 4 359,065 24 x | 8 5 187.013 9 x 9 6 224,416 | 10 x 9 7 5 261.818 11 x 9 8 5 299.221 12 x 9 1436.260 605.922 673.247 740.571 807.896 9 5 336.623 13 x 9 875.221 10 x 5 374.026 14 x 9 11 x 5 411.429 15 x 9 942,545 1009.870 12 x 5 448.831 16 x 9 1077.195 12 x 12 13 x 5 486.234 | 17 x 17 x 9 9 1144.519 13 x 12 14 x 5 523.636 18 x 9 1211.844 14 x 12 15 X 5 561.039 | 19 x 9 1279.169 15 x 12 6 x 6 269.299 20 x 9 1346.493 16 x 12 7 x 6 314.182 21 x 9 1413.818 17 x 12 x 6 359.065 22 x 9 | 1481.143 18 x 12 9 x 6 10 x 6 11 x 6 1548.467 12 x 6 13 x 6 14 x 6 15 x 6 16 x 6 538.597❘ 26 x 9 583.480 | 27 x 9 628.364 10 x 10 673.247 718.130 12 x 10 11 x 10 $97.662 26 x 12 17 x 6 763.013 B3 x 10 972.467 27 x 12 18 x 6 7 x 7 8 x 7 9 x 7 10 x 7 11 x 7 12 x 7 13 x 7 14 x 7 807.896 14 x 10 1047.278 28 x 12 28 x 12 366.545 15 x 10 1122.078 29 x 12 29 x 12 418.909 471.273 523.636 576.000 16 x 10 1196.883 | 30 x 12 30 x 12 17 x 10 1271.688 31 x 12 18 x 10 | 1346,493 | 32 x 12 32 x 12 19 x 81137.039 | 403.948 | 23 23 x 9 448.831 | 24 24 x 9 493.714 25 x 9 20 x 11 21 x 11 21 x 11 | 905.143 21 x 132042.182 987 429 22 x 13 2139.429 1069.714 | 23 x 13 | 2236,675 1152,000 || 24 x 13 | 2333.922 1234.186 | 25 x 13 | 2431.169 1316.571 | 26 x 13 | 2528.416- 1398.857 27 x 13 | 2625.662 1481.143 | 28 x 13 | 2722.909 1563.429 | 29 x 13 | 2870.156 1645.714 | 30 x 13 | 2917.403 1728.000 | 31 x 13 | 3014,649 22 x 11 | 1810.286 | 32 x 13 | 3111.896 23 x 11 1892.571 33 x 13 3209 143 24 x 11 | 1974.857 | 34 x 13 | 3306.390 25 x 11 2057.143 | 35 x 13 | 3403.636 26 x 112139.428 | 36 x 13 | 3500.883 27 x 11 2221.714 | 37 x 13 | 3598.130 28 x 11 2304.000 38 x 13 3695.377 29 x 11 | 2386.286 | 39 x 13 3792.623 30 x 11 2468.571 81 x 112550.857 32 x 11 2633.143 83 x 112715.429 19 x 12 1615.792 | 20 x 12 1683.117 1750,442 21 x 12 22 x 12 1817.766 || 23 x 12 23 x 12 748.052 | 24 x 12 822.857 1077.195 1166.961 1256.727 14 x 14 | 1466.182 15 x 14 1570.909 16 x 14 | 1675.636 17 x 14 | 1780.363- 18 x 14| 1885.091 19 x 14 1989.818 20 x 14 | 2094.545 1346.493 21 x 14 2199.263 1436.260 | 22 x 142304.000 1526.026 | 23 x 14 | 2408.727 1615.792 | 1705,558 | 1795.825 1885.091 1974.857 24 x 14 2513.454 25 x 14 2618.182 26 x 14 | 2722.909 27 x 14 2827.636 28 x 14 2932.364 2064.623 | 29 x 143037.091 80 x 143141.818 2244.156 | 31 x 14 3246.545 24 x 122154.390 25 x 12 2333.922 2423.688 2513.455 32 x 14 3351.273 33 x 143456.000 34 x 14 3560.727 35 x 143665.454 36 x 14 3770.182 37 x 14 38 x 14 3874,909 3979.636 | | 2603.221 2692.987 31 x 122782.753 2872.520 19 x 10 1421.299 33 x 12 33 x 12 2962.286 628.364 20 x 10 680.727 21 x 10 733,091 22 x 10 1496.104 | 34 x 12 34 x 12 3052.052 1570.909 | 35 x 12 35 x 12 3141.818 39 x 14 4084.364 40 x 14 | 4189.091 41 x 14 4293.818- 1645.714 1645.714 | 36 x 12 36 x 12 3231.585 42 x 14 | 4398.545 ས་ 145 Length Length CAPACITY OF RESERVOIRS IN GALLONS-CONTINUed. Length and Width. Gallons. and Gallons. Width. and Width. Length Gallons. and Width. Gallons. 22 x 15 15 x 15 1683.117 | 28 x 17 16 x 15 | 1795.325 | 29 x 17 17 x 151907.532 | 30 x 17 18 x 15 2019.740 | 31 x 17 19 x 152131.948 32 x 17 | 3560.727 | 33 x 20 3687.896 | 34 x 20 3815.065 | 35 x 20 3942.234 4069.403 20 x 15 | 2244.156 | 33 x 174196.571 | 21 x 15 2356,364 | 34 x 17 2468.571 36 x 20 53 5.974 | 30 x 30 4937.143 5086.753 51 x 28 |11310.545 5236.364 56 x 28 11729.454 6732.467 52 x 28 10891.636 37 x 20 5535.584 32 x 30 | 7181.299 38 x 20 5685.19534 x 30 7630.130 4323.740 39 x 20 5834.805 36 x 30 8078.961 18 x 18 2423.688 40 x 20 5981.416 38 x 30 8527.792 23 x 15 2580.779 19 x 18 2558.338 | 22 x 22 3620.571 40 x 30 8976.623. 24 x 15 2692.987 | 20 x 18 | 2692.987 24 x 22 3949.714 42 x 30 9425.454 25 x 15 2805.195 | 21 x 18 2827.636 | 26 x 22 4278.857 44 x 30 9874.286 26 x 15 2917.403 | 22 x 18 2962.286 | 23 28 x 22 4608.000 46 x 30 | 10323.117 27 x 15 3029.610 | 23 x 18 3696.935 | 30 x 22 28 x 15 3141.818 || 24 x 18 | 3231.584 | 32 x 29 x 15 30 x 15 31 x 15 32 x 15 3254.026 | 25 x 18 3366.234 26 x 18 3478.442 | 27 x 18 3590.649 | 28 x 18 | 3366.234 | 34 x 22 22 4937.143 48 x 30 10771.948 5266.286 50 x 3011220,779 5595.429 | 52 x 30 11669.610 3500.883 | 36 x 22 5924.571 54 x 30 12118.442 3635.532 | 38 x 22 6253.714 56 x 30 12567.273 3770.182 | 40 x 22 6582,857 33 x 15 3702.857 29 x 18 3904.831 42 12 x 22 6912.000 34 x 15 3815,065 | 30 x 18 4039.480 44 x 22 35 x 15 3927.273 | 31 x 18 4174.130 24 x 24 36 x 15 4039.480 | 32 x 18 4308.779 | 26 x 24 37 x 15 38 x 15 41 x 15 42 x 15 43 x 15 4151.688 33 x 18 4263.896 | 34 x 18 39 x 15 4376.104 | 35 x 18 40 x 154488.312 | 36 x 18 4600.519 | 19 x 19 4712.727 20 x 19 4824.935 | 21 x 19 4443.429 28 x 24 38 x 32 58 x 30 13016.104 60 x 30 |13464.935 7241.143 | 32 x 32 4308,779 34 x 32 4657.844 | 36 x 32 5026.909 7660.052 8138.805 | 8617.558 9096.312 1578.078 30 x 24 5385.974 40 x 32 9575.065 4712.727 32 x 24 5745.039 42 x 32 42 x 32 10053.818 4847.377 | 34 x 24 2700.467 | 36 x 24 2842.597 | 38 x 24 2984.727 6104,104 44 x 32 10532.571 40 x 24 7181.299 44 x 15 4937.143 | 22 x 19 3126.857 42 x 24 7510.864 45 x 15 5049.351 | 23 x 19|3268.987 | 44 x 24 7899.429 16 x 16 1915.013 24 x 193411.117 | 46 x 24 17 x 16 2034.701 || 25 x 19 | 3553.247 48 x 24 8617.558 18 x 16 2154.390 26 x 19 3695.377 26 x 26 5056.831 | 60 60 x 3214362,597 19 x 16 2274.078 | 27 x 19 3337.506 | 28 x 26 20 x 16 2393.766 28 x 19 3979.636 | 30 x 26 21 x 16 22 x 16 23 x 16 24 x 16 25 x 16 26 x 16 2513.454 2633,143 | 2752,831 31 x 19 2872.519 | 2992.208 33 x 19 3111.896 | 34 x 19 29 x 19 | 4121.766 | 32 x 26 30 x 19 4263.896 | 34 x 26 | 32 x 19 4406.026 | 36 x 26 4548.156 | 35 x 26 6463.169 | 46 x 32 46 x 32 11011.325 48 x 3211490.078 6822.934 | 48 x 32 50 x 3211968.831 50 x 32 52 x 32 12447.584 52 x 32 54 x 32 54 x 32 12926.338 8258.49356 x 32 56 x 3213405.091 58 x 32 13883.844 5145.81862 x 32 62 x 32 64 x 32 5834.805 | 64 x 32 6223.792 6612.779 36 x 34 7001.766 38 x 34 14841.351 9664.831 - 7390.753| 40 x 34 10173.506 15320.104 34 x 34 8647.480 9156.156 4690.286 40 x 26 7779.740 42 x 3410682.182 | 4832.416 | 42 x 26 8168.727 44 x 3411190.857 27 x 16 3231.584 | 35 x 19 4974.545 | 44 x 26 8557.714 28 x 16 3351.273 | 36 x 19 5116.675 | 46 x 26 8946.701 46 x 34 |11699.532 48 x 34 29 x 16 3470,961 | 37 x 195258.805 | 48 x 26 9335.688 48 x 34 12208.208 50 x 34 12716.883 30 x 16 3590.649 | 38 x 19 5400.935 | 50 x 26 9724.675 52 x 3413225.558 31 x 16 32 x 16 17 x 17 18 x 17 19 x 17 20 x 17 21 x 17 22 x 17 23 x 17 2924.883 24 x 17 25 x 17 26 x 17 27 x 17 3710.338 20 x 20 3830,026 | 21 x 20 28 x 28 2161.870 | 22 x 20 3291.429 30 x 28 2289.039 | 23 x 20 3441.039 | 32 x 23 2416.208 | 24 x 20 3590.649| 34 x 28 2543.377 | 25 x 20 3740.260 | 36 x 28 2670.545 | 26 x 20 3889.870 | 38 x 28 2797.714 27 x 20 | 4039.480 | 40 x 28 28 x 20 | 4189,091 12 x 28 3052.052 | 29 x 20 4338.701 44 x 28 3179.221 30 x 20 | 4488,312 | 46 x 28 3306.390 | 31 x 20 4637.922 | 48 x 28 3433.558 | 32 x 20 | 1787.532 | 50 x 2S 50 x 28 2992.208 52 x 26 10113.662 10113.662 | 3141.818 40 x 36 54 x 34 |13734.234 5864.727 56 x 34 |14242.909 6283.636 | 58 x 34 |14751.584 6702.545 | 60 x 34 15260.260 7121.454 62 x 34 |15768.935 7510.364 61 x 34 16277.610 7959.273 | 66 x 3416786.286 8378.182 | 68 x 34 68 x 3417294.961 8797.091 36 x.36 9216.000 38 x 36 9634.909 | 40 x 36 | 9694.753 10233.351 10771.948 10053.818 10172.727 10172.727 | 44 x 36 42 x 36 42 x 36 11310.545 44 x 36 11849.143 146 CAPACITY OF RESERVOIRS IN GALLONS-CONTINUED. To determine the capacity in gallons of a reservoir find the capacity in cubic inches and divide by 231. EXAMPLE.-Required the capacity in gallons of a reservoir 62 feet in length, 34 feet in width, and 40 feet in depth. Solution 1.-By computation, with no reference to the table- (62 X 12) × (34 X 12) ▼ (40 × 12)—÷231—630.757.4; or, 62 X 34 X 40 X 1728÷÷÷231—630,757.4. Solution 2.-In the table it is shown that the capacity of a reser- voir 62 feet long and 34 feet wide and 1 foot in depth is 15,768,935 gallons. 15,768.935 40 630,757.4 gallons. ELEVATION OF LOCALITIES. Feet. Locality. Locality. Tunnel, C. & O. R. R., Peru.15,615 Pyramid Lake, Nevada.. City of Potosi, Bolivia.....13,330 City of Jerusalem, Syria.. Lake Titicaca, Peru.. City of Cuzco, Peru... .12,846 11,380 10,883 La Paz, Bolivia......10,883 Quito, Eucador...... 9,543 Chuquisaca, Bolivia 9,343 Bogota, Colombia... 8,732 Sherman, Wyomi'g 8,242 Hospice Gt.St.Benard, Alps 7,963 City of Arequipa, Peru...... 7,852 Mexico, Mexico 7,471 Puebla, 7,200 Summit, California 7,042 Valladolid, Mexico 6,395 Cabul, Afghanistan 6,360 Lake Tahoe, California....... 6,216 City of Cheyenne, Wyom'g 6.041 Popayan,Colombia 6,000 Kelat, Beloochistan 6,000 Truckee, California 5,866 Cashmere, India..... 5,000 Jalapa, Mexico...... 4,340 Ogden, Utah. 4,340 Great Salt Lake, Utah.... 4,220 City of Teheran, Persia...... 4,137 แ Feet. 4,000 2,730 Madrid, Spain Munich, Bavaria Lake Neufchatel,Switzerl'd.1.437 Gibraltar, Spain 66 Lake Lucerne, Switzerland..1,380 Zurich, Constance, City of Geneva, 66 Moscow, Russia. Lake Superior, U. S.. City of Lima, Peru... Lake Michigan, U. S. Huron, Erie, Ontario, (C 66 City of Paris, France.. CC แ .1,995 ..1,764 .....1,400 ..1,363 ..1,250 ..1,230 928 627 600 587 574 555 282 115 San Jose, California 114 London, England.... Sacramento, Cal..... Depression. Caspian Sea, Europe & Asia. 64 56 83 Lake Gennesaret, Syria........ 653 Dead Sea, Syria.. ...1,317 The Surface of the Earth as to inequalities can be illustrated as follows: The equatorial diameter of the earth is about 7,925 miles. The highest mountain of the earth is Mount Everest, which has an altitude of 29,002 feet. An elevation of one-sixteenth of an inch on the surface of a globe, seven and one-half feet in diameter, is in the same proportion. Weight of the Earth.-It has been estimated that the average weight of the material of the earth is 354 pounds to the cubic foot. In the earth are about 259,800,000,000 cubic miles. As computed from these figures the weight of the earth is 6,768,838,943,539,200,000,000 tons. Depth of the Ocean.-Humboldt estimated the mean depth of the ocean to be 975 feet. Laplace estimated it to be 3,250 feet. Gold Leaf is the 254,248th part of an inch in thickness; which is the common work of the goldbeater. Sheets have been made the 367,500th part of an inch in thickness. One ounce of gold can be beaten out so as to cover 160 square feet of surface. 147 TIME OF DIFFERENT LOCALITIES. EXPLANATORY.-When it is 12 o'clock at noon in San Francisco, the time at other places is as denoted in the table. In the latitu le of San Francisco à difference of one minute in time is equivalent to about 13.64 statute miles in distance. LOCALITIES. Albany, N. Y Alexandria, Egypt. Algiers, Algeria Amsterdam, Netherlands. Athens, Greece.. Baltimore., Md…….. Batavia, Java... Berlin, Prussia. Berne, Switzerland.. Boston, Mass... Breslau, Prussia.. Brussels, Belgium, Cairo, Egypt... Calcutta, India.. Cambridge, Mass. Charleston, S. C. Chicago, Ill. Christiania, Norway Cincinnati, Ohio.... Columbia, S. C...... Columbus, Ohio.. Constantinople, Turkey Copenhagen, Denmark. Des Moines, Iowa.... Detroit, Mich Dresden, Saxony Dublin, Ireland.... Edinburgh, Scotland Galveston, Texas. Genoa, Italy.. Gibraltar, Spain. Greenwich, England. Hague, Netherlands. Hamburg, Germany Harrisburg, Pa..... TIME, H. M. S. 3 14 41 P. M. 10 9 5 8 21 57 8 29 12 9 44 34 3 313 3 16 52 A. M. 9 3 14 P. M. "" 8 39 25 3 25 23 • 9 17 49 8 27 8 10 14 41 60 2 3 0 A. M. 3 25 9 P. M. 2 49 54 2 19 43 " 8 52 31 2 31 41 "L 2 45 32 2 37 31 10 5 35 " 8 59 59 66 1 55 11 " : 2 37 27 9 4 35 7 44 17 +6 7 56 58 66 1 50 19 ( 8 45 16 7 48 15 8 9 39 " 8 26 53 เ 8 49 32 " 3 2 19 3 18 56 240 14 Hartford, Conn. Havana, Cuba... Hong Kong, China.... Honolulu, H. I………….. Indianapolis, Ind. Jefferson City, Mo. Jerusalem, Syria.. Lima, Peru... Lisbon, Portugal. Little Rock, Ark.. Liverpool, England London, England. Louisville, Ky. Lyons, France.. Madison, Wis... Madrid, Spain..... Marseilles, France.... Memphis, Tenn. Melbourne, Australia. 3 46 16 A. M. 9 38 18 66 2 25 7 P. M. 2 1 7 10 30 32 3 19 7 33 5 2 040 แ 7 57 23 8 9 16 2 26 59 8 28 57 2 12 8 แ 7 54 54 8 31 8 5 49 35 A.M. 2 9 39 P. M. 148 Į TIME OF DIFFERENT LOCALITIES-CONTINUED, LOCALITIES. TIME. Mexico, Mexico.. Milan, Italy Mobile, Ala.. ..... Montreal, Canada.... Moscow, Russia. Naples, Italy Nashville, Tenn Natchez, Miss..... New Haven, Conn. Newport, R. I... New Orleans, La..... 3 24 15 New York, N. Y…... Panama, N. G.... 8 46 25 2 17 32 3 15 27 10 39 56 แ 9 6 39 แ 2 22 23 2 400 แ 3 17 58 " 2 9 35 แ เ 3 13 39 " 2 51 39 8 19 0 " II. M. S. 1 32 38 P. M. 66 Paris, France. Pekin, China. Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa Portland, Me....... Portland, Oregon Portsmouth, N. H.... Quebec, Canada... Quito, Eucador. Raleigh, N. C... Richmond, Va.. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rome, Italy.. Sacramento, Cal.... St. Louis, Mo.... St. Paul, Minn.. 3 55 34 A. M. 390 P. M. 2 49 43 3 28 45 CC 11 59 42 A. M. 3 26 51 P. M. 3 24 51 2 54 38 " 2. 55 7 2 59 51 5 17 4 " 8 59 28 0 3 47 2 8 36 " 1 57 20 แ ...... 10 10 53 ( 0 41 15 1 10 8 " 2 45 18 9 21 58 3 23 11 (i 8 59 5 (C St. Petersburg, Russia... Salt Lake City, Utah... Santa Fe, N. M.... Savannah, Ga..... Stockholm, Sweden. Valparaiso, Chili.... Venice, Italy. ་ Vera Cruz, Mexico. Vienna, Austria, Washington, D. C... Yokohama, Japan 1 45 5 9 15 12 3 1 28 ( 5 28 17 A, M. INVENTIONS, DISCOVERIES AND ORGANIZATIONS. Accordion-Invented by Damian, a Viennese, A. D. 1829. Actinometer-Invented by Sir John Herschel, A. D. 1825. Eolian Harp-The invention is ascribed to Athanasius Kircher, a German Jesuit, who described it A. D. 1653. It was known at an earlier period. Agricultural Societies-The first formed in the British Isles was the Society of Improvers of Agriculture in Scotland, instituted A. D. 1723. -The Dublin Agriculture Society originated A. D. 1731. -The South Carolina Agricultural Society was founded A. D. 1784. Air Gun-Invented by Marin of Lisseau, Normandy, A. D. 1408. Air Pump-The first was made by Otto von Guericke, burgomaster of Magdeburg, A. D, 1654. SUWAGA MITA 149 INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINUED. Ale-Was known as a beverage 404 B. C. Algebra-The oldest work is that of Diophantus, a Greek writer, who flourished as early as the 4th century. Introduced into Spain by the Saracens about A. D. 900. -Introducod into Italy by Leonardo de Pisa about A. D. 1202. -Algebraic signs were invented by Stifelius of Nuremberg, A. D. 1544. -The introduction of symbols for quantities was made by Fran- cis Vieta, of France, A. D. 1590. Almanac-First printed A. D. 1457. -The first containing explanation of eclipses was published by Regiomontanus at Nuremberg A. D. 1474. -The first American almanac was that of William Bradford, published in Philadelphia A. D. 1686. Almanac, Nautical-The 'British Nautical Almanac' was planned by Dr. Neville Maskelyne, and first published A. D. 1767. -The 'American Nautical Almanac' was first published A. D. 1853. -The 'Connaissance des Temps' was commenced by Picard A. D. 1698. Aluminium-A metal, discovered by F. Wohler A. D. 1827. Anatomy-Became a branch of the medical art under Hippocrates about 420 B. C. -The first dissection of the human body is said to have been made by Erasistratus about 300 B. C. Anchor-With one fluke was invented by the Tuscans. -The second fluke was added by Anacharsis, the Scythian phi- losopher; about 594 B. C. -First forged in England, A. D. 578. Anemometer-Invented by Wolfius A. D. 1709. Antimony-A metal first extracted from the ore by Basilius Valen- tinus, a monk of Erfurt, A. D. 1490. Arithmetic-Of uncertain origin. The oldest treatise is by Euclid abʊut 300 B. C. -Introduced from Egypt into Greece by Thales about 600 B. C. -Notation by nine digits and zero was known in India as early as the 6th century. -The above mentioned notation was introduced from India into Arabia about A. D. 900. -The Indian or Arabic notation was introduced into France by Gerbert A. D. 991; into Spain A. D. 1050; into England A. D. 1253. -The oldest text book using the Indian or Arabic figures, and the decimal system, is that of Avicenna, an Arabian physician, who lived in Bokhara about A. D. 1000. Arsenic-Several of the compounds of this metal were known from remote antiquity. -Discovered by Schroder A. D. 1694. Artesian Wells-Known to the ancients; also known in China at a very early period. -A well at Lilliers, Pas-de-Calias, bored A. D. 1126 still flows un- diminished. Asteroids-The first discovered was Ceres, January 1, 1801, by Pi- azzi of Palmero. -The second, Pallas, March 28, 1802, by Olbers of Bremen. The third, Juno, Septemher 1, 1804, by Harding of Lilienthal. -The fourth, Vesta, March 29, 1807, by Olbers. -The number of asteroids now discovered exceed 135. The num- ber in existence is supposed to reach thousands. Astronomy-The origin of the science is generally ascribed to the Chaldeans. -About the same time the Egyptians cultivated the science, by some its origin is attributed to them, -The most ancient astronomical observations known are Chi- nese; one by Montucla was made about 2500 B. C. 150 . - INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINUED, Astronomy-Continued. -A solar eclipse was calculated in Greece by Thales about 600 B. C. -A planetarium was constructed by Archimedes who lived 286- 212 B. C. -The greatest astronomer before the Christian era was Hippar- chus who flourished about 140 B. C. He compiled accounts of eclipses that had been computed by the Chaldeans and Egyptians, and calculated such as would happen 600 years to come. His cata- logue of fixed stars included 1,080, with their latitude, longitude and apparent magnitude. -See Asteroids and Comets. Atmosphere-The height of the atmosphere was calculated to be 800 stadia by Posidonius 79 B. C. -The pressure to the square inch was discovered by Torricelli A. D.-1645. -Its true composition was not known till discovered by Lavois- ier A. D. 1774. Backgammon-Invented by Palamedes of Greece about 1224 B. C. -By some it is said to have been invented in Wales in the period preceding the conquest. Bagpipe-Invention traced to the mythical age of Greece. -The earliest representation of this instrument occurs in a terra- cotta discovered at Tarsus, supposed to date 200 B. C. Balloon-Invented by Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier at Annonay, France, A. D. 1782. First ascension made June 5, 1783, by heated air. -The substitution of hydrogen by M. Charles, of Paris, was soon after tried with success. Banks-In the time of Demosthenes, 385-322 B. C. banking was car- ried on to a great extent in Athens, -The first mention that occurs of banking at Rome is in the year 352 B. C. -The first bank established in modern Europe was the Bank of Venice A. D. 1157. -The Bank of Amsterdam was established A. D. 1609. -The Bank of Hamburg was established A. D. 1619. -The Bank of England went into operation January 1, 1695. -The National Banking System of the United States was estab- lished by Acts of Congress February 25, 1863, and June 3, 1864. ·Barium-A metal first recognized as a distinct substance by Scheele A. D. 1774. -The metal was obtained by Davy A. D. 1808, Barometer-Investigations leading to the invention were made by Galileo. -Investiga.ions were continued by his pupil Torricelli, to whom the credit of the invention is given A. D. 1643. -Investigations were continued by Pascal of Rouen, and Cler- mant of Auvergne, France. -Wheel barometers were produced A. D. 1668; pendant A. D. 1695, and marine A. D. 1700. -The invention of the Aneroid barometer is attributed to Conti A. D. 1798, and to Vidi about A. D. 1844. Bayonet-Invented in Bayonne, France, about A. D. 1640. The French are said to have been the first 10 use them at the battle of Marsaglia A. D. 1693; by some the place and time are said to have been at the battle of Spire A. D. 1703. -Adopted by the British September, 24 1693. Bellows-Said to have been invented by Anacharsis 569 B. C. -By some, Hans Losinge is supposed to have been the inventor of the wooden bellows A. D. 1550. -According to some, the first wooden bellows were those manu- factured in the Hartz forest A. D. 1620. 151 : INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINUED. Bells-Of great antiquity. The introduction into churches is usually ascribed to Saint Paulinus, bishop of Nola, in Campania, about A. D. 400. -Were brought into France about A. D. 550 and into England about A. D. 680. Bills of Exchange-Originated with the Jews A. D. 1160 as a means of conveying their possessions from one country to another, when subject to persecution. Bismuth—A metal discovered by Basilius Valentinus in the 15th century. -Discovered by the German mineralogist Agricola A. D. 1529. Blood, Circulation of—Discovered by Dr. William Harvey A. D. 1617. A treatise thereon was published by him A. D. 1628. Blowpipe-Its origin is unknown. The compound or oxyhydrogen blowpipe was invented by Dr. Robert Hare of Philadelphia, A. D. 1802. Bombs-Said to have been invented at Venlo, Holland, A. D. 1495. Were used by the sultan of Gujerat A. D. 1480. -Were used by the Turks at the siege of Rhodes A. D. 1522. -Came into general use A. D. 1634. Books-The first printed was the Book of Psalms by Faust and Schæfer, August 14, 1457. -The first book printed in England was 'The Game and Play of the Chesse' by Caxton A. D. 1474. -Bartholomæus de Glanville, who flourished about the middle of the 14th century, wrote De Proprietatibus rerum; which was printed in folio by Caxton A. D. 1480. It was translated into Eng- lish by Trevisa, and printed by Wynkin de Worde in 1507. -The first book in the New World was printed in the City of Mexico, under the direction of the Catholic clergy, A. D. 1540, and was called Manuel for Adults. -The first book issued in New England colonies was the Bay Psalm Book A. D. 1640 from the press of the Pilgrim Fathers at Cambridge, Mass. -The first book published in the central colonies was an almanac A. D. 1686 by William Bradford of Philadelphia. Borax-Was known to the ancients. -Mentioned by Geber in the 10th century. -Its chemical nature was discovered by Geoffrey A. D. 1732. Brandy-Manufactured in France early in the 14th century. Brass-This alloy of copper and zinc was known to all the early nations. -A patent was obtained by James Emerson A. D. 1781 for its manufacture by direct fusion of its metallic elements. Bread-The Chinese claim that Ching Noung, the successor of Tohi, was the first who taught them the method of making bread from wheat, 1998 B. C. -Baking bread became a trade at Rome 170 B. C. Bromine-Discovered by Balard in the salt works of Montpellier, France, A. D. 1826. Burning Glasses and Burning Mirrors-It is stated by Aristophanes and others, that with these instruments Archimedes burnt a Ro- man fleet in the harbor of Syracuse 214 B. C. Cadmium-A metal discovered by Friedrich Stromeyer of Gottin- gen A. D. 1818. -Also discovered independently by Hermann. Casium-A metal discovered by Kirchoff and Bunsen A. D. 1860–61. Calcium-A metal first isolated by Sir Humphrey Davy A. D. 1808. Calculating Machines-In the 4th century B. C. Plato invented a sliding square to solve the problem of mean proportionals. -In the 1st century B. C., Nicomedes invented a conchoid curve for the purpose of bisecting an angle. -The first arithmetical machine was invented by Pascal of France A. D. 1642, at the age of 19. h 152 INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINUed. Calculating Machines-Continued. -The construction of Babbage's machine was commenced by the British Government A. D. 1821 and continued till 1833, when the work was suspended after an expenditure of above $60,000. -The only arithmetical inachine ever completed is the one de- vised A. D. 1855 by Scheutz, a printer at Stockholm, and now in use at the Dudley Observatory, Albany, N. Y. Caliper Compass-Said to have been invented in Nuremberg, A. D. 1540. Calomel-Mentioned by Crollius in the 17th century, but was un- doubtedly known at an earlier period. Camera Obscura-Said to have been invented in the 16th century by Baptisa Porta. -Invention claimed by some for Roger Bacon A. D. 1290. Cannon-Said to have been used in the 12th and 13th centuries by the Moors. -Were used by the Spaniards A. D. 1309 at the taking of Gibral- tar by Frederick IV of Castile. -Were used by Edward III of England A. D. 1327 in his cam- paigns against the Scots. Were used by the French A. D. 1338 at the siege of Puy Guil- laume. -Were used by the English A. D. 1316 at the battle of Crecy. -First for iron balls made A. D. 1440. -Mortars came into use A. D. 1435 at the siege of Naples. -Howitzers came into use A. D. 1697 at the siege of Ath. -Carronades were introduced about A. D. 1779. -Brass cannon were cast in England by John Owen A. D. 1535. Carbon-First shown to be a distinct element by Antoine Lavoiser of France A. D. 1788. Carbonic Acid Gas-Discovered by Dr. Black A. D. 1757. -Liquified by Faraday A. D. 1823. Cerium-A metal discovered simultaneously by Klaproth Hisinger and Berzelius A. D. 1803. Chemistry-As an art it is very ancient. -As a science it had its origin in the beginning of the 17th cen- tury. Chloral-First obtained by Liebig A. D. 1831. Chlorine-First obtained by Scheele A. D. 1774. -Pronounced a simple body by Gay-Lussac and Thenard A. D. 1809. Chloroform-Discovered by Samuel Guthrie of Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., A. D. 1831. -First used to prevent pain in surgical operations by Dr. Morton in Boston October 16, 1846. Chromium—A metal discovered by Vaulequin A. D. 1797, Chronometer-First experiment with chronometers on a voyage to the coast of Guinea by Major Holmes A. D. 1665. Clocks Water clocks are said to have been invented by Scipio Nasica, 159 B. C. -According to some accounts those with wheels were invented in the 6th century by Bethius; to others in the 9th century by Pacificus. -The invention is credited to different persons from 220 B. C. to to A. D. 1326. -The first clocks of which we have any authentic account was that erected in the palace of Charles V of France A. D. 1364, and that made in Strasburg about 1370. Cobalt-Discovered as a metal by Brandt A. D. 1733. Coin-Brass money is spoken of by Homer as existing 1184 B. C. -Bronze was coined in China 1120 B. C. -The Parian Chronicle ascribes the first coinage of copper and silver money to Pheidon, King of Argos in Ægina, 895 B. C. -Brass was coined in Rome under Servius Tullius 573 B. C: : 153 : Coin-Continued, INVENTIONS, &C.-CONTINued. -According to Heroditus the Lydians were the first to coin gold and silver. -Silver money was not used in Rome before 269 B. C. Tin was coined by Dionysius I of Syracuse. -Silver coin was used in Britain 25 B. C. -A mint was established at Camulodumum (Colchester), Eng., by Cunobelin, one of the native kings, during the reign of Augustus, where money was coined of gold, silver and brass. -Gold was first coined in Rome 207 B. C. -Leaden coin is current in the Burman Empire. Platinum was coined in Russia A. D. 1828-1845. Columbium-A metal discovered by Mr. Hatchett A. D. 1801. -It was proved by Dr. Wollasten that the metal called niobium by Rose, that called tantalum by Ekeberg and columbium were identical. Comets-The ancients suggested that they have periodic orbits around the sun. The first enunciation of this theory was made by Newton, who based it upon observations of the great comet of 1680. -The first accurate description of a comet was by Nicephorus. -The discovery that comets are extraneous to our atmosphere was made by Tycho Brahe A. D, 1557, -Halley's Comet-Identified by Edmund Halley, an English astronomer, on its appearance in 1682 as those of 1531 and 1607, and predicted its return at the end of 1758 or the beginning of 1759. It appeared in 1759 and 1835. Encke's Comet-Discovered by M. Pons, November 26, 1818. Its periodical return was first ascertained by Prof. Encke of Berlin. -Biela's Comet-So named from M. Biela, of Josephstadt, who made observations on its appearance in 1826. It appeared again according to prediction in 1832 and 1846. Donati's Comet-First observed by Dr. Donati, of Florence, June 2, 1858. Copper-A metal known to the ancients. -Its discovery is said to have preceded that of iron. Diamonds-The mines of Golconda, India, were discovered A. D. 1534. -The art of cutting diamonds was long practiced in India and China, but was not known in Europe till after the 15th century. when it was discovered by Louis Van Berguen of Bruges. -The mines in Brazil were discovered A. D. 1728. Dice-Said to have been invented by Palamedes about 1224 B. C. Dictionary-The earliest work of the kind was in the Chinese lan- guage, compiled by Pa Out She about 1100 B. C. The oldest Greek dictionary extant is by Apollonius of Alex- andria, a contemporary of Augustus. -A Latin dictionary was compiled by Verrius Flaccus in the 1st century. Didymium-A metal discovered by Mosander A. D. 1811. Diving Bell-First used in Europe A. D. 1509. Dominoes-A game which has been traced to the Greeks, Hebrews and Chinese. Draughts-The game has been played in Egypt for more than four thousand years. -Were introduced into Europe three or four centuries ago. Drum—An Oriental invention introduced by the Moors into Spain A. D. 713, Electricity-The electrical properties of certain bodies were discov- ered about 600 B. C. by Thales of Miletus. -About the close of the 16th century Dr. William Gilbert pub- lished a book on electrical phenomena. -Electrical Machine-Invented by Otto von Guericke A. D. 1647. -Leyden Jar-Invented at Leyden about A. D. 1745. 154 INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINUED. Electrotype-The art of depositing copper and other metals upon moulds, etc., was invented by Prof. Jacobi of St. Petersburg A. D. 1839. Engraving-Known to the Egyptians. -On wood may properly be considered as having commenced with printing. The earliest date on a wood-cut yet discovered is A. D. 1423. -Papillona, a French wood engraver, stated that he had seen a volume of wood-cuts engraved at Ravenna by Alexander Alberic Cunio and his twin sister Isabella about 1286. -An edition of Dante published at Florence A. D. 1481 contains engravings. -On copper in the early part of the 15th century. -Mezzotinto introduced by De Siegen about 1640. -On steel first used about 1815 in Philadelphia. -Lithograph-Invented about 1795 by Alois Sennefelder, a Ger- man artist. -The Chinese are said to have practiced lithographing in the 9th century. Erbium-A metal discovered by Mosander A. D. 1813. Eudiometer-Invented by Dr. Priestly A. D. 1772. Freemasonry-The popular belief of many of its disciples ascribes its foundation to circumstances connected with the erection of the first Jewish temple by King Solomon. -Others trace its origin to the Eleusinian mysteries. -Others trace its origin among the warrior monks of the Cru- sades. -It primarily related exclusively to the craft of architects aud masons. -The epithet Free was applied to the Masonic craft in conse- quence of their being exempted by several Papal bulls from the laws which regulated common laborers. -The epithet Accepted was applied to men who were not archi- tects or masons, but eminent for learning, knowledge or position who were admitted as honorary members. -The epithet Free and Accepted Masons, and the present cere- monials and government of the craft are a modern origin and arose in England in the 17th century. -A lodge was established at Boston A. D. 1733. Fresco-The first genuine fresco-painting is generally admitted to be that of Pietro d'Orvieto executed in the Campo Santo at Pisa A. D. 1390. -Brought to importance by the Italians in the 16th century. Galvanism-The phenomena are said to have been noticed by Sæt- zer A. D. 1767. -Investigations were made by Galvani, and the results an- nounced by him A. D. 1791. Galvanic Battery-First constructed by Volta A. D. 1800. Gas (Illuminating)-Investigations were made by Dr. Clayton about A. D. 1735. -William Murdoch of Redruth in Cornwall in 1792 lighted his own house and office with coal gas. -Soho Foundry in Birmingham lighted with gas in 1798. -First used in Paris in 1802, -Bath-house and adjoining apartments at Newport, R. I., lighted with gas in 1813. -Gas Meter-Invented in 1815 by Mr. Clegg. -Paris lighted with gas in 1820. Used in Boston in 1822. -Used in New York in 1827. -New York lighted with gas in 1834. -Philadelphia lighted with gas in 1835. -Chicago lighted with gas in 1840. Cincinnati lighted with gas in 1841. 155 INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINued, Glass-According to Pliny discovered by some Phoenician mari- ners on the banks of a small river in Palestine; this is not gen- erally accredited as the origin. Glucinum―The oxide of this metal was discovered by Vauquelin · A. D. 1798. -Discovered by Wohler and Bussy A. D. 1828. Gold-A metal known from the remotest times. Gun Cotton -Discovered by Prof. Schonbein of Basel, Switzerland, and brought by him into public notice A. D. 1846. Gunpowder-Known to some Hindoo tribes B. C. 355. -The Chinese obtained a knowledge thereof from India A. D. 80. -A Greek author, Marcus Gracchus, described a mixture of 1 lb. of sulphur, 2 lbs. of charcoal and 6 lbs. of saltpetre A. D. 846. -King Solomon of Hungary bombarded Belgrade with cannon A. D. 1073. -Attributed to Berthold Schwartz, a German monk, by different authors A. D. 1320, 1330, 1351, 1380. -Attributed to Roger Bacon who lived 1214-1292. Gutta Percha-Made known in England by Dr. William Montgom- erie and Dr. D'Almeida A. D. 1842 and 1843. -A method of treating the surface by dipping into a preparation of nitric acid was discovered by Charles Goodyear of New York A. D. 1836. -The method of vulcanization was discovered by Mr. Goodyear A. D. 1838. Hydraulic Press-Invented by Pascal, constructed by Bramah A. D. 1796. Hydraulic Ram-Invented by Montgolfer at the close of the last century. Hydrogen-Discovered in the 16th century by Paracelsus. -First isolated as a constituent of water by Cavendish A. D 1766. Hydropathy-Proposed by Vincent Priessnitz of Græfenberg in Silesia A. D. 1828. Indium-A metal discovered by Reich and Ritcher of Frieberg, Saxony, A. D. 1863. Iodine-Discovered by M. de Courtois of Paris A. D. 1812. Iridium-Discovered by Descotils A. D. 1803. -Discovered by Smithson Tennant A. D. 1804. Iron-A metal known to the ancients. Kaleidoscope-Invented by Baptista Porta and Kircher, described by R. Bradley A. D. 1717, and patented by Sir David Brewster A. D. 1817. Lanthanium-A metal discovered by Mosander A. D. 1841. Lead-A metal known to the ancients. Lithium-A metal first obtained by Davy A. D. 1818. Looms-The one now in use in India is probably the most ancient form. -The first step towards improvement is said to have been made by John Kay of Bury, Eng., by the application of a fly shuttle about A. D. 1740, Improvements were made by Dr. Cartwright A. D. 1787. -The Jacquard loom was invented about A. D. 1800. Lyre-The earliest known of all stringed instruments. Magic Lantern-Invented by Athanasius Kircher, who died A. D. 1580. Magnesium-The existence of the metal proved by Davy A. D. 1828. -First obtained by Bussy A. D. 1830. Magnet-The properties of the loadstone were discovered by the Greeks; and probably centuries before by the Chinese, Manganese-The compounds of this metal have been known from the earliest times. -First isolated by Gahn A. D. 1774. 1 156 INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINUED. Mariner's Compass-Invention claimed by the Chinese for the Em- peror Hong-ti, a grandson of Noah, about 2634 B. C. -A compass was brought from China to Queen Elizabeth A. D. 1260 by P. Venutus. -Invention ascribed by some to Marcus Paulus, a Venetian, A. D. 1260. -The discovery of the compass was long ascribed to Flavio Gioja, a Neapolitan sailor, A. D. 1302, who made improvements and brought it to the form now used. -The variation of the needle was known by the Chinese, being mentioned in the works of the Chinese philosopher, Keon- tsoung-chy, who wrote about A. D. 1111. -The variation of the needle was noticed by Columbus, Septem- ber 14, 1492, on his first voyage across the Atlantic. -The dip of the needle was discovered A. D. 1576 by Robert Nor- man of London. Mercury-Known from the earliest ages in which astronomy has been cultivated. Metric System of Weights and Measures-First suggested about A. D. 1528 by Jean Fernal, physician of Henry II of France. -Proposal for adoption introduced by Talleyrand to the mem- bers of the Assembly of France A. D. 1790. -Went into effect January 1, 1840. Microscope-No person has claimed to be the inventor of the lense or single microscope. -The invention of the compound microscope has been credited to Zachias Janson and his son, spectacle makers at Middleburg, A. D. 1590. -The Dutch have claimed the invention for Cornelius Dre- bell of Alkmaar, who was mathematician to James I of England. Fontana, an Italian, claimed the invention. -It has been claimed that Galileo invented the microscope and telescope about the same time. Mirrors-In ancient times were ma le of metal highly polished. -The use of silver was introduced by Praxiteles 328 B. C. -Of black glass, and glass covered on the back with black foil are mentioned by Pliny A. D 23-79. -From the time of Pliny there is no mention of mirrors of glass till manufactured in Venice A. D. 1300. -The coating of glass with an amalgam of tin foil and mercury was practiced by the Venetians in the 16th century. Molybdenum-A metal first distinguished from graphite by Scheele A. D. 1778. -Obtained in the metallic form by Hjelm A. D. 1782. Money-Cattle were used in ancient Greece and Rome. -Skins of wild animals were used by the ancient Romans. -Nails of iron and copper were used in Greece. -The inner bark of the mulberry tree was cut into round pieces, stamped and used as money in China. --Iron was used in Sparta. Tin was used in Britain. Was made of wood and leather by Numa Pompilius, King of Rome, about 700 B. C. -In Britain as late as the Norman conquest two kinds of money was in use, living money consisting of slaves and cattle, dead money consisting of metal. -Quantities of pasteboard were coined in Holland A. D. 1574. -Wampum was used by the American Indians. About A. D. 1635 among the colonists of Massachusetts the pre- vailing currency was wampum, corn and beans; musket balls passed for a farthing a piece. -Shells are used in India and Africa, -Codfish is current in Iceland. -Cakes of tea are used in India. 157 INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINUED. Money-Continued. -Pieces of silk pass as money in China. -Salt is current in Abyssinia. -See Coin. Mower and Reaper-Suggested by the ancient Romans. -The first reaping machine on record was described A. D. 60 by Pliny. -The first experiments toward practical results in Europe made in the latter part of the 18th century and the first part of the 19th century. -The first machines attaining much efficacy were made in the United States between 1830 and 1850. Musket-The first portable fire arm, which was called the bombard, is described in a French translation of Quintus Curtius, written A. D. 1468. -The arquebuse came into use about A. D. 1480. -The musket was used in the armies of Charles V about A. D. 1521. -The wheel lock was invented at Nuremberg about A. D. 1517. -The flint lock came into use in the reign of William III about A. D. 1692. -Percussion caps came into general use between 1820 and 1830. Nail-The first machine for cutting nails was invented in New York A. D. 1794. -The first cutting and heading machine was invented in Penn- sylvania A. D. 1796. Newspapers-A monthly publication was issued in Venice about A. D. 1536. C -The first authentic newspaper published in England was 'The Certaine News of the Present Week,' bearing date May 23, 1622. -The first newspaper published in America was the Boston News Letter,' the first number being dated April 24, 1704. Nickel-A metal discovered by Cronstedt A. D. 1751. Nitric Acid-First obtained in a separate state by Raymond Lully, an alchemist, about A. D. 1287. -Its nature was demonstrated by Cavendish A. D. 1785. Nitrogen-Discovered by Rutherford A. D. 1772. -More particularly investigated by Lavoisier and Scheele about A. D. 1775. Observatories-The Tower of Babel erected 2247 B. C. is supposed by some writers to have been an observatory. -The tomb of Osymandyas in Egypt was an edifice of this kind. -The first in authentic history was erected by Ptolemy Soter at Alexandria about 300 B. C. -The first modern observatory was erected at Cassel A. D. 1561. -The Imperial Observatory of Paris was built A. D. 1667. -The Royal Observatory of Greenwich was founded by Charles II A. D. 1675. The National Observatory at Washington was built A. D. 1842. -The Cambridge Observatory was erected A. D. 1845. Odd Fellows, Independent Order of-From societies of mechanics and laborers which existed in London in the latter part of the 18th century, calling themselves Ancient and Honorable Odd Fellows, who held convivial meetings, sprang the Union Order of Odd Fellows. -An attempt was made to abolish its convivial character which resulted in the secession of several lodges and the formation of the Manchester Unity A. D. 1813. -The first lodge in the United States was Washington No.1 estab- lished at Baltimore, Md., April 26, 1819, by Thomas Wildey and four others, to work according to the Manchester Unity. Organs-Invention ascribed to Archimedes about 220 B. C. -Also ascribed to Ctesibius, a barber of Alexandria, about 100 B. C. Osmium-A metal discovered by Tennant A. D. 1803. A 158 INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTInued, Oxygen-Discovered by Priestly in England A. D. 1774. -Discovered almost simultaneously by Scheele in Sweden. Palladium—A metal discovered by Wollasten A. D. 1803. Paper-The art of making paper from fibrous matter reduced to a pulp was known to the Chinese as early as A. D. 95. In the 7th century the Arabians either discovered or learned from the Chinese the art of making paper. -First made from cotton A. D. 1000. The art was introduced by the Arabians into Spain prior to A. D. 1085. -The art was introduced into France and Germany about A. D. 1314. First paper made from rags A. D. 1319. The first paper mill in England was at Hertford early in the 16th century. -First paper mill erected in the United States in Delaware A. D, 1714. Pendulum-The origin is traced to Galileo's observation of the vi- brations of a hanging lamp in a church at Pisa. -The compensation pendulum was invented by Hooke A. D. 1715. Pens-Quills are said by some to have been used for pens A. D.553; by others not before 635. -Steel pens were first produced by Mr. Wise of Great Britain A. D. 1803. --Improvements in steel pens were introduced A. D. 1822 by Mr. Gillott of Birmingham. Phosphorus-Discovered by Brandt of Hamburg A. D. 1669. Photography--The action of light on chloride of silver was known as early as the 16th century, -The Daguerreotype process was discovered A. D. 1839 by M. Da- guerre, which is entirely superceded by other processes. -The process of producing negative photographs was published by Henry Fox Talbot A. D. 1839. -Collodion was used by F. Archer A. D. 1851. Piano Forte-Invention claimed for Cristofali before A. D. 1711. -Invention claimed by Marius, a French maker of harpischords, A. D. 1716. -Invention claimed by Christopher Gottleib Schroter of Dresden A. D. 1717. Pistols-Known before the middle of the 16th century. -Were used in the French cavalry A. D. 1544, and in the German ten years later. A percussion cap rifled pistol, single barrelled, was designed by Delvigne, about A. D. 1830. -A revolving pistol was patented by Samuel Colt of Connecticut A. D. 1836. -Specimens of revolving fire arms are in existence which were manufactured about 250 years ago. Platinum-Discovered by Don Antonio Ulloa A. D. 1735. -Recognized as a metal by Scheffer A. D. 1752, Potassium-Obtained in a metallic state by Sir Humphrey Davy A. D. 1807. Pottery-Porcelain was common in China during the reign of the Emperor Hau, B. C. 163. -The ware called majolica was invented by Lucca della Robbia at Florence at the close of the 15th centary. -Discoveries made by Palissy about A. D. 1550. -A porcelain manufactory was established at Dresden at the be- ginning of the 18th century. -Porcelain was first manufactured in France at Chantilly A. D. 1735; the works were removed to Sevres A. D. 1754. 159 INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINUED. Printing-Practiced by the Chinese 50 B. C. -The Chinese are said to have used movable type of terra cotta in the 10th century.' -The invention by means of movable type has been claimed for many, the names of the following four principally figure in the controversy: -John Guttenberg of Strasburg A. D. 1439, to whom the honor of the invention is most generally credited. -John Faust of Mentz about the same time. -Peter Schaeffer of Gernsheim about the same time. -Laurence Koster of Haarlem about the same time. -The invention of matrices for casting type was that of Schoef- fer, each individual letter having hitherto been cut in wood or metal. -The art of printing was introduced into England by William Caxton between 1471 and 1474. -The first press in the New World was established in the City of Mexico in the 16th century. -The second press in the New World was established at Lima, Peru, A. D. 1586. -First printing at Cambridge, Mass., January, 1638. -See Books, Electrotypes and Stereotypes. Printing Press-The inventor of the hand press is unknown. -The first important improvement was that made by Earl Stan- hope about the commencement of the present century. The Stanhope Press is composed entirely of iron. -Cylinder press patented by Mr. Nicholson as early as A. D. 1790. -The first paper printed by machinery moved by steam power A. D. 1811. The Adams Press was invented by Isaac Adams of Boston A. D. 1830. -In 1847 Mr. Hoe of New York perfected his widely known press. Prussic Acid-Discovered by Diesbach, a German chemist, A. D. 1709. -First obtained in its separate state by Scheele about A. D. 1782. Pump-The invention of the valve pump is ascribed by Vitruvius to Ctesibus of Alexandria about 224 B. C. Quinine-Discovered by Pelletier and Caventou A. D. 1820. Railroad-Wooden rails were used in England as early as A. D. 1602. -Cast iron edge rails were lai. by Jessop A. D. 1789 at Loughbor- ough. -The first railroad (wooden) in the United States laid A. D. 1806 in Ridley Township, Pa. -The first railroads (iron track) in the United States laid A. D. 1827 at Quincy, Mass., and Mauch Chunk, Pa. -The use of locomotives instead of animals was suggested A. D. 1794. -Locomotives with cogged wheels used A. D. 1805. -A locomotive was constructed A. D. 1814 by George Stephenson for the Killingworth Colliery. -Locomotives were introduced into France A. D. 1829 by M. Se- guin. Rifle-Supposed to have been invented in the latter part of the 15th century by Gaspard Zollner of Vienna. -First came into use among European armies during the 17th century. -The first important improvement was made A. D. 1826 by M. Delvigne, a Frenchman, who invented the chambered rifle and conical bullet. Rubidium—A metal discovered by Bunfen and Kirchoff A. D. 1860. Ruthenium-A metal first observed by Prof. Osman in the Ural Mountains. It was fully described by Prof. Claus A. D. 1846, to whom the discovery is generally accredited. ? # 160 adala na Ba ODAKKAPA VISADANURME TALKIELANILAC CHAR INVENTIONS, &c.—CONTINUED. Safety Lamp-Invented by Sir Humphrey Davy A. D. 1815. Saw-According to Pliny invented by Daedalus. -According to Apollodorus invented by Talus. Saw Mills-Erected in Madeira A. D. 1420. -Erected at Breslau A. D. 1427. Erected in Norway A. D. 1530. -Erected in England A. D. 1663. Screw-Early known to the Greeks. -The pumping screw of Archimedes for raising water was in- vented 236 B. C. Sewing Machines-The earliest patent was granted in England June 24, 1755, to Charles F. Weisenthal. -The first material improvement was that patented in England by Robert Alsop March 22, 1770. -An invention was patented in England by James Winter Feb- ruary 20, 1807, -A foreign patent was obtained in this country in 1834 by M. Thimonnier for a crocheting machine adapted to sewing pur- poses. A machine for making the shoemakers' stitch was patented February 21, 1842, by J. J. Greenough of Washington. -A machine for making the running or basting stitch was pat- ented March 4, 1843, by B. W. Bean of New York. -A machine having a needle in combination with a shuttle was patented by John Fisher and James Gibbons December 7, 1844. -The first complete and practical machine for general purposes was patented September 10, 1846, by Elias Howe, Jr., of Cam- bridge, Mass. Silver-A metal known to the ancients. Sodium--A metal first obtained by Sir Humphrey Davy A. D. 1807. Spectacles-Supposed to have been invented about A. D. 1285 by Al- exander de Spina, a monk of Florence. Spinning-Wheel-Invented A. D. 1330. Spinning-Jenny-Invented by Hargreaves A. D. 1767. Steam-Engine-Hero of Alexandria about 120 B. C. constructed a machine which exhibited some of the powers of steam. -Porta A. D. 1580, De Caus A. D. 1615, and the Marquis of Worces- ter in 1663 conceived independently the pressure of steam to raise water. -A patent for a machine on the same principle for raising water from a mine was taken out by Captain Savary A. D. 1698. -The use of steam to raise a piston was anticipated A. D. 1690. Newcomen of Dartinouth, England, constructed an engine worked by a piston moving in a cylinder A. D. 1705. -James Wati made the first perfect engine in England A. D. 1764. Steam Navigation-The application of steam to turn the paddle wheel was anticipated by Roger Bacon. -At Barcelona, Spain, Blasco de Garry, June 17, 1543, attempted the navigation of a boat with steam with tolerable success. It was abandoned as impracticable. -Experiments were made with an engine in a model boat by Papin on the Fulda at Cassel A. D. 1707. -A marine steam engine was proposed by Jonathan Hulls De- cember 21, 1736. -A model steamboat was tried on the Conestoga River by Wil- liam Henry of Chester Co., Pa., A. D. 1763, -The Count d'Auxiron assisted by M. Perrier made a similar at- tempt A, D. 1774. -The Marquis de Jouffrey was engaged in the same work from A. D. 1776 to 1783. ---Ocean navigation in America was proposed by Thomas Paine A. D. 1777. -A steamboat was constructed on the Saone by de Jouffrey A. D. 1781. 161 Steam-Continued. INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTinued. -As early as A. D. 1781 James Rumsey was engaged in experi- menting in the United States. -A boat was navigated by James Rumsey on the Potomac, near Sheppardstown, at the rate of four miles per hour A. D. 1786. -At the same time with Rumsey worked John Fitch who had an experimental steamboat on the Delaware A. D. 1786. -A voyage in a steamboat on the Firth and Clyde canal was made by William Smyngton A. D. 1789. -John Fitch of Connecticut navigated a boat by steam on the Delaware A. D. 1790. -Robert Fulton first began to investigate the power of steam A. D. 1794, -John Fitch renewed his experiments at New York A. D. 1796. -Col. John Stevens experimented with success A. D. 1804. -Fulton's steamboat Clermont navigated on the Hudson River September 14, 1807. -The first steamboat that crossed the Atlantic was the Savan- nah, in June and July, 1819. -The first steam vessel that made the voyage from England to India was the Enterprise, which left Falmouth August 16, 1825. -The successful application of the screw propeller is attributed to F. P. Smith and Capt. John Erricson who obtained patents A. D. 1836. Steam Hammer-Invented by James Nasmyth A. D. 1838. Steel-Exists in nature and has been fabricated from the earliest times. Stereoscope-The principle of the instrument was known to Euclid B. C. 300, and was described by Galen A. D. 174. -The first was manufactured by Duboscq of Paris A. D. 1851, Stereotype-Invented by the French printers M. M. Didot towards the close of the 18th century. -The art was introduced into America about A. D. 1813. Stethoscope-Invented by M. Lænnec of Paris A. D. 1823. Strontium-A metal first obtained by Sir Humphrey Davy A. D. 1808. Swords-They were formed of iron by the Chinese 1879 B. C. Telegraph, Electric-The first on record is that established A. D. 1782 by M. Lesage at Geneva. -The first important step in investigations was made by Am- pere A. D. 1820. -Two telegraphs, modifications of Ampere's, were made by Bar- on von Schilling A. D. 1832. -A telegraph was constructed A. D. 1838 by Gauss and Weber at Gottingen. -The first perfect instrument invented was by Steinheil in July, 1837. -In 1837 Prof. S. F. B. Morse exhibited in the University of New York a telegraph, constructed on the same principle as that of Steinheil, which he had gradually perfected by investigations and experiments for five years previous. -The telegraph was brought into practical use May 27, 1844, be- tween Washington and Baltimore. Telegraph, Submarine-Proposed between Barcelona and Palma in the island of Majorca by Salva as early as A. D. 1797. -Experiments were made in India by Dr. O'Shaughnessy A. D. 1839. -An insulated wire was extended from Governor's Island to the Battery in New York by Prof. Morse October 18 1842. Others as follows: -From Coney Island to the Battery in New York by Samuel Colt A. D. 1843. -Across the Rhine from Deutz to Cologne by Lieut. Siemens, the wire being insulated with gutta percha. -From Dover to Calais by John Watkins Butt August 28, 1850. 162 Telegraph-Continued. INVENTIONS, &c.-CONTINUED. Atlantic Cable-The first attempt to lay the cable commenced August 5, 1857, resulted unsuccessfully. -The second attempt resulted unsuccessfully June 20-21, 1858. -The third attempt resulted successfully August 5, 1858, but from imperfect insulation the cable became useless September 4, 1858. -The fourth attempt was unsuccessful August 5, 1866. -The fifth attempt was successful being completed July 28, 1867. Telescope-An optical instrument was manufactured A. D. 1608 by Hans Lippershey of Holland, on the principle of the astronom- ical telescope. -The above fact was communicated to Galileo who immediately began the investigation of the subject, and produced a telescope which magnified three times. The second instrument he man- ufactured magnified eight times; another more than thirty times. His telescopes are known as the Galilean or Refracting. -The reflecting telescope was invented by Gregory and de- scribed by him A. D. 1663, and were first used by Newton. -The first reflecting telescope by Isaac Newton was made A. D. 1668. -The great telescope of Sir William Herschel was constructed A. D. 1781, -The great telescope of Lord Ross was constructed A. D. 1814. Telurium—A metal diseovered by Klaproth A. D. 1798. Thallium-A metal discovered by Crookes A. D. 1861. Thermometer-The invention is generally credited to Galileo A. D. 1596. -Also claimed for Drebbel of Alcanan A, D. 1609, Paulo Sarpi A. D. 1609, and Sauctori A. D. 1610. -The scale called Fahrenheit was invented A. D. 1726. -The scale called Reaumer was invented A. D. 1730. Thrashing Machine-The first invention of modern times was by Michael Menzies at Edinburgh about A. D. 17832. -A rotary machine was invented by Leckie, a Stirlingshire far- mer, A. D. 1758. An improvement on Leckie's machine was made by Andrew Meikle, a Scotchman, A. D. 1786. Thorium-A metal discovered by Berzelius A. D. 1828. Tin-A metal known to the ancients as Kassiteros, from the an- cient name of the British Isles, the Kassiterides, where it was obtained. Titanium-A metal discovered by Gregoi in Cornwall, England, in titanic iron A. D. 1789. -Discovered by Klapforth in rutile A. D. 1794. Tobacco-Discovered at Cuba A. D. 11492, -First taken to Europe A. D. 1555. Tungsten-Tunstic acid was discovered by Scheele A. D. 1781. -The metal was discovered by the brothers D'Elbujar A. D. 1783. Uranium-lhe proxtoxide, supposed to be the metal itself, was dis- covered by Klaproth A. D. 1789. Vaccination-Proposed by Dr. Edward Jenner A, D. 1796. Vanadium-A metal first recognized as distinct by Del Rio A. D. 1801. -Discovered by Sefstrom A. D. 1830. Velocipede-Invented by M. Drais at Mannheim A. D. 1817. Watch-Said to have been manufactured at Nuremberg A. D. 1477. Wine-The art of making wine from rice is ascribed by the Chinese to their king, Ching-Noung, about 1998 B. C. -According to tradition the vine had its origin in India, and therefrom was taken to Asia Minor, to Greece and other Countries of Europe. -The vine was taken into France about 600 B. C. -The vine was taken into Champagne and part of Germany by the Emperor Probus A. D. 279. -The vine was planted in Madeira A. D. 1420. 163 INVENTIONS, &c.—CONTINUED. Wire-The invention of drawing wire is ascribed to Rodolph of Nu- remberg A. D. 1410. Yttrium-The oxide was discovered by Gadolin A. D. 1794. -First obtained pure by Wobler A. D. 1828. Zinc-The ore of this metal was known to the Greeks who used it in the manufacture of brass. -Is noticed by the European writers as early as A. D. 1231. -First mentioned as a metal by Paracelsus, who died A. D. 1541. Zirconium-A metal obtained by Berzelius A. D. 1824. THIS AND THAT. The Seven Hills of Rome are the Aventine, Capitoline, Coelian, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal and Viminal. In altitude, above the Tiber, they hardly exceed 150 feet. Composition of the Human Body.-A man of 151 lbs. weight con- tains 116 lbs. of water and 38 lbs. of dry matter. Of the dry matter, 28 lbs. are organic, and 10 lbs. mineral matter. The blood of a full grown and healthy man weighs, in a liquid state, about 20 lbs., consisting of about 15% lbs. of water, and 4 lbs. of solid matter. Sig nificance of Precious Stones.-The Poles, it is said, believe that each month of the year is under the influence of a precious stone; and that this influence has power over the destiny of a person born during the particular month. Those for each month, and their significance, are as follows: January-Garnet, constancy and fidelity. February-Amethyst, sincerity. March-Bloodstone, courage, presence of mind. April-Diamond, innocence. May- Emerald, success in love. June-Agate, health and long life. July -Cornelian, contented mind. August-Sardonyx, conjugal felic- ity. September-Chrysolite, antidote against madness. October- Opal, hope. November-Topaz, fidelity. December-Turquoise, prosperity. The Figure Nine.-The sum of the digits of the product of the number 9, and any number less than 11, is 9, thus: 9X8=72, 7+2=9. The product of the number 9, and any number grea tr than 10, can be re- duced by additions to 9, thus: 2,484 X9=22,356; the sum of these digits is 18; 189. If any number with its first digit less than the last is subtracted from a number composed of the same digits in a reversed order, by additions the digits of the remainder is 9, thus: take the number 2,675; 5,762-2,675— 3,087-189. The result is the same if the numbers are raised to their squares or cubes. Take the number 35. 53-35-18—9. 532—2,809; 35²= 1,225; 2,809—1,225=1,584—18—9. 533-148,877; 353-42;875; 148,877- 42,875-106,202—9. Subtract from any number the sum of its digits, by additions the digits of the remainder is 9, thus: 8,324,513-26-8,324,487=36=9. If 37 is multiplied by 3, or any multiple of 3, up to 27 (3 × 9) the digits of the product are the same, thus; 37X3=111. 376=222, 37X9=333. 37 × 21=777. Multiply, 123,456,789 X 45—5,555,555,505-45-9; reverse the order of the digits. 987,654,321 X 45-44,444,444,445-45-9. Multiply, 123,459,789 × 54—6,666,666,606=549 digits, 987,654,321 X 54—53,333,333,334-369. ; reverse the order of the Seven Wonders of the World.-A name given to seven remarkable objects of the ancient world, which have been variously classified. Pyramids of Egypt-The three principal ones are situated on a rock, at the foot of high mountains which bound the Nile. The largest, near Ghizeh, is 480 feet in perpendicular height, with a 164 .......... THIS AND THAT-CONTINUED. platform on the top 32 feet square, a length of base of 746 feet; and occupies nearly 13 acres. Pharos of Alexandria-A watch tower, or lighthouse, built by Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt. It was built of white mar- ble on the top of which fires were continually kept. Walls and Hanging Gardens of Babylon-The gardens built by Nebuchadnezzar are described as having been of square form, and in terraces one above another until they rose as high as the wal s of the city. The whole pile was sustained by vast arches raised on other arches; and on the top were flat stones closely cemented to- gether with plaster of bitumen, and that covered with sheets of lead, upon which lay the mould of the garden, where there were large trees, shrubs and flowers, and various sorts of vegetables. There were five of these gardens, each about four acres. Temple of Diana at Ephesus-It was built in common by all the Asiatic states, 552 B. C. It is said that 220 years were required for its completion. It was 425 feet long; and 225 feet broad. It was supported by 127 columns, furnished by that number of kings; each column was of Parian marble 60 feet high, and weighed 150 tons. It was burnt, 356 B. C.; again rebuilt, and again burnt by the Goths, A. D. 262. Statute of Jupiter, by Phidias, at Olympia. The god was repre- sented as seated on his throne, composed of gold, ebony and ivory studded with precious stones, and farther embellished with paint- ings and finest carved work. The statute was of ivory and gold, and although seated reached to the ceiling of the temple. The temple was 68 feet in height, 95 in width, and 230 in length. Mausoleum, or tomb built for Mausolús, king of Caria, by Arte- mesia, his sister and wife, 352 B. C. Its length was 113 feet, width 93 feet; entire height 140 feet. Colossus of Rhodes-A brass statute of Apollo 70 cubits high, erected at the port of Rhodes in honor of the sun, 300 B. C. It was thrown down by an earthquake after having stood for 56 years. Height of Man.-At birth the mean length of boys is 18½ inches, and of girls, 18 inches. Growth is most rapid immediately after birth, and continually diminishes until about five years of age; from then until 16 years of age the annual growth is 2 1-5 inches; during the next year, 1½ inch; and during the next two years, one inch only. The mean height of man ha3 been estimated at 5 feet 4 inches. A man is taller in the morning than at night by half an inch. The Heart is six inches in length and four inches in diameter. It beats 70 times per minute; 1,200 times per hour; 100,800 times per day; 705,600 times per week; 3,068,100 times per month; 36,817,200 times per year; and 2,577,204,000 times in seventy years. It forces out 2½ ounces of blood at each beat; 10 ibs. and 15 ozs. per minute; 6564 lbs. per hour; 77g tons per day; 55 tons per week; 239 tons, 1.390 lbs. and 10 ozs. per month; 2,876 tons and 687½½ lbs. per year; and 402,688,125 lbs., or 201,344 tons and 125 lbs. in seventy years. The Lungs are inflated on an average 19 times per minute; 1,140 times per hour; 27,360 times per day; 191,520 times per week; 832,770 times per month; 9,993,210 times per year, and 699,526,800 times in seventy years. At each inspiration about 26 cubic inches of air are inhaled; 2% gallons per minute; 128 gallons per our; 3,079 gallons per day; 21,556 gallons per week; 93,732 gallons per month 1,124,780 gallons per year; and 78,734,618 gallons, or 18,187,696,800 cubic inches in sev- enty years. The last mentioned volumé exceeds a volume ten feet high, ten feet wide and nearly twenty miles long, The Human Figure.-The Greeks made their statues according to the following mathematical proportions: The whole figure is six times the length of the foot. The face from the highest point of 165 ì :. THIS AND THAT-CONTINUED. the forehead where the hair begins. to the chin, is one-tenth of the whole stature; the hand from the wrist 10 the end of the middle finger is the same. If the length of the face from the roots of the hair to the chin be divided into three equal parts, the first division determines where the eyebrows meet, and the second the place of the nostrils. The height from the feet to the top of the head is the same as the distance from the extremity of the fingers when the arms are extended. Time Required in Counting.-Assume that a person can count at the rate of 200 per minute, and continues to count without inter- mission for twelve hours each day- To count 1,000,000 would require 6 days and 11 hours. To count 1,000,000,000 would require 19 years, 4 days, and 8 hours. To count 1,000,000,000,000 would require 19,012 years, 311 days, and 5 hours. To count 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 would require 19,012,852,688,- 417,370 years, 51 days, and 11 hours. If this task be equally divi- ded among the present population of the earth, (1,424,000,000), to ac- complish the count they would require 13,351,722 years and 144 days. Gold. One ounce troy of pure gold is worth $20.671791; one cubic inch weighs 10.12883 ounces troy, and is worth $209.38; one cubic foot weighs 1,458½ lbs troy, or 1,200 lbs. avoirdupois, and is worth $361,810.46; one cubic yard weighs 39,381 lbs. troy, or 32,405 lbs. avoir- dupois, (16 1-5 tons), and is worth $9,768,882.58. One pound avoirdu- pois is worth $301.16; and one ton (2,000 pounds), $602,927.23. The gold in the world at the present time amounts to less than $6,400,000,000. That amount of pure gold could be formed into a cube, the sides of which would not exceed 36 feet, 34 inch. The gold product of the United States froni 1819 to 1876, inclusive, is estimated at $1,356,490,745. That amount of pure gold could be formed into a cube, the sides of which would not exceed 15 feet, 6½ inches. Weight of Man.-The average weight at birth is 64 lbs.; boys at birth being heavier than girls. For about a week after birth the weight diminishes. The difference in weight of the sexes diminishes until about the twelfth year, when an equality is reached. Between 25 and 40 years of age, the mean weight of the male is 136½ lbs.; and the female, 12034 lbs. The maximum weight is attained by the male at about 40; and by the female at 50 years of age. At full development, both male and female weigh almost exactly 20 times as much as at birth. The weight at 19 years of age is nearly that of old age in both sexes. Density of Population.-In the following computations it is assu- med that— The earth was created 6,000 years ago. The average population since the creation has been the same as the population of the present time. The average duration of life has been 33 years. The present population of the earth is 1,424,000,000. A person in a standing position occupies 12 square foot of space. A person in a sitting position occupies 3 square feet of space. 1. The present population of the earth (1,424,000,000), could stand on an area of 86 square miles; an area about twice that of the city of San Francisco. That number of persons could be seated on an area of 171 square miles; an area about 25% that of the District of Columbia. 2. The total population of the earth since its creation (258,909,090,- 909) could stand on an area of 15,479 square miles; an area about one-third that of the State of Pennsylvania. 166 : THIS AND THAT-CONTINUED. That number of persons could be seated on an area of 30,957 square miles; an area less than that of the State of Indiana. 3. According to late authority the State of California has an area of 156,875 square miles. Within the boundaries of the State of California there is standing room for 2,624,054,100,000 persons; a number equal to the population of 60,810 years, exceeding in time 10 times the age of the earth. 4. The area of the United States is 3,603,884 square miles. Within the boundaries of the United States there is standing room for 60,282,311,823,360 persons; a number equal to the population of 1,396,991 years, in time nearly 233 times the age of the earth. 5. The area of the land of the earth is 52,000,000 square miles. Upon the land of the earth is standing room for 869,806,080,000,000 persons; a number equal to the population of 20,157,023 years, in time nearly 3,360 times the age of the earth. Rain Fall-The average annual rainfall at San Francisco for the past 27 years, was 24 inches. In these computations it is assumed that the rainfall of the world has been the same. The areas from which computations are made are: California, 156,875 square miles; Uuited States, 3,603 884 square miles; the land of the earth, 52,000,000 square miles; and the earth, 197,000,000 square miles. The annual rainfall per square mile was 55,756,800 cubic feet, or 417,089,832 gallons, or 1,737,754 tons. During 25 years the rainfall per square mile was 1,393,920,000 cubic feet, or 10,427,245,800 gallons, or 43,443,840 tons. The annual rainfall in the State of California was 8,746,848,000,000 cubic feet, or 65,430,967,395,000 gallons, or 272,610,096.000 tons. During 25 years the rainfall in the State of California was 218,671,- 200,000,000 cubic feet, or 1,635,774,184,875,000 gallons, or 6,815,252,40,000 tons. This is nearly 234 times the volume of Lake Huron, which has an area of 33,800 square miles, and a mean depth of 120 feet. The annual rainfall in the United States was 200,938,809,139,200 cubic feet, or 1.503,126,688,514,208 gallons, or 6,262,592,884,838 tons. This is 334 times the volume of Lake Erie, which has an area of 9,600 square miles, and a mean depth of 200 feet. During 25 years the rainfall in the United States was 5,023,470,228,- 480,000 cubic feet, or 37,578,167,212,855,200 gallons, or 156,564,822,120,960 tons. This is 5% times the volume of Lake Superior, which has an area of 32,000 square miles and a mean depth of 1,000 feet. The annual rainfail on the land of the earth was 2,899,353,600,000,- 000 cubic feet, or 21,688,671,264,000,000 gallons, or 90,363,187,200,000 tons. This is nearly equal to 2 times the volume of the combined areas of Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Superior, with a depth of 500 feet. During 25 years the rainfall on the land of the earth was 72,483,- 840,000.000,000 cubic feet, or 542,216,781,600,000,000 gallons, or 2,259,079,- 680,000,000 tons. This is 4 times the volume of the area of the Caribbean Sea, and a depth of 500 feet. The annual rainfall on the earth was 10,984,089,600,000,000 cubic feet, or 82.166,696,904,090,000 gallons, or 342,337,459,200,000 tons. This is equal to the volume of the area of the Mediterranean Sea, and a depth exceeding 100 feet. During 25 years the rainfall on the earth was 274,602,240,000,000,000 cubic feet, or 2,054,167,422,600,000,000 gallons, or 8,558,436,480,000,000 tons. This is equal to the volume of the area of the Atlantic Ocean, and a depth of 328 feet. The average annual rainfall on the earth has been estimated at 36 inches. On this estimate the above figures would be increased one-half. If the average annual rainfall on the entire earth is 36 inches, it would require the rainfall of the entire earth for 2,321,056 years to equal in volume that of the earth. 167 Is Friday an Unlucky Day?—For the consideration of these who may endeavor to answer this question, the following is presented: On Friday, Oct. 25, 1415, the battle of Agincourt was fought. tr "C (C (C 16 66 CC C CC tr * (C tr 66 : (C 66 Aug. 3, 1492, Columbus sailed from Palos on a voyage of discov- ery. Oct. 12, 1492, Columbus discovered America. Mar. 15, 1493, Columbus arrived at Palos on his return to Spain. Nov. 22, 1493, Columbus arrived at Hispaniola on his return to America, June 13, 1494, Columbus discovered the Continent of America. Feb. 22, 1732, George Washington was born. July 17, 1744, Elbridge Gerry, the 5th Vice President, was born. Feb. 6, 1756, Aaron Burr, the 3d Vice President, was born. Sept. 29, 1758, Horatio Nelson, the English Admiral, was born. June 24, 1763, Josephine, Empress of the French, was born. June 16, 1775, Washington accepted the appointment as General and Commander-in-Chief. June 16, 1775, Bunker Hill was fortified by the Americans. June 7, 1776, the first motion was made in Congress for inde- pendence. May 28, 1779, Thomas Moore, the poet, was born. Sept. 22, 1780, the treason of Arnold was discovered, Oct. 19, 1781, Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown. Jan. 18, 1782, Daniel Webster was born. Sept. 24, 1784, Zachary Taylor, the 12th President, was born. April 7, 1786, Wm. R. King, the 13th Vice President, was born. July 13, 1787, the Continental Congress adopted the "Ordinance of 1787." May 23, 1788, South Carolina ratified the Constitution of the United States. Aug. 7, 1789, the United States Congress adopted the "Ordi- nance of 1787." July 16, 1790, the District of Columbia was formed. Mar. 4, 1791, Vermont was admitted as a State. June 1, 1792, Kentucky was admitted as a State. Aprii 11, 1794, Edward Everett was born. Dec. 4, 1795, Thomas Carlyle, the English author, was born. May 9, 1800, John Brown (Ossawattomie) was born. Oct. 3, 1800, George Bancroft, the American historian, was born. Nov. 23, 1804, Franklin Pierce, the 14th President, was born. June 14, 1805, Gen. Robert Anderson was born. Feb. 27, 1807, H. W. Longfellow, the American poet, was born. June 3, 188, Jefferson Davis was born. Dec. 29, 1809, Wm. E. Gladstone, the English statesman, was born. Feb. 7, 1812, Charles Dickens, the English novelist, was born. June 19. 1812, the U. S. proclaimed war against Great Britain. April 23, 1813, Stephen A. Douglas was born. Nov. 29, 1816, Morrison R. Waite, Chief Justice, was born. grow box then when h E 168 WAINGA IS FRIDAY AN UNLUCKY DAY?—Continued. On Friday, Aug. 10, 1821, Missouri was admitted as a State. * 6. ( * * ་ << " (( . t 16 3 " " (C ་ (C * Oct. 4, 1822, Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th President, was born. Mar. 4, 1825, John Quincy Adams was inaugurated President. Dec. 2, 1825, Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, was born. June 15, 1849, James K. Polk, the 11th President, died. Mar. 4, 1853, Franklin Pierce was inaugurated President. Feb. 8, 1861, the Southern Confederacy was formed at Mont- gomery, Ala. Feb. 22, 1861, Abraham Lincoln journeyed by night to Wash'tn. April 12, 1861, the Confederates opened fire on Fort Sumter. April 19, 1861, the Mass. 6th was attacked by a mob in Baltimore. May 10, 1861, Gen. Lee took command of the Confederate forces in Virginia. May 24, 1861, Col. Ellsworth was shot in Alexandria, Va. Nov. 1, 1861, Gen. Scott resigned his command. Nov. 1, 1861, Gen. McClellan was appointed Commander-in- Chief. Nov. 8, 1861, Confederate envoys captured by Capt. Wilkes. Jan. 17, 1862, John Tyler, the 10th President, died. Oct. 16, 1863, Gen. Grant took command of Department of Ten- nessee, Ohio and Cumberland. April 14, 1865, President Lincoln was shot. April 14, 1865, the flag of the first bombardment hoisted over Fort Sumter. May 12, 1865, Jefferson Davis was captured. June 2, 1865, Gen. Grant issued order of congratulation to army. Mar. 1, 1867, Nebraska was admitted as a State. May 10, 1867, Jefferson Davis was released on bail. Mar. 13, 1868, President Johnson's impeachment trial commenced Feb. 26, 1869, the 15th amendment was proposed by Congress. Oct. 8, 1869, Franklin Pierce, the 14th President, died. Sept. 2, 1870, Napoleon III surrendered to the Germans. Nov. 29, 1872, Horace Greeley died. April 11, 1873, Gen. Canby was massacred by the Modocs. Jan. 26, 1877, Electoral Bill passed the House of Representatives. Mar. 2, 1877, the count of votes for President was completed. Y 169 NLINE SAYS PENKY VZNgban MATRA Au 170 $ INDEX. CODF. Casing-Artesian, Salt and Oil Well, Converse Lock Joint Pipe, Dates and Times, Discounts, Letters and Telegrams, Line Pipe, Miscellaneous Manufactures, • | Prado na duža v 2. An #33mladit Share to PAGE. 18 19 24-28 10 29-31 19 a wis in with hängen Sch 20 (C } Phrases, 10 (C Questionss and Answers, 32-33 Offices of N. T. W. Co., 33 Orders-Explaining, 21-23 Order Numbers, 13-14 Orders-Questions and Answers, 11-12 Pipe-Steam, Gas and Water, 15-16 Special Light, for Water, Gas and Air, 19 Prices-Questions and Answers, 5-6 Pump Columns, 19 Quantities, 13-15 Quotations, 7-9 Shipments Questions and Answers, 11-12 Stock-Questions and Answers, 5 Thicknesses, 18 Tubes-Boiler, 16-17 Tubing-Artesian, Salt and Oil Well, 18 43 48 46-47 52 53 54 55 56 57-60 36-37 38 39 NATIONAL TUBE WORKS CO.'S TABLES. Casing Standard Dimensions, Cast Iron Fittings for Special Light Pipe. Converse Patent Lock Joint-illustrated, Flanges-Steam Pipe, LC ( Pump Column, Special Light Pipe, Unions, Injectors, Mack's Patent-Sizes and Capacities, ( (C Illustrated, Pipe-Steam, Gas and Water, Standard Dimensions, เ Extra Strong, "C Double Extra Strong, i 171 INDEX-CONTINUED. Pipe-Special Light, with Converse Patent Joint, Sockets Casing-Standard Dimensions, (6 Pipe "Tubing (C (( แ (6 Tools used with Special Light Pipe, Tubes-Boiler, Standard Dimensions, PAGE. 45 50 49 51 45 40-41 66. Locomotive, Semi-Steel, Standard Dimensions, 42 CC (( 60½ Tubing Flush Joint, thickness of, 44 USEFUL INFORMATION, American Wire Gauge for Metals, Beams-Wood, Strength of, Boiler Heads-Circular, weight of, Boilers-Horse-power of, Boiler Plates-Power Required to Punch, Boilers-Steam Calculations for, Air-Flow of, in Pipes, 131 Light Wrought Iron Pipe for Conveying, 131 63 112 Birmingham Wire Gauge for Metals, 62 82 83 108 81 80 80 - 76 75 74 124 125 90 77 91 118-119 122 • 123 Boilers-Safe Working Steam Pressure for, Boiler Shell-To Compute Thickness of, Bolt Heads-Standard Proportions of, Bolts-Round Head, Weight of, Weight and Strength of, Circles--Area of, Circumference of, Cisterns-Contents of, Chains-Weight and Strength of, Cylinders Contents Cubic Feet and Gallons, Decimal Approximations, Decimals of an Inch, Decimals of a Foot, Diameter of Cast Iron Pipe to give Required Dis- charge, 101-102 Diameter of Wrought Iron Pipe to give Required Discharge, 102 Engines-Horse-power of, Pumping, Expansion of Substances by Heat, Gas-Flow of in Pipes, (6 Converse Lock Joint for Conveying, Grindstones-Weight of, Horse-power of Boiler and Engine, Horse-power of Water, Hydraulic Ram, Iron Bars-To Find Area of, "Corrugated, 83 134 133 114 115 78 83 121 123 65 70 172 INDEX-CONTINUED. Iron Value of, Per Pound and Ton, To Test, Materials-Tensile Strength of, Crushing Strength of, Shearing Measure-Board and Timber, Mensuration, Nails and Tacks-Number Per Pound, Nuts-Standard Proportions of, Square and Hexagon, (( Pillars, Wooden-Rule for Strength of, Pipes-Cast Iron, Water, Weight of, (( Gas, Weight of, (( (6 แ To Find Safe Thickness of, Table of (C (C Wrought Iron Welded, Safe Thickness of, (( Riveted, Lead, Safe Thickness of, ( 66 (( (( (8 (6 6. (6 CC (( Table, Safe Thickness of, Weight of, Wrought Iron, Riveted, Weight of,. Copper, Areas and Contents of, Diameter of, for Required Discharge, Friction Heads, Head in Feet for a Given Discharge, Contents in Cubic Feet and Gallons, Square Roots of Diameters of, For High Pressure Turbines, To Find Weight of, Per Foot, Pulleys-Speed of, Pump-To Find Diameter of, Pumps-Useful Numbers for, Pumping Engines, (C PAGE. 71 78 109 109-110 110 136 116 73 76 72 111 85 85 94 86 94 94 94 95 89 87 87 103 99-101 104-105 100 91 103 • 128 133 82 134 134 134 Horse-power of, 134 Rivets-Weight of, 75 Riveting Proportions for, 79 • Safety Valves, Levers-Proportions of, Roots and Powers-Fifth, Screw Threads-Standard Proportions, Screws-Wood, Shafting, Sluice to Discharge Rainfall, Spikes-Wrought, Number in Keg, Square Roots-To Extract, • Steam Pressure-Safe Working, To Compute, 106-108 79- 76 77 130 84 73 135 80 80-* 173 INDEX-CONTINUED. Steam-Saturated, Properties of, Steel-To Test, Strength of Materials, (C Easy Fitting Fastenings, Tanks-Capacity of, Tubes-Strength of, as Beams, (C (C as Pillars, Comparison between Iron and Brass, To Find Weight of, Per Foot, Resistance to External Pressure, Tubing-Brass and Copper, Drawn, Valves, Safety-Proportion of, Water-Discharge of, Through Pipes, Force of, in Motion, (C (C {{ 66 Pressure of, for Different Heights, Remarks on Flow of, in Pipes, Theoretical Horse-power of, Weight of, Wrought Iron Pipe for Conveying, Velocity of, in Pipes, Weight of Angle Iron, ( Bar Iron, to find, + ! PAGE. 81 78 109-113 132 90 110 111-113 115 133 84 88 79 95-98 121 93 101-102 121 92 45 and 102 95 67 65 69 69 65 66 62-63 64 64 68 120 117-118 *126-129 Channel Bars, Eyebeams, (6 Flat Rolled Iron, Round and Square Bars, (C Per Square Foot, Wrought Iron, Steel, Brass and Copper Plates Weight of Plate Iron Per Square Foot, (C แ Rule to Find, T Iron, Various Substances, Weights and Measures, Wheel Gearing, FACTS WORTH KNOWING. Apothecaries' Weight, Assayers' Weight, Atmospheric Weight, Book Measure, Diamond Weight, Dimensions of the Earth, Dollar-Origin of the, Dry Measure, Earth-Dimensions of the, (C Surface and Weight of the, 174 141 140 143 142 140 . 140 140 • 142 140 147 INDEX-CONTINUED. Elevation of Localities, Gold-Leaf, 66 Value of, Gold and Silver-Comparative Value of, Grain and Produce-Weight of, Heart-The, • • Human Body-Composition of the, Human Figure-Proportions of the, Inventions, Discoveries, &c., Liquid Measure, Lungs-The, Man-Height of, (( Weight of, ▼ Medical Divisions of the Gallon, Metric System of Weights and Measures, Money-English, French, United States, Muses-The Nine, Nine-The Figure, Ocean-Depth of the, Population-Density of, Precious Stones-Significance of, Rain Fall, Reservoirs-Capacity of in Gallons, Seven Hills of Rome, Seven Wonders of the World, Sound-Description of, Time of Different Localities, Time Required in Counting, Units of Force, Distance and Time, Waves of the Sea, Weights and Measures-Various, Wind-Velocity and Force of, PAGE. 147 147 166 141 143 165 164 165 149-164 • 141 165 165 166 141 139 140 141 140 144 164 R 147 166 164 • 167 145-146 164 164-165 144 148-149 166 143 • • 143 139-144 144 175 į ! 1 LIST PRICES -ON- Wrought Iron Pipe, FITTINGS AND VALVES, As adopted and in use by all Manufacturers throughout the United States. ARRANGED AND PRESENTED BY LATTING & BAILEY PLUMBERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, AND- SUPPLY DEALERS, General Store and Office, corner Second and Adams. SHOPS AND PIPE WORK DEPARTMENT, 202 TO 206 SECOND STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN. Note-A complete stock always on hand. Pipe cut and threaded to order in all sizes, and made up as per diagrams. Pipe work of all kinds done on short notice. WILLS & CRUMPTON, PRS. MEMPHIS STANDARD WROUGHT IRON PIPE. For Steam, Water and Gas. Nominal Inside Diameter Price per Foot Plain Price per Foot Galvanized Actual Nominal Outside Diameter Weight per Foot -X $.04 $.05 0.405 0.24 1 .04 .05 0.54 0.42 3 8 .04 .05 0.675 0.56 19 .05 .07 0.84 0.85 ***** 17 .07 .09/ 1.05 1.12 1 .10 .13 1.315 1.67 1} .14 .18 1.66 2.25 1 .23 .26 1.9 2.69 ར། 2 .30 .34 2.375 3.66 3 2 x 2 + + 12 23 .47 .53 2.875 5.77 .62 .68 3.5 7.54 3! .74 .88 4.0 9.05 .88 1.03 4.5 10 72 1.06 1.31 5.0 12.49 1.28 1.60 5.563 14.56 6 1.65 2.00 6.625 18.76 7 2.10 7.625 23.41 x 2.75 8.625 28.34 10 4.75 10.75 40.64 12 7.00 13. 54.65 FITTINGS FOR WROUGHT IRON PIPES. SIZE-Inches Elbows, Cast Iron เ Mal. Iron. 45° Cast Iron.. Street Elbows. T's, Cast Iron T's, Mal. Iron Crosses, Cast Iron. Unions, Flanged. Mal. Nipples, Short.. Long Couplings, Right-hand 153:00 8 1 1 2 + 24 3 1 83 + 1 + 1 5 6 40 52 751 101 351 802 502 85 3 90 7 0010 00 801 502 003 00 6 91320 4 4 5 6101623 101015|20|26| 10|10| 2580 9132030 38 8 9131927 401 12182840] 50 6570851 151 151820283446 60 67 91014 17 910111520 R. & L.. Bushings. Plugs 3 Caps.. Lock Nuts. 30 + 10 00 00 Waste Nuts Reducers. Return Bends, C.I., O.P. " " C.I., C.P. Mal.,0.P. เ C.P. Y Branches, Cast Iron 501 301 601 902 503 504 505 50 9 0012 00 601 101 502 002 503 504 00 5 50 10 0015 00 601 051 702 403 40 801 502 202 708 505 005 70 7 8014 0020 00 501 752 252 753 154 50,500 6 50 8 0010 00 801 502 103 004 00 25 56 75 751001 251 75200 275 951 251 602 252 60 3 60 6 7101317 21 40 60 801 001 501 65 2 40 3 254 25 X 10 30 T310 :: 10152025 30 851 20 67 913 17 27 42 50 610 13 20 50 216 24 +55 70 80 1 001 501 85 250 3 75 550 75 851 351 75 2 40 50 851 201 60 00 +00 00 435 11 18 40 70 951 251 35 1 90 101620 28 +5 701 001 501 85 203048] 10152234 15253555 681 151 762 75 45 751 50 25 51 252 003 00 13203045] 651 00 25|30|40|60|90|1 25 252 253 254 506_0017 509 0011 0017 0025 00 BRASS VALVES. SIZE-Inches 3 B 1 8 4 Standard Globe and Angle.. 60 60 Standard Checks 50 50 123 75 1.00 1 35 1 80 1; 2 80 60 85 1 15 1 55 2.30 Lunkenheimer Globe and Angle 70 70 85 1 15 1 45 1 80 883 1 ½ 3.90 に ​5.90 3 25 5 20 SO 3.90 5.90 Checks. 50 50 55 80 1 10 1 48 25 3 10 4.90 Jenkin's Globes 1 10 1 20 1 60 2.20 2.00 00 5 50 8.00 Gate Valves 1.00 1 00 1 20 1 75 2.50 3 50 5.00 7.50 Quick Opening Gate Valves. 3.00 + 00 5 00 6 50 10 00 IRON-BODY CLOBE VALVES--BRASS MOUNTED. SIZE-Inches. Screwed, no Yoke with Yoke 1 2 29 33 3.50 5.00 7 50 10 50 6 S Flanged. with Yoke.. 8 00 10 50 14 50 18 00 21 0028 0032 0044 00 85 00 9 7512 5017 50121 5025 00132 00136 0049 0091 00 IRON-BODY CATE VALVES--BRASS MOUNTED. SIZE-Inches. Screwed Flanged 2 22 3} + +1 6 0025-0030 0050 10 00 12 00 15 00 18 0020 0023 0025 0030 00 50 00 12 0015 0018 00120 00123 00125 00130 00150 00 * ! UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1 3 9015 02265 4522 1 35 484 L 1