ARLEIAN SOCIET UBLICATION 1875 WESTMINSTER ABBEY REGISTERS ARU CS 410 H28 THI GLORY OF CHILD ! Library of the University of Michigan The Coyl Collection. Miss Jenn B.Coyl Joan I of Detroit in memory of her brother God William Henry Cwył 1894. $ WESTMINSTER ABBEY REGISTERS. THE PUBLICATIONS OF The Harleian Society. ESTABLISHED A.D. MDCCCLXIX. THE G FATHERS VIRGVOC CT FIDE THEIR Volume X. GLORY OF FOR THE YEAR MDCCCLXXV, THE MARRIAGE, BAPTISMAL, AND BURIAL REGISTERS OF THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OR ABBEY OF ST. PETER, WESTMINSTER. EDITED AND ANNOTATED BY JOSEPH LEMUEL CHESTER, FELLOW OF THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY; HONORARY OR CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETIES OF THE STATES OF MASSACHUSETTS, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, rhode ISLAND, CONNECTICUT, AND MINNESOTA; THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC-GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, ETC.. ETC, LONDON: 1876. LONDON: MITCHELL AND HUGHES, PRINTERS, WARDOUR STREET, W. TO Her Majesty the Queen, AS THE HEAD OF THE NATION WHOSE PERSONAL HISTORY IT SO GREATLY ILLUSTRATES, THIS VOLUME, BY HER GRACIOUS PERMISSION, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. PREFACE. IN the seventh and eighth volumes of Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, published by Messrs. Nichols and Son in 1841 and 1843, were printed certain extracts from the Registers of Westminster Abbey, from a MS. in the College of Arms, with annotations by the late Sir Charles G. Young, Garter. These extracts will be found on pages 162-174, 243-248, and 355-377 of vol. vii., and 1-21 of vol. viii., of that work. They proved a great boon to historians, biographers and genealogists, and have ever since been accepted as standard authority. A conviction that the series was imperfect, and the entries often erroneous, induced the present Editor to collate his copy with the original, and the result was so startling that it was felt that the knowledge obtained ought not to be confined to himself. In a word, it was found that the errors, both of omission and commission, were so numerous and so serious as to render the Collectanea version untrustworthy and practically worthless. In some instances, also, the identifications by the annotator of persons named in the text were found to be incorrect. It would be impossible to point out all the discrepancies revealed by a careful examination of the original Registers, and they can be ascertained only by a comparison of the two versions: some of the more flagrant errors, however, are referred to in the notes in the present volume. The late Mr. John Gough Nichols was so profoundly sensible of the injury unwittingly done to the literary world by the Collectanea version that he at once proposed to print the corrected one at his own expense, but this arrangement came to an end by reason of his untimely death. It was then intended to reprint only the oldest. volumes of the Registers, embracing the period covered by the Collectanea extracts, ending with the year 1705; but on consulting with the present b viii PREFACE. Dean of Westminster, he naively asked the question, Why stop there? The final result was that, at the instance of Dean Stanley, and with the cordial approbation of the Chapter, the entire Registers were allowed to be given to the world. It is only just to say that for the publicity of these interesting and valuable records, so illustrative of the personal history of the venerable Minster, the world is indebted to the liberal spirit of its present chief dignitary. From the inception of the design to the last moment of its completion, he has taken the liveliest interest in the work, and the Editor desires to record permanently here his gratitude for the numerous courtesies, generous sympathy, and cordial encourage- ment, which he has received from him during the many years of his interesting labour. Anything like biographical sketches of the various persons named in the Abbey Registers would have swelled the work into half a dozen volumes, and it was deemed best that the Editor should restrict his labours to their identification, giving, perhaps, any salient facts concerning them, and references by which their own history or that of their families could be pursued. The present volume is therefore designed for reference, rather than for popular perusal. Brief as many of the annotations are, however, they have often cost much time and labour, and there is many a line and half line which is the concentrated result of weeks of patient research. Those only who have been engaged in a similar undertaking can have the slightest conception of the amount of serious work embodied in the following pages. Still, while claiming that he has done his work carefully and conscientiously, the Editor is not vain or foolish enough to believe or hope that no errors will be detected. He does believe, however, that they will be very few, accidental, and unimportant, and that every state- ment of facts and dates may be absolutely relied upon. Whenever the authorities for the annotations naturally suggest them- selves, and are common and open to all, they are not mentioned; but any unusual reference is carefully given. Whenever monumental inscrip- tions are quoted, it may be taken for granted that the Editor has personally examined them, if in existence; but, if they have disappeared, then resort has been had to the numerous books in which they have been printed numerous and so common that it would have been idle to reproduce the inscriptions in the notes. Whenever Wills are referred to, it may be understood that they are to be found at the Principal Registry of Probate, now at Somerset House, unless otherwise stated. The contractions "Mar. PREFACE. ix Lic. Fac.," "Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen.," "Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond.," and "Mar. Lic. D. and C. Westm.," of course indicate Marriage Licences, the allegations for which are to be found at the Faculty Office, or that of the Vicar- General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Registry of the Bishop of London, or in the Act Books of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, now at Somerset House. The full sense of any other contractions, such as "dau." for daughter, and " Admon." for Letters of Administration, will readily be perceived. "" From the manner in which the earliest volume of the Abbey Registers was compiled (see the heading, p. 1), and from the too evident carelessness of some of the later officials, it is quite certain that many other persons have been buried in the Abbey and its Cloisters of whose interment no record now exists. The same remark applies to marriages and baptisms to some extent. Instances of the latter occur where the ceremony was undoubtedly performed in the Abbey, but the record of them appears only in the parish registers of St. Margaret, Westminster. And, again, according to the Abbey Registers, it would appear that no baptisms took place, on one occasion, for a period of about thirteen years, which is, to say the least, highly improbable. So far as Mr. Tynchare was concerned, it is but fair to presume that the sentiment which led him in the first instance to secure and perpetuate what was left of the "imperfect books' also induced him to do his work as thoroughly as possible, but it is certain that the records antecedent to the Restoration are sadly deficient, and the names and dates sometimes inaccurate. These discrepancies have been reconciled by the Editor whenever positive evidence could be obtained. Mr. Tynchare, however, died in 1673, and by whom, or under what system, the Registers were afterwards kept, it is impossible to determine. That at a much later period some reprehensible looseness existed is abundantly proved by the action of the Chapter. The "Chanter was never the proper official on whom this duty should devolve, but rather the Registrar, or Chapter Clerk. When the late Mr. George-Giles Vincent was appointed to the latter office, in 1803, he appears to have so regarded the matter, as still does his successor, Mr. Bedford. The action of the Chapter just referred to will be found in the following entry in its records, under the date of 12 June 1804: "Ordered, that Mr. Horsfall make up the Register Book of Burials to the time of Mr. Vincent's appointment to the office of Chapter Clerk, and, X PREFACE. that Mr. Horsfall be allowed one month from this day to make up the said book, and, if it be not made up at that day, Mr. Vincent be authorized to employ some person to make it up, upon such evidence as is still in existence." The eight words italicized, and especially the last three, suggest the unpleasant suspicion that there had been other "evidence" not then in existence, and the whole entry shews at least that the Registers had not been properly kept. From the uniformity of the writing and the colour of the ink, it seems also certain that the neglect covered a very long period. Whatever the losses from this neglect, it is impossible now to retrieve them from the Abbey records themselves, which have been carefully ex- amined with that object. The probability is that the difficulty grew out of the number of persons authorized to officiate at the various ceremonials, who, instead of making, or seeing made, the entries themselves, trusted to some person whose duty it was supposed to be. In other words, the duty was theoretically everybody's, but was suffered to become practically nobody's. For the omissions in Mr. Tynchare's portion of the Registers there is, of course, a sufficient excuse. One fact, however, should be noticed. It has always been customary to attribute the mutilation of parish registers, as well as the spoliation of monuments and sepulchral brasses, to the rough soldiers or the stern officials of the Commonwealth. Even if this were true generally, there is good reason to believe that part, at least, of the damage done to the Abbey Registers was the work of some over zealous loyalist who had the custody of them, or access to them, immediately after the Restoration. Else, why do we fail to find in them, for instance, the name of a single member of the Protector's family? Yet Cromwell himself was buried in the Abbey, as were his mother, his sister, his daughter, his son-in-law, and his grandchild. Why do we also fail to find the names of Bradshaw, and Pym, and Strode, and Bond, and May, all of which appear in the royal warrant for disinterment in 1661 (see pp. 521-3), and of whose places of burial there must have been some record, as their coffins were readily found? It would be unfair to assume that Mr. Tynchare himself purposely omitted these names, as he preserved no less than thirteen others which appear in the same warrant, the memory of which must have been sufficiently, if not equally, offensive to the then ruling powers. Some of the entries which were evidently missing when Mr. Tynchare PREFACE. xi performed his work would now be deeply interesting; such, for instance, as those of the burials of Old Parr and Ben Jonson. Others would have been of great service in throwing light upon subsequent ones, wherein it is stated that persons were buried with or near their parents, their wives or husbands, their brothers or sisters, or their children. In several instances the absence of these earlier entries has entirely prevented the identification of persons interred at later periods. Whether the earlier Registers had disappeared before Mr. Tynchare's time it is impossible to say, but it is probable that he preserved all the fragments he could find. At all events, they are now hopelessly lost, as all the Abbey muniments have recently undergone a careful examination, in the course of which the volume so frequently mentioned as the "Unofficial Register" was discovered. It is hardly necessary to say that the records. of the sixteenth century, could they be recovered, would be priceless. A considerable list of burials that do not appear in the Registers. might be compiled from the monumental inscriptions; but these have been repeatedly printed, and their reproduction would be foreign to the purpose of this volume, which professes to deal only with the Registers as they now exist. The only exceptions made are a considerable number of entries which appear in a volume kept by one of the minor canons, designated in the notes as the "Unofficial Register," and a few from a series of small books kept from an early period by the officials in immediate charge of the interments, in which they usually transcribed the inscriptions from the coffin-plates, and noted the exact position of the graves, and which are referred to in the notes as 'Funeral Books." All of these semi-official entries are printed in italics, in order to distinguish them from those in the official Registers, but there is not the slightest doubt that they are of equal authority. An entirely exceptional case is that of Lady Noel, buried in 1671, the evidence, as stated in the note, being deemed sufficient to justify its admission. A few entries have also been incorporated from the registers of St. Margaret, Westminster. The rest of the text is simply a transcript of the official Registers, omitting only the constant succession of unnecessary verbiage, such as the phrases were married," was buried," etc., rendered still more unnecessary by the general heading at the top of each page. Great convenience will be afforded, so far as the burials are concerned, by the reduction of the two series of Abbey and Cloister interments into one unbroken chronological arrangement. (( xii PREFACE. It will be noticed that, in accordance with the system of annotation adopted, as much care has been taken with the names of persons in humble positions as with those of their superiors. This seemed necessary in order that their very names, and their appearance in the Abbey Registers, should not hereafter mislead inquirers as to their social rank. Having said so much concerning the defects of the Registers, it must not be forgotten that there is a reverse to the picture. It is equally true that many persons have the historical reputation of interment in the Abbey for whom its gates were never opened. An examination of almost any of the printed family histories will reveal references to ancestors said to be there buried, in support of which claims there is not a shadow of evidence, but, in many instances, ample proof to the contrary. So, through carelessness, errors have crept into the MSS. of even eminent historians and genealogists, which have been perpetuated until they have become a part of history, For instance, Peter Le Neve, in his Diary, recorded the burial of the Morocco Ambassador in the Abbey on the 31st of August 1715, and even noted the name and address of the un- dertaker from whose shop the body was carried. He was correct as to the date, but the interment actually took place in the neighbouring church of St. Margaret. There are few who would not accept Le Neve's authority, and yet this is but one of a number of similar errors detected by the Editor during a careful examination of his MSS. Even the monumental inscriptions themselves could not always be trusted. In many instances they contain nothing to indicate that the persons to whose memory they are inscribed are not actually there interred, and it would be difficult to determine whether the stereotyped "Hic jacet" and "In memory of" were not regarded as synonymous. It may be suspected that the existence in the Abbey of a merely honorary memorial has more than once led persons in modern times to assume the actual burial there of their ancestors. It may be as well to add that the Editor has a large collection from which he may eventually decide to print a list of such persons as were probably buried in the Abbey, but whose names do not appear in the Registers, with the evidences, and also that, if his life is spared a few years longer, he intends to embody in a Supplement such important information as he may acquire respecting the persons named in the present volume, and especially concerning the few still unidentified. • In bringing to a close the labours of love which have occupied him so many years, the Editor has to return his hearty thanks to all those PREFACE. xiii who have in any way assisted him in his investigations, and feels bound to name particularly the kindness of Messrs. Moore and Currey, and Mr. Taylor, of the Faculty Office, John Shephard, Esq., and Mr. John Collis, of the Bishop of London's Registry, Francis-Hart Dyke, Esq., and Mr. Henry Watts, of the Vicar-General's Office, and T. G. Godfrey- Faussett, Esq., and W. H. Cullen, Esq., of Canterbury, for the unlimited use of the records in their custody; Sir Albert W. Woods, Garter King of Arms, George-Edward Cokayne, Esq., Lancaster Herald, and their associates generally, for unrestrained access to the invaluable MSS. relating to personal history in the College of Arms and in their private collections; Rev. Dr. John Griffiths, Keeper of the Archives of the University of Oxford, for permission to consult ad libitum the matriculation registers of that University; the Rev. H. O. Coxe and Mr. Henry J. Sides, of the Bodleian Library, for great kindness and much assistance during a long period passed in that Library; and J. F. Coleman, Esq., Senior Record Keeper, and J. C. C. Smith, Esq., Superintendent of the Literary Department, of Her Majesty's Court of Probate, for generously and very greatly facilitating the necessarily extensive and protracted researches among the archives in their custody. LONDON, 30 April, 1876. The Register of the Collegiate Church of Westminster of Weddings, Christnings, and Burialls; such as could be found in imperfect bookes, and such as haue beene carefully taken notice of since the happy re- stauration of His Matve King Charles the Second: by Philip Tynchare, Chaunter of the sayd Church, installed Febr. 11: 1660." "WEDDINGS IN K. H. 7THS CHAPPELL." 1655 May 7 Walter Bildee and Mary Dunton.¹ June 28 July 14 Leonard Bowman and Anne Tyringham.2 John Hastings and Elizabeth Parry.3 ¹ He son of Hugh Billey, Esq., Master Cook to K. Chas. I.. who was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 13 Mch. 1648-9. She his second wife. He was married, first, at St. Martin in the Fields, 1 Feb. 1629-30, to Camilla dau. of John Lake, of Greenwich, Yeoman of the Pastry, and she was buried at Greenwich 18 Feb. 1653-4. He died before 24 Oct. 1668, as on that day his widow Mary had license from the Vicar-General to marry William Hayes of Deptford, Kent, Yeoman. On 8 Mch. 1670-1, the Dean and Chapter of Westminster granted letters of Adminis- tration to Mary Hayes alias Billey, relict of Walter Billey, late of St. Margaret's, Westminster. 2 He fourth son of Edward Bowman of Hailey, in the parish of Witney, co. Oxford, gent., by Jane dau. of Mr. Headson, of Warwickshire. He was of Ramsden, co. Oxford, and an Alderman of the city of Oxford. His will, dated 10 Dec. 1665. was proved 26 Feb. 1666-7. She his second wife. Her will, as of Kidlington, co. Oxford, widow, dated 24 Apl. 1694, was proved 6 July 1697, by the Rev. Thomas Pargiter, D.D., whose wife Katherine was her niece. Mr. Bow- man's first wife was Elizabeth, dau. of William Potter, Alderman of Oxford, by whom he had three sons and three daus. (Sec Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1669.) 3 The register of St. Bride's, London, records that a certificate for this marriage was given 10 July, after three publications. In that record he is called "John Hastings, Esq.," and she "Mrs. Elizabeth Parris." In the record of publication in the register of St. Margaret's, West- minster, he is described as "John Hastings, of St. Bride's, London, Esq.," and she as Mrs. Elizabeth Paris, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow." It seems probable, therefore, that her first husband's name was Paris, and not Parry. See her third marriage 20 Dec. 1687. Four children by this marriage, viz., Thomas, William, John, and Sarah Hastings, were living 8 June 1693, when they were mentioned in the will of her third husband, who administered to her estate 1 Aug. 1692, she being described as "Elizabeth Feltham alias Hastings," of St. Botolph, Aldersgate. She appears to have had no issue by her third husband, and was evidently much his senior. B 2 MARRIAGES IN 1655 Aug. 14 Sept. 17 Oct. 6 3 John Winyard and Margaret Kettlebee.¹ Thomas Hutton and Elizabeth Kettlebee.2 Nicholas Love and Elizabeth Buggs.3 James Clutterbuck and Millecent Wilde.* Arthur Sparkes and Mary North.5 George Whale and Lucy Poulton. Nov. 22 1656 April April May 29 Sept. 23 Richard Paget and Abigail Dickinson.6 Nov. 21 John Stockdale and Grace Winde. Nov. 26 1658 Oct. 5 1661 Aug. 22 Matthew Gafford and Martha Bartlet. Edward Christian and Elizabeth Armestrong.8 Sir Francis Hollis and Mrs. Lucy Carre.9 ¹ Baptisms of five children of this marriage occur at St. Margaret's, Westminster, where she was buried 14 Sep. 1674, and he also 13 Nov. 1690. He married another wife, Ann, and had by her five other children, all baptized at St. Margaret's, among whom was General John Wynyard, buried in the Abbey 27 Feb. 1752. She survived him and administered to his estate 15 Dec. 1690. He had probably already been married, as there is a monumental inscription at Boxwell, co. Gloucester, for Alice, dau. of Matthew Huntley, of Boxwell, Esq., and wife of John Wynyard, of Westminster, Esq., who died 2 Sep. 1650, æt. 23, 2 She probably sister to Margaret in the preceding entry. A Thomas Hutton was admitted to Gray's Inn 27 Oct. 1656, as son and heir of Richard Hutton, late of Poppleton, co. York, Esq. deceased, who was living at the Visitation of 1665 with a wife Anne and three children, the eldest of whom was then only three years of age. This may have been a first marriage. 3 Recorded also in the register of St. Margaret's, Westminster, same date, as Nicholas Love, Gent., of that parish, and Elizabeth Bugges, of Lambeth, spinster. 4 The date should probably be December. Published at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 25 Nov. and 2 and 9 Dec. 1655, James Clutterbuck, Gent., son of James Clutterbuck, of Wells, co. Somerset, Esq., and Mrs. Millicent Wilde, dau. of John Wilde, of Bagshot, co. Surrey, Gent., then both of St. Andrew's aforesaid. 5 According to Chauncey (Ilist. Herts) he was an utter barrister of the Middle Temple, Deputy to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, Steward of the borough of Hertford, a J.P. for the County, and M.P. for the borough in 1666; and she eldest dau. and coheir of Hugh North, of Marden, in the parish of Tewin, in that county. Their second son, Arthur, born 1 Mch. 1661-2, died 12 Jan. 1665-6, and was buried at St. Andrew's, Hertford. 6 He son and heir of Richard Pagitt, of Westminster, Gent., by Susan, eldest dau, of the Rev. William Pelsant, B.D., of Market Bosworth, co. Leicester, Prebendary of Lincoln, and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 12 Jan. 1620-1. She eldest dau. of Lyming Dickenson, of St. Martin in the Fields, Esq., by his second wife Frances (dau. of John Morris, of London, Gent., and widow of Edward Gratwicke, of Itford, in Bedingham, co. Sussex, son of Sir William Gratwicke, Kt.) She was buried in the New Chapel, Westminster, 10 May 1670. He remarried, about Nov. 1687, Elizabeth Sands, widow. His will, dated 9 Jan. previous, was proved 3 July 1696, and he was also buried in the New Chapel 16 June of that year. Richard Pagitt, LL.D. of Cambridge in 1687, and a well known Advocate, was a son of this marriage, and was buried with his parents 14 Nov. 1726. 7 Patent to John Stockdale as Bellringer, 11 Dec. 1660. See the baptism of a son 9 May 1665, and the burial of a dau. 28 Apl. 1664, and probably of another son 13 Dec. 1670. 8 Admon. (D. and C. Westmr.) 24 Aug. 1682, to Elizabeth relict of Edward Christian of St. Margaret's, Westminster, where he was buried on the 16th of that month. 9 Francis Holles, only surviving son of Denzell Holles first Baron Holles of Ifield, by his first wife Dorothy only dau. and heir of Sir Francis Ashley of Dorchester, co. Dorset, Kt., was born at Dorchester 19 Aug. 1627. (Horoscope in Ashmol. MS. 243, Bod. Lib.) He was created a Bart. 27 June 1660, and succeeded as second Baron Holles 17 Feb. 1679-80. She third and youngest dau. of Sir Robert Carr, second Bart. ofSleaford, co. Lincoln, by Mary dau, and cohcir WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 3 1662 Dec. 3 1663 June 18 July 30 Dec. 29 166 Jan. 21 Feb. 13 Mr. John Dugdale and Mrs. Mary Baker.¹ Mr. Robert Powell and Elizabeth Littleton alias Tynchare.2 Mr. Edward Freshwater and Mrs. Frances Blount.³ Mr. Richard Smith and Anne Bett.4 Edward Littleton alias Tynchare and Elizabeth Bush.5 Sir Francis Pridgean and Lady Margaret Fleming." of Sir Richard Gargrave of Kingsley and Nostell, co. York, Kt. She died the 15th and was buried at Ifield, co. Sussex, 25 Sep. 1667, in her thirty-second year, and her husband administered to her estate 22 Feb. 1668-9. He remarried, at Kensington, 6 June 1670, Anne eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Francis Pile, of Compton Beauchamp, Bart., who was also buried at Ifield 4 May, 1682. He is said to have died 1 Mch. 1689-90, aged 63, and to have been buried at Aldenham, Herts, but his burial is recorded at Ifield 11 July 1692. His will, dated 3 Sep. 1680, was not proved until 4 Mch. 1694-5. By his first wife he had two daus. who died young. His son Denzell, by his second wife, succeeded as third Baron, but died unmarried, 1694, and the titles became extinct. (See his father's third marriage 14 Sep. 1666.) 1 He only son of Sir William Dugdale, Garter King of Arms, by Margery dau. of John Huntbach of Sewall, co. Stafford. He became Windsor Herald in 1676, and Norroy King of Arms in 1686, and was then knighted. She his first wife, second dau. and coheir of Alexander Baker, of New Windsor, co. Berks, Gent., by Elizabeth dau. of Thomas Farrar of Harold, co. Beds. She died 9 Jan. 1670-1, and was buried at Windsor, with an infant son and daughter. See her grandfather's burial 2 Oct. 1635. Sir William remarried, 4 May 1672, Elizabeth dau. and heir of Thomas Pigeon, of Coventry, Esq., by whom he had issue, and, dying 31 Aug, 1700, at Coventry, was buried at Shustock, co. Warwick. 2 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 18 June 1663, for Robert Powell of Everbury, co. Worcester, Clerk, widower, about 25, and Elizabeth, dau. of Philip Tinker alias Littleton. of Westminster, Gent., spinster, about 20. See her father's burial 12 May 1673. They were both living at the date of his will the preceding February, in which she is called his third daughter. A Robert Powell, son of a Minister, matriculated at Oxford, from Merton College, 1 Apl. 1656, and another, as servitor, from St. John's, 15 June 1657. 3 Mar. Lic. Vic. Geu. 28 July 1663, for Edward Freshwater of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., bachelor, aged about 55, and Frances Blunt, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, widow, aged about 37. 4 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 14 Dec. 1663, for Richard Smith of St. Martin in the Fields, Esq., bachelor, aged about 35, and Anne Bett of the same parish, spinster, aged about 22, with consent of her father John Bett, Gent. Their eldest child John-Charles was born the 12th and baptized 21 Dec. 1664, at St. Martin in the Fields. A Richard Smith was clerk of the Cheque to the Yeomen of the Guard in 1673. 5 Mar. Lic. Fac. 19 Jan. 1663-4, for Edward Littleton alias Tinker (he so signed the allega- tion) of St. Botolph Aldersgate, Clothworker, bachelor, aged 25, and Elizabeth Bush of the same parish, widow, aged about 29. See his father's burial 12 May 1673, in whose will he is called fourth son. He was living 31 Aug. 1696, as appears by the Probate of his brother John's will. 6 Francis Prujean, a native of Essex, matriculated at Cambridge, from Caius College. Apl. 1610, and was M.B. 1617; M.D. 1625; Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians 1626, and its President five successive years, 1650-4; knighted 1 Apl. 1661. His will dated 23 Apl. 1665, as of St. Martin's Ludgate, was proved 6 July 1666. He died in the Old Bailey 24 June, and was buried 17 July 1666 at Hornchurch, co. Essex, with his first wife Margaret (buried there 24 Jan. 1660-1) and his only son Thomas (buried 15 Oct. 1662). In the Hornchurch register he is styled "First Physician to the King." In the license for this marriage his age is stated to be 60 years. Margaret, his second wife, was dau. of Edward first Baron Gorges of Dundalk, and relict of Sir Thomas Fleming. In the Mar. Lic. Fac. she is called of St. Martin in the Fields, aged 40 and upwards, and, having been dangerously ill, the marriage was to take place in Westminster Abbey, "or in some convenient room in the house of Thomas Gorges D.D., one of the Pre- "bendaries, situate in the cloisters of said church." She survived her husband, and married, thirdly, Sir John Maynard, Kt., Serjeant-at-Law. 4 MARRIAGES IN 7 1665 May 18 May 25 Sept. 7 Nov. 15 166 Jan. 23 1666 May 5 Sept. 14 Mr. Thomas Duncklin and Elizabeth Fox.¹ Sir John Denham and Margaret Brooks.2 Mr. William Scoles and Millicent Thurlow.3 Mr. Thomas Peirson and Joane Slaughter.4 Mr. Thomas Clerk and Mary Flemming.5 Mr. George Benyon and Elizabeth Hickford. The Lord Hollis and the Lady [blank].7 6 1 Correctly Donkley. See his burial 8 Feb. 1688-9. She dau. of John Fox, Esq. (see his burial 23 Nov. 1691) and nicce of the celebrated Sir Stephen Fox. She long survived her husband, her son William administering to her estate 12 Jan. 1727-8. The burials of twelve of their children, and the marriage of one daughter, occur in these Registers. 2 See his burial 23 Mch. 1668-9. She his second wife, third dau. and coheir of Sir William Brooke, K.B. (nephew of Henry last Lord Cobham, i.c. son of his brother George who was executed for high treason at Winchester 5 Dec. 1603) by his second wife Penelope, dau. of Sir Moyses Hill, of Hillsborough, co. Down, Kt., M.P. for Antrim, 1613, and Provost-Marshal of the Province of Ulster, 14 Apl. 1617. She was born about 1642, and six days before her marriage had a warrant of precedency as the daughter of a baron. One of the famous beauties of the Court, her career both before and after marriage seems not to have been quite without reproach, and she died under rather mysterious circumstances on the 6th of Jan. 1666-7, and was buried the 9th, in the middle chancel of St. Margaret's, Westminster. The license for this marriage was granted by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster on the day it was solemnized. 3 Mar. Lic. D. and C. Westmr. 15 Mch. 1664-5, for William Scoles, widower, and Millicent Thurlow, widow, both of St. Margaret's, Westminster.-Mrs. Jane Scoules was buried at St. Mar- garet's 22 June 1657.-Baptized at St. Margaret's, 13 Jan. 1652-3, Mary, and 26 Dec. 1654, John, children of Barnaby and Millicent Thurlow.- See a marriage 17 June 1683. 4 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 14 Nov. 1665, for Thomas Peirson, Gent., bachelor, aged 37, and Mrs. Joane Slaughter, widow, about 50, both of St. Margaret's, Westminster. Mar. Lic. Fac. 23 Jan. 1665-6, for Thomas Clark, Minister of Hampton, co. Midx., bachelor, about 35, and Mary Fleming, of St. Gregory's, London, maiden, about 25, and at her own disposal. The allegation was made by William Hayes, of St. Gregory's, Cutler. 6 He eldest son of Sir George Benyon, of London, Kt., by Alice dau. of Francis West of London. He died a few months after his marriage. (George Benyon Esq. was one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to King Chas. II. in 1661.) In the Mar. Lic. (D. and C. Westmr.) she is called Eliz. Hackford. She remarried, shortly after her husband's death, the Rev. John Ward, Vicar of Weedon, co. Northampton, the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. being dated 23 Oct. 1667, and they were to marry at Misterton, co. Leicester. Mr. Ward was deprived of his benefice in 1676, "for divers crimes committed and duties omitted" (Baker's Northants). 7 The note in Collectanea identifying the parties to this marriage as John, afterwards Duke of Newcastle, and Lady Margaret Cavendish, is manifestly erroneous, for that John Holles was not born until 9 Jan. 1661-2. "The Lord Holles" of this period was Denzell Holles, second son of John first Earl of Clare, by Anne dau. of Sir Thomas Stanhope, of Shelford, co. Notts, Kt. He was created Baron Holles, of Ifield, co. Sussex, 20 Apl. 1661. He died 17 Feb. 1679-80, aged 81 yrs. 3 mos. and 16 days, and was buried 10 Apl. following, in St. Peter's Church, Dorchester, with his first wife, Dorothy, only dau. and heir of Sir Francis Ashley, of that place. According to a Horoscope in Ashmol. MS. 243, Bod. Lib., he was born 31 Oct. 1599, at 9·10 p.m., and was married to his first wife 4 June 1626, who died 21 June 1640. He married, secondly, Jane, eldest dau. and coheir of Sir John Shirley, of Isfield, co. Sussex, who had previously been the wife successively of Sir Walter Covert of Slougham, co. Sussex, Knt., and of John Frekc, of Cerne, co. Dorset, Esq. The License for the latter marriage was issued at the Faculty Office 20 Dcc. 1632, she being then described as of Greenland, co. Bucks, and aged about 34. She was married to Lord Holles 12 March 1641-2, according to the Horoscope above mentioned, and in her will, dated 31 July 1658, her ante-nuptial Settlement is cited, bearing date 10 Mch. 1641-2. She was buried at Iwerne Courtnay, co. Dorset, 25 April 1666. The blank in this entry should doubtless be filled with the name of Lord Holles's third wife, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 5 1668 April 14 April 25 Sept. 26 Dec. 3 166 Jan. 6 Jan. 18 1669 April 13 Thomas Ragget and Elionor Roe.¹ John Lyon and Elizabeth Paul. Mr. Thomas Harwell and Margaret Tayte.2 Dr. William Lloyd and Mrs. Anne Jones.3 Mr. Thomas Hall and Susanna Firebrasse.¹ James Tyrrell and Mary Hutchinson." John Bristow and Katherine Chapman. 6 viz., Esther, second dau. and coheir of Gideon Le Lou, Lord of the Manor of Columbiers in Normandy, and widow of James Richer, Lord of Cambernon in the same province. Her will is dated 24 Aug. 1683, she then being ill in the manor house Deschamps, in the parish of Lieury, in France. She left all her estate to her children by her former husband, but directed that her body should be carried to Dorchester, to be buried near her last husband Lord Holles. From docu- ments attached to her will, she appears to have died after 22 June 1684, and letters of administra- tion were granted 23 Dec. in that year. ¹ See his burial 5 Apl. 1679, and hers 17 Mch. 1689-90. 2 The Mar. Lic. (D. and C. Westmr.) is dated 25 Nov. She was baptized at St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 5 Jan. 1642-3, as dau. of Lewis and Margaret Tyte, and was buried there 6 Sep. 1677.-The will of Thomas Harewell, of Westminster. Gent., dated 27 Aug. 1688, was proved 21 Nov. 1690, by the relict Elizabeth. He left books to Worcester Cathedral, where he was educated. 3 The identification in Collectanea of Dr. Lloyd as Bishop of Llandaff, Peterborough, and Norwich, is erroneous. This William Lloyd was son of Richard Lloyd, B.D., Rector of Sonning and Vicar of Tilehurst, co. Berks, by his wife Joan Wickins, and was born at Tilehurst Aug. 1627, being baptized there the 26th of that month. He matriculated at Oxford, from Oricl College 25 Mch. 1639, aged 11, but removed next year to Jesus Coll., and was B.A. Oct. 1642, M.A. at Cambridge 1660, B. and D.D. at Oxford 2 July 1667, and successively rector of Bradfield, co. Berks, Dec. 1654; King's chaplain, 1666; Vicar of St. Mary's, Reading, 9 Jan., and prebendary of Salisbury 6 Feb. 1667-8; Archdeacon of Merioneth, 13 June 1668; Dean of Bangor, 2 May 1672; Vicar of St. Martin in the Fields, 31 Jan. 1676-7; consecrated Bishop of St. Asaph, 3 Oct. 1680; con- firmed Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 20 Oct. 1692; and translated to Worcester, 22 Jan. 1699-1700. He died 30 Aug. 1717, in his 91st year, and was buried 10 Sep. following at Flad- bury, co. Worcester. His wife was eldest dau. of Walter Jones, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 15 July 1672), by his wife Philippa dau. of Dr. Samuel Fell, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, where she was baptized 18 Nov. 1646. She died 17 Sep. 1719. (See her brother's baptism 10 Dec. 1663, and her sister's marriage 7 Feb. 1675-6.) He of Elymore Hall, co. Durham, Gent., and died in 1680, aged 35. She dau. of Sir Henry Firebrace, Kt., Chief Clerk of the Kitchen to Kings Chas. I. and II., by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Davill of Stoke Golding, co. Leicester. She survived her husband 35 years, dying 28 Nov. 1715, aged 74, and was buried in the church of Pittington, co. Durham. The Mar. Lic. (D. and C. Westm.) is dated 5 Jan. 1669-70, and, as the same occurs with reference to the next entry, it is clear that the error is in the Register, and that the date should be a year later. 5 He eldest son of Sir Timothy Tyrrell, of Oakley, co. Bucks. and Shotover, co. Oxon, Kt., by Elizabeth only dau. and heir of the Most Rev. Dr. James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh, and was baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, 14 May 1642. He was admitted to Gray's Inn 7 Jan. 1655-6. He was author of a well known General History of England, and died 7 June 1718. (See his sister's marriage 3 Dec. 1672.) She only dau. and heir of Sir Michael Hutchinson, of Fladbury, co. Worcester, Kt., one of the Body Guard to King Chas. I., by Mary eldest dau. of Sir John Brereton, Kt., and sister of William second Lord Brereton. She died in 1687, and was buried at Oakley. The Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. is dated 18 Jan. 1669-70 (see end of preceding note). Their son and heir, James, became a Lieut.-General in the Army, and was Governor of Gravesend and Tilbury Fort. (This entry is only in the unofficial register mentioned in the Preface).-Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 28 Apl. 1679, for Jenkin Flucllen, of St. Martin in the Fields, Apothecary, bachelor, about 22, and Mary Chapman, of the same parish, spinster, about 17, with consent of her mother Mrs. Katherine Bristow, wife of Mr. John Bristow to marry at Walthamstow, co. Essex. 6 MARRIAGES IN 1669 July 7 Oct. 8 1670 June 22 July 7 167 Aug. 18 Oct. Jan. 1 Mr. Joseph Coling and Christabel Middleton. Mr. John Ditch feild and Mary Griffith.¹ William Richardson and Anne Tingle.2 Mr. George Lane and Thomasin Bromfeild. Mr. Isaac Houblon and Elizabeth King.³ Sir Samuel Morland alias Morly and Carola Harsnet.* Dr. John Wilson and Anne Peniell.5 26 31 16 Mr. Stephen Rolph and Mary Washbourne." 1671 July July 16 Nov. 26 167 Jan. 26 2 Mr. Henry Hemmings and Mary Benson.7 Mr. Arthur Barnardiston and Mary Lloyd.8 1 The Mar. Lic. (D. and C. Westmr.) is dated 18 Oct., and states that they were both single persons. 2 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 19 July 1644, for Anthony Tingle, Gent., bachelor, about 40, and Elizabeth Page, spinster, 25, both of the city of Westminster, to marry at St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street.-Baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 Oct. 1647, Ann dau. of Anthony and Elizabeth Tingle.-Buried, at St. Margaret's, 10 Nov. 1665, Mr. Anthony Tingle, in the church (he died of the Plague). His relict Elizabeth administered to his estate 27 Nov. following. He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, as Sacrist, 27 May 1639, and a license as parish clerk of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 31 July 1663. Dr. Robert Newell, Sub-dean of Westminster, in his Will dated 11 June 1642, mentions his "servant Anthony Tinglc." 3 Mar. Lic. Fac. 16 Aug. 1670, for Isaac Houblon, of St. Mary Woolchurch, London, bachelor. 32, and Elizabeth King, of St. Martin in the Fields, spinster, 21, her parents dead. He was son of James Houblon, the eminent merchant known as the "Father of the Exchange," by his wife Mary Ducane, and was also a merchant. His will, dated 14 Feb. 1701-2, was proved 27 Mch. following. See his brother's marriage 2 Jan. 1671-2. She was youngest dau. and coleir of Henry King (second and youngest son of Henry, Bishop of Chichester) of Chichester, Gent. of the Privy Chamber to K. Chas. II., by Joan dau. of Henry Smith Esq., of Guildford, co. Surrey, and was born before 1653. She died 26 Aug. 1719, and her will, dated 29 Oct. 1717, was proved 1 Sep. 1719. 4 Sce her burial 14 Oct. 1674, and note to burial of Sir Samuel's third wife 24 Feb. 1679-80. 5 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 12 Jan. 1670-1, for John Wilson, widower, about 66, and Anna ´ Penniall, widow, about 50, both of St. Margaret's, Westminster. See his burial 27 Feb. 1673-4, and that of her first husband 13 Jan. 1666-7. 6 Date in Collectanca erroneously 10 Mch. : 7 The unofficial register gives the date as 24 Nov. and says "A wedding their names unknown.”—Married, at St. Martin in the Fields, 12 Dec. 1675, Henry Hemmings and Alicia Newman, both of that parish. 9 He eighth and youngest son of Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston, of Kedington, co. Suffolk, Kt., by Jane dau. of Sir Stephen Soame, of Little Thurlow Hall, same county, Kt. He was a merchant of London, and of Hoxton, Midx., and was buried at Kedington, 7 Jan. 1691-2. Shc a dau. of Sir Richard Lloyd, of Halam, Notts. The record of a hatchment in a Herald Painter's Work Book at the College of Arms establishes the date of her death as about 11 May 1687, and she was buried at Kedington on the 19th. A second wife has been assigned him in the accounts of the family, viz., Mary dau. of Sir Samuel Luke, who is also said to have remarried Samuel Blackerby, Esq. If so (and the fact seems confirmed by the record of another hatchment in the Work Book above mentioned, dated 1 Jan. 1691-2, where the coats-of-arms ordered to be painted are those of Barnardiston impaling Luke) the marriage must have taken place on his death bed. He was a widower at the date of his will, 20 Dec. 1691, for the first. item in it reads. "I give to Mrs. Mary Ellis my intended wife £100." Mary, dau. of Sir Samuel Luke, was baptized at St. Anne, Blackfriars, 27 Jan. 1640-1, and would have been 50 years of age at this time. Le Neve, in his Baronets (MS. Coll. Arm.) says Arthur Barnardiston's second wife was "Mary dau. of Samuel Luke of Woodend, Cople, Beds," without giving him the knightly prefix. It may be doubted, therefore, that she was a daughter of Sir Samuel, but it seems clear that she was a Luke, and widow of an Ellis. She married, first, Simon Middleton, of Hackney, Midx., WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 7 1 167 Jan. 2 Mr. Abraham Houblon and Dorothy Hubart.¹ 1672 April 23 Mr. William Nuttlye and Catharine Fettiplace.2 July 18 18 Mr. Thomas Warre and Elizabeth Newman.3 Sept. 1 Dr. Thomas Willis and Mrs. Elizabeth Collier.4 Esq. (father of Sir Hugh, first Bart.) to whom she was fourth wife. In the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated 6 Apl. 1672, she is called " Mary Luke, of Woodon [Woodend], Beds, spinster, aged about 24, and at her own disposal." She renounced the probate of her husband's will 29 Nov. 1680, and must have subsequently married Ellis, Barnardiston, and Blackerby in succession. She survived the latter and appears to have died about 1 May 1718, on which day a hatchment was ordered, to contain the arms of Blackerby impaling Luke. It has also been stated that this Arthur Barnardiston's daughter Anne was the first wife of Edward Fowler, Bishop of Gloucester. This is an error. He had no daughter of that name, and the Bishop's wife was his cousin, daughter of Arthur Barnardiston, one of Cromwell's Masters in Chancery in 1655, as appears by the inscription on her monument at Hendon, Midx. ¹ He brother of Isaac Houblon (see his marriage 18 Aug. 1670, and note). He was Governor and Director of the Bank of England, and died 11 May, 1722, then of Langley, co. Bucks, in his 83d year. She dau. of Sir Richard Hubert, of Langley, Groom Porter to Kings Chas. I. and II., by Dorothy dau. of John King, Bishop of London, and sister to Henry King, Bishop of Chichester. She was born at Chichester 1642, and was buried 7 July 1703. Their only dau Anne married Henry Temple, first Viscount Palmerston, and was great-grandmother of the late Lord Palmerston. 2 Mar. Lic. Fac. 21 Sept. 1664, for William Nutley, of the Middle Temple, Gent., bachelor, about 36, and Mary Preston, of St. Mary Savoy, widow, to marry at St. Mildred, Poultry.-Mar. Lic. D. and C. Westminster, 22 Apl. 1672. for William Nutley, of the Inner Temple, widower, and Catherine Fettiplace, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow. William Nutley was admitted to the Middle Temple 17 July 1651, as son of William Nutley late of the town of Southampton, Gent., deceased. His will, dated 25 Feb. 1684-5, was proved 21 June 1686, and this wife also died before its date. 3 He eldest son of Thomas Warre, of Swell, co. Somerset, Esq., by Anne dau. of George Speke, of White Lackington, same county, Esq. She dau. of Richard Newman, of Fifehead Magdalen, co. Dorset, Esq., by Anne, eldest dau. of Sir Charles Harbord, Kt.. Surveyor-General. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 13 Sep. 1653. The Mar. Lic. D. and C. West- minster, is dated 22 Apl. preceding. She died before her husband, and was buried in Shepton Beauchamp church, co. Somerset, leaving four children. His will is dated 24 Oct. 1685, and Admon. was granted 26 Jan. following. A second wife, Cicely, survived him. (See marriages of her sisters 15 July 1675 and 6 Jan. 1675-6, and burials of her brother and sister 25 July 1668 and 23 July 1673.) 4 See his burial 18 Nov. 1675. In the unofficial register her name is written Carly. Rightly she was Dame Elizabeth Calley. She was Dr. Willis's second wife, and is mentioned in his will; but his grandson, Browne Willis, the Antiquary, appears to have ignored this marriage, and even her existence, as no record of it or her appears among his accounts of the family. The Biographia Britannica (first Edit. p. 4295), barely mentions her as a Knight's widow, named Elizabeth Cawley." Curiously enough, also, there is no record or tradition of this marriage in the family history of her first husband, as the editor is informed by the present representative of that family. And yet there scems no good reason why the memory of her connection with the most eminent Physician of his age should have been doomed to oblivion. She was the eldest dau. of the Rev. Dr. Matthew Nicholas, Dean of St. Paul's (who died 14 Aug. 1661) by Elizabeth, dau. of William Fowke, of Bulwick, co. Northampton, and was thus nicce to Sir Edward Nicholas, the well known Secretary of State to K. Chas. II. She married, first, Sir William Calley, of Burderop Park, Wilts, who was knighted 23 Nov. 1661. and administered to his estate 24 Jan. 1669-70. After Dr. Willis's death, she remarried, and was third wife to, Sir Thomas Mompesson, of Bathampton, Wilts, Kt., who died 11 June 1701 and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral. She died, his widow, 29 Nov. 1709, in her 75th year, and was buried in Winchester Cathedral. Her brother, the Rev. Dr. John Nicholas, then Prebendary of Winchester, and some time Warden of New College, Oxford, administered to her estate 7 Jan. following. 8 MARRIAGES IN 1672 Sept. 19 Oct. A Wedding: unknown.¹ Dec. 3 Dec. 167 Feb. 22 Mr. John Woorden and Mrs. Lucy Osburne.2 Mr. Charles Blount and Mrs. Elinor Terrill.3 17 Philip Tynchare alias Littleton and Frances Storke.¹ 3 Mr. Henry Clerke and Mrs. Hester De la Fountaine.5 Sir Richard Langly and Mrs. Cicily Ellis.6 March 13 In the unofficial register only. Mar. Lic. Fac. 16 Sep. 1672, for Sir John Ernle, of Bury- town, Wilts, Kt., widower, and Dame Elizabeth Seymour, widow, relict of Charles Lord Seymour, late Baron of Trowbridge, in said county, deceased. This is the only license to be found at either of the three offices, near this date, authorizing the marriage to take place in the Abbey; which is probably a sufficient identification of the parties. He was son of John Ernle of Whetham, co. Wilts, Esq., by Philadelphia dau. of Sir Arthur Hopton of Wytham, co. Somerset, Kt. He was knighted Nov. 1665, became Chancellor of the Exchequer 21 Nov. 1679, which post he retained until the end of the reign of K. James II., and was also of the Privy Council, being sworn 10 May 1676. His will, dated 28 Aug. 1696, was proved 29 Nov. 1698, and he was buried at Calne, co. Wilts. She was eldest dau. of William first Lord Alington, by Elizabeth dau. of Sir Lionel Tollemache, second Bart. of Helmingham, co. Suffolk. By her first husband (to whom she was also second wife) Charles second Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, who died 1665, she was mother of the fifth and sixth Dukes of Somerset. By her second husband she had two daughters. She was buried at Horseheath, co. Cambridge, 30 Oct. 1691. 2 He eldest son of Robert Werden of Leyland, co. Lancaster, and of Cholmeaton, co. Chester, Esq., Major General to K. Jas. II. and Treasurer to Q. Mary, by his first wife Jane Backham of co. Kent. He was created a Baronet 28 Nov. 1672, and D.C.L. at Oxford 22 May 1683. He held various important public appointments, among them that of Secretary to H.R.H. the Duke of York when Lord High Admiral, and was Commissioner of the Customs in the reigns of Kings James II. and William, and Q. Anne. She, his first wife, is only known in the records of the family as a dau. of the Rev. Dr. Osborne, and had no issue. He remarried Mary dau. of William Osborne of Kenyford, co. Devon, Esq., by whom he had issue, but the title became extinct on the death of their son Sir John, second Bart., 13 Feb. 1758. He and both wives were buried at St. Martin in the Fields; Dame Lucy, 7 Feb. 1678-9; Dame Mary, 22 Aug. 1683; and himself 7 Nov. 1716, having died 29 Oct. preceding, in his 77th year. In the register of that parish, as well as in the Oxford record, the surname is invariably Worden. 3 He fourth but second surviving son of Sir Henry Blount, of Tittenhanger, Herts, Kt., by Hester dau. and coheir of Christopher Wasc, of Upper Holloway, Midx., Esq. (and widow of Sir William Manwaring of Chester, Kt.), and was born at Upper Holloway 27 Apl. 1654. He was a man of considerable literary celebrity in his day, but after his wife's death his mind appears to have become somewhat unhinged, and he shot himself on the 28th of July 1693, be- cause, as is alleged, he could not marry her sister, and died from the effects of the wound on the 31st Aug. following. She a sister of James Tyrrell, Esq. (see his marriage 18 Jan. 1668-9, and note), being fourth dau. of the same parents. She was buried in the church of Rolleston, co. Stafford, 27 Feb. 1688-9, but was afterwards removed and interred with her husband at Ridge, co. Herts. 4 In Mar. Lic. D. and C. Westmr. 5 Dec. 1672, he is called only Philip Littleton, and she Frances Stock, both single. See his father's burial 12 May 1673. He was second son. See his own burial 1 July 1686. 5 She probably the youngest daughter of Sir Erasmus De la Fontaine of Kirby-Bellars, co. Leicester, Kt., by his second wife Mary eldest dau. of Sir Edward Noel first Viscount Campden. She is named in her father's will, dated 5 Oct. 1671, with a codicil 13 Mch. 1671-2, and proved 28 Mch. 1672, and was then unmarried. 6 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 8 Mch. 1672-3, for Richard Langley of Bcxwells, co. Essex, Gent., bachelor, aged 28, and Mrs. Cecill Ellis, of St. Martin in the Fields, spinster, aged 18, with her mother's consent. He was knighted 5 Mch. 1672-3, as son of Alderman Langley of London. His will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, dated 8 Feb. 1677-8, was proved 30 Oct. following, by his friend Thomas Francis of the same parish. He left all his estates in Mold, co. Flint, and in WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 9 1673 April 30 April 30 May 15 June 12 Mr. Thomas Skipwith and Elizabeth Maddison.¹ Sir John Williams and Susanna Skipwith.2 George Cottey and Elizabeth Morfey.3 Thomas Alderne and Elizabeth Honeywood.4 the island of Jamaica, to his father, John Langley, Esq., and his wife is not mentioned. She was only dau. of Andrew Ellis of Alrey, co. Flint, Esq., by Frances second and youngest dau. and coheir of James Fiennes, second Viscount Say and Sele, and remarried William Fiennes, Esq., elder brother of Lawrence fifth Viscount, whom she also survived. She died, without issue, at Bath, 22 July 1715, in her 58th year, and was buried at Broughton, co. Oxford. Her Christian name, according to all the records, was Cecill, and she so signed her will. Her first husband appears not to have been officially recognised as a knight, not having paid the customary fees, and she is not called "Lady" either in her will or the probate. ¹ He son of Edward Skipwith, of Gosberton and Grantham, co. Lincoln, Esq., by Elizabeth dau. of Sir John Hatcher, of Careby (erroneously called Coteby in the Baronetages), co. Lincoln, Kt., who were married at Careby 18 May 1617. He was knighted 29 May 1673, made a Serjeant at Law 21 Apl. 1675, and created a Baronet, as of Metheringham, co. Lincoln, 27 July 1678. He died at his house in Lincoln's Inn Fields 2 June 1694, and was buried at Upminster, co. Essex, with his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Ralph Latham, Esq., of that place. (See his daughter's marriage next following, and the burial of his son's wife 8 Jan. 1741-2). She dau. of Sir John Rea, of London and of Richmond, co. Surrey, Kt., and relict of Edward Maddison of Caistor, co. Lincoln, Esq., where he was buried 30 Mch. 1672. She survived her second husband, and was buried at Caistor aforesaid 19 Mch. 1697-8. 2 The Baronetages call this Sir John Williams son of Sir John Williams who was created a Baronet 22 Apl. 1642, as of Minster, Isle of Thanet, co. Kent; but this is an error. Sir John Williams of Minster died a bachelor, 27 Feb. 1668-9, and is so described in the record of administration, which also says that he died in the Inner Temple. His brother, Sir Edmund Williams, was also created a Baronet, 19 Apl. 1642, and married Mary, fourth dau. of Sir John Beaumont, first Bart. of Grace Dieu, co. Leicester, who afterwards remarried John Tasburgh, Esq. Sir John Williams of this entry was the only issue of that marriage, and was baptized at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 11 Sep. 1642. He succeeded his father as second Bart. of Marnhull, on his death in 1644. He succeeded also to Minster Court, the estate of his uncle, and was his administrator. He died in St. Martin in the Fields, and his wife administered to his estate 22 Nov. 1680. She was dau. of Sir Thomas Skipwith by bis first wife (see preceding entry and note), and, if the reports of the day are to be accepted, one of the favourites of the Duke of York. See her burial 26 Sep. 1689. Her will, dated 15 Sep., was first proved by her father, 13 Jan. 1689-90, and afterwards, 7 Jan. 1692-3, by her two daughters, Mary, then wife of Charles Petty, Baron Shelburne (in Ireland), and Susanna, then unmarried, but for the burial of whose husband see 28 Feb. 1716-7. 3 Mar. Lic. D. & C. Westmr., dated the preceding day, gives the names only. His will, dated 13 Aug. 1691, was proved the 27th of the same month by his relict Elizabeth. He is called of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Tallow Chandler, and bequeaths the lease of his four houses in Tuthill Fields to his wife for life, with remainder to her son John Morfee (indicating her previous marriage), remainder to his own brother Thomas Cottie, and his sisters Mildred Cottie and Hannah Wolfe. 4 His monument in Hereford Cathedral states that he was thrice married, and names this lady as his first wife. She was dau. of Sir Edward Honywood, Kt. and first Bart. of Evington, Kent, by Elizabeth dau. of Sir John Maynard, of Tooting, Surrey, Kt. His second Mar. Lic. (Vic. Gen.) is dated 11 Aug. 1675 (the lady named being Elinor Guise), and he is described as then of St. Martin in the Fields, Citizen and Draper of London, widower, about 25. It is probable, therefore, that an entry in the burial register of that parish, under the date of 2 July 1674, viz., " Alder, woman," refers to this Elizabeth, his first wife. He became Mayor of Hereford, 1696, and, dying 3 Oct. 1717, in his 68th year, was buried in the Cathedral. (See her brother's marriage 15 July 1675.) C 10 MARRIAGES IN 1673 July 29 Aug. 7 29 Craven Howard, Esq., and Anne Ogle.¹ John Upton and Joanna Meggs.2 Aug. 12 12 Richard How and Elizabeth Thinne.³ Aug. 14 Aug. 17 Dr. Stephen Luddington and Anne Delingham.* John Tilliard and Margaret Stansbye. Dec. 9 Joseph Embry and Barbara Sims. Dec. 25 William Turney and Mary Thacker.5 1 He only son and heir of William Howard (fourth son of Thomas first Earl of Berkshire) by Elizabeth dau. of Lothiel, Lord Dundas. She dau. of Thomas Ogle of Pinchbeck, co. Lincoln, Esq., by Anne dau. of Sir John Read of Wrangle, same county, Kt., and was Maid of Honour to Queen Katharine. See her burial 8 July, 1682. Evelyn calls this a clandestine marriage, stigmatizes her as an ancient maid," and intimates that she exerted an unhappy influence over her husband. Their only dau. Anne died unmarried. He remarried (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 30 May 1683) Mary, dau. and heir of George Bowes of Elford, co. Stafford, Esq., and their son Henry- Bowes succeeded as fourth Earl of Berkshire. Craven Howard died 7 June 1700, and was buried at Elford aforesaid, (See the marriage of his sister 13 Nov. 1677, and burial of another, viz., Mrs. Graham, 17 Dec. 1701.) 2 He second son of John Upton of Lupton, co. Devon, Esq., by Dorothy dau. of Sir Anthony Rouse of Halton, co. Cornwall, Kt., and was a merchant in London. He married, first, Elizabeth dau, of John Bence, of London, by whom he had only one daughter, and, secondly, Jane, dau. of Sir John Lytcot of Moulsey, co. Surrey, Kt., by whom he had four sons and three daus., and who was buried at Stoke Newington, Midx., 8 Aug. 1672, where he was also buried 10 Dec. 1689, aged about 73. She, his third wife, was dau. of a Mr. Stow, of Canterbury, and married, first, a Mr. Agar, and, secondly (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 24 Nov. 1666) the Rev. Dr. James Meggs, rector of Newington, co. Surrey, and of Theydon Garnon, co. Essex, who died 22 Jan. 1672-3, and was buried at Theydon Garnon. She survived her third husband, and was buried with him, at Stoke Newington, 4 Oct. 1713. See the burial of her sister, Mrs. Gibbs, 12 Dec. 1710. 3 He only son of Sir Richard Howe, second Bart. of Compton, by Anne dau, of Dr. John King, Bishop of London, and relict of John Dutton of Sherborne, co. Gloucester, Esq. In the Mar. Lic. he is called of Grobham, Wilts, bachelor, aged about 22. He was M.P. for Wilts, succeeded as third Bart. in 1703, and died, without issue, 3 July 1730. She is erroneously called "Elizabeth" in the Abbey Register. Her name was Mary, and is so given in the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated 11 Aug. 1673, in which she is described as of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, spinster, about 18. She was eldest dau. of Sir Henry Frederick Thynne, first Bart. of Kempsford, by Mary dau. of Thomas first Lord Coventry, and therefore sister to Thomas first Viscount Weymouth. She died 5 Sep. 1735, and her will, as Dame Mary Howe, was proved 22 Nov. following. See her sister's marriage, 3 Dec. 1674. 4 He cldest son of Rev. Stephen Lodington, Rector of Leadenham, co. Lincoln, by his wife Susanna Leedall, and was baptized at Leadenham 22 July 1610. He became Rector of Carlton Scroope, in that county, as carly as 1640, and was collated to the Archdeaconry of Stow, 14 Nov. 1641, both of which preferments he held until his death, as he did also the rectory of Potter Hanworth, in the same county, to which he was instituted 18 July 1663. He was also collated to a Prebend of Lincoln, 15 Nov. 1641, which he resigned 7 May 1674, in favour of his only surviving son. He was created S. T. P. at Cambridge, by the King's command, in 1661. He died the 7th and was buried 10 Feb. 1676-7, at Carlton Scroope, and not in Lincoln Cathedral, as is sometimes erroneously stated. She was his second wife, and he her third husband. She was the youngest dau. and coheir of Thomas Streatfeild, of Shorehamn, co. Kent, Esq., by Frances dau. of John Reeves, of London, Esq., and had previously been the wife of, first, William Stanley, of the Middle Temple, Esq., and secondly, of the Rev. Samuel Dillingham. She appears to have survived her last husband. (See the marriage of his daughter, 27 May 1680; and, per- haps, of his brother, 20 Apl. 1680.) 5 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 22 Dec. 1673, for William Turney, of St. George's, Southwark, Gent. bachelor, about 22, and Mrs. Mary Thacker, spinster, aged 17, with consent of her father, Gilbert Thacker, of the same parish, Milliner, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 11 1673 Dec. 27 167 Jan. 27 March 3 1674 July 14 Dec. 3 Dec. 22 Charles Lord Cornwallis and Elizabeth Fox.¹ Nicholas Johnson and Dorothea Maplesden.2 Charles Brett and Mary Jefferson.³ Christopher Hatton and Elizabeth Buck.4 John Louder, Esq., and Katherine Thinne.5 Bartho: Woolse and Anne Cooke.6 ¹ Charles, third Lord Cornwallis, third but eldest surviving son of Charles, second Lord, by Margaret dau. of Thomas Playsted, Esq. He was baptized 28 Dec. 1655, died 29 Apl. 1698, and was buried at Brome, co. Suffolk. See burial of his brother 17 Feb. 1682-3. She eldest dau. of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt., by his first wife Elizabeth, dau. of William Whittle of co. Lancaster, Esq., and died at Tunbridge Wells, 1682. See burials of their children, 9 May 1679 and 30 May 1680. See also burials of her brothers 17 Nov. 1667, 20 Oct. 1669, 28 Oct. 1675, 21 Nov. 1677, and 23 April 1680, and of her uncle 23 Nov. 1691; also of Lord Cornwallis's children by his second wife, 25 July 1690 and 27 May 1693. 2 Probably the Nicholas Johnson buried 21 Apl. 1682, and she his second wife, buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 Apl. 1675. Letters of administration were granted, 4 July 1688, on the estate of Dorothy Johnson alias Maplesden, late of St. Martin in the Fields, to Isabella Snelling, spinster, niece by sister and next of kin to deceased. She was dau. of Peter Maplisden, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., whose will was dated 12 Jan. and proved 17 Feb. 1671-2, and who was evidently of the Kentish family of that name. 3 He only son of Major General Brett, of Rotherby, co. Leicester, sometime Governor of the Isle of Wight, by Frances dau. of Sir Henry Neville, of Billingbeere, co. Berks, Kt., and relict of Sir Richard Worseley, first Bart. of Appuldercombe. He had been previously married to Anne, dau. of Sir Ambrose Browne, first Bart. of Beechworth Castle, co. Surrey, by whom he had a daughter who died young. (In the publication of their marriage at St. Bride's, Fleet Street, she is called Mrs. Ann Leeds, and was probably a widow.) He was a Gentleman Pensioner in Ordi- nary, and died the 24th and was buried 27 May 1682, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, aged 50 years and 4 months. A tablet to his memory has been removed from its original position in the chancel, and is now on the wall of the vestibule of that church. Mary, his second wife, was dau. of Col. John Jeaffreson, of Dullingham, co. Cambridge. In the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated the day of the marriage, her age is given as 23 years. She survived her husband, and remarried, but died before 30 June 1703, as on that day letters of Administration de bonis non were granted to Christopher Jeaffreson, of Dullingham, Esq., on the estate of said Charles Brett, his relict and executrix, Mary Morgan alias Brett, being also deceased. 4 He third and youngest son of Sir Thomas Hatton, first Bart. of Long Stanton, co. Cambridge, by Mary dau, of Sir Giles Alington, of Horseheath, co. Cambridge, Kt. He was of the Middle Temple, and aged about 23 at his marriage. He subsequently succeeded his two nephews as fifth Bart., and died Oct. 1720. She eldest dau. of Thomas Buck of Westwick, co. Cambridge, Esq., by his first wife, Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Lovering, of the city of Norwich. In the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated 15 June 1674, she is called a spinster, aged about 20, and was to marry with her father's consent. She died July 1710. He was nephew to Sir Christopher Hatton buried 11 Sep. 1619. 5 He eldest son of Col. John Lowther, of Lowther, co. Westmoreland, by his first wife Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Bellingham, first Bart. of Hilsington, and was born at Hackthorp Hall, in Lowther, in 1655. He succeeded to the (Nova Scotia) Baronetcy in 1675, and was created Viscount Lonsdale 28 May 1696. He died 10 July 1700, aged 45 years 2 months and 18 days, and was buried at Lowther. (See his sister's burial 23 Oct. 1724.) She second and youngest dau. of Sir Henry Frederick Thynne, first Bart. of Kempsford, by Mary dau. of Thomas first Lord Coventry, and was born at Caus Castle, in Shropshire, 21 Sep. 1653. Her will, dated 30 Sep. 1711, was proved 25 June 1713. See her sister's marriage 12 Aug. 1673. His name is erroneously Woolseby in Collectanea, and the unofficial register gives it as Woolfe.-Letters of Administration on the estate of Bartholomew Woolfe, of St. Andrew Hubbard, London, were granted, 1 Oct. 1720, to the relict Susan, perhaps a second wife, 12 MARRIAGES IN 1674 Feb. 16 March 4 1675 April 22 Edward Kennet and Frances Taylor.¹ Henry Mounsen and Elizabeth Cheyney.2 Brian Fairfax and Charlotte Cary.³ Thomas Weedon and Grace Russell.4 April 24 April 29 Edward Ellis and Elizabeth Guppy.5 July 15 Nov. 2 167 Jan. 6 Sir William Honeywood and Anne-Christian Newman.6 Walter Vanbright and Rebecca Cooper." John Oxenham and Frances Newman.8 ¹ Edward Kennett was one of the Grooms or Messengers of the Great Chamber in 1692. (He survived his wife, and had license from the Faculty Office, 11 May 1692, to remarry Susanna Furnes, widow, both being of St. Margaret's, Westminster.) She dau. of Richard Taylor, of Westminster, Gent., by Eusebia Seymour his wife, who were married at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 1 Nov. 1638. She was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 July 1691. 2 He eldest surviving son of Sir John Monson, K.B., by Judith, eldest dau. of Sir Thomas Pelham, second Bart. of Laughton. He was baptized at Burton, co. Lincoln 17 Sep. 1653, suc- ceeded his grandfather as third Bart. of Carlton 29 Dec. 1683, was M.P. for the city of Lincoln in three successive Parliaments, died without issue the 6th, and was buried at South Carlton, co. Lincoln 18 Apl. 1718. She dau. of Charles Cheyne, first Viscount Newhaven, by his first wife Lady Jane Cavendish, eldest surviving dau. of William first Duke of Newcastle. She was baptized at Chelsea, co. Midx., 18 May 1656, survived her husband, and, dying the 20th, was buried with him 29 Apl. 1725, at South Carlton. ⁹ He third but second surviving son of the Hon. and Rev. Henry Fairfax (fourth but second surviving son of Thomas first Baron Fairfax of Cameron), rector of Bolton Percy, co. York, by Mary dau. of Sir Henry Cholmley, and was born at Newton Kyme, co. York, 6 Oct. 1633. He was M.A. of Oxford 28 Sep. 1663, and created D.C.L. there 6 Aug. 1677. He was Equerry to K. Chas. II., and sometime Secretary to Archbishop Tillotson, and died 20 Sept. 1711. She only dau. and heir of Sir Edmund Cary, Kt. (great-grandson of the first Lord Hunsdon), by Anne dau. of Sir Charles Gerard, of Halsall, co. Lancaster, Kt. She died 14 Nov. 1709. 4 Thomas Weedon, Esq., was one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II. in 1682.-Frances, wife of Thomas Weeden, Esq., was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 4 Jan. 1668-9.-The will of Grace Weedon, of the City of Dublin, widow, dated 7 June 1731, was proved 8 Aug. 1735.—The will of another Grace Weedon, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., widow, dated 4 Mch. 1739-40, was proved 10 Sep. 1745. 5 See his burial 27 Nov. 1688, and his son's 14 Oct. 1720. This entry is in the unofficial register only. 6 He son of Sir Edward Honywood, first Bart. of Evington, by Elizabeth dau. of Sir John Maynard, of Tooting, co. Surrey, Kt. He was second Bart., died 8 June 1748, in his 94th year, and was buried at Elmstead, co. Kent. (See his sister's marriage 12 June 1673). She dau. of Richard Newman of Fifehead Magdalen, co. Dorset, Esq., by Anne eldest dau. of Sir Charles Harbord, Kt. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 3 Sep. 1657, died 26 Oct. 1736, and was buried at Elmstead. See marriages of her sisters 18 July 1672 and 6 Jan. 1675-6, and burials of her brother and sister 25 July 1668 and 23 July 1673. 7 In the Mar. Lic. D. and C. Westmr. dated 1 Nov. 1675, he is called a widower and she a spinster, both of St. Margaret's, Westminster. She appears not to have lived very long, as he had another license, from the Vicar General, 22 Apl. 1680, his age then being 54, to marry Mrs. Elizabeth Cotter, also of St. Margaret's, a widow, aged 42. They were also to marry in the Abbey, but no record of the marriage occurs in the register. In this second marriage license his name is spelled Vanbracht, and he is called "Esquire." Esquire." He died at sea, on board the ship Gloucester, and administration was granted on his estate, 16 June 1682, to his relict Elizabeth. On the 27th Sept. 1687 administration was granted on her estate to her dau. Elizabeth Cotter (who then also administered de bonis non to her step-father), and she was described as late of St. Ann's, Westminster, but died at Stepney, co. Midx. (This entry is in the unofficial register only.) • See his burial 18 Oct. 1680. She youngest dau, of Richard Newman of Fifehead Magdalen, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 13 167 Feb. 7 Benjamin Marshall and Elizabeth Jones.¹ March 27 June 1 June 22 Aug. 31 Nov. Nov. Sir John Brownlowe and Alice Sherard.2 Edward Mitton and Elizabeth Gwinne.s John Newton and Abigail Heningham.4 Edmund Pipe and Elizabeth Ryall.5 Sir Samuel Moreland and Mrs. Anne Fielding." 22 Sir Richard Gibbs and Elizabeth Poolly." co. Dorset, Esq., by Anne eldest dau. of Sir Charles Harbord, Kt., and was baptized at St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, 8 July 1659. She administered on her husband's estate 8 June 1681, having already remarried Edward Scott, Esq., and both were still living in Sep. 1695, the date of her father's will. Sec burials of a son by each of her husbands, 28 June 1699, and marriages of her sisters, 18 July 1672 and 15 July 1675; also burials of her brother and sister, 25 July 1668 and 23 July 1673. ¹ Ile a Citizen and Fishmonger of London, of the parish of St. Mary Aldermanbury. His will, dated 20 Feb., was proved 5 May 1699. She youngest dau. of Rev. Dr. Walter Jones, Pre- bendary and Sub-dean of Westminster (see his burial 15 July 1672), by Philippa dau. of Dr. Samuel Fell, Dean of Christ-Church, Oxford. She died before her husband, leaving issue Anne, Benjamin, and Richard. Another son, John, was living at the date of her mother's will, 20 Sep. 1678, but is not named in that of. her husband. See her brother's baptism 10 Dec. 1663, and her sister's marriage 3 Dec. 1668. 2 Hc, eldest son of Sir Richard Brownlow, second Bart. of Humby, by Elizabeth dau. of John Freke of Cerne Abbas, co. Dorset, Esq., was born 26 June and baptized, at Rippingale, co. Lincoln, 6 July 1659. He succeeded as third Bart., on the death of his father, 3 Aug. 1668, married in his 17th year, and died, without male issue, 16 July 1697. She eldest dau. of Richard Sherard of Lobthorpe, co. Lincoln, Esq. (father of the first Baronet of that name and place), by Margaret dau. of Lumley Dewe, of Upton Bishop, co. Hereford, Esq. She survived her husband, and her will was proved in 1721. Their four daus. and coheirs married, respectively, Peregrine second Duke of Ancaster, Johu sixth Earl of Exeter, Francis second Lord Guilford, and John Viscount Tyrconnel. 3 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 22 May 1676: he of St. Olave's, Southwark. Citizen and Embroiderer, bachelor, aged 28; she of St. Dunstan in the West, spinster, aged 23. her parents dead. The names are there given Mytton and Gwin: in the unofficial register they are Mytton and Gwyn. • He eldest surviving son of Sir John Newton second Bart. of Barr's Court, by Mary dau. of Sir Gervase Eyre of Rampton, co. Notts, Kt., and succeeded as third Bart. on the death of his father, 31 May 1699. She dau. of William Heveningham, of Heveningham, co. Suffolk, Esq., by Mary only surviving dau. and heir of John Cary second Earl of Dover. She died 11 May 1686, in her 26th year, and was buried at Haydor, co. Lincoln. He remarried, at St. Giles in the Fields, 23 Mch. 1690-1, Susanna, dau. of Michael Warton of Beverley, co. York, Esq., and fourth wife and relict of Sir John Bright of Badsworth, co. York, Bart., who survived him. He died 12 Feb. 1733-4, aged 83, and was buried at Haydor. Sce burial of their grandchild, 30 Mch. 1703. 5 Edmund Pipes, Gent. (so called in his marriage license) was Clerk of the Kitchen to the College, but was removed from that office, 15 Jan. 1683-4, on account of certain defalcations. The Chapter Book also states, 10 Jan. 1686-7, complaints of “several tradesmen from whom he had taken up goods for the College, and had not paid them money given him for that purpose." She was his third wife (see burials of his first and second, 6 Apl. 1665, and 18 June 1676). This entry is in the unofficial register only. (See also a baptism 11 Dec. 1666, and burials 7 Aug. 1667, 11 Mch. 1678-9, and 20 Feb. 1680-1.) A dau. evidently of this marriage, named Ryall, was baptized at Drypool, co. York, 12 Mch. 1692-3, but the name docs not occur again in that register. 6 See her burial 24 Feb. 1679-80, and note thereto. 7 Sir Richard Gipps, of Horningsheath, co. Suffolk, knighted 20 Oct. 1676, died 28 Sep. 1681, aged 36, and was buried at Horningsheath. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Edmund Poley, of Badley, co. Suffolk, Kt., by Esther, dau. of Sir Henry Crofts, of Little Saxham, co. Suffolk, Kt., died 11 Nov. 1715, and was also buried at Horningsheath. On her monument her age is stated as 67, but in her marriage license (Vic. Gen. 11 Nov. 1676) she is said to be then about 22. 14 MARRIAGES IN 1676 Dec. 16 Dec. 28 1679 March 8 1677 May 1 22 July 22 William North and Elizabeth [blank.]¹ A couple married by Dr. North.2 Sir Edward Pickring and Philadelphia Dawning.3 Martin Foster and Katherin Washington.* Mr. Ashburnham and Mrs. Vaughan.5 1 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 13 Mch. 1675-6, for William North of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, mariner, a bachelor, aged about 23, and Elizabeth Stone, of Oxted, co. Kent, spinster, about 18, with consent of her father, Thomas Stone, yeoman to marry at Oxted. But there is perhaps too great a discrepancy in dates, and it is possible that this William North was a relative of the Rev. Dr. John North, mentioned in the next entry (fourth son of Dudley, fourth Lord North), who was then a Prebendary of Westminster, and died Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1682. (This entry is in the unofficial register only.) : 2 (In the unofficial register only). Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 23 Dec. 1676, for Timothy Puller, of Sacombe, Herts, D.D., bachelor, about 38, and Mrs. Alice Codrington, of Kingston, Surrey, spinster, about 25 to marry at Henry 7ths Chapel, Westminster. This seems sufficiently to identify the "couple" whose names were unknown to the scribe 200 years ago. Timothy Puller, son and heir of Isaac Puller of Hertford, Herts, Esq., by his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Gabriel Barbor of Hertford, was admitted to Gray's Inn 12 Feb. 1657-8, but appears afterwards of Jesus College, Cambridge, A.M. 1660, S.T.B. 1667, and S.T.P. 1673. He became Rector of Sacombe 11 July 1671, and of St. Mary-le-Bow, London, 23 Sep. 1679, and held both livings until his death. His will, dated 9 Oct. 1693, was proved 23 Jan. following. Anthony Wood says that he died in Nov. 1693, and was buried in the church of St. Mary-le-Bow. His wife was the only child of William Codrington, of St. Gregory's, London, citizen and draper, by Mary dau. of William Haslefoot, of St. John Zachary, London, Gent. She survived her husband, as did also two sons and two daughters. 3 Rightly Sir Henry Pickering, only son of Sir Henry Pickering, first Bart. of Whaddon, co. Cambridge, by Elizabeth dau. of Sir Thomas Viner, first Bart., Lord Mayor of London in 1653. He succeeded to the baronetcy, on the death of his father, 4 Mch. 1667-8. She, his first wife, was second dau. of Sir George Downing, first Bart. of East Hatley, co. Cambridge, by Frances fourth dau. of Sir William Howard, and sister of Charles first Earl of Carlisle. (See her sister's mar- riage 16 Feb. 1685-6.) A daughter of this marriage, named Elizabeth, was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 Nov. 1679. The mother probably died at Barbadoes, where Sir Henry was living at the date of his mother's will, 1693, with a second wife, Grace Sylvester, of that island, and where he also died. His will, dated 15 Apl., was proved 27 Oct. 1705. His remains were brought to this country and buried at Whaddon. The baronetcy evidently became extinct at his death. 4 He held, in 1673, the place of Comptroller of the Customs at Newcastle-on-Tyne, when he petitioned the Government for the reversion of the same in behalf of his brother George. He was buried, as "Captain Foster," at St. Martin in the Fields, 25 Mch. 1678, and in the record of ad- ministration on his estate, 8 Apl. following, he is called of that parish, and "Esq"." The name is sometimes written Forster. She was one of the four daus. and coheirs of Col. Henry Wash- ington (eldest son of Sir William Washington, Kt., by Anne Villiers, half sister of George first Duke of Buckingham), by Elizabeth dau. of Sir John Pakington first Bart. There was one dau., Catharine, of this marriage. Mrs. Foster remarried (Mar. Lic. Fac. 9 Mch. 1686-7), being then about 27 years of age, Barnabas Tonstall, of the Middle Temple, Esq., son and heir of the Rev. Frederick Tonstall, of Edgcombe, co. Surrey, and was living 24 Dec. 1698. The documentary evidence connected with her history establishes the fact that her father had no male issue (at least, surviving), and therefore destroys the theory that he may have been the ancestor of the first American President. 5 John Ashburnham, son and heir of William Ashburnham, of Ashburnham, co. Sussex, Esq., by Elizabeth youngest dau. of John first Lord Poulett of Hinton St. George: he was born at Chiswick, Midx., 15 Jan. 1655-6, and was created Baron Ashburnham 20 May 1689. He died 21 Jan. and was buried at Ashburnham 1 Feb. 1709-10. Bridget, only dau. and heir of Walter Vaughan, of Porthammel House, co. Brecon, Esq. she died 12 May 1719, in her 59th year, and was buried the 19th at Ashburnham. They were parents of the first Earl of Ashburnham. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 15 1677 Aug. 30 Nov. 13 Nov. 17 Dec. (-) 1678 April 16 April 25 July 9 Edmund Clark and Ellen Oldfield. Sir Gabriell Sylvius and Mrs. Anne Howard.¹ James Chase and Elizabeth Box.2 Thomas Letchmore and Jane Blagrave.3 Michael Foster and Rebecca Blagrave.¹ 4 Thomas Bilson and Susan Legg.5 Sir Thomas Beckford and Mary Eversfield. 1 Sir Gabriel de Sylvius had been Carver to the Queen, was knighted 28 Jan. 1669-70, and was afterwards Resident at the Hague. In 1669 he married a dau. of Charles Peliott, Baron de la Garde, who was one of the Dressers to the Queen, and died in 1673. Anne Howard, his second wife, was dau. of William Howard (fourth son of Thomas first Earl of Berkshire) by Elizabeth dau. of Lothiel, Lord Dundas, and was one of the Maids of Honour to the Queen. Evelyn pleasantly notices this marriage. In the Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond., dated the previous day, her age is given as about 21, and Sir Gabriel's about 40. (A note in the Camden Society's volume of Wills from Doctors' Commons erroneously says this marriage took place at St. Martin in the Fields.) Sir Gabriel's will, dated 31 Dec. 1696, was proved 15 Feb. following by the relict Dame Anne, to whom he left all his estate "in Chattoe Galliare in Province" and elsewhere in France. He died at his house in Leicester Fields, and was buried 14 Jan. 1696-7 at St. Martin in the Fields. She survived him, and, dying 13 Oct. 1730, was buried in the same church the 26th of that month. See the marriage of her brother, 29 July 1673, and burial of her sister, 17 Dec. 1701. 2 He son of John Chase, Esq., of Marlow, Bucks, Apothecary to K. Chas. II.. by Elizabeth dau. of the Rev. Thomas Soame, D.D., Canon of Windsor. In the Visitation of London. 1687, he is also called " Apothecary to the King's Royal Person." He was afterwards M.P. for Marlow for 20 years. He died 23 June 1721, æt. 72, and was buried at Little Marlow. She second and youngest dau. of Sir Ralph Box, of London, Kt., by Elizabeth dau. of Philip Jermyn, Esq., Serjeant at Law. She died 28 Sep. 1736, æt. 77, and was also buried at Little Marlow. 3 Thomas Lechmere was admitted to the Middle Temple. 13 Feb. 1670-1, as son and heir of Thomas Lechmere of London, Gent., deceased. In the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen.. which is dated 24 Dec., he is called a bachelor, aged about 26, and described as of the Middle Temple, Esq. He survived his wife, and was buried in the Temple Church 1 Nov. 1703. She was eldest dau. of Thomas Blagrave, Citizen and Vintner of London, sometimes called Captain Blagrave in the parish register of St. Christopher le Stocks, where he was a resident, by his first wife Jane, dau. of Owen Taylor, of Upper Wych, co. Chester, who was buried in that church 6 May 1683. (Capt. Blagrave, according to his will, held the Crown Tavern in Threadneedle Street. and other property at Isleworth, Midx., and Caversham, co. Oxford. For an interesting notice of him and the Crown Tavern, see Burn's London Tradesmen's Tokens, p. 190. He was buried at St. Christo- pher's 17 Sep. 1693.) There were two sons and two daus. of this marriage, and Mrs. Lechmere was buried at St. Christopher's 9 Dec. 1684. 4 Sce a marriage 24 Aug. 1681. The unofficial register gives his name as "Forster." 5 He son of Leonard Bilson, of Maple Durham, Hants, Esq. (see his baptism 5 Dec. 1616, and note) by Eleanor eldest dau. of Sir William Lewis. Bart., of Llangorse, co. Brecon. He was grandson of Sir Thomas Bilson, Kt., and great grandson of Thomas Bilson. Bishop of Winchester (see his burial 18 June 1616). She second and youngest dau. of Col. William Legge. Groom of the Bedchamber to King Chas. I., by Elizabeth dau. of Sir William Washington, Kt., and was sister of George, first Lord Dartmouth. In the marriage license she is called Susannah. She survived her issue, two sons and a daughter, and was living in 1715. 6 He son of Peter Beckford, of Maidenhead, co. Berks, where born. He was Alderman of London, Sheriff in 1677, and knighted 29 Oct. that year. His will, dated 10 Aug., was proved 1 Oct. 1685. She dau. of William Thomas of Folkington, co. Sussex, Esq., by Katherine dau. of George Rose of Eastergate near Chichester, and of Woodman Court, co. Sussex, Esq., and was sister of Sir William Thomas of Folkington, Bart. She was baptized at West Dean, co. Sussex, 3 Mch. 1645-6. She married, first (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 16 May 1665), then about 19 years of age, John Eversfield of Horsham, co. Sussex, Esq. (see their daughter's marriage 10 Feb. 1680-1). After Sir Thomas Beckford's death she remarried (Mar. Lic. Fac. 30 Sep. 1686), Corbett Hene, of St. Martin in the Fields, Gent. Surviving him also, she married, fourthly, Sir Henry Fermor, Bart., of Welches, co. Sussex, and died before 1732. 16 MARRIAGES IN 1678 July 25 July 30 Dec. 31 1678 Jan. 9 Jan. Jan. 14 Jan. 19 Peter Dalton and Mary Dominick.¹ Robert Lord Willoughby, son to the Earl of Lindsey, and Mrs. Mary Winne.2 Michael Bedolph and Mary Whitley.3 William Willys and Katharine Evelyn.¹ Sir Ralph Dutton and Mrs. Mary Barwick.5 Mr. John Cotton and Mrs. Elizabeth Sheldon." Mr. John Manly and Mrs. Anne Grosse." ¹ Among the marriages in the Fleet Registers is one, 23 Mch. 1711-12, of Dominick Dalton, a gent. in the Lord Orkney's regiment, bachelor, and Elizabeth Collet, of St. Giles in the Fields, spinster. 2 Robert Bertie, eldest son of Robert third Earl of Lindsey, by his second wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Philip fourth Lord Wharton. He succeeded as fourth Earl on his father's death, 8 May 1701, was created Marquis of Lindsey 29 Dec. 1706, and Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven 20 July 1715. He was born 20 Oct. 1660, died 26 July 1723, and was buried at Edenham, co. Lincoln. Mary, only dau. and heiress of Sir Richard Wynne, fourth Bart. of Gwedir, by Sarah dau. of Sir Thomas Myddelton, first Bart. of Chirk Castle, co. Denbigh. She died 20 Sep. 1689. She was Lord Willoughby's first wife. Their second son, Peregrine, succeeded as Duke of Ancaster. ³ He eldest son of Sir Theophilus Biddulph, Kt. and first Bart. of Westcombe (Greenwich), co. Kent, by Susanna dau. of Zachary Highlord, Alderman of London. According to the Mar. Lic. Fac., dated the previous day, his age was 24. He succeeded as second Bart. on his father's death in April 1683. She his first wife, dau. of Col. Roger Whitley, then of St. Helen's, London, afterwards of Peele co. Chester, by Charlotte dau. of Sir Charles Gerard of Halsall, co. Lancaster, Kt. (see her burial 18 Oct. 1662). The Mar. Lic. gives her age as 20. See her burial 15 Scp. 1689, and note. Sir Michael remarried Elizabeth dau. of William D'Oyley, Esq. (who survived him), and is said to have died 20 Apl. 1718, but his will was not proved until 26 May 1719 4 He fourth but third surviving son of Sir Thomas Willys, first Bart. of Fen Ditton, co. Cam- bridge, by Anne eldest dau. and coheir of Sir John Wilde, of Canterbury, Kt. He was of London, a Hamburg merchant, and was buried at Fen Ditton 9 Aug. 1706, aged about 67. She his second wife, dau. of Robert Gore, of Garlick Hithe, Merchant of London, and of Chelsea. She was first married, at St. Luke's, Chelsea, 19 Dec. 1667 (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 16 Dec.), then aged about 19, to George Evelyn, eldest son of George Evelyn of Wotton, co. Surrey, Esq., who died in 1676. She died 20 Aug. 1720, and was buried at Nackington, co. Kent. Their sons, Thomas and William, owing to the failure of male issue in the elder branches of the family, became succes- sively fifth and sixth Barts. of Fen Ditton, and on the death of the latter, unmarried, 14 Apl. 1732, the baronetcy became extinct. 5 He younger son of Sir Ralph Dutton, Gent. of the Privy Chamber Extraordinary to K. Chas. I., and Sheriff of Gloucestershire 1630, by Mary dau. of Sir William Duncombe, of London, Kt. He was M.P. for Gloucestershire, and was created a Baronet 22 June 1678. She his second wife, only surviving dau. of Dr. Peter Barwick, Physician in Ordinary to K. Chas. II., by his wife Anne (previously the wife of Richard Howlet, Dean of Cashel in Ireland, and of Mr. Sayon, a merchant of London, and said to have been a near kinswoman of Archbishop Laud). She was baptized at St. Gregory's, London, 2 Feb. 1661-2. The baptisms of several of their children occur in the registers of St. Margaret, Westminster. Her will, dated 22 July, 1721, was proved 4 Oct. 1723. • He eldest son of Sir John Cotton, first Bart. of Landwade, co. Cambridge, by Jane dau. and sole heir of Edward Hinde, Esq. He succeeded as second Bart. about 1690, and was Recorder of Cambridge, and M.P. for that town. He died the 20th and was buried 23 Jan. 1712-3, at Landwade. She dau. of Sir Joseph Sheldon, Kt., Alderman of London, and Lord Mayor in 1675, being only surviving child by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of William Clifton of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, and coheir with her only surviving half sister. She became the mother of two sons and nine daughters. (In Collectanea, by a curious blunder, her name is omitted, and that of Mary Barwick, of the preceding entry, repeated instead). 7 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 17 Jan. 1678-9, for John Manly, of Gray's Inn, Esq., aged about 24, bachelor, and Mrs. Ann Grosse, of St. Martin in the Fields, aged about 23, spinster, her parents dead. He was admitted to Gray's Inn 4 Nov. 1671, as son and heir apparent of John Manley of Wrexham, co. Denbigh, Gent., and wa called to the Bar 11 Feb. 1675. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 17 167 Feb. Feb. 27 John Walwin and Mary Eckins.¹ Mch. 11 1679 April 7 April 7 April 24 Robert Barclay, Esq., and Mrs. Elizabeth Blake.2 Francis King and Elizabeth King.³ David Webb and Mary Finell.¹ Thomas Vincent and Susanna Fielder.5 9 May 13 May 20 May 20 Sir Robert Barkham and Mrs. Hester Jefferies." Mr. Hastred James and Mrs. Margaret Meggs.7 Mr. Edmund Forster and Mrs. Katherine Mundy.8 Alban Thomson and Elizabeth Leiger.' Nov. 6 Dec. 18 1618 Feb. 17 Richard Sheldon and Alice [blank].10 ¹ (In the unofficial register only). John Walwyn matriculated at Oxford, from St. Mary Hall, 14 Apl. 1671, aged 17, as son of Robert Walwyn of the town of Northampton, and was B.A. 21 Oct. 1674. His grandfather was Richard Walwyn of Colwall, co. Hereford, second son of Robert Walwyn of Colwall and afterwards of Newland, co. Worcester, by Penelope sister of Sir William Lygon, Kt. (Visitation of Worcestershire, 1683). He became rector of Snodland, near Rochester, co. Kent, about 1682, and died there 8 Jan. 1712-3, aged 59. His will. dated 4 Sep. 1712, was proved 22 Jan. 1712-3. His wife, Mary, died 15 Sep. 1712. aged 55, and was buried at Snodland. They left two sons, Thomas and John, and a dau. Mary married to Robert Vidgeon. 2 Robert Berkeley of Spetchley, co. Worcester, son of Thomas Berkeley of Ravenshill, same county, Esq. (only son of Sir Robert Berkeley, Kt., one of the Judges of the King's Bench), by Anne eldest dau. of William Darell, of Scotney, co. Kent, Esq. He was born 15 July 1650, and died 14 Jan. 1693-4. He was buried at Spetchley, and his will was proved 2 Apl. following. He apparently left no issue. Elizabeth, eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Richard Blake, of St. John's, Clerkenwell, co. Midx., Kt., by Elizabeth dau. of John Bathurst, M.D., Physician to Oliver Crom- well, and subsequently of Richmond and Arkendale, co. York. She was born 8 Nov. 1662. She survived her husband, and in May, 1700, remarried the Rt. Rev. Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salis- bury, to whom she was third wife. She died 3 Feb. 1708-9, and was buried at Spetchley with her first husband. (See an interesting memoir of her prefixed to her " Method of Devotion," of which there were several editions). 3 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 2 Dec. 1678, for Francis King of Hemel Hempstead, Herts, Gent., widower, aged about 50, and Mrs. Elizabeth King of the same place, about 24, spinster, and at her own disposal. 4 In the unofficial register only. See a burial, probably of her father, 19 Mch. 1689-90. 5 Her name erroneously Elizabeth in Collectanea. • He second Bart. of Wainfleet, co. Lincoln, son of Sir Edward Barkham first Bart. by Anne dau. and heir of Sir Robert Lee of Billesley, co. Warwick, Kt. Letters of administration were granted on his estate in June 1701. Her father was of Wigtoft, co. Lincoln, and the arms on her hatchment are those assigned to Jeffreys of London. She appears to have been an heiress, and died about 1 May 1691 (Sloane MS. Brit. Mus. 1973. p. 12). (This entry is in the unofficial re- gister only). 7 (In the unofficial register only). Mar. Lic. Fac. same date he of Reigate, Surrey, bachelor, aged about 24: she of Whitechapel, spinster, about 17, her parents dead.—Haestrecht James was son of Roger James of Reigate, Esq. (only son of Sir Roger James Kt. and Mary Aucher) by Elizabeth his wife. Margaret Meggs was only surviving child of William Mcggs, Esq., and Mary his wife, and sole heir to her grandfather, Rev. James Meggs, D.D., Rector of Newington, Surrey, and of Theydon Garnon, co. Essex (see his second wife's remarriage 7 Aug. 1673). She was bap- tized at Theydon Garnon 21 Sep. 1662. There were eleven children by this marriage. She survived her husband, to whose estate she administered 19 Nov. 1702, and was living 13 Nov. 1710, as appears by the will of her grandfather's widow, having remarried a Mr. Newton. ୫ * (In the unofficial register only). See burials 17 June 1689, 16 May 1690, and 26 May 1726, for Catherine Forster; also marriages 6 Nov. 1679 and 1 Jan. 1688-9, and burials 7 June 1670, 24 Apl. 1678, 14 Dec. 1682, and 4 Mch. 1685-6, all probably of her family. 9 The unofficial register says: "Mr. Alban Tompson maried to Mrs. Eliz. Legier.” 10 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 6 Aug. 1687, for Richard Sheldon, of St. Giles in the Fields, "Collyer," D 18 MARRIAGES IN 1612 Feb. 19 1680 Apl. 20 May 27 May 27 John Singleton and Elizabeth Fisher.¹ Daniel Loddington and Mary Ware.2 Edmund Wheeler and Blanche Lodington.³ John Varney and Elizabeth Palmer.4 July 1 Nov. 23 Anthony Wrightson and Margery Butler.5 David Fluellen and Susan Ring.6 above 40, and a widower, and Alice Stevenson of co. Midx., above 40, widow.-"Last Friday night the corpse of Richard Sheldon, Esq., who died last week at his house in Hatton Garden, was interred in great solemnity in the family vault at Thornham in the county of Essex" (Daily Gazetteer, 10 Jan. 1736-7). ¹ His will, dated 30 Jan. 1689-90, and proved 2 Feb. 1691-2, describes him as a gentleman, of St. Benct Grace Church, London, where he was buried 28 Jan. 1691-2. His former wife, Mary, named in his will, was buried at St. Bride's, Fleet Street, 16 Apl. 1670. By her he left a son John (with wife Anne and children), and daus. Rebecca wife of Joshua Hopkins, and Eliza- beth wife of John Rollestone. Elizabeth Fisher, his second wife, was probably the relict of Lawrence Fisher, one of the singing-men of the Abbey (see his burial 4 Mch. 1671-2, and note). She was dead at the date of her second husband's will. 2 Six children of this marriage were baptized, and one buried, at St. John's, Hampstead, Midx., between 16 Mch. 1680-1 and 19 Oct. 1694, after which last date the name disappears from the register. Four other daughters were born elsewhere. The only Daniel in the editor's exten- sive Lodington collections was a younger brother of Archdeacon Lodington (see his marriage 14 Aug. 1673), who was baptized at Leadenham, co. Lincoln, 5 Oct. 1626, and who, though advanced in life, would not have been necessarily too old for this marriage. He was living as late as 26 July 1699, but died before the date of his wife's will. The unofficial register gives the name as that family always wrote it, viz. Lodington. She was second dau. of James Ware, formerly Citizen and Vintner of London, but described in his will, in 1671, as of Hampstead, Midx., Gent., by his wife Elizabeth dau. of Thomas Prouse of Willesden, co. Devon, Esq. Her will, as of South Mimms, Midx., dated 12 Aug. 1726, was proved 13 Nov. 1733. 3 She youngest dau. and eventually coheir of Archdeacon Lodington (sec his marriage 14 Aug. 1673), by his first wife, Dorothy, eldest dau. of William Dolben, D.D., Rector of Stanwick, co. Northampton, and niece of John Dolben, at this time Bishop of Rochester and Dean of West- minster, afterwards Archbishop of York. She was born 20 Jan. and baptized at Carlton-Scroope, co. Lincoln, 17 Feb. 1656-7, and was living in 1689. A son of this marriage became an eminent physician at Chester. 4 He second but eldest surviving son of Sir Ralph Verney, first Bart. of Middle Claydon, Bucks, by Mary dau. and heir of John Blacknall of Wasing and Abingdon, Berks, Esq. In the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. he is called of London, merchant, a bachelor, aged about 35. He succeeded as second Bart. 24 Sep. 1696, and was created, 16 June 1703, Baron Verney of Belturbet and Viscount Fermanagh in the peerage of Ireland. He died the 23rd and was buried 28 June 1717, at Middle Claydon, in his 76th year. See his second marriage 10 July 1692. She was eldest dau. of Ralph Palmer of Chelsea, co. Midx., Esq., by Alice White, of the family of Dr. Francis White, Bishop of Ely, and her age is given in the Mar. Lic. as about 16. She died the 20th and was buried 28 May 1686, at Middle Claydon. Her only son, Ralph, succeeded as second Viscount Fermanagh, and was created Earl Verney. (An entry of the marriage of "Mr. Vernon and Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer in the register of St. Luke's, Chelsea, under date of 1680," is evidently a merc memorandum referring to the ceremony, which undoubtedly took place in the Abbey, although the place named in the license is Chelsea. The absence of the precise date, and the incorrect spelling of the name, in the Chelsea register, render this almost certain.) In the unofficial register only. See her burial 17 Sep. 1682; also that of her husband's second wife 4 Mch. 1684-5, and that of a child of one of the marriages 11 Oct. 1686.-Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 18 Sep. 1688, for Anthony Wrightson, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Victualler, widower, aged 38, and Susanna Carter, of Kensington, Midx., widow, about 40; to marry at Kensington. • The unofficial register gives his name correctly Llewelin. He was fourth son of David Llewelin, of Windsor, Housekeeper to K. Chas. I., by Dorothy, dau. of William Dalwen, of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 19 1680 Dec. Dec. 7 7 John Gore and Elizabeth Saladine.¹ Dec. 30 168 Feb. 10 Feb. 10 Feb. 10 Mch. 24 1681 Apl. Apl. 11 11 Apl. 11 James Fincher and Elizabeth Adams.2 Robert Fisher and Elizabeth Eyre. John Evelyn and Katherine Eversfield.³ John Tynchare and Katherine Gaine.4 Renolds Calthorp and Priscilla Knight.5 William Booth and Hester Sandys.6 Worville, Berks, and was born about 1641 (Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1681). He was of Christ's College, Cambridge; A.B. 1660, and A.M. 1664. He became Rector of Tansor, co. Northampton, and was collated Prebendary of Lincoln 30 May 1672, but resigned in 1675, and was installed Prebendary of Peterborough 6 June 1676. He died 18 Aug. 1685. She is described in the Visitation mentioned as dau. of Matthias Ring, Citizen and Plumber of London, and was his second wife. His first wife was Dorothy, dau. of John Sayer, of Bourchier's Hall, co. Essex, Esq. She died 22 Aug. 1677, and was buried at Tansor. 1 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 1 Dec. 1680, for John Gore, of New Sarum, Wilts, Gent., bachelor, aged about 30, and Elizabeth Saladine, of the same place, spinster. about 23, and at her own disposal. She was dau. of Herbert Salladin of Salisbury, Esq., by Anne his wife, and was dead in 1710, her husband and three children surviving her. 2 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 28 Dec. 1680, for James Fincher of Lanteglos by Fowey, co. Cornwall, Clerk, bachelor, aged about 27, and Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., spinster, about 26, and at her own disposal. He matriculated at Oxford, from Trinity College, 12 Apl. 1671, aged 18, as son of Richard Fincher, of Chievely, Berks, Gent., and was B.A. 3 Nov. 1674 and M.A. 2 July 1677. He was instituted to the Vicarage of Lanteglos 7 May 1679. Their son Richard matriculated at Oxford, from Exeter College, 28 Feb. 1699-1700, aged 18, and was B.A. 16 Nov. 1703 and M.A. 10 June 1706. • He only surviving son of George Evelyn, of Wotton, co. Surrey, Esq., and by his second wife, Mary dau. of Sir Robert Offley, of Dalby, co. Leicester, and widow of Sir John Cotton of Kent. The Mar. Lic. gives his age as about 27, and he was buried at Wotton, 1 June 1691, having no issue surviving. She was only child of John Eversfield, of Horsham, co. Sussex, Esq., by Mary dau. of William Thomas of Folkington, co. Sussex, Esq. (see her remarriage to Sir Thomas Beckford, 9 July 1678, and note). The Mar. Lic. gives her age as about 15, and she survived her husband, but died before 1699. Evelyn, in his Diary under this date, says that he was present at this marriage in the Abbey. 4 He was only son of John Tyuchare (who always wrote his name "Tinker alias Littleton"), Clerk, by his wife Elizabeth (see her burial 13 Aug. 1684). and grandson of Philip Tyuchare, Chaunter of the Abbey, and the preserver of its old Register (see the heading at the commence- ment of the marriages.) He is called a Stationer in his father's will, and was buried at St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, 18 Dec. 1710. She was a niece of Anne Smythes (see her burial 4 Dec. 1683), in whose will her name appears to be written "Game." The unofficial register says "John Tynchare junior maried to Chatherine Ginne,” and this book was kept by the father of her husband. See baptisms of their children 1 Jan. 1686-7, 20 May 1689, 16 Mch. 1690-1, and 18 Apl. 1695, and burial of a son 4 June 1689. 5 Mar. Lic. Fac. 10 Apl. 1681, for Reynolds Calthorpe, of the Middle Temple, Esq., bachelor, aged 26, and Dame Priscilla Knight, of Chawton, co. Southampton, widow, about 28.—He was third son of James Calthorpe of Ampton, co. Suffolk, Esq. (sometimes called "Knight," having received that title from Oliver Cromwell), by Dorothy dau. of (Sir?) James Reynolds, one of Cromwell's Admirals. She was dau. of Sir Robert Reynolds of Elvetham, Hants, by his wife Priscilla (who remarried Henry Alexander fourth Earl of Stirling, and died in 1691, when her dau. Priscilla Calthorpe administered to her estate). She was born 25 July 1650, and was first mar- ried to Sir Richard Knight, of Chawton, Hants, who was knighted 10 Jan. 1667-8, and died with- out issue. She died 29 Aug. 1709, and was buried at Elvetham, where her only son, Reynolds Calthorpe, born 6 Nov. 1689 and died 10 Apl. 1714, was also buried. Her husband remarried (Spec. Lic. Fac. 11 June 1715) Hon. Barbara Yelverton, eldest dau. of Henry first Viscount Longueville, and, dying 12 Apl. 1719, was also buried at Elvetham, aged 63. • Mar. Lic. Fac. same date, for William Booth, of Morton, co. Surrey, Gent., bachelor, aged about 26, and Hester Sandys, dau. of Edward Sandys, of Brinsfield [? Brimpsfield], co. Gloucester, Gent., aged about 21, with her father's consent. He was eldest son of Rev. Edward Booth, Rector 20 MARRIAGES IN 1681 May 2 Gilbert Gerrard, Esq., and Mary Barclay.¹ May 26 William Selwin and Albinia Bettison.2 May 26 Thomas Willis and Alice Brown.3 Aug. 24 Michael Foster and Elizabeth Richardson.4 Sep. 1 John Cleyton married to Anne Chapman at Bromley.5 Sep. 27 John Godschall and Bathia Charleton.º of Morden, co. Surrey, by Dorothy dau. of Robert Greenwell of the same place, Gent. A daughter of this marriage was baptized at Morden 19 Mch. 1681-2 and buried there the same year, after which the name disappears from the Morden register. The immediate predecessor of Rev. Edward Booth in the Rectory was his uncle Rev. William Booth, and they were of the family of that name at Wootton, co. Lincoln. 1 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. same date, for Gilbert Gerrard of St. Martin in the Fields, co. Midx., Esq., aged 19 and upwards, with consent of his father Sir Gilbert Gerrard Kt. and Bart., and the Hon. Mary Bartley, of the same parish, spinster, about 18, with consent of her guardian the Earl of Dorset, her parents being dead.—He was son of Sir Gilbert Gerard, first Bart. of Fiskerton, co. Lincoln (who was buried in York Minster 24 Sep. 1687), by his second wife, Mary, dau. and co- heir of Dr. John Cosin, Bishop of Durham, and succceded as second Bart. She was only dau. and beir (posthumous, or born very near the date of her father's death) of Charles Berkeley, Earl of Falmouth (see his burial 22 June 1665), by Mary only surviving dau. of Col. Hervey Bagot (younger son of Sir Hervey Bagot, first Bart. of Blithfield, co. Stafford), who remarried Charles Sackville, sixth Earl of Dorset of that family, and died in 1679. She was divorced from her husband in 1684, and died 18 Apl. 1693, in her 28th year, according to her monument at Bexley, co. Kent, where she was buried. Sir Gilbert (usually called Sir Gilbert Cosin Gerard) remarried the divorced (fourth) wife of Sir Samuel Morland (see note to a burial 24 Feb. 1679-80), and the subsequent history and fate of this wretched couple are entirely unknown. The baronetcy be- came extinct at his death. 2 He was of the family of Selwyn of Matson, co. Gloucester, Colonel of a regiment of Foot, and Major General of the Forces. In 1701 he was appointed Governor of Jamaica, where he died 5 Apl. 1702. She dau. of Richard Betenson of Wimbledon, co. Surrey, Esq. (eldest son of Sir Richard Betenson Kt. and first Bart., but died in his father's lifetime), by Albinia dau. of Sir Christopher Wray, of Ashby, co. Lincoln, Kt. Her will, as of Matson, widow, dated 7 Sep. 1736, with a codicil 22 Dec. 1737, was proved 5 Jan. 1737-8. 3 He only surviving son of Dr. Thomas Willis, the celebrated physician of his day (see his burial 18 Nov. 1675), by his first wife, Mary, dau. of Dr. Samuel Fell, Dean of Christ Church (see her burial 3 Nov. 1670). He was born about 1658, probably in the parish of St. John, in the city of Oxford. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 22 Mch. 1672-3, aged 15; and was B.A. 26 Oct. 1676, and M.A. 23 June 1679. He was afterwards of Whaddon and Bletchley, co. Bucks, and, dying the 11th, was buried at the latter place 15 Nov. 1699. She dau. of Robert Browne, of Blandford St. Mary, co. Dorset, Esq., by Alice dau. of Joseph Frankmore, of Shore- ham, co. Sussex, merchant of London. She was born at Stepney, co. Midx., 2 June 1663, and, dying the 9th, was buried at Bletchley 13 Jan. 1699-1700. This entry was unaccountably omitted in Collectanea, and, which is still more extraordinary, Browne Willis, the celebrated antiquary, who was their first child, does not appear, from a careful examination of his MSS., ever to have ascertained the date or place of their marriage. In one of his MSS. in the Bodleian Library (4to 40.) a note in his handwriting gives the precise date and place of his mother's birth, in order to correct the statement of her age on her monument, and he adds, "This was not known till about 1737 Mr. Wotton, B.D., wrote these epitaphs about 1704.” 4 Sec a marriage 16 Apl. 1678. The unofficial register gives the prefixes "Mr." and "Mrs." and his name as "Forster." 5 (In the unofficial register only.) See his burial 11 June 1713, and hers 17 Jan. 1727-8. The marriage is not recorded in the register of Bromley, co. Kent, and probably took place in the chapel of the Bishop's Palace there; the Bishop of Rochester being then also Dean of West- minster, and the parties connected with the Abbey. • He cldest son of John Godschall, of London, Merchant, and of East Sheen, co. Surrey, who died in 1691, by his wife Jane. He was also an eminent Turkey Merchant in London, and of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 21 1681 Dec. 15 168 Jan. 19 1682 May 8 James Parker and Elizabeth Ashe.¹ Oct. 31 Dec. 5 168 Mch. 6 Samuel Grasconib and Elizabeth Watkins.2 Thomas Chapman and Elizabeth Ogden.3 William Helme and Mabell Cooke. Charles Knipe and Jane Needham.* Sir Hugh Middleton and Mrs. Elizabeth Hall.5 East Sheen, where he died 10 Oct. 1725. His will, dated 24 Sep., was proved 22 Oct. the same year. She died before her husband. Their third son, Sir Robert Godschall, knighted 31 Oct. 1735, being then Sheriff of London, was afterwards Lord Mayor, and died in that office 26 June 1742. Their third dau. Jane was wife of the celebrated Sir John Barnard, Lord Mayor in 1737, and thus ancestress of the late Viscount l'almerston and Lord Hotham. 1 He fourth but eldest surviving son of John Parker of Reigate, co. Surrey, Esq., by his second wife, Anne, dau. of John Ashe, of Freshford, co. Somerset, Esq., and relict of Nathaniel Barnard, of Shepton, co. Somerset. He died 23 May 1689, aged 35, and was buried in Reigate church. His will, dated 13 May, was proved 28 June 1689. She dau. of James Ashe of Fyfield, co. Wilts, Esq., brother of her husband's mother. She died 11 Sep. 1720, and was also buried in Reigate church. They had issue, John, James, Anne, and Elizabeth, of whom the three latter were living in 1693. 2 The unofficial register says: "Mr. Samuell Grascome maried to Mrs. Eliz. Watkins. My Lord marred them privately, he being his curate att Bromley." Dr. John Dolben was then Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster. A Samuel Grascome was A.B. of Magdalen Coll., Cambridge, 1664, and A.M. 1674. 3 Mar. Lic. Fac. 6 May 1682, for Thomas Chapman, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, bachelor, aged about 25, and Elizabeth Ogden, of St. Margaret's. Westminster, spinster, aged 21, with consent of her father, Richard Ogden, of Acton, co. Midx. * He afterwards of Haughley, co. Suffolk, where his will was dated 4 June 1697, but not proved until 26 Apl. 1717. She eldest dau. of John Nedham, Receiver-General and Solicitor of the Abbey (see his burial 13 Feb. 1705-6) by his wife Jane (see her burial 7 Apl. 1708). Her will, dated 1 May 1724, was proved 19 Jan. following. See baptisms of their children 14 Oct. 1683, 11 Feb. 1691-2, and 26 July 1695, and burials 15 Dec. 1705, and 24 Api. 1716. 5 The baronetcy of Middleton of Ruthyn is usually said to have merged into that of Middleton of Hackney, in 1675, on the decease without issue of Sir Hugh Middleton third Bart. of the former creation. His successor is said to have been Hugh Middleton of Hackney, eldest son of Simon Middleton (youngest son of Sir Hugh Middleton first Bart. of Ruthyn, the projector of the New River) by his second wife. Mary, dau. of John Soame of Burnham Market, co. Norfolk, Esq. This is a manifest error, as this last Hugh was himself created a baronet 6 Dec. 1681, and there could have been no necessity for such a creation if he was already a baronet by succession. This Sir Hugh, first Bart. of Hackney, married Dorothy dau. of Sir William Oglander first Bart. of Nunwell, Isle of Wight, from whom he is erroneously said to have been divorced. An Act of Parliament, which received the royal assent 2 May 1690, merely confirmed a settlement for her separate maintenance, and she died his wife about 1700, and evidently without male issue. He is further said to have wasted his estate, and to have died in obscurity about the commencement of the 18th century, when the baronetcy became extinct. It has also been supposed that he was identical with a certain Hugh Middleton, who resided at Kcmberton in Shropshire under the assumed name of William Raymond, and died "10 March 1702." All writers have left the history of the two families, and the fate of the two baronetcies, in the utmost obscurity, which this entry in the Abbey Register may at least partially clear up. About the lady there can be no doubt whatever. She was dau, and coheir of Henry Hall of Gretford and Burton Coggles, co. Lincoln, Esq., by Elizabeth dau. of Sir Edward Hartopp first Bart. of Freathby, co. Leicester, and relict of Montague Cholmley of Easton, co. Lincoln, Esq. The editor finds among his notes from the parish register of St. l'eter's, Nottingham, the burial, 7 Mch. 1732-3, of "Dame Elizabeth Myddelton relict of Sir Hugh Middelton Barnt." Her will is dated 30 Apl. 1731, in which she is called "of the town 22 MARRIAGES IN 1683 April 10 May 10 1 William Yardly and Elizabeth Donckly.¹ Charles Earle and Mary Painter.2 June 17 James Scoles and Anne Drake.3 July 24 Aug. 21 Matthew Hamond and Sarah Clendon.¹ Thomas Scisson and Anne Mearn.5 Nov. 13 Nov. 18 Henry Roberts and Frances Corington." Richard Hart and Elizabeth Hopwood." of Nottingham, widow of Sir Hugh Middleton, Baronet." She left bequests to her son Sir Hugh Middelton. Bart., and to her daus. Charlotte, Anne, and Margaret, and appointed said Charlotte and Margaret joint executrices. The latter, as Margaret Middleton, spinster, proved the will as surviving exccutrix, 8 Jan. 1735-6, the former having been buried at St. Mary's, Nottingham, 2 Dec. 1735. The editor finds also among his notes from the register of St. Mary's, Nottingham, the burial, 2 Feb. 1700-1, of "Sir Hugh Middleton, Baronet," and thinks there can be little danger in regarding these two entries as referring to the persons married in the Abbcy. As to the identity of Sir Hugh, the probability seems to be that Sir Hugh, third Bart. of Ruthyn, did not, as has been supposed, dic without male issue, but that this was his son and successor, numerically fourth Bart., and that his son Sir Hugh, named in his widow's will, became fifth Bart., and was married, at St. Benet's, Paul's Wharf, London, 8 May 1716, to Ann Comyns, of Chigwell, co. Essex, who were both buried at Chigwell, he 16 Nov. 1756, and she 31 Dec. 1764, having had a son Hugh, who succeeded as sixth Bart., and was sometime of Chigwell, an object of common charity. The Sir Hugh buried at Nottingham in 1700-1 appears to have left no will, which may indicate that he was in a reduced state, while the fact that his widow's will was not proved until nearly three years after her death would justify the inference that her bequests were comparatively unimportant. It may be added that Carlisle names Sir Hugh Middleton, Bart., as one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber in 1685, and that Lc Neve, in his MS. Baronets, mentions as M.P., in 1694, Sir Hugh Middleton, Bart., "son of Sir Hugh Middleton of Ruthyn and Elizabeth his wife," and this contemporaneous record, it must be remembered, was nineteen years after the third Bart. of Ruthyn is said to have died without issue. (A Sir Hugh Middleton, Bart., according to the Journal of the House of Lords, 20 Feb. and 1 Mch. 1664-5, was Gentleman Usher in Ordinary to H.R.H. the then Duke of York.) 1 See her burial 10 Aug. 1686. He was Clerk of the Kitchen to the Queen Dowager in 1692.-Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 7 Feb. 1695-6, for William Yardley, of St. Clement Danes, Gent., widower, aged about 38, and Mrs. Elizabeth Symonds, of St. Mary Woolnoth, London, spinster, about 28, and at her own disposal; to marry at l'utney, co. Surrey. (The marriage is not in the Putney register.) He was buried at Greenwich, co. Kent, 14 Jan. 1706-7, and his will proved the next day by his second wife and relict, Elizabeth, whose will, dated at Somerset House 19 May, was proved 27 Oct. 1718. 2 Mar. Lic. Fac. 7 May 1683, for Charles Earle, of St. Clement Dancs, bachelor, aged about 24, and Mary Painter, of St. Martin's, Ludgate, spinster, about 23. (This entry in the unofficial register only.) 3 See a marriage 7 Sep. 1665. (In the unofficial register only.) 4 She apparently only dau. of Joseph Clendon, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, by Elizabeth his wife, whose will was proved, 7 Nov. 1684, by her friend and kinsman John Clendon of the Inner Temple, Esq., and whose estate was to be put out to the use of her daughter Sarah Hammond and her children. (This entry in the unofficial register only.) 5 The unofficial register gives the names "Sisson" and "Mearne.' >> In Collins's Peerage (edit. 1756) this Henry Roberts is identified as one of the sons of John first Earl of Radnor; but this is an error, as he died before 1 July 1678, on which day his brother Francis administered to his estate. These parties were probably of less cxalted rank. The unofficial register gives her name as "Corrinton." 7 See his burial 11 Feb. 1689-90, and the burial of her first husband 17 July 1683; also baptisms of her children by the latter, May 1677 and 22 July 1680, and burials 3 Oct. 1676, 12 Aug. 1679, 9 Sep. 1680, and 5 Aug. 1682. She survived her second husband, and was his cxccutrix, he leaving her his sole legatee. (This entry in the unofficial register only.) 3 1683 Dcc. 24 1682 Jan. Jan. 3 Feb. 11 Feb. 25 1684 April 10 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 1 John Clerke and Elizabeth Peke.¹ James George and Anne Shadwell.2 James Varey and Rebecka Sawcer.3 Sir Edward Villiers and Mrs. Martha Love. William Eeles and Anne ITolles. 5 May 6 May 6 Dr. John Mills and Priscilla Bramston.6 John Anger and Anne Tither." 23 28; 1 Mar. Lic. Fac. 22 Dec. 1683; he of St. Michael le Querne, London, bachelor, aged about she of St. Dunstan in the East, spinster, about 28, and at her own disposal. (This entry in the unofficial register only). The will of Elizabeth Clarke, of St. Margaret's. Westminster, widow, dated 12 May 1714, was proved (D. & C. Westmr.) 13 May 1715, by her dau. Barbara Clarke, residuary legatee. The only other legatees were her son John Clarke, and her daus. Margaret Evans and Jane Fruin. 2 (In the unofficial register only.) Mar. Lic. Fac. 31 Dec. 1683, for James Georges, of Baunton, co. Gloucester, Esq., widower. and Anne Shadwell of St. Martin's, Ludgate. widow. She was doubtless widow of Thomas Shadwell, Gent., buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster. 22 Feb. 1682-3, whose will was proved 21 Mch. following by his relict Anne. 3 In the Letters of administration granted to his son James, 8 Dec. 1710. he is described as of St. Martin in the Fields. She appears to have been a dau. of Henry Sawcer of Chesham, Bucks (to whose estate his wife Anne administered 21 Feb. 1658-9), brother of Robert Sawcer of Hemel Hempstead, Herts, Gent., whose will was proved 7 July 1681. She died before her husband. (This entry in the unofficial register only.) This entry, in Collectanea, is erroneously placed under the year 1685. See his bap- tism 15 Apl. 1620, and burial 2 July 1689. This marriage does not appear in the accounts of the Villiers family. She survived her husband and was his executrix. Her own will, dated 11 July 1727, was proved 3 Nov. 1738, by her sister Ann Love, spinster, between whom and her sister Elizabeth Dockwray she divided her estate. 5 Mar. Lic. Fac. same date: he of St. Margaret's, Westminster. bachelor, aged about 26 ; she of St. Martin in the Fields, spinster, about 18, dau. of Barbara Holles, widow.-Will of William Eeles, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Apothecary. dated 15 Feb. 1700-1. proved 16 Feb. 1708-9, by the relict Anne (probably a second wife). (This entry in the unofficial register only.) • He matriculated at Oxford, from Queen's College, 14 Nov. 1661. aged 16, as son of Thomas Milne, of Shap, co. Westmoreland. He signed his own name Milne in the Subscription Book, but subsequently was known as Mill, and sometimes Mills. Against his name in the matriculation register are the expressive University indicators of the lowest social rank, viz.. “Pl. pp.” and “Ser.,” but which, properly interpreted, may simply mean that he entered college as a servitor. He took the degrees of B.A. 3 May 1666. M.A. 9 Nov. 1669, B.D. 8 July 1680, and D.D. 8 Dec. 1681; became Prebendary of Exeter 29 Oct. 1677, Rector of Blechingdon, co. Oxford, Aug. 1681, Principal of Edmund Hall, Oxford, 5 May 1685, and Prebendary of Canterbury 14 Aug. 1704, and was also Chaplain in Ordinary to King Chas. II. His chief literary labour was the well known folio Greck Testament. He died the 23rd and was buried at Blechingdon 25 June 1707, and his father, as Thomas Mill, administered to his estate 12 July following. The surname of his wife is a manifest error in the Abbey Register. She was youngest dau. of Sir William Palmer, of Old Warden, Beds, Kt., by Dorothy third but eldest surviving dau. of Sir John Bramston, Kt., Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, who were married at St. Mary Aldermanbury, London, 28 Jan. 1627-8. She died in the first year of her marriage, and was buried at Blechingdon 14 Apl. 1685. 7 He, son of John Angier, Gent., Burgess of Westminster, by his wife Margaret, was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 11 May 1651. His will, as of Northaw, Herts, Esq., dated 19 July 1712, was proved 12 Nov. 1713, and he was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, the preceding day. She, his second wife, was dau. of Thomas Tyther, of Northaw aforesaid, Citizen and Draper of London, and was living at the date of her husband's will. 24 MARRIAGES IN 1684 July 6 Aug. 5 Nov. 20 Dec. 31 1684 Jan. 1685 May 21 Mch. 3 Richard Hobson and Margaret Griffith.¹ Mr. Thomas Linacre and Elizabeth Mackcarty.2 William-Dutton Colt and Mary Shipman.3 Donogh, Earl of Clancarty, and Lady Elizabeth Spencer, daughter to the Earl of Sunderland.4 Nicolas Sankey married to Frances Trevor, in St. Martin's parish, by me John Tynchare.5 James Clayton and Mary Alstons.6 Sir Francis Withins and Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor. 1 In the unofficial register only. 2 Sec his burial 28 Aug. 1719, and hers 6 July 1703. (This entry is in the unofficial register only.) 3 He third son of George Colt of Colt-Hall, co. Suffolk, Esq., by Elizabeth eldest dau. and coheir of John Dutton of Sherborne, co. Gloucester, Esq. He was brother of the first baronet of the name, and was himself knighted six days after this marriage. He was afterwards Resident at the Court of the Elector of Hanover, where he died. His will, dated 4 May 1689, with a codicil 29 Aug. 1693, was proved 18 Jan. 1693-4. She, his third wife, was dau. of John Garneys of Morningthorpe, co. Norfolk, Esq., and relict of William Shipman, of London, Merchant. Her will, as of Ealing, Midx., dated 6 May 1725, was proved 1 July 1726. 4 Donogh MacCarthy, only son of Callaghan, third Earl of Clancarty, by Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald youngest dau. of George sixteenth Earl of Kildare. (See his great-grandfather's burial 27 May 1640, and his uncle's 19 June, 1665.) He succeeded as fourth Earl 16 Nov. 1676. On account of his adhesion to King James II. his immense estates (valued at a later period at £200,000 per annum) were forfeited, but his life was spared on condition that he quitted England never to return. He afterwards resided abroad, and died at Hamburg in 1734. Elizabeth Spencer, second dau. of Robert second Earl of Sunderland, by Anne dau. of George Digby second Earl of Bristol. After her husband's disgrace a considerable pension was allowed her by the Government, which at her death reverted to the fund for augmenting small benefices. She died in June 1704. See their daughter's burial, 16 Feb. 1734-5. 5 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 31 Dec. 1684, for Nicholas Sankey, Esq., bachelor, aged about 26, and the Hon. Mrs. Frances Trevor, spinster. about 21, her parents dead; both of St. Martin in the Fields. This entry is in the unofficial register only, and the marriage does not appear to have actually taken place in the Abbey. It is not, however, to be found in the register of St. Martin in the Fields, although that church is the only one designated in the license, and hence this is the only record of it. She was one of the daus. of Colonel Mark or Marcus Trevor, created Baron Trevor and Viscount Dungannon, 28 Aug. 1662, by his first wife Frances, dau. and coheir of Sir Marmaduke Whitechurch. Nicholas Sankey was in active military service at and after this period, and was advanced to the rank of Lieut.-General, 10 Jan. 1710. His connection appears to have been always with Irish regiments. His will, dated 8 Mch. 1719-20, was proved 4 July 1723; but from the record he evidently died before 6 Nov. 1722, having survived his wife, and leaving no issue. 6 He only son of Sir Thomas Clayton, Kt., Warden of Merton College, Oxford, by Bridget dau. of Sir Clement Cotterell, Kt. He was of the Vach, and lord of the manor of Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks, where he died, without issue, 28 Nov. 1714, in his 65th year, and was buried in the church. She was youngest dau. of Sir Joseph Alston first Bart. of Chelsea, Midx., by Mary dau. and coheir of Mr. Crookenberg, a merchant of Bergem-op-zoom. She was baptized at Chelsea, 21 June 1663, and survived her husband until May 1730. (She was his second wife, as on the 1st June 1677 he had license from the Vicar-General to marry Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Richard Grubham Howe, of Wishford, co. Wilts, Bart. She died in childbed, 9 Apl. 1681, and was buried in Merton College Chapel.) 7 (In the unofficial register only.) He was son of William Withins of Eltham, co. Kent, Gent., by Frances dau, of Robert King, of St. Mary Cray in the same county, Gent., and matricu- lated at Oxford, from St. John's College, 13 Nov. 1650. He was afterwards High Steward of the WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 25 1685 June June 8 8 June 18 Mr. Sharole married a couple.¹ William Windham and Rebecca Strode.2 June 25 William, Lord Biron, and Elizabeth Lady Stydolf.3 July 20 James Lewis du Puissar and Mrs. Katherine Villiers.4 Franchise Court of Westminster, elected M.P. for Westminster for the Parliament summoned to meet in 1679, knighted at Whitehall 18 Apl. 1680, Serjeant-at-Law 23 Apl. 1682, a Judge of the King's Bench 23 Apl. 1683 (but removed 21 Apl. 1687 for denying the King's right to exercise martial law in time of peace without an Act of l'arliament), and Recorder of Kingston-on-Thames in 1685. He died at Eltham, which estate he then held, and was buried there 12 May 1704. She was dau. of Sir Thomas Taylor, first Bart. of Park-House in Maidstone, co. Kent, by Elizabeth dau. and heir of George Hall of the same place, Esq., and was born in 1656. She figures in the "New Atalantis," and other authorities more trustworthy agree in the statement that she wilfully involved her husband in debt for the purpose of getting him into prison. She is said to have survived her husband and remarried Sir Thomas Colepeper, the last baronet of Preston Hall, near Aylesford, Kent, but the accounts of that family do not mention her. 1 (In the unofficial register only). Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 6 June 1685, for Ambrose Norton, bachelor, aged about 30, and Mrs. Margaret Littleton. widow, about 30, both of St. Martin in the Fields. The allegation was signed by Mr. John Sharole, one of the minor canons of Westminster (see his burial 8 Aug. 1687), and this fact leaves little doubt that they were the parties indicated in the entry, which thus becomes one of considerable interest. He is elsewhere called Colonel Ambrose Norton, and on his monument in the Abbey Church at Bath is described as cousin- german of Sir George Norton of Abbotts-Leigh, co. Somerset. The inscription also states that he served the Crown of England above forty years in civil and military employments. This was his first wife, and she appears to have been a person of some importance, as in his will he mentions her picture and a seal with the Littleton arms. She was living as late as 7 Oct. 1702, when Frances-Teresa, Duchess Dowager of Richmond and Lenox, left her a legacy of £60; but must have died soon after, as her husband married, secondly, Martha Lowe, who was buried at St. Martin in the Fields 1 Feb. 1713-4. He then married. thirdly, at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 23 Apl. 1718, Dame Frances Norton, the widow of his cousin Sir George above mentioned, whose memory has been preserved as one of the literary ladies of her age (see her burial 9 Mch. 1730-1). Col. Norton died 10 Sep. 1723, in his 77th year. 2 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 17 June 1685, for William Wyndham of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., bachelor, aged about 24, and Rebecca Stroud, of Chevelyn, Kent, spinster, about 19, with consent of her mother Dame Catherine Stroud.-He was son of John Wyndham of Dunraven, co. Glamorgan, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law, and his will, as of Cowbridge, co. Glamorgan, dated 2 June 1691, was proved 8 Dec. 1696. She was dau. of Sir Nicholas Strode, of Chevening, co. Kent., Kt., by his second wife Catharine, dau. of John Savile of Methley. co. York, Esq., and relict of Sir William Cholmley, of Whitby, Bart. Her will, dated 16 July, was proved 11 Aug. 1703. 3 He eldest son of Richard second Lord Byron, by his first wife Elizabeth dau. of George Rossel of Ratcliffe-on-Trent, co. Notts, Esq., and widow of Nicholas Strelley, of Strelley, in the same county, Esq. He succeeded as third Lord Byron 4 Oct. 1679. He died 13 Nov. 1695, and was buried at Hucknall-Torkard, co. Notts. She eldest dau. of Sir George Stonhouse, of Radley, Berks, fourth Bart., and relict of Sir Richard Stydolph, of Norbury, Surrey, Bart. (to whom married about July 1658, and who died 13 Feb. 1676-7). She died 28 Dec. 1703, æt. 77, and was buried at Mickleham, Surrey. 4 Louis Jacques Le Vasseur-Cougnée, son of George Le Vasseur-Cougnée, Marquis de Thouars. He also bore the courtesy title of Marquis De Puissar. He was a refugee officer, and in 1695 was appointed Colonel of the 24th Regiment of Foot, which served afterwards in Flanders. He died as early as 1701, as the following year his widow was drawing a pension, and was then remarried. In her will she mentions his, dated 7 May 1697, in which he left her a considerable sum charged on his estate called Wreburgh, in Holland. She was a dau. of Sir Edward Villiers, Kt. Marshal (see his burial 2 July 1689), by his first wife Lady Frances Howard, dau. of Theophilus second Earl of Suffolk (see her burial 27 Nov. 1677). She remarried her cousin-german William Villiers, second son of George third Viscount Grandison, and her will, dated 20 July 1706, was proved by him 25 July 1709. E 26 MARRIAGES IN 1685 Nov. 12 Dec. Philip Musgrave and Mary Legg.1 3 Dec. 17 Mr. Thomas Hawkins and Mrs. Letitia Littleton:2 Richard Hassellgrove and Elizabeth Grainger. Anthony Meeke and Elizabeth Price.¹ 8 168% Jan. 21 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 1686 May 4 May 18 John Bucknall and Elizabeth Graham.5 Sir Richard Bulkeley and Madam Lucy Downing. Richard Monk and Priscilla Cross.7 6 Thomas Mansell, Esq., and Mrs. Martha Millington.8 ¹ He eldest son of Sir Christopher Musgrave, of Eden-Hall, co. Cumberland, Kt. and fourth Bart., by his first wife Mary, dau. and coheir of Sir Andrew Cogan, of Greenwich, Kent, Bart. He was born in London 21 Mch. 1660-1, aud became one of the Clerks of the Council, one of the Officers of the Ordnance, and M.P. He died in his father's lifetime, 2 July 1689, and was buried in the church of Trinity Minories, London. (See his brother's burial, 16 Sep. 1718). She cldest dau. of George Legge first Lord Dartmouth, by Barbara dau. of Sir Henry Archbold, of Abbotts- Bromley, co. Stafford, Kt. She remarried John Crawford, Esq. (son of Commissary-General Crawford) who was buried at Chelsea, Midx. 23 Dec. 1720. She died 25 Feb. 1753, and was buried at Chelsea 2 Mch. following. 2 See a burial 12 Jan. 1685-6. 3 Will of Richard Haslegrove, of the city of Westminster, Vintner, dated 26 Apl. and proved 30 May 1690, by the relict Elizabeth. He was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 4 May 1690, and the baptisms of several of their children occur in the register of that parish. (See burials, probably of her parents, 10 Apl. 1696 and 1 Aug. 1700.) 4 See her burial 27 Nov. 1695, and his 15 Feb. 1729-30, and notes thereto. 5 Mar. Lic. Fac. 31 Jan. 1685-6, for John Bucknall, of Oxhey, Herts, bachelor, aged about 26, and Elizabeth Graham, spinster, about 20, with consent of her father, Thomas Graham, of St. Peter-le-Poor, London, Esq.-He was son of Sir William Bucknall, of Oxhey, Kt., by his wife Sarah Chitts. He became a merchant of London, was knighted 23 Feb. 1685-6, Sheriff of Herts 1692, and M.P. for Middlesex 1697. He is usually said to have died in 1711, but his will, dated 2 Feb. 1712-3, was proved 13 Aug. following. He was buried at Oxhey. She was his first wife, and the marriage license corrects an error in former accounts of her parentage, which say that her father was Richard Graham of Westminster. William, a son of this marriage, was baptized, at St. Giles in the Fields, 28 Aug. 1688, and she died before 1 Oct. 1694, on which day her husband remarried, at St. Martin in the Fields, Mary dau. of Sir John Reade, first Bart. of Brockett Hall, Herts. 6 He son of Sir Richard Bulkeley, first Bart. of Old Bawn, co. Dublin, Ireland, by his first wife Catharinc, dau. and coheir of John Bysse, Esq., Chief Baron of the (Irish) Exchequer, and succeeded as second Bart. in 1685. She third dau. of Sir George Downing, first Bart. of East Hatley, co. Cambridge, by Frances fourth dau. of Sir William Howard, and sister of Charles first Earl of Carlisle. (See her sister's marriage 8 Mch. 1676-7.) Their respective ages, as stated in the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated the previous day, were about 26 and 20. He died, without surviving issue, 7 Apl. 1710. and was buried at Ewell, co. Surrey, when the title became extinct. She died the following 9th October, and was buried with her husband. The inscription on their monument states that both were in their 47th year, which does not accord with their ages as given in the marriage license. 7 See a marriage 4 Mch. 1700-1. 8 See her burial 17 June 1718. He second but eldest surviving son of Sir Edward Mansell, Kt. and third Bart. of Margam, co. Glamorgan, by Martha dau. of Edward Carne, of Wenny, in the same county, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from Jesus College, 7 Mch. 1684-5, aged 17, but in the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., 14 May 1686, his age is stated to be about 20. He succeeded as fourth Bart. 17 Nov. 1706, and was created, 1 Jan. 1711-12, Baron Mansell, of Margam. He was Comptroller of the Household to Q. Anne, and of her Privy Council, one of the Commissioners of the Treasury, and one of the Tellers of the Exchequer. He died 10 Dec. 1723. See burials of his brothers 22 June 1681 and 6 Apl. 1693. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 27 1686 June 24 July 6 1687 May 10 May 25 Oct. 27 Dec. 15 1 Thomas Harrison and Dorothy Hodges.¹ Peter Tate married to Anne Morgan in the Gate House prison.2 Sir John Abdey and Mrs. Jane Nicholas.3 Virtue Radford and Susannah Wright.4 John Buckworth and Elizabeth Hall.5 Richard Leighton and Mary Caper. Charles Feltham and Elizabeth Hastings.6 Richard Norris and Mary Shorter.7 Dec. 20 Dec. 22 1687 Jan. 12 John Arden and Elizabeth Wright.8 Feb. 16 16 Daniel Tibaut alias De la Gurchesters and Henrietta Blanchart.? ¹ Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 4 June 1686, for Thomas Harrison, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Esq., and Mrs. Dorothy Hodges, of Hanwell, Midx., widow, aged about 26. 2 In the unofficial register only. 3 He eldest son of Robert Abdy, first Bart. of Albins, co. Essex, by Catherine dau. of Sir Robert Gayer, Kt., Alderman of London. He was born about 1643, and succeeded as second Bart. in 1670. Administration was granted on his estate 9 Mch. 1691-2. She only dau. of George Nicholas, Esq. (youngest son of Sir Edward Nicholas, Kt., Secretary of State), by Anne only dau. and heir of William Denton, M.D. (youngest son of Sir Thomas Denton, of Hillesden, Bucks, Kt.), Physician to Kings Chas. I. and II. She was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 26 Mch. 1666, died in 1721, and was buried with her husband at Stapleford Abbots, Essex. See their daughter's marriage 18 Feb. 1732-3. * He, second but eldest surviving son of the Rev. William Radford, by Anne his wife, was born the 18th and baptized at Richmond, co. Surrey, 22 Jan. 1657-8. He was admitted to Gray's Inn 19 Nov. 1684, having previously been of Staple Inn. He was first married, about 14 Jan. 1678-9 (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen.) to Jane, third dau. of John Everson, of London, Merchant, who died in childbed of her second dau. and was buried at Richmond 7 Oct. 1681. He is said to have been afterwards of Wilbarton, Isle of Ely, and to have been Recorder of London, though his name does not appear in the lists, and to have died at Ipswich in 1694. She, eldest dau. of Sir Robert Wright, of Wangford, Suffolk, Lord Chief Justice, by his second wife, Susan, dau. of the Rt. Rev. Matthew Wren, Bishop of Ely, was born the 21st and baptized at Ely Chapel 27 April 1664, and survived her husband. Their only son Robert, who was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 7 Aug. 1688, died at Eton, while a scholar there. 5 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 24 Oct. 1687. for John Buckworth, of St. Peter-le-Poor, London, Esq., bachelor, aged about 25, and Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, of St. Clement Danes, spinster, about 16, with her mother's consent.-He, only son of Sir John Buckworth, Kt., Alderman of London, was created a Bart., as of Sheen, co. Surrey, 1 Apl. 1697, and was Sheriff of London, 1704. He died the 12th and was buried 24 June, 1709, at St. Peter-le-Poor. (See his sister's burial 16 June 1731.) She dau. and heir of John Hall, of Yarmouth, co. Norfolk, Merchant of London. See her remarriage 13 Aug. 1712. She survived her second husband also, and, dying at Sheen the 20th, was buried at St. Peter-le-Poor 27 May 1737. • See her former marriage, 14 July 1655, and note. He was an Apothecary, of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, London, and remarried (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 31 May 1693) Sarah Newland, of St. Sepulchre's, London, spinster, aged about 23, his own age being then about 40. His will, dated 8 June, with a codicil 23 Sep., was proved 4 Oct. 1693, about four months after his last marriage. He evidently left no issue by either wife. 7 See his burial 15 July 1690, her father's 29 Jan. 1677-8, her own baptism 6 June 1666, and burials of her children 3 Mch. 1688-9 and 5 Jan. 1689-90. 8 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 24 Dec. 1687, for John Arden, of St. James, Westminster, widower, aged about 50, and Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, spinster, about 22, with her father's consent. 9 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 15 Feb. 1687-8, for Daniel Tibaut, of St. Martin in the Fields, Gold- smith, bachelor, aged about 33, and Mrs. Henrietta Blanchard, of St. Anne's, Westminster, spinster, about 33, and at her own disposal. 28 MARRIAGES IN 1683 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 168 Jan. 1 1689 April 9 June 20 Aug. 1 John Emilic and Martha Broderidge.¹ Charles Musters and Mary Wentworth.2 John Bullock and Elizabeth Munday.3 John Speakett, Esq., and Lady Essex Roberts.¹ Sir Miles Cooke and Mrs. Mary Agcr.5 Jenkin Lewis and Elizabeth Hastings. 1 He only son of Edward Emilic, of London, M.D. (of the ancient family of this name at Helmdon, co. Northampton), by Elizabeth only surviving dau. of John Millington, of Wandsworth, Surrey, Gent. In the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., 11 Feb., he is described as of St. Mary Abchurch, London, Merchant, bachelor, aged about 34. His will, as of Wandsworth, Merchant, was dated 19 May and proved 21 June 1711. She dau. and coheir of Christopher Brodridge, of the city of Exeter, Merchant, by Martha his wife. In the Mar. Lic. she is described as then of St. Helen's, London, spinster, aged about 23. Her will was dated 12 July and proved 17 Nov. 1721, and she directed to be buried at Wandsworth, near her husband. See their daughter's marriage, April, 1722. 2 He of Great Russell Street, St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., and of Ugley, co. Essex, second son of Sir John Musters, of Hornsey, Midx., and of Colwick, Notts, Kt., by his second wife Sarah Biddulph. He died 18 Dec. 1719. She dau. of John Wentworth of Somerleyton Hall, co. Suffolk, Esq., by his second wife Dorothy, dau. of Sir Thomas Leventhorpe, sccoud Bart. of Sabridgeworth, co. Herts. Her will, dated 13 Apl. 1742, was proved 12 Oct. 1749, and she was buried at Sabridgeworth. (See the marriage of his half-sister 25 Apl. 1691.) 3 Sce burials, probably of her family, 7 June 1670, 24 Apl. 1678, 14 Dec. 1682, and 4 Mch. 1685-6, and a marriage 6 Nov. 1679. 4 He eldest and only surviving son of John Speccott, Esq. and Honor his wife, of Penhcalc in Egloskerry, Cornwall, where he was baptized 19 Apl. 1665, and was M.P. for that county. He died of apoplexy, 16 June 1705, and was temporarily interred at St. Anne, Soho, from whence his remains were removed and finally buried at Egloskerry 20 July following. She fifth and youngest dau. of John Robartes, first Earl of Radnor, by his second wife Letitia-Isabella (called Isabella only in the peerages, and in the entry of her burial in the Chelsea register Letitia only, but both in the license for her second marriage to Viscount Newhaven), dau. of Sir John Smith, of Kent, Kt. She was baptized at Chelsea, Midx., 7 Apl. 1669. She died within three weeks after her mar- riage, as an order was given for hatchments, etc., after her death, 1 May 1689 (Painter's Work Book, Coll. Arm. 4 I. B., p. 216.) 5 He a younger son of Sir Robert Cooke, of Highnam, co. Gloucester, Kt. He was a Master in Chancery from 24 Dec. 1673 until his death, and knighted 25 Jan. 1673-4. He died suddenly at his house in Chancery Lane, and was buried at St. James, Westminster, 21 Feb. 1698-9. (Hc appears to have had a former wife, viz. Radegunda, dau. of Sir Peter Ball, of Mamhead, co. Devon, Kt.) She second dau. of Sir Robert Bolles, second Bart. of Scampton, co. Lincolu, by Mary dau. of Sir Edward Hussey of Honington, in the same county, Kt. She was born the 9th and baptized at Scampton 19 Oct. 1648. She had been previously (Mar. Lic. Fac. 8 June 1674) the second wife of Thomas Agar of the Middle Temple, Esq. (who was never knighted, as is crroneously stated in Collectanea and elsewhere), who was buried at St. Anne's, Soho, 1 Sep. 1687, and whose will, dated the previous 4 Feb., she proved 10 Nov. in that year. She remarried, thirdly, Thomas Turner, of Kingston, co. Kent, Esq., also a Master in Chancery, whom she survived, he dying 1 April 1715: (she was his third wife, his second having died 1 April, 1704.) Her will dated, 22 Dec. 1714, was proved 26 June, 1731, by her son Robert Cooke, sole legatec and executor. 6 A Jenkin Lewis was sometime a servant of the Princess Anne of Denmark, afterwards Queen Anne of England, and author of 'Memoirs of Prince William Henry.'-Rev. Jenkin Lewis, Vicar of Lourogaren, co. Carnarvon, died 13 Dec. 1731 (Monthly Chronicle, iv. 232.)—A Jenkin Lewis admitted to Gray's Inn 15 June, 1689, as son and heir of Henry Lewis of Traherne, co. Carmarthen, Esq.-Baptized at his chamber in the Inner Temple, 1 Nov. 1705, Sarah, dau. of Jenkin Lewis and Elizabeth his wife (Temple Register). WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 29 1689 Nov. 4 Nov. 28 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 1682 Feb. 6 • Feb. 13 March 4 1 William Wekett and Ann Tong.¹ Theophilus Lee and Mary Bridges.2 James Triocke and Anne Hewitt.3 Thomas Ellerker and Anne Mellish.4 Alexander Ridgby, Esq., and Susanna Calvert.5 Richard Bently and Catharine Davis." Mr. George Berkly, a Prebend, and Mrs. Jane Cole." ¹ He was one of the Messengers, and at his death Doorkeeper, of the Treasury. Considerable payments are recorded to him in the "Secret Services of Chas. II. and James II." (Camden Society's Volume, 1851) "as a reward for his extraordinary pains in carrying letters on several occasions for our service." A former wife, described in Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., 26 Sep. 1685, as Mary Waith, of St. Clement Danes, spinster, aged about 21, was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 23 Nov. 1688. In that license he is also called of that parish, gentleman, bachelor, aged about 25. He died the 3rd, and was buried at St. Margaret's 8 Feb. 1717-8. She, his second wife, was, as appears from his will, a sister of the Rev. John Tonge, who, at its date in 1714, was rector of Brancepeth, co. Durham, and was living in 1718. She proved her husband's will 26 April 1718, and the name occurs for some years later in the registers of St. Margaret's, Westminster. 2 Theophilus Leigh, of Adlestrop, co. Gloucester, Esq., son of William Leigh, Esq., by his third wife, Joan, dau. of Thomas Perry of the city of Gloucester, Esq. He died 10 Feb. 1724-5, aged about 78. She his second wife, dau. of James eighth Lord Chandos, by Elizabeth eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Bernard, of London, Kt. She died 13 June 1703, aged about 35. They were the ancestors of the present Lord Leigh of Stoneleigh. See their daughter's marriage 29 Jan. 1712-3. (See also marriages of her brothers and sisters, 24 Dec. 1691, 26 May 1692, 27 Feb. and 10 Mch. 1695-6, 2 May 1700, 7 June 1705, and 6 Oct. 1709.) 3 The will of Ann Trioche, of St. James, Westminster, widow, dated 12 Nov. 1729, was proved 18 Feb. following by John Johnson, her sister's son, to whom she left all her real and personal estate. She directed to be buried at Kensington, near her late husband. 4 He an attorney at law of London and Doncaster, son of John Ellerker, Esq., Alderman of Doncaster, by Elizabeth dau. of Peter Short, of the same place, and was there baptized 4 July 1655. Administration to his estate was granted 9 Dec. 1693, when he was described as of St. Martin's, Ludgate. She dau. of Robert Mellish, of Ragnall, Notts, Esq., and sister and heir of Robert Mellish of St. Andrew's, Holborn. She survived her husband, and remarried, at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 16 May 1696, John Williams, of St. Martin's, Ludgate (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 11 May; he a bachelor, and each aged about 30). 5. He second son of Alexander Rigby, of Layton, co. Lancaster, Esq., by Anne third dau. of Thomas Birch, of Birch-Hall, near Manchester, Esq. He was knighted 28 Nov. 1695, and died 20 April 1717. (He was a Turkey Merchant in London, and had property worth £40,000 seized by the enemy in Queen Anne's wars, which rendered him a bankrupt, and he was thrown into prison. He probably died in the Fleet, as in the register of St. Bride's is an entry of a certificate for the removal of his body, dated 26 Apl. 1717. Although through his paternal grandmother he was a second cousin of the Queen, the Government gave him no redress, except to make him a Knight and a Commissioner in Scotland, but an Act of Parliament was passed for his relief shortly before his death.) She dau. of Peter Calvert of Nine Ashes, in Hunsdon, Herts, by his wife Honour Bates, of Hertford, whose Mar. Lic. (Vic. Gen.) is dated 3 Apl. 1669. 6 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 3 Feb. 1689-90, for Richard Bently, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Sta- tioner, bachelor, aged about 40, and Mrs. Katherine Davis, of St. Martin in the Fields, spinster, about 25, with consent of her mother, a widow.-Buried, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 23 June 1697, Richard Bentley, and 16 Sep. 1699, Katherine Bentley, widow (Parish Register). His will, as Citizen and Stationer of London, dated 15 June, was proved 16 July 1697, and her mother, Grace Davis, widow, administered de bonis non 17 May 1700. She left no will, but her sister Ann Davis administered, as curatrix of her children, 26 Sep. 1699. - 7 The Hon. and Rev. George Berkeley, second son of George first Earl of Berkeley, by Elizabeth dau. and coheir of John Massingberd, of London, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 24 June 1668, aged 16, and was created M.A. 9 July 1669. He was admitted to 30 MARRIAGES IN 1690 May 8 Theophilus Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon, and the Lady Frances Needham.¹ 1 Aug. 19 Steven Humble and Elizabeth Abell.2 Sep. 2 Ralph Carr and Anne Fairefax.3 Nov. 2 Joseph Damsell and Joanna Kidder. Dec. 2 Philip Astley and Elizabeth Bransby.4 1691 April 25 June 29 Sir Ralph Ratclife and Mrs. Mary Spencer. John James and Dorothy Waller." the Rectory of Cranford, Midx. 8 Apl. 1686, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 13 June, 1687. He was buried at Cranford, 18 Oct. 1694. Janc, dau. of George Cole, of Buckish, co. Devon, and Enstone, co. Oxford, Esq., by his wife Anne. She was baptized at Enstone, 1670. (See baptism of their only child 22 Mch. 1691-2). She remarried Jeremiah Chaplin, Esq., one of the Gentlemen Ushers and Daily Waiters to Q. Anne, and they became, through their only daughter, ancestors of the present Earl of Buchan. She died in 1747. He fourth but only surviving son of Ferdinando sixth Earl of Huntingdon, by Lucy dau. and heir of Sir John Davies, of Englefield, Berks, Kt. He was born at Donnington Park 10 Dec. 1650, succeeded as seventh Earl 13 Feb. 1655-6, and died 30 May 1701. She his second wife, dau. and sole heir of Francis Leveson Fowler, of Harnage Grange, Shropshire (by Anne second dau. of Peter Venables, Baron of Kinderton), and relict of Thomas Needham, sixth Viscount Kilmorcy. (A curious incident in her history is revealed by a Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated 14 Feb. 1687-8, more than two years before this marriage, and very shortly after her first husband's death, viz., for the Hon. Francis Brereton, of Brereton, co. Chester, Esq., bachelor, aged about 24, and the Rt. Hon. Frances Viscountess Kilmorcy, widow, about 23. From some unexplained cause the marriage did not take place, as he succeeded as fifth Lord Brereton, and died unmarried in 1722.) She remarried, thirdly, Michael de Ligondes, of Auvergne in France, Knight of Malta, and Colonel of Horse in the French service, who died in 1717. She had issue by each of her husbands, and died 26 Dec. 1723. 2 He youngest son of Stephen Humble, of St. James, Westminster, Gent., by Katherine his wife, and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Feb. 1661-2. His will, dated 18 Sep. 1694 and proved 20 Nov. 1699, describes him as of Littleton, co. Midx., Gent., but in the calendar he is called of co. Southampton. She survived him, and was his executrix. Their only son, Benjamin, was living at the date of his grandfather's will, 7 Nov. 1706. 3 He only son of Sir Ralph Carr, of Newcastle-on-Tyne and of Cocken, co. Durham, Kt., by his second wife Isabella, dau. of James Darcy, of Sedbury Park, co. York, Esq., brother of Conyers first Earl of Holderness. He was born 19 June 1669, and died 24 May 1706. She fifth but third surviving dau. of Henry fourth Lord Fairfax of Cameron, by Frances dau. and heir of Sir Robert Barwick of Tolston, co. York. She was baptized at Bramham, co. York 27 Apl. 1670, and died 3 July 1699. They were buried at Houghton-le-Spring, co. Durham. 4 Mar. Lic. Fac. 1 Dec. 1690, for Philip Astley, of Mclton Constable, co. Norfolk, Esq., bachelor, aged about 22, and Elizabeth Bransby, of Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk, spinster, about 18, her parents dead, with consent of her uncle and guardian Robert Bransby, Esq.-He second but eldest surviving son of Sir Jacob Astley, first Bart. of Hill Morton, co. Warwick, by Blanche eldest dau, of Sir Philip Wodehouse, third Bart. of Kimberley. He succeeded as second Bart. Aug. 1729, and died 7 July 1739. She only dau. and heir of Thomas Bransby, of Castor, co. Norfolk, Esq., and died in April, 1738. 5 He of Hitchin Priory, Herts, son of Ralph Radcliffe, Esq. and Edith his wife, and grandson of Sir Edward Radcliffe, Kt., Physician to K. James I. He was knighted 18 Feb. 1667-8, and died 15 July 1720, in his 87th year. She his third wife, only dau. of Sir John Musters, of Hornsey, Midx., Kt. (by his first wife Anne dau. of Sir John Maynard, K.B.), and relict of Sir Richard Spencer, second Bart. (of the second creation) of Offley, Herts (to whom married at Hornsey 23 July 1672, and who died Feb. 1687-8). She died without issue the 3rd and was buried at Hitchin 14 Sep. 1719, with her husband. 6 Mar. Lic. Vic. Fac. same date: both of St. Andrew's, Holborn, both single, and each aged about 30.-She was dau. and coheir of Thomas Waller (second son of Thomas Waller, Esq., of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 31 1691 July Oct. 1 5. Mr. William Needham and Mrs. Margaret Needham.¹ Mr. John Westwood and Mrs. Susanna Nott.2 William Ingoldstry and Theophila Lucy.³ Oct. 27 Dec. 24 Dec. 26 3 Mr. Alexander Jacob and Mrs. Elizabeth Bridges.¹ Mr. John Gouldsmith and Mrs. Elizabeth Cope.5 Gregories, Bucks), by his wife Elizabeth, and thus distantly related to the eminent poet. Two sons of this marriage were baptized at St. Andrew's, Holborn: Hogan, 30 May 1692; and John, 1 Jan. 1694-5. 1 See her baptism 13 Apl. 1670, her father's burial 13 Feb. 1705-6, and her mother's 7 Apl. 1708. She died 24 Oct. 1693, and was buried at Alresford, Hants. He was of Emanuel College, Cambridge, A.B. 1674, A.M. 1678, and S.T.B. 1685, and was Rector of Old Alresford, Hants, forty years. He was born 2 Feb. 1665-6, died 22 June 1727, and was buried at Alresford. (See the baptism of their daughter 20 June 1692). His second wife Catharine died 27 Aug. 1731, æt. 81, and was also buried at Alresford. 2 He eldest son of Rev. John Westwood, Vicar of Hales Owen, co. Worcester, by Rebecca dau. of Rev. Thomas Littleton, Rector of Suckley in that county and also Vicar of Hales Owen, and sister of Rev. Dr. Adam Littleton, Rector of Chelsea, Midx., and at this time Prebendary and Sub-dean of Westminster. He was baptized at Hales Owen 7 Mch. 1664-5, admitted to West- minster School 1680, elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he matriculated as a Pensioner 19 June 1684, and had the degree of A.B. in 1687. He was inducted Perpetual Vicar of Overton. Hants, 30 Jan. 1689-90, and was buried there 9 Oct. 1709. She appears to have been a dau. of Edward Nott of Minty, co. Gloucester, Esq., by Anne dau. of William Webb alias Richmond, of Lydiard Millicent, Wilts, and widow of Edmund Webb of Minty aforesaid. Her will, dated 18 Dec. 1711, was proved 2 June 1712. The baptisms of ten of their children occur in the parish register of Overton, as well as the marriages and burials of several of them. (It is possible that a burial, 5 May 1691, refers to a former wife of Mr. Westwood). 3 William Ingoldsby, of Ballybeg, co. Meath, Ireland, son of Sir George Ingoldsby second Bart. of Lethenborough, Bucks, by Mary dau. of Sir Peter Stanley second Bart. of Alderley, suc- cecded as third Bart. His age, according to the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. dated the previous day, was about 20. He died at his house in York Buildings the 25th, and was buried at St. Martin in the Fields 28 Apl. 1726, leaving no male issue, and the title became extinct. Theophila, dau. of Sir Kingsmill Lucy, second Bart. of Broxbourne, Herts, by Lady Theophila dau. of George first Earl of Berkeley, was born and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields 24 Jan. 1670-1. She died 30 July, and was buried at Cranford, Midx.. 4 Aug. 1721. 4 He younger son of Robert Jacob, Esq. (brother of Sir John Jacob first Bart. of Bromley) by his second wife, Margaret, dau. of Alexander Packer of Kings Charlton, co. Gloucester, Esq., and was a Turkey merchant in London. The inscription on his coffin-plate styles him "Mercator e Societate Turcicâ primarius," and says that he was born 1 Feb. 1646-7, and died 31 Mch. 1721. (The words "a foreigner," added to his name in Collectanea, are not in the Abbey Register, and the date there given is slightly erroneous.) She dau. of James eighth Lord Chandos, by Elizabeth eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Bernard, of London, Kt. (See marriages of her brothers and sisters, 28 Nov. 1689, 26 May 1692, 27 Feb. and 10 Mch. 1695-6, 2 May 1700, 7 June 1705, and 6 Oct. 1709). See their son's marriage 5 Dec. 1717. She remarried, at St. Paul's Cathedral, 27 Dec. 1722, the Rev. Thomas Dawson, D.D., Vicar of Windsor, where she died 23 Nov. 1739, and was buried at Whitchurch, Midx. 5 He son and heir of John Gouldsmyth, of Nantwich, co. Chester, Gent., by his first wife Judith, dau. of Robert Woodroffe of Poyle in the parish of Seale, co. Surrey. He was baptized at St. Bartholomew the Great, London, 18 Aug. 1654; matriculated at Oxford, from Brasenose College, 31 Mch. 1671; and was admitted to the Middle Temple 22 June 1672. He married, first, at St. Lawrence Jewry, London, 19 Dec. 1682, Jane Radcliffe, of Islington, Midx., spinster (second and youngest dau. of Hugh Radcliffe, Citizen and Haberdasher of London, by his second wife Elizabeth dau. and coheir of Thomas Chewning, Citizen and Skinner of London), who died the 1st and was buried at Nantwich 9 Feb. 1686-7. He was also buried at Nantwich 29 Sep. 1702, and his relict administered to his estate 14 Dec. following. She eldest dau. of Jonathan 32 MARRIAGES IN Jean Louis Du Lorges and Catharine De la Barre.¹ John Du Commun and Margaret Pucch.2 Benjamin Mott and Anne Clerke.³ 169 Jan. 19 19 Feb. 29 1692 April 5 May 26 June 23 July 10 Mr. John Verney and Mrs. Mary Lawly.5 Nov. 24 169 Feb. 2 1693 Feb. 21 Mr. Edmund Chamberlaine and Emma Bridges.4 Robert Silke and Mary Dowse. Littleton Taylor and Mary Littleton alias Tyncare." John Ward and Lucy Walker. James Tooth and Alice Chaplin.7 April 24 James Merle and Elizabeth Sabatier.8 Cope, Esq. (third but second surviving son of Sir William Cope, second Bart. of Hanwell, co. Oxford) of Ronton Abbey, co. Stafford, by Anne dau. of Sir Hatton Fermor of Easton Neston, co. Northampton, Kt. She was born at Ronton Abbey the 1st, and baptized at Ellenhall, co. Stafford, 26 Dec. 1655. They left surviving a dau. Judith, wife of Walter Stubbs, of Beckbury Hall, co. Salop, Esq., and a son Jonathan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, who died in Norfolk Street, Strand, 12 Apl. 1732. 1 His surname is almost undecipherable in the official register, but the unofficial one gives it distinctly as adopted in the text.-(Luttrell's Diary mentions Marshal De Lorges as in active scrvice on the Continent from 1690 to 1695). 2 John Du Commun was Yeoman of the Confectionery to the King in 1692, and was natu- ralized in 1698. Paul Puech was naturalized in 1682. Her will, as a widow, dated at Bath (where she died) 3 Jan. 1738-9, was proved 16 Apl. 1739, by her son Peter John Du Commun. It mentions also her son John, then at Jamaica, and her dau. Janc, wife of Mr. Daniel Debat. 3 Mar. Lic. Fac. 4 Apl. 1692, for Benjamin Mott, bachelor, aged about 30, and Anne Clerke, spinster, aged 21, with consent of her mother, Mary Clerke, widow; all of St. Botolph, Alders- gate. 4 He eldest son of John Chamberlaine of Maugersbury, co. Gloucester, Esq., by Mary dau. of Walter Savage of Broadway, co. Worcester, Esq. He was born about 1670, and was high sheriff of Gloucestershire in 1705. She dau. of James eighth Lord Chandos, by Elizabeth eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Bernard of London, Kt. (See marriages of her brothers and sisters, 28 Nov. 1689, 24 Dec. 1691, 27 Feb. and 10 Mch. 1695-6, 2 May 1700, 7 June 1705, and 6 Oct. 1709.) She died, his relict, at Maugersbury, in June 1738 (Historical Register). See his first marriage, 27 May 1680, and note thereto. She his second wife, eldest dau. of Sir Francis Lawley second Bart. of Spoonhill, co. Salop, by Anne eldest dau. of Sir Thomas Whitmore first Bart. of Apley in the same county. She died 24 Aug. and was buried 5 Sep. 1694, at Middle Claydon, co. Bucks, aged 33, with her only infant child John, buried 25 May preceding. Her husband married, thirdly, at Kensington, 8 Apl. 1696, Elizabeth dau. of Daniel Baker, of London, Esq., who survived him. • See his burial 14 Nov. 1701, and hers 2 Nov. 1705, and notes thereto. 7 He son of Thomas Tooth of Micklcham, co. Surrey, Gent., Yeoman of His Majesty's Scullery, by Elizabeth his wife, and was baptized at Greenwich, co. Kent, 17 April 1646. By a first wife, Martha, he had children who were baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden. He married, secondly, at St. Bride's, 16 July 1689, Jane Dearing, of Westminster, who was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 18 Nov. 1691. In his will, dated 2 July and proved 1 Dec. 1719, he described him- self as also of Mickleham, Gentleman. This, his third wife, survived him and was his executrix. Children of this marriage were baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and St. Paul's, Covent Garden. Their youngest son, Richard, matriculated at Oxford, from Merton College, 11 Dec. 1725, and was M.A. 17 July 1733. 8 The unofficial register adds: "French people; married by Mr. Sartre." A John Sabatier was buried at St. Luke's, Chelsea, 25 June 1722, and Mrs. Margaret Sabatier 4 Aug. following. John Sabatier was a witness to the will of Rev. James Sartre in 1711. The will of Margaret Sabatier, of Arlington Street, dated 21 Apl. 1731 and proved 19 Mch. 1742-3, mentions her cousin John Anthony Merle and his wife Elizabeth. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 33 1693 Dcc. 3 1694 May 15 169 Jan. 21 Feb. Feb. 27 Leonard Martin and Hannah Bartholomew.¹ Sir Charles Heron and the Lady Catherine Poultney.² Thomas Browne and Susan Cooke.3 John Walter and Jane Symptor.* 4 James Bridges and Mary Lake.5 March 10 Charles Walcot and Mary Bridges." 1696 April 30 Aug. 27 Mr. Sherard and Mrs. Calverly." John Jeffery, of Sauston, co. Cambridge, widower, and Elizabeth Howell, of Conington, co. Huntingdon, single woman.8 1 In the unofficial register only.-Mar. Lic. Fac. 2 Dec. 1693, for Leonard Martin, bachelor, aged about 22, and Hannah Bartholomew, spinster, about 19, with consent of her father, a "Tinman." 2 He third son of Sir Cuthbert Heron first Bart. of Chipchase, co. Northumberland, by his first wife Elizabeth third dau. of Sir Richard Graham of Netherby, co. Cumberland, Bart. He succccded his brother John, as third Bart., about 1693. His will. dated 24 July 1694, was proved 30 Oct. 1711, and the record states that he died in the Fleet prison. She eldest dau. of Sir William Pulteney of Misterton, co. Leicester, Kt., by Grace youngest dau. of Sir John Corbet of Stoke, co. Salop, Bart. Her will, dated 20 Sep., was proved 26 Oct. 1720, and she was buried at St. Martin in the Fields on the 18th of the latter month. See her sister's burial 28 Feb. 1745-6. (This entry is in the unofficial register only). 3 The date of this entry in Collectanea is erroneously 1693.—A Mr. Thomas Browne was sworn Gent. Extraordinary of the Chapel Royal in 1683. 4 From his will, dated 19 July and proved 9 Nov. 1713, he appears to have been a brother of Peter Walter, Esq., the famous "usurer" immortalized by Pope. He described himself as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, "Grocer," and was buried in that church, 3 Aug. 1713. She survived him and was his exccutrix. 5 He eldest son and heir of James Brydges eighth Lord Chandos, by Elizabeth eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Bernard, of London, Kt. He was born the 6th and baptized 12 Jan. 1673-4, at Dewsall, co. Hereford, succeeded as ninth Lord Chandos 16 Oct. 1714, and was created Duke of Chandos 30 Apl. 1729. He died the 9th and was buried 23 Aug. 1744, at Whitchurch, Midx. (See marriages of his brothers and sisters. 28 Nov. 1689, 24 Dec. 1691, 26 May 1692, 10 Mch. 1695-6, 2 May 1700, 7 June 1705, and 6 Oct. 1709.) She his first wife, dau. aud eventually sole heir of Sir Thomas Lake, of Canons, Midx., Kt., by Rebecca dau. of Sir John Langham first Bart. of Cottesbrooke, co. Northampton. She was baptized 18 July 1668, at Whit- church, and died the 15th and was buried there 23 Dec. 1712. 6 He eldest son of John Walcot, of Walcot, co. Salop, Esq., by his second wife Elizabeth dau. of Sir George Clerke, of Watford, co. Northampton, Kt. He was baptized at Lydbury, co. Salop, 24 May 1660, was M.P. for Ludlow in 1681, and High Sheriff of Shropshire in 1710; and was buried at Lydbury, 20 June 1726. She his second wife, and sister of James Brydges mentioned in the entry and note immediately preceding. She is erroneously called "Mary" in the register, her name being Anne (scc her sister Mary's marriage 28 Nov. 1689). She was buried at Lydbury 2 Feb. 1703-4. 7 Bennet Sherard, Esq., second but eldest surviving son of Bennet second Lord Sherard, Baron of Leitrim in the peerage of Ireland, by Elizabeth dau. of Sir Robert Christopher of Alford, co. Lincoln, Kt. He succeeded his father as third Lord Sherard 16 Jan. 1698-9, and was created Lord Harborough in the peerage of Great Britain 19 Oct. 1714, Viscount Sherard 31 Oct. 1718, and Earl of Harborough 8 May 1719. He died in London 16 Oct. 1732, and was buried at Stapleford, co. Leicester, 15 Nov. following, aged 55. Mary, dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Calverly of Eryholme, co. York, Kt.. by Dame Mary his wife. In the Mar. Lic. Fac. 23 Apl. 1696, her age is stated as about 18. She died, without surviving issue, 20 May, 1702, and her husband did not remarry. 8 Mar. Lic. Fac. 26 Aug. 1696, for John Jeffery of Sawston, co. Cambridge, widower, and Elizabeth Howell of Conington, co. Huntingdon, spinster, aged above 22, with consent of her father John Howell, Gent.-(The entry in Collectanea erroneously gives the date "Nov. 4," and marries Mr. Jeffery to Miss Smyth of the following entry.) F 34 MARRIAGES IN 1696 Nov. 4 Arthur Moore, of St. Bride's, London, widower, and Theophila Smyth, of Epsom, co. Surrey, single woman.1 1699 Feb. 11 Thomas Crow, of Collitou, co. Devon, widower, and Elizabeth Gill, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, single woman. 1697 April 25 Charles Osborn, of Hall [sic], in Yorkshire, widower, and Frances Digby, of Mansfield-Woodhouse, Notts, widow.2 May 25 Alexander Bosvile, of St. Dunstan's in the West, London, Book- seller, and Ann Grove, of the same parish, widow.3 1 (See note to preceding entry).—Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 4 Nov. 1696, for Arthur Moore, of St. Bride's, London, Esq., widower, aged about 30, and Theophila Smythe, of Epsom, Surrey, spinster, about 20, with consent of her father William Smythe, Esq.-He supposed to be of humble Irish descent, but acquired considerable social and political standing, and is often named in the political pamphlets and squibs of his time. He appears to have been one of the Comptrollers of the Army Accounts, a Director of the South Sea Company, and M.P. for Great Grimsby. He appears also to have succeeded his father-in-law as Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pen- sioners, in 1720, which office was transferred seven years later to his sons James and Arthur jointly. He was first married, 17 Mch. 1691-2, at St. Bride's, London, to Susanna, eldest dau. of Dr. Edward Browne (eldest son of Sir Thomas Browne, author of Religio Medici "), President of the Royal College of Physicians, by whom he had only two daus., viz. Janc, baptized at St. Bride's 29 Aug. 1693, and buried there the next day, and Susanna, baptized 20 Jan. and buried there 7 Feb. 1694-5. The mother was also buried at St. Bride's 2 Mch. 1694-5; but they all appear to have been afterwards removed to Northfleet, Kent, where they have a monument. He died 4 May 1730, and was buried at Fetcham, co. Surrey. His will, dated 6 Nov. 1729, was proved 30 May 1730. (See an interesting account of him in Notes and Queries, 1st Ser. xi. 157, 177, 197.) She, his second wife, was dau. and heir of William Smythe, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Paymaster of the Band of l'ensioners, by Lady Elizabeth eldest dau. of George first Earl of Berkeley. Her will, dated 12 Oct. 1738, was proved 26 Jan. 1739-40). Their eldest son William (baptized at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 4 June 1699) succeeded to his father's, uncle's. and grand- father's estates, and was M.P. for Banbury. He died, without issue, 24 Oct. 1746, making his heir Frederick, afterwards the celebrated Lord North. The second son, Arthur, was baptized at St. Giles in the Fields 1 Aug. 1700, aud buried there 7 June 1734. The third son, James, assured his grandfather's name of Smythe, and is frequently mentioned as one of Pope's anti- pathies. He died 18 Oct. 1734. There were three daus. by this marriage: Theophila, baptized at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 9 June 1698, and buried at St. Giles in the Fields 30 Aug. 1703; Elizabeth, baptized at St. Giles in the Fields 2 June 1701, who probably married Wyriot Ormond named in her brother James's will; and another Theophila, baptized at St. Giles in the Felds 23 Nov. 1704, and buried there 17 Jan. following. 2 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 21 Apl. 1697, for Charles Osborn, of Hull, co. York, Esq., widower, aged 55, and Frances Digby of Mansfield-Woodhouse, co. Notts, widow, aged 45.—Mar. Lic. Fac. 7 Sep. 1663, for John Digby of Mansfield-Woodhouse, Esq., bachelor, aged about 30, and Frances Pinckney, spinster, about 20, with consent of her father Leonard Pinckney, of Westminster, Esq. -A Charles Osborne, Esq., was Licut. Governor of Hull in 1692, and M.P. for Hull 1690-8, but he is said in the Peerages to have been a brother of the Duke of Leeds, and to have died unmarried. (Query, if it should not read without issue). 3 The well known bookseller of his time, " at the Dial and Bible over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet Street." The more notorious Curll was occupying these premises in 1710, and Bosvile scems to have retired to St. Margaret's, Westminster, as carly as 1708, as his will is dated 9 Nov. in that year. He styled himself "Citizen and Stationer of London," and bequeathed all his goods, one half to his wife Anne, and one half to his only child Elizabeth when of age or married. He was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 30 Sep. 1717, and his will was proved 24 Oct. following by his relict Anne, who appears to have been also buried at St. Margaret's, as the "widow Boswell," 7 Feb. 1717-8. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 35 1697 June 3 Giles Palmer, of St. Bartholomew Exchange, London, and Honor Carter, of Hertford, Herts, both single.¹ June 19 Oct. 17 Oct. 1 John Holworthy, Esq., and the Lady Judith Barkham, widow.2 Oliver Goodacre, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, widower, and Mary Kellum, of St. Sepulchre's, London, single woman.3 27 Edward Tufnell and Anne Browne, both single and of St. Mar- garet's, Westminster.4 Nov. 24 19 Peter Birch, D.D., and Mrs. Martha Millington.5 Benjamin Dewell, of St. Mary Hill, London, and Ann Stampford, of St. Botolph's, Aldersgate, both single.6 1698 Nov. 29 Thomas Gore and Elizabeth Hill, both single and of St. Mar- garet's, Westminster.7 1699 May 29 William Fathers and Priscilla Strode, both single and of West- minster.8 Oct. 28 The Rt. Hon. James, Earl of Anglesey, and the Hon. Catherine Darnley.⁹ 1 Mar. Lic. Fac. 2 June 1697, for Giles Palmer, of St. Bartholomew Exchange, London, Merchant, bachelor, aged 21. and Honor Carter, of All Saints, Hertford, Herts, spinster, aged 17 and upwards, with consent of her mother, a widow. ² He only son and heir of John Holworthy, of St. Swithin's, London, Merchant, by Anne dau. of Henry Proby, of London. His grandfather was Richard Holworthy, of Bristol, Merchant, and mayor of that city in 1635. He evidently died before his wife. She was dau. of Sir John Halsey, of Great Gaddesden, Herts, Kt. (a Master in Chancery), by Judith eldest dau. and coheir of James Nectou, Esq., and was the relict of Sir William Barkham, of Hatton Garden, London, and of East Walton, co. Norfolk, third and last Bart. of South Acre, who died in Dec. 1695. She appears to have been buried at Woolwich, Kent. 19 Mch. 1723-4, if we may so construc a curious entry in the register of that parish, of that date, which reads "Barkham Judith Lady.” 3 In the Mar. Lic. Fac., dated the previous day, her age is given as 32. He was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 16 Sep. 1703. 4 Sce his burial 11 Sep. 1719, and note. In the Mar. Lic. Fac., dated the previous day, she is called of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, aged above 21 and at her own disposal. She was one of the daus. and coheirs of Samuel Browne, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., who died in 1720-1. She remarried (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 24 Oct. 1721) Thomas Mytton, of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, Merchant, who died before her, and was buried at Camberwell, co. Surrey. Her will, dated 31 July, was proved 5 Dec. 1727. 5 Sce his burial 4 July 1710, and hers 28 May 1703, and notes thereto. 6 Mar. Lic. Fac. 15 Dec. 1697, for Bryan Drewitt, of St. Mary-at-Hill, London, bachelor, aged 23, and Anne Stampford, of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, spinster, aged 22, her parents dead, and she at her own disposal: alleged by George Throope, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent. -It is difficult to account for the violent discrepancy in the man's name. for both records are unmistakeable. George Throope was the Apparitor of the Dean and Chapter (sec his burial 20 June 1698). 7 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 22 Nov. 1698, for Thomas Gore, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., bachelor, aged above 24, and Elizabeth Hill, of the same parish, spinster, above 22, and at her own disposal. 9 He probably son of Everard Fathers, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, whose estate was administered (D. and C. Westminster) 3 Mch. 1702-3, by his relict Catharine. She dau. of George Strode and Mary his wife, and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 7 Jan. 1676-7. They were living as late as 7 May 1710, when their son Everard was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster. • He eldest son of James second Earl, by Lady Elizabeth Manners, fourth dau, of John eighth 36 MARRIAGES IN 1699 Nov. 21 1699 1700 Edward Carterett, of St. Clement Danes, co. Middlesex, Esq., and the Lady Bridget Sudbury alias Clutterbuck, of Ingatston, co. Essex.¹ 1988 Feb. 10 Capt. George Kirke and Mary Cooke, both of St. Margaret's, Westminster.2 March 7 1700 April 23 May 2 Nathaniel Parkhurst, of Catesby, co. Northampton, bachelor, and Althamia Smith, of Kensington, single woman.3 Hugh Boscawen, bachelor, and Charlott Godfrey, single woman.4 Brereton Bourchier, Esq., of Barnsley Hall in Gloucestershire, and the Hon. Katherine Bridges." May 29 Edward Blount, singing man, and Annabella Guise." Earl of Rutland. He was born about 1670, and succeeded as third Earl 1 Apl. 1690. He was divorced from the Countess, on account of his cruelty, 12 June 1701, and, dying 21 Jan. follow- ing, was buried at Farnborough, Hants. See her burial 8 Apl. 1743, and note. Their only child was ancestress of the present Marquis of Normanby. 1 He third son of Sir Philip Carteret (killed in the naval battle of Solebay, 28 May 1672) by Lady Jemima Montagu, dau. of Edward first Earl of Sandwich. He was baptized at Hawnes, co. Bedford, 28 Nov. 1671. Ile was in several Parliaments, and, 4 April 1721, was constituted a joint Postmaster-General, in which office he continued till his death. He died 15 Apl. 1739, and was buried at Hornchurch, co. Essex, the 21st of that mouth. She dau. of Sir Thomas Exton, Kt., LL.D., Dean of the Arches, Vicar-General and Chancellor of London, and Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, by Isabella dau. of Robert Hore, Citizen and Apothecary of London, and relict of Thomas Prujean, M.D. (son of Sir Francis Prujean, Kt.). She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 19 Sep. 1667. She married, first, Sir John Sudbury, only Bart. of Eldon, co. Durham, who died 27 Mch. and was buried at Hornchurch, Essex, 3 Apl. 1691. (The only issue of this marriage, a dau. Anne, was buried at Hornchurch, 12 Sep. 1691.) She married, secondly, Thomas Clutterbuck, of Ingatestone, Essex, Esq., by whom she had a son, born about 1696, afterwards the Rt. Hon. Thomas Clutterbuck, Treasurer of the Navy, who died 23 Nov. 1742, and was buried at Hornchurch. She herself died 18 Sep. 1735, and was buried at Horn- church the 26th of that month. See burial of the eldest son of this marriage, 14 Nov. 1718. 2 See his burial 16 Jan. 1703-4, and hers 23 Dec. 1754, and notes thereto. 3 In the Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond., dated the previous day, his age is given as 23, and hers about 16. He was son of John Parkhurst, of Catesby, co. Northampton, Esq., by Katherine dau. of John Dormer of Leigh Grange, co. Bucks, Esq. He died 20 May 1715. She eldest dau. of Altham Smith, of Gray's Inn, Esq. (eighth son of Sir Thomas Smijth first Bart. of Hill-Hall, Essex), by Susanna (née Gore) relict of Sir Richard Munden, Kt.. Capt. R.N. 4 He eldest and only surviving son of Edward Boscawen, Esq., by Jael dau. of Sir Francis Godolphin, K.B., and sister of Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer. He was created Viscount Falmouth 13 June 1720. He died suddenly at Trefusis 25 Oct. 1734, and was buried at Penkevil, co. Cornwall. She eldest of the two daus, and coheirs of Charles Godfrey, Esq., Master of the Jewel Oflice, by Arabella Churchill, sister of John, Duke of Marlborough (see her burial 10 May 1730). She died 22 Mch. 1754, and was buried at Penkevil. They were the parents of eighteen children, of whom twelve were baptized at St. Martin in the Fields. See the marriages of three of them, 17 Aug. 1732; 3 Feb. 1742-3; and 18 Aug. 1746. He son of William Bourchier, of Barnesley, co. Gloucester, Esq., by Martha dau. of Randolph Brereton, Esq. (who were married at St. Bartholomew the Great, London, 27 Feb. 1651-2). In the Mar. Lic. Fac., dated 27 Apl. 1700, he is called a widower, and of Barnesley. He was aged 27 and upwards at the Visitation of Gloucestershire in 1682. She dau. of James Brydges eighth Lord Chandos, by Elizabeth eldest dau, and coheir of Sir Henry Bernard, of London, Kt. She died 11 July 1732, aged about 52. See their daughter's marriage, 2 Apl. 1719. (See also marriages of her brothers and sisters, 28 Nov. 1689, 24 Dec. 1691, 26 May 1692, 27 Feb. and 10 Mch. 1695-6, 7 June 1705, and 6 Oct. 1709.) 6 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 27 May 1700, for Edward Blount, of St. Anne's, Westminster, Gent., WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 37 1700 Aug. 6 Thomas Tidd, of Deptford, co. Kent, and Mary Elliott, of the precinct of Bridewell, London, both single.¹ 1 Oct. 17 Robert Jennens, of the Middle Temple, London, and Anne Guidott, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, both single.2 1709 March 4 William Lloyd, of St. Austin's, London, bachelor, and Priscilla Monke, of St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex, widow.3 1701 July 17 Aug. 7 Sir Sewster Peyton, Bart., and Mrs. Anne Dashwood.4 Sir John Thorold, Kt. and Bart., and the Hon. the Lady Mar- garet Coventrie, widow.5 bachelor, aged about 38, and Mrs. Annabella Guise, of the same parish, spinster, aged 21 and upwards, and at her own disposal.—Their dau. Elizabeth was baptized 23 Jan. 1701-2, and their dau. Ann 27 Oct. 1703, both at St. Anne's, Westminster, and in both instances her name is written Arabella in the register. ¹ Mar. Lic. Fac. 5 Aug. 1700, for Thomas Tidde, Jr., of Deptford, Kent. Chirurgeon, bachelor, aged 22 and upwards, and Mary Elliott, spinster, about 20, dau. of Mary Elliott, of Bridewell precinct, London, widow, whose consent was attested by Joseph Damsell, uncle of said Mary Elliott the younger. 2 He fourth son of Humphrey Jennens, of Erdington and Nether Whitacre, co. Warwick, Esq., by Mary dau. of John Milward, of Snitterton, co. Derby, Esq. In the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen.. dated the previous day, he is called of the Middle Temple, bachelor, aged 28, but no record of his admission is to be found in the Temple registers. He was afterwards of Bedford Row, Holborn, and of Acton Place, Suffolk. He died suddenly, of apoplexy, 23 Feb. 1725-6, in his 54th year, and was buried at Acton. She only dau. and heir of Carew Guidott of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and of Hampshire, Esq. (The following Mar. Lic. Fac., dated 23 Mch. 1671-2, appears to be that of her parents: Carew Guidott, of Herriard, co. Southampton, Gent., bachelor, aged about 30, and Ann Fuller, of Chamber House, co. Berks, spinster, about 22, dau. of . . . Fuller, who consented thereto to marry at Herriard aforesaid.) She died 24 Dec. 1761, aged 85, and was buried at Acton. Their only son, William, died unmarried 19 June 1798, in his 98th year, leaving an immense fortune, which, although since legally distributed beyond the possibility of disturbance, has excited the covetousness of a host of greedy claimants, on both sides of the Atlantic, who are to this day wasting time and substance in pursuing the hopeless enterprise of its recovery and redistribution among themselves. 3 See a marriage 4 May 1686. 4 He second Bart. (of the second creation) of Doddington, co. Cambridge, son of Sir Algernon Peyton first Bart., by Frances dau. and heir of Sir Robert Sewster, of Raveley, co. Huntingdon, Kt. He was Master of the Buckhounds to Q. Anne. He died 28 Dec. 1717. in his 45th year, and was buried at Doddington. She second daughter of George Dashwood, Esq., Alderman of London (by his wife Margaret Perry, of Thorpe, co. Surrey), and sister of Sir Robert Dashwood, first Bart. of Northbrook, co. Oxford. She survived her husband. 5 He third son of Anthony Thorold, Esq. (second son of Sir William Thorold, first Bart. of Marston, co. Lincoln), by Grisilla second dau. of Sir John Wray second Bart. of Glentworth in the same county. He succeeded his two elder brothers as fourth Bart., and, dying without issue, æt. 54, was buried at Syston, near Grantham, in that county. His will, dated 12 Dcc. 1712, was proved 15 Jan. 1716-7. She third wife and relict of Francis Coventry, Esq., second son of Thomas first Lord Coventry (the Lord-Keeper), who died 15 Nov. 1699, in his 87th year, and was buried at Mortlake, Surrey. She survived Sir John, her second husband, and founded in her lifetime several important charities in Lincolnshire, which are still in successful operation. Her will, dated 23 July, with a codicil 30 Oct. 1732, was proved 31 Jan. 1732-3, by Thomas Coventry, Jr. She described herself as then of St. James's, Westminster, and directed to be buried with her first husband at Mortlake, or with her second at Syston. She died the 23rd and was buried at Mortlake 29 Jan. 1732-3, aged about 81. (About this lady there has always been a considerable mystery, which it is the editor's province to clear up, at least in part. All the printed accounts and MS. pedigrees of the Thorold 38 MARRIAGES IN 1701 Aug. 21 John Hicks, D.D., and Mrs. Sarah Trotman, single woman.¹ Sept. 25 Nathaniel Browne, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widower, and Anne Turner, of Hayes, co. Middlesex, single woman.2 family mention her simply as the relict of the Hon. Francis Coventry and daughter of (( Waters," or "Walters, Esq.." sometimes adding "of Surrey." The accounts of the Coventry family ignore her name altogether. Among the retainers of the Thorold family in Lincolnshire, and the people in the neighbourhood of their scat, there exists to this day a tradition that Sir John, the fourth baronet, married one of his menial servants. This is, of course, an error, for, so far as he was concerned, his wife was a lady of considerable wealth, and the widow of a baron's son. It is not improbable, however, that the story originally had some basis, although the details were subsequently perverted. The facts, so far as the editor has been able to trace them, appear to be these: Mr. Coventry, then a widower, was married at Carshalton, Surrey, 31 Jan. 1665-6, to Lady Elizabeth, relict of Sir Edmond Hoskins, Kt., Serjeant-at-Law, and she was buried at Carshalton 16 Sep. 1688. On 22 Aug. 1689, as plain "Francis Coventry," he obtained a license from the Faculty Office to marry "Margaret Waterer" (not Waters, nor Walters), described as a "maiden, aged about 37." In the allegation they are both stated to be of Carshalton, and they were to marry at St. Paul's, Covent Garden. They did not marry there, but about six weeks after, viz., 4 Oct. 1689, they were married at St. Mary Abchurch, London, and the entry in the register describes them as "Francis Coventry, of Carshalton, widower, and Margaret Waterer, of the same parish." Mr. Coventry was born in 1613, and was therefore at this date seventy-six years of age, more than double the age of his wife. His residence at Carshalton is explained by the fact that his second wife's estate was there; but the name of Waterer does not occur in a single instance in the parish register of Carshalton, from 1538 to 1812, which is an ample proof that it was not the residence of her family. Under all these circumstances it is not unreasonable to suppose that Miss Waterer had been a member of his second wife's family (perhaps a personal attendant or upper domestic), whose good qualities he had had an opportunity of observing, and whom he thus selected as a nurse and companion for his later years. Indeed, he says almost so much in his own will, at the close of which he makes this extraordinary appeal to his family: "My desire is that my will may be received, construed, and taken to the best advantage of my dear wife, whom I take myself to be bound both in honour and conscience to provide for, as my wife, and her that has expressed all the care and affection for me that I could desire to be applied to me in this infirm and sickly part of my old age; and let all my relations be of the same mind, and wish her the Godspeed, as they love me or hope for a blessing upon anything they have and enjoy of mine." Such an appeal as this could hardly have been necessary if her rank and social standing had been equal to his own, and is not to be explained by the disparity in age. On the presumption advanced the Lincolnshire tradition would be accounted for, as also the ignoring of his rank in the marriage license and in the record of the marriage, the marriage itself at an obscure church in the city, instead of the then fashionable one named in the license, and the entire absence of any record of her and her origin in the accounts of the two families into which she married. Another fact may be mentioned in corroboration of this theory. The body of her will is in the legal language of such documents, but the codicil, evidently her own composition, both in sentiment and orthography, is clearly that of an uneducated person. She gives no clew to her family in her will, but incidentally mentions that she had preferred to provide for them in her lifetime.) He matriculated at Oxford, from Trinity College, 17 Nov. 1671, aged 18, as son of Thomas Hickes, of Warwick, "Pleb.," and was B.A. as of Magdalen College 26 June 1675, M.A. 16 Apl. 1678, B.D. 7 April 1690, and D.D. 2 June 1701, becoming a Prebendary of Exeter 11 Dec. 1706. She was fifth and youngest dau. of Samuel Trotman, of Bucknell, co. Oxford, Esq., and of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, by his second wife Mary dau. of Sir Samuel Warcupp, Kt., and was living, a widow, at the date of her brother Samuel's will, 30 Jan. 1719-20. 2 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. of same date gives their respective ages as about 30 and 22, and her father's name as Henry Turner. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 39 1701 Oct. 6 Mr. John Whalley, Merchant, and Mrs. Jane Mede.¹ 4 Dec. 170 Feb. 2 1702 April 28 July 8 Francis Milles, of the Inner Temple, London, Gent., widower, and Alathea Wilton, of Doddershall, Bucks, spinster.2 Hunt Wither, Gent., and Dorothy Alpe, widow.3 William Genew and Elizabeth Genew, both single.4 Robert Swan, Gent., and Ann Nedham, spinster.5 1 John Whalley, Merchant, was of Freelands, in Bromley, co. Kent, at this date, and his wife Maria-Bella was buried in Bromley Church on the 9th of May in this year, a son William being baptized there on the same day. Two other of their children were baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Mirabella 18 June 1698, and Fenn 5 Feb. 1699-1700. This was probably a second marriage. The name does not occur again in the Bromley register, and Freelands was shortly after in the possession of another family. 2 He son and heir of Francis Milles, Citizen and Skinner of London, by Elizabeth his wife, and was admitted to the Inner Temple 2 May 1694. He was previously married, at St. Bride's, London, 15 Jan. 1690-1, to Mary Pannott (or Paynot), who in the marriage license is described as a widow, but in the parish register as a spinster. By her he had a son John, and a dau. Eliza- beth, married to John Dering, all of whom were living at his death. He was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 27 Jan. 1717-18, aged about 55. His will, dated 13 Aug. 1702, was proved 3 Mch. 1717-18. His second wife survived him. She is described in the marriage license as a spinster, aged about 26. 3 He eldest son of Robert Wither, Esq. (only son of George Wither the celebrated poet), by Elizabeth, eldest dau. and coheir of John Hunt of Thedden, near Alton, Hants, Esq., and was born in 1662. He became a Colonel of Foot in the British Army, and a Brigadier-General in the service of Chas. II., King of Spain. He was buried at Shalden, Hants, 29 June 1718, where, until recently, there was a monument to his memory in the churchyard. His will, as of Thedden afore- said, dated 22 July 1717, was proved 17 July 1718. She is simply called in the accounts of his family "dau. and heir of Robert Welstead of London," but her domestic history, which has been somewhat difficult to trace, was so remarkable as to deserve a more extended notice, which may be gathered from the fact that Mr. Wither was her fourth husband in less than eight years. She married, first, Henry Perin, a physician, who died 4 June 1694, aged 31. and was buried in Winchester Cathedral; secondly, Richard Wilson, also a physician, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, whose will was dated 18 Nov. and proved 9 Dec. 1697; thirdly (Mar. Lic. Fac. 4 Feb. 1698–9), Edward Alpe, also a physician, who died 25 Dec. 1700, and was buried at Little Bealings, co. Suffolk; fourthly, General Wither, as in the text. By her first husband she had an only child, Dorothy Perin, who was married before 1717 to Thomas Bonham, Gent. By her second husband she had no surviving issue; but a still-born child (evidently posthumous) was buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 14 Dec. 1697. By her third husband she had only one child, Edward Alpe, who was baptized at Framlingham, Suffolk, Jan. 1699-1700, and buried there 4 June following ; and by her fourth only one son, Henry Wither, who was living in 1717, about cleven years of age. She survived General Wither about fourteen years, her dau. Dorothy Bonham administering to her estate 8 May 1732, when she was described as of Old Alresford, Hauts. He son of William Genew, of the Inner Temple, Esq., by his wife Mary, dau. of William Gladwin of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Citizen and Girdler of London. He was born 24 Apl., and baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 9 May 1676. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 14 Dec. 1695, but appears to have taken no degree. He was Sheriff of Surrey in 1711, and his will, dated 23 Oct. 1729, was proved 15 Mch. 1731-2. She his cousin, dau. of his father's brother, John Genew, Esq., by Rachel, dau. of Sir Thomas Cambell first Bart. of Clay Hall, Essex, who were married at St. Martin in the Fields 9 Jan. 1667-8. Her will, dated 12 June 1736, was proved 26 Apl. 1738. They were buried at Petersham, Surrey. 5 Mar. Lic. Fac. 1 July, 1702, for Robert Swann, of Newton, co. Cambridge, bachelor, aged 30, and Anne Needham, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, aged 23 and upwards. He is elsewhere called of Sawston, co. Cambridge, Gent., and was living in 1706. See her baptism 21 Jan. 1672-3, and burials of her parents 13 Feb. 1705-6 and 7 Apl. 1708. She proved her mother's will 4 Nov. 1708. 40 MARRIAGES IN 170 Jan. 14 Feb. 6 1703 March 28 June 3 Thomas French and Elizabeth Clase.¹ Samuel Whitlocke, Esq., and Mrs. Katherine Dolben, spinster.2 Thomas Johnson, Esq., and the Hon. the Lady Ursula Windsor, spinster.3 June 29 July 25 Wardell Andrews, Gent., and Mary Booth, spinster.4 Thomas Chowne and Phoebe Westbrook, both single.5 John Paul and Mary Smith, both single. Aug. 17 Charles Mompesson, Esq., and Elizabeth Longueville, spinster. Michael Newnam, widower, and Judith Cooke, spinster.7 Sept. 30 1 See his burial, Feb. 1721-2, and note. She survived her husband and was his exccutrix. In his will he left £50 to Henry Clace and his wife Anne. 2 He eldest son of Samuel Whitelocke, of Chilton Foliot, Wilts, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Gough, of Vernham Dean, Hants. He was baptized at Chilton Foliot 23 Dec. 1675, and buried there 23 Apl. 1743. He was grandson and heir of the famous Sir Bulstrode Whitelocke. She, his second wife, was eldest dau. of John Dolben, Esq., second son of John, Archbishop of York, by Elizabeth, second dan. and coheir of Tanfield Mulso of Finedon. co. Northampton, Esq. She was buried at Chilton Foliot 10 Oct. 1722, having had three sons and nine daughters. (Sec the baptism of one of her sisters 19 Feb. 1701-2, and the marriage of another 3 Nov. 1705.) 3 He of Walthamstow, Essex, eldest son of Sir John Johnson, Kt., Alderman of London. He died 26 Jan. 1729, aged 59. She eldest dau. of Thomas Windsor-Hickman, seventh Lord Windsor, created Earl of Plymouth in 1682, by his second wife, Ursula, youngest dau. and coheir of Sir Thomas Widdrington, of Sherburne Grange, co. Northumberland, Kt. She died 20 Aug. 1737, aged 64, and was buried at Walthamstow. 4 Wardell Andrews matriculated at Oxford, from University College, 9 June 1697, aged 15, as son of George Andrews, Esq., of Barbadocs (who was son of Jonathan Andrews, of Barnes Hall, co. Worcester, Esq.). The will of Wardell Andrews, of the parish of St. Joseph in the Island of Barbadoes, Esq., dated 8 April 1714, was proved in England 5 Mch. 1728-9. From one of the documents attached to it he appears to have died before 9 Oct. 1714. The wife mentioned in the text probably died in Barbadoes, as the will calls his then wife Thomazine, and her maiden name was evidently Thornhill. He left an only son William, in case of whose death before his majority his entire estate in England was to go to his cousin, William Andrews, of Barnes Hall aforesaid, Gent. His mother was Lucretia, dau. of Thomas Wardell, of London, Merchant. 5 He son and heir of Thomas Chowne of Alfriston, co. Sussex, Esq., by his wife Elizabeth Foice, of Shipley, in the same county (who were married at Shipley 19 May 1669), and was baptized at Alfriston 22 Apl. 1679. He died the 16th and was buried at Alfriston 24 Sep. 1724. She youngest dau. and coheir of William Westbrook, of Ferring, co. Sussex, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Houghton of Mayfield, in the same county, Esq. The Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated 26 June 1703, gives her age as above 21, and states that her parents were dead. She died the 17th and was buried at Alfriston 21 Dec. 1713. The baptisms and burials of some of their children occur in the registers of St. Margaret's, Westminster. 6 He only son of Sir Thomas Mompesson, of Bathampton, co. Wilts, Kt., by his second wife, Barbara, dau. of John Waterer, of co. Midx., Esq. He was baptized at St. Martin in the Fields 27 Jan. 1671-2, but born, according to the parish register, "26 Jan. 1670." He was M.P. for Wilton and Old Sarum in several Parliaments. His will, dated 17 Aug. 1713, was proved 12 Aug. 1714. He died 12 July in the latter year, and was buried with his parents in Salisbury Cathedral. She second and youngest dau. of William Longueville, Esq. (sce his burial 30 Mch. 1721), by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Thomas Peyton, second Bart. of Knowlton (see her burial 21 Jan. 1715-6). She died 30 Sep. 1751, aged 73, and was also buried in Salisbury Cathedral. Their only son, Henry, was also buried there Jan. 1731-2, aged 26. 7 (His name erroneously "Newman" in Collectanea.) Hc matriculated at Oxford, from Wadham College, 26 Oct. 1666. aged 16, as son of Michael Newnam of Iver, co. Bucks, Gent., and was admitted to the Inner Temple 17 Aug. 1667. She his third wife, and was buried at St. Bride's, London, 18 June 1707, her dau. Judith being baptized the same day. In his first Mar. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 41 1704 May 4 1705 June 7 June 12 Nov. 3 Edward Dauvergne, Clerk, and Susanna Sabenone, spinster.¹ The Hon. Henry Bridges, Clerk, and Annabella Atkins, spinster.2 Henry Pye and Jane Curzon, both single." Gilbert Afleck, Esq., and Mrs. Anne Dolben.4 [Here end the Marriages in the First Volume.] 1707 April 21 Sir Edmund Andrews and Elizabeth Fitzherbert, single woman.5 Lic. Vic. Gen., 7 June 1677, his age is given as about 26, and he was to marry Mrs. Sara Bond, spinster, about 21, dau. of Mrs. Sara Bond, of Fleet Street, London, widow. (Michael, a son of this marriage, was baptized at St. Bride's, London, 3 Sep. 1680.) His second wife (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 13 Dec. 1686) was Mrs. Mary Barton, of St. Bride's, London, spinster, aged about 18, who was buried at St. Bride's 17 Dec. 1697. He was himself buried at St. Bride's, 7 May 1727, and his will, dated 10 Sep. 1725, was proved 16 Nov. 1727. 1 He matriculated at Oxford; from Pembroke College, 5 Dec. 1679, aged 15, as son of Philip Dauvergne, of the Isle of Jersey, and was B.A. 20 June 1683, and M.A. 4 May 1686. He had for a time the rectory of St. Brelade, Jersey, but became Chaplain to the Royal regiment of Scotch Guards, and attended them through the campaigns in Flanders, 1691-7, a History of which he published. He was afterwards Chaplain to King William, who presented him to the rectory of Great Hallingbury, Essex, 11 Dec. 1701, where he died 7 Nov. 1737, æt. 73. 2 Henry Brydges, second son of James eighth Lord Chandos, by Elizabeth eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Bernard, of London, Kt. He was baptized at Dewsall, co. Hereford, 26 Jan. 1674-5, and was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, where B.D. and D.D. 4 July 1711. He was Rector of Agmondesham, Bucks, and installed Prebendary and Archdeacon of Rochester 24 May 1720. He died the 9th, and was buried 18 May 1728 at Whitchurch, Midx. (See marriages of his brothers and sisters 28 Nov. 1689, 24 Dec. 1691, 26 May 1692, 27 Feb. and 10 Mch. 1695-6, 2 May 1700, and 6 Oct. 1709). She dau. of Edward Atkins, Esq., Barrister-at-Law (second son of Sir Robert Atkins, Kt., Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer), by Annabella dau. of Sir Richard Atkins, second Bart. of Clapham, Surrey. She was also buried at Whitchurch, 24 Aug. 1763, aged 84. 3 (The date in Collectanea is erroneously the 7th.)— He eldest son and heir of Edmund Pyc, M.D., of Faringdon, Berks. by Anne dau. of John first Lord Crew of Stene, and widow of Sir Henry Wright, first Bart. of Dagenham, Essex, and was born 23 Aug. 1683. She his first wife, dau. of Sir Nathaniel Curzon, second Bart. of Kedlestone, co. Derby, by Sarah dau. of William Penn, of Penn, co. Bucks, Esq. (ancestors of the present Lord Scarsdale). She died in childbed on the 15th Mch. following, and was buried at Faringdon. He remarried twice, and, dying 6 Jan. 1748-9, was also buried at Faringdon. 4 He of Dalham Hall, co. Suffolk, only surviving son of John Affleck (or Auchinleck, de- scended from Sir John Auchinleck of Auchinleck in Ayrshire), by Neeltice, dau. of Gilbert Schape, of Amsterdam, merchant. He was M.P. for Cambridge 1722-7. She third dau. of John Dolben, Esq. (second son of John, Archbishop of York), by Elizabeth second dau. and coheir of Tanfield- Mulso, of Finedon, co. Northampton, Esq. (See the marriage of one of her sisters 6 Feb. 1702-3, and the baptism of another 19 Feb. 1701-2). They had twelve sons and six daughters, the baptisms of many of whom occur in the registers of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and St. Giles in the Fields. Their ninth son, Edmund, was created a Bart. 28 May 1782. Sir Edmund Andros, second son of Amias Andros of Sausmarez, Guernsey, Esq. (Marshal of the Ceremonies to K. Chas. I.), by Elizabeth, sister of Sir Robert Stone, Kt., Cupbearer to the Queen of Bohemia. He was born in London 6 Dec. 1637. He held various positions at Court, and in the military service, but is better known as having been successively Governor of New York and New England. (In the latter office he became extremely odious to the colonists, and his name was handed down to the latest American generations as almost synonymous with infamy. A recent American writer, William H. Whitmore, Esq., of Boston, in an admirable memoir of Sir Edmund prefixed to a collection of documents of his period (printed in 1868), has frankly and completely relieved his memory from the odium hitherto attached to it, and placed G 4.2 MARRIAGES IN 1709 June 23 Oct. 6 1712 Aug. 13 171 Jan. 27 Jan. 29 1713 April 29 April 29 John Trenchard, Esq., and Grace Peak, single woman.¹ The Hon. Francis Brydges, Esq., and Mrs. Sarah Weston.2 John Hiccocks, Esq., and Mrs. Elizabeth Buckworth, widow.3 Mr. William Keylway and Patience Aubery, single woman. Peter Waldo, Clerk, and Emma Leigh, single woman.4 David Trimnell, Clerk, and Clare Wastfield, single woman." his character and official conduct in their true light.) Sir Edmund, who was knighted in 1681, was first married, in Feb. 1671-2, to Mary eldest dau. of Thomas Craven, Esq., of Apletrewick, co. York, by Anne dau. of Francis Proctor of Beckwith in that county, who died in New Eng- land 22 Jan. 1687-8, and was buried at Boston. He married, secondly (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 3 Aug. 1691), Elizabeth, third dau. and coheir of Thomas Crispc, of Quekes, co. Kent, and widow of Christopher Clapham, Esq. she was buried at St. Giles in the Fields 18 Aug. 1703. Of the family or history of Elizabeth Fitzherbert, his third wife, there is no knowledge or tradition whatever. Sir Edmund was buried at St. Anne's, Soho, 27 Feb. 1713-4: she survived him, and was also buried there 12 Feb. 1716-7. In his will, dated 19 July 1712 and proved 8 Mch. 1713-4, he bequeathed her a life annuity of £100, but she appears to have left no will, and no estate sufficient to call for letters of administration. : 1 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 20 June 1709, for John Trenchard, of Ash, in the parish of Stour Payne, co. Dorset, Esq., bachelor, aged 29, and Grace Peck, of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., spinster, aged 22.-This marriage does not appear in any of the accounts of the Trenchard family. He was the celebrated author of "Cato's Letters," and was third son of William Trenchard of Cutte- ridge, co. Wilts, Esq., by Ellen dau. of Sir George Norton of Abbotts Leigh, co. Somerset. She was dau. of William Peck, of Sampford Hall in Little Sampford, Essex, Esq., by Gertrude dau. of Sir William Greene, Bart., of Mitcham, Surrey. According to a monumental inscription at Little Sampford, she died 30 Oct. 1717, " about an hour after she had been delivered of a dead son," and was buried at Leigh, co. Somerset. He remarried (Mar. Lic. Fac. 19 Nov. 1719, wherein described as a widower) Anne, dau. of Sir William Blackett, first Bart. of Newcastle, who survived him and remarried his friend and secretary Thomas Gordon, Esq. Mr. Trenchard died at Abbotts Leigh 26 Dec. 1723, in his 55th year, being then M.P. for Taunton. 2 He third and youngest surviving son of James Brydges eighth Lord Chandos, by Elizabeth eldest dau, and coheir of Sir Henry Bernard of London, Kt., and was baptized at Dewsall, co. Hereford, 3 Sep. 1676. He was of Chiswick, and was Receiver General of the Salt Duties, in which office he died, 25 Sep. 1714, and was buried 1 Oct. following, at Whitchurch, Midx. He left no issue. (See marriages of his brothers and sisters, 28 Nov. 1689, 24 Dec. 1691, 26 May 1692, 27 Feb. and 10 Mch. 1695-6, 2 May 1700, and 7 June 1705.) She dau. of Thomas Western, of Rivenhall Place, Essex, Esq., by Martha dau. of Samuel Gott, of Battle, co. Sussex, Esq., and was baptized at St. Dunstan in the East, London, 3 July 1663. She survived her husband, and is said to have been buried at Whitchurch, 31 May 1724, but letters of administration on her estate were not granted until 10 June 1725. 9 See her first marriage, 27 Oct. 1687, and note thereto. He was admitted to the Middle Temple, 16 Oct. 1683, as son and heir of William Hiccocks, of South Lambeth, Surrey, Gent., deceased. He was a Master in Chancery from 20 July 1703 until 1 June 1723, and was buried in the Temple Church 19 Apl. 1726. According to his monument there, he died 5 April, in his 58th year. 4 He second son of Daniel Waldo, of Gray's Inn and of Harrow on the Hill, Midx., Esq., by his first wife Adria. He matriculated at Oxford, from Exeter College, 18 Mch. 1688-9, aged 17, and was B.A. as of Wadham College 27 Oct. 1692, and M.A. 28 May 1695, and B.D. and D.D. as of All Souls College 5 July 1720. He became Rector of Aston Clinton, Bucks, and died 25 Jan. 1745-6, aged 74. His will, dated Oct. 1745, was proved 4 Mch. following. She oldest dau. of Theophilus Leigh, of Adlestrop, co. Gloucester, Esq., by his second wife, the Hon. Mary Brydges (sce their marriage 28 Nov. 1689), and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 6 Oct. 1690. She survived her husband. See a burial, probably of their son, 22 Nov. 1725. 5 He fourth son of Rev. Charles Trimnell, Rector of Ripton Abbotts, co. Huntingdon, by Mary his wife, and younger brother of Charles, successively Bishop of Norwich and Winchester. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 43 1713 May 23 Aug. 24 28 24 1714 Jan. 28 1716 April 9 Mr. Thomas Michell and Mrs. Mary Champion, single woman.¹ John Bligh, Esq., and the Rt. Hon. Theodosia Hide.2 William Edwards and Sarah Colbourn. Mr. Thomas Sprat, Prebendary of this Church, and Mrs. Frances Horden.3 May 22 Augustine Woolaston, single man, and Elizabeth Nelthorpe, Sept. 6 Dec. 29 widow.4 Mr. John Robinson, single man, and Ann Turner, widow.5 Mr. Jonathan Milbourne, single man, and Elizabeth Pease, widow.6 1717 Dec. 5 Robert Jacob and Mary Chapman, both of St. Clement's in the Strand.7 He matriculated at Oxford, from New College, 15 Sep. 1693, aged 18, was B.A. 14 Apl. 1697, and M.A. 14 Jan. 1700. He became Rector of Stoke Hammond, Bucks, 6 Feb. 1707-8, and Arch- deacon of Leicester 17 July 1715, and died 18 May 1756, aged 81. His monument in Lincoln Cathedral records that he was "S.T.P., Rector of Stoke in Bucks 48 years, Prebendary of Castor 6 years, Archdeacon of Leicester 41 years, and Precentor of this church and Prebendary of Kilderby 38 years." Her name was Sarah, not "Clare," and she is so called in all the wills of both families, and in parish register entries. She was dau. of William Wastfield, of London, Merchant (called "Refiner" in his own Mar. Lic.), by his wife Sarah Barton, sister of Rev. Dr. Samuel Barton, Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 23 Aug. 1715), who were married at St. Martin Outwich, London, 29 July 1680. She was baptized at St. Alban's, Wood Street, Lon- don, 23 Mch. 1690-1, where her son David was also baptized 22 Feb. 1713-4, as son of Rev. David and Sarah Trimnell. She proved her husband's will 17 June 1756. 1 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 21 May 1713, for Thomas Michell, of St. Mary-le-Bow, London, bachelor, aged 25, and Mrs. Mary Champion, of St. Columb, co. Cornwall, spinster, aged 20, with consent of her parents, Peter Champion and Elizabeth his wife. 2 See his burial 25 Sep. 1728, and hers, as Baroness Clifton, 15 Aug. 1722, and notes thereto. Baptisms, etc., of their children occur in the registers of St. Martin in the Fields. 3 See his baptism 12 Apl. 1679, and burial 15 May 1720; also her burial, as Frances Wiat, 29 Nov. 1734; and notes thereto. 4 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 19 May 1716, for Augustin Woollaston, of St. Bride's, London, bachelor, aged 31, and Elizabeth Nelthorpe, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, widow.-He probably son of Richard and Elizabeth Woollaston, baptisms of whose children occur in the registers of St. Bride's, from 1686 to 1695. She dau. of William Bird, of Hackney, Midx., Esq., Merchant of London, by his first wife Elizabeth dau. of Edward Bushell, of Hackney, Merchant, and was baptized at Hackney 13 Oct. 1668. She married, first, at St. Martin Outwich, London, 9 Dec. 1685, James Arther, who was buried at Hackney 13 Mch. 1690-1, and, secondly, at St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 28 July 1698, John Nelthorpe, son of James Nelthorpe, of Charterhouse Yard, Midx., Esq., on whose estate letters of administration were granted 8 Nov. 1700. Her will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, dated 17 Feb. 1725-6, was proved 29 Nov. 1726, by her husband, Augustine Woollaston, Esq., then of Whitehall. 5 See burials, of himself 13 May 1762, of his wife 8 Jan. 1740-1, and of their children 15 Feb. 1722-3 and 29 Apl. 1725, and notes thereto. * Letters of administration were granted, 15 Jan. 1732-3, on the estate of Jonathan Milburn, late of Newcastle-on-Tyne, who died on board the merchant ship Ockham, to the relict Elizabeth, then dwelling at Newcastle. 7 See the marriage of his parents, 24 Dec. 1691. He was their third and youngest but second surviving son, and was born and baptized at St. Mary Aldermanbury, London, 22 Jan. 1698-9. He became also a Turkey merchant, and died at Boston, in New England, in 1732. She probably a relative, as Richard Chapman, widower, and Mary Jacob, spinster, were married at St. Bride's, London, 9 July 1691. She died in 1742. Their only child, Elizabeth, died unmarried, 12 July 1763. 44 MARRIAGES IN 1719 April 2 Henry Perrot, of Northleigh, co. Oxford, Esq., widower, and Martha Bouchier, of Barnesley, co. Gloucester, widow.¹ April 16 Humphrey Parsons, of Ryegate, co. Surrey, and Sarah Crowley, Sept. 3 Oct. of London, widow.2 Sir Peter Mews and Lydia Jarvis, widow.3 13 Mountague-Garrard Drake, Esq., and Mrs. Isabella Marshall, widow.4 1718 Feb. 27 1721 May 13 June 15 Harbord Herriott, single man, and Martha Ridley, widow.5 Francis Winckles and Elianor Forwood, single woman.6 Sir Redmond Everard, Bart., and Mary Drake, single woman.7 ¹ He son of James Perrott, of North Leigh, co. Oxford, Esq., by Anne his wife. He was born 29 Sep. and baptized at North Leigh 9 Oct. 1689, and was M.P. for Oxfordshire from 1715 until his death. He died at Paris 4 Feb. 1739-40, and was buried at North Leigh 9 July following. See the marriage of her parents 2 May 1700. She died the 11th, and was buried at North Leigh 17 Oct. 1741, aged 38. They left only two daus., Cassandra and Martha, who both died unmarried. 2 He third and youngest but only surviving son of Sir John Parsons, Kt., Lord Mayor of London, by Elizabeth dau. of Humphrey Beane, of Epsom, Surrey, Esq. He became M.P. for London, and was twice Lord Mayor. He died 21 Mch. 1740-1, during his second Mayoralty, and was buried at Reigate, Surrey. She third dau. of Sir Ambrose Crowley, Kt., Alderman of London, by Mary dau. of Charles Owen, Esq., son of Sir William Owen, of Shropshire, Kt. She is erroneously called a widow in the Abbey Register. She died 28 Jan. 1759, and was also buried at Reigate. (See her sister's marriage 6 Mch. 1724-5). 3 He son of Colonel John Mews (brother of Peter, Bishop of Winchester) by Sarah, dau. of John Mellish, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, who administered to her husband's estate 9 Sept. 1679, and remarried, about Sept. 1680, Sir John Matthews, Kt., Merchant of London, and of Evesham, co. Worcester. He matriculated at Oxford, from St. John's College, 31 May 1688, aged 15, and was B.C.L. as of All Souls, 14 Dec. 1695, appointed Chancellor of Winchester 20 Aug. 1698, knighted 13 July 1712, and was M.P. for Christchurch, Hants, from 1710 until his death. His residence was at Hinton Admiral in that county, and, dying 19 Mch. 1725-6, he was buried at Christchurch. His will, dated 22 Apl. 1725, was proved 20 Feb. 1726-7. She is elsewhere called a daughter and coheir of George Jarvis, of London, and of Islington, co. Midx., Esq. (Wilson's History of St. Laurence Pountney, p. 249, and Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, i. 465). She died 6 Apl. 1751, in her 75th year, and was buried at North Mimms, Herts, with her father, as she directed in her will, which was proved 27 July following. They appear to have left no issuc. 4 He only son of Mountague Drake, of Shardclocs, co. Bucks, Esq., by Jane only dau. and heir of Sir John Garrard, third Bart. of Lamer, Herts. He was born the 14th and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields 19 Oct. 1692. He was M.P. for Agmondesham, in the county of Bucks, from 1713 until his death. He died 26 Apl. and was buried at Agmondesham 8 May 1728. (See the marriage of his only sister 15 June 1721.) She only dau, and heir of Thomas Marshall, of St. Michael Bassishaw, London, Merchant, who died in 1712, by his first wife. The papers of the day record her fortune as upwards of £30,000. She was buried at Agmondesham 30 June, 1744. Her step-mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall, then of Basinghall Street, London, died 18 Nov. 1729. Baptisms of their children occur in the registers of St. Giles in the Fields. 5 He youngest son of James Heriott, Citizen and Clothworker of London (buried at St. Bride's, London, 11 Jan. 1704-5, and who is called "cousin" in the will of Sir Charles Harbord, Kt., Surveyor General, etc.), by his wife Mary. He was baptized at St. Bride's 12 Jan. 1680-1, and buried there 17 Dec. 1727. Sarah, a child of this marriage, was born the 13th and baptized at St. Bride's 27 Jan. 1720-1, and buried there 29 July following, and her mother was also buried there 17 Apl. 1723. • See his burial 4 Oct. 1738, and hers 7 Nov. 1724, and baptism of their child 18 Jan. 1723-4. 7 He second son of Sir John Everard, third Bart. of Ballybay, in Ireland, by Eleanor, dau. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 45 Nov. (-) Thomas Brown, widower, and Mary Grumball, widow. 172 Feb. 3 Richard Lee, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and Elizabeth Eyre, of St. Giles in the Fields, both single.¹ 1722 April (-) Paul D'aranda, of St. Michael's, Cornhill, and Elizabeth Emilie, of Wandsworth, co. Surrey, both single.2 1723 July 25 The Hon. Francis Willoughby, Esq., of St. Ann's, Westminster, and Mary Edwards, of St. Giles in the Fields, both single.3 1724 March 6 The Rt. Hon. John, Lord St. John, Baron of Bletso, bachelor, and Mrs. Elizabeth Crowley, of St. Ann's, Westminster, spinster.4 1725 Aug. 1 Samuel Steen, bachelor, and Anne Tuder, widow, both of St. Margaret's, Westminster.5 of Pierce Butler, sixth Lord Cahir, and succeeded his brother Sir Richard Everard, as fifth Bart., before 1707. He was created D.C.L. at Oxford, 22 Sep. 1715, when the Earl of Arran was admitted Chancellor of the University in place of his brother the Duke of Ormond, and probably at his instance. He is repeatedly mentioned in the correspondence of Bishop Atterbury, while in exile, as "the Knight," or "the Knight at Chatou," and was one of the witnesses to the Bishop's will, 31 Dec. 1725. He is called "a relation of the Duke of Ormond," and was evidently a Jacobite, and one of the exiles of that period. His will, dated 10 Mch. 1739-40, then still residing in France, was proved at Dublin 16 Apl. 1746. She only dau. of Mountague Drake, of Shardeloes, co. Bucks, Esq., by Jane only dau. and heir of Sir John Garrard, third Bart. of Lamer, Herts. She was born the 15th and baptized at Agmondesham, Bucks, 25 June 1694. (See the marriage of her only brother 13 Oct. 1719.) She survived her husband, but died intestate, and letters of administration on her estate were granted, at Dublin. to Richard Luane, a Paris banker, who also proved her husband's will. They evidently left no issue. 1 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 27 Jan. 1721-2, for Richard Lee. of Winslade, co. Devon, Esq., bachelor, aged above 21, and Mrs. Elizabeth Eyers, spinster, above 18, with consent of her father the Hon. Sir Robert Eyers, Kt., one of the Judges of the King's Bench and Chancellor to H.R.H. the Prince.-He died 9 Sep. 1724. She only dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Eyre, Kt., afterwards Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, by Elizabeth dau. of Edward Rudge, of Warley Place, Essex, Esq. She died the 20th, and was buried at St. Thomas, Salisbury, 29 May 1760. 2 He eldest son of Paul D'Aranda, Merchant of London, and of Shoreham, Kent, by his wife Mary Barker, of St. Mary Aldermary, London, and grandson (by his first wife) of Rev. Elias Paul D'Arande, Minister of the French Church at Canterbury, who was son of Rev. Elias D'Arande, Minister of the French Church at Southampton. He was also a merchant of London, in the Dutch trade. He died at Putney, co. Surrey, 2 May 1732, in his 46th year, and was buried at Shoreham. His relict Elizabeth administered to his estate 19 May following. She survived him nearly half a century, and, dying at Putney, Surrey, 7 May 1781. aged about 86, was also buried at Shoreham. See the marriage of her parents, 18 Feb. 1687-8. She was their second dau. and third child. 3 Hc eldest son of Sir Thomas Willoughby, second Bart., and created Baron Middleton 31 Dec. 1711, by Elizabeth dau. and coheir of Sir Richard Rothwell, Bart., of Stapleford, co. Leicester, and succeeded as second Baron Middleton in April, 1729. He died 31 July 1758, aged about 65. She dau. and coheir of Thomas Edwards, Esq., of the Middle Temple and of Filkins, co. Oxford, by Mary his wife. She died 11 Mch. 1762, aged about 58. 4 He a younger son of Sir Andrew St. John, second Bart. of Woodford, by Jane dau. of Sir William Blois of Cockfield Hall, Suffolk, Kt., and succeeded his elder brother as tenth Baron St. John of Bletsoc in 1722. He died 24 June 1757. She fifth dau. of Sir Ambrose Crowley, Kt., Alderman of London, by Mary dau. of Charles Owen. Esq., son of Sir William Owen, of Shropshire, Kt. She died 24 Oct. 1769. (See her sister's marriage 16 Apl. 1719.) 5 See her burial 14 Oct. 1727, his second marriage 18 Dec. 1728, and his burial 18 June 1732. 46 MARRIAGES IN 1725 Sept. 14 Joseph Bond, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, and Elizabeth Yate- man.1 1728 March 9 The Hon. Charles Ingram, Esq., of St. James, Westminster, bachelor, and Mrs. Elizabeth Brace, of St. Ann's, Westminster.2 1729 March 18 Hutchins Williains, Esq., of St. Dunstan's in the West, bachelor, and Judith Booth, of St. George the Martyr, spinster.3 1727 June 3 John Preston, of St. Martin's, Vintry, London, bachelor, and Elizabeth Stracy, of Woodford, co. Essex, spinster. Aug. 15 William Hawkins, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, bachelor, and Elizabeth Erlin, of the same parish, spinster.4 1728 Dec. 18 Samuel Steen, widower, and Elianor Roberts, spinster, both of St. Margaret's, Westminster.5 1729 May 24 Nicholas Hooper and Anne Levie, both single and of St. An- drew's, Holborn.6 1738 Jan. 27 Thomas Tryon, of St. Dionis Backchurch, London, and Mary Yard, of St. George's, Hanover Square, spinster.7 1 Joseph Bond, a decayed housekeeper in St. Margaret's parish, to be placed in Emery Hill's Almshouse (Chapter Book, 16 Dec. 1728). 2 He seventh son of Arthur third Viscount Irvine, by Isabel eldest dau. of John Machel, of Hills, co. Sussex, Esq., M.P. He was born 8 Apl. 1696, and was a Colonel in the Foot Guards, and M.P. for Horsham from 1737 until his death. He died 28 Nov. 1748, having survived his wife. (See his brother's burial 17 Apl. 1721.) She dau. and coheir of Charles Scarborough, of Windsor, Berks, Esq., Groom of the Bedchamber to George Prince of Denmark, and one of the Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth to Queen Anne. She was first married, 1 Sep. 1720, to Francis Brace, of Biddenham, Beds, and of Furnival's Inn, Esq., one of the Commissioners of Taxes, who died 6 Apl. 1724. He did not, however, even mention her name in his will. (See her sister's second marriage 9 Aug. 1731.) Their only son Charles succeeded his uncle as ninth Viscount Irvine. Sce the baptisms of two daughters, 21 Oct. 1730 and 26 June 1734. 3 He eldest son of William Peere Williams, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, by Anne second dau. and coheir of Sir George Hutchins, Kt., one of the Lords Commissioners of the Great Scal temp. William and Mary. He was afterwards of Clapton, co. Northampton, and was created a Bart. 4 Apl. 1747. He died 4 Nov. 1758, aged about 58. She dau. and heir of James Booth of Theobalds, Herts, Esq., and was "celebrated for her beauty and talents." She died before her husband, and both were buried at Clapton. The title became extinct in 1784, on the death of their second son, Sir Booth Williams, third Bart. See baptisms of two children, 14 Oct. 1728 and 2 May 1730.-Edward Earling appointed College Baker 28 Nov. 1726 (Chapter Book). 5 See his first marriage 1 Aug. 1725, and his burial 18 June 1732. Administration on her estate was granted to a creditor 6 Feb. 1733-4, she being described as of St. John Evangelist, Westminster, widow. 6 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. same date, for Nicholas Hooper, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, bachelor, aged above 22, and Anne Levic, of the same parish, spinster, above 19, with consent of her father Christian Levie.-Nicholas, a son of this marriage, was born 6 Feb. and baptized 3 Mch. 1736-7, at St. Margaret's, Westminster. 7 He only son and heir of William Tryon, Esq., Merchant of London, and of Frognal, in Chislehurst, Kent, by his wife Alice. He was an eminent West India merchant, and Director of the Royal Assurance Company. He died 8 Oct. 1747, and was buried at Chislehurst. His will, dated 17 Aug., was proved 9 Oct. 1747. She was dau, of Robert Yard, Esq., one of the Masters in Chancery, by his first wife, whose maiden name appears to have been Elwes. She died and was buried at Bath about June 1784. Their only child, Mary, who was born the 8th and baptized at St. Olave's, Hart Street, London, 17 Oct. 1744, died unmarried about 1774, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 4.7 1730 April 28 Philip Smallridge, of Crisleton, co. Chester, and Ann Friend, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, both single.¹ 1 May 14 Edward Williams of Ustim Colwyn, co. Montgomery, Esq., and Ann Lloyd, of St. Clement Danes, both single.2 June 8 Joseph 8 Joseph Fisher, of Lincoln's Inn, and Sarah Kency, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, both single.³ 173 Feb. 9 John Lodge, of St. Helen's, London, and Catharine Milner, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, both single.4 March 2 Edward Kinaston, of Lincoln's Inn, and Ann Gee, of St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, both single.5 1731 June 24 Thomas Brian, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, widower, and Mary Dewell, of St. Martin in the Fields, widow. Aug. 9 Charles Eversfield, Esq., widower, and Henrietta-Maria Jenkin- son, widow, both of Horsham, co. Sussex. 6 ¹ He son of the Rt. Rev. George Smalridge, Bishop of Bristol, by Mary dau. of Rev. Samuel De L'Angle, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 7 July 1701, matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster) 13 July 1717, and was B.A. 2 May 1721, M.A. 19 Mch. 1723-4, and B. and D.D. 27 Oct. 1742. He was instituted Rector of Christleton, co. Chester, 8 May 1727, and became a Prebendary of Worcester 15 June 1731, and Chancellor of that diocese in 1742. He also held the curacy of Mortlake, Surrey, from 1737 until his death. He died 23 Oct. 1751. She was dau. of Rev. William Freind (brother of Dr. Robert Freind, Head Master of Westminster School), by Bridget dau. of Rev. William Glover, of Burnham, Bucks. She survived her husband, and administered to his estate 14 Jan. 1752. 2 He of Ystymcollwyn and Meillionydd, co. Carnarvon, son of Arthur Williames, of the latter place, Esq., by Margaret dau. and heir of Lumley Williams of the former place, Esq. She only dau. and heir of Roderick Lloyd, of Essex Street, Strand, co. Midx., and of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Clerk of the Outlawries in the Court of Common Pleas, who died twelve days after this marriage. (From her father's will, her mother appears to have been the relict of Robert, or Richard, Pugh, and mother by him of Anne Pugh, wife of Dr. John Wynne, Bishop of Bath and Wells.) She died shortly after the birth of their only child Anne (who became the wife of Sir Robert Howell Vaughan first Bart. of Nannau), and he remarried, 2 Nov. 1732, Lady Charlotte Herbert, dau. of William second Marquis of Powis, and relict of Edward Morris, Esq. 3 He was admitted to Lincoln's Inn, 21 Feb. 1723-4, as son and heir apparent of Joseph Fisher, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Gent. • He a Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, and was buried at St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, 26 Nov. 1774. She youngest dau. of John Milner, Esq., Consul-General in Portugal, by Elizabeth his wife, and sister of Jane wife of Bishop Wilcocks (see her burial 1 Apl. 1725) and of Elizabeth Milner (see her burial 30 July 1782). She was buried at St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, 26 Oct. 1786. The baptisms and burials of their children and grandchildren are recorded in the register of that parish. 5 Died, August 1736, Edward Kynaston, Esq., one of the sworn Clerks in Chancery (Historical Register.) She dau. of Rev. Dr. Edward Gee, Dean of Lincoln (see his burial 6 Mch. 1729-30) by Jane his wife (see her burial 23 Apl. 1733). One of their daughters of the same name was baptized at St. Bennet's, Paul's Wharf, London, 28 Sep. 1704, but probably died young, as this Anne was a minor at the date of her father's will in 1727. She administered to the estate of her husband, who was described as of St. Andrew's, Holborn, 23 Aug. 1736, and was herself buried at Highgate, Midx., 22 May 1737. Their only children, Edward, Thomas, Jane, and Anne, all survived her, and the two sons were baptized at St. Andrew's, Holborn, viz., Edward 20 Aug. 1733, and Thomas 7 Dec. 1736, the latter being a posthumous child. 6 He son of Nicholas Eversfield, of Charlton Court, near Steyning, Sussex, Esq., by Elizabeth, 48 MARRIAGES IN 1732 July July 27 Jacobus Whitchurch, Jr., of St. Bartholomew Exchange, London, and Mary Rust, of St. Olave's, Hart Strect, both single.¹ Aug. 17 John Evelyn, Esq., of St. Margaret's, and the Hon. Mary Boscawen, of St. Martin in the Fields, both single.2 173 Feb. 18 The Rev. Edward Cranke, Clerk, Rector of Hatford, co. Berks, widower, and Jane Abdy, of Albins, in Essex, spinster.3 1733 June (-). Robert Scott, Esq., and Anne Middleton, both single and of St. Ann's, Westminster.ª fourth dau. and coheir of Nicholas Gildridge, of Eastbourne, in the same county, Esq. He was M.P. for Horsham in several Parliaments. (By his first wife, Mary, dau, of Henry Duncombe, of Weston, co. Surrey, Esq., to whom married, at St. Paul's Cathedral, 21 July 1702, and who was buried at Horsham 28 Jan. 1713-4, he had a son, Charles, who succeeded, by a limitation in the patent, to the now extinct baronetcy of Fermor, of Welches, co, Sussex.) He died 17 Jan. 1748-9, and was buried the 21st at Horsham. She a dau. of Charles Scarborough, Esq., one of the Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth to Q. Anne, and relict of Sir Robert Jenkinson, third Bart. of Walcot, co. Oxford, to whom married about Feb. 1711-12, and who died 29 Oct. 1717. Her age at her first marriage, according to the Mar. Lic. Fac., was about 17. (See her sister's second marriage, 9 Mch. 1725-6.) She was also buried at Horsham, 16 Aug. 1670. 1 He son of James Whitchurch, of London, descended from the family of that name of Frome Selwood, co. Somerset, and became a wealthy merchant. His will (signed James Whitchurch), then of Twickenham, Midx., dated 21 Dec. 1782, with several codicils, was proved 22 Feb. 1786. He left large bequests to various charities. She second but cldest surviving dau. of Edward Rust, of Crutched Friars, London, Wine Cooper, by his wife Anne Buck, of Bromley, Kent, who were married at All Hallows Barking, London, 7 Oct. 1707. She was baptized at St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 21 Aug. 1709, and was living as late as 1757, but died before the date of her husband's will. See her sister's marriage, 30 June 1737. 2 He eldest son of Sir John Evelyn, first Bart. of Wotton, co. Surrey, by Anne, eldest dau. of Edward Boscawen, Esq., and sister of Hugh, first Viscount Falmouth. He was born at Wotton 24 Aug. 1706, and succccded as second Bart. 14 July 1763. He died 11 June 1767, and was buried at Wotton. She his cousin, fourth dau. of Hugh, first Viscount Falmouth, by Charlotte, dau. of Charles Godfrey, Esq. (see their marriage 23 Apl. 1700), and was born the 12th and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 21 Nov. 1705. There had been a previous Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 22 May 1731, but the marriage appears to have been deferred. She died 15 Sep. 1749, and was buried at Wotton. (See the marriages of her brother and sister, 3 Feb. 1742-3 and 18 Aug. 1746.) 3 Edward Cranke matriculated at Oxford, from Trinity College, 18 Mch. 1691-2, aged 15, as son of Edward Cranke, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, Gent., and was B.A. 31 Oct. 1695, M.A. 17 Nov. 1698, and B.D. 27 Mch. 1708. According to his father's will, proved 15 Jan. 1688-9, he hc was second and youngest son, by his wife Joyce. He became Rector of Hatford, and Vicar of Stanford in the Valc, co. Berks, and, dying 28 June 1756, in his 79th year, was buried in the former church. She, his second wife, was only surviving dau. of Sir John Abdy, second Bart. of Albins, Essex, by Jane, only dau. of George Nicholas, Esq. (see their marriage 10 May 1687), and was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 19 Mch. 1689-90. She came into possession of the family estates, on the death of her nephew, Sir John Abdy, fourth Bart., 1 Apl. 1759, but died without issue, 18 Oct. 1767, and was buried at Hatford. (Her husband's first wife, Eliza- beth, died 3 June 1729, in her 52nd year, and was also buried at Hatford. In the Marriage License in the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Oxford, dated 31 Oct. 1721, she is called Eliza- beth Tuder, of St. Peter in the East, city of Oxford, spinster, and they were to marry at Stones- field in that county.) 4 Robert Scott, M.P. for the shire of Forfar in Scotland, married to Miss Middleton, daughter to Colonel Middleton, an agreeable young lady with a fortune of £5000. (Historical Register, June 1733.) The Weekly Register says, married June 2nd. Robert Scott, of Logic, Esq., was elected M.P. for Forfarshire about Mch, 1733. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 49 1733 Nov. 10 William Rogers, of St. George's, Hanover Square, and Barbara Harrmound, of St. James, Westminster, both single. 1734 April 24 Benjamin Lester, of St. Martin's in the Fields, and Ann Parsley, of St. Magnus the Martyr, London, both single.¹ Dec. 17 Thomas Clarke and Hester Hawes, both single and of Bromley, co. Kent (married in King Edward's Chapel).2 1735 Oct. 7 Francis Jeffreys, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, and Mary Willoughby, of St. George's, near Ormond Street, Middlesex, both single.3 1735 March 4 James-Plaxton Marshall, of the Inner Temple, and Jane Slade, of St. Thomas, Southwark, co. Surrey, both single.ª 1739 Feb. 14 John-Wyrley Birch, of Handsworth, co. Stafford, and Knightley Wroth, of Loughton, co. Essex, both single.5 1737 Feb. 17 Richard Stone, of St. Mary Woolnoth, London, and Mary Harris, of Barking, co. Essex, both single.6 June 30 Richard Hoare, of St. Dunstan's in the West, widower, and Elizabeth Rust, of St. Olave's, Hart Street, London, spinster.7 ¹ Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., 23 Apl., gives same names and descriptions; he aged above 21, and she 22. 2 The odd money in the Receiver's hands (£2 13s. 1d.) given to Mrs. Clarke and her family, her husband, Thomas Clarke, late College Baker, having, since being turned out, run away and left them in great distress (Chapter Book, sub 16 Dec. 1745). 3 See her burial 22 Apl. 1742, and his 20 Nov. 1744. ◄ Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., 3 Mch., gives same names and descriptions; he aged 24, and she 23. His admission not found in the books of the Inner or Middle Temple. 5 He second and youngest son of the Rev. Peter Birch, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 4 July 1710), by his third wife, Sibyll, second and youngest dau. and coheir of Humphrey Wyrley, of Hampstead Hall in Handsworth, co. Stafford, Esq. (see her burial 12 Aug. 1708). He was born 31 Oct. and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 15 Nov. 1707. He subsequently took the additional surname of Wyrley. She his first wife, dau. of Robert Wroth, of Loughton Hall, co. Essex, Esq. Her age, according to the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated 12 Feb., was 32. She died in 1770, and he remarried Jane, third dau. of John Lane, of Bentley, co. Stafford, Esq., but died in 1775, without issue by either wife. His will, in which he is called John Wyrley only, dated 11 Jan. 1772, was proved 29 Dec. 1775. 6 He apparently eldest son of Andrew Stone, an eminent banker of Winchester and of Lombard Street, London, by his wife Anne Holbrooke. He was also a member of the banking house in London. He died at Ilford, co. Essex, 29 May 1763, and was buried in Barking churchyard. (See the burials of his brothers, the Archbishop of Armagh 28 Dec. 1764, and Andrew Stone, 24 Dec. 1773.) She dau. of William Harris of Ilford aforesaid and his wife Elizabeth. Letters of administration to her estate were granted 14 Dec. 1782.-" On Thursday last Mr. Richard Stone, a Banker, partner with Mr. Martin in Lombard Street, was married to Miss Harris, daughter of Mr. Harris of Ilford in Essex, and sister of Mr. James Harris who formerly kept the Crown Tavern behind the Royal Exchange, an agreeable young lady with £6000 fortune" (St. James's Evening Post, 22 Feb. 1736-7). 7 He second son of Henry Hoare, Goldsmith and Banker in London, by Jane, dau. of Sir William Benson, of Bromley, Midx., Kt., and was born 2 Mch. 1709. He was Sheriff of London in 1740, and Lord Mayor in 1745, and was knighted 31 Oct. in the latter year. He died 12 Oct. 1754, and was buried at St. Dunstan in the West. (His eldest son by his former wife was created a baronet, 10 June 1786.) She his second wife, third but second surviving dau, of Edward Rust, of Crutched Friars, St. Olave, Hart Street, London, Wine Cooper, by his wife Ann Buck, and was baptized at St. Olave, Hart Street, 12 Nov. 1710. (See her sister's marriage, 27 July 1732). She died 29 June 1752, and was buried at St. Dunstan in the West. Their only son Henry died without surviving issue. H 50 MARRIAGES IN 1737 Sept. 20 William Baker, of St. George the Martyr, co. Middlesex, bachelor, and Mary Bilbey, of St. Mary le bone, in the same county.¹ John Hopley, of St. Catharine Cree Church, bachelor, and Anne Harris, of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, London, widow. Oct. 22 22 Nov. 10 Seth Jermy, Esq., of St. Botolph's, Aldgate, London, and Ann Harwood, of St. Gregory's, London, both single.2 1738 March 6 Edmund Lewin, of Westmill, Herts, and Margaret Williams, of Harley, co. Berks, both single.3 174 Jan. 29 Thomas Fenn, of Sudbury, co. Suffolk, and Judith Ford, of St. Mary Abchurch, London, both single.4 174 Feb. 3 The Hon. George Boscawen, Esq., of St. Martin's in the Fields, and Ann Trevor, of St. James, Westminster, both single.5 1743 Nov. 17 John Blake, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and Mary Tyme well, of Camrewell, co. Surrey, both single. 6 1 Tuesday, William Baker, Esq., of East Street, Red Lion Square, was married at West- minster Abbey to Mrs. Bilby, widow of Mr. Bilby, of Oxford Road, a rich builder and brick- maker: a fortune of £10,000 (St. James's Evening Post, Thursday, 22 Sep. 1737). 2 He probably son of Seth Jermy, of St. Mary, Whitechapel, Gent. (whose will was proved 8 Sep. 1724), by Mary his wife. (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 5 Nov. 1692, for Seth Jermy, of St. Stephen's, Walbrook, Mariner, bachelor, aged about 36, and Mary Pigott, of the same parish, widow, about 30.) He was many years Secretary to the Commissioners of the Victualling Office, and died 3 July 1745. His will, dated 13 Dec. 1744, was proved 11 July 1745. She only dau. of John Harwood, LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A., of Doctors' Commons, Commissary of St. Paul's, etc., by Anne, dau. of Samuel Bultcel, of Devonshire, Esq. She was born the 10th and baptized 20 May 1706, at St. Mary Aldermanbury, London. She died at Richmond, Surrey, 10 June 1765, and was buried with her parents in a vault in Islington churchyard. Her dau. Anne Jermy administered to her estate 2 Aug. following. 3 He son of John Lewin, of Broxbourne, Herts, Esq., by Lucy, dau. of George Johnson, of Bowden Park, Wilts, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from Edmund Hall, 26 July 1714, aged 16, and was B.A. 24 Apl. 1718, M.A. as of Magdalen Hall 31 Jan. 1720-1, and B. and D.D. 5 May 1738. He was instituted Rector of Westmill, Herts, 10 May 1727, and held also the living of Stone, in Kent, and was Chancellor of Rochester. He died 24 July 1771, in his 73rd year, and was buried at Broxbourne. She dau. of John Williams, Esq., and sole heiress of her mother Mrs. Margaret Williams, of Hurley Place, Berks. She died 30 Mch. 1763, and was also buried at Broxbourne. (A notice in the Gent. Mag. of this date states that she was a niece of the then Bishop of Rochester, viz., Bishop Wilcocks, for whose burial see sub 9 Mch. 1756). 4 Mar. Lic. Fac. 26 Jan.; same descriptions, and each aged above 22.--Thomas Fenn, Esq., to Miss Judith Ford of Abchurch Lane (Gent. Mag.).—Died 26 Feb. 1781, Mrs. Judith Fenn, of Sudbury, Suffolk (Ibid.)—They were evidently the parents of Thomas Fenn, Esq., of Ballingdon in Suffolk, who died 31 Jan. 1818, in his 75th year, being then the senior partner in the Sudbury Bank. 5 He fourth son of Hugh first Viscount Falmouth, by Charlotte, dau. of Charles Godfrey, Esq. (see their marriage 23 Apl. 1700). He was born the 1st and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields 2 Dec. 1712. He was in the army and attained the rank of Lieut.-General 22 Feb. 1760. He died 3 May 1775 and was buried the 11th at St. James, Westminster. (See the marriages of his sisters 17 Aug. 1732 and 18 Aug. 1746). She fourth dau. of John Morley Trevor, of Trevallyn, co. Denbigh, and of Glynde, co. Sussex, Esq., by Lucy, dau. of Edward Montague, of Boughton, co. Northampton, Esq., and was baptized at Glynde 16 Jan. 1709-10. She died at Bath in 1783. (See her sister's burial 29 Mch. 1780). • He, son of Capt. John Blake and Mary his wife, was born at Limehouse, Midx., 27 Aug. 1713, and became, like his father, a captain in the merchant scrvice. His residence was somc- time at Watcombe, in Brockenhurst, Hants, and afterwards in Parliament Street, Westminster. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 51 1744 Jan. 27 John Catling and Mary Woolfe, both single and of St. Margaret's, Westminster.¹ 1745 Aug. 2 William Seymour, of East Knoyle, Wilts, widower, and Mary Hyde, of St. Margaret Pattens, London, spinster.² Sept. 12 Samuel Kent, Esq., of Lambeth, Surrey, and Sarah Perkins, of St. James, Westminster, widow.3 1746 April 15 Thomas Tracy, Esq., of Stanway, co. Gloucester, and Mary Dod- well, of Sevenhampton in the same county, both single.* May 27 Thomas Cotton, of St. Dunstan's in the East, London, and Maria-Teresa Purcell, of St. Martin in the Fields, both single.5 Aug. 18 Charles Frederick, Esq., of St. George's, Hanover Square, and the Hon. Lucy Boscawen, of St. Martin in the Fields, spinster.6 He died 25 Feb. 1790. She only dau. and heir of Charles Tymewell, of Peckham, co. Surrey, Gent., by (apparently) his third wife, Arabella, widow of John Hitchin, of the same place, Gent., and was born about 1723. After her husband's death she resided at Goldwell House, Speen Hill, Berks. Her will, dated 7 June 1797, was proved 15 Mch. 1802. Their eldest surviving dau. and coheir married Henry-Hinde Pelly, Esq., and was mother of Sir John- Henry Pelly, first Bart. of Upton, Essex. ¹ See his burial 29 May 1762, and hers 2 Feb. 1788. and notes thereto. 2 He of East Knoyle, Wilts, fourth son of Sir Edward Seymour, fifth Bart. of Maiden Bradley in that county, by Letitia, dau. and heir of Sir Francis Popham. of Littlecote, Wilts, K.B. She his second wife, dau. of Samuel Hyde, of St. Margaret Pattens, London, Mer- chant (afterwards of Bromley, Kent, where buried 26 Feb. 1747-8), by his first wife Elizabeth, dau. of Timothy Keysar. She was born 19 Feb. 1726-7, and died 8 Nov. 1753. This marriage is not noticed in the accounts of the Seymour family, and he is assigned only one wife, Elizabeth Hippye, of Frome, co. Somerset, to whom he was married 17 Apl. 1737, and who died 22 Mch. 1741-2, in her 26th year. He died 5 Jan. 1746-7, leaving no issue by either wife. They were all buried at East Knoyle. 3 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., 10 Sep., for Samuel Kent. jun.. of Lambeth, Esq.. bachelor. aged 30 and upwards, and Sarah Perkins, of St. James, Westminster, widow.-He a younger son of Samuel Kent, Esq., mentioned in the histories of Lambeth as an eminent distiller and at one time occupant of the well-known Vauxhall House. * He younger son of John Tracy (second but only surviving son of Ferdinando Tracy. third son of John third Viscount Tracy), by Anne, dau. of Sir Robert Atkyns of Sapperton, co. Gloucester, Chief Baron of the Exchequer. He died 2 July 1770, and was buried at Stanway. She only dau, and heir of Sir William Dodwell, of Sandywell, co. Gloucester, Kt., by his second wife, Mary, dau. of Francis Fuller, Gent., and relict of John Miller. Esq. (who were married at St. Paul's Cathedral 7 Sep. 1723). She died 22 Feb. 1799, and was also buried at Stanway. Their only son, Dodwell Tracy, born at Sevenhampton 19 Mch. 1746-7, died unmarried in 1768. 5 Married, 27 May 1746, Mr. Thomas Cotton, merchant in Tower Street, to Miss Maria Teresa Purcell, with £12,000 (Gent. Mag.)-(In a MS. list of the officials and inmates of the Hammersmith Convent (penes the editor) occurs, in 1726, "Teresa Purcel," evidently as a boarder, and probably very young.) 6 He third son of Sir Thomas Frederick, Kt. (brother of Sir John Frederick, first Bart. of Westminster) by his wife Mary Moncreif. and was born 21 Dec. 1709. He became Surveyor- General of the Ordnance, was created a K.B. in 1761, and died 18 Dec. 1785. She ninth dau. and fifteenth child of Hugh first Viscount Falmouth, by Charlotte, dau. of Charles Godfrey, Esq. (see their marriage 23 Apl. 1700). She was born the 6th, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields 15 May 1719. She died 17 Jan. 1784, and both were buried in the family vault at St. Olave, Old Jewry, London. (See the marriages of her sister and brother, 17 Aug. 1732 and 3 Feb. 1742-3). 52 MARRIAGES IN 1746 Dec. 15 Joseph Clarke, of St. Mary Cole, London, and Mary Wilks, of St. Luke's, Middlesex, both single.¹ 1747 Nov. 7 John Lewis, of Dartford, Kent, and Catherine Villiers, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, both single.2 1743 Jan. 10 Nicholas Turner, of Stoke, near Guilford, Surrey, and Anna Towers, of Petworth, Sussex, both single.³ 1748 May 17 William Dolben, Esq., of Finedon, Northamptonshire, and Judith English, of Hampton Court, Middlesex, both single.¹ Sept. 8 George Golding, of Chevening, Kent, widower, and Elizabeth Warr, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster. Oct. 27 Charles Sheppard and Isabella Higginson, both single and of St. John's, Hackney." 1749 April 6 Samuel Milner, widower, and Sarah Crookenden, widow, both of St. John's, Hackney. May 22 Jacob Mather, of Wiggan, co. Lancaster, bachelor, and Alice Higgin, of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London, widow." Thomas Test, of St. Mary at Hill, London, and Mary Haskins, Oct. of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surrey, both single. 1 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond., 11 Dec., for Joseph Clark, of St. Mary Cole [Colechurch], London, bachelor, aged above 21, and Mary Wilks, of St. Luke's, Midx., spinster, above 20, with consent of Thomas Cecil, of St. Luke's, Scarlet Dyer, her guardian appointed by the Court of Chancery: to marry at St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, or St. Mary's, Whitechapel. 2 Mar. Lic. Fac., 26 Oct., for John Lewis, of Dartford, Kent, Clerk, and Catherine Villiers, of St Margaret's, Westminster, both single and aged above 21.-He was elected to Oxford from St. Peter's College, Westminster, and matriculated from Christ Church 12 June 1734,' aged 17, as son of John Lewis, of London, Esq., and was B.A. 24 Apl. 1738, and M.A. 10 Mch 1740-1. He became Rector of Dartford, Kent, in 1747, but resigned in 1755, and was instituted Dean of Ossory, in Ireland, 24 May in the latter year. He married a second wife, and died 28 June 1783. She dau. of Rev. George Villiers (descended from John Viscount Purbeck), Vicar of Chalgrove, co. Oxford, by Catharine, dau. of T. Stephens, Esq. She died 4 Apl. 1756. (See note to baptism of John Nicoll, 21 Sep. 1727.) 3 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 9 Jan.: same descriptions; he aged above 27, and she above 21.— He was younger son of Nicholas Turner, Esq., lord of the manor of Stoke, by Margaret his wife, and succeeded to that estate on the death of his elder brother, Jonathan Harris Turner, Jan. 1746-7. 4 He only surviving son of the Rev. Sir John Dolben, D.D., second Bart. of Finedon, co. Northampton, by Elizabeth, second dau. of William, Lord Digby, Baron of Geashill, in Ireland. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 28 May 1744, aged 17. He was High Sheriff of Northamptonshire in 1760, and M.P. for the University of Oxford for more than 30 years. He succeeded as third Bart. 20 Nov. 1756, and died 20 Mch. 1814. She his first wife, only dau. and heir of Somerset English, Esq., by Judith, dau. and coheir of Hugh Reason, of Hampnet, co. Sussex, Esq. She died in 1771, aged 40. (Her husband remarried, 14 Oct. 1789, his cousin Charlotte, dau. of Gilbert Affleck, Esq. and Anne his wife (sec their marriage 3 Nov. 1705), and widow of John Scotchmer, Esq.) The baronetcy expired on the death of their son, Sir John-English Dolben, 27 Sep. 1837. 5 He cldest son of William Sheppard, of Ironmonger Lane, London, Blackwell Hall Factor, by Sarah, dau. of Charles Slaughter, also of the same place and occupation, and was living in 1769. She was living in 1766. A child of this marriage, Isabella, was baptized at St. John's, Hackney, 4 Sep. 1749. 6 Mar. Lic. Fac. same date: same descriptions; he above 21 to marry at Acton, Midx., Coleshill, co. Warwick, or Westminster Abbey. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 53 1749 Nov. 9 James Brown, of St. Peter's, Cornhill, London, and Sarah Miller, of Stoke Newington, Middlesex, both single.¹ Nov. 14 John Cleland, widower, and Ann Snow, spinster, both of St. Margaret's, Westminster.2 1742 Feb. 24 Fitz-Williams Barrington, of Lilley, Herts, widower, and Jane Hall, of St. Clement Danes, Middlesex, spinster.3 1750 May 5 The Rev. Edmund Garforth, of the city of York, and Elizabeth Willoughby, of Birdsall, co. York, both single.* 1751 Aug. 13 Sir William Maynard, Bart., of Waltons, Essex, and Charlotte Bisshopp, of Parham, Sussex, both single.5 Sept. 16 James Wickes, of St. Gabriel Fenchurch, widower, and Elizabeth Waters, of St. George's in the East, widow. Oct. 5 Creswell Tayleur, Esq., of the Middle Temple, and Phillis Walker, of Kensington, Middlesex, both single. 6 1752 April 2 James Cresset, of St. Martin's in the Fields, bachelor, and Anne Knight, of Kensington, Middlesex, widow." 1 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 1 Nov.: same descriptions; he aged above 30, and she above 24. 2 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 13 Nov.: same descriptions; she aged above 21.—Children of Captain John Cleland and Ann his wife were baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, during a few years after this date.-Sir William Johnston, sixth Bart. of Johnston, married, Mch. 1757, Elizabeth, dau. of Captain Cleland, of Queen Street, Westminster. 3 He younger son of Sir John Barrington, sixth Bart., of Barrington Hall, Essex, by Susan, dau. of George Draper, of Hitchin, Herts, Esq. He succeeded his elder brother as eighth Bart., in 1776, and died 24 Sep. 1792, in his 85th year. She his second wife, and dau. of Matthew Hall, Esq. She died in Great James Street, 13 Apl. 1797, aged 75. Their two sons succeeded succes- sively to the baronetcy, which became extinct on the death of the latter in 1833. 4 He only son of Edmund Dring, of Malton, co. York, by his third wife Mary, sister of William Garforth, of the city of York, Esq., whose sole heir he became, and in accordance with whose will his name was changed to Garforth, by Act of Parliament, in 1747. He was baptized at Malton, 11 June 1700, and was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where A.B. 1723, and A.M. 1727, and of which college he became a Fellow. He died 6 Feb. 1761, and was buried the 11th in the chancel of St. Martin cum Gregory, Micklegate, York. She second dau. of Hon. Thomas Willoughby (second son of Thomas first Baron Middleton), by Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Thomas Sotheby, of Birdsall Hall, co. York, Esq. She was baptized in York Minster, 10 Jan. 1720-1, and was buried with her husband, 5 Feb. 1799. They had issue five sons and three daughters, and their eldest son, William, was High Sheriff of York in 1815. 5 He only son of Sir Henry Maynard, third Bart. of Walthamstow, Essex, by Catharine, dau. of George Gunter, of Racton, co. Sussex, Esq. He was born 19 Apl. 1721, succeeded as fourth Bart. 16 Nov. 1738, and died 18 Jan. 1772. She second dau. of Sir Cecil Bisshopp, fifth Bart. of Parham, Sussex, by Anne Boscawen, dau. of Hugh first Viscouut Falmouth. She died 16 May 1762, aged about 31. Their son Charles became second Viscount Maynard. 6 Mar. Lic. Fac. 2 Oct.: same descriptions; he aged 26, and she 17: to marry with consent of her father, William Walker, of Kensington, Button-seller.-Creswell Tayleur was admitted to the Middle Temple, 7 June 1729, as son and heir of Creswell Tayleur, of Messon, co. Salop, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from Pembroke College, 16 Oct. in the same year, aged 18, his birth- place being given as Bowles Magna [Great Bolas], co. Salop. 7 He son of James Cressett, Esq., Envoy at various Courts from 1693 to 1710, who died in July of the latter year, as he was about departing on a mission to Hanover. He was Treasurer to the Prince of Wales, Secretary to the Princess of Wales, and Comptroller of the Army Accounts. He died in Albemarle Street, 22 Apl. 1775. His will, dated 21 July 1773, with several codicils, was proved 26 Apl. 1775. He directed to be buried at St. James, Westminster, near his father, mother, brothers, and sisters. His father was buried there 28 July 1710, his 54 MARRIAGES IN 1752 June 13 Charles Petley, Esq., of Riverhead, Kent, and Elizabeth Paul, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, both single.¹ 1 Aug. 8 Ralph Assheton, Esq., of Cuerdale, co. Lancaster, and Rebecca Hulls, of St. Mary Abchurch, London, both single.2 1753 March 4 March 4 Henry Brooker, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, and Henrietta Belcher, of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, both single.3 March 15 Jonathan Ellison and Sarah Smith, both single and of St. Saviour's, Southwark.4 May 29 Thomas Ellison, of the Inner Temple, and Elizabeth Smith, of St. Saviour's, Southwark, both single.5 June 2 Henry Combrune, of St. Margaret's, Lothbury, and Rebecca Estcourt, of St. George's, Hanover Square, both single.6 Sept. 10 William Richards, Esq., of the Inner Temple, and Margaret Clavell, of Smedmore, co. Dorset, both single.7 mother, Mrs. Louisa Maria Cressett, 17 Sep. 1744, and himself 29 Apl. 1775. She eldest child of William Robinson, of Rokeby Park, co. York, Esq., by Anne, dau. and heir of Robert Walters, of Cundall, co. York, Esq., and was sister of Sir Thomas Robinson, first Bart. of Rokeby, and of Richard, Archbishop of Armagh, created Lord Rokeby. She was born at York, 4 Nov. 1699, and was first married, in 1731, to Robert Knight, of Barrells, co. Warwick, Esq., who, by a former wife, was father of the Earl of Catherlough. She died 5 June 1759, at Kensington, and was buried with her father at Merton, co. Surrey. ¹ He only son and heir of John Petley, of Riverhead, Kent, Esq. (second son of Ralph Petley, Esq., Sheriff of Kent in 1680). by his wife Jane Lockyer. He was sometime Storekeeper of the Ordnance at Chatham. He died at Riverhead 27 July, and was buried there Aug. 1765, aged about 37. She dau. of Robert Paul, of Ewart, co. Northumberland, Esq. She sur- vived her husband nearly sixty years, dying 19 Feb. 1823, aged about 92, and was also buried at Riverhead. 2 He son and heir of Ralph Assheton, of Downham and Cuerdale, co. Lancaster, Esq., by Mary, dau. of Thomas Lister, of Arnoldsbiggin in Gisburne, co. York, Esq. He was born 25 Jan. 1719-20, and was buried at Downham 3 Jan. 1759. She eldest dau. and coheir of William Hulls, of Freelands, in Bromley, co. Kent, and lord of the manor of Popes, in Bishop's Hatfield, co. Herts, Esq., and a merchant of London, by Anne, dau. of Henry Savage, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Esq. She was born the 1st, and baptized 10 Dec. 1732, at St. Mary Abchurch, London. She died at Beaconsfield, Bucks, 11 Sep., and was buried at Downham, 1 Oct. 1812. 3 See his burial, 6 June 1787, and hers 23 Jan. 1802, and notes thereto. 4 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., 14 Mch., for Jonathan Ellison, of St. Saviour's, Southwark, bachelor, aged above 27, and Sarah Smith, of the same parish, spinster, above 20, with consent of Charles Scrase and William Priaulx, her guardians appointed by the will of her mother, Sarah Smith, late of Wandsworth, Surrey, widow, deceased, and under an order of the High Court of Chancery, of which she is a ward. 5 Mar. Lic. Fac. 25 May: same descriptions; he aged above 23, and she above 21.—Thomas Ellison, Gent., admitted to the Inner Temple, 15 Oct. 1747, as son and heir apparent of Francis Ellison, of Westerham, Kent. 6 Mar. Lic. Fac. 28 May: same descriptions; each aged above 21. 7 He eldest son of William Richards, of Warmwell, co. Dorset, Esq., by his wife Susanna Savage. He was baptized at Warmwell, 30 Apl. 1724, and admitted to the Inner Temple 28 Apr. 1741. He died 10 Apl. 1803, and was buried at Warmwell. She only surviving dau, and eventually heir of Edward Clavell, of Smedmore, co. Dorset, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of George Damer, of Dorchester, in the same county, Esq. (aunt of Joseph Damer, first Baron Milton and Earl of Dorchester). The Mar. Lic. Fac. is dated 5 Sep., and her age given as above 23. She died 24 Mch. 1817, aged about 90, and was buried at Warmwell. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 55 1753 Dec. 18 Edward Williams, Esq., of the Inner Temple, and Elizabeth Capper, of St. George's, Bloomsbury, both single.¹ 1 [The Marriage Act of 1753 put an end to indiscriminate mar- riages in the Abbey. The three following are all that are recorded during the next century, each having been solemnized by virtue of a Special License.] 1755 July 31 Henry Oxenden, Esq., of Dean, in the parish of Wingham, co. Kent, and Margaret Chudleigh, of St. George's, Hanover Square, both single.2 1757 Jan. 24 Bamber Gascoyne, Esq., of St. Clement Danes, and Mary Green, of Childwall, in the county Palatine of Lancaster, both single.3 1775 Jan. 12 The Rt. Rev. Dr. John Thomas, Lord Bishop of Rochester, Dean of Westminster and Dean of the most honorable Order of the Bath, widower, and Dame Elizabeth Yates, widow.4 ¹ He was admitted to the Inner Temple 3 May 1737, as son and heir apparent of Edward Williams, of All Hallows, London Wall, Esq. He died, without issue, 6 Feb. 1759, aged 35, and was buried at Totteridge, Herts. (On his monument at Totteridge he is called a Barrister of the Middle Temple, while a notice of his death in the Gent. Mag. represents him as of Serjeants' Inn). She eldest dau. of Francis Capper, of Lincoln's Inn and of Bushey, Herts, Esq., by Mary, dau. of Thomas Bennet, an eminent bookseller in St. Paul's churchyard. She was born 27 Feb. and baptized 4 Mch. 1726-7. She died 2 Feb. 1793, and was buried at Totteridge. In her will she bequeathed £400 for the use of the poor of Totteridge, on condition that the vault containing her own and her husband's remains should never be opened on any pretence. 2 He eldest son of Sir George Oxenden, fifth Bart. of Dene, Kent, by Elizabeth, eldest dau. and coheir of Edmund Dunch, of Little Wittenham, Berks, Esq. He was born the fifth and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 17 Sep. 1721, and succeeded as sixth Bart. 20 Feb. 1775. She youngest dau. and coheir of Sir George Chudleigh, fourth Bart. of Halden, Devon, by Frances, dau. and coheir of Sir William Davie, fourth Bart. of Creedy, Devon. They died the same year, at Broome House, in Barham, Kent; she 30 Mch. 1803, aged about 70, and he 15 June following, and were buried in the family vault at Wingham. 3 He son of Sir Crisp Gascoyne, Kt., Lord Mayor of London in 1752, by Margaret, dau. and heir of John Bamber, M.D., of Bifrons, in Barking. Essex, and was baptized at All Hallows Staining, London, 22 Feb. 1724-5. He matriculated at Oxford, from Queen's College, 21 Oct. 1743, but appears to have taken no degree. He became a distinguished M.P. and politician, and was Receiver-General of H.M.'s Customs. He died at Bath 27 Oct., and was buried at Barking, Essex, 7 Nov. 1791. She third and youngest dau. and coheir of Isaac Green, of Childwall Abbey and Hale Hall, co. Lancaster, Esq., by Mary, dau. and heir of Edward Aspinwall, Esq. She died 8 May 1799, aged about 69, and was buried at Hale, co. Lancaster. Their grand-daughter was mother of the present Marquis of Salisbury. 4 He eldest son of Rev. John Thomas. Vicar of Brampton, co. Cumberland, and born at Carlisle 14 Oct. 1712. He matriculated at Oxford. from Queen's College, 17 Dec. 1730. and took the degrees of B.C.L. 6 Mch. 1741, and D.C.L. 25 May 1742. He was appointed Prebendary of Westminster 23 Apl. 1754, installed Dean of Westminster 19 July 1768, and consecrated Bishop of Rochester 13 Nov. 1774. He died at Bromley House, Kent, 22 Aug. 1793, and was buried at Bletchingley, Surrey, where he had been rector thirty-six years. She, his second wife, was dau. and coheir of Charles Baldwyn, of Munslow, co. Salop, Esq., and relict of Sir Joseph Yates, Kt., one of the Judges of the Common Ï'leas (to whom married, at St. Giles in the Fields, 1 Mch. 1763, and who died 7 June 1770). She died in 1808. (Bishop Thomas's first wife was Anne, dau. of Sir William Clayton, first Bart. of Morden, Surrey, and relict of Sir Charles Blackwell, second Bart. of Sprowston, co. Norfolk. They were married at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 19 Aug. 1742, and she died 7 July 1772, and was buried at Bletchingley.) 56 MARRIAGES IN [There is no record of any marriage in the Abbey after the last date until the following one, and each of those hereafter recorded was solemnized by virtue of a License.] 1859 June 28 Arthur-Christopher Thynne (son of John Thynne, Sub-Dean of Westminster), Clerk in holy orders, bachelor, of full age, and Gwenllian-Elizabeth-Fanny-Isabel Kendall (daughter of Rus- sell Kendall, Esq., deceased), of Winterdyne near Bewdley, now residing in the Cloisters, spinster, aged 17.¹ 1860 July 19 John-Gilbert Talbot, Esq. (son of John-Chetwynd Talbot, Barrister-at-Law, deceased), bachelor, of full age, and Meriel- Sarah Lyttelton (daughter of George-William Lyttelton, Baron Lyttelton), of No. 11 Carlton House Terrace, spinster, aged 20.2 1861 May 14 Edward-Henry May (son of William May, Surgeon), of No. 68 Pentonville Road, Surgeon, bachelor, of full age, and Sarah Lupton (daughter of James Lupton, Minor Canon of this Church), spinster, aged 22.3 1862 Sept. 5 Henry-Howard-Molyneux, Earl of Carnarvon (son of Henry- John-George, Earl of Carnarvon), of Highclere Castle, New- bury, bachelor, of full age, and Evelyn-Georgiana-Catherine Stanhope (daughter of George, Earl of Chesterfield), of Bretby Park, Burton on Trent, spinster, of full age.* June 18 Albert Peareth, Esq. (son of William Peareth, Esq., deceased), of Cambridge, bachelor, of full age, and Margaret-Emma 1 He fifth son of the Hon. and Rev. John Thynne (commonly called Lord John Thynne, third son of Thomas second Marquis of Bath, K.G.), D.D., Prebendary and Sub-dean of West- minster, and Rector of Backwell, co. Somerset, by Anne-Constantia, third dau. of the Rev. Charles-Cobbe Beresford, and was born 9 Nov. 1832. He is a Prebendary of Exeter, and Rector of Kilkhampton, co. Cornwall. (See the marriages of his sister and brother, 12 Aug. 1863 and 30 June 1864.) She eldest dau. of Russell Kendall, of Walthamstow, Esq. (who died 9 Feb. 1847), by Mary, dau. of the Rev. F. Thorp (who remarried Major Frank Gresley). 2 He eldest son of the Hon. John-Chetwynd Talbot (fourth son of Charles-Chetwynd second Earl Talbot), Q.C., Attorney-General to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, and Recorder of Windsor, by Carolinc-Janc, dau. of James-Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, first Lord Wharncliffe, and was born 24 Feb. 1835. She eldest dau. of George-William, fourth Lord Lyttelton, by Mary, dau. of Sir Stephen-Richard Glynne, eighth Bart. of Hawarden Castle, and was born 17 June 1840. (See her sister's marriage 7 June 1864). 3 He son of William May, Esq., by Lucretia, fourth dau. of John Costall, of Market Overton, co. Rutland, Esq. He was born in Bow Lane, City of London, 4 Jan. 1835, and baptized at St. Michael's, Queenhithe, in said city. She dau. of the Rev. James Lupton, M.A. of Oxford, Minor Canon of Westminster and St. Paul's, Rector of St. Michael's, Queenhithe, London, and Vicar of Blackbourton, co. Oxford, by Anne, dau. of Thomas and Temperance Dry. She was born 15 Apl. 1839, and baptized 30 Oct. following at St. Michael's, Queenhithe. (See his brother's and her sister's marriage 28 May 1863, and her father's burial 27 Dec. 1873.) 4 He eldest son of Henry-John-George Herbert, third Earl of Carnarvon, by Henrietta- Anna, eldest dau. of Lord Henry-Thomas Howard-Molyneux-Howard (brother of the twelfth Duke of Norfolk). He was born 24 June 1831, and succeeded as fourth Earl 9 Dec. 1849. She only dau. of George-Augustus-Frederick, sixth Earl of Chesterfield, by Anne-Elizabeth, eldest dau, of Cecil-Weld first Lord Forrester. She was born 3 Oct. 1834. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 57 Nepean (daughter of Evan Nepean, Canon of this Church), spinster, aged 20.1 1863 May 28 John-Nevison May (son of William May, surgeon), of 68 Pen- tonville Road, Merchant, bachelor, of full age, and Emma Lupton (daughter of James Lupton, Minor Canon of this Church), spinster, of full age.2 Aug. 12 Eustace-John Wilson-Patten, Esq. (son of John Wilson-Patten, Esq., M.P. for North Lancashire), Lieut. 1st Life Guards, Regent's Park Barracks, bachelor, of full age, and Emily- Constantia Thynne (daughter of John Thynne, Sub-dean of Westminster), spinster, of full age.³ Sept. 8 George-William Kitchin (son of Isaac Kitchin, Clerk in holy orders), Clerk in holy orders, bachelor, of full age, and Alice- Maud Taylor (daughter of Bridges Taylor, H.B.M. Consul for Denmark), of 9 Eaton Terrace, spinster, aged 19.4 Dec. 22 Arthur-Penrhyn Stanley (son of Edward Stanley, Bishop of Norwich), Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, of 6 Grosvenor Crescent, bachelor, of full age, and Augusta-Frederica- Elizabeth Bruce (daughter of Thomas, Earl of Elgin and 1 He second son of William Peareth, Esq., of Usworth House, co. Durham, and of Cliff House, Sandgate, by Katherine fifth dau. of Thomas-Law Hodges of Hempstead, co. Kent, Esq., many years M.P. for that county. He was born 25 Apl. 1841, and educated at Cambridge. He died 19 Apl. 1869, and was buried at Horsmonden, co. Kent. She fourth dau. of the Rev. Evan Nepean, M.A., Canon of Westminster, Minister of Grosvenor Chapel, South Audley Street, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen (fourth son of the Rt. Hon. Sir Evan Nepean, first Bart. of Loders and Bothenhampton, co. Dorset), by Anne second dau. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Jenner, Kt., Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. She was born 17 Dec. 1841, and baptized at Fulham, Midx., 25 Jan. 1842, and survived her husband. See her brother's marriage 9 Nov. 1864, and her sister's 27 July 1869, her mother's burial 11 Sep. 1871, and her father's 18 Mch. 1873. 2 See his brother's and her sister's marriage 14 May 1861, and note thereto. He was born in Bow Lane, City of London, 17 Mch. 1829. She was born 14 Mch. 1841, and baptized at St. Michael's, Queenhithe, London. See her father's burial 27 Dec. 1873. 3 He eldest son of the Rt. Hon. John Wilson-Patten, of Bank Hall, co. Lancaster, by Anna- Maria (his cousin) fourth dau. and coheir of the late Peter Patten-Bold, of Bold, in the same county, Esq. He was born 8 Feb. 1836, gazetted a Lieutenant in 1857 and Captain in 1863, and retired in 1869. He died at Light Oaks, co. Stafford, 17 Dec. 1873. She second but eldest surviving dau. of the Hon. and Rev. John Thynne (commonly called Lord John Thynne, third son of Thomas, second Marquis of Bath, K.G.,), D.D., Prebendary and Sub-dean of Westminster, and Rector of Backwell, co. Somerset, by Anne-Constantia, third dau. of the Rev. Charles-Cobbe Beresford, and was born 4 Apl. 1840. (See the marriages of her brother and sister, 28 June 1859 and 30 June 1864). See baptisms of their children, 28 Sep. 1864, 27 Nov. 1867, and 25 June 1870. 4 He third son of the Rev. Isaac Kitchin, Rector of St. Stephen's, Ipswich, by Mary, dau. of the Rev. Joseph Bardgett, Rector of Melmerby, co. Cumberland, and was born at Naughton, co. Suffolk, 7 Dec. 1827. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 4 June 1846, and was B.A. 10 May 1850, and M.A. Jan. 1853, and was Student of that college until his marriage. He resides at Oxford, and is Censor of Students not attached to any College or Hall, and Chaplain to the Bishop of Chester. She second daughter of Bridges Taylor, Esq., H.B.M. Consul for Denmark, by Emily-Alice, dau. of Gen. Sir Hugh Halkett, K.C.B., G.C.H., Commander-in-Chief of the Hanoverian Army, and was born in Eccleston Street, London, 4 Oct. 1844. I 58 MARRIAGES IN Kincardine), of St. James's Palace, Middlesex, spinster, of full age.¹ 1864 Jan. 7 Cholmeley Austen-Leigh, Esq. (son of James-Edward Austen- Leigh, Clerk in holy orders), of No. 9A Davies Street, Berkeley Square, Middlesex, bachelor, of full age, and Melesina-Mary Trench (daughter of Richard-Chenevix Trench, Archbishop of Dublin), spinster, of full age.2 Jan. 14 The Hon. John-Major Henniker-Major (son of John, Lord Henniker), of Thornham Hall, Suffolk, bachelor, of full age, and Alice-Mary Cuffe (daughter of John-Otway-O'Connor, Earl of Desart), of 12 Lowndes Street, Belgrave Square, spinster, aged 19.8 June 2 William Waterfield (son of Thomas-Nelson Waterfield, deceased, late senior clerk in the India Office), of the Bengal Civil Service, bachelor, of full age, and Louisa-Bentall Gay (daughter of James Gay, Merchant, deceased), of 31 Blandford Square, St. Marylebone, spinster, of full age.* June 7 Frederick-Charles Cavendish, Esq., commonly called Lord Frede- rick Cavendish (son of William, Duke of Devonshire, K.G.), of Devonshire House, Piccadilly, bachelor, of full age, and the Hon. Lucy-Caroline Lyttelton (daughter of George-William ¹ He second but only surviving son of the Rt. Rev. Edward Stanley, Bishop of Norwich (brother of the first Lord Stanley of Alderley), by Catharine dau. of the Rev. Oswald Leycester, Rector of Stoke, co. Salop, and was born at Alderley Rectory, Cheshire, 13 Dec. 1815. He matriculated at Oxford, from Balliol College, 30 Nov. 1833, and was B.A. 8 Feb. 1838, and M.A. as Fellow of University College 6 June 1840. He became a Canon of Canterbury 16 Aug. 1851, and of Christ Church in 1858, and was created D.D. at Oxford in the latter year. He was installed Dean of Westminster 9 Jan. 1864, becoming ex officio Dean of the Order of the Bath. He is also Deputy Clerk of the Closet to Her Majesty, and a Vice-President of the Society of Antiquaries. She a younger dau. of Thomas, seventh Earl of Elgin and eleventh of Kincardine, by his second wife Elizabeth, youngest dau. of James-Townsend Oswald, of Dunnikier, co. Fife, Esq., and was born 3 Apl. 1822. She was a Lady-in-waiting to the late Duchess of Kent, and was appointed Resident Bedchamber-woman to Her present Majesty in 1861, and Extra Bedchamber-woman on her marriage, which latter post she still retains. Her Christian names are wrongly transposed in the Abbey Register, as they usually are in all the peerages. She was christened "Augusta-Elizabeth-Frederica." 2 He eldest son of the Rev. James- Edward-Austen Leigh, Vicar of Bray, co. Berks, by Emma, dau. of Charles Smith, of Suttons, co. Essex, Esq., and was born at Tring Park, Herts, 26 Sep. 1829. He was a Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, and is a Barrister-at-Law, of Lincoln's Inn. She eldest dau. of the Most Rev. and Right Hon. Richard-Chenevix Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin (late Dean of Westminster), by Frances-Mary (his cousin) eldest dau. of Francis Trench, of Sopwell Hall, co. Tipperary, Esq., and sister of Frederick-Mason, second Lord Ashtown, and was born at Bursledon, Hants, 3 July 1834. 3 He eldest son of John, fourth Lord Henniker, by Anna, eldest dau. of Sir Edward Kerrison, first Bart. of Hoxne and Brome, co. Suffolk, and was born 7 Nov. 1842. She only dau. of John-Otway-O'Connor, third Earl of Desart, by Elizabeth-Lucy, third dau. of John- Frederick-Vaughan Campbell, first Earl Cawdor, and was born 25 May 1844. 4 Born 14 Aug. and baptized 5 Sep. 1832, at St. John Evangelist, Westminster, William, son of Thomas-Nelson Waterfield, Gent., and Elizabeth his wife, of the Cloisters, Westminster Abbey. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 59 Lyttelton, Baron Lyttelton), of 11 Carlton House Terrace, spinster, of full age.¹ 1864 June 30 Francis-John Thynne, Esq. (son of John Thynne, Sub-dean of Westminster), bachelor, of full age, and Edith-Marcia-Caroline Sheridan (daughter of Richard-Brinsley Sheridan, Esq., M.P. for Dorchester), of 48 Grosvenor Place, St. George's, Hanover Square, spinster, of full age.² Nov. 9 Evan-Colville Nepean, Esq. (son of Evan Nepean, Canon of this Church), bachelor, of full age, and Elizabeth-Anne Jenner (daughter of Edward-Francis Jenner, Registrar of H. M. Court of Probate), of 18 Lowndes Street, Holy Trinity, Chelsea, spinster, of full age.³ 1865 April 27 Charles-Archibald Murray, Esq. (son of the Hon. Charles-John Murray), of 16 Dean's Yard, bachelor, of full age, and Adelaide- Emily Feilding (daughter of William-Basil-Percy Feilding, Earl of Denbigh), of 49 Eaton Square, St. Peter's, Pimlico, spinster, of full age. 1865 Aug. 4 1 Henry-John Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Esq., commonly called Lord Henry Scott (son of Walter-Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry), of 37 Belgrave Square, bachelor, of full age, and Cicely-Susan Stuart-Wortley (daughter of John Stuart-Wortley, Baron), of 8 Stratton Street, Middle- sex, spinster, of full age.5 ¹ He second son of William, seventh Duke of Devonshire, by Lady Blanche-Georgiana Howard, dau. of George, sixth Earl of Carlisle, and was born 30 Nov. 1836. She second dau. of George-William, fourth Lord Lyttelton, by Mary, dau. of Sir Stephen-Richard Glynne, eighth Bart. of Hawarden Castle, and was born 5 Sep. 1841. (See her sister's marriage 19 July 1860.) 2 He fourth son of the Hon. and Rev. John Thynne (commonly called Lord John Thynne, third son of Thomas, second Marquis of Bath, K.G.), D.D., Prebendary and Sub-dean of West- minster, and Rector of Backwell, co. Somerset, by Anne-Constantia, third dau. of the hev. Charles-Cobbe Beresford, and was born 17 June 1830. (See the marriages of his brother and sister, 28 June 1859 and 12 Aug. 1863). She eldest dau. of Richard-Brinsley Sheridan, of Frampton Court, co. Dorset, Esq., by Marcia-Maria, only surviving child and heir of General Sir Colquhoun Grant, K.C.B., etc., and great-granddaughter of the Rt. Hon. Richard-Brinsley Sheridan (see his burial 13 July 1816), and was born 11 Aug. 1836. See the baptisms of their children, 31 Aug. 1865, 6 June 1867, 25 May 1868, and 31 Mch. 1873. 3 He second son of Canon Nepean (scc note to his sister's marriage, 18 June 1862). He was born 7 Dec. 1836, and is in the War Office. She eldest dau. of the late Edward-Francis Jenner, Esq., by Elizabeth-Teresa, dau. and heiress of the late John Saunders, of Reigate, Esq. (who remarried the Rev. Thomas Fuller, Minister of St. Peter's, Pimlico). She was born 12 Oct. 1843, and is her husband's first cousin. Sce the baptisms of their children, 16 Oct. 1865, 2 Mch. 1869, 8 Mch. 1870, and 4 Mch. 1871. (See also the marriage of another of his sisters, 27 July 1869, and the burials of his mother 11 Sep. 1871, and his father 18 Mch. 1873.) 4 Hc eldest son of Hon. Charles-John Murray (second son of William, third Earl of Mansfield) by Hon. Frances-Elizabeth, second surviving dau. of Thomas, first Viscount Anson, and was born 10 Oct. 1836. She fourth dau. of Sir William-Basil-Percy Feilding, seventh Earl of Denbigh, by Lady Mary-Elizabeth-Kitty, eldest dau. of Thomas, first Earl of Ducie, and was born 24 Nov. 1836. 5 He second son of Sir Walter-Francis, fifth Duke of Buccleuch and seventh of Queensberry, by Lady Charlotte-Anne Thynne, youngest dau. of Thomas, second Marquis of Bath, and was 60 MARRIAGES IN 1866 Aug. 15 Henry Weigall, Esq. (son of Henry Weigall, Esq.), of 4A Dean's Yard, bachelor, of full age, and Rose-Sophia-Mary Fane (daugh- ter of John Fane, Earl of Westmoreland), of 29 Portman Square, spinster, of full age.1 1868 April 16 Robert Brown, Clerk in holy orders (son of William Brown, Esq.), of the Cloisters, bachelor, of full age, and Grace Borthwick (daughter of John Borthwick, Esq.), of 12 Upper Berkeley Street, spinster, of full agc.2 July 28 Thomas-Francis Wade, Esq., C.B. (son of Thomas-Francis Wade, Colonel H. M.'s Army, C.B.), of the Deanery, bachelor, of full age, and Amelia Herschel (daughter of John-Frederick-William Herschel, Bart.), of Hawkhurst, Kent, spinster, of full age.3 1869 July 14 Charles Gordon, Marquis of Huntly (son of Charles Gordon, tenth Marquis of Huntly), of Langham House, Portland Place, bachelor, of full age, and Amy Brooks (daughter of William- Cunliffe Brooks, Esq.), of 5 Grosvenor Square, spinster, aged 19.4 July 27 William-Victor Paley, Esq. (son of George-Barber Paley, Clerk in holy orders), of 9 St. James's Square, bachelor, of full age, and Augusta-Harriet Nepean (daughter of Evan Nepean, Canon of this Church), of the Cloisters, spinster, of full age.5 Nov. 8 George-Charles Spencer-Churchill, Marquis of Blandford (eldest son of John-Winston Spencer-Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, born 5 Nov. 1832. She youngest dau. of John, second Lord Wharncliffe, by Lady Georgiana- Elizabeth Ryder, third dau. of Dudley, first Earl of Harrowby, and was born 14 Oct. 1835. See baptisms of their children, 17 July 1866, 26 Aug. 1867, 15 Aug. 1868, and 7 Mch. 1873. ¹ He son of Henry Weigall, of St. Marylebone, Midx., Esq., Sculptor, by Selina his wife. She youngest dau. of John, eleventh Earl of Westmoreland, by Lady Priscilla-Anne Wellesley, youngest dau. of William, third Earl of Mornington, and was born 5 Sep. 1834. See their son's baptism, 8 Jan. 1874. 2 He assumed on his marriage the additional surname of Borthwick, and in 1869 became incumbent of Grange, in Borrowdale, near Keswick, co. Cumberland. He is also Hon. Chaplain to the Bishop of Aberdeen. She third but only surviving dau. of John Borthwick, of Crookston and Borthwick Castle, co. Edinburgh, Esq., by his first wife, Anne, cldest dau. of the Rt. Hon. Robert Dundas, of Arniston, Lord Chief Baron of Scotland. 3 She fifth dau. of Sir John-Frederick-William Herschel, Bart. (only son of Sir Frederick- William Herschel, the distinguished astronomer), by Margaret-Brodie, dau. of Rev. Alexander Stewart, D.D., of the Canongate Church, Edinburgh. See her father's burial 19 May 1871. 4 He eldest son of Charles, tenth Marquis of Huntly, by his second wife, Maria-Antoinetta, only surviving dau. of the Rev. Peter-William Pegus, by Charlotte, Countess Dowager of Lindsey. He was born at Orton-Longueville 5 Mch. 1847, and succeeded to the marquisate in 1863. He is Premier Marquis of Scotland. She eldest dau. of William-Cunliffe Brooks, Esq., of Barlow Hall, Manchester, and Grosvenor Square, London, M.P., by Jane-Elizabeth, elder dau. of Ralph Orrel, of Stockport, co. Chester, Esq. 5 He younger son of the Rev. George-Barber Paley, Rector of Freckenham, Suffolk, by Catherinc-Anne, dau. of the late William Robertson, of Bath, M.D., and was born Nov. 1840. She third dau. of Canon Nepean (see note to her sister's marriage, 18 June 1862). She was born 26 May, and baptized at Fulham, Midx., 10 July 1840. See their daughter's baptism 12 July 1870. See also her brother's marriage 9 Nov. 1864, and the burials of her mother 11 Sep. 1871, and her father, 18 March 1873. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 61 etc., K.G.), of 10 St. James's Square, bachelor, of full age, and Lady Albertha-Frances-Anne Hamilton (daughter of James Hamilton, Duke of Abercorn, etc., K.G.), of Chesterfield House, South Audley Street, spinster, of full age.¹ 1869 Nov. 8 Henry-Charles-Keith Petty-FitzMaurice, Marquis of Lansdowne (son of Henry Petty- FitzMaurice, Marquis of Lansdowne, etc., K.G.), of Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square, bachelor, of full age, and Lady Maud-Evelyn Hamilton (daughter of James. Hamilton, duke of Abercorn, etc., K.G.), of Chesterfield House, South Audley Street, spinster, aged 18.2 1870 Feb. 10 Henry-Warwick Hunt, Clerk in holy orders (son of Henry Hunt, Gent.), of 3 Brook Street, Hanover Square, bachelor, of full age, and Adèle de Havilland Rivaz (daughter of Francis Rivaz, Gent.), of 17 Dean's Yard, spinster, of full age.3 July 26 Walter-George-Frank Phillimore, Esq. (son of Robert-Joseph Phillimore, Knight), of 16 Great Dean's Yard, bachelor, of full age, and Agnes Lushington (daughter of Charles-Manners Lushington, Esq.), of 18 Queen Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, spinster, of full age.4 1871 April 25 John-Charles Thynne, Esq. (son of John Thynne, Sub-dean of Westminster), of the Cloisters, bachelor, of full age, and Mary- Elizabeth MacGregor (daughter of John-Athol-Bannatyne- Murray MacGregor, Bart.), of Hampton Court Palace, Middle- sex, spinster, of full age.5 She ¹ He eldest son of John-Winston, sixth Duke of Marlborough, by Frances-Anne-Emily, eldest dau. of Charles William, third Marquis of Londonderry. and was born 13 May 1844. sixth dau. of James, second Marquis of Abercorn, by Lady Louisa-Jane Russell, second dau. of John, sixth Duke of Bedford, and was born 29 July 1847. See her sister's marriage the same day. 2 He eldest son of Henry, fourth Marquis of Lansdowne, by his second wife, Emily-Janc, eldest dau. of Auguste-Charles-Joseph, Comte de Flahault, by the Baroness Keith and Nairne. He was born 13 Jan. 1845, and succeeded to the marquisate in 1866. She youngest dau. of James, second Marquis of Abercorn, by Lady Louisa-Jane Russell, second dau. of John, sixth Duke of Bedford. See her sister's marriage the same day. * He only son of Henry Hunt, Esq., M.D., formerly of Dartmouth, co. Devon, then of Brook Street, Hanover Square, and of Shermanbury Park, co. Sussex, by his first wife Maria, eldest dau. of Arthur Hunt, of Redlap, co. Devon, Esq. (formerly of Dartmouth, Merchant), and was born at Dartmouth 20 Feb. 1835. He was educated at Westminster school, and Trinity College, Cambridge, where A.B. 1858, and A.M. 1861, and was instituted to the rectory of Steppingley, co. Beds, in December 1869, and to that of Shermanbury, Sussex, in 1872. She seventh dau. of Francis Rivaz, Esq., of 19 Cowley Street, Westminster, by Maria-Magdalene-Pasley his wife. She was born at Putney, Surrey, 23 Oct. 1833, and baptized there 4 Dec. following. 4 He only son of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert-Joseph Phillimore, Kt., D.C.L., Judge of the High Court of Admiralty and of the Arches Court of Canterbury, by Charlotte-Anne, dau. of John Denison, of Ossington Hall, Notts, Esq., and sister of the late Speaker of the House of Com- mons, and was born 21 Nov. 1845. She dau. of the late Charles-Manners Lushington, Esq. (youngest son of the late Rt. Hon. Stephen-Rumbold Lushington), by Henrietta, eldest dau. of Henry-Stafford Northcote, Esq., and sister of Sir Stafford-Henry Northcote, eighth and present Baronet. 6 He a Barrister-at-Law, younger son of the Hon. and Rev. Lord John Thynne, by Anne- 62 MARRIAGES IN 1871 Aug. 3 William-James Morris, Major in Her Majesty's Army (son of Henry Morris, Esq.), of the Cloisters, bachelor, of full age, and Alice-Phillips Wood (dau. of Western Wood, Esq.), of Onslow Gardens, South Kensington, Midx., spinster, of full age. 1872 March 12 William-Carr Sidgwick, M.A., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford (son of William Sidgwick, Clerk in holy orders), of 16 Dean's Yard, bachelor, of full age, and Sarah-Isabella Thompson (daughter of John-Vincent Thompson, Serjeant-at-Law), of 21 South Street, Park Lane, Midx., spinster, of full age. July 27 Auguste Rouzaud, Esq. (son of Arsène Rouzaud, Esq.), of 16 Dean's Yard, bachelor, of full age, and Christine Nilsson (daughter of Jonas Nilsson, Esq.), of 34 Brook Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, Middx., spinster, of full age.¹ 1874 Aug. 3 Tatton Sykes, Baronet (son of Tatton Sykes, Baronet), of Sled- mere, co. York, bachelor, of full age, and Jessica-Anne- Christina-Cavendish Bentinck (daughter of George-Augustus- Frederick-Cavendish Bentinck, Barrister-at-Law), of 3 Grafton Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., spinster, of full age.2 Aug. 19 George-Robert-Charles, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery (son of Sidney, Lord Herbert of Lea), of London, bachelor, of full age, and Gertrude-Frances Talbot (daughter of Henry-John, Earl of Shrewsbury), of London, spinster, of full age.³ Nov. 5 Richard de Aquila Grosvenor, M.P. (son of Richard, Marquis of Westminster), of 76 Brook Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., bachelor, of full age, and Beatrix-Charlotte- Elizabeth Vesey (daughter of Thomas, Viscount de Vesci), of Constantia, third dau. of the Rev. Charles-Cobbe Beresford, and born 14 April 1838. (See the marriages of his brothers and sister, 28 June 1859, 12 Aug. 1863, and 30 June 1864). She youngest dau. of the late Sir John-Athol - Bannatyne - Murray Mac Gregor, third Bart. of Mac Gregor, co. Perth, by Mary-Charlotte, youngest dau. and coheir of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas-Masterman Hardy, Bart. See baptisms of their children, 30 Nov. 1872, 22 Jan. 1874, and 11 Feb. 1875. 1 He son of an eminent French merchant. She, the famous cantatrice, was born, of humble parentage, at Wederslöf, near Wexiö, in Sweden, 3 Aug. 1843. 2 He eldest son of Sir Tatton Sykes, fourth Bart. of Sledmere, by Mary-Anne, second dau. of Sir William Foulis, seventh Bart. of Ingleby Manor, co. York. He was born 13 Mch. 1826, and succeeded as fifth Bart. 21 Mch. 1863. She eldest dau. of George-Augustus-Frederick-Cavendish Bentinck, Esq., M.P. for Whitehaven (only son of Major-General Frederick-Cavendish Bentinck, youngest son of William-Henry-Cavendish, third Duke of Portland), by Prudence-Penelope, dau. of Col. Charles-Powell Leslie, of Glaslough, co. Monaghan. 3 He eldest son of the Rt. Hon. Sidney Herbert, Lord Herbert of Lea (the eminent statesman and Secretary for War), by Elizabeth, only dau. of Lieut.-General Charles-Ashe A'Court, younger brother of William, first Lord Heytesbury. He was born 6 July 1850, and succceded as sccond Lord Herbert of Lea, 2 Aug. 1861, and, on the death of his uncle, 25 Apl. 1862, as thirteenth Earl of Pembroke and tenth Earl of Montgomery. She third dau. of Henry-John, eighteenth Earl of Shrewsbury, by Lady Sarah-Elizabeth Beresford, only surviving dau. of Henry, second Marquis of Waterford. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 63 1875 Jan. 4 Carlton House Terrace, St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., spinster, of full age.¹ 5 Montagu-Cecil Broun, late of the 15th Hussars (son of George Broun, Post Captain R.N.), of 36 Bury Street, St. James, Westminster, bachelor, aged 34, and Caroline-Alice-Jane Leighton (daughter of Francis-Knyvett Leighton, Clerk, D.D., Warden of All Souls College, Oxford), of 20 Dean's Yard, spinster, aged 18. ¹ He fourth son of the late Richard, second Marquis of Westminster, by Lady Elizabeth- Mary Leveson-Gower, youngest dau. of George-Granville, first Duke of Sutherland. He was born 28 Jan. 1837, and is M.P. for Flintshire. She third dau. of Sir Thomas Vesey, third Viscount de Vesci, by Lady Emma Herbert, youngest dau. of George-Augustus, eleventh Earl of Pembroke and eighth Earl of Montgomery. ( 64 ) Baptisms in Westminster Abbey. "CHILDREN BAPTIZED IN THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF WESTMINSTER: SUCH ALSO AS HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED PRIVATELY, BEING THE CHILDREN OF SUCH PARENTS AS WERE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH, OR DWELT WITH- IN THE VERGE THEREOF." 1603 March 5 1608 July 19 1608 March 13 1610 May 15 16 Jan. 26 1614 Nov. 30 1616 Dec. 5 1619 April 1 Bridget, daughter of Sir Herbert Crofts." William, son of Thomas Godwin.2 Robert, son of James Hooper.3 John, son of Sir John Pountny.4 William, son of James Hooper.5 William, son of Sir William Udall.6 Leonard, son of Sir Thomas Bilson.7 George, son of Dr. Robert Toulson, Dean of Westminster.8 1 Dau. of Sir Herbert Croft, of Croft Castle, Kt., by Mary, dau. and sole heir of Sir Anthony Bourne, of Holt Castle, co. Worcester, and died, unmarried, 21 Dec. 1694. She has a monument in Hereford. Cathedral. Her father died, 10 Apl. 1622, at the Benedictine Monastery of Douay, of which he had become a lay brother. See her sister's burial 14 Dcc. 1637. 2 See his father's burial 22 Sep. 1622. 3 See his father's burial 30 Dec. 1651, and his mother's 7 Mch. 1651-2.-Robert Hooper, widower, and Jane Ingram, widow, had license to marry, from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 6 July 1633. 4 Son of Sir John Poultney, of Misterton, co. Leicester, Kt., by Margery, dau. of Sir John Fortescue, Kt. He married Margaret, dau. of Sir Thomas Denton, of Hillesden, Bucks, Kt., but died without issue, 15 May 1637, and was buried at Misterton, when his sisters became his coheirs. His baptism is also recorded in the register of St. Margaret's, Westminster, but under date of 17 May. 5 See his father's burial 30 Dec. 1651, his mother's 7 Mch. 1651-2, and his own 27 June 1663. Eldest son of Sir William Uvedale, the younger, Kt., of Wickham, Hants, by his first wife Anne, dau. of Sir Edward Cary, Kt., third son of Henry, Lord Hunsdon. He was born 17 Oct. 1614, and was buried at Wickham 4 Nov. 1617. 7 Second son of Sir Thomas Bilson, of Maple Durham, Hants, Kt. (son of Thomas, Bishop of Winchester), by Susanna, youngest dau. of Sir William Uvedale the elder, of Wickham, Hants, Kt., who were married, at Wickham, 6 Aug. 1612. He married Elcanor, eldest dau. of Sir William Lewis, Bart., of Borden, Hants. His will, dated 29 Aug. 1695, was proved 12 Feb. 1695-6, by his relict Eleanor, and he was buried at Buriton, Hants. 8 See his father's burial 16 May 1621. His mother was Margaret, sister of Dr. John Davenant, who succeeded his father as Bishop of Salisbury. She died 29 Oct. 1633, aged 49, and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral. She was married to Mr. Tounson, at St. Mary-le-Bow, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 65 1619 April 8 Oct. 3 1620 April 15 June 1 1622 April 11 June 1 Sept. 16 Nov. 22 162 March 13 Christopher, son of Sir Edward Villers.¹ Frances, daughter of John Packer.2 Edward, son of Sir Edward Villers.3 Barbara, daughter of Dr. Toulson, Dean of Westminster.4 Mary, daughter of Bartholomew Allen.5 Barbara, daughter of Sir Edward Villers." John, son of John Seward." Dorothy, daughter of Dr. Newell, Prebendary of this Church.8 Anne, daughter of Bartholomew Allen." London, 17 June 1604, being then widow of William Townley, Gent., who died about Oct. 1603. A MS. note in a copy of Camden's Annals in the Bodleian Library says that this son was born 18 Mch. He probably died young, as he is not named in the family wills some years later. The name is rightly Tounson. 1 Son of Sir Edward Villiers, Kt. (half-brother of George, first Duke of Buckingham), by Barbara, eldest dau. of Sir John St. John (see her burial 16 Sep. 1672). He probably died young, as his name has not been retained in the accounts of the family. A MS. note in a copy of Camden's Annals in the Bodleian Library says that he was born 18 Mch., and that the sponsors at his baptism were Christopher Villiers, John Wentworth, and the Lady Butler. 2 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 13 July 1613, for John Packer. of St. Martin in the Fields, Gent., bachelor, aged 41, and Phillipp Mills, of the city of Westminster, Gentlewoman, aged 23. dau. of Francis Mills, of Southampton, Esq., and with his consent: to marry at St. Catherine Crce Church. He was born at Twickenham, Midx., about 1572, and appears to have been in public employments, at one time in the Signet Office, and of considerable social distinction. A letter of his, dated 17 Jan. 1610, addressed to Sir Thomas Edmonds, Ambassador at the Court of Brussels, will be found in the "Court and Times of James I.," 1818, i. 104, and Camden, in his Annals, states that the Marquis of Buckingham, Baron Haye, and the Countess of Dorset were sponsors at the baptism of one of his children, in Westminster church, 24 June 1618. It is probable that he acted as secretary to George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham. He was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 15 Feb. 1618-9. His will, dated 20 July 1645, with a codicil 2 May 1648, was proved 27 Nov. 1649, by his relict Phillippa. He described himself as of Shellingford, co. Berks, Esq., but residing in a house within the College of Westminster, and stated that his lands had been sequestered by the King's forces, except the manor of Groom- bridge (in Speldhurst), Kent, where he had built a chapel, and which he bequeathed to one of his sons, who still held it in 1696. This daughter is not mentioned in his will, and probably died young. See the baptisms of other children, 11 Mch. 1623-4, 13 May 1626, and 13 Aug. 1627, and of a grandchild, 22 Apl. 1645. 3 See his burial, 2 July 1689, and note thereto. 4 Rightly Tounson. See her father's burial 16 May 1621, and her brother's baptism 1 Apl. 1619, and notes thereto. She probably died young, as she is not named with the other children in family wills a few years later. 5 See baptisms of her sister and brothers. 13 Mch. 1622-3, 25 May 1624, and 9 May 1627. 6 Eldest dau. of Sir Edward Villiers, Kt. (half-brother of George, first Duke of Buckingham) by Barbara, eldest dau. of Sir John St. John (see her burial 16 Sep. 1672). She married, first, Thomas Wenman, son and heir of Philip third Viscount Wenman; secondly, Sir Richard Wentworth; and thirdly, James Howard, third Earl of Suffolk, to whom she was second wife. She died 13 Dec. 1681, and was buried at Saffron Walden, Essex. 7 See his father's burial, 6 Apl. 1624. 8 See her sister's baptism 23 Mch. 1623-4, and her brother's burial 30 Nov. 1626, and note thereto. She is not named in her father's will, dated 11 June 1642, and was probably one of his two children whom he states were buried in the Abbey; but no record of her burial occurs in the existing Register. Sce baptisms of her sister and brothers, 11 Apl. 1622, 25 May 1624, and 9 May, 1627. K 66 BAPTISMS IN 162 March 11 March 23 1624 April 22 Katherine, daughter of John Packer.¹ Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Newell.2 Lodovicke, son of Walter James.3 William, son of Bartholomew Allen.4 May 25 July 15 15 Mary, daughter of Richard Okely.5 1626 May May 13 13 John, son of John Packer.6 May 19 19 Mary, daughter of Sir Harbottle Grimston." July 13 13 Lætitia, daughter of Sir William Hix.8 1627 May 9 Henry, son of Bartholomew Allen.9 Aug. 13 Robert, son of John Packer.10 Sept. 10 Margaret, daughter of Walter James.11 Oct. 5 1629 Sept. 15 Anne, daughter of Robert White, Pettycanon. John, son of Richard Okely.12 1 See her sister's baptism 3 Oct. 1619, and note thereto. See also the baptism of her own daughter, Katherine Gell, 22 Apl. 1645. She married John Gell, afterwards second Bart. of Hopton, co. Derby, who died about 1689. She died before her husband, and was buried at Wirksworth, co. Derby. 2 See her sister's baptism 22 Nov. 1622, and her brother's burial 30 Nov. 1626, and note thereto. She is mentioned in the Chapter Book, 16 May 1661, as then wife of Mr. Henry Tucker (who joined with her in a petition for the repayment of £280 lent by her father to the College), and is again mentioned, 20 June 1662, as a widow.-Mar. Lic. Fac. 29 May 1650, for Henry Tucker of Hasely, co. Southampton, Gent., bachelor, aged 26, and Elizabeth Newell, of Clothall, Herts, spinster. He is not mentioned in either 3 See his mother's burial 13 Feb. 1672-3, and note thereto. the will of his father, dated 17 Nov. 1634, or of his mother, and probably died young. 4 See baptisms of his sister and brother, 11 Apl. 1622, 13 Mch. 1622-3, and 9 May 1627. 5 See her brother's baptism 15 Sep. 1629, and note thereto. She died 24 Mch. 1632-3, and was buried at Launton, co. Oxford, as eldest daughter. • See his sister's baptism 3 Oct. 1619, and note thereto. From his father's will he appears to have been second son. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 8 Feb. 1669-70, and his will, dated 22 June 1703, was proved 16 Apl. 1708. He described himself as of Chilton-Foliatt, Wilts, but directed to be buried at Shellingford, Berks, among his family. His wife, whose maiden name was evidently Fettiplace, survived him, but he appears to have left no issue. 7 Dau. of Sir Harbottle Grimston, first Bart. of Bradfield, Essex, by Elizabeth, dau. of Ralph Coppenger, of Stoke, Kent, Esq. She died young. 8 Rightly Hicks. See her burial, as the Countess of Donegal, 15 May 1691. 9 See baptisms of his sisters and brother, 11 April 1622, 13 Mch. 1622-3, and 25 May 1624. 10 See his sister's baptism 3 Oct. 1619, and note thereto. He became lord of the manor of Shellingford, Berks, and married Temperance, dau. of Col. Edward Stephens, of Sodbury, co. Gloucester, a member of the Long Parliament. According to the monumental inscription in Le Neve's Mon. Ang., iii. 30, he died 25 Feb. 1681-2, and was buried in Shellingford church. 11 See her mother's burial 13 Feb. 1672-3, and note thereto. She was living as Margaret Collinson at the date of her brother William's will, 12 June 1669, but is not named in that of her mother three years later. 12 Richard Oakeley, of Oakeley, co. Salop, Esq., had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, as Receiver and Solicitor, 27 Jan. 1625-6, which was renewed, 7 Dcc. 1626, to him and his brother John Oakeley, jointly. He died 26 Sep. 1653, and was buried at Launton. co. Oxford. His first wife, and the mother of the children baptized in the Abbey, was Mary Combes, sister of John Combes, of Gray's Inn, Esq. He married, secondly, Margaret, dau. of Christopher Wormall, of Lambeth, co. Surrey, Gent., who died 5 Aug. 1671, and was also buried at Launton. This son John was probably the eldest son, and died young, as he is not named in the pedigree WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 67 [1637 April 17 164 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 March 20 1644 Feb. 24 1645 April 22 166 March 13 1662 Nov. 17 Nov. 26 1663 Jan. 18 1663 April 18 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Tuckfield.]¹ Edward, son of [blank] Gowen.2 Richard, son of Thomas Hazard.³ Henry, son of James Trye.¹ Ralph, son of [blank] Harman. Katharine, daughter of John Gell.5 Katherine, daughter of Mr. Henry Purcell.6 Mary, daughter of Mr. William Tucker." William, son of Mr. Christopher Chapman.8 Sarah, daughter of Mr. Perkins.⁹ Paul Thornedyke,10 a young man about 20 years of age, and of the family recorded at the Visitation of Shropshire in 1664. See his sister's baptism, 15 July 1624. This entry does not occur in the Abbey Register, but in that of St. Margaret's, West- minster, where it distinctly stated that she was baptized in the Abbey, and that her father was buried the same day. 2 Son of William Gawen, of Westminster (second son of Thomas Gawen, of Bristol), by Anne, only dau. of Isaac Bush (see his burial 30 Dec. 1641), by Frances his wife (see her burial 9 Sep. 1641). The Mar. Lic. of the parents was issued by the Dean and Chapter of West- minster, 8 Sep. 1634. A monumental inscription in the Cloisters states that the mother died 26 Nov. 1659, and was there buried, with five of her children, but no positive record of any of the burials occurs in the Register, except of that of one daughter (see her burial, 14 Apl. 1650). See, however, the burial of Edward Coren, 30 June 1643, who was perhaps this child. 3 See his father's burial, 25 Jan. 1666-7. 4 James Try, Gent., had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, 23 May 1631, as Sexton, and another, 11 Jan. 1631-2, as a Bell-ringer, and is also mentioned in the Chapter Book, 22 Dec. 1638, as Master of the Choristers. His wife was Jane, dau. of Bazill Smith, clerk of the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, who recorded in the register of that parish the baptisms and burials of all his grandchildren. From that register it appears that this child was born 12 Mch., at his father's house in the Great Almonry, near the Singing Men's Rents, and was buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 17 Nov. 1644, bis father being then also dead. The mother was living 5 Feb. 1647-8, when she administered to her father's estate. The St. Andrew's register also states that a dau., Elizabeth, was born 20 Apl., and baptized in the Abbey 1 May 1636; but no record of it occurs in the Abbey Register: she was also buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 26 Jan. 1636-7. Another son, Richard, born 20 Nov. and baptized 2 Dec. 1639, and another dau., Elizabeth, born 7th and baptized 21 Aug. 1641, both in the Great Almonry, were probably also baptized in the Abbey, but no record occurs of either. Other children of Mr. Try were born and baptized at Kentish Town, Midx. 5 Her mother was Katherine, dau. of John Packer (see her baptism 11 Mch. 1623-4). She was eldest dau., and married William Eyre, of Highlow, co. Derby, Esq. Their second son, John, assumed the surname of Gell, through whom they were ancestors of the celebrated classical antiquary, Sir William Gell. Her husband was buried at Hathersage, co. Derby, 9 Aug. 1706, and she died at Derby 28 Feb. 1721-2. 6 Dau. of Henry Purcell, Gent. of the King's Chapel (see his burial 13 Aug. 1664), by his wife Elizabeth, who was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 Aug. 1699, and sister of Henry Purcell, the cminent composer (scc his burial 26 Nov. 1695). She married (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 20 June 1691) the Rev. William Sale, of Sheldwich, Kent, and was her mother's ad- ministratrix, 7 Sep. 1699. 7 See her burial 26 Nov. 1662, and her father's 1 Mch. 1678-9. 8 Sce his burial 21 Mch. 1662-3, and his father's 17 June 1681. 9 Sce her father's burial 16 Mch, 1662-3. 10 Only son of John Thorndike, one of the early Lincolnshire emigrants to New England (sce his burial 3 Nov. 1668), and nephew of the Rev. Herbert Thorndike, Prebendary of West- 68 BAPTISMS IN 1663 Dec. 7 Dec. 10 1-662 March 14 March 15 1664 March 19 1665 April 4 May 9 July 11 Duell Pead,¹ one of the King's scholars, about 16 years of age, was baptized by the Dean, publickly, in the font then newly set up. John, son of Henry Hawkes.2 Richard, son of Dr. Walter Jones.3 Mary, daughter of Mr. William Heywood.¹ Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Needham.5 Mary, daughter of Mr. William Tucker.6 George, son of Mr. Thomas Corney.? George, son of John Stockdale.8 Frances, daughter of Henry Hawkes.9 minster (see his burial 13 July 1672). It is probable that the severe notions of the latter would not allow him to recognize the validity of a prior baptism in New England, and hence the re- performance of the ceremony here. (See the baptisms of his sisters, under similar circumstances, 10 Apl. 1669, and note thereto). He returned to New England, where he was living in 1681, . and was the ancestor of the present American family of this name. ¹ He was elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster, to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1664. Among the marriage allegations in the Registry of the Bishop of London is the copy of a certificate, dated at Cadiz, 12 Nov. 1671, stating that on that day a couple were married on board H.M. Ship Rupert, by Duel Pead, chaplain of that ship, ordained by the Bishop of Lincoln. Among the entries in the Camden Society's volume cntitled "Secret Services of Chas. II. and James II.," sub 14 June 1683, is the payment of £20 to Duell Pead, Clerk, "bounty to him for the charge of his transportation to Maryland." He appears to have been afterwards Chaplain to the Duke of Newcastle, and, on 5 Dec. 1691, he was licensed as Curate or Minister of St. James, Clerkenwell. His name occurs frequently, from 1699 to 1703, signed to marriage allegations in the Bishop of London's Registry concerning parties who were to marry in that church, his signature being sometimes" Duel Pcad," and sometimes" Deuel Pead," and indifferently "curate and "minister." On 13 Jan. 1678-9, he himself had a license from the Vicar General to marry Mary Dyett, of St. Botolph, Aldgate, widow, and, on the following 24 Dec., another to marry Elizabeth Mudd, of St. Gabriel Fenchurch, widow; but it appears doubtful whether either license was carried into effect, as by his will, dated 17 Feb. 1711-12, his wife's name was Sarah, and he then had a dau. Sarah, already married to the Rev. Charles Lec, Rector of Bishop's Wickham, co. Essex. In the will, and also in the codicil, dated 15 Nov. 1721, he mentions a son Deuel, doubtless the one who was A.M. of Sidney College, Cambridge, in 1712. The will was proved by the relict Sarah, 12 Jan. 1725-6, on which day he is said by the papers of the period to have died, and the parish register of St. James, Clerkenwell, records his burial on the 20th of that month. Her will, dated 4 Oct, 1727, was proved 14 Jan. 1739-40, by her son, the Rev. Deuel Pead. "" 2 Rightly Hawke. See his burial 14 Feb. 1663-4, his mother's 4 Nov. 1671, and his father's 5 Mch. 1699-1700. 3 See his father's burial 15 July 1672. His mother was Philippa, dau. of Dr. Samuel Fell, Dean of Christ Church. He was still living at the date of her will, 20 Sep. 1678, and is therein called her third son. See the marriages of his sisters, 3 Dec. 1668 and 7 Feb. 1675-6. 4 Collectanea erroneously intimates that she was a dau. of Dr. William Heywood, Pre- bendary of Westminster, whose burial occurs eight months before this date. See her father's burial 26 Feb. 1663-4, and her own 16 Sep. 1664. 5 See her father's burial 13 Feb. 1705-6, her mother's 7 Apl. 1708, and her own 13 Feb. 1679-80. • See her burial 13 Aug. 1670, and her father's 1 Mch. 1678-9. 7 Thomas Corney is mentioned in Dr. Busby's Accounts as one of the Choir in 1664. 8 See the marriage of his parents 21 Nov. 1656. 9 Rightly Hawke. See her mother's burial 4 Nov. 1671, and her father's 5 Mch. 1699-1700. Mar, Lic. Vic. Gen. 5 Apl. 1683, for Richard Blyth, of St. Mary Savoy, Barber, bachelor, aged 1666 June 6 Sept. Dec. 5 11 166 Jan. 22 March 7 March 16 1667 Oct. 4 Nov. 25 1667 Feb. 23 1668 March 31 June 14 July 26 1669 March 22 March 24 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 3 Mary, daughter of Solomon Shorter.¹ Katherine, daughter of Mr. John Needham.2 Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund Pipes." Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Tynchare.4 Thomas, son of Thomas Kettlewell.5 John, son of Robert Fletcher." Solomon, son of William Burton.7 Alice, daughter of William May.8 Henry, son of Mr. William Tucker.9 Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Needham.10 Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas Kettlewell.11 Nevill, son of Mr. John Humphreys. John, son of Henry Hawkes.12 Thomas, son of Mr. Thomas Knipe.13 69 about 36, and Frances Hawke, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, about 18, with consent of her father, Henry Hawke, Gent. See the burials of their children, 9 Sep. 1686. 16 Apl. 1690. and 7 Aug. 1701. 1 See her marriage 22 Dec. 1687, and her father's burial 29 Jan. 1677-8. 2 See her burial 27 June 1681, her father's 13 Feb. 1705-6. and her mother's 7 Apl. 1708. 3 See her burial 7 Aug. 1667, her mother's 18 June 1676, and her father's third marriage 31 Aug. 1676. 4 See her brother's marriage 24 Mch. 1680-1, and her mother's burial 13 Aug. 1684. and notes thereto. She married Mr. Philip Blondell, and both were living at the date of her father's will, 13 Sep. 1692. 5 See his father's burial 6 Mch. 1676-7, and his mother's 7 Aug. 1714. 6 See his father's burial 11 Oct. 1693. 7 See his sister's baptism 5 Dec. 1669. William Burton was one of the twelve Abbey Almısmen in 1688. * Dau. of William May (described in his will as of St. Margaret's, Westminster. Cook), by his first wife Alice. See this child's burial 12 Jan. 1667-8. The mother was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Nov. 1676, and the father 20 Mch. 1690-1. See baptisms of her brothers and sisters, 13 Sep. 1669, 7 July 1671, 8 Aug. 1672, 9 Mch. 1674-5, 1 Nov. 1676, and 11 Oct. 1677, and burials, 9 Aug. 1672, 11 June 1673, and 4 June 1678. 9 See his father's burial 1 Mch. 1678-9. 10 See her father's burial 13 Feb. 1705-6, and her mother's 7 Apl. 1708. She was a second dau, of this name, and married (Mar. Lic. Fac. 23 Aug. 1692) Charles Battely, Esq., Secondary of the Remembrancer's Office in the Exchequer and Receiver of the College rents of Westminster Abbey, who was admitted to the Middle Temple, 8 Dec. 1686, as fifth son of Nicholas Batteley, of Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, Gent., and who died in 1722, aged about 54. In his will, dated 13th, with codicils 28 and 30 April, and proved 3 Oct. 1722, he directed to be buried at Great Welnetham, co. Suffolk. See baptisms of their children, I Apl. 1695. 20 July 1696, 20 July 1698, 2 July 1699, 6 Oct. 1701, 10 Dec. 1702, 3 Dec. 1703, 6 Apl. 1705, and 16 Mch. 1706-7, and burials, 8 June 1693, 25 Sep. 1695, 23 Mch. 1698-9, 31 July 1699, and 17 Apl. 1705. She was living at the dates of her husband's will. 11 Recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster, as dau. of Thomas and Mary Kettlewell, but under date of 10 Junc. See her burial 12 June 1673, her father's 6 Mch. 1676-7, and her mother's 7 Aug. 1714. 12 Rightly Hawke. Scc his mother's burial 4 Nov. 1671, his father's 5 Mch. 1699-1700, and his own 17 May 1703. 13 The child's Christian name, Thomas, is undoubtedly an error in the Register, and should be Richard. (See the burial of his brother, 4 Nov. 1674, where a similar error occurs, and is explained in the note thereto.) See his mother's burial 26 Aug. 1685, his father's 9 Aug. 1711, and his own 22 Feb, 1702-3. 70 BAPTISMS IN 1669 April 10 10 Sept. 13 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 1670 April 13 July 1 1671 May July 7 Sep. 1 8 Dec. 5 Alice and Martha Thorndyke, of ripe years, related to Mr. Thorndyke, Prebendary of this Church.¹ Alice, daughter of William and Alice May.2 Mary, daughter of William Burton.3 Gregory, son of Mr. Bromhall.4 Margaret, daughter of Mr. John Needham.5 Margaret, daughter of Dr. Stradling, one of the Prebendaries of this Church: born the same day, between 5 and 6 o'clock in the evening.6 John, son of Mr. Thomas Richardson.7 John, son of William May.8 Alice, daughter of Henry Hawkes.⁹ George, son of Dr. Stradling, Prebendary of this Church: born 24 November.10 1 Sec the baptism of their brother 18 Apl. 1663, and note thereto. They were probably re-baptized for the same reason there stated. See their father's burial 3 Nov. 1668. His will, made before he left New England, states that he intended to bring them with him to England, and describes them as his two youngest daughters. It will be noticed that this re-baptism did not take place until some months after his death. They were residing with their uncle, Rev. Herbert Thorndike, Probendary of Westminster (sec his burial 13 July 1672), until his death, and he made a considerable provision for them in his will, on condition that they should neither return to New England, nor marry with any that goes to mass or any of the new licensed conventicles," and the payment of a portion was dependant upon their marrying, or willingness to marry, "such as sincerely cleave to the Church of England." As no subsequent trace of them has ever been discovered in New England, it is probable that they accepted one of the latter contingencies, and retained their bequests. (C 2 (In the unofficial register only, the writer of which says that the ceremony was performed by himself). See her sister's baptism 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto, and her own burial 11 June 1673. 3 Sce her brother's baptism 4 Oct. 1667, and note thereto. 4 Baptisms of children of Richard and Dorothy Bromhall occur in the registers of St. Margaret's, Westminster, about this time. 5 See her father's burial 13 Feb. 1705-6, and her mother's 7 Apl. 1708; also her own marriage 5 July 1691, and note thereto. 6 See her mother's burial 1 Oct. 1681, and her father's 24 Apl. 1688. She probably died young, as she is not named in her father's will. 7 Mr. Thomas Richardson succeeded Mr. Henry Purcell, as one of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, in Aug. 1664. IIe died in that office 23 July, and was buried at Chiswick, Midx., 6 Aug. 1712, aged about 70. His will, dated 23 Apl. 1711, was proved 30 July 1712, by his nephew Pelham Richardson, residuary legatec, and he left bequests to other nephews, Thomas and William Richardson, and Lieut. Charles May. He married (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 8 Dec. 1669) Mrs. Melior Gower, sister of Licut.-Colonel James Gower, and cousin of Mrs. Frances Gower (see her burial, 17 Apl. 1698). She was buried at Chiswick, 4 Oct. 1705, aged about 58. This son John was also buried at Chiswick, 27 Mch. 1711. See his sister's baptism, 15 Apl. 1675. 8 See his sister's baptism 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto, and his own burial 4 June 1678. (The unofficial register says, "son of William and Alice May," but gives the year 1670, and the writer adds that the child was baptized by himself.) 9 See her mother's burial 4 Nov. 1671, and her father's 5 Mch. 1699-1700. 10 Sce his mother's burial 1 Oct. 1681, and his father's 24 Apl. 1683. He was living at the date of his father's will, 1 Apl. 1688. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 71 1672 Aug. 8 Thomas, son of William and Alice May.¹ 1 Oct. 29 1672 Jan. 21 1673 July 6 1672 Feb. 19 1674 March 9 [1675] April 4 1675 April 15 Dec. 27 167 March 24 1676 Aug. 1 Nov. 1 1677 May 15 Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Meeres, Kt.: baptized privately.2 Anne, daughter of Mr. John Needham.³ Anne, daughter of Thomas and Mary Kettlewell.4 James Lord Tullo, son to Richard Earl of Arran by Dorothy his wife.5 в Elizabeth, daughter of William and Alice May. Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and Margaret Crespion: born 4 Apr. at 8 in ye morning, being Easter day, and was bapt. the same day at eventide." Melior, daughter of Thomas and Melior Richardson.8 Dorothy, daughter of William and Dorothy Jackson.9 Cornelia, daughter of Daniel Bernard.10 Stephen, son of Stephen Crespion.11 Henry, son of William and Alice May.12 Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Bernard.13 May() Elizabeth, daughter of William Hopwood.14 1 (In the unofficial register only, the writer of which says that the ceremony was performed by himself). See his sister's baptism 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto, and his own burial 9 Aug. 1672. 2 (Recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster, where it is stated that she was born the 17th of the same month.) She was youngest dau. of Sir Thomas Meeres, of Lincoln, Kt., by Anne, dau. of Sir Erasmus De la Fontaine, of Kirby-Bellars, co. Leicester, Kt. She married (Mar. Lic. Fac., 1 May 1701) Sir Horatio Pettus, fourth Bart. of Rackheath, co. Norfolk, whom she survived, and her will, dated 22 Sep. 1744, was proved 17 Aug. 1746. 3 See her father's burial 13 Feb. 1705-6, and her mother's 7 Apl. 1708; also her own marriage 8 July 1702, and note thereto. 4 See her father's burial 6 Mch. 1676-7, and her mother's 7 Aug. 1714. 5 James Butler, Lord Tullogh. See his burial 10 Oct. 1676, and note thereto. 6 (In the unofficial register only, the writer of which says that the ceremony was performed by himself.) See her sister's baptism 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto. She was living at the date of her father's will, 13 Mch. 1690-1. 7 (There is no year mentioned in the Register, but Easter-day fell on the 4th of April in 1675, and that date accords with the position of the entry.) See her burial 22 May 1675, her mother's 22 Mch. 1687-8, and her father's 2 Dec. 1711. 8 See her brother's baptism 8 May 1671, and note thereto. According to her father's will she was buried at Chiswick, and must have died before 1678, as her name does not occur in the register of that parish, which begins in that year. 9 See her burial 18 July 1691, her father's 23 July 1714, and her mother's 16 May 1718. 10 The mother was Cornelia, sister of Rev. Stephen Crespion (see his burial 2 Dec. 1711) and of Elizabeth Crespion (sce her burial 23 June 1681), in whose will she and her children are mentioned. See her sister's baptism 15 May 1677. 11 Sec his burial 22 Aug. 1676, his mother's 22 Mch. 1687-8, and his father's 2 Dec. 1711. 12 (In the unofficial register only, the writer of which says that the ceremony was performed by himself.) See his sister's baptism 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto. His mother was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, the same day. He is not mentioned in his father's will, dated 13 Mch. 1690-1. 13 See her sister's baptism 24 Mch. 1675-6, and note thereto. 14 See her father's burial 17 July 1683, and her mother's re-marriage 18 Nov. 1683. She and her sister (see her baptism 22 July 1680) were the only surviving children at the date of their father's will, 72 BAPTISMS IN 1677 July 8 Margaret, daughter of Stephen Crespion.¹ Sep. 29 William, son of Miles Sandys, of Miserden, co. Gloucester, by Mary his wife.2 Thomas, son of William and Susan May.3 Oct. 11 Nov. 5 Charlotte, daughter of Sir John Pettus.¹ 1678 March 31 July 1 167 March 7 1679 April 12 1680 July 22 Oct. 3 1681 July 14 Catherine, daughter of Elias and Mary Silvester.5 William, son of Dr. Patrick." Charles, son of Mr. English. Thomas, son of Dr. Spratt by Hellen his wife: born 5 April.7 Frances, daughter of William Hopwood.8 Simon, son of Dr. Simon Patrick by Penelope his wife.9 Thomas, son of Mr. Lumly Robinson by Anne his wife.10 Edward, son of Elias and Mary Silvester.11 168 Feb. 21 1682 Aug. 9 John-Baptista, son of Mr. Henry Purcell.¹ Oct. 5 12 Anne, daughter of Mr. Lumly Robinson and Anne his wife.¹³ ¹ See her burial 11 Oct. 1679, her mother's 22 Mch. 1687-8, and her father's 2 Dec. 1711. 2 The mother was dau. of Stephen Soame, of Little Thurlow, Suffolk, eldest son of Sir William Soame, Kt. 3 (In the unofficial register only, the writer of which says that the ceremony was performed by himself.) See his half-sister's baptism 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto, and his own burial 4 June 1678. He was eldest child by his father's second wife, who was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 5 Apl. 1687, as Mrs. Susanna May. 4 She was third dau. of Sir John Pettus, third Bart. of Rackheath, Norfolk, by Mary, dau. and coheir of Nicholas Burwell, of Gray's Inn, Esq. A bell-ringer appointed 15 Apl. 1700, vice Elias Silvester, deceased (Chapter Book).—See baptisms of her brothers and sisters, 21 Feb. 1681-2, 24 Aug. 1685, 9 Jan. 1686-7, 12 May 1688, 21 Oct. 1689, 22 Feb. 1690-1, 24 Apl. 1692, and 10 Aug. 1693. See his brother's baptism 3 Oct. 1680, and note thereto, his sister's baptism 21 Dec. 1685, her burial 20 Sep. 1687, and his own burial 12 July 1678. 7 Rightly Sprat. See his marriage 9 Apl. 1716, and his burial 15 May 1720; also burials of his father 25 May 1713, and his mother 3 Mch. 1725-6, and notes thereto. 8 See her father's burial 17 July 1683. She was living at the date of his will. 9 He was second and only surviving son of Rev. Simon Patrick, Prebendary of Westminster, and then Dean of Peterborough, afterwards successively Bishop of Chichester and Ely, by Penelope, dau. of William Jephson, of Froyle, Hants, Esq. According to his father's autobio- graphy he was born the previous day. He went from Eton to Cambridge in 1697, and was A.M., of Queens' College, in 1701. The same authority says he married, 14 June 1702, the eldest dau. of Mr. Fountain, of Melton, near Doncaster, and had a daughter born 21 July 1704, and a son 23 Mch. 1705-6. (Miss Catherine Patrick, who died at Bury, unmarried, in 1792, aged 82, is said to have been a grand-daughter of Bishop Patrick, and if so, must have been his daughter). He is said to have wasted the estate left him by his father, which was sold after his death for the payment of his debts, etc. Sec baptisms of his brother and sister, 1 July 1678 and 21 Dec. 1685, and their burials, 12 July 1678 and 20 Sept. 1687. 10 Only son of Sir Lumley Robinson, second Bart. of Kentwell, Suffolk (scc his burial 10 June 1684), by Anne, only surviving child and heir of John Laurence, of Westminster, Esq. (scc her burial 13 Dcc. 1690). He succeeded as third Bart., and married Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Thomas Harc, second Bart. of Stow Bardolph, Norfolk, but died without issue, 21 Apl. 1743, and the title became extinct. 11 See his sister's baptism 31 Mch. 1678, and note thereto. 12 See his burial 17 Oct. 1682, his father's 26 Nov. 1695, and his mother's 14 Feb. 1705-6. 13 See her father's burial 10 June 1684, and her mother's 13 Dec. 1690. She married Sir Comport Fytche, second Bart. of Eltham, Kent, and was buried at Eltham, 29 Apl. 1737. Her WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 73 I 1682 Oct. 1683 Oct. 12 George, son of Dr. Thomas Spratt and Hellen his wife.¹ 1 14 Dec. 2 1684 April 24 Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Jane Knipe: born the 11th: died 12 Dec. 1705.2 Elizabeth, daughter of [blank] and Anne Beck. William, son of Mr. Sill, Prebendary of this Church, and Anne his wife born April 13th.3 1684 Feb. 16 Thomas, son of Dr. Samuel de L'Angle, Prebendary of this Church, and Mary his wife: born Feb. 6th.4 1685 Aug. 24 Nov. 22 Henry, son of Elias and Mary Silvester.5 Edmund, son of Edmund Gifford baptized at ye Gunsmith's near ye Horsgard, St. Martin's parish.6 son. William succeeded to the baronetcy in 1720, but died a minor in 1736, and the title became extinct. ¹ Rightly Sprat. See his burial 4 Oct. 1683, his father's 25 May 1713, and his mother's 3 Mch. 1725-6. 2 See her burial 15 Dec. 1705, and the marriage of her parents 5 Dec. 1682. ³ Rev. William Sill, A.M. of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1662. was collated a Prebendary of Carlisle 27 March 1668. He subsequently became Chaplain to the Bishop of London, who gave him the Prebend of Neasdon 10 July 1678, which he appears to have exchanged for that of St. Pancras 24 Sept. following, on which day he was also installed Archdeacon of Col- chester. Both of these preferments he appears to have subsequently resigned, his successors, Dr. Sherlock in the prebend and Dr. Beveridge in the archdeaconry, being appointed on the same day, 3 Nov. 1681. The records of his various preferments as given by Newcourt (Reper- torium, i., 93, 186, 197, 288, 922), and perpetuated by Le Neve (see Hardy's edition of the Fasti, iii. 362), are most confusing, and, if all were correct, could only be reconciled by the assumption that two of the same name were collated to London prebends in the same year. In both instances it is said that the successions to the prebend and archdeaconry were "per mort. Sill”; but this was clearly an error of Newcourt's, for the editor has examined the original records in the Bishop's Registry, and they both simply but distinctly say that the offices were lawfully vacant. He was instituted to the rectory of St. Augustine, with St. Faith, London, Nov. 1680, and was installed a Prebendary of Westminster 22 Oct. 1681, and held both of these prefer- ments until his death. His will, dated 16 May, was proved 7 July 1687, and he was buried in the church of St. Augustine in June of that year. In his will he commended his wife and children to his brother, Mr. Toby Sill. In his marriage license (Faculty Office), dated 3 Feb. 1682-3, he is described as Rector of St. Augustine, a bachelor. aged about 15, and his wife as Anne Smith, of Hildersham, co. Cambridge, spinste aged about 30. This child was living at the date of his will. See the baptism of another s Dec. 1686, and his burial 20 Dec. 1688. Rev. Samuel de L'Angle (whose real surnam vas De Baux), 'was son of Jean-Maximilien De Baux, Seigneur de L'Angle, senior pastor of the Reformed Church at Rouen, by Marie, dau. of René Bochart, Sieur de Ménillet, and sister of he learned Samuel Bochart. He was M.A. in France, and had preached for thirty-five years in the reformed churches at Rouen and Charenton before taking refuge in England from the religious persecutions of the period. He was created D.D. at Oxford 12 Feb. 1682-3, and installed Prebendary of Westminster 13 Oct. following. He appears also to have held the living of Steventon, Berks. He died the 17th, and was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 June 1693, aged about 71. His will, signed 13 June, was proved 3 July in that year. See his wife's burial 13 Dec. 1687. This son Thomas was living at the date of his father's will. (See a burial 2 Dec. 1687.) 5 See his sister's baptism 31 Mch. 1678, and note thereto.-Henry Sylvester is mentioned as one of the ten children of the Chapel Royal (Chamberlayne's Anglia Notitia, edit. 1704). 6 Edmond Giffard, fourth son of the Rev. Richard Giffard, rector of Gayton, co. Northampton, by his wife Anne Christopherson, of the Isle of Ely, is described in the Heralds' Visitation of Northamptonshire as a Gunsmith in London, now living, 26 July 1682," and as then married. There can be little doubt of his being the father of the child baptized. "" L 74 BAPTISMS IN 1685 Dec. 21 Penelope, daughter of Dr. Simon Patrick and Penelope his wife: born Dec. 13th.¹ 168 Jan. 31 Feb. 12 1686 May 30 Dec. 7 168 Jan. 1 Jan. 9 June 23 July 28 Jan. 20 1687 April 6 1688 May 12 May 30 Oct. 21 Nov. 27 Dec. 3 1689 May 1 May 20 Sept. 6 Mary, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Lewis. Thomas, son of [blank]: baptized at Mrs. Watson's house in Charles Street. Thomas Rose, above 20 years of age.² Edward, son of William Sill, Prebendary of this Church, and Anne his wife born Nov. 28th.3 Elizabeth Littleton alias Tynchare.¹ Theodosia, daughter of Elias and Mary Silvester.5 Margaret, daughter of Josias and Margaret Boucher.6 Theophilus, son of Dr. Brevol.7 Sarah, daughter of Robert and Anne Tanner.8 Charles, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Linacre." Elias, son of Elias and Mary Silvester.10 Frances, daughter of Henry and Frances Purcell.11 William, son of John and Mary Aldridg.¹ Francis, son of Francis and Mary Richardson.13 Catharine, daughter of Dr. Brevol.14 12 Hellen, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Jennings.15 Philip, son of John and Katherine Littleton alias Tynchare.16 Edward, son of Henry and Frances Purcell.17 ¹ See her brother's baptism 3 Oct. 1680, and note thereto, and her own burial 20 Sep. 1687. 2 The will of Thomas Rose, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Mariner, dated 13 Jan. was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 11 Feb. 1695-6, by the relict Grace, in formâ pauperis. It was merely the ordinary seaman's power of attorney, and the endorsement states that the deceased was attached to no ship at the time of his death. 4 › See his brother's baptism 24 April 1684, and note thereto, and his own burial 20 Dec. 1688. 1 (Recorded also, same date, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, where described as dau. of John and Katherine Littleton alias Tincher). See the marriage of her parents 24 Mch. 1680-1. She was living at the date of her grandfather's will, 13 Sep. 1692. 5 See her sister's baptism 31 Mch. 1678, and note thereto. 6 See the burials, probably of her parents, 11 Dec. 1695, and 2 Nov. 1724. 7 See his father's burial 29 Jan. 1707-8, and his mother's July 1719. de Bréval. 8 See her father's burial 14 Nov. 1696, and her mother's 3 Aug. 1727. The name rightly 9 (Recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster, but under date of 31 July.) See his mother's burial 6 July 1703, and his father's 28 Aug. 1719, in whose will he is not named. 10 See his sister's baptism 31 Mch. 1678, and note thereto. 11 (Recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster, but under date of 1 June.) See her father's burial 26 Nov. 1695, and her mother's 14 Feb. 1705-6. 12 Rightly Aldridge. See his father's burial 7 Dec. 1724. 13 See his sister's baptism 10 Mch. 1690-1.-Letters of administration were granted 11 Feb. 1697-8, to Mary, relict of Francis Richardson, who died at Jamaica, on board one of the King's ships. 14 Rightly de Bréval. See her father's burial 29 Jan. 1707-8, and her mother's July 1719. 15 (Recorded same date at St. Margaret's, Westminster.) See her mother's burial 16 July 1720, her father's 29 Mch. 1734, and her own, as Mrs. Hellen Shrider, 27 Mch. 1752. 16 See the marriage of his parents 24 Mch. 1680-1, and his own burial 4 June 1689. 17 See his father's burial 26 Nov. 1695, and his mother's 14 Feb. 1705-6. He was appointed Organist of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 8 July 1726, and his successor 6 Aug. 1740. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 75 1689 Oct. 21 Oct. 31 1690 July 9 169 Jan. 4 Feb. 12 Feb. 22 March 10 March 16 1691 July 31 Dec. 12 1691 Jan. 5 Feb. 11 March 22 1692 April 24 June 20 1693 May 13 Aug. 10 Sept. George, son of Elias and Mary Silvester.1 Richard, son of Dr. Richard Annisly and Dorothy his wife.2 Shorter, son of Robert and Anne Tanner.3 Henry, son of Dr. Brevol and Susan his wife.¹ John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Jennings.5 Simeon, son of Elias and Mary Silvester.6 Mary, daughter of Francis and Mary Richardson.7 George, son of John and Catharine Littleton alias Tynchare.8 Robert-James, son of John-James Nicolai and Prudence his wife. Catharine, daughter of James and Elizabeth Rawlins.9 William Cock, aged 17 years. John, son of Charles and Jane Knipe.10 Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. George Berkley and Jane his wife.¹¹ William, son of Elias and Mary Silvester.12 14 Jane, daughter of William and Margaret Needham.13 Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Jennings.¹ Mary-Sophia, daughter of Elias and Mary Silvester.15 7 Anne-Barbara, daughter of Littleton Taylor and Mary his wife.16 ¹ See his sister's baptism 31 Mch. 1678, and note thereto. 2 Rightly Annesley. See his father's burial 25 Nov. 1701, and his own 18 Nov. 1690. 3 See his father's burial 14 Nov. 1696, and his mother's 3 Aug. 1727. 4 Rightly de Bréval. See his burial 22 Aug. 1691, his father's 29 Jan. 1707-8, and his mother's July 1719. 5 See his father's burial 29 Mch. 1734, and his mother's 16 July, 1720. In the will of Elizabeth Coates (see her burial 13 Feb. 1734-5) he is called her cousin, and was, at its date, 31 Dec. 1733, one of the Clerks of the House of Lords, and living in St. Margaret's, West- minster. He died 11 Jan. 1736-7. leaving a son John, and a dau. Mary. His will, dated 7 Sep. 1734, was proved 25 Feb. 1736-7. 6 See his sister's baptism 31 Mch. 1678, and note thereto. 7 See her brother's baptism 27 Nov. 1688. 8 See the marriage of his parents 24 Mch. 1680-1. He was living at the date of his grandfather's will, 13 Sep. 1692. 9 See her brother's baptism 31 Dec. 1693.- Luttrell notes, in his Diary, 8 June 1704, the absconding of Mr. James Rawlins, a printer, accused of printing the "Legiones Addresse to the Lords," and, 27 June following, his arrest and committal at Northampton. 10 See the marriage of his parents 5 Dec. 1682. He was living, as second son, at the date of his grandmother's will, 11 Nov. 1706. 11 Rightly Berkeley. See the marriage of her parents 4 Mch. 1689-90. She was their only child. She married, at St. Dionis Backchurch, London, 25 Apl. 1717, John Brome, of Tuppenden, co. Kent, Esq., who died 22 Feb. 1747-8, and was buried at Farnborough, in that county. She died 8 Apl. 1730, leaving five young children, and was also buried at Farnborough. 12 See his sister's baptism 31 Mch. 1678, and note thereto. 13 See the marriage of her parents 5 July 1691. She married, about 1710, William Pigott, of Broadhurst, co. Sussex, Esq., who died 22 May 1722, and was living in 1731, when she erected a monument to his memory in the church of Horsted Keynes. Their four sons all died young, and their dau. Catharine was then living, as sole heiress. 14 (Recorded same date at St. Margaret's, Westminster.) mother's 16 July 1720, and his father's 29 Mch. 1734. 15 See her sister's baptism 31 Mch. 1678, and note thereto. See his burial 24 Nov. 1693, his 16 (Recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster, but under date of 6 Sep.) See the marriage of her parents 24 Nov. 1692, and their burials 14 Nov. 1701 and 2 Nov, 1705, 76 BAPTISMS IN 1693 Sept. 17 Dec. 10 Dec. 31 169 Jan. 23 4 1694 April 17 May 23 May 23 June 20 June 20 Anne, daughter of Christopher and Mary Carter.1 Mary-Peters, daughter of Henry and Frances Purcell.2 John, son of James and Elizabeth Rawlins.3 Mary, daughter of Stephen and Mary Crespion: born Jan. 16th.4 Josepha-Isabella, daughter of [blank] Williamson. : Mary, daughter of Edward and Ann Godfrey born May 22.5 Mary, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hornsby. Philip, son of John and Mary Hornesby: born June 14th. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Marley: born June 16th. Sept. 21 Katherine, daughter of William and Katherine Shepherd: born the same day." 1695 April 1 April 18 Catharine, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Battely. Catharine, daughter of John and Catharine Littleton: born April 9th.8 July 26 William, son of Charles Knipe, by Jane his wife, daughter of Mr. John Nedham : born July 23rd.9 1695 Nov. 10 1695 Jan. 6 Jan. 16 1696 July 20 1698 May 20 July 20 Dec. 8 Edward, son of Edward and Ann Godfrey: born Nov. 1st.10 John, son of Dr. Richard Annesley and Dorothy his wife.11 William, son of Littleton and Mary Taylor.12 Ann, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Battely: born July 14th.13 Littleton, son of Littleton and Mary Taylor.¹ 14 John, son of Charles and Elizabeth Battely: born July 14th.15 Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Richard Annesley, Dean of Exeter.' 1 See a burial 9 Apl. 1701. 2 Sce her father's burial 26 Nov. 1695, and her mother's 14 Feb. 1705-6. 3 See his sister's baptism 12 Dec. 1691, and note thereto. 4 Sec her burial 22 Sep. 1715, her father's 2 Dec. 1711, and her mother's 1 Jan. 1759. 5 See her brother's baptism 10 Nov. 1695. 16 • The will of Catherine Shepperd, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, dated 17 Sep. 1720, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 8 July 1721, she having died the 6th. She was evidently poor. Among her small bequests was one to William Shepperd. 7 See her mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto, and her own burial 25 Sep. 1695. 8 See the marriage of her parents 24 Mch. 1680-1. • See the marriage of his parents 5 Dec. 1682. He proved his mother's will, 19 Jan. 1724-5, and was then described as of London, "Packer." 10 See his sister's baptism 23 May 1694. 11 See his father's burial 25 Nov. 1701, his own 31 Aug. 1696, and that of a former son of this name 23 Feb. 1689-90. 12 See the marriage of his parents 24 Nov. 1692, and their burials 14 Nov. 1701 and 2 Nov. 1705. This baptism is also recorded the same date at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and as having taken place in the Abbey. 13 See her mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto, and the burial of a former child of this name, 8 June 1693. She is not named in her father's will in 1722, and evidently died young. See the marriage of his 14 (Recorded also this date at St. Margaret's, Westminster.) parents 24 Nov. 1692, their burials 14 Nov. 1701 and 2 Nov. 1705, and his own 29 May 1698. 15 See his mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto, and his own burial 23 Mch. 1698-9. 16 See her burial 7 Aug. 1699, and her father's 25 Nov. 1701. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 77 1699 July 2 1699 1700 1988 Jan. 17 1700 Sep. 20 Nov. 14 1709 Jan. 19 1701 May 22 Oct. 6 [ Dec. 28 170 Feb. 19 1702 June 2 Dec. 10 Jane, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Battely: born June 26th.¹ Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Richard Annesley.2 Stephen-Francis-Monginot, son of Stephen-Monginot Dampierre and Frances his wife.3 Miles, son of John and Grace Pitman. James, son of Thomas and Martha Lucas.4 Juliana, daughter of Dr. Thomas Dent, Prebendary of this Church.5 Mary, daughter of Charles Battely, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife: born Oct. 1st.6 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Church.]" Mary, daughter of Mr. John and Elizabeth Dolben.8 Anne, daughter of Mr. Simon and Elizabeth Bolt.9 Charles, son of Charles Battely, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife : born Dec. 1st.10 1703 Sept. 14 Penelope, daughter of Daniel Williams (one of the Choir).11 ¹ See her mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto, and her own burial 31 July 1699. 2 See her father's burial 25 Nov. 1701, and note thereto. She married, first, when very young, William Grcenc, Esq. (brother to John Greene, of Nonsuch Park, Surrey, Esq., who married her sister Dorothy); secondly, 16 Aug. 1737, Maurice second Lord Haversham, who died 11 Apl. 1715; thirdly, in 1746, Fitz-William White, Esq.; and, fourthly, Samuel Ashhurst, Esq., who survived her. She died Nov. 1772, and her will, dated 26 Jan. 1769. was proved 4 May 1773. 3 Mar. Lic. Fac. 17 Apl. 1695, for Stephen-Monginot Dampierre. of St. Martin in the Fields, bachelor, aged about 29, and Frances Breval, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, about 24. She was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 3 May 1670. See her father's burial 29 Jan. 1707-8, her mother's July 1719, and probably her own 31 Dec. 1730. 4 See his father's burial 4 May 1720. Rev. Thomas Dent, M.A., was installed Prebendary of Westminster 15 Sep. 1694. On 25 June 1695, as M.A. of Dublin, he was incorporated at Oxford in the same degree, and on 3 July following accumulated the degrees of B.D. and D.D. About 1695 he purchased Lawford Hall, and the advowson of the living of Lawford, in Essex, where he was buried 6 Feb. 1721-2. He held also the rectories of Lenton and Fiskerton. co. Lincoln, and in the register of the latter parish his death is recorded, as occurring at his own house in Westminster, 1 Feb. 1721-2. He married (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 12 Nov. 1685) Alice Ayloffe, described as of St. Andrew's, Holborn, spinster, aged about 22, with her mother's consent (his own age being stated as about 28). She was buried at Lawford 16 Feb. 1739-10. This child, their youngest dau., died the 3rd and was buried 15 Aug. 1706, also at Lawford. 6 See her mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto. She was living, unmarried, at the date of her father's will in 1722. 7 (This entry is not in the Abbey Register, but occurs in that of St. Margaret's, Westminster, where it is distinctly stated that the child was baptized in the Abbey: hence its incorporation herc.)—Sec her burial 9 Feb. 1701-2, her mother's 22 Dec. 1732, and her father's 10 Jan. 1740-1. 8 (Recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster, under date of 22 Feb., where the entry reads thus: "Mary, dau. of John Dolben, Esq., born the 20th in the Great Cloisters.")-She was dau. of John Dolben, Esq. (second son of John, Archbishop of York), by Elizabeth, second dau. and coheir of Tanfield Mulso, of Fiucdon. co. Northampton, Esq. She died 24 June 1710, and was buried at Finedon. See the marriages of her sisters 6 Feb. 1702-3 and 3 Nov. 1705. 9 Sce her father's burial 23 Dec. 1715. The name was often written Boulte. 10 Sec his mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto. He was living at the date of his grandmother's will, 11 Nov. 1706, but died before that of his father's in 1722. 11 See her father's burial 15 Mch. 1719-20. 78 BAPTISMS IN 1703 Dec. 3 Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Battely, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife born Nov. 27th.1 5 170 Jan. 1704 May 24 Sept. 14 : Anne, daughter of John and Elizabeth Church.2 Hellen, daughter of John and Mary French.3 Dorothy, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth French: born the same day.¹ Nov. 13 Elizabeth and Edward, daughter and son of Mr. Daniel Williams (one of the Choir): born the same day.5 1705 April July 6 Dec. 14 6 John, son of Charles Battely, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife: born the same day, about one o'clock, a.m.6 1708 Jan. 17 Feb. 14 Simon, son of Mr. Simon and Elizabeth Bolt." Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Edward Gee, Prebendary of this Church, and Jane his wife: born Dec. 11th and privately baptized Dec. 14th. Received into the Church January 3rd, 1705.8 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary French.9 Mary, daughter of John and Elizabeth Church.10 [Here end the Baptisms in the First Volume.] 1709 March 16 Jane, daughter of Charles Battely, Esq. (Receiver of the College), and Elizabeth his wife: born March 8th.11 ¹ See her mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto. She was living, unmarried, at the date of her father's will in 1722.-James Brooker, of St. Bride's, London, and Elizabeth Batley, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, were married at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 11 Aug. 1734. 2 ² (Recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster, but under date of 13 Jan.) Sec her burial 19 Junc 1708, her mother's 22 Dec. 1732, and her father's 10 Jan. 1740-1. 3 See her father's burial 21 June 1725, her mother's 6 Feb. 1758, and her own, as Hellen Smith, 21 July 1744. 4 See the marriage of her parents 14 Jan. 1702-3, her father's burial [Feb. 1721-2], and her own 17 Dec. 1709. 1704. See their father's burial 15 Mch. 1719-20, and that of a former son of this name 15 Oct. • Sec his mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto, and his own burial 17 Apl. 1705. 7 (Recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster, but under date of 8 July.) See his father's burial 23 Dec. 1715. He was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1719, and elected to Cambridge in 1723, but went to Oxford instead, and matriculated from Christ Church 24 May in that year. He became Rector of Deanc, Hants, 23 Dec. 1729, and took the degree of B.C.L. at Oxford, 28 Nov. 1747. He appears to have always signed his name Boulte. 8 Sec her burial 19 Aug. 1706, her father's 6 Mch. 1729-30, and her mother's 23 Apl. 1733. 9 See her father's burial 21 June 1725, her mother's 6 Feb. 1758, and her own 5 Jan. 1736-7. 10 See her father's burial 10 Jan. 1740-1, and her mother's 22 Dec. 1732. She probably died young, as she was not mentioned in her father's will. See her mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto. She was married, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 13 Apl. 1728, to James Mcrest, Esq., one of the Clerks of the House of Lords, then a widower (see the burial of his first wife 17 Nov. 1727), who died 27 Dec. 1752, in his 70th year, and was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 19 Jan. 1753, but whose remains were subsequently removed to Woking, Surrey, where his father had been Vicar many years. She died 15 Feb. 1780, aged 73, and was also buried at Woking. They had eight sons and five daughters, all of whom were baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and seven of whom were buried at Woking. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 79 1707 July 25 [ Aug. 19 Sept. 21 170 Jan. 11 1709 June June 3 Aug. 1 Sept. 2 Dec. 10 1710 Aug. 4 Nov. 19 Dec. (-) 1710 17 March 24 Sarah, daughter of Mr. James and Sarah Broughton.¹ Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth French.2 Christian, son of Daniel and Ann Williams.]3 Judith-Dorothy, daughter of John and Mary French: born the same day.¹ Charles, son of John and Elizabeth Church.5 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth French : born July 31st. Dorothy, daughter of Daniel and Anne Williams." Henry, son of Dr. Edward and Jane Gee: born Nov. 30th.8 Mary, daughter of John and Mary French." Laurence, son of Dr. Laurence Brodrick, Prebendary of this Church, and Anne his wife: born the same day.10 James, son of Mr. James and Sarah Broughton.11 Anne, daughter of Laurence Brodrick, D.D., Prebendary of this Church: born March 18th.¹ 12 1712 May 22 Martha, daughter of Dr. Edward Gee, Prebendary of this Church, and Jane his wife: born May 15th.¹ Dec. 9 1714 May 9 13 Frances, daughter of John and Mary French: born Dec. 5th.14 Thomas, son of Matthew and Elizabeth French: born April 16th." John, son of John and Mary French: born May 6th.16 15 June 13 William, son of John and Lucy Hutchings. May 30 1 Sce her burial 6 Aug. 1707, her father's 3 Feb. 1710-11, and her mother's 17 Apl. 1727. 2 See the marriage of his parents 14 Jan. 1702-3, his own burial 20 Aug. 1707, and his father's [Feb. 1721-2]. 3 (Not in the Abbey Register, but recorded in that of St. Margaret's, Westminster, as having taken place "in the Abbey.") See his father's burial 15 Mch. 1719-20. 4 See her burial 6 Nov. 1710, her father's 21 June 1725, and her mother's 6 Feb. 1758. 5 See his burial 4 July 1719, his father's 10 Jan. 1740-1, and his mother's 22 Dec. 1732. See the marriage of her parents 14 Jan. 1702-3, her own burial 1 Nov. 1710, and her father's [Feb. 1721-2]. 7 See her father's burial 15 Mch. 1719-20. 8 (Recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster, under the same dates.) See his burial 9 Apl. 1710, his father's 6 Mch. 1729-30, and his mother's 23 Apl. 1733. 9 Sec her burial 15 July 1735, her father's 21 June 1725, and her mother's 6 Feb. 1758. 10 Dr. Brodrick was a younger brother of Alan, first Viscount Midleton, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 17 July 1710. He was instituted Rector of Mixbury, co. Oxford, 21 Dec. 1713, and was also Chaplain to the House of Commons. He died at Kensington 19 July 1746. His wife's maiden name was Humphrys, and they were married at Gray's Inn Chapel 27 Apl. 1710 (by Mr. Humphrys, perhaps her father). See other baptisms 24 Mch. 1711-12 and 17 July 1714; also the burial of this son 18 Jan. 1710-11, and other burials 23 Apl. and 3 June 1713; also the baptisms of two grandchildren of Dr. Brodrick, 21 Dec. 1742 and 6 Jan. 174[3-4]. 11 See his burial 21 Dec. 1710, his father's 3 Feb. 1710-11, and his mother's 17 Apl. 1727. 12 See the baptism of her brother 19 Nov. 1710, and note thereto, and her own burial 3 Junc 1713. 13 See her burial 31 July 1731, her father's 6 Mch. 1729-30, and her mother's 23 Apl. 1733. 14 See her burial 17 Dec. 1713, her father's 21 June 1725, and her mother's 6 Feb. 1758. 15 The father's Christian name is clearly an error in the register, and should be Thomas. See the marriage of his parents 14 Jan. 1702-3, his own burial 17 June 1714, and his father's [Fcb. 1721-2]. 16 See his burial 2 Mch. 1719-20, his father's 21 June 1725, and his mother's 6 Feb. 1758. 80 BAPTISMS IN 1714 July 17 Anne, daughter of Dr. Laurence Brodrick and Anne his wife.¹ [1714 March 10 William, son of Robert Friend, D.D., Head Master of the Royal School.2] 1716 Aug. 23 Anne, daughter of Dr. Robert Cannon, Prebendary of this Church, and Elizabeth his wife: born Aug. 3rd.³ 1719 Jan. 21 1717 Dec. 12 Dec. 29 1718 May 29 Aug. 3 1719 Aug. 6 1720 March 29 Mary, daughter of Mr. Charles and Mary Low: born Jan. 10th.4 Ann, daughter of Thomas and Ann Done: born Nov. 30th.5 Judith, daughter of John and Mary French: born Dec. 18th.º Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Jemmett Raymond and Dame Elizabeth his wife born May 7th.7 Charles, son of Mr. Charles and Mary Lowe: born July 25th.8 Jenny, daughter of Thomas and Anne Donne: born July 26th.9 Thomas, son of Dr. Robert Cannon, Prebendary of this Church, and Elizabeth his wife: born March 5th.10 1721 April 25 Francis, son of William Morice, Esq., and Mary his wife: born April 7th.11 1 Sec her brother's baptism 19 Nov. 1710, and note thereto. She died young. 2 (Not in the Abbey Register, but in that of St. Margaret's, Westminster, where the following is appended to the entry: "Bap. in the Abbey, by the Dean: registered here by the leave of Dr. Onley, at Dr. Friend's desire".) Son of Rev. Robert Freind, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster and Head Master of Westminster School (buried at Witney, co. Oxford, 1754), by Jane, dau. of Rev. Samuel de L'Angle, Prebendary of Westminster (also buried at Witney, 1758.) He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 22 June 1731, and was B.A. 30 Apl. 1735, M.A. 8 June 1738, and B. and D.D. 6 July 1748. He became Rector of Witney 4 Apl. 1739, and of Islip, in the same county, 1747, and was installed a Prebendary of Westminster 17 Oct. 1744, but resigned and accepted a Canonry of Christ Church in 1756. He was installed Dean of Canterbury 14 June 1760. He died at Canterbury 26 Nov. 1766, and was buried at Witney. He married, in 1739, Grace, second dau. of William Robinson, of Rokeby Park, co. York, Esq., who died 28 Dec. 1776, and was also buried at Witney. See his sister's burial 8 Apl. 1714, and his brother's 16 Jan. 1722-3. 3 Rightly Lowe. See her father's burial 31 Mch. 1722. 4 See her father's burial 7 Feb. 1728-9, and her mother's 20 Feb. 1732-3. She was the cldest child, and was living 5 Oct. 1739, the date of her brother Morgan's will. 5 See her burial 19 Sep. 1723, and her mother's 5 Mch. 1723-4. 6 See her father's burial 21 June 1725, her mother's 6 Feb. 1758, and her own, as Judith Powell, 14 Aug. 1744. 7 Second dau. of Sir Jemmett Raymond, of Barton Court, co. Berks, and Wolverton, co. Hants, Kt., by his second wife, Elizabeth, only dau. of Henry Skylling, of Draycott-Fitzpain, co. Wilts, Esq. Lady Raymond died 10 June 1754, and Sir Jemmett 27 Dcc. following. This dau. was living at the date of her father's will, 22 Oct. 1743, unmarried. See her sister's baptism 11 May 1721. 8 See his father's burial 7 Feb. 1728-9, and his mother's 20 Feb. 1732-3. He was the eldest son and second surviving child, and proved his brother Morgan's will 19 Oct. 1739. 9 Rightly Done. See her mother's burial 5 Mch. 1723-4. She was only surviving child, and inherited her father's considerable fortune at his death, 8 Nov. 1732. 10 See his father's burial 31 Mch. 1722. He matriculated at Oxford, from Balliol College, 17 Dec. 1741, but does not appear to have taken any degree. 11 Grandson of Bishop Atterbury. See his mother's burial 21 Feb. 1729-30. IIe matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 10 June 1740, and was B.A. 20 Apl. 1744, and M.A: 2 Apl. 1748. He was appointed Rector of Traddery and Vicar of Ogashin, co. Clare, Ireland, 22 Oct. 1748, and Vicar of Kilfintenan, in the same county, 18 Mch. 1755, and is said by his family to have become a Prebendary of Limerick, though his WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 81 1721 May 11 11 Ann, daughter of Sir Jemmett Raymond and Dame Elizabeth his wife: born April 17th.¹ 1722 (−) (—) Anne Wynne, daughter of the Right Rev. John, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, Prebendary of this Church: born March 10th, 1721.2 Oct. 25 Ann, daughter of the Right Rev. Joseph [Wilcocks], Lord Bishop of Gloucester, Prebendary of this Church, and Jane his wife: born Oct. 9th.3 1723 Oct. 172 Jan. 11 18 Thomas, son of Thomas Barrett, Esq., and Anne his wife. Elianor, daughter of Francis and Elianor Winckles: Jan. 1st.5 4 born Jan. 26 Joseph Wilcox, son of the Right Rev. Joseph, Lord Bishop of Gloucester, etc., and Jane his wife: born Jan. 4th.6 1724 Oct. 14 1724 Jan. 26 March 19 Nicholas, son of Mr. Charles and Mary Lowe: born Sept. 20th.7 Joseph, son of Robert and Diana Jackson: born Jan. 6th.8 John Wilcox, son of the Right Rev. Joseph, Lord Bishop of Gloucester, etc., and Jane his wife: born the same day.9 1725 Aug. 1 Samuel, son of John and Susanna Denne.10 name does not appear in Archdeacon Cotton's Fasti Ecclesia Hibernica. He married, 14 June 1764, Mary, dau. of William Spaight, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, of Six-Mile-Bridge, co. Clare, in Ireland, where he died 3 Oct. 1778, and was there buried. ¹ See her sister's baptism 29 May 1718, and note thereto. She was fourth dau. and second of her name. She died 30 June following. 2 Her father was consecrated Bishop of St. Asaph 6 Feb. 1714-5, installed Prebendary of Westminster 15 Feb. 1721-2, translated to Bath and Wells, and confirmed 11 Nov. 1727. He died 15 July 1743, aged 76, and was buried at Northop, co. Flint. Her mother was Anne, dau. of Robert (or Richard) Pugh, of Bennanth, co. Carnarvon. She was married at St. John Evangelist, Westminster, 20 May 1742, to Henry Fane, Esq. (brother of Thomas eighth Earl of Westmoreland), of Wormsley, co. Oxford (see the burial of his first wife 7 Oct. 1739), by whom she had an only dau., who married Sir Thomas Stapleton, fifth Bart. of Grey's Court, and thus became ancestress of the present Baroness Le Despenser. She died in 1744, and was buried at Northop, with her father. (See the baptism of a brother 24 May 1727, and the burial of another 16 Oct. 1723.) 3 Sce her burial 16 Dec. 1729, her mother's 1 Apl. 1725, and her father's 9 Mch. 1756. 4 Third son of Thomas Barrett, of Lee Priory, in Ickham, co. Kent, Esq. (ancestor by his second wife of Sir Egerton Bridges), by his first wife Anne, dau. and coheir of Sir William Boys, of Canterbury, Kt., M.D. He was born on the previous day, and died shortly after his baptism, as he was buried at Ickham on the 13th of the same month. 5 See the marriage of her parents 13 May 1721, her mother's burial 7 Nov. 1724, and her father's 4 Oct. 1738. 6 Rightly Wilcocks. See his mother's burial 1 Apl. 1725, his father's 9 Mch. 1756, and his own 31 Dec. 1791. 7 See his father's burial 7 Feb. 1728-9, and his mother's 20 Feb. 1732-3. He was the third son, and fifth and youngest surviving child, and was living 5 Oct. 1739, the date of his brother Morgan's will. 8 See his father's burial 7 Mch. 1729-30, and his mother's 11 Apl. 1735. 9 Rightly Wilcocks. Sce his mother's burial 1 Apl. 1725, and his father's 9 Mch. 1756. He probably died young. 10 The father was Rev. John Denne, of a very ancient family at Denne Hill, in Milton, Kent, who was of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, A.B. 1712, A.M. 1716, and S.T.P. 1728, and became Rector of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, Midx.. and, 22 July 1728, Prebendary and Archdeacon of Rochester. He died at Rochester 5 Aug. 1767, aged 75, and was buried in M 82 BAPTISMS IN 1725 Oct. 12 Samuel, son of Reuben and Jane Clarke: born Sept. 28th.¹ 1726 May 24 Henry, son of Dr. Edward Willes, Prebendary of this Church, and Jane his wife.2 1727 May 24 John Wynne, son of the Right Rev. John, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, etc., and Anne his wife: born May 7th.3 Margaret, daughter of Mr. Charles and Mary Lowe.4 June 3 June 29 Sept. 21 Oct. 17 George, son of Dr. Edward Willes, Prebendary of this Church, and Jane his wife.5 John, son of the Rev. Mr. John Nicoll.6 Thomas, son of Robert and Diana Jackson.7 the Cathedral there. The mother was youngest dau. of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Bradford, Bishop of Rochester (sce his burial 22 May 1731) by Jane his wife (see her burial 5 Mch. 1738-9). She was baptized at St. Mary Aldermary, London, 16 Nov. 1703; married, in the Bishop's Chapel at Bromley, Kent, 2 June 1724; and died at Wilmington, Kent, in 1780, aged 77. See this child's burial 5 Aug. 1725; also the baptisms of two other children, 9 Nov. 1729 and 18 Jan. 1730-1, and the burial of another 22 May 1731. The father was Rev. Reuben Clarke (son of Alured Clarke of Godmanchester, co. Huntingdon, Esq., by his first wife Sarah Askham) who was of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, A.B. 1709, A.M. 1713, and S.T.P. 1728, and was installed Archdeacon of Essex 1 Aug. 1737. He died at Godmanchester 9 Aug. 1746, and was buried there the 14th. (See the burial of his half- brother 5 June 1742). The mother was eldest dau. of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Bradford, Bishop of Rochester (see his burial 22 May 1731), by Jane his wife (see her burial 5 Mch. 1738-9). Her marriage settlement, dated 11 Jan. 1723-4, was advertised for sale by a bookseller in Clerkenwell in 1870. She died 8 Sep. 1761, and was buried at Godmanchester the 15th. See this child's burial 31 Mch. 1727, and the burial of another son 9 July 1728. 2 See his father's burial 1 Dec. 1773, and his mother's 18 Oct. 1771. He was born 24 April. He matriculated at Oxford, from Wadham College, 14 Mch. 1743-4, and was B.A. 7 Nov. 1746, and M.A. 8 July 1749. He became successively Prebendary, Chancellor, and P'recentor of Bath and Wells, and held the latter office from 5 Aug. 1757 until his death. He died, unmarried, 3 Aug. 1772. 3 See his sister's baptism 1722, and note thereto. He succeeded to his father's estate of Soughton Hall in Flintshire, and died unmarried. 4 See her father's burial 7 Feb., and her own 8 Feb., 1728-9, and her mother's 20 Feb. 1732-3. 5 See his burial 10 July 1735, his mother's 18 Oct. 1771, and his father's 1 Dec. 1773. The father matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 28 June 1704, aged 19, as son of John Nicoll, of Preston, co. Northampton, Gent., and was B.A. 28 April 1708, M.A. 15 Mch. 1710-11, and D.D. by diploma 19 Apl. 1733. He had a patent as Second Master of Westminster School 20 Mch. 1715-6, and one as Chief Master was ordered 5 Feb, 1733-4 (Chapter Book). He was installed Prebendary of West- minster 6 Oct. 1740, and Canon of Christ Church 30 Dec. 1751. He died the 19th and was buried 23 Sep. 1765, in Christ Church Cathedral, in his 82nd year. His relict, Alice, was also buried there, 21 June 1773. (She was previously wife of John Lewis, of London, Gent., who died in 1721, by whom she was mother of Rev. John Lewis, Dean of Ossory (see his marriage 7 Nov. 1747), and of Dr. William Lewis, an eminent physician of Oxford.) This was their only son. Hc matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 6 June 1746, aged 18, and was B.A. 4 May 1750, and M.A. 5 July 1753. He became Rector of Mcon-Stoke, Hants, and was installed Prebendary of Salisbury 9 Mch. 1757. He died 12 July 1759, in his 32nd year, and a small monument was erected to his memory in Christ Church Cathedral, but no record of his burial there occurs in the cathedral register. 7 Sec his father's burial 7 Mch, 1729-30, and his mother's 11 Apl. 1735. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 83 1728 June 26 Margaret, daughter of Dr. Edward Willes, Prebendary of this Church, and Jane his wife: born May 27th.¹ Oct. 1728 Jan. 14 Henrietta, daughter of William and Elizabeth Hawkins: born Sept. 16th.2 20 Jane, daughter of Robert and Diana Jackson: born the same 1729 April 20 June 12 Nov. 9 Nov. 22 1739 1728 March 10 1730 May 2 Oct. 21 173 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 day.3 Thomas, son of Thomas and Susanna Grant: born April 9th.* Mary, daughter of Francis and Mary Winckles: born May 17th.5 William, son of Dr. John and Susanna Denne: born Nov. 3rd.6 John-English, son of Charles and Hellen Seagar: born Nov. 20th.7 John, son of Dr. Edward Willes, Prebendary of this Church, and Jane his wife: born Feb. 20th.8 John, son of William and Elizabeth Hawkins: born April 23rd.º Anna, daughter of the Hon. Charles Ingram, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife born Sept. 29th.10 : Susanna, daughter of Thomas and Susanna Grant: born Jan. 10th.11 Samuel, son of John Denne, D.D., and Susanna his wife: born Jan. 13th.12 1731 Dec. 20 William, son of Dr. Edward Willes, Prebendary of this Church, and Jane his wife.13 ¹ See her burial 5 June 1742, her mother's 18 Oct. 1771, and her father's 1 Dec. 1773. 2 See the marriage of her parents 15 Aug. 1727. 3 See her father's burial 7 Mch. 1729-30, and her mother's 11 Apl. 1735. 4 Sec his mother's burial 8 May 1743, and his father's 15 Aug. 1748, whom he survived. See his wife's burial, 21 Apl. 1758. 5 See her father's burial, 4 Oct. 1738. The mother was his second wife. (Mar. Lic. Fac. 30 Dec. 1726, for Francis Winckles, of St. Margaret's. Westminster, widower, and Mary Heath, of the same parish, spinster, aged above 25.) She survived her husband, and, having been appointed College Laundress, 2 Mch. 1731-2, continued to hold her husband's various posts until Christmas after his death. The Dean and Chapter ordered £20 to be given to her and her five children, 11 Dec. 1738. She was buried at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 4 Feb. 1755. This daughter appears to have been living in Dec. 1738. 6 See his brother's baptism 1 Aug. 1725, and note thereto. 7 A Charles Seagar was a Ycoman l'orter at Gate in 1692. and a Charles Segar was then a Page of the Presence Chamber. - Letters of administration were granted by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 7 Jan. 1705-6, to Henry Seagar, uncle and curator assigned of Charles Seagar, minor son of Charles Scagar, late of St. Margaret's, Westminster, deceased.-See the burial, probably of a brother of this child, 9 Oct. 1731. 8 See his mother's burial 18 Oct. 1771, and his father's 1 Dec. 1773. He became a Captain in the Navy, and died, unmarried, in 1804. 9 See the marriage of his parents 15 Aug. 1727. 10 See the marriage of her parents 9 Mch. 1725-6. She died young. 11 See her mother's burial 8 May 1743, and her father's 15 Aug. 1748. She was living at the date of her father's will, 12 May 1743. 12 See his brother's baptism 1 Aug. 1725, and note thereto. He was of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, A.B. 1753, and A.M. 1756, and became an archæological writer of con- siderable note. (See an account of him in the Gent. Mag., 1799, p. 722.) He died at Wilmington, Kent, 3 Aug. 1799, having been Vicar there since 1767, and holding also during the same period the Vicarage of Darent, in the same county. 13 See his mother's burial 18 Oct. 1771, and his father's 1 Dec. 1773. He matriculated at Oxford, from Wadham College, 2 June 1747, and was B.A. 27 Feb. 1749-50, and M.A. 20 June 1753. 84 BAPTISMS IN 1731 Jan. 18 1732 Dec. 4 Elizabeth, daughter of Francis and Mary Winckles.¹ Margaret, daughter of George and Elizabeth Carleton: born Nov. 18th.2 1733 March 11 Mary, daughter of Dr. Edward Willes, Prebendary of this Church, and Jane his wife.3 1733 April 12 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Anne Powell: born March April 15 1734 June 26 Oct. 16 1735 July Nov. 7 1736 Sept. 14 30th.4 Samuel, son of Thomas and Susanna Grant: born April 7th.5 Elizabeth-Arthur, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Ingram : born May 24th.6 Martha, daughter of Francis and Mary Winckles: born Sept. 20th.? Anne, daughter of Richard and Anne Powell: born June 4th.8 William, son of Thomas and Susanna Grant: born Oct. 30th.9 Anne, daughter of Owen and Mary Davies: born Aug. 23rd.10 He became Rector of Christian Malford, co. Wilts, and successively Prebendary and Chancellor of Wells, and Archdeacon of Taunton and of Wells, holding the latter office from 20 Oct. 1767 until his death. He married, in 1786, Margaret, sister and coheir of William Jeans, of Shroton, co. Dorset, Esq., and died 12 May 1815. She died 17 Jan. 1821. ¹ See her father's burial 4 Oct. 1738, and her sister's baptism 12 June 1729, and note thereto. 2 The father was Rev. George Carleton, Chanter of the Abbey, which appointment he received 4 Sep. 1728. He was sworn a Gent. of the Chapel Royal 8 Aug. 1715, and Sub-dean thereof 16 Aug. 1732. He was of St. John's College, Cambridge, where A.B. 1704, and A.M. 1708. He died 15 Dec. 1746. The mother was his second wife. (Mar. Lic. Fac. 26 Oct. 1717, for George Carleton, of St. Bride's, London, widower, aged upwards of 30, and Elizabeth Dillingham, of Hampton, Midx., spinster, aged 19 and upwards, with consent of her mother, Elizabeth Dillingham.) Sir John Hawkins (History of Music, v. 406) says that her sister married Dr. Greene, Organist and Composer to the Royal Chapel, and that they had together kept a milliner's shop in Paternoster Row, and were cousins of the wife of Mr. Charles King, Almoner of St. Paul's, who was a sister of Jerry Clark. From the names given to their children, however, it may be rather conjectured that they were immediately connected with the family of Dr. Theophilus Dillingham, Arch- deacon of Bedford, whose son and grandson, both named Theophilus, were buried at Hampton, where the mother and daughter, according to the license, were both living at the time of this marriage. Theophilus Carleton, the second child of the marriage, was baptized at St. Bride's, 13 Dec. 1719. See the burials of other children, 26 Dec. 1728, 24 Mch. 1729-30, 10 Mch. 1735-6, and 11 Mch. 1738-9. 3 See her mother's burial 18 Oct. 1771, and her father's 1 Dec. 1773. She was the fifth and youngest, but fourth surviving daughter. She became the wife of the Rev. Paul-George Snow, Rector of Clipsham, co. Rutland, and Prebendary of Bath and Wells, who succccded her brother William as Chancellor, and was finally Treasurer of the same, from 1763 until his death, 27 Aug. 1796. She died 31 Aug. 1818. Sec her burial 12 Aug. 1736, and her father's 4 Feb. 1738-9, 5 Sec his burial 9 Dec. 1739, his mother's 8 May 1743, and his father's 15 Aug. 1748. See the marriage of her parents 9 Mch. 1725-6. She was living at the date of her father's will, 27 Jan. 1746-7. 7 See her father's burial 4 Oct. 1738, and her sister's baptism 12 June 1729, and note thereto. 9 See her father's burial 4 Feb. 1738-9. 9 See his mother's burial 8 May 1743, and his father's 15 Aug. 1748. He was living at the date of his father's will, 12 May 1743. 10 See her father's burial 1 May 1759, her mother's 11 May 1778, and her own 2 April 1791. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 85 1738 May 15 1728 Jan. 39 13 1740 Oct. 7 1742 Dec. 21 James, son of James and Mary Chelsum: born April 13th.¹ Mary, daughter of Owen and Mary Davies: born Dec. 17th, 1739.2 Samuel, son of Thomas and Susanna Grant: born Sept. 13th.³ Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Bathurst, Esq., and Katharine his wife born Nov. 23rd.4 : 174[2] Jan. 6 Benjamin, son of Benjamin Bathurst, Esq., and Katharine his wife born Dec. 5th, 174-[sic].5 1745 Nov. 12 1747 Sept. Nov. 4 12 12 1749 Oct. 27 1751 Aug. 21 Mary, daughter of John and Mary Catling: born Nov. 6th.6 William and Ann, son and daughter of Thomas and Mary Wright: born Aug. 21st.7 John, son of John and Mary Catling: born Nov. 1st.8 Anne, daughter of John and Mary Catling: born Oct. 19th.9 Susanna, daughter of John and Mary Catling: born Aug. 6th.10 1752 Sept. 19 Hannah-Mary-Ann Lewis, about 40 years old, born at Pensyl- vania, was baptized by the Rev. Mr. Bayly. ¹ See his father's burial 10 Aug. 1743. His baptism is also recorded the same date, at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 30 June 1758, and was B.A. 4 May 1759, M.A. 22 May 1762, B.D. 11 Nov. 1772, and D.D. 18 June 1773. 2 See her father's burial 1 May 1759, her mother's 11 May 1778, and her own 6 Feb. 1786. 3 See his burial 4 Oct. 1741, his mother's 8 May 1743, and his father's 15 Aug. 1748. The father was of Lydney, co. Gloucester, third son of Sir Benjamin Bathurst, Kt., by Frances, dau. of Sir Allen Apsley, Kt., and younger brother of Allen, first Earl Bathurst. The mother was his second wife, to whom married early in the same year. She was only surviving dau. of Dr. Lawrence Brodrick, Prebendary of Westminster, and Anne his wife (see her brother's baptism 19 Nov. 1710, and note thercto). By his two wives Mr. Bathurst had thirty-six children. He died 5 Nov. 1767. His widow died about 1794, and was buried at Mixbury, co. Oxford. This daughter married William Prowett, of Adderbury, co. Oxford, Esq.. and was mother of Rev. John Prowett, Rector of Catefield, co. Norfolk. and Great T- Essex. See her brother's baptism, immediately following her own. 5 See the preceding entry and note.-From the imperfect dates given in the text it is probable that the record was made some time after his baptism. A recorded pedigree, how- ever, in the College of Arms, states that he was the second child and eldest son, by Mr. Bathurst's second marriage, and that he was born in 1743. He was in the army, and died with- out issue. 6 See her burial 6 Aug. 1765, her father's 29 May 1762, and her mother's 2 Feb. 1788. 7 See the daughter's burial 11 May 1752, the mother's June 1759, and the father's 29 May 1762. 8 See the marriage of his parents 27 Jan. 1744-5, and their burials 29 May 1762 and 2 Feb. 1788. He held various subordinate Abbey offices from 8 June 1762, when he succeeded his father as Bellringer, until his death, and, according to a monument in the Cloisters, was finally a Verger and Sacrist for 32 years, under five successive Deans. He married, at Carshalton, Surrey, 25 Oct. 1785, Sarah Frances Fairchild, described as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, the witnesses being Thomas-Richard Fairchild, Charles Reeves, and Mary Kempster. He died 3 Mch. 1826, in his 79th year, and she 5 Dec. 1839, aged 78, and both were buried in the churchyard of Lewisham, Kent. See the baptism of their only daughter, 11 Oct. 1787. ⁹ See her burial 9 Dec. 1749, her father's 29 May 1762, and her mother's 2 Feb. 1788. 10 See her burial 29 July 1752, her father's 29 May 1762, and her mother's 2 Feb. 1788. 86 BAPTISMS IN 1752 Oct. 5 Mary, danghter of Thomas and Mary Wright: born Aug. 1755 June 5 July 2 1756 Dec. 10 30th.¹ 1753 Jan. 22 Richard, son of the Rev. Christopher Wilson, Prebendary of this Church, and Anne his wife: born Dec. 31st, 1752.2 Benjamin, son of John and Mary Catling: born May 18th.3 James, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Ansley: born June 29th.4 Margaret, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Christopher Wilson, Pre- bendary of this Church, and Ann his wife: born Nov. 21st.5 1760 May 3 William, son of the Rev. Dr. William Markham and Sarah his wife born April 5th.6 : 1761 Jan. 2 Harriet, daughter of Henry and Henrietta Brooker: born Dec. 15th, 1760.7 1765 Oct. 15 Samuel, son of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Smith (Head Master of the School) and Anna his wife: born Sept. 20th.8 1766 July 14 Denzill, son of William Cope (Chapter Clerk and Registrar) and Ann his wife: born June 18th.9 ¹ See her burial 11 Apl. 1754, her mother's 4 June 1759, and her father's 29 May 1762. 2 The father was of Catherine Hall, Cambridge, A.B. 1736, A.M. 1740, and S.T.P. 1753, and became a Prebendary of St. Paul's 21 Oct. 1745. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 3 May 1748, but resigned about July 1758, on becoming a Residentiary of St. Paul's. He was con- secrated Bishop of Bristol 6 July 1783, and died 18 Apl. 1792, in his 78th year. The mother was the youngest dau. of the Rt. Rev. Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London. This, their eldest, son was afterwards of Rudding Hall, in Yorkshire, and married, in 1781, Elizabeth, second dau. of the Rev. Dr. John Fountayne, Dean of York, but died before 25 Nov. 1791, the date of his father's will. See his sister's baptism 10 Dec. 1756. 3 See his burial 20 Aug. 1776, his father's 29 May 1762, and his mother's 2 Feb. 1788. 4 A new watchman of Dean's Yard appointed 3 June 1760, in the place of one Annesley discharged (Chapter Book). 5 See her brother's baptism 22 Jan. 1753, and note thereto. She was their fifth dau., and married, May 1797, Sir Hugh Smyth, third Bart. of Long Ashton, co. Somerset. She died in 1819, without issue. 6 See his father's burial 11 Nov. 1807, and his mother's 3 Feb. 1814. He was eldest son, born 5 Apl. preceding, and was educated at Westminster School. He became Private Secretary to the Hon. Warren Hastings, Governor of India, and in 1781 was appointed Resident at Benares, but returned to England in 1783, and settled at Becca Hall, near Aberford, Yorkshire. He married, 20 Aug. 1795, Elizabeth, dau. of Oldfield Bowles, of North Aston, co. Oxford, Esq. He died 1 Jan. 1815, and was buried at Aberford. 7 See her burial 25 Feb. 1780, her father's 6 June 1787, and her mother's 23 Jan. 1802. 8 See his mother's burial 4 Dec. 1789, and his father's 31 Mch. 1808. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 30 May 1782, and was B.A. 3 May 1786, M.A. 14 Jan. 1789, B.D. 7 Mch. 1797, and D.D. 7 July 1808. He became Prebendary of Southwell 4 Nov. 1800, Canon of Christ Church 10 Mch. 1807, and Dean 1 Mch. 1824, which latter dignity he resigned, exchanging for the Golden Stall at Durham, to which he succeeded 21 Sep. 1831. He succeeded also to the family living of Dry Drayton, co. Cambridge, where he died, 9 Jan. 1841. He married, 8 Aug. 1803, Annc-Brady, dau. of William Barnett, of Arcadia, in the Island of Jamaica, Esq. She died 23 Feb. 1826, aged 44, and was buried in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, 1 Mch. following. They were parents of the Rev. William Smith, of Greatham, Hants (who succeeded to the living of Dry Drayton), the Rev. Henry Smith, Vicar of Easton Maudit, co. Northampton, and the Rev. Charles Smith, some time Vicar of East Garston, Berks, and Rector of Boothby Graffoe, co. Lincoln. ⁹ The father, William Cope, of Bridgen Place, Bexley, Kent, Esq., younger brother of the WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 87 1766 Sept. 23 David, son of the Rev. Dr. William Markham and Sarah his wife born Sept. 1st.¹ 1767 Aug. 27 1768 March 11 Anna, daughter of Samuel and Anna Smith: born Aug. 2nd.² Robert, son of the Rev. Dr. Robert Fowler, Prebendary of this Church, and Mildred: born Feb. 12th.3 Aug. 17 John, son of William Cope (Chapter Clerk, etc.), and Ann hist wife born July 22nd.* 2 1769 April 2 1770 Feb. 8 1771 Jan. 6 : Susanna, daughter of George and Susanna Slemaker: born March 13th.5 Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Anna Smith: born Jan. 11th.6 George, son of George and Susanna Slemaker: born Dec. 13th, 1770.7 March 11 Frances, daughter of the Rev. Dr. John Blair, Prebendary of this Church, and Ann-Persode his wife: born Feb. 11th at his Prebendal house in Little Dean's Yard.8 Rev. Sir Richard Cope, ninth Bart. of Hanwell, co. Oxford, was appointed Registrar and Chapter Clerk 19 July 1763, and held those offices until his death, Sep. 1803. The mother was dau. and heiress of Benjamin Greenwood, of St. Mary Cray, Kent, Esq., and they were married Sep. 1765. She died 16 Jan. 1810, and both were buried at Bexley. This son succeeded his uncle as tenth Bart. 6 Nov. 1806, and died, without issue, 30 Dec. 1812. He married, 13 Sep. 1810, Elizabeth- Dorothea Francis, of Park Place, St. James's Street, who remarried, 30 Aug. 1820, Henry Rush, of Heckfield, Hants, Esq. She died 16 Feb. 1840, and was buried with her first husband at Eversley, Hants. See his brother's baptism 17 Aug. 1768. See his father's burial 11 Nov. 1807, and his mother's 3 Feb. 1814. He was fourth son, born the 1st of the same month, and was educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford. He subsequently entered the Army, became Lieut.-Colonel of the 20th Regiment of Foot, and was killed 26 Mch. 1795, whilst directing an attack against a fort near Port-au-Prince. in the island of St. Domingo. He died unmarried. 2 See her mother's burial 4 Dec. 1789, and her father's 31 Mch. 1808. She married James Wake, Esq., Barrister-at-Law (son of the Rev. Dr. Charles Wake, Prebendary of Westminster), who died 10 June 1841, and was buried at Heavitree, co. Devon, where she was also buried, 16 Apl. 1849. 3 The father was of Trinity College. Cambridge, A.B. 1747-8, A.M. 1751, and S.T.P. 1764. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 16 Feb. 1765, but resigned in 1771, on becoming Bishop of Killaloe in Ireland. He became Archbishop of Dublin 22 Dec. 1778, and died 10 Oct. 1801. This his only son matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 18 Jan. 1785, and was B.A. 23 Oct. 1788. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Dublin, and in 1813 became Bishop of Ossory. Of his two sisters, one became Countess of Kilkenny, and the other was mother of the fifth Earl of Mayo. 4 Sec his brother's baptism 14 July 1766, and note thereto. He succeeded him as eleventh Bart. 30 Dec. 1812, and was of Bramshill Park, in Eversley, Hants. He died, without issue, 18 Nov. 1851, and was buried at Eversley. 5 See her father's burial 23 Aug. 1802, and her mother's 10 Nov. 1818. 6 See her mother's burial 4 Dec. 1789, and her father's 31 Mch. 1808. She was married, at St. George's, Bloomsbury, 14 May 1800, to the Rev. Robert Nares, Archdeacon of Stafford, Prebendary of Lichfield, Preacher at Lincoln's Inn, and Rector of All Hallows, London Wall, to whom she was third wife. He died 23 Mch. 1829, and was buried at St. George's, Bloomsbury. She was buried at Heavitree, co. Devon, 26 May 1853. 7 See his father's burial 23 Aug. 1802, and his mother's 10 Nov. 1818. He appears to have married Mary Bredell, and a daughter of theirs, of that name, was baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 1 Sep. 1795. 8 See her father's burial 27 June 1782.-Died, 23 Aug. 1800, in Southampton Row, Blooms- 88 BAPTISMS IN 1772 Feb. 24 Henry, son of the Rev. Dr. John Blair, Prebendary of this Church, and Ann-Persode his wife: born Jan. 18th.¹ John, son of Samuel and Anna Smith: born Feb. 12th.² Elizabeth, daughter of George and Susanna Slemaker: born Sept. 18th.3 March 7 Oct. 18 Dec. 31 William-St. Andrew, son of the Rev. William Vincent (Second Master of the School) and Hannah his wife: born Nov. 30th.4 1773 Feb. 22 Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Dr. John Blair, Prebendary of this Church, and Ann-Persode his wife: born Jan. 18th.5 1774 Feb. 24 April 23 Henry, son of Samuel and Anna Smith: born Jan. 23rd.6 John, son of the Rev. Dr. John Blair, Prebendary of this Church, and Ann-Persode his wife: born March 23rd.7 May 12 George-Giles, son of the Rev. William Vincent (Second Master of the School) and Hannah his wife: born April 11th.8 John, son of George and Susanna Slemaker: born Sept. 30th.9 Anna-Priscilla, daughter of the Rev. Dr. John Blair and Ann- Persode his wife: born Jan. 6th.10 1775 Oct. 22 1776 Feb. 6 April 16 Sept. 2 William, son of William and Frances Trivett: born March 26th.11 Thomas, son of George and Susanna Slemaker: born Aug. 3rd.12 bury, Miss Blair, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Blair, Prebendary of Westminster (Gent. Mag.) ¹ See his burial 8 Jan. 1774, and his father's 27 June 1782. 2 See his burial 27 July 1773, his mother's 4 Dcc. 1789, and his father's 31 Mch. 1808. 3 See her father's burial 23 Aug. 1802, and her mother's 10 Nov. 1818. She married Pitt Cobbett, and as his wife administered to her mother's estate 15 Feb. 1819. • See his mother's burial 23 Feb. 1807, and his father's 29 Dec. 1815. He was eldest son. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College. Westminster), 22 June 1791, and was B.A. 22 April 1795, M.A. 16 Feb. 1798, and B.D. 29 Nov. 1827. He became Rector of All Hallows the Great and Less, London, in 1803, and Vicar of Bolney, Sussex, in 1827, the latter on his own presentation as a Prebendary of Chichester, which appointment he had held since 1 Apl. 1801. He died at Bolney 22 July 1849, and was buried there. See the baptisms of his daughters, 30 Nov. 1806 and 30 Nov. 1808, and the burial of his son 4 Mch. 1805. 5 See her father's burial 27 June 1782.—Married, at Buxat, in Bengal, Capt. Henry Hyndman to Miss Sarah Blair, second daughter of the late Dr. Blair, Prebendary of Westminster (Scots Magazine, Oct. 1795). 6 See his mother's burial 4 Dec. 1789, and his father's 31 Mch. 1808. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster) 22 June 1791, and was B.A. 22 Apl. 1795, and M.A. 20 Feb. 1798. He became Vicar of Alconbury, co. Huntingdon, in 1803, and exchanged for Kilsby, co. Northampton, in 1809. He was admitted a Prebendary of Southwell 3 Mch. 1807, and was senior Prebendary at his death, which occurred in London. His will, dated 29 Feb. 1844, was proved 16 Mch. following. He married Frances, dau. of Sir William- Elias Taunton, of the City of Oxford, Kt., who survived him. 7 See his father's burial 27 June 1782. 8 See his mother's burial 23 Feb. 1807, his father's 29 Dec. 1815, and his own 3 Feb. 1859. 9 See his burial 1 Jan. 1778, his father's 23 Aug. 1802, and his mother's 10 Nov. 1818. 10 See her father's burial 27 June 1782. 11 He was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1791, and elected to Cambridge in 1795, where A.B., as of Trinity College, in 1799, and A.M. in 1808. He became Rector of Bradwell, co. Suffolk, in 1810. 12 See his burial 1 Oct. 1776, his father's 23 Aug. 1802, and his mother's 10 Nov. 1818. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 89 1776 Dec. 12 Hannah-Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. William and Hannah Vincent: born Nov. 9th.¹ 1777 Feb. 24 Thomas, son of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Smith (Head Master of the School) and Anna his wife: born Jan. 21st.2 April 12 William, son of the Rev. Dr. John Blair, Prebendary, and Ann- Persode his wife: born Feb. 25th.³ 1778 Jan. 13 Askin, an East Indian from Bengal, aged about 16 years, was baptized by the Rev. Dr. Blair, Prebendary of this Collegiate Church, by the name of John. Apl. 18 Harriet, daughter of the Rev. Dr. John Blair, Prebendary of this Church, and Ann-Persode his wife: born March 21st.¹ June 27 Rebecca, daughter of Anselm and Rebecca Bayly: born June 23rd, and half-baptized June 27th. Fully baptized April 29th 1779.5 Oct. 28 Francis, son of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Smith (Head Master of the School) and Anna his wife: born Sept. 24th.6 1779 Feb. 14 John, son of George and Susanna Slemaker: born Jan. 22nd.7 1780 Sep. 21 Patrick-George, son of the Rev. Dr. John Blair, Prebendary of this Church, and Ann-Persode his wife: born Aug. 23rd.8 1782 March 23 Edward-Augustus, son of the Rev. Dr. John Blair and Ann- Persode his wife: born Feb. 22nd.9 June 3 Charlotte-Jane, daughter of Joseph and Jane Thorne: born May 8th.10 ¹ See her burial 13 Feb. 1777, her mother's 23 Feb. 1807, and her father's 29 Dec. 1815. 2 See his mother's burial 4 Dec. 1789, his father's 31 Mch. 1808, and his own 22 Mch. 1824. 3 See his father's burial 27 June 1782. 4 See her father's burial 27 June 1782. 5 The father matriculated at Oxford, from Exeter College, 4 Nov. 1740, aged 21, as son of Anselm Baily, of Haresfield, co. Gloucester, and was described as "Pleb. fil." He then signed his name "Baily," but appears subsequently to have changed the orthography, as he took the degree of B.C.L. 12 June 1749, then of Christ Church, as "Bayly," and proceeded D.C.L. 10 July 1764. The London Chronicle, 28 Nov. 1775, calls him Sub-dean of the Chapel Royal. From the Cheque Book he appears to have been sworn a Gent. of the Chapel 29 Jan. 1740-1, and Priest in ordinary 13 Mch. 1743-4. The mother was his second wife. See the burial of his first wife 21 Nov. 1775. Two days after, viz., 23 Nov. 1775, according to the parish register, he was married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, to Rebecca Moore, of that parish, described in the register as a spinster, and in the London Chronicle referred to as "a lady of large fortune." See the burial of another child of this marriage 20 June 1778, and the burials of his children by his first wife. 29 Oct. 1751, 8 Oct. 1754, and 5 Nov. 1782. The last clause of the text was of course a subsequent addition. 6 Sec his mother's burial 4 Dec. 1789, and his father's 31 Mch. 1808. He entered the Civil Service, or some other public employment, but retired at his father's death, and resided some time in Berkshire. He died, unmarried, at Heavitree, co, Devon, and was buried there 18 Nov. 1828. 7 See his father's burial 23 Aug. 1802, and his mother's 10 Nov. 1818. 8 See his father's burial 27 June 1782. 9 See his father's burial 27 June 1782. She was living, unmarried, 8 Aug. 1815, when she 10 See her father's burial 21 Mch. 1795. administered, de bonis non, to her father's estate. N 1 90 BAPTISMS IN 1784 May 22 1786 June 22 Nov. 10 1787 Oct. 11 1789 Feb. 10 1792 May 8 1793 July 25 1795 Feb. Feb. 24 Joseph, son of Joseph and Jane Thorne: born April 26th.¹ Latchemi, an East Indian, aged about 12 years, baptized by the name of Anne. Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Jane Thorne: born Oct. 8th.2 Frances - Ann, daughter of John and Sarah- Frances Catling : born Sept. 5th.3 4 Mary, daughter of Joseph and Jane Thorne: born Jan. 18th.* John and Susanna, son and daughter of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Smith, Prebendary of this Church, and Susanna: born Mch. 14th.5 Caroline, daughter of Isaac and Lydia Dare: born May 16th.6 Thomas-Watson, son of the Rev. Thomas-Watson Ward and Ann his wife: born Jan. 19th.7 Nov. 15 Carolina, daughter of William and Mary Agglinton: born June 30th. 1797 March 26 Ann, daughter of the Rev. Thomas-Watson Ward and Ann hist wife born Mch. 20th.8 1799 John-Horsley, son of the Rev. William-Whitfield Dakins and Susan his wife: born July 9th.9 ¹ See his father's burial 21 Mch. 1795, and his own [Feb.] 1800. 2 See her father's burial 21 Mch. 1795, and her own 19 Sep. 1797. 3 See her father's baptism 12 Nov. 1747, and note thereto. She married, in 1816, Thomas- Newley Reeve (second son of Charles Reeve, of Southall House, co. Midx., Esq.), then in the service of the Bank of England, from which he retired in 1828, having entered it in 1810. He was standard-bearer to the corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms during the reign of King William IV., and part of that of her present Majesty, on whosc coronation he was knighted. Lady Recve died at Richmond, Surrey, 7 Jan. 1868, and Sir Thomas on the following 17th Apl., aged about 75. See the baptisms of their children 22 July 1819 and 5 June 1821. 4 See her father's burial 21 Mch. 1795. She was living 6 Jan. 1793 (named in the will of Esther Seymore buried 13 Mch. 1793), and apparently 8 Aug. 1815. 5 See their mother's burial 29 Mch. 1792, and their father's 31 Mch. 1808. They were Dr. Smith's only children by his second wife, who survived their birth only ten days. See the burial of the son 7 July 1792. The daughter died young, and was buried at Dry Drayton, co. Cambridge. 6 Sce her mother's burial 3 Oct. 1797, and her father's 12 Feb. 1810. She was living at the date of his will, 28 Jan. 1810. 7 See his mother's burial 31 Mch. 1797, and his own 24 May 1808. The father was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1777, aged 14, and was elected to Cambridge in 1781, where A.B. 1785, and A.M. 1788, and a Fellow of Trinity College. He became one of the ushers of Westminster School in 1784. In 1785 he had the vicarage of Felmersham, Beds, and in 1801 that of Sharnbrook, in the same county, where he died 30 May 1825, aged about 63. 8 See her brother's baptism 24 Feb. 1795, and note thereto. She was living at the date of her father's will, 16 Oct. 1824, wife of Jonathan Hayne, of Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, Esq. 9 See his mother's burial 11 Dec. 1834, and his father's 21 Jan. 1850. He became S.C.L. of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Hon. D.D. of King's College and the University, Aberdecu. He was for upwards of twenty years Chaplain to the Forces in London, Priest in ordinary to the late King and her present Majesty, and Domestic Chaplain to their Royal Highnesses the late Dukes of York and Cambridge, and to the King of Hanover. On his father's death he resumed the ancient orthography of the family name, viz., Dakyns. He became Vicar of Holy Island, Durham, in 1867, and was living in 1875. He married, 9 Oct. 1823, at Cann, near Shaftesbury, Dorset, Sophia-Matilda-Caroline, youngest dau. of the Rt. Rev. William-Lort Mansel, Bishop of Bristol, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 91 1801 1802 Laura-Anne, daughter of the Rev. William-Whitfield Dakins and Susan his wife: born Dec. 31 1800.¹ Elizabeth and Frances, daughters of the Rev. William-Whitfield Dakins and Susan his wife: born May 6th.2 1803 Sep. 22 Thomas-Hill, son of the Rev. James Smedley and Katharine his wife born July 23rd.³ 1804 July [Here end the Baptisms in the Second Volume.] 5 Mary-Harriett, daughter of the Rev. William Page and Mary his wife born June 1st.4 by Isabella, dau. of John Haggerston, of Cambridge, Esq. She died, at Holy Island vicarage, 28 Dec. 1873. ¹ Sec her mother's burial 11 Dec. 1834, and her father's 21 Jan. 1850. This baptism is also recorded at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and the date there given as 21 Jan. 1801. She was married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 20 Nov. 1830, to William-Selby Kirby, Esq., then of Kensington, Midx. She died 16 Nov. 1841, at Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, and was there buried. 2 See their mother's burial 11 Dec. 1834, and their father's 21 Jan. 1850. Their baptisms are also recorded at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and the date there given as 31 Dec. 1802. Elizabeth was married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 5 May 1821, to Louis-Henry Desanges, Esq., then of St. Luke's, Midx. (who died subsequently at Nice), and was living in the Isle of Wight in 1870. Frances was married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 22 July 1828, to the Rev. George Cowell, then of St. Pancras, Midx. (who died in Canada, about 1851), and was living in 1870, at Racine, in the State of Michigan, United States of America. 3 The father was son of Thomas Smedley, of Bagilt Hall, co. Flint, Esq., by his wife Jane Foulkes, of Mertyn, near Holywell, in that county, where he was born 19 July 1775. He was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, 1789, and elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, 1793, where A.B. 1797, and A.M. 1802. He was Usher of Westminster School from 1797 until Aug. 1804, when he became Master of the Free School at Wrexham, co. Denbigh, but resigned Dcc. 1809. He subsequently resided with his son at Chesterton, co. Cambridge, where he died 2 Feb. 1853, and was buried in the churchyard there. The mother was dau. of Alexander Raby, Esq. (at this period of the Sanctuary, Westminster, and of Cobham, co. Surrey, but after- wards of Llanelly, co. Carmarthen), by his wife Anne Cox. She is described in their Mar. Lic. Fac., 22 Feb. 1800, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, aged above 21. She died in the autumn of 1805, and was buried at Wrexham, where this son, who died about 1808, was also buried. See his brother's baptism 29 July 1804. The father eldest son of the Rev. William-Emmanuel Page, Rector of Frodsham, co. Chester, by Jane Bell his wife, and was born at Frodsham 18 Feb. 1778. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (clected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 3 June 1795, and was B.A. 11 Apl. 1799, M.A. 4 Feb. 1802, B.D. 20 May 1809, and D.D. 13 May 1815. He was Vicar of Willen, Bucks, from 25 Feb. 1806 until his death. In 1812 he became Vicar of Steventon, Berks, and Rector of Nunburnholme, co. York, but resigned both in 1817, and took the Rectory of Quainton, Bucks. He was also Sub-Almoner to the Archbishop of York. He became Second Master of Westminster School in 1802, and Head Master in 1814. He died at Oxford 20 Sep. 1819, and was buried the 25th in Christ Church Cathedral. The mother dau. of Thomas Davis, of Bicester, co. Oxford, Surgeon, by Hannah Tanner his wife, and was born 25 Aug. 1780. She was married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 12 Aug. 1803. She died 12 May 1820, and was buried at Steeple Aston, co. Oxford. This daughter, their eldest child, was married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 20 May 1828, to the Rt. Rev. Christopher Lipscombe, Bishop of Jamaica, to whom she was second wife. He died 4 Apl. 1843, and was buried at Jamaica. She died at Brighton 14 Feb. 1860, and was buried at Hove, near that place. See the baptisms of her brothers and sisters 9 Oct. 1805, 12 Feb. 1807, 10 May 1808, 21 Sep. 1809, 1 Apl. 1811. 9 July 1812, 10 Feb. 1814, 15 Apl. 1816, and 10 Mch. 1818, and the burials of her brothers and sister, 15 Nov. 1817, 14 Feb. 1833, and 13 Dec. 1850. 92 BAPTISMS IN 1804 July 29 Edward-Arthur, son of the Rev. James Smedley and Katherine his wife born July 20th.¹ Oct. 17 Hannah-Mary, daughter of George-Giles Vincent (Chapter Clerk and Registrar of this Collegiate Church) and Mary his wife: born Sept. 18th.² 1805 Oct. 9 Cyril-William, son of the Rev. William Page and Mary his wife born Sept. 18th.³ 1806 : April 11 George-Giles, son of George-Giles Vincent (Chapter Clerk, etc.) and Mary his wife: born Nov. 28, 1805.¹ Nov. 30 Josepha-Mary, daughter of the Rev. William-Saint Andrew Vincent and Frances-Elizabeth-Gayfere his wife: born Sept. 10th.5 1807 Feb. 12 Jane-Perryn, daughter of the Rev. William Page and Mary his born Jan. 15th.6 wife June 25 George, son of George-Giles Vincent (Chapter Clerk, etc.) and Mary his wife: born June 8th.7 1808 March 21 Ellen, daughter of Joseph Allen, Prebendary of this Church, and Margaret his wife: born Mch. 5th.8 ¹ See his brother's baptism 22 Sep. 1803, and note thereto. He was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, 1818, and clected to Trinity College, Cambridge, 1822, where A.B. 1826, and A.M. 1829. He was Usher of Westminster School from 1828 to 1836, when he became Vicar of Chesterton, co. Cambridge, and was still in possession of the living in 1874. 2 See her father's burial 3 Feb. 1859. Her mother was his first wife, dau. of the Rev. Francis Worsley, D.D., Rector of Chale, Isle of Wight, and died 10 Sep. 1807, at Bellingham, and was buried the 15th at Godshill, both in that island. She died, unmarried, 4 Jan. 1865, and was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery. 3 See his sister's baptism 5 July 1804, and note thereto. He was the eldest son. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (clected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 9 May 1823, and was B.A. 1 Feb. 1827, and M.A. 22 Oct. 1829, becoming a Student of his College. He was Curate of St. Margaret's, Westminster, until 1843, when he became Incumbent of Christ Church, Westminster, and so continued until his death. He died, unmarried, 11 April 1873, being then Senior Student of Christ Church. 4 See his father's burial 3 Feb. 1859, his sister's baptism 17 Oct. 1804, and note thereto, and his own burial 30 Oct. 1806. 5 See her father's baptism 31 Dec. 1772, and note thereto. Her mother was Frances- Elizabeth-Gayfere, dau. of Evan Jones, of Oakham, co. Rutland, by his wife Anne Ellington, and was married at Oakham 1 Aug. 1803: she died 18 July 1855, aged 80, and was buried at Frostenden, Suffolk. This daughter married, at St. Pancras (New Church), Midx., 7 Nov. 1833, Richard Robertson, Esq., who died 9 Jan. 1847 and was buried at St. Pancras (Old Church), and was living, his widow, in 1874. See her sister's baptism 5 July 1804, and note thereto. She was second dau, and third child. She died 14 Dec. 1822, and was buried at Kensington, Midx. 7 See his father's burial 3 Feb. 1859, and his sister's baptism 17 Oct. 1804, and note thereto. He became a Solicitor in London, and Steward of the Manors of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. He married Caroline, dau. of Charles Bedford, of Great George Street, West- minster, Esq., Proctor and Deputy Registrar of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, by Sarah, dau. of Lawrence Desborough, of Huntingdon, Esq. He died at Putney, co. Surrey, 25 Mch. 1851, and was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery. 8 The father was of Trinity College, Cambridge, A.B. 1792, A.M. 1795, and S.T.P. 1829. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 16 Oct. 1806 (Chapter Book). He was consecrated Bishop of Bristol 7 Dec. 1834, and translated to Ely (confirmed) 17 Aug. 1836. He died 20 Mch. 1845, in his 75th year, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 93 1808 May 10 William-Emmanuel, son of the Rev. William and Mary Page : born April 9th.¹ Nov. 30 Frances-Ann, daughter of the Rev. William-Saint Andrew Vincent and Frances-Elizabeth-Gayfere his wife: born Dec. 15, 1807.2 1809 Sept. 21 Anne, daughter of the Rev. William and Mary Page: born Aug. 11th.3 1811 April 1812 July 1814 Feb. 1815 Jan. 1 Emma-Rose, daughter of the Rev. William and Mary Page: born Feb. 25th.4 9 Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. William and Mary Page: born June 1st, at the Second Master's house.5 [After this date there are two copies of the Register, and, as one sometimes contains more particulars than the other, they are here combined, the portions from the second copy, as well as from sundry loose slips (evidently the original notes of the entries), being placed within parentheses.] 10 John-Emmanuel, son of the Rev. William Page (Clerk, Under Master of Westminster School) and Mary his wife: born Dec. 25, 1813.6 1 William-Charles-Fynes, son of the Rev. James Webber (Chaplain to the House of Commons) and Caroline Frances his wife : born the same day.? ¹ See his sister's baptism 5 July 1804, and note thereto. He was second son and fourth child. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, West- minster), 13 May 1826, and was B.A. 21 Jan. 1830, M.A. 30 Mch. 1833, B.M. 24 Apl. 1834, and D.M. 13 May 1837. He became a Fellow and Treasurer of the College of Physicians, and practised his profession in London. He married Julia-Katherine, dau. of R. Keate, Esq., Serjeant-Surgeon to Her Majesty, and died 2 Jan. 1868. 2 See her father's baptism 31 Dec. 1772, and her sister's 30 Nov. 1806, and notes thereto. She married, at Bolncy, co. Sussex, 19 Sep. 1833, Reginald-Brooke Boddington, of Burcher Court, co. Hereford, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for that county, who died 8 Jan. 1863, aged 54, and was buried at Stanton-upon-Arrow, and was living, his widow, in 1874. ³ See her sister's baptism 5 July 1804, and note thereto. child. See her burial 13 Dec. 1850. 4 Scc her sister's baptism 5 July 1804, and note thereto. child. She died, unmarried, 18 Aug. 1866, at St. Tudy, Cornwall, 5 See her sister's baptism 5 July 1804, and note thereto, child, and was still living, unmarried, Dec. 1870. She was third dau. and fifth She was fourth dau. and sixth and was there buried. She was fifth dau. and seventh • Sec his sister's baptism 5 July 1804, and note thereto. He was third son and eighth child. See his burial 14 Dec. 1833. 7 Eldest son of the Rev. James Webber, afterwards Prebendary and Sub-deau of West- minster, and, 14 Nov. 1828, Dean of Ripon, by Caroline-Frances, dau. of the Rev. Charles Fynes- Clinton, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster. Dean Webber died at Ripon 3 Sep. 1847, aged 75, and his widow was still living in 1868 in her 80th year. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 23 May 1833, and was B.A. 26 Jan. 1837, and M.A. 17 Oct. 1839. He was Usher of Westminster School from 1837 to 1840; Incumbent of Maiden Bradley, Wilts, from 1842 to 1844; Perpetual Curate of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, London, 1815; Minor Canon of St. Paul's 1850; and Sub-dean 1859. He was still living, 1875, Sub- 94 BAPTISMS IN 1815 May 29 Charles-Francis, son of Henry Fynes, Esq. (of Welwyn, co. Herts, M.P.) and Katherine his wife: born March 6th.1 1816 April 15 Charles, son of William Page, D.D., Head Master of West- minster School, and Mary his wife: born March 7th.2 1817 April 17 Anna-Maria-Isabella, daughter of Henry Fynes, Esq., M.P., etc., and Katherine his wife: (born July 6th 1816).3 1818 March 10 Vernon, son of William Page, D.D., etc., and Mary his wife: born Jan. 19th.4 Nov. 4 Francis-William, son of George-Giles Vincent, Chapter Clerk, and Emilia-Elizabeth his wife: born Sept. 30th.5 1819 May 15 Louisa-Emma-Mary, daughter of Henry Fynes, Esq., M.P., and Katherine his wife: born Sept. 10th, 1818.6 July 22 Charles-John, son of Thomas - Newley Reeve, a Clerk in the Bank of England, and Frances-Anne his wife: (born June 21st).7 dean, Succcntor, and first Minor Canon of St. Paul's, and Vicar of St. Botolph, Aldersgate. Sce the baptisms of his brothers and sister, 25 Mch. 1821, 6 July 1824, and 31 May 1826, and the burial of another brother 17 June 1833. Eldest son of Henry Fyncs (afterwards Henry Fynes-Clinton), Esq., who died 24 Oct. 1852, and was buried at Welwyn, Herts, by his second wife, Katherine, dau. of the Rt. Rev. Henry-William Majendic, Bishop of Bangor, who was still living in 1868. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 13 Dcc. 1832, and was B.A. 9 June 1836. He went to Spain in 1838, and for his military services received the Order of St. Ferdinand from Espartero. He died, unmarried, at St. l'aul de Loanda, 5 June 1844, while British Arbitrator under the Treaty with Portugal for the abolition of slavery, and was there buried. See the baptisms of his sisters, 17 Apl. 1817, 15 May 1819, 2 Apl. 1821, 16 June 1824, 15 May 1826, and 22 July 1829. 2 See his sister's burial 5 July 1804, and note thereto. He was fourth son and ninth child. (His baptism is recorded also at St. Margaret's, Westminster.) Sec his burial 15 Nov. 1817. 3 See her brother's baptism 29 May 1815, and note thereto. She married, 13 Aug. 1839, Thomas-Gambier Parry, of Highnam Court, co. Gloucester, Esq. She died 11 Mch. 1848, and was buried at Bournemouth, Hants. 4 See his sister's baptism 5 July 1804, and note thereto. He was fifth son and tenth child. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 13 May 1836, and was B.A. 6 Feb. 1840, and M.A. 17 Dec. 1842. He was Perpetual Curate of Wigginton, Herts, in 1841, and afterwards Curate of Barford, co. Warwick. In 1845 he became Perpetual Curate of Maiden Bradley, Wilts, but resigned in 1851, on account of ill-health. In 1858 he became Rector of St. Tudy, Cornwall, and was still in possession of that living in 1874. He married, 3 Aug. 1858, Mary-Anne-l'owell, dau. of D. G. Adey, of Markgate Cell, Herts, Esq. 5 See his mother's burial 12 Sep. 1848, and his father's 3 Feb. 1859. He married Cecilia- Eliza, dau. of Francis Worsley, of Newport, Isle of Wight, Esq., and had issuc. He died 8 Aug. 1857, and was buried at Kensal Green Cemetery. Sce her brother's baptism 29 May 1815, and note thereto. She married, 23 Aug. 1853, at Hertingfordbury, Herts, the Rev. Thomas-William Weare (eldest son of Col. Thomas Wearc, of Hampton Bishop, co. Hereford, K.H., Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty, by Anne, dau. and coheir of John Pugh, of Gaer, co. Radnor, Esq.), who was born 2 Nov. 1813, matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 7 June 1832, and was B.A. 25 May 1836, and M.A. 25 Oct. 1838. He was many years Second Master of Westminster School, became Rector of Isfield, Sussex, in 1867, and died at Speen, Berks, 24 Feb. 1871. She died 11 Jan. 1865, and was buried at IIampton Bishop afore- said. See the baptisms of their children, 10 Nov. 1856, 16 Feb. 1858, and 12 Mch. 1859. 7 Sec his mother's baptism 11 Oct. 1787, and note thereto. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 95 1819 Dcc. 24 Thomas, son of George-Giles Vincent, Chapter Clerk, and Emilia- Elizabeth his wife: born Nov. 26th.¹ 1821 March 25 Cyril-William, son of the Rev. James Webber, Prebendary of this Church, and Caroline-Frances his wife: born March 24th.2 April 2 Henrietta-Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Fynes, Esq., M.P., and Katherine his wife: (born Dec. 25th, 1820).3 June 5 Frances-Mary, daughter of Thomas-Newley Reeve, a Clerk in the Bank of England, and Frances-Anne his wife.4 1822 Feb. 27 Frances, daughter of the Rev. Edmund Goodenough, D.D., Head Master of Westminster School, and Frances his wife: (born the same day).5 Nov. 26 Mary-Margaret, daughter of George-Giles Vincent and Emilia- Elizabeth his wife: born Oct. 2nd.6 1823 July 3 Sophia, daughter of the Rev. Edmund Goodenough [ut supra] and Frances his wife: (born May 13th).7 1824 June 16 Emma, daughter of Henry Fynes-Clinton, Esq., M.P., of Welwyn, Herts, and Katherine his wife: (born at Welwyn June 17th .1823.)8 ¹ See his mother's burial 12 Sep. 1848, and his father's 3 Feb. 1859. He was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1838, and went to St. John's, Cambridge, where B.A. 1842, and M.A. 1845. He was sometime Curate of Wantage, Berks. and became Rector of Pusey, in that county, in 1868. He married Dora, dau. of William Watkins, of Badby, co. Northampton; Esq., and was living in 1874. 2 See his brother's baptism 1 Jan. 1815, and note thereto. He died 18 Jan. 1839, and was buried at Dawlish, Devon. 3 See her brother's baptism 29 May 1815, and note thereto. She died, unmarried, 7 Feb. 1839, and was buried at Tours, in France. 4 Sce her mother's baptism 11 Oct. 1787, and note thereto. 5 The father was third and youngest son of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Goodenough, Bishop of Carlisle (see his burial 18 Aug. 1827), and was born at Ealing, Midx. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 15 May 1801, aged 16, and was B.A. 24 Jan. 1805, M.A. 22 Oct. 1807, B.D. 30 Apl. 1819, and D.D. 20 Oct. 1820. He became Vicar of Warkworth, co. Northumberland, in 1818, Sub-Almoner to the King, and was Head Master of Westminster School from 1819 to 1828. He was a Prebendary of York 23 June 1824, and of Carlisle 22 Apl. 1826, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 2 June 1826. He became Dean of Wells 6 Scp. 1831, died 2 May 1845, and was buried in Wells Cathedral. The mother was dau. of Samuel-Pepys Cockerell, of Westbourne House, Paddington, Midx., Esq., and Anna his wife, and was married in 1821. She died at Granada, and was buried at Malaga, Spain, in 1855. See this child's burial 29 Apl. 1828; also the baptisms of her brothers and sisters, 3 July 1823, 5 Mch. 1825, 7 June 1826, 27 Nov. 1827, 17 Dec. 1829, and 5 Feb. 1831, and the burial of her brother 24 Apl. 1838. • Sce her mother's burial 12 Sep. 1848, and her father's 3 Feb. 1859. She married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 Oct. 1850, Charles St. Clare Bedford, Esq. (son of George Bedford, Esq., of Bedford Row, London, and Dorking, Surrey, by Judith-Elizabeth, dau. of John Thompson, of Chiswick, Midx., Esq.). the present Chapter Clerk and Steward of the Manorial Courts of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, and Coroner for Westminster (see the baptism of his dau. by a second marriage. 4 Sep. 1866, and note thereto). She died 5 Feb. 1857, leaving three daughters, and was buried at Kensal Green Cemetery. 7 See her sister's baptism 27 Feb. 1822, and note thereto. She died at Wells, Jan. 1839, and was buried iu Wells Cathedral. 8 See her brother's baptism 29 May 1815, and note thereto. She was living, unmarried, in 1868. 96 BAPTISMS IN 1824 July 6 Charles-James, son of the Rev. James Webber, Prebendary, etc., and Caroline-Frances his wife: (born July 5th).¹ 1 1825 March 5 Annabella, daughter of the Rev. Edmund and Frances Good- enough: (born Nov. 14th 1824).2 1826 Feb. 2 Edward, son of Rev. George Preston, Clerk, and Emma his wife: (born Oct. 12th 1825).3 May 15 Margaret, daughter of Henry Fynes-Clinton, Esq. [ut supra] and Katharine his wife: (born June 28th 1825).* May 31 Jemima-Anne-Caroline, daughter of the Rev. James and Caroline- Frances Webber: (born the same day).5 June 7 Lucy, daughter of the Rev. Edmund and Frances Goodenough [ut supra]: (born Feb. 11th).6 1827 June 22 Anna-Maria-Penelope, daughter of Clinton-James Fynes-Clinton, Esq., M.P., and Penelope his wife: (living in the Cloisters in the Close born May 16th).7 Nov. 27 Frederick-Addington, son of the Rev. Edmund and Frances Goodenough: (born July 6th).8 [1828 Oct. 20 Emilia, daughter of George-Giles Vincent and Emilia-Elizabeth his wife: born Sept. 26th.9] ¹ See his brother's baptism 1 Jan. 1815, and note thereto. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 19 Oct. 1842, but afterwards entered the Austrian Military Service, and became a lieutenant in the 4th Austrian Lancers. He died in England, 9 June 1850, from the effects of a wound in his hand caused by the accidental discharge of a pistol, and was buried at St. Botolph, Aldersgate, London. 2 See her sister's baptism 27 Feb. 1822, and note thereto. She married, 1853, Henry-William Craufurd, Esq., Capt. R.N. (who died in 1859), and was living at Lyndhurst, Hants, in 1870, with a son and daughter. 3 See his father's burial 11 Sep. 1841. 4 See her brother's baptism 29 May 1815, and note thereto. She married, 14 Apl. 1852, the Rev. James-Richard-l'hilip Hoste, Vicar of Cropredy, co. Oxford, 1860, and of Dorking, co. Surrey, 1870, when both were living. 5 Sec her brother's baptism 1 Jan. 1815, and note thereto. She died 29 June 1840, and was buried in Ripon Cathedral. • See her sister's baptism 27 Feb. 1822, and note thereto. She was living, unmarried, at Lyndhurst, Hants, in 1870. 7 The father was second son of the Rev. Charles Fynes (who assumed the additional surname of Clinton in 1821), D.D., Prebendary of Westminster, by Emma, dau. of Job Brough, Esq., and was born in 1792. He died 11 Apl. 1833, and was buried at Dentou, co. Lincoln. The mother was dau. of Sir William-Earle Welby, second Bart. of Denton, by Wilhelmina, only dau. and heir of William Spry, Esq., Governor of Barbadoes. They were married 8 May 1825, and she died 5 June 1834, and was also buried at Denton. This dau. died, and was buried at Dawlish, Devon, about Dec. 1839, or Jan. 1840. See her sister's burial 14 Jan. 1845. 8 See his sister's baptism 27 Feb. 1822, and note thereto. He was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, 1841, and afterwards became a merchant at Calcutta. He died Sep. 1869, on his voyage home from India, and was buried at sca. 9 See her mother's burial 12 Sept. 1848, and her father's 3 Feb. 1859. She was living, unmarried, in 1869. (This baptism is regularly entered in the parish register of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, and is not recorded in the Abbey Register, but on a loose slip in the volume, which states that it was performed that day by William-St. Andrew Vincent, Rector of All Hallows, Thames Street. It may, therefore, be doubted whether it actually took place in the Abbey.) WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 97 1829 July 22 Agnes, daughter of Henry Fynes-Clinton, Esq., and Katherine his wife: (of Dean's Yard, Close of Westminster).¹ Dec. 17 Edmund-Vernon, son of the Rev. Edmund Goodenough, D.D., Prebendary, etc., and Frances his wife: (born June 30th).2 1831 Feb. 5 James-Graham, son of the Rev. Edmund and Frances Goodenough, [ut supra]: (born Dec. 3, 1830),3 March 7 Edmund-Henry, son of the Rev. George-Herbert Repton, Minor Canon, and Annabella-Cecilia his wife: (born Jan. 17th).4 June 26 Charles-Louis-Hart, son of the Rev. Henry-Hart Milman, Canon of this Church (of the Cloisters, Close of Westminster), and Mary Anne his wife: (born May 8th).5 1845 June 26 July 19 19 Lucy, daughter of the Rev. George-Herbert Repton, and Anna- bella-Cecilia his wife (born June 20th).6 : Aug. 16 Mary, daughter of the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth, D.D., Canon of this Church (of the Little Cloisters), and Susannah- Hatley his wife (born Mch. 19th).7 : ¹ See her brother's baptism 29 May 1815, and note thereto. She married, at Welwyn, Herts, 26 Nov. 1846, the Hon. and Rev. Richard-Godolphin-Henry Hastings, who died 10 Mch. 1865, and was buried at Hertingfordbury, Herts. She was living in 1868. 2 See his sister's baptism 27 Feb. 1822, and note thereto, and his own burial 24 Apl. 1838. 3 See his sister's baptism 27 Feb. 1822, and note thereto. He was living in 1870, a Captain in the Royal Navy, and had recently commanded H.M.S. Minotaur. 4 The father was second son of the Rev. Edward Repton, Prebendary of Westminster, Vicar of Shoreham, Kent, and Incumbent of St. Philip's, Regent Street, Westminster, by his wife Mary- Ellis, dau. of Joseph Herbert, Esq., Governor of Montserrat, West Indies, and was born in St. Marylebone, Midx., 20 Nov. 1813. He matriculated at Oxford, from University College, 5 June 1835, and was B.A. 18 May 1839. He died 8 Apl. 1862, and was buried at Torquay. The mother, whose names are rightly Cecilia-Annabella, was fourth dau. of Henry-Hartstonge Pery, Lord Glentworth (eldest son of Edward-Henry first Earl of Limerick), by Annabella second dau. of Tennison Edwards, of Old Court, co. Wicklow, Esq. She was born 22 April 1817, and married 10 Jan. 1843. She and her three sisters, being sisters of the second Earl of Limerick, were granted, by royal warrant, 12 Sep. 1845, the rank and precedence of an Earl's daughters. She was living Jan. 1871, as was also this son. See the baptisms of other children, 19 July 1845, 9 Dec. 1847, 6 Jan. 1851, 22 Dec. 1852, 12 Mch. 1857, and 12 June 1860. Besides these, another son and daughter were baptized in the Abbey, although inadvertently omitted in the Register, viz., Aubrey-Gough, born 24 Nov. 1848, who was living Jan. 1871, and Florence - Mulgrave, born 14 Apl. 1858, who died in Feb. 1860, and was buried at Shoreham, Kent. Another son, Francis- Edward, born 6 Aug. 1854, was baptized at Almondsbury, near Bristol, and was living Jan. 1871. 5 The father was youngest son of Sir Francis Milman, first Bart., Physician to King George III., by Frances, dau. and heir of William Hart, of Stapleton, co. Gloucester, Esq., and was born in Brook Street, St. James, Westminster, 10 Feb. 1791. He matriculated at Oxford, from Brazenose College, 25 May 1810, and was B.A. 27 Jan. 1814, M.A. 27 June 1816, and B.D. and D.D. 17 Dec. 1849. He became curate of Ealing, Midx., 1816; Vicar of St. Mary's, Reading, Berks, 1817; Rector of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1835, being by virtue thereof a Prebendary of West- minster; and Dean of St. Paul's, 1 Nov. 1849. Dean Milman died, universally beloved and revered, 24 Sep. 1868, and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral. The mother was the youngest dau. of Lieut.-Gen. William Cockell, of Sandleford Lodge, Berks. She was married 11 May 1824, and died in London 1 July 1871, in her 68th year. See the burial of this son 22 Feb. 1849, and of two daughters, 4 Feb. 1839 and 23 June 1842. 6 See her brother's baptism 7 March 1844, and note thereto. She was living Jan. 1871, unmarried. 7 The father was third son of the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth, D.D., Master of Trinity 98 BAPTISMS IN 1847 Dec. 1848 Apl. 1849 May 9 Ernest-Augustus, son of the Rev. George-Herbert Repton, Minor Canon of this Church, and the Lady Annabella-Cecilia his wife (born July 24th).¹ : 25 Christopher, son of the Rev. Dr. Christopher Wordsworth and Susanna-Hatley his wife: (born March 26th).² 1 Susanna-Mary, daughter of the Rev. William-Henry Cope, Minor Canon, and Marianne his wife: (born April 1st).3 June 20 Lorina - Charlotte, daughter of the Rev. Henry-George Liddell, Head Master of Westminster School, and Lorina-Hannah his wife (born May 11th).4 1851 Jan. 6 George-Edward, son of the Rev. George-Herbert Repton, Minor Canon, and the Lady Annabella-Cecilia his wife: (born Sept. 29, 1850).5 Feb. 24 James-Arthur-Charles, son of the Rev. Henry - George Liddell and Lorina-Hannah his wife: (born Dec. 28th 1850).6 College, Cambridge (a younger brother of the Poet Laureate), by Priscilla-Lloyd his wife, and was born in 1808. He was also of Trinity College; A.B. 1830, A.M. 1833, and S.T.P. 1839 ; and was some time Head Master of Harrow School. He became a Canon of Westminster, Nov. 1844, and subsequently Archdeacon, and was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln 24 Feb. 1869. The mother was second dau. of George Frere, of Twyford House, Herts, Esq., by Elizabeth-Raper, only dau. of William Grant, of Rothiemurchus, co. Inverness, M.D., and was married 6 Dec. 1838. See the baptisms of two other children, 25 Apl. 1848, and 21 July 1852. This daughter had been privately baptized at Leamington, 22 Mch. preceding, and was now received into the Church. She was living in 1870. ¹ See his brother's baptism 7 Mch. 1844, and note thereto. He was at this date received into the Church, having been previously baptized at Ardeley, Herts. He died 17 June 1864, and was buried at Tunbridge Wells. 2 See his sister's baptism 16 Aug. 1845, and note thereto. He became a Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, and in 1870 Fellow of St. Peter's College, in that University. 3 The father was son of Lieut.-Gen. Edmund-Riley Cope, by Maria dau. of James Furber, Esq., and was born 27 Feb. 1811. He was a Minor Canon of Westminster from 1842 to 1853, and succeeded his kinsman Sir John Cope (see his baptism 17 Aug. 1768) as twelfth Bart. of Hanwell, co. Oxford, 18 Nov. 1851. He was living, 1874, at Bramshill Park, Hants. The mother was fourth dau. of Henry Garnett, of Green Park, co. Meath, Esq. She was married 12 Aug. 1834, and died in 1862. This daughter was living in 1870. Sec her brother's burial 28 July 1843. 4 The father eldest son of Rev. Henry-George Liddell (second son of Sir Henry-George Liddell, fifth Bart. of Ravensholme Castle, Durham, and younger brother of Thomas-Henry first Lord Ravensworth), Rector of Easington, Durham, by Charlotte dau. of the Hon. Thomas Lyon, third son of Thomas, eighth Earl of Strathmore, and was born at Binchester, near Bishop Auck- land, Durham, 6 Feb. 1811. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 9 May, 1829, and was B.A. 25 May 1833, M.A. 29 Oct. 1835, and B.D. and D.D., by accumulation, 10 Oct. 1855. He was Tutor of Christ Church form 1835 to 1846, and became Head Master of Westminster School in Sep. 1846, Dean of Christ Church 30 June 1855, and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford 8 Oct. 1870. He was Chaplain to the late Prince Consort, and is Honorary Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. The mother second dau. of James Reeve, of North End, Lowestoft, Suffolk, Esq., by Lorina, dau. of John Farr, of Cove Hall, in the same county, Esq., and was born Mch. 1826. They were married at Lowestoft, 23 July 1846. This daughter was married at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, 7 Feb. 1874, to William - Baillie Skene, of Pitlour, Fifeshire, Esq. See the baptisms of two other children, 24 Feb. 1851 and 17 June 1852. 5 See his brother's baptism 7 Mch. 1844, and note thercto. He died in Dec. 1852, and was buried at Shoreham, Kent. • See his sister's baptism 20 June 1849, and note thereto. He died, at Westminster, 27 Nov. 1853. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 99 1851 June 20 John-Herman, son of the Rev. Charles Merivale, Clerk, Rector of Lawford, co. Essex, and Judith-Mary-Sophia his wife (late Frere, spinster: born May 19th).¹ July 4 Walter-William, son of Charles-William Strickland, of Dean's Yard, Barrister-at-Law, and Georgina-Selina - Septimia his wife (born May 19th).2 Sept. 30 Margaret-Mair, daughter of the Rev. John-Clarke Haden, Pre- centor of this Church, and Sarah his wife: (born Aug. 8th).3 Dec. 13 Harriette-Charlotte-Agnes, daughter of the Rev. William Cureton, Canon of this Church, and Harriet his wife: (born Oct. 16th).4 1852 June 17 Alice-Pleasance, daughter of the Rev. Henry-George Liddell and Lorina-Hannah his wife (born May 4th).5 July 21 Dora, daughter of the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth, D.D., Canon, etc., and Susanna-Hatley his wife: (born June 21st).6 1 The father second son of John-Herman Merivale, of Barton Place, Devon, Esq.. by Louisa- Heath, dau. of the Rev. Joseph Drury, D.D., of Cockwood House. Devon, and was born in 1808. He was of St. John's College, Cambridge, A.B. 1830, A.M. 1833, and S.T.B. 1840. He became Rector of Lawford, Essex, 1848; Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons. 1863; and Dean of Ely, 1869. The mother fourth dau, of George Frere, of Twyford House, Herts. Esq., and younger sister of Mrs. Wordsworth, wife of the Bishop of Lincoln (see note to the baptism of her dau. 16 Aug. 1845). She was born 1817, and married 1850. This son was living in 1869, having just completed his course at Winchester School. 2 The father eldest son of Sir George Strickland, seventh Bart. of Boynton, co. York (who assumed in 1865 the surname of Cholmley), by his first wife. Mary, only child of the Rev. Charles Constable, of Wassand, co. York, and was born in 1819. He was of Trinity College, Cambridge, where A.B. 1842 and A.M. 1847, and was called to the Bar in the latter year. The mother dau. of Sir William-Mordaunt-Sturt Milner, fourth Bart. of Nun-Appleton, co. York, by his second wife, Harrict-Elizabeth, dau. of Lord Edward-Charles Cavendish-Bentinck. They were married 19 Feb. 1850, and she died in 1864. Her husband remarried, 22 May 1866, Anne-Elizabeth, youngest dau. of the Rev. Christopher Nevile, of Thorney Hall, Notts. 3 The father of Corpus Christi College. Cambridge, where A.B. 1828, and A.M. 1831. He became Priest in Ordinary to the late King, and afterwards to her present Majesty. In 1834 he was appointed Minor Canon of St. Paul's, but subsequently resigned, and in 1846 became Minor Canon and Preccutor of Westminster. He was also rector of Hutton, near Brentwood. Essex, from 1839 until his death. He died at Chalfont St. Giles, co. Bucks, 29 Oct. 1869, aged 64. The mother was dau. of John Mair, of Nightingales, Bucks, Esq.. and was living in 1872. Sce the baptisms of other children 10 Nov. 1853, 5 Dec. 1855, and 20 June 1857. This dau. was mar- ried at Chalfont St. Giles, 30 Apl, 1872, to the Rev. Arthur-James Richards, Rector of Plumstead, Norfolk, fourth son of the Rev. Edward-Tew Richards. Rector of Farlington, Hants. 4 The father eldest son of William Cureton, of Westbury. Shropshire. Esq., by Mary, dau. of Thomas Newcombe, of the same place, Esq., and was born at Westbury 15 June 1808. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 19 Oct. 1826, and was B.A. 18 Nov. 1830, M..A. 30 May 1833, and D.D. 1858. He became a Canon of Westminster and Rector of St. Margaret's, West- minster, in 1849, and was Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. He died 17 June 1864. and was buried at Alberbury, in Shropshire. The mother eldest dau. of Edward Blore, Esq., D.C.L. and F.R.S. (the eminent architect), by Sarah-Anne, dau, of the Rev. William Hodges, Vicar of Mattersey, Notts, and was born in Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square, 8 July 1821. She was married, at Marylebone church, 9 May 1843, and was living, as well as this daughter, Dec. 1870. See baptisms of other children, 29 June 1853, 1 May 1855, 1 Apl. 1857, 2 Dec. 1858, and 19 May 1864. 5 See her sister's baptism 20 June 1849, and note thereto. 6 See her sister's baptism 16 Aug. 1845, and note thereto. She was living Dec. 1870. She was living in 1870. 100 BAPTISMS IN 1852 July 31 Louisa-Charlotte-Temple, daughter of Robert-Temple Frere, Physician, of No. 9 Queen Street, May Fair, St. George's, Hanover Square, and Theresa - Arabella - Fanny his wife: (born July 3rd).¹ Dec. 22 22 Beatrice - Jane - Temple, daughter of the Rev. Henry-Temple Frere, of Palgrave, co. Suffolk, Clerk, and Sarah-Maria-Heath his wife (born July 11th).2 Bouverie-William, son of the Rev. George-Herbert Repton, Minor Canon, and Lady Annabella-Cecilia his wife: (born Oct. 17th).3 1853 June 29 Algernon-Bentinck, son of the Rev. William Cureton, Canon, etc., and Harriet his wife: (born June 2nd).4 July 21 Walter-Edward, son of Edward-Copleston Buckland, Esq. (the Deanery), and Rose-Mary his wife: (born June 22nd).5 Nov. 10 John-Harry, son of the Rev. John-Clarke Haden, Precentor, and Sarah his wife (born Aug. 25th).6 : 1854 Sept. 14 Mary-Ellen, daughter of Edward-Copleston Buckland, Esq., and Rose-Mary his wife: (born Aug. 9th).7 1855 Jan. 2 Amy-Louisa, daughter of the Rev. Charles-Maddock Arnold, of Clapham, co. Surrey, Minor Canon of this Church, and Jane May Dec. his wife (born Nov. 10th, 1854).8 : 1 Margaret-Mary, daughter of the Rev. William Cureton, Canon, etc., and Harriet his wife: (born March 14th).⁹ 5 Algernon-Ormerod, son of the Rev. John-Clarke Haden, Pre- centor, and Sarah his wife: (born Oct. 19th).10 ¹ The father, born 17 Jan. 1820, was second but eldest surviving son of the Rev. Temple Frere, Prebendary of Westminster, by Janc, eldest dau. of Sir Richard Richards, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and elder brother of the Rev. Henry-Temple Frere mentioned in the following entry. The mother was his first wife, and dau. of the Rev. William Dowell, of Swaffham, co. Norfolk. This daughter was living in 1869. See her sister's baptism 17 Feb. 1857. 2 The father, born 1821, was youngest surviving brother of Dr. Robert-Temple Frere men- tioned in the preceding entry. He became Rector of Burston, co. Norfolk, 1854, and was living in 1870. The mother was eldest dau. of William-Heath Jary, of Blofield Lodge, South Walsham, co. Norfolk, Esq., and was married in 1851. This daughter was living in 1869. See her sister's baptism 27 May 1856. 3 See his brother's baptism 7 Mch. 1844, and note thereto. He was living Jan. 1871. 4 Sec his sister's baptism 13 Dec. 1851, and note thereto. He died 28 July 1854, and was buried at Westbury, in Shropshire. ↳ The father second son of the Very Rev. William Buckland, late Dean of Westminster, by Mary, dau. of Benjamin Morland, of Abingdon, Berks, Esq. He was born 14 May and baptized at Christ Church, Oxford, 1 Aug. 1828. The mother dau. of the late John Walter, Esq. and Sarah his wife, and was born at Belgrave House, Pimlico, 8 May 1823. They were married at St. Peter's, Eaton Square, 26 Aug. 1852, and were both living, as well as this son, in 1870. the baptisms of his sister and brother, 14 Sep. 1854 and 2 Jan. 1856. Sce his sister's baptism 30 Sep. 1851, and note thereto. He was living in 1872. 7 Sec her brother's baptism 21 July 1853, and note thereto. She was living in 1870. Sce 8 The father was of St. John's College, Cambridge, A.B. 1839, and A.M. 1842. He became Incumbent of St. Mark's, South Norwood, Surrey, in 1859, and was living in 1870. 9 Sec her sister's baptism 13 Dec. 1851, and note thereto. 10 Sec his sister's baptism 30 Sep. 1851, and note thereto. She was living Dec. 1870. He was living in 1872. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 101 1856 Jan. 2 Herbert-William, son of Edward-Copleston Buckland, Esq., and Rose-Mary his wife: (born Nov. 18th, 1855).¹ May 27 Mildred-Alice-Temple, daughter of the Rev. Henry-Temple Frere, Clerk, (Rector) of Burston, co. Norfolk, and Sarah- Maria-Heath his wife: (born April 13th).2 Nov. 10 Henrietta-Anna-Louisa, daughter of (the Rev.) Thomas-William Weare, Second Master of Westminster School, and Louisa- Emma-Mary his wife: (born Oct. 10th).3 1857 Feb. 17 Mary-Margaret-Temple, daughter of Robert-Temple Frere, Physician (9 Queen Street, May Fair), and Theresa-Arabella- Fanny his wife: (born Dec. 27th, 1856).* Feb. 17 Ethel, daughter of the Rev. John-William Dolignon, Clerk, (Rector) of Hilborough, co. Norfolk, and Emily his wife: (born Dec. 28th, 1856.)5 March 12 Cecil-Cope, son of (the Rev.) George-Herbert Repton, Minor Canon, and the Lady Annabella-Cecilia his wife: (born Dec. 24th, 1856). April 6 1 Emily-Blanche, daughter of the Rev. William Cureton, Canon, etc., and Harriet his wife: (born Feb. 14th).7 June 20 20 Marion, daughter of the Rev. John-Clarke Haden, Precentor, and Sarah his wife (born March 9th).8 : 1858 Feb. 16 Esther-Katharine-Clinton, daughter of Thomas-William Weare, Second Master of Westminster School, and Louisa-Emma- Mary his wife.9 1859 1 Dec. 2 Anna-Maud, daughter of William Cureton, Canon, and Harriet his wife.10 Jan. 18 Cecil-North, son of Charles-Maddock Arnold, Minor Canon, (the Cloisters), and Jane his wife: (born Sept. 23rd, 1858, at Norwood, co. Surrey).11 Jan. 24 Hilda, daughter of (the Rev.) Robert Barnby, Vicar Choral, and Sarah-Ann his wife: (born at the Cloisters Sept. 21st, 1858).12 ¹ See his brother's baptism 21 July 1853, and note thereto. He was living in 1870. 2 See her sister's baptism 31 July 1852, and note thereto. 3 Sec her mother's baptism 15 May 1819, and note thereto. 4 See her sister's baptism 31 July 1852, and note thereto. buried at Roydon, co. Norfolk. She was living in 1869. She was living in 1870. She died 1 July 1861, and was 5 The father matriculated at Oxford, from Balliol College, 6 July 1832, aged 19, as only son of the Rev. John Dolignon, of Hilborough, co. Norfolk, and was B.A. 9 June 1836. He became In- cumbent of East and West Looc, Cornwall, in 1858, but resigned in 1869. The mother dau. of the Rev. George Montagu, Rector of South Pickenham, Norfolk, by Emily, fourth dau. of the Rev. William Yonge, Archdeacon of Norwich. They were married in 1852, and were both living, as well as this daughter, in 1870, at Swaffham, Norfolk. 6 See his brother's baptism 7 March 1844, and note thereto. He was living Jan. 1871. 7 See her sister's baptism 13 Dec. 1851, and note thereto. She was living Dec. 1870. • See her sister's baptism 30 Sep. 1851, and note thereto. She was living in 1872. 9 See her mother's baptism 15 May 1819, and note thereto. She was living in 1870. 10 See her sister's baptism 13 Dec. 1851, and note thereto. same year, and was living Dec. 1870. Sce his sister's baptism 2 Jan. 1855, and note thereto, 12 See her sister's baptism 18 June 1864. She was born 20 July in the 102 BAPTISMS IN 1859 March 12 Edwin-Thomas-Clinton, son of (the Rev.) Thomas-William Weare, Second Master of Westminster School, and Louisa- Emma-Mary his wife (born Fynes-Clinton): (born Feb. 12th).¹ 1860 April 4 Francis-Walter, son of Walter-Charles Montagu-Douglas-Scott (third son of Walter-Francis, Duke of Buccleuch and Queens- berry), and Anna-Maria his wife: (born March 5th, at 37 Belgrave Square).2 June 12 George-Mulgrave, son of George-Herbert Repton, Minor Canon, and the Lady Annabella-Cecilia his wife.³ Sept. 11 Arthur-John, son of John Foster, of Wandsworth, co. Surrey, Gent., and Amy his wife: (born May 22nd). 1861 March 4 Walter-Henry, son of William-Henry-Walter Montagu-Douglas- Scott (commonly called Earl of Dalkeith) and Louisa-Jane his wife (born Jan. 17th, at 37 Belgrave Square).4 : 1862 May 3 Margaret-Isabel-Wray, daughter of Samuel-Flood Jones, Minor Canon of this Church, and Catherine his wife: (born March 31st).5 July 19 Charles-Henry, son of Walter-Charles Montagu-Douglas-Scott [ut supra] and Anna-Maria his wife.6 Aug. 28 Charles-Frederick, son of Henry-Manning Ingram, Under- Master of Westminster School, and Mary his wife." ¹ See his mother's baptism 15 May 1819, and note thereto. He was living in 1870. 2 The father third son of Walter-Francis, fifth Duke of Buccleuch and seventh of Queens- berry, by Lady Charlotte-Anne Thynne, youngest dau. of Thomas, second Marquis of Bath, and was born Mch. 1834. The mother fourth dau. of Sir William-Edmund Cradock-Hartopp, third Bart. of Freathby, co. Leicester, by Jane-Mary, eldest dau. of Henry-Bloomfield Keene, Esq., of Ireland. They were married 7 Oct. 1858. See the baptisms of his brothers and sister, 19 July 1862, 31 Aug. 1865, and 11 Nov. 1870. 3 See his brother's baptism 7 Mch. 1844, and note thereto. He was born 6 May preceding, died Feb. 1862, and was buried at Torquay. 4 The father eldest son of Walter-Francis, fifth Duke of Buccleuch and seventh of Queens- berry, by Lady Charlotte-Anne Thynne, youngest dau. of Thomas, second Marquis of Bath, and was born 9 Sep. 1831. The mother third dau. of James Hamilton, second Marquis of Abercorn, by Lady Louisa-Jane Russell, second dau. of John, sixth Duke of Bedford. They were married 22 Nov. 1859. See the baptisms of his brothers and sister, 21 May 1864, 9 Jan. 1873, and 4 May 1875. 5 The father third son of William Jones, Esq., Secretary to the Religious Tract Society, and a Solicitor, by Maria, dau. of Richard Cooper, of co. Surrey, Esq., and was born in the parish of Christ-Church, Surrey, 3 Oct. 1826. He matriculated at Oxford, from Pembroke College, 23 Feb. 1848, and was B.A. 1851, and M.A. 1854. He became Incumbent of St. Matthew's, Spring Gardens, Westminster, Nov. 1854; Lecturer at Bow, Midx., May 1858; Minor Canon of Westminster, Feb. 1859, Precentor of the same Nov. 1869, and the same month Priest in Ordinary to Her Majesty. The mother dau. of the late John Wray, Esq., Receiver-General of the Metropolitan Police, by Ann, youngest dau. and coheir of John Cox, of Peterborough, Esq., and was born 24 May 1828, in Suffolk Place, Pall Mall. They were married at St. Martin in the Fields, 29 Apl. 1856, and were both living, as well as this daughter, Dec. 1870. 6 Sec his brother's baptism 4 Apl. 1860, and note thereto. 7 He was born the 20th of the same month. The father eldest son of Hugh Ingram, Esq., of Steyning, Sussex, J.P. and D.L. of that county, by Mary, youngest dau. of the Rev. Stileman Bostock, Vicar of East Grinstead and of Felbridge Chapelry, in the same county, and was born at Steyning 2 Aug. 1824. He was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1839, and elected WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 103 1864 May 19 19 Marian-Louise, daughter of William Cureton, Canon, etc., and Harriet his wife.¹ May 21 John-Charles, son of William-Henry-Walter Montagu-Douglas- Scott (commonly called Earl of Dalkeith) and Louisa-Jane his wife (born March 30th, at Hamilton Place, co. Middlesex).2 Enia-Frances, daughter of Robert Barnby, Vicar Choral, and Sarah-Ann his wife: (born April 8th).3 June 18 18 June 28 Florence-Ada, daughter of James-Edward McConnell, Engineer, 2 Dean's Yard, Westminster, and Charlotte-Bowton his wife: (born April 8th). Sept. 28 Constance-Eleanor, daughter of Eustace-John-Wilson Patten, Captain 1st Life Guards, and Emily-Constantia his wife: (born Aug. 25th, at 24 Hill Street, Berkeley Square).* Nov. 15 Francis-Manning, son of Henry-Manning Ingram, Under Master of Westminster School, and Mary his wife.5 1865 Jan. 5 Frances-Elizabeth-Jane, daughter of Benjamin Waters, Butler to the Dean, and Mary his wife.6 Jan. 14 Eloisa-Margaret, daughter of Benjamin-Fuller James, Assistant Master of Westminster School, and Eloisa-Mary his wife.7 Aug. 31 Evelyn-Mary, daughter of Walter-Charles Montagu-Douglas- Scott [ut supra] and Anna-Maria his wife.8 Aug. 31 Marcia-Selina-Helena, daughter of Francis-John Thynne, Esq., 48 Grosvenor Place, St. George's, Hanover Square, and Edith- Marcia-Caroline his wife.9 Sept. 2 Edward-Greaves, son of Stephen Salter, Architect, 2 Great College Street, Westminster, and Celia his wife: (born July 21st).10 to Cambridge in 1843, where A.B. 1847 and A.M. 1850. He was ordained Priest Nov. 1851, and became Second Master of Westminster School 2 July 1861. The mother eldest dau. of George- Abraham Crawley, of Fitzroy Farm, Highgate, Midx., and of Whitehall Place, London, Esq., by Caroline, third dau. of David Powell, of Loughton, Essex, Esq., and was born 5 Dec. 1827, in Gower Street, London. They were married, at St. Anne's Church, Highgate Rise, Midx., 31 Aug. 1859, and were both living, as well as this son, Dec. 1870. See baptisms of other children 15 Nov. 1864, 18 Mch. 1866, 31 Mch. 1869, and 6 Sep. 1871. Sce her sister's baptism 13 Dec. 1851, and note thereto. She was born the preceding 21st Feb., and was living Dec. 1870. 2 See his brother's baptism 4 Mch. 1861, and note thereto. 3 See her sister's baptism 24 Jan. 1859. 4 See the marriage of her parents 12 Aug. 1863. She was living in 1870. See his brother's baptism 28 Aug. 1862, and note thereto. He was born the 6th of the same month, and was living Dec. 1870. 6 Posthumous child, the father having died 21 Sept. previous. The mother a dau. of Thomas Parkinson of Fishwick, near Preston, Lancashire. Both still living at the Deanery in 1871. Two other children died within a week of their father's death, and were buried with him in Holywell Cemetery, Oxford. 7 See her sister's baptism 2 Feb. 1874. 8 See her brother's baptism 4 Apl. 1860, and note thereto. 9 See the marriage of her parents 30 June 1864. She was living in 1870. 10 The father son of Stephen Salter, senior, of Hammersmith, Midx., Architectural Modeller, by Martha, dau. of Robert Aldridge, of Maidenhead, Berks, Esq., and was born at St. Alban's, 104 BAPTISMS IN 1865 Oct. 16 Evan-Alcock, son of Evan-Colville Nepean, Esq., of Mitcham Common, co. Surrey, and Elizabeth-Anne his wife: (born Sept. 13th).¹ 1866 March 12 Cecil-Victoria-Constance, daughter of Schomberg-Henry Kerr (second son of John-William-Robert, Marquis of Lothian), Montagu House, Whitehall, and Victoria-Alexandrina his wife: (born Feb. 14th).2 March 18 Anne-Caroline and Robert-Antony, daughter and son of Henry- Manning Ingram, Under Master of Westminster School, and Mary his wife: (born Feb. 11th).3 July 17 17 John-Walter-Edward, son of Henry-John Montagu-Douglas- Scott (second son of Walter-Francis, Duke of Buccleuch, etc.) and Cicely-Susan his wife: (born June 10th, at 3 Tilney Street).* Sept. 4 Emma-Julia-Vivian, daughter of Charles-St. Clare Bedford, Chapter Clerk, 21 Dean's Yard, Close of Westminster, and Harriet-Emma his wife.5 1867 April 3 Elizabeth-Margery-Bruce, daughter of Thomas-Charles Bruce, Esq., 12 Hertford Street, May Fair, and Sarah-Caroline his wife.6 June 6 Bevil-Granville-Carteret, son of Francis-John Thynne, Esq., Haynes Park, co. Beds, and Edith-Marcia-Caroline his wife." Aug. 26 Robert-Henry, son of Henry-John Montagu-Douglas - Scott Herts, 14 Apl. 1826. The mother dau. of William Williams, of Totnes, Devon, Esq. They were married, at St. David's, Exeter, 11 June 1857, and were both living in 1870. This son died 20 Apl. 1867, and was buried in Highgate Cemetery. ¹ See the marriage of his parents 9 Nov. 1864. He was living in 1870. 2 The father second son of John-William-Robert, seventh Marquis of Lothian, by Lady Cecil-Chetwynd Talbot, dau. of Charles-Chetwynd, second Earl Talbot, and was born 2 Dec. 1833. The mother eldest dau. of Walter-Francis, fifth Duke of Buccleuch and seventh of Queensberry, by Lady Charotte-Anne Thynne, youngest dau. of Thomas, second Marquis of Bath, and was born 20 Nov. 1844. They were married in 1865. 3 See their brother's baptism 28 Aug. 1862, and note thereto. They were both living Dec. 1870. 4 See the marriage of his parents 1 Aug. 1865. 5 See note to a baptism 26 Nov. 1822. Mr. Bedford, therein mentioned, remarried, 6 Aug. 1861, at Christ Church, Marylebone, Harrict-Emma, dau. of Robert-Edwards Broughton, Esq., Metropolitan Police Magistrate, by Caroline-Louisa, fourth dau. of John Deschamps, Esq. (who took the surname of Chamier by Royal license dated 20 Oct. 1780), descended maternally from the eminent Daniel Chamier, Minister of the Reformed Church. This daughter, the issue of this marriage, was born the preceding 28 July, and was living in 1870. 6 The father fourth and youngest but only surviving son of Thomas, seventh Earl of Elgin and cleventh of Kincardine, by his second wife, Elizabeth, youngest dau. of James-Townsend Oswald, of Dunnikeir, co. Fife, Esq. He was born 15 Feb. 1825, and is M.P. for Portsmouth, and a Barrister-at-Law, of Lincoln's Inn, having been called to the Bar in 1854. The mother eldest dau. of Thomas Thornhill, of Riddlesworth, co. Norfolk, Esq., where they were married 19 Nov. 1863. By an inadvertence this child's Christian names were wrongly entered in the Register. The names intended to be given her were simply "Elizabeth-Marjorie." See her sister's baptism 25 July 1871. 7 See the marriage of his parents 30 June 1864. He was living in 1870. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 105 [ut supra], 3 Tilney Street, Park Lane, and Cicily-Susan his wife.1 1867 Nov. 27 John-Alfred, son of Eustace-John Wilson-Patten, Capt. 1st Life Guards, 12 John Street, Berkeley Square, and Emily-Constantia his wife.2 1868 April 23 Reginald-William, son of Reginald-Garton Wilberforce, Esq., Lavington House, Petworth, Sussex, and Anna-Maria hist wife.3 April 27 Francis - Molyneux-Yorke, son of Herbert-Augustus - Tierney Nepean, Capt. in H. M.'s Army, Queen Square, Westminster, and Alice his wife.¹ May 25 Algernon-Carteret, son of Francis-John Thynne, Esq., Haynes Park, co. Beds, and Edith-Marcia-Caroline his wife.5 Aug. 15 Rachel-Cecily, daughter of Henry-John Montagu-Douglas-Scott [ut supra] and Cecily-Susan his wife.6 1869 March 2 Catherine-Mansel, daughter of Evan-Colville Nepean, Esq., Cloisters, and Elizabeth-Anne.7 March 31 Arthur-David, son of Henry-Manning Ingram, Under-Master of Westminster School, Little Dean's Yard, and Mary.8 1870 March 8 Molyneux-Edward, son of Evan-Colville Nepean, Esq., 29 Talbot Road, Paddington, and Elizabeth-Anne.9 June 25 Evelyn-Louisa, daughter of Eustace-John Wilson-Patten, late Capt. 1st Life Guards, 33 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, and Emily-Constantia.10 July 12 Jone-Catherine-Victoria, daughter of William-Victor Paley, Esq., Eaton Square, and Augusta-Harriet.¹¹ Nov. 11 Walter-George-Leon, son of Walter-Charles Montagu-Douglas- Scott (third son of Walter-Francis, Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry), Montagu House, Whitehall, and Anna-Maria.12 1 See the marriage of his parents 1 Aug. 1865. 2 He was born the preceding 24 Oct., and was living in 1870. See the marriage of his parents 12 Aug. 1863. 3 The father second but eldest surviving son of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Winchester, by Emily, eldest dau. of the Rev. John Sargent, of Wool-Lavington, co. Sussex, and was born 23 Jan. 1838. The mother fourth but third surviving dau. of Richard Denman, Esq., (third son of Thomas, first Lord Denman), by Emma, youngest dau. of Hugh Jones, of Lark Hill, co. Lancaster, Esq., and was born 8 Sep. 1848. They were married 16 July 1867, and were both living in 1870, as well as this son, who was born 28 Mch. 1868. See the burial of his great- grandfather 3 Aug. 1833. 4 The father third son of the Rev. Evan Nepean, M.A., Canon of Westminster, etc. (see note to his sister's marriage 18 June 1862). The mother dau. of Major-General James-Waller Bayley, of the Madras Army. This child was living in 1870. 5 See the marriage of his parents 30 June 1864. He was living in 1870. 6 See the marriage of her parents 1 Aug. 1865. 7 See the marriage of her parents 9 Nov. 1864. She was living in 1870. 8 See his brother's baptism 28 Aug. 1862, and note thereto. He was born on the 3rd of the same month, and was living Dec. 1870. 9 See the marriage of his parents 9 Nov. 1864. 10 She was born the preceding 26 May. See the marriage of her parents 12 Aug. 1863. 11 See the marriage of her parents 27 July 1869. 12 See his brother's baptism 4 Apl. 1860, and note thereto. Р 106 BAPTISMS IN 1870 Nov. 22 Emily-Florence, daughter of IIenry-George-Lewis Crichton (son of the Earl of Ernc), Lieut. 10th Hussars, 95 Eaton Square, St. George's, Hanover Square, and Grace-Letitia.¹ 1 1871 March 4 Arthur-Frederick, son of Evan-Colville Nepean, Esq., 29 Talbot Road, Paddington, and Elizabeth-Anne.2 July 25 Augusta-Mary, daughter of Thomas-Charles Bruce, Barrister-at- Law, 40 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, and Sarah-Caroline.³ Sept. 6 Edith-Mary, daughter of Henry-Manning Ingram, Under-Master of Westminster School, Little Dean's Yard, and Mary.* Nov. 28 Emilia-Christian, daughter of Robert-George Gaussen, Esq., Brookmans, Herts, and Selina.5 1872 March 13 Claud-Frederick-William, son of Arthur-John-Edward Russell, 10 South Audley Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, and Laura. July 6 Edith-Sybil-Mary, daughter of George-Henry Finch, Esq., 17 Queen Square, Westminster, and Edith. Nov. 30 Joan-Emily-Mary, daughter of John-Charles Thynne, Barrister- at-Law, Cloisters, and Mary-Elizabeth." 1873 Jan. 9 Herbert-Andrew, son of William - Henry-Walter Montagu- Douglas-Scott, commonly called Earl of Dalkeith, Hamilton Place, St. George's, Hanover Square, and Louisa-Jane.7 March 7 James-Francis, son of Henry-John Montagu-Douglas-Scott, M.P. (second son of Walter-Francis, Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G.), 3 Tilney Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, and Cecily-Susan.8 March 31 Margaret-Carteret, daughter of Francis-John Thynne, Esq., Turvey, Beds, and Edith-Marcia-Caroline.9 May 26 Edith-Margaret, daughter of George-Edgar Frere, Solicitor, 48 Bedford Gardens, Kensington, and Adelaide-Mary. Oct. 2 James-Daniel-Bird, son of Jacob-Day Otis, Merchant, New York, U.S., and Eleanor-Chipp. Oct. 15 Francis-Leslie-Matthew, son of Matthew Forster, Barrister-at- Law, 18 St. James Place, St. James, Westminster, and Amy- Leslie. 1 The father third and youngest son of Sir John Crichton, third Earl of Erne, and the mother dau. of Major Cole Hamilton, of Beltrim Castle, co. Tyronc, who were married in Aug. 1869. This child was born 25 Oct. 1870. See a baptism 28 Nov. 1871. 2 See the marriage of his parents 9 Nov. 1864. 3 She was born 9 June. See her sister's baptism 3 Apl. 1867, and note thereto. 4 Sce her brother's baptism 28 Aug. 1862, and note thereto. The father, late a Captain in the Grenadier Guards, eldest son of Robert-William Gaussen, of Brookman's Park, Herts, Esq., and born 14 June 1843. The mother dau. of Major Cole Hamilton, of Beltrim Castle, co. Tyrone. They were married, at Crum Castle, Fermanagh, the scat of the Earl of Erne, 31 Dec. 1870. See a baptism 22 Nov. 1870. 6 See the marriage of her parents 25 Apl. 1871. 7 See his brother's baptism 4 Mch. 1861, and note thereto. 8 See the marriage of his parents 1 Aug. 1865. • See the marriage of her parents 30 June 1864. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 107 1 1874 Jan. Jan. 8 Louis-Arthur-Frederick, son of Henry Weigall, Esq., 35 Bryan- ston Square, and Rose-Sophia-Mary.¹ 22 Geoffrey-Charles, son of John-Charles Thynne, Esq., Barrister- at-Law, Little Cloisters, and Mary-Elizabeth.2 Feb. 2 Dorothea-Mary-Katherine, daughter of Benjamin-Fuller James, Clerk in Orders, Assistant Master of Westminster School, 1 Little Dean's Yard, and Eloisa-Mary-Angela.3 1875 Feb. 11 Lionel-Charles, son of John-Charles Thynne, Esq., Barrister-at- Law, Little Cloisters, and Mary-Elizabeth.4 May 4 Katherine-Mary, daughter of William-Henry-Walter Montagu- Douglas-Scott, commonly called Earl of Dalkeith, Hamilton Place, St. George's, Hanover Square, and Louisa-Jane.5 1 See the marriage of his parents 15 Aug. 1866. 2 See the marriage of his parents 25 Apl. 1871. 3 See her sister's baptism 14 Jan, 1865. 4 See the marriage of his parents 25 Apl. 1871. 5 See her brother's baptism 4 Mch. 1861, and note thereto. ( 108 ) Burials in Westminster Abbey. [There are two distinct sets of Burials recorded in the Registers, from the commence- ment down to the end of the year 1812, after which the entries are made in- discriminately. The first set is thus prefaced: "BURIALLS IN THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF ST. PETER'S, WESTMINSTER, AND THE CHAPPELLS THEREOF." The other is headed simply "BURIALS IN THE CLOISTERS." For greater convenience, both sets are here incorporated in one unbroken chronological arrangement.] 160% [Jan.] (-) The Lady Hunsdon, wife to Henry Carew, Lord Hunsdon,¹ dyed Jan. 19, 1606, and was buried in St. John Baptist's Chapel, where lyeth also the Lord Hunsdon. 1607 Nov. 23 Dec. 16 John Winterborne, Verger: 2 [Cloisters]. Mary, the daughter of King James: in King Henry 7th's Chapel. ¹ Anne, dau. of Sir Thomas Morgan, of Arkeston, co. Hereford, Kt., by Anne, dau. of John Whitney, of Whitney, co. Gloucester. She was the relict of Sir Henry Carey, K.G., first Lord Hunsdon, who died 23 July 1596, and was also buried in the Abbey. Her will, dated the 10th, was proved 22 Jan. 1606-7. 2 He had a joint patent as l'orter of the Lower Gate 4 Dec. 1598, and a patent as Verger 4 Dec. 1599 (Chapter Book). Dean Goodman mentioned him in his will, dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, as one of his nearest and most faithful servants. He married (Mar. Lic. D. and C. Westminster 8 Feb. 1593-4) Elizabeth Lodge, of Westminster, widow, whose maiden name, from his will, appears to have been Wilson. (She survived him, and remarried, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 June 1608, Hearsey Normanvill, of St. Clement Danes, Gent.) His will, dated 26 Aug. 1606, was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 1 Dec. 1607, and its contents indicate that he was a Yorkshireman. (See the burials of John and Richard Blackborne, 8 Jan. 1608-9 and 28 May 1610, who were his nephews.) 3 Third dau. and sixth child of King James I. (see his burial 5 May 1625) by Anne of Denmark, dau. of King Frederick II. (see her burial 13 May 1619). There is an undoubted error in the date here given, and strangely perpetuated on this child's monument in the Abbey, which it is highly important to rectify. The inscription on the monument states that she died on this day, aged 2 years 5 months and 8 days. If this were so, her birth must have taken place on or about the 8th of July 1605. All the accounts, however, including contemporaneous MSS., state that she was born, at Greenwich, on the 8th or 9th of April in that year, and it seems im- possible that a discrepancy of three months could have arisen concerning a royal birth. On the other hand, if the age as stated on the monument be correct, she should have died on or about the 16th or 17th of September 1607, and the sixteenth of September is the date given by Camden in his Annals as that of her death; which is even more strictly in accordance with the monu- mental statement, as, in a MS. in the Bodleian Library (Smith, 103, p. 39), the time of her birth is given as about four o'clock in the morning, and she would thus have lived 2 years and 5 BURIALS IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 109 1608 Nov. 18 Francis Kenedy, grandchild to the Lord Chaundois :¹ in St. 8 March 20 1608 Jan. 1609 June 22 Aug. 29 Blase's Chapel. John Blackborne, ye Scholars' Butler:" [Cloisters]. Catharine Stanly, 3rd daughter to the Earl of Derby :3 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. William Suttle:* [Cloisters]. Sir Francis Vere:5 in St. John Evang. Chapel. months, and at least have entered upon the eighth day of the next month. Howes, also, in his continuation of "Stow's Chronicle," gives the 16th of September as the date of her death, aud the 23rd of the same month as that of her burial. This testimony may be safely accepted; but there is also moral evidence equally as strong. On examining the histories, and especially the correspondence of that period, it will be found that during the Christmas holidays of 1607 the court presented a scene of unusual gaiety. Masques, and theatricals, and gambling were the order of the day-the King being very anxious to have a play on Christmas night, and the Queen losing £400 at cards on Twelfth Eve. Whatever may have been the vices of that court, and the morality of the period, it is simply impossible-if for no other reasons than those of court etiquette, but, it is to be hoped, for far better ones-that these things could have taken place, if the royal child had been dead and buried only nine days, or, as would have been more probable, as' was then lying a corpse in the palace. As the entry in the Register and the inscription on the monument now stand, any future historian would be justified in pointing to the apparent facts. as an evidence of the gross and outrageous immorality, and even inhumanity, of the royal parents, the court by which they were upheld, and the nation by which they were tolerated, and it is somewhat extraordinary that the manifest error has not before been detected and exposed. There can be little doubt that the transcriber of the old register misread December for Sep- tember, and that the present inscription on the monument was cut after the new register was in use, and the date taken therefrom. ¹ Son of Sir John Kennedy, of Scotland, Kt., by Elizabeth, eldest dau. and coheir of Giles Brydges third Lord Chandos, who are usually said to have had no issue. (Lady Kennedy subse- quently disputed the validity of her own marriage. l'articulars of the case will be found in a small volume printed in 1681, entitled The Connection; or, Choice Collections of Matters in the Reign of K. Jumes.) 2 Son of Christopher Blackborne, of Sharnford, co. Leicester, by Isabel, sister of John Winterborne (see his burial 23 Nov. 1607). He had a joint patent with his uncle Winterborne of the portership of the lower gate, 4 Dec. 1598, and a patent as one of the butlers of the College, 3 Dec. 1607 (Chapter Book). He is mentioned in Dean Goodman's will, dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, as one of his nearest and most faithful servants. He was married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 6 Apl. 1600, to Alice Phillips, but outlived her, and married again, as his nuncu- pative will, made 1 Jan. 1608-9, was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, on the 20th of the same month, by his relict Gertrude. See his brother's burial 28 May 1610. 3 Dau. of William Stanley, sixth Earl of Derby, by Lady Elizabeth de Verc, eldest dau. of Edward, seventeenth Earl of Oxford (see her burial 11 Mch. 1626-7). She died young. 4 His will, in which he is described as of Westminster, Yeoman, dated the 14th, was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 22 June 1609. It mentions his sister Ellen, and her dau. Anne, then wife of Nicholas Love; also his nephews and niece, Hugh, Thomas, Robert, and Frances Suttle (brothers and sister), and his cousins, Anne and Elizabeth Purkasc (sisters), and Anne and Mary Ramsay (sisters). He does not appear, from the records, to have held any position about the Abbey, but he left legacies to several of the minor officials on condition that they were permitted to bury him in the Cloisters. 5 Second son of Geoffrey de Vere (third son of John, fifteenth Earl of Oxford), by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Hardkyn, of Colchester, Essex, Kt. He was knighted in 1588, and was some- time Governor of the British Forces in the Netherlands. According to the inscription on his monument, he died on the 28th Aug., æt. 51. His widow administered to his estate on the 30th Aug., and in the record he is described as "late Captain of the town of Portsmouth, co. South- ampton." By his wife, Elizabeth Dent, dau. and coheir of a citizen of London, he had several children, who all died in his lifetime. Sec his brother's burial 8 May 1635. 110 BURIALS IN 1609 March 5 1610 April 29 May 28 1611 Sept. 6 1612 July 24 Dec. 8 1613 March 17 1613 July 3 .1 Lady Souch, wife of Sir Edward Souch ¹ [in the Abbey]. Thomas Middleton, Usher of the Frec School: 2 [in the Abbey]. Richard Blackborne, the College Under-Butler :3 [Cloisters]. Margaret, wife of Arthur Aggard: 4 [Cloisters]. John Williams, Caterer to the College :5 [Cloisters]. Henry, Prince of Wales; died Nov. 6th: under his grand- mother's monument.6 James Walker, a Cooke: [Cloisters]. Robert Stone, one of the gentlemen of the Chapel:8 [Cloisters]. ¹ Sir Edward Zouch, knighted at Whitehall 23 July 1603. was Knight Marshal of England in the reign of K. James I. The only wife hitherto assigned him was Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Middlemore, of Enfield, Midx., and sister of Mary Middlemore (see her burial 4 Jan. 1617-18). But be appears to have previously married. Among the marriage licenses granted by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster is one, dated 20 Dec. 1598, for Edward Zouche, of West- minster, Esq., and Elenor Brittayne, of the same parish, dau. of [blank] Brittayne, late of Cockingham, co. Norfolk, Esq., deceased, and they were married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, the following day. This was probably the lady named in the text. 2 Among the records of the Dean and Chapter is the probate of the will of Thomas Middleton, late of Westminster, Gent., dated 30 Apl. 1610, but the will itself is missing. The executors named were Lancelot Peacock and Francis Middleton.-A Thomas Middleton matricu- lated at Oxford, from Queen's College, Apl. 1598, aged 18, " Pleb. fil.," London.-One of this sur- name (whose Christian name has not been preserved) was Second Master of Westminster School from 1593 to 1610, and it is not improbable that this entry refers to him. 3 See his brother's burial 8 Jan. 1608-9, and note thereto. He had also a patent as bell- ringer 15 May 1609. The probate of his will is among the Chapter records, the executors being Henry Blackborne and William Cooke, but the will itself is missing. 4 Rightly Agard. The date in the text is probably incorrect. The inscription on the tablet to her memory and that of her husband, still on the wall of the East Cloister, has evidently been more than once recut, and is calculated only to mislead. It now states that she died Sept. 1610, in her 82nd year; that he was then living in his 71st; that he erected the tablet 14 Apl. 1611; and that he died in 1619, in his 80th year. But it is certain that he died in 1615 (see his burial 24 Aug. in that year), and it is probable that his age at his death, as stated in the inscription, was obtained by adding the difference between 1610 and 1619 to his age as stated at his wife's death. It may also be doubted that his wife was eleven years his senior, and is more probable that she died in her 62nd, instead of her 82nd year. The earliest copy of the inscription to be found is in Keep's Monumenta Westmonasteriensia, 1682. It was then evidently almost illegible, but the year of her death is given as 1610, which is probably correct, and accords with the statement that the tablet was put up in Apl. 1611. In a pedigree at the end of the Visitation of Stafford- hire, 1583, among the Gough MSS. in the Bodleian Library, she is called a daughter of George Butler, of Bedfordshire. 5 He had a patent as Clerk of the Kitchen 28 Apl. 1589. He is mentioned in Dean Goodman's will, dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, as one of his nearest and most faithful servants. His will was proved 28 Oct. 1612, by his relict Margaret, but is not to be found. His widow remarried (Mar. Lic. D. and C. Westminster, 8 Jan. 1612-13) John Dyer, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent. See the burial of his son 30 July 1624. 6 Henry-Frederick, cldest child of King James I. (see his burial 5 May 1625) by Anne of Denmark, dau. of King Frederick II. (see her burial 13 May 1619). He was born at Stirling 19 Feb. 1593-4, and was created Prince of Wales 4 June 1610. He died at St. James's Palace, and was buried under the monument of his grandmother, Mary Queen of Scots, whose remains had been brought from Scotland the previous month. 7 Administration was granted by the Court of the Commissary of the Bishop of London, 20 Mch. 1612-13, to Agnes, relict of James Walker, of St. Andrew's, Holborn. (Erroneously John in Collectanea). His will, as Robert Stone the clder, of Alfrington WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 111 1613 July 5 3 1612 Feb. 14 14 1614 [July] (-) Oct. (-) Nov. 16 Dec. 23 1614 March 20 William Cook, Clerk of the Kitchen: [Cloisters]. Ellis Bonner, the College Porter:1 [Cloisters]. Isaac Causabon; died July 8th: at the entrance of St. Benedict's Chapel.2 : The Marchionesse of Winchester in St. John Baptist's Chapel.3 Jane, wife of William Boughton, Esq. in the broad aisle, on the South side.¹ : Gabriel Brickhead, a College servant :5 [Cloisters]. David Roberts, one of the keepers of the monuments: 6 [Cloisters]. 1615 March (-) The Lady Catharine, wife to the Lord St. John, of Bletso: in St. Michael's Chapel.' [Alphington], co. Devon, Gent., dated 10 Sept. 1611, was proved 31 July 1613 by his son Joseph. He directed to be buried in Exeter Cathedral, wherein he was brought up in his childhood, and left £5 to the gentlemen his fellows and friends of H.M.'s Chapel, whereof he had long been a member. In his monumental inscription (preserved only in Le Neve's Mon. Ang.. i. 39) he is said to have been a Gent. of the Royal Chapel seventy years, and to have died 3 July 1613, aged 96. The Cheque Book says that he died 2 July, "of the age of 97 years." and describes him as "gospeller." See his son's burial 6 June 1617. ¹ Dean Goodman, in his will dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, gave him twenty shillings, as one of his nearest and most faithful servants. 2 Dr. Isaac Casaubon, the eminent scholar: son of Arnold Casaubon by his wife Jane (or Johanna) née Rousseau, and born 18 Feb. 1559-60, at Geneva. He came to England in Oct. 1610, and on the 17th Jan. following was made a Prebendary of Canterbury. He is usually said to have been also a Prebendary of Westminster, but no record of his appointment or installation appears in the Chapter Books. His will, dated 21 June, was proved 30 July 1614 by his relict (see her burial 11 Mch. 1635-6). The date in the text is probably that of his burial, as he is usually said to have died on the 1st of July, which is also the date on his monument. Camden, however, in his Annals, says that he died on the 30th of June. 3 Lady Lucy Cecil, second but eldest surviving dau. of Thomas, first Earl of Exeter (see his burial 10 Feb. 1622-3), by his first wife, Dorothy Nevill, second dau. and coheir of John, fourth Lord Latimer, and wife of William Paulet, fourth Marquis of Winchester (who died 4 Feb. 1628-9). Camden, in his Annals, says that she died the 1st of October. Her will, dated 3 Sep., was proved 12 Nov. 1614. 4 Relict of William Boughton, of Lawford, co. Warwick, Esq., who died about 1596. She was dau. of Humphrey Coningsby, of Hampton Court, co. Hereford, Esq., Gent. Pensioner to Q. Elizabeth, by Ann, dau. of Sir Thomas Englefield, Kt. Their grandson, William Boughton, Esq., was created a Baronet 4 Aug. 1641. See the burial of her dau., Mrs. Ann Fleet, 1 Sep. 1658. 5 Rightly Birkhead. A bequest in Dean Goodman's will, dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, reads thus : "To Gabriel Birkhead, my godson, who hath served me ever since he was a scholar, £8:6 : 8." His will, which is now missing, was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 13 Jan. 1614-15, by his relict Frances (see her burial, as Frances Bush, 9 Sep. 1641). He was probably son and grandson of the persons named in the following inscription on an old monument in the Cloisters, not now in existence, preserved by Camden in his Reges, Reginæ, etc., edit. 1606, p. 81, viz.:—“Heere vnder lieth Anne Birkhed, being 102 ycercs of age, who departed this life the 25 of August, Ann. Dom. 1568. And Christopher Birkhed her Sonne, being 77 ycercs of age, who departed this life the 20 of May, being Ascention day, an. do. 1595."-Christopher Byrkhed and Kath. Banyster were married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 17 Oct. 1569. 6 Letters of administration were granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 3 May 1615, on the estate of David Roberts, late of Westminster, Gent.. to Rice Williams, his uncle by the mother's side, who is frequently mentioned in wills of this period as Clerk of the Kitchen, i.e. to the College. 7 Dau. of Sir William Dormer, of Elthorpe, K.B., by his second wife, Dorothy, dau. of 112 BURIALS IN 1615 May 17 Aug. 24 Sept. 27 1618 March 9 March 24 1616 March 29 Anne, wife of John Bingly, Esq.:¹ [in the Abbey]. Arthur Aggard:2 [Cloisters]. The Lady Arbella, daughter to Charles, Earl of Levenox, and wife to William Seymour, and grandchild to the Earl of Hart- ford: buried near Henry, Prince of Wales.³ Francis Beumont: at the entrance of St. Benedict's Chapel.¹ John May, the College Porter 5 [Cloisters]. Two of the Earl of Arguyle's children: in St. John Baptist's Chapel.6 Anthony Catesby of Whiston, co. Northampton, Esq., and relict of John, second Lord St. John of Bletsoe, who died in 1596. She was sister of Sir Robert Dormer, Kt. and Bart., created Lord Dormer 30 June 1615. The entry is misplaced in the Register (probably in transcribing), coming after that of Francis Beaumont, 9 Mch. 1615-6. She died 23 Mch. 1614-5, according to her monument, and was buried, according to Camden's Annals, 25 Mch. 1615. Her will, dated 26 Aug. 1609, was proved 22 May 1615, by her only child, Lady Anne Howard (see her burial 8 June 1638). (6 ¹ Dau. of Thomas Henshaw, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London (called in one pedigree 'Silkman, and servant to K. James "), who died 11 Jan. 1611-12, by Flower his wife, dau. of John Goldsborough, of Yorkshire (Visitation of Essex, 1634, and Funeral Certificate, I. 16, 337, in Coll. Arm.). Her husband was probably the Sir John Bingley (knighted 10 Jan. 1617-8), Remembrancer in the Exchequer, who was convicted in the Court of Star Chamber of extortion in office, and imprisoned with the Earl of Suffolk, Lord High Treasurer (Carte, iv. 47, 48). 2 Arthur Agard, one of the Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer for 45 years, and one of the first and most active members of the Society of Antiquaries. He was son of Clement Agard, of Foston, co. Derby, by Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Middleborough (as is usually said, but a pedi- gree in one of the Gough MSS. in the Bodleian Library says Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Middle- more) of Edgbaston, co. Warwick, and was born at Foston in 1540. His monument, as recut, makes him die in 1619, in his 80th year; but his will, dated 16 Jan. 1614-5, and sealed and delivered 22 Aug. 1615 (the day, according to Camden's Annals, of his death), was proved 28 Aug. 1615, by his nephew William Agard. See his wife's burial 6 Sep. 1611, and note thereto. 3 The unfortunate Lady Arbella Stuart, dau. of Charles, fifth Earl of Lennox, by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Cavendish. She was born about 1577, and married in 1610. The date in the text is always given as that of her death, which took place in the Tower of London. Camden, in his Annals, says that she was buried in the same crypt with Mary, Queen of Scots, and Henry, Prince of Wales. Her husband (not herself, as in the text) was grandchild of Edward Seymour, first Earl of Hertford, to which title he succeeded in 1621, and was restored to the Dukedom of Somerset shortly before his death in 1660. Her Christian name is given in the Register as she invariably wrote it, although it is usually but erroneously spelled Arabella. 4 Francis Beaumont, the dramatic writer, third and youngest son of Sir Francis Beaumont, of Grace Dieu, co. Leicester, Kt., one of the Judges of the Common Pleas, by Anne, dau. of Sir George Pierrepoint, of Holme Pierrepoint, co. Notts, and relict of Thomas Thorold, of Marston, co. Lincoln, Esq. The date in the text is usually given as that of his death, which occurred in his 30th year. By his wife Ursula, dau. and coheir of Henry Isley, of Sundridge, Kent, he left two daughters. He left no will, but his relict administered to his estate 26 June 1619. See his brother's burial 19 Apl. 1627. 5 There is an error of a year in the date. His will, dated 20 Mch. 1616-7, was proved 11 Apl. 1617, in which he is called "Yeoman, servant to the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter of Westminster." He left his lands, etc., in Toft and Hardwick, co. Cambridge, to his brother Nicholas May, of Eversden, in the same county, with remainder to his son John. He also left legacies to the children of his deceased sister Elizabeth, wife of Richard Newman. 6 Twin sons of Archibald Campbell, seventh Earl of Argyll, by his second wife, Anne, dau. of Sir William Cornwallis, of Brome, co. Suffolk, to whom married 30 Nov. 1610. They were baptized in Somerset House 31 Dec. 1615, but are not mentioned in the Peerages. (See Letters of George Lord Carew, Camden Soc., 1859, p. 21.) 1616 June June 18 July 5 26 July 30 [1616] Nov. 1616 Jan. 16 1617 April 7 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Sir Thomas Parry: in St. John Baptist's Chapel.¹ 113 Thomas Bilson, Bishop of Winchester: at the entrance into St. Edmund's Chapel.2 Abraham Brodley, a King's Scholar: [Cloisters]. Roger Edwards, one of the Vergers :3 [in the Abbey]. Richard Hackler, Prebendary of this Church: [in the Abbey]. Mr. Lewis Proud: at the entrance of St. Benedict's Chapel.5 Thomas Poyner, Chief Baker: [Cloisters]. 1 Son of Sir Thomas Vaughan (who changed his name to Parry), Treasurer of the Household and Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries temp. Q. Eliz. (who died 15 Dec. 1560, and was also buried in the Abbey), by Anne, dau. of Sir William Reade, of Boarstall, Bucks, and relict, first of Sir Giles Greville, and secondly of Sir Adrian Fortescue. He was of Hampstead Marshall, Berks, of which county he was Sheriff 1576 and 1588. and Deputy Lieutenant 1596, and was M.P. for St. Alban's 1603. He was also Ambassador to France. In 1607 he became Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Master of the Court of Wards, but was suspended from the Chancellorship and ejected from Parliament in 1614, for some parliamentary offence. He died, without issue, in the parish of St. Mary, Savoy, on the day preceding his burial. as is usually said, but in one of the letters of George Lord Carew (Camden Soc., 1859, p. 34), he is mentioned as dead, under the date of 24 May. His wife Dorothy survived him until 1624, when she was buried at Welford, Berks. 2 Eldest son of Herman Bilson (grandson of Arnold Bilson, whose wife is said to have been a dau. of the Duke of Bavaria), and born in the city of Winchester. He went from Winchester School to New College, Oxford, where B.A. 10 Oct. 1566, M.A. 25 Apl. 1570, B.D. 24 June 1579, and D.D. 24 Jan. 1580-1. He was installed a Prebendary of Winchester 12 Jan. 1576, consecrated Bishop of Worcester 13 June 1596, and translated to Winchester 13 May 1597. He is always said to have died on the day stated in the text as that of his burial. His age, according to the inscription on his monument, was 69. Letters of administration were granted to his relict Anne on the 25th of the same month. See the baptism of his grandson 5 Dec. 1616. 3 In a will of the period he is also called "one of the four master bell-ringers." Dean Goodman, in his will dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, mentioned him as one of his nearest and most faithful servants." 4 The Editor has had no hesitation in correcting a manifest error in the Abbey Register, where this entry stands under the year 1626. The transcriber was probably misled by the zigzag form of the figure 1 usually found in MSS. of that period. There is no difficulty in identifying the person here named as Richard Hackluit (or Hakluyt, as he always signed his name), the famous collector of voyages and discoveries. He was the second son of his parents, who both died during the infancy of his younger brother Edmond, probably about 1560, and is supposed to have been born in or near London about 1553. He was elected from Westminster School to Oxford in 1570, where B.A. 1573. In at least one official document he is styled D.D. He became a Prebendary of Bristol about 1586, Rector of Wetheringsett, Suffolk, in 1590, and was installed a Prebendary of Westminster 4 May 1602, becoming, shortly after, Archdeacon of the same. He signed the records of the Chapter meetings from that date until 3 May 1616, and his successor was installed 29 Nov. in that year. His will, dated 20 Aug. 1612, was proved 23 Nov. 1616, the same day that is given by Camden and others as that of his death. He was twice married, and his only child, a son Edmond, who was his executor, was by his first wife, whose name has not been ascertained and who died about 1597. His second wife, Frances, who was living at the date of his will, is described in the Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond., dated 30 Mch. 1604, as then of St. Lawrence-Jewry, London, widow of William Smithe, of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London, Gent. (who had been dead about eight months), and aged about 50. In the same license Mr. Hakluyt is described as one of the Chaplains of the Savoy, aged about 52, and as having been a widower about seven years. 5 Letters of administration were granted, 7 Feb. 1616-17, on the estate of Lewis Pronde, late of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., to his son Thomas Prowde. His will was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 11 Apl. 1617, but only the Q 114 BURIALS IN 1617 May 16 June 6 June 29 Nov. 21 Dec. 16 1617 Jan. 4 18 Feb. Dennis Rossingam, Gentleman Sewer to King James: [Cloisters]. John Stone, one of the singing men:1 [Cloisters]. John Gregory, singing man : [Cloisters]. Ambrose Fisher: [Cloisters]. Ambrose Fisher :3 2 Mrs. Katharine Palmer: [Cloisters]. Mary Middlemore, one of the Maids of Honor to Queen Anne: on the North side of the Church.4 6 Edward Feild, a College Cook: 5 [Cloisters]. Feb. 9 Feb. 28 Edward Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury in St. Edmund's Chapel." James Ramsy, son to the Lord Viscount Haddington: in St. Paul's Chapel.7 March 2 The Lady Elizabeth Evers, first wife of George Carew, Baron of Hunsdon, and afterwards wife to the Lord Evers: in the Lord Hunsdon's vault.8 record of the probate now exists. Dean Goodman, in his will dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, mentioned him as one of his nearest and most faithful servants. See his wife's burial 30 Apl. 1625. See his father's burial 3 July 1613, in whose will he was named, and whose monument he erected. 2 There is probably an error in the date, as letters of administration were granted on his estate, on the 10th of the same month, to John Cobden. 3 The author of A Defence of the Liturgy of the Church of England, which was not pub- lished until thirteen years after his death. He was A.M. of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, and was instituted to the rectory of Holy Trinity, Colchester, Essex, 19 Apl. 1610. He is said to have also been a tutor in the family of Dr. Gabriel Grant, Prebendary of Westminster, who adminis- tered to his estate, as a creditor, 11 Dec. 1617. He appears, from the dedication in the volume mentioned, to have been brought up in his youth among the Puritans of the period, and to have been affected with physical blindness during the most or the whole of his life. * Eldest dau. of Henry Middlemore, of Enfield, Midx., Groom of the Privy Chamber to Q. Elizabeth, and sister of Robert Middlemore, Equerry to K. James I. She was appointed Maid of Honour in 1603. She died the day before her burial. Mar. Lic. D. and C. Westminster, 18 Aug. 1609, for Edward Field, of Westminster, Yeoman, and Jane Dux, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, widow. His will was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 11 Feb. 1617-18, by the relict Jane, but is now lost. Dean Goodman, in his will dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, mentioned him as one of his nearest and most faithful servants. He was third son of George, sixth Earl of Shrewsbury, by his first wife, Lady Gertrude Manners, eldest dau. of Thomas, first Earl of Rutland, and succeeded his brother as eighth Earl, 8 May 1616. He died, according to his monument, on the day before his burial, in his 57th year, and left no surviving issue. His will, dated 15 Jan., was proved 28 Feb. 1617-8, by his surviving Countess (see her burial 7 Jan. 1625-6). 7 Eldest son of John Ramsay, Earl of Holderness (see his burial 28 Feb. 1625-6), by his first wife, Lady Elizabeth Ratcliffe (eldest dau. of Robert, fifth Earl of Sussex), who was married 9 Feb. 1607-8 and died 6 Dec. 1618. He was baptized at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 11 Mch. 1616-17, the King being one of his sponsors. See also the burials of his brother and sister, 25 Mch. and 14 Sep. 1621. 8 Elizabeth, second dau. of Sir John Spencer, of Althorp, co. Northampton, Kt., by Catherine, dau. of Sir Thomas Kitson, of Hengrave, co. Suffolk, Kt. She was relict, first, of Sir George Carey, second Baron Hunsdon, who died 9 Sep. 1603 and was buried in the Abbey, and, secondly, of Ralph, third Baron Eure, who is usually said to have died in 1618, but whose will was proved 8 Apl. 1617. To her Spenser dedicated his "Mother Hubbard's Tale." Letters of administration were granted on her estate, 20 Mch. 1617-8, to her only child Elizabeth, then wife of Sir Thomas Berkeley, afterwards wife of Sir Thomas Chamberlaync, Kt., Chief Justice of Chester, etc., who is often erroneously said, even in the most recent peerages, to have been the second husband of her mother. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 115 1618 June 10 Sept. 7 Oct. 24 (-) (-) Nov. 19 1618 March 13 1619 May 13 11 Sept. 11 The Lord Oliver Lambert: in the Monuments.¹ Margaret Stuart, daughter to the Lord Aubigny: in St. Edmund's Chapel.2 Mr. Thomas Keynell :3 [Cloisters]. Angel Chaundler, under brewer to the College: [Cloisters]. The Lady Elizabeth Fane: in St. Michael's Chapel.* Mr. John Panton: in the long aisle, on the South side.5 Anne, Queene of England, dyed Mar. 2, 1618, and was buried May 13, 1619, in a little side Chapell on the North side of K. H. 7th's monument.6 Sir Christopher Hatton at the entrance into St. Erasmus' Chapel.7 Essex, at the sacking of He was created Lord Sir William Fleetwood, He is said, even in the 1 Only son of Walter Lambart, Esq., by his first wife, Rose, dau. of Sir Oliver Wallop, Kt., ancestor of the Earls of Portsmouth. He was knighted by the Earl of Cadiz, in 1596, and in 1601 was appointed Governor of Connaught. Lambart, Baron of Cavan, 17 Feb. 1617, and by his wife, Hester, dau. of of Carrington Manor, co. Beds, Kt., was ancestor of the Earls of Cavan. latest peerages, to have died 9 July 1618, but his will (without date) was proved 15 June, and confirms the date of his burial in the text. In Camden's Annals the date of his death is given as 23 May, probably O.S. See the burial of his great-great-grandson 23 Apl. 1738. 2 A young child of Esme Stuart, Lord D'Aubigny, who succeeded as third Duke of Lennox (see his burial 6 Aug. 1624), by Catherine, only dau. and heir of Sir Gervase Clifton, Lord Clifton of Leighton Bromswold, who remarried James, second Earl of Abercorn, and died in 1637. 3 Not Reynell, as in Collectanea. A copy of his will, without the date of probate, is among the records of the Dean and Chapter. He left bequests to his mother and Mr. Strowde, his father Howell, uncle Hervey, aunt Evelyn and her children, cousin Keightley and his wife, brother Humphreys, cousin Worsley, etc. His wife, whose name is not given, was his executrix. * Second dau. of Sir Robert Spencer, first Lord Spencer of Wormleighton, by Margaret, dau. and co-heir of Sir Francis Willoughby, of Wollaton, Notts, Kt. She was married 3 Sep. 1607, at Brington, co. Northamptou, to Sir George Fane, of Buston, co. Kent, Kt., and died, without issue, in her 28th year. 5 His will, as John Panton, Esq., dated 27 May 1618, was proved 27 Mch. 1619. He be- queathed his mansion-house at "Brymskis,” lands in Lleweny lately descended to him from his father, and other lands in the counties of Denbigh and Flint. He left only three young daughters, viz., Anne, Alathea, and Ellinor, the first of whom appears to have died shortly after him, as she is not named in her mother's will. The date of his death is given in Camden's Annals as 7 Mch. See his wife's burial 27 Nov. 1619. Second dau. of Frederick II., King of Denmark and Norway, by Sophia, dau. of Ulric, Duke of Mecklenburg. She is usually said to have been born 12 Dec. 1574, but the inscription on her coffin-plate, exposed in 1718 and copied into one of the Funeral Books of the Abbey, reads thus:—“ Anne of Denmark, daughter of Frederick II., and Consort of King James I., died at Hampton Court 4 nonas Martis 1618-9, aged 44 years, 4 months, and 18 days.” If the inscription was correctly copied, it would fix the date of her birth about the middle of October, instead of December, 1574. She is usually said to have been married 20 Aug. 1590, but some writers, as well as contemporaneous MSS., give the year as 1589, and the official “Papers relative to the marriage,” published by the Bannatyne Club in 1828, seem definitely to determine the ceremony as having been performed, by proxy, in August of the latter year. It will be seen that the Register gives the date of her death as 2 Mch.; but contemporaneous MSS., and also Camden's Annals, say 1 Mch., while the monumental inscription in the latter, said to have been composed by Camden, repeats the expression above quoted from the coffin-platc, viz., " 4 nonas Mart.," i.e. 4 March. See her husband's burial 5 May 1625. 7 Son of John Hatton, of Stanton, co. Cambridge, Esq., by Jane, dau. of Robert Shute, one 116 BURIALS IN 1619 Nov. 27 The wife of Mr. John Panton: in the long aisle, on the South 1610 Jan. side.1 18 The Lady Mary Seymore, daughter to Edward, Duke of Somerset:2 March 7 1620 July 5 July 25 [in the Abbey]. Francis Mannors, Lord Rosse: in St. Michael's Chapel.³ Thomas Marbery, Esq. in the long aisle, on the South side.* The Lady Elinor Spelman, wife to Sir Henry Spelman: at the entrance into St. Benedict's Chapel.5 of the Barons of the Exchequer and a Justice of the Queen's Bench. According to the record of his admission to Gray's Inn, 1 Nov. 1589, he was born at Abington, co. Northampton. He be- came eventually heir to the estates of his distant kinsman Lord Chancellor Hatton. He was sometime of Clay Hall, in Barking, Essex, and afterwards of Kirby, co. Northampton, and was created a Knight of the Bath at the coronation of K. James I. According to his monument he died the day before his burial, and his relict administered to his estate the 15th of the same month. His wife was Alice, eldest dau. of Thomas Fanshawe, of Ware Park, Herts, Esq., Remembrancer of the Exchequer to Q. Elizabeth, by his second wife, Joane, third dau. of Thomas Smith, of Ostenhanger, co. Kent, Esq. She was baptized at Christ Church, London, 24 Dec. 1581, and married, at Barking, Essex, 13 Mch. 1601-2. See the burials of their children 18 Aug. 1624 and 4 July 1670. 1 See her husband's burial 13 Mch. 1618-9. Her will, as Elenor Panton, dated the 24th, with a codicil 26 Nov., was proved 4 Dec. 1619. She was dau. of Sir William Booth, Kt., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Warburton of Warburton and Arley, co. Chester, Kt., and sister of Sir George Booth, first Bart. of Dunham Massey, co. Chester, ancestor of the Earls of Warrington. In most of the printed accounts of her family she is erroneously called Alice: she mentions her sister “Alice Booth" in her will, and committed to her the custody of her two surviving children. 2 Fourth dau. of Edward Seymour, first Duke of Somerset (the Protector), beheaded 22 Jan. 1551-2, by his second wife, Anne, dau. of Sir Edward Stanhope, of Sudbury, Suffolk, and of Rampton, Notts, Kt., who remarried Francis Newdigate, Esq., died 16 Apl. 1587, and was buried in the Abbey. She was first married, 4 June 1583, to Andrew Rogers, Esq., eldest son of Sir Richard Rogers, of Brianstone, co. Dorset, Kt., who died in his father's lifetime, and without issue, 1 Dec. 1601. She remarried, at Long Ditton, Surrey, 22 Sept. 1607 (the marriage is also recorded in the parish register of Barnes), Sir Henry Peyton, Kt. (son of Thomas Peyton, of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, Esq., by Lady Cecilia Bourchier, dau. of John, second Earl of Bath), who was abroad, engaged in the Venetian wars, at the time of her death, and whose will, dated 11 Apl. 1618, was proved 20 Feb. 1623-4, the record whereof states that he died "beyond seas." The name in the Register is calculated to mislead, as she was really Lady Mary Peyton. In Camden's Annals, under the same date, her burial is thus noticed: "Maria Scimoura vidua Rogers, uxor Peiton jam in bello Veneto, soror Edw. Comitis Hertfordiæ, nocturno funere in Ecclesia Colle- giata Westm: inhumata, magnâ Nobilium catervâ comitante." 3 Son and heir apparent of Francis Manners, sixth Earl of Rutland (who died 17 Dec. 1632), by his second wife, Cecily, dau. of Sir John Tufton (scc her burial 11 Sep. 1653). He was legally Lord Roos, of Hamlake, by a special provision in the grant of the barony to his father. He and his only brother Henry died in childhood, and it was alleged from the effects of sorcery! According to Camden's Annals, he died on the 5th of the same month. The register of St. Martin in the Fields records his removal from that parish to the Abbey on the 6th. 4 Letters of administration to his estate were granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 29 July 1620, to his brother George Marbury, senior, of Marbury, co. Chester, Gent., which con- nects him with the family of that place. He was probably a son of James Marbury, of Marbury, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Venables, of Kinderton, Kt., and apparently held some position under the Government, or about the Court. • See her husband's burial 24 Oct. 1641. She was eldest dau. and coheir of John Le Strange, of Sedgeford, co. Norfolk, Esq. She was married there 18 Apl, 1590, and died 24 July 1620. 1 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 117 1620 Aug. 25 Sept. 18 Dec. 28 162 March 21 1621 March 25 April 17 April 18 April 23 Mrs. Katherine Neyle:¹ [Cloisters]. Thomas Roberts, a College Cook:2 [Cloisters]. Mr. Zouch Allen: in the long aisle, on the North side.3 John Hebborne, Esq.: at the entrance to the Vestry.¹ Charles, Baron of Kingston: in St. Paul's Chapel.5 Katharine Gibson: [Cloisters]. William Mills: in the long aisle, on the South side. Mrs. Julian Crew, daughter of Sir Randolph Crew at the entrance into St. John Baptist's Chapel." May 16 Robert Townson, Lord Bishop of Sarum: in the long aisle, on the South side, over against St. Edmund's Chapel.7 Mrs. Masters :8 [Cloisters]. May 17 17 John Dearing: a King's scholar: [Cloisters]. June 14 June 14 The Lady Lucy Bayton: at the entrance into St. John Baptist's Chapel.⁹ ¹ The inscription on her monument, not now to be found, described her as Katherine Stopes, wife of William Neile, mother of seven children, and as dying 24 Aug. It also added that by her were buried Mr. Roger Parker, a servant to Q. Elizabeth, Dorothy Neile one of her daughters, and Cibell Clarke her dau. Mildred's daughter. Of the first and last no record occurs in the Register. See her husband's burial 23 June 1624, and her daughter's 25 July 1622. 2 Probate of his will was granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 7 Oct. 1620, to his relict Ellen Prichard alias Roberts, but the will itself is missing. Dean Goodman, in his will dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, mentioned him as one of his nearest and most faithful servants. 3 His will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Gent., dated 22 Dec. 1620, was proved 18 Jan. following, by his relict Sarah. The register of that parish calls him a chirurgeon, and states that he died on the 26th. He was second son of David Allen, a surgeon of Chesterfield, co. Derby, where he was baptized 6 June 1586. His mother, Anne, appears to have remarried Godfrey Heathcote, Alderman of Chesterfield. His wife was a nicce of Robert Ryece, of Preston, co. Suffolk, the famous antiquary, and was his executrix in 1638. Their issue were a son Zouch, and a posthumous dau. Sarah. 1 His will describes him as of Cobham, co. Kent, Esq. It is dated in 1618, and his relict Anne administered 27 Mch. 1621. He left all his estate to her, to bring up their dau. Mary, and an unborn child, and mentioned no other relations. He referred to sums due him for services rendered to the King. • Second son of Sir John Ramsay, Earl of Holderness (see his burial 28 Feb. 1625-6), by his first wife, Lady Elizabeth Ratcliffe, cldest dau. of Robert, fifth Earl of Sussex. He was baptized at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 17 May 1618, Prince Charles being one of his sponsors. See the burials of his brother and sister, 28 Feb. 1617-8 and 14 Sep. 1621. 6 Only dau. of Sir Ranulphe Crewe, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, by his first wife Julian, dau. and coheir of John Clipsby, of Clipsby, co. Norfolk, Esq. She was born 17 Feb. 1600-1, and died, unmarried, 22 Apl. 1621. See her brother's burial 3 Feb. 1648-9. 7 Robert Tounson, born in the parish of St. Botolph, Cambridge, where he was baptized 8 Jan. 1575-6, as son of "Renold Toulnesoun"; educated at Queens' College, Cambridge, of which sometime a Fellow, and afterwards S.T.P.; installed Dean of Westminster 16 Dec. 1617, and consecrated Bishop of Salisbury 9 July 1620. He died 15 May, leaving a wife Margaret (sister of Dr. John Davenant, who succeeded him in his bishopric) and fifteen (or, as one authority says, thirteen) children. See the baptisms of two of them, 1 Apl. 1619 and 1 June 1620. The statement of his biographers that he left his family in great poverty is contradicted by the will of his widow, who bequeathed considerable property and money, and by a letter of Bishop Davenant which speaks of her giving reasonable portions with her daughters. 8 See burials 25 Oct. 1642 and 24 July 1654. • Relict of Sir Henry Baynton, of Bromham, co. Wilts, Kt. (who died 24 Sep. 1616), and dau, 118 BURIALS IN 1621 July 16 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 31 Sept. 14 14 Mr. Edward Hooper, Organist:1 [Cloisters]. Mr. Matthew Holmes, Chaunter:2 [Cloisters]. Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Darrell: in the South side of the long aisle.3 The Lady Bridget, daughter of John, Earl of Holdernes: in St. Paul's Chapel.* Sept. 15 The Lady Sophia-Anna Cecill, daughter to the Earl of Exeter : in St. John Baptist's Chapel.5 Sept. 22 Dec. 29 Thomas Finch, the College Gardener: [Cloisters]. William Lawrence : [Cloisters]. 6 of Sir John Danvers, of Dauntsey, in the same county, Kt., by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir John Nevill, fourth Lord Latimer. She died in St. Martin in the Fields, and the record of her removal to be buried in the Abbey occurs, under the same date, in the register of that parish. Her will, dated 23 Nov. 1620, was proved 28 Jan. 1621-2, by her brother Sir John Danvers and her son Sir Edward Baynton. ¹ Rightly Edmond Hooper. He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter for life, as Master of the Children, 3 Dec. 1588, and another, as Organist, 9 May 1606. He was also a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal (sworn 1 Mch. 1603-4), and “an excellent composer of Church Anthems." He died 14 July. IIis will, dated 20 Oct. 1620, confirmed 11 July 1621, was proved on the last day of that month. He mentioned his long services to the Abbey, of thirty-eight years or more, and directed to be buried in the Cloisters near his former wife, whose burial is not mentioned in the Register, and which probably took place before 1607. He left forty shillings yearly for twenty years to the poor of Great Stoughton, co. Huntingdon, and bequests to the poor of Halberton, co. Devon, where he was born; of Bradninch, in the same county, where he was partly brought up; and of Greenwich, where his honourable master Sir James Dyer put him to school. He also left twelvepence each to sixty-seven poor men and women, which probably indicates his age at the date of his will. He left several children by his first wife, viz., James (see his burial 30 Dec.1651), Gabriel, John the elder, and a married daughter named Lee; and by his second wife Mary, who was his executrix, cight others, all under age, of whom he named in his will John the younger, Catherine, Edmond. Pelecna, and Alice. 2 Not Nathaniel, as in Collectanea. He is mentioned, as then Chaunter, in Dean Goodman's will, dated 2 Mch. 1600-1. According to Camden's Annals he died 5 Aug. His will, dated 22 July, was proved 15 Ang. 1621 by his relict Susan. It mentions no children, nor relations, except his wife's sister Margaret Hannam. 3 First wife of the Rev. George Darell, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster (sec his burial 4 Nov. 1631). A pedigree in St. George's MSS., Coll. Arm., iv. 77, describes her as "Elizabeth dau. of . . . . . Eton." She left two daughters, Elizabeth and Annc, who were both living at the date of their father's will. Other accounts represent them as the children of Dr. Darell by his second wife, but his will confutes this statement, and Anne was baptized at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 24 May 1616. 4 Dau. of Sir John Ramsay, Earl of Holderness (see his burial 28 Feb. 1625-6) by his first wife, Lady Elizabeth Ratcliffe, eldest dau. of Robert, fifth Earl of Sussex. She was born about Mch. 1614-5. See the burials of her brothers, 28 Feb. 1617-8 and 25 Mch. 1621. 5 Rightly Cecil. See her father's burial 10 Feb. 1622-3. She was only child by his second wife, Frances, dau. of William Brydges, fourth Lord Chandos, and relict of Sir Thomas Smith, Master of Requests. She was born the 13th, and baptized at Wimbledon, Surrey, 30 July 1616, but in the record of her baptism in the register of that parish she is called "Georgi-Anna." Queen Anne was one of the witnesses. • His will was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 15 Oct. 1621, by his relict Mary, but is now missing. Dean Goodman, in his will dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, mentioned him as one of his ncarest and most faithful servants. 7 The inscription on his monument indicates that he was a servant to one of the Preben- daries. He died 28 Dec., in his 29th year. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 119 Mr. John Whitbye: in the South side of the long aisle.¹ Dorothy Neyler:2 [Cloisters]. 1621 Jan. 25 1622 July 25 Aug. 14 Francis Hollis, Esq. in St. Edmund's Chapel.³ Sept. 1 : Sir Christopher Perkins: on the North side of the long aisle, within the Monuments.¹ ¹ His name was Thomas, not John. His Funeral Certificate in the College of Arms describes him as Thomas Whitby, of Hounslow, co. Midx., Esq., and states that he died in Westminster the 22nd, and was buried in the Abbey 25 Jan. 1621-2. It also adds that he married, first, Jane, dau. of Christopher Hewes, of Holt Castle, co. Denbigh, and, secondly, Margaret, widow of Edmund Agar. He appears to have married a third wife, shortly before his death, as a marriage license was granted at the Bishop of London's Registry, 4 May 1621, for Thomas Whitby, of Hounslow, Esq., widower, aged 80, and the Lady Alice Dorne alias Pennycooke, of the same parish, aged 50, widow of the late Lord Dorne; and administration was granted, 16 Feb. 1621-2, on the estate of Thomas Whitby, of Hounslow, to his relict Lady Alice Dorne, pending proceedings in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury between the said Lady Alice and John and Timothy Whitby, sons of the deceased. (This "Lady Alice Dorne" is a mysterious personage, and does not appear in any of the peerages. Hugh Farrer and Alice Penyquick were married in the Church of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the Tower of London, 24 Sep. 1610, and among the files of the House of Lords is a petition of one Robert Playle, dated 8 Mch. 1623-4, stating that he was "imprisoned for arresting John Scott and Dame Alice Dome his wife, at the suit of William Fawcett, not knowing that they were protected as servants of the Earl of Holderness.") 2 Rightly Neile. See her mother's burial 25 Aug. 1620, and her father's 23 June 1624. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 11 Dec. 1611. 3 Third son of Sir John Holles, then Baron Houghton, created Earl of Clare 2 Nov. 1624, by Anne, dau. of Sir Thomas Stanhope, of Shelford, Notts. Kt. He was admitted to Gray's Inn 12 Aug. 1617. According to his monument he died 12 Aug., in his 18th year, "returning home from making a campaign in the Netherlands." 4 In The Court of King James the First, by Dr. Godfrey Goodman, Bishop of Gloucester, edited by J. S. Brewer, 1839, vol. i. pp. 329-335, will be found a curious account of this person, which may be thus briefly summarized: he was a priest, and professed Jesuit; came to England from Rome with a grandson of Lord Treasurer Burleigh; became a convert to the Church of England and got the Deanery of Carlisle; tiring of this, came to London and acted as substitute for Sir Daniel Dunn, Master of Requests, whom he eventually succeeded in that office, and was knighted; married, in the expectation of preferment, the mother-in-law of the Earl of Middlesex, then Lord High Treasurer; but, failing to derive the benefit he sought by the marriage, took offence at his wife, and left his whole estate to a servant, whom he knew to be a childless man and then dying of a consumption, who, however, restored the greater portion of it to Sir Chris- topher's widow. Other notices of him, of the period, are usually couched in the same contemp- tuous language. The ascertained facts about him are few. He certainly obtained the Deanery of Carlisle about 1596, and retained it until his death. He was knighted, at Whitehall, 23 July 1603. He was admitted a Commoner of the College of Advocates 20 Mch. 1604-5, and was then described as a Doctor of Laws and Master of Requests. On the 5th Nov. 1617 he had a license from the Bishop of London to marry Anne Brett, of St. Martin in the Fields, a widow, aged about 50, whose husband had been dead about a year. He was described as a bachelor, aged about 60. She was a dau. of Anthony Beaumont, of Glenfield, co. Leicester, Esq.; sister of the Countess of Buckingham (mother of George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham); relict of James Brett, of Hoby, co. Leicester, Esq.; and mother of Anne, second wife of Lionel Cranfield, first Earl of Middlesex. Sir Christopher, in his will, dated 30 Aug. 1620, described himself as a Knight, and one of the Masters of Requests. He mentioned no relations, except his sister's children. To his wife he bequeathed 100 marks per annum, and sundry plate, etc., provided she waived her right to her thirds. After a few unimportant bequests, he then appointed as his sole heir and exccutor, in consideration of his long services, Anthony Knight (or Bright), who, however, renounced the execution of the will, and the relict Lady Anne administered, 2 Sep. 1622. The # 120 BURIALS IN 1622 Sept. 22 Oct. 22 Mr. Thomas Godwin, Petticanon :1 [Cloisters]. Gabriel, son of Dr. Grant, Prebendary of this Church on the North side of the broad aisle.2 162 Jan. 4 Elionor Ernward:³ [Cloisters]. Feb. 10 Feb. 10 March 21 Sir Thomas Panton: on the South side of the long aisle.¹ Thomas Cecill, Earle of Exceter: in St. John Baptist's Chapel.5 Randolph Roberts, Under Baker: [Cloisters]. property bequeathed to said Knight included his manor of Paddingdean, and his house in Cannon Row, Westminster. When it is remembered that, allowing for the difference in the value of money, the annuity bequeathed to his widow amounted to about £700 per annum of our present currency, and that he was probably not a very rich man, it would seem that his memory might properly be relieved from at least a portion of the odium heretofore attached to it. It is evident from the wills and other records of the family of this name of Bunny, co. Notts, that he was nearly allied to the contemporary ancestors of the first Baronet, but the precise relationship has not yet been ascertained. 1 See his son's baptism 19 July 1608. 2 Son of the Rev. Dr. Gabriel Grant, Prebendary and Archdeacon of Westminster, and Vicar of Walthamstow, Essex, by his first wife. Dr. Grant, who was eldest son of the Rev. Dr. Edward Grant, Prebendary and Sub-dean of Westminster, and sometime Head Master of Westminster School (who died 4 Aug. 1601 and was buried in the Abbey), dicd about Sep. 1638, having married a second wife 11 Feb. 1633-4. He was first married before his father's death, aud against his wishes; in consequence whereof, as he relates in his will, he made a vow to disinherit him, and did so, by preferring his younger brother John. Dr. Gabriel Grant left no will, and his relict Hannah (or Anne) administered to his estate 18 Dec. 1638. ³ Rightly Elianor Arnewood. Her will, as of Westminster, widow, dated 31 Dec. 1622, was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 9 June 1623, by her dau. Jane Arnewood. She mentioned her other daughters, Anne Arnewood and Elizabeth Browne. The legacies were comparatively trifling, and she was probably a domestic in the family of some one of the Abbey officials. 4 Hc is mentioned as a Gent. of the Privy Chamber to K. James I., and General of H.M.'s Forces in the Palatinate. In 1610 he was Gent. Extraordinary of the Privy Chamber to Prince Henry. He was knighted at Whitehall 2 Mch. 1606-7. He had a license from the Bishop of London, 28 May 1612, being described as of the city of London, bachelor, aged 40, to marry Mary Shute, of St. Dunstan in the West, London, widow, aged 36. His will, as of Chiswick, Midx., dated 1 June 1620, was proved 21 Mch. 1622-3, by his relict Mary. Her maiden name appears to have been Rayneberd, and she was first married to ..... Coombes, by whom she had two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, who were living in 1620. Her second husband was Richard Shute, of Fetter Lane, London, whose will, dated 18 Nov., was proved 18 Dec. 1611. Sir Thomas Panton left by her three young daughters, Constance, Laureola, and Margaret. The second dau., Laureola, was baptized at Willesden, Midx., 2 Jan. 1618-9, and had a license from the Bishop of London, 7 Jan. 1640-1, her mother being also then dead, to marry John Oakeley, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., a bachelor, aged 41. 5 Eldest son of William Cecil, first Lord Burghley, Lord High Treasurer, by Mary dau. of Peter Cheke, of Pirgo, Essex, Esq., and sister of Sir John Cheke, Kt. He was born in Great St. Mary's parish, Cambridge, 5 May 1542, succceded as second Baron Burghley 4 Aug. 1598, and was created Earl of Exeter 4 May 1605. He died 7 Feb. His will, dated 21 Nov. 1622, was proved 11 Mch. 1622-3. His first wife, Dorothy Nevill, second dau. and coheir of John, fourth Lord Latimer, who died 22 May 1608, was, according to his own will and that of his dau. the Mar- chioness of Winchester, certainly buried in the Abbey, although no record of it occurs in the Register; but his second wife, Frances Brydges, dau. of William, fourth Lord Chandos, who survived him until 1663, was as certainly buried in Winchester Cathedral, although the inscrip- tion on his monument in the Abbey states that both wives were buried with him. See the burials of his daughters, Oct. 1614 and 15 Sep. 1621, and of his son 9 July 1640. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 121 1623 June 5 Samuel Blount:1 [Cloisters]. Aug. 3 Mr. John Parsons, Organist: 2 [Cloisters]. Sept. 27 : Mr. John Fox, Prebendary of this Church: on the North side of the broad aisle.3 Sept. 29 Mr. Ellis Winne: on the South side of the long aisle.¹ Oct. 11 Thomasin, daughter of Mr. John Frost, Chaunter of this Church: on the North side of the broad aisle.5 Nov. 10 Mr. William Cambden, Clarens.: on the South side of the broad aisle.6 ¹ Letters of administration were granted, 23 July 1623, to Anne Blount, relict of Samuel Blount, late of St. Mary, Savoy. 2 He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, 7 Dec. 1621, as Organist and Master of the Choristers, at £16 per annum, and for teaching and finding the children, at £36 13s. 4d. per annum. His will, dated 31 July, was proved 21 Nov. 1623, by his relict Jane, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter. He left issue William, Dorothy, and Thomazine. Some verses in Ashmole MS. 38, p. 184 (Bodleian Library), greatly commend his skill as a musician. 3 His will, dated 22 Sep. and proved 3 Oct. 1623, completely identifies him with the one of this name who became a Prebendary of St. Paul's 13 May 1591, and Rector of Hanwell, Midx., 20 Sep. 1596, and whose identity puzzled both Newcourt and Le Neve. It describes him as a Bachelor of Divinity, and one of the Prebendaries of Westminster. In the latter office he was installed 6 May 1606. He was a son of John Fox, citizen and goldsmith of London, who died 8 June 1597, aged 78, and was buried in the church of St. Lawrence-Jewry, and who built and founded the Free Grammar School at Dean, near Cockermouth, co. Cumberland, to the main- tenance of which the son also contributed liberally. He evidently died unmarried, and left con- siderable legacies to the children of his brother Richard, and of his sisters, Alice wife of Edward Herne, and Ellen wife of Francis Ram, of Hornchurch, co. Essex, Esq. 4 Third son of Morris Wynne, of Gwydir, Esq., by his first wife, Jane, dau. of Sir Richard Bulkeley, of Beaumaris, Kt., and younger brother of Sir John Wynne, first Bart. of Gwydir. He was one of the Clerks of the Petty Bag in the High Court of Chancery. His will, dated 25 Sep., was proved 16 Oct. 1623. His wife Anne, dau. of Alderman Gage, survived him, but he evidently left no issue. As his eldest brother was born in 1553, his age was probably about 65. 5 See her father's burial 10 May 1642, and her mother's 14 May 1649. Son of Sampson Camden, citizen and painter-stainer of London, by Elizabeth. dau. of Giles Curwen, of Poulton Hall, co. Lancaster, and born in the Old Bailey, London, 2 May 1551. He became Second Master of Westminster School in 1575 and Head Master in 1592-3, Prebendary of Salisbury 6 Feb. 1588-9 (although a layman), Richmond Herald 22 Oct. 1597, and the next day Clarencieux King of Arms. He died at Chislehurst. Kent, the 9th, and was undoubtedly buried in the Abbey 19 Nov. 1623, the date in the Register being an error. The inscription on his monument also perpetuates an error, as it records his death in his 74th year, whereas, if the date which he himself assigned to his birth be correct, he was exactly 72 yrs. 6 mos. and 7 days old. His will, dated 21 May, was proved 10 Nov. 1623, the very day after his death, by his sole executor, William Heather, Gent. But little can be added at the present day to the personal history of this famous man, the excellent society which bears and perpetuates his name having exhausted all accessible resources of information respecting him. A few entries from the Chapter Books of Westminster may, however, not be without interest. His name first occurs 16 May 1587, among certain regulations respecting the College Library, thus: "Item, that Mr. Camden, usher for the tyme present, or the usher or a peticanon hereafter, by the apoyntment of Mr. Deane, shall be keper of the said librarie, who shall have a care to kepe and leave, order and dispose, and safelie performe the same, and for his paynes there imployd shall have yearlie twenty shillings." On 2 Dec. 1591 Mr. Camden had the lease of "a little tenement in the Close for the term of his life." Under the date of 29 Jan. 1593-4: "It is decreed that Mr. Camden, scholemaster, and Mr. George Bellott, reseaver, shall have their diett allowed them at our common table, during the tyme of Ꭱ 122 BURIALS IN 1623 Dec. 17 162 Feb. Sir Richard Cox, one of his Majesty's Clerks of the green cloth: on the South side of the broad aisle.¹ 1 17 Lodovick, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, Lord Steward of His Majesty's Household, dyed Feb. 16, 1623, and was buryed the next day in a little side Chapel on the South side of K. H. 7th's Monument, and his funerals were solemnized Apr. 19, 1624.2 Feb. 28 1624 April 6 Mr. William Belcher, Petticanon: [Cloisters]. Mr. John Seward on the South side of the long aisle.³ Mr. Thomas Edwards: in the broad aisle, on the South side.¹ John Darcy, Esq. in St. Nicholas's Chapel. April 21 April 26 June 21 William Glover: [Cloisters]. June 23 5 Mr. William Neyle : [Cloisters]. Mr Deane and the prebendaries keping table in the Colledge, and the time of the contynewyng of their two severall offycies." Under date of 10 May 1594: "Wheras we have receaved hir Maties letters in favor of Mr. Camden, it is agreed by the Deane and prebendaries present that there shall be a Chapter holden the 13 day of June next, being Thursday, for the dewtifull satis- fying hir Maties pleasure in that behalfe." And under date of 13 June 1594: "Wee the Deane and Chapter have graunted and passed under our scale the daye and yeare above written, unto Mr. William Camden our Scholemaster, a Patent for his manes Diet during the life of the said Mr. Camden." .. It may be added that the register of St. Augustine's, London, records the marriage in that church, 4 Sep. 1575, of Sampson Camden and Avis Carter;" but whether this was a second marriage of the father of the great antiquary, or that of a brother or other relative, it is impos- sible to determine. ¹ Third son of Thomas Coxe, of Beamonds, Herts, Esq., by Bridget, dau. of William Lansford, of co. Sussex, and born in the parish of St. Peter, near St. Albans, in the former county. He was knighted at Whitehall 24 July 1603, had been Taster to Q. Elizabeth, and was at his death one of the Masters of the King's Houschold. He died unmarried, 13 Dec., in his 69th year. His will, dated 10 May, was proved 24 Dec. 1623, by his brother, John Cox, of Beamonds, Esq. 2 Ludovic Stuart, eldest son of Esme, first Duke of Lennox, by Catherine, youngest dau. of William de Balsac, Seigneur d'Entragues and Marcoussis, Governor of Havre de Grace. He was born 29 Sep. 1574, and succeeded as second Duke of Lennox 28 May 1583. He was created, 6 Oct. 1613, Baron Setrington and Earl of Richmond, aud, 17 May 1623, Earl of Newcastle and Duke of Richmond. He married, first, Lady Sophia Ruthven, dau. of William, first Earl of Gowrie, and, secondly, Jean, dau. of Sir Matthew Campbell, of London, Kt. See his third wife's burial 12 Oct. 1639, and his brother's 6 Aug. 1624. He died without legitimate issue, and his English titles became extinct. 3 His will, dated 31 Mch., was proved 16 Apl. 1624, and describes him as of Stoke-under- Hamdon, co. Somerset, Gent., and as having a house in Westminster. He mentioned his wife Joane, his daughters Bridget and Phillippa, and his son John (see his baptism 16 Sep. 1622). He was a brother of Isaac Seward, and of Henry Seward, D.D., l'rebendary of Salisbury, who administered to his estate on behalf of his minor children. 4 His will, dated 12 April, was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 1 June 1624, by his relict Jane and by Griffith Pritchard, M.A. He is described as of the city of Westminster, Gent. He left his estate in England and Wales to his wife and daughters, Grace, Frances, aud Catharine, and mentioned his sons-in-law Reynold Conway and Robert ap Hugh Griffith, Gent. 5 He was a brother of the Most Rev. Richard, Archbishop of York, being eldest son of Paul Neile, a tallow chandler of Westminster, by his wife Sibill, and was born about 1560. He held several patents of minor offices from the Dean and Chapter, finally becoming Registrar, or Chapter Clerk, 4 May 1607. His will, dated 30 Jan. 1615-16, with a codicil 21 June 1624, was proved 25 June 1624. See the burial of his first wife 25 Aug. 1620, and of a dau. 25 July 1622. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 123 July 30 1624 July 10 Mr. Arthur Manwaring: in the broad aisle, on the South side.¹ John Williams:2 [Cloisters]. Aug. 6 Aug. 18 Sept. 24 Oct. Esme, Duke of Lennox, Earl of March, etc. in the same Chapel [with Lodovick, Duke of Richmond].3 Mrs. Jane Hatton: in a vault in St. Erasmus's Chapel.* John Reynolds, Butler: 5 [Cloisters]. 2 Sir Robert Lane: in the broad aisle, on the South side. 6 Among other children by her, his son John became eventually Dean of Ripon, and his dau. Frances wife of the Rev. Dr. Edward Burby, Archdeacon of Winchester. He married, secondly, Joyce, dau. of William Stapleton, of Littywood, co. Stafford, Esq., who survived him and re- married the Rev. Thomas Harding, B.D., Rector of Souldern, co. Oxford, and for many years Second Master of Westminster School. She died 28 May 1650, æt. 49, and was buried in St. Mary's Church, Oxford. Paul Neile, the father of this William and of the Archbishop, was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 June 1574, and his widow, Sibill, whose maiden name, from her first husband's will, appears to have been Tapping, was remarried there, 25 April 1575, to Robert Newell, and became mother of the Rev. Dr. Robert Newell, Prebendary of Westminster, Sub-dean of Lincoln, etc.: sce the burial of his son 30 Nov. 1626, and note thereto. In Dr. Newell's will, dated 11 June, 1642, he states that she was buried in the great north porch of the Abbey, but the record of it does not occur in the Register. 1 ¹ Letters of administration were granted by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 28 May 1625, on the estate of Arthur Manwayring, Esq., late of the city of Westminster, to Peter Daniell, his sister's son. He was a younger son of Henry Mainwaring, of Kermincham, co. Chester, Esq., Sheriff of Cheshire in 1575, by Elinor, dau. of Sir Thomas Venables, Baron of Kinderton. The will of Mary, widow of Arthur Manwayring, Gent., dated 21 Mch. 1626-7, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 12 Feb. 1629-30, by Everard Maynwaring, Gent., whom she mentioned as living with her. She bequeathed the arrearages of the annuity due to her from Peter Daniell, of Tabley, co. Chester, Esq. They appear to have left no issue. In a herald painter's work-book in the College of Arms he is described as of Canterbury. 2 The date should probably be 1621. The nuncupative will of John Williams, late of West- minster, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 1 Aug. 1621, by his mother, Margaret Dyer alias Williams. See his father's burial 24 July 1612, and note thereto. (This entry, in the portion of the Register devoted to burials within the Abbey, imme- diately follows that of 17 Feb. 1623-4.) He was second son of Esme Stuart, first Duke of Lennox, by Catherine, youngest dau. of William de Balsac, Seigneur d'Entragues and Marcoussis, Governor of Havre de Grace, and was created, 7 June 1619, Baron Stuart of Leighton Broms- wold, and Earl of March. He succeeded his elder brother (see his burial 17 Feb. 1623-4) as third Duke of Lennox, but enjoyed the title little more than six months, dying of the spotted fever, at Kirby, co. Northampton, 30 July in the same year. See the burials, of his son 18 Apl. 1655, and of his daughters, 7 Sep. 1618 and 17 Mch. 1693-4. 4 Youngest surviving dau. of Sir Christopher Hatton, of Kirby, co. Northampton (see his burial 11 Sep. 1619, and note thereto), and was baptized at Barking, Essex, 22 June 1609. She "died of the spotted fever, a pretty gentlewoman, much lamented" (Court and Times of James I., ii. 471). 5 He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter as chief butler, 3 May 1620. 6 Son of Sir Robert Lane, of Horton, co. Northampton, Kt. by his first wife, Catherine, dau. of Sir Roger Copley, of Gatton. co. Surrey, Kt. He was knighted 23 July 1603, being then one of the Gentlemen Ushers to the King. He was of Ketton, co. Rutland, and of Barford, co. Warwick, and was Sheriff of Rutland in 1612 and 1622. He married, at Chelsea, Midx., 12 Aug. 1619, Dudley, dau. of Sir Arthur Gorges, Kt., by Elizabeth, dau. of Henry, Earl of Lincoln, who survived him, and was buried at Chelsea 24 Aug. 1667. His will, dated 22 Sep., was proved 2 Oct. 1624. Besides his wife's jointure, and a remission of upwards of £2,000 due to him from the King, he left his estates to his cousin, William, Lord Feilding, Earl of Denbigh. (The register of St. Martin in the Fields records his death in that parish, and his burial in the Abbey, under the same date as that in the text). 124 BURIALS IN 1624 Dec. 2 1625 April 7 April 30 May 5 June 9 2 Mrs. Alice Baker: in the long aisle, on the North side.¹ Thomas Beck, Head Brewer: [Cloisters]. Elizabeth Poyner : [Cloisters]. 8 4 James, King of Great Brittaine, etc., dyed Mar. 27, and was buried May 5th in King Henry the 7th's vault.* Richard Gyles, singing man :5 [Cloisters]. July 15 Henry Vere, Earl of Oxford, Lord High Chamberlaine of England in St. John Baptist's Chapel. 6 Mr. Morgan Mathewes:7 [Cloisters]. The Lady Jane, Dowager of Shrewsbury in St. Edmund's Chapel.8 : Aug. 10 1628 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 George Limeter, Esq.: in the long aisle, on the South side.º See her husband's burial 2 Oct. 1635. She was his first wife, and in his will he desired to be buried beside her in the Abbey. In the Visitation of Berkshire she is called the dau. of Edward Jervys, of co. Southampton. 2 He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, as chief brewer, 4 Dec. 1599. Dean Goodman, in his will dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, mentioned him as one of his nearest and most faithful servants. His will, dated 25 Mch., was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 22 Apl. 1625, by his relict Mary. See his son's burial 4 June 1645. ³ See her husband's burlal 7 Apl. 1617. Her dau. Margaret Jackson, widow, administered to her estate 25 June 1625, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter. 4 James Stuart, son of Henry, Lord Darnley, by Mary, Queen of Scots; born in Edinburgh Castle 19 June 1566; succceded to the Scottish throne as James VI.; crowned King of England 25 July 1603. See the burials of his Queen 13 May 1619, and of their children, 16 Dec. 1607, 8 Dec. 1612, and 17 Feb. 1661-2. (For an interesting account of the recent discovery of his coffin see Dean Stanley's Memorials of Westminster Abbey, third edit. p. 681, etc. If the precise place of his interment indicated in the text had been accepted, the long search would have been unnecessary, but we should then have missed other discoveries of the greatest interest and little less importance.) It is curious that the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal gives the date of his burial as the 7th of May, instead of the 5th, as do also the contemporaneous diary of Sir Simonds D'Ewes and various other authorities. • Letters of administration were granted by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 26 Jan. 1625-6, to his relict Sarah Gyles. 6 Only son of Edward de Vere, seventeenth Earl of Oxford, and only child by his second wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Trentham, of Rocester, co. Stafford, Esq. He was born 24 Feb. 1592-3, and baptized at Stoke Newington, Midx., 31 Mch. following, and succeeded as eighteenth Earl in 1604. He married Lady Diana Cecil, second dau. of William, second Earl of Exeter, who survived him, but by whom he had no issue. He died during the siege of Breda, in command of a regiment. His will, dated 20 May, was proved 16 July 1625. 7 The will of Morgan Mathew, of Dublin, Esq., dated 8 July 1625, was proved 3 July 1626, by his son Hugh Morgan. He left surviving a wife Anne, dau. of Griffith Pigott then deceased. He mentioned his cousins Sir David ap Richard alias Morgan, Clerk, Samuel Davies, of Dublin, and Roger Davies, Constable of Dublin Castle. He appears to have died while temporarily sojourning in Westminster. 8 Jane Ogle, eldest dau. and coheir of Cuthbert, seventh Baron Ogle, by Catherine, dau. and coheir of Sir Reginald Carnaby, Kt. She is usually called Joane in the books, but in the Abbey Register, on her monument, and in her will, her name is distinctly Jane. See her husband's burial 9 Feb. 1617-18. Her nuncupative will, made 20 Dec. 1625, was proved at York 1 June 1627, by her sister, Lady Katherine Cavendish. • The name occurs variously as Lemetayer, Lemitaire, Limeter, Limiter, and Lymitter. He matriculated at Oxford, from Broadgates Hall, as George Limiter, 28 Apl. 1580, aged 17, and is described as "Pleb. fil.," and of co. Kent. He had a grant of arms 14 June 1616, as George WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 125 162 Jan. 30 Feb. 28 March 13 1626 May 23 May 30 Nov. 30 James Chappell, Bellringer:¹ [Cloisters]. The Lord John Ramsey, Viscount Haddington, Earle of Holder- nes in St. Paul's Chapel.2 Anne Chapman :3 [Cloisters]. : Sir George Hollis in St. John Evangelist's Chapel.* Mr. John Easton: [Cloisters]. John, son of Dr. Newell, Prebendary of this Church in the Porch, on the North side.5 1629 March 11 Elizabeth, Countess of Derby: in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Lemitaire, of the city of Westminster, Esq., son of Thomas Lemetayer, of co. Kent, and grandson of Nicholas Lemetayer, who came to England from Normandy. The baptisms of six children, by his wife Anne, are recorded at St. Bride's, London, between 1596 and 1602, and in one of them he is described as a "gentleman belonging unto the office of the First Fruits": in the St. Bride's Register the name is always Lymitter. He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter of West- minster, 3 Dec. 1607, as Receiver-General and Solicitor, and the same was renewed, 4 May 1621, to him and his son Charles. He died intestate, but the will of his widow, Anne, dated 8 Dec. 1627, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 22 Feb. 1627-8, by her married dau. Mary Browne. ¹ He is mentioned as a deputy bell-ringer in a will dated in 1609. In his own will, dated 19 Jan.. and proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter 17 Feb. 1625-6, he is described as of the city of Westminster, yeoman. It mentions only his wife Elizabeth, and his son and heir John, then a minor, to whom he bequeathed a messuage and tenement in Thames Ditton, co. Surrey. 2 Sir John Ramsay, Kt. (son of James Ramsay, who died about 1580), the preserver of the life of King James I. on his attack by the Ruthvens. He was created Viscount Haddington 11 June 1606, and Baron of Kingston-on-Thames and Earl of Holderness 22 Jan. 1620-1. He married, first, 9 Feb. 1608, Lady Elizabeth Ratcliffe (eldest dau. of Robert, fifth Earl of Sussex). who died 6th Dec. 1618, and secondly, about July 1624, Martha, third dau. of Sir William Cockayne, of Rushton, co. Northampton, Kt., who survived him, and remarried Montague Bertie, second Earl of Lindsey. His will, dated 6 Jan. 1625-6, was proved, after a legal contest, 16 Feb. 1626-7, by the Countess Martha. By her he had no issue. See the burials of his children by his first wife, 28 Feb. 1617-18, and 25 Mch. and 14 Sep. 1621. 3 Probably, from his will, the first wife of James Chapman, Baker to the College: see his burial 15 Jan. 1663-4. 4 Younger brother of John, first Earl of Clare, being son of Denzell Holles, Esq., by Eleanor. dau. of Edmund, first Lord Sheffield of Butterwick. He was baptized at Irby-on-Humber, co. Lincoln, 1 Sep. 1577, knighted at Greenwich 2 July 1609, and was a Major-General in the Netherlands. He died on the 19th of this month, and his will, dated 13 May, was proved 16 June following. He died unmarried, leaving his nephew Denzell, afterwards Baron Holles of Ifield, his residuary legatee. 5 Son of the Rev. Robert Newell, D.D., Prebendary and Sub-dean of Westminster (who was half-brother of the Most Reverend Richard Neile, Archbishop of York), by his wife, daughter of John Clarke, of Clothall, co. Herts, Yeoman, and sister of the Rev. Gabriel Clarke, D.D., Arch- deacon of Durham. Dr. Newell, in his will, dated 11 June 1642 and proved 1 May 1646, states that his wife and another child were buried in the same locality in the Abbey, but no record of either occurs in the Register. The other child was undoubtedly Dorothy, who was baptized in the Abbey 22 Nov. 1622, as he left but one surviving dau., Elizabeth (see her baptism 23 Mch. 1623-4). • Lady Elizabeth de Vere, eldest dau. of Edward, seventeenth Earl of Oxford, by his first wife, Anne, dau. of William Cecil, Lord (Treasurer) Burghley, and wife of William Stanley, sixth Earl of Derby, to whom married 26 June 1594. In the parish register of Richmond, Surrey, she is said to have died there on the 10th of March. The Earl survived her, and died 29 Sep. 1642, but was buried at Ormskirk. See the burials of her daughters, 20 Mch. 1608-9 and 15 Feb. 1656-7, her sister 1 Feb. 1628-9, and her grand-daughter 4 Apl. 1629. 126 BURIALS IN 1629 March 17 Charles, Marquess of Buckingham, Earl of Coventry, son of George, Duke of Buckingham: in a little Chapel on the North side of K. Henry 7th's monument.1 1627 April 19 April 19 April 21 2 Sir John Beumont: in the broad aisle, on the South side.² The Lady Anne, wife of Dudly, Lord Carleton: in St. Paul's Chapel.3 April 26 Elizabeth Greene: [Cloisters]. 4 June 1 Daniel, son of Mr. Thomas Day 5 [Cloisters]. Aug. 1 Oct. 18 Oct. 23 Dr. Heather, Dr. of Musick: in the broad aisle, on the South side.6 .7 Henry Northridge, singing man :" [Cloisters]. Sir John Burrough in St. Michael's Chapel.8 1 Eldest son of George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham (see his burial 18 Sep. 1628), by Lady Katherine Manners, only dau, and heiress of Francis, sixth Earl of Rutland. According to a horoscope in Ashmole MS. (Bod. Lib.) 243, p. 185, he was born 17 Nov. 1625, and according to his coffin-plate, exposed in 1867, he died 16 Mch. 1626-7. 2 Second son of Sir Francis Beaumont, of Grace Dieu, co. Leicester, Kt., one of the Justices of the Common Pleas, by Anne, dau. of Sir George Pierrepont, of Holme Pierrepont, co. Notts, Kt., and relict of Thomas Thorold, of Marston, co. Lincoln, Esq. He was born in 1582, and was created a Baronet 29 Jan. 1626-7. He is always said to have died in the year 1628, and it is possible that the date in the text is an error by the transcriber of the old Register. His widow, Dame Elizabeth, did not administer to his estate until 3 Jan. 1628-9. In Collectanea the date is erroneously given as the 29th April. See his brother's burial 9 Mch. 1615-16. The first collected edition of his Poems was privately published in 1869, by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. 3 Dau. and coheir of George Garrard, Esq. (second son of Sir William Garrard, of Dorncy, co. Bucks, Kt.), by Margaret Dacres his wife. According to her monument she died 18 Apl., in her forty-second year, without issue, having been married twenty years. See her husband's burial 19 Feb. 1631-2. 4 See a burial, probably of her husband, 29 Jan. 1627-8. 5 Erroneously Mr. John Day in Collectanea. See his father's burial 10 Apl. 1654. 6 William Heather, born at Harmondsworth, Midx., was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 27 Mch. 1615, and was created Doctor of Music at Oxford 18 May 1622. (See a portrait and memoir of him in Sir John Hawkins's History of Music, iv. 30.) His will, dated 21 July, was proved 16 Aug. 1627. He lived in the Almonry, Westminster, and had houses and lands at Chiselhurst and Bromley, in Kent. He mentioned his brother-in-law William Ryman, then deceased, and numerous cousins of the names of Manning,' Bannister, Pearman, l'escod, and Buckridge, but left his lands and residue of personality to his cousin William Ireland, of West- minster, Gent., who was his executor. He bequeathed £17 6s. 8d. per annum for ever for a music lecture at Oxford, and left his widow £150 per annum for life, and £300 to dispose of by will at her pleasure: see her burial 6 Sep. 1635. 7 Henry Northedge had a patent from the Dean and Chapter as one of the bell-ringeis, 15 May 1598. Dean Goodman, in his will dated 2 Mch. 1600-1, mentioned Henry Northage as one of his nearest and most faithful servants. Henry Northage was appointed by the Dean and Chapter, 4 Dec. 1606, an usher of the hall, with a livery and twenty shillings per anuum. Henry Northridge had a patent for life, 6 Dec. 1613, as purveyor to the College. These notices doubtless all refer to the person named in the text, as it was quite usual for the singing-men to hold other offices connected with the Abbey. 8 Eldest son of Richard Burgh, of Stow, co. Lincolu, Esq., by Anne, eldest dau. of Anthony Dillington, of Knighton, Isle of Wight, Esq. He was knighted at Greenwich 4 May 1623, and was colonel of one of the six regiments sent to the Palatinate in Dec. 1624. He was slain while besieging the citadel of St. Martin, in the Isle of Rhé, in the preceding month. The 20th of September is usually mentioned as the date of his death; but a MS. in the Bodleian Library (Rawlinson B. 480), cntitled "A Journal touching the Voyage to the Isle of Ree, 1627," under date of 11 Sep., says, "This night also Sir John Burgh was slain "; and a poetical account of Sir WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 127 19 Philip Feilding, Esq., 3rd son to William, Earl of Denbigh : in a little Chapel on the North side of K. H. 7th's monument.¹ George Greene, singing man :2 [Cloisters.] 1627 Jan. Jan. 29 1628 April 12 May 21 June 24 July 11 Aug. 21 Sept. 18 Mrs. Alice, wife to Dr. Corbet, Dean of Christ Church in Oxford:3 [in the Abbey]. James Harvy, Clerk of the Works :4 [Cloisters]. Isabel Boston :5 [Cloisters]. The Lady Frances, Countess of Kildare: in St. Benedict's Chapel.6 : Peirce Griffith, Esq. in the broad aisle, on the South side.7 George, Duke of Buckingham: in a little Chapel on the North side of K. H. 7th's monument.8 John Burgh, by Robert Markham, published in 1628, has a fine portrait of him, on which is engraved, "slayne wth a musket bullet 11 Sep. 1627." His will, dated 17 July 1620, was proved 26 Oct. 1627, by his brother, Edward Burgh, residuary legatce. Third and youngest son of William Feilding, first Earl of Denbigh, by Susan, dau. of Sir George Villiers, of Brookesby, co. Leicester, Kt., and sister to George, first Duke of Buckingham. See his sister's burial 12 May 1638. 2 See a burial, probably of his wife, 26 April 1627. He administered to the estate of his son John, 8 Jan. 1626-7. He appears to have been sworn a Gentleman Extraordinary of the Chapel Royal 24 Nov. 1601. 3 Dau. of the Rev. Leonard Hutton, D.D., Canon of Christ Church. Oxford, and wife of the Rev. Richard Corbett, D.D., afterwards successively Bishop of Oxford and Norwich, who died 28 July 1635, and was buried in Norwich Cathedral. She was baptized at St. Aldate's, city of Oxford, 6 June 1602. See her mother's burial in 1644. "She was a very beautiful woman, and so was her mother" (Aubrey's Letters, ii. 294). A patent was granted by the Dean and Chapter, 3 Dec. 1610, to Roger Edwards and Thomas White, "of the office of looking to the conduit pipes and the leads of and about the church," but James Harvey, who had held the office forty years, and was then bedridden, was to have the annual fees (£6 13s. 4d.) as long as he should live. 5 Probably a dau. or other relative of Josiah Boston, of Westminster. to whose estate his relict Rebecca administered, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 22 Oct. 1625. • Second dau. of Charles Howard, first Earl of Nottingham, by his first wife, Catherine, eldest dau. of Henry Carey, first Baron Hunsdon. She married, first, Henry, twelfth Earl of Kildare, who died 31 July 1597, and, secondly, Henry Brook, eighth Lord Cobham, who was attainted in 1606 and died in imprisonment 24 Jan. 1618-9. Her will, dated 21 June, was proved 8 July 1628. 7 Second but eldest surviving son of Sir Rees Griffith, of l'enrhyn, Kt., High Sheriff of Car- narvonshire in 1567, by his second wife, Catharine, dau, of Pierce Mostyn, of Talacre, Esq., who remarried Sir Thomas Mostyn, of Mostyn, Kt. He appears to have equipped and sailed a priva- teer at the period of the Spanish Armada, and afterwards cruized with Drake and Raleigh. In the time of K. James I. he was accused of piracy by the Spanish Ambassador, who pressed the charge so strongly that he was compelled to sell his estate to obtain a pardon. He married Margaret, dau. of Sir Thomas Mostyn, of Mostyu, Kt., by Ursula, dau. of William Goodman, of Chester, by whom he had three sous, William, Robert, and Rees, who all died young, and four daughters. See the burial of his kinsman Feb. 1636-7. 8 Younger son of Sir George Villiers of Brookesby, co. Leicester, Kt., by his second wife, Mary, dau. of Anthony Beaumout. of Glenfield, co. Leicester, Esq. (see her burial 21 Apl. 1632). He was born at Brookesby 28 Aug. 1592; married, in 1620, Lady Katherine Manners, ouly dau. and heir of Francis, sixth Earl of Rutland; and was assassinated at Portsmouth 23 Aug. 1628. He was created Baron of Whaddon and Viscount Villiers 27 Aug. 1616; Earl of Buckingham 5 Jan. 1616-7; Marquis of Buckingham 1 Jan. 1617-18; and Earl of Coventry and Duke of Buckingham 18 May 1623. See the burials of his children, 17 Mch. 1626-7, 10 July 1648, 28 Nov. 1685, and 7 June 1687. 128 BURIALS IN 1628 Sept. 18 1628 Jan. 8 Feb. 1 1629 April 4 March 17 Thomas Rapier:¹ [Cloisters]. Dorothy, wife of Lawrence Charles:2 [Cloisters]. The Countess of Montgomery in St. Nicholas's Chapel.3 The Countess of Desmond: in St. Paul's Chapel.ª : Sherlot Stanly, daughter to the Lord Strange: in St. Nicholas's Chapel.5 May 13 Charles, Prince of Wales: on the South side of K. H. 7th's Aug. 10 Aug. 12 Chapel.® Elizabeth, wife of John Hitchcock: [Cloisters]. : The Lady Julian, wife of Sir Randolph Crew in the long aisle, on the North side.8 See a burial 3 Dec. 1658, and note thereto. 2 See her husband's burial 29 June 1642. Lady Susan de Verc, third and youngest dau. of Edward, seventeenth Earl of Oxford, by his first wife, Anne, dau. of William Cecil, Lord (Treasurer) Burghley. She was the first wife of Sir Philip Herbert, created Earl of Montgomery 4 May 1605, who succeeded as fourth Earl of Pembroke 10 Apl. 1630, and died 23 Jan. 1649-50. They were married at Whitehall 27 Dec. 1604, according to most accounts; but Camden's Annals give the date 4 Jan. following. Sce her sister's burial 11 Mch. 1626-7, and her son's 23 Nov. 1659. 4 Elizabeth, only surviving child of Thomas Butler, tenth Earl of Ormond and third of Ossory, by his second wife, Elizabeth, dau. of John, second Lord Sheffield. She was married, first, to her cousin-german, Theobald, Viscount Butler of Tullcophelim, co. Carlow, who died Jan. 1613, and, secondly, to Sir Richard Preston, Baron Dingwall in Scotland, who was created Earl of Desmond in Ireland 22 Nov. 1622, and who was drowned in the Irish Channel 28 Oct. 1628. She is said to have died in Wales 10 Oct. 1628, shortly before her husband, and was probably removed to be buried by her father's first wife and her own brother in this chapel. See the burial of her only child 24 July 1684. 5 Charlotte Stanley, eldest dau. of James, then Lord Strange, who succeeded as seventh Earl of Derby 29 Sep. 1642, and was beheaded at Bolton 15 Oct. 1651, by Charlotte, dau. of Claude de la Trémouille, Duke of Thouars, famous for her gallant defence of Lathom House and the Isle of Man, and who died 21 Mch. 1663-4. She died in her infancy. See her grandmother's burial 11 Mch. 1626-7. (Sir Egerton Brydges, in his edition of Collins's Peerage, iii. 83. states that Charles, third son of William, sixth Earl of Derby, was buried in the Abbey on the 24th of this month; but no record of it occurs in the Register, and he has perhaps been in some way confounded with this Charlotte.) 6 Eldest child of K. Charles I., by Q. Henrietta-Maria, third and youngest dau. of Henry IV. King of France; born and died at Greenwich.-" Mary, Q. of England, delivered of her first son, stillborn, 13 May 1629, about 3 A.M." (Horoscope in Ashmole MS., Bod. Lib., 243, p. 185). Other accounts, probably more correct, state that he lived long enough to be baptized by Dr. Webb, and by the names of Charles-James. Archbishop Laud, in his Diary, states that he buried him on the 14th of May. From all the testimony there is little doubt that he was born about three o'clock on the morning of the 13th, and buried a little before midnight on the 14th. The date in the Register is an error. See the burials of his sisters and brothers, 8 Dec. 1640, 21 Sep. and 29 Dec. 1660, and 14 Feb. 1684-5. Another sister, the Princess Katharinc, being fourth dau. and seventh child, was born and died 20 Jan. 1638-9, and was undoubtedly buried in the Abbey ; but no record of it occurs in the Register, which is especially defective about that period. 7 John Hitchcock had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, 7 Dec. 1620, as second cook, and another, 7 Dec. 1621, as gardener. He is mentioned in a will dated 7 Dec. 1631 as still one of the College servants, and probably remarried, as letters of administration were granted by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 20 Sep. 1634, to Judith, relict of John Hitchcock, late of Westminster, deccased. Juliana, dau. of Edward Fusey, of London. She married, first, Sir Thomas Hesketh, Kt., and, secondly. 12 April 1607, Sir Ranulphe Crewe, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, to whom WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 129 1629 Aug. 18 Henry, son of John Lawes:¹ [Cloisters]. [A hiatus here occurs in the Register of Burials in the Cloisters, extending from the last date to the 23rd of May, 1640. As Mr. Tynchare, the transcriber of the "imperfect bookes," continued the entries regularly, simply noting the deficiency by the expression "desunt 1630, etc.," it is evident that the records embracing this period, so far as the Cloisters are concerned, were then hopelessly lost.] Sir Humphrey May, one of his Majesty's Privy Council: on the North side of the Chapel of Kings.2 3 Sir James Fullerton: near the steps ascending to K. H. 7th's 1630 June 11 June 11 163 Jan. 1631 May Oct. 6 Mr. Ellis's mother: in the North aisle. 6 Mr. Richard Tufton :5 [in the Abbey]. Chapel.3 1 she was second wife, and who died 13 Jan. 1645-6, and was buried at Barthomley, co. Chester. She died 10 Aug. See the burials of her step-children, 23 Apl. 1621 and 3 Feb. 1648-9. 1 See his father's burial 19 Jan. 1654-5. 2 Of Carrow Priory, co. Norfolk, Vice-Chamberlain to K. Charles I., and son of Richard May, citizen and merchant-taylor of London, by Mary Hillersden his wife. He was knighted at Newmarket Jan. 1612-13, and appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 9 Mch 1616-17. In 1629 he had a grant in reversion of the office of Master of the Rolls, but died before it fell to him, 9 June 1630, aged about 57. Letters of administration were granted, 24 June 1630, to his relict Dame Judith, his second wife (his first wife having died in May 1615), who was a dau. of Sir William Poley, of Boxted, co. Suffolk, Kt. They were married, at Bury St. Edmunds, 3 Feb. 1615-16. She died 9 June 1661, aged about 63, and was buried at Boxted. See the burial of their second son 16 Mch. 1643-4. 3 In his will, dated 28 Dec. 1630, and proved 5 Feb. 1630-1, he is described as a Knight, and one of the Gentlemen of His Majesty's Bedchamber. On his monument he is called First Gentleman of the Bedchamber. He was evidently a Scottish Knight. and his arms were those of Fullerton of Craighall. The recumbent statue of his wife is placed with his own, but the tablet left for the inscription respecting her is entirely blank, and no record of her burial occurs in the Register. Although the fact has dropped out of the family history, he married at Abbots- Langley, Herts, 9 Apl. 1616, Magdalen, dau. of Sir Alexander Clerk, of Balbirnie, co. Fife, and relict of Sir Edward Bruce, first Baron Bruce of Kinloss, who died 14 Jan. 1610-11, and was buried in the Rolls Chapel, London. To her Sir James Fullerton bequeathed all his estate, real and personal, and appointed as his executor her son Thomas, third Baron of Kinloss, who was subsequently created Earl of Elgin. 4 Jane, dau. of Thomas Stotevile, of Brinkley, co. Cambridge. Esq.. by Cicely, dau. of Thomas Rudston, of Swaffham-Bulbeck, in the same county. She married, first, Edward Ellis, of Chesterton, co. Cambridge, Esq., who died at Cambridge 20 Nov. 1596, and, secondly, Othowell Hill, D.C.L., Chancellor of Lincoln, who was buried in Lincoln Cathedral 19 May 1616. She died 27 Apl., in her 78th year. Her will, dated 22 Mch. 1624-5, was proved 9 May 1631. Sce her son's burial 14 Oct. 1656. 5 Fourth but third surviving son of Sir John Tufton, of Hothfield, Kent. Kt. and Bart., by Christian, dau. and coheir of Sir Humphrey Brown, Kt., one of the Judges of the Common Pleas. He died 4 Oct., and his will, dated 29 Sep., was proved 7 Oct. 1631. It describes him as of Shorne, co. Kent, Esq.; but he also had a residence in Tothill-street, and was the founder of that street, in Westminster, which still bears his name. He married Chrisogon, youngest dau. and coheir of Herbert Morley, of Glynde, co. Sussex, Esq., who, as well as a son and two daughters, survived him. See his sister's burial 11 Sep. 1653, and that of his great-grandchild 12 June S 1679, 130 BURIALS IN 1631 Nov. Nov. Dec. 4 4 Dr. Darell at the lower end of the South aisle.¹ 21 Dr. Price in the broad aisle, on the South side.2 163 Feb. 19 The Lord Carleton, Viscount Dorchester, Principal Secretary to the King in a Chapel, near the Lord Puckering.³ : March 4 The Lady Mary, daughter to the Lord Marquis Hamilton: in K. Henry 7th's Chapel, near the Duke of Buckingham.¹ The Countesse of Buckingham :5 [in the Abbey]. 1632 April 21 1633 July 23 : Mr. Hugh Holland in the South part of the Church, near the door entering into the monuments.6 ¹ George Darell, seventh son of Edward Darell, of Pagham, co. Sussex, Esq., Clerk of the Acatery to Q. Elizabeth, by Mary, dau. and heir of Marmaduke Darell, of the same place, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from New College, 25 Oct. 1589, aged 14, and was D.D., as of All Souls, 14 Jan. 1607-8. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 8 June 1607, and became Rector of Wormley, Herts, 22 Sep. 1610, and of West Hanningfield, Essex, 23 Dec. 1611. He died 31 Oct., and his will, dated 24 Apl., was proved 31 Dec. 1631. He bequeathed £400 towards building the New Chapel of Westminster, in Tothill Fields. See his first wife's burial 31 Aug. 1621. He remarried Anne, dau. of John Darell, of Calehill, co. Kent, Esq., by Anne, dau. and coheir of the Rt. Rev. Robert Horne, Bishop of Winchester, who survived him about three years. 2 Theodore Price, born at Bron-y-fael in Llanenddwn, co. Merioneth, son of Recs ap Tudor ap William Vaughan, of Glgerran, by Margery, dau. of Edward Stanley, Esq., Constable of Harleigh Castle. He entered All Souls' College, Oxford, as a chorister, and became afterwards a Fellow of Jesus College. He held for a short time the rectory of Llanvair, near Harleigh, and was installed Prebendary of Winchester 9 Sep. 1596. He became Principal of IIart Hall, Oxford, in 1604, and was created D.D. 5 July 1614. He was installed Prebendary of Lincoln 24 Jan. 1621-2, resigning his post at Hart Hall, and Prebendary of Westminster in July 1623. Hc held his three prebends until his death, 15 Dec. 1631. His will, dated 10 Nov., was proved 19 Dec. 1631, by his nephew and general legatee, William Lewes, D.D., Master of the Hospital of St. Cross. Ellis Wynne (see his burial 29 Sep. 1623), in his will, calls Dr. Price his cousin. 3 Dudley Carlton, youngest son of Anthony Carlton, of Baldwin-Brightwell, co. Oxford, Esq., by his second wife, Joyce, dau. of Sir John Goodwin, of Winchendon, co. Bucks, Kt. He was baptized at Baldwin-Brightwell 21 Mch. 1573-4. He was created Baron Carlton, of Imbercourt, 21 May 1626, and Viscount Dorchester 25 July 1628. He died 15 Feb., and his will, dated 18 Aug. 1630, with a codicil 13 Feb. 1631-2, was proved 4 Apl. 1632. See his first wife's burial 21 Apl. 1627. He remarried Anne, widow of Paul, first Viscount Bayning, by whom he had a posthumous dau. Frances, who was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 June 1632, and buried at St. Olave's, Hart Street, London, 2 Jan. following, and her mother was buried at Gosfield, Essex, 31 Jan. 1638-9. Both titles became extinct at his death. 4 Eldest dau. of James, third Marquis and afterwards Duke of Hamilton, and doubtless the child baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, 5 Mch. 1630-1, as "Heneretta Maria Hamelton filia hono'bilis viri Jacobi Hamelton Marquess Hamelton et Dominæ Mariæ uxoris." See her mother's burial 12 May 1638. 5 Mary, dau. of Anthony Beaumont, of Glenfield, co. Leicester, Esq., and second wife and relict of Sir George Villiers, Kt., who died 4 Jan. 1605-6. On the 19th June following, according to the parish register of Goadby, co. Leicester, she remarried Sir William Rayner, of Orton- Longueville, co. Huntingdon, Kt., who died about four months afterwards, and she subsequently married Sir Thomas Compton, Kt. (brother to William, first Earl of Northampton), who died early in April 1626. She was created Countess of Buckingham 1 July 1618. According to her coffin-plate, she died 19 Apl., in her sixty-second year. Her will, dated 12 Apl. 1631, with a codicil 4 Apl. 1632, was proved 7 May following. See her son's burial 18 Sep. 1628. • A native of Wales, son of Robert Holland, who is said by Aubrey to have descended from the Earls of Kent of his name. His mother was of the family of Payne, of Denbighshire. He was elected to Cambridge from Westminster School in 1589, and became a Fellow of Trinity WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 131 1634 [Feb.](-) Judge Richardson: near the Cloisters' door, on the back side of the Quire.¹ 1635 March 27 Dr. Mason, Dean of Sarum and tutour to Prince Charles: in the Church.2 May 8 Sept. 6 Oct. 2 Sir Horatio Vere: by Sir Fran. Vere his brother." Mrs. Heather, the Relict of Dr. Heather: [in the Abbey]. Mr. Baker, his Majesty's Serjeant of the Chirurgeons: in the North aisle of the Church. 4 5 .6 Nov. 20 Dr. Paul's wife :6 near the Font. College. He does not appear to have ever obtained any English preferment, but was a Latin poet of considerable note. Letters of administration, in which he is described as of Westminster, widower, were granted, 31 Aug. 1633, to his son, "Arbellino" Holland, also of Westminster, gentleman. The Right Hon. Sir Thomas Richardson, Kt., successively Speaker of the House of Commons and Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas and King's Bench. He is usually stated to have been the son of Dr. Thomas Richardson, a clergyman of Mulbarton, Norfolk, and to have been born at Hardwick, in that county, 3 July 1569; but, in the entry of his baptism in the parish register of Hardwick, of that date, he is described as the son of William Richardson and Agnes his wife, and a MS. note in the margin identifies him with the Chief Justice. By his first wife, Ursula (third dau, of John Southwell, of Barham Hall, Suffolk, Esq.). who was buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 13 Juuc 1624, he had twelve children, of whom only one son and four daughters survived him. He remarried, at St. Giles in the Fields. Midx., 14 Dec. 1626, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Thomas Beaumont, of Stoughton, co. Leicester, Kt., and relict of Sir John Ashburnham, Kt.. who was created Baroness Cramond in his lifetime, with remainder to his heirs male. She survived him, and was buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 3 Apl. 1651. He died, at his house in Chancery Lanc, 4 Feb. 1634-5. His will, dated 16 Jan. 1634-5, was proved 15 Apl. following. 2 Edmund Mason, S. T. P., was collated to the Deanery of Salisbury 20 Mch. 1629-30, aud died at his house in Petty France, Westminster, 24 Mch. 1631-5. He was third and youngest son of William Mason, of Egmanton, co. Notts, Gent., by Julian, dau. of Richard Stringer. of co. Derby, and relict of William Cardinall, of Great Bromley, co. Essex, Esq. He married Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Barker, of the city of Peterborough, Gent., and widow of James Taylor, of Cambridge, Gent., but had no issue by her (Fun. Cert. Coll. Arm. I. 24, p. 28). His brother, Thomas Mason, Esq., administered to his estate 16 June 1635. 3 Youngest son of Geoffrey de Vere (third son of John, fifteenth Earl of Oxford), by Eliza- beth, dau. of Sir John Hardkyn, of Colchester, Kt. For his splendid military services he was created, 24 July 1625, Baron Vere of Tilbury. He married Mary, dau. of Sir William Tracy, of Toddington, co. Gloucester, Kt.. but died without male issue, 2 May 1635, and the barony became extinct. His will, dated 10 Nov. 1634, was proved 6 May 1635, by his relict Lady Mary, to whom he left his entire estate, and who only is named in it. See his brother's burial 29 Aug. 1609. 1 See her husband's burial 1 Aug. 1627. Her will, as Margery Heather, of St. Margaret's. Westminster, widow, dated 3 July 1629, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 11 Sep. 1635, by Sir Henry Herbert, of Ribsford. co. Worcester, Kt., whom she made her residuary legatee, and described as her "loving and kind friend." No relative is named in the will except her nicce Margery Fricr. 6 Alexander Baker, son of George Baker, Esq., Chief Chirurgeon to Queen Elizabeth, by his first wife Anne, dau, of William Swayne, of Hackney, Midx. He had been also Chirurgeon to K. James I., and a J.P. for Middlesex. His will, dated 25 Sep. 1635, was proved on the day of his burial. See the burial of his first wife 2 Dec. 1624, and the marriage of his grand-daughter 3 Dec. 1662. He remarried Frances, dau. of Michael Grigg, and widow of Francis l'endleton, of London, draper, who survived him. He died 26 Sep., at his house on St. Peter's Hill in London. 6 Alice, second wife of the Rev. Dr. William Paule, afterwards Bishop of Oxford. The genealogy and domestic history of this prelate have never heretofore been given, probably because not known, or, if known, from motives of false delicacy. It has only been said of his origin that 1 132 BURIALS IN 1635 March 11 Mrs. Causabon, the Relict of Mr. Isaac Causabon:1 [in the Abbey]. 163 Feb. (-) Serjeant Griffith, one of his Majesty's Serjeants at Arms: 2 near the red door in the South aisle. 1637 Dec. 14 Mrs. Margery Croft, one of the Maids of Honour to the Queen of Bohemia in the South part of the cross aisle. 1631 Jan. 5 Feb. 6 3 Mrs. Cicely, wife of Mr. Thomas Killegrew : in the Church. Sir Clipsy Crewe's daughter: 5 in the North aisle of the monu- ments. he was born in Eastcheap, London, in 1599, and but one wife has been assigned to him. Even in the recorded pedigree of the family in the College of Arms his ancestry and his first two wives are completely ignored. The following results have been obtained after much research and difficulty, and may be relied upon. He was a younger son (one of sixteen children) of William Paule, citizen and butcher of London, by Joane his wife, dau. of John Harrison, beadle of the Butchers' Company, and was baptized at St. Leonard's, Eastcheap, 14 Oct. 1599. He matriculated at Oxford, from All Souls College, 15 Nov. 1616, and had the degree of D.D. before 1633. He became Rector of Baldwin-Brightwell, co. Oxford, as early as 1633, and was Chaplain in Ordinary to Kings Chas. I. and II. On the 8th of April 1661 he was installed Dean of Lichfield, and was consecrated Bishop of Oxford 20 Dec. 1663. He died 24 May, and was buried at Baldwin- Brightwell 6 June 1665. His will, dated 14 Nov. 1664, was proved 21 Feb. 1665-6. On the 12th of Nov. 1632 he had a license from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster to marry "Mary Glemham," and in 1633 (the rest of the date being illegible) the parish register of Baldwin- Brightwell records the burial of "Mary, wife of William Paul, D.D., rector of this parish." She was a dau. of Sir Henry Glemham, Kt. On the 22nd of Jan. 1634-5, he was again married, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., to" Alice Cutler," and the Baldwin-Brightwell register states that Alice, wife of William Paul, D.D.. rector of that parish, died on the 19th and was buried in Westminster Abbey the 20th of Nov. 1635. There can, therefore, be no doubt of the identity of the person named in the text. She was second dau. of Thomas Cutler, of Ipswich, J.P. for co. Suffolk, by his first wife, Anne, dau. of Thomas Dandy, of Combes, co. Suffolk, Esq. Dr. Paule almost immediately after remarried, thirdly, Rachel, dau. of Sir Christopher Clitherow, Kt., by whom he had a numerous issue; but the male line has long since been extinct, while the female is now chiefly represented by the Baroness Le Despencer, whose ancestor Sir William Stapleton, Bart., married the heiress of Bishop Paule's only surviving grandson. ¹ Florence, one of the two daughters of Henry Stephens [Stephanus], the famous continental printer and author of the Thesaurus, by his first wife, a lady of the family of Schrimger. She was married, at St. Peter's, Geneva, 28 April 1586, to Isaac Casaubon (sec his burial July 1614), by whom she had twenty children, the most eminent of whom was Dr. Meric Casaubon, Preben- dary of Canterbury. Her age at her death must have been upwards of 70 years. 2 William Griffith. In his will, dated 12 Nov. 1633 and proved 22 Feb. 1636-7, he directed to be buried in Westminster Abbey, near his kinsman Peers Griffith, Esq. (see his burial 21 Aug. 1628). He mentioned his sons Charles, Thomas, and Robert; his daughters Katherine, Bridget, and Frances (who proved the will); his son-in-law Dr. Nixon; his brother-in-law Mr. Maximilian Smythe; his brother Vachan; and his cousin Ellic Sutton. His wife Margaret appears to have been buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 3 Mch. 1633-4. 3 See her sister's baptism 5 Mch. 1607-8, and note thereto. Her will, dated 8 Dec. 1637, was proved 12 June 1638, by her brother James Croft. She stated that she owed about £100 at the Hague, which she hoped her gracious mistress the Queen of Bohemia, in consideration of her long service, would discharge. First wife of the notorious "Tom Killigrew" (sec his burial 18 Mch. 1682-3). She was dau. of Sir John Crofts, of Saxham, co. Suffolk, Kt., by Mary, dau. of Sir Thomas Shirley, of Wiston, co. Sussex, and was married at Oatlands, Surrey, 29 June 1636. She was one of the Maids of Honour to Q. Henrietta Maria. Her only son, Henry, was baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 16 Apl. 1637. She died the 1st of January. See her father's burial 3 Fcb. 1648-9. She was a younger dau., and was born at Crewe 27 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 133 1637 Feb. 28 Sir Robert Aeton, Secretary to his Majesty: 1 near the steps ascending to K. H. 7th's Chapel. 1638 May 12 Marquesse Hamilton's Lady:2 in the Countess of Buckingham's vault. June 8 Nov. (-) Dec. 6 1639 Oct. 2 Oct. 12 The Lady Anne Howard :3 [in the Abbey]. Sir Christopher Hatton's son 4 [in the Abbey]. The young Lord Hamilton, son to Marquesse Hamilton: in St. Nicholas's Chapel.5 Mrs. Alice, daughter of Sir Christopher Hatton :6 [in the Abbey.] The Lady Frances, Dutchesse of Richmond and Lenox:7 [in the Abbey]. July 1631. She died on the 4th of February, and must have been an independent heiress. as her father administered to her estate on the 24th May following. 1 ¹ Second son of Andrew Aytoun, of Kinaldie. parish of Cameron, Fifeshire. Esq.. by Mary Lundie his wife, and born in Kinaldie Castle about 1570. His exquisite poetry introduced him to the Court of K. James I., where, becoming first a Groom of the Privy Chamber, he was shortly promoted to be a Gentleman of the King's Bedchamber, and also private Secretary to the Queen, and was knighted at Rycot 30 Aug. 1612. On the accession of K. Charles I. he was continued in the same posts, and in 1636 was made a Privy Councillor. Master of Requests, Master of Cere- monies, and Master of St. Katharine's Hospital. He died in the Palace at Whitehall, unmarried, in his 68th year. His will, dated 25 Jan.. was proved 7 Mch. 1637-8, by his nephew John Aytoun, then Gentleman Usher to Prince Charles, whom he made his heir. He appears to have written his name indifferently Aiton and Ayton. 2 Lady Mary Feilding, dau. of William. first Earl of Denbigh, by Susan Villiers, sister to George, first Duke of Buckingham, and wife of James, third Marquis and afterwards Duke of Hamilton, who was beheaded 9 Mch. 1648-9. She was a Lady of the Queen's Bedchamber, and died the 10th of May. See the burials, of her brother 19 Jan. 1627-8. of her daughter 4 Mch. 1631-2, and of her sons, 6 Dec. 1638 and 30 Apl. 1640. 3 (Omitted in Collectanea.) Dau. and sole heir of John, second Lord St. John of Bletsoe, and relict of William. Lord Howard of Effingham, eldest son of Charles, first Earl of Nottingham. See her mother's burial. Mch. 1615. In the letters of administration granted to her only child, Elizabeth. Countess of Peterborough, 20 June 1638, she is described as of Hawnes, co. Beds, but died in the parish of St. Bartholomew the Great, London.. 4 Identified in Collectanea as a son of Sir Christopher Hatton by his wife Alice Fanshawe; but more probably their grandson, and a young child of Christopher. first Lord Hatton of Kirby (see his burial Aug. 1670, and his wife's 11 Jan. 1672-3). 5 See his mother's burial 12 May 1638. Either Lord James or Lord William, both of whom died young. See her father's burial Aug. 1670, and her mother's 11 Jan. 1672-3. 7 Lady Frances Howard, only surviving dau. of Thomas, first Viscount Bindon (by his third wife, Mabel, dau. of Nicholas Burton, of Carshalton, co. Surrey, Esq.). and relict of Ludovic Stuart, second Duke of Lennox and first of Richmond (sce his burial 17 Feb. 1623-4). She had previously been the wife and widow, first of Henry Prannell, of the Middle Temple and of Bark- way, Herts, Esq., who died in 1599, and secondly of Edward Seymour, first Earl of Hertford, to whom she was married about 27 May 1601 (Mar. Lic. D. and C. of Westminster), and who died in April 1621. According to her Funeral Certificate (Coll. Arm.) she died, without issue, at Exeter House in the Strand, the 8th of October, "in the great Clymactericall yeare of her age" [¿.c. 63], and was buried in the vault with her last husband, the Duke of Richmond. Her will, dated 28 July and proved 31 Oct. 1639, is very long and of marvellous historical and genea- logical interest, and contains one eccentric direction (for a lady of her years), viz., that her body shall not be opened, but packed in bran before it is cold, and buried "wrapt in those sheets wherein my lord and I first slept that night when we were married." 134 BURIALS IN 1639 Nov. 29 The Lord Archbishop of St. Andrewes:1 in St. Benedict's 1638 March 17 39 40 1640 April 30 May 23 May 23 May 27 July 9 Dec. 8 Chapel. Sir John Ogle, Coronell 2 [in the Abbey]. The Earl of Arran, son to Marquesse Hamilton :3 in the Countess of Buckingham's vault. 4 Mr. Kirk's daughter: in the North aisle. James Swayne: [Cloisters]. The Lord Viscount Musgrove, of Ireland:5 in the North side of the monuments, under a black stone by the roabes door. The Earle of Exceter: [in the Abbey.] The Lady Anne, daughter of King Charles :7 [in the Abbey]. 1 Dr. John Spottiswood, eldest son of Rev. John Spottiswood, Vicar of Calder in Mid- Lothian, by Beatrix, dau. of Patrick Creychtoun, Laird of Lugton and Gilmerton, near Dalkeith. He succeeded his father as Vicar of Calder in 1583, but became Chaplain to Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, in 1601, and thus found his way to the Court. He became Archbishop of Glasgow 20 July 1603, and was translated to St. Andrews 30 May 1615. Having had the honour of crowning K. Charles I., he was made Lord Chancellor of Scotland in 1635. He died 26 Nov., in his 74th year. By his wife, Rachel Lindsay, dau. of David, Bishop of Ross, he had a numerous issue, but only two sons and one dau. survived him. See his brother's burial 31 Mch. 1645. 2 Fifth son of Thomas Ogle, of Pinchbeck, co. Lincoln, Esq., by Jane, dau. of Adlard Welby, of Gedney, in the same county, Esq., and was baptized at Pinchbeck 25 Feb. 1568-9. He was knighted at Woodstock 10 Dec. 1603, and was a Lieut.-Colonel under Sir Francis de Verc. His will, dated 6 Dec. 1628, was proved 15 July 1640, by his relict Dame Elizabeth, who was a dau, of Cornelius De Vries, of Dordrecht in Holland. (His burial in the Abbey is also recorded under the same date in the parish register of St. Peter le Poor, London.) See his son's burial 26 Mch. 1663. 3 Charles Hamilton, commonly called Earl of Arran, eldest son of James, third Marquis and afterwards Duke of Hamilton. See his mother's burial 12 May 1638. 4 Dau. of the notorious George Kirke. See her mother's burial 9 July 1641. 5 This entry can only refer to Cormac Mac Carthy, who was created, 15 Nov. 1628, Baron of Blarney and Viscount Muskerry. There is a discrepancy in the dates, as he is usually said to have died, in London, "20 Fch. 1640." He was eldest son of Sir Cormac Mac Carthy, of Blarney, Lord of Muskerry, by his first wife, Mary, dau. of Sir Theobald Butler, Kt., Lord of Cahir. He married, first, Lady Margaret O'Brien, dau. of Donogh. fourth Earl of Thomond, and, secondly, the Hon. Ellen Roche, dau. of David, Viscount Fermoy, and was ancestor of the Earls of Clan- carty. 1684. See his grandson's burial 19 June 1665, and his great-grandson's marriage 31 Dec. 6 William Cecil, second Earl of Exeter, eldest son of Thomas, first Earl (sec his burial 10 Feb. 1622-3), by his first wife Dorothy Nevill, second dau. and coheir of John, fourth Lord Latimer. He was born in 1566. He married, first, Lady Elizabeth Manners, only dau. and heir of Edward, third Earl of Rutland, who died 11 May 1591, and was buried in the Abbey, and, secondly, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Drury, of Halstead, co. Suffolk, Kt. His will, dated 9 July 1639, was proved 13 July 1640, by his relict, to whom he left his entire personal estate. He died with- out surviving male issue, and the title descended to his nephew. 7 Third dau. and sixth child of K. Charles I. and Q. Henrietta-Maria, and born at St. James's Palace 17 Mch. 1636-7. She died at Richmond on the day stated in the text, but it may be doubted if she was buried the same day, and it is probable that the transcriber of the old Register, not finding the record among the fragments, or the date illegible, entered the burial under the known date of her death. (It was she who, according to the account of one of her attendants preserved by Fuller, could not say her long prayer (the Lord's Prayer) while in the agonies of death, but would say her short one, viz., Lighten minę eyes, O Lord, lest I sleep the sleep of death!") (( WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 135 1649 Feb. 1 Richard Blizzard:¹ [Cloisters]. Feb. 21 Feb. 27 Morris Blany: [Cloisters]. Sir Charles Machart:2 within the North door of the monuments. Rebecca, wife of Charles Beck: [Cloisters]. The Lady Barbara Feilding in St. Nicholas's Chapel. March 15 1641 April 3 April 10 May 5 John, son of Dr. John Tutty: [Cloisters]. Lewis Harris:5 [Cloisters]. July 9 Mrs. Anne Kirk, unfortunately drowned near London bridge: near the font. 6 Sept. 9 Frances, wife of Isaac Bush :7 [Cloisters]. Oct. Oct. 20 Nicholas Ham :8 [Cloisters]. 24 Sir Henry Spelman :9 near St. Nicholas's Chapel door. ¹ His will, dated 16 Jan. 1640-1, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 22 Feb. following, by his relict. Its bequests are trifling, and indicate that he occupied some humble position about the Abbey. It names his father John Blizard, his mother Christian, and his brother John. 2 It has been impossible to identify this person, who must have been of some importance. or he would not have had honourable burial within the Abbey. It is quite probable that the surname was wrongly transcribed. A Charles Mac Carthy was knighted 24 Mch. 1619-20. by Lord Grandison, Lord Deputy in Ireland, and, as the place of interment was about the same, it is possible that he was a connection of Viscount Muskerry buried 27 May preceding. 3 Letters of administration were granted by the Dean and Chapter. 28 Aug. 1643, to the estate of Rebecca Andrews alias Becke, late of the city of Westminster, to her sister Elizabeth Andrews alias Farnolds. 4 Dau. of Sir John Lambe, Kt., Dean of the Arches Court of Canterbury and Chancellor to Q. Henrietta-Maria, and second wife of Basil Feilding, afterwards second Earl of Denbigh. According to her coffin-plate, she died the preceding day. 5 In his will, dated 24 Apl. and proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 30 June 1641. he left considerable legacies to the parish of Llanwnda, co. Carnarvon, where he was born, and provided especially for building a schoolhouse and maintaining a schoolmaster there. The will gives no clew to his family, but mentions his sisters Jane and Margaret, both married, and his kinsman Evan Hughes. His residuary legatee and executor was his nephew David ap-Evan, his sister Margaret's eldest son. (On inquiry, it appears that the parish of Llanwnda never received his bequests, or, if it did, that they were not applied as he directed.) * 6 Eldest dau. of Sir Robert Killigrew, Kt., Vice-Chamberlain to Q. Henrietta-Maria, by Mary, dau. of Sir Henry Woodhouse, of Waxham. co. Norfolk, Kt., and baptized at Hanworth, Midx., 7 Sep. 1607. She was appointed Dresser to Q. Henrietta-Maria in 1637, and was the first wife of George Kirke, the notorious Groom of the Chambers. In Robert Heath's Clarastella" is an Epicedium on the beautiful lady Mrs. A. K., unfortunately drowned by chance in the Thames in passing the Bridge." See the burials of (probably) her daughters, 23 May 1640 and 4 Aug. 1687; her sisters, 10 Nov. 1677 and 4 Jan. 1680-1; and her brother 18 Mch. 1682-3. For further particulars of her husband, sec note to the burial of Diana, Countess of Oxford, 16 Apl. 1719. 7 Wife, first, of Gabriel Birkhead (see his burial 23 Dec. 1614), to whom married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 May 1604, as Frances Fann [? Fane], and, secondly, of Isaac Bush (see his burial 30 Dec. 1641), to whom married before 21 May 1623, when Camden (the antiquary) left her £2 in his will, as the widow of Birkhead and wife of Bush. 8 A pencil note in the Register calls him "a singing man: probably one of the subordinate choristers. 9 The eminent antiquary: born about 1562, son of Henry Spelman, of Congham, co. Norfolk, Esq., by his second wife, Frances, dau. of William Sanders of Ewell, co. Surrey, Esq.: knighted by K. James I. He died in London, at the house of his son-in-law Sir Ralph Whitfield, in Bar- bican. See his wife's burial 25 July 1620. 136 BURIALS IN 1641 Dec. 30 1642 Feb. Isaac Bush:¹ [Cloisters]. 16 1642 May Mr. Francis, son of Sir Christopher Hatton: in Abbot Islip's Chapel. 10 Mr. John Frost, Chaunter of this Church :3 in the North aisle, near Solomon's Porch. June 29 Lawrence Charles, Clerk of the Kitchen:4 [Cloisters]. The Lord Harvy:5 in St. Edmund's Chapel. July 8 William Jcanes, the College Porter: [Cloisters]. Joane, wife of Christopher Masters:6 [Cloisters]. July 8 Oct. 25 1643 April April 6 April 26 Henry Aglionbye:7 near the Vestry door [in the Abbey]. Sir Abraham Williams' wife :8 in the North aisle. 1 In the record of administration to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, Feb. 1641-2, he is called "Isaac Bush alias Dolwen." He was one of the messengers of the Exchequer temp. Jas. I. See his wife's burial 9 Sep. preceding. Their only dau., Anne, was wife of William Gawen, of Westminster, and it is stated on a monument in the Cloisters that she died 26 Nov. 1659, and was there buried with five of her children; but no record exists in the Register of any of them, except a dau. Margaret (see her burial 14 Apl. 1650), and perhaps a son Edward (sce a burial 30 June 1643). The will of her husband, William Gawen, then of Harpenden, Herts, Gent., dated 24 July 1699, was proved 11 Aug. 1702. 2 See his father's burial Aug. 1670, and his mother's 11 Jan. 1672-3. 3 In his will, dated the 4th and proved 19 May 1642, he styled himself "Clerk," and is so called in the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal, as also “a Base, from Salisbury." He appears to have been first sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 5 Nov. 1611, and was Chauuter of the Abbey as early as 1623. His will states that he was born at Colebrooke, co. Devon, where his brother Robert was then residing, and that he was brought up in Exeter Cathedral, of which he was still a member. See his daughter's burial 11 Oct. 1623, and his wife's 14 May 1649. He had a patent of the Catership, for life, 5 Dec. 1612, and another as Clerk of the Kitchen 6 Dec. 1617 (Chapter Book). One of the same name in 1597, who was called the Dean's Coachman, left the reversion of a small estate in Mepal, Isle of Ely, to Lawrence, his brother William's son, who may have been the person named in the text. See his wife's burial 8 Jan. 1628-9. He appears to have remarried, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Apl. 1632, Elizabethı Langton. 5 William Hervey, son and heir of Henry Hervey, by Jane, dau. of James Thomas, Esq. For his splendid military services he was knighted in 1596, and was created a Baronet 31 May 1619, and a peer of Ireland the following year, with the title of Baron Hervey of Ross, co. Wexford. On the 7th of February 1628 he was raised to the English peerage, as Baron Hervey, of Kidbrook, co. Kent. He married, first, Mary, dau. of Anthony, Viscount Montagu, and relict of Henry, Earl of Southampton, by whom (who died in 1607) he had no issue; and, secondly, Cordell, youngest dau. of Brian Ausley, of Lee, co. Kent, Esq., Gentleman-Pensioner to Q. Eliza- beth, by whom he had several children; but, all dying except Elizabeth, wife of John Hervey, of Ickworth, Esq., the titles became extinct at his death. (His second wife was buried at St. Martin in the Fields 5 May 1636.) His will, dated 16 Dec. 1637, was not proved until 1 Nov. 1648. See his daughter's burial 17 Nov. 1648. • See the burial of (probably) her husband 24 July 1654, and a burial 17 May 1621. 7 Probably a young son of Dr. George Aglionby, who was at this time a Prebendary of Westminster, and on the 6th of May following was constituted Dean of Canterbury, but never installed, and shortly after deprived of both preferments. He was married in 1635 (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 3 July) to Sibilla Smith, who appears to have survived him, and to have been a witness to, and legatee in, the will of Godfrey Goodman, Bishop of Gloucester, dated 17 Jan. 1655-6. Dr. Aglionby died at Oxford, and was buried in Christ Church Cathedral 11 Nov. 1643, shortly after his deprivation. See the burial, of (probably) another son, 1 Dec. 1705. 8 Frances, dau. of Thomas Hanchett, of Braughing, Herts, Gent., and first wife of Sir Abraham Williams, Kt., Clerk of the Signet and Agent of the Queen of Bohemia. She was WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 137 1643 April (-) Daniel Taylor, singing man: [Cloisters]. Edward Coven: [Cloisters]. 1 Thomas Peirce, Chaunter of this Church :3 in the North aisle, near Solomon's Porch. June 30 July 3 Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Okey:2 [Cloisters]. Nov. 4 Nov. 14 1642 March 16 March 20 March 21 1644 April 18 4 The wife of Edward Hazard: [Cloisters]. Richard, son of Sir Humphrey May 5 [in the Abbey]. 6 Mary, Countesse of Kent, daughter to Sir William Caden: in St. Paul's Chapel. Thomas Boulden: [Cloisters]. Colonell Meldrum : near to the Lord Norris's tomb. married before 1634 (Visitation of Herts), and apparently died without issue. Sir Abraham, by his second wife, had four children, two of whom, Abraham and Rebecca, survived him. He was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 15 Aug. 1654, and his will was proved the 22nd of that month. His relict, Dame Rebecca. remarried, about Mch. 1655, the Rev. Sampson Johnson, D.D., Rector of Fobbing, Essex. who was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 25 May 1661, and she was also buried there 29 Jan. 1683-4. 1 It is quite probable that this name was incorrectly transcribed, and should be Gawen. See the baptism of Edward Gawen 20 Feb. 1642-3, and the burial of Isaac Bush 30 Dec. 1641, and notes thereto. 2 Probably a child of the regicide of this name, who was executed at Tyburn 19 Apl. 1662. 3 The record of the probate of his will occurs in the books of the Dean and Chapter, but the will itself is missing. It was proved 10 Nov. 1643, by the relict Kinborough. In the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal occurs his appointment, as "Pisteler," 24 Mch. 1609-10, when he made oath that if he lived to be twenty-one years of age he would enter into Deacon's orders, and in the same volume, under date of 31 Aug. 1633, occurs his resignation, in which he is described as “Dr. of Divinity," and he is so called in the probate of his will. This document is signed "Tho: Peirs." He probably became Chaunter of Westminster when he resigned from the Chapel Royal. See her husband's burial 27 May 1644. The name appears to have been Hassard. 5 See his father's burial 11 June 1630. He was second son by the second wife, and born about 1621. 6 Dau. of Sir William Courten, Kt. (by his second wife, Hester, dau. of Peter Tryon. Esq.), and first wife of Henry Grey, tenth Earl of Kent, to whom married, at Clapham, co. Surrey, 14 Oct. 1641. See the burial of her only child 20 June 1644. The Earl remarried, and died in 1651, his second wife and relict, the "Good Countess," surviving him nearly half a century. 7 There appear to have been two eminent military men of this name, both Scotchmen and both named John, who are often confounded in contemporaneous history. Sir John Meldrum, who was knighted at Windsor 6 Aug. 1622, was undoubtedly the one who took part in the memorable actions at Newark, Hull, Scarborough, etc., 1643-5, and received his death-wound at the latter place. His will, dated 24 May 1645, was proved 2 June 1647. The one named in the text was Colonel John Meldrum, of the Parliamentary army, who is said to have been killed at Alresford, Hants. His name occurs in the List of the Parliamentary Army in 1642. as Lieutenant of the 2nd Troop of Horse, under the general command of William. Earl of Bedford, and he evidently obtained rapid promotion. As the Battle of Brandon (or Cheriton) Heath, near Alres- ford, took place on the 29th of March 1644, and his nuncupative will was made on the 8th of April following, it is probable that he was mortally wounded on that day; or, the two dates may be identical, allowing for the difference between Old and New Style. The will states that he was "very much wounded." It was proved 16 Nov. 1648 by his relict Jane, to whom he left con- siderable legacies, as well as to his son Andrew and his dau. Jane, then a minor. His remains were included amongst those of other eminent Parliamentarians which were exhumed after the Restoration and thrown into a common pit in St. Margaret's church-yard. T 138 BURIALS IN 1644 May 3 May 9 Theodorus Phaliologus:1 near the Lady St. John's tomb. Hugh Aston:2 [Cloisters]. May 27 Edward Hazzard, Head Cooke: [Cloisters]. (-) (-) Mrs. Anne Hutton, wife of Dr. Hutton, Canon of Christ Church in Oxford:4 in the South aisle, near the Vestry door. June 20 Henry, Lord Grey, son to the Earl of Kent:5 in St. Paul's Aug. 30 Sept. 23 1644 Jan. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 24 Chapel. James Ney: [Cloisters]. Richard Walker, Almsman: [Cloisters]. Sir Robert Amstruther: 6 between St. Edmund's Chapel and King Edward 3rd's tomb. Edward Burraston :7 [Cloisters]. Melior, daughter of Mr. Christopher Chapman :8 [Cloisters]. March 3 Adam Frame:9 [Cloisters]. (6 1 Probably the eldest son of "Theodoro Paleologus," whose well-known monument is in the church of Landulph, Cornwall, who claimed direct descent from the last Palacologus who reigned in Constantinople, by Mary, dau. of William Ball, of Hadleigh, co. Suffolk, who were married at Cottingham, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1 May 1600, as Theodorus Palelogue et Maria Balle." He had been a lieutenant in the Parliamentary regiment com- manded by Lord St. John, which may account for the particular place of his interment. Therc can be little doubt as to the identity of this person, and the identification in the Archæologia (xviii. 83) of the "mariner," whose will was proved 15 Mch. 1693-4, with the younger Theodoro named in the Landulph inscription is clearly an error. That person was a common sailor, who did not know how to spell his own name, if it was his, but wrote it "Palæologcy." The inscription on his monument states that he was Clerk of Her Majesty's Robes, and died 8 May. Sir Roger Aston, Kt., Master of the King's Great Wardrobe, in his will, dated 15 May 1612, called him his servant, and left him £100 and his cloth of gold doublet, etc. The baptisms of eight of his children occur in the parish registers of St. Margaret's, Westminster, between 1612 and 1627, and the burials of four of them in infancy. 3 Edward Hassard had a patent from the Dean and Chapter as Chief Cook, for life, 3 May 1620, and the same was renewed, 27 Jan. 1625-6, to him and to Edward Hassard Jr. See his wife's burial 14 Nov. 1643. 4 (This entry occurs between those of 3 May and 20 June, in the separate list of burials within the Abbey.) She was a sister of the Rev. Dr. George Hamden, Rector of St. Luke's, Chelsea, and of Coulsdon, Surrey (who died in 1632), and was married, at St. Thomas, city of Oxford, 19 Feb. 1600-1. Her husband, Leonard Hutton, D.D., Canon of Christ Church, died 17 May 1632, in his 75th year, and was buried in the Cathedral. Her will, dated 10 Feb. 1642-3, was proved 6 Dec. 1644. See her daughter's burial 12 Apl. 1628, and note thereto. 5 See his mother's burial 20 Mch. preceding. He died in his infancy. 6 Eldest sou of Sir Robert Anstruther, Kt. (second son of Sir John Anstruther, of Anstru- ther, co. Fife, Hereditary Grand Carver in Scotland), and nephew and heir of Sir William Anstruther, K.B. at the coronation of K. James I. He was a Gentleman of the Bedchamber to K. James I., privy councillor to K. Charles I., and a favourite and successful ambassador abroad during both reigns. He married Catharine, dau. of Sir Robert Swift, of Rotherham, co. York, Kt., and was ancestor of the modern baronets of his name. (See an amusing account of him in the Diary of Abraham de la Pryme, Surtees Society, 1870, p. 107.) 7 Son and heir of Philip Boraston, of Aldenham, Herts, and of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., by Lucy, dau. of William Poulter, Gent. See his wife's burial 4 Oct. 1691. Their only child, Philip, was baptized at Great Grimsby, co. Lincoln, 17 Jan. 1637-8, and buried there the 29th of the same month. 8 See her father's burial 17 June 1681, and her mother's 10 July 1707. 9 His Christian name, according to the record of his marriage and of the administration of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 139 1645 (---) (—) Colonell Boschoven¹ and Lieut.-Colonel Carter 2 were both buried between the Choristers' seats in the midst of the Quier. March 31 James Spotsworth, Bishop of Cothall in Ireland:³ in St. May 15 June Benedict's Chapel. The daughter of Mr. Thomas Hazard:4 [Cloisters]. 4 Matthew Beck:5 [Cloisters]. July 22 Francis Brook : [Cloisters]. Aug. 13 Aug. 28 Elizabeth Bletchly: [Cloisters]. Sept. 10 Mrs. Alice Granston :8 [Cloisters]. The Lord Lionell Cranfeild, Earl of Middlesex:7 in St. Benedict's Chapel. Sept. 21. Dr. Lee :9 in the South side of the Church, near the Vestry door. his estate, appears to have been Aldam, and his surname in the latter is written Freame. He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, as Gardener. 25 May 1633. See his wife's burial 12 Aug. 1644, and a burial 24 Jan. 1661-2, perhaps of his brother, or a son by a former wife. ¹ Nicholas Boscawen, of Tregothnan. co. Cornwall, eldest son of Hugh Boscawen, by Margaret, dau. of John Rolle, of Heanton, co. Devon. He was born in 1623, and joined the Parliamentary army with a regiment of horse composed of his own tenants. He left no issue. His remains were removed after the Restoration, and buried in a common pit in St. Margaret's churchyard. 2 A Ralph Carter was a lieutenant in Lord Rochford's Parliamentary regiment in 1643, and an Abraham Carter was quarter-master in that of the Earl of Essex. 3 Younger son of Rev. John Spottiswood, Vicar of Calder in Mid-Lothian, by Beatrix, dau. of Patrick Creychtoun, Laird of Lugton and Gilmerton, near Dalkeith. He was born at Calder 7 Sep. 1567, and educated at the University of Glasgow. He became Rector of Wells, co. Norfolk, in Dec. 1602, and Bishop of Clogher, Ireland, 22 Oct. 1621. He left a son Sir Henry, and a dau. Mary, who married Abraham Creighton, Esq., and was ancestress of the Earls of Erne. See his brother's burial 29 Nov. 1639. 4 See her brother's baptism 21 Feb. 1642-3, and her father's burial 25 Jau. 1666-7. 5 See his father's burial 7 Apl. 1625, in whose will he was called second son. He probably succeeded his father as Brewer to the College. His own will was proved 12 June 1645, by his relict Mary. 6 See a burial 25 Oct. 1647. 7 Younger son of Thomas Cranfield, citizen and mercer of London, by Martha, dau. of Vincent Randill, also citizen and mercer of London, and baptized at St. Michael, Bassishaw, 13 Mch. 1574-5. He was knighted at Oatlands 4 July 1613, became Master of the Requests in 1616, and Lord Treasurer of England in Oct. 1621, but was impeached in 1624. He was created, 9 July 1621, Baron Cranfield, of Cranfield, co. Bedford, and, 16 Sept. 1622, Earl of Middlesex. He died Aug. See the burials, of his second wife 12 Feb. 1669-70, and of their sons, 18 Mch. 1647-8, 13 Sep. 1651, and 6 Nov. 1674. By his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Shepherd, citizen and grocer of London, he had issue only three daughters. 8 Mar. Lic. D. and C. of Westminster, 12 June 1609, for Henry Gransden, of Gravesend, Kent, Gent., and Alice Hatcher, of Westminster, widow.-Letters of administration to the estate of Alice Gransden, late of Westminster, were granted 23 Sep. 1645, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, to her dau. Mary Goodwyn. 9 There can be little danger in identifying this person as the William Loe alias Leo, D.D., who is described in the Athen. Oxon., and of whose ultimate fate. having traced him to this very year, Wood was uncertain. On 13 Nov. in this year letters of administration were granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, to the estate of " William Leo alias Loe, S.T.P., late of the city of Westminster," to a creditor, which shows that he died within their jurisdiction, and there is no record of the death of any Dr. Lee, in any of the professions using that title, at this period. He appears to have been a native of Kent, and entered public life as master of the College School at Gloucester and Vicar of Churcham in that county. He was installed Prebendary of 140 BURIALS IN 1645 Nov. 28 The Lady Elizabeth Norris, wife of Edward Ray, Esq.:¹ in St. Dec. Nicholas's Chapel. 10 Sir William Elveston, Knight, sometime Lord Chief Justice of the Kingdom of Scotland, and one of the Cup-Bearers to King · Charles I. 2 in the East Cloister, near the Library door. Mary Reed: [Cloisters]. 1645 Jan. 13 Mrs. Anne Ward: near St. John Evangelist's Chapel. Feb. 10 Feb. 26 1646 July 24 4 Mrs. Grace Scot: 3 near St. John Evangelist's Chapel door. Dr. Twisse: in the South side of the Church, near the upper end of the Poore's table, next the Vestry. Gloucester in 1602, and was Sub-dean of that Cathedral in 1605. In 1618 he became pastor of the English Church at Hamburg, but returned to England as early as 1624, and subsequently officiated as curate at Putney and Wandsworth, in Surrey. It is of him that the story is told that, having to preach in a church near London at a morning service, when a Mr. Adam was to preach in the same church in the afternoon, he selected for his text the words "Adam, where art thou?"; to which his colleague responded later in the day by a discourse from the words “Lo, here am I." He was a poet of considerable skill, as may be judged from the fact that he published a volume of his verses composed exclusively of monosyllables. This curious work was reprinted in 1871, by the Rev. A. B. Grosart, in his Fuller Worthies' Library, the Editor's "Memorial-Introduction" to which may be consulted for all that has been gleaned respecting his personal history. 1 Only dau. and heir of Francis Norreys, first Earl of Berkshire, by Lady Bridget de Vere, dau. of Edward, seventeenth Earl of Oxford. She was married, at St. Mary Aldermary, London, 27 Mch. 1622, to Edward Wray, Esq. (younger son of Sir William Wray, first Bart. of Glentworth, co. Lincoln), Groom of the Bed-chamber to K. Charles I. Through her only dau., Bridget, she was ancestress of the present Earl of Abingdon. 2 The name of Sir William Elphinstone occurs in the Roll of the Ordinary Lords of the Session in 1637, and in that of the Lords Justice-General shortly after, but he appears to have been displaced in 1641. He was knighted at Whitehall 3 Feb. 1636-7, and in the old lists the name is Elveston, as in the text, but he seems to have written it himself Elphinstoun. He was the youngest son of George Elphinstone of Blythswood, and brother of Sir George Elphinstone, Justice-Clerk. His will, dated 26 Nov. 1639, was not proved until 9 Dec. 1647. Except a legacy of £100 to his nephew William, son of James Elphinstoun of Woodside, he left all his estate to Sir David Cunningham, Kt. and Bart., to whom he was deeply indebted. 3 Eldest dau. of Sir Thomas Mauleverer, first Bart. of Allerton-Mauleverer, co. York, by his second wife, Mary, dau. of Sir Thomas Wilbraham, Kt. According to the inscription on her monument, she was born in 1622, and married in 1644 to Col. Thomas Scot, M.P. Both her husband and father were among the judges of K. Charles 1. the former died in 1655, and the latter was executed at Charing Cross 17 Oct. 1660. See her brother's burial 25 July 1675, and (probably) her mother's 10 Mch. 1652-3. 4 William Twisse, D.D., Rector of Newbury, Berks, and Prolocutor of the Assembly of Divines under the Commonwealth. He was born at Speenhamland, in the parish of Speen, co. Berks, about 1575, the son of a clothier at Newbury, whose father had emigrated from Germany. He was educated at Winchester and Oxford, and became a Fellow of New College 11 Mch. 1597-8. At the time of his death he appears to have been holding only a lectureship at St. Andrew's, Holborn, where he died on the 20th July in this year. His will, dated 9 Sep. 1645, with a codicil 30 June 1646, was proved 6 Aug. in the latter year. He would seem not to have been so reduced in circumstances as the accounts of him usually represent, for, besides other not inconsiderable legacies, he bequeathed his manor of Ashampstead, Berks, to trustees for the benefit of his younger children. He left four sons and three daughters, but his wife (Frances, dau. of Barnabas Colnett, of Combley, Isle of Wight) had predeceased him. His remains were included (but why, it is difficult to say) among those of others exhumed after the Restoration and thrown into a common pit in St. Margaret's churchyard. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 141 1646 Aug. 17 Edmund Nelham, Petticanon of this Church, and one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Chapel:¹ [Cloisters]. Oct. 19 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex :2 in St. John Baptist's Chapel, in a vault on the right side of the Earl of Exeter's monument. 4 The Lady Henrietta-Maria Carre, daughter to Robert Carre, Earl of Anthrum :3 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. 1649 Jan. Jan. (-) (-) (-) March 1 March 5 1647 Oct. 5 1644 March 12 Oct. 25 Mrs. Margaret Herle: [Cloisters]. Mrs. Weaver¹ and her sister; the one in January and the other in February: [Cloisters]. Christopher, son of David Owen:5 in the North porch. John Broxholme, Esq. : at the North side of the steps going to the Communion table. Robert Smith, singing man: [Cloisters]. Leonard Brook : [Cloisters]. 7 James Hamilton, Lord Poman, son to William, Earl of Lemerick:8 in the Countess of Buckingham's vault in St. Michael's Chapel. March 18 Mr. Edward Cranfeild, youngest son to Lionel, Earl of Middlesex:9 (C ¹ He was one of the "singing men of the Abbey as early as 1617, and in holy orders, as on the 6th Nov. in that year he was admitted into the place of "Episteler" in the Chapel Royal, and was described as Deacon," and "a base of the Church of Westminster." His relict administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 10 May 1647. See her burial 8 Jan. 1666-7. 2 The famous Commander-in-Chief of the Parliamentarian Army. He was the eldest and only surviving son of Robert, second Earl (Queen Elizabeth's unfortunate favourite), by Frances, dau, and heir of Sir Francis Walsingham, and widow of Sir Philip Sidney, and was baptized in the house of his grandmother Lady Walsingham, in Seething Lane, St. Olave's, Hart Street, London, 22 Jan. 1590-1. In 1603 his father's dignities were restored to him, and he became third Earl of Essex. He was first married, 5 Jan. 1605-6. when about fifteen years of age, to Lady Frances Howard, dau. of Thomas, first Earl of Suffolk, from whom he was divorced in 1613, and secondly, about 1628, to Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Paulet, of Eddington, Wilts, from whom he was also divorced a few years later. He died 14 Sep. 1646, without surviving issue, and the title became extinct. His will, dated 4 July and 5 Aug. 1642, was proved 15 Dec. 1646. 3 Dau. of Robert Kerr, first Earl of Ancrum (who died at Amsterdam in 1654), by his second wife, Lady Anne Stanley (see her burial 15 Feb. 1656-7). Probably wife of William Weaver, to whose estate his sister Sarah administered, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 21 Oct. 1665, in behalf of his minor children, William and Eliza- beth. See the burial (probably) of the latter 12 Apl. 1676. 5 David Owen had a patent, as one of the bell-ringers. 22 Dec. 1638. 6 Of Broxholme Place, city of Lincoln, and of Barrow, co. Lincoln: eldest son of William Broxholmc, Esq., by his second wife Anne, dau. of William Marbury, of Girsby (Burgh-upon- Baine) co. Lincoln: born the 20th and baptized 26 May 1583, at St. Peter-at-Gowts, city of Lincoln. His will, dated 10 Apl. 1645, was proved 20 Nov. 1647, by his relict Dame Troth (widow of Sir Henry Fowkes, Kt.), who was buried at Barrow 18 Aug. 1657. 7 See a burial 22 July 1645. 8 James, Lord Polmont, infant and only son of William Hamilton, who was created, 31 Mch. 1639, Lord Machanshire and Polmont, and Earl of Lanark (and who became second Duke of Hamilton on the death of his brother James, who was beheaded 9 Mch. 1648-9), by Lady Elizabeth Maxwell, eldest dau. and coheir of James, Earl of Dirletoun, to whom married in 1638. The Duke, who was mortally wounded at the battle of Worcester, died 12 Sep. 1651, and was buried in Worcester Cathedral. The Duchess remarried Thomas Dalmahoy, Esq., and died in 1662. 9 Third and youngest son of Lionel Cranfield, first Earl of Middlesex (see his burial 13 Aug. 142 BURIALS IN in the South aisle, within the monument door, under the stone laid for Dr. Selbye. 1 1648 May 6 William Hutton :¹ [Cloisters]. June 5 Mrs. Elionor Lyne :2 [Cloisters]. July 10 Francis, Lord Villers, youngest son to George, Duke of Buck- 3 ingam in his father's vault, in the Chapel on the North side of K. H. 7th's Chapel. July 15 The Lady Anne Goring, Countess of Norwich: in St. John Baptist's Chapel, in the Earl of Oxford's vault, on the left side of the Earl of Exeter's monument. Aug. 5 James Holland, bellringer: [Cloisters]. Nov. 5 Nov. 7 Mr. John Lloyd:5 [Cloisters]. Thomas Arundell, Esq., a Member of the House of Commons:6 in the Quier. Nov. 17 Mrs. Harvy, daughter to the Lord Harvye:7 in St. Edmund's Chapel, between the Lord Russell's monument and the step. 1648 Feb. 3 Sir Clipsey Crew:8 in the North side of the Chapel of Kings, near St. Erasmus's Chapel. 1645), by his second wife (see her burial 12 Feb. 1669-70). He died 16 Mch., aged about twenty- three. His nuncupative will, made on the day of his death, and proved 4 July 1648, describes him as of Copt-hall, Midx, but as dying in St. Botolph, Aldgate, London. 1 Sec a burial 12 May 1680. 2 The will of William Lynes, of Westminster, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 19 Feb. 1643-4, by the relict Catherine, but is now missing. This was, perhaps, a daughter. 3 Francis Villiers, youngest and posthumous son of George, first Duke of Buckingham (sec his burial 18 Sep. 1628), by Lady Katherine Manners, only dau. and heir of Francis, sixth Earl of Rutland. He was born the 2nd, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 21 Apl. 1629. He was in the royal army, and was killed on the 7th of this month in a skirmish with the Parlia- mentarian forces near Kingston-on-Thames. Aubrey calls him "the beautiful Francis Villiers." 4 Second dau. of Edward Nevill, sixth Baron Abergavenny (by Rachel, dau. of John Lennard, of Knoll, co. Kent, Esq.), and wife of George Goring, first Earl of Norwich (see his burial 14 Jan. 1662-3). She is always called Mary in the accounts of her family, and the Christian name Anne in the text was probably an error of the transcriber. 5 His will, dated 20 July 1647, and proved 5 Dec. 1648, describes him as of Bettws, co. Salop, Esq., son of Hugh Lloyd, Esq.. then deceased, and brother of James Lloyd. He had already conveyed his lands to his eldest son Hugh, and now made his younger son David his residuary legatee and executor. The will also mentions his dau. Anne Lloyd and her dau. Elizabeth. 6 Second son of John Arundell, of Trerise, co. Cornwall, Esq., by his second wife, Gertrude, dau. of Sir Robert Dennis, of Holcomb, Kt. He married Mary, dau. of Sir Gamaliel Capel, Kt. His will, in which he is described as of Daloe, co. Cornwall, dated the 3rd, was proved 17 Nov. 1648, by his eldest son John. It also mentions his son Francis, and his dau. Gertrude Meech, widow, with daughters Mary and Grace Meech. 7 Helena, dau. of William, Lord Hervey, by his second wife. See her father's burial 8 July 1642, and note thereto. She died unmarried, aged thirty and upwards. 8 Sir Clipsby Crewe, son and heir of Sir Ranulphe Crewe, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, by his first wife, Julian, dau. and coheir of John Clipsby, of Clipsby, co. Norfolk, Esq. He was born 4 Sep. 1599, and knighted at Theobald's 18 June 1620. He married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 7 July 1625, Jane, second dau. of Sir John Pultency, of Misterton, co. Leicester, Kt., by Margery, daughter of Sir John Fortescue, of Salden, co. Bucks, Kt. She died 2 Dec. 1639, in her thirtieth year, and was undoubtedly buried in the Abbey, but is not mentioned in WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 143 1648 Feb. 1649 May 16 Mrs. Mary Moore:¹ in the North side of the Chapel of Kings, under the black stone by the Robe door. 14 May 14 Mrs. Anne Frost, widow :2 in the North side of the Church, near St. Andrew's Chapel. June 14 Isaac Dorislaus, Dr. of the Civil Law :3 on the North side of K. H. 7th's Chapel, near Queen Elizabeth's monument. Oct. 1648 Jan. 10 Mrs. Mary, wife of Col. Edward Prichard:4 on the North side of the Church, near St. John Evangelist's Chapel door. 10 Mrs. Catharine Cooper, widow :5 on the North side of the Church, near the monuments' door. Jan. 21 George Wilde, Esq. :6 on the North side of the Chapel of Kings, near St. Paul's Chapel door. 1650 April 14 May 23 Margaret Gowen :7 [Cloisters]. The Lady Catharine Thinne :8 in K. H. 7th's Chapel, near the steps at the Duke of Richmond's monument. the Register. In his will, dated 13 Apl. 1647 and proved 4 Apl. 1649, he directed to be buried near his wife, "in the Abbey Church of Westminster." See the burials, of his sister 23 Apl. 1621, his step-mother 12 Aug. 1629, his dau. 6 Feb. 1637-8, and his son 22 Feb. 16×3-4. Probably a relative of Dr. Gabriel Moore (see his burial 29 Oct. 1652), and possibly his wife, although she is not mentioned in his will. 2 See her husband's burial 10 May 1642, and her daughter's 11 Oct. 1623. In her husband's will she is called "Annastasia. ** 3 Born at Alkmaar in 1595, and educated at Leyden, of which University a Doctor of the Civil Law. He had a Lectureship at Cambridge, but was silenced on account of his republican principles. He became afterwards Judge Advocate in the army of the Parliament, and finally a Judge of the Court of Admiralty. He was admitted a Commoner of the College of Advocates, London, in 1629, and to full membership in 1645. In May 1649 he was sent by the Parliament as Envoy to the Hague, where he was assassinated about the 13th of that month. His son Isaac adminis- tered to his estate 25 May 1649. His remains were afterwards disinterred, and buried in St. Margaret's churchyard; but not, it is said, in the common pit. He married in this country. and had at least another son, John, who was born 20 Nov. 1627, and buried at Maldon, Essex, 3 Jan. 1631-2. His son Isaac also married, and died in Sept. 1688, leaving issue Isaac, James, and Anne. In the register of Leyden University his name is Doreslaer. • Eldest dau. of Arthur Mansell, of Briton Ferry, co. Glamorgan, Esq. Her husband admin- istered to her estate 26 Nov. following. He was third son of Edward Prichard, of Lancayach, co. Glamorgan, Esq., and in a herald painter's work-book in the British Museum (Harl. MS. 1045, p. 20) is said to have been also buried in the Abbey, 28 Sept. 1650, but no record of his burial is in the Register. 5 Her will, dated 4 Dec. 1649, was proved 25 Jan. 1649-50, by Daniel Blagrave. of Reading, Berks, the well-known regicide, and a member of the Parliament then in session, whose wife Elizabeth was her daughter by a former husband, Abraham Hull, of St. Leonard's. Shore- ditch, who died in 1622. She remarried, in Aug. 1624, Nicholas Cooper, of St. Peter's, Cornhill, Gent., whom she also survived. The will also mentions her other daughters, then wives of John Billingsley, John Pargiter, and John Lambert, and Susan unmarried, and also her sister Anna Betts. 6 Younger son of George Wylde, of Droitwich. co. Worcester, Serjeant-at-Law, by Frances, dau. of Sir Edmond Huddleston, of Sawston, co. Cambridge, Kt., and brother of John Wylde. Chief Baron of the Exchequer. He matriculated at Oxford, from Balliol College, 18 Mch. 1607-8, aged fourteen. He died 15 Jan.. being then a Member of Parliament. 7 Dau. of William Gawen and Anne his wife (see note to burial of Isaac Bush, 30 Dec. 1641). See also the burial of (probably) her brother 30 June 1643. s Dau. and coheir of Charles Howard, of Dorsetshire, Esq., by Rebecca. dau. of William Webb of Salisbury. (In a pedigree in Segar's Baronage her father is called a natural son of Thomas, first Viscount Bindon, while the Visitation of Wilts, 1622, represents him as a brother 144 BURIALS IN 1650 July 2 Aug. 13 Edward Howard, Verger: [Cloisters]. Southwell Peacock¹ and Edmund Gregory, two of the King's scholars, unfortunately drowned.: [Cloisters]. 3 Sept. 20 Mr. Philip Ludlow :2 on the South side of the Chapel of Kings, under the long stone by Richard the 2nd's monument. June 12 Mrs. Mary, daughter to Sir Thomas Ingram : under the great stone at the East end of the Chapel of Kings, near the middle of the steps. 1651 June July 5 Walter Gibbs : [Cloisters]. Aug. (—) Edward Popham, Gent. :5 on the North side of the Chapel of Kings. Sept. 13 James, Earl of Middlesex: on the South side of the Chapel of Kings. of Viscount Bindon, and in the monumental inscription of her son Sir Henry she is distinctly called a grand-daughter of Viscount Bindon.) She was second wife of Sir Thomas Thynne, of Longleat, and mother of Sir Henry-Frederick Thynne, first Bart., and thus ancestress of the present Marquis of Bath. ¹ Letters of administration were grauted, 7 July 1664, to the estate of Sarah Peacock, alias Southwell, of St. Clement Danes, co. Midx., to her husband William Peacock, and, 21 Jan. 1664-5, to the estate of said William Peacock, to his son Robert Peacock. This entry probably refers to another of their sons. 2 His nuncupative will, proved 1 Oct. 1650, by his brother Nathaniel Ludlow, sole legatce and executor, thus commences: "Mem". that Philip Ludlow, late of the city of Westminster, bachelor, deceased, departed this life on the high seas on board ye ship Sephier, on the 13th of August last, 1650, he being commander-in-chief of the Brazcele merchant ships homeward bound." 3 See her father's burial 17 Feb. 1671-2, and her mother's 27 Mch. 1680. She was their only child. 4 An old pencil note in the Register states that he was one of the "singing-men" of the Abbey. 5 Fifth son of Sir Francis Popham, of Littlecott, Wilts, Kt. (son and heir of Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench), by Annc, only dau. and heir of John Dudley, of Stoke Newington, Midx., Esq. He married Anne, dau. of William Carr, Groom of the Bed- chamber to K. James I., and had issue a son Alexander and a dau. Letitia. He was one of the Admirals of the (Parliament) Fleet, and died of a fever at Dover, on the 19th of August. The date of his burial in the text is manifestly incorrect, and the transcriber probably inserted what he knew to be the month of his death. Anthony Wood says that he was buried on the 24th of September, but Heath's Chronicle says the 24th of October, and states that it was on the evening of the day appointed by the Parliament as one of thanksgiving for the royalist defeat at Worcester (which occurred 3 Sept.), and which they had first fixed for the 2nd Oct., but after- wards postponed until the 24th, and that the funeral was attended by Cromwell and many of the members. These minute details appear to establish the date of burial as the 24th of October. His remains were included in the royal warrant for disinterment after the Restoration, but it has always been understood that they escaped the intended indignity of being thrown into the common pit in the churchyard, and were allowed to be carried away by his friends. His elaborate monument was also suffered to remain in the Abbey, but on condition that the inscrip- tion upon the tablet should be thoroughly defaced, which was accordingly done. The story by Dart, that the tablet was simply turned with the inscription inward, is a pure myth. 6 James Cranfield, second Earl of Middlesex, eldest son of Lionel, first Earl (see his burial 13 Aug. 1645), by his second wife (see her burial 12 Feb. 1669-70). He was baptized at St. Luke's, Chelsea, 27 Dec. 1621, and married, at St. Bartholomew the Great, London, 3 Mch. 1645-6, Lady Anne Bourchier, third dau. and coheir of Edward, fourth Earl of Bath, who survived him and remarried Sir Chichester Wrey, second Bart. See his daughter's burial 22 Mch. 1652-3. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 145 1651 Oct. 21 Oct. Dec. Sir Richard Price:¹ in St. Paul's Chapel, on the North side of the Earl of Bridgewater's tomb. 30 Thomas Haselrigge, Esq. :2 on the South side of the Chapel of Kings, in the middle of the aisle, near the monument door. James Hooper :3 [Cloisters]. 30 165 March 7 March 10 1652 Aug. 6 Sept. 10 Margaret Hooper, widow:4 [Cloisters]. Abraham Wheeler :5 [Cloisters]. William Palmer, Esq. :" on the North side of the Church. The Lady Margaret Hix:7 on the South of K. H. 7th's monu- ment. Oct. 29 Dr. Gabriel Moore, one of the Prebendaries of this Church :8 in the Quire, near the Sub-dean's seat. ¹ Eldest son of Sir John Pryse, of Gogerddan, co. Cardigan, Kt., by Mary, dau. of Sir Henry Bromley, of Shrawardine Castle, Shropshire, Kt. He was created a Bart. (having been previously knighted) 9 Aug. 1641. He married, first, Hester, dau. of Sir Hugh Middleton, Bart., and secondly, Mary, dau. of Patrick, Lord Ruthin, and relict of Sir Anthony Van-Dyke, Kt., and he had administered to her estate on the preceding 8th of May. His son, Sir Richard, adminis- tered to his estate on the 27th Nov. following. 2 Brother of Sir Arthur Hesilrige, the well-known Parliamentarian, and a younger son of Sir Thomas Hesilrige, first Bart. of Noseley, co. Leicester, by Frances, dau. and heir of Sir William Gorges, of Alderton, co. Northampton, Kt. He married, at St. Luke's, Chelsea, Midx., 6 Sep. 1632, Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Sheafe, D.D., Prebendary of Windsor, and Rector of Welford, Berks. In the Visitation of Leicestershire, 1619, he is described as a "mercer," but in the record of his marriage at Chelsea as "Esquire." Heath's Chronicle mentions Sir Arthur's brother. in 1647-8, as suborning witnesses to vilify the King, and he evidently served the Parliament so faithfully as to secure honourable burial within the Abbey, and thus rendered his memory so obnoxious that his remains were included among those disinterred after the Restoration and thrown into a common pit in the churchyard. His brother-in-law, Thomas Sheafe, M.D., administered to his estate, 23 July 1652, in behalf of his minor children, Dorothy and Frances. In the record of administration he is described as "late of St. Martin's, Ludgate, London." and he had doubtless been a mercer on Ludgate Hill. His dau. Dorothy, in 1658, was wife of John Grimstone, and then administered de bonis non to her father's estate. 3 One of the "singing-men" of the Abbey, eldest son of Edmond Hooper, the Abbey Organist (sce his burial 16 July 1621), by his first wife. See the baptisms of his children, 13 Mch. 1608-9 and 26 Jan. 1610-11, his wife's burial 7 Mch. 1651-2, his daughter's 28 Jan. 1658-9, and his son's 27 June 1663. 4 See her husband's burial in the preceding entry. 5 Letters of administration were granted, 24 Mch. 1651-2, to Rebecca Wheeler, relict of Capt. Abraham Wheeler, late of the city of Westminster, but who died in Scotland. He was probably a Parliamentarian officer. 6 Letters of administration were granted, 19 Aug. 1652, to the estate of William Palmer, Esq., late of Farefield, co. Somerset, but at his death of the city of Westminster, to his brother Peregrine Palmer, Esq. He was eldest son of Sir Thomas Palmer, Kt., by Dorothy, dau. of John Mallett, of Enmore, co. Somerset. 7 Eldest dau. of William, fourth Lord Paget of Beaudesert, by Lettice, dau. and coheir of Henry Knollys, Esq., younger son of Sir Henry Knollys, K.G. She married, at Drayton, Midx., 8 Sep. 1625, Sir William Hickes, first Bart. of Beverstone Castle, co. Gloucester, who died 9 Oct. 1680, and was buried at Low Leyton, Essex. See her daughter's baptism 13 July 1626, and her burial, as the Countess of Donegal, 15 May, 1691. 8 Son of Richard Moore, of Grantham, co. Lincoln, M.P. for Grantham in 1588, by his second wife, Goditha Green, and baptized at Grantham 18 Apl. 1585. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 8 Mch. 1631-2, but was, of course, not now in possession of his stall. The descrip- țion of him in the text was clearly an interpolation by the transcriber, and illustrates the manner U 146 BURIALS IN 1652 Dec. 20 165 March 10 Humphrey Salway, Esq. :1 on the North of the Chapel of Kings. The Lady Elizabeth Maleverer : 2 on the North side of the Church. 3 March 22 The Lady Anne Cranfeild, daughter to the Earl of Middlesex :³ in St. Benedict's Chapel. 1653 May May 24 24 June 24 [blank] Carew, Lord Leppington :4 in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Colonel Richard Deane 5 in Henry 7th's Chapel. in which the earlier portion of the Register was compiled, as a clause from his will amply proves. "I desire," he wrote, "to be buried in St. Peter's Church in Westminster, whereof I was some time a Prebendary, in the aisle on the backside of the stall or scat which then belonged to me." He died at his lodgings in Clement Lane, Westminster, on the 17th of October. His will, in which he is styled "Doctor of Divinity," dated 12 Oct., was proved 2 Nov. 1652, by Gabriel Moore, his nephew and residuary legatcc. See the burial of Mrs. Mary Moore, 16 Feb. 1648-9, who, if not his wife, was probably a relative. 1 Eldest son of Arthur Salwey, of Stanford, co. Worcester, Esq., by Mary, dau. and coheir of Thomas Searle, of London, Esq. He was at this time a member of the Long Parliament, and also held the office of "Remembrancer of the Public Exchequer." Although thus officially con- nected with the then Government, he appears to have refused to act as one of the Commissioners appointed to try the King, and does not seem to have deserved the indignity to which his remains were subjected after the Restoration; but his name was included among those in the royal warrant, and his bones found a final resting place in the common pit in the churchyard. He married, about 1614, Anne, second dau. of Sir Edward Littleton, of Pillaton Hall, co. Stafford, Kt., who died before him, and their descendants are still seated at Moor Park, in Shropshire. His will, dated 18 July 1648, contains the curious statement that there was then due to him from the county of Worcester his " wages for attending the present Parliament from the 3rd of November 1640, to the present time." A codicil, dated 19 July 1651, recites that the Parliament of the Commonwealth had, on the 15th inst., voted that £200 per annum for seven years should be paid to his representatives, out of the office of the Remembrancer of the Public Exchequer, towards the payment of his debts. The will was not proved until 3 Mch. 1653-4, and then by his principal creditor, the exccutors appointed declining to act. 2 Dau. of Thomas Wilbraham, of Woodhey, co. Chester, Esq., by his second wife, Mary, dau. of Peter Warburton, of Arley, in the same county, Esq. She was second wife of Sir Thomas Mauleverer, first Bart. of Allerton Mauleverer, co. York (one of the Regicides), who died about June 1655. She is always called Mary in the books, but there can be no doubt of her identity, as she was the only "Lady" Mauleverer living at this period, and as on the 2d, 9th, and 16th of July in the following year (1654), the publication of her husband's intended marriage with Susannah Raylton, of Fulham, Midx., widow, is recorded in the parish register of St. Margaret's, Westminster. (The marriage, however, appears not to have taken place, as there is no record of it in the historics of the baronet's family, and her will, as Susannah Raylton, of Fulham, widow," was dated 27 Nov. 1669, and proved 4 Jan. following.) She left a dau. Elizabeth, but none named Mary, and the name of her husband's first wife was Mary. It is probable that her name is correctly given in the text. See the burials, of her dau. 26 Feb. 1645-6, and her son 25 July 1675. << 3 Youngest of the only two daughters of James Cranfield, second Earl of Middlesex (see his burial 13 Sep. 1651), by Lady Anne Bourchier. She was about five years of age. 4 Henry Carey, commonly called Lord Leppington, only son of Henry Carcy, commonly called Lord Leppington (second son of Sir Henry Carey, second Earl of Monmouth and Baron Carey of Leppington), by Mary, natural dau. of Emanuel, cleventh Lord Scrope and first Earl of Sunderland. His father died in 1649, and his mother remarried (at St. Dionis Backchurch, London, 12 Feb. 1654-5) Charles Pawlet, Lord St. John, afterwards Duke of Bolton. He would have succeeded to the Earldom, if he had survived his grandfather, who died 13 June 1661. He died very young. 5 The well-known Parliamentary General-at-Sea. He was the eldest son of Edward Deanc, of Pinnock, co. Gloucester, Esq., by his second wife, Anne Wase. (For an claborate and WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 147 1653 Sept. 11 The Lady Cicelye, Countess of Rutland:1 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Nov. 24 Mrs. Frances Carew :2 in the Lord Hunsdon's vault in St. John 5 March (-) Baptist's Chapel. 4 Edward Fulham, Clerk of the Works :3 [Cloisters]. John Holmestead: [Cloisters]. William Greene :5 [Cloisters]. 165 Jan. 1654 April 1 Mr. Thomas Day :6 [Cloisters]. April 10 July 4 Mr. William Strong:7 on the South side of the Church. admirable account of him and his career, consult his "Life" by the Rev. John-Bathurst Deane, published in 1870.) He was killed during the naval engagement with the Dutch, on the 2nd of June, being only in his forty-second year. He married, at the Temple Church, 21 May 1647, Mary, dau. of John Grimsditch, of Knottingley, co. York, Esq., who survived him and remarried, at St. Bartholomew the Great, London, 2 Jan. 1654-5, Colonel Edward Salmon, another well- known Parliamentarian. Colonel Deane's remains were ignominiously exhumed after the Resto- ration, and, with those of others equally eminent in maintaining the honour of the British flag, thrown into a common pit in the churchyard. His will, dated 31 Mch. 1653, was proved 20 Jan. 1653-4, by his relict. He left two daughters, Mary and Hannah. The stupid stories propa- gated by his political enemics as to his vulgar origin and early career have been abundantly disproved by his recent biographer, and posterity is already doing justice to his memory. 1 Cecily, eldest dau. of Sir John Tufton, Kt., and first Bart. of Hothfield, Kent, by his second wife, Christian, dau. of Sir Humphrey Browne, Kt., one of the Judges of the Common Pleas. She was first married to Sir Edward Hungerford, of Farley Castle, Wilts, Kt., and afterwards to Francis Manners, sixth Earl of Rutland, who died 17 Dec. 1632, and was buried at Bottesford, co. Leicester. See the burials, of her son 7 Mch. 1619-20, and her brother 6 Oct. 1631. Her will, dated 10 Dec. 1649, was proved 4 Sep. 1654, and a codicil dated 7 June 1652, probably sub- sequently discovered, was proved 27 Nov. 1654. 2 (Erroneously "Mr. Francis Carew" in Collectanca.) Probably Frances, dau. of Hon. Thomas Carey (second son of Robert, first Earl of Monmouth), by Margaret, dau. and heir of Sir Thomas Smith, Kt., Master of the Requests. She was born in 1631, and died unmarried. Her father, who was a Groom of the Bedchamber to King Charles I.. was born at Berwick-on- Tweed, and baptized there 16 Sep. 1597. He died at Whitehall 9 Apl. 1634, and was buried on the 14th in the place indicated in the text, but no record of the fact occurs in the Register. His widow remarried Sir Edward Herbert, Kt., Attorney-General. 3 Son of John Fulham, of Hope-under-Dinmore, co. Hereford. He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, as Clerk of the Works, 4 May 1621. His relict Dorothy administered to his estate 20 Jan. 1653-4. His son, the Rev. Edward Fulham, D.D., was the first Canon of Windsor installed after the Restoration. He died 9 Dec. 1694, and was buried at Compton, Surrey. See a pedigree of the family in Collectanea Top. et Gen. i. 18. 4 His nuncupative will, as John Holmstead, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., made Feb. 1653-4, was proved 16 Dec. 1656, by his relict Margaret, who had then remarried (see her burial, as Margaret Chambers, Jan. 1677-8). The will merely bequeathed £10 to his dau. Ann, and was witnessed by Thomas Raper, who was one of the Abbey porters. He was probably a minor official. 5 William Greene had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, 7 Dec. 1621, as under cook, and is mentioned as one of the College servants in 1632. • One of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, and Master of the children. His will, dated 15 July 1653, with a codicil 2 Jan. 1653-4, was proved 18 May 1654. His relatives named in it were all of Hampshire, and he appointed his kinsman Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Bart., one of his executors. See his son's burial 1 June 1627. 7 Rector of More Crichel, co. Dorset, 1640: appointed by the Parliament Minister of St. Dunstan in the West, London one of the Assembly of Divines and Preacher in the Abbey during the Commonwealth. He made himself so obnoxious to the royalists that his remains 148 BURIALS IN 1 24 Mr. Christopher Masters: [Cloisters]. 1654 July July 24 Sept. 19 Nov. 17 Dec. 26 165 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 21 Feb. 28 1655 April 18 June 21 Mr. Edward Lec:2 [Cloisters]. Mrs. Alice Harpham: [Cloisters]. Colonel Humphry Mackworth :3 in K. Henry 7th's Chapel. Capt. John Miller: [Cloisters]. 4 John Lawes, singing man :5 [Cloisters]. William and Melior, son and daughter of Mr. Christopher Chap- man,6 in one grave: [Cloisters]. [Another hiatus here occurs in the Cloister entries, being noted in the Register thus: "Desunt 1655, etc." The next entry is under date of 5 May, 1658.] Mrs. Penelope Herbert:7 in St. Paul's Chapel. James, Duke of Richmond and Lennox:8 in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Sir William Constable: 9 in K. H. 7th's Chapel. were included amongst those disinterred after the Restoration and thrown into a common pit in the churchyard. His relict Damaris administered to his estate 22 Aug. 1654. ¹ See the burials of (probably) two of his wives, 17 May 1621 and 25 Oct. 1642. He appears to have married again, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Oct. 1646, Mrs. Margaret Hodges. Hc doubtless held some minor official position in or about the Abbey. 2 Probably a grandson of Edmond Hooper, Organist of the Abbey (sec his burial 16 July 1621), who had a dau. living at the date of his will, married to a Mr. Lee, with a son Edmond. 3 He was admitted to Gray's Inn 24 Oct. 1621, as son and heir of Richard Mackworth, of Betton Grange, Shropshire. He became a Colonel in the service of the Parliament, and was appointed Governor of Shrewsbury 2 June 1646. He was a member of Cromwell's second l'ar- liament, and also one of his council. He married, first, at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 30 Jan. 1622-3, Anne, dau. of Thomas Waller, of Beaconsfield, Bucks, Esq., and, secondly, Mary, dau. of Thomas Venables, Esq., titular Baron of Kinderton, co. Chester. His son Thomas administered to his estate 18 Jan. 1654-5. His remains were disinterred after the Restoration, and thrown into a common pit in the churchyard. Probably an officer in the service of the Parliament. 5 See the burials, of his son 18 Aug. 1629, and his brother 25 Oct. 1662. He was a son of William Lawes, of Dinton, Wilts, His dau. Margaret Crispe was living, a widow, in 1662, with three sons. • See their father's burial 17 June 1681, and their mother's 10 July 1707. Melior, the dau., was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 6 June 1652. 7 Dau. of Hon. James Herbert (sixth son, and second of that name, of Philip, fourth Earl of Pembroke), by Jane, dau. of Sir Robert Spiller, of Laleham, Midx., Kt. Her parents were mar- ried at St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf, London, 3 Aug. 1646. and she was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 2 Dec. 1651. See her brother's burial 18 Mch. 1715-16. 9 James Stuart, eldest son of Esme, third Duke of Lennox (sce his burial 6 Aug. 1624), by Catherine, dau. and heir of Sir Gervase Clifton, Lord Clifton of Leighton Bromswold. He was born in Blackfriars, London, the 6th, and baptized at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 29 Apl. 1612. He succeeded as fourth Duke of Lennox, and was created Duke of Richmond 8 Aug. 1641. He died 30 Mch. See his wife's burial 28 Nov. 1685, and his son's 4 Sep. 1660. • Son and heir of Sir Robert Constable, of Flamborough, co. York, Kt., by Anne, daughter and heiress of John Hussey, of Driffield. He was knighted by the Earl of Essex, in Ireland, in 1599, and created a Bart. 29 June 1611. He had been Colonel of a Regimcut of Foot, and some time Governor of Gloucester, and was one of the signers of the death-warrant of K. Charles I. His will, dated 13 Dec. 1654, was proved 18 July 1655, by his relict Dame Dorothy, who was the cldest dau. of Thomas, first Lord Fairfax. He left no issuc, and the title became extinct. His relict died 9 Mch. following, aud was buried in the church of St. Mary Bishophill, Senior, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 149 1655 Nov. 23 1656 [April 17] Oct. 1 Oct. 14 1659 Feb. 15 March 24 1657 May 1 Mr. Stephen Marshall:1 in the South side of the Church. James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh :2 in St. Paul's Chapel. Sir Philip Herbert 3 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Mr. Edward Ellis: in the North aisle of the Church. The Lady [blank], Countess of Antrum: 5 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. The Lady Bridget, Countess of Lyndsy :6 in St. Andrew's Chapel. The Lady Penelope Herbert:7 in St. John Baptist's Chapel. York. Not only were his remains exhumed after the Restoration and thrown into the common pit in the churchyard, but his estates were especially excepted in the general pardon sub- sequently granted by K. Charles II. 1 The eminent preacher of his day, whose great abilities and influence over the Parliament were admitted even by Clarendon. He was a native of Godmanchester, co. Huntingdon, and entered Emanuel College, Cambridge, 1 Apl. 1615. He was at various times minister at Finching- field, Essex, St. Margaret's, Westminster, and St. Mary-at-the-Quay. Ipswich. He died 19 Nov. His will, undated, was proved 11 Feb. 1655-6. His remains were removed after the Restoration, with those of many others who had rendered themselves obnoxious to the royalists, to a common pit in the churchyard. (The scandalous story, first started by Pepys, and occasionally repro- duced to this day, that two of his daughters, named Anne and Rebecca. were actresses and courtesans during the reign of King Charles II., and even that King's own mistresses as late as 1672, may be safely repudiated as untrue. At the date of his will his wife was dead, and five of his daughters were already married, three of them at least to clergymen, and had several chil- dren. His remaining daughter, Susan, was unmarried, but more than 21 years of age, as she proved her father's will.) 2 Son of Arnold Usher, one of the Six Clerks of the Irish Chancery, by Margaret, dau. of James Stanihurst, Speaker of the Irish House of Commons. He was born in Dublin. 4 Jan. 1580-1, and educated at Trinity College in that city. He became Professor of Divinity in that College, and subsequently Chancellor of St. Patrick's Cathedral. He was elevated to the Bishopric of Meath, by patent dated 22 Feb. 1620-1, and translated to the Archbishopric of Armagh by patent dated 21 Mch. 1624-5. He also held the see of Carlisle in commendam, by patent dated 16 Feb. 1641-2, and in 1647 was appointed Preacher to the Society of Lincoln's Inn. He died in the Countess of Peterborough's house, at Reigate, Surrey, 21 Mch. 1655-6, and was buried in the Abbey, by order of Cromwell, 17 Apl. 1656. His only dau. Elizabeth, wife of Sir Timothy Tyrrell, Kt., administered to his estate 3 May following. He married, in 1614. Phoebe, only dau. of Rev. Luke Chaloner, D.D., who was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 22 Nov. 1654. 3 The identification of a person of this name and rank ought not to be even difficult, but has been so far impossible, which leads to the suspicion that there is some error, either in name or date. 4 Second son of Edward Ellis, of Chesterton, co. Cambridge, Esq., by Jane, dau. of Thomas Stoteville, of Brinkley, in the same county, Esq. (see her burial 6 May 1631). He was Gentle- man-waiter to King James I., and Cup-bearer to King Charles I. His will, dated 15 July, was proved 21 Oct. 1656. He evidently died unmarried. 5 Lady Anne Stanley, only surviving dau. of William, sixth Earl of Derby, by the Lady Elizabeth de Vere (see her burial 11 Mch. 1626-7). She was first married to Sir Henry Portman, second Bart., and secondly to Robert Kerr, first Earl of Ancrum, who died at Amsterdam in 1654. See her daughter's burial 4 Jan. 1646-7. 6 Only dau. and heir of Edward Wray, Esq., by the Lady Elizabeth Norreys (see her burial 28 Nov. 1645), and born in 1627. She married, first, Edward Sackville, second son of Edward, fourth Earl of Dorset, who died in 1646, and, secondly. Montagu Bertie, second Earl of Lindsey, to whom she was second wife, who survived her and died 25 July 1666. Her eldest son (by her second marriage), James, became aron Norreys in her right, and was created Earl of Abingdon. 7 Posthumous dau. and coheir of Sir Paul Bayning, second Viscount Bayning, by Penelope, 150 BURIALS IN 1657 Aug. 4 1657 Feb. 2 Colonel Robert Blake, Admiral at Sea:¹ in K. H. 7th's Chapel. The Lady Elizabeth Lumley:2 in the Earl of Exeter's vault in St. John Baptist's Chapel. 1658 May 5 Sept. 1 Mrs. Sept. 29 Robert Coleman, Esq. :* [Cloisters]. Robert Willis, singing man: [Cloisters]. : Mrs. 3 Anne Fleet in the South aisle of the Church, near Mr. Cambden's tomb. 4 Dec. 3 165 Jan. 28 Thomas Roper, almsman :5 [Cloisters]. Mrs. Margaret Hooper: [Cloisters]. 28 dau, and heir of Sir Robert Naunton, Kt., Secretary of State to K. James I. She was baptized at St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 14 Nov. 1638, and was married at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 18 June 1647, before she was quite nine years old, to Hon. John Herbert, youngest son of Philip, fourth Earl of Pembroke and first of Montgomery. See her husband's burial 23 Nov. 1659, and that of her only sister, the Countess of Oxford, 27 Sep. 1659, whose marriage took place on the same day as her own. Her mother had remarried Philip, fifth Earl of Pembroke, her husband's brother, and her almost unnatural marriage at her tender age was probably influenced by family considerations. 1 The most famous naval commander of his own and perhaps any other age, whose name and fame are still precious to Englishmen, although his bones were subjected to the indignity of disinterment and removal to the common pit in the churchyard. Surely, an exception might have been made in his case, for he was always simply the British officer, and never the Common- wealth partizan. He was a younger son of Humphrey Blake, of Bridgewater, co. Somerset, Gent., by Sarah, dau. and coheir of John Williams, of Pawlett, in that county, and was baptized at St. Mary's, Bridgewater, 27 Sep. 1599. There is a discrepancy between the date in the text and those in all the accounts of the period, the latter stating that he died on the 17th of August, while his ship was entering Plymouth harbour, and that he was buried in the Abbey on the 4th of September. His will, written with his own hand, and signed and sealed on board the "Naseby," then lying in St. Helen's Roads (Isle of Wight), 13 Mch. 1655-6, was proved 20 Aug. 1657. He died unmarried, and left his property, which was considerable, chiefly to his brothers. 2 Elizabeth Cornwallis, second dau. of Sir William Cornwallis, of Brome, co. Suffolk, Kt., by his first wife, Lucy, fourth dau. and coheir of John Neville, Lord Latimer. She married, first, at her father's house in St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London, 22 Nov. 1596, Sir William Sandys (son and heir of Sir Walter Sandys, third son of Thomas, Lord Sandys of the Vyne), who died in 1629; and secondly, at St. Bride's, London, 11 May 1630, Richard, first Viscount Lumley, to whom she was second wife, and who survived her. Her will, dated 18 Sep. 1641, with a codicil 26 July 1652, was proved 29 June 1659. 3 Dau. of William Boughton, of Lawford, co. Warwick, Esq., by Jane, dau. of Humphrey Coningsby, of Hampton Court, co. Hereford, Esq. (see her burial 16 Nov. 1614). She married, first, Ralph Wright, of Snelston, co. Derby, and, secondly, John Fleet, of Hallow, co. Worcester, Esq., whom she survived. 4 In the record of the letters of administration granted to his relict Anne, 10 Dec. 1658, he is described as "late of Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk." Richard Smyth's Obituary, under the date in the text, says "Mr. Coleman, once dwelling in Bell Alley, in Coleman Street [London], died at Westminster." 5 Thomas Raper had a patent as one of the porters of the Abbey, 6 Dec. 1617, and was men- tioned in 1632 as one of the College servants. He had now, evidently recently, become one of the twelve privileged Almsmen of the Abbey. On 18 Mch. 1655-6 he was married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, as Thomas Raper, yeoman, to Elizabeth Vaughan, spinster, and she administered to his estate 31 Dec. 1658. In this record his name is also given as Raper. Sec the burial 18 Sep. 1628, of, perhaps, his father. • Sce her father's burial 30 Dec. 1651, and her mother's 7 Mch. 1651-2. She died unmarried, and her will, dated 17 Jan., was proved 18 Feb 1658-9, by her married sister Mary Swetuam. She lived in the Little Almonry. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 151 • 1659 May 24 The Lady Ratcliffe:1 in the North aisle of the Church. Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Oct. The Lady Anne, Countess of Oxford:2 in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Scipio Squire, Esq. :3 [Cloisters]. 4 7 Mr. Lambert Osbaston, one of the Prebendaries: in the South aisle of the Church. Nov. 15 Mr. Goland :5 [Cloisters]. Anne, eldest dau. of Sir Francis Trappes, of Harrogate and Nidd, co. York, Kt.. by Mary, third dau. and coheir of Robert Atkinson, of Stowell, co. Gloucester. Esq. She was married, at the Church of St. Anne and St. Agnes. London, 21 Feb. 1621-2, to Sir George Radcliffe, of Overthorpe, in Thornhill, co. York, Kt., who died, a political exile, 25 May 1657, and was buried at Flushing. She died 13 May 1659, in her 58th year. 2 Eldest dau. and coheir of Paul, second Viscount Bayning, by Penelope, dau. of Sir Robert Naunton, Kt. She was married, at St. Martin in the Fields. Midx.. 18 June 1647, to Aubrey de Verc, twentieth and last Earl of Oxford (sce his burial 22 Mch. 1702-3), when she could not have been more than about ten years of age, as her father was only twenty-two at his death in 1638. and her mother then only eighteen. See her sister's burial 1 May 1657, and note thereto. 3 His will, as "Scipio Le Squire. Esq., Senior Chamberlain of the Court of Receipt in the Exchequer," dated 23 Sep. 1659, was not proved until 16 Jan. 1662-3. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters, near the monument of his ancient friend Mr. Arthur Agard (see his burial 24 Aug. 1615). Sir Simonds D'Ewes mentions him as Deputy Chamberlain as early as 1630, and, from his reference to Agard, he was probably brought up in that office. He was admitted to Gray's Inn 10 Aug. 1627, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Gent. His wife Elizabeth and several childreu survived him. To his son Scipio he bequeathed his lands of inheritance at Bagshot, co. Surrey, and in Middlesex and Devonshire. name. 4 Lambert Osbaldeston, or Osbolston, as his family appear to have always written the He is always erroneously said to have been the son of Lambert Osbolston. Rector of St. Olave, Southwark, and to have been born in that parish. His baptism does not occur in the parish register of St. Olave, nor was his father ever Rector there. On the contrary, in the Visitation of London, 1633-4, he is described as a "haberdasher." and in that of 1664 as a "Gentleman." The baptisms of two or three of his younger children are recorded in the St. Olave's register, and he is there described as a haberdasher. Anthony Wood says that he died in 1662, but this son Lambert administered to his estate 26 Apl. 1622. His wife was Martha Bankes, of a London family. Their eldest son was the Rev. William Osbolston, Rector of East Hanningfield and Great Parndon, Essex, who died about 1615-6. Their third son. Robert, con- tinued his father's business, and his third son, Robert, also became Rector of Great Parndon, aud was buried there 3 Mch. 1679-80. They had several other sons and daughters, who appear to have all died young. The person named in the text was their second son, and was educated at Westminster School, whence he was elected to Oxford in 1612. His name, however, does not appear in the matriculation register until 20 Oct, 1615, when he is described as the son of a 'gentleman," born in London, and aged twenty-one. On the 25th Oct. in this year he was admitted to Gray's Inn. He took his M.A. degree 27 Apl. 1619. On the 7th Dec. 1621 he had a joint patent (with Rev. John Wilson, D.D.), from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, of the Head-Mastership of Westminster School, which was renewed to him alone 27 Jan. 1625-6. In July 1629 he was collated to prebends of both Lincoln and Westminster. In 1638, having expressed himself too freely respecting Archbishop Laud, he was deprived of all his preferments by the Star Chamber, fined £5,000, and sentenced to have his ears nailed to the pillory in presence of his scholars, but escaped the execution of this sentence by flight. In 1641 his livings were restored to him, but, becoming disaffected with the course of the Parliament, they were again sequestered, and he lived in retirement until his death. He died unmarried. 5 Rev. Richard Gouland, A.M., Keeper of the Library, to which post he was appointed by a patent from the Dean and Chapter, dated 27 Jan. 1625-6, with a salary of £20 per annum. The inscription on his monument states that he bequeathed a "large sum" for the purchase of choice books for the Library, but the exact amount named in his will was £10, which was to be 152 BURIALS IN 1659 Nov. 23 John Herbert, Esq. 1 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. 1660 [Aug.](-) The Lady Carewe:2 in the Quier. Sept. 4 Esme, Duke of Richmond and Lennox :3 in the South side of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Sept. 21 Henry, Duke of Glocester:¹ in the South side of K. H. 7th's Chapel. [Nov.] (-) Thomas Blake, Esq., one of the Grooms of his Majesty's Bed- chamber 5 in the North side of the Church. expended in the purchase of "the choicest pieces of the works of John Gerrardus, Vossius, and Salmatius." He was installed a Prebendary of Lincoln 8 Apl. 1632. He died 10 Nov. 1659, evidently unmarried. His will, in which he stated that he was born in the parish of St. Swithin, city of Lincoln, was dated 18 Mch. 1658-9, and was partly in hieroglyphics, which were deciphered by his nephew. It was proved 30 Apl. 1660, by his brother-in-law and residuary legatce, Rev. Henry Page, Vicar of Ledbury, co. Hereford, who had married his sister Alice. 1 Youngest son of Philip, fourth Earl of Pembroke and first of Montgomery, by his first wife, Lady Susan de Vere, dau. and eventually coheir of Edward, seventeenth Earl of Oxford. He died without issue, and his brothers, Philip, fifth Earl of Pembroke, and the Hon. James Herbert, administered to his estate 17 Apl. 1660. See his wife's burial 1 May 1657, and note. 2 Anne, second dau. of Sir Nicholas Hyde, Kt., Chief Justice of the King's Bench, by Mary, dau. of Arthur Swaine, of Sarson, Hants, Esq. She died 23 Aug. 1660, in her fiftieth year, being then the widow of Sir Ross Cary, who had been made a knight-banneret for his services during the memorable expedition to the Isle of Rhé. In the parish register of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., under the date of 1 Mch. 1640-1, his burial is recorded thus: "Sir Rosse Cary, an Irish Gent.: died at John Kerlye's, Rose Alley, 28 Feb." Both appear to have died intestate. The inscription on her gravestone, long hid from sight, is one of the few in the Abbey that have never been printed, and is therefore here given in full. It reads thus; “Anna Nicolai Hyde Equ. Aurati | Supremi Angliæ Justitiarij | Filia | Uxor Ross Rossæi Curey | Qui | Optime de patriâ | In expeditione Rheana meritus | Equitis Banneretti Titulo ornatus | Titulum ornavit | II. S. E. | Post restitutam Carolo | Brittaniam Brittanice | Post restitutum Carolum | Lubens animam Anna reddidit | X° Cal. Aug. | Anno Etatis L. | Salutis M.D.C.LX." As a remarkable instance of the inexactness and uncertainty of burial registers and monumental inscriptions and heraldry, it may be noted that in the Abbey Register this lady's name is Caren, and on her tomb- stone Carey, while her husband's arms, impaled with her own, on the latter, are unmistakably those of Crewe. 3 Esme Stuart, only son of James, fourth Duke of Lennox and first of Richmond (see his burial 18 Apl. 1655), by Lady Mary Villiers (see her burial 28 Nov. 1685). He was born in London 2 Nov. 1649, succeeded his father as second Duke of Richmond and fifth of Lennox, and died in Paris 10 Aug. 1660. These dates are taken from his coffin-plate, exposed in 1867. The inscription on his monument (probably inaccurately recut) erroneously states that he died 14 Aug. 1661, in his cleventh year. 4 Prince Henry, fourth and youngest, but third surviving son and eighth child of K. Charles I. and Q. Henrietta-Maria. He was born at Outlands, Surrey, 6 July 1640, and was created Earl of Cambridge and Duke of Gloucester 13 May 1644. He was confined in Carisbrook Castle after his father's death, and subsequently sent out of the kingdom by Cromwell. He returned to England on the Restoration, and died at Whitehall, of the small-pox, on the 13th of this month. 5 Colonel Thomas Blagge, third but eldest surviving son of Ambrose Blagge, of Little Horningsherth, co. Suffolk, Esq., by his first wife, Martha, dau. of Roger Barber, of Bury St. Edmund's, Esq. He was baptized at Horningsherth 13 July 1613. He had been Colonel of a regiment of foot in the royal army, and particularly distinguished himself in the defence of Wallingford Castle. He had also been Governor of Yarmouth and Landguard Fort, and a Groom of the Bedchamber to K. Charles I. and II. He married, at St. Bride's, London, 20 Feb. 1640-1, Mary, dau. of Sir Roger North, of Mildenhall, co. Suffolk, Kt., who survived him, and died in 1671. Margaret, one of his daughters and coheirs, married Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of England (see his burial 8 Oct. 1712). Col. Blagge died 14 Nov. 1660, and was doubt- less buried during that month, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 153 1660 Dec. 29 The Princess Royal, Mary, the King's eldest sister, mother to the Prince of Orange,¹ was laid in a vault on the South side of K. II. 7th's Chapel. 166 March 22 The Lady Anne Bertue, sister to the Earl of Lindsy 2 in St. Michael's Chapel. 1661 (-) (-) The Lady Alisbury 3 at the East end of the Chapel of Kings going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. ¹ Eldest dau. and third child of K. Chas. I. and Q. Henrietta-Maria, and born at St. James's 4 Nov. 1631. She married, 2 May 1648, William of Nassau, only son of Henry-Frederick, Prince of Orange, who succeeded to that title, and died 27 Oct. 1650. Their only issue was William- Henry, afterwards K. William III. (see his burial 12 Apl. 1702). She died of the small-pox on the 24th of this month. Her will was dated on the day of her death, and proved on that of her burial. 2 Third dau. of Robert Bertie, first Earl of Lindsey, by Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of Edward, first Lord Montagu of Boughton, co. Northampton. She died unmarried, aged about forty-five. 3 There can be no hesitation in identifying this lady as the wife and relict of Sir Thomas Aylesbury, Bart., mother of Frances, first Countess of Clarendon, and thus great-grandmother of Q. Mary II. and Q. Anne. It is possible that the transcriber of the old Register placed the entry too early in the series of burials in this year, but there can still be no doubt as to the person indicated. There was no other Lady Aylesbury at this period, and the place of her interment, as stated in the text, was the Hyde vault, in which all the members of Lord Clarendon's family were subsequently interred. Besides, Pepys, in his Diary, under the date of 13 Nov. 1661, states that the Duke of York was in mourning for his wife's grandmother, which, he adds, was thought "a great piece of fondness." Hitherto this expression appears to have been regarded as con- firming certain mythical stories respecting the alleged humble origin of the Duchess of York's mother, the first Countess of Clarendon ; but it may now be suggested whether it had not reference to the mourning being continued so long after the death of the person for whom it was worn, and especially as she must have been in a very advanced old age. It seems strange that the history of a lady who was the direct ancestress of two of the reigning sovereigns of Great Britain should have remained to this day in utter obscurity, but even Lady Theresa Lewis, so late as 1852, wrote, "it is not known from what family she sprang, or where she died." Such facts, therefore, as the Editor has been able to discover will now be presented in detail. Her name was Anne, and she was the eldest dau. and coheir of Francis Denman, of West Retford, Notts, by Anne, dau. of Robert Blount, of Eckington, co. Derby, and relict of Nicholas Towers. Esquires. Her father was only son of Nicholas Denman, of West Retford, by Anne, dau. of Humphrey Hercy, of the Grove, Notts, Esq., and second sister and coheir of Sir John Hercy, Kt. The arms borne by the Denmans of West Retford, viz., Argent, three lions' heads erased gules, were those of a knightly family of the same name temp. K. Edward I. Francis Denman, the father of Lady Aylesbury, appears to have been Rector of West Retford from 26 Sep. 1578 to 21 Jan. 1595-6, when he resigned, and was afterwards described as of Old Hall, West Retford, Esquire. He died in 1599, and was buried at West Retford, his wife surviving him. Their second dau. and coheir, Barbara, married Edward Darell, Esq., son of Sir Thomas Darell, of Pagham, Sussex, Kt., and died 22 Mch. 1654-5, leaving, by their only surviving son Edward, a grandson, Dr. John Darell, who founded a well-known hospital at West Retford. The only other dau, and cobeir of Francis Denman and Anne his wife was Anne, who married, first, William Darell (probably a brother or half-brother of her sister Barbara's husband), who died in 1610, and, secondly, “Thomas Aylesbury, Esq." He is thus described in the marriage allegation, at the Bishop of London's Registry, dated 3 Oct. 1611, and as of St. Andrew's, Holborn, and also as having the consent of his father, "William Aylesbury, Esq." She is described as " Anne Darell, of the city of London, widow, whose husband died about a year ago." (William Aylesbury, the father, married, first, Anne, dau. of John Poole, of Saperton. co. Gloucester, Esq., by whom he had issue Edmond, eldest son, who was living 1629-30, with two daughters, Dorothy and Anne ; X 154 BURIALS IN 1661 April 29 The Lady Elizabeth, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox:¹ on the South side of K. H. 7th's Chapel. May 3 May 6 July 12 July 15 Mrs. Margery Coffin: [Cloisters]. Charles, Duke of Cambridge, son to the Duke of York:2 in a vault on the South side of K. H. 7th's Chapel. George Cox, unfortunately drowned: [Cloisters]. The wife of Dr. Quarterman, one of the King's Physicians:³ in the South part of the cross aisle. Nov. 5 Dr. George Jay, Dean of Peterborough 4 between Mr. Camden's and Mr. Causabon's monuments. Elizabeth, who died unmarried, in the service of Dame Dorothy Estcourt, and whose will, dated 5 Jan., was proved 8 Feb. 1629-30; another dau. who married Francis Marsh, of Edgworth, co. Gloucester, Gent., who survived her and died in 1630; and Thomas, second son, who was born in London about 1576, and was created a Baronet 19 Apl. 1627. He was sometime Master of the Requests and of the Mint, and, fleeing to the continent after the death of K. Charles I., died at Breda in 1657. His father, after the death of his first wife Anne, had a license from the Bishop of London, dated 12 July 1603, he being described as of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Gentleman, a widower, aged 67, to marry Dorothy Gwillams, widow, aged 60, whose husband, of the same parish, Gentleman, had died about seven years before.) The children of Sir Thomas Aylesbury and Anne (Darell née Denman), besides Frances, Countess of Clarendon (sec her burial 17 Aug. 1667), so far as known, were as follows: William, eldest child, who was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 13 July 1612, and who died in Jamaica in 1657, being then secretary to the Governor of that island; Thomas, second son, baptized at St. Margaret's 15 Dec. 1613, of whom nothing further has been ascertained, and who probably died young; Anne, baptized at St. Margaret's 28 Dec. 1615, and married there, 24 Apl. 1637, to Mr. John Brigham; and Barbara, baptized at St. Margaret's 9 May 1627 (and doubtless named after her mother's only sister), who died unmarried, at Antwerp, in 1652. (The date of her baptism, it will be seen, varies exactly a year from the note in the Duchess of York's pocket-book quoted by Lady Theresa Lewis, viz., "My dear Aunt Bab was, when she died, twenty-four years old and as much as from April to August.") It appears, therefore, that the hitherto mysterious ancestress of Qucens Mary and Anne was of pure gentle descent and honourable connections, and that the ridiculous traditions respecting her and her daughter had no foundation in fact. As the record of her burial is distinctly under the year 1661, it may be regarded as certain that it was after the 25th of March, and it may, as has been said, have been later in the year. 1 Eldest dau. and coheir of Richard Rogers, of Bryanston, co. Dorset, Esq., by Anne, dau. of Sir Thomas Cheeke, Kt. She married, first, Hon. Charles Cavendish, son of William, first Duke of Newcastle; and, secondly, Charles Stuart, third Duke of Richmond and sixth of Lennox (sce his burial 20 Sep. 1673), to whom she was first wife. She died (according to her coffin-plate, exposed in 1867) on the 21st of April, in childbed, and was barely, if quite, eighteen years of age. See her daughter's burial 28 Mch. 1662. 2 Eldest son of James, then Duke of York, afterwards K. James II., by his first wife, Anne Hyde, eldest dau. of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon (see her burial 5 Apl. 1671). He was born 22 Oct. 1660, and declared Duke of Cambridge, but died before the patent passed the Great Scal. He died on the 5th of May. 3 First wife of Dr. William Quatermain, Physician in Ordinary to K. Charles II. Hc matri- culated at Oxford, from Brasenose College, 10 Oct. 1634, aged sixteen, as son of Walter Quater- main, of Shabbington, Bucks, Gent. He remarried (Mar. Lic. Fac. 16 June 1662) Mary, dau. of Sir Thomas Dyke, Kt., and grand-daughter of Sir John Bramston, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, who survived him. He was buried at St. Martin in the Fields 11 June 1667. His will, dated the 4th, was proved the 15th of the same month. 4 Rev. George Jay, A.M., rector of Bugbrooke, co. Northampton, was admitted a Pre- bendary of Lichfield 28 May 1632. He had been a great sufferer in the royal cause, and was designed to succeed Bishop Cosin as Dean of Peterborough, but died before the appointment could WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 155 1661 Nov. 20 Nov. 28 Dec. 1 Captain Witham :¹ [Cloisters]. Mr. Roger Nightingale, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Chapel Royal, and Confessor of his Majesty's Household 2 in the East Cloister. 20 The Right Rev. Nicholas, Lord Bishop of Hereford :3 in St. Edmund's Chapel. Dec. 27 Dec. 28 166 Jan. 24 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 The Lady Anne Carew: in St. John Baptist's Chapel. The Lord Chancellor Hide's mother 5 at the foot of the steps going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. John Frame, the College grave maker:6 in the South Cloister. Mr. Daniel Carter: [Cloisters]. The widow Frame, buried by her husband: [in the South Cloister]. be carried into effect. His designation as Dean in the text was not, therefore, strictly correct. A marriage recorded at St. Bride's, London, 2 Apl. 1649, of "George Jay, Minister, and Martha Manning," probably refers to him. ¹ In his will, dated 11 Apl. 1660, and proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 29 Nov. 1661, by his "dear, loving, and loyal wife Mrs. Martha Wytham," he is described as "Thomas Wytham, of Petty France, Westminster, Esq." He left all his property to his wife, with remainder to his dau. Mary, then wife of Richard Willoughby, of Gray's Inn, Esq. 2 He was sworn as a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in ordinary 29 June 1619, and succeeded to the next vacancy 20 July 1620. In the Cheque Book he is described as "a Base from St. Paul's," and as in holy orders. He was sworn Confessor to His Majesty's Household in June 1660, and died 25 Nov. 1661, being succeeded in that office by Rev. Philip Tynchare, the preserver of the old Abbey Register. 3 Nicholas Monk (or, as the name appears to have been uniformly written, Moncke), third son of Sir Thomas Monk, of Potheridge, co. Devon, Kt., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir George Smith. He was born about 1609, and appears to have been a quiet country clergyman, until the influence of his brother, the Duke of Albemarle (see his burial 29 Apl. 1670) secured his rapid advance- ment. He became Provost of Eton College in June 1660, and on the 1st of Aug. in that year was created D.D. at Oxford, by royal command. He was elected Bishop of Hereford 1 Dec. following, and was consecrated 13 Jan. 1660-1. He died at his lodgings in the Old Palace at Westminster 17 Dec. following. His will, dated the day before his death, was proved 13 Mch. 1661-2, by his relict Susanna, who was dau. of Thomas Payne, of Plymtrec, co. Devon, Esq., by whom he left only two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. A monument was erected in the Abbey to his memory, in 1723, by his grandson, Christopher Rawlinson, of Cark, co. Lancaster, Esq. 4 Dau. of Sir Henry Carey, fourth Baron Hunsdon and first Earl of Dover, by his first wife, Judith, dau. of Sir Thomas Pelham, of Laughton, Sussex, Bart. If the date in the text is correct, she must have died the same day, or the day before, as her will, dated 11 Sep. 1657, con- tains a nuncupative codicil, the date of which is 26 Dec. 1661. It was proved 10 Jan. following, by her sister Lady Judith Carcy. She died unmarried, aged about forty. 5 Mary, dau. and heir of Edward Langford, of Trowbridge, Wilts, Esq., and relict of Henry Iyde, of Purton in the same county. They were parents of Edward Hyde, first Earl of Clarendon, then Lord Chancellor (see his burial 4 Jan. 1674-5). Her husband died 29 Sep. 1632, aged sixty-uine. • Probably a brother, or a son by a former wife, of Aldam Frame (see his burial 3 Mch. 1644-5). He is called "gardener" in the Chapter Book 5 Oct. 1661, when he and his wife were forbidden to sell beer and pies on the premises. See his wife's burial 9 Feb. following. Letters of administration to his estate were granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 2 Feb. 1662-3, to William Hooper, curator assigned to his minor children Anne, John, Emme and Edward. 7 Sce her husband's burial 24 Jan. preceding. 156 BURIALS IN 1661 Feb. 17 The Queen of Bohemia, daughter to King James:1 in a vault by her brother Prince Henry. 1662 March 25 Dr. Ferne, Bishop of Chester:2 [in the Abbey]. The Duke of Richmond's daughter :3 [in the Abbey]. March 28 April 15 Mrs. Mary Gibbons 4 in the North Cloister. April 17 April 24 Sir George Lane's daughter : [Cloisters]. The Right Rev. Dr. Brian Duppa, Lord Bishop of Winchester:" in the North aisle, within the monuments. ¹ Princess Elizabeth, cldest and only surviving dau. of K. James I. (scc his burial 5 May 1625) and Anne of Denmark (see her burial 13 May 1619). She was born, at the Palace of Falkland in Scotland, 19 Aug. 1596, and married, at Whitehall, 14 Feb. 1612-13, Frederick V., Duke of Bavaria and Elector Palatine of the Rhine, afterwards elected King of Bohemia, who was driven from his dominions by the Emperor Ferdinand, and died at Mentz 29 Nov. 1632. She died at Leicester House, London, 13 Feb. 1661-2. Her will, dated 18 May, 1661, was proved 4 Mch. 1661-2, by her son Prince Rupert (see his burial 6 Dec. 1682). 2 Henry, eighth son of Sir John Ferne, of Temple Belwood, co. Lincoln, Kt., Secretary of the Council at York, by Elizabeth, dau. of John Needham, of Wymondley, Herts, Esq., who remarried Sir Thomas Smith alias Nevill, of Holt, co. Leicester. He was collated Archdeacon of Leicester 16 Oct. 1641; admitted Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 3 Aug. 1660; installed Dean of Ely 12 Mch. 1660-1; and consecrated Bishop of Chester in Feb. 1661-2. He died the fifth Sunday after his consecration, on the 16th of March, at the house of his mother's step-son, Mr. Thomas Nevill, then a draper in St. Paul's Churchyard, in his fifty-ninth year. His will, dated in 1659, in which he called himself "Professor of Divinity, now dwelling at Sandbeck, co. York," was not proved, in consequence of some legal contention, until 30 May 1663. 3 ³ An infant not a year old. See her mother's burial 29 Apl. 1661, and her father's 20 Sep. 1673. 4 Daughter of the Rev. Robert Kercher, B.D., Prebendary of Winchester, and first wife of Christopher Gibbons, Dr. of Music, and Organist of the Abbey (see his burial 24 Oct. 1676). They were married, at St. Bartholomew the Less, London, 23 Sep. 1646. 5 A young child of Sir George Lane, afterwards second Bart., and created Viscount Lanesborough 31 July 1676. He had been knighted, at Bruges, 27 Mch. 1657. By his first wife, Dorcas, dau. of Sir Anthony Brabazon, Kt., he had second and third daughters, Anne-Dorcas and Anne, who both died in infancy. Their elder sister, Charlotte, was born 28 Aug. 1658. 6 Various errors have crept into the accounts of the personal history of this distinguished prelate, some of which may be now positively corrected. He was not born at Greenwich, and was not the son of Rev. Geoffrey Duppa, Vicar of Lewisham, Kent, by a daughter of Rev. John Bungay, LL.D., Prebendary of Canterbury. According to his own will, he was born at Lewisham, and the register of that parish records his baptism on the 18th of Mch. 1588-9. This date is confirmed by the record of his matriculation at Oxford, 9 July, 1605, in which his age is given as sixteen, i. c., at his last birthday. His father was not Vicar of Lewisham, nor a clergyman. In the Oxford matriculation register he is called a " Gentleman," and in the Bishop's deed of foundation of a charity at Pembridge, co. Hereford, dated 15 Oct. 1661, he is described as "Jeffrey Duppa, Esquire, my late father." As to his mother, Dr. Bungay's will, dated 27 Oct. 1595, names no daughter married to Duppa, and evidently mentions all his children, while the Lewisham register records the marriage there, in 1580, of "Jeffery Duppa and Lucrece Marcsall," who were undoubtedly his parents; but, after the most careful search, no trace of their subse- quent history and fate has been discovered. Having taken the degree of D.D. at Oxford in 1625, he was installed Dean of Christ Church 28 Nov. 1629; became a Prebendary of Salisbury 21 May 1634, and Chancellor 7 June following; Rector of Petworth, Sussex, 19 May 1638; was conse- crated Bishop of Chichester 17 June 1638; confirmed Bishop of Salisbury 14 Dec. 1641, and of Winchester 4 Oct. 1660. He died at Richmond, Surrey, 26 Mch. 1662, and his will, dated the preceding 4th of Feb., was proved 16 May following. See his wife's burial 30 Oct. 1665. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 157 1662 May 10 Dr. Peter Heylen, Sub-dean of this Church:¹ near his own stall. July 13 Mrs. Juxon :2 [in the Abbey]. Aug. (-) Mr. Drew Sterrill :3 [Cloisters]. Oct. 13 Oct. 18 Oct. Richmond Weelkes: [Cloisters]. Colonel Whittle's Lady:5 in the Chapel next the Convocation House. 25 Mr. Henry Lawes, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Chapel: [Cloisters]. Nov. 26 Dec. (-) Dec. 6 Mary, daughter of Mr. William Tucker :7 [Cloisters]. Sir Henry Wood's son, an infant: near the Convocation door. Mrs. Frances, wife of Dr. Gorge, Prebendary of this Church 9 in the South aisle of the Church. Dec. 25 Jacob Capel, an almsman : [Cloisters]. 1 Second son of Henry Heylyn, of Burford, co. Oxford, Gent., by Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Clampard, of Wrotham, Kent, and born at Burford 29 Nov. 1599. He became a Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and was B.D. 13 June 1629, and D.D. in 1633. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 9 Nov. 1631. He had been Chaplain to K. Charles I., and his preferments, of which he had been deprived during the Commonwealth, were restored to him on the return of K. Charles II. He died 8 May, and his relict Letitia (see her burial 17 Mch. 1667-8) administered to his estate 13 June following. Only four of eleven children survived him. 2 Probably the first wife of Sir George Juxon, of Canterbury, who was knighted in June 1663. (He married, first, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 12 Apl. 1654, Dorothy, dau. of Robert Purdy of Suffolk, and widow of a Mr. Harvey, and, secondly, Anne, dau. of Sir Dudley Diggs. of Chilham Castle, Kent, Kt. Letters of administration to his estate were granted 22 Aug. 1666. By his first wife he had a dau. Frances, whose will, dated 29 June 1717. was proved 19 Mch. 1725-6. She died unmarried, and at the date of her will was of the Archbishop's palace, Canterbury.) It seems impossible to identify her with any other person in the Juxon pedigree. 3 Third son of Henry Sterrell, of the Middle Temple, Esq., by Margaret his wife, and born about 1610. He was the Abbey Surveyor, or Clerk of the Works. Baptisms and burials of twelve children, by his two wives, Mary and Prudence, occur in the registers of St. Margaret's, West- minster, from 18 May 1633 to 4 July 1659, and his first wife, Mary, was buried there 17 Oct. 1646. 4 There was a family of this name in Yorkshire. Stephen Weelks, of Fountains Park, Gent., was buried in Ripon Cathedral in 1667. He was descended from a family at Sawley in that county. 5 Charlotte, dau. of Sir Charles Gerard, of Halsall, co. Lancaster, Kt.. by Penelope, sister and coheir of Sir Edward Fitton, of Gosworth, co. Chester, Kt. She was wife of Roger Whitley, of Peele, co. Chester, Esq., who survived her until 1697. See the marriage of her dau. 31 Dec. 1678, and the burial of her brother, the Earl of Macclesfield, 18 Jan. 1693-4. • 6 Son of William Lawes, of Dinton, Wilts, where baptized 1 Jan. 1595-6. His connection with the Chapel Royal commenced 1 Jan. 1625-6, when he was sworn Epistler." He was sworn Gentleman of the Chapel 3 Nov. 1626, and was afterwards, and at his death, Clerk of the Cheque. He died 21 Oct. His will, dated 14 Oct., was proved 2 Dec. 1662, by bis relict Elinor, who, before 1667, remarried John Trowte. He appears to have left no issue, but made a handsome provision for the dau. of his brother John (see his burial 19 Jan. 1654-5) and her children. He bequeathed to Francis Sambrooke, of Westminster, Gent., one of his executors, several of his "viols," and "certain compositions" of his "dear brother William Lawes." He lived in the Little Almonry. 7 See her baptism 17 Nov. 1662, and her father's burial 1 Mch. 1678-9. • See his mother's burial 1 Apl. 1665. He was her only son, and, according to the family history, was christened Charles. 9 Eldest child of Walter Dayrell, of Abingdon, Berks, Esq. (third son of Paul Dayrell, of Lillingston Dayrell, Bucks), by Alice, dau. of Thomas Mayott, of Abingdon, Gent., and relict of 158 BURIALS IN 1663 Jan. 14 The Right Hon. the Lord Goring, Earl of Norwich :1 in St. John Baptist's Chapel. March 16 March 21 1663 March 26 May 20 Mr. Perkins, the Dean's Bayliff:2 [Cloisters]. William, son of Mr. Christopher Chapman :3 [Cloisters]. Sir John Ogle:4 in St. John Baptist's Chapel. John Knight, one of the almsmen : between the Great and Little Cloisters. May 27 Ralph Atkinson, one of the almsmen 5 between the Great and Little Cloisters. June 27 July 2 Mr. William Hooper, Petticanon :6 in the North Cloister. Mr. William James, Usher of the College School: in the South aisle of the Church. July 17 Dr. Heywood, Prebendary of this Church:8 at the foot of the pulpit. John Chaundler, of the same place, vintner. She was baptized at St. Helen's, Abingdon, 29 Apl. 1604, and married, first, Robert Hovenden, of Stanton Harcourt, co. Oxford, Esq., whose will she proved 8 Apl. 1652, and, secondly, the Rev. Dr. Thomas Gorges, Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 14 Dec. 1667). 1 ¹ Gcorge, son of George Goring, of Hurstpierpoint and Ovingdean, co. Sussex, by Anne, dau. of Henry Denny, of Waltham Abbey, Essex, Esq., and eldest sister of Sir Edward Denny, Baron Denny, and Earl of Norwich. He was knighted at Greenwich 27 May, 1608, and was Gentle- man of the Privy Chamber in Ordinary to Prince Henry in 1610, and afterwards Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen. He was created Baron Goring 14 Apl. 1628, and Earl of Norwich 8 Nov. 1646. The Obituary of Richard Smyth, under date of 6 Jan. in this year, says: "Geo. Lord Goring, in his passage by land from Hampton Court to London, died at Brentford, aged about eighty." His will, dated at Hampton 2 Jan. 1662-3, was proved the 29th of the same month, by his son, Charles, Earl of Norwich. See the burial of his Countess 15 July 1648. 2 Letters of administration were granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 20 Mch. 1662-3, to the estate of John Perkins, late of St. Margaret's, Westminster, to his relict Sarah. See the baptism of his dau. 18 June 1662-3. 3 Sce his baptism 26 Nov. 1662, and his father's burial 17 June 1681. 4 Eldest son of Sir John Oglc, Kt. (see his burial 17 Mch. 1639-40) by Elizabeth, dau. of Cornelius De Vries, of Dordrecht, in Holland. He was knighted at Oxford 2 Feb. 1645-6. He died unmarried, and his brother Thomas Ogle administered to his estate 8 Apl. 1663. In the record of administration he is described as of Pinchbeck, co. Lincoln. 5 One of the privileged Almsmen of the Abbey. He was appointed to an "Almsroom" by the King in Aug. 1660 (Signet Book, Pub. Rec. Office). His relict Elizabeth renounced the adminis- tration of his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 6 June 1663. In that record his name is written Adkinson. 6 See his baptism 26 Jan. 1610-11, his father's burial 30 Dec. 1651, and his mother's 7 Mch. 1651-2. 7 Son of Henry James, Gent. (of a Bristol family), by Barbara, dau. of Rev. William Sutton, rector of Blandford St. Mary, co. Dorset, and born about 1635, at Machen, co. Monmouth. He was elected from Westminster School to Oxford, and matriculated from Christ Church 27 Nov. 1650. Dr. Bushby made him Usher of Westminster School in 1658, and in 1661 he was promoted to the Second Mastership, which he held at his death. 8 William Heywood (or Haywood, as he and his son indifferently wrote the name), son of a cooper in the city of Bristol, where he was born in 1600. He matriculated at Oxford, from St. John's College, 15 Nov. 1616, became a Fellow of that College, and was created D.D. in 1636. He was one of the domestic chaplains of Archbishop Laud; Chaplain in Ordinary to K. Charles I.; Prebendary of St. Paul's 21 Nov. 1631; Rector of Laindon, Essex, 8 Dcc. in the same year; Rector of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., about 1636; and was installed Prebendary WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 159 1663 July 27 Mr. Thomas Balsart, one of the Violins in the King's service :1 [Cloisters]. Sarah, daughter of Mr. Solomon Shorter :2 [Cloisters]. Mr. Robert Wise, one of the Life Guard to the Duke of York (being basely murdered): in the North Cloister. Francis Culpepper, one of the King's Scholars :3 [Cloisters]. Robert Warner, Esq.: [Cloisters]. Sept. 15 Oct. 12 Nov. 1 1662 Jan. 5 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 James Chapman :5 in the North Cloister. Jan. 24 Feb. 14 Feb. 18 Feb. 18 Dorothy Basset :4 [Cloisters]. 6 Mr. Perkinson, one of the Sacrists: [Cloisters]. John, son of Henry Hawkes: [Cloisters]. 7 Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. William Tucker :8 [Cloisters]. Mr. John Cave, one of the Gentlemen of the King's Chapel (un- fortunately killed) :9 between the Great and Little Cloisters. of Westminster 28 Sep. 1638. He suffered great hardships during the Commonwealth, having at last to fly from London, and for some time kept a private school in Wiltshire, in the name of his son; but recovered all his preferments after the Restoration. His will, dated 12 July, was proved 26 Aug. 1663, by his relict Alice (see her burial 10 Nov. 1675). He left no issue save an only son (see his burial 2 Mch. 1663-4). He left legacies to the two daughters of his brother Edmond, two sons of his brother Thomas, two sons of his brother Henry, his sister Ann Burt, and three children of his sister Mary Atty. 1 Thomas Baltzar, a native of Lubeck, in Germany. He came to England in 1658, and was esteemed the most famous violinist of his time, but destroyed himself prematurely by excessive intemperance. Anthony Wood, in one of his MSS., has this characteristic note of him: “Dr. Wilson, the music professor, the greatest judge of music that ever was, did, first of all, after he had heard him play, stoop down to Baltzar's feet, to feel whether he had a Huff on, that is, to see whether he was not a Devil.” 2 See her father's burial 29 Jan. 1677-8. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 Oct. 1662, as dau. of Solomon and Ann Shorter. 3 His name does not occur in any of the records of Westminster School, but appears on one of the tablets in the dormitory among those of the Captains of Elections, at the probable date of 1662. See the burial (probably of his sister) 5 Nov. 1664. They were perhaps children of Thomas, second Lord Colepeper, Gent. of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II., by his wife Margaret, dau. and coheir of Seigneur Jean de Hesse, whom he had married in Germany. 4 Probably an infant dau. of Sir William Basset (see his burial 24 Sep. 1667) whose mar- riage took place on the preceding 24 Feb. 5 He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, 6 Dec. 1617, as Chief Baker, and still occu- pied that post 26 Sep. 1660, when the Chapter Book records his application for £120 arrears since 1650. His brother, Peter Chapman, had been Head Brewer. His will, in which he is described as of Westminster, Gentleman, dated 13 Oct. 1663, with codicils 26 Nov. 1663 and 9 Jan. 1663-4, . was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 19 Jan. 1663-4, by his second wife and relict, Margaret. He left six daughters, all then married; the eldest, Mary, to Anthony Sturt, Esq. See his first wife's burial 13 Mch. 1625-6. 6 John Parkinson had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, as one of the Sacrists, 18 Feb. 1641-2. 7 See his baptism 7 Dec. 1663, and his father's burial 5 Mch. 1699-1700. 8 See her father's burial 1 Mch. 1678-9. She was a young child. 9 His name first occurs as a Gent. of the Chapel Royal on the occasion of the Coronation of K. Charles II., 23 Apl. 1661. Pepys thus notices the occurrence mentioned in the text, under date of 1 Feb.: "I hear how two men last night, justling for the wall about the new Exchange, did kill one another, cach thrusting the other through; one of them of the King's Chapel, one Cave, and the other a retayner of my Lord Generall Middleton's." The old Cheque Book of the 160 BURIALS IN 1662 Feb. 22 Feb. 26 Feb. 29 March 2 March 2 [blank] Dacres, one of Dr. Busbye's boarders: [Cloisters]. Mr. William Heywood, one of the Bellringers:1 [Cloisters]. Mr. William Jackson, M.A., one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Chapel 2 in the West Cloister. Charles, son of Mr. John Fisher: in the Little Cloister. The Lady Bridgeman, a widow, daughter to Sir Charles Bartly :3 in the Church near the Vestry. March 2 Mr. John Heywood, son to Dr. Heywood :4 in the Church, by his March 11 1664 April 28 May 17 father. Mr. Thomas Smith 5 in the Little Cloister. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Stockdale :6 [Cloisters]. Mr. George Low, one of the Gentlemen of the King's Chapel :7 in the Little Cloister. Aug. 12 Anne Frame:8 in the South Cloister. Chapel Royal gives a more minute account, thus: "Mr. John Cave, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesties Chappell Royall, goeing home to his lodgeing upon the 30th of January, about 7 or 8 of ye clock in the evening, about the new Exchange, was by one James Elliott, a Scott, run through the body, of which wound he departed this life the 16th day of February following, 1663." 1 He had a patent as one of the bell-ringers 14 Aug. 1660. See the baptism of his dau. 14 Mch. 1663-4, and her burial 16 Sep. 1664. 2 He entered Christ Church, Oxford, 1 Apl. 1656, as a servitor, and was B.A. 1 Nov. 1659, and M.A. 15 July 1662. He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 14 Nov. 1662, being then in holy orders, and died (according to the Cheque Book) 27 Feb. 1663-4. 3 Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Charles Berkeley, Kt. (who succeeded his son Charles as second Viscount Fitzharding in the Irish pecrage), by Penelope, dau. of Sir William Godolphin, of Godolphin, co. Cornwall. Her name is not mentioned in any of the accounts of her family, but her father, who administered to her estate 22 Mch. 1663-4, is particularly described and identi- fied in the record of administration, and her children are afterwards named in the wills of her brothers and sister. She is improperly called in the text "The Lady Bridgeman," and is not so styled in the record of administration. Her father did not succced to the viscountcy until 1665, and it is probable that the title was inadvertently applied to her as being a sister of the then Earl of Falmouth. Her husband was John Bridgeman, of Prinknash, co. Gloucester, Gent. (eldest son of George Bridgeman, of Nympsfield, co. Gloucester, Esq., who was eldest son of Sir John Bridgeman, Kt., Chief Justice of Chester) and was living in 1656. She left two sons, John and Charles, who were living, respectively, as late as 1714 and 1718. Sec the burials of her brothers and sister, 22 June 1665, Aug. 1666, 26 Dec. 1712, and 25 June 1718. 4 See his father's burial 17 July 1663, and his mother's 10 Nov. 1675. He was baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 26 Aug. 1639, and is named in his father's will as his only child. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 28 Mch. 1655, became a Fellow of Oriel College, and was M.A. 28 May 1661. He died 22 Feb. 5 He is described on his monument as of Elmley-Lovett, co. Worcester, late of Christ Church, Oxford, Bachelor of Arts, and said to have died 10 Mch., of the small-pox, in his 27th year. One of this name matriculated at Oxford, 31 July 1658, as son of a minister, and another 19 July 1659, as a servitor, both from Christ Church: one was B.A. 16 Jan. 1660-1, and the other 19 Mch. 1662-3. 6 See the marriage of her parents 21 Nov. 1656. 7 He was in holy orders, and his name, as Gcorge Lowe, first appears in the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal, among those of the ministers, 23 Apl. 1661. He died, according to the Cheque Book, on the preceding day. 8 See her husband's burial 3 Mch. 1644-5. She was married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 24 June 1639, as Anne Stretton. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 161 1664 Aug. 13 Mr. Henry Purcell, one of the Gentlemen of the King's Chapel, and Master of the Children of this Church:1 in the East Cloister. Thomas Dod, almsman :2 [Cloisters]. Aug. 17 Aug. 29 Mrs. Mary Jane: [Cloisters]. Sept. 15 Thomas Lambert, the Dean's Apparitor :3 [Cloisters]. Sept. 16 Oct. 11 Oct. 20 Mary, daughter of Mr. William Heywood: [Cloisters]. William Cart, almsman 5 [Cloisters]. 4 5 Nov. 1664 Jan. 2 Jan. 13 Feb. 22 1665 April April 1 Dr. Lamb, one of the Prebendaries of this Church:6 near the Pulpit stairs. Cicely Culpepper: [Cloisters]. Mrs. Mary Burget: [Cloisters]. The Lord Chancellor Hyde's son:8 at the foot of the steps ascending to K. H. 7th's Chapel. Sir John Corbet:9 in the North aisle Chapel next the steps. Sir Henry Wood's Lady :10 near the Convocation door. 1 His name first occurs in the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal 23 Apl. 1661, as one of the Gentlemen who took part in the Coronation of King Charles II. He died 11 Aug., and his relict Elizabeth administered to his estate 7 Oct. 1664. She was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 Aug. 1669. See the baptism of his dau. 13 Mch. 1661-2, the burial of his brother 2 Aug. 1682, and that of his more eminent son 26 Nov. 1695. 2 His relict Anne renounced the administration of his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 16 Aug. 1664. 3 His relict Lucy renounced the administration of his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 26 Sep. 1664. 4 See her baptism 14 Mch. 1663-4, and her father's burial 26 Feb. 1663-4. 5 His relict Elizabeth renounced the administration of his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 10 Oct. 1664. 6 James, son of Richard Lambe, of the city of Oxford, by his second wife, and baptized at All Saints, in that city, 2 Feb. 1598-9. He was a commoner of Brasenose College, Oxford, B.A. in 1615; afterwards of St. Mary Hall, and D.D. 9 Aug. 1660. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 23 July 1660, and became Rector of St. Andrew's, Holborn, 4 Jan, 1662-3. The register of that parish records his death on the 18th of October. His will, dated the 10th, was proved 22 Oct. 1661, by his relict Elizabeth, who, according to her arms on his hatchment. tricked in a herald painter's work-book (Harl. MS. 1045, p. 52), was of the family of Bromfield, of Kent. Dr. Lambe was an eminent oriental scholar, and bequeathed a considerable number of his books to the Abbey library. 7 See the burial of (probably) her brother 1 Nov. 1663. The name probably Colepeper. 8 Edward Hyde, third son of Edward, first Lord Clarendon (see his burial 4 Jan. 1674-5), by his second wife, Frances (see her burial 17 Aug. 1667). He was baptized in the chapel of All Souls' College, Oxford, 1 Apl. 1645. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church. 7 Dec. 1660, aged fifteen, and was actually created M.A. 9 Sep. in the following year. He died, according to his monument, 10 Jan. 1664-5, in his nineteenth year, being then a Student of Christ Church. 9 Probably the second Bart. of this name of Stoke, co. Salop, eldest son of Sir John Corbet. first Bart., who died in 1662, by Anne, dau. of Sir George Mainwaring, of Ightfield, Shropshire, Kt. He married Lettice, dau. of Sir Robert Knollys, of Grey's Court, co. Oxford, Kt., who survived him until 1670. 10 Mary, fourth dau. of Sir Thomas Gardiner, Kt., Recorder of London, Attorney-General, etc., by his wife Rebecca Child, and second wife of Sir Henry Wood, Kt. and Bart., of Loudham Hall, Suffolk, Clerk of the Board of Green Cloth, one of Q. Catharine's Council, and Treasurer to Q. Henrietta-Maria, who died 25 May 1671. She was baptized at Greenford Magna, Midx., 26 Feb. 1626-7. She was a Maid of Honour to Q. Henrietta-Maria, at Paris, in 1650, and was Y 162 BURIALS IN 1665 April April 6 May 9 May 19 The wife of Mr. Pipes:¹ [Cloisters]. Mr. Will. Plumlye's wife: [Cloisters]. James, son of Mr. Sheene :3 [Cloisters]. June 14 The Right Hon. James, Earl of Marleborough: in the North aisle of the monuments. 4 June 19 The Right Hon. Charles, Viscount Muskerry 5 in the same aisle, near the Earl of Marlborough. June 22 The Right Hon. the Lord Fitz Harding, Earl of Falmouth:6 in a vault in St. Erasmus's Chapel. June 26 Sir Edward Braughton: in the North part of the cross aisle near the monument door. "These four last Honble Persons dyed in his Matres service against the Dutch, excepting only that Sr Ed Br received his death's wound at sea, but dyed here at home." married there in 1651. In 1662 she was one of the four Bedchamber-women of Q. Katharine. She died 17 Mch. See the burial of her son Dec. 1662, and of her dau., the Duchess of Southampton, 16 Nov. 1680. 1 She was the first wife of Edmund Pipes, Clerk of the Kitchen (see his third marriage 31 Aug. 1676, and note thereto). 2 See her husband's burial 17 June 1671. 3 Christopher Sheene is mentioned in the Chapter Book, 11 Dec. 1660, as one of the bell- ringers. This was probably his son. 4 James Ley, third Earl of Marlborough, only son of Henry, second Earl, by Mary, dau. of Sir Arthur Capel, of Hadham, Herts, Kt. He succeeded to the Earldom 1 Apl. 1638, and, dying without issue, was succeeded by his uncle William, fourth and last Earl. He was slain at sea, during the fight with the Dutch off Lowestoft, while commanding his ship the " Old James,” as is usually said on the 3rd of this month, but an old herald painter's work-book (Harl. MS. 1045, p. 54), in which the arms for his hatchment are tricked, says that he died 4 June 1665. His will, dated 26 Mch., with a codicil 25 May 1665, was proved 22 June following. See a note in the text following the entry of 26 June. 5 Charles MacCarthy, called Viscount Muskerry, eldest son of Donogh, first Earl of Clancarty, by Lady Eleanor Butler, sister of James, first Duke of Ormond. He was slain in the sea-fight with the Dutch, 3 June (see note in the text following the entry of 26 June). He married Lady Margaret Burke, dau. of Ulick, fifth Earl of Clanricarde, who survived him, and married, secondly, Robert Villiers, called Viscount Purbeck, and, thirdly, Robert Feilding, Esq. His only son, Charles, succeeded his grandfather, as second Earl of Clancarty, but died young, and his mother administered to his estate 15 Feb. 1666-7. See his grandfather's burial 27 May 1640, and his nephew's marriage 31 Dec. 1684. Charles, second son of Sir Charles Berkeley, of Bruton, co. Somerset, by Penelope, dau. of Sir William Godolphin, of Godolphin, co. Cornwall, Kt. For his services to the royal house he was knighted at Whitehall 30 May 1660, and afterwards created Baron Berkeley of Rathdown and Viscount Fitzharding, in the Irish peerage, and, 17 Mch. 1664-5, a peer of England, as Baron Botetourt, of Langport, co. Somerset, and Earl of Falmouth. He married Mary, dau. of Col. Hervey Bagot, of Pipe Hall, co. Warwick, who remarried Charles Sackville, sixth Earl of Dorset, and died in 1679. He was killed in a naval engagement with the Dutch, 3 June (sce note in the text following the next entry). His will, dated 21 Apl., was proved 29 June 1665. See the marriage of his only dau. 2 May 1681, and the burials of his brothers and sisters, 2 Mch. 1663-4, Aug. 1666, 26 Dec. 1712, and 25 June 1718. His English titles expired at his death, but the Irish ones reverted, under the patent, to his father and his heirs male. 7 Sir Edward Broughton, of Marchwiel, co. Denbigh, indifferently called " Knight" and "Kt. and Bart." There is no positive evidence that he was ever either, though he may have been dubbed a Knight, and, if so, it was after 12 Apl. 1660, as on that day he called himself only WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 163 Sir William Killegrew :1 in the North aisle of the monuments. Sir Henry Carew 2 in the Cloisters. 1665 July 17 Oct. 4. Oct. 7 Sir William Cleyton: in the Cloisters. Oct. 30 Mrs. Duppa, the relict of the Lord Bishop Duppa :3 [in the Abbey]. Dec. 19 Mr. Thomas Merrill, Verger:4 [Cloisters]. 166 Jan. Feb. 1 Thomas Barker, almsman :5 [Cloisters]. 14 Mr. Woodroofe's wife:6 [Cloisters]. Esquire." In the record of administration to his estate, 28 July 1665, he is styled “Kt. and Bart."; but in subsequent proceedings in the Court of Probate he is described as a Knight only. His will, which appears to have been discovered later, was dated 21 Oct. 1664, and not proved until 16 Dee. 1669, and in that he called bimself only a knight. (To complicate the matter further, his only surviving son, in the record of administration to his estate, 5 May 1738, is described as "Sir Edward Broughton, Bart., alias Edward Broughton, Esq.") He was mortally wounded in the sea-fight with the Dutch, 3 June, but lived to reach his home in Westminster (see the note following the entry in the text). He held, under the Dean and Chapter, the office of Keeper of the Gate-House prison (see the burial of his second wife, 19 Mch. 1694-5, for some curious details respecting his connection with that establishment). He had three sons baptized at St. Margaret's. Westminster. viz., Edward, 30 Jan. 1660-1; Richard. 17 Feb. 1661-2; and John, 19 July 1663. The two latter evidently died in infancy. 1 Sixth son of John Killigrew, Lord of Arwenick, co. Cornwall, by Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Monke, of Potheridge, co. Devon, and born in 1600. He appears to have been knighted, probably abroad, and was created a Bart., as of Arwenick, 22 Dec. 1660, with remainder to his nephew Peter, son of his brother Sir Peter Killigrew, Kt. He was a great soldier, Colonel of a regiment in Holland, and served the King of Denmark. He died unmarried. His will, dated the 15th, with a codicil 24 June 1665, was not proved until 4 Sep. 1668. 2 A Sir Henry Carey, Kt., had a license from the Bishop of London, 16 May 1663, to marry Martha Andrews, of St. Giles in the Fields, spinster, aged 30. He was described as also of that parish, and a widower, aged forty-six. His son Edward was buried there 13 Jan. 1661-2. No will or administration is to be found of either. See a burial 16 Aug. 1667. 3 Her will, as “Jane Duppa, of Richmond, Surrey, widow, relict of Bryan, late Lord Bishop of Winchester," dated 15 Oct. 1664, was proved 9 Nov. 1665, by her "cousin Henry Mallory, Esq.,” her "sister Elizabeth Marsh, widow." and her friend and cousin Sir Richard Chaworth, Kt.” She bequeathed £10 to the poor of Papworth, co. Huntingdon, where she was born; the same sum to the poor of St. Dionis Backchurch, London, where she was "so happily married"; and £20 to the poor of St. Nicholas, Lynn, co. Norfolk, where many of her friends lived. The register of St. Dionis Backchurch records the marriage, 23 Nov. 1626, of " Brian Duppa and Jane Chillinge- ton"; but that of Papworth, although in good preservation, does not once furnish this surname : that of Willington occurs repeatedly, from 1567 to 1610, but no baptism of a Jane Willington is recorded. It is possible, therefore, that she was a widow at the time of her marriage to Dr. Duppa. There is nothing in her will, nor in that of her sister Marsh, to indicate their paternity. She made several charitable bequests, including one of £10 per annum for ever to the almshouses at Richmond founded by her husband. 4 He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, 11 Jan. 1631-2, as Chief Butler, succeeding his uncle of the same names in that office, and another as Chief Verger 13 May 1635. (His uncle described himself in his will as a gentleman, and a native of Barthomley, co. Chester, and left this nephew his residuary legatce and executor. From his will, dated 27 Dec. 1631, and proved 2 Jan. 1631-2, it is quite certain that he was also buried in the Abbey Cloisters, but his name does not appear in the Register, which is very defective at that period. He left three brothers, viz. John, Richard, and Randall Merrell, one of whose sons this Thomas probably was.) His nuncupative will, made about June 1665, was proved 16 Jan. 1665-6, by his kinsman and residuary legatec, Richard Lawton. 5 Sec a burial 12 July 1676. 6 Margaret, wife of Edward Woodroofe, the Abbey Surveyor (see his burial 20 Nov. 1675). She died 10 Feb. 164 BURIALS IN 1666 April 10 Mr. Thomas Chiffins, one of his Majesty's servants near Mr. July 6 Aug. (-) Isaac Causabon's monument. Mr. Burrage :2 [Cloisters]. .3 Mr. John Gavan :3 [Cloisters]. 4 Aug. (-) Sir William Bartly, who died honorably in his Majesty's service at sea, and was imbalmed by the Hollanders (who had taken his body with the ship wherein he was slain), and sent over by them into England at the request and charges of his relations, was buried in the North aisle of the monuments, near the door opening thereto. Dec. (-) 166 Jan. 6 Jan. 8 Sir Hugh Pollard :5 in the Church. The Duchess of Richmond and Lennox:6 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Catharine Nelham : [Cloisters]. 7 Thomas Chiffinch, Page of the Bedchamber, Keeper of the King's Private Closet, and Comptroller of the Excise. He is said to have been born at Salisbury in 1600, and brought to the Court of K. Charles I. by Bishop Duppa. He had a grant of arms in 1664. He died suddenly, according to Pepys, on the 8th of April. His relict, Dorothy (see her burial 3 Apl. 1680) admin- istered to his estate 21 April 1666. Their son, Thomas, who was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 25 Nov. 1637, became one of the Searchers at Gravesend, and died 31 Jan. 1680-1. (The more notorious pander to K. Charles II., William Chiffinch, was a brother of the one named n the text, and succeeded to his offices as Page and Closet Keeper.) 2 John Burridge. He is described in his will, dated 1 June and proved 7 July 1666, as of St. Martin in the Fields, citizen and merchant taylor of London. He mentioned his late wife, and left legacies to his brother Luke Burridge, his sister Alice Bayley, his aunt Boyce, his cousin Richard Boyce, his cousin Mary Boyce dau. of Richard and Barbara Boyce, and his sister-in-law Joan Mekins. His residuary legatce and executor was his friend John Staley, senior, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, goldsmith. ³ He is described in his will, dated 9 July and proved 1 Sep. 1666, as of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, taylor. He left brothers Christopher, William and Thomas, sons John and Thomas, and a dau. Anne, wife of Rice Jones. According to his monument he died 21 Aug., aged 58. See his wife's burial 9 June 1670. 4 Sir William Berkeley, third son of Sir Charles Berkeley, then second Viscount Fitzharding in the Irish peerage, by Penclope, dau. of Sir William Godolphin. of Godolphin, co. Cornwall, Kt. He was Governor of Portsmouth, and Vice-Admiral of the White. He was slain in a sea- fight with the Dutch, 3 June, while commanding his own ship the Swiftsure. The Dutch so admired his gallantry that they had his body embalmed and deposited in state in the great church at the Hague, and sent a special messenger to England to place it at the King's disposal. He died unmarried, aged only about 27. A creditor administered to his estate 2 July 1666. Sce the burials of his brothers and sisters, 2 Mch. 1663-4, 22 June 1665, 26 Dec. 1712, and 25 June 1718. 5 Second Bart. of King's Nympton, co. Devon, son of Sir Lewis Pollard, first Bart., by Margaret, dau. of Sir Henry Berkeley, Kt. He was Comptroller of the King's Household, and had been Governor of Dartmouth. He married, first, Lady Bridget de Vere, dau. of Edward, seventeenth Earl of Oxford, and relict of Francis, first Earl of Berkshire. by whom he had an only dau.; and, secondly, the relict of Mr. Rolle, of Stevenstone, co. Devon. A creditor ad- ministered to his estate 18 Dec. 1666. Dying without issue male, his brother succeeded to the title, on whose death it became extinct. 6 Margaret, dau. of Lawrence Banaster (son and heir of Sir Robert Banaster, of Papenham, Bucks, Kt.), previously wife of William Lewis, of the Van, co. Glamorgan, and of Bletchington, co. Oxford, Esq., and now second wife of Charles Stuart, third Duke of Richmond and sixth of Lennox (see his burial 20 Sep. 1673). 7 See her husband's burial 17 Aug. 1646. Her nuncupative will, made on the 2nd, was proved the 9th of the same month, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by Mary Taylor, sole legatce and executrix. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 165 166 Jan. 13 Mr. Matthew Pennill, one of the Gentlemen of the King's Chapel in the Little Cloisters. Jan. 15 Jan. 25 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 March 2 2 March 12 1667 May 30 30 June 12 Mr. Talby, the College Butler: [Cloisters]. Mr. Thomas Hazard, one of the Gentlemen of the King's Chapel, and singing-man of this Church :2 in the East Cloister. The daughter of Sir Joseph Sheldon 3 in the Church, near Mr. Camden's monument. John Hill and John Warre: [Cloisters]. Mr. Osbaston, one of his Majesty's servants:5 near the same place [i.e., in the Church, near Mr. Camden's monument]. Dr. Johnson, Sub-Almoner :6 near the Convocation door. The Duke of Kendall, second son to the Duke of York,' was laid in the vault with the rest of the Princes of the royal blood. Dr. Nurse, a Physician :8 in the East Cloister, by the steps going up to the Church. 'His name first occurs among the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal at the Coronation of K. Charles II., 23 Apl. 1661. He signed his name Peniall to an allegation of marriage at the Vicar-General's Office, 23 Sep. 1662, when he was described as "of St. George's, Windsor, Gent." He died, according to the Chapel Royal Cheque Book, 12 Jan. See the remarriage of his widow, 31 Jan. 1670-1. 2 According to the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal, he died the 23rd. His estate was administered to in the Court of the Dean and Chapter. 1 May 1667, by Magdalen Williams, principal creditor, and in the margin of the record is written the word "pauper." See his son's baptism 21 Feb. 1642-3, and the burial of his daughter 15 May 1645. 3 Dau. of Sir Joseph Sheldon, Kt., Alderman of London, and Lord Mayor in 1675, by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of William Clifton, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden. She died young, See her sister's marriage 14 Jan. 1678-9. 4 John Hill is mentioned in Dr. Busby's accounts in 1664, as being paid £1 for playing on the cornet in the church that year. 5 On his monument, which states that he died 1 Mch., aged 65, he is described as John Osboldston, of Leyland, co. Lancaster, Esq., Page of the Bedchamber to K. Charles II. In his will, dated 26 Nov. 1665 and proved 3 May 1667, he is called John Osbaldeston, of Strand-on-the- Green, in Chiswick, Midx. He left his whole estate to his wife Sarah. and, after her death, £500 to the poor of Leyland, particularly specifying the township and not the whole parish. See the burial of his wife (who remarried William Allanson) 26 Dec. 1677. 6 William Johnson, son of William Johnson, by Priscilla, dau. of William Leman, of Beccles, co. Suffolk, Esq. (brother of Sir John Leman. Lord Mayor of London). who were both dead in 1631. He appears to have held the family living of Warboys, in Huntingdonshire, and was created S.T.P. at Cambridge, by royal command, in 1661. According to his monument, he died 4 Mch., in his 57th year. His will, dated 20 Feb., was proved 30 Apl. 1667. He left two brothers, Thomas and Robert, cach with a son William. (Collectanea erroneously calls him "Almoner," and gives the date of his burial as the 2nd of March.) 7 Charles, third (but then second surviving) son and fifth child of James, Duke of York, afterwards K. James II., by his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde, dau. of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon (see her burial 5 Apl. 1671). He was born 4 July 1666, and died at St. James's Palace 22 May 1667. He was called Duke of Kendall, but no enrolment of the patent exists. 8 Dr. Thomas Nurse. He matriculated at Oxford, from Lincoln College, 5 May 1615, aged 15, as of co. Leicester, "Pleb. fil.," and took the degree of Bachelor of Medicine 20 Nov. 1626, but that of M.D. not until 3 July 1641. He became a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London, 8 Feb. 1640-1, but never proceeded to a Fellowship. According to Anthony Wood, he was an eminent physician of his time, and had a large practice in Westminster, especially after 166 BURIALS IN 1667 June June 26 The Duke of Cambridge, eldest son to the Duke of York,¹ was laid in the same vault [i.e., with the Duke of Kendall]. 2 June 26 Henry Underhill and Robert Richards, two of the King's scholars (unfortunately drowned): in one grave in the West Cloister. July Aug. 25 3 Mr. William Ryly, one of the Heralds in the East Cloister. Mr. Cowly, a famous Poet: near Mr. Chaucer's monument. the Restoration. His will, dated 1 Mch. 1661-2, with a codicil 24 Dec. 1662, was proved 25 June 1667, by his relict Susan (who survived him until 1679) and his son Walter. He left other issue. He bequeathed lands in Oadby, co. Leicester. In his will he stated that his tomb-stone, with the characteristic inscription (sce Dart, ii. 126), was already prepared and paid for at a stone-cutter's in St. Andrew's, Holborn. 1 James, second (but eldest surviving) son and third child of James, Duke of York, after- wards K. James II., by his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde, dau. of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon (sec her burial 5 Apl. 1671). In the record of his baptism, at St. Martin in the Fields, 22 July 1663, he is stated to have been born on the 11th of that month, but Mrs. Dawson's Diary (Reliquiæ Hearnianæ, cdit. 1869, i. 270) says that he was born "twenty-two minutes past one in the morning, on July 12, 1663." He died at the Palace at Richmond 20 June 1667. 2 The former was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1665, and the latter in 1666. There is no other record of them in the books of the College, except the bare statement that they were drowned. 3 William Ryley, a native of Lancashire. He was for some years one of the deputy-keepers of the records in the Tower of London, and became Rouge-Rose Pursuivant-extraordinary 31 July 1630, Blue-Mantle Pursuivant 4 Sep. 1633, and Lancaster Herald 11 Nov. 1641. In 1646 the Parliament made him Norroy King-of-Arms, and subsequently Clarenceux, but he was reduced at the Restoration to his legal rank as Lancaster Herald. He married Elizabeth. one of the younger daughters of Sir Anthony Chester, second Bart. of Chicheley, Bucks. His son William administered to his estate 22 Oct 1667. 4 Abraham Cowley, the well known poet, usually said to have been the posthumous son of a grocer, and born in Flect Street, near Chancery Lane. There are good reasons to doubt the accuracy of these statements. which comprise all that is ever said by any of the biographers of Cowley in regard to his origin. There appears to be no doubt that he was a posthumous child, and that he died in his 49th year all accounts concur as to the former, and the latter was in- scribed on his monument erected by the Duke of Buckingham. He died, at the l'orch House, in Chertsey, Surrey, 28 July 1667, and consequently his birth must have occurred after the 28th of July 1618. Now there will be found among the wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury one of Thomas Conley, who described himself as a citizen and stationer of London, and of the parish of St. Michael le Quern. It was dated 24 July 1618, and was proved 11 Aug. following by his relict Thomasinc. In it occurs this passage: "Whereas God hath blessed me with six children, besides the child or children which my wife Thomasine now goeth withal, viz., Peter, Audrey, John, William, Katherine, and Thomas, I give to each, and to the child or children my wife now goeth withal, £140, at the age of twenty-one or marriage," etc. The date of this will, and the fact that the poet was born after that date in the same year-admitting the improbability of similar circumstances occurring in another family of this uncommon name at this precise period -seem to point conclusively to the testator as his father. But there is other evidence. This Thomas Cowley appointed, as one of the overseers of his will, his brother-in-law IIumphrey Clarke. Abraham Cowley, the poet, in his will, dated 18 Sep. 1665 and proved 31 Aug. 1667, made his brother Thomas his sole heir and executor, and in the will of this Thomas Cowley. also of Chertsey, dated 20 May and proved 1 Sep. 1669, the first direction is that the legacies given by his late dear brother Abraham Cowley in his last will, and not yet paid, be at once discharged. It is certain, therefore, that the poet and this last Thomas Cowley were brothers; and that the latter was a son of the Thomas Cowley who died in 1618, the fact that he bequeathed £200 to his cousin Humphrey Clarke affords at least probable evidence, which is strengthened by the fact that he also bequeathed £100 to the Stationers' Company. And again, neither the burial of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 167 1667 Aug. 5 Aug. 7 Aug. 16 Aug. 17 Aug. 21 Sept. 20 Sept. 24 .2 Mr. Peter de Cardinall:1 in the East Cloister. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Edmund Pipes :2 [Cloisters]. Mr. Henry Carew :3 [Cloisters]. The Countess of Clarendon : at the foot of the steps ascending to K. H. 7th's Chapel. Mrs. Elizabeth Edmunds 5 in the North aisle of the Church. Thomas, son of Mr. Thomas Dunclin :6 in the North Cloister. Sir William Basset:7 within the South door to the monuments. Thomas Cowley, senior, nor of any Cowley, nor the baptism of Abraham, occurs in the parish register of St. Dunstan in the West, in the year 1618, or anywhere about that time, and it is there that they should be found, if the poet's father was "a grocer in Fleet Street near Chancery Lane." The early registers of St. Michael le Quern are unfortunately lost, so that no data can be obtained from them; but it seems from the foregoing facts almost, if not quite, certain that the poet was the posthumous son of Thomas Cowley, citizen and stationer of London, and Thomasine his wife. It is proper and just to add that Mr. Peter Cunningham, in his edition of Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets (Murray, 1854, i. 3, etc.), first called attention to the error, and gave Cowley's true parentage, but without any corroborative evidence, which probably has induced subsequent writers to ignore his discovery. There was also an important error in his abstract of the father's will, which gave the poet a brother Andrew, instead of a sister Audrey, and thus led to the further misstatement that he had an "only sister Katherine." Cowley was educated at Westminster School, became a Scholar of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, in 1636, and was a Fellow of that house in 1642. He was created M.D., at Oxford, 2 Dec. 1657. This entry in the text shows pointedly the necessity of a revision of that portion of the Abbey Register printed in Collectanca. In that work the date of burial is given as "the 17th of August," and the place of interment as "at the foot of the steps to Henry 7th's Chapel." It will be seen that in Collectanea the entry relating to Cowley, and that respecting the Countess of Clarendon (see her burial on the 17th), were jumbled together, her name being omitted altogether. This mutilated entry misled the editor of Pepys's Diary (see his note sub 10 Aug. 1667) into making a charge of inaccuracy against Evelyn, who stated in his Diary that he attended Cowley's funeral on the 3rd of August. Evelyn was strictly correct. Pepys. how- ever, only learned on the 10th of August that Cowley was dead, although he had been buried, in great state, a full week before! 1 Letters of administration on the estate of Peter de Cardonell, late of St. Margaret's, West- minster, Esq., were granted, 15 Aug. 1667, to Catherine, the relict of Philip de Cardonell, brother of the deceased.-Peter de Cardonell was appointed Customer and Collector of Southampton in Aug. 1660 (Signet Book, Pub. Record Office). 2 See her baptism 11 Dec. 1666, and her mother's burial 18 June 1676. 3 See a burial 4 Oct. 1665. 4 Frances, dau. and eventually sole heir of Sir Thomas Aylesbury, Bart., by Anne his wife (see her burial in 1661), and second wife of Edward Hyde, first Earl of Clarendon (see his burial 4 Jan. 1674-5). They were married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 10 July. 1634, under a license from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster issued the same day. She was grandmother of Q. Mary II. and Q. Anne. On her monument she was thus described: • Mistris Elizabeth Edmonds, spinster, the daughter of Walter Edmonds, of Bayley's Court, in the county of Sussex, Gent., who departed this life the eighteenth of August, in the year of our Lord 1667, aged 82." Her will, dated the 13th, was proved 23 Aug. 1667, by her nephew Thomas Edmonds. 6 Infant son of Thomas Donkley (sce his burial 8 Feb. 1688-9), by Elizabeth. dau. of John Fox, Esq. (see their marriage 18 May 1665). He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, the 15th of the same month. 7 Of Beaupre, co. Glamorgan, son and heir of Sir Richard Basset, Kt., by his first wife, 168 BURIALS IN Dec. 14 1667 Nov. (-) [blank] the [blank] of Sir Stephen Fox:¹ in the North Cloister. Dr. Gorge, one of the Prebendaries of this Church:2 [in the Abbey]. 1667 Jan. Jan. 13 Jan. 15 March 17 1668 April June 12 .4 Alice, daughter of William May:3 [Cloisters]. Edward Evans, an almsman : [Cloisters]. The wife of Thomas Ragget: [Cloisters]. 5 Mrs. Lætitia Heylen :6 near the Sub-dean's seat. 7 9 Sir William Davenant : near the Vestry door. Luke Butterfeild, an almsman :8 [Cloisters]. 2 Mary, dau. of Edward Thomas, of Wenvo. He married (Mar. Lic. 24 Feb. 1662-3) Martha, third surviving dau. and coheir of Sir Hugh Wyndham, of Pilsden Court, co. Dorset. Bart., and second wife and widow of Edward Carne, of Ewenny, co. Glamorgan, Esq., who survived him until 1685. He died, according to his Funeral Certificate (Coll. Arm.), in the parish of St. Clement Danes, on the 8th of September, without issue; but see the burial of (probably) an infant dau. 8 Jan. 1663-4. His age was about twenty-eight. ¹ John, sixth son of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt., then one of the Clerks of the Green Cloth and Paymaster of H.M.'s Guards, and afterwards one of the Lords of the Treasury, by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of William Whittle, of co. Lancaster. According to his monument, he died 17 Nov. aged about one year. His mother died 11 Aug. 1696, and his father 28 Oct. 1716, and were both buried at Farley, Wilts. See the burials of his brothers, 20 Oct. 1669, 28 Oct. 1675, 21 Nov. 1677, and 23 Apl. 1680, and of his half-sister 22 Jan. 1707-8, and his sister's marriage 27 Dec. 1673. 2 Thomas Gorges, third son of Sir Edward Gorges, of Wraxall, co. Somerset, Kt., by Dorothy, dau. of Sir George Speke, of White Lackington, in the same county, Kt. He was baptized at Wraxall 13 Feb. 1602-3. He matriculated at Oxford, from Queen's College, 1 Feb. 1621-2, was afterwards a Fellow of All Souls, and was created D.D. 19 July 1661. He was installed Arch- deacon of Winchester 19 Mch. 1660-1, Prebendary of Westminster 16 Oct. 1661, and Prebendary of Salisbury 23 Apl. 1663, and became Rector of Wraxall 12 Apl. in the latter year. He died, with- out issue, 12 Dec. 1667. His will, dated 17 Aug. 1667, with a nuncupative codicil on the day of his death, was proved 2 Jan. 1667-8, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his brother Samuel, and on 3 Mch. following, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, by his kinsmen Samuel Langford and Hugh Tynte. See his wife's burial 13 Dec. 1662. 3 See her baptism 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto. 4 His relict Anne administered to his estate, in formâ pauperis, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, on the 18th of the same month. 5 See her daughter's burial 29 July 1668, her husband's remarriage 14 Apl. 1668, and his burial 5 Apl. 1679. • Third dau. of Thomas Highgate, of Hayes, Midx., Esq., by his wife Margery Skipwith, and widow of Rev. Dr. Peter Heylyn (see his burial 10 May 1662). They were married in Magdalen College Chapel, Oxford, 28 Oct. 1628. Her will, dated 29 Nov. 1664, was proved 18 Mch. 1667-8, by her son Thomas Heylyn. 7 Poet Laureate, succeeding Ben Jonson in 1637. He was second son of John Davenant, of the city of Oxford, vintner, Alderman and once Mayor of that city, by his wife Jane Shepherd, of Durham, and was baptized at St. Martin's, Oxford, 3 Mch. 1605-6. He was knighted at the siege of Gloucester, in Sep. 1643. He died, at his house in little Lincoln's Inn Fields, 7 April, and a creditor, named John Alway, administered to his estate, 6 May 1668, the relict Dame Mary renouncing. In a pedigree in the College of Arms (4 D. 14. p. 177) she is described as " Henrietta- Maria du Tremblay, widow, of an ancient family in St. Germain Beaupré in France." By her he left several young children. His first wife, Anne, was buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 5 Mch. 1654-5. Aubrey, in his Lives of Eminent Men (ii. 309), says that she was the daughter of a physician, and that by her he had one son, who had been dead above twenty years when he wrote. 8 Married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 2 Feb. 1652-3, Luke Butterfield, of West- minster, and Julian Nutt, of St. Martin's. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 169 1668 July 25 July 29 25 Justice Newman's child:¹ [Cloisters]. Thomas Ragget's daughter:2 [Cloisters]. Sarah Gyles :³ [Cloisters]. • Sept. 7 Sept. 16 Peter Wood, a King's scholar 4 [Cloisters]. Sept. 20 20 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 166 Jan. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. Feb. 13 17 Dr. Medford :5 near the same [i.e., the Vestry] door. Mr. Thorndyke, brother to a Prebendary of this Church :6 in the East Cloister, near the steps. Mr. Thomas Hughes, singing man :7 [Cloisters]. John, son of Mr. Thomas Duncklin :8 in the North Cloister. Stephen Squibbe, servant to Dr. Triplet:9 [Cloisters]. Dr. Bolton, Prebendary of this Church :10 [in the Abbey]. Thomas Cox, servant to Justice Newman: 11 [Cloisters]. ¹ A child of Richard Newman, of Fifchead-Magdalen, co. Dorset, Esq., by Anne, eldest dau. of Sir Charles Harbord, Kt., and perhaps a son Thomas, who was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 29 May 1661. See the marriages of his sisters, 18 July 1672, 15 July 1675, and 6 Jan. 1675-6, and the burial of another child 23 July 1673. Thomas Cox (buried 17 Feb. 1668-9), a servant of Mr. Newman, in his will directed to be buried in the Cloisters near his master's children, but this is the only burial recorded previous to his own death. Also, on the monument of John Oxenham (see his burial 18 Oct. 1680) it is said that "one brother and three sisters of his wife lie near him," but only the burial of this child, and another 23 July 1673, occur in the Abbey Register. 2 See her mother's burial 15 Jan. 1667-8, and her father's 5 Apl. 1679. 3 Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 11 July 1665, for Francis Giles, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, citizen and grocer of London, bachelor, aged about twenty-four, and Mrs. Sarah Osgood, spinster, aged nineteen, with consent of her father, Adam Osgood, of the same parish, Gent. See her mother's burial 11 May 1672, and her father's 22 Aug. in the same year. 4 Admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, 1664, and in the records called Woods. 5 See note to the burial of Capt. James Anderton, 11 July 1676. 6 John Thorndike, brother of Rev. Herbert Thorndike (see his burial 13 July 1672). He was son of Francis Thorndike, of Scamblesby, co. Lincoln, Esq., by Alice, dau. of Edward Coleman, of Waldingfield, co. Suffolk. He emigrated to New England as early as 1632, and died while on a visit to England, having made his will 29 July previous, before starting on his voyage. See the baptisms, of his son 18 Apl. 1663, and his two daughters 10 Apl. 1669. 7 Mentioned as one of the choir in Dr. Busby's accounts in 1664. 9 Infant son of Thomas Donkley (see his burial 8 Feb. 1688-9), by Elizabeth, dau. of John Fox, Esq. (see their marriage 11 May 1665). He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 28 Aug. 1668. 9 Dr. Triplett (see his burial in July 1670), in his will dated 21 Jan. 1668-9. bequeathed him £50 and £5 more for mourning, but revoked the bequest in a codicil on the 6th Mch. following. 10 Samuel Bolton, son of Rev. Robert Bolton, Rector of Broughton, co. Northampton, where he was born. He matriculated at Oxford, from Lincoln College, 31 Oct. 1634, aged fifteen. On the restoration of K. Charles II. he became one of his Chaplains in Ordinary, and was created D.D. at Oxford, by royal command, 12 June 1661. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 23 Apl. 1662, and became Rector of St. Peter-le-Poor, London, 22 Dec. 1662, and of St. Leonard's, Foster Lane, London, 26 Jan. 1662-3. He died 11 Feb., and his will, dated 27 Dec. 1668, was proved 22 Feb. 1668-9, by his relict Mary. The only bequests it contained were sundry books to the Abbey Library, and £20 to his youngest sister Mrs. Sarah Simpkin. 11 His will, dated 12 Jan., was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter 17 Feb. 1668-9, by his brother John Cox. He described himself as a gentleman, and was evidently in the service of Richard Newman, of Fifchead-Magdalen, co. Dorset, Esq., who was then in the public service at Westminster. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters near the children of his master. mother, two brothers, and three sisters, were all living at Fifchead-Magdalen. His N 170 BURIALS IN 166 March 20 March 23 1669 June 26 Mr. Naseby: in the West Cloister. 1 Sir John Denham :¹ near Mr. Chaucer's monument. Mrs. Dorothy Watts:2 in the South Cloister. Sir Robert Stapleton :3 near the Vestry door. The Right Hon. the Earl of Berkshire: in St. John Baptist's Chapel. July 15 July 20 Oct. 20 Nov. 8 Nov. 19 The wife of Mr. William Gawen :6 in the North Cloister. The son of Sir Stephen Fox 5 in the North Cloister. The Lady Henrietta, daughter to the Duke of York, was laid in the royal vault. ¹ Only son of Sir John Denham, Kt., successively Chief Baron of the Exchequer and Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland, and Baron of the Exchequer in England, by his second wife, Eleanor, dau. of Garrett, first Viscount Moore, of Drogheda, and was born at Dublin in 1615. He matriculated at Oxford, from Trinity College, 18 Nov. 1631. On account of his eminence as a poet, and in consideration of his faithful service to the royal house, he was created a Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of K. Charles II. He married, first, at St. Bride's, Fleet Street, London, 25 June, 1634, then only nineteen years of age, Anne, dau. of Daniel Cotton, of Whittington, co. Gloucester, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir George Tipping, of Oxfordshire. See his second marriage, in the Abbey, 25 May 1665. His will, dated 13 Mch. 1668-9, was proved 9 May 1670, by his dau. Elizabeth. One bequest is worthy of notice. Stating that he was "Surveyor-General for the rebuilding of St. Paul's Church, London," he gave all his fees, being twenty shillings per day, "towards that noble and pious work," and also £100" as a further remembrance of affection to the same." 2 Her nuncupative will, made about 25 June, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 31 July 1669, by her mother Dorothy Watts, to whom she left all she possessed. 3 Younger son of Richard Stapylton, of Carlton, co. York, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Henry Pierrepoint, Kt. He was educated at Douay, but returned to England and became a Pro- testant, and was a dramatic poet of some note. He was knighted by K. Charles I., at Nottingham, 13 Sep. 1642, and was with him at the battle of Edgehill. He was also one of the Gentlemen Ushers of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II., both when Prince of Wales and after his restoration. He died 11 July. His will, dated 11 June, was proved 29 July 1669, by Elizabeth Simpson, of Westminster, widow, to whom he left the bulk of his estate (although he had a wife living, whom he barely mentioned), in consideration, as he said, of the great care she had taken of him during his long illness. (He is said to have married a Mrs. Hammond, widow, née Mainwaring.) 4 Sir Thomas Howard, second son of Thomas, first Earl of Suffolk, by his second wife, Catherine, eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Kncvet, of Charlton, Wilts, Kt., and widow of Richard Rich, Esq. He was created, 23 Jan. 1621-2, Baron Howard of Charlton, and Viscount Andover, installed K.G. 13 Dec. 1625, and advanced to the Earldom of Berkshire 7 Feb. 1625-6. He died 16 July, aged about ninety. See the burial of his Countess 24 Aug. 1672, and of his son 8 Sep. 1698. 5 Edward, fourth son of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt., by his first wife, Elizabeth (sec his brother's burial Nov. 1667, and note thereto). According to his monument, he died the preceding day, aged six years and one month. 6 Anne, eldest dau. of John Winchcombe, of Berkshire, Esq., and first wife of William Gawen (eldest son of William Gawen, by Anne, only dau. of Isaac Bush-sce his burial 30 Dec. 1641, and note thereto). She died in childbed of her only child (sce her burial 14 July 1670). Her husband, who was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 May 1638, remarried and had issue (see a burial 30 Nov. 1674). 7 Third dau. and seventh child of James, Duke of York, afterwards K. James II., by his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde, eldest dau. of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon (see her burial 5 Apl. 1671). She was born at Whitehall 13 Jan. 1668-9, and died at St. James's Palace 15 Nov. 1669. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 171 1698 Jan. 1 Robert Cartwright, servant to the Archbishop of York:¹ in the South Cloister. Feb. 12 The old Countess of Middlesex :2 within the monument door, near the Earl's monument. Feb. 12 The Earl of Devonshire's grandchild :3 in Erasmus's Chapel, otherwise styled St. John Baptist's Chapel, near the Earl of Berkshire. Feb. 28 The Duchess of Albemarle :4 in a vault near Queen Elizabeth's monument. March 6 Two daughters of Mr. Nott:5 in the North Cloister. March (-) Robert Machel, servant to the Archbishop of York:6 in the South Cloister. 7 March 22 Major-General Egerton's Lady: at the lower end of the North aisle of the Church. 1670 April 4 The Earl of Carlisle's child :8 in St. John Baptist's Chapel, near the Earl of Berkshire. ¹ The Archbishop of York at this time was the Most Rev. John Dolben, D.D. 2 Anne, dau. of James Brett, of Hoby, co. Leicester, Esq., by Anne, dau. of Anthony Beaumont, of Glenfield, co. Leicester, Esq. (and sister of Mary, Countess of Buckingham). She married, about 1619, Lionel Cranfield, afterwards created Earl of Middlesex (see his burial 13 Aug. 1635). She died 3 Feb. Her son Lionel, Earl of Middlesex, administered to her estate 12 June 1670, under a nuncupative will of no interest. 3 Probably a child of William Cavendish, afterwards fourth Earl and first Duke of Devon- shire, by Mary, dau. of James, Duke of Ormond; but possibly one of three daus. of John Cecil, fifth Earl of Exeter, by Annc, dau. of William, third Earl of Devonshire, named Christian, Anne and Frances, who all died young. 4 Anne, reputed dau. of John Clarges (or Clargis, as the name is written in his will), a farrier in the Savoy, by his wife Anne Leaver. She married, first, at St. Laurence-Pountney, London, 28 Feb. 1632-3, Thomas Radford (or Redford, as the name is written in her father's will), also said to have been a farrier, but afterwards a servant to Prince Charles, residing in the Mews, in St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., from whom she separated in 1649, but of whose death. before her second marriage no evidence appears to have been obtained. (It was probably his father who, as "Thomas Redford, farrier, servant to Prince Charles," was buried at St. Martin in the Fields 20 Nov. 1624.) She married, secondly, 23 Jan. 1652-3, at St. George's, Southwark, co. Surrey, General George Monk, afterwards created Duke of Albemarle (see his burial 29 Apl. 1670). She died 29 Jan., more than three weeks after her husband (although he was not buried until three months later), said to be aged 54. (Her father, whose will was dated 20 Dec. 1648 and proved 1 Jan. following, left her £30, and made her joint executrix with her brother Thomas, who was after- wards knighted.) 5 See the burials of (probably) their father 26 May 1695, and their mother 20 June 1700. 6 The Archbishop of York at this time was the Most Rev. John Dolben, D.D. 7 The Hon. Penelope Needham, youngest dau. of Robert, second Viscount Kilmorey, by his second wife, Helen, dau. and heir of Thomas Dutton, of Dutton, co. Chester, Esq., and relict of Gilbert, Lord Gerard of Bromley. She was the first wife of Major-General Randolph Egerton (see his burial 5 Nov. 1681), and died two days before in childbed of a dau. Elizabeth, who was baptized at St. Giles in the Fields the day after her mother's burial, and buried there 20 July 1671. An elder dau., Christiana, was also baptized there, 25 Jan. 1668-9, who survived her father. See her son's burial 30 May 1670. 8 Charles Howard, third son of Charles, first Earl of Carlisle, by Anne, dau. of Edward, first Lord Howard of Escrick. He was born 5 Sep. 1668, and died 3 Apl. 1670. 172 BURIALS IN 1670 April 29 The Duke of Albemarle¹ was laid in his vault Apr. 29: his funerals were solemnized Apr. 30. May 13 May 23 May 30 June 7 June 9 July 14 July (-) William Blount, a King's scholar:2 in the North Cloister. Major-General Egerton's child :3 in the mother's grave. Anne, daughter of Mr. Fitz: [Cloisters]. 4 Mr. Mundy 5 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Gavan 6 in the North Cloister. Anne, daughter of Mr. William Gawen :7 in the North Cloister. Dr. Thomas Triplet, Prebendary of this Church :8 near the Vestry. The Lord Hatton :9 [in the Abbey]. Aug. (—) Aug. 13 Mary, daughter of Mr. William Tucker: 10 in the North Cloister. William Dukeson, dyed & bu: in St. Margt's churchyard.11 - Sept. 28 ¹ Gcorge Monk, second son of Sir Thomas Monk, Kt., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir George Smith. He was born at P'otheridge, co. Devon, 6 Dec. 1608, and for his well known services was created Duke of Albemarle 7 July 1660. He died the preceding 3rd of January. His will, dated 8 June 1665, was proved 3 Jan. 1669-70, the very day of his death. See the burials, of his brother 20 Dec. 1661, his wife 28 Feb. 1669-70, and his son 4 July 1689. 2 According to his monument, he was son of Anthony Blount, Gent., and died 6 May, aged 18 years. He was admitted into Westminster School in 1667. 3 Randolph, apparently only son of Major-General Egerton (see his burial 5 Nov. 1681), by his first wife, Hon. Penelope Needham (see her burial 22 Mch. 1669-70). 4 See burials 25 Feb. 1674-5 and 14 Dec. 1677, evidently of children of the same parents, probably minor officials or servants about the Abbey. The surname, according to the monument of this child, was Fitch. 5 Probably a minor official or servant connected with the Abbey. See marriages 6 Nov. 1679 and 1 Jan. 1688-9, and burials 24 Apl. 1678, 14 Dec. 1682, and 4 Mch. 1685-6, probably all of members of the same family. 6 Susan, widow of John Gavan, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, tailor (sce his burial Aug. 1666). Her will, dated the 4th, was proved the 14th of the same month, by her son-in-law, Rice Jones, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, tailor, husband of her dau. Anne. 7 See her mother's burial 8 Nov. 1669, and note thereto. ⁹ Said by Anthony Wood to have been born in Oxford or its vicinity, but he matriculated from Christ Church 16 Mch. 1620-1, aged 18, as of London, and son of a gentleman. He was installed Prebendary of York 2 Sep. 1641, and of Salisbury 6 Oct. 1645, and was collated to a stall at Durham 20 Mch. 1648-9, but not then installed. During the Commonwealth he taught school at Dublin, and at Hayes, co. Midx. After the Restoration, he was installed at Durham 2 Nov. 1660, and resumed his other stalls. He was created D.D. at Oxford 1 Apl. 1661, and 20 Jan. following installed Prebendary of Westminster, and was Sub-dean at his death. He is said to have died on the 18th of July, and the unofficial register gives that as the date of his burial. His will, dated 21 Jan. 1668-9, was proved 12 Aug. 1670. His residuary legatces were his sister, Mrs. Katharine Warne, then residing in Ireland, and her three children. 9 Christopher Hatton, second of that name, and eldest surviving son of Sir Christopher Hatton, K.B. (see his burial 11 Sep. 1619), by Alice, eldest dau. of Thomas Fanshawe, of Ware Park, Herts, Esq., Remembrancer of the Exchequer to Q. Elizabeth. He was baptized at Barking, co. Essex, 11 July 1605. He was created K.B. at the Coronation of K. Charles I., and Barou Hatton, of Kirby, co. Northampton, 29 July 1643. He died at Kirby 4 July 1670, and his son Christopher administered to his estate on the 21st of the same month. See the burials, of (probably) his wife 11 Jan. 1672-3, and of his children Nov. 1638, 2 Oct. 1639, 16 Feb. 1641-2, and 3 June 1712. 10 See her baptism 19 Mch. 1664-5, and her father's burial 1 Mch. 1678-9. 11 In the unofficial register only. He was probably a minor official or servant about the Abbey. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 173 1670 Oct. 21 Oct. 23 Nov. 3 Dec. 13 Dec. 19 167 Feb. 21 Mrs. Prior :¹ in the South Cloister. • Ephraim Crispin, an almsman: [Cloisters]. Dr. Willis's wife :2 near the North monument door. Mr. Thomas Stockdale :3 in the South Cloister. Peter Bales: in the Cloisters.4 John Thornburgh, a child :5 in the North Cloister. March 9 Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas Holingshead: under the dark arch, near the Cloisters. March 12 A young male child was laid in the Duke of Buckingham's vault, being related to that family.7 1671 April 5 Anne, Duchess of York:8 in the royal vault. ¹ The will of Elizabeth Prior, of St. Martin in the Fields, widow, dated 16 Apl. 1666, was proved 15 Nov. 1670, by her son William Prior, to whom with his brother James she left her estate equally. 2 Mary, dau. of Rev. Samuel Fell, D.D., Dean of Christ Church, by Margaret, dau. of Thomas Wylde, Esq. She was the first wife of Dr. Thomas Willis, the most eminent physician of his day, and their marriage is thus recorded in the parish register of St. Michael, city of Oxford, under the date of 7 Apl. 1657: "Thomas Willis, of Christ Church in Oxford, M.B., and Mrs. Mary Fell, of Hereford; married by one of the Hereford Justices." She was grandmother of the no less famous Browne Willis, the antiquary. See her husband's burial 18 Nov. 1675. According to her monument, she died 31 Oct., and was buried in the same grave with her dau. Catherine, who was born 5 Feb. 1662-3, and buried 30 Sep. 1667, but of which no record occurs in the Abbey Register. There is, however, no doubt about the fact, as in addition to the evidence of the monument, her father in his will directed that he should be buried in the Abbey near his wife and daughter. 3 Sce a marriage 21 Nov. 1656. 4 In the unofficial register only. Probably a minor official or servant about the Abbey; but a Thomas Bales, Esq., was a Gent. of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II. in 1669. 5 Son of Edward Thornburgh, Esq. (third son of Sir Thomas Thornburgh, of Elmley Lovett, co. Worcester, Kt.), by Mary, his second wife, eldest dau. of John Fox, Esq., Clerk of the Acatry to K. Charles II. (see his burial 23 Nov. 1691). He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 9 Nov. 1669. His father appears to have also died about this time, or soon after, as his mother was remarried, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 25 Apl. 1672, to John Rawkins, of St. Martin in the Fields, Gent. See the burial of a child of that marriage 5 Feb. 1673-4. The place of interment sufficiently indicates the humble rank of the father, as it appears to have been appropriated exclusively to the lower order of officials or menial servants about the Abbey. 7 Natural son of George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham, by the infamous Countess of Shrewsbury. The following passage in a letter from Andrew Marvell, dated 9 Aug. 1671, suffi- ciently identifics him: "Buckingham runs out of all with the Lady Shrewsbury, by whom he believes he had a son, to whom the King stood godfather: it died young Earl of Coventry, and was buried in the sepulchre of his fathers " (Works of Andrew Marvell, edit. 1776, i. 407.) Of course he was not Earl of Coventry, as the legitimate Duchess of Buckingham was then living. * Lady Anne Hyde, eldest dau. of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon (see his burial 4 Jan. 1674-5) by his second wife, Frances, dau. of Sir Thomas Aylesbury, Bart. (see her burial 17 Aug. 1667). She was born at Cranborne Lodge, near Windsor. 22 Mch. 1637-8, and was married to James, Duke of York (afterwards King James II.), at Breda, in Brabant, 24 Nov. 1659, the ceremony being subsequently repcated in England, at Worcester House, 3 Sep. 1660. She died at St. James's Palace 31 Mch. 1671. She was mother of Q. Mary II. and Q. Anne: see their burials 5 Mch. 1694-5 and 24 Aug. 1714, and the burials of her other children, 6 May 1661, 30 May and 26 June 1667, 19 Nov. 1669, and 12 June and 8 Dec. 1671. 174 BURIALS IN 1671 [Apl.](-) The Lady Margaret Noel, wife to Sir William Noel, Bart., and daughter to John, Lord Lovelace, Baron of Hurly, by his wife the Lady Anne, daughter to Thomas, Lord Wentworth, Baron of Nettlested and Earl of Cleveland, died the 14th of April, 1671, aged 27. N.B.-She was buried opposite Mrs. Chrystian Ker's monument, two foot from the corner of the Earl of Bath's monument.¹ May 23 June 8 June 12 Mrs. Thomas: 2 in the North Cloister. Abraham Duncklin, a child :3 in the North Cloister. Edgar, Duke of Cambridge, was laid in the same [i.e., the royal] vault. June 15 Mrs. Peringcheife, wife of Dr. Peringcheife, Prebendary of this Church: [in the Abbey]. June 17 Sept. 19 Mr. William Plumly, one of the Sacrists: 6 [Cloisters]. Mrs. Blanch, wife of Mr. William Hopwood, one of the Gentle- men of the King's Chapel, and Petticanon of this Church :7 in the East Cloister. Nov. 4 The wife of Henry Hawkes : 8 in the South Cloister. (This entry does not occur in either the official or unofficial Register, but on a loose slip of paper, of which there are several in the chirography of the period, evidently notes from which the clerk transcribed his official entries. All the others occur in their appropriate places in the Register. From the minuteness of the description, especially of the precise place of interment, there seems no doubt that the burial took place in the Abbey, but from some cause the clerk neglected to record it. The matter for wonder is that this loose slip of paper has been preserved so long that now, after a lapse of two complete centuries, its contents can be placed permanently on record.) She was third dau. of John, second Lord Lovelace, by Lady Anne, afterwards Baroness Wentworth, and was married in 1660 to Sir William Noel, second Bart. of Kirkby- Mallory, co. Leicester. Through her second son, John, she was ancestress of the late Lady Byron, wife and widow of the celebrated poct. Her husband remarried, in 1672, Frances, third dau. of Humble, Lord Ward, and died 13 Apl. 1675, in his thirty-third year. 2 Her will, as Blanch Thomas, of Tredonocke, co. Monmouth, widow, dated 2 Apl., was proved 31 May 1671, by her brother William Morgan (see, probably, his burial 1 Feb. 1682-3). Her only son, William, to whom she bequeathed her estate in Lanwerne, co. Monmouth, died between the date and probate of her will. No other relations are mentioned in the will, except her sister Alice Stedder, and her sister Margaret. 3 See the burial of his father, Thomas Donkley, 8 Feb. 1688-9. He was third son, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 9 Sep. 1669. 4 Fourth son and sixth child of James, Duke of York (afterwards K. James II.), by his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde, dau. of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon (see her burial 5 Apl. 1671). He was born at St. James's Palace 14 Sep. 1667, created Duke of Cambridge, etc., 7 Oct. following, and died at Richmond 8 June 1671. (In the Register this entry immediately follows that of the burial of his mother.) 5 Rightly Perrinchief. See her husband's burial 2 Sep. 1673. 6 See his wife's burial 9 May 1665. 7 See her husband's burial 17 July 1683. She was his first wife, and appears to have left no issue. (The unofficial register says that she was buried on the 18th.) 8 The unofficial register says Mrs. Frances Hawke, and that she was buried 3 Nov. See her husband's burial 5 Mch. 1699-1700. She was probably his second wife, as he appears to have married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 18 Dec. 1655, Ann Roper, of that parish, spinster. See the baptisms of her children, 7 Dec. 1663, 11 July 1665, 22 Mch. 1668-9, and 1 Sep. 1671, and burials, 14 Feb. 1663-4 and 17 May 1703. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 175 1671 Nov. 24 Sir Henry de Vyc, Chancellor of the Garter: between the font and the Convocation house. 8 The Lady Katharine, the Duke of York's youngest daughter," was laid in the vault of the royal family. Dec. Dec. 11 Dec. 167 Feb. 19 Mrs. Catharine Dolben, daughter of the Right Rev. Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Rochester, and Dean of this Collegiate Church :3 in St. Benedict's Chapel. Thynne Morland, a child: in the North Cloister. Feb. 17 :5 Sir Thomas Ingram : at the foot of the stairs going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel, on the South side. 24 Feb. Feb. 24 March 4 6 Mr. Owen Adamson, singing man: in the East Cloister. Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas Duncklin :7 in the North Cloister. Mr. Lawrence Fisher, singing man:8 at the South end of the East Cloister, by Mr. Adamson. March 7 Mr. Nathaniel Jones, one of the Ushers of the College School :9 near the same place. 1 Sir Henry De Vic, of Guernsey. His mother appears to have been Rachel, eldest dau. of Sir Philip Carteret, of St. Owen's, Jersey (by Rachel, dau. and heir of Sir George Paulet), whose first husband was a Beauvoir. He was for twenty years resident at Brussels, and was created a Baronet 3 Sep. 1619. In Sep. 1660 he was appointed Secretary for the French tongue and Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, and in 1662 he was Comptroller of the Household to the Duke of York. According to Anthony Wood, he was created M.D. at Oxford, 28 Sep. 1663. He married his cousin, Margaret, third dau. of Sir Philip Carteret, of St. Owen's. Kt., by whom he had a son, Sir Charles, at whose death the baronetcy became extinct, and a dau., Anne-Charlotte, who married John, Lord Frescheville. He died 20 Nov. His will is dated in 1669 (the day and month omitted), and he described himself as Knight and Baronet, Chancellor of the Garter, etc., and as then aged seventy-one and upwards. It was proved, 15 Feb. 1671-2, by his son Sir Charles. 2 Fourth dau. and eighth and youngest child of James, Duke of York (afterwards K. James II.), by his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde, dau. of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon (see her burial ō Apl. 1671). She was born at Whitehall 9 Feb. 1670-1, and died at St. James's Palace 5 Dec. 1671. 3 Only daughter, by Catherine, dau. of Ralph Sheldon, of Stanton, co. Derby, Esq., and niece of Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury. Dr. Dolben was installed Dean of Westminster 3 Dec. 1662, consecrated Bishop of Rochester 25 Nov. 1666, and enthroned Archbishop of York 23 Aug. 1683. He was buried in York Minster 12 Apl. 1686. This dau. died young. The unofficial register gives the date of her burial as 6 Dec., which was probably that of her death. Probably an infant dau. of Sir Samuel Morland, Bart.. by his second wife, Dame Carola, dau. of Sir Roger Harsnet, Kt. See the marriage of her parents 26 Oct. 1670, and her mother's burial 14 Oct. 1674. 5 Son of Arthur Ingram, of Temple-Newsom, co. York, Esq., by his second wife, Alice Ferrers. He suffered greatly for his loyalty, and after the Restoration was made Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and one of the Privy Council. He died 13 Feb. His will, as Sir Thomas Ingram, Kt., of Isleworth, Midx., was dated the 9th and proved the 27th of the same month. Sce the burials, of his only dau. 12 June 1651, and of his wife 27 Mch. 1680. 6 He is mentioned as one of the Choir, in Dr. Busby's accounts, in 1664. 7 See the burial of her father, Thomas Donkley, 8 Feb. 1688-9. She was second dau., and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 Aug. 1671. 8 Letters of administration to his estate were granted, 5 June 1672, to a creditor, the relict Elizabeth renouncing. See (probably) her remarriage, 19 Feb. 1679-80. 9 He was elected to Oxford from St. Peter's College, Westminster, and matriculated from Christ Church 13 July 1666, aged seventeen, as sou of Humphrey Jones, of London, paying the fees of a plebeian's son. He was B.A. 17 May 1670. 176 BURIALS IN Mrs. Mary Gurdon:¹ in the space between the Great and Little Cloisters. 167 March 9 March 9 March 23 1672 April 27 May 11 Counts of Malbury dyed.2 3 Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Nicholas Coply: in the North Cloister. Martha, wife of Mr. Adam Osgood, Clerk of the Works 4 in the North Cloister. · June 29 Sir Fretzvil Hollis, slain in the Ingagement against the Dutch : in St. Edmund's Chapel. July 3 The Right Hon. Edward, Earl of Sandwich, Vice-Admiral at sea, slain in the war against the Dutch: in the Duke of Albemarle's vault. The place of interment sufficiently indicates that she was of humble rank, and probably a servant. 2 (This entry is in the unofficial register only, and the Lady named was not buried in the Abbey; but, as she disappeared entirely from the histories of the noble family with which she had been connected, and was identified only after much difficulty, it seems proper that the entry should not be omitted.) She was Jane, third dau. of John, first Lord Butler of Bramfield, by Elizabeth Villiers, half-sister of George, first Duke of Buckingham, and was the third wife and relict of James Ley, first Earl of Marlborough, who died 14 Mch. 1627-8, to whom she had been married about seven years. She almost immediately remarried (being “a young, beautyfull, and rich widow," as her second husband recorded upon her monument) William Ashburnham, Esq., Cofferer of the Household to K. Charles II., second son of Sir John Ashburnham, Kt. She was buried in the family vault at Ashburnham, co. Sussex, 28 Mch. 1672, and an elaborate monument erected over her remains. Her second husband was buried with her 16 Dec. 1679. She left no issue by cither husband. s Rightly Copley. See her husband's burial 31 Jan. 1683-4. 4 See her husband's burial 22 Aug. following. They were married at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 13 Feb. 1639-40, her name being Martha Weaver, and the baptisms of several of their children occur in the registers of that parish. See the burial of her dau. 7 Sep. 1668. 5 Sir Frescheville Holles, Kt., only surviving son of Gervase Holles, of Great Grimsby, co. Lincoln, Esq.. the celebrated antiquary and Master of the Requests, by his second wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Lieut.-Col. William Molesworth. According to a horoscope in Ashmole MS. 243 (Bod. Lib.) p. 232, he was born 8 June 1642, at 6 o'clock p.m. He greatly distinguished himself in the sca- fight with the Dutch in 1665, and received the honour of knighthood. He finally fell in the naval battle of Southwold Bay, 28 May 1672. He married (Mar. Lic. Fac. 24 Nov. 1662) Jane, fourth dau. of Richard Lewis (son of John Lewis, of Marr, co. York, Esq.), and relict of Valentine Crome, of London, who survived him, but by whom he left no issue. In a will dated 17 May 1665, he then going to sea in command of a man-of-war, occurs the following interesting passage: "In case my body should be brought to land to be buried, I desire that some stone may be laid over me, with this inscription: 'Know, reader, whosoever thou be, if I had lived, 'twas my intent not to have owed my memory to any other monument but what my sword should raise for me of honour and of victory.'" This will was proved 5 June 1672. A later one, dated 25 Apl. 1672, with a nuncupative codicil, 23 May, then on board the " Cambridge," of which he was commander, was afterwards discovered, and proved 2 June 1673. 6 Edward Montagu, only surviving son and heir of Sir Sidney Montagu (younger brother of Henry, first Earl of Manchester), by Paulina, third dau. of John Pepys, of Cottenham, co. Cam- bridge, Esq. He was born 27 July 1625, and married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 7 Nov. 1642, Jemima, eldest dau. of John, first Lord Crewe, of Stene. He was created Earl of Sandwich, etc., 12 July 1660, having been invested with the Order of the Garter the preceding 28th of May. His gallantry as a naval commander is a part of the history of the country, but his end was un- necessarily tragic. Refusing to quit his ship in the last extremity, he was blown up in her, with a few sailors who would not leave him. This occurred during the battle in Southwold Bay, 28 May 1672. His will, dated 21 Nov. 1669, was proved 7 Sep. 1672. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 177 1672 July 13 Mr. Herbert Thorndyke, one of the Prebendaries of this Church:1 at the end of the East Cloister, next the Church, by his brother. July 15 Dr. Walter Jones, Sub-dean of his Majesty's Chapel and of this Church 2 near the Sub-dean's seat. July 17 Capt. Henry Cook, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Chapel, and Master of the children there :3 in the East Cloister, near the steps. Aug. 9 Aug. 22 Aug. 24 Aug. 24 Thomas, son of William May:4 in the South Cloister. Adam Osgood, Clerk of the Works :5 in the North Cloister. Mr. John White :6 in the midst of the West Cloister. The Countess Dowager of Berkshire :7 in a vault in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Sept. 13 Peter, son of Mr. Christopher Chapman :8 at the West end of the North Cloister. 1 The well known ecclesiastical writer. He was third son of Francis Thorndike, of Scamblesby, co. Lincoln, Esq., by Alice, dau. of Edward Coleman, of Waldingfield, Suffolk, and was born about 1598. He was educated at Cambridge, and became a Fellow of Trinity College, but never proceeded to the degrees of Divinity. He was installed Prebendary of Lincoln 12 April 1636, but resigned his stall in 1640, becoming Vicar of Claybrook, co. Leicester, and Chap- lain to James, first Duke of Richmond. On 2 July 1642 he was instituted to the Rectory of Barley. Herts, from which he retired a year later. During the Commonwealth he employed him- self with his books, and on 5 Sep. 1661 he was installed Prebendary of Westminster. He died at Chiswick, Midx., 11 July 1672. See his brother's burial 3 Nov. 1668. 2 Eldest son of John Jones, of the city of Worcester, Gent., by Ann Dews, of Powick, co. Worcester. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 24 Oct. 1634, aged 17, and procceded to the degree of D.D. 19 Oct. 1660, having been installed Prebendary of Westminster 5 July in that year. He married, at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, 17 Dec. 1643 (being then B.D.), Philippa, dau. of Rev. Dr. Samuel Fell, Dean of Christ Church, who survived him until 3 Dec. 1683. He died at Westminster, 12 July 1672. His will, dated 1 May 1671, was proved 1 Nov. 1672. See his son's baptism 10 Dec. 1663, and the marriages of his daughters, 3 Dec. 1668 and 7 Feb. 1675-6. 3 He is said to have been brought up in the Chapel, but joined the royal army and obtained a Captain's commission in 1642, retaining the title until his death. He was Master of the Children at the Coronation of K. Charles II. Anthony Wood says that he died of grief because his pupil, Pelham Humphrey, excelled him on the lute. He died 13 July, apparently intestate. 4 See his baptism 8 Aug. 1672, and that of his sister 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto. 5 He is mentioned in the Chapter Book as Clerk of the Works as early as 26 Apl. 1662. See his wife's burial 11 May preceding, and that of his dau. 7 Sep. 1668. His brother, Richard Osgood, administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 25 Sep. 1672. In his will, dated 11 Aug. 1672, it is stated that he was a native of the city of Limerick, in Ireland, but then sick in London. From its contents he was evidently a Spanish merchant of considerable wealth. He directed to be buried in the Abbey, and left bequests to his mother Joane Hally, his brother James White, and his sisters Margaret, Phillis, and Alson White, and also to his cousin-german Ignatius White, probably the one of that name who, as Ignatius Vitus alias White, of Limerick, was created a Baronet 29 June 1677. The will was proved, 31 Aug. 1672, by the executors, two London merchants. 7 Lady Elizabeth Cecil, eldest dau. and coheir of William, second Earl of Exeter, by his second wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Drury, and relict of Thomas, first Earl of Berkshire (see his burial 20 July 1669). 8 See his father's burial 17 June 1681, and his mother's 10 July 1707. He died 11 Sep. 2 A 178 BURIALS IN 1672 Sept. 16 The Lady Villers:¹ in the North aisle of the monuments, near Nov. 26 Nov. 28 Dec. St. Paul's Chapel. Colonel Degory Collins 2 in the East Cloister: the ground given. Mr. John Cooper, one of his Majesty's servants: in the same grave with Col. Collins: the ground given. 28 Dr. John Doughty, one of the Prebendaries of this Church : in the North aisle of the monuments, near Bishop Duppa's grave- 1673 Jan. 11 stone. The Lady Hatton and her daughter :5 [in the Abbey]. 1 Barbara, eldest dau. of Sir John St. John, of Lydiard-Tregoz, Wilts, and relict of Sir Edward Villiers, Kt., who died 7 Sep. 1626, and was buried in Ireland. They were parents of the second, third, and fourth Viscounts Grandison, and grand-parents of the first Earl of Jersey. See the baptisms of their children 8 Apl. 1619, 15 Apl. 1620, and 1 June 1622, a marriage 25 Feb. 1683-4, and burials 16 July 1685 and 2 July 1689. Her will, dated the 3rd, was proved 26 Sep. 1672. 2 Letters of administration to his estate were granted, 28 Mch. 1673, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, to a creditor, his daughter Honora Collins renouncing. A petition of his to the Lords of the Council, dated 5 Mch. 1628-9, shows that from having been a private in the army he rose to the office of serjeant, then became ensign at the Isle of Rhé, shortly after lieutenant, and finally, his captain being slain at Rochelle, succceded to his post and rank. He was now asking for his arrears of pay (Pub. Rec. Office, Dom. Chas. I., Vol. 138, No. 27). 3 He was Carver in Ordinary to the King. 4 Born at Martley, near Worcester, in 1597, and educated at Oxford, where he signed the subscription book 30 Apl. 1613. He became a Fellow of Merton College in 1619, Rector of Lap- worth, co. Warwick, 11 Jan. 1633-4, and afterwards Lecturer at St. Edmund's, Salisbury. After the Restoration he became Rector of Cheam, co. Surrey, and was installed Prebendary of West- minster 5 July 1660, proceeding to his degree of D.D., at Oxford, 19 Oct. following. He died 25 Dec., and, according to Anthony Wood, "after he had lived to be twice a child." His will, dated 21 Feb. 1667-8, was proved 30 Dec. 1672, by his relict Catherine, to whom he left all his estate, and who is alone named in it. See her burial, as Lady Heath, 30 May 1694. 5 There can be little or no doubt that this entry refers to the mother and wife of Christopher, second Lord Hatton of Kirby, who were killed by an explosion of the powder magazine at Cornet Castle, Guernsey, 30 Dec. 1672. The entry itself is unsatisfactory, and the unofficial register does not explain it, as it merely says, under this date, "Lady Hatton's fu: in ye Abby"; but the dates and other circumstances so thoroughly accord that the identification is rendered nearly certain. The facts of this shocking occurrence, as gathered from the various histories of Guernsey, appear to be briefly these. Towards midnight, on the 29th of December, a terrific thunder-storm broke over Cornet Castle, the residence of Lord Hatton, then Governor of Guernsey, and about one o'clock on the morning of the 30th, according to the parish register of St. Peter-Port, the powder-magazine exploded, evidently from the effects of the lightning. The buildings were almost entirely demolished, and a number of persons killed outright. The dowager Lady Hatton, who was in the upper part of the castle, was crushed by the falling in of the ceiling of her apartment. Lady Hatton, the Governor's wife, who had fled to her children in the nursery, was also killed, with her waiting-woman and nurse, the latter being found dead with his lordship's second daughter in her arms, unhurt, though holding in her hands her usual plaything, a small silver cup, which was much battered and bruised. The youngest child, who lay in a cradle almost filled with rubbish, was likewise miraculously saved without the least injury, although the faithful nurse was killed, with the elder child in one arm, and her other hand on the cradle of the infant. But the preservation of Lord Hatton himself was even more mar- vellous. It is said that, by the force of the explosion, he was actually carried on his bed to the battlement of a wall some yards distant, and not awakened till a shower of hailstones fell upon his face. Of the building in which he had been sleeping, so complete had been its destruction that nothing was left standing but the frame of the door. The question arising whether the persons so suddenly destroyed were not buried where 1 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 179 167 Feb. Feb. 4 Richard, son of Mr. Christopher Chapman :1 at the West end of the North Cloister. Feb. 13 March 6 March 19 Mrs. Anne James 2 in the North aisle of the body of the Church. Henry Stacy, a scholar of the School: in the East Cloister. Thomas, son of Mr. Solomon Shorter: at the South end of the East Cloister. 4 they died, the Editor obtained the following verbatim copies of the entries relating to them in the parish register of St. Peter-Port: "Madame Elizabeth de Montagu, veuve de Mylord Hatton, Gouver de cette Isle, ayant été tuée dans les ruines et le débris du donjon du Château Cornet, qui fut frappé d'un coup de fondre et enlevé par les poudres qui y étaient, le lundi 30 Xbre 1672, environ une heure du matin, ayant été embauméc, ses entrailles ont été mises dans le temple le mardi 31 du dit mois. “Madame Cecile Tufton, féme de Mylord Hatton, ayant été tuée du même accident, et étant embaumée, ses entrailles furent mises dans le temple, avec celles de Made sa belle mère Made de Montagu, le dit jour 31 Xbre" It is evident from these entries that the bodies of these two ladies were not buried at St. Peter-Port. Where were they carried? The entry in the text seems to answer the question con- clusively. Exactly eleven days from the date in the St. Peter-Port register-just time for the journey from Guernsey and the necessary preparations in London-we find the Lady Hatton and her daughter" interred in Westminster Abbey, and doubtless in the vault of the Hatton family, where the husband of the elder lady and several of her children were already buried. It is natural and reasonable that she should have been interred with them, and not likely, under the peculiar circumstances, that the bodies of the two who had perished together should have been separated. The elder lady was Elizabeth, eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Charles Montagu. Kt. (younger brother of Henry, first Duke of Manchester), by his second wife, Mary, fourth dau. of William Whitmore, Esq.. citizen and alderman of London (not Sir William Whitmore, Kt., as usually stated). She was married, at Hackney, Midx.. 8 May 1630, to Christopher Hatton, Esq., after- wards first Lord Hatton of Kirby (see his burial Aug. 1670), who was Governor of Guernsey at the time of his death. (See also the burials of her children, Nov. 1638. 2 Oct. 1639, 16 Feb. 1641-2, and 3 June 1712.) The younger lady was Lady Cecilie Tufton, fourth but third surviving dau, of John, second Earl of Thanet, by Lady Margaret Sackville, eldest dau. and coheir of Richard, third Earl of Dorset. She was baptized at Hothfield, Kent. 7 June 1648, and was therefore only in her 25th year at her death. She married Christopher, second Lord Hatton, who succeeded his father as Governor of Guernsey. He twice remarried, and his will, dated 7 May 1695, was proved 19 Feb. 1706-7. Her only surviving dau., Anue, became the second wife of Daniel Finch, sixth Earl of Winchelsea and second of Nottingham (see the burial of her dau. 18 Apl. 1742). It may not be deemed amiss to perpetuate here the name and memory of the faithful nurse above mentioned. She was buried at St. Peter-Port, and in the register of that parish she is described as "Me Caterine Willis, nourrice de Madame la Gouvernante." The present record is her only monument, and is made two centuries after she perished so nobly. He died 1 Feb. Sec his father's burial 17 June 1681, and his mother's 10 July 1707. 2 Relict of Walter James, Esq. (who had a Patent from the Dean and Chapter, 5 Dec. 1612, for the Bailiwick of Westminster and the office of Escheator), to whom she was married, at All Hallows Barking, London, 5 Sep. 1615. He was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 Nov. 1634. According to his will, dated 17 Nov. and proved 6 Dec. 1634, she was a dau. of William Boulton, Esq., then living, and he left by her twelve children, all minors. Her own will, dated 10 Oct. 1672, with codicils 15 and 17 Jan. following, was proved 25 Feb. 1672-3. See the baptisms of her children, 22 Apl. 1624 and 10 Sep. 1627, the burial of her dau., Mary Fox, 8 Apl. 1687, and (probably) of her dau., Frances Grundy, 8 Apl. 1676. 3 The only one of this name in the records of Westminster School is Henry Stacey, who was elected to Cambridge in 1610. * One of this name occurs in Dr. Busby's accounts as a member of the choir in 1664. See his father's burial 29 Jan. 1677-8. He was probably a son by the first wife. 180 BURIALS IN 1673 April 28 May 2 May 9 May 12 May 29 June 7 Christopher Knipe :1 in the South Cloister. Larence Sweatman :2 in the East Cloister. Eliner Slade :3 between the Cloisters. Mr. Philip Tynchare, Chanter of this Church 4 near the door of the Lord Norris's monument, on the North side of the Church. Nicolas Johnson, a child : [Cloisters]. 6 Colonel [blank] Hamlinton; received his death wound in the engagement against the Dutch: within the North monument door. ¹ Admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1670, and probably referred to in the follow- ing extract from Dr. Busby's account book: "Feb. 28. 1666. Recd then £30 of Mr. Knipe for his son's board and instruction ending Candlemas day last past." He was a major candidate at his death. He was probably a brother of the Rev. Dr. Kuipe, afterwards Head Master of Westminster School (see his burial 9 Aug. 1711). 2 The baptisms of children of Lawrence Swettenham occur in the parish register of St. Margaret's, Westminster, as early as 1629, and in an Act Book of the Dean and Chapter, under date of 10 July 1639, Lawrence Swetnam, Gent., is mentioned as a churchwarden of St. Margaret. Thomas Swettenham, of Swettenham, co. Chester, Esq., who married, in 1602, Mary, dau. of John Birtles, of Birtles, Esq., had a third son named Lawrence. 3 The will of Elinor Slade, of Wanting, Berks, dated 5 May 1672, was proved 27 Sep. 1673, by her son-in-law Henry Standbrooke. She directed to be buried in the chancel of Wanting [Wantage]. but, as her burial does not occur in the register of that parish, there seems no doubt of her identity. She left considerable legacies to her children William, Henry, Charles, Elizabeth, and Mary Slade, apparently all minors, her son John Slade, her daughter Elinor Strangways, her sou Thomas Keate, and her married dau. Frances. 4 The person to whom we are indebted for the preservation of the earlier portions of the Abbey Registers. The name was indifferently written Tynchare and Tinker, and with or with- out the alias of Littleton. In his will he called himself "Tyucharc alias Littleton," while of his three sons onc signed "Littleton alias Tynchare." another "Littleton alias Tinker," and the third “Tinker alias Littleton." He himself signed the subscription book at Oxford,“ Philip Tincker.” This was 2 Nov. 1621, and as "Philip Tinker," of New College, he was B.A. 21 June 1625, and M.A. 3 July 1628. His name, however, is not in the matriculation register, nor in the records of New College, and he was probably one of the chaplains, or Bible clerks, of whom no list has been preserved. In the record of baptism of one of his daughters, at St. Gregory's, London, 18 Oct. 1632, he is called a Petty Canon of St. Paul's. He was installed Chaunter of West- minster 11 Feb. 1660-1, and first appears among the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal at the Coronation of K. Charles II., 23 Apl. following. On the 29th of Nov. in the same year he was sworn Confessor of his Majesty's Household, and retained that office until his death. His will, dated 20 Feb. 1672-3, was proved 30 May 1673. IIis wife Mary, who survived him, appears to have been a dau. of William Elly, brother of Rev. John Elly, Canon of Windsor. See the marriages of his children 18 June 1663, 21 Jan. 1663-4, and 17 Dec. 1672. 5 Probably son of Nicholas Johnson, Paymaster to the Army (sce his burial 21 Apl. 1682), by his first wife, Jane Clungcon, of the town of Southampton, who was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 20 Nov. 1673 (in her Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., 29 Mch. 1670, she is called a spinster, aged about nineteen, and was to marry with conscut of her mother, Mrs. Jane Clungeon, widow). 6 James Hamilton, eldest son of Sir George Hamilton (fourth son of James, first Earl of Abercorn), Baronet of Ireland, by Mary Butler, third dau. of Walter, Viscount Thurles, and sister of the first Duke of Ormond. He was Colonel of a regiment of Foot, and was appointed Groom of the Bedchamber to K. Charles II. about Nov. 1664. He was made Ranger of Ilyde Park 29 Nov. 1671, and Hamilton Place, Piccadilly, is said to have thus derived its name. He died 6 June, and his relict Elizabeth administered to his estate 4 July following. She was dau. of John, first Lord Colepeper, and by her he was father of James, sixth Earl of Abercorn (see his burial 3 Dec. 1734). She survived him until 1709. Charnock, in his Biographia Navalis, con- founds him with Capt. Thomas Hamilton, who was in the same battle. This Colonel Hamilton WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 181 1673 June 11 Alice, daughter of William May:1 at the East end of the South Cloister. :2 June 12 Mary Kettlewell, a child 2 in the South Cloister, at the East end. June 29 July 6 Paul Williams: towards the East end of the North Cloister. Sir Robert Murray :3 by the Vestry door. July 23 July 28 Aug. 29 Sept. 2 [blank] Newman: at the East end of the North Cloister. Sir Robert Long:5 without the Quire, over against the most Eastwardly Cloister door. Captain Leneve:6 without the Quire, under the organ loft. Dr. Perinchiefe, one of the Prebendaries of this Church :7 within the South monument door. was mentioned by Prince Rupert, in his account of the engagement of 28th May 1673, as having lost a leg, which was probably the immediate cause of death. 1 See her baptism 13 Sep. 1669; also that of her sister 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto. 2 See her baptism 14 June 1668, her father's burial 6 Mch. 1676-7, and her mother's 7 Aug. 1714. 3 Sir Robert Moray (as he appears to have always signed his name), son of Sir Robert Murray (or Moray) of Craigie, by a dau. of George Halket of Pitferran. He was an eminent mathematician and natural philosopher, and one of the originators and first President of the Royal Society. He was knighted at Oxford 10 Jan. 1642-3, and after the Restoration was Secretary of State and Privy Councillor for Scotland. He was also for some time (at least nominally) one of the Lords of Session and Lord Justice-Clerk. Bishop Burnet styled him "the wisest and worthiest man of the age." He died, suddenly, in his pavilion in the garden at Whitehall, on the 4th of July, aged about seventy. According to Douglas (Peerage of Scotland, Wood's Edit., i. 168), he married the Hon. Sophia Lindsay, eldest dau. of Sir David Lindsay, first Lord Balcarres, who died 2 Jan. 1653 and was buried at Balcarres ; but this does not accord with Anthony Wood's account of him, which says that he was a single man-an abhorrer of women." (See a good memoir of him in Chambers' Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen.) ✦ The unofficial register says "Mr. Numan's daughter." A child of Richard Newman, of Fifehead-Magdalen, co. Dorset, Esq., by Anne, eldest dau. of Sir Charles Harbord, Kt. See her brother's burial 25 July 1668, and note thereto. 5 Younger son of Sir Walter Long, of Draycot and Wraxall, Wilts, Kt., by his second wife, Catherine, dau. of Sir John Thynne, of Longleat. He was Auditor of the Exchequer and one of the Privy Council to K. Charles II., and was created a Baronet 1 Sep. 1662, with remainder to his nephew, Sir James Long, of Draycot. He died 13 July, unmarried. His will, dated 27 Mch., with a codicil 30 May, was proved 16 July 1673. 6 Richard Le Neve, second son of John Le Neve, of Cavendish, co. Suffolk, Esq., by his wife Catherine (see her burial 29 July 1682). He was a Lieut. in the royal navy as early as 1666, and received his Captain's commission Aug. 1671. He was slain on board his own frigate, the Edgar," during an engagement with the Dutch on the 11th of Aug., aged only twenty-seven years. His nuncupative will was proved 16 Aug. 1673, by his brother John (see his burial 2 Aug. 1693). 7 Richard Perrinchief. He had the rectory of St. Mildred, Poultry, London, shortly after the Restoration, and was created S. T. P. at Cambridge, as of Magdalen College, in 1663. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 3 Nov. 1664, and of St. Paul's 2 Aug. 1667, and Arch- deacon of Huntingdon 20 Apl. 1670. On the 1st of Feb. 1671-2 he had the united rectories of St. Mildred, Poultry, and St. Mary Colechurch, and retained all his preferments until his death. He was also Sub-Almoner to K. Charles II. According to the unofficial register, he died 31 Aug. His will, dated 26 Aug., was proved 16 Oct. 1673. It mentions no relations, except his sister Anne Clayton. See his wife's burial 15 June 1671. 182 BURIALS IN 1673 Sept. 20 The Duke of Richmond and Lenox :1 in the vault belonging to the family. Sir Edward Spragge:2 in the North aisle. Dorothea Dutton : in the middle of the North Cloister. William Higham :5 [Cloisters]. Sept. 23 Nov. 7 Major Moulin :3 in the Dark Cloister. Nov. 9 Nov. 19 Nov. 27 167 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Feb. Mrs. Elizabeth Selwyn: in the middle of the North Cloister. Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle:6 in the North aisle. John Allin, almsman: in the Cloisters." 5 Mary, daughter of John Raukins:8 [Cloisters]. 1 Charles Stuart, only son of George, Lord D'Aubigny (who was slain at the battle of Edghill, 23 Oct. 1642, and buried in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford), by the Lady Catherine Howard, eldest dau. of Theophilus, second Earl of Suffolk (who remarried James Livingston, first Earl of Newburgh). According to a horoscope in Ashmole MS. (Bod. Lib.), 243, p. 160b, he was born in London 7 Mch. 1639-40, at 5·8 a.m.; but this hardly accords with the baptism of his sister the following 5th of December (see note to her burial, 11 Nov. 1702). He was created, 10 Dec. 1615, Baron Stuart, of Newbury, Berks, and Earl of Lichfield, and succeeded his cousin Esme, 10 Aug. 1660, as third Duke of Richmond and sixth of Lennox. He died at Elsinore, while Ambassador to Denmark, 12 Dec. 1672 (coffin-plate, exposed in 1867), without surviving issue, and his titles became extinct. His will, dated 12 Jan. 1671-2, was proved 14 Feb. 1672-3. See the burials, of his first wife 29 Apl. 1661, his second 1666-7, and his third 22 Oct. 1702; also of his dau. 28 Mch. 1662. 2 The distinguished naval commander, who died Admiral of the Blue. According to his grant of arms, he was "son of Lichfield Spragge, Captain of Horse, and Governor of Roscommon, who was slain in his Majesty's service against the rebels," who was "son of John Spragge, a captain of foot in Ireland during the reign of Q. Elizabeth." His mother was Mary, second daughter of Edward Legge, Vice-l'resident of Munster, and he was therefore own cousin of George, first Lord Dartmouth. According to Dugdale's MS. list, he was knighted on board his ship the "Triumph," 1 July 1665, but other authorities give the date 24 Sep, in that year. He was drowned, during an engagement with the Dutch off the coast of Holland, 11 Aug. 1673. His will, dated 22 May, was proved 3 Nov. 1673, and commences with the characteristic words "being now ready to engage the enemy." He is said (by Le Neve) to have married at Brussels, before 1660, but his wife is not mentioned in his will, and he left no legitimate issue. He bequeathed £300 to his sister Anne, then wife of Hugh Kelly (one of his executors, Sir Joseph Sheldon being the other), and £200 to his cousin John Spragg; but the rest of his estate, which was considerable, he left to one Dorothy Dennis and his children by her, viz. William, Edward, and Dorothy Spragg. (The latter was baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 20 Mch. 1669-70, as "dau. of Sir Edward Spragg and Dame Dorothy"!) The son William, according to Le Neve, was a captain of marines in 1697. 3 In the unofficial register this entry reads thus: "1673 Novem: ye 8th, Major Mullinax bu: in ye Cloysters." The place of interment was that appropriated to persons of the humblest rank. 4 The unofficial register says "Mrs. Dutton," and that the burial was on the 12th of November. The unofficial register says "Mr. Higham." 6 Younger sister of John, first Lord Lucas, of Shenfield, and second wife of William Cavendish, first Duke of Newcastle, to whom married, at Paris, in 1645 (sce his burial 22 Jan. 1676-7). According to her funcral certificate, she died at Welbeck, 15 Dec. 1673, in her fifty- seventh year. She was a prolific authoress of considerable note in her day, as the catalogue of her plays, poems, orations, and philosophical discourses abundantly testifics; but few of them are to be found in modern libraries. She had no issue. 7 In the unofficial register only. 8 The unofficial register says: "Febr. ye 3d: a child bu: in ye Cloysters." burial 21 Feb. 1670-1. See note to a WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 183 10 Charles, Earl of Doncaster, son to the Duke of Monmouth 1 in the most Eastwardly vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Elizabeth Tennant :2 [Cloisters]. 1673 Feb. Feb. [6] Feb. 23 Mary, daughter of Mr. Pelham Humphreys :3 [Cloisters]. Feb. 27 Dr. Wilson, one of the Gentlemen of the King's Chapel : in the Little Cloister. March 4 Roger Hill, one of the Gentlemen of the King's Chapel 5 in the Little Cloister. 1674 March 27 March 27 April 23 April 24 Mr. Thomas Griffen : in the Cloisters, near the South-East door. Mr. Robins, almsman: in the Cloisters. Mrs. Rachell Darby 8 in the Cloisters, near the South-west door. Coll. Bushell: in the Cloisters. ¹ Eldest son of the unfortunate James, Duke of Monmouth (beheaded 15 July 1685), by the Lady Anne Scott, dau. and heir of Francis, second Earl of Buccleuch (who remarried Charles, third Lord Cornwallis, and died 6 Feb. 1731-2). According to his monument he died 9 Feb., aged one year, five months, and fifteen days. See the burials of his brothers and sisters, 6 Dec. 1679, 5 Sep. 1683, 13 Aug, 1685, and 19 Mch. 1704-5. 2 The unofficial register says: "Febr. y 6th a woman bu: in ye Cloysters." 3 The unofficial register says "Mr. Humphry's child." See her father's burial 17 July 1674. 4 John Wilson, the celebrated Doctor of Music. believed to have been the "Jack Wilson" of Shakespeare's stage. He was born at Faversham in Kent, and appears to have been connected with the Chapel Royal in the reign of K. Charles I. He was created Mus. Doc. at Oxford in 1644, and resided there and in the vicinity many years. In 1656 he was constituted Professor of Music in the University, but succeeded Henry Lawes as Gentleman of the Chapel 22 Oct. 1662, or, more probably, was then reinstated in his old position, and returned to London. According to his monument he died 22 Feb., aged seventy-eight years, ten months. and seventeen days. His will, dated 30 Apl. 1671, was proved 18 Mch. 1673-4, by his relict Anne, to whom he left all his estate, except a trifling legacy to his dau. Mrs. Rebecca Bowerman, probably by his first wife. See his second marriage 31 Jan. 1670-1. 5 He was admitted Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 25 Nov. 1661, and, according to the Cheque Book, was in holy orders. He died 2 Mch. See the burial (probably) of his wife, 27 Apl. 1685. 6 The unofficial register says: "Mch. 23. Mr. Griffith bu: in ye Cloysters." In the parish register of St. Margaret, Lothbury, London, occurs the following entry, under the date of 21 Mch. 1673-4: "Thomas Grifeth was buried at the Abbey at Westminster," but that register throws no further light upon his history. 7 In the unofficial register only. See a burial 7 Mch. 1706-7. 8 The unofficial register calls her "Mr. Gowen's sister." See note to a burial 8 Nov. 1669. The elder William Gawen there mentioned, according to a pedigree in the College of Arms (Bencfactors, ii. 107), had a sister Rachel, who, at the date of the pedigree (apparently 1643), was the wife of Richard Pitt. It is probable that she subsequently remarried, and was the per- son named in the text. 9 In the unofficial register only, and a notable illustration of the value of that document, as it settles a long-disputed question as to the place of interment of a somewhat eminent man, which the absence of the entry from the official Register left still in doubt. The entry refers of course to the well-known Col. Thomas Bushell, the speculative and generally unsuccessful engineer, Farmer of the Royal Mines, and Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II. He is said to have been a native of Worcestershire, and educated at Balliol College, Oxford; but his name does not occur in the matriculation register of that University. In 1646 he was Governor of the island of Lundy, in the Bristol Channel, but retired the next year. Ten years before he had con- structed certain remarkable water-works at Enstone, in Oxfordshire, and subsequently he engaged in more extensive enterprises in the mining regions of Wales. Partly from his failures, and partly because deeply in debt, he became extremely obnoxious to those who had been concerned with 184 BURIALS IN 1674 July 17 Mr. Pelham Humphreys :¹ in the Cloisters, near the South-east door. Aug. 20 Sept. 18 Clemens Cooke, one of the King's scholars :2 [Cloisters]. Francis Trevor :3 [Cloisters]. Oct. 14 Oct. 23 Carola, wife to Sir Samuel Moreland :* [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Stanhop:5 [in the Abbey]. him, and he also appears to have incurred the hostility of the Cromwellians, so that it is said his life was in danger. Giving out that he had filed to the continent, he retired to an obscure house in Lambeth Marsh, where he lived in secrecy until the Restoration. He was in high favour with K. Charles II., who assisted him in various ways, made him Farmer of the Welsh mines, and, in 1670, a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber. His ill fortune, however, clung to him, and, according to Aubrey, he died £120,000 in debt. The same authority states that he died "at Capt. Norton's, in the gate at Scotland Yard" (Letters, ii. 261), but errs as to the precise period of his decease. His nuncupative will, made "immediately before he departed this life," on the 21st of April 1674, was proved 23 May following, by Col. Thomas Colepeper, of St. Stephen's, in Kent, whom he named as his executor. No other person is mentioned in it. In the probate act he is de- scribed as late of Enstone, co. Oxford, but as dying in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx. It is not generally known that he married Dame Anne, widow of Sir William Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower and Clerk of the Privy Council, who died in 1623; but in a petition at the Public Record office (Dom. Cal. Chas. II), dated in 1660, in which he prayed for a renewal of the lease of Belsize manor, Hampstead, the fact is distinctly stated. She died in 1645. It also appears, from the parish register of Enstone, that he had a former wife, named Isabell, by whom he had a son Francis (evidently named after Lord Chancellor Bacon, in whose service he had been), who was baptized and buried at Enstone in 1626. 1 ¹ Pelham Humfrey, as he signed his will. He was educated as a chorister, and admitted a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 24 Jan. 1666-7. On the death of his old master, Capt. Henry Cooke, 13 July 1672, he succeeded him as Master of the children. On the 8th of Aug. following he had a joint patent, with Thomas Purcell, as Composer in Ordinary for the Violins to his Majesty. He died, at Windsor, 14 July 1674, aged only twenty-seven. His will, dated 23 Apl., was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 30 July 1674, by his relict Catherine. It mentions no relations, except his "cousin Betty Jelfe;" but he is said to have been a nephew of Col. John Humphrey, a noted Cromwellian and Bradshaw's sword-bearer. See the burial of his dau. 23 Feb. 1673-4. 2 The unofficial register calls him Clement Coke, and says that he was buried 10 Aug. According to his monument he was son of Robert Coke, Esq., who was son of Clement Coke of Langford, co. Derby, and of the Inner Temple, Esq., who was younger son of Sir Edward Coke, Kt., Lord Chief Justice, etc., and died 8 Aug., in his eighteenth year. He was admitted to West- minster School in 1673. 3 The unofficial register says " Mrs. Frances Trevor." From the place of interment, and manner in which the entry is recorded, it is not likely that she belonged to any of the noble or gentle families of the name, but was more probably a domestic, or the wife of some minor official about the Abbey. Dau. of Sir Roger Harsnett, Kt. (sce his burial 27 Oct. 1692), by Carola his wife (see her burial 17 May 1676), and second wife of Sir Samuel Morland, Kt. and Bart. (see their marriage 26 Oct. 1670). She died 10 Oct., in her twenty-third year. See the burials of her children, 19 Dec. 1671 and 11 June 1675, and more concerning her husband in the note to the burial of his third wife, 24 Feb. 1679-80. 5 The unofficial register says " Madam Stanhop." There can be little hesitation in identifying this lady as one of the well-known Maids of Honour to the Queen often mentioned in the annals of the Court of K. Charles II., viz. Henrietta-Maria Price. She was one of the daus. of Sir Herbert Price (sec his burial 3 Feb. 1677-8) by Goditha, second dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Arden, of Park Hall, co. Warwick, Kt., Lady of the Privy Chamber to the Queen Mother. She appears to have been a Maid of Honour from 1662 until her marriage, which took place at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 4 Dec. 1673. Her husband was Alexander Stanhope, of the Inner WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 185 1674 Nov. 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 30 Dec. 5 Dec. 1674 Jan. 11 4 Richard Knipe, a child:¹ [Cloisters]. The Earl of Middlesex :2 [in the Abbey]. Thomas Gawen, a child :3 [Cloisters]. Joice Smallman: [Cloisters]. 4 5 Mrs. Beatrice Buckland: [in the Abbey]. The Earl of Clarendon : [in the Abbey]. Temple, Esq., a younger son of Sir John Stanhope, of Elvaston, co. Derby, Kt., and was then a widower. In the marriage allegation (Vic. Gen. 2 Dec. 1673) her age is stated as " about twenty- five;" but she was probably somewhat older, unless she became a Maid of Honour when only fourteen. It is proper to state that her husband did not administer to her estate until 2 June 1677, nearly three years after the date in the text; but, as she disappears from the Court annals after the latter date, and no record of her burial is to be found near the former, there seems no doubt of her identity, and it is probable that she died in childbed. 1 Son of the Rev. Thomas Knipe, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster and Head Master of Westminster School (see his burial 9 Aug. 1711), by his first wife Anne (see her burial 26 Aug. 1685). The Christian name in the text is undoubtedly an error, and should be Thomas. On the monument he is called "Thomas, second of that name," and said to have died 2 Nov., aged one year and nine months. The monument also states that the first Thomas was buried in the Cloisters 24 Feb. 1670-1, aged six days, but there is no record of his burial in the Register. 2 Lionel Cranfield, second son of Lionel, first Earl of Middlesex (see his burial 13 Aug. 1645), by his second wife Anne (see her burial 12 Feb. 1669-70). He succeeded his brother James (see his burial 13 Sep. 1651) as third Earl, and was one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber to K. Charles II. He married (certificate, after publication, at St. Giles in the Fields 26 Apl., and at St. Bride's 1 May, 1655) Lady Rachel Fane, dau. of Francis, first Earl of Westmoreland, and relict of Henry Bourchier, fifth and last Earl of Bath, but died without issue 26 Oct. 1674, aged about fifty. The Countess died 11 Nov. 1680, and was buried at Tavistock, co. Devon. His titles becoming extinct at his death, Charles Sackville, eldest son of his only surviving sister Frances, wife of Richard, fifth Earl of Dorset, was created Baron Cranfield and Earl of Middlesex, 4 Apl. 1675, and eventually succeeded to the family estates. 3 The unofficial register says "Mr. Gawen's child." Son of William Gawen, of Westminster, by his second wife, Margaret, dau. of William Gawen of Hurcot, by his first wife, Katherine, dau. of Hubert Hacon (Ped. in Coll. Arm., Benefactors, ii. 107). See his first wife's burial 8 Nov. 1669, and note thereto. His second wife was living at the date of his father's will, 24 July 1699, he being apparently then dead. 4 The unofficial register says, "Joyce: Justice Numan's mayd." Thomas Cox (see his burial 17 Feb. 1668-9), who was a servant to Richard Newman, Esq., in his will left her £5, and called her his fellow-servant. In her own nuncupative will, made 19 Sep. 1674, she is described as a spinster. She left all she had to her sister's daughter, Anne Garrett, who administered 21 Dec. following. 5 Her will, dated 23 Nov., was proved 14 Dec. 1674, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her cousin "Mr. William Gawen the younger, dwelling in the Bowling Alley" (the same who is mentioned in the notes to burials 8 Nov. 1669 and 30 Nov. 1674), to whom she left £200; and to his wife Margaret, also called her "cousin," sundry bequests. In the probate act she is styled “ Beatrix Buckland,” but she signed the will" Beatrix Bocland," and was described as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster. To her mother, Mrs. Ellen Bockland, she left all her plate, and to her brother, Maurice Bockland, Esq., £500. The will contains no other bequests, and affords no further clew to her identity. • Edward Hyde, third son of Henry Hyde, of Purton and Dinton, Wilts, by Mary, dau. and heir of Edward Langford, of Trowbridge, in the same county, and born at Dinton 18 Feb. 1608-9. He was knighted at Oxford 22 Feb. 1642-3, and declared Lord High Chancellor, at Bruges, 29 Jan. 1657-8, entering fully upon the duties of the post 1 June 1660. He was created Baron Hyde, of Hindon, 3 Nov. 1660, and Viscount Cornbury and Earl of Clarendon 20 Apl. 1661. Removed from his high office, impeached, and banished, in 1667, he died in exile at Rouen, in France, 19 Dec. 1674. His will, dated on the 11th of that month, was not proved in England 2 B 186 BURIALS IN 1675 March 27 April 14 April 23 1674 Feb. 25 Melior Fitch, a child:1 [Cloisters]. Christopher Chapman, Master of Arts:2 [Cloisters]. Sir John Webster :3 [in the Abbey]. Thomas Gibbert, a child: [Cloisters]. 4 May 22 June 1 Elizabeth Crespion, a young child;5 died the 21st: [Cloisters]. Thomas Morrice :6 [Cloisters]. June 8 Richard Johnson :7 [Cloisters]. June 11 Edmond Moreland, a child :8 [Cloisters]. June 26 John Caldcott, a youth:9 [Cloisters]. July 24 Lewis Templer, a child:10 [Cloisters]. July 25 Sir Richard Maleverer:11 [in the Abbey]. until 14 Dec. 1675. See the burials, of his mother 28 Dec. 1661, his second wife 17 Aug. 1667, his sons 13 Jan. 1664-5, 4 Nov. 1709, and 10 May 1711, and of his dau. Anne, Duchess of York, 5 Apl. 1671. No less than twenty members of his family were buried in the Abbey. 1 The unofficial register gives the surname as "Fittzs;" but the text is doubtless correct. See note to a burial 30 May 1670, and another burial 14 Dec. 1677. 2 He was of Trinity College, Cambridge, where A.B. 1667 and A.M. 1671, and, according to his monument, died 25 Mch. See his father's burial 17 June 1681, and his mother's 10 July 1707. 3 In Granger's Biographical History, iii. 394, is mentioned a portrait of him, on the second impressions of which an inscription stated that he was, or had been, "Commissary for the Emperor of all Russia and Muscovia," and that he was created a Baronet of England, 31 May 1660, by K. Charles II., at Igravenhaag. In his will, dated 18 Feb. 1674-5, he described himself as a Baronet, and of Kirby, co. Norfolk. The will was proved 16 Apl. 1675, by his niece, Mary Belts, to whom he left his house in Norwich and his estate generally. He mentioned having long before purchased a house in Borrowe [? Burgh], co. Norfolk, in the name of his dau. Mary Webster, which was then occupied by his nephew Henry Gouldsworth, to whom he bequeathed it. The will also mentions his sister in Holland, Mrs. Catharine Lucasz; his cousin Mr. John Webster, of London, draper, and his two brothers, all then in Barbadoes; and his cousin Mr. John Webster, and his brother Mr. Jacob Webster, both in Cheapside. He appealed to several eminent personages to aid his exccutrix in obtaining divers and great sums of money due to him from their late and present Majestics. At the date of his will he appears to have been residing in lodgings in Durham Yard. His name is not recognized in any of the lists of baronets, although there seems to be no doubt of his creation. 4 The unofficial register gives the name as Gilbert. He appears to have been a child of one Abraham Gilbert, citizen and joyner of London, and grandchild of Sebastian Currall (see his burial 1 June 1684), then one of the twelve privileged almsmen of the Abbey. 5 See her father's burial 2 Dec. 1711, her mother's 22 Mch. 1687-8, and her own baptism 4 Apl. 1675. • Thomas Morice, son of Thomas Morice of Woodford, co. Essex, Esq., by Anne, dau. of Ralph Bayle, of London, Esq. He had been M.P. for Haslemere, co. Surrey. See the burials, of his wife 24 Oct. 1693, his daughters 30 Mch. 1709 and 28 Aug. 1747, and his grandchildren 24 Jan. 1710-11 and 3 Jan. 1785. 7 The unofficial register says "Mr. Rich: Johnson." He was probably some minor official or servant about the Abbey. 8 Infant son of Sir Samuel Morland, Bart., by his second wife, Carola (sce her burial 14 Oct. 1674). He appears to have been born the 4th, and baptized 16 Oct. 1674, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, although in the record of his baptism he is called Edward. • Evidently the John Calcot who was admitted to Westminster School this year, against whose name is the single word "obiit," and probably the son of "Jona" Caldicott, one of the minor canons mentioned in Dr. Busby's accounts. 10 See burials 6 June 1681 and 10 Oct. 1691. 11 Sir Richard Mauleverer, second Bart. See his mother's burial 10 Mch. 1652-3, and note WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 187 1675 Aug. 14 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Sir Alexander Humes:¹ [in the Abbey]. The daughter of Mr. Dunkley:2 [Cloisters]. Mr. Massnett :3 [Cloisters]. Aug. 28 Oct. Oct. Mr. Owen Philips, one of the Yeomen of the Vestry to the King:4 [Cloisters]. 5 Catharina-Laura, a young child of the Duke of York's:5 [in the Abbey]. 28 Nov. 10 Stephen, son of Sir Stephen Fox, a young child :6 [Cloisters]. Mrs. Heywood, widow of Dr. Heywood, formerly Prebendary of this Church :7 [in the Abbey]. Nov. 18 Dr. Willis:8 [in the Abbey]. thereto. The unofficial register gives the date of burial as "July 7," and the entry precedes that of Lewis Templer. He was admitted to Gray's Inn 12 July 1641, and became a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber in 1660. He is said in the books to have married a dau. of Sir Henry Clerke, Bart., but this is an error. He married, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 10 July 1642, Anne, dau. of Sir Robert Clerke, Kt., of Pleshey, co. Essex, by his wife Dame Judith, dau. of Sir William Daniel, of London, Kt. The marriage allegation (Bp. Lond.), dated 27 June 1642. de- scribes her as a spinster, aged about twenty, and distinctly gives her parentage as above, while the wills of both her father and mother confirm it. His own age was stated in the allegation as about nineteen, and he was therefore about fifty-two at his death. Both he and his wife appear to have died intestate. See the burials of their sons, 13 Aug. 1687 and 11 May 1689. Their dau. Judith was principal legatec, and named executrix, in the will of her grandmother, Dame Judith Clerke, in 1655. Their dau. Mary became the wife, first, of Richard Wiseman, Esq., the eminent Serjeant Surgeon to the King, and, secondly, of Thomas Harrison, Esq., and was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 13 Aug. 1680. ¹ Letters of administration were granted, 20 Jan. 1675-6, to the estate of Sir Alexander Hume, Kt., of the city of Westminster, to his nephew and next of kin, Alexander Hume, Esq. He became a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II. in 1660. 2 Mary, second of that name, dau. of Thomas Donkley, Closet Keeper to the King (see his burial 8 Feb. 1688-9). She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster. 19 Nov. 1672. 3 The unofficial register says "Charles Harsnet." Probably a son of Sir Roger Harsnett (see his burial 27 Oct. 1692). 4 In the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal he is called Captain Owen Phillips, and it is said that he was sworn a Groom of the Vestry in Aug. 1665, and died at Richmond, in Surrey, 26 Aug. 1675. In his will, without date, he is described as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., and it was proved 11 Sep. 1675, by his kinsman Hugh Howell, of Presteigne, co. Radnor, mercer; power being reserved to another kinsman, Rice Lewis, of London, clothdrawer. The only legacies in the will are £50 to his nephew, John James, of Blethnaugh, co. Radnor, and £100 to his son Owen James, the testator's godson; £10 to the poor of Blethnaugh; and the furniture, etc., at his lodgings, to his cousin Joane Long, widow. • Eldest child of James, Duke of York (afterwards K. James II.), by his second wife, Mary- Beatrix-Eleanora D'Este, dau. of Alphonso, Duke of Modena, to whom married, at Dover, 21 Nov. 1673, and who died 8 May 1718. She was born 10 Jan. 1674-5, and died at St. James's Palace 3 Oct. 1675. See the burials of her brother and sisters, 13 Dec. 1677, 4 Mch. 1680-1, and 8 Oct. 1682. 6 Seventh son by the first wife, and not named in the accounts of the family. See his brother's burial Nov. 1667, and note thereto. 7 The unofficial register says "Mrs. Alice Haywood." See her husband's burial 17 July 1663. She was his executrix by the name of Alice, and her brother Richard Manning was an overseer named in his will, which also mentioned her niece Alice Goodson. 8 Dr. Thomas Willis, the most celebrated physician of his day, and grandfather of Browne Willis, the well-known antiquary. He was son of Thomas Willis, of Great Bedwyn, Wilts, by Rachel Howell, of an ancient family at North Hinksey, Berks, and was born 27 Jan., and baptized 188 BURIALS IN 1 1675 Nov. 20 Edmond Woodroffe :¹ [Cloisters]. Dec. 24 James Bodyingam 2 in the Cloisters. 167 Jan. 11 Mrs. Frances Minuch :3 [Cloisters]. Jan. Feb. 3 13 4 Mrs. Katharine Palmer :* [Cloisters]. Mrs. Alice Vaughan: [Cloisters]. Feb. 9 Mrs. Elizabeth Waldron:5 [Cloisters]. Feb. 11 March 11 8 1676 April 8 April 12 May [17] 6 The Lady Biron : [Cloisters]. Joseph Goodwin, one of the King's scholars :7 [Cloisters]. Mrs. Frances Grundy:8 [in the Abbey]. Elizabeth Weaver:9 [Cloisters]. Carola, wife of Major Harsnett: 10 [Cloisters]. at Great Bedwyn, 14 Feb. 1620-1. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 3 Mch. 1636-7, and was B.A. 19 June 1639, M.A. 18 June 1842, M.B. 8 Dec. 1646, and M.D. 30 Oct. 1660, being then Sedley Professor of Natural Philosophy. He was one of the first Fellows of the Royal Society, and was clected Hon. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, Dec. 1664. He died 11 Nov., and his will, dated the 10th, was proved on the 24th of the same month. See the burial of his first wife 3 Nov. 1670, and his second marriage 1 Sep. 1672. ¹ Rightly Edward Woodroofe, as his name thus appears on his monument and in his will. He was appointed Surveyor to the Abbey 22 Oct. 1662. According to his monument, he died 16 Nov., in his fifty-fourth year. In his will, dated 11 Mch. 1673-4, he described himself as of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Gent., and appointed as his executors Mr. John Needham, Receiver General of the Abbey, and Mr. Walter Lapp, High Constable of St. Martin's le Grand. The latter alone proved the will 23 Dec. 1675. The will mentions only his dau. Lydia Dallow, his daughters Sarah and Margaret, minors, and his dau. Hall. Sǝe his wife's burial 14 Feb. 1665-6. 2 A Thomas Bodgingham was one of the twelve almsmen of the Abbey in 1688. This entry occurs in the unofficial register only. 3 The unofficial register says "Frances Mimmich.” * According to her monument, she was dau. and coheir of John Partridge, of London, Gent., and second wife and widow of Andrew Palmer, Esq., Assay Master of England to Q. Elizabeth, and Kings James I. and Charles I., and died 4 Jan. in her seventy-sixth year. Her will, dated 24 Dec. 1675, was proved 14 Jan. 1675-6, by Charles Francklin, of Lincoln's Inn, Gent., who was her residuary legatee, and apparently a near relative. According to her monumcut, she was third dau. of Dr. Thomas Waldron, Physician in Ordinary to K. Charles II., and died 5 Feb., aged nineteen years, four months, and four days. See her father's burial 14 Feb. 1676-7, and her mother's 24 Jan. 1686-7. 6 Dau. of Henry Braine, Esq., and relict of Sir Thomas Byron, who commanded the Prince of Wales's regiment under the Earl of Northampton in the fight at Hopton Heath, near Stafford, 19 Mch. 1642-3, when the Earl was killed and he severely wounded. Sir Thomas was buried in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, 9 Feb. 1643-4. Her will, as Dame Katherine Byron, of St. Martin in the Fields, widow, dated 11 Nov. 1675, was proved 18 Feb. 1675-6, by her two maid-servants, Elizabeth Hannah and Elizabeth Barry, to whom she left her pension of £21 per annum as an indigent officer's widow, and contains no other legacies. 7 He was admitted to Westminster School in 1673. 8 Probably wife of Thomas Grundy, Gent., who had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, 27 Oct. 1664, as Registrar and Chapter Clerk, and dau. of Walter James, Esq., High Bailiff of Westminster (buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 Nov. 1634), by his wife Anne (see her burial 13 Feb. 1672-3). Her son, Thomas Grundy, proved the will of his grandmother James, and also that of his aunt Mary Fox (see her burial 8 Apl. 1687), and was then called of West- minster, Gent. 9 See the burial (probably) of her mother Jan. 1646-7, and note thereto. 10 Eldest dau. of Robert Barne, of Great Grimsby, co. Lincoln, Esq. (second son of Sir William Barne, of Woolwich, Kent, Kt., by Anne, dau. of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York), by Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Twysden, of Wye, co. Kent, Esq., and born about 1623. Her husband, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 189 1676 [June 18] Dorothy, wife of Mr. Pipes:¹ [Cloisters]. July 11 Captain James Anderton :2 [Cloisters]. 3 Nathaniel Barker: [Cloisters]. July 12 July 18 Sir William Sanderson :4 [in the Abbey]. July 26 Aug. 14 A child privately buried in the Cloister, whose name was George.5 Jane, daughter of Mr. Duncly, a child:6 [Cloisters]. Aug. 22 Stephen Crespion, a child: [Cloisters]. Aug. 24 Bridget, daughter of Mr. Duncly, a child :8 [Cloisters]. Sept. 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 13 Henry, son of Mr. John Blow :9 [Cloisters]. :10 Lucas Halsey, a King's scholar 10 [Cloisters]. John Gunter :11 in the Cloisters. Oct. 3 John Hopwood, a child :12 [Cloisters]. Oct. 10 James, Lord Tullo, son to the Earl of Arran, a child:13 [in the Abbey]. Oct. 24 Dr. Gibbons :14 [Cloisters]. afterwards Sir Roger Harsnett, was Sergeant at Arms to the House of Lords (see his burial 27 Oct. 1692). See also the burials of her daughters, 14 Oct. 1674 and 8 Nov. 1680, and probably of her son 20 Aug. 1675. The unofficial register gives the date of her burial as May 17.” ¹ Second wife of Edmund Pipes, Gent., Clerk of the Kitchen to the Abbey (see his third marriage 31 Aug. 1676, and note thereto). She was married at St. Margaret's. Westminster. 9 Jan. 1665-6, as " Dorothy Murry." In the marriage allegation (Vic. Gen.). dated the preceding day, she is described as " Dorothy Morey," of St. Clement Danes, Midx., widow, aged about thirty- three. According to her monument she died 16 June, and the unofficial register gives the date of her burial as (( June 18." See the baptism of her dau. 11 Dec. 1666, and burials 7 Aug. 1667, 11 Mch. 1678-9. and 20 Feb. 1680-1. 2 The unofficial register says "Mr. James Anderton," and gives the date as "July 10." The will of Ann Anderton, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, dated 11 Apl. 1685, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter 5 Oct. 1687, by her dau. Elizabeth Critchlew. She mentioned her sons Major Anderton and Silvester Anderton, and her daughters Wells and Medford (see the burial of Dr. Medford 20 Sep. 1668). 3 The unofficial register gives the date as "July 11." See a burial 1 Jan. 1665-6. 4 Younger son of Sir Nicholas Saunderson, first Viscount Castleton in the Irish peerage, by Mildred, dau. of John Hilltoft, of Boston, co. Lincoln, where they were married 25 Aug. 1584. His mother is erroneously called "Winifred Elltoft" in the peerages. Having suffered greatly for his loyalty, he was knighted by K. Charles II., and appointed Gentleman in Ordinary of the Privy Chamber in 1660. He wrote the histories of Mary Queen of Scots, and Kings James I. and Charles I. He died 15 July, aged about ninety, and his relict Dame Bridget administered to his estate 26 Oct. 1676: see her burial 19 Jan. 1681-2. 5 The unofficial register says "George, privatly bu: in ye Cloysters." 6 Dau. of Thomas Donkley, Closet Keeper to the King (see his burial 8 Feb. 1688-9). 7 See his baptism 1 Aug. 1676, his mother's burial 22 Mch. 1687-8, and his father's 2 Dec. 1711. 8 Dau. of Thomas Donkley, Closet Keeper to the King (see his burial 8 Feb. 1688-9), 9 Eldest son. Sce his father's burial 8 Oct. 1708, and his mother's 31 Oct. 1683. 10 His monument describes him as Lewkenor Halsey, son of the Rev. Richard Halsey, of co. Sussex, and states that he died 28 Aug., aged nineteen. He was admitted to Westminster School in 1672. 11 In the unofficial register only. Doubtless a minor official or servant about the Abbey. 12 See his father's burial 17 July 1683. 13 James Butler, Lord Tullogh, eldest child of Richard, Earl of Arran (see his burial 27 Jan. 1685-6), by his second wife, Dorothy, dau. of John Ferrers, of Tamworth Castle, co. Warwick, Esq. See his baptism 19 Feb. 1673-4. 14 Christopher Gibbons, the eminent Doctor of Music. He was second son and third child of 190 BURIALS IN 1676 Dec. [16] Dec. 29 167 Jan. 9 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Feb. 11 Feb. 14 4 Elias Blount, a youth:1 [Cloisters]. A child of the Lord Latimer's:2 [in the Abbey]. Mary Stanley, a poor widow : [Cloisters]. Margaret Trevers :3 [Cloisters]. William Jackson, a child : [Cloisters]. The Duke of Newcastle :5 [in the Abbey]. Captain Thomas Man :6 [Cloisters]. Margaret Oade, a poor woman: [Cloisters]. Dr. Thomas Waldron :8 [Cloisters]. 7 Feb. 28 Robert Norton's wife:9 in the Cloisters. March 1 Colonel Hercules Lowe:10 [Cloisters]. March 6 Thomas Kettlewell, one of the Vergers :11 [Cloisters]. Orlando Gibbons, also Doctor of Music and Organist of the Abbey and the Chapel Royal, by Elizabeth, dau. of John Patten, one of the Yeomen of the Vestry of the Chapel Royal, and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 22 Aug. 1615. He was sometime Organist of Winchester Cathedral, but joined a garrison during the Civil War. After the Restoration he was appointed principal Organist of the Chapel Royal, private Organist to the King, and Organist of the Abbey. He was created Mus. Doc. at Oxford 7 July 1664. He died 20 Oct., and his nun- cupative will, made on the 17th of that month, was proved 6 Nov. following, by his second wife and widow, Elizabeth, whose own will, dated 19 Mch. 1677-8, was proved 22 Jan. 1682-3. See the burial of his first wife 15 Apl. 1662: also a burial 27 Dec. 1682, and note thereto. ¹ The unofficial register gives the date as "Dec. 16,” and the name as "Blunt." 2 The unofficial register says "L" Latimer's son." His name was Thomas, and he died in infancy. See his mother's burial 5 May 1680, and note thereto. 3 The unofficial register says "Margt ye Deane's mayd." 4 See his father's burial 23 July 1714, and his mother's 16 May 1718. 5 William Cavendish, K.G., first Lord of the Bedchamber to the King, only surviving son of Sir Charles Cavendish, of Welbeck Abbey, Notts, Kt., by his second wife, Catherinc, dau. of Cuth- bert, seventh Baron Ogle. He was created Duke of Newcastle 16 Mch. 1664, and was known as the "loyal Duke." According to his funeral certificate in the College of Arms, he died at Welbeck 25 Dec. 1676, aged 83. His will, dated 4 Oct. 1676, was proved 24 Feb. 1676-7, by his son and successor, Henry, Duke of Newcastle. See the burial of his Duchess 7 Jan. 1673-4. 6 According to his monument he was Gentleman-Sewer to the King, and died 21 Jan., aged fifty-five. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., dated on the day of his death, was simply a memorandum that certain monies in various hands in his name were really the property of Mrs. Cicely Hammond, who administered to his estate 7 Mch. 1676-7. (( 7 The unofficial register gives the date as Feb. 12." • He matriculated at Oxford, from Balliol College, 14 Nov. 1634, aged fifteen, as son of Thomas Waldron, of Tenbury, co. Worcester, and had his degree of M.D. there 9 Apl. 1655. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London 26 June 1665, and was Physi- cian in Ordinary to King Charles II. He died 5 Feb. 1676-7, and his estate was administered to in the Court of the Dean and Chapter 9 Mch. following. See the burials, of his wife 24 Jan. 1686-7, and of his daughters, 9 Feb. 1675-6 and 17 Apl. 1686. 9 See her husband's burial 25 Jan. 1677-8. There was a marriage at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 7 July 1635, of "Robert Norton and Mary Glynn." This entry is in the unofficial register only. 10 The unofficial register says “Hurculus Loe.”—John, son of Hercules Low, Gent., was buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 14 June 1658.-William Marten, who died 12 Apl. 1700, aged forty- three, and was buried at Rousham, co. Oxford, married Mary, dau. of "Colonel Hercules Lowe, who served K. Charles I." 11 See the baptisms of his children 7 Mch. 1666-7, 14 June 1668, and 6 July 1673, and the burials, of his dau. 12 June 1673, and his wife 7 Aug. 1714. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 191 1677 April [23] Roger Ireland, the College Painter:¹ [Cloisters]. May 7 Dr. Isaac Barrow :2 [in the Abbey]. May 15 Mr. Laneve: [in the Abbey]. May 16 Colonel Phillips his son 4 [Cloisters]. May 29 May 29 Frances, daughter of Colonel Phillips :5 [Cloisters]. Richard Dalton, a child: [Cloisters]. June [1] June 13 July 8 The Earl of Dover: [in the Abbey]. Margaret Dalton, a child:8 [Cloisters]. Mr. Bevis Floid:9 [Cloisters]. 7 July 23 Mr. John Laurence :10 [Cloisters]. Sept. 26 John Shirley:11 [Cloisters]. Oct. Oct. 6 Thomas Manering: 12 [Cloisters]. 8 Mr. Gilbert Thornburg :13 [in the Abbey]. 1 The unofficial register says that he was buried 23 Apl. His relict Margery alministered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 22 Nov. 1677. They were married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 25 July 1648, as Roger Ireland and Margery Bromfield. 2 This eminent mathematician and divine was the son of Thomas Barrow, citizen and linen- draper of London, by Anne, dau. of William Buggin, of North Cray, co. Kent, Esq., and was born in London about 1630. His family was an ancient one in Suffolk, and his father's brother was Isaac Barrow, Bishop of St. Asaph. He became successively Greek Professor at Cambridge in 1660, Geometry Professor at Gresham College in 1662, F.R.S. in 1663, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge in 1664, Prebendary of Salisbury in 1669, and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1672. He was also Chaplain to K. Charles II., and was created D.D., by Royal mandate, in 1670. His Life and Works were published by Archbishop Tillotson. He died intestate, 4 May 1677. 3 The unofficial register says "Mrs. Le Neve," which is correct, as is confirmed by the MSS. of Peter Le Neve. She was Frances, dau. of Thomas Monk, of Potheridge. co. Devon, E-q. (eldest brother of George, the famous Duke of Albemarle), and the first wife of John Le Neve, Esq. (see his burial 2 Aug. 1693). She died, of small-pox, on the 12th of this month, and was buried in the North Aisle of the Abbey. Her only child, a dau. Mary, lived only twenty-four hours. 4 See his mother's burial 5 Sep. 1691, and note thereto. This was, probably, cither Thomas, who was born the 25th and baptized 27 Nov. 1661, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, or Henry, who was born the 4th and baptized 18 Jan. 1667-8, at St. Martin in the Fields. 5 See her mother's burial 5 Sep. 1691, and note thereto. She was baptized at Acton, Midx., 8 Aug. 1664. 6 Sce his mother's burial 25 Aug. 1686, and note thereto. The unofficial register says he was buried 19 May. 7 Sir John Carey K.B., eldest son of Henry, fourth Baron Hunsdon and first Viscount Rochford and Earl of Dover, by his first wife, Judith, dau. of Sir Thomas Pelham, succeeded his father in April 1666. He died 26 May, aged about sixty-nine, leaving only one dau., Mary, mar- ried to William Heveningham, of Heveningham, co. Suffolk, Esq., when the Viscounty and Earldom became extinct, and the Barony reverted to his cousin Robert. See his second wife's burial 16 Feb. 1687-8. The unofficial register says that he was buried on the 1st of June. His estate was administered to on the 9th of that month by a creditor. 8 See her mother's burial 25 Aug. 1686, and note thereto. 9 The unofficial register says "Mr. Bevis Lloyd, ju :.” 10 His monument says that he died 22 July. Sec his father's burial 3 Feb. 1684-5, and his mother's 10 Sep. 1687. The unofficial register says "27 Sep." 12 The unofficial register says " Tho: Manwaring." 13 Gilbert Thornburgh, Esq., Gentleman of the Cellar to the King. According to his monu- 192 BURIALS IN 1677 Nov. 1 Nov. 10 Nov. 21 Nov. 27 Edward, son of Sir Edward Cartwright:¹ [in the Abbey]. The Lady James, wife to Sir John Jeames:2 [in the Abbey]. James, son of Sir Stephen Fox :3 [Cloisters]. 4 The Lady Frances, wife of Colonel Villers: [in the Abbey]. Dec. 11 The Lady Elizabeth, wife to Sir Francis Clinton :5 [in the Abbey]. Dec. 13 The Duke of Cambridge: [in the Abbey]. Dec. 7 6 Thomas Fitch, a child: [Cloisters]. Dec. 26 Sarah, late wife to William Allanson, formerly wife to John Osbaldeston:8 [in the Abbey]. 1673 Jan. [16] Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Margaret Chambers :9 [Cloisters]. Robert Norton :10 [Cloisters]. Gilbert Knipe :11 [Cloisters]. ment he died 6 Oct., in his fifty-sixth year. His will, dated 8 Sep. 1670, was proved 28 Nov. 1677, by his relict Sarah, to whom he left lands in Doncaster, co. York. He mentioned his brothers Thomas and John Thornburgh, and his sisters Jane West, Anne Painter, and Elizabeth Bayley. Dr. William Johnson (see his burial 12 Mch. 1666-7) in his will called him his cousin. ¹ Son of Sir Edward Carteret, Kt., Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, by Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Johnson, Alderman of London. According to his monument he died 30 Oct., aged seven years and nine months. One of the same name and parentage was born the 18th and bap- tized 31 Mch. 1665, at St. Martin in the Fields. See his sister's burial 29 Mch. 1717. Mary, youngest dau. of Sir Robert Killigrew, Kt., Vice-Chamberlain to Q. Henrietta- Maria, by Mary, dau. of Sir Henry Woodhouse, of Waxham, co. Norfolk, Kt. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Lothbury, London, 24 June 1623, and married, after 1656, Sir John James, Kt., who, according to her monument, was descended from the ancient lords of Haestricht, in Holland. She died 6 Nov., without surviving issue, her only son John and only dau. Elizabeth having died in infancy. 3 See his brother's burial Nov. 1667, and note thereto. According to his monument he was the fifth son by Sir Stephen's first wife, and died 19 Nov., aged twelve years and six months. 4 Lady Frances Howard, youngest dau. of Theophilus, second Earl of Suffolk, by Lady Elizabeth Home, dau. and coheir of George, Earl of Dunbar. She was the first wife of Sir Edward Villiers, Kt. (sec his burial 2 July 1689), and mother of Edward, first Earl of Jersey (see his burial 4 Sep. 1711), of the Viscountess Fitzharding (see her burial 23 Sep. 1708), and of Katherine Villiers (see her marriage 20 July 1685). 5 Dau. of Sir William Killigrew, Kt., Gentleman Usher to Kings Charles I. and II., and Vice- Chamberlain to Queen Catherine, by Mary, dau. of John Hill, of Honiley, co. Warwick, Esq. She was the first wife of Sir Francis Clinton, Kt., then Gentleman of the Privy Chamber in Ordinary to K. Charles II., who became Earl of Lincoln in 1672, and died the following year. She was Dresser to the Qucen at her death. • Charles, eldest son and third child of James, Duke of York (afterwards K. James II.), by his second wife Mary-Beatrix-Eleanora D'Este, dau. of Alphonso, Duke of Modena. He was born at St. James's 7 Nov., and died 12 Dec., in the same year. He was called Duke of Cambridge, but no enrolment of the patent has been found. See the burials of his sisters 5 Oct. 1675, 4 Mch. 1680-1, and 8 Oct. 1682. 7 See burials 30 May 1670 and 25 Feb. 1674-5, and notes thereto. 8 See her first husband's burial 2 Mch. 1666-7. She remarried, at St. Martin in the Fields, 10 Sep. 1668, then aged about forty-four, William Alanson, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., a widower, aged about forty-two. The marriage license from the Vicar-General's Office was dated 3 Sep. 9 The unofficial register says "buried Jan. 16." See the burial of her first husband, John Holmstead, Mch. 1653-4, and note thereto. 10 See his wife's burial 28 Feb. 1676-7, and note thereto. 11 Sec his mother's burial 26 Aug. 1685, and his father's 9 Aug. 1711. According to his monument he died 25 Jan., aged eight months. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 193 1677 Jan. Feb. 3 Feb. 15 March 4 March 16 1678 March 29 April 11 April 24 29 Mr. Soll. Shorter :1 in the Cloisters. Sir Herbert Price :2 [in the Abbey]. Mr. John Johnson: [Cloisters]. Elizabeth Cooke, a child :3 [in the Abbey]. Mr. Roger Lloyd: [Cloisters]. A son of the Earl of Renala : [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Price :5 [in the Abbey]. 6 Mr. William Mundy: [Cloisters]. June 4 John and Thomas May: in the Cloisters. June 24 The Lord Cottington ['s] Bones: [in the Abbey]. ¹ In the unofficial register only. His will, as Solomon Shorter, of St. Margaret's. West- minster, Gent., dated 30 June 1674, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, Feb. 1677-8, by his second wife and relict, Ann Shorter. On the 18th of Jan. 1639-40, he had a license from the Bishop of London, in which he was described as of St. Mary's, Islington, Midx., Gent., a bachelor, aged twenty-two, to marry Jane Townsend, of the same parish, a spinster, aged twenty-seven, who was probably mother of his son Thomas (see his burial 19 Mch. 1672-3). See also the baptism of his dau. 6 June 1666, her marriage 22 Dec. 1687, and the burial of another dau. 15 Sep. 1663. 2 He is usually styled "Knight," but in the letters of administration to his estate, dated 6 Nov. 1679, he was called "Baronet," as was also his son. Sir Thomas-Arden Price, in similar letters dated 23 Dec. 1689, while in the marriage license of this son. from the Vicar-General's office, dated 16 June 1675, the father was described as "Knight Barronett." His baronetcy is not recognized at the College of Arms, and no patent for it has been discovered. He was son of Thomas Price, of Herefordshire, Esq., by Anne, sister and heir of John Rudhall. of Rudhall, Esq., and was himself of the Priory, Brecon. He was a Colonel in the army, and Master of the House- hold to Q. Henrietta-Maria and K. Charles II. He was also M.P. for Brecon in 1640, and again from 1661 until his death. He married Goditha, second dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Arden, of Park Hall, co. Warwick, Kt., by Dorothea, dau. of Basil Feilding, of Newnham, Esq. She was a Lady of the Privy Chamber to the Queen-Mother, and survived her husband. See the burial of his dau., Mrs. Stanhope, 23 Oct. 1674. 3 The unofficial register says "Mrs: Eliz: Cooke.” 4 The unofficial register says "La Navan ye Earle of Rannalagh son." Edward, son of Richard Jones, third Viscount, and created Earl of Ranelagh (see his burial 10 Jan. 1711-12), by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Francis, Lord Willoughby of Parham (see her burial 3 Aug. 1695). He was born 2 Oct. and baptized 16 Nov. 1675, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx. His father's will distinctly mentions him. According to her monument she was Martha, wife of Gervase Price, Esq.. Serjeant of the Office of Trumpets and Gentleman of the Bows to K. Charles II. (see his burial 15 Sep. 1687), and died 7 Apl., in her thirty-eighth year. She was eldest dau. of John Mayer, of the city of London, Gent., by his wife Martha, and was married about Dec. 1660, the Mar. Lic. Fac. being dated on the 7th of that mouth. See the burial of her sister, Mary Lucy, 15 Jan. 1708-9. • Sce marriages 6 Nov. 1679 and 1 Jan. 1688-9, and burials 7 June 1670, 14 Dec. 1682, and 4 Mch. 1685-6, probably of members of his family. 7 In the unofficial register only. See their sister's baptism 25 Nov. 1667, and note thereto. See also the baptism of John 7 July 1671, and of Thomas 11 Oct. 1677. 9 Francis Cottington, younger son of Philip Cottington, of Godmanston, co. Somerset, was Clerk of the Council in the reign of K. James I., and was created a Baronet 16 Feb. 1622-3. Under K. Charles I. he was Chancellor of the Exchequer and Ambassador to Madrid, and was clevated to the peerage, 10 July 1631, as Baron Cottington, of Hanworth, co. Midx. He was subsequently Lord Treasurer and Master of the Wards, but went into exile with K. Charles II., and never returned. He died at Valladolid 19 June 1652, and was buried in the Jesuits' church there. His will, dated three days before his death, was not proved in England until 15 Aug. 1666. He married, in 1622, Anne, dau. of Sir William Meredith, of London, Kt., and widow of Sir 2 C 194 BURIALS IN William, son of Dr. Patrick, an infant:1 [in the Abbey]. Colonel Thomas Howard:2 in the vault belonging to the Duke of Richmond's family. 1678 July 12 July 21 Sept. 9 Nov. 4 Mr. Lumly Deaw: [Cloisters]. Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Henry, Lord O'Brian :3 [in the Abbey]. 4 6 Sir Thomas Mudiford, a youth :5 [Cloisters]. Mr. John van Hasledonk: [Cloisters]. Elizabeth Jackson, a child:7 [Cloisters]. + Robert Brett, Kt., and, according to a funeral certificate in the College of Arms, she died at her house near Charing Cross the 22nd, and was buried 23 Feb. 1633-4, in Westminster Abbey, but there is no record of her burial in the Register, which is defective at that period. Only a son Charles and a dau. Anne survived her, and both died in their father's lifetime. The monument erected by Lord Cottington's nephew and heir states that his remains were brought to this country in 1679, but the date of interment, in both the official and unofficial registers, is distinctly 1678. The inscription also states that he died in his seventy-fourth year. 1 See his baptism 1 July 1678, and that of his brother 3 Oct. 1680, and notes thereto. 2 Fourth son of Sir William Howard, of Naworth Castle, co. Cumberland, by Mary, eldest dau. of William, fourth Lord Eure, and younger brother of Charles, first Earl of Carlisle. He was Lieutenant of the Yeomen of the Guard, and was noted for his gallantry and duels. He died with- out legitimate issue. See the burials, of his wife (the Duchess of Richmond) 28 Nov. 1685, and of his brother 15 Apl. 1686. 3 Henry O'Brien, Lord Ibrackan, only son of Henry, seventh Earl of Thomond, by Anne, dau. and coheir of Henry, fifth Earl of Thomond. He died 1 Sep., in his father's lifetime, and, according to the unofficial register, was buried in the Richmond vault. His will, dated 6 Apl. 1672, was proved 26 Sep. 1678. It closes with the following extraordinary and somewhat unnatural paragraph:-"I conjure my son, Donatus O'Brien, to honour and obey his King in whatever he commands that is not contradictory to the Holy Scripture and Protestant religion, in which I conjure him (upon pain of my curse) not only to continue himself, but to advise his brothers and sisters to do the same; and that he never marry a Papist; and that he take great care, if ever God bless him with children (which I trust he will many), to breed them strictly in the Protestant religion: . . . I advise him to cherish the English upon his estate, and drive out the Irish, and especially those of them who go under the name of gentlemen." See the burials, of his wife 11 Nov. 1702, his son 8 May 1679, and his daughter 28 Nov. 1683. 4 The unofficial register says "Mr. Lumly Due;" probably correctly Dew. See notes to a marriage 27 Mch. 1676, and a burial 10 June 1684. From the combination of peculiar names, he was evidently a member of the family therein mentioned. 5 The unofficial register says simply "Tho: Muddiford," omitting the prefix "Sir." He was probably the only son and successor of Sir James Modyford, of London and Chiswick (who was created a Baronet 18 Feb. 1660-1, and was Lieut.-Governor of Jamaica, where he died. 13 Jan. 1672-3), by Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Sir Nicholas Slanning, of Maristow, co. Devon, Kt. Dying under age, his estates passed to his sister Grace, who married, first, Edward Drake, who died in Jamaica 5 Oct. 1680, and, secondly, Peter Heywood, Esq. (There was another Baronet of this name, Sir Thomas Modyford, brother of Sir James; but he did not die until 2 Sep. 1679, and his son Thomas also died 19 Oct. following, both being buried at Jamaica.) 6 The will of John Van Hasdunck, Esq., one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to the King, dated 15 Oct. 1678, was proved 20 Nov. following. He left all his estate, real and per- sonal, to his brother Cornelius Van Hasdunck and John his son, especially excluding the daughters and heirs of his brother, Mr. Arnold Van Hasdunck, their husbands, children, and descendants, and also the husbands, children, and descendants of his two sisters, Katherine and Magdalen. In one of the Signet Books at the Public Record Office is a warrant, dated Dec. 1660, for paying John Van Hasdonk, Gent., £500, for furnishing the late King Charles with arms and ammunition. He was appointed one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber the same year. 7 See her father's burial 23 July 1714, and her mother's 16 May 1718. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 195 1678 Nov. 15 Nov. 23 Dec. 16 Dec. 20 Dec. 20 1678 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 31 Feb. 14 Feb. :1 Vere Thomas, spinster :¹ [Cloisters]. Martha Currall:2 [Cloisters]. The Lord IIerbert of Cherbury :3 [in the Abbey]. Charles Betterton :¹ [Cloisters]. Margaret Thomson :5 [Cloisters]. Mr. William Bulmer :6 [Cloisters]. James Hudgebut in the Cloisters. Isabella Porter:8 [Cloisters]. Robert, second son to the Lord Cholmondeley, being one of the King's scholars:9 [in the Abbey]. 15 Sir William Cane [? Carre]:10 [Cloisters]. 1 The unofficial register says "A mayd bu: in yº Cloysters." 2 See her husband's burial 1 June 1684. 3 Edward, third Lord Herbert of Cherbury, eldest son of Richard, second Lord. by Lady Mary Egerton, dau. of John, first Earl of Bridgewater. He married twice, but died without issuc, 9 Dec. 1678, in his sixty-fourth year. 4 Younger brother of Thomas, the famous tragedian (see his burial 2 May 1710, and note thereto). He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 10 June 1647. His father, in his will dated 10 June 1663, stated that he had obtained a place for him in his Majesty's kitchen, the profits of which his mother was to enjoy until he reached full age. His relict Anne administered to his estate, 3 June 1679, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter. Their son Thomas and daughter Anne were baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, the former 4 Sep. 1676. and the latter 11 Oct. 1677. 5 The unofficial register says 20 Dec. 1700, probably her father. Mrs. Margt Tomson." See the burial of John Thompson, 6 His will, in which he is described as of Berkhampstead St. Peter, Herts (but on which it is endorsed that at the time of his death he was dwelling at Westminster). notary public, dated 8 June 1677, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 5 Feb. 1678-9. by his relict Mary, whom it states was the dau. of Mr. Jonathan Bradley the elder. He left his manor of Combe, at Berkhampstead, and other lands in Coxwold, co. York, given him by K. Charles II. for his faithful services to him and his father, to be sold to pay his debts, and small legacies to his brothers Robert and Thomas Bulmer, and his sisters Mary and Anne. On the 27th March 1675 he had a license from the Vicar-General's office, in which he was described as of Ashridge, Bucks, Gent., a widower, aged about sixty-eight, to marry Mrs. Mary Bradley, of Bridgewater House, London, spinster, aged about twenty-four. According to a monumental inscription preserved by Dart (ii. 137), and another by Keep (edit. 1682, p. 360), both of which were long since destroyed, his first wife and their only son were also buried in the Cloisters, but no record of either occurs in cither of the registers. She is described as Mary, dau. of William Greene, of Lannorth, co. York, Esq., and is said to have died 31 Jan. 1661-2. The son, William, who matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 28 Mch. 1655, and was designed for the medical profession, died while on a visit to his parcuts in London, apparently in 1658, in which year they erected the monument to his memory. 7 The will of James IIudgbutt, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent.. dated 5 Jan. 1678-9, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 23 Sep. 1679, by his brother Charles Hudgbutt, his mother, Mrs. Abigail Bates, then wife of Mr. Thomas Bates (see his burial 18 Aug. 1679), whom he had appointed exccutrix, having renounced. His brother Jeremiah Hudgbutt was the only other legatce. 8 The unofficial register says "Isabel." 9 Son of Robert, first Viscount Cholmondeley, of the second creation, by Elizabeth, dau. and colcir of George Cradock, of Caverswell Castle, co. Stafford, Esq. He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1678, and died 2 Feb. following, in his 14th year. See his brother's burial 7 June 1680. 10 The unofficial register says "Sr Will: Carr," which is probably correct. A Sir William 196 BURIALS IN 167 Feb. 21 Mr. Henry Simons :1 [Cloisters]. Feb. 22 John Thomson:2 [Cloisters]. Feb. 24 John Fairborn, a child :3 [Cloisters]. March 1 Mr. William Tucker:4 [Cloisters]. March 9 March 11 March 15 1679 March 27 March 27 Diana Temple :8 [in the Abbey]. 5 Charles, son of Mr. Thomas Dunclin : [Cloisters]. Jane Pipe: [Cloisters]. 6 Dorothy Godolphin :7 [in the Abbey]. .8 March 27 Stephen Baber:9 [Cloisters]. April 5 Thomas Raggett:10 [Cloisters]. April 9 9 George Kirk:11 [Cloisters]. April 12 Arthur Thomson, a child :12 [Cloisters]. Carr was appointed one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II. in 1670. One of this name, son of Sir Robert Carr, was knighted, at Newmarket, 6 Mch. 1626-7. ¹ His will, as Henry Symmons, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 20 Jan. 1678-9, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 12 Mch. following, by his cousins Charles and William Wren, Esqrs., to whom he bequeathed his estate in trust for his wife Mary and his minor children. He appears to have held some official position under the Bishop of Lincoln (Barlow), whom, as his honoured lord and master," he appointed overseer of his will. Sec his wife's burial 25 Feb. 1731-2. According to her will, he was buried in about the middle of the West Cloister. 2 The unofficial register says Thompson, as does also his monument, according to which he was born 5 July 1676, and died 21 Feb. 1678-9. See his mother's burial 12 Nov. 1685, and his father's 20 Dec. 1700. 3 Sixth son of Sir Palmes Fairborne, Kt., and Dame Margery his wife (see her burial 9 June 1694). According to his monument, his age was two months and two weeks. 4 A Minor Canon of the Abbey, and a junior priest of the Chapel Royal at the time of the Coronation of K. Charles II. Burney says that he was Precentor, or Chanter, of the Abbey. He died 28 Feb., and his relict Elizabeth administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 29 May following. Sce the baptisms of his children, 17 Nov. 1662, 19 Mch. 1664-5, and 23 Feb. 1667-8, and burials 26 Nov. 1662, 18 Feb. 1663-4, and 13 Aug. 1670. 5 Rightly Donkley. See his father's burial 8 Feb. 1688-9. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 4 July 1678. In the absence of any positive • Rightly Pipes. See her mother's burial 18 June 1676. 7 The unofficial register says Mrs. Anne Godolphin." identification, it may be suggested that she was a young child of the Rt. Hon. Sidney, afterwards Earl of Godolphin (see his burial 8 Oct. 1712), whose marriage took place in 1675. 8 Dau. of Sir William Temple, Bart. (see his burial 1 Feb. 1698-9, and his wife's 7 Feb. 1694-5). She was born the 14th, and baptized at Richmond, Surrey, 22 Scp. 1665. 9 According to his monument, he was the only child of Benjamin Baber, Gent., Alderman of Bath, by Elizabeth his wife, and was born 19 Oct. 1663, and died 23 Mch. 1678-9. His father was third son of Richard Baber, of Twerton, co. Somerset, and was thrice Mayor of Bath, where he died 22 May 1705, in his seventy-eighth year, and was buried in the Abbey Church. The mother, Elizabeth, was dau. of William Fox, of Farley, co. Wilts, Esq., apparently a brother of Sir Stephen Fox (although not mentioned in the accounts of the family), after whom this child was probably named. She died 22 Feb. 1704-5, in her seventy-sixth year, and was also buried in the Abbey Church of Bath. 10 Doubtless a servant or minor official about the Abbey. Sec his second marriage 14 Apl. 1668, and the burials, of his first wife 15 Jan. 1667-8, his dau. 29 July 1668, his son 7 May 1686, and his second wife 17 Mch. 1689-90. 11 Probably a minor official or servant connected with the Abbey. 12 Sec the burial, 20 Dec. 1700, of John Thompson, probably his father. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 197 1679 May 8 Mr. George O'Brian :¹ [in the Abbey]. May 9 May 22 William, second son to the Lord Cornwallis :2 [Cloisters]. Judith Isham :3 [in the Abbey]. June 3 Esquire Thomas Knowles :4 [in the Abbey]. June 12 Anne Tufton, a child:5 [Cloisters]. July 28 William Starnley: [Cloisters]. 6 Aug. 12 Susanna Hopwood, a child :7 [Cloisters]. Aug. 18 Mr. Thomas Bates :8 [Cloisters]. Aug. 25 Sept. 11 Dr. Outram, one of the Prebendaries :9 [in the Abbey]. William Dunkly, a child :10 [Cloisters]. Oct. 4 Mr. John Banister :11 [Cloisters]. 1 Second son of Henry O'Brien, Lord Ibrackan. He was born the 10th and baptized 19 Oct. 1670, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx. See his father's burial 9 Sep. 1678, and his mother's 11 Nov. 1702. The unofficial register says that he was buried 7 May, in the Richmond vault. 2 Son of Charles, third Lord Cornwallis, by Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt. (sce their marriage 27 Dec. 1673). 3 Dau. of Sir Justinian Isham, second Bart. of Lamport, co. Northampton, by his first wife, Jane, dau. of Sir John Garrard, first Bart. of Lamer. Herts. She died 18 May. See the burial of her twin sister, Lady L'Estrange, 6 Aug. 1689. They were born 27 Aug. 1636. Her will, dated 15 May 1678, was proved 21 May 1679, by her sister L'Estrange. The will of Thomas Knollys, of Grove Place, Nursling. co. Southampton, Esq., dated 5 Nov. 1678, was proved 1 July 1679, by his son Robert Knollys, and his friend John Speed, M.D. He left his daughters, Anne and Elizabeth, each £10 per annum for life, and the proceeds of certain leases in Oxfordshire to his unmarried daughters, Dorothy and Philadelphia, equally, his son Robert being residuary legatce. 5 Dau. of Sir Richard Tufton, of Westminster, who was knighted 7 Mch. 1680-1, and whose will, dated 8 Sep., was proved 12 Oct. 1682. by his second wife, Margaret, dau. of Thomas Lewis of Westminster, who remarried, secondly, Seymour Tredenham, Esq.. second son of Sir Joseph Tredenham of Tregony, co. Cornwall. Kt., who died in 1697, and was buried at Ware. Herts; thirdly (Mar. Lic. Fac. 12 Aug. 1701), the Rev. Alexander Mills, Vicar of St. Clement's, Sandwich, Kent; and, fourthly, Philip Farwell, Esq., who was buried at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 5 Sep. 1719. She died 4 Aug. 1722, aged about sixty, and was buried at Ware. Her will, dated 5 July, was proved 6 Aug. 1722, by her nicce Anne Lewis, dau. of her brother, Capt. Charles Lewis. • The unofficial register says "Will: Starnly bu: in ye West Cloysters." 7 The unofficial register says "Susan." See her father's burial 17 July 1683. 8 His will, as of Westminster, Gent., dated 15 Apl., was proved 21 Aug. 1679. by his relict Abigail, to whom he left all his estate. See the burial of his stepson, James Hudgbutt, 16 Jan. 1678-9, and note thereto. 9 William Ontram, a native of Derbyshire, sometime Fellow of Trinity and Christ's Colleges. Cambridge, where S. T. P. in 1662. After preaching some time in Lincolnshire he became Rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, London, and in 1664 Minister at St. Margaret's, Westminster. He was installed Archdeacon of Leicester 30 July 1669, and Prebendary of Westminster 30 July 1670. He died 23 Aug., in his fifty-fifth year. His will, dated 5 Nov. 1677, was proved 3 Sep. 1679. He bequeathed lands in Derbyshire and Lincolnshire, and left legacies to the children of his brother, Francis Owtram, deceased, and of his sisters, Barbara Burley and Mary Sprentall, both deceased, and Jane Stanley, then living. See his wife's burial 12 Oct. 1721. 10 Son of Thomas Donkley, Closet-keeper to the King (sce his burial 8 Feb. 1688-9). 11 On the monument his name is Banester, but in the record of administration to his estate, 20 Oct. 1679, it is Bannister. He was son of one of the Waits of St. Giles in the Fields, and at first himself a Wait. He is said to have been the first Englishman who became distinguished as a violinist, and as such entered the service of K. Charles II., who patronized him greatly, but 198 BURIALS IN 3 1679 Oct. 4 Robert Adams :1 [Cloisters]. Oct. 7 Elizabeth Willis:2 [Cloisters]. Oct. 11 Nov. 14 Nov. 18 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 1 Dec. 4 Margaret Crespion, a child :³ [Cloisters]. John Jackson, a child: [Cloisters]. Mrs. Anne Downs:5 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Radley: [in the Abbey]. 6 Dr. Henry Edwards :7 [Cloisters]. Mrs. Bethell:8 [Cloisters]. 6 The Lord Francis, son to the Duke of Monmouth:9 [in the Abbey]. 8 Dec. 1612 Feb. 13 8 The Lady Jane Clifford :10 [in the Abbey]. Feb. 24 Mrs. Elizabeth Needham :11 [in the Abbey]. The Lady Anne Moreland:12 [in the Abbey]. finally dismissed him for some impertinence, after which he maintained himself by teaching and playing. In the letters of administration he is described as of Lambeth, Surrey. He died 3 Oct., leaving a wife Mary, and a son John, who also became an eminent violinist. 1 Sec burials 6 Oct. 1681 and 15 July 1710. 2 The unofficial register says "bu: beyond ye Cofferer's doore." One of this name admin- istered, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 24 Feb. 1673-4, to the estate of her mother, Prudence Willis, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow. 1711. 3 Sce her baptism 8 July 1677, her mother's burial 22 Mch. 1687-8, and her father's 2 Dec. 4 See his father's burial 23 July 1714, and his mother's 16 May 1718. 5 The unofficial register says " Mrs. Anne Downes bu: in ye Abby by ye Lady James." The will of Anne Downe, of London, widow, dated 6 July 1668, was proved 15 Dec. 1679, by Walter Powell, of London, Gent., to whom and to his heirs she bequeathed her lands in Lincolnshire. 6 Bridget, dau. of George Cracroft of Fulletby, Burgh, Alford, etc., co. Lincoln, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Bolle, of Haugh, in the same county, Kt. She married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 13 Feb. 1671-2, Charles Radley, Esq., Gentleman Usher to the King, who remarried, and survived her until about 1723. She died 20 Nov. 7 Letters of administration were granted 13 Feb. 1679-80, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, to the estate of Henry Edwards, S.T.P., late of St. Margaret's, Westminster, to Susan Wane, spinster, the next of kin, and who was either his niece or grand-daughter ("neptis"). 8 The unofficial register says "Mrs. Bythell bu: beyond yº Cofferer's doore neere ye stepps." See a burial 26 Jan. 1684-5. 9 Fourth son of James, Duke of Monmouth, by the Lady Anne Scott, and born in 1678. Sce the burials, of his brother 10 Feb. 1673-4, and of his sisters, 5 Sep. 1683 and 13 Aug. 1685. 10 Lady Jane Seymour, youngest dau. of William, second Duke of Somerset, by his second wife, Lady Frances Devereux, dau. of Robert, second Earl of Essex. She married the Hon. Charles Boyle, Lord Clifford, son and heir of Richard, second Earl of Cork and first of Burlington, who administered to her estate 21 Jan. 1679-80, and who afterwards remarried. She died 23 Nov., aged, according to her monument, forty-two years, four months, and seventeen days. See her sister's burial 5 Jan. 1680-1. 11 See her baptism 15 Mch. 1663-4, her father's burial 13 Feb. 1705-6, and her mother's 7 Apl. 1708. 12 Third dau. of George Feilding, of Solihull, co. Warwick, Esq., by Mary, second dau. of Sir Thomas Shirley, of Wiston, co. Sussex, Kt. See her marriage 16 Nov. 1676. She died 20 Feb., in her nineteenth year. She was the third wife of Sir Samuel Morland (sometimes called Moreland alias Morley), well known for his scientific attainments, but whose memory is sadly dis- coloured by his treachery to the magnates of the Commonwealth. He was knighted by K. Charles II. at Breda, 20 May 1660, on the 18th of July following created a Baronet, as of Sulhamstead- Banister, Berks, and shortly after appointed a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber. He married, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 199 1680 March 27 April 3 3 The Lady Frances Ingram: [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Chiffins :2 [in the Abbey]. April 19 April 23 May 5 May 12 Samuel Snipe, almsman :3 died the 17th. Mr. William Fox, son to Sir Stephen Fox : [Cloisters]. Elizabeth, Lady Latimer, and her child the Lady Grace :5 [in [the Abbey]. Mr. William Hutton :6 [Cloisters]. May 30 June 7 James, third son to the Lord Cornwallis, a child: [Cloisters]. Mr. Richard Cholmondeley:8 in the Abbey. July 31 Aug. 27 Lord Ossery was layd in yº Duke of Monmouth's Vault, at mid- night, till ye Duke of Ormond's pleasure be known.9 James Vaughan, one of the King's scholars :10 [Cloisters]. fourthly, at Knightsbridge Chapel, Midx., 1 Feb. 1686-7, one Mary Aylif, a woman of low origin and infamous character, from whom, however, he obtained a divorce 16 July following, and she subsequently became the second wife of Sir Gilbert-Cosins Gerard (see his first marriage 2 May 1681, and note thereto). Sir Samuel died 26 Dec. 1695, and was buried at Hammersmith, Midx., 6 Jan. following, and the baronetcy became extinct on the death of his son in 1716. See his second marriage 26 Oct. 1670, and the burials, of his second wife 14 Oct. 1674, and of his children, 19 Dec. 1671 and 11 June 1675. 1 Youngest dau. of Sir Thomas Belasyse, second Bart. and first Viscount Fauconberg. by Barbara, dau. of Sir Henry Cholmeley, of Whitby and Roxby, co. York, Kt. See the burial of her husband, Sir Thomas Ingram, 17 Feb. 1671-2, and of her only child 12 June 1651. Her will, dated 27 Sep. 1676, with a codicil 17 Mch. 1679-80, was proved 1 Apl. 1680. 2 Dorothy, relict of Thomas Chiffinch, Closet-keeper to the King (see his burial 10 Apl. 1666). After her husband's death she became Laundress to K. Charles II. She died 28 Mch. Her daughter-in-law Amphillis, widow of her son Thomas Chiffinch, administered to her estate 2 Apl. 1681, for the benefit of her grandchildren. 3 In the unofficial register only. 4 Second but eldest surviving son of Sir Stephen Fox, by his first wife, Elizabeth Whittle. He died 17 Apl., in his twenty-second year. He was a Captain in the army. See his brother's burial Nov. 1667, and note thereto. 5 Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Simon Bennet, of Beachampton, Bucks, Esq., by Grace, dau. of Gilbert Morewood, of London, merchant, who were married at St. Bartholomew the Less, London, 20 Oct. 1649. She was wife of Edward Osborne, commonly called Lord Latimer, eldest son of Thomas, first Duke of Leeds, who survived her. She died 1 May. See the burial of her son 29 Dec. 1676. 6 • The unofficial register says "a Quire Man," and he was mentioned in Dr. Busby's accounts as one of the choir, in 1664. See a burial 6 May 1648. 7 Son of Charles, third Lord Cornwallis, by Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt. See their marriage 27 Dec. 1673. 8 Fourth son of Robert, first Viscount Cholmondeley, of the second creation, by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of George Cradock, of Caverswell Castle, co. Stafford, Esq. He died 5 June, aged twelve years. See his brother's burial 14 Feb. 1678-9. This entry is in the unofficial register only, but is confirmed by a monument. 9 In the unofficial register only. Thomas Butler, Earl of Ossory, cldest surviving son of James, twelfth Earl and first Duke of Ormond (see his burial 4 Aug. 1688), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 24 July 1684). He was born at Kilkenny, Ireland, 8 July 1634, and died 30 July 1680. His relict Emillia administered to his estate 14 Sep. 1680 (see her burial 12 Dec. 1688). His remains are said to have been removed to the family vault in Kilkenny Cathedral, but there is no confirmation of this in any of the Abbey records, and it certainly had not been done at the date of his father's will in 1688. See a further entry respecting him 13 Nov. following. See also the burials, of his dau. 12 July 1717, and his son 22 May 1746. 10 He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1679. 200 BURIALS IN 1680 Sept. Sept. 11 William Hopwood, 9 9 William Hopwood, a child: 1 [Cloisters]. Catherine Prosher 2 in the Cloisters. Sept. 19 Mr. Henry Farrow :3 [Cloisters]. Sept. 26 Elizabeth Fairborn, a child: [Cloisters]. Oct. 18 Mr. John Oxenham: [Cloisters]. 5 Nov. 6 John Frazer:1 [Cloisters]. Nov. 7 Henry Johnson : [Cloisters]. Nov. 8 Elizabeth Lowndes :8 [Cloisters]. Nov. 13 Lord Ossery had ye ceremony of burial performed over him by Mr. Crispion.9 Nov. 16 Dutchess of Southampton :10 [in the Abbey]. Dec. 7 Robert Davies :11 [Cloisters]. Dec. 14 Thomas Haukes :12 [Cloisters]. 168 Jan. 1 4 Lady Shanon:13 [in the Abbey]. See his father's burial 17 July 1683. 2 In the unofficial register only. 3 The unofficial register says "Farrar." The will of Henry Ferrer, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Gent,, dated 17 Sep., was proved 9 Oct. 1680, by his relict Aphra, to whom he left all his estate, and who was alone named in it. 4 Dau. of Sir Palmes Fuirborne, Kt., and Dame Margery his wife (see her burial 9 June 1694). 5 See his marriage 6 Jan. 1675-6, and note thereto. He was admitted to the Inner Temple 12 May 1670, as of South Tawton, co. Devon, Gent. He died, according to his monument, 14 Oct., aged nearly thirty years. His relict Frances administered to his estate 8 June 1681, but his nuncupative will was proved 12 Aug. 1682, by his father, William Oxenham, then of St. Margaret's, Westminster. See his son's burial 28 June 1699. 6 His relict Anne administered to his estate 20 Nov. 1680. In the record he is described as John Fraser, late of St. Margaret's, Westminster. 7 The unofficial register says "bu: by ye Cofferer's dore," which indicates that he was in some humble position. 8 Dau. of Sir Roger Harsnett, Kt. (see his burial 27 Oct. 1692), by his wife Carola (see her burial 17 May 1676). She married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 26 Oct. 1679 (in the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated 23 Oct., described as of Dulwich, spinster, aged about twenty-two), William Lowndes, of Winslow, Bucks, Esq., many years M.P., and in 1695 Secretary to the Treasury, who died 20 Jan. 1723-4, and was buried the 29th at Winslow, in his seventy-second year, having thrice remarried (sce the burial of his second wife 10 July 1685). She died 6 Nov. She was ancestress of the present family of Lowndes of Whaddon Hall and Winslow, Bucks. • Lord Ossory. In the unofficial register only. See the entry 31 July preceding. 10 Mary, dau. and sole heir of Sir Henry Wood, of Loudham, co. Suffolk, Kt. and Bart., Clerk of the Green Cloth to K. Charles II., by his second wife, Mary, dau. of Sir Thomas Gardiner, Kt. (see her burial 1 Apl. 1665). She was the first wife of Charles Fitzroy, Duke of Southampton (see his burial 3 Nov. 1730), to whom she was married in his minority. She died without issue, and, according to the unofficial register, was buried in the Duke of Monmouth's vault. 11 The unofficial register says " Dec. 11 Robert Davis bu: by ye Cofferer's doorc." 12 The unofficial register gives the name " Hawke," and the Christian name should probably be John, as letters of administration were granted by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 19 Dec. 1680, on the estate of John Hawkes, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, to his relict Sarah. See the burial (probably) of his brother 5 Mch. 1699-1700. 13 Elizabeth (second of this name), dau. of Sir Robert Killigrew, Kt., Vicc-Chamberlain to Q. Henrietta-Maria, by Mary, dau. of Sir Henry Woodhouse, of Waxhain, co. Norfolk, Kt. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Lothbury, London, 16 May 1622, and was married, at Whitehall, Oct. 1638, to Francis Boyle, fourth son of Richard, first Earl of Cork, who was created Viscount WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 201 168 Jan. Jan. 11 5 Countess of Southampton:1 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Elisabeth Nunne:2 [in the Abbey]. Charles, Earl of Plimouth :3 [in the Abbey]. Nicholas, Earl of Scarsdale : [in the Abbey]. Mr. George Whicher:5 [Cloisters]. Jan. 18 Feb. 4 4 Feb. 12 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 March 4 Mr. Richard Pipe:6 [Cloisters]. Mr. Sackvile Whittle: [Cloisters]. John Thomson, a child:8 [Cloisters]. The Lady Isabella, daughter to the Duke of York:9 [in the Abbey]. Shannon in 1660. Her will, dated 27 July 1680, was proved 8 Feb. 1680-1. See the burials, of her brother 18 Mch. 1682-3, her sisters 9 July 1641 and 10 Nov. 1677, and her daughter (by K. Charles II.) 4 Aug. 1684. ¹ Lady Frances Seymour, second dau, of William, second Duke of Somerset, by his second wife, Lady Frances Devereux, dau. of Robert, second Earl of Essex. She married, first, Richard, Viscount Molyneux; secondly, Thomas Wriothesley, fourth and last Earl of Southampton, who died 16 May 1667; and thirdly, Conyers D'Arcy, afterwards second Earl of Holderness, whose wife she died, and who administered to her estate 11 Feb. 1680-1. See her sister's burial 8 Dec. 1679. 2 The will of Elizabeth Nunn, widow of Thomas Nunn, dated 23 Nov. 1680, was proved 29 Jan. 1680-1, by her friends Thomas Wyndham and James Bridgeman, Esqrs. It states that she had settled all her estate by deed, except the monies due to her from the Queen. She be- queathed £100 to her brother, Mr. George Rythe, and the residue of her personalty to her niece, Barbara Chiffinch. 3 Charles Fitz-Charles, illegitimate son of K. Charles II., by Catherine, dau. of Thomas Pegge, of Yeldersley, co. Derby, Esq. He was created, 28 July 1675, Baron of Dartmouth, Viscount Totness, and Earl of Plymouth. He married, at Wimbledon, Surrey, 19 Sep. 1678. Lady Bridget Osborne, third dau. of Thomas, first Duke of Leeds, who remarried, about Aug. 1706, the Rt. Rev. Philip Bisse, Bishop of Hereford, and died 9 May 1718. He died at Tangier, 17 Oct. 1680, aged twenty-three, leaving no issue. 4 Nicholas Leke, second but eldest surviving son of Francis, first Earl of Scarsdale, by Anne, dau. of Sir Edward Cary, of Aldenham and Berkhampstead, Herts, Kt., succeeded his father as second Earl in 1655. He died 27 Jan., and his son and successor, Robert, third Earl of Scarsdale, administered to his estate 10 Feb. 1680-1. See his wife's burial 21 Nov. 1692, his sister's 29 Jan. 1692-3, and that of his grand-daughter 15 March 1680-1. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the Hunsdon vault. 5 He was sworn "youngest Yeoman of the Vestry" of the Chapel Royal 8 Nov. 1660, and died "Eldest Yeoman " 4 Feb. 1680-1. By his will, dated 17 Nov. 1680, and proved 7 Mch. 1680-1, he provided for founding and endowing alms-houses in Westminster for six poor men. He bequeathed £300 to his sister Susan Spurling, and £200 to her daughter Margaret Harris, and £10 each to his cousins Kersey and Minshaw, of Deptford, co. Kent. He also left rings and other legacies to numerous persons, evidently not his relations, among whom were many of the nobility. See probably his mother's burial 18 June 1676. If so, the name should be Pipes. 7 His will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, one of His Majesty's Chirurgeons in Ordinary, dated 15 Feb., was proved 17 Mch. 1680-1. He mentioned no children, but left the reversion of his estates in Kent to the daughters of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt., his sister's husband. He was a son of William Whittle, of Lancashire. In his Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., dated 9 Nov. 1667, he was described as of St. Martin in the Fields, citizen and barber-chirurgeon, a widower, aged about thirty-seven. According to his monument, he died 19 Feb., in his fiftieth year. See his second wife's burial 22 June 1729, and his brother's 15 Jan. 1688-9. 8 The unofficial register says " Thompson." See probably his father's burial 20 Dec. 1700. 9 Second dau. and child of James, Duke of York, afterwards K. James II., by his second wife, Mary-Beatrix-Eleanora D'Este, dau. of Alphonso, Duke of Mcdena. She was born at 2 D 202 BURIALS IN 168 March 15 The Lady Frances, daughter to Robert, Earl of Scarsdale : [in March 15 1681 March 30 Apl. 9 May 14 May 19 May 20 20 June 6 June 7 June 17 the Abbey]. Mrs. Elisabeth Chapman :2 [Cloisters]. Edward Poore:³ [Cloisters]. 4 Colonel Daniel Collingwood: [in the Abbey]. John Birchenshaw: [Cloisters]. 5 John Brian, one of the Almsmen :6 [Cloisters]. John Collins: [Cloisters]. 7 .8 Arabella Templer :8 [Cloisters]. Anne Windebank :9 [Cloisters]. Mr. Christopher Chapman, one of the Gentlemen of the Quire :10 [Cloisters]. St. James's Palace 28 Aug. 1676, and died there 2 Mch. 1680-1. Sce the burials, of her brother 13 Dec. 1677, and her sisters 5 Oct. 1675 and 8 Oct. 1682. 1 Lady Frances Leke, only child of Robert, third Earl of Scarsdale (see his burial 4 Jan. 1707-8), by Mary, dau. and coheir of Sir John Lewys, of Ledstone, co. York, Kt. and Bart. (see her burial 20 Feb. 1683-4). The unofficial register says she was buried in the Hunsdon vault. 2 See her father's burial 17 June 1681, and her mother's 10 July 1707. She died 11 Mch. 3 This entry affords a serious instance of inaccuracy, both in the official and unofficial registers, the latter of which gives the same Christian and surnames, and also states that he was "buried from Mr. Hender's." His will, as Edmond Power, was dated 22 Mch. 1680-1, and proved 2 Apl. following, and his identity is established by the fact that he directed to be buried in the Abbey, and by the perfect accordance of dates. He was evidently a guest at the Robin Hood tavern, where he died. He bequeathed all his possessions to his cousin Robert Power, of London, Gent., who was his executor, naming particularly a bond for £150, and other goods, jewels, etc., in his chamber at the Robin Hood; also his mare in Woodstock Park, and his two fowling guns in the manor house in the custody of the under bailiff. There are other indications in his will that he came from the vicinity of Woodstock, in Oxfordshire, and it is probable that he was of the family of his name at Bletchington in that county. 4 Letters of administration were granted 5 May 1681, to the estate of Daniel Collingwood, Esq., late of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., bachelor, to his brother George Collingwood; and, de bonis non, 10 Dec. 1691, to his sister Barbara Collingwood, spinster. 5 One John Birchensha published in 1655 a quarto volume entitled "Divine Verities." Another John Birkensha was a musician and teacher of the viol in London, and published in 1664 a work called " Templum Musicum :" he was living as late as 1672. 6 His will, as John Bryan, of Westminster, Gent., dated 23 Oct. 1677, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter 26 May 1681, by his relict Elizabeth. He left small legacies to Richard and William Bryan; Thomas, Mary, Alice, Elizabeth, and Jane Morgan; Margaret, wife of Richard Royston; and Mr. Smith, husband of Anne Brayford; all called his cousins. 7 According to his monument, he was born 7 Sep. 1657, and died 18 May 1681. See the burial, probably of his father, 14 Feb. 1703-4. The unofficial register says that he was buried "att ye feet of Long Megg." 8 The unofficial register adds "a child." See the burials 24 July 1675 and 10 Oct. 1691, probably of her brother and mother. 9 See her mother's burial 11 Jan. 1681-2, and her father's 16 Aug. 1704. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the South Cloister. 10 He was son of Peter Chapman, who had been "head brewer" to the College, and himself had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, 9 June 1638, as "chief brewer." In the will of James Chapman (see his burial 15 Jan. 1663-4) he was called "cousin," and was named as one of its Overseers. His own will, as of Westminster, brewer, dated 29 May, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter 28 July 1681. He bequeathed freehold lands in Iver and Langley, Bucks, which, if his dau. Anne died without issue, were to go to the authorities of Colnbrook, in that county, for binding out poor children apprentices, the children of his own relations in that place WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 203 1681 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 27 Sept. 7 1 Mrs. Adria Lucy:1 [in the Abbey]. Mr. Edward Mansell:2 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Elizabeth Crespion :3 [Cloisters]. Mrs. Catharine Needham :* [in the Abbey]. The Lady Anne Apsley 5 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Stradling, wife to Dr. Stradling, Dean of Chichester:6 [in the Abbey]. Jane Duncly, a child: [Cloisters]. William Adams :8 [Cloisters]. Oct. Oct. 1 Oct. 6 Nov. 5 Major Egerton :9 [in the Abbey]. Nov. 23 William Hall:10 [Cloisters]. Nov. 26 Mr. Steven Bing dyed and buried the 1st day of December att Canterbury.11 to be first considered. He died 14 June. See the baptism of his son 26 Nov. 1662, the marriage of his dau. 1 Sep. 1681, and the burials, of his wife 10 July 1707, and his children 24 Feb. 1644-5, 21 Jan. 1654-5, 21 Mch. 1662-3, 13 Sep. 1672, 4 Feb. 1672-3, 27 Mch. 1675, 15 Mch. 1680-1, and 17 Jan. 1727-8. ¹ According to her monument, she was a dau. of "Edward Lucy, of the ancient and noble family of Lucy, in co. Warwick," and "died a maid, 19 June 1681, aged sixteen years." See her mother's burial 15 Jan. 1708-9. 2 Eldest son of Sir Edward Mansell, Kt. and third Bart. of Margam, co. Glamorgan, by Martha, dau. of Edward Carne, of Wenny, in the same county, Esq. He died 20 June, aged fifteen years. See his brother's burial 6 Apl. 1693, and the marriage of another 18 May 1686. 3 Dau. of Germain Crespion, Gent., by Cornelia, eldest dau. of Stephen Nau, French emigrés, and sister of Rev. Stephen Crespion, Minor Canon of the Abbey (see his burial 2 Dec. 1711). Her will, dated the 9th, was proved 25 June 1681. She died unmarried, aged about thirty. 4 See her baptism 5 Sep. 1666, and the burials, of her father 13 Feb. 1705-6, and her mother 7 Apl. 1708. 5 First wife of Sir Peter Apsley, of Apsley, co. Sussex, and of St. James's Square, Midx.. Kt., Cofferer to K. James II., but her parentage has never been ascertained. See her son's burial 7 Aug. 1691. Her husband died the 10th, and was buried at Iver, Bucks, 13 Jan. 1691-2, having remarried, in 1687, Catherine, dau. of Samuel Fortrey, of St. James, Westminster, by whom he had a dau. Catharine, who married Allen, afterwards Earl Bathurst. 6 Margaret, dau. of Sir William Salter, of Iver. Bucks. Kt., Carver in Ordinary to K. Charles I., by his second wife, Anne, dau. of Edward Croft, of Hereford, Esq., and widow of Sir William Smith, Kt. See her husband's burial 24 Apl. 1688. They were married 3 Nov. 1666, in the chapel of Richings House, her father's seat. She died 19 Sep. See the baptisms of her children, 1 July 1670 and 5 Dec. 1671. 7 Rightly Donkley. See her father's burial 8 Feb. 1688-9. She appears to have been his seventh daughter, second of the name, and his fourteenth and youngest child. 8 See burials 4 Oct. 1679 and 15 July 1710. 9 Randolph Egerton, of Betley, co. Stafford, Major-General of Horse to K. Charles I., and Lieut.-Colonel of the Horse Guards to K. Charles II. He died 20 Oct., and his will, dated 23 June 1681, was proved 6 Mch. 1681-2. See the burial of his first wife 22 Mch. 1669-70, and of his son by her 23 May 1670. He remarried, about May 1673, Elizabeth, eldest dau. and coheir of Henry Murray, Esq., one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber to K. Charles I. See her burial 13 Feb. 1712-13, and the burials of his children by her, 17 Apl. 1687 and 27 Jan. 1739-40. 10 Letters of administration were granted, 12 Dec. 1681, to the estate of William Hall, late of the City of Oxford, to his relict Anne. On his monument he is called a "Gentleman," and said to have been born in 1637. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the North Cloister. Sce burials 4 Feb. 1683-4, 8 Nov. 1690, and 18 Apl. 1691, all in the same locality. 11 (In the unofficial register only, and only incorporated in the text in order that this im- portant document may be preserved intact.) His will, as Stephen Bing, Clerk, one of the minor 204 BURIALS IN 1681 Dec. 14 James Cranford:¹ [Cloisters]. Dec. 21 Mr. Nicholas Oudard:2 [Cloisters]. 168 Jan. 11 Mrs. Susanna Windebank :3 [Cloisters]. The Lady Sanderson : [in the Abbey]. Mr. William Clark :5 [Cloisters]. Thomas Thynne, Esq. :6 [in the Abbey]. Jan. 19 Feb. 9 March 9 4 canons of St. Paul's, London, dated 12 Feb. 1680-1, was proved 16 Dec. 1681, by his relict Catharine. He directed to be buried in the churchyard of St. George, in Canterbury, near his father and mother. He mentioned his daughters Catherine Knib and Elizabeth Brooksband, his dau. Thompson, and his grandchild Judith Thompson. He bequeathed lands in Grantchester, co. Cambridge. 1 Letters of administration were granted, 11 Jan. 1681-2, to the estate of James Cranford, late of St. Margaret's, Westminster, bachelor, to his brother John Cranford and his sister Mary, wife of Edward Ayres. 2 Nicholas Oudart, a native of Mechlin, and supposed son of Nicholas Oudart of Brussels, who was Official of Mechlin and died in 1608. He was brought to England by Sir Henry Wotton, and was created M.A., at Oxford, 13 Aug. 1636. He again went abroad, as secretary to Sir William Boswell, studied medicine, and on his return had the degree of M.B., at Oxford, 31 Jan. 1642. He was secretary to Sir Edward Nicholas while Secretary of State at Oxford; attended K. Charles I. in the Isle of Wight; afterwards became secretary to Mary, Princess of Orange (whose will, of which he was an executor, bears high testimony to his abilities and faithfulness); then Latin Secretary to William, Prince of Orange, and of his Council; and finally Latin Secretary to K. Charles II., which post he held at his death. He died in Little Dean's Yard, and was buried, according to the unofficial register, in the West Cloister. His will, dated 5 Mch. 1671-2, was proved 13 July 1682, by his relict Eva, whom he described as daughter of John-Francois Tortarolis, deceased." Letters of administration to her estate were granted 3 Nov. 1688. They left three daughters: Barbara, the eldest, "born in Holland, but naturalized in England," who was married at the Temple Church, London, 29 Oct. 1677, to William Foster; Amelia-Isabella, who married, in 1689, Bartholomew Van Sittert, to whose estate she administered 23 Oct. 1718; and Dorothy, who was unmarried at the date of her father's will. (6 3 Wife of Dr. John Windebank (see his burial 16 Aug. 1704), to whom married as early as 1648. She was dau. of John Holloway, of Oxford, Esq. (second son of John Holloway, B.C.L.), by Susanna, dau. of Rev. Thomas Anyan, l'rebendary of Canterbury. Sce the burials of her daughters, 7 June 1681 and 14 Jan. 1736-7. was " 4 Bridget, youngest dau. of Sir Edward Tyrrell, of Thornton, co. Bucks, Kt. (father of Sir Edward Tyrrell, first Bart. of Thornton), by his second wife, Margaret, dau. of Thomas Aston, of Aston, co. Chester, and relict of Sir William Saunderson, Kt. (see his burial 18 July 1676). She "Mother of the Maids of Honour to the Queens of Kings Charles I. and II. According to her monument, she lived with her husband fifty years, and died 17 Jan., aged eighty-nine. Her will, dated 25 June 1679, was proved 8 Feb. 1681-2, by her niece Hester Nurse, to whom she left all her estate, and who appears to have succeeded her as Mother of the Maids (Luttrell's Diary, i. 159). 5 "Mr. Clark, Page of the Back Stairs to her Majesty, is lately dead" (Luttrell's Diary, i. 164). His will, dated 7 Feb. 1679-80, was proved 4 Apl. 1682, by his relict Mary (see her burial 29 Oct. 1690) It mentions his sons E-me and James, and his daughters Mary and Catherine; also monies due to him "from the King in the Great Wardrobe and in the Cofferer's office, and from the Queen." His age, according to his monument, was sixty-threc. 6 (This entry is strangely omitted in Collectanea, although it refers to the well-known "Tom of Ten Thousand," who was so barbarously murdered 12 Feb. preceding.) He was son of Sir Thomas Thynne, of Richmond, co. Surrey, Kt., by Stuart, dau. and coheir of Rev. Dr. Walter Balquanquill, Dean of Durham and Master of the Savoy. His unhappy marriage with Elizabeth, Countess of Ogle, took place on or about 2 Dec. 1681, and the circumstances of his cruel murder are matters of history. His will, dated 9 Mch. 1680-1, was proved 21 Feb. 1681-2, by his sister Elizabeth, wife of John Hall, of Bradford, co. Wilts, Esq., who was his sole legatee. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 205 168 March 23 The Lady Katherine Howard, daughter to the Earl of Carlisle :1 1682 April 20 April 21 May 22 July 8 I July 29 Aug. 2 Aug. 5 Aug. 19 [in the Abbey]. Stephen Johnson, a child:2 [Cloisters]. Mr. Nicholas Johnson :3 [Cloisters]. John Linacre, a child :¹ in the West Cloister. Mrs. Anne Howard, wife of Craven Howard, Esq.:5 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Catharine Hope:6 [in the Abbey]. Mr. Thomas Purcell, Gentleman of his Majesty's Chapel :7 [Cloisters]. Sarah Hopwood, a child:8 [Cloisters]. 19 :9 Dr. John Holding: in the Cloisters. Aug. 24 10 The Right Hoble the Lady Catherine Ross:19 in the Monuments. Sept. 11 Charles Thomson :11 [Cloisters]. ¹ Third dau. of Charles, first Earl of Carlisle, by Anne, dau. of Edward, first Lord Howard of Escrick. She was born 29 July, and baptized at St. James, Clerkenwell, Midx., 6 Aug. 1662, and died unmarried. (Her burial is erroneously stated in Brydges edition of Collins' l'ecrage to have taken place 11 Oct. 1684). See the burials of her brothers. 4 Apl. 1670 and 11 Oct. 1684. 2 A young child of Nicholas Johnson (see the following entry), by apparently his third wife (see her burial 3 Sep. 1710). 3 He was appointed, about Dec. 1679, jointly with William Fox. son of Sir Stephen Fox, Receiver and Paymaster to the Army, and was such at his death, which occurred the day before. He appears to have been thrice married. For his first wife see the note to his son's burial, 29 May 1673. See his second marriage 27 Jan. 1673-4, and note thereto, and his third wife's burial 3 Sep. 1710; also the burial of another son 1 June 1722. In his first Mar. Lic. (Vic. Gen.). dated 29 Mch. 1670, his age was given as "about 29." His will, dated the 16th, was proved 24 Apl. 1682, by Richard Kent, Esq., whom he called his brother, and by sir stephen Fox. He men- tioned as then living his mother Susan Johnson, his brother William, and his sisters Mary and Jane Johnson; also his sister Mary Dalton's three children, and his niece Margaret Smith. A child, baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, the 14th of the same month. See his father's burial 28 Aug. 1719, his mother's 23 Jan. 1683-4, and his own sister's 4 Sep. 1683. 5 (Omitted in Collectanea.) See her marriage, 29 July 1673, and note thereto. 6 Third dau. and coheir of Rice Griffith, of St. Martin in the Fields. Esq., and wife, first, of John Le Neve, of Cavendish, co. Suffolk, and of St. Martin in the Fields (who died at Hammer- smith, Midx., in 1654), and, secondly (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 29 Jan. 1662-3), of Robert Hope. Esq., Chief Clerk of the Spiceries to Kings Charles I. and II. At her second marriage her age was stated as about thirty. She died 25 July. See the burials of her sous by her first husband, 29 Aug. 1673 and 2 Aug. 1693, through the latter of whom she was grandmother of John Le Neve, author of Fasti Ecclesia Anglicanæ. 7 Uncle of the famous composer Henry Purcell. He had the appointment, by royal warrant dated 29 No 1662, as "Musician in Ordinary for the lute and voice," in the place of Henry Lawes, de cased, and had been appointed, in the preceding August, in conjunction with Pelham Humphreys, "Composer in ordinary for the Violins." He died 31 July. His will, dated 1 June 1681, was proved 8 Nov. 1682, by his relict Catharine, to whom he left all his goods, except £5 to each of his children. See his brother's burial 13 Aug. 1664. 8 See her father's burial 17 July 1683. 9 In the unofficial register only. 10 (In the unofficial register only.) Second wife of Sir Richard l'arsons, first Viscount Rosse, who administered to her estate 7 Oet, following. In the accounts of his family she is called dan. of George Brydges, sixth Lord Chandos, by his second wife, Lady Jane Savage, dau. of John, Earl Rivers; but, in the accounts of the Brydges family. this Catharine is said to have died unmarried: probably, instead of unmarried, we should read without issue. 11 The unofficial register says Thompson, and that he was buried in the West Cloister. See the burial 20 Dec. 1700, probably of his father. 206 BURIALS IN Oct. 1682 Sept. 17 Margery Rightson:¹ [Cloisters]. 2 The Lady Charlott-Marie, daughter to the Duke of York: [in the Abbey]. · Oct. 17 Oct. 19 John-Baptista Purcell, a child: [Cloisters]. Maurice Winne, Esq.: [in the Abbey]. Dec. 6 Dec. 14 Prince Rupert, Duke of Cumberland, etc. :5 [in the Abbey]. Mr. Francis Mundy :6 [Cloisters]. Dec. 26 Thomas Hinde: [Cloisters]. Dec. 27 Elizabeth Bull:8 [Cloisters]. 1682 Jan. Feb. 10 1 Richard Bates, one of the Almsmen :9 [Cloisters]. William Morgan :10 [Cloisters]. ¹ The unofficial register says Wrightson, and that she was buried in the South Cloister. See her marriage 1 July 1680, and note thereto; also burials 4 Mch. 1684-5 and 11 Oct. 1686. 2 Charlotte-Maria, third dau. and fourth child of James, Duke of York, afterwards K. James II., by his second wife, Mary-Beatrix-Eleanora D'Este, dau. of Alphonso, Duke of Modena. She was born at St. James's Palace 15 Aug., and died 6 Oct., in the same year. 3 Apparently eldest child of Henry Purcell, the celebrated composer (see his burial 26 Nov. 1695), by Frances his wife (see her burial 14 Feb. 1705-6). See his own baptism 9 Aug. 1682. 4 Rightly Wynne. His will, as of Pen-y-brin, co. Carnarvon, Esq., dated 27 Apl. 1680, with a codicil 10 July 1682, was proved 8 Jan. 1682-3, by his nephew Edward Lloyd, of Gray's Inn, Esq. He left his estates in the counties of Carnarvon and Radnor to his nephew Edward Wynne (see his burial 26 Mch. 1686), son and heir of his brother Robert Wynne, deceased. 5 Third son and fourth child of Frederic V., Duke of Bavaria and Elector Palatine of the Rhine, sometime King of Bohemia, who died at Mayence 29 Nov. 1632, by the Princess Elizabeth, eldest and only surviving dau. of K. James I., the unfortunate Queen of Bohemia (see her burial 17 Feb. 1661-2). He was born at Prague 17 Dec. 1619, and was Prince Palatine of the Rhine and Duke of Bavaria, and was created Earl of Holderness and Duke of Cumberland, in the English peerage, 24 Jan. 1643-4. As the gallant but somewhat rash cavalier leader, his history is a part of that of the country. He died unmarried, at his house in Spring Gardens, 29 Nov., and by his will, dated two days before and proved 1 Dec. following, left all his possessions to his illegitimate son and daughter, and the mother of the latter. See the marriages 6 Nov. 1679 and 1 Jan. 1688-9, and the burials 7 June 1670, 24 Apl. 1678, and 4 Mch. 1685-6, probably of members of his family. The unofficial register says, "Mr. Francis Munday bu: in ye middle of ye North Cloysters." 7 The unofficial register says that he was buried in the North Cloister. 8 There are good reasons for believing this surname to be an error in the Register, and that the entry refers to the widow of Christopher Gibbons, Dr. of Music and Organist of the Abbey (see his burial 24 Oct. 1676). Elizabeth, the second wife and relict of Dr. Gibbons, proved his will 6 Nov. 1676, and, on the 19th of Mch. 1677-8, she made her own will, and directed to be buried near her late husband. This will was proved 22 Jan. 1682-3, within a month from the date in the text. Her burial does not occur in the parish register of St. Margaret's, Westminster, where she lived, nor is it elsewhere in the Abbey Register, and it is reasonable to suppose that her wishes as to the place of her interment were carried out. From her will, her name before marriage with Dr. Gibbons, but whether her maiden name or that of a former husband is uncer- tain, appears to have been Ball, from which the transition to Bull by the Abbey scribe is intelligible. There is, of course, a doubt; but it seems proper to suggest the probable error, and endeavour to explain it. From other instances hereafter noted, it would seem that just at this period the Register was rather negligently kept. 9 Letters of administration were granted to his relict Hannah Bates, 16 Feb. following. 10 His will, as William Morgan, of Westminster, Gent., dated 10 Jan. 1682-3, was proved 13 Feb. following, by his son-in-law William Fryer. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters. To his wife Margaret (see her burial 28 Nov. 1688) he bequeathed the rents of his house in WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 207 1682 Feb. 17 March 18 1683 April 5 July 17 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Oct. 4 Capt. Frederick Cornwallis:¹ [Cloisters]. Mr. Thomas Killigrew:2 [in the Abbey]. Mary Hooper :3 [Cloisters]. 4 Mr. William Hopwood: [Cloisters]. Elizabeth Linacre:5 [Cloisters]. Charlott, daughter of James, Duke of Monmouth:6 [in the Abbey]. George, son to Dr. Spratt, Dean of Westminster :7 [in the Abbey]. Bedford Street, St. Martin in the Fields, known as the "Red Bible," with remainder to the younger children of his said son-in-law William Fryer and his wife Elizabeth. He also left legacies, varying from £5 to £30, to his cousins, Thomas Morgan and his sisters, one of whom was wife to Mr. Prewde, Clerk of St. Clement Danes. No other relationships are mentioned. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the East Cloister. See the burial, probably of his sister, 23 May 1671. 1 Fourth son (second of this name) of Charles, second Lord Cornwallis, by Margaret, dau. of Thomas Playsted, of Arlington, co. Sussex, Esq. He was born 21 Oct.. and baptized at Culford, co. Suffolk, 1 Nov. 1658. He was Captain of an Independent Company in Jersey, and died un- married. See his brother's marriage 27 Dec. 1673. 2 The notorious Groom of the Bedchamber to K. Charles II. Fourth son of Sir Robert Killigrew, Kt., Vice-Chamberlain to Q. Henrietta-Maria, by Mary, dau. of Sir Henry Woodhouse, of Waxham, co. Norfolk, Kt., by Anne his wife, dau. of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. He has hitherto erroneously been called a native of Hanworth, Midx., but he appears to have been born in the parish of St. Margaret, Lothbury, London, where his father resided, on the 7th of Feb. 1611-12, and where he was certainly baptized on the 20th of that month. He became a Page to K. Charles I. in 1633, and was sometime Resident at Venice, but is chiefly known from his intimate relations with K. Charles II. See his first wife's burial 5 Jan. 1637-8. By her he had only one son, Henry, born the 9th and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields 16 Apl. 1637, who also became a Groom of the Bedchamber, was his father's executor, and was finally buried at St. Martin in the Fields 16 Dec. 1705. He married, secondly, at the Hague, 28 Jan. 1654-5, Charlotte, dau. of John de Hesse, of Holland, by whom he had four sons and two daughters. She survived him, and letters of administration to her estate were granted 15 May 1716, when she must have been in her eighty-seventh year. as she was born 16 July 1629 (see Dr. Howard's Monthly Miscellanea, i. 370). His will, dated the 15th, was proved 19 Mch. 1682-3. See the burials of his sisters, 9 July 1641, 10 Nov. 1677, and 4 Jan. 1680-1. 3 First wife of Giles Hooper, of Clement's Inn, Gent. (see his burial 5 Aug. 1699). Dau. of Simon Brittiffe, of Cley, co. Norfolk, Esq., by his first wife, Hester, dau. of Sir Charles Harbord, Kt. She was married about 7 Feb. 1680-1 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), and, according to her monument, died 3 Apl. 1683, in her twenty-third year. See the burial of her only son 18 June 1727. ✦ One of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, and a Minor Canon of Westminster. He was admitted to the Chapel Royal 25 Oct. 1664, as a basse from Exeter." In his will, dated 6 July and proved 10 Aug. 1683, he bequeathed "a small estate in co. Exon., in the College of St. Peter, called the Kitchin, Buttry, and Organ Loft, there being 18 years to come." See the baptisms of his children, May 1677 and 22 July 1680, and the burials, of his first wife 19 Sep. 1671, and of his children 3 Oct. 1676, 12 Aug. 1679, 9 Sep. 1680, and 5 Aug. 1682: also the remarriage of his second wife 18 Nov. 1683. 5 See her father's burial 28 Aug 1719, her mother's 23 Jan. 1683-4, and that of her own brother 22 May 1682. Evidently a young child. 6 Eldest daughter. See her brother's burial 10 Feb. 1673-4, and note thereto, and the burials, of another brother 6 Dec. 1679, and of her sister 13 Aug. 1685. 7 Second son of the Rev. Dr. Thomas Sprat, who was the next year made Bishop of Rochester. See his baptism 12 Oct. 1682, and the burials, of his father 25 May 1713, his mother 3 Mch. 1725-6, and his brother 15 May 1720. 208 BURIALS IN 1683 Oct. 17 Sir Allen Apsley:1 [in the Abbey]. Oct. 31 Mrs. Elizabeth Blowe:2 [Cloisters]. Nov. 28 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 1683 Jan. The Lady Mary O'brion, Countess of Kildare :3 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Anne Smythes dyed and buried ye 7th in ye parish Church. Mr. John Godfry:5 [Cloisters]. .3 4 23 Mrs. Elizabeth Linacre:6 in the West Cloister. Jan. Mr. Nicolas Coply: in the North Cloister. 2 Mr. William Morgan:8 in the Abbey, privately. 4 Mrs. Dorothy Hall:9 in the North Cloister. Feb. Feb. 31 1 Eldest son of Sir Allen Apsley, Kt., Lieut. of the Tower of London, by his third wife, Lucy, younger dau. of Sir John St. John, of Lydiard Tregoz, co. Wilts, Kt., who were married at St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, 23 Oct. 1615. He was baptized at All Hallows Barking, London, 5 Sep. 1616, his mother being then in her seventeenth year. He was Falconer to K. Charles II., and Treasurer of the Household to James, Duke of York, and in the long parliament of K. Charles II. was member for Thetford, co. Norfolk. He died, in St. James's Square, 15 Oct. See his wife's burial 26 Sep. 1698, and his grandson's 7 Aug. 1691. 2 Only dau. of Edward Braddock (see his burial 17 June 1708), by his wife Elizabeth (see her burial 6 Nov. 1690), and wife of the celebrated Dr. John Blow (see his burial 8 Oct. 1708). According to the parish register, they were married, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 4 Sep. 1674, but the marriage allegation, at the Vicar-General's office, is dated 23 Sep. She died in childbed 29 Oct., aged thirty, and was buried in the North Cloister. See the burials of her children, 1 Sep. 1676, 8 June 1693, 9 Sep. 1719, 25 May 1730, and 22 Nov. 1738. 3 Eldest dau. of Henry O'Brien, Lord Ibrackan (see his burial 9 Sep. 1678), by Lady Catharine his wife (see her burial 11 Nov. 1702). She was born the 7th, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 11 May 1662, and became the first wife of John Fitzgerald, eighteenth Earl of Kildare (sce his burial 4 Dec. 1707). She died 24 Nov. See her son's burial 21 Feb. 1683-4. 4 (In the unofficial register only, and probably there recorded by Mr. Tynchare on account of her relationship to his family.) Her burial occurs in the register of St. Margaret's, West- minster, under the date of 7 Dec. In her will, dated 31 May and proved 15 Dec. 1683, she described herself as widow of Thomas Smythes, late citizen and goldsmith of London, and gave the residue of her estate to her niece Catherine, wife of "John Littleton alias Tinker the younger" (see their marriage 24 Mch. 1680-1), appointing him and his father, "John Littleton alias Tinker the elder" (the writer of the unofficial register), her executors. She was probably a sister of the wife of the latter (see her burial 13 Aug. 1684). "" 5 In the official Register is written, in pencil, "a singing man."-Ordered, 4 May 1683, that £5 be given to "Mr. Godfrey, ye Singing man, for his paynes and dilligence in ye Quire (Chapter Book.)—The unofficial register says that he was buried in the West Cloister. His relict Anne renounced administration of his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 3 Dec. 1683 (see, probably, her burial 13 Aug. 1698). 6 (In the unofficial register only). The first wife of Rev. Thomas Linacre, Minor Canon of Westminster and Gentleman of the Chapel Royal. See his burial 28 Aug. 1719, and the burials of her children, 22 May 1682 and 4 Sep. 1683. 7 (In the unofficial register only). His will, as Nicholas Copley, of St. Margaret's, West- minster, widower, dated 25 Sep. 1681, was proved 18 Feb. 1683-4, by his son Charles, principal legatee. The will also mentions his sister Sarah Glascock, his son Henry Copley, and his daughters Lucy Copley and Jane Ringrose. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters, near his wife Elizabeth (see her burial 27 Apl. 1672). 8 (In the unofficial register only.) According to his monument on the wall of the North Aisle, he was second son of William Morgan, of Tredegar, co. Monmouth, Esq., and died Feb., in his nineteenth year. 9 (In the unofficial register only.) Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 30 Mch. 1681, for Robert Hall, of Old Shoreham, Sussex, Gent., bachelor, aged about twenty-four, and Dorothy Blaker, of the same WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 209 1682 Feb. 15 Feb. 20 Sir Thomas Payton:1 in the Monuments. The Right IIonble Mary, Countess of Scarsdale:2 in Hunsdon's vault. Feb. 21 The Feb. 22 1684 April 26 May 6 May 13 The Lord Henry Ophalia, son to the Earl of Kildare:³ in Richmond's vault, privately. John Crew, Esq.:4 in the Monuments. Mrs. Jane Alatt:5 [Cloisters]. The Lady Elisabeth Buttler, daughter to the Lord Ossory:6 [in the Abbey]. A stillborn child of Prince George's buried in the vault.? place, widow, above twenty-one.-Letters of administration to the estate of Dorothy Hall alias Blaker, late of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., were granted, 16 Feb. 1683-4, to her husband Robert Hall. She was first married to Edward Blaker, of Old Shoreham, Esq., M.P. for Shoreham in 1674, who died in September 1678. See, probably, her second husband's burial, 8 Nov. 1690. 1 (In the unofficial register only.) Second and last Baronet of this name, of Knowlton, Kent, son of Sir Samuel Peyton, first Bart., by Mary, eldest surviving dau. and coheir of Sir Roger Aston, of Cranford, Midx., Kt. He died 11 Feb., aged about seventy. He married, first, at St. Brides's, London, 21 May 1636, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Peter Osborne, Kt., by whom he had two daughters (see their burials 7 and 21 Jan. 1715-16); secondly (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 18 Jan. 1647-8), Cecilia, widow of Sir William Swan, Kt., who was buried at Southfleet, Kent. 30 Oct. 1661; and thirdly (Mar. Lic. Fac. 28 Feb. 1666-7), Jane, dau. of Sir William Monins, first Bart. of Waldershare, and widow of Sir Timothy Thornhill, Kt., and of two subsequent husbands, named Matthews and Swift, who was buried at St. Bride's, London, 8 Feb. 1671-2. Dying without surviving male issue, the title became extinct. 2 (In the unofficial register only.) Second and youngest dau. and coheir of Sir John Lewys. of Ledston, co. York, Bart., by Sarah, third dau. and coheir of Sir Thomas Foot. Kt.. Lord Mayor of London in 1649, and wife of Robert Leke, third Earl of Scarsdale. See her husband's burial 4 Jan. 1707-8, and that of her only child 15 Mch. 1680-1. 3 (In the unofficial register only.) Henry, Lord Offaly, son of John Fitzgerald, eighteenth Earl of Kildare (see his burial 4 Dec. 1707), by Lady Mary his wife (see her burial 28 Nov. 1683). According to his coffin-plate (examined in 1867), he died 18 Feb.. in the seventh month of his age. 4 (In the unofficial register only.) Eldest son of Sir Clipsby Crewe. Kt. (see his burial 3 Feb. 1648-9), by Jane, second dau. and coheir of Sir John Pulteney. of Misterton, co. Leicester, Kt. He was born 20 Dec. 1626, and baptized 3 Jan. following at St. Margaret's, Westminster. He died 13 Feb. Through his dau. Anne (by his first wife, Carew, eldest dau. of Sir Arthur Gorges, of Chelsea, Midx., Kt.), eventually his sole heir, who married John Offley, Esq., he was ancestor of the present Lord Crewe, of Crewe. 5 Her will, as Jane Allatt, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, widow, dated 6 June, with a codicil 27 Dec. 1683, and proved 9 May 1684, mentions her nephews Samuel and Francis, sons of her brother William Boulton, deceased; her sister-in-law Sarah Churchman; her husband's nephew Humphrey Allatt; and her cousins, the children of John Rushin, deceased, whose widow Margaret was her residuary legatee and cxccutrix. The unofficial register also gives her name as" Allatt," and says that she was buried in the West Cloister. 6 A child of James Butler, afterwards second Duke of Ormond (see his burial 22 May 1746), by his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde (dau. of Lawrence, first Earl of Rochester), who died at Dublin in January following. See her sister's burial 17 Feb. 1687-8. 7 i. e. of Prince George of Denmark (see his burial 13 Nov. 1708) by the Princess, after- wards Queen Anne (see her burial 24 Aug. 1714). Seymour's edition of Stow says a still-born daughter." Luttrell, in his Diary, mentions the report of the birth under the date of 30 April. The interment was, of course, in the royal vault. The entry is in the unofficial register only. 2 E 210 BURIALS IN 1684 June 1 Sebastian Currall, an Almsman.¹ June 4 Alexander Jolly, an Almsman.² June 10 June 25 Sir Lumly Robinson :3 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Judith Willan : [Cloisters]. July 24 Aug. 4 Aug. 8 Aug. 11 11 The Duchess of Ormond:5 [in the Abbey]. The Countess of Yarmouth:6 [in the Abbey]. Elizabeth Mills: [Cloisters]. 7 Walter Mortemar:8 [in the Abbey]. ¹ (In the unofficial register only). His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, "cook," was dated 27 May, and proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 17 June 1684, by his son-in-law Abraham Gilbert, citizen and joiner of London. It mentions his son Sebastian Currall and his children, and his grandchildren Sebastian and Elizabeth Gilbert. See his wife's burial 23 Nov. 1678. 2 (In the unofficial register only.) His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, yeoman, dated 23 Nov. 1681, was proved 4 June 1684, by Thomas Smart, husband of his kinswoman Margaret Smart, whose son Thomas was his principal legatcc. There were trifling legacies to his cousin George Watson and his son George. 3 Sir Lumley Robinson, only surviving child and heir of Sir Thomas Robinson, first Bart. of Kentwell Hall, Long Melford, Suffolk, by Jane, cldest dau. of Lumley Dew, of Upton Bishop, co. Hereford, Esq. He succeeded as second Bart., on the accidental death of his father, 12 Aug. 1683. He was of the Inner Temple, and died 6 June, in his thirty-sixth year. See his wife's burial 13 Dec. 1690, and the baptisms of his children, 14 July 1681 and 5 Oct. 1682. 4 The unofficial register says that she was buried in the South Cloister.-Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 5 Oct. 1687, for Thomas Page, of St. Alban's, Wood Street, London, clothworker, bachelor, aged about twenty-four, and Mrs. Catherine Willan, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, about nineteen, with consent of her father, Mr. John Willan, of the same parish, Gent. 5 Lady Elizabeth, only child of Sir Richard Preston, Baron Dingwall in the peerage of Scotland and Earl of Desmond in that of Ireland, by Lady Elizabeth Butler, only surviving child of Thomas, tenth Earl of Ormond and third Earl of Ossory. She was born 25 July 1615, and married. in 1629, her kinsman James Butler, first Duke of Ormond (see his burial 4 Aug. 1688). She died 21 July. See the burials of her children, 31 July 1680, 27 Jan. 1685-6, and 6 Aug. 1710. 6 Charlotte-Jemima-Henrietta-Maria, illegitimate dau. of K. Charles II., by Elizabeth, third dau. of Sir Robert Killigrew, afterwards Viscountess Shannon (see her burial 4 Jan. 1680-1). She married, first, James Howard, Esq. (only son of Thomas Howard, Esq., second son of Theophilus, second Earl of Suffolk), who died in his twentieth year, and was buried at Chiswick, Midx., 6 July 1669, by whom she had a dau., Stuart-Walbrough, who became Maid of Honour to Q. Anne, and, dying unmarried the 28th, was buried at St. James, Westminster, 31 May 1706. She married, secondly, about 1673, the Hon. William Paston, afterwards second Earl of Yarmouth, who survived her, and remarried. She died 28 July. (In the record of the baptisms of all her children by her second husband, at St. Martin in the Fields, she is called "Charlottæ- Henrietta-Mariæ-Jaindæ.") 7 The unofficial register says: "Mrs. Eliz: Mills bu: in ye North Cloyster."-Letters of administration were granted by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 6 Dec. 1683, to the estate of Robert Mills, late of St. Margaret's, Westminster, to the relict Elizabeth. 8 The unofficial register says: "Mr. Walter Mortemer." On his monument he is called "Walter Mortimore, Gent.," and is said to have died 8 Aug., in his thirty-eighth year. His will as Walter Mortimer, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., was dated the 7th, and proved 8 Aug. 1684, by his friends Mr. George Man and Mr. John Powell. He stated that he had two brothers, John and Richard, one of whom was dead, but which he knew not, and gave to the survivor £300, or, if both were dead, that sum to their children. His other bequests were as follows: towards building the new college near Chelsea, £200; to Mrs. Jane Jobber, £800; to Mrs. Hayles and Mrs. Margaret Lloyd, each £10; to Mrs. Margaret Dyc, £5; to all the Lady Warwick's " WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 211 1684 Aug. 13 Aug. 17 Aug. 23 Sept. 5 Oct. 11 Oct. 26 1 Elizabeth Tynchare alias Littleton : [Cloisters]. Mrs. Jane Hampden was buried in the old church yard.2 Charles Paston, a child :3 [Cloisters]. Mr. Sidney Bagnall: [in the Abbey]. Mr. Frederick Howard, son to the Earl of Carlisle :5 [in the Abbey]. Robert Tanner, a child :6 in the Cloisters. Nov. 10 Mr. John Harding: [Cloisters]. Nov. 18 The Lady Jane, Countess of Mountrath :8 [in the Abbey]. servants, each £2; and to his friends Mr. Thomas Robson, Mr. Thomas Lloyd, Mr. John Lockwood, Mr. George Talbot. Mr. Williams, Mr. Samuel Medwell, Mr. Theophilus Tyrrell, and Mr. Edward Lorrimorc, each a guinea ring and mourning to the value of £10. 1 The unofficial register says: "Mrs. Eliz: Tynchare bu: in ye North Cloysters." She was the wife of the writer of the unofficial register so often quoted, who appears, strangely enough, always to have written his own name "John Tinker alias Littleton." The inscription on her monument, as given by Dart (ii. 132), says, Elizabeth, wife to Mr. John Tinchare," and that she died 10 Aug. 1681 (clearly an error), in her sixty-fifth year. It also adds that her husband, "John Littleton alias Tinchare," died 9 June 1694, aged sixty-five. This is probably correct, as his own entries end 31 May in that year; but his will, dated 13 Sep. 1692, was not proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, until 31 Aug. 1696. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters near his wife, and appears to have been so buried, but there is no record of it in the Abbey Register. He was in holy orders, and was eldest son of Rev. Philip Tynchare, the preserver of the early register, as stated on the first page (see his burial 12 May 1673). See the marriages, of their son 24 Mch. 1680-1, and of their dau. 24 Nov. 1692, the burial of the latter 2 Nov. 1705, and the baptism of another dau. 22 Jan. 1666-7. 2 In the unofficial register only. ³ Child of Jasper Paston (third son of Robert, first Earl of Yarmouth), by his wife Dame Margery Fairborne (see her burial 9 June 1694). He was baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 2 Feb. 1683-4. 4 The unofficial register says: "Mrs. Sydney Bagenall bu: in ye Abby, by Esqr Thynne." This is probably correct, and there can scarcely be a doubt that she was the first wife of Nicholas Bagenall, of Newry, in Ireland, and of Plas-Newydd, Anglesey, Esq., M.P. for Anglesey in 1661 (see the burial of his second wife 13 Mch. 1712-13, and of a son by her 9 Mch. 1687-8). The proof of this appears to be furnished by a record of the baptism, in the parish register of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 10 Sep. 1674, of Mary, dau. of Nicholas Bagenall. Esq., and Dame Sydney his wife, and by the fact that, shortly after the date of this burial, Mr. Bagenall married Lady Anne-Charlotte Bruce. Her identity is unknown, as she is not men- tioned in the accounts of the family. This is a pertinent illustration of the value of the unofficial register. 5 Frederick-Christian, second son of Charles, first Earl of Carlisle, by Anne, dau. of Edward, first Lord Howard of Escrick. He was born at Copenhagen 5 Nov. 1664, and was slain during the siege of Luxemburg. He died unmarried. (The unofficial register says that he was buried 10 Oct.) See the burials of his brother and sister, 4 Apl. 1670 and 23 Mch. 1681-2. 6 (In the unofficial register only.) See his father's burial 14 Nov. 1696, and his mother's 3 Aug. 1727. 7 In the official Register is written, in pencil, "a singing man." He was one of the "Musicians for the Violins " in the royal band of K. Charles I. as early as 20 Dec. 1625, and was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1638. He is mentioned as one of the choir of the Abbey in Dr. Busby's accounts. The unofficial register says that he died 7 Nov. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 23 Sep. and proved 27 Nov. 1684, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, gives no clew to his family. He left his portrait to Viscount Newport, and appointed Mr. Thomas Fordham and Mr. Thomas Morgan residuary legatees and executors. 8 Dau. of Sir Robert Hannay, Kt. and Bart. of Scotland. She married, first, and was 212 BURIALS IN 1684 Dec. 23 1684 Jan. 4 Jan. 21 Jan. 26 Feb. 3 Feb. 14 Thomas Mansell, Esq. 1 [in the Abbey]. Mary Keckwich :2 [Cloisters]. The Earl of Roscomon :3 [in the Abbey]. 4 Lucy Bythell: [Cloisters]. :5 Mr. John Laurence : [Cloisters]. Charles the 24, King of England, Scotland, etc., was laid in the new vault at the East end of the South aisle in K. Henry the 7th's Chapel. 6 second wife of, Sir Charles Coote, second Bart., who was created Earl of Mountrath, in the peerage of Ireland, 6 Sep. 1661, and died 18 Dec. following, having had issue by her two sons and three daughters. She married, secondly, Sir Robert Reading, of Dublin, who was created a Baronet of Ireland, 27 Aug. 1675, and who was buried at Newark, co. Notts, 25 Mch. 1689, by whom she had an only child, Elizabeth, who married James Hamilton, sixth Earl of Abercorn (sce her burial 22 Mch. 1754). Lodge, in his Peerage of Ireland, says that the Countess of Mountrath "died 18 November 1684, and was buried at St. Michan's Church the 22nd ;" but she was undoubtedly buried in the Abbey on the very day he states that she died. The unoffi- cial register repeats the entry, and gives the place of her burial as neare Henry ye 3ds monument," and there is no record of the removal of her remains, which, indeed, at that period, could hardly have been accomplished in four days. แ 1 Eldest son of Bussey Mansell, of Briton Ferry, co. Glamorgan, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from Jesus College, 10 Apl. 1663, aged fifteen. 1663, aged fifteen. He married Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Richard Game, of Penderin, co. Brecon, Esq., who survived him, and by whom he had a son Thomas (sce his burial 15 Jan. 1705-6), and two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. 13 Dec. 2 The unofficial register says "Cakewich." She was probably a servant. He died 3 Wentworth Dillon, fourth Earl of Roscommon, the celebrated poet. He was son of James, third Earl, by Elizabeth, youngest dau. of Sir William Wentworth, first Bart., and sister of Thomas, the unfortunate Earl of Strafford. He married, first, Lady Frances Boyle, eldest dau. of Richard, first Earl of Burlington, and widow of Colonel Courtney; and, secondly, Isabella, youngest dau, and co-heir of Matthew Boynton, Esq. (second surviving son of Sir Matthew Boynton, first Bart. of Barmston, co. York), who survived him. The license for the latter marriage was granted by the Vicar-General 9 Nov. 1674, and his age is therein given as about thirty, which, if correct, would make him considerably younger than has been hitherto supposed. He was Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, and Master of the Horse to the Duchess of York. His will, dated 14 Jan. 1684-5, in which he merely bequeathed all his estate to his wife Isabella, was proved by her on the 31st of the same month. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the Abbey "ncare ye Shrine staires." 4 The unofficial register says: "Mrs. Lucey Bythel." Letters of administration were granted, 7 Feb. 1684-5, to the estate of Lucy Bithell, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, to her sister Frances Lewis. See a burial 1 Dec. 1679. Apparently, from his father's will, third and youngest son of Edward Laurence, citizen and alderman of Chichester, by his wife Susan. He was baptized at St. Peter the Great (or sub-deanery parish), Chichester, 18 July 1619, and was sometime Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He died 1 Feb. See the burials, of his wife 10 Sep. 1687, his son 23 July 1677, and his dau. (Lady Anne Robinson) 13 Dec. 1690. 6 Second but eldest surviving son of K. Chas. I. and Q. Henrietta-Maria, and born at St. James's 29 May 1630.-"Prince Charles born 29 May 1630, hora ferè quinta p.m., christened same day" (Horoscope in Ashmole MS.. Bod. Lib., 243, p. 185 b).-1630 June 27 "Charolus Princeps baptus fuit" (Par. Reg. St. Martin in the Fields).-Commenced reigning on his thirtieth birthday, 29 May 1660, and crowned 23 Apl. 1661. Married, at Portsmouth, Hants, 22 May 1662 (not the 21st as is usually said), Catherine, dau. of John IV., King of Portugal, who survived him and died at Lisbon 31 Dec. 1705. He died at Whitehall, 6 Feb., leaving no legitimate issue. The unofficial register says, under date of 6 Feb., "King Charles ye 2nd Dyed WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 213 1684 March 4 March 14 1685 April 21 Anne Wrightson:¹ in the South Cloister. Mary Terrick :2 [Cloisters]. Nicolas Boucher, a child: in the Cloisters.3 A male child buried in Henry 7ths Chapel, in the middle, between the stalls.4 Alice Hill:5 over against the Little Cloister. 6 April 26 April 27 May 7 George Vaughan : [in the Abbey]. June 7 Mary Knipe :7 [Cloisters]. June 17 June 25 Charles Graham, son to the Lord Preston :8 [in the Abbey]. Humphrey Langford :9 [Cloisters]. .8 about 12 att Noonc," and uuder date of 14 Feb., King Charles was buried in a new vault.” See the burials of his brothers and sisters, 13 May 1629, 8 Dec. 1640, and 21 Sep. and 29 Dec. 1660. 1 ¹ (In the unofficial reglster only.) See a marriage 1 July 1680, and burials 17 Sep. 1682 and 11 Oct. 1686, and notes thereto. She was probably the second wife of Anthony Wrightson therein mentioned, as, on 16 Dec. 1683, "Anthony Wrightson and Ann Burges" were married in the Temple Church. 2 The unofficial register says that she was buried in the "East cloyster neare Mr. Whicher." 3 (In the unofficial register only.) See the burials of (probably) his parents, 11 Dec. 1695 and 2 Nov. 1724. (In the unofficial register only.) On an examination of the royal vault in 1868, a coffin- plate was discovered, containing the following inscription, which sufficiently explains this entry :—“James Darnley natural sonn to King James ye second Departed this life the 22 of aprill 1685 Aged aBout eight Mounths." Even the existence of this child appears to have been unknown, or, at all events, unnoticed in history. As the King, by letters patent, conferred the name of Darnley on Catherine, his illegitimate child by Catherine Sidley, and considering the date, there can be little doubt that he was the offspring of the same mother. On the 20th of January following she was created Baroness of Darlington and Countess of Dorchester for life, and, after the King's connection with her had ceased, she married David Colyear, who was created Earl of Portmore, in the peerage of Scotland. She was dau. of Sir Charles Sidley, of Aylesford, co. Kent, Bart., by his first wife, Catherine, third dau. of John, Earl Rivers. She died at Bath, 26 Oct. 1717. See the burial of this child's sister, as the Duchess of Buckinghamshire, 8 Apl. 1743. 5 (In the unofficial register only.) See a burial 6 May 1692, in about the same locality. 6 The unofficial register says that he was buried 6 May, and "in Exeter Chappell." As this is evidently identical with the Chapel of St. John the Baptist, in which John Vaughan, third Earl of Carbery, was buried (see 28 Jan. 1712-13), it is most probable that this was his son George (by his second wife Lady Anne Savile, dau, of George, first Marquis of Halifax), who was born the 6th, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 30 Oct. 1683, and who certainly died young, as the Earl left only a daughter at his death. 7 Probably a sister of Rev. Dr. Knipe, Head Master of Westminster School (see his burial 9 Aug. 1711), and of Christopher Knipe (sce his burial 28 Apl. 1673). According to the unofficial register, she was buried in the North Cloister, where Dr. Knipe and his family were all buried. A Mary, dau. of Thomas Knipe, was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 25 Feb. 1635-6, about two years before the birth of Dr. Kuipe. 8 Eldest son of Sir Richard Graham, third Bart. of Esk and Netherby, created Baron Graham and Viscount Preston 12 May 1681, by his wife Lady Anne Howard, second dau. of Charles, first Earl of Carlisle. He was born in 1672. The unofficial register says that he was buried in "Exeter [i.e., St. John the Baptist's] Chapel." 9. The inscription on his monument says that he was of Langford Hill, co. Cornwall, M.P. for Camelford in that county, and that he died 24 June. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the North Cloister. 214 BURIALS IN 1685 July 10 July 16 Mrs. Jane Lownds:¹ [Cloisters]. Madam Villiers:2 [in the Abbey]. Aug. 13 Lady Anne Scott :3 [in the Abbey]. Aug. 26 Lady Anne Howard, daughter to the Earl of Carlisle : [in the Abbey]. Aug. 26 Aug. 29 Mrs. Ann Knipe :5 [Cloisters]. 6 Dorothy Madgett : [Cloisters]. Sept. 21 Margery Amos: [Cloisters]. 7 Oct. 26 Colonel Thomas Panton:8 by Exeter monument. 1 Dau. of Simon Hopper, of Richmond, Surrey, Gent., an officer in the Exchequer, by his wife Anne (see her burial 29 Aug. 1709). She was second wife of William Lowndes, of Winslow, Bucks, Esq., Secretary to the Treasury in 1695, and many years M.P., to whom she was married, at St. Clement Danes, Midx., 25 Nov. 1683. In the Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. her age was given as about twenty-two. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the North Cloister. Her husband remarried twice, and was buried at Winslow 29 Jan. 1723-4 (see the burial of his first wife 8 Nov. 1680). See the burial of her only child, Anne Jett, 29 Apl. 1721. 2 The unofficial register says: "Mrs. Elianor Villers bu: by ye Old Lady Villers." She was dau. of Sir Edward Villiers, Kt., ancestor of the Earls of Jersey (who died 7 Sep. 1626, while Lord President of Munster, and was buried in St. Mary's Church, Youghal), by his wife Barbara, eldest dau. of Sir John St. John, of Lydiard Tregoz, Wilts, Kt. (see her burial 16 Sep. 1672). She died unmarried, and her will, dated 26 Sep. 1684, was proved 29 July 1685, by her brother George, Viscount Grandison, and her niece Anne, Countess of Marshall. See the baptisms of her brothers and sister, 8 Apl. 1619, 15 Apl. 1620, and 1 June 1622, and the burial of her brother 2 July 1689. ³ Second dau. of James, Duke of Monmouth, by Lady Anne Scott, and born 17 Sep. 1675. She died in the Tower of London. See her brother's burial 10 Feb. 1673-4, and note thereto, and the burials, of another brother 6 Dec. 1679, and of her sister 5 Sep. 1683. The unofficial register says that she was buried "in Monmouth's vault, privately." 4 Eldest dau. of Edward, second Earl of Carlisle, by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir William Uvedale, of Wickham, Hants, Kt., and widow of Sir William Berkeley, Kt., third son of Charles, Viscount Fitzharding. She was born in 1668, and died unmarried. Brydges's edition of Collins's Peerage erroneously gives the year of her death as 1695. The unofficial register says that she was buried 17 Aug. See the burials of her sister and brother, 3 Nov. 1694 and 24 July 1701. 5 The unofficial register says: "Mrs. Anne Knipe junior." She was the first wife of Rev. Dr. Thomas Knipe, Prebendary of Westminster and Head-Master of Westminster School (sce his burial 9 Aug. 1711). She died 24 Aug. From the wills of her husband and her son Richard, she appears to have been a sister, either of Bishop Sprat (sce his burial 25 May 1713), or, more probably, of his wife (see her burial 3 Mch. 1725-6). See the baptism of her son 24 Mch. 1668-9, and the burials of her sons, 24 Feb. 1670-1, 4 Nov. 1674, 26 Jan. 1677-8, and 22 Feb. 1702-3, and of her daughter, Anne Arnold, 30 Sep. 1703. 6 Letters of administration were granted to her brother Matthew Madgett, 2 Oct. 1685, when she was described as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster. The unofficial register says she was buried in the South Cloister. 7 Probably wife of James Amos, the College gardener (see his burial 14 Mch. 1699-1700). The unofficial register says she was buried in the West Cloister, where he was also buried. 8 The unofficial register says that he was buried "neare ye Earle of Essex." He has come down to us in history as the almost solitary instance of a successful gamester who suddenly abandoned his profession, and became a worthy gentleman and useful citizen. It is related that, having in one night won a sum sufficient to ensure him an estate worth £1500 a year, he never tempted fortune again, but acquired a positive aversion to both cards and dice. His name has been preserved in the well-known Panton Street, Haymarket. His son Thomas became a Licut.- General in 1735, and his dau. Elizabeth married Henry, fifth Lord Arundel of Wardour. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 215 1 1685 Nov. 12 Mrs. Anne Thompson :¹ [Cloisters]. Nov. 28 Nov. 30 Dec. 28 168 Jan. 12 Jan. 27 March 4 1686 March 26 March 30 4 Mary, Dutchess of Richmond 2 [in the Abbey]. Mr. Robert Nott:3 [Cloisters]. Mr. Gervas Sutton: [Cloisters]. Thomas Hawkins :5 [Cloisters]. Richard, Earl of Arran :6 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Frances Munday :7 [Cloisters]. Mr. Edward Winne:8 [in the Abbey]. Colonel John Stroad:9 [in the Abbey]. Another dau., Dorothy, in 1675, married William Stanley, of Chelsea, Esq., and, if the marriage allegation can be trusted, she was then of the ripe age of nine years, exactly half the age of her husband! Colonel Panton, in his will, bequeathed the manor of Coxhall, in Bucknall, and other lands in Herefordshire and Shropshire. See his wife's burial 5 Apl. 1725. 1 See her husband's burial 20 Dec. 1700. She was his first wife. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the West Cloister. 2 Eldest child and only dau. of George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham (see his burial 18 Sep. 1628), by Lady Catherine Manners, only dau. and heir of Francis, sixth Earl of Rutland. She was baptized, at St. Martin in the Fields, 30 Mch. 1622. She married, first, She married, first, 8 Jan. 1633-4, Charles Herbert, son of Philip, fourth Earl of l'embroke; secondly, 3 Aug. 1637, James Stuart, fourth Duke of Lennox, afterwards first Duke of Richmond (see his burial 18 Apl. 1655); and, thirdly, Colonel Thomas Howard (see his burial 21 July 1678). The unofficial register says that she was buried "in Richmond's vault." See the burial of her son, by her second husband, 4 Sep. 1660. * See the burials of (probably) his father 26 May 1695, and his mother 20 June 1700. 4 Letters of administration were granted, 25 Jan. 1685-6, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, to the estate of Jarvis Sutton, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, to the relict Mary. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the South Cloister. 5 The unofficial register adds: "an Almesman, bu: by ye Stepps." See a marriage 3 Dec. 1685. 6 Richard Butler, second surviving son of James, first Duke of Ormond (see his burial 4 Aug. 1688), by Lady Elizabeth Preston, only child of Richard, Earl of Desmond (see her burial 24 July 1684). He was born 15 June 1639. He was created Earl of Arran, in the Irish peerage, 13 May 1662, and Baron Butler, of Weston, in the peerage of England, in 1673. He married, first, Lady Mary Stuart, dau. of James, first Duke of Richmond and fourth of Lennox, who died in 1667, without issue; and, secondly, Dorothy, dau. of John Ferrers, of Tamworth Castle, co. Warwick, Esq., by whom he had issue, and who survived him many years. He died 25 Jan. See his son's baptism 19 Feb. 1673-4, his burial 10 Oct. 1676, and the burial of his dau. 24 Apl. 1687; also the burials, of his brother 31 July 1680. and his sister 6 Aug. 1710. The unofficial register says that he was buried in Monmouth's vault." 7 See marriages, 6 Nov. 1679 and 1 Jan. 1688-9, and burials, 7 June 1670, 24 Apl. 1678, and 14 Dec. 1682, probably of members of her family. The unofficial register gives her name. "Monday," and says that she was buried in the North Cloister. 8 Eldest son and heir of Robert Wynne, and nephew and heir of Maurice Wynne, of Pen-y- brin, co. Carnarvon, Esq. (see his burial 19 Oct. 1682). His will, as of Pen-y-brin, dated 14 Mch. 1685-6, then residing in St. Martin in the Fields, was finally proved 13 Oct. 1687, by his brother John, but his brother Owen was named his heir. He also mentioned his brother Richard, and his sisters Margaret, Sidney, Catharine, and Dorothy. The unofficial register says that he was buried "by Sr Lumly Robinson." 9 His will, as Johu Strode, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., dated 25 Mch. 1686, was proved 18 June following, by his relict Mary, who is alone named in it, and to whom he left all his estate in England and Ireland.-Mary, dau. of Colonel John Stroud and Mary his wife, was baptized, at. St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 5 May 1671, and buried there 2 June following in the latter entry he is called "Governor of Dover."-Civillia, dau, of Colonel Stroud, was baptized at 216 BURIALS IN 1686 April 10 April 15 April 17 May 7 June 21 1 Capt. Francis Mansell: [Cloisters]. Sir Philip Howard :2 in Exeter Chapel. Mrs. Jane Waldron :3 [Cloisters]. 4 Thomas Raggett: by Mr. Ashburnhain's door: [Cloisters]. Capt. Philip Bell:5 by Mrs. Linacre: [Cloisters]. July 1 Philip Tynchare dyed att midnight. 6 Aug. 3 Thomas Purcell, a child :7 [Cloisters]. Aug. 10 Mrs. Elizabeth Yardly :8 [Cloisters]. Aug. 25 25 Mrs. Margaret Dalton:9 [Cloisters]. St. Margaret's, Westminster, 7 Apl. 1680.-John Strode, Esq., was one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II. in 1682.—Luttrell, in his Diary, under date of 3 May 1686, says: "Col. Strode, governour of Dover, is lately dead." 1 His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 16 June 1685, was proved 6 May 1686, by the relict Barbara (sce her burial 13 June 1687). His children were Charles, Francis, Elizabeth, Barbara, Frances, Anne, Mary, William, and Rachel, all in their minority. He held a pension of £200 a year from K. Charles II. for the lives of himself and wife, and his sons Charles and Francis. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the West Cloister. In Collectanea the date of his burial is erroneously given as 4 Mch. 1685-6. 2 Third son of Sir William Howard, of Naworth Castle, co. Cumberland, Kt., by Mary, eldest dau. of William, fourth Lord Eure, and younger brother of Charles, first Earl of Carlisle. He was knighted at Canterbury 26 May 1660, and was admitted to Gray's Inn 7 Aug. 1662. He married, at St. Martin in the Fields, 23 Apl. 1668, Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Sir Robert Newton, of London, Bart., and widow of Sir John Baker, third Bart. of Sissinghurst, Kent, who survived him, and was buried at Cranbrook, Kent, 29 Nov. 1693. He and his brother Thomas (see his burial 21 July 1678) were actors in the affair in 1653, which resulted in the execution of the Portuguese Ambassador's brother, Don Pantaleo de Sa. He left a son Philip surviving. 3 See the burials, of her father 14 Feb. 1676-7, her mother 24 Jan. 1686-7, and her sister 9 Feb. 1675-6. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the South Cloister. 4 The unofficial register says: "Thomas Raggett ju: bu: by ye little Cloy." See his father's burial 5 Apl. 1679, and probably his mother's 17 Mch. 1689-90. 5 The unofficial register says that he was buried in the West Cloister. See the burial of Mrs. Linacre, to whom he was perhaps related, 23 Jan. 1683-4. 6 (In the unofficial register only). See his marriage 17 Dec. 1672, and his father's burial 12 May 1673. There is no record of his burial. 7 The unofficial register says that he was buried 4 Aug., in the East Cloister. See the burials of (probably) his father 26 Nov. 1695, and his mother 14 Feb. 1705-6. 8 Eldest child of Thomas Donkley (see his burial 8 Feb. 1688-9), by Elizabeth, second dau. of John Fox, Esq. (scc their marriage 18 May 1665). She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 7 June 1666. See her marriage to William Yardley 10 Apl. 1683, and note thereto. She died 8 Aug., and was buried in the North Cloister, with a monument. Her eldest child, Elizabeth, who was baptized at Greenwich, Kent, 17 June 1684, was living 25 Jan. 1688-9, but died before her father. Her only other child, Gertrude, became her father's heir, and was living, unmarried, 25 May 1716, when her great-uncle, Sir Stephen Fox, left her a legacy in his will. 9 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 28 Jan. 1674-5, for Richard Dalton, jun.. of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Gent., bachelor, aged twenty-five, and Margaret Johnson, of the same parish, spinster, aged twenty-two, with the consent of her parents. They were married, at St. Martin in the Fields, 4 Feb. following. She was buried, according to the unofficial register, in the North Cloister, at the head of Mr. Nicholas Johnson (see his burial 21 Apl. 1682), whose sister she appears to have been. Her husband was son of Richard Dalton, Esq., Serjeant of the Wine Cellar to K. Charles II., and he was himself Yeoman of the Cellar. He married a second wife, and lived until 24 Nov. 1731, when he died, and was buried at Leatherhead, in Surrey. See the burial of his sister, Lady Mary Firebrace, 1 Feb. 1687-8; also the burials of his children by his first wife, 29 May and 13 June 1677, and of his grandchild, Bridget Belasyse, 3 Ang. 1735. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 217 1686 Sept. 9 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Nov. 12 Dec. 25 168 Jan. 24 Feb. 4 Feb. Samuel Blie, a child:1 [Cloisters]. Sir James Tomson :2 [Cloisters]. Elizabeth Wrightson, a child :3 [Cloisters]. Mr. Thomas Naylor :4 [Cloisters]. Mr. Robert Abbott: [Cloisters]. Mrs. Mary Waldron :6 [Cloisters]. 5 The Lady Ann-Sophia, youngest daughter to their Royal High- nesses Prince George and the Princess Ann of Denmark:7 [in the Abbey]. 10 The Lady Mary, eldest daughter to their Royal Highnesses Prince George and the Princess Ann of Denmark:8 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Mary Fox:9 in the North aisle. 8 1687 April 8 April 16 The Lady Henrietta, Countess of Rochester :10 near the Earl of Clarendon. ¹ Rightly Blyth. See the baptism of his mother 11 July 1665, and note thereto. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the South Cloister. See the burials of his brother and sister, 16 Apl. 1690 and 7 Aug. 1701. 2 The unofficial register gives the same name, and says that he was buried in the West Cloister. He does not occur in any of the known lists of knights or baronets, and no will or record of administration of his estate has been discovered. 3 See a marriage 1 July 1680, and burials 17 Sep. 1682 and 4 Mch. 1684-5, and notes thereto. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the South Cloister. 4 His will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, dated 21 Oct., was proved 19 Nov. 1686, by his friend Henry Guy, Esq., residuary legatee. The only relations he mentioned were his sisters, Elizabeth, wife of William Savill, Esq., and Bridget Naylor. He left considerable legacies to Bishop Sprat and his son Thomas, and rings to numerous persons of rank, including the Lord Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls, Lord Dartmouth, etc., and £20 to Lord Castleton out of a sum due to him from the Duke of Buckingham. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the West Cloister. 5 The unofficial register says that he was buried in the South Cloister. 6 See the burials, of her husband 14 Feb. 1676-7, and of her daughters, 9 Feb. 1675-6 and 17 Apl. 1686. Her will, dated 4 Jan., was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 15 Feb. 1686-7, by her son Timothy Waldron. Her other surviving children were Henry, Thomas, and Agnes. She also mentioned her sister Ingram. 7 Third but second living child of Prince George of Denmark (see his burial 13 Nov. 1708), by the Princess, afterwards Queen Anne (see her burial 24 Aug. 1714). She was born at Windsor 12 May 1686. She died 2 Feb., and was buried in the royal vault. See a burial 13 May 1684. 8 Second but eldest living child of Prince George of Denmark (see his burial 13 Nov. 1708), by the Princess, afterwards Queen Anne (see her burial 24 Aug. 1714). She was born at White- hall 2 June 1685. She died 8 Feb., and was buried in the royal vault. See a burial 13 May 1684. 9 Eldest child of Walter James, Esq., by his wife Anne (sec her burial 13 Feb. 1672-3, and note thereto), in whose will she is mentioned. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 12 Oct. 1616, and married a Mr. Fox, by whom she had surviving issue two sons, James and Daniel. Her will, dated 28 Mch. 1687, was proved the following day, by James St. Amand, of London, Esq., and Thomas Grundy, of Westminster, Gent., whom she called her nephews, and whom her mother, in her will, named as grandchildren. This identification is the more important because Brydges, in his edition of Collins's Peerage (iv. 537), strangely confounded her with Margaret, an unmarried daughter of Sir Stephen Fox. 10 Fifth dan. of Richard Boyle, first Earl of Burlington, by Lady Elizabeth Clifford, dau. and heir of Henry, fifth and last Earl of Cumberland, and wife of Lawrence Hyde, first Earl of Rochester (see his burial 10 May 1711). See the burials of her daughters, 3 June 1730 and 24 July 1737. 2 F 218 BURIALS IN 1687 April 16 April 17 William Howard, Mr. Pelling's man :¹ [Cloisters]. Mr. James Edgerton :2 by his father. 1 April 24 June 7 June 13 3 Lady Elizabeth Butler, the Earl of Arran's daughter : [in the Abbey]. 4 George, Duke of Buckingam: in Henry 7th's Chapel. Mrs. Barbara Mansell :5 in the West Cloister. Aug. 4 Lady Lucey-Hambleton Sandyes:" near the font. Aug. 8 Mr. John Shearole, a member of this Church: [Cloisters]. 7 1 The unofficial register says: "Tho: Howard bu: under ye Arch by ye Almesmen." Mr., afterwards Dr. Edward Pelling, was one of the Prebendaries at this time. 2 Only son of Major-General Randolph Egerton (see his burial 5 Nov. 1681), by his second wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Murray, Esq. (sce her burial 13 Feb. 1712-13). He was born the 3rd, and baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 17 Oct. 1677. He died 13 Apl. 3 See her father's burial 27 Jan. 1685-6. Her mother administered to her estate, as an infant, 19 Dec. 1688. The unofficial register says that she was buried near her brother, Lord Tullogh (see his burial 10 Oct. 1676). * George Villiers, only surviving son of George, first Duke of Buckingham (sce his burial 18 Sep. 1628), by Lady Catherine Manners, only dau. and heir of Francis, sixth Earl of Rutland. He was born 30 Jan., and baptized at Wallingford House 14 Feb. 1627-8, and a few months later succceded as second Duke. He died at a tenant's house in Kirkby-Moorside, co. York, 16 Apl. in this year, and was buried the next day in the parish church there, his remains being subse- quently removed to the Abbey. The unofficial register says that he was buried in his own vault. Dying without legitimate issue, the title became extinct. Sec the burials, of his Duchess 30 Oct. 1704, his brothers 17 Mch. 1626-7 and 10 July 1648, and his sister 28 Nov. 1685. 5 See her husband's burial 10 Apl. 1686. Edward White, Gent., an overseer of her husband's will, administered to her estate, 18 Aug. following, as curator of her minor son Charles. 6 Evidently one of the fashionable courtezans of her time, whose identity it is difficult to determine, or even whether she had any right to the names she borc. There seems, however, good reason to suppose that she was a dau. of George Kirk, the notorious Groom of the Bed- chamber to K. Charles II. (for particulars of whom see the note to the burial of Diana, Countess of Oxford, 16 Apl. 1719), by his wife Anne, dau. of Sir Robert Killigrew (sec her burial 9 July 1641). Mrs. Kirke's mother, then Dame Mary Stafford, in her will dated 22 Sep. 1656, left £100 to "the Ladie Lucie Saunders," without naming any relationship; but the Viscountess Shannon (see her burial 4 Jan. 1680-1), who was a sister of Mrs. Kirke, in her will dated 27 July 1680, left £300 to her "niece Lady Lucy Sandys." Besides, she was buried "near the font," the precise description in the Register of the burial place of Mrs. Kirke. She was the first witness to Nell Gwyn's will, and signed her name "Lucy Hamilton Sandys." In one of Nell Gwyn's bills for sedan chairs, dated 13 Oct. 1675, there is this item: "For careing one Lady Sanes to ye play at Whitehall, and wayting, 0. 3. 6." The Earl of Rochester mentioned "the good Lady Sands" in one of his most filthy poems, in 1678. Letters of administration were granted, 15 Aug. 1687, to the estate of "Lady Lucy Sandys," late of St. James, Westminster, to Frances, Countess Dowager of Portland, as principal creditor. This is all that has been discovered respecting her history, and is, perhaps, quite as much as is necessary, or would be profitable. 7 His will, in which he describes himself as "John Chrisostome Sharole, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Clerk, Master of Arts, Chaplain of the regiment of horse commanded by the Right Hon. James, Earl of Arran, one of the Gentlemen in H.M.'s Chapel Royal at Whitchall, and one of the four Petticanons of Westminster Abbey," is dated 23 July 1687, and was proved 25 Aug. following, by his relict Janc, to whom he left all his estate, cxcept £100 which was to be given to Elizabeth, dau. of Simon Beranger, of London, merchant. The inscription on his monument calls him one of the King's Chaplains, and says that he died 5 Aug., aged forty. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the East Cloister. He appears to be identical with "John Du Charol, Clerk," who, with Jane his wife, among many others, was naturalized in England, under royal letters patent, 4 Apl. 1685. He had, however, then been in England for some years, as, according to the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal, he was sworn a Gentleman 26 Oct. 1676. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 219 1687 Aug. 11 Aug. 13 1 Sept. 10 Sept. 15 Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Oct. 22 Oct. Dec. Dec. Mrs. Dorothy Brevol, a child :¹ at the backside of the organ. Sir Thomas Malleverer :2 near Scot's monument: [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Anne Lawrence :3 in the South Cloister. • Mr. Gervase Price, Serjeant Trumpett 4 [in the Abbey]. Penelope Patrick, a child:5 by Gabriel Goodman: [in the Abbey]. Henry Purcell, a child in the East Cloister. 28 The Princess Ann's child, a chrissome :7 in the vault. John Merrill, a King's scholar 8 in the North Cloister. 2 13 A still-born male child of Dr. Del-Angle's :9 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Mary Del-Angle :10 by Dr. Bolton: [in the Abbey]. ¹ Rightly de Bréval. See her father's burial 29 Jan. 1707-8, and her mother's July 1719. 2 Third Bart. of Allerton-Mauleverer, co. York, son of Sir Richard Mauleverer, second Bart. (see his burial 25 July 1675), by Anne, dau. of Sir Robert Clerke, Kt., and born about 1643. He married Catharine, dau. and heir of Sir Miles Stapleton, Kt., who survived him and remarried John Hopton, Esq. His will, dated 10 June 1687, was proved 16 Aug. following, by his brother Sir Richard (see his burial 11 May 1689), to whom he left all his estate. He left no issue by his wife, but his illegitimate sou, Thomas Newsham alias Mauleverer, was well provided for in the will of his brother Sir Richard. 3 Her name is erroneously "Anne" in both registers. and should be Amey. She is so called in the records of her baptism and marriage, and in her husband's will, and she so signed her own will. She was dau. of Richard Williams, Esq., by Emily, dau. of William Till, Esq.. all of the city of Chichester, and was baptized at St. Peter the Great (or sub-deanery parish) in that city, 19 Sep. 1626. She married, at St. Olave's, Old Jewry, London, 27 May 1653, John Laurence, Esq. (sce his burial 3 Feb. 1684-5). See the burials, of her sou 23 July 1677, and her dau. (Lady Anne Robinson) 13 Dec. 1690. Another dau., Amey, was baptized at St. Olave's, Chichester, 13 May 1660. In Ashmolean MS. (Bod. Lib.) 856, p. 371, is a copy of his patent, dated 24 Jan. 1661-2. as Serjeant Trumpeter," or "Serjeant of all Trumpeters, Drummers, and Fifes." He is else- where called "Serjeant of the Office of Trumpets and Gentleman of the Bows to K. Chas. II." It was said, on his monument, that he died 11 Sep., in his 59th year, but in his marriage allegation, 7 Dec. 1660, his age was then given as 30, and he was described as of the city of Westminster, Gent. In his will, dated 5 June 1686, with a codicil 11 Sep. 1687. he is called of St. Martin in the Fields, Esq. It was proved, 22 Dec. 1687, by his sister-in-law Mary Lucy (see her burial 15 Jan. 1708-9), and his brother-in-law John Cooke, Esq. (see his burial 21 Sep. 1691), and again, 18 Sep. 1689, by his cldest son Gervase Price, who had then attained his majority. See his wife's burial 11 Apl. 1678, his daughter's marriage 21 Jan. 1685-6, and her burial 27 Nov. 1695. 5 See her baptism 21 Dec. 1685, and that of her brother 3 Oct. 1680, and notes thereto.- "God bestowed on me, in the year 1685, another child, a daughter of very great beauty but she died of small-pox, 20 Sep. 1687, at 3 a.m.-the saddest day my wife and I ever saw (Bishop Patrick's Autobiography). She was buried near Dean Goodman's monument. See his father's burial 26 Nov. 1695, and his mother's 14 Feb. 1705-6. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 9 June 1687. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the East Cloister. 7 First son and fourth child of Prince George of Denmark (see his burial 13 Nov. 1708), by the Princess, afterwards Queen Anne (sec her burial 24 Aug. 1714). The Funeral Book says: "Fetus masculi abortivi." The term "chrisome in the text is clearly a misnomer. 3 He entered St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1686, and was perhaps a brother of George Merrill, who was admitted the following year, and who matriculated at Oxford, in 1690, as son of Rev. Joseph Merrill, Rector of Magdalen-Laver, co. Essex. 9 Sce the following entry for the mother's burial, and the note to the baptism of Thomas De L'Angle, 16 Feb. 1684-5, for an account of the father. 10 See the preceding entry, and the note to the baptism of her son Thomas De L'Angle, 16 > 220 BURIALS IN 1 17. Mrs. Amy Le Neve :¹ at the backside of the organ. 1687 Dec. 1687 Feb. Feb. 4 1 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 March 9 March 22 Lady Mary Firebrace:2 in the North Cloister. Mary Firebrace, a child :3 in the same grave. Lady Abigail Cary, Countess of Dover : [in the Abbey]. Lady Mary Butler, a child of the Lord Ossery's 5 by the Hides: [in the Abbey]. Nicholas Bagnal, a child: Mrs. Margaret Crispion : 1688 April 24 by the Lady Clifford : [in the Abbey]. in the South Cloister. Dr. George Stradling, a Prebendary of this Church:8 [in the Abbey]. Feb. 1684-5, for an account of her husband. See also the notes to a marriage 28 Apl. 1730, and a baptism 10 Mch. 1714-15. 1 Second wife of John Le Neve, Esq. (sec his burial 2 Aug. 1693), and mother of John Le Neve, the author of Fasti Ecclesiæ Anglicana. She was dau. of John Bent, of Paternoster Row, citizen and merchant taylor of London, by Anne, dau. of John Newton, of Houghton-on- the-Hill, co. Leicester. She was born and baptized, at St. Faith's, London, 29 Aug. 1655, and was married, 20 June 1678, at the Bishop of London's Chapel in Aldersgate Street. She died 12 Dec., and was buried in the North aisle of the Abbey. 2 Dau. of Richard Dalton, Esq., Serjeant of the Wine Cellar to K. Chas. II., by Mary his wife (see the note to the burial of Mrs. Dalton, 25 Aug. 1686). She married, first, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 24 Nov. 1670, Lowde Cordell, Esq., one of the Pages of the Bedchamber to K. Chas. II. (son of Richard Cordell, of Bedford, by Anne, eldest dau. of Ralph Lowde, of Blakeney, co. Norfolk), who died 12 May 1682, æt. 36, and was buried at Leatherhead, co. Surrey. By him she had two sons and four daughters. She married, secondly (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 21 Aug. 1685), Sir Henry Firebrace. Kt., Chief Clerk of the Kitchen to Kings Chas. I. and II. (he who was so active in the effort for the escape of K. Chas. I. from Carisbrook Castle), and was his third wife (see the marriage of his dau. by his first wife 6 Jan. 1668-9). He died 27 Jan. 1690-1, aged seventy-two, and was buried, 3 Feb. following, at Stoke Golding, co. Leicester. See her child's burial in the following entry. 3 See her mother's burial in the preceding entry. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 23 Jan. 1687-8. 4 Fifth dau. of Sir William Cokayne, Kt., Alderman of London, and Lord Mayor in 1619, by Mary, dau. of Richard Morris, of St. Leonard's, Eastcheap, London, merchant, who remarried Henry, first Earl of Dover. She was baptized at St. Peter-le-Poor, London, 26 Aug. 1610, and married there, 2 Dec. 1630, to John Cary, second Earl of Dover, to whom she was second wife. She died in Chapel Street, Westminster, 10 Feb. Her only surviving child, Mary, married William Heveningham, of Heveningham, co. Suffolk, Esq.. one of the judges of K. Chas. I. 5 Dau. of James Butler (eldest surviving son of Thomas, Earl of Ossory), who succceded as second Duke of Ormond (see his burial 22 May 1746), by his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde (dau. of Lawrence, first Earl of Rochester), who died at Dublin in January 1684-5. See her sister's burial 6 May 1684. 6 Son of Nicholas Bagenall, of Newry, in Ireland, and of Plas-Newydd, Anglesey, Esq., M.P. for Anglesey in 1661, by his second wife, Lady Anne-Charlotte Bruce (see her burial 13 Mch. 1712-13). He was born and baptized, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 31 Dec. 1687. A monu- mental inscription states that he died 7 Mch., having been unfortunately overlaid by his nurse. (One Frances Dobbs, in her will dated 26 Sep. 1692, then of Greenford Magna, Midx., left all her possessions to Lady Anne-Charlotte, the mother of this child, and requested that she might be buried as near him as possible. It seems probable that she was the unhappy nurse mentioned on the monument.) See the burial of his father's first wife 5 Sep. 1684. 7 First wife of Rev. Stephen Crespion, Chaunter of the Abbey (see his burial 2 Dec. 1711). See the baptisms of her children, 4 Apl. 1675, 1 Aug. 1676, and 8 July 1677, and their burials, 22 May 1675, 22 Aug. 1676, and 11 Oct. 1679. Eighth and youngest but fourth surviving son of Sir John Stradling, first Bart. of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 221 Mrs. Mary Herbert :3 by the Lady Clifford: [in the Abbey]. Countess of Lincoln: by the Earl of Bridgewater: [in the Abbey]. 1688 July 31 Aug. 4 Thomas Collier, an almsman:¹ [Cloisters]. James, Duke of Ormond :2 [in the Abbey]. Aug. 24 Sept. 1 Sept. 13 Sept. 18 Oct. 10 Oct. 24 Mrs. Mary Peters : in the South Cloister. Anne Thomson :5 in the West Cloister. в Mrs. Jane Lister:7 in the East Cloister. Mr. John Stanbrook :8 in the West Cloister. St. Donat's, by Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Gage, of Firle, co. Sussex, Esq. He was born at St. Donat's Castle, co. Glamorgan, and matriculated at Oxford, from Jesus College, 27 Apl. 1638, aged sixteen. He is said to have entered the army as cornet of a troop of horse, but abandoned it after the Restoration (James Harrington's Preface to Stradling's Sermons, 1692). He appears to have been a Fellow of All Souls' College. Oxford, and was created D.D. there 6 Nov. 1661. He became successively Prebendary of St. Paul's 19 Dec. 1660; Rector of Fulham, Midx., 11 Jan. 1660-1; Rector of Hanwell and Brentford, Midx., 25 Feb. 1661-2; Prebendary of Westminster, installed 30 July 1663; Precentor of Chichester 22 July 1671; Vicar of St. Bride's. London, 23 Apl. 1672; and Dean of Chichester 21 Dec. 1672. He died 18 Apl. See the burials, of his wife 1 Oct. 1681, his dau. 1 July 1670, and his son 5 Dec. 1671. 1 ¹ The will of Thomas Collier, who described himself as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., dated 17 July 1688, was proved 23 Aug. following, by his son Thomas Collier. to whom he left all his possessions. appointing as trustees Humphrey Evans, citizen and joiner of London, and Thomas Godfrey, of St. Margaret's. Westminster, gardener. The twelve Abbey Almsmen appear to have often been decayed gentlemen. 2 James Butler, eldest son of Thomas, Viscount Thurles, by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Poyntz, of Iron-Acton, co. Gloucester. Kt. He was born in London in 1610, and succeeded his. grandfather, as twelfth Earl of Ormond, on his death in 1632. In 1642 he was created Marquis of Ormond, and in 1661 Duke of Ormond, in the Irish peerage. He was advanced to the same title in the pecrage of England, 9 Nov. 1682, and was a Knight of the Garter. He was Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland from 1661 to 1668. He died, at Kingston Hall, in Dorsetshire. 21 July, having directed in his will to be buried with his wife and two sons. See the burials, of his Duchess 24 July 1684, of his sons 31 July 1680 and 27 Jan. 1685-6, and of his dau. 6 Aug. 1710. 3 Baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 Oct. 1687. Mary, dau. of Edward and Susanna Herbert. See her brother's burial 30 Oct. 1729, and note thereto. France, and wife of Edward Clinton, Luttrell's Diary, ii. 627, says that her 1692, and was buried privately, on the 4 Jane, dau. of Peter de Guliere, Lord of Verune in fifth Earl of Lincoln. She died, without issue, 25 Aug. husband died, at his house in Bloomsbury Square, 25 Nov. night of the 28th, in Westminster Abbey; but there is no record of it in any of the Abbey registers. 5 The unofficial register gives her name as Thompson. See the burial of, probably, her father 20 Dec. 1700. 6 Her monument, erected by her mother, only states that she died 15 Sep. aged twenty-two. 7 Dau. of Dr. Martin Lister, the eminent physician and naturalist, by his first wife Hannah (as always called by her husband), or Anna (as she appears to have been called by her own family), dau. of Thomas Parkinson, of Carlton in Craven, co. York. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 Dec. 1683. She died 7 Oct., according to her monument, which also records the burial, in St. Helen's church, city of York, of her brother Michael, who died in Aug. 1676. Her mother died 1 Aug. 1695, and was buried the 5th at Clapham, co. Surrey. Dr. Lister, who remarried in 1698, died 2 Feb. 1711-12, and was buried the 8th, with his first wife, at Clapham. 9 His will, as John Standbrooke, junior, of St. James, Westminster. Gent., dated 4 Oct. 1688, was proved on the 27th of the same month, by his father John Standbrooke, senior (see his burial 5 Dec. 1695). On 25 Jan. 1687-8, he had a license from the Vicar-General-he being described as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., bachelor, aged about twenty-four-to marry 222 BURIALS IN 1688 Nov. 24 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 20 Dec. 12 Dcc. 1688 Jan. 11 Jan. 15 Mr. Thomas Blagrave:¹ in the North Cloister. Edward Ellis, an almsman :2 [Cloisters]. Mrs. Margaret Morgan :3 [Cloisters]. Emillia, Countess Dowager of Ossory:4 [in the Abbey]. Edward Sill, a child :5 [Cloisters]. John Darcy, Esq. :" before Mr. Bromfeild's pew door. Mr. Richard Whittle [Cloisters]. Mr. Thomas Donckly :8 [Cloisters]. Feb. 8 March 1 March 3 Thomas, Earl of Ossory, a child :9 [in the Abbey]. Shorter Norris, a child:10 [Cloisters]. Mrs. Sarah Wells, of St. Marylebone, Midx., spinster, about eighteen, with the consent of her father. He mentioned his wife Sarah in his will, and her father John Wells. 1 Eldest son of Richard Blagrave (eldest son of John Blagrave, of Bulmarsh and Reading, co. Berks), by his third wife, Anne, dau. of Thomas Mason, of Northwood, Isle of Wight, Gent. He was one of the Gentlemen of the Royal Chapel at the coronation of K. Charles II. (23 Apl. 1661), and was chosen Clerk of the Cheque in Oct. 1662. Anthony Wood (MS. 19 D., Bod. Lib.) says that he was "a player for the most part on the cornet flute, and a gentile and honest man." He died 21 Nov. See his wife's burial 12 Oct. 1689. 2 See (probably) his marriage 29 Apl. 1675, and his son's burial 14 Oct. 1720. 3 See her husband's burial 1 Feb. 1682-3. The unofficial register says that she was buried by ye Library," i. e., in the East Cloister. 4 Eldest dau. of Henry de Nassau, Lord of Auverquerque, by Elizabeth, dau. of Count de Horn. She married, 17 Nov. 1659, Thomas, Earl of Ossory (see his burial 31 July 1680). See her daughter's burial 12 July 1717, her son's 22 May 1746, and her sister's 25 Nov. 1702. 5 Sec his baptism 7 Dec. 1686, and his brother's 24 Apl. 1684, and note thereto. official register says that he was buried in the East Cloister. The un- 6 Eldest son of Conyers, Lord Darcy and Conyers (who succeeded, in June following, as second Earl of Holderness), by his second wife, Lady Frances Howard, dau. of Thomas, first Earl of Berkshire. He was baptized at Hornby, co. York, 5 Nov. 1659. He married Bridget, dau. of Robert Sutton, first Lord Lexington, and their son Robert succeeded as third Earl of Holderness. In the peerages he is usually said to have died 7 June 1688, but this entry in the Abbey register, aud one in the register of Hornby, which says that he died of quinsy on the 6th of January, and was buried at Westminster the 11th, sufficiently refute that statement. 7 Son of William Whittle, of Lancashire, and brother of Dame Elizabeth, first wife of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt., and of Sackville Whittle (see his burial 22 Feb. 1680-1). His will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx.. Gent., dated 8 Jan. 1688-9, was proved the 29th of the same month, by his daughters, Elizabeth and Anne Whittle, between whom and his wife he divided his estate equally. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the East Cloister. 8 Rightly Donkley. According to the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal, he was sworn, 21 Mch. 1663, "Yeoman of his Majesties Vestry extraordinary, to waite closett keeper in ordinarye,” and he appears to have been again sworn into the same office 23 Mch. 1684-5. His will, as of the city of Westminster, Gent., dated 25 Jan. 1688-9, was proved 21 Mch. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by the relict Elizabeth (see their marriage 18 May 1665, and note thereto). See also his daughter's marriage 10 Apl. 1683, and the burials of his children, 20 Sep. 1667, 7 Jan. 1668-9, 8 June 1671, 24 Feb. 1671-2, 19 Aug. 1675, 14 and 24 Aug. 1676, 9 Mch. 1678-9, 11 Sep. 1679, 1 Oct. 1681, 10 Aug. 1686, and 12 Oct. 1730. He died 5 Feb., and was buried in the North Cloister. 9 Eldest son of James Butler, second Duke of Ormond (see his burial 22 May 1746), by his second wife, Lady Mary Somerset (see her burial 25 Nov. 1733). He was born the 24th, and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 27 Sep. 1686. Lord Clarendon's Diary (Singer's Corre- spondence, ii. 265) says that he died on Tuesday morning, 26 Feb. 10 See the marriage of his parents 22 Dec. 1687, his mother's baptism 6 June 1666, and the burials, of his father 15 July 1690, and his sister 5 Jan. 1689-90. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the West Cloister. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 223 1688 March 24 1689 April 20 May 11 June 4 Lady Martha Haywood:¹ [Cloisters]. Mrs. Astrea Behn :2 [Cloisters]. Sir Richard Maleverer :3 near Scot's monument: [in the Abbey]. Philip Littleton alias Tynchare, a child: [Cloisters]. June 14 Mr. Henry Croone:5 [Cloisters]. June 17 Mrs. Catherine Forster:6 [Cloisters]. June 26 Mr. John Swaine : [Cloisters]. July 1 Mr. James Lamplugh, a child :8 [in the Abbey]. July 2 Sir Edward Villiers, Kt. Martiall:9 [in the Abbey]. 1 Probably Martha, dau. of John Acton, of Worcestershire. Esq.. and wife of Sir William Hayward, of Tandridge Hall, co. Surrey, Kt., one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber in ordinary to Kings Charles I. and II., James II., and William. If so, they were married at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, 4 Sep. 1643. She was certainly living in 1681, when she joined with her husband and son William in the conveyance of Tandridge Hall. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the West Cloister. "" 2 The unofficial register gives the same Christian name, but that of Aphara was placed on the stone which covers her remains in the East Cloister, which has been recently recut. "Astræa was a fictitious name used by her in her correspondence, and was perhaps unneces- sarily perpetuated by Pope in his well-known severely satirical couplet. Little is known of her family history, and the doubt has been recently expressed that she was entitled to the surname she bore. It has been said that she was a native of Canterbury, dau. of a Mr. Johnson, a relative of Lord Willoughby, who obtained his appointment as Lieut.-General of Surinam, and that he died on his passage thither. It is also said that, after various experiences of no very creditable sort, she married a Mr. Behn, a London merchant of Dutch extraction. Of her social position and literary abilities it is unnecessary to speak. She has taken a certain place in history, and seems likely to keep it. It must, however, always be a reflection upon the judgment and good taste of Bishop Sprat, then Dean of Westminster, first, that he permitted her interment in the Abbey ground at all, and, secondly, that he gave his assent to the extravagant doggerel cut upon her grave-stone. 3 Younger son of Sir Richard Mauleverer, second Bart. of Allerton-Mauleverer, co. York (see his burial 25 July 1675), by Anne, dau. of Sir Robert Clerke, Kt. He succeeded his brother Sir Thomas (see his burial 13 Aug. 1687) as fourth Bart. He married (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 10 Apl. 1688) Barbara, dau. of Sir Thomas Slingsby, second Bart. of Scriven, who survived him and remarried, first, John, sccond Lord Arundel of Trerice, and, secondly, Thomas, eighth Earl of Pembroke and fifth Earl of Montgomery. See his son's burial 27 Mch. 1713. 4 See the marriage of his parents 24 Mch. 1680-1, and his own baptism 20 May 1689. 5 His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq,, dated 5 June 1689, was proved the 29th of the same month, by the relict Dame Catherine Heath alias Croone (see her burial 30 May 1694). In his marriage license (Faculty Office), dated 27 June 1681, he was called a bachelor, aged about fifty-seven. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the West Cloister. 6 See a marriage 6 Nov. 1679, and burials 16 May 1690. 26 June 1726, and 11 May 1729. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the North Cloister. 7 The unofficial register omits the prefix, and says that he was buried in the South Cloister. See a burial 23 May 1640. 8 Perhaps a grandson of Thomas, Archbishop of York. A Thomas Lamplugh, Esq., was one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II. in 1668. 9 See his baptism 15 Apl. 1620. He was youngest son of Sir Edward Villiers, Kt., by Barbara, eldest dau. of Sir John St. John, of Lydiard-Tregoz, Wilts, Kt. (see her burial 16 Sep. 1672), and younger brother of the Viscounts Grandison. He was a colonel in the army, knighted 7 Apl. 1680, and the following year became Knight-Marshal of the Royal Houschold. The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the North aisle, over against the Chapel of St. John the Baptist. See the burial of his first wife 27 Nov. 1677, and his second marriage 25 Feb. 1683-4 also the baptisms of his brother and sister, 8 Apl. 1619 and 1 June 1622, and the burial of another sister : 224 BURIALS IN 1689 July 4 July July 30 Aug. 6 Aug. 12 The Lady Le Strainge: [in the Abbey]. Susan Jones, a child :5 [Cloisters]. 19 Christopher, Duke of Albemarle :1 [in the Abbey]. Countess of Carbery 2 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Susanna Somes: [Cloisters]. .5 4 Aug. 27 Mrs. Elianor Evans :6 [Cloisters]. Sept. 26 The Lady Susanna Williams: [in the Abbey]. Sept. 26 The Lady Landsdown:8 [in the Abbey]. Oct. Oct. 9 Mrs. Adria Cooke:9 [Cloisters]. 12 Mrs. Margaret Blagrave: 10 [Cloisters]. : 16 July 1685 also the marriage of his dau. 20 July 1685, and the burials, of his dau. 23 Sep. 1708, and of his son 4 Sep. 1711. His will, dated 8 May 1685, was proved, by his relict Dame Martha, 8 July 1689. 1 Only surviving son of George Monk, first Duke of Albemarle (see his burial 29 Apl. 1670), by Anne, dau. of John Clarges (see her burial 28 Feb. 1699-70), and is said to have been born in 1653. He was appointed Governor of Jamaica in 1687, and died there 6 Oct. 1688, without surviving issue, and the title became extinct. See his wife's burial 11 Sep. 1734. (See a curious account of his origin in Burke's Extinct Peerage, edit. 1866, p. 371.) 2 Lady Alice Egerton, eleventh but eighth surviving dau. of John, first Earl of Bridgewater, by Lady Frances Stanley, second dau. and coheir of Ferdinando, fifth Earl of Derby. She became the third wife of Richard Vaughan, second Earl of Carbery, who died in 1687. The unofficial register says that she was buried in "Exeter Chapel." According to Warton, an incident in the early life of this lady led to the production of Milton's "Comus.” See the burial, probably of her husband, 11 Feb. 1690-1. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the East Cloister. 4 Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Justinian Isham, second Bart. of Lamport, co. Northampton, by his first wife, Jane, dau. of Sir John Garrard, first Bart. of Lamer, Herts. She became the second wife of Sir Nicholas L'Estrange, second Bart. of Hunstanton, co. Norfolk, who died in 1669. See the burial of her sister 22 May 1679. They were twins, and were born 27 Aug. 1636. The unofficial register says that she was buried "by her sister." 5 On her monument, as preserved by Dart (ii. 129), she is called dau. of Gabriel and Ann Jones, and is said to have died 11 Aug., aged thirteen years and eight months. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the South Cloister. • The unofficial register says that she was buried in the South Cloister. 7 See her marriage 30 Apl. 1673, and note thereto. She was buried "by Sir Edward Spragg," according to the unofficial register, i.e., in the North aisle. • The inscription on her coffin plate, preserved in one of the Funeral Books, reads thus : "The Rt. Hon. Martha, Lady Lansdowne, 5th dau. of Thomas, Marquis of Carmarthen, died 11 Sep. 1689, in her 25th year." She was dau. of Sir Thomas Osborne, afterwards first Duke of Leeds, by Lady Bridget Bertie, second dau. of Montague, second Earl of Lindsey, and married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 22 May 1678, Charles Granville, commonly called Lord Lansdowne, who succeeded in 1701 as second Earl of Bath, but was accidentally killed twelve days after his father's death (see the burial of his son [by his second wife] 24 May 1711). She was buried in the Chapel of St. Nicholas. She left no issue, but the Funeral Book men- tioned states that her coffin was exposed in 1713, and another found, with this inscription : "The Hon. Mrs. Elizabeth Granville, dau. of Charles, Lord Lansdowne "-doubtless her child, whom Dart (ii. 58) confounded with herself. 9 Sister of Gervase Price (see his burial 15 Sep. 1687) and of Mary Lucy (see her burial 15 Jan. 1708-9), and wife of John Cooke, Esq. (see his burial 21 Sep. 1691). See also the burials of her daughters, 22 Feb. 1711-12, 23 Mch. 1731-2, and 23 Dec. 1754, and the marriage of one 10 Feb. 1699-1700. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the South Cloister. 10 See her husband's burial 24 Nov. 1688. They were married, at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 14 Oct. 1645, as Thomas Blagrave and Margaret Clarevell, but a funeral certificate in WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 225 5 1689 Sept. 15 Nov. 21 Nov. 30 1689 Jan. Feb. 11 Feb. 23 March 17 March 19 1690 March 29 April 11 The Lady Mary Biddolph:¹ [in the Abbey]. The Countess Dowager of Devonshire :2 in Monmouth's vault. The Lady Elizabeth Powlett :3 in the same vault. Mary Norris, an infant : [Cloisters]. Mr. Richard Hart, one of the Core:5 [Cloisters]. John, a child of Dr. Annisly, a Prebendary of this Church:6 in Middlesex Chapel. 7 Ellen Raggett: [Cloisters]. Mr. Thomas Finell, one of the Core:8 [Cloisters]. Thomas Blyford:9 by Long Megg stone: [Cloisters]. Mrs. Anne Lloyd :10 in the East Cloister. the College of Arms (I. ix. 139) describes her as dau. of Thomas Clarvox, of Parson's Green, Midx. Her will, dated 5 Feb. 1688-9, was proved 17 Oct. following, by her "nephew" John Goodwin (see his burial 10 July 1693), and her "niece" Frances Frost (see her burial, as Frances Goodall, 20 Feb. 1705-6); but they appear rather to have been nephew and niece of her husband. She left all her estate, including a house and land in Teddington, Midx., and several houses in Westminster, to her husband's relations, and did not mention one of her own. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the North Cloister. 1 Rightly Biddulph. See her marriage 31 Dec. 1678, and note thereto. The unofficial register says that she was buried "att Sr Ed: Spragg's Head," i.e., in the North aisle. (This entry, in the official Register, stands immediately after that of Lady Lansdowne, while in the unofficial one the date is given as 15 October, and the entry follows that of Mrs. Blagrave. There can be little doubt that there was an inadvertent error in the official Register, and that it should read "Oct. 15.") 2 Lady Elizabeth Cecil, dau. of William, second Earl of Salisbury, by Lady Catherine Howard, youngest dau. of Thomas, first Earl of Suffolk. She married William Cavendish, third Earl of Devonshire, who died at Roehampton, co. Surrey, 23 Nov. 1684, and was buried at Derby. She died 19 Nov. Her son William was created Duke of Devonshire (see his wife's burial 6 Aug. 1710). ³ On opening this vault, in 1868, an infant's coffin was found, on the plate of which was the following inscription : The Right Honourable ye Lady Elizabeth Powlett, Daughter of his Grace Charles, Duke of Bolton, Died the 25th day of Nov', Anno Domini 1689." Charles Powlett (or Paulett), sixth Marquis of Winchester, had been created Duke of Bolton on the 9th of April in this year. This child was evidently by his second wife, Mary, one of the three illegitimate daughters of Emanuel Scrope, Earl of Sunderland, by his servant Martha Jeanes. 4 See the marriage of her parents 22 Dec. 1687, her mother's baptism 6 June 1666, and the burials, of her father 15 July 1690, and of her brother 3 Mch. 1688-9. • He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 26 Apl. 1671, and was also one of the choir of the Abbey. See his marriage 18 Nov. 1683. He died 8 Feb., and was buried in the East Cloister, near the Library door. See the burial, perhaps of his brother, 15 May 1718. 6 Rightly Annesley. See his father's burial, as Lord Altham, 25 Nov. 1701. He was the first child of this name, but his baptism is not recorded in the Abbey Register. He was buried in St. Benedict's Chapel. 7 The unofficial register says that she was buried "by her husband." See his burial 5 Apl. 1679; also her marriage 14 Apl. 1668 (where called "Elionor "), and the burial of, probably, her son 7 May 1686. 8 He is mentioned as one of the choir, in Dr. Busby's accounts, in 1664. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the South Cloister. See a marriage, probably of his dau., 24 Apl. 1679. 9 ⁹ The unofficial register says "by Long Megg," i. e., in the South Cloister. 10 Dau. of Evan Lloyd, Esq., by his wife Anne Vaughan, who remarried Thomas Morice, Esq. (see her burial 24 Oct. 1693). Her will, dated 4 Apl. 1690, was proved 26 May following, by her brother Col. Evan Lloyd (see his burial 8 Nov. 1714). 2 G 226 BURIALS IN 16 1690 April 16 May 16 May 31 31 July 15 July 25 Aug. 28 Oct. 9 Oct. Richard Bly, Mr. Hawke's grandchild:¹ in the South Cloister. Mrs. Catherine Forster the elder :2 [Cloisters]. Mr. William Harrison :3 in the West Cloister. Richard Norris: in the West Cloister. Lady Anne Scott, a child of the Lord Cornwallis :5 [in the Abbey]. Major Henry Carr:6 [in the Abbey]. Sarah Hughs, Mr. Knipe's maid:7 in the West Cloister. 14 The Lady Mary, daughter of their Royal Highnesses Prince George and the Princess Anne of Denmark:8 [in the Abbey]. Oct. 29 Mrs. Mary Clerk :9 in the North Cloister. ¹ Rightly Blyth. See his mother's baptism 11 July 1665, and note thereto, and the burials, of his brother 9 Sep. 1686, and his sister 7 Aug. 1701. 2 The unofficial register says that she was buried 19 May, and in the North Cloister. See a marriage 6 Nov. 1679, and burials 17 June 1689, 26 June 1726, and 11 May 1729. (The pro- bability is that the marriage was her own, and the first burial that of her daughter.) 3 His will, as of the College of St. Peter, Westminster, "butler," dated 5 May 1690, was proved 3 June following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Jane. He left bequests to his brother Thomas Harrison and his wife, and to his niece Jane Smith and her mother his sister. The unofficial register says that he was buried in the middle of the West Cloister. See a burial 15 July 1720. 4 See his marriage 22 Dec. 1687, and the burials of his children, 3 Mch. 1688-9 and 5 Jan. 1689-90. 5 Dau. of Charles, third Lord Cornwallis (see his first marriage 27 Dec. 1673, and note thereto), by his second wife, the Lady Anne Scott, Duchess of Monmouth and Buccleuch, widow of the unfortunate James, Duke of Monmouth, to whom he was married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 6 May 1688, and who died 6 Feb. 1731-2. This child was baptized, at St. Martin in the Fields, 27 Apl. 1690. See her brother's burial 27 May 1693. 6 The inscription on his monument states that he was one of the Gentlemen Ushers and Daily Waiter to Kings Charles II. and James II.; that he descended from the ancient family of the Earls of Ancrum; that he married Venetia, sole dau. and heir of Edward Carew, Esq., by whom he had issue one son, Henry, and four daughters, viz., Elizabeth, Anna-Sophia, Alena- Maria, and Carew; and that he died 25 Aug. 1690, in his thirty-eighth year. The family name of the Earls of Ancrum was Ker, or Kerr; but wherever his name is found it is written Carr, as in the Abbey Register and on his monument. His wife Venetia was the only child of Edward Carew, of Newbold-Pacey, co. Warwick, Esq., and is mentioned in his will, dated 29 Oct. 1668, as then unmarried, and not eighteen years of age. She administered to her husband's estate 9 Sep. 1690, when he was described as of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., Esq. See the burial of their son 30 Mch. 1699. Their daughters Elizabeth and Ann-Sophia were baptized, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 17 Sep. 1682; Alena-Maria was baptized there 7 Jan. 1688-9; and another dau., Venetia, was baptized there 7 July 1680, but is not named on the monument. The youngest dau. was baptized, at St. Giles in the Fields, 8 Feb. 1689-90 (born the day before), and was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 28 Nov. 1692. 7 Her will, as Sarah Hughes, scrvant to Mr. Thomas Knipe, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 12 Aug. 1690, was proved 25 Nov. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by Mr. Knipe, who was then Under-Master of Westminster School (see his burial 9 Aug. 1711). Having bequeathed her apparel, etc., to her elder sister Jane Smith, she left £80 to Mrs. Knipe and Dr. Pelling (one of the Prebendaries), to be expended in plate for the use of the Abbey. See a burial 10 Nov. 1668. 8 Fourth dau. and sixth child of Prince George of Denmark (sce his burial 13 Nov. 1708), by the Princess, afterwards Queen Anne (see her burial 24 Aug. 1714). Luttrell, in his Diary (ii. 116), says that she was born the same day, lived about two hours, was christened, and buried privately in the Abbey. The unofficial register says that she was buried in the royal vault. 9 Relict of Mr. William Clark, Page of the Back Stairs (see his burial 9 Feb. 1681-2). Her age, according to her monument, was sixty-three. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 227 1690 Nov. 6 Nov. 8 8 Nov. 18 Dec. 12 Dec. 169 Jan. 1691 13 16 Feb. 11 March 6 March 10 March 26 April 18 Mrs. Elizabeth Braddock:¹ in the North Cloister. Capt. Robert Hall, junior 2 in the North Cloister. Richard, a child of Dr. Annisly, a Prebendary of this Church :3 by the Earl of Middlesex: [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Anne Godolphin :4 in the West Cloister. The Lady Anne Robinson:5 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Cilicia Marsh :6 in the West Cloister. Mr. Thomas Somes:7 in the East Cloister. Mr. John Jennyns :8 in the East Cloister. John Smalbrook :9 in the West Cloister. Mr. John Smith :10 in the East Cloister. Susanna Hall:11 in the North Cloister. 1 Wife of Edward Braddock (see his burial 17 June 1708), and mother of Elizabeth, wife of Dr. John Blow (see her burial 31 Oct. 1683). 2 (In the unofficial register only.) See, probably, his wife's burial 4 Feb. 1683-4, and note thereto. The will of Robert Hall, of the city of London, Gent., dated 24 July 1690, was proved 30 May 1691, by his mother Elizabeth, wife of Robert Hall, of Rye, co. Sussex, Gent. He bequeathed to them his houses, etc., in St. James, Westminster. and his lease of the tithes of Bishopstone, co. Sussex. 3 Rightly Annesley. (The date in Collectanca is erroneously 3 Dec.) See his baptism 31 Oct. 1689, and his father's burial, as Lord Altham, 25 Nov. 1701. He was buried in St. Benedict's Chapel. 4 (Collectanea erroneously gives the date 6 Nov.) Dau. of Charles Godolphin, Esq. (see his burial 28 July 1720), by his wife Elizabeth (see her burial 16 Aug. 1726). She was born the 9th, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 12 Aug. 1688. She died 8 Dec. See her brother's burial 16 May 1694. 6 Ouly surviving child and heir of John Laurence, Esq. (see his burial 3 Feb. 1684-5), by Amey his wife (see her burial 10 Sep. 1687). She married, first (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 26 July 1680), then aged about twenty-two, Lumley Robinson, Esq., afterwards second Bart. of Kentwell Hall, Suffolk (sce his burial 10 June 1684), and secondly, at St. Mary Aldermary, London, 2 Aug. 1688, William Foulis, Esq., who succeeded, after her death, as fourth Bart. of Ingleby, co. York. See the baptisms of her children by her first husband, 14 July 1681 and 5 Oct. 1682, and her brother's burial 23 July 1677. Her only son by her second husband succeeded his father, in Oct. 1741, as fifth Bart. of Ingleby. 6 Wife of Alphonso Marsh, Gentleman of the Royal Chapel (see his burial 9 Apl. 1692). The unofficial register gives the same Christian name, but in the parish register of St. Margaret's, Westminster, is the baptism, 11 Sep. 1685, of " Mary, dau. of Alfonso and Cicilia Marsh." 7 See the burial, probably of his wife, 30 July 1689. 8 The unofficial register gives the same surname, but on his monument he was called John Jennings, Esq., and said to have died 2 Mch., aged seventy-three. His relict Susanna admin- istered to his estate 2 Apl. 1691, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, and in the record the name is also Jennings. See his wife's burial 21 May 1695. 9 Perhaps related to Richard Smalbroke, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry (see his widow's burial 15 Mch. 1765), who was at this date about twenty years old. A John Smalbroke matri- culated at Oxford, from Exeter College, 16 July 1664, aged seventeen, as son of Richard Smalbroke, of Droitwich, co. Worcester, Gent., but appears not to have taken a degree. 10 On his gravestone, which was before the Library door, he was called "Master of Music," and said to have died 23 Mch., aged sixty-three. His will, as of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., Gent., dated 25 Feb. 1690-1, then residing in the house of Johu Yarling, in Baldwin's Gardens, was proved 24 Mch. following, by his friend and residuary legatee, John Harwood, of St. Dunstan in the West. He left legacies to several friends, but mentioned no relations, 1 Sec burials 4 Feb. 1683-4 and 8 Nov. 1690, both in the same locality, 228 BURIALS IN 1691 May 1 May 5 May 15 May 17 June 8 Thomas Fox :1 in the North Cloister. Margaret Westwood:2 in the South Cloister. Letitia, Countess of Donegall :3 in Oliver's vault. Robert Gale : in the Cloisters, near the arch. James Bridgman, Esq. 5 [in the Abbey]. June 10 Thorogood Mutas: in the North Cloister. July 7 July 18 Colonel John Beversham: in the East Cloister. Dorothy Jackson :7 in the West Cloister. July 25 Mrs. Constance Humphries:8 in the North Cloister. Aug. Allan Apesly, Esq. :9 within the monuments: [in the Abbey]. Aug. 19 Mr. Thomas Fox :10 in the North Cloister. 1 Perhaps a child of Charles Fox (son of Sir Stephen Fox), paymaster in the army, by Elizabeth-Carr, only dau, and heir of Sir William Trollope, second Bart. of Casewick, co. Lincoln. They had no issue living at his father's second marriage in 1703. See burials 18 Nov. 1692 and 14 Feb. 1692-3. There seems to be no other place for them in the Fox pedigree. 2 The unofficial register says: "Mrs. Margaret Westwood." Susanna, dau. of Theophilus and Margaret Westwood, was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 19 Sep. 1681. See a marriage 1 Oct. 1691, and note thereto. 3 Eldest child and only surviving dau. of Sir William Hicks, first Bart. of Beverstone Castle, co. Gloucester, and of Ruckholts, co. Essex, by Margaret, eldest dau. of William, fourth Lord Paget of Beaudesert (see her burial 10 Sep. 1652). See her baptism 13 July 1626. She married, first, at St. Bartholomew-the-Less, London, 13 Aug. 1651, Arthur Chichester, first Earl of Donegall, to whom she was third wife, and who died 18 Mch. 1674-5; and, secondly, Sir William Franklin, of Maverne, co. Beds, Kt., whom she did not long survive, his will being dated 10 Mch. and proved 24 Apl. 1691. The unofficial register says that she was buried "in Monmouth's Vault." Having been used for the interment of Cromwell's family, it passed, after their remains had been ejected, to the family of the unfortunate Duke of Monmouth, and was still later appropriated to the family of the Duke of Ormond, being ever since known as the "Ormond Vault." 4 His name appears in a list of the twelve Abbey almsmen, in the Chapter Book, dated 5 June 1688. 5 Second son of George Bridgeman, of Nympsfield, co. Gloucester, Esq. (eldest son of Sir John Bridgeman, Kt., Chief-Justice of Chester), by Heveningham his wife. His will, dated 6 Apl. 1691, was proved 2 July following. Besides his own family, he provided for his "natural daughter" Sarah, then wife of Edward Liver. The unofficial register says that he was buried near the Vestry. Collectanea gives the date erroneously 18 June. See the burial of his brother's widow 2 Mch. 1663-4. 6 The unofficial register says " Mr. Thorrogood Mutas." Sec the burial, probably, of his wife 20 Sep. 1694.- Baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 9 Sep. 1658, "Throwgood, son of Arthur and Elizabeth Meawtys."-Married at St. Marylebonc, Midx., 16 Feb. 1687-8, Thorowgood Meautys and Mary Adams."-Baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 9 Aug. 1691, "Elizabeth dau. of Thorowgood Mewtis, deceased, and Mary his wife." Both he and his wife appear to have died intestate. 7 The unofficial register prefixes "Mrs.," and says that she was buried 16 July. See her baptism 27 Dec. 1675, her father's burial 23 July 1714, and her mother's 16 May 1718. 8 See a baptism 26 July 1668, and a burial 17 July 1674, in the same locality. 9 Eldest son of Sir Peter Apsley, of Apsley, co. Sussex, Kt., Cofferer to K. James II., by his first wife (see her burial 7 Sep. 1681, and note thereto). According to the inscription on his monument, he died 5 Aug., in his eleventh year. 10 (Collectanea crroneously says "Mr. Ste. Fox.") The inscription on his monument describes him as "Thomas Fox, Esq., Receiver-General of their Majesties Customs," and states that he died 18 Aug., in his twenty-seventh year. According to a pedigree in Hoare's History of Wiltshire, he was son of John Fox, only surviving son of John Fox, Clerk of the Acatry to K. Charles II. (see his burial 23 Nov. 1691), and consequently great nephew of Sir Stephen Fox. The arms, as WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 229 1691 Aug. 22 Sept. 5 Sept. 21 Oct. 4 Oct. 6 Oct. 10 Oct. 26 Nov. 23 Dec. 24 1691 Jan. 9 Jan. 14 Jan. 20 .2 Henry, a child of Dr. Brevol:¹ [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Agneta Philips 2 [in the Abbey]. John Cooke, Esq. :" in the South Cloister. : Mrs. Mary Boriston : in the North Cloister. Colonel Solomon Richards in the North Cloister. Mrs. Sarah Templar:5 in the North Cloister. Bridgett Holmes:" in the North Cloister. Mr. John Fox:7 in the North Cloister. Steven Lee: at the upper end of the East Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Cane: in the North Cloister. Mrs. Susanna Moore: in the East Cloister. Mrs. Cicillia Jones :8 in the East Cloister. Luttrell. in his Diary (ii. 274), in advanced £50,000 to come differenced on his monument, represent him as a fourth son. noticing his death, as "treasurer of the custome house," says that he into that place." 1 Rightly de Bréval. See his baptism 4 Jan. 1690-1, his father's burial 29 Jan. 1707-8, and his mother's July 1719. The unofficial register says that he was buried behind the organ. 2 Relict of Col. Robert Phillips, probably the one mentioned in Luttrell's Diary (i. 367), under the date of 18 Dec. 1685, thus: "His majestic hath appointed the lord Tiviot, col. Robert Phillips, and John Evelyn of Deptford, esq., commissioners to execute the office of lord privy seal during the absence of the earl of Clarendon, lord licutenant of Ireland." According to a herald painter's work-book in the College of Arms (5 I. B., p. 28), his arms, on a hatchment ordered after her death, were those of l'hillips of Iver, co. Bucks, and hers were those of Dallender of Sussex. The unofficial register says that she was buried " before yº Quire dore.” See the burials of her children 16 and 29 May 1677, and notes thereto. Another dau.. Elizabeth. was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 7 Dec. 1662, and two daughters, whose names are not given in the parish register, one of whom was perhaps this Elizabeth, were buried at Acton, Midx., 13 Mch. 1666-7 and 11 Mch. 1670-1. In the record of the baptism of the dau. Frances, at Acton, 8 Aug. 1664, the father is described as the "Right Hon. Col. Robert Phillips." 3 The inscription on his gravestone stated that he died 19 Sep., in his seventy-eighth year. He became Latin Secretary to K. Charles II. in Dec. 1681 (Luttrell's Diary, i. 153). See his wife's burial 9 Oct. 1689, his daughter's marriage 10 Feb. 1699-1700, and the burials of his only three daughters, 22 Feb. 1711-12, 23 Mch. 1731-2, and 23 Dec. 1754. His will was proved 23 Nov. 1691, by his only son William. 4 Rightly Boraston. See her husband's burial 10 Feb. 1644-5. Letters of administration to her estate were granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter. 14 Oct. 1691, to Anne Adams, her next of kin (see her burial 15 July 1710). 5 See the burials, probably of her children, 24 July 1675 and 6 June 1681. .. 6 The inscription on her gravestone, as preserved by Dart (ii. 131), was as follows: Here lies the body of Bridget Holmes, widow, who died October 23, 1691, aged 100 years ou St. Luke's Eve last, and served King Charles I. and II., King James II., and King William." If true, she lived six days over a century. 7 Elder brother of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt., and eldest surviving son of William Fox, of Farley, Wilts, by Margaret (or Elizabeth), dau. of Thomas Pavey, of Plaitford, Wilts. He was Clerk of the Acatry" to K. Chas. II., and, according to the inscription on his gravestone, died 19 Nov.. in his cightieth year. He married Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Smart, of Plymouth, co. Devon (see, probably, her burial 2 Jan. 1796-7). See his daughter's marriage 18 May 1665, and the burial of another 22 June 1729; also his sister's burial 3 Sep. 1710. 8 The inscription on her gravestone, as given by Dart (ii. 128), states that she was the widow of Francis Jones, of co. Wilts, Gent., and died 18 Jan., in her seventy-fifth year. Her dau. Elizabeth Joues, spinster, administered to her estate 28 July 1693. Mrs. Cecilia Jones was one of the Rockers to the Princess Anne in 1673, and the person named in the text was buried by the side of others who had held positions about the Court. Probably they were identical. 230 BURIALS IN 1 169 Jan. 25 Eppifania Cakewood, an almsman's wife: near the arch: 1692 April 1 April 9 April 15 [Cloisters]. Mr. Rowland Jewts:2 in the South Cloister. Mr. Alphonso Marsh : in the West Cloister. Mrs. Bridget Herbert : near the Lord Oxford's monument: [in the Abbey]. April 18 Lord George, son to the Prince and Princess of Denmark :5 [in May the Abbey]. 6 6 Elizabeth Hill, an almsman's wife: near the arch: [Cloisters]. Mr. George Draper :7 in the West Cloister. May 9 Sept. 16 Oct. 27 Nov. 2 Mr. David Wood: in the North Cloister. Sir Roger Harsnett:8 in the North Cloister. Sarah, Duchess of Somerset :9 [in the Abbey]. 1 See her husband's burial 18 Sep. 1723. 2 The unofficial register gives the same surname, but it may be questioned if it should not be Jewkes. Rowland Jewkes, of the Inner Temple, Esq. (one of the executors of the celebrated Selden), in his will, dated 22 Aug. 1663, left considerable legacies to his nephew Rowland Jewkes, son of his brother Thomas, who was probably the same Rowland Jewkes who was admitted to the Inner Temple 30 June 1648, as son and heir apparent of Thomas Jewkes, of Downton, co. Salop, Gent. One Rowland Jewkes, Esq., was a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to K. Chas. II. in 1675. 3 He appears to have been the only son of Alphonso Marsh, Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, who died 9 Apl. 1681, by his first wife, Mary Cheston, to whom he was married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 8 Feb. 1647-8. He was himself sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 25 Apl. 1676, and, according to the Cheque Book, died 5 Apl. 1692. A creditor administered to his estate 12 July 1692, his cousin Anne Roffey, as next of kin, having renounced. See his wife's burial 16 Jan. 1690-1. (This entry is chronologically misplaced in Collectanea, and the date erroneously given as 25 Apl.) The Funeral Book, quoting her coffin-plate exposed in 1713, says that she was second dau. of the Hon. James Herbert, Esq., and grand-daughter to the most noble Thomas, Marquis of Carmarthen, and died 13 Apl. 1692, in her eleventh year. Her parents were James Herbert, Esq. (son of James Herbert of co. Bucks, Esq.), and Lady Catherine Osborne, dau. of Thomas, first Duke of Leeds, who were married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 1 July 1674. She was born 27 Oct. 1681, and baptized 24 Jan. following, at St. Andrew's, Holborn. 5 Third son and seventh child of Prince George of Denmark (see his burial 13 Nov. 1708), by the Princess, afterwards Queen Anne (see her burial 24 Aug. 1714). Luttrell, in his Diary (ii. 424), says that he was born at Sion House the day before, and died an hour after his baptism. • According to the lists in the Chapter Book. Warren Hill had the reversion of an almsman's place 29 Jan. 1685-6, and was awaiting his turn 5 June 1688. See a burial, in about the same locality, 27 Apl. 1685. 7 His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 2 May 1692, was proved the 6th of the same month, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his friend and residuary legatce, Robert Styles, of St. Margaret's, Westminster. He bequeathed £12 per annum to his mother, Mary Draper, widow, then dwelling at Newmarket, co. Cambridge, but mentioned no other relations. The unofficial register says that he was buried at the upper end of the West Cloister. 8 (Collectanea erroneously gives the date as 16 Sep.) Luttrell, in his Diary (ii. 602), mentions his death, and describes him as the "king's eldest serjeant at arms, and who used to attend the house of lords." See the burials, of his wife 17 May 1676, his son 20 Aug. 1675, and his daughters, 14 Oct. 1674 and 8 Nov. 1680; also the marriage of his dau. 26 Oct. 1670. His will, dated 25 Oct. 1692, was proved 7 Nov. following, by his son-in-law William Lownds, Esq. He made his apparently only son, Rev. Robert Harsnett, D.D., his residuary legatee. 9 Youngest of the two daughters and ooheirs of Sir Edward Alston, Kt., M.D., the eminent WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 231 1692 Nov. 18 Nov. 21 Nov. 25 169 Jan. 29 John Fox, a child :1 in the North Cloister. Frances, Countess Dowager of Scarsdale :² [in the Abbey]. Francis Newport, Esq. :3 [in the Abbey]. : 4 The Lady Catherine Morley in Hunsdon's vault: [in the Abbey]. Thomas Fox, a child 5 in the North Cloyster. Thomas Rossingam, an almsman :6 [Cloisters]. Rowland Watson: in the West Cloister. Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 March 17 March 24 1693 April April 6 6 Mr. Richard Barbar :8 near Sir Lumly Robinson: [in the Abbey]. A still-born child of Prince George's:9 [in the Abbey]. Mr. Henry Mansell :10 [in the Abbey]. President of the Royal College of Physicians of London, by Susan, dau. of Christopher Hudson, of the city of Norwich, Esq. She married, first, George Grimston, Esq., eldest son of Sir Harbottle Grimston, second Bart., who died 5 June 1655, in his father's lifetime, and without issue; secondly, John Seymour, fourth Duke of Somerset, who died in 1675, and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral; and thirdly, Henry, second Lord Coleraine, from whom, however, she is said to have lived apart during the last years of her life. The unofficial register says that she was buried near the monument of Lord Norris, which is in the Chapel of St. Andrew. ¹ See the burial, probably of his brother, 1 May 1691, and note thereto. 2 Lady Francis Rich, youngest dau. of Robert, second Earl of Warwick, by his first wife, Frances, dau. of Sir William Hatton alias Newport, Kt., and widow of Nicholas, second Earl of Scarsdale (see his burial 4 Feb. 1680-1). The unofficial register says that she was buried in the "Hunsdon Vault," i. c. in the Chapel of St. John the Baptist. • - 3 Third son of Francis, second Baron Newport, and created Earl of Bradford 11 May 1694, by Lady Diana Russell, dau. of Francis, fourth Earl of Bedford, who were married in 1642. He died unmarried. The unofficial register says that he was buried "by ye Ld Russell's monument, and neere she yt prickt her finger." This refers to the monuments of Lord John Russell and his dau. Elizabeth, in the Chapel of St. Edmund, and shews the belief of the writer in a tradition, now exploded, that the latter lost her life in the manner indicated. 4 Lady Catherine Leke, second dau. of Francis, first Earl of Scarsdale, by Anne, dau. of Sir Edward Cary, of Aldenham and Berkhampstead, Herts, Kt., and wife of Cuthbert Morley, of Normanby, co. York, Esq. See her brother's burial 4 Feb. 1680-1. She was buried near him, in the Chapel of St. John the Baptist. 5 (In the unofficial register only.) See the burial, probably of his brother, 1 May 1691, and note thereto. 6 The unofficial register says "Bossingam." See. however, a burial 16 May 1617. 7 The unofficial register gives the prefix "Mr." 8 The unofficial register calls him "Capt. Richard Barbar," and says that he was buried "at the head of Sir Lumley Robinson." His will, as Richard Barber, of the city of Westminster, Gent., dated 28 July 1689, was proved 24 Mch. 1692-3, by his cousins Mr. James Tye and Mary his wife, whom he made residuary legatees. He left considerable legacies to his sister Sarah, then wife of Mr. Lewis Micho, and his cousins Mr. Thomas Newton and his wife Cassandra, Mrs. Jane Duncombe, and Mrs. Anne and Mrs. Catherine Cornwallis. It is evident that he was a brother of, or nearly related to, Anne Barber, the wife of Frederick Cornwallis, Esq., second son of Frederick, first Lord Cornwallis, as the last three ladies named were her daughters. 9 Fifth daughter and eighth child of Prince George of Denmark (see his burial 13 Nov. 1708), by the Princess, afterwards Queen Anne (see her burial 24 Aug. 1714). The birth took place at Berkeley House the day before. The unofficial register says that the burial was in the royal vault. 10 Third and youngest son of Sir Edward Mansell, Kt., and third Bart. of Margam, co. Glamorgan, by Martha, dau. of Edward Carne, of Wenny, in the same county, Esq. He died unmarried. See his brother's burial 22 June 1681, and the marriage of another brother 18 May 1686. 232 BURIALS IN 1693 April 27 May 13 May 27 June 8 June 8 July 10 Aug. 2 Aug. 30 Oct. 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 24 Mrs. Grace Manwaring:¹ [in the Abbey]. Sarah Fruen, a child :2 [Cloisters]. Lord George Scott, Lord Cornwallis's child :3 [in the Abbey.] Mr. John Bloc, son to Dr. Bloe: in the North Cloister. Anne Battle, Mr. Needham's grandchild in the Abbey. Mr. John Goodwin :6 in the North Cloister. Mr. John Le Neve : in the Abbey. Mrs. Martha Walker: in the South Cloister. Robert Fletcher, an almsman:8 [Cloisters]. Mr. John Bullock :9 in the East Cloister. Mrs. Anne Morris :10 in the East Cloister. 1 Sixth and youngest dau. of Sir Thomas Mainwaring, first Bart. of Over Pcover, co. Chester, by Mary, dau. of Sir Henry Delves, second Bart. of Dodington, in the same county. She was born 21 Apl. 1664, and died unmarried. See her sister's burial 2 Dec. 1724. The unofficial register says that she was buried "neare Sr Ed: Spragg's Head," i. e. in the North aisle. 2 The unofficial register says that she was buried "under Mr. Richard Whittle's stone," i. e. in the East Cloister (see his burial 15 Jan. 1688-9). She was probably dau. of Thomas Frewen, to whom, in his will, Mr. Whittle bequeathed all his "physic-books" and "a new milled serge suit," and who was apparently in his service. 3 Son of Charles, third Lord Cornwallis (see his first marriage 27 Dec. 1673, and note thereto), by his second wife, the Lady Anne Scott, Duchess of Monmouth and Buccleuch, widow of the unfortunate James, Duke of Monmouth, to whom he was married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 6 May 1688, and who died 6 Feb. 1731-2. This child was born 23 Sep., and baptized 6 Oct. 1692, at St. Martin in the Fields. The unofficial register says that he was buried in "Monmouth's Vault." See his sister's burial 25 July 1690. 4 Son of John Blow, the celebrated Doctor of Music (see his burial 8 Oct. 1708), by his wife Elizabeth (see her burial 31 Oct. 1683). According to the inscription on his gravestone, he died 2 June, aged fifteen years. 5 (In the unofficial register only.) Eldest child of Charles Battely, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of John Needham, Esq. (see her baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto). 6 His will, as of Westminster, Gent., dated 3 July 1693, was proved the 20th of the same month, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his cousin, Mrs. Frances Frost (see her burial, as Frances Goodall, 20 Feb. 1705-6), whom he made his residuary legatce. He left legacies to his brother Ambrose Searle and his children, and to his uncle Anthony Blagrave, of the city of Norwich, Gent., and his children, but named no other relations. He was evidently a nephew of Mr. Thomas Blagrave (see his burial 24 Nov. 1688), and was named in his will. According to the inscription on his gravestone, he died 7 July, in his thirty-first year. In some of the printed copies of the inscription it is said that he died in his twenty-first year, but this seems impossible, as he proved the will of his aunt Margaret Blagrave (see her burial 12 Oct. 1689), which he was not likely to have done at the age of seventeen. 7 Fourth and youngest son of John Le Nevc, of Cavendish, co. Suffolk, and of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., who died in 1654, by his wife Catherine (see her burial, as Mrs. Catherine Hope, 29 July 1682). He was born 10 Jan. 1649-50, and was twice married. See the burial of his first wife 15 May 1677, and of his second 17 Dec. 1687. By the latter he was father of John Le Neve, the author of Fasti Ecclesiæ Anglicana. See also his brother's burial 29 Aug. 1673. He died 26 July, and was buried in the North aisle, behind the organ. He was appointed to the first vacant "Almsroom," by the King, in Aug. 1660 (Signet Book, Public Record Office), and his name occurs in the list of the then existing almsmen, in the Chapter Book, dated 5 June 1688. See his son's baptism 16 Mch. 1666-7. 9 His father, Richard Bullock, administered to his estate 28 Nov. 1693, when he was de- scribed as of the city of Westminster, bachelor. 10 Rightly Morice. Anne Vaughan, wife, first, of Evan Lloyd, Esq., who died about 1648, and, secondly, of Thomas Morice, Esq. (see his burial 1 June 1675). See the burials of her children, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 233 1693 Nov. 13 Nov. 24 Dec. 10 1692 Jan. Jan. (-) Jan. 18 Feb. 4 1 1 Lady Sarah Clark :¹ [Cloisters]. Thomas Jennings, a child:2 [Cloisters]. Sir Clement Clark :3 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Illers: in the South Cloister. The Countess of Stafford : [in the Abbey]. 6 Charles, Earl of Maclesfield: in Exeter vault: [in the Abbey]. Mr. Francis Villers :7 [in the Abbey]. by her first husband, 11 Apl. 1690 and 8 Nov. 1714, and by her second husband, 30 Mch. 1709 and 28 Aug. 1747. 1 Dau. and heir of George Talbot, of Ridge, co. Salop, Esq., and wife of Sir Clement Clerke, first Bart. of Launde Abbey (see his burial 10 Dec. following). In the Baronetages, except in Wotton's edition in 1727, she is always called "Catharine." The unofficial register calls her “Lady Sarah Clerk," and says that she was buried in the North Cloister. The Funeral Book also gives her the same name. 2 See his baptism 13 May 1693, his mother's burial 16 July 1720, and his father's 29 Mch. 1734. 3 Rightly Clerke. Son of Sir George Clerke, of Watford. co. Northampton, Kt., by Barbara, dau. of Robert Palmer, of Hill, co. Beds, Esq. He was appointed Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II. in 1661, and was created a Baronet 18 June in that year, as of Launde Abbey, co. Leicester. See his wife's burial 13 Nov. preceding, and that of his great-grandson 25 Nov. 1732. 4 The surname is the same in the unofficial register, but it may be questioned if it should not be Elers, or, as the name appears to have been written at this time, "Ellers." It seems probable that she was a dau. of Peter Elers, by his first wife Anne Price, and sister of Anne Elers (see her burial 26 Oct. 1717, and note thereto), and of Peter Elers, Esq. (see his burial 20 Mch. 1753), both of whom were buried in the same vicinity. 5 Mary, dau. of Edward Stafford (only son of Edward, fourth Baron Stafford of the creation of 1547, but who died in his father's lifetime). by Anne, dau. of James Wilford, of Newnham Hall, co. Essex, Esq., and sister and heir of Henry, fifth Baron Stafford. She married (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 11 Oct. 1637), at the age of eighteen. Sir William Howard. K.B., then aged twenty-two, third but second surviving son of Thomas, Earl of Arundel and Surrey. They were created, 12 Sep. 1640, Baron and Baroness of Stafford, and 11 Nov. following he was elevated in the peerage as Viscount of Stafford. He was attainted in 1678, when all his honours were forfeited, and was beheaded 29 Dec. 1680. She was created, 5 Oct. 1688, Countess of Stafford for life, her eldest son (see his burial 12 May 1719) being the same day created Earl of Stafford. According to her monument, she died 13 Jan.. in her seventy-fourth year. She was buried in the Chapel of St. Edmund. (The day of her burial is also omitted in the unofficial register, but the entry there follows, instead of preceding, that of the Earl of Macclesfield.) 6 (Collectanea erroneously says 10 Jan.) Charles Gerard, son and heir of Sir Charles Gerard, of Halsall, co. Lancaster, Kt., by Penelope, sister and heir of Sir Edward Fitton, of Gosworth, co. Chester, Kt. He was created, 8 Oct. 1645, Lord Gerard. of Brandon, and, 21 July 1679, Earl of Macclesfield. He died, according to Luttrell's Diary, 9 Jan., and the unofficial register says that he was buried in the "Hunsdon Vault," i. e., in the Chapel of St. John the Baptist. See the burials, of his sister 18 Oct. 1662, his dau. 19 Mch. 1699-1700, and his son 14 Nov. 1701. 7 Second son of George Villiers, fourth Viscount Grandison, by Lady Mary Leigh, second dau. and coheir of Francis, first Earl of Chichester. He was Lieut. of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, and was appointed, 23 Feb. 1684-5, one of the four Tellers of the Exchequer (Segar's MS. Baronage, College of Arms, iii., 1148). He resided at Parson's Green, Fulham, Midx., and was the "Frank Villiers," or "Villain Frank," of the State Poems. He died 1 Feb., unmarried. In his will, dated 29 Jan. 1693-4, he bequeathed £714 6s. to his sister Elizabeth Villiers, and left the rest of his estate to be disposed of among his relations by his brother Charles Villiers, Esq., and his cousin Elizabeth Villiers, whom he appointed executors. The latter, as the Countess of Orkney, proved the will, but not until 23 Oct. 1703. 2 H 234 BURIALS IN 1693 March 1 March 17 1 1694 April 28 May 16 May 19 A child of Mrs. West:¹ [Cloisters]. Frances Stewart, Countess Dowager of Portland 2 in Richmond's vault: [in the Abbey]. 4 Sir Thomas Duppa :3 [in the Abbey]. A child of Mr. Godolphin's : [Cloisters]. Mrs. Carr:5 [in the Abbey]. May 26 For ye Lady Elland:6 [in the Abbey]. The Lord Falkland :7 [in the Abbey]. May 28 1 ¹ The unofficial register says: "Eliz: West, a child, bu: in ye East Closter." Scc, probably, her mother's burial 14 Nov. 1710. 2 Youngest dau. of Esme Stuart, third Duke of Lennox (see his burial 6 Aug. 1624), by Lady Catharine Clifton, only dau. and heir of Gervase, Lord Clifton of Leighton Bromswold, who remarried James, second Earl of Abercorn, and died in 1637. She was born in 1617, and married, at Putney, co. Surrey, in June 1632, Jerome Weston, afterwards second Earl of Portland, who died 16 May 1662. Her will, dated 21 Sep. 1692, with a codicil dated 9 Mch. 1693-4, was proved 30 Mch. 1694. See her sister's burial 7 Sep. 1618, and her brother's 18 Apl. 1655. 3 His paternity has long been a matter of doubt, he having been called nephew, and even son, of Bishop Duppa (see his burial 24 Apl. 1662). The former he possibly was, but the latter he certainly was not. He appears to have been the only son of John Duppa, of Eardisley, co. Hereford, by his wife Dorothy, and was born (as he stated in his will) 2 Apl. 1619. He was created D.C.L. at Oxford, 20 Dec. 1670. on the occasion of the reception of the Prince of Orange, being evidently one of his retinue, and Anthony Wood then described him (MS. E. 7, Bod. Lib.) as belonging to the Court of K. Chas. II., and " ncpos Briani nuper Winton Episcopi." He had served K. Chas. II, when Prince of Wales, and subsequently was made Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod (which post he appears to have held at his death), being knighted 6 May 1683. By his wife Joan (buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 July 1667), dau. of William Wheeler, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., goldsmith, he had two sons and seven daughters, all baptized at Eardisley, except the only surviving son, Thomas, second of that name, who was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Nov. 1663, and who died, without issue, 17 July 1704. Sir Thomas died 25 Apl., and was buried in the North aisle of the Choir. 4 The unofficial register says: "Will Godolphin." William, son of Charles Godolphin, Esq., M.P. for Helston, etc. (see his burial 28 July 1720), by his wife Elizabeth (sce her burial 16 Aug. 1726). He was born 25 Mch., and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 8 Apl. 1694, thus living only about seven weeks. See his sister's burial 12 Dec. 1690. 5 Rightly Ker. On her monument she is described as Mrs. Christian Ker, wife of William Ker, of Chatto, in Teviotdale, and dau. of Sir William Scott, of Harden, Bart., and is said to have died 16 May, in her forty-first year. Her mother appears to have been Christian, sixth aud youngest dau. of Robert, sixth Lord Boyd. 6 (The word "for" is inexplicable. The unofficial register simply says "The Lady Elland.") Esther, dau. of Charles de la Tour, Marquis de Gouvernet, in France, a distinguished Protestant, who died before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, by Esther, dau. of Bartholomew Hervart (see her burial 10 July 1722). She was born in France in 1666, and married, about April 1684, Henry Savile, commonly called Lord Eland, eldest son of George, first Marquis of Halifax (see his burial 11 Apl. 1695), who died without issue, in his father's lifetime, in 1688, she proving his will 8 June in that year. She had been naturalized in England 26 Feb. pre- ceding. Her own will, which contains nothing of interest, was dated 5 Jan. 1688-9, but was not proved, by her mother, until 13 Dec. 1709. See her grandmother's burial 7 Dec. 1697. 7 Anthony Cary, son of Henry, fourth Viscount Falkland, by Rachel, dau. of Anthony Hungerford, of Blackbourton, co. Oxford, and of Farley Castle, co. Somerset. He was born at Farley Castle 15 Feb. 1656, and succeeded, as fifth Viscount Falkland, 9 Apl. 1663. He was a Paymaster of the Navy in the reign of K. James II., and of the Privy Council to K. William III. He married Rebecca, dau. of Sir Rowland Lytton, of Knebworth, Herts, Kt., but left no surviving issue. He died, of the small-pox, 24 Feb. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 235 1694 May 30 June 9 Sept. 20 Nov. 3 1694 [Feb. 7] March 5 The Lady Heath:¹ [in the Abbey]. The Lady Fairsboons:2 [in the Abbey]. Mrs. Mutice: [Cloisters]. 3 Mrs. Mcary Howard:1 [in the Abbey]. The Lady Temple :5 [in the Abbey]. Mary, Queen of England, King William the 3ª Queen :6 in the vault of K. Ch. 2ª. March 8 Mr. Henry Wharton:7 [in the Abbey]. Her name was Catherine, and she had been thrice married: first to Rev. John Doughty, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster (see bis burial 28 Dec. 1672); secondly to Sir Thomas Heath, of Stoke, near Guildford, co. Surrey, Kt.. who died in 1680; and thirdly (Mar. Lic. Fac. 27 June 1681) to Henry Croone, Esq. (see his burial 11 June 1689). Her will, dated 9 Mch. 1693-4, was proved 20 June following. She directed to be buried near her first husband, and left bequests to her niece Anne, wife of Henry Gregory, and their son Richard; her niece Catherine Jenkins and her son John; her cousin Mr. William Pope and his wife; her cousin Peregrine Pope (brother of said William Pope) and his wife and two children; her cousin John Griffith and his wife Catharine (sister of said William Pope); and her cousin Mr. Sadler. She also left legacies to the poor of Long Compton, co. Warwick (the living of which she appears to have possessed at the time of her second marriage), and of Gul-ton-at-Frith and Lydden, near Dover, co. Kent. - 2 Rightly Dame Margery Fairborne. It is said that her maiden name was Devereux, and that she first married a Mr. Mansell, who must have died before 1666. She married. secondly, Sir Palmes Fairborne. Kt., Governor of Tangier, where he was slain 24 Oct. 1680. He has an honorary monument in the Abbey. She married, thirdly. at St. Marylebone. Midx., 1 Apl. 1683, Jasper Pastov, Esq., third son of Robert, first Earl of Yarmouth, whom she survived. See the burials of her children by her second husband. 24 Feb. 1678-9, 26 Sep. 1680, and 18 Nov. 1742, and of a son by her third husband, 23 Aug. 1684. 3 Sec the burial, probably of her husband. 10 June 1691, and note thereto.-Married. at St. Marylebone, Midx., 16 Feb. 1687-8. "Thorowgood Meautys and Mary Adams.” 4 Lady Mary Howard, second dau. of Edward, second Earl of Carlisle, by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir William Uvedale, of Wickham. Hants. Kt. She died unmarried. Luttrell, in his Diary (iii. 389), under the date of 27 Oct., mentions her as then dead. See her sister's burial 26 Aug. 1685, and her brother's 24 July 1701. 5 Dorothy, second dau. of Sir Peter Osborne, of Chicksands. co. Beds, Kt., by Dorothy, dau. of Sir John Danvers, Kt. She married, 31 Jan. 1654-5 (after publication at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., in the preceding December) William Temple, Esq., afterwards Sir William Temple, Bart., Master of the Rolls in Ireland. etc. (see his burial 1 Feb. 1698-9). According to her monu- ment, she died in her sixty-sixth year. See her daughter's burial 27 Mch. 1679. (No date of the burial is given in the Abbey Register; but. in a herald painter's work-book in the College of Arms (5 O., p. 106), an entry concerning her funeral says that she was buried 7 Feb.) As the next four cutries are chronologically misplaced in the Register. it is probable that the officials were so occupied with the preparations for the burial of Queen Mary (see the next entry) that they neglected them in due course, and recorded them subsequently together, without regard to their proper order. It has been thought best to place them here as the evidence obtained shews that they should stand.) 6 Eldest dau. and second child of K. James II., by his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde, eldest dau. of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon (see her burial 5 Apl. 1671). She was born at St. James's Palace 30 Apl. 1662, and baptized 9 May following. She was married at St. James's 4 Nov. 1677, to William-Henry. Prince of Orange, afterwards King William III. (see his burial 12 Apl. 1702). They began to reign 13 Feb. 1688-9, and were crowned together 11 Apl. following, but had no issue. She died of the small-pox, at Kensington. 28 Dec. 1694. (This entry is misplaced in the Abbey Register, and stands under the year 1695, immediately following that of Dr. Busby. See the end of the preceding note.) 7 Son of the Rev. Edmund Wharton, Rector of Saxlingham, co. Norfolk, and born 9 Nov. 236 BURIALS IN 1694 [March 19] The Lady Broughton :¹ [in the Abbey]. 2 5 Dr. Busby: [in the Abbey]. 1695 April 5 April 11 The Marquess of Halifax :3 in Munk's vault: [in the Abbey]. 1664. He was Rector of Chartham and Vicar of Minster, co. Kent, and Chaplain to Archbishop Sancroft. Of his voluminous works his Anglia Sucra is best remembered. His early death was regarded as a great loss to literature. He died 5 Mch., a victim to his cxcessive intellectual labours. ¹ Mary, dau. of William Knightley, of Kingston-on-Thames, co. Surrey, Esq., by Susan, dau. of John Price, of the same place, Gent. She was baptized at Kingston 13 Apl. 1630. She married, first, as early as 1654, Aquila Wyke, of the city of Westminster, Gent., who appears to have succceded his father, of the same name, as keeper of the Gate-House prison there, and had by him two sons and one daughter. He was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 9 Apl. 1659. She remarried, in 1660, Sir Edward Broughton, of Marchwiel, co. Denbigh (see his burial 26 June 1665, and note thereto), to whom she was second wife. The circumstances of their marriage appear to have been peculiar and extraordinary. Pennant, in his Tours in Wales (edit. 1810, i. 413), mentioning Marchwiel as long in possession of the Broughton family, says: "Just before the Restoration, Edward Broughton, Esq., happened to be confined in the Gate- House, for his loyalty. He fell in love with the daughter of the keeper, one Wike, and bound himself to her by a bond of the most uncommon imprecations. He married her, and, dying without issue, bequeathed his estates to his wife's brother, etc." A copy of the "Imprecation of Edward Broughton, Esq." is given by Pennant, in the same work, at page 307 in Vol. iii. It is too long to quote, but is well worth consulting as a marvellous curiosity of literature. It was dated 12 Apl. 1660, and the writer bound himself not only to abstain from all the common vices of the period, but, in substance, to allow his intended wife to have her own way in all matters, great and small, and the terrible penalties he invoked upon himself, in case he should violate his bond, remind one of the famous curse in one of "Tom Ingoldsby's" poems, or, rather, of the original by which that was inspired. There is probably a basis of truth in Pennant's statement; but it was the widow, and not the daughter, of the keeper of the Gate-House, whom Sir Edward Broughton married. He did not bequeath his estates to his wife's brother, but she left them to his eldest of three sons by her, who succeeded nominally as second Bart., and died without issue in 1738, and they then reverted, under her will, to Aquila Wyke, her second son by her first husband. (No date of her burial is given in the Abbey Register; but, in a herald painter's work- book in the College of Arms (5 O., p. 106), an entry concerning her funeral says that she was buried 19 Mch. In the Register the entry follows that of Lady Temple, and precedes that of Queen Mary. See the end of Note 5 on page 235.) 2 Dr. Richard Busby, the well-known Head-Master of Westminster School. He was second son of Richard Busby, of Westminster, Gent., and is said on his monument to have been born at Lutton (otherwise Sulton St. Nicholas), co. Lincoln, 22 Sep. 1606. He was educated at Westminster School, and is said to have been elected to Oxford in 1624, but his name in the matriculation register, as from Christ Church, is under the date of 10 Feb. 1625-6, and his agc was then given as eighteen. He was B.A. 21 Oct. 1628, and M.A. 18 June 1631. He is said to have been appointed provisionally to the Head-Mastership in 1638, but his patent was not ordered until 25 Jan. 1640-1, when he was to have "the office and roome of Schoolmaster, with his house and lodgings thereunto belonging," and a fee of £20 a year (Chapter Book). He had the rectory of Cudworth, co. Somerset, and became Prebendary of Wells 1 July 1639, but was deprived of these preferments during the civil war, though allowed to retain his position in Westminster School. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 5 July 1660, Treasurer of Wells 11 Aug. following, and was created D.D., at Oxford, 19 Oct. in the same year. He died 5 Apl., according to his monument and other testimony of the period, and it may therefore be doubted if the date of his burial is correctly given in the text. The Marquis of Halifax, who died the same day, was not buried until the 11th. (See the end of Note 5 on page 235.) 3 Sir George Savile, fourth Bart. of Thornhill, co. York, eldest son of Sir William Savile, third Bart., by Anne, dau. of Thomas, Lord Coventry (Lord Keeper). He was born 11 Nov. 1633, and, on account of his own and his father's eminent services during the civil war, he was created, 13 Jan. 1667-8, Baron Savile, of Eland, co. York, and Viscount Halifax; Earl of Halifax WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 237 1695 May 21 May 26 Aug. 1 Mrs. Susanne Jennyns:¹ in the East Cloister. Mr. Nott :2 in the East Cloister. Sir Edward Sutton :3 [in the Abbey]. Aug. 3 The Countess of Rinala:4 in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Aug. 11 Mr. Sanders: [in the Abbey]. 16 July 1679; and Marquis of Halifax 17 Aug. 1682. He was a distinguished statesman of his day, and had been Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal in three reigns, and Lord President of the Council. He died He died 5 Apl. See the burials, of his second wife 5 Oct. 1727, of his dau, by her 11 Sep. 1708, and of the widow of his son, by his first wife, 26 May 1694. 'Her will, as "Susanna Jenins," of Bishop's Hatfield, co. Herts, widow, relict of John Jenins (or Jennings), late of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., deceased, dated 14 Nov. 1694, was proved 30 Oct. 1695, by her nephew Rev. Thomas Searancke, of Ashley, co. Cambridge, Clerk, whom she made her residuary legatee. She directed to be buried near her said husband in the Cloisters of Westminster Abbey (see his burial 6 Mch. 1690-1). She left legacies to her son Francis Dashwood, of Bishopsgate. London, Esq., and her grandchildren Mary and Susanna Dashwood; her sisters, Anne, wife of Edward Ivery, and Mary, wife of Nicholas Addison, both of Hatfield; her sister Joyce, wife of John Raymond, of St. Andrew's, Holborn; and her nephews Thomas Burnham and Henry Addison, both of St. Andrew's, Holborn. 2 His will, as Robert Nott, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Esq., dated 21 Feb. 1692-3, was proved 4 June 1695, by the relict Anne (see her burial 20 June 1700), to whom he left all his estate, except £50 to his dau. Mary, wife of Thomas Wise. Luttrell, in his Diary (iii. 476), under the date of 25 May, mentions his death, and says that he was deputy to Lord Montagu, Master of the Wardrobe. See the burials of (probably) his children, 6 Mch. 1669-70 and 30 Nov. 1685. 3 He was knighted by K. Charles II., at Whitehall, 14 June 1660, as of Ireland. In 1667 he was appointed Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, and subsequently Gentleman Usher of the same, which post he held until his death. His death is noticed in the Post-Boy, 1 Aug. 1695, as having occurred on Monday, 29 July, and in Luttrell's Diary (iii. 506) as on Tuesday afternoon, 30 July, and both authorities state that his age was nearly one hundred years. He is mentioned in the State Poems (i. 132, “Cullen with his Flock of Misses") as The silly knight that rhimes to mutton." Luttrell also states, under date of 1 Aug. 1695, that Lord Lucas got £400 a year by his death. He married Anne, dau. of Sir John Byron, Kt., and widow of Sir Thomas Lucas, Kt. (illegitimate brother of John, first Lord Lucas, of Shenfield. but who was included in his baronial patent), who died about 1650, she then being about thirty-eight years of age. She was living as late as 1670, but died before him. Letters of administration to his estate were granted, 16 Aug. 1695, to Ignatius Berford, as next of kin ; but a will, dated 22 Oct. 1670, in which he left all his estate to his wife Anne, and his son-in-law Mr. Robert Lucas, was proved 25 May 1696, by Robert, Lord Lucas, Baron of Shenfield, as surviving universal legatee. In the record of administration he is called "Kt. and Bart.," and he so styled himself in his will, but no evidence has been discovered that he was ever created a baronet. ✦ Elizabeth, dau. of Francis, fifth Lord Willoughby of Parham, by Lady Elizabeth Cecil, dau. and coheir of Edward, Viscount Wimbledon. She was the first wife of Richard, third Viscount and created Earl of Ranelagh (sce his burial 10 Jan. 1711-12). Luttrell's Diary, under date of 1 Aug., says: "This morning dyed the countesse of Ranelagh at Chelsey Colledge, to the great regrett of the poor." See the burials, of her son 29 Mch. 1678, and of her daughters, 23 Apl. 1740 and 22 Apl. 1758. 5 Clement Saunders, Esq., son of Sir William Saunders, of East Haddon and Cottesbrook, co. Northampton. He was Carver in Ordinary to Kings Charles II., James II., and William III., and died 10 Aug., aged eighty-four. In his will be directed these facts to be stated on his monu- ment, and expressed great anxiety to be buried in the Abbey, leaving several bequests solely on that condition. The will was proved, 22 Aug. 1695, by his cousin William Whaley, of Norton, co. Leicester, Esq. He left bequests to his brother William Saunders, and his cousins Mr. Robert Dormer, of Lincoln's Inn, Mr. Robert Fisher, and Mrs. Pinckney. The Post-Boy, of 13 Aug. 1695, says that he died at his lodgings in Suffolk Street, and that he was "well known and beloved by many of the nobility and gentry." 238 BURIALS IN 1695 Aug. 29 Sept. 25 Oct. 16 2 Mr. James Partridge:¹ in the East Cloister. Catherine Battely: [in the Abbey]. Sir William Dodson :3 [in the Abbey]. Nov. 26 Mr. Henry Purcell : [in the Abbey]. Nov. 27 Mrs. Meeke:5 [in the Abbey]. Dec. 5 Mr. Stanbrook :6 in the North Cloister. 1 According to the inscription on his gravestone, given in the carlier printed volumes, hc died 25 Aug., in his thirty-seventh year, and the arms on the stone were "Chequé, on a bend three escallops," which appear to be those of families of the name in Gloucestershire and Suffolk. His will, dated 20 Aug. 1695, was proved on the 28th of the same month, by his kinsman Thomas Robinson, whom he also called son of his aunt Margaret Robinson. He described him- self as a citizen and haberdasher of London, and left other legacies to his aunt Cope; his uncle Ignatius Robinson; his cousin Mr. Edward Morgau; his kinsman Mr. Henry Partridge; and his kinswomen, Mrs. Joane Beaumont, Mrs. Anne Oliver, Mrs. Frances Jones, and Mrs. Anne Crompton. To his apprentice, Francis Wright, he bequeathed the lease of his dwelling-house and his book-binding tools, etc., and to his friend Mr. Matthew Gilliflower, bookseller, all his interest in the books called The Compleat Gardiner, The Ladies' New Year's Gift, etc. 2 See her mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto, and her own 1 Apl. 1695. 3 He was a woollen draper in St. Paul's Churchyard, Alderman of London, and Colonel of a city regiment, and was knighted at Whitehall 16 Apl. 1680. He married (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 26 Nov. 1667, then called of St. Mary Savoy, citizen and draper of London, bachelor, aged about twenty-eight) Elizabeth, dau. of William Brewer, and widow of John Briscoe, of St. Mary-at- Hill, citizen and fishmonger of London (by whom she had a dau. Elizabeth, who married John Sherman: see his burial 30 Dec. 1705), by whom he appears to have had no issue, and who sur- vived him and was buried at Kensington, Midx., 2 Feb. 1696-7. According to his gravestone, which gave only his name and title, he died 3 Oct. His will, then of Kensington, dated 6 Oct. 1695, was proved 12 Mch. 1695-6, by his relict Dame Elizabeth. He bequeathed all his estate to his brother John Dodson, subject to an annuity of £200 to his wife for life. 4 The eminent musical composer. Younger son of Henry Purcell, one of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal (sce his burial 13 Aug. 1664), by his wife Elizabeth, who was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 Aug. 1699. He is said to have been born in Old Pye Street, Westminster, about 1658, and was probably baptized in the Abbey (as was his sister four years later), though no record of it occurs in the Register, which is defective at that period. He became Organist of the Abbey, on the resignation of Dr. John Blow in 1680, and of the Chapel Royal 14 July 1682. He died, from the cffects of a cold, 21 Nov., and was buried in the North aisle. His will, dated on the day of his death, merely left all his estate to his wife Frances, who proved it 7 Dec. following (see her burial 14 Feb. 1705-6). See the baptisms of his children, 9 Aug. 1682, 30 May 1688, 6 Sep. 1689, and 10 Dec. 1693, and the burials of his sons, 17 Oct. 1682, 3 Aug. 1686, and 23 Sep. 1687. See also the burial of his uncle, another member of this eminently musical family, 2 Aug. 1682, and the baptism of his sister 13 Mch. 1661-2. • Elizabeth, second dau. of Gervase Price, Esq. (see his burial 15 Sep. 1687), by his wife Martha (see her burial 11 Apl. 1678), and first wife of Anthony Mecke, Esq. (see his burial 15 Feb. 1729-30). See her marriage 21 Jan. 1685-6. The baptisms of three and burials of two of her daughters occur in the parish register of St. Margaret's, Westminster. 6 His will, as John Standbrooke, citizen and barber-chirurgeon of London, dated 20 Sep., was proved 3 Dec. 1695, by his sous-in-law Richard Sayer and John Cholmley. To his wife Sarah he left an annuity of £78 for life, and the furniture, plate, etc., in his house at Swanscombe, co. Kent. To his nephew Francis Mackreth he left the goods in his dwelling-house at Millbank, Westminster, and small legacies to his brother Thomas Savage and his cousin Sarah Townsend. The rest of his estate, consisting of numerous houses and lands in Westminster, in Bishopsgate Street, London, in Hampstead, Midx., and in Swanscombe and Northfleet, co. Kent, he left to his said two sons-in-law and their children, viz., Richard Sayer, of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, soapmaker, who married his dau. Sarah (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 18 Apl. 1677), and John Cholmley, of St. Olave's, Southwark, co. Surrey, brewer, who married his dau. Alice (Mar. Lic, Vic. Gen. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 239 1695 Dec. 11 1695 Jan. 4 Feb. 14 March 24 1696 April 6 April 10 June 18 June 30 July 11 Mr. Boucher :1 in the East Cloister. Mr. Slater :2 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Mary Bellasyse :3 [in the Abbey]. Samuel Bruckes: in the North Cloister. James Vass: in the North Cloister. Elizabeth Grainger : [Cloisters]. The widow Cooke :6 in the East Cloister. 5 Richard Gwynne, one of the almsmen: in the dark passage next the Little Cloister. The Dutchess of Schombergh:7 in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's monument. July 20 The Lady Dorothy, wife to Sir Henry Bellasis:8 in St. Paul's 20 July 1687). The latter administered de bonis non to her father's estate, 25 Jan. 1711-12, as his only surviving child. See his son's burial 24 Oct. 1688. ¹ Mr. Josiah Boucher was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 6 Aug. 1682, and, accord- ing to the Cheque Book, he died in Dec. 1695, his successor being sworn on the 10th of that month. See the burials, of his wife 2 Nov. 1724, and (probably) his son 21 Apl. 1685, and the baptism of his dau. 20 Jan. 1686-7.—Josias Boucher and Sara Woodbourne (? his parents) were married at St. Alphage, London, 7 June 1652.-Josiah Boucher (? his son) was admitted Vicar Choral of Armagh 11 Sep. 1747, and appears to have been also a Vicar Choral of St. Patrick's, Dublin (Cotton's Fasti Ecclesiæ Hibernicæ, iii. 67 and v. 212). 2 Capt. George Slaughter, born in Gloucestershire, and had been a cornet to the first Duke of Ormond: he directed these facts to be stated on his gravestone, in his will dated 19 Jan. 1693-4. In a later will, dated 24 Dec. 1695, he called himself of Shanbally, co. Tipperary, Ireland, Gent. He bequeathed his estate in Shanbally to his nephew George-Slaughter Batty, son of his nephew Thomas Batty, Gent., on condition that he used the surname of Slaughter only; and other considerable legacies to other children of said Thomas Batty (who had apparently married his niece), but the dau. Elizabeth Batty was to have only five shillings. instead of £400, if she married any Irish papist." To his sister Amy (afterwards Amy Lawrence) he left an annuity of £20 for life, and other legacies to the son of his niece Thawyts, his cousin Matthews, and his nephew John Hanbury and his wife. The will was proved, 2 Mch. 1695-6, by his sister Mary Pomeroy (see her burial 10 Oct. 1707), to whom he left £1,200. He died 1 Jan. 3 Eldest dau. of Sir Henry Belasyse (see his burial 21 Dec. 1717), by his first wife Dorothy (see her burial 20 July 1696). According to her monument, she died 9 Feb., in her sixteenth year. 4 James Vas had the reversion of an almsman's place 14 Jan. 1686-7, and was awaiting his turn, with six before him, 5 June 1688 (Chapter Book). 5 See, probably, the burial of her husband 1 Aug. 1700, and the marriage of her dau. 17 Dec. 1685. 6 The will of Mary Cooke, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 16 Mch. 1695-6, was proved 16 June following, by her dau. Catherine Darcey, widow, the residuary legatee. She left small legacies to her dau. Amy, then wife of Arthur Browne, and formerly wife of Bartholomew Tothill, and her four children by the latter. 7 Caroline-Elizabeth (not Charlotta," as is usually said), eldest dau. of Charles-Louis, Elector Palatine, by his second (or "left-hand ") wife Mary-Louisa. She was born 12 Nov. 1659, and married, 4 Jan. 1682-3, Meinhardt, third Duke of Schomberg (see his burial 4 Aug. 1719). She died, at Kensington, 28 Junc. See the burial of her dau. 22 June 1710, and of her son 14 Oct. 1713. (The correction of her Christian name as above is warranted by entries in the parish register of St. James, Westminster, and in the registers of the old French Chapel in Swallow Street, in which, as godmother on two different occasions, her names and titles are fully set forth.) 8 Dau. of Tobias Jenkins, of Grimston, co. York, Esq. She married, first, Robert Benson, of 240 BURIALS IN Chapel, between the Earl of Bridgewater's tomb and the North wall. 1696 Aug. 11 The Lady Mary, wife to Sir Thomas Bond:¹ in St. Edmund's Chapel, on the right hand of the Duchess of Gloucester's tomb, and under the stone that was laid for Robert Walby, Archbishop of York. Aug. 31 John, son of Dr. Richard Annesly, Dean of Exeter and Pre- bendary of this Church :2 at the East end of Dean Bill's tomb, in St. Benedict's Chapel. Nov. 14 Dec. [26] 1699 Feb. 4 Robert Tanner, one of the Choir :3 in the West Cloister. John Frost : in the North Cloister. Dr. Anthony Horneck, one of the Prebendaries of this Church :5 in the South Cross of the Abbey. Wrenthorpe, in the same county, Esq., by whom she was mother of Robert, Lord Bingley (see his burial 14 Apl. 1731). She married, secondly (Mar. Lic. Fac. 3 Mch. 1679-80), Sir Henry Belasyse (see his burial 21 Dec. 1717), to whom she was first wife. Sce the burial of her dau. 14 Feb. 1695-6. ¹ Dau. of Charles Peliott, Baron de la Garde, of Paris, and widow of Sir Thomas Bond, first Bart. of Peckham, co. Surrey, who was buried at Camberwell, in the same county, 3 June 1685, as "Sir Thomas Bond, Kt., and Papist." She afterwards lived at Hengrave, co. Suffolk, with her only dau. Mary-Charlotte, wife of Sir William Gage, second Bart., and is said to have died there; but, as there seems no possible reason why her remains should have been brought to the Abbey from that distance, it is probable that she died in London or Westminster. Her husbaud had been Comptroller of the Household to Q. Henrietta-Maria, and it is said that she had been one of the Ladies of her Privy Chamber. Her sister, Mlle. de la Garde, was one of the Maids of Honour to Q. Catherine, and figures in Grammont's Memoirs (see note to a marriage 13 Nov. 1677). 2 Rightly Annesley. See his baptism 6 Jan. 1695-6, and the burial of his father, as Lord Altham, 25 Nov. 1701. 3 See the burials, of his wife 3 Aug. 1727, and his son 26 Oct. 1684, and the baptisms of his children, 23 June 1687 and 9 July 1690. 4 His will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Gent., dated 21 June 1683, was proved 5 Feb. 1696-7, by the relict Frances (see her burial, as Frances Goodall, 20 Feb. 1705-6). To his son William Frost he left only one shilling, having already purchased for him an office in the Court of Chancery. He directed the payment of £200 which he owed to his friend and uncle Mr. Thomas Blagrave (see his burial 24 Nov. 1688). He also bequeathed to his wife Frances his lease of "Pall Mall Field," and his estate in the tavern in King Street, Westminster, called the "Beaufort Head." The date of burial is deficient in the official Register, but is supplied by the unofficial one, and the inscription on his gravestone stated that he died 22 Dec. In one of the early printed volumes his age is given as eighty years, but this is doubtful. He appears, from the best accounts, to have been a native of Bacharach, in the Lower Palatinate in Germany, and to have been educated at the University of Wittenberg, where he had the degree corresponding to that of our Master of Arts. His father seems to have held the respectable position of recorder, or secretary, of his native town, and he was probably nurtured in Protestantism. He is said to have come to England in 1661, and probably made his way at once to Oxford, where he was incorporated M.A., as of Queen's College, 15 Mch. 1663-4. For some little time he was one of the Chaplains of that College, and also curate of All Saints, Oxford. He then became Chaplain to Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, and tutor to his son, and obtained, through the Duke, the rectory of Dolton, co. Devon. He also became a Prebendary of Exeter, 13 June 1670. Shortly after, resigning Dolton, he became minister of St. Mary-le-Strand, Westminster, being licensed 29 July 1671, and a few months later was married. In 1681 he had the degree of S. T. P. at Cambridge, and subsequently became Chaplain in Ordinary to K. William and Q. Mary. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 1 July 1693, and of Wells 28 Sep. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 241 1699 Feb. 23 1697 April 25 April 28 Aug. 6 Aug. 18 John Tufnell, mason:¹ near the East end of the South Cloister. John Flower, one of the Ushers of the King's School :2 in the East Cloister. Mrs. Ellen Bust, widow :3 in the North Cloister. Alice Christian, an infant 4 in the South Cloister. William Cavendish, Esq.5 in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's monument. Sept. 9 The Hon. Rebecca Foliott:6 on the North side of the altar, in the passage to the monuments, at the head of Dr. Doughty. Joseph Edwards, a Chorister: [Cloisters]. Sept. 20 Oct. Nov. 15 5 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Jennings :8 in the South Cloister. Morgan Harris, one of the Gentlemen of the Choir: 9 in the South Cloister. 1694. His will, dated 18 June 1695, was proved by his relict Jane 21 May 1697, but contains no- thing of special interest. He died, of the stone, 31 Jan., in his fifty-sixth year. See the burials, of his wife 21 Apl. 1703, of his dau. 8 Jan. 1734-5, and of his son 27 Apl. 1746. Besides these children, he had four sons who died young. His eldest son, Philip Horneck, was LL.B. of Cambridge in 1698, and the next year Chaplain to Lord Guildford. He wrote at least one play, called the "High German Doctor," and in January 1715-16 was appointed Solicitor to the Treasury. He died, still holding that office, 13 Oct. 1728. Dr. Horneck was a voluminous theological writer, and some of his works were greatly praised by the best Biblical critics, while a few have been reprinted in more modern times. The inscription on his gravestone stated that he had been mason to the Abbey for twenty- three years, and that he died 18 Feb., in his fifty-fourth year. He was very probably a son of Edward Tufnell and Catharine Moorecocke, both described as of Christ Church, London, who were married at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 8 Oct. 1638. See the burial of his wife, as Dorothy Noble, 20 Oct. 1720. The baptisms of ten of his children occur in the parish registers of St. Margaret's, Westminster. See the burials of his children, 14 Dec. 1707, 11 Sep. 1719, 3 Apl. 1723, and 24 Dec. 1733, and his son's marriage 27 Oct. 1697. 2 One of this name matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 27 June 1690, as son of John Flower, of Chippenham, co. Wilts, and then aged seventeen years. He does not appear to have taken any degree. 3 The inscription on her monument stated that she was born in the county of Anglesey, and served the royal family in England, France, and Holland, above fifty years, being at her death eldest Bedchamber-woman to the Princess Anne of Denmark; that she had two uncles, viz., Richard Griffith, who was Harbinger to K. James I., and Maurice Griffith, who was Chirurgeon to Prince Charles; and that she died 24 Apl., aged seventy-five. Her maiden name, therefore, appears to have been Griffith. Her will, dated 2 May 1693, was proved 7 May 1697, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her niece Elizabeth Atkinson, widow (see her burial 15 Mch. 1725-6), to whom she bequeathed the most of her possessions. She left to her brother's widow £10, and to his son and dau. each £50, and to her niece Mrs. Lawson £10, but named no other relations. Sce, probably, her father's burial 14 Feb. 1698-9. 5 Eldest son of William, Marquis of Hartington, afterwards second Duke of Devonshire, by Rachel, dau. of the unfortunate Lord William Russell. He died an infant, and another son of the same name was born the next year, who succeeded as third Duke of Devonshire. 6 Her monument describes her as dau. of Henry, Lord Folliott, and states that she died 5 Sep., in her eleventh year. Henry, third Lord Folliott, who succeeded to the title this year, died in 1716, without surviving issue, and the title became extinct. 7 See a burial 22 Aug. 1730, perhaps of his father or brother. • See her mother's burial 16 July 1720, and her father's 29 Mch. 1734. ' He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 20 Feb. 1679-80. His will, dated 3 Jan. 2 I 242 BURIALS IN 1697 Nov. 23 Dec. 7 1698 April 17 May 29 June 5 June Mr. Ewbank :1 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Hester Hervart:2 in the new vault in the North aisle of the monuments, between St. Paul's and Edward the Confessor's Chapels. Mrs. Frances Gower :3 in the North aisle, behind the Organ. Littleton, son of Littleton Taylor in the North Cloister. The Lady Arabella Macarty:5 in St. Edmund's Chapel, between the gravestone of Robert Walby, Archbishop of York, and Sir Humphrey Bourchier's tomb, and nearest to said tomb. 6 5 Thomas Webster, the Beadle of the Sanctuary: in the South Cloister. June 20 July 20 George Throop, the Apparitor: in the South Cloister. Mr. Charles Morgan:8 in the North aisle of the Abbey, right opposite to the South door that goes into the West Cloister. 1690-1, was proved 12 Nov. 1697, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by the relict Ursula, who is alone named in it. He died 2 Nov. Henry Ewbank was one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to K. Charles II. in 1671, and to King William in 1690. 2 Her maiden name was Vimart or Vimar, and she was the widow of Bartholomew Hervart, a native of Augsburg. He and his brother were bankers in Paris, and, at an important crisis, placed their large fortune at the disposal of King Louis XIII., which enabled him to resist suc- cessfully the invasion of Alsace. In return he bestowed upon them sundry estates, which were, however, confiscated at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. He was also appointed, by Mazarin, Comptroller-General of the Finances, and held that post at his death in 1676. She probably came to England with her daughter, the Marchioness de Gouvernet (see her burial 10 July 1722), who administered to her estate 23 Sep. 1698, when she was described as Hester Vimar alias Hervart, late of St. James, Westminster, widow. Her son, Philibert Hervart, also a refugee in England, was ambassador at Geneva during the reign of K. William, and died, at Southampton, 30 Apl. 1721. See the burial of her grand-daughter, Lady Eland, 26 May 1694. 3 Only dau. of Sir Thomas Gower, second Bart. of Stittenham, co. York, by his second wife, Frances, dau. and coheir of Sir John Leveson, of Haling, co. Kent, and of Lilleshall, co. Salop, Kt. She died unmarried. Her will, as of Trentham, co. Stafford, dated 15 Oct. 1697, was proved 26 May, 1698, by her nephew, Sir John-Leveson Gower, fifth Bart., afterwards Baron Gower, and ancestor of the present Duke of Sutherland. 4 See his baptism the 20th of the same month, the marriage of his parents 24 Nov. 1692, his father's burial 14 Nov. 1701, and his mother's 2 Nov. 1705. 5 Lady Arabella Wentworth, youngest dau. of the unfortunate Thomas, first Earl of Strafford, by his second wife, Lady Arabella Holles, dau. of John, Earl of Clare. She married Justin M'Carty, third son of Donogh, first Earl of Clancarty, who died before her, leaving no issue. Her sister's son, Hon. Thomas Wentworth alias Watson, administered to her estate 5 July 1698, when she was described as the Hon. Arabella Macarty, of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., widow. • Letters of administration were granted 30 June 1698, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, to the relict Martha : see her burial 15 Dec. 1715, and probably that of his son 25 Nov. 1703. 7 See the note to a marriage 19 Dec. 1697.-George Throop and Elinor Morphy were married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, Dec. 1673.—The will of Sarah Throop, of St. Margaret's, West- minster, widow (? his second wife), dated 30 July 1698, was proved 10 Feb. 1699-1700, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her friend Dorothy Fricker. She merely left any surplus, after paying her debts and funeral expenses, to her brother's children, and an endorsement on the will states that she died in August 1698. 8 The will of Charles Morgan, of Tredegar, co. Monmouth, Esq., dated 17 June 1698, was WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 243 1698 Aug. 13 Sept. 8 Mrs. Godfrey, widow :1 in the West Cloister. Sir Robert Howard, Kt., Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer 2 in St. John Baptist's Chapel, at the entrance thereof. Sept. 26 The Lady Frances Apsley :3 at the bottom of the steps going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel, on the South side. Sept. 27 Oct. 6 Dec. 23 Sir Gilbert Lort :4 in the North Cross. Capt. William Julius:5 in the South aisle of the Abbey. Mrs. Ann Weemes :6 in the East Cloister, at the foot of the steps coming from the Church, next to the black marble at the foot of the same steps. proved 14 Nov. following, by his uncle John Morgan, of the city of London, merchant, whom he made residuary legatee. He bequeathed to his brother Thomas Morgan, of Tredegar, £1,000, to his brother John Morgan, Jun., of Mahen, co. Monmouth, Gent., £500, and smaller sums to his uncle Lewis Morgan, of Mahen, and his aunt Catherine Morgan, of Tredegar, spinster. One of this name was a "Yeoman in the Accompting House in 1692. "" ¹ See the burial, probably of her husband, 5 Dec. 1683. 2 Sixth son of Thomas, first Earl of Berkshire (see his burial 20 July 1669), by Lady Elizabeth Cecil, dau. and coheir of William, second Earl of Exeter (see her burial 24 Aug. 1672). He was baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 19 Jan. 1625-6. He was of Vasterne, co. Wilts, a Knight Banneret, a dramatic writer of some note, and of the Privy Council. He died 3 Sep., and his will, dated 26 May 1697, was proved 7 Sep. 1698, by his relict Dame Annabella, to whom he left all his estate. She was his fourth wife, dau. of John Dyve, Esq., Clerk of the Council, and had been Maid of Honour to the Princess Mary. She remarried Rev. Edward Marten, of Somerton, co. Oxford, and was buried at Hammersmith, Midx., 7 Sep. 1728. 3 Dau. of John Petre, of Bowhay, co. Devon, Esq., and widow of Sir Allen Apsley, Kt. (see his burial 17 Oct. 1683). She died 22 Sep. • Only son of Sir John Lort, second Bart. of Stackpool Court, co. Pembroke, by Lady Susanna Holles, dau of John, second Earl of Clare. He succeeded as third Bart. in 1673. He died, unmarried, 19 Sep., in his twenty-eighth year, and the title became extinct. His will, dated 9 Aug. 1698, was proved 3 Dec. following. by his mother Dame Susanna Lort. He be- queathed his estates to his only sister (see her burial 6 Oct. 1714), and they are now in pos- session of her descendant, Earl Cawdor. 5 His monument states that he was Commander of H.M.'s ship the "Colchester," and died 3 Oct., aged thirty-three. He obtained his first commission as Captain 10 June 1692. when he was appointed to the "Chester," and passed most of his time on the West India station. He is usually said to have died there, but, from the dates of his death and burial, and his will, this is impossible. His will was dated the day before his death, and proved the day before his burial, by his friend Archibald Hutchinson, of the Middle Temple, Esq. He provided for the mainte- nance of his illegitimate son William Julius, of the island of St. Christopher, and his illegitimate dau. Jemima Julius, of the island of Nevis, until they should be eighteen years of age, when each was to have £200, and gave £500 to Elizabeth Hibbals, his half-sister. The residue of his estate he left to his own sister Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Westcott, of the island of St. Christopher. 6 The inscription on her monument describes her as "Mrs. Anne Wemyss, daughter of Dr. Lodowick Wemyss (sometime Prebendary of this Cathedral) and of Mrs. Jane Bargrave his wife," and states that she died 19 Dec., in her sixty-seventh year.-Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy's edit. iii. 353), in the list of Prebendaries of Westminster, says that "Louis Way, sometimes written Lodowick Weems or Wemys, S. T. B.," was installed 5 Feb. 1630-1.—Anthony Wood says that “Lodowick Wemmys or Weems, D.D. of Cambridge, and Prebendary of Westminster," was incorporated in the same degree at Oxford, 12 Aug. 1645.—On 3 Aug. 1647, he obtained a marriage license from the Bishop of London for Thomas Bargrave, of Eastrey, co. Kent, Gent., and signed the allegation "Ludowick Wemis."-He was buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 244 BURIALS IN 169 Jan. 12 Mr. Roger Hewitt 1 next to the person last mentioned, south- ward. Feb. 1 Sir William Temple :2 in the South aisle of the Abbey, at the head of the stone laid upon Mrs. Bridget Radley. Feb. 14 Feb. 15 March 4 William Christian, one of the Choir :3 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Benson :4 in St. Paul's Chapel. Mrs. Wilson: in the East Cloister, under the stone laid for Mrs. Cecilia Jones. March 23 John, son of Charles and Elizabeth Battely;5 died the 22ª: in the South aisle of the Abbey. 1699 March 30 May 5 June 28 Mr. Henry Carr: in the South Cross, between Dr. Horneck's gravestone and the wainscot. Mr. John Young: in the South Cloister. John Oxenham, Gent., and Francis Scott, who were unfortunately drowned in the Thames :8 in the North Cloister. 15 Oct. 1659, as "Lodowick Weymes, D.D."-Mar. Lic. Fac., 28 Oct. 1668, for Thomas Cockman, rector of Cowden, co. Kent, bachelor, aged twenty-six, and Jane Weemes, of St. Giles in the Fields, spinster, aged twenty-two, with consent of her mother, her father being dead. ¹ His will, as Roger Hewett, of London, dated 30 Dec. 1698, was proved 12 Jan. following, by his friend John Blow, Mus. Doc., to whom he left £100 for his funeral expenses, which was to be paid to him by his honoured master and friend Sir Stephen Fox. He left considerable legacies to Jane and Dorothy Rust, daughters of his eldest sister; his nephews Henry Hewett, John Bevis, William Masters, and Robert Alden; and his cousin Joane Hoggett. He stated that he had paid £110 towards an organ and organ case for the church of St. Thomas, in Salisbury, and desired his executors to see the same completed. The residue of his estate he bequeathed equally to his sisters Mary Masters and Jane Betston, and appointed them and Dr. Blow joint executors. The two sisters also proved the will, 13 Jan. 1698-9, and letters of administration de bonis non were granted, 30 Mch. 1717, to William Masters, son of said Mary Masters, the three executors being then all dead. 2 Eldest surviving son of Sir John Temple, Kt., Master of the Rolls in Ireland, by Mary, dau. of John Hammond, of Chertsey, co. Surrey, M.D. He was created a Baronet 31 Jan. 1665-6, and succeeded his father as Master of the Rolls. He was of the Privy Council, a distinguished statesman and man of letters, and his memory is well preserved in his "Memoirs" and various writings. He died in his seventieth year, leaving no surviving male issue, and the title became extinct. See the burials, of his wife 7 Feb. 1694-5, of his dau. 27 Mch. 1679, and of his sister 5 Jan. 1722-3. His younger brother was ancestor of the Viscounts Palmerston. * See the burial, probably of his daughter, 6 Aug. 1697. • Probably a sister of Robert, Lord Bingley (sce his burial 14 Apl. 1731), and dau. of Lady Dorothy Belasyse (see her burial 20 July 1696), by her first husband, Robert Benson, Esq., or, at all events, related to that family. They were all buried in the same chapel. Б 5 See his mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto, and his own baptism 20 July 1698. 6 See his father's burial 28 Aug. 1690, and note thereto. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 31 Aug. 1681, as son of Henry Carr, Esq., and Venetia his wife. 7 His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 14 Apl. 1699, was proved 13 May following. He mentioned no relations, but left his house and other property to his friend Mrs. Susanna Standish, widow, who with two other friends were his exccutors. To his servants then living with him he bequeathed his interest in his school at Westminster, and left rings to dancing and singing masters, etc. He directed to be buried in the Abbey Cloisters. 8 They were half-brothers. See the marriage of their mother 6 Jan. 1675-6, and note thereto, and the burial of her first husband 18 Oct. 1680. John Oxenham had been admitted to the Inner Temple 12 Feb. 1695-6, as his father's eldest son and heir, and was in his twenty-third year WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 245 1699 July 31 Jane, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Battely;¹ died the 30th : in the South aisle of the Abbey. Aug. 5 Aug. 7 Giles Hooper, Gent. :2 in the North Cloister. Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Richard Annesly, Dean of Exeter and Prebendary of this Church :3 by her brother John, at the East end of Dean Bill's tomb, in St. Benedict's Chapel. Aug. 7 Thomas Warren, the College Butler and Apparitor : in the South Cloister. Aug. 9 Robert Bromfeild, one of the Bellringers of the Abbey: in the Dark Cloister, over against the first door on the left hand going down (now Dr. Birch's). Oct. 12 Rebecca, wife of James Broughton, Surveyor of the College :5 in the East corner of the East Cloister. Dec. 21 Mrs. Elizabeth Kingdom :6 in the North aisle, behind the organ. 1698 March 5 Henry Hawke, the College Porter and one of the Bellringers of the Abbey in the South Cloister. 1700 March 13 March 14 Elizabeth Bodell: in the East Cloister. James Amos, the College Gardener:8 in the West Cloister. at his death. Francis Scott was evidently his mother's eldest son by her second marriage, and was in his thirteenth year. They were drowned 19 June, coming from Chelsea to Westminster, owing, according to Luttrell, to "the waterman being drunk.” ¹ See her mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto, and her own baptism 2 July 1699. 2 He was a son of George Hooper, of Grimley, co. Worcester, Gent., and younger brother of the Right Rev. Dr. George Hooper, Bishop of Bath and Wells. According to his monument, he was born 4 Aug. 1649, and died on his fiftieth birthday. He was of Clement's Inn, London, but in an affidavit of his burial in woollen he is called of "Grays," in Essex, where probably he died. His will, made "about March 1699," was proved 7 Aug. following, by his son Edmund-Giles Hooper (see his burial 18 June 1727). He left to his wife his house at White-Ladies-Aston, co. Worcester, and directed to be buried under his seat in the church there, if he died in that county. See the burial of his first wife 5 Apl. 1683, and of his second 14 Oct. 1707. 3 Rightly Annesley. See her baptism 8 Dec. 1698, and her father's burial, as Lord Altham, 25 Nov. 1701. • He is mentioned in the Chapter Book, 9 Jan. 1692-3, as the Dean's butler. According to his gravestone, he died 6 Aug., aged thirty-three. See the burials, of his wife 17 June 1731, of his dau. 7 Aug. 1734, and of his son 28 Mch. 1741. Probably the child buried 20 Nov. 1716 was also connected with his family. 5 See her husband's burial 3 Feb. 1710-11. She was his first wife, and, according to her gravestone, died 8 Oct., in her forty-seventh year. 6 A Mrs. Kingdom was one of the Maids of Honour about this period. 7 He is just mentioned in the Chapter Book 1 Oct. 1660, as porter of the Abbey, and 11 Dec. following was appointed groom of the stable, barber of the College, and keeper of the Chapter door. He married, first, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 18 Dec. 1655, Ann Roper, of that parish, spinster, by whom he appears to have had no children. Sce the burial of his second wife 4 Nov. 1671, the baptisms of his children by her, 7 Dec. 1663, 11 July 1665, 22 Mch. 1668-9, and 1 Sep. 1671, and the burials of two of them, 14 Feb. 1663-4 and 17 May 1703; also the burial, probably of his brother, 14 Dec. 1680. 8 Ordered, 4 June 1692, that James Amos, the College gardener, grown old and infirm, be allowed a deputy (Chapter Book). See the burial, probably of his wife, 21 Sep. 1685. His will, dated 11 Mch. 1699-1700, was proved on the day of his burial, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by Mrs. Sarah Smith, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, spinster, to whom he gave twenty 246 BURIALS IN 1699 1700 March 19 The Lady Elizabeth Gerard :¹ in the Lord Exeter's vault in St. John Baptist's Chapel. 1700 March 27 5 April 5 May 13 May 17 June 20 Aug. 1 Aug. 3 John, son of John Radcliffe, Clerk 2 in the East Cloister. Charles, son of James, Earl of Dalkeith:3 in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's monument. Mr. John Dryden : near Chaucer's monument. Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Tufnell, mason 5 in the South Cloister, near the East end. Mrs. Ann Nott:6 in the North Cloister. Thomas Grainger, one of the 12 almsmen belonging to the Abbey:7 in the Cloister, near the steps going into Little Dean's Yard. 3 Anthony-Sampson, son of Richard Knipe, Gent., High Bayliff of the Liberty of Westminster :8 in the North Cloister. Mr. James Thompson :9 in the middle of the West Cloister. His Royal Highness William, Duke of Gloucester, the only son Aug. 7 Aug. 9 guineas, and he left legacies of £5 and £10 to his nephews Thomas Taylor, and James, John, and Michael Greene, his nieces Jane and Mary Greene, his niece Ewing, and his cousins Elizabeth and Mary King. 1 Youngest dau. of Charles, first Earl of Macclesfield (see his burial 18 Jan. 1693-4), by Jane, dau. of Peter de Civell, a Frenchman, though she was born in England. She married Digby, fifth Lord Gerard of Bromley, who died 8 Nov. 1684. Their dau. Elizabeth married James, Duke of Hamilton, who was slain in the noted duel with Charles, Lord Mohun, 15 Nov. 1712. Lady Gerard died 11 Mch. See her brother's burial 14 Nov. 1701. 2 See his father's burial 31 Oct. 1716. He was a young child. 3 Charles Scott, second son of James, Earl of Dalkeith (see his burial 19 Mch. 1704-5), by Lady Henrietta Hyde, dau. of Lawrence, first Earl of Rochester (see her burial 3 June 1730). He was born 25 Mch. in the same year, and died 4 April. 4 THE GLORIOUS. Eldest son of Erasmus Dryden, of Tichmarsh, co. Northampton, Esq. (third son of Sir Erasmus Dryden, first Bart.), by Mary, dau. of Rev. Henry Pickering, D.D., Rector of Aldwinckle, in the same county, and sister of Sir Henry Pickering, first Bart. of Whaddon. According to a horoscope in Ashmole MS. 243, p. 209, Bod. Lib., he was born thirty- three minutes and sixteen seconds after 5 o'clock p.m., 19 Aug. 1631 (the usual date given is 9 Aug.). He married (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 30 Nov. 1663) Lady Elizabeth Howard, dau. of Thomas, first Earl of Berkshire, who survived him some years, but in a state of lunacy, and their younger son, Erasmus, succeeded as fifth Bart., but left no issue. Their two elder sons also died unmarried, and by the end of the year 1710 the poct's line was cxtinct. He died 1 May, and, as will be seen by the text, his remains found an appropriate burial-place. 5 See the marriage of her parents 27 Oct. 1697, and her father's burial 11 Sep. 1719. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, three days before her burial. 6 In her will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, widow, dated 30 Oct. 1699, she directed to be buried in the Abbey Cloisters, near her late husband, Robert Nott, Esq. (see his burial 26 May 1695). She bequeathed to her dau. Mary, wife of Mr. Thomas Wise, ten shares in the Bank of England, with remainder to her children, and all other residue and remainders to her cousin Elizabeth Murray, whose husband, William Murray. Gent., proved the will 13 July 1700. See the burials, probably of her children, 6 Mch. 1669-70 and 30 Nov. 1685. 7 According to a list in the Chapter Book, he was an almsman as early as 5 June 1688. See, probably, his wife's burial 10 Apl. 1696, and the marriage of his dau. 17 Dec. 1685. 8 See his father's burial 22 Feb. 1702-3, and his mother's 5 May 1704. On his grave- 9 See his father's burial 20 Dec. following, and his mother's 12 Nov. 1685. stone he was described as "the last of their children that survived," and said to have died 5 Aug., in his nineteenth year. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 247 of their Royal Highnesses Prince George and the Princess Ann 1 of Denmark, was buried in the royal vault on the South side of H. 7th's Chapel, on Friday, Aug. 9. 1700 Sept. 23 Mr. Reginald Trenhale: in the South Cloister, near the West Oct. end thereof. 31 Thomas Twisden, one of the King's scholars: 2 in the East Cloister, near the steps coming from the Church. Dec. 20 Mr. John Thompson :3 in the middle of the West Cloister. 170 Jan. 6 Jan. 17 Mrs. Jane Cooper: in the East Cloister, near the Library door. Mrs. Dorothy Mildmay, widow : 5 in the South Cross, at the entrance into St. Benedict's Chapel. ¹ Second son and fifth and last surviving child of Prince George of Denmark (see his burial 13 Nov. 1708), by the Princess, afterwards Queen Anne (see her burial 24 Aug. 1714). He was born at Hampton Court the 24th, and baptized 27 July 1689. He was called Duke of Gloucester, and officially recognized by that title, but no patent ever passed the seal, though a warrant was issued for his creation in 1689. He died, at Windsor Castle, 30 July. 2 Son of Francis Twisden, of the Inner Temple, and of East Malling, co. Kent, Esq. (fifth son of Sir Thomas Twisden, first Bart. of Bradbourn), by Rebecca, dau. of Philip Lemon, Esq., and widow of one of the sons of Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. His parents were married, at St. Benet Fink, London, 24 Aug. 1677, and his father died 20 Nov. 1721. He was admitted into West- minster School in 1699. 3 His will, as of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., Gent., dated 17 Oct. 1700, with a codicil 11 Dec. following, was proved 14 Jan. 1700-1, by his second wife and relict, Catharine (see her burial 5 Jan. 1713-14), to whom he gave his lands, etc., in Furncaux-Pelham and Brent-Pelham, Herts, with remainder to his dau. Catharine, evidently his only child by her (see her burial 6 July 1708); but, if his said dau. Catharine should die unmarried, then the poor of Kirkbradden, including the town of Douglas, in the Isle of Man, were to have £300, to be laid out for them by the Bishop and Governor of that island, and by Mr. William Thompson, merchant, also of that island, and his heirs. He also bequeathed to Mr. Robert Fletcher, and Mr. John Fletcher, sons of his uncle Mr. Thomas Fletcher, deceased, and to the three sons of Mr. John Thompson, of co. Cavan in Ireland, but formerly of the Isle of Man, each £100, and to the children of his aunt, Mrs. Jane Moore, each £50, all in case his dau. Catharine should die unmarried; and he appointed as guardians of his dau. (then only a few months old) his wife and his friend George Stanlake, of the Inner Temple, Gent. In the codicil he left £10 for mourning to his "good friend and kinsman, Matthew Pryor, Esq." See the burial of his first wife 12 Nov. 1685, and the burials of his children by her, 22 Feb. 1678-9 and 7 Aug. 1700, certainly, and probably (so probable as to be almost certain), 20 Dec. 1678, 12 Apl. 1679, 27 Feb. 1680-1. 11 Sep. 1682, and 13 Sep. 1688. 4 Probably, from the place of burial, a dau. of, or nearly related to, Roger Cooper (see his burial 22 Apl. 1703). 5 The Christian name in the Register is wrong, and should be Sarah. In the original affidavit of her burial in woollen, curiously preserved among the Abbey muniments, dated 22 Jan. 1700-1, she is called "Mrs. Sarath Milmay, of the parish of Crist Church in the City of London." In her will, dated 2 Jan. 1700-1, she was described as Sarah Mildmay, widow, relict of Humphrey Mildmay, of Queen-Camel, co. Somerset. Esq.," and she directed to be buried in the Abbey Church of St. Peter in Westminster, while an affidavit to her handwriting states that the will was written on that day, "at her lodgings in the house of Mr. Dewe, in Warwick Lane," which is in the parish of Christ Church. There can be, therefore, no doubt as to her identity, or that there was an inadvertent error in the Abbey Register. She left £100 for her funeral expenses, and £10 to the poor of Plympton St. Mary, co. Devon, where she was born. She also left legacies to her nieces Mrs. Mary Lamb, Mrs. Dorothy Davy, Mrs. Judith Joyner and her sister Amy, and Sarah Parker. All her plate on which the arms of the family of Parker were engraved, and all her books, she bequeathed to her nephew Thomas Parker and his three daughters. The will was proved, 14 Mch. 1700-1, by 248 BURIALS IN 1709 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 The Lady Jane Galloway:¹ in the South Cloister, near the West end. William-Lewis Anwill, Esq.: 2 in the North aisle, near Sir Edward De Carteret's tomb. Feb. 15 The Lady Anne Zuliston, daughter of the Earl of Rochford : in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Feb. 18 Anne, wife of Thomas Read: in the South Cloister, towards the East end thereof. 1701 April 9 May 22 July 24 July 29 Anne Carter 4 in the middle of the North Cloister. Mr. Edward Silston 5 in the East Cloister. :6 The Hon. William Howard, Esq. : at the bottom of the steps ascending to Edward the Confessor's Chapel. Thomas Jenins:7 in the South Cloister. her trustee and executor, Francis Nixon, of Doctors' Commons, Gent. It is evident, there- fore, that she was the youngest dau. of Edmund Parker, of North Molton, co. Devon, ancestor of the Earls of Morley, by Amy, youngest dau. of Sir Edward Seymour, first Bart. of Berry-Pomeroy. She was unmarried at the date of her father's will, in 1642, and was probably upwards of seventy years of age at her death. 1 Perhaps the child of Ulick Burke, who was created Viscount Galway 2 June 1687, and was slain at Aughrim 12 July 1691, by Lady Frances Lane, only dau. of George, first Viscount Lanesborough. Their only dau. is said to have died young. 2 Only son of Lewis Anwill, of Park, co. Merioneth, Esq., by Catharine, dau. of William Griffith, of Len, who remarried Sir Hugh Owen, second Bart. of Orielton, co. Pembroke. He married Elizabeth Owen, dau. of his step-father by his first wife. His will, as of Park, co. Merioneth, Esq., dated 25 July 1699, with codicils 29 Jan. and 1 Feb. 1700-1, was not proved until 25 June 1705, and then by certain trustecs to whom he had conveyed such of his estates as were not already settled on his wife. He named numerous relations, but apparently had no children. 3 Eldest dau. of William-Henry de Nassau, Lord of Zuylestein, created Earl of Rochford 10 May 1695, by Jane, dau. and heiress of Sir Henry Wroth, of Durants, in Enfield, co. Midx. She died unmarried. See a baptism 17 Sep. 1693. On her gravestone she was called Mrs. Anne Carter, and said to have died 4 April. William Carter, bachelor, and Anne Wells, widow, both of St. Margaret's, Westminster, had a license to marry, from the Dean and Chapter, 28 Oct. 1663. See burials 22 Mch. 1712-13 and 29 Aug. 1714, both in the same place. 5 His will, as Edward Siston, of Whitehall, Midx., Ycoman of his Majesty's Wood- Yard, dated 25 Mch. 1701, was proved 14 July following, by his friend Mr. Richard Miller, steward to Sir Stephen Fox, and by his servant Thomas Beard, son of his servant Mary Beard. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters of Westminster Abbey. He be- queathed to Temperance Siston, widow of his late brother John Siston, £150, to her dau. Jane £100, and to the other children of his said brother, viz., Elizabeth, Mary, Patience, Sarah, and Rebecca, each £50, and similar sums to Edward, Anne, and Mary, children of his late brother William Siston. To his sister Mary, wife of William Chaplin, he gave £200, and to her children William, Robert, Michael, Mary, and Jane, each £30. To his said servant Mary Beard he gave £250, and his goods and furniture in his rooms in the Wood- Yard in Whitehall, and to said Thomas Beard her son £50 and all his apparel. 6 Third but second surviving son of Edward, sccond Earl of Carlisle, by Elizabeth, dau. and cohcir of Sir William Uvedale, of Wickham, Hants, Kt. He was M.P. for Carlisle in 1695 and 1698, and Luttrell says that at his death he was knight of the shire for Northumberland. He died at Northampton, unmarried. See the burials of his sisters, 26 Aug. 1685 and 3 Nov. 1694. 7 Probably a second son of the same name of Thomas Jenings, Gentleman of the Chapel Royal (see his burial 29 Mch. 1734), by his first wife Elizabeth (see her burial 16 July 1720). See also the burial of another son of the same name 24 Nov. 1693. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 249 1701 Aug. 7 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Frances Blith:¹ in the South Cloister. Aug. 29 The Lady Henrietta Butler, daughter of his Grace the Duke of Ormond:2 in Oliver Cromwell's vault, at the East end of H. 7th's Chapel. Oct. 4 Oct. 14 Mrs. Susanna Draper :3 near Mr. Cowley's monument. The Right Hon. Sir Joseph Williamson, Kt. ; died Oct. 3ª: in the Duke of Richmond and Lenox's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Nov. 11 Thomas Cocks, one of the College Vergers :5 in the middle of the West Cloister. Nov. 14 Littleton Taylor, one of the Choir :6 in the middle of the North Cloister. Nov. 14 The Right Hon. the Earl of Maclesfield :7 in the Lord Exeter's vault in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Nov. 25 The Right Hon. Richard, Lord Altham, Dean of Exeter and Prebendary of this Church:8 in St. Benedict's Chapel, next the monument of Simon Langham, Archbishop of York. ¹ Rightly Blyth. See her mother's baptism 11 July 1665, and note thereto, and the burials of her brothers, 9 Sep. 1686 and 16 Apl. 1690. 2 A young dau. of James, second and last Duke of Ormond (see his burial 22 May 1746), by his second wife, Lady Mary Somerset (see her burial 25 Nov. 1733). See the burial of her brother 1 Mch. 1688-9, and of her sister 27 Apl. 1750. 3 Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 28 Sep. 1701, was proved on the 30th of the same month, by her brother John Draper, residuary legatee. She directed to be buried in the place indicated in the text. She bequeathed a large diamond ring to the Countess of Tankerville, and other jewels, etc., to persons some of whom were evidently in the service of the nobility. The will furnishes no clew to her family. 4 Son of Rev. Joseph Williamson, Vicar of Bridekirk, co. Cumberland, and said to have come to London while young, as clerk or secretary to a member of Parliament. He matriculated at Oxford, from Queen's College, 18 Nov. 1650, as a servitor, and was B.A. 2 Feb. 1653-4, and M.A. 11 Nov. 1657. After holding various public positions he was appointed Clerk of the Council, and was knighted 24 Jan. 1671-2. He was Principal Secretary of State from 11 Sep. 1674 until 20 Feb. 1678-9, M.P. for Thetford in several Parliaments, and President of the Royal Society. See his wife's burial 11 Nov. 1702. He left no issue. 5 His patent as a verger was ordered 19 Jan. 1663-4 (Chapter Book). His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent, dated 14 June 1701, was proved 20 Apl. 1702, and states that he was of a very great age. He bequeathed his freehold estate at Chilton, in the parish of Atcham, co. Salop, to his nephew Richard Cocks, of Shrewsbury, with remainder successively to numerous nephews, nieces, and cousins, of the names of Cocks and Jones. He mentioned also his late brother Richard Cocks, his cousin Susanna, wife of Paul Mansfield, and his cousins Richard and Catherine Calcott. His executors were his cousins William Jones, of Chilton, Gent., and Joseph Jones, Gent. 6 According to his gravestone, he died 10 Nov., in his thirty-sixth year. See his wife's burial 2 Nov. 1705, the baptisms of his children, 7 Sep. 1693, 16 Jan. 1695-6, and 20 May, 1698, and the burial of his son 29 May 1698. 7 Charles Gerard, eldest son of Charles, first Earl of Macclesfield (see his burial 18 Jan. 1693-4) by Jane, dau. of Peter de Civell. He succeeded as second Earl, and was twice married, but left no issue. He was a colonel in the army, and had been ambassador to Hanover on the subject of the royal succession. He died 5 Nov., according to Luttrell, shortly after his return from that mission. See his sister's burial 19 March 1699-1700. 8 Richard Annesley, third son of Arthur, first Earl of Anglesey, by Elizabeth, dau. and 2 K 250 BURIALS IN 1701 Dec. 170 Feb. 17 Dorothy, the wife of Colonel James Grahm:¹ at the entrance into St. John Baptist's Chapel, at the West end of the Earl of Exeter's tomb. 3 9 Elizabeth, daughter of John Church, one of the singing-men, and Elizabeth his wife :2 in the middle of the South Cloister. 1702 April 12 William the 3ª, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland,³ was laid in King Charles 2ds vault, at the East end of the South aisle, in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Aug. 2 Mrs. Margaret Dawson : in the East Cloister, near the Library door. Sept. 17 The Right Hon. Robert Carey, Lord Baron of Hunsdon :5 in his vault in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Oct. 22 Her Grace Frances-Teresa Stuart, Duchess of Richmond and Lenox; died Oct. 15th in the Duke of Richmond and Lenox's vault, in K. H. 7th's Chapel. coheir of Sir James Altham, of Oxhey, Herts, Kt., one of the Barons of the Exchequer. He matriculated at Oxford, from Magdalen College, 15 Sep. 1669, aged fourteen, and was actually created M.A. 1 Feb. 1670-1. He took the degrees of B.D. 23 June 1677, and D.D. 5 July 1689. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 20 Sep. 1679, and of Exeter 23 Mch. 1680-1, and Dean of Exeter 7 Apl. 1681. He succeeded his young nephew as third Baron Altham, in the Irish peerage, shortly before his death. He died 19 Nov. He married Dorothy, dau. of John Davey, of Ruxford, co. Devon, Esq., who remarried William Vescy, Esq. Her will was proved 18 Feb. 1717-18. Sce the baptisms of his children, 31 Oct. 1689, 6 Jan. 1695-6, 8 Dec. 1698, and 17 Jan. 1699-1700, and the burials, of his sons, 23 Feb. 1689-90, 18 Nov. 1690, and 31 Aug. 1696, and of his daughter 7 Aug. 1699. ¹ (Collectanea erroneously says "Richard Graham.") Eldest dau. of William Howard, Esq. (fourth son of Thomas, first Earl of Berkshire), by Elizabeth, dau. of Lothiel, Lord Dundas, in the Scottish pecrage. She was Maid of Honour to the Queen, and Evelyn gives her a very high character. She married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 23 Nov. 1675 (her age being then, according to the marriage allegation, about twenty-three), James Graham, of Levcus, co. Westmoreland, second son of Sir George Graham, second Bart. of Esk, co. Cumberland, who was afterwards M.P., and Privy Purse to K. James II. Their only child, Catherine, married her cousin-german, Henry-Bowes, eleventh Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. See the marriages, of her brother 29 July 1673, and of her sister 13 Nov. 1677. 2 Ser her baptism 28 Dec. 1701, and the burials, of her father 10 Jan. 1740-1, and of her mother 22 Dec. 1732. 3 Son of William of Nassau, only son of Hcury-Frederick, Prince of Orange, who succceded to that title and died 27 Oct. 1650, by the Princess Royal, Mary, eldest dau. of K. Charles I. (see her burial 29 Dec. 1660). He was born at the Hague, as is usually said, 14 Nov. 1650. (A horo- scope in Ashmole MS., Bod. Lib., 243, p. 158b, says that he was born 4 Nov., at 8.30 p.m.). He ascended the throne 13 Feb. 1688-9, and was crowned with Queen Mary 11 Apl. 1689 (see her burial 5 Mch. 1694-5). He died 8 Mch., at Kensington, without issuc. 4 Mrs. Margaret Dawson was one of the four Bedchamber-women to the Duchess of York (the first wife of K. James II.). Her "Diary concerning the births, ages, and deaths of James the IId's children" will be found in Reliquiæ IIearnianæ, edit. 1869, i. 269, etc. • Third but eldest surviving son of Ernestus Carey, of Great Shelford, co. Cambridge, Esq., by his first wife, St. John, dau. of Thomas Salveyu, of Croxdale, co. Durham. He succceded his cousin Robert, as seventh Baron Hunsdon, 26 Sep. 1692. He died 11 Sep., unmarried. 6 Eldest dau. of Walter Stuart, Esq., third son of Walter, first Lord Blantyre, and third wife of Charles, third Duke of Richmond and sixth of Lennox (see his burial 20 Sep. 1673). It is said that she was the most beautiful woman of the period, and that K. Charles II. contemplated divorcing his Queen in order to marry her, aud was exceedingly angry at her marriage with the WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 251 1 1702 Nov. 11 The Lady O'Brion, relict of Sir Joseph Williamson, Kt.:¹ in the last mentioned vault. Nov. 17 Edward, the only son of the Right Hon. the Lord Hide :2 at the bottom of the steps ascending up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. Nov. 25 The Lady Charlot Beverwood :3 in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Dec. 24 Moses Snow, one of the Choir :4 in the middle of the North Cloister. 170 Feb. 22 Richard Knipe, Mr. of Arts:5 at the East end of the North Cloister, near the Fox's monument. March 22 The most noble and puissant Lord Aubrey De Vere, Earl of Oxford, Baron Bolbeck, etc. :6 in St. John Evangelist's Chapel in the North Cross of the Abbey, in a grave on the North side of the Lord Vere's monument. Duke of Richmond, which must have taken place very shortly after the death of his second Duchess (sce her burial 6 Jan. 1666-7), if, as is stated, it was publicly acknowledged in April, 1667. She died 15 Oct. In a codicil to her will, dated 7 Oct. 1702, occurs the following passage: It is my will to have my Effigie as well done in wax as can bee, and sett up neare the old Duke Lodowicke and Duchesse Frances of Richmond and Lenox, but in a presse by itselfe distinct from the other, with cleare crowne glasse before it, and dressed in my Coronation Robes and Coronett." Visitors to the Abbey may, by special favour, still see the "effigy" produced by the artist in wax under these instructions. ¹ Catharine Stuart, cldest and only surviving dau. of George, Lord D'Aubigny (fourth but second surviving son of Esme, third Duke of Lennox), by Lady Catharine Howard, eldest dau. of Theophilus, second Earl of Suffolk. She was baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 5 Dec. 1640, and married, first, in 1664, Henry O'Brien, Lord Ibrackan (see his burial 9 Sep. 1678, and the burials of her children by him, 8 May 1679 and 28 Nov. 1683), and, secondly, Sir Joseph Williamson, Kt. (see his burial 14 Oct. 1701), by whom she had no issue. See her brother's burial 20 Sep. 1673. In 1674 she successfully claimed the Barony of Clifton, and styled herself Baroness Clifton in her will. 2 Eldest son of Henry Hyde, then commonly called Viscount Hyde, afterwards second Earl of Rochester and fourth Earl of Clarendon, by Jane, youngest dau. of Sir William-Leveson Gower, fourth Bart. of Stittenham, and sister of John, first Lord Gower (see her burial 1 June 1725). See the burials of his brothers and sisters, 27 May 1704, 2 Nov. 1709, 5 July 1710, 24 Mch. 1739-40, and 12 June 1753. 3 Fourth dau. of Henry de Nassau, Lord of Auverquerque, by Elizabeth, dau. of Count de Horn. She was a Lady of the Bedchamber to Q. Aune, and died unmarried. See her sister's burial 12 Dec. 1688. 4 He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal extraordinary 17 Dec. 1689, and in ordinary 8 Apl. 1692, and "advanced to the place of Epistler" 24 Feb. 1693-4. He died 20 Dec. His will, dated 12 Dec. 1702, was proved 11 Feb. following, by his brother George Snow and his sister Sarah Gibbons. 5 See his baptism 24 Mch. 1668-9, and the burial of his brother 4 Nov. 1674, and the notes thereto, for an explanation of an undoubted double error in the Register. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 17 Dec. 1686. He was appointed High Bailiff of Westminster 23 Aug. 1692, and is styled in the Chapter Book "M.A." and "Clerk," but in his will he is described as a Gentleman." He and his son Richard were in succession godsons of Dr. Busby. See the burials, of his father 9 Aug. 1711, his mother 26 Aug. 1685, his wife 5 May 1704, his sons 3 Aug. 1700 and 23 Nov. 1705, and his dau. 5 March 1723-4. • Only surviving child of Robert, nineteenth Earl of Oxford, by Beatrix Van Hemmend, a Dutch lady. He was born about 1626, and succceded as twentieth Earl on his father's death in 252 BURIALS IN 1703 March 30 A young daughter of Esquire Cooke, of Norfolk:1 in Lord Hunsdon's vault in St. John Baptist's Chapel. April 14 John Milward, Clerk: 2 in the East Cloister, near the steps coming from the Church. April 21 Jane, the widow of Dr. Anthony Horneck, late one of the Pre- bendaries of this Church :3 in the same grave with the Dr., in the South Cross of the Abbey. April 22 May 17 May 28 Mr. Roger Cooper: in the East Cloister, near the Library door. John Hawke :5 in the South Cloister. Martha, wife of Dr. Peter Birch, one of the Prebendaries of this Church: in the South Cross of the Abbey, just on the North side of the door entering into St. Benedict's Chapel. 1632. He died 12 Mch., without surviving male issue, and the title became extinct. See the burials, of his first wife 27 Sep. 1659, of his second wife 16 Apl. 1719, and of his daughters, 8 Aug. 1725 and 2 Oct. 1730. 1 Mary, third dau. of Edward Coke, of Holkham, co. Norfolk, Esq., by Cary, dau. of Sir John Newton, third Bart. of Barr's Court, co. Gloucester (see his marriage 22 June 1676), who were married in June 1696. Her eldest brother, Sir Thomas Coke, K.B., was created Earl of Leicester 9 May 1744, but died without surviving male issue. 2 His will, as John Millward, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Clerk, dated 3 Apl. 1703, was proved on the 29th of the same month, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his nephew John Millward, on behalf of George Millward, son and residuary legatee of the deccased, who was named as exccutor, but was then in the West Indies. To his dau. Susanna Millward he left £100, and to his brother-in-law Captain William Freeman a ring. No other relations are men- tioned. He bequeathed the interest of £100 to the Dean and Chapter for pcrpetual charities.— One of this name, son of Thomas Millward, of Old Swinnerton, co. Worcester, matriculated at Oxford, from Pembroke College, 24 Mch. 1670-1, aged sixteen, but his name is not in the printed list of graduates. One John Milward was A.B., as of Catherine Hall, Cambridge, in 1674, and another, as of St. John's College, in 1690. 3 Dau. of Thomas Bolton, of St. Christopher-le-Stocks, citizen and grocer of London, by his wife Jaue Downes. She was baptized at St. Christopher's aforesaid 27 Nov. 1649, and was married to Dr. Horneck about 19 Feb. 1671-2 (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen.). Her will, dated 14 Apl. 1703, was proved on the 22nd of the same month, by Bartholomew Dutton, of St. Clement Danes, Midx., Gent., husband of her sister Honoria. See the burials, of her husband 4 Feb. 1696-7, of her dau. 8 Jan. 1734-5, and of her son 27 April 1746. 4 One of the Gentlemen Ushers of the Privy Chamber to Q. Anne, and had been one of her Gentlemen Waiters when Princess. He died, according to his monument, 19 Apl., in his fortieth year. See his wife's burial 9 July 1718, and the burials 6 Jan. 1700-1 and 30 Apl. 1708, probably of members of his family, as they were all in the same locality. His son George was baptized 31 Jan. 1688-9, and his son John 29 Jan. 1690-1, both at St. Margaret's, Westminster. See his baptism 22 Mch. 1668-9, and the burials, of his mother 4 Nov. 1671, and his father 5 Mch. 1699-1700. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gentleman, dated in May 1703, was proved on the 15th of the same month, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his nurse, Elizabeth Paine, widow, to whom he left all his possessions. 6 Dau. of Samuel Vyner, of London, Esq. She married, first, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 21 May 1667, Francis Millington, of London, merchant, one of the Commissioners of the Customs to K. Charles II., whose will, dated 6 July 1692, was proved 1 Dec. 1693, and who was buried at Wandsworth, co. Surrey. (See the marriage of their only child 18 May 1686, and her burial 17 June 1718). See her second marriage, to Dr. Birch, 24 Nov. 1697, and his burial 4 July 1710. She was his second wife, and they appear to have had no issue. She died, accord- ing to her monument, 25 May, aged fifty. Her husband administered to her estate 9 June following, and in the record she is said to have died at Epsom, co. Surrey. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 253 1703 May 30 Isaac Sherwyn, one of the Sacrists of the Abbey:1 in the South Cloister. June 29 Henry Spoore, Clerk of the Works of the Abbey:2 in the South July Cloister. 6 Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Thomas Linacre, Petty Canon of this Church :3 in the middle of the West Cloister. July 23 Edward, son of Edward Tufnell, Mason: in the South Cloister, near the East end. Sept. 11 Monsieur St. Evremonde :5 in the South Cross, near old Parr's tombstone. Sept. 30 Nov. 25 170 Jan. 16 Jan. Jan. 23 Mrs. Ann Arnold:6 in the North Cloister, at the East end. William Webster, a child :7 in the middle of the South Cloister. Colonel George Kirk:8 in the middle of the South Cloister. Samuel Watts, the College Scullion:9 at the West end of the South Cloister. 24 Edward Lee, Brigadier of her Majesty's Guards :10 at the upper 1 Rightly Sherwin. His relict Anne administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 8 June following. See her burial 21 July 1710. 2 His wife Sarah (see her burial 12 May 1726) administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 30 July following. See the burial of his daughter 14 July 1729-30. 3 See her marriage 5 Aug. 1684, and her husband's burial 28 Aug. 1719. She was his second wife. See her son's baptism 28 July 1687. See the marriage of his parents 27 Oct. 1697. and note thereto, and his father's burial 11 Sep. 1719. He was evidently the second son, and died in his infancy. 5 Charles, third son of Charles de St. Denis, Lord of St. Evremond. He was born at St. Denis le Gast, in Normandy, 1 Apl. 1613, and succeeded to the estate of St. Evremond on the death of his father. He passed his latter years in England, and occupied a certain rank among the literary men of his day. A complete edition of his works was published in England in 1728. He died 9 Sep., and his will, dated 24 Aug. 1703, was proved 17 Sep. following, by Henry, Earl of Galway. It contains nothing of interest, except the statement that the Duchess of Mazarin owed him £400 at her death. Dau. of the Rev. Dr. Thomas Knipe, Head Master of Westminster School (see his burial 9 Aug. 1711), by his first wife, Anne (sce her burial 26 Aug. 1685). She married (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 16 Feb. 1696-7, then aged about twenty) Michael Arnold, junior, of St. Margaret's, West- minster, Gent. (then aged about twenty-one), by whom she had two children, both baptized at St. Margaret's, viz., Alicia, 30 July 1700, and Michael. 7 Sep. 1703: the former was living, 23 Feb. 1722-3, as Alicia Ross. 7 Sce the burials, probably, of his father 5 June 1698, and his mother 15 Dec. 1715. 8 See his marriage 10 Feb. 1699-1700, as Captain Kirke, and his wife's burial 23 Dec. 1754. While the Abbey Register calls him Colonel Kirk, Luttrell, in his Diary (v. 379), under the date of 13 Jan. 1703-4, seems to mention his death, and describes him as "Major Kirk, of the Duke of Northumberland's regiment of horse." His gravestone merely stated that George Kirk, Esquire, died 10 Jan., and he is so also described in the record, when letters of administration were granted to his relict, 6 Mch. following. It is difficult to determine his identity, by reason of the mystery that surrounds the most of those of his name of this period. Luttrell gives an account of a Captain Kirk who was found guilty of the manslaughter of Conway Seymour, Esq., and sentenced to be burned in the hand 29 Jan. 1699-1700, but that was only twelve days before this Capt. Kirk was married. Sir David Kirke, Kt., who died in 1653-4, left an cldest son George, but he would have been about sixty-five years of age in 1700. 9 See his wife's burial 16 June 1704. 10 Letters of administration to his estate, as Colonel Edward Leigh, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., bachelor, were granted, 28 Jan. 1703-4, to his sister Anne Foyle, widow (see her burial 28 Feb. 1737-8). 254 BURIALS IN end of the middle aisle, close to the wall of the Choir, on the left hand going up from the West door. 1 1703 Feb. 11 Katherine, Duchess of Buckingham: in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's monument. Feb. 14 Nicholas Collins, formerly the College Bricklayer:2 in the Cloister, near the steps going into Little Dean's Yard. Feb. 24 1704 May 5 John Gregory, the College Carpenter:3 in the South Cloister. Elizabeth, widow of Mr. Richard Knipe:4 near her husband, at the East end of the North Cloister. May 27 Laurence, son of the Right Hon. the Lord Hide:5 at the bottom of the steps ascending to K. H. 7th's Chapel, near his brother Edward. June 16 Ann, widow of Samuel Watts:6 in her husband's grave, at the West end of the South Cloister. June 22 Mr. Thomas Brown:7 in the East Cloister, near Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey's monument. Aug. 16 John Windebank, Dr. of Physick:8 in the middle of the South Cloister. 1 Catharine Greville, eldest dau. of Fulke, fifth Lord Brooke, by Sarah, dau. of Sir Samuel Dashwood, Kt., Alderman of London. She married, first, Wriothesley-Baptist, second Earl of Gainsborough, who died 21 Sep. 1690, and secondly, John Sheffield, first Duke of the County of Buckingham (sce his burial 25 Mch. 1721), to whom she was second wife. She died 7 Feb., aged thirty-eight, leaving no issue by her second husband, but two daughters by her first, viz., Elizabeth, who married Henry Bentinck, first Duke of l'ortland (see his burial 3 Nov. 1726), and Rachel, who married Henry, second Duke of Beaufort. 2 The Chapter Book, under the date of 16 Jan. 1687-8, recites that Collins, the bricklayer, was dismissed from his employment, and he and his family were ordered to quit the singing- man's house in the Cloisters which they occupied. A creditor administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 7 Mch. 1703-4. See his wife's burial 21 Oct. 1704, and probably his son's 20 May 1681. 3 According to his gravestone, he died 20 Feb., in his forty-seventh year. His will, dated 16 Feb. 1703-4, was proved on the 29th of the same mouth, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Elizabeth see her burial 10 Dec. 1719, and the burials of his sons, 26 Nov. 1718 and 8 Dec. 1724. 4 See her husband's burial 22 Feb. 1702-3. Her will, dated 18 Apl. 1704, was proved 20 June 1705, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by the Rev. Dr. Thomas Knipe, her husband's father, to whom she bequeathed all her estate in trust for the benefit of her children. See the burials of her sons, 3 Aug. 1700 and 23 Nov. 1705, and of her dau. 5 Mch. 1723-4. 5 Second son of Henry Hyde, afterwards second Earl of Rochester and fourth Earl of Clarendon, by Jane his wife (see her burial 1 June 1725). He was born the 6th, and baptized 21 Oct. 1703, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx. See the burials of his brothers and sisters, 17 Nov. 1702, 2 Nov. 1709, 5 July 1710, 24 Mch. 1739-40, and 12 June 1753. 6 See her husband's burial 23 Jan. 1703-4. 7 Addison's "Tom Brown of facetious memory." He is usually said to have been the son of a farmer, and born at Shiffnal, co. Salop. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 4 July 1678, aged fifteen, as son of William Brown, of Newport, co. Salop, and was B.A. 20 Mch. 1683-4. His writings were of a character not greatly to his credit, and his carly death may be said to have closed a wasted life. He died 16 June, and was buried, perhaps not inappropriately, near Mrs. Behn (sce her burial 20 Apl. 1689), with whom he had been intimate during his carly life in London. 8 Fifth but fourth surviving son of Sir Francis Windebank, Kt., the well known Secretary of State to K. Chas. I. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 11 June 1618, and WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 255 1704 Oct. 15 Edward, son of Mr. Daniel Williams, one of the Choir:¹ in the middle of the South Cloister, on the North side of the same, next the brickwork there. Oct. 21 The widow Collins:2 by her husband, in the Cloister, going up the steps into Little Dean's Yard. Oct. 30 Mary, Duchess of Buckingham, relict of George Villers, Duke of Buckingham :3 in the Duke of Buckingham's vault, on the North side of K. H. 7th's monument. Nov. 27 Mr. Cecill Butler: in the East Cloister, between the Library and the lower door there. : Dec. 8 John Smith, the Dean's Groom in the Cloister, near the steps going into Little Dean's Yard. 1704 Jan. 2 The Right Hon. Lord John Somersett : in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Jan. 3 Mr. Thornton, one of the servants belonging to her Majesty's Clerk of the Closet: at the East end of the North Cloister. March 19 The Right Hon. James, Earl of Dalkeith:5 in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's monument. matriculated at Oxford, from New College, 23 Sep. 1634. He became a Fellow of his College, and was created M.D., by order of Cromwell, 5 Apl. 1654. He afterwards studied abroad, and eventually practised at Guildford, co. Surrey. He was admitted Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 30 Sep. 1680. His will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Doctor of Physic, dated 17 Feb. 1703-4, was proved 15 Aug. following, by his dau. Frances Loveday, widow (sce her burial 14 Jan. 1736-7), whom he made his residuary legatee. The only other bequests in his will were £100 cach to his grandchildren Susanna. Mary, Charlotte, John, and Charles, children of his son Richard Windebank, all then in their minority. See the burial of another of his daughters, and apparently his only other child, 7 June 1681. 1 See his father's burial 15 Mch. 1719-20, and the baptism of another son of this name 13 Nov. 1704. 2 See her husband's burial 14 Feb. 1703-4, and probably her son's 20 May 1681. 3 Her coffin-plate (exposed in 1867) describes her as "daughter and sole heir to the Right Hon. Thomas, Lord Fairfax, Baron of Cameron in the Kingdom of Scotland, by Ann his wife, fourth daughter and one of the coheirs of the Right Hon. Horatio, Lord Vere of Tilbury," and states that she died 20 Oct. 1704, in her sixty-seventh year. Her father was third Lord Fairfax, the celebrated Parliamentary General, and she was his eldest and only surviving daughter, her only sister having died in infancy. She was born 30 July, and baptized 1 Aug. 1638, at St. Mary's, Bishophill, in the city of York, and married, at Bolton Percy, co. York, 15 Sep. 1657, George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham (see his burial 7 June 1687). She died without issue. Letters of administration to her estate were granted, 7 Nov. 1704, to Ursula, Countess Dowager of Plymouth, who was described as her cousin-german and next of kin. 4 Third son of Charles Somerset, Marquis of Worcester (eldest son of Henry, first Duke of Beaufort, but died before his father), by Rebecca, dau. of Sir Josiah Child, first Bart. of Wanstead, co. Essex. He died young. His mother, then Baroness-Dowager Granville, of Potheridge, co. Devon, administered to his estate, as a minor, 14 Apl. 1709. He died 31 Dec. 1704, and Dart (ii. 55) says that his remains were removed 31 July 1712. If so, it was probably that they might be interred with those of his mother, who died on the 27th of that mouth. 5 Second but eldest surviving son of the unfortunate James, Duke of Monmouth, and Lady Anne Scott. He was born 23 May 1674, and married Lady Henrietta Hyde, dau. of Lawrence, first Earl of Rochester (see her burial 3 June 1730). He died 14 Mch., of apoplexy. See the note to the burial of his eldest brother 10 Feb. 1673-4, and the burials, of another brother 6 Dcc. 1679, of his sisters 5 Sep. 1683 and 13 Aug. 1685, of his own sons 5 Apl. 1700 and 27 Feb. 1718-19, and of his daughter 18 Oct. 1714. 256 BURIALS IN 1705 April 17 John, son of Charles Battely, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife; died the 15th in the South aisle, just behind the great South door : going into the Great Cloister. June 30 Charles, son of Edward Tufnell, Mason 2 in the South Cloister, near the East end. July 17 Mrs. Mary Beaufoy :3 in the North aisle, at the West end of Mrs. Stotevill's monument. Nov. 2 2 Mary Taylor, widow: near her late husband, in the middle of the North Cloister. Nov. 23 Anthony Knipe, a child :5 near the middle of the North Cloister. Dec. 1 William Aglionby, Esq. :6 in the middle of the East Cloister, near the Library door. Dec. Dec. 15 Dec. Edward, son of Edward Tufnell, Mason: in the South Cloister, near the East end. 8 : Mrs. Elizabeth Knipe; died the 12th in the South aisle, a little behind the great door going into the West Cloister. 30 Mr. John Sherman :9 in the middle of the East Cloister, on the North side of Esq' Aglionby's coffin. 1 See his baptism on the 6th of the same month, and his mother's baptism 31 Mch. 1668, and note thereto. He was a second son of this name. 2 See the marriage of his parents 27 Oct. 1697, and note thereto, and his father's burial 11 Sep. 1719. He was third son, and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 13 June 1705. 3 Only dau. and heir of Sir Henry Beaufoy, of Guy's Cliff, co. Warwick, Kt., by Lady Charlotte Lane, dau. of George, first Viscount Lanesborough (sce her burial 25 Feb. 1725-6). She died 12 July, in her twenty-eighth year, unmarried, and her will, dated 21 June 1705, was proved by her mother 25 Sep. following. 4 Dau. of the Rev. John Tinker (or Tynchare) alias Littleton, Clerk, the writer of the unofficial register so often referred to in these notes, by his wife Elizabeth (see her burial 13 Aug. 1684). See her marriage 24 Nov. 1692, her husband's burial 14 Nov. 1701, and the baptisms of her children, 7 Sep. 1693, 16 Jan. 1695-6, and 29 May 1698; also the baptism of her sister 22 Jan. 1666-7, and the marriage of her brother 24 Mch. 1680-1. 5 Sec his father's burial 22 Feb. 1702-3, and his mother's 5 May 1704. • See the burial of (probably) his brother 6 Apl. 1643, and note thereto. According to his monument, he died 28 Nov., aged sixty-three, having served K. William III. and Q. Aune as Envoy Extraordinary. According to Luttrell, who invariably calls him " Dr. Aglionby," he went as Envoy to Spain in Jan. 1691-2, to Savoy in May 1693, to Spain again in Feb. 1700-1, and to Switzerland in Sep. 1702, where he appears to have remained until May 1705. He married (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 9 July 1702) Catherine Hildyard, then aged twenty-four, whose parents were dead, by whom he had a son William, and an evidently posthumous dau. Sybilla (see her burial 11 June 1706). His will, as of Chelsea, Midx., Gentleman, dated 24 Nov. 1705, was proved 12 Jan. 1705-6, by the relict Catherine. He bequeathed to his son William £2,000 when of age, to his unborn child £500, and to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Anne Hildyard, spinster, his gold watch. No other relations are mentioned in the will. He was probably the one of this name in- quired about in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1794, p. 685, and then supposed to be a native of Cumberland. 7 See the marriage of his parents 27 Oct. 1697, and the note thereto, and his father's burial 11 Sep. 1719. He was fourth son, the second of this name, and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 13 Junc in the same year. 8 See the marriage of her parents 5 Dec. 1682, and her own baptism 14 Oct. 1683. 9 Letters of administration to his estate, he being described as of St. Margaret's, West- WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 257 170 Jan. 15 Thomas Mansell, Esq.¹ in the North aisle, near the Mansell's monuments. Feb. 13 Mr. John Nedham, Receiver of this College;2 died the 10th: in the same grave with Mrs. Elizabeth Knipe above mentioned. The widow of Mr. Henry Purcell :3 in the middle of the North aisle, near his monument. Feb. 14 Feb. 20 Mrs. Frances Goodall :4 in the middle of the North Cloister. minster, were granted 24 May 1706, limited to a certain bond, to his wife's sister, Anne Longueville, of Shidlington Bury Park, Midx., widow, his wife renouncing. He married Elizabeth, dau. of John Briscoe, of St. Mary-at-Hill, citizen and fishmonger of London, by his wife Elizabeth Brewer, who remarried Sir William Dodson, Kt. (see his burial 16 Oct. 1695, and note thereto). Their dau. Hannah was living 6 Oct. 1695, and their son John Sherman adminis- tered to the estate of his sister Susanna 28 June 1736, their mother being then dead. 1 ¹ (Collectanea crroneously gives the name "Maryet.") Son of Thomas Mansell, of Briton Ferry, co. Glamorgan, Esq. (see his burial 23 Dec. 1684), by his wife Elizabeth. dau. and heir of Richard Games, of Penderyn, co. Brecon, Esq. He was M.P. for Cardiff. His will, dated 21 Dec. 1705, was proved 21 May 1706, by his kinsman Thomas Mansell. Esq., afterwards Baron Mansell, of Margam, to whom he left his estates, with remainder to his sons in succession. 2 He was appointed Receiver-General and Solicitor to the Abbey by patent dated 5 Mch. 1680-1, but appears to have been connected with the Abbey as early as 13 Nov. 1662, when he had the reversion of this patent. His will, dated 4 Feb. 1705-6, was proved 8 Mch. following, by his relict Jane, and his son-in-law the Rev. William Needham. He had estates at Bacton and Wyverstone, co. Suffolk. Besides his own family, he left legacies to his kinsmen Robert Cropley, of Cambridge, Gent. and Mr. William Smith. See his wife's burial 7 Apl. 1708; the baptisms of his children, 15 Mch. 1663-4, 5 Sep. 1666, 31 Mch. 1668, 13 Apl. 1670, and 21 Jan. 1672-3; the marriages of his daughters, 5 Dec. 1682, 5 July 1691, and 8 July 1702; and the burials of his daughters, 13 Feb. 1679-80 and 27 June 1681. He died 10 Feb., aged about seventy-five, as in an affidavit to Dr. Busby's writing, dated 17 Feb. 1697-8, he stated his age to be then sixty- seven. The name appears to have been indifferently written "Nedham" and "Needham." 3 Frances Purcell, widow of the eminent musical composer (see his burial 26 Nov. 1695). She made a nuncupative will 7 Feb. 1705-6, “as she sat in a chair in the parlour of her dwelling house at Richmond," co. Surrey. She appointed Mr. Thomas Tovey her executor, until her dau. Frances Purcell should reach the age of eighteen, when she was to be her executrix, and she proved the will 4 July 1706. The will states that "according to her husband's desire, she had given her deare son [Edward] good education, and she alsoe did give him all the Bookes of Musick in generall, the Organ, the double spinett, the single spinett, a silver tankard, a silver watch, two pair of gold buttons, a hair ring, a mourning ring of Dr. Busby's, a Larum clock, Mr. Edward Purcell's picture, handsome furniture for a room, and he was to be maintained until provided for." All the residue of her property she gave to her said daughter Frances, and she and her brother Edward were evidently her only surviving children. No other person was named in the will. See the baptisms of her children, 9 Aug. 1682, 30 May 1688, 6 Sep. 1689, and 10 Dec. 1693, and the burials of her sons, 17 Oct. 1682. 3 Aug. 1686, and 23 Sep. 1687. 4 She appears to have been a niece of Thomas Blagrave (see his burial 24 Nov. 1688), and is so called in his will, and in that of his wife (see her burial 12 Oct. 1689), and she was cousin, residuary legatee, and executrix of John Goodwin (see his burial 10 July 1693). She married, first, John Frost, Gent. (see his burial 26 Dec. 1696), to whom she seems to have been second wife, and was his executrix. She remarried (Mar. Lic. Fac.) about 12 July 1697, Dr. Charles Goodall, Physician of the Charterhouse, afterwards President of the Royal College of Physi- cians of London. Her age was then stated to be about fifty, and she was Dr. Goodall's third wife. She died 17 Feb., and her will, dated 8 Jan. 1705-6, with codicils 13, 14, and 15 Feb., was proved 10 Apl. following. Dr. Goodall, having married a fourth wife, died 23 Aug. 1712, and was buried in the parish church of Kensington, Midx., his relict surviving until Dec. 1732, 2 L 258 BURIALS IN 1706 April 18 June 11 July 3 John Shaw, an infant:¹ in the West corner of the South Cloister. Sybilla Aglionby, an infant:2 in the middle of the East Cloister, at the foot of Mr. Aglionby's gravestone. Mrs. Palmer :3 in the North Cloister. Aug. 19 Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Edward Gee, Prebendary of this Church in the Abbey, near the North door of the monu- ments. [Here end the Burials in the first Volume.] Sept. 30 Dorcas, wife of Robert Southey, the College Gardener :5 in the South Cloister. Sept. 30 Oct. 3 Mr. Nicholas Lowe :6 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Martha Oram : in the North Cloister. Nov. 14 170 Jan. Mr. William Burnaby :8 in the South Cross of the Abbey. 2 Mrs. Elizabeth Fox, widow:9 in the North Cloister. Jan. 23 Sir Ralph Delaval, Kt. :10 at the upper end of the West aisle. ¹ According to his gravestone, he was son of John and Elizabeth Shaw, and died 11 Apl., in his second year. See his mother's burial 10 Sep 1713, and his sister's 9 Nov. 1709. 2 See her father's burial 1 Dec. 1705, and note thereto. She was evidently a posthumous child. ³ Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Kt., and first Bart. of Carlton, co. North- ampton, Attorney-General to K. Charles II., by Margaret, dau. of Sir Francis Moore, of Fawley, co. Bucks, Kt., Serjeant-at-Law. She married Edward Palmer, of Stoke-Doyle, co. Northampton, Esq., and was mother of Margaret, wife of Matthew Johnson, Esq., Clerk of the House of Lords (see the burial of his son 25 May 1725, and of his dau. 17 Nov. 1727). 4 See her baptism 14 Dec. 1705, her father's burial 6 Mch. 1729-30, and her mother's 23 Apl. 1733. She was their third child. 5 See her husband's burial 31 Aug. 1722. She was his first wife. • See his wife's burial 16 Sep. 1715. They were parents of Charles Lowe, Coroner of West- minster, Chapter Clerk, etc. (see his burial 7 Feb. 1728-9). 7 Her nuncupative will was made on or about 26 Sep. 1706, she being then sick in the house of Dr. Thomas Knipe, within the precincts of the College of St. Peter, Westminster, where she had lived for several years. She gave all she possessed to her sister Margaret Oram (see her burial 26 Aug. 1707), who proved the will, 6 Dec. 1706, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, and their sister, Mary Bolton, widow, administered de bonis non 18 Nov. 1707. She died unmarried. (( 8 In his will, dated 4 June 1705, he described himself as Agent for prizes on board the Fleet for the West Indies." He gave to his brothers, Anthony, James, and John Burnaby, each one shilling, and the residue of his property to his good friend Mrs. Mary Holmes, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, who proved the will 8 Nov. 1706. According to his tombstone, he died 8 Nov., in his thirty-third year. The arms on the stone are those, cither of Burnaby of Watford, co. Northampton, or those of the family of Baronets, of Broughton, co. Oxford; but, being un- tinctured, it is impossible to determine which. 9 Probably widow of John Fox (see his burial 23 Nov. 1691), and dau. of Henry Smart, of Plymouth, co. Devon. 10 Eldest son of William Delaval (sixth son of Sir Ralph Delaval, of Seaton-Delaval, co. Northumberland, Kt.), by Mary, dau. and heir of Sir Peter Riddell, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Kt. He attained his seniority in the Navy 9 Apl. 1679, was Admiral of the Blue in 1690, and knighted 31 May in that year, and was one of the Lords of the Admiralty 15 Apl. 1693. By his wife Hester (said by Le Neve to have been a dau. of one Major, of London), who survived him, he had two sons and three daughters, four of whom were born and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., between the years 1670 and 1676. His relict, Dame Hester, renounced WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 259 1709 Feb. 28 March 7 March 14 1707 April 28 July 10 Aug. Mrs. Katherine Hyde :¹ in the middle of the West aisle. Anne Robins, widow:2 in the South Cloister. Susanna, wife of William West 3 in the Cloister, near the steps going into Little Dean's Yard. 4 Sir Joseph Tredenham, Kt. : in the South aisle of the Abbey. Mrs. Melior Chapman, widow :5 in the West Cloister, at the foot of the steps going into the Church. 6 6 Sarah, daughter of James and Sarah Broughton : in the East Cloister. Aug. 7 John Godwin, one of the children of the Choir: in the South Cloister. 7 Aug. 20 Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth French: in the South Aug. 26 Cloister. Margaret Oram :8 in the North Cloister. Sept. 22 The Hon. George Stepney, Esq. :9 in the South aisle, near Judge Owen's monument. administration to his estate, 11 Mch. 1706-7, and letters were then granted to his daughters, Hester, wife of Richard Lucas, and Mary Delaval. ¹ Dau. of Robert Hyde, Esq. by Anne, dau. of Edward Rogers, of Cannington, co. Somerset, Esq. (by his wife Catharine. dau. of Sir John Popham, Kt., Lord Chief Justice), who were married before 1638. She is named in the will of her mother's brother, Henry Rogers, Esq., the great benefactor to the church of St. Mary Aldermary, London, dated 8 May 1672, as daughter of his sister Anne Hyde, then deceased. Her father was living in 1643. She died 22 Feb., unmarried, and her will, dated 5 Dec. 1705, with codicils 20 Jan. 1705-6 and 18 Dec. 1706, was proved 25 Feb. 1706-7, by her cousin Robert Hyde, whom she made her residuary legatee. She left legacies to her cousin Thomas Warre and his sisters Anne and Elizabeth, and her cousins Richard, Henry, Frederick, and Anne Coleman. In 1715 there was a banner over her grave containing, if correctly described, the arms of Hyde of Norbury and Hyde, co. Chester, with the difference of a third son. 2 See, probably, her husband's burial 27 Mch, 1674. 3 See her husband's burial 11 Apl. 1714. 4 Fourth son of John Tredenham, of Philleigh, co. Cornwall, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of John Molesworth, of Pencarrow, in the same county, Esq. He was one of the Comptrollers of the Army Accounts, and M.P. for St. Mawes. He married about 9 May 1666 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), then aged twenty-four, and already knighted, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Edward Seymour, third Bart. of Berry Pomeroy, co. Devon. According to his gravestone, he died 25 Apl., in his sixty- fifth year. His will, as of Tregonan, co. Cornwall, dated 13 Oct. 1704, was proved 29 May 1707, by his relict Dame Elizabeth, his son John renouncing. He mentioned also his dau. Elizabeth, and her husband John Nicholls, Esq.; his dau. Mary Tredenham; his grand-daughter Elizabeth, dau. of his only son John; and his late son Seymour Tredenham, deceased. 5 See her husband's burial 17 June 1681. According to her monument, she died 6 July, in her cighty-seventh year. 1727. 6 See her baptism 25 July 1707, her father's burial 3 Feb. 1710-11, and her mother's 17 Apl. 7 See his baptism 19 Aug. 1707, the marriage of his parents 14 Jan. 1702-3, and his father's burial [Feb. 1721-2]. 8 See her sister's burial 3 Oct. 1706. She died at Chiswick, Midx., and her sister Mary Bolton, widow, administered to her estate 9 Sep. 1707. The inscriptions on his elaborate monument state that he was descended from the family of Stepney, of Prendergast, co. Pembroke, born in Westminster in 1663, admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1676, clected to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1682, Envoy to various Courts from 1692 to 1706, and died at Chelsea, Midx., 15 Sep. 1707, in his forty-fourth year. 260 BURIALS IN 1707 Sept. 24 Philip Clarke, the College Plumber 1 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Jane Keightley :2 in the East Cloister. Mrs. Mary Pomroy :3 in the North Cloister. Oct. Oct. 10 Oct. 14 Mrs. Ann Hooper : in the North Cloister. Dec. 4 Dec. The Right Hon. the Earl of Kildare :5 in the Duke of Richmond's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Mrs. Grace Kirpatrick : in the South Cloister. From his will it is evident that he was a grandson of Sir Thomas Stepney, Kt., by his second wife, Mary, cldest dau. and coheir of Sir Bernard Whetstone, of Woodford, co. Essex, Kt., whose son Bernard Stepney, Esq., as his uncle, was one of his legatees, and this assumption is confirmed by the will of his sister Dorothy. His will, dated at Brussels 13 Aug. 1707, was proved 1 Dcc. following, by his sister Frances (see her burial 24 Mch. 1718-19) and his sister Dorothy (see her burial 6 Nov. 1724). Besides his uncle Bernard Stepney, he left legacies to his cousin Erasmus Lewis (sec his burial 15 Jan. 1754), his uncle Capt. James Partridge, and his cousins Charles Whitworth, Esq., and Mrs. Anne Baker. ¹ According to his gravestone, he died 21 Sept., in his forty-third year. Letters of adminis- tration to his estate were granted, 6 Oct. 1707, to William Warren, father of his niece Frances Warren, a minor, evidently his sister's child. He was described as a bachelor. 2 Her monument stated that she was a dau. of George Kighley, of the city of York, Esq., of the ancient family of Kighley, of Kighley, in co. Lancaster, and died 3 Oct., aged nineteen. See her sister's burial 22 July 1717. 3 Sister of Capt. George Slaughter (see his burial 4 Jan. 1695-6). Her will, as Mary Pomeroy, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., widow, dated 21 Apl. 1705, was proved 21 Nov. 1707, by her friend Mr. Joseph Carpenter, whom she appointed her executor in England, her kinsman Thomas Batty, husband of her niece Elizabeth, being appointed executor in Ireland. She directed to be buried near her said brother, if she died in England, or in the parish church of Clonmell, if she died in Ireland. She left an annuity to her sister Amy Lawrence, and considerable legacies to her niece Elizabeth Batty and her niece Thawyts, and their children. She also bequeathed a gilt cup and cover, which had belonged to the late Queen, and which she had purchased, to her good mistress the Countess Dowager of Derby, an emerald ring to her dau. Lady Henrietta, and rings to a number of their servants, which scems to intimate that she had been in the service of that family. 4 Anne, dau. of Alexander Weld, of Ware, co. Herts, Esq., who was buried there 1 Mch. 1703-4, as of Widbery Hill, J.P., in his seventy-ninth year, by his first wife Anne, also buried there 6 July 1664. She was baptized at Ware 24 Feb. 1647-8, and married, first, about 21 July 1668 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), Francis Plevey, of Allhallows, London Wall, grocer, by whom she had one dau., Anne, who, according to her second husband's will, sub- sequently married her own uncle. She married, secondly, after 1683, Giles Hooper, of Clement's Inn, Gent. (see his burial 5 Aug. 1699), by whom she appears to have had no issue. Her dau. Anne, wife of Edward Thompson, administered to her estate 11 Feb. 1707-8. 5 John Fitzgerald, son and heir of Wentworth, seventeenth Earl of Kildare, by Lady Elizabeth Holles, second dau. of John, second Earl of Clare. He married, first, Lady Mary O'Brien (sce her burial 28 Nov. 1683, and her son's 21 Feb. 1683-4), and, secondly, Lady Elizabeth Jones (sce her burial 22 Apl. 1758). According to his coffin-plate (exposed in 1867), he died 9 Nov., in his forty-eighth year. He left no issuc. • Second dau. of John Tufnell, the Abbey mason (see his burial 23 Feb. 1696-7), by his wife Dorothy (sce her burial 20 Oct. 1720). She was baptized at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 20 Nov. 1683, and married, at Christ Church, London, 1 Aug. 1699, John Kirpatrick, who was described in the marriage allegation (Vic. Gen.) of the same date, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, waterman, a bachelor, aged above twenty-two. He appears to have survived her, and married again, as letters of administration were granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 1 Mch. 1710-11, of the estate of John Patrick alias Kirpatrick, late of St. Margaret's, Westminster, to the relict Mary. 1707 Dec. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 261 22 Sir Cloudesley Shovell, Kt., her Majesty's Vice-Admiral, etc.:¹ in the South aisle, by the Lady Gething's monument. Mrs. Mary Brudenell: in the East Cloister. Dec. 27 1702 Jan. 4 1 The Right Hon. Robert, Earl of Scarsdale :2 in St. John Baptist's Chapel. (. 1 The doubts about the parentage and place of birth of Sir Cloudesly Shovell have not yet been set at rest. He is usually said to have been born in the county of Norfolk, in or about the year 1650, and a modern writer positively names his birth-place as Cley. in that county, and states that he was brought up in the trade of a shoemaker (Cust's Warriors of the Seventeenth Century). It is also said that the record of his baptism, 25 Nov. 1650, occurs in the parish register of Cockthorpe, in Norfolk. On the other hand, Abraham De la Pryme, in his contemporaneous Diary (Surtees Society. 1869, p. 169), as positively asserts that he was a poor lad, born in Yorkshire, who was first ostler at an inn at Redford, in Notinghamshire; after that, being weary of his place, he went to Stockwith in Lincolnshire, where he turned tarpaulin. and from thence, getting acquainted with the sea, he grew up to what he now is. The minute- ness of this description, and the manner in which he is traced from place to place, gives this statement an air of accuracy. Against it, however, is to be set the counter-statement of the Rev. Gilbert Crokatt, Rector of Crayford, co. Kent, who, in 1708, published a Consolatory Letter" addressed to Lady Shovell, then residing in his parish, and afterwards buried there. He says: "As to the admiral, he was born in the year 1650, in the county of Norfolk, of an ancient family, chiefly considerable for loyalty and plain downright honesty, which was therefore natural and hereditary to Sir Cloudesly. Nor was it inconsiderable for estate; though that was lessened by their faithful adherence to King Charles the First, of ever blessed memory. How- ever, the good old gentlewoman, Sir Cloudesly's mother, being still alive. enjoys no contemptible competency; which has been transmitted for many years from father to son in the family, and, being by her son redeemed from some incumbrances, was by his natural affection continued entire to his mother." Against this passage, in the margin, the writer placed this sentence: "The great design of this is to correct some mistakes and false stories concerning Sir Cloudesly's birth and education." It is possible that De la Pryme may have been misled by the "false stories" mentioned, but he wrote his statement eleven years before, viz., in 1697, and apparently with a knowledge of the facts. It is also not unlikely that the rector of Crayford was anxious to say as much in favour of the deceased husband of his patroness as possible. It seems inconceivable, if his statement is correct, that the utmost vigilance of Norfolk antiquaries has failed to discover any trace of his "ancient family," or that of the "gentlewoman" his mother, or of the "estate" they held for so many generations in that county. It is probably safe to assume that his origin was humble. His career, and the circumstances of his death. are matters of history. His monument says that he was shipwrecked on the Scilly rocks, 22 Oct. 1707, in his fifty-seventh year. He appears to have been knighted, on board his ship in Bantry Bay, 1 May 1689. He married, at Allhallows-Staining. London, 10 Mch. 1690-1, Elizabeth, dau. of John Hill, Esq., Commissioner of the Navy, and widow of Admiral Sir John Narborough, Kt.. and his marriage allegation (Vic. Gen.) gives his age as above thirty. Of his two daughters, the eldest, Elizabeth. married Sir Robert Marsham, Bart., afterwards Lord Romney. Lady Shovell died 15 Apl. 1732. His will, dated 29 Apl. 1701, was proved by his relict 13 Jan. 1707-8. He left to his mother, then Mrs. Anne Flaxman, all his lands and tenements in Morston, co. Norfolk, for her life, with remainder to his sister Mrs. Anne Shorton, or Shorten, and at her death they were to go to his cousin John Thurston, and his heirs and assigns for ever. The children of his said sister were named; and he also left legacies to his aunt Ringstead and her dau. Mary ; his cousin Elizabeth Thurston, dau. of his aunt Thurston deceased; and William. Anne, and Abigail Jenkinson, children of his uncle Cloudesly Jenkinsou. From these relationships, it would seem an easy task for antiquaries of Norfolk or Yorkshire to settle the disputed question of his ancestry, provided that they represented families at all above the lowest rank. 2 Robert Leke, eldest son of Nicholas, second Earl of Scarsdale (see his burial 4 Feb. 1680-1), by Lady Frances Rich (see her burial 21 Nov. 1692). He was born 9 Mch. 1653-4, and baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx.. on the 15th of the same month. He succeeded as third 262 BURIALS IN Jan. 19 1702 Jan. 16 William Wheeler, the Dean's Cook:¹ in the Dark Cloister. Anna-Elizabeth Kolb, Baroness of Spanheim, Ambassadress of the King of Prussia; died the 14th in St. Paul's Chapel. Mr. Christian Fox :3 in the North Cloister. Jan. 22 Jan. 29 2 The Revd Dr. Francis Darant de Breval, one of the Prebendarics of this Church; died the 26th: in the South Cross of the Abbey. Earl, and died without surviving issue. According to one of Le Neve's MS. Diaries, he died on Saturday night, 27 Dec. 1707, at his house in Duke Street. See his wife's burial 20 Feb. 1683-4, and that of his only child 15 Mch. 1680-1. His will, dated 9 Jan. 1702-3, was proved 2 Jan. 1707-8, and contains but one bequest of special interest, viz.: "to Mrs Anne Bracegirdle I give and bequeath £1000, and desire that this legacy may be the first moncy paid " (sce her burial 18 Sep. 1748). 1 His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, cook, dated 14 Jan. 1707-8, was proved on the 21st of the same month, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his kinsman Isaac Masters, of St. James, Westminster, to whom he left half his goods. The other half he bequeathed to his sister Mary, then wife of Edward Everet, of Hartley-Westwell, co. Hants. An endorsement on the will states that he died 15 Jan. 2 See her husband's burial 18 Nov. 1710, and her daughter's 18 Feb. 1772. 3 Rightly Mrs. Christian Fox. She was the eldest dau. of the well-known Sir Stephen Fox, by his second wife, and twin-sister of Henry, first Lord Holland, they being born 28 Sept., and baptized at Chiswick, Midx., 15 Oct. 1705. She died 20 Jan., from the effects of an accidental fall. Sce the burial of her half-brother Nov. 1667, and note thereto. << Her mother, also mother of the first Lord Holland and of the first Earl of Ilchester, has come down in the peerages, in the most extraordinary manner, as Christian, dau. of the Rev. Charles Hope, of Nasely, co. Lincoln." How the error originally occurred it is impossible to say, but it has been perpetuated from the earliest to the latest period, and even Sir Stephen Fox him- self signed a pedigree in the College of Arms, in which the mistake distinctly appears. There never was such a place as "Nasely" in Lincolnshire, nor, so far as is known, a clergyman of the name of "Charles Hope" at that period. She was the dau, and coheir of the Rev. Francis Hopes, of St. John's College, Cambridge, A.B. 1663, and A.M. 1667, Rector first of Iaceby, and afterwards for twenty-three years of Aswarby, both in co. Lincoln. He died, "in his grand climacteric," 13 Mch. 1704-5, and was buried at Aswarby, where a monument was erected to his memory by his dau. Lady Fox, stating these facts, which are also otherwise confirmed. His wife was Christian Palfreyman, and they were married at Haceby 25 Apl. 1670, where their dau. Christian, afterwards Lady Fox, was baptized 12 Oct. 1677. According to the monument, the mother died in 1687, aged forty. The dau. Christian. being then in her twenty-sixth year, was married, at Chiswick, Midx., 11 July 1703, to Sir Stephen Fox, then in his seventy-seventh, and had by him the issue already named, and another dau., Charlotte, who married Hon. Edward Digby, son of William, fifth Lord Digby. Lady Fox died, at Bath, 17 Feb. 1718-19, and was buried with her husband at Farley, co. Wilts. In her will, dated 16 Aug. 1718, she left an annuity to her brother Francis Hopes and her sister Jane Burslem jointly, and considerable legacics to Thomas and Christian Burslem, children of the latter. As the grandmother of the celebrated statesman Charles-James Fox (sce his burial 10 Oct. 1806), it is well that her true parentage should at last be put upon record. 4 The Rev. Francis-Durant de Bréval, according to Evelyn, "bad been a Capuchin, but much better learned than most of that order." It is not exactly known when he became a Pro- testant, or when he came to England, but he preached in London as carly as October 1669, and his dau. Mary-Ann was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 14 Dec. in that year. He became rapidly popular, for he was instituted Prebendary of Rochester in May 1671, installed Prebendary of Westminster 21 Nov. 1675, and in the latter year created S.T.P., at Cambridge, by the royal command. He was instituted rector of Milton, next Gravesend, co. Kent, 12 July 1680, and held the living until his death. Sce his wife's burial in July 1719; the baptisms of his children 6 Apl. 1687, 3 Dec. 1688, and 4 Jan. 1690-1; and the burials, of his son 22 Aug. 1691, and of his daugh- WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 263 2 Penelope, wife of Seymour Portman, Esq. :1 at the upper end of the middle aisle, on the right hand going into the Choir. Mr. Francis Andrews:2 in the West Cloister. 1707 Feb. Feb. 6 April 7 7 1708 April April 24 April 30 June 17 : Mrs. Jane Nedham, widow ;3 died the 5th in the South aisle, behind the South door going into the Cloisters. Mr. Thomas Ravenscroft : at the West end of the North Cloister. Mrs. Dorothy Cooper 5 in the middle of the East Cloister. Mr. Edward Bradock, one of the Gentlemen of the Choir: " in the North Cloister. June 19 Anne, daughter of Mr. John and Elizabeth Church :7 in the South Cloister. July 6 Mrs. Catherine Thompson :8 under the great black marble grave- stone in the middle of the West Cloister. ters, 11 Aug. 1687 and 31 Dec. 1730. Another son, John-Durant de Bréval, became a captain in the army, and an author of some note, and died at Paris in January 1738-9. ¹ Second dau. of Sir William Haselwood, of Maidwell, co. Northampton, Kt., by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Arthur Ashford, of Ashford, co. Devon. She married and was first wife of Henry Seymour, Esq., fifth son of Sir Edward Seymour, third Bart. of Berry-Pomeroy, co. Devon, who assumed the name of Portman on inheriting the estates of his cousin Sir William Portman, fifth Bart. of Orchard, co. Somerset. 2 According to his gravestone, he died 3 Feb., aged sixty-five (Dart, ii. 130), but other books containing the inscription, now lost, say aged sixty-one. 3 Relict of John Nedham, Receiver-General and Solicitor of the Abbey: see his burial 13 Feb. 1705-6, and note thereto for the marriages, baptisms, and burials of her children. In her marriage allegation in the Faculty Office, dated 17 April 1663, she was described as Jane Gabrey, of Lambeth, co. Surrey, spinster, aged about twenty-one, and her parents dead. In her will, dated 11 Nov. 1706, she mentions a freehold house at Lambeth given to her by her aunt Oakeley, and her kinsman William Crumpe, Esq., was one of her residuary legatees and executors. See note 12 on page 66: Margaret, second wife of Richard Oakeley there named, bequeathed the most of her estate to her and her children. 4 Eldest son of James Ravenscroft, Esq., descended from the family of this name at Bretton, co. Chester, who died 10 Dec. 1680, aged eighty-five, and was buried at Chipping-Barnett, Herts, by Mary, dau. of William Peck, of Spixworth, co. Norfolk, Esq. He married, first, before 1664, Magdalen, dau. of John Paris, of Pudding-Norton, co. Norfolk, Esq., by whom he had an only child, John, who was living in 1680, but evidently died before his father. He died, according to his gravestone, 20 Apl., in his eightieth year. The stone also contained the well-known inscription : "What I gave, I have; what I spent, I had; what I left, I lost by not giving it." In his will, as of St. Giles in the Fields. Midx., Esq., dated 23 Sep. 1707, he left an annuity of £60 to his then wife Frances, and appointed his servant Martha Richardson executrix. 5 See the burial of Roger Cooper, 22 Apl. 1703, near whom she was buried. A Mrs. Dorothy Cooper was sempstress and laundress to the family of Prince George of Denmark, in 1692 and subsequently. 6 He was sworn a gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1660, and chosen Clerk of the Cheque in 1688. He was one of the Abbey choir as early as 1664, and master of the children in 1670. He died 12 June. His will, as Edward Braddock, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 21 May 1708, was proved 28 June following. by his son, Edward Braddock, who, with his grand- children, the children of his only dau. Elizabeth, wife of Dr. John Blow (see her burial 31 Oct. 1683), and a dau. of his said son, were his only legatees. See his wife's burial 6 Nov. 1690. 7 Sec her baptism 5 Jan. 1703-4, her mother's burial 22 Dec. 1732, and her father's 10 Jan. 1740-1. 8 Only child of Mr. John Thompson (see his burial 20 Dec. 1700) by his second wife, Catharine (see her burial 5 Jan. 1713-14). She was born the 3rd, and baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 9 Dec. 1699. 264 BURIALS IN 1708 July 16 James Kendall, Esq. in the South aisle, near Sir Cloudesley Shovell. Aug. 12 Sibyll, wife of Dr. Peter Birch, Prebendary of this Church;2 died the 9th: in the South Cross, near St. Benedict's Chapel. Sept. 11 Sept. 17 17 3 The Hon. Elizabeth, Lady Stanhope: in General Monk's vault, on the North side of K. H. 7th's Chapel. John Matheune, Esq. : in the South aisle, behind the Choir, near Judge Owen's monument. 5 Sept. 22 The Right Hon. Barbara, Viscountess Fitz Harding: near the stairs going up to Edward the Confessor's Chapel. 1 His monument states that he was first chosen M.P. in 1684, and was in most of the suc- ceeding Parliaments until his death; that he was five years Governor of Barbados, and afterwards one of the Commissioners of the Admiralty; and that he died at Carshalton, co. Surrey, 10 July 1708, in his sixty-first year. In his will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 2 July 1702, he left small legacies to his cousin John Kendall, late of Treworgy [co. Cornwall], and his cousin Agnes, dau. of his aunt Burbidge; but bequeathed his entire real and personal estate in England, and his estate in Barbados called Kendall Plantation, with all the slaves, etc., and all monies due to him there, to Mrs. Walker Colleton, eldest dau. of Col. Thomas Colleton, late of Barbados, de- ceased, her heirs and assigns for ever, and appointed her, and her uncle John Meade, of the city of Westminster, Gent.. his executors. The latter proved the will 13 July 1708. See the burial of his niece 13 Mch. 1709-10. 2 Second and youngest dau. and coheir of Humphrey Wyrley, of Hampstead Hall, in the parish of Handsworth, co. Stafford, Esq., by Mary, eldest dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Wroth, of Durants, in Enfield, co. Midx., Kt. She was third wife of Dr. Birch (see his burial 4 July 1710), and was married after 1703. See the marriage of one of her sons 14 Feb. 1736-7, and the burial of another 18 Nov. 1747. 3 Lady Elizabeth Savile, only dau. of George, first Marquis of Halifax (see his burial 11 Apl. 1695), by his second wife, Gertrude, dau. of William Pierrepont, Esq. (see her burial 5 Oct. 1727). She was born 28 Aug., and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 4 Sep. 1675. · She married (Mar. Lic. Fac. 24 Feb. 1691-2) Philip Stanhope, who succeeded his father, 28 Jan. 1713-14, as third Earl of Chesterfield, and died 27 Jan. 1725-6. Her eldest son succeeded as fourth Earl of Chesterfield. She died 6 Sept. 4 John Methuen, eldest son of Paul Methuen, of Bradford, co. Wilts (who in his will called himself a ( clothier"), by Grace, dau. of John Ashe, of Freshford, co. Somerset, Esq., and niece of Sir Joseph Ashe, first Bart. of Twickenham, Midx. He matriculated at Oxford, from Edmund Hall, 21 Apl. 1665, aged fifteen, but appears to have taken no degree. He subsequently entered the Inner Temple, became a barrister-at-law, and was appointed a Master in Chancery 20 June 1685. Engaging in diplomatic pursuits, he became Envoy to l'ortugal in the carly part of the reign of K. William III., and early in 1697 was appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland, first taking his seat on the woolsack 15 June in that year. He held this latter position until July or August 1703, when he was again appointed Ambassador to Lisbon, and died there in that capacity, suddenly, of gout and rheumatism, 13 July 1706, his remains being two years later brought to this country. He was the author of the celebrated Treaty with Portugal which is still known by his name, and was also of the Privy Council, and M.P. for Devizes. His will, dated 30 June 1702, was proved 11 Mch. 1706-7. See the burials, of his dau. 29 Apl. 1711, and of his son 19 Apl. 1757. • Eldest dau. of Sir Edward Villiers, Knight-Marshal (see his burial 2 July 1689), by his first wife, Lady Frances Howard (see her burial 27 Nov. 1677). She married John Berkeley, Esq., who succeeded as fourth Viscount Fitzharding (see his burial 26 Dec. 1712). According to her monument she had been governess to H.R.H. William, Duke of Gloucester (see his burial 9 Aug. 1700), and died 19 Sept., in her fifty-second year, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 265 1708 Oct. 8 John Blow, Dr. of Musick, Organist of this Church: in the North aisle, against the door going up to the organ. Nov. 13 1 His Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark; 2 died at Kensington Oct. 28th in the vault made for King Charles 24. Nov. 25 Mr. Walter Davis: in the West Cloister, on the right hand of Mr. Francis Andrews. Nov. 29 Henry, Lord Fitzroy, son of his Grace Charles, Duke of South- ampton : in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. David Legg 5 in the Dark Cloister. Dec. 2 Dec. 1708 Jan. 15 15 The Lady Dungannon :6 at the entrance of St. Andrew's Chapel. Mrs. Mary Lucey : in the North aisle, by Mrs. Price's monument. 1 The celebrated musical composer. He is always said to have been born, in 1648, at North Collingham, co. Notts, but neither his name nor the names of any of his family are to be found in the register of that parish at that period. His age at his marriage, as stated in the allegation, 23 Sep. 1674, was twenty-six, which accords with the above date. He was brought up in the Chapel Royal, and became Organist of the Abbey in 1669, but resigned the position in 1680 in favour of Henry Purcell, and resumed it on his death in 1695. He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 16 Mch. 1673-4, aud became Master of the Children July 1674, Organist Oct. 1676, and Composer in 1699. He was also Almoner and Master of the Choristers at St. Paul's from 1687 to 1693. His degree of Doctor of Music was conferred upon him by Archbishop Sancroft. In 1685 he became a member of the Royal Band, and was appointed "Composer in Ordinary to His Majesty." He died 1 Oct., and his will, dated 3 Jan. 1707-8, was proved 14 Oct. following, by his three daughters. See the burials, of his wife 31 Oct. 1683; of his sons, 1 Sep. 1676 and 8 June 1693; and of his daughters, 9 Sep. 1719, 25 May 1730, and 22 Nov. 1738. 2 Youngest son of Frederick III., King of Denmark, by Sophia-Amalia, dau. of George, Duke of Lunenburgh. The date of his birth was variously given in the journals of the day, and has since been by various authorities, as 29 Feb., and 11 and 21 Apl. 1653; but the inscription on his coffin-plate, as preserved in one of the Funeral Books of the Abbey, states that he was born at Copenhagen 2 Apl. 1653. He married the Princess Anne, second dau. of K. James II. (see her burial, as Queen Anne, 24 Aug. 1714), 28 July 1683, and was created, 9 Apl. 1689, Baron Wokingham, of co. Berks; Earl of Kendal, co. Westmoreland; and Duke of Cumberland. He was Lord High Admiral of England from 20 May 1702, and of Great Britain from 28 June 1707. He died at Kensington 28 Oct., without surviving issue. See the burials of his children, 13 May 1684, 4 and 10 Feb. 1686-7, 22 Oct. 1687, 14 Oct. 1690, 18 Apl. 1692, 24 Mch. 1692-3, and 9 Aug. 1700. ³ According to his gravestone, he was only son of David Davis, then First Groom to Her Majesty's Poultry Office (see his burial 29 Oct. 1716), by Anne his wife (see her burial 23 Dec. 1714), and died 22 Nov., in his sixth year. 4 Son of Charles, first Duke of Southampton, and afterwards Duke of Cleveland (see his burial 3 Nov. 1730), by his second wife, Anne, dau. of Sir William Pulteney (see her burial 28 Feb. 1745-6). He was baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 27 Aug. 1701. 5 His relict Barbara administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 1 Dec. 1708. 6 Arabella-Susanna, eldest surviving dau. of Hugh Hamilton, first Lord Hamilton, Baron of Glenawly, co. Fermanagh, in Ireland, by Susanna, youngest dau. of Sir William Balfour, of Pitcullo, co. Fife, Scotland, Kt. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 7 Feb. 1666-7, and married, first, 3 June 1683, Sir John Magill, Bart. (of Ireland), who died without issue, and secondly, about May 1700, Marcus Trevor, second Viscount Dungannon, who died in Spain. 8 Nov. 1706, when the title became extinct. She married, thirdly, in July 1708, Henry Bertie, Esq., third son of James, first Earl of Abingdon, who survived her, and administered to her estate 24 Dec. 1708. She died 10 Dec. 7 Third dau. of John Mayer, of the city of London, Gent., by Martha, dau. of Thomas Chapman, citizen and leatherseller of London (half-sister, by her mother, of Dame Mary, wife of 2 M 266 BURIALS IN 1708 Jan. 29 March 21 March 22 1709 March 30 Mrs. Ann Davy in the West Cloister. Richard Deering, one of the almsmen :1 in the dark passage next the Little Cloisters. Mrs. Dorothea Smyth:2 in the middle of the West aisle. Mrs. Elianor Morris, spinster :3 in the East Cloister, near the Library door. June 3 Elizabeth, infant daughter of Christopher and Elianor Shrider:4 in the South Cloister. June 6 Aug. 29 Sir Denner Strutt, of Little Warley, co. Essex, Kt. and Bart.). She appears to have been the second wife of Edward Lucy, who is described on the monument to her dau. in the Abbey as of the ancient family of that name in co. Warwick, and who died before 13 Nov. 1678. Their son, Joseph Lucy, was baptized at St. Bride's, London, 11 Sep. 1664, and evidently died young. Her will, dated 29 Sep. 1708, was proved 19 Feb. 1708-9. Her bequests were chicfly to the children and grandchildren of her sister Martha Price (sce her burial 11 Apl. 1678), and of her sister Dorothy Lovell, but she mentioned her son-in-law Charles Lucy, his wife, and his son James. See the burial of her only daughter 21 June 1681. Mr. John Coleman :5 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Ann Hopper :6 in the North Cloister, at the West end. 1 Richard Dering and Mary Griffith, widow, were married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 12 Oct. 1679. 2 Her will, as Dorothea Smith, relict of Richard Smith, late of St. James, Westminster, Esq., dated 3 Feb. 1708-9, was proved 1 Apl. 1709, by Sir Hele Hooke, Bart. She appears to have been the second wife of Richard Smith, whose dau. Anuc, by his first wife, was second wife of Sir William Loraine, second Bart. of Kirke-Harle, co. Northumberland. She left considerable legacies to her nephew Alfred Howard, and her niece Mary Roch, son and dau. of Thomas Howard, late of Dublin, Ireland, and the residue of her estate to her daughter-in-law Anne Loraine and her children. Her husband is described in the baronctages as of Preston, co. Lincoln, but there does not appear to be a place of that name in that county. He was father, by his first wife, of Richard Smith, Esq., who attended K. Charles II. in his exile, and was appointed Clerk of the Cheque at the Restoration. 3 Dau. of Thomas Morice, Esq., M.P. (sce his burial 1 June 1675), by Anne his wife (see her burial 24 Oct. 1693). She was baptized at Richmond, co. Surrey, 18 Mch. 1649-50, and died unmarried. Her will, as Hellena Morice (so signed), dated 23 Dec. 1708, was proved 8 June 1709, by her sister Ann Horden (see her burial 28 Aug. 1747), to whom she left the most of her possessions. 4 See her mother's burial 27 Mch. 1752, and note thereto. 5 According to his monument, he was born in Kilconnel, co. Galway, Ireland, served Kings Chas. II. and James II. "with approved fidelity" upwards of fifty years, and died 2 June 1709, in his eighty-fourth year. His wife died before him, and he must have married after he had passed his sixtieth year, as his only son John (see his burial 10 Oct. 1715) was not born until 1688 or 1689. His will, as of St. James, Westminster, Esq., dated 11 Sep. 1707, with a codicil 29 Jan. 1708-9, was proved 16 June 1709, by Lancelot Burton, Esq., one of five persons named as his trustees and executors in England. Denis Daly, of "Carowne Kelly," Esq., and James Daly, of "Dunsandle," Esq., both in co. Galway, were his executors in Ireland. Between the dates of the will and codicil, his daughter Mary had married Thomas Daly, Esq., and she administered de bonis non to her father's estate, 6 Aug. 1753, as Mary-Power Daly, widow. He left to his dau. "Anne alias Ursula Coleman" £10 per annum for life, and small bequests to his sister Managhan and her children, his sister Helena (or Ellen) Kelly and her children, and his sister Mary, whose heirs were to be heirs to half his estate if his own children died without issue, and the other half was to go to his relations of the surname of Coleman. See a burial 1 Jan, 1736-7. • Relict of Simon Hopper, Gent., some time an officer in the Exchequer, who was buried at Richmond, co. Surrey, 25 Sep. 1694. Her will, as of Richmond, dated 20 Sep. 1703, was proved WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 267 1709 Oct. Nov. 16 Mr. John Manwaring :¹ at the West end of the North Cloister, in the same grave with Mr. Thomas Ravenscroft. 2 The Hon. Mrs. Ann Hide :2 at the foot of the steps going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. Nov. 4 The Right Hon. Edward, Earl of Clarendon :3 at the foot of the steps going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. Nov. 9 Dec. 3 Dec. 17 Jan. Elizabeth, daughter of John Shaw: in the South Cloister. The Right Hon. William, Earl of Portland :5 in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. 17 Dorothy, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth French :6 in the South Cloister. 25 Feb. 8 March 13 1710 April 9 Augustine Poulter: in the Dark Cloister. Mr. Robert Home: in the South Cloister. Mrs. Mary Kendall:8 in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Henry, son of Dr. Edward Gee, Prebendary of this Church :9 near the North door of the monuments. 12 Sep. 1709, by Thomas Jett, Esq., bushand of her grand-daughter Anne (see her burial 29 Apl. 1721). See the burial of her daughter, Mrs. Jane Lownds, 10 July 1685. ¹ His will, as John Mainwaring, of St. Andrew's. Holborn, Midx., Gent., dated 16 Sep. 1709, was proved 2 Dec. following. He bequeathed his estate in Stapeley, in the parish of Wybunbury, co. Chester, to his cousin Arthur, son of his nephew Thomas Mainwaring, with remainder to his nieces Martha and Ambrosia Mainwaring, and also gave to them the most of his personal property. 2 Second dau. of Henry Hyde, second Earl of Rochester and fourth Earl of Clarendon, by Jane his wife (see her burial 1 June 1725). She died young. 3 A manifest error for Henry, second Earl of Clarendon, who died 31 Oct. 1709. He was cldest son of Sir Edward Hyde, first Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor (see his burial 4 Jan. 1674-5), by his second wife, Frances, dau. of Sir Thomas Aylesbury, Kt. and Bart. (see her burial 17 Aug. 1667). He was born the 2nd, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 11 June 1638, and was twice married. See his son's burial 5 Apl. 1723. 4 See her mother's burial 10 Sept. 1713, and her brother's 18 Apl. 1706. 5 William Bentinck, son of Henry Bentinck, of Overyssel in the Netherlands. For his faithful services to K. William III., when Prince of Orange, whom he accompanied to England, he was created, 9 Apl. 1689, Baron Cirencester, Viscount Woodstock, and Earl of Portland. He died 23 Nov., in his sixty-second year. See his son's burial 3 Nov. 1726. 6 See the marriage of her parents 14 Jan. 1702-3, her own baptism 14 Sep. 1704, and her father's burial Feb. 1721-2. 7 His will, as Austine Powlter (so signed), of St. Margaret's, Westminster, cook, dated 31 Dec. 1709, was proved 23 Mch. 1709-10, by Thomas Moore, curator of Ann Wiggin, a minor whom he called his daughter-in-law, and to whom he left all his possessions. 8 According to her monument, she was dau, of Thomas Kendall, of Killigarth, co. Cornwall, Esq., and Mrs. Mary Hallet, his wife, and was born in Westminster 8 Nov. 1677, and died at Epsom, co. Surrey, 4 Mch. 1709-10. She was an intimate friend of Lady Catharine Jones, and desired to be buried in this Chapel, where she knew her ladyship intended to be buried. Her will, dated 28 July, with a codicil 23 Dec. 1709, was proved 7 Apl. 1710, by her cousin Rev. Nicholas Kendall, Canon of Exeter, to whom she devised all her manors, lands, etc., in Cornwall. She left considerable legacies to several distant relations, and named as residuary legatee her cousin Capt. Charles Kendall, son of her cousin Nicholas Kendall, merchant, deceased. See her uncle's burial 16 July 1708. 9 See his baptism 10 Dec. 1709, his father's burial 6 Mch. 1729-30, and his mother's 23 Apl. 1733. 268 BURIALS IN 1710 May 2 Mr. Thomas Betterton: 1 in the East Cloister, at the South end. May 12 The Hon. George Churchill, Esq. :2 at the upper end of the middle aisle, on the right hand going into the Choir. May 31 Reynolds Ramsey, a youth: under the arch leading into the Little Cloister. June 22 The Hon. Carolina, daughter of his Grace the Duke of Schom- bergh: in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Peter Birch, D.D., Prebendary of this Church; died the 2ª in the South Cross, near St. Benedict's Chapel. July : ¹ The celebrated tragedian. He was a younger but eldest surviving son of Matthew Betterton, of Westminster (said to have been an under-cook to K. Charles I., but who described himself in his will as a "gentleman," and bequeathed, among other things, his "grandfather's seal ring "), by his second wife, Frances, dau. of Thomas Flowerdew, of St. Margaret's, West- minster, vintner, who, in his will, dated 2 Apl. 1636 and proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 18 Sep. 1637, bequeathed to them the house in Tothill Street, Westminster, which he had bought for them, and in which they were then living. He was their second child, they having been married about 14 Oct. 1630 (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond.), and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 12 Aug. 1635. The dramatic histories of his period furnish a full account of his personal career. He died 28 Apl., without issue, and apparently intestate. See his wife's burial 13 Apl. 1712, and his brother's 23 Dec. 1678. 2 Third but second surviving son of Sir Winston Churchill, of Great Minterne, co. Dorset, Kt., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Drake, of Ashe, co. Devon, Kt., and born 29 Feb. 1652-3. He was a brother of the famous Duke of Marlborough (sce his burial 9 Aug. 1722), and of the notorious Arabella Churchill, afterwards Mrs. Godfrey (see her burial 10 May 1730). He entered the Navy at an early age, attained his seniority 10 Apl. 1678, was subsequently one of the Lords of the Admiralty, and in 1701 an Admiral of Great Britain. He died 8 May, unmarried. By his will, dated 27 Apl. and proved 10 May 1710, he left all his real and personal estate equally to his illegitimate son George Churchill and his nephew Francis Godfrey, subject only to an annuity of £27 to be paid to one Mary Cooke for life. 3 See the burial, probably of his brother or sister, 30 Mch. 1718. 4 Second dau. of Meinhardt, third Duke of Schomberg (see his burial 4 Aug. 1719), by Caroline-Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 11 July 1696). She died of the small-pox 18 June, unmarried, aged twenty-three. 5 Fourth surviving son of Thomas Birch, of Birch Hall, Manchester, co. Lancaster, Esq., the celebrated colonel in the Parliamentary army, and M.P. for Liverpool, by Alice, eldest dau. of Thomas Brooke, of Norton, co. Chester, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 12 May 1673, aged twenty-one, having recently conformed to the established Church, and was B.A. 23 Mch. 1673-4, M.A. 23 June 1674, B.D. 4 Feb. 1683-4, and D.D. 7 July 1688. He was at various times a chaplain and petticanon of Christ Church, curate of St. Thomas, lecturer of Carfax, and Rector of St. Ebbe's, all in the city of Oxford, chaplain to James, Duke of Ormond, and minister of St. James, Westminster. He became chaplain to the House of Commons in 1689, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 17 Oct. in that year, afterwards becoming Sub-dean and Archdeacon. He was Rector of St. James, Westminster, from 11 July 1692 until 24 Jan. 1693-4, and became Vicar of St. Bride's, London, 19 Mch. in the latter year. He married, first (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 17 Nov. 1686), Mary, dau. of Edmund Waller, Esq. (the poet), who died in 1688, and by whom he appears to have had no issue. He married, secondly, Martha, dau. of Samuel Vyner, Esq., and relict of Francis Millington, merchant (see the marriage 24 Nov. 1697, and her burial 28 May 1703), by whom also he had no issue. He married, thirdly, Sibyll, dau. of Humphrey Wyrley, Esq. (see her burial 12 Aug. 1708), by whom he had surviving issue. See the marriage of one of his sons 14 Feb. 1736-7, and the burial of another, 18 Nov. 1747. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 269 1710 July July 15 July 21 21 5 The Hon. Mrs. Henrietta Hyde 1 at the foot of the steps going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. :2 Mrs. Ann Adams :" in the North Cloister. Mrs. Ann Sherwin :3 in the South Cloister. July 25 25 Thomas Meredith: in the Cloister leading to the School. Aug. 6 Her Grace the Duchess Dowager of Devonshire :5 in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Aug. 10 Sept. 3 : 6 Mrs. Katherine Devoues in the middle of the East Cloister. The Hon. Sir William Godolphin: in the South aisle, at the head of Capt. Julius's stone. Sept. 3 Mrs. Jane Johnson :7 in the North Cloister, on the right hand of Oct. 19 Nov. 1 Nov. Mr. Coleman's stone. Dame Sarah Nevill:8 in the North Cross of the Abbey. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth French :9 in the South Cloister. 6 Judith-Dorothy, daughter of John French :10 in the same grave. 1 Eldest dau. of Henry, second Earl of Rochester and fourth Earl of Clarendon, by Jane his wife (see her burial 1 June 1725). She died young. 2 See the burials, 4 Oct. 1679 and 6 Oct. 1681, both in the same place. She was the adminis- tratrix of Mrs. Mary Boraston (see her burial 4 Oct. 1691), as her next of kin. 3 See her husband's burial 30 May 1703. She appears to have been his second wife. In her will, dated 27 Mch. 1708, she left small legacies to her brother Thomas Slater, and her sisters Margaret Hammond and Grace Day, and made her son-in-law John Sherwin residuary legatee and executor. The will was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 25 Nov. 1710, by curators assigned to said John Sherwin, then a lunatic. 4 In his will, dated 18 June 1696, being the usual seaman's power of attorney, he was described as (6 Armorer on board H. M.'s ship Newark, Capt. Robert Fairfax, Commander." It was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 8 Aug. 1710, by the relict Elizabeth (see her burial 7 Apl. 1730). An endorsement on the will stated that he was of St. Margaret's, West- minster, and died 23 July 1710. 5 Lady Mary Butler, youngest dau, and only surviving child of James, first Duke of Ormond (see his burial 4 Aug. 1688), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 24 July 1684), and relict of William Cavendish, fourth Earl and first Duke of Devonshire, to whom married, at Kilkenny, Ireland, 27 Oct. 1662, and who died 18 Aug. 1707. See the burial, probably of her child, 12 Feb. 1669-70. • Eldest son of Sir Francis Godolphin, K.B., by Dorothy, second dau. of Sir Henry Berkeley, of Yarlington, co. Somerset, Kt. He was creaied a Bart., as of Godolphin co. Cornwall, 29 Apl. 1661, but died unmarried, 17 Aug. 1710, and the title became extinct. See the burials of his brothers, 8 Oct. 1712 and 28 July 1720. 7 Evidently a sister of Sir Stephen Fox, and of John Fox (see his burial 23 Nov. 1691), and third wife and relict of Nicholas Johnson, Paymaster to the Army (see his burial 21 Apl. 1682), to whom married between 1675 and 1678. Her will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx. (but in the calendar called of co. Wllts), dated 26 Aug. 1710, was proved 16 Jan. 1710-11, by her son Charles Johnson (sce his burial 1 June 1722). She left also a dau. Margaret, then wife of Arthur Collier, with children Arthur and Margaret. She directed to be buried by her husband, if she died in London. According to the inscription on her gravestone, as given by Dart (ii. 135), she died 2 Sep., aged seventy-one. 8 Wife of Sir Thomas Nevill, Bart. (see his burial 28 Feb. 1711-12). According to her monument, she died 17 Oct., in her sixtieth year. See the burial of her only child, 9 May 1728. 9 See the marriage of her parents 14 Jan. 1702-3, her baptism 1 Aug. 1709, and her father's burial Feb. 1721-2. 10 See her baptism 11 Jan. 1707-8, her father's burial 21 June 1725, and her mother's 6 Feb. 1758. 270 BURIALS IN 1710 Nov. 14 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Dec. 12 Dec. 12 Mrs. Elizabeth West 1 in the East Cloister. Ezekiel, Baron of Spanheim, Ambassadour Extraordinary from the King of Prussia to the Queen of Great Britaine ;2 died the 14th, aged 80 years, 11 months, and 7 days: in St. Paul's Chapel. Mrs. Clemence Bringfield :3 in the North Cloister. Mr. Joseph Hallett, one of the Gentlemen of the Choir:4 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Anne Gibbs :5 in the middle aisle of the Abbey. Elizabeth, infant daughter of Christopher and Elianor Shrider :6 in the South Cloister. Dec. 21 James, son of Mr. James and Sarah Broughton :" in the East Cloister. Dec. 25 Mrs. Dorothy Thomas :8 in the East Cloister. 1 According to her monument, she was dau. of Christopher Mansel, of co. Bucks, Esq., and wife of Mr. Charles West, and died 7 Nov. See the burial, probably of her child, 1 Mch. 1693-4. 2 Eldest son of the Rev. Dr. Frederick Spanheim, Divinity Professor, first at Geneva and afterwards at Leyden, by Charlotte, dau. of Peter du Port, Lord of Mouillepied and Boismasson. He was born at Geneva in Dec. 1629, and entered Leyden University 27 July 1643. An account of him will be found in Biog. Brit., first edit., vol. vii., App. 163-5. See the burials, of his wife 19 Jan. 1707-8, and of his daughter 18 Feb. 1772. 3 Relict of Colonel James Bringfield, Equerry to Prince George of Denmark, and Aide-de- camp and Gentleman of the Horse to the great Duke of Marlborough, who was killed in the battle of Ramillies, 23 May 1706, in his fiftieth year, and to whose memory she erected a tablet in the north aisle of the Abbey, describing herself as his "mournful, and equally loving and beloved widow." She married soon again, however, as letters of administration to the estate of "Clemence Mandell alias Bringfield," of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., were granted, 31 Jan. 1710-11, to her husband Nicholas-Lewis Mandell. Her arms, as impaled with those of her husband on the tablet mentioned, viz., Azure, two lions rampant combatant or, are those of the family of Carter, of Staffordshire, Gloucestershire, and Cornwall. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 11 Nov. 1710, was proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter on the 17th of the same month, probably about the date of his death, by his aunt Joyce Thomas, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, his residuary legatee. He left £5 to his aunt Barbara Sweeting, of Colwinstone, co. Glamorgan, and all his other bequests were to his friends and associates. 5 Dau. of a Mr. Stow, of the city of Canterbury, and sister of Joane Meggs (see her marriage 7 Aug. 1673, and note thereto). She was the relict of Rev. Dr. Charles Gibbes (sixth son of Sir Ralph Gibbes, of Honington, co. Warwick, Kt.), who was born at Honington 4 Nov. 1604, matriculated at Oxford, from Magdalen Hall, 26 June 1621, was Rector of Gamlingay, co. Cambridge, from 1638 to 1647, and afterwards taught a school at Canterbury. He became rector of Stanford-Rivers, co. Essex, 30 Apl. 1661, was created D.D. at Oxford 7 May 1662, and on the 21st of the same month installed Prebendary of Westminster. He died 16 Sept. 1681, aged seventy-seven, and was buried at Stanford-Rivers. Her will, as of Westminster, dated 8 Apl. 1707, with a codicil 3 Aug. 1710, was proved 4 Jan. 1710-11, by her nephew Henry Hawker, Esq., her residuary legatec. 6 See her mother's burial 27 Mch. 1752, and note thereto. She was born 22 Oct., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 9 Nov. 1710. 7 See his baptism the same month, his father's burial 3 Feb. 1710-11, and his mother's 17 Apl. 1727. 8 Her will, as of Llanbeblig, co. Carnarvon, spinster, dated 22 Dec. 1710, was proved on the 29th of the same month, by her nephew Mr. Richard Glynne. She bequeathed small legacies to her cousins Ellen Wynne, of "Bodscatton," Robert Wynne, and Hugh Wynne, and her niece Anne Trygare, and the residue of her estate equally to said Richard Glynne and Margaret Wynne, dau. of her said cousin Ellen Wynne. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 271 1710 Jan. 8 The Hon. Charles, Lord Seymour, 3ª son of his Grace the Duke of Somerset in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Jan. 18 Laurence, son of Dr. Laurence Brodrick, Prebendary of this Church:2 in the North Cross, near the Duke of Newcastle's monument. Jan. 24 Jan. 30 Feb. Mr. Charles Morris, one of the Queen's scholars :3 in the East Cloister, by the Library door. Mrs. Ann Crooke: in the North Cloister, by Mr. Coleman's 4 30 stone. 3 Mr. James Broughton, Surveyor of this Church:5 in the East Cloister. Feb. 24 The Right Hon. Thomas, Viscount Tyveot :6 in the middle aisle, on the North side of the Choir door. 1711 March 13 March 25 Mrs. Elizabeth Abrahall :7 in the East Cloister. 8 The Hon. Philip Carteret, Esq., 2d son of the Hon. George, Lord Carteret, and one of the Queen's scholars : in the North aisle. ¹ Third son of Charles, sixth Duke of Somerset, by his first wife, Lady Elizabeth Percy, only dau. of Jocelyn, eleventh Earl of Northumberland, and widow of Henry Cavendish, Lord Ogle, and of Thomas Thynne, Esq. He was born in 1688, and died, unmarried, 4 Jan. 1710-11. His remains, and those of his brother Percy (see his burial 8 July 1721), were removed to Salisbury Cathedral, 14 Dec. 1722. See the burial of his eldest brother 24 Feb. 1749-50. 2 See his baptism 19 Nov. 1710, and note thereto. 3 Younger son of Thomas Morice, Esq., Paymaster of the British Forces in Portugal (see his father's burial 1 June 1675, and his mother's 24 Oct. 1693), by Alice, dau. of Sir William Underhill, of Idlicote, co. Warwick, Kt. He was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1709. Perhaps a dau. of William Crook, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, citizen and cooper of London, whose will was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 11 Nov. 1712. He was appointed "Surveyor to the Dean and Chapter" 14 Jan. 1696-7 (Chapter Book). See the burials, of his first wife 12 Oct. 1699, and of his second 17 Apl. 1727, the baptisms of his children, 25 July 1707 and Dec. 1710, and their burials, 6 Aug. 1707 and 21 Dec. 1710. According to his monument, he died 31 Jan., aged sixty-three. His will, dated 12 Oct. 1709, was proved 9 Feb. 1710-11, by his relict Sarah, to whom he left all his estate, except £10 to his sister Elizabeth Gardner. 6 Eldest son of Sir Thomas Livingston, first Bart. of Newbigging, Scotland, by his wife a dau. of Colonel Edmond, of Stirling. He succeeded as second Bart., and was created, Dec. 1696, Viscount of Teviot. He was Commander-in-chief of the forces in Scotland, and attained the rank of Lieut.-General 1 Jan. 1703-4. He died 14 Jan., in his sixtieth year, when the Viscountcy expired, his brother Alexander succeeding to the baronetcy. By his will, dated 27 Sep. 1710, and proved 1 Mch. 1710-11, he left his estate and house, called Livingston House, in Wimbledon, Surrey, with all its plate, furniture, etc., to Lady Elizabeth Gordon, dau. of Charles, Earl of Aboyne, and the rest of his estate to his brother Alexander, except £1000, which he bequeathed to his cousin-german John Cornelius Edmond, then living in Holland. 7 According to her monument, she was wife of Gilbert Abrahall, Esq., Page of the Back Stairs to Q. Anne, herself Mistress Starcher to Her Majesty, and died 9 Mch., in her seventy- third year. 8 Third but surviving son of Sir George Carteret, first Baron Carteret of Hawnes, co. Beds, who died 22 Sep. 1695, by Lady Grace Granville, dau. of John, first Earl of Bath (see her burial 27 Oct. 1744). He was born at Hawnes 6 Nov. 1692, and admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1707. He died 19 Mch. See his brother's burial 11 Jan. 1763. 272 BURIALS IN 1711 April 12 April 29 May 10 William Roberts: in the Cloister leading to the School. Mrs. Isabella Methwin:¹ in the South aisle of the Abbey. The Right Hon. Laurence, Earl of Rochester:2 at the foot of the steps going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. May 24 The Right Hon. William-Henry, Earl of Bath: in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. June 26 Aug. 9 Aug. William Ruxston: in the Dark Cloister. The Right Hon. John, Duke of Newcastle in St. John's Chapel. 9 Thomas Knipe, D.D., Chief Master of Westminster School and Prebendary of this Church; died the 5th: near the East end of the North Cloister. Sept. 4 The Right Hon. Edward, Earl of Jersey:6 in the North aisle of the Tombs, against St. John Baptist's Chapel. 1 Her will, as Isabel Methuen, of Chelsea, co. Midx., spinster, dated 27 Aug. 1707, was proved 7 May 1711, by her friend Mrs. Angell Butler, widow, as residuary legatce. She was the only dau. of John Methuen, Esq., Ambassador to Portugal (see his burial 17 Sep. 1708, and note thereto), and sister of Sir Paul Methuen, K.B. (see his burial 19 Apl. 1757). According to her monument (Dart, ii. 84), she died aged twenty-nine. 2 Second son of Sir Edward Hyde, first Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor, etc. (see his burial 4 Jan. 1674-5), by Frances, dau. of Sir Thomas Aylesbury, Kt. and Bart. (see her burial 17 Aug. 1667). He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 15 Mch. 1641-2. He was Master of the Robes to K. Charles II., and was created, 24 Apl. 1681, Baron Hyde of Wotton Bassett, co. Wilts, and Viscount Hyde of Kenilworth, co. Warwick, and, 29 Nov. 1682, Earl of Rochester. He died 2 May. See his wife's burial 16 Apl. 1687, and the burials of his daughters, 3 June 1730 and 24 July 1737. Only child of Charles Granville, second Earl of Bath, by his second wife, Isabella, eldest dau. of Henry de Nassau, Lord of Auverquerque (see her mother's burial 27 Jan. 1719-20). He was born 30 Jan. 1691-2, and succeeded as third Earl of Bath in 1701, on the deaths of his father and grandfather in that year. He died 17 May, unmarried, and the title became extinct. 4 John Holles, eldest son of Gilbert, third Earl of Clare, by Grace, dau. of William Pierrepont, of Thoresby, co. Notts, second son of Robert, Earl of Kingston. He was born 9 Jan. 1661-2, succeeded to the estates of his kinsman Lord Holles of Ifield, and was created Duke of Newcastle 14 May 1694. He married Lady Margaret Cavendish, third dau. and coheir of Henry, second Duke of Newcastle, who died 24 Dec. 1715, and was buried at Bolsover, co. Derby, 5 Jan. following. Sce the burial of their only dau. 26 Dec. 1755. He died 15 July, from the effects of a fall from his horse while hunting. 5 He appears to have been the son of the Rev. Thomas Knipe, by his wife Anne. In the record of his matriculation at Oxford, from Christ Church, 31 July 1658, he is called a clergy- man's son, and his sister Mary (scc her burial 7 June 1685) was baptized at St. Margaret's, West- minster, as the dau. of Thomas Knipe; while in the unofficial Abbey register, his own first wife, Anne (see her burial 26 Aug. 1685), is described as Anne Knipe, junior. It is therefore probable that these were the names of his parents. He was B.A. of Oxford 22 Feb. 1660, M.A. 1 Dec. 1663, and B.D. and D.D. 3 July 1695. He became an Usher of Westminster School in 1661, Second Master in 1663, and succeeded Dr. Busby as Head Master, by patent dated 6 Apl. 1695. He was installed a Prebendary of Westminster 17 Oct. 1707. According to his monument, he died at Hampstead, Midx., 6 Aug., in his seventy-third year. See the burials, of his second wife 8 Mch. 1722-3, and of his brother 28 Apl. 1673; also the baptism of his son 24 Mch. 1668-9, and the burials of his children, 24 Feb. 1670-1, 4 Nov. 1674, 26 Jan. 1677-8, 22 Feb. 1702-3, and 30 Sep. 1703. 6 Eldest son of Sir Edward Villiers, Knight Marshal (see his burial 2 July 1689), by his first WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 273 : 1711 Nov. 14 Jane, wife of Roger Wancklin in the West Cloister. Dec. 2 Dec. Mr. Stephen Crespion, one of the Canons of this Church:¹ in the South Cloister. 7 Mr. Mark Baggs, one of the Sacrists of this Church :2 in the South Cloister. Dec. 13 1711 Jan. 10 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 Robert Church, an infant :3 in the South Cloister. .4 The Right Hon. Richard Jones, Viscount and Earl of Ranelagh :* in St. John Baptist's Chapel. 6 Mrs. Elizabeth Mecke:5 at the West end of the North aisle. Eugene, Chevalier de Savoy in the Duke of Ormond's vault, at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. wife, Lady Frances Howard (see her burial 27 Nov. 1677). He succeeded his father as Knight- Marshal, and was frequently an ambassador abroad, one of the principal Secretaries of State, and Lord Chamberlain. He was created Earl of Jersey 13 Oct. 1697. He married (Mar. Lic. Fac. 8 Dec. 1681) Barbara, dau. of William Chiffinch, Esq., Closet-Keeper to K. Charles II., who survived him. He died 26 Aug., in his fifty-sixth year. ¹ Son of Germain Crespion, of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., Gent., by Cornelia, eldest dau. of Stephen Nau, both evidently French emigrants. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 13 July 1666, aged seventeen, and was B.A. 17 May 1670 and M.A. 22 Mch. 1672-3. He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 13 May 1673, and Confessor to the Royal Household 1 Nov. 1675, and became a Prebendary of Bristol 3 Aug. 1683. He had a patent as a sacrist of the Abbey 25 July 1683, and is mentioned in the Chapter Book as Chaunter 16 Jan. 1683-4. He died 25 Nov. See the burials, of his first wife 22 Mch. 1687-8, and of his second 1 Jan. 1759; the baptisms of his children, 4 Apl. 1675, 1 Aug. 1676, 8 July 1677, and 23 Jan. 1693-4; and their burials, 22 May 1675, 22 Aug. 1676, 11 Oct. 1679, and 22 Sept. 1715. 2 He had a patent as a sacrist 25 July 1683. The will of Mark Bagg, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Gent., dated 24 Sep. 1699, was proved 14 July 1712, by William Taylor, of St. James, Westminster, to whom he bequeathed his house and lands in the parish of St. Mary, in Pem- broke. His personalty he gave equally to Anne, wife of said William Taylor; Anne Diggory, of St. James, Westminster, widow; and Frances, wife of John Winton, of St. Martin in the Fields. 3 Son of John Church, master of the choristers (see his burial 10 Jan. 1740-1), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 22 Dec. 1732). He died young. * Only son of Arthur, second Viscount Ranelagh, by Lady Catharine Boyle, dau. of Richard, first Earl of Cork. He succeeded as third Viscount 17 Jan. 1669-70, and was created Earl of Ranelagh in 1674. He was vice-treasurer of Ireland, and governor of the Castle of Athlone. He married, first, Elizabeth, dau. of Francis, fifth Lord Willoughby of Parham (see her burial. 3 Aug. 1695), and, secondly, 10 Jan. 1695-6, Lady Margaret Cecil, dau. of James, third Earl of Salisbury, and relict of John, Lord Stawell. He died 5 Jan., in his seventy-first year. See the burials, of his son 29 Mch. 1678, and of his daughters, 23 Apl. 1740 and 22 Apl. 1758. 5 Second wife of Anthony Meeke, Esq. (see his burial 15 Feb. 1729-30), to whom married, at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 14 Dec. 1697. She was second dau. of John Cooke, Esq. (see his burial 21 Sep. 1691), by Adria his wife (see her burial 9 Oct. 1689), and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 14 June 1672. 6 The following was the inscription on his coffin-plate, as preserved in one of the Funeral Books: "The body of Eugene, Chevalier De Savoy, Third sone of His Highness Lewis Thomas De Savoy, late Count de Soisson, Dyed February ye 25th 1711, In ye 20th yeare of his age." He was third son of Lewis-Thomas, Count of Soissons (clder brother of the famous Prince Eugene), by Urania de la Cropte, dau. of the Lord of Beauvais, and was born 4 July 1692. The newspapers of the day state that he died at Leicester House, of the small-pox, about 9 o'clock a.m. of the 25th Feb., and that his body was removed to the Duke of Grafton's house in Bond Street. 2 N 274 BURIALS IN 1711 Feb. 28 March 18 March 19 1712 April 13 June 3 Aug. 22 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Sir Thomas Nevell:¹ in the North arm of the Abbey. Mrs. Dorothy Ireland 2 in the North Cloister. Charles Burges, an infant :3 at the West end of the South Cloister. Mrs. Mary Betterton : in the East Cloister. The Right Hon. Mrs. Jane Hatton, daughter of the Right Hon. Christopher, Lord Hatton, and Elizabeth, Lady Hatton : in Abbot Islip's Chapel. Mary Peirsehouse: at the West end of the South Cloister. The Right Hon. Sidney, Earl of Godolphin :7 in the South aisle. John Guy, one of the almsmen :8 in the Dark Cloister. 1 Son of Henry Nevill, otherwise Smith, of Holt, co. Leicester, by his first wife, Alice, dau. of Sir John Dacombe, Kt. He was created a Bart. 25 May 1661, and was a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Kings Charles II. and James II. According to his monument, he died 25 Feb., in his eighty-seventh year. He died without male issue, and the title became extinct. See the burials, of his wife 19 Oct. 1710, and of his only dau. 9 May 1728. 2 See the burials of her daughters, 7 Jan. 1725-6, and 25 Sep. 1745.—Mrs. Dorothy Ireland was Sempstress to Q. Mary in 1692, and had occupied the same post in 1673, when she was Princess. 3 Evidently a child of James Burges, one of the bellringers, who is mentioned in the Chapter Book as dying about 1732-3. See his mother's burial 28 Oct. 1728. * Relict of Thomas Betterton, the celebrated tragedian (sec his burial 2 May 1710), and her- self an equally celebrated actress. The dates of her marriage and death, and place of her burial appear to have been hitherto alike unknown to the biographers of her husband. In the marriage allegation, on which was based the license from the Vicar-General, dated 24 Dec. 1662, she was described as Mary Saunderson, of St. Giles Cripplegate, London, spinster, aged about twenty-five, and the consent of her mother, [blank] Saunderson, widow, was attested by Enoch Darrack, of St. Pancras, Soper Lane, London, grocer. They were to marry at Islington, Midx. Her private character appears from universal testimony to have been without reproach, an instance almost miraculous in her profession at the period in which she lived. After her husband's death the Queen bestowed upon her a handsome pension. She is said to have lost her reason, from the violence of her grief, and to have continued in that condition until shortly before her death; but this statement must be taken with some degree of allowance, as her will, dated 10 Mch. 1711-12, was accepted by the authorities as that of a sane person, and was proved 16 Apl. 1712, by her niece Frances, wife of her nephew Mr. John Williamson. She left to her sister Mrs. Mary Head, and to Mrs. Margaret Robinson and Mrs. Hannah Long, each £20 out of the arrears of her pension, and to her nieces Mrs. Mary Kelly and Mrs. Anne Harrison each £5; but there is reason to believe that they were relations of her husband, instead of her own. She bequeathed rings to Mrs. Bracegirdle, Mrs. Barry, and a few other friends, and made her niece Frances Williamson residuary legatee. See her father's burial, Aug. 1670, and her mother's 11 Jan. 1672-3. She was born 11 Jan. 1639-40, and died unmarried. Letters of administration to her estate were granted 17 July 1712. She died 25 May. 6 The Funeral Book calls her "a child." She was dau. of Rev. Humphrey Persehowse, one of the minor canons of the Abbey (see his burial 2 Feb. 1762), by Deborah, dau. of John Rawlins, of the city of Oxford, apothecary. 7 The celebrated Lord High Treasurer and Prime Minister. Third son of Sir Francis Godolphin, K.B., by Dorothy, second dau. of Sir Henry Berkeley, of Yarlington, co. Somerset, Kt. He was created Baron Godolphin 8 Sep. 1684, and Earl of Godolphin 29 Dec. 1706. He died at the Duke of Marlborough's house, at S. Alban's, Herts, 15 Sep., aged sixty-seven. He married, at the Temple Church, London, 16 May 1675, Margaret, fourth dau. and coheir of Thomas Blagge, Esq. (see his burial Nov. 1660), Maid of Honour to Q. Catharine, who was buried at Breage, co. Cornwall, 16 Sep. 1678. See the burials of his brothers, 3 Sep. 1710 and 28 July 1720. 8 His relict Elizabeth administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 27 Oct. 1712. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 275 1712 Dec. 26 The Right Hon. John, Lord Viscount Fitzharding:1 in the North aisle of the tombs. Dec. 27 1712 Jan. 18 Dr. William King 2 in the North Cloister. Ann, daughter of Mr. Christopher and Elianor Shrider :3 in the South Cloister. Jan. 22 Theodore Gunter, Esq. in the South arm of the Abbey. Jan. 28 The Right Hon. John, Lord Vaughan, Earl of Carbery :5 in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Feb. 13 Mrs. Elizabeth Egerton : at the West end of the North long aisle. 1 Younger son of Sir Charles Berkeley, second Viscount Fitzharding in the peerage of Ireland, by Penelope, dau. of Sir William Godolphin, of Godolphin, co. Cornwall, Kt. He was Treasurer of the Chamber and one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, and succeeded his brother Maurice, as fourth Viscount Fitzharding, in 1690. He died at Windsor 19 Dec., in his sixty-third year, without male issue, and his titles became extinct. See the burials, of his wife 22 Sep. 1708; of his brothers, 22 June 1665 and Aug. 1666; and of his sisters, 2 Mch. 1663-4 and 25 June 1718. 2 The well-known writer, contemporaneously called "King of the Commons." He matricu- lated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 16 Dec. 1681, aged eighteen, as son of Ezekiel King, of London, Gent.. and was B.A. 8 Dec. 1685, M.A. 6 July 1688, and D.C.L. 7 July 1692. He held several public positions, but does not appear to have made the best use of his powers and opportunities. Some sad stories are told of him, but Dr. Johnson has perhaps furnished his most charitable epitaph: "Though his life had not been without irregularity, his principles were pure and orthodox, and his death was pious." He died 25 Dec., and his will, dated the day before, was proved 21 Jan. following, by his sister Elizabeth King, sole legatee and executrix. 3 See her mother's burial 27 Mch. 1752, and note thereto. She was born the 12th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 28 May 1712. According to his monument, he died 17 Jan., in his ninety-third year, and the arms engraved thereon appear to be those of a Danish family of Günther, conferred, according to Rietstap's Armorial Général, in 1638. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster. Esq., dated 27 July 1708, was proved 14 Feb. 1712-13, by William Atwell, goldsmith, and John Cookes, draper, both of London, whom he called his friends. His bequests, which were considerable, were to Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Anthony Skinner, and her dau. Elizabeth, then wife of Mr. Phineas Dabitot and formerly wife of Edward Cookes, and to her children by both husbands, viz.. Elizabeth Seward, John Cookes, Mascall Cookes, Edward Cookes, Jane Cookes, Mary Cookes, and Henrietta- Maria Dabitot. 5 Second but eldest surviving son of Richard, first Lord Vaughan in the peerage of England and second Earl of Carbery in the peerage of Ireland, by his second wife, Frances, dau. and coheir of Sir James Altham, of Oxhey, Herts, Kt., Baron of the Exchequer. He was baptized at St. Dunstan in the West, London, 18 July 1639, and succeeded, in 1687, as second Lord Vaughan and third Earl of Carbery. He was Governor of Jamaica from 1675 to 1678. He married, first, Mary, dau. of George Brown, of Green Castle, co. Carmarthen, Esq., by whom he had no issue; and, secondly, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 10 Aug. 1682, Lady Anne Savile, dau. of George, first Marquis of Halifax, whom he survived, and by whom he left an only surviving dau. and heir, Anne, who married Charles Paulet, third Duke of Bolton, and died without issue. He died 16 Jan., and his titles became extinct. See the burial, probably of his only son, 7 May 1685. • Eldest dau. and coheir of Henry Murray, Esq.. Groom of the Bedchamber to K. Charles II., by Lady Anne Bayning, second dau. of Paul, first Viscount Bayning, who was created Viscountess Bayning 17 Mch. 1673-4, and married, secondly (Mar. Lic. Fac. 1 Aug. 1674), Sir John Baber, Kt., M.D. She married, first (settlement dated 1 May 1673), Major-General Randolph Egerton (see his burial 5 Nov. 1681), to whom she was second wife; and, secondly, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 30 Apl. 1691, Hon. Charles Egerton, fourth son of John, second Earl of Bridgewater (see his burial 15 Dec. 1717). She died 30 Jan. See the burials of her children by her first husband, 17 Apl. 1687 and 27 Jan, 1739-40, 276 BURIALS IN 171 Feb. March 13 March 22 20 The Right Hon. Edward, Baron Clifton:1 at the foot of the stairs going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. The Lady Ann-Charlot Bagnall :2 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Mrs. Martha Carter:3 in the North Cloister. 1713 March 27 Sir Richard Maleverer, Bart. :4 in the North Cross. April 2 Mrs. Margaret Feilding in the East Cloister. April 23 A child of the Revª Dr. Brodrick : in the North Cross of the Abbey. May 4 Richard Davis: 6 in the Dark Arch leading into the Little Cloisters. May 15 Elizabeth, wife of James Parr: in the Dark Arch leading into the Little Cloisters. May 25 Thomas Spratt, Lord Bishop of Rochester and Dean of this Church; died the 20th: on the South side of St. Nicholas's Chapel. ¹ Only surviving son of Edward Hyde, third Earl of Clarendon (see his burial 5 Apl. 1723), by Catharine, dau. of Henry O'Brien, Lord Ibrackan (see his burial 9 Sep. 1678). He was baptized at St. James, Westminster, 6 Oct. 1691, and was commonly called Viscount Cornbury, but succeeded to the Barony of Clifton on the death of his grandmother (see her burial 11 Nov. 1702, and note thereto). He died 12 Feb., unmarried. See his sister's marriage 24 Aug. 1713, and her burial 15 Aug. 1722. 2 Lady Anne-Charlotte Bruce, sixth dau. of Robert, second Earl of Elgin and first Earl of Ailesbury, by Lady Diana Grey, second dau. of Henry, first Earl of Stamford. She married, about 1686, as his second wife, Nicholas Bagenall, of Newry, in Ireland, and of Plas-Newydd, Anglesey, Esq. (see the burial of his first wife 5 Scp. 1684, and note thereto), whom she survived. See the burial of apparently her only child 9 Mch. 1687-8. Her will, dated 5 Mch. 1712-13, was proved on the 10th of the same month, by her sister Lady Henrietta Ogle, widow, residuary lcgatee, and contains the following curious direction, without any explanation: "It is my desire that the Heart that is in the Urne be thence taken out and put into my Body with mine, and that the said urne be sett over my grave." 3 See her son's burial 29 Aug. 1714, and a burial, in the same place, 9 Apl. 1701. 4 Fifth and last Bart. of Allerton-Mauleverer, co. York. Only son of Sir Richard Mauleverer, fourth Bart. (see his burial 11 May 1689), by Barbara, dau. of Sir Thomas Slingsby, second Bart. of Scriven, who remarried, first, John, second Lord Arundel of Trerice, and, secondly, Thomas, eighth Earl of Pembroke and fifth Earl of Montgomery. He was born the 18th, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 25 Mch. 1689, and died unmarried. Le Neve, in one of his MSS., says that he died of the small-pox, at the Earl of Pembroke's house. 5 See a baptism 19 Nov. 1710, and note thereto. His relict Mary administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 13 May 1713. The particular place of his burial appears to have been reserved exclusively for persons in the humblest circumstances. 7 The under-cook's wife. See his burial 16 Feb. 1716-17. 9 It seems strange that the ancestry of one who occupied so prominent a position as Bishop Sprat was never ascertained. He is usually said to have been a native of Talaton, co. Devon, but the inscription on his monument distinctly states that he was the son of a clergyman, and born in Dorsetshire. It has been recently claimed that Beaminster was his place of birth, but of this there seems no sufficient proof. (One of his names matriculated at Oxford, from Lincoln College, 16 Mch. 1626-7, aged eighteen, as son of John Sprat, of Bedwin, co. Wilts, who, from his date and age, might have been his father.) He matriculated at Oxford, from Wadham College, 12 Nov. 1651, was afterwards a Fellow of that College, and had the degrec of D.D. 3 July 1669. He was installed a Prebendary of Lincoln 20 Oct. 1660, and of Westminster 22 Feb. 1668-9, and Canou of Windsor 14 Jan. 1680-1. He was at various times Chaplain in Ordinary to the King, Minister of St. Margaret's, Westminster, and Rector of Uffington, co. Lincoln. He was installed WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 277 1713 June 3 Ann, daughter of Dr. Laurence Brodrick and Ann his wife:¹ in 5 June June 11 July 24 the North Cross. George, son of Daniel and Ann Williams :2 in the South Cloister. Mr. John Clayton :3 in the North Cloister. The Right Hon. Walter, Lord Blantyre, of the kingdom of Scotland:4 in the Duke of Richmond's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Aug. 11 Judith, daughter of John and Mary French:5 in the South Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Cloister. John, son of Edward Tufnell :6 in the South Cloister. James Sartre, M.A., Prebendary of this Church 7 in the South arm of the Abbey. Sept. 10 Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John Shaw:8 at the West end of the South Cloister. Oct. 14 The Right Hon. Charles, Lord Marquesse of Harwich, son to his Grace the Duke of Schombergh:9 in the Duke of Ormond's vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Dean of Westminster 21 Sep. 1683, and Bishop of Rochester 27 Nov. 1684. He was also a distinguished Fellow of the Royal Society. He died, of apoplexy, at Bromley, co. Kent, in his seventy-seventh year. See his wife's burial 3 Mch. 1725-6, the baptisms of his sons, 12 Apl. 1679 and 12 Oct. 1682, and their burials 4 Oct. 1683 and 15 May 1720. ¹ See her baptism 24 Mch. 1711-12, and that of her brother 19 Nov. 1710, and note thereto. 2 See his father's burial 15 Mch. 1719-20. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 5 Apl. 1706, and the register states that "her Majesty and the Prince were sureties." • His will, as of Stable Yard, St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 12 Mch. 1706-7, was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Anne (see her burial 17 Jan. 1727-8). He left legacies to his sisters Bridget Tubb and Frances Hathorne; his nephews, Richard, Thomas, and John Sadler, and John Hathorne; and his nicces, Mary Hathorne and Mary Swayne. One of his daughters married Simon Bolt (see his burial 23 Dec. 1715), and another married Daniel King (sce his burial 25 Mch. 1720). 4 Walter Stuart, eldest son of Alexander, fifth Lord Blantyre, in the peerage of Scotland, by his second wife, Anne, dau. of Sir Robert Hamilton. of Presmennan, one of the lords of session. He was born 1 Feb. 1682-3, succeeded as sixth Lord Blantyre 20 June 1704, and was chosen one of the sixteen representative peers of Scotland in 1710. He died unmarried. A very young child. See her father's burial 21 June 1725, and her mother's 6 Feb. 1758. A young child. See the marriage of his parents 27 Oct. 1697, and his father's burial 11 Sep. 1719. 7 A native of Montpelier, and graduate of the University of Puylaurens, in France. His diploma as M.A., signed by Andrew Martel, Rector, dated 20 Aug. 1669, is preserved among the records of the Dean and Chapter, as is also his certificate of ordination by the Bishop of London, dated 1 Aug. 1684. He was naturalized in England 21 Jan. 1684-5, and was incorporated M.A. at Oxford 14 May 1688. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 17 May 1688, and had the rectory of Mixbury, co. Oxford, in 1710. He married, in 1704, the sister of the celebrated Addison (see her burial 10 Mch. 1749-50), and died 3 Sep. 1713, aged sixty-four. His will, dated 19 Apl. 1711, with a codicil 28 Aug. 1712, was proved by his relict Dorothy, 26 Sep. 1713. He left an annuity of £20 to his brother Francis Sartre for life, and directed the payment of £170 which he owed to the heirs or executors of his nephew Joseph Planchut, giving all the residue of his estate to his wife. 8 A John Shaw was Groom of the Accompting House in 1692, and Yeoman of the same in 1707. According to her monument, she died 7 Sep., in her forty-eighth year. See the burials of her children, 18 Apl. 1706 and 9 Nov. 1709. • Charles Schomberg, only son of Meinhardt, third and last Duke of Schomberg (see his 278 BURIALS IN 1713 Oct. 21 Elizabeth Simms, an infant :¹ in the South Cloister. Nov. 18 The Revd Edward Wetenhall, Lord Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh in the kingdom of Ireland:2 in the South Cross. Mr. Thomas Tompion :3 in the middle aisle. Nov. 25 Dec. 5 Dec. 1712 Jan. 4 The Revd Charles Hickman, Lord Bishop of Londonderry: in the South aisle. 17 Frances, daughter of John and Mary French:5 in the South Cloister. 5 Mrs. Catherine Thompson :6 in the West Cloister. burial 4 Aug. 1719), by Caroline-Elizabeth his wife (sec her burial 11 July 1696). He was a Colonel of Horse, and commonly called by his father's second title. He died, unmarried, 5 Oct., and, according to the Funeral Book, aged twenty-four; but he is usually said to have been born 15 Dec. 1683. 1 Child of Ralph Sims, Clerk of the Works (see his burial 5 Feb. 1720-1), by Dorothy his wife (see her burial 14 Jan. 1729-30). She was born 28 Sep. and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 18 Oct. 1713. She is distinctly described in the Funeral Book, at that time kept by her father. 2 He is said to have been born in the City of Lichfield 7 Oct. 1636. He was elected to Cambridge, from St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1656, and had the degree of A.B. there, but was subsequently incorporated B.A. at Oxford, where M.A. 10 July 1661, as of Lincoln College, when his name appears as Withnoll, and B.D. 25 May 1669. After various minor preferments at Exeter and Dublin, he was consecrated Bishop of Cork and Ross 23 Mch. 1678-9, and translated to Kilmore and Ardagh 18 Apl. 1699. He died in London 12 Nov. See the burial of his second wife 18 Apl. 1717, and of his son 29 Aug. 1733. 3 Called the "Father of English Watchmakers." He is said to have been originally a blacksmith, and was evidently a native of, or resided in early life at, Northill, co. Beds. A James Tompion, described as a watchmaker from London, was buried there 24 Jan. 1742-3, and one of the name has the credit of constructing the clock of that church. Unfortu- nately the parish registers of Northill, from 1598 to 1672, are lost. The name, however, was long common there. He was made free of the Clockmakers' Company, of London, 4 Sep. 1671, and, after serving in the minor offices, became master of his Company 29 Sep. 1704. According to his monument, he died 20 Nov. in his seventy-fifth year. His will, dated 21 Oct. 1713, was proved 27 Nov. following, by George Graham (see his burial 23 Nov. 1751),. He bequeathed his tenements and lands in Ickwell, in the parish of Northill aforesaid, to his nephew Thomas, son of his late brother James Tompion, and the use of £500 for life to his niece Margaret, wife of Edward Bangor, citizen and clockmaker of London, and dau. of his late sister Margaret Kent, with remainder to his niece Elizabeth, wife of said George Graham, and dau. of his said late brother James Tompion. He also left £400 to Rebecca Nodes, dau. of his late niece Eleanor Nodes, who was the eldest dau. of his said sister Margaret Kent, and £50 to his cousin Thomas Finch. The residue of his estate he gave to his executor. 4 Son of William Hickman, of Barnack, co. Northampton, Gent. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 13 July 1667, aged eighteen, and was B.A. 7 June 1671, M.A. 7 Apl. 1674, B.D. 9 July 1684, and D.D. 6 Feb. 1684-5. He was at various times chaplain to several distin- guished personages, and incumbent or lecturer of various parishes, and was consecrated Bishop of Derry 11 June 1703. He married, at the Chapel of Chelsea Hospital, in Apl. 1703, Anne, younger dau. of Sir Roger Burgoyne, second Bart. of Sutton, co. Beds, who died before him, leaving one dau. named Annc. In the marriage license (Faculty Office), dated 2 Apl., he was described as Rector of Farnham-Royal, co. Bucks. He died at Fulham, Midx., 28 Nov. 5 See her baptism 9 Dec. 1712, her father's burial 21 June 1725, and her mother's 6 Feb. 1758. • Dau. of Sir John Anderson, second Bart. of Broughton, co. Lincoln, by Elizabeth, dau. of Hugh Snawsell, of Bilton, co. York. She was baptized at Broughton 7 Dec. 1663, and married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 17 Nov. 1694, John Thompson, Gent. (see WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 279 1712 Jan. 21 Mr. Justinian Isham, one of the Queen's scholars:¹ in the middle aisle, near the Spiritual Court. March 3 Elianor, daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth Fisher: 2 in the South Cloister. 1714 April 8 Jane, daughter of the Revd Dr. Robert Freind :3 in the South April 8 April 11 aisle. John Richbell, Esq. :4 in the North aisle. William William West, the College Barber:5 in the Cloister leading to the School. April 11 Margaret Evans:6 in the same Cloister, on the left side of April 12 May 1 William West. Mrs. Elizabeth Freke:7 in the body of the Abbey. The Hon. Lady Elizabeth Stanley, daughter of the Right Hon. the Countess Dowager of Derby :8 in the Duke of Ormond's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. his burial 20 Dec. 1700), to whom she was second wife, and by whom she had an only child, Catherine (see her burial 6 July 1708). ¹ Son of Rev. Zaccheus Isham, D.D., Prebendary of Canterbury and St. Paul's, rector of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London, and afterwards incumbent of Solihull, co. Warwick, where he died in 1705, by Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Thomas Pittis, D.D., his predecessor at St. Botolph, and niece of Sir William Stephens, of Barton, Isle of Wight, Kt. His age, according to the Funeral Book, was seventeen, and he was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1711, aged fifteen. 2 A child, according to the Funeral Book, aged eleven months. See the burial, probably of her brother, 12 Aug. 1716. 3 Dau. of the Head Master of Westminster School, by Jane, dau. of Rev. Dr. Samuel De L'Angle (see the note to the baptism of her brother 16 Feb. 1684-5). She was born 12 Feb., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, Mch. 1713-14. See the note to the baptism of her brother 10 Mch. 1714-15, and the burial of another brother 16 Jan. 1722-3. 4 Son of Richard Richbell, of the island of Madeira, Esq., by Mary his wife, who, being then his widow, died on board H.M.'s ship "The Bonadventure," and letters of administration to her estate were granted 8 June 1713. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 17 Dec. 1713, aged eighteen, and died in St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Mdx., 4 Apl. following. His sister Mary ad- ministered to his estate 4 May 1714 (see her burial 16 Nov. 1721). His father was evidently a son of Robert Richbell, Alderman of Southampton, by his wife Frances Baker, of the same place. 5 The Funeral Book gives his age as seventy. See his wife's burial 14 Mch. 1706-7. The name of "W. West" is cut in various chapels and vaults, once, in the south aisle of Henry Seventh's Chapel, with the addition of "Tomb-shower." 6 One of this name was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 23 Feb. 1706-7, as dau, of Humphrey Evans, Gent., and Sarah his wife. 7 Dau. of Ralph Freke, of Hannington, co. Wilts, Esq., by Cecilia, dau. of Sir Thomas Colepeper, of Hollingbourne, co. Kent. She married her kinsman, Percy Freke, of West Bilney, co. Norfolk, and of the Middle Temple, Esq., apparently under some difficulties. They had a license from the Vicar-General 23 June 1669, she then being described as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., aged about twenty-two, but no marriage appears to have taken place. They obtained another license from the same official 7 Aug. 1672, she being described as of the same age, and they were married at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., 14 Nov. in that year. They were again married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 June 1673. Their son Ralph was created a Baronet 4 June 1713. Her husband's will, dated 3 Feb. 1705-6, was proved 1 July following, According to her monument, she died 7 Apl., aged sixty-ninc; but the Funeral Book, evidently quoting the inscription on her coffin-plate, gives her age as seventy-three. See the burials of her sisters, 24 May 1716 and 9 Mch. 1730-1. 8 Dau. of William-Richard-Gcorge, ninth Earl of Derby, who died 5 Nov. 1702, by Lady 280 BURIALS IN 1714 May 31 June 3 Thomas Garth:1 in the East Cloister. Her Grace Catherine, Dutchess of Northumberland :2 in the Duke of Albemarle's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. June 17 Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth French :3 in the South June 22 June 29 July 23 Aug. 7 Aug. 21 Aug. 24 Cloister. Hannah Wilder: under the Dark Arch of the East Cloister. Martha Isham 5 in the South Cloister. :5 William Jackson, the College Baker:6 in the West Cloister. Mary Kettlewell: in the South Cloister. 7 Daniel Williams, a child :8 in the South Cloister. Anne, Queen of Great Britaine, France and Ireland,⁹ was buried in King Henry the 7th's Chappell, in the same vault that King Charles the second lies, on Tuesday, the 24th day of August, 1714. Elizabeth Butler, dau. of Thomas, Earl of Ossory (see her burial 12 July 1717). She died, ac- cording to her coffin-plate (exposed in 1868), 23 Apl., aged seventeen years. ¹ The Funcral Book says "aged eight years." Evidently a son of Colonel Thomas Garth (see his burial 11 Jan. 1730-1), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 28 July 1746), who was buried in his grave. 2 Dau. of Robert Wheatley, of Brecknol, co. Berks. She married, first, Thomas Lucy, of Charlecote, co. Warwick, Esq., Captain in the Earl of Oxford's regiment, and secondly, early in 1685-6, George Fitzroy, Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 11 July 1716), to whom she was first wife. The common report of the period, repeated by Luttrell on two occasions (i. 373 and iii. 39), was that she was "a poulterer's daughter." If true, it is curious that the "poulterer found what would be called good matches for his three daughters. This one married, first, a gentleman of an old family, and then a Duke; her sister Anne married Lord George Douglas, first Earl of Dumbarton; and their sister Elizabeth, according to Luttrell, married a brother of the Duke of Berwick. All three were inmates of the Convent at Hammersmith, at different periods, and in a copy of an official list (penes the Editor), carefully annotated by the Lady Abbess, two of these marriages are noted. Certainly the social position of the inmates of that institution was not usually such as is indicated by the alleged parentage of the Duchess of Northumberland. She died 25 May, apparently without issue. 3 See his baptism 9 May 1714, the marriage of his parents 14 Jan. 1702-3, and his father's burial Feb. 1721-2. 4 The Funeral Book says "Dr. South's maid," i. e. Rev. Dr. Robert South, one of the Preben- daries (see his burial 16 July 1716). 5 The Funeral Book says "aged two and a half years." Perhaps a child of "I. Isum," or Isham, whose name is cut in various vaults and chapels, probably one of the Abbey workmen. "Ordered, that Mr. Jackson, the College Baker, be turned out of his place, for evident proof of several frauds confessed by him," etc. (Chapter Book, 20 Jan. 1712-13). On 4 Feb. following he was allowed to remain in the baker's house until Michaelmas. Sec his wife's burial 16 May 1718, the baptism of his dau. 27 Dec. 1675, and the burials of his children, 18 Jan. 1676-7, 7 Nov. 1078, 14 Nov. 1679, and 18 July 1691. 7 Widow of Thomas Kettlewell, one of the vergers (sce his burial 6 Mch. 1676-7). She was ordered to Emery Hill's Almshouses 4 Oct. 1708 (Chapter Book). See the baptisms of her children, 7 Mch. 1666-7, 14 June 1668, and 6 July 1673, and the burial of her dau. 12 June 1673. She appears, from the Funeral Book, to have been a sister of Martha Webster (see her burial 15 Dec. 1715). 8 See his father's burial 15 Mch. 1719-20. ⁹ Second dau. and fourth child of K. James II., by his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde, eldest dau. of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon (see her burial 5 Apl. 1671). She was born at St. James's Palace 6 Feb. 1664-5, and married, at Whitchall, 28 July 1683, to Prince George of Denmark (see his burial 13 Nov. 1708). She succeeded to the throne on the death of K. William III., WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 281 Mr. Richard Elford, one of the Gentlemen of the Choir :² in the West Cloister. Charles Caldwall:3 in the East Cloister. 1714 Aug. 29 Sept. 1 Mr. George Carter:1 in the North Cloister. Sept. 16 Oct. 6 Oct. 18 Oct. 18 Nov. 8 Dec. 2 The Hon. Dame Elizabeth Campbell :4 in the North Cross. The Lady Anne Scot:5 in the Duke of Ormond's vault, at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Mrs. Hearne :6 in the North Cloister. Colonel Evan Lloyd:7 in the East Cloister. The Right Hon. Robert Constable, Viscount Dunbar :8 in the middle aisle, near the Quire door. 8 Mch. 1701-2, and was crowned 23 Apl. following. She died at Kensington 1 Aug. 1714, without surviving issue. See the burials of her children, 13 May 1684, 4 and 10 Feb. 1686-7, 22 Oct. 1687, 14 Oct. 1690, 18 Apl. 1692, 24 Mch. 1692-3, and 9 Aug. 1700. The Funeral Book says "aged 64: buried in the same grave with his mother": see her burial 22 Mch. 1712-13, and a burial in the same place 9 Apl. 1701. 2 He is said to have been bred a chorister at Lincoln, and to have served afterwards at Durham, and also to have failed as an actor in London, owing to his "ungainly figure and clumsy actions." He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 2 Aug. 1702, an additional place, ac- cording to the Cheque Book, having been created for him. He appears to have been a very popular member of the choir, and is said to have died in his thirty-eighth year. Letters of ad- ministration to his estate were granted, 9 Nov. 1714, to John Peachey, curator assigned to his minor children, Anne and Bridget, his relict Catherine renouncing (see her burial 15 Dec. 1715). An unaccountable error in the date of his burial occurs in the text. The newspapers of the day, the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal, and every other authority that mentions him, all say that he died 29 Oct., and the Funeral Book gives the date of his burial as 1 Nov. There can be no doubt that this latter date is correct. 3 He is called the College beadle in the Funeral Book, and is mentioned as such in the Chapter Book 6 May 1710. See his wife's burial 3 Dec. 1728, and burials 6 Sep. 1769 and 1 July 1771. Only dau. of Sir John Lort, second Bart. of Stackpool Court, co. Pembroke, by Lady Susanna Holles, dau. of John, second Earl of Clare, and sister of Sir Gilbert Lort, third Bart. (see his burial 27 Sep. 1698). She married Sir Alexander Campbell, son of Sir Hugh Campbell, of Cawdor Castle, co. Nairn, whom she survived. They were ancestors of the present Earl Cawdor. According to her monument, she died 28 Sep., in her forty-ninth year. 5 Eldest dau. of James Scott, Earl of Dalkeith (see his burial 19 Mch. 1704-5), by Lady Henrietta Hyde, second dau. of Lawrence, first Earl of Rochester (see her burial 3 June 1730). She died, according to her coffin-plate, 11 Oct., in her nineteenth year. 6 In the Funeral Book she is called "Mrs. Ann Hearne." John Hearne, "Abbey plumber," was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 11 Nov. 1713; but no wife is mentioned in his will, and his dau. Ann was the wife of William Jones. He may have omitted to name her, as being already provided for. 7 Son of Evan Lloyd, Esq., by his wife Ann Vaughan, who remarried Thomas Morice, Esq. (see her burial 24 Oct. 1693). According to his monument, he was of the family of his name at Yale, co. Denbigh, and died 2 Nov., in his sixty-seventh year. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 28 June 1714, was proved 25 Nov. following, by his kinswoman Ann Lloyd, relict of Capt. Thomas Lloyd, to whom he left most of his estate (see her burial 23 Feb. 1721-2). He be- queathed small legacies to his half-sister Anne Horden (see her burial 28 Aug. 1747), the widow of his half-brother Thomas Morice, his niece Mrs. Ann Porter, and his kinsman Capt. Macdolf Lloyd, then in Ireland. See his sister's burial 11 Apl. 1690. • Second but eldest surviving son of John, second Viscount of Dunbar, by Lady Mary Brudenell, only dau. of Thomas, first Earl of Cardigan. He succeeded as third Viscount in 1666, and married, first, Mary, eldest dau, of John, first Lord Belasyse, of Worlaby, co. Lincoln, and, . 20 282 BURIALS IN 1714 Dec. 3 The Revd Mr. George Tollett, Second Master of Westminster School:¹ in the West Cloister. Dec. 9 The Right Hon. Charlott, Countess D'Averquerque: 2 in the Duke of Ormond's vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Mrs. Ann Davis :3 in the West Cloister. Dec. 23 1714 March 8 March 16 John Lister, Esq. 4 in the South aisle. The Right Hon. the Lady Catharine Powers: 5 in the North Cloister. 1715 May 5 Mrs. Ann Ferrers, relict of John Ferrers, Esq. :6 in St. Paul's Chapel. secondly, Lady Dorothy Brudenell, dau. of Robert, second Earl of Cardigan, and relict of Charles Fane, third Earl of Westmoreland (see her burial 6 Feb. 1739-40). He died, according to his monument and the Funeral Book, 23 Nov., in his sixty-fourth year. His only child, Mary, by his first wife, was baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 1 Sep. 1672. ¹ He was admitted to St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1697, and elected to Cambridge in 1702, where A.B. 1795 and A.M. 1709, and became a Fellow of Trinity College. He was appointed second master of Westminster School in 1711. He died 30 Nov., aged thirty-one. (Perhaps a son of George Tollett, Esq., one of the Commissioners of the Navy, whose wife Elizabeth died 6 Feb. 1702-3, aged forty-one, and was buried at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx.) 2 Fourth dau. of William-Adrian de Nassau (second son of Henry, Lord of Auverquerque), Lord of Odyke, Zeist, etc., who was created a Count of the Empire by the Emperor Leopold, and was premier nobleman of Zealand, and wife of her cousin-german, Count William-Mauritz (usually called Maurice) de Nassau (fourth but third surviving son of Henry de Nassau, Lord of Auverquerque, Master of the Horse to K. William III.), lieutenant-general in the service of the States-general, and governor of Sluice. She died 6 Dec., in her thirty-fourth year. The Funeral Book gives these facts from her coffin-plate. See the burial of her husband's mother 27 Jan. 1719-20, and note thereto. 3 Wife of David Davis, Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod (see his burial 29 Oct. 1716). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 18 Dec., in her forty-seventh year. See her son's burial 25 Nov. 1708. 4 Only son of John Lister, of Linton, co. York, Esq., by Jane, dau. and heir of Christopher Constable, of Great-Hatfield, in the same county. His age, according to the Funeral Book, was seventy-nine. His will, dated 29 June 1714, was proved 26 Apl. 1715, by his nephew Thomas Southby, of Birdsall, co. York, Esq., to whom he left his entire estate, and who was his sister's son. The difficulty in identifying this lady is increased by the fact that in the Funeral Book she is called "Viscountess," and her age stated to be forty-six. The word "Viscountess" appears to be a misnomer. After the death of James, third and last Earl of Tyrone, in 1704, one John Power, calling himself Lord Power, probably claiming the old Barony as heir male, petitioned Q. Anne, mentioning that his son was being educated a Protestant, and in 1715 a pension was granted to "Lord Power, a person of suspected principles in London." He died 21 Aug. 1725, aged eighty, leaving a son Henry, and a dau. Clare, who was his executrix. He was a widower at the date of his will, 10 July 1717, and had then another dau., Charlotte, who died before him. The lady named in the text may have been another of his daughters, or, possibly, his wife. There seems no other place for her in the pedigree of the noble family of this name. 6 Dau. of Sir Dudley Carleton, Kt., some time H.M's. Resident in Holland and afterwards Clerk of the Council in Ordinary, who was buried at St. James, Clerkenwell, Midx., 9 Mch. 1653-4, by his first wife. She married, at St. Bartholomew the Less, London, 3 Mch. 1648-9, John Ferrers, of Tamworth Castle, co. Warwick, Esq. (only son of Sir Humphrey Ferrers, Kt., by Anne, dau. of Sir John Pakington), who died 14 Aug. 1680. She died, according to the Funeral Book, at the age of ninety. Her will, dated 9 July 1712, was proved 10 May 1715, by her dau. Dorothy, Countess Dowager of Arran (see her husband's burial 27 Jan. 1685-6). She directed to be buried in the Abbey, near her great-uncle Dudley, Viscount Dorchester (see his burial 19 Feb, 1631-2). WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 283 1715 May May 15 15 The Lady Anne Robarts: in St. John's Chapel. May 26 June 8 June 24 July 5 The Right Hon. Charles, Earl of Halifax : 2 in the Duke of Albemarle's vault, on the North side of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Sir Charles de Carteret:3 in the North aisle. Ralph Sims, a child of mine:4 in the South Cloister. Richard Lucas, D.D., Prebendary of this Church :5 in the South Cross. Aug. 23 Samuel Barton, D.D., Prebendary of this Church: in the South Cross. ¹ Lady Anne Fitzgerald, only dau. of Wentworth, seventeenth Earl of Kildare, by Lady Elizabeth Holles, dau. of John, second Earl of Clare. She married, first, Hugh Boscawen, of Tregothnan, co. Cornwall, Esq., and, secondly, Hon. Francis Robartes, M.P., younger son of John, first Earl of Radnor, and their eldest son John succeeded as fourth Earl. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 May, aged fifty-one. 2 Fourth son of Hon. George Montagu (younger son of Henry, first Earl of Manchester), by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Anthony Irby, Kt. He is said to have been born at Horton. co. Northamp- ton, 16 Apl. 1661, but was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 12 May following. He was created Baron Halifax 13 Dec. 1700, and Viscount Sunbury and Earl of Halifax 19 Oct. 1714, and was a Knight of the Garter. His literary and political career are well known, but he is chiefly remembered as a statesman and minister of finance. He died 19 May, without issue, when his superior titles expired, and the barony reverted to his nephew. 3 Only son of Sir Philip Carteret, second Bart. of St. Ouen, by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Edward Carteret, Kt. (see her burial 29 Mch. 1717). He was baptized at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 4 June 1679, K. Chas. II. and the Duke of Monmouth being his godfathers. He was a Gentleman of the 'rivy Chamber to Q. Anne, and High Bailiff of Jersey. He succeeded as third Bart. in 1693, and by his wife Mary, dau. of Amias Carteret. Esq., he had a son James. baptized at Isleworth, Midx., 15 June 1694; but no issue survived at his death, and the title became extinct. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 June. 4 Infant child of Ralph Sims, Clerk of the Works (see his burial 3 Feb. 1720-1), by Dorothy his wife (see her burial 14 Jan. 1729-30), and twin with his brother Robert. They were born the 13th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, the 22nd of the same month. This entry is not in the Register, but in the Funeral Book of that period, whtch was evidently kept by the father. He matriculated at Oxford, from Jesus College, 3 Mch. 1664-5, aged sixteen, as son of Richard Lucas, of Presteigne, co. Radnor, ranking as a poor scholar, and was B.A. 22 Oct. 1668, M.A. 28 Mch. 1672, and B.D. and D.D. 11 July 1691. He was for some time Master of the free school at Abergavenny, but became Vicar of St. Stephen, Coleman Street, London, 19 Dec. 1678, and was also lecturer at St. Olave, Southwark, in Surrey. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 5 Mch. 1696-7, according to the usual authorities, but the Chapter Book gives the date as 13 Feb. in that year. During the latter part of his life he was totally blind, but was the author of several theological works which were much respected in their day. He died 29 June, and his will, dated 2 Mch. 1713-14, was proved 20 July 1715, by his eldest son Robert. He left two other sons, Richard and William, the latter being in holy orders. See his wife's burial 11 Aug. 1727. 6 Son of Rev. John Barton, of Harrietsham, co. Kent, who died before 1679, by his wife Janc, who died 20 Aug. 1679, and was buried in Bunhill Fields. He matriculated at Oxford, from Magdalen Hall, 23 Oct. 1665, aged seventeen, as a poor scholar, and was B.A. 26 Oct. 1669, M.A. 4 Mch. 1672-3, B.D. 2 Mch. 1681-2, and D.D. 3 July 1697. He was some time chaplain to the House of Commons, aud also one of the chaplains of St. Saviour's. Southwark, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 13 Feb. 1696-7. He died 15 Aug., in his sixty-eighth year. He married, first, 18 Feb. 1685-6, Sarah, third and youngest dau. of Edmond Trench, of All Hallows Staining, London, Doctor of Physic, who was buried at All Hallows Staining 18 Sep. 1708, and, secondly, Amy, sister of Andrew Osborne, Esq., and relict of George Cooke, of Eltham, 284 BURIALS IN 1715 Sept. 16 Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Mrs. Millicent Lowe:1 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Mary Crespion :2 in the South Cloister. Edward Herbert, Esq. :3 in the North aisle. Sept. 24 Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Nov. 17 Nov. 22 Sarah Gardner, a grandchild of mine in the South Cloister. Mrs. Jane Addison :5 in the East Cloister. William Peircehouse: in the South Cloister. John Coleman, Esq.:7 in the North Cloister. Mary Peircehouse, a child:8 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Katherine Balisi :9 in the East Cloister. Dec. 7 Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Mr. John Hester, Jr. :10 in the South Cloister. [blank] Webster :11 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Katherine Elford : 12 in the West Cloister. Kent, citizen and merchant of London, who survived him, and was buried at Eltham in Jan. 1737-8. By her he had no issue. See the burial of Jane Wowen, his dau. by his first wife, 16 Dec. 1758, and of her husband, his sister's son, 9 June 1760. ¹ Relict of Nicholas Lowe (see his burial 30 Sep. 1706), and mother of Charles Lowe, Chapter Clerk and Coroner of Westminster (see his burial 7 Feb. 1728-9). Her age, according to the Funeral Book, was seventy-seven. 2 Dau. of Rev. Stephen Crespion (see his burial 2 Dec. 1711), by his second wife Mary (see her burial 1 Jan. 1759), and evidently only surviving child. See her baptism 23 Jan. 1693-4. 3 According to his monument, he was of Swansea, co. Glamorgan, lineally descended from Sir George Herbert, of that place, Kt., the first Sheriff of that county in 1541-2, and died 18 Sep., in his twenty-third year. He left an only son, Thomas, who was born the 13th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 Oct. 1713. See his wife's burial, as Elizabeth Jefferys, 9 Nov. 1718. Letters of administration to his estate were granted 3 Dec. 1715, when he was described as late of Fryers, near Cardiff, co. Glamorgan, but died at Clapham, co. Surrey. • Young child of Massey Gardner, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, brazier, by Sarah, dau. of Ralph Sims, Clerk of the Works (see his burial 5 Feb. 1720-1). See her brother's burial 29 Nov. 1720. This entry is not in the Register, but in the Funeral Book, then kept by the child's grandfather Ralph Sims. 5 Her gravestone simply stated that she died 30 Sep. In Neale and Brayley's History of the Abbey (ii. 288) she is wrongly identified as the mother of the celebrated Addison. His father died in 1703, and it was his first wife whose name was Jane. This person died intestate, and was probably of the household of one of the Prebendaries or other officials. 6 (In the Funeral Book only.) Son of Rev. Humphrey Persehowse, minor canon (see his burial 2 Feb. 1762), by Deborah his wife, dau. of John Rawlins, of the city of Oxford, apothecary. He was born 30 Mch., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Apl. 1713. 7 The Funeral Book gives his age as twenty-six, and says that he was buried in his father's grave: see his burial 6 June 1709. See also a burial 1 Jan. 1736-7, probably of his wife, as she was buried by him, and their ages were about equal. 8 ⁹ (In the Funeral Book only.) Young child of Rev. Humphrey Perschowse, minor canon (see his burial 2 Feb. 1762), by his wife Deborah, dau. of John Rawlins, of the city of Oxford, apothecary. 9 Rightly Balisy. See her husband's burial 7 July 1721. Her age, according to the Funeral Book, was sixty-seven. 10 The Funeral Book gives his age as twenty-five. See his father's burial 18 Sep. 1721. "Letters of administration to her estate, as Martha Webster, late of St. Margaret's, West- minster, widow, were granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 9 July 1716, to her dau. Frances, wife of Alexander Young. See her husband's burial 5 June 1698, and probably her son's 25 Nov. 1703. From the Funeral Book she appears to have been a sister of Mary Kettlewell (see her burial 7 Aug. 1714), and was buried in her grave. 12 Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond., 10 Dec. 1706, for Richard Elford, of St. James, Westminster, bachelor, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 285 1715 Dec. Dec. 1718 Jan. 23 29 7 Jan. 21 Feb. 9 Feb. 25 March 8 Simon Bolte, Esq. :¹ in the North Cloister. Mr. Cornelius Peline :2 in the North Cloister. The Hon. Dame Katharine Longueville :3 in the North aisle, within the Tombs. Mrs. Elizabeth Longueville: in the North aisle, within the Tombs. Mrs. Anne Rash :5 in the South Cloister. Francis Burgis :6 in the South Cloister. A child that was found dead in the Dark Arch. aged twenty-seven, and Mrs. Catherine London, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., spinster, aged twenty-one, with consent of her father Mr. George London; to marry in the Chapel of London House, in Aldersgate Street. Her age, according to the Funeral Book, was twenty-six, and she was buried in her husband's grave: see his burial 1 Sep. 1714. Her will, as of St. Faith's, London, dated 22 Oct. 1715, was proved 24 Dec. following, by her brother George London and Mr. John Peachey, of Paternoster Row, silkman (husband of her sister Henrietta), whom she appointed guardians of her two children, Anne and Bridget. She mentioned also her brother John London. ¹ Son of John Bolte (or Boulte, as the name was more often written), of St. Margaret's, Westminster, whose will he proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 6 Dec. 1700. He was some time one of the Clerks in the Annuity Office of the Exchequer, and at his death Deputy-Teller of the Exchequer. He died 19 Dec., aged, according to the Funeral Book, thirty- nine years, three months, and fifteen days. He married Elizabeth, dau. of John Clayton, Gent. (sce his burial 11 June 1713), who survived him, and remarried Rev. Richard Russell, LL.D., Rector of Ash, co. Hants. See the baptisms of his children, 2 June 1702 and 6 July 1705, and his son's burial 25 Dec. 1717. To 2 The will of Corineus Pelyne, of Quethiock, co. Cornwall, Gent., dated 1 July 1713, was proved 28 June 1717, by his nephew Joseph Pelyne, his residuary legatee. He left small legacies to his sister Mrs. Joane Tipping, his brother Nicholas Pelyne's widow, and her dau. Sophia. Mrs. Elizabeth Ogle, dau. of Christopher Ogle, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife, he bequeathed his two chambers in Cony Court in Gray's Inn, with their furniture, etc., and the interest for her life of his £1600 in the Exchequer, the principal to revert at her death to his said nephew. The record of probate states that he died in Gray's Inn. ³ Second dau. and coheir of Sir Thomas Peyton, second Bart. of Knowlton, co. Kent (see his burial 15 Feb. 1683-4), by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Peter Osborne, Kt. She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 19 July 1641, and was unmarried 14 May 1684, when she renounced administration to her father's cstate; but married. late in that year, or early in 1685, as his second wife, Sir Thomas Longueville, second Bart. of Wolverton, co. Bucks, who died 25 June 1685, and, according to his monument, a few months after his second marriage. She died 30 Dec. 1715, without issue, and both the Funeral Book and her monument give her age as seventy, which is an error, unless the child baptized in 1641 died in infancy, and she were a second one of her name. See her sister's burial immediately following her own. 4 Third dau. and coheir of Sir Thomas Peyton, second Bart. of Knowlton, co. Kent, by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Peter Osborne, Kt. She married William Longueville, of the Inner Temple, Esq. (see his burial 30 Mch. 1721). According to both her monument and the Funeral Book, she died 21 Jan., aged sixty-nine. See the marriage of her dau. 17 Aug. 1703, the burial of her son 31 Aug. 1750, and that of her sister immediately preceding her own. Aged forty-four, according to the Funeral Book, and buried in the grave of Mrs. Grace Kirpatrick (see her burial 14 Dec. 1707). See the note to the burial of Mrs. Dorothy Noble, 20 Oct. 1720. • Called " Francis Burges, a child," in the Funeral Book. Evidently a child of James Burges, one of the bellringers, who is mentioned in the Chapter Book as dying about 1732-3. See his mother's burial 28 Oct. 1728. 7 In the Funeral Book only. 286 BURIALS IN 1718 March 18 1716 April 22 April 24 May 24 June 17 July 11 17 Colonel Philip Herbert :¹ in the West Cloister. The Right Hon. Arthur, Earl of Torrington:2 in the South aisle, within the Tombs. Mrs. Jane Knipe :3 in the South aisle. Mrs. Judith Austin: in the body of the Abbey. Mr. Humphrey Hutchinson 5 in the North Cloister. George Fitz-Roy, Earl and Duke of Northumberland:6 in the Duke of Albemarle's vault, on the North side of K. H. 7th's Chapel. July 16 Robert South, D.D., Prebendary of this Church:7 at the foot of the steps going up to the altar. 1 Younger son of Hou. James Herbert (sixth son, and second of that name, of Philip, fourth Earl of Pembroke), byJane, dau. of Sir Robert Spiller, of Laleham, Midx., Kt., who were married, at St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf, London, 3 Aug. 1646. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 12 Mch. aged fifty-one. Sce the burials, of his wife 2 Mch. 1717-18, of his daughters 9 Nov. 1718 and 13 Jan. 1722-3, and of his sister 28 Feb. 1654-5. 2 Son of Sir Edward Herbert, Attorney-General to K. Charles I. He was created, 29 May 1689, Baron Torbay and Earl of Torrington, co. Devon. He was in the naval service, and several times in command of a fleet, but passed his latter days under a cloud of popular displeasure which he does not seem to have deserved. He married twice, but left no issue, and his titles. became extinct. He died 14 Apl., and the Funeral Book gives his age as sixty-seven. His will, dated 30 Mch. 1716, was proved 19 Apl. (three days before his burial), by four trustees to whom he bequeathed all his personalty. His freehold manors, lands, etc., he left to Henry Clinton, Earl of Lincoln, for life, with remainder to Greenwich Hospital for ever. The only relation he men- tioned was his sister Agar, to whom he left an annuity of £100 for life. 3 See the marriage of her parents 5 Dec. 1682, and note thereto. The Funeral Book gives her age as thirty, and says that she was buried in the same grave with her sister, grandfather, and grandmother. See her sister's burial 15 Dec. 1705, her grandfather's 13 Feb. 1705-6, and her grandmother's 7 Apl. 1708. She died unmarried. * Dau. of Ralph Freke, of Hannington, co. Wilts, Esq., by Cecilia, dau. of Sir Thomas Colepeper, of Hollingbourne, co. Kent, and widow of Robert Austen, of Tenterden, co. Kent, Esq. Her will, dated 12 Jan. 1715-16, with a codicil 8 May 1716, was proved 26 Nov. 1717, by her son Robert Austen, of Tenterden, Esq., residuary legatce. See the burials of her sisters, 12 Apl. 1714 and 9 Mch. 1730-1. His will, as of St. Catherine's, by the Tower of London, Gent., dated 19 May 1716, was proved 28 June following, by his brother William. He left small legacies to his brother Johu and his wife and their dau. Hannah, and to his nephew Francis and the other children of his brother William, to be applied to their use by his friend Mr. Robert Cross, of Westminster, brewer. The residue of his estate, which he said was small, and mostly beyond the sea, he left to his executor. Third son of K. Charles II., by Barbara Villiers, afterwards Duchess of Cleveland. He was born at Oxford, in a Fellow's chamber in Merton College, 28 Dec. 1665, and privately baptized 1 Jan. following. He was created, 1 Oct. 1674, Baron of Pontefract, Viscount Falmouth, and Earl of Northumberland, and, 6 Apl. 1683, Duke of Northumberland. According to the Funeral Book, he died 3 July. He left no legitimate issue, and his titles became extinct. See the burial of his first wife 3 June 1714, and of his second 11 Sep. 1738. 7 The eminent divine. Son of Robert South, of London, merchant, by his second wife, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Captain John Berry, of Lydd, co. Kent. He was born 4 Sep. 1634, at eight o'clock, p.m. and baptized at Hackney, Midx., on the 18th of the same month. In the parish register of Hackney his father is described as a "gentleman," and is usually said tɔ have been of the heraldic family of his name in Lincolnshire. Dr. South, in his will, bequeathed a ring engraved with his father's arms, which gives colour to this presumption. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 11 Dec. 1651, and WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 287 1716 Aug. 12 John Fisher, a child:¹ in the South Cloister. [Aug. 25] Alice, wife of Henry Tucker:2 in the Dark Arch leading into the Little Cloisters. Oct. 4 Oct. 12 Oct. 29 Oct. 31 Mrs. Elizabeth Atterbury, daughter of Francis, Lord Bishop of Rochester and Dean of this Church: 3 in the South aisle, within the Tombs, near the door going into St. Edmund's Chapel. Lewis Maidwell, Esq. : in the West Cloister. Mr. David Davis 5 in the West Cloister. Mr. John Ratcliff, Minor Canon of this Church: in the East Cloister. Nov. 20 Thomas Warren, a child :7 in the South Cloister. was B.A. 24 Feb. 1654-5, M.A. 12 June 1657, and B.D. and D.D. 1 Oct. 1663. He became Chaplain in Ordinary to K. Charles II., and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 30 Mch. 1663, and Canon of Christ Church 29 Dec. 1670. He had the rectory of Islip, co. Oxford, in 1678, and became Archdeacon of Westminster 24 Oct. 1713. He died at Caversham, near Reading, 8 July. His will, dated 30 Mch., with a codicil 2 June 1714, was proved 24 July 1716. Hearne's animad- versions upon this will, as well as upon the testator and his exccutrix (see Reliquice Hernianæ, 2nd edit., ii. 38-9), are simply unfounded, cruel, and abominable, as the will itself abundantly proves. Dr. South's nearest relations were the children and grand-children of his half-brother and sister, and for them, although they had treated him unkindly. he provided in the most ample manner, leaving the moderate residue of his estate to the widow of a clergyman. who, he stated, had been his faithful housekeeper for thirty-five years. In the Funeral Book only. Evidently son of Matthew and Elizabeth Fisher. See his sister's burial 3 Mch. 1713-14. 2 The date is not given in the Register, but is supplied by the Funeral Book, which also gives her age as sixty-two. Sec her husband's burial 5 Feb. 1725-6. 3 Youngest daughter, born 6 Mch. 1699-1700, and baptized in the Chapel of Bridewell Hospital, London, on the 24th of the same month. She died, according to the Funeral Books, 29 Sep. See her mother's burial 2 May 1722, and her father's 12 May 1732. 4 The Funeral Book gives his age as sixty-nine. He had been First Groom of Her Majesty's Poultry Office, and at his death was Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod. According to the Funeral Book, he died 25 Oct., in his fifty-fourth year, and was buried with his wife: see her burial 23 Dec. 1714, and his son's 25 Nov. 1708. The newspapers of the day say that he died suddenly, and describe him as Deputy-Usher of the Black Rod, Doorkeeper to the House of Lords, Purveyor of the King's Kitchen, and a Gentleman Porter at Whitehall. His will, dated 20 Oct. 1716, was proved, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 3 Nov. following. He left handsome legacies to his brother Walter Davis, and his sister Dorothy Chamberlaine alias Knight, and the residue of his estate, which appears to have been considerable, to his only surviving child, Rachel, then a minor. In one of Le Neve's MSS., under date of December, in this same year, it is said that she had already, since her father's death, married John Capell, Esq., one of the Exons of the Yeomen of the Guard; but Le Nere's MS. notes, evidently recording the mere gossip of the day, as well as actual facts, are not always to be trusted. 6 Rightly Radcliffe. He was of St. John's College, Cambridge, A.B. 1691 and A.M. 1695, and shortly after became a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, and Confessor to the Royal House- hold. He married, at the Temple Church, London, 5 Mch. 1694-5, Ann Morse, who appears to have died before him. He died 29 Oct., aged about forty-seven, and his will, dated six days before, was proved 6 Nov. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his eldest dau. Ann, who was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 Dec. 1695. He left also a son William, and a dau. Mary, and mentioned his brother William Radcliffe, of Mill Bridge, Huddersfield. co. York, Gent. See his son's burial 27 Mch. 1700. 7 Sce burials 7 Aug. 1699, 17 June 1731, 7 Aug. 1734, and 28 Mch. 1741, probably of his relations. 288 BURIALS IN 1716 Dec. 6 Mrs. Mary Frances :1 in the West Cloister. Dec. 18 The Hon. Sophia, Marchioness of Annandale :2 in the South Cross. 1710 Jan. 19 The Hon. Lady Mary, Duchess of Argyle :3 in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. . 4 Mr. Francis Morrice, son of William Morrice, Esq. in the East Cloister. Feb. 5 Feb. 16 James Parr, Under-Cook to the College: in the Dark Arch of the East Cloister. Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Mrs. Lucey Butler :6 in the West Cloister. John Baker, Esq., Vice-Admiral of the White: in the North aisle. ¹ Rightly Francis. The Funeral Book says "aged eighteen years." See the burials, pro- bably of her brothers, 23 Feb. 1720-1 and 1 Aug. 1772. 2 Dau. and sole heir of John Fairholm, of Craigie Hall, co. Stirling, by Sophia, dau. of Joseph Johnston, of Hilton. She was the first wife of William Johnstone, third Earl of Annan- dale and Hartfell, created Marquis of Annandale 4 June 1701, who remarried, and died in 1721. She died, according to her monument, 13 Dec., aged forty-nine. See the burials of her sons, 31 Dec. 1721 and 25 Sep. 1730. 3 Dau. of John Browne, Esq., and niece of Sir Charles Duucombe, Kt., Lord Mayor of London in 1708. She married (contract dated 30 Dec. 1701), and was the first wife of, John Campbell, second Duke of Argyll, but left no issue. She died 16 Jan., according to the Funcral Book, aged thirty-five. See the Duke's burial 15 Oct. 1743. • Eldest child of William Morice, Esq., afterwards High Bailiff of Westminster, by his first wife, Mary, eldest dau. of Bishop Atterbury (see her burial 21 Feb. 1729-30). He was born 28 Apl., and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 7 May 1716. 5 The Funeral Book says that he was buried in his wife's grave: see her burial 15 May 1713. His will, dated 13 Feb. 1716-17, was proved 19 Mch. following, iu the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his second wife and relict Mary, besides whom he mentioned only his brother Alexander Parr, of Latham, co. Lancaster. 6 Her will, as Lucy Butler, widow, relict of John Butler, late of Lincoln's Inn, Midx., Esq., dated 8 Feb. 1716-17, was proved 9 Mch. following, by her nephew Thomas Wright, of Longston, co. Derby, Esq., to whom, and to Mrs. Ursula Taylor (mother of the late Lady Ashburnham), she bequeathed her lands in Eyham, co. Derby, and her other lands, mines, etc., in England and Wales, in trust for the use of her dau. Frances Butler and her heirs, with remainder successively to said Thomas Wright, her niece Matilde (wife of Henry Vernon, of Sudbury, co. Derby, Esq.), her nephew Captain William Wright (brother of said Thomas Wright), and her nephew Henry Wright. All her personalty, including large investments in Paris, she bequeathed on the same trust, and directed that sundry debts due by her sister, Gobert-Mary-Auna Wright, should be paid, although outlawed. 7 His first commission in the Navy was as lieutenant, 14 Nov. 1688, and he attained his seniority 12 Oct. 1691. On the 26th of January 1707-8, he was promoted to be Rear-Admiral of the White, advanced to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue 12 Nov. 1709, and Vicc-Admiral of the White 16 June 1716. He died at Port Mahon, as is usually said, 10 Nov. 1716, but the Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, says the 11th, aged fifty-six. The journals of the day say that he had just been relieved of the command of the squadron, and was about returning home. His will, dated 16 May 1715, with a codicil dated at Port Mahon 9 Nov. 1716, was proved 21 Dec. following, by Capt. Hercules Baker, whom he called his kinsman and cousin, and to whom he left all his real estate and the residue of his personalty. He bequeathed annuities and other legacies to his mother, Elizabeth Brett, widow; his brother James Baker, Gent., and his son (called his kinsman and cousin) Edward Baker, who was also to have the reversion of his estates; his sister Mary, wife of William Mumrey, of Deal, co. Kent, and her husband and children; and WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 289 171 11/9/90 Feb. 28 March 14 March 20 1717 March 29 April 18 June The Hon. Colonel Henry Cornwall:¹ in the South aisle. Ann Sansom: 2 under the Dark Arch leading to the Little Cloisters. A child of Capt. Edward Tufnell :3 in the South Cloister. Dame Elizabeth, widow of Sir Philip Carteret, Bart. :4 in the North aisle. The Bishop of Kilmore's Lady :5 in the South Cross. 6 6 Atkinson, a child of Mr. Bernard Gates: at the East end of the North Cloister. July 12 Elizabeth, Countess of Derby in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. July 22 Mrs. Elizabeth Tyreman :8 in the East Cloister. his sister Susanna, wife of John Friend. No other relationships are mentioned, but he left hand- some remembrances to numerous associates and friends. Capt. Hercules Baker, his heir and exccutor, appears to have been the eldest son of his brother James. He attained his seniority 1 Jan. 1712-13, but is said to have quitted the service on inheriting his uncle's estate. He became treasurer of Greenwich Hospital, and died 27 Oct. 1744. 1 Only son of Henry Cornewall, of Moccas, co. Hereford, Esq., by Frances, dau. of Sir Walter Pye, of the Mynde, Kt., and widow of Henry Vaughan, of Moccas. He was sometime Page of Honour to the Duke of York, Colonel of the 9th regiment of foot in 1685, and Master of the Horse to the Princess of Orange. He was also M.P. for Weobly from 1702 to 1707. He married, first, Margarita-Laurentia Huyssen, of Middleburgh, in Zealand, and, secondly (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 27 Apl. 1695), Susanna, dau. of Sir John Williams, second Bart. of Marnhull (see his mar- riage 30 Apl. 1673, and his wife's burial 26 Sep. 1689). He was of Bredwardine Castle, co. Hereford, and died 22 Feb., in his sixty-fourth year. His will, dated 1 July 1707, was proved 9 Mch. 1716-17, by Henry Cornewall, Esq., his eldest son by his first wife. 2 The place of interment sufficiently indicates that she was in some very humble position. 3 The Funeral Book says "John Tufnell, a child of Capt. Tufnell." He was born the 11th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 Dec. 1716. See the marriage of his parents 27 Oct. 1697, and his father's burial 11 Sep. 1719. 1 Dau. of Sir Edward Carteret, Kt., Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod in the reign of K. Chas. II., by Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Johnson, Esq., Alderman of London. She was born 30 Dec. 1663, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx.. 12 Jan. following. She married (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 25 Apl. 1676), in her thirteenth year, with her father's consent, her kinsman Sir Philip Carteret, second Bart. of St. Ouen, who died in 1693, and their only son was born about three years later: see his burial 8 June 1715. She died 26 Mch. See her brother's burial 1 Nov. 1677. 5 Philippa, sixth dau. of Sir William D'Oyly, first Bart. of Shottisham, co. Norfolk, by Margaret Randall his wife, and second wife and relict of Edward Wetenhall. Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh (see his burial 18 Nov. 1713). The Funeral Book says that she was buried in his grave. Her will, dated 19 Nov. 1715, was proved 2 May 1717, by her nephew and residuary legatee, Rev. Samuel D'Oyly, of Rochester, co. Kent. 6 See the mother's burial 15 Mch. 1736-7, and the father's 23 Nov. 1773. The monumental inscription says that it was their first child, and a daughter. She was born the 14th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 23 Apl. 1717, but is called in the parish register a son. Sec, however, the burial of another dau. of this name 28 Nov. 1736. 7 Lady Elizabeth Butler, dau. of Thomas, Earl of Ossory (see his burial 31 July 1680), by Lady Æmillia his wife (see her burial 12 Dec. 1688), and relict of William-Richard-George, ninth Earl of Derby, who died 5 Nov. 1702. She died, according to her coffin-plate, 5 July, aged fifty- See her daughter's burial 1 May 1714, and her brother's 22 May 1746. seven. 8 Dau. of George Kighley, of the city of York, Esq., and relict of Samuel Tyreman, of the same city, Gent. The Funeral Book gives her age as thirty-five years, two months, and one day. Her will, as of St, Giles in the Fields, Midx., dated 22 Sep. 1712, then a widow, was proved 27 July 2 P 290 BURIALS IN 5 The Right Hon. the Lady Emelia-Mary Nassau, 3ª daughter of the Right Hon. Henry, Earl of Grantham :¹ in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. 1717 Sept. Oct. 4 Oct. 26 Dec. 10 Dec. 15 Dec. Dec. Mr. Hammond Wetherley :2 in the West Cloister. Mrs. Ann Elers :3 in the South Cloister. James Symms: in the South Cloister. The Hon. Charles Egerton :5 in the North aisle. Ann Symms, a child:6 in the South Cloister. 21 The Hon. Sir Henry Bellasyse:7 in St. Paul's Chapel. 1717, by her servant Mary Agar, spinster, her residuary legatee. She mentioned her father as then dead, and bequeathed an annuity of £20 to her sister Anna, wife of Thomas Williamson. She directed to be buried in the Abbey, near her sister Jane Kighley (scc her burial 6 Oct. 1707). 1 Her father, Henry de Nassau, eldest surviving son of Henry, Lord of Auverquerque, by Lady Frances his wife (sce her burial 27 Jan. 1719-20), was created, 24 Dec. 1698, Baron of Alford, Viscount of Boston, and Earl of Grantham, all in co. Lincoln, and died in 1754. Her mother was Lady Henrietta Butler, dau. of Thomas, Earl of Ossory (see his burial 31 July 1680). She was born 31 May, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 10 June 1708. In the peerages she is usually called Emilia-Maria. According to the newspapers of the day, she died at Richmond 2 Sept. 2 The name appears to be rightly Witherley. His age is given in the Funeral Book as sixty- three, and he is said to have been one of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, but his name does not appear in the Cheque Book. His relict Elizabeth administered to his estate 16 Aug. 1717 (sce her burial 16 Feb. 1731-2). The following occurs in the newspaper called the Wednesday Journal of 9 Oct. 1717: "Last Friday night the corpse of Esquire Weatherley was carried from his house in Queen's Square in Westminster, and interred in great state in Westminster Abbey. Dr. Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, the Dean, attended by all the choristers, performed the funeral service." 3 Dau. of Peter Elers, who is usually said to have been of an ancient baronial family in Germany, and to have emigrated to this country at the time of the accession of K. George I. He was here, however, at least thirty years before, as he married, at St. Bride's, London, 20 May 1684, Anne, third dau. of Gervase Price, Serjeant of the Trumpets, etc. (sce his burial 15 Sep. 1687), and this dau. was baptized at St. Margaret's Westminster, 3 Apl. 1690. He appears to have married, secondly (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond. 9 Sep. 1699), Elizabeth Harvey, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx. This dau. died, according to her gravestone, 21 Oct. See her brother's burial 20 Mch. 1753, and probably her sister's 1 Jan. 1693-4. 4 The Funeral Book says "My father James Sims, aged 99." This book was then kept by Ralph Sims (see his burial 5 Feb. 1720-1). An entry occurs in the Chapter Book, 4 Oct. 1708, ordering his admission to Emery Hill's almshonses, and a similar one, 15 June 1719, for Ann Sims, probably his widow. 5 Fourth son of John, second Earl of Bridgewater, by Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, second dau. of William, first Duke of Newcastle. He was born 12 Mch. 1654-5, and married, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 30 Apl. 1691, Elizabeth, eldest dau. and coheir of Henry Murray, Esq., and widow of Major-General Randolph Egerton (see her burial 13 Feb. 1712-13). He was M.P. for Brackley in eight Parliaments. He died 11 Dec., and his will, dated 28 Feb. 1715-16, was proved 2 May 1718, by his step-daughter Jane Egerton (see her burial 27 Jan. 1739-40). 6 The Funeral Book says "Ann Sims, a child of mine, aged twelve days." This book was then kept by Ralph Sims (see his burial 5 Feb. 1720-1). She was born the 1st, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 8 Dec. 1717, and therefore died on the 13th. 7 Son of Sir Richard Belasyse, of Ludworth and Owton, co. Durham, Kt., by his second wife, Margaret, dau. of Sir William Lambton, of Lambton, co. Durham, Kt. He was of Brancepeth Castle, co. Durham, and, according to his monument, was made lieut.-general of H.M.'s forces in Flanders in 1695, and was sometime governor of Galway, and afterwards of Berwick-upon-Tweed. He was also M.P. for the city of Durham in several Parliaments. He died 16 Dec., in his seventieth WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 291 25 1717 Dec. 1713 (—) (—) (-)(-) Feb. 18 12 March 2 March 15 1718 March 30 May 5 [blank] Boulte, a child:¹ in the North Cloister. John Tufnell, a child :2 in the South Cloister. George-William, a child of the Prince of Wales :3 in the royal vault. The Hon. Mariamne Herbert 4 in the West Cloister. Thomas Shrider, a child :5 in the South Cloister. [blank] Ramsey :6 in the dark arch going to the Little Cloisters. Richard Jones:7 in the East Cloister. James Hart, Gentleman of H. M.'s Chapel Royal :8 in the West Cloister. May 15 May 16 Mrs. Dorothy Jackson :9 in the West Cloister. May 28 Mrs. Rachel Feild:10 in the North Cloister. year. See the burials, of his dau. 14 Feb. 1695-6, his first wife 20 July 1696, his second wife 4 Mch. 1732-3, and his son 23 Feb. 1769. 1 Edward, posthumous son of Simon Bolt (or Boulte) (see his burial 23 Dec. 1715). by Elizabeth his wife. He was born and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 6 Jan. 1715-16. The Funeral Book identifies him by calling him a child of Mrs. Boulte, and giving his age as one year, eleven months, and fourteen days, which will also indicate the day of his death as 20 Dec. The Funeral Book also states that he was buried in his father's grave. 2 See the marriage of his parents 27 Oct. 1697, and his father's burial 11 Sep. 1719. He was born 23 Dec. 1717, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 2 Jan. following. 3 Second son and fifth child of K. George II. (see his burial 11 Nov. 1760) and Q. Caroline (see her burial 17 Dec. 1737). He was born the 2nd, and baptized 28 Nov. 1717, according to the parish register of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., but the Funeral Book says that he was born 3 Nov. He died, at Kensington Palace, 6 Feb. Relict of Col. Philip Herbert (see his burial 18 Mch. 1715-16). The Funeral Book gives her age as forty-seven. The baptisms of several of their children occur in the parish registers of St. Margaret's, Westminster. See the burials of her daughters, 9 Nov. 1718 and 13 Jan. 1722-3. She died intestate, but a creditor administered to her estate 2 June 1719. 5 Sec his mother's burial 27 Mch. 1752, and note thereto. He was born the Sth, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 22 Aug. 1717. 6 The Funeral Book says "aged ten years." See the burial in the same place, probably of a brother, 31 May 1710. This "dark arch" appears to have been appropriated exclusively to the burials of persons in the humblest circumstances. 7 One of this name was a Yeoman of the Cellar to the King in 1692. • He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 7 Nov. 1670, being described as a base from York." He died 8 May, and the Funeral Book gives his age as seventy-one. His relict Ann administered to his estate 23 May 1718 (see her burial 10 Apl. 1722).— Thursday last the body of Mr. James Hart, one of the Gentlemen belonging to the King's Chapel and to West- minster Abbey, was carried from Founders' Hall to be buried in Westminster Abbey. He was father to the ingenious Mr. Philip Hart, who is Organist of those two most excellent and admired organs of this city, St. Michael and St. Mary-Axe" (Weekly Journal, 17 May 1718).-Sce the burial, perhaps of his brother, 11 Feb. 1689-90. 9 Relict of William Jackson, the College baker (see his burial 23 July 1714). She died 13 May, aged, according to the Funeral Book, ninety years. Her will, dated 1 Mch. 1716-17, was proved 26 May 1718, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her niece Mary Othershaw and her nephew John Holmes, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, baker. See the baptism of her dau. 27 Dec. 1675, and the burials of her children, 18 Jan. 1676-7, 7 Nov. 1678, 14 Nov. 1679, and 18 July 1691. 10 According to her monument, she was a native of Antigua, West Indies, wife of Rev. James Field, and died in Westminster 26 May.-Theophilus Field matriculated at Oxford, from St. John's College, 21 Oct. 1724, aged seventeen, as son of Rev. James Field, of Antigua. 292 BURIALS IN 1718 June 17 The Right Hon. the Lady Martha, wife to Thomas, Lord Mansell, Baron of Morgan :¹ in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. June 25 July 6 July 9 The Hon. Lady Jane Bartley 2 in the South Cross. 3 Edward Drew, Glazier to the College: in the South Cloister. Mrs. Agnete Cooper in the East Cloister. July 20 John Smith, Esq. :5 in the middle aisle. ¹ Only dau. and heir of Francis Millington, of London, merchant, one of the Commissioners of Customs to K. Chas. II., by Martha, dau. of Samuel Vyner, of London, Esq. (see her re-marriage to Rev. Dr. Peter Birch 24 Nov. 1697, and her burial 28 May 1703). Sce her own marriage 18 May 1686, then aged about seventeen, to Thomas Mansell, afterwards Baron Mansell of Margam, who died 10 Dec. 1723. According to the Funeral Book, she died 10 June, aged forty-nine, and was buried in the Duke of Ormond's vault. 2 Dau. of Sir Charles Berkeley, second Viscount Fitzharding in the pecrage of Ireland, by Penelope, dau. of Sir William Godolphin, of Godolphin, co. Cornwall, Kt. She died unmarried, 18 June, at her house in Beaufort Buildings, in the Strand, aged, according to the Funeral Book, seventy-seven. See the burials of her brothers, 22 June 1665, Aug. 1666, and 26 Dec. 1712, and of her sister 2 Mch. 1663-4. 3 The Funeral Book says "aged sixty years." He was baptized at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 9 July 1657, as son of Humphrey Drew and Lydia his wife. His father was buried there 18 Nov. 1670, and his mother 10 Feb. 1696-7. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 1 July 1718, was proved on the 11th of the same month, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his friend Capt. George Mortimer. He left all his lands and houses to his wife Sarah for life, with remainder to his only son William, except as to one house in Peter Street, which was to go to Thomasine Drew, natural dau. of his son Thomas deceased. * Relict of Roger Cooper, Gentleman Usher to Q. Anne (see his burial 22 Apl. 1703).—Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen. 18 Feb. 1687-8, for Roger Cooper, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Gent., bachelor, aged about twenty-eight, and Mrs. Agneta Jones, of the same parish, spinster, aged about twenty-eight, and at her own disposal: alleged by Rev. Charles Elstob, Chaplain to Her Highness Princess Anne of Denmark: to marry in the Church or Chapel of St. James, West- minster.—According to the Funeral Book, she was Bedchamber-woman to Q. Anne, and she had been Dresser and Mother of the Maids to her when Princess of Denmark. Her will, dated 4 July 1718, was proved on the 15th of the same month, by her son John Cooper, to whom she left all her possessions, except her apparel, a muff and tippet, and a ring with the late Queen's hair, which she bequeathed to her maid Judy and Mrs. Wilson. 5 According to his monument, he was of the heraldic family of his name in Lincolnshire, and the arms painted thereon were, Argent, a chevron sable between three roses barbed and seeded proper. The inscription also states that he was of Beaufort Buildings, London, and left surviving two daughters, of whom the eldest, Anne, married, first, Hugh Parker, Esq., eldest son of Sir Henry Parker, of Honington, co. Warwick, Bart., and, secondly, Michael, Lord Dunkellin, eldest son of the Earl of Clanricarde (see her burial 7 Jan. 1732-3). The Funeral Book gives his age as sixty-seven. His will, as of St. Clement Danes, Midx., Esq., dated 7 July 1718, was proved on the 24th of the same month, by his cousin John Smith, Esq., John Orlebar, Esq., one of the Masters in Chancery, and Mr. Conrade de Gols, cxecutors in trust for his two daughters (evidently his only children), Anne, Lady Dunkellin, and Mary, who was about to marry Sir Edward Des Bouverie, Bart. To these two daughters and their children he left his house in Beaufort Buildings, and all his personalty. No other relations are named in the will, except his sister Sarah Bassett, his brother Thomas Mulso, and his cousin Mr. William Wright, to each of whom he left a handsome sum for mourning. He has hitherto been con- founded in the accounts of the Clanricarde peerage with one of his name, of this period, who was Speaker of the House of Commons, but who survived him some years. The person named in the text was appointed one of the commissioners of the excise in Aug. 1698, and is described in Luttrell's Diary (iv. 410) as "John Smith, of Beauford buildings, Esq." Luttrell also WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 293 1718 Aug. 13 Sept. 16 Oct. 29 Nov. 9 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Dec. Mrs. Mary Morgan:¹ in the North Cloister. Christopher Musgrave, Esq. 2 in the North Cross. Ann, a child of Thomas French :3 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Jefferys : in the West Cloister. Mr. George Carteret:5 in the North aisle. Mr. John Martin :6 in the North Cloister, at the West end. Mr. John Gregory : in the South Cloister. The Right Hon. Charles Cornwall, Esq., Vice-Admiral of the White Squadron:8 in the South aisle. 19 Nicholas Rowe, Esq. :9 in the South Cross. notices his re-appointment in June 1700 (iv. 658). The Historical Register for 1718 contains the two following entries, which clearly establish his identity :-" July 8th: Mr. Desbouverie, son of Sir Edward Desbouverie, marry'd to Mrs. Smyth, daughter of John Smyth, Esq., formerly one of the Commissioners of Excise ;" and, "July 10: "Dy'd John Smyth, Esq., formerly one of the Commissioners of Excise." It is evident that he made his will the day before his daughter's marriage, and died two days after that event. 1 The Funeral Book gives her age as forty-seven. 2 Youngest son of Sir Christopher Musgrave, Kt., and fourth Bart. of Edenball, co. Cum- berland, by his first wife, Mary, dau. and coheir of Sir Andrew Cogan, of Greenwich, Kent, Bart. He was born at Carlisle, and succeeded his eldest brother Philip as Clerk of the Council, and was one of the officers of the Orduance for twenty-five years. He died, unmarried, 10 Sep., in his fifty-fifth year. See his brother's marriage 12 Nov. 1685. 3 See the marriage of her parents 14 Jan. 1702-3, and her father's burial Feb. 1721-2. 4 Eldest dau. of Col. Philip Herbert (see his burial 18 Mch. 1715-16), by his wife Mariamne (see her burial 2 Mch. 1717-18). She married, first, Edward Herbert, Esq. (see his burial 24 Sep. 1715), and, secondly (Mar. Lic. Fac. 14 Oct. 1717), James Jefferyes, Esq., then of St. James, Westminster, bachelor, aged above thirty. Her age, according to the Funeral Book, was twenty-three. (The Historical Register, under the date of 9 Oct. 1718. says: His Majesty appointed James Jeffreys, Esq., to be his Resident at the Court of the Czar of Muscovy.") A creditor administered to her estate, 10 May 1727, her husband renouncing. 5 Sec the marriage of his parents 21 Nov. 1699, and note thereto. He was their eldest son, and is said to have died while at Westminster School. He died 9 Nov., according to the Funeral Book, aged seventeen years. 6 The Funeral Book says "aged seventeen years." 7 Eldest son (according to his father's will) of John Gregory, the College carpenter (see his burial 24 Feb. 1703-4), by Elizabeth his wife (sce her burial 10 Dec. 1719). The Funeral Book says that he was buried in his father's grave, and, according to his gravestone, he died 20 Nov., in his thirtieth year. • Son of Robert Cornewall, of Berington, in the parish of Eye, co. Hereford, Esq., by Edith, dau. of Sir Francis Cornwallis, of Abermarlais, co. Carmarthen, Kt. He entered the Navy at an early age, attaining his senority 19 Sep. 1692, when he had command of the "Portsmouth " sloop- of-war, and reached the rank of Vicc-Admiral of the White 15 Mch. 1716-17. He died, according to the Funeral Book, at Lisbon, 7 Oct., in his forty-ninth year. His will, dated 22 Dec. 1716, was proved 26 Jan. 1718-19, by his eldest surviving son Robert. He appears to have been twice married, his second wife being Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Haumer, of Hanmer, co. Flint, Esq. (See a pedigree of his family in Rev. C. J. Robinson's Mansions and Manors of Herefordshire, p. 118). 9 The celebrated poet. Only son of John Rowe, of Lamerton, co. Devon, Esq., serjeant-at- law, by Elizabeth, dau. of Jasper Edwards, of Little Barford, co. Beds, Esq. He was born at Little Barford 30 June 1674, and partly educated at Westminster school. He became poet- laureate in 1714, and was, at various periods of his life, Clerk of the Council to the Prince of Wales, under-secretary to the Duke of Queensborough and Dover when Principal Secretary of State, one of the Land Surveyors of the Customs, and Secretary of the Presentations in 294 BURIALS IN 1718 Dec. 30 1718 Jan. 27 Feb. 1 Mrs. Mary Steele :¹ in the South Cross. The Right Hon. the Lady Waldgrave :2 in the middle aisle. Mrs. Catharine, a child of William Morrice, Esq. :3 in the East Cloister. Feb. 12 Mr. Thomas, another child of the said William Morrice, Esq. :4 in the East Cloister. Feb. 27 The Hon. James Scot, Esq., 2ª son of the Earl of Dalkeith:5 at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. March 23 1719 April April 4 4 Mrs. Frances Stepney:6 in the South aisle. The Right Hon. the Lady Archibald Hamilton:7 in Sir George Villers's vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel, on the South side of the Abbey. Chancery. He was twice married. By his first wife, a dau. of Auditor Parsons, he left a son John, and by his second wife, Anne Devenish (see her burial 12 Dec. 1747), an only dau. Charlotte (see her burial 7 Oct. 1739). 1 Rightly Dame Mary Steele. Only dau. and heir of Jonathan Scurlock, of Llangunnor, co. Carmarthen, Esq., who died in her infancy, by Elizabeth his wife, to whose estate she adminis- tered 20 Mch. 1712-13. She married, Sep. 1707, Captain, afterwards Sir Richard Steele, the celebrated writer, to whom she was second wife. According to her monument, she died 26 Dec., aged forty, leaving issue a son Eugene (who was baptized at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., 2 Apl. 1712), and two daughters, Elizabeth and Mary. Sir Richard died 1 Sep. 1729, at Carmarthen, and was there buried. 2 Mary, second dau. of Sir John Webb, third Bart. of Odstock, Wilts, by Barbara, dau. and coheir of John, first Lord Belasyse, of Worlaby, co. Lincoln, second son of Thomas, first Viscount Fauconberg. She married, in 1714, James, second Baron Waldegrave, who was created Earl Waldegrave 13 Sep. 1729, and died 11 Apl. 1741. She died in childbed 22 Jan., aged, according to the Funeral Book, twenty-three years. 3 Dau. of William Morice, Esq., High Bailiff of Westminster, by his first wife, Mary, eldest dau. of Bishop Atterbury (see her burial 21 Feb. 1729-30). 4 Son of William Morice, Esq., High Bailiff of Westminster, by his first wife, Mary, eldest dau. of Bishop Atterbury (see her burial 21 Feb. 1729-30). He was born and baptized the day before, at St. Margaret's, Westminster. 5 Third but second surviving son of James Scott, Earl of Dalkeith (see his burial 19 Mch. 1704-5), by Lady Henrietta Hyde, second dau. of Lawrence, first Earl of Rochester (sce her burial 3 June 1730). According to the parish register of St. Margaret's, Westminster, he was “borne and baptized in the Cockpitt in Whitehall, att the Earle of Rochester's house,” 14 Jan. 1702-3. According to the Funeral Book, he died 25 Feb. • See the note to her brother's burial, 22 Sep. 1707. She died, unmarried, 13 Mch., according to the Funeral Book, in her fifty-ninth year. In her will, dated 28 May 1718, her only bequest was £1500 to Mrs. Charlotte Whetstone, who then lived with her. Her sister Dorothy ad- ministered to her estate 2 Apl. 1719, and, according to the newspapers of the day, succeeded to her property, worth £30,000: see her burial 6 Nov. 1724. 7 Hon. Archibald Hamilton, commonly called Lord Archibald Hamilton, was the youngest son of Anne, Duchess of Hamilton, by Lord William Douglas, who was created, 12 Oct. 1660, Duke of Hamilton for life. He was baptized at Hamilton 17 Feb. 1672-3, entered the navy, and had a captain's commission in 1693. He was Governor of Jamaica in 1710, commanded a man- of-war in 1718, and was a Lord of the Admiralty from 1729 to 1738, and again in 1742. He was M.P. in several Parliaments, and Governor of Greenwich Hospital. He married, first, Anne, eldest dau. and coheir of Charles, second Lord Lucas, of Shenfield, Essex, and widow of Edward Cary, Esq., who died in 1692. She was buried at Taplow, co. Bucks, in 1709. He married, secondly, the lady named in the text, who is only described in the peerages as "an Irish lady," but in the newspapers of the day as the "widow of Sir Francis Hamilton, of the kingdom of Ireland." The marriage took place, according to the same authorities, 17 Dec. 1718, evidently in WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 295 1719 April 16 The Right Hon. Diana, Countess Dowager of Oxford:¹ in St. April 23 May 12 12 John's Chapel. William Peirsehouse, a child:2 in the South Cloister. The Right Hon. Henry-Stafford Howard, Earl, Viscount, and Baron of Stafford :3 in St. Edmund's Chapel. Ireland, and she died 29 Mch. following. Before the end of the year, viz., 29 Sep. 1719, Lord Archibald married, thirdly, Lady Jane Hamilton, fifth dau. of James, sixth Earl of Abercorn. This marriage was by special license, dated 26 Sept., and appears to have been solemnized at Taplow. By his first and second marriages Lord Archibald had no issue, but by his third he had several children. See the burial of their son 5 June 1744, and of their dau. 6 Mch. 1800. Their mother died at Paris 6 Dec. 1753, and was buried at Montmartre. Lord Archibald died in Pall Mall, Westminster, 5 Apl. 1754, being then senior captain in the royal navy, and was buried at Taplow. 1 Second wife and relict of Aubrey de Vere, twentieth and last Earl of Oxford (see his burial 22 Mch. 1702-3). She died 7 Apl., and her dau. Lady Mary (see her burial 8 Aug. 1725) ad- ministered to her estate 5 June following, See also the burial of another dau. 2 Oct. 1730, and the burials of (probably) her half-sisters, 23 May 1640 and 4 Aug. 1687. She was a dau. of George Kirke, the notorious Groom of the Bedchamber to K. Chas. II., by his second wife, Mary, dau. of Aurelian Townshend, Esq., who is said to have been nearly allied to the noble family of that name, and to have succeeded Ben Jonson as composer of masques for the Court. The ancestry of George Kirke has never been ascertained, nor is it of much consequence. After such a career as his, he may well sink into oblivion. He was Gentleman of the Robes and one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber to K. Chas. II. On the 29th of June 1633, the arms he then bore, viz., "Gules, a crosier in bend sinister (the crook downwards) or, surmounted by a sword in bend dexter argent, hilted and pommelled or, the handle barry wavy or and azure, a chief or, issuant therefrom a thistle vert seeded proper," were confirmed to him by Lyon King Arms in Scotland, and the following crest assigned him, viz., " Upon a wreath or and gules a hand holding a sword wreathed with two branches of laurel proper, and above all. in a scroll, the motto Virtute.'” These arms, according to a herald-painter's work-book in the College of Arms, were painted on an escutcheon ordered on the death of his first wife, Anne Killigrew (see her burial 9 July 1641). He married his second wife, in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, 26 Feb. 1645-6, and, according to Dugdale's Diary (p. 84) "the King gave her, she being the admired beauty of the times." What became of him during the interregnum is not known, but, shortly after the Restoration, he appears as Groom of the Bedchamber to K. Chas. II., and Housekeeper of the Palace of White- hall, and in 1664 he had a pension of £500. The details of his life in this double capacity are too well known to require repetition. Even the date of his death has been hitherto unknown, but there is little doubt that he was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 May 1675, as "George Kirke, Esquire." He died intestate, but letters of administration were granted 22 Jan. 1679-80, limited to a certain statute staple in favour of Henry Killigrew. Esq., in which he was interested, and in the record he was said to have died about four years last past. Precisely at this time, also, his second wife was receiving a pension of £250, as his widow. She survived him more than a quarter of a century, her will being dated 11 Apl. 1701, and proved 16 Feb. 1701-2. She was baptized at St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, 8 Apl. 1626. 2 Son of Rev. Humphrey Persehowse, minor canon of the Abbey (see his burial 2 Feb. 1762), by Deborah, dau. of John Rawlins, of the city of Oxford, apothecary. ³ Eldest son of Sir William Howard, K.B. (who was created Baron of Stafford 12 Sept. and Viscount of Stafford 11 Nov. 1640, but beheaded 29 Dec. 1680, when the honours were forfeited), by Mary, dau. of Edward Stafford (see her burial Jan. 1693-4). The attainder having been reversed, 3 Junc 1685, he succeeded to his father's titles, and was created Earl of Stafford 5 Oct. 1688. He followed K. James II. into France in the same year, and there married, at St. Germain- en-Laye, 3 Apl. 1694, Claude-Charlotta, eldest dau. of Philibert, Count de Grammont. The marriage does not seem to have proved a happy one, as in his will, dated 2 Feb. 1699-1700, occurs the following extraordinary passage:-"I give to the worst of women, except being a . . . . ., who is guilty of all Ills, the daughter of Mr Grammout, a Frenchman, who I have unfortunately 296 BURIALS IN 1719 June 9 June 20 James Lucas, one of the Almsmen :¹ in the East Cloister. Mr. Samuel Birch :2 in Solomon's Porch, on the North side of the Abbey. 3 June 26 The Right Hon. Joseph Addison, Esq. in the Duke of Albe- marle's vault. July 4 July 11 July (-) Charles Church :4 in the South Cloister. 6 Barnard Gates, a child :5 at the East end of the North Cloister. Mrs. Susanna Brevall, aged 73: buried Monday, July [blank], at the North end of the East Cloister. Aug. 4 Maynhard, Duke of Schonburg and Leinster, Marquiss of Har- wich and Coubert, Earl of Brentford and Bangor, Baron of Theys and Tara, Count of the Holy Empire and Mertola, Grandce of Portugal, one of his Majesty's Most Honble Privy Council, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter;7 born married, five and forty brass half-pence, which will by her a pullett to her supper, a greater sume than her father can often make her, for I have known when he had neither money nor credit for such a purchase, being the worst of men, and his wife the worst of women, in all Debaucheries: had I known their character, I had never married their daughter, nor made myselfe unhappy." There were two codicils to this will, dated 3 Sep. 1712 and 22 Mch. 1715-16, but his wife was not again mentioned, and it was proved 2 July 1719, by Hon. Henry-Charles Howard, surviving executor. The Earl died without issue 27 Apl., according to his coffin-plate, in his seventy-second year. Le Neve, in one of his MSS., says that his wife died the same night, at Paris; but her will, dated in London 13 May 1739, was proved three days later, by Charles, Earl of Arran, to whom she left all her possessions. 1 According to the Chapter Book, he had the reversion of an almsman's place 23 Feb. 1686-7. See his son's burial 4 May 1720. 2 The Funeral Book gives his age as seventy-two. His son Joseph administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, on the 30th of the same month, and in the record he was described as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widower.-"On Tuesday night died Dr. Birch, an eminent Physician, at his house in King Street, Westminster. He was aged ninety-six [sic], and was in perfect health till a day or two before he died. He has left a small pittance of about £30,000 to his son" (Original Weekly Journal, Saturday, 20 June 1719).—It will probably be safer to accept the evidence of his coffin-plate, as preserved in the Funeral Book, as to his age. 3 Son of Rev. Dr. Lancelot Addison, Dean of Lichfield, by his first wife, Jane, dau. of Nathaniel Gulston, Esq., and sister of William, Bishop of Bristol. He was born at Milston, Wilts, 1 May 1672, and his subsequent career is too well known to require any account of it. As the author of the Spectator he will probably be remembered when it has been forgotten that he was a Secretary of State. By his wife, the Countess Dowager of Warwick, he left an only dau., Charlotte, who was born 30 Jan., and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 26 Feb. 1718-19. He died, at Holland House, 17 June. See his sister's burial 10 Mch. 1749-50. 4 See his baptism 3 June 1709, and his father's burial 10 Jan. 1740-1. 5 See his father's burial 23 Nov. 1773, and his mother's 15 Mch. 1736-7. He was born the 18th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 30 June in the same year. 6 Widow of the Rev. Dr. Francis-Durant de Bréval (sec his burial 29 Jan. 1707-8). In the record of the baptism of one of her children, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., she is called "Dame Susanna Samoline," the latter being, doubtless, her maiden name. This entry is not in the Abbey Register, but in the Funeral Book, and as the previous entry was on Saturday, 11 July, the burial must have taken place on the 13th, 20th, or 27th. 7 Meinhardt Schomberg, second son of Frederic-Armand, Count de Schomberg, Duke and Marshal of France, who came to England in 1673, became a General in the army, was created, 9 Mch. 1689-90, Baron Teyes, Earl of Brentford, Marquis of Harwich, and Duke of Schomberg, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 297 1719 Aug. 25 Aug. 28 at Cologne the 30th of June 1641; died at Hillingdon, in the county of Middlesex, on Sunday, the 5th of July 1719, in the 79th year of his age; and was buryed in the East end of King Henry the 7th's Chappell. Mrs. Jane Penrose:¹ in the South Cloister. Mr. Thomas Linacre, Minor Canon of this Church :2 in the West Cloister. Mr. Reimard Watkins :3 in the West Cloister. Sept. 7 Sept. 9 Mrs. Elizabeth Edgworth : in the North Cloister. Sept. 11 Dec. Capt. Edward Tufnell, Mason to this Church and College:5 at the East end of the South Cloister. 10 Mrs. Elizabeth Gregory :6 in the South Cloister. was killed in the battle of the Boyne, 1 July 1690, and buried in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, by his second wife, Susanne, dau. of Daniel D'Aumale, Sieur D'Haucourt. He also entered the British army, and attained the rank of General 16 Aug. 1703. In 1690-1 he was created Baron of Tarragh, Earl of Bangor, and Duke of Leinster, all in the Irish peerage, and succeeded to his father's English titles, under special limitations in the patents, on the death of his younger brother Charles, 16 Oct. 1693. See the burials of his children, 22 June 1710 and 14 Oct. 1713. 1 The Funeral Book says "aged fifty years." Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 20 Aug. 1719, was proved 2 Sep. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her "good friend" Mrs. Mary Crespion, widow (see her burial 1 Jan. 1759). She bequeathed £50 to Mr. William Trelawny, son of the late Brigadier Trelawny, then a Lieutenant in H.M.'s service, and the residue of her estate equally to her two sisters, viz., Honour Penrose, of St. Ives, co. Cornwall, widow, and Mary, wife of (blank) Thorne, of the city of Exeter, clothier, the latter being her youngest sister. 2 He was in holy orders, and appears to have signed his name Linaker. He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal extraordinary 27 Dec. 1689. admitted in ordinary 8 Apl. 1692, and advanced to a full place 2 Mch. 1699-1700. He died 26 Aug., and. according to the Funeral Book, in his seventy-ninth year. See the burials, of his first wife 23 Jan. 1683-4, and of his children by her, 22 May 1682 and 4 Sep. 1683, his second marriage 5 Aug. 1684, and the baptism of a son 28 July 1687. 3 His will, as Reimerd Watkins, dated 19 Mch. 1711-12, was proved 12 Sep. 1719, by his son Reimerd. He left moderate legacies to his father and mother. Peter and Anne Watkins, then living in the city of Hamburg, his brother Christopher Watkins, and his sisters, Anna-Margaret, and Elizabeth, wife of Richard Haines, of Cirencester, co. Gloucester, masou. He also made a handsome provision for his wife Mary (see her burial 1 Nov. 1743), and bequeathed the residue of his estate equally to his children, Phillippa (see her burial 13 Sep. 1751), Reimerd (see his burial 8 Oct. 1742), and Anne (sce her burial 7 Sep. 1738). The Funeral Book gives his age as forty-seven. + Dau. of John Blow, the celebrated Dr. of Music (see his burial 8 Oct. 1708), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 31 Oct. 1683). She married, at St. Anne's, Soho, Westminster, 30 Apl. 1719, William Edgeworth, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., who survived her, and was buried at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 26 Nov. 1736, as Captain William Edgeworth. She died 2 Sep. 5 Son of John Tufnell, also Abbey mason (see his burial 23 Feb. 1696-7), by Dorothy his wife (see her burial 20 Oct. 1720), and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 Feb. 1677-8. According to his monument, he was mason to the Abbey for twenty-two years, and restored and decorated the South and East sides of the Church. He died 2 Sep. See his marriage 27 Oct. 1697, and note thereto. The baptisms of ten of his children occur in the parish registers of St. Margaret's, Westminster. See the burials of eight, 17 May 1700, 23 July 1703, 30 June and 11 Dec. 1705, 4 Sep. 1713, 20 Mch. 1716-17, 1717-18, aud 14 Jan. 1736-7. 6 Widow of John Gregory, the College carpenter (see his burial 24 Feb. 1703-4). In their 2 Q 298 BURIALS IN 1712 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 24 Jan. Mr. Thomas Peirsehouse :1 in the South Cloister. Baron Schulemberg 2 in the South Cross. · The Hon. John Burke, Esq. :3 in the body of the Abbey. 27 The Right Hon. the Countess de Nassau de Averquerque: in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Jan. 30 Mr. John Felton:5 in the West Cloister. Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen., 21 Dec. 1687, she was described as Elizabeth Gray, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, aged above twenty-one years, and was to marry with her mother's consent, her father being dead. According to the Funeral Book, she died 2 Dcc., aged fifty-five. IIer will, dated 11 Feb. 1718-19, was proved 18 Dec. 1719, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her son Timothy Gregory. See the burials of her sons, 26 Nov. 1718 and 8 Dec. 1724. ¹ Son of William Persehowse, of Hurst Hill, Sedgcly, co. Stafford, an Utter Barrister of the Middle Temple, by Ellen, dau. of Edward Broughton, of Longdon, co. Stafford, Esq., who remarried Rev. Thomas Burdall. He married, first, a dau. of Mr. Atkinson, of Daventry, co. Northampton, and, secondly, Mary, dau. of William Style, of Beckenham, co. Kent, Esq., who was buried at Beckenham 29 Jan. 1733-4. He died 31 Dec. 1719, in his cighty-second year. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., dated 19 Dec. 1719, was proved 23 Jan. 1719-20, by his son Rev. Humphrey Persehowse (sce his burial 2 Feb. 1762), and his grandson Lawrence Martell, son of his dau. Elizabeth (by his first wife), who married Peter Martell, of the city of London, merchant. 2 Frederic-William, Baron of Schulenberg, brother of the favourite mistress of K. George I., whom he created Duchess of Kendal. He was Chamberlain to the King at Hanover. According to his coffin-plate, he died in the Palace 3 Jan.. in his thirty-seventh year. The St. James's Weekly Journal or Hanover Post-Man, of 9 Jan. 1719-20, says that he supped and went to bed about 12 o'clock, in perfect health, and was found dead about two hours after.-Letters of administration to the estate of Hon. Sophia-Anna de Melville, Baroness of Schulenberg, were granted, 17 Sep. 1725, to James Payzant, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., to the use of her children, Nympha-Ehrengarde de Schulenberg, Ernest-Augustus de Schulenberg, Alcxander- Frederic-William de Schulenberg, and George-Ernest de Schulenberg. 3 John De Burgh, eldest son of Michael, then called Lord Dunkellin, afterwards tenth Earl of Clanricarde, who died 29 Nov. 1726, by Annc, eldest dau. and coheir of John Smith, Esq., one of the Commissioners of the Excise, and widow of Hugh Parker, Esq. (see her burial 7 Jan. 1732-3). The Funeral Book says that he died 28 Dec. 1719, aged three years, six months, and three days, and was buried in the grave of his grandfather Smith (sce his burial 20 July 1718). 4 This lady is always described in the peerages as "Isabella Van Aersen, dau. of Cornelius, Lord of Sommelsdyck," but in her will, dated 20 Sep. 1712, she described herself as << Frances Aersen Van Sommelsdyck, Countess Van Nassau, Lady Van Auverquerque, etc., widow of my late deceased husband Henry, Earle Van Nassau, Lord Van Auverquerque, in his lifetime Marshall-Generall of the United Netherland Provinces, etc., etc." In the codicil, dated 18 Oct. 1712, she is described as "Frances Van Aersen Van Sommelsdyck, Countess of Nassau D'Auverquerque," and she signed the will "Fr: Countess Dowager Van Nassau D'Auver- querque." She constituted her universal heirs her three children then living, viz., her eldest son Henry de Nassau, then Earl of Grantham, her son Count William-Mauritz (usually called Maurice only) Van Nassau D'Auverquerque, and her dau. Lucia-Anna (called in the peerages Frances) de Nassau, then Countess Dowager of Bellamont. She also mentioned her deceased dau. Isabella, who was married to the late Lord Lansdowne. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 21 Jan., aged eighty-two. See the burials, of her grandson 24 May 1711, her son's wife 9 Dec. 1714, and her grand-daughter 5 Sep. 1717. 5 The Funeral Book gives his age as seventy-eight. His will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Gent., dated 2 May 1719, was proved 15 Mch. 1719-20, by his relict Mary (sce her burial 23 Mch. 1728-9). He left certain government securities to his eldest son Henry and his youngest son John, and the residue of his estate to his wife. The eldest son was the Rev. Dr. Henry Felton, Principal of Edmund Hall, Oxford, from 1722 to 1740. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 299 1712 Feb. Feb. 14 8 Charles Dakins, Esq. :¹ in the West Cloister. March 2 March 12 March 15 The Right Hon. the Lord Kinsale :2 in the North aisle. John French, a child :3 in the South Cloister. Mr. Robert Steward:4 in the West Cloister. Mr. Daniel Williams, one of the Gentlemen of the Choir :5 in the South Cloister. .6 Mr. Daniel King 6 at the North end of the West Cloister. Dame Constance Hardy:7 in the middle aisle. 1720 March 25 May 3 Thomas Lucas, one of the Almsmen :8 in the East Cloister. May 4 May 15 The Revd Thomas Sprat, Archdeacon of Rochester and Prebendary of this Church:9 [in the Abbey]. May 17 Thomas, son of Mr. Charles and Mary Lowe :10 in the North Cloister. 1 According to the Funeral Book he died 3 Feb., in his sixtieth year. Letters of adminis- tration to the estate of Charles Dakins, late of Highgate, in the parish of St. Pancras, co. Midx., were granted, 11 Mch. 1719-20, to the relict Mary. 2 Almericus de Courcy, younger son of John, twenty-first Lord Kingsale, by Ellena, dau. of Charles-MacCarty Reigh. He succeeded his elder brother Patrick, as twenty-third Lord Kingsale, in 1669, when about five years of age. He died, without issue, 9 Feb. aged fifty-seven. His will, dated 20 Oct. 1699, with codicils 22 Dec. 1703 aud 3 June and 16 Oct. 1713. was proved 21 July 1720, by his relict Anne, Lady Kingsale (see her burial 5 May 1724). It is on record that he asserted the hereditary privilege of the Lords Kingsale, and wore his hat in the presence of K. William III. This privilege, if it be one, still exists, but is manifestly one to be more honoured in its breach than its observance. 3 The Funeral Book says ،، a child of Mr. John French, in his sixth year." See his baptism 30 May 1714, his father's burial 21 June 1725, and his mother's 6 Feb. 1758. The Funeral Book adds "in his fifteenth year." 5 The Funeral Book gives his age as fifty-two. He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal extraordinary 16 Dec. 1692, and in ordinary 1 Apl. 1697, and was chosen Clerk of the Cheque 12 June 1708. He died, according to the Cheque Book, 12 Mch. His relict Anne administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter. 8 Apl. 1720. See the baptisms of his children, 14 Sep. 1703, 13 Nov. 1701, 21 Sep. 1707, and 2 Sep. 1709, and their burials, 15 Oct. 1704, 5 June 1713, 21 Aug. 1714, and perhaps 29 Jan. 1726-7. • The Funeral Book gives his age as thirty-eight. He married Melior, dau. of John Clayton, Geut. (see his burial 11 June 1713), and in 1706-7 was living in Charterhouse Yard. Several of their children were baptized at St. Sepulchre's, London. His relict Melior administered to his estate the day before his burial, and her will, dated 6 June 1737, was proved 1 Aug. 1741, by their son, Rev. Dr. James King. 7 Wife of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy (see his burial 24 Aug. 1732). According to her monument, she was dau. of Col. Henry Hooke, Lieutenant-Governor of Plymouth, and died 28 Apl., in her thirty-eighth year. 8 The Funeral Book gives his age as fifty.two, and says that he was buried in his father's grave (sce his burial 9 June 1719). See his son's baptism 19 Jan. 1700-1. 9 Sce his baptism 12 Apl. 1679. He was only surviving son of the Right Rev. Thomas Sprat, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster (see his burial 25 May 1713), by his wife Helen (see her burial 3 Mch. 1725-6). He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 10 July 1697, and was B.A. 6 May 1701 and M.A. 1 Apl. 1704. He became Prebendary and Archdeacon of Rochester 4 Dec. 1704, and was installed Prebendary of Winchester 18 Nov. 1712, and of West- minster 29 Sep. 1713. See his marriage 9 Apl. 1716, and the burial of his wife (who remarried) 29 Nov. 1734. He evidently left no issue. 10 See his father's burial 7 Feb. 1728-9, and his mother's 20 Feb. 1732-3. The Funeral Book gives his age as seven months, and says that he was buried on the left side of his grandfather (see his burial 30 Sep. 1706). 300 BURIALS IN 1720 July 15 July 16 July 28 Sarah Harrison: in the West Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Jennings 2 in the South Cloister. The Hon. Charles Godolphin, Esq. : in the vault at the North end of the West Cloister. • Mrs. Elizabeth More in the East Cloister, before the Library door. Mr. John Manton:5 at the West end of the South Cloister. Mrs. Agnes Hardine 6 in the middle aisle. Aug. Aug. 9 Aug. 13 Sept, 2 Charles Williams, Esq. :7 in the North aisle. Oct. 1 John Sims :8 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Tufnell:9 at the East end of the South Cloister. Oct. 11 1 The Funeral Book says "aged eighty-six." See a burial in the same place 31 May 1690. 2 First wife of Thomas Jenings, Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, etc. (sec his burial 29 Mch. 1734). In their marriage allegation at the Vicar-General's office, dated 21 Feb. 1687-8, she was described as Elizabeth Loton, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, aged about twenty-five, and at her own disposal. According to her monument, she died 12 July, in her fifty- seventh year. See the baptisms of her children, 1 May 1689, 12 Feb. 1690-1, and 13 May 1693, and the burials of two others, 15 Oct. 1697 and 29 July 1701. 3 Fifth son of Sir Francis Godolphin, K.B., by Dorothy, second dau. of Sir Henry Berkeley, of Yarlington, co. Somerset, Kt., and younger brother of Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer, etc. He was M.P'. for Helston, and one of the Commissioners of the Customs. According to his monument, he died 10 July, aged sixty-nine. See the burials, of his wife 16 Aug. 1726, his son 16 May 1694, his daughter 12 Dec. 1690, and his brothers, 3 Sep. 1710 and 8 Oct. 1712. + According to her monument, she was wife of Thomas Moore, the Librarian of the Abbey, and died 31 July, aged thirty-five. See her husband's burial 24 Dec. 1733. 5 According to the Funcral Book, he died in his sixty-first year. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., was dated the 5th and proved the 26th of the same month, by Mr. William Skelton and Mr. James Swift, with whom no relationship is mentioned. He left £50 to his cousin Hannah Jennings, and £20 to his cousin John Joyce, butcher. To his brother Thomas Manton he bequeathed £100. His annuities in the Exchequer and elsewhere he left to his wife Elizabeth, for life or widowhood, with remainder to the children of his said brother Thomas. He also left £20 to the poor of Oakham, co. Rutland. See his wife's burial 9 Aug. 1724. 6 Her monument states that she died 8 Aug., in her forty-second year. and describes her as "the dear Wife, Fellow-travellour, and Constant Companion of Major Alexander Hardine above twenty-seven years." The arms on the monument are, in base a dexter arm embowed and in chief two mullets, impaling a buck trippant. 7 His monument describes him as of Caerleon, co. Monmouth, and says that he died 29 Aug., in his eighty-seventh year. The newspapers of the day state that he died at his lodgings in Bow Street, Covent-Garden, leaving a large fortune. In his will, dated 7 Aug. 1717, with several codicils, he stated that he was born at Carleon, and bequeathed £4000 for founding a school there. He left considerable annuities to his niece Elizabeth Seys, widow of William Seys, of Swansea, co. Glamorgan, Esq., and her son Evan Seys; but his entire real estate he bequeathed to John Hanbury, of Pontypool, co. Monmouth, Esq., with remainder to his sons in succession, the latter to assume the surname of Williams (see the burial of Sir Charles Hanbury- Williams 10 Nov. 1759). 8 The Funeral Book says a child of mine, died 28 Sep., in his ninth year, and buried in the same grave with my father Sims." This book was then kept by Ralph Sims (sce his burial á Feb. 1720-1). He was born the 10th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 11 Feb. 1711-12. • Wife of William Tufnell (see his burial 24 Dcc. 1733). In their marriage allegation at the Faculty Office, dated 27 Oct. 1699, she was described as Elizabeth Browne, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, aged twenty-two, and at her own disposal. The Funeral Book says that WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 301 1720 Oct. 14 Oct. 20 Nov. 9 Nov. 29 Dec. 19 Dec. 20 Dec. 172 Jan. 31 22 Feb. 5 Robert Ellis, one of the Almsmen :¹ in the East Cloister. Mrs. Dorothy Noble :2 at the East end of the South Cloister. Jacinto Borges Pereira de Castro, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the King of Portugal to the Court of Great Britain 3 in the middle aisle. Henry Gardner: in the South Cloister. Benjamin Grant :5 at the South end of the West Cloister. Sarah Chambers:6 in the angle at the West end of the South Cloister. 7 Lady Margaret Creichton : in the West Cloister. Mrs. Frances Murray at the East end of the South Cloister. Ralph Sims, Clerk of the Works to this Church:9 in the South Cloister. she died 5 Oct., in her thirty-ninth year, which does not accord with her age as stated in the marriage allegation. See the burials of her children, 26 Mch. 1724, 10 Nov. 1734, and 4 Mch. 1739-40. ¹ The Funeral Book says "aged forty." See (probably) the marriage of his parents 29 Apl. 1675, and his father's burial 27 Nov. 1688. << 2 The Funeral Book says "in her sixty-seventh year: she lies in the same grave with her former husband Tufnell and two of her daughters." She was married at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 19 Jan. 1672-3, as Dorothy Smythe," to John Tufnell, the Abbey mason (see his burial 23 Feb. 1696-7), and her son Edward Tufnell (see his burial 11 Sep. 1719) called her in his will his mother "Dorothy Noble." Her second husband probably survived her, as sbe appears to have died intestate. One of her daughters, with whom she is said to have been buried, was Mrs. Grace Kirpatrick (see her burial 14 Dec. 1707); but the burial of no other known daughter by her husband Tufnell occurs in the Abbey Register, and the reference is pro- bably to Mrs. Anne Rash (see her burial 9 Feb. 1715-16), who, according to her age, as given in the Funeral Book, was too old to have been the daughter of Tufnell, while Mrs. Noble appears to have been too young to have had a former husband when married as Dorothy Smythe. Probably Mrs. Rash, who is not mentioned in any of the Tufnell wills, was a married daughter of her second husband Noble by a former wife. 3 His coffin-plate, which accords with the text, adds that he was also colonel of a regiment of the King of Portugal's Horse Guard, and died 4 Nov., aged forty-three. The newspapers of the day call him " Don Hyacinth Borges Pereira á Castro,” and say that he had his first private audience of the King 7 May 1719. He was buried privately, the funeral ceremonies having becn performed, in the chapel in his house in Great Queen Street, according to the custom of the Church of Rome. 4 The Funeral Book, then kept by Ralph Sims (see his burial 5 Feb. 1720-1), says a grand- child of mine, aged two years and [blank] days." He was a son of Massey Gardner, of West- minster, brazier, by Sarah, dau. of said Ralph Sims. See his sister's burial 24 Sep, 1715. 5 The Funeral Book says that he was servant to the Dean, and died in his twenty-first year. Perhaps a brother of Thomas Grant, afterwards College butler (see his burial 15 Aug. 1748). 6 The Funeral Book says that she was servant to the Rev. Dr. Cannon (sce his burial 31 Mch. 1722), and died in her twenty-first year. 7 Second dau. of Charles, Lord Crichton, by the Hon. Sarah Dalrymple, third dau. of James, first Viscount of Stair. She was sister of William, third Earl of Dumfries, and of Penclope, Countess of Dumfries, who successively succeeded to the title, their father having died in the life- time of their grandfather, William, second Earl of Dumfries. The Funeral Book gives her age as thirty-three, and the newspapers of the day say that she died 29 Dec., at the Earl of Loudoun's house in Privy Gardens, one adding that she was said to have "broke her heart by the loss of her fortune in South Sea stock." She died unmarried. 8 The Funeral Book gives her name as Murret, and her age as seventy-five. ⁹ In his official capacity he kept the Funeral Books so often quoted in these notes, which 302 BURIALS IN 1729 Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Mr. Thomas Francis :1 in the South Cloister. The Revd Mr. William Craig, Prebendary of this Church :2 in the South Cross. 3 : March 2 The Right Hon. Mr. Secretary Craggs in General Monk's vault. 1721 March 25 His Grace John Sheffeild, Duke and Marquis of Normanby, Duke of the County of Buckingham, Earl of Mulgrave, Baron of Botterwiold, and Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. have proved of so much value in identifying the persons named in the Register. In his will, dated 1 Feb. 1720-1, he called himself of St. Margaret's, Westminster, glazier, and left all his possessions to his wife Dorothy, expressing the hope that she would be as good a mother as she had been a wife. She proved the will, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, on the 23rd of the same month (sec her burial 14 Jan. 1729-30). See the burials, of his father 10 Dec. 1717, of his children 21 Oct. 1713, 24 June 1715, 16 Dec. 1717, 1 Oct. 1720, and 6 June 1726, and of his grand-children 24 Sep. 1715, 29 Nov. 1720, 21 May 1725, and 16 Sep. 1730. 1 The Funeral Book says that he died 20 Feb., aged eighteen years. probably, of his sister 6 Dec. 1716, and his brother 1 Aug. 1772. See the burials, 2 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Feb., and his monument calls him Master of Arts. One of his name graduated at the University of Edinburgh 27 May 1680, and is believed to have been a brother of John Craig, the celebrated Scotch mathematician. He was, according to the newspapers of the day, sometime tutor and chaplain to the Duke of Roxburgh. He was installed Prebendary of Salisbury 24 Mch. 1697-8, and was Rector of Upwey, co. Dorset. He was installed l'rebendary of Westminster 9 June 1720. His will, dated 14 Feb. 1720-1, was proved 16 Mch. following, by his relict Mary (see her burial 7 Jan. 1745-6). He left all his books to his brother John Craig, and made him his residuary legatec. He mentioned no other relations, except his niece Agnes Craig, to whom he bequeathed £200. 3 James, only son of James Craggs, one of the Postmasters-General, who died 16 Mch. following, by Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob Richards, of Westminster, Esq., who died 20 Jan. 1711-12, both being buried at Charlton, co. Kent. He was born 9 Apl. 1686. His political career was unusually rapid, as on the 16th of Mch. 1717-18, before he was thirty-two years of age, he was made a Privy Councillor and one of the Principal Secretaries of State. He died, of the small-pox, 16 Feb., in his thirty-fifth year, leaving no legitimate issue. Letters of administration to his estate were granted, 1 Apl. 1721, to his three sisters, Anne, wife of John Newsham, Esq., Elizabeth, wife of Edward Eliot, Esq., and Margaret, wife of Samuel Trefusis, Esq., who on the same day administered to their father's estate. 4 Only son of Edmund Sheffield, fourth Baron Sheffield, of Butterwick, co. Lincoln, aud second Earl of Mulgrave, by Lady Elizabeth Cranfield, dau. of Lionel, first Earl of Middlesex. He was baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 12 Apl. 1648, and succeeded to his father's titles in 1658. He was created Marquis of Normanby 10 May 1694, Duke of Normanby 9 Mch. 1702-3, and, on the 24th of the same month, Duke of the county of Buckingham. He died, according to his coffin-plate, 24 Feb., in his seventy-third year. (The London Journal, of 18 Mch. 1720-1, gives a long account of his burial in the Abbey on the preceding Saturday, the 11th, a discrepancy which is unaccountable, as the Funeral Book accords with the Register in giving the date of burial 25 Mch.) In his will, dated 9 Aug, 1716, with codicils 23 Nov. and 30 Dec. 1717, and proved 28 Mch. 1721, he made ample provision for his illegitimate children by Mrs. Lambart (see her burial 11 Jan. 1750-1). See the burials, of his second wife 11 Fcb. 1703-4, his third wife 8 Apl. 1743, and his only surviving sou 31 Jan. 1735-6. The Funeral Book alone records, at the date of his burial, 25 Mch. 1721, the interment in the Abbey of "three children of the Duke of Bucks which were removed out of St. Margaret's church.” The following are the only three whose burials are recorded in the parish register of St. Margaret's, Westminster, and were all by his third wife: Sophia, buried 17 Dec. 1706 (Lc Neve, in one of his MSS., says, "the Duchess of Bucks brought to bed of a girl, Wednesday, 11 of Dec. 1706, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 303 1 1721 March 30 William Longueville, Esq. :¹ in the aisle at the North-east end of Edward the Confessor's Chapel. April 17 The Right Hon. Richard, Lord Viscount Irwin :2 in the vault at April 29 May 19 (-) (-) June 15 the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Mrs. Ann Jett :3 at the West end of the North Cloister. Mrs. Ann Hording, a child:4 in the East Cloister. John Head, a Mason 5 in the Cloister going to the School. Elizabeth, child of Mr. Thomas Gethin, one of the Gentlemen of the Choir: in the South Cloister. July 7 Mr. Theodore Balisy: in the East Cloister. which died the week after "); John, buried 18 Oct. 1710 (Le Neve says, "the Duchess of Bucks brought to bed of a son named John, Tuesday, 26 Sep. 1710, christened 3 Oct.," and the Funeral Book says that one of the three children died 16 Oct. 1710, aged three weeks); and Henrietta- Maria, buried 23 Dec. 1717, who was born 23 Feb., and baptized at St. Margaret's 5 Mch. 1713-14, and whom the Funeral Book identifies by giving the date of the death of one of the three children as 20 Dec. 1717, and its age as three years and ten months. Another son, Robert, second son by the Duke's third wife, was born and baptized 11 Dec. 1711, according to the register of St. Margaret, but his burial is not recorded. Yet the Funeral Book seems to refer to him as one of the three children removed from St. Margaret's. by giving the date of his death as 1 Feb. 1714-15, and his age as three years and seven weeks. 1 Only son of Sir Thomas Longueville, of Bradwell Abbey, co. Bucks, Kt., by Anne, dau. and coheir of Sir William Ashcombe, of Alvescott, co. Oxford, Kt. He was of the Inner Temple, an eminent Counsellor at Law, and well remembered as the patron and literary executor of Butler, the author of Hudibras. He died, according to his coffin-plate, 21 Mch., aged eighty- two. Why, considering his position and his descent, he should have been described in modern times as a conveyancer, who raised himself from humble circumstances." it is difficult to conceive. See the burials, of his wife 21 Jan. 1715-16, and of his son 31 Aug. 1750, and the marriage of his daughter 17 Aug. 1703. 2 Richard Ingram, second son of Arthur, third Viscount of Irvine, by Isabel, eldest dau. of John Machel, of Hills, co. Sussex, Esq., M.P. for Horsham. He succeeded his elder brother, as fifth Viscount, 18 May 1714. He had been governor of Hull, and a colonel in the guards, and had been recently appointed governor of Barbados. He was about sailing thither, when he was taken ill with the small-pox, and died 10 Apl., in his thirty-fourth year. He married Lady Anne Howard, third dau. of Charles, third Earl of Carlisle, but left no issue, and she remarried, in 1737, Col. James Douglas. See his brother's marriage 9 Mch. 1725-6. 3 Dau. of William Lowndes, of Winslow, co. Bucks. Esq.. sometime Secretary to the Treasury, and many years M.P., and only child by his second wife. Jane, dau. of Simon Hopper (see her burial 10 July 1685). She was born 1 Sep. 1684, and married, at St. Bride's, London, 10 June 1703, Thomas Jett, of Gray's Inn, Esq., one of the Auditors of the Exchequer, who survived her, and was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 6 July 1730. See the burial of their daughter 8 Apl. 1758. 4 The Funeral Book says Miss Ann Horden," and that she died 17 May, in her seventh year. Probably a grandchild of Rev. Dr. John Horden, Vicar of Isleworth, Midx., and Anne his wife (see her burial 28 Aug. 1747), who, at his death in 1690, left four sons living, viz., Hildebrand, Rupert, Richard, and Thomas. See the burial (probably) of her sister 21 Apl. 1734, and a marriage 9 Apl. 1716, probably of their aunt. • In the Funeral Book only, without any other date, but between the preceding and following entrics. 6 The Funeral Book adds, "aged five days." See her mother's burial 13 Oct. 1725. 7 According to the Funeral Book, he died 4 July, aged ninety. It is stated in the news- papers of the day that he died "at his apartment, near St. James's House," and that he had served in the Courts of K. Chas. I., K. Chas. II., and K. James II., in which last reign he was Cup-bearer to that Prince, and had a pension from the Crown at the time of his decease." His 304 BURIALS IN 1721 July 8 The Right Hon. the Lord Peircy Seymour:1 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Mrs. Susanna Barnard :2 in the North Cloister. Sept. 11 Sept. 18 Sept. 25 Mr. John Hester :3 in the South Cloister. Matthew Prior, Esq. 4 in the South Cross. Oct. 12 Mrs. Jane Owtram :5 in the South Cross. Nov. 16 Mrs. Mary Richbell :6 in the North arm of the Abbey. will, which he signed Theodoric Salomon De Balisy, dated 8 Dec. 1718, was proved 18 July 1721, by his sou Joseph Balisy. He stated that he owed nothing to any person, that his late wife Catharine brought him no portion, that Mrs. Watkins had no other relation to him than as half-sister to his said wife, that he had already provided for his dau. Elizabeth, wiſe of Mr. Thomas Harper, and for his dau. Mary Balisy, and therefore gave all his personal estate to his said son Joseph and his other dau. Katharine Balisy. See his wife's burial 22 Nov. 1715. 1 Percy Seymour, fourth son of Charles, sixth Duke of Somerset, by his first wife, Lady Elizabeth Percy, only dau. of Jocelyn, cleventh Earl of Northumberland, and widow successively of Henry Cavendish (Lord Ogle) and Thomas Thynne, Esq. According to the inscription on his coffin-plate, as preserved in the Funeral Book, which also calls him fourth son, he was born at Petworth, co. Sussex, 3 June 1696 (the peerages say 1686), and died 4 July 1721. He was M.P. for Cockermouth, and died unmarried. In one of Le Neve's MSS. in the College of Arms it is said that his remains were removed, 14 Dec. 1722, to be buried in Salisbury Cathedral with his mother, who died 23 Nov. in that year. Sce the burials of his brothers, 8 Jan. 1710-11 and 24 Feb. 1749-50. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died the same day, in her fifty-sccond year, and her monument, erected by her cousin, Mrs. Arabella Thompson, says in her fifty-third year, and that she was one of the daughters of Sir Edward Barnard, of Beverley, co. York, Kt. Her father was knighted 6 Dec. 1669, then of North Dalton, in that county. Her will, dated 7 Sep. 1721, mentions numerous relations, and was proved 31 Oct. following, by her sisters, Mary, wife of Charles Hosier, of Wicken, co. Northampton, and Elizabeth Avery, of Oake, co. Somerset. 3 According to the Funeral Book, he died 12 Sep., in his fifty-seventh year. "Mr. Hester" is mentioned in the Chapter Book, 16 Feb. 1712-13, as the College bricklayer. His relict Abigail administered to his estate 23 Sep. 1721. See his son's burial 7 Dec. 1715. 4 The celebrated poet and statesman. He was son of George Prior, and, although there has always been, and still is, some difficulty in determining the place of his birth, the weight of evidence appears to be in favour of Wimborne, co. Dorset. He is said to have been born 2 July 1664, and, losing his father when very young, was sent to Westminster School by his uncle Samuel Prior, a publican near Charing Cross. His subsequent career, under distinguished patronage, will be found detailed by his various biographers. He died at Wimpole, co. Cambridge, a seat of the Earl of Oxford's, 18 Sep., according to his monument, in his fifty-seventh year, but, if the date of his birth has been correctly given, really in his fifty-eighth. His will, dated 9 Aug. 1721, was proved 19 Sep. following (the day after his death), by his friend and secretary Adrian Drift (sce his burial 5 Mch. 1736-7), but it mentions no relations except his "dear cousin Katharine Harrison," to whom he left £100 for mourning. 5 Relict of Rev. Dr. William Owtram (see his burial 25 Aug. 1679). She died 4 Oct., according to both the Funeral Book and her monument. Her will, dated 17 July 1721, was proved 16 Oct. following, by her niece Isabella Smithson, residuary legatee. Her other bequests were to her niece Ann Smithson, and her cousins Goodwin, Mary Smithson, Jane Johnson, and Ellen Hardy. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 8 Nov., aged thirty, and was buried in her brother's grave (see his burial 8 Apl. 1714, and note thereto). The newspapers of the day say that she was a native of the West Indies, and that she died suddenly, in her chariot, near Flect Bridge. Her will, dated 6 Apl. 1721, was proved 24 Nov. following. Her bequests were to her aunt Anne, widow of her late uncle Edward Richbell, and her son Edward and dau. Frances, her uncle Richard Miles, merchant in Madeira, and Frances his wife, her cousin Samuel Strode and Anne his wife, and the children of her uncle John Wright, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 305 1721 Nov. 17 Dec. 21 Dec. 31 [172 Feb. (-)] 172 Feb. 23 March 6 March 19 Mrs. Jane Chittle:1 in the East Cloister. The Right Hon. the Lord George Manners :2 in the Duke of Ormond's vault at the upper end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. William, Lord Johnston :3 in the South Cross. Mr. Thomas French : in the South Cloister. Mrs. Ann Lloyd :5 in the East Cloister. The Marquis of Lothian : in the Duke of Ormond's vault. Mrs. Catherine Smith:7 under the arch, by Dr. Lynford's door. March 24 Mrs. Dominica Osinda:8 at the South end of the East Cloister. See 1 The Funeral Book says that she died the 17th, and was buried the 20th of November. the burial, probably of her sister, 18 Jan. 1733-4. Samuel Chittle, probably their father or brother, was admitted a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in ordinary 8 Aug. 1715, and was living 23 Apl. 1720. 2 Second son of John, second Duke of Rutland, by his second wife, Lucy, dau. of Bennet, Lord Sherard, and sister of Bennet, first Earl of Harborough. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 16 Dec., in his seventh year. 3 Third but second surviving son of William Johnstone, third Earl, and created Marquis of Annandale 4 June 1701, by his first wife, Sophia, dau. and heir of John Fairholm, of Craigie Hall, co. Stirling (see her burial 18 Dec. 1716). According to the Funeral Book, he died 25 Dec., in his twenty-fifth year. He died unmarried. See his brother's burial 25 Sep. 1730. 4 Third son of Martin French, of Bromley, co. Kent, described in his marriage license as a gentleman, by Judith, dau. of Henry Shoyswell, of Etchingham. co. Sussex, Gent., and baptized at Bromley 15 Dec. 1673. According to the Chapter Book, he had patents, 15 Apl. 1700 (being then " my Lord's coachman," i. e. of Dean Sprat, Bishop of Rochester). as a bell-ringer and College porter, and he appears to have been previously College butler. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 3 Feb. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 16 Jan. 1721-2, was proved 26 Feb. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Elizabeth (see their marriage 14 Jan. 1702-3). He mentioned his brother John French (see his burial 21 June 1725), his brother Robert French, and his sisters Anne Bythell and Elinor Bayley. See the baptisms of his children, 14 Sep. 1704, 19 Aug. 1707, 1 Aug. 1709, and 9 May 1714, and their burials, 20 Aug. 1707, 17 Dec. 1709, 1 Nov. 1710, 17 June 1714, and 29 Oct. 1718. 5 The Funeral Book says that she died 16 Feb., and was buried under the same stone with Mr. Evan Lloyd (see his burial 8 Nov. 1714). She was his executrix, and was described in his will as "my kinswoman Ann Lloyd, relict of Captain Tom Lloyd." 6 William Kerr, eldest son of Robert, first Marquis of Lothian, by Lady Jane Campbell, second dau. of Archibald, Marquis of Argyll (beheaded at Edinburgh 27 May 1661). He suc- ceeded his kinsman Robert Kerr, as third Baron Jedburgh, in 1692, and his father, as second Marquis of Lothian, in 1703. He was a Knight of the Thistle, one of the representative peers of Scotland, and a major-general in the army. He married Lady Jane Campbell, dau. of Archibald, ninth Earl of Argyll (beheaded at Edinburgh 30 June 1685), by whom he left an only son, who succeeded to his titles. He died, according to his coffin-plate (exposed in 1868), 28 Feb., aged sixty-one. 7 The Funeral Book says that she was the wife of Jeremy Smith, deputy-bellringer, and died 15 Mch., in her fifty-sixth year. * The Funeral Book says "Mr.," and that he died 19 Mch., in his sixty-ninth year. He signed his will "Dominico Osenda," and described himself as of St. James, Westminster, merchant. It was dated 24 Apl. 1719, and proved 10 May 1722, by his brother Onoratt Osenda, residuary legatee. He left his wife Susannah only twenty shillings, which was to be in full of all claims she might have, or pretend to have, on his estate. No other relations are mentioned, but he left the Earl of Carlisle the choice of one of his pictures, and £20 each to Hon. James Bruce, Sir Clement Cottrell, Mr. Lancelot Burton, and Mr. William Brydges, of Gray's Inn. 2 R 306 BURIALS IN 1722 March 31 The Revd Dr. Robert Cannon, Dean of Lincoln and Prebendary of this Church :1 in the South aisle. Mrs. Ann Hart :2 in the West Cloister. April 10 May 2 June 1 July 10 Aug. 9 The Right Revd the Lord Bishop of Rochester's Lady: in the vault joining to the Spiritual Court. Mr. Charles Johnson 4 in the North Cloister. : The Right Hon. the Lady Esther, Marchioness de Governet :5 in a vault in the North aisle of the Tombs, near Edward the Confessor's Chapel. The most noble Prince John, Duke of Marlborough, Marquis of Blandford, Baron Churchill of Sandridge, Baron of Aymouth in Scotland, Prince of the Roman Empire, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter:6 in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. ¹ He was of King's College, Cambridge, A.B. 1685, A.M. 1689, S.T.B. 1702, and S.T.P. 1707. He was admitted Archdeacon of Norfolk 11 Mch. 1707-8, installed Prebendary of Ely 7 Mch. 1708-9, and of Westminster 8 July 1715, collated Prebendary of Lincoln 21 Nov. 1721, and con- firmed Dean of Lincoln 9 Dec. following. He died, according to his monument, 28 Mch., in his fifty-ninth year. His will, dated 21 Apl. 1720, was proved 25 May 1722, by his relict Elizabeth. He mentioned that his mother, Mary Cannon, had died since his marriage. Sce the baptisms, of his dau. 23 Aug. 1716, and of his son 29 Mch. 1720. Another son, Charles, was baptized at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., 15 Jan. 1712-13. 2 See her husband's burial 15 May 1718. 3 Wife of Bishop Atterbury (see his burial 12 May 1732). Her name was Catherine, and it is generally supposed that she was an illegitimate dau. of Sir Thomas Osborne, but some accounts say that she was a distant relation of the Duke of Leeds, and that her father was a clergyman. According to the Funeral Book, she died 26 Apl., aged fifty-six, and the remains of her dau. Elizabeth (see her burial 4 Oct. 1716) were removed from the South aisle and interred with her. See the burial of another daughter 21 Feb. 1729-30. 4 According to the Funeral Book, he died 29 May, in his forty-fourth year, and was buried in his father's grave (see his burial 21 Apl. 1682). He was born the 6th, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx.. 19 Nov. 1678, as son of Nicholas Johnson, Esq., and Jane his wife (see her burial 3 Sep. 1710). Sir Stephen Fox, in his will, called him his nephew, but did not speak of him in very pleasant terms. On the other hand, in his own will, dated 20 May 1722, and proved 6 June following, by his relict Margaret, to whom he left all his estate, he named as overseer his good friend Mr. John Gardner, "who has so zealously espoused my cause against my late uncle Sir Stephen Fox." 5 Dau. of Bartholomew Hervart, by Hester his wife (see her burial 7 Dec. 1697, and note thereto), and relict of Charles de la Tour, Marquis de Gouvernet, in France, who died before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. She was permitted, in 1685, to join her dau. Lady Eland (see her burial 26 May 1694) in England, on condition of leaving her other children in France, and a few years later was naturalized by royal letters patent. She occupied to the end of her life a distinguished position in society, and appears to have been a universal favourite. Lady Cowper wrote in her diary, 12 Mch. 1715-16, "This day poor Madame Gouvernet was taken ill of a Palsy. 'Tis a thousand Pities. She is the most charming, agreeable Woman in the World, without any of the ill Humours of Eighty, though of those Years." She died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 July, aged eighty-six. Her will, dated 20 Oct. 1718, in her house in St. James's Square, where she had lived above thirty years, was proved 3 Aug. 1722, by William, first Earl Cowper, and names her relations in France. 6 The Great Duke. Eldest surviving son of Sir Winston Churchill, Kt., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Drake, of Ashe, co. Devon, Kt. He was born at Ashe the 24th, and baptized there 28 June 1650, according to the record in the parish register of Axminster, in that county. For WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 307 1722 Aug. 15 The Right Hon. and most noble Lady Theodosia, Baroness Clifton, of Leighton Bromswould:1 at the foot of the steps leading to K. H. 7th's Chapel. Aug. 16 Aug. 21 Aug. 27 The Right Hon. Lady Ann Walpole :2 in Norris's Chapel. Mr. Robert Higenson :3 in the West Cloister. Mr. Edward Brooman, Baker to this College: in the South Cloister. Aug. 31 Mr. Robert Southey, Gardener to this College 5 in the South 172 Jan. Cloister. 5 Martha, Lady Giffard: in the South aisle. Jan. 13 Mrs. Mariamne Garrard:7 in the West Cloister. his already splendid military services he was created Duke of Marlborough 14 Dec. 1702, but his great victory at Blenheim was not won until nearly two years later. He died, at Cranbourn Lodge near Windsor, 16 June. His remains appear to have been removed to Blenheim in 1744, after 11 Aug., the date of his widow's will, and before her burial there in Oct. following, but there is no record of the fact in any of the Abbey registers. See the burials, of his brother 12 May 1710, his sister 10 May 1730, and his daughter 24 Oct. 1733. ¹ Dau. of Edward Hyde, third Earl of Clarendon (see his burial 5 April 1723), by Catharine, dau. of Henry O'Brien, Lord Ibrackan. She was born 9 Nov., and Laptized 6 Dec. 1695, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx. She married John Bligh, Esq.. afterwards Earl of Darnley (see their marriage 24 Aug. 1713, and his burial 25 Sep. 1728). She was Baroness Clifton, of Leighton Bromswold, in the English peerage, in her own right, having succeeded to the title on the death of her brother Edward (see his burial 20 Feb. 1712-13). and had the same title in the Irish peerage, her husband having been created, 14 Sep. 1721, Baron Clifton, of Rathmore. She died 30 July, according to the Funeral Book, and in childbed of her eighth child, according to the newspapers of the day. See her son's burial 1 Aug. 1747. 2 Lady Anne Osborne, second dau. of Thomas, first Duke of Leeds, by Lady Bridget Bertie, second dau. of Montagu, second Earl of Lindsey. She married, first. Robert Coke, of Holkham, co. Norfolk, Esq., ancestor of the Earl of Leicester, who died in 1679, and, secondly, Horatio Walpole, Esq., fourth but second surviving son of Sir Edward Walpole, K.B., ancestor of the Earl of Orford, who died 17 Oct. 1717, without issue, and was buried at Houghton, co. Norfolk. died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 Aug., in her sixty-fourth year. 3 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 18 Aug.. in his thirty-ninth year. She 4 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 23 Aug., aged sixty-six. His relict Martha ad- ministered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 7 Sep. following. See his son's burial 12 Sep. 1758. 5 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 27 Aug. He is mentioned in the Chapter Book, aş gardener, 14 Feb. 1697-8. His relict Anne administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 10 Sep. 1722. See the burials. of his first wife 30 Sep. 1706, his dau. 24 Feb. 1752, and his second wife 2 Dec. 1765. • Eldest dau. of Sir John Temple, Kt., Master of the Rolls in Ireland, ancestor of the Viscounts Palmerston, by Mary, dau. of John Hammond. of Chertsey, co. Surrey. M.D., aud sister of Sir William Temple, Bart. (see his burial 1 Feb. 1698-9). She married, 21 Apl. 1662, Sir Thomas Giffard, of Castle Jordan, co. Meath, Ireland, Bart., and the newspapers of the day, noticing her death, say "it was remarkable that she was maid, wife, and widow. in one day, her husband dying on their wedding-day." She died. according to the Funeral Book, 31 Dec., aged eighty-four. 7 Dau. of Col. Philip Herbert (sce his burial 18 Mch. 1715-16), by Mariamne his wife (see her burial 2 Mch. 1717-18). She married, at St. Bride's, London. 31 Mch. 1718, Robert Garrard, who was described, in the marriage allegation in the Vicar-General's office, as of St. Bride's, druggist, a bachelor, aged twenty-four, and she as of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., spinster, aged above twenty, and as having the assent of Ralph Barsham, of St. Dunstan in the West, London, ironmonger, her guardian lawfully assigned, her parents being dead, and no guardian 308 BURIALS IN 172 Jan. 16 Mr. Robert Friend, son of the Revd Dr. Robert Friend:¹ in the Feb. 15 March 8 1723 April April 3 April 5 South Cross. Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson :2 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Alice Knipe, relict of the Revd Dr. Knipe :3 in the North Cloister. Mr. John Tuffnel: in the South Cloister. The Right Hon. Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Viscount Cornbury, Baron Hide of Hindon 5 at the foot of the stairs going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. June (-) The Right Hon. Catherine, Countess Dowager of Abercorne :6 in the Duke of Richmond's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. June 7 The high, puissant and most noble Prince Charles Lenox, Duke of Richmond and Lenox, Earl of March and Darnley, Baron of Settrington and Methuen, one of the Lords of his Majesty's Bedchamber, and Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter in the vault at the East end of K. H. 7th's Chapel. assigned to her. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Jan., in her twenty-sixth year. Her husband administered to her estate 8 Feb. following. 1 Son of the Head-Master of Westminster School. See his brother's baptism 10 Mch. 1714-15, and note thereto. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Jan., in his fourth year. See his sister's burial 8 Apl. 1714. 2 The Funeral Book says that she was grandchild of Dr. Turner (see his burial 16 Jan. 1739-40), and died 13 Feb., aged two years. See the marriage of her parents 6 Sep. 1716, her mother's burial 8 Jan. 1740-1, and her father's 13 May 1762. 3 Second wife of Rev. Dr. Thomas Knipc, Prebendary of Westminster and Head-Master of Westminster School (see his burial 9 Aug. 1711). In their marriage allegation at the Vicar- General's office, dated 1 Feb. 1693-4, she was described as Mrs. Alice Talbot, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, aged thirty-five and upwards. According to the Funeral Book, she died 2 Mch., aged seventy-eight. Her will, dated 23 Feb. 1722-3, and proved 9 Mch. following, men- tions only the family of her second husband. 4 Son of John Tufnell, the Abbey mason (see his burial 23 Feb. 1696-7), by Dorothy his wife (see her burial, as Dorothy Noble, 20 Oct. 1720). He was baptized at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 3 Jan. 1681-2, and was joiner to the Abbey. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Mch., in his forty-second year. His will, dated 6 Oct. 1722, was proved 4 Apl. 1723. His wife Elizabeth, by whom he appears to have had no issue, survived him, and her will, dated 22 Oct. 1737, was proved 14 Mch. 1742-3. She directed to be buried in the chancel of the parish church of Biddenden, co. Kent. 5 Edward Hyde, only son of Henry, second Earl of Clarendon (see his burial 4 Nov. 1709), by his first wife, Theodosia, dau. of Arthur, first Lord Capel. He was born in December 1661, and succeeded as third Earl of Clarendon. As Viscount Cornbury, he was Governor of New York from 1702 to 1708, and carned a most unenviable reputation, which he appears to have fully deserved, and his character and conduct were equally abhorred in both hemispheres. He married, clandestinely, at Totteridge, Herts, 10 July 1688. Catharine, dau. of Henry O'Brien, Lord Ibrackan (see his burial 9 Sep. 1678). He died 31 Mch., in obscurity, and deeply in debt, but had honourable burial in the vault of his ancestors, whose good name he had so sadly dis- graced. See the marriage of his dau. 24 Aug. 1713, her burial 15 Aug. 1722, and that of his son 20 Feb. 1712-13. 6 Only child of James, Lord Paisley, by his wife Catherine Lenthall. She married, first, her cousin William Lenthall, of Burford, co. Oxford, Esq., who died about 1686, and, secondly, her cousin, Charles, fifth Earl of Abercorn, who died in June 1701, by whom she had an only dau., who died young. She died 24 May, aged about seventy. The peerages usually say that she died in 1713. 7 Charles Lennox, illegitimate son of K. Chas. II., by Louise-Renée de Perrencourt, of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 309 1723 July (-) Mrs. Elianor Hall 1 in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 7 Mrs. Ann Burnham 2 in the Dark Cloister. Sept. 18 Mr. Robert Cakewood :3 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Ann Done: in the North Cloister. Sept. 19 Sept. 29 Oct. 3 Oct. 16 Nov. 24 The Right Hon. the Lord Charles Fitzroy 5 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. Mr. John Shrider:6 in the South Cloister. Mr. Robert Wynne :7 in the South Cross aisle. Dame Soffy Auguste De Gemingen :8 in the window of the right side of the Duke of Ormond's vault. Nov. 24 Mrs. Mary Hutchins :9 in the right side of the Cloister going to the Little Cloister. 1722 Jan. 22 Mr. Henry Hobbs :10 in the South Cloister. Querouaille, in France, created by him Duchess of Portsmouth. He was born 29 July 1672. and was created, 9 Aug. 1675, Baron of Settrington, Earl of March, and Duke of Richmond, in York- shire, in the English peerage, and, 9 Nov. following, Baron Methuen, Earl of Darnley, and Duke of Lennox, in the peerage of Scotland. He married, Jan. 1692-3, Anne. second dau. of Francis, Lord Brudenell, and widow of Henry, second Lord Belasyse, of Worlaby, and was ancestor of the present Duke of Richmond. He died, at Goodwood. 27 May. According to the Funeral Book, his remains were removed, 16 Aug. 1750, to Chichester Cathedral. ¹ According to the Funeral Book, she died 23 July, aged seventy-seven. The place of inter- ment indicates that she occupied some humble position. 2 According to the Funeral Book, she died 5 Aug. She was probably the wife of Thomas Burnham, one of the almsmen (see his burial 29 Apl. 1746), or, perhaps, his daughter. : 3 The Funeral Book says "Almsman died 15 Sep. aged ninety." According to a list in the Chapter Book, he was one of the almsmen as early as 5 June 1688. His relict Elizabeth administered to his estate 3 Oct. 1723, and in the record he was described as a "Chatham pensioner." See the burial of his first wife 25 Jan. 1691-2. ¹ According to the Funeral Book, she died 16 Sep. See her baptism 12 Dec. 1717, and her mother's burial 5 Mch. 1723-4. 5 Second son of Charles, Duke of Cleveland and Southampton (see his burial 3 Nov. 1730), by his second wife, Anne, dau. of Sir William Pulteney (see her burial 28 Feb. 1745-6). The Funeral Book says that he died, at Paris, 10 Aug., in his twenty-first year; but Anderson, in his Royal Genealogies, states that he was born 13 Feb. 1698-9, which would make him in his twenty-fourth. 6 The Funeral Book says that he died 1 Oct., in his sixth month. He was born the 13th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 22 Mch. 1722-3, as son of Christopher and Helen Shrider. See his mother's burial 27 Mch. 1752, and note thereto. 7 The Funeral Book says that he was a son of the Bishop of St. Asaph, and died 13 Oct., aged ten weeks. See the baptism of his sister in 1722, and note thereto, and of his brother 24 May 1727. 8 The Funeral Book says that she died 21 Nov., aged forty-seven. She appears to have been a sister of Baron Geminghen, whom the newspapers of the day mention as having arrived from Hanover on the day of her death. She is said to have attended the then Princess of Wales from her infancy, and was at her death one of the Ladies of her Bedchamber, and Governess to her young children, Prince William-Augustus and Princess Mary. She died at Leicester House. The Funeral Book says that she died 21 Nov. The place of burial was that appropriated exclusively to persons of humble rank. 10 The Funeral Book says that he died 20 Jan., in his seventieth year. He held the office of Harbinger, which, by order of the Chapter, 23 Dec. 1723, was to be extinguished at his death. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 31 Aug. 1714, was proved 20 Jan. 1723-4, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Lucy (see her burial, as Lucy Renton, 30 May 310 BURIALS IN 1723 Jan. 22 Feb. 14 March 5 March 8 March 17 1724 March 26 March 27 May 5 4 Mrs. Margaret Harden :¹ in the South Cloister. Mr. William Dipstall :2 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Anne Done :3 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Bridget Billingsley : in the middle aisle. Mr. Charles Nicholls :5 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Sarah Tufnell:6 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Dorothy Wynne : in the North Cloister. 8 The Right Hon. the Lady Anne, Baroness of Kinsale: in the North aisle. July 14 Jane Jackson :9 in the West Cloister. 1726), whom he designated as his "only dear wife," solemnly asseverating that one Margaret Melsom, who called herself Margaret Hobbs, and claimed to be his wife, was not so, although he recognized her children as "Henry Hobbs, John Hobbs, and Elizabeth, wife of (blank) Holland," cutting her and them off, however, cach with the conventional shilling. He men- tioned no children by his "only dear wife Lucy," and further mysteries in regard to his marital relations will be found in the note to her burial. The Funeral Book says "Horden," and that she died 20 Jan., in her one hundredth year. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 12 Feb., aged sixty-two. See the burial (probably) of his son 24 Jan. 1729-30. The name appears to have been Tibstall, or Tipstall, and he evidently occupied some menial position. 3 Dau. of Richard Knipe (see his burial 22 Feb. 1702-3), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 5 May 1704), and wife of Thomas Donc, of Bexley, co. Kent, and of Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Esq., to whom married about 1716. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Feb., aged thirty-three. Her husband, who remarried, died 8 Nov. 1732, and was buried the 12th at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx. See the baptisms of her daughters, 12 Dec. 1717 and 6 Aug. 1719. and the burial of one of them 19 Sep. 1723. The Funeral Book says that she died 4 Mch.. aged seventy-eight. Her will, as of St. James, Westminster, spinster, dated 16 Feb. 1723-4, was proved 5 Mch. following. She left legacies to her sister Dorothy Hancock, mother of Captain Rupert Hancock, and her nieces Billingsley, Mace, and Childers, and their children. She was evidently an aunt of Captain Rupert Billingsley (see the burial of his dau., Bridget Belasyse, 3 Aug. 1735, and note thereto). 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 14 Mch., aged fifty-one. His relict Mary administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, the day after his burial. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 24 Mch., in her sixth year, and was buried with her mother. See her mother's burial 11 Oct. 1720, and her father's 24 Dec. 1733. She was born 26 Dec. 1718, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Jan. following. 7 Dau. of Francis Luttrell, of Gray's Inn, Esq., and sister of Narcissus Luttrell, of Little Chelsca, Midx., Esq. She married (settlement dated 17 Dec. 1688, cited in her husband's wlll) Owen Wynne, Esq., Dr. of Laws, Under-Secretary of State to Kings Chas. II. and James II., and Warden of the Mint in the reign of the latter King, who died in his fiftieth year, and was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 Nov. 1700. The baptisms of six, and burials of two of their children occur in the parish register of St. Margaret. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 24 Mch., aged sixty-five. See the burials, of her son 23 May 1765, her daughters 8 Dec. 1734 and 3 Apl. 1735, and her son-in-law 2 July 1729. 8 Dau. of Robert Dring, of Isleworth, Midx., Esq., and relict of Almericus, twenty-third Baron of Kingsale (see his burial 14 Feb. 1719-20). She died at Isleworth 25 Apl., and her will, dated 21 Sep. 1720, was proved 6 Feb. 1724-5, by her niece Mary Readc, dau. of Sir James Reade, second Bart. of Brockett Hall, Herts, who married her sister Love Dring. 9 The Funeral Book says that she died 12 July, aged one year, and was buried in the grave of Dorothy Jackson (see her burial 16 May 1718). Evidently a child of Robert Jackson, College baker (see his burial 7 Mch. 1729-30), by his wife Diana (see her burial 11 Apl. 1735). See the baptism of another daughter of this name 20 Jan, 1728-9. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 311 1 1724 July 26 Mrs. Dorothy Hubart: in the West angle of the North Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Mantua:2 in the South Cloister. Aug. 9 Oct. 23 Mrs. Mary Lowther :3 in the East Cloister. Nov. 2 Mrs. Margaret Boucher : in the South Cloister. Nov. 6 Mrs. Dorothy Stepney:5 in the South aisle. Nov. 7 Mr. Charles Gregory, one of the King's scholars : in the North Cloister. Nov. 7 Mrs. Elianor Winckles in the South Cloister. Thomas Crawford, Esq. :8 in the North aisle. Nov. 13 Dec. 2 Mrs. Catherine Mainwaring:9 in the middle aisle. 1 The Funeral Book says that she died 23 July. 2 Rightly Manton. The Funeral Book says that she died 6 Aug., aged seventy-four. Her will, as Elizabeth Manton, of St. Margaret's. Westminster, widow, dated 16 July 1724, was proved 5 Aug. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters of Westminster Abbey, near her late husband John Manton (see his burial 9 Aug. 1720). She left small legacies to her sister-in-law Katherine Moody, and her dau. Elizabeth, and the residue of her estate to her own dau. Blanche, wife of Stephen Morgan. and her children, Stephen, Elizabeth, and Deborah Morgan. 3 Dau. of Col. John Lowther, of Lowther, co. Westmoreland, by his first wife. Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir Henry Bellingham, first Bart. of Hilsington, co. Westmoreland. She was sister of John, first Viscount Lonsdale (see his marriage 3 Dec. 1674). She married, first, George Preston, of Holker, co. Lancaster, Esq., and, secondly, her kinsman John Lowther (sccond son of Robert Lowther, Alderman of London), some time a merchant at Dantzic, and afterwards one of the Commissioners of the Revenue in Ireland, whose will, as of Dublin, was dated 27 June and proved 17 Nov. 1697. She died, according to the Funeral Book. 19 Oct., in her seventy-third See her son's burial 22 Jan. 1745-6. year. + The Funeral Book says that she died 29 Oct., aged seventy-five. See her husband's burial 11 Dec. 1695, probably her son's 21 Apl. 1685, and the baptism of her daughter 20 Jan. 1686-7. 5 Sister of the well-known George Stepney (see his burial 22 Sep. 1707, and note thereto), and of Frances Stepney (see her burial 23 Mch. 1718-19). According to the Funeral Book, she died 29 Oct., in her sixty-third year. Her will, dated 13 July 1724, was proved 17 Nov. following, by Mrs. Charlotte Whetstone, evidently her kinswoman, who had long lived with her and her sister. She left considerable legacies to numerous cousins." but the bulk of her estate to her executrix. • Son of David Gregory, M.D., Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford (who died 10 Oct. 1708), by Elizabeth his wife. He was admitted into Westminster School in 1720, and died, according to the Funeral Book, 2 Nov., in his nineteenth year. He was called third son in his father's will. 7 First wife of Francis Winckles, porter and bell-ringer (see their marriage 13 May 1721, and his burial 4 Oct. 1738). The Funeral Book says that she died Nov., aged thirty-two. Sec the baptism of her daughter 18 Jan. 1723-4. 8 Eldest son of Patrick Crawfurd, merchant in Edinburgh (third son of David Crawfurd, sixth laird of Drumsoy, in Ayrshire), by his first wife, a dau. of Gordon of Turnberry. He was some time Secretary to the British Embassy at Paris, and was appointed resident Envoy at the French Court 3 July 1722. He died in that capacity, according to Le Neve (MS. in Coll. Arm.), at Fontainebleau. The Funeral Book says that he died 1 Oct., aged thirty-eight. He died unmarried, and letters of administration to his estate were granted, 9 Jan. 1724-5, to his brother Robert Crawfurd, the well-known author of "Tweedside" and other popular Scottish ballads. 9 Fifth dau. of Sir Thomas Mainwaring, first Bart. of Over-Peover, co. Chester, by Mary, dau. of Sir Henry Delves, second Bart. of Dodington, in the same county. She was born 21 Sep. 1662, and died unmarried, at Hampton Court, 23 Nov. 1724. Her will, dated 29 Oct. 1720, was proved 22 Dec. 1724, by her nephew Henry Mainwaring, Esq. See her sister's burial 27 Apl. 1693. 312 BURIALS IN 7 John Aldridge, one of the 12 Almsmen of this Church:¹ [in the 1724 Dec. Dec. 8 Dec. 1724 Jan. 19 29 Feb. 20 Cloisters]. Mr. Abraham Gregory :2 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Elianor Bowes :3 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. Mr. William Dickinson, Surveyor to this Church in Solomon's Porch. 6 20 Mrs. Nutty Westley in the South Cloister. 1725 April 1 Dame Jane Wilcox, wife of the Right Revd Father in God Joseph, Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Prebendary of this Church :6 in the North Cross. The Funeral Book says that he died 3 Dec., aged eighty. According to a list in the Chapter Book, he was one of the almsmen as early as 5 June 1688. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, waterman, dated 22 Nov. 1717, was proved on the day of his death, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Elizabeth, to whom he left all his possessions, except a shilling each to his dau. Mary and her husband John Russell. See the baptism of his son, by a former wife, 21 Oct. 1688. 2 Son of John Gregory, the College carpenter (see his burial 24 Feb. 1703-4), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 10 Dec. 1719). According to his father's will, he was third and youngest son, and the Funeral Book says that he died 3 Dec., in his twenty-eighth year, and was buried with his father, mother, and brother (sce his burial 26 Nov. 1718). His sister Elizabeth, wife of Francis Webb, administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 17 Dec. 1724. 3 Only dau. of Hon. Thomas Verney (eldest son of Rev. George Verney, fourth Baron Willoughby de Broke, but died in his father's lifetime), by Eleanor, youngest dau. of Thomas, second Lord Leigh, of Stoneleigh. She was married, at Isleworth, Midx., only on the preceding 1st of October, to George Bowes, of Streatlam Castle and Gibside Park, co. Durham, Esq. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Dec., in her fifteenth year. Her husband remarried, and died in 1760 (see the burial of his only dau. by his second wife 10 May 1800). 4 The Funeral Book says that he died 24 Jan., aged fifty-four. He is mentioned in the Chapter Book, as surveyor, 30 Feb. 1710-11. The Whitehall Evening Post, of 28 Jan. 1724-5, says: "Last Sunday morning died William Dickinson, Esq., a celebrated Architect, and Surveyor of Westminster Abbey. He was, in the reign of Q. Anne, Clerk of the Works." His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 9 June 1724, was proved 3 Mch. 1724-5, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Elizabeth, to whom he left all his estatc, except £150 to his son William. The Chapter Book records the payment, 17 May 1732, of fifteen guineas to his widow for some of his drawings. 5 The Funeral Book says "died Feb. 18th, aged eight months," and intimates that the child was a son instead of a daughter. The father was Rev. Samuel Wesley, elder brother of the more celebrated John and Charles Wesley, and eldest son of Rev. Samuel Wesley, Rector of Epworth, co. Lincoln. He was at this time an usher of Westminster School, which post he occupied for ncarly twenty years, and was elected, in 1734, head-master of the school at Tiverton, co. Devon, where he died 6 Nov. 1739. The mother was Ursula, dau. of Rev. John Berry, Rector of Watton, co. Norfolk, by Ursula his wife, half-sister of the Rev. Samuel Bentham, minor canon of West- minster (see his burial 5 Mch. 1729-30). She survived her husband, and was his executrix. See the burials of three other children, 8 Jan. 1725-6, 15 Aug. 1727, and 1 June 1731. 6 Dau. of John Milner, Esq., H.B.M.'s Consul-General at Lisbon, by Elizabeth his wife, who were buried at Kingston-on-Thames, co. Surrey, he 25 Nov. 1711, and she 30 Dec. 1719, and wiſe of the Right Rev. Joseph Wilcocks, afterwards Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster (sec his burial 9 Mch. 1756). She died 27 Mch., eight days after the birth of her youngest son, in her twenty-eighth year. Sce the baptisms of her children, 25 Oct. 1722, 26 Jan. 1723-4, and 19 Mch. 1724-5; the burials, of her dau. 16 Dec. 1729, of her son 31 Dec. 1791, and of her sister 30 July 1782; and the marriage of another sister 9 Feb. 1730-1. See an entry, among the Burials, 20 Mch. 1755. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 313 1725 April 5 April 13 Dame Dorothy Panton :1 in Erasmus's Chapel. The Revª Dr. Benjamin Ibbot, Prebendary of this Church :² in the South Cross. April 24 The Right Hon. Sophia-Sharlot, Countess of Darlington :3 in the Duke of Ormond's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Mrs. Catherine Robinson: in the South Cloister. Henry-Spoore Sims:5 in the South Cloister. April 29 May 21 May 25 June 1 Matthew Johnson, Esq. :6 in the North Cloister. The Right Hon. Jane, Countess of Clarendon and Rochester :7 at the foot of the steps going up to K. H. 7th's Chapel. ¹ The Funeral Book says that she died 1 Apl., aged eighty-four. The title "Dame" in the text was misapplied to her, and probably only used in deference to her venerable age. She was the relict of Col. Thomas Panton (see his burial 26 Oct. 1685, and note thereto). Her will, dated 1 June 1722, was proved 8 Apl. 1725, by her son, Brigadier-General Thomas Panton. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 5 Apl., aged forty-five. He was of Cambridge University, A.B. as of Clare College 1699, A.M. as of Corpus Christi College 1703, and S.T.P., by royal command, 1717. He is said to have been chaplain to Archbishop Tenison, and one of the Chaplains in ordinary to the King. He was installed treasurer of Wells 13 Nov. 1708, and Pre- bendary of Westminster 26 Nov. 1724, and was Rector of St. Paul's, Shadwell, co. Midx., at his death. He married, at St. Martin Outwich, London. 29 July 1714, Susanna Powell, of St. Mary Woolnoth, London. His will, dated 31 Mch. 1721, was proved 4 May 1725, by his relict, who is alone named in it. She died 26 Aug. 1764, in her seventy-eighth year, and was buried in the churchyard of Broxbourne, co. Herts. 1 8 29 * In her will, dated 3 Dec. 1723, with a codicil Dec. 1723, with a codicil Apl. 1725, she described herself as "Sophia-Charlotta, Countess of Darlington and Leinster, Baroness of Brentford, born Countess of the Empire and Lady von Platen and Hallermund, widow, dowager of the late John-Adolph, Baron von Kielmansegge, Master of Horse and Lord Chamberlain to his Majesty of Great Britain and Electoral Highness of Brunswick-Luneburg." She also described her deceased father as "Frantz-Ernest, Imperial Count von Platen and Hallermund, late Chief Privy Coun- cillor to his Electoral Highness of Brunswick-Luneburgh, and hereditary Postmaster-General of the Dominion of Brunswick-Luneburgh, the Bishoprick of Osnabrugg, and of the Duchies of Bremen and Verden." The will was proved 10 Mch. 1725-6, by her eldest son George-Lewis, Count von Kielmansegge. Her husband was buried at St. James, Westminster, 17 Nov. 1717, and she was created by K. Geo. I., 6 Apl. 1722, Baroness of Brentford, co Midx., and Countess of Darlington, co. Durham, for life. She died 20 Apl. Her eldest dau., Sophia-Charlotte-Mary, whose paternity was imputed to K. George I., married Emanuel Scrope, second Viscount Howe. She made her, with her younger sister Caroline, her eldest brother above named, and her younger brothers, Charles-August and Ernest-August, her general heirs. The Funeral Book says that she died 28 Apl. See the burial (probably) of her sister 15 Feb. 1722-3, the marriage of her parents 6 Sep. 1716, and the burials, of her mother 8 Jan. 1740-1, and her father 13 May 1762. 5 The Funcral Book says that he died 19 May, aged seven weeks, and was buried in the grave of his grandfather Sims (see his burial 5 Feb. 1720-1). He was son of Henry Sims and Anne his wife, and was born 29 Mch., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 15 Apl. 1725. See his sister's burial 16 Sep. 1730. 6 Younger son of Matthew Johnson, of Withcote, co. Leicester, Esq., Clerk of the House of Lords, who died in Dec. 1723, by Margaret, dau. of Edward Palmer, of Stoke-Doyle, co. North- ampton, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 3 July 1706). He was Clerk-assistant of the House of Lords, and died, according to his coffin-plate, 22 May, in his forty-third year. He appears to have died unmarried, and by his will, dated 24 Aug. 1722, left his estate to his two sisters, Frances and Elizabeth, who proved the will 1 June 1725, both being then unmarried (see the burial of one of them, as Frances Merest, 17 Nov. 1727). 7 Youngest dau. of Sir William Leveson-Gower, fourth Bart. of Trentham, co. Stafford, by 2 s 314 BURIALS IN 1725 June 9 Mr. George Jewell, one of the Ushers of Westminster School:¹ in the North Cloister. June 10 June 21 July 23 Aug. 5 Mrs. Elizabeth Knight:2 in the Dark Cloister. Mr. John French, one of the Vergers of this Church in the South Cloister. Mrs. Isabell Brown 4 in the Dark Cloister. : Samuel, infant son of the Rev Mr. John Denne and Susanna his wife 5 in the North Cross. Aug. 8 The Hon. the Lady Maria Vere :6 in St. John's alias Norris's Chapel. Oct. 13 Mrs. Elizabeth Gethin :7 in the South Cloister. Lady Jane Granville, eldest dau. of John, first Earl of Bath. She was sister of John, first Baron Gower. She married (Mar. Lic. Fac. 2 Mch. 1691-2) Hon. Henry Hyde, who succeeded his father (see his burial 10 May 1711) as second Earl of Rochester, and his cousin (see his burial 5 Apl. 1723) as fourth Earl of Clarendon, at whose death in Nov. 1753 the titles became extinct. According to her coffin-plate, she died 24 May, aged fifty-five. See the burials of her children, 17 Nov. 1702, 27 May 1704, 2 Nov. 1709, 5 July 1710, 24 Mch. 1739-40, and 12 June 1753. ¹ The Funeral Book says that he died 6 June, aged thirty-one. He was, according to the College books, son of John Jewell, of Battersea, co. Surrey, but his father, in his will dated 24 Nov. 1724, called himself of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., gardener. He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1711, and elected to Cambridge in 1715, where A.B. in 1718, and A.M. 1722. His will, dated 31 May 1725, was proved 8 July following, by his relict Lucia, who remarried the celebrated Latin poet, Vincent Bourne (see her burial 16 Mch. 1767). He bequeathed to his wife the freehold estate in Lewisham, Kent, left him by his father, and his moiety of two houses in Battersea devised to him and his brother John by the will of their late grandfather George Iver. In his father's will he was called eldest son. He appears to have left no issue. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 7 June, aged sixty. The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble rank. 3 Fifth son of Martin French, of Bromley, co. Kent, described in his marriage license as a gentleman, by Judith, dau. of Henry Shoyswell, of Etchingham, co. Sussex, Gent., and baptized at Bromley 4 Aug. 1680. He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, 15 Apl. 1700, as College butler, in the place of his brother Thomas (see his burial Fcb. 1721-2), and was then described as one of Dean Sprat's servants. He was also one of the vergers for many years, and was appointed College brewer 3 July 1723. The Funcral Book says that he died 13 June. His will, as of Stable Yard, near Dean's Yard, Westminster, Gent., was dated 7 June and proved 12 July 1725. See his wife's burial 6 Feb. 1758, the baptisms of his children, 24 May 1704, 17 Jan. 1705-6, 11 Jan. 1707-8, 4 Aug. 1710, 9 Dec. 1712, 30 May 1714, and 29 Dec. 1717, and their burials, 6 Nov. 1710, 11 Aug. and 17 Dec. 1713, 2 Mch. 1719-20, 15 July 1735, 5 Jan. 1736-7, and 21 July and 14 Aug. 1744. 4 The Funeral Book says that she died 19 July, aged eighty. See the burial, perhaps of her husband, 14 May 1726. The Funeral Book says that he died 4 Aug., aged three weeks. Scc his baptism 1 Aug. 1725, and note thereto. Rightly Lady Mary de Vere, third dau. of Aubrey, twentieth and last Earl of Oxford (sce his burial 22 Mch. 1702-3), by his second wife, Diana, dau. of George Kirke (sce her burial 16 Apl. 1719). The Funeral Book says that she died 1 Aug., aged forty-four. Le Neve, in one of his MSS., says: "Having been at the prayers at St. James's Chapel, and afterwards going to take the air in Hyde Park before dinner, was there seized with a fit of the apoplexy, and expired in her coach." She died unmarried. 7 Wife of Thomas Gethin, one of the Abbey choir, and a Gentleman in ordinary of the Chapel Royal. The Funeral Book says that she died 10 Oct., in her thirty-fifth year. See her child's burial 15 June 1721. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 315 1725 Oct. 24 Henry Cavendish, Lord Harley, an infant:1 in St. John's alias Norris's Chapel. Nov. 6 The most noble and Right Hon. Charles Whittworth, Baron of Gallaway in the province of Connaught in Ireland 2 in the South aisle. Nov. 22 Dec. 16 172 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 12 Mr. Daniel Walldoe :3 in the West Cloister. Colonel John Davis: in the South aisle. Mrs. Frances Ireland :5 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Susanna Westley :6 in the South Cloister. The Right Hon. the Lady Katherine, Viscountess Grandison :7 in the Duke of Buckingham's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. ¹ Infant son of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford (see his burial 25 June 1741), by Lady Henrietta-Cavendish Holles, only dau. and heir of John. fourth Earl of Clare (see her burial 26 Dec. 1755). According to the Funeral Book, he was born on the 18th and died on the 22nd of the same month. 2 Eldest son of Richard Whitworth, of Adbaston, co. Stafford, Esq., by Anne, dau. of Rev. Francis Mosley, uncle of Sir Oswald Mosley. first Bart. of Rolleston, co. Stafford. He was educated at Westminster School, and elected to Cambridge in 1694. He became a distinguished diplomatist and successful ambassador to various courts, and was created, 10 Oct. 1720, Baron Whitworth, of Galway, in Ireland. The Funeral Book says that he died 23 Oct.. aged fifty. His will, dated at Berlin Mch. 1722-3, was proved 1 Dec. 1725, by his brother Francis Whitworth, Esq. His wife, Lady Magdalene, survived him, but he left no issue, and the title became extinct. 2 13 3 Probably son and eldest child of Rev. Dr. Peter Waldo and Emma his wife (see their marriage 29 Jan. 1712-13). The Funeral Book says that he died 19 Nov., aged twelve years. The Funeral Book says that he died 13 Dec., in his sixty-third year, and his monument described him as President of H.M.'s Council of the Island of St. Christopher. His will, as late of St. Christopher's, but then of London, Esq., dated 4 Dec. 1725, was proved on the 17th of the same month. He directed that a tombstone should be placed over his wife's grave, but without stating where she was buried. He left sundry negroes, etc., to Mrs. Bridget Davis and her son, his nephew, Joseph Davis; his daughter-in-law Anne, wife of Joseph Estridge, Esq., and Henry Sharp, her son by her former husband Lieut. William Sharp; his niece Mary Sherman, and the dau. of his niece Cornelia Brozett deceased; and various legacies to other persons not named as relations. He confirmed the manumission of certain slaves, and named others who were to have their freedom after his death, among whom was one Stephen Davis, whom he declared to be his natural son, and to whom he bequeathed a plantation and several slaves, when he should reach the age of twenty-one. 6 The Funeral Book says that she was buried in her mother's grave (see her burial 18 Mch. 1711-12). Her will, as of St. Mary-le-Strand, Midx., dated 27 Nov. 1718, was proved 29 July 1726, by her sister Jane Ireland (see her burial 25 Sep. 1745), to whom, with her other sister, Anne, wife of Isaac Manley, post-master of Dublin, she left all money due to her by pension or otherwise. • Dau. of Rev. Samuel Wesley and Ursula his wife. The Funeral Book says that she was aged nine days, and was buried in the grave with her brother: see the burial 20 Feb. 1724-5, and note thereto; also the burials, of her sister 15 Aug. 1727, and her brother 1 June 1731. 7 Only dau. and heir of John Fitzgerald, of Dromana, co. Waterford, Ireland, Esq., by Catherine, second dau. of John, Lord Le Poer. She married, first, Hon. Edward Villiers, eldest son of George, fourth Viscount Grandison, who died in 1693, in his father's life-time. She obtained a royal patent, in 1699, to enjoy the same title and precedence that she would have been entitled to if her husband had survived his father. She remarried the Right Hon. William Steuart (scc his burial 10 June 1726). She died, according to her coffin-plate, 26 Dec. 1725, aged sixty-three. She appears to have been insane for some time previous to her death, but, according to the newspapers of the day, her funeral was conducted "in the most magnificent manner that any funeral had been performed for many years." 316 BURIALS IN 1728 Feb. 5 Feb. 24 Mr. Henry Tucker :1 in the Dark Cloister. William Lowe:2 in the Dark Cloister. The Hon. the Lady Sharlot Beaufoy :3 in the North aisle. Mrs. Hellen Spratt 4 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. · Feb. 25 March 3 March 13 March 15 John Chittham, Scavenger to this Church :5 in the South Cloister. Elizabeth Atkinson:6 in the North Cloister. The Funeral Book says that he died 31 Jan., aged eighty-eight. He had been porter of the Little Cloisters for many years, and was buried in the place specially reserved for persons of the lowest rank. His will, dated 13 Sep. 1721, was proved 14 Feb. 1725-6, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his friend William Tipstall, labourer. What he possessed he left to his niece Ann Higgons, then about five years old. See his wife's burial 25 Aug. 1716. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 22 Feb. His humble position is sufficiently indicated by the place of his burial. 3 Lady Charlotte Lanc, eldest dau. of George, first Viscount Lanesborough, in the peerage of Ireland, and second English Baronet of that name, by his first wife, Dorcas, second dau. of Sir Anthony Brabazon, of co. Louth, Ireland, Kt. She married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 8 June 1676, Henry Beaufoy, Esq., who was described in the marriage allegation (Vic. Gen.) as of St. Bride's, London, a bachelor, aged nineteen, and as having the consent of his grandmother Dame Mary Walker, his parents being dead. Her age was also given as nineteen. According to Le Neve's Knights, he was knighted at Whitehall, either the 6th or the 12th of June 1676, two days before or four days after his marriage. The latter is probably correct, as he was called "Esquire" both in the marriage license and record of the marriage. He was of Guy's Cliff, co. Warwick, and his will, dated 13 June 1678, was proved by her 8 Jan. 1678-9. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Feb., aged seventy. Her nephew and next of kin, George Fox, Esq., administered to her estate 8 Mch. 1725-6. Le Neve says that she was born 28 Aug. 1658, which does not quite agree with her age as stated in the marriage allegation or the Funeral Book. See the burial of her only child 17 July 1705. 4 Relict of the Right Rev. Thomas Sprat, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster (see his burial 25 May 1713). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Feb., aged seventy- eight. In the affidavit of her burial in woollen she was called of Bromley, co. Kent, where she probably died. Her monument states that she was descended from the ancient family of Wolseley, of Staffordshire. Dr. Gorges (sce his burial 14 Dec. 1667) in his will left £100 to "Mrs. Hellena Wolesly, whom I used to call wife." She was married, as appears by a state- ment in her husband's will, in 1676, and evidently on the 30th of October, as she dated a codicil to her will on that day, adding, "it being the happy day of my life so long as my good husband and son lived." She appears to have been a sister of Anne, first wife of Rev. Dr. Thomas Knipe (see her burial 26 Aug. 1685). Her will, signed 10 Oct. 1724, with several codicils, the last being 7 Jan. 1725-6, was proved 13 May 1726, by her own great-nephew Richard Knipe and her husband's great-nephew Rev. Thomas Glover. Among other legacies she bequeathed the wedding ring of her grandmother Lady Wolseley, her coat-of-arms, and the pedigree of her grandfather Sir John Zouch. 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 9 Mch., aged fifty-one. He was appointed scavenger, according to the Chapter Book, 5 Fcb. in the same year. Letters of administration to his estate were granted 1 Apl. 1726, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, to his relict Mary, and his eldest son Charles (see his burial 28 May 1734). His name is given in the record as Chittam. According to an entry in the Chapter Book, 18 Dec. 1733, his widow Mary was to be placed in Emery Hill's almshouses.-Charles Chitham, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., goldsmith, bachelor, aged about twenty-three, and Margaret Barrett, of the same parish, spinster, about eighteen, had a license to marry, from the Vicar-General's office, 25 Apl. 1668. They were probably his parents, as the date is appropriate, and he named his eldest son Charles. * The Funeral Book says that she died 10 Mch., aged sixty-six, and her monument adds that she had been body-laundress to Q. Anne during the whole of her reign. Mrs. Ellen Bust (see her burial 28 Apl. 1697) in her will, dated 2 May 1693, called her her niece, and she was then a widow. Her will, dated 1 Aug. 1722, was proved 18 Mch. 1725-6, by Elizabeth, wife of Bernard WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 317 Mrs. Mary Handford :¹ in the South Cloister. Mr. Charles Strode :2 in the West Cloister. 1726 March 27 April 30 Mrs. Sarah Spoor :3 in the South Cloister. May 12 May 14 John Brown, one of the twelve Almsmen of this Church :* in the Dark Cloister. May 20 The most noble Prince Charles Beauclerk, Duke of St. Alban, Earl of Burford, and Baron of Haddington: 5 in St. John's alias Norris's Chapel. Mrs. Lucy Renton :6 in the South Cloister. May 30 Mrs. Dorothy Sims :7 in the South Cloister. June 6 Gates (see her burial 15 Mch. 1736-7), to whom she left the most of her estate. She bequeathed small legacies to her cousin Mr. Matthew Moody, and her cousin Mrs. Dorothy Wynne, widow (see her burial 27 Mch. 1724). 1 The Funeral Book says that she died 21 Mch., aged thirty-nine. Sec her daughter's burial 21 Oct. 1731. A still-born child of Mrs. Handford was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 20 May 1721. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 26 Apl., aged twenty-one. The Whitehall Evening Post, of 28 Apl. 1726, says: A person of a rare genius for music. Having been educated under Dr. Croft, he was his Deputy and Organist at Whitehall Chapel.” 3 Relict of Henry Spoore, Clerk of the Works to the Abbey (see his burial 29 June 1703). The Funeral Book says that he died 8 May, aged ninety-four. Her will, dated 14 Apl. 1726, was proved 19 May following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her dau. Dorothy Sims (see her burial 14 Jan. 1729-30). The Funeral Book says that he died 12 May, aged seventy-six. He had the reversion of an almsman's place, according to the Chapter Book, as early as 28 Feb. 1687-8. See the burial (probably) of his wife 23 July 1725. 5 Illegitimate son of K. Charles II., by Ellen Gwynne, and his eldest son by her. He was born in Lincoln's Inn Fields 8 May 1670, and was created, 27 Dec. 1676, Baron of Headington, and Earl of Burford, both in co. Oxford, and, 10 Jan. 1683-4, Duke of St. Albans. He married, 13 Apl. 1694, Lady Diana de Vere, eldest dau. and eventually sole heir of Aubrey, twentieth and last Earl of Oxford, who survived him, and died 15 Jan. 1741-2. The Funeral Book says that he died 10 May, aged fifty-five, but the newspapers of the day say that he died at Bath on the 9th, and some of the peerages say on the 11th. It is remarkable that his will, dated 19 July 1694, shortly after his marriage, in which he left all his estate to his wife, was never altered or added to, and it was proved by her 25 Aug. 1726. It is possible, however, that it had been forgotten or mislaid, as she had taken out letters of administration the preceding 2nd of June. See the burials of his sons, 2 Mch. 1732-3 and 3 Aug. 1751. The Funeral Book says " Mrs. Lucy Renton (late Hobbs)," and that she died 28 May, aged fifty, and was buried in her husband's grave (see his burial 22 Jan. 1723-4, and note thereto). In her will, dated 20 May 1726, she called herself "Lucy Hobbs" only, and "widow," and left all her estate to her son Henry Hobbs, who proved the will, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 2 June following. It is difficult to comprehend her husband's marital relations, as was said in the note to his burial, for in his will he declared that Henry Hobbs was his son by one Margaret Melsom, who claimed to be his wife, and cut him off with a shilling. He also described the person named in the text as "my only dear wife, late Lucy Owen, now Lucy Hobbs," stating that the greater part of his worldly substance came to him by his marriage with her, and again mentioned her as my dearly beloved wife Lucy Hobbs, with whom I now live, before called Lucy Owen." She proved the will as "Lucy Hobbs alias Owen, widow, relict and executrix" of the testator. If she remarried Renton after the death of Hobbs, she was herself no longer Hobbs, but Renton; yet the Court of the Dean and Chapter recognized her, not as Lncy Renton, but as "Lucy Hobbs, widow." 7 The Funeral Book says that she died 3 June, in her eighteenth year, and was buried in the grave of Mrs. Spoore (her grandmother, see her burial 12 May 1726). She was a dau, of Ralph 318 BURIALS IN 1726 June 10 The Right Hon. General William Steuart, Esq. 1 in the Duke of Buckingham's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. June 15 June 26 July 21 21 Aug. Mr. Samuel Steen, an infant :2 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Catherine Forster :3 in the East Cloister. The Right Hon. William, Earl of Cadogan, Viscount Caversham, Baron of Reading and of Oakcley, General of H.M.'s forces in South Britain, Knight of the most noble Order of the Thistle, and one of H.M.'s most Hon. Privy Council:4 in the Duke of Ormond's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. 16 The Hon. Mrs. Elizabeth Godolphin :5 in a vault in the North end of the West Cloister. Sims, Clerk of the Works to the Abbey (sce his burial 5 Feb. 1720-1), by Dorothy his wife (sec her burial 14 Jan. 1729-30), and was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 Nov. 1708. 1 The inscription on his coffin-plate, exposed in 1867, describes him as follows: "General of the Foot and Commander-in-chief of all her late Majesty's Forces in Ireland, Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, and one of her said Majesty's Privy Council in the aforesaid kingdom: died June the 4th 1726, aged seventy-four." Le Neve says, in one of his MSS., but without giving any authority, that he was descended from the Steuarts, Earls of Caithness. He married, first, Catharine, Viscountess Grandison (see her burial 12 Jan. 1725-6, and note thereto). A fortnight after her burial, viz. 27 Jan. 1725-6, he obtained a license from the Faculty Office to marry Elizabeth, second dau. of Sir Rowland Alston, sccoud Bart. of Odell, co. Beds, a lady very much his junior, and the marriage took place shortly after. If any excuse for this hasty action were nccessary, it is probably to be found in the fact that his former wife, Viscountess Grandison, had been insane for some time before her death. A few days later, viz., 15 Feb. 1725-6, the news- papers of the day reported that he had been dangerously ill of an apoplexy, and he lived only about four months after his second marriage. His widow remarried Henry Rowe, of Epsom, co. Surrey, Esq., and died 21 May 1756. He left no issue by either wife. His will, dated 31 May 1726, was proved 16 Nov. following, by his relict Elizabeth aud his nephew James Steuart. He left considerable legacies to his brother John Steuart, Esq., his sister Elizabeth Dobson, widlow, his nephews Colonel John Steuart and Charles Steuart, Esq., and his nicces, Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Benjamin Gregory, Mrs. Jane Nugent, Eleanor Wilder, widow, Mary, wife of (blank) Rylcy, and Rosc, wife of (blank). His nephew Brigadier-General William Steuart, who had been ungrateful, etc., he cut off with a shilling. He bequeathed £5000, Irish money, to erect and cndow a school for twenty poor boys in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, where he lived. 2 See the marriage of his parents 1 Aug. 1725, his mother's burial 14 Oct. 1727, and his father's 18 June 1732. 3 The Funeral Book says that she died 23 June, in her forty-third year. Letters of administration to her estate, as of St. James, Westminster, spinster, were granted, 2 Aug. 1726, to her mother Priscilla Forster (see her burial 11 May 1729). See a marriage 6 Nov. 1679, and a burial 17 June 1689. 4 Son of Henry Cadogan, of Liscarton, co. Meath, Ireland, Esq., barrister-at-law, by Bridget, dau. of Sir Hardress Waller, Kt. For his distinguished military services he was created, 30 June 1716, Baron Cadogan of Reading, co. Berks, and, 8 May 1718, Baron Cadogan of Oakley, co. Bucks (with remainder to his brother Charles), Viscount Caversham, and Earl Cadogan. He married Margaretta-Cecilia, dau. of William Munter, Counsellor of the Court of Holland, but left issue only two daughters. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 17 July, in his fifty-seventh year, and all his titles became extinct, except the second barony. 5 Dau. of Francis Godolphin, of Coulston, co. Wilts, Esq., by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Gayer, Kt., Lord Mayor of London. She married, about 27 June 1687 (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen.), Charles Godolphin, Esq., M.P. for Helston, etc. (see his burial 28 July, 1720). She died, according to her monument, 29 July, aged sixty-three. They provided, among other charities, for founding an establishment at Salisbury, or elsewhere in Wiltshire, for eight orphans of gentle birth. See the burials of their children, 12 Dec. 1690 and 16 May 1694, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 319 1726 Oct. 10 Nov. 3 Dec. 1729 Jan. 29 14 Jan. 29 1727 March 28 Diana Jackson, an infant:1 in the West Cloister. The most noble Prince Henry Bentinck, Duke and Earl of Port- land, Marquis of Titchfield, Viscount Woodstock, Baron of Cirencester, and Governor of Jamaica :2 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. Mrs. Elizabeth Glanister :3 in the South Cloister. The Right Hon. the Lady Essex Roberts: in St. John's alias Norris's Chapel. John Williams:5 in the South Cloister. Sir Isaac Newton: at the West end of the Choir, in the middle aisle of the Abbey. March 28 Henry Watkins, Esq. in the East Cloister. ¹ See her father's burial 7 Mch. 1729-30, and her mother's 11 Apl. 1735. 2 Eldest surviving son of William, first Earl of Portland (see his burial 3 Dec. 1709), by his first wife, Frances (wrongly called Anne in the peerages), dau. of Sir Edward Villiers, Knight- Marshal, and sister of Edward, first Earl of Jersey. He succeeded as second Earl, and was created, 6 July 1716, Marquis of Titchfield and Duke of Portland. He married, at Chiswick, Midx., 9 June 1704, Lady Elizabeth Noel, eldest dau. and coheir of Wriothesley-Baptist, second Earl of Gainsborough, who survived him, and was his executrix. In his marriage license and the record of his marriage he is called William-Henry. He was Governor of Jamaica, and died therc, according to the Funeral Book, 4 July 1726, in his forty-fifth year. See his son's burial 8 May 1762. 3 The Funeral Book says that she died 25 Dec.. aged forty.-William Glannister, of St. Clement Danes, widower, and Jane Thompson, of the precinct of Whitefriars, spinster, aged thirty-six, had a marriage license from the Faculty Office. 27 July 1727. 4 Youngest dau. of Robert Robartes, Viscount Bodwin (eldest son of John, first Earl of Radnor, but died in his father's lifetime), by Sarah, dau. and heir of John Bodvile, of Bodvile Castle, co. Carnarvon, Esq. Her father died about Midx., 20 Sep. 1720. She died 2 Jan., unmarried. proved 16 May following. It ends abruptly, the Lady Essex Robarts before she fell into her fitt." 1681, and her mother was buried at Chelsea, Her will, dated on the day of her death, was scrivener adding: "So far I went with the 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 25 Jan., aged twenty-seven. Sce the burial, perhaps of his father, 15 Mch. 1719-20. 6 THE IMMORTAL. Posthumous and only child of Isaac Newton. by Hannah. dau. of James Ayscough, of Market-Overton, co. Rutland, Gent. He was born 25 Dec. 1642, and baptized at Colsterworth, co. Lincoln, 1 Jan. following. He was knighted by Q. Anne, at Trinity College, Cambridge, 16 Apl. 1705. He died, unmarried, 20 Mch., and intestate. His father was buried at Colsterworth 6 Oct. 1642, and his mother remarried, in 1645. Rev. Barnabas Smith. Rector of North Witham, co. Lincoln, by whom, among other children, she had a dau. Hannah, who married Robert Barton, of Brigstock, co. Northampton, and their dau. Catherine was one of Sir Isaac's coheirs: see her burial, as Mrs. Catharine Conduit, 29 Jan. 1739-40. (. 7 According to the newspapers of the day, he had been for many years secretary to the Duke of Ormond, and some time Judge Advocate to the army in Flanders. The Evening Post, of 30 Mch. 1727, states that he died at his house in Duke Street, Westminster, on the 25th, and adds : "He was an upright, honest man." His will, in which he described himself as M.A., Student of Christ Church, Oxford," dated 16 Dec. 1725, was proved 27 Mch. 1727, by his brother Fleetwood Watkins, residuary legatec. He left considerable legacies to the children of his deceased brother Charles Watkins, his sister Elizabeth Haywood, and his best beloved sister, the wife of Sir Matthew Decker. An endorsement on the will states that he was a son of Rev. Richard Watkins, some time Vicar of Ambrosden, co. Oxford, and afterwards Rector of Whichford, co. Warwick, and of Bourton-on-the-Hill, co. Gloucester. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 16 Dec. 1684, aged eighteen, as son of Rev. Richard Watkins, of Which ford, and was, therefore, at his death, about sixty-one years of age. He appears to have died unmarried. 320 BURIALS IN 1727 March 31 April 13 April 17 June 13 June 18 July 12 Mr. Samuel Clark, an infant in the North Cross. John Evans, Esq. :2 in the North Cloister. Sarah Broughton :3 at the East end of the South Cloister. Mrs. Dorothy Elers: in the South Cloister. 4 Mr. Edmund-Giles Hooper :5 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Rose Field:6 in the East Cloister. Aug. 3 Mrs. Tanner:7 in the West Cloister. Aug. 3 Ann Stevenson :8 in the North Cloister. Aug. 11 Mrs. Ann Lucas:9 in the South Cross. ¹ The Funeral Book says that he died 28 Mch., in his second year. See his baptism 12 Oct. 1725, and note thereto, and his brother's burial 9 July 1728. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 10 Apl., aged seventy. He had been a merchant of London, and is said to have been a partner of Sir William Hussey, Kt., whose widow he married, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 7 Jan. 1694-5 (see her burial 16 June 1731). He was a brother of Rev. Michael Evans, Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 25 Aug. 1732), and son of Maurice Evans, of Westminster, Gent. His will, as of Chelsca, Midx., dated 25 Aug. 1726, was proved 2 May 1727, by his relict Dame Mary Hussey. Besides her and his said brother, he only named his sister Mrs. Susan Glover (see her burial 25 Feb. 1739-40). 3 Second wife and relict of James Broughton, surveyor to the Abbey (sec his burial 3 Feb. 1710-11). She was married at St. Augustine's, London, 22 Oct. 1700, and then described as Sarah Taylor, of St. Margaret's, Westminster. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 13 Apl., aged fifty-seven. Her will, dated 27 Mch. 1727, was proved 20 Apl. following, by her sister Elizabeth Crouch, widow, and her nephew Thomas Crouch, to whom she bequeathed all her estate, and the latter was to pay his sister, Sarah Crouch, £10 per annum for life. See the baptisms of her children, 25 July 1707 and Dec. 1710, and their burials, 6 Aug. 1707 and 21 Dec. 1710. 4 Youngest dau. of Thomas Carew, of Carew Castle, co. Pembroke, citizen and merchant taylor of London, who died in 1692, and sister of Thomas Carew, of Crowcombe Court, co. Somerset. She married, in 1715, Peter Elers, of Chelsea, Midx., Esq. (see his burial 20 Mch. 1753). According to the Funeral Book, she died 7 June, aged thirty-nine; but either she, or an elder sister of the same name, was baptized 2 Oct. 1684, at St. Martin Orgar, London, where her father was then a merchant. See the burial of her daughter, Mrs. Ann Poston, 11 Aug. 1759. 5 Only child of Giles Hooper (sec his burial 5 Aug. 1699), by Mary his first wife (see her burial 5 Apl. 1683). The Evening Post, of 3 Mch. 1714-15, describes him as having been recently removed from the offices of "Solicitor of H.M.'s Duties on Hides, Skins, etc., as also for the Affairs of Taxes and Duties on Houses, and Clerk of the Securities." The Funeral Book says that he died 14 June, aged fifty-four, which must be an error, as his parents were not married until after 7 Feb. 1680-1, and his mother died in her twenty-third year. It should doubtless be forty-four, or forty-five. His will, as of Clement's Inn, Midx., Gent., dated 13 May 1727, was proved 21 June following, by his relict Susanna, whom he described as a sister of John Walker. 6 Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 15 June 1727, was proved 17 July following, by Elizabeth Fisher. She bequeathed to Benjamin Jones, Mary Jones, and Catharine Whaley, each £20 then in the hands of Mrs. Trubshaw, and £5 each to Richard Pack and Mrs. Bradshaw. The residue of her possessions she gave equally to said Elizabeth Fisher, Margarch Ares," and Rachel Breame. She was probably a servant. 7 Doubtless Anne, dau. of Solomon Shorter (see his burial 29 Jan. 1677-8), and relict of Robert Tanner (see his burial 14 Nov. 1696). See the baptisms of her children, 23 June 1687 and 9 July 1690, and her son's burial 26 Oct. 1684. 8 The Funeral Book says that she died 31 July, aged seventy-three. 9 The Funeral Book says that she died 7 Aug., aged sixty-eight, and was buried with her husband. She was the relict of Rev. Dr. Richard Lucas, Prebendary of Westminster (see his WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 321 1727 Aug. 15 Ursula Westley, an infant:¹ in the South Cloister. Aug. 23 Dr. William Crofts, Organist of this Church : 2 in the North aisle. Oct. 5 The right noble Gertrude, Marchioness of Halifax :3 in General Monk's vault on the North side of K. H. 7th's Chapel. Anne Steen :4 in the South Cloister. Oct. 14 Nov. 6 The Revd Mr. Flintoft, Minor Canon of this Church:5 in the South Cloister. Nov. 17 Nov. 23 Mrs. Frances Merest :6 in the North Cloister. Mr. Jonathan Richards :7 in the South Cloister. burial 5 July 1715). Her will, dated 29 June 1727, was proved 19 Sep. following, by her son Rev. William Lucas, residuary legatec. She left considerable sums to her other sons, Robert and Richard, and smaller legacies to her cousin Ann Nicholas, and to her niece Mayn, and her dau. Elizabeth Mayn. ¹ Dau. of Rev. Samuel Wesley and Ursula his wife (see the note to a burial 20 Feb. 1724-5). She was born the 5th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 18 Feb. 1726-7. See her sister's burial 8 Jan. 1725-6, and her brother's 1 June 1731. 2 William Croft, the celebrated organist and musical composer. He is said to have been a native of Nether-Eatington, co. Warwick, and to have been a pupil of Dr. John Blow. He was sworn a Gentleman extraordinary of the Chapel Royal 7 July 1700, and the same year was elected organist of St. Anne's, Westminster, being only twenty-three years of age. On 25 May 1704 he was sworn joint organist of the Chapel Royal, and 5 Nov. 1707 full organist. In Oct. 1708 he succeeded Dr. Blow as master of the children and composer to the Chapel Royal, and also as organist to the Abbey. He was created Doctor of Music, at Oxford, 9 July 1713. According to the Funeral Book and his monument, he died 14 Aug., aged fifty. In the record of administration to his estate, after his wife's death, he was described as late of St. Margaret's, Westminster, and of Kensington, Midx., but died at the city of Bath. He married, at the Chapel Royal, 7 Feb. 1704-5, Mary, dau. of Robert Georges, of Kensington, who survived him, and her father administered to the estates of both, 28 July 1733. 3 Youngest dau. of Hon. William Pierrepont, of Thoresby, co. Notts (second son of Robert. first Earl of Kingston-upon-Hull), by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir Thomas Harris, of Tong Castle, co. Salop, Kt. and Bart. She was the second wife and relict of Sir George Savile, first Marquis of Halifax (see his burial 11 Apl. 1695). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Oct., in her eighty-seventh year. Her will, dated 24 Oct. 1723, with a codicil 26 Oct. 1726, was proved 19 Oct. 1727, by her grandson, Philip, Earl of Chesterfield. See the burial of her daughter, Lady Stanhope, 11 Sep. 1708. 4 The Funeral Book says that she died 11 Oct., aged thirty-five. See her marriage 1 Aug. 1725, her husband's burial 18 June 1732, and her son's 15 June 1726. 5 He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in Dec. 1715, and reader in the Chapel of Whitehall 9 July 1719, being described as from Worcester. According to an entry in the Chapter Book, 11 May 1725, fifteen guineas were to be paid towards his release from prison, where he was confined for debt. He died 3 Nov., and a creditor administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, on the 23rd of the same month. 6 Eldest dau. of Matthew Johnson, Esq., Clerk of the House of Lords, by Margaret his wife, dau. of Edward Palmer, of Stoke Doyle, co. Northampton, Esq. See the burial of her brother 25 May 1725, and note thereto. She married, at St. Giles Cripplegate, London, 13 July 1725, James Merest, Esq., Clerk-Assistant of the House of Lords, but appears to have had no issue. He remarried, and died 27 Dec. 1752 (see the baptism of his second wife 16 Mch. 1706-7, and note thereto). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Nov., aged forty. 7 The Funeral Book says that he died 19 Nov., in his fifty-first year. His relict Anne administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 10 Apl. 1728, when he was described as of St. Margaret's, Westminster. 2 T 322 BURIALS IN 1727 Jan. 17 Feb. 16 March 5 1728 April 10 May 1 May 9 July 9 Mrs. Ann Clayton :1 at the North end of the West Cloister. Mrs. Rose Onslow :2 in the North Cross. The Hon. Lieut.-General William Seymour, Esq. :3 in the middle aisle, close to the Choir door. William Forbes, Esq. 4 in the North Cross. Dr. John Woodward:5 in the middle aisle, near the West end of the Choir. Mrs. Anne Elford: in the North Cross. Mr. Alured Clarke, an infant:7 in the North Cross. July 12 Mrs. Mary-Teresa Cockburn:8 in the middle aisle, at the West end of the Choir. ¹ Dau. and apparently only surviving child of Christopher Chapman, one of the Abbey choir (see his burial 17 June 1681), by Melior his wife (see her burial 10 July 1707), and relict of John Clayton (sce their marriage 1 Sep. 1681, and his burial 11 June 1713). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Jan., aged sixty-eight. Her will, dated 2 Sep. 1727, was proved 3 Feb. following, by her daughters, Melior King, widow, and Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Richard Russell. See the burials of her sons-in-law, 23 Dec. 1715 and 25 Mch. 1720. 2 Dau. and coheir of John Bridges, of Thames Ditton, co. Surrey, Esq., and niece and coheir with her sister (Anne, wife of the Right Hon. Arthur Onslow, Speaker of the House of Commons) of Henry Bridges, of Imber Court, co. Surrey, Esq. She married. 9 Dec. 1726, Colonel Richard Onslow, who attained the rank of Lieut.-General in Aug. 1747, and was Governor of Plymouth in 1759. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Feb., aged twenty-three. Her husband remarried, and was ancestor of the present Baronct. He died 16 Mch. 1760. 3 Second son of Sir Edward Seymour, fourth Bart. of Berry Pomeroy, co. Devon, by his first wife, Margaret, eldest dau. and coheir of Sir William Wale, Kt., Alderman of London, and was baptized at St. Peter-le-Poor, London, 8 Feb. 1664-5. He distinguished himself at the siege of Namur in 1695, when he commanded a regiment of foot, and attained the rank of Lieut.- General 1 Jan. 1706-7. The Funeral Book says that he died 10 Feb., in his sixty-third year. He appears to have died unmarried. 4 Eldest son of Thomas Forbes, Esq., an Advocate in Edinburgh, and nephew and heir of Sir Alexander Forbes, of Tolquhoun, Aberdeenshire, Kt. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Apl., in his forty-second year. He was ancestor of the present family of Forbes-Leith, of Whitehaugh, in that county. Sec his wife's burial 17 Nov. 1738. 5 The Funeral Book describes him as Professor of Physic in Gresham College, and Fellow of the Royal Society, and says that he died 25 Apl., aged sixty-two. His monument adds that he was born 1 May 1665. He is said to have been of a Gloucestershire family, but born in Derby- shire, and his mother a Burdett, and to have been apprenticed to a linendraper in London. Soon abandoning this pursuit, he became a pupil of Dr. Peter Barwick, and, Archbishop Tenison having conferred upon him the degree of Dr. of Physic, he was incorporated in that degree, at Cambridge, in 1695. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London 22 Mch. 1702-3, and founded the Geological lectureship at Cambridge which bears his name. He died unmarried. 6 Only dau. and heir of Sir Thomas Nevill, Bart. (see his burial 28 Feb. 1711-12), by Dame Sarah his wife (sec her burial 19 Oct. 1710), and wife of Jonathan Elford, of Bickham, co. Devon, Esq., M.P. for Saltash, who survived her, and was buried at Buckland-Monachorum, in that county, 3 Dec. 1755. She died 4 May, according to the Funeral Book, and was buried in her mother's grave. 7 Son of Rev. Reuben Clarke, Archdeacon of Essex, and Jane his wife. See his brother's baptism 12 Oct. 1725, and note thereto, and his burial 31 Mch. 1727. The Funeral Book says that he died 6 May, and was buried in his brother's grave. 8 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 July, aged sixty-four. The newspapers of the day describe her as the wife of Dr. William Cockburn, an eminent physician (sce his burial 24 Nov. 1739). She was his first wife, and evidently a foreigner. In their marriage allegation WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 323 1728 July 19 Aug. 28 28 Sept. 25 Oct. 28 :1 The Revd Mr. William Bradford :¹ in the North Cross. Mrs. Jane Nicols 2 in the East Cloister. The Right Hon. John Bligh, Earl of Darnley, Viscount Arthboy, and Baron of Rathmore :3 near the steps going to K. H. 7th's Chapel. Mrs. Ann Burgess : in the South Cloister. Nov. 20 Mr. Thomas Nicols:5 in the East Cloister. Dec. 3 Mrs. Elizabeth Caldwall:6 in the Dark Cloister. Dec. 26 Mrs. Clearnon Carleton :7 in the North Cloister. Mr. John Biggs :8 in the South Cloister. Dec. 28 1728 Jan. 22 Mrs. Ruth Bentham :9 in the South Cloister. at the Faculty Office, dated 9 Sep. 1698, he was described as William Cockburn. Dr. of Physic, of St. James, Westminster, bachelor, aged twenty-eight, and she as Mary De Banddissin, of the same parish, widow. Only son of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Bradford, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster (see his burial 22 May 1731), by Jane his wife (see her burial 5 Mch. 1738-9). He was of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, A.B. 1716, and A.M. 1720, and was inducted Vicar of Newcastle-on- Tyne 9 June 1721. On the 13th of June 1728, a month before his death, he was admitted Pre- bendary and Archdeacon of Rochester. He died. according to the Funeral Book, 15 July, in his thirty-second ycar, and his relict Anne administered to his estate 3 Sep. following. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 25 Aug., aged six years and a half. See her brother's burial 20 Nov. following. 3 Eldest son of Thomas Bligh, of Rathmore, co. Meath, Ireland, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of Col. James Napier, of Loughcrew, in the same county. He was created Baron Clifton of Rath- more 14 Sep. 1721, Viscount Darnley of Athboy 7 Mch. 1722-3, and Earl of Darnley 29 June 1725. He died at Epsom, co. Surrey, 12 Sep., according to the Funeral Book, in his forty-first year. See his marriage 24 Aug. 1713, his wife's burial 15 Aug. 1722, and his son's 1 Aug. 1747. (Archdall's edition of Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, ii. 212, erroneously says that he was buried at Trim). 4 The Funeral Book says that she died 25 Oct., aged fifty-two. She was evidently the wife of James Burges, one of the bell-ringers, whose will, dated 18 Feb. 1732-3, was proved 15 Mch. following, by his sister Sarah Preston, widow (see her burial 9 Apl. 1747), to whom and to his dau. Anne Burges he left his possessions equally. Sce the burials, probably, of her children, 19 Mch. 1711-12 and 25 Feb. 1715-16. 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 17 Nov., aged sixteen years, and was buried in his sister's grave: see her burial 28 Aug. preceding. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 1 Dec., aged seventy-four. She was the relict of Charles Caldwall, College beadle (see his burial 16 Sep. 1714). Her son Jeremiah Caldwall administered to her estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 16 Dec. 1728. See burials 6 Sep. 1769 and 1 July 1771. 7 The Funeral Book says that she died 21 Dec., aged two years. She was a dau. of Rev. George Carleton, Chanter of the Abbey, and Elizabeth his wife (see the note to a baptism 4 Dec. 1732). See the burials, of her brother 24 Mch. 1729-30, and of her sisters, 10 Mch. 1735-6 and 11 Mch. 1738-9. 8 The Funeral Book says "aged sixty-three." His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, carpenter, dated 23 Dec. 1728, was proved 2 Jan. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Elizabeth, and by Edward Ayres, of Westminster, patten-maker. He bequeathed ten shillings cach to his three daughters, Sarah wife of Robert Fisher, Mary wife of Stephen Whitaker, and Elizabeth wife of Daniel Chandler, and one shilling each to their said husbands. The residue of his estate he left to his wife (see her burial 22 June 1739). 9 Wife of Rev. Samuel Bentham, minor canon, etc. (see his burial 5 Mch. 1729-30). She was married, as Ruth Allestry, at St. Sepulchre's, London, 30 May, 1678, and in the marriage allega- tion at the Vicar-General's office, dated the day before, she was described as of St. Mary-le-Bow 324 BURIALS IN 1728 Jan. Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 17 26 William Congreve, Esq. :¹ in the South aisle. Charles Lowe, Esq. :2 in the North Cloister. • Mrs. Margaret Lowe, an infant :3 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Margaret Arthington in the South aisle. 4 London, a spinster, aged about twenty-four, and at her own disposal. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Jan., aged seventy-six. Sce the burial of her daughter, Elizabeth Smith, 3 June 1730. 1 The celebrated dramatist. As is now commonly stated, he was baptized at Bardsey, co. York, 10 Feb. 1669-70, as son of Mr. William Congreve, of Bardsey Grange; but this date does not accord with his age as stated either in the Funeral Book or on his monument, the former being fifty-seven (and copied from his coffin-plate), and the latter fifty-six. If either is correct, he must have been born in 1671 or 1672, while, if he was the child baptized at Bardsey, he would have been probably quite fifty-nine at his death, and certainly within a few days of that age. These rather serious discrepancies, covering a period of three years, fairly suggest the doubt whether the Bardsey baptism does not refer to an elder brother of the same name, who may have died in infancy. The error of Leigh Hunt, in the Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, etc., 1840, p. 22, and adopted by more modern writers, in making his mother the daughter of Sir Thomas Fitzherbert, and grand-daughter of Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, the celebrated Judge, also needs cor- rection. Sir Anthony Fitzherbert died in 1538, and it is impossible to conceive that a grand- child of his was capable of bearing children one hundred and thirty-two years later. Congreve's personal history is too well known to require comment or recapitulation here. He died 19 Jan., after protracted suffering, leaving small legacies to his own relations, and the residue of his cstate, which was considerable, to the Duchess of Marlborough. 2 Son of Nicholas Lowe (see his burial 30 Sep. 1706), by Millicent his wife (sce her burial 16 Sep. 1715). He had a patent from the Dean and Chapter, as Coroner and Clerk of the Market of Westminster, 7 Oct. 1706, which offices he resigned 13 Jan. 1717-18. He signed the Chapter Book, as deputy Chapter Clerk, 16 June 1713, and appears afterwards to have been Registrar and Chapter Clerk. He was appointed Auditor 21 Nov. 1728, and held a patent as Sacrist at his death. He appears to have been also secretary to the Bishop of Rochester, and J.P. for West- minster. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 3 Feb., aged fifty-one. The newspapers of the day say that he was found drowned in his cistern; one stating that he died in a fit of apoplexy, another that while regulating a cock he fell in and was accidentally drowned before assistance arrived, and a third intimating that the coroner's jury rendered a verdict of suicide during temporary insanity. His relict Mary administered to his estate in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 24 Feb. 1728-9 (see her burial 20 Feb. 1732-3). See the baptisms of his children, 21 Jan. 1716-17, 3 Aug. 1718, 14 Oct. 1724, and 3 June 1727, and the burials of his sons, 17 May 1720 and 9 Oct. 1739, and of his daughter, 8 Feb. 1728-9. 3 A child of the person named in the preceding entry. The Funeral Book says that she died 7 Feb., in her second year. See her baptism 3 June 1727, and her mother's burial 20 Feb. 1732-3. The Funeral Book states that she died 13 Feb., aged ninety-one. Her will, as of Charles Street, St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 26 Sep. 1726, was proved 3 Apl. 1729, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her "loving friend" John Aubrey, Esq., of the Exchequer (sec his burial 11 Nov. 1758). She stated that her true and lawful parents were Mr. John Arthington and Mrs. Margaret his wife, who educated her in the principles and practice of the Church of Rome; but that, having been converted to the Church of England, and fearing the efforts of her kindred and others to restore her to her former crrors, she had, in order to conceal herself, assumed and long been known by the name of Margaret Rookwood, and that she now made her will under her real name. She directed to be buried in the South aisle of the Abbey, between the West door and the door of the choir, and left £80 for her funeral expenses. To Mrs. Joanna Arthington, living in or near Fenchurch Street, London, she bequeathed her coat-of- arms, and forty shillings for a ring. To Mrs. Unton English, living near St. Dunstan's in Fleet Street, and her sister Dorothy English, she left £25 each. Her apparel she gave to Susanna London and Susanna wife of Robert Young. Except a few small bequests to her attendants, tradesmen, etc., she bequeathed the residue of her estate to her exccutor. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 325 1728 March 2 Sir Edmond Prideaux, Bart.:¹ in the middle aisle. Mrs. Mary Felton :2 in the West Cloister. March 23 1729 April April 4 Mary Clark ;3 died Mch. 29th, aged 8 months: in the Dark Cloister. 4 May 11 Mrs. Priscilla Forster: in the East Cloister. June 14 June 22 John Battely, Esq.;5 died the 10th in the South aisle. Mrs. Margaret Whittle: in the North Cloister. July 2 Mr. William Miles: in the North Cloister. Aug. 30 Mrs. Anne Spencer :8 in the North Cloister. ¹ Eldest son of Sir Edmund Prideaux, fourth Bart. of Netherton, co. Devon, by his first wife, Susanna, eldest dau. of James Winstanley, of Braunston, co. Leicester, Esq., and relict of John Austin, of Derhams, co. Midx., Esq. He was born the 13th, and baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 21 Nov. 1675, and succceded as fifth Bart. 6 Feb. 1719-20. He married, first (Marr. Sett. dated 20 and 21 Feb. 1709-10), Mary, dau. of Samuel Reynardson, of Hillingdon, co. Beds, who died in 1712. See the burial of his second wife 15 May 1741. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Feb., aged fifty-three. He left no son living, and his half-brother John succeeded to the title. 2 Relict of Mr. John Felton (see his burial 30 Jan. 1719-20). The Funeral Book says that she died 19 Mch., aged seventy-eight. Her will, dated 13 Sep. 1724, was proved 30 May 1729, by her sons Rev. Dr. Henry Felton and John Felton, to whom she bequeathed all her estatc, except £200, which her grand-daughter Elizabeth Felton was to have when twenty-one. 3 In the Funeral Book only. Evidently a sister of Elizabeth Clark (see her burial 19 May 1730). The place of burial indicates that their parents occupied some humble position. 4 The Funcral Book says that she died 8 May, aged seventy-two. Her will, as of St. James, Westminster, widow, dated 17 Mch. 1728-9, with a codicil 20 Apl. 1729, was proved 14 May following, by Elizabeth Walker, of the same parish, spinster, residuary legatee. She mentioned no relations, but left legacies varying from £5 to £50 to several friends. She bequeathed £300 to the parish of Llanerfyl, co. Montgomery, for educating poor children, and the school founded therewith is still in operation. See the burial of her dau. 26 June 1726. a marriage 6 Nov. 1679, and another burial 17 June 1689. 5 The Funeral Book gives his age as thirty-three. According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed Receiver pro tem. 7 May 1722, and on 27 Apl. 1723 had a patent as Receiver and Solicitor, and Steward of the Courts of the Dean and Chapter. He married, at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 9 Feb. 1726-7, Elizabeth Frecker, called in his will a daughter of Mark Frecker, Esq. He was called "cousin," evidently in the sense of nephew, in the will of Charles Battely. Esq.. his predecessor in the office of Receiver (see the note to the baptism of Elizabeth Needham 31 Mch. 1668), and was clearly of the family of his name in co. Suffolk. His will, dated 3 June 1729, was proved 19 Aug. following, by his relict Elizabeth, the sole legatee. Among other bequests to her was the reversion of certain lands in Suffolk on the death of the widow of his uncle Samuel Battely. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 20 June. aged eighty-five, and was buried under a black marble stone of her husband's." She was third dau. of John Fox, Esq. (see his burial 23 Nov. 1691), by his wife Elizabeth (see her burial 2 Jan. 1706-7), and relict of Sackville Whittle, Esq. (see his burial 22 Feb. 1680-1), to whom married about 9 Nov. 1667 (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen.). Her will, dated 16 Apl. 1729, was proved 21 June following, by her niece Margaret Thornburgh (see her burial 12 Oct. 1730), whom she made her residuary legatce. She left legacies to her sister Jane l'estle, her nephew William Donkley and his daughter Elizabeth, and her niece Catherine Bowerbank. 7 The Funeral Book says that he died 28 Junc, aged forty-seven. His will, as of King Street, St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 4 Mch. 1726-7, with a codicil 27 June 1729, was proved 10 July following, by his relict Catharine, who was a dau. of Owen Wynne, LL.D., by his wife Dorothy (see her burial 27 Mch. 1724). He left legacies to his father, and to his brothers John, Thomas, and Henry Miles, and the wife and children of the latter. The Funeral Book says that she died 27 Aug., aged forty. 326 BURIALS IN 1729 Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Colon Campbel, Esq. 1 in the South Cloister. Sept. 22 The Right Hon. John, Earl of Winchelsea, Viscount Maidstone, Baron Fitz Herbert of Eastwell, and Lord of the royal manor of Wye 2 in the vault in the North aisle of the Tombs, near Edward the Confessor's Chapel. Sept. 28 Oct. 30 Mrs. Philadelphia Pope :3 in the South Cloister. The Rey John Herbert, D.D., Prebendary of this Church: in Solomon's Porch. Nov. 14 The Hon. Henry Withers, Esq., Lieut.-General of H. M.'s Forces:5 Dec. 16 1739 Jan. 29 30 14 in the East Cloister. Miss Ann Wilcocks :6 in the North Cross. Dorothy Sims: in the South Cloister. 1 His will, as Colin Campbell, of Whitehall, Midx., Esq., dated 16 Jan. 1721-2, was proved 18 Sep. 1729, by his relict Janc. He left his house in Great Burlington Street, St. James, Westminster, to his wife for life, with remainder to his sister Henrietta, wife of Rev. John Grant, and after her death to her son Colin Grant. His widow appears to have survived him until 1768. He was an eminent architect, and Surveyor of Greenwich Hospital. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 13 Sep., aged fifty. 2 John Finch, youngest sou of Heneage, second Earl of Winchilsea, by his fourth wife, Elizabeth, only dau, and heir of John Ayres, of the city of Loudon, Esq. He was born 24 Feb. 1682-3, and succeeded as fifth Earl, on the death of his half-brother, 30 Sep. 1726. He died unmarried, at his house in Queen Square, Westminster, 9 Scp., when the title of Baron Fitz- herbert became extinct, and the Earldom and Viscounty reverted to his distant kinsman. His will, dated 8 Feb. 1728-9, was proved 23 Sep. 1729, by his mother, Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Winchilsea, to whom he left his cutire estate. 3 The Funeral Book says that she died 25 Sep., in her eighty-sixth year. See a burial 26 Feb. 1729-30, and note thereto. 4 He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 28 July 1685, as son of Edward Herbert and Susanna his wife. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 23 June, 1704, as son of Edward Herbert, of Westminster, Gent., and was B.A. 28 Apl. 1708, M.A. 15 Mch. 1710-11, and B.D. and D.D. 2 May 1723. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 14 June 1723, and became Treasurer to the Dean and Chapter. The Funcral Book says that he died 26 Oct., in his forty-fifth year, and his mother, Susanna Herbert, widow, administered to his estate 12 May 1730. See his wife's burial, as Dame Mary Bromsall, 9 Apl. 1730, and his sister's 24 Aug. 1688. The newspapers of the day say that he was a "near relation of the Earl of Pembroke." 5 His monument states that he died 11 Nov., aged seventy-eight, that he descended from a military stock, and was bred in arms in Britain, Dunkirk, Tangier, etc. His will, dated 23 Oct. 1729, was proved 18 Nov. following, by his friend Colonel Henry Disney (see his burial 25 Nov. 1731), whom he made his residuary legatce. He bequeathed £2000 South Sea annuitics to his sister Mrs. Elizabeth Luttley, and considerable legacies to several servants, male and female, but the will furnishes no other clew to his family. He attained the rank of Lieut.-General 1 Jan. 1706-7. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 15 Dec., in her eighth year, and was buried in her mother's grave. Only dau. of the Right Rev. Joseph Wilcocks, afterwards Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster (see his burial 9 Mch. 1756), by Janc his wife (sce her burial 1 Apl. 1725). See her baptism 25 Oct. 1722, and an entry, among the Burials, 20 Mch. 1755. 7 Dau. of Henry Spoore, Clerk of the Works (see his burial 29 June 1703), by Sarah his wife (see her burial 12 May 1726), and relict of Ralph Sims, Clerk of the Works (see his burial 5 Feb. 1720-1). According to the Funeral Book, she died 10 Jan., aged fifty-seven. Her will, dated 14 Dec. 1729, was proved 12 Jan. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her dau. Sarah Gardner, and her friend Peter Haines, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent. Sce the burials of her children, 21 Oct. 1713, 24 June 1715, 16 Dec. 1717, 1 Oct. 1720, and 6 June 1726. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 327 1722 Jan. 24 Jan. 27 Feb. 6 Feb. Feb. 21 15 Feb. 26 March 5 March 6 William Dibstall: 1 in the passage to the Little Cloisters. Mary Kent:2 in the South Cloister. Martha Aires :3 in the South Cloister. Anthony Meck, Esq. : in the North aisle. Mrs. Mary Morrice:5 at the West end of the South aisle. John Gome: in the South Cloister. The Revd Mr. Samuel Bentham :7 in the South Cloister. The Revd Dr. Edward Gee, Dean of Lincoln and Prebendary of this Church: within the North gate of the Tombs. ¹ The Funeral Book says that he died 24 Jan., and was buried the 28th, aged thirty-cight. He was appointed "laborer" to the Abbey 29 Mch. 1729, at nine shillings per week. His name occurs in the Chapter records as " Dipstall," Tibstall," and · Tipstall." See the burial, probably of his father, 14 Feb. 1723-4. ► 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 24 Jan.. aged forty. See a burial 5 Dec. 1759. 3 The Funeral Book says that she died 3 Feb., aged fifty-eight. Sec burials 2 May 1744 and 30 Jan. 1746-7. 4 The Funeral Book says that he died 6 Feb., aged seventy-three. See his marriage 21 Jan. 1685-6, and the burials, of his first wife 27 Nov. 1695, and his second 22 Feb. 1711-12. He appears to have been one of the Sewers of the Queen's Chamber in 1692 and 1707. His will, as Anthony Meeke, of Philberts, co. Berks, Esq., dated 3 Feb. 1729-30, was not proved until 6 July 1732. By his first wife he had three children, and by his second eleven, seven of whom were living at his death. His dau. Elizabeth Meeke was his exccutrix. ↳ Eldest dau. of the Right Rev. Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of West- minster (see his burial 12 May 1732), by Catharine his wife (see her burial 2 May 1722). and first wife of William Morice, Esq. (eldest son of Thomas Morice, Esq., Paymaster of the British forces in Portugal, and grandson of Thomas Morice, Esq., M.P. for Haslemere-see his burial 1 June 1675), High Bailiff of Westminster from 1719 to 1730-1. She was baptized at the Chapel of Bridewell Hospital, London, where her father was then Lecturer, 23 Oct. 1698, and married at Bromley, co. Kent, 21 May 1715. Having gone to France to visit her father in his exile. she died at Toulouse, 8 Nov. 1729, a few hours after they met. See her son's baptism 25 April 1721. and the burials of her children, 4 Feb. 1716-17, and 1 and 11 Feb. 1718-19. Her husband remarried, and was living at Lisbon in 1747. See the burial of his second wife 14 July 1743. 6 The Funeral Book says that he died 20 Feb., aged fifty-six, and was buried in the same grave with Mrs. Popc (sec her burial 28 Sep. 1729). His relict Sarah administered to his estate. in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 11 Mch. 1729-30. 7 Eldest son of Rev. Samuel Bentham, Rector of Knebworth, Herts, by his first wife. Edith. and baptized at Knebworth 19 Jan. 1653-4. He was of St. John's College, Cambridge. A.B. 1674, and A.M. 1678. On a monument in Ely Cathedral he is said to have been a minor canon of Ely for thirty-six years. He was sworn a Gentleman extraordinary of the Chapel Royal 24 July 1683, and to a full place 24 Feb. 1693-4, and Confessor to the Royal Household 9 Nov. 1716. He is mentioned in the Chapter Book, 10 June 1725, as a minor canon of Westminster, bat probably occupied that position long before. He died 27 Feb., in his seventy-seventh year. See the burials, of his wife 22 Jan. 1728-9, and his dau., Elizabeth Smith, 3 June 1730. He was grandfather of the Rev. Dr. Edward Bentham, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford, and of Rev. James Bentham. the Historian of Ely Cathedral. On the monument of the former, in Christ Church Cathedral, it is stated that his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather were all clergymen of the Church of England. The enumeration might have continued two generations further, until it reached the Right Rev. Thomas Bentham, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, from whom he was in direct descent. 8 He was born at Manchester, co. Lancaster, son of George Gee, shoemaker, and was ad- mitted to St. John's College, Cambridge. 9 May 1676, aged seventeen. He was A.B. 1679, and A.M 1683, and was incorporated in the latter degree, at Oxford, 4 Mch. 1683-4. It is not known where he had his degree of D.D., but he was in possession of it at the date of his installation as Prebendary of Westminster, 6 Dec. 1701. He was Rector of St. Benet's, Paul's Wharf, London, 328 BURIALS IN 1728 March 7 1 Robert Jackson :¹ in the West Cloister. March 24 Matthias-Dillingham Carlton :2 in the North Cloister. 1730 April 7 Elizabeth Meridith:3 in the Dark Cloister. April 9 Dame Mary Bromsall in Solomon's Porch. May 5 Margaret Ferryman 5 in the South Cloister. Arabella Godfrey :6 near the Quire door. May 10 May 25 May 19 25 Elizabeth Clark:7 in the Dark Cloister. May 28 28 Catherine Blow: 8 in the North Cloister. John Page: 9 in the West Cloister. 28 May 1688, and was Chaplain in ordinary to K. William and Q. Mary. He was instituted Dean of Peterborough 9 Dec. 1721, but afterwards resigned, and was admitted Dean of Lincoln 21 May 1722. At his death he was also Incumbent of St. Margaret's, Westminster, and Rector of Chevening, co. Kent. He died on the 1st of March. See his wife's burial 23 Apl. 1733, the baptisms of his children, 14 Dec. 1705, 10 Dec. 1709, and 22 May 1712, their burials, 19 Aug. 1706, 9 Apl. 1710, and 31 July 1731, and the marriage of his daughter 2 Mch. 1730-1. 1 Son of Joseph Jackson, and nephew of William Jackson, the College baker (see his burial 23 July 1714). According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed College baker 23 Dec. 1723, and dismissed 28 Nov. 1726. The Funeral Book says that he died 4 Mch, aged thirty-seven, and was buried in the grave of his uncle Jackson. See his wife's burial 11 Apl. 1735, the baptisms of his children 26 Jan. 1724-5, 17 Oct. 1727, and 20 Jan. 1728-9, and the burials of others 14 July 1724 and 10 Oct. 1726. 2 Son of Rev. George Carleton, Chanter of the Abbey, by Elizabeth his wife (see the note to the baptism of their dau. 4 Dec. 1732). The Funeral Book says that he died 17 Mch., aged one year and nine months, and was buried in the grave of his sister (see her burial 26 Dec. 1728). He was born 10 May, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 June 1728, but is called in the register "Dillingham" only, as he was in the affidavit of his burial in woollen. There can, however, be no doubt as to his identity. 3 Relict of Thomas Meredith (see his burial 25 July 1710). The Funeral Book says that she died 4 Apl., aged sixty. 4 Dau. of Thomas Cullum, of London (nephew of Sir Thomas Cullum, first Bart. of Hawsted, co. Suffolk), by his wife Mary Wiseman. She married, first, Sir Thomas Bromsall, of Biggleswade, Beds, who was knighted 24 Oct. 1704, to whose estate she administered 22 Feb. 1704-5, and, secondly, Rev. Dr. John Herbert, Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 30 Oct. 1729). She died 2 Apl., and Elizabeth Paschall, spinster, described as her cousin and next of kin, administered to her estate 12 May following. 5 The Funeral Book says that she died 30 Apl., aged forty-five. 6 Eldest dau. of Sir Winston Churchill, Kt., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Drake, of Ashe, oo. Devon, Kt. According to the parish register of Axminster, she was baptized at Ashe Hall 28 Feb. 1648-9, but in the peerages she is said to have been born 16 Mch. 1647-8. After having been one of the mistresses of K. James II., when Duke of York, by whom she had four children, she married Colonel Charles Godfrey, Master of the Jewel Office, whose will, dated 21 May 1714, she proved 9 Mch. following. She died, according to the Funcral Book, 4 May, aged eighty-two, and was buried in the grave of her brother George Churchill, Esq. (see his burial 12 May 1710, and that of her other brother, the great Duke of Marlborough, 9 Aug. 1722). See the marriage of her dau. 23 Apl. 1700. 7 The Funeral Book says that she died 15 May, aged five months. See, evidently, her sister's burial 4 Apl. 1729. 8 Dau. of the celebrated John Blow, Dr. of Music (sce his burial 8 Oct. 1708), by Elizabeth his wife (sce her burial 31 Oct. 1683). The Funeral Book says that she died 19 May, and was buried on the left hand of her sister Elizabeth Edgeworth (see her burial 9 Scp. 1719). She died unmarried, and her will, dated 8 July 1728, was proved 1 June 1730, by her sister Mary (see her burial 22 Nov. 1738). 9 The Funeral Book says that he died 26 May, aged two years and five months. See the burials, probably, of his father 12 Apl. 1731, and his brother 19 June 1773. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 329 1730 June 3 The Right Hon. Henrietta, Countess Dowager of Dalkeith:¹ in the Duke of Ormond's vault. June 3 Elizabeth Smith :2 in the South Cloister. Aug. 22 Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 12 .4 Thomas Edwards :3 in the North Cloister. Edward Chaloner, Esq. in the North Cloister. Ann Sims:5 in the South Cloister. 30 : The most Hon. Marquess of Annandale, Earl of Hertford, Lord Johnston, etc.; died Feb. 10th 1738 in the North Cross. The Right Hon. Lady Henrietta Vere:7 in Norris's Chapel. Margaret Thornburg :8 in the North Cloister. 1 Lady Henrietta Hyde, second dau. of Lawrence, first Earl of Rochester (see his burial 10 May 1711), by Lady Henrietta Boyle (see her burial 16 Apl. 1687), and relict of James, Earl of Dalkeith (see his burial 19 Mch. 1704-5), to whom married about 1 Jan. 1693-4 (Mar. Lic. Fac.). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 30 May, aged fifty-three. They were ancestors of the present Duke of Buccleuch. See the burials of her children 25 Mch. 1700, 18 Oct. 1714, and 27 Feb. 1718-19. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 31 May, aged forty-four, and was buried in the same grave with her father, Mr. Bentham. She was evidently a dau. of Rev. Samuel Bentham (see his burial 5 Mch. 1729-30), by Ruth his wife (see her burial 22 Jan. 1728-9.) She was baptized at Holy Trinity, Ely, 21 Feb. 1686-7, as Ann-Elizabeth. It is probable that her husband was Jonathan Smith, Esq., who was sworn Serjeant of the Vestry of the Chapel Royal 11 May 1715, and Clerk of the Cheque 4 Apl. 1720. 3 He became one of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal 2 Mch. 1699-1700, and was admitted to the place of " Epistler," and is described in the newspapers of the day as also one of the singing-men of the Abbey and of St. Paul's. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 18 Aug., in his seventy-first year. His will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Gent., dated 18 June 1724, was proved 28 Aug. 1730, by his relict Mary (see her burial 30 June 1738). He left con- siderable legacies to his son Thomas and dau. Mary (see her burial 29 Aug. 1741). See also a burial 20 Sep. 1697, perhaps of his son, or brother. 4 The Funeral Book says that he died 11 Sep., aged eighty-four. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., dated 5 June 1728, was proved 17 Oct. 1730, by his nephew Mr. Edward Chaloner, and his friend Mr. Jabez Collier, of Symond's Inn, to the former of whom he left four-fifths, and to the latter one-fifth of the residue of his estate. He mentioned no other relations, but the friends to whom he bequeathed rings, etc., seem to indicate that he had held some official position in the House of Lords. 5 The Funeral Book says that she died 14 Sep., aged nine months. She was a child of Henry Sims and Anne his wife, and grandchild of Ralph Sims, Clerk of the Works (see his burial 5 Feb. 1720-1). She was born 27 Dec. 1729, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 20 Jan. following. See her brother's burial 21 May 1725. 6 James Johnstone, eldest son of William, third Earl and first Marquis of Annandale, by Sophia, dau. and sole heir of John Fairholm, of Craigie Hall, co. Stirling (see her burial 18 Dec. 1716). He succeeded as second Marquis in 1721, and died at Naples, unmarried. The Funeral Book gives his age as forty-two. Sec his brother's burial 31 Dec. 1721. 7 Lady Henrietta de Vere, youngest dau. of Aubrey, twentieth and last Earl of Oxford (see his burial 22 Mch. 1702-3), by Diana, dau. of George Kirke (see her burial 16 Apl. 1719). She died, unmarried, 22 Sep., according to the Funeral Book, aged forty-eight. 8 Fourth dau. of Thomas Donkley, Closet-Keeper to K. Charles II. (see his burial 8 Feb. 1688-9), by Elizabeth his wife (sec their marriage 18 May 1665). She married, about 24 Jan. 1688-9 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), Gilbert Thornburgh, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, then a bachelor, aged about twenty-four, to whose estate she administered 29 Jan. 1705-6. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 Oct., aged sixty, and was buried under her father's grave-stone. Her will, as of St. Clement Danes, Midx., dated 18 Sep. 1730, was proved 10 Oct. following, by Mrs. Mary Lee, of Somerset House, whom she made her residuary legatee. Although the name is Thornburgh" throughout the will, she signed it "Margaret Thornborough," (( 2 U 330 BURIALS IN 1730 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Nov. 9 Dec. 173 Jan. Mrs. Ann Oldfield :1 in the South aisle. The most noble Prince Charles Fitzroy, Duke of Cleveland, Duke and Earl of Southampton, Earl of Chichester, Baron of New- bery and Nonsuch, and Knight of the most noble order of the Garter 2 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. • William Smith: 3 in the South Cloister. 4 31 Frances Dampeard: in the East Cloister. 11 Colonel Thomas Gath :5 in the South aisle. ¹ The celebrated actress. She died 23 Oct., aged, according to the Funeral Book, forty-seven. Her origin has never been definitely settled. It is said that she was born in Pall Mall, and that her grandfather was a vintner, her father an officer in the Guards, and her mother of a respectable family. Her will, as of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., dated 27 June, with a codicil 15 Sep. 1730, was proved 2 Nov. following, by the Hon. John Hervey, commonly called Lord Hervey, John Hedges, of Finchley, co. Midx., Esq., and Brigadier-General Charles Churchill. She bc- queathed to her mother, Mrs. Anne Oldfield, an annuity of £60 for life, and one of £30, after her mother's death, to her aunt, Janc Gourlaw (or Courlaw, the orthography varying in the will). The rest of her estate she left to her illegitimate sons, Arthur Manwaring and Charles Churchill, with remainder to said Brigadier-General Churchill, father of the latter. Although, for reasons that were doubtless potential, her remains were allowed honourable burial within the walls of the Abbey, the records of the Chapter shew that the reigning Dean and his successor, Bishops Bradford and Wilcocks, resolutely drew the line there, and peremptorily refused permission to her paramour, General Churchill, to erect a monument to her memory. 2 Eldest illegitimate son of K. Chas. II. (see his burial 14 Feb. 1684-5), by Barbara Villiers, dau. and heir of William, second Viscount Grandison, who was created, 3 Aug. 1670, Baroness Nonsuch, Countess of Southampton, and Duchess of Cleveland, and was buried at Chiswick, Midx., 13 Oct. 1709, having married, first, at St. Gregory's, London, 14 Apl. 1659, Roger Palmer, who was created, 11 Dec. 1661, Baron of Limerick and Earl of Castlemaine, in the peerage of Ireland, and died 21 July 1705, and secondly, 25 Nov. in the same year, four months after her first husband's death, Major-General Robert Feilding, known as "Beau Feilding," from whom she was divorced, 23 May 1707, it being proved that his former wife was living. This son was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 18 June 1662, as "Charles Palmer, Lª Limbricke, s. to ye right honorbie Roger, Earle of Castle-Maine, by Barbara." He was created, 10 Sep. 1675, Baron of Newbury, co. Berks, Earl of Chichester, and Duke of Southampton, and succeeded to his mother's titles at her death. According to his coffin-plate, exposed in 1868, he died 9 Sep., in his sixty-ninth year. See the burials, of his first wife 16 Nov. 1680, his second wife 28 Feb. 1745-6, his sons 29 Nov. 1708 and 29 Sep. 1723, and his brother 11 July 1716. 3 The Funeral Book says that he died 5 Nov., aged eighty-cight. His will, dated 7 Mch. 1729-30, was proved 5 Dec. 1730, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his grand-daughter, Anna-Maria Smith, sole legatee. He described himself as "belonging to the Abbey of Westminster." Dau. of Rev. Francis-Durant de Bréval (see his burial 29 Jan. 1707-8), by Susanna Samoline, his wife (see her burial July 1719). She was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., 3 May 1670, and married, about 17 Apl. 1695 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), Stephen-Monginot Dampierre, then described as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., a bachelor, aged about twenty-nine. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 28 Dec., and the affidavit of her burial in woollen described her as of St. George's in the Fields, Midx. See her son's baptism 20 Sep. 1700. 5 The Funeral Book says "Thomas Garth, Esq.," and that he died 7 Jan., aged sixty-six. The newspapers of the day call him "Major Garth, of the fourth troop of foot guards." He was a younger son of William Garth and Mary his wife, of Gainford, co. Durham, where he was baptized 29 Sep. 1664, and was a brother of Sir Samuel Garth, Kt., the celebrated physician, and author of The Dispensary. His will, as of New Bond Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., Esq., dated 15 June 1728, was proved 1 Feb. 1730-1, by his relict Elizabeth (see her burial 28 July 1746). He bequeathed his freehold estates at Harold, Odell, etc., co. Beds, to his sons John and James in suc- cession, and their heirs male, with remainder to his nephew Bowes Garth, son of his brother William WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 331 173 Jan. 27 March 9 1731 April 12 April 14 1 Elizabeth Charpine :¹ in the North Cloister. Dame Frances Norton:2 in the South aisle. Richard Page :3 in the South Cloister. The Right Hon. the Lord Bingley, Treasurer of the Household :4 in St. Paul's Chapel. Garth, of Bolam, co. Durham, and, failing their issue, then to more distant relations. He mentioned his grand-daughters Anne, Elizabeth, and Mary Evelyn, his nephews John and Samuel Cowling, and the children of his niece Beaufoy Boyle. He also had estates at Graffham and Great Staugh- ton, co. Huntingdon. See the burials of his sons, 31 May 1714 and 28 July 1746. 1 The Funeral Book says that she died 24 Jan., aged thirty-seven, and that the fees were paid by Mr. Isaac Clark. See a burial 24 Feb. 1766, perhaps of her husband, or brother. 2 Third dáu. of Ralph Freke, of Hannington, Wilts, Esq., by Cecilia, dau. of Sir Thomas Colepeper, of Hollingbourne, Kent, Kt. She married, first, about 1672, Sir George Norton, of Abbotts-Leigh, co. Somerset, Kt., from whom, in 1697, she had been living apart for some years, who died 26 Apl. 1715, aged sixty-seven; secondly, at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 23 Apl. 1718, Col. Ambrose Norton, cousin-german of her first husband, to whom she was third wife (see his first marriage 8 June 1685, and note thereto), who died 10 Sep. 1723, in his seventy- seventh year; and thirdly, at Somerset House Chapel, 24 Sep. 1724, then aged eighty-four, William Jones, Esq., whom she also survived. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Feb., aged ninety, and was therefore considerably the senior of her first and second husbands, and probably of her third. Her will, as Dame Frances Norton alias Jones, widow, dated 25 Jan. 1730-1, was proved 20 Feb. following, the very day of her death, by her kinswoman Sarah Munn, of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., widow, whom she made her residuary legatee, having disposed of her estate by deed previous to her third marriage. She occupied a certain position among the literary ladies of her day, and her writings have been much commended, but they do not appear to have demanded modern reproduction. See the burials of her sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Freke 12 Apl. 1714, and Mrs. Judith Austen 24 May 1716. It has always been erroneously stated that her dau. Grace, who married Sir Richard Gethin, of Ireland, was buried in the Abbey, and the inscription on the monument erected to her memory leads to the inference that her only other two children, George and Elizabeth, were also buried there. But a precise duplicate of this inscription is to be found in the Abbey Church at Bath, and probably another was put up in Ireland, or wherever Dame Grace Gethin was buried. Neither of the three children were interred in the Abbey, unless unaccountably omitted from both the Register and Funeral Book, and the son George, who was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 30 Aug. 1673, was certainly also buried there 10 Sep. following. 3 The Funeral Book says that he died 9 Apl., aged thirty-seven. He was mentioned in the Chapter Book, as the College paviour, 4 May 1728 and 7 Jan. 1730-1. His relict Bridget administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 1 May 1731, when he was described as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster. See the burials, probably of his sons, 28 May 1730 and 19 June 1773. 4 Robert, son of Robert Benson, of Wrenthorpe, co. York, Esq., by Dorothy, dau, of Tobias Jenkins, of Grimston, in the same county, Esq., who remarried Sir Henry Belasyse (see her burial 20 July 1696). He had been M.P. for the city of York, and commissioner, chancellor, and under treasurer of the exchequer, and was created Baron Bingley, of Bingley, co. York, 21 July 1713. He was subsequently ambassador to the Court of Spain. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 Apl., aged fifty-five, and was buried on the left side of his mother. Leaving no male issue, the title became extinct. See the burials, of his wife 11 Mch. 1757, his only legitimate dau. 13 Apl. 1771, and probably of his sister, or some other member of his family, 15 Feb. 1698-9. His will, dated 27 June 1729, with a codicil 9 Mch. 1729-30, was proved 13 Apl. 1731. After bequeathing his house in Queen Street, Westminster, to his wife, he left £7000 to trustees for the use of his illegitimate dau. Mary Johnson, then at the boarding-school of Elizabeth Lewis, at Stoke Newington, Midx., who was to take the name of Benson after his death, and whom he particularly recommended to the protection of his dear dau. Harriet. His next bequest was to Anna-Maria, wife of John Burgoyne, of Park Prospect, Westminster, Esq., 332 BURIALS IN 1731 May 12 May 20 Margaret Bowker :¹ in the West Cloister. Henry Cox: 2 in the South Cloister. May 22 Dr. Dr. Samuel Bradford, Lord Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster; aged 79: in the North Cross. 4 3 May 22 Ann Denne :* in the same grave with her grandfather Dr. Samuel Bradford. June 1 :5 June 16 Samuel Westley 5 in the South Cloister. Dame Mary Hussey:6 in the North Cloister. to whom he gave £400 per annum, his house in Park Prospect, and his house called "The Nunnery," at Cheshunt, Herts, with all its plate, jewels, and other contents, for her separate use for life, forgiving her husband what he owed him. The residue of his estate, except small annuities to two or three widows, was to be invested in lands in Yorkshire, to the use of his dau. Harriet and the heirs of her body, with remainder to said Mary Johnson and her heirs male, then to his godson John Burgoyne, son of said John and Anna-Maria, who, if the estate came to him, was to take the name of "Robert Benson," then to his godson Robert, son of his cousin Samucl Benson, then to other godsons in succession, and finally to his right heirs. 1 The Funeral Book says that she died 5 May, aged twenty-seven. Her history appears to have been a melancholy one. One Thomas Judge, of Wells, co. Somerset, Gent., made his will 12 Apl. 1731, leaving to his brother Joseph only his watch and his best suit of clothes, and the residue of his property to Margaret Bowker, spinster, then living with the Right Rev. John Wynne, Bishop of Bath and Wells. On the 2nd of May following, Margaret Bowker, of St. Clement Danes, Midx., spinster, made her will, bequeathing to Joseph Judge, citizen and brushmaker of London, all the estate, real and personal, which had been devised to her by the will of his brother Thomas. Three days later she died, and both were buried within the month. The simple facts naturally sug- gest the history of this unfortunate couple. She bequeathed to her two eldest sisters, Ann Parson- age and Deborah Warren, all that she was entitled to under the will of her late father William Bowker, and to her two youngest sisters, Elizabeth and Frances Bowker, all that had been de- vised to her by her late uncle Joseph Bowker. She left £5 to the poor of Malpas, co. Chester, and the residue of her estate to her brother John Bowker, who proved the will 22 May 1731. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 17 May, aged seventy-five. He is said to have been a son of William Bradford, citizen of London, and a parish officer, and to have been born 20 Dcc. 1652, in Blackfriars, but no record of his baptism occurs in the registers of St. Anne or St. Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe. He was of Corpus Christi College, Cam- bridge, A.M. by royal letters 1681, and S.T.P. by royal command 1705. He was Rector of St. Mary-le-Bow, London, 21 Nov. 1693, installed Prebendary of Westminster 23 Feb. 1707-8, elected Master of his College 17 May 1716 (resigned 1724), consecrated Bishop of Carlisle 1 June 1718, installed Dean of Westminster 7 June 1723, translated to the see of Rochester and confirmed 19 July 1723. He died, according to his monument, 17 May, in his seventy-ninth year. See the burials, of his wife 5 Mch. 1738-9, and his son 19 July 1728. 4 Dau. of Rev. John Denne, Archdeacon of Rochester, by Susanna, youngest dau. of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Bradford, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster (sec his burial in the pre- ceding entry). The Funeral Book says that she died 15 May, in her third year. See her brother's baptism 1 Aug. 1725, and note thereto. 5 Son of Rev. Samuel Wesley and Ursula his wife (see the burial 20 Feb. 1724-5, and note thereto). According to the Funeral Book, he died 30 May, aged seven months. He was born the 24th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 31 Oct. 1730. See the burials of his sisters 8 Jan. 1625-6 and 15 Aug. 1727. 6 Third and youngest dau. of Sir John Buckworth, Kt., merchant and alderman of London, by Dame Hester his wife (widow of Moses Goodyear, of London, merchant), and sister of Sir John Buckworth, first Bart. of Sheen, co. Surrey (see his marriage 27 Oct. 1687). She was baptized at St. Olave's, Hart Street, London, 1 June 1665, and married, first, at St. Peter-le-Poor, London, 24 Aug. 1682, William Hussey, Esq. (younger brother of Sir Thomas Hussey, sccond Bart. of Honington, co. Lincoln), merchant of London, who was appointed ambassador to WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 333 1731 June 17 Elizabeth Warren :1 in the South Cloister. Sarah Warwick:2 in the Cloister leading to the School. Margaret Hill:3 in the West Cloister. June 25 June 30 July 28 Lewis Richard:4 in the West Cloister. July 31 Martha Gee :5 within the North gate of the Tombs. Aug. 26 The Right Hon. Lady Elizabeth Gascoign-Nightingale, eldest daughter of Washington, Earl Ferrers :6 in a vault in the North aisle of the Tombs. Sept. 11 The most noble and Right Hon. Charles, Earl of Orrery, Baron Boyle of Marston in the county of Somerset, Baron of Brog- hill of the kingdom of Ireland, one of H. M.'s Privy Council, and Knight of the Thistle : in the Duke of Ormond's vault. Turkcy, and knighted 17 Apl. 1690, and who died while on his mission, at Adrianople, 13 Sep. 1691. She married, secondly, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 7 Jan. 1694-5. John Evans, Esq.. also a merchant of London, and partner of her former husband (see his burial 13 Apl. 1727). She appears to have had no issue by either husband. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 June, and was buried in the grave of her second husband. Her will, as of Chelsea, Midx., dated 23 Mch. 1729-30, was proved 22 July 1731, by her nephews, Sir John Buckworth, Bart. and his brother Everard Buckworth, Esq. ¹ Relict of Thomas Warren, College butler, etc. (see his burial 7 Aug. 1699). According to the Chapter Book, she was the College laundress at her death. The Funeral Book says that she died 12 June, aged sixty-seven, and was buried in her husband's grave. Her will, dated 8 Mch. 1730-1, was proved 19 June 1731, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her son Thomas Warren (see his burial 28 Mch. 1741). See the burial of her dau. 7 Aug. 1734, and the burial of a child, probably of her family, 20 Nov. 1716. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 24 June, in her seventh year. See the burials, probably, of her father 4 Aug. 1740, her sister 17 Oct. 1745, and her grandmother 16 May 1758. The name appears to have been Warick. 3 Only dau. of Edmund Morris, of Stratford, co. Essex, Esq., and wife of Aaron Hill, Esq., the celebrated dramatic author (sce his burial 18 Feb. 1749-50), to whom married about 1710. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 25 June, aged thirty-seven. 4 The Funeral Book says that he died 24 July, aged twenty-seven. See the burial of his mother, Mrs. Catherine Lauron, 7 Sep. 1754. Her executor administered to his estate 17 Mch. 1755, when he was described as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., bachelor. 5 The Funeral Book says that she died 26 July, and was buried at the feet of her father. Dau. of Rev. Dr. Edward Gee (see his burial 6 Mch. 1729-30), by Jane his wife (see her burial 23 Apl. 1733). See her baptism 22 May 1712. • Lady Elizabeth Shirley, eldest dau. and coheir of Washington, second Earl Ferrers, by Mary, eldest surviving dau. of Sir Richard Levinge, Kt. and first Bart. of Ireland, lord chief- justice of the court of Common Pleas of that kingdom. She was born in 1704, and married, 24 June 1725, Joseph-Gascoigne Nightingale, Esq. (see his burial 25 July 1752). She died 17 Aug., in childbed of her only dau., Elizabeth, who, in July 1754, married Wilmot Vaughan, first Earl of Lisburne. Of her three sons, Washington-Gascoigne, Joseph, and Robert, all living at her death, the first only survived his father. Her extraordinary monument, by Roubiliac, is considered the gem of the Abbey, and probably would. if in a church at Rome, become the object of many a pilgrimage. By a wretched blunder, probably of the sculptor, the inscription above the monument, put up many years later, gives the year of her death as 1734, and the error has been naturally repeated, even in the histories of her family, to the present day. If any evidence is required to confirm the date in the Abbey Register, it is to be found in the fact that her husband made his will on the 25th of October, 1731, when he directed to be buried in the Abbey near his late wife. 7 Charles Boyle, second son of Roger, second Earl of Orrery, by Lady Mary Sackville, cldest surviving dau. of Richard, fifth Earl of Dorset. He was born at Little Chelsea, Midx., 21 July, 334 BURIALS IN 1731 Oct. 9 Oct. 21 Oct. 30 Nov. 25 173 Feb. 16 Feb. 25 March 23 Charles Segar:1 in the South Cloister. Jane Handford 2 in the South Cloister. • Elizabeth Arnold:3 in the West Cloister. The Hon. Colonel Harry Disney: in the East Cloister. Elizabeth Witherly 5 in the West Cloister. Mary Symmons: in the West Cloister. Verctia Cooke:7 in the South Cloister. and baptized at Kensington 1 Aug. 1674. He succeeded as fourth Earl of Orrery and Baron of Broghill, in the peerage of Ireland, in 1703, and was created, 5 Sep. 1711, Baron Boyle of Marston, in the English peerage. He attained the rank of Major-General in the army 1 Jan. 1709-10, and was the same year Envoy-extraordinary to Flanders. The well-known astronomical instrument called "Orrery" derived its name from his title, and he occupies a place in history by reason of his literary contest with Dr. Bentley. He married, 29 Mch. 1706, Lady Elizabeth Cecil, youngest and only surviving dau. of John, fifth Earl of Exeter, who lived little more than two years, being buried at St. James, Westminster, 21 June 1708. Their only son John succeeded to the titles. 1 The Funeral Book says that he died 4 Oct., aged nine weeks. The name should probably bc Seagar. Sce a baptism, doubtless of his brother, 22 Nov. 1729. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 15 Oct., aged fourteen years, and was buried in the grave with her mother (see her burial 27 Mch. 1726). 3 The Funeral Book says that she died 26 Oct., aged seventy, and that the fees were paid by Mrs. Mary Walker (see her burial 21 Oct. 1741). 4 The newspapers of the day say that he had the command of a regiment of foot on the Irish establishment. He was well-known in society, and had the nickname of "Duke," from, it is said, his habit of using that word as an ejaculation. He was an intimate friend of Licut.- General Henry Withers (see his burial 14 Nov. 1729), who made him his residuary legatce and executor. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 21 Nov., aged fifty-six. His will, as Henry Disney, of St. James, Westminster, Esq., dated 3 June 1731, was proved 1 Dec. following, by James Pearse, of Arundel Street, Esq., and Capt. Alexander Wilson. Having given to Major- General John Hill, Samuel Masham, Esq. (afterwards second Lord Masham), and Percy Wyndham, Esq. (afterwards Earl of Thomond), considerable legacies, he finally made them his residuary legatees. His other bequests were exclusively to members of the nobility, military friends, and servants, and the will furnishes no clew to his family. His name, on his own tablet and on that which he erected to the memory of General Withers, is given as "Desney," but he signed his will Henry Disney." 5 The Funeral Book says that she died 12 Feb., aged eighty. Her will, as Elizabeth Witherley, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, without date, but with codicils 6 Mch. 1726-7, 8 July 1729, and 21 Dec. 1731, was proved 23 Mch. 1731-2, by her nicce Elianor Gough, spinster, to whom she bequeathed her lands at "Thrupenden," co. Gloucester, and the most of her personalty. She desired her cousin Thomas Wylde, of Lincoln's Inn Fields, Esq., to bury her in the Abbey Cloisters, in the grave of her husband (see his burial 4 Oct. 1717). She left legacies to her nicce Mrs. Mary Jones and her dau., her cousin John Evans, and to Mrs. Rebecca Witherley and her brother Edward Bromfield. An affidavit to her handwriting was made by George Gough, of Pastor's Hill, in Newland, co. Gloucester. Her will, as of She directed 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 22 Feb., in her eighty-seventh year. St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, relict of Henry Symmons, Gent., dated 2 Feb. 1729-30, was proved 28 Feb. 1731-2, by Richard Nurse, pastry cook, in whose house she lodged. to be buried in about the middle of the West Cloister, near her husband (see his burial 21 Feb. 1678-9). She mentioned her grandson Henry Symmons and his wife, and their son IIenry, leaving £300 to the latter when of age, and gave her cousin Elizabeth Rugge, widow, £50. To her grandson Edmund Bateman she gave £300, and the residue of her estate, on condition that he paid his sister Jane-Ann Hay £20 per annum for life. 7 Venetia, eldest dau. of John Cooke, Esq. (see his burial 21 Sep. 1691), by Adria his wife WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 335 1732 May 12 Dr. Francis Atterbury, sometime Lord Bishop of Rochester :¹ at the West end of the South aisle. May 17 Daniel Poultney, Esq.,2 was buried in S[blank]; afterwards re- moved from thence and deposited, May 17th, 1732, at the June 18 Aug. 8 Aug. 24 24 East end of the South Cloister. Samuel Steen :3 in the South Cloister. The Revd Edward Aspinwall, D.D., Sub-dean of H.M.'s Chapel and Prebendary of Westminster :4 in the South Cross. Sir Thomas Hardy, Kt. :5 near the Quire door. (see her burial 9 Oct. 1689). She died 20 Mch., unmarried. Her will, dated 1 Apl. 1730, was proved 25 May 1732, by her sister Mary Kirke (see her burial 23 Dec. 1754). She merely left a small bequest to a godchild. 1 Second son of Rev. Dr. Lewis Atterbury, Rector of Great Rissington, co. Gloucester, and of Middleton Keynes, co. Bucks, by Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Giffard, of North Crawley, co. Bucks, Esq. He was born at the rectory in Newport Pagnell, co. Bucks, the 6th, and baptized 17 Mch. 1662-3. He matriculated at Oxford. from Christ Church, 17 Dec. 1680, and was B.A. 13 June 1684, M.A. 20 Apl. 1687, and D.D. 5 May 1701. He was some time Chaplain to K. William and Q. Mary, and Lecturer at St. Bride's Hospital, London, Archdeacon of Totnes 18 Jan. 1700-1, Prebendary of Exeter 6 May 1704, installed Dean of Westminster 16 June 1713, and consecrated Bishop of Rochester 5 July following. He was deprived in June 1723, on account of his alleged complicity with treasonable projects of the day, and passed the rest of his life in exile. He died at Paris 22 Feb. preceding. His will, dated at Paris 31 Dec. 1725, was proved 10 May 1732, by his son-in-law William Morice, Esq. See the burials, of his wife 2 May 1722, and his daughters, 4 Oct. 1716 and 21 Feb. 1729-30. 2 Eldest son and only surviving child of John Pulteney, Esq., one of the Commissioners of the Customs, by his wife Lucy Colville, and grandson of Sir William Pulteney, of Misterton, co. Leicester, Kt. He was Envoy to Denmark in the reign of Q. Anne, and subsequently one of the Commissioners of Trade and of the Admiralty, M.P. for Preston, etc. The Funeral Book says that he died 7 Sep. 1731, aged forty-eight, and the journals of the day say that he died at Harefield, Midx. He was buried at St. James. Westminster, 14 Sep. 1731, and removed to the Cloisters on the day named in the text. See the burials, of his wife 29 Apl. 1763, and of his daughter 8 June 1782. 3 One of the sacrists of the Abbey. See his first marriage 1 Aug. 1725, and his second 18 Dec. 1728, and the burials, of his first wife 14 Oct. 1727, and of his son 15 June 1726. The Funeral Book says that he died 14 June, aged thirty-six. 4 He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 1 Jan. 1711-12, and Sub-Dean 20 Mch. 1717-18, having been created A.M. at Cambridge, by royal command, in the latter year, and in 1728 had the degree of S.T.P. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 13 Nov. 1729. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 3 Aug., aged fifty-four. His will, dated 17 Aug. 1731, was proved 5 Aug. 1732, by his relict Elizabeth-Margaret (see her burial 8 Jan. 1741-2). The only other person named in the will was his niece Bridget Aspinwall, dau, of his brother Francis Aspinwall, deceased, who was to have the reversion of his estate at his wife's death. He appears to have been, in 1718, Chaplain to the Earl of Radnor. 5 His monument says that he was born in the island of Jersey, and was descended from Clement le Hardy, who emigrated from France in 1381. He attained a captaincy in the Navy 6 Jan. 1692-3, and was knighted by Q. Anne in Oct. 1702, on bringing to Windsor the news of the burning of the French fleet in the Bay of Vigo. In January, 1710-11, he was promoted to the rank of rear-admiral. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 16 Aug., aged sixty-seven, and was buried on the left side of his wife (see her burial 3 May 1720). His will, dated 9 June 1732, was proved 28 Aug. following, by his "good friend and relation” Charles Hardy, Esq. (whom he described as son of Charles Hardy), and by his good friend Hugh Correy, Esq., formerly secretary to Sir George Rooke. After bequeathing liberal legacies to his two sisters, Mary Coste and Elizabeth Jeanvrin, his dau. Constance, who had married, on the preceding 336 BURIALS IN 1732 Aug. 25 The Revd Michael Evans, A.M., Prebendary of this Church:¹ in the South aisle. William Taylour:2 in the West Cloister. Sept. 7 Sept. 13 Grace Bennett: in the North Cross. Nov. 6 Mrs. Avis Freeman :4 in the West Cloister. Nov. 23 Benjamin Winckles :5 in the South Cloister. Nov. 25 Sir Talbot Clarke:6 in the North Cloister. 27th of May, George Chamberlaine, of Wardington, co. Oxford, Esq., and his dau. Charlotte, born 27 Aug. 1716, and then unmarried, he left his estates to his son Thomas Hardy and his heirs, with remainder to his said two daughters in succession, and, their issue failing, then to his nephew John Hardy, of St. Lawrence, Isle of Jersey, Esq., and finally to the children of his said two sisters, and of his other sister Rachael Hughes, except her son Charles Hughes, whom he expressly excluded. ¹ He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 27 June 1671, aged nineteen, as son of Maurice Evans, of Westminster, Gent., and was B.A. 18 May 1675, and M.A. 18 Mch. 1677-8. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 16 June 1702, became Sub-dean, and also held the Abbey living of St. Bride's, London. He died 21 Aug., aged about eighty, and was buried, at his own request, according to the journals of the day, near the grave of Bishop Atterbury. His will, dated 5 Nov. 1730, was proved 6 Sep. 1732, by his nephew Thomas Glover (see his burial 22 Nov. 1733), to whom he bequeathed his estates in the counties of Radnor and Salop, which he had purchased of his cousins Mr. James Davies and Dr. John Davies. His leases in the Poultry, London, he left equally to his sister Susan Glover (see her burial 25 Feb. 1739-40), and her other son, John Glover (see his burial 16 May 1740). He bequeathed considerable legacies to his niece Mary Wright (dau. of his sister Susan Glover, who was married, at St. Bride's, London, 12 June 1718, to Richard Wright, of the Inner Temple, Esq.), and to his cousins, Benjamin Pickering, Ann Milbourne, and Catherine Morgan, widow. The residue of his estate, which was said to be considerable, he left to his said nephews, Thomas and John Glover, two-thirds to the former, and one-third to the latter. To John Glover he gave his library of books and sermons, intimating his wish that the same should go eventually to the library of the Abbey. See his brother's burial 13 Apl. 1727. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 3 Sep., aged eighty, and the journals of the day describe him as "Usher of the Long Room in the Custom-House." His will, as of St. Clement Danes, Midx., Esq., dated 1 Aug. 1732, was proved 4 Sep. following (three days before his burial), by his nephew, Rev. John Taylour, LL.D., whom he described as a native of Dublin, son of his brother Charles Taylour, of Golden Lane, in the city of Dublin, Gent., and as then or late curate of St. Peter's, in that city. To his brother John Taylour, of Pall Mall Court, in Pall Mall, Esq., he bequeathed £100, and to him and to John Isted, of St. Dunstan in the West, London, book- seller, £4000 (out of his £6000 South Sea annuities and £8500 South Sea stock) in trust for the use of his said brother Charles Taylour for his life. To Rachel Hall, widow, his housekeeper when he lived in Leicester Fields, he left £500, and all the residue of his estate to his said nephew and executor, absolutely. 3 Dau. and cohcir of Simon Bennet, of Beachampton, co. Bucks, Esq., by Grace, dau. of Gilbert Morewood, of London, merchant (she was brutally murdered in 1694). She was born 27 Sep. 1664, and married John Bennett, of Abington, co. Cambridge, Esq. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 Sep., aged sixty-eight. Her will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., widow, dated 24 June 1730, was proved 7 Sep. 1732. Her principal heirs and legatces were the descendants of her sister Frances, who married James Cecil, fourth Earl of Salisbury. 4 Wife of John Freeman, one of the singing-men of the Abbey (see his burial 14 Dec. 1736). She died, according to both the Funeral Book and her monument, 30 Oct., aged sixty. 5 He was one of the organ-blowers, and died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Nov., aged seventy-nine. See his son's burial 4 Oct. 1738. Only son of Sir Talbot Clerke, fourth Bart. of Launde Abbey, co. Leicester, by Barbara, dau. and coheir of Thomas Gladin, of Durrent Hall, Chesterfield, co. Derby, Esq. He succeeded as fifth Bart, on the death of his father in his infancy, and died while at Westminster School, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 337 1732 Dec. 22 Elizabeth Church:1 in the South Cloister. • The Right Hon. Ann, Countess of Clanrickard :3 in the middle aisle. Dec. 23 John Gay, Esq. 2 in the South Cross. 173 Jan. 7 Jan. 15 Jan. Jan. 25 29 John Collier 4 in the North Cloister. Ellen Glynne :5 in General Monk's vault. The Hon. Licut.-General Charles Sibourg: in the East Cloister. 21 Nov., according to the Funeral Book, aged thirteen. See his great-grandfather's burial 10 Dec. 1693. 1 Wife of John Church, master of the choristers (see his burial 10 Jan. 1740-1). The Funeral Book says that she died 19 Dec. See the baptisms of her children 28 Dec. 1701, 5 Jan. 1703-4, 14 Feb. 1705-6, and 3 June 1709, and burials 9 Feb. 1701-2, 19 June 1708. 13 Dec. 1711, and 4 July 1719. 2 The celebrated poet. Said to have been the second son of John Gay, of Frithelstock, near Great Torrington, co. Devon, Esq., and to have been born there in 1688. He commenced his London career as apprentice to a silk mercer, but was persuaded, in 1712. to become secretary to the Duchess of Monmouth, and two years later was appointed secretary to the Earl of Clarendon. ambassador to Hanover. He appears, however, to have been generally unfortunate in his Court life. The Duke and Duchess of Queensberry were his real and his best friends, but could not always secure for him that respect and attention which they and he seemed to think he deserved. He died at their house, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Dec., aged forty-fire, and was buried on the right side of Old Parr." His sisters, Catherine Baller and Joane Fortescue. both widows, administered to his estate 2 Jan. 1732-3. 3 Eldest dau. and coheir of John Smith, Esq., one of the Commissioners of the Excise (see his burial 20 July 1718, and note thereto), and not dau. of the Rt. Hon. John Smith, Speaker of the House of Commons, as is usually stated in the accounts of the Clanricarde peerage, and in modern ones of the baronetcy of Parker of London. She married, first, Hugh Parker, Esq. (eldest son of Sir Henry Parker, second Bart. of London, but died 2 Feb. 1712-13, in his father's lifetime), and secondly, 19 Sep. 1714, Michael De Burgh, Lord Dunkellin, afterwards tenth Earl of Clanricarde, who died 29 Nov. 1726. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Jan., aged forty-six. Her will, dated 2 Aug. 1732. was proved 16 Feb. following, by her brother-in-law, Sir Edward Des Bouveric, of Longford, Wilts, Bart., and two others, whom she appointed trustees and guardians of her children by the Earl of Clanricarde, to whom she left her entire estate, adding that she gave nothing to any of her children by her former husband, Hugh Parker. Esq., on account of their undutiful and disobliging behaviour towards her. She directed to be buried in the Abbey, near her late dear father. See the burial of her son 24 Jan. 1719-20. 4 According to the Funeral Book and his monument, he was a son of Mr. John Collier, of Hastings, Sussex, and died 31 Dec. 1732. aged thirteen. He appears to have been in Westminster School. See a burial, perhaps of his brother, 6 June 1747. 5 Eldest dau. and coheir of John Glynne, of Glynllifon, co. Carnarvon, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Hugh Owen, first Bart. of Orieltou, co. Pembroke. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 21 Jan., aged seventy-cight. Her will, as of "Eldrinen," co. Carnarvon, spinster, dated 31 Mch. 1727, with codicils 12 Nov. 1728 and 21 Jan. 1732-3, was proved 17 Apl. 1733, by Hugh Lloyd, of Trallwyn, co. Carnarvon, Gent.. to whom she bequeathed certain mansions and lands, among them her capital mansion called l'las Newydd, in co. Anglesey, in trust to build alms- houses for twelve decayed maiden gentlewomen above fifty years of age, preference to be given to her own poor relations. Her other bequests were to Lady Gertrude Hotham, Mrs. Catharine Jones, and Margaret Lloyd, consisting chiefly of bonds of Sir Charles Hotham, and a certain annuity for the lives of Ann Glynne and Jane Glynne. Her only sister, Frances, married Sir Thomas Wynn, first Bart., ancestor of the present Lord Newborough. The journals of the period and other authorities say that he was an illegitimate son of the Duke of Schomberg (see his burial 4 Aug. 1719). He was Colonel of one of his father's regiments for many years, and attained the rank of Major-General 23 Jan. 1709-10. The news- 2 X 338 BURIALS IN 173 Jan. 29 John Jones: in the Dark Cloister. Feb. 3 Tabitha Marshall:2 in the North Cloister. Feb. 20 Mary Lowe:3 in the North Cloister. March 2 March 4 The Right Hon. Lord William Beauclerck : in Norris's Chapel. Dame Fleetwood Belasyse, widow and relict of Sir Henry Belasyse:5 in St. Paul's Chapel. March 14 1733 April 9 Ann Ilsley; died the 11th: in the Dark Cloister. Amy Blois :7 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. papers of December 1720 announce his marriage during that month to "a gentlewoman of a very considerable fortune." As still Major-General he was appointed Governor of Fort William in April 1725, but he evidently attained the rank of Lieut.-General before his death, as he so styled himself in his will, dated 9 Mch. 1731-2, and proved 26 Jan. 1732-3, by his relict Mary. He appears to have left two illegitimate daughters, whom he called Mary Sibourg and Amey Cardonel, to each of whom he gave £10. The rest of his estate he bequeathed to his wife Mary, and their children Charles and Catherine. The latter, as wife of Richard Reade, Esq., proved her mother's will 27 Apl. 1758. General Sibourg, according to the Funeral Book, died 25 Jan., aged sixty-four. His wife, whose maiden name appears, from her will, dated 3 Mch. 1757, to have been Palmer, died in Dublin. 1 The Funeral Book says that he died 25 Jan., aged seventy. "Jones, the beadle" is mentioned in the Chapter Book 4 Oct. 1727. See burials in the same place, 19 Feb. 1739-40, 4 Jan. 1750-1, and 19 May 1764, probably of his family. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 31 Jan., aged eighty. Her will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, dated 3 Feb. 1731-2, was proved 5 Feb. 1732-3, by her nephew, Charles West, Doctor of Medicine, and Herman Verelst, who, with Mr. Thomas Bowdler, were her residuary legatees, the portion of the latter to be distributed to poor clergymen. She mentioned no other relations. 3 Relict of Charles Lowe, Esq. (see his burial 7 Feb. 1728-9). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 16 Feb., aged forty. Her will, dated 14 Feb. 1732-3, was proved the day before her burial, by her nephew Morgan Graves, of Mickleton, co. Gloucester, Esq., and Henry Prude, of St. Mary-le-Strand, Midx., apothecary, executors in trust, for the benefit of her five children, Mary, Charles, Elizabeth, Morgan, and Nicholas, all in their minority. To her niece Mary Graves she gave £10 for mourning, and to her son Morgan Lowe the mourning ring given to her at the funeral of Richard Graves, Esq. See the baptisms of her children 21 Jan. 1716-17, 3 Aug. 1718, 14 Oct. 1724, and 3 June 1727, and the burials, of her sons 17 May 1720 and 9 Oct. 1739, and of her daughter 8 Feb. 1728-9. ✦ Second son of Charles, first Duke of St. Albans (see his burial 20 May 1726), by Lady Diana de Verc, eldest dau. and eventually sole heiress of Aubrey, twentieth and last Earl of Oxford. He was born 22 May 1698, and married, 13 Dec. 1722, Charlotte, younger dau. and coheir of Sir John Werden, second Bart. (sce her sister's burial Nov. 1752), who survived him, and died 17 June 1745. He died at Bath 23 Feb. Their son George succeeded as fourth Duke of St. Albans. Dau. of Nicholas Shuttleworth, of Forcett, co. York, and of the city of Durham, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Thomas Moor, of Berwick-on-Tweed, Gent., and second wife of Sir Henry Belasyse, of Brancepeth Castle, co. Durham, Kt. (see his burial 21 Dec. 1717), to whom married about 23 Apl. 1709 (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond.). She died, according to her monument, 26 Feb., in her fifty-sixth year. See her son's burial 23 Feb. 1769. • First wife of John Ilsley, College beadle (see his burial 28 June 1750). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 11 Mch., aged thirty-four. Her dau. Martha was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 Mch. 1727-8, and other children subsequently. 7 Dau. and sole heir of John Burrough, of Ipswich, co. Suffolk, Esq., by Amy, dau. of Richard Phillips, of Edwardstone, in the same county, Esq. (who remarried Sir Robert Kemp, third Bart. of Gissing, co. Norfolk), and relict of Robert Blois, Esq. (eldest son of Sir Charles Blois, first Bart. of Grundisburgh Hall, co. Suffolk), who died in 1728, in his father's lifetime. Their only child, Mary, died in infancy. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 3 Apl., aged thirty- WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 339 1733 April 23 Jane Gee, widow of Dr. Gee: within the North gate of the Aug. 23 Aug. 29 Sept. 14 Oct. 4 Oct. Nov. 12 12 Tombs. William-Weavel Smith:2 in the West Cloister. Edward Wetenhall, M.D.: in the South Cross. 4 Master Robert Patton : in the West Cloister. Dame Sarah Lane 5 in the North aisle of the Tombs. Henrietta, Duchess of Marlborough, Marchioness of Blandford, Countess of Marlborough, Baroness Churchill of Sandridge, Countess of Godolphin, late consort of the most noble, potent Lord Francis, Earl of Godolphin, etc. :6 in the South aisle. Elizabeth Manningham: in the North Cross. four, and the journals of the day say at her lodgings in Southampton Row, Holborn. Her will, as of Grundisburgh, dated 8 Mch. 1732-3, was proved 17 Apl. following, by her mother Dame Amy Kemp. ¹ Dau. of Henry Limbrey, of London, merchant, and of Hoddington, in Upton-Gray, Hants, by Jane, only dau, and eventually sole heir of Brian Mathew, of Hoddington. Esq., and relict of Rev. Dr. Edward Gee, Dean of Lincoln and Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 6 Mch. 1729-30), to whom married about 25 Jan. 1702-3 (Mar. Lic. Fac.). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 18 Apl., aged sixty-six. Sce the baptisms of her children 14 Dec. 1705, 10 Dec. 1709, and 22 May 1712, their burials 19 Aug. 1706, 9 Apl. 1710, and 31 July 1731, and the marriage of her daughter 2 Mch. 1730-1. 2 The Funeral Book says "William- Wavill Smith, and that he died 20 Aug., aged twelve years. He was probably in Westminster School.—“ Warell Smith, Esq., appointed Secretary and Clerk of the Crown for Life, to the Leeward Caribbee Islands” (Hist. Reg., 15 Oct. 1722).—d new commissioner for licensing and regulating hackney-coaches and chairs appointed. " in the room of Wavel Smith, Esq., who hath a considerable post given him abroad" (British Journal, 27 Apl. 1723). 3 Eldest son of the Right Rev. Edward Wetenhall, Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh (see his burial 18 Nov. 1713), by his first wife, who was buried in the cathedral at Cork. He was an eminent physician, and married Anne Sneyd, of Staffordshire. He died, according to his monument, 29 Aug., in his seventy-first year, and the newspapers of the day all say that he was buried on Sunday night, 2 Sep., which is probably correct, and the date in the text an error. His will, as of the city of Cork, Esq., dated 4 Sep. 1723, was proved 17 Dec. 1733, by his dau. Anne, wife of John Hawkins. He mentioned his other daughters, Mary Wetenhall, and Phillippa- Maria, wife of Rev. Thomas Russell. See his step-mother's burial 18 Apl. 1717. 4 The Funeral Book says that he died 12 Sep.. aged eight years. He was probably a son of David Patton, Esq., who, according to the Chapter Book, was appointed, 7 July 1731, High Bailiff of Westminster and Bailiff of the Sanctuary. Wife of Sir Richard Lane, Kt., then M.P. for Worcester (sce his burial 4 Apl. 1756). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Oct., aged sixty-five. See the burials of her daughters, 18 May 1748, 3 Apl. 1773, and 16 Dec. 1780. 6 Lady Henrietta Churchill, eldest dau. and coheir of John, the great Duke of Marlborough (see his burial 9 Aug. 1722), by his little less famous Duchess. Sarah, dau. and coheir of Richard Jennings, of Sandridge, co. Herts, Esq. She was born the 20th, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 29 July 1681, as dau. of Colonel John Churchill and Sarah his wife, and married Francis, second Earl of Godolphin, who survived her, and died 17 Jan. 1766. She succeeded to her father's titles under a special act of Parliament. The date in the text is an error. The Funeral Book says that she died 24 Oct., in her fifty-third year, and was buried 9 Nov. In her will, dated 11 July 1732, but not proved until 19 May 1736, she declared that it was her desire and express will that her remains should never, on any pretence whatsoever, be carried to Blenheim. She was the patroness and chief legatee of the poet Congreve. 7 Eldest child of Rev. Dr. Thomas Manningham, Prebendary of Westminster, by Mary his wife (sce her burial 5 July 1751, and note thereto), and baptized at Slinfold, co. Sussex, 13 July 340 BURIALS IN 1733 Nov. 22 Nov. 25 Dec. 24 Dec. 24 Dec. 1732 Jan. 28 18 Feb. 5 Thomas Glover:1 in the South aisle. Mary, Duchess of Ormond, daughter of Henry and Mary, Duke and Duchess of Beaufort:2 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. William Tufnell :3 in the East Cloister. 4 Thomas Moore: in the East Cloister. Mary Palmer 5 in the Dark Cloister. Elizabeth Chittle:6 in the East Cloister. James Newcom :7 in the Dark Cloister. 1714. She died, according to the Funeral Book and her monument, 12 Nov., aged nineteen, and the journals of the day say that she was buried on the 14th, which is probably correct. ¹ Son and apparently eldest child of Mrs. Susan Glover (see her burial 25 Feb. 1739-40), and nephew and heir of Rev. Michael Evans, Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 25 Aug. 1732), and of John Evans, Esq. (see his burial 13 Apl. 1727). The Funeral Book says that he died 16 Nov., and the papers of the day say at Bath. His will, as of St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., Gent., dated 4 June 1733, was proved 1 Dec. following, by his mother. He left consider- able legacies to his only sister Mrs. Mary Wright and her children, and his cousins, Robert and Thomas Thomson, and Rebecca Owen. His manor of Stanley Hall, and lands in Pebmarsh, Halstead, and Little Maplestcad, co. Essex, and his estates bequeathed to him by his uncle Evans, he gave to his only brother John Glover (see his burial 16 May 1740). 2 Lady Mary Somerset, eldest surviving dau. of Henry, first Duke of Beaufort, by Mary, dau. of Arthur, first Lord Capel, and widow of Henry Seymour, Lord Beauchamp. She married, in 1685, James Butler, who succeeded his grandfather, as second Duke of Ormond, 21 July 1688. He was attainted in 1715, and passed the rest of his life abroad (see his burial 22 May 1746). It is said that she never once saw her husband during his exile. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Nov., in her sixty-ninth year. See the burials of her children, 1 Mch. 1688-9, 29 Aug. 1701, and 27 Apl. 1750. 3 Son of John Tufnell, the Abbey mason (sce his burial 23 Feb. 1696-7), by Dorothy his wife (see her burial 20 Oct. 1720), and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 6 Feb. 1679-80. He is described in the journals of the day as master-builder and bricklayer to the New River Company, and one of the burgesses for the city and liberty of Westminster, and as leaving a fortune of from thirty to fifty thousand pounds. He died 9 Dcc. See his wife's burial 11 Oct. 1720. The baptisms of his twelve children occur in the parish registers of St. Margaret's, Westminster, between 2 Jan. 1700-1 and 1 Jan. 1718-19. See the burials of three of them, 26 Mch. 1724, 10 Nov. 1734, and 4 Mch. 1739-40. 4 He is mentioned in the Chapter Book as early as 14 Jan. 1690-1, as then Librarian and Clerk of the Kitchen to the Abbey. He was appointed Auditor 29 Mch. 1729, when he resigned the office of Clerk of the Kitchen, and it was abolished altogether. He appears to have been also Registrar of the diocese of Rochester. The journals of the day say that he had been secretary to Bishop Sprat, and was instrumental in saving his life, and the lives of Archbishop Sancroft, the Duke of Marlborough, and other distinguished personages, by detecting the falsity of evidence given by certain witnesses in respect to an alleged plot for assassinating K. William. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Dec., aged seventy-one. His will, dated 6 Mch. 1730-1, with codicils 6 Dec. 1732 and 28 Mch. 1733, was proved 16 Jan. 1733-4, by his nephew Rev. Thomas Moore, D.D., and his niece Mary, wife of Robert Berkeley, whom he described as a silver-laceman. He left considerable legacies to his nephew Rev. Charles Sear, son of his sister Anne Sear, his niece Rebecca, wife of Colonel Evans, and the children of his sister-in-law Mrs. Mary Baldwyn, widow. See his wife's burial 5 Aug. 1720. The Funeral Book says that she died 26 Dcc., aged thirty-nine. The place of burial indicates her humble position. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 14 Jan., aged twenty-three. See the burial, probably of her sister, 17 Nov. 1721, and note thereto. 7 The Funeral Book says that he died 2 Feb., aged forty. Doubtless, from the place of burial, a servant, or minor official, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 341 1734 March 29 April 21 May 28 July 18 Thomas Jennings :1 in the South Cloister. Helena Horden :2 in the East Cloister. Charles Chittam :3 in the Dark Cloister. Mary Grainger : in the middle aisle. Aug. 7 Mary Warren :5 in the South Cloister. Aug. 20 Elizabeth Legh:6 in Norris's Chapel. 3 Sept. Sept. 11 Elizabeth Arddanender :7 in the South Cloister. The most illustrious Princess Elizabeth; first, Duchess of Albe- marle, relict of Christopher Monk, the second and last Duke of Albemarle, etc.; secondly, Duchess of Montagu and relict of Ralph, Duke of Montagu, etc.; eldest daughter of Henry Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle :8 in General Monk's vault. 1 He was sworn Gospeller" of the Chapel Royal 8 Nov. 1697, and advanced to the full place of Gentleman 2 Mch. 1699-1700, and was also one of the Abbey choir. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Mch., aged seventy-four. See his first wife's burial 16 July 1720. His will, dated 11 Feb. 1725-6, was proved 27 Mch. 1734, by his second wife and relict Elizabeth, to whom he left his house in Dean's Yard for life, with remainder to his son John and his dau. Elinor Shrider equally. He always signed his name in the Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal, as he did his will, "Thomas Jenings." See the baptisms, of his dau. 1 May 1689, and of his sons 12 Feb. 1690-1 and 13 May 1693, and the burials of his children 24 Nov. 1693, 15 Oct. 1697, 29 July 1701, and 27 Mch. 1752. 2 The Funeral Book says "Eleanor Horden," and that she died 17 Apl., aged thirteen years. See the burial, probably of her sister, 19 May 1721, and note thereto. 3 Eldest son of John Chittam (see his burial 13 Mch. 1725-6), whom he succeeded as scavenger of the Great Cloisters. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 May, aged thirty- five. His will, dated 25 Mch. 1733, was proved the day before his burial, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Margaret, who was alone named in it. In that record his name is given as "Chetham." Younger dau. of Charles Thorold, Esq., Alderman of London, by his second wife, Anne, second dau. of George Clarke, of Hackney, Midx., citizen and merchant-taylor of London, and sister of Sir George and Sir Samuel Thorold, first and second Baronets of Harmston, co. Lincoln. She married, at St. Bride's, London, 13 Nov. 1712. John Grainger, Esq., one of the deputy- tellers of the Exchequer (see bis burial 8 Mch. 1735-6). She died 11 July, and her will, dated 20 Dec. 1733, was proved by her husband 26 July 1734. 5 Dau. of Thomas Warren, College butler (see his burial 7 Aug. 1699), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 17 June 1731). The Funeral Book says that she died 5 Aug., aged forty- five, and was buried on the right side of her father. See her brother's burial 28 Mch. 1741. 6 Eldest dau. of John Legh, of Adlington, co. Chester, Esq., by Lady Isabella Robartes, eldest dau. of Robert, Viscount Bodmin (eldest son of John, first Earl of Radnor, but died in his father's lifetime), and sister of Charles-Bodvile, second Earl of Radnor (see their sister's burial, in the same chapel, 14 Jan. 1726-7). According to the Funeral Book, she died 15 Aug., aged thirty-nine, but the newspapers of the day all say that she died on the 17th. Her father administered to her estate 5 Sep. following. 7 The Funeral Book says that she died 31 Aug., aged twenty-two, and gives her the same surname; but in the St. James's Evening Post, of Thursday, 5 Sep. 1734, the following paragraph occurs, and is substantially repeated in other journals of the same date : On Saturday died in the Great Ambery [Almonry], Westminster, of the small-pox, Mrs. Elizabeth Fairfax, wife of James Fairfax, Esq., and on Tuesday night her corpse. having lain in state in the Jerusalem Chamber, was afterwards interred in the Cloisters of Westminster Abbey." It is inconceivable that the scribes of both the Register and Funeral Book could have thus blundered over this simple name, especially as in the latter the copy was made from the coffin-plate. The only reasonable solution of the mystery seems to be that the lady was not really a wife, and was buried under her proper name. • Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, eldest dau. and coheir of Henry, second Duke of Newcastle, by 342 BURIALS IN 1734 Sept. 24 Oct. 23 Nov. 10 Nov. 29 Dec. 3 Dec. 1734 Jan. 8 6 Jan. 8 Frances Meyrick:¹ in the North Cloister. William Haselar, an infant 2 in the South Cloister. Anne Tuffnell :3 in the South Cloister. 4 Frances Wyat : in the East Cloister. Lord James Hamilton, Earl and Baron of Abercorn, Baron Paisley, Hamilton, Mountcastle, and Kilpatrick, Scotch honours, and Viscount Struband and Baron Mountcastle of the kingdom of Ireland 5 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. Elizabeth Wynn :6 in the North Cloister. Elizabeth Gillingham : in the Cloister next the School. Elizabeth Warr:8 in the South Cross. Frances, dau. of William Pierrepont, second son of Robert, first Earl of Kingston-upon-Hull. She married, first, 30 Dec. 1669, Christopher Monk, second Duke of Albemarle (see his burial 4 July 1689), by whom she had only one child that barely survived its birth. She married secondly, 8 Sep. 1692, as his second wife, Ralph, first Duke of Montagu, who died in 1709, and by him had no issue. She died, according to the Funeral Book, at Newcastle House, Clerkenwell, Midx., 28 Aug., aged eighty; but the journals of the day, still quoted, stated her age to be ninety-six. She was known as the "mad Duchess," and her history is too familiar and too painful to require rehearsing. 1 First wife of Edmund Meyrick (see his burial 27 June 1742). She died, according to the Funeral Book and her monument, 22 Sep., aged forty-nine. Her maiden name was Smith. See the burials, of her brothers 12 Sep. 1738 and 1 Oct. 1755, and of her sister 27 May 1760. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 20 Oct., aged seven months, and was buried in the grave of his grandfather William Tufnell (see his burial 24 Dec. 1733). He was born 22 Mch. 1733-4, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 3 Apl. following. He was the eldest child of Alexander Haselar, by Elizabeth, dau. of said William Tufnell, who were married at St. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange, London, 19 May 1733, and buried at St. Margaret's, West- minster, he 24 Dec. 1747, and she 5 Apl. 1748. 3 Dau. of William Tufnell (see his burial 24 Dec. 1733), by Elizabeth his wife (sec her burial 11 Oct. 1720). The Funeral Book says that she died 5 Nov., in her twentieth year, and was buried in her father's grave. She was born and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 Mch. 1714-15. She 4 Fourth dau. and youngest surviving child of Rev. John Horden, D.D., Vicar of Isleworth, Midx., by Aun, dau. of Thomas Morice, Esq. (see her burial 28 Aug. 1747). See her first marriage to Rev. Thomas Sprat, Archdeacon of Rochester, 9 Apl. 1716, and his burial 15 May 1720. married, secondly, 6 Jan. 1722-3, Richard Wiat, Esq., said to have been the last of the family of that name at Boxley, co. Kent, where he was buried 31 Dec. 1753. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 24 Nov., aged forty-five. Her husband administered to her estate 9 Sep. 1735. She appears to have left no issue by either husband. 5 Eldest son of Colonel James Hamilton (cldest son of Sir George Hamilton, of Donalong, co. Tyrone, Baronet of Ireland, but died in his father's lifetime), by Elizabeth, eldest dau. of John, first Lord Colepeper. He succeeded in 1701 as sixth Earl of Abercorn, and to the other Scotch honours, and was created, 2 Dec. in that year, Baron Mountcastle and Viscount Strabane in the peerage of Ireland. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 28 Nov., aged seventy-three. See the burials, of his father 7 June 1673, of his wife 22 Mch. 1754, and of his son 16 Jan. 1743-4. 6 Dau. of Owen Wynne, LL.D., by Dorothy his wife (see her burial 27 Mch. 1724, and note thereto). She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 11 Mch. 1695-6. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 3 Dec. See the burials, of her sister 3 Apl. 1735, and of her brother 23 May 1765. 7 The Funeral Book says that she died 2 Jan., aged eighty-seven. 8 Only dau. of Rev. Dr. Anthony Horneck (see his burial 4 Feb. 1696-7) by Jane his wife (see her burial 21 Apl. 1703). She married, first, at St. Martin-Outwich, London, 21 May 1695, Dirck Barnevelt, of St. James, Westminster, apothecary, by whom she had seven children, only WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 343 1734 Jan. 10 Jane Rider 1 in the South Cloister. Jan. 20 The most noble and puissant Lord Henry Newport, Earl of Bradford, Viscount Newport of Bradford and Baron Newport of High-Ercall, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Salop 2 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. Ann Peck :3 in the South Cross. Jan. 21 Jan. Feb. 4 22 13 Francis Coghlan, Esq. :* in the North Cloister. Elizabeth Coates:5 in the middle aisle. three of whom survived her. The youngest surviving son, Robert Barnevelt, died 27 Jan. 1786, being then the oldest member of the Common-Council of London, and was buried at Enfield, Midx. The eldest son, Charles, was buried at Chiswick, Midx., 4 June 1739, and the second son, Philip, died 14 Dec. 1736. The father was buried at St. James, Westminster, 22 Nov. 1717. She married, secondly, in June 1731 (Marr. Sett. dated the 4th, quoted in her will), Capt. Jonathan Warr, of Isleworth, Midx, who survived her, and by whom she appears to have had no issue. Her will, dated 15 Feb. 1733-4, with a codicil 7 Nov. 1734, was proved 3 Jan. 1734-5, by her son Robert Barnevelt. See her brother's burial 27 Apl. 1746. The Funeral Book says that she died 7 Jan., aged thirty-four, and her monument describes her as of the city of Lichfield, but as having resided for the last nine years of her life at Madeira, with her brother, William Rider, Esq., late consul there, who erected the tablet. 2 Eldest son of Richard, second Earl of Bradford, by Mary, third and youngest dau. and coheir of Sir Thomas Wilbraham, third and last Bart. of Woodhey, co. Chester. He succeeded as third Earl in 1723. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 25 Dec. 1734, in his fifty-second year. He appears to have died unmarried, and certainly left no legitimate issue. His will, dated 8 May 1730, with codicils 16 May 1730 and 17 Apl. 1733, was proved 21 Jan. 1724-5. He be- queathed £10,000 to Mrs. Anne Smyth (see her burial 7 Nov. 1742), and the entire residue of his estate to his illegitimate son by her, then called John Harrison (see his burial, as John Newport, 9 May 1783), with remainder to his said mother. His will does not mention his own relations. 3 Anne, second and youngest surviving daughter of Henry Peck, of St. Margaret's. West- minster, Esq., by Anne, dau. of Abraham Delaune, of Sharsted, in Dodington, co. Kent, Esq., who administered to her husband's estate 10 Nov. 1680, and was buried at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 21 Feb. 1686-7. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Jan. Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 28 Aug. 1733, was proved 30 Apl. 1735, by her sister Martha Harsnett, widow of Rev. Robert Harsnett, D.D., some time Prebendary of Wells, but deprived in 1694 (sce his father's burial 27 Oct. 1692). She bequeathed to her said sister all her real and personal estate, including "the rectory or parsonage impropriate of Ifield, co. Sussex, and the advowson of the vicarage thereof." See a pedigree of her family in Berry's County Genealogies, Sussex, p. 97. 4 The Funeral Book says that he died 17 Jan., aged fifty-two.-"Yesterday morning died of a tedious Indisposition, at his lodgings in Pall-Mall, Francis Coghlan, Esq.. a Barrister-at-Law of the kingdom of Ireland: He no sooner appeared at that Bar than he distinguished himself in a very eminent degree, and shortly became the Darling of the Irish Courts: his conduct in life was so amiable that he was as universally esteemed as known, and, as Humanity and good nature influenced all his actions, he may justly be deemed a general loss to his country" (General Evening Post, 18 Jan. 1734-5).-A special marriage license was granted by the Vicar- General, 29 Dec. 1709, for Francis Coghlan, of the Inner Temple, Esq., bachelor, and Martha Price, of St. Clement Danes, Midx., widow. 5 The Funeral Book says "Mrs. Elizabeth Cotes," and that she died 10 Feb., and was buried in the same grave with Mrs. Catharine Hyde (see her burial 28 Feb. 1706-7). In Mrs. Hyde's will, she was called her maid-servant. In the newspapers of the day she was described as a "maiden gentlewoman," and it was said that she died at her house in the Cloisters, and that her body "lay in state in the Jerusalem Chamber." Her will, as Elizabeth Cotes, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 31 Dec. 1733, was proved 17 Feb. 1734-5, by Mr. Michael Spateman, residuary legatee. She directed to be buried in linen, in the same grave with her late dear 344 BURIALS IN 1784 Feb. 16 The Right Hon. Charlotte, Baroness De la Warr:1 in the South aisle. March 24 1735 April 3 Elizabeth Strutton :2 in the Dark Cloister. Sarah Wynn :3 in the North Cloister. Diana Jackson:4 in the West Cloister. April 11 April 13 July 10 6 July 15 Robert Cover :5 in the West Cloister. George Willes: in the North Cross. Mary French : in the South Cloister. July 24 Samuel Bates:8 in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 3 Dec. 30 Bridget, wife of William Bellasyse, Esq. :9 in St. Paul's Chapel. Susanna Darbyshire :10 in the East Cloister. mistress, Mrs. Catherine Hyde. She left bequests to her cousin John Jennings, one of the Clerks of the House of Lords (see his baptism 12 Feb. 1690-1), her cousin Elizabeth Brugh, her cousin Helen Shrider (see her burial 27 Mch. 1752), and her cousin Parnell Parker. 1 Lady Charlotte MacCarthy, dau. of Donogh, fourth Earl of Clancarty, by Lady Elizabeth Spencer, second dau. of Robert, secoud Earl of Sunderland (see their marriage 31 Dec. 1684), and first wife of John West, seventh Lord Delawarr (created Earl Delawarr 18 Mch. 1761), to whom married 25 May 1721. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 Fcb., aged thirty-four. Her husband administered to her estate 6 Nov. 1736. She was ancestress of the succeeding Earls Delawarr. 2 The Funeral Book says she died 21 Mch., aged seventy-two. The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 3 Dau. of Owen Wynne, LL.D., by Dorothy his wife (sec her burial 27 Mch. 1724, and note thereto). She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 14 Oct. 1697. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 30 Mch., and was buried on the right side of her mother. See her sister's burial 8 Dec. 1734, and her brother's 23 May 1765. 4 Relict of Robert Jackson, College baker (see his burial 7 Mch. 1729-30). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 Apl., aged forty-two, and was buried in her husband's grave. According to the will of Margaret Bowker (see her burial 12 May 1731), who left to her and her sister Hawkins each a mourning ring, she appears to have continued her husband's business. See the baptisms of her children, 26 Jan. 1724-5, 17 Oct. 1727, and 20 Jan. 1728-9, and the burials of two others, 14 July 1724 and 10 Oct. 1726. 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 6 Apl., aged twenty-three. • Son of Rev. Dr. Edward Willes, then Dean of Lincoln and Prebendary of Westminster, afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells (see his burial 1 Dec. 1773), by Janc his wife (see her burial 18 Oct. 1771). See his baptism 29 June 1727. The Funeral Book says that he died 7 July, aged eight years. 7 Dau. of John French (see his burial 21 June 1725), by Mary his wife (see her burial 6 Feb. 1758). See her baptism 4 Aug. 1710. The Funeral Book says that she died 5 July, aged twenty-four. 8 The Funeral Book says that he died 20 July, aged forty-seven. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, cordwainer, dated 23 Nov. 1734, was proved 21 July 1735, three days before his burial, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Mary (see her burial 23 Aug. 1762), when the value of his effects was sworn to be under £20. The same date of his death is given in the record. He probably occupied some menial position about the Abbey. 66 9 Only dau. and eventually sole heir of Captain Rupert Billingsley, R.N., Commander of the Royal George" in 1715, who died 14 Dec. 1720, by Mary his wife, dau. of Richard Dalton, Gent., by his first wife Margaret (sec her burial 25 Aug. 1686), who died 5 Aug. 1727, both being buried at West Drayton, Midx. She was born the 15th, and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 21 Apl. 1715. She married, at the Royal Chapel, St. James's, 17 Aug. 1732, William Belasyse, Esq. (sce his burial 23 Feb. 1769). She died, according to her monument, 28 July, in her twenty-first year. See the burial of her only daughter 16 Apl. 1774. 10 The Funeral Book says that she died 27 Dec., aged forty-six. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 345 173 Jan. 31 The most high, mighty and most noble Prince Edmund, Duke of Buckinghamshire and Normanby, Marquis of Normanby, Earl of Mulgrave and Lord Sheffield, Baron of Butterwick, son of John, the late Duke, by his 3rd wife, the Lady Catharine Darnley, natural daughter of King James the 2nd,¹ died at Rome on the 30th of October, 1735, and was buried in K. H. 7th's Chapel on the 31st day of January following. Cornwell Fitz-Frederick, Esq. :2 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. John Grainger, Esq. :3 in the middle aisle. Feb. 26 March 8 March 10 1736 April 18 July 8 July 9 [blank] Carleton in the North Cloister. Ann Russell:5 in the West Cloister. Thomas Cox :6 in the Dark Cloister. John Jenkins, Clerk :7 in the Dark Cloister. 1 Edmund Sheffield, only surviving son of John, first Duke of Buckinghamshire (see his burial 25 Mch. 1721), by his third wife, Lady Catharine Darnley (see her burial 8 Apl. 1743). He was born the 3rd, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 29 Jan. 1715-16, and matri- culated at Oxford, from Queen's College, 2 Aug. 1732. His will, dated 14 Oct. 1734, was proved 6 Dec. 1735, by his mother, to whom he gave all his estate, and who is alone named in it. Dying unmarried, his titles became extinct. 2 Reputed illegitimate son of Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales (see his burial 13 Apl. 1751), although two other noble personages appear to have claimed the honour of his paternity, by the Hon. Anne Vane, eldest dau. of Gilbert, second Lord Barnard, Maid of Honour to Q. Caroline when Princess of Wales, who died at Bath 27 Mch. in the same year. His baptism is thus recorded in the parish register of St. James, Westminster, under the date of 17 June 1732: "Cornwall Fitz-Frederick, son of the Hon. Mrs. Vane, p' J. Snowe, Chaplain to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales." The newspapers of the day state that the ceremony was performed at her house in St. James Street, by the Rev. Dr. Snowe, soon after the child's birth, and that the godfathers were the Hon. Henry Vane (the lady's brother) and Lord Baltimore. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 23 Feb., in his fourth year. The mother was known in the peculiar literature of the day as Beautiful Vanella." Another child of the same parents, according to the weekly journals of the period, named Amelia, was born and baptized about midnight, 21 and 22 Apl. 1733, but lived only two hours. 66 3 One of the deputy-tellers of the Exchequer. He had a grant of arms, as engraved on his monument, 16 July 1716, when it was stated that his family had not before borne arms. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 29 Feb., aged seventy-five. Letters of administration to his estate were granted, 18 Mch. 1735-6, to William Thompson, Esq., his sister's son, as next of kin. See his wife's burial 18 July 1734. 4 The Funeral Book calls her Mary, and says that she died 6 Mch. She was probably a child of Rev. George Carleton, Chanter of the Abbey, by Elizabeth his wife. See her sister's baptism 4 Dec. 1732, and note thereto, and the burials, of her brother 24 Mch. 1729-30, and of her sisters, 26 Dec. 1728 and 11 Mch. 1738-9. 5 The Funeral Book says that she died 16 Apl., aged nineteen. Her will, dated 14 Apl. 1736, then in Dean's Yard, Westminster, was proved 12 Jan. 1736-7, by her cousin Rev. Richard Powell (see his burial 4 Feb. 1738-9), to whom she left all her real and personal estate, in trust for his daughters Elizabeth and Anne. She bequeathed to Richard, son of Nicholas Russell, of Wimborne, £5, and rings to her cousin Carolina Derby, junior, and mentioned her effects in the hands of Rev. Mr. Derby, of Wimborne, and Carolina his wife. year. • One of the bell-ringers. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 July, in his sixty-fifth 7 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 July, aged fifty-eight. The newspapers of the day describe him as one of the Readers at Whitehall Chapel. He died intestate, and was buried in the place reserved for persons in the most humble circumstances. 2 Y 346 BURIALS IN Elizabeth Powell, an infant: in the South Cloister. Thomas Jordan 2 in the North Cloister. • Maria Glynn :3 in the North Cloister. Anne Lewis : in the East Cloister. 1736 Aug. 12 Oct. 3 Nov. 4 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 28 Dec. 173 Jan. 14 John Freeman :7 in the West Cloister. 1 Jan. 2 John Willis :9 in the West Cloister. The Hon. Henry Groves, Esq., Lieut.-General of H. M.'s Forces :5 in the East Cloister. Atkinson Gates :6 in the North Cloister. Catharine Coleman :8 in the North Cloister. ¹ Dau. of Rev. Richard Powell, minor canon (see his burial 4 Feb. 1738-9). The Funeral Book says that she died 11 Aug., aged three years and six months. See her baptism 12 Apl. 1733. 2 Eldest son of Rev. George Jordan, of Burwash, co. Sussex, Chancellor of the diocese of Chichester. He was at Westminster School, and died 29 Sep., aged sixteen. 3 Dau. of Thomas Baker, of the city of Oxford, Gent., by Anne, dau. of John Skingley, of the same city. She was baptized at All Saints, Oxford, 13 Apl. 1685, and married Henry Glynn, of London, merchant, and of Woodford, co. Essex. He died at Gambia, in Africa, of which colony he was Governor, and his will, dated 20 Jan. 1720-1, was proved by her 31 Aug. 1723. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 30 Oct., aged fifty-one, leaving no issue. Her will, dated 24 Mch. 1734-5, was proved 22 Dec. 1736, by her sister Anne Playford, widow (see her burial 6 July 1743). See the burial of another sister, Rachel Taylor, 2 June 1740. 4 Her maiden name was Jennings, and she married, first, at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., 19 Aug. 1708, Thomas Bateman, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., widower, she being described as of St. Anne's, Westminster. He was buried at St. Martin in the Fields 20 Dec. 1719, and she administered to his estate 13 Jan. following. She married, secondly, at St. Benet, Paul's Wharf, London, 1 Oct. 1724, Erasmus Lewis, Esq. (see his burial 15 Jan. 1754). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 21 Nov., aged sixty-six. 5 His will, as Henry Grove, of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., Esq., Major-General of H.M.'s Forces, dated 5 Feb. 1727-8, was proved 25 Nov. 1736, by his relict Elizabeth, to whom he left his whole estate, bequeathing rings only to his brothers Christopher and John Grove, his nephew Henry Grove, and his niece Henrietta Grove. The accounts of him in the journals of the day represent him as an old experienced officer, his commission as colonel being dated 11 Apl. 1705, and as having served gallantly in Flanders under the Duke of Marlborough. He had been deputy-governor of Berwick-on-Tweed, and Governor of Dartmouth, and at his death was colonel of a regiment of foot then at Gibraltar. He attained the rank of Lieut.-General 27 Oct. 1735. The Funeral Book calls him General Grove, and says that he died 19 Nov., aged seventy-one. • Youngest dau. of Bernard Gates, Esq. (see his burial 23 Nov. 1773), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 15 Mch. 1736-7). She was born 23 June 1718, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 July following. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 24 Nov. 7 He was sworn a Gentleman extraordinary of the Chapel Royal 6 Dec. 1700, and to a full place 23 Dec. 1702, and was also a member of the choirs of the Abbey and of St. Paul's. According to the Funeral Book, he died 10 Dec., aged seventy, and was buried in his wife's grave (see her burial 6 Nov. 1732). His dau. Elizabeth Freeman, spinster, administered to his estate 19 Jan, 1736-7. 8 The Funeral Book says that she died 25 Sep., aged fifty, and was buried on the left side of John Coleman, Esq. (see burials 6 June 1709 and 10 Oct. 1715). She does not appear to have been a dau. of the former, and was probably the widow of the latter, who only is called "Esquire" in the Register. • The Funeral Book says that he died 28 Dec. 1736, aged thirty-seven. He was appointed Abbey carpenter 18 Dec. 1733. His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, carpenter, dated 24 Dec. 1736, was proved 26 Feb. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 347 173 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 14 Jan. Elizabeth French :1 in the South Cloister. Anne Jackson :2 in the East Cloister. Frances Loveday :3 in the South Cloister. 4 14 Edward Tufnell, Esq. :* in the South Cloister. Mary Kittlewell:5 in the Dark Cloister. Anna-Sophia Wardour:6 in the middle aisle. Feb. 8 Feb. Feb. 25 25 7 Francis Wynn; aged 15 months in the North Cloister. : relict Jane (see her burial 22 Dec. 1744), and by Mr. William Ayres. He mentioned his brothers Thomas, Edward, and Jonathan Willis, and his sisters Anne Ward, and Grace, wife of John Bacchus. He bequeathed to his son William, his daughters Elizabeth and Ayres, and to his child expectant, each £1400. See the burial of his posthumous son 14 July 1780. Some of the journals of the day say that he was chief carpenter to the King, and died worth £10,000. ¹ Dau. of John French (see his burial 21 June 1725), by his wife Mary (see her burial 6 Feb. 1758). See her baptism 17 Jan. 1705-6. The Funeral Book says that she died 29 Dec. 1736, aged thirty, and was buried in her father's grave. Her will, as of Stable Yard, St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 17 Dec. 1736, was proved 24 Jan. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by her mother, who was sole legatee. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 4 Jan., aged seventy-two.-Letters of administration to the estate of Ann Jackson, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., widow, were granted, 21 Jan. 1736-7, to her son Stephen Jackson.-" On Tuesday last, about six in the afternoon, died at the Gore, near Kensington, in an advanced age, Mrs. Jackson, mother to Mr. Jackson at the Half- Moon tavern in the Strand. Her substance, which it is believed is very considerable, she has left between her two sons, Mr. Jackson before mentioned, and his brother, who is an officer in Kirk's regiment at Gibraltar" (London Evening Post, 8 Jan. 1736-7). 3 Dau. of John Windebank, M.D. (see his burial 16 Aug. 1704), by his wife Susanna (see her burial 11 Jan. 1681-2), and widow of Matthew Loveday, of North Leigh, co. Oxford, Gent., to whom she was married about 24 Nov. 1666 (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen.), and who was buried at St. Aldate's, in the city of Oxford, 25 Feb. 1681-2. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 Jan., aged eighty-seven. Her will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., widow, dated 3 Dec. 1706 (sic), was proved 18 Jan. 1736-7, by her dau. Ann Loveday, spinster (see her burial 19 Nov. 1739), to whom she left all her estate, except £10 for mourning to her dau. Susanna and her husband Mr. Samuel Blundell. She directed to be buried, if she died in London, in the Abbey cloisters near her father and mother, or, if at Oxford, in St. Aldate's Church, by her husband. Her only son, Matthew, died while at Christ Church, Oxford, in 1687, aged about twenty, and she survived her only other dau., Frances, who was living at the date of her father's will, 5 Sep. 1671. (( Third son of this name of Edward Tufnell, the Abbey mason (see his burial 11 Sep. 1719), by Anne his wife (see their marriage 27 Oct. 1697). He was born 21 Mch. 1706-7, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, on the 25th of the same month. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 Jan., aged thirty. The newspapers of the day described him as an eminent attorney-at-law, of Lyon's Inn," and say that he died at Ickenham, near Uxbridge, Midx. His will, as of Hillingdon, Midx., Esq., dated 29 July 1736, was proved 3 Feb. 1736-7, by his brother-in-law Robert Scott, of Hillingdon, Gent., who married his sister Dorothy, to whom he left half the residue of his estate, bequeathing the other half to his brother-in-law Henry Roberts, of Standen, Isle of Wight, Esq., who married his sister Elizabeth. He evidently died unmarried. 5 Wife of John Kettlewell, almsman (see his burial 14 Apl. 1757). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 Feb., aged forty-eight. See her son's burial 23 Mch. 1793. 6 Dau. and coheir of Robert Rodd, of Foxley, co. Hereford, Esq., by Anna-Sophia, dau. and heir of Thomas Neale, of Warnford, Hants. She married, at St. Bride's, London, 10 Sep. 1685, William Wardour, of Whitney Court, co. Hereford, Esq., Clerk of Appeals, to whose estate she administered 2 May 1699. She died, according to her monument, 17 Feb., aged seventy-one. See the burials of her sons, 26 July 1746 and 22 Feb. 1752. The former administered to her estate 4 Mch. 1736-7. The newspapers of the day say that she died at Bath. 7 Probably a child of William Wynne, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law (see his burial 23 May 1765), 348 BURIALS IN 1739 March 5 March 15 1737 March 26 April 9 9 May 2 May 29 Adrian Drift 1 in the South Cross. Elizabeth Gates :2 in the North Cloister. Catherine Powell :3 in the Dark Cloister. Jonathan Martin, Organist to his Majesty : in the West Cloister. Edmund Burt :5 in the North Cloister. John Conduit, Esq. :6 in the middle aisle, on the right side of Sir Isaac Newton. July 24 The Right Hon. the Lady Catharine Hyde :7 near the North pillar at the foot of the steps going to K. H. 7th's Chapel. by Grace his wife (see her burial 27 Nov. 1779). The Funeral Book says that he died 22 Feb., and that the burial fees were paid by William Wynne, Esq. 1 Youngest son of Matthew Drift, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., tailor, by Catharine his wife, whom he married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 11 June 1666, as Catharine Hutton, widow. He was the personal friend of Matthew Prior, the poet (see his burial 25 Sep. 1721), who bequeathed to him £1000 and appointed him one of his executors, and had been his secretary when he was abroad in public employments. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 28 Feb., aged sixty-two. He died unmarried, and was buried, as he desired, near Mr. Prior. Letters of administration to his estate were granted, 27 Jan. 1737-8, to Edward Bower and Anne his wife, described as his cousins-german and two of his next of kin. 2 Wife of Bernard Gates, master of the choristers, etc. (see his burial 23 Nov. 1773). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 Mch., aged forty-eight. Her monument states that she was brought up from her childhood by her friend Mrs. Elizabeth Atkinson (see her burial 15 Mch. 1725-6), but there is nothing in Mrs. Atkinson's will to indicate that any other relationship existed between them. See the burials of her children, 6 June 1717, 11 July 1719, and 28 Nov. 1736. 3 The Funeral Book says that she died 24 Mch., aged sixty-six. Her will, as of Frox- field Almshouse, co. Wilts, dated 24 Mch. 1734-5, was proved 4 June 1737, by her dau. Catherine Powell, spinster, to whom she left all her possessions. She was probably a relation, perhaps mother, of Rev. Richard Powell, minor canon (see his burial 4 Feb. 1738-9). Frox- field Almshouse was founded in 1686, by Sarah, Duchess-dowager of Somerset, for the reception of thirty widows of clergymen from any part of England, and twenty widows of laymen exclusively of Wiltshire, whose incomes were not more than £20 per annum, and is still a highly respectable institution. • He was educated under the celebrated Dr. Croft, and appointed organist of the Chapel Royal 21 June 1736, being then organist of St. George's, Hanover Square. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Apl., aged twenty-two. The newspapers of the day say that he died of con- sumption, and was a young gentleman as much esteemed for his amiable personal qualities as he was admired for his great excellency in his profession." 5 Son of Edmund Burt and Anne Taylour his wife, who were married at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 6 Dcc. 1705. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 Sep. 1720, and was admitted into Westminster School in 1735. The Funeral Book says that he died 27 Apl., aged seventeen. 6 The Funeral Book and his monument say that he died 23 May, aged forty-nine. One of his name was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., 8 Mch. 1687-8, as son of Leonard Conduit and Sarah his wife, whose age would exactly agree with his. He succeeded Sir Isaac Newton (whose niece he married) as Master of the Mint, and was M.P. for Whitchurch 1722 and 1729, and for Southampton 1735. His will, as John Conduitt, of Cranbury, co. Southampton, Esq., dated 29 May 1732, was proved 25 May 1737, by his relict Catharine (see her burial 29 Jan. 1739-40). His only dau., Catharine, married John, Viscount Lymington (see her burial 4 May 1750). One of his name had a grant of armis, 16 Aug. 1717, when it was said that he had served as Judge-Advocate of the British forces in Portugal in 1711, and was the next year constituted Captain in the regiment of Dragoous there commanded by Brigadier Hunt Wither. 7 Younger dau. of Lawrence, first Earl of Rochester (see his burial 10 May 1711), by Lady WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 349 1737 Dec. 10 John Pope :1 in the Dark Cloister. Dec. Dec. 17 1733 Feb. 28 March 6 1738 April 23 June 9 June 25 June 30 Sept. 6 Caroline, Queen Consort of Great Britain,2 was buried in the new Royal vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. 3 Ann Foyle: in the middle aisle. Arabella Cheriton : in the West Cloister. Oliver Lambert, Esq. 5 in the North Cross. John Ilsley:6 in the Dark Cloister. Elizabeth Luckett:7 in the West Cloister. Mary Edwards :8 in the North Cloister. Peter Mason:9 in the West Cloister. Henrietta Boyle (see her burial 16 Apl. 1687). She had been Lady of the Bedchamber to Q. Anne. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 July, aged fifty-five. Her will, dated 22 June 1737, was proved 26 July following, by her niece Lady Charlotte Hyde, to whom she left her entire estate. She died unmarried. ¹ He died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 Dec., aged seventy-two. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 2 Wilhelmina-Charlotte-Caroline, dau. of John-Frederic, Margrave of Brandenburg-Anspach, by his second wife, Eleanor-Erdmuth-Louisa, dau. of John-George, Duke of Saxe-Eisenach. She was born 1 Mch. 1682-3, and married, at Hanover, 22 Aug. (O.S.) 1705, George-Augustus, only son of K. George I., who succeeded to the throne, as King George II., 11 June 1727 (see his burial 11 Nov. 1760). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Nov., aged fifty-four years, eight months, and nineteen days. See the burials of her sons, 12 Feb. 1717-18, 13 Apl. 1751, and 10 Nov. 1765, and of her daughters, 5 Jan. 1758 and 11 Nov. 1786. 3 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 22 Feb., aged seventy-seven. She administered to the estate of Col. Edward Leigh (see his burial 24 Jan. 1703-4), as his sister, and was then a widow. Her will, as of Chute, co. Wilts, dated 10 Mch. 1730-1, with codicils 3 Aug. and 17 Sep. 1735, was proved 13 Mch. 1737-8, by her cousin," Lora Pitt, of Arlington Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., with whom she appears to have been living at her death, and to whom she left her pictures, etc., "with millions of thanks for her very long and true friendship." She mentioned no other relation, except her nephew George Foyle, to whom she left a diamond ring. Her other bequests were diamond rings, jewels, pictures, etc., chiefly to titled ladies evidently not related to her. 4 Evidently a child of Mr. David Cheriton, one of the choir (see his burial 11 Jan. 1758), by his first wife, Frances (see her burial 19 Apl. 1739). The Funeral Book says that she died 4 Mch., aged eight months. 5 Oliver Lambart, fourth but second surviving son of Charles, third Earl of Cavan, in the Irish peerage, by Castiliana, dau. of Henry Gilbert, of Kilmiuchy, Queen's county, Ireland, Esq. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 18 Apl., aged fifty-five. See the burials, of his wife 11 Jan. 1750-1, of his daughters 18 May 1749 and 4 Nov. 1758, and of his great-great-grandfather 10 June 1618. He was a J.P. for Westminster and Middlesex. 6 Evidently a child of John Ilsley, College beadle (see his burial 28 June 1750), by Margaret, his second wife (see her burial 22 Nov. 1746). The Funeral Book says that he died 7 June, aged nine weeks. 7 Evidently a child of John Luckett, sacrist (see his burial 10 Apl. 1748), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 26 Sep. 1743). The Funeral Book says that she died 23 June, aged six weeks. 8 Relict of Thomas Edwards, one of the choir (see his burial 22 Aug. 1730). She died, ac- cording to the Funeral Book, 26 June. aged sixty-seven, and was buried in her husband's grave, the fees being paid by the Company of Upholders. Her son Thomas Edwards administered to her estate, 31 July 1738, when she was described as formerly of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., but afterwards of Greenwich, co. Kent. See the burial of her dau. 29 Aug. 1741. 9 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Sep., aged seventy-five, but his monument gives his age as eighty-two. The former is more likely to be correct, as the latter was erected by his 350 BURIALS IN 1738 Sept. Sept. 7 Sept. 11 1 Ann Molloy :¹ in the West Cloister. Sept. 12 Oct. 4 7 Her Grace Mary, Duchess of Northumberland: 2 in General Monk's vault. William Smith: in the North Cloister. Francis Winkles : in the South Cloister. Oct. 20 Oct. 26 John Kemp, Esq. 5 in the East Cloister. • George Bellamy, Esq. :6 in the North Cloister. exccutrix, who appears to have been only his servant. His will, as of St. James, co. Midx., dated 22 Sep. 1737, was proved 14 Sep. 1738, by Mary Faver, spinster, whom he made his resi- duary legatee. He disposed of considerable property, but evidently to persons not his relations, and the will gives no clew to his family. ¹ Dau. and evidently youngest child of Reimerd Watkins (see his burial 7 Sep. 1719), by Mary his wife (see her burial 1 Nov. 1743). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 2 Sep., aged thirty. She appears to have been twice married, as letters of administration to her estate were granted, 31 Oct. 1739, to her husband Peter-Joseph Molloy, when she was described as Ann Molloy, alias Mann, alias Watkins, late of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx. Her husband was living 7 Oct. 1751, when he administered de bonis non to her father's estate. 2 Dau. of Henry Dutton, Esq., sister of Capt. Mark Dutton and of Dame Frances, wife of Sir William Parsons, third Bart. of Langley, co. Bucks, and second wife and relict of George Fitzroy, Duke of Northumberland (sce his burial 11 July 1716). The precise date of their mar- riage has never been ascertained, but his first Duchess died 25 May 1714 (see her burial 3 June in that year), and in his will, dated 12 Mch. 1714-15, he declared that the lady named in the text was then his wife, and Duchess of Northumberland. Even Le Neve, who, with all his great love for the scandal of his day, noting the Duke's death in his MS. diary, then mentioned her as "Mrs. Dutton, his mistress, said to be his wife, and called Duchess," had the grace afterwards to add to his note the marriage proved and owned." She died at Frogmore, near Windsor, 27 Aug. Her will, dated 1 Mch. 1737-8, was proved 1 Sep. 1738, ten days before her burial, by her friend Capt. John-Merick Cole, and, 25 Oct. following, by her brother Mark Dutton. She left no issue. 3 Letters of administration to his estate, as of St. Mary's, Lambeth, co. Surrey, bachelor, were granted 22 Nov. 1738, to his sister Elizabeth Smith, spinster (see her burial 27 May 1760). He died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 Sep., aged forty-nine, and was buried on the right side of his sister Frances Meyrick (see her burial 24 Sep. 1734). See also the burial of his brother 1 Oct. 1755. Son of Benjamin Winckles, organ-blower (see his burial 23 Nov. 1732). He was appointed, 23 Dec. 1723, porter of the Great Cloister and Back Gate, clock-keeper, and keeper of the College water, and, 1 Mch. 1732-3, a bell-ringer. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Oct., in his forty-third year. See his first marriage 13 May 1721, the baptisms of his children 18 Jan. 1723-4, 12 June 1729 (and note thereto), 18 Jan. 1731-2, and 16 Oct. 1734, and the burial of his first wife 7 Nov. 1724. 5 Letters of administration to his estate, as John Kempe, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., Esq., were granted, 25 May 1739, to John, Earl of Orrery, curator or guardian assigned to Boyle- Staunton Kempe and Henrietta Kempe, minors, his only children, his relict Elizabeth having died without administering (see her burial 6 May 1739). The Funeral Book says that he died 11 Oct., aged thirty-eight. The journals of the day described him as of the Middle Temple, Counsellor-at-Law, and stated that he died at his house in Downing Street. The Funeral Book says that he died 19 Oct., aged sixty-three. The journals of the day describe him as one of the Gentlemen of the Honourable Band of Pensioners, and say that he died at his house in Prince's Court, Westminster. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 26 Mch. 1738, with a codicil 13 Oct. in the same year, was proved 27 Oct. following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by two of his friends. His bequests to his relations were as follows: to his nephew Lieut. Leonard Bellamy £500, and £200 more in trust for his sister Mary, wife of John Moor, of Hedon, in Holderness, co. York, and her children; to his niece Frances, wife of James Carlile, of Kingston-upon-Hull, grocer, £500; to his nephew John Baron, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 351 1738 Nov. 17 Nov. 22 4 173 Feb. March 5 March 11 1739 April 18 Ann Forbes :1 in the North Cross. Mary Blow :2 in the North Cloister. The Revd Richard Powell :3 in the South Cloister. Jane Bradford :4 in the North Cross. Caroline Carleton :5 in the North Cloister. The most noble and puissant Lord Charles Hamilton, Earl of Selkirk, Lord Dairant Shertchurch [sic], Lord Lieutenant and principal Sheriff of the county of Clidesdale, Lord Register of Scotland, one of the Lords of H. M.'s Bedchamber, one of H. M.'s most Hon. Privy Council, and one of the 16 Peers for North Britain: in the Duke of Buckingham's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. then of Hull, but late of Patrington, co. York, carpenter, £300; to his nephew Joseph Baron, of the city of York, barber-surgeon, £300; to his nephew Benjamin Baron, of Hull, baker, £300; to his niece Mary Baron, of Hull, £250; and to the children of his late kinsman, George Bellamy alias Billany, of Skeffling, co. York, a portion of the residue of his estate. He also bequeathed £80 to the poor of Skeffling, those of his own name or kindred to be preferred. After a few other bequests to friends, the residue was to be divided among his said nephews and nieces. ¹ Dau. and sole heir of John Leith, of Whitehaugh, Aberdeenshire, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of William, eleventh Lord Forbes, and relict of William Forbes, Esq. (see his burial 10 Apl. 1728), to whom married in 1706. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 11 Nov., aged fifty-nine. 2 Dau. and last surviving child of John Blow, the celebrated Doctor of Music (see his burial 8 Oct. 1708), by Elizabeth his wife (sec her burial 31 Oct. 1683). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Nov., and was buried in her father's grave. Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 29 Mch. 1736, was proved 23 Nov. 1738, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by Edmund Burton, of New Palace Yard, Westminster, Gent., to whom she be- queathed her entire estate, except £10 to her cousin Elizabeth Blow, of Theobald s Park, Herts, spinster, and one shilling to her brother-in-law William Edgeworth (see his wife's burial 9 Sep. 1719), besides eight guineas which he had borrowed from her servant, if he did not repay her. 3 One of the minor canons of the Abbey, and one of the priests in ordinary of the Chapel Royal. One of his name matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 1 Mch. 1728-9, aged twenty-two, as son of John Powell, of co. Midx., paying the fees of a plebeian's son, but does not seem to have taken any degree there. According to the Funeral Book, he died 30 Jan., aged thirty-three. He appears to have married Anne, dau. of James Bentham, and grand-daughter of Rev. Samuel Bentham, minor canon (see his burial 5 Mch. 1729-30), who administered to his estate 16 Feb. 1738-9, and who was living, his widow, at Farningham, co. Kent, in 1776. See the baptisms of his children, 12 Apl. 1733 and 4 July 1735, and the burial of one of them 12 Aug. 1736. 4 Relict of the Right Rev. Samuel Bradford, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster (see his burial 22 May 1731). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Feb., aged eighty. Letters of administration to her estate, as of Lambeth, co. Surrey, were granted 14 Mch. 1738-9, to her daughters and only surviving children, Jane, wife of Rev. Reuben Clarke. D.D. (see the note to a baptism 12 Oct. 1725), and Susanna, wife of Rev. John Denne, D.D. (see the note to a baptism 1 Aug. 1725). See her son's burial 19 July 1728. 5 Evidently a child of Rev. George Carleton, Chanter of the Abbey, by his wife Elizabeth. See her sister's baptism 4 Dec. 1732, and note thereto, and the burials, of her brother 24 Mch. 1729-30, and of her sisters, 26 Dec. 1728 and 10 Mch. 1735-6. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Mch., aged one year and six months. 6 Lord Charles Douglas, second surviving son of Lord William Douglas, by his wife Anne, Duchess of Hamilton. He succeeded by royal patent to the titles of Earl of Selkirk and Baron Daer and Shortcleuch, which his father resigned on being created Duke of Hamilton for life. According to his coffin-plate (exposed in 1867), he was born 3 Feb. 1662-3, and died 13 Mch. 1738-9. He died unmarried, and by his will, dated 4 May 1734, made his nephew, William, Lord Riccartoun, his universal legatee and executor, who proved the will 27 June 1739, after a contest between him and several other nephews and nieces of the deceased Earl. 352 BURIALS IN 1739 April 19 22 May 6 June 22 Aug. 15 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Nov. 19 Frances Cheriton :1 in the West Cloister. Elizabeth Kemp:2 in the East Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Biggs :3 in the South Cloister. The most noble Francis de la Rochefoucout, Marquess of Mon- tandre, Field Marshall of England, Master General of the Ordnance, Privy Councillor of Ireland, and Governor of Guernsey in a vault in the North aisle of the Tombs. • Mrs. Charlotte, wife of Henry Fane, Esq. 5 in the South Cross. Mr. Morgan Lowe:6 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Ann Loveday :7 in the South Cloister. 1 Evidently the first wife of David Cheriton, one of the choir of the Abbey (see his burial 11 Jan. 1758). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 13 Apl., aged twenty-one. See her child's burial 6 Mch. 1737-8. 2 Only dau. of John Staunton, of Longbridge, co. Warwick, Esq., by Elizabeth, only dau. of Samuel Smalbroke, of Rowington, in the same county, and sister of the Right Rev. Richard Smalbroke, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 May, aged thirty-four, and was buried on the left side of her husband, John Kempe, Esq. (see his burial 20 Oct. 1738). Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 21 Mch. 1738-9, was proved 26 May 1739, by John, Earl of Orrery, whom she appointed guardian to her children, Boyle- Staunton Kempe and Henrietta Kempe, to whom she left her estate equally. 3 Relict of John Biggs (sce his burial 28 Dec. 1728). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 June, in her seventy-first year, and was buried in her husband's grave. 4 Francis de la Rochefoucauld, second but eldest surviving son of Charles-Louis, second Marquess de Montandre, by Madeline-Anne Pithou, dau. of Pierre, Seigneur De Luyères. He was born in September 1672, and appears to have been bred a canon in the Abbey of St. Victor at Paris, but fled to England on account of the change in his religious sentiments, and was in the army as early as 1693. He rose rapidly, and attained the rank of Major-General in 1706, that of Lieut.-General 1709-10, and finally that of Field-Marshal 2 July 1739. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Aug., aged sixty-six years and eleven months. See his wife's burial 18 Feb. 1772. * Only dau. of Nicholas Rowe, Esq., Poet-Laureate (see his burial 19 Dec. 1718), by his second wife, Anne Devenish (see her burial 12 Dec. 1747). She was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., 1 June 1718, and married, in July 1735, Henry Fane, Esq., a younger brother of Thomas, eighth Earl of Westmoreland, who survived her, and remarried Anne Wynne (see her baptism in 1722, and note thereto). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 29 Sep., in her twenty-second year. Her only dau., Charlotte, was born the 3rd, and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 27 May 1739, and married Sir William St. Quintin, fifth Bart. of Harpham, co. York, but died without issue, 17 Apl. 1762. • Second son and fourth surviving child of Charles Lowe, Esq. (see his burial 7 Feb. 1728-9), by Mary his wife (see her burial 20 Feb. 1732-3), and so described in his mother's will. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 Oct., aged seventeen, and was buried in his father's grave. Although under age, he left a will, dated 5 Oct. 1739, which was admitted to probate, and proved on the 19th of the same month, by his brother Charles Lowe (see his baptism 3 Aug. 1718). He described himself as "apprentice of Mr. John Frcke, surgeon," and left small legacies to his master's daughters and servants, and his wearing apparel to his brother Nicholas Lowe (see his baptism 14 Oct. 1724). He also bequeathed £21 to his fellow-apprentice, Mr. Jones, in trust to pay the same to a certain person to whom he knew the sum was due, and desired him to conceal the knowledge from all others. Why a will of so little importance, made by a minor, should have been admitted to probate, it is impossible to conceive. 7 Youngest dau. of Matthew Loveday, of North Leigh, co. Oxford, Gent., by Frances, dau. of John Windebank, M.D. (see her burial 14 Jan. 1736-7, and note thereto). She was baptized at St. Mary-Magdalen, city of Oxford, 29 Oct. 1678, and died unmarried. Her will, as of Wyddiall, Herts, dated 2 Nov. 1738, was proved 21 Nov. 1739, by Mr. Thomas Wroughton. She directed to be buried near her mother. She bequeathed £50 to her sister Susanna Blundell, of Codford WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 353 1739 Nov. 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 26 26 Dec. 9 1739 Jan. 16 William Cockburn, M.D. :¹ in the middle aisle. Mr. Thomas Rodgers:2 in the Dark Cloister. Samuel Grant :3 in the West Cloister. Dr. William Turner and Elizabeth his wife: in one grave, in the West Cloister. Jan. 18 Mrs. Anne Fitzgerald:5 in the North Cloister. St. Mary, Wilts, and £300 to her dau. Susanna Mitchell. To Francis Goulston, Esq., she gave the pictures of her great-grandfather Sir Francis Windebank and his wife, and of her aunt Mrs. Turner (i. e. her great-aunt Margaret Windebank, who married Rev. Thomas Turner, D.D., Dean of Canterbury). The residue of her estate she gave to her said sister's son, John Blundell, who was to pay to his brother Francis Blundell £10 per annum for life. ¹ He died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Nov., aged seventy. See the burial of his first wife 12 July 1728. He married, secondly, 15 Apl. 1729, Lady Mary Feilding, eldest dau. of Basil, fourth Earl of Denbigh, who died 1 Oct. 1732. The journals of the day described him as “an eminent physician, immensely rich," but he appears to have been estimated differently in social life. In the Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs. Delany, edited by Lady Llanover, 1st Scr. i. 209, he is bluntly called "an old, very rich quack," and his second wife unkindly stigmatized as "very ugly." Mrs. Delany gives the following account of his second courtship: "He went one morning to make a visit, and found Lady Mary weeping. He asked her what was the matter. She said her circumstances were so bad she could no longer live in town but must retire into the country: she was not anxious about leaving London, but regretted some friends she must leave behind. He said, 'Madam, may I hope I am one of those? Certainly,' says she, 'doctor, for you have always showed us great friendship.' Then, madam (says he), if an old man and £50,000 can be acceptable to you, you may put off your journey whenever you please.' She did not long demur, and, after ten days' courtship, they were married. Nobody blames the lady; the man is called 'an old fool.' His will, as of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., dated 4 Dec. 1738, was proved 12 Dec. 1739, by his friends Richard Shelley, Esq., and James Cockburn, Esq., secretary to the Duke of Argyll. He directed to be buried in the Abbey, near his wife. To his "cousin Helen Cockburn, Lady Allanbank, widow of the late Sir Robert Stuart, of Allanbank" [Sir Robert Stuart, created a Baronet (of Nova Scotia) 15 Aug. 1687, married, as his second wife, Helen, dau. of Sir Archibald Cockburn, of Langton], he bequeathed one hundred guineas, and a diamond girdle and six diamond stay- buckles which had belonged to his two wives. To John Cockburn, of Ormiston, Esq., and to the widow of the late Captain John Cockburn, a commander in the navy, he gave the debts they owed him. To his cousin Mrs. Ann Cant, and her niece Amelia White, he gave £100 equally. His estate at Stockton, co. Durham, and the residue of his personalty. he bequeathed to Alexander Cockburn, of Langton, in Scotland, Esq., but without stating their relationship. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 23 Nov., aged twenty-three. From the place of burial it is evident that he was a servant, or occupied some minor position about the Abbey. 3 Son of Thomas Grant, College butler, etc. (sec his burial 15 Aug. 1748), by his wife Susanna (see her burial 8 May 1743). The Funeral Book says that he died 6 Dec., in his seventh year. See his baptism 15 Apl. 1733. 4 The Funeral Book says that she died 9 Jan., aged eighty-five, and he 13 Jan., aged eighty- eight. He appears to have been a son of Charles Turner, cook of Pembroke College, Oxford, and to have been educated as a chorister at Christ Church. He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 11 Oct. 1669, as "a counter-tenor from Lincoln," and afterwards became a vicar- choral of St. Paul's, and a lay vicar of the Abbey. He had the degree of Doctor of Music, at Cambridge, in 1696. They are said to have lived together nearly seventy years. His will, dated 4 Jan. 1727-8, was proved 14 Feb. 1739-40, by his dau. Anne Robinson (see her burial 8 Jan. 1740-1). He merely bequeathed a shilling cach to his five children, William-Partheriche Turner, Edward Turner, Elizabeth Jenkins, Catharine Gardiner, and Anne Robinson, and the residue of his estate to his wife. 5 Dau. of Henry Playford (son of John Playford, the famous music publisher near the 2 Z 354 BURIALS IN 1738 Jan. 27 Jan. 29 Feb. 1 Feb. Mrs. Jane Egerton :¹ in the North aisle. Mrs. Catharine Conduit:2 in the middle aisle. Mrs. Catherine Cotton :3 in the Dark Cloister. 6 The Right Hon. Dorothy, Countess Dowager of Westmoreland :4 near the Quire door. Inner Temple gatc), by Anne, dau. of Thomas Baker, of the city of Oxford, Gent. (see her burial 6 July 1743). She married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 2 Jan. 1727-8, Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald, one of the ushers of Westminster School for upwards of twenty years, who had become Rector of Wotton, co. Surrcy, 24 Dec. preceding her death. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 13 Jan., in her forty-fifth year. See the burial of her dau. 5 Apl. 1740. Her husband married, secondly, at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 25 Aug. 1741, Frances Weston, of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., spinster, and became also Rector of Abinger, co. Surrey, 11 June 1743. He died 15 Aug. 1752, aged fifty-seven, and was buried in the churchyard at Wotton. ¹ Dau. of Major-General Randolph Egerton (see his burial 5 Nov. 1681), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 13 Feb. 1712-13). She was baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 2 Jan. 1678-9, and died unmarried. Her will, dated 19 Jan. 1739-40, was proved 5 Mch. following, by her niece, Hon. Henrietta Townshend, widow of Colonel William Townshend, and dau. of her eldest sister Anne, Lady Powlett. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 22 Jan. See her brother's burial 17 Apl. 1687. 2 Second dau. of Robert Barton, of Brigstock, co. Northampton, Esq., by his second wife, Hannah, dau. of Rev. Barnabas Smith, Rector of North Witham, co. Lincoln (by his wife Hannah, widow of Isaac Newton), and half-sister of the celebrated Sir Isaac Newton (see his burial 28 Mch. 1727). She was baptized at Brigstock 25 Nov. 1679, and married, at Russell Court Chapel, St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 26 Aug. 1717, John Conduitt, Esq., afterwards Master of the Mint, etc. (see his burial 27 May 1737). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Jan. See the burial of her only daughter, Viscountess Lymington, 4 May 1750. The scandal of the day stigmatized this lady as the mistress of Charles Montagu, Earl of Halifax (see his burial 26 May 1715), and the imputation was flippantly asserted as a fact so lately as 1854, by the annotator of the edition of Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets published in that year. The whole subject was thoroughly discussed by the late Professor De Morgan, in Notes and Queries, 1st Scr. viii. p. 429, etc., etc., but is still open to great doubt and difficulty. Professor De Morgan, with such facts as could be ascertained before him, the strongest of which, perhaps, were the large bequest to her by the Earl in his will, and the peculiar character of the language in which that bequest was couched, could find no escape from that conclusion except by assuming that there had been a private marriage between her and the Earl, unacknowledged lest it might affect his advancement. Indeed, he declared that, from the evidence, she must have been his wife or his mistress. That she was not the former is very evident. No proof has ever been discovered of such marriage, and, if there were good reasons for concealment during his life, there could have been none when he came to die, knowing that the very language he caused to be put into his will, if he did not recognize her as his wife, would infallibly cause her to be regarded as his mistress. Besides, in the allegation at the Faculty Office of her intended marriage with Mr. Conduitt, after the Earl's death, it was distinctly sworn that she was then a spinster. The only other alternatives left are almost equally difficult to believe: either the extraordinary intimacy between her and the Earl of Halifax was purely platonic, or else her uncle, Sir Isaac Newton, whose character has been supposed almost immaculate, not only consented to her debasement, but actually pandered to it, for the facts render it impossible that such an intimacy could have been maintained without his knowledge. 3 The Funeral Book says that she died 30 Jan., aged cighteen. See her father's burial 16 Aug. 1750, and her brother's 16 Oct. 1800. 4 Lady Dorothy Brudenell, youngest dau. of Robert, second Earl of Cardigan, by his second wife, Lady Anne Savage, dau. of Thomas, first Earl Rivers. She married, first, Charles Fane, third Earl of Westmoreland, to whom she was second wife, who died in Sep. 1691. She married, secondly, Robert Constable, third Viscount of Dunbar (see his burial 2 Dec. 1714), to whom also she was second wife. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Jan., aged ninety-three, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 355 1728 Feb. 19 Feb. 25 March 4 March 13 March 21 The Revd Mr. John Jones:1 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Susan Glover :2 in the South aisle. Mr. William Tuffnel :3 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Jane Anderson : near the School steps. Lovis de Duras, Earl of Feversham, etc.,5 died April the 8th, 1709, in the 69th year of his age. 4 6 Cy Gist très haut et très puissant Seigneur, Monseigneur Armand de Bourbon, Marquis de Miremont, etc., à qui Dieu a fait la Gráce de faire Naître en Sa Ste Religion 1 The Funeral Book says that he died 15 Feb., aged seventy-four. See the burials 29 Jan. 1732-3, 4 Jan. 1750-1, and 19 May 1761, probably, from the place of burial, all members of his family. 2 Dau. of Maurice Evans, of Westminster, Gent., and sister of John Evans, Esq. (see his burial 13 Apl. 1727), and of Rev. Michael Evans, Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 25 Aug. 1732). She died, according to the Funcral Book, 20 Feb., aged seventy-seven. Her will, as of St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., widow, dated 30 July 1737, was proved 26 Feb. 1739-40, by her son John Glover (sce his burial 16 May 1740). She left all her East India and South Sea stock to her dau. Mrs. Mary Wright, and £100 to her cousin Mrs. Rebecca Owen. See the burial of her only other son 22 Nov. 1733. 3 Son of William Tufnell, bricklayer (see his burial 24 Dec. 1733), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 11 Oct. 1720), and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 8 Sep. 1702. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 27 Feb., in his thirty-eighth year, and was buried at the foot of his father's gravestone. He married, at St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., 20 Dec. 1739, shortly before his death, Rebecca Austin, of St. Olave's, Southwark, co. Surrey, spinster. by whom he appears to have had a son before their marriage. His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, bricklayer, dated 19 Feb. 1739-40, was proved 15 Mch. following, by his brother-in-law Alexander Haselar (see the note to a burial 23 Oct. 1734). He left moderate legacies to his sister Elizabeth, wife of said Alexander Haselar, his sister Dorothy, wife of Mr. Thomas Clapham, his aunt Mary Brown, and his nephew Robert Haselar, but the bulk of his freehold estate to trustees for the use of his natural son Thomas Tufnell alias Austin. The residue of his estate he bequeathed to his wife Rebecca. 4 The Funeral Book gives her name as "Alderson," and says that she died 10 Mch., aged seventy. She was probably the wife of Shadrach Alderson, one of the almsmen (see his burial 23 Oct. 1744). 5 Louis de Durfort, youngest son of Guy-Alphonso, Marquis de Duras, by Elizabeth de la He was in Tour D'Auvergne, and brother of the Duke de Duras and de Lorge, in France. attendance on the Duke of York in 1665, and was naturalized in that year. He was created, 19 Jan. 1672-3, Baron Duras, of Holdenby. He had a command at the battle of Sedgemoor, and occupied several other distinguished military positions. He married Mary, cldest dau. and coheir of Sir George Sondes, of Lecs Court, Kent, Bart., who was created Earl of Feversham 8 Apl. 1676, and succeeded to that title, under the patent, on the death of his father-in-law in 1677. He was Master of the Hospital of St. Catharine, near the Tower of London. He died 8 Apl. 1709, and was buried on the 28th in the vault of the French Chapel in the Savoy. His will, dated 18 July 1701, with a codicil 6 Apl. 1709, was proved 3 May 1709, by George Sayer, of St. Clement Dancs, Midx., Esq. He left rings to his sister the Countess de Roye, and his nieces the Lady Charlotte de Rouci and the Lady Strafford, and the residue of his estate equally to his niece Charlotte. de Bourbon and her brother Armand de Bourbon (see their burials in the same entry), and his nephew the Earl of Lifford. In his will he had directed to be buried in the Abbey, but revoked that direction in the codicil. 6 Second son of Louis de Bourbon, second Marquis de Malauze, by his second wife Henriette de Durfort, sister of the Earl of Feversham named in the first part of this entry (sce preceding note). He also engaged in the military service, and attained the rank of Lieut.-General 1 Jan. 1703-4. He was also buried in the French Chapel in the Savoy, 22 Feb. 1731-2. (The words in brackets in the text occur only in the Funeral Book.) 356 BURIALS IN Réformée et d'y persévérer malgré les grandes promesses de [Louis XIV.] mesme dans sa plus tendre Jeunesse; né dans le Chatteau de la Cate en Languedoc le 12 Juillet, 1656; décédé en Angleterre le 12 Février, 1732. Cy Gist Charlotte de Bourbon,¹ à qui Dieu a fait la Grâce de Naître, de Vivre et de Mourir Dans Sa St Religion, La Gloire en soit à jamais Rendue à la St Benite et adorable Trinité, Père, Fils et St. Esprit, Amen; Décédé en Angle- terre le 15me Octobre, 1732, âgée de 73 Ans. And the bodies of the said Earl of Feversham, Mons" Armand de Bourbon and Charlotte de Bourbon, being de- posited in a vault in the [blank] at the Savoy, were taken up and interred, on the 21st day of March, 1739, in one Grave, in the North Cross of the Abbey. 1739 March 24 The Right Hon. the Lady Charlotte Hyde:2 in a vault in the 1740 April 5 April 23 North aisle of the Tombs. Mary Fitzgerald :3 in the North Cloister. The Right Hon. Lady Catherine Jones : in St. John Baptist's Chapel. John Glover, Esq. :5 in the South aisle. May 16 May 21 Mr. Ephraim Chambers:6 in the North Cloister. ¹ Youngest sister of Armand de Bourbon (see preceding note). She died unmarried, and was also buried in the French Chapel in the Savoy, 21 Oct. 1732. It was in accordance with instruc- tions in her will that her remains, and those of her brother and uncle, were removed to the Abbey, she evidently foresceing that the time would arrive when that chapel would cease to exist. See an excellent résumé of their history in Rev. David C. A. Agnew's Protestant Exiles from France, 1871, ii. pp. 42-54. 2 Youngest dau. of Henry, second Earl of Rochester and fourth Earl of Clarendon, by Jane his Countess (see her burial 1 June 1725). She died unmarried, 17 Mch., according to the Funeral Book, in her thirty-third year. 3 Dau. of Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald, usher of Westminster School, etc., by Anne his wife (see her burial 18 Jan. 1739-40, and note thereto). She was born 27 Oct., and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 17 Nov. 1735. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Apl., aged four years and five months, and was buried on the left side of her mother. 4 Youngest dau. and coheir of Richard, third Viscount Ranelagh, created Earl of Ranelagh (see his burial 10 Jan. 1711-12), by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Francis, fifth Lord Willoughby of Parham (see her burial 3 Aug. 1695). She died, unmarried, 14 Apl., according to the Funeral Book, aged sixty-seven. See the burials, of her brother 29 Mch. 1678, and of her sister, Elizabeth, Countess of Kildare, 22 Apl. 1758. 5 Son of Mrs. Susan Glover (see her burial 25 Feb. 1739-40), brother of Thomas Glover (see his burial 22 Nov. 1733), and nephew, by the mother's side, of John Evans, Esq. (see his burial 13 Apl. 1727), and of Rev. Michael Evans, Prebendary of Westminster (sce his burial 25 Aug. 1732). He died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 May, in his fifty-first year, and was buried in the grave of his last-named uncle. His will, as of St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., Gent., dated 17 Mch. 1739-40, was proved 22 May following, by his sister Mary Wright, widow, to whom and to her sons, George and Richard Wright, he left the most of his estate, which appears to have been considerable. His other bequests were £2200 Sonth Sea stock to his niece Mary, wife of Mr. James Baden, junior (evidently a dau. of his executrix), £50 to his cousin Mr. Robert Thompson, and an annuity of £20 for life to his cousin Mrs. Rebecca Owen. • The well-known author of the Cyclopedia. He is said to have been the youngest son of John Chambers, of Kendal, co. Westmoreland, farmer, and to have commenced his career in WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 357 1740 June 2 Aug. 4 Mrs. Rachel Tayler :1 in the North Cloister. William Warwick:2 in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 8 Mr. Thomas Fisher :3 in the East Cloister. Sept. 7 The Rev Dr. Harry Barker 4 in the South Cross. 1749 Jan. 8 • Mrs. Ann Robinson 5 in the West Cloister. Jan. 9 The Hon. Lieut.-General Percey Kirke :6 in the North Cross. London as an apprentice to a mechanic. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society, and pro- duced the first edition of his great work in 1728, when he was only thirty-two years of age. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 May, aged forty-four. His will, as of Gray's Inn, Gent., but dated at Canonbury House, Islington, Midx., 9 Apl. 1740, was proved 23 May following, by his brothers Nathaniel and Zachary Chambers, to whom and to his sisters Casson and Wood he left the residue of his estate equally. To the two daughters of his brother Nathaniel, the two daughters of his sister Casson, and the son of his sister Wood, he gave £100 cach, when they should reach the age of twenty-one. Such books as immediately related to the use and service of his Dictionary, and which were indexed or abbreviated in some of the twenty-five volumes in folio of Indexes in his custody, he gave to the booksellers who were proprietors of the copyright of that work, to be employed by them in correcting, improving, and continuing the same. He expressed the desire, if he died in Canonbury House, to be buried in Islington churchyard, but left his executors to select another place if they saw fit. ¹ Dau. of Thomas Baker, of the city of Oxford, Gent., by Anne, dau. of John Skingley, of the same city, and relict of Rev. Edward Taylor, Rector of Finningley, co. Notts, who died 6 Nov. 1699. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 30 May, aged sixty-five. See the burial of her only dau., Anne Ludford, 18 May 1748, and the burials of her sisters, Maria Glynn, 4 Nov. 1736, and Anne Playford, 6 July 1743. 2 His will, as William Warick, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 14 July 1740, was proved 16 Sep. following, by his mother, Alice Warick, widow (see her burial 16 May 1758), to whom he left all his possessions. The Funeral Book says that he died 1 Aug., aged forty-five. See the burials, probably of his daughters, 25 June 1731 and 17 Oct. 1745. He was doubtless a servant or minor official about the Abbey. 3 Evidently a child of Thomas Fisher, College cook (see his burial 30 July 1777), by Mary his wife (see her burial 13 Nov. 1761). The Funeral Book says that he died 4 Aug., aged one year and ten months. 4 Son of Rev. Joseph Barker, Vicar of Sherborne, co. Dorset. He matriculated at Oxford, from Trinity College, 6 Mch. 1672-3, aged sixteen, and was B.A. 26 Oct. 1676, M.A. 30 Oct. 1679, B.D. 12 Dec. 1689, and D.D. 16 June 1713. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 21 July 1716. The Funeral Book says that he died 5 Sep., aged eighty-seven. His will, dated 24 May, 1739, signed "Harry Barker," was proved 4 Nov. 1740, by his servant Lake Chapman, widow, to whom he left all his estate, exccpt £10 to another servant, one-third for herself abso- lutely, one-third for her dau. Anne Chapman, and one-third for son John Chapman when he should reach the age of twenty-one. 5 Youngest dau. of William Turner, Doctor of Music. and Elizabeth his wife (see their burials 16 Jan. 1739-40), and wife of John Robinson, organist of the Abbey (see their marriage 6 Sep. 1716, where she is erroneously described as a widow, the error being in the original Register). She inherited musical talents, and sang in the opera of "Narcissus," at the Hay- market theatre, in 1720, being described as Mrs. Turner Robinson, in order to distinguish her from the more celebrated Mrs. Anastatia Robinson. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 Jan. See the burials, of her husband 13 May 1762, and of her children, 15 Feb. 1722-3 and 29 Apl. 1725. • Only surviving son of Lieut.-General Piercy Kirke, the notorious commander in the reign of K. James II., who died at Breda 31 Oct. 1691, by Lady Mary Howard, dau. of George, fourth Earl of Suffolk, who was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 28 Feb. 1706-7. He was some time housekeeper at the Palace at Whitchall, colonel of a regiment at Gibraltar, and attained the rank of Lieut.-General 2 July 1739. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Jan., aged fifty-seven. His will, dated on the day of his death, was proved on the 19th of the same month, by his niece Diana Dormer, whom he made his sole heiress (see her burial 3 Mch. 1742-3), 358 BURIALS IN 174 Jan. 10 1741 Feb. 2 March 28 Mr. John Church :1 in the South Cloister. Mary James:2 in the Dark Cloister. Thomas Warren :3 in the South Cloister. 4 15 Dame Ann Prideaux: in the middle aisle. May 15 June 21 : John, son of John Luckett, Sacrist;5 aged seven weeks in the West Cloister. June 25 The most noble Edward Harley, Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, and Baron Harley, of Wigmore, in the county of Hereford: in the Duke of Newcastle's vault. John-Newte Veale, Esq.;' aged 28: in the South Cloister. Mary Edwards :8 in the North Cloister. Aug. 27 Aug. 29 Oct. 4 Samuel Grant ;9 aged one year in the West Cloister. 1 Master of the choristers of the Abbey. He is said to have been born at Windsor. He was sworn a Gentleman extraordinary of the Chapel Royal 31 Jan. 1696-7, and to a full placc 1 Aug. following, and was the author of certain musical works still held in considerable esteem. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 Jan., aged sixty-six. See his wife's burial 22 Dec. 1732, the baptisms of his children, 28 Dec. 1701, 5 Jan. 1703-4, 14 Feb. 1705-6, and 3 June 1709, and their burials, 9 Feb. 1701-2, 19 June 1708, 13 Dec. 1711, and 4 July 1719. His will, dated 3 July 1734, was proved 13 Jan. 1740-1, by his youngest surviving son, Rev. Ralph Church (afterwards Vicar of Pyrton and Shirburn, co. Oxford, who edited an edition of Spenser's Fairy Queen in 1738, and died in Apl. 1787, aged seventy-nine), to whom and to his eldest and only other surviving son and child, Rev. John Church (afterwards Rector of Boxford, co. Suffolk, who died at the city of Norwich 27 Oct. 1785, aged eighty), he bequeathed his entire estate equally. 2 Probably wife of John James, one of the almsmen (see his burial 3 Aug. 1750). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 28 Jan., aged sixty-seven. 3 Son of Thomas Warren, College butler, etc. (see his burial 7 Aug. 1699), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 17 June 1731). He is mentioned in the Chapter Book, as one of the vergers, 23 June 1725, and died, according to the Funeral Book, 25 Mch., aged forty-five. 4 Dau. of Philip Hawkins, of Pennans, co. Cornwall, Esq., and second wife and relict of Sir Edmund Prideaux, fifth Bart. of Netherton, co. Devon, to whom married about 6 May 1714 (see his burial 2 Mch. 1728-9). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 May, aged fifty-five. Her will, dated 20 Feb. 1738-9, with a codicil 21 Mch. 1740-1, was proved 14 Jan. 1741-2, by her only surviving child, Anne Basset, widow of John-Pendarves Basset, of Tehidy, co. Corn- wall, Esq. 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 20 June. See his father's burial 10 Apl. 1748, and his mother's 26 Sep. 1743. 6 Only son of Robert, first Earl, by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Foley, of Whitley Court, co. Worcester, Esq. According to the Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, he was born 2 June 1689, and died 16 June 1741. He succeeded as second Earl 21 May 1724. He was the collector of the celebrated and invaluable "Harleian MSS." now in the British Museum, and thereby furnished a name for the Society under whose auspices the Abbey Registers are now given to the world. See the burials, of his wife 26 Dec. 1755, of his son 4 Oct. 1725, and of his daughter 30 July 1785. 7 His will, as of London, merchant, dated 18 Aug. 1741, was proved on the 22nd of the same month-the same day, according to the Funcral Book, on which he died-by his mother, Mary Veale, widow. He bequeathed £1500 to his mother, and £1000 each to his brother Samucl Veale, and his sister Anna-Maria, wife of John Score. 8 Dau. of Thomas Edwards, one of the Abbey choir (see his burial 22 Aug. 1730), by Mary his wife (see her burial 30 June 1738). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 24 Aug., aged forty-one, and was buried on the right side of her father's gravestone. 9 Child of Thomas Grant, College butler, etc. (see his burial 15 Aug. 1748), by Susanna his wife (sce her burial 8 May 1743). See his baptism 7 Oct. 1740. He was the second son of this The Funeral Book says that he died 30 Sep., and was buried at the feet of his brother (see his burial 9 Dec. 1739). name. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 359 1741 Oct. 174 Jan. Jan. 21 • Mary Walker 1 in the West Cloister. 2 The Right Hon. Sir Charles Wills, K.B. :2 in the North Cross. Mrs. Elizabeth Aspinwall :3 in the South Cross. · Jan. 8 The Hon. Dame Margaret Skipwith 4 in the Duke of Ormond's Jan. 23 Feb. 19 vault. Thomas Fisher; 5 aged two months: in the East Cloister. The Right Hon. Thomas, Lord Paget, son and heir of the Right Hon. Henry, Earl of Uxbridge:" in the North aisle. ¹ The Funeral Book says that she died 18 Oct., aged seventy, and that the fees were paid by Mrs. Mary Wintell. Sce the burial of Elizabeth Arnold, 30 Oct. 1731, the fees for which she paid. 2 The Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, describes him as " Knight of the Bath, one of H.M.'s Most Hon. Privy Council, General of Foot, Licut.-General in the service of the Empire, Lieut.-General of the Ordnance, Colonel of H.M.'s 1st regiment of Foot Guards, and M.P. for Totnes, co. Devon," and states that he died 25 Dec. 1741, aged seventy-six. He especially distin- guished himself at the battle of Preston, in Nov. 1715, when he was second in command, and rendered other important military services. He was installed a Knight of the Bath 17 June 1725, and attained the rank of General 2 July 1730. Le Neve, in one of his MSS.. says that be was the son of a shoemaker; but Le Neve's rare passion for scandal and gossip, especially when relating to men of lowly birth who had raised themselves to rank and station. renders his testi- mony of little value. His will, dated 6 Dec. 1741, was proved 19 May 1742, after a contest in the Probate Court between his executor, of the one part, and his nephew Richard Wills, to whom he had bequeathed an annuity of £200 for life, and his cousin-german Mary Wills. spinster, who was not named in the will, of the other part. He bequeathed to Lord George Beauclerk, Colonel Carr, of his regiment, and Mr. Alexander Small, of York Buildings, surgeon, each £500, and to Capt. Robert Rich, his aide-de-camp, £5000. His farm, called Claxton, in co. Norfolk, and all his bank stock and other personalty, he gave to Sir Robert Rich, of Rosehall, co. Suffolk, Bart., absolutely, and made him his executor. 3 Relict of Rev. Edward Aspinwall, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 8 Aug. 1732). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 2 Jan., aged sixty-seven, and was buried in her husband's grave. Her will, as Elizabeth-Margaret Aspinwall, dated 22 Feb. 1738-9. with a codicil 5 Dec. 1741, was proved 4 Jan. 1741-2, by Sarah Smith, spinster, whom she described as her "maid since her childhood," and to whom she left £300 and all the residue of her estate. She bequeathed to the widow of Francis Aspinwall, her late husband's brother, certain plate on which were engraved the arms of herself and her husband, and to their dau. Bridget Finch £400. She left small legacies to her grand-nephew Aaron Hill, her cousin Margaret Aston. and to several friends. To her graud-niece Anne Cook she bequeathed "the four small pictures of her great-grandfather Sir Ralph Freeman and his Lady, and of her grandfather and grand- mother Hunt." 4 Eldest dau. and coheir of George Brydges, sixth Lord Chandos, by his first wife, Lady Susan Montagu, dau. of Henry, first Earl of Manchester. She married, first, about 7 July 1668 (Mar. Lic.), William Brownlow, of Humby, co. Lincoln, Esq., to whose estate she administered in Apl. 1675. She married, secondly, Sir Thomas Skipwith, second Bart. of Metheringham, co. Lincoln, who died at Bath 15 June 1710, and was buried at Upminster, co. Essex. She died, according to her coffin-plate (exposed in 1868), 1 Jan., aged ninety-four. Her only son, Sir George-Brydges Skipwith, who was born the 7th, and baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx.. 14 Nov. 1686, succeeded as third Bart., but died without issue 4 June 1756, when the title became extinct. 5 Evidently a child of Thomas Fisher, College cook (see his burial 30 July 1777), by Mary his wife (see her burial 13 Nov. 1761). The Funeral Book says that he died 21 Jan., and was buried in the grave with his brother (see his burial 8 Aug. 1740). 6 Thomas-Catesby Paget, commonly called Lord Paget, cldest son of Henry, first Earl of Uxbridge, by Mary, dau. and coheir of Thomas Catesby, of Whiston, co. Northampton, Esq. He married, at Gray's Inn Chapel, 6 May 1718, Lady Elizabeth Egerton, youngest dau. of John, 360 BURIALS IN 1742 April 18 The most illustrious Princess Henrietta, Duchess of Cleveland and Southampton:¹ in a vault in the North aisle of the Tombs. Mrs. Mary Jefferys :2 in the South Cloister. April 22 April 22 Mrs. Elizabeth Aubery :3 in the West Cloister. April 23 May 31 31 The Revd Mr. William Cliffe: in the North Cloister. Mr. John Franklin; died the 24th, aged seven years: in the Dark Cloisters, near Mrs. Southy's cellar door. June 5 Alured Clerke, D.D., Dean of Exeter, Prebendary of Westminster and Winchester, and Deputy Clerk of the Closet to King George 11.; died May 31st, aged 46 years: in the North Cross, under a large old gravestone next the South angle of the late Duke of Newcastle's monument. June 5 Miss Margaret Willes; died June 1st, aged 14 years: in the North Cross, in the same grave with her brother. third Earl of Bridgewater, whom he survived. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Feb., aged fifty-three. He was Colonel of a regiment of foot. Dying in his father's lifetime, his son Henry succeeded as second Earl of Uxbridge. 1 Lady Henrietta Finch, fifth dau, of Daniel, second Earl of Nottingham and sixth Earl of Winchilsea, by his second wife, Lady Anne Hatton, only surviving dau. of Christopher, first Viscount Hatton, and wife of William Fitzroy, second Duke of Cleveland and Southampton, who survived her until 1774. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Apl., aged thirty- seven. 2 First wife of Francis Jeffreys, one of the bell-ringers (see their marriage 7 Oct. 1735, and his burial 20 Nov. 1744). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 18 Apl., aged forty-two. 3 Wife of John Aubrey, Esq. (see his burial 11 Nov. 1758), to whom married, at St. Benet's, Paul's Wharf, London, 7 Nov. 1732, as Elizabeth Lloyd, of St. John the Evangelist, West- minster, widow. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 Apl., aged sixty-three. 4 Son of Allen Cliffe, of Mathon, co. Worcester, Esq., by Elizabeth his wife, and baptized at Mathon 9 Dec. 1716. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 10 Oct. 1734, and was B.A. 1 June 1738, and M.A. 8 June 1741. According to both the Funeral Book and his monu- ment, he was a Student of Christ Church, and died 19 Apl., in his twenty-sixth year. His will, dated 17 Oct. 1741, was proved 26 Apl. 1742, by his brother Robert Cliffe, to whom he bequeathed his lands in Hanley Castle, co. Worcester, and Colwall, co. Hereford. He left an annuity of £30 to his mother, for her life, and considerable bequests to his brothers, Allen Cliffe and Henry Cliffe; his sisters, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Batson, and Mrs. Davies; his brothers-in-law, Mr. Francis Morton and Mr. Owen Davies; his nephews and nieces, children of his said three sisters; and his cousin, Mrs. Mary Bright, widow. See the burial of his sister, Mrs. Mary Davies, 11 May 1778. 5 This entry is in the Funeral Book only. This entry, like the one preceding and the one following it, is in the Funeral Book only. Their omission from the official Register, probably from carelessness, shews the great value of the secondary series of books kept by the sexton, or Clerk of the Works, which have been so extensively quoted, as without them the place of burial of these persons could never have been positively ascertained.-Dr. Clarke, was the son of Alured Clarke, of Godmanchester, co. Huntingdon, Esq., by his second wife, Anne, fourth dau. of Rev. Charles Trimnell, Rector of Abbot's-Ripton, co. Huntingdon, and sister of the Right Rev. Charles Trimnell, Bishop of Winchester. He was of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, A.B. 1716, A.M. 1720, and S.T.P., by royal command, 25 Apl. 1728. He became Rector of Chilbolton, Hants, Prebendary of Winchester 13 May 1723, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 7 July 1731, and Dean of Exeter 16 Jan. 1740-1. He died unmarried. 7 This entry is in the Funeral Book only (see the commencement of the preceding note). She was a dau. of the Right Rev. Edward Willes, Bishop of Bath and Wells (see his burial 1 Dec. 1773), by Jane his wife (sce her burial 18 Oct. 1771). See her baptism 26 June 1728, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 361 1742 June 27 Aug. 27 Oct. 8 Oct. Nov. 7 Nov. 12 (< 11 7 12 Mr. Edmund Meyrick:¹ in the North Cloister. Licut.-General Andrew Bissett :2 in the East Cloister. Reynard Watkins, Esq. :3 in the West Cloister. Mrs. Mary Woodward : in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Anne Smyth 5 in a vault in the North aisle of the Tombs. Hugh Boulter, D.D., Lord Archbishop of Armagh, Primate and Metropolitan of all Ireland, one of H. M.'s most Hon. Privy Council, Lord Almoner, and one of the Lords Justices of that kingdom in the North Cross. 6 ¹ The Funeral Book says that he died 25 June, aged sixty-three, and was buried in his wife's grave (see her burial 24 Sep. 1734). In the newspapers of the day he was called Captain." He remarried, as his will, dated 5 Mch. 1740-1, was proved 28 June 1742, by his relict Anne, to whom he left all his estate, and who alone is named in it. He had, how- ever, a daughter by his first wife, named Frances, who was mentioned in the will of her uncle Nathaniel Smith (see his burial 1 Oct. 1755). 2 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 22 Aug., aged eighty-two. The journals of the day described him as an old experienced officer, and Colonel of a regiment of foot in Ireland. He was called an Ensign in the record of the burial of his son Andrew, at Chiswick, Midx., 7 July 1702, and attained the rank of Lieut.-General 27 Oct. 1735. His dau. Constance was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 8 July 1705, and his wife Constance was buried there 18 Sep. 1720. His will, as Andrew Bisset, of Twickenham, Midx., Esq., dated 28 Jan. 1741-2, was proved 25 Aug. 1742, by a trustee for his niece Dame Margery, wife of Sir Robert Innes, Bart., to whom he left all his estate, real and personal, with remainder to her infant son Andrew Innes, his godson, and, failing his issue, to her other sons in succession. [Sir Robert Innes, fifth (Nova Scotia) Bart. of Balveny, married Margery, dau. of Colonel Winram.] 3 Reimerd, only son of Reimerd Watkins (see his burial 7 Sep. 1719), by Mary his wife (see her burial 1 Nov. 1743). He married, about 11 Mch. 1726-7 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), Anne Faussett, of St. Dunstan in the West, London, spinster, whom he survived. He was admitted to Gray's Inn 27 May 1727, as of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Gent. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 2 Oct., aged forty-two, and his mother administered to his estate 4 Nov. following. See the burials, of his sisters 7 Sep. 1738 and 13 Sep. 1751, and of his son 30 July 1770. • The Funeral Book says that she died 8 Oct., aged forty-eight. From the place of her burial it is evident that she occupied some humble position. 5 According to the Funeral Book, she died 31 Oct., aged forty-nine. Her will as Ann Smyth, late of Berkeley Square, and now of Chelsea, co. Midx., wife of Ralph Smyth, Esq.," dated 19 June 1742, and made with the consent of her husband, with codicils 4 Aug. and 21 Sep. following, was proved 2 Nov. in the same year, by William, Earl of Bath, George Wilson, of Symond's Inn, Gent., and Alexander Small, of York Buildings, St. Martin in the Fields, surgeon. She bequeathed to her brother Thomas Smyth £3000, to Mary, wife of Charles Smyth, £50, sums varying from £10 to £200 to several friends and servants, and to the first two of her executors £500 each. To said Alexander Small she gave £12,000, and made him her residuary legatee (see his burial 15 Apl. 1752). The estate left to her in trust by the late Henry, Earl of Bradford (see his burial 20 Jan. 1734-5) was to go, as he directed, to the benefit of her illegitimate son by the said Earl, formerly called John Harrison, but who had changed his name to Newport, and was then a lunatic (see his burial 9 May 1783). Some little light may be thrown upon her history by a marriage allegation in the Bishop of London's Registry, dated 26 June 1704, in which the parties were described as Ralph Smyth, Esq., bachelor, aged twenty- six, and Mrs. Anne Smyth, spinster, aged "about thirteen," with the consent of her mother Mrs. Margaret Smyth, widow, all of St. James, Westminster. The marriage was probably one of family convenience, and, if her age was correctly given on her coffin-plate, she could have been only about eleven years of age, instead of thirteen. • Son of John Boulter, of St. Katherine-Cree, city of London, by Rebecca his wife, who administered to her husband's estate 27 Sep. 1709, and died the next year, her son Hugh 3 A 362 BURIALS IN 1742 Nov. 18 Dec. 18 1743 March 3 March 19 1743 April 8 Sir Stafford Fairbone :1 in the South aisle. Mr. Thomas Masters 2 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Diana Dormer :3 in the North Cross. Lieut. William Douglas: in the East Cloister. The most illustrious Princess Catherine, relict of John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire, Duke and Marquis of Normanby, Earl of Mulgrave, and Baron Sheffield of Butterwick: in the Duke of Buckinghamshire's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. administering to her estate 5 Oct. 1710. He was born, according to his monument, 4 Jan. 1671-2. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 28 Feb. 1686-7, aged fifteen, and was B.A. 8 July 1690, M.A. 12 May 1693, B.D. 28 Mch. 1705, and D.D. 1 July 1708. He became Rector of St. Olave, Southwark, co. Surrey, in 1708, Archdeacon of Surrey 25 Feb. 1715-16, Dean of Christ Church 15 Oct. 1719, was consecrated Bishop of Bristol 15 Nov. 1719, enthroned Archbishop of Armagh 13 Nov. 1724, and "translated" (using the words on his monument) "from thence to Heaven 27 Sep. 1742. His will, dated 19 Nov. 1729, was proved 23 Dec. 1742, by Charles Savage, Esq., his wife's brother (see her burial 8 Mch. 1754). His only other relation mentioned was his uncle John Rusden, to whom an annuity of £7 was to continue to be paid, as charged by his father on his houses in Bermondsey. 1 Sir Stafford Fairborne, eldest son of Sir Palmes Fairborne, Kt., Governor of Tangier, where he was slain 24 Oct. 1680, by Dame Margery his wife (see her burial 9 June 1694, and note thereto). He attained his captaincy in the navy as early as 30 Aug. 1688, and subse- quently all the other ranks in succession, reaching that of Admiral of the Flect 21 Dec. 1708. He was knighted on board his ship 3 Nov. 1701, and was one of the Council to Prince George of Denmark. By his first wife, Dorothy, who was buried at St. Anne's, Westminster, 25 May 1707, he had several children, whose baptisms and burials occur in the registers of that parish. He married, secondly, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 20 Oct. 1708, Rebecca, dau. of Col. Thomas Paston, fourth son of Robert, first Earl of Yarmouth, whom he also survived, she being buried at St. James, Westminster, 27 Sep. 1724. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 11 Nov., aged seventy-six. His dau. Armine, wife of John Treadway, Esq., administered to his estate 18 Dec. 1742, and on the same day to that of his son George Fairborne, to which he had administered on the preceding 12th of July. See his brother's burial 24 Feb. 1678-9, and his sister's 26 Sep. 1680. 2 Fourth son of Legh Master, Esq., M.P. for Newton, co. Lancaster, from 1727 to 1741, by his first wife, Margaret, dau. and coheir of Thomas Launder, of New Hall, in Ashton-in- Makerfield, in the same county, Esq. He was born the 3rd, and baptized at Ashton aforesaid 21 Dec. 1723, and was admitted into Westminster School in 1739. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Dec., in his twentieth year. The Chapter Book, under date of 26 Apl. 1743, records permission for his monument to be crected in the South Cloister, "without paying any fees, he dying a King's Scholar." 3 Dau. of John Dormer, of Rousham, co. Oxford, Esq., by Diana, dau. of Lieut.-General Piercy Kirke (see the note to the burial of his son 9 Jan. 1740-1). She was born 17 Apl., and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 10 May 1710. She died, according to her monument, 22 Feb. Her will, dated 18 Dec. 1742, was proved 23 Feb. 1742-3, by Mildred Harris, spinster, her servant or companion, whom she made her residuary legatce. She directed to be buried near her uncle (see his burial as above), who had made her his sole heiress. 4 Younger son of Col. Charles Douglas, who was slain at Carthagena in 1741, by Jacobina his wife (see her burial 3 Mch. 1761, and note thereto). He died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Mch., in his seventeenth year. 6 Catharine Darnley, illegitimate dau. of K. James II., by Catharine, dau. of Sir Charles Sidley, of Aylesford, Kent, Bart., whom he created, 20 Jan. 1685-6, Baroness of Darlington and Countess of Dorchester, for life, and who subsequently married David Colyear, first Earl of Portmore, in the peerage of Scotland, and died at Bath 26 Oct. 1717. See her first marriage to James, third Earl of Anglesey, 28 Oct. 1699, and note thereto. She married, secondly, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 16 Mch. 1705-6 (not 1 Nov. 1705, as stated in the peerages: the WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 363 1743 April 16 April 25 May 8 May 30 Mrs. Mary Barnbrigg:¹ in the East Cloister. The Hon. Ferdinando Hastings, third son of the Right Hon. the Earl of Huntingdon :2 in the North Cross. Mrs. Susanna Grant:3 in the East Cloister. The Right Hon. Sir Charles Wager, Kt., Admiral of the White, Treasurer of the Navy, and Privy Councillor : in the North Cross. marriage license from the Faculty Office was dated 15 Mch.), John Sheffield, first Duke of the county of Buckingham (see his burial 25 Mch. 1721), to whom she was third wife. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Mch., aged sixty-one. See her son's burial 31 Jan. 1735-6, and probably that of her brother 26 Apl. 1685. ¹ Her will, as Mary Bainbrigg, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, dated 5 May 1741, with a codicil 11 Apl. 1743, was proved 26 Apl. 1743, by her son John Bainbrigg, residuary legatee. She left her diamond ring to her grand-daughter Jane Hart, and her apparel, linen, etc., equally to Mrs. Margaret Jones and Mrs. Elizabeth Hart. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 12 Apl., aged fifty-nine. 2 Third son of Theophilus, ninth Earl of Huntingdon, by Lady Selina Shirley, second dau. and coheir of Washington, second Earl Ferrers. He was born, according to his monument, 23 Jan. 1732-3, and died 21 Apl. 1743. See his brother's burial 24 Dec. 1743. 3 Wife of Thomas Grant, College butler, etc. (see his burial 15 Aug. 1748). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 May, aged thirty-nine. They were married, according to the marriage settlement cited in her husband's will, about 22 Nov. 1726. See the baptisms of her children, 20 Apl. 1729, 17 Jan. 1730-1, 15 Apl. 1733, 7 Nov. 1735, and 7 Oct. 1740, and the burials of her two sons, 9 Dec. 1739 and 4 Oct. 1741. * One of those distinguished commanders whose career added fresh glory to the British navy, but whom, their family history and antecedents being unknown, because uninvestigated, it has been customary to relegate to an origin obscure if not humiliating. No part of the Editor's labours has been more gratifying than that of rescuing Sir Charles Wager's ancestors from the oblivion to which they had been consigned. Whatever may have been their social position at an earlier period, the Admiral's father. Charles Wager, was a naval officer of high standing, and at his death Commander of one of His Majesty's frigates. He appears to have been the son of another sailor, whether commercial or naval is not certain, John Wager, of St. Margaret's, near Rochester, co. Kent, who died on the high seas, and to whose estate his relict Elizabeth administered 23 July 1656. Charles Wager, the elder, born about 1630, was appointed to the command of the "Yarmouth" in 1660, and promoted to the "Crown" in 1664. He died at Deal, co. Kent, 24 Feb. 1665-6. His will, as Charles Wager, of the liberties of the Tower of London, Gentleman, Commander of His Majesty's ship or frigate called the "Crown,” dated 13 Aug. 1664, was proved 26 Mch. 1666, by his relict Prudence, to whom he bequeathed his entire estate. On the 29th of Jan. 1662-3, he had a license from the Faculty Office, as Charles Wager, of the city of Rochester, bachelor, aged thirty-two, to marry Prudence, dau. of William Goodson, of Ratcliffe, co. Midx., Gentleman, a spinster, aged twenty-two. They had two children, viz., the Admiral, and Prudence, whose son, Charles Bolton, was the admiral's heir. Their mother remarried Alexander Parker, a merchant of London, by whom she had two sons and four daughters. Of the latter, one married Rev. Dr. John Watson, and was mother of Admiral Charles Watson, who died in 1757: another married Rev. Dr. Peter Allix, Dean of Ely, and a third became the wife of Rev. Dr. George Stanhope, Dean of Canterbury. It will be seen, therefore, that there was nothing to be ashamed of, and no occasion for reticence, concerning the antecedents or contem- poraneous relations of the admiral. He was born, if his age was correctly given on his monument, about 1666, and was possibly a posthumous child. At the date of his marriage license, 8 Dec. 1691, his age was stated to be twenty-five, which would also establish his birth in 1666. He attained his captaincy 7 June 1692, became Rear-Admiral of the Blue in 1707, and of the Red in 1709, and was knighted 8 Dec. in the latter year, for his gallantry in the West Indies. He subsequently attained the rank of Admiral of the White, became a lord of the Admiralty, and finally Treasurer of the Navy. He died, according to his monument, 24 May, aged seventy- 364 BURIALS IN 1743 July 6 Mrs. Ann Playford:¹ in the North Cloister. July 14 14 Aug. 10 Anne, wife of William Morice, Esq. :2 in the East Cloister. James Chelsum :3 in the West Cloister. Sept. 26 Mrs. Elizabeth Lucket : in the West Cloister. seven. Oct. 15 Oct. 20 John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich:5 in a new vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. The Revd Mr. Mayo Tims :6 in the West Cloister. His will, dated 8 May 1743, was proved on the 25th of the same month, by his relict Dame Martha (see her burial 12 Apl. 1748). He bequeathed to his sister Mary Parker £100 per annum for life, and to his nicce Martha Watson £1000 at her marriage, leaving the residue of his personalty to his wife. Having no issue, his nephew Charles Bolton, as the son of his only sister of the full blood, inherited his real estate as next heir. It has been said that he was educated a Quaker, and the statement has probably grown out of the fact that his stepfather, and apparently his grandfather Goodson, were members of that community. Le Neve, in one of his MSS., says, with his usual recklessness, that he married the dau. of Sir Neal O'Neal, who was killed at the battle of the Boyne, and that she died in Apl. 1720; but in his own marriage allegation, in 1691, he was sworn to be a bachelor, and the wife he then married survived him. 1 Eldest dau. and apparently eldest child of Thomas Baker, of the city of Oxford, Gent., by Anne, dau. of John Skingley, of the same city, who were married at St. Giles, Oxford, 15 Apl. 1669. She married, about 19 Dec. 1688 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), Henry Playford, son of John Playford, the celebrated music publisher near the Inner Temple gate, whom she survived. She died, according to the Funeral Book and her monument. 29 June, aged seventy-two. Her will, dated 31 Mch. 1743, was proved 14 July following, by her son-in-law Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald (see the burial of his wife, her dau., 18 Jan. 1739-40), and Walter Baynes, junior, of the Middle Temple, Esq., trustees for her grandchild Anne Fitzgerald, to whom she left the most of her estate. She bequeathed considerable legacies to her cousins John Blyth, Edmund Blyth, Elizabeth Blyth, Christian Blyth, widow, and her son John; her nephew Thomas Ludford (see his burial 9 Mch. 1776), and his wife (see her burial 18 May 1748); and her nicce Anne Bold. See the burials of her sisters, Maria Glynn 4 Nov. 1736, and Rachel Taylor 2 June 1740. The former, in her will, called Mrs. Playford her " dearest mother-sister." 2 Dau. of Captain John Philpot, of Rotherhithe, co. Surrey, and second wife of William Morice, Esq., High Bailiff of Westminster from 1719 to 1730-1 (see the burial of his first wife, the dau. of Bishop Atterbury, 21 Feb. 1729-30, and note thereto), to whom married about 1 Mch. 1731-2. The Funeral Book says that she died 10 July, "aged thirty-seven years, ten months, and twenty days, being born the 20th August 1705." 3 One of the choir of the Abbey and of St. Paul's. He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1718. He was married, at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 21 June 1731, to Mary Ward. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 3 Aug., aged forty-three, and his relict Mary administered to his estate on the 18th of the same month. See the baptism of one of his sons 15 May 1738, and the burial of another 26 Sep. 1744. 4 Wife of Mr. John Luckett, one of the sacrists (see his burial 10 Apl. 1748). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 23 Sep., aged twenty-six. See the burials, of her dau. 25 June 1738, her son 21 June 1741, and her daughter, Mrs. Alice Samuda, 9 Jan. 1786. The distinguished military commander and statesman, John Campbell, eldest son of Archibald, first Duke of Argyll, by Elizabeth dau. of Sir Lionel Tollemache, third Bart. of Helmingham, co. Suffolk. He succceded as second Duke of Argyll 28 Sep. 1703, and was created, 29 Nov. 1705, Baron Chatham and Earl of Greenwich, in the English peerage, and, 27 Apl. 1719, Duke of Greenwich. According to the Funeral Book and his monument, he was born 10 Oct. 1680, and died 4 Oct. 1743. See the burials, of his first wife 19 Jan. 1716-17, of his second wife 23 Apl. 1767, and of his daughters, 25 Jan. 1794 and 11 Oct. 1811. Leaving no male issue, his English titles became extinct. 6 The Funeral Book says that he died 17 Oct., aged thirty. He matriculated at Oxford, from Wadham College, 14 Jan. 1731-2, aged seventeen, as son of Thomas Tims, of Chalcombe, co. Northampton, and was B.A. 25 Nov. 1735. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 365 1743 Nov. 1 Dec. Mrs. Mary Watkins : in the West Cloister. 23 Frances, Lady Carteret:2 in General Monk's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Dec. 24 The Hon. George Hastings, second son of the Right Hon. the Earl of Huntingdon :3 in the North Cross. Dec. 31 The Hon. Sir John Jennings, Kt., Rear-Admiral of Great Britain in the North Cross. 1742 Jan. 16 The Right Hon. James Hamilton, Earl of Abercorn :5 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. Feb. 10 Feb. 23 Mr. William Booth:6 in the Dark Cloister. The Revd Mr. John Abbot :7 in the West Cloister. 1 Relict of Reimerd Watkins (see his burial 7 Sep. 1719). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 22 Oct., aged seventy-six, and was buried on the right side of her husband. Her will, dated 22 Jan. 1738-9, was proved 24 Oct. 1743, by her only surviving dau. Phillippa Watkins (see her burial 13 Sep. 1751), to whom she left all her estate. See the burials, of her son 8 Oct. 1742, and of her other daughter, Anne Molloy, 7 Sep. 1738. 2 Only dau. of Sir Robert Worsley, fourth Bart. of Appuldercombe, Isle of Wight, by Lady Frances Thynne, only dau. of Thomas, first Viscount Weymouth, and first wife of John, second Baron Carteret, who succeeded in 1744 as Earl Granville (see his burial 11 Jan. 1763), to whom married, at Longleat, Wilts, 17 Oct. 1710. She was born 6 Mch. 1693-4, and died. according to the Funeral Book, at Hanover, 20 June 1743, aged forty-nine. Her son Robert succeeded to his father's titles, and died without issue in 1776. 3 Second son of Theophilus, ninth Earl of Huntingdon, by Lady Selina Shirley, second dau. and coheir of Washington, second Earl Ferrers. He was born 29 Mch., and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 19 Apl. 1730. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Dec., and was buried in his brother's grave (see his burial 25 Apl. 1743). 4 He appears to have descended from, or to have been connected with, the family of his name at Dudleston, in Shropshire. He entered the navy at an early age, and attained his captaincy 16 Nov. 1689. He was knighted 24 Oct. 1704, for his gallantry in the battle off Malaga against the French, being then Commander of the "St. George." He subsequently became Ranger of Greenwich Park, and Governor of Greenwich Hospital. He married, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 6 May 1717, Mrs. Alice Breton, who died suddenly, at Greenwich, 2 Oct. 1723. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 23 Dec., aged seventy-nine. His will, dated 18 Nov. 1742, with a codicil 15 Dec. 1743, was proved 30 Dec. 1743, by his son George Jennings, Esq., apparently his only child. He left legacies to the five daughters of his sister Lecount, deceased, viz., Hester and Ruth Lecount living at Philadelphia, Anne and Elizabeth Lecount living at Bangor, in Wales, and one married to William Bully, with a son William, then a lieutenant in the navy; to Dorothy, widow of his deceased nephew Philip Jennings, Esq., and her eldest son Philip; his nephew William Jennings, Esq., and his wife, son, and dau.; his nephew George Jennings, Esq.; his nephew George Cook, Esq., and his wife; his niece Anne East, and her children; and his niece Elizabeth Church. 5 Seventh Earl, second but eldest surviving son of James, sixth Earl of Abercorn (see his burial 3 Dec. 1734), by Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Sir Robert Reading, of Dublin, Bart. (see her burial 22 Mch. 1754). He died, according to the Funeral Book, 11 Jan., aged fifty-eight. See his wife's burial 13 Aug. 1776. 6 The Funeral Book says that he died 6 Feb., aged forty-two. “Mr. Booth, the mason," is mentioned in the Chapter Book, 25 May 1741. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 7 One of the minor canons of the Abbey, and a priest in ordinary of the Chapel Royal. He matriculated at Oxford, from New College, 15 Feb. 1725-6, aged twenty, as son of Thomas Abbott, of Christ-Church, London. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 18 Feb., in his thirty- ninth year. The Chapter Book records a gratuity of five guineas to his mother, 2 June 1744. 366 BURIALS IN 1742 March 21 March 21 1744 May 2 June 5 July 21 1 Francis Hughes, Esq. :¹ in the West Cloister. Edward Ayers:2 in the Cloister leading to the School. The Hon. Archibald Hamilton :3 in the North Cross. Mrs. Hellen Smith:4 in the West Cloister. 21 Aug. 14 Mrs. Judith Powell:5 in the West Cloister. Aug. 28 Mrs. Eleanor Houseman :6 in the East Cloister. Sept. 7 Sept. 16 The Right Hon. Algernon Coote, Earl of Montrath, Viscount Castle Coote, Baron Coote of Castle Cuff, and Baronet of the kingdom of Ireland: in the Duke of Argyle's vault. Mr. John Turnis :8 in the Dark Cloister. Sept. 26 Mar Robert Chelsum:9 in the West Cloister. ¹ He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1708, and appears before that to have been an opera singer of some note. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 16 Mch., aged seventy-seven. His will, dated 5 June 1740, was proved 24 Mch. 1743-4. His residuary legatees were Thcophilus Hughes, and Susan, Jane, and Mary Vaughan, daughters of his sister Margaret Vaughan. The only other relation mentioned was his nephew William Hughes. 2 According to the Chapter Book, Edward Ayres was ordered a place in Emery Hill's alms- houses 6 July 1723, appointed porter of the Little Cloisters 5 Feb. 1725-6, organ-blower 1 Mch. 1732-3, and clock-kecper 4 Nov. 1738. The Funeral Book says that he died 28 Apl., aged seventy- five. See his wife's burial 30 Jan. 1746-7, and a burial 6 Feb. 1729-30. 3 Second son and sixth child of Lord Archibald Hamilton (see the note to the burial of his second wife, 4 Apl. 1719), by his third wife, Lady Jane Hamilton, fifth dau. of James, sixth Earl of Abercorn (see his burial 3 Dec. 1734), to whom married, at Taplow, co. Bucks, 29 Sep. 1719, He died, according to the Funeral Book, 31 May, in his seventeenth year, and the journals of the day say that he was drowned in the Thames. See the burial of his sister, Countess Brooke, 6 Mch. 1800. 4 Eldest surviving dau. of John French (see his burial 21 June 1725), by Mary his wife (sce her burial 6 Feb. 1758). See her baptism 24 May 1704. She was unmarried at the date of her father's will, 7 June 1725, but subsequently married Jonathan Smith, who administered to her estate, 22 Feb. 1758, after her mother's death, when she was described as of St. Mary's, Lambeth, co. Surrey. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 24 May, aged forty. See her sister's burial in the following entry. 5 Youngest dau. of John French and Mary his wife (see the note to the preceding entry). See her baptism 29 Dec. 1717. She was unmarried at the date of her father's will. 7 June 1725, but subsequently married William Powell, who administered to her estate, 23 Mch. 1758, after her mother's death, when she was described as of St. James, Westminster. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 Aug., aged twenty-six. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 26 Aug., aged sixty-seven. Mrs. Priscilla Forster (see her burial 11 May 1729) left her a legacy of £10, and described her as living in the Broadway in Westminster. 7 Younger son of Charles, third Earl of Mountrath, by Lady Arabella Dormer, second dau. and coheir of Charles, second Earl of Carnarvon. He was baptized at St. James, Westminster, 8 June 1689, and succeeded his elder brother, as sixth Earl, 27 Mch. 1720. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 27 Aug., and another entry states that his remains were removed, in 1766, into a new vault in the Holles Chapel. See his wife's burial 25 July 1766. 8 The Funeral Book says that he died 12 Sep., aged fifty-five. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 9 The Funeral Book says that he died 22 Sep., aged four years and three months, and was buried in his father's grave, and his gravestone described him as the youngest son of Mr. James Chelsum (see his burial 10 Aug. 1743). He was born 19 June, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, as son of James Chelsum and Mary his wife. His mother administered to his estate, as an infant, 18 Aug. 1748. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 367 1744 1744 Oct. 23 Oct. 27 Nov. 6 Nov. 20 Nov. 24 Shadrach Alderson :¹ in the Dark Cloister. The Right Hon. Grace Carteret, Countess of Granville and Viscountess Carteret :2 in General Monk's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Mrs. Hannah Suckling: in the West Cloister. Mr. Francis Jefferys 4 in the Dark Cloister. Thomas Stevens 5 in the Dark Cloister. Dec. 22 Mrs. Jane Willis: in the Dark Cloister. March 17 Mr. William Smith:7 in the South Cloister. 1 One of the almsmen. An order in the Chapter Book, 20 Feb. 1727-8, directed that his house should be repaired. A son of his, by his first wife, Mary, was baptized by the same name, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 6 Aug. 1702. Sce the burial, probably of his second wife, 13 Mch. 1739-40. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Oct., aged seventy-six. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, mariner, dated 21 May 1743, was proved 25 Oct. 1741, by his dau. Elizabeth, wife of John Rush, of Westminster, waterman, to whom he left all his personalty, including all that was due to him from "the Chest at Chatham," and all wages due to him from the royal navy. 2 Lady Grace Granville, youngest dau. of John, first Earl of Bath, by Jane, dau. of Sir Peter Wyche, Kt. She was married (Mar. Lic. Fac. 15 Mch. 1674-5), when a mere child, to Sir George Carteret, second Bart. of Metesches, then also a child, created, 19 Oct. 1681, Baron Carteret, of Hawnes, co. Beds, who died 22 Sep. 1695, aged twenty-six, and was buried at Hawnes. She was created, 1 Jan. 1714-15, Viscountess Carteret and Countess Granville, having become one of the coheirs to the great Bath estates. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 18 Oct., aged seventy- seven. See the burials of her sons, 25 Mch. 1711 and 11 Jan. 1763. 3 Wife of George Suckling, one of the vergers (see his burial 3 Mch. 1745-6). She was the College laundress at her death. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Nov.. aged forty-seven. 4 Rightly Jeffreys. He was appointed one of the bell-ringers 23 Nov. 1736. See his first marriage 7 Oct. 1735, and his first wife's burial 22 Apl. 1742. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 16 Nov., aged thirty-nine. His will, dated 24 June 1743, was proved 23 Nov. 1744, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Ann, to whom he left all his possessions (see her burial 28 Oct. 1748). 5 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 22 Nov., aged fifty-nine. See burials in the same place, 23 June 1773 and 5 July 1793. • Relict of John Willis, College carpenter (see his burial 2 Jan. 1736-7). The Funeral Book says that she died 13 Nov., aged forty-eight, and was buried in her husband's grave "in the West Cloister." Her will, as of Tufton Street, Westminster, dated 24 Aug. 1744, was proved 28 Mch. 1745. She stated that her son William was dead, and that the portions of her daughters, Elizabeth and Ayres Willis, would be settled by the Court of Chancery. She bequeathed all her effects to her posthumous son Edward Willis (see his burial 14 July 1780), and, in case of his death in his minority, to her brother Mr. Edward Hayward. She appointed as her executors Samuel Carte, of St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., Esq., and Rev. George Cardale, Rector of Swithland, co. Leicester. The former only proved the will, the latter renouncing. 7 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 Mch., aged seventy-five. His will, as formerly of Jermyn Street, St. James, Westminster, grocer, but then of College Street, Westminster, dated 21 Jan. 1744-5, was proved 19 Mch. following, by his nephew John Green, of Winterton, co. Lincoln, his niece Elizabeth Dunkin, of the same place, and his old friend Thomas Ayres, of the Bear Tavern, London Bridge. The second was the dau. of his sister, second wife of Michael Dun- kin, of Winterton, and the first had married her other dau., Sarah Dunkin, and he left £4000 to each. He also bequeathed £4000 to his sister Joan, wife of Thomas Manners, of Alkborough, co. Lincoln, and considerable legacies to his nicces, Ann Richardson and Mary, wife of Thomas Martin, daughters of Robert Richardson, of Hull, and Mary his wife; his niece Welder, a schoolmistress at Kensington, and the six children of her late brother Thomas Hudson, of Hampstead, merchant; his cousin Rebecca, dau. of his aunt Holland, formerly of Winterton ; and his cousin Hibbert, of Winterton, farmer. 368 BURIALS IN 1745 May 13 July 6 Sept. 25 Oct. 17 Oct. The Revd Mr. Thomas Baker:¹ in the North Cloister. The Right Hon. Lord George Seymour, Viscount Beauchamp, son and heir apparent to the Right Hon. Algernon, Earl of Hertford, etc. 2 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. • Mrs. Jane Ireland :3 in the North Cloister. 4 Mrs. Elizabeth Coston and Mrs. Savery-Ann Worwick :5 in the Dark Cloister. 19 The Right Hon. Sophia Carteret, Countess of Granville, daughter of the Right Hon. Thomas, Earl of Pontfract:6 in General Monk's vault. 16 Nov. 16 174 Jan. 7 Mrs. Ann Fisher :7 in the East Cloister. Mrs. Mary Craig:8 in the South Cross. 1 One of the minor canons of Westminster, and Rector of Nailstone, co. Leicester, from 1735-6 until his death. He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 8 Aug. 1715. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 May, aged fifty-nine, and his son, Rev. Thomas Baker, administered to his estate, as a widower, on the 24th of the same month. See the burials, of his daughter 1 Oct. 1764, and of his son 29 May 1779. 2 Only son of Algernon Seymour, afterwards seventh Duke of Somerset (see his burial 24 Feb. 1749-50), by Frances his wife (see her burial 20 July 1754). He was born 11 Sep. 1725, and died at Boulogne, France, of small-pox, 11 Sep. 1744, on his nineteenth birthday. See the burial of his only sister, Elizabeth, Duchess of Northumberland, 18 Dec. 1776. 3 Dau. of Mrs. Dorothy Ireland (see her burial 18 Mch. 1711-12), and sister of Mrs. Frances Ireland (see her burial 7 Jan. 1725-6). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Sep., aged eighty-one. Her will, as of Somerset House, Midx., spinster, dated 8 Feb. 1743-4, was proved 1 Oct. 1745, by her kinsman John Manley, of Hatton Garden, Midx., Esq. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters, near her said mother and sister. She left small legacies to her kinsmen, Samuel Holt, of Trinity College, Dublin, and Lucius-Henry Hibbins, and the residue of her estate to her nephew and niece, William Gore, of Barrow Mount, co. Kilkenny, Ireland, and Dorothy his wife, stipulating that all her silver plate should go to their children, Charles and Jane Gore. 4 Probably wife of Thomas Coston (see his burial 25 Nov. 1753). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 12 Oct., aged fifty-three. • Probably dau. of William Warick (see his burial 4 Aug. 1740). The Funeral Book says that she died 12 Oct., aged eighteen. See the burials, probably, of her sister 25 June 1731, and of her grandmother 16 May 1758. 6 Lady Sophia Fermor, second dau. of Thomas, first Earl of Pontefract (commonly called Pomfret), by Henrietta-Louisa, only dau. and heir of John, second Lord Jeffreys, and second wife of John Carteret, first Earl Granville (see his burial 11 Jan. 1763), to whom married about 14 Apl. 1744 (Spec. Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen.) She died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 Oct., in her twenty-fifth year. Her only dau., Sophia, was the first wife of William Petty, afterwards first Marquis of Lansdowne. 7 Evidently a child of Thomas Fisher, College cook (see his burial 30 July 1777), by Mary his wife (see her burial 13 Nov. 1761). The Funeral Book says that she died 13 Nov., aged seventeen months. 8 Dau. of Peter De Bert, of London, merchant, by Elizabeth, dau. of William Bathurst, of Eltham, co. Kent, also a merchant of London, and relict of Rev. William Craig, Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 25 Feb. 1720-1). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Jan., aged eighty-one. Her will, as of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., dated 2 Mch. 1743-4, with a codicil 9 July 1744, was proved 8 Jan. 1745-6, by her sister Elizabeth De Bert, spinster. She left considerable legacies to her cousin Mrs. Sarah Maudit, her niece Elizabeth Pattle, widow, her nicce Magdalen Craig, and to Ann and James Smith, children of Henry Smith, of Shire Lane, London, Gent. The residue of her estate she bequeathed to her niece (really her great-great- niece) Elizabeth, dau. of said Henry Smith (whose wife Elizabeth was her great-niece). WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 369 1745 Jan. 22 Feb. 28 The Hon. Major-General Lowther 1 in the East Cloister. The most illustrious Princess Ann, relict of Charles Fitzroy, late Duke of Cleveland, Duke and Earl of Southampton, Earl of Chichester, Baron of Newbery and Nonsuch, and Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter:2 in the Ormond vault. March 3 Mr. George Suckling :3 in the West Cloister, on the left side of Mr. Abbot. 1746 April 27 Capt. William Horneck : in the South Cross. April 29 Mr. Thomas Burnham :5 in the Dark Cloister. 1 Son of John Lowther, some time a merchant at Dantzic, and afterwards one of the Commissioners of the Revenue in Ireland, by Mary, dau. of Col. John Lowther, of Lowther, co. Westmoreland (see her burial 23 Oct. 1724), and nephew of John, first Viscount Lonsdale (see his marriage 3 Dec. 1674). He attained the rank of Major-General in May 1745. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Jan., aged fifty-nine. His will, as of Axe Yard, Westminster, Esq., dated 28 Jan. 1734-5, was proved 20 Jan. 1745-6, by James Pearse, Esq. He bequeathed an annuity of £100, for her life, to Mrs. Margaret Draper, wife of Mr. Matthew Draper, Lieutenant of Invalids and Town-major of Berwick-on-Tweed, in consideration of her great care of him, and to Mrs. Elizabeth Man he continued an annuity of £40 formerly given to her by his late cousin Mrs. Jane Lowther. The residue of his estate he bequeathed absolutely to his executor, whom he described as "my dear brother and loving James Pearse, of Arundell Street in the Strand," and to his heirs and assigns for ever. He died unmarried. 2 Anne, second dau. of Sir William Pulteney, of Misterton, co. Leicester, Kt., by Grace, youngest dau. of Sir John Corbet, first Bart. of Stoke, co. Salop, and second wife and relict of Charles Fitzroy, Duke of Cleveland, etc. (see his burial 3 Nov. 1730). She was born 25 Nov., and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 1 Dec. 1663, and was married to the Duke in Nov. 1694. She married, secondly, Philip Southcote, of Chertsey, co. Surrey, Esq. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Feb. Her will, dated 6 June 1743, was proved 3 March 1745-6, by her husband, Philip Southcote, to whom she left all her personalty. The estates left to her by her former husband she bequeathed to her youngest dau. Lady Anne, who had some years before married John Paddey, her mother's footman. See the burials of her sons, 29 Nov. 1708 and 29 Sep. 1723, and her sister's marriage 15 May 1694. 3 One of the vergers. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Feb., aged fifty-eight. See his wife's burial 6 Nov. 1744. Their son William was baptized at St. Bride's, London, 11 Jan. 1722-3, and their daughter Anne at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 22 Aug. 1727. 4 Youngest surviving son of Rev. Dr. Anthony Horneck, Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 4 Feb. 1696-7), by Jane his wife (see her burial 21 Apl. 1703). He had his first com- mission in the army, as a lieutenant of foot, 6 Apl. 1708, and joined the Royal Engineers in 1711, attaining the rank of Director, which he held at his death. He died, according to the Funeral Book and his monument, 23 Apl., in his sixty-second year. See the burial of his sister, Elizabeth Warr, 8 Jan. 1734-5. He died unmarried. His will, as Director of Engineers, dated at Plymouth 23 Sep. 1745, was proved 5 May 1746. He bequeathed to Mrs. Ann Butters, of Milton, near Gravesend, Kent, his freehold house and land in that place; to Mrs. Elizabeth Hulke, widow of George Hulke, of Portsmouth, Hants, and Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper, wife of Robert Cooper, surgeon, and dau. of John Curtis, of Tan Chapel, near Plymouth, each £600; and to Mrs. Grace Henley, of Gravesend, widow, and his nephew Robert Barnevelt, each £100. The residue of his estate he left to trustees for the benefit of Kane-William Horneck alias Butters, then an engincer in the office of Ordnance, whom he described as the "son of my most dearly beloved Mary Butters, of Gravesend, by me." This son, afterwards known as Capt. Kane-William Horneck only, died in 1752, leaving a son and two daughters. The latter were immortalized by Goldsmith as "Jessamy Bride" and "Little Comedy.' "" 5 One of the almsmen. An order in the Chapter Book, 14 Oct. 1726, directed that his house should be repaired. See the burial, probably of his first wife, 7 Aug. 1723. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Apl., aged eighty-one. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 3 B 370 BURIALS IN The most noble and puissant Prince, James, Duke of Ormond :2 in the Ormond vault. 1746 May 20 May Mr. John Cook :1 in the Dark Cloister. 22 July 26 July 28 July 28 28 15 Aug. Sept. 26 William Warder, Esq. :s in the middle aisle. Mrs. Elizabeth Garth: in the East Cloister. Master Thomas Garth:5 in the East Cloister. 6 Mr. Thomas Hinton: in the South Cloister. Mr. John Stagg: in the North Cloister. waterman, dated 6 Jan. 1739-40, was proved 3 May 1746, by his relict Eleanor, to whom he left all the goods to which he had any right in the house in which he dwelt, "commonly called one of the almshouses belonging to St. Peter's, Westminster." 1 The Funeral Book says that he died 17 May, in his sixty-sixth year. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 2 James Butler, eldest surviving son of Thomas, Earl of Ossory (see his burial 31 July 1680), by Lady Emillia his wife (see her burial 12 Dec. 1688). He succeeded his grandfather (see his burial 4 Aug. 1688) as second Duke of Ormond. He was impeached of high treason 21 June 1715, and attainted. He passed the rest of his life abroad, chiefly at Avignon, in France, and died, according to the Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, 5 Nov. 1745 (probably old style, as the date usually given is 16 Nov.), in his eighty-third year. He married, first, Lady Anne Hyde, dau. of Lawrence, first Earl of Rochester, who died at Dublin, Jan. 1684-5. See the burials of his children by her, 6 May 1684 and 17 Feb. 1687-8. See his second wife's burial 25 Nov. 1733, and the burials of his children by her, 1 Mch. 1688-9, 29 Aug. 1701, and 27 Apl. 1750. See also the burials, of his brother 27 Jan. 1685-6, and of his sister Mary, Duchess of Devonshire, 6 Aug. 1710. 3 Son of William Wardour, of Whitney Court, co. Hereford, Esq., by Anna-Sophia his wife (see her burial 25 Feb. 1736-7). He was born the 12th, and baptized at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 15 July 1686. He was M.P. for Fowey, and died unmarried 17 July, according to the Funeral Book, aged sixty. His will, dated 28 June 1746, was proved 29 July following, by his brother Tomkyns Wardour, Esq. (see his burial 22 Feb. 1752), to whom he left all his estate, subject to a few legacies to his "cousins," viz., John Wardour, of the Excise Office, and his dau. Virtue Wardour; Mrs. Margaret Pitches; Mrs. Jane Gillmore, widow; Mrs. Silet Dew, widow, and her son Tomkyns Dew; and Mrs. Mary Fleetwood, spinster. 4 Youngest dau. of Thomas Colleton, of Barbados, Esq. (second son of Sir John Colleton, first Bart.), and relict of Col. Thomas Garth (see his burial 11 Jan. 1730-1). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 24 July, aged sixty-eight. Her will, dated 12 Sep. 1745, was proved 19 Aug. 1746, by her son John Garth, to whom she bequeathed £5000 for the benefit of his younger children, and made him her residuary legatee. To her grand-daughter Anne, wife of Daniel Boone, Esq., she gave the interest of £1700 for life, the principal to go to her children at her death. See the burials of her sons, 31 May 1714 and 28 July 1746 (the entry following that of her own). 5 Son of Col. Thomas Garth (see his burial 11 Jan. 1730-1), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial in the preceding entry). He was their second son of this name (see his brother's burial 31 May 1714). The Funeral Book says: "Son of the last mentioned Elizabeth Garth: died October 10th, 1734, in the sixth year of his age, and was buried in Godstone, in Surrey, and afterwards removed from thence and deposited, July 28th, 1746, in the same grave with his mother." According to the parish register of Godstone, he was buried there 14 Oct. 1734. • According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed Under-Surveyor 12 June 1733, and Surveyor to the College 29 May 1746. The Funeral Book says that he died 12 Aug., aged fifty- seven. His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, Gent., dated 10 Feb. 1743-4, was proved 19 Aug. 1746, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his relict Hannah, residuary legatee. He left small legacies to his mother Joan Hinton, his brother Hercules Hinton, and his sisters, Mary Hinton, Elizabeth Tarver, and Jane, wife of Thomas Chase. 7 His monument described him as of Westminster, bookseller, and the Funeral Book says WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 371 1746 Nov. 16 Mrs. Henrietta-Maria Garth [rightly Kelynge]:¹ in the North Nov. 22 1749 Jan. 30 1747 April April 9 June 6 9 June 13 Cloister. Mrs. Margaret Ilsley :2 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Margaret Ayres:3 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Sarah Preston: in the South Cloister. James Collier, Esq. :5 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Heylyn:6 in the South Cross. June 20 Mr. William Richardson :7 in the South Cloister. that he died 19 Sep., aged fifty-one. He was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., 4 Aug. 1695, as son of Edmund Stagg and Artemisia his wife, and his mother (or one of her name) was buried at Greenwich, Kent, 14 Sep. 1735. His will, dated 21 Oct. 1745, was proved 19 Sep. 1746, by his relict Elizabeth (see her burial 22 Nov. 1750). He bequeathed to his sister Susanna Stagg £100, and a silver tankard formerly belonging to his aunt Hawkins, and smaller legacies to his sister-in-law Mrs. Dorothy Bowers, and his nephew John, son of his brother Samuel Stagg. The surname in the Register is an error. In the Funeral Book it is Kelynge, with a sub- sequent reference to the burial of John Kelynge, Esq., 9 July 1753 (which see), who was her son. She was the first wife of William Kelynge, of the Inner Temple, Esq. (evidently the well-known reporter of law cases in the reign of K. George II.), who was buried at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 7 July 1774. He mentioned her in his will, dated 24 Dec. 1773 and proved 14 July 1774, as the daughter of Michael Hickie, Esq., deceased, certain of whose estates in Ireland had come to him through her. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Nov., aged forty-seven. Her husband married, secondly, according to his will, Jane, dau. of John Pace, of Coleman Street, London, and Elizabeth his wife, who survived him and remarried Charles Matthews. He appears to have had no other issue, and bequeathed all his estate to the only child of his son John, viz., Louisa, then the wife of Mr. Henry Perfect, junior. 2 Second wife of John Ilsley, College beadle (see his burial 28 June 1750). He had a license from the Faculty Office, 16 Apl. 1733, then a widower (see his first wife's burial 14 Mch. 1732-3, only a month previous), to marry Margaret Owen, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow. It is possible, however, that the marriage did not take place immediately. as her first child, Margaret, was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Aug. 1734. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Nov., aged forty-five. Sec her son's burial 9 June 1738. 3 Relict of Edward Ayres (see his burial 2 May 1744). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 28 Jan., aged sixty-seven, and was buried in her husband's grave. See a burial 6 Feb. 1729-30. 4 The Funeral Book says that she died 7 Apl., aged fifty-six. Her will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, widow, dated the day before her death, was proved on the sixth of the same month, by her niece Ann Burges, spinster. She left legacies to her sister Frances Hawkins and her niece Mary Hawkins. She was a sister of James Burges, one of the bell-ringers (see his wife's burial 28 Oct. 1728), and proved his will 15 Mch. 1732-3, being then a widow. 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 30 May, aged twenty-seven. See a burial, perhaps of his brother, 15 Jan. 1732-3.-Letters of administration to the estate of James Collier, of the Middle Temple, Esq., bachelor, were granted, 21 May 1753. to his father, John Collier, Esq., and, 26 Feb. 1754, letters were granted to James Collier, nephew and next of kin of John Collier, of Kensington, Midx., deceased, the relict Hannah having died before administering. 6 Dau. of Mrs. Elizabeth Ebbutt (see her burial 16 Mch. 1752), and second wife of Rev. Dr. John Heylyn, Prebendary of Westminster (sce his burial 17 Aug. 1759). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 June, aged forty-eight. See her daughter's burial 2 Apl. 1759. 7 One of the Abbey choir. He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 10 May 1743. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 June, aged thirty-two. His mother, Sarah Richardson, widow, administered to his estate 27 July following, when he was described as of New Windsor, Berks, a bachelor. He probably died at Windsor, while in attendance at the royal chapel there. 372 BURIALS IN 1747 Aug. 1 The Right Hon. Edward Bligh, Earl of Darnley, Viscount Arthboy, Baron of Rathmore in Ireland, and Baron Clifton in England:¹ in the vault in the North aisle of the Tombs. Mrs. Anne Horden:2 in the East Cloister. Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Mr. James Spring :3 in the West Cloister. Sept. 5 Sept. 13 Mrs. Magdalen Walsh : in the East Cloister. Mr. Anthony Lucea 5 in the East Cloister. 1 Second but eldest surviving son of John, first Earl of Darnley (see his burial 25 Sep. 1728), by Lady Theodosia Hyde (see her burial 15 Aug. 1722). See also their marriage 24 Aug. 1713. He inherited the English Barony of Clifton on the death of his mother, and succeeded his father as second Earl of Darnley, Viscount Darnley of Athboy, and Baron Clifton of Rathmore, in the Irish peerage. He died unmarried, 22 July, according to the Funeral Book, in his thirty-first year. 2 Dau. of Thomas Morice, Esq. (see his burial 1 June 1675), by Anne his wife (see her burial 24 Oct. 1693), and relict of Rev. John Horden, D.D., Rector of St. Michael, Queenhithe, London, and Vicar of Isleworth, Midx., whose will, dated 6 Mch. 1689-90, she proved 21 Aug. following, in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of London. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 25 Aug., aged eighty-seven. Her will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, dated 8 Apl. 1743, was proved 23 Sep. 1747, by her son-in-law Richard Wiat, Esq. Except a bequest of certain apparel to her niece Mary, wife of Mordaunt Cracherode, Esq. (see her burial 3 Jan. 1785), she bequeathed all her estate to her grand-daughter Cornelia, wife of William Percival, Esq., for life, with remainder to William and Richard Percival her sons. See the marriage of her dau. 9 Apl. 1716, and her burial, as Frances Wiat, 29 Nov. 1734, and the burials, probably of her grandchildren, 19 May 1721 and 21 Apl. 1734. 3 Son of Mr. William Spring (see his burial 29 June 1757), by Dorcas his wife (see her burial 18 Mch. 1755). He died, according to the Funeral Book and his monument, 24 Aug., aged twenty years. (( 4 The Funeral Book says that she died 1 Sep., aged sixty-three. Her monument states that she was a dau. of Robert Walsh, of the Walsh mountains, in Ireland, Esq., that she was born in Ireland in 1684, and that she and her sister Margaret Daly were the only coheiresses of Edmund Sheffield, late Duke of Buckinghamshire and Normanby." On his death, without issue (see his burial 31 Jan. 1735-6), the family estates reverted to the descendants of his great-great aunt, dau. of Edmund, first Earl of Mulgrave, who married Walter Walsh, of Castle Hoel, in Ireland, Esq., through whom they appear to have descended to the two sisters named on the monument. Her will, as of Gloucester Street, St. George the Martyr, Midx., spinster, dated 25 Aug. 1747, was proved 30 Apl. 1748, by George Fitzgerald, of London, merchant, and, 14 Feb. 1748-9, by her sister Margaret Daly, widow. She left numerous bequests, varying from £10 to £1000, to friends and servants, but, besides her said sister Margaret Daly, to whom she left all her real estate, and the residue of her personalty, the only relations she named were her cousin Lettice Grace, widow of John Grace, Esq., and her children. 5 His will, as "Antonio Lucera, otherwise Abraham-De Jacob Lucera" (so signed, and in the margin is added "otherwise Abraham Mora"), dated 15 June 1736, was proved 16 Sep. 1747, by his relict “Jane Lucera, otherwise Jency Lucera, otherwise Jency Chanell," by which names he had described her in the will, to whom he left all his estate, she bringing up their dau. "Stella otherwise Ister Lucera," and, if she died before her mother, then two-thirds were to go to the heirs of Giusepe-Maria Gustigiano, of Genoa. An affidavit to his writing described him as of St. James, Westminster, merchant. The probate of this will was subsequently declared void, and another will, in which he described himself as of Air Street, Piccadilly, dated 1 June 1743, was proved 12 Nov. 1747, by his relict Jane, and his dau. Esther Lucera, to whom he left his estate equally, and cither to be the other's heir. He then described his wife as "Jane Lucera, before called Jane Cianell, whom I married in 1721 in foreign countries" (see her burial 5 Mch. 1755), and his dau. Esther as then about sixteen years old (see her burial, as Esther Hinton, 11 Oct. 1762). WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 373 1747 Oct. 16 The Hon. Lieut.-General Guest :¹ in the East Cloister. Nov. 18 Humphrey Whyrley, Esq. :2 in the North aisle. 1 Another of the distinguished military officers of the period whose origin was so obscure that his biographers could safely draw upon their inventive faculties when describing him. The common account is that he commenced life as a hostler at Boroughbridge, in Yorkshire. According to his age as given on his monument, he must have entered the army in 1685, at the age of twenty-three, as the inscription states that he "closed a service of sixty years by faithfully defending Edinburgh Castle against the rebels in 1745," and that he died 14 Oct. 1747, aged eighty-five. He attained the rank of Lieut.-General 27 May 1745. Among the doubtful stories related of him is one to the effect that he was offered £200,000 by the Pretender if he would surrender Edinburgh Castle, and indignantly refused the proffered bribe, which may or may not be true. That he was a brave, gallant, and loyal soldier, unquestionably very humble as his origin was, no one can deny. His will, as Licut.-General Joshua Guest, dated 22 May 1746, was proved 26 Oct. 1747, by his relict Sarah (see her burial 23 July 1751), to whom he left his entire estate, and who alone is named in it. She, however, in her will, left considerable legacies to two of his relations, viz., to his niece Sarah, wife of Mr. John Whitley, of "Bustoll" [? Birstal], co. York, £2000, and to the children and grandchildren of his late aunt Mrs. Gibson, of the West Riding of Yorkshire, £300. From the results of researches kindly made and communicated to the Editor by friends in Yorkshire, there scems no reason any longer to leave the parentage of the General in obscurity. Of his father no trace whatever can be found, but it seems impossible to escape the conclusion that his mother was Mary Guest, dau. of Samuel Guest and Mary his wife, of North Owram, who was baptized at Halifax, Yorkshire, in April 1640. Her parents, as Samuel Guest and Mary Greenwood, appear to have been married at Halifax in February preceding. She eventually married a Mr. Smith, by whom she had a son Joshua Smith. The inscription on her tombstone in the churchyard of Lightcliffe, near Halifax, reads thus: "Here lies the body of Mary, the mother of Colonel Guest, of Lydgate in Lightcliffe, who departed this life the 10th day of September, 1729, aged 88 years: also of Joshua, ye son of the abovesaid, died August 1750, aged 63: Mary, his wife, died August, 1761, aged 63: also of Sammy, son of Joshua Smith, died July, 1777, aged 42." The corresponding entries in the parish register of Lightcliffe identify the first two persons named as "Mary Smith, widow," and "Joshua Smith, of Hove Edge." As Mary Smith could have been the mother of General (then Colonel) Guest only as "Mary Guest," it follows con- clusively that she must have married some one of her own name before she married Mr. Smith, who was the father of the General, or else that the General was born before she was married at all; and, as it has been impossible to find any evidence of the former, the latter seems to be the safest theory to adopt. That there can be no doubt of the General's intimate connection with this particular family of Smith, it is only necessary to state that his widow, in her will, and evidently carrying out the instructions of her husband, bequeathed her freehold farms, lands, tenements, etc., at "Cassley Cassley" in the West Riding of Yorkshire, to "Mr. Joshua Smith, of Lightcliffe, near Halifax," undoubtedly the one who died in 1750, whose name appears on the tombstone, with remainder to his eldest son John, and his other sons and their heirs male in succession, besides leaving £500 to said John Smith, the eldest son, and £1000 among the other children of said Joshua Smith. On inquiry, it appears that Sammy Smith, named on the monument, who died in 1777, in whose possession this property then was, by his will directed that it should be sold, and the proceeds invested for the use of his poor relations. Probably it was a pardonable pride that induced Mr. Joshua Smith to have recorded on his mother's tomb- stone that she was the mother of the already distinguished Colonel Guest; but it is also fair and reasonable to presume that Colonel Guest himself would have seen that his father's name was similarly honoured, if it had been possible to place his name in conjunction with hers. 2 The Funeral Book gives his name correctly, as Wyrley, and says that he died 2 Nov., aged thirty-nine, which is incorrect, as he was very nearly forty-one. He was the eldest son of Rev. Peter Birch, D.D. (see his burial 4 July 1710), by his third wife, Sibyll, dau. and coheir of Humphrey Wyrley, of Hampstead Hall, co. Stafford, Esq. (see her burial 12 Aug. 1708). He was born the 5th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 Dec. 1706, by the double names of Humphrey-Wyrley. As Humphrey-Wyrley Birch he matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 374 BURIALS IN 1747 Dec. 12 Mrs. Anne Deanes:1 in the South Cross. 8 1742 Jan. 1 Master John Frederick:2 in the South Cloister. March 21 The Right Hon. George Wade, Esq., Field Marshall of H. M.'s Forces, and one of H. M.'s most Hon. Privy Council :3 near the Choir gate. 1748 April 10 Mr. John Luckett: in the West Cloister. 5 Mch. 1722-3, aged sixteen, but appears to have taken no degree. He became a counsellor-at- law, and, on inheriting Hampstead Hall, assumed the surname of Wyrley, by act of Parliament. He was, however, when only four years old, in certain proceedings in the Court of Probate con- cerning his father's will, described as " Humphrey-Wyrley Wyrley alias Birch," but he appears to have been known, and to have signed his name, in after life, as "Humphrey Wyrley" only. He died unmarried. The journals of the day give the date of his death as the 13th, instead of the 2nd of November, probably using the modern instead of the old style. 1 The second wife and widow of Nicholas Rowe, poct-laureate. She was a gentlewoman whose ancestry and ultimate fate, except that she was of a good family named Devenish, in Dorsetshire, and remarried "Colonel Deane," appear to have baffled the biographers and anno- tators of her first husband and his writings. She was the dau., and apparently only surviving child, by his first wife, of Joseph Devenish, Gent. (third son of Francis Devenish, of Gillingham, co. Dorset, Gent., by Anne his wife), who was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., 7 Oct. 1733, and whose will she proved on the 10th of that month. She married, first, as early as 1717, as her only dau. was born before 1 July in the following year, Nicholas Rowe, Esq. (sec his burial 19 Dec. 1718), to whom she was second wife. She married, secondly, at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 31 Jan. 1723-4, Col. Alexander Deanes, who was buried at St. James, Westminster, 7 Nov. 1731. His will, as of Arlington Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., Esq., dated 8 Oct. 1731, was proved by her 13 Jan. 1731-2, she being his sole legatee. If, as is asserted by the editor of Johnson's Lives of the Poets (edit. 1854, ii. 113), she was the "widow " of Pope's "Dialogue II.," published in 1738, an admirable illustration is furnished of the manner in which that poet nursed his wrath, for her second marriage had taken place fourteen years before, and her second husband had been dead half that period, quite long enough to have been forgotten. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 Dec., aged sixty-five. Her will, as of Bruton Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, dated 20 Aug. 1747, was proved 20 Jan. 1747-8. Owing to some extraordinary fatality among her father's brothers and their issue, she had come into the possession of the manors of Buckhorn-Weston and Lydlinch, in co. Dorset, and other lands in that county and in co. Somerset, all of which she bequeathed in trust for her grand-daughter Charlotte Fane (see the burial of her mother 7 Oct. 1739, and note thereto). Her house in Bruton Street, with its contents, and an annuity of £100, she left to Sarah Peele, spinster, whom she called her "sister," but who was evidently, from her father's will, the only dau. of his second wife and relict, by a former husband. She mentioned no other relations, and appears to have been the last survivor of her family, although her grandfather, at his death in 1689, left surviving no fewer than five sons and two daughters. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 28 Dec., aged eleven years. 3 Distinguished not only as a gallant soldier and brilliant commander, but especially for the military roads which he constructed through the highlands of Scotland. He entered the army as a cornet of dragoons 25 Dec. 1690, and attained the rank of Field-Marshal 14 Dec. 1743, and that of Commander-in-Chief in Mch. 1745. He appears to have been the third son of William Wade, a major of dragoons in the army of Cromwell, who is said to have married a dau. of Rev. Henry Stonestreet, Rector of South Heighton, co Sussex. His elder brother, Rev. William Wade, was a Canon of Windsor, and died 1 Feb. 1732-3. He died, according to the Funeral Book and his monument, 14 Mch., aged seventy-five. He died unmarried, and his will, dated 1 June 1747, was proved 24 Mch. 1747-8, by his illegitimate sons, Capt. George Wade and Capt. John Wade, to whom, with his illegitimate dau. Mrs. Jane Erle, he left the most of his estate, although pro- viding generously for the widow and children of his brother William. 4 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed one of the sacrists 11 Feb. 1728-9. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Apl., aged forty-six. Letters of administration to his WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 375 1748 April 12 Dame Martha, relict of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Wager:¹ in the North Cross. April 18 Mrs. Elizabeth Evans:2 in the West Cloister. May 18 May 18 May 23 Aug. 15 Sept. 18 Mrs. Ann Lane :3 in the vault in the North aisle of the Tombs. Mrs. Ann Ludford :* in the North Cloister. Mr. Thomas Smith:5 in the Dark Cloister. Mr. Thomas Grant :6 in the West Cloister. Mrs. Ann Bracegirdle: in the East Cloister. estate were granted, 7 July 1749, when he was described as a widower, and his only surviving children, James and Alice, as minors, under the guardianship of Elizabeth, wife of John Dupree. See the burials, of his wife 26 Sep. 1743, his dau. 25 June 1738, his son 21 June 1741, and his only surviving daughter, Mrs. Alice Samuda, 9 Jan. 1786. 1 Younger dau. of Anthony Earning, of Limehouse, Midx., mariner, evidently a captain in the merchant service, who died in 1674, by Ellen, sister of Nehemiah Bourne, of London, merchant, sometime a commissioner of the navy, who survived her husband, and relict of Admiral Sir Charles Wager (see his burial 30 May 1743), to whom married about 8 Dec. 1691 (Mar. Lic. Fac.). She died, according to her coffin-plate, 7 Apl., in her eighty-third year. Her will, dated 20 Feb. 1747-8, with a codicil 18 Mch. following, was proved 16 Apl. 1748. Her bequests, which were considerable, were chiefly to the children of her husband's sister and half-sisters. Her executor was Francis Gashrey, Esq., who had married the widow of Charles Bolton, her husband's nephew. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 11 Apl., in her fortieth year, and she was described on her gravestone as the wife of Rev. Henry Evans, A.M. Her will, as "wife of Henry Evans, of Garden Row, in Chelsea, co. Midx., Clerk," dated 13 Nov. 1745, was proved by him 16 Apl. 1748. She merely bequeathed to him, in case she left no issue, £3000 South Sea annuities named in her marriage settlement. He appears to have been sworn a priest in ordinary of the Chapel Royal, 13 Mch. 1743-4. 3 Dau. of Sir Richard Lane, Kt. (see his burial 4 Apl. 1756), by Dame Sarah his wife (see her burial 4 Oct. 1733). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 May, aged forty-nine. See the burials of her sisters, 3 Apl. 1773 and 16 Dec. 1780. Only dau. of Rev. Edward Taylor, Rector of Finningley, co. Notts. by Rachel his wife (see her burial 2 June 1740, and note thereto). She married, first, Thomas Bold, citizen and distiller of London, of Thames Street, St. Michael Queenhithe, whose will, dated 1 Oct. 1727, was proved 19 Mch. 1727-8, by whom she had an only dau., Anne Bold, who appears to have been living at the date of her step-father's will, 12 Jan. 1776, an inmate of Bethlehem Hospital. She married, secondly, at St. John the Evangelist. Westminster, 29 May 1731, Thomas Ludford (formerly Bracebridge), Esq. (see his burial 9 Mch. 1776), by whom she appears to have had only one son, Edward-Taylor Ludford, who was living in 1743, but was not named in his father's will. She died, according to the Funeral Book and her tombstone, 15 May, aged fifty. 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 20 May, aged seventy-seven. See the burial, probably of his wife, 17 Feb. 1748-9. 19 6 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed "Scholars' butler 23 June 1725, and at his death was "College butler and brewer, and Clerk of the Works." He died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 Aug., aged fifty-nine. His will, dated 12 May 1743, was proved 14 Sep. 1748. He left his possessions among his children, William, Thomas, and Susanna. See his wife's burial 8 May 1743; the baptisms of his children, 20 April 1729, 17 Jan. 1730-1, 15 Apl. 1733, 7 Nov. 1735, and 7 Oct. 1740; and the burials, of his sons, 9 Dec. 1739 and 4 Oct. 1741, and perhaps of his brother 19 Dec. 1720. 7 The celebrated actress in the reigns of Kings Charles II. and James II. She is said to have been a dau. of Justinian Bracegirdle, of co. Northampton, Esq., and to have been brought up in the family of Thomas Betterton, the tragedian, with whom she was placed in her infancy. She is usually said to have been born in 1674, but the Funeral Book says that she died 12 Sep., aged eighty-five, which would make her eleven years older. Her will, as of St. Clement Danes, 376 BURIALS IN 1748 Oct. (-) Oct. (-) Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 1748 Feb. 17 17 March 15 1749 May 14 Robert Brown:¹ in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Anne Jeffreys :2 in the Dark Cloister. Grace Clapham :3 in the West Cloister. Eleanor Clapham: in the West Cloister. Frances Fisher :5 in the East Cloister. Anne Smith:6 in the Dark Cloister. Ruth Leech:7 in the Dark Cloister. Dorothy Hadlow :8 in the North Cloister. Midx., spinster, dated 28 Nov. 1747, was proved 12 Sep. 1748, by her niece Martha Bracegirdle, residuary legatee. Her only other bequests were £400 to her nephew Justinian Bracegirdle, and £100 to Anne Hodge, of St. Clement's, spinster. See the note to the burial of Robert, Earl of Scarsdale, 4 Jan. 1707-8. ¹ Organ blower, according to the Funeral Book, which says that he died 14 Oct., aged fifty. 2 Second wife and relict of Francis Jeffreys, one of the bell-ringers (see his burial 20 Nov. 1744). She was appointed College laundress 23 Nov. 1744. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 25 Oct., aged sixty-two. Her will, dated 23 Mch. 1746-7, was not proved until 31 Jan. 1754, and then in the Court of the Dean and Chapter. She bequeathed her diamond ring and sundry china to the children of the Bishop of Rochester, and pictures, articles of plate, etc., to several friends. To her niece Elizabeth Keys, then living with her (see her burial 21 Jan. 1754), she left two freehold houses in Newent, near Gloucester, and £100 to trustees for her use till she attained her majority. Other bequests were to her brother Joseph Stone, her niece Margaret, wife of Mr. John Burchell, one of the yeomen of the guard, who was one of her executors, and David Jeffreys (see his burial 29 July 1755), whom she called her "cousin," but who was evidently her late husband's nephew. 3 Dau. of Eleanor Clapham by her second husband (see the following entry, and note thereto). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 Nov. 1724, aged nine years and eight months. She was first buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 18 Nov. 1724, and her remains were removed at the date in the text, to be buried with her mother, in accordance with instructions in her will. 4 She appears to have been the eldest dau. of Claydon Jolly, of West Deeping, co. Lincoln, Gent., by Catharine his wife, and to have married, first, Christopher Clapham (son of Sheffield Clapham, eldest surviving son of Sir Christopher Clapham, of Uffington, co. Lincoln, Kt.), heir and administrator to his grandfather, who was living in London, in 1705, by whom she had several children, all of whom evidently died young. She also appears to have married, secondly, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 31 Aug. 1712, another Christopher Clapham (probably her first husband's cousin, only son of Christopher Clapham, second son of Sir Christopher Clapham aforesaid), whom she also survived. In their marriage allegation, at the Bishop of London's Registry, they are described as both of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., he a bachelor and she a widow, and both aged about thirty. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 25 Oct., aged seventy-six. Her will, dated 25 Aug. 1747, was proved 29 Oct. 1748, by her "friend and companion" Mrs. Rose Turnall (see her burial 25 May 1750), whom she made her residuary legatee. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters, and the body of her dau. to be removed and buried with her (see the preceding entry and note). She mentioned her late nephew Mr. Jolly Clapham, deceased, and her niece Judith Graham, but no other relations. 5 Evidently a child of Thomas Fisher, College cook (see his burial 30 July 1777), by Mary his wife (see her burial 13 Nov. 1761). The Funeral Book says that she died 26 Oct., aged eleven months and eight days. • Probably relict of Thomas Smith (see his burial 23 May 1748). The Funeral Book says that she died 14 Feb., aged sixty-seven. 7 The Funeral Book says that she died 12 Mch., aged sixty. Sce the burial, probably of her daughter, 10 Nov. 1781. The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 8 Probably the first wife of Mr. John Hadlow (see his burial 24 Apl. 1755). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 11 May, aged thirty-seven. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 377 1749 May 18 Mrs. Sophia Lambart :¹ in the North Cross. Aug. 15 Lieut.-General William Barrell :2 in the East Cloister. Henry Ogle :3 in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 23 Sept. 5 Thomas Lake 4 in the Dark Cloister. Dec. 9 1748 Feb. Feb. 18 24 Anne Catling 5 in the Dark Cloister. Aaron Hill, Esq. :6 in the West Cloister. The most high, puissant and noble Prince, Algernon Seymour, Duke of Somerset, Marquis and Earl of Hartford, Earl of Northumberland and Egremont, etc. :7 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. 1 Youngest dau. and coheir of Hon. Oliver Lambart (see his burial 23 Apl. 1738), by Frances his wife (see her burial 11 Jan. 1750-1). She married, about 10 Feb. 1745-6 (marriage settlement cited in her mother's will), and was first wife of, her first cousin Richard Lambart, afterwards sixth Earl of Cavan, but left no issue. She died, according to her monument, 11 May, aged thirty-two. See her sister's burial 4 Nov. 1758. 2 His monument describes him as of an ancient Herefordshire family, governor of Pendennis Castle, and Colonel of the King's Own regiment of foot, and as having served his country, with great honour, upwards of fifty years, being engaged in most of the memorable actions and sieges in Flanders and Germany during the whole of Q. Anne's wars. He attained the rank of Lieut.- General 2 July 1739. The monument, erected by his only son and executor, Savage Barrell, Esq., was renovated in 1855 by his great-grandson, Captain Justinian Barrell, R.N. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Aug., aged seventy-seven. His will, dated 15 May 1739, with codicils 5 Apl. 1743 and 9 May 1746, was proved 10 Aug. 1749, by his said son Savage, residuary legatee. To his wife Mary he left the use of his houses in York Buildings and in Croydon, co. Surrey, and an annuity of £200 for life, giving her also £400 by the first codicil. To his dau. Ann, unmarried at the date of his will, and then aged about thirty-one, he gave the dividends of £3400 South Sea capital stock, but in the first codicil stated that she had married Captain Charles Rainsford, and gave her £600, and in the second codicil £1000 more. His other bequests were to his niece Anne Forster and her husband_Richard Forster, and their children William and Anne, his god- children. The latter, as stated in the first codicil, having married Joseph Higginson, Lieut. and Quartermaster in his regiment, he gave her £600. 3 The Funeral Book says that he died 20 Aug., aged sixty-four. Evidently, from the place of burial, a servant, or minor official about the Abbey. 4 He was appointed one of the bell-ringers 14 Mch. 1745-6. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Sep., in his fifty-fourth year. 5 Dau. of John Catling, bell-ringer, etc. (see his burial 29 May 1762), by Mary his wife (see her burial 2 Feb. 1788). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Dec., aged seven weeks. See her baptism 27 Oct. 1749. 6 Eldest son of George Hill, of Malmesbury Abbey, Wilts, Esq., and born in Beaufort Buildings, in the Strand, Midx., 10 Feb. 1684-5. He was a dramatic writer of some note, and manager of the Opera house in the Haymarket. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Feb., aged sixty-five, and his son Julius administered to his estate 10 Mch. following. See his wife's burial 30 June 1731. The baptisms of several of his children occur in the parish registers of St. Margaret, Westminster. 7 Eldest surviving son of Charles, sixth Duke of Somerset, by his first wife, Lady Elizabeth Percy, only dau. of Jocelyn, eleventh Earl of Northumberland. He was born 11 Nov. 1684, and succeeded to his father's titles on his death, 2 Dec. 1748, becoming seventh Duke of Somerset, and sixteenth Earl of Hertford (not Marquis as in the text). He was created, 2 Oct. 1749, Baron Warkworth and Earl of Northumberland, and, the next day, Baron Cockermouth and Earl of Egremont. He died, at Percy Lodge, 7 Feb., without surviving male issue, and his father's titles became extinct. See the burials, of his wife 20 July 1754, of his only son 6 July 1745, of his only dau. and heir 18 Dec. 1776, and of his brothers, 8 Jan. 1710-11 and 8 July 1721. 3 C 378 BURIALS IN 1748 March 10 Mrs. Dorothy Combes :¹ in the South Cross. 1750 April 27 • The Right Hon. Lady Elizabeth Butler: 2 in the Ormond vault. May 4 The Right Hon. Catharine, Viscountess Lymington :3 near the Choir gate. May 25 Rose Furnell: in the West Cloister. June 28 John Ilsley:5 in the Dark Cloister. John James:6 in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 3 Aug. 16 Matthew Cotton :7 in the Dark Cloister. ¹ Dau. of Rev. Dr. Lancelot Addison, Dean of Lichfield, by his first wife, Jane, dau. of Nathaniel Gulston, Esq., and sister of the Right Hon. Joseph Addison (see his burial 26 June 1719). She married, first, at Bromley, co. Kent, 5 July 1704, Rev. James Sartre, Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 5 Sep. 1713), and, secondly, Daniel Combes, Esq., who was buried at St. James, Westminster, 11 Aug. 1719. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 2 Mch., and was buried in her first husband's grave. Her will, as of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., dated 6 Jan. 1749-50, was proved 3 Mch. following. Her chief bequests were pictures to her niece Mrs. Charlotte Addison, and to Mr. Richard Combes, of Symond's Inn, her second husband's nephew. The residue of her estate was to be devoted to a monument in the Abbey to the memory of her brother, to which she hoped his daughter would contribute. 2 Dau. of James, second Duke of Ormond (see his burial 22 May 1746), by his second wife, Lady Mary Somerset (see her burial 25 Nov. 1733). She was born the 2nd and baptized 6 Feb. 1688-9, at St. James, Westminster, and died unmarried, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Apl. 1750. Her will, dated 22 Mch. 1742-3, was proved 8 May 1750, by her cousin-german Hon. Mary Greville, to whom, and to her aunt Anne, Countess of Coventry, she bequeathed all her estate. See the burials, of her brother 1 Mch. 1688-9, her sister 29 Aug. 1701, and her half-sisters 6 May 1684 and 17 Feb. 1687-8. ³ Only dau. and heir of John Conduitt, Esq. (see his burial 29 May 1737), by Catharine his wife (see her burial 29 Jan. 1739-40). She married, at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., 8 July 1740, Hon. John Wallop, commonly called Viscount Lymington, eldest son of John, first Earl of Portsmouth, who died in his father's lifetime, 19 Nov. 1749. Their eldest son John succeeded as second Earl of Portsmouth. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 Apl., in her twenty- ninth year, and was buried in her father's grave. 4 The surname is an error in the Register. The Funeral Book calls her " Turnell," and says that she died 20 May, aged fifty-four. Her will as Rose Turnall, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., spinster, dated 21 Apl. 1750, was proved 25 May following, by her " kinsman " Mr. Matthew Turnall, of Thornhaugh, co. Northampton, residuary legatee, and the only relation named in it. She directed to be buried near her late "worthy friend" Mrs. Eleanor Clapham (see her burial 29 Oct. 1748), whose "friend aud companion," residuary legatee and executrix, she was. • He was appointed College beadle 29 Mch. 1729. The Funeral Book says that he died 26 June, aged fifty-one. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, labourer, dated 29 May 1750, was proved 27 June following, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by Mr. Richard Sayes, of the same parish, to whom he left all his possessions in trust for his four daughters equally, viz., Ann, wife of William Browning, and Martha, Mary, and Alice Ilsley. See the burials of his first wife 14 Mch. 1732-3, his second wife 22 Nov. 1746, and his son by the latter 9 June 1738. One of the almsmen. According to the Chapter Book, his house was to be repaired, 20 Feb. 1727-8. The Funeral Book says that he died 31 July, aged seventy-cight. In his will, dated 12 June and proved 1 Aug. 1750, he called himself a "clothworker," cut off his disobedient grandson, John Swaseldin, with a shilling, and left all his possessions to Hannah Lucas, widow, who was his executrix. 7 The Funeral Book says that he died 11 Aug., aged fifty-six. One of his name was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 3 July 1692, as son of Matthew Cotton and Sarah his wife. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. See the burials, of his dau. 1 Feb. 1739-40, and of his son 16 Oct. 1800. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 379 1750 Aug. 31 Charles Longueville, Esq. 1 in the vault in the North aisle of the Tombs. The Hon. Lieut.-General Richard Philips :2 in the North Cross. Elizabeth Stagg :3 in the North Cloister. Oct. 19 Nov. 22 Nov. 26 Mrs. Anna Hassall in Islip Chapel. Dec. 28 Thomas Stephens 5 in the South Cloister. 175 Jan. 4 Jan. 8 Jan. 11 The Rev" Mr. John Jones :6 in the Dark Cloister. The Revd Mr. David Jones: in the West Cloister. Mrs. Frances Lambart :8 in the North Cross. ¹ Eldest son of William Longueville, Esq. (see his burial 30 Mch. 1721), by Elizabeth his wife (sce her burial 21 Jan. 1715-16). He was of the Inner Temple, Auditor to Q. Caroline, and M.P. for East Looe, co. Cornwall. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 22 Aug. His will, as a bachelor, dated 28 July 1750, was proved 20 Dec. following, by his sister Elizabeth Mompesson, widow, only next of kin, to whom he left all his estate (see her marriage 17 Aug. 1703). 2 Younger son of Richard Philipps, of Martletwy and Sandyhaven. co. Pembroke, Gent.. by Frances, dau. of Rev. Edward Nocl, Rector of Sibson. co. Leicester, brother of Sir Verney Noel, Bart. He was a great-grandson of Sir John Philipps, first Bart. of Picton Castle, and was himself ancestor of the present baronet. During his long military career he was sometime Colonel of a regiment of foot in the Leeward Islands, and Governor of Nova-Scotia. He attained the rank of Licnt.-General 26 Mch. 1743. He married, first, at Dublin. Jan. 1691-2, Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander Cosby, of Stradbally, Queen's Co.. Ireland, Esq., who was buried at Stanwell, Midx., 30 Jan. 1739-40, and, secondly, Catharine, dau. of Sir John Statham, of Wigwell. co. Derby, Kt., who was living at the date of his will. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Oct., aged ninety. His will, dated 5 Apl. 1746, was proved after his death, by John Statham, Esq., his wife's brother. three grandchildren, he left his entire estate to his wife. Dec. 1751, more than a year Except very moderate legacies to 3 Relict of Mr. John Stagg, bookseller (see his burial 26 Sep. 1746). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 Nov. Her will, dated 6 Nov. 1750, was proved on the 16th of the same month, by Anne, wife of Rev. George Jordan, of Burwash, co. Sussex. Chancellor of Chichester, whom she called her niece and nephew (see the burial of their son 3 Oct. 1736). She bequeathed handsome legacies to her sister Mrs. Susanna Stagg, her nephew John Stagg, her cousin Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbon, and her twelve nieces, daughters of said Rev. George Jordan. residue of her estate she left to her executrix. The 4 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Nov., aged thirty-seven. Her will, as late of the island of Jamaica, but then of Little Ormond Street. Midx., widow, dated 15 Feb. 1748-9, was proved 1 Dec. 1750, by her friend Elizabeth Calendar, late of Jamaica, but then also of Little Ormond Street, widow, whom she made her residuary legatee. Her only other bequests were an annuity of £70 to her honoured father-in-law Arthur Hassall, of London, and Mary his wife, and £200 to Francis Weaver, of London, Gent., for mourning. 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 25 Dec., in his twenty-first year. See the burial of another of the same name, in the same locality, 17 Aug. 1769. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 29 Dec. 1750, aged thirty-seven. See the burials in the same locality, 29 Jan. 1732-3, 19 Feb. 1739-40, and 19 May 1764. 7 One of the minor canons of the Abbey. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Jan., aged twenty-eight. He appears to have matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 11 July 1741, aged eighteen, as son of Edward Jones, of Westminster. 8 Relict of Hon. Oliver Lambart (see his burial 23 Apl. 1738). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 3 Jan., in her sixty-seventh year. She is usually called in the peerages a "natural daughter of John Sheffield, first Duke of the county of Buckingham (see his burial 25 Mch. 1721), but had really been, at least before her marriage, his mistress. In his will he provided liberally for his son and two daughters by her, committing the latter to the custody of his own wife. The son, then known as Charles Herbert, subsequently assumed the name of Sheffield, and was 380 BURIALS IN 175 Feb. 2 The Hon. Lieut.-General Hargrave:¹ near the Choir gate. Ursula Phillips 2 in the North Cloister. Feb. 6 1751 March 30 The Hon. Major-General James Fleming :3 near the Choir gate. created a Baronet. The two daughters, Sophia and Charlotte, appear to have been living 15 Feb. 1742-3, the former having been the wife of Dr. Hunt, and being then wife of Joseph Cox, Esq., when the Duchess of Buckinghamshire, in her will, left her an annuity of £120 for life, in return for her respectful behaviour to her and her deceased son, and for not taking part with the other natural children of the Duke in their suits against her, etc. Mrs. Lambart's will, dated 30 Mch. 1748, was proved 10 Jan. 1750-1 by her dau. Castiliana-Ann Lambart (scc her burial 4 Nov. 1758), to whom she left all her estate, except her best diamond ring and a picture of the Duke of Buckingham, which she gave to her son Charles Sheffield, Esq. See the burial of her only other daughter 18 May 1749. 1 William Hargrave. According to the Funeral Book and his monument, he was Colonel of the Royal English Fusileers, and Governor of Gibraltar, and died 21 Jan., aged seventy-nine, having been fifty-seven years a commissioned officer. He attained the rank of Lieut.-General 1 Feb. 1742-3. The journals of the day say that he died at Bath. He appears to have been baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 Dec. 1672, as son of Captain William Hargrave and Ann his wife. His will, dated at Gibraltar 29 June 1749, was proved 6 May 1751, by John Fleming, Esq., whom he described only as a Captain in his regiment, but whom he made his residuary legatee (see his burial 21 Feb. 1764). The will was not proved until after legal proceedings between the executor, of one part, and Richard Hargrave, Esq., nephew by brother and one of the next of kin of the testator, and Martha Rounds, then or late wife of William Rounds, Ann Laurence, widow, Elizabeth Hargrave, spinster, and Charles Hargrave, nieces and nephew by another brother and the four other next of kin of the testator, of the other part, neither of whom was named in the will. He bequeathed to Mrs. Jane Hargrave, relict of his "relation" John Hargrave. £2000, and to Richard Hargrave, brother to John Hargrave, a lieutenant in Pulteney's regiment, £3000. His other bequests were as follows: to Mary Willett, sister of Francis Willett, hosier, late in York Buildings, £300; to Elizabeth Redburn, formerly his servant, £300; to Hannah Clenahan, dau. of Mr. Clenahan, town-major of Gibraltar, £500; to James, son of James Montresor, engineer at Gibraltar, £500; to his godson William, son of Colonel Adlaiorn, £500; to John Donaldson, captain in his regiment, £1000; and to the Foundling Hospital £1000. He appears never to have been married. The journals of the day announce the death, 16 Nov. 1763, of the "relict of the late General Hargrave;" but that lady was Jane, widow of Major John Hargrave, chief engineer of the Island of Minorca, the same to whom the General bequeathed £2000, as the relict of his "relation." 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 1 Feb., aged sixty-three. ³ According to the Funeral Book and his monument, he died 17 Mch., aged sixty-seven, being Colonel of the 36th regiment of foot, and having served as a commissioned officer forty-four years. He attained the rank of Major-General in Sep. 1747. The journals of the day say that he died at Bath. His will, as "Colonel of one of H.M.'s regiments of foot late commanded by the Hon. Col. Humphrey Bland," dated 6 Mch. 1741-2, was proved 22 Mch. 1750-1, by his nephew John Fleming, Esq. (sec his burial 21 Feb. 1764), son of his brother Robert Fleming, whom he also appointed an executor, but who died before him. He left handsome legacies to numerous friends and brother officers, and to his own relations as follows: to his three brothers, Robert, John, and Richard Fleming, cach £350; to his three sisters, Margaret Bennett, widow, Dorothy Knott, widow, and Catharine, wife of Adam Guthrey, each £200; to his nephew Phibbs, son of his late sister Susanna Phibbs, deceased, £50; to his nephews Matthew and Fleming Phibbs, sons of his late sister Anna Phibbs, deceased, each £40, and to their cldest sister £50; to the children of his late brother Francis Fleming, deccased, £150; to the widow of his late brother Archibald Fleming £30; to the children of his late niece Elizabeth Jenning, dau. of his sister Margaret Bennett £50; to the dau. of his late brother William Fleming, deceased, £50; to his nephew Robert Bennett, son of his said sister Margaret, £50; to his nicce, wife of Lieut. Fleury, and her sister, late Mr. Everard's widow, each £25; and £350, and the residue of his estate, to his said nephew and executor, Lieut. John Fleming, of the Royal regiment of English WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 381 1751 April 13 On the 20th day of March, 1750, His Royal Highness Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales,¹ died at Leicester House, and on the 13th day of April, 1751, was buried in the Royal Vault. The Funeral was said to be private: the Office was performed by the Dean and the Choir, without the Organ. April 29 Mr. Richard Kettlewell;2 died the 21st: in the passage between the Cloisters, or Dark Cloister. June 12 June 26 July 5 July 23 : 4 Mrs. Sarah Shambrook ;3 died the 10th in the Dark Cloister. The Hon. and Revd John Hay, Clerk, M.A.; died the 23rd: in the South Cloister, at the head of Vitalis Abbas. Mrs. Mary Manningham 5 died the 2nd in the North Cross. Mrs. Sarah Guest ; died the 17th in the East Cloister, where her husband lies, near General Withers's monument. : Fusilecrs commanded by Major-General Hargrave, then at Gibraltar. He appears to have died unmarried. 1 Eldest child of K. George II. (see his burial 11 Nov. 1760), by Q. Caroline (see her burial 17 Dec. 1737). He was born at Hanover 20 Jan. 1706-7, and created Prince of Wales 8 Jan. 1728-9. By his wife, the Princess Augusta (see her burial 15 Feb. 1772), he was father of K. George III. See the burials of his other children, 14 Sep. 1759, 4 Jan. 1766, 3 Nov. 1767, 21 May 1768, and 28 Sep. 1790. and of his illegitimate son 26 Feb. 1735-6. He died 31 Mch., according to modern chronology, the date in the text being O.S. 2 The Funeral Book gives his age as thirty. He was born the 9th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 Oct. 1720, as son of Richard and Mary Kettlewell. From the place of burial it is evident that he occupied some humble position about the Abbey. 3 The Funeral Book gives her age as fifty-six. and says that she was "a servant maid of Mr. John Rice, the porter" (see his burial 5 Feb. 1768). 4 Third son of George-Henry, seventh Earl of Kinnoul, by Lady Abigail Harley, dau. of Robert, first Earl of Oxford. He matriculated at Oxford. from Christ Church. 13 June 1737, aged eighteen, and was B.A. 12 Mch. 1741-2. and M.A. 6 June 1744. He was Rector of Epworth, co. Lincoln, from 1746 until his death, and died unmarried. The Funeral Book gives his age as thirty-two. His will, dated 21 June 1751, was proved on the 25th of the same month, by his brother Robert, Bishop of St. Asaph. He left his personalty equally to his sisters, Margaret, Elizabeth, Anne, Abigail, Henrietta, and Mary Hay. 5 Dau. of Thomas Yates, Esq., M.P. for Chichester from 1734 to 1741, and relict of Rev. Thomas Manningham, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster, and Rector of Slinfold and Selsey, co. Sussex (eldest son of Thomas. Bishop of Chichester), who was buried at Slinfold 5 May 1750. They were married at Warnham, Sussex. 13 July 1713. The Funeral Book gives her age as sixty-two, and says that she was buried in her daughter's grave (see her burial 12 Nov. 1733). Her will, dated 27 Apl. 1751, was proved 6 July following, by her son Rev. Thomas Manningham, of Green, co. Sussex, to whom she left all her estate. 6 Relict of Lieut.-General Joshua Guest (see his burial 16 Oct. 1747). The Funeral Book gives her age as sixty-four, and the journals of the day say that she died at Acton, Midx. Her will, dated 3 Nov. 1749, with codicils 17 Nov. 1749 and 26 Mch. 1750, was proved 26 Sep. 1751, by Gwyn Vaughan, Esq., Mr. John Mayer, and Mrs. Sarah Kendall. Besides the bequests to her husband's relations (see the note to his burial), her legacies to her own relations were as follows: to her cousin Magdalen Leigh, of Brindle, co. Lancaster, £200, and to her eldest son Richard £200; to Rev. Edward Leigh £400, and to Cornet John Leigh, in General Howard's regiment, what he owed her; to the children of her cousin Sarah Blacklidge, dau. of Mr. Thomas Garrard, of Brindle, £500; to her cousin Sarah, widow of Thomas Leivesley, living near Brindle, or to her children if she were dead, £400; to her cousin Sarah, wife of Mr. Robert Winstanley, of Preston, co. Lancaster, £1200, and to said Mr. Winstanley £400 in trust for his said wife's sister, formerly Ann Garrard. Her other bequests to friends, godchildren, various charities, etc., were numerous and considerable, and the residue of her estate she gave to her executrix, Mrs. Sarah Kendall. 382 BURIALS IN 1751 Aug. 3 The most noble and puissant Prince, Charles, Duke of St. Albans, etc.,¹ Principal Register of the Court of Chancery and Knight of the Garter; died July 27th: in Norris's Chapel. Sept. 13 Mrs. Philippa Watkins 2 died the 7th: in the third arch, near the steps, in the West Cloister. Oct. 29 Miss Anne Bailey; died the 25th, aged four months in the West Cloister. • Nov. 23 Mr. George Graham, a watchmaker died the 16th: in the middle aisle, in his master Mr. Tompion's grave. 1752 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 The Hon. John Temple, Esq. ;5 died the 5th: in the South aisle, in Sir William Temple's grave. The Hon. Colonel Tomkins Wardour; died the 13th: in the middle aisle. ¹ Grandson of K. Chas. II. and Ellen Gwynne, and eldest son of Charles Beauclerk, first Duke of St. Albans (see his burial 20 May 1726), by Lady Diana de Vere, eldest dau. and eventually sole heir of Aubrey, twentieth and last Earl of Oxford. He was born 6 Apl. 1696, and succeeded as second Duke of St. Albans. He was also Governor of Windsor Castle, Lord Warden of the Forests, Master Falconer of England, a Lord of the Bedchamber, etc. See the burials, of his wife Nov. 1752, of his brother 2 Mch. 1732-3, and of his only son 11 Mch. 1786. 2 Eldest dau. of Reimerd Watkins (see his burial 7 Sep. 1719), by Mary his wife (sce her burial 1 Nov. 1743). She died unmarried, and the Funeral Book gives her age as fifty-two. Her will, as of Great Ormond Street, Midx., dated 5 Sep. 1751, was proved on the day of her death, by the trustees for her nephew Charles-Reimerd Watkins (see his burial 30 July 1770), to whom she left all her estate. See the burials, of her brother 8 Oct. 1742, and of her sister, Anne Molloy, 7 Sep. 1738. 3 Second dau. and fourth child of Rev. Anselm Bayly, D.C.L., Sub-dean of the Chapel Royal (see the note to a baptism 27 June 1778), by his first wife (see her burial 21 Nov. 1775). She was born 11 June, and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 8 July 1751. See the burials of her brothers, 8 Oct. 1754 and 5 Nov. 1782, and of her half-sister 20 June 1778. 4 The celebrated clock and watch maker, and also distinguished for various mechanical inventions, among which is said to be the Orrery. He appears to have been born, at Rigg, in the parish of Kirklinton, co. Cumberland, 7 July 1673, of parents who were members of the Society of Friends, and was apprenticed in London, 2 July 1688, to Thomas Aske, clockmaker. He was admitted freeman of the city 30 Sep. 1695, and became Master of the Clockmakers' Company 24 Sep. 1722. He married Elizabeth, dau. of James Tompion, brother of the celebrated Thomas Tompion (see his burial 25 Nov. 1713), whose exccutor he was. His will, dated 23 June 1747, was proved 18 Nov. 1751, by Samuel Barkley and Thomas Colley, whom he merely described as living in the house with him. His bequests was as follows: to his wife Elizabeth, one half of his personal estate; to his nephews Christopher and Richard Pearson, sons of his late sister Isabella Mitchelson, deceased, each £100; to Mary Puckeridge, whose maiden name was Hall, twenty guineas; to his servant maid Elizabeth Morris twenty guineas; to the poor of the Clockmakers' Company £20; to each of his executors thirty guineas; and the residue of his estate to his nicce Ann Graham, dau. of his late brother Richard Graham, deceased. He appears to have left no issue. 5 Third but second surviving son of Sir John Temple, Kt., by Jane, dau. of Sir Abraham Yarner, of Dublin, Kt., and brother of Henry Temple, first Baron Temple and Viscount Palmerston. He was baptized 28 Mch. 1680, and therefore aged about seventy-two at his death. His will, as of St. James, Westminster, dated 7 Feb. 1742-3, with a codicil 6 Mch. 1745-6, was proved 22 Feb. 1752, by his relict Elizabeth (see her burial 9 May 1772). The peerages usually state that he had eleven children, and that four daughters survived him; but, according to his will, only one dau., Mary, was living at its date, and she appears to have been buried at St. James, Westminster, 18 Apl. 1745. He evidently survived all his children, and directed that his cstate should go, after his wife's death, to his nephews. 6 Son of William Wardour, of Whitney Court, co. Hereford, Esq., by Anna-Sophia his wife WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 383 1752 : Feb. 24 Deborah Southey; died the 19th in the South Cloister, near Mrs. Waldron's monument. Feb. 27 The Hon. John Wineyard, Lieut.-General of H. M.'s Forces;2 died the 20th: in the middle aisle. March 16 March 27 April 15 Mrs. Elizabeth Ebbutt; died the 12th in the East Cloister. Mrs. Hellen Shrider; died the 21st: in the South Cloister. Alexander Small, Esq. 5 died the 7th: in the North Cross. (see her burial 25 Feb. 1736-7). The Funeral Book and his monument give his age as sixty-four. In the journals of the period he was called, in 1746, Lieut.-Colonel in the Guards, and at his death Colonel of the regiment of Invalids. His will, as Tomkyns Wardour, of St. George's. Hanover Square, Esq., dated 12 Feb. 1750-1, was proved 16 Mch. 1752, by his relict Elizabeth (see her burial 30 June 1767). Sec his brother's burial 26 July 1746. ¹ Dau. of Robert Southey, College gardener (see his burial 31 Aug. 1722), by Ann, his second wife (see her burial 2 Dec. 1765). The Funeral Book gives her age as thirty-nine, and says that she was buried in her father's grave. 2 Son of John Wynyard, Esq. (see his first marriage 14 Aug. 1655, and note thereto), by Ann, probably his third wife, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 28 Mch. 1682. He was sometime Colonel of a regiment of foot, and many years Commander-in-chief at Gibraltar and Port Mahon, and attained the rank of Lieut.-General in Sep. 1747. The Funeral Book and his monument give his age as sixty-nine. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., dated 27 May 1751, was proved 25 Feb. 1752, by his kinsman John Wenham, Esq., and Col. Thomas Forth. He bequeathed all his real and personal estate to his son William, then about nineteen years of age, subject to a payment of £5000 to his dau. Mary when twenty-one or married, and of £200 per annum to his wife Mary, with a suitable provision for a child then unborn. If all his children should die without issue, his estate was to go to his said kinsman John Wenham. The son William (who also became a Lieut.-General, and died Jan. 1789) administered to the estate of his said mother, Mary Wynyard (whose maiden name was Maxwell), 13 Aug. 1779, but she appears to have been buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 6 Dec. 1776. The dau. Mary married, 8 Aug. 1756, John West, second Earl Delawarr, and died 27 Oct. 1781. The unborn child named in the will was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 28 Nov. 1751, as Amelia- Elizabeth. Queen Charlotte appointed her, 27 Jan. 1816, a sister of St. Katherine's Hospital, and she died 17 Apl. 1832. On her monument in the Chapel in Regent's Park she is called Emily- Elizabeth, and her age erroneously given as seventy-nine, she being in her eighty first year. 3 The Funeral Book says that she died in her seventy-seventh year. Letters of administra- tion to her estate, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, were granted. 9 Apl. 1752, to Elizabeth Heylyn, spinster, her grand-daughter and next of kin (see her burial 2 Apl. 1759). She was mother of Elizabeth, second wife of Rev. John Heylin, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster (see her burial 13 June 1747). 4 Eldest child of Thomas Jenings, one of the choir of the Abbey (see his burial 29 Mch. 1734), by Elizabeth, his first wife (see her burial 16 July 1720). See her own baptism 1 May 1689. She married, at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 6 Apl. 1708, Christopher Shrider, the cele- brated organ-maker, to whom she was second wife, he having previously married a dau. of his master, the still more celebrated Bernard Schmidt. He was buried at St. Anne's, Westminster, 31 May 1751. Their son Christopher, who administered to his estate 4 Sep. 1754, succeeded to his father's business, and died 16 Oct. 1763. See the burials of her other children, 3 June 1709, 12 Dec. 1710, 18 Jan. 1712-13, 15 Mch. 1717-18, and 3 Oct. 1723. 5 The Funeral Book says that he died in his seventy-eighth year, and the journals of the day describe him as formerly an eminent surgeon in York Buildings. See the note to the burial of Mrs. Anne Smyth, 7 Nov. 1742, whose residuary legatec and executor he was. His will, as of Chelsea, Midx., Esq., dated 2 Apl. 1751, was proved 9 Apl. 1752, by Robert Ord, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Joshua Geekie, of the Inner Temple, Gent., and Alexander Small, of York Buildings, Westminster, Gent., to whom he bequeathed his manors of Clifton and Hardmead, co. Bucks, and his real and personal estate generally, in trust for the purposes of his will. To his wife Martha hc gave the use of his house, etc., at Chelsea, and £600 per annum, which was to be reduced 384 BURIALS IN 1752 May 11 May Anne Wright; died the 8th, aged five years in the Dark Cloister. 19 The Hon. Hendrick-Steve Rhynwick, Esq.;2 died the 15th: in the North Cloister. June 28 Robert, son of [blank] Fisher; died the 26th, aged three years: in the East Cloister. 4 July 25 Joseph Gascoign-Nightingale, Esq.; died the 16th in the vault in the North aisle of the Tombs. July 29 Susanna Catling, an infant ; died the 25th: in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 22 Master Theophilus Evans, a King's scholar; drowned on the 20th, aged 16: in the Dark Cloister. Oct. 25 Robert Reeves, an Abbey labourer; died the 21st, aged 53: in the centre of the Dark Cloister. Nov. (—) Her Grace Lucy, Duchess Dowager of St. Albans,' died to £200 if she married again. Other considerable bequests were to his daughters, Mary Adair and Sophia Churchill, his brother Thomas Small, his sister Agnes Smith, of Dundee, and her dau. Euphania Chesholme, and their children. If his son Alexander, then not twelve years of age, died without issue, his estates were to revert to his dau. Sophia Churchill and her issue, with remainder to his dau. Mary Adair, her sons William and Alexander Adair, William Chesholme, son of his said niece Euphania Chesholme, of Dundee, and said Alexander Small, of York Buildings, surgeon, as tenants in common. To the last named he left all his chirurgical instruments, medicines, etc., in his house in York Buildings, but did not state any relationship between them. ¹ Dau. of Thomas Wright, one of the bell-ringers (sce his burial 29 May 1762), by Mary his wife (see her burial 4 June 1759). See her own baptism 4 Sep. 1747. The Funeral Book calls her " a child of the Bishop's coachman." Her father had been coachman to Dean Wilcocks, Bishop of Rochester. 2 His monument gave his age as three years and seven months, and the Funeral Book says that the fees were paid by " Philip-Jacob, Baron de Soesdyk van Cloon, Lord of Rhynwick." See his sister's burial 30 June 1754. 3 Evidently a child of Thomas Fisher, College cook (see his burial 30 July 1777), by Mary his wife (see her burial 13 Nov. 1761). The Funcral Book gives his age as three years and nine months. 4 Son of Rev. Joseph Gascoigne, Vicar of Enfield, Midx., by Annc, dau. and heir of Francis Theobald, of Barking, co. Suffolk, by Anne, dau. of Robert Nightingale, eldest son of Sir Thomas Nightingale, first Bart. of Newport Pond, co. Essex. He assumed the name of Nightingale on becoming heir to his kinsman Sir Robert Nightingale, fifth Bart. The Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, says that he was baptized 19 Dec. 1695, and died 16 July 1752, as in the text, but the latter date is given on his monument as 20 July. The inscription contains other errors, due probably to the fact that the monument was not erected until many years after, in obedience to the will of his son, when accuracy was not obtained, even if sought. He died at Enfield. His will, dated 25 Oct. 1731, shortly after the death of his wife, was proved 3 Aug. 1752, by his eldest son Washington Gascoigne-Nightingale, Esq. See his wife's burial 26 Aug. 1731, and note thereto. 5 Dau. of John Catling, one of the sacrists (see his burial 29 May 1762), by Mary his wife (sce her burial 2 Feb. 1788). The Funeral Book gives her age as eleven months, and says that she died 28 July, and was buried near her sister Anne (see her burial 9 Dec. 1749). See her own baptism 21 Aug. 1751. • He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, this year, but his age was given in the College books as only fourteen. 7 Eldest dau. and coheir of Sir John Werden, second and last Bart., by his first wife WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 385 November 1st, 1752, and was buried in the grave of her husband, the late most noble Charles, Duke of St. Albans: in St. John's, otherwise Norris's Chapel. 1753 March 20 Peter Ellers, of Chelsea, Esq.;¹ died the 10th: in the South Cloister. June 12 The Right Hon. Henry, Lord Hyde, son of Henry, Earl of Clarendon and Rochester;² died April 26th: in the vault of Lady De la Tours. July 9 Nov. 25 Dec. 28 John Kelynge, Esq.;³ died the 7th in the North Cloister. Mr. Thomas Coston; died the 21st: in the Dark Cloister. George Williams, an infant; died the 25th: in the Dark ;5 Cloister. 1754 Jan. 15 Erasmus Lewis, Esq., of Abercothy in Carmarthenshire ; died the 10th in the East Cloister. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Breton, of Norton, co. Northampton, Esq. She was born, according to the Funeral Book, 6 July 1707. She married, about 10 Dec. 1722 (Spec. Mar. Lic. Fac.), Charles Beauclerk, who succeeded as second Duke of St. Albans (see his burial 3 Aug. 1751). Her younger sister, Charlotte, had a special license the same day to marry her husband's younger brother, William Beauclerk (see his burial 2 Mch. 1732-3, and note thereto). See the burial of her only son 11 Mch. 1786. 1 Only son of Peter Elers, Esq., by Anne, dau, of Gervas Price, Esq. (see his burial 15 Sep. 1687). See his sister's burial 26 Oct. 1717, and note thereto. He was a J. P. for Middlesex, and at one time possessor of a large property in Chelsea, but is said to have been ruined by his connection with the South Sea Company. The Funeral Book gives his age as sixty-five. His will, dated 30 June 1746, was proved 10 Apl. 1753, by his son George Elers. See the burials, of his wife 13 June 1727, of his daughter, Ann Poston, 11 Aug. 1759, and probably of his sister 1 Jan. 1693-4. 2 Third but only surviving son of Henry, fourth Earl of Clarendon and second Earl of Rochester, by Jane his wife (see her burial 1 June 1725). The Funeral Book, quoting his coffin- plate, says that he was born 28 Nov. 1710, and that he was buried with his Bowels and Heart in two different cases, his heart in a 3 square Box." He died at Paris, from the effects of a fall from his horse. His father died later in the same year, when the titles became extinct. 3 The Funeral Book calls him the son of William Kelynge and Henrietta-Maria his wife, and says that he died 7 July, in his thirtieth year, and was buried in his mother's grave (see her burial 16 Nov. 1746, and note thereto). His relict Elizabeth administered to his estate 23 July 1753. Her will, dated 20 Feb. 1757, was proved 22 Mch. following, by his father, as executor in trust for his only child, Louisa. 4 The Funeral Book gives his age as fifty-nine. See the burial, probably of his wife, 17 Oct. 1745. He proved the will of his son Thomas, a mariner, 5 Apl. 1746, and was then described as of Westminster, waterman. 5 The Funeral Book gives his age as six months. almsman (see his burial 3 Oct. 1777, and note thereto). 13 Jan. 1769. Probably grandson of George Williams, See the burial, probably of his brother, • The Funeral Book gives his age as eighty-three. See his wife's burial 25 Nov. 1736. George Stepney (see his burial 22 Sep. 1707), and Dorothy Stepney (see her burial 6 Nov. 1724), called him their cousin. The journals of the period say that he was secretary to the Earl of Oxford, when he was Secretary of State to Q. Anne. His will, as of Abercothy, co. Carmarthen, dated in "Cork Street, London," 28 Feb. 1742-3, was proved 17 Jan. 1754, by Elizabeth Lewis, spinster, whom he called his cousin, then living with him, and to whom he bequeathed £200 per annum for life (see her burial 10 Nov. 1762). His bequests to his relations were as follows :—to his brother George Lewis, and his six sons and three daughters, each £500, and subsequently to George, one of the sons, £1000 more; to his brother Bernard £200; to his sister Griffies £200, to 3 D 386 BURIALS IN 1754 Jan. 21 Mrs. Elizabeth Keeys, from Bromley; died the 15th: in the Dark Cloister. Feb. 1 March 8 Robert Blake, Esq.;2 died Jan. 25th: in the North Cloister. Elizabeth Boulter, relict of his late Grace Dr. Hugh Boulter, Lord Archbishop of Armagh ; died Feb. 28th: in the North Cross. March 22 The Right Hon. Elizabeth Hamilton, Countess Dowager of James, late Earl of Abercorn ; died the 16th: in the Duke of Ormond's vault. April 11 Miss Mary Wright, an infant;5 died the 8th: in the Dark Cloister. April 14 Mr. Thomas Cornwall; died the 11th: in the Dark Cloister. her only dau. £500, to her son John Griffies his estate in Lan y Piensant, and to his cousin Anne Lewis, who lived with her, £200; to his cousin Juliana Sowersby £20 per annum for life; and to his kinswoman Mary Lewis, then widow of John Bartlett, and living at Tenby, £100. His estates in various Welsh parishes he left to trustees to the use of James Morgan, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., for life, with remainder to his sons Charles, George, James, and William, and their heirs male, in succession, and, failing their issue, then to all his nephews and nieces equally. Among other bequests to his personal friends, including several of the nobility, was one of £100 to Mr. Pope, another of the same amount to Dr. Richard Mead, and an annuity of £40 for life to Mrs. Lucy Cleland, widow of William Cleland, then living in a court near St. James's Place. 1 Niece of Mrs. Anne Jeffreys (see her burial 28 Oct. 1748, and note thereto). The Funeral Book gives her age as nineteen. Her will, dated 7 Nov. 1753, was proved 17 Jan. 1754, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by Susanna Brett, spinster (sec her burial, as Susanna Francis, 9 Sep. 1801). She mentioned no relations, but left her possessions to several friends of her own humble rank. The record of probate states that she died 14 Jan., at Bromley, co. Kent, a spinster. 2 The Funeral Book gives his name as "Blacke," and says that he died aged twenty. › Eldest dau. of Charles Savage, of St. Olave's, Hart Street, London, merchant (buried there 13 Jan. 1729-30), by Ellen his wife (also buried there 23 Oct. 1745). She married, at St. Peter- le-Poor, London, 12 Nov. 1719, Rev. Hugh Boulter, D.D., then Dean of Christ Church, three days later consecrated Bishop of Bristol, and enthroned Archbishop of Armagh 18 Nov. 1724 (sce his burial 12 Nov. 1742). Her monument gives her age as sixty. Her will, dated 20 May 1743, was proved 2 Mch. 1754, by her brothers Charles and Samuel Savage. Her bequests were as follows: to her mother Ellen Savage, her brothers Charles and Samuel Savage, her sisters Ellen Norris and Rebecca Merrett, and her niece Ellen Merrett, cach £100; to her nephews, Charles-Savage Norris, Robert Norris, and John Norris, each £1000; to her cousins, Elizabeth Mitchell, Ellen Marshall, Elizabeth Bradbury, Elizabeth Farrar, and Elinor Marshall, each £300; and the residue of her estate equally to her said two brothers Charles and Samuel, appointing them joint executors. She left no issue. 4 Only child of Sir Robert Reading, of Dublin, Bart., by Jane, Countess of Montrath (see her burial 18 Nov. 1684, and note thereto). She married, about 24 Jan. 1683-4 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), then aged about fifteen, James Hamilton, Esq., afterwards sixth Earl of Abercorn (see his burial 3 Dec. 1734). Her coffin-plate, exposed in 1868, gives her age as eighty-six. See her son's burial 16 Jan. 1743-4. 5 Dau. of Thomas Wright, one of the bell-ringers (sce his burial 29 May 1762), by Mary his wife (see her burial 4 June 1759). The Funeral Book gives her age as nineteen months, and says that she was buried in her sister's grave (see her burial 11 May 1752). See her own baptism 5 Oct. 1752. • He appears to have been one of the organ-blowers. The Funeral Book gives his age as seventy-three.-Sarah, dau. of Thomas Cornwall and Sarah his wife, was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 19 Feb. 1709-10. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 387 : 1754 April 26 Mrs. Susanna Forlow;¹ died the 22nd in the Dark Cloister. June 30 The Hon. Miss Jacoba-Johanna Rhynwick:2 in the North Cloister. July 20 Her Grace Frances, Duchess Dowager of Somerset ;³ died the Sept. Oct. 8 Dec. 7th in St. Nicholas's Chapel, by the side of her late husband, : the most noble Algernon Seymour, Duke of Somerset. : 4 7 Mrs. Catherine Lauron; died the 2nd in the West Cloister. Mr. William Bayley; died the 6th in the West Cloister. Mrs. Mary Kirk; died the 15th: by the Store Yard steps, in the South Cloister. 23 1755 Feb. 6 March 5 March 18 March 20 Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe;7 died the 4th: in the North Cloister. Mrs. Jane Lucera ; died Feb. 26th: in the East Cloister. Mrs. Dorcas Spring:9 in the West Cloister. On the 20th of March, 1755, the remains of Mrs. Jane Wilcocks and her daughter were moved from the North Cross into a The Funeral Book gives her age as fifty-four. See the burial, probably of her husband, 31 Oct. 1760. The name appears to have been Farlow. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 26 June, aged two years and seven months, and was buried with her brother (see his burial 19 May 1752). The fees were paid by the same person. 3 Eldest dau. and coheir of Hon. Henry Thynne (only son of Thomas, first Viscount Weymouth, but died in his father's lifetime), by Grace, dau. and heir of Sir George Strode, of Lewston, co. Dorset. She married, about 1713, Algernon, afterwards seventh Duke of Somerset (see his burial 24 Feb. 1749-50). She died, according to the Funeral Book, at Percy Lodge, near Colubrook, Bucks, aged fifty-five. See the burials, of her only son 6 July 1745, and of her only daughter, the Duchess of Northumberland, 18 Dec. 1776. The Funeral Book gives her age as seventy-five. See the burial of Lewis Richard 28 July 1731, who, according to his monument, was her son. Her will, as of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., widow, dated 28 Oct. 1751, was proved 4 Sept. 1754, by her nephew Daniel Payan, residuary legatee. Her bequests were as follows: to each of her nephews and nieces residing in France, or elsewhere out of England, one shilling to her cousin Andrew Lagrange, of Lincoln's Inn, £10 for mourning: to Elizabeth Sigalas, widow, or her dau. Jane, £10; to the poor of the French church in Leicester Fields £10; and to the French charity school belonging to the church in Spring Gardens £10. She signed the will" Kat Lauron." 5 Second son and third child of Rev. Anselm Bayly, D.C.L., Sub-dean of the Chapel Royal (see the note to a baptism 27 June 1778), by his first wife (see her burial 21 Nov. 1775). He was born 21 July, and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 15 Aug. 1749. The Funeral Book gives his age as five years, and says that he was buried beside his sister (see her burial 29 Oct. 1751). See also his brother's burial 5 Nov. 1782. 6 Third and youngest dau. of John Cooke, Esq. (see his burial 21 Sep. 1691), by Adria his wife (see her burial 9 Oct. 1689). She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 6 Apl. 1675. See her marriage 10 Feb. 1699-1700, and the burial of her husband, Colonel George Kirke, 16 Jan. 1703-4. Their son, James-Charles Kirke, was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 Jan. 1700-1, but was not named in her will, dated 25 July 1753 and proved 16 Dec. 1754, and her principal legatees were the children of her sister Elizabeth Meeke (see her burial 22 Feb. 1711-12). See also the burial of her other sister 23 Mch. 1731-2. 7 Wife of Mr. Francis Rowe, one of the Abbey choir (see his burial 1 May following) 8 Relict of Antonio Lucera (see his burial 13 Sep. 1747, and the note thereto). The Funeral Book gives her age as fifty-eight, and says that she was buried in her husband's grave. See the burial of her daughter, Mrs. Esther Hinton, 11 Oct. 1762. ⁹ Wife of Mr. William Spring (see his burial 29 June 1757). The Funeral Book says that she died 14 Mch., in her sixty-ninth year, and was buried in her son's grave (see his burial 28 Aug. 1747). See also the burials of her daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Mountain 27 Sep. 1757, and Mrs. Sarah West 26 Jan, 1784. 388 BURIALS IN new vault in the Consistory Court built for the use of the family.¹ 1755 April 24 Mr. John Hadlow (a singing-man);2 died the 20th in the North Cloister. May 1 Mr. Francis Rowe (a singing-man); died April 27th: in the North Cloister. May 10 Sir John Chardin, Bart. ; died April 26th: in the South aisle, near his father's monument. July 28 Mr. David Jeffreys (a Verger) ;5 died the 25th, aged 32: in the Dark Cloister. Oct. 1 Nathaniel Smith, Esq. : in the North Cloister. ¹ The Funeral Book says "Mrs. Jane Wilcocks and her daughter Miss Anne Wilcocks." See the burial of the former 1 Apl. 1725, and of the latter 16 Dec. 1729. 2 He was also one of the sacrists of the Abbey, having been appointed, according to the Chapter Book, 20 June 1732. The Funeral Book gives his age as forty-three. His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, Gent., dated 28 Mch. 1754, was proved 10 May 1755, by his relict Mary, to whom he gave all his estate, including his house in Marsham Street, in that parish. See the burial, probably of his first wife, 14 May 1749. 3 He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 15 Dec. 1736. The Funeral Book gives his age as sixty-six, and says that he was buried on the right hand of his wife (see her burial 6 Feb. preceding). His will, as of Smith Square, Westminster, Esq., dated 23 Jan. 1755, shortly before his wife's death, was proved 6 May following, by Richard Buck, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., to whom he gave the reversion of all his real and personal estate, after his wife's death, including his lands at Simondsbury, in co. Dorset. The only relation he named was his sister-in-law Jane [blank], dau. of Robert May, formerly of Exeter, bookseller, deceased (who was perhaps also his wife's father), to whom he bequeathed £50, or to her children if she were dead. He left £50 each to the Westminster Infirmary and the Foundling Hospital. 4 Son and heir of Sir John Chardin, a French emigré, and celebrated traveller, who was knighted by K. Charles II. 17 Mch. 1681-2 (Le Neve calls him a "merchant and jeweller "), by Esther, dau. of M. de Lardinière Pcignè, counsellor in the parliament of Rouen. He was baptized at Greenwich, Kent, 6 Oct. 1687. Evelyn says, under this date: "I was godfather to Sir John Chardin's son, christened at Greenwich Church, named John: the Earl of Bath and Countess of Carlisle the other sponsors." He was of the Inner Temple, and was created a Baronet 28 May 1720, but died unmarried, and the title became extinct. The Funeral Book gives his age as sixty-seven. His will, as of Kempton Park, Midx., dated 18 July 1747, with several codicils, the last in 1753, when he described himself as of St. George's, Hanover Square, was proved 28 Apl. 1755, by his nephew Sir Philip Musgrave, sixth Bart. of Edenhall, co. Cumberland, son of his sister Julia, who was his principal heir. The only other relations he named were his cousin Henry Cheere (afterwards created a Baronet), his nephew James Morgan, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., his wife Catharine (whom he called his niece), and their sons, James and Chardin Morgan. 5 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed a bell-ringer 3 May 1748, but shortly after resigned, and was appointed a verger 9 Nov, in the same year. The Funeral Book says that he was buried in his aunt's grave (see her burial 28 Oct. 1748). In her will she called him "cousin," and described him as a servant of the Bishop of Rochester. He was evidently a nephew of her husband (see his burial 20 Nov. 1744). 6 The Funeral Book says that he died 26 Sep., in his sixty-fifth year, and was buried with his brother Mr. William Smith (sce his burial 12 Sep. 1738). His will, as of the parish of Holy Trinity, Kingston-upon-Hull, co. York, dated 30 Jan. 1755, was proved 20 Oct. following, by his sister Elizabeth Smith, spinster (see her burial 27 May 1760), to whom he bequeathed £2000, and the residue of his estate. His other bequests were £1000 to his niece Frances Meyrick, dau. of Mr. Edmund Meyrick, deceased (see his burial 27 Junc 1742), £1000 to Captain Stephen Smith, and £500 to Mrs. Elizabeth Blake. See the burial of his other sister, Frances Meyrick, 24 Sep. 1734. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 389 1755 Nov. 17 The Revd Mr. Edward Lloyd, Chantor of this Church:¹ in the South Cloister. Dec. 26 The Right Hon. Henrietta - Cavendish Holles, Countess of Oxford and Countess Mortimer :2 in the old Duke of Newcastle's vault. 1756 March 9 The Right Revd Dr. Joseph Wilcocks, Lord Bishop of Rochester and Dean of this Church :3 in his own new vault at the West end of the Abbey. April 4 Sir Richard Lane, Kt. ; died March 29th: in the vault in the North aisle of the Tombs. July 30 Oct. 3 Mr. George Vertue 5 in the North Cloister. Arthur Okeeffe, Esq. :6 in the West Cloister. ¹ He was appointed Chanter in Feb. 1746-7. The Funeral Book says that he died 9 Nov. aged forty-seven. He appears to have been also connected with St. Paul's Cathedral. His will, as of St. Paul's College, London, clerk, dated 3 July 1753, was proved 21 Nov. 1755, by his relict Sarah, to whom he gave all his estate for her life, with remainder to his daughter Sarah Lloyd. 2 Only dau. and heir of John, fourth Earl of Clare, created Duke of Newcastle (see his burial 9 Aug. 1711), by Lady Margaret Cavendish, third dau. and coheir of Henry, second Duke of Newcastle. She married, 31 Oct. 1713, Edward Harley, afterwards second Earl of Oxford and Mortimer (see his burial 25 June 1741). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 Dec., aged sixty-two. See the burials, of her son 24 Oct. 1725, and of her only daughter, Margaret, Duchess of Portland, 30 July 1785. 3 Son of Joseph Wilcocks, who matriculated at Oxford, from Merton College, as a servitor, 11 Apl. 1600, was B.A. 4 Dec. 1663, M.A. 15 June 1666, was licensed to practise medicine 14 July 1668, and was of the city of Bristol in 1691-2. He matriculated at Oxford, from St. John's College, 25 Feb. 1691-2, aged eighteen, and was B.A., as of Magdalen College, 31 Oct. 1695, M.A. 28 June 1698, and B.D. and D.D. 16 May 1709. He was sometime Chaplain to the English Factory at Lisbon, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 4 Mch. 1720-1, Bishop of Gloucester 22 Dec. 1721, Dean of Westminster 2 July 1731, and was translated to the see of Rochester, being confirmed 20 Aug. 1731. He died, according to the Funeral Book and his monument, 8 Feb., aged eighty-three. His will, dated 20 Apl. 1753, was proved 16 Mch. 1756, by his apparently only surviving child, Joseph Wilcocks (see his burial 31 Dec. 1791), to whom he left his entire estate, except certain sums to various charities. See the burials, of his wife 1 Apl. 1725, and of his daughter 16 Dec. 1729, and the baptism of another sou 19 Mch. 1724-5. He was once Mayor of Worcester, and M.P. for that city from 1727 to 1734. The Funeral Book gives his age as eighty-cight. See the burials, of his wife + Oct. 1733, and of his daughters, 11 May 1748, 3 Apl. 1773, and 16 Dec. 1780.-" Sir Richard Lane, M.P. for the city of Worcester, having lately presented her Majesty with a piece of superfine scarlet cloth, her Majesty was graciously pleased to accept the same, and hath since given him in return five large medals of very great value, besides their weight in gold, amounting to £100" (Whitehall Evening Post. 15 June 1732). These medals passed into the possession of one of his daughters, who gave them at her death to Edward Willes, Esq., one of the Judges of the King's Bench. 5 The celebrated engraver. He was born in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. Midx., in the latter part of the year 1684, or early in 1685, being, according to the Funeral Book, in his seventy-third year at his death, which occurred 24 July. His father, who is said to have been a tailor, was a Roman Catholic, and he himself adhered rigidly to the faith of that sect. His will, dated 11 Jan. 1755, was proved 26 July 1756, by his relict Margaret (sec her burial 23 Mch. 1776). He left legacies to his brothers Anthony and James Vertue (the latter died in 1765); the children of his brother Peter Vertue, late of Chelmsford, co. Essex, dancing-master, deceased; his wife's sisters, Philippa Evans and Mrs. Ann Nugent, widow; and to numerous friends. He also mentioned his late sister, Ann Chandler, deceased. The residue of his estate he left to his wife, directing that his collection of books, picturcs, curiosities, ctc., should be sold. 6 The Funeral Book says that he died 26 Sep., and his monument that he was lineally 390 BURIALS IN 1756 Dec. 1 1757 March 11 March 11 April 14 1 Mrs. Catherine Frances: in the Dark Cloister. The Right Hon. Elizabeth, Lady Bingley; died Feb. 26th: in St. Paul's Chapel. Mr. John Kettlewell :3 in the Dark Cloister. April 19 The Right Hon. Sir Paul Methuen, Kt. : in the South aisle. 2 : June Alexander Walker, Esq. 5 in the North Cross. June 29 Mr. William Spring :6 in the West Cloister. descended from the Kings of Ireland. One Arthur O'Kyffe, of "Ballyingurke," co. Cork, Gent. (perhaps his father), was admitted to Gray's Inn 21 Feb. 1682-3, and he himself appears to have been admitted to Lincoln's Inn 20 Oct. 1738, and to Gray's Inn 24 Oct. 1740. His will as Arthur O'Keeffe (so signed, but he was described as " Arthur O'Kyffe otherwise O'Keeffe "), of Bedford Row, London, dated 7 Jan. 1742-3, and signed and declared 24 June following, was proved 25 Nov. 1756, by his relict Isabella (sce her burial 5 Oct. 1762), to whom he gave his mansion- house, park, lands. etc., in Heathfield, co. Sussex, and all his other real and personal estate absolutely. In a subsequent record of administration he was described as formerly of Bedford Row, but late of Bailey Park, co. Sussex. See his mother's burial 12 Nov. 1763. 1 First wife of Jacob Francis, one of the sacrists of the Abbey (see his burial 1 Aug. 1772). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 27 Nov., aged fifty-eight. 2 Lady Elizabeth Finch, eldest dau. of Heneage, first Earl of Aylesford, by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir John Banks, of Aylesford, co. Kent., Bart., and relict of Robert, Lord Bingley (see his burial 14 Apl. 1731), to whom married, at St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., 21 Dec. 1703. Her coffin-plate, exposed in 1869, gives her age as seventy-eight. See the burial of her only dau. 13 Apl. 1771. ³ An almsman, whose house was to be repaired, 6 Mch. 1730-1, according to an order in the Chapter Book. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 Feb. 1678-9, as son of John and Mary Kettlewell. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 Apl., in his seventy-eighth year. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, waterman, dated 21 Jan. 1754, was proved 26 Apl. 1757, by his dau. Elizabeth, wife of John Hunt (see her burial 2 Oct. 1793), to whom he left all his cffects, except one shilling each to his sons Richard and John Kettlewell, and his daughter Mary Sharlock. See the burials, of his wife 8 Feb. 1736-7, and his son 23 Mch. 1793. 4 Eldest and only surviving son of John Methuen, Esq. (see his burial 17 Sep. 1708), by Mary, dau. of Seacole Chevers, of Cummerford, Wilts, Esq. He was at various times ambassador to Portugal, Spain, and Savoy, a lord of the Admiralty and of the Treasury, Principal Secretary of State, Comptroller and Treasurer of the Household, etc., and was created a Knight of the Bath in 1725. He died unmarried, 11 Apl., according to his monument, in his eighty-fifth year. The newspapers of the day say that he died worth £250,000, of which £50,000 in guineas were found at his house, "tied up in different bags, and sealed, which had lain so, without any interest, many years." See his sister's burial 29 Apl. 1711. 5 He appears to have been a son of Alexander Walker, Esq., one of the Judges of the island of Barbados. The Funeral Book says that he died 23 May, aged sixty. His will, as of the parish of St. Thomas, Barbados, dated 19 May 1742, was proved 21 Feb. 1758, by his dau. Newton, whom he described as his only child, and a minor, but who was then the wife of John Walter, Esq., to whom he bequeathed his entire estate, with remainder in succession to his brother William Walker, of St. Peter's, Barbados, his brother-in-law Capt. Thomas Walker, and his cousin George Walker. He also mentioned his brother-in-law Capt. John Yeamans, who appears to have married his sister Mary. • The Funeral Book says that he died 25 June, aged eighty-six, and was buried with his wife (see her burial 18 Mch. 1755). His will, in which he described himself as a citizen and goldsmith of London, and an ancient freeman of that city, dated 25 Mch. 1755, was proved 25 June 1757, by his son-in-law George West (see his burial 28 Aug. 1773). He gave half his personal estate equally to his two daughters, Sarah West (see her burial 26 Jan. 1784) and Elizabeth Mountain (see her burial 29 Sep. 1757), stating that he had given cach £500 on their respective marriages with Mr. George West and Mr. Thomas Mountain (see his burial 12 May WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 391 1757 Sept. 29 Dec. 28 1758 Jan. 5 Jan. 11 Mrs. Elizabeth Mountain :¹ in the West Cloister. John Bebee :2 in the Dark Cloister. Her Royal Highness Princess Carolina-Elizabeth ; died Dec. 28th, 1757: in the Royal Vault. Mr. David Cheriton :4 in the West Cloister. Feb. 6 Mrs. Mary French :5 in the South Cloister. Feb. 21 Mary Parsons:6 in the Dark Cloister. April 8 Mrs. Jane Jett :7 in the North Cloister. April 21 Mrs. Elizabeth Grant:8 in the West Cloister. 1762). The other half he gave absolutely to his said dau. Sarah and her husband, they paying his sister Mary Creswell, of Nottingham, widow, five guineas per annum during her life. See his son's burial 28 Aug. 1747. ¹ Dau. of Mr. William Spring (see the preceding entry, and note thereto), by Dorcas his wife (see her burial 18 Mch. 1755), and wife of Mr. Thomas Mountain (see his burial 12 May 1762). The Funeral Book says that she died 23 Sep., aged thirty-three, and was buried on the right hand of her said father. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 25 Dec., aged sixty. indicates his humble position.-John Beebe and Elizabeth Margaret's, Westminster, 19 May 1729. The place of burial sufficiently Bennett were married at St. 3 Third dau. and fourth child of K. George II. (see his burial 11 Nov. 1760), by Q. Caroline (see her burial 17 Dec. 1737). She was born at Hanover 10 June 1713, and died at St. James's Palace, unmarried. Her will, dated 18 Apl. 1741, was proved 2 Jan. 1758, by her sister the Princess Amelia. She merely bequeathed her jewels, etc., to her brother and sisters. 4 One of the choir of the Abbey and of St. Paul's, and a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 Jan., aged fifty-one. His relict Elizabeth, to whom he left all his estate, proved his will two days after his burial. See the burials, of his first wife 19 Apl. 1739, and of his dau. by her 6 Mch. 1737-8. One of his name, perhaps his father, was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 28 Jan. 1749-50. 5 Relict of John French, verger, etc. (see his burial 21 June 1725), to whom she was married, at Christ Church, London, 12 Sep. 1700, as Mary English, of Bromley, co. Kent. In the marriage allegation at the Faculty Office, dated the same day, she was described as a spinster, and was to marry with the consent of Thomas English, of St. Margaret's, Westminster. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 30 Jan., aged eighty-five, and was buried in her husband's grave. Her will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, dated 13 May 1749, was proved 31 Jan. 1758, by her nephew John English, of Woolwich, Kent, whom she made her residuary legatee. She bequeathed £300 to her brother Roger English. £100 to his dau. Mrs. Elizabeth Gatcomb, and £100 to her nephew Mr. Richard Ashe. See the baptisms of her children 24 May 1704, 17 Jan. 1705-6, 11 Jan. 1707-8, 4 Aug. 1710, 9 Dec. 1712, 30 May 1714, and 29 Dec. 1717, and their burials, 6 Nov. 1710, 11 Aug. and 17 Dec 1713, 2 Mch. 1719-20, 15 July 1735, 5 Jan. 1736-7, and 21 July and 14 Aug. 1744. She survived all her children. 6 Wife of Richard Parsons, College beadle (see his burial 27 Jan. 1761). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 16 Feb., aged sixty-six. 7 Dau. of Thomas Jett, of Gray's Inn, Esq., one of the Auditors of the Exchequer, by his first wife, Anne (see her burial 29 Apl. 1721, and note thereto). She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 23 June 1704. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 Apl. aged fifty-three. Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 20 July 1757, was proved 10 Apl. 1758, by her uncle William Lowndes, Esq., to whom and to his family she left all her estate. The will contains the following curious direction: "I do also desire that I may have no shroud on, only the shift that I have on and the sheet which covers me to be put into my coffin." 8 Wife of Thomas Grant, son of Thomas Grant, College butler, etc. (see his burial 15 Aug. 1748). The Funeral Book says that she died 14 Apl, aged twenty-nine, and was buried on the left hand of her said father-in-law. Her husband was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 20 Apl. 1729. 392 BURIALS IN 1758 April 22 The Right Hon. Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Kildare: in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Charles Sloper :2 in the North Cloister. Alice Warwick:3 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Mary Illingworth : in the North Cross. Lady Veneranda-Maria - Elizabetta Lacam 5 in the South Cloister. April 22 May 16 June 12 16 12 Aug. 26 26 Sept. 4 Sept. 12 Mr. Edward Brooman :7 in the South Cloister. Nov. 4 Nov. 11 The Revd Mr. Pengry Hayward : in the North Cloister. Mrs. Castiliana-Ann Lambart 8 in the North Cross. John Aubrey, Esq. in the West Cloister. 1 Lady Elizabeth Jones, eldest dau. and coheir of Richard, Earl of Ranelagh (see his burial 10 Jan. 1711-12), by Lady Elizabeth his first wife (see her burial 3 Aug. 1695), and second wife of John Fitzgerald, eighteenth Earl of Kildare (see his burial 4 Dec. 1707), to whom married, according to the parish register of St. Martin in the Fields, in Lord Burlington's Chapel, 12 June 1684. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 Apl. aged ninety-three, and was buried with her sister Lady Catherine Jones (see her burial 23 Apl. 1740). See also her brother's burial 29 Mch. 1678. 2 The Funeral Book says "Master Charles Sloper," and that he died 18 Apl., aged eight years. 3 Mother of William Warick (see his burial 4 Aug. 1740). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 13 May, aged eighty-six. Her will, as Alice Warick, of St. Margaret's, West- minster, widow, dated 10 Oct. 1749, was proved 18 May 1758, by Alice Bull, spinster, sole legatee, whom she described as dau. of her brother Richard Bull, of Stoke-Albany, co. Northampton, millwright. See the burials, probably of her grandchildren, 25 June 1731 and 17 Oct. 1745. Dau. of Mrs. Elizabeth Illingworth (see her burial 6 Feb. 1760). The Funeral Book says that she died 4 June. Her will, as of Queen Square, Westminster, spinster, dated 14 Nov. 1757, was proved 21 June 1758, by her said mother, a widow, and by her sister Zenoby-Ann Bowker, widow, to the latter of whom she bequeathed all her real estate, and half the residue of her personalty. Except certain jewels, etc., to her nieces Ann, Elizabeth, and Maria Bowker, she gave the other half of her personalty to her mother. 5 Wife of John Lacam, Esq. (see his burial 8 Mch. 1759). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 21 Aug., in her forty-fifth year, and was buried in a lead coffin. 6 Son of Samuel Hayward, of the city of Gloucester, by Deborah, dau. of Thomas Pengry, of the same city. He matriculated at Oxford, from Brasenose College, 24 Mch. 1701-2, aged sixteen, and was B.A. 16 Oct. 1705 and M.A. 10 July 1708. The journals of the day say that he was for many years treasurer of the Infirmary in James Street, Westminster. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 27 Aug. 7 Son of Edward Brooman, College baker (see his burial 27 Aug. 1722), by Martha his wife. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Sep., aged sixty, and was buried in his father's grave. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, baker, dated 21 July 1751, was proved 14 Sep. 1758, by his dau. Martha Marsh, widow, to whom he left all his estate, but who was unmarried at the date of the will. 8 Eldest dau. of Hon. Oliver Lambart (sec his burial 23 Apl. 1738), by Frances his wife (see her burial 11 Jan. 1750-1). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Nov., aged fifty. Her will, as of St. James, Westminster, spinster, dated 15 June 1758, with a codicil 26 Oct., was proved 2 Nov. following, by David Nisbett, M.D. She bequeathed her mother's diamond ring to Sir Charles Sheffield, Bart. (her illegitimate half-brother), and to Colonel Lambart, of the Guards, her cousin and brother-in-law, half a-crown when called for. Except a few legacies to servants, she left the residue of her estate to her executor in trust to pay £20 per annum to Alexander Hamilton, Esq., Lieutenant in Colonel Brudenell's regiment. • One of the officers of the Exchequer. In 1707 he was described as "Chief Clerk of the Pells," and in 1759 his successor was said to have his office of "Clerk of the Introitus in the WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 393 1 1758 Dec. 10 Dec. 16 1759 Jan. Jan. Jan. 23 March 8 10 Elizabeth Bancroft:1 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Jane Wowen:2 in the South Cross. Mrs. Mary Crespion : in the South Cloister. Edward Seymore : in the Dark Cloister. Miss Sarah Pearce :5 in the North Cross. John Lacam, Esq. :6 in the South Cloister. 4 Tally Court at the Exchequer” (London Chronicle, 16 Jan. 1759). He died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Nov., aged eighty-four, and was buried in his wife's grave (see her burial 22 Apl. 1742). The journals of the day say that he died at his house in Barton Street, Westminster, from the effects of a broken leg, having fallen down an area of one of the houses then building near Dean's Yard some three weeks before. His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, Gent., dated 14 July, 1758, was proved 7 Nov. following, by his nephew Albert Davids, Esq., to whom he left his closes in the borough of Carmarthen, and the residue of his personalty, with remainder to his niece Mrs. Martha Baylis. His other bequests, varying from £100 to £500, were to the widow of his brother Mr. Thomas Aubrey, his nephews George Oakley and Vincent Oakley, and the children of his nephew Thomas Oakley. ¹ Wife of Mr. John Bancroft, doorkeeper to the House of Lords (see his burial 24 Mch. 1762). The London Chronicle, of 9 Dec. 1758, says: "Yesterday died in Old Palace Yard, aged near ninety, Mrs. Bancroft, Necessary-woman to the Right Hon. the House of Peers;" but the Funeral Book and her monument say that she died 7 Dec., aged seventy-eight. 2 Only surviving child of Rev. Samuel Barton, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 23 Aug. 1715), by his first wife, Sarah, dau. of Edward Trench, M.D., of All Hallows Staining, London. She was born, according to her monument, 21 Oct. 1699. She married, after her father's death, and before 14 Nov. 1732 (the date of her step-mother's will), her cousin John Wowen, of Hackney, Midx., Esq. (see his burial 9 June 1760). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 Dec., in her sixtieth year, and was buried in her father's grave. 3 Second wife and relict of Rev. Stephen Crespion (see his burial 2 Dec. 1711). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 27 Dec. 1758, aged ninety-six. Her will, dated 20 Oct. 1755, with codicils 25 Nov. 1755, and 17 Dec. 1756, was proved 29 Dec. 1758. The only relations she named were her sister Catharine Orris, of Truro, co. Cornwall; her niece Mary, wife of John Hearle, of Penryn, co. Cornwall, Esq. (his widow at the date of the last codicil); her niece Margaret, wife of John Seagrave, of Westminster; and her nephew John Bolitho. See the baptism of her only daughter 23 Jan. 1693-4, and her burial 22 Sep. 1715. 4 Son of William Seymore, one of the vergers of the Abbey (see his burial 18 Apl. 1768), by Esther his wife (see her burial 13 Mch. 1793). He was born 13 Jan., and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 1 Feb. 1757. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 Jan. 5 Dau. of William Pearce, Esq. (see his burial 2 Jan. 1783), and niece of the Right Rev. Zachary Pearce, then Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster, at whose house, in Dean's Yard, she died, according to the Funeral Book and her monument, 17 Jan., aged eighteen years. • He died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Mch., in his thirty-third year, and was buried in his wife's grave (see her burial 26 Aug. 1758). If the ages of both were correctly given in the Funeral Book, which there is no good reason to doubt, he was about thirteen years his wife's junior. He was one of the sons of John Lacam, of St. Clement Danes, Midx., jeweller, by Louisa-Henrietta, dau. of Francis Beteilhe, of St. Anne's, Westminster, who had a license from the Faculty Office, 13 Nov. 1723, to marry at the French Chapel in Hog Lane, Midx. His father's will, dated 3 June 1748, was proved by his mother 7 July following. In an affidavit which he then made, identifying his father's writing, he called himself "John Peter Lacam," but he signed his own will "John Lacam" only. It was dated 14 Feb. 1759, with a codicil 20 Feb., and was proved 7 Mch. following, by his said mother (called "Henrietta" only), and his brother Andrew Lacam. He directed to be buried in his wife's grave, and that "the large picture of her, painted in enamel by Mr. Nathaniel Hone," should be laid on his breast. His bequests to his relations were to his said mother; his brothers Andrew, Benjamin, Francis, and William Lacam; and his sisters Priscilla Lacam and Henrietta Garbrand, and the two children of the 3 E 394 BURIALS IN 1759 April April 2 April 20 May 1 Miss Elizabeth Heylyn:¹ in the South Cross. George-Frederick Handal, Esq. :2 in the South Cross. Owen Davics, Esq., Receiver-General of this Church :3 in the North Cloister. June 4 Mary Wright: in the Dark Cloister. latter. He bequeathed numerous pictures, jewels, etc., to various friends, among whom were Mr. Reynolds and Samuel Foote, Esq., and to Nathaniel Hone, portrait-painter, he gave the use of his "share of Covent Garden" for two years. His jeweller's tools he left to his brother Benjamin Lacam. He called himself, in his will, of St. James, Westminster, and the journals of the day, noticing his death, described him as of Pall Mall. He evidently left no issue. 1 Dau. of Rev. John Heylyu, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster (see his burial 17 Aug. in the same year), and apparently his only child by Elizabeth his second wife (see her burial 13 June 1747). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 28 Mch., aged thirty-seven, and was buried in her mother's grave. Her will, as of Hampstead, Midx., spinster, dated 1 May 1758, was proved 3 Apl. 1759, by her brother John Heylyn, afterwards their father's executor. 2 The illustrious Master of Music. He was born at Halle, in Saxony, 23 Feb. 1683-4, his father being a physician of that place, and his mother his second wife. He died, at his house in Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Apl., in his seventy-sixth year. He signed his will "George Frideric Handel." It was dated 1 June 1750, and, with several codicils, was proved 26 Apl. 1759, by George Amyand, Esq., whom he described as of Laurence-Pountney Hill, London, merchant. His bequests to his relations were as follows: to his cousin Christian-Gottlieb Handel, of Copenhagen, £100; to his cousin Magister Christian-August Roth, of Halle, £100; to his cousin, the widow of George Tanst, pastor of Iibichenstein, near Halle, in Saxony, £300, and to her six children each £200; and the residue of his estate to his niece Johanna-Friderica Floerchen (born Michaelsen, in Halle), of Gotha, in Saxony, appointing her sole executrix. By a codicil, dated 6 Aug. 1756, he gave his cousin Christian-Gottlieb Handel £200 more, the surviving five children of the widow Tanst each £100 more, and the widow of said Christian-August Roth £200, and appointed said George Amyand co-executor with his niece. A codicil, dated 22 Mch. 1757, related exclusively to his servants. In another codicil, dated 4 Aug. 1757, he stated that his said cousin Christian-Gottlieb Handel was dead, and he therefore gave his sister Christiana-Susanna Handelin, at Goslar, and his sister living at Pless, near Tesschen, in Silesia, each £300. In this codicil occurs this bequest: "I give a fair copy of the score and all the parts of my Oratorio, called the Messiah, to the Foundling Hospital;" and also the bequest to John Rich, Esq., of his "great organ that stands at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden." A further codicil, dated 11 April 1759, names no relations, but gives considerable legacies to numerous friends, servants, etc., and one of £1000 to the Society for the support of decayed musicians. He directed that a monument should be erected to his memory in the Abbey, at a cost of not exceeding £600. 3 Only surviving son of Leoline Davies, of Clunfyn, in the parish of Manordcifi, co. Pembroke, Gent., by Anne his wife, who, after a union of about fifty-two years, both died in the month of April 1747, he the 10th and she the 13th, each aged about eighty years, and were buried the 14th in the church of that parish, where he erected a monument to their memory. He was appointed Receiver-General of the Abbey 31 Oct. 1729, and is said, by the journals of the day, to have been also connected with the Augmentation Office. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 24 Apl., in his sixtieth year. His will, dated 27 Jan. 1756, was proved 21 May 1759, by his relict Mary (see her burial 11 May 1778). He bequeathed £1000 each to his eldest dau. Anne (see her baptism 14 Sep. 1736, and her burial 2 Apl. 1791) and his second dau. Mary (see her baptism 13 Jan. 1739-40, and her burial 6 Feb. 1786), and, if both should die without issue, then his three sisters, Esther Harries, Lettice Bowen, and Sarah Thomas, then or lately living at Clunfyn aforesaid. were each to have £500. The residue of his estate he gave to his wife. Wife of Thomas Wright, one of the bell-ringers (see his burial 29 May 1762). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 June, aged forty-eight. See the baptisms of her children, 4 Sep. 1747 and 5 Oct. 1752, and their burials, 11 May 1752 and 11 Apl. 1754. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 395 1759 June 19 Aug. 11 Aug. 17 Master George Cooke:1 in the West Cloister. Mrs. Ann Poston :2 in the South Cloister. The Revd Dr. John Heylyn, Prebendary of this Church :3 in the South Cross. Sept. 14 Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth-Caroline, second daugh- ter of his late Royal Highness Frederick, Prince of Wales, deceased, died September 4th, 1759, and was buried the 14th in the Royal Vault. Oct. 20 Mrs. Elizabeth Gell:5 in the West Cloister. Nov. 5 Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper :6 in the North Cloister. Nov. 10 Sir Charles Hanbury-Williams: in the North aisle. 1 Eldest child of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, Organist of the Abbey, etc. (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793), by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). He was born 28 May, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 15 June 1759. The Funeral Book says that he died 16 June, aged three weeks. 2 Only surviving dau. of Peter Elers, Esq. (see his burial 20 Mch. 1753), by Dorothy his wife (sce her burial 13 June 1727). She was baptized at St. Luke's, Chelsea, Midx., 30 May 1717, and married, about Oct. 1745 (Marr. Sett. dated the 18th of that month), William Poston, merchant, citizen and haberdasher of London, to whom she was second wife. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Aug., aged forty-two, and, according to the journals of the day, at her husband's house in Manor Street, Chelsea. His will, dated 11 Oct. 1749, was proved 29 July 1762. He directed to be buried near his mother, Elizabeth, and his first wife, Mary, in the churchyard of Edmonton, Midx. They left no issue. 3 Eldest son of John Heylyn, citizen and saddler of London, who died at Chelsea, Midx., 24 Sep. 1736, and was buried the 27th at St. Mary-le-Strand, Westminster (he was said, by the journals of the day, to have acquired a large fortune by army contracts), by his wife, Susanna Sherman (sister of Thomas Sherman, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., Gent.), whose will, dated 21 Oct. 1741, was proved 19 Dec. following. He was admitted into St. Peter's College, West- minster, in 1700, and clected to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1705, where A.B. 1708, A.M. 1714, and S.T.P. 25 Apl. 1728. He became the first Rector of St. Mary-le-Strand, 1 Jan. 1723-4, and held that living until his death. He was a Prebendary of St. Paul's in Oct. 1736, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 21 Mch. 1742-3. He died, according to the Funeral Book and his monument, 11 Aug., aged seventy-four, and was buried with his second wife and only daughter by her (see their burials, 13 June 1747 and 2 Apl. 1759). His will, as of Hampstead. Midx., dated 28 Mch. 1759, was proved on the day of his burial, by his son John Heylyn, then of the city of Bristol, merchant (evidently his only surviving child), and by Balthazar Burman, of Lincoln's Inn, whom he called his cousin, and to whom he gave £200. His only other relations named were the sons and daughters of his brother Edward Heylyn, to each of whom he gave £200. He bequeathed £1000 to the Lying-in Hospital in Brownlow Street, and the residue of his real and personal estate to his said son John, who was apparently his eldest son by his first wife, and was baptized at Chiswick, Midx., 10 July 1712. Another son by her, named Charles-Master, was baptized at Chiswick 10 July 1714, who appears to have died young. * Second dau. and fourth child of Frederick-Louis, Prince of Wales (see his burial 13 Apl. 1751), by the Princess Augusta (see her burial 15 Feb. 1772). According to the parish register of St. James, Westminster, she was born at Norfolk House, in St. James's Square, 30 Dec. 1740, and was baptized 24 Jan. following, by the Lord Bishop of Oxford (afterwards Archbishop Secker), Rector of that parish. She died at Kew, Surrey, after an illness of two days. Walpole says of her: "Her figure was so very unfortunate that it would have been difficult for her to be happy; but her parts and application were extraordinary." 5 First wife of Daniel Gell, Esq., Chapter Clerk (see his burial 18 June 1763). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 13 Oct. aged sixty-six. See her son's burial 4 Feb. 1817. The Funeral Book says that she died the 5th, and was buried the 9th of November. 7 Younger son of John Hanbury, of Pontypool Park, co. Monmouth, Esq., by Bridget, eldest 4 396 BURIALS IN 1 1759 Dec. 5 1760 Feb. 6 Robert Kent, Esq. 1 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Illingworth:2 in the North Cross. Mr. Hugh Griffeth :3 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith :4 in the North Cloister. Mr. Foster March 5 in the West Cloister. 9 John Wowen, Esq. :6 in the South Cross. Feb. 13 May 27 June 4 June dau. and coheir of Sir Edward Ayscough, of Stallingborough, co. Lincoln, Kt. He was born 8 Dec. 1708. He assumed the surname of Williams in accordance with the will of his godfather Charles Williams, of Caerleon, co. Monmouth, Esq. (see his burial 2 Sep. 1720). He was an ambassador at various courts, and was installed a Knight of the Bath 20 Oct. 1744. He died, according to his coffin-plate, 2 Nov., aged fifty. His will, as of Cold Brook (near Abergavenny), co. Monmouth, dated 30 Jan. 1746-7, was proved 12 Nov. 1759, by his brother George Hanbury, Esq. He left his estate in trust for his daughters Frances and Charlotte, and did not so much as name his wife (see her burial 29 Dec. 1781). ¹ The Funeral Book says that he died 28 Nov., in his eighty-seventh year. See a burial 27 Jan. 1729-30. 2 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 28 Jan., aged eighty, and was buried under her daughter, Mrs. Mary Illingworth (see her burial 12 June 1758). Her will, as of Queen Square, Westminster, widow, dated 14 Dec. 1759, was proved 11 Mch. 1760, by her dau. Zenoby-Ann Bowker, and by the Rev. Edward Woodcock, of Watford, Herts. The only relations she named were her said daughter and her children, Elizabeth, Ann, and Maria Bowker; her cousin Mary Rigby, of Cockermouth, co. Cumberland, and her dau. Mary Rigby; and her cousin Mr. William Lightboun, of Twickenham, Midx., and Ann his wife. To her said dau. she left her estates in Manchester, Blackley, etc., in co. Lancaster, and to Thomas, son of Thomas Illingworth, late postmaster of Lancaster, deceased, ten shillings monthly for his life. Her estate appears to have been considerable, and she provided liberally for several old servants. 3 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 Feb., aged sixty.-" On Saturday died Mr. Griffith, master of the Bear Tavern at Westminster Bridge” (London Chronicle, Tuesday, 12 Feb. 1760).—Letters of administration to the estate of Hugh Griffith, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, were granted 31 Oct. 1760, to his relict Ann Griffith. 4 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 21 May, aged sixty-seven, and was buried on her brother, Nathaniel Smith, Esq. (see his burial 1 Oct. 1755). Her will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, spinster, dated 6 Oct. 1759, was proved 5 June 1760, by Frances, wife of Francis Smalley, her niece and only next of kin. See the burials, of her other brother 12 Sep. 1738, and of her sister, Frances Meyrick, 24 Sep. 1734, near whom she directed to be buried. • 5 The Funeral Book says "Master Foster March," and that he died 28 May, aged seventeen years, adding "the undertaker from Clapham." It is quite probable that the name should be Marsh. See a burial 28 Jan. 1812. • The Funeral Book says that he died 1 June, in his seventy-third year, and was buried in the grave of his wife, Mrs. Jane Wowen (see her burial 16 Dec. 1758). The journals of the day call him “an eminent sugar refiner," and say that he died at Hackney, Midx. He was the appa- rently only son of Rev. John Wowen, of Trinity College, Cambridge, who was silenced under the Act of Uniformity in 1662, and who afterwards became minister of an Independent Chapel in Deadman's Place, Southwark, co. Surrey, and finally of a congregation assembled in Pewterers' Hall, Lime Street, London. Wilson, in his Dissenting Churches (iv. 143-7), appears to confound him with another dissenting minister named "Jonathan Owen," who lived somewhat later. Mr. Wowen was buried at St. John's, Hackney, 16 Nov. 1713. His wife, mother of the person named in the text, was Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. John Barton, and sister of Rev. Samuel Barton, D.D., Preben- dary of Westminster (see his burial 23 Aug. 1715), and was also buried at Hackney, 14 Sep. 1724. Letters of administration to the estate of John Wowen, Esq., late of St. John's, Hackney, widower, were granted, 16 June 1760, to his children, John Wowen, Esq., and Jane Wowen. They were his only surviving issue by his marriage with his cousin Jane Barton, and both died before 17 Apl. 1812, when further letters of administration to his estate were granted. The dau. Jane was mar- ried, at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Mdx., 12 Feb. 1763, to Paul Field, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 397 1760 Oct. 11 Mary-Elizabeth Cooke, an infant:1 in the West Cloister. Mr. John Forlow :2 in the Dark Cloister. Oct. 31 Nov. 11 George the Second, King of Great Britain, etc.,³ died October 25, 1760, and was buried November 11th, 1760, in the Royal Vault. Nov. 24 Dec. 5 Dec. 17 1761 Jan. 27 Feb. 15 March 3 Master Charles Fisher 4 in the East Cloister. Miss Susanna Seymore :5 in the Dark Cloister. Mr. Robert Hiller :6 in the Dark Cloister. Mr. Richard Parsons :7 in the Dark Cloister. Mr. Thomas Stone:8 in the North aisle. Mrs. Jacobine Douglas : in the East Cloister. 1 Child of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, Organist of the Abbey, etc. (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793), by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 Oct., aged sixteen days, and was buried on her brother Master George Cooke (see his burial 19 June 1759). 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 27 Oct., aged sixty-six. His will, as John Farlow, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., waterman, dated 29 May 1760, was proved 29 Oct. following, by his sons John and Richard Farlow, to whom he left all his possessions equally. See his wife's burial 26 Apl. 1754. 3 George-Augustus, only son of K. George I., by Sophia-Dorothea, only dau. and heir of George-William, Duke of Brunswick and Zelle. He was born at Hanover 30 Oct. 1683, suc- ceeded to the throne 11 June 1727, and was crowned 11 Oct. following. He died at Kensington. See the burials, of his Queen-Consort 17 Dec. 1737, and of his children, 12 Feb. 1717-18, 13 Apl. 1751, 5 Jan. 1758, 10 Nov. 1765, and 11 Nov. 1786. 4 Son of Thomas Fisher, College cook (see his burial 30 July 1777), by Mary his wife (see her burial 13 Nov. 1761). He died, according to the Funeral Book and his gravestone, 19 Nov. aged eight years. 5 Dau. of William Seymore, one of the vergers (see his burial 18 Apl. 1768), by Esther his wife (see her burial 13 Mch. 1793). According to the Funeral Book, she died 2 Dec., aged six years and two months, and was buried on the right hand of her brother (see his burial 10 Jan. 1759). 6 The Funeral Book says that he died 8 Dec. aged forty-four. His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, Gent., dated 6 Dec. 1760, was proved on the 17th of the same month, by his sister Martha Hiller, spinster, sole legatee. 7 The Funeral Book says "he was ye College Beadle," and that he died 22 Jan., aged sixty- eight, and was buried on his wife (see her burial 21 Feb. 1758). He appears to have re-married, as his relict Ann administered to his estate, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 6 Feb. 1761. 8 Only son of Andrew Stone, Esq. (see his burial 24 Dec. 1773), by Hannah his wife (see her burial 13 June 1782). He died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 Feb., aged eleven years, two months, and nine days. >> 9 The Funeral Book says, "Widow of the late Coll. Douglas killd at Couthagine." and that she died 24 Feb., and was buried on her son (see his burial 19 Mch. 1742-3), under the next gravestone on the right of Mrs. Aphara Behn. The will of her husband, as Colonel Charles Douglas, of Brentford Butts, in the parish of Hanwell, co. Midx. dated 24 Jan. 1739-40, with a codicil dated on board the "Lichfield 18 Nov. 1740, was proved 22 May 1741, by his relict Jacobina. In an affidavit to his writing, which she made the same day, he was described as late of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., but died at Carthagena, in the West Indies. She dying intestate, letters of administration de bonis non were granted, 2 Apl. 1772, to his eldest dau. Annc, then wife of George Mackenzie, Esq., and in that record he was described as Colonel of a regiment of marines. He mentioned his sons Robert, Charles, John, William, and Archibald, and his daughters Anne, Carteret, and Jane. He bequeathed his estate called "Dyers," in Stansted-Mountfitchet, co. Essex, and other lands in that county. 398 BURIALS IN 1761 May 14 Mr. Jeremiah Lewis :1 in the West Cloister. June 5 The Right Hon. Lady Elizabeth Percy:2 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Aug. 1 Mrs. Mary Shelvocke :3 in the West Cloister. Oct. 9 Oct. 22 The Right Hon. William, Lord Blakeney: in the middle aisle. K. M. L. F. . . . [sic] :5 in the South aisle. ¹ He died, according to the Funeral Book and his monument, 11 May, aged sixty-one. His will, as of Curzon Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., Gent., dated 8 and 12 June 1759, was proved 15 May 1761, by Hon. John Campbell, of Stackpool Court, co. Pembroke, and David Morice, of Langley, co. Bucks, Gent., whom he made his residuary legatees, but without naming any relationship. He directed that about £11,000 of his securities should be invested in lands in Cardiganshire, or some county adjacent, to the use of his friend and companion Mr. John Lear for his life, with remainder to his sons and their heirs male in succession, and, failing their issue, then to his kinsman Jeremiah Jenkin, son of Evan Jenkin, of "Cnwccyndoir," in the parish of Llanbadarn-Trevcglwys, co. Cardigan, and grandson of his late sister Ann Lewis, deceased, his sons, etc., with remainder to John Davies, of Llanprise, in the parish of Llansanfread, in the same county, yeoman. The only other relations named were his kinswomen Margaret and Anna Jenkin, sisters of said Jeremiah Jenkin, and his kinsman Rev. John Lloyd, Vicar of Rotherham, co. York. 2 Lady Elizabeth-Annc-Frances Percy, only legitimate dau. of Hugh, first Duke of North- umberland (see his burial 21 June 1786), by Elizabeth his Duchess (see her burial 18 Dec. 1776). She was born 6 Apl. 1744. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 27 May, in her eighteenth year. 3 Her maiden name has not been ascertained. She was first the wife of a Mr. Jackson, who died before 1754, by whom she had a son, Charles Jackson, Esq., who was long connected with the General Post Office, and was living, as late as 1793, at Tooting, co. Surrey, aud a dau. Mary, who married Dr. Benjamin Cooke, Organist of the Abbey (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). Shc married, secondly, at Greenwich, Kent, 26 May 1758, George Shelvocke, Esq., Secretary to the General Post Office, who died suddenly, in one of the official apartments, 12 Mch. 1760. He was a son of the celebrated Capt. George Shelvocke, who sailed round the world during the reign of Q. Anne, and who died in 1743. In his will, dated 28 Apl. 1754, he described his wife as "my loving cousin Mary Jackson, widow, now living with me." She died, according to her monu- ment, 24 July, aged fifty-four, and the journals of the day say that she died at her house at Knightsbridge, Midx. Her will, dated 28 June 1761, was proved 6 Aug. following, by her said son Charles Jackson, Esq., and her said son-in-law Benjamin Cooke. The only other relation she named was her kinsman William Roberts, one of the clerks of the Foreign Office in the Geueral Post Office, to whom she bequeathed the interest of £1,000 for his life. The rest of her estate she left to her said son and daughter equally. 4 Eldest son of William Blakeney, of Thomastown, co. Limerick, Esq., whose family emigrated to Ireland, from co. Norfolk, in the sixteenth century. He became a distinguished military officer, and attained the rank of Licut.-General in Sept. 1747. He is especially remem- bered for his gallant defence of Stirling Castle in 1746, and of Fort St. Philip in 1756. He was created a Knight of the Bath 27 Nov., in the latter year, and the next month raised to the peerage of Ireland, as Baron Blakeney. He died, without issue, 20 Sep., aged ninety-one, and the title became extinct. By his will, dated 4 Jan. 1759, and proved 7 Oct. 1761, he made his brother Robert Blakency, of Mount Blakency, co. Limerick, his sole heir. 5 The Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, gives the same initials, the first two being placed over the last two, and adds that he died 18 Oct., aged forty-three. In another book he is called "Kenneth Mackenzic, Esq.," with a statement that the fccs were paid by Henry Dagge and John Mackenzie, Esquires. The journals of the day notice the peculiarity of his coffin-plate. He was Kenneth Mackenzie, commonly called Lord Fortrose, only son of William, fifth Earl of Scaforth in the peerage of Scotland, who was attainted on account of his connection with the rising of 1715, by Mary, only dau. and heir of Nicholas Kennet, of Coxhow, co. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 399 1761 Oct. 29 Lieut.-General George Walsh in the East Cloister. Nov. 13 Mrs. Mary Fisher:2 in the East Cloister. 26 Joshua Ward, Esq. :3 in the South Cross. Dec. 1762 Feb. 2 March 24 The Revd Mr. Humphry Persehowse : in the South Cloister. Mr. John Bancroft:5 in the North Cloister. Northumberland, Esq. He married, 11 Sep. 1741, Lady Mary Stewart, eldest dau. of Alexander, sixth Earl of Galloway. Their only son, Kenneth Mackenzie, was subsequently created Viscount Fortrose and Earl of Seaforth, in the peerage of Ireland, but died without male issue in 1781, when the titles became extinct. Their youngest dau., Euphemia, married William Stewart, Esq. (see the burial of their son 2 Nov. 1811). Lord Fortrose had been M.P. for co. Ross in 1747 and 1754. 1 Fourth and youngest son of Richard Walsh, of Ardagh House, co. Louth, Ireland, Esq., by Mary, dau. of Rev. Joseph Bury, of Drogheda. After a long military career, he attained the rank of Major-General 14 May 1759, and was Colonel of the 49th regiment of foot at his death. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 23 Oct., in his seventy-third year. His name does not occur in the lists of Lieutenant-Generals, although he was assigned that rank in the Abbey Register, on his monument, and in the journals of the day. He called himself Major-General in his will, which was dated 10 May 1760, and proved 31 Oct. 1761, so that, if advanced to the higher rank, it must have been shortly before his death. He died unmarried, and named as his residuary legatecs his five nieces, daughters of his late brother Anthony Walsh, of Ardagh, Esq., deceased, and his kinsman and godson Blaney Townley, junior. To his nephews, Captain Anthony Walsh and Captain Ralph Walsh, he left £20 each, for mourning, and mentioned no other relations except his kinsman Blaney-Townley Balfour, Esq. 2 Wife of Thomas Fisher, College cook (see his burial 30 July 1777). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Nov., aged forty-eight. See the burials of her children, 8 Aug. 1740, 23 Jan. 1741-2, 16 Nov. 1745, 30 Oct. 1748, 28 June 1752, 24 Nov. 1760, 7 Feb. 1780, and 17 Oct. 1804. 3 The Funeral Book calls him the famous Dr. Ward," and says that he died 21 Dec., aged seventy-six. He was celebrated for his various chemical preparations, and became more so from being satirized by Pope in his "Imitations of Horace." His will, as of Whitehall, dated 1 Mch. 1760, was proved 8 Jan. 1762, by Ralph and Thomas Ward, sons of his nephew Knox Ward, whom he made his residuary legatees. His other bequests were to his sisters Margaret Gancel and Ann Manly, Rebecca Ward, dau. of his said nephew Knox Ward, and his nephew Colonel William Gancel. 4 Son of Thomas Persehowse, Esq. (see his burial 7 Jan. 1719-20), by his second wife, Mary, dau. of William Style, of Beckenham, co. Kent, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 11 May 1702, aged sixteen, and was B.A. there 28 Mch. 1707, but appears to have taken the degree of A.M. at Cambridge, in 1713. He became the minister at Knightsbridge Chapel, Midx., in 1719, and is mentioned in the Chapter Book, as a minor canon of the Abbey, as early as 9 Oct. 1724. He married Deborah, dau. of John Rawlins, of the city of Oxford, apothecary, who appears to have died long before him. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Jan., in his seventy-seventh year, and was said, in the journals of the day, to have been at his death senior minor canon and the oldest member of the Abbey Church. His will, dated 16 Feb. 1760, in which he mentioned that he had been preserved through a life of seventy-five years, was proved 27 Jan. 1762, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by his son Clare Persehowse (see his burial 23 Aug. 1779), to whom he left all his estate. He mentioned no other relations, except his disobedient daughter, who had twice married without his consent, and to whom his son was to pay five shillings weekly, if it should become necessary, as he had no doubt it would. See the burials of his other children, 22 Aug. 1712, 9 Oct. and 17 Nov. 1715, and 23 Apl. 1719. 5 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 17 Mch., aged seventy-eight, and was buried on his wife (see her burial 10 Dec. 1758). The journals of the day describe him as one of the door- keepers of the House of Lords, and as having formerly been a domestic servant of the first Duke of Marlborough, whom he attended through all his campaigns. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 1 Jan. 1762, was proved 31 Mch. following, by Elizabeth Forth, spinster, whom he called his servant, and to whom he gave all his stock in the Bank of England, directing her to transfer £100 thereof to Martha Bancroft, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., £50 to Alice Cavell, of or near Kendal, co. Westmoreland, widow, £50 to Elizabeth Beck, of Paradise 4,00 BURIALS IN 1762 April 3 Mr. Edward Husband :1 in the Dark Cloister. April 5 April 7 April 16 April 20 Mrs. Anne Oswald :2 in the West Cloister. John-Paul, Earl of Stafford :3 in St. Edmund's Chapel. Mrs. Elizabeth Breholt: in the West Cloister. 4 Mrs. Mary Carter: in the Dark Cloister. May 8 The most noble Prince William Bentinck, Duke and Earl of Portland, etc. :6 in the Duke of Ormond's vault. May 12 May 13 Mr. Thomas Mountain :7 in the West Cloister. Mr. John Robinson, Organist:8 in the North aisle. Row, near Epping Forest, Essex, and £25 to Sarah Medley, of St. Clement Danes, Midx. To Rev. Mr. Smith, of Long-Combc, co. Oxford, he gave two guineas, to the widow of Benjamin Hucks one guinca, and to each doorkeeper of the House of Lords twenty shillings for a ring. The residue of his estate he gave to his exccutrix absolutely. One of the bell-ringers, having been appointed, according to the Chapter Book, 9 Nov. 1748. The Funeral Book says that he died 31 Mch., aged thirty-seven. 2 Only dau. of John Durie, of Letham, co. Fife, Scotland, Provost of Kirkcaldy, by Barbara Hay, his second wife, who were married at the Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 29 Feb. 1693-4. She was born 7 Sep. 1698, and christened on the 12th of the same month. She married, in 1714, James Oswald, the younger, of Dunnikier, co. Fife, Esq., who died in his father's lifetime. She died, at her son's house in Great Queen Street, Westminster, according to the Funeral Book, 29 Mch., in her sixty-fourth year. See the burials, of her son See the burials, of her son 1 Apl. 1769, of the widow of another son 21 Fcb. 1785, and of her great-grandson 12 June 1819, and the marriage of her great-great- grand-daughter, Lady Augusta Bruce, 22 Dec. 1863. 3 Second son of Hon. John Stafford-Howard, by his first wife, Mary, dau. of Sir John Southcote, of Merstham, co. Surrey, Kt., and nephew of Henry, first Earl of Stafford, of the creation of 1688 (see his burial 12 May 1719). He succeeded his nephew, as fourth Earl of Stafford, Feb. 1750-1. He died, according to his monument, 1 Apl., aged sixty-one years, nine months, and six days, and the Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, says that he was born 26 June 1700. She left no issue, and the earldom became extinct. Sce the burial of his Countess 23 Jan. 1783. 4 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 12 Apl., aged sixty-four. Letters of adminis- tration to her estate were granted, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, 20 May 1762, she being described as late of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, to Nicholas Crisp, a creditor, her only child, Elizabeth, wife of Peter Wirgman, having declined to administer. 5 She died, according to the Funcral Book, 15 Apl., in her sixty-fourth year. See the burial, 19 Sep. 1763, probably of her husband or brother. • Second Duke of Portland, son of Henry, first Duke (see his burial 3 Nov. 1726), by Lady Elizabeth Noel, eldest dau. and coheir of Wriothesley-Baptist, second Earl of Gainsborough. He died, according to his coffin-plate, 1 May, in his fifty-fourth year. See the burial of his Duchess 30 July 1785. 7 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 May, aged thirty-two, and was buried on his wife (see her burial 29 Sep. 1757). "Yesterday died, at his house at Charing Cross, Mr. Mountain, silk-mercer" (London Chronicle, 11 May 1762). His will, as of Charing Cross, St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., mercer, dated 5 May 1762, was proved 21 June following, by his sister Jane Mountain, spinster, his residuary legatee. His only other bequests were £400 each to his other sisters, Sarah Darley and Ann Mountain, 8 He died, according to the Funcral Book, 30 Apl., aged eighty. The journals of the day say that he had been organist of the Abbey for thirty-five years, and that he had also been organist of St. Lawrence, Old Jewry, and St. Magnus, London, See his marriage 6 Sep. 1716, his wife's burial 8 Jan. 1740-1, and the burials of his children by her, 15 Feb. 1722-3 and 29 Apl. 1725.-Letters of administration to the estate of John Robinson, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, were granted to a creditor 14 June 1762, his relict Mary renouncing for herself and as guardian of his only son, John-Daniel Robinson, a minor. This record seems to refer to him, and he therefore probably married a second time. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 401 1762 May 29 May 29 Mr. John Catling:1 in the Dark Cloister. Mr. Thomas Wright 2 in the Dark Cloister. June 18 Mr. John Pearson :3 in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 19 Archebel-Ann-Arther Morgan 4 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Mary Bates :5 in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 23 Oct. 5 Mrs. Isabella O'Keefe :6 in the West Cloister. Oct. 11 Nov. 10 Mrs. Esther Hinton :7 in the East Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis :8 in the East Cloister. ¹ He was appointed porter of the Little Cloisters 23 Nov. 1744, and advanced to be a sacrist 2 June 1755. He was also College gardener and one of the bell-ringers. He died, according to his coffin-plate, 25 May, aged fifty-one. See his marriage 27 Jan. 1744-5, the baptisms of his children 12 Nov. 1745, 12 Nov. 1747, 27 Oct. 1749, 21 Aug. 1751, and 5 June 1755, and the burials, of his wife 2 Feb. 1788, of his son 20 Aug. 1776, and of his daughters 9 Dec. 1749, 29 July 1752, and 6 Aug. 1765. 2 He had been coachman to Dean Wilcocks, Bishop of Rochester, and was appointed a bell- ringer 20 Oct. 1749 (Chapter Book). The Funeral Book says that he died 26 May, aged forty- five, and was buried on his wife (see her burial 4 June 1759). See the baptisms of his children 4 Sep. 1747 and 5 Oct. 1752, and their burials 11 May 1752 and 11 Apl. 1754. 3 The Funeral Book says that he was coachman to the Dean (then the Right Rev. Zachary Pearce, Bishop of Rochester), and that he died 13 June, aged fifty. 4 Dau. of Rev. Dr. David-Walter Morgan, minor canon, etc. (see his burial Mch. 1795). The Funeral Book says that she died 17 Aug., aged four months and two weeks. 5 Relict of Samuel Bates (see his burial 24 July 1735). The Chapter Book mentions gratuities to her 5 Feb. 1746-7 and 7 Jan. 1747-8. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Aug., aged eighty-four. 6 Relict of Arthur O'Keeffe, Esq. (see his burial 3 Oct. 1756). They were married at her house in Piccadilly, 4 Apl. 1738, by a special license granted the day before by the Vicar-General, in which she was described as Isabella Casburne, of St. James, Westminster, widow, and the marriage was recorded in the parish register of St. James. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Sep., aged seventy. Her will, dated 9 Aug. 1760, with a codicil, in the form of a letter, 15 July 1761, was proved 6 Oct. 1762, by her husband's sister, Mary-Anne O'Keeffe, spinster, to whom she gave her estate called Bailey Park, in Sussex, and the residue of her personalty. To her mother-in-law Mrs. Anstis O'Keeffe (see her burial 12 Nov. 1763) she gave £1000. To her nephews and nieces, John Burrell, Charles Burrell, Eleanor Gillingwater, and Isabella Bain, being the four children of her half-brother John Burrell, she bequeathed £1000 each, and to her nephew John Burrell, of Hadleigh, attorney, her farms at Shimpling (co. Norfolk) and Stanningfield (co. Suffolk). Other bequests of pictures, jewels, etc., were to her cousin James Calthrope, Esq., Rev. Mr. Casburne, and her good friend Counsellor Maire. In the codicil occurs the following passage: "Let me be buried as near as possible to my late dearest husband, Arthur O'Keeffe, Esq., and let this be put on his monument for me: Near this place lieth the body of Isabella, relict of Arthur O'Keeffe, of Bailee Park, Esq.; she was his sincere friend and most affectionate wife:' put my dear love's letters in a bag under my head in my coffin, and put mine to him under my feet." She appears to have left no issue by either husband. 7 Dau. and evidently only child of Antonio Lucera (see his burial 13 Sep. 1747, and note thereto), by Jane his wife (see her burial 5 Mch. 1755). She married after her father's death. The Funeral Book says that she died 6 Oct., aged thirty-seven. 8 Cousin and executrix of Erasmus Lewis, Esq. (see his burial 15 Jan. 1754). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 3 Nov., aged sixty-five. Her will, as of Cork Street, St. James, Westminster, spinster, dated 17 May 1760, was proved 9 Nov. 1762. She bequeathed all her estates in Carmarthenshire to her nephew Henry Price, son of her sister Frances, wife of Mr. Henry Price. To her brother Mr. Herbert Lewis, then residing in the Island of Barbados, she left the interest of £1500 for his life. Her other bequests, which were considerable, were to her cousin Mary, wife of Rev. Henry Hemington, of Leigh, co. Kent, Rev. George Lewis, of 3 F 402 BURIALS IN 1763 Jan. 11 The most noble John, Earl Granville, Viscount Carteret, etc. :1 in General Monk's vault. April 21 The Right Hon. William, Lord Pulteney:2 in a new vault in Islip Chapel. N.B. The remains of Anna-Maria, Countess of April 29 May 14 May 14 3 4 Bath, Master William Pulteney, and Miss Anna-Maria 5 Pulteney, were removed from the vault in St. Martin's Church and deposited in this new vault, April 20th, 1763. Mrs. Margaret-Decring Pulteney:" in the South Cloister. Mr. David Collumbel : in the North Cloister. Mr. Samuel Graves :8 in the Dark Cloister. Westerham, Kent, and several friends. The residue of her estate was to go cqually to her said sister Frances Price and her six children, viz., Mary, Dorothy, Anna-Maria, Frances, Augusta, and Henry Price. 1 Eldest surviving son of Sir George Carteret, first Baron Carteret, of Hawnes, co. Bedford, by Lady Grace Granville, dau. of John, first Earl of Bath (see her burial 27 Oct. 1744). He was born 22 Apl., and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 4 May 1690, and succeeded his father, as second Baron Carteret, 22 Sep. 1695, and, on the death of his mother, succeeded to her titles, as Viscount Carteret and Earl Granville. He died 2 Jan. See the burials, of his first wife 23 Dec. 1743, his second wife 19 Oct. 1745, and his brother 25 Mch. 1711. 2 Only surviving son of the celebrated statesman, William, Earl of Bath (see his burial 17 July 1764), by Anna-Maria his wife (see the text and the following note). The Funeral Book says that he died at Madrid, on his return from Portugal, 12 Feb., aged thirty-two. His will, as the Right Hon. William Pulteney, Esq., commonly called William, Lord Viscount Pulteney, dated 29 Mch. 1762, was proved 1 June 1763, by a creditor, his father renouncing. He died unmarried. 3 Dau. of John Gumley, of Isleworth, co. Midx., said to have been a wealthy glass manu- facturer and army contractor, and wife of William Pultency, Earl of Bath (see his burial 17 July 1764), to whom married about 20 Dec. 1714 (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond.), then aged seventeen. (Pointer's Chronology says that they were married 27 Dec.). She died the 14th, and was buried at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 21 Sep. 1758, aged sixty-four, according to the register of that parish and the Funeral Book of the Abbey. See the burials of her three children in the text, and the preceding and two following notes. 4 Son of William, Earl of Bath (see his burial 17 July 1764), by Anna-Maria his wife (see the text and the preceding note). He died, according to the Funeral Book, quoting his coffin- plate, in Jan. 1726-7, in his second year, but his burial at St. Martin in the Fields was not recorded until 13 Mch. 1741-2, when his remains were probably removed from their original place of burial, and interred with those of his sister, buried that day (see the following note). This child is not mentioned in the printed accounts of the family. 5 Dau. of William, Earl of Bath (see his burial 17 July 1764), by Anna-Maria his wife (sce the text and the last note but one). The accounts of the family say that she was born 22 Aug. 1727. She died, according to the Funeral Book, the 9th, and was buried at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 13 Mch. 1741-2, in her fifteenth year. 6 Dau. and coheir of Benjamin Tichborne (second son of Sir William Tichborne, of Beaulieu, co. Louth, Kt., and younger brother of Henry, Baron Ferrard), who was killed at the battle of Blenheim, in 1704, by Elizabeth, dau. of Major Edward Gibbs, of the city of Gloucester. She married, 14 Dec. 1717, Daniel Pulteney, Esq. (see his burial 17 May 1732, and note thercto). She died, according to her coffin-plate, 22 Apl., aged sixty-four. See the burial of her only surviving child 8 June 1782. 7 He died, according to the Funeral Book and his monument, 6 May, aged sixty-six. His wife Ann appears to have been buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 5 Fcb. 1757, and the baptisms of several of their children occur in the registers of that parish. 8 The Funeral Book says that he died the 14th, and was buried 19 May, aged fifty-nine. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 403 1 3 Mr. Joseph Smithson :¹ in the Dark Cloister. 1763 June June 18 18 July 16 Daniel Gell, Esq., Chapter Clerk:2 in the West Cloister. Mrs. Fanny Trigg :3 in the West Cloister. July 17 17 Peter-Frances-David Morgan : in the North Cloister. Sept. 19 19 Mr. William Carter 5 in the Dark Cloister. Nov. 12 Mrs. Anstis O'Keeffe : in the West Cloister. Nov. 18 John Buswell, D.M. : in the North Cloister. Mr. Hugh Cox :8 in the North Cloister. Dec. 20 1764 Feb. 21 The remains of Sir John Fleming, Bart.9 (who died Nov. 5th, ¹ The Funeral Book calls him one of the organ-blowers, and says that he died 1 June, aged eighty-four. " He was appointed Chapter Clerk 11 Feb. 1728-9 (Chapter Book). The journals of the day say that he had been also secretary to the Bishops of Peterborough and Gloucester, and Registrar of the diocese of Llandaff. He had a grant of arms 6 Mch. 1731-2, when he was described as eldest son and heir of Ralph Gell, who was the third son of Anthony Gell. The grant also included the descendants of his uncle Thomas Gell. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 13 June, aged seventy-seven, and was buried on his first wife (see her burial 20 Oct. 1759). His will, dated 24 Dec. 1762, with a codicil Apl. 1763, was proved 2 July following, by his second wife and relict (see her burial 26 Aug. 1783). He mentioned his brothers Thomas, George, and Benjamin Gell, and numerous nephews and cousins, among whom was his cousin and clerk, Anthony Gell (see, probably, his burial 4 Feb. 1817). He evidently left no issue. ³ She died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 July. Her will, as Fanny Triggs, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, dated 27 Apl. 1762, was proved 11 July 1763, by Mr. John Wight, clerk in his Majesty's Victualling Office, London, whom she made her residuary legatee, but without stating any relationship. Her only other bequests were £100 each to her nephew Mr. Simon Beverton, of Christ Church, Oxford (probably a college servant), and Mr. John Catling, of the Little Cloisters, Westminster. 4 Son of Rev. Dr. David-Walter Morgan, minor canon (see his burial Mch. 1795). The Funeral Book says that he died 15 July, aged three months, and was buried in his sister's grave (see her burial 19 Aug. 1762). 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 13 Sep., aged sixty-one. The place of burial suffici- ently indicates his humble position. See the burial, probably of his wife or sister, 20 Apl. 1762. • She died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 Nov., aged eighty-four. Her dau. Mary-Ann O'Keeffe, spinster, administered to her estate 14 Mch. 1764, when she was described as late of Bailey Park, in the parish of Heathfield, co. Sussex, widow. See her son's burial 3 Oct. 1756, and note thereto. 7 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Nov., aged thirty. The journals of the day say that he was a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal and of Windsor Chapel. He had the degree of Bachelor of Music at Cambridge in 1757, and that of Doctor of Music in 1758. His will, as of New Windsor, Berks, dated 25 Nov. 1758, was proved 17 Dec. 1763, by his relict Elizabeth, to whom he had bequeathed all his goods, before their marriage, as Elizabeth Fullerton, of St. Botolph's, Aldgate, London, spinster. 9 One of the Abbey choir, and also, according to the journals of the day, one of the Gentle- men of the Chapel Royal. The Funeral Book says that he died 16 Dec., aged thirty-two. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., dated 15 Apl. 1763, was proved 29 Dec. following, by his relict Dorothy, to whom he bequeathed all his real and personal estate, and appointed her guardian of his son Hugh. 9 Son of Robert Fleming, brother of Major-General James Fleming (see his burial 30 Mch. 1751). Letters of administration to the estate of Robert Fleming, Lieutenant in Major-General Fleming's regiment of foot at Gravesend, were granted, 20 May 1749, to his relict Anne. As he was living at the date of General Fleming's will, 6 Mch. 1741-2, and named joint cxecutor with his son John, and as the son John proved the will, 22 Mch. 1750-1, as surviving executor, there can be little doubt that they were the parents of Sir John, named in the text. He was not only 404 BURIALS IN 1763, aged 61 years) and Master Hargrave-William Fleming¹ (who died Oct. 7th, 1763, in the 8th year of his age) were removed from the vault in South Audley Chapel and deposited in a new brick grave in the middle aisle of the Abbey. Miss Charlotte-Elizabeth Burgoync:2 in the North Cloister. Mrs. Mary Broad: in the Dark Cloister. Miss Dorothy Cooke: in the West Cloister. Mr. Samuel Jones :5 in the Dark Cloister. 1764 March 10 March 12 April 18 May 19 June 25 Miss Elinor Butler:6 in the Dark Cloister. July 7 July 17 Mr. Benjamin Barker: in the South Cloister. The Right Hon. William, Earl of Bath:8 in his own vault in Islip Chapel. executor, but residuary legatee of his uncle General Fleming, and was also residuary legatee and exccutor of Lieut.-General William Hargrave (see his burial 2 Feb. 1750-1), in whose regiment he had been a Lieutenant. He was created a Baronet, as of Brompton Park, Midx., 22 Apl. 1763, but died without surviving male issue, a few months later, and the title became extinct. See the burials, of his wife (as Jane, Baroness Harewood) 19 Apl. 1813, of his only son (see the text and the following note), and of his daughters, 13 July 1767, 24 Apl. 1769, and 12 Feb. 1824. His other daughter, Seymour - Dorothy, married, in 1775, Sir Richard Worsley, seventh Bart. of Apuldercombe, Isle of Wight. ¹ Only son of Sir John Fleming, Bart., named in the text (see also the preceding note), by Jane his wife (see her burial, as Baroness Harewood, 19 Apl. 1813). 2 Dau. of Colonel John Burgoyne, afterwards Lieut.-General (see his burial 13 Aug. 1792), by Lady Charlotte Stanley, sixth dau. of Edward, eleventh Earl of Derby (see her burial 14 June 1776). The Funeral Book says that she died 7 Mch., in her tenth year. 3 The Funeral Book says that she was a servant of Mr. Fidoe (see his burial 20 Nov. 1780), and that she died 7 Mch., aged sixty-six. Her will, as of Westminster Abbey, widow, dated 6 Mch. 1764, was proved on the 26th of the same month, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by the said Benjamin Fidoe, Gent. She left her apparel to her fellow-servant Elizabeth Gover, and the rest of her possessions to Jane and Samuel, children of Mr. William Hawkins, apothecary, and Susanna his wife. 4 Dau. of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, organist of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793), by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). The Funeral Book says that she died 13 Apl., in her eighth month, and was buried under the gravestone of Mrs. Mary Shelvocke, her grandmother (see her burial 1 Aug. 1761), and adds that "her brother George and her sister Mary-Elizabeth were at the same time removed to the same stone" (sce their burials 19 June 1759 and 11 Oct. 1760). 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 15 May, aged seventy-six. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, fishmonger, dated 2 May 1764, was proved on the 16th of the same month, by his relict Mary, to whom he left all his estate, real and personal, and who was alone named in it. The London Chronicle of Thursday, 17 May 1764, says: "On Tuesday died, at his house in the Fish Market. Westminster, aged seventy-five, Mr. Samuel Jones, the oldest fish- monger in Westminster." See the burials 29 Jan. 1732-3, 19 Feb. 1739-40, and 4 Jan. 1750-1, probably of members of his family. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 21 Junc, aged seven years. See the burials, of her father 12 Sep. 1775, and of her mother 16 July 1771. 7 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 30 June, aged fifty-seven. His will, as of College Street, Westminster, bookseller, dated 10 May 1757, was proved 9 July 1764, by William Ginger, whom he called his faithful servant, and his friend Thomas Churchill, of Millbank, bricklayer. The only relations he mentioned were his brothers John Barker and William Sherlock, both of Harlington, co. Beds, and both tailors. To the latter he gave £200, and made the former and said William Ginger his equal residuary legatces. 8 The celebrated statesman. He was the eldest son of Colonel William Pulteney (eldest son of Sir William Pulteney, of Misterton, co. Leicester, Kt.), by his first wife, Mary Floyd. He was WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 405 .764 Oct. 1 Dec. 28 1765 March 12 March 15 March 26 May 23 1 Mrs. Ann Baker :¹ in the North Cloister. The most reverend Father in God George Stone, Lord Archbishop of Armagh 2 in the North aisle. Miss Margaret Cooke:3 in the West Cloister. Mrs. Catherine Smalbroke :4 in the South Cloister. Lieut.-General Alexander Duroure:5 in the East Cloister. William Wynne, Esq. :6 at the East end of the North Cloister. created, 14 July 1742, Baron of Hedon, co. York, Viscount Pulteney, of Wrington, co. Somerset, and Earl of Bath, but, dying without surviving issue, all his titles became extinct. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 July, aged eighty years, three months, and five days. See the burials, of his wife, two sons, and daughter, under the date of 21 Apl. 1763, and of his brother 5 Nov. 1767. 1 Dau. of Rev. Thomas Baker, one of the minor canons of the Abbey (see his burial 13 May 1745). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 26 Sep., aged forty-four, and was buried on the right hand of her father. Her brother, Rev. Thomas Baker (see his burial 29 May 1779), ad- ministered to her estate 22 Oct. following. 2 Younger son of Andrew Stone, of London, Gent., an eminent banker in Lombard Street, by his wife Anne Holbrooke. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church. 2 June 1725, aged seventeen, and was B.A. 7 May 1729, M.A. 10 May 1732, and D.D. 20 May 1740. He became Dean of Ferns and Leighlin, in Ireland, by patent dated 22 Aug. 1733, and was installed Dean of Derry 3 Apl. 1734. He was consecrated Bishop of Ferns and Leighlin 3 Aug. 1740, translated to Kildare by patent dated 19 Mch. 1742-3, and translated to Derry, being enthroned 22 July 1745. His patent as Archbishop of Armagh was dated 13 Mch. 1746-7, but he was not enthroned until 26 Sep. 1752. He died at his brother's house in Privy Garden, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Dec., in his fifty-seventh year. See his brother's marriage 17 Feb. 1736-7, and the burial of another brother 24 Dec. 1773. 3 Dau. of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, organist of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793), by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 Mch., aged seven months. 4 Relict of the Right Rev. Richard Smalbroke, D.D., Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, who died 22 Dec. 1749. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 9 Mch.. aged eighty. Her will, dated 31 Dec. 1754, was proved 21 Mch. 1765, by her son Richard Smalbroke, Doctor of Laws (see his burial 14 May 1805). Her will furnishes no clew to her own family. See the burial of another son 17 June 1797. 5 Second and youngest son of Francis Duroure (or Du Roure, as the name was originally written), a refugee French officer in Ireland, by Catherine Rieutort (or de Rieutort), who died at Southampton in 1731. He entered the army at the age of sixteen, and finally attained the rank of Lieut.-General 6 Dec. 1760. His monument describes him as Colonel of the fourth or King's Own regiment of foot, and Captain of the Castle of St. Mawes, in Cornwall, and states that he died at Toulouse, in France, 2 Jan. 1765, aged seventy-three, after fifty-seven years' service. His promotion does not appear to have been very rapid, as he only attained the colonelcy of the 38th Foot 27 Feb. 1752, when he was sixty years of age. He was transferred to the King's Own 12 May 1756, and promoted to be a Major-General 24 Jan. 1758. He married, about 3 Nov. 1748, (Mar. Lic. Fac.), Louisa Bruchell, of Hammersmith, Midx., spinster, aged above thirty-five, according to the marriage allegation, which also gives his age as above forty-eight. As he was really then fifty-six, it is probable that her age was also understated. They appear to have had no issue. She survived him, and died at Mortlake, Surrey, 10 Oct. 1780. Peter Bruchell, of Hammersmith, Esq. (perhaps her brother), was one of her husband's executors. Scipio Duroure, Adjutant-General of the British Forces, who died 10 May 1745, from the effects of wounds received at the battle of Fontenoy, was his elder and only brother, and his son Francis erected a monument to their memory in the Abbey Cloisters, on which they were eloquently and appropriately described as "two affectionate Brothers, valiant Soldiers, and sincere Christians.” 6 Only surviving son of Owen Wynne, LL.D., by Dorothy his wife (sec her burial 27 Mch. 1724, and note thereto). He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 7 July 1692. He matricu- 406 BURIALS IN 1765 June 17 Mrs. Martha Cottrill in the centre of the arch going into the Little Cloister. Master William Marshall:2 in the Dark Cloister. July 19 Aug. 6 Miss Mary Catling: in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 26 Nov. 10 2 Dec. 2 1766 Jan. Jan. William Levinz, Esq. : in a new brick grave in the North aisle. His Royal Highness Prince William-Augustus, Duke of Cum- berland, died October 31st, 1765, and was buried November 10th following in the Royal Vault. 5 Mrs. Ann Southey :6 in the South Cloister. 7 Master Thomas Gell; aged three days: close to the foundation, turning out of the South Cloister to go to the School. 4 His Royal Highness Prince Frederick-Williams (the fifth son of his late Royal Highness Frederick, Prince of Wales, deceased) died December 29th, 1765, and was buried January 4th, 1766, in the Royal Vault. lated at Oxford, from Jesus College, 23 Jan. 1708-9, and was B.A. 14 Oct. 1712, and M.A. 24 May 1723. He became a barrister-at-law, of the Middle Temple, and was advanced to the dignity of a Serjeant-at-law 17 May 1735. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 16 May, aged seventy- two. See the burials, of his wife 27 Nov. 1779, of his sons 25 Feb. 1736-7, 3 Jan. 1785, and 7 Dec. 1814, and of his sisters, 8 Dec. 1734 and 3 Apl. 1735. ¹ Wife of Benjamin Cottrell (see his burial 20 Feb. 1766). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 June, aged seventy-nine. 2 He died 16 July, aged cight years, according to the Funeral Book, which adds: "He was a Practiceing Boy in the Choir, and had the misfortune to be drowned." 3 Eldest child of John Catling, porter, bellringer, etc. (see his burial 29 May 1762), by Mary his wife (see her burial 2 Feb. 1788). See her baptism 12 Nov. 1745. She died, according to the Funcral Book, 3 Aug., aged nineteen, and was buried on her father. 4 Son of William Levinz, of the Inner Temple, Esq., M.P. for co. Notts (son of Sir Creswell Levinz, Kt., one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas), by Anne, dau. of Samuel Buck, of Gray's Inn, Midx., Esq., who were married at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Midx., 4 June 1693. He was M.P. for co. Notts from 1734 to 1747, when he was appointed a Commissioner of the Customs, and in 1763 was made Receiver-General and Cashier of the same. He died, according to his monument, 17 Aug., aged fifty-two. His will, as of Kensington Gore, Midx., Esq., dated 3 Aug. 1765, was proved on the 23rd of the same mouth. He mentioned no relations except his sister Mary, wife of Robert Sutton, of East Retford, co. Notts, Esq. He evidently died unmarried. 5 Third son and sixth child of K. George II. (see his burial 11 Nov. 1760), by Q. Caroline (see her burial 17 Dec. 1737), and born at St. James's Palace 15 Apl. 1721. He was created Duke of Cumberland, etc., 27 July 1726. He was Field-Marshal and Commander-in-Chief of the Forces, and commanded the English army at Fontenoy and Culloden. He was also F.R.S., and Chancellor of the Universities of Dublin and St. Andrew. He died unmarried. • Second wife and relict of Robert Southey, College gardener (sce his burial 31 Aug. 1722). She was appointed College gardener 23 Dec. 1723, and held that post, and also that of scavenger of the Little Cloisters, until her death. The journals of the day say that she had reached the age of one-hundred-and-two, but the Funeral Book, quoting her coffin-plate, says that she died 25 Nov., aged ninety-three. See her daughter's burial 24 Feb. 1752. 7 Infant child of Anthony Gell, afterwards Receiver-General of the Abbey (see his burial 4 Feb. 1817), by Frances his wife (sce her burial 7 Feb. 1825). The Funcral Book says that he died 28 Dec. 1765. * Fifth son and eighth child of Frederick-Louis, Prince of Wales (see his burial 13 Apl. 1751), by the Princess Augusta (see her burial 15 Feb. 1772). According to the parish register of St. Anne, Westminster, he was born 13 May, and baptized 17 June 1750, but he is given the name of Frederick only in that register. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 407 • 1766 Jan. 15 Mrs. Elizabeth Purchell 1 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Susanna-Maria Cibber :2 in the North Cloister. Feb. 6 Mr. Benjamin Cottrill :3 in the centre of the arch going into the Little Cloister. Feb. 20 Feb. 24 Mr. John Charpin : in the West Cloister. Feb. 27 March 24 May 9 Master William Cook :5 in the West Cloister. Martha Fenn :6 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Anne Thurston :7 in the North Cloister. ¹ The Funeral Book says that she died 10 Jan., aged thirty-two, and adds: "She was Mrs. Pearce's maid." The Right Rev. Zachary Pearce, Bishop of Rochester, was then Dean of Westminster. 2 Younger dau. of Thomas Arne, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., upholsterer, by his second wife, Anne Wheeler, who were married at the Chapel of the Mercers' Company, London, in April 1707, and sister of Dr. Thomas-Augustine Arne, the celebrated musical composer. She was baptized at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 28 Feb. 1713-4, and married, 21 Apl. 1734, Theophilus Cibber, the well-known actor and dramatist, to whom she was second wife, and who was drowned, on his passage to Dublin, in October 1758. They appear to have had two children, viz., Susanna, who was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 14 Feb. 1734-5, and Caius-Gabriel, who was buried there 17 Apl. 1736, both dying in infancy. In December 1738, she figured in one of the remarkable crim. con. cases of the period, her husband being the plaintiff, and William Sloper, of Woodhay; co. Berks, Esq., the defendant. The decision was against the latter, but the jury, instead of giving £5000 damages, as claimed by the plaintiff, gave him only £10, on the ground that he had connived at and consented to his own dishonour. The result was a separa- tion, she retaining the name of Cibber, and, by a formal deed, being entitled to such estate as she had already acquired, or should thereafter acquire by her profession as an actress. She referred to this deed in her will. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 31 Jan., in her fifty-first year, which is an error, as from the date of her baptism she was quite, or very nearly, fifty-two. Her will, dated 16 June 1757, was proved 15 Feb. 1766, by the said William Sloper, to whom she gave her entire real and personal estate, in trust for her two children, Charles and Susanna- Maria, when they should attain their majority, or at their marriages. She was undoubtedly the most successful tragic actress of her day, and it is but fair and just to add that the profligate and otherwise infamous character of her husband readily induced the public to condone the social offence with which she had been charged, and of which, her own will being the evidence, she was confessedly guilty. 3 "Yesterday died at his house in the Almonry, Westminster, Mr. Cotterell, upwards of one hundred years old, a man of an enormous bulk" (London Chronicle, 18 Feb. 1766). The Funeral Book, however, says that he died 17 Feb., aged eighty-seven, and was buried on his wife (see her burial 17 June 1765). As the latter quoted his coffin-plate, his age as there given is the most likely to have been correct. His will, dated 6 Jan. 1766, was proved on the day of his death, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by George Williams, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, to whom and to Elizabeth Strutton he gave all his possessions equally, but without mentioning any relationship. His name, in the will, is Cottrell. The Funeral Book says that he died 20 Feb., in his eighty-fifth year. See the burial 27 Jan. 1730-1, probably of his wife or sister. 5 Child of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, organist of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793), by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). The Funeral Book gives his age as six months and three weeks, and says that he was buried at the feet of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Shelvocke (see her burial 1 Aug. 1761). 6 The Funeral Book says a child of the beadle's," and that she died 21 Mch., aged seventeen months. See her father's burial 24 Mch. 1796, and her mother's 4 Nov. 1788. 7 The Funeral Book says that she died 4 May. Her will, as of Petty France, St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 2 May 1766, was proved on the 6th of the same month, by her friends, Mr. Joseph Newcombe, and Mr. Robert Tomlinson, of Throgmorton Street, London, Gent., to 408 BURIALS IN 1766 July 25 The Right Hon. Diana, Countess of Mountrath¹ in a new vault made in Holles Chapel for her and her late husbaud, the Right Hon. Algernon Coote, Earl of Mountrath, whose remains were removed on the same day from the Duke of Argyle's vault in King Henry the 7th's Chapel and deposited in the said new vault. Sept. 19 Nov. 2 1767 Feb. 5 March 16 Colonel John Brown :2 in the East Cloister. Mrs. Terisa Sciaccaluga :3 in the East Cloister. 4 Miss Theodora-Henrietta Morgan: in the North Cloister. Mrs. Lucia Bourne 5 in the North Cloister. whom she gave all her real and personal estate, in trust, except her house and meadow adjoining, called "Penponteraro," in the Island of Anglesey, the yearly revenue from which was to go to six poor widows in that island. Her only other bequests were £50 to her friend Owen Meyrick, Esq., M.P. for Anglesey, and £20 to Mrs. Sarah Alexander. 1 Lady Diana Newport, youngest dau. of Richard, second Earl of Bradford, by Mary, dau. of Sir Thomas Wilbraham, third Bart. of Woodhey, co. Chester, and relict of Algernon Coote, sixth Earl of Mountrath (see his burial 7 Sep. 1744), to whom married 28 Nov. 1721. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 July, aged seventy. In her will, dated 9 June and proved 27 Nov. 1766, she directed the removal of her husband's remains, as stated in the text, bequeathing £2500 for the expenses of the new vault and a monument. 2 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 Sep., aged fifty-seven. The journals of the day describe him as an officer on half-pay. He appears to have died intestate. 3 The Funeral Book describes her as the wife of Joseph-Gactan Sciaccaluga, merchant, and says that she died 27 Oct., aged sixteen years, adding the words "Requiescat in pace," evidently from her coffin-plate. A marriage license was granted by the Vicar-General, 4 Apl. 1766, for Joseph-Gactan Sciaccalugga, of St. Peter-le-Poor, London, bachelor, aged twenty-one and up- wards, and Maria-Teresa Valle, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., spinster, aged fifteen years and upwards, with the consent of her father Bartolomco Valle, of the same parish, merchant. 4 Dau. of Rev. Dr. David-Walter Morgan, minor canon of the Abbey (see his burial Mch. 1795). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 2 Feb., aged eleven days, and was buried in the same grave with her brother and sister (see their burials 17 July 1763 and 19 Aug. 1762). 5 Relict of Vincent Bourne, the well-known Latin poet, and Usher of Westminster School. The Funeral Book says that she died 7 Mch., aged seventy-six, and was buried in the grave of Mr. George Jewell (see his burial 9 June 1725), who was her first husband, and she was his executrix. They do not appear to have been long married, and she evidently had no issue by him. After remaining a widow nearly two years, she was married to Vincent Bourne, at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 25 Mch. 1727. In the marriage allegation, at the Faculty Office, dated 14 Mch., he was described as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., a bachelor, aged thirty-two, and she as of the same parish, a widow, aged above thirty. She was, however, according to her age as stated on her coffin-plate, four years his senior. They evidently had only two children, viz., Thomas, who was born 28 Jan., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 2 Feb., 1727-8, and Lucia, who was born the 7th, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 20 Nov., 1729, and who eventually became a sister of St. Katharine's Hospital, London (see her burial 11 Mch. 1807). Vincent Bourne died 2 Dcc. 1747, and was buried on the 5th of the same month in the churchyard of Fulham, Midx. He made his will 25 Dec. 1727, the year of his marriage, simply giving all his goods to his wife Lucia, appointing her his executrix, and directing to be buried, "with privacy, in some neighbouring churchyard." In a codicil, dated 24 Feb. 1745-6, he stated that God had blessed him with two children, Thomas and Lucia, both by his wife Lucia, and gave cach an Exchequer order of £500; also bequeathing to his wife his right to a farm in St. Andrew's parish, near Bungay, co. Suffolk, the house he had built at Millbank, West- minster, and another house in Barton Street, as well as all the rest of his personalty. By another codicil, dated 12 Mch. 1746-7, in which he stated that his son Thomas had been provided with a WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 409 1767 April 23 Jane, Duchess of Argyle and Greenwich;¹ died the 16th, aged 84 in the same vault with the Duke, at the entrance into the Duke of Buckinghamshire's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. May 2 Elizabeth Hutton, otherwise Thompson, who died suddenly in Dean's Yard 2 in the Dark Cloister, at the expense of the Dean and Chapter. June 30 30 Elizabeth, widow of the Hon. Colonel Tomkyn Wardour 3 in the middle aisle. 4 July 13 Miss Catherine-Elizabeth Fleming on her father, in the middle aisle. Oct. 23 Mrs. Anne Billinghurst:5 in the Dark Cloister. Nov. His Royal Highness Edward-Augustus, Duke of York (second son of his late Royal Highness Frederick, Prince of Wales, deceased) died September 17th, in his 28th year, and was buried in the Royal Vault. second-lieutenancy in the Marine service, and fitted out for an East Indian voyage, he revoked the former bequest of £500 to him, and added it to the portion of his daughter Lucia, giving him instead the reversion of the farm in Suffolk and the house at Millbank, after his mother's death. The will was proved 22 Dec. 1747, by the relict Lucia, who appears to have died intestate, and no trace of her family history has been obtained. The son Thomas evidently died before his sister, as he was not named in her will, and she bequeathed the house in Millbank, which had been occupied by Admiral Ommaney and was then in the tenancy of his widow. ¹ Dau. of Thomas Warburton, of Winnington, co. Chester, Esq., and second wife and relict of John Campbell, second Duke of Argyll and created Duke of Greenwich (see his burial 15 Oct. 1743), to whom married 6 June 1717. She had been one of the Maids of Honour to Q. Anne. She died, according to her coffin-plate (exposed in 1869), 16 Apl., aged eighty-four. See the burials of her daughters, 25 Jan. 1794 and 11 Oct. 1811. 2 The Funeral Book says that she "dropped down dead in Dean's Yard on April 28th, and was buried after an inquest." 3 See her husband's burial 22 Feb. 1752. They were married at St. James, Westminster, 14 Apl. 1730. In the marriage allegation, at the Faculty office, dated 14 Apl., she was described as Elizabeth Jones, of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., widow. Her maiden name appears to have been Bourne. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 23 June, aged seventy-nine. Her will, dated 27 Feb. 1752, with a codicil 21 Feb. 1757, was proved 7 July 1767, by her sister, Mary Bourne, spinster, residuary legatee. 4 Second dau. of Sir John Fleming, Bart. (see his burial 21 Feb. 1764), by Dame Jane his wife, afterwards Baroness Harewood (see her burial 19 Apl. 1813). She died, according to her monument, 7 July, aged ten years. 5 The Funeral Book calls her "a servant of Mr. Rice," and says that she died 17 Oct., aged seventy-two. See the burial of John Rice, 5 Feb. 1768. In his will, dated before her death, he had named her as one of his residuary legatees, but without stating any relationship. Her will, dated 26 May 1762, then of St. Marylebone, Midx., was proved 27 Oct. 1767, by her sister Mary, wife of Daniel Bowls, of Saffron Hill, St. Andrew's, Holborn, to whom she bequeathed £100 and the residue of her goods. Her only other bequests were £50 each to her nieces Elizabeth Bonner and Mary Bonner, when of full age. 6 Second son and third child of Frederick-Louis, Prince of Wales (see his burial 13 Apl. 1751), by the Princess Augusta (see her burial 15 Feb. 1772). He was born 14 Mch. 1738-9, and baptized at Norfolk House, St. James's Square, 11 Apl. following. He was created Duke of York, etc., 1 Apl. 1760. He died, unmarried, at Monaco, of a malignant fever. His remains reached the Nore 30 Oct., and were brought to the Jerusalem Chamber 2 Nov. His age is erro- neously stated in the text, as he was really in his twenty-ninth year, 3 G 410 BURIALS IN 5 Harry Pulteney, Esq., late General of H. M.'s Forces ; died Oct. 26th, in his 81st year in the Bath vault in Islip Chapel. Mrs. Mary Dennis:2 in the West Cloister. 1767 Nov. Dec. 24 1768 Jan. 16 Feb. 5 March 13 The Right Rev Dr. William Barnard, Bishop of Derry in the kingdom of Ireland; died the 10th, in his 72nd year: in Islip Chapel. Mr. John Rice:4 in the South Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Rose 5 in the East Cloister. March 21 Mrs Elizabeth Perry:6 in the Cloister leading to the School. April 18 Mr. William Seymore :7 in the Dark Cloister. 1 Second son of Colonel William Pulteney, by his first wife Mary Floyd, and younger brother of William, Earl of Bath (see his burial 17 July 1764), to whose large estates he succeeded. He served abroad during Q. Anne's wars, and attained the rank of Colonel 3 Aug. 1733, Major-General 3 July 1743, Licut.-General 8 Aug. 1747, and General 22 Feb. 1765. He died 26 Oct., in his eighty-first year, when the Bath estates went to his kinswoman Frances Pultency (see her burial 8 June 1782). 2 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 21 Dcc., aged sixty-cight. 3 Son of John Barnard, of the Middle Temple, Esq., and of Clapham, co. Surrey, where he was buried 19 Mch. 1710-11, by Isabella his wife, also buried there 5 May 1736. He was of Trinity College, Cambridge, A.B. 1720, A.M. 1724, and S.T.P. 1710. He became Rector of Esher, co. Surrey, in 1726, was installed Prebendary of Westminster 4 Oct. 1732, became Vicar of St. Bride's, London, in 1739, Dean of Rochester 5 May 1743, and was consecrated Bishop of Raphoe, in Ireland, 19 Aug. 1714, and translated to Derry by patent dated 19 Mch. 1746-7. He married Anne, dau, of Andrew Stone, of London, the eminent banker, and sister of the Most Rev. George, Archbishop of Armagh (see his burial 28 Dec. 1764), and of Andrew Stone, Esq. (see his burial 24 Dec. 1773), who survived him. 4 He was appointed a bell-ringer 23 Nov. 1736, and porter of the Great Cloister and back gate, and keeper of the water, 4 Nov. 1738 (Chapter Book). The Funeral Book calls him "first porter," and says that he died 1 Feb., aged seventy. His will, as of Dean's Yard, dated 10 Mch. 1764, was proved 30 Mch. 1768, by William Boyce, Dr. of Music, and John Bacon, as attornies for his son and only next of kin, John Rice, then residing at New York, in North America (see his burial 24 Mch. 1808). He stated that his wife Ann was then abroad, and he did not know if she were alive, but that, if she should return to England within seven years after his death, she was to have £50. His other bequests were £200 to his son John, £50 to his sister Nast Griffith, widow, £20 to her eldest daughter Mary Griffith, £10 to her daughter Elizabeth Griffith, and £10 to his nephew Thomas Griffith. 5 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 March. Her will, as of Christ Church, in the parish of St. Margaret, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, spinster, dated 19 June 1767, was proved 4 May 1768. She bequeathed £50 to Capt. John Sandys (see his burial 28 Mch. 1774), and to his wife Elizabeth-Mary £50, her watch, plate, Japan and China ware, etc.; to her godchild Hannibal, son of Mr. William Sandys, £10 when fourteen years of age; to Mr. Joseph Man, of Christ Church aforesaid, £20; and the residue of her estate to Thomas Fonnerean, of Christ Church aforesaid, Esq., Zachary-Philip Fonnereau, of London, Esq., and his sons Mr. Martin Fonnereau and Mr. Thomas Fonnereau, in trust for the separate use of said Elizabeth-Mary Sandys, for her life, with remainder to her children; but, if she should have no issue, then to her said trustees in succession. No relationships are named in the will. 6 The Funeral Book says Mrs. Perry was the wife of the College gardener," and that she died 16 Mch., in her thirty-second year. See her husband's burial 21 Dec. 1804. She was evidently his first wife. 7 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed a bell-ringer 8 Jan. 1744-5, a sacrist 3 May 1748, and a verger 22 Dec. 1755, and held the two latter posts at his death. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Apl., in his fifty-second year. His relict Esther administered WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 411 1768 May May 21 Her Royal Highness Princess Louisa-Anne¹ (third daughter of his late Royal Highness Frederick, Prince of Wales, deceased) died May 13th, in her 20th year, and was buried in the Royal vault. 1769 Aug. 12 Dec. Jan. 27 13 Feb. 23 April 1 Mr. John Taylor :2 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Mary Cobbe :3 in the North-west Cloister. Master George-Henry Williams : in the Dark Cloister. William Belasyse, Esq.; died the 11th, in his 72nd year: in St. Paul's Chapel. The Right Hon. James Oswald, Esq.; died March 24th, in his 54th year in the North aisle. April 24 Miss Margaret Fleming; died the 17th, aged seven years: in the brick grave with her father, in the middle aisle. May 23 The Right Hon. Lady Mary De Rohan Chabot, eldest daughter of William, Earl of Stafford ; died the 16th, aged 48: in St. Edmund's Chapel. to his estate 29 Apl. 1768: see her burial 13 Mch. 1793, and the burials, of his son 10 Jan. 1759, and of his daughter 5 Dec. 1760. Another son, William, their only surviving child, died in his mother's lifetime. ¹ Third dau. and seventh child of Frederick-Louis, Prince of Wales (see his burial 13 Apl. 1751), by the Princess Augusta (see her burial 15 Feb. 1772). According to the parish register of St. Anne, Westminster, she was born 8 Mch. 1748-9, and baptized 1 Apl. following. She died at Carlton House, according to the journals of the day, "of a decline.” 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 10 Aug., aged fourteen years and nine months, and adds: “was one of the choristers, and had the misfortune to be drowned." The London Chronicle, of 11 Aug. 1768, says: "Last night, as Master Taylor, one of the Singing Boys belonging to the Choir at Westminster, was washing, off the wooden bridge at Westminster, in the Thames, he was drowned." 3 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 24 Dcc., aged seventy-five. 4 The Funeral Book gives his age as thirteen months, and says that "he was grandson to Mr. Williams, one of the almsmen " (see his burial 3 Oct. 1777). See the burial, probably of his brother, 28 Dec. 1753. 5 Of Brancepeth Castle, co. Durham, son and heir of Sir Henry Belasyse, Kt. (see his burial 21 Dec. 1717), by Fleetwood his second wife (see her burial 4 Mch. 1732-3). See the burials, of his wife 3 Aug. 1735, and of their only child 16 Apl. 1774. 6 Son of James Oswald, the younger, of Dunnikier, co. Fife, Esq., by Anne his wife (see her burial 5 Apl. 1762). He was born in 1715, and christened, according to the Kirkcaldy register, 12 Scp. in that year. He was M.P. for the Kirkcaldy Burghs, and co. Fife, from 1741 to 1768, and was successively Lord of the Treasury, Treasurer of Ireland, and Commissioner of the Navy, in the reigns of Kings George II. and III. See the burials, of his wife 28 Sep. 1779, and of his grandson 12 June 1819, and the marriage of his great-grand-daughter, Lady Augusta Bruce, 22 Dec. 1863. 7 Fourth and youngest dau. of Sir John Fleming, Bart. (sce his burial 21 Feb. 1764), by Dame Jane his wife, afterwards Baroness Harewood (sce her burial 19 Apl. 1813). In her father's will she was called Margaret-Mary, as also iu the record of administration to her estate, by her mother, 9 May 1774, and her second name is evidently an omission in the Abbey Register. 8 Dau. of William Stafford Howard, second Earl of Stafford, who died in Paris, Jan. 1733-4, and was buried in Notre Dame, by his cousin Anne, dau. of George Holman, Esq. She was an inmate of the Convent at Hammersmith, Midx., in 1722, with her nurse Mrs. Cooper. She married the Count De Rohan Chabot, whom she survived, and left no issue. In her will, dated 18 Mch. and proved 26 May 1769, she called herself "The Honourable Lady Maria-Appollonia- Scholastica De Rohan Chabot," but signed it simply "Mary Chabot." 412 BURIALS IN 1769 May 29 Mr. Thomas-Ralph Winstanley':¹ in the East Cloister. June 2 Miss Ann Gell;2 aged three months: close to the foundation turning out of the South Cloister towards the School. Master George Barrow :3 in the North Cloister. Mr. Thomas Stephens : in the South Cloister. Elizabeth Caldwall:5 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Catharine Ward:6 in the West Cloister. Peter Palmer :7 in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 4 Aug. 17 Sept. 6 Oct. 12 Nov. 11 1770 Jan. 25 March 22 May 8 Mrs. Elizabeth Finny :8 in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Frances Gayfere;9 aged 40: in the West Cloister. Miss Maria Ladd;10 aged 11 years and 5 months: in the West Cloister. 1 Son of Rev. Thomas Winstanley (scc his burial 13 Feb. 1789), by Silvia his wife (see her burial 28 July 1799). He was born 30 Aug., and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, West- minster, 23 Sep. 1748. He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1761, and elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1766. He died, according to the Funeral Book and his monument, 21 May, in his twenty-first year. 2 Child of Anthony Gell, afterwards Receiver-General of the Abbey (see his burial 4 Feb. 1817), by Frances his wife (see her burial 7 Feb. 1825). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 30 May, and was buried on her brother (sce his burial 2 Jan. 1766). 3 Son of Mr. Thomas Barrow, one of the Abbey choir (scc his burial 17 Aug. 1789), by Mary his wife (see her burial 16 June 1810). He died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Aug., aged thirteen months. 4 The Funeral Book says that he died 13 Aug., in his seventeenth year, and adds: "he was a King's Scholar, and was drowned." He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1768, and a note in the College records says that he was drowned at Richmond. See a burial 28 Dec. 1750. 5 Probably dau. of Jeremiah Caldwall (see the burials 16 Sep. 1714 and 3 Dec. 1728, and notes thereto), and certainly dau. of Elizabeth Caldwall (sec her burial 1 July 1771). She died, according to the Funcral Book, 3 Sep., aged thirty-nine. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 10 Oct., aged eighty-three, and was buried on Mr. James Chelsum (sce his burial 10 Aug. 1743). She was a sister of his widow, Mary Chelsum. Her will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, spinster, dated 18 Jan. 1769, was proved 21 Oct. following, by said Mary Chelsum, to whom she left all her goods, except her apparel and linen, which she gave to her nieces Anna and Mary King. 7 The Funeral Book says that he died 9 Nov., aged eighteen years, and adds "He was servant Boy of Dr. Ballard's" (i. o. of Rev. Reeve Ballard, one of the Prebendaries of West- ø. minster, who does not, however, appear then to have had a Doctor's degree). 8 Probably wife or sister of Thomas Finny (sce his burial 19 Dec. 1776). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Jan., aged eighty-six. 9 Wife of Thomas Gayfere, mason of the Abbey (see his burial 10 April 1812). Both the Funeral Book and her monument say that she died the 22nd and was buried the 27th of March. The date in the text is therefore an error. Sec her daughter's burial 30 June 1807. 10 Dau. and evidently only child of Nicholas Lade, one of the Abbey choir. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 May. Her father died at Windsor 9 July 1783, and was described in the journals of the day as “Mr. Nicholas Ladd, senior gentleman of H.M.'s Chapel Royal at St. James, a member of St. Peter's, Westminster, father of the choir of H.M.'s free Chapel of St. George in Windsor Castle, and a member of the Collegiate Chapel of Eton." He was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal 15 Aug. 1743. His will (signed Nicholas Lade), as of Windsor Castle, Gent., dated 2 June 1783, was proved 18 Sep. following, by his relict Frances. He directed to be buried, if he died in London, in the Abbey Cloister, near his said daughter and her grandmother (sce her burial, as Mrs. Mary Smith, 17 Sep. 1773). He bequeathed his real WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 413 1770 July 23 July 30 1771 Feb. 28 April 8 Mrs. Catharine Strutt ;¹ aged 38: in the East Cloister. Mr. Charles-Reimerd Watkins ;2 in his 29th year: in the West Cloister. Mrs. Mary Kempster ;3 in her 38th year: in the North Cloister. Miss Louisa-Frances Morgan ;* aged four months: in the North Cloister. April 13 The Right Hon. Harriot, Baroness Bingley, wife of the Right Hon. George, Lord Bingley;5 died the 7th in St. Paul's Chapel. May 15 June 1 Mr. Richard Gaven ;6 aged 71: in the South Cloister. William Markham, Esq.;7 in his 86th year: in the North Cloister. estate to his wife absolutely, and also the interest of £150 for her life, after which the principal was to go to Hannah Lade, widow of his deceased brother Charles Lade, her three daughters, Frances, Ann, and Hannah Lade, and his niece Frances Deloe. If his nephew Charles Lade, who was at Madras when last heard from, should return to England, he was to have his musical books and instruments. 1 First wife of Samuel Strutt, Esq., Assistant-Clerk of the House of Lords (see his burial 31 Jan. 1785). She died, according to the Funeral Book and her monument, 17 July. Her dau. Lydia (who evidently died young) was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 25 July 1756, and in that register she is called Katharine-Ruth. 2 Son and apparently only child of Reimerd Watkins (see his burial 8 Oct. 1742), by Anne his wife. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 25 May 1744, after his father's death, being then, according to the parish register, in his twelfth year. His age, therefore, is errone- ously stated in the text, as he was really in his thirty-ninth year at his death. This is further proved by the facts that in 1751, according to the will of his aunt Philippa Watkins (see her burial 13 Sep. in that year), he was already an apprentice, and that he was admitted to Gray's Inn 23 Nov. 1758, when, if only twenty-eight at his death, he would have been respectively only nine and seventeen years of age, much too young for either event. His wife. also, would have been in one case only seven years his senior, which is reasonable, while in the other she would have been seventeen, which is not so reasonable (see her burial 26 Oct. 1807). He died, according to the Funeral Book, 22 July. The journals of the day describe him as of Ware, Herts, and say that he died at his apartments in Cold-Bath Square. His will, as of Ware, Gent., dated 7 June 1769, was proved 26 July 1770, by his relict Anne, to whom he left his entire estate, except a few small legacies to her relations. 3 The Funeral Book describes her as the wife of John Kempster, Esq., and says that she died 5 Feb. Child of Rev. Dr. David-Walter Morgan, minor cauon of the Abbey (see his burial Mch. 1795), by Mary his wife. The Funeral Book says that she was buried in the same grave with her brother (see his burial 17 July 1763). 5 Harriot Benson, only dau. and heir of Robert, Lord Bingley (see his burial 14 Apl. 1731), by Lady Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 11 Mch. 1757). She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 4 Feb. 1704-5, and was married, at Somerset House Chapel, 12 July 1731, to George Fox, Esq., who afterwards assumed the additional surname of Lane, and was created Baron Bingley 13 May 1762. She died at Bath, according to the journals of the day, aged sixty-three, but was really in her sixty-seventh year. Her husband died 22 Feb. 1773, when the title became extinct, their only son dying in his lifetime, without issue. • He died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 May. His will, as of Princess Court, St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 19 Aug. 1766, was proved 27 May 1771, by his relict Jane (see her burial 21 Nov. 1775) and his dau. Mary Anne (see her burial 3 Feb. 1810), who were his only legatees. 7 The Funeral Book calls him "Major William Markham," and says that he died 27 May. He was the eldest son of Daniel Markham, of Kinsale, Ireland, Esq. (descended from the ancient 414 BURIALS IN 1771 June June 13 Mr. James Hindes¹ died June 5th, 1770, aged 63, and was removed out of St. Margaret's churchyard June 13th, 1771, into the North Cloister. Mr. Thomas Spencer;2 aged 74: in the Dark Cloister. : Master William Russell; aged 14 months in the Cloister leading to the School. June 20 June 24 July 1 July 16 Sept. [13] Mrs. Elizabeth Caldwall; aged 71: in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Dorothy Butler; aged 54: in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Mary Salt ; aged 59: in the South Cloister. Oct. 18 Oct. Jane Willes; died the 9th, aged 76: in a new brick grave within the North iron gates of the Tombs. .8 29 Richard Warburton, Esq. ; aged 80: in the South Cloister. family of his name at Cotham, co. Notts), formerly a Colonel in the army, by Elizabeth, dau. of Captain William Fennell, of Cappagh, co. Kilkenny, whose wife is said to have been a dau. of Bridget Fleetwood, daughter of Oliver Cromwell. He was born at Kilkenny in 1686, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He entered the army in 1710, and went to Halifax, Nova Scotia, as major of his regiment, in 1749, where he remained several years, and is said to have erected the first house in that place. He married, in 1717, his distant kinswoman, Elizabeth. dau. of George Markham, of Worksop Lodge, co. Notts, who died 17 July 1732, leaving issue three sons and one daughter. See the burials of his sons, 2 Jan. and 6 Feb. 1801, and 11 Nov. 1807. 1 He was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 11 June 1770. His will, dated 5 Oct. 1769, was proved 7 June 1770, by his relict Mary (see her burial 19 Jan. 1795); sole legatcc. 2 The Funcral Book says "an almsman," and that he died 16 June. 3 The Funeral Book says a child of a bell-ringer," and that he died 20 Junc. Sce his father's burial 20 Feb. 1781. 4 The Funeral Book says "she was the Quire cleaner," and that she died 27 June, and was buried on her daughter (see her burial 6 Sep. 1769). She was probably the wife or widow of Jeremiah Caldwall (see the burials 16 Sep. 1714 and 3 Dec. 1728, and notes thereto). 5 The Funeral Book says "she was an almsman's wife," and that she died 9 July. See the burials, of her husbaud 12 Sep. 1775, of her daughter 25 June 1764, and of her sons, 28 July 1823 and 4 June 1838. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 7 Sep., and was buried the 13th, thus supplying the omission in the Register. Her will, as of Northumberland Street, Strand, dated 29 Dec. 1766, was proved 15 June 1772, by Robert Baldy, of the same street, Esq., to whom she gave all her china, except her coloured punch bowl, which she gave to her friend Mr. John Jones, of Dean's Yard, Westminster. To her sister Elizabeth Cresswell she bequeathed a guinea ring, and the residue of her estate equally to her sons Sampson Salt and James Salt. 7 Second dau. of Henry White, of the city of Oxford, draper, one of the aldermen of that city (son of Sir Sampson White, Kt., Mayor of Oxford), by Catharine, dau. of William Wright, also an alderman of Oxford. She was baptized at St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, 19 June 1695, and married there, in the Chapel of Merton College, 2 Feb. 1718-19, to Rev. Edward Willes, afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells (see his burial 1 Dec. 1773). An amusing account of the marriage will be found in Reliquice IIearnianæ, edit. 1869, ii. 89. See the baptisms of her children, 24 May 1726, 29 June 1727, 26 June 1728, 10 Mch. 1729-30, 20 Dec. 1731, and 11 Mch. 1732-3, and the burials, of her daughter 5 June 1742, and of her sons, 10 July 1735, 2 Jan. 1813, and 10 Nov. 1827. • Eldest son of Richard Warburton, of Garryhinch, King's county, Ireland, M.P. for Portar- lington from 1692 to 1715, by Elizabeth, dan. of Johu Pigott, Esq. The Funeral Book, which says that he died 23 Oct., also gives his age as cighty, although he is said to have been born 6 Dec. 1696. He had been many years M.P. for Queen's county. He died at his apartments in Jermyn Street, according to the journals of the day, unmarried, having devised Garryhinch and his other estates to his fourth brother, Peter Warburton, Esq. He descended from the ancient family of his name at Warburton, co. Chester. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 415 1771 Nov. 22 1772 Jan. 28 Admiral Charles Drummond ; aged 90: in the East Cloister. Master Benjamin Cooke 2 aged 10 years and 6 months in the West Cloister. : Feb. 15 Her Royal Highness Princess Augusta, relict of his late Royal Highness Frederick-Lewis, Prince of Wales, and mother of his present Majesty King George the 3rd;³ died Feb. 8th, aged 53 in the royal vault. Feb. May 4 18 The Right Hon. Mary-Ann, Marchioness of Montondre ; died the 5th, aged 89: in a vault in the North aisle of the Tombs, near the monument of Esther De la Tour. 5 4 Master George Newton; aged 12 years: in the Cloister leading to the School. May 9 June 16 Aug. 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Temple ; died the 1st, aged 86: in the South aisle. Miss Mary Ann Cotton;7 aged 8 months: in the Dark Cloister. Mr. Jacob Frances; aged 69: in the Dark Cloister. 1 According to Drummond's Noble Families (ii. 24), he was a son of James Drummond, of Pitzallonie, Scotland, who died in 1711, by Isabella Murray (or Moray), of Glentarf, widow of another James Drummond, of Monzie. He attained his seniority 12 Jan. 1735-6, and was super- annuated 21 July 1747, with the rank and half-pay of a rear-admiral. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 Nov. His will, as of Park Prospect, Westminster, dated the 1st, with a codicil 5 Nov. 1771, was proved on the 29th of the same month, by his brother Gavin Drummond, Esq. (see his burial 22 Feb. 1773), and by William Drummond, of Sackville Street, wine merchant. He mentioned no other relations, and his bequests were of a trifling character. 2 Son of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, organist of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793), by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1781). He was born 13 Aug., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 15 Oct. 1761. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 25 Jan. 3 Youngest dau. of Frederic II., Duke of Saxe-Gotha, by Magdalen-Augusta, dau. of Charles- William, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst. She was born 30 Nov. 1719, and married at St. James's Palace, 8 May 1736, Frederick-Louis, Prince of Wales (see his burial 13 Apl. 1751). According to her coffin-plate, she died in her fifty-third year. See the burials of her children, 14 Sep. 1759, 4 Jan. 1766, 3 Nov. 1767, 21 May 1768, and 28 Sep. 1790. Her eldest son, King George III., was buried at Windsor. 4 Dau. of Ezekiel, Baron of Spanheim, Prussian Ambassador (see his burial 18 Nov. 1710), by Anna-Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 19 Jan. 1707-8), and relict of Francis De la Rochefoucauld, Marquis de Montandre (see his burial 15 Aug. 1739), to whom married, at St. James, Westminster, 21 Apl. 1710. She was a notable personage in English society to the end of her life, and many anecdotes concerning her will be found in the diaries and correspondence of the period. 5 The Funeral Book says that he was "one of the choristers," and died 1 May. Eldest dau. of John Temple, Esq. (only son of Sir William Temple, Bart.: see his burial 1 Feb. 1698-9), who drowned himself near London Bridge 18 Apl. 1689, by Mary, dau. of M. Du Plessis Rambouillet. She married her kinsman. John Temple, of Moor Park, co. Surrey, Esq. (see his burial 20 Feb. 1752). Her will, dated 13 Feb. 1760, with several codicils, the last being dated 9 July 1771, was proved 15 May 1772, by her nephew Basil Bacon, Esq., to whom and to his brothers and sisters, children of her only sister Dorothy, who married Nicholas Bacon, of Shrubland. Hall, co. Suffolk, Esq., she left, with a few trifling exceptions, her entire estate. Her children were evidently all dead. 7 The Funeral Book says "an almsman's child," and that she died 13 June. See her father's burial 16 Oct. 1800, and her mother's 2 Jan. 1793. 8 Rightly Francis. According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed a bell-ringer 4 Nov. 1738, which post he resigned 14 Mch. 1745-6 and was made a verger. He resigned, as first 416 BURIALS IN 1772 Oct. Dec. 1773 Jan. 1 19 Miss Catharine Ayrton; aged three months: in the North Cloister. 28 Christopher Steigner Jr., Esq., of Berne in Switzerland; 2 in his 20th year in the East Cloister. : Mr. John Dove; aged 38: in the South Cloister. 3 6 Feb. 22 April 3 4 Gavin Drummond, Esq. ; aged 85: in the East Cloister. Mrs. Sarah Lane 5 died March 27th, aged 76: buried on her father Sir Richard Lane, in the vault in the North aisle of the Tombs, near the monument of Esther De la Tour. April 10 Mr. Thomas-Auriol Drummond; in his 21st year in the South Cloister. verger, 22 Apl. 1768, and was appointed a sacrist, which post he held until his death. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 29 July, and was buried in the grave of his first wife (see her burial 1 Dec. 1756). His will, dated 23 Mch. 1772, was proved 5 Sep. following, by Joseph Wilcocks, of Barton, co. Northampton, Esq., whom he called his honoured master. After the death of his wife Susanna (see her burial 9 Sep. 1801), his estate was to be divided between his brother John Francis, of Maldon, co. Essex, and his kinswoman Elizabeth Royse, and their children. See the burials, probably, of his sister 6 Dec. 1716, and of his brother 23 Feb. 1720-1. ¹ Dau. of Edmund Ayrton, Doctor of Music (sce his burial 28 May 1808), by Ann his wife (see her burial 23 May 1800). She was born 9 July, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 12 Aug. preceding. She died, according to her coffin-plate, 16 Oct. 2 According to the Funcral Book and his monument, he was eldest son of Christopher Steigner, Prefect of Thun and one of the Council of Berne, in Switzerland, and died 23 Dec. He matriculated at Oxford, from University College, 8 May 1771, aged seventeen. The tablet to his memory having become dilapidated, a new one was erected by his countrymen in 1866. 3 The Funeral Book says that he died 2 Jan. His will, as of the Bowling Alley, St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, victualler, dated 1 Jan. 1773, was proved on the 9th of the same month, by his relict Mary, besides whom he only mentioned his nephew John, minor son of his brother William Dove. 4 Younger brother of Rear-Admiral Charles Drummond (see his burial 22 Nov. 1771, and note thereto). The Funeral Book says that he died 15 Feb., and was buried on his brother. His will, as of Park Prospect, St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 18 Dec. 1771, with a codicil 26 Sep. 1772, was proved 19 June 1773, by William Drummond, attorney of John Rutherford, of Perth, North Britain, Writer, whom he appointed executor in trust for his second son, who was to be his sole heir on condition of assuming the name of Drummond, and investing the money left him in an estate to be called Strageath, or Drummond of Strageath. His other personal bequests were to Anna-Helena Stuart, dau. of his late half-sister Catharine; the children of his late half-sister Margaret; his kinswoman Anna Callendar, formerly Hally; John Drummond of Kelty and his brother Gavin Drummond; and his kinsman William Drummond, of Sackville Street, wine merchant. He also left legacies to numerous charities, and to the poor of Muthill, in Perthshire, especially those of the barony of Strageath in that parish. 5 Dau. of Sir Richard Lane, Kt. (see his burial 4 Apl. 1756), by Dame Sarah his wife (see her burial 4 Oct. 1733). Her will, as of Abingdon Street, St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 16 July 1772, was proved 1 Apl. 1773, by her sister Mary Lane (see her burial 16 Dec. 1780). She provided, in case her sister should die before her, that her estates should go to the family of the late Lord Chief Justice Willes, but without intimating any relationship between them. Among other charitable bequests was one of £100 to the poor of Burnham, co. Bucks. She died unmarried. 6 Second son of the Right Rev. Robert Hay-Drummond, Archbishop of York (who was installed Prebendary of Westminster 29 Apl. 1743), by Henrietta, dau. of Peter Auriol, of London, merchant. He was born 7 Aug. 1752, and matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 417 1773 June 19 Mr. John Page;¹ aged 42: in the Cloister leading to the School. June 23 Rachell Stephens;² aged 72: in the Cloister leading to the School. July 14 The Right IIon. James, Lord Cranston ;³ died the 8th, aged 70: in the South Cross. July 27 John Smith (son of Samuel Smith, First Master of Westminster School); died the 21st, aged 17 months: in the North Cross. Mr. George West ;5 aged 52: in the West Cloister. Mrs. Mary Smith;6 in her 86th year in the West Cloister. Oct. 20 Lady Dowager Elizabeth Rich, relict of the late Sir Robert Rich, Bart. ; died the 13th, aged 81: in the North Cross. Aug. 28 Sept. 17 8 : Nov. 23 Bernard Gates, Esq.; aged 88: in the North Cloister. (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster). 24 May 1769. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 Apl., and was buried under the monument of his uncle, the Hon. and Rev. John Hay (see his burial 26 June 1751). Probably a son of Richard Page, College paviour (see his burial 12 Apl. 1731), and brother of John Page (sce his burial 28 May 1730). According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed a bell-ringer 8 June 1762, but resigned and was appointed second verger 22 Apl. 1768, which post he held at his death. The Funeral Book says that he died 15 June. 2 The Funeral Book calls her "wife of Mr. Stevens, one of the almsmen," and says that she died 17 June. See her husband's burial 5 July 1793. 3 James Cranstoun, cldest son of William, fifth Lord Cranstoun, by Lady Jane Kerr, second dau. of William, second Marquis of Lothian. He succeeded as sixth Lord Cranstoun 27 Jan. 1726-7, and married Sophia, dau. of Jeremiah Brown, of Abscourt, co. Surrey, Esq., who remarried, 10 Nov. 1773, only four months after his death, Michael Lade, Esq., and died 26 Oct. 1779. his son's burial 6 Aug. 1778. See 4 Second son of Rev. Dr. Samuel Smith (see his burial 31 Mch. 1808), by his first wife. Anna (see her burial 4 Dec. 1789). See his baptism 7 Mch. 1772. 5 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 22 Aug. His will, as of St. Margaret's, West- minster, apothecary, dated 11 July 1771, was proved 27 Aug. 1773, by his relict Sarah (see her burial 26 Jan. 1784), to whom he left all his estate, except £100 and an annuity of £20 to his cousin Frances Hussey. The Funeral Book says that she was the mother-in-law of Mr. Nicholas Lade, one of the gentlemen of the choir, and that she died 10 Sep., and was buried in the grave of her grand- daughter, Miss Maria Lade (see her burial 8 May 1770, and note thereto). 7 Dau. and coheir of Edward Griffith, Esq., one of the Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth, by Elizabeth, dau. of Dr. Thomas Lawrence, first physician to Q. Anne, and relict of Sir Robert Rich, fourth Bart. of London, Field-Marshal, etc., who died 1 Feb. 1768. Her sister Anne married William Stanhope, first Earl of Harrington. She died, according to the journals of the day, at her house in Cleveland Row, St. James, Westminster. 8 Second son of Bernard Gates, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Gent., whose will, dated 9 Aug. 1702, was proved 21 May 1718, in the Court of the Dean and Chapter, by Mary his wife, whose will, dated 22 June 1724, was proved in the same Court 1 June 1725. They left surviving three children, viz., Gabriel-Abel, Bernard, and Eleanor. The latter. who was unmarried at the date of her father's will, at that of her mother's was the wife of John Downes, of Whitchurch, in Shropshire, painter, and her brother Gabriel-Abel was then abroad. This son, Bernard, was sworn a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in July 1708, having been for some years one of the choristers. According to his will, and the inscription on his monument, he was also one of the Abbey choir, and for many years Master of the children both of the Abbey and the Chapel Royal. He retired some years before his death to North Aston, in Oxfordshire, where he died 15 Nov., according to the Funeral Book, and where there is also a tablet to his memory. His will, as of North Aston, Esq., dated 5 Oct. 1772, was proved 28 Nov. 1773. He directed that his body should be carried to the "Swan and two Necks" in Tothill Street, Westminster, and from 3 H 418 BURIALS IN 1773 Dec. The Right Revd Dr. Edward Willes, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells; died Nov. 24th, aged 79: within the North iron gates of the Tombs. Dec. 6 Mr. Abraham-Holmes Ackworth; 2 aged 21: in the North Cloister. Dec. 24 Andrew Stone, Esq. ;3 died the 16th, in his 71st year in the North aisle. 1774 Jan. 8 Henry, son of the Revd Dr. John Blair; died the 5th, aged two years in the North Cross. March 28 John Sandys, Esq. ;5 aged 37: in the East Cloister. thence buried in the Abbey cloisters near his wife and daughter. He bequeathed to his sister Eleanor Downes, then of the city of London, widow. an annuity of £50 for life, and to her son Bernard Downes all his real estate at North Aston and elsewhere, with remainder to his children in succession, and, failing their issue, then to Thomas-Sanders Dupuis, Professor of Music (see his burial 24 July 1796), and his children in succession, with a further remainder to Samuel Arnold, Professor of Music (see his burial 29 Oct. 1802), and his children. The only other relation he named was his niece Elizabeth Musgrave, widow of Charles Musgrave. He must have been a kind-hearted old man, for he directed that his chaisc horse should be kept on his estate at North Aston, without doing any work, and never killed, and that when it died naturally it should be buried without mutilation of any sort. See the burials, of his wife 15 Mch. 1736-7, and of his children, 6 June 1717, 11 July 1719, and 28 Nov. 1736. 1 Son of Rev. John Willes, D.D., Prebendary of Lichfield and Rector of Bishops-Itchington, co. Warwick, by Anne, dau. of Sir William Walker, of the city of Oxford, Kt. He was born 6 Mch. 1693-4, and matriculated at Oxford, from Oriel Collegc, 16 Feb. 1708-9. He took the degrees of B.A. 30 Oct. 1712, M.A. 6 July 1715, and B.D. and D.D. 8 July 1726. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 26 Aug. 1724, and Dean of Lincoln 16 May 1730, and was consecrated Bishop of St. David's 2 Jan. 1742-3, whence he was translated to Bath and Wells in December following. He appears also to have held the office of "Decipherer to the King." See his wife's burial 18 Oct. 1771, the baptisms of his children, 24 May 1726, 29 June 1727, 26 June 1728, 10 Mch. 1729-30, 20 Dec. 1731, and 11 Mch. 1732-3, and the burials, of his daughter 5 June 1742, and of his sons, 10 July 1735, 2 Jan. 1813, and 10 Nov. 1827. 2 Son of Abraham Acworth, Esq. (see his burial 14 Apl. 1781), by Margaretta-Mabella his wife (see her burial 26 Apl. 1794). He was born 20 Dec. 1751, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 16 Jan. 1752. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 28 Nov. 3 Son of Andrew Stone, of London, an eminent banker in Lombard Street, by his wife Anne Holbrooke. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 6 June 1722, aged nineteen, and was B.A. 2 May 1726, and M.A. 21 Mch. 1728-9. He was tutor to K. George III. when Prince of Wales, and became Treasurer to Q. Charlotte, Under-Secretary of State, Secretary to the Island of Barbados, etc., and was M.P. for Hastings from 1741 to 1760. See the burials, of his wife 13 June 1782, his only son 15 Feb. 1761, his brother (the Archbishop of Armagh) 28 Dec. 1764, and his sister's husband (the Bishop of Derry) 16 Jan. 1768, and the marriage of another brother 17 Feb. 1736-7. 4 See his baptism 24 Feb. 1772, and his father's burial 27 June 1782. 5 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 21 Mch., and the journals of the day say at his house near Westminster Abbey. See the burial of Elizabeth Rosc, 13 Mch. 1768, and note thereto. In her will she called him Captain John Sandys, and made his wife her residuary legatee. His will, as of Abingdon Street, Westminster, Esq., dated 17 Dec. 1770, was proved 30 Mch. 1774, by William Holt, of the Middle Temple, Esq., to whom, and to his brother William Sandys, and Rev. John White, of Holme, co. Norfolk, Clerk, he bequeathed £12.000 out of his personal estate, in trust to purchase freehold lands, etc., and settle an annuity of £100 on his wife Elizabeth-Mary for life, and the residue on his son John-Thomas Sandys, who was also to be his general residuary legatec. He also settled a small annuity on his sister Anne, wife of Mr. George Millet, of Helstone, co. Cornwall, saddler. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 419 1774 April 16 Miss Bridget Belasyse; died the 6th, aged 38 years in St. Sept. 15 Nov. 21 1775 April 13 May 12 July 21 Sept. 12 Oct. 19 Paul's Chapel. Charles Hall, D.D. ;² aged 55: in the North Cloister. Mr. John Rush ;3 aged 64: in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Margaret Grant ; aged 50: in the East Cloister. Master Frederick Gell;5 aged 12 days: in the South Cloister, on his brother and sister. Mrs. Mary Trohear; aged 55: in the East Cloister. Mr. James Butler;7 aged 63: in the Dark Cloister. The Hon. James Cholmondeley, General of H. M.'s Forces, etc. ;8 died the 13th, in his 68th year: in the middle aisle. ¹ Only child and heir of William Belasyse, Esq. (see his burial 23 Feb. 1769), by Bridget his wife (see her burial 3 Aug. 1735). She was born 8 July 1735, and died unmarried, at her house in Hill Street, Berkeley Square. She bequeathed her manor and castle of Brancepeth, co. Durham, and other estates, to her kinsman Henry Belasyse, second Earl of Fauconberg, and left legacies to numerous friends, varying from £500 to £25,000, besides £1000 for founding a hospital at Brancepeth. 2 The Funeral Book calls him "Dean of Bocking, in Essex," and says that he died 6 Sep. His monument describes him as also Rector of Southchurch, co. Essex. He matriculated at Oxford, from Corpus Christi College, 17 Dec. 1733, aged fifteen, as son of John Hall, of Basing- stoke, co. Southampton, Gent., and was B.A. 10 June 1737, M.A. 14 Feb. 1740-1, B.D. 22 Apl. 1749, and D.D. 24 Nov. 1757. He was instituted Dean and Rector of Bocking 20 Nov. 1761, and Rector of Southchurch in 1764, having been sometime chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury. He married, 23 Sep. 1762, Elizabeth Carsan, of Lambeth, co. Surrey. described in the marriage allegation as a spinster, aged twenty-four, and she administered to his estate 22 Sep. 1774. 3 The Funeral Book says "one of the almsmen," and that he died 16 Nov. He appears to have married Elizabeth, dau. of Shadrach Alderson (see his burial 23 Oct. 1744), who in his will described him as a "waterman." 4 Her monument described her as the "eldest dau. of Andrew Fletcher, of Salton, Esq., and wife of John Grant, of Elchies, Esq., both of North Britain," and the Funeral Book says that she died 5 April. The Scots Magazine, noticing her death, described her as "wife of Baron Grant and daughter of the late Lord Milton." She was evidently the daughter of the well-known Andrew Fletcher, of Salton, better known as Lord Milton, the distinguished Lord-justice-clerk of Scotland, which office he resigned in 1748, on being appointed principal keeper of the signet. He died 13 Dec. 1766. Her husband, John Grant, was son of Patrick Grant, another dis- tinguished judge known as Lord Elchies, and was himself one of the barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. 5 Child of Anthony Gell, Esq., afterwards Receiver-General of the Abbey (see his burial 4 Feb. 1817), by Frances his wife (see her burial 7 Feb. 1825). The Funeral Book says that he died 8 May, aged twelve days, and was buried on his brother and sister (see their burials 2 Jan. 1766 and 2 June 1769). • The Funeral Book says that she died 16 July. Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, dated on the day of her death, was proved 16 Aug. following, by Raisley Calvert, of Greystoke, co. Cumberland, to whom and to his heirs for ever, without naming any relationship, she bequeathed all her personalty, and all her freehold estates in Bassenthwaite and Uuder- skidder, or elsewhere, in co. Cumberland. Her only other bequest was £300 to her nephew Thomas Boak, of the Haymarket, grocer. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters. 7 One of the almsmen. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 Sep.. and was buried on his wife sec her burial 16 July 1771, and the burials, of his daughter 25 June 1764, and of his sons, 28 July 1823 and 4 June 1838. 8 Third son of George, second Earl of Cholmondeley, by Anne-Elizabeth, dau. of Heer Van Baron Ruyteuburgh, and grand-daughter of Louis de Nassau, Seigneur of Auverquerque. He 420 BURIALS IN 1775 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Dec. 12 Dec. 1776 Jan. 15 26 March 7 Mrs. Jennet Bayly;¹ aged 62: in the West Cloister. Mrs. Jane Gaven; aged 74: in the South Cloister. 2 The Right Hon. Sir Charles Saunders, K.B., Admiral of the Blue and Lieut.-General of the Marine Forces ; died the 7th, aged 62: in the vault in Islip Chapel. 4 5 Mrs. Elizabeth Daniel; aged 70: in the Dark Cloister. Lieut.-General William Stroode; died the 14th, aged 78: in the middle aisle. The Hon. Sir John Burland, Kt., LL.D., one of the Barons of H. M.'s Court of Exchequer ; died Feb. 29th, aged 51: in the South aisle. was born 18 Apl. 1708, and entered the army as a major 12 May 1725, attaining the rank of General 13 Apl. 1770. He married Lady Penelope Barry, dau. of James, fourth Earl of Barry- more, but was divorced from her in 1736, and died without legitimate issue. ¹ Dau. of Rev. Thomas Yates, D.D., of Charlton-upon- Otmoor, co. Oxford, by Anne Sutton his wife, and first wife of Rev. Anselm Bayly, D.C.L., Sub-dean of the Chapel Royal, to whom married, at St. George's. Bloomsbury, Midx., 3 June 1746 (see more of him in the note to a baptism 27 June 1778). She was born the 3rd, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 10 May, 1713. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 Nov. The extraordinary fact that her husband remarried eight days after her death, and only two days after her burial, suggests some domestic mystery, which is not explained by the wills of her family. See the burials of her children 29 Oct. 1751, 8 Oct. 1754, and 5 Nov. 1782, and of her sister 10 Feb. 1779. Another daughter, Elizabeth, apparently her only other child, was born 10 June, and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 9 July 1748, and was unmarried in 1776, but was living 28 Oct. 1782, the date of her brother's will, as Elizabeth Ridley. 2 The Funeral Book calls her the relict of Richard Gaven, Esq., and says that she died 9 Nov., and was buried on her husband: see his burial 15 May 1771, and that of her daughter 3 Feb. 1810. 3 One of Lord Anson's lieutenants, fought gallantly in the "Yarmouth" in May and Oct. 1747, was M.P. for Plymouth in 1750 and for Hedon in Yorkshire in 1754, Comptroller of the Navy 1755, Rear-Admiral of the Blue 1756 and of the White 1758, Vice-Admiral of the Blue 1759, and commanded the fleet in the expedition against Quebec in that year, Lieut.-General of the Marines 1760, installed a Knight of the Bath 26 May 1761, a lord of the Admiralty 1765, and First Lord 1766. He is said to have married, 26 Sep. 1751, the only dau. of James Buck, of London, banker, but she is not named in his will, which was dated 20 Jan. 1773 and proved 14 Dec. 1775. The only relations he mentioned were his sister Anne, widow of Peter Kinsey, and her children Charles and Jane Kinsey, his late uncle Thomas Jenkinson of Cubley, co. Derby, and his children, and his cousin Harriot Egerton, daughter of Colonel Egerton deceased. 4 The Funeral Book says that she died 10 Dec. The place of burial indicates that she occupied some humble position. • Rightly Strode. His monument describes him as Lieut.-General, and Colonel of the 62nd regiment of foot, and states that he died after sixty years' service. His will, dated 20 Oct. 1774, was proved 19 Jan. 1776. He bequeathed the residue of his estate to trustees for the benefit of several charities, but gave his freehold house in Gerrard Street, St. Anne's, Westminster, all his furniture, plate, jewels, books. coach and horses, etc., and an annuity of £100, to Mrs. Sarah Land, dau. of Eustace Harding, late fruiterer and cider merchant, deceased, and then the wife of Thomas Land, husbandman. No relations are named in the will. The London Chronicle, of 19 Jan. 1776, noticing his death, says: "He had such a great regard for the Duke of Cumber- land that he crccted, at his own expense, a handsome statue to his Royal Highness's memory in Cavendish Square." This well known statue, according to the inscription upon it, was erected 4 Nov. 1770. 6 Son of John Burland, of Steyning, in the parish of Stoke-Courcy, co. Somerset, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Claver Morris, of the city of Wells, M.D., and born at Wells 10 July WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 421 1776 March 9 March 20 March 23 April 20 1 Thomas Ludford, Esq. ;¹ in his 67th year: in the North Cloister. Master Albany-Charles Wallis, a Westminster scholar;2 in his 14th year in the East Cloister. 3 Mrs. Margaret Vertue; aged 76: in the North Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Randall : aged 69 in the West Cloister. 1724. He matriculated at Oxford, from Balliol College, 25 Feb. 1740-1, but appears to have taken no degree. While still a serjeant-at-law, 8 July 1773, he was created D.C.L. by his old University. He was made a Baron of the Exchequer 8 Apl. 1774, and knighted the same day. He married Letitia, only dau. of William Berkeley-Portman, of Orchard - Portman, co. Somerset, Esq., who survived him until 1779, and left an only son. He is said to have died instantaneously, from the bursting of a blood-vessel of the brain. ¹ Son of Samuel Bracebridge, of Ansley Hall, co. Warwick, Esq., who assumed the name and arms of Ludford, by Catharine, dau. of John Lewis, of Guildford, co. Surrey, Gent. He was baptized at Ansley 29 Sep. 1708, and married, at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 29 May 1731, Anne, only dau. of Rev. Edward Taylor, Rector of Finningley, Notts, and widow of Thomas Bold, of London, distiller (see her burial 18 May 1748, and note thereto), by whom he had one son, Edward-Taylor Ludford, who was living 31 Mch. 1743, but evidently died before his father, as he was not named in his will. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Mch., and the journals of the day say at his house at Hayes, co. Midx. His will, as of Hayes, Esq., dated 12 Jan. 1776, was proved 28 June following, by Elizabeth, wife of Richard Bellamy, to whom, and to their children, Elizabeth-Maria Bellamy, and Thomas-Ludford Bellamy, he bequeathed his freehold estates at Hayes and at Westminster, and his leasehold property in Ireland, alleging that his own family had disowned him, but with the proviso that they were to forfeit the whole in case they ever had anything to say to a certain person whom he designated as "that infernal hussey Suett." His other bequests were chiefly to his servants. 2 Only son of Albany Wallis, of the Inner Temple, Esq. (see his burial 10 Sep. 1800), by Elizabeth his wife, who was buried in the Temple churchyard 3 Mch. 1773. The Funeral Book says that he died 29 Mch., in his fourteenth year, but his monument says in his thirteenth year, and that he was drowned in the Thames, being "his loving father's only hope." The discrepancy probably arose from the fact that the monument was erected by David Garrick, without the knowledge of his father, and the Funeral Book, quoting the coffin-plate, is the most likely to be correct. 3 Relict of George Vertue, the celebrated engraver (see his burial 30 July 1756). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 17 Mch.. and was buried on her husband. Nothing appears to have been known to her husband's biographers concerning her family, nor even her maiden name. In a MS. copy (penes the Editor) of an official list of the inmates of the Roman Catholic Convent at Hammersmith, Midx.. carefully annotated by the successive Lady Abbesses, under the date of 1703, occur the names of apparently four sisters, viz., Anne, Frances. Phillippa, and Margaret Evans. Against the name of the first the Lady Abbess of a somewhat later period placed the name of Nugent, and against the name of the last that of Vertue, with, in both instances, a customary mark indicating marriage. There can be no doubt whatever that this entry refers to Mrs. Vertue and her three sisters, as her husband in his will left legacies to his "wife's sisters, Phillippa Evans and Mrs Anne Nugent, widow." They appear to have died before her, as the only relation named in her own will, dated 11 Aug. 1775 and proved 27 Mch. 1777, was her cousin Mrs. Mary Dymes. Her other bequests were to various friends of her own and her late husband. Her prin- cipal legatees were her said cousin Mary Dymes, and Martha Ford, widow of Richard Ford, late of the Haymarket, auctioneer. At the date of her will she was living in Brownlow Street, St. Giles in the Fields. She was of course in the Convent as a child only three years of age, and apparently the youngest of the four. The list gives no further information respecting her or her family. The Funeral Book says that she died 13 Apl. Her will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, spinster, dated 25 Mch. 1776, was proved 15 Apl. following, by her friend Sarah Power, widow, to whom she left all her money in the funds, the furniture she had bought since she had been in lodgings, all her books and china, etc. Her only relation named was her niece Ann Lane. 422 BURIALS IN 1776 June 14 July 13 The Right Hon. Lady Chare Burgoyne;¹ aged 48: in the North Cloister. Master William Ayrton ; 2 aged five months in the North Cloister. Aug. 13 Ann, Countess Dowager of Abercorn ;3 died the 7th, aged 86: in the Ormond vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Aug. 20 Oct. 1 Oct. 23 Nov. 11 Mr. Benjamin Catling; aged 21 years: in the Dark Cloister. Thomas Slemaker;5 aged two months: in the South Cloister. The Rev. Dr. Pierre-Francois Le Courayer ; born at Rouen in Normandy; aged 95: in the South Cloister. Mrs. Sarah Hucks, widow of Joseph Hucks, Esq.; aged 85: in the North Cloister. 1 Lady Charlotte Stanley, sixth and youngest dau. of Edward, cleventh Earl of Derby, by Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of Robert Hesketh, of Rufford, co. Lancaster, Esq., and wife of Lieut.-General John Burgoyne, the distinguished commander of the British forces in America (see his burial 13 Aug. 1792). She died at Kensington 7 June, during her husband's absence in America, and the newspapers of the day say that she was lying dangerously ill when he left England. The Funeral Book says that she was buried on her daughter (see her burial 10 Mch. 1764). 2 Son of Edmund Ayrton, Dr. of Music (see his burial 28 May 1808), by Ann his wife (sce her burial 23 May 1800). He was born 31 Jan., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 Feb., in the same year. The Funeral Book says that he died 12 July, and was buried in the same grave with his sister (see her burial 19 Oct. 1772). 3 Anne, cldest surviving dau. of John Plomer (or Plumer), of Blakesware, in the parish of Ware, co. Herts, Esq., by Mary, eldest dau. of William Hale, of King's Walden, in the same county, Esq. The Funeral Book, quoting her coffin-plate, says that she was born 29 June 1690. She was baptized at Ware 3 July 1690, and married, about 26 Mch. 1711 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), James Hamilton, afterwards seventh Earl of Abercorn (see his burial 16 Jan. 1743-4). • Son of John Catling, one of the sacrists of the Abbey, etc. (see his burial 29 May 1762), by Mary his wife (sec her burial 2 Feb. 1788). See his baptism 5 June 1755. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Aug., and was buried on the right side of his father. 5 Child of George Slemaker, chief porter of the Abbey (see his burial 23 Aug. 1802), by Susanna his wife (see her burial 10 Nov. 1818). See his baptism 2 Sep. preceding. The Funeral Book calls him "the first porter's child," and says that he died 28 Sep. • The well-known Roman Catholic divine, canon and librarian of St. Geneviève, Paris, who, chiefly on account of his publication of certain theological works decmed heterodox by his church, found it expedient to come to England, where he arrived in Jan. 1727-8. The University of Oxford had created him a Doctor of Divinity 28 Aug. in the preceding year. He is usually said to have been a native of Vernon, in Normandy, but the Funeral Book, quoting his coffin- plate, says that he was born at Rouen 17 Nov. 1681. He mentions Vernon in his will as the residence of his family, and the place of his education. The work which gave him the greatest celebrity was his dissertation concerning the validity of English ordinations, and the succession of Bishops in the Church of England. He died 17 Oct., in Downing Street, Westminster. His will, as "Peter Francis Le Courayer," Doctor in Diviuity, dated 23 Feb. 1774, with codicils 22 Mch. 1775 and 5 Mch. 1776, was proved 29 Oct. 1776. He left legacies to numerous friends, but to only one relation, viz., his brother James Le Courayer, then living at Vernon. He declared that he died “a member of the Catholic Church, but without approving of many of the opinions and superstitions which have been introduced into the Romish Church.' , 7 Dau. of Sir William Luckyn, third Bart. of Messing Hall, co. Essex, by Mary, dau. of William Sherington, Alderman of London. Her brother William was created, 29 May 1719, Baron Dunboyne and Viscount Grimston, in the peerage of Ireland. She was baptized at Messing 18 Feb. 1691-2, and married there, 24 Jan. 1721-2, to Joseph Hucks, of Great Russell WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 423 1776 Nov. 29 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 1777 Jan. 20 Jan. Jan. 1 Mrs. Sarah Thorpe ;¹ aged 63: in the Dark Cloister. The most high, puissant and noble Princess, Elizabeth, Duchess of Northumberland in her own right, Baroness Percy, Lucy, Poynings, Fitz-Pain, Bryan and Latimer;2 died the 5th, aged 60 in St. Nicholas's Chapel. : Thomas Finny;3 aged 87 in the Dark Cloister. 4 Mrs. Eleanor Worgan; died the 11th, aged 36: in the North- west aisle. 20 Spanger Barry, Esq.;5 aged 57: in the North Cloister. Miss Elizabeth Lloyd; aged 36: in the East Cloister. 29 Street, St. Giles in the Fields, Gent., J.P. for Middlesex, an eminent brewer, being then a widower, who died 8 Aug. 1749. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 2 Nov. Her only child, Sarah, married, first, Rev. Anthony Cope, Dean of Armagh, and, secondly, the Right Rev. Charles Jackson, Bishop of Kildare. 1 Wife of Pegrum Thorpe (see his burial 29 Jan. 1784), to whom married, at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 10 Jan. 1756, as Sarah Bacchus, of that parish, spinster. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 23 Nov. If the ages of herself and husband were correctly given in the Register and Funeral Book, which there is no reason to doubt, she was some twelve years his senior. 2 Lady Elizabeth Seymour, only dau, and sole surviving child and heir of Algernon, seventh Duke of Somerset (see his burial 24 Feb. 1749-50), by Frances his Duchess (see her burial 20 July 1754), and also sole heir of the ancient Earls of Northumberland. She was born 26 Nov., and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 1 Dec. 1716, and married, about 5 July 1740 (Spec. Lic. Vic. Gen.), Sir Hugh Smithson, Bart., who was created Duke of Northumberland 22 Oct. 1766 (see his burial 21 June 1786). See the burials, of her only brother 6 July 1745, and of her children, 5 June 1761 and 19 July 1817. 3 The Funeral Book says that he died 15 Dec., and adds that he was a carpenter, and was buried at the Dean's expense. See the burial, probably of his wife or sister, 25 Jan. 1770. 4 The Funeral Book says "wife of Dr. Worgan." Probably the second wife of Dr. John Worgan, the celebrated organist and musical composer, who, as a widower, married, at St. Mary Aldermary, London, 12 June 1779, Martha Cooke, of St. Thomas the Apostle, London, widow. His first wife was Sarah Mackelcan, to whom he was married 1 Sep. 1753, and from whom he was divorced in 1768. Dr. Worgan's will, dated 11 Apl. 1783, with a codicil 3 Aug. 1790, was proved 31 Aug. 1790, by his relict Martha and his son-in-law William Parsons, Dr. of Music. 5 Spranger Barry, the celebrated tragedian. He is usually said to have been the eldest son of an eminent silversmith in Dublin, and to have been born in the parish of St. Werburgh, in that city, 20 Nov. 1719. A writer in Notes and Queries, in 1850, 1st Ser., i. 212. stated that he and Sir William Betham had succeeded in connecting him, "satisfactorily, and legitimately, with the noble house of Barry, Lord Santry." He appears to have been twice married, although his first wife is seldom named by his biographers. See the burial of his second wife, as Mrs. Ann Crawford, 7 Dec. 1801. He is said to have been married to her about 1768. In the parish register of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., occurs the baptism. 10 Aug. 1748, of Spranger, son of Spranger Barry and Ann his wife. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 Jan. His will, as of King Street, Covent Garden, Esq., dated 24 Jan. 1770. was proved 1 Feb. 1777, by his relict Ann, whom he described as "Aun Barry, formerly Ann Dancer," to whom he bequeathed his leasehold house at Streatham, co. Surrey, with its furniture, etc., also the Theatre Royal, in Crow Street, Dublin, with its contents, and a house adjoining, the same being subject to two annuities of £60 and £40 payable to James Carter. during the lives of Ann Carter and Julia Carter, under an indenture dated 23 Apl. 1768. He also gave to his wife the residue of his per- sonalty, and no other legatec is named in the will. 6 The Funeral Book says "second daughter of Rev. Dr. Lloyd, late second master of West- minster School," and that she died 22 Jan., aged thirty-six; but either she, or a second daughter of the same name, was born the 2nd, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 424 BURIALS IN 1 1777 Feb. 13 13 Miss Hannah-Elizabeth, infant daughter of the Revd Dr. Vincent, Second Master of Westminster School; died the 8th, aged three months: in the North Cross. Mrs. Dorothy Hull;2 aged 84: in the North Cloister. Chars-Walter Congreve, Archdeacon of Armagh ; in his 70th year: in the South Cloister. April 13 June 15 July 30 30 Oct. 3 5 Oct. 11 6 Mr. Thomas Fisher; aged 63: in the East Cloister. Mr. George Williams; aged 72 Mrs. Isabella Waters; aged 50 in the Dark Cloister. in the Cloister leading to the School. Nov. 3 3 Samuel Foot, Esq.;7 aged 55: in the West Cloister. 18 June 1737, and would have been at this date in her fortieth year. Her sister Mary was born 11 Feb., and baptized 8 Mch. 1740-1, and was therefore now within a few days of the age of thirty-six. It is probable that her age, as given both in the Register and Funeral Book, is an crror, and that it should read thirty-nine. See her father's burial 12 Jan. 1781. See her baptism 12 Dec. 1776, and the burials, of her father 29 Dec. 1815, and of her mother 23 Feb. 1807. 2 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 8 Apl. Her will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, widow, dated 19 Mch. 1772, was proved 9 Apl. 1777, by William Young, of the same parish, peruke maker (see his burial 21 Nov. 1799), to whom she bequeathed all her goods, but without naming any relationship. 3 Charles-Walter, second son of John Congreve, of Congreve and Stretton, co. Stafford, Esq., by Abigail, dau. of John Harwood, of Shrewsbury, co. Salop, Esq., and great-nephew of William Congreve, Esq., the celebrated dramatist (sec his burial 26 Jan. 1728-9). He matriculated at Oxford, from Magdalen Hall, 11 Mch. 1725-6, aged eighteen, and was B.A. 17 Oct. 1729, as of that Hall, and M.A., as of All Souls College, 6 Apl. 1731. He signed the subscription book, and took his degrees, as "Charles Congreve" only, but appears to have assumed the second name soon after, as he was installed Archdeacon of Armagh, by both names, 13 May 1738. In Apl. 1746 he was appointed Vicar-General of that diocese. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 7 June, and was unmarried. 4 The Chapter Book mentions him, 5 June 1766, as the College cook. The Funeral Book says that he died 22 July, and was buried with his wife (sec her burial 13 Nov. 1761). His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, oilman, dated 18 July 1777, was proved on the 29th of the same month, by his dau. Mary Fisher, spinster, whom he made his residuary legatee, giving his other two daughters, Elizabeth and Jane-Frances, £100 each. See the burials of his children, 8 Aug. 1740, 23 Jan. 1741-2, 16 Nov. 1745, 30 Oct. 1748, 28 June 1752, 24 Nov. 1760, 7 Feb. 1780, and 17 Oct. 1804. (( 5 The Funeral Book says one of the almsmen," and that he died 1 Oct. He is mentioned in the Chapter Book, as an almsman, as early as 27 June 1746. His will, dated 30 Nov. 1770, was proved 23 Oct. 1777, by his relict Sarah. He left bequests to his children in the following order : Samuel Williams, Sarah, wife of John Edwards, Margaret Williams, Elizabeth Williams, and Henry-Hutton Williams. See the burials of his grandsons, 28 Dec. 1753 and 13 Jan. 1769. 6 The Funeral Book says that she was the second cook's wife, and died 7 Oct. See the burial, probably of her husband, 12 Nov. 1791. 7 The celebrated actor and dramatist. Third son of Samuel Foote, of Truro, co. Cornwall, Esq., by Eleanor, dau. of Sir Edward Gooderc, first Bart. of Burhope, co. Hereford. He was born at Truro, and matriculated at Oxford, from Worcester College, 1 July 1737, aged sixteen, but appears to have taken no degree. As author, actor, and manager, his subsequent career is too well known to require rehearsal. He died 21 Oct., at the "Ship" inn, Dover, on his way to France. His will, as of the Haymarket, Esq., dated 13 Aug. 1768, was proved the day after his death. He bequeathed his possessions, such as they were, in trust for his two illegitimate sons, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 425 1777 Dec. Dec. 23 31 Mrs. Jane Hiscox ;¹ in her 23rd year: in the East Cloister. Mrs. Mary Catling;2 aged 40: in the Cloister leading to the School. 1778 Jan. 1 John Jan. John Slemaker;3 aged two years and three months in the South Cloister. 4 2 Miss Sarah Ayrton ; aged four years and five months: in the North Cloister. Jan. 3 Jan. 22 Feb. 19 6 Miss Cath" Rawle ;5 in her 20th year: in the North Cloister. Mr. Alexander Hanna; aged 88: in the East Cloister. Robert Halhed, Esq.;7 aged 53: in the East Cloister. Francis Foote and George Foote, with remainder, if they should die in their minority, partly to William Jewell, treasurer of the Haymarket Theatre, and partly to his mother and his brother Edward-Goodere Foote. ¹ The Funeral Book calls her "wife of Rev. Mr. Hiscox," and says that she died 15 Dec. She was the first wife of Rev. John Hiscox (son of John Hiscox, Esq., sometime of Carshalton, co. Surrey, but who died at Lambeth 10 May 1772, by Hannah his wife, who also died at Lambeth, about Nov. 1773), who, in his will, as of North Street, St. John the Evangelist, West- minster, dated 14 Jan. 1789, and proved 9 Mch. following. by his second wife and relict Elizabeth (see her burial 9 July 1789), mentioned her as Jean Elphinstone, and cited the con- tract made before their marriage, dated at Aberdeen 4 Feb. 1775. His two children by her, Jean and Anne, survived him. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 27 Dec. She was probably related in some way to John Catling, one of the sacrists of the Abbey (see his burial 29 May 1762), but was neither his sister nor his daughter. One of her name was born the 7th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 26 Mch. 1738, as daughter of John Catling and Jane his wife, who appear to have been married there 26 May 1737, as John Catling and Jane Chatty. 3 Child of George Slemaker, chief porter of the Abbey, etc. (see his burial 23 Aug. 1802), by Susanna his wife (see her burial 10 Nov. 1818). See his baptism 22 Oct. 1775. The Funeral Book says that he died 28 Dec. 1777, and was buried on his brother (see his burial 1 Oct. 1776). 4 Dau. of Edmund Ayrton, Dr. of Music (see his burial 28 May 1808), by Ann his wife (see her burial 23 May 1800). She was born 31 July, and baptized at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 2 Sep. 1773. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 29 Dec. 1777, and was buried at the feet of her brother and sister (see their burials 13 July 1776 and 19 Oct. 1772). 5 The Funeral Book, quoting her coffin-plate, says "Catharine Rawle. born 1 Sep. 1758, died 28 Dec. 1777." See her father's burial 15 Nov. 1789, and that of her sister, Caroline Dale, 1 Nov. 1825. 6 The Funeral Book says that he died 17 Jan., aged eighty-eight, but his monument gives his age as ninety. His will, as late of Aldermanbury, London, warehouseman, but then of Duke Street, Westminster, dated 4 Sep. 1777, was proved 18 Apl. 1778, by his son John Hanna (see his burial 25 Mch. 1814) and his son-in-law Thomas Symonds, husband of his dau. Jane. His other legatees were his wife Elizabeth (see her burial 29 Sep. 1786), his married daughters Mary- Margery Clinton and Henrietta Sprat, his unmarried daughters Arabella and Elizabeth, his sister Jane Ditour, and his brother John Hanna, of Athlone, Ireland. The baptisms and burials of several of his children occur in the parish register of St. Mary Aldermanbury. 7 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 12 Feb., and at his house in Abingdon Buildings, according to the newspapers of the day. His will, as of Abingdon Street, Westminster, but late of the parish of St. Andrew, co. Surrey, island of Jamaica, Esq., dated 8 Feb. 1788, was proved on the 17th of the same month, by his relict Elizabeth (see her burial 13 Oct. 1829), and by William Simpson, of the Inner Temple, Gent. His sister Susanna Halhed, then living with him, an invalid, was to continue to have the annuity left her by her father, Richard Halhed, Esq., deceased, out of his estate in Jamaica, and his only other relatious named (besides his son) were the children of his half-sister Leah, wife of Thomas Leadbeater, of St. Thomas in the East, 3 I 426 BURIALS IN 1778 April 5 Master Robert-Spencer Halhed;¹ aged 13 years, 6 months and 21 days in the East Cloister. May 9 Mr. Phoenix Felton, a King's scholar;2 drowned on the 5th, in his 20th year in the South Cloister. 3 May 13 Mr. Robert Whitworth, a King's scholar; drowned on the 5th, in his 17th year in the South Cloister. Mrs. Mary Davies ; aged 72: in the North Cloister. May 11 June 9 The most noble and puissant Lord, William Pitt, Earl of Chatham and Viscount Pitt of Burton-Pynsent in the county of Somer- 5 set, died at Hayes in Kent May 11th, 1778, in the 70th year of his age, and was buried (from the Painted Chamber, at the expense of Parliament) on the 9th day of June next following in the centre of the North Cross of the Abbey. June 12 Colonel Achilles Preston; died July 12th, 1764, aged 31 years: removed from the East Indies and buried on the 12th day of June, 1778, in the South Cross of the Abbey. Jamaica, both deccased, and his cousin William Halhed, of Clapham, Esq. See his son's burial in the following entry. See his father's burial in the preceding entry, and his mother's 13 Oct. 1829. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 29 Mch., and appears, from his father's will, to have been his only child. 2 He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1773, aged fifteen. The news- papers of the day, noticing the accident, call him only the son of Mr. Felton. See the following note. 3 Fourth and youngest son of Sir Charles Whitworth, Kt., M.P., Lieut.-Governor of Tilbury Fort, Treasurer of the Foundling Hospital, etc., who was knighted 19 Aug. 1768, and died at Bath 22 Aug. 1778, by Martha, eldest dau. of Richard Shelley, Esq., commissioner of the stamp office, second son of Sir John Shelley, third Bart. (Their cldest son, Charles Whitworth, was the celebrated diplomatist, afterwards Earl Whitworth). He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1775, and, according to the Funeral Book, was unfortunately drowned, on Tuesday, 5 May, which accords with the text. The London Chronicle gives an account of the accident, with, however, some little confusion of dates. The issue of Thursday, 7 May, says: "Yesterday evening, three young gentlemen belonging to Westminster School sailing in a boat between Lambeth and Vauxhall, the boat overset, and two of them were drowned; the other was taken up by a waterman." The issue of 9 May says: "The young gentlemen who were drowned on Monday last, prove to be the sons of Sir Charles Whitworth and Mr. Felton. Doctor Warren's son was in the boat, but fortunately saved." See the preceding entry. 4 Youngest dau. of Allen Cliffe, of Mathon, co. Worcester, Esq., by Elizabeth his wife. She was baptized at Mathon 11 Nov. 1706, and married there, 2 Oct. 1735, to Owen Davies, of Westminster, Esq. (see his burial 1 May 1759). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 May, and was buried on her husband. See the baptisms of her children 14 Sep. 1736 and 13 Jan. 1739-40, and their burials 6 Feb. 1786 and 2 Apl. 1791; also the burial of her brother 23 Apl. 1742. • The celebrated statesman. Second son of Robert Pitt, Esq., by Harrict, dau. of Edward Villiers, Esq., and sister of John, fifth Viscount Grandison. He was born, according to his monument, 15 Nov. 1708, and appears to have been baptized at St. James, Westminster, 13 Dec. following. He matriculated at Oxford, from Trinity College, 14 Jan. 1726-7, aged eighteen, as son of Robert Pitt, of Old Sarum, Esq., but appears to have taken no degrce. He became Secre- tary of State in 1756, and was created, 4 Aug., 1766, Viscount Pitt and Earl of Chatham. See the burials, of his wife 16 Apl. 1803, of his sons 22 Feb. 1806 and 3 Oct. 1835, and of his daughter 2 Oct. 1786. 6 The journals of the day say that he was gazetted "Colonel of Foot in the East Indies only" in June 1764, and that he was killed at the siege of Madura, while leading the storming WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 427 : 1778 June 20 Miss Ann-Aggatha Bayly;¹ aged one year and 8 months in the July 28 28 Aug. 6 Dec. West Cloister. The Hon. Jane Hyde ;2 in her 75th year in the East Cloister. The Right Hon. William, Lord Cranston ;3 died July 30th, aged 27: in the South Cross. 26 Master Michael-Robert Van Millingen; in his 14th year: in the East Cloister. 1779 Feb. 1 David Garrick, Esq.;5 died Jan. 20th, in his 63rd year: in the South Cross. Feb. 10 Mrs. Ann Yates ;6 in her 64th year: in the West Cloister. party against the fort. He was also described as "the darling of the army, and an ornament to the service," and said to have died at the age of thirty. His will, as a Major in the service of the East India Company of England, then commanding at Trichinopoly, dated 25 Jan. 1763, was proved 8 May 1765, by his father Achilles Preston, and his uncle Alexander Whitchurch. The only other relations he named were his sisters Elizabeth and Martha, both unmarried, and his sister Ann Alanson. His father was buried in the chapel of the Mercers' Company, London, Oct. 1770, near his wife. ¹ Dau. of Rev. Anselm Bayly, D.C.L., Sub-dean of the Chapel Royal, by his second wife (see the note to the baptism of another child 27 June 1778). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 June. 2 Dau. of Benedict-Leonard Calvert, fifth Lord Baltimore, by Lady Charlotte Lee, eldest dau. of Edward-Henry, first Earl of Lichfield. She married, 10 June 1720, John Hyde, of Kingston-Lisle, co. Berks, Esq., then a colonel in the Guards, who died in 1746, and was buried at Southampton. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 July. Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 22 Dec. 1777, was proved 22 July 1778, by her dau. Catharine, wife of the Rev. Thomas Willis, Rector of Bletchley, co. Bucks. 3 Son of James, sixth Lord Cranstoun (see his burial 14 July 1773), by Sophia, daughter of Jeremiah Brown, of Abscourt, co. Surrey, Esq. He was born 3 Sep. 1749, succeeded as seventh Lord Cranstoun, and died unmarried. 4 According to his gravestone, he was the eldest son of his parents, and died 22 Dec., aged thirteen years, five months, and five days. The Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, says that he was born 17 July 1765, and died 21 Dec. 1778. He was born 17 July, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 Aug. 1765, as son of Michael Van Millingen and Elizabeth his wife. 5 The celebrated actor. He was second son and third child of Captain Peter Garrick, of a regi- ment of foot under the command of Major-General Kirke, by Arabella, dau. of Rev. Mr. Clough, vicar choral of Lichfield cathedral, and was baptized at All Saints, Hereford, 28 Feb. 1715-16. His grandfather, David Garric (as he and at least one of the sons wrote the name), was a refugee from Bordeaux in 1685, and became a merchant in London. Garrick's parents were married 13 Nov. 1707. His father's will, dated 1 Jan. 1736-7, was proved 7 Apl. following, and his mother was buried at Lichfield 28 Sep. 1740. His personal history and professional career are too well known to require recapitulation. See his wife's burial 25 Oct. 1822. They left no issue. 6 Dau. of Rev. Thomas Yates, D.D., of Charlton-upon-Otmoor, co. Oxford, by Anne Sutton his wife. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 Feb. Her will, as of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., spinster, dated 26 May 1767, with codicils 30 June 1769 and 7 Dec. 1776, was proved 18 Feb. 1779, by her nephew, Anselm-Yates Bayly (see his burial 5 Nov. 1782), to whom she bequeathed all her estates after the death of his mother, her sister, Mrs. Jennet Bayly (see her burial 21 Nov. 1775), with remainder to his sister Elizabeth Bayly, and with final remainder to her own brother, Rev. Richard-Sutton Yates, D.D. She particularly directed that her said sister's husband (Rev. Anselm Bayly, D.C.L., Sub-dean of the Chapel Royal) should in no manner intermeddle with the disposition of her property (see the note to a baptism 27 June 1778). 428 BURIALS IN 1779 April May 1 1 Mrs. Mary Jennings ; aged 66: in the North Cloister. Miss Elizabeth Percy, 2nd daughter of the Right Hon. Lord Algernon Percy;2 died April 28th, aged two years and one month in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. May 29 The Rev Mr. Thomas Baker; in his 62nd year: in the North Cloister. George Ward: in the East Cloister. Aug. 12 Clare Persehowse, Esq.;5 aged 70: in the South Cloister. Robert Jennings, Esq.; aged 72: in the North Cloister. Aug. 23 Sept. 4 ¹ Wife of Robert Jennings, Esq. (see his burial 4 Sep. 1779). In a pedigree of the family in the various editions of Burke's Landed Gentry, she is simply described as "Miss Ford;" but that account is so full of gross errors throughout that no reliance can be placed upon any of its statements. She appears, from references in various wills, to have been a sister of Mrs. Grace Gostridge (see her burial 15 Feb. 1780), and of Mrs. Sarah Langwith (see her burial 14 Feb. 1784). "Robert Jennings and Mary Dore" were married at St. Peter-le-Poor, London, 8 Jan. 1735-6, a date which accords with the ages of her children. See the burials, of her son 20 Oct. 1787, and her daughter 24 Nov. 1813. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 23 March, 2 She was born 31 Mch. 1777. Her father succeeded as Baron Lovaine 6 June 1786, was created Earl of Beverley 2 Nov. 1790, and died 21 Oct. 1830. See her mother's burial 31 Jan. 1812. 3 Son of Rev. Thomas Baker, one of the minor canons of the Abbey (see his burial 13 May 1745). He was also a minor canon, one of the priests in ordinary of the Chapel Royal, and preacher at Queen Square Chapel, Westminster. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 24 May. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Master of Arts, dated 7 Nov. 1777, was proved 5 June 1779, by his sister Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Henry Evans, as residuary legatee. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters, near his father and his sister Ann Baker (see her burial 1 Oct. 1764). His only other relations named were his "cousins," viz., Ann Baker, then or late of Shrewsbury, her sister Sarah Baker, then or late of the city of Chester, Rev. Daniel-William Remington, then or late of Lichfield Cathedral, and his sister Frances Remington, and William Baker, then or late to be heard of at the Victualling Office on Tower Hill, London. 4 He died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 Aug., and was described on his gravestone as of Lambeth, co. Surrey, Esquire. His relict Elizabeth administered to his estate 23 Aug. 1779, when he was described as of Furnival's Inn. Neither the Register, Funeral Book, nor his monument, gives his age, which is almost an exceptional omission. Sec his wife's burial 9 Jan. 1783, when her age is also omitted. From the note to her burial it will be seen that he was probably a very old man. 5 Second son of Rev. Humphrey Persehowsc, minor canon of the Abbey (see his burial 2 Feb. 1762), by Deborah his wife, dau. of John Rawlins, of the city of Oxford, apothecary. He was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 20 Jan. 1709-10, and was his father's sole legatee and executor. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 17 Aug. Letters of administration to his estate, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, bachelor, were granted, 1 Sep. 1779, to his uncle Anthony Rawlins, as next of kin. According to a generally most inaccurate pedigree of his family in the various editions of Burke's Landed Gentry, he was a son of Thomas Jennings, of Curteen Hall, Hartwell, co. Northampton, Esq. (reputed son of the Duke of Monmouth by one of the daughters of Sir John Jennings), by "Miss Chamberlayne, a lady of ancient descent and large fortune," and was appointed, by his godfather Sir Robert Walpole, deputy-auditor of the Exchequer. The Gentle- man's Magazine, noticing his death, described him as "Chief Clerk in H.M.'s Exchequer, a gentleman most deservedly and universally respected." He died, according to the Funeral Book, 28 Aug. His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, Esq., dated 17 Dec. 1776, with a codicil 7 June 1779, was proved 9 Sep. 1779, by his son Robert Jennings, and his son-in-law Charles Gibbes, of Thames Street, London, sugar-baker. His bequests were to his wife Mary (see her burial 1 Apl. 1779), his son Thomas Jennings (see his burial 20 Oct. 1787), WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 429 1779 Sept. 28 Mrs. Elizabeth Oswald;¹ died the 20th, aged 80: in the North aisle. 18 Miss Amelia-Agua Bellamy 2 aged 16 days in the North Cloister. • Oct. Nov. 27 Mrs. Grace Wynne ;3 aged 79: in the North Cloister. Mr. Henry Ede; aged 34: in the Dark Cloister. Nov. 29 Dec. 13 Dec. Mrs. Cath¹-Fincham Say;5 aged 70: in the South Cloister. 29 ;6 Master Peter-Thomas Ayrton ; aged 12 weeks: in the North Cloister. 1780 Jan. 24 Mr. Josh Newcomb;' aged 22: in the South Cloister. his said son Robert Jennings, his unmarried daughters Christian, Frances, Lucy, and Elizabeth (see her burial 24 Nov. 1813), his dau. Mary Pearce, widow of Thomas Pearce, Esq. (see the burials, of her son 10 Jan. 1791, and of her dau. 28 Mch. 1794), his dau. Grace, wife of William- Hughes Vernon, Esq., his dau. Ann, wife of said Charles Gibbes, his dau. Martha, wife of William Cuming, Esq., his brother Colonel John Jennings, his nieces Mrs. Ann Gibbes and Mrs. Ann Jennings, and Mrs. Sarah Langwith (see her burial 14 Feb. 1784), Mrs. Grace Gostridge (see her burial 15 Feb. 1780), and Mrs. Jane Dunbar. ¹ Relict of the Right Hon. James Oswald (see his burial 1 Apl. 1769). She was the eldest dau. of Joseph-Beacon Townsend, Esq., by Ann, dau. of Thomas Beacon, of co. Midx., Esq., and had previously been the wife of a Mr. Reynardson. She was married to Mr. Oswald about 19 Jan. 1746-7 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), and was then described as of Wandsworth, co. Surrey, widow. Letters of administration to her estate were granted, 17 Apl. 1780, to her son and only child, James-Townsend Oswald, Esq. See the burial of her grandson 12 June 1819, and the marriage of her great-grand-daughter, Lady Augusta Bruce, 22 Dec. 1863. 2 The Funeral Book says that she died 12 Oct., aged sixteen days. See the note to the burial of Thomas Ludford, Esq., 9 Mch. 1776. She was perhaps a child of the parents named therein. Her second name was probably Augusta. 3 Dau. and coheir of William Brydges, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law, by Susan, dau. of Edward Noel, Esq., and relict of William Wynne, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law (see his burial 23 May 1765), to whom married 30 Sep. 1728. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Nov. See the burials of her sons, 25 Feb. 1736-7, 3 Jan. 1785, and 7 Dec. 1814. 4 The Funeral Book says that he was the son of the Dean's verger, and died 24 Nov. See his father's burial 28 Nov. 1783, and his mother's 2 Mch. 1786. 5 The Funeral Book says that she died 5 Dec. Letters of administration to the estate of Thomas Say, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widower, were granted 4 Feb. 1733-4, by the Court of the Dean and Chapter, to his dau. and next of kin, Catherine-Fincham Say. She made her will 21 Jan. following, 1734-5, and appears to have made no alteration in it during the rest of her life of nearly forty-five years. She described himself as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, and bequeathed her estate in Elme, co. Cambridge, and all her plate, household goods, and other personalty, to her "good friend" Mrs. Hannah Scott, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, absolutely, there being no other legacy except a guinea to her aunt Mrs. Mary Thomas for a ring. Mrs. Scott survived her (see her burial 21 Aug. 1781), and proved her will 11 Dec. 1779. So marvellous an instance of constancy and friendship is worthy of notice. Mrs. Scott, in her will, bequeathed the entire estate she thus received to Mrs. Elizabeth Say, of Downham, co. Norfolk, widow, and her children. • The Funeral Book says that he died 25 Dec. He was son of Edmund Ayrton, Doctor of Music (see his burial 28 May 1808), by Aun his wife (sce her burial 23 May 1800). He was born 1 Oct., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 4 Nov. 1779. See the burial of his twin- brother 20 Oct. 1780. 7 Joseph, son of Joseph Newcomb, College cook (see his burial 31 Oct. 1786), by Anne his wife (see her burial 24 Feb. 1781). He was born the 6th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 10 Nov. 1757. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Jan, 430 BURIALS IN 1780 Feb. 7 Feb. 15 2 : Mrs. Elizabeth Davies ;¹ aged 34: in the East Cloister. Mrs. Grace Gostige; aged 81 in the South Cloister. Feb. 25 Miss Harriett Brooker; in her 20th year in the East Cloister. March 29 Mrs. Mary Trevor, one of the daughters and coheir of John- Morley Trevor, Esq., of Trevallin, Denbigh and Flint, North April 29 April 29 May 4 : Wales; died the 21st, aged 71: in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Mr. John Legge;5 aged 63: in the West Cloister. 6 Mrs. Sarah Legge; aged 73: in the West Cloister. 7 9 July 14 Aug. 11 The Hon. Capt. George Falconer; aged 58: in the West Cloister. Edward Willis, Esq.;8 in his 44th year in the West Cloister. Mr. Samuel Jebb;9 aged 49: in the West Cloister. ¹ Dau. of Thomas Fisher. College cook (see his burial 30 July 1777), by Mary his wife (see her burial 13 Nov. 1761). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 29 Jan., and was buried in her father's grave. She was unmarried at the date of her father's will, 18 July 1777. 2 Relict of Mr. Con-Comyns Gostridge, who was buried at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 4 Jan. 1724-5, and to whose estate she administered on the 21st of the same month. He was the only son of Francis Gostridge, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, to whose estate letters of adminis- tration were granted 24 Aug. 1704, by Jane his wife, to whose estate he administered 6 July 1721. She was certainly a sister of Mrs. Sarah Langwith (sec her burial 14 Feb. 1784), and apparently also sister of Mrs. Mary Jennings (see her burial 1 Apl. 1779). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 Feb. 3 Dau. of Henry Brooker, Esq., Receiver-General of the Abbey (see his burial 6 June 1787), by Henrietta his wife (sec her burial 23 Jan. 1802). She died, according to the Funcral Book, 20 Feb. See her baptism 2 Jan. 1761. 4 Third dau. of John-Morley Trevor, of Plas Teg, in Trevalyn, co. Flint, and of Glynde, co. Sussex, Esq., by Lucy, dau. of Edward Montagu, of Boughton, co. Northampton, Esq., and baptized at Glynde 1 Nov. 1708. Her father died 12 April 1719. and she was, strictly speaking, coheir of her only surviving brother, John Trevor, Esq., who died in 1745. She died unmarried. See the marriage of her sister 3 Feb. 1742-3. 5 According to his gravestone he had been for many years a member of the Abbey choir. The Funeral Book says that he died 25 April. See the burial of his widow in the following entry. 6 See her husband's burial in the preceding entry. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 27 Apl., and they were buried at the same time in the same grave. Her son and only child, John Legge, administered to her estate 2 Dec. 1780. 7 Youngest son of David, fifth Lord Falconer, of Halkertoun, by Lady Catherinc-Margaret Keith, eldest dau. of William, second Earl of Kintore. IIe attained his seniority in the royal navy 27 Apl. 1762, and at his death was commander of the Invincible." He died 3 May, according to the Funcral Book, and the journals of the day say at Liphook, Hants. His relict Hannah administered to his estate on the 18th of the same month. He left an only son, George. 8 Posthumous son of John Willis, College carpenter (see his burial 2 Jan. 1736-7), by Jane his wife (see her burial 22 Dec. 1744). He was born the 14th, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 23 June 1737. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 6 July, and was buried under his father's stone. His will, as of St. Giles Cripplegate, London, brewer, dated 10 July 1777, was proved 18 July 1780. He evidently died unmarried, and his bequests, which were considerable, were to his nephew and niece, Henry and Elizabeth Devis, and his cousin Ann, wife of Nicholas Forster, of the Poultry. 9 Second son of Dr. Samuel Jebb, the eminent physician, and editor of Roger Bacon, Aristides, etc., by Janc, dau. of Patrick Lambe, of London, and brother of the more cele- brated Sir Richard Jebb, Bart. (see his burial 9 July 1787), and of Avery Jebb, Esq. (sce his burial 6 Sep. 1788). He died, according to the F'uneral Book, 9 Aug., and appears, from his WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 431 1780 Oct. 20 Master James-Nares Ayrton ;¹ aged one year: in the North Nov. 7 Nov. 20 Dec. Cloister. Mrs. Mary Moxham ;2 aged 52: in the West Cloister. Mr. Benjamin Fidoe, Church; aged 79 Clerk of the Works to this Collegiate in the West Cloister. 16 Mrs. Mary Lane; died the 8th, in the eighty [blank] year of her age in the vault with her late father and sister, in the North aisle of the Tombs. 1781 Jan. 12 The Revd Pierson Lloyd, D.D.;5 aged 77: in the East Cloister. brother's will, to have lived in Great George Street, Westminster. He died unmarried, but left an illegitimate dau., Ann Jebb, who was living in 1787, a minor, and to whom Sir Richard Jebb bequeathed £5000. 1 Son of Edmund Ayrton, Doctor of Music (see his burial 28 May 1808), by Ann his wife (see her burial 23 May 1800). The Funeral Book says that he died 17 Oct. He was born 1 Oct., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 4 Nov. 1779. See the burial of his twin-brother 29 Dec. 1779. as 2 The Funeral Book says "Miss Mary Moxam," and that she died 30 Oct. Her will, Mary Moxam, of St. Martin's Lane, St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., spinster, dated 8 Apl. 1779, proved 11 Dec. 1780, by her brother Edward Moxam. She bequeathed to her father, Thomas Moxam, £30 per annum for life, and the use of £130 he owed her on the mortgage of a house in Bromyard, co. Hereford. To her sister Hannah, wife of Philip Daw, she gave her annuity out of an estate at Greenwich, and to her sister Ann, wife of Edward Williams, an annuity of £10 for life, and to her nephew and niece, Thomas and Sarah Williams, each £100 when of age. To her brother Edward Moxam she gave her freehold house, etc., called the " Hop-Pole," in Bromyard, then in the occupation of the said Edward Williams, and all her other real estate, for life, with remainder to her said sister Ann Williams, for life, and at her death the same was to go equally to the children of her said brother and sister. except Mary and Elizabeth Williams, whom she expressly excluded. Her only other relations mentioned were her uncle Richard Baylis and her aunt Harwell. 3 He was appointed one of the vergers of the Abbey as early as 23 June 1725. He resigned his vergership 9 Nov. 1748, being then appointed College butler and brewer, and Clerk of the Works, all which offices he continued to hold until his death. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 13 Nov. His will, dated 21 Feb. 1778, in which he described himself as of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster, Gent., was proved 14 Dec. 1780. The only relations named were his nieces Elizabeth Heslop and Mary Johnson, widow, daughters of his deceased sister Mary Heslop, and his cousin William Blew, then living with Mr. Alderman Harley, the two former being his residuary legatees. 4 Only surviving dau. of Sir Richard Lane, Kt. (see his burial 4 Apl. 1756), by Dame Sarah his wife (see her burial 4 Oct. 1733). The Funeral Book says that she died in her eighty-second year. Her will, as of Abingdon-street, Westminster, dated 22 Apl. 1773, with seventeen codicils, was proved 15 Dec. 1780. She bequeathed the most of her property to the family of the late Chief Justice Willes, his sons John Willes, Esq., and Hon. Edward Willes, one of the Justices of the King's Bench, being her residuary legatees and executors. The only relations named were her “ 'cousins," Henry Swymmer, of the city of Bristol, Esq., Rev. George Atwood and the late Rev. Thomas Atwood, sons of the late Archdeacon Atwood, and Mr. George Atwood, then Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. See the burials of her sisters, 18 May 1748 and 3 Apl. 1773. 5 He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1718, and elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, 1722, where A.B. 1725, and A.M. 1729. The source or date of his degree of D.D. does not appear. On leaving the University, he appears to have returned at once to West- minster School as an usher, and his patent as Second Master was ordered by the Dean and Chapter 4 Mch. 1748-9. He resigned this post after about forty-seven years' service in the School, and his successor was appointed 28 May 1771. He was instituted Vicar of Croughton, co. North- ampton, 25 Mch. 1731, which living he resigned in 1779, and was inducted to the Rectory of the 432 BURIALS IN 1781 Feb. 20 Feb. 24 April 14 May 8 Mr. William Russell;¹ aged 40: in the Cloister leading to the School. Mrs. Anne Newcomb ;2 aged 60: in the South Cloister. Abraham Acworth, Esq.;³ aged 61: in the North Cloister. The Right Hon. Lady Charlotte Percy, only daughter of Earl and Countess Percy; died the 3rd, aged 10 months: in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. May 9 A still-born child of the Right Hon. Lord Algernon Percy was deposited in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel.5 Aug. 21 Nov. 8 First Portion of Waddesdon, co. Bucks, 17 Dec. 1733, which he retained until his death. He became a Prebendary of York 4 Sep. 1777, but resigned, and was appointed Chancellor of that diocese 9 Aug. 1780, shortly before his death. He married Anne, dau. of Rev. John-Maximilian De L'Angle, Rector of Croughton, co. Northampton (see his mother's burial 13 Dec. 1687), who survived him, and by whom he had four children, viz., Robert Lloyd, the celebrated but unhappy poet and friend of Churchill, who died in the Fleet prison 15 Dec. 1764; Anne, born the 6th, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 20 Jan. 1735-6, who was living, unmarried, in 1787; Elizabeth (sce her burial 29 Jan. 1777); and Mary, born 11 Feb., and baptized at St. John's aforesaid 3 Mch. 1740-1, who married, in 1778, Rev. Legh-Hoskins Master, afterwards Rector of Limpsfield, co. Surrey. Dr. Lloyd died, according to the Funeral Book, 5 Jan., and was buried in his daughter's grave. Mrs. Hannah Scott ;6 in her 71st year in the South Cloister. Mrs. Susanna Woolf;7 aged 45: in the Dark Cloister. 1 The Funeral Book says that he was one of the four bell-ringers, and died 14 Feb. He was appointed a bell-ringer 22 Apl. 1768, and appears to have been also butler to Bishop Pearce, Dean of Westminster, being named as such in his will, dated 24 Dec. 1773. Sce his child's burial 24 June 1771. His will, as of Dean's Yard, Westminster, dated 22 Mch. 1780, was proved 5 Apl. 1781, by his relict Martha, sole legatee. 2 Wife of Joseph Newcomb, College cook (see his burial 31 Oct. 1786). The Funeral Book says that she died 20 Feb., and was buried on the right side of her son (see his burial 24 Jan. 1780). 3 The Funeral Book says that he died 4 Apl., and was buried in the grave of his son (see bis burial 6 Dec. 1773). His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, Esquire, dated in Mch. 1773, was proved 19 Apl. 1781, by his relict Margaretta-Mabella (see her burial 26 Apl. 1794), to whom he bequeathed his share of the Victualling Office at Chatham, and the residue of his estate. His only other relations named were his son Buckeridge-Ball Acworth (see his burial 26 Aug. 1818), his sister Mrs. Elizabeth Manaton, and his sister Acworth and her children. On his marriage, in 1745, the journals of the day described him as of the Exchequer Office. 4 Eldest child of Hugh, afterwards second Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 19 July 1817), by his second wife and relict, Frances-Julia (see her burial 10 May 1820). She was born 3 July 1780.. 5 The father was created Earl of Beverley 2 Nov. 1790, and died 21 Oct. 1830. See the mother's burial 31 Jan. 1812. 6 The Funeral Book says that she died 11 Aug., and was buried over Mrs. Catherine-Fincham Say (see her burial 13 Dec. 1779, and note thereto). Her will, as of Dartmouth Street, St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 27 Mch. 1780, was proved 18 Aug. 1781, by her brother John Scott, of Banksfee House, near Moreton-in-the-Marsh, co. Gloucester, residuary legatee, to whom she also bequeathed £1000 bank stock in trust for his dau. Catherine Scott. She men- tioned no other relations, but gave handsome legacies to several friends, and bequeathed the entire estate left to her by her said friend Mrs. Say to the family of that lady. 7 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Nov., and no fees were paid for her burial. From her name and place of burial, it is probable that she was a relation of Mary Catling (see her burial 2 Feb. 1788), whose maiden name was Woolfe, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 433 1781 Nov. 10 Dec. 29 8 1782 June 8 June 13 June 14 June 27 July 25 25 Mrs. Susanna Leech;¹ aged 64: in the Dark Cloister. The Right Hon. Lady Frances Coningesby;2 died the 20th, in her 72nd year: in St. Erasmus's Chapel. Mrs. Frances Pulteney;3 aged 56: in the South Cloister. Mrs. Hannah Stone; died the 5th, in her 73rd year: in the North aisle. Mrs. Hannah Wyatt;5 aged 84: in the North Cloister. The Revd John Blair, LL.D., Prebendary of this Collegiate Church; died the 24th, aged 59: in the North Cross. Mrs. Elizabeth Young; aged 76: in the North Cloister. ¹ The Funeral Book says that she died 5 Nov., and adds "N.B. no fees." Her brother Christopher Leech administered to her estate 22 Nov. 1781, as only next of kin. See the burial, probably of her mother, 15 Mch. 1748-9. 2 Youngest dau. and eventually sole heir of Thomas Coningsby, of Hampton Court, co. Hereford, Esq., created Earl Coningsby 30 Apl. 1719, by his second wife, Lady Frances Jones, dau. and coheir of Richard, Earl of Ranelagh. She was really in her seventy-third year, as she was born 15 Jan., and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 13 Feb. 1708-9. She married at St. James, Westminster, 1 July 1732, Charles Hanbury-Williams, Esq., afterwards created a Knight of the Bath (see his burial 10 Nov. 1759). According to the journals of the day," she was struck with the palsy in her heart, as she was going out in her carriage, and expired immediately." 3 Fourth and youngest dau. and eventually sole heir of Daniel Pulteney, Esq. (see his burial 17 May 1732), by Margaret-Deering his wife (see her burial 29 Apl. 1763). She was born 21 Oct., and baptized at St. James, Westminster, 14 Nov. 1725, and married there, 10 Nov. 1760, to William Johnstone, who subsequently assumed the surname of Pulteney (see his burial 11 June 1805). She succeeded to the great Bath estates on the death of her kinsman General Harry Pulteney (see his burial 5 Nov. 1767). She died, at Bath House, 1 June. See the burial of her only daughter 23 July 1808. Dau. of Stephen Mauvillain, of Tooting and Morden, co. Surrey, by Hannah Gregory his wife, and relict of Andrew Stone, Esq. (see his burial 24 Dec. 1773), to whom married, at Tooting, 7 July 1743. Her will, dated 8 Mch. 1774, with eight codicils, was proved 17 June 1782. See the burials, of her only son 15 Feb. 1761, and of her sister, who was her executrix, 1 Feb. 1804. 5 Relict of George Wyatt, Esq., Chief Clerk of the Vote Office of the House of Commons, to whom married, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., 23 July 1722. and who died 8 Dec. 1758. Her maiden name was Wood, and, according to family records, she was born 28 Oct. 1698. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 10 June. She was mother of the wife of Dean Vincent (see her burial 23 Feb. 1807). See also the burial of another of her daughters 9 Sep. 1790. 6 Author of the well-known Chronological Tables. He is said to have been a native of Edinburgh, but little is known of his immediate family except that his brother William was a Captain in the royal navy, attaining his seniority 23 Apl. 1778, and died 22 Apl. 1782, from the effects of wounds received while engaging the French fleet. He became a Prebendary of West- minster 10 Mch. 1761, and the same year had the Vicarage of Hinckley, co. Leicester, and the Rectory of Burton-Coggles, co. Lincoln. Resigning the living of Hinckley, he became Vicar of St. Bride's, London, in Mch. 1771, but resigned in Apl. 1776, and took the Rectory of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, and in the same year that of Horton, co. Bucks. He married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 22 Feb. 1770, Ann-Persode, dau. of Colonel John Darby, who survived him, and administered to his estate 7 July 1782. See the baptisms of his children, 11 Mch. 1771, 24 Feb. 1772, 22 Feb. 1773, 23 Apl. 1774, 6 Feb. 1776, 12 Apl. 1777, 18 Apl. 1778, 21 Sep. 1780, and 23 Mch. 1782, and the burial of his eldest son 8 Jan. 1774. 7 Wife of William Young (see his burial 21 Nov. 1799). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 22 July. Her monumental inscription was on the gravestone of Mrs. Dorothy Hull (see her burial 13 Apl. 1777). 3 K 434 BURIALS IN 1782 July 30 Mrs. Elizabeth Milner, daughter of John Milner, Consul at Lisbon; aged 82: in a vault within the Spiritual Court. 1 Aug. 17 Jonathan-Chadwick Durden, Esq.;2 in his 63rd year: in the East Cloister. Aug. 27 His Royal Highness Prince Alfred (the 9th son of his present Majesty King George the 3rd);³ died at Windsor August 20th, in the second year of his age: in the Royal Vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Oct. 11 John Rutherford, Esq.; died June 21st, 1781, aged 40: re- moved from Olne in Germany and buried in the North Cloister. Anselm-Yates Bailey, Esq.;5 aged 36 in the West Cloister. Robert Denham, Gentleman;6 aged 59: in the North Cloister. Nov. Dec. 13 1 Third dau. (according to her father's will) of John Milner, Esq., H.B.M. Consul-General at Lisbon, by Elizabeth his wife, who were both buried at Kingston-on-Thames, co. Surrey, he 25 Nov. 1712, and she 30 Dec. 1719, and sister of Jane, wife of Bishop Wilcocks (see her burial 1 Apl. 1725), and of Katherine, wife of John Lodge (see her marriage 9 Feb. 1730-1). Her will, as of Queen Street, St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 9 Aug. 1781, was proved 6 Aug. 1782, by her nephew, Joseph Wilcocks, Esq., residuary legatee (see his burial 31 Dec. 1791). 2 He died 11 Aug., according to the Funeral Book, and on his gravestone he was described as a Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex and the city and liberty of Westminster. The journals of the day say that he died at his house in St. Margaret's Strect, Westminster. His will, as of Petty France, Westminster, Esq., dated 20 June 1782, was proved 13 Aug. following, by his friend George Smith, of Tothill Fields, Gent., whom he appointed executor in trust. He bequeathed to Lucy his wife sundry goods, plate, etc., and the residue of his estate to his dau. Susanna, wife of Thomas Pettit, junior. His relict Lucy administered de bonis non 27 Jan. 1785, and died before 7 July 1795, when further letters were granted to his daughter Susanna Pettit, widow, who also died before 21 May 1818, when further letters were granted to her son William- Joseph Pettit. 3 Ninth son and fourteenth child of King George III., by Sophia-Charlotte, second dau. of Charles-Louis-Frederick, Duke of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, and born at Windsor Castle 22 Sep. 1780. His remains were removed to the Royal Vault at Windsor 10 Feb. 1820. See the burial of his brother 10 May 1783. 4 Only son of John Rutherford, Esq., originally of Kelso, Scotland, but afterwards of St. Botolph's, Aldgate, London, by Jane Kerr his wife, of Durham. He was a captain in the Middlesex militia, and part owner of Covent Garden Theatre, and was endeavouring to establish his claim to the ancient barony of Rutherford, when he was unfortunately killed by a fall from his horse. He published, in 1781, a translation of Cicero's Orations. His will, dated 21 Nov. 1776, was proved 10 Nov. 1781, by his relict Ann (see her burial 30 Jan. 1806), to whom he left all his estate. See the burial of his sister, Hannah Shortland, 6 Jan. 1816. 5 Son and eldest child of Rev. Anselm Bayly, D.C.L., Sub-dean of the Chapel Royal, by his first wife (see her burial 21 Nov. 1775). He was born the 6th, and baptized at St. James, West- minster, 30 Mch. 1747. IIe died, according to the Funeral Book, 30 Oct. His will, as of Farley Hill, in Swallowfield, co. Berks, Esq., dated two days before his death, was proved 21 Nov. following, by Jane Day, spinster, whom he described as my most valuable and fondest friend and wife, for such she has ever proved to me, altho' never tied by law, Elizabeth Bayly alias Jane Day, daughter of Thomas and Joice Day, of Darleston, co. Stafford." He left her all his estate (except £5 to his sister Elizabeth Ridley) for life, with remainder to his cousin Richard Yates, only son of Rev. Dr. Yates, and his heirs for ever. • The Funeral Book calls him one of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, and says that he died 7 Dec. He was also one of the Abbey choir. His will, as of St. Luke's, Chelsea, Midx., dated 5 Nov. 1774, was proved 17 Dec. 1782, by his relict Katherine, to whom he bequeathed his freehold house in Church Lane, Chelsea, and all his personalty. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 435 1783 Jan. Jan. 9 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 2 William Pearce, Esq.;¹ died Dec. 24th, 1782, aged 90: in the North Cross. Mrs. Elizabeth Ward 2 in the East Cloister. • John Storr, Esq. ;3 died the 10th, aged 74: in the North Cross. Lieut.-Colonel Alexander Johnston ; aged 55: in the South Cloister. Elizabeth-Maria-Michael, Countess of Stafford ;5 died the 16th, in her 74th year in St. Edmund's Chapel. 1 Younger son of Thomas Pearce, citizen and distiller of London, who died 14 Aug. 1752, and was buried at Ealing, Midx., by his first wife, who died before 1725, and brother of the Right Rev. Zachary Pearce, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster. The journals of the day say that he was a brewer in Westminster. His will, as of Abingdon Street, Westminster, Esquire, dated 15 Sep. 1780, with several codicils, was proved 8 Jan. 1783. See the burials, of his daughter 23 Jan. 1759, of his grandson 10 Jan. 1791, and of his grand-daughter, Mrs. Mary Abbott, 28 Mch. 1794. 2 Youngest dau. of Sir John Egerton, third Bart. of Egerton, co. Chester, by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of William Holland, of Heaton, co. Lancaster, Esq., and relict of George Ward, Esq. (see his burial 12 Aug. 1779). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 4 Jan. Her will, dated 20 Oct. 1758, shortly after her marriage, with a codicil 26 Feb. 1780. was proved 20 Jan. 1783. It cites her marriage settlement, dated 31 Aug. 1758, in which she was described as Elizabeth Egerton, spinster, and thus affords the means of correcting the conjectural statement concerning her in the Egerton pedigree in Baker's History of Northamptonshire, i. 621, which assigns to her another husband. All her bequests were to her brothers and sisters, and their children, as named in that pedigree, so that there is not the slightest doubt as to her identity. She of course left no issue. As in the case of her husband, neither the Register nor the Funeral Book gives her age; but, as her mother died 31 May 1701, she must have been at least in her eighty-second year, and nearly if not quite sixty at her marriage. 3 Son of Joseph Storr, of Hilston, co. York, Esq. (see a pedigree of the family in Poulson's History of Holderness, ii. 79-80), and born, according to his monument, 18 Aug. 1709. He attained a captaincy in the royal navy 1 Nov. 1748, and became rear-admiral of the white 19 Mch. 1779, and of the red 26 Sep. 1780. The journals of the day say that he died at his house in Bedford Square. His will, dated 27 Jan. 1781, was proved 16 Jan. 1783, by his relict “John- Norris Storr," to whom, by those names, he bequeathed all his Yorkshire estates. for life, and all his personalty. At her death his estates were to go to his own relations. She is described in the pedigree above referred to as John-Norris, relict of Colonel Gordon." She was married, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx.. 20 Mch. 1761, to John Gordon. Esq., when she was described as "Norris Gordon, heretofore Fisher." The parish register of St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., records the marriage, 11 May 1773, of "John Storr, Esq., bachelor, and John-Norris Fisher, formerly Gordon, spinster." She signed the latter register, however, as "Norris Fisher, formerly Gordon." The only reasonable explanation of the first entry is that she had already been privately married to Colonel Gordon, and the second is sufficiently explained by the fact that the Journals of the House of Lords record the royal assent, the very day before, to a bill divorcing her from her first husband. 4 Second son of Sir James Johnstone, third Bart. of Westerhall. co. Dumfries, by Barbara Murray, dau. of Alexander, fourth Lord Elibank. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 15 Jan., and evidently unmarried. His will, as of Bulstrode Street, St. Marylebone, Midx., Esq., Lieut.-Colonel of H.M. Forces, dated 23 May 1775, was proved 24 Jan. 1783, by his eldest brother, Sir James Johnstone, Bart. (see his burial 17 Sep. 1794), to whom he bequeathed all his estates in the Island of Grenada, and in England or elsewhere, and whom he made his residuary legatee. See the burial of another brother, as Sir William Pulteney, Bart., 11 June 1805. Elizabeth-Mary-Michael, dau. of Abraham Ewens, of co. Somerset, Esq., by Elizabeth his first wife, eldest dau. of John St. Aubyn, of Alfoxton, in the same county, Esq. She married, in 436 BURIALS IN 2 George-James Riddell, Esq.;¹ died April 22nd, aged 24: in a new vault in the South Cross. 1783 May May May 9 7 Mr. John Hunt;2 aged 53: in the Dark Cloister. 3 John Newport, Esq.; died April 29th, in his 63rd year: in a vault opposite the door of St. Paul's Chapel. 4 May 10 The most illustrious Prince Octavius, the 8th son of his present Majesty King George the 3rd ; died May 3rd, in his 5th year in the Royal Vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Aug. 26 Sept. 5 Mrs. Mary Medley; Sept. 9 Mrs. Sarah Blore; Sept. 18 Mrs. Margaret Gell: in the West Cloister. 6 aged 61: in the South Cloister. aged 50: in the West Cloister. 8 Miss Mary-Ann Morgan ; aged 9 years: in the North Cloister. 1738, John-Paul Stafford-Howard, Esq., afterwards fourth Earl of Stafford (see his burial 7 Apl. 1762), but left no issue. Her will, dated 17 Sep. 1781, with a codicil 30 Oct. 1782, was proved 4 Mch. 1783. 1 Second son of Sir James Riddell, first Bart. of Ardnamurchan and Sunart, co. Argyll, by his first wife, Mary, dau. and heir of Thomas Milles, of Billockby Hall, co. Norfolk, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from Magdalen College, 21 Feb. 1778, aged nineteen, as of Coxhoe, co. Durham, but appears to have taken no degree. He was a lieutenant in the army, according to his monument, and was unfortunately slain in a duel, full particulars of which may be found in the Gentleman's Magazine, Apl. 1783, p. 362, and in the London Chronicle of 26 Apl. and 3 May in that year. See his stepmother's burial 16 June 1817. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 2 May. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. See his wife's burial 2 Oct. 1793, and his son's 3 Feb. 1806. 3 Illegitimate son of Henry, third Earl of Bradford (sec his burial 20 Jan. 1734-5), by Mrs. Anne Smyth (see her burial 7 Nov. 1742). He was known at first by the name of John Harrison, but by a private Act of Parliament in 1736 his name was changed to Newport, according to the directions of his father. He was a lunatic throughout the most, if not the whole, of his life. * Eighth son and thirteenth child of King George III., by Sophia-Charlotte, second dau. of Charles-Louis-Frederick, Duke of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz. He was born 23 Feb. 1779, and died, according to the journals of the day, at Kew, from the effects of inoculation, having before been "the most healthy and lively boy that can be imagined." His remains were removed to the Royal Vault at Windsor 10 Feb. 1820. See the burial of his brother 27 Aug. 1782. 5 Dau. of Rev. Nicholas Clagett, D.D., Rector of Hitcham, co. Suffolk, and Archdeacon of Sudbury, by Margaret his wife, and sister of the Right Rev. Nicholas Clagett, Bishop of Exeter. She married, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., 2 July 1761, Daniel Gell, Esq. (see his burial 18 June 1763), to whom she was second wife. She died, according to the Funeral Book, 19 Aug., aged cighty-four. Her will, dated 19 Jan. 1775, with codicils 4 May 1775 and 11 July 1781, was proved 14 Jan. 1784. The only relation she named was her "kinsman" Sir Samuel Prime, the celebrated Serjeant-at-Law, who died 24 Feb. 1777, to whom she bequeathed £100, and all her pictures. 6 She died, according to the Funeral Book, 1 Sep. Her will, as of New Peter Street, Westminster, widow, dated 12 Mch. 1774, with a codicil 17 Jan. 1778, was proved 28 Feb. 1784, by her son Edward Medley (see his burial 6 Jan. 1809), to whom she left all her freehold estate in Westminster, subject to an annuity of £40 to her dau. Martha, wife of John Waldron, of the Horseferry Road, coach-wheelwright, for her life. She mentioned a house purchased from her nephew Samuel Hazelton. 7 The Funeral Book says that she died 5 Sep. See the burial, probably of her husband, but perhaps her brother, 22 June 1792. s Dau. of Rev. David-Walter Morgan, one of the minor canons of the Abbey (see his burial Mch. 1795). She died, according to the Funeral Book, 14 Sep. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 437 1783 Oct. Oct. 11 Nov. 28 1784 Jan. 23 The Right Hon. Susanna, Lady Delaval; died the 1st: in a new vault in St. Paul's Chapel. : William Moore;2 died the 6th in St. John Baptist's Chapel. Mr. Henry Ede;3 died the 20th, aged 62: in the Dark Cloister. The Right Hon. Elizabeth, Countess Dowager Home; died the 15th: in a vault in St. Erasmus's Chapel. Jan. 26 Mrs. Sarah West;5 died the 18th, aged 63: in the West Cloister. Mr. Pegrum Thorpe ; died the 21st, aged 59: in the Dark Cloister. Jan. Feb. 7 14 Mrs. Sarah Langwith; died the 8th, aged 91: in the South Cloister. ¹ She is described in the accounts of the family as " a daughter of R. Robinson, Esq." She married, first, John Potter, Esq., an Under-Secretary of State, whose will, as of Albemarle Street, Westminster, dated 8 Mch. 1747-8, she proved 7 June 1749, and who evidently left no issue. She married secondly, at Duke Street Chapel, Westminster, 2 Apl. 1750, John-Hussey Delaval, Esq., afterwards Lord Delaval (see his burial 13 June 1808), to whom she was first wife, and who appears to have been her cousin-german, his father's sister Margaret having married Mr. Robinson above named. See the burial of her daughter, the Countess of Tyrconnel, 4 Nov. 1800. Her age is not given in the Funeral Book, but must have been upwards of fifty. 2 His monument describes him as having been Attorney-General of the Island of Barbados, and gives his age as sixty. See the burial of his only daughter, Mrs. Anna-Maria Morris, 10 Mch. 1785. According to his son-in-law's will, he died intestate. 3 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed a sacrist and porter of the Little Cloisters 8 June 1762, removed 11 Feb 1768, and re-appointed 22 Apl. following, when he resigned the offices of porter of the Great Cloister, sealer. keeper of the College water, and bell-ringer, all of which he appears to have previously held. At his death he was first verger and sacrist. See the burials, of his wife 2 Mch. 1786, and of his son 29 Nov. 1779. 4 Only dau. and heir of William Gibbons, of Vere, in the Island of Jamaica, Esq. She married, first, 20 Oct. 1720, James Lawes, Esq., eldest son of Sir Nicholas Lawes, Kt., Governor of Jamaica, who died 29 Dec. 1733, and was buried in that island. She married secondly, 25 Dec. 1742, William, eighth Earl of Home, Lieut.-General in the army and Governor of Gibraltar, where he died 28 Apl. 1761. She appears to have had no issue by either husband. The Funeral Book gives her age as eighty. Her will, as of Portman Square, dated 19 Nov. 1783, was proved 24 Jan. 1784. The only relative she named was her relation " William Gale, son of the late Heury Gale, of St. Elizabeth's, Jamaica, then at Westminster School, to whom she bequeathed her house, etc., in Portman Square, and her estate in Jamaica left to her by her father. The bulk of her estate reverted to her first husband's family. 5 Dau. of Mr. William Spring (see his burial 29 June 1757), by Dorcas his wife (see her burial 18 Mch. 1755), and relict of Mr. George West (see his burial 28 Aug. 1773), to whom married. at Duke Street Chapel, Westminster, 21 Apl. 1748. Her will, as of Dartmouth Street, Westminster, dated two days before her death, was proved two days after it. She mentioned no relations of her own, but left considerable legacies to nephews and nieces of her late husband, and to numerous friends. 6 His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, patent sash-maker, was dated the 17th and proved the 31st of the same month. His chief bequests were to his sister Sarah, wife of Thomas Carrington, of Thorpe, co. Essex, and her children, and to his late wife's niece, Sarah Wright. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters, in the grave of his wife (see her burial 29 Nov. 1776). 7 Relict of Rev. Benjamin Langwith, who was inducted Rector of Petworth, co. Sussex, in 1718, and buried there 2 Oct. 1743, aged fifty-nine. Her will, as of Bromley College, co. Kent, dated 6 Apl. 1781, with codicils 10 Nov. 1781 and 7 July 1783, was proved 10 Feb. 1784, by her niece Anne, wife of Nathaniel Hone, Esq., to whom she left the most of her estate, with remainder to her great-nephew William Tinswood, only son of said Anne Hone by her former 438 BURIALS IN 1784 Feb. 14 Miss Harriet Brock;¹ died the 10th, aged 3 years in the South Cloister. March 26 Mrs. Mary Cook ;² died the 19th, aged 52: in the West Cloister. April 20 Elizabeth, Countess of Mansfield, daughter of Daniel, Earl of Winchelsea and Nottingham; died the 10th in a new vault in the North Cross. July 27 Mr. Joseph Dalby; died the 21st, aged 70: in the South Cloister. Dec. 6 Mrs. Esther Blount;5 died Nov. 28th, aged 59: in the West Dec. Cloister. 18 Mrs. Elizabeth Broughton ; died the 7th, aged 59: in the West Dec. 20 Cloister. Samuel Johnson, LL.D.; died 13th December, 1784, and was buried on the 20th of the same month in the South Cross; aged 75 years. husband William Tinswood, Esq. The only other relations she named were her nieces Sarah Hewett and Elizabeth Jennings, spinster. The Funeral Book says that she was buried on her sister Mrs. Grace Gostridge (sce her burial 15 Feb. 1780). She was evidently also a sister of Mrs. Mary Jennings (sce her burial 1 Apl. 1779). 1 The Funeral Book adds that she was buried "in a wood coffin under Mr. Ricc's stone" (see his burial 5 Feb. 1768). 2 Wife of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, organist of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793). She was a sister of Charles Jackson, Esq., of the General Post Office, who was living at Tooting, Surrey, in 1793. See the burial of her mother, Mrs. Mary Shelvocke, 1 Aug. 1761, and note thereto. She was married to Dr. Cooke 22 May 1758. See the burials of her ten children as recapitulated in the note to her husband's burial. 3 Lady Elizabeth Finch, sixth dau. of Daniel, sixth Earl of Winchilsca and second Earl of Nottingham, by his second wife, Lady Anne, dau. of Christopher, first Viscount Hatton. Shc married, 20 Nov. 1738, William Murray, Esq., afterwards created Earl of Mansfield (see his burial 28 Mch. 1793). The Funeral Book says that she died in her eightieth year. "known as (( 4 The inventor of that celebrated sweet boon to children Dalby's Carmi- native." He was buried, according to the Funeral Book, "at the head of Long Meg's grave- stone." His will, as of Welbeck Street, St. Marylebone, Midx., apothecary, without date, was proved on the day of his burial, by Anthony Gell, Esq., his son-in-law (see his burial 4 Feb. 1817), to whose wife Frances, his daughter, he bequeathed his entire interest in the "Carmi- native," having before instructed her in the art and method of preparing that medicine. To his son Charles-Edward Dalby he gave his interest in certain freehold lands in Great Shrewton, co. Wilts. His other bequests were to his sons, Joseph, then of the Island of Jamaica, Thomas, then a lieutenant in the Navy, Jaques, also in the Navy, and John, and to his daughters, Elizabeth Mitchell, Anne Spencer, and Katharine Dalby. The will itself is an extraordinary literary curiosity, portions of it being unfit for publication, and it is somewhat surprising that the authorities admitted it to probate and allowed it to be copied into their records. See his wife's burial 3 May 1786. 5 Wife of George Blount, Esq. (sce his burial 9 July 1806), to whom married, at St. James, Westminster, 3 Jan. 1753, as Esther Thibou, of that parish, widow. Sec her son's burial 26 Mch. 1847. 6 Wife of John Broughton, the celebrated pugilist (see his burial 21 Jan. 1789). The Funeral Book gives the means of her identification. 7 Younger son of Michael Johnson, of the city of Lichfield, bookseller, by Sarah Ford his wife, who were married at Packwood, co. Warwick, 19 June 1706. He was born at Lichfield 18 Sep. 1709, and married, at St. Werburgh's Church, Derby, 9 July 1735, Elizabeth, dau. of William Jervis, of Great Peatling, co. Leicester, Esq., and widow of Henry Porter, of Birmingham, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 439 1785 Jan. mercer. 3 Mrs. Mary Cracherode;¹ died Dec. 27th, 1784, aged 89: in the East Cloister. Jan. 3 Edward Wynne, Esq.;2 died Dec. 27th, 1784, aged 50: in the North Cloister. Jan. 31 Samuel Strutt, Esq.; died the 22nd, aged 49: in the East Cloister. Feb. 21 Mrs. Ann Oswald; died the 13th, aged 65: in the North aisle. March 10 Mrs. Anna-Maria Morris;5 died the 4th, aged 30: in St. John Baptist's Chapel. June 5 Colonel Richmond Webb; died May 27th, aged 70: in the East Cloister. She died in Mch. 1752, and was buried at Bromley, co. Kent. Dr. Johnson died at his house in Bolt Court, Fleet Street, leaving no issue, but his inimitable writings will keep his name in perpctual remembrance. His remains are counted among the most sacred treasures of the Abbey. 1 Dau. of Thomas Morice, Esq., paymaster of the British forces in Portugal, who died at Lisbon in 1713, by Alice, dau. of Sir William Underhill, of Idlicote, co. Warwick, Kt., whose will, dated 12 June 1733, was proved 31 Jan. 1733-4. They were married at St. Michael's, city of Oxford, 14 Sep. 1687. She married, at St. Anne's, Westminster, 17 Feb. 1716-17, Mordaunt Cracherode, Esq.. afterwards Licut.-Colonel, who accompanied Lord Anson around the world, and was appointed Governor of Minorca in 1753. He was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midx., 28 June 1773. See the burials, of her brother 24 Jan. 1710-11, of her son 13 Apl. 1799, and of her daughter in July 1802. 2 Eldest son of William Wynne, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law (sce his burial 23 May 1765), by Grace his wife (see her burial 27 Nov. 1779). He was a barrister-at-law, of the Middle Temple, and died unmarried. See the burials of his brothers, 25 Feb. 1736-7 and 7 Dec. 1714. 3 The journals of the day say that he was many years assistant-clerk of the House of Lords, and died at his residence in Dean's Yard, Westminster. His will, as of St. Margaret's, West- minster, Esq., dated 20 June 1783, was proved 4 Feb. 1785. His bequests were to his wife Charlotte, his sons Samuel and George-Henry, his sister-in-law Rowe-Barbara Pile, and his nephew William Skipsey. See the burials, of his first wife 23 July 1770, his second wife (as Charlotte Willett) 18 May 1815, and his daughter by her 30 Apl. 1808. His two sons were also by his second wife. Samuel became a clergyman, and George-Henry was at his death, about 1810, a Major in the third regiment of dragoon guards. Relict of the Right Rev. Dr. John Oswald, who was installed Prebendary of Westminster 13 May 1755, and was afterwards successively Bishop of Clonfert, Dromore, and Raphoe, in Ireland. He died at Raphoe 5 Mch. 1780, and was buried in the Cathedral churchyard. She was married about 29 Aug. 1755, as Anne Buchanan, of St. James, Westminster, spinster. Her will, as then of Paddington, Midx., dated 4 Dec. 1784, was proved 28 Feb. 1785. She left considerable legacies to the family of her late husband, and the only relation of her own named was her nephew John Bogle, lieutenant of the sixty-first regiment of foot, whom she made her residuary legatee. 5 Her monument describes her as dau. of William Moore, Esq. (see his burial 11 Oct. 1783), and wife of William Morris, Esq., some time Judge of the Court of Admiralty and Receiver- General of the Casual Revenue in the island of Barbados (see his burial 23 Feb. 1796), and states that her infant son and daughter were buried with her; which fact is confirmed by her husband's will, though not mentioned in the Register. 6 Only son and heir of Richmond Webb (descended from the family of Richmond alias Webb, of Rodborne-Cheney, co. Wilts). Captain in the Guards, by Anne his wife, who were buried at St. Margaret's, ucar the city of Rochester, in 1734 and 1733. He was a Lieut.-Colonel in the army, and commanded a company at the battle of Culloden. His will, as of Great Queen Street, Westminster, Esq., dated 29 Apl. 1762 (sic), was proved 15 June 1785, by his relict Sarah, 4.4.0 BURIALS IN 1785 June 28 Mrs. Elizabeth Hollingworth; died the 20th, aged 60: in the East Cloister. July 30 The most noble Margaret-Cavendish, Duchess Dowager of Portland;2 died the 17th, in her 71st year in the Duke of Ormond's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. : Nov. 28 Sir James Wright, Bart. ;3 died the 20th, aged 71 in the North Cross. 4 Dec. 3 Mr. John Henderson; died Nov. 25th, aged 38: in the 1786 Jan. 9 Feb. 6 Feb. South Cross. Mrs. Alice Samuda;5 aged 46: in the West Cloister. Mrs. Mary Davies ; died Jan. 24th, aged 46: in the North Cloister. 7 13 Mr. John Pilkington; died the 5th, aged 51: in the West Cloister. who was alone named in it (see her burial 14 June 1789). One of their daughters, Amelia, married William-Makepeace Thackeray, Esq., and was grandmother of the late eminent author of those names. ¹ According to her monument, she was the "relict of William Hollingworth, of Barton Mere, co. Suffolk, Esq." Her will, as Elizabeth Hollingworth, of Princes Court, Westminster, widow, dated 9 Mch. 1785, was proved 7 July following, by her son-in-law Thomas Quayle, husband of her dau. Elizabeth. She bequeathed £200 to her sister Mary Evans, and £100 to her husband Rev. James Evans, £50 each to Lieut. John Quayle and her god-daughter Elizabeth Quayle, son and dau. of John Quayle, Esq., £100 to her grandson William-Hollingworth Quayle, when of age, and the residue of her estate to her said dau. Elizabeth Quayle. 2 Lady Margaret-Cavendish Harley, only dau. and heir of Edward, second Earl of Oxford (see his burial 25 June 1741), by Lady Henrietta-Cavendish Holles (see her burial 26 Dec. 1755). She was born the 11th, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 19 Mch. 1714-15, and married, at St. Marylebone, Midx., 11 June 1734, William Bentinck, second Duke of Portland (see his burial 8 May 1762). She was the "noble, lovely little Peggy," celebrated by Prior. 3 Son of Robert Wright, of Sedgfield, co. Durham, Esq., who died Chief-Justice of the Province of South Carolina. He was successively Attorney-General, Chief-Justice, and Governor of the Province of Georgia, and was created a Bart. 8 Dec. 1772. He married, in 1740, Sarah, only dau, and heir of Capt. Maidman, of the army, who was drowned on her voyage to England in 1763. His will, dated 24 Jan. 1784, then of Fludyer Street, Westminster, was proved 22 Apl. 1786. His successors have generally resided abroad, chiefly at, or in the vicinity of, Charleston, South Carolina. 4 The well known actor, chiefly famed for his representations of Shakesperian characters, and by many recognised as the legitimate successor of Garrick. His family is said to have been originally of Scotland, but he was the son of an Irish factor in London. He was born in Gold- smith Street, Cheapside, and baptized 8 Mch. 1746-7. According to the journals of the day, he died at his house in Buckingham Street, Adelphi, leaving an infant daughter. Sec his wife's burial 3 Mch. 1819. 5 Dau. of Mr. John Luckett (see his burial 10 Apl. 1748), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 26 Sep. 1743). She married, at All Saints, Colchester, Essex, 31 Jan. 1762, David Samuda, of London, merchant, and of Aldborough Hatch, co. Essex, who survived her, with three children. Mr. Samuda was great-uncle of Joseph D'A. Samuda, Esq., M.P. for the Tower Hamlets. 6 Youngest dau. of Owen Davies, Esq. (see his burial 1 May 1759), by Mary his wife (see her burial 11 May 1778). See her baptism 13 Jan. 1739-40. The Funeral Book says that she was buried on the left hand of her father. Letters of administration to her estate, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, spinster, were granted, 21 Feb. 1786, to her sister and only next of kin, Anne Davies (sce her burial 2 Apl. 1791). 7 According to the journals of the day, he was "an eminent coal merchant" in Canon WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 441 1786 Feb. 21 March 2 March 11 Thomas Chase; died the 15th, aged 52: in the Dark Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Eade; 2 died Feb. 26th, aged 64: in the Dark Cloister. The most noble George Beauclerk, Duke of St. Albans, etc. ;3 died at Brussells Feb. 1st, in his 55th year in the Duke of Ormond's vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. 4 : April 15 Edward Smith, Esq.; died the 6th, aged 80: in the West Cloister. May 3 Mrs. Anne Dalby; died April 25th, aged 67: in the South Cloister. June 17 June 21 Mr. James Stone; died the 10th, aged 57: in the Little Cloisters. The most noble Hugh Percy, Duke and Earl of Northumberland, Baron Warkworth, etc. ;7 died the 6th, in his 74th year: in the vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Row, Westminster, and, from his monument, appears to have died at Fulham, Midx. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, coal merchant, dated 23 Aug. 1783, with a codicil dated at Fulham 3 Jan. 1786, when he described himself as "Gentleman." was proved 15 Feb. 1786, by his relict Ann, Joseph Ward, of Nottingham, tailor, and Thomas Lane, of King Street, St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Gent. His only other relations named were his brother Benjamin Pilkington, of Nottingham, his late sister Mary, wife of John Wigley, and her dau. Anne Cousens, and his nicces, Sarah and Anne Pilkington, and Mary, wife of said Joseph Ward, daughters of his said brother Benjamin. The Funeral Book says that he was servant to Rev. Dr. Vincent, who was then Second- Master of Westminster School. 2 Probably Ede. The Funeral Book says that she was buried on the right hand of her husband: see his burial 28 Nov. 1783, and that of her son 29 Nov. 1779. 3 Only son of Charles, second Duke of St. Albans (see his burial 3 Aug. 1751), by Lucy his wife (see her burial Nov. 1752). He was born 25 June 1730, and succeeded as third Duke. He married, 23 Oct. 1752, Jane, dau. and coheir of Sir Walter Roberts, sixth Bart. of Glassenbury, co. Kent, who died 16 Dec. 1778, and by whom he had no issue. His will, dated 13 Sep. 1785, was proved 10 May 1786. He left all the estate of which he could dispose to his two illegitimate daughters, Rosc Beauclerk and Anne-Amelia, wife of Mr. Simon Fromont, for their lives, with remainder to his nephew" George Beauclerk. son of Topham Beauclerk, Esq., deceased. (. 4 His will, as of Millbank Street, Westminster. Gent., dated 4 May 1785, was proved 20 Apl. 1786, by his relict Elizabeth and his son-in-law Charles Armstrong, Esq. His bequests, which were considerable, were to his wife and four daughters, viz., Sophia, wife of John Dickenson, Juliet, wife of said Charles Armstrong, Amelia, wife of William Haynes, and Harriot, wife of John Rayner, and to his grandson Edward Haynes. To his wife he gave his lease of the "Swan Tavern" at the corner of Westminster Bridge. 5 Relict of Joseph Dalby (see his burial 27 July 1784). She appears to have died intestate, See the burial of her daughter, Mrs. Frances Gell, 7 Feb. 1825. 6 The Funeral Book adds "no fees," by which, with the place of burial, his humble position is sufficiently indicated. 7 Hugh Smithson, son of Langdale Smithson, of Langdale, co. York, Esq. (second son of Sir Hugh Smithson, third Bart. of Stanwick, co. York), by l'hiladelphia, dau. of William Revely, of Newby-Wisk, co. York, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 15 Oct. 1730, aged fifteen, and succeeded his grandfather as fourth Bart. Having married Lady Elizabeth Seymour (see her burial 18 Dec. 1766), he succeeded, on the death of her father, 7 Feb. 1749-50, to the titles of Baron Warkworth and Earl of Northumberland, under a special provision in the patent of creation, and in April following assumed the surname of Percy, in accordance with an Act of Parliament. He was created, 22 Oct. 1766, Earl Percy and Duke of Northumberland, and, 28 Jan. 1784, Lord Lovaine, Baron of Alnwick, with special remainder, as to the latter title, 3 L 442 BURIALS IN 1 1786 Sept. 29 Mrs. Elizabeth Hanna; died the 24th, aged 74: in the East Cloister. Oct. 2 Lady Harriot Eliot, daughter of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham;2 died Sept. 25th, in her 29th year: in the North Cross. Oct. 31 Mr. Joseph Newcomb (the College Cook);³ died the 25th, aged 68 in the South Cloister. Nov. 11 11 Her Royal Highness Princess Amelia - Sophia - Eleonora, 2nd daughter of his late Majesty King George the 2nd ; died Oct. 31st, in her 76th year: in the Royal Vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. 27 Mrs. Agnes Marton;5 died the 20th, aged 71: in the West Cloister. 1787 Jan. Feb. 2 6 Redmond Simpson, Esq.; died Jan. 23rd, aged 57: in the North Cloister. to his second son Algernon Percy. His age appears to be erroneously stated in the text, as, according to his age at his matriculation at Oxford, he was born in 1715, and would therefore have been only seventy-one at his death. See the burials of his legitimate children, 5 June 1761 and 19 July 1817, and of his illegitimate daughters, 24 Nov. 1791 and 24 Nov. 1794. ¹ Her monument describes her as relict of Alexander Hanna, Esq. (see his burial 22 Jan. 1778), and mother of John Hanna (sce his burial 25 Mch. 1814). The Funeral Book says that she was buried on her husband. 2 Lady Harriot Pitt, second dau. of William, first Earl of Chatham (see his burial 9 June 1778), by Lady Hester his wife (sce her burial 16 Apl. 1803). She was born 18 Apl., and bap- tized at St. James, Westminster, 10 May 1758, and married. at St. Margaret's. Westminster, 4 Sep. 1785, Edward-James Eliot (second but eldest surviving son of Edward, first Lord Eliot, of St. Germans, co. Cornwall), who survived her, but died in his father's lifetime, 20 Sep. 1797, and was buried at Port Eliot, in Cornwall. Their only dau., Harrict-Hester, was born 20 Sep., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Nov. 1786, and married Lieut.-General Sir William-Henry Pringle, G.C.B., who died 23 Dec. 1840, she surviving him and dying 5 Oct. 1842. 3 See the burials, of his wife 24 Feb. 1781, and of his son 24 Jan. 1780. The Funeral Book says that he was buried on his wife. His will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, cook, dated the 16th, was proved on the 26th of the same month, by his son Edward Newcomb, residuary legatee. His other bequests were to Sarah, widow of his late son William Newcomb, and their children Joseph and Ann, and to his grandson Edward Newcomb, then a minor, son of his executor. 4 Second dau. and third child of King George II. (see his burial 11 Nov. 1760) and Queen Caroline (see her burial 17 Dec. 1737). She was born at Hanover 10 June 1711, and died unmarried. Second dau. of Oliver Marton, of Capernwray Hall, co. Lancaster, Esq., by Janc, his second wife, dau. of Roger Wilson, of Casterton Hall, co. Westmoreland, Esq., who were married at St. Mary-Aldermary, London, 29 July 1707. Her will, as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, dated 5 Aug. 1774, was proved 16 Feb. 1787, by her sister Jane Marton (see her burial 15 Oct. 1798), principal and residuary legatee. Her other bequests were to her brother Rev. Oliver Marton, and his sons Oliver and George-Richard Marton, and to her nicces, Jane, wife of Henry Lutwidge, Esq., Elizabeth Molyneux. Mary, wife of John Fletcher, Esq., Lucy, wife of Rev. William Hutton, and Diana, wife of William Dalrymple, Esq. According to the journals of the day, he was originally a musician in the foot guards, but became the most famous performer on the hautboy in the kingdom, and was appointed one of the Queen's Chamber-band, having been one of the musicians who attended her from the con- tinent. It was added that down to his death he was much respected, but it is also reproachfully said that, although he had acquired a considerable fortune, he left his wife so illy provided for WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 443 1787 May 12 June 6 Mrs. Mary Grant ;¹ died the 5th, aged 82: in the North Cloister. Henry Brooker, Esq., Receiver-General of the College;2 died May 29th, aged 65: in the East Cloister. July 9 Sir Richard Jebb, Bart., M.D.;³ died the 4th, aged 57: in the West Cloister. Oct. 20 Thomas Jennings, Esq.; died the 13th, aged 43: in the North Cloister. Nov. 22 Master Rowland Blore ;5 died the 14th, aged 21 months: in the West Cloister. 1788 Jan. 29 Warwick Calmady, Esq.; died the 19th, in his 78th year: in the South Cloister. that Dr. Jebb and others resigned to her considerable legacies which he had left to them. His wife was Elizabeth, dau. of the celebrated violinist Matthew Dubourg. They were married by one of the notorious Fleet parsons, 22 Sep. 1753, when he was only twenty-three years of age, and, from some cause, they were not living together at his death. His will, as of King Street, West- minster, dated 4 July 1786, was proved 27 Jan. 1787, by James Galloway, of Cumberland House, Pall Mall, Esq., and Ellis Needham, of Pimlico, Esq., to whom he left £2000 in trust, the interest whereof was to be paid to his wife Elizabeth, then living in Union Street, Westminster. He bequeathed considerable sums to various persons, Sir Richard Jebb's bequest being £100. The only relations named were his nieces, Elizabeth Hickey, and Helen, wife of Captain Rush, both of Galway, in Ireland. 1 The Funeral Book merely repeats the text. 2 Probably son of Henry Brooker and Hannah Tanner, who were married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 2 Feb. 1705-6. The journals of the day say that he was many years keeper of the records in the Augmentation Office, having been appointed one of the clerks in 1759. According to the Chapter Book, he was a clerk to the Receiver of the Abbey as early as 9 May 1758, and was appointed library keeper and keeper of the records of the Church 1 Dec. 1764, auditor 6 Aug. 1770, and receiver-general 3 June 1785. He resigned as librarian 3 Mch. before his death. His relict Henrietta administered to his estate 27 July 1787. See his marriage 4 Mch. 1753, his daughter's baptism 2 Jan. 1761, and the burials, of his wife 23 Jan. 1802, and of his daughters, 25 Feb. 1780 and 19 July 1815. Eldest son of Samuel Jebb, an died at Chesterfield, co. Derby, 3 The celebrated physician in ordinary to K. George III. eminent physician, editor of Aristides, Roger Bacon, etc., who 9 Mch. 1772, by Jane, dau. of Patrick Lambe, of London, Esq. He was baptized at West Ham, co. Essex, 30 Oct. 1729, and matriculated at Oxford, from St. Mary Hall, 8 Apl. 1747, but appears to have taken no degree. He was created a Bart. 4 Sep. 1778, but died unmarried, and the title became extinct. According to the journals of the day, he died at his house in Great George Street, Westminster, but in his will he described himself as of Lamb's Conduit Street, Midx. See the burials of his brothers, 11 Aug. 1780 and 6 Sep. 1788. * Eldest son of Robert Jennings, Esq. (see his burial 4 Sep. 1779), by Mary his wife (see her burial 1 Apl. 1779). At the date of his father's will, 17 Dec. 1776, he was a Captain in the army, and apparently, from his own will, in the 30th regiment of foot. His will, as of Cowley Street, Westminster, Esq., dated 29 Aug. 1780, was proved 31 Oct. 1787, by his sister Elizabeth Jennings (see her burial 24 Nov. 1813). His only other relation named was his sister Mary Pearce (see the burial of her son 10 Jan. 1791). 5 Son of Rowland Blore, Clerk of the Works (see his burial 22 June 1792), by (probably) his second wife, Sarah. He was born 20 Jan., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 5 Feb. 1786, as son of Rowland Blore and Sarah his wife. The Funeral Book says that he was buried on the right side of Sarah Blore (see her burial 9 Sep. 1783), who was probably his father's first wife, or perhaps his sister. 6 Son of Francis Calmady, of Combshead, co. Cornwall, Esq., by Cecilia, dau. of Warwick Pollexfen, of Mothecombe, in Holbeton, co. Devon, Esq. He entered the navy, and attained his captaincy 30 Sep. 1743, but never rose any higher, having, it is said, resigned his commission on 444 BURIALS IN 1788 Feb. 2 Mrs. Mary Catling; died Jan. 28th, aged 76: in the Dark Cloister. March 26 William Fenn;2 died the 21st, aged 20 years: in the Dark Cloister. June 16 Sir John Lindsay, K.B., Rear-Admiral; died the 7th, aged 51: in the North Cross. July 17 Mrs. Anna-Maria D'oyly; died the 10th, aged 41 in the North Cloister. account of his disgust at the execution of Admiral Byng. This, however, does not appear to be strictly true, as, according to Admiral Hardy's List, he quitted the navy 2 Feb. 1757, and Admiral Byng was not executed until 14 Mch. following. It is possible that the treatment of his superior officer may have induced him to take that step, and, at all events, he did not resume his profession, although on his monument he was described as "Captain Calmady." The same inscription states that he was the last of his family. He died at his house in James Street, Buckingham Gate, unmarried, although the journals of the day stated that his fortune devolved upon "his widow and only surviving child, the lady of John Richardson, Esq., of Bramshot." His will, as of James Street, Westminster, Esq., dated 24 June 1784, was proved 23 Jan. 1788, by "Philippa Wilson alias Philippa Calmady, spinster," to whom, as Philippa, commonly called Philippa Calmady, now living with me." he bequeathed his manor of Mothecombe, and other lands in co. Devon, inherited from his brother Shilston Calmady, for her life, with remainder to Cecilia, wife of John Richardson, of Bramshot Place. Hants, Esq. A son, by the same mother, named Warwick Calmady, became a merchant in London, and died in his father's lifetime. Both these children were baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 31 Mch. 1752, as “Cecilia Calmady," born 19 June 1748, and "Warwick Calmady," born 16 Oct. 1751, both being described as the children of "Warwick Calmady by Philippa," and against each entry being written the words “base-born." It is not unreasonable that, having been faithful to this lady for at least forty years, treating her to the last moment as his wife, and bestowing upon her and her child his entire fortune, the journalists should have made the announcement already quoted. 1 Relict of John Catling, one of the sacrists, etc. (sce bis burial 29 May 1762). See her marriage 27 Jan. 1744-5. By order of the Chapter, 29 Nov. 1765, the College gardener then appointed was to pay her £5 per annum, or supply her with three quarts of small beer daily. Her son John Catling. being then her only surviving child, administered to her estate 20 Feb. 1788. Fee the baptisms of her children, 12 Nov. 1745, 12 Nov. 1747, 27 Oct. 1749, 21 Ang. 1751, and 5 June 1755, and the burials of four of them, 9 Dec. 1749, 29 July 1752, 6 Aug. 1765, and 20 Aug. 1776; also the burial of Susanna Woolf, 8 Nov. 1781, probably her relation. 2 Son of John Fenn, College beadle (see his burial 24 Mch. 1796), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 4 Nov. 1788). 3 Younger son of Sir Alexander Lindsay, of Evelick, co. Perth, Bart., by Hon. Amelia Murray, dau. of David, fifth Viscount Stormont. He attained his captaincy 29 Sep. 1757, and was knighted 10 Feb. 1764, for his gallantry at the siege of Havannah. He was created a Knight of the Bath 11 Mch. 1771, while Commodore in the East Indies, and was promoted to the rank of Rear- Admiral of the Red 4 Sep. 1787. He died at Marlborough, Wilts, according to the journals of the day, on his journey from Bath to London. He left no legitimate issue, but provided in his will for his "reputed son and daughter, John and Elizabeth Lindsay." See his wife's burial. 30 Oct. 1799. 4 Dau. and heir of Jonathan Black, of Westminster, a rich brewer, by Elizabeth, dau. and heir of George Burnell, of Lofthouse, co. York, Esq. She married, at Gretna Green, in 1767, the ceremony being repeated at St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surrey, 5 Oct. 1768, Edward D'Oyly, cldest and only surviving son of Thomas D'Oyly, of Gray's Inn, Esq. (younger brother of the Rev. Sir Hadley D'Oyly, fifth Bart. of Shottisham), who died at Bencoolen, in Sumatra, about 1770. She died at her residence in Palace Yard, Westminster, leaving an only son, Edward D'Oyly, who eventually succeeded to the estates of both his grandfathers. See a full account of the family in Nichols's Topographer and Genealogist, ii. 17-27. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 445 1788 Aug. 22 Sept. 6 Nov. 4 2 Mrs. Ann Whitall; died the 17th in the North aisle. Avery Jebb, Esq.; died Aug. 30th, aged 56: in the West Cloister. 3 Elizabeth Fenn; died Oct. 31st, aged 60: in the Dark Cloister. Nov. ;4 Dec. 1789 Jan. 7 William Bowman; died Oct. 31st, aged 55: in the Dark Cloister. 30 Capt. Richard Murray (of the Navy);5 died the 23rd, aged 53: in the West Cloister. 6 21 Mr. John Broughton, Yeoman of the Guard; died the 8th, aged 86: in the West Cloister. ¹ Her will, as Ann Whytall, of Gilmonby, co. York, spinster. dated 23 May 1770. was proved 26 Aug. 1788, by her sister Elizabeth Whytell. spinster, to whom she bequeathed all her real and personal estate. Although she sigued her own name Whytall, the name in the body of the will and in the probate act is Whytell, as it is also on the monument erected by her sister. while in the Funeral Book, which quotes the coffin-plate, it is Whitall, as in the text. 2 Third son of Samuel Jebb, an eminent physician, and editor of Aristides. Roger Bacon, etc.. who died at Chesterfield, co. Derby, 9 Mch. 1772. by Jane, dau. of Patrick Lambe, of London, Esq.. and younger brother of Sir Richard Jebb, the celebrated physician to K. George III. (see his burial 9 July 1787): He died in consequence of the bruises he received a few days before, when thrown from his chaise. He had been in trade. but. meeting with misfortunes, was, by the present chairman of the East India Company. iu gratitude for assistance from Sir Richard's medical skill, presented with a place of £400 per annum in the East India warehouses “ (Gent. Mag.). His will, as of Lamb's Conduit Street, Midx.. Gent., dated 17 Sep. 1787, was proved 10 Sep. 1788. He evidently died unmarried. See the burial of another brother 11 Aug. 1780. ་་ 3 The Funeral Book says: "She was sweeper of the Choir, and wife to the Beadle.` See her husband's burial 24 Mch. 1796, and the burials of her children, 24 Mch. 1766, 26 Mch. 1788, and 5 Nov. 1827; also a burial 11 Jan. 1799. 4 The Funeral Book says: He was Watchman to Deau's Yard." 5 Youngest son of Alexander Murray, of Cringletie. co. Peebles, by Catharine, third dau. of Sir Robert Stewart, of Tillicoultry, co. Clackmannan. He attained his captaincy in the navy 2 July 1781. His will, as Richard Murray, Captain in the Royal Navy, now on half-pay, and residing in Surry Place, Kent Road," dated 21 June 1787, was proved 10 Jan. 1789. To his illegitimate son, Richard-Murray Brown, then a scholar in the King's Ward, Christ's Hospital, he bequeathed £500, which he was to have on Lady Day, 1792. To Mrs. Jane Brown, then residing at No. 8 Surry Place, he left all the plate. furniture, and goods in the house, £30, and £25 per annum for life (see the burial of Janc-Brown Salton, 27 Jan. 1809, and note thereto). His other bequests were to his nephews, Alexander Murray, James-Wolfe Murray, and James Law, surgeon in Edinburgh, his niece Katherine Murray, his brother Colonel James Murray, and his sister Miss Jeau Murray, the two latter being residuary legatees. An affidavit states that he died in Marsham Street, Westminster. The famous pugilist of his day. He was originally a Thames waterman, plying at Hungerford stairs, but, accidentally discovering his powers, abandoned that pursuit and became a professional boxer. He was patronized by the Duke of Cumberland and the nobility generally, and established a public academy in Tottenham-Court Road. He is said to have been invariably successful in his contests, until finally defeated by Slack, after which he renounced the profession, and became a ycoman of the guard. It was from his arms that Rysbracck modelled those of his celebrated “ Hercules." The journals of the day say that he died at Lambeth, and was buried in the church there, but it appears that he had honourable interment within the Abbey precincts. The Funeral Book says that he was buried on the left hand of his wife (see her burial 18 Dec. 1784). His will, as of Walcot Place. St. Mary, Lambeth, without date (but made after his wife's death, as he directed to be buried near her), was proved 29 July 1789, by his great-niece 446 BURIALS IN 1789 Feb. 13 The Rev. Thomas Winstanley, M.A. ;¹ died the 6th, aged 74 : in the East Cloister. : May 28 Sir John Hawkins, Kt. ; died the 21st, aged 69 in the North June 14 July 9 Cloister. 4 Mrs. Sarah Webb;3 died the 8th, aged 65: in the East Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Hiscox; died the 2nd, aged 29: in the East Cloister. Aug. 17 Mr. Thomas Barrow ;5 died the 13th, aged 67: in the North Cloister. Catherine, wife of Roger Mouk (see her burial 28 Aug. 1832), to whom he bequeathed the most of his estate. 1 He matriculated at Oxford, from Brasenose College, 3 Apl. 1734, aged eighteen, as son of Ralph Winstanley. of Wigan, co. Lancaster, paying the fees of a plebeian's son, and took the degree of B.A. there 11 Oct. 1737. His degree of M.A. he appears to have taken at Cambridge, in 1766. He became a Prebendary of St. Paul's 5 Apl. 1766, Rector of St. Dunstan in the East, London, in 1771, and Prebendary of Peterborough 1 Nov. 1781, and held all these preferments until his death. His will, dated 27 Oct. 1788, was proved 26 Feb. 1789, by his relict Silvia (see her burial 28 July 1799), to whom, and to her children by her former husband, he left all his estate. See the burial of his only son 29 May 1769. 2 The well-known author of the History of the Science and Practice of Music. He is said to have been the son of John Hawkins, an eminent builder and surveyor, by Elizabeth Phillips his wife, and to have been born 13 Mch. 1719-20. He was bred to the profession of an attorney, but after his marriage devoted himself to musical and literary pursuits. In 1765 he became Chairman of the Middlesex Sessions, and was knighted 23 Oct. 1772. He died at his house in the Great Sanctuary. See his wife's burial 25 June 1793. 3 The Funeral Book says that she was buried on her husband, Colonel Richmond Webb (see his burial ō June 1785). The pedigrees of his family describe her as "daughter of J. Griffyths, of Downton, co. Radnor, Esq." The journals of the day say that she died in Upper Seymour Street, Portman Square. Her will, dated 9 May 1789, was proved 10 Junc following, by her sons-in-law, William-Makepeace Thackeray, Esq. (husband of her dau. Amelia), and Peter Moore, Esq. (husband of her dau. Sarah). Her other children named were her son Richmond Webb, and her daughters Charlotte Webb and Augusta, wife of Thomas Evans. 4 Second wife and relict of Rev. John Hiscox (see the note to the burial of his first wife 23 Dec. 1777). She was a dau. of William Child, of Smith Street, Westminster, Esq. Her ante- nuptial settlement, dated 27 May 1778, is cited in her husband's will, which she proved 9 Mch. before her own death. Her will, as of North Street, St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, dated 1 Apl. 1789, was proved 31 July following. She stated that her husband died on or about 17 Feb. 1789, leaving her with three children by him, viz., John, William, and Elizabeth, and also two children by his first wife, viz., Jean and Ann, and she provided amply for them all. Her other relations named were her brother William-Gilbert Child, and her sisters Ann and Mary Child. 5 He is said to have been educated in the choir of the Chapel Royal early in the century, but one of his name matriculated at Oxford, from Wadham College. 10 July 1739, aged seventeen, as son of Berea Barrow, of Monmouth, co. Monmouth, paying the fees of a plebeian's son, and took his degree of B.A. 9 May 1743. His age, as will be seen, would be identical with that of the person named in the text. He became a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal and one of the Abbey choir, and was a great favourite of Handel during his management of the oratorios. The journals of the day say that he was buried from his house in the Little Cloisters, with musical services. His will, dated 22 Jan. 1788, was proved 19 Aug. 1789. His bequests were to his wife Mary (see her burial 16 June 1810), his sister Elizabeth Barrow, of Clapham Common, co. Surrey, spinster, his sister-in-law Mary Nash, of Warfield, co. Berks (widow of his late brother John Barrow), his sons John and Thomas, and his daughters, Mary, Lydia, Lucy, and Catharine, wife of William Watkins, of St. James Street, optician, who was his exccutor. See his son's burial 4 Aug. 1769. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 447 1789 Oct. 28 Master Guyon Griffith;¹ died the 21st, aged 11 years: in the North Cloister. Nov. 15 William Rawle, Esq.;² died the 8th, aged 68: in the North Cloister. Dec. 4 Anna, wife of Dr. Samuel Smith, Prebendary of this Church ;3 died Nov. 28th: in the North aisle. 1790 Jan. 29 Mrs. Mary Ormsby: died the 20th, aged 26: in the North Cloister. April 15 Mrs. Elizabeth Joye:5 died March 30th, aged 72: in the North Cloister. 6 Sept. 9 Mrs. Elizabeth Wyatt; died the 4th, aged 65: in the North Sept. 28 Cloister. His Royal Highness Henry-Frederick, Duke of Cumberland (4th son of H.R.H. Frederick, Prince of Wales, deceased);7 died Sept. 18th, in his 45th year: in the Royal Vault in K.H. 7th's Chapel. 1 His monument described him as of Westminster School, and as the youngest son of Rev. Guyon Griffith, D.D., Rector of St. Mary-at-Hill, city of London. His father, who was presented to that Rectory in 1763, and was also Lecturer at St. Michael's, Cornhill, died in Jan. 1784, and was son of Moses Griffith, M.D., of Colchester, in Essex, who died 2 Mch. 1785. 2 According to the journals of the day, he was a celebrated maker of military accoutrements, in the Strand, and was also well known for his choice and valuable collection of medals, bronzes, ancient armour, etc., among which were several memorials of Oliver Cromwell, including the sword with which he turned out the Long Parliament! His will, as of the Strand, accoutrement maker, dated two days before his death, was proved on the 20th of the same month, by Joseph Dale, of Oxford Street, music master, and John Pearce, of the Bank of England, Gent., to whom he left all his estate in trust for his four children equally, viz., Caroline, wife of said Joseph Dale (see her burial Nov. 1825), Valentine Rawle, Cecilia, wife of Nicholas Price, and Horatio Rawle, subject only to the payment of £100 each to Walter and William, his two children by Martha Reymer. Sce the burial of another of his daughters 3 Jan. 1778. 3 Dau. of John Jackson, of St. Anne's, Westminster, merchant, by Joan Taylor his wife, niece of James Edington, of Melkington, co. Northumberland, Gent., and first wife of Rev. Samuel Smith, LL.D., Head-Master of Westminster School (see his burial 31 Mch. 1808)), to whom married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 Aug. 1764. She was born, according to family records, 26 Dec. 1738, and her monument states that she died in her fifty-first year. See the baptisms of her children, 15 Oct. 1765, 27 Aug. 1767, 8 Feb. 1770, 7 Mch. 1772, 24 Feb. 1774, 24 Feb. 1777, and 28 Oct. 1778, and the burials of her sons, 27 July 1773 and 22 Mch. 1824. Eldest dau. of Arthur Ormsby, Esq. (see his burial 24 Feb. 1795), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 28 Mch. 1803). She died unmarried, and her brother Arthur Ormsby administered to her estate 26 Feb. 1790, as attorney of her father, who was then residing at Drogheda, in Ireland. 5 Dau. and evidently eldest child of James Joye, Esq. (younger son of the well-known Peter Joye, Esq., founder of the Free School in St. Anne, Blackfriars, benefactor to Sion College, etc.), by Mary, dau. of Robert Jeffes, of London, merchant. Her will, as of St. Margaret's, West- minster, spinster, dated 13 Jan. 1783, was proved 8 Apl. 1790, by her sister Jane Joye (see her burial 10 Dec. 1810), to whom she bequeathed the bulk of her large estate, although leaving many thousands of pounds to her nephews and niece and to various friends. 6 Dau. of George Wyatt, Esq., Chief Clerk of the Vote Office, House of Commons, by Hannah his wife (see her burial 14 June 1782). According to family records, she was their eldest daughter, and was born 18 June 1725. She died unmarried. See the burial of her sister, Mrs. Hannah Vincent, 23 Feb. 1807. 7 Fourth son and sixth child of Frederick-Louis, Prince of Wales (see his burial 13 Apl. 448 BURIALS IN 1790 Dec. Dec. 1791 7 Jan. 10 Solomon Gay;¹ died the 1st, aged 36 in the Dark Cloister. William Pearce, Esq.;² died the 3rd, aged 29: in the North Cross. April 2 Mrs. Anne Davies ; died March 23rd, aged 54: in the North Cloister. April 12 Sir Archibald Campbell, K.B., Major-General of H.M.'s Forces, Colonel of the 74th Regiment of Foot, etc. ; died March 31st, in his 52nd year: in the South Cross. Aug. 2 David Drummond, Esq.; died July 27th, aged 41: in the East Cloister. 1751), by the Princess Augusta (sce her burial 15 Feb. 1772). According to the parish register of St. Anne, Westminster, he was born 27 Oct., and baptized 19 Nov. 1745. The dates are evidently old style. He was created Duke of Cumberland, Duke of Strathern, and Earl of Dublin 22 Oct. 1766. He married, 2 Oct. 1771, Lady Anne Luttrell, eldest dau. of Simon, first Earl of Carhampton, and relict of Christopher Horton, of Catton Hall, co. Derby, Esq., who survived him until 1803. He left no issue. ¹ One of the bell-ringers, having been appointed 2 Mch. 1781. 2 Son of Thomas Pearce (younger son of William Pearce, Esq., for whose burial sec 2 Jan. 1783), who died 15 Feb. 1766, by Mary, eldest dau. of Robert Jennings, Esq. (see his burial 4 Sep. 1779), who were married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 10 Oct. 1758. He, or perhaps an elder brother of the same name who died in infancy, was born 20 Dec. 1759, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 10 Jan. 1760. His will, as of Abingdon Street, Westminster, dated two days before, was proved two days after his death, by his aunt Elizabeth Jennings (see her burial 24 Nov. 1813). He left his estate equally to his mother and his executrix. See the burial of his sister, Mrs. Mary Abbot, 28 Mch. 1794. 3 Eldest and only surviving dau. of Owen Davies, Esq. (sce his burial 1 May 1759), by Mary his wife (see her burial 11 May 1778). See her baptism 14 Sep. 1736, and her sister's burial 6 Feb. 1786. Her will, as of College Street, Westminster, spinster, dated 28 Aug. 1787, with a codicil 4 Dec. 1790, was proved 5 Apl. 1791. She bequeathed a very considerable estate among numerous relations and friends, and the journals of the day say that she died "much respected and lamented." According to a pedigree in the College of Arms, he was the second son of James Campbell, Esq., Commissary of the Western Isles of Scotland, and Chamberlain of Argyll, by Elizabeth, dau. of James Fisher, of Durren, Esq., Provost of Inverary, and was born at Inverary in 1739. The inscription on his monument describes him as of Inverneil, M.P., Colonel of the 74th High- land regiment of foot, hereditary Usher of the White Rod for Scotland, Governor of Jamaica and of Fort St. George, and Commander-in-chief of the Forces on the Coast of Coromandel in the East Indics. He attained the rank of Major-General 20 Nov. 1782, and was created a Knight of the Bath 30 Sep. 1785. He died, according to the journals of the day, at his house in Upper Grosvenor Strect, leaving no issue. See the burials, of his wife 15 July 1813, and of his nephew 12 June 1819. His will, as K.B., Governor of Madras, and Major-General of His Majesty's Forces, dated at Madras 15 Nov. 1788, was proved 16 Apl. 1791, by his brothers, Sir James Campbell, Kt., and Duncan Campbell, Esq. The former was to be the chief inheritor under the will, subject to the following proviso, which may be considered somewhat remarkable at his period: "Should my brother, Major James Campbell, be so infatuated as to connect himself with any other woman than his lawful wife, it is my positive order that he shall from that hour be struck out of my will and testament, in the same manner as if his existence had naturally terminated the man who is capable of injuring an amiable wife and family by such connections. forfeits the character of an honest and honourable man, and can have no claim to any share of my confidence or fortune." 5 His brother James Drummond, Esq., administered to his estate 17 Aug. 1791, his mother Mary Drummond, widow, having renounced, when he was described as of Sackville Street, St. James, Westminster, bachelor. Further letters were granted, 8 June 1797, after the death of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 449 1791 Oct. 26 Rear-Admiral John Harrison; died the 15th, aged 69: in the Nov. 12 Nov. 24 South Cross. Joseph Walters; died the 6th, aged 84: in the Dark Cloister. Philadelphia Percy;³ died November 6th, aged 21: in the South Cross. Dec. 31 Joseph Wilcocks, Esq.; died the 23rd, aged 68: in Dean Wilcocks's vault in the Consistory Court. 1792 March 10 Robert Adam, Esq.; died the 3rd, aged 63: in the South Cross. March 29 Mrs. Susanna Smith, 2nd wife of Dr. Samuel Smith, Prebendary of this Church; died the 24th: in the North aisle. his brother, to his sisters, Margaret Drummond and Mary Drummond, spinsters. He appears to have been a son of William Drummond, of Sackville Street, wine merchant, named as their kinsman in the wills of Admiral Charles Drummond (see his burial 22 Nov. 1771) and his brother Gavin Drummond, Esq. (see his burial 22 Feb. 1773). 1 Son of Capt. Robert Harrison, R.N., who died 6 July 1745, after forty years' service, by Hannah his wife, who died in St. Sepulchre's, London. and to whose estate letters of administra- tion were granted 10 Sep. 1756. He was a lieutenant as early as 25 Jan. 1744-5 (the date of his father's will), attained his seniority 4 July 1755. and afterwards served on the East India station, and in 1761-2 in the expedition to Havannah. After his return he was prostrated by palsy, and continued in a helpless condition for twenty-eight years, the remainder of his life. He was superannuated in 1779, with the rank and half-pay of a Rear-Admiral. He married Margery, dau. of Edward Croke, of Fort St. George, Madras, by Isabella his wife, who was totally blind for several years before her death. She survived her husband only twenty-four days, having proved his will on the 2nd of Nov., and dying on the 8th. By his will, dated 18 Apl. 1766, with several codicils, he gave all his estate to his wife, with remainder to his only sister Eleanor, wife of John Wale, and her children. She survived him only about three months, her will, as of St. Mary's, Islington, Midx., being dated 17 Jan., and proved 10 Feb. 1792. 2 The Funeral Book gives the name Watters," and says that no fees were paid. See the burial of Isabella Waters, probably his wife, 11 Oct. 1777, and note thereto. ³ Illegitimate daughter of Hugh, first Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 21 June 1786). The journals of the day say that she died on her way to Southampton, whence she was to embark for the South of France, in the hope of regaining her health. See the burial of her sister 24 Nov. 1794, and note thereto. 4 Only surviving son of the Right Rev. Joseph Wilcocks. Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster (sec his burial 9 Mch. 1756), by Jane his wife (see her burial 1 Apl. 1725). See his baptism 26 Jan. 1723-4. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 10 June 1740, and was B.A. 20 Apl. 1744, and M.A. 13 July 1747. He devoted his life to literature and philanthropy, and his character and conduct elicited for him from Pope Clement XIII. the title of Blessed Heretic." He lived some time at Barton, co. Northampton, and afterwards at Lady Place, ncar Hurley, co. Berks, but died, from apoplexy, at the Crown Inn, at Slough. 5 One of the celebrated architects to K. George III., which office he resigned in 1768, on becoming M.P. for the county of Kinross. He was second son of William Adam, of Maryburgh, co. Fife, also a distinguished architect, by his wife Mary Robertson, of Gladney, co. Fife, and was born, according to his monument, at Kirkcaldy, 3 July 1728. The journals of the day say that he died at his house in Albemarle Street, from the rupture of a blood-vessel in his stomach. His will, dated the day before his death, was proved on the 28th of the same month, by his brothers James and William Adam. He merely bequeathed all his effects to his two sisters, Elizabeth Adam and Margaret Adam. 6 Second wife of Rev. Samuel Smith, LL.D., Head-Master of Westminster School (see his burial 31 Mch. 1808), to whom married 9 May 1791. She was a dau. of Rev. John 3 M 450 BURIALS IN 1792 June 22 Rowland Blore, Clerk of the Works of this Collegiate Church;¹ died the 17th, in his 60th year: in the West Cloister. July 7 1 John Smith; died June 29th, aged 15 weeks: in his mother's grave in the North aisle. July 14 Mrs. Mary Bennett; died the 11th, aged 49: in the North Cloister. Aug. 13 Lieut.-General John Burgoyne; died the 4th, aged 70: in the North Cloister. 3 * Aug. 16 John Leake, M.D.; died the 8th, aged 64: in the North Cloister. Nov. 28 Alice Walton; died the 21st, aged 46: in the Dark Cloister. Pettingall, D.D., minister of Duke Street Chapel, Westminster, by Susanna Long his wife, who were married at Knightsbridge Chapel 26 May 1741. She was born 17 Nov., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 13 Dec. 1749. She died, according to her monument, in her forty- third year. See the baptisms of her twin-children 8 May 1792, and the burial of one of them 7 July 1792. 1 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed Clerk of the Works 2 Mch. 1781. See the burial, probably of his first wife, but perhaps his sister, 9 Sep. 1783, and that of his son 22 Nov. 1787. His will, as of Dean's Yard, carpenter, dated 29 May 1792, was proved 24 Nov. following, by his relict Sarah, to whom he left all his estate. 2 Infant of Rev. Samuel Smith, LL.D. (see his burial 31 Mch. 1808), by Susanna his second wife (see her burial 29 Mch. 1792). See his baptism 8 May 1792. 3 The celebrated commander in the war of the American Revolution. Son of John Burgoyne, Esq. (second son of Sir John Burgoyne, third Bart. of Sutton, co. Beds), by Anna- Maria, dau. of Charles Burneston, of Hackney, co. Midx., Esq. He was born the 4th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 5 Feb. 1722-3, as the son of these parents, although the gossip of the day assigned his paternity to Robert, Lord Bingley (see his burial 14 Apl. 1731), and it must be acknowledged that certain bequests in that nobleman's will give some warrant for the scandal. He, however, called this child, then six years old, his "godson." His coffin- plate described him as "the Right Hon. John Burgoyne, Lieut.-General of His Majesty's Forces, Colonel of the Fourth Regiment of Foot, and one of His Majesty's most honourable Privy Council of the Kingdom of Ireland." See the burials, of his wife 14 June 1776, and of his daughter 10 Mch. 1764. His will, dated 10 Sep. 1783, then Lieut.-General, and Commander-in- Chief in Ireland, with a codicil 1 June 1788, was proved 22 Aug. 1792. Besides his bequests to his relations, he left £4000 to Mrs. Susan Caulfield, late of Bury Street, Westminster, but then residing in Park Street, Dublin, for herself and for the education of her son John, who was born in Queen Street, Soho, on or about 25 July 1782, and in the codicil stated that she had since the date of his will had two daughters, named Maria and Caroline, and another son, named Edward, all of whom had "equal claims to his care and protection" with her said son John, and were to share his bequests equally. 4 According to the journals of the day, he was born near Kirk-Oswald, co. Cumberland, and he appears to have been the son of a clergyman of the Church of England of the same names. He studied abroad, taking his degree of M.D. at Rheims, and in 1766 was admitted a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London. He was the first physician appointed to the Westminster Lying-in-Hospital, and is regarded as the founder of that institution. He died at his house in Parliament Street. His will, as of Down Street, St. George's, Midx., dated 2 July 1755 (sic), was proved 14 Aug. 1792, by his brother William Leake, who was described at its date as a surgeon at St. Philip's, in the island of Minorca, to whom he left all his personal effects and his interest in an estate called "Saugh Shields," near St. John's Chapel, Weardale, co. Durham, then in possession of his aunt, Mrs. Ann Gibson, and which was to devolve at her death on his said brother, his eldest sister, and himself. His only other bequest was to Mrs. Rose Carr, of Down Street, who had nursed him during a tedious illness. The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 451 1792 Dec. Dec. 28 28 Master Thomas-William Gell;¹ died the 25th, aged 14 years: in the North Cloister. [1792 Dec. 31] Stephen Holmes;2 died Dec. 29th, aged 70: in the grass-plat on the North side of the Abbey Church. 1793 Jan. 2 March 13 March 23 Ann Cotton ;3 died Dec. 26, 1792, aged 52: in the Dark Cloister. Esther Seymore; died the 8th: in the Dark Cloister. 4 William Kettlewell; 5 died the 21st, aged 73: in the Dark Cloister. 6 March 28 The Right Hon. William Murray, Earl of Mansfield; died the 20th, aged 88: in the North Cross. March 30 Robert Weston, Esq.; died the 21st, aged 80: in the West April 3 Cloister. Miss Harriet Wake; died March 30th, aged 25: in the North aisle. 1 Son of Anthony Gell, Esq., Receiver-General of the Abbey (see his burial 4 Feb. 1817), by Frances his wife (sce her burial 7 Feb. 1825). He was born 1 Dec. 1778, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 1 Jan. 1779. 2 There is no date in the Register, and the entry follows, instead of preceding, that of Ann Cotton, but the Funeral Book says: "Stephen Homes, watchman, buried 31 Dec. 1792." 3 The Funeral Book calls her "an almswife." She was wife of Matthew Cotton, one of the almsmen (see his burial 16 Oct. 1800). See her daughter's burial 16 June 1772. 4 Relict of William Seymore, one of the sacrists, etc. (see his burial 18 Apl. 1768). to whom married, at Bromley, co. Kent, 16 Sep. 1750. as Esther Brett, spinster. The Funeral Book gives her age as seventy-nine. See the burials of her children, 10 Jan. 1759 and 5 Dec. 1760, and of her sister, Susanna Francis, 9 Sep. 1801. By her will, dated 6 Jan. and proved 8 Apl. 1793, she left legacies to numerous relations of the name of Brett, and to the descendants of her deceased sister Martha Stych. 5 The Funeral Book says that he was a servant to the Rev. Dr. Bell (see his burial 8 Oct. 1816), and gives his age as seventy. He was a son of John Kettlewell. almsman (see his burial 14 Apl. 1757), by Mary his wife (see her burial 8 Feb. 1736-7), and either he, or an elder brother of the same name, was born 12 Nov., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 4 Dec. 1715. As the Register and Funeral Book do not agree as to his age, it is probable that both are wrong, and that he was really in his seventy-eighth year. 6 Pope's "silver-tongued Murray.” Fourth son of David, fifth Viscount Stormont, by Margery, only dau. of David Scott, of Scotstarvet, co. Fife, Esq. He was born at the Abbey of Scone 2 Mch. 1704-5. He became Solicitor-General in 1742, Attorney-General in 1754, and Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench S Nov. 1756, on which day he was created Baron Mansfield. He was created Earl of Mansfield 31 Oct. 1776. He died without issue, and was succeeded by his nephew (sce his burial 9 Sep. 1796). See his wife's burial 20 Apl. 1784. His will, dated 17 Apl. 1782, with nineteen codicils, was proved on the day of his burial, by his said nephew, David, Earl of Mansfield. Lord Mansfield has always been regarded as one of the most brilliant ornaments of Westminster School, and his affection for that institution appears to have been very strong, for almost the first passage in his will is the following: I desire to be buried privately, and, from the love I bear to the place of my early education, I wish it to be in Westminster Abbey." 7 His will, as of Queen Aune Street East, St. Marylebone, Midx., Esq., dated 18 Mch. 1793, was proved 5 Apl. following, by his son Harcourt Weston, Esq. He left all his estate and effects equally to his wife Louisa and his children by her (see her burial 10 July 1799). 8 Dau. of Rev. Dr. Charles Wake, Prebendary of Westminster and incumbent of St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, who died 1 Nov. 1796. The Gentleman's Magazine, noticing her death, says: This amiable and beautiful young lady was on the eve of marriage, but a putrid fever put a period to her life in a very few days." The same authority erroneously gives the date of her death as 6 April. 452 BURIALS IN 1793 June 1 Miss Georgina Markham;¹ died May 28th, aged 21 years: in the North Cloister. June 25 July 5 Aug. 17 Sept. 21 Oct. Dame Sidney Hawkins; 2 died the 18th, aged 66: in the North Cloister. Henry Stevens; died June 28th, aged 91: in the Dark Cloister. Capt. Charles Abbott; died the 8th, aged 59: in the middle aisle. Dr. Benjamin Cooke, Organist and Master of the Choristers of this Church; died the 14th, aged 59: in the West Cloister. 2 Elizabeth Hunt; died Sept. 26th, aged 66: in the grass-plat on the North side of the Abbey. 1794 Jan. 25 The Right Hon. Caroline Campbell, Dowager Countess of Dalkeith, Baroness Greenwich; died the 11th, aged 76: in the Argyle vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. ¹ Fourth dau. of the Most Rev. William Markham, Archbishop of York (see his burial 11 Nov. 1807), by Sarah his wife (sce her burial 3 Feb. 1814). She was born 23 Oct., and baptized at St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., 26 Nov. 1772. She died unmarried. * Second and youngest dau. of Peter Storer, of Ashford, Midx., Esq., by Anne, only dau. of Christopher Anstey, Esq., and eventually coheir of her brother Peter Storer, who died in 1759. She was the wife and relict of Sir John Hawkins, Kt., author of the History of Music (sec his burial 28 May 1789). She died at her house in the Sanctuary, and her son John-Sidney Hawkins administered to her estate 6 July 1793, with the consent of her only other children, Henry Hawkins and Lætitia-Matilda Hawkins. 3 Oue of the almsmen. See his wife's burial 23 June 1773, and probably that of one of his family 24 Nov. 1744. His will, as Captain in H.M.'s Royal Regiment of Artillery, dated 13 July 1793, was proved 20 Aug. following, by his son Charles-Frederick Abbott, to whom he left all his estates in "Dercsolagh. Cloncorban, Killvorrow, Kaherkirky, and Killbilogy," all in co. Cork, Ireland, with the payment of £200, Irish money, to Jonas Lander, of the city of Cork, attorney-at-law, charged £50 to Edward Hays, of Dunmanway, Gent., and £100 each to Mr. Henry Thomson, of Woolwich, co. Kent, his wife Ann, and his son Thomas Thomson. He also bequeathed to his sister Susanna Abbott an annuity of £50, Irish money, for life. He entered the Royal Regiment of Artillery 27 Feb. 1761, and became second lieutenant 28 July 1769, first-lieutenant 22 Oct. 1772, captain-lieutenant 7 July 1779, and captain 1 Dec. 1782. 5 He is said to have been a son of Benjamin Cooke, a music-seller in New Street, Covent Garden, Midx., and, according to his monument, he was organist and master of the choristers of the Abbey upwards of thirty years. His degree as Doctor of Music was conferred upon him at Cambridge in 1775. His only relations named in his will, dated 22 June 1792, and proved 17 Oct. 1793, besides his children, were his sister Philippa Cooke, of Hampton Court, Midx., spinster, and his kinswoman, Hannah Cooke, living at Newton, near the city of Bath, spinster. See the burials, of his wife 26 Mch. 1784, and of his children, 19 June 1759, 11 Oct. 1760, 18 Apl. 1764, 12 Mch. 1765, 27 Feb. 1766, 28 Jan. 1772, 30 Aug. 1814, 6 Mch. 1819, 6 Oct. 1840, and 22 May 1845. These comprised his entire family. Dau. of John Kettlewell, almsman (see his burial 14 Apl. 1757), by Mary his wife (see her burial 8 Feb. 1736-7), and relict of John Hunt (see his burial 7 May 1783). See also her son's burial 3 Feb. 1806. 7 Eldest dau. and coheir of John, second Duke of Argyll and Greenwich (sec his burial 15 Oct. 1743) by Jane, his second wife and relict (see her burial 23 Apl. 1767). She married, first, 2 Oct. 1742, Francis, Earl of Dalkeith, who died 1 Apl. 1750, and secondly, at Adderbury, co. Oxford, 18 Sep. 1755, the Right Hon. Charles Townshend, brother of Charles, first Marquis Townshend, who died 4 Sep. 1767. She was created Baroness of Greenwich 19 Aug. 1767, but died without male issue by her second husband, and the title became extinct. Her son Henry, by her first husband, succeeded as third Duke of Buccleuch. See the burial of her youngest sister, Lady Mary Coke, 11 Oct. 1811, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 453 1794 March 28 Mrs. Mary Abbott;¹ died at Naples Dec. 11th, 1793, aged 31: in the North Cross. April 26 Mrs. Margaretta-Mabella Acworth ;2 died April [blank], 1794: in the North Cloister. May 29 Mary Smith; died the 23rd, aged 54: in the Dark Cloister. June Lord Henry Percy, 2nd son of Hugh, Duke of Northumberland ;* died June [blank], 1794: in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. - Sept. 17 Sir James Johnstone, Bart. ;5 died the 3rd, aged 68: in the South Cloister. Nov. 24 Dorothy Percy; died the 2nd: in the South Cross. 1 Dau. of Thomas Pearce, son of William Pearce, Esq. (sec his burial 2 Jan. 1783), by Mary, eldest dau. of Robert Jennings, Esq. (see his burial 4 Sep. 1779). and sister of William Pearce (see his burial 10 Jan. 1791). On her monument she is described as the last surviving descendant of her grandfather. She married, 13 July 1786, John-Farr Abbot, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Clerk of the Rules in the Court of King's Bench, elder brother of Charles, first Lord Colchester. He died, without issue, 22 Sep. 1794, and was buried in York Minster the 26th, aged thirty- eight. 2 Relict of Abraham Acworth, Esq. (see his burial 14 Apl. 1781), to whom married, at St. Dunstan in the West, London, 30 Apl. 1745. According to the marriage allegation, at the Faculty Office, she was the dau. of Anthony-Rodney Buckeridge, deceased, and was to marry with the consent of her mother, Ann Ball, widow. Edmund Ball, Esq., a paymaster of Exchequer bills, and widow Buckeridge, of Ware, with £30,000, were married 6 July 1738 (Gent. Mag.) She died, according to her monument, 15 Apl., aged sixty-seven. See the burials of her sons, 6 Dec. 1773 and 26 Aug. 1818. The latter, as her only surviving child, administered to her estate 14 May 1794. 3 She is called "Mrs." Mary Smith in the Funeral Book, but the place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 4 Second son and sixth child of Hugh, second Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 19 July 1817), by Frances-Julia his second wife (see her burial 10 May 1820). He was born 23 June, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 21 July 1787. 5 Son of Sir James Johnstone, third Bart. of Westerhall, co. Dumfries, by Barbara Murray, dau. of Alexander, fourth Lord Elibank. He succeeded as fourth Bart. 13 Dec. 1772. He was a Lieut.-Colonel in the army, and M.P. for co. Dumfries. On the death of the third Marquis of Annandale, in 1792, he became the head of the family of Johnstone, and was claimant of the Marquisate. He is usually said in the accounts of the family to have died unmarried, but see the burial of his relict 17 Apl. 1797. The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the South- East Cloisters, near the iron gate." His will, dated 12 Mch. 1790, with codicils 28 Jan. 1794, was proved 21 Mch. 1796, by his said relict, to whom he bequeathed the estates in the island of Grenada left to him by his brother Alexander Johnstone (see his burial 21 Jan. 1783), with remainder to his brother William Pultency (see his burial 11 June 1805), and the latter became his general heir. Besides liberal bequests to his own family, he provided generously for his illegitimate dau. Anne, then wife of a shop-keeper in Carlisle, named Scott, and for his illegiti- mate son James-Murray Johnstone, and his mother Jean Swanston, of Romford, co. Essex, spinster. • Illegitimate dau. of Hugh, first Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 21 June 1786). The Gentleman's Magazine (1794, p. 1060) says that she died at Brompton, in consequence of grief for the loss of her elder sister (sec her burial 24 Nov. 1791), and speaks very warmly of the character of the two sisters, and the devotion of their father to their interests. They were not, however, named in his will. Her will, as of St. Marylebone, Midx., dated 1 Apl., with a codicil 22 Oct. 1794, was proved 8 Dec. following, by Margaret Marriott, of Baker Street, Portman Square, widow, to whom she left all her possessions. After the death of her executrix, sums of £1000 each were to be paid to two French ladies, and £3000 to her "half-brother, James Macie, 454 BURIALS IN 1795 Jan. 19 Mrs. Mary Hinde;¹ died the 13th, aged 81: in the North Cloister. Feb. Arthur Ormsby, Esq.;2 died the 17th, aged 63 in the North Cloister. March 10 Mrs. Barbara Simpson ;3 died the 2nd, aged 54: in the South Cross. March 17 Mrs. Mary Strutt ; died the 10th, aged 84: in the East Cloister. March (-) The Revd Dr. David-William Morgan;5 died March 12th, aged 61 in the North Cloister. Esq., natural son of the late Duke of Northumberland," which appears to indicate that they were not children of the same mother. This half-brother, whose beneficence subsequently founded the well-known " Smithsonian Institution" at the city of Washington, in the United States of America, already taking high rank among similar scientific institutions throughout the world, died at Genoa, Italy, in 1826. In carly life he was known as James-Lewis Macic, and in that name was created M.A. at Oxford, 26 May 1786, having matriculated from Pembroke College 7 May 1782, aged seventeen, paying the fees of an Esquire's son, but his father's name not being recorded. A few years after he assumed his father's family name of Smithson, and his will, dated in Bentinck Street, Cavendish Square, Midx., 23 Oct. 1826, thus commences: "I, James Smithson, son of Hugh, first Duke of Northumberland, and Elizabeth, heiress of the Hungerfords of Audley, and niece of Charles, the Proud Duke of Somerset." 1 Relict of Mr. James IIindes (see his burial 13 June 1771). Her will, as late of Duke Street, Westminster, but then of St. Luke's, Chelsea, Midx., widow, dated 27 Mch. 1777, was proved 24 Jan. 1795, by John Morris, who, at its date, was living with the Earl of Pembroke, and whom she made her residuary legatec, in consideration of his faithful services. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters with her husband, but named no other relations. 2 His will, as of Cowley Street, Westminster, Esq., dated 8 Jan. 1793, was proved by his eldest son Arthur Ormsby, Esq., but not until 5 Dec. 1803. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters, near his dau. Mary (sce her burial 29 Jan. 1790). To his said son Arthur he bequeathed the rents of his estate of Birdhill alias Knockameen, co. Tipperary. The residue of his estate he gave to his wife Elizabeth (see her burial 28 Mch. 1803), with remainder to his children, said Arthur Ormsby, James Ormsby, of the Inner Temple, Esq., and Elizabeth Ormsby, spinster. He was perhaps a son of Francis Ormsby, of Willowbrook, co. Sligo, Esq., who died in 1751, by Mary, dau. of Arthur French, of French Park, co. Roscommon, Esq. See the burial, probably of his grandson, 21 Apl. 1810. ³ Died, lately, at Brompton, after a long and severe indisposition, Mrs. Simpson, wife of James Simpson, Esq., of Chancery Lane (Gent. Mag., Apl. 1795). 4 Relict of Joseph Strutt, of Moulsham, in Chelmsford, co. Essex, Esq., who died 29 May 1772, aged seventy, and was buried at Terling, in that county. They were the great-grandparents of John-James, first Lord Rayleigh. Her will, as of West Ham, co. Essex, dated 17 May 1777, was proved 11 Apl. 1795. She gave to her son John Strutt, Esq., £20, and bequeathed all the estate devised to her by her said husband, and by her late brother Mr. Nathaniel Bridges, to her three daughters, Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Dr. Foote Gower, and Ann and Sarah Strutt, spinsters, as tenants in common. They all proved the will, the first as Elizabeth Gower, widow, and the others as still unmarried. Dr. Gower, who had been presented to the rectory of Great Chignal, co. Essex, in 1761, by John Strutt, of Terling, Esq., his brother-in-law, died 16 May 1780, and was buried in the Abbey church at Bath. The daughter, Ann Strutt, died unmarried in 1803, her sister Sarah, also unmarried, surviving her. 5 Rightly David Walter Morgan, and so called on his monument, crected by his only surviving son, Col. John-Drigue Morgan, which described him as Doctor of Laws, minor canou of the Abbey, priest in ordinary of the Chapel Royal, and Vicar of Little Leighs, co. Essex. One of his names matriculated at Oxford, from Hertford College, 14 Junc, 1759, aged twenty- five, as son of William Morgan, of St. George's, Southwark, co. Surrey, but his name does not occur in the lists of graduates, either of Oxford or Cambridge, and this man, as Rev. Dr. Morgan, is mentioned in the Chapter Book as a minor canon 11 May 1781. He married, at St. Martin in the WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 455 1795 March 21 March 21 Aug. 24 1 Joseph Thorne ; died the 15th, aged 54: in the North Cloister. Lucy Squires;2 died the 22nd, aged 48: in the Dark Cloister. Sept. 23 Thomas Prickard, Esq.;3 died the 8th, aged 70: in the North Cloister. Dec. 20 Miss Caroline-Mary Arnold; died the 13th, aged 17 years in the West Cloister. 1796 Jan. 9 Mrs. Lucy-Charlotte Pringle; 5 died the 4th, aged 80: in the Feb. North Cloister. 2 Mrs. Sarah Moyser; died Jan. 25th, aged 76: in the South Cloister. Fields, Midx., 11 Dec. 1758, Mary Adams. The marriage allegation at the Faculty Office described him as of that parish, a bachelor, aged twenty-four and upwards, and her as dau. of James Adams, of St. James, Westminster, spinster, above eighteen. She survived him. and as his widow had a grant of ten guineas from the Chapter 23 Mch. 1795. It will be noticed that his age accords with both the marriage allegation and matriculation register, and, if identical, he must have gone to Oxford the year after his marriage. See the burials of his children, 19 Aug. 1762, 11 July 1763, 5 Feb. 1767, 8 Apl. 1771, and 18 Sep. 1783. 1 He was appointed one of the sacrists Aug. 1772, but resigned and was made College butler 2 Mch. 1781, which post he held at his death. He was also appointed College brewer 13 Feb. 1784. See the baptisms of his children, 3 June 1782, 22 May 1784, 10 Nov. 1786, and 10 Feb. 1789, and the burials of two of them, 19 Sep. 1797 and Feb. 1800. His will, as of the College of St. Peter, Westminster Abbey, Gent., dated 30 July 1792, was proved 2 May 1795, by his relict Jane, and his dau. Charlotte-Jane Thorne administered de bonis non 8 Aug. 1815, her mother being then dead. The only other relations named were his nephew Charles Wright and his niece Sally Wright. 2 Called "Mrs." Lucy Squires in the Funeral Book. The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 3 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed Coroner of Westminster and Clerk of the Markets 1 Mch. 1762, which offices he resigned 26 Apl. 1792. He was Auditor of the College accounts at his death, and, according to the journals of the day, had been secretary to the Bishops of Chichester and Rochester. His will, as of Dean's Yard, Westminster, Gent., dated in 1788, was proved 5 Oct. 1795, by his only surviving son, Nathan-Seddon Prickard, power being reserved for his relict Ann. His only other surviving child was his daughter Margaret, then unmarried. To his son John he bequeathed his lands and tenements in Cwm-dauddwr and Rhayader, co. Radnor, and his other relations named were his brother John Prickard, his sister Winifred Griffith, his niece Winifred Chandler, his nephew James Hamer, and his nephew William Davies, son of his sister Barbara. He was grandfather of the late Thomas Prickard, of Dderw, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for co. Radnor, and great-grandfather of Rev. Thomas-Charles Prickard, Rector of New Radnor. • Probably daughter of Samuel Arnold, Doctor of Music (see his burial 29 Oct. 1802, and note thereto). The Funeral Book gives her age as seventeen years and two months. 5 Dau. and coheir of John Staveley, Esq., by Frances, grand-daughter of Sir Walter Hawksworth, of co. York, and relict of Captain Walter Pringle, to whom married, at St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., 3 Feb. 1753. She was a sister of Dame Susanna Werden, third wife and relict of Sir John Werden, second Bart. Her will, as of Bridge Street, St. Margaret's, West- minster, widow, dated 10 Aug. 1791, was proved on the day of her burial, by her niece Susanna Bayutun, daughter of her said sister Lady Werden, to whom and to her daughter Susanna-Amicia Bayntun she bequeathed all her estate. 6 Second but last surviving daughter of James Moyser, of Beverley, co. York, Esq., by Sarah his wife, and baptized at St. Mary's, Beverley, 28 Jan. 1720-1. The journals of the day say that she died at Hammersmith, Midx. Her will, as of Harley Street, St. Mary- lebone, Midx., spinster, dated 29 July 1793, with eight codicils, was proved 12 Feb. 1796. She 456 BURIALS IN 1795 Feb. 23 March 15 William Morris, Esq.;¹ died the 8th, aged 61: in Holles Chapel. James Macpherson, Esq.; 2 died Feb. 17th, aged 59: in the South Cross. March 18 Sir William Chambers; 3 died the 8th, aged 74: in the South Cross. bequeathed her estates in Yorkshire to her kinsman Rev. Richard Gec, Rector of Hotham, co. York, for life, with remainder to her kinsman William Whyte, sccond son of James Whyte, late of Denbighs, co. Surrey, Esq., or, if he died in his minority, then to his younger brother Robert Whyte, on condition that he assumed the name and arms of Moyser. There were several other remainders, but on the death of Rev. Mr. Gee, 18 Apl. 1815, said Robert Whyte, his brother William being dead, succeeded to the estates, and had the royal license, 26 May following, to take the name of Moyser. She had outlived all her family, her nearest relations, to whom she left her estates, being the descendants of James Gee, of Bishop Burton, co. York, Esq., by Constantia his wife, daughter of her grandfather, John Moyser, of Beverley, Esq.. by his second wife, she herself having descended from his first wife. She left handsome legacies to numerous friends, to whom she appears to have been under obligations in carlier life, and was especially generous to her servants. 1 His wife's monument describes him as sometime Judge of the Court of Admiralty and Receiver-General of the Casual Revenue in the Island of Barbados, and the journals of the day say that he died at his apartments at Exeter. His will, as of Bridgetown, Barbados, Esq., dated 22 Apl. 1793, with a codicil 7 Feb. 1796, was proved 18 Apl. following. He directed to be buried, if he died at Barbados, in the church of St. Michael, in the grave with his infant daughter Catharine, but if in Great Britain, or on his passage thither, then in Westminster Abbey, with his late dear wife (see her burial 10 Mch. 1785) and his infant son and daughter. Sundry plate, furniture, etc., was to be sent to a house in or near Exeter, co. Devon, for the use of his present wife Mary-Judith, and he made provision for his two daughters, Anna-Maria and Catharine-Ann. His real estate in Devonshire he devised to trustees for the use of any son he might have, with remainder to his daughters. In the codicil he stated that his son William- Cholmley Morris, born 12 Aug. 1793, would inherit his estate under his will, and bequeathed £1500 to his daughter Caroline-Augusta, born 17 Jan. 1795, when twenty-one or married. His relict, Mary-Judith, with two other executors, proved the will. * The celebrated translator or editor of Ossian's Poems. According to his monument, he was born at Ruthven, co. Inverness, 27 Oct. 1736, but little appears to be known of his family. From 1764 to 1766 he was in America, as secretary to the Governor of Pensacola, aud on his return settled in London, and devoted himself to literary pursuits. During the latter part of his life he was agent to the Nabob of Arcot, and was M.P. for Camelford, co. Cornwall, from 1780 until his death. He died at his seat called Belleville, in the parish of Alvie, co. Inverness, unmarried, and was buried in the Abbey according to his directions. His will, as of Fludyer Street, Westminster, of Putney Common, co. Surrey, and of Belleville, co. Inverness, Esquire, and M.P'. for Camelford, dated 7 June 1793, with a codicil 10 Sep. following, was proved 26 Mch. 1796. The only direct relations he named were the children of his deceased sister Janet Clark, and his nephew John MacIntire, Capt. of Artillery in the East India Company's service. He left considerable legacies to several friends, but the most of his large estate to several illegitimate children, with annuities to their various mothers. 3 The celebrated architect and surveyor-general of the Board of Works, F.R.S., F.S.A., and treasurer of the Royal Academy. He is said to have descended from an ancient Scottish family, but to have been born at Stockholm, in Sweden, where his father was settled as a merchant. He was the architect of the present Somerset House, in the Strand. He was never knighted in England, but had the rank of knight-bachelor, and the appellation "Sir," from having received from the King of Sweden the Order of the Polar Star. His age, as stated in the text, makes him five years older than is usually stated in the accounts of him. His will, as of Whitton Place, and of Norton Street, and late of Berners Street, co. Midx., Knight, dated 19 June 1795, with two codicils, was proved 16 Mch. 1796. His bequests were to his wife Dame Catherine, his only son WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 457 1796 March 19 Mrs. Lucy Finch;¹ died the 11th, aged 67: in the North Cross. March 24 John Fenn;2 died the 20th, aged 77: in the Dark Cloister. June (-) Julia-Stafford Smith; died May 31st, aged 11 years in the South Cloister. : July 24 Dr. Thomas-Saunders Dupuis ; died the 17th, aged 60 in the West Cloister. Aug. 26 The Hon. Louisa-Margaret Percy, 6th daughter of Algernon and Isabella-Susanna, Earl and Countess of Beverley;5 died the 19th, aged 6 weeks: in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Sept. 9 The Right Hon. David Murray, Earl of Mansfield and Viscount Stormont; died the 1st, aged 70: in the North Cross. 1797 Feb. (—) John Croft, Esq.; died Jan. 28th, aged 70: in the North Cloister. George Chambers and his wife the Hon. Mrs. Chambers; his daughters, Salina, wife of William Innes, Esq., Charlotte, wife of Charles Harward, Esq., and Lavinia, wife of Josiah Cottin, Esq.; and the children of his late daughter Cornelia, wife of John Milbanke, Esq. His relict, Dame Catherine, died 29 Jan. 1798. 1 According to her monument, she was the wife of Rev. Robert-Poole Finch. D.D., Canon of Westminster, and was born in 1729. See her husband's burial 26 May 1803. 2 He had been College beadle, but resigned and was succeeded by his son John 29 July 1794. See the burials, of his wife 4 Nov. 1788, and of his children, 24 Mch. 1766. 26 Mch. 1788, and 5 Nov. 1827. His will, as of Chapel Street, St. Margaret's, Westminster. Gent., dated 27 June 1795, was proved 26 Mch. 1796, by his son John, residuary legatce. His only other bequest was the reversion of £300 to his grand-daughter Jane Fenn, then a minor, after his said son's death. 3 Probably a daughter of Mr. John-Stafford Smith, who was connected with the Chapel Royal as early as 1776, and is mentioned in the preface to Sir John Hawkin's History of Music. The Funeral Book gives her age as eleven years and six months, and says that she was buried at the head of " Long Meg." According to his family records, he was third son and fourth child of John Dupuis and Susannah his wife, who were natives of France, but he was born in England 5 Nov. 1733, and was therefore in his sixty-third year at his death. His father is said to have occupied some position about the Court, and was educated in the Chapel Royal, under the celebrated Bernard Gates (sec his burial 23 Nov. 1773), whose principal heir he finally became. He was appointed organist and composer to the Chapel Royal in 1779, and the degree of Doctor of Music was con- ferred upon him at Oxford 26 June 1790. He died at his house in King's Row, Park Lane. His will, as Thomas-Sanders Dupuis, dated the day before his death, was proved on the 26th of the same month. He directed to be buried at Fulham, on the coffin of his dear wife, but his wish appears not to have been regarded. He bequeathed £50 to Letitia Dupuis, relict of his late son Rev. Thomas-Skelton Dupuis, and the rest of his estate, except legacies to several friends, to his only surviving son Charles Dupuis, but, if he should die unmarried, it was then to go to Samuel Arnold, Doctor of Music (see his burial 29 Oct. 1802), and his children. 5 The Funeral Book, quoting her coffin-plate, says that she was born 4 July 1796. See her mother's burial 31 Jan. 1812, and note thereto. • Eldest son of David, sixth Viscount Stormont, by Anne, only daughter and heir of John Stewart, of Inneryntie, Esq., and born 9 Oct. 1727. He succeeded his father as seventh Viscount Stormout 23 July 1748, and his uncle William (sce his burial 28 Mch. 1793) as second Earl of Mansfield. The Funeral Book describes him as LL.D., President of H.M.'s most honourable Privy Council, and Knight of the most ancient Order of the Thistle. He was twice married, and left issue. 7 His monument described him as Clerk of the Journals and Engrossments to the House of 3 N 458 BURIALS IN 1797 March 16 March 22 March 31 [April 17] Mrs. Mary Hare:¹ died the 9th, aged 46: in the West Cloister. Mrs. Elizabeth Pope; 2 died the 15th, aged 52: in the West Cloister. 4 Mrs. Ann Ward;³ died the 24th, aged 33: in the North Cloister. Dame Louisa-Maria-Elizabeth Johnstone; died April 17th, 1797: in the South Cloister. Lords, and the journals of the day say that he had been in that service more than forty years. His will, as of College Street, Westminster, Gent., dated 12 Jan. 1796, was proved 20 Feb. 1797. He bequeathed his house, etc., to his wife Sarah (see her burial 9 Nov. 1798), also his lands, etc., at or near Oswestry, co. Salop, with remainder to his sister-in-law, Anne Jones, of Oswestry, spinster, and, after her death, to his brother Nicholas Croft, of Milton-Abbott, co. Devon, with remainder to his daughters, Sarah Moon and Mary Anne Patey. He evidently left no issue. ¹ Her monument described her as the wife of Michael Harc, Esq. (see his burial 18 Nov. 1807), and gave her age as forty-eight, which is correct. She was the youngest child of James Merest, Esq., assistant-clerk of the House of Lords, by Janc his second wife, dau. of Charles Battely, Esq. (see her baptism 16 Mch. 1706-7, and note thereto). She was born the 3rd, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 June 1748, and was married to Mr. Hare, at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 19 Nov. 1770. Sce the burials, of her father's first wife 17 Nov. 1727, and of the daughter and son of her sister Charlotte Fisher, 8 Mch. 1813, and 21 Dec. 1821. 2 First wife of Mr. Alcxander Pope, for some years the principal tragedian at Covent Garden Theatre. She is said to have descended from a good family of the name of Young, and to have been much esteemed as an actress by Garrick. According to the journals of the day, she was married to Mr. Pope, at Dublin, cither 9 or 11 Aug. 1785. She died at her house in Half-Moon Street, Piccadilly, and was buried, according to the London Chronicle, "between the remains of Sir Richard Jebb and Doctor Dupuis." See the burial of her husband's second wife, June 1803. 3 Eldest dau. of Charles Tufnell, Esq., grandson of Capt. Edward Tufnell (sce his burial 11 Sep. 1719), by his wife and kinswoman, Mary, dau. of Alexander Haselar. She married, at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 20 Dec. 1792, Rev. Thomas-Watson Ward, sometime one of the ushers of Westminster School, but then Vicar of Felmersham, co. Beds, and afterwards Vicar of Sharnbrook, in the same county, where he died 30 May 1825, aged sixty-three. See the baptisms of her children, 24 Feb. 1795 and 26 Mch. 1797, and the burials, of her son 24 May 1808, and of her husband's second wife, 1 May 1807. 4 The date of her death in the text is undoubtedly that of her burial, as all the journals of the day say that she died 9 April. She was the relict of Sir James Johnstone, fourth Bart. of Westerball, co. Dumfries (see his burial 17 Sep. 1794), being so described on her monument and in her will, and recognized as his wife in his will, although the peerages usually say that he died unmarried. There was a considerable mystery about her antecedents which it has been some- what difficult to solve, but she appears to have been a daughter of a Mr. Colclough, by his wife Elizabeth-Mary-Louisa, illegitimate daughter of Sir Thomas Montgomerie, an Irish knight, by Clemence, daughter of Sir William Hovell, of Hillington, co. Norfolk, Kt., and wife of Charles Stuart, Esq., father of Sir Simeon Stuart, second Bart. of Hartley-Mauduit. Sir Thomas Montgomerie had four other children by this lady, some of them certainly during the lifetime of her husband, who died the 19th, and was buried at St. James, Westminster, 24 Jan. 1705-6. Sir Thomas eventually married Mrs. Stuart, at St. Bride's, London, 11 Feb. 1713-14, and was buried at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 23 Mch. 1715-16, she being also buried there 19 Sep. 1720. In the wills of both of them the five children are recognized as illegitimate, and in that of Sir Thomas the date of birth of the only son is precisely given as 1 Jan. 1703-4, and the mother of Lady Johnstone was old enough at his death to be his executrix. Lady Johnstone appears to have had a former husband, Rev. Mr. Merrick, but was married to Sir James Johnstone before 3 July 1759, as is distinctly stated in his will. Her age at her death is not given either on her monument, in the Register, or in the Funeral Book, but her mother was not married until after 1720, in which year she proved her own mother's will, as a spinster. Lady Johnstone's will, as WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 459 1797 May June 17 [Aug. (-)] (—)] Sept. 19 Oct. 3 Dec. 1 1 James Cunningham; died April 26th in the Dark Cloister. William Smalbroke, Esq.;2 died the 9th, aged 79: in the South Cloister. Mrs. Crawford Robertson ;3 died Aug. 5th, 1797, aged 59: in the South Cloister. : Elizabeth Thorne ; died the 14th in the North Cloister. Lydia Dare;5 died Sept. 29th: in the grass-plat. 6 Harriot Miles; died Nov. 24th, aged 18 months: in the South Cloister. Dec. 21 General James Johnston ;7 died the 13th, aged 76: in the middle aisle. of Bulstrode Street, St. Marylebone, Midx., widow, and relict of Sir James Johustone, Bart., deceased, dated 2 Dec. 1795, with a codicil 15 Mch. 1797, was proved 15 Apl. following, by her "kinsman" Sir Martin-Brown Folkes, Bart., to whom and to his issue she left her estate called Bellmount, in Hillingtou, co. Norfolk, with remainders successively to her “kinsman” Sir Simcon Stuart, Bart., and his heirs male, and then to the issue male of Rev. Octavian Reynolds by his wife Clemence Montgomerie, another of the illegitimate daughters above named. Her only other bequest, except to a servant, was one of £1000 to Ann Scott, one of the illegitimate children of her late husband named in his will. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 2 Third son of the Right Rev. Richard Smalbroke. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, by Catherine his wife (see her burial 15 Mch. 1765). He had been for many years Principal Registrar of the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, and died at his house in Parliament Street. His will, dated 31 May 1796, was proved 21 June 1797, by his brother Richard Smalbroke, LL.D. (see his burial 14 May 1805), as residuary legatee. His personal bequests, amounting to upwards of £10,000, were to his brother Rev. Dr. Samuel Smalbroke, his nephews Rev, Dr. William Vyse and Major-General Richard Vyse, his nieces Mary and Georgiana Vyse and Mrs. Wynn, and his cousins, Capt. John Brooks, Rev. Mr. Oldershaw, and Mrs. Lyons. 3 The journals of the day described her as the wife of Colonel Robertson, of the Royal Independent Invalids, and the Scots Magazine as Mrs. Crawford Leslie, spouse of Colonel William Robertson." Her monument merely called her the wife of Colonel William Robertson (see his burial in June 1802). The date of her burial is not given either in the Register or the Funeral Book. See burials in the same Cloister, 8 Jan. 1812 and 7 Jan. 1836. 4 Daughter of Joseph Thorne, College butler (see his burial 21 Mch. 1795). The Funeral Book gives her age as twelve years; but see her baptism 10 Nov. 1786. 5 First wife of Isaac-Charles Dare (see his burial 12 Feb. 1810). See the baptism of her daughter 25 July 1793, and the burial, probably of her son, 5 Mch. 1804. According to the Chapter Book, William Miles, of Tufton Street, Westminster, was appointed Clerk of the Works 12 Dec. 1792, and was dismissed 23 July 1803. But apparently another of the same name was appointed College glazier 6 June 1793, and had a gratuity of ten guineas some time later, on account of having been hurt by a fall from a window. This was probably a child of the former. See the burial, doubtless of her brother, 9 Mch. 1799. 7 Only surviving son of Captain George Johnston, descended from the family of that name of Hilton, co. Berwick, who, on quitting the service, became an army agent in Dublin, by Hester, dau. of Rev. James Bland, Dean of Ardfert, in Ireland. He entered the army as a cornet of dragoons 1 Oct. 1736, was engaged in subsequent continental campaigns, and attained the rank of General 25 Oct. 1793. He was sometime Governor of Quebec, and at his death Colonel of the Enniskillen regiment of dragoons. According to the journals of the day, he died at Hampton, after a painful illness. He married, 5 May 1763, Lady Henrietta-Cecilia West, eldest surviving dau. of John, first Earl Delawarr, who survived him and died 24 Feb. 1817. His will, as of South Audley Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, and of Hampton, co. Midx., General of H.M.'s Forces, Governor of Quebec, in the Province of Canada, and Colonel of the sixth or 460 BURIALS IN 1798 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 March 29 [May (-)] Mr. William Hemming;¹ died the 11th in the South Cloister. Mrs. Catharine Rutt; 2 died the 12th, aged 58: in the Dark Cloister. John-Lucas Clark ;3 died the 24th: in the grass-plat. Mrs. Marianne Clough; died May 21st, 1798, aged 64: in the West Cloister. Aug. 4 Mrs. Brigett Hollinshead; died July 29th, aged 79 in the North Cross. Aug. 16 Mrs. Ann Fenwick; died the 8th, aged 71: in the South Cloister. Enniskillen regiment of dragoons, dated 26 May 1796, was proved 13 Jan. 1798. His bequests were to his said wife; his sister Margaret Johnston, of Hilton Lodge, co. Haddington; his daughter-in-law Jane, wife of his son Henry-George Jolinston; his daughter Caroline-Georgina, wife of Evelyn Anderson, Esq.; and the children of his late sister Mary, Lady Napier, relict of Francis, Lord Napier. 1 His will, as late of Dean's Yard, Westminster Abbey, dated 22 Oct. 1796, was proved 19 Feb. 1798, by his brother John Hemming and his cousin John Hill, the former being his residuary legatec. His bequests, which were considerable, were to his sister Alice, wife of Henry Butler, of Little Abingdon Street, Westminster (see his burial 4 June 1838); his sister Elizabeth Hemming, spinster, then living at Inkborough, co. Worcester; the children of his brother John Hemming; his five first cousins. John Hemming. Ann Hill, Elizabeth Blackford, Sarah Hemming, and Hannah Hemming; and his four second cousins, John Hill, Mary Hill, Elizabeth Hill, and Richard Hill. 2 Her will, as of Westmoreland Buildings, Walworth, co. Surrey, widow, dated 21 May 1797, was proved 27 Feb. 1798, by Mr. John Wills and Mr. John Mathyson. She left five guincas to her niece Mrs. Wills, and all the residue of her estate to her own sister Sarah, wife of John Basire, of St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell. This latter bequest sccms to connect her with the celebrated engravers of that name. 3 Probably a son of Joseph Clarke, an almsman (see his burial 5 Dec. 1833). See the burial, probably of his brother, 8 Mch. 1837. "" The date of her burial is not given in either the Register or the Funeral Book.—Died, 21 May 1798, "in Dean's Yard, Westminster, aged sixty-six, of a dropsical complaint, Mrs. Mary Clough, who has long kept a respectable boarding-house there for the Westminster scholars' (Gent. Mag.).—Her will, as Marian Clough, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, widow, dated "Dean's Yard, Jany 1796," was proved 12 June 1798, by Francis Field, of New Cavendish Street, Midx., Esq., and James-William Dodd, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge (see his burial 5 Sep. 1818). To the latter she left £50, her new silver cruet, etc., for his care and attention to her house during her illness, and to the former £100, in token of his friendship, and particularly for getting her £500 to pay for her house, her daughter's husband having promised to do so, and then drawn back and left her in distress, "for which reason," she wrote, "I solemnly cut off my daughter's husband, the Rev. Richard Glover, M.A., belonging to St. John's College, Cambridge, from having the most trifling article belonging to me, nor will I allow his wife, my daughter Sarah Glover, to give him the liberty to assist her in looking any think (sic) belonging to me, either taking memorandum, or making inventory, or anything else concerning me." She did not, however, extend her resent- ment to their eight children, Jane, Marian, John, Thomas, Richard, William, Bright, and Robert Glover, but left them £5 each. 5 Dau. of Robert Hollinshead, of Wigan, co. Lancaster, merchant, by Alice, dau. of James Allanson, of Chorley, co. Lancaster, Esq. Her will, as Bridget Hollinshead, of Parliament Street, Westminster, spinster, dated 19 Apl., with a codicil 14 July 1798, was proved 16 Aug. following, by her brother John Hollinshead, residuary legatce. She named no other relation, but left considerable legacies to several friends. • The journals of the day describe her as the wife of John Fenwick, of Millbank Street, West- minster, Esq., and say that she died after a few hours' illness. See her husband's burial 7 Aug. 1800. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 461 1798 Oct. 15 Mrs. Jane Marton; died the 8th, aged 81: in the West Cloister. Nov. 9 Mrs. Sarah Croft; 2 died the 1st, aged 82: in the North Cloister. Nov. 21 Mrs. Esther Hook; died the 14th, aged 47: in the South Dec. 31 Dec. 31 31 1799 Jan. 11 March 9 Cloister. John Friend;3 Francis Gore; Cloister. died the 25th, aged 68: in the West Cloister. died the 26th, aged 8 months: in the West. Mary Fenn; died the 6th, aged 38: in the grass-plat. Master William Miles; died the 2nd, aged 10 years: in the South Cloister. April 9 Mrs. Elizabeth Gresse ; died March 31st, aged 45: in the South Cloister. April 13 The Revd Clayton-Mordaunt Cracherode; died the 5th, aged 68: in the East Cloister. 1 Third and youngest dau. of Oliver Marton, of Capernwray Hall, co. Lancaster, Esq., by Jane, his second wife, dau. of Roger Wilson, of Casterton Hall, co. Westmoreland, Esq., who were married at St. Mary-Aldermanbury, London, 29 July 1707. Her will, as of Walcott Place, St. Mary's, Lambeth, co. Surrey, spinster, dated 12 Nov. 1795, with several codicils, was proved 17 Oct. 1798. Her nieces, Mary Fletcher and Diana Dalrymple, were her residuary legatees. See her sister's burial 27 Jan. 1787. 2 Relict of John Croft, Esq., Clerk of the Journals, etc., to the House of Lords (see his burial in February 1797). From her husband's will, her name appears to have been Jones, and she was probably of a Shropshire family. 3 He was one of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, and belonged to the choirs of the Abbey and of Eton. According to the journals of the day, he was buried with a grand funeral service, performed by the choirs of Westminster, St. Paul, and St. James. His will, dated 15 Dec. 1798, was proved 24 Jan. 1799, by his relict Jane. His bequests were to his son John Friend, of Durham Cathedral, and his children Mary and Sarah, and to his daughter Grace Burrows, of the Haymarket, stationer, and her sons John-Freckleton Burrows and William Burrows. 4 Probably a child of Israel Gore, who was subsequently mentioned in the Chapter Book as one of the Abbey choir. 5 Probably the first wife of John Fenn, College beadle, etc. (see his burial 5 Nov. 1827), as she was not named as a daughter in his father's will. 6 See the burial, probably of his sister, 1 Dec. 1797, and note thereto. They were named on the same gravestone. 7 The journals of the day call her the relict of John-Alexander Gresse, of Maidenhead, Berks, Esq. Her will, as of Stephen Street, Tottenham-Court Road, Midx., widow, dated 7 Sep. 1796, was proved on the day of her burial, by her friend Joseph-Lane Yeomans, of King-Street, Bloomsbury, to whom and to his children she left all her estate, except a few legacies to other friends. She directed to be buried in the Abbey, in the clothes she should have on at her death or in the linen of the bed on which she died. Her husband is named in the catalogues of painters as a pupil of Cipriani, as one of the first students at the Duke of Richmond's Gallery, and as afterwards of the Academy in St. Martin's Lane. He died in Feb. 1794, aged about fifty- three, but did not even name his wife in his will. 8 Son of Colonel Mordaunt Cracherode, by Mary his wife (see her burial 3 Jan. 1785, and note thereto). He was born at Taplow, co. Bucks, 23 June 1730, and educated at Westminster School and Oxford. He was F.R.S. and F.S.A., and a munificent benefactor to the British Museum, of which institution he became a trustee in 1784. He died unmarried. His will, dated 9 Apl. 1792, was proved 17 Apl. 1799, by his sister Anne Cracherode (see her burial in July 1802), his sole heir and residuary legatee. 462 BURIALS IN 1799 April 18 The Right Hon. Anastatia, Countess of Kerry ;¹ died the 9th: in St Michael's or Holles Chapel. April 26 July (-) Mrs. [blank] Piner; died the 20th: in the grass-plat. 3 Mrs. Silvia Winstanley; died June 28th, aged 85 in the East Cloister. July 10 Mrs. Louisa Weston; died the 4th, aged 70: in the West Cloister. July 21 Oct. 5 Oct. 30 Nov. 21 Edward Blackstock; 5 died the 15th, aged 66: in the West Cloister. 6 Richard Atkins ; died Sept. 29th, aged 62: in the grass-plat. Mary, relict of the late Sir John Lindsay, K.B.;' died the 24th, aged 59 in the North Cross. William Young;8 died the 15th, aged 84: in the North Cloister. ¹ Dau. and coheir of Peter Daly, of Quansbury, co. Galway, Esq. She married, first, 29 Apl. 1747, her cousin Charles Daly, of Callow, Esq., who obtained a divorce from her 7 Mch. 1768, and she remarried, on the 24th of the same month, Francis-Thomas Fitzmaurice, third Earl of Kerry (see his burial 11 July 1818), the defendant in the suit. She must have been considerably his senior, as he was only seven years of age at the date of her first marriage. She left no issue. 2 The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 3 Her maiden name, according to some accounts, was Cole, and she is said to have descended from the family of that name of Colchester, co. Essex, while others describe her as of Amsterdam. She married, first, Colonel John Brathwaite, who was slain in 1740, during an engagement with a Spanish privatecr, by whom she had one son and two daughters. The former, Sir John Brathwaite, attained the rank of Major-General in the army, and was created a Baronet 18 Dec. 1802. The eldest daughter, Silvia, married the celebrated Bonnell Thornton, Esq., and the other, Caroline, married Robert Armitage, of Kensington, Esq., and was grandmother of Rev. Brathwaite Armitage, Vicar of Peterchurch, co. Hereford. Mrs. Brathwaite married, secondly, Rev. Thomas Winstanley (see his burial 13 Feb. 1789), by whom she appears to have had only one son (see his burial 29 May 1769). In her will, as of St. Luke's, Chelsea, dated 9 Apl. 1791, with a codicil 26 Feb. 1798, and proved 12 July 1799, she desired that a certain gold knife should not go out of the family, adding-" it was my grandfather's: he had it in his pocket when he fled from France in the time of persecution: it was his father's." This throws some doubt upon at least the first of the above statements respecting her ancestry. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters, by her "dear Tom." 4 Her monument described her as the relict of Robert Weston, Esq. (see his burial 30 Mch. 1793), and the journals of the day say that she died at her apartments in Kensington Palace. 5 His monument described him as "Clerk of the Papers to the House of Lords upwards of thirty years." His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, dated 18 Jan., with a codicil 30 May 1799, was proved 7 Aug. following, by his relict Harriet (see her burial 23 Dec. 1831) and by his "first cousin" Mr. William Walmesley the elder. His "frechold" at Croydon was to go, after his wife's death, to Mary, wife of said William Walmesley, and their issue. He appears to have lived at No. 2 Great College Street, Westminster. 6 According to the Chapter Book, Richard Atkins, a poor man, was nominated to Emery Hill's almshouses 27 Dec. 1798. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 7 Only dau. of Sir William Milner, first Bart. of Nun-Appleton, co. York, by Elizabeth, only surviving dau. of The Most Rev. Sir William Dawes, third Bart. of Putney, Archbishop of York. She was married 19 Sep. 1768, and died without issue, according to the journals of the day, at Ham, co. Surrey. See her husband's burial 16 June 1788. 8 His will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, "late peruke maker," dated 26 July 1785, was proved 28 Nov. 1799, by Mary, his second wife and relict, to whom he left all his possessions, except five guineas to his nephew John Coward, of Ambleside, near Kendal, co. West- moreland. He directed to be buried in the Cloisters with his late wife (see her burial 25 July WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 463 1799 Nov. 25 Mrs. Jane-Frances Sweet; died the 15th, aged 48: in the East Cloister. 1 1800 [Jan. (-)] Master William Dakins; died Jan. 16th, 1800, aged 5 years: in the South Cloister. [Feb. (-)] Master Joseph Thorne ; died Feb. 4th, 1800, aged 15 years: in the North Cloister. Feb. 10 The Right Rev. Dr. John Warren, Bishop of Bangor; died Jan. 27th, aged 69;3 in the North Cross. March 6 The Right Hon. Elizabeth, Countess Brooke and Countess of Warwick; died Feb. 24th, in her 80th year: in the Duke of Ormond's vault in K.H. 7th's Chapel. April 7 May 10 General Staates-Long Morris ;5 died the 2nd, aged 70: in the North aisle. The Right Hon. Mary-Eleanor Bowes, Countess Dowager of Strathmore; died April 28th, aged 52: in the South Cross. 6 1782). Their monumental inscription was on the same stone with that of Mrs. Dorothy Hull (see her burial 13 Apl. 1777). ¹ Son of Rev. Dr. William-Whitfield Dakins. Precentor of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Jan. 1850), by Susanna his wife (see ber burial 11 Dec. 1834). He is said, in the records of his family, to have been born in the Cloisters, but his baptism does not occur in the Abbey Register. The date of his burial is not given either in the Register or Funeral Book. 2 Son of Joseph Thorne. College butler (see his burial 21 Mch. 1795), by Jane his wife. See his baptism 22 May 1784. The date of his burial is not given either in the Register or Funeral Book. 3 His monument describes him as son of Rev. Richard Warren, D.D., Rector of Cavendish and Archdeacon of Suffolk, and brother of Richard Warren. M.D., many years physician in ordinary to the King, and states that he died in his seventy-second year, which is probably correct, as he was A.B. at Cambridge, as of Caius College in 1750, and would not be likely to have had that degree at the age of nineteen. He took his degree of A.M. in 1754, and that of S.T.P. in 1772. He became a Prebendary of Ely 23 Jan. 1768. was consecrated Bishop of St. David's 19 Sep. 1779, and was translated to Bangor 28 May 1783. He died, according to the journals of the day, at his house in George Street. Westminster. His will, dated 20 Mch. 1798, was proved 22 Apl. 1800, by his relict Elizabeth, sole legatee (see her burial 10 Apl. 1816). 4 Eldest dau. of Hon. Archibald Hamilton, commonly called Lord Archibald Hamilton (see the burial of his second wife Apl. 1719, and note thereto), by his third wife, Lady Jane Hamilton, fifth dau. of James, sixth Earl of Abercorn. She married, 16 May 1742, Francis Greville, eighth Lord Brooke, created Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick, who died at Warwick Castle 6 July 1773, by whom, according to her coffin-plate, she had three sons and five daughters. She married, secondly. General Robert Clerk, whose will, dated 24 Dec. 1796, she proved 26 May 1797. See her brother's burial 5 June 1744. 5 Staats-Long Morris, son of James Morris, of Morrisania, near the city of New York, U.S.A., Esq., by Eleanor, second dau. of Augustus Van Cortlandt, Esq., a descendant of the ancient family of that name in the State of New York. He entered the army, and was a Captain as early as 1759, when he raised a battalion of nine hundred men in Scotland, and 'attained the rank of General 3 May 1796. He married, first, about 23 Mch. 1756 (Mar. Lic. Fac.). Lady Catharine Gordon, dau. of William, second Earl of Aberdeen, and relict of Cosmo-George, third Duke of Gordon, who died 10 Dec. 1779. His will, dated 10 Dec. 1790, was proved 18 Apl. 1800, by Jane, his second wife and relict (see her burial 23 Mch. 1801), to whom he bequeathed all his real and personal estate, except that in America, which he had already disposed of by deed. He appears to have left no issue. • Only dau. and heir of George Bowes, of Streatlam Castle and Gibside, co. Durham, Esq., by Mary his second wife, only dau. and heir of Edward Gilbert, of Paul's Walden, co. Herts. She married, first, about 17 Feb. 1767 (Mar. Lic. Fac.), John Lyon, ninth Earl of Strathmore, 464 BURIALS IN 1800 May 23 Mrs. Ann Ayrton ; died the 16th, aged 60: in the North June 2 Cloister. Miss Henrietta Wrixon;2 died May 27th, aged 16 years in the North Cloister. Aug. 7 Mr. John Fenwick; died July 30th, aged 75: in the South Cloister. North Cloister. 4 Sept. 5 Mrs. Susanna Gunning; died Aug. 28th, aged 60: in the 5 Sept. 10 Albany Wallis, Esq.; died the 3rd, aged 86: in the East Cloister. who assumed the surname of Bowes, and died in April 1776, by whom she had three sons and two daughters. She married, secondly, at St. James, Westminster, 17 Jan. 1777, Andrew- Robinson Stoney, of King's county, Ireland, Esq., who also assumed the surname of Bowes, from whom she was divorced in 1789, and who died 16 Jan. 1810, in the Rules of the King's Bench prison, where, according to the journals of the day, he had been detained twenty-two years at the instance of Lady Strathmore and her representatives. She died at Christchurch, Hants, and is said to have been buried "dressed in a superb bridal dress." See the burial of her father's first wife 19 Dec. 1724. 1 Dau. of Benjamin Clay, of Southwell, co. Notts, Gent., by Elizabeth his wife and relict, who was buried at Southwell 21 May 1781. She was born at Southwell 28 Dec. 1739, and married there, 20 Sep. 1762, to Edmund Ayrton, afterwards Doctor of Music (see his burial 28 May 1808). They were the parents of fourteen children, and the grand-parents of the late celebrated Dr. John-Ayrton Paris. See the burials, of her children, 19 Oct. 1772, 13 July 1776, 2 Jan. 1778, 29 Dec. 1779, and 20 Oct. 1780, and of her grandchild 11 Mch. 1807. 2 Her monument states that she was the daughter of William Wrixon and Mary his wife, of Ballygiblin, co. Cork, Ireland, and died at Chelsea, Midx., in her seventeenth year. The Funeral Book, however, gives her age as fifteen Her mother was a daughter of John-Townsend Becher, Esq. Her eldest brother, William Wrixon, assumed the name of Becher, and was created a Baronet, as of Ballygiblin, 30 Sep. 1831. See the burial of her father's sister, Mary, Baroness Ennismore, 11 Aug. 1810. 3 Letters of administration to his estate, as of Millbank, St. John the Evangelist, West- minster, Esq., widower, were granted, 25 Aug. 1800, to his only child Mary-Isabella Fenwick, spinster. See his wife's burial 16 Aug. 1798. 4 Relict of Licut.-General John Gunning, who died at Naples 10 Sep. 1797, to whom married about 1768. Her maiden name was Minifie, and she was the authoress of several novels of some success in their day. She separated from her husband in 1791, and the unfortunate circum- stances formed one of the most important scandals of the period. The General appears to have done his wife and daughter justice on his death-bed, as he bequeathed to them his cutirc estate equally. Her will, dated 20 Oct. 1797, was proved 27 Oct. 1800, by her sister Margaret Minifie, spinster, to whom she bequeathed all the estate she possessed. 5 An cminent solicitor in Norfolk Street, Strand. He appears to have been admitted to the Inner Temple, 23 June 1750, as second son of James Wallis, of Knarsdale, co. Northumberland, Gent. He was an intimate friend of Garrick, and erected the monument to his memory in the Abbey. See an account of him in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1800, p. 908, which characterizes this as "the only act of his life that seems entitled to the notice of mankind," and states that he left his large fortune entirely away from his relatives. On page 917 his character is defended. His will, as of Norfolk Street, Esq., dated 14 Feb. 1800, with three later codicils, was proved 8 Sep. following, and does not sustain the charge made against him, as he bequeathed to his brother-in-law Thomas Baxter, the messuage, lands, etc., called The Tower Green, in Knarsdale, and to Jane Leeson, of Cold-Bath Fields, his late wife's sister, £100, while he recognized his heir- at-law, and left him £500. He named no other relations, and made Dame Ann Bayly his residuary legatee, with remainder to her son Lieut.-Colonel Lewis Bayly, who proved the will. See the burial of his only son 20 Mch. 1776. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 465 1800 Oct. 16 Matthew Cotton; 1 died the 10th, aged 69: in the Dark Cloister. Nov. 4 The Right Hon. Sarah-Hussey, Countess of Tyrconnel; 2 died Oct. 7th in the Delaval vault in St. Paul's Chapel. : Nov. 16 The Revd Waring Willett; 3 died the 11th, aged 62: in the West Cloister. 4 1801 Jan. 2 Enoch Markham, Esq; died Dec. 25th, 1800, aged 73: in the North Cloister. Б Jan. 23 Sir George-Leonard Staunton, Bart. ; 5 died the 14th, aged 62: Feb. in the North aisle. 6 George Markham, Esq.; died Jan. 31st, aged 78: in the North Cloister. 1 Son of Matthew Cotton (see his burial 16 Aug. 1750). He was one of the Abbey almsmen. His will, as formerly of Horsleydown, Southwark, co. Surrey, but then of St. Mary's, Lambeth, Gent., dated 22 Jan. 1800, was proved 5 Dec. following, by his son Matthew Cotton. His bequests were £400 Bank annuities to his dau. Ann, wife of Edward Martin, of Gravesend, co. Kent, tailor: £200 three per cent. consols to his dau. Joan-Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Shave; and sundry plate and the residue of his possessions equally to his four younger children, said Matthew Cotton, Frances Cotton. Sarah Cotton, and William-Miles Cotton. See the burials, of his sister 1 Feb. 1739-40, of his daughter 16 June 1772, and of his wife 2 Jan. 1793. 2 Youngest dau. and coheir of John-Hussey, Lord Delaval (see his burial 13 June 1808). by Susanna his first wife (see her burial 11 Oct. 1783), and second wife of George Carpenter, second Earl of Tyrconnel, to whom married, by special license, in Grosvenor House, St. John the Evan- gelist, Westminster, 3 June 1780, and who survived her until 15 Apl. 1805. She died, according to the journals of the day, at Lord Strathmore's seat, Gibside, co. Durham, while on a visit, in her thirty-sixth year. 3 One of the minor canons of the Abbey. He matriculated at Oxford. from Magdalen Hall, 11 May 1769, aged thirty, as son of Francis Willett, of St. Martin in the Fields. Midx., Gent., and was B.A. 29 Apl. 1774, and M.A. 23 Feb. 1776. His will, as of St. Margaret's Churchyard, Westminster, dated 27 Oct. 1790, was proved 8 Jan. 1801, by his eldest son Thomas Willett. He bequeathed several houses in the Strand. and in Jermyn Strect, Westminster, to his wife Hannah, who survived him, and certain shares in the Amicable Society to his sons Thomas, Waring, and Charles, and his daughters Hannah and Lucinda, all being then minors. The youngest son, Charles, was born 10 Aug., and baptized at St. Margaret's. Westminster, 28 Sep. 1782. He appears to have been residing at Camden Town, Midx., at his death. 4 Third and youngest son of Major William Markham (see his burial 1 June 1771), by Elizabeth his wife, and brother of the Most Rev. William Markham, Archbishop of York (see his burial 11 Nov. 1807). He entered the military service at an early age, and served some time as a volunteer in America. On his return he raised the 112th regiment, or Royal Musketeers, of which he became Major-Commandant. Some years later he was appointed Lieut.-Colonel of the 46th regiment, and served with it in America throughout the whole of the revolutionary war. He died unmarried, and, according to the traditions of his family, was buried wrapped in the colours of the 112th regiment, which had long before ceased to exist. See the burial of his only other brother 6 Feb. following. 5 Eldest son of George Staunton, of Cargine, co. Galway, Esq. (descended from a Notting- hamshire family), by Margaret, dau. of John Leonard, of Carra, in the same county, Esq. He was born 19 Apl. 1737, and bred to the medical profession, but subsequently became a somewhat distinguished diplomatist. His last mission was to China, in 1792, an account of which he published. He was created a Baronet (of Ireland) 31 Oct. 1785. He married, 22 July 1771, Jane, dau. of Benjamin Collins, of Milford, co. Wilts, Esq., and left issue, but the title is now extinct. According to the journals of the day, he died from paralysis, at his house in Devonshire Street, Portland Place. His age was nearly sixty-four. 6 Second son of Major William Markham (see his burial 1 June 1771), by Elizabeth his wife, and brother of the Most Rev. William, Archbishop of York (see his burial 11 Nov. 1807), and of 30 466 BURIALS IN 1801 Feb. 14 Feb. 28 March 23 [July (-)] Sept. 9 Nov. 27 Dec. Mary Verren;¹ died the 9th, aged 60: in the grass-plat. Edward Bailey; died the 26th: in the grass-plat. 4 Mrs. Jane Morris; 3 died the 15th, aged 52: in the North aisle. Mary Pain; died July 9th, 1801, aged 57: in the Dark Cloister. Susanna Francis; died the 4th, aged 89: in the Dark Cloister. Mr. Anthony Gell; died the 20th, aged 37: in the North Cloister. 7 Mrs. Ann Crawford; died Nov. 29th, aged 68: in the North Cloister. Colonel Enoch Markham (sec his burial 2 Jan. 1801). He entered the navy at an early age, but subsequently abandoned the profession in disgust, according to the family traditions, on account of not receiving the promotion which he thought he deserved. He afterwards became a com- missioner of lotterics, and continued in that post until his death. He died unmarried. 1 The name in the Funeral Book is "Varren." The place of burial indicates that she occupied some very humble position. 2 The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 3 Second wife and relict of General Staats-Long Morris (see his burial 7 Apl. 1800). She was a Miss or Mrs. Urquhart, and was married about Dec. 1780. Her will, as of Berrymead Lodge, Acton, Midx., but then residing at Bathwick, co. Somerset, dated 31 July 1800, with a codicil 15 Mch. 1801, was proved 9 Apl. following, by the Hon. Rufus King, Minister Plenipo- tentiary from the United States of America to this kingdom, and by Francis Gregor, of Trewarthenick, co. Cornwall, Esq. All the bequests in her will were to the family of her late husband General Morris, all of whom were residing in the United States. In the codicil she bequeathed to Miss Julia Byron £1000, to Miss Urquhart £1000, to dowager Lady Errol £100, and to Mrs. Gregor and Miss Urquhart her diamonds equally. 4 Letters of administration to her estate, as of Dean's Yard, Westminster, spinster, were granted, 3 Sep. 1801, to John Pain, her brother and one of her next of kin (see his burial 30 Mch. 1808). The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. The date of her burial is not given either in the Register or Funeral Book. 5 Second wife and relict of Jacob Francis, one of the sacrists (see his burial 1 Aug. 1772). Her maiden name was Brett. Sce the burial of her sister, Esther Seymore, 13 Mch. 1793, and note thereto. 6 Son of Anthony Gell, Receiver-general of the Abbey (see his burial 4 Feb. 1817), by Frances his wife (see her burial 7 Feb. 1825). He was born 26 May, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 8 June 1764, and was, according to the journals of the day, clerk of the cash book in the office of the auditor of the Exchequer. He evidently died unmarried. 7 A celebrated tragic actress in her day. She is said to have been the daughter of a Mr. Strect, an apothecary at Bath, and first married an actor named Dancer, who died 26 Dec. 1759. She married, secondly, about 1768, the celebrated tragedian, Spranger Barry (see his burial 20 Jan. 1777), whose pupil she had been. She married, thirdly, in July 1778, a Mr. Crawford (whom she also survived), described by one authority as a bad actor, an eccentric indi- vidual, and an unprofitable husband, much younger than herself," and by another as "a scampish young Irish barrister, who spent her money, and broke her heart." The journals of the day say that she died in obscure apartments in Queen Street. Westminster, and that her executor was the only surviving son of her brother, the late William Street, of Bath, Esq. These accounts, however, which represent her as reduced to poverty, do not accord with her will, which was dated 9 Jan. 1801, and proved 10 Feb. 1802, by her nephew the Rev. Thomas Street, of Lyncombe and Widcombe, co. Somerset, of which parishes she described herself, and with whom she was evidently residing, to whom she bequeathed all her real and personal estate, except £300, which she gave to her sister Edith Brome, of Ipswich, widow, and her daughters Edith Brome and Eliza Brome, and the arrears of her annuity of £100 out of the Crow Street theatre in Dublin, which she gave to her nephew Charles Bromc. She probably died at her lodgings, while on a visit to London. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 467 1802 Jan. 23 Feb. 7 Mrs. Henrietta Brooker;¹ died the 13th, aged 79: in the East Cloister. The Right Hon. Welbore Ellis, Baron Mendip ;2 died the 2nd, aged 88 in the North Cross. : June (-) Colonel William Robertson;3 died May 27th, aged 78 in the South Cloister. [July (—)] Mrs. Anne Cracherode; died July 17, 1802, aged 84: in the East Cloister. Aug. 23 George Slemaker;5 died the 18th, aged 62: in the South Sep. 1 Oct. 29 Cloister. John Borrett; died Aug. 25th, aged 42: in the South Cloister. Samuel Arnold, Dr. of Music ;7 died the 22nd, aged 62: in the North aisle. ¹ Relict of Henry Brooker, Esq., Receiver-general of the Abbey (see his burial 6 June 1787). See their marriage 4 Mch. 1753. Her will, dated 3 May 1799, was proved 8 Feb. 1802, by her dau. Elizabeth Brooker, spinster, residuary legatee. See the burials of her other two daughters, and evidently only other children, 25 Feb. 1780 and 19 July 1815. 2 Younger son of the Right Rev. Welbore Ellis, Bishop of Meath, by Diana, dau. of Sir John Briscoe, of Amberley Castle, co. Sussex, Kt. He was created Baron Mendip, of Mendip, co. Somerset, 13 Aug. 1794. He married, first, 18 Nov. 1747, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Stanhope, K.B,, who died 1 Aug. 1761. See the burial of his second wife 13 Dec. 1803. Dying without issue, the title passed, by limitation in the patent, to his great-nephew, Henry-Welbore Agar, second Viscount Clifden, who, in accordance with his will, assumed the surname of Ellis. See his nephew's burial 21 July 1809. 3 His monument described him as of Kincraigie in Perthshire, and the journals of the day as Colonel of the Royal Invalids. See his wife's burial in Aug. 1797, and the burials 8 Jan. 1812 and 7 Jan. 1836. 4 Only surviving child of Colonel Mordaunt Cracherode, by Mary his wife (sce her burial 3 Jan. 1785, and note thereto), and sister of Rev. Clayton-Mordaunt Cracherode (see his burial 13 Apl. 1799). She was born 30 Apl.. and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 1 May 1718. Her will, as of Queen Square, Westminster. spinster, dated 16 Apl. 1801, with numerous codicils, was proved 5 Aug. 1802, by the Right Hon. Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham, whom she made her residuary legatee, in trust to distribute her large estate. The date of her burial is not given either in the Register or the Funeral Book. • He had been a servant of Bishop Pearce while Dean of Westminster, and, according to the Chapter Book, was appointed, 11 Feb. 1768, a sacrist and porter of the Little Cloisters, but shortly resigned both offices, and became, 22 Apl. following, porter of the Great Cloisters, sealer, keeper of the College water, and a bell-ringer, all which offices he held, as well as those of chamberlain and messenger, at his death. His will, dated 31 July 1797, was proved 23 Sep. 1802, by his relict Susanna (sce her burial 10 Nov. 1818), to whom he left all his real and personal estate whatsoever. See the baptisms of his children, 2 Apl. 1769, 6 Jan. 1771, 18 Oct. 1772, 22 Oct. 1775, 2 Sep. 1776, and 14 Feb. 1779, and the burials of two of them, 1 Oct. 1776 and 1 Jan. 1778. 6 Letters of administration to his estate, as of Abingdon Street, Westminster, were granted, 10 Sep. 1802, to his relict Mary (see her burial, as Mary Robertson, 7 Jan. 1836). His personalty was sworn under £10,000. 7 He is said to have been a native of London, and was born, according to his monument, 10 Aug. 1740. He was educated in music under the celebrated Bernard Gates and Dr. Nares, and so rare was his proficiency that he became composer to Covent Garden Theatre in his twenty-third ycar. His popularity became so deservedly great that the University of Oxford conferred upon him 5 July 1773, the degree of Doctor of Music. The matriculation register fortunately preserved his father's name, which appears not to have been heretofore known to 468 BURIALS IN 1802 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Frances Wright; died Nov. (~): [in the Cloisters.] ¹ Donald Murray, Esq.;2 died the 11th, aged 72: in the West Cloister. 1803 March 10 Mrs. Mary Cawood; died Feb. 27th, aged 52: in the middle aisle. 4 March 28 Mrs. Elizabeth Ormsby; died the 21st, aged 68: in the North Cloister. biographers. He was described as the son of Thomas Arnold, and his father's rank given as "Pleb.,” which sufficiently indicates his humble origin. In 1783 he became organist and composer to the Chapel Royal, and in 1793 organist of the Abbey. He married, in 1771, Mary-Anne, dau. of Archibald Napier, M.D., who survived him. She administered to his estate 6 Dec. 1802, when his personalty was sworn under £2000. He left a son, Samuel-James Arnold, to whom further letters of administration were granted, 31 Dec. 1812, his mother being then dead, and a daughter, Marianne, who married William Ayrton (see the burial of their child 11 Mch. 1807, and note thereto). See the burial, probably of another daughter, 20 Dec. 1795. This entry occurs only on a loose slip in the Register, headed "Enquiries to be made respecting the following Funerals." It contains fourteen entries, all of which, except this, are found in their proper places in the Register. Her husband, John Wright, administered to her estate 29 Jan. 1803, when she was described as "Frances Wright, formerly Barou," formerly of Annonay, in France, but late of St. James, Westminster. She was a daughter of Richard Guise, master of the choristers, etc. (sce his burial 17 Mch. 1806, and note thereto), who, in his will, mentioned her surviving husband, and her son by each husband. 2 His will, as of Southampton Row, St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., Esq., dated 22 Mch. 1802, was proved 5 Feb. 1803, by his son John Murray, of No. 61 Upper Seymour Street, St. Marylebone, Esq. To his wife Elizabeth he bequeathed all the plate, furniture, etc., in the house then occupied by her in the town of Monmouth, and £100 per annum for life, and to Mary Murray, then living with her, £20 for mourning. To his relation, Ann Murray, then living with him in his house in Southampton Row, he gave the house No. 16 Southampton Row, for the rest of the lease, and the use of the plate, furniture, etc., in his own dwelling-house. All the rest of his real and personal estate he left to his friends Randle Wilbraham, of Rode Hall, co. Chester, Esq., Richard Welch, of Lower Seymour Street, St. Marylebone, Esq., and the Rev. Matthew Skinner, of Richmond, co. Surrey, in trust for his said son John Murray, his wife Sarah, and their children, for their lives, with remainder in succession to John Murray, then a cadet (if not higher) in the H. E. I. Co.'s service, on the Bengal Establishment, and Charles Murray, brothers of said Ann Murray, and their sons and heirs male, with final remainder to his own right heirs. 3 Her will, as of Titchfield Street, St. Marylebone, Midx., widow, made 25 Feb. 1803, was proved 18 Mch. following, by John Catlin and John Mansir, of Whitecross Street, London, agent to Messrs. Calvert and Company, brewers. The will shows that she was the relict of William Cawood. To her sister Jane Bird, of the city of Chester, widow, she bequeathed an annuity of £42 for life, to be paid by her bankers in Pall Mall or at Chester, out of the rents of her four houses in Duke Street, Manchester Square, and in Tottenham-Court Road. To Rebecca and Mary Whatmore, children of Sarah Whatmore, her late husband's sister, to David Lewis, of Egham, co. Surrey, clock and watch maker, nephew of her said husband, and to James, Mary, and Diana, children of John Harris, late of Winchester Street, London, another nephew of her said husband, she left considerable legacies, making the latter three children her residuary legatees. Her other bequests were to persons evidently not relations. The probate act states that her said sister Jane Bird was her only next of kin. She directed to be buried in the middle aisle of the Abbey, near the organ. 4 Relict of Arthur Ormsby, Esq. (sce his burial 24 Feb. 1795), to whom married, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., 7 Apl. 1761. In their marriage allegation at the Faculty Office she was described as Elizabeth Greene, of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, spinster, aged twenty-seven. In a MS. at the College of Arms she is called “ a Lady of America." Her WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 469 1803 April 16 The Right Hon. IIester Pitt, Countess Dowager of Chatham and Baroness of Chatham; ¹ died the 3rd, aged 83: in the North Cross. May 26 The Rev" Robert-Poole Finch, D.D., Prebendary of this Church;2 died the 18th, aged 80: in the North Cross. [June 25] Mrs. Mary-Ann Pope; 3 died June 18th, 1803, aged 28: in the West Cloister. 4 Dec. 13 The Right Hon. Anne, Baroness Mendip; died the 7th, aged 78 in the North Cross. 1804 Jan. [Here end the Burials in the Second Volume.] Jan. 20 Francis Parsons, Esq.;5 died the 11th, aged 90: in the North Cloister. son, Arthur Ormsby. Esq., as one of her next of kin, administered to her estate 5 Apl. 1803, when she was described as of Gloucester Street, St. George the Martyr. Queen Square, Midx., and her personalty was sworn under £300. See the burials, of her daughter 29 Jan. 1790, and probably of her grandson 21 Apl. 1810. ¹ Only dau. of Richard Grenville, of Wootton, co. Bucks, Esq., by Hester, dau. of Sir Richard Temple, third Bart. of Stowe, co. Buck, who succeeded her brother as Baroness and Viscountess Cobham. She was sister of Richard. first Earl Temple. and was herself created Baroness Chatham 4 Dec. 1761. She was born 8 Nov. 1720, and married, 16 Nov. 1754. the celebrated William Pitt, afterwards first Earl of Chatham (see his burial 9 June 1778). The journals of the day say that she died at her seat at Burton-Pynsent, co. Somerset. See the burials, of her sons 22 Feb. 1806 and 3 Oct. 1835, and of her daughter 2 Oct. 1786. Son of Rev. Richard Finch and Ann his wife, and baptized at Greenwich, Kent, 10 Mch. 1723-4. He was of Peterhouse, Cambridge, A.B. 1743. A.M. 1747, and S.T.P. 1772. He was Rector of St. Michael's, Cornhill, London, from 1771 to 1784, when he became Rector of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, and held that living until his death. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 1 Nov. 1781. See his wife's burial 19 Mch. 1796. His only child, Thomas Finch, Esq., administered to his estate 6 June 1803, when he was described as formerly of Guy's Hospital, but late of Westminster Abbey, etc., and his personalty was sworn under £20,000. This son, who was a Fellow of the Royal Society, died at his house in Great Ormond Street, Midx., 23 Mch. 1810, aged fifty-three, his wife Mary surviving. 3 Second wife of Mr. Alexander Pope. the tragedian (see the burial of his first wife 22 Mch. 1797, and note thereto), to whom married, at St. George's, Hanover Square, 24 Jan. 1798. Her maiden name is said to have been Campion, and her family an old and respectable one in co. Cork. She first appeared on the Dublin stage in 1790. as Mrs. Spencer, and came to Covent Garden theatre in 1797. According to the journals of the day, she was seized with an apoplectic fit, June 10, while performing the character of Desdemona, and a second attack proved fatal. They also say that she was buried 25 June, which supplies the date omitted by both the Register and Funeral Book. Her names are probably rightly given on her monument and in the Funeral Book as Maria-Ann. ▲ Eldest dau. of Hans Stanley, of Poulton's Park, in the New Forest, Hants. Esq., sister and heir of the Right Hon. Hans Stanley, Governor of the Isle of Wight, and second wife of Welbore Ellis, Baron Mendip (see his burial 7 Feb. 1802), to whom married 20 July 1765, at St. George's, Hanover Square. She died at her house at Twickenham, Midx., according to the journals of the day, without issue. 5 The Funeral Book gives his age as only eighty. His will, as of Piccadilly, St. George's, Hanover Square, dated 27 May 1802, was proved 20 Feb. 1804, by his relict Hannah. The only other relations he named were his kinswoman Miss Easter Besford and her sister Miss Mary Besford, and his wife's niece Miss Elizabeth Thompson. He bequeathed to his wife two freehold houses in St. Albans, Herts, and the leasehold house No. 21 Brompton Row, Kensington, Midx. 470 BURIALS IN 1804 Feb. 1805 1 Mrs. Sarah Mauvillain; died Jan. 22nd, aged 90: in the North aisle. March 5 March 19 May 7 June 20 Aug. 16 Oct. 17 Dec. 21 Frederick Dare2 [in the Cloisters]. The Hon. Henry Pomeroy ;3 died the 10th, aged 15 years: [in the Cloisters. 6 4 Charles Sedley; died the 2nd, aged 12 years: [in the Cloisters]. Ann Morley;5 died the 17th, aged 43: [in the Cloisters]. Ann Moore; died the 9th, aged 85: [in the Cloisters]. Mary Fisher ;7 died the 5th, aged 64: in the East Cloister. Charles Perry ; died the 15th in the North-west burial ground. : March 4 Clifton-William, son of the Rev" William-Saint Andrew Vincent;9 died Feb. 28th, aged 8 weeks: in the North Cross. 1 Dau. of Stephen Mauvillain, of Tooting and Morden, co. Surrey, by Hannah Gregory his wife, and only sister of Mrs. Hannah Stone (see her burial 13 June 1782). She died, according to the journals of the day, at her house at East Sheen, co. Surrey, unmarried. 2 Probably son of Isaac-Charles Dare (see his burial 12 Feb. 1810), by Lydia his first wife (see her burial 3 Oct. 1797). 3 Only son of Henry Pomeroy, second Viscount Harberton, who died 30 Nov. 1829, by Mary his wife (see her burial 31 Jan. 1823). According to his monument, he died at Brighton, in his fifteenth year. He is said in some of the pecrages to have been born 22 Nov. 1788, and in others in 1789. The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the South Cloister, at the head of "Long Meg." 4 The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the South Cloister, and calls him "Master Charles Sedley." 5 Wife of John Morley, one of the sacrists of the Abbey (sec his burial 31 Jan. 1809). . The Funeral Book says that she was buried in the Dark Cloister. 6 Her will, as Aun More, of Villiers Street, in the Strand, widow, relict of Whitlock More, late of Hammersmith, Midx., Esq., dated 3 Mch. 1803, was proved 1 Sep. 1804, by Joseph Moser, of Princes Strect, Spitalfields, Midx., Esq., husband of her niece Elizabeth-Julia, and by her friend James Morrissett, of Denmark Street, Soho, Esq. She bequeathed £100 cach to her said niece and her husband, and £500 to the French charity school in Windmill Street, Tottenham- Court Road. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters, expressing her desire that her remains should be kept the proper time, and adding “but before I am soldered up in the leaden coffin, that an incision may be made in my throat by cutting the windpipe." The Funeral Book says that she was buried in the Dark Cloister. (Whitlock More, bachelor, and Mary Willis, spinster (perhaps a first wife), both of Chelsea, Midx., were married at Clapham, co. Surrey, 2 Oct. 1746). 7 Only surviving dau. of Thomas Fisher, College cook (see his burial 30 July 1777), by Mary his wife (see her burial 13 Nov. 1761). Her will, as of Stockwell, co. Surrey, spinster, dated 20 Nov. 1799, with a codicil 31 Aug. 1804, was proved 19 Oct. following, by her companion Elizabeth Warslyn, spinster, named in her father's will as his servant, to whom she at first bequeathed her entire estate. In the codicil she gave sums varying from £10 to £100 to Frances Matthews, widow, late Frances Benfield, Elizabeth Younger, widow, late Elizabeth Riglesdale, Samuel Corkin, and Ann Corkin, all of whom she described as her "cousins and relations." 8 He was appointed College gardener, according to the Chapter Book, 29 Nov. 1765. See the burials, certainly of his first wife 21 Mch. 1768, and probably of his second 30 Oct. 1824. • Sec his father's baptism 31 Dec. 1772, and note thereto, and the note to the baptism of his sister, 30 Nov. 1806, for an account of his mother. He was born, according to the family records, 5 Jan. 1805. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 471 1805 March 6 William Buchan, M.D.;¹ died Feb. 25th, aged 76: in the West Cloister. March 15 Ann Cleave; died the 12th, aged 58: in the North-west burial ground. May 14 Richard Smalbroke, LL.D.; died the 8th, aged 79 in the South Cloister. May ;4 23 The Hon. Algernon-James Percy; died May 19th, aged 19 months in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. 1806 : June 11 Sir William Pulteney, Bart. ;5 died May 30th, aged 76: in the South Cloister. Jan. 30 Anne Rutherford;6 died the 24th, aged 62: in the North Cloister. 1 Author of the well-known Domestic Medicine, or, the Family Physician. He is said to have been a native of Ancrum, near Jedburgh, in Roxburghshire, Scotland. He was educated at Edinburgh, and became Physician to the Foundling Hospital at Ackworth, in Yorkshire, and afterwards practised at Sheffield, but eventually returned. to Edinburgh, became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and remained there some years, having married a lady named Peter. His celebrated work was first published in 1769. He eventually removed to London, where he enjoyed a lucrative practice. He died, according to the journals of the day, at his son's house in Percy Street, Rathbone Place. His will, dated 30 Jan. 1805, was not proved until 7 Aug. 1806. To his son, Dr. Alexander-Peter Buchan, he bequeathed all his literary property and MSS., and the residue of his estate equally to him and his sister Helen Buchan, spinster. both of whom proved the will. They appear to have been his only surviving children, another son, William, having died in infancy. Their mother evidently died long before her husband. See his son's burial 13 Dec. 1824. 2 The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 3 Second son of the Right Rev. Richard Smalbroke. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, by Catherine his wife (see her burial 15 Mch. 1765). The Register gives his age incorrectly, and the same error was repeated on his monument. He matriculated at Oxford, from University College, 18 Oct. 1733, aged seventeen, and was B.A. 25 June 1736. He was, therefore, eighty-nine at his death, and the Funeral Book gives that as his age. He succeeded his brother Thomas as Chancellor of the diocese of Lichfield in 1778, having occupied that post jointly with him since 1742. He died, according to the journals of the day, at his house in Hamilton Street. Piccadilly. His will, dated 12 Sep. 1797, with a codicil 19 Oct. 1804, was proved 18 May 1805. by his nephew Rev. William Vyse, D.D., principal legatec. See his brother's burial 17 June 1797. 4 Eldest son and second child of George, Lord Lovaine, afterwards second Earl of Beverley, and eventually fifth Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 30 Aug. 1867), by Louisa-Harcourt. third dau. of Hon. James-Archibald Stuart-Wortley, brother of John, first Marquis of Bute. He was born, according to the Funeral Book, 23 Oct. 1803. 5 William Johnstone, third son of Sir James Johnstone, third Bart. of Westerhall, by Barbara Murray, dau. of Alexander, fourth Lord Elibank. See the burials of his brothers, 21 Jan. 1783 and 17 Sep. 1794, the latter of whom he succeeded as fifth Bart. He married, first, 10 Nov. 1760, Frances, dau. of Daniel Pulteney, Esq. (see her burial 8 June 1782), and, on her succeeding to the great Bath estates in 1767, assumed the surname of Pultency. He married, secondly, at Dundas Castle, 5 Jan. 1804, Margaret, relict of Andrew Stuart, of Castlemilk and Torrance, Esq., who survived him. The journals of the day say that he was considered the richest commoner in the kingdom, his funded estate reaching nearly two millions sterling, and that he was the greatest American stockholder ever known. He died intestate, and letters of administration to his estate were granted 20 June 1805, to his only child Henrietta-Laura, Countess of Bath (see her burial 23 July 1808). • Second dau. of Shuckburgh Boughton, of Poston Court, co. Hereford, Esq., by Mary, eldest 472 BURIALS IN 1806 Feb. 3 John Hunt:1 died Jan. 27th, aged 49: in the North-west burial ground. Feb. 22 The Right Hon. William Pitt;2 died Jan. 23rd, aged 46: in the North Cross. March 17 Richard Guise, M.B., Gentleman of the Choir and Master of the Choristers of this Church; died the 10th, aged 71: in the North Cloister. May 5 June 13 [blank] Vincent: in the North-west burial ground. Richard Harding; died June (—): in the North-west burial ground. 6 July 9 George Blount, Esq.; died the 1st, aged 81 in the West Cloister. 7 Oct. 4 William Cole, D.D., Prebendary of this Church; died Sept. 25th in the North aisle. : dau. of Hon. Algernon Greville, second son of Fulke, Lord Brooke. She was sister of Sir Edward Boughton and Sir Charles-William Rouse-Boughton, eighth and ninth Barts. of Lawford, co. Warwick. She married, after 21 Nov. 1776, John Rutherford, Esq. (see his burial 11 Oct. 1782), who, in his will of that date, bequeathed to her all his estate, as his intended wife. She appears to have died intestate. 1 Son of John Hunt (see his burial 7 May 1783), by Elizabeth his wife (sce her burial 2 Oct. 1793). 2 Second son of the celebrated William Pitt, first Earl of Chatham (sce his burial 9 June 1778), by Lady Hester his Countess (see her burial 16 Apl. 1803). He was born 28 May, and baptized at Hayes, co. Kent, 3 July 1759. He was Prime Minister (with the exception of three years) from 1783 until his death, and was buried at the public expense. He died unmarried, and deeply in debt, but, in consideration of his services, his obligations, amounting, it is said, to £40.000, were subsequently discharged from the public purse. 3 His will, as of Leicester Square, St. Anne's, Westminster, dated 21 Feb. 1805, with a codicil 7 Mch. 1806, was proved on the 20th of the latter month, by his relict Elizabeth. He bequeathed his freehold estate in Clewer, co. Berks, and £2000 in Imperial annuities, to trustees for the separate use of his dau. Sarah-Elizabeth Cutler and her children, and his freehold estate in East Smithfield, Midx., to his grandson Richard-John Barou, when of full age. He also gave £500, out of a sum due to him from his son-in-law John Wright, to his grandson John-William Wright, and, if he died in his minority, the same was to go to said Richard-John Barou, whom he called the brother of said John-William Wright. See the burial of his daughter, Frances Wright, 17 Nov. 1802. 4 The Funeral Book says Robert Vincent, and that he died 25 Apl., aged two years and three months. See the burial of his brother, of the same name, 16 Sep. 1807. They were, according to the Funeral Book, sons of one of the organ-blowers. 5 The Funeral Book says that he died 9 June, in his seventy-eighth year. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 6 Sec his wife's burial 6 Dec. 1784. In their marriage allegation at the Faculty Office, dated 1 Jan. 1753, he was described as of Henley-on-Thames, co. Oxford, a bachelor, aged twenty-eight. His will, as of Pall-Mall, St. James, Westminster, Esq., dated 7 Mch. 1795, was proved 23 Dec. 1806, by his eldest son, George-Lanc Blount, residuary legatee. To his youngest son, John- Burrell Blount, he gave all his investments in the five per cent. annuities. His only other bequests were fifty guineas to Mr. Hugh Rowland, of St. James's Palace, Gent., and to two servants. See his son's burial 26 Mch. 1847. 7 One of his name was of King's College, Cambridge, A.B. 1778 and A.M. 1781, and another, of the same College, was A.B. 1780 and A.M. 1783, but neither of them appears to have had a Doctor's degree there, nor any one of the name at Oxford. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 12 May 1792, being then only Master of Arts. The Funeral Book gives his age as WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 473 1806 Oct. 10 The Right Hon. Charles-James Fox; ¹ died Sept. 13th, aged 57: in the North Cross. Oct. 30 George-Giles Vincent; 2 died the 25th, aged 11 months: in the 1807 Feb. 11 North Cross. Margaret Clayton; 3 died the 4th, aged 68: in the South Cloister. Feb. 23 Mrs. Hannah Vincent; died the 17th, aged 71: in the North March 11 Cross. Louisa Bourne; 5 died the 4th, aged 76: in the North Cloister. fifty-three, and describes him as Rector of Mersham and Vicar of Shoreham, both in co. Kent. He married, in 1795, Mary, second dau. of Sir William Blackstone, the celebrated author of the Commentaries on the Law of England, who survived him until 1830, but had no issue. His will, as Doctor of Divinity, Rector of Mersham, Vicar of Shoreham, and Prebendary of West- minster, dated 26 Dec. 1805, with codicils 20 Aug. and 2 Sep. 1806, was proved 17 Oct. following. He provided liberally for his wife, and bequeathed an annuity of £20 to his father, William Cole, for life. His other bequests, which were considerable, were to his brother Robert Cole; his sister Mary, wife of Andrew Long, of Faversham. Kent, Esq.. and their children; his brother- in-law Charles Stapells. of Mersham aforesaid, Gent., and his children; and to several friends. The will was proved by his wife Mary, his brother Robert Cole, and Edward Tournay, of Hythe, co. Kent, Gent. ¹ The celebrated statesman. Third but second surviving son of Henry, first Lord Holland, by Lady Georgiana-Caroline Lennox, eldest dau. of Charles, second Duke of Richmond, and born 24 Jan. 1748-9. His political career is too well known to render necessary any account of it here. He is usually said in the accounts of his family to have married, in 1794, Mrs. Elizabeth- Bridget Armstead, who survived him, and died 8 July 1842. aged about ninety-seven. They appear, however, to have been married at Wyton, co. Huntingdon, 28 Sep. 1795, and her name is given in the parish register as "Elizabeth Blanc." Her will, dated 7 Nov. 1840 and proved 27 July 1842, gives no clew to her history or her family, no relation being named in it. He left no legitimate issue. 2 Eldest son and second child of George-Giles Vincent, Esq., Chapter Clerk, etc. (see his burial 3 Feb. 1859), by Mary his first wife (sce the note to the baptism of her eldest child, 17 Oct. 1804). See his baptism 11 Apl. 1806. 3 Her will, as of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, widow of Aaron Clayton, Esq., dated 18 Feb. 1804, was proved 20 Feb. 1807, by her good friends," Keene Stables, of the Horse- Guards, Esq., Benjamin Paddon, of New Brentford. Midx., woollen draper, and William Hiscox, of Blackman Street, Southwark, co. Surrey, druggist, who, with David Lewis, of Lower Brooke Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, Esq., who died before her, she named as trustees and executors. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters, near her late sou-in-law Mr. John Borrett (see his burial 1 Sep. 1802). She bequeathed to her sister Jane Bowser £100, and the residue of her estate to her executors in trust for her dau. Mary (apparently her only child), late wife of said John Borrett, but then wife of James Robertson, of Abingdon Street, Westminster, Esq. (see his burial 8 Jan. 1812, and her's 7 Jan. 1836). Fourth dau. of George Wyatt, Esq., chief clerk of the Vote Office, House of Commons, by Hannah his wife (see her burial 14 June 1782), and wife of the Very Rev. William Vincent, Dean of Westminster (see his burial 29 Dec. 1815), to whom married, at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 15 Aug. 1771. She was born the 3rd, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 21 Aug. 1735. See the baptisms of her children, 31 Dec. 1772, 12 May 1774, and 12 Dec. 1776, and the burials, of her son 3 Feb. 1859, of her daughter 13 Feb. 1777, and of her sister 9 Sep. 1790. 5 Rightly Lucia Bourne. Only dau. of Vincent Bourne. the celebrated Latin poet, by Lucia his wife (see her burial 16 Mch. 1767, and note thereto). Her age is also incorrectly stated in the text, as she was born the 7th, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 20 Nov. 1729, and was therefore in her seventy-eighth year. Her will, as a spinster, residing in Ward's Row, in Pimlico, and one of the Sisters of St. Katharine's Hospital, near the Tower of London, 3 P 474 BURIALS IN 1807 March 11 March 11 7 April Charlotte Ayrton;¹ died March (—): in the North Cloister. John Van-Yzendoorn; 2 died March 11th, aged 25: in the South aisle. April 29 Mary Huntley; 3 died the 23rd, aged 71: in the North-west burial ground. May 1 May 26 5 Mary Ward; died April 24th, aged 36: in the North Cloister. Monseigneur Antoine-Philippe d'Orleans, Duc de Montpensier, Prince du Sang Royal de France, died at Salt Hill May 18th, 1807, in the 32nd year of his age, and was buried May 26th, 1807, in the vault in the North aisle of the Tombs in the Abbey. 6 June 30 Frances-Elizabeth Gayfere; died the 23rd, aged 54: in the West Cloister. July 15 Mary Marquet; died the 11th, aged 25: in the North-west burial ground. 8 Sept. 15 Mary Fenton; died the 11th, aged 53: in the North-west burial ground. dated 16 Nov. 1802, was proved 12 Mch. 1807, by Rev. Robert-William Baxter (one of the Brothers of said Hospital), and Robert Preston, of Bath-Weston, co. Somerset, Esq., the latter of whom she made her residuary legatee, naming his daughter Lucia, her god-daughter. She bequeathed her house in Millbank Street, then occupied by the rclict of Admiral Ommaney, to Mrs. Martha-Carolina Goldsworthy, in testimony of the kindness she had received from her mother, her brother, and herself; but mentioned no relations, and it is evident that her only brother. Thomas Bourne, had died long beforc. ¹ Dau. of William Ayrton, second son of Edmund Ayrton, Doctor of Music (see his burial 28 May 1808), by Marianne, dau. of Samuel Arnold, Doctor of Music (see his burial 29 Oct. 1802), who were married 17 May 1803. The Funeral Book says that he died 7 Mch., aged nine months. 2 Only son of Andrew Van-Yzendoorn (see his burial 20 Feb. 1811), who administered to his estate 4 May 1807, when he was described as of Mount Row, St. Mary's, Lambeth, co. Surrey, bachelor. ³ See burials, in the same locality, 15 Nov. 1813 and 5 Jan. 1815. The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 4 Second wife of Rev. Thomas-Watson Ward, one of the ushers of Westminster School, etc. (see the baptism of his son 24 Feb. 1795, and his first wife's burial 31 Mch. 1797, and notes thereto), to whom married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 21 Aug. 1798, as Mary Grant, spinster, the witnesses being Richard Grant, A.M., Plaxton Dickinson, A.M., and Richard Grant. The first and last were, perhaps, her father and brother. She appears to have left no issue. 5 The Funeral Book says: "Removed, September 26th, 1807, to Henry the 7th's Chapel, where the Duchess of Buckingham and her son stand in wax-work." He was the second son of the celebrated Louis-Philippe-Joseph, fifth Duke of Orleans (called Philippe Egalité), and was born 3 July 1775. He died during his exile in England. His monument, by Westmacott, was erected by his elder brother, Louis-Philippe, afterwards King of France. • Dau. of Thomas Gayfere, Abbey mason (see his burial 10 Apl. 1812), by Frances his wife (sce her burial 22 Mch. 1770). She was born 23 Apl., and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 8 May 1753. She died unmarried, and her brother Thomas Gayfere administered to her estate, 4 Dec. 1807, her father renouncing. 7 James Marquet is mentioned in the Chapter Book, in 1817, as one of the Abbey choir, and baptisms of his children occur in the registers of St. Margaret, Westminster, from 1816 onwards. This was perhaps his sister, or possibly his first wife. The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 475 1807 Sept. 16 Robert Vincent;¹ died the 9th, aged 2 weeks: in the North-west burial ground. Sept. 22 Joshua Perkins; 2 died the 15th, aged 57: in the North-west burial ground. Oct. 5 Charles Wright, Esq.;3 died Sept. 27th, aged 73: in the South Cloister. Oct. 26 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Dec. 24 4 Anne Watkins; died the 15th, aged 82: in the West Cloister. The most Rey William Markham, LL.D., Archbishop of York;5 died the 3rd, aged 89: in the North Cloister. 6 Michael Hare; died the 9th, aged 75: in the West Cloister. Henry-Churchill White;7 died the 16th, aged 6 years and 8 months in the West Cloister. : 1 The Funeral Book calls him an organ-blower's son. See his brother's burial 5 May 1806. 2 The Funeral Book says that he died 19 Sep. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 3 The journals of the day describe him as chief clerk of the Admiralty, and a servant of the public upwards of fifty years, and say that he died at Brompton, whither he went for the recovery of his health. His will, as of Abingdon Street, Westminster, dated 10 June 1801. with a codicil 10 Sep. 1802, was proved 16 Oct. 1807, by his sons John and Henry. To his wife Mary he bequeathed £10,000 three per cent. consols for life, and all his plate. furniture, etc., absolutely; to his niece Barbara Reed £300; and to his said two sons equally twenty shares in the Lancaster Navigable Canal. The residue of his estate he gave equally to his wife and sons. By the codicil he bequeathed to his wife all his stocks in the public funds, instead of the specific sum named. + Relict of Charles-Reimerd Watkins, Esq. (see his burial 30 July 1770). Her will, as late of Ware, co. Herts, but then of Cold Bath Square, St. James, Clerkenwell, widow, dated 2 Mch. 1803, was proved 17 Oct. 1807. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters with her said husband. Her principal legatecs were her two nicces, Jane, wife of Daniel Carter, of Cold Bath Square, tailor, formerly Jane Robinson, spinster, and Mary, wife of Robert Creighton, late of Fore Street, baker, formerly Mary Robinson, spinster, and their children. Her only other relation named was Thomas Bee, son of her late sister-in-law Anne Bee, deceased. to whom she gave £100. Her maiden name appears to have been Bach. Her husband, in his will, bequeathed £50 each to his wife's brother Mr. Herbet Bach, and her sister Mrs. Mary Robinson, evidently the mother of the two nieces above mentioned. 5 Eldest son of Major William Markham (see his burial 1 June 1771), by Elizabeth his wife, and brother of Enoch and George Markham, Esquires (see their burials 2 Jan. and 6 Feb. 1801). He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College. Westminster), 6 June 1738, as son of William Markham. Gent., of Kingsale, Ireland (where he is said to have been born), and was B.A. 13 May 1742, M.A. 28 Mch. 1745, B.C.L. 20 Nov. 1752, and D.C.L. 24 Nov. 1752. He was Head-Master of Westminster School from 1753 until 1765, was installed Prebendary of Durham 22 June 1759, became Dean of Rochester 20 Feb. 1765, was installed Dean of Christ Church 23 Oct. 1767, consecrated Bishop of Chester 17 Feb. 1771, and was elected Archbishop of York 8 Jan. 1777. Sec the baptisms of his children 3 May 1760 and 23 Sep. 1766, and the burials, of his wife 3 Feb. 1814, of his daughters 1 June 1793 and 11 Oct. 1808, and of his daughters-in-law 29 Dec. 1810 and 3 Meh. 1814. 6 His will, as of Millbank Street, St. John's, Westminster, Esq., dated 18 July 1802, with codicils 7 and 9 Nov. 1804, was proved 23 Nov. 1807, by his brother John Hare, of Eastgate, in the town of Lincoln, Esq., to whom he left all his estate, except liberal legacies to two servants. In an affidavit to his handwriting he was described as a captain of dragoons on half-pay. See his wife's burial 16 Mch. 1797, and note thereto. He evidently left no issue. 7 Second son of William-Henry White, of Parliament Place, Old Palace Yard, Westminster, Esq., by Ann his wife (sec her burial 30 Apl. 1832). According to the Funeral Book, three other 476 BURIALS IN 1808 Jan. 1 20 Edward Staple; died the 13th, aged 25: in the North grass- plat. Jan. 23 March 10 March 11 Sarah Minnitt; 2 died the 20th, aged 50: in the North grass-plat. Edward Glanvill;³ died the 2nd, aged 37: in the South Cloister. Elizabeth Newbegin; died the 5th, aged 49: in the South Cloister. 4 March 24 John Rice; 5 died the 17th, aged 84: in the South Cloister. of their children were buried here at the same time, evidently removed from their former place of burial, but the monumental inscription mentions only two, viz., William-Barrett-Neate White, who died 15 Apl. 1796, aged one year and two months, and Frederick-William-Halhead White, who died 22 Jan. 1798, aged seventeen days. The other was probably a still younger infant. See his sister's burial 15 Nov. 1839. 1 See his father's burial 3 Apl. 1820, and his mother's 2 May 1808. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 2 See burials 17 Feb. 1812 and 5 Oct. 1815. The place of burial sufficicutly indicates her humble position. 3 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed Clerk of the Works to the Abbey 23 July 1803, for a year, and the appointment was renewed 12 Mch. 1804. His will, as of Delahay Strect, St. Margaret's, Westminster, Esq., dated 31 Jan. 1808, was proved 18 Mch. following. He bequeathed considerable legacies to his wife Margaret, his minor children Thomas-William and Emily, his mother-in-law Mrs. Bertie, his sister Miss Glanvill, his sister Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Simon Stephenson, and their son William Stephenson, his godson. He also mentioned that he was engaged in trade with Mr. Jeremiah Glanvill, which was to be continued for the benefit of his said son. 4 Probably wife of James Newbegin, who, according to the Chapter Book, was appointed College butler, 17 Apl. 1795. 5 Son of John Rice, porter to the Abbey (see his burial 5 Feb. 1768). The journals of the day say that he was born in Westminster, received a musical education, went to America, and settled in New York as an organist, where he acquired a considerable sum, and that, returning to England, he became a thorough miser, living and dying in a miserable condition, but leaving about £40,000, of which he gave £10,000 to the Bishop of New York. As is usually the case, his will contradicts this newspaper gossip in its general tone, and represents him in a much more agreeable light. He may have been saving, and even penurious, during his life, but his will affords ample evidence of his generous nature and grateful heart. It was dated 24 Feb. 1808, only three weeks before his death, and states that he was then residing at No. 10 Little Peter Street, Westminster, but was formerly of New York, and organist of Trinity Church in that city. His first bequest was one of £7000 to William Boyce, of Hammersmith, Midx., Gent., which he made, he said, out of respect and gratitude to his father, the late Dr. William Boyce, Master of H.M.'s Band of Musicians, from whom in early life he had received many favours, and to whom he was under many obligations, as well as in consideration of his own kindness to him. To his cousin Mrs. Mary Powell, of St. Nicholas, near Cardiff, co. Glamorgan, he gave £200, and to each of her children £50. This was the only relation he named. He gave to the corporations of Gloucester and Cardiff each £100, the interest of which was to be expended in bread, to be distributed to the poor annually on the 31st of July, his birth-day. To the Royal Society of Musicians he gave £100. To several friends in New York, including the late Bishop, clergymen, a clergyman's widow, and others, he left legacies varying from £40 to £300, and similar bequests to several friends in England. He even bequeathed ten guineas to his landlord, and £50 to his servant. The residue of his estate he gave equally to the Rev. Mr. Moorc, then Bishop of New York, and the said William Boyce. An affidavit attached to the probate act states that he died at the house of the latter, in Hammersmith. It is very evident from the tenor of the whole will that, octogenarian as he was, he remembered gratefully the kindness of early friends, and of his friends and patrons in New York, and, having no family of his own, divided his fortune among them and their descendants. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 477 1808 March 30 March 31 John Pain;¹ died the 25th, aged 52: in the Dark Cloister. Samuel Smith, LL.D., Prebendary of this Church; 2 died the 23rd, aged 77 in the North aisle. April 30 Charlotte-Row Strutt ; died the 23rd, aged 28: in the South Cloister. 4 May 2 Frances Staple; died April 23rd, aged 57: in the North grass- plat. : May 24 Thomas-Watson Ward; 5 died the 17th, aged 13 years in the North Cloister. 7 May 28 Edward Ayrton;6 died the 22nd, aged 74: in the North Cloister. June 13 The Right Hon. John-Hussey, Lord Delaval; died May 17th, aged 80 in St. Paul's Chapel. ¹ See the burial of his sister, July 1801, to whose estate he administered. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 2 Son of Samuel Smith, of Compton Street, St. Anne's, Westminster, merchant, by Christian Painc his wife, said to be of a Huntingdonshire family of that name. He is supposed to have been their only child, no other being named in his father's will. He was educated at West- minster School, and elected to Cambridge in 1750, where A.B. 1754, A.M. 1757, and LL.D. 1764. He became Head-Master of Westminster School in June 1764, and resigned in 1788. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 29 Mch. 1787, and collated Prebendary of Peterborough 28 Sep. following, and held both preferments until his death. See the burials, of his first wife 4 Dec. 1789, and of his second wife 29 Mch. 1792. He married, thirdly, 19 June 1794, Mrs. Ann Pinckney, who survived him, and was living in 1824, by whom he had no issue. See the baptisms of his children, 15 Oct. 1765, 27 Aug. 1767, 8 Feb. 1770, 7 Mch. 1772, 24 Feb. 1774, 24 Feb. 1777, 28 Oct. 1778, and 8 May 1792, and the burials of his sons, 27 July 1773. 7 July 1792, and 22 Mch. 1824. 3 Dau. of Samuel Strutt, Esq. (see his burial 31 Jan. 1785), by Charlotte his wife (see her burial, as Charlotte Willett, 18 May 1815). Sho was born 10 Mch., and baptized at St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, 8 Apl. 1780. She died unmarried, and her mother administered to her estate 9 May 1808. 4 Sec her son's burial 20 Jan. 1808, and her husband's 3 Apl. 1820. sufficiently indicates her humble position. The place of burial 5 Son of Rev. Thomas-Watson Ward, by Anne his first wife (see her burial 31 Mch. 1797). See his baptism 24 Feb. 1795, and note thereto. 6 Rightly Edmund Ayrton. He was a pupil of Dr. Nares, became a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal. and succeeded his old master as master of the children in 1780. He was also vicar-choral of the Abbey and of St. Paul's. He was created a Doctor of Music, at Cambridge, in 1781. He died at his son's house in James Street, Buckingham Gate. His will, dated 6 Oct. 1802, with a codicil 15 May 1808, was proved 15 June following. The only relation named, besides his own children and their husbands, was his late brother-in-law Nicholas-Thomas Dall, evidently the Danish landscape and scene painter, who died in 1777, and who must have married his sister. He was the father of fourteen children, the baptisms of twelve of whom occur in the parish registers of St. Margaret, Westminster. See the burials, of his wife 23 May 1800, of his children, 19 Oct. 1772, 13 July 1776, 2 Jan. 1778, 29 Dec. 1779, and 20 Oct. 1780, and of his grandchild 11 Mch. 1807. 7 Second but eldest surviving son of Francis-Blake Delaval, Esq., by Rhoda, dau. of Robert Aprecce, of Washingley, co. Huntingdon, Esq. He was created a Baronet, as of Ford, co. Northumberland, 1 July 1761, succeeded to the family estates on the death of his elder brother, Sir Francis-Blake Delaval, K.B., in 1771, was created Baron Delaval, of Redford, co. Wicklow, in the Irish peerage, 17 Oct. 1783, and was elevated to the English pecrage. 21 Aug. 1786, as Baron Delaval, of Seaton-Delaval, co. Northumberland. See his first wife's burial 11 Oct. 1783. He married, secondly, 5 Jan. 1803. Miss Susanna-Elizabeth Knight, who survived him. He left 478 BURIALS IN 1 1808 June 13 John Hodskin; died the 7th, aged 58: in the North grass-plat. July 23 Henrietta-Laura Pulteney, Countess of Bath; 2 died the 14th, aged 41 in the South Cloister. Oct. 11 Anne-Katherine Markham ; died the 3rd, aged 30: in the North Cloister. 1809 Jan. [6] Edward Medley; died Dec. 29th, 1808, aged 64: in the South Cloister. Jan. [9] The Hon. IIenry-Algernon-Pitt Percy; 5 died Jan. 3rd, aged Jan. 27 2 years in St. Nicholas's Chapel. Jane-Brown Salton; died the 20th, aged 46: in the North Cloister. no male issue, and his titles became extinct. See the burials, of his daughter Sarah-Hussey, Countess of Tyrconnel, 4 Nov. 1800, and of his brother 23 Aug. 1814. ¹ According to the Chapter Book, gratuities were granted, 2 May 1807 and 21 Apl. 1808, to John Hodgskin, a "labouring carpenter" in the service of the Dean and Chapter. 2 Ouly dau. and heir of Sir William Johnstone, afterwards Sir William Pulteney, fifth Bart. of Westerhall (see his burial 11 June 1805), by Frances, dau. and eventually sole heir of Daniel Pulteney, Esq. (see her burial 8 June 1782). She was born, according to her coffin-plate, 6 Dec. 1766, and married, 23 July, 1791, Sir James Murray, seventh (Nova Scotia) Bart. of Clermont, co. Fife, who survived her, and died 26 Apl. 1811, being then a General in the army, and having assumed the surname of Pulteney. After succeeding to the magnificent Bath estates, she was created Baroness Bath 23 July 1792. and Countess of Bath 26 Oct. 1803. She died at Brighton, and was buried from her residence, Bath House, Piccadilly. Leaving no issue, her titles became extinct. 3 Sixth dau. of the Most Rev. William Markham, Archbishop of York (see his burial 11 Nov. 1807), by Sarah his wife (scc her burial 3 Feb. 1814). She was born 25 May, and baptized at St. George's, Bloomsbury, Midx., 10 June 1778. She died unmarried, and was buried, according to the Funeral Book, in her father's grave. 4 Son of Mary Medley (see her burial 5 Scp. 1783), who was a widow as carly as 1774. The Register does not give the day of his burial, which is supplied by the Funeral Book. His will, as of New Peter Street, Westminster, dated 17 Apl. 1789, with codicils 21 June 1791 and 23 Aug. 1798, was proved 11 Feb. 1809, by his relict Mary (see her burial 15 Aug. 1821). He bequeathed to his niece Martha Spice, formerly Martha Walldron, an annuity of £10 for life, in accordance with his mother's will, and the rest of his estate to his wife Mary, his sons Edward, Samuel, John, Charles, William, George, and Henry, and his daughters Mary, Harriet, and Charlotte, all unmarried at the date of the will. In the first codicil, the eldest daughter was described as then Mary Harris. 5 Second son and fourth child of George, Lord Lovaine, afterwards second Earl of Beverley, and eventually fifth Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 30 Aug. 1867), by Louisa-Harcourt, third dau. of Hon. James-Archibald Stuart-Wortley, brother of John, first Marquis of Bute. He was born 25 Apl. 1806. The Funeral Book says that he was buried 9 Jan., supplying the omission in the Register. 6 The Funeral Book says that she was "niece to Captain Richard Murray" (sec his burial 30 Dec. 1788, and note thereto). She was evidently the "Jane Brown" named in his will, but he certainly did not call her his "nicce." Her will, as "Jane Brown, of College Street, West- minster, widow," dated in December 1809 (at the utmost less than two months before her death), was proved 23 Feb. 1810. She directed to be buried in the Cloisters, near her "much respected uncle, Captain Richard Murray, of the Royal Navy." She bequeathed all her estate, real and personal, and particularly her leasehold house, etc., No. 3 Union Place, Blackheath Road, Greenwich, Kent, and £1080 stock in the Navy five per cent. annuities, to Gilbert Salton, of Queen Street, Westminster, Edward Marjoribanks, of the Strand, banker, and John Spottiswood, of Sackville Street, St. James, Westminster, Esquires, in trust for the use of her dear and only child, Janc-Helen-Melville Salton, then a minor, for her life, with remainder to said Gilbert WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 479 1809 Jan. 31 John Morley;¹ died the 24th, aged 70: in the Dark Cloister. July 21 The most Rev. Charles Agar, Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland, Earl of Normanton, Viscount and Baron Somerton; 2 died the 14th, aged 72: in the North Cross. 3 Oct. 3 1810 Feb. Feb. Sarah Bentham; 3 died Sep. 27th, aged 76: in the North Cross. Marianne Gaven; 4 died Jan. 26th, aged 86: in the South Cloister. Isaac-Charles Dare;5 died the 4th, aged 69: in the North grass- plat. Salton for life, and then to the surviving children of her deceased brother, Lieut. Henry Hicks, of the Royal Navy. She appointed said three trustees her executors, and they all proved the will, said Gilbert Salton, Esq., being described in the probate act as the lawful husband of the deceased. 1 One of the sacrists of the Abbey, having been appointed, according to the Chapter Book, 2 Mch. 1781. The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the same grave with his wife (see her burial 20 June 1804). 2 Third son of Henry Agar, of Gowran Castle, co. Kilkenny, Ireland, Esq., by Anne, only dau. of the Right Rev. Welbore Ellis, Bishop of Meath, and sister of Welbore Ellis, first Baron Mendip (see his burial 7 Feb. 1802). He was born 22 Dec. 1736, and educated at Westminster School. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 31 May 1755, and was B.A. 4 May 1759, M.A. 23 Mch. 1762, and D.C.L. 31 Dec. 1765. He became Chaplain to Hugh, afterwards first Duke of Northumberland, who, while Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, presented him to the Deanery of Kilmore, to which he was instituted 22 May 1765. He was consecrated Bishop of Cloyne 20 Mch. 1768, enthroned Archbishop of Cashel 19 Aug. 1779, and translated to Dublin by patent dated 7 Dec. 1801. He was created Baron Somerton, of Somerton, co. Kildare, 12 June 1795. Viscount Somerton 21 Dec. 1800, and Earl of Normanton, co. Kilkenny. 7 Feb. 1806. See his wife's burial 1 Nov. 1826. It is to this prelate that the world is indebted for completing the destruction, commenced by his predecessor, of the magnificent old Cathedral on the Rock of Cashel, for there is no evidence to sustain the assertion of his friends that he made a vain attempt to restore it, and felt compelled to supplant it by the erection of the new cathedral. The devotion to this purpose of a comparatively small portion of the immense fortune which he acquired in a most extraordinary manner, the loss of which he could scarcely have felt, would have sufficed to preserve for future ages one of the grandest mediæval relics of the three kingdoms. 3 Dau. of Jonathan Farr, of Moorfields, citizen and draper of London, by Mary his wife. She married, first, about 22 Mch. 1755 (Mar. Lic. Bp. Lond.), Rev. John Abbot, D.D., Rector of All Saints, Colchester, Essex, who died 29 Apl. 1760, by whom she had two sons, viz., John-Farr Abbot (see his wife's burial 28 Mch. 1794). and Charles Abbot, created Baron Colchester (see his burial 14 May 1829). She married, secondly, at St. Margaret's. Westminster, 14 Oct. 1766, Jeremiah Bentham, of Westminster, Esq. (father, by his first wife, of the celebrated Jeremy Bentham), who died in 1792, and was buried in the Abbey Church at Bath, by whom she appears to have had no issue. In his will he declared that they had lived together with as much con- jugal felicity as he could conceive it possible for any one to be blessed with. Her will, dated 11 Nov. 1803, was proved 9 Oct. 1809, by her said son Charles, to whom she bequeathed all her estate. * Dau. and evidently the only child of Richard Gaven (sce his burial 15 May 1771), by Jane his wife (see her burial 21 Nov. 1775). Her will, as of Great Smith Street, Westminster, spinster, dated 28 Oct. 1805, was proved 15 Feb. 1810, by Mary, wife of Thomas Sheppard, of Great Smith Street, Gent., to whom and to their children she bequeathed all her estate, but without men- tioning any relationship. 5 His will, dated 28 June 1810, was proved 16 Apl. following, by James Hague, of Limehouse, Midx., whom he called his brother-in-law. His only bequests, which were trifling, were to his wife Mary, and his daughters Lydia and Caroline, then minors. The eldest daughter, Lydia 480 BURIALS IN 1810 March 8 John-Thomas Powell;¹ died Feb. 28th, aged 49: in the North grass-plat. March 17 The Hon. Margaret Percy;2 died the 11th, aged 5 years: in the Northumberland vault. April 21 James Ormsby; Cloister. June 13 June 16 Aug. 11 died March 15th, aged 27: in the North William Marcius; aged 5 months: in the East Cloister. Mary Barrow; died the 10th, aged 78: in the North Cloister. The Right Hon. Mary Hare, Baroness Ennismore;5 died the 5th, aged 59: in the middle aisle. Nov. 26 Marie-Josephine-Louise de Savoy, Reine de France et de Navarre," died at Hartwell in Buckinghamshire the 15th of November, 1810, and was buried the 26th of the same month in King Henry the Seventh's Chapel; aged 57 years. Dec. 10 Jane Joye; died Nov. 30th, aged 84: in the North Cloister. Dare, spinster, administered de bonis non 28 Aug. 1818, when he was described as formerly of the Stamp Office, in Somerset House, Midx., but late of the Cloisters, Westminster Abbey. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position, and he had probably occupied some minor position at the Stamp Office. See the baptism of his daughter 25 July 1793, and the burials, of his first wife 3 Oct. 1797, of his son 5 Mch. 1804, and of his second wife 8 Mch. 1828. See the burial, probably of his son, in the same place, 14 Jan. 1845. He evidently occu- pied some humble position about the Abbey. 2 Second dau, and third child of George, Lord Lovaine, afterwards second Earl of Beverley, and subsequently fifth Duke of Northumberland (sce his burial 30 Aug. 1867), by Louisa- Harcourt, third dau. of the Hon. James-Archibald Stuart-Wortley, brother of John, first Marquis of Bute. She was born, according to the coffin-plate, 18 Mch. 1805. 3 Probably a grandson of Arthur Ormsby, Esq. (see his burial 24 Feb. 1795), and Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 28 Mch. 1803). 4 Relict of Mr. Thomas Barrow, one of the choir of the Abbey (see his burial 17 Aug. 1789). The Funeral Book says that she was buried on her husband. See her son's burial 4 Aug. 1769. 5 Only dau. of Henry Wrixon, of Ballygiblin, co. Cork, Ireland, Esq., by Anna, dau. of William Mansfield, Esq., and first wife of William Hare, then Baron Ennismore, afterwards Viscount Ennismore and Listowel, and Earl of Listowel (see his burial 24 July 1837), to whom married 30 May 1772. She was ancestress of the present Earl of Listowel. See the burial of her niece, Miss Henrietta Wrixon, 2 June 1800. 6 Consort of Louis XVIII., of France, who survived her until 16 Sep. 1824. The Funeral Book, quoting her coffin-plate, gives her age as fifty-seven years, two months, and eleven days. The interment was intended to be only temporary, and, according to the Funeral Book, her remains were taken up, 5 Mch. 1811, and delivered to Mr. Martin, undertaker, for the purpose of being removed to Sardinia. 7 Third and youngest dau. of James Joyc, Esq., by Mary his wife. See the note to the burial of her sister 15 Apl. 1790. She was baptized at Acton, Midx., 10 Sep. 1727. Her monu- ment says that she died in her cighty-fourth year, which is correct. She died at Richmond, co. Surrey, unmarried, and "immensely rich," according to the journals of the day, having become sole heiress to her own family and that of her mother. Her will, as of Hanover Square, spinster, dated 6 Oct. 1807, with several codicils, was proved 8 Jan. 1811. It contains large legacies to numerous persons with whom no relationship is alleged, but the principal legatees were her nephew Keane Fitzgerald, of the Inner Temple, Esq., his sister Mary, wife of John Fitzgerald, Esq., and her daughter Frances, wife of John Purcell, of Gower Street, Midx., Esq. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 481 1810 Dec. 1811 Jan. 29 The Hon. Maria Markham; died the 22nd, aged 37: in the North Cloister. 2 Margaret Brinsley; 2 died Dec. 27th, 1810, aged 72: in the North grass-plat. 4 Jan. 16 John Fife;³ died the 6th, aged 89: in the North grass-plat. Feb. Andrew Van-Yzendoorn ; died Jan. 30th, aged 66: in the South aisle. .5 March 2 José-Mariá de la Cueva, Duke de Alburquerque, Grande de España de primera Clase, etc., etc. ; died Feb. 18th, aged 37: in the Ormond vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. May 2 May 14 William Sayer; died April 24th, aged 74: in the North Cloister. Richard Cumberland; died the 7th, aged 80: in the South Cross. 7 1 Youngest dau. of George Rice, Esq., by Cecil, Baroness Dynevor. She was born 5 Apl. 1773, and married, 27 Nov. 1796 (Mar. Lic. Fac. 21 Nov.). Captain John Markham (second son of William, Archbishop of York), afterwards Vice-Admiral, who survived her until 13 Feb. 1827, when he died at Naples. According to the journals of the day, she died at the house of her brother, Lord Dynevor, in Dover Street, immediately after the birth of a son, who survived her only two days; but there is no record of the burial of this child with her. 2 The Funeral Book simply says Mrs. Margaret Brinsley." The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 3 The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 4 His will, as "Andrew, otherwise Andries Van-Yzendoorn," of Mount Row, St. Mary's, Lambeth, Surrey, Gent., dated 6 Sep. 1810, was proved 5 Mch. 1811, by his relict Margaret, and his daughter Sarah-Mary Van-Yzendoorn, spinster. to whom he left all his estate in England, with remainder to his brother Peter Van-Yzendoorn. To his nephew and godson, Herman- Andreas Van-Yzendoorn, he bequeathed his share in the brewery called the " Two Lyons,” in the city of Rotterdam. See his son's burial 7 Apl. 1807. 5 The Funeral Book gives nearly two pages of his Spanish titles, and has this foot-note: "Taken up and delivered to Demay, undertaker." He was the Spanish Ambassador to this Court, and died in Portman Place, Edgeware Road. The interment was intended to be only temporary. An account of him will be found in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1811, p. 197, and a copy of the inscription on his coffin-plate, p. 290. 6 His will, as of Parliament Street, Westminster, late of H.M.'s Victualling Office, dated 6 June 1809, with codicils 16 Nov. 1809 and 7 Feb. 1811, was proved 13 May 1811, by his relict Sarah (see her burial 7 Apl. 1830). He bequeathed his frechold messuage at Penkridge, co. Stafford, to his brother John Sayer and his heirs, subject to an annuity of £10 for life to Mary, widow of his late brother Thomas Sayer, and one of £25 to his nephew Nathaniel Sayer, organist of Ingestre, in that county, who was blind. To his sister Mary Price, widow, he gave £200, to her dau. Sarah Price £100, and to her sons Thomas, James, William, Nathaniel, and John Price, each £10; but, their mother having died before the date of the first codicil, he increased the legacies of said sons to £100 cach. He gave smaller bequests to his nieces, Mary Brown, widow, and Alice Robinson, and their children, and the children of his late niece Watson, his nephew Thomas Sayer, carpenter, and his "relations" Mr. Lawrence Fell and Mr. Edward Fell. To his own daughter Sarah, wife of Mr. Walter Barrett, he gave £3500 three per cent. consols, for her separate usc, and to his daughter Mary Sayer a similar sum, and also £1000 five per cent. bank annuities. The residue of his estate be bequeathed to his wife. 7 The well-known versatile author. Only son of the Right Rev. Denison Cumberland, Bishop of Kilmore, by Joanna, youngest dau. of the celebrated Dr. Richard Bentley, in whose house, while Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, he was born, 19 Feb. 1731-2. He was to some extent in public life, and on one occasion ambassador to Spain, but will be chiefly remem- bered for his dramatic productions. He married, 19 Feb. 1759, Elizabeth, only dau. of George Ridge, of Kilmiston, Hants, Esq., by whom he had six children, and whom he survived. He died at Tunbridge Wells, 3Q 482 BURIALS IN 1811 July 20 George-John Herbert;¹ died the 14th, aged 3 months and 7 days: in the South Cloister. 1812 Sept. 16 Elizabeth Wilson; 2 died the 10th, aged 89: in the Dark Cloister. Oct. 11 The Right Hon. Lady Mary Coke; died Sept. 30th, aged 86: in the Argyle vault in H. 7th's Chapel. Nov. 2 Jan. 8 Capt. John Stewart, R.N. ; died Oct. 25th, aged 36: in the Nave. James Robertson; died Dec. 14th, 1811, aged 66: in the South Cloister. Jan. 23 Rachael Willes; died the 16th, aged 73: in the Consistory Jan. Court. 28 Charles March; died the 21st, aged 77: in the East Cloister. 1 The Funeral Book says that he was a son of the Hon. George Herbert. Perhaps eldest son of the Hon. and Rev. George Herbert, Vicar of Tibenham, co. Norfolk (fourth son of Henry, first Earl of Carnarvon), by Frances, dau. of Francis Head, Esq. In the accounts of the family there are no births of their children given between that of a daughter, 15 Sep. 1809, and that of a son George, 2 July 1812, and this child was born at a reasonable date between the two. 2 The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 3 Lady Mary Campbell, fifth and youngest dau. of John, second Duke of Argyll (see his burial 15 Oct. 1743), by Jane his second wife (see her burial 23 Apl. 1767), and born, according to her coffin-plate, 6 Feb. 1726. She married, 1 Apl. 1747, Edward Coke, commonly called Viscount Coke, only son of Thomas, Earl of Leicester, who died in 1753, in his father's lifetime, leaving no issue. See the burial of her sister, Caroline, Dowager Countess of Dalkeith, 25 Jan. 1794. 4 Son of William Stewart, of Castle Stewart, Wigtonshire, Esq., by Euphemia Mackenzie, sixth daughter of Kenneth, Lord Fortrose (see his burial 22 Oct. 1781). According to the journals of the day, he had been in active service from his boyhood, and had distinguished himself greatly while in command of the "Sca-Horse" frigate. He was also said to have sailed round the world with Capt. Vancouver. He died unmarried, still in command of the "Sea- Horse," and his sister Mary Stewart, spinster, administered to his estate 25 Nov. 1811, his said mother renouncing. 5 His will, as of Abingdon Street, Westminster, dated 1 Dec. 1809, with a codicil 10 Jan. 1810, was proved 17 Jan. 1812, by his eldest son Capt. James-Thomas Robertson (and two others), to whom he left his freehold house in Abingdon Street and its contents, after the death of his present wife Mary (see her burial 7 Jan. 1836). To his second son, Robert Robertson, then a lieutenant in the H. E. I. Co.'s service, he gave £600, besides the property in Perth that belonged to his late mother and was already settled upon him. To his youngest son, William-Daniel Robertson, he gave £1500, etc. To his daughter Maria, wife of John Elphinstone, Esq., he gave £1000, and £500 to his grand-daughter Charlotte Hunter, daughter of Dr. William Hunter, by his wife Charlotte Robertson, who appears to have been, although he did not distinctly say so, another of his daughters, and then dead. Both of his said sons-in-law were living at the date of the codicil. He directed to be buried in the same grave with his late wife and child, in St. Dunstan's churchyard, Fleet Street, which explains an entry in the Funeral Book, viz., that the remains of Mrs. Charlotte Robertson (doubtless his wife), who died 2 Mch. 1802, aged forty- eight, were buried in the grave prepared for him, 7 Jan. 1812, the day before his own burial. 6 The Funeral Book says that she was the wife of John Willes, Esq., and was buried in the family vault of Bishop Wilcocks (see his burial 9 Mch. 1756). The journals of the day say that she was a niece of that prelate, and the last survivor of his family, and that the estates of his son, Joseph Wilcocks, Esq. (see his burial 31 Dec. 1791), went to her son as next heir. She was a considerable legatee under the will of said Joseph Wilcocks, who called her his cousin, and her husband was one of his executors. She died at Dulwich, co. Surrey, and her husband remarried Ann, daughter and sole heir of Thomas Wright, Esq., alderman of London. 7 Rightly Marsh, and so in the Funeral Book and on his monument. He was the only son of Charles Marsh, who is said to have been originally clerk to a chapel in Westminster, then a book- WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 483 1812 Jan. 31 The Right Hon. Isabella-Susanna, Countess of Beverley;¹ died the 24th, aged 62: in the Northumberland vault. Feb. 17 Ann Minnitt; 2 died the 8th, aged 63: in the North-west grass- April 3 April 10 Sept. 24 plat. 4 Eliza Clarke ;3 died March 29th, aged 73: in the Dark Cloister. Thomas Gayfere; died the 4th, aged 92: in the West Cloister. Frances-Louisa Parnell; died the 17th, aged 6 years in the West Cloister. Nov. 7 Capt. William Roberts, R.N.; died Feb. 19th, 1811, aged 42 : seller, and subsequently an assistant in the Westminster Court, and a justice of the peace. He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1748, and elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1753, where A.B. 1757, and A.M. 1760, becoming a Fellow of his College. According to the journals of the day. he became a clerk in the War Office, and, after many years' service, retired on a pension of £1000 per annum. His sister and only next of kin, Mary, wife of Amos Vialls, Esq., administered to his estate 17 Mch. 1812. when he was described as of Piccadilly, St. James, Westminster, and of Twickenham, Midx., Esq. His personalty was sworn under £60,000. See the burial of his nephew, Rev. Thomas Vialls, 16 May 1831, and note thereto. He evidently died unmarried. ¹ Second dau. of Peter Burrell, of Beckenham, co. Kent, Esq.. by Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of John Lewis, of Hackney, Midx., Esq. She was a sister of Peter, first Lord Gwydir. She was born 19 Dec. 1750, and baptized at St. Anne's, Westminster, 17 Jan. following, and married, at Sion House, Isleworth, Midx., by special license. 8 June 1775, Hon. Algernon Percy, second son of Hugh, first Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 21 June 1786). who succeeded his father as second Lord Lovaine, and was created Earl of Beverley 2 Nov. 1790. He survived her, and, dying 21 Oct. 1830, was buried in a vault in the parish church of St. Marylebone, Midx. She died at her residence in Portman Square, really having only just entered her sixty- second year. See the burials of her children. 1 May 1779, 9 May 1781, 26 Aug. 1796, and 30 Aug. 1867. 2 The place of interment sufficiently indicates her humble position. See the burials, in the same locality, 23 Jan. 1808 and 5 Oct. 1815. 3 The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 4 He appears to have been the eldest son of Thomas Gayfere, of Wapping, Midx., mason, by Mary Townsend, of Burford, co. Oxford, spinster, who had a license from the Bishop of Oxford, 14 Jan. 1717-18, to marry at Shipton-under-Wychwood, in the latter county. He is mentioned in the Chapter Book as mason to the College as early as 26 Oct. 1762, and a joint patent was renewed to him and his son 7 Dec. 1802. His son and only surviving child, Thomas Gayfere, administered to his estate 13 May 1812, when he was described as of Abingdon Street, Westminster, Esq., widower, and his personalty was sworn under £10.000. See the burials, of his wife 22 Mch. 1770, and of his daughter 30 June 1807. Another son, William, was baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster. 29 July 1757, and another daughter, Mary-Ann, 3 Dec. 1761, both of whom evidently died young. The son Thomas, who was baptized at St. John the Evangelist 23 Jan. 1755, died 20 Oct. 1827, and was buried at Newton-Solney, co. Derby. 5 Dau. of Sir Henry-Brooke Parnell, fourth Bart. (of Ireland), who was created Baron Congleton, of Congleton, co. Chester, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, in 1841, and died 8 June 1842, by Lady Caroline-Elizabeth Dawson, eldest dau. of John, first Earl of Portarlington, who died 16 Feb. 1861. According to her monument, erected by her mother, she was born. 28 Oct. 1806. 6 The journals of the day say that he died suddenly, in a fit of apoplexy, at his apartments in Oxford Street. The original Faculty for the removal of his remains says that it was granted at the request of his sister, Sarah Roberts, spinster. His will is in the following words: "Most humbly I urge the assistance of any person whose hands this may fall into after my death to remit all my property, consisting of money and plate, to Messrs. Hammersley and Co.. Bankers, Pall Mall, for my sister, living with Mrs. Harrington, Park Street, Windsor, Berks; and I further 484 BURIALS IN his body was removed from St. James's Chapel, Hampstead Road, and deposited in the South Cloister, on the 7th of November, 1812. [After the last date the records of Burials in the Abbey and Cloisters are no longer separated. There are, however, two copies of the Register: one gives the name, age, and usually the late residence of the deceased, while the other also states the date of death and the place of interment. In the following pages the particulars in both sets of entries have been carefully combined.] 1 1813 Jan. 2 Edward Willes; Hill Street, Berkeley Square; died Dec. 25th, 1812, aged 91: in the North aisle. March 8 Charlotte Fisher;2 the Close, Westminster; died the 3rd, aged 50 in the West Cloister. March 13 William Dobson;3 7 Chapel Street, Bedford Row; died the 6th, aged 63 in the West Cloister. bcg all my letters. both private and public, may be destroyed without inspection, aud that my writing case may be sent to my sister, as my last remembrance. Snake, Port Royal, Jamaica, November, 1803. Wm Roberts." Letters of administration were granted to his said sister Sarah, 25 May 1811, as only next of kin and universal legatee. In an affidavit she stated that she found the foregoing will written on the first leaf of a book containing extracts from poems, plays, etc., and the Messrs. Hammersley also made oath to the writing of the deceased. He was described as late of Windsor, co. Berks, and a Captain belonging to H.M.'s Navy. 1 Eldest son of the Right Rev. Edward Willes, Bishop of Bath and Wells (see his burial 1 Dec. 1773), by Jane his wife (see her burial 18 Oct. 1771). He was of Barton, co. Beds, and is said to have been Chancellor of his father's diocese, but his name does not occur in Sir Thomas Hardy's edition of Le Neve's Fasti. He died unmarried, and his brother, Sir Francis Willes, Kt. (see his burial 10 Nov. 1827), administered to his estate 12 Jan. 1813, when he was described as of Hill Street, Berkeley Square, and his personalty sworn under £70,000. 2 Dau. of Rev. Francis Fisher, of Burwash, co. Sussex, by Charlotte, dau. of James Merest, Esq., Clerk-Assistant of the House of Lords (sec his first wife's burial 17 Nov. 1727, and note thereto), who were married, at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 9 Mch. 1758. She died unmarried, and her brother James Fisher, as next of kin, administered to her estate 13 Apl. 1813 (see his burial 21 Dec. 1821). See the burial of her mother's sister, Mrs. Mary Hare, 16 Mch. 1797. 3 Son of Christopher Dobson, of Edenhall, co. Cumberland (who appears to have been agent to the family of Musgrave), buried there 22 July 1794, aged eighty-four, by Mary his wife, also buried there 13 Aug. 1772, aged fifty-six. He was baptized at Edenhall 22 Mch. 1749-50. According to the journals of the day, he was "a man of singular mechanical ingenuity, and an excellent classical scholar," and it is said that, "in consequence of an asthmatic complaint, he had not lain down in bed for the last sixteen years of his life." His will, as formerly of Great James Street, but then of No. 7 Chapel Street, Bedford Row, dated 21 June 1811, was proved 14 Apl. 1813, by his only sister and heir-at-law, Isabella Dobson, spinster, whom he described as residing with his aunt, Mrs. Alderson, at Lynn, in Norfolk, and to whom he left all his property. which he said was entirely personal, and by Mr. Marmaduke Langdale, senior, of New Ormond Street, stock-broker, to whom he bequeathed £50. In an affidavit it was stated that a letter was found after his death, in which he wished a fowling-piece to be given to Captain Barker, then abroad, his watch to Mr. Barker of Dumfries, North Britain, £20 per annum long annuitics to his cousin Jane Marshall, of Millar Street, Glasgow, spinster, and £100 per annum long annuities to his friend Dr. Alexander-Peter Buchan (see his burial 13 Dec. 1824). WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 485 1813 April 5 William Booth; Legg Court, Peter Street, Westminster; died March 27th, aged 64 in the Dark Cloister. April 19 The Right Hon. Jane, Baroness Harewood;2 16 Portman Street, Portman Square; died the 11th, aged 81: in the middle aisle. July 15 Amelia Campbell; 3 62 Wimpole Street; died the 8th, aged 58 : in the South Cross. 4 July 27 Mary Champnes ; 6 Burdett Place, Kent Road; died the 19th, aged 32: in the North Cloister. Sept. 28 James Wyatt, Surveyor of this Collegiate Church ;5 Foley Place, Cavendish Square; died the 4th, aged 66: in the South Cross. Nov. 6 15 Hannah Huntley; Whicher's Alms-house, Chapel Street, West- minster; died the 8th, aged 69 in the North-west grass [-plat]. : Nov. 24 Elizabeth Jennings ;7 Highgate, Middlesex; died the 15th, aged 72 in the North Cloister. ¹ The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. 2 Only dau. of William Coleman, of Garnhay, co. Devon, Esq., and sister of Edward and Francis Coleman, Esquires, who were her executors. She married, first, about 3 July 1753 (Mar. Lic. Vic. Gen), John Fleming, Esq., afterwards Sir John Fleming, Bart. (sec his burial 21 Feb. 1764), and secondly, 31 Mch. 1770, Edwin Lascelles. Esq., who was created, 9 July 1790, Baron Harewood, of Harewood Castle, co. York, and died without issue, 25 Jan. 1795, to whom she was second wife. See the burials of her children, by her first husband, 21 Feb. 1764, 13 July 1767, 24 Apl. 1769, and 12 Feb. 1824, the latter as Jane, Countess of Harrington. 3 Eldest dau. of Allan Ramsay, Esq.. the eminent portrait - painter (eldest son of Allan Ramsay, the celebrated Scottish poet). by Margaret, eldest dau. of Sir Alexander Lindsay, of Evelick, co. Perth, Bart., and relict of Major-General Sir Archibald Campbell. K.B. (see his burial 12 Apl. 1791), to whom married, at St. Marylebone, Midx., in 1779. Her will, as of Wimpole Street, Midx., dated 20 July 1805, was proved 16 Aug. 1813, by her only brother Colonel John Ramsay, and her brother-in-law Colonel Henry Malcolm, husband of her only sister Charlotte. She left no issue. + Wife of Rev. Thomas-Weldon Champnes, who became a minor canon of Westminster in 1800, and was afterwards Vicar of Upton, co. Bucks, Rector of Cottesford, co. Oxford, and finally Rector of Fulmer, co. Bucks. at which latter place he died 21 Dec. 1841, aged sixty-eight. Her monumental inscription is on the same stone with that of Jane Joye (see her burial 10 Dec. 1810), who described her in her will as one of the daughters of John Macnamara, of Baker Street, Midx., and Mary his wife, and bequeathed to her £3000, and to her said mother and her three youngest children £4500, but without intimating any relationship. Their only son, Rev. Edward-Thomas Champnes, succeeded his father as Vicar of Upton aforesaid in 1841, and died at Bath 7 Jan. 1875, aged sixty-eight. 5 The celebrated architect. According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed, 23 Jan. 1776, both "Fabrick Surveyor" and "College Surveyor." He also held the post of Surveyor-General of H.M.'s Works. He was the most popular architect of his day, and among his best known designs may be mentioned Fonthill Abbey, Cashiobury, Hanworth Church, the old Pantheon in Oxford Street, the Palace at Kew, etc. He died suddenly, from the effects of a fall, bis carriage being overturned near Marlborough, on his journey to London. His son, Benjamin-Deane Wyatt, Esq., administered to his estate 4 Oct. 1813, his relict Rachel renouncing, when his personalty was sworn under £10,000. 6 See burials 29 Apl. 1807 and 5 Jan. 1815. The places of residence and burial sufficiently indicate her humble position. Anne (perhaps used indifferently with Hannah), dau. of Thomas Huntley and Anne his wife, was born 27 Apl., and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, West- minster, 2 May 1743, which date would accord with her age. 7 Dau. of Robert Jennings, Esq., Chief Clerk of the Exchequer (see his burial 4 Sep. 1779), 486 BURIALS IN 1813 Nov. 27 George-Lindsay Johnstone; 1 Hanover Square, Middlesex; died the 20th, aged 46: in the South Cloister. 1814 Jan. 4 Dame Mary Willes; 2 Hill Street, Berkeley Square; died Dec. 25th, 1813, aged 71: in the North aisle. Jan. 5 Mary Mac-Gougan; 3 Smith Square, Westminster; died Dec. 29th, 1813, aged 50: in the West Cloister. Jan. 15 Elizabeth Barrett; 4 College Street, Westminster; died the 7th, aged 79 in the South Cloister. 2 5 Feb. Archibald Mac-Gougan; Smith Square, Westminster; died Jan. 26th, aged 39: in the West Cloister. (6 by Mary his wife (see her burial 1 April 1779). She died unmarried. Her will, dated 27 Jan. 1806, was proved 13 Dec. 1813, by her nicces, Mary, wife of Thomas-Hammond Cooper, Esq.. Mary-Ann Gibbes, spinster, and Ann, wife of Thomas Poole, Esq. She directed to be buried under the same stone with her brother Thomas Jennings (see his burial 20 Oct. 1787). Her bequests were to her brother Robert Jennings, her sisters Ann Gibbes and Grace Vernon, and their children. In the Funeral Book and on his monument he is called "M.P. for Heydon," and the journals of the day say that he died suddenly, in a fit of apoplexy. His will, as George Johnstone" (and so signed, although in the margin he is described as George Johnstone alias George-Lindsay Johnstone "), of Hanover Square, Midx., Esq., dated 13 June 1812, with codicils 23 July 1812 and 8 July 1813, was proved 1 Feb. 1814, by his sister Sophia Johnstone, spinster (see the burial of her son 24 May 1817). He bequeathed to his "mother, Martha Ford," then residing in Oxford Street, London, £1500 per annum for life, free from all taxes, legacy duties, etc., and to his natural daughters, Sophia Johnstone, then at school at Hammersmith, Midx., and Ann Hurst, then at school at Miss Jacques's, in Sloane Street, each £200 per annum for life, free from all taxes, etc. To Mrs. Elizabeth Mills, otherwise Wyld, he gave £200 per annum for life, in addition to the annuity he had already secured to her by his bond to John Rankin, Esq. The residue of his estate he left to his said sister Sophia, with remainder to his nephew George- Buller Johnstone, son of his late brother Alexander-Patrick Johnstone, who, if he succeeded to the estate, was to pay to his sisters Sophia and Emily Johnstone £25,000 each. 2 Eldest dau. of Hon. George Clinton (second son of Francis-Fiennes, sixth Earl of Lincoln), by Anne, dau. and heir of General Peter Carle, and wife of Sir Francis Willes, of Hampstead, Midx., Kt., sometime an under-sccretary of state (see his burial 10 Nov. 1827), to whom married about 22 July 1788 (Mar. Lic. Fac.). She left no issue. She was a sister of Sir Henry Clinton, the celebrated commander-in-chief of the British forces in America during the war of the Revolution. 3 According to her monument, she was the relict of John Mac Gougan, of Westminster, who died near Hastings, co. Sussex, 29 Dec. 1807, aged forty-six. The Funeral Book describes her as of No. 2 Smith Square. See the burials, of her husband's brother 2 Feb. 1814, and of her own daughter 6 Dec. 1816, and the notes thereto. Her will, as widow of the late William Barrett, Esq., dated 30 June 1812, with a codicil 4 Mch. 1813, was proved 19 Mch. 1814, by Alexander-Francis Hasclar and Charles-Churchill Haselar, to whom and to their sister, Mrs. Sarah-Ann Roberts, widow, she bequeathed con- siderable sums, besides plate, jewels, etc. She was evidently connected in some way with the Tufnell family so often mentioned in the Abbey Registers, but the only relations she named were her daughter-in-law, wife of William-Henry White, Esq. (see her burial 30 Apl. 1832), and her cousins, Mrs. Edmonds and Mrs. Groves, of Stafford Row, Pimlico. She appears to have been the daughter of Robert Churchill, by Dorothy, dau. of William Tufnell (see his burial 24 Dec. 1733), who were married, at St. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange, London, 31 Oct. 1734. In 1739-40 she had remarried Thomas Clapham, and was then living, with a daughter Elizabeth Churchill, whose age would accord with that of the person named in the text, and the Haselars would have been distantly related to her. She was the second wife of Mr. Barrett. 6 His monument describes him as of the royal navy, and brother of the late John MacGougan, husband of Mary MacGougan (see her burial 5 Jan. 1814). His will, as of No. 2 Smith Square, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 487 1814 Feb. 3 Sarah Markham; 1 Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square; died Jan. 26th, aged 75: in the North Cloister. March 3 The Right Hon. Lady Mary Markham ; 2 Park Place, St. James's; died Feb. 24th, aged 36: in the North Cloister. March 25 John Hanna; Crown Street, Westminster; died the 17th, aged 79 in the East Cloister. 4 March 28 William Marshall; the Close, Westminster; died the 22nd, aged 9 years: in the North-west grass-plat. March 28 Edward Marshall; 5 the Close, Westminster; died the 22nd, aged 6 years in the North-west grass-plat. March 28 Richard Ings; the Close, Westminster; died the 21st, aged 7 months in the North-west grass-plat. April 9 Sarah Wilkes; the Close, Westminster; died the 5th, aged 57: in the Dark Cloister. 8 April 11 Mary Bell; the Close, Westminster; died the 2nd, aged 72: June 29 in the Nave. The Right Hon. Gilbert, Earl of Minto; 9 4 Burlington Street; died the 21st, aged 63: in the North Cross. Westminster, Gent., late of H.M.'s ships "Caroline" and "Doris." dated on the day of his death, was proved 24 May following, by his nephew John MacGougan, son of his said late brother John. He directed that his estate should be divided equally between his brother Angus MacGougan, of the Island of Gigha, in co. Argyll, Gent.. his said nephew John, and his niece Mary Ann, sister of said John (see her burial 6 Dec. 1816). requesting them to give such portions as they could spare to his other brothers, Nevin MacGougan and Donald MacGougan, and his sister Aune MacGougan. He evidently died unmarried. ¹ Dau. of John Goddard, an eminent merchant at Rotterdam, by Elizabeth Smith his wife. who were married, at Dovercourt, co. Essex, 21 Aug. 1734. She was born at Rotterdam 14 Feb. 1738-9, and married, at St. Mildred. Bread Street, London, 16 June 1759. Rev. Dr. William Markham, afterwards Archbishop of York (see his burial 11 Nov. 1807). See the baptisms of her children 3 May 1760 and 23 Sep. 1766, and the burials, of her daughters 1 June 1793 and 11 Oct. 1808, and of her daughters-in-law 29 Dec. 1810 and 3 Mch. 1814. 2 Lady Mary Thynne, dau. of Thomas. first Marquis of Bath, by Lady Elizabeth-Cavendish Bentinck, eldest dau. of William. second Duke of Portland. She was born. according to her coffin-plate. 17 May 1778, and married. 10 June 1806. Osborne Markham, Esq., sixth son of the Most Rev. William, Archbishop of York (see his burial 11 Nov. 1807), to whom she was first wife, who died 22 Oct. 1827, and was buried at South Weald, co. Essex. 3 Son of Alexander Hanna (sec his burial 22 Jan. 1778), by Elizabeth his wife (see her burial 29 Sep. 1786). The Funeral Book says that he was buried in his father's grave. Letters of administration to his estate were granted. 6 Apl. 1814, to his nephews and niece, and only next of kin, Alexander-Hanna Spratt, Esq.. John Clinton, and Arabella Symonds, spinster, when he was described as formerly of Duke Street, afterwards of Queen Street, Story's Gate, and finally of Crown Court, all in Westminster, Esq.. a bachelor, and his personalty was sworn under £60,000. 4 Evidently a brother of Edward Marshall (sce the following entry), and probably both sons of Edward Marshall, one of the sacrists. 5 Evidently a brother of William Marshall (see the preceding entry, and note thereto). 6 The place of burial sufficiently indicates the humble position of his parents. 7 Wife of Reuben Wilkes, College butler, etc. (see his burial 12 Sep. 1835). 9 See the burials 10 Jan, and 8 Oct. 1816, perhaps of her sister and brother. 9 Eldest son of Sir Gilbert Elliot, third (Nova Scotia) Bart.. by Agnes, dau. and heir of Hugh Dalrymple, Esq., who assumed the name of Murray-Kynynmound. He was born 23 Apl. 1751, succeeded as fourth Bart. in 1777, and was created Baron Minto, of Minto, co. Roxburgh, in 1797, and Viscount Melgund and Earl of Minto 24 Feb. 1813. He married, 3 Jan. 1777, 488 BURIALS IN 1814 July 9 Ann Forster; 1 20 Great Coram Street, Brunswick Square; died the 2nd, aged 76: in the West Cloister. Aug. 23 Edward-Hussey Delaval;2 Parliament Place, Old Palace Yard; died the 14th, aged 86: in the Nave. Aug. 30 Robert Cooke; New Palace Yard; died the 23rd, aged 46: in the West Cloister. Oct. 18 George Day ; Peter Street, Westminster; died the 15th, aged 3 weeks in the North-west grass-plat. Dec. 7 Dec. 31 1815 Jan. 5 Luttrell Wynne, LL.D.; Queen Anne Street West; died Nov. 29th, aged 76: in the North Cloister. 6 Alice Gibbins; the Close, Westminster; died the 27th, aged 59: in the Dark Cloister. 7 5 Thomas Huntly; George Whicher's Alms-house, Westminster; died Dec. 29th, 1814, aged 95: in the North-west grass-plat. Anna-Maria, eldest dau. of Sir George Amyand, first Bart., who survived him until 1829. They were ancestors of the present Earl of Minto. See his brother's burial 10 Dec. 1830. ¹ Her monument describes her as a niece of John Willis, the Abbey carpenter (see his burial 2 Jan. 1736-7). Her will, as a widow, dated 13 Oct. 1813, was proved 12 July 1814. She directed to be buried in the Cloister, near her late cousin Edward Willis (sec his burial 14 July 1780), who, in his will, described her as wife of Nicholas Forster, of the Poultry, London, and bequeathed to her several thousand pounds. She mentioned no other relations, but left con- siderable legacies to numerous friends and servants. 2 Younger son of Francis-Blake Delaval, Esq., by Rhoda, dau. of Robert Apreece, of Washingley, co. Huntingdon, Esq., and brother of Sir John-Hussey, Lord Delaval (see his burial 13 June 1808), to whose estates he succeeded, and was the last survivor of his name. He was M.A., Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge, F.R.S., and member of several other learned societies at home and abroad, and was distinguished for his devotion to philosophical studies and scientific pursuits. He married Sarah, dau, of George Scott, of Methley, co. York, Esq., who survived him, as well as an only daughter, Sarah-Hussey, wife of James Gunman, of Dover, co. Kent, Esq. 3 Son of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, organist of the Abbey (sce his burial 21 Sep. 1793), by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). He succeeded his father as organist of St. Martin in the Fields, and was appointed organist of the Abbey 7 Dec. 1802. The Funeral Book says that he was drowned in the Thames. He died unmarried, and his brother Henry (sce his burial 6 Oct. 1840) administered to his estate 7 Sep. 1814. 4 The place of burial sufficiently indicates the humble position of his parents. Last surviving son of William Wynne, Serjeant-at-Law (see his burial 23 May 1765), by Grace his wife (see her burial 27 Nov. 1779). He was born in the parish of St. Clement Danes, Midx., and matriculated at Oxford, from Jesus College, 15 Mch. 1758, where B.A. 23 Oct. 1761, B.C.L., as of All Souls' College, 24 Oct. 1766, and D.C.L. 26 June 1771. He was a Fellow of All Souls, and died unmarried. His monument, which describes him as Rector and patron of St. Erme, co. Cornwall, was erected by his cousin and heir, Edward-William-Wynne Pendarves, of Pendarves, in that county, Esq. 6 The Funcral Book says that she died at the Rev. Dr. Carey's house. Her will, as Alice Gibbons, at Dr. Carey's, at Westminster, dated 8 Mch. 1810, was proved 11 Jan. 1815, by John- Pattison Panton, of Old Burlington Street, Westminster, Gent., and Thomas Douglas, of Gun Street, Spitalfields, Midx., tailor. She gave half of her cffects to the children of her brother James Gibbons, of Marples Bridge, co. Chester, and the other half to her niece Maria Gibbons, daughter of her deceased brother Humphrey Gibbons, whom she had brought up from infancy. She was probably in the service of Rev. Dr. William Carey, then one of the Prebendaries of Westminster. 7 See burials 29 Apl. 1807 and 15 Nov. 1813. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 489 1815 Jan. Jan. 31 Elizabeth Feb. Elizabeth Tuffnell; 1 Thayer-Street, St. Marylebone; died the 26th, aged 84: in the South Cloister. 6 John Bligh; 2 Abingdon Street, Westminster; died Jan. 30th, aged 65 in the North Cloister. March 21 Jane Purslow; 3 the Cottage, Tothill Fields; died the 12th, aged 40 in the North-west grass-plat. May 18 Charlotte Willett; Dean Street, Soho; died the 11th, aged 69: in the South Cloister. June 16 John Milles; 5 49 Park Street; died the 6th, aged 76; in the middle aisle. 1 Fifth and youngest dau. of Samuel Tufnell, eldest son of Edward Tufnell, Abbey mason (see his burial 11 Sep. 1719), by Anne Mytton his wife. She was born the 12th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 30 Mch. 1733, and her age was therefore not quite eighty-two. Her will, as of Dartmouth Street, Westminster, spinster, dated 27 July 1813, was proved 6 Feb. 1815, by William-Henry White, of Parliament Place, Westminster, Esq. (sce his wife's burial 30 Apl. 1832, and note thereto). She bequeathed all her estate to her "beloved friend" Maria Tufnell, spinster, then residing with the Bishop of Salisbury, in Upper Seymour Street, Portman Square. 2 He appears to have been in the legal profession, and was a son of Richard Bligh, of Bodmin, co. Cornwall, tallow-chandler, by Mary his wife. His monument describes him as “Cornubiensis ortus antiquo genere sed obscuræ sorti natus,” etc. He was baptized at Bodmin 25 Apl. 1750. His will, as of Abingdon Street, Westminster, dated 4 Oct. 1806, with a codicil 15 May 1807, was proved 15 Feb. 1815. To his wife Mary he bequeathed all his plate, furniture, etc., the money due to him from the estate of the late Sir James Laroche. Bart., and a part of his estate in Cornwall, called Redvile in the parish of St. Tudy, held under the Prince of Wales, although he believed that would naturally belong to her. and he recommended that his brothers Reginald and Richard should relinquish their right thereto. His two shares in the Lambeth Water Works he directed to be applied to the payment of his own debts, and of any balance due to the Chelsea Water Works from his son John Bligh as collector of water rents. To his dear little son Timothy he gave his watch, stating in the codicil that he was then only eleven years old, and would be entitled on his mother's death to £1695 6s. 8d., as settled on her and their children previous to their marriage. The residue of his estate he gave equally to his three children, Lucy Stanley, John Bligh, and Richard Bligh. He named William Gatty, of the King's Remembrancer's Office, and Robert Gatty, of Angel Court, Throgmorton Street, London, as exccutors with his son Richard, but the latter alone proved the will, as Richard Bligh, Esq. 3 The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 4 Second wife of Samuel Strutt, Esq. (see his burial 31 Jan. 1785), to whom married, 10 Sep. 1771, as Charlotte Locke, of Clerkenwell. Midx., spinster. See the burial of their daughter 30 Apl. 1808. She married, secondly, 15 May 1786, at his house in Dean Street, St. Anne's, Westminster, by special license, Ralph Willett, Esq., of Merley, co. Dorset, to whom she was second wife, and whom she also survived. (The sale of his rare collection of early printed works and botanical drawings, by Leigh and Sotheby, in December 1813, occupied no less than seven- teen days.) Her son and only surviving child, Rev. Samuel Strutt, administered to her estate 26 May 1815, when her personalty was sworn under £300. • His monument describes him as third son of Christopher Milles, of Nackington, co. Kent, Esq., and brother of Richard Milles, of the same place and of North Elmham, co. Norfolk, Esq. His will, as of Park Street, Grosvenor Square, Esq., dated 3 May 1815, was proved 4 July following, by his sister Mary Milles, of Green Street, Grosvenor Square, spinster, to whom he gave only £10. He gave the same sum to his said brother Richard, and his silver inkstand to his nephew Rev. Henry-Nicholas Astley, of East Basham, co. Norfolk. All his books, pictures, plate, furniture, etc., and the entire residue of his personalty, he bequeathed absolutely to his reputed daughter Mary-Ann Blackburn, to her sole use for ever. 3 R 4.90 BURIALS IN Oct. 5 1815 July 19 Mary Brown, otherwise Byles, daughter of the late Henry Brooker, Receiver of this Collegiate Church;¹ Blackheath Hill, Lewisham; died the 10th, aged 60: in the East Cloister. John Minnitt; 2 Whicher's Alms-house, Chapel Street, West- minster; died the 1st, aged 66: in the North-west grass-plat. 26 Lieut.-General Andrew Gammell; Southampton Place, New Road; died the 14th, aged 50: in the South Cloister. John-Peter Salomon ; 4 70 Newman Street, Oxford Street; died Nov. 25th, aged 70: in the South Cloister. Oct. Dec. 2 Dec. 5 29 The Very Revd William Vincent, D.D., Dean of this Collegiate Church; Deanery House, Cloisters; died the 21st, aged 77: in St. Benedict's Chapel. ¹ See her father's burial 6 June 1787, and her mother's 23 Jan. 1802. She was born 14 Nov., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 7 Dec. 1755. Her will, as " Mary Byles, now residing at Langbourne Ward School, Lime Street, Fenchurch Street, city of London, wife of Robert Byles, late of Aldermaston, co. Berks, surgeon, but from whom I live separate and apart," dated 23 Nov. 1809, was proved 31 Oct. 1815, by her sister Elizabeth Abbott and her husband Henry Abbott, of Blackheath Hill, co. Kent, Gent., whom she made her residuary legatees. Her only other legacies were £150 each to her cousins Mr. Thomas Belcher and Mr. William Belcher. She appears to have cited her ante-nuptial settlement, dated 8 Sep. 1795, she being then a spinster, and was evidently living with her husband at the date of her mother's will, 3 May 1799. She had probably been passing by the name of Brown for the purpose of concealment, as she certainly could have had no husband of that name. 2 See burials 23 Jan. 1808 and 17 Feb. 1812. According to the Chapter Book, John Minet was appointed College watchman 21 Feb. 1801. 3 He attained the rank of Lieut.-General 4 June 1813. His will, as Captain in H.M.'s first regiment of Foot Guards and Lieut.-General in the army, dated 14 Jan. 1814, was proved 14 Dec. 1815, by Sir William Kay, Bart., banker in London. He bequeathed to his "dear friend Martha Stageldoir, named Mrs. Gammell," £300 per annum for life, and to a daughter of his by that lady, named Jessie, who had "disgraced herself by marrying a blackgard," only £100 per annum for life. All the rest of his real, personal, or hereditary property was to be divided equally between his seven following children by the aforesaid Mrs. Gammell," viz., Lieut. William Gammell, Martha Gammell, Ensign James Gammell, Mary Gammell, Margaret Gammell, Andrew Gammell, and Ernest Gammell. (( 4 The journals of the day describe him as " a very eminent performer on the violin." His will, dated 30 Oct. 1815, was proved 8 Dec. following. He directed that his house, No. 70 New- man Street, should go to the next of kin of his late uncle Herman Bowjedsen, viz., the three brothers Munch, sons of Coopermaster Munch at Bonn on the Rhine, and the relict of Mr. Geiger, formerly purveyor to the Elector of Cologne. He mentioned no other relations. Ile gave £200 each to Mr. Ferdinand Ries, for the encouragement of his younger brother's musical genius, and Mr. William Morris, of Great Marlborough Street, surgeon, and appointed them his cxecutors, but the former only proved the will, the latter having already died. His other bequests were to various musical and other friends, and among them was that of his Stradivarius violin, formerly belonging to La Motte, which he gave to Sir Patrick Blake, of Bury St. Edmunds, Bart. Fifth son of Giles Vincent (fourth and youngest son of Rev. George Vincent, Rector of the South Mediety of Sheepy, co. Leicester), an eminent packer and Portugal merchant in London, and Deputy of Lime Street Ward for twenty-seven years, by Sarah, dau. of Francis Holloway, of Newnham-Murren, co. Oxford. He was born 2 Nov. 1739, admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1753, and elected to Cambridge in 1757, where A.B. 1761, A.M. 1764, and S.T.P. 1776. He became an usher in Westminster School in 1762, second master 28 May 1771, and Head Master Sep. 1788. IIe was for a few months Vicar of Longdon, co. Worcester, but resigned in WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 491 1816 Jan. 1 6 Margaret Shortland; College Street, Westminster; died Dec. 25th, 1815, aged 68: in the North Cloister. Jan. 10 Jan. 29 Lucy Bell; 2 the Close, Westminster; died the 3rd, aged 89: in the middle aisle. William-Henry Clarke; the Close, Westminster; died the 19th, aged 9 months in the North-west grass-plat. : April 10 Elizabeth Warren; Mortlake, Surrey; died March 29th, aged 83 in the North Cross. May 16 Edward Oxley; 5 Porter's Lodge, the Close, Westminster; died the 12th, aged 14 months: in the Dark Cloister. July 13 The Right Hon. Richard-Brinsley Sheridan; 6 Saville Row, St. James's; died the 7th, aged 65: in the South Cross. 1778, and became Rector of Allhallows the Great and Less, London. Resigning this living in 1803, he had the Rectory of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, until 1807, when he presented himself to the Rectory of Islip, co. Oxford, an Abbey living, which he held until his death. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 21 Apl. 1801, and Dean of Westminster 7 Aug. 1802. He had also been Chaplain to the King in 1771, and Sub-almoner in 1784, and was President of Sion College in 1798, and Prolocutor to the Lower House of Convocation in 1802. See the baptisms of his children, 31 Dec. 1772, 12 May 1774, and 12 Dec. 1776, and the burials, of his daughter, 13 Feb. 1777, and of his son 3 Feb. 1859. ¹ Second and youngest daughter of John Rutherford. Esq., originally of Kelso, Scotland, but afterwards of St. Botolph's, Aldgate, London, by Jane Kerr his wife. of Durham, and relict of Capt. John Shortland, of the royal navy, to whom married, at St. Mary's, Whitechapel, Midx., 5 July 1764, and who died at Lille, in France, 30 Jan. 1803. She was a sister of John Rutherford, Esq. (see his burial 11 Oct. 1782). The Funeral Book says that she died of apoplexy, and that the fees for her monument were paid by Lady Eyre. Her will, as of St. John's, Westminster, dated 15 Oct. 1815, was proved 5 Jan. 1816, by her son-in-law William Peace, Esq., husband of her daughter Peggy, to whom, and to her son Capt. Thomas-George Shortland, R.N., she be- queathed all her possessions. This son was afterwards Commissioner of the Navy at Port Royal, Jamaica, where he died 23 Nov. 1827, in his fifty-seventh year. Her only other son, Capt. John Shortland, R.N., died at Guadaloupe, early in 1810, from the effects of wounds received while gallantly defending H.M.'s frigate Junon" against an attack by four French frigates. Her only other daughter, Jane, married Mr. Williamson, chief commissariat officer in New South Wales. • 2 Sister of Rev. Dr. William Bell (see his burial 8 Oct. 1816), and perhaps of Mary Bell (see her burial 11 Apl. 1814). Her will, as of Dean's Yard, Westminster, spinster, dated 10 May 1814, with two codicils, was proved 23 Jan. 1816, by John-Francis Norris, Esq., whom she called her cousin, and to whom she bequeathed whatever was due to her under the will of her late brother John Bell, Esq., with remainder to his children. The only other relation named was her cousin Mrs. Norman, wife of the Rev. Mr. Norman, to whom she gave £1000 in South Sea stock. 3 See the burial, probably of his father, 8 Mch. 1837. 4 Daughter of Henry Southwell, of Wisbech, co. Cambridge, Esq., and relict of the Right Rev. John Warren, Bishop of Bangor (see his burial 10 Feb. 1800), to whom married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 12 Apl. 1777. Her will, dated 1 Dec. 1802, was proved 14 June 1816, by her sister Dame Mary Eyre, relict of Sir James Eyre, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and by Sir John Wyldbore Smith, Bart. She named no other relations, but left considerable legacies to numerous friends and persons evidently connected with her husband's family. 5 Child of Edward Oxley, then College porter, by Mary his wife (see her burial 31 Jan. 1842, and note thereto). He was born at Islip, co. Oxford, and baptized there 14 May 1815, 6 The well-known orator, statesman, dramatist, and wit. Youngest son of Thomas Sheridau, the celebrated actor, elocutionist, and lexicographer, by Frances, dau. of Rev. Dr. Philip 492 BURIALS IN 1816 Oct. 1 8 The Rev William Bell, D.D., Prebendary of this Church; the Close, Westminster; died Sept. 29th, aged 85: in the middle aisle. Dec. 6 Mary-Anne Mac-Gougan; 2 36 Howland Street; died Nov. 29th, aged 24 in the West Cloister. 1817 Feb. 3 A still-born daughter of their Royal Highnesses, Ernest- Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, and Frederica-Caroline- Sophia-Alexandrina his Duchess ;3 born Jan. 27th in the royal vault in K. H. 7th's Chapel. Feb. 4 Anthony Gell, late Receiver-General of this Collegiate Church; 4 Chenic Walk, Chelsea; died Jan. 28th, aged 84: in the North Cloister. March 15 Lieut.-General Sir James Leith, Kt., Governor of Barbadoes, West Indies; died Oct. 16th, 1816, aged 53: in the middle aisle. Chamberlaine, Prebendary of St. Patrick's, Dublin, an authoress of considerable reputation. He was born in Dorset Street, Dublin, 30 Oct., and baptized at St. Mary's Church, in that city, 4 Nov. 1751. Of his personal and political career it is unnecessary here to treat. He married, first, in 1773, Elizabeth-Anne, dau. of Thomas Linley, Esq., who died in 1792, and secondly, in 1795, Esther-Jane, dau. of Rev. Newton Ogle, D.D., Dean of Winchester, who died at Frogmore, near Windsor Castle, 27 Oct. 1817. See the marriage of his great-grand-daughter 30 June 1864. ¹ He was of Magdalen College, Cambridge, A.B. 1753, A.M. 1756, and S.T.P., by royal com- mand, 1767. He was installed Prebendary of Westminster 12 Oct. 1765. His will, dated 20 May 1815, was proved 3 Jan. 1817, by George Harrison, Esq., Assistant-Secretary to the Treasury, and Sherrard-Beaumont Burnaby, of Doctors' Commons, Doctor of Law. The only relation named was his“ only surviving sister" Mrs. Lucy Bell (see her burial 10 Jan. 1816, and probably that of another sister 11 Apl. 1814), who was to inherit after his death what was due to him under the will of his late brother John Bell, of Fludyer Street, Whitehall, Esq. His other bequests, which were large and very numerous, were to friends, clergymen and their families, and various charities. 2 According to her monument, she was a daughter of John MacGougan, by Mary his wife (see her burial 5 Jan. 1814), and nicce of Archibald MacGougan (see his burial 2 Feb. 1814), and died at the age of twenty. An inscription, contained in a letter from her brother John MacGougan, dated 22 George Street, Adelphi, 25 June 1825, and still remaining in the Funcral Book, gives her age as twenty-two. He stated that she was his only sister. 3 This child was the last of the Royal family buried in the Abbey, and, according to the Funeral Book, her remains were removed, 7 July 1837, to St. George's Chapel, at Windsor. The father succeeded as King of Hanover, 20 June 1837, and died 18 Nov. 1851. The mother died 21 June 1841. 4 * He was called "cousin" in the will of Daniel Gell, Chapter Clerk (scc his burial 18 June 1763). According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed Receiver-General 19 June 1787, jointly with Mr. Thomas Prickard (sec bis burial 23 Sep. 1795), who resigned 1 Dec. following. He was also appointed, 26 Apl. 1792, Coroner and Clerk of the Markets for Westminster, and, on 5 May 1801, a new patent as Receiver-General was issued to him, jointly with his son John-Henry Gell. He had evidently been in the service of the Abbey long before the date of his first patent. See the burials, of his wife 7 Feb. 1825, and of his children, 2 Jan. 1766, 2 June 1769, 12 May 1775, 28 Dec. 1792, 27 Nov. 1801, 24 May 1838, and 16 Oct. 1856. 5 Third son of John Leith, of Leith Hall, co. Aberdeen, Esq., by Harriot, dau. and heir of Alexander Steuart of Auchlunkart, Banffshire, Esq. He was born 8 Aug. 1763, and entered the army in 1780. The Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, describes him as "Grand Cross of the most honourable Military Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the royal Military Order of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 493 1 1817 May 24 George-Wellington-Francis-Balthasar Saint-Anthonio; ¹ from Count Saint-Anthonio's house, 20 Hanover Square; died the 17th, aged 2 years in the South Cloister. June 16 Dame Sarah Riddell; 2 57 Great Poulteney Street, in the parish. of Bathwick, in the county of Somerset; died the 5th, aged 86: in the South Cross. July 11 James Horsfall, late Librarian of this Collegiate Church;³ the Cloisters, within the Close, Westminster; died the 5th, aged 64 in the North-west grass-plat. : July 19 The most noble Hugh Percy, Duke and Earl of Northumberland, Earl and Baron Percy, Baron Lucy, etc.; Northumberland Nov. 4 House, Strand; died July 10th, aged 75: in the Northumber- land vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. 15 Charles Page; 5 Dean's Yard, Westminster; died the 12th, aged 2 years; in the South Cloister. 6 1818 Jan. 27 John Jones; Esher, Surrey; died the 17th, aged 57: in the North Cloister. the Tower and Sword of Portugal, Grand Cordon of the royal Military Order of Merit of France, Governor of Barbados, Commander of the forces in the Windward and Leeward Islands, and Colonel of the fourth West India regiment." He attained the rank of Lieut.-General 4 June 1813, having been created a Knight of the Bath 4 Mch. in the same year. He died at Barbados, of yellow fever. He married, 14 Feb. 1798, Lady Augusta Forbes, second daughter of George, fifth Earl of Granard, who survived him, and administered to his estate 27 Mch. 1817. ¹ A special license was granted from the Faculty Office, 4 May 1814, for the marriage, at any time or place, of Francis Platamone, Count St. Antonio, a bachelor, and Sophia Johnstone, spinster, both of South Molton Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., and both aged above twenty-one. The latter was a sister of George-Lindsay Johnstone, Esq. (see his burial 27 Nov. 1813, and note thereto), on whose monument was added an inscription for this child. The Funeral Book says that he was born 30 Sep. 1815. 2 Dau. and heir of Thomas Burden, Esq., and wife, first, of John Swinburne, Esq., and secondly, of Sir James Riddell, first Bart. of Ardnamurchan and Sunart, to whom married, as his second wife, in 1775, and who died 2 Nov. 1797, by whom she had no issue. She died at Bath. See the burial of her step-son 2 May 1783. 3 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed librarian 4 Nov. 1803. His brother Richard Horsfall administered to his estate 24 July 1817, when he was described as a lay vicar of the Abbey, and a bachelor, and his personalty was sworn under £600. 4 Eldest son of Hugh, first Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 21 June 1786), by Lady Elizabeth Seymour (see her burial 18 Dec. 1776). He was born 14 Aug. 1742, was summoned to Parliament as Baron Percy in 1777, and succeeded to all his father's titles except that of Lord Lovaine. He married, first, 2 July 1764, Lady Anne Stuart, third daughter of John, third Earl of Bute, by whom he had no issue, and from whom he was divorced, by an Act of Parliament, in Mch. 1779. See the burials, of his second wife 10 May 1820, and of his children, 8 May 1781, 23 June 1794, 20 Jan. 1820, 23 Feb. 1847, 13 June 1856, and 25 Feb. 1865. 5 Fourth son and ninth child of Rev. Dr. William Page, Head Master of Westminster School, etc., by Mary his wife (see the note to the baptism of his sister 5 July 1804). See his baptism 15 Apl. 1816. The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the North Cloister, and gives his age as one year and eight months. • The Funeral Book says that he died at Esher, and was buried from his late residence in Tothill Street, Westminster. On his monument he was described as Esquire, Major-commandant of the regiment of St. Margaret's and St. John's Volunteers, and one of the burgesses of the city and liberties of Westminster. According to the Chapter Book, he and his partner Lancelot Burton, being the College plumbers, were discharged 4 Nov. 1803, "in consequence of the late 494 BURIALS IN 1818 May 9 Rear-Admiral Sir George Hope, K.C.B.;¹ from the Admiralty; died the 2nd, aged 52: in the middle aisle. July 11 The Right Hon. Francis-Thomas, Earl of Kerry, Viscount Clanmaurice, and Baron of Kerry and Lixnaw in Ireland; 2 from Hampton Court, Middlesex; died the 4th, aged 78: in St. Andrew's otherwise St. Michael's Chapel. 3 Aug. 26 Buckeridge-Ball Acworth; Great Queen Street, Westminster; died the 15th, aged 71: in the North Cloister. Sept. 5 The Rey James-William Dodd, Second Usher of Westminster School; James Street, Westminster; 4 died Aug. 27th, aged 58: in the East Cloister. Nov. 3 Eliza-Hannah Hall; Lime-Tree House, Green Street, Kentish- Town; died Oct. 27th, aged 24: in the South Cloister. "" fire at the Church, caused by the negligence of their servants. His will, as of Tothill Street, Westminster, plumber, dated 7 Aug. 1817, was proved 5 June 1818, by John Abington, of Down- ing Street, Westminster, Esq., and John Mills, of Parliament Street, Esq., attorney-at-law, whom he made his residuary legatces. The only relation named was Sarah, wife of William Burrows, carpenter, daughter of his late aunt Sarah Hewitt, to whom and to her children he bequeathed £400. To Elizabeth Clinton, widow, of No. 6 Great College Street, Westminster, he gave £500, also £70 per annum for life, and a house in Lambeth. The rest of his bequests were to friends and servants, one of them being a ring of the value of thrce guineas to each member of the club of "Old Friends," to which he belonged. His final instruction was in these words: "Whatever horses or mares I may possess, it is my wish and desire that they may be killed, in the easiest way that can be devised, within fourteen days after my decease." 1 Son of the Hon. Charles-Hope-Verc Hope (second surviving son of Charles-Hope, first Earl of Hopetoun), of Craigiehall, by his third wife, Helen, daughter of George Dunbar, Esq., and boru 6 July 1767. Entering the navy, he attained the rank of Rear-Admiral 1 Aug. 1811, was created K.C.B. 5 Jan. 1815, and had been one of the Lords of the Admiralty since 1812. He was twice married, and left issue. In his will he was called Sir George-Johnstone Hope, and so signed it. 2 Only son of William Fitzmaurice, second Earl of Kerry, by his second wife, Lady Gertrude Lambart, eldest daughter of Richard, fourth Earl of Cavan. He was born in Dublin 15 June 1740, and succeeded as third Earl of Kerry in 1747. Sce his wife's burial 18 Apl. 1799, and note thereto. He left no issue, and his titles devolved upon his cousin, Henry, third Marquis of Lans- downe. 3 Son of Abraham Acworth, Esq. (sce his burial 14 Apl. 1781), by Margaretta-Mabella his wife (see her burial 26 Apl. 1794). His will, dated in May 1818, was proved 28 Aug. following, by his cousin Francis Molyneux Ommaney and his friend Mr. Andrew Edge. He was a governor, trustee, or treasurer of many of the charitable institutions of the period, and left liberal legacics to them all. He evidently died unmarried. • He is said to have been the son of an actor of some celebrity. He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1774, aged thirteen, and was elected to Trinity College, Cam- bridge, in 1779, where A.B. 1783, and A.M. 1786, becoming a Fellow of his College. He became an usher of Westminster School in 1784, and retained that position until his death. He became Vicar of Swineshead, co. Lincoln, in 1800, and Rector of North Runcton, co. Norfolk, in 1812. He married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 16 May 1811, Ann Whitaker, of St. Pancras, Midx., spinster, and their son Edmund-James was baptized there 6 Nov. 1812. His will, as of James Strect, St. Margaret's, Westminster, dated 22 Aug. 1815, was proved 28 Sep. 1818. He bequeathed all his possessions to his wife Ann for life, with remainder equally to his six children (some of whom must have been twins), viz., Charles-William, Ann-Sally, Susan, Frances, Martha-Ann, and Edmund-James. 5 The Funeral Book describes her as (< a married woman," and her monument stated that she was a daughter of Edward Hayward, of Goldstone, co. Salop, and born 15 Jan. 1794. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 495 1818 Nov. 10 Susannah Slemaker; 1 Bedford Street, Covent-Garden ; died Oct. 31st, aged 81: in the South Cloister. 1819 March 3 Mrs. Jane Henderson; 2 56 Warren Street, Fitzroy Square: died Feb. 24th, aged 67: in Poets' Corner. March 6 Miss Mary Cooke; Palace Yard, Westminster; died Feb. 28th, aged 56 in the West Cloister. 4 April 17 Charles Herries; Hastings, Sussex; died the 3rd, aged 74: in the middle aisle. April 24 George-Ebenezer Williams, Organist of this Collegiate Church;5 Duke Street, Westminster; died the 17th, aged 35: in the South Cloister. June 12 George Oswald; died the 3rd, on his passage from Bengal in the East Indies, aged 37: in the North aisle. June 12 Lieut.-General Sir James Campbell, Bart. ;7 Queen Anne Street East, Marylebone: died the 5th, aged 54: in the South Cross. ¹ She was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 4 June 1738, as daughter of Matthew Burt and Elizabeth his wife, and married there, 28 Apl. 1768, to George Slemaker, afterwards chief porter of the Abbey (see his burial 23 Aug. 1802). She died, according to the Funeral Book, at the residence of her daughter Elizabeth, wife of Pitt Cobbett, who administered to her estate 15 Feb. 1819, when her personalty was sworn under twenty pounds. See the baptisms of her children, 2 Apl. 1769, 6 Jan. 1771, 18 Oct. 1772, 22 Oct. 1775, 2 Sep. 1776, and 14 Feb. 1779, and the burials of her sons, 1 Oct. 1776 and 1 Jan. 1778. 2 Relict of Mr. John Henderson, the celebrated actor (see his burial 3 Dec. 1785), to whom married, according to the journals of the day, 13 Jan. 1779, as Miss Jane Figgins, of Chippenham, co. Wilts. The Funeral Book describes her as his widow, and refers to his burial. 3 Dau. of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, organist of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793). by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). She was born 28 July, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 14 Sep. 1762. She died unmarried, and her brother Henry Cooke (see his burial 6 Oct. 1840) administered to her estate 27 May 1819, when her personalty was sworn under £3000. 4 The Funeral Book describes him as Colonel of the London and Westminster Light Horse Volunteers, and says that he died at Hastings, and was buried from the head-quarters in Gray's Inn Lane. The journals of the day say that he was a native of Scotland, brother of Sir Robert Herries, the eminent banker in St. James Street, who died in 1815, and himself an eminent merchant in London, trading under the firm of Herries and Naylor, and that he was buried with military honours, under a special order from the Commander-in-Chief. His will, as of Cadogan Place, Chelsea, dated 24 Oct. 1815, was proved 28 May 1819. His only legatees were his sons John-Charles Herries and William-Lewis Herries, aud his daughters, Isabell-Maria Herries, Catharine, wife of Henry-Knowles Creed, Esq., and Julia Mary Herries. The daughter Catharine appears to have been baptized at Carshalton, co. Surrey, 18 Sep. 1791, as daughter of Charles Herries and Mary his wife. 5 Isabella, dau. of George-Ebenezer Williams, organist to St. Peter's, Westminster, and Eliza his wife, was born 2 Aug. 1817, and baptised at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 May 1818. 6 Son of James-Townsend Oswald, of Dunnikier, co. Fife, Esq., M.P. for the Kirkcaldy Burghs, by his wife Janet Gray, of Skibo, co. Sutherland. He was born 6 May 1779, and was in the Civil Service of the East India Company. He died, according to the family accounts, in the English Channel, just as the ship came in sight of England. He died unmarried, and his brother Sir John Oswald, K.C.B., administered to his estate 12 July 1819. his mother renouncing. See the burials, of his great-grandmother 5 Apl. 1762, his grandfather 1 Apl. 1769, his grandmother 28 Sep. 1779, and his great aunt 21 Feb. 1785, and the marriage of his niece, Lady Augusta Bruce, 22 Dec. 1863. 7 Eldest son of Sir James Campbell of Inverneil, co. Argyll, and nephew of General Sir 496 BURIALS IN 1819 Sept. 3 John Buchan; 1 Titchfield Street, St. Marylebone; died Aug. 26th, aged 49: in the West Cloister. 1820 Jan. 20 The Hon. Lady Elizabeth Percy;2 Sion House, Middlesex; died the 10th, aged 38: in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. April 3 John Staple; Horseferry Road, Westminster, died March 25th, aged 69 in the North grass-plat. April 14 John Lilly; Johnson's Court, Peter Street, Westminster; died the 10th, aged 86: in the North grass-plat. May 10 The most noble Frances-Julia, Dowager Duchess of Northum- berland; 5 Langley, parish of Beckenham, Kent; died April 28th, aged 66: in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. June 16 The Right Hon. The Right Hon. Henry Grattan; 6 Baker Strect, St. Mary- lebone; died the 10th, aged 74: in the North Cross. James Bartleman;7 Berners Street, Middlesex Hospital; died the 15th, aged 53: in the West Cloister. 1821 April 21 Archibald Campbell (see his burial 12 Apl. 1791). He was sometime Civil Commissioner to the Ionian Islands and Commander of the Forces in the Adriatic, and was created a Baronet 4 Dec. 1818. He married, at Greenwich, Kent, 3 May 1794, Agnes-Margaretta, only daughter of John Hunter, Esq., the celebrated surgeon (see his burial 28 Mch. 1859), but left no issue, and the title became extinct. In his will, dated at Messina 9 Dec. 1807, and a codicil also dated there 22 Jan. 1808, he provided liberally for his wife, but in another, dated at Palermo, 12 Nov. 1812, he stated that they had separated. In subsequent codicils, dated at Zante and Corfu 27 Sep. 1813, 8 Aug. 1814, and 1 Oct. 1816, he characterized her in very opprobrious terms, revoked every bequest to her, and directed that she should have nothing from his estate that could possibly be withheld. ¹ The Funeral Book says that he was buried from his late residence, No. 12 Titchfield Street. See the burials, perhaps of his relations, 6 Mch. 1805 and 13 Dec. 1824. 2 Second dau. and child of Hugh, second Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 19 July 1817), by his second wife (see her burial 10 May 1820). She was born 23 Dec. 1781, and died unmarried. 3 See his wife's burial 2 May 1808, and his son's 20 Jan. 1808. The place of burial sufficiently indicates his humble position. According to the Chapter Book, 10 Nov. 1808, he was employed to attend upon the work- men about the Abbey, and by an order on the day of his burial his coffin was to be paid for out of the Abbey treasury. 5 Third dau. of Peter Burrell, of Beckenham, co. Kent, Esq.. by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of John Lewis, of Hackney, Midx., Esq. She was born 21 Dec. 1752, and baptized at St. Anne's, Westminster, 19 Jan. 1753. She married, 21 May 1779, Hugh, then Lord Percy, afterwards second Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 19 July 1817), to whom she was sccond wife. Sce the burials of her children, 8 May 1781, 23 June 1794, 20 Jan. 1820, 23 Feb. 1847, 13 June 1856, and 25 Feb. 1865, and that of her sister 31 Jan. 1812. 6 The celebrated statesman and orator. Son of James Grattan, Esq., Recorder of and M.P. for the city of Dublin, by Mary, dau. of Thomas Marlay, Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ircland, and born in Dublin 3 July 1746. The record of his illustrious carcer forms a part of the history of the nation. He married, in early life, Henrietta Fitzgerald, by whom he had a numerous issue. 7 According to his monument, he had formerly been a chorister and lay clerk of the Abbey, and a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, and was born 19 Sep. 1769. The Funeral Book says that he was buried from No. 45 Berners Street. He died unmarried, and his sister Jane Bartleman, WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 497 1 1821 April 30 Catherine Bavin; College Street, within the Close; died the 15th, aged 61: in the North grass-plat. May 30 The Right Hon. Mary-Elizabeth, Countess of Chatham; 2 Hill Street, Berkeley Square; died the 21st, aged 59: in the North Cross. June 18 The Right Hon. Elizabeth, Countess of Mexborough; 3 Picca- dilly; died the 7th, aged 59: in the Darnley vault, near Henry 7th's Chapel. 4 Aug. 15 Mary Medley; Lower Connaught Place, Tyburn Turnpike; died the 7th, aged 76: in the South Cloister. [Nov. 28 Major John André.]5 spinster, administered to his estate 18 May 1821, when his personalty was sworn under £5000. According to subsequent letters of administration, he had also a brother George, and sisters, Jemima, wife of Thomas Godwin, Mary Bayntin, widow, and Selina-Ann Bartleman, spinster. His brother George and sister Selina-Ann were living 16 Nov. 1848, the two other sisters being then dead. ¹ The place of burial sufficiently indicates her humble position. 2 Lady Mary-Elizabeth Townshend, second surviving daughter of Thomas, first Viscount Sydney, by Elizabeth, eldest daughter and coheir of Richard Powys, of Hintlesham, co. Suffolk, and wife of John l'itt, second and last Earl of Chatham (see his burial 3 Oct. 1835), to whom married 9 July 1783. She was born 2 Sep. 1762, and died without issue. 3 Only daughter and heir of Henry Stephenson, of East Burnham, co. Bucks, and of Cox Lodge, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, Esq., and wife of John Savile, second Earl of Mexborough, to whom married 25 Sep. 1782, and who died 3 Feb. 1830. Her only son succeeded as third Earl of Mexborough. Relict of Edward Medley (see his burial 6 Jan. 1809). Her will, as of New Peter Street, Westminster, dated 24 Oct. 1811, with a codicil 30 Dec. 1815, was proved 4 Dec. 1821, by her son George Medley. From an affidavit attached, she appears to have died at Farringdon, co. Berks, but directed to be buried with her husband. Her other children named were her sons, Edward Medley (who died before her, in 1814), Charles Medley, William Medley, and her late son John Medley, and her daughters, Mary Bell, Harriet Roe, and Charlotte Vardon. 5 The Register has no entry of the burial of Major André, but the Funeral Book contains the following: "Major André's remains, brought from America, by order of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, in a sarcophagus, were, this 28th day of Nov 1821, removed from Islip's Chapel, and deposited nearly in front of his monument, and nine feet from the South side of the Church, and [blank] feet from Iron gate, one foot under pavement, in the presence of the very Revd the Dean and General Taylor." The unhappy history of this young officer has always excited great interest throughout the British nation, and that interest seems almost as intense and earnest at the present day as it was at first, nearly a century ago. This being the case, it seems remark- able that no one has hitherto elicited the slightest information respecting his antecedents-not even so little as his father's name. The Editor has, therefore, devoted considerable time and labour to the subject, and with the following results. The carliest ancestor of Major André so far ascertained was James André, of Nismes, in the South of France, living in the latter part of the 17th century, and perhaps early in the 18th, who left two sons, David and John. The former was a merchant at Genoa, where he died 8 Mch. 1737-8, and it is from his will, proved in London 30 Sep. 1738, that much of the information obtained has been derived. The other son, John André, appears to have remained at Nismes, and married Louise Vazcille, by whom he had seven children. Their third son, William André, appears to have removed to Geneva, where he died about 1747. He married Mary Privat, who survived him, and also died at Geneva in 1767. They were the parents of ten children, of whom three sons, Anthony, David, and John-Lewis, came to England, the two former being naturalized, by Act of Parliament, in 1748. The two latter became merchants in London, married, and had families, and their descendants are doubt- less still living in England. The eldest son, Anthony André, also became a merchant in London, 3 S 498 BURIALS IN 1 1821 Dec. 21 James Fisher; the Close, Westminster; died the 15th, aged 63: in the West Cloister. 1822 May 16 George-Douglas Woodfall; 2 the Close, Westminster; died the 9th, aged 23: in the West Cloister. Aug. 20 The most Hon. Robert, Marquis of Londonderry, etc., in Ireland; St. James's Square, St. James, Westminster; died 3 the 12th, aged 53: in the North Cross. 4 Oct. 25 Ava-Maria Garrick, widow; Adelphi Terrace, St. Martin's in the Fields; died the 16th, aged 99: in the South Cross. residing, during the latter part of his life, at Clapton, in Hackney, where he died 14 Apl. 1769, aged fifty-two. He was buried in the family vault in St. Augustine's churchyard. He married Marie-Louise, daughter of Paul Girardot, of Paris. She survived her husband nearly forty-four years, and died at Bath 22 Feb. 1813, aged, as was said, ninety-one. They were the parents of two sons, John and William-Lewis, and of three daughters, Mary-Hannah, Ann-Marguerite, and Louisa-Catherine. The youngest son, William-Lewis, was baptized at St. Martin Outwich, London, 25 Nov. 1760, and was created a Baronet 24 Mch. 1781, shortly after his elder brother's death. He died, unmarried, in 1802, and the title became extinct. The three sisters continued to reside at Bath, at No. 23 Circus, and all died there, unmarried. Ann-Marguerite, Miss Seward's "tuneful Anna," died in 1830. Louisa-Catherine died 25 Dec. 1835, aged eighty-one, and Mary-Hannah, the eldest, outliving all her family, died 3 Mch. 1845, aged ninety-three. The eldest son was Major John André, who appears to have been born in 1751, but the precise time and place of his birth or baptism have not been ascertained. It is very probable that he was born at Paris, where his mother's father lived and died. Of his early life nothing is absolutely known, but he purchased a second lieutenant's commission in the army when he must have still been a minor, being gazetted 2 Apl. 1771. He subsequently became a Captain in the 26th regiment of foot, and Adjutant-general, with the rank of Major. The rest of his history is too well known to require recapitulation. He was executed at Tappan, in the State of New York, 2 Oct. 1780, probably before he had entered his thirtieth year, and his remains were subsequently disinterred and removed to this country, in order that they might have honourable interment in the Abbey. 1 Son and evidently eldest child of Rev. Francis Fisher, of Burwash, co. Sussex, by Charlotte, dau. of James Mcrest, Esq., Clerk-assistant of the House of Lords (see his first wife's burial 17 Nov. 1727, and note thereto), who were married, at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 9 Mch. 1758. His monument and his will described him as "Chief Clerk in the office of the Auditor of the Receipt of H.M.'s Exchequer." His will, dated 27 Nov. 1821, was proved 4 Jan. 1822, by his uncle Rev. James Merest, of Wortham, co. Suffolk, and by his friend Thomas Francis, of the Stock Exchange, London, Esq. He directed to be buried in the grave of his late sister Charlotte Fisher (see her burial 8 Mch. 1813). IIe bequeathed £50 per annum for life to his much esteemed friend Mrs. Barbara Pullen, spinster, then residing in the family of James Elder. in the city of Exeter, Esq., and the residue of his estate to his said uncle, Rev. James Merest, and Sarah his wife. See the burial of his mother's sister, Mrs. Mary Hare, 16 Mch. 1797. 2 Eldest son of George Woodfall, printer (son of the celebrated printer of “Junius"), by Mary Brown his wife, whose father is said to have been a coal-merchant in Milford Lane, Strand. He was born 28 Nov. 1799, and baptized at St. Faith's, London, 6 June 1800. The Funeral Book says that he died at his father's house in Dean's Yard, in his twenty-third year. See his aunt's burial 19 Feb. 1862. 3 The celebrated Secretary of State, better known as Viscount Castlereagh. Second but eldest surviving son of Robert Stewart, first Marquis of Londonderry, by his first wife, Sarah- Frances, second daughter of Francis Seymour-Conway, first Marquis of Hertford, and born, according to his coffin-plate, 18 June 1769. He succeeded, as second Marquis, 8 Apl. 1821, but died without issue, and his titles passed to his brother. He died at his residence at North Cray, co. Kent, having committed suicide, during temporary insanity. See his wife's burial 20 Feb. 1829. • Relict of David Garrick, the celebrated tragedian (sce his burial 1 Feb. 1779), to whom WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 499 1823 Jan. 28 Augusta-Millet Short; Great George Street, St. Margaret's, Westminster; died the 22nd, aged 25: in the North Cloister. The Right Hon. Mary, Viscountess Harberton; 2 Connaught Place, Edgeware Road, Middlesex; died the 22nd, aged 63: in the South Cloister. Jan. 31 Feb. 3 Emma-Harmar Hawkins:3 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea; died Jan. 26th, aged 21 in the North Cloister. July 28 James Butler; Chapel Street, Somers Town, Middlesex; died the 21st, aged 73: in the North grass-plat. Aug. 29 Dame Jemima Wilson; 5 18 Regent Street, St. James, West- minster; died the 12th, aged 47 in the North aisle. 1824 Feb. : The Right Hon. Jane, Countess of Harrington;6 St. James's Palace; died the 3rd, aged 69 in the Nave. 7 March 22 Thomas Smith; Maddox Street, St. George's, Hanover Square, and late of the Temple, London: died the 15th, aged 47: in the North aisle. married, at a chapel in St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., and afterwards in the chapel of the Portuguese Embassy, 22 June 1749, as Eva-Maria Violette, of St. James, Westminster. The Funeral Book says that she died in her ninety-ninth year. Nothing appears to be absolutely known concerning her origin, but she is said to have stated that she was born at Vienna, 29 Feb. 1724, and that she was of noble blood. Her reputed father was John Veigel, of that city, certainly not a nobleman. She had been a popular danseuse, but had been withdrawn from the stage previous to her marriage, and was then living under the protection of the Earl and Countess of Burlington. She appears to have lived thirty years a faithful wife, and forty-three years a faithful widow. She left no issue. Her will, dated 28 Jan. 1819, with codicils 28 Nov. 1821 and 15 Aug. 1822, was proved 30 Oct. 1822. The only relations of her own whom she named were her niece Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Peter de Saar, of Vienna, and her god-daughter Eva-Maria de Saar, daughter of her late nephew Louis de Saar, of Oldenburgh, in Hungary. ¹ The Funeral Book says: "Daughter of Charles and Grace Short." Perhaps related to Mrs. Ireland, wife of the Very Rev. John Ireland, then Dean of Westminster (see his burial 8 Sep. 1842, and note thereto). 2 Second daughter of Nicholas Grady, of Grange, co. Limerick, Esq., and wife of Henry Pomeroy, second Viscount Harberton, to whom married, at Dover, co. Kent, 20 Jan. 1788. See the burial of their only son 19 Mch. 1804. Her husband died 29 Nov. 1829, when his younger brother succeeded to his titles. * The Funeral Book says that she was the only child of John-Henry Gell, Esq. (see his burial 16 Oct. 1856), by Charlotte his wife, and wife of George Hawkins, Esq. (see his burial 31 Aug. 1846), and that she died in her twenty-first year. The Funeral Book says: "Senior Almsman of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, West- minster." See the burials, of his father 12 Sep. 1775, of his mother 16 July 1771, of his sister 25 June 1764, and of his brother 4 June 1838. 5 The Funeral Book says: "Late wife of Sir Robert-Thomas Wilson, Kt., M.P." (see his burial 15 May 1849). In his will he cited her ante-nuptial settlement, dated 5 July 1797, and stated that subsequently, after the deaths of her father William Belford and her uncle Gustavus Belford, she became entitled, under the will of her grandfather William Belford, to certain estates, among which was the "China farm" in Harbledown, co. Kent. Her father is said to have been a colonel in the army. • Eldest daughter and coheir of Sir John Fleming, Bart. (see his burial 21 Feb. 1764), by Dame Jane his wife (see her burial, as Baroness Harewood, 19 Apl. 1813). She married, 22 May 1779, Charles Stanhope, third Earl of Harrington, who had succeeded to the title 1 Apl. preced- ing, and who survived her until 1829. 7 Third surviving son of Rev. Dr. Samuel Smith, Head Master of Westminster School, etc. 500 BURIALS IN Dec. 1824 Oct. 30 Sarah Perry; 1 Whicher's Alms-house, Little Chapel Street, Westminster; died the 25th, aged 76: in the North grass-plat. 13 Alexander-Peter Buchan, M.D.; 2 Weston Street, Somers Town, Middlesex; died the 5th, aged 61: in the West Cloister. Frances Gell, widow of the late Anthony Gell, Esq., Receiver of this Collegiate Church; 3 Bexley, Kent; died Jan. 31st, aged 85 in the North Cloister. 1825 Feb. June 7 4 William Menzies; Whicher's Alms-house, Chapel Street, West- minster; died May 26th, aged 96: in the North grass-plat. Nov. 1 Caroline Dale, widow; 5 Henrietta Street, Brunswick Square; died Oct. 22nd, aged 74; in the North Cloister. Nov. 19 1826 Nov. Sarah Newcombe; the Close, Westminster; died the 13th, aged 73 in the North Cloister. Nov. 1 The : The Right Hon. Jane, Countess Dowager of Normanton;7 13 Montague Square, Middlesex; died Oct. 25th, aged 74: in the North Cross. 8 1827 Jan. 8 William Gifford; James Street, Westminster; died Dec. 31st, 1826, aged 71: in the South Cross. (see his burial 31 Mch. 1808), by Anna his first wife (see her burial 4 Dec. 1789). See his baptism 24 Feb. 1777. He was of the Inner Temple, and a Fellow of the Royal Society, and died unmarried. 1 See the burials, probably, of her husband 21 Dec. 1804, and of his first wife 21 Mch. 1768. 2 Only son of the celebrated Dr. William Buchan (see his burial 6 Mch. 1805). He is said to have been born at Ackworth, co. York, and his mother to have been a daughter of Mr. Peter, of Edinburgh. His will, dated 3 June 1824, with two codicils, was proved 28 Jan. 1825, by his friends, William Tassie, of Leicester Square, and Thomas Mapleson, of John Street, Golden Square, power being reserved for four others. He bequeathed £70 per annum for the maintenance and education of his only child, Helen-Anna Buchan, during her minority, and the residue of his estate to his wife and sister, except £100, which he gave to his cousin Alexander-Peter Buchan. In an affidavit he was described as late of Percy Street, St. Marylebone, Midx., Doctor of Medicine. See a burial 3 Sep. 1819, although there is no evidence that he was related to the person then buried. 3 Daughter of Joseph Dalby (sce his burial 27 July 1784), by Anne his wife (sce her burial 3 May 1786). and relict of Anthony Gell. Esq.. Receiver-General of the Abbey (see his burial 4 Feb. 1817). She was her father's executrix, and inherited from him the right to continue the preparation and sale of his celebrated Carminative." Sce the burials of her children, 2 Jan. 1766, 2 June 1769, 12 May 1775, 28 Dec. 1792, 27 Nov. 1801, 24 May 1838, and 16 Oct. 1856. 4 The places of residence and burial sufficiently indicate his humble position. 5 The Funeral Book says that she was buried in the same grave with her father, William Rawlc, Esq. (see his burial 15 Nov. 1789). She appears to have been his eldest daughter, and he described her in his will, dated 6 Nov. 1789, as wife of Joseph Dale, of Oxford Street, music- master, who was one of his executors. 6 Daughter of John Newcombe, of London, linen-draper, by Elizabeth, sister of the Very Rev. William Vincent, Dean of Westminster (see his burial 29 Dec. 1815, and note thereto for her parentage). She died unmarried. See her sister's burial 5 Jan. 1841. Her parents were both living in 1764, in Cheapside. 7 Daughter of William Benson, of co. Down, Ireland, Esq., said to have been a merchant in Dublin, and relict of the Most Rev. Charles Agar, Archbishop of Dublin, first Earl of Normanton (see his burial 21 July 1809), to whom married 22 Nov. 1776. • The celebrated critic and editor of the Quarterly Review. Son of Edward Gifford, of Ashburton, co. Devon, where he was born in Apl. 1756. The Funeral Book says that he died in WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 501 1827 May 14 George Oxley;¹ Porter's Lodge, within the Close; died the 9th, aged 2 years: in the Dark Cloister. Aug. 16 The Right Hon. George Canning; 2 Downing Street, West- minster; died the 8th, aged 57: in the North Cross. Aug. 18 The Right Rev Dr. Samuel Goodenough, Bishop of Carlisle ; 3 Worthing, Sussex; died the 12th, aged 84: in the North Cloister. Nov. 5 5 John 4 : John Fenn; Whicher's Alms-house, Chapel Street, West- minster; died Oct. 25th, aged 75 in the North grass-plat. Nov. 10 Sir Francis Willes, Kt.; 5 Charles Street, Berkeley Square; died Oct. 30th, aged 93: in the North aisle of the Tombs. 1828 Feb. 7 The Revd John Shelton, Minor Canon of this Church Square, Westminster; died Jan. 31st, aged 56: in the Dark Cloister. 6 • Queen his seventy-first year, and was buried in "Poets' Corner." From almost the lowest rank in the social scale, he raised himself to a position of influence and wealth. He matriculated at Oxford, from Exeter College, 16 Feb. 1779, and was B.A. 10 Oct. 1782, but never proceeded to the higher degree of M.A. Besides his literary engagements, he was one of the comptrollers of the lotteries, and paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners. He died unmarried. His will, dated 3 Aug. 1823, with codicils 10 Mch. 1825 and 28 Nov. 1826, was proved 7 Feb. 1827, by his friend the Very Rev. John Ireland, Dean of Westminster. ¹ Child of Edward Oxley, one of the College porters, by Mary his wife (see her burial 31 Jan. 1842). The Funeral Book gives his age as one year and seven months. He was born the 5th, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 30 Oct. 1825. 2 The celebrated statesman. Only surviving son of George Canning, of the Middle Temple. Esq., barrister-at-law, by Mary-Anne, dau. of Jordan Costello, of Connaught, Ireland, and born 11 Apl. 1770. He was Prime Minister at his death. His will, dated 20 Sep. 1809, was proved 21 Aug. 1827. He simply bequeathed all his personalty to his wife. desiring her to secure to his mother an annuity of £300 for her life. See the burials, of his wife 23 Mch. 1837, and of his sons 3 Dcc. 1828 and 21 June 1862. ³ Third son of Rev. William Goodenough, Prebendary of Brecon, Rector of Broughton-Pogis, co. Oxford, and sometime Rector of Kimpton, Hants. He was born at Kimpton, and matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church (elected from St. Peter's College, Westminster), 9 June 1760, aged seventeen, and was B.A. 9 May, 1764, M.A. 25 June 1767, and D.C.L. 11 July 1772. He was at various periods Rector of Broughton-Pogis, and Vicar of Brize-Norton and of Cropredy, all in co. Oxford, and Rector of Boxley, co. Kent. He had a school at Ealing, Midx., from 1772 to 1798. He became a Canon of Windsor 3 Feb. 1798, and Dean of Rochester 27 Aug. 1802, and was con- secrated Bishop of Carlisle 13 Feb. 1808. He married, 17 Apl. 1770, Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. James Ford, of St. George's, Hanover Square, Midx., an eminent physician, whom he survived only about eleven weeks. See the baptisms of his grandchildren, 27 Feb. 1822, 3 July 1823. 5 Mch. 1825, 7 June 1826, 27 Nov. 1827, 17 Dec. 1829, and 5 Feb. 1831, and the burials of two of them, 29 Apl. 1828 and 24 Apl. 1838. 4 The Funeral Book calls him "Beadle of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter," etc. He was appointed College beadle 29 July 1794, in the place of his father (see his burial 24 Mch. 1796), and was also one of the bell-ringers. See his mother's burial 4 Nov. 1788, and probably that of his wife 11 Jan. 1799. 5 Youngest and fifth surviving son of the Right Rev. Edward Willes, Bishop of Bath and Wells (see his burial 1 Dec. 1773), by Jane his wife (see her burial 18 Oct. 1771), and born 30 May 1735. He was sometime an Under-Secretary of State, and was knighted 11 Aug. 1784. He left no issue. See his wife's burial 4 Jan. 1814. 6 He was mentioned in the Chapter Book, 3 Mch. 1817, as then junior minor canon. He appears to have matriculated at Oxford, from Worcester College, 12 Oct. 1790, aged eighteen, as 502 BURIALS IN 1828 March 8 Mary Dare;¹ the Cloisters, Westminster Abbey; died the 3rd, aged 73 in the North grass-plat. 29 April 29 Frances Goodenough; 2 Head Master's house, Dean's Yard; died the 26th, aged 6 years: in the North aisle. June 14 The Hon. and Revd Lord Henry Fitz-Roy; 3 43 Hertford Street, St. George's, Hanover Square; died the 7th, aged 58: in the West Cloister. Sept. 4 William Armstead; Whicher's Alms-house; died Aug. 30th, aged 81 in the North grass-plat. Oct. 6 Sept. 30 William-John Roles; 5 Brewer's Row, St. Margaret's, West- minster; died the 23rd, aged 67: in the North grass-plat. 3 Elizabeth Major; Judith Kifford's Alms-house, St. Margaret's, Westminster; died Sept. 30th, aged 95 in the North grass- plat. Dec. 1829 Feb. 3 The Hon. William-Pitt Canning, Captain in H.M.'s Navy ;7 died at the Island of Madeira Sept. 24th, aged 25: in the East Cloister. 8 4 William Shield; 31 Berners Street; died Jan. 25th, aged 80: in the South Cloister. son of John Shelton, of the parish of St. Helen, in the city of Worcester, Gent., and was B.A. 13 Feb. 1795. According to the inscription on the monument of his mother, Mrs. Mary Shelton, in St. Helen's Church, his father was one of the proctors of the diocese of Worcester. She died in 1787, aged sixty-one. ¹ Second wife and relict of Isaac-Charles Dare (see his burial 12 Feb. 1810, and note thereto). 2 Eldest child of the Very Rev. Edmund Goodenough, Dean of Wells and sometime Head- Master of Westminster School, and grandchild of the Right Rev. Samnel Goodenough, Bishop of Carlisle (see his burial 18 Aug. 1827). See her baptism 27 Feb. 1822, and note thereto. 3 Son of Augustus Henry, third Duke of Grafton, by Elizabeth his second wife, daughter of the Very Rev. Sir Richard Wrottesley, seventh Bart., Dean of Worcester. He was born, according to his monument, 19 Apl. 1770, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 1 Jan. 1807. He married, 10 Sept. 1800, his cousin Caroline, youngest daughter of Vice-Admiral Hugh Pigot, by whom he left issue, and who survived him until 1 Jan. 1835. 4 The places of residence and burial sufficiently indicate his humble position. 6 The Funeral Book says: "One of the Almsmen, and full Gown's man." The places of residence and burial sufficiently indicate her humble position. 7 Second son of the Right Hon. George Canning (see his burial 16 Aug. 1827), by Joan his wife (see her burial 23 Mch. 1837). He was born 16 Dec. 1802, and was drowned while bathing at Madeira, being then Commander of H.M.'s ship "Alligator." He died unmarried, and his mother administered to his estate 5 Mch. 1829. See his brother's burial 21 June 1862. 8 The well-known musical composer and special favourite of King George IV. The Funeral Book calls him "late Master of H.M.'s Band of Musicians." He is said to have been the son of a singing-master at Smalwell, co. Durham, and to have been apprenticed to a boat-builder at North Shields, but adopted the profession of music at the end of his service. He was some time connected with Covent Garden Theatre, for which most of his productions were composed. His will, as of No. 31 Berners Street, St. Marylebone, Midx., dated 29 June 1826, was proved 16 Mch. 1829, by Ann Stokes alias Shield, spinster, to whom he left all his estate, and whom he described as his "beloved partner Ann, Mrs. Shield upwards of forty years, whose maiden name was Ann Stokes, being the daughter of James and Mary Stokes, late of the parish of Marylebone, but now deceased." He left nothing to his relations, but commended them to the beneficence of his "beloved Anne, Mrs. Shield." His favourite instrument, "supposed to be a Stainer tenor," he bequeathed to the King, who had admired it. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 503 1829 Feb. 20 The most Hon. Amelia-Ann, Dowager Marchioness of London- derry; St. James's Square, St. James, Westminster; died 1 the 12th, aged 56: in the North-east angle of the Great Cloisters. April 8 Matthew Farmer;2 15 Wood Street, St. John Evangelist, Westminster; died the 4th, aged 43: in the North grass-plat. May 14 The Right Hon. Charles, Lord Colchester; 3 Spring Gardens, St. Martin in the Fields; died the 8th, aged 72: in the middle aisle of the North Cross. Oct. 4 13 Elizabeth Halhed, widow; 2 Abingdon Street, St. John Evangelist, Westminster; died the 3rd, aged 92: in the East Cloister. 1830 Feb. 22 1 22 Feb. 23 23 April John Doughty;5 20 Vine Street, Westminster; died the 13th, aged 65 in the North grass-plat. 6 Jane-Emma Preston; the Under-Master's house, Little Dean's Yard; died the 20th, aged 2 years and 11 months: in the North Cloister. 6 Major James Rennell, Esq., Surveyor-General of Bengal;7 23 Nassau Street, Middlesex Hospital; died March 29th, aged 88: in the Great Nave. ¹ Lady Amelia-Anne Hobart (not Emily, as in the peerages), youngest daughter and coheir of John, second Earl of Buckinghamshire, by his second wife, Caroline, daughter of William Conolly, of Stratton Hall, co. Stafford, Esq. She was born 20 Feb. 1772, and married, in 1794, Robert, Viscount Castlereagh, afterwards second Marquis of Londonderry (see his burial 20 Aug. 1822), but had no issue. Her will. dated 5 Feb. 1823, was proved 18 Apl. 1829. 2 The Funeral Book says: "Beadle of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter. Westminster." 3 Charles Abbot, second and youngest son of Rev. Dr. John Abbot, Rector of All Saints, Colchester, Essex, by Sarah his wife (see her burial, as Sarah Bentham. 3 Oct. 1809, and note thereto), and born 14 Oct. 1757. He was created Baron Colchester 3 June 1817, having been Speaker of the House of Commons since 1802. He married, 29 Dec. 1796, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir Philip Gibbes, of Spring Head. in the island of Barbados, Bart., who survived him until 10 June 1847, and by whom he left two sons. See the burial of his brother's wife 28 Mch. 1794. * Relict of Robert Halhed. Esq. (see his burial 19 Feb. 1778). Her will, as of Abingdon Street, dated 22 Aug. 1829, was proved 24 Oct. following, by Robert-William Halhed, of the Priory, near Reading, co. Berks, Esq.. and his brother, John Halhed, of Yateley, co. Hants, Esq. An affidavit attached states that she died at Tunbridge Wells. She directed to be buried in the grave of her husband and her child Robert-Spencer Halhed (see his burial 5 Apl. 1778). She named no relations, but either she or her husband appears to have been connected in some way with the family of Mrs. Ann White (see her burial 30 Apl. 1832), to whom and to her daughters she left considerable legacies. 5 The Funeral Book says: "One of the King's Almsmen." 6 Daughter of Rev. George Preston, under-master of Westminster School (see his burial 11 Sep. 1811) by Emma his wife. She and her twin-brother Richard-Montague were born 27 Mch., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 29 Nov. 1827. 7 The celebrated geographer and antiquary. The Funeral Book, quoting his coffin-plate, describes him as "F.S.A. of London and Edinburgh, Member of the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. F.R.S. of Gottingen, late Major of Engineers and Surveyor-General of Bengal." He is said to have been the son of James Rennell. brother of the Rev. Dr. Thomas Rennell, Rector of Drewsteignton, co. Devon, and to have been born at Chudleigh, in that county. For a memoir of him, and an account of his literary and scientific works, see the Gentleman's 504 BURIALS IN 1830 April 7 Sarah Sayer, widow;¹ 15 Great Queen Street, Westminster; died March 30th, aged 86: in the North Cloister. Dec. 10 The Right Hon. Hugh Elliot; 2 21 Somerset Street, St. Mary- lebone; died the 1st, aged 79: in the North Cross. 1831 May 16 The Rev Thomas Vialls; 3 Twickenham, Middlesex; died the 7th, aged 64: in the East Cloister. July 25 Thomas Greatorex, Organist of this Collegiate Church; 4 70 Norton Street, Portland Place, Middlesex; died the 18th, aged 74 in the West Cloister. Nov. 5 3 Roger Monk; Brighthelmstone, Sussex (buried from Tallow Chandlers' Hall); died Oct. 24th, aged 76: in the West Cloister. Magazine for June 1830, p. 561. He married, in India, Jane, third daughter and ninth child of Rev. Dr. Thomas Thackeray, Head-Master of Harrow School, who died at Brighton 2 Jan. 1810. His only daughter, Jane. wife of John-Tremayne Rodd, Esq. (afterwards Vice-Admiral and K.C.B.), administered to his estate 9 June 1830, when he was described as formerly a Major in the H.E.I. Co.'s service, and his personalty was sworn under £70,000. 1 Relict of William Sayer, Esq. (sce his burial 2 May 1811), and born, according to her monument, 12 Aug. 1744. Her will. dated 8 Jan. 1830, was proved 24 Apl. following, by her daughter Mary, wife of William Bent, of Great Queen Street, Westminster, Esq.. to whom, and to her other daughter, Sarah, wife of Walter Barrett, of Brighton, Esq., she left the most of her estate. Her only other relations named were her nephews William Drake and John Drake, and her niece Mary Tutteitt. 2 Second son of Sir Gilbert Elliot, third (Nova Scotia) Bart., by Agnes, dau. and heir of Hugh Dalrymple. Esq., who assumed the name of Murray-Kynynmound, and born 6 Apl. 1752. He was for many years engaged in the diplomatic service abroad, and was subsequently Governor of the Leeward Islands, and finally of Madras. A memoir of him, by his grand- danghter, the Countess of Minto, was published in 1868. He married, while abroad, in 1780, Charlotte von Krauth, daughter, by a former husband, of the Countess of Verelst, from whom he was afterwards divorced. His second wife, whose name and history have not been preserved, or, at all events. not revealed, died at Madras, in 1820, leaving six sons and three daughters. See his brother's burial 29 June 1814. 3 Son of Amos Vialls, of St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., who was described in his marriage allegation as a coach-harness maker, by Mary-Ann, daughter of Charles Marsh, and sister of Charles Marsh, Esq. (sce his burial 28 Jan. 1812). He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1784, aged 14, and was elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1788, where A.B. 1792 and A.M. 1795. His monument described him as of Twickenham, Midx., many years Vicar of Boldre, in the New Forest, and stated that he died in his sixty-second year, which is more in accordance with his age when he entered Westminster School. The Funeral Book says that he died at No. 1 Elm Tree Road, St. John's Wood, St. Marylebone, Midx.. while on a visit, and was buried, from his late residence at Twickenham, in the grave of his uncle Mr. Marsh. He married, at Twickenham, 1 July 1813, Louisa, dau. of Samuel Marshall, Esq., Serjeant-at- Law, and sister of Sir Charles Marshall, Kt., formerly Chief Justice of Ceylon, who survived him, and by whom he left issuc. 4 Son of Anthony Greatorex, of Riber Hall, Matlock, co. Derby, and born at North Wing- field, in that county. He was a pupil of Dr. Cooke, and was sometime organist of Carlisle Cathedral. He was also an eminent mathematician and astronomer, and a Fellow of the Royal and Linnean Societies. His will, dated 12 Aug. 1830, was proved 30 July 1831, by his friend Charles Knyvett, Esq., and by his son William-Anthony Greatorex. His other relations named were his wife Elizabeth, his sons Thomas, James, Henry-Wellington, Arthur, and Edward, and his daughter Annie-Martha. 5 He was described on his monument as (C Esquire, late Exon of H.M.'s Yeomen of the Body Guard," and the Funeral Book says that he died at Brighton, and was buried in the same WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 505 1831 Dec. 23 Harriet Blackstock, widow; 1 Chancery Lane, Middlesex; died the 18th, aged 68: in the West Cloister. 1832 Feb. 14 The Revd Andrew Bell, D.D., Prebendary;2 Lindsey Cottage, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire; died Jan. 27th, aged 79: in the middle aisle. 3 March 28 Muzio Clementi; Evesham, Worcestershire; died the 10th, aged 80: in the South Cloister. 4 April 30 Ann White; 10 Camden Street, Camden Town, Middlesex; died the 17th, aged 67: in the West Cloister. Aug. 28 Catharine Monk, widow; 5 Margate, Kent (buried from Tallow Chandlers' Hall); died the died the 17th, aged 70: in the West Cloister. grave with his relations, Mrs. Broughton (see her burial 18 Dec. 1784), and Mr. Broughton (see his burial 21 Jan. 1789). His will, as a citizen and tallow-chandler of London, dated 10 Apl. 1828, then residing at Knightsbridge, Midx., with a codicil 3 Oct. 1831, was proved 8 Nov. 1831. He bequeathed all his estate, subject to a few pensions, to his wife Catharine (see her burial 28 Aug. 1832), for her life, with remainder to the Company of Tallow-chandlers of London. He evidently left no issue. 1 ¹ The Funeral Book says: "Widow of Mr. Edward Blackstock, and buried in the same grave" (see his burial 21 July 1799). According to her husband's will, her maiden name was Willis. ་ 2 The celebrated author of the Madras system of Education. According to his monument, he was born at St. Andrew's, in Scotland, 27 Mch. 1753. He was educated at the University in that city, and spent some years as a chaplain at Fort St. George and Madras, in the service of the East India Company. After returning to England he became Rector of Swanage, co. Dorset, and Master of Sherborne Hospital, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 24 Apl. 1819. The Funeral Book describes him as "D.D., LL.D., F.A.S.. F.R.S., etc., and says that he died at Cheltenham, and was buried from No. 18 Berkeley Square, Midx. His will, as D.D. and LL.D., of Egmore, in the parish of Crossmichael and stewartry of Kirkcudbright, Prebendary of Westminster, dated 13 Aug. 1831, with a codicil 10 Jan. 1832, was proved 19 May 1832. He left legacies to numerous assistants, pupils, servants, etc., but the most of his estate to trustees for the purpose of furthering the introduction of his system of education, and for various charities. The sum so bequeathed, according to the journals of the day, amounted to £120.000. The only relation he named was a sister, who, he said, was amply provided for. To Robert Southey, LL.D., of Keswick, he bequeathed £1000, and a similar sum to William Wordsworth, of Rydal Mount, Esq., but revoked the latter bequest in the codicil, and gave his wife Dorothy and daughter Dorothy each £100, and the same sum to his god-daughter, the daughter of said Robert Southey. 3 The Funeral Book says that he died at Evesham, aged eighty years, one month, and fifteen days, and was buried from No. 26 Newman Street, Oxford Street. He was an eminent musical composer, and is said to have been born at Rome, and to have been brought from Italy to England, at an early age, by the celebrated Peter Beckford, Esq. He was at least twice married, as he had a license from the Faculty Office, 3 July 1811, being then a widower, to marry Emma Gisborne, of St. Giles in the Fields, Midx., spinster. His will, as late of Lincroft House, near Lichfield, co. Stafford, but then of Evesham, co. Worcester, Esq., dated 2 Jan. 1832, was proved 24 Apl. following. He bequeathed £400 among the children of his late brother Gaetano and of his sister Regina Clementi Maltesi, and the residue of his estate, as well as £1000 for immediate use, to his wife Emma. * Daughter of William Barrett, Esq., by his first wife, Rebecca, third daughter of Samuel Tufnell, Esq. (see her sister's burial 31 Jan. 1815, and note thereto), and wife of William-Henry White, of Westminster, Esq. See the burial of her step-mother 15 Jan. 1814, and note thereto, and the burials of her own children, 24 Dec. 1807 and 15 Nov. 1839. 5 Relict of Roger Monk (see his burial 3 Nov. 1831), and great-niece of the celebrated 3 T 506 BURIALS IN 1833 Feb. 14 John-Emanuel Page;¹ Little Cloisters, within the Close; died the 6th, aged 20 years: in the North Cloister. March 6 Timothy Brent; 2 10 St. James's Place, Middlesex; died Feb. 27th, aged 75: in the North Cloister. 3 June 17 Edward-Augustus Webber, a King's Scholar; from his father the Sub-Dean's house, Dean's Yard: drowned the 11th, in his 17th year in the North Cloister. * Aug. 3 William Wilberforce; 44 Cadogan Place, Chelsea; died July 29th, aged 74: in the North Transept. Dec. 5 Joseph Clarke, one of the inmates of Whicher's Alms-house; 5 Princes Place, Princes Street, Westminster; died Nov. 28th, aged 81 in the North grass-plat. 22nd, aged 69 1834 April 28 Caroline, wife of the Revd Howell-Holland Edwards, Prebendary of this Church; 6 Prebendal House, Dean's Yard; died the in the North aisle, within the gates. Ann Beakley; from the house adjoining the North gateway, Dean's Yard: died the 4th, aged 77: in the North grass- plat. May 9 pugilist, John Broughton (see his burial 21 Jan. 1789). Her second cousin and only next of kin, Thomas Roberts, administered to her estate 30 Mch. 1833, when she was described as of Queen's Row, Brompton, Midx., and her personalty sworn under £1500, ¹ Third son and eighth child of Rev. Dr. William Page, Head-Master of Westminster School, etc., by Mary his wife (see the note to the baptism of their eldest child 5 July 1804). See his baptism 10 Feb. 1814. He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1828. The Funeral Book says that he died in his twentieth year. 2 The Funeral Book says: "Esquire, late Surveyor-General of the Duchy of Cornwall." His informal will, dated Dec. 1832, was proved 4 July 1833, by his relict Margaret, power being reserved for his nephew William-Brent Brent, Esq., to prove the will thereafter, and the Rev. James Bligh and Richard Bligh, Esq., his cousins-german and only next of kin, having consented thereto. See his wife's burial 20 June 1835. 3 Second son of the Very Rev. James Webber, Dean of Ripon, by Caroline-Frances his wife (see the note to the baptism of their eldest son 1 Jan. 1815). He was born 15 Aug. 1816, and baptized the next day at St. Margaret's, Westminster. He was admitted into Westminster School in 1828, and into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1831, and was drowned while boating on the Thames during a violent storm. 4 The celebrated philanthropist. Only son of Robert Wilberforce, of Kingston-upon-Hull, co. York, by Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Bird, of Barton, co. Oxford, Esq., and born at Hull 24 Aug. 1759. He first entered Parliament in 1780, as member for his native town, and subsequently represented the county of York. He married, 30 May, 1797, Barbara, eldest daughter of Isaac Spooner, of Elmdon Hall, co. Warwick, Esq., who survived him until 1846, and the third of their four sons was the late Samuel, for a short period Dean of Westminster, and afterwards Bishop successively of Oxford and Winchester. The Funeral Book says that he died at the house of Mrs. Lucy Smith, No. 44 Cadogan Place. See the baptism of his great-grandson 23 Apl. 1868. 5 The Funeral Book says that he was buried from his son's residence: see his burial 8 Mch. 1837, and probably that of another son 29 Mch. 1798. Youngest dau. of Robert Palmer, Esq., of Hurst, co. Berks, and of Great Russell Strect, Bloomsbury, Midx., many years agent to the Duke of Bedford, by his second wife, Charlotta Wakelin, and wife of Rev. Iowel-Holland Edwards, Prebendary of Westminster (sce his burial 5 Oct. 1846), to whom married in 1798 (ante-nuptial settlement dated 10 May, cited in her will). She appears to have left no issue. 7 According to the Funcral Book, she was wife of Daniel Beakley, one of the Abbey watch- men (see his burial 27 Oct. 1836). WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 507 1834 Sept. 10 Thomas Telford; 24 Abington Street, Westminster; died the 2nd, aged 77: in the Nave. Dec. 11 Susanna, wife of the Revd Dr. Dakins, Precentor of this Church;2 Precentor's house, Dean's Yard; died the 5th, aged 69: in the South Cloister. 1835 June 20 Margaret Brent; 3 16 Saville Row, St. James, Middlesex; died the 14th, aged 77 in the North Cloister. : 4 Sept. 12 Reuben Wilkes, the College Butler; College Hall; died the 8th, aged 77; in the Cloister, near the entrance into Little Dean's Yard. Oct. 1836 Jan. 3 The Right Hon. John, Earl of Chatham;5 from his Lordship's house in Charles Street, Berkeley Square; died Sept. 24th, aged 79 in the North Cross. 7 Mary Robertson; 6 9 Abingdon Street, St. John Evangelist, Westminster; died Dec. 27th, 1835, aged 79: in the South Cloister. March 21 George Elrick, the College Gardener; 7 Whicher's Alms-house; died the 15th, aged 75: in the North grass-plat. 1 The celebrated civil engineer. Son and only child of John Telford, a shepherd at Glen- dinning, near Westerkirk, in Eskdale, co. Dumfries, Scotland, by Janet Jackson his wife, and born there 9 Aug. 1757. From this humble origin, of which he was never ashamed (having him- self cut upon his father's gravestone the descriptive words "an unblameable shepherd "), he eventually advanced himself to the very front rank in his profession, and acquired the universal respect of the nation. His latest biographer appropriately describes him as "the good, great cngineer." He died unmarried, and apparently without relations, as none are named in his will. Among his bequests were one of £1000 to the minister of Westerkirk in trust for the use of the parish library; and two, of £500 each, to Robert Southey, poet laureate, and Thomas Campbell, the poct. 2 Daughter of John Shorter, of Witney, co. Oxford, Esq., and wife of the Rev. Dr. William- Whitfield Dakins, Precentor of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Jan. 1850), to whom married, at Witney, 24 Nov. 1792. See the baptisms of her children, 1799, 1801, and 1802, and her son's burial Jan. 1800. 3 Relict of Timothy Brent, Esq.. Surveyor-General of the Duchy of Cornwall (see his burial 6 Mch. 1833). Letters of administration to her estate, as of Saville Row, St. James, Westminster, were granted, 1 July 1835, to William-Brent Brent, Esq., described as her nephew and one of her next of kin, when her personalty was sworn under £9000. 4 According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed, 14 Sep. 1802, porter of the Great Cloister, bell-ringer, keeper of the College water, chamberlain, scaler, and messenger, and, 27 Feb. 1816, College butler. The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the grave of his late wife (see her burial 9 Apl. 1814). His son and only child, John-Wood Wilkes, administered to his estate 18 Dec. 1835, when his personalty was sworn under £300. 5 John Pitt, eldest son of the celebrated William, first Earl of Chatham (see his burial 9 June 1778), by Hester his wife (see her burial 16 Apl. 1803). He was born 10 Sep. 1756, suc- ceeded as second Earl, and died without issue, when the title became extinct. See his wife's burial 30 May 1821. • Daughter of Aaron Clayton, Esq., by Margaret his wife (see her burial 11 Feb. 1807). She married, first, John Borrett (see his burial I Sep. 1802), and, secondly, James Robertson, Esq. (sce his burial 8 Jan. 1812), to whom she was second wife. Her will, dated 23 Apl. 1833. was proved 30 Jan. 1836, but names no relations of her own. She bequeathed her household furniture to Colonel James-Thomas Robertson, son of her late husband. 7 He was appointed College gardner, as George Elrick, 21 June 1797. The Funeral Book, however, gives his name as "Eldrick." 508 BURIALS IN 1836 Oct. 27 Daniel Beakley; 1 from the house by the side of the gateway leading into Dean's Yard; died the 20th, aged 73 in the North grass-plat. 2 : 1837 March 8 Joseph Clarke; 1 Little College Street, Westminster; died the 1st, aged 59 in the North grass-plat. March 23 The Right Hon. Joan, Viscountess Canning; 3 10 Grosvenor Square: died the 15th, aged 60: in the North Cross. July 24 The Right Hon. William, Earl of Listowell, Viscount Ennis- more, etc.; Kingston House, Knightsbridge; died the 13th, 4 aged 87: in the Nave. 1838 April 24 Edmund-Vernon Goodenough; Edmund-Vernon Goodenough; 5 6 Old Burlington Street; died the 19th, aged 9 years: in the North Cloister. May 24 William-Egerton Gell, Auditor of this Collegiate Church; the Receiver's house, Little Cloisters; died the 17th, aged 56: in the Great North Cloister. June 4 Henry Butler;7 2 Little Abingdon Street, St. John Evangelist, Westminster; died May 27th, aged 85: in the North grass- plat. 8 July 25 Thomas Waters; Lady Dacre's Alms-house, Westminster; died the 21st, aged 14 days: in the South Cloister. ¹ The Funeral Book says that he was "night watchman in Dean's Yard," and that he was buried in the grave of his late wife (sce her burial 9 May 1834). 2 The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the grave of his father, Mr. Joseph Clarke (see his burial 5 Dec. 1833). His child, George-Henry, was baptized at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 28 Dec. 1827, as son of Joseph Clarke, tomb-shower in Westminster Abbey, and Sarah his wife. See the burial, probably of another of his sons, 29 Jan. 1816. 3 Youngest daughter and coheir of Major-General John Scott, of Balconie, co. Fife, by Margaret, youngest daughter of Robert Dundas, of Arniston, Lord-President of the Court of Session, and relict of the Right Hon. George Canning (sce his burial 16 Aug. 1827), to whom married 8 July 1800. She was created Viscountess Canning 22 Jan. 1828. See the burials of her sons, 3 Dec. 1828 and 21 June 1862. 4 Son of Richard Hare, Esq., by Catherine, daughter of Samuel Maylor, Esq., and born Sept. 1751. He was created Baron Ennismore 30 July 1800, Viscount Ennismore and Listowel 22 Jan. 1816, and Earl of Listowel 12 Jan. 1822. See the burial of his first wife 11 Aug. 1810. He married, secondly, 5 Mch. 1812, Anne, second daughter of John Latham, of Meldrum, co. Tip- perary, Esq., who survived him until 2 Oct. 1859. He was succeeded in his titles by his grandson. 5 Son of the Very Rev. Dr. Edmund Goodenough, Dean of Wells, by Frances his wife (see the note to the baptism of their daughter 27 Feb. 1822). The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the grave of his grandfather (see his burial 18 Aug. 1827). Scc his baptism 17 Dec. 1829. 6 Son of Anthony Gell, Esq., Receiver-General of the Abbey (see his burial 4 Feb. 1817), by Frances his wife (sce her burial 7 Feb. 1825). He was born 30 July, and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 23 Aug. 1781. According to the Chapter Book, he was appointed Auditor 5 May 1801, succeeding his brother John-Henry Gell (sce his burial 16 Oct. 1856). His will, dated 15 Jan. 1833, was proved 21 Aug. 1838, by his relict Janc, to whom he bequeathed his entire estate. 7 Son of James Butler, one of the almsmen (see his burial 12 Sep. 1775), by Dorothy his wife (see her burial 16 July 1771). The Funeral Book says that he was born 26 Dec. 1752. See the burials, of his brother 28 July 1823, of his sister 25 June 1764, and of his wife's brother, William Hemming, 16 Feb. 1798. 8 The Funeral Book says that he was buried "from his father's residence in Lady Dacre's almshouse," WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 509 1838 Aug. 15 Harriett Bentall;¹ Little Dean's Yard; died the 7th, aged 30 : in the North Cloister. 1839 Feb. 4 Augusta-Frances, daughter of the Revd Henry-Hart Milman, Prebendary of this Church;2 Little Dean's Yard; died Jan. 29th, aged 9 years: in the North aisle, within the gates. June 24 James Ratcliffe; Duke of Ormond public-house, Princes Street, Westminster; died the 20th, aged 48: in the North grass- plat. Nov. 15 Emmeline-Eliza White; 10 Camden Street, Camden Town; died the 2nd, aged 40: in the West Cloister. 1840 Oct. 1841 Jan. 6 Henry Cooke; 5 2 Little Smith Street, Westminster; died Sept. 30th, aged 74: in the West Cloister. 5 Elizabeth Newcombe;6 5 Princes Court, Westminster; died Dec. 29th, 1840, aged 86: in the North Cloister. Sept. 11 The Revd George Preston, Under Master of Westminster School; of Westheath, Erith, Kent, and of Dean's Yard, 7 the Close of Westminster; died the 6th, aged 50: in the North Cloister. ¹ Wife of Rev. John Benthall, of Trinity College, Cambridge, M.A. 1831, one of the assistant masters of Westminster School from 1829 to 1846, and Vicar of Willen, co. Bucks, since 1852, to whom married, at Berry Pomeroy, co. Devon, 27 May 1835. She was the youngest child of Joseph Everett, of the city of Salisbury, Esq., and was born 27 Mch. 1806. Her age, therefore, was thirty-two, as was correctly stated on her monument. See her son's burial 26 Nov. 1816. 2 Daughter of the late venerable Dean of St. Paul's (see the note to the baptism of her brother 26 June 1845). The Funeral Book says that she was born 23 Mch. 1830. See the burials, of ber sister 23 June 1842, and of her brother 22 Feb. 1849. 3 The Funeral Book says that he had been a carpenter to the Abbey about seventeen years. 4 The Funeral Book says that she was buried under the same gravestone with her mother, Mrs. Ann White (see her burial 30 Apl. 1832). Her will, as of Camden Street, St. Pancras, Midx., spinster, dated 5 Sep. 1838, was proved 25 Jan. 1840, by her sister Caroline-Anna White, spinster, residuary legatee. Her only other bequests were £100 each to her brothers, Charles-Barrett White and William-Frederic White. See her brother's burial 24 Dec. 1807. 5 Son of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, organist of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793), by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). He was for many years connected with the General Post Office. He died unmarried, and his sister Amelia (see her burial 22 May 1845) administered to his estate 19 Nov. 1840, when his personalty was sworn under £6000. 6 Daughter of John Newcombe, of London, linen-draper, by Elizabeth, sister of the Very Rev. William Vincent, Dean of Westminster (see his burial 29 Dec. 1815, and note thereto for her parentage). She was born, according to the Funeral Book, 20 Jan. 1754, and died unmarried. In her will, proved 23 Jan. 1841, she bequeathed her "coat of arms," and her bequests, which were considerable, were chiefly to the Vincent family. See her sister's burial 19 Nov. 1825. 7 Son of Rev. George Preston, and younger brother of Isaac Preston, who assumed the name of Jermy, and was with his son brutally murdered at Stanfield Hall, co. Norfolk, in 1848. He was admitted into St. Peter's College, Westminster, in 1805, aged fourteen, and elected to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1809, where A.B. 1813, and A.M. 1821. He was for a short time curate of Shotley and Harkstead, co. Suffolk, but became an usher of Westminster School in Oct. 1818, and second-master in June 1826. He was appointed Chaplain to the Foundling Hospital in 1820, and Vicar of Christ Church, London, in 1829. See his son's baptism 2 Feb. 1826. The baptisms of five other children occur in the parish register of St. John the Evangelist, West- minster, between 1832 and 1838. See also the burial of his daughter 23 Feb. 1830. The Funeral Book says that he died at his country residence at West Heath, and adds: "the age on the 510 BURIALS IN 1842 Jan. 31 Mary Oxley; the Butler's apartments, College Hall; died the 25th, aged 57: in the Dark Cloister. June 23 Louisa-Harriet, daughter of the Revd Henry-Hart Milman, Canon of this Church; 2 Little Dean's Yard; died the 19th, aged 14 in the North aisle, within the gates. Sept. 8 The Very Revd John Ireland, D.D., Dean of this Collegiate Church; the Deanery; died the 2nd, aged 81: in the South Cross. 1843 Jan. 17 Thomas Vaughan, one of the Lay Clerks of this Church; ¹ Norton Street, St. Marylebone; died the 9th, aged 61: in the West Cloister. March 2 Charles Kybert; 5 York Street, Westminster; died Feb. 19th, aged 70: in the North grass-plat. July 28 Henry-Boyne Cope; 6 12 Cadogan Terrace, Sloane Street; died the 21st, aged 4 years in the West Cloister. 1844 Feb. 16 July John Ballard;7 15 Parker Street, Westminster; died the 8th, aged 56 in the North grass-plat. : 8 3 Thomas Campbell, LL.D.; Boulogne, France; died June 15th, aged 67: in the South Cross. coffin-plate is 52 years." This does not accord with the Register, nor with the records of Westminster School, while his monument states that he died in his fifty-second year. His will, dated 31 July 1838, with a codicil 19 Oct. 1839, was proved 29 Sep. 1841. He left all his estate to his wife Emma, and their children, with remainder to the children of his sister Jane, wife of Charles-Edward West. 1 Daughter of John Fidler, of Islip, co. Oxford, gardener, by Mary his wife, and wife of Edward Oxley, who was appointed an Abbey porter 27 Feb. 1816, and afterwards College butler, to whom she was married, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 13 Apl. 1813. See the burials of her children, 16 May 1816 and 14 May 1827. 2 Daughter of the late venerable Dean of St. Paul's (see the note to the baptism of her brother 26 June 1845). The Funeral Book says that she was born 17 July 1827. See the burials, of her sister 4 Feb. 1839, and of her brother 22 Feb. 1849. 3 He matriculated at Oxford, from Oriel College, 8 Dec. 1779, aged eighteen, as son of Thomas Ireland, of Ashburton, co. Devon, paying the fees of a plebeian's son, and was B.A. 30 June 1783, but did not take his degree of M.A. until 13 June 1810, procceding to those of B.D. and D.D. 24 Oct. following. He was born at Ashburton 8 Sep. 1761, became Vicar of Croydon, co. Surrey, 15 July 1793, Prebendary of Westminster 21 Aug. 1802, and was installed Dean of Westminster 9 Feb. 1816. He founded the Scholarship and Professorship at Oxford that bear his name. He married Susanna, daughter of John Short, of Bickham, co. Devon, Esq., whom he survived. He left no issue. 4 His monument stated that he had been for forty years a member of the choir of the Abbey and of the Chapel Royal, and the Funeral Book says that he "died in the District of Lady Wood, Birmingham, co. Warwick." 5 The Funeral Book says "from No. 80 York strect." Frederick-Hickling, son of Charles- Hickling Kybert, of York Street, Gent., and Sarah his wife, was baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Mch. 1818. • Son of the Rev. Sir William-Henry Cope, twelfth Bart. of Hanwell (sce the note to the baptism of his daughter 1 May 1849). He was born in July 1839. 7 The Funeral Book says that he had been a College bricklayer about thirteen years, and died at the Westminster Hospital. 8 The celebrated poet. Son, and the youngest of eleven children, of Alexander Campbell, a Virginia merchant at Glasgow, by Margaret, daughter of Daniel Campbell, his partner and WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 511 1844 Aug. 21 21 1845 Jan. 14 2 The Revd Henry-Francis Cary;¹ Charlotte Street, St. George's, Bloomsbury; died the 14th, aged 72; in the South Cross. Caroline Fynes-Clinton; Prebendal house of the Dean of Ripon, within the Close; died the 9th, aged 15 years: in the North Cloister. Jan. 14 George Powell; 3 6 Page Street, St. John's, Westminster; died the 6th, aged 45: in the North grass-plat. 4 May 22 Amelia Cook; 2 Little Smith Street, St. John's, Westminster; died the 16th, aged 76: in the West Cloister. 1846 June 13 13 Frances Camplin; 5 the Head-Master's house, within the Close; died the 7th, aged 72: in the North Cloister. Aug. 31 George Hawkins; 6 Ickenham, near Uxbridge, Middlesex died. the 23rd, aged 53: in the North Cloister. clansman, but not his relation. He was born at Glasgow 27 July 1777, and educated at the University in that city. He married, 10 Sep. 1803, his cousin Matilda Sinclair, of Greenock, who died in Sep. 1828. He resided during the last forty years of his life at Sydenham, in Kent, or in London, his last town residence being at No. 8 Victoria Square, Pimlico. In the summer of 1843 he retired to Boulogne, on account of his health, and remained there until his death. The Funeral Book says that his remains were deposited in the Spiritual Court on the 29th of June, where they remained until their interment. His will, dated 7 Nov. 1842, with a codicil 8 May 1844, was proved 31 July 1844, by his "staunch and inestimable friend" William Beattie, M.D., and William Moxon, of the Middle Temple, Esq., whom he appointed guardians of his only son, Thomas-Telford Campbell, who was already amply provided for. He therefore bequeathed all his estate to his niece Mary Campbell, daughter of his late brother Alexander, including his MSS., copyrights, steel plates, etc.. and also, using his precise words, "the silver bowl presented to me by the students of Glasgow when I was rector of that University, and the copy of the portrait of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, which was sent to me by the Queen herself, and which two articles I reckon the jewels of my property." ¹ The well-known translator of Dante. Eldest son of William Cary, Esq. (son of Rev. Henry Cary, Archdeacon of Killala, and grandson of the Right Rev. Mordecai Cary, Bishop of Killala), by Henrietta, daughter of Rev. Dr. Theophilus Brocas, Dean of Killala. He was born at Gibraltar 6 Dec. 1772, and matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 29 Apl. 1790, where B.A. 14 Jan. 1794, and M.A. 23 Nov. 1796. He married, at Donnybrook, near Dublin, 20 Aug. 1796, Jane, daughter of James Ormsby, of Sandymount, in that parish, Esq., who died 22 Nov. 1832. He occupied for many years an important position at the British Museum. His will, dated 6 Apl. 1835, was proved 26 Aug. 1844, by his sons William-Lucius Cary, Esq.. Rev. Charles-Thomas Cary, and Francis-Stephen Cary, to whom, and to his three other sons not named, he bequeathed all his estate equally. 2 Daughter of Clinton-James Fynes-Clinton, Esq., M.P., by Penelope his wife (see the baptism of another of their daughters 22 June 1827, and note thereto). She was born in Cadogan Place, and baptized at St. Luke's, Chelsea, Midx., in May 1829, then aged about three weeks. 3 The Funeral Book says: "One of the Queen's Almsmen." See the burial, probably of his father, 8 Mch. 1810. 4 Daughter and last surviving child of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, organist of the Abbey (see his burial 21 Sep. 1793), by Mary his wife (see her burial 26 Mch. 1784). She was born 7 Oct., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1 Dec. 1768, and died unmarried. Her will, dated 22 July 1841, was proved 24 May 1845, by her cousin and residuary legatee, Rev. Thomas- Charles Brown. Her other relations named were her cousin Susanna Brown, of Stamford, co. Lincoln, and the children of her cousin Rev. John Wayet, deceased. 5 The Funeral Book calls her Miss Frances Camplin," and her monument stated that she was born at Bristol 25 Mch. 1774. • The Funeral Book says that he was buried, from the residence of John-Henry Gell, Esq., 512 BURIALS IN 1846 Oct. 1 5 The Revd Howell-Holland Edwards, M.A., Canon of this Church; the Close; died Sept. 29th, aged 83: in the North aisle, within the gates. sex; Nov. 26 John-Everett Bentall; 2 Feltham Place, near Hounslow, Middle- died the 19th, aged 10 years: in the North Cloister. Enoch Hawkins, one of the Lay Clerks of this Church; 3 13 Gloucester Place, New Road, St. Marylebone; died the 9th, aged 50: in the West Cloister. Jan. 26 1847 Jan. 26 Feb. 23 The most noble Hugh Percy, Duke and Earl of Northumberland, Earl and Baron Percy, Baron Lucy, etc.; died the 11th, at Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, aged 61: the corpse re- moved thence to Northumberland House in the Strand, and thence to Westminster Abbey, and buried in the Northumber- land vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. March 26 George-Lane Blount;5 84 Baker Street, Portman Square; died the 19th, aged 91 in the West Cloister. at Ickenham, in the grave of William-Egerton Gell (sce his burial 24 May 1838), but that, at the desire of Mrs. Gell, his remains were removed, 19 May 1847, to the grave of his wife (see her burial 3 Feb. 1823). His monument says that he died in his fifty-third year. His brother Henry Hawkins, Esq., administered to his estate 15 June 1847, when he was described as late of the Albany, Piccadilly, and of Ickenham, Midx., and his personalty sworn under £6000. ¹ He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 30 May 1782, aged eighteen, as son of Rev. Edward Edwards, of Caerhun, co. Carnarvon, and was B.A. 3 May, 1786, and M.A. 14 Jan. 1789. His first name, as he always signed it, was Howel. He is said to have been born at Pennant Eglwysfach, co. Denbigh, 6 Nov. 1762, and, according to his will, his grandfather was Jeffrey Holland, of that place. He was sometime librarian and chaplain to the Duke of Marlborough, who presented him, 31 May 1794, to the Rectory of the Second Portion of Waddesdon, co. Bucks, and in 1799 was nominated Rector of Pennant aforesaid, and Vicar of Llanrwst, in the same county. He became a Prebendary of St. Asaph 19 Apl. 1799, and was installed Prebendary of Westminster 31 May 1803. From 1806 to 1832, he was Rector of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster. His will, dated 13 Sep. 1842, was proved 2 Nov. 1846. He bequeathed the most of his estates in co. Denbigh to his nephew, Rev. John Boulger, of Llanrwst, and his issue, with remainder to his niece Margaret-Grace Jones. See his wife's burial 28 Apl. 1834. 2 He was born 24 Mch., and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 30 May 1836, as son of Rev. John Benthall and Harriett his wife. The Funeral Book gives his age as ten years and eight months, and says that he was buried, from his father's residence at Feltham, in his mother's grave (see her burial 15 Aug. 1838). 3 His monument described him as a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal and Vicar Choral of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster, and the Funeral Book says that he was buried 19 Jan. 4 Eldest son and fourth child of Hugh, second Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 19 July 1817), by Frances-Julia his second wife (see her burial 10 May 1820). He was born 20 Apl. 1785, and succceded as third Duke. He left no issue, and the titles passed to his brother Algernon (see his burial 25 Feb. 1865). See the burials, of his Duchess 3 Aug. 1866, and of his twin-sister 13 June 1856. 5 Eldest son of George Blount, Esq. (sce his burial 9 July 1806), by Esther his wife (see her burial 6 Dec. 1784). He was born 22 Sep., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 20 Oct. 1756. His will, dated 22 Aug. 1844, was proved 19 Apl. 1847, by his cousin John-Henry Belli, Esq., and James-Gascoigne Lynde, Esq., the former being his principal legatee. The Funeral Book says that he died in his ninety-first year, and adds: “This was the First Cloister Funeral that the corpse was taken into the Abbey, and the whole of the Funeral Service read over, previous to its interment." WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 513 1848 March 23 Mary-Jane Rigaud; Little Dean's Yard; died the 19th, aged 4 years in the West Cloister. Sept. 12 Emilia-Elizabeth, wife of George-Giles Vincent, Chapter Clerk; 2 the Sanctuary, within the Close; died the 5th, aged 63: in the North Cloister. 1849 Jan. 17 Jane-Gilbert Rigaud; 3 Little Dean's Yard; died the 14th, aged one year in the West Cloister. Feb. 22 22 Charles-Lonis-Hart, son of the Revd Henry-Hart Milman, Canon of this Church; Little Dean's Yard; died the 19th, aged 4 3 years in the North aisle, within the gates. May 15 General Sir Robert-Thomas Wilson, Kt.;5 Cavendish Square; died the 9th, aged 72: in the North aisle. Oct. 9 James Coombes; 6 Regent Place, Horseferry Road, Westminster ; died the 4th, aged 51: in the Dark Cloister. 7 1850 Jan. 21 The Revd William-Whitfield Dakins, D.D.; St. James, Dover, Kent; died the 10th, aged 83: in the South Cloister. 1 Daughter of Rev. Stephen-Jordan Rigaud, one of the ushers of Westminster School, by Lucy-Frances-Sarah his wife. The Funeral Book says that she died 17 Mch., aged four years and three months. See her sister's burial 17 Jan. 1849. 2 Second daughter of James Tappenden, of Faversham, co. Kent, Esq., by his second wife, his cousin Margaret, daughter of John Tappenden, Esq. She was born 5 Dec. 1785, and married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 13 Dec. 1817, George-Giles Vincent, Esq., Chapter Clerk and Registrar of the Abbey (see his burial 3 Feb. 1859), to whom she was second wife. See the baptisms of her children, 4 Nov. 1818, 24 Dec. 1819, 26 Nov. 1822, and 20 Oct. 1828. 3 Daughter of the Rev. Stephen-Jordan Rigaud, one of the ushers of Westminster School, by Lucy-Frances-Sarah his wife. She was born 9 Jan., and baptized at St. John the Evangelist, Westminster, 25 Mch. 1848. The Funeral Book gives her age as one year and five days, and says that she was buried in the same grave with her sister Mary-Jane (see her burial 23 Mch. 1848). thereto. Son of the late venerable Dean of St. Paul's. See his baptism 26 June 1845, and note 5 Second son of Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S., an eminent portrait-painter in London, who died in 1788, by Jane his wife, and said to have been born in Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, Midx. He was never knighted in Great Britain, but had the rank of Knight-Bachelor, and the appellation "Sir," from having obtained a royal license to accept the order of Maria-Theresa, previous to the regulation of 1812. He attained the rank of Major-General 4 June 1813, and was removed from the service in Sept. 1821, but was subsequently restored, and became a General 23 Nov. 1841. He was some time Governor of Gibraltar. His will, as "Robert-Thomas Wilson, General in the British army, Colonel of the 15th King's Hussars, and for the time being Governor of Gibraltar, Commander-in-Chief. etc., etc., etc., Knight Grand Cross and Commander of various Orders won in the field of battle, etc., etc., etc.," dated 18 July 1847, with a codicil 17 Aug. following, was proved 24 May 1849, by his brother Edward-Lumley Wilson, Esq., his nephew and son-in-law Rev. Herbert Randolph, Vicar of Abbotsley, co. Huntingdon, and his nephew by marriage, Rev. John-James Saint, Rector of Speldhurst, co. Kent. He mentioned as his surviving children, Bosville-John Wilson (then Lieut. R.N.), Belford-Hinton Wilson (then a Consul-General and afterwards K.C.B.), Jemima-Mary-Gwyn Wilson, Rosabelle-Stanhope (wife of the said Rev. Herbert Randolph), and William-Frederick-Platoo Wilson. An affidavit states that he died at Marshall Thompson's Hotel, in Cavendish Square. See his wife's burial 29 Aug. 1823. • The Funeral book calls him "Sub-Verger of St. Peter's, Westminster." 7 Son of William Dakins, of Romsey, Hants, Gent., by Sarah his wife, and born at Romsey 4 Feb. 1767. He matriculated at Oxford, from Alban Hall, 21 Nov. 1789, but appears to have taken no degrees there. He subsequently became Precentor of Westminster, and had the degrees 3 U 514 BURIALS IN 1850 Dec. 13 Anne Page ;1 7 James Street, Buckingham Gate, St. James's Park; died the 7th, aged 41: in the South Cloister. 1851 Jan. 3 Mary Pothorne ; 2 George Whicher's Alms-house; died Dec. 29th, 1850, aged 54: in the North grass-plat. 8 Sept. 18 John Theobald, Almsman; 8 Regent Street, St. John Evan- gelist, Westminster; died the 11th, aged 62: in the North grass-plat. [1852 March 6 1852 July 20 1856 William Lyndwood, Bishop of St. David's.]¹ William Vallance, Almsman; 5 1 Brewer's Green, Horseferry Road, Westminster; died the 13th, aged 82: in the North grass-plat. June 13 The Right Hon. Lady Agnes Buller; 6 5 Seamore Place, May Fair; dicd the 4th, aged 72: in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas's Chapel. June 14 The Right Revd James-Henry Monk, Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol and Canon of this Collegiate Church;7 Stapleton, Gloucestershire; died the 6th, aged 73: in the North aisle. of D.D. and LL.D. from Lambeth and Glasgow. He died at Dover, where he had been residing for some time on account of his health. His will, dated at Dover 9 Feb. 1849, was proved 21 Feb. 1850, by his son-in-law Louis-IIenry Desanges, Esq. See the baptisms of his children, 1799, 1801, and 1802, and the burials, of his wife 11 Dec. 1834, and of his son, Jan. 1800. ¹ Third daughter and fifth child of the Rev. Dr. William Page, Head-Master of Westminster School, etc., by Mary his wife (see the note to the baptism of their cldest child 5 July 1804). See her baptism 21 Sep. 1809. She died unmarried, and her brother, Rev. Cyril-William Page, administered to her estate 27 Jan. 1851 (see his baptism 9 Oct. 1805). The Funeral Book says that she was buried on the "South side of the great North Cloister." 2 The places of residence and burial sufficiently indicate her humble position. 3 His humble position is sufficiently indicated in the text. 4 The following occurs in the Funeral Book only: "The supposed remains of William Lyndwoode, Keeper of the Privy Seal to Henry 6th, and Bishop of St. David's from 1442 to the time of his deccase on the 22nd of October 1446, aged between 70 and 80 years, disinterred on the 16th of January 1852, in a roughly formed cavity cut from the inside into the foundation wall of the under chapel or crypt of St. Stephen at Westminster, beneath the stone seat in the easternmost window on the North side of the crypt, and within about 8 inches below the level of the original floor, removed from St. Stephen Chapel and buried in the North Cloister of West- minster Abbey, under a black marble ledger, close to the North wall, 16 feet from the bottom step of the east entrance door to the centre of the coffin, on Saturday morning, the 6th of March 1852." It has been thought best to preserve in this place the foregoing (at least) semi-official account of the final disposition of the remains of Bishop Lyndwood (or Linwood), Further particulars may be found in the Report of the Committee of the Society of Antiquaries, Archæol. xxxiv., pp. 406-430. 6 The Funeral Book says: "Mr. Andrew Vallance," and "from No. 1 Goodman's Green." Lady Agnes Percy, daughter of Hugh, second Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 19 July 1817), by Frances-Julia his second wife (sec her burial 10 May 1820), and wife of Major- General Frederick-Thomas Buller, to whom married 16 Aug. 1821, and who survived her until 5 June 1860. She was born 20 Apl. 1785, twin with her brother Hugh, third Duke of Northum- berland (see his burial 23 Feb. 1847). She left no issuc. 7 Son of Charles Monk, an officer of the 40th regiment, by a daughter of Rev. Joshua Wad- dington, Vicar of Harworth, Notts, and nephew of Sir James Monk, Chief-Justice of Montreal. He is said to have been born at Buntingford, Herts. He was of Trinity College, Cambridge, A.B. 1804, A.M. 1807, S.T.B. 1818, and S.T.P., by royal command, 1822. He became a Fellow of his College, and was Regius Professor of Greck from 1808 until 1822. He was admitted Dean of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 515 1856 Oct. 16 John-Henry Gell, Receiver of this Collegiate Church; Icken- ham, near Uxbridge; died the 8th, aged 85: in the North Cloister. [The second copy of the Register ends with the last two entries]. 1859 Feb. 3 George-Giles Vincent, late Chapter Clerk of this Collegiate Church;2 Dean's Yard; aged 84. [Mch. 28 John Hunter, Esq. :3 in the North aisle.] Oct. 21 4 Robert Stephenson, M.P.; 34 Gloucester Square, Hyde Park; aged 56. Peterborough 7 Mch. 1822, and appointed a Canon of Westminster 19 June 1830. He was con- secrated Bishop of Gloucester 11 July 1830, and became the first Bishop of the united dioceses of Gloucester and Bristol, under the order in Council dated 5 Oct. 1836. He died at the Bishop's palace, Stapleton, near Bristol. His will, dated 22 July 1853, was proved 7 Aug. 1856, by his relict Jane-Smart Monk (only daughter of Rev. H. Hughes, Rector of Hardwick, co. Northampton), and two friends. His children named, for whom he made ample provision, were his daughters, Jane-Emily, Mary, and l'enelope-Anna, and his son Charles-James Monk, who, at the date of the will, was about to marry Miss Julia Ralli. 1 Son of Anthony Gell, Esq.. Receiver-General of the Abbey (see his burial 4 Feb. 1817), by Frances his wife (see her burial 7 Feb. 1825). He was appointed auditor of the College accounts 25 Nov. 1795, Receiver (jointly with his father) 5 May 1801, and Coroner and Clerk of the Market of Westminster 16 June 1816. He married, at St. Margaret's. Westminster, 23 May 1801, Miss Charlotte Harmar, of St. Luke's, Chelsea, Midx., who survived him. See the burial of his only child, Emma-Harmar Hawkins, 3 Feb. 1823. 2 Son of the Very Rev. William Vincent, Dean of Westminster (see his burial 29 Dec. 1815) by Hannah his wife (see her burial 23 Feb. 1807). See his baptism 12 May 1774. He was ap- pointed Chapter Clerk and Registrar of the Abbey 4 Nov. 1803. For his first wife, see the note to the baptism of his daughter 17 Oct. 1801. See the burial of his second wife 12 Sep. 1848, the baptisms of his other children, 11 Apl. 1806, 25 June 1807, 4 Nov. 1818, 24 Dec. 1819, 26 Nov. 1822, and 20 Oct. 1828, and the burial of his son 30 Oct. 1806. The Funeral Book says that he died 28 Jan., and was buried in the North Cloister, in his wife's grave. "John 3 The celebrated surgeon. The Funeral Book only contains the following entry Hunter, Esq., died the 16th of October 1793, aged 64 years. These remains were removed from the Church of St. Martin's in the Fields, by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, on Saturday, March 26th, 1859, was re-interred on Monday afternoon, on the North aisle, South side of Sir Robert Wilson, in West Abbey." It seemed important to preserve this entry here, in spite of its grammatical construction, as being the only official record of the final disposition of the remains of this eminent man. He was buried at St. Martin in the Fields 22 Oct. 1793. He was the youngest of ten children of John Hunter, of Long Calderwood, in the parish of Kilbride, Lanarkshire, where he was born, according to the parish register, 13 Feb. 1728-9. He first came to London in 1748, as assistant to his elder brother, Dr. William Hunter, and rose rapidly in his profession. In 1776 he was appointed surgeon extraordinary to the King, and in 1789 inspector- general of hospitals, and surgeon-general to the army. He died suddenly, in the board-room of St. George's Hospital. He married, in 1771, Ann, daughter of Robert Home, Esq., surgeon in the army, a poetess of some note, who survived him until 7 Jan. 1821. His will, as of Leicester Square, Midx., Esq., Surgeon, and Inspector-General of H.M.'s Forces, dated 11 July 1793, was proved 2 Nov. following, by his relict Ann, his nephew the celebrated Dr. Matthew Baillie, and his brother-in-law Everard Home, surgeon. He left surviving an only son. John, and an only daughter, Agnes-Margaret, who subsequently married Licut.-General Sir James Campbell, Bart. (see his burial 12 June 1819, and note thereto.) 4 The celebrated engineer. The Funeral Book describes him as "Civil Engineer, D.C.L. and F.R.S.," and says that he died at his residence in Gloucester Square, 12 Oct., and was buried 516 BURIALS IN 1 1860 Jan. 9 The Right Hon. Thomas-Babington, Lord Macaulay; Holly Lodge, Campden Hill, Kensington; aged 59. May 22 Sir Charles Barry, Kt.;2 Elm House, Clapham Common, Surrey; aged 64. 3 Nov. 14 The Right Hon. Thomas, Earl of Dundonald; 12 Prince Albert Road, Kensington; aged 84. 1862 Feb. 19 June 21 4 Elizabeth Woodfall; Dean's Yard; died the 13th, aged 93. The Right Hon. Charles-John, Earl Canning, K.G., G.C.B. ;5 Grosvenor Square; aged 49. 1863 March 25 Lieut.-General Sir James Outram, Bart., G.C.B., K.S.I.; 10 Queen's Gate Gardens, Kensington; aged 60. in the nave, between Thomas Telford, Esq. and Rev. Dr. Andrew Bell. He was the son and only child of George Stephenson, equally well known as the founder of the system of English railway engineering. ¹ The celebrated historian, etc. Eldest son of Zachary Macaulay, Esq. (son of Rev. John Macaulay, minister of Inverary, in Scotland), a Sierra Leone merchant, by Selina Mills, a Quaker lady, of Bristol. He was born at Rothley-Temple, co. Leicester, 25 Oct. 1800. After filling many important public offices at home and abroad, he was created, 10 Sep. 1857, Baron Macaulay, of Rothley. He died unmarried, 28 Dec. 1859, and the title became extinct. The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the South Cross (Pocts' Corner). 2 The eminent architect. Fourth son of Walter-Edward Barry, a stationer in Bridge Street, Westminster, who died in 1805, by Frances his wife, who died in 1798. He was born 23 May, and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 17 June 1795. He was R.A., F.R.S., etc., and was knighted in 1852, in consideration of his services as architect of the new Houses of Parliament. He died, according to the Funeral Book, 12 May, and was buried in the Nave. A second edition of his Life and Works, by his distinguished son, the Rev. Dr. Alfred Barry, Principal of King's College, London, was published in 1870. 3 Thomas Cochrane, cldest son of Archibald, ninth Earl of Dundonald, by his first wife, Anne, second daughter of Capt. James Gilchrist, R.N. He was born 14 Dec. 1775, and succceded as tenth Earl 1 July 1831. He was a Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom. He married, 8 Aug. 1812, Katherine-Frances-Corbet, dau. of Thomas Barnes, of Romford, co. Essex, Esq., who survived him, and died at Boulogne, in France, 25 Jan. 1865. The Funeral Book says that he died 31 Oct., and was buried in the centre of the Navc. (( 4 Daughter and youngest child of Henry-Sampson Woodfall, the celebrated printer of Junius," by Elizabeth his wife. She was born the 8th, and baptized at St. Faith's, London, 29 Oct. 1768. According to her monument she died 12 Feb., having resided many years in Dean's Yard. Her will, as of No. 14 Dean's Yard, spinster, dated 17 June 1854, with a codicil 27 July 1857, was proved 27 Feb. 1862, by her nephew Henry-Dick Woodfall, Esq., residuary legatee, who died at Nice 13 Apl. 1869, being the last surviving son of her only brother, George Woodfall. See the burial of another of her nephews 16 May 1822. The Funeral Book says that she was buried in the West Cloister. 5 Third, youngest, and only surviving son of the Right Hon. George Canning (see his burial 16 Aug. 1827), by Joan his wife (see her burial 23 Mch. 1837), and born 14 Dec. 1812. On his mother's death, 15 Mch. 1837, he succeeded as Viscount Canning, was appointed Governor- General of India 4 July 1855, and was created Earl Canning 21 May 1859. He married, 5 Sep. 1835, the Hon. Charlotte Stuart, eldest daughter and coheir of Charles, Lord Stuart de Rothesay, who died 18 Nov. 1861. He died 17 June, leaving no issuc, and the title became extinct. See his brother's burial 3 Dec. 1828. 6 Second son of Benjamin Outram, of Butterley Hall, co. Derby, Esq., an eminent civil engineer, by Margaret, daughter of James Anderson, of Mounie, co. Aberdeen, and of the city of Edinburgh. He was born at Butterley Hall 29 Jan. 1803, and went to India as a cadet in 1819, where he attained the rank of Lieut.-General. He was appointed a Knight Grand Cross of the WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 517 1863 Aug. 22 Field-Marshal the Right Hon. Colin, Lord Clyde, G.C.B.; 1865 Feb. Feb. 25 25 Berkeley Square; died the 14th, aged 70. The most noble Algernon Percy, Duke of Northumberland, etc., etc., K.G. ; 2 Alnwick Castle, Northumberland; aged 72. June 21 Robert Marsh, Receiver of this Collegiate Church; 3 Little Cloisters; died the 5th, aged 66. Oct. 27 1866 Aug. The Right Hon. Henry-John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, K.G., G.C.B.; Brockett Hall, Hertfordshire; aged 80. 1 3 The most noble Charlotte-Florentia, Dowager Duchess of Northumberland; 5 Twickenham, Middlesex; aged 78. Military Division of the Order of the Bath 29 July 1857, and created a Baronet 10 Nov. 1858. He married, 18 Dec. 1835, his cousin Margaret-Clementina, daughter of James Anderson, of Bridgend, Brechin, co. Forfar, Esq., by whom he had an only son, Francis-Boyd, who succeeded to the title. He died at Pau, in France, 11 Mch., according to the Funeral Book, and was buried in the Nave of the Abbey. His fame might well rest upon his splendid services at Lucknow, never to be forgotten so long as the British Army has a history; but they were after all only more brilliant examples of a whole life of noble and gallant deeds, both civil and military, which have rendered his memory, to those who knew him intimately, almost holy. ¹ Son of John M'Liver, a cabinet-maker in Glasgow, near which place he was born 20 Oct. 1792. On entering the army in 1808 he assumed the name of Campbell, from a family of which name his mother is said to have descended. His military career is too much a part of modern history to require recapitulation. He attained the rank of General 14 May 1858, and on the 16th of August, in the same year, was created Baron Clyde, of Clydesdale, in Scotland. He died at Chatham 14 Aug., and, being unmarried, the title became extinct. He will be best remembered, as he is known in history, as Sir Colin Campbell. 2 Youngest son of Hugh, second Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 19 July 1817), by Frances-Julia his second wife (see her burial 10 May 1820). He was born 15 Dec. 1792, and baptized at St. Martin in the Fields, Midx., 15 Jan. 1793. He was created Baron Prudhoe 27 Nov. 1816, and succeeded his brother Hugh, as fourth Duke of Northumberland, 11 Feb. 1847 (see his burial 23 Feb., in that year). He married, 25 Aug. 1842. Lady Eleanor Grosvenor, eldest daughter of Richard, second Marquis of Westminster, who survived him, and by whom he left no issue. He died 12 Feb., and was succeeded by his cousin George, then second Earl of Beverley (see his burial 30 Aug. 1867.) 3 According to his monument he had been Receiver-General for twenty-one years. His will, as of the Cloisters, Esq., dated 28 Mch. 1865, was proved 11 July following, by his relict Louisa, and his friend Philip-Smith Coxe. He bequeathed to his wife his estate called Hill Farm, in Bures St. Mary, etc., co. Essex, and all his other possessions whatsoever. The Funeral Book says that he was buried in the North Cloister. The celebrated statesman and Prime Minister. Eldest son of Henry, second Viscount Palmerston, in the peerage of Ireland, by his second wife, Mary, daughter of Benjamin-Thomas Mee, of the city of Bath, Esq. He was born 20 Oct., and baptized at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 23 Nov. 1781. He is usually said to have been born at Broadlands, near Romsey, Hants, which may possibly be true; but the baptisms of himself, his brother, and three sisters, are all recorded in the parish register of St. Margaret. He succeeded as third Viscount 17 Apl. 1802. He died at Brockett Hall, Herts, 18 Oct., and was buried in the North Transept of the Abbey. Dying without issue, and being the last male descendant of the first Viscount, the title became extinct. See his wife's burial 17 Sep. 1869. Lady Charlotte-Florentia Clive, second daughter of Edward, first Earl of Powis, by Lady Henrietta-Antonia Herbert, daughter of Henry-Arthur, first Earl of Powis of the second creation, and relict of Hugh, third Duke of Northumberland (see his burial 23 Feb. 1847), to whom married 29 Apl. 1817. She was born 12 Sep. 1787, and was Governess to Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, when Princess. She died 27 July, leaving no issue, and was buried in the Percy vault. 518 BURIALS IN 1867 Aug. 30 The most noble George Percy, Duke of Northumberland;" Alnwick Castle, Northumberland; aged 89. 1868 Oct. 12 Ernest Hawkins, Canon; 2 Dean's Yard, within the Close of Westminster; aged 66. 8 1869 Sept. 17 The Right Hon. Emily-Mary, Viscountess Palmerston; Brocket Hall, Herts; aged 82. Nov. 12 1870 June 14 George Peabody; 80 Eaton Square; aged 74. Charles Dickens; 5 Gad's Hill, near Rochester; aged 58. 1871 May 19 John-Frederick-William Herschel, Baronet; 6 Hawkhurst, Kent; aged 79. Collingwood, ¹ Eldest son and third child of Algernon, first Earl of Beverley, by Isabella-Susanna his wife (see her burial 31 Jan. 1812), and born 22 June 1778. He succeeded as second Earl of Beverley, on the death of his father, 21 Oct. 1830, and as fifth Duke of Northumberland, on the death of his cousin Algernon, 12 Feb. 1865 (see his burial 25 Feb. in that year). He married, 22 June 1801, Louisa-Harcourt, third daughter of Hon. James-Archibald Stuart-Wortley, brother of John, first Marquis of Bute, who died 30 June 1848. He died 21 Aug., and was buried in the Percy vault. See the burials of his children, 23 May 1805, 9 Jan. 1809, and 17 Mch. 1810. 2 Sixth son of Henry Hawkins, of Lawrence End, in the parish of Kimpton, co. Herts, Esq., a major in the East India Company's service (whose father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, were successively Rectors of Higham-Gobion, co. Herts), by Ann, only child of John Gurney, of Bedford. co. Beds, merchant. He was born at Lawrence End 25 Jan. 1802, and matriculated at Oxford, from Balliol College, 19 Apl. 1820, where B.A. 28 May 1824, M.A. 8 Feb. 1827, and B.D., as of Exeter College, 14 June 1839. He was Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts from 1838 to 1864. He became a Prebendary of St. Paul's in 1844, Minister of Curzon Chapel, May Fair, in 1850, and was installed as a Canon of Westminster 5 Dec. 1864. He married, at St. Mary's, Bryanston Square, 29 July 1852, Sophia-Anna, daughter of Rev. John-Henry-George Lefroy, Rector of Ashe, co. Hants. He died 5 Oct., and was buried in the Cloisters. 3 Eldest daughter and eventually sole heir of Peniston Lamb, first Viscount Melbourne, by Elizabeth, only daughter of Sir Ralph Milbanke, fifth Bart. of Halnaby, co. York, and born 2 Apl. 1787. She married, first, 20 July 1805, Peter-Leopold, fifth Earl Cowper, who died 27 June 1837, leaving issue, and secondly, 16 Dec. 1839, Henry- John, third Viscount Palmerston (see his burial 27 Oct. 1865), by whom she had no issue. She died 11 Sept. 4 As the person named in the text was not really buried in the Abbey, nor intended to be, his name somewhat improperly appears in the Register. His remains were merely deposited there for a few days, until their removal to his native country, although with the performance of the usual funeral ceremonies. He was the second son and third child of Thomas Peabody, by Judith Dodge his wife, and was born at Danvers, in the State of Massachusetts, U.S.A., 18 Feb. 1795. He died in Eaton Square 4 Nov., unmarried. His first American ancestor emigrated from Hertfordshire, as a husbandman, in 1635. 5 The celebrated author. Eldest son and second child of John Dickens, of the Navy-Pay Office, by Elizabeth, second daughter of Charles Barrow, Lieut. R.N., and born at Landport, in Portsea, Hants, 7 Feb. 1812. He married, at St. Luke's, Chelsea, Midx., 2 Apl. 1836, Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr. George Hogarth, who survived him, and by whom he left issue. In the record of the marriage in the parish register his name is given as Charles-John-Huffham Dickens. He died suddenly, at his residence, Gadshill Place, Higham, Kent, 9 June. 6 Only son of Sir Frederick- William Herschel, of Slough, co. Bucks, K.C.H., the celebrated astronomer, by Mary, daughter of Adee Baldwin, of Slough, Esq., and relict of John Pitt, of Upton, co. Bucks, Esq., and born 7 Mch 1792. He was created a Baronet 17 July 1838, and was some time Master of the Mint. He married, 3 Mch. 1829, Margaret-Brodie, daughter of Rev. Alexander Stewart, D.D., of Canongate Church, Edinburgh, and left issue. He died 11 May. See his daughter's marriage 28 July 1868. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 519 1871 June 24 Sept. 11 11 1872 Oct. 16 George Grote; 1 12 Savile Row, St. James, Midx.; aged 76. Anne Nepean; 2 Little Cloisters; aged 63. 3 Field-Marshal Sir George Pollock, Baronet, G.C.B., G.C.S.I.; ³ Clapham, co. Surrey; aged 86. 1873 Jan. 25 The Right Honourable Edward-George-Earle-Lytton Bulwer- Lytton, Baron Lytton, Baronet, G.C.M.G., and D.C.L.; 4 Knebworth, Herts; aged 67. March 18 Dec. 5 Evan Nepean, (Canon); Little Cloisters; aged 72. 6 27 James Lupton; Cloisters; aged 74. ¹ The celebrated historian. Eldest son of George Grote, Esq., an eminent banker in London, by Selina-Mary, only daughter of Rev. Henry Peckwell, Rector of Bloxholm. co. Lincoln. He was born 17 Nov., and baptized at Beckenham, co. Kent, 27 Dec. 1794. He was F.R.S., D.C.L.. Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, a trustee of the British Museum, member of the Institute of France and of various foreign Royal Academies, and M.P. for London from 1832 to 1841. His reputation as an author will be based chiefly upon his well-known History of Greece. He married, in 1820, Harriet, second daughter of Thomas Lewin, Esq., authoress of the Life of Ary Scheffer, and other works, by whom he left no surviving issue. He died 18 June. 2 Second daughter of the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Jenner, Kt., Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (who assumed, in 1842, the additional surname of Fust), by Elizabeth, daughter of Lieut.-General Francis Lascelles, and wife of Rev. Evan Nepean, Canon of West- minster (see his burial 18 Mch. 1873), to whom married 15 Sep. 1832, and by whom she had eight sons and six daughters. See the marriages of her children, 18 June 1862, 9 Nov. 1864, and 27 July 1869, and the baptisms of her grandchildren, 16 Oct. 1865, 2 Mch. 1869, 8 Mch. 1870, and 4 Mch. 1871. 3 Third son of David Pollock, of London, Esq., by Sarah, daughter of Richard Parsons, Esq., receiver-general of the Customs, and born 4 June 1786. He entered the military service in India at an early age, attaining the rank of General in 1859, and was subsequently made a Field-Marshal. He was Constable of the Tower of London at his death, and was created a "Baronet 26 Mch. 1872. He married, first, in 1810, Frances, daughter of Mr. Sheriff Barclay, of Tain, in Scotland, who died in 1849, and by whom he had issue. He married, secondly, in 1852, Henrietta, second daughter of George-Hyde Wollaston, Esq. He died 6 Oct. The celebrated novelist, best known by his original name of Bulwer. Youngest son of Brigadier-General William-Earle Bulwer, of Wood-Dalling and Heydon, co. Norfolk, by Elizabeth-Barbara, only daughter and heir of Richard-Warburton Lytton, of Knebworth, co. Herts, Esq., and born 25 May 1806. He assumed the additional surname of Lytton in 1844, in pursuance of his mother's will. He was some time M.P. for co. Herts, and was Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1858. He was created a Baronet 18 July 1838, and was elevated to the peerage, as Baron Lytton, 14 July 1866. He married, at St. James, Westminster, 29 Aug. 1827, Anna-Rosina, only surviving daughter of Francis-Massey Wheeler, of Lizzard-Connel, co. Limerick, by whom he had issue a daughter, who died in 1848, and one son, Edward-Robert, second and present Lord Lytton, Viceroy of India. He died 18 Jan., at Torquay, co. Devon. 5 Fourth son of Sir Evan Nepean, first Bart. of Loders and Bothenhampton, co. Dorset, by Margaret, daughter of William Skinner, Esq., captain in the army, and born, according to his coffin-plate, 23 Apl. 1800. He was sometime Rector of Heydon, co. Norfolk, and subsequently Chaplain in ordinary to Her Majesty, Minister of Grosvenor Chapel, South Audley Street, and Canon of Westminster, being installed 19 Sep. 1860. He died 13 Mch. See the burial of his wife 11 Sep. 1871, the marriages of his children, 18 June 1862, 9 Nov. 1864, and 27 July 1869, and the baptisms of his grandchildren, 16 Oct. 1865, 2 Mch. 1869, 8 Mch. 1870, and 4 Mch. 1871. 6 He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, as a servitor, 7 July 1819, aged nineteen, as son of James Lupton, of the city of York, and was B.A. 1 Feb. 1823, and M.A. 20 Oct. 1825. He became Vicar of Blackbourton, co. Oxford, and Rector of St. Michael's, Queenhithe, London, and was a minor canon of the Abbey and of St. Paul's. He married Anne, daughter of Thomas 520 BURIALS IN 1874 April 18 1875 Feb. 6 Feb. 27 1 David Livingstone; ¹ Ilala, Central Africa; aged 60. William-Sterndale Bennett, (Knight;)2 66 St. John's Wood Road, Middx.; aged 58. Charles Lyell, (Baronet);³ 43 Harley Street, Cavendish Square, Middx.; aged 77. 4 Aug. 3 Connop Thirlwall; 59 Pulteney Street, Bath; aged 78. Dry and Temperance his wife, and left issue. He died 21 Dec. See the marriages of his daughters, 14 May 1861 and 28 May 1863. The distinguished missionary and explorer in Africa. The memorial tablet recently erected in the Abbey thus tells his history: "Brought by faithful hands over land and sea, here rests David Livingstone, Missionary, Traveller, Philanthropist born March 19, 1813; died May 1, 1873, at Chitambo's Village, Ulala. For thirty years his life was spent in an unwearied effort to evangelise the native races, to explore the undiscovered secrets, and to abolish the desolating slave trade of Central Africa, where, with his last words, he wrote, 'All I can add in my solitude is, May Heaven's rich blessing come down on every one-American, English, or Turk—who will help to heal this open sore of the world."" He was son of Neill Livingstone, a small tradesman near Hamilton, in Lanarkshire, and was born at Blantyre, near Glasgow. He married a daughter of the venerable Rev. Robert Moffat, the celebrated African missionary, and buried her in Africa in 1862. 2 The eminent musical composer and organist. Son of Robert Bennett, of Sheffield, co. York, professor of music, by Elizabeth, daughter of James Donn, Curator of the Botanic Gardens at Cambridge, and born at Sheffield 13 Apl. 1816. He was elected Professor of Music at Cambridge 4 Mch. 1856, and created Doctor of Music 30 June following. He received the honorary degree of D.C.L. at Oxford in 1870, and was knighted at Windsor Castle 24 Mch. 1871. He died 1 Feb. 3 The distinguished geological writer. Eldest son of Charles Lyell, of Kinnordy, Forfar- shire, Esq., by Frances, only daughter of Thomas Smith, of Maker Hall, Swaledalc, co. York, Esq., and born 14 Nov. 1797. He was knighted in 1848, and created a Baronet 22 Aug. 1864. He married, at Bonn, in Prussia, 12 July 1832, Mary-Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Leonard Horner, Esq. He died 22 Feb. 4 Son of Rev. Thomas Thirlwall, Rector of Bowers-Gifford, co. Essex, and born at Stepney, Midx., 11 Feb. 1797. He was of Trinity College, Cambridge, A.B. 1818, and A.M. 1821. He was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1825, but withdrew from the legal profession in 1828, and, having entered into holy orders, became Rector of Kirby-Underdale, co. York. He was consecrated Bishop of St. David's 9 Aug. 1840, and resigned the See in 1874. His monument appropriately describes him as "Scholar, Historian, Theologian." He died 27 July. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 521 THE ROYAL WARRANT FOR THE DISINTERMENT OF CERTAIN COMMONWEALTH PERSONAGES. [As the well-known royal warrant for the disinterment of the bodies of certain persons who had been buried in the Abbey during the Commonwealth period contains several names that do not appear in the existing Register, nor in the preceding pages, and as the warrant itself is sufficient evidence that the persons named were so buried, it is deemed proper to reproduce it here. The precise place of re-interment has been identified as the green on the North side of the Abbey, between the North transept and the West end. The warrant, which has been re-transcribed from the original copy, reads as follows :—] "It is his Maiesties express pleasure & cōmand that you cause the bodies of the severall persons undernamed, wch have bin unwarrantably interred in Henry the 7th and other Chappels and places wthin the Collegiate Church of Westminster since the year 1641, to be forthwith taken up and buried in some place of the churchyard adioining to ye said church, whereof you may not faile, and for so doing this shall be yr warrant. Dated at ye Court at Whitehall, Sept. 9, 1661. "Henry 7th Chappell : "Dr Isack Dorislaus 1 Coll: Richard Dean 2 Mrs Elizabeth Cromwell 3 Coll: Humphery Mackworth * Sr William Constable 5 1 See his burial 14 June 1649, and note thereto. * See his burial 24 June 1653, and note thereto. 3 The mother of Oliver Cromwell. Daughter of William Steward, of the city of Ely, Esq., by his second wife, Catharine, daughter of Thomas Payne, of Castle-Acre, co. Norfolk, Esq. She appears to have been a second child of this name, and baptized at Holy Trinity, Ely, 28 Oct. 1565. She married there, 10 Feb. 1588-9, William Lynne, Gent., who was buried there 26 July following, and their only child, Catharine, was also buried there 17 Mch. 1589-90. She married, secondly, about a year after her first husband's death, Robert Cromwell, of Huntingdon, Esq., by whom she was mother of the Protector, and who was buried at All Saints, Huntingdon, 24 June 1617. If the above dates are correct, she had just entered her ninetieth year. She died 18 Nov. 1654, and was buried in great state, contrary to her express desire. Before the disinterment of her remains, the body of her son Oliver (buried 26 Sep. 1658) had been exhumed, and hung at Tyburn. It is unaccountable that, as the authorities entertained a special spite towards the family of Cromwell, the name of the Protector's second and favourite daughter, Elizabeth Claypole, was omitted from the list given in the warrant. She died at Hampton Court 6 Aug. 1658, in her twenty-eighth year, and was buried on the 10th of the same month in a little vault in Henry VIIth's Chapel, which seems to have been expressly constructed with a view to isolation and secrecy. At all events, her remains unquestionably escaped the sacrilegious hands that carried away those of her grandmother, and as unquestionably continue where they were first deposited to this day. 4 See his burial 26 Dec. 1654, and note thereto. 5 See his burial 21 June 1655, and note thereto. 3 X 522 BURIALS IN "Mrs Desborough 1 Anne Fleetwood 2 Coll: Robert Blake 8 Coll: John Mildrum 4 Mr John Pimme 5 Mr William Stroud 6 Mr Humphery Salway 7 Coll: Boscowen 8 Denis Bond 9 Mrs Bradshaw 10 1 There can be scarcely a doubt that this was Jane Cromwell, sister of the Protector, and first wife of John Disbrowe (or Desborough), Major-General in the Parliamentary army. She was the fifth daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Cromwell, and was baptized 19 Jan. 1605-6, and married 23 June 1636. She was dangerously ill in the early part of the year 1656, and probably died about that time, as her husband re-married in April 1658. ? Probably a child of the parliamentary general, Charles Fleetwood, by Bridget, daughter of Oliver Cromwell, and widow of Henry Ireton. It is certain, from Fleetwood's letters, that he had issue by her, of whom no trace has been found, and in Rugge's MSS., in the British Museum, where her burial is referred to, she is called "a child." The body of Ireton, who died 26 Nov. 1651, and was buried in the Abbey 6 Feb. following, was exhumed with that of Cromwell, and subjected to the same indignity at Tyburn. Mrs. Fleetwood, this child's mother, was buried at St. Anne's, Blackfriars, London, 1 July 1662 (not at Stoke Newington, Midx., 5 Sep. 1681, as is commonly stated). Her father, General Fleetwood, who married a third wife, Mrs. Mary Hartopp, 14 Jan. 1663-4, died 4 Oct. 1692, and was buried in Bunhill Fields. 3 See his burial 4 Aug. 1657, and note thereto. ✦ See his burial 18 Apl. 1644, and note thereto. The celebrated republican statesman, sometime Clerk of the Exchequer, and many years M.P. His name is usually written Pym. He matriculated at Oxford, from Broadgates Hall, 18 May 1599, aged fifteen, as the son of an Esquire, of co. Somerset, and then signed the Subscription Book as John Pim." He died at Derby House, in Canon Row, Westminster, 8 Dec. 1643, and was buried in the Abbey on the 13th of the same month. • William Strode, for many years M.P., and one of the five members demanded by King Chas. I., on his memorable entry into the House of Commons with an armed force, in January 1641-2. He had acquired for himself the appellation of the "Parliament Driver." He was the second son of Sir William Strode, of Newnham, co. Devon, Kt., by Mary, daughter of Thomas Southcote, of Bovey-Tracey, in the same county, Esq. He matriculated at Oxford, from St. Mary Hall, 5 May 1598, aged nineteen, as an Esquire's son, of co. Dorset. He died, of a pestilential fever, 10 Sep. 1645, and was buried in the Abbey, by order of the Parliament, on the 22nd of the same month. His will, dated 4 July 1644, was proved on the day of his death, by Sir Edward Barkham, Kt. and Bart. 7 See his burial 20 Dec. 1652, and note thereto. 8 See his burial, the first entry in 1645, and note thereto. 9 Eldest son of John Bond, of Melcombe Regis and Lutton, co. Dorset, Esq., by Margaret, eldest daughter of Richard Pitt, of Melcombe Regis aforesaid and of North Cricket, co. Somerset, Esq. He was born 30 Aug., and baptized at Melcombe Regis 1 Sep. 1588. He was many years M.P., one of the Council of State from 1648 to 1652, and was appointed Clerk of the Pells in the Exchequer 20 Aug. 1654. He was named on the Commission for trying King Chas. I., but does not appear to have taken any part in those proceedings. He died 30 Aug. 1658. 10 Probably Mary, wife of John Bradshaw, the president of the tribunal which condemned King Chas. I. She was a daughter of Thomas Marbury, of Marbury, co. Chester, Esq., by Eleanor, daughter of Peter Warburton, of Arley, Esq., and was baptized at Great Budworth, co. Chester, 1 Dec. 1596. She was living 10 Sep. 1655, the date of a codicil to her husband's will, but died before him. The body of her husband, who died 22 Nov. 1659, and was also buried in the Abbey, was exhumed with those of Cromwell and Ireton, and hung at Tyburn. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 523 'Mr Thos Haslerick 1 Coll: Edward Popham 2 Dr Twiss 3 Thomas May 4 William Strong 5 в Steven Marshall 6 7 "To the Reverend Dr Earle, Dean of Westminster, or, in his absence, to ye Subdean there. "EDW. NICHOLAS.”8 ¹ Rightly Hesilrige. See his burial 30 Oct. 1651, and note thereto. 2 See his burial Aug. 1651, and note thereto. See his burial 24 July 1646, and note thereto. 4 Son of Sir Thomas May, of Mayfield, co. Sussex, Kt., by his first wife, Barbara, daughter of Edward Rich, of Horndon, co. Essex. He was born at Mayfield in 1595. He was a dramatic writer of some note, and gained considerable reputation by his translation of Lucan's Pharsalia. His offence was that he had been Secretary to the Long Parliament, a History of which he wrote. He died 13 Nov. 1650. 5 See his burial 4 July 1654, and note thereto. See his burial 23 Nov. 1655, and note thereto. 7 John Earles. He matriculated at Oxford, from Christ Church, 4 June 1619, aged eighteen, as of co. York, paying the fees of a plebeian's son. He signed the Subscription Book "John Earles." He appears to have migrated to Merton College the next year. After taking orders he became tutor to Prince Charles, and subsequently followed him into exile, becoming his chaplain and clerk of the closet. Immediately after the Restoration, he was made Dean of Westminster, and installed 14 June 1660. He was consecrated Bishop of Worcester 30 Nov. 1662, and translated to Salisbury Sep. 1663. He died at Oxford 17 Nov. 1665, and was buried on the 25th in Merton College Chapel. His relict Bridget administered to his estate 18 Dec. 1665, under his nuncupa- tive will made two days before his death, when he gave all his estate to her. His name, throughout the will and the probate proceedings, is invariably Earles. 8 Sir Edward Nicholas, Kt., the well-known Principal Secretary of State to Kings Charles I. and II. He was the eldest son of John Nicholas, of Winterbourne-Earls, co. Dorset, Esq., and brother of Rev. Dr. Matthew Nicholas, Dean of St. Paul's. He married Jane, third daughter of Henry Jay, Esq., Alderman of London, who survived him, and by whom he left issue. He died 1 Sep. 1669, in his seventy-seventh year, and was buried at West Horsley, co. Surrey. See the marriage of his grand-daughter 10 May 1687, and of his niece 1 Sep. 1672. 524 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. ADDITIONAL BAPTISMS. [The following Baptisms have taken place in the Abbey since the early portion of this volume was printed, and are here inserted in order to complete the Register to the end of the year 1875.] 1875 Nov. 9 Arthur-Lyulph, son of Edward-Lyulph Stanley, 82 Harley Street, Cavendish Square, Barrister-at-Law, and Mary-Katherine. Nov. 17 Helen, dau. of Maurice-William-Carrington Marklove, 72 War- wick Street, Pimlico, Assistant-Master of Westminster School, and Fanny-Catherine. Dec. 19 Lennard-William, son of William-Frederic Forsyth, 28 George Street, Hanover Square, Dentist, and Marian-Ada. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 525 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 3, note 1, line 6: for " Sir William," read John Dugdale. Page 4, note 3: Barnaby Thurlow and Millicent Hilton were married at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 9 Nov. 1647. Page 17, note 8, Page 53, note 1: end of first line for 26" May" 1726, read June. James Brown was the only surviving son of James Brown, M.D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, by Mary, daughter of James Bowden, Esq., some time one of the Baillies of the city of Edinburgh, and was born at Kelso 23 May 1709. He was buried at Stoke Newington, Midx., 31 Dec. 1788. Sarah Miller was the eldest daughter and coheir of Thomas Miller, of Spitalfields, Midx., Esq., by Ann his wife. She died at Stoke Newington 14 June 1751. They left an only son, James Brown. Page 56, note 4, last line: for "Forrester," read Forester. Page 57, note 3: Emily-Constantia Thynne, dau. of Lord John Thynne, and relict of Eustace- John Wilson-Patten, Esq., married secondly, at St. Mary's, Bryanston Square, 29 Nov. 1875, Thomas Taylour, third Marquis of Headfort, to whom she was second wife. Page 58, note 1: Lady Augusta Stanley died 1 Mch. 1876, after a protracted and distressing ill- ness, universally beloved and lamented, and was buried on the 9th in Henry VIIth's Chapel, by the special direction of Her Majesty, who, with thousands of sympathising mourners of all degrees, attended the obsequies of their common friend. Page 63, note 1: The Hon. Beatrix-Charlotte-Elizabeth Grosvenor was born 22 May 1845, and died 16 Jan. 1876, having given birth to a daughter 7 Dec. 1875. Page 78, note 1: It was the Elizabeth Battely named in the text who then married James Brooker. They were both living at the date of her mother's will. 6 May 1776. Page 90, note 3, line 2: in his will he is described as Thomas-Newbee alias Newby Reeve." Page 97, note 3: Commodore James-Graham Goodenough died at Santa Crux, 20 Aug. 1875, from the effects of wounds received from the natives in Carlisle Bay, in the West Pacific. He was a Companion of the Orders of the Bath and of St. Michael and St. George. Page 104, note 2, Page 113, notc 5: line 4: for "Charotte," read Charlotte. Lewis Prowde was steward of the Abbey manors and lands, jointly with Sir James Whitelocke, who, in his Liber Famelicus (p. 53), described him as a reader of Lincoln's Inn, a justice of assize for three shires in Wales, and one of the governors of Sutton's Hospital. He had a license from the Bishop of London, 24 Dec. 1590, to marry Ursula Trappes, of St. Michael-Bassishaw, London, spinster, daughter of Francis Trappes, of said city, Gent., deceased. The defective date in the text should, of course, be 1616-17. Page 145, note 1, line 4: for "Patrick, Lord Ruthin." read Hon. Patrick Ruthven. Page 157, note 3, line 1: Margaret, wife of Henry Sterrell, was a daughter of Robert Teshe, Gent., by Lucy, third daughter of Sir Robert Drury, of Egerley, co. Bucks, Kt. Sir James Whitelocke, in his Liber Famelicus (pp. 69, 70), mentions her as his wife's kinswoman. 526 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Page 192, note 5, line 4: for "1672," read 1692. Sir Francis Clinton succceded as sixth Earl of Lincoln in November 1692. Page 195, note 2: Sebastian Currall and Martha Lowrie were married at St. Margaret's, West- minster, 13 Dec. 1624. Page 214, note 7: James Amos and Margery Jaques were married at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 27 Dec. 1666. Page 290, note 2: Page 291, note 4: Hammond Witherley was of Caius College, Cambridge, A.B. 1674. Mrs. Mariamne Herbert was the only daughter of William Finch, Lord Maid- stone (cldest son of Hencage, second Earl of Winchilsea, but died in his father's lifetime), by Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Windham, of Felbrigge, co. Norfolk, Esq. Her only brother Charles, a posthumous son, succeeded as third Earl of Winchilsea. Page 295, note 1, line 13: for "King Arms," read King of Arms. Page 313, note 2: Dr. Benjamin Ibbot was son of Rev. Thomas Ibbot, Vicar of Swaffham and Rector of Beachamwell, co. Norfolk, and was born at Beachamwell in 1680. Page 319, note 4, line 1: for Robert Robartes, Viscount "Bodwin," read Bodmin. Page 321, note 5: Mr. Flintoft's Christian name was Luke. Page 338, note 4, line 5: Lady Charlotte Beauclerk did not die 17 June 1745, although so stated in most of the peerages, but survived until 3 July 1770. Her will, dated 20 Mch. 1770, was proved 7 July following. Page 369, note 1: The Christian name of Major-General Lowther was Anthony. Page 416, note 6, line 1: for " Right," read Most Rev. Page 452, note 7, line 4: for " Charles," read George, first Marquis Townshend. Page 475, note 4, line 9: for " Herbet," read Herbert Bach. ( 527 ) INDEX. The names in the Text are in SMALL CAPITALS, those in the Notes in ordinary type, and the italic letter n indicates that the following references are to the Notes. In the cases of married ladies, they are indexed as far as possible under both their married and maiden names, and hence one or the other surname does not always appear, but with this hint there will be no difficulty in identifying the reference. All children, whose Christian names only are mentioned in the text or notes, will appear in the Index under their proper surnames. The same name often occurs more than once on the same page, both in the text and the notes, but in such cases will appear only once in the Index. The names in the text are indexed as properly spelt, and where the orthography is manifestly erroneous it does not appear in the Index: c.g., the name "Louder," on page 11, is indexed only Lowther. The Index is most elaborate, and it is hoped and believed that not a solitary name in the text or notes will not be found in its appropriate place. Abbot, Charles Abbot, John .... Abbot, John-Farr ABBOT, MARY Abbot, Sarah ABBOTT, CHARLES Abbott, Charles-Frederick Abbott, Elizabeth .... Abbott, Henry 479, 503 Abington, John 494 479, 503 Aboyne. Charles (Earl of) 271 453, 479 ABRAHALL, ELIZABETH 271 453: n. 448 Abrahall Gilbert 271 479, 503 Ackworth, see Acworth. 152 A Court, Charles-Ashe 62 452 A'Court. Elizabeth.. 62 490 Acton, John 223 490 Acton, Martha 223 365 ACWORTH, ABRAHAM... 432: n. 418, 453, 494 435 ACWORTH, ABRAHAM-HOLMES ABBOTT, JOHN Abbott, Mary 418 ABBOTT, ROBERT 217 ACWORTH, BUCKERIDGE-BALL... 494: n. 432 Abbott, Susanna 452 ACWORTH, MARGARETTA-MABELLA ... 453: Abbott, Thomas 365 n. 418, 432. 494 Abdy, Dame Catharine. 27 Adair, Alexander 384 ABDY, DAME JANE.. 27: n. 48 Adair, Mary 381 ABDY, JANE 48 Adair, William 384 ABDY, SIR JOHN.. 27: n. 48 Adam, Elizabeth 449 Abdy, Sir Robert 27 Adam, James 419 ABELL, ELIZABETH 30 Adam, Margaret.. 449 ABERCORN, ANNE (COUNTESS OF).. 422 Adam, Mary 419 ABERCORN, CATHARINE (COUNTESS OF) 308: Adam, Mr. .... 140 n. 115, 234 ADAM, ROBERT 449 Abercorn, Charles (Earl of) 30S ABERCORN, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS OF) 386: Adam, William ADAMS, ANN 449 269: n. 229 ABERCORN, JAMES (DUKE OF) Abercorn, James (Marquis of) ABERCORN, JAMES (EARL OF) 342, 365. 386: n. 115, 180, 212, 234, 295, 366, 422, 463 Abercorn, Louisa-Jane (Marchioness of) 61, Aberdeen, William (Earl of) Abergavenny, Edward (Lord). Abergavenny, Rachel (Lady) Abingdon, James (Earl of) Adams, Mary. ADAMS, ROBERT ADAMS, WILLIAM ADAMSON, OWEN n. 212, 365 61 61, 102 ADAMS, ELIZABETH 19 Adams, James... 455 228, 235, 455 198 203 175 102 Addison, Charlotte 463 Addison, Dorothy 142 Addison, Henry 142 ADDISON, JANE.. 149, 265 ADDISON, JOSEPH 296, 378 277, 378 237 284: n. 296, 378 296: n. 378 528 INDEX. Addison, Lancelot 296, 378 Alington, Elizabeth (Lady) 8 Addison, Mary 237 Alington, Sir Giles 11 Adkinson, Ralph…………. Addison, Nicholas.. Adey, D. G.... Adey, Mary-Anne-Powell... Adlaiorn, Colonel 237 Alington, Mary 11 94 Alington, William (Lord) 8 94 Allanbank, Helen (Lady). 353 158 Allanson, Alice 460 380 Allanson, James……….. 460 Adlaiorn, William 380 ALLANSON, SARAH .... 192: n. 165 Aersen, Frances. 298 ALLANSON, WILLIAM 192: n. 165 Aersen, Isabella (Van). 298 Allatt, Humphrey 209 AETON, SIR ROBERT... 133 ALLATT, JANE 209 AFFLECK, ANNE Affleck, Charlotte Affleck, Edmund.... 41: n. 52 ALLEN, ANNE 65: n. 117 52 ALLEN, BARTHOLOMEW 65, 66 41 Allen, David 117 AFFLECK, GILBERT 41: n. 52 ALLEN, ELLEN 92 Affleck, John 41 ALLEN, HENRY 66 Affleck, Necltice 41 ALLEN, JOSEPH 92 Agar, Anne 479 ALLEN, MARGARET 92 AGAR, MOST REV. CHARLES 479 n. 500 ALLEN, MARY. 65 Agar, Henry Agar, Edmund Agar, Henry-Welbore Agar, Joanna Agar, Margaret AGAR, MARY 119 Allen, Sarah 117 479 .... ALLEN, WILLIAM 66 467 ALLEN, ZOUCH 117 10 Allestry, Ruth. 323 119 ALLIN, JOHN 182 28: n. 290 Allix, Peter.... 363 Agar, Mrs. 286 ALPE, DOROTHY 39 Agar, Thomas.. .... AGARD, ARTHUR Agard, Clement 28 Alpe, Edward 39 • 110, 112: n. 151 Alston, Sir Edward 230 112 • Alston, Elizabeth 318 Agard, Eleanor Agard, Elizabeth Agard, William 112 Alston, Sir Joseph 24 112 ALSTON, MARY 24 AGARD, MARGARET 110 Alston, Sir Rowland 318 112 Alston, Sarah .... 230 .... Agar-Ellis, Henry-Welbore AGGLINTON, CAROLINA AGGLINTON, MARY 467 Alston, Dame Susan • 231 90 Altham, Dorothy (Lady) 250 90 Altham, Elizabeth 249-50 AGGLINTON, WILLIAM 90 Altham, Frances... 275 Aglionby, Catherine Aglionby, George 256 Altham, Sir James 250, 275 136 ALTHAM, RICHARD (LORD) 249: n. 225, 227, AGLIONBY, HENRY 136 AGLIONBY, SYBILLA 258: n. 136, 256 Alway, John AGLIONBY, WILLIAM 256 • Amelia (Princess) 240, 245 168 391 AIRES, MARTHA. 327 AMELIA-SOPHIA-ELEONORA (PRINCESS) 442 AITON, SIR ROBERT Alanson, Ann 133 AMOS, JAMES 427 AMOS, MARGERY. 245: n. 214, 526 214: n. 526 ALBEMARLE, ANNE (DUCHESS OF) 171: n. 224 ALBEMARLE, CHRISTOPHER (DUKE OF) 224: n. 240, 342 ALBEMARLE, ELIZABETH (DUCHESS OF) 341 ALBEMARLE, GEORGE (DUKE OF) 172: n. 171, 191, 224 ALBURQUERQUE, JOSE-MARIA (DUKE OF) 481 Alden, Robert 244 .... Amyand, Anna-Maria Amyand, Sir George Amyand, George.. Ancaster, Peregrine (Duke of) Aucaster, Robert (Duke of) ANCRUM, ANNE (COUNTESS OF) ANCRUM, ROBERT (EARL OF) Anderson, Caroline-Georgina 488 488 394 13, 16 16 149: n. 141 ... 141 n. 149 460 Alderne, Elinor ALDERNE, ELIZABETH ALDERNE, THOMAS 9 Anderson, Catherine .... 278 9 Anderson, Dame Elizabeth 278 9 Anderson, Evelyn 460 Alderson, Elizabeth 367, 419 Anderson, James 516, 517 Alderson, Jane 355 .... ANDERSON, JANE 355 Alderson, Mary 367 Anderson, Sir John 278 Alderson, Mrs..... 484 Anderson, Margaret 516 ALDERSON, SHADRACH 367: n. 355, 419 Anderson, Margaret-Clementina. 517 Aldridge, Elizabeth ALDRIDGE, JOHN Aldridge, Martha 312 74, 312 103 Anderton, Ann 189 ANDERTON, JAMES 189: n. 169 Anderton, Silvester 189 ALDRIDGE, MARY 74: n. 312 André, Ann-Marguerite 498 Aldridge, Robert 103 André, Anthony 497 ALDRIDGE, WILLIAM 74 André, David 497 Alexander, Henry 19 André, James 497 Alexander, Sarah 408 ANDRE, JOHN 497: n. 498 ALFRED (PRINCE)……… 434 André, John-Lewis 497 INDEX. 529 André, Louisa-Catherine 498 André, Louise 497 André, Maric-Louise 498 André, Mary 497 Anyan, Thomas Ap Evan, David Apreece, Rhoda Aprecce, Robert 204 135 477, 488 477, 488 André, Mary-Hannah 498 Ap Richard, David 124 André, William 497 · APSLEY, SIR ALLEN 208: n. 85 André, William-Lewis 498 APSLEY, ALLEN 228 Andrews, Elizabeth ANDREWS, FRANCIS Andrews, George Andrews, Jonathan Andrews, Lucretia Andrews, Martha ANDREWS, MARY Andrews, Rebecca Andrews, Thomazine………… ANDREWS, WARDELL Andrews, William Andros, Amias 135 APSLEY, DAME ANNE 203 263 Apsley, Dame Catherine 203 40 APSLEY, DAME FRANCES 243 40 • Apsley, Frances 85 .... 40 Apsley, Dame Lucy 208 • 163 Apsley, Sir Peter 203, 228 40 Archbold, Barbara.. 26 135 Archbold, Sir Henry 26 ..... 40 ARDDANENDER, ELIZABETH 341 40 Arden, Dame Dorothea 193 40 ARDEN, ELIZABETH 27 41 .... Arden, Goditha 184, 193 ANDROS, SIR EDMUND.. 41 Arden, Sir Henry 184, 193 ANDROS, DAME ELIZABETH 41 n. 42 ARDEN, JOHN 27 Andros, Elizabeth 41 Ares, Margarch 320 Andros, Dame Mary 42 Argyll, Anne (Countess of) 112 Anger, see Angier. 364 ANGIER, ANNE 23 305 ANGIER, JOHN 23 23 249 364 Angier, Margaret Anglesey, Arthur (Earl of) ANGLESEY, CATHERINE (COUNTESS OF) 35: n. 362 Argyll, Archibald (Duke of)……….. Argyll, Archibald (Marquis of) ARGYLL. ARCHIBALD (EARL OF) Argyll, Elizabeth (Duchess of ARGYLL, JANE (DUCHESS OF) 409 ARGYLL, JOHN (DUKE OF) 364: ARGYLL, MARY (DUCHESS OF) Armitage, Brathwaite Armitage, Caroline Armitage, Robert 453 329 Armstead, Elizabeth-Bridget ARMSTEAD, WILLIAM Anglesey, Elizabeth (Countess of)...... 35, 249 ANGLESEY, JAMES (EARL OF)...... 35: n. 362 Anhalt-Zerbst, Charles-William (Prince of) 115 Annandale, George (Marquis of) ANNANDALE, JAMES (MARQUIS OF) ANNANDALE, SOPHIA (MARCHIONESS OF) 288: n. 305, 329 Annandale, William (Marquis of) 288, 305, 329 ANNE (QUEEN) 115, 280 n. 118, 153, 154, 167, 173, 209, 217, 219, 226, 230, 231, 247, 265 ANNE (PRINCESS) 134: n. 209, 265 ANNE (PRINCESS OF DENMARK) 217, 219, 226, 230, 247: n. 108, 110, 115, 156, 231 ANNESLEY, CATHARINE 35 ANNESLEY, DOROTHY Armstrong, Charles ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH. Armstrong, Juliet Arne, Anne • Arne, Susanna-Maria.. Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas-Augustine Arnewood, Anne 75, 76 Arnewood, Elianor.... ANNESLEY, ELIZABETH 76, 77, 86, 245: n. 35 Arnewood, Jane. 112: n. 305 n. 452, 482 n. 288, 109, 452, 482 288 462 462 462 473 502 411 2 .. 441 407 407 407 407 120 120 120 ANNESLEY, JAMES 35, 86 Arnold, Alicia.. 253 ANNESLEY, JOHN 76, 225, 240 ARNOLD, AMY-LOUISA 100 ANNESLEY, RICHARD 75, 76, 77, 227, 240, 245: ARNOLD, ANNE 253: n. 214 n. 249 ARNOLD, CAROLINE-MARY 455 • ANNESLEY, THOMAS 86 ARNOLD, CECIL-NORTH 101 ANN-SOPHIA (PRINCESS).. 217 ARNOLD, CHARLES-MADDOCK 100, 101 Ansley, Brian 136 ARNOLD, ELIZABETH 334: n. 359 Ansley, Cordell 136 ARNOLD, JANE • 100, 101 ANSLEY, ELIZABETH 86 Arnold, Marianne 468, 474 ANSLEY, JAMES $6 Arnold, Mary-Anne 468 ANSLEY, THOMAS Anson, Frances-Elizabeth Anson, Thomas (Viscount) 86 Arnold, Michael. 253 59 ARNOLD, SAMUEL 467 n. 418, 455, 457, 474 59 Arnold, Samuel-James 468 Anstey, Anne Anstey, Christopher 452 Arnold, Thomas 468 ..... 452 ARRAN, CHARLES (EARL OF) ... 134: n. 296 Anstruther, Dame Catharine Anstruther, Sir John. ANSTRUTHER, SIR ROBERT 138 ARRAN, DOROTHY (COUNTESS OF) 71: n. 189, 138 215, 282 138 Arran, James (Earl of). 218 Anstruther, Sir William Anwill, Catharine .... 138 Arran, Mary (Countess of) 215 248 ARRAN, RICHARD (EARL OF) 71, 189, 215, 218 Anwill, Elizabeth Anwill, Lewis Anyan, Susanna 248 Arther, Elizabeth 43 248 Arther, James.. 43 ANWILL, WILLIAM-LEWIS 248 Arthington, Joanna 324 204 Arthington, John 324 3 Y 530 INDEX. ARTHINGTON, MARGARET Arundel, Barbara (Lady) Arundel, Elizabeth (Lady) Arundel, Henry (Lord) Arundel. John (Lord) ... 324 223, 276 Atterbury, Lewis Atterbury, Mary 335 288, 294, 327 214 Atty, Mary 159 214 Atwell, William 275 223, 276 Atwood (Archdeacon) 431 Arundel, Thomas (Earl of) 233 Atwood, George 431 Arundell, Francis 142 Atwood, Thomas 431 Arundell, Gertrude. 142 AUBERY, PATIENCE 42 Arundell, John 142 AUBREY, ELIZABETH 360 Arundell, Mary 142 AUBREY, JOHN 392: n. 324, 360 ARUNDELL, THOMAS.. 142 Aubrey, Thomas 393 ASHBURNHAM, BRIDGET (LADY) 14 Aucher, Mary 17 Ashburnham, Catherine (Lady) 288 Auchinleck, see Affleck. Ashburnham, Dame Elizabeth 131 Ashburnham, Elizabeth 14 Auchinleck, Sir John... AUGUSTA (PRINCESS) 41 415: n. 381, 395, 406, ASHBURNHAM, JOHN (LORD) 14 409, 411, 448 Ashburnham, Sir John 131, 176 Auriol, Henrietta 416 Ashburnham, William 14, 176 Auriol, Peter 416 .... Ashe, John Ashcombe, Anne Ashcombe, Sir William.. Ashe, Anne ASHE, ELIZABETH. Ashe, Grace.. Ashe, James Ashe, Sir Joseph Ashe, Richard.. Ashford, Arthur Ashford, Elizabeth. Ashhurst, Elizabeth 303 AUSTEN, JUDITH. 286: n. 331 303 Austen, Robert 286 21 AUSTEN-LEIGH, CHOLMELEY 58 • 21 Austen-Leigh, Emma 58 264 Austen-Leigh, James-Edward 58 21 AUSTEN-LEIGH, MELESINA-MARY 58 .... 21, 264 Austin, John 325 264 Austin, Rebecca 355 391 Austin, Susanna 325 263 Austin, Thomas ... 355 263 77 Ashhurst, Samuel 77 Auverquerque, Elizabeth (Lady). Ashley, Sir Francis Ashley, Dorothy Ashtown, Frederick-Mason (Lord) 2, 4 2, 4 58 Aske, Thomas 382 Auverquerque, Frances (Lady) Auverquerque, Henry (Lord of) AUVERQUERQUE, CHARLOTTE (COUNTESS AUVERQUERQUE, FRANCES (COUNTESS 222, 251, 272, OF) 282 222 OF) 298 295 Askham, Sarah 82 282, 290, 298 ASKIN, JOHN 89 Auverquerque, Louis (Lord of) 419 Aspinwall, Bridget 335, 359 Avery, Elizabeth 304 ASPINWALL, EDWARD……………………. 335: n. 55, 359 ... AYLESBURY, DAME ANNE 153 n. 154, 167 ... ASPINWALL, ELIZABETH-MARGARET Aspinwall, Francis 359 : n. 335. 335, 359 Aylesbury, Barbara 154 Aylesbury, Dorothy 153, 154 Aylesbury, Edmond 153 Aspinwall, Mary 55 Aylesbury, Elizabeth………. 154 Assheton, Mary 54 ASSHETON, RALPH 54 Aylesbury, Frances 153, 154, 167, 173, 267, 272 Aylesbury, Sir Thomas 153, 154, 167, 173, 267, ASSHETON, REBECCA 54 Astley, Dame Blanche 30 Aylesbury, William 272 153, 154 ASTLEY, DAME ELIZABETH 30 Aylesford, Elizabeth (Countess of)......... 390 Astley, Henry-Nicholas 489 Aylesford, Heneage (Earl of) 390 Astley, Sir Jacob 30 Aylif, Mary 199 ASTLEY, SIR PHILIP 30 Ayloffe, Alice 77 ASTON, HUGH... 138 AYRES, EDWARD 366: n. 204, 323, 371 Aston, Mary Aston, Margaret Aston, Sir Roger 204, 359 Ayres, Elizabeth 326 209 ... Ayres, John..... 326 138, 209 AYRES, MARGARET 371 Aston, Thomas 204 .... Ayres, Mary 204 ATKINS, ANNABELLA 41 Ayres, Thomas 367 Atkins, Anne 51 Ayres, William 347 Atkins, Edward 41 AYRTON, ANN 464: n. 416, 422, 425, 429, 431 Atkins, Sir Richard 41 AYRTON, CATHARINE 416 ATKINS, RICHARD 462 AYRTON, CHARLOTTE 474 Atkins, Sir Robert………. 41, 51 AYRTON, EDMUND 477: n. 416, 422, 425, 429, ATKINSON, ELIZABETH 316: n. 158, 241, 348 431, 464, 474 Atkinson, Mary 151 AYRTON, JAMES-NARES 431 Atkinson, Mr. 298 Ayrton, Marianne 468, 474 ATKINSON, RALPH.. 158 AYRTON, PETER-THOMAS. 429 Atkinson, Robert 151 AYRTON, SARAH.. ... 425 Atterbury, Catherine. ATTERBURY, ELIZABETH ......... ATTERBURY, RIGHT REV. FRANCIS 287, 335 ; n. 80, 288, 294, 306, 327 AYRTON, WILLIAM. Ayscough, Bridget Ayscough, Sir Edward 306, 327 ► 422 n. 468, 474 287: n. 335 395-6 396 INDEX. 531 Ayscough, Hannah.. Ayscough, James .... 319 Baldwin, Adec 518 319 Baldwin, Mary 518 AYTON, SIR ROBERT 133 Baldwyn, Charles 55 Aytoun, Andrew 133 Baldwyn, Elizabeth 55 Aytoun, John 133 Baldwyn, Mary 340 Aytoun, Mary 133 Baldy, Robert. 414 AYTOUN, SIR ROBERT 133 BALES, PETER 173 Bales, Thomas 173 Balfour, Blaney-Townley 399 Balfour, Susanna 265 Baber, Benjamin Baber, Elizabeth Baber, Sir John 196 Balfour, Sir William 265 196 BALISY, CATHARINE 284: n. 304 275 Balisy, Elizabeth 304 Baber, Richard BABER, STEPHEN Bacchus, Grace • 196 Balisy, Joseph.. 304 196 Balisy, Mary 304 347 BALISY, THEODORE 303 Bacchus, John.. Bacchus, Sarah 347 Balisy, Theodoric-Salomon (de) 304 423 Ball, Ann 453 Bach, Anne Bach, Herbert.. Backham, Jane Bacon, Anne 475 Ball, Edmund. 453 475, 526 Ball, Elizabeth 206 8 Ball, Mary 138 207 Ball, Sir Peter.. 28 Bacon, Basil 415 Bacon, Dorothy 415 Bacon, John 410 Ball, Radegunda Ball, William ..... BALLARD, JOHN 28 138 510 Bacon, Sir Nicholas 207 Ballard, Reeve • 412 Bacon, Nicholas .... 415 Baller, Catherine 337 Baden, James 356 • Balquanquill, Stuart 201 Baden, Mary 356 ..... Balquanquill, Walter 204 BAGENALL, LADY ANNE-CHARLOTTE ... 276: Balsac, Catherine (de) 122, 123 n. 211, 220 Balsac, William (de)……….. 122, 123 BAGENALL, NICHOLAS ..... 220: n. 211, 276 BALSART, THOMAS 159 Bagenall, Sydney 211 Baltimore, Benedict-Leonard (Lord)……….. 427 Bagg, Mark.. 273 Baltimore, Charlotte (Lady) 427 BAGGS, MARK 273 Baltimore (Lord) 345 BAGNAL, NICHOLAS BAGNALL, SIDNEY Bagot, Hervey 220 Baltzar, Thomas 159 211 Bamber, John .... 55 20, 162 Bamber, Margaret 55 Bagot, Mary .... 20, 162 Banaster, Lawrence 164 BAILEY, EDWARD 466 Banaster, Margaret 164 Bailey, see Bayly. Banaster, Sir Robert ... 164 Baillie, Matthew 515 BANCROFT, ELIZABETH 393 Baily, Anselm 89 BANCROFT, JOHN. 399: n. 393 Baily, see Bayly. Bancroft. Martha 399 Bain, Isabella. 401 Banddissin, Mary (de) 323 Bainbrigg, John. 363 Banester, John 197 BAINBRIGG, MARY 363 Banester, Mary 198 BAKER, ALEXANDER 131: n. 3 Bangor, Edward 278 BAKER, ALICE 124 Bangor, Margaret 278 BAKER, ANN 405: n. 131, 260, 346, 354, 357, BANISTER, JOHN 197 364, 128 Banister, Katharine 111 Baker, Daniel …………. 32 Banister, Mary 198 Baker, Edward 288 Bankes, Martha 151 Baker, Dame Elizabeth 216 Banks, Elizabeth 390 Baker, Elizabeth Baker, Frances Baker, George.. Baker, Hercules Baker, James 3, 32, 428 Banks, Sir John 390 ... 131, 279 Bannister, 126 131 Bannister, John 197 288, 289 Bannister, Mary 198 288 Barber, Anne 231 Baker, Sir John 216 Barber, Martha 152 BAKER, JOHN. 288 BARBER, RICHARD 231 Baker, Maria BAKER, MARY 346, 357, 364 Barber, Roger………. 152 3, 50: n. 288 Barber, Sarah 231 Baker, Rachel 346, 357, 364 Barbor, Elizabeth 14 Baker, Sarah 428 Barbor, Gabriel 14 Baker, Susanna 288 Barclay, Frances 519 BAKER, THOMAS... 368, 428: n. 346, 354, 357, Barclay (Sheriff) 519 364, 405 Barclay, see Berkeley. BAKER, WILLIAM.. 50: n. 428 Bardgett, Joseph 57 Balcarres, David (Lord) 181 • Bardgett, Mary 57 532 INDEX. Bargrave, Jane 243 BARRETT, THOMAS Bargrave, Thomas 243 Barrett, Walter 81 481, 504 BARKER, BENJAMIN 404 Barrett, William 486, 505 Barker, Capt. 484 BARRINGTON, FITZWILLIAMS. 53 Barker, Elizabeth 131 Barrington, Sir John • 53 BARKER, HARRY 357 BARRINGTON, JANE 53 Barker, John 404 Barrington, Right Rev. Shute. 467 Barker, Joseph Barker, Mary Barker, Mr. BARKER, NATHANIEL BARKER, THOMAS 357 Barrington, Dame Susan .... 53 45 Barrow, Anne 191 484 Barrow, Berca... 446 189 Barrow, Catharine 446 163: n. 131 Barrow, Charles 518 Barkham, Sir Edward Barkham, Dame Anne ... BARKHAM, DAME HESTER 17 Barrow, Elizabeth 446, 518 17, 522 BARROW, GEORGE 412 17 BARROW, ISAAC 191 Barkham, Sir William Barnard, Anne BARKHAM, DAME JUDITH BARKHAM, SIR ROBERT Barkley, Samuel Barnard, Sir Edward Barnard, Elizabeth Barnard, Gilbert (Lord) Barnard, Isabella Barnard, Dame Jane. Barnard, Sir John 35 Barrow, Johu 446 17 Barrow, Lucy 446 35 • Barrow, Lydia. 446 382 BARROW, MARY .... 480 n. 412, 446 21, 410 BARROW, THOMAS 446: n. 191, 412, 480 304 Barry, Alfred 516 304 Barry, Ann.. 274, 423, 466 345 BARRY, SIR CHARLES 516 410 Barry, Elizabeth 188 21 Barry, Frances 516 21 Barry, Lady Penelope 420 Barnard, John Barnard, Mary Barnard, Nathaniel 410 BARRY, SPRANGER……… 423: n. 466 304 Barry, Walter-Edward…….. 516 21 Barrymore, James (Earl of) 420 Barnardiston, Anne BARNARD, SUSANNA BARNARD, RIGHT REV. WILLIAM BARNARDISTON, ARTHUR 304 Barsham, Ralph 307 410 BARTHOLOMEW, HANNAH 33 7 Bartleman, George.. 497 6: n. 7 BARTLEMAN, JAMES 496 Barnardiston, Dame Jane.. 6 Bartleman, Jane………… 496 BARNARDISTON, MARY .... 6: n. 7 Bartleman, Jemima 497 Barnardiston, Sir Nathaniel...... 6 Bartleman, Mary 497 BARNBY, ENIA-FRANCES 103 Bartleman, Selina-Ann…. 497 BARNBY, HILDA .... 101 Bartlett, John…………. 386 BARNBY, ROBERT 101, 103 BARTLETT, MARTHA 2 BARNBY, SARAH-ANN 101, 103 Bartlett, Mary 386 Barne, Dame Anne 188 Barton, Amy 283 .... Barne, Carola 188 Barton, Catharine 319, 354 Barne, Elizabeth 188 Barton, Elizabeth 396 Barne, Robert.. 188 Barton, Hannah.. 319, 354 Barne, Sir William.. 188 Barton, Jane • Barnes, Katherine-Frances-Corbet 516 Barton, John Barnes, Thomas 516 Barton, Mary Barnett, Anne-Brady.... 86 Barton, Robert Barnett, William 86 BARTON, SAMUEL Barnevelt, Charles 283, 393, 396 283, 396 41 319, 354 283: n. 43, 393, 396 343 Barton, Sarah 43, 283, 393 Barnevelt, Dirck... 342 Barwick, Anne 16 Barnevelt, Elizabeth 342 Barwick, Frances 30 Baron, Benjamin Barnevelt, Philip Barnevelt, Robert Baron, John 343 BARWICK, MARY 16 343, 369 Barwick, Peter 16 351 Barwick, Sir Robert 30 350 Basire, John 460 Baron, Joseph 351 Basire, Sarah 460 Baron, Mary 351 Basset, Anne 358 Barou, Frances Barrell, Ann Barrell, Justinian ► 468 BASSET, DOROTHY. 159 Barou, Richard-John.. 472 Basset, John-Pendarves 358 377 Basset, Dame Martha 168 377 Basset, Dame Mary 168 • Barrell, Mary 377 Basset, Sir Richard 167 Barrell, Savage 377 BASSET, SIR WILLIAM 167: n, 159 BARRELL, WILLIAM 377 Bassett, Sarah. 292 BARRETT, ANNE 81: n. 505 Bateman, Anne 346 BARRETT, ELIZABETH 486 Bateman, Edmund 334 Barrett, Margaret 316 Bateman, Jane-Ann 334 Barrett, Rebecca 505 Bateman, Thomas 346 Barrett, Sarah 481, 504 Bates, Abigail……………. 195, 197 INDEX. 533 Bates, Honour... BATES, MARY BATES, RICHARD 29 BAYLY, REV. MR. 401 n. 344 BAYLY. WILLIAM 206 Baynes, Walter BATES, SAMUEL 344: n. 401 Bayning, Anne (Viscountess) BATES, THOMAS 197: n. 195 Bayning, Anne 85 387 364 130, 275 151 ... BATH, ANNA-MARIA (COUNTESS OF) Bath, Charles (Earl of).. 402 ... 224, 272 Bayning, Penelope (Viscountess) Bath, Edward (Earl of) 144 Bayntin, Mary Bath, Elizabeth-Cavendish (Marchioness Bayning, Paul (Viscount)... 130, 149, 151, 275 Baynton, Sir Edward 149, 151 497 118 of) 487 Baynton, Sir Henry 117 BATH, HENRIETTA-LAURA (COUNTESS BAYNTON, DAME LUCY 117 OF) 478 n. 471 Bayntun, Susanna. 455 .... Bath, Henry (Earl of) 185 Bayntun, Susanna-Amicia 455 Bath, Isabella (Countess of) 272 Beacon, Ann 429 Bath, Jane (Countess of) 367 Beacon, Thomas 429 Bath, John (Earl of) ... 116, 271, 314, 367, 402 Bath, Rachel (Countess of) BEAKLEY, ANN 506 .... 185 BEAKLEY, DANIEL 508: n. 506 • Bath, Thomas (Marquis of) 56, 57, 59, 102, 104, Beane, Elizabeth 44 487 Beane, Humphrey 44 BATH, WILLIAM (EARL OF) 404 : n. 361, 402, Beard, Mary 248 410 Beard, Thomas 248 BATH, WILLIAM-HENRY (EARL OF) 272 Beattie, William 511 Bathurst, Allen (Earl) 85, 203 BEAUCHAMP, GEORGE (VISCOUNT) 368 Bathurst, Sir Benjamin 85 Beauchamp, Henry (Lord) 340 BATHURST, BENJAMIN 85 BEAUCLERK, CHARLES... 317: n. 382, 385 Bathurst, Catherine (Lady) 203 Beauclerk, Lady Charlotte 338, 385, 526 BATHURST, ELIZABETH 85: n. 17, 368 Beauclerk, Lord George 359 Bathurst, Dame Frances 85 BEAUCLERK, GEORGE 441 Bathurst, John 17 Beauclerk, Rose 441 BATHURST, KATHERINE Bathurst, William 85 Beauclerk. Topham 441 Batley, Elizabeth Batson, Mrs. BATTELY, ANN 76: n. 232 BATTELY, CATHARINE 77, 78, 245: n. 458 76, 78, 214, 256, 325 BATTELY, CHARLES 76, 77, 78, 244, 245, 256 : n. 69, 232, 325, 458 BATTELY, ELIZABETH 76, 77, 78, 244, 245, 256 : BATTELY, JANE BATTELY, JOHN Battely, Mary Battely, Nicholas Battely, Samuel BATTLE, ANNE .... n. 69, 232, 325, 525 BEAUCLERK, LORD WILLIAM BEAUFORT, HENRY (DUKE OF) BEAUFORT, MARY (DUCHESS OF) Beaufort, Rachel (Duchess of) BEAUFOY, DAME CHARLOTTE Beaufoy, Sir Henry Beaufoy, Henry BEAUFOY, MARY 368 338: n. 385 ... 78 360 340: n. 254, 255 340 76, 238 254 316 n. 256 ... 256 316 256 Beaumont, Dame Aune 112, 126 Beaumont, Anne 119. 171 77 Beaumont, Anthony. 119, 127, 130, 171 69 Beaumont, Dame Elizabeth 126 325 Beaumont, Elizabeth 131 232 Beaumont, Sir Francis 112, 126 Batty, Elizabeth.. Batty, George-Slaughter Batty, Thomas 239, 260 BEAUMONT, FRANCIS 112 239 Beaumont, Joane 238 239, 260 BEAUMONT, SIR JOHN 126: n. 9 BAVIN, CATHERINE Baxter, Thomas Bayle, Anne.. Bayle, Ralph Bayley, Alice Bavaria (Duke of) Bavaria, Frederick V. (Duke of)……………… Baxter, Robert-William 113 Beaumont, Mary 9, 127, 130 206 Beaumont, Sir Thomas 131 497 Beaumont, Ursula 112 471 Beauvoir, Rachel ... 175 464 BEBEE, JOHN 391 186 Becher. Mary 464 186 Becher, John-Townsend 464 105, 164 Becher, Sir William-Wrixon 464 Bayley, Elinor.. Bayley, Elizabeth 305 • BECK, ANNE 73 192 BECK, CHARLES 135 Bayley, James-Waller Baylis, Martha Baylis, Richard Bayly, Dame Ann .... BAYLY, ANN-AGATHA BAYLY, ANNE…….. 393 Beck, Mary 105 BECK, ELIZABETH. 431 BECK, MATTHEW 73: n. 399 124, 139 139 464 BECK, REBECCA... 135 427 BECK, THOMAS 121 382 BECKFORD, DAME MARY 15: n. 19 BAYLY, ANSELM 89: n. 382, 387, 420, 427, 434 Beckford, Peter 15, 505 BAYLY, ANSELM-YATES Bayly, Elizabeth BAYLY, JENNET Bayly, Lewis BAYLY, REBECCA 434: n. 427 420, 427, 434 Bedford, Caroline BECKFORD, SIR THOMAS 420: n. 427 464 89 BEDFORD, EMMA-JULIA-VIVIAN Bedford, Charles BEDFORD, CHARLES ST. CLARE 15: n. 19 92 92 ... 104: n. 95 104 534 INDEX. Bedford, Francis (Earl of) Bedford, George BEDFORD, HARRIET-EMMA 231 Bennett, Margaret 95 BENNETT, MARY 104 Bennett, Robert Bedford, John (Duke of) 61, 102 BENNETT, SIR WILLIAM-STERNDALE Bedford, Judith-Elizabeth 95 Benson, Dorothy 380 450 380, 520 520 239, 244, 331 Bedford, Mary-Margaret 95 Benson, Harriet Bedford, Sarah 92 Benson, Harriot Bedford, William (Earl of) 137 Benson, Jane 331, 332 413 49, 500 Bee, Anne 475 BENSON, MARY 6: n. 331 Bee, Thomas 475 BENSON, MRS…….. 244 Beebe, Elizabeth 391 Benson, Robert 239, 244, 331, 332 Beebe, John 391 Benson, Samuel 332 BEHN, APHARA 223: n. 254 Benson, Sir William 49 Behn, Mr. 223 Benson, William.. 500 Belasyse, Anne (Lady) 309 Bent, Amy 220 Belasyse, Dame Barbara 199 Bent, Anne 220 Belasyse, Barbara 294 Bent, John 220 BELASYSE, BRIDGET 344, 419 n. 216, 310 Bent, Mary 504 BELASYSE, DAME DOROTHY 239 BELASYSE, DAME FLEETWOOD Belasyse, Frances n. 244, 331 Bent, William 504 338: n. 411 ... 199 Benthall, John Belasyse, Henry (Lord)……………. 309 BENTHALL, HARRIET.. BENTHALL, JOHN-EVERETT 509: n. 512 509, 512 512 BELASYSE, SIR HENRY 239, 338: n. 240, 290 Bentham, Anne 351 331, 411 Bentham, Ann-Elizabeth 329 Belasyse, Henry Belasyse, John (Lord) Belasyse, Dame Margaret BELASYSE, MARY Belasysc, Sir Richard Belasyse, Sir Thomas.. BELASYSE, WILLIAM BELCHER, HENRIETTA……. Belcher, Thomas BELCHER, WILLIAM Belford, Gustavus Belford, Jemima 419 281, 294 Bentham, Edith 327 Bentham, Edward 327 290 Bentham, Elizabeth 327, 329 239: n. 281 Bentham, James.. 327, 351 290 Bentham, Jeremiah 479 199 Bentham, Jeremy 479 411 n. 344, 419 BENTHAM, RUTH 323 : n. 329 54 BENTHAM, SAMUEL 327: n. 312, 323, 329, 351 490 BENTHAM, SARAH 479: n. 503 122: n. 490 Bentham, Right Rev. Thomas 327 499 Bentham, Ursula 312 499 Bell, Jane .... Belford, William BELL, ANDREW Bell, John BELL, LUCY... BELL, MARY.... BELL, PHILIP Bentinck, Lady Elizabeth-Cavendish... 487 499 Bentinck, Frederick-Cavendish 62 505 Bentinck, George - Augustus - Frederick- 91 Cavendish 62 491, 492 491: n. 492 487 : n. 491, 497 BENTINCK, HENRY 319: n. 254, 267 BENTINCK, JESSICA - ANNE - CHRISTINA - CAVENDISH 62 BELL, WILLIAM Bellamont, Frances (Countess of) Bellamont, Lucia-Anna (Countess of) BELLAMY, AMELIA-AUGUSTA Bellamy, Elizabeth ....492: 216 n. 491 298 Bentinck, Prudence-Penelope BENTINCK, WILLIAM.. Bentinck, William-Henry.. 62 400 n. 267, 440 319 298 ... BENTLEY, CATHARINE 29 429 Bentley, Joanna.. 481 421 Bellamy, Elizabeth-Maria 421 .... BENTLEY, RICHARD Benyon, Alice..... 29: n. 481 4 BELLAMY, GEORGE.... 350: n. 351 BENYON, ELIZABETH 4 Bellamy, Leonard 350 Benyon, Sir George 4 Bellamy, Mary 350 BENYON, GEORGE 4 Bellamy, Richard 421 Beranger, Elizabeth 218 Bellamy, Thomas-Ludford 421 Beranger, Simon.... 218 Bellasis, sec Belasyse. Beresford, Anne-Constantia...... 56, 57, 59, 62 Belli, John-Henry 512 Beresford, Charles-Cobbe....... 56, 57, 59, 62 Bellingham, Elizabeth 11, 311 Beresford, Lady Sarah-Elizabeth 62 Bellingham, Sir Henry 11, 311 Berford, Ignatius 237 Bellott, George 121 Berkeley, Anne 17 Bence, Elizabeth 10 BERKELEY, SIR CHARLES 160: n. 162, 164, Bence, John….………... 10 Benfield, Frances 470 Berkeley, Charles 275, 292 20 Bennet, Elizabeth Bennet, Frances Bennet, Grace………. 199 Berkeley, Dorothy 269, 274, 300 336 Berkeley, Elizabeth (Countess of) 29 199, 336 Berkeley, Lady Elizabeth.. 34 Bennet, Mary 55 Berkeley, Dame Elizabeth 114, 214 Bennet, Simon Bennett, Elizabeth 199, 336 380, 391, 520 BERKELEY, ELIZABETH 17, 75 BENNETT, GRACE 336 Berkeley, George (Earl of) BERKELEY, GEORGE Bennett, John….... 336 Berkeley, Sir Henry. ..... 29, 31, 34 164, 269, 274, 300 29, 75 INDEX. 535 17 17: n. 340 31 BERKELEY, LADY JANE BERKELEY, JANE Berkeley, John Berkeley, Margaret BERKELEY, MARY.. ... • Berkeley, Dame Penelope Berkeley, Sir Robert BERKELEY, ROBERT Berkeley, Lady Theophila 292 29, 75 264 164 20: n. 340 160, 162 BIDDULPH, DAME MARY. BIDDULPH, MARY BIDDULPH, SIR MICHAEL Biddulph, Sarah.. Biddulph, Dame Susanna Biddulph, Sir Theophilus BIGGS, ELIZABETH BIGGS, JOHN 225 16 16 28 16 16 352 : n. 323 323: n. 352 Biggs, Mary 323 Berkeley, Sir Thomas 114 Biggs, Sarah 323 Berkeley, Thomas 17 BILBEY. MARY 50 BERKELEY, SIR WILLIAM 164 n. 214 Bilby, Mary.... 50 Berkeley-Portman, Letitia 421 BILDEE, WALTER 1 Berkeley-Portman, William 421 Billany, George 351 Berkshire, Bridget (Countess of)..... 140, 164 Billey, Hugh 1 BERKSHIRE, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS Berkshire, Francis (Earl of).......... Berkshire, Henry-Bowes (Earl of) BERKSHIRE, THOMAS (EARL OF) 170: n. 10, 177, 222, 243, 246, 250 Bernard, OF) 177 : Billey, Mary 1 n. 243 140, 164 Billey, Walter 1 BILLINGHURST, ANNE 409 10 BILLINGSLEY, BRIDGET.. 310 n. 344 Billingsley. Dorothy 310 Billingsley, John 143 385 Billingsley, Mary 344 BERNARD, CORNELIA 71 Billingsley, Rupert 310, 344 BERNARD, DANIEL BERNARD, ELIZABETH 71 Bilson, Anne 113 71: n. 29, 31, 32. 33, Bilson, Arnold 113 36, 41, 42 Bilson, Eleanor 15, 64 Bernard, Sir Henry... 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 41. 42 Bilson, Herman 113 ... Berry, Elizabeth 286 BILSON, LEONARD 64: n. 15 Berry, John.. 286, 312 BILSON, SUSAN 15 Berry, Ursula .... BERTIE, LADY ANNE 312 153 Bilson, Dame Susanna 61 BILSON, RIGHT REV. THOMAS 113: n. 64 ... Bertie, Lady Bridget. Bertie, Henry Bertie, James BERTIE, MARY Bertie, Montague 224, 307 BILSON, SIR THOMAS 64 .... 265 BILSON, THOMAS 15 119 Bindon, Mabel (Viscountess) 133 16 Bindon, Thomas (Viscount) 133, 143 125, 149 Bing, Catharine 201 Bertie, Mrs. 476 Bing, Elizabeth 201 Bertie, Peregrine 16 BING, STEPHEN 203 BERTIE, ROBERT 16: n. 153 BINGLEY, ANNE 112 Berwick (Duke of) 280 BINGLEY, ELIZABETH (LADY) 390: n. 413 ... Besford, Easter 469 BINGLEY, GEORGE (LORD) 413 Beteilhe, Francis Besford, Mary Beteilhe, Louisa-Henrietta BETENSON, ALBINIA 469 BINGLEY, HARRIOT (LADY) 413 393 Bingley, Sir John 112 393 BINGLEY, JOHN 112 20 BINGLEY, ROBERT (LORD) 331: n. 240, 244, Betenson, Sir Richard 20 390, 413, 450 Betenson, Richard 20 Birch, Alice.. 268 BETHELL, MRS. ... 198 Birch, Anne..... 29 Betston, Jane 244 Birch, Humphrey-Wyrley. 373 BETT, ANNE 3 Birch, Jane 49 Bett, John Betterton, Anne BETTERTON, CHARLES Betterton, Frances 3 BIRCH, JOHN-WYRLEY. 49 195 Birch, Joseph 296 195 BIRCH, KNIGHTLEY 49 268 BIRCH. MARTHA 35, 252: n. 263, 292 BETTERTON, MARY 274 Birch, Mary 268 Betterton, Matthew 268 BIRCH, PETER 35, 252. 264, 268: n. 49, 292, BETTERTON, THOMAS... 268: n. 195, 274, 375 373 Betts, Anna 143 BIRCH, SAMUEL.. 296 Betts, Mary 186 BIRCH, SIBYLL 264: n. 49, 268, 373 BEVERLEY, ALGERNON (EARL OF) 457 : n. 428, Birch, Thomas 29, 268 432, 483, 518 BIRCHENSHAW, JOHN 202 BEVERSHAM, JOHN Beverton, Simon.. Bevis, John Beverley, George (Earl of) 471, 478, 480, 517 BEVERLEY, ISABELLA-SUSANNA (COUNT- ESS OF) 457, 483: n. 518 457,483: Beverley, Louisa-Harcourt (Countess of) 518 BEVERWOOD, LADY CHARLOTTE Biddulph, Dame Elizabeth Bird, Thomas Bird, William 228 403 Birkhead, Anne Birkensha, John Bird, Elizabeth... 43, 506 Bird, Jane 468 506 • 43 202 111 251 244 Birkhead, Christopher Birkhead, Frances. 16 111 111, 135 BIRKHEAD, GABRIEL.... 111: n. 135 536 INDEX. Birkhead, Katherine 111 BLAKE, THOMAS 152 Birtles, John 180 Blakeney, Robert 398 Birtles, Mary 180 BLAKENEY, WILLIAM (LORD) 398 Bisse, Right Rev. Philip 201 Blaker, Dorothy ... 208, 209 BISSET, ANDREW 361 Blaker, Edward 209 Bisset, Constance 361 Blanc, Elizabeth 473 Bisshopp, Dame Anne 53 Blanchard, Henrietta 27 Bisshopp, Sir Cecil.... 53 BLANCHART, HENRIETTA 27 BISSHOPP, CHARLOTTE.. 53 Bland, Hester.. 459 Bithell, Lucy .... Black, Anna-Maria 212 Bland, Humphrey 380 444 Bland, James 459 Black, Elizabeth 444 BLANDFORD, ALBERTHA-FRANCES-ANNE Black, Jonathan.. 444 (MARCHIONESS OF) 61 Blackborne, Alice 109 Blandford, GEORGE - CHARLES (MAR- Blackborne, Christopher 109 QUIS OF) 60 Blackborne, Gertrude 109 Blantyre, Alexander (Lord).. 277 Blackborne, Henry. 110 Blantyre, Anne (Lady) 277 Blackborne, Isabel 109 BLANTYRE, WALTER (LORD)...... 277: n. 250 BLACKBORNE, JOHN 109: n. 108 BLANY, MORRIS 135 ..... BLACKBORNE, RICHARD 110: n. 108 BLETCHLY, ELIZABETH 139 Blackburn, Mary-Ann 489 Blew, William. 431 Blacke, Robert 386 BLIE, SAMUEL 217 Blackerby, Mary Blackerby, Samuel.. Blackett, Anne Blackett, Sir William Blackford, Elizabeth. Blacklidge, Sarah Blacknall, John Blacknall, Mary ... 6, 7 BLIGH, EDWARD 372 6 Bligh, Elizabeth…….. 323 42 Bligh, James 506 42 BLIGH, JOHN.. 43, 323, 489: n. 307 460 Bligh, Lucy.. 489 381 Bligh, Mary... 489 18 Bligh, Reginald 489 18 Bligh, Richard 489, 506 BLACKSTOCK, EDWARD BLACKSTOCK, HARRIET 462: n. 505 BLIGH, LADY THEODOSIA 43: n. 307 505: n. 462 Bligh, Thomas 323 Blackstone, Mary 473 Bligh, Timothy 489 Blackstone, Sir William Blackwell, Dame Anne.. 473 Blizard, Christian 135 55 Blizard, John 135 Blackwell, Sir Charles 55 BLIZARD, RICHARD 135 Blagge, Ambrose 152 BLOIS, AMY... 338 Blagge, Margaret 152, 274 Blois, Sir Charles 338 Blagge, Martha 152 Blois, Jane 45 Blagge, Mary 152 Blois, Mary 338 ... Blagge, Thomas 152, 274 Blagrave, Anne 222 Blagrave, Anthony.. 232 Blagrave, Daniel 143 Blagrave, Elizabeth 143 Blois, Robert Blois, Sir William Blondell, Elizabeth Blondell, Philip Blore, Edward... 338 45 69 69 99 BLAGRAVE, JANE 15 Blore, Harriet 99 Blagrave, John 222 .... BLORE, ROWLAND 443, 450 ᏴᏞᎪᏀᎡᎪᏙᎬ, ᎷᎪᎡᏩᎪᎡᎬᎢ 224: n. 232 BLORE, SARAH 436: n. 443, 450 BLAGRAVE, REBECCA 15 Blore, Sarah-Anne 99 Blagrave, Richard 222 BLOUNT, ANNABELLA 36 BLAGRAVE, THOMAS 222: n. 15, 224, 232, 240, Blount, Anne 37, 121, 153 257 Blount, Anthony.... 172 BLAIR, ANNA-PRISCILLA 88 BLOUNT, CHARLES 8 BLAIR, ANN-PERSODE 87, 88, 89: n. 433 BLOUNT, EDWARD.. 36 BLAIR, EDWARD-AUGUSTUS 89 BLOUNT, ELIAS .... 190 BLAIR, FRANCES 87 BLOUNT, ELINOR 8 BLAIR, HARRIET 89 Blount, Elizabeth 37 BLAIR, HENRY 88, 418 BLOUNT, ESTHER 438: n. 512 BLAIR, JOHN 87, 88, 89, 418, 433 BLOUNT, FRANCES 3 BLAIR, PATRICK-GEORGE 89 BLOUNT, GEORGE 472 n. 438, 512 BLAIR, SARAH BLAIR, WILLIAM BLAKE, ELIZABETH Blake, Humphrey BLAKE, JOHN BLAKE, MARY.. Blake, Sir Patrick Blake, Sir Richard... BLAKE, ROBERT Blake, Sarah 88 BLOUNT, GEORGE-LANE 512: n. 472 89: n. 433 Blount, Sir Henry 8 17 Blount, Dame Hester 8 150 • Blount, John-Burrell 472 50 Blount, Robert 153 50 BLOUNT, SAMUEL 121 490 BLOUNT, WILLIAM • 172 17 BLOW, CATHERINE 328 ... 150, 386, 522 BLOW, ELIZABETH 208: n. 227, 232, 263, 297, .... 150 328, 351 INDEX. 537 BLOW, HENRY 189 BLOW, JOHN 189, 232, 265: n. 208, 227, 238, 244, 263, 297, 328, 351 BLOW, MARY 351: n. 328 Blundell, Francis 353 Blundell, John 353 Bond, Mary-Charlotte Bond, Sara BOND, SIR THOMAS Bonham. Dorothy Bonham, Thomas Bonner, Elizabeth 240 41 240 39 39 • 409 BLUNT, ELIAS Blundell, Samuel Blundell, Susanna Blunt, Frances BLY, RICHARD BLYFORD, THOMAS Blyth, Christian. 347 BONNER, ELLIS 111 • 347, 352 Bonner, Mary 409 190 Boone, Anne 370 3 Boone, Daniel.. 370 226 Booth, Alice 116 225 Booth, Dorothy 20 364 Booth, Edward 19, 20 Blyth, Edmund 364 Booth, Elenor 116 BLYTH, ELIZABETH 249: n. 364 Booth, Dame Elizabeth.. 116 BLYTH, FRANCES 249 Booth, Sir George 116 Blyth, John....... BLYTH, RICHARD 364 BOOTH, HESTER.. 19 249: n. 68, 226 Booth, James 46 Blyth, Samuel.. 217 BOOTH, JUDITH 46 Boak, Thomas.. Bochart, Marie Bochart, René.. Bochart, Samuel. Bockland, Beatrix Bockland, Ellen Bockland, Maurice Bocland, Beatrix Boddington, Frances-Ann Boddington, Reginald-Brooke. 419 BOOTH, MARY.. 40 73 Booth, Sir William 116 73 BOOTH, WILLIAM .... 19, 365, 485: n. 20 73 BORASTON, EDWARD. 185 Boraston, Lucy • 138 138 .... 185 BORASTON, MARY 185 Boraston, Philip 185 BORRETT, JOHN 229: n. 269 138 467: n. 473, 507 93 Borrett, Mary 467, 473, 507 93 Borthwick, Anne 60 BODELL, ELIZABETH 245 BORTHWICK, GRACE ... 60 BODGINGHAM, JAMES 188 Borthwick, John 60 Bodgingham, Thomas 188 BORTHWICK, ROBERT-BROWN 60 Bodmin, Robert (Viscount)...... 319, 341, 526 Boscawen, Lady Anne 283 Bodmin, Sarah (Viscountess) 319 BOSCAWEN, ANNE. 50: n. 48, 53 Bodvile, John 319 BOSCAWEN, CHARLOTTE Bodvile, Sarah 319 Boscawen, Edward Bogle, John 439 BOSCAWEN, GEORGE.. 36 36, 48 50 BOHEMIA, ELIZABETH (QUEEN OF) 156: ... BOSCAWEN, HUGH 36 n. 139, 283 Bohemia, Frederick (King of) Bold, Anne.. n. 132, 206 156, 206 364, 375, 421 Boscawen, Jael 36 BOSCAWEN, LUCY 51 Bold, Thomas 375, 421 Boscawen, Margaret BOSCAWEN, MARY………. 139 48 Bolitho, John 393 BOSCAWEN, NICHOLAS 522: n. 139 Bolle, Elizabeth 198 BOSCHOVEN (COLONEL) 139 Bolle, Sir John 198 Bossingam, Thomas 231 Bolles, Dame Mary 28 Bostock, Mary 102 Bolles, Sir Robert 28 Bostock, Stileman 102 BOLT, ANNE 77 BOSTON, ISABEL 127 BOLT, EDWARD 291 .... Boston, Josiah 127 Bolt, John BOLT, ELIZABETH BOLT, SIMON 77, 78: n. 285, 291 BOSVILE, ALEXANDER 34 Bolton, Anne (Duchess of) Bolton, Charles (Duke of) Bolton. Charles 285 77, 78, 285: n. 277, 291 275 146, 225, 275 363, 361, 375 BOSVILE, ANNE 34 Bosvile, Elizabeth 31 Boswell, Sir William.. Boswell, see Bosvile. Boucher, Josiah 201 239 Bolton, Honoria 252 BOUCHER, JOSIAS 74: n. 239 Bolton, Jane 252 Bolton, Mary (Duchess of) 146, 225 BOUCHER, MARGARET BOUCHER, MR. 74, 311 239 Bolton, Mary 169, 258,259 BOUCHER, NICHOLAS 213 Bolton, Prudence 363 Boucher, Sara.. 239 Bolton, Robert 169 Boughton, Anne………….. 111, 150, 471 BOLTON, SAMUEL 169 Boughton, Sir Edward 472 Bolton, Sarah 169 BOUGHTON, JANE 111 n. 150 Bolton, Thomas 252 Boughton, Mary 471 BOND, DENIS 522 Boughton, Shuckburgh 471 BOND, ELIZABETH 46 BOUGHTON, WILLIAM 111: n. 150 Bond, John 522 BOULDEN, THOMAS 137 • · BOND, JOSEPH 46 Boulger, John 512 Bond, Margaret 522 Boulte, see Bolt. BOND, DAME MARY 240 BOULTER, ELIZABETH.. 386 3 Z 538 INDEX. BOULTER, MOST REV. HUGH 361, 386 Boyle, Lady Catharine Boulter, John 361 Boyle, Charles 273 198, 333 Boulton, William Bourbon, Louis (de) Boulter, Rebecca Boulton, Anne Boulton, Francis Boulton, Samuel. BOURBON, ARMAND (DE) BOURBON, CHARLOTTE (DE) Bourchier, Lady Anne BOURCHIER, BRERETON 361 Boyle, Lady Frances 212 179 Boyle, Francis 200 209 Boyle, Lady Henrietta 217, 329, 349 209 Boyle, Lady Jane 198 ... 179, 209 Boyle, Richard 217 355, 356 Boynton, Isabella 212 ... 356: n. 355 Boynton, Sir Matthew 212 .... 355 Boynton, Matthew... 212 44, 146 Boys, Anne 81 36 Boys, Sir William 81 Bourchier, Lady Cecilia 116 Brabazon, Sir Anthony. .... 156, 316 Bourchier, Henry 185 Brabazon, Dorcas 156, 316 BOURCHIER, KATHERINE 36 BRACE, ELIZABETH 46 BOURCHIER, Martha • 44: n. 36 Brace, Francis 46 Bourchier, William 36 Bourne, Sir Anthony 64 Bourne, Elizabeth 409 Bourne, Ellen.. BOURNE, LUCIA 375 408, 473: n. 314, 409 ... ... Bracebridge, Catharine Bracebridge, Samuel Bracebridge, Thomas.. BRACEGIRDLE, ANN Bracegirdle, Justinian 421 421 375, 421 375: n. 262, 274 375, 376 Bourne, Mary 64 .... Bourne, Nehemiah Bourne, Thomas.. Bourne, Vincent Bowden, James Bowden, Mary Bracegirdle, Martha 376 • 375 Bradbury, Elizabeth 386 408, 409, 474 BRADDOCK, EDWARD 263: n. 208, 227 314, 408, 473 BRADDOCK, ELIZABETH ... 227: n. 208, 263 525 Bradford, Anne 323 525 Bradford, Francis (Earl of) 231 Bowdler, Thomas Bowen, Lettice 338 BRADFORD, HENRY (EARL OF) 343: n. 361, 436 394 Bradford, JANE 351: n. 82, 323 Bowes, Mary Bowjedsen, Herman Bowker, Ann Bowker, Deborah Bowker, Elizabeth. Bowker, Frances • Bowker, John.... Bowker, Joseph BOWKER, MARGARET Bower, Anne Bower, Edward Bowerbank, Catherine Bowerman, Rebecca Bowers, Dorothy Bowes, Andrew-Robinson.. BOWES, ELIANOR Bowes, George. BOWES, MARY-ELEANOR 348 Bradford, Mary (Countess of)…………. 343, 408 348 Bradford, Richard (Earl of) 343, 408 325 BRADFORD, RIGHT REV. SAMUEL 331: n. 82, .... 183 323, 351 371 Bradford, Susanna 82, 332, 351 464 BRADFORD, WILLIAM 323: n. 332 312 Bradley, Jonathan. 195 10, 312, 463 Bradley, Mary 195 10, 463 463 490 332, 392, 396 Bradshaw, John BRADSHAW, MARY Bradshaw, Mrs. Brainc, Henry 522 522 320 188 332 Braine, Katherine 188 332, 392, 396 Bramston, Dorothy 23 332 Bramston, Sir John 23, 154 332 BRAMSTON, PRISCILLA 23 332 Brandenburg-Anspach, Eleanor-Erdmuth- 332: n. 344 Louisa (Margravine of) 349 Bowker, Maria Bowker, William Bowker, Zenoby-Ann Bowles, Elizabeth Bowles, Oldfield Bowls, Daniel……….. 392, 396 Brandenburg - Anspach, John - Frederic 332 (Margrave of) 349 392, 396 BRANSBY, ELIZABETH 30 86 Bransby, Robert….. 30 86 Bransby, Thomas 30 409 Brathwaite, Carolinc... 462 Bowls, Mary ... 409 Brathwaite, Sir John.. 462 BOWMAN, ANNE. 1 Brathwaite, Jolin 462 Bowman, Edward 1 Brathwaite, Silvia 462 Bowman, Elizabeth 1 Brayford, Anne 202 Bowman, Jane 1 Breame, Rachel 320 BOWMAN, LEONARD 1 Bredell, Mary 87 BOWMAN, WILLIAM 445 BREHOLT, ELIZABETH 400 Bowser, Jane 473 BRENT, MARGARET 507 : n. 506 BOX, ELIZABETH Box, Sir Ralph Boyce, Barbara 15 BRENT, TIMOTHY 506: n. 507 15 Brent, William-Brent 506, 507 164 Brereton, Francis (Lord) .. 30 Boyce, Mary 164 Brereton, Sir John.... 5 Boyce, Richard 164 Brereton, Martha 36 Boyce, William 410, 476 Brereton, Mary .... 5 Boyd, Christian 234 Brereton, Randolph 36 Boyd, Robert (Lord).. 234 Brereton, William (Lord).. 5 Boyle, Beaufoy 331 Breton, Alice 365 INDEX. 539 Brett, Esther Breton, Elizabeth Breton, Robert Brett, Dame Anne Brett, Anne BRETT, CHARLES Brett, Elizabeth Brett, Frances Brett, James Brett (Major-General) 385 Brome, Charles 466 385 Brome, Edith 466 193-4 Brome, Eliza 466 11, 119, 171 Brome, Elizabeth 75 11 Brome, John 75 288 Bromfield, Edward 334 451 11 • 119, 171 Bromfield, Elizabeth Bromfield, Margery BROMFIELD, ROBERT 161 • 191 245 11 BROMFIELD, THOMASIN 6 BRETT, MARY.. 11 Bromhall, Dorothy.. 70 Brett, Sir Robert 194 BROMHALL, GREGORY 70 Brett, Susanna 386, 466 Bromhall, Richard. 70 Breval, see De Bréval. Bromley, Sir Henry 145 Brevol, see De Bréval. Bromley, Mary 145 Brewer, Elizabeth 238, 257 BROMSALL, DAME MARY 328: n. 326 Brewer, William.. 238 Bromsall, Sir Thomas 328 BRIAN, MARY……….. 47 BROOK, FRANCIS 139 BRIAN, THOMAS……… 47 Brook, Henry 127 Bridgeman, Charles BRICKHEAD, GABRIEL BRIDGEMAN, ELIZABETH Bridgeman, George Bridgeman, Heveningham BRIDGEMAN, JAMES Bridgeman, Sir John Bridgeman, John BRIDGES, ANNABELLA Bridges, Anne.. 111 BROOK, LEONARD 141 .... 160 · Brooke, Alice 268 160 • BROOKE, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS) 463: n. 366 160, 228 Brooke, Francis (Earl)………. 463 228 Brooke, Fulke (Lord) 254, 472 228: n. 201 Brooke, George 4 228 Brooke, Henry .... £ 160 BROOKE, MARGARET 4 ... 41 Brooke, Dame Penelope 322 Brooke, Sarah (Lady) 254 Bridges, Sir Egerton .. 81 Brooke, Thomas 268 Bridges, Henry 322 Brooke, Sir William 4 Bridges, John 322 Brooker, Elizabeth 78, 467, 490, 525 Bridges, Nathaniel………. 151 Brooker, Hannah Bridges, Rose 322 BROOKER, HARRIET 443 86, 130 Bridgewater, Elizabeth (Countess of) 290 BROOKER. HENRIETTA Bridgewater, Frances (Countess of) 224 54, 86, 467 : n. 430 BROOKER, HENRY 54, 86, 143, 190: n. 430, 467 Bridgewater, John (Earl of) 195, 224. 275, 290. Brooker, James.. 78, 525 360 BROOKER, MARY 190 Brigham, Anne 154 BROOKS, AMY ..... 60 Brigham, John 154 Brooks, Jane-Elizabeth.. 60 Bright, Anthony.. 119 Brooks, John 459 Bright, Sir John... 13 Brooks, William-Cunliffe 60 Bright, Mary 360 Brooksband, Elizabeth 201 Bright, Dame Susanna BRINGFIELD, CLEMENCE.. 13 BROOMAN, EDWARD.. 307, 392 270 Brooman, Martha 307, 392 Bringfield, James BRINSLEY, MARGARET. Briscoe, Anne Briscoe, Diana Briscoe, Elizabeth • Briscoe, Sir John Briscoe, John 270 Brough, Emma 96 481 Brough, Job..... 96 257 Broughton, Caroline-Louisa. 101 467 BROUGHTON, SIR EDWARD 162 n. 163, 236 238, 257 Broughton, Edward 298 467 BROUGHTON, ELIZABETH ... 438 n. 271, 505 238, 257 Broughton, Ellen 298 Bristol, George (Earl of) BRISTOW, JOHN. BRISTOW, KATHERINE 24 Broughton, Harriet-Emma 101 5 BROUGHTON, JAMES... 79, 245, 259, 270, 271 : 5 n. 320 Brittayne, Eleanor Brittiffe, Hester. Brittiffe, Mary Brittiffe, Simon ... 110 BROUGHTON, JOHN 445: n. 163, 438, 505, 506 207 BROUGHTON, DAME MARY 236 207 BROUGHTON, REBECCA 246 207 Broughton, Richard • 163 BROAD, MARY Brocas, Henrietta Brocas, Theophilus... BROCK, HARRIET 404 Broughton, Robert-Edwards 101 511 BROUGHTON, SARAH 79, 259, 270, 320: n. 271 511 BROUN, CAROLINE-ALICE-JANE. 63 438 BROUN, GEORGE 63 BRODLEY, ABRAHAM BRODRICK, ANNE Brodrick, Katharine 113 BROUN, MONTAGU-CECIL 63 79, 80, 277: n. 85 Brown, George 275 BRODRICK, LAURENCE 79, SO, 271, 276, 277 : Brodridge, Christopher BRODRIDGE, MARTHA BROWN, GRACE BROWN, ISABELL BROWN, JAMES 28 Brown, Janc n. 85 $5 60 314 53: n. 525 445, 478 28 Brown, Jeremiah 417, 427 540 INDEX. .... BROWN, JOHN.. BROWN, MARY 45, 490: n. 275, 355, 481, 498, 525 Brown, Richard-Murray BROWN, ROBERT. ... BROWN, SARAH……… 317, 408 BRYDGES, CATHERINE BRYDGES, ELIZABETH 36: n. 205 445 60, 376 BRYDGES, EMMA Brydges, Frances 31: n. 109 32 .... 53: n. 525 BRYDGES, FRANCIS 118, 120 42 Brown, Sophia Brown, Susanna BROWN, THOMAS……. 417, 427 Brydges, George. 205, 359 511 Brydges, Giles 109 Brown, Thomas-Charles BROWN, WILLIAM 45, 254 511 Brydges, Grace BRYDGES, HENRY 429 41 60: n. 254 BRYDGES, JAMES 33: n. 36, 42 BROWNE, ALICE.. 20 Brydges, Margaret 359 Browne, Sir Ambrose 11 BRYDGES, MARY 29, 33: n. 42 Browne, Amy 239 BRYDGES, SARAH 42 BROWNE, ANNE. 35, 38: n. 11 Brydges, Susan 429 Browne, Arthur 239 Brydges, William 305, 429 Browne, Christian 129, 147 Buccleuch, Charlotte-Anne (Duchess of) 59, Browne, Edward 34 102, 104 Browne, Elizabeth 120, 300 Buccleuch, Francis (Earl of) 183 Browne, Sir Humphrey. 129, 147 Buccleuch, Henry (Duke of) 452 Browne, John 288 BUCCLEUCH, WALTER-FRANCIS (DUKE OF) Browne, Mary..... 125, 288 102, 104, 105, 106: n. 59 BROWNE, NATHANIEL 38 BUCHAN, ALEXANDER-PETER 500: n. 471, 484 Browne, Robert 20 Buchan (Earl of) 30 Browne, Samuel 35 Buchan, Helen 471 BROWNE, SUSAN 33 Buchan, Helen-Anna 500 Browne, Susanna 34 BUCHAN, JOHN 496 Browne, Sir Thomas • 34 BUCHAN, WILLIAM 471: n. 500 BROWNE, THOMAS.. 33 Buchanan, Anne. 439 Browning, Ann 378 Buck, Anne 48, 49, 406 Browning, William 378 BUCK, ELIZABETH BROWNLOW, DAME ALICE 13 Buck, James 11 420 Brownlow, Dame Elizabeth. 13 Buck, Rebecca 11 BROWNLOW, SIR JOHN. 13 Buck, Richard 388 • Brownlow, Margaret. 359 Buck, Samuel 406 Brownlow, Sir Richard 13 Buck, Thomas. 11 Brownlow, William Broxholme, Anne BROXHOLME, JOHN Broxholme, Troth .... 359 Buckeridge, Ann 453 141 Buckeridge, Anthony-Rodney 453 141 Buckeridge, Margaretta-Mabella 453 141 Buckingham, Catherine (Duchess of) 126, 127, Broxholme, William • Brozett, Cornelia Bruce, Lady Anne-Charlotte 141 315 211, 220, 276 BRUCE, LADY AUGUSTA - ELIZABETH - BRUCE, AUGUSTA-MARY Bruce, Edward (Lord) Bruce, Sir Edward.... Brudenell, Anne ... Brudenell, Lady Dorothy.. Brudenell, Francis (Lord) Brudenell, Lady Mary .... BRUDENELL, MARY Brugh, Elizabeth ... Brunswick, George-William (Duke of) ... 397 Bryan, Elizabeth BRYAN, JOHN Bryan, Richard Bryan, William • BRYDGES, ANNE……. FREDERICA 57: n. 400, 411, 429, 495 Bruce, James BRUCE, ELIZABETH-MARGERY-BRUCE... Bruce, Elizabeth-Marjoric Bruce, Lady Henrietta Bruce, Magdalen (Lady) BRUCE, SARAH-CAROLINE Bruce, Thomas (Lord) BRUCE, THOMAS-CHARLES Bruchell, Louisa.. Bruchell, Peter BRUCKES, SAMUEL 142, 215, 218 BUCKINGHAM, CHARLES (MARQUIS OF) 126 BUCKINGHAM, GEORGE (DUKE OF) 126, 127, 142, 218, 255: n. 14, 65, 119, 133, 173, 176, 215 BUCKINGHAM, MARY (DUCHESS OF)...... 255 BUCKINGHAM, MARY (COUNTESS OF) 130: n. 171 Buckinghamshire, Caroline (Countess of) 503 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, CATHARINE (DUCHESS OF) 254, 345, 362: n. 213 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, EDMUND (DUKE OF) 345: n. 372 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, JOHN (DUKE OF) 302, 345, 362: n. 254, 363, 379 106 129 129 104 104 276 305 129 ... 104, 106 129 104, 106 Buckinghamshire, John (Earl of) 503 405 BUCKLAND, BEATRICE.. 185 405 BUCKLAND, Edward-CoPLESTON... 100, 101 239 BUCKLAND, IIERBERT-WILLIAM 101 309 Buckland, Mary. 100 282, 354 BUCKLAND, MARY-ELLEN .... 100 309 BUCKLAND, ROSE-MARY 100, 101 281 BUCKLAND, WALTER-EDWARD 100 261 Buckland, William 100 344 BUCKNALL, DAME ELIZABETH 26 BUCKNALL, SIR JOHN 26 202 • Bucknall, Dame Mary 26 202 Bucknall, Dame Sarah 26 202 Bucknall, Sir William 26 202 Buckridge, 126 33 BUCKWORTH, DAME ELIZABETH 27, 42 INDEX. 541 Buckworth, Everard 333 Burland, Dame Letitia Buckworth, Dame Hester. 332 Burleigh (Lord).. BUCKWORTH, SIR JOHN 27: n. 332, 333 Burley, Barbara Buckworth, Mary Bugges, Elizabeth Buggin, Anne Buggin, William BUGGS, ELIZABETH Bulkeley, Dame Catharine Bulkeley, Janc BULKELEY, DAME LUCY BULKELEY, SIR RICHARD Bull, Alice BULL, ELIZABETH Bull, Richard BULLER, LADY AGNES Buller, Frederick-Thomas. BULLOCK, ELIZABETH BULLOCK, JOHN Bullock, Richard 332 Burlington, Elizabeth (Countess of) 421 119 197 217 .... 2 Burlington, Richard (Earl of)... 198, 212, 217 191 Burman, Balthazar 395 191 Burnaby, Anthony 258 .... 2 Burnaby, James 258 26 Burnaby, John 258 121 ..... Burnaby, Sherrard-Beaumont 492 26 26: n. 121 ..... • 392 Burnell, George 206 BURNABY, WILLIAM.. Burnell, Elizabeth Burneston, Anna-Maria. 258 444 444 450 392 Burneston, Charles... 450 514 Burnet, Elizabeth 17 514 Burnet, Right Rev. Gilbert 17 28 BURNHAM, ANN.. 309 28, 232 Burnham, Eleanor.. 370 232 BURNHAM, THOMAS 369 n. 237, 309 Bully, William 365 BURRAGE, MR. 164 Bulmer, Anne 195 BURRASTON, EDWARD 138 Bulmer, Mary 195 Burrell. Charles 401 Bulmer, Robert Bulmer, Thomas. ► BULMER, WILLIAM • 195 Burrell, Elizabeth 195 Burrell, Frances-Julia 195 Burrell, Isabella-Susanna • 483, 496 496 483 Bultcel, Anne 50 Burrell, John 401 Bulteel, Samuel 50 Burrell, Peter 183, 496 Bulwer, Dame Anna-Rosina 519 BURRIDGE, JOHN 164 Bulwer, Elizabeth-Barbara 519 ... Burridge, Luke 164 Bulwer, William-Earle 519 Burrough, Amy 338 BULWER - LYTTON, EDWARD - GEORGE- BURROUGH. SIR JOHN 126 EARLE-LYTTON 519 Burrough, John 338 Bungay, John 156 Burrows, Grace 461 Burbidge, Agnes... 264 Burrows, John-Freckleton 461 Burby, Edward 123 Burrows, Sarah 494 Burby, Frances 123 Burchell, John 376 Burden, Sarah…. Burchell, Margaret Burdall, Ellen Burdall, Thomas Burden, Thomas.. Burdett, Burrows, William Burslem, Christian. 376 Burslem, Jane.. 461, 194 · 262 262 298 Burslem, Thomas 262 298 Burt, Ann 159, 348 493 BURT, EDMUND 348 493 Burt, Elizabeth 495 322 Burt, Matthew 495 BURGES, ANN 323: n. 213, 371 Burt, Susanna.. 495 BURGES, CHARLES 274 Burton, Edmund. 351 BURGES, FRANCIS 285 Burton, Lancelot 266, 305, 493 Burges, James Burges, Sarah …. BURGET, MARY 274, 285, 323, 371 Burton, Mabel.. 133 323, 371 BURTON, MARY 161 Burton, Nicholas 70 133 Burgh, Anne 126 BURTON, SOLOMON 69 Burgh, Edward BURGH, SIR JOHN ... 127 BURTON, WILLIAM 69, 70 126 n. 127 Burwell, Mary 72 Burgh, John (de) 298 Burwell, Nicholas 72 Burgh, Richard 126 Bury, Joseph 399 Burghley, Mary (Lady) 120 Bury, Mary. 399 Burghley, William (Lord) 120, 125, 128 BUSBY, RICHARD 236 Burgoyne, Anna-Maria.... 331, 332, 450 Bush, Anne 67, 136, 170 Burgoyne, Anne....... 278 BUSH, ELIZABETH.. 3 BURGOYNE, LADY CHARLOTTE 422: n. 404 BUSH, FRANCES………… 135: n. 67, 111 BURGOYNE, CHARLOTTE-ELIZABETH 404 ... BUSH, ISAAC... 135, 136: n. 67, 137, 143, 170 Burgoyne, Sir John 450 Bushell, Anne 184 BURGOYNE, JOHN 450: n. 331, 332, 404, 422 Bushell, Edward 43 Burgoyne, Sir Roger 278 Bushell, Elizabeth 43 BURKE, JOHN.. 298 Bushell, Francis. 184 Burke, Lady Margaret 162 Bushell, Isabel 181 Burke, Ulick Burland, Elizabeth BURLAND, SIR JOHN. Burland, John……………….. 248 420 420 420 BUSHELL, THOMAS BUST, ELLEN Buswell, Elizabeth. BUSWELL, JOHN.. 183 241 n. 316 N. 403 403 542 INDEX. Bute, John (Marquis of)... 471, 478, 480, 518 Calcott, Richard ………. 249 Bute, John (Earl of) 493 CALDCOTT, JOHN 186 Butler, Alice 460 Caldicott, Jona 186 Butler, Angell………. 272 CALDWALL, CHARLES .281: n. 323 Butler, Lady Anne.. 370 CALDWALL, ELIZABETH .... 323, 412, 414 BUTLER, CECIL BUTLER, DOROTHY Butler, Lady Eleanor Butler, Eleanor BUTLER, ELINOR 255 Caldwall, Jeremiah 323, 412, 414 414: n. 508 Calendar, Elizabeth 379 162 Callendar, Anna.. 416 45 Calley, Dame Elizabeth. 7 404 Calley, Sir William 7 Butler, Elizabeth (Lady) 176 Calmady, Cecilia 443, 444 BUTLER, LADY ELIZABETH 209, 378: n. 128, Calmady, Francis 443 210, 218, 280, 289 Calmady, Philippa... 444 Butler, Frances 288 CALMADY, WARWICK. 443: n. 444 Butler, George 110 Calthorpe, Barbara.. ... 19 BUTLER, LADY HENRIETTA...... 249: n. 290 Calthorpe, Dorothy 19 Butler, Henry.... .... 460, 508 Calthorpe, James 19 BUTLER, JAMES 419, 499: n. 71, 189, 209, 210, CALTHORPE, PRISCILLA 19 220, 221, 222, 340, 370, 508 CALTHORPE, REYNOLDS 19 Butler, Jane..... 176 Calthrope, James 401 Butler, John (Lord) 176 Calverly, Sir Henry 33 Butler, John 288 CALVERLY, MARY 33 Butler (Lady). 65 Calvert, Benedict-Leonard 427 BUTLER, LUCY 288 Calvert, Honour 29 Butler, Margaret 110 Calvert, Jane 427 BUTLER, MARGERY 18 Calvert, Peter 29 BUTLER, LADY MARY 220: n. 269 Calvert, Raisley 419 Butler, Mary 134, 180 CALVERT, SUSANNA 29 Butler, Pierce 45 Cambel, Rachel 39 Butler, Richard Butler, Theobald (Viscount) Butler, Sir Theobald 215 Cambell, Sir Thomas.. .... 39 128 CAMBRIDGE, CHARLES (DUKE OF) 154, 192 134 CAMBRIDGE, EDGAR (DUKE OF) 174 Butler, Thomas 128, 199 CAMBRIDGE, JAMES (DUKE OF). 166 Butterfield, Julian 168 Camden, Avis 122 BUTTERFIELD, LUKE 168 Camden, Elizabeth.. 121 Butters, Ann 369 Camden, Sampson 121, 122 Butters, Kane-William 369 CAMDEN, WILLIAM………… 121: n. 122 Butters, Mary 369 Campbell, Dame Agnes-Margaret 515 BYLES, MARY 490 Campbell, Dame Agnes-Margaretta 496 Byles, Robert 490 Campbell, Sir Alexander 281 Byron, Anne 237 Campbell, Alexander...... 510, 511 BYRON, ELIZABETH (LADY) 25 CAMPBELL, DAME AMELIA. 485 Byron, Sir John 237 CAMPBELL, SIR ARCHIBALD 448: n. 485, 496 Byron, Julia 466 Campbell, Archibald .. 112 BYRON, DAME KATHERINE 188 CAMPBELL, CAROLINE 452 Byron (Lady) 174 Campbell, Sir Colin 517 Byron, Richard (Lord) 25 CAMPBELL, COLIN.. 326 Byron, Sir Thomas.. 188 Campbell, Daniel 510 BYRON, WILLIAM (LORD) 25 Campbell, Duncan 448 Byssc, Catharine 26 CAMPBELL, DAME ELIZABETH 281 Bysse, John 26 Campbell, Elizabeth 448 Bythell, Anne 305 ... Campbell, Lady Elizabeth-Lucy.. 58 BYTHELL, LUCY 212 Campbell, Henrietta .... 326 Bythell, Mrs. 198 Campbell, Sir Hugh 281 CAMPBELL, SIR JAMES……….. 495 n. 448, 515 Campbell, James 448 Campbell, Lady Jane 305 CADEN, SIR WILLIAM 137 Campbell, Jane 326 Cadogan, Bridget 318 Campbell, Jean 122 • Cadogan, Charles 318 Campbell, John 288, 364, 398, 409 Cadogan, Henry. 318 Campbell, John-Frederick-Vaughan 58 Cadogan, Margaretta-Cecilia (Countess of) 318 Campbell, Margaret 510 CADOGAN, WILLIAM (EARL OF)………………………. 318 Campbell, Lady Mary 482 Cahir, Pierce (Lord) 45 Campbell, Mary 511 Caithness (Earl of) 318 Campbell, Matilda.. 511 Cakewood, Elizabeth 309 Campbell, Sir Matthew... 122 CAKEWOOD, EPPIFANIA 230 CAMPBELL, THOMAS 510: n. 507 CAKEWOOD, ROBERT Calcot, John Calcott, Catherine 309 Campbell, Thomas-Telford 511 186 Campden, Edward (Viscount)……….. 8 249 Campion, Maria-Ann 469 INDEX. 543 Campion, Mary-Ann CAMPLIN, FRANCES CANE, ELIZABETH.. CANE, SIR WILLIAM……… CANNING, CHARLES-JOHN (EARL). Canning, Charlotte (Countess)………………. 469 Carey, Mary 146, 191 511 CAREY, ROBERT 250: 191 229 Carey, St. John 250 • 195 Carey, Thomas 147 • 516 Carey, William 488 516 Carhampton, Simon (Earl of). 448 CANNING, GEORGE.. ..... 501: n. 502, 508, 516 Carle, Anne 486 CANNING, JOAN (VISCOUNTESS) 508: n. 502, Carle, Peter 486 516 Carleton, Ann 282 Canning, Mary-Anne..... 501 CARLETON, ANNE (LADY) 126 CANNON, ROBERT.. CANNING, WILLIAM-PITT CANNON, ANNE Cannon, Charles... CANNON, ELIZABETH Cannon, Mary CANNON, THOMAS Cant, Ann... Capel, Arthur (Lord) Capel, Sir Arthur Capel, Sir Gamaliel CAPEL, JACOB Capel, Mary 502 Carleton, Anthony 130 80 CARLETON, CAROLINE 351 306 CARLETON, CLEARNON.. 323 80: n. 306 • Carleton, Dillingham 328 306 CARLETON, DUDLEY (LORD) 126, 130 80, 306: n. 301 Carleton, Sir Dudley 282 80 CARLETON, ELIZABETH 84: n. 323, 328, 345, 351 353 Carleton, Frances 130 308, 340 CARLETON, GEORGE 84: n. 323, 328, 345, 351 162 Carleton, Joyce 130 .... 142 CARLETON, MARGARET 84 • 157 CARLETON, MARY 345 142, 162, 340 CARLETON, MATTHIAS-DILLINGHAM 328 Capel, Theodosia Capell, John Capell, Rachel CAPER, MARY…. CAPPER, ELIZABETH. Capper, Francis 308 CARLETON, THEOPHILUS.. 81 287 Carlile, Frances 350 287 Carlile, James 350 27 Carlisle, Anne (Countess of) 171, 205, 211 55 55 Capper, Mary CARBERY, ALICE (COUNTESS OF) 55 224 Carbery, Anne (Countess of) 213 CARLISLE, CHARLES (EARL OF) 171, 205, 211: CARLISLE. EDWARD (EARL OF) 214: n. 235, 248 Carlisle, Elizabeth (Countess of) 214, 235, 248 Carlisle, George (Earl of) 59 n. 14, 26, 194, 213, 216, 303 Carbery, Frances (Countess of) 275 CARBERY, JOHN (EARL OF) 275: n. 213 Carmarthen. Thomas (Marquis of)... 224, 230 Carnaby, Catherine 124 Carbery, Richard (Earl of).... 224, 275 Carnaby, Sir Reginald 124 Cardale, George 367 Carnarvon. Charles (Earl of) 366 Cardigan, Anne (Countess of )………… 354 CARNARVON, - Cardigan, Robert (Earl of ).. 282, 354 EVELYN GEORGIANA - CATHARINE (COUNTESS OF) 56 Cardigan, Thomas (Earl of) 281 Cardinall, Julian 131 Carnarvon, Henrietta-Anna (Countess of) Carnarvon, Henry (Earl of) 56 482 CARDINALL, PETER (DE)……… 167 CARNARVON, HENRY HOWARD - MOLY- Cardinall, William 131 NEUX (EARL OF) 56 Cardonel, Amey 338 Carnarvon, Henry-John-George (Earl of) 56 Cardonell, Catherine (de) 167 Carne, Edward 26. 168, 203, 231 Cardonell, Peter (de)………. 167 Carne, Martha, 26, 168, 203, 231 Cardonell, Philip (de) 167 CAROLINA-ELIZABETH (PRINCESS) 391 CAREW, LADY ANNE 155 CAROLINE (QUEEN) 349: n. 291, 381, 391, 406, CAREW, DAME ANNE 152 442 Carew, Dorothy 320 Carpenter, George 465 Carew, Edward 226 Carpenter, Joseph 260 CAREW, FRANCES 147 Carr, Alena-Maria 226 Carew, Francis 147 Carr, Anna-Sophia 226 CAREW, SIR HENRY 163 CARR, ANNE 30: n. 144 CAREW, HENRY 167 Carr, Carew 226 Carew, Thomas 320 Carr (Colonel) 359 Carew, Venetia 226 Carr, Elizabeth 226 Carey, Lady Anne 155 CARR, HENRY 226, 244 Carey, Dame Anne 108 Carr, Dame Isabella 30 Carey, Catherine 127 CARR, LUCY 2 Carey, Edward 163 Carr, Dame Mary 2 Carcy, Elizabeth 114 CARR, MRS... 234 Carcy, Ernestus 250 Carr, Sir Ralph • 30 Carey, Frances 147 CARR, RALPH 30 Carey, Sir George 114 Carr, Sir Robert 2. 196 Carey, Sir Henry 108, 155, 163 Carr, Rose 450 CAREY, HENRY Carey, Sir John Carcy, Lady Judith Carey, Margaret.... Carey, Dame Martha 146: n. 127 Carr, Venetia 226, 244 191 CARR, SIR WILLIAM 195 155 Carr, William 144 147 CARRE, LADY HENRIETTA-MARIA 141 163 CARRE, ROBERT 141 544 INDEX. Carrington, Sarah Carrington, Thomas Carsan, Elizabeth Cart, Elizabeth CART, WILLIAM Carte, Samuel Carter, Carter, Abraham. • 437 CASAUBON, ISAAC 111, 132 437 Casaubon, Jane .... 111 419 Casaubon, Johanna 111 161 Casaubon, Meric……. 132 161 Casburne, Isabella 401 367 Casburne, Rev. Mr. 401 • 270 Casson, Mrs. 357 139 Castlemaine, Barbara (Countess of) 330 CARTER, ANNE Carter, Avis..... 76, 248: n. 423 Castlemaine, Roger (Earl of) 330 122 Castlereagh, Amelia-Anne (Viscountess) 503 CARTER, CHRISTOPHER CARTER, DANIEL CARTER, GEORGE · 76 Castlereagh, Robert (Viscount) 498, 503 155: n. 475 281 Castleton (Lord) 217 Castleton, Mildred (Viscountess) 189 CARTER, HONOR Carter, James 35 Castleton, Nicholas (Viscount) 189 423 Castro, Don Hyacinth-Borges-Pereira á 301 Carter, Jane Carter, Julia CARTER (LIEUT.-COLONEL) CARTER, MARTHA CARTER, MARY 475 Catesby, Anthony 112 423 Catesby, Dorothy 111 139 Catesby, Mary 359 276 Catesby, Thomas 359 76, 400 CATHARINA-LAURA (PRINCESS) 187 Carter, Ralph 139 Catherine (Queen) 212 Carter, Susanna CARTER, WILLIAM 18 Catherlough (Earl of) 54 403 n. 248 Catlin, John 468 Carteret, Amias CARTERET, BRIDGET CARTERET, SIR CHARLES CARTERET, SIR EDWARD... CARTERET, EDWARD 283 CATLING, ANNE 85, 377: n. 384 36 CATLING, BENJAMIN .... 86, 122 283 CATLING, FRANCES-ANN 90 192: n. 283, 289 Catling, Jane 425 36, 192 CARTERET, DAME ELIZABETH 289 : n. 192, 283 CATLING, JOHN 51, 85, 86, 90, 401: n. 377, 384, 403, 406, 422, 425, 444 CATLING, MARY 51, 85, 86, 406, 425, 444: n. CARTERET, FRANCES (LADY)……….. 365 Carteret, George (Lord) 271, 367, 402 377, 384, 422, 432 Carteret, Sir George 367, 402 CARTERET, GEORGE 293 CATLING, SARAH-FRANCES CATLING, SUSANNA 90: n. 85 85, 384 CARTERET, GRACE (VISCOUNTESS) 367 Caulfield, Caroline 450 Carteret, Grace (Lady)………… 271, 402 Caulfield, Edward 450 Carteret, James 283 Caulfield, John 450 Carteret, Lady Jemima.. 36 ... Caulfield, Maria 450 CARTERET, JOHN (VISCOUNT) 402 Caulfield, Susan 450 Carteret, John (Lord) 365 Cavan, Castiliana (Countess of) 349 Carteret, John.. 368 Cavan, Charles (Earl of) 349 Carteret, Margaret.. 175 Cavan, Bichard (Earl of) 377, 494 Carteret, Dame Mary 283 CAVE, JOHN 159 n. 160 CARTERET, SIR PHILIP 289: n. 36, 175, 283 Cavell, Alice 399 CARTERET, PHILIP 271 Cavendish. Lady Catherine 124 Carteret, Rachel. 175 CARTERET, SOPHIA CARY, LADY ABIGAIL Cary, Dame Anne Cary, Anne Cary, Anthony 368 Cavendish, Dame Catherine.. Cavendish, Sir Charles 190 190 CARTWRIGHT, ROBERT. 171 Cavendish, Charles... ... 154 220 CAVENDISH, LADY ELIZABETH 341: n. 290 12, 152 Cavendish, Elizabeth.. 112, 154 64, 201, 231, 294 234 CAVENDISH, LORD FREDERICK CAVENDISH, FREDERICK-CHARLES 58 58 Cary, Charles-Thomas 511 CAVENDISH, HENRY 341: n. 271, 304 CARY, CHARLOTTE 12 Cavendish, Lady Jane 12 Cary, Sir Edmund 12 Cavendish, Lady Lucy-Caroline 58 Cary, Sir Edward 64, 201, 231 Cavendish, Lady Margaret 4, 272, 389 Cary, Edward Cary, Francis-Stephen Cary, Henrietta Cary, Heury 294 Cavendish, Sir William.... 112 511 CAVENDISH, WILLIAM 241: n. 171, 182, 190, 511 225, 269 511 CARY, HENRY-FRANCIS 511 Cary, Janc 511 Cary, John 13, 220 Cavendish-Bentinck, Lord Edward-Charles 99 Cavendish-Bentinck, Harriet-Elizabeth... 99 Cawdor, John-Frederick-Vaughan (Earl) 58 Cawley, Elizabeth 7 Cary, Lady Mary 13 CAWOOD, MARY.. 468 Cary, Mary 220 Cawood, Sarah 468 Cary, Right Rev. Mordecai 511 Cawood, William 468 Cary, Sir Ross.. 152 Cecil, Anne 125, 171 Cary, William 511 Cecil, Christian 171 Cary, William-Lucius 511 Cecil, Lady Diana 124 Casaubon, Arnold 111 Cecil, Lady Elizabeth 177, 225, 237, 243, 334 CASAUBON, FLORENCE 132 Cecil, Frances.. 171 INDEX. 545 Cecil, James Cecil, John Cecil, Lady Lucy Cecil, Lady Margaret.... CECIL, LADY SOPHIA-ANNA CECIL, THOMAS.. 336 CHAPMAN, ELIZABETH 21, 202 171 CHAPMAN, JAMES · 159: n. 125, 202 111 Chapman, John 357 273 CHAPMAN, KATHERINE 5 118 Chapman, Lake 357 120: n. 52 Chapman, Margaret 159 Cecil, William ... 120, 125, 128, 134 Chapman, Martha 265 ... Chabot, Lady Maria-Appollonia-Scholas- CHAPMAN, MARY 43: n. 5, 159 tica-De Rohan 411 CHAPMAN, MELIOR...... 138, 148, 259: n. 322 CHABOT, LADY MARY-DE ROHAN..... 411 CHAPMAN, PETER .... 177: n. 159, 202 CHALONER, EDWARD 329 CHAPMAN, RICHARD 179: n. 43 Chaloner, Luke 149 CHAPMAN, THOMAS 21: n. 265 .... Chaloner, Phoebe 149 Chamberlaine, Constance 335-6 • CHAPMAN, WILLIAM Chappell, Elizabeth 67, 148, 158 125 Chamberlaine, Dorothy.. 287 CHAPPELL. JAMES…… 125 CHAMBERLAINE, EDMUND 32 Chappell, John 125 CHAMBERLAINE, EMMA 32 Chardin, Dame Esther 388 Chambers, George Chamberlaine, Frances. Chamberlaine, George Chamberlaine, John Chamberlaine, Mary Chamberlaine, Philip.. Chamberlayne, Dame Elizabeth Chamberlayne, Miss Chamberlayne, Sir Thomas Chambers, Dame Catherine..... Chambers, Charlotte Chambers, Cornelia CHAMBERS, EPHRAIM Chambers, Hon. Mrs. 491-2 CHARDIN, SIR JOHN 388 336 Chardin, Julia.... 388 32 CHARLES I. (KING) 134 : n. 128, 152, 153, 212, 32 491-2 250 CHARLES II. (KING) 212 : n. 201, 210, 250, 286, 114 .... 428 308, 317, 330, 382 CHARLES, DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE ... 164, 192 114 CHARLES. DUKE OF KENDALL 165 456, 457 CHARLES, DOROTHY 128 457 Charles, Elizabeth. 136 457 CHARLES, LAWRENCE 128, 136 356 Charles, William 136 457 .... 157 CHARLES-JAMES, PRINCE OF WALES Charles-Louis, Elector Palatine 128 239 Chambers, John 356 ... CHARLETON, BATHIA 20 Chambers, Lavinia 457 Charlotte (Queen) 434, 436 CHAMBERS, MARGARET 192: n. 147 CHARLOTTE-MARIA (PRINCESS) 206 Chambers, Nathaniel. 357 Charol, Jane (du) 218 Chambers, Salina 457 Charol, John (du) 218 CHAMBERS, SARAH 301 CHARPIN, JOHN 407 CHAMBERS, SIR WILLIAM 156 CHARPINE, ELIZABETH 331 • Chambers, Zachary 357 CHASE, ELIZABETH 15 Chamier, Daniel..... 104 CHASE, JAMES 15 Champion, Elizabeth. 13 Chase, Jane 370 CHAMPION, MARY. 43 Chase, John.... 15 Champion, Peter.. 43 CHASE, THOMAS ……. 441 n. 370 Champnes, Edward-Thomas 485 CHAMPNES, MARY.. 485 Champnes, Thomas-Weldon.. Chandler, Aun... CHATHAM, HESTER (COUNTESS OF) 469 : n. 142, 472, 507 485 CHATHAM, JOHN (EARL OF)...... 507: n. 497 389 CHATHAM, MARY-ELIZABETH (COUNTESS Chandler, Daniel 323 OF) 497 Chandler, Elizabeth 323 CHATHAM, WILLIAM (EARL OF) 426, 442 : Chandler, Winifred 455 n. 169, 472, 507 Chandos, Elizabeth (Lady) 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, Chatty, Jane 425 41, 42 Chaundler, Alice.... 157 Chandos, George (Lord) 205, 359 CHAUNDLER, ANGEL…….. 115 Chandos, Giles (Lord) 109 Chaundler, John... 158 • Chandos, James (Duke of) 33 Chaworth, Sir Richard 163 Chandos, James (Lord) 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 41, 42 Cheeke, Anne 154 Chandos, Jane (Lady) 205 Cheeke, Sir Thomas 154 Chandos, Susan (Lady). 359 Cheere, Sir Henry 388 Chandos, William (Lord). ...... 118, 120 Cheke, Sir John 120 Chanell, Jency 372 Cheke, Mary 120 CHAPLIN, ALICE 32 Cheke, Peter 120 Chaplin, Janc 30, 248 CHELSUM, JAMES. ... 85, 364: n. 366, 412 Chaplin, Jeremiah ..... 30 CHELSUM, MARY 85: n. 364, 366, 412 Chaplin, Mary……….. 218 CHELSUM, ROBERT 366 Chaplin, Michael 248 CHERITON, ARABELLA. 319 Chaplin, Robert 248 CHERITON, DAVID 391: n. 349, 352 Chaplin, William 248 Cheriton, Elizabeth CHAPMAN, ANNE... 20, 125: n. 202, 322, 357 CHAPMAN, CHRISTOPHER... 67, 138, 148, 158, 177, 179, 186, 202: n. 322 CHERITON, FRANCES Chesholme, Euphania Chesholme, William 391 • 352 : n. 349 384 384 4 A 546 INDEX. Chester, Sir Anthony. 166 Christopher, Elizabeth Chester, Elizabeth.. 166 Christopher, Sir Robert.. Chesterfield, Anne-Elizabeth (Countess of) Chesterfield, George-Augustus-Frederick 56 Christopherson, Anne Chudleigh, Dame Frances (Earl of) 56 Chudleigh, Sir George Chesterfield, Philip (Earl of) 264, 321 CHUDLEIGH, MARGARET.. Cheston, Mary 230 CHURCH, ANNE Chevers, Mary 390 CHURCH, CHARLES 33 33 73 55 55 55 78, 263 79, 296 Chevers, Scacole. 390 CHURCH, ELIZABETH 77, 78, 79, 250, 263, 337 : Chewning, Elizabeth. 31 n. 273, 365 Chewning, Thomas.. 31 CHURCH, JOHN ... 77, 78, 79, 250, 263, 358 : Cheyne, Charles... 12 n. 273, 337 CHEYNE, ELIZABETH 12 CHURCH, MARY 78 Cheyne, Lady Jane 12 Church, Ralph 358 Chichester, Arthur…….. 228 Church, Robert 273 Chichester, Francis (Earl of) 233 Churchill, Arabella 36, 268, 328 Chiffinch, Amphillis 199 Churchill, Charles 330 Chiffinch, Barbara 201, 273 Churchill, Dorothy 486 Chiffinch, Dorothy.. 164, 199 Churchill, Dame Elizabeth ...... 268, 306, 328 CHIFFINCH, THOMAS.. 164: n. 199 Churchill, Elizabeth 486 Chiffinch, William.. 164, 273 CHURCHILL, George 268: n. 328 CHIFFINS, MRS. 199 Churchill, Lady Henrietta 339 Child, Ann 446 Churchill, John 339 Child, Elizabeth 446 Churchill, Robert 486 Child, Sir Josiah 255 Churchill, Sarah 339 Child, Mary..... Child, Rebecca 446 Churchill, Sophia 384 161, 255 Churchill, Thomas 404 Child, William 446 Churchill, Sir Winston 268, 306, 328 Child, William Gilbert 446 Churchman, Saralı 209 Childers, Mrs.. 310 Cianell, Janc 372 Chillingeton, Jane 163 Cibber, Caius-Gabriel 407 Chitham, Charles 316 Cibber, Charles 407 CHITHAM, JOHN.. 316 Cibber, Susanna. 407 Chitham, Margaret. 316 CIBBER, SUSANNA-MARIA 407 Chitham, Mary 316 Cibber, Theophilus 407 CHITTAM. CHARLES 341 Civell, Jane (de) 246, 249 Chittam, John..... 341 Civell, Peter (de) 246, 249 Chittam, Margaret.. 341 Clace, Anne.. 40 Chittle, Elizabeth CHITTLE, JANE Chittle, Samuel 340 Clace, Henry 40 305 Clagett, Margaret 436 305 Clagett, Right Rev. Nicholas 436 Chitts, Sarah 26 Clagett, Nicholas 436 Cholmeley, Barbara 199 Clampard, Elizabeth 157 Cholmeley, Sir Henry 199 Clampard, Francis.. 157 Cholmley, Alice 238 Clancarty, Callaghan (Earl of) 24 Cholmley, Dame Catharine 25 Clancarty, Charles (Earl of) 162 .... Cholmley, Elizabeth 21 CLANCARTY, DONOGH (EARL OF) 24: n. 162, Cholmley, Sir George 99 242, 344 Cholmley, Sir Henry.. 12 .... Clancarty, Eleanor (Countess of) 162 .... Cholmley, John 238 CLANCARTY, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS OF) 24: Cholmley, Mary 12 n. 344 Cholmley, Montague 21 CLANRICARDE, ANN (COUNTESS OF) Cholmley, Sir William 25 Cholmondeley, Anne-Elizabeth (Countess Clanricarde, Michael (Earl of) of) 419 Clanricarde, Ulick (Earl of) Cholmondeley, Elizabeth (Viscountess) 195, 199 Clapham, Sir Christopher ... 337 : n. 298 298, 337 162 376 Cholmondeley, George (Earl of ) 419 Clapham, Christopher CHOLMONDELEY, JAMES 419 Clapham, Dorothy 42, 376 355, 486 Cholmondeley, Lady Penelope 4.20 CLAPHAM, ELEANOR 376: n. 378 CholmondeLEY, RICHARD.. 199 Clapham, Elizabeth 42 CHOLMONDELEY, ROBERT (VISCOUNT) 195 : CLAPHAM, GRACE. 376 n. 199 Clapham, Jolly 376 CHOLMONDELEY, ROBERT 195 Clapham, Sheffield 376 Chowne, Elizabeth.. 40 Clapham, Thomas 355, 486 CHOWNE, PHEBE 40 Clare, Anne (Countess of) 4, 119 CHOWNE, THOMAS.. 40 Clare, Gilbert (Earl of) 272 CHRISTIAN, ALICE.. 241 Clare, Grace (Countess of) 272 CHRISTIAN, EDWARD 2 Clare, John (Earl of) 4, 119, 125, 242, 243, 260, CHRISTIAN, ELIZABETH 2 281, 283, 315, 389 CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM 244 Clarendon, Catharine (Countess of)... 276, 307 INDEX. 547 n. 251, 356, 385 308 CLARENDON, EDWARD (EARL OF) 185, 267, 308: n. 154, 155, 161, 165, 166, 167, 170, 173, 174, 175. 272, 276, 280, 307 CLARENDON, FRANCES (COUNTESS OF) 167 : n. 153, 154, 161, 173, 267, 272 CLARENDON, HENRY (EARL OF) 385: n. 251, 254, 267, 269, 308, 314, 356 CLARENDON, JANE (COUNTESS OF). 313: Clarendon, Theodosia (Countess of) ... CLEAVE, ANN CLELAND. ANN Cleland, Elizabeth CLELAND, JOHN Cleland, Lucy Cleland, William 471 53 53 53 386 386 Clementi, Emma 505 Clementi, Gaetano. 505 CLEMENTI, MUZIO 505 Clementi, Regina 505 ... -Clark, Catherine Clarevell, Margaret Clarges, Anne.. Clarges, John CLARK, EDMUND 224 Clenahan, Hannah 380 171, 224 Clendon, Elizabeth 22 171, 224 Clendon, John 22 204 Clendon, Joseph 22 15 CLENDON, SARAH 22 CLARK, ELIZABETH 328: n. 325 Clerk, Sir Alexander 129 • CLARK, ELLEN 15 Clerk, Magdalen 129 Clark, Esme 204 Clerk, Robert 463 Clark, Isaac 331 CLERKE, ANNE 32: n. 187, 219, 223 Clark, James Clark, Janet 204 Clerke, Dame Barbara 456 CLERKE, SIR CLEMENT 233, 336 233 Clark. Jerry 84 CLERKE, ELIZABETH 23: n. 33 CLARK, JOHN-LUCAS 460 Clerke, Sir George CLARK, MARY.. 4, 226, 325: n. 204 Clerke, Sir Henry CLARK, SAMUEL CLARK, THOMAS CLARK, WILLIAM CLARKE, ALURED 320 CLERKE, HENRY 4 CLERKE, HESTER 204: n. 226 322, 360: n. 82 CLERKE, JOHN Clerke, Dame Judith Clarke, Anne Clarke, Cibell 341, 360 Clerke, Mary .... 82: n. 322, 351 Clarke, Barbara CLARKE, ELIZA CLARKE, ELIZABETH Clarke, Gabriel Clarke, George Clarke, George-Henry CLARKE, HESTER Clarke, Humphrey.. CLARKE, JANE CLARKE, JOHN CLARKE, JOSEPH CLARKE, MARY Clarke, Mildred CLARKE, PHILIP CLARKE, REUBEN 82: n. 322, 351 23: n. 125 52, 506, 508: n. 460 CLEYTON, SIR WILLIAM Clifden, Henry-Welbore (Viscount) 23 Clerke, Sir Robert 117 CLERKE, DAME SARAH 483 CLERKE, SIR TALBOT 33.233 187 8 8 23 187 32 187, 219, 223 233 336 23 CLEVELAND, ANNE (DUCHESS OF) 369: n. 309 125 Cleveland, Barbara (Duchess of) ... 286, 330 341 CLEVELAND, CHARLES (DUKE OF) 330, 369 : 50S n. 309 49 166 CLEVELAND, HENRIETTA (DUCHESS CLEVELAND, THOMAS (EARL OF) Cleveland, William (Duke of) OF) 360 174 360 163 467 52 Cliffe, Allen 360, 426 117 Cliffe, Elizabeth 360, 426 260 Cliffe, Henry 360 Cliffe, Mary 426 CLARKE, SAMUEL • Clarke, Sarah CLARKE, THOMAS CLARKE, WILLIAM-HENRY Clarvox, Margaret 82 Cliffe, Robert 360 82, 508 CLIFFE, WILLIAM 360 49 Clifford, Charles (Lord) 198 491 Clifford. Lady Elizabeth 217 225 CLIFFORD, JANE (LADY).. 198 Clarvox, Thomas CLASE, ELIZABETH Clavell, Edward Clavell, Elizabeth 225 Clifton, Catherine (Baroness) 251 40 Clifton, Lady Catharine 234 54 Clifton, Catharine. 115, 148 54 CLIFTON, EDWARD (LORD) ... 276, 307, 372 CLAVELL, MARGARET 51 Clifton, Elizabeth • 16, 165 Clay, Ann 164 Clifton, Gervase (Lord) 115, 148, 234 Clay, Benjamin 464 Clifton, John (Lord) 307, 323 Clay, Elizabeth 464 CLIFTON, THEODOSIA (BARONESS) 307: n. 43 Claypole, Elizabeth 521 Clifton, William 16, 165 Clayton, Aaron 473, 507 Clinton, Anne 486 CLAYTON, ANNE……………. 20, 322: n. 55, 181, 277 Clinton, Edward ..... 221 Clayton, Dame Bridget 21 CLINTON, DAME ELIZABETH 192 Clayton, Elizabeth 24, 285, 322 Clinton, Elizabeth 494 CLAYTON, JAMES 24 CLINTON, SIR FRANCIS 192: n. 526 CLAYTON, JOHN 20, 277: n. 285, 299, 322 Clinton, George .... 486 CLAYTON, MARGARET 473 Clinton, Sir Henry • 486 CLAYTON, MARY .... Clayton, Melior 24: n. 473, 507 299, 322 Clinton, Henry 286 Clayton, Sir Thomas 24 Clinton, Mary CLAYTON, SIR WILLIAM 163: n.55 Clinton, John Clinton, Mary-Margery 487 .... 486 425 548 INDEX. Clipsby, John 117, 142 Clipsby, Julian Colclough, Elizabeth-Mary-Louisa 458 117, 112 Clitherow, Sir Christopher 132 Colclough, Louisa-Maria-Elizabeth Colclough, Mr. 458 458 Clitherow, Rachel ……….. 132 Cole, Anne 30 Clive, Lady Charlotte-Florentia. 517 Cole, George 30 Cloon, Philip-Jacob (van) 384 COLE, JANE 29: n. 30 Clough, Arabella 427 Cole, John-Merick 350 CLOUGH, MARIAN 460 Cole, Mary 473 Clough, Rev. Mr. 427 Cole, Robert Clough, Sarah ... 473 460 Colc, Silvia 462 Clungeon, Jane 180 COLE, WILLIAM 472: n. 473 CLUTTERBUCK, BRIDGET 36 Coleman, Alice 169, 177 CLUTTERBUCK, JAMES 2 Coleman, Anne 150, 259, 266 CLUTTERBUCK, MILLICENT 2 COLEMAN, CATHARINE. 346 Clutterbuck, Thomas. 36 Coleman, Edward 169, 177, 485 CLYDE, COLIN (LORD) 517 Coleman, Francis 485 COATES, ELIZABETH 343: n. 75 Coleman, Frederick 259 COBBE, MARY ... 411 Coleman, Henry 259 Cobbett, Pitt.. Cobbett, Elizabeth Cobden, John ... ... Cobham, Henry (Lord) Cobham, Hester (Viscountess) Cochrane, Thomas SS, 495 88, 495 Coleman, Janc 485 COLEMAN, JOHN 266, 284: n. 346 114 • Coleman, Mary 266 4, 127 Coleman, Richard 259 469 COLEMAN, ROBERT 150 516 Coleman, Ursula.. 266 COCK, WILLIAM 75 Coleman, William 485 Cockayne, Martha 125 Colepeper, Cecilia ... 279, 286, 331 Cockayne, Sir William 125 COLEPEPER, CICELY 161 Cockburn, Alexander.. 353 Colepeper, Elizabeth 180, 342 Cockburn, Sir Archibald 353 COLEPEPER, FRANCIS 159 Cockburn, Helen 353 Colepeper, John (Lord)……. 180, 342 Cockburn, James 353 Colepeper, Margaret (Lady) 159 Cockburn, John 353 Colepeper, Thomas (Lord) 159 Cockburn, Lady Mary 353 Colepeper, Sir Thomas ...... 25, 279, 286, 331 Cockburn, Mary 323 Colepeper, Thomas... 184 COCKBURN, MARY-TERESA 322 Coleraine, Henry (Lord) 231 COCKBURN, WILLIAM ..... 353: n. 322, 323 COLING, CHRISTABEL 6 Cockell, Mary-Anne Cockell, William.. Cockerell, Anna 97 COLING, JOSEPH 6 97 Collet, Elizabeth 16 95 Cocks, Richard .... Cockerell, Frances.. · Cockerell, Samuel-Pepys Cockman, Jane Cockman, Thomas COCKS, THOMAS……. Codrington, Alice Codrington, Mary Codrington, William COFFIN, MARGERY Cogan, Sir Andrew Cogan, Mary. .... COGHLAN, FRANCIS Coghlan, Martha Cokayne, Abigail Colleton, Elizabeth. 370 95 Colleton, Sir John 370 95 Colleton, Thomas 261, 370 244 Colleton, Walker 264 244 Colley, Thomas 382 249 Collier, Arthur 269 249 COLLIER, ELIZABETH 7 14 Collier, Hannah 371 14 Collier, Jabez 329 14 COLLIER, JAMES 371 154 COLLIER, JOHN 337: n. 371 ... 26, 293 Collier, Margaret 269 26, 293 COLLIER, THOMAS. 221 343 Collingwood, Barbara 202 343 COLLINGWOOD, DANIEL 202 220 Collingwood, George.. 202 Cokayne, Dame Mary 220 Collins, Benjamin 465 Cokayne, Sir William 220 COLLINS, DEGORY 178 Coke, Lady Anne 307 Collins, Honora 178 Coke, Cary 252 Collins, Janc 465 COKE, CLEMENT 184 COLLINS, JOHN 202 Coke, Edward (Viscount). 482 COLLINS, MRS. 255 Coke, Sir Edward 184 COLLINS, NICHOLAS 254 Coke, Edward….. 252 Collinson, Margaret 66 COKE, LADY MARY 482: n. 452 Collumbel, Ann 402 Coke, Mary 252 COLLUMBEL, DAVID 402 ... Coke, Robert 184, 307 Colnett, Barnabas 140 Coke, Sir Thomas 252 Colnett, Frances. 140 COLBOURN, SARAH COLCHESTER, CHARLES (LORD) 503 Colchester, Elizabeth (Lady) .... 43 Colt, Elizabeth 24 n. 453, Colt, George 24 479 COLT, DAME MARY 24 503 COLT, SIR WILLIAM-DUTTON 24 INDEX. 549 Colville, Lucy Colycar, David Combes, Daniel COMBES, DOROTHY Combes, John Combes, Mary Combes, Richard.. COMBRUNE, HENRY COMBRUNE, REBECCA Compton, Dame Mary Compton, Sir Thomas Comyns, Ann • • Conduit, Leonard Conduit, Sarah 335 Cooke, Philippa 213, 362 Cooke, Radegunda. 378 Cooke, Sir Robert 378 COOKE, ROBERT 66 COOKE, SUSAN 66 COOKE, VENETIA 378 COOKE, WILLIAM 54 Cookes, Edward 54 Cookes, Elizabeth ... 130 Cookes, Jane 130 Cookes, John 22 Cookes, Mary 348 Cookes, Mascall 348 Coombes. Elizabeth 452 • • • 28 28 488 33 334 407 n. 110, 229 275 275 275 275 275 275 120 CONDUITT, CATHARINE 354 : n. 319, 348, 378 COOMBES. JAMES 513 CONDUITT, JOHN ... 348: n. 354, 378 Coombes, Mary 120 Congleton, Caroline-Elizabeth (Lady) 483 Congleton, Henry-Brooke (Lord) ... COOPER, AGNETA 292 483 Congreve, Abigail 421 Cooper, Sir Anthony-Ashley. COOPER, CATHERINE 147 143 Congreve, Charles .... 424 COOPER, DOROTHY 263 CONGREVE, CHARLES-WALTER 424 Congreve, John 424 COOPER, ELIZABETH Cooper. George 395: n. 369 252 CONGREVE, WILLIAM. 324: n. 424 COOPER, JANE 247 Coningsby, Anu 111 COOPER, JOHN 178: n. 252, 292 Coningsby, Frances (Countess) 433 Cooper, Maria.. 102 CONINGSBY, LADY FRANCES 433 Cooper, Mary 486 Coningsby, Humphrey 111, 150 Cooper. Mrs. 411 Coningsby, Jane.... 111, 150 Cooper, Nicholas 143 Coningsby, Thomas (Earl) 433 COOPER, REBECCA. 12 • Conolly, Caroline 503 Cooper, Richard 102 Conolly, William 503 Cooper, Robert 369 Constable, Dame Anne 148 COOPER, ROGER 252: n. 247, 263, 292 Constable, Charles.. 99 Cooper, Thomas-Hammond Constable, Christopher 282 COOTE, ALGERNON Constable, Dame Dorothy 148 Coote. Sir Charles 486 366, 108 212 Constable, Jane 282 COPE, ANN 86, 87: n. 32 Constable, Mary 99, 282 Cope, Anthony 423 Constable, Sir Robert 148 COPE, DENZILL 86 CONSTABLE, ROBERT.. 281: n. 35+ Cope. Edmund-Riley……... 98 CONSTABLE, SIR WILLIAM 148, 521 COPE, ELIZABETH…….. 31 Conway, Reynold 122 Cope, Elizabeth-Dorothea. 87 Cook, Anne 359 COPE, HENRY-BOYNE 510 Cook, George 365 Cope, Sir John 98 COOK, HENRY 177 COPE, JOHN $7 COOK, JOHN COOK, WILLIAM.. 370 Cope, Jonathan 32 111 Cope, Maria.... 98 COOKE, ADRIA COOKE, AMELIA ... Cooke, Amy COOKE, ANNE. 224: n. 273, 334, 387 COPE, MARIANNE 98 511: n. 509 Cope, Mrs. 238 239, 283 Cope, Sir Richard $7 11 Cope, Sarah... 423 COOKE, CLEMENS COOKE, DOROTHY COOKE. ELIZABETH COOKE, GEORGE COOKE, BENJAMIN 415, 452: n. 395, 397, 398. 404, 405, 407, 438, 488, 495, 509, 511 193: n. 273, 387 COPE, SUSANNA-MARY. 98 Cope, Sir William 32 184 COPE, WILLIAM 86, 87 404 Cope, Sir William-Henry 510 COPE, WILLIAM HENRY 98 395: n. 283, 397, 104 Copley, Catharine 123 Cooke, Hannah COOKE, HENRY COOKE, JOHN 452 509: n. 184, 488, 495 Copley, Charles COPLEY, ELIZABETH 208 176: n. 208 229: n. 219, 224, 273, 334, 387 Copley, Henry... 208 COOKE, JUDITH 40 Copley, Jane 208 COOKE, MABELL 21 Copley, Lucy 208 COOKE, MARGARET 405 COPLEY, NICHOLAS 176, 208 Cooke, Martha 423 Copley. Sir Roger 123 COOKE, DAME MARY 28 Copley, Sarah 208 COOKE, MARY 36, 438, 495: n. 239, 268, 387, 395, 397, 398, 404, 405, 407, 415, 488, 509, 511 COOKE, MARY-ELIZABETH 397 n. 404 COOKE, SIR MILES 28 COOKE, MRS 239 Coppenger, Elizabeth .... Coppenger, Ralph Corbet, Dame Anne Corbet, Grace CORBET, SIR JOHN Corbet, Dame Lettice .161: n. 33, 369 66 66 161 33, 369 161 550 INDEX. CORBETT, ALICE 127 COTTON, CATHERINE 354 Corbett, Right. Rev. Richard 127 Cotton, Daniel 170 Cordell, Anne. 220 COTTON, DAME ELIZABETH 16 Cordell, Lowde 220 Cotton, Elizabeth 170 Cordell, Mary 220 Cotton, Frances 465 Cordell, Richard.. 220 Cotton, Dame Jane 16 CORINGTON, FRANCES 22 Cotton, Joan-Elizabeth.. 465 Cork, Richard (Earl of) 198, 200, 273 COTTON, SIR JOHN 16: n. 19 Corkin, Ann 470 COTTON, MARIA-TERESA 51 Corkin, Samuel Cornbury, Edward (Viscount). CORNEWALL, CHARLES Cornewall, Dorothy 470 Cotton, Dame Mary 19 .... 276, 308 COTTON, MARY-ANN.. 415 293 COTTON, MATTHEW .378, 465: n. 451 293 Cotton, Sarah 378, 465 Cornewall, Edith 293 COTTON, THOMAS 51 Cornewall, Frances 289 CORNEWALL, HENRY 289 Cotton, William-Miles COTTRELL. BENJAMIN 465 407: n. 406 Cornewall, Margarita-Laurentia.. 289 Cottrell, Sir Clement 305 Cornewall, Robert 293 .... COTTRELL, MARTHA. 406 Cornewall, Susanna 289 Courayer, James (le).. 422 CORNEY, GEORGE 68 COURAYER, l'ETER-FRANCIS (LE) 422 CORNEY, THOMAS 68 Courcy, sec De Courcy. Cornwall, Sarah.. 386 Courlaw, Jane...... 330 CORNWALL, THOMAS 386 Courten, Dame Hester 137 Cornwallis, Anne 112, 231 COURTEN, MARY 137 Cornwallis, Catherine 231 COURTEN, SIR WILLIAM 137 CORNWALLIS, CHARLES (LORD) 11, 199, 226, Courtney (Colonel) 212 232: n. 183, 197, 207 Courtney, Lady Frances 212 Cornwallis, Edith 293 Cousens, Anne.. ... 411 CORNWALLIS, ELIZABETH (LADY) 11: COVEN, EDWARD 137: n. 67 n. 197, 199 Coventry, Anne (Countess of) 378 Cornwallis, Elizabeth 150 Coventry, Anue 236 Cornwallis, Sir Francis.. 293 COVENTRY, CHARLES (EARL OF) 126 Cornwallis, Frederick (Lord) 231 Coventry (Earl of) 173 CORNWALLIS, FREDERICK 207: n. 231 Coventry, Elizabeth 38 CORNWALLIS, JAMES 199 Coventry, Francis 37, 38 Cornwallis, Dame Lucy 150 COVENTRY, MARGARET .... 37 Cornwallis, Margaret (Lady) 11, 207 Coventry, Mary 10, 11 Cornwallis, Sir William 112, 150 Coventry, Thomas (Lord) 10, 11, 37, 236 CORNWALLIS, Correy, Hugh WILLIAM 197 COVER, ROBERT….. 344 335 Covert, Dame Jane 4 CORRINTON, FRANCES 22 Covert, Sir Walter 4 Cosby, Alexander 379 Coward, John. 462 Cosby, Elizabeth • 379 Cowell, Frances 91 Cosin, Right Rev. John. 20 Cowell, George 91 Cosin, Mary.. 20 COWLEY, ABRAHAM 166, 167 Costall, John 56 Cowley, Audrey 166, 167 Costall, Lucretia. 56 Cowley, John 166 Coste, Mary... Costello, Jordan Costello, Mary-Anne COSTON, ELIZABETH COSTON, THOMAS COTES, ELIZABETH Cotter, Elizabeth Cotterell, Bridget Cotterell, Sir Clement COTTEY, ELIZABETH COTTEY, GEORGE COTTIE, ELIZABETH. COTTIE, GEORGE Cottie, Mildred Cottie, Thomas 335 Cowley, Katherine 166, 167 501 Cowley, Peter. 166 501 Cowley, Thomas 166, 167. 368 Cowley, Thomasine 166, 167 385: n. 368 Cowley, William 166 343 · Cowling, John 331 12 Cowling, Samuel 331 24 Cowper, Emily-Mary (Countess) 518 24 Cowper, Peter-Lcopold (Earl) 518 9 Cowper, William (Earl) 306 9 Cox, Ann 102 9 Cox, Dorothy 403 9 Cox, GEORGE 154 9 COX, HENRY 332 9 Cox, HUGH.. 403 Cottin, Josiah 457 • Cox, John 102, 169 Cottin, Lavinia 457 Cox, Joseph 380 Cottington, Anne (Lady) 193 • Cox, Sophia 380 Cottington, Anne 194 COX, THOMAS 169, 345: n. 185 Cottington, Charles 194 Coxe, Bridget 122 COTTINGTON, FRANCIS (LORD) 193 Coxe, John 122 Cottington, Philip 193 Coxe, Philip-Smith 517 COTTON, ANN 451: n. 170, 465 COXE, SIR RICHARD 122 INDEX. 551 Coxe, Thomas CRACHERODE, ANNE CRACIIERODE, CLAYTON-Mordaunt CRACHERODE, MARY... 439: n. 372, 461, 467 Cracherode, Mordaunt...... 372, 439, 461, 467 Cracroft, Bridget CRESSETT, ANNE CRESSETT, JAMES Cressett, Louisa-Maria Cresswell. Elizabeth Creswell, Mary 122 CRESPION, STEPHEN 467: n. 461 71, 72, 76, 189, 273 : n. 203, 220, 284, 393 461: n. 467 53 53 51 414 198 391 Cracroft, Elizabeth 198 Crew, Anne 41 Cracroft, George 198 Crew, John (Lord) 41 Cradock, Elizabeth 195, 199 Crewe, Anne 209 Cradock, George 195, 199 Crewe, Carew 209 Cradock-Hartopp, Anna-Maria Cradock-Hartopp, Dame Jane-Mary 102 CREWE, SIR CLIPSBY 132, 142: n. 209 102 Crewe, Dame Jane 142, 209 Cradock-Hartopp, Sir William-Edmund 102 Crewe, Jemima 176 Craggs, Anne 302 .... Crewe, John (Lord) 176 Craggs, Elizabeth 302 CREWE, JOHN 209 CRAGGS, JAMES….. 302 Crewe, Dame Julian 142 Craggs, Margaret Craig, Agnes 302 CREWE, JULIAN 117 302 CREWE, DAME JULIANA 128 Craig, John 302 CREWE, SIR RANULPHE ... 117, 128: n. 142 Craig, Magdalen 368 Creychtoun, Beatrix 134, 139 CRAIG, MARY 368: n. 302 Creychtoun, Patrick 134, 139 CRAIG, WILLIAM 302: n. 368 Crichton, Charles (Lord) 301 Cramond, Elizabeth (Baroness) 131 CRICHTON. EMILY-FLORENCE 106 CRANFIELD, LADY ANNE 146 CRICHTON, GRACE-LETITIA 106 CRANFIELD, EDWARD 141 CRICHTON, HENRY-GEORGE-LEWIS 106 Cranfield, Lady Elizabeth 302 Crichton, Sir John 106 Cranfield, Elizabeth 139 CRICHTON, LADY MARGARET 301 ... Cranfield, Lady Frances 185 Crichton, Sarah (Lady) 301 Cranfield, James ... CRANFIELD, LIONEL…….. 139: n. 119, 171. 185 144, 146 Crisp, Nicholas 400 Crispe. Elizabeth +2 Cranfield, Martha 139 • Crispe, Margaret 148 Cranfield, Thomas 139 Crispe. Thomas 42 CRANFORD, JAMES 204 CRISPIN, EPHRAIM 173 Cranford, John 204 Critchlew, Elizabeth 189 Cranford, Mary CRANKE, EDWARD 204 Croft. Anne 203 48 CROFT, BRIDGET 64 Cranke, Elizabeth 48 Croft, Edward 203 CRANKE, JANE 48 CROFT, SIR HERBERT 64 Cranke, Joyce ... 18 Croft, James 132 CRANSTOUN, JAMES (LORD)...... 417: n. 427 CROFT, JOHN 457: n. 461 Cranstoun, Jane (Lady) 417 CROFT, MARGERY 132 • Cranstoun, Sophia (Lady) 417, 427 Croft, Dame Mary 64 CRANSTOUN, WILLIAM (LORD)... 427: n. 417 Croft. Mary 321 Craufurd, Annabella 96 ... Croft, Mary-Anne 458 Craufurd, Henry-William 96 Croft, Nicholas 158 Craven, Anne 42 CROFT, SARAH…. 461 n. 158 Craven, Mary 42 CROFT, WILLIAM 321 Craven, Thomas 42 Crofts, Cicely 132 CRAWFORD, ANN 466: n. 423 Crofts. Esther. 13 Crawford, John • 26 Crofts, Sir Henry 13 Crawford, Mary 26 Crofts, Sir John 132 Crawford, Mr. 466 Crofts. Dame Mary 132 Crawfurd, David 311 Crokatt, Gilbert 261 Crawfurd, Patrick 311 Croke, Edward 149 Crawfurd, Robert 311 Croke, Isabella 449 CRAWFURD, THOMAS 311 Croke. Margery 119 Crawley, Caroline 103 Crome, Jane 176 Crawley, George-Abraham 103 Crome, Valentine 176 Crawley, Mary 103 Crompton, Anne... 238 Creed, Catharine 495 Cromwell, Bridget..... 414, 522 Creed, Henry-Knowles 495 Creighton, Abraham 139 Cromwell, Jane Creighton, Mary Creighton, Robert Crespion, Cornelia Crespion, Germain CRESPION, ELIZABETH CRESPION, MARGARET CRESPION, MARY ……………………… 139, 475 475 71, 203, 273 71, 186, 203 203, 273 71, 72, 198, 220 76, 284, 393: n. 297 CROMWELL, ELIZABETH ... Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell, Robert Crook, William CROOKE, ANN Crookenberg, Mary C'ROOKENDEN, SARAH Croone, Catherine ……………….. 522 17, 19. 414, 521, 522 521, 522 271 271 24 52 223, 235 521: n. 522 552 INDEX. CROONE, HENRY. 223: n. 235 Dabitot, Phineas 275 Cropley, Robert 257 Dacombe, Alice 274 ... Cropte, Urania (de la) 273 Dacombe, Sir John 274 CROSS, PRISCILLA 26 DACRES, 160 Cross, Robert 286 Dacres. Margaret 126 Crouch, Elizabeth 320 Dagge, Henry. 398 Crouch, Sarah……. Crouch, Thomas CROW, ELIZABETH CROW, THOMAS 320 DAKINS, CHARLES…… 299 320 DAKINS, ELIZABETH 91 34 DAKINS, FRANCES……… 91 34 DAKINS, JOIN-HORSLEY 90 Crowley, Sir Ambrose 44, 45 DAKINS, LAURA-ANNE. 91 CROWLEY, ELIZABETH 45 Dakins, Mary 299 ... Crowley, Dame Mary 44, 45 Dakins, Sarah. 513 CROWLEY, SARAH 44 Dakins, Sophia-Matilda-Caroline 90 Crumpe, William 263 DAKINS, SUSAN 91 CUEVA, JOSÉ-MARIA (DE LA) 481 DAKINS, SUSANNA 507 : n. 463 .... CUFFE, LADY ALICE-MARY 58 DAKINS, WILLIAM.. 463: n. 513 Cullum, Mary 328 DAKINS, WILLIAM-WHITFIELD 90, 91, 513: Cullum, Sir Thomas 328 n. 463, 507 Cullum, Thomas………... 328 Dakyns, see Dakins. CULPEPPER, CICELY. 161 DALBY, ANNE……… 441 : n. 438, 500 CULPEPPER, FRANCIS 159 Dalby, Charles-Edward 438 Cumberland, Anne (Duchess of) 448 Dalby, Elizabeth 438 Cumberland, Right. Rev. Denison 481 Dalby, Frances 438, 500 Cumberland, Elizabeth...... 481 Dalby, Jaques.. 438 CUMBERLAND, ERNEST-AUGUSTUS (DUKE Dalby, John 438 OF) 492 DALBY, JOSEPH 438: n. 441, 500 CUMBERLAND. FREDERICA - CAROLINE- SOPHIA-ALEXANDRINA (DUCHESS OF) 492 Cumberland, Henry (Earl of)........... 217 CUMBERLAND, HENRY-FREDERICK (DUKE Cumberland, Joanna... Dalby, Katharine 438 Dalby, Thomas 438 DALE, CAROLINE Dale, Joseph 500: n. 425, 447 447, 500 OF) 447 DALKEITH, CAROLINE (COUNTESS OF) 452: CUMBERLAND, RICHARD 481 481 CUMBERLAND, PRINCE RUPERT (DUKE OF) 206 CUMBERLAND, WILLIAM-AUGUSTUS (DUKE Cuming, Martha.. Cuming, William OF) 406 429 429 Cunningham, Sir David 140 Dalkeith, Francis (Earl of).. DALKEITH, HENRIETTA (COUNTESS OF) 329 : n. 246, 255, 281, 294 DALKEITH, JAMES (EARL Or) 246, 255, 294 : n. 281, 329 DALKEITH, LOUISA-JANE (COUNTESS OF) 102, 103, 106, 107 n. 482 452 CUNNINGHAM, JAMES 459 DALKEITH, WILLIAM-HENRY-WALTER Cunningham, Peter 167 (EARL OF) 102, 103, 106, 107 CURETON, ALGERNON-BENTINCK 100 Dall, Nicholas-Thomas 477 CURETON. ANNA-MAUD 101 Dallender, 229 CURETON, EMILY-BLANCHE 101 Dallow, Lydia.. 188 CURETON, HARRIET 99, 100, 101, 103 Dalmahoy, Thomas.. 141 CURETON, HARRIETTE-CHARLOTTE-AGNES 99 Dalrymple, Agnes 487, 504 CURETON, MARGARET-MARY 100 CURETON, MARIAN-LOUISE 103 Cureton, Mary 99 Dalrymple, Diana Dalrymple, Hugh Dalrymple, Sarah .. 442, 461 487, 504 301 CURETON, WILLIAM 99, 100, 101, 103 Curll, Edmund .... CURRALL, MARTHA CURRALL, SEBASTIAN 34 195: n. 526 210: n. 186, 526 Dalrymple, William Dalton, Dominick Dalton, Elizabeth 442 16 16 Curtis, Elizabeth 369 DALTON, MARY ... DALTON, MARGARET. .16: n. 205, 216, 220, 344 191, 216 n. 344 Curtis, John 369 DALTON, PETER.. 16 Curwen, Elizabeth.. 121 DALTON, RICHARD ... 191: n. 216, 220, 314 Curwen, Giles.... 121 Dalwen, Dorothy 18 CURZON, JANE 41 Dalwen, William 18 Curzon, Sir Nathaniel 41 Daly, Anastatia 462 Curzon, Dame Saralı……... 41 Daly, Charles 462 Cutler, Alice 132 Daly, Denis. 266 Cutler, Anne 132 Daly, James 266 Cutler, Sarah- Elizabeth Cutler, Thomas 472 Daly, Margaret 372 132 Daly, Mary 266 Dabitot, Elizabeth.... Dabitot, Henrietta-Maria Daly, Mary-Power.. Daly, Peter.. ..... Daly, Thomas. Damer, Elizabeth 275 Damer, George 266 462 266 • 275 54 · 54 INDEX. 553 Damer, Joseph 54 Dashwood, Mary 237 DAMPEARD, FRANCES 330 Dashwood, Sir Robert 37 Dampierre, Frances.... 77, 330 Dashwood, Sir Samuel 254 DAMPIERRE, STEPHEN-FRANCIS-MON- Dashwood, Sarah 254 GINOT 77 Dashwood, Susanna 237 DAMPIERRE, STEPHEN-MONGINOT 77 : ...... n. 330 D'Aubigny, Catherine (Lady)... 115, 182, 251 D'Aubigny, Esme (Lord).. 115 DAMSELL, JOANNA 30 D'Aubigny, George (Lord) 182, 251 DAMSELL, JOSEPH Dancer, Ann 30: n. 37 423, 466 D'Aumale, Daniel 297 D'Aumale, Susanne 297 Dandy, Anne Dandy, Thomas 132 DAUVERGNE, EDWARD 41 132 Dauvergne, Elizabeth de la Tour 355 DANIEL, ELIZABETH Daniel, Judith Daniell, Peter... 420 Dauvergne, Philip. 41 187 DAUVERGNE, SUSANNA 41 Daniel, Sir William Danvers, Dorothy Danvers, Dame Elizabeth.. Danvers, Sir John Danvers, Lucy D'ARANDA, ELIZABETH 187 D'Auverquerque, see Auverquerque. 123 Davenant, Anne.. 168 235 Davenant, Dame Henrietta-Maria 168 118 Davenant, Jane 168 .... 118, 235 Davenant, Right Rev. John.. 117 118 .... Davenant, John 64, 168, 250 45 Davenant, Margaret 64, 117 D'Aranda, Mary. 45 Davenant, Dame Mary. 168 ..... D'ARANDA, Paul D'Arande, Elias D'Arande, Elias-Paul 45 • DAVENANT, SIR WILLIAM 168 45 Davey, Dorothy 250 .... 45 Davids, Albert 393 Darby, Ann-Persode 433 Davie, Frances 55 Darby, John 433 Davie, Sir William. 55 DARBY, RACHEL 183 DAVIES, ANNE 84, 448 n. 394, 440 DARBYSHIRE, SUSANNA 344 Davies. Barbara 455 Darcey, Catherine 239 DAVIES, ELIZABETH. 430 Darcy, Bridget 222 Davies, Esther 394 Darcy, Conyers (Lord)……. 222 Davies, James.. 336 Darcy, Conyers 201 Davies, Sir John 30 Darcy, Isabella 30 • Davies, John 336, 398 Darcy, James 30 Davies, Leoline 394 DARCY, JOHN.. 122, 222 Davies, Lettice 394 Darcy, Robert.. 222 .... Davies, Lucy 30 DARE, CAROLINE DARE, FREDERICK 90: n. 479 470 DARE, ISAAC 90 DAVIES, MARY 84, 85, 426, 440: n. 360, 394, 448 DAVIES, OWEN 84, 85, 394: n. 360, 426, 410, DARE, ISAAC-CHARLES 479: n. 459, 470, 502 448 DARE, LYDIA DARE, MARY Darell, Anne .... Darell, Barbara Darell, Edward DARELL, ELIZABETH DARELL, GEORGE Darell, John 90, 459: n. 470, 479 502 n. 479 17, 118, 130, 153, 154 153 130, 153 118 130 n. 118 .... DAVIES, ROBERT Davies, Roger . Davies, Samuel Davies, Sarah. ... 200 124 124 394 Davies, William. 455 Davill, Elizabeth Davill, Thomas 5 5 130, 153 DAVIS, ANN 282: n. 29, 265 Darell, Marmaduke 130 Davis, Bridget Darell, Mary 130 DAVIS, CATHARINE 315 29 Darell, Sir Thomas 153 DAVIS, DAVID... 287: n. 265, 282 Darell, William 17, 153 Davis, Grace 29 Darley, Sarah.. 400 Davis, Hannah 91 Darlington, Catherine (Lady).. 213 DARLINGTON, SOPHIA-CHARLOTTA (COUNTESS OF) 313 DAVIS, JOHN Davis, Joseph Davis, Mary 315 • 315 91, 276 DARNLEY, LADY CATHARINE.. 345 Davis, Rachel 287 DARNLEY, CATHARINE 35, 213, 362 DAVIS. RICHARD 276 DARNLEY, EDWARD (EARL OF)….. 372 Davis, Robert 200 Darnley, Henry (Lord)………………. 124 Davis, Stephen 315 Darnley, James 213 Davis, Thomas 91 DARNLEY, JOHN (EARL OF) 323: n. 307, 372 DAVIS, WALTER. 265: n. 287 Darrack, Enoch 274 .... DAVY, ANN 266 Dartmouth. Barbara (Lady). 26 Davy, Dorothy 247 Dartmouth, George (Lord). 15, 26, 182 Daw, Hannah 431 DASHWOOD, ANNE.. 37 Daw, Philip 431 Dashwood, Francis 237 Dawes, Elizabeth 462 Dashwood, George.. 37 Dawes, Most Rev. Sir William 462 Dashwood, Margaret 37 Dawson, Lady Caroline-Elizabeth 483 4 B 554 INDEX. Dawson, Elizabeth.. 31 DAWSON, MARGARET 250 DE LA CUEVA, JOSÉ-MARIA De la Fontaine, Anne 481 71 Dawson, Thomas 31 De la Fontaine, Sir Erasmus 8, 71 DAY, DANIEL.. 126 DAY, GEORGE…. 488 DE LA FONTAINE, HESTER De la Fontaine, Dame Mary 8 8 Day, Grace Day, Jane 269 De la Garde, Charles (Baron) 15, 240 434 De la Garde, Mlle. 240 Day, Joice DAY, THOMAS 434 DE LA GURCHESTERS, DANIEL 27 126, 147: n. 434 DE LA GURCHESTERS, HENRIETTA 27 Dayrell, Alice. 157 De L'Angle, Anne 432 Dayrell, Frances………. 157 De L'Angle, Jane 80, 279 Dayrell, Paul 157 De L'Angle, John-Maximilian 432 Dayrell, Walter 157 DE L'ANGLE, MARY 73, 219: n. 47 Deane, Anne 146 DE L'ANGLE, SAMUEL 73, 219: n. 47, 80, 279 Deane, Edward Deane, Hannah 146 DE L'ANGLE, THOMAS 73: n. 219 147 De la Pryme, Abraham 261 Deane, Mary 147 DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, FRANCIS 352: n. 415 DEANE, RICHARD Deanes, Alexander. 146, 521 De la Tour, Charles 234, 306 374 De la Tour, Elizabeth 355 DEANES, ANNE Dearing, Jane 374 De la Tour, Esther 234 32 De la Trémouille, Charlotte 128 DEARING, JOHN. DEAW, LUMLEY. De Balisy, Theodoric-Salomon De Balsac, Catherine De Balsac, William De Banddissin, Mary 117 De la Trémouille, Claude 128 194 Delaune, Abraham 343 • 301 122, 123 Delaune, Anne DELAVAL, EDWARD-HUSSEY 343 488 122, 123 Delaval, Sir Francis-Blake 477 323 Delaval, Francis-Blake 477, 488 Debat, Daniel ... 32 Delaval, Dame Hester 258 Debat, Jane.. 32 Delaval, Hester 259 De Baux, Jean-Maximilien 73 De Baux, Marie DELAVAL, JOHN-HUSSEY (LORD) 477: n. 437, 73 465, 488 De Baux, Samuel De Bert, Elizabeth De Bert, Mary 73 Delaval, Margaret 437 368 Delaval, Mary 258,259 368 DELAVAL, SIR RALPH 258 De Bert, Peter ...... 368 Delaval, Rhoda 477, 488 DE BRÉVAL, CATHERINE 74 Delaval, Sarah 488 De Bréval, Dorothy 219 Delaval, Sarah-Hussey. 465, 488 De Bréval, Frances 77, 330 DELAVAL, SUSANNA (LADY) 437 DE BRÉVAL, FRANCIS-DURANT 262: n. 296, 330 Delaval, Susanna 465 DE BRÉVAL, HENRY 75, 229 Delaval, Susanna-Elizabeth (Lady) 477 De Bréval, John-Durant 263 Delaval, William 258 De Bréval, Mary-Ann 262 DELAWARR, CHARLOTTE (LADY) 344 DE BRÉVAL, SUSAN 75 Delawarr, John (Earl) 344, 383, 459 DE BRÉVAL, SUSANNA 296: n. 330 Delawarr, Mary (Countess) 383 DE BRÉVAL, THEOPHILUS De Burgh, John ... De Burgh, Michael DE CARDINALL, PETER De Cardonell, Catherine De Cardonell, Peter 74 De Ligondes, Michael 30 298 Deloc, Frances 413 337 167 167 De Lorges (Marshal) De Luycrès, Pierre Delves, Sir Henry 32 352 232, 311 167 Delves, Mary 232, 311 De Cardonell, Philip 167 Demay, Mr. 481 De Carteret, see Carteret. De Morgan (Professor).. 354 DE CASTRO, JACINTO-BORGES-PEREIRA 301 De Nassau, see Nassau. De Civell, Janc 246, 249 Denbigh, Basil (Earl of) 135, 353 De Civell, Peter 246, 249 Denbigh, Mary-Elizabeth-Kitty (Countess Decker, Sir Matthew 319 of) 59 De Courcy, Almericus 299 DEERING, RICHARD 266 Denbigh, Susan (Countess of)......... 127, 133 DENBIGH, WILLIAM (EARL OF) 127: n. 123, DE GEMINGHEN, DAME SOFFY-AUGUSTE 309 133 De Gols, Conrade 292 De Guliere, Jane 221 Denbigh, William-Basil-Percy (Earl of) 59 Denham, Anne 170 De Guliere, Peter 221 Denham, Dame Eleanor 170 De Horn, Elizabeth De la Cropte, Urania De Hesse, Charlotte De Hesse, Jean De Hesse, John De Hesse, Margaret De Horn (Count) DE LA BARRE, CATHARINE 207 • DENHAM, SIR JOHN 4, 170 159 Denham, Katherine 434 207 DENHAM, DAME MARGARET 4 159 DENHAM, ROBERT .... 434 222, 251 Denison, Charlotte-Anne .... 61 251 .... Denison, John 61 32 Denman, Anna-Maria 105 273 Denman, Anne 153, 154 INDEX. 555 Denman, Barbara Denman, Emma Denman, Francis Denman, Nicholas Denman, Richard DENNE, ANN DENNE, JOHN DENNE, SAMUEL DENNE, SUSANNA DENNE, WILLIAM Dennis, Dorothy Dennis, Gertrude DENNIS, MARY Dennis, Sir Robert Denny, Anne Denny, Sir Edward Denny, Henry Dent, Alice Dent, Elizabeth DENT, JULIANA DENT, THOMAS ... 153 De St. Denis, Charles 253 105 D'Este, Mary-Beatrix-Eleanora 187, 192, 201, 153 206 153 • DE SYLVIUS, DAME ANNE 15 105 DE SYLVIUS, SIR GABRIEL 15 Denman, Thomas (Lord) 105 De Thouars, George (Marquis) 25 332 Devenish, Anne 294, 352, 374 81, 83, 314: n. 332, 351 Devenish, Francis 374 81, 83, 314 81, 83, 314: n. 332, 351 Devenish, Joseph 374 De Vere, Ann 255 83 DE VERE, LORD AUBREY 251 182 De Vere, Aubrey 295 142 De Vere, Lady Bridget 161 410 De Vere, Bridget 140 142 • De Vere, Lady Diana 317, 338, 382 158 De Vere, Edward 124 158 De Vere, Lady Elizabeth.. 109, 125, 149 158 De Vere, Elizabeth 131 77 DE VERE, SIR FRANCIS……….. 109, 131: n. 134 109 De Vere, Geoffrey. 109, 131 77 DE VERE, LADY HENRIETTA 329 77 DE VERE, HENRY 124 Denton, Anne 27 De Vere, Horatio (Lord) 131, 255 Denton, Margaret 64 DE VERE, SIR HORATIO 131 Denton, Sir Thomas 27, 64 De Vere, Mary (Lady) 131 Denton, William 27 DE VERE, LADY MARY 314: n. 295 De Perrencourt, Louise- Renée 308 De Vere, Lady Susan 128, 152 DE PUISSAR, JAMES-LEWIS 25 DE PUISSAR, KATHERINE 25 Devereux, Lady Frances Devereux, Margery 198, 201 235 Derby, Carolina Derby, Charlotte (Countess of) Derby, Edward (Earl of) 345 .... DEVEREUX, ROBERT 141 128 404, 422 De Vesci, Emma (Viscountess) De Vesci. Thomas (Viscount) 63 63 DERBY, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS OF) 125, 279, De Vic, Anne-Charlotte 175 289: n. 109, 149, 422 De Vic, Sir Charles 175 Derby, Ferdinando (Earl of) 224 .... DE VIC. SIR HENRY.... 175 Derby, James (Earl of) 128 De Vic, Dame Margaret 175 Derby, Rev. Mr. 345 De Vic. Rachel 175 Derby, William (Earl of)... 109, 125, 128, 149 Devis, Elizabeth.. 430 Derby, William-Richard-George (Earl of) 279, Devis, Henry 430 289 Devonshire, Blanche-Georgiana (Countess De Rieutort, Catherine 405 of) 59 Dering, Elizabeth 39 Dering, John 39 DEVONSHIRE, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS OF) 225 DEVONSHIRE, MARY (DUCHESS OF) ... 269 : Dering, Mary 266 • n. 171, 370 Dering, Richard 266 .... Devonshire, William (Duke of) 59, 171, 225, De Rouci, Lady Charlotte 355 De Roye (Countess) 355 Devonshire, William (Earl of) De Sà, Don Pantaleo 216 DEVOUES, KATHERINE De Saar, Elizabeth 499 De Vries, Cornelius 241, 269 171. 225 269 134. 158 De Saar, Eva-Maria 499 De Vries, Elizabeth De Saar, Louis 499 Dew, Jane 134, 158 210 De Saar, Peter 499 Dew, Lumley 13, 194, 210 Desanges, Elizabeth 91 Dew, Margaret 91, 514 Dew, Silet 13 .... Desanges, Louis-Henry Desart, Elizabeth-Lucy (Countess of) ... Desart, John-Otway-O'Connor (Earl of) DE SAVOY, EUGENE (CHEVALIER) De Savoy, Lewis-Thomas DESBOROUGH, JANE Desborough, John 370 58 58 273 273 Dew. Tomkyns DEWELL, ANN DEWELL, BENJAMIN. DEWELL, MARY.. 370 35 35 .... 47 522 D'Ewes, Sir Simonds. 124, 151 522 Dews, Ann 177 Desborough, Lawreuce 92 DIBSTALL, WILLIAM. 327 Desborough, Sarah 92 Dickens, Catherine 518 Des Bouverie, Sir Edward 292, 293, 337 DICKENS, CHARLES 518 Des Bouveric, Dame Mary 292, 293 Dickens, Charles-John-Huffham 518 Desmond, Richard (Earl of) Deschamps, Caroline-Louisa Deschamps, John DESMOND, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS De Soisson, Lewis-Thomas (Count) OF) 128, 104 Dickens, Elizabeth. 518 104 Dickens, John 518 DICKENSON, ABIGAIL 2 n. 210 128, 210, 215 Dickenson, Frances 2 Dickenson, John..... 141 273 ... Dickenson, Lyming 2 556 INDEX. Dickenson, Sophia.. Dickinson, Elizabeth Dickinson, Plaxton DICKINSON, WILLIAM 441 DOLIGNON, EMILY. 101 312 DOLIGNON, ETHEL 101 474 Dolignon, John 101 312 • DOLIGNON, JOHN-WILLIAM 101 · Digby, Lady Anne. 24 Dolwen, Isaac 136 Digby, Charlotte 262 Dominick, Mary 16 Digby, Edward 262 Donaldson, John 380 Digby, Elizabeth 52 DONCASTER, CHARLES (EARL OF)......... 183 DIGBY, FRANCES 34 Donckly, see Donkley. Digby, George 24 DONE, ANNE Digby, John 80, 309, 310 34 DONE, JENNY 80 Digby, William (Lord) 52, 262 DONE, THOMAS 80: n. 310 Diggory, Anne Diggs, Anne Diggs, Sir Dudley DILLINGHAM, ANNE Dillingham, Elizabeth Dillingham, Samuel Dillingham, Theophilus Dillington, Anne Dillington, Anthony . Dillon, Lady Frances Dillon, Wentworth. ... Dingwall, Richard (Lord) DIPSTALL, WILLIAM Dirletoun, James (Earl of) Disbrowe, Jane Disbrowe, John 273 Donegal, Arthur (Earl of) 228 157 DONEGAL, LETITIA (COUNTESS OF) 228: ... 157 n. 66, 145 10 DONKLEY, ABRAHAM 174 84 DONKLEY, BRIDGET 189 10 DONKLEY, CHARLES 196 84 DONKLEY, ELIZABETH 4, 22 : n. 167, 169, 216, 126 222, 325, 329 126 DONKLEY, JANE 189, 203 212 DONKLEY, JOHN 169 212 Donkley, Margaret. 329 128, 210 DONKLEY, MARY • 175, 187 310 n. 327 DONKLEY, THOMAS 4, 167, 169, 175, 196, 222 : 141 n. 174, 187, 189, 216, 329 522 DONKLEY, WILLIAM 197: n. 4, 325 522 Donn, Elizabeth 520 DISNEY, HENRY 334 n. 326 Donn, James 520 Dodd, Frances DITCHFIELD, JOHN DITCHFIELD, MARY Ditour, Jane Dobbs, Frances .... Dobson, Christopher Dobson, Elizabeth Dobson, Isabella.. Dobson, Mary. DOBSON, WILLIAM Dockwray, Elizabeth Dod, Anne DOD, THOMAS……… Dodd, Ann .... Dodd, Ann-Sally Dodd, Charles-William Dodd, Edmund-James DODD, JAMES-WILLIAM 6 6 425 220 • 484 Dorchester, Anne (Viscountess) Dorchester, Catherine (Countess of) DORCHESTER, DUDLEY (VISCOUNT) Dorchester Joseph (Earl of) …….. 130 213, 362 130: ... n. 282 54 318 Dore, Mary .... 428 484 • Doreslaer, see Dorislaus. 484 Dorislaus, Anne 143 .... 484 DORISLAUS, ISAAC 143, 521 23 Dorislaus, James 143 161 Dorislaus, John 143 161 D'ORLEANS, ANTOINE-PHILIPPE 474 494 Dormer, Lady Arabella.. 366 494 Dormer, Catherine 36, 111 ·· 494 DORMER, DIANA 362: n. 357 494 Dormer, Dorothy 111 .... 494 Dormer, John 36, 362 494 n. 460 Dormer, Robert (Lord) 112 Dodd, Martha-Ann………. 494 Dormer, Sir Robert 112 Dodd, Susan 494 Dormer, Robert 237 Dodge, Judith 518 Dormer, Sir William 111 Dodson, Dame Elizabeth 238, 257 Dorne, Lady Alice... 119 Dodson, John 238 Dorne (Lord) 119 DODSON, SIR WILLIAM 238: n. 257 Dorset, Charles (Earl of) 20, 162 Dodwell, Dame Mary 51 Dorset, Edward (Earl of) 149 DODWELL, MARY 51 Dorset, Frances (Countess of) 185 Dodwell, Sir William 51 Dorset, Mary (Countess of).. 20,162 DOLBEN, ANNE 41 Dorset, Richard (Earl of) 179, 185, 333 DOLBEN, CATHARINE 40, 175 Doughty, Catherine, 178, 235 Dolben, Charlotte 52 DOUGHTY, JOHN 178, 503 n. 235 : Dolben, Dorothy 18 Douglas, Lady Anne. 280, 303 Dolben, Dame Elizabeth 52 Douglas, Anne 397 DOLBEN, ELIZABETH 77: n. 40, 41 Douglas, Archibald 397 Dolben, Most Rev. John 18, 21, 40, 41, 77, 171 Douglas, Carteret 397 175 Douglas, Lord Charles • 351 Dolben, Sir John 52 Douglas, Charles 362, 397 DOLBEN, JOHN 77: n. 40, 41 Douglas, Lord George 280 Dolben, Sir John-English.. 52 DOUGLAS, JACOBINA 397: n. 362 DOLBEN, JUDITH 52 Douglas, James 303 DOLBEN, MARY ..... 77 Douglas, Jane 397 DOLBEN, WILLIAM 52: n. 18 Douglas, John. 397 INDEX. 557 Douglas, Robert Douglas, Thomas DOUGLAS, WILLIAM 397 488 Dring, Robert DRUMMOND, CHARLES 310 .... • 415: n. 416, 449 Douglas, Lord William.. • 294, 351 DRUMMOND, David 448 362: n. 397 DRUMMOND, GAVIN 416: n. 415, 449 DOVE, JOHN 416 Drummond, Isabella 415 Dove, Mary 416 Drummond, James 415, 448 Dove, William.. 416 Drummond, John 416 DOVER, ABIGAIL (COUNTESS OF) 220 Drummond, Margaret 449 Dover, Henry (Earl of).. DOVER, JOHN (EARL OF) Dover, Mary (Countess of) Dowell, Theresa-Arabella-Fanny. Dowell, William Downe, Anne ... 155, 191, 220 Drummond, Mary 448, 449 191: n. 13, 220 220 .... Drummond, Right Rev. Robert-Hay DRUMMOND, THOMAS-AURIOL 416 416 100 .... Drummond, William.. 415, 416, 449 100 Drury, Elizabeth 134, 177 198 Drury, Joseph………. 99 Downes, Anne.. Downes, Bernard Downes, Eleanor 198 Drury, Louisa-Heath... 99 418 Drury, Lucy 525 417, 418 Drury, Sir Robert 525 Downes, Jane .. Downes, John Downing, Dame Frances Downing, Sir George. DOWNING, LUCY DOWNS, ANNE DOWSE. MARY D'Oyley, Elizabeth 252 Drury, Sir William 134, 177 417 Dry, Anne .... 56, 519-20 14, 26 Dry, Temperance 56, 520 14, 26 Dry, Thomas 56, 519-20 26 Dryden, Lady Elizabeth 246 DOWNING, PHILADELPHIA 14 Dryden, Erasmus 246 198 DRYDEN, JOHN 246 32 Dryden, Mary 246 16 Dubourg, Elizabeth 443 D'Oyley, William 16 Dubourg, Matthew.. 413 D'OYLY, ANNA-MARIA 444 Ducane. Mary 6 D'Oyly, Edward. 444 Du Charol, Jane.. 218 D'Oyly, Sir Hadley 444 Du Charol, John. 218 D'Oyly, Dame Margaret 289 Ducie, Thomas (Earl of) 59 D'Oyly, Philippa 289 Du Commun, Jane 32 D'Oyly, Samuel 289 DU COMMUN, JOHN 32 D'Oyly, Thomas 444 D'Oyly, Sir William 289 DU COMMUN, MARGARET Du Commun, Peter-John 32 32 DRAKE, ANNE……. 22 Dudley, Anne 111 Drake, Edward 194 Dudley. John 144 Drake, Elizabeth 268, 306, 328 Due, Lumly.. 194 Drake, Grace 194 Dugdale, Elizabeth 3 DRAKE, ISABELLA. 44 DUGDALE, JOHN 3: n. 525 Drake, Jane 44, 45 Dugdale, Dame Margery 3 Drake, Sir John 268, 306, 328 Drake, John DRAKE, MARY Drake, William DRAPER. Draper, John ... Draper, Margaret Draper, Mary Drake, Mountague... DRAKE, MOUNTAGUE-GARRARD…… Draper, GEORGE 504 44 44, 45 Dugdale, Sir William DUGDALE, MARY DUKESON, WILLIAM……….. 3 3, 525 172 DU LORGES, CATHARINE.. 32 44 504 230: n. 53 DU LORGES, JEAN-LOUIS Dumbarton, Anne (Countess of)..... Dumbarton, George (Earl of) 32 280 ... 280 249 Dumfries, Penelope (Countess of) 301 369 Dumfries, William (Earl of) 301 230 .... Draper, Matthew Draper, Susan DRAPER, SUSANNA DREW, EDWARD……. Dunbar, Dorothy (Viscountess of) 282 369 Dunbar. George (Earl of)………………. 192 53 Dunbar, George 494 249 • Dunbar, Helen 194 292 Dunbar, Jane 429 Drew, Thomas Drew, Humphrey Drew, Lydia Drew, Sarah Drew, Thomasine 292 Dunbar, John (Viscount of).……………. 281 292 Dunbar, Mary (Viscountess of) 281 292 DUNBAR, ROBERT (VISCOUNT OF) 281: n. 351 292 Dunboyne, William (Lord) 422 292 Dunch, Edmund..... 55 Drew, William Drewitt, Anne.. Drewitt, Bryan DRIFT, ADRIAN Drift, Catharine 292 Dunch, Elizabeth 55 35 DUNCKLIN, ELIZABETH 4 35 DUNCKLIN, THOMAS……….. 4 348 n. 304 Duncklin, see Donkley. 348 Dunclin, sec Donkley. Drift, Matthew Dring, Anne 348 Duncly, see Donkley. 310 Duncombe, Sir Charles 288 Dring, Edmund Dring, Love...... Dring, Mary 53 Duncombe, Henry 48 310 Duncombe, Jane. 231 53 Duncombe, Mary 16, 48 558 INDEX. Duncombe, Sir William 16 Dutton, Mark 350 Dundas, Anne. Dundas, Elizabeth.. Dundas, Lothiel (Lord) Dundas, Margaret Dundas, Robert 60 DUTTON, DAME MARY 16 10, 15, 250 Dutton, Mary 350 10, 15, 250 DUTTON. SIR RALPH 16 508 Dutton, Thomas 171 60, 508 Dux, Jane 114 Dundonald, Anne (Countess of) Dundonald, Archibald (Earl of). Dundonald, Katherine-Frances-Corbet 516 Dyc, Margaret.. 210 516 Dyer, Sir James 118 Dyer, John 110 (Countess of) 516 Dyer, Margaret 110, 123 DUNDONALD, THOMAS (EARL OF)......... DUNGANNON, ARABELLA-SUSANNA 516 Dyett, Mary 68 Dyke, Mary 154 (VISCOUNTESS) 265 Dyke, Sir Thomas 154 Dungannon, Marcus (Viscount) 24, 265 Dymes. Mary 421 Dungannon, Mark (Viscount).. 24 Dynevor, Cecil (Baroness) 481 Dunkellin, Anne (Lady) 292, 298 Dynevor (Lord) 481 Dunkellin, Michael (Lord) 292, 298, 337 Dyve, Annabella 243 Dunkin, Elizabeth.. 367 Dyve, John 243 Dunkin, Michael Dunkin, Sarah Dunkley, see Donkley. Dunn, Sir Daniel DUNTON, MARY... 367 367 119 EADE, ELIZABETH 441 1 EARLE, CHARLES 22 Du Port, Charlotte.. 270 EARLE, MARY 22 Du Port, Peter ... 270 Earles, Bridget 523 DUPPA, RIGHT REV. BRIAN 156: n. 163, 164, EARLES, RIGHT REV. JOHN 523 234 Earling, Edward 46 Duppa, Dorothy 234 Earning, Anthony 375 Duppa, Geoffrey 156 Earning, Ellen 375 DUPPA, JANE.. 163 Earning, Martha 375 Duppa, Jeffrey 156 East, Anne 365 Duppa, Joan 234 EASTON, JOHN 125 Duppa, John 234 • EBBUTT, ELIZABETH 383: n. 371 Duppa, Lucrece 156 ECKINS, MARY 17 DUPPA, SIR THOMAS 234 Ede, Elizabeth 441 Duppa, Thomas 234 EDE, HENRY 429, 437 Dupree, Elizabeth 375 Dupree, John .... 375 Edge, Andrew Dupuis, Charles 457 Dupuis, John 457 EDGAR, DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE EDGEWORTH, ELIZABETH. Edgeworth, William 174 494 297: n. 328 297, 351 Dupuis. Letitia 457 Edington, James 447 Dupuis, Susannah 457 Edmond (Colonel) 271 DUPUIS, THOMAS-SANDERS .... 457 n. 418 Edmond, John-Cornelius 271 Dupuis, Thomas-Skelton 457 EDMONDS, ELIZABETH 167 Duras (Duke de) 355 Edmonds, Mrs. 486 .... Duras, Guy-Alphonso (Marquis de) 355 Edmonds, Sir Thomas 65 DURAS, LOUIS (DE) 355 Edmonds, Thomas 167 DURDEN, JONATHAN-CHADWICK 434 ... Edmonds, Walter 167 Durden, Lucy 434 EDWARD-AUGUSTUS (PRINCE) 409 Durden, Susannah 434 Edwards, Annabella 97 Durfort, Henriette (de). 355 EDWARDS, CAROLINE 506 Durfort, Louis (de) 355 Edwards, Catharine 122 Durie, Anne 400 Edwards, Edward 512 Durie, Barbara 400 • Edwards, Elizabeth 293 Durie, John. 400 Edwards, Frances 122 DUROURE, ALEXANDER 405 Edwards, Grace 122 Duroure, Catherine 405 EDWARDS, HENRY 198 Duroure, Francis 405 EDWARDS, HOWEL-HOLLAND 506, 512 Duroure, Louisa. 405 Edwards, Jane 122 Duroure, Scipio .... 405 Edwards, Jasper 293 Du Tremblay, Henrietta-Maria 168 Edwards, John 424 Dutton, Anne 10 EDWARDS, JOSEPH 241 Dutton, Bartholomew 252 EDWARDS, MARY 45, 349: n. 329, 358 DUTTON, DOROTHEA.. 182 EDWARDS, ROGER 113: n. 127 Dutton, Elizabeth 24 EDWARDS, SARAH 43: n. 424 Dutton, Frances….. 350 Edwards, Tennison 97 Dutton, Helen.. 171 EDWARDS, THOMAS 122, 329: n. 45, 349, 358 Dutton, Henry 350 EDWARDS, WILLIAM .... Dutton, Honoria.. ... Dutton, John 252 EELES, ANNE 10, 24 EELES, WILLIAM 43 23 23 INDEX. 559 Egerton, Lady Alice Egerton, Anne 224 ELLISON, JONATHAN 54 354 ELLISON, SARAH 54 EGERTON, CHARLES 290: n. 275 ELLISON, THOMAS………. 54 Egerton, Christiana 171 Elltoft, Winifred 189 · • Egerton (Colonel) 420 Elly, John 180 Egerton, Lady Elizabeth 359 Elly, Mary 180 EGERTON, ELIZABETH 275: n. 171, 203, 218, Elly, William 180 290, 435 Elphinstone, Sir George 140 Egerton, Harriot 420 Elphinstone, Jean 425 EGERTON, JAMES 218 Elphinstone, John 482 EGERTON, JANE 354: n. 290 Elphinstone, Maria 482 Egerton, Sir John 435 Elphinstoun, James 140 Egerton, Lady Mary 195 ELPHINSTOUN, SIR WILLIAM 140 EGERTON, PENELOPE 171: n. 172 ELRICK, GEORGE 507 EGERTON, RANDOLPH 172, 203: n. 171, 218, Elstob, Charles 292 275, 290, 354 ELVESTON, SIR WILLIAM 140 ELAND, ESTHER (LADY) ... 234: n. 242, 306 Elwes, Miss. 46 Eland, Henry (Lord) 234 EMBRY, BARBARA 10 Elchies, Patrick (Lord) 419 EMBRY, JOSEPH 10 Elder, James 498 Emilie, Edward 28 Eldrick, George 507 EMILIE, ELIZABETH 45: n. 28 ELERS, ANN 290: n. 233, 320, 385, 395 EMILIE, JOHN 28 ELERS, DOROTHY 320: n. 395 Elers, Elizabeth 233, 290 EMILIE, MARTHA Englefield, Ann 28 111 Elers, George 385 ELERS, PETER………... 385: n. 233, 290, 320, 395 ELFORD, ANNE 322: n. 281, 285 Elford, Bridget ELFORD, CATHARINE Elford, Jonathan 281.285 284: n. 281 322 ELFORD, RICHARD 281: n. 284 Englefield, Sir Thomas ENGLISH, CHARLES English, Dorothy English, Elizabeth English, John ... ENGLISH. JUDITH English, Mary 111 72 324 391 391 52 391 Elgin, Diana (Countess of) Elgin, Elizabeth (Countess of) Elgin, Robert (Earl of) Elgin, Thomas (Earl of) ..... 276 58. 104 English, Roger 391 English, Somerset 52 276 English, Thomas 391 58, 104, 129 English, Unton 324 Elibank. Alexander (Lord). 435, 453, 471 ENNISMORE, MARY (BARONESS OF)………….. 480 : Eliot, Edward (Lord) 442 n. 464 Eliot, Edward 302 Ennismore, William (Lord) 480 Eliot, Edward-James 442 Erle, Jane 374 Eliot, Elizabeth 302 ERLIN, ELIZABETH 46 Eliot, Harriet-Hester 442 Erne (Earls of) 139 Ellerker, John Ellers, see Elers. Ellington, Anne ELIOT, LADY HARRIOT Elizabeth (Princess). ELIZABETH-CAROLINE (PRINCESS) ELLERKER, ANNE Ellerker, Elizabeth ELLERKER, THOMAS 442 Erne, John (Earl of) 106 156, 206 ERNEST-AUGUSTUS, DUKE OF CUMBER- 395 LAND 492 ..... 29 Ernle. Dame Elizabeth.... 8 29 Erule, Sir John 8 29 Ernle, Philadelphia S 29 ERNWARD, ELIONOR.. 120 Errol (Lady) 466 92 Essex, Elizabeth (Countess of) 141 Elliot, Dame Agnes Elliot, Charlotte Elliot, Sir Gilbert ELLIOT. HUGH • 487, 504 Essex, Frances (Countess of) 141 501 Essex, Robert (Earl of) 141, 198, 201 487, 504 Estcourt, Dame Dorothy 154 504 ESTCOURT, REBECCA 54 Elliott, James • 160 Estridge, Anne 315 ELLIOTT, MARY 37 Estridge, Joseph 315 Ellis, Andrew 9 Eton, Elizabeth 118 Ellis, Anne 479 EUGENE, CHEVALIER DE SAVOY 273 ELLIS, CECILL Eugene (Prince)……………. 273 Ellis, Diana 467 EURE, ELIZABETH (LADY). 114 ELLIS, EDWARD 12, 149, 222: n. 129 Eure, Mary.. • 194, 216 ELLIS, ELIZABETH 12: n. 467 Eure, Ralph (Lord) 114 Ellis, Frances 9 Eure, William (Lord) 194, 216 Ellis, Jane 129, 149 Evans, Anne 168, 421 Ellis, Mary 6, 7 Evans, Augusta 446 ELLIS, ROBERT 301 EVANS, EDWARD 168 Ellis, Right Rev. Welbore 467, 479 EVANS, ELIANOR 224 ELLIS, WELbore 467: n. 469 EVANS, ELIZABETH 375: n. 428 ELLISON, ELIZABETH Ellison, Francis 54 Evans, Frances 421 54 Evans, Henry 375, 428 560 INDEX. Evans, Humphrey Evans, James 221, 279 Fairborne, Armine...... 440 Fairborne, Dame Dorothy EVANS, JOHN 320: n. 333, 334, 340, 355, 356 FAIRBORNE, ELIZABETH.. EVANS, MARGARET 279: n. 23, 421 Fairborne, George Evans, Mary 320, 340, 440 Fairborne, John 362 362 200 362 196 Evans, Maurice.. • 320, 336, 355 EVANS, MICHAEL 336: n. 320, 340, 355, 356 Evans, Philippa. 389, 421 Evans, Rebecca 340 Evans, Sarah 279 Evans, Susan ... 320, 336, 355 EVANS, THEOPHILUS 384 Evans, Thomas 446 • FAIRBORNE, DAME MARGERY 235: n. 196, Fairborne, Sir Palmes ...... Fairborne, Dame Rebecca FAIRBORNE, SIR STAFFORD Fairchild, Sarah-Frances Fairchild, Thomas-Richard Fairfax, Ann (Lady). 200, 211, 362 196, 200, 235, 362 362 362 ... 85 85 255 Evelyn, Dame Anne 48 .... FAIRFAX, ANNE 30 Evelyn, Anne. 331 FAIRFAX, BRIAN 12 Evelyn, Elizabeth 331 FAIRFAX, CHARLOTTE 12 Evelyn, George 16, 19 Fairfax, Dorothy 148 EVELYN, SIR JOHN EVELYN, JOHN EVELYN, MARY Evelyn, Mrs. 48 Fairfax, Elizabeth 341 EVELYN, KATHARINE 19: n. 229 16, 19 Fairfax, Frances (Lady) 30 Fairfax, Henry (Lord) 30 48: n. 19, 331 Fairfax, Henry 12 115 Fairfax, James 341 Everard, Dame Eleanor 44 Fairfax, Mary Everard, Sir John 44 Fairfax, Robert EVERARD, DAME MARY 44 Fairfax, Thomas (Lord). 12, 255 269 12, 148, 255 Everard, Mr. 380 Fairholm, John 288, 305, 329 EVERARD, SIR REDMOND 44 Fairholm, Sophia 288, 305, 329 Everard, Sir Richard 45 Falconer, Catherine-Margaret (Lady) 430 ... Everet, Edward …….. 262 Falconer, David (Lord) 430 Everet, Mary 262 FALCONER, GEORGE 430 EVERS, LADY ELIZABETH Everett, Harriet. Everett, Joseph EVERSFIELD, CHARLES Eversfield, Elizabeth..... EVERSFIELD, HENRIETTA-MARIA.. Eversfield, John.. EVERSFIELD, KATHERINE EVERSFIELD, MARY Eversfield, Nicholas Everson, Jane.... 509 FALKLAND, ANTHONY (VISCOUNT) 234 509 Falkland, Henry (Viscount) 234 114 Falkland, Rachel (Viscountess) 234 47 Falkland, Rebecca (Viscountess) 234 47 FALMOUTH, CHARLES (EARL OF) 162: n. 20 47 Falmouth, Charlotte (Viscountess) 48, 50, 51 15, 19 19 Falmouth, Hugh (Viscount) 36, 48, 50, 51, 53 Falmouth, Mary (Countess of) 20, 162 15: n. 19, 48 Fane, Anne 81 47 Fane, Charles 282, 354 27 FANE, CHARLOTTE.. 352: n. 374 Ewens, Elizabeth-Mary-Michael. Everson, John Ewbank, Henry Ewens, Abraham Ewens, Elizabeth Ewing, Mrs. Exeter, Anne (Countess of) Exeter, Dorothy (Countess of) Exeter, Elizabeth (Countess of)………. 27 FANE, DAME ELIZABETH 115 242 Fane, Frances 135 435 Fane, Sir George 115 435 FANE, HENRY 352: n. 81 435 Fane, Lady Rachel 185 246 FANE, LADY ROSE-SOPHIA-MARY.. 60 .... 171 Fann, Frances 135 111, 120, 134 Exeter, Frances (Countess of)……………………. Exeter, John (Earl of) EXETER, THOMAS (EARL OF) 134, 177 118, 120 13, 171, 334 118, 120: n. 111, 134 Farlow, John Farlow, Richard. Fanshawe, Alice... 116, 133, 172 Fanshawc, Joane 116 Fanshawe, Thomas 116, 172 397 397 Farlow, Susanna. Exeter, William (Earl of) 124, 134, 177, 243 Exton, Bridget 36 Exton, Dame Isabella 36 Farr, John .... Exton, Sir Thomas. 36 Farr, Jonathan EYRE, ELIZABETH 19, 45 Farr, Lorina Eyre, Sir Gervase 13 Farr, Mary Eyre, Sir James 491 Farr, Sarah Eyre, John 67 Farrar, Elizabeth Eyre, Katherine... 67 Farrar, Henry... Eyre, Dame Mary 491 Eyre, Mary 13 Farrer, Hugh Eyre, Sir Robert.. 45 Eyre, William.. 387 FARMER, MATTHEW Farnolds, Elizabeth 503 135 98 479 98 479 479 3, 386 200 Farrar, Thomas ..... FARROW, HENRY 67 Farwell, Margaret Farwell, Philip Fathers, Catharine. Fathers, Everard 3 119 200 197 197 35 35 INDEX. 561 FATHERS, PRISCILLA 35 FERRERS, JOHN .... Feilding, Basil FATHERS, WILLIAM Fauconberg, Barbara (Viscountess) Fauconberg, Henry (Earl of) Fauconberg, Thomas (Viscount)...... Faussett, Anne Faver, Mary Fawcett, William FEILDING, LADY ADELAIDE-EMILY FEILDING, ANNE FEILDING, LADY BARBARA Feilding, Dorothea Feilding, George Feilding, Lady Margaret 35 Feirers, Mary (Countess) 282: n. 189, 215 333 199 ...... FERRERS, WASHINGTON (EARL) 333: n. 363, 419 199, 294 FERRYMAN, MARGARET 361 FETTIPLACE, CATHARINE · 350 • Fettiplace, Miss... 119 ... 59 ...... 13: n. 198 135 Feversham, George (Earl of) FEVERSHAM, LOUIS (EARL OF) Feversham, Mary (Countess of) Fidler, John 135, 193 Fidler, Mary 193 FIDOE, BENJAMIN • 198 .... Fidoe, Mary 162 FIELD, EDWARD FEILDING, MARGARET. .... 276 Field, Francis. ... Feilding, Lady Mary 133, 353 Field, James Feilding, Mary 198 Field, Jane Feilding, Lady Mary-Elizabeth-Kitty 59 Field, Paul FEILDING, PHILIP…… 127 FIELD, RACHEL. • Feilding, Robert 162, 330 FIELD, ROSE Feilding, William ..... 123, 127 Field. Theophilus Feilding, Sir William-Basil-Percy 59 FIELDER, SUSANNA ... Fell, Edward 481 Fiennes, Cecil Fell, Lawrence 481 Fiennes, Frances Fell, Margaret 173 Fiennes, James Fell, Mary .... Fell, Philippa Fell, Samuel FELTHAM, CHARLES FELTHAM, ELIZABETH Feltham, Sarah Felton, Elizabeth 20, 173 Fiennes, Lawrence. 5, 13, 68, 177 5, 13, 20, 68, 173, 177 27 27: n. 1 Fiennes, William FIFE, JOHN.. Figgins, Jane Finch, Ann 27 Finch, Bridget 325 Finch, Charles Felton, Henry FELTON, JOHN 298, 325 Finch, Daniel FELTON, MARY FELTON, PHOENIX 426 FENN, ELIZABETH. 445: n. 444 Fenn, Jane 457 FENN, JOHN 457, 501: n. 444, 461 298: n. 325 325: n. 298 FINCH, EDITH FINCH, EDITH-SYBIL-MARY Finch, Lady Elizabeth Finch, Elizabeth FINCH, GEORGE-HENRY Finch, Lady Henrietta ... FENN, JUDITH 50 Finch, John FENN, MARTHA 407 FINCH, LUCY.... FENN, MARY 461 Finch, Mariamne FENN, THOMAS FENN, WILLIAM Fennell, Elizabeth Fennell, William 50 Finch, Mary 444 Finch, Richard 414 FINCH, THOMAS FENTON, MARY 474 Finch, William FENWICK, ANN 460 414 FINCH, ROBERT-POOLE FINCHER, ELIZABETH 118: n. 278, 469 FENWICK, JOHN 464 n. 460 .... FINCHER, JAMES Fenwick, Mary-Isabella 464 Fincher, Richard • Fermanagh, John (Viscount) 18 FINELL, MARY Fermanagh, Ralph (Viscount) 18 FINELL, THOMAS Fermor, Anne 32 FINNY, ELIZABETH Fermor, Sir Hatton 32 FINNY, THOMAS Fermor, Sir Henry. 15 .... Firebrace, Elizabeth Fermor, Dame Mary 15 Firebrace, Sir Henry.. Fermor, Lady Sophia 368 Fermoy, David (Viscount) Ferne, Dame Elizabeth... 156 FIREBRACE, DAME MARY. 134 FIREBRACE, MARY FIREBRACE, SUSANNA FERNE, RIGHT REV. HENRY 156 Ferne, Sir John 156 .... FISHER, AMBROSE........... FISHER, ANN Ferrard, Henry (Lord) 402 FISHER, CHARLES.. Ferrer, Aphra 200 FISHER, CHARLOTTE.. Ferrer, Henry.. 200 FISHER, ELIANOR 526 19 19 19 17 225 112 423: n. 412 5 5, 220 220: n. 216 220 5 114 368 160, 397 484: n. 158, 198 279 Ferrers, Alice 175 FISHER, ELIZABETH 18, 19, 279: n. 175, 287, FERRERS, ANN 282 320, 424, 430, 448 Ferrers, Dame Anne 282 FISHER, FRANCES. Ferrers, Dorothy 189, 215, 282 Fisher, Francis Ferrers, Sir Humphrey.. 282 FISHER, JAMES 376 484, 498 498: n. 448, 484 365 328 7 66 355 355, 356 355 510 510 431: n. 404 431 • 114 460 291 114, 396 396 291 320 291 17 9 9 9 9 9 481 495 469 359 526 179 106 106 390, 138 526 106 360 326 457 526 118 169 469 n. 457 4 C 562 INDEX. Fisher, Jane-Frances. FISHER, JOHN Fisher, John-Norris 424 Fleming. Dorothy 380 160, 287 Fleming, Francis 380 435 FISHER, JOSEPH FISHER, LAWRENCE 17 175: n. 18 FISHER, MATTHEW Fisher, Norris. FISHER, ROBERT FISHER, SARAH.. FISHER, MARY 399, 470: n. 357, 359, 368, 376, 384, 397, 424, 430 279: n. 287 435 19, 384: n. 237, 323 47: n. 323 Fleming, John FLEMING, HARGRAVE-WILLIAM FLEMING, JAMES Fleming, Dame Jane Fleming, Jane………………. FLEMING, SIR JOHN 404 380: n. 403 404, 409, 411, 485, 499 499 403 n. 404, 409, 411, 485, 499 380 FISHER, THOMAS 357, 359, 424: n. 368, 376, FLEMING, DAME MARGARET FLEMING, MARGARET Fleming, Margaret-Mary 3 411: n. 380 411 384, 397, 399, 430. 470 FLEMING, MARY 4 FITCH, ANNE 172 Fleming, Richard 380 FITCH, MELIOR 186 Fleming, Robert 380, 403 FITCH, THOMAS ……. 192 Fleming, Seymour-Dorothy 404 Fitton, Sir Edward 157. 233 Fleming. Susanna 380 Fitton, Penelope 157, 233 Fleming, Sir Thomas.. FITZ, ANNE... 172 Fleming, William Fitz, Melior.. 186 Fletcher, Andrew 3 • 389 419 Fitz-Charles, Charles 201 FLETCHER, JOHN FITZ-FREDERICK, CORNWALL 345 Fletcher, Margaret.. Fitzgerald, Lady Anne………. 283 Fletcher, Mary • 69 n. 247, 412 419 442, 461 FITZGERALD, ANNE 353: n. 356, 364 FLETCHER, ROBERT 69, 232: n. 247 Fitzgerald, Catherine 315 Fletcher, Thomas 247 Fitzgerald, Lady Elizabeth 24 Fleury (Lieutenant) 380 Fitzgerald, Frances 354, 480 FLINTOFT, LUKE 321, 526 Fitzgerald, George... 372 Floerchen, Johanna-Friderica 391 Fitzgerald, Henrietta 496 FLOWER, JOHN . 241 Fitzgerald, Henry 209 Flowerdew, Frances 268 Fitzgerald, John 208, 209, 260, 315, 392, 480 Flowerdew, Thomas 268 • Fitzgerald, Keane 480 FLOYD, BEVIS 191 FITZGERALD, MARY 356 n. 480 Floyd, Mary 404, 410 Fitzgerald, Thomas 354, 356, 364 Fluellen, sec Llewelin. FITZHARDING, Barbara (VISCOUNTESS) 264 : n. 192 FITZHARDING, CHARLES (VISCOUNT) 162 : n. 160, 164, 214, 275, 292 FITZHARDING, JOHN (VISCOUNT) 275 : n. 264 Fitzharding, Maurice (Viscount) Fitzharding. Penelope (Viscountess) Fluellen, Jenkin Fluellen, Mary 5 5 Foice, Elizabeth 40 Foley, Elizabeth 358 Foley, Thomas 358 275 Folkes, Sir Martin-Brown 459 160, 164, Folliott, Henry (Lord) ……. 241 275, 292 FOLLIOTT, REBECCA 241 Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony FITZHERBERT, ELIZABETH Fitzherbert, Sir Thomas .... Fiizmaurice, Francis-Thomas 324 Fonnereau, Martin 410 41: n. 42 Fonnereau, Thomas 410 324 Fonnereau, Zachary-l'hilip 410 462 Foot, Sarah .... 209 Fitzmaurice, William Fitzroy, Lady Anne. 494 Foot, Sir Thomas 209 369 Foote, Edward Goodere 425 Fitzroy, Lady Caroline.. 502 Foote, Eleanor 424 FITZROY, LORD CHARLES 309 Foote, Francis 425 FITZROY, CHARLES 330, 369: n. 200 Foote, George 425 FITZROY, GEORGE 286: n. 280, 350 FOOTE, SAMUEL ... 424: n. 394 FITZROY, LORD HENRY 265, 502 Forbes, Sir Alexander 322 Fitzroy, William ..... 360 FORBES. ANN 351 Flahault, Auguste-Charles-Joseph (Comte Forbes, Lady Augusta 493 de) 61 Forbes, Elizabeth 351 Flaxman, Anne 261 Forbes, Thomas 322 FLEET. ANNE 150 n. 111 Forbes, William (Lord) 351 Fleet, John 150 FORBES, WILLIAM 322: n. 351 FLEETWOOD, ANNE 522 • Forbes-Leith, 322 Fleetwood, Bridget 414, 522 Ford, Elizabeth 501 Fleetwood, Charles 522 Ford, James 501 Fleetwood, Hester 115 FORD, JUDITHI 50 Fleetwood, Mary 370, 522 Ford, Martha 421, 486 Fleetwood, Sir William. 115 Ford, Mary 428 ... Fleming, Anna 380 Ford, Richard 421 Fleming, Anne 403 Ford, Sarah 438 Fleming, Archibald 380 Fordham, Thomas 211 Fleming, Catharine 380 Forester, Anne-Elizabeth 56 FLEMING, CATHERINE-ELIZABETH 409 Forester, Cecil-Weld (Lord) 56, 525 INDEX. 563 FORLOW, JOIN FORLOW, SUSANNA FORSTER, AMY-LESLIE 397 .... Fox, Ellen • 387 Fox, George 121 316, 413 106 FOX, JAMES FORSTER, ANN .... FORSTER, CATHERINE 488: n. 377, 430 17, 223, 226, 318: Fox, Jane 192: n. 217 269 n. 17 FORSTER, EDMUND 17 Fox, Margaret Forster, Elizabeth FORSTER, FRANCIS-LESLIE-MATTHEW... FORSTER, MATTHEW 20 FOX, MARY • 106 Fox, Richard 106 Forster, Michael Forster, Nicholas 20 430, 488 Fox, JOHN 121, 168, 229, 231: n. 4, 167, 169, 173, 216, 228, 258, 269, 325 217, 229, 325 217: n. 173, 179, 188 121 FOX, SIR STEPHEN 168, 170, 187, 192, 199: n. 4, 11, 196, 197, 201, 205. 216, 217, 222, 228, 229, 244, 248, 262, 269, 306 FORSTER, PRISCILLA 325: n. 318, 366 FOX, STEPHEN Forster, Richard 377 FOX, THOMAS 187 228, 231 Forster, William 377 FOX, WILLIAM 199: n. 196, 205, 229 FORSYTH, LENNARD-WILLIAM 524 • Fox-Lane, George 413 FORSYTH, MARIAN-ADA 524 FOYLE, ANN 349: n. 253 FORSYTH, WILLIAM-FREDERIC 524 Foyle, George. 349 Fortescue, Sir Adrian 113 FRAME, ADAM 138 Fortescue, Dame Anne 113 Frame, Aldam 155 Fortescue, Joane 337 FRAME, ANNE 160: n. 155 Fortescue, Sir John Fortescue, Margery 64, 142 Frame, Edward 155 64, 142 Frame, Emme 155 Forth, Elizabeth 399 FRAME, JOHN 155 Forth, Thomas 383 FRANCE, MARIE - JOSEPHINE - LOUISE Fortrey, Catherine 203 (QUEEN OF) 180 Fortrey, Samuel 203 ... FRANCIS, CATHERINE 390 Fortrose, Kenneth (Lord) 398, 482 Francis, Elizabeth-Dorothea 87 Fortrose, Mary (Lady)………. 399 FRANCIS, JACOB 415: n. 390, 466 FORWOOD, ELIANOR. 44 Francis, John 416 FOSTER, AMY 102 FRANCIS, MARY 288 FOSTER, ARTHUR-JOHN 102 FRANCIS, SUSANNA ... 466: n. 386, 416, 451 Foster, Barbara 201 FRANCIS, THOMAS 302: n. 8, 498 FOSTER, CATHARINE 14 Francklin, Charles 188 FOSTER, ELIZABETH 20 FOSTER, JOHN 102 Fountayne, John FOSTER, MARTIN FOSTER, MICHAEL FOSTER, REBECCA Foster, William Foulis, Anne Foulis, Mary-Anne Foulis, Sir William Foulkes, Jane Fountain, Mr. Fountayne, Elizabeth Fowke, Elizabeth 14 FRANKLIN, JOHN Franklin, Sir William Frankmore, Alice 360 228 20 15, 20 Frankmore, Joseph 20 15 Fraser, Anne 200 204 • Fraser, John 200 227 Freame, Aldam 139 62 Frecker, Elizabeth 325 62, 227 Frecker, Mark 325 91 FREDERICA - CAROLINE - SOPHIA - ALEX- 72 ANDRINA, DUCHESS OF CUMBERLAND 492 $6 Frederick II. (King) 108, 110, 115 86 Frederick III. (King) 265 7 Frederick V. (Duke) 156 Fowke, William 7 FREDERICK, CHARLES 51 Fowkes, Sir Henry 141 Frederick, Sir John 51 Fowkes, Dame Troth 141 FREDERICK, JOHN 374 Fowler, Anne 7,30 FREDERICK, LUCY 51 Fowler, Edward 7 Frederick, Dame Mary 51 Fowler, Frances 30 Frederick, Sir Thomas 51 Fowler, Francis-Leveson 30 FREDERICK-LOUIS, PRINCE OF WALES 381, FOWLER, MILDRED 87 395, 406, 109, 411, 415, 447 FOWLER, ROBERT 87 FREDERICK-WILLIAM (PRINCE) 406 Fox, Alice 121 FREEMAN, AVIS 336 Fox, Charles 228 Freeman, Elizabeth 346 FOX, CHARLES-JAMES 473: n. 262 FREEMAN, JOHN 346: n. 336 Fox, Charlotte 262 Freeman, Sir Ralph 359 Fox, Dame Christian 262 Freeman, William 252 FOX, CHRISTIAN 262 FREIND, ANN. 47 Fox, Daniel 217 Freind, Bridget 17 Fox, EDWARD 170 Freind, Grace 80 Fox, Dame Elizabeth 168, 199, 222 FREIND, JANE 279: n. 80 FOX, ELIZABETH 4, 11, 258: n. 167, 169, 170. FREIND, ROBERT 196, 197, 199, 216, 229, 325 Fox, Elizabeth-Bridget 473 Freke, Cecilia Fox, Elizabeth-Carr 228 FREKE, ELIZABETH FREIND, WILLIAM 80, 279, 308: n. 47 80: n. 17 279, 286, 331 279; n. 13, 331 564 INDEX. Freke, Frances Freke, Jane Frcke, John Freke, Judith Freke, Percy Freke, Ralph FRENCII, ANN French, Arthur 331 Fulham, John 147 4. Fuller, Ann 37 4, 13, 352 Fuller, Elizabeth-Teresa 59 286 Fuller, Francis 51 279 Fuller, Mary 51 279, 286, 331 Fuller, Thomas 59 293 Fullerton, Elizabeth 403 454 FULLERTON, SIR JAMES 129 FRENCH, DOROTHY 78, 267 Furber, James... 98 FRENCH, ELIZABETH FRENCH, FRANCES FRENCH, HELEN 40, 78, 79, 259, 267, 269, 280, 347: n. 305 79, 278 FRENCH, JOHN 78, 79, 80, 269, 277. 278, 299, 314: n. 305, 344, 347, 366, 391 FRENCH, JUDITH... 80, 277: n. 305, 314, 366 FRENCH, JUDITH-DOROTHY FRENCH, MARTIN FRENCH, MARY 78, 80, 277, 278, 344, 391: n. 79, 347, 366, 454 • ... Furber, Maria 98 FURNELL, ROSE. 378 ... Furnes, Susanna... 12 78: n. 366 Fusey, Edward 128 Fuscy, Juliana 128 FYNES, ANNA-MARIA-ISABELLA Fynes, Charles 94 96 .... 79, 269 FYNES, CHARLES-FRANCIS 94 305, 314 Fynes, Emma 96 FYNES, HENRIETTA-ELIZABETH 95 FYNES, HENRY ... 94, 95 FRENCH, MATTHEW French, Robert 79 FYNES, KATHERINE 94, 95 305 FYNES, LOUISA-EMMA-MARY 94 FRENCH, THOMAS ... 40, 78, 79, 259, 267, 269, 280, 293, 305: n. 314 FYNES-CLINTON, AGNES 97 FYNES-CLINTON, ANNA-MARIA-PENELOPE 96 FRERE, ADELAIDE-MARY 106 FYNES-CLINTON, CAROLINE 511 FRERE, BEATRICE-JANE-TEMPLE FRERE, EDITH-MARGARET ……. 100 Fynes-Clinton, Caroline-Francis 93 106 Fynes-Clinton, Charles..... 93, 96 FRERE, GEORGE-EDGAR FRERE, HENRY-TEMPLE Frere, Elizabeth-Raper FRERE, GEORGE... Frere, Jane FRERE, JUDITH-MARY-SOPHIA FRERE, LOUISA-CHARLOTTE-TEMPLE FRERE, MARY-MARGARET-TEMPLE FRERE, MILDRED-ALICE-TEMPLE 98 98: n. 99 FYNES-CLINTON, CLINTON-JAMES FYNES-CLINTON, EMMA 96: n. 511 106 100, 101 100 95: n. 96 FYNES-CLINTON, HENRY ... 95, 96, 97: n. 94 FYNES-CLINTON, KATHERINE 95, 96, 97: n. 94 FYNES - CLINTON, LOUISA- EMMA - MARY 99 FYNES-CLINTON, MARGARET 100 ... FYNES-CLINTON, PENELOPE 101 Fytchc, Dame Anne 101 Fytche, Sir Comport FRERE, ROBERT-TEMPLE FRERE, SARAH-MARIA-HEATH Frere, Susanna-Hatley Frere, Temple... Frescheville, John (Lord) .... FRESHWATER, EDWARD FRESHWATER, FRANCES Frewen, Sarah Frewen, Thomas.. Fricker, Dorothy • Friend, see Freind. Friend, Grace FRIEND, JOHN... Friend, Mary Friend, Sarah 100, 101 Fytche, Sir William 102 96 96: n. 511 72 72 73 100, 101 98 100 FRERE, THERESA-ARABELLA-FANNY 100, 101 Frescheville, Anne-Charlotte (Lady)...... 175 Gabrey, Jane 263 GAFFORD, MARTHA 2 175 GAFFORD, MATTHEW 2 3 Gage (Alderman) 121 3 Gage, Anne.. 121 232 Gage, Edward 221 232 Gage, Elizabeth 221 242 Gage, Dame Mary-Charlotte 240 Gage, Sir William 240 ... 461 GAINE, KATHERINE 19 461: n. 289 461 Gainsborough, Catharine (Countess of)... 254 Gainsborough, Wriothesley-Baptist (Earl 461 of) 254, 319, 400 Friend, Susanna Frier, Margery Fromont, Anne-Amelia Fromont, Simon Frost, Annastasia 289 Gale, Henry 437 131 GALE, ROBERT 228 441 Gale, William 437 441 Galloway, Alexander (Earl of) 399 143 Galloway, James 443 FROST, ANNE 143 GALLOWAY, LADY JANE 248 FROST, JOHN Frost, Frances Frost, Robert FROST, THOMASIN Frost, William FRUEN, SARAH Fruin, Janc Fryer, Elizabeth Fryer, William Fulham, Dorothy .... FULHAM, EDWARD 225, 232, 240, 257 Galway, Frances (Viscountess) 248 121, 136: n. 240, 257 Galway, Henry (Earl of) 253 136 Galway, Ulick (Viscount) 248 121 Game, Catharine 19 240 Game, Elizabeth... 212 232 Game, Richard 212 23 Games, Elizabeth 257 207 Games, Richard ... 257 206, 207 GAMMELL, ANDREW 490 147 Gammell, Ernest 490 147 Gammell, James... 490 INDEX. 565 Gammell, Jessic.. 490 Gammell, Margaret 490 GAUSSEN, ROBERT GEORGE Gaussen, Robert-William Gammell, Martha 490 GAUSSEN, SELINA Gammell, Mary 490 Gavan, Anne .... Gammell, William 490 Gavan, Christopher Gancel, Margaret 399 GAVAN, JOHN Gancel, William 399 GAVAN, SUSAN Garbrand, Henrietta 393 Gavan, Thomas Gardiner, Catharine 353 Gavan, William Gardiner, Mary 161, 200 GAVEN, JANE Gardiner, Dame Rebecca 161 Gardiner, Sir Thomas 161, 200 GAVEN, MARIANNE Gaven, Mary-Anne... 106 106 106 • 164, 172 164 164: n. 172 172 164 164 420 n. 413, 479 479 413 Gardner, Elizabeth 271 GAVEN, RICHARD GARDNER, HENRY. 301 GAWEN. ANNE ……………… Gardner, John 306 GAWEN, EDWARD. • Gardner, Massey 284, 301 Gawen, Katherine 413: n. 420. 479 170, 172 : n. 67. 136, 143 67: n. 136, 137 185 GARDNER, SARAH 284: n. 301, 326 GAWEN, MARGARET 143: n. 136, 185 GARFORTH, EDMUND 53 Gawen. Rachel • GARFORTH, ELIZABETH 53 GAWEN, THOMAS 183 185: n. 67 Gargrave, Mary Garforth, Mary Garforth, William Gargrave, Sir Richard 53 GAWEN, WILLIAM... 170, 172: n. 67, 136, 143, 53 183, 185 23 Gay. Catherine 337 3 GAY, JAMES 58 Garnett, Henry 98 ... Gay, Joane 336 Garnett, Marianne. 98 ... GAY, JOHN 337 Garneys, John 21 GAY, LOUISA-BENTALL 58 Garneys, Mary 24 GAY, SOLOMON 448 Garrard, Anne .... 126, 381 Gayer, Catharine 27 Garrard, George 126 Gayer, Elizabeth 318 Garrard, Jane Garrard, Sir John 44, 45, 197, 224 44, 45, 197, 224 Gayer. Sir John 318 Gayer, Sir Robert 27 Garrard, Margaret 126 GAYFERE, FRANCES 412: n. 474 • GARRARD, MARIAMNE 307 GAYFERE, FRANCES-ELIZABETH 171 Garrard, Robert 307 Gayfere, Mary………….. 483 Garrard, Sarah 381 Gayfere, Mary-Ann 483 Garrard, Thomas 381 GAYFERE, THOMAS.. 483: n. 412, 474 Garrard, Sir William 126 Gayfere, William 483 Garrett, Anne. 185 GEE, ANN 17 Garrick, Arabella 427 Gee, Constantia 456 GARRICK, DAVID 427: n. 421, 498 GEE, EDWARD... 78, 79, 258, 267, 327: n. 47, GARRICK, EVA-MARIA 498 333, 339 Garrick, Peter... 427 GEE, ELIZABETH 78, 258 Garth, Bowes 330 ..... Gee, George.. ..... GARTH, ELIZABETH 370: n. 280, 330 GEE, HENRY. Garth, James Garth, John Garth, Mary Garth, Sir Samuel GARTH, THOMAS Garth, William 330 330, 370 Gec, James 327 79,267 456 GEE, JANE………. 78, 79, 339: n. 47, 333 330 GEE, MARTHA • 79, 333 330 Gee, Richard 456 280, 330, 370 Geckie, Joshua 383 330 Geiger, Mr. 490 Gascoigne, Anne 384 GELL, ANN 412 Gascoigne, Joseph. 384 • GELL, ANTHONY... 466, 492, 500: n, 403, 406, GASCOIGNE-NIGHTINGALE, JOSEPH 384 412, 419, 438, 451, 50S, 515 Gascoigne-Nightingale, Washington 384 Geil, Benjamin GASCOYNE, BAMBER 55 Gell, Charlotte 403 499, 515 Gascoyne, Sir Crisp 55 GELL, DANIEL……………………. 403 n. 395, 436, 492 Gascoyne, Dame Margaret 55 GELL, ELIZABETH.. 395 GASCOYNE, MARY Gashrey, Francis Gatcomb, Elizabeth 55 Gell, Emma-Harmar 499 375 GELL, FRANCES ... 500: n. 406, 412. 419, 438, 391 441, 451, 466, 508, 515 GATES, ATKINSON .... 289, 346 GELL, FREDERICK 419 ... GATES, BERNARD 289, 296, 417 : n. 316-17, Gell, George.. 493 346, 348, 457 Gell, Jane 508 Gates, Eleanor 417 Gell, Sir John. .... 66 Gates, Elizabeth 348 n. 316-17, 316 GELL, JOHN 67 Gates, Gabriel- Abel 417 GELL, JOHN-HENRY. ... 515 n. 492, 199, 508, Gates, Mary Gatty, Robert . Gatty, William GAUSSEN, EMILIA-CHRISTIAN 417 489 GELL, KATHARINE……. 489 GELL, MARGARET 511 67: n. 66 436 106 Gell, Ralph 403 566 INDEX. GELL, THOMAS GELL, THOMAS-WILLIAM. Gell, Sir William • GELL, WILLIAM-EGERTON 406 n. 403 Giffard, Francis. 336 451 GIFFARD, DAME MARTHA 307 67 Giffard, Richard .... 73 508: n. 512 Giffard, Sir Thomas 307 Geminghen (Baron) 309 GEMINGHEN, DAME SOFFY-AUGUSTE (DE) 309 GIFFORD, EDMUND Gifford, Edward 73 500 GENEW, ELIZABETH.. 39 GIFFORD, WILLIAM 500 Genew, John 39 Gilbert, Abraham 186, 210 Genew, Mary 39 Gilbert, Castiliana 349 Genew, Rachel 39 Gilbert, Edward 463 GENEW, WILLIAM. 39 Gilbert, Elizabeth 210 GEORGE, 189 Gilbert, Henry 349 GEORGE, ANNE 23 Gilbert, Mary 463 GEORGE, JAMES George I. (King).. GEORGE II. (KING) GEORGE III. (KING). GEORGE (PRINCE) ... .... 415, 434, 436 230 GEORGE, PRINCE OF DENMARK 209, 217, 226, 230, 231, 247, 265 : n. 219, 280 GEORGE-WILLIAM (PRINCE) .. Gilchrist, Anne Gilchrist, James Gildridge, Elizabeth Gildridge, Nicholas Giles, Francis 23 Gilbert, Sebastian 210 397 GILBERT, THOMAS. 186 397, 442: n. 291, 349, 516 381, 391, 406 516 .... 48 48 169 GILES, SARAH…….. 169 291 GILL, ELIZABETH 34 GEORGES, ANNE. 23 Gilliflower, Matthew 238 .... GEORGES, JAMES 23 GILLINGHAM, ELIZABETH 342 Georges, Mary.... 321 Gillingwater, Eleanor 401 Georges, Robert 321 Gillmore, Jane... 370 Gerard, Anne 12 Ginger, William 404 Gerard, Sir Charles 12, 16, 157, 233 Ginne, Catharine 19 Gerard, Charles 249 GIPPS, DAME ELIZABETH 13 Gerard, Charlotte.... 16, 157 GIPPS, SIR RICHARD..... 13 Gerard, Digby (Lord) GERARD, LADY ELIZABETH Gerard, Gilbert (Lord) GERARD, SIR GILBERT. Gerard, Sir Gilbert-Cosins Gerard, Helen (Lady) GERARD, DAME MARY Gerard, Dame Penelope GETHIN, ELIZABETH Gethin, Dame Grace Gethin, Sir Richard GETHIN, THOMAS GIBBERT, THOMAS. GIBBES, ANNE.. Gibbes, Charles Gibbes, Elizabeth Gibbes, Mary-Ann Gibbes, Sir Philip Gibbes, Sir Ralph 246 Girardot, Marie-Louise 498 246 Girardot, Paul…….. 498 171 Gisborne, Emma.. 505 20 Gladin, Barbara 336 20, 199 Gladin, Thomas 336 171 Gladwin, Mary 39 20: n. 199 Gladwin, William 39 157, 233 GLANISTER, ELIZABETH 319 303, 314 Glanister, Jane 319 331 Glanister, William 319 331 GLANVILL, EDWARD 476 303 : n. 314 186 270: n. 429, 486 Glanvill, Elizabeth Glanvill. Emily Glanvill, Jeremiah 476 476 476 270, 428, 429 Glanvill, Margaret 476 503 Glanvill, Miss 476 486 Glanvill, Thomas-William 476 503 Glascock, Sarah 208 ... 270 Glemham, Sir Henry 132 Gibbon, Elizabeth 379 Glemham, Mary 132 GIBBONS, ALICE... 488 Glentworth, Annabella (Lady) 97 GIBBONS, CHRISTOPHER 189: n. 156, 206 Gibbons, Elizabeth 190, 206, 437 Glentworth, Henry-Hartstonge (Lord) 97 GLOUCESTER, HENRY (DUKE OF) ... 152 Gibbons, Humphrey 488 GLOUCESTER, WILLIAM (DUKE OF) 246: n. 264 Gibbons, James Gibbons, Maria GIBBONS, MARY.. Gibbons, Orlando Gibbons, Sarah Gibbons, William Gibbs, Edward 488 Glover, Bridget 47 488 Glover, Bright 460 156 Glover, Jane 460 190 GLOVER, JOHN 356: n. 336, 355, 460 251 Glover, Marian 460 437 Glover, Mary 336, 355, 356 402 Glover, Richard 460 Gibbs, Elizabeth. 402 Glover, Robert 460 GIBBS, WALTER. Gibson, Anne • Gibson, Right Rev. Edmund GIBSON, KATHARINE.. 144 Glover, Sarah 460 86, 450 GLOVER, SUSAN 355: n. 320, 336, 340, 356 86 GLOVER, THOMAS 340: n. 316, 336, 356, 460 117 Glover, William Gibson, Mrs. Giffard, Anne Giffard, Edmond Giffard, Elizabeth 373 Glynn, Henry 73 GLYNN. MARIA 122: n. 47, 460 .... 346 346: n. 357, 364 73 Glynn, Mary 335 Glynne, Ann 190 337 INDEX. 567 337 337 337 Glynne, Elizabeth GLYNNE, ELLEN Glynne, Frances Glynne, Jane 337 GOODENOUGH, RIGHT REV. SAMUEL... 501: n. 95, 502 GOODENOUGH, SOPHIA 95 Goodenough, William 501 Glynne, John 337 Goodere, Sir Edward 424 Glynne, Mary 56, 59 Goodere, Eleanor 424 Glynne, Richard 270 Goodman, Right Rev. Godfrey 119, 136 Glynne, Sir Stephen-Richard 56, 59 Goodman, Ursula 127 Goddard, Elizabeth 487 Goodman, William 127 Goddard, John 487 Goodson, Alice 187 Goddard, Sarah 487 Goodson, Prudence 363 GODFREY, ANN .... Godfrey, Charles GODFREY, ARABELLA GODFREY, CHARLOTTE ..... 76: n. 208 328: n. 36, 268 36, 48, 50, 51, 328 Goodson, William Goodwin, 363 304 Goodwin, Sir John 130 36 n. 48, 50, 51 GOODWIN, JOHN 232: n. 225, 257 GODFREY, EDWARD 76 GOODWIN, JOSEPH 188 Godfrey, Francis 268 Goodwin, Joyce 130 GODFREY, JOHN 208 Goodwyn, Mary 139 GODFREY, MARY 76 Goodyear, Hester 332 GODFREY, MRS. 243 Goodyear, Moses 332 Godolphin, Francis .... Godfrey, Thomas GODOLPHIN, ANNE GODOLPHIN, CHARLES 300: Godolphin, Dame Dorothy GODOLPHIN, DOROTHY GODOLPHIN, ELIZABETH ... GODOLPHIN, FRANCIS (EARL Godolphin, Sir Francis GODOLPHIN, HENRIETTA (COUNTESS OF) 339 221 Gordon, 311 227: n. 196 n. 227, 234, 318 269, 274, 300 196 318: n. 227, 234 OF) 36, 269, 274, 300 GORDON, AMY 60 Gordon, Anne 42 ... Gordon, Catharine (Duchess of) 463 GORDON, CHARLES 60 339 Gordon, Cosmo-George (Duke of) Gordon, Lady Elizabeth 463 271 Gordon, John 435 318 Gordon, John-Norris 435 • Gordon. Norris 435 Godolphin, Jael 36 Gordon. Thomas 42 Godolphin, Margaret (Countess of) 152 Gore, Charles 368 Godolphin, Margaret 274 Gore. Dorothy 368 Godolphin, Penelope... 160, 162, 164, 275. 292 GORE. ELIZABETH 19, 35 GODOLPHIN, SIDNEY (EARL OF) 274: n. 152, GORE, FRANCIS 461 196, 300 Gore, Israel 461 GODOLPHIN, SIR WILLIAM 269: n, 160. 162, Gore, Jane 368 164, 275, 292 GORE, JOHN 19 GODOLPHIN, WILLIAM 234 Gore, Katharine 16 GODSCHALL, BATHIA 20 Gore, Robert 16 Godschall, Jane 20. 21 Gore, Susanna.. 36 GODSCHALL. JOHN Godschall, Sir Robert Godwin, Jemima 20 GORE, THOMAS 35 21 Gore, William 368 497 Gorges, Sir Arthur. 123, 209 GODWIN, JOHN 259 • Gorges, Carew. 209 GODWIN, THOMAS GODWIN, WILLIAM GOLAND, RICHARD 64, 120: n. 497 Gorges, Dame Dorothy 168 64 Gorges, Dudley 123 151 Gorges. Edward (Lord) 3 GOLDING, ELIZABETH 52 .... Gorges, Sir Edward 168 GOLDING, GEORGE 52 ... Gorges. Lady Elizabeth 123 Goldsborough, Flower 112 GORGES, FRANCES 157 : n. 145 Goldsborough, John 112 Gorges, Margaret ... Goldsmith, see Gouldsmyth. Gorges, Samuel 3 168 Goldsworthy, Martha-Carolina 474 GORGES, THOMAS 157, 168: n. 3, 158 GOME, JOHN 327 Gorges, Sir William 145 Gomc, Sarah 327 GORING, LADY ANNE 142 GOODACRE, MARY 35 Goring, Anne 158 GOODACRE, OLIVER 35 GORING, GEORGE (LORD) 158 Goodall, Charles 257 Goring, George 142 GOODALL, FRANCES 257: n. 225, 232, 240 GOODENOUGH, ANNABELLA 96 GOODENOUGH, EDMUND 95, 96, 97: n. 592, 508 GOSTRIDGE, GRACE GOODENOUGH, EDMUND-VERNON 97,508 ... Goring, Lady Mary Gostridge, Con-Comyns.. Gostridge, Francis. Gostridge. Jane 142 430 430 ... 430: n. 428, 429, 438 430 Goodenough, Elizabeth 501 Gott, Martha 42 GOODENOUGH, FRANCES 95, 96, 97: n. 502, GOODENOUGH, FREDERICK-ADDINGTON GOODENOUGH, JAMES-GRAHAM GOODENOUGH, LUCY Gott, Samuel 42 508 Gough, Elianor 334 96 Gough, Elizabeth 40 97, 525 Gough, George 334 96 Gough, Robert 40 568 INDEX. Gouland, Alice 152 GOULAND, RICHARD……….. 151 Grant, Marcia-Maria..... GRANT, MARGARET GOULDSMYTH, ELIZABETH 31 GRANT, MARY Gouldsmyth, Jane 31 Grant, Patrick GOULDSMYTH, JOHN.. 31 Grant, Richard Gouldsmyth, Jonathan 32 GRANT, SAMUEL. 59 419 443: n. 474 419 474 84, 85, 353: n. 358 Gouldsmyth, Judith 31, 32 GRANT, SUSANNA 83, 84, 85, 363 : n. 353, 358, Gouldsworth, Henry 186 375 Goulston, Francis 353 GRANT, THOMAS 83, 84, 85, 375: n. 301, 353, Gourlaw, Jane 330 358, 363, 391 Gouvernet, Charles (Marquis of) 234, 306 GRANT, WILLIAM 84: n. 98, 375 GOUVERNET, ESTHER (MARCHIONESS OF) 306 : Gover, Elizabeth GRANTHAM, HENRY (EARL OF) 290 n. 298 n. 234, 242 Granville, Charles 224, 272 404 Granville, Elizabeth 224 Gower, Elizabeth Gower, Foote 454 GRANVILLE, GRACE (COUNTESS) 367 454 Granville, Lady Grace 271, 367, 102 Gower, Dame Frances 242 Granville, Lady Jane 314 GOWER, FRANCES. • Gower, James Gower, Jane 242: n. 70 GRANVILLE, JOHN (EARL) 402: n. 365, 368 70 Granville, Rebecca (Lady) 255 251 Granville, Robert (Earl) 365 Gower, John (Lord) Gower, John-Leveson (Lord) Gower, Melior. 251, 314 GRANVILLE, SOPHIA (COUNTESS) 368 242 GRASCOME, ELIZABETH 21 70 GRASCOME, SAMUEL 21 Gower, Sir Thomas 242 Grattan, Henrietta 496 Gower, Sir William-Leveson 251 GRATTAN, HENRY 496 Gowrie, William (Earl of) 122 Grattan, James 496 Grace, John……….. 372 Grattan, Mary 496 Grace, Lettice. 372 Gratwicke, Edward 2 Grady, Mary 499 Gratwicke, Frances 2 Grady, Nicholas 499 Gratwicke, Sir William. 2 Grafton, Augustus-Henry (Duke of) 502 Graves, Mary 338 Grafton, Elizabeth (Duchess of) 502 Graves, Morgan 338 Graham, Ann 382 Graves, Richard 338 Graham, Catherine 250 GRAVES, SAMUEL 402 GRAHAM, CHARLES 213 Gray, Elizabeth 298 GRAHAM, DOROTHY 250 Gray, Janet. 495 GRAHAM, ELIZABETH Graham, Sir George GRAHAM, GEORGE GRAHAM, JAMES Graham, Sir Richard .... Graham, Richard 26: n. 33, 278, 382 250 382: n. 278 250 33, 213 26, 382 Greatorex, Annie-Martha 504 Greatorex, Anthony ... 504 Greatorex, Arthur 504 Greatorex, Edward.. 504 Greatorex, Elizabeth 504 Greatorex, Henry-Wellington 504 Graham, Thomas 26 Greatorex, James 504 GRAINGER, ELIZABETH 26, 239 CREATOREX, THOMAS 504 GRAINGER, JOHN 345 n. 341 Greatorex, William-Anthony 504 GRAINGER, MARY 341 Green, Goditha • 145 GRAINGER, THOMAS 246 Green, Isanc 55 Grammont, Claude-Charlotta 295 Green, John... 367 Grammont. Philibert (Count) 295 GREEN. MARY. • 55 Granard, George (Earl of) 493 Green, Sarah 367 GRANDISON, CATHARINE (VISCOUNTESS) 315: Greene, Dorothy.. 77 n. 318 Greene, Dr. .... 84 Grandison, George (Viscount) 25, 214, 233, 315 GREENE. ELIZABETH 126; n. 77, 468 Grandison, John (Viscount) 426 GREENE, GEORGE 127 Grandison, Mary (Viscountess) 233 Greene, Gertrude 42 Grandison, William (Viscount) 330 Greene, James 246 Gransden, Alice 139 Greene, Jane 246 Gransden, Henry 139 Greene, John 77, 246 GRANSTON, ALICE 139 Greene, Mary .... 195, 246 Grant, Anne 120 Greene, Michael 246 GRANT, BENJAMIN 301 Greene, Sir William 42 Grant, Colin ... Grant, Sir Colquhoun Grant, Edward .... GRANT, ELIZABETH Grant, Elizabeth- Raper GRANT, GABRIEL Grant, Hannah 326 GREENE, WILLIAM 147 n. 77, 195 59 Greenwell, Dorothy 20 120 Greenwell, Robert 20 391 GREENWICH, CAROLINE (BARONESS OF) 452 98 120: n. 114 GREENWICH, JANE (DUCHESS OF)……………..... 409 GREENWICH, JOHN (DUKE OF)... 364: n. 409 120 Greenwood, Benjamin 87 Grant, Henrietta Grant, John 326 Greenwood, Mary 373 120, 326, 419 Gregor, Francis 466 INDEX. 569 Gregor, Mrs. GREGORY, ABRAHAM. Gregory, Anne ..... Gregory, Benjamin.. 312 235 466 Grimston, Sarah. Grimston, William (Viscount) Grimstone, Dorothy 231 422 145 318 Grimstone, John 145 ... GREGORY, CHARLES 311 GROSSE, ANNE 16 Gregory, David 311 GROSVENOR, BEATRIX CHARLOTTE - GREGORY, Edmund 144 ELIZABETH 62: n. 525 GREGORY, ELIZABETH ... Gregory, Hannah Gregory, Henry GREGORY, JOHN.. Gregory, Richard Gregory, Timothy Grenville, Hester Grenville, Richard Gresley, Frank GRESLEY, MARY GRESSE, ELIZABETH Gresse, John-Alexander Greville, Algernon . Greville, Dame Anne Greville, Catharine 297: n. 254, 293, 311, 312, 318 433, 470 Grosvenor, Lady Eleanor. 517 GROSVENOR, RICHARD DE AQUILA 62 GROTE, GEORGE 519 • 235 Grote, Harriet 519 114, 254, 293: n. 297, 312 Grote, Selina-Mary 519 235 GROVE, ANNE 34 298 Grove, Christopher 346 469 Grove, Elizabeth 346 469 Grove, Henrietta 346 56 GROVE, HENRY 346 56 Grove, John 346 461 Groves, Mrs. 486 461 GRUMBALL, MARY 45 472 GRUNDY, FRANCES 188: n. 179 113 Grundy, Thomas 188, 217 254 GUEST, JOSHUA 373: n. 381 Greville, Francis Greville, Sir Giles 463 Guest, Mary 373 113 Guest, Samuel 373 Grey, Henry Greville, Mary Grey, Lady Diana GREY, HENRY (LORD) Grifeth, Thomas 378, 471-2 GUEST, SARAH 381: n. 373 276 GUIDOTT, ANNE 37 138 Guidott, Carew 37 137 GUISE, ANNABELLA 36: n. 37 183 Guise. Elinor 9 GRIFFEN, THOMAS 183 Guise, Elizabeth 472 Griffies, John 386 Guise. Frances 468 Griffies, Mrs. 385 GUISE, RICHARD 472: n. 468 Griffith, Ann 396, 417 Guise, Sarah-Elizabeth 172 Griffith, Bridget. 132 Guliere, Jane (de). 221 Griffith, Dame Catharine 127 Guliere, Peter (de) 221 Griffith, Catherine 132, 205, 235, 248 Gulston, Jane 296, 378 Griffith, Charles 132 Gulston, Nathaniel 296, 378 Griffith, Edward 417 Gulston, Right Rev. William 296 Griffith, Elizabeth 410, 417 Gumley, Anna-Maria 402 Griffith, Ellen 241 Gumley, John 402 Griffith, Frances 132 Gunman, James 488 GRIFFITH, GUYON 447 Gunman, Sarah-Hussey 488 GRIFFITH, HUGH 396 Gunning, John 464 Griffith, John 235 • GUNNING, SUSANNA 464 GRIFFITH, MARGARET 24: n. 127, 132 Gunter, Catharine 53 Griffith, Mary 6, 266, 410 Gunter, George 53 Griffith, Maurice 241 GUNTER, JOHN 189 Griffith, Moses 447 GUNTER, THEODORE 275 Griffith, Nast 410 Günther, 275 GRIFFITH, PEERS 127: n. 132 GUPPY, ELIZABETH 12 GRIFFITH, PEIRCE 127 GURCHESTERS, DANIEL (DE LA) 27 Griffith, Sir Rees 127 GURCHESTERS, HENRIETTA (DE LA) 27 Griffith, Rice 205 GURDON, MARY 176 Griffith, Richard 241 Gurney, Ann 518 Griffith, Robert ... 127, 132 Gurney, John 518 Griffith, Robert ap Hugh 122 Gustigiano, Guisepe-Maria 372 Griffith, Thomas 132, 183, 410 Guthrey, Adam 380 GRIFFITH, WILLIAM 132: n. 127, 248 Guthrey, Catharine 380 Griffith, Winifred 455 Guy, Elizabeth 274 Griffyths, J. 446 Guy, Henry 217 Griffyths, Sarah 416 GUY, JOHN 271 Grigg, Frances 131 Gwillams, Dorothy 154 Grigg, Michael 131 Grimsditch, John Grimsditch, Mary 147 Grimston, Dame Elizabeth 66 Grimston, George 231 GRIMSTON, SIR HARBOTTLE 66: n. 231 GWINNE, ELIZABETH 147 Gwydir, Peter (Lord) Gwynne, Ellen GWYNNE, RICHARD GYLES, RICHARD 13 483 GWYN, ELIZABETH 13 218, 317, 382 239 124 GRIMSTON, MARY 66 Gyles, Sarah 124 4 D 570 INDEX. HACKFORD, ELIZABETH HACKLER, RICHARD Hackluit, Edmond ... 4 Halsey, Dame Judith 35 113 Halsey, Lewkenor .... 189 113 HALSEY, LUCAS.. 189 Hackluit, Frances 113 Halsey, Richard. 189 HACKLUIT, RICHARD Hacon, Hubert Hacon, Katherine Haddington, Elizabeth (Viscountess) HADDINGTON, JOHN (VISCOUNT) HADEN, ALGERNON-ORMEROD HADEN, JOHN-CLARKE ........ HADEN, JOHN-HARRY HADEN, MARGARET-MAIR HADEN, MARION HADEN, SARAH HADLOW, DOROTHY 113 HAM, NICHOLAS 135 185 Hamden, Anne 138 185 Hamden, George 138 125 ... Hamer, James.. 455 ... 114, 125 100 HAMILTON, LADY ALBERTHA-FRANCES- ANNE 61 99, 100, 101 Hamilton, Alexander 392 100 Hamilton, Anne (Duchess of) 294, 351 99 Hamilton, Lady Anne 294 101 .... Hamilton, Anne 277 99, 100, 101 Hamilton, Arabella-Susanna 265 376 HAMILTON, LADY ARCHIBALD 294 HADLOW, JOHN 388: n. 376 Hamilton, Lord Archibald... 294, 295, 366, 463 Hadlow, Mary 388 HAMILTON, ARCHIBALD 366 Haggerston, Isabella 91 HAMILTON, LORD CHARLES 351 Haggerston, John 91 Hamilton, Charles 134 ... Hague, James 479 Hamilton, Cole 106 Haines, Elizabeth 297 Hamilton, Elizabeth (Duchess of)... 141, 246 Haines, Peter 326 HAMILTON, ELIZABETH ... 386 n. 180, 342 Haines, Richard 297 Hamilton, Sir Francis 294 Hakluyt, Edmond 113 Hamilton, Sir George 180, 342 Hakluyt, Frances 113 Hamilton, Grace-Letitia 106 HAKLUYT, RICHARD 113 Hamilton, Henrietta-Maria 130 Hale, Mary 422 Hamilton, Hugh (Lord) 265 Hale, Sir Matthew 247 Hamilton, James (Duke of) 130, 133, 134, Hale, Rebecca 247 141, 246 Hale, William 422 HALHED, ELIZABETH 503: n. 425 Hamilton, Lord James Halhed, John 503 HAMILTON, JAMES Halhed, Richard 425 HAMILTON, JAMES (MARQUIS)….. 130, 133, 134 n. 102, 212, 342, 386, 422 133 61, 141, 180, 365: HALHED, ROBERT 425: n. 503 Hamilton, Lady Jane 295, 316, 463 HALHED, ROBERT-SPENCER 426: n. 503 Halhed, Robert-William 503 Hamilton, Lady Louisa-Jane HAMILTON, MARY (MARCHIONESS) 102 133: Halhed, Susanna 425 n. 130 Halhed, William 426 HAMILTON, LADY MARY 130 HALIFAX, CHARLES (EARL OF)... 283: n. 354 Hamilton, Dame Mary 180 HALIFAX, GEORGE (MARQUIS OF) 236 : HAMILTON, LADY MAUD-EVELYN 61 .... n. 213, 234, 264, 275, 321 Hamilton, Sir Robert 277 HALIFAX, GERTRUDE (MARCHIONESS OF) 321: Hamilton, Selina 106 n. 264 Hamilton, Susanna (Lady) 265 Halket, George 181 Hamilton, Thomas.. 180 Halkett, Emily-Alice 57 Hamilton, William (Duke of)......... 141, 294 Halkett, Sir Hugh 57 Hamilton, Lord William 133 Hall, Anne 203 Hamilton, William 141 HALL, CHARLES 419 Hammersley, 483, 484 Hall, Dorothy 208, 209 Hammond, Cicely HALL, ELIANOR 309 Hammond, John HALL, ELIZABETH 21, 27: n. 25, 204, 227, 419 Hammond, Margaret HALL, ELIZA-HANNAH 494 Hammond, Mary 190 244, 307 ... 269 244, 307 Hall, George 25 HAMMOND, MATTHEW 22 Hall, Henry 21 Hammond, Mrs.. 170 HALL, JANE 53 HAMMOND, SARAH 22 Hall, John 27, 204, 419 HAMPDEN, JANE 211 Hall, Mary 382 Hanbury, Bridget 395 Hall, Matthew 53 • Hanbury, Charles 395 Hall, Mrs. 188 Hanbury, George 396 Hall, Rachel 336 · Hanbury, John 239, 300, 395 HALL, ROBERT 227: n. 208, 209 HANBURY-WILLIAMS, SIR CHARLES ... 395: HALL, SUSANNA 5, 227 n. 300 HALL, THOMAS 5 Hanbury-Williams, Charlotte 396 HALL, WILLIAM 203 Hanbury-Williams, Lady Frances 433 Hallet, Mary 267 Hanbury-Williams, Frances 396 HALLETT, JOSEPH 270 Hanchett, Frances .... 136 Hally, Anna 416 Hanchett, Thomas 136 Hally, Joane 177 Hancock, Dorothy 310 Halsey, Sir John 35 Hancock, Rupert 310 INDEX. 571 Handel, Christian-Gottlieb HANDEL, GEORGE-FREDERIC Handelin. Christiana-Susanna HANDFORD, JANE HANDFORD, MARY Hanmer, Dorothy Hanmer, Thomas .... HANNA, ALEXANDER Hanna, Arabella HANNA, ELIZABETH Hanna, Henrietta Hanna, Jane 394 Hargrave, Richard.. 380 394 HARGRAVE, WILLIAM 380: n. 404 394 Harley, Lady Abigail 381 334 Harley (Alderman) 431 317 HARLEY, EDWARD.. 358: n. 315, 389 293 HARLEY, HENRY-CAVENDISH (LORD). 315 ... 293 .... 425: n. 442, 487 Harley, Lady Margaret-Cavendish.. HARMAN, RALPH 440 67 425 Harmar, Charlotte 515 442 : n. 425, 487 Harper, Elizabeth 304 425 Harper, Thomas. 304 • 425 HARPHAM, ALICE 148 ... HANNA, JOHN 487 n. 425, 442 Harrics, Esther 394 ... Hanna, Mary-Margery 425 Harrington, Anne (Countess of) 417 Hannah, Elizabeth 188 Harrington, Charles (Earl of).. 499 Hannam, Margaret 118 HARRINGTON, JANE (COUNTESS OF) 499: ... Hannay, Jane..... 211 n. 485 Hannay, Sir Robert 211 Hanover, Ernest-Augustus (King of)...... Harberton, Henry (Viscount) 492 Harrington, Mrs. Harrington, William (Earl of) 483 417 470, 499 HARRIS, ANNE 50 Harbord, Anne HARBERTON, MARY (VISCOUNTESS)…….. Harbord, Sir Charles 7, 12, 13, 44, 169, 181. 207 499 Harris, Diana 468 7, 12, 13, 169, 181 Harris, Elizabeth 49, 321 Harris, James 49, 468 Harbord, Hester….. 207 Harris, Jane 135 Harborough, Bennet (Earl of) 33, 305 Harris, John 468 HARDEN, MARGARET 310 HARRIS, LEWIS 135 HARDINE, AGNES 300 Harris, Margaret 135, 201 Hardine, Alexander 300 HARRIS, MARY 49: n. 468, 478 Harding, Eustace 420 Harris, Mildred 362 HARDING, JOHN 211 HARRIS, MORGAN 241 Harding, Joyce 123 Harris, Sir Thomas 321 HARDING, RICHARD 472 Harris, Ursula... 242 Harding, Sarah 420 Harris, William 49 Harding, Thomas 123 Harrison, Anne 274 Hardkyn, Elizabeth 109, 131 HARRISON, DOROTHY 27 Hardkyn, Sir John 109, 131 Harrison, Eleanor 449 Hardy, Charles 335 Harrison, George 492 Hardy, Charlotte 336 Harrison, Hannah 419 Hardy, Clement (le) …….. 335 Harrison, Jane 226 HARDY, DAME CONSTANCE.. 299 Harrison, Joane 132 Hardy, Constance 335 HARRISON, JOHN... 449: n. 132, 343, 361, 436 Hardy, Elizabeth 335 Harrison, Katharine 304 Hardy, Ellen 304 Harrison, Margery. 449 Hardy, John 336 Harrison, Mary 187 Hardy, Mary 335 Harrison, Robert 449 Hardy, Mary-Charlotte.... 62 HARRISON, SARAH 300 Hardy, Rachel 336 HARRISON, THOMAS…….. 27: n. 187, 226 HARDY, SIR THOMAS 335: n. 299 HARRISON, WILLIAM 226 Hardy, Thomas 336 • • HARRMOUND, BARBARA 49 Hardy, Sir Thomas-Masterman 62 Harrowby, Dudley (Earl of) 60 Hare, Catherine 508 Harsnett, Dame Carola.... 184 Hare, Elizabeth 72 HARSNETT, CAROLA 6, 188 n. 175, 200 Hare, John 475 Harsnett, Charles 187 HARE, MARY HARE, MICHAEL 458, 480: n. 484, 498 Harsnett, Elizabeth 200 Hare, Richard.. Hare, Sir Thomas 475: n. 458 508 Harsnett, Martha 343 Harsnett, Robert 230, 343 72 HARSNETT, SIR ROGER 230: n. 175, 184, 187 Hare, William 480 Harewell, Elizabeth 5 HART, ANN HAREWELL, MARGARET 5 HART, ELIZABETH HAREWELL, THOMAS 5 Hart, Frances.. Harewood, Edwin (Lord) 485 HART, JAMES. HAREWOOD, JANE (BARONESS)... 485: n. 404, Hart, Jane 409, 411, 499 Hart, Philip Hargrave, Ann 380 HART, RICHARD Hargrave, Charles 380 Hart, William……….. Hargrave, Elizabeth 380 Hartington, William (Marquis of). Hargrave, Jane 380 Hartopp, Sir Edward Hargrave, John 380 Hartopp, Elizabeth Hargrave, Martha 380 Hartopp, Mary 189, 200 306: n. 291 22: n. 363 97 291 363 291 22, 225 97 241 21 21 522 572 INDEX. Harvey, Dorothy Harvey, Elizabeth HARVEY, JAMES Harward, Charles Harward, Charlotte HARWELL, MARGARET.. 157 Hatton, Sir Thomas 290 Hatton, Sir William 127 457 457 Haversham, Maurice (Lord) 5 HAUKES, THOMAS……… Haversham, Elizabeth (Lady). HAWES, HESTER 11 231 200 77 77 49 Harwell, Mrs. 431 HAWKE, ALICE 70 HARWELL, THOMAS 5 Hawke, Ann 174, 245 HARWICH, CHARLES (MARQUIS OF) 277 HAWKE, FRANCES 68, 174 : n. 69 Harwood, Abigail 424 HAWKE, HENRY 68, 69, 70, 159, 174, 226, 245 HARWOOD, ANNE 50 HAWKE, JOHN 68, 69, 159, 252 : n. 200 Harwood, John 50, 227, 424 Hawke, Sarah.. 200 Haselar, Alexander 342, 355, 458 Hawke, Thomas 200 Haselar, Alexander-Francis. 486 Hawker, Henry 270 Haselar, Charles-Churchill 486 Hawkes, John….. 200 Haselar, Elizabeth 342, 355 Hawkes, Sarah 200 Haselar, Mary 458 Hawkins, Anne 339, 358, 518 Haselar, Robert 355 HAWKINS, ELIZABETH..... 46, 83: n. 446 Haselar, Sarah-Ann 486 HAWKINS, EMMA-HARMAR ...... 499: n. 515 HASELAR, WILLIAM. 342 HAWKINS, ENOCH. 512 .... HASELRIGGE, THOMAS. 145 HAWKINS, ERNEST 518 Haselwood, Dame Elizabeth 263 Hawkins, Frances 371 Haselwood, Penelope 263 HAWKINS, GEORGE 511 n. 499 Haselwood, Sir William 263 HAWKINS, HENRIETTA 83 HASKINS, MARY 52 Hawkins, Henry 452, 512, 518 Haslefoot, Mary. 14 Hawkins, Jane 404 Haslefoot, William 14 HASLEGROVE, ELIZABETH 26 HAWKINS, SIR JOHN HAWKINS, JOHN 446: n. 452 83: n. 339, 446 HASLEGROVE, RICHARD 26 Hawkins, John-Sidney 452 HASSALL, ANNA……… 379 Hawkins, Lætitia-Matilda 452 Hassall, Arthur 379 HAWKINS, LETITIA 26 Hassall, Mary. 379 Hawkins, Mary 371 HASSARD, EDWARD 138: n. 137 Hawkins, Mrs. 344, 371 HASSARD, THOMAS 139 Hawkins, Philip 358 Hassellgrove, see Haslegrove. Hawkins, Samuel 404 Hastings, Agnes... 97 HAWKINS, DAME SIDNEY 452 HASTINGS, ELIZABETH 1, 27, 28 Hawkins, Sophia-Anna 518 HASTINGS, FERDINANDO 363 Hawkins, Susanna 404 HASTINGS, FRANCES.. 30 HAWKINS, THOMAS 215: n. 26 HASTINGS, GEORGE • 365 HAWKINS, WILLIAM .... 46, 83: n. 404 HASTINGS, JOHN 1 Hawksworth, Sir Walter 455 Hastings, Richard-Godolphin-Henry 97 Hay, Abigail 381 Hastings, Sarah 1 Hay, Anne 381 HASTINGS, THEOPHILUS 30 Hay, Barbara · 400 Hastings, Thomas 1 Hay, Elizabeth 381 Hastings, Warren 86 Hay, Henrietta 381 Hastings, William 1 Hay, Jane-Ann 334 Hatcher, Alice 139 HAY, JOHN .... 381 n. 417 Hathorne, Frances Hatcher, Elizabeth Hatcher, Sir John Hathorne, John 9 Hay, Margaret 381 9 Hay, Mary 381 277 Hay, Right Rev. Robert 381 277 Hathorne, Mary 277 Hay-Drummond, Henrietta Hay-Drummond, Most Rev. Robert 416 416 Hatton, Dame Alice 172 Haye (Baron)... 65 HATTON, ALICE 133: n. 116 Hayes, Mary 1 Hatton, Lady Anne 360 Hayes, William ,, 1, 4 Hatton, Anne... 179, 438 Hayles, Mrs. 210 HATTON, CECILIE (LADY) 178 Hayne, Ann 90 HATTON, CHRISTOPHER (LORD)... Hatton, Christopher (Viscount). HATTON, SIR CHRISTOPHER 11, 115, 133, 136: 360, 438 Hayne, Jonathan 90 172, 274 : Haynes, Amelia 441 n. 133, 178, 179 Haynes, Edward Haynes, William 441 441 n. 123, 172 Hays, Edward HATTON, ELIZABETH (LADY) 178, 274 Hayward, Deborah HATTON, DAME ELIZABETH 11 Hayward, Edward Hattou, Frances. 231 Hayward, Eliza-Hannah ... HATTON, FRANCIS. 136 Hayward, Dame Martha HATTON, JANE 123, 274: n. 115 HAYWARD, PENGRY Hatton, John 115 Hayward, Samuel Hatton, Dame Mary 11 Hayward, Sir William 452 392 367, 494 494 223 392 392 223 INDEX. 573 HAYWOOD, ALICE Haywood, Ann Haywood, Edmond Haywood, Elizabeth • 187: n. 159 HERBERT, BRIDGET 159 Herbert, Lady Catherine 159 Herbert, Charles 319 Herbert, Lady Charlotte Haywood, Henry Haywood, Mary .... Haywood, Thomas 159 HERBERT, EDWARD (LORD) HAYWOOD, LADY MARTHA ………… 223 Herbert, Sir Edward 230 230 215, 379 47 195 147, 286 159 ... HERBERT, EDWARD 284: n. 221, 293, 326 159 Herbert, Elizabeth 284, 293 HAYWOOD, WILLIAM HAZARD, Edward HAZARD, RICHARD HAZARD, THOMAS Hazelton, Samuel Head, Frances 158 Herbert, Lady Emma 63 137, 138 Herbert, Frances 482 67 Herbert, Sir George 284 67, 139, 165 Herbert, George 482 436 HERBERT, GEORGE-JOHN 482 482 HERBERT, GEORGE-ROBERT-CHARLES... 62 Head, Francis.. 482 Herbert, Lady Henrietta-Antonia 517 HEAD, JOHN 303 Herbert, Sir Henry ..... 131 Head, Mary.. 274 HERBERT, HENRY-HOWARD-MOLYNEUX 56 Headfort, Emily-Constantia (Marchioness Herbert, Henry-John-George 56 of) 525 Herbert, James 148, 152, 230, 286 Headfort, Thomas (Marquis of) 525 Herbert, Jane 148, 286 Headson, Jane Ι HERBERT, JOHN 152, 326: n. 150, 328 Hearle, John 393 Herbert, Joseph 97 Hearle, Mary 393 Herbert, Dame Margaret 147 HEARNE, ANN 281 HERBERT, MARIAMNE... 291: n. 293, 307, 526 Hearne, John 281 Herbert, Mary (Lady) .... 195 HEATH, DAME CATHERINE 235 : n. 178, 223 Herbert, Lady Mary .... 215 Heath, Mary 83 HERBERT, MARY 221: n. 326, 328 Heath, Robert. 135 Herbert, Mary-Ellis 97 Heath, Sir Thomas 235 HERBERT, LADY PENELOPE 149 Heathcote, Anne 117 HERBERT, PENELOPE 148 Heathcote, Godfrey 117 HEATHER, MARGERY 131 HEATHER, WILLIAM Hebborne, Anne. HEBBORNE, JOHN Hebborne, Mary. 126: n. 121 HERBERT, SIR PHILIP HERBERT, PHILIP Herbert, Richard (Lord) 149: n. 128 286: n. 291, 293, 307 195 117 Herbert. Susanna 221, 326 117 Herbert, Thomas 281 117 Herbert (of Lea). Elizabeth (Lady) 62 Hedges, John 330 Herbert (of Lea), George-Robert-Charles HELME, MABELL 21 (Lord) 62 HELME, WILLIAM……… 21 Herbert (of Lea), Sidney (Lord) 62 Hemington, Henry. 401 Hercy, Anne 153 Hemington, Mary 401 Hercy. Humphrey 153 Hemming, Alice….... 460 Hercy, Sir John 153 Hemming, Elizabeth. Hemming, Hannah Hemming, John .. Hemming, Sarah HEMMING, WILLIAM Hemmings, Alicia 460 HERIOTT, HARBORD 44 460 Heriott, James 44 460 HERIOTT, MARTHA 44 460 • Heriott, Mary 14 460: n. 508 Heriott, Sarah 44 6 HERLE, MARGARET 141 HEMMINGS, HENRY 6 Herne, Alice 121 HEMMINGS, MARY 6 Herne, Edward 121 Hender, Mr. 202 HERON, DAME CATHERINE 33 HENDERSON, JANE 495 HERON, SIR CHARLES 33 HENDERSON, JOHN 440: n. 495 Heron, Sir Cuthbert 33 Hene, Corbett 15 Heron, Dame Elizabeth 33 Hene, Mary 15 Herries, Catharine 495 Henley, Gracc 369 HERRIES, CHARLES 495 Henniker, Anna (Lady) 58 Henniker, John (Lord) Herries, Isabell-Maria 58 Herries, John-Charles 495 495 HENNIKER-MAJOR, LADY ALICE-MARY 58 Herries, Julia-Mary 495 HENNIKER-MAJOR, JOHN-MAJOR 58 Herries, Mary 495 HENRIETTA (PRINCESS) 170 Herries. Sir Robert 495 Henrietta-Maria (Queen)….. 128, 132, 134, 152, Herries, William-Lewis 495 153, 212 HERSCHEL, AMELIA 60 Henry IV., King of France 128 Herschel, Sir Frederick-William 60, 518 HENRY (PRINCE) 152 HERSCHEL, SIR JOHN-FREDERICK-WIL- HENRY-FREDERICK (PRINCE) 447 LIAM 518: n. 60 HENRY-FREDERICK, PRINCE OF WALES 110 Herschel, Dame Margaret-Brodie 60, 518 Henshaw, Anne 112 Herschel, Dame Mary 518 Henshaw, Flower 112 Henshaw, Thomas HERTFORD, ALGERNON (Earl of) 112 HERTFORD, EDWARD (EARL OF) 112: n. 133 368 574 INDEX. HERVEY, HELENA.. Hertford, Frances (Countess of) Hertford. Francis (Marquis of) Hervart, Bartholomew Hervart, Esther HERVART, HESTER Hervart, Philibert Hervey, Cordell (Lady) Hervey, Elizabeth Hervey, Henry 133 Hickey, Elizabeth 443 498 HICKFORD, ELIZABETH 4 234, 242, 306 Hickie, Henrietta-Maria 371 234, 306 Hickie, Michael 371 242: n. 306 Hickman, Anne 278 242 HICKMAN, RIGHT REV. CHARLES 278 136 Hickman, William 278 136 Hicks, Henry 479 142 HICKS, JOHN ... 38 136 HICKS, LETITIA 66: n. 228 Hervey, Jane 136 HICKS, DAME MARGARET 145: n. 228 Hervey, John (Lord) 330 HICKS, SARAH 38 Hervey, John 136 Hicks, Thomas 38 Hervey, Mary 136 HICKS, SIR WILLIAM 66: n. 145, 228 Hervey, Mr. 115 HIGENSON, ROBERT 307 Hervey, William (Lord) 136, 142 HIGGIN, ALICE 52 Hesilrige, Sir Arthur 145 Higginson, Anne 377 Hesilrige, Dorothy 145 HIGGINSON, ISABELLA 52 Hesilrige, Dame Frances 145 Higginson, Joseph .. 377 Hesilrige, Rebecca 145 Higginson, see Higenson. Hesilrige, Sir Thomas 145 Higgons, Ann 316 HESILRIGE, THOMAS 145, 523 HIGHAM, WILLIAM 182 Hesketh, Elizabeth 422 Highgate, Letitia 168 Hesketh, Dame Juliana 128 Highgate, Margery 168 Hesketh, Robert 422 Highgate, Thomas 168 Hesketh, Sir Thomas 128 Highlord, Susanna 16 Heslop, Elizabeth 431 Highlord, Zachary 16 Heslop, Mary 431 .. Hildyard, Anne 256 Hesse, Charlotte (de) 207 Hildyard, Catherine 256 Hesse, Jean (de) 159 HILL, AARON 377: n. 333, 359 Hesse, John (de) 207 HILL, ALICE 213 Hesse, Margaret (de) 159 Hill, Ann .... 460 Hester, Abigail 304 HILL, ELIZABETH 35, 230: n. 261, 460 HESTER, JOHN 284, 304 Hill, George 377 HEVENINGHAM, ABIGAIL 13 Hill, Jane 129 Heveningham, Mary 13, 191, 220 HILL, JOHN 165: n. 192, 261, 334, 460 Heveningham, William 13, 191, 220 Hill, Julius 377 ✔ Hewes, Christopher 119 • HILL, MARGARET 333 Hewes, Janc 119 Hill, Mary 192, 460 Hewett, Henry HEWETT, ROGER 244 Hill, Sir Moyses 4 244 Hill. Othowell 129 Hewett, Sarah 438 Hill, Penelope 4 HEWITT, ANNE 29 Hill, Richard 460 Hewitt, Sarah 494 HILL, ROGER 183 Heylyn, Charles-Master 395 Heylyn, Edward 395 ..... HEYLYN, ELIZABETH... 371, 394: n. 157, 383 Heylyn, Henry 157 HEYLYN, JOHN ...... 395: n. 371, 383, 394 HEYLYN, LETITIA HEYLYN, PETER 168: n. 157 157: n. 168 Heylyn, Susanna 395 Heylyn, Thomas 168 Hill, Warren Hiller, Martha HILLER, ROBERT Hillersden, Mary Hilltoft, John.. Hilltoft, Mildred Hilton, Millicent Hinde, Edward Hinde, Jane 230 397 397 • 129 189 189 525 .... 16 16 Heytesbury, William (Lord) 62 HINDE, THOMAS 206 HEYWOOD, ALICE 187: n. 159 HINDES, JAMES Heywood, Ann 159 HINDES, MARY • 414: n. 454 454 n. 414 Heywood, Edmond 159 HINTON, ESTHER : 401 n. 372, 387 Heywood, Grace 194 Hinton, Hannah. 370 Heywood, Henry 159 Hinton, Hercules 370 HEYWOOD, JOHN HEYWOOD, MARY Heywood, Peter 160 Hinton, Joan .... 370 68, 161: n. 159 Hinton, Mary 370 194 HINTON, THOMAS 370 HEYWOOD, WILLIAM .... • Heywood, Thomas Hibbals, Elizabeth Hibbert, Mr. Hibbins, Lucius-Henry 159 ... Hippye, Elizabeth 51 68, 158, 160, 161 Hiscox, Anne 425, 446 243 HISCOX, ELIZABETH 446: n. 425 367 Hiscox, Hannah .... 368 HISCOX, JANE HICCOCKS, ELIZABETH HICCOCKS, JOHN 42 Hiscox, Jean 42 Hiscox, John Hiccocks, William 42 .... Hiscox, William... 425 425 425, 446 425, 446 446, 473 INDEX. 575 HITCHCOCK, ELIZABETH HITCHCOCK, JOHN.. Hitchcock, Judith 128 Holles, Dame Jane .... 128 Holles, Sir John 176 119 128 Holles, John 4, 272 Hitchin, Arabella Hitchin, John. 51 HOLLES, DAME LUCY 2 51 Holles, Lady Susanna 213, 281 HIX, LADY MARGARET HOARE, DAME ELIZABETH Hoare, Henry Hoare, Janc... HOARE, SIR RICHARD Hobart, Lady Amelia-Anne Hobart, Lady Emily HOBBS, HENRY Hobbs, John Hobbs, Lucy .... Hobbs, Margaret HOBSON, MARGARET. HOBSON, RICHARD Hodge, Anne HODGES, DOROTHY 145 HOLLINGSHEAD, MARY 173 49 49 HOLLINGSHEAD, THOMAS HOLLINGWORTH, ELIZABETH. 173 440 49 Hollingworth, William 440 49 Hollinshead, Alice... 460 503 ... HOLLINSHEAD, Bridget. 460 .... 503 Hollinshead, John 460 309: n. 310, 317 Hollinshead, Robert 460 310 Holloway, Francis 490 309, 310, 317 Holloway, John 204 310 Holloway, Sarah 490 24 Holloway, Susanna 204 24 Holman, Anne 411 376 Holman, George 411 27 HOLMES, BRIDGET 229 Hodges, Katherine.. 57 Holmes. John .... 291 Hodges, Margaret 148 Holmes, Mary 258 Hodges, Sarah-Anne 99 HOLMES, MATTHEW 118 Hodges, Thomas-Law 57 HOLMES, STEPHEN 451 Hodges, William 99 Holmes, Susan 118 Hodgskin, John 478 Holmstead, Ann…. 147 HODSKIN, JOHN. 478 HOLMSTEAD, JOHN. 147 n. 192 Hogarth, Catherine 518 Holmstead, Margaret 147 Hogarth, George 518 Holt. Samuel 368 Hoggett, Joane 244 Holt, William. 418 Holbrooke, Anne 49, 405, 418 Holworthy, Anne 35 Holderness, Conyers (Earl of) 30, 201, 222 HOLWORTHY, JOHN 35 Holderness, Elizabeth (Countess of) 114, 117, HOLWORTHY, JUDITH 35 118 Holworthy, Richard 35 Holderness, Frances (Countess of)…………………. HOLDERNESS, JOHN (EARL OF) 118, 125: 222 Home. Ann. 515 ... HOME, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS OF) .. 437 n. 114, 117 Home. Lady Elizabeth 192 Holderness, Martha (Countess of) 125 Home, Everard 515 Holderness, Robert (Earl of) HOLDING, JOHN.... Holland, Arbellino. Holland, Elizabeth Holland, Henry (Lord) HOLLAND, HUGH HOLLAND, JAMES 222 HOME. ROBERT 267: n. 515 205 Home, William (Earl of) 437 131 Homes, Stephen 451 310, 435 Hone, Anue.. .. 437 Holland, Georgiana-Caroline (Lady)...... 473 Hone, Nathaniel 393, 394, 437 262, 473 HONYWOOD, DAME ANNE-CHRISTIAN 12 ... 130 Honywood, Sir Edward 9, 12 142 Honywood, Dame Elizabeth 12 ..... Holland, Jeffrey.. Holland, Rebecca Holland, Robert Holland, William Holles, Anne (Lady). 512 HONYWOOD, ELIZABETH 9 367 HONYWOOD, SIR WILLIAM 12 130 HOOK, ESTHER 461 435 3 Holles, Dame Anne 119 HOLLES, ANNE 23 Hooke, Constance Hooke. Sir Hele Hooke, Henry….. Hooper, Alice 299 266 299 118 Holles, Lady Arabella 242 HOOPER, ANNE 46, 260 Holles, Barbara ..... 23 Hooper. Catherine 118 HOLLES, DENZELL (LORD)………….. 4: n. 2, 3. 5 HOOPER, EDMOND 118 n. 145, 148 Holles, Denzell 125 HOOPER, EDMUND-GILES 320: n. 245 Holles, Dorothy 2. f HOOPER, EDWARD 118 Holles, Eleanor 125 Hooper, Gabriel 118 Holles, Lady Elizabeth.... 260, 283 Hooper, Right Rev. George 245 Holles, Elizabeth 176 Hooper, George 245 Holles, Esther (Lady) 5 HOOPER, GILES 245 n. 207, 260, 320 HOLLES, SIR FRANCIS 2 HOOPER, JAMES • 64, 145: n. 118 HOLLES, FRANCIS ..... 119 Hooper, Jane 64 HOLLES, SIR FRESCHEVILLE 176 Hooper, John 118 HOLLES, SIR GEORGE 125 HOOPER, MARGARET 145, 150 Holles, Gervase 176 Hooper, Mary 118, 150, 207 Holles, Lady Henrietta-Cavendish... 315, 440 HOOPER, NICHOLAS HOLLES, HENRIETTA-CAVENDISH . 389 Hooper, Peleena………. Holles, Jane (Lady) 4 HOOPER, ROBERT 16 118 64 576 INDEX. Hooper, Susanna HOOPER, WILLIAM HOPE, CATHARINE Hope, Charles... Hope, Charles-Hope-Vere. 64, 158 320 n. 155 Hoskins, Dame Elizabeth.. Hoste, James-Richard-Philip 38 96 205 : n. 232 Hoste, Margaret........ 96 262 Hotham, Sir Charles. 337 494 Hotham, Lady Gertrude 337 Hope, Christian 262 Hotham (Lord) 21 HOPE, SIR GEORGE 494 .... HOUBLON, ABRAHAM 7 Hope, Sir George-Johnstone 494 Houblon, Anne ... 7 Hope, Helen 494 HOUBLON, DOROTHY………. • 7 Hope, Robert 205 HOUBLON, ELIZABETH. 6 ... Hopes, Christian 262 HOUBLON, ISAAC. 6: n. 7 Hopes, Francis 262 Houblon, James 6 Hopes, Jane.... 262 Houblon, Mary 6 Hopetoun, Charles-Hope (Earl of) 494 Houghton, Anne (Lady) 119 Hopkins, Joshua 18 Houghton, Elizabeth 40 Hopkins, Rebecca 18 Houghton, John (Lord) 119 HOPLEY, ANNE 50 Houghton, Thomas... 40 HOPLEY, JOHN 50 HOUSEMAN, ELEANOR 366 HOPPER, ANN 266: n. 214 Hovell, Clemence 458 Hopper, Jane.. 214, 267, 303 Hovell, Sir William 458 Hopper, Simon 214, 266, 303 Hovenden, Frances 158 Hopton, Sir Arthur 8 Hovenden, Robert 158 Hopton, Catharine... 219 Howard, Alfred .... 266 Hopton, John 219 Howard, Dame Annabella 243 Hopton, Philadelphia 8 HOWARD, ANNE (LADY) 133, 214: n. 112, HOPWOOD, BLANCHE 174 HOPWOOD, ELIZABETH 22, 71 HOPWOOD, FRANCES. 72 HOPWOOD, JOHN 189 213, 303 HOWARD, ANNE...... 10, 15, 205: n. 171, 211 Howard, Lady Blanche-Georgiana... 59 HOWARD, LADY CATHARINE 205: n. 182, HOPWOOD, SARAH 205 225, 251 Hopwood, Susan 197 Howard, Catharine. 143 HOPWOOD, SUSANNA 197 Howard, Charles 127, 143, 171 HOPWOOD, WILLIAM ... 71, 72, 174, 200, 207 HORDEN, ANNE………….. 303, 372: n. 266, 281, 342 Howard, Charlotte-Jemima-Henrietta-Maria 210 Horden, Eleanor 341 HOWARD, CRAVEN 10, 205 HORDEN, FRANCES 43: n. 342, 372 Howard, Dorothy 250 ..... HORDEN, HELENA 341 Howard, Edward (Lord).. 171, 205, 211 Horden, Hildebrand 303 D HOWARD, EDWARD. 144 Horden, John....... Horden, Margaret Hordeu, Richard.... Horden, Rupert Horden, Thomas. ... Hording, see Horden. Hore, Isabella... 303, 342, 372 Howard, Dame Elizabeth.. 216 310 Howard, Elizabeth 10, 15, 246, 250 303 Howard, Lady Frances 25, 127, 133, 141, 192, 303 222, 264, 273 303 Howard, Frances 14, 26 HOWARD, FREDERICK-CHRISTIAN 36 Howard, Henry-Bowes 211 10 Hore, Robert 36 Howard, Henry-Charles 296 Horn (Count de) 222 HOWARD, HENRY-STAFFORD 295 Horne, Anne 130 Howard, James.. 65, 210 Horne, Right Rev. Robert 130 HOWARD, LADY MARY 235: n. 357 HORNECK, ANTHONY......240, 252 : n. 342, 369 Howard, Dame Mary... 194, 216, 233 Horneck, Elizabeth ... 342, 369 Howard, Mary 10, 266 HORNECK, JANE………. .... 252: n. 342, 369 HOWARD, SIR PHILIP 216 Horneck, Kane-William 369 Howard, Rebecca 143 Horneck, Philip 241 HOWARD, SIR ROBERT 243 HORNECK, WILLIAM. 369 Howard, Stuart-Walbrough 210 Horner, Leonard... 520 Howard, Sir Thomas... 170 Horner, Mary-Elizabeth 520 HOWARD, THOMAS 194: n. 10, 210, 215, 216, HORNESBY, JOHN 76 218, 266 HORNESBY, MARY. 76 Howard, William (Lord) 133 HORNESBY, PHILIP 76 HORNSBY, ELIZABETH.. 76 HORNSBY, MARY 76 Howard, Sir William 14, 26, 194, 216, 233, 295 HOWARD, WILLIAM... 218, 248: n. 10, 15, 250 Howard - Molyneux - Howard, Henrietta- HORNSBY, THOMAS 76 Anna 56 HORSFALL, JAMES.. 493 Howard - Molyneux - Howard, Henry - Horsfall, Richard 493 Thomas 56 Horton, Lady Aune 448 • Howe, Dame Anne 10 Horton, Christopher 448 • Howe, Elizabeth 24 Hosier, Charles 304 Howe, Emanuel-Scrope (Viscount) 313 Hosier, Mary 304 HOWE, MARY 10 Hoskins, Sir Edmond 38 HOWE, RICHARD 10 INDEX. 577 Howe, Sir Richard-Grubham Howe, Sophia-Charlotte-Mary (Viscountess) 313 24 HUNSDON, GEorge (Lord) 114 HUNSDON, HENRY (LORD) 108: n. 64, 127, 155 HOWELL, ELIZABETH Howell, Hugh Howell, John Howell, Mr... .... 33 Hunsdon, Judith (Lady) 155 .... 187 • HUNSDON, ROBERT (LORD)…….. 250 33 Hunt, 359 115 HUNT, ADÉLE DE HAVILLAND 61 Howell, Rachel Howlet, Anne... Howlet, Richard.. HUBART, DOROTHY HUBERT, DOROTHY Hubert, Sir Richard Hucks, Benjamin HUCKS, JOSEPH HUCKS, SARAH • Huddleston, Sir Edmond Huddleston, Frances Hudgbutt, Abigail .. Hudgbutt, Charles..... HUDGBUTT, JAMES.. Hudgbutt, Jeremiah Hudson, Christopher... Hudson, Susan 187 Hunt, Arthur 61 16 Hunt, Dr........ 380 16 HUNT, ELIZABETH 452: n. 39, 390, 472 311 Hunt, Henry 61 7 HUNT, HENRY-WARWICK 61 7 HUNT, JOHN. ........ 436, 472: n. 39, 390, 452 400 ... Hunt, Leigh 324 422 Hunt, Maria 61 422: n. 423 Hunt, Sophia 380 143 143 Huntbach. John .. Huntbach, Margery 3 • 3 195 Hunter, Agnes-Margaret 515 195 • Hunter, Agnes-Margaretta 496 195: n. 197 Hunter, Ann 515 195 Hunter, Charlotte 482 231 HUNTER, JOHN 515: n. 496 231 Hunter, William .... 482, 515 Hudson, Thomas.. 367 Huntingdon, Ferdinando (Earl of)……. 30 Hughes, Charles.. 336 ... HUNTINGDON, FRANCES (COUNTESS OF) 30 Hughes, Evan.... 135 Huntingdon, Lucy (Countess of) 30 HUGHES, FRANCIS. 366 Huntingdon, Selina (Countess of) .363, 365 Hughes, Rev. H………. 515 HUNTINGDON, THEOPHILUS (EARL OF) 30, Hughes, Jane-Smart 515 363, 365 HUGHES, MARGARET 366 Huntley. Alice 2 Hughes, Rachel 336 Huntley, Anne 485 HUGHES, SARAH Hughes, Theophilus HUGHES, THOMAS Hughes, William 226 HUNTLEY, HANNAH 485 366 HUNTLEY, MARY 474 169 .... Huntley, Matthew 2 366 Huntley. Thomas 485, 488 Hull, Abraham Hulke, Elizabeth Hulke, George Hull, Catharine 369 HUNTLY, AMY (MARCHIONESS OF) 60 369 HUNTLY, CHARLES (MARQUIS of)……………. 60 143 Huntly, Maria-Antoinetta (Marchioness of) 60 143 Hurst, Ann 486 HULL, DOROTHY.. Hull, Elizabeth Hulls, Anne.. ..... HULLS, REBECCA 424: n. 433, 463 HUSBAND, EDWARD 400 143 Hussey, Anne 148 54 Hussey, Sir Edward 28 54 Hussey, Frances.. 417 Hulls, William 54 Hussey, John 148 Humble, Benjamin 30 HUSSEY, DAME MARY 332: n. 320 HUMBLE, ELIZABETH 30 Hussey, Mary .... 28 Humble, Katherine 30 Hussey, Sir Thomas HUMBLE, STEPHEN 30 Hussey, Sir William 332 320, 332 HUME, SIR ALEXANDER 187 Hume, Alexander 187 Humfrey, Catherine 184 Humfrey, John 184 HUTCHINGS, JOHN.. HUTCHINGS, LUCY. HUTCHINGS, WILLIAM. Hutchins, Anne 79 79 .... 79 .... 46 HUMFREY, MARY 183 Hutchins, Sir George.. 46 HUMFREY, PELHAM 183, 184 HUTCHINS, MARY 309 Humphrey, Catherine 184 Hutchinson, Archibald 243 Humphrey, John 184 Hutchinson, Francis • 286 HUMPHREY, MARY 183 Hutchinson, Hannah.. 286 HUMPHREY, PELHAM... 183, 184: n. 177, 205 HUTCHINSON, HUMPHREY 286 HUMPHREYS, JOHN 69 Hutchinson, John 286 Humphreys, Mr.... 115 Hutchinson, Dame Mary 5 HUMPHREYS, NEVILL 69 HUTCHINSON, MARY.. 5 HUMPHRIES, CONSTANCE 228 Hutchinson, Sir Michael Humphrys, Anne 79 Hutchinson, William.. .... 286 Hungerford, Anthony 234 HUTTON, ANNE 138: n. 2 Hungerford, Dame Cecily 147 Hutton, Catharine ... Hungerford, Sir Edward 147 HUTTON. ELIZABETH Hungerford, Elizabeth 454 HUTTON, LEONARD 348 2, 109 138: n. 127 Huugerford, Rachel 234 .... Hutton, Lucy HUNSDON, ANNE (LADY). 108 Hutton, Richard.. HUNSDON, ELIZABETH (LADY).. 114 HUTTON, THOMAS 442 2 2 4 E 578 INDEX. HUTTON, WILLIAM.. 142, 199: n. 442 Ingram, Hugh 102 Huyssen, Margarita-Laurentia.... 289 Hyde, Lady Anne 165, 166, 170, 173, 174, 175, 209, 220, 235, 280, 370 Ingram, Jane 64 INGRAM, MARY... 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 144 Ingram, Mrs. 217 HYDE, ANNE 267: n. 152, 154, 259 Ingram, Richard...... 303 HYDE, LADY CATHARINE HYDE, CATHARINE ... HYDE, LADY CHARLOTTE.. Hyde, Sir Edward………. 348 255: n. 343, 344, 427 356: n. 349 INGRAM, ROBERT-ANTONY .... 104 • INGRAM, SIR THOMAS ...... 144, 175: n. 199 INGS, RICHARD 487 267 Innes, Dame Margery 361 HYDE, EDWARD... 161, 251: n. 155, 167, 185, Innes, Sir Robert 361 272, 276, 307, 308 Innes, Salina 457 Hyde, Elizabeth... 51 Innes, William 457 Hyde, Frances.... 167 Irby, Sir Anthony 283 Hyde, Lady Henrietta 246, 255, 281, 294, 329 Irby, Elizabeth 283 HYDE, HENRIETTA 269 Ireland, Anne... 315 Hyde, Henry (Viscount) 251 HYDE, LORD HENRY.. 385 Hyde, Henry . 155, 185, 254, 267, 314 IRELAND, DOROTHY IRELAND, FRANCES IRELAND, JANE 274: n. 368 315: n. 368 368: n. 315 HYDE, JANE Hyde, John..... HYDE, LAWRENCE Hyde, Dame Mary. .... HYDE, MARY .. 427 427 254: n. 217 152 51: n. 155, 185 IRELAND, JOHN 510 n. 499, 501 Ireland, Margery 191 IRELAND, ROGER 191 Ireland, Susanna 510 Ireland, Thomas…….. 510 Hyde, Sir Nicholas 152 Ireland, William.. 126 Hyde, Robert 259 Ireton, Bridget 522 Hyde, Samuel.. 51 Ireton, Henry 522 HYDE, LADY THEODOSIA ... 43: n, 307, 372 Irvine, Anne (Viscountess of) 303 Hyndman, Henry Hyndman, Sarah 88888 Irvine, Arthur (Viscount of) 46, 303 Irvine, Charles (Viscount of) 46 Irvine, Isabel (Viscountess of) 46, 303 IRVINE, RICHARD (VISCOUNT OF)......... 303 Irwin, see Irvine. IBBOTT, BENJAMIN 313: n. 526 ISABELLA (PRINCESS) 201 Ibbott, Susanna Ibbott, Thomas 313 Isham, Elizabeth 224, 279 526 Isham, I. 280 Ibrackan, Catharine (Lady) Ibrackan, Henry (Lord)... 208 Isham, Dame Jane 197, 224 194, 197, 208, 251, ISHAM, JUDITH 197 276, 307, 308 Isham, Sir Justinian 197, 224 Ilchester (Earl of). 262 ISHAM, JUSTINIAN.. 279 ILLERS, ELIZABETH 233 ISHAM, MARTHA 280 ILLINGWORTH, ELIZABETH 396: n. 392 Isham, Zaccheus.. 279 ILLINGWORTH, MARY 392: n. 396 Isted, John 336 Illingworth, Thomas Illingworth, Zenoby-Ann. Ilsley, Alice.. 396 392, 396 378 Isum, I. 280 Iver, George 314 Ivery, Anne.. 237 ILSLEY, ANN. Ilsley, Henry 338: n. 378 112 Ivery, Edward 237 ILSLEY, JOHN 349, 378: n. 338, 371 ILSLEY, MARGARET Ilsley, Martha.. Ilsley, Mary Ilsley, Ursula Ingoldsby, Sir George Ingoldsby, Dame Mary... INGOLDSBY, DAME THEOPHILA INGOLDSBY, SIR WILLIAM ... Ingram, Alice.. INGRAM, ANNA ... 371: n. 349 378 Jackson, Anna 378 JACKSON, ANNE.. 112 Jackson, Right Rev. Charles 31 Jackson, Charles 31 31 ... JACKSON, DOROTHY...... 71, 228, 291; n. 310 31 JACKSON, ELIZABETH 194 175 JACKSON, JANE 83, 310 83 Jackson, Janet 507 INGRAM, ANNE-CAROLINE Ingram, Arthur ..... INGRAM, ARTHUR-DAVID INGRAM, CHARLES... INGRAM, CHARLES-FREDERICK 104 Jackson, Joan.. 447 175 JACKSON, JOHN 198: n. 447 105 JACKSON, JOSEPH 81: n. 328 46, 83, 84 Jackson, Margaret. 124 102 Jackson, Mary 398, 438 INGRAM, EDITH-MARY 106 JACKSON, ROBERT 81, 82, 83, 328: n. 310, 344 INGRAM, ELIZABETH.. ... 46, 83, 84 Jackson, Sarah 423 INGRAM, ELIZABETH-ARTHUR INGRAM, DAME FRANCES INGRAM, FRANCIS-MANNING INGRAM, HENRY-MANNING 84. Jackson, Stephen 347 199 JACKSON, THOMAS 82 103 JACKSON, WILLIAM 71, 160, 190, 280: n. 291, ... 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 328 JACOB, ALEXANDER……… 31 447 347 423 398, 438 JACKSON, DIANA 81, 82, 83, 319, 344: n. 310 INDEX. 579 179 n. 188, 217 158 103, 107 107 30 17, 192 JACOB, ELIZABETH Jacob, Sir Jobn 31: n. 43 Jeffreys, Henrietta-Louisa 368 .... 31 JEFFREYS, HESTER 17 Jacob, Margaret.. 31 Jeffreys, James 293 JACOB, MARY 43 Jeffreys, John (Lord) 368 JACOB, ROBERT Jacques, Miss JAMES I. (KING) 108, 124, 156: n. 110, 115, James, Barbara .... JAMES, DOROTHY JAMES II. (KING) 345: n. 154, 165, 166, 170, 173, 174, 175, 187, 192, 201, 206, 213, 235, 250, 265, 280, 328, 362 JAMES, DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE 166 JAMES, ANNE JAMES, BENJAMIN-FULLER.…………………………… JAMES, DOROTHEA-MARY-KATHERINE James, Elizabeth JEFFREYS, MARY Jelfe, Betty .... Jenings, see Jennings. Jenins, John JENINS, SUSANNA JENINS, THOMAS Jenkin, Anna 43: n. 31 49, 360 486 184 · • 125 237 237 248 398 398 .... 398 398 235 Jenkins, Dorothy Jenkins, Elizabeth.. 239, 331 353 Jenkin, Evan Jenkin, Jeremiah Jenkin, Margaret Jenkins, Catherine.. JENKINS, JOHN 345: n. 235 JAMES, ELOISA-MARG, RET. • • 103 Jenkins, Tobias ... 239, 331 JAMES, ELOISA-MAKY JAMES, ELOISA-MARY-ANGELA 103 Jenkinson, Abigail.. 261 107 Jenkinson, Anne.. 261 James, Frances 188 .... Jenkinson, Cloudesly. 261 JAMES, HAESTRECHT 17 JENKINSON, HENRIETTA-MARIA 47 James, Henry 158 Jenkinson, Sir Robert 48 .... James, Hogan. 31 Jenkinson, Thomas 420 JAMES, SIR JOHN 192 Jenkinson, William 261 JANE, MARY JAMES, JOHN JAMES, LODOVICK JAMES, MARGARET JAMES, DAME MARY JAMES, MARY….. James, Owen James, Sir Roger James, Roger JAMES, WALTER JAMES, WILLIAM Jaques, Margery. Jarvis, George.. JARVIS, LYDIA Jary, Sarah-Maria-Heath Jary, William-Heath. 30, 378: 31, 187, 358 JENNENS, ANNE 37 66 17, 66 Jennens. Humphrey Jennens, Mary 37 37 192: n. 17 JENNENS, ROBERT. 37 358: n. 217 Jennens. William 37 187 Jenner, Anne 57, 519 17 Jenner, Edward-Francis 59 17 66: n. 179, 188, 217 158: n. 66 JENNER, ELIZABETH-ANNE Jenner, Elizabeth-Teresa.. Jenner, Sir Herbert 59 59 ... 57 161 Jenner-Fust, Dame Elizabeth 519 .... 526 Jenner-Fust, Sir Herbert 519 11 Jenning, Elizabeth 380 44 Jennings, Dame Alice 365 100 Jennings, Anne 346, 429, 486 100 .... Jennings, Christian 429 JAY, GEORGE Jay, Henry Jay, Jane... Jay, Martha 154 n. 155 Jennings, Dorothy 365 523 Jennings, Elinor... 341 523 JENNINGS, ELIZABETH 74, 75, 241, 300, 485: 155 .... Jeaffreson, Christopher Jeaffreson, John.. JEAFFRESON, MARY Jeanes, Martha JEANES, WILLIAM.. n. 248, 341, 383, 429, 438, 443, 448 11 Jennings, Frances 429 11 Jennings, George ... 11 Jennings, Grace 365 429, 486 225 Jennings, Hannah 300 136 JENNINGS, HELLEN 71: n. 383 Jebb, Ann Jeans, Margaret Jeans, William Jeanvrin, Elizabeth JEBB, AVERY Jebb, Jane.. JEBB, SIR RICHARD 84 JENNINGS, SIR JOHN 365 : n. 428 8+ JENNINGS. JOHN 75, 227: n. 237, 341, 344, 429 335 Jennings, Lucy 429 431 Jennings, Martha 429 445: n. 430 430, 443, 445 JENNINGS, MARY... 428: n. 75, 429, 430, 438, 443, 448, 453, 486 443: n. 430, 431, 445 Jennings, Philip.. 365 JEFFERIES, HESTER.... JEFFERY, JOHN JEBB, SAMUEL Jedburgh, Robert (Lord) JEFFERY, ELIZABETH 430: n. 443, 445 305 Jennings, Richard JENNINGS, ROBERT 339 ... 428: n. 429, 443, 448, 17 453, 485, 486 33 Jennings, Sarah.. 339 33 Jennings, Susanna. 227 Jefferyes, James 293 JEFFERYS, ELIZABETH Jeffcs, Mary Jeffes, Robert JEFFREYS, ANNE JEFFREYS, DAVID JEFFREYS, FRANCIS 293: n. 284 447 447 ... 376 n. 367, 386 388 n. 376 49, 367 n. 360, 376 74, 75, 241, 341, 443 : n. 233, 248, 300, 383, 428, 486 .... Jennings, William.. JENNYNS, SUSANNE Jephson, Penelope. Jephson, William JERMY, ANNE…………. .... JENNINGS, THOMAS 365 237 72 72 50 580 INDEX. Jermy, Isaac 509 Johnstone, George-Buller 486 Jermy, Mary 50 JERMY, SETH 50 JOHNSTONE, GEORGE-LINDSAY... 486: n. 493 JOHNSTONE, SIR JAMES ... 453: n. 435, 458, Jermyn, Elizabeth 15 459, 471 Jermyn, Philip 15 Johnstone, James 329 Jersey, Barbara (Countess of) 273 Johnstone, James-Murray 453 JERSEY, EDWARD (EARL OF) 272 n. 192, 319 JOHNSTONE, DAME LOUISA - MARIA - Jervis, Elizabeth 438 ELIZABETH 458 Jervis, William 438 Johnstone, Sophia 486, 493 Jervys, Alice 124 JOHNSTONE, LORD WILLIAM 305 Jervys, Edward 124 Johnstone, Sir William 471, 478 JETT, ANNE 303: n. 214, 267, 391 Johnstone, William 288, 433 JETT, JANE 391 JOLLY, ALEXANDER 210 Jett, Thomas 267, 303, 391 Jolly, Catherine 376 JEWELL, GEORGE 314: n. 408 Jolly, Claydon 376 Jewell, John 314 Jolly, Eleanor 376 Jewell, Lucia 314, 408 Jones, Agneta 292 Jewell, William 425 JONES, ANNE ... 5: n. 92, 164, 172, 177, 224, Jewkes, Rowland Jewkes, Thomas.. JEWTS, ROWLAND Jobber, Jane Johnson, Aphara JOHNSON, CHARLES JOHNSON, DOROTHY Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Frances Johnson, George.. 230 281, 458 230 Jones, Benjamin 320 230 JONES, LADY CATHERINE... 356: n. 267, 392 210 JONES, CATHERINE 102: n. 337 223 JONES, CECILIA 229 306: n. 269 JONES, DAVID 379 11 192, 289, 313, 438 313, 321 Jones, Edward 193, 379 Jones, Lady Elizabeth 260, 392 JONES, ELIZABETH 13: n. 229, 409 50 Jones, Emma 105 JOHNSON, HENRY 200 Jones, Evan 92 JOHNSON, JANE... 269: n. 180, 205, 304, 306 Jones, Lady Frances 433 Johnson, Sir John 40 Jones, Frances 238, 331 JOHNSON, JOHN 193: n. 29 Jones, Frances-Elizabeth-Gayfere 92 Johnson, Lucy 50 Jones, Francis 229 Johnson, Margaret 216, 258, 269, 306, 313, 321 Jones, Gabriel 224 Johnson, Mary 205, 331, 332, 431 Jones, Hugh 105 JOHNSON, MATTHEW……………………. 313 : n. 258, 321 Jones, Humphrey 175 Johnson, Michael 438 JONES, JOHN... 338, 355, 379, 493: n. 177, 414 JOHNSON, NICHOLAS ... 11, 180, 205: n. 216, Jones, Joseph 249 269, 306 Jones, Margaret 363 Johnson, Priscilla 165 Jones, Margaret-Grace 512 Johnson, Rebecca 137 JONES, MARGARET-ISABEL-WRAY 102 JOHNSON, RICHARD 186 Jones, Maria 102 Johnson, Robert 165, 192, 289 Jones, Mary 320, 334, 404 Johnson, Sampson JOHNSON, SAMUEL Johnson, Sarah 137 Jones. Mr. 352 438 JONES, NATHANIEL 175 438 Jones, Philippa 5, 13, 177 JOHNSON, STEPHEN 205 Jones, Rice 164, 172 Johnson, Susan 205 JONES, RICHARD 68, 273, 291: n. 193 JOHNSON, THOMAS 40: n. 165 Jones, Samuel 404 JOHNSON, LADY URSULA 40 JONES, SAMUEL-FLOOD 102 JOHNSON, WILLIAM 165: n. 192, 205 Jones, Sarah 461 Johnston, Caroline-Georgina Johnston, Dame Elizabeth 460 JONES, SUSAN 224 53 JONES, WALTER 68, 177: n. 5, 13 Johnston, George Johnston, Lady Henrietta-Cecilia Johnston, Henry-George Johnston, Hester 459 Jones, William 102, 249, 281, 331 459 Jordan, Anne 460 Jordan, George 379 346, 379 459 JOHNSTON, JAMES.. Johnston, Jane 459 Joyce, John Johnston, Joseph Johnston, Margaret Johnston, Mary Johnston, Sophia 288 Joye, James 460 JOYE, JANE JORDAN, THOMAS 460 JOYE, ELIZABETH 480: n. 447, 485 345 300 447 447, 480 460 Joye, Mary .... 447, 480 288 Joye, Peter 447 Johnston, Sir William 53 Joyner, Amy 247 JOHNSTONE, ALEXANDER 435: n. 453 Joyner, Judith 247 Johnstone, Alexander-Patrick 486 Johnstone, Dame Barbara 435, 453, 471 Judge, Joseph Judge, Thomas 332 332 Johnstone, Emily 486 Julius, Elizabeth 243 Johnstone, Frances 433 Julius, Jemima ... 243 Johnstone, George 486 JULIUS, WILLIAM 243 INDEX. 581 Juxon, Dame Anne Juxon, Dorothy Juxon, Frances 157 Ker, Christian 234 157 Ker, William 234 157 Kercher, Mary 156 Juxon, Sir George ... JUXON, MRS. 157 Kercher, Robert 156 157 Kerlye, John 152 Kerr, see Carr. KERR, CECIL-VICTORIA-CONSTANCE Kerr, Christian 104 ... 234 KATHARINE (PRINCESS) Kay, Sir William 175: n. 128 KERR, LADY HENRIETTA-MARIA 141 490 • · Kerr, Lady Jane 417 Keate, Julia-Katherine 93 Kerr, Jane 434, 491 Keate, R. .... Keate, Thomas KECKWICH, MARY Keene, Henry-Bloomfield Keene, Jane-Mary 93 KERR, ROBERT 141: n. 149, 305 180 KERR. SCHOMBERG-HENRY 104 212 KERR, VICTORIA-ALEXANDRINA 104 102 Kerr. William 234, 305 102 Kerrison, Anna 58 KEIGHTLEY, JANE 260 Kerrison, Sir Edward 58 Keightley, Mr. 115 KERRY, ANASTATIA (COUNTESS OF)... 462 Keith, Lady Catherine-Margaret 430 KERRY, FRANCIS-THOMAS (EARL OF) ... 494: Keith and Nairne (Baroness) 61 n. 462 KELLUM, MARY 35 Kerry, Gertrude (Countess of) 194 Kelly, Anne 182 Kerry, William (Earl of) ……. 194 Kelly, Ellen 266 Kersey, 201 Kelly, Helena 266 KETTLEBEE, ELIZABETH 2 Kelly, Hugh 182 Kettlebee, Margaret 2 Kelly, Mary 274 KETTLEWELL, ANNE 71 Kelynge, Elizabeth 385 Kettlewell, Elizabeth 390, 452 KELYNGE, HENRIETTA-MARIA... 371: n. 385 Kelynge, Jane KELYNGE, JOHN Kelynge, Louisa Kelynge, William 371 385: n. 371 371, 385 371, 385 ... KETTLEWELL, JOHN 390: n. 347, 451, 452 KETTLEWELL, MARY... 69, 71, 181. 280, 347: n. 284. 381, 390. 451, 452 KETTLEWELL, RICHARD 381: n. 390 KETTLEWELL, THOMAS... 69, 71. 190: n. 280 Kemp, Dame Amy 338, 339 KETTLEWELL. WILLIAM 338 KEYLWAY, PATIENCE KEYLWAY, WILLIAM 451 KEMPE, JOHN Kempster, John Kemp, Sir Robert Kempe, Boyle-Staunton KEMPE, ELIZABETH Kempe, Henrietta KEMPSTER, MARY KENCY, SARAH Kendal, Charles (Duke of) Kendal (Duchess of) 350, 352 352: n. 350 350, 352 350: n. 352 413 413: n. 85 42 42 KEYNELL. THOMAS 115 KEYS, ELIZABETH 386: n. 376 • Keysar, Elizabeth 51 Keysar, Timothy 51 KIDDER, JOANNA 30 47 Kielmansegge, Caroline (vou) 313 165 298 Kielmansegge, Charles-August (von).... Kielmansegge. Ernest-August (von) 313 313 Kendall, Charles ..... 267 Kielmansegge, George-Lewis (Count von) 313 KENDALL, GWENLLIAN - ELIZABETH - FANNY-ISABELL Kielmansegge, John-Adolph (Baron)...... 313 56 Kielmansegge, Sophia-Charlotta (Baroness) 313 KENDALL, JAMES 264 Kighley, Anna Kendall, John 264 Kighley, Elizabeth KENDALL, MARY 267: n. 56 Kighley, George Kendall, Nicholas Kendall, Russell 267 Kighley, Jane 56 Kendall, Sarah 381 Kendall, Thomas 267 Kennedy, Dame Elizabeth 109 Kildare, George (Earl of) KENNEDY, FRANCIS 109 Kildare, Henry (Earl of) Kennedy, Sir John 109 KILDARE, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS OF)... 392: KILDARE, FRANCES (COUNTESS OF) KILDARE, JOHN (EARL OF) 290 289 260, 289 260, 290 n. 260, 283, 356 127 24 127 209. 260: Kennet, Mary 398 Kennet, Nicholas 398 KILDARE, MARY (COUNTESS OF) KENNETT, EDWARD 12 KENNETT, FRANCES 12 Kildare, Wentworth (Earl of) Kennett, Susanna 12 Kilkenny (Countess of) n. 208, 392 208 : n. 209, 260 260, 283 $7 Kent, Eleanor 278 Killigrew, Anne 135, 218, 295 KENT, HENRY (EARL OF) 138: n. 137 Killigrew, Charlotte 207 Kent, Margaret 278 Killigrew, Charlotte-Jemima-Henrietta- KENT, MARY (COUNTESS OF) 137 Maria 210 KENT, MARY 327 KILLIGREW, CICELY 132 Kent, Richard 205 Killigrew, Dorothy 163 KENT, ROBERT 396 Killigrew, Elizabeth.. 192, 200, 210 KENT, SAMUEL 51 Killigrew, Henry ... 132, 207, 295 KENT, SARAH 51 Killigrew, John 163 582 INDEX. Killigrew, Dame Mary...... 135, 192, 200, 207 KNIGHT, ELIZABETH 314 Killigrew, Mary. 192 KNIGHT, JOHN 158 Killigrew, Sir Peter 163 Killigrew, Sir Robert 135, 192, 200, 207, 210, KNIGHT, DAME PRISCILLA Knight, Sir Richard .... 19 ... 19 218 Knight, Robert 54 KILLIGREW, THOMAS 132, 207 Knight, Susanna-Elizabeth 477 KILLIGREW, SIR WILLIAM 163 n. 192 Knightley, Mary 236 Kilmorey, Frances (Viscountess) Kilmorey, Helen (Viscountess) Kilmorey, Robert (Viscount) Kilmorey, Thomas (Viscount) King, Anna King, Anne King, Charles KING. DANIEL.. 30 Knightley, Susan 236 171 Knightley, William 236 171 KNIPE, ALICE 308 30 KNIPE, ANNE 214: n. 185, 253, 272, 310, 316 412 KNIPE, ANTHONY 256 10 KNIPE, ANTHONY-SAMPSON 246 84 KNIPE, CHARLES 21, 73, 75, 76 299: n. 277 KNIPE, CHRISTOPHER 180 n. 213 King, Dorothy 7 KING, ELIZABETH 17: n. 6, 246, 275 KNIPE, GILBERT King, Ezekiel 276 KNIPE, JANE.. King, Frances.. KING, FRANCIS King, Henry King, James King, Joan King, John King, Mary. King, Melior King. Robert 24 KNIPE, JOHN 17 KNIPE, MARY 6,7 KNIPE, RICHARD 299 6 KNIPE, THOMAS ... 7, 10 KNIPE, ELIZABETH...... 73, 254, 256: n. 310 21, 73, 75, 76, 286 75 213: n. 272 185, 246, 251, 254: n. 69, 214, 310, 316 69, 272 n. 185, 213, 214, 226, 253, 254, 258, 308, 316 192 246, 412 299, 322 24 KNIPE, WILLIAM Knollys, Anne Knollys, Dorothy 76 197 197 King, Rufus 466 Knollys, Elizabeth. 197 KING, WILLIAM.. 275 KINGDOM, ELIZABETH.. 245 Knollys, Sir Henry Knollys, Henry 145 145 KINGSALE, ALMERICUS (LORD) 299: n. 310 Knollys, Lettice... 145, 161 KINGSALE, ANNE (LADY)......... 310: n. 299 Knollys, Philadelphia 197 Kingsale, Ellena (Lady) 299 Knollys, Sir Robert 161 Kingsale, John (Lord) 299 Knollys, Robert 197 Kingsale, Patrick (Lord) 299 KNOLLYS, THOMAS 197 KINGSTON, CHARLES (LORD) 117 Knott, Dorothy 380 Kingston, Robert (Earl of). ... 272, 321, 312 KNOWLES, THOMAS 197 Kinnoul, Abigail (Countess of) 381 Knyvett, Charles 504 Kinnoul, George-Henry (Earl of) 381 KOLB, ANNA-ELIZABETH 262 Kinsey, Anne 420 Krauth, Charlotte (von) 504 Kinsey, Charles 420 KYBERT, CHARLES 510 Kinsey, Jane 420 Kybert, Charles-Hickling. 510 ... Kinsey, Peter 420 Kybert, Frederick-Hickling.... 510 Kintore, William (Earl of) 430 Kybert, Sarah.. 510 Kirby, Laura-Anne 91 KYNASTON, ANN 47 Kirby, William-Selby 91 KYNASTON, EDWARD 47 KIRKE, ANNE 135: n. 218, 295 Kynaston, Jane 47 Kirke, Sir David Kirke, Diana 253 295, 314, 329, 362 Kynaston, Thomas……….. 47 KIRKE, GEORGE... 36, 134, 196: n. 135, 218, 253, 295, 314, 329, 387 Kirke, James-Charles 387 Lacam, Andrew 393 Kirke, Lady Mary 357 Lacam, Benjamin 393, 394 KIRKE, MARY 36, 387: n. 295, 335 Lacam, Francis 393 KIRKE, PIERCY KIRPATRICK, Grace GRACE 357 : n. 362 260: n. 285, 301 Lacam, Henrietta 393 LACAM, JOHN 393: n. 392 Kirpatrick, John 260 Lacam, John-Peter……… 393 Kirpatrick, Mary 260 Lacam, Louisa-Henrietta 393 KITCHIN, ALICE-MAUD 57 Lacam, Priscilla... 393 KITCHIN, GEORGE-WILLIAM 57 LACAM, LADY VENERANDA - MARIA- Kitchin, Isaac... 57 ELIZABETTA 392 Kitchin, Mary.. 57 Lacam, William 393 Kitson, Catherine 114 Ladd, Frances 412 Kitson, Sir Thomas Knevet, Catherine Knevet, Sir Henry Knib, Catharine KNIGHT, ANNE Knight, Anthony Knight, Dorothy 114 LADD, MARIA 412 170 Ladd, Nicholas 412 .... 170 Lade, Ann 413 204 Lade, Charles 413 53 Lade, Frances 412, 413 119, 120 Lade, Hannah.. 413 287 .... Lade, Maria 412, 417 INDEX. 583 Lade, Michael. Lade, Nicholas Lade, Lady Sophia Lagrange, Andrew.. Lake, Camilla Lake, John 417 Langford, Mary. 412, 417 Langford, Samuel 417 Langham, Sir John 387 Langham, Rebecca 1 LANGLEY, DAME CECILL.. 1 Langley, John…………….. LAKE, MARY 33 LANGLEY, SIR RICHARD .... Lake, Dame Rebecca.. 33 Langton, Elizabeth Lake, Sir Thomas 33 Langwith. Benjamin.. 155, 185 168 33 33 8 9 8 136 437 LAKE, THOMAS 377 ... Lamb, Emily-Mary 518 LANGWITH, SARAH 437: n. 428, 429, 430 Lansdowne, Charles (Lord)………. 224 Lamb, Mary 217 Lamb, Peniston LAMBART, CASTILIANA-ANN ... Lambart (Colonel) 518 392: n. 380 392 Lansdowne, Emily-Jane (Marchioness of) 61 Lansdowne, Henry (Marquis of)...... 61, LANSDOWNE, HENRY-CHARLES-KEITH (MARQUIS OF) 61, 494 61 LAMBART, FRANCES... 379: n. 302, 377, 392 Lambart, Lady Gertrude 494 Lansdowne, Isabella (Lady) LANSDOWNE, MARTHA (LADY) 298 224 Lambart, Hester (Lady) 115 LANSDOWNE, MAUD-EVELYN (MAR- LAMBART, OLIVER (LORD).... 115 CHIONESS OF) 61 LAMBART, OLIVER ... 349 n. 377, 379, 392 Lansdowne, William (Marquis of) 368 Lambart, Richard 377 Lansford, Bridget 122 Lambart, Rose 115 Lansford, William 122 LAMBART, SOPHIA Lambart, Walter Lambe, Barbara……….. Lambe, Elizabeth LAMBE, JAMES Lambe, Jane Lambe, Sir John 377 Lapp, Walter 188 115 Laroche, Sir James 489 135 Lascelles, Edwin 485 161 Lascelles, Elizabeth 519 161 Lascelles. Francis 519 430, 443, 445 Lascelles, Jane 485 135 Lambe, Patrick.. Lambe, Richard Lambert, John 430, 443, 145 ་ LATCHEMI, ANNE Latham, Anne ... 161 Latham, Elizabeth.. 143 Latham, John.. Lambert, Lucy LAMBERT, THOMAS Lambton, Margaret Lambton, Sir William La Motte, LAMPLUGH, JAMES 161 Latham, Ralph 90 508 9 508 9 161 290 290 LATIMER, EDWARD (Lord)...... 190: n. 199 LATIMER, ELIZABETH (LADY) Latimer, John (Lord) 111, 118, 120, 134, 150 199 190 Laud (Archbishop)……… 16, 128, 151 223 Launder, Margaret.. 362 Lamplugh, Most Rev. Thomas. 223 Launder, Thomas 362 • Lamplugh, Thomas 223 Laurence, Amey.. 219, 227 LANARK, WILLIAM (EARL OF) 141 Laurence, Anne 72, 212, 227, 380 Land, Sarah.. 420 Laurence, Edward. 212 Land, Thomas.. 420 LAURENCE. JOHN... 191: n. 72, 212, 219, 227 Lander, Jonas…... 452 Laurence, Susan…………. 212 LANE, ANN 375: n. 156, 421 LAURON, CATHERINE 387 : n. 333 Lane, Anne-Dorcas 156 Law, James.. 145 Lane, Dame Catherine 123 Lawes, Elinor.. 157 Lane, Charlotte 156, 256, 316 Lawes, Elizabeth 437 Lane, Dame Dorcas 156 LAWES, HENRY Lane, Dorcas 316 Lawes, James. 129. 157: n. 205 437 Lane, Dame Dudley 123 LAWES, JOHN 129 n. 148, 157 Lane, Lady Frances • 248 Lawes, Margaret..... 148 LANE, SIR GEORGE 156 Lawes, Sir Nicholas 437 LANE, GEORGE 6 Lawes, William 148, 157 Lane, Jane 49 Lawley, Dame Anne 32 Lane, John 49 Lawley, Sir Francis 32 LANE, MARY 431: n. 416 LAWLEY, MARY.. 32 LANE, SIR RICHARD... 389, 416: n. 339, 375, Lawrence, Amy 239, 260 431 LAWRENCE, ANNE. 219 LANE, SIR ROBERT 123 Lawrence, Elizabeth • 117 LANE, DAME SARAH... 339: n. 375, 416, 431 Lawrence, Thomas.. 417 LANE, SARAH……… 416 LAWRENCE, WILLIAM 118 Lane, Thomas... 441 Lawson, Mrs. ... 241 LANE, THOMASIN 6 Lawton, Richard 163 Lanesborough, George (Viscount)... 156, 248, Leadbeater, Leah 425 256, 316 Leadbeater, Thomas • 425 LANEVE, MR.. 191 .... LEAKE, JOHN.. 450 Langdale, Marmaduke Langford, Edward.. LANGFORD, HUMPHREY 484 Leake, William 450 155, 185 Lear, John 398 213 Leaver, Anne 171 584 INDEX. LECHMERE, JANE.. LECHMERE, THOMAS Lecount, Anne Lecount, Elizabeth 15 LEITH, SIR JAMES 492 15 Leith, John 351, 492 365 Leivesley, Sarah 381 365 Leivesley, Thomas 381 Lecount, Hester Lecount, Ruth 365 Leke, Lady Catherine 231 365 LEKE, LADY FRANCES 202 Le Courayer, James LE COURAYER, PETER-FRANCIS Le Despenser (Baroness) 422 Leke, Nicholas 201 422 Leke, Robert 209, 261 81, 132 Le Lou, Esther 5 Lee, Anne Lec, Charles... Lee, Lady Charlotte LEE, DR..... 17 Le Lou, Gideon 5 68 Leman, Sir John 165 427 Leman, Priscilla 165 139 Leman, William 165 Lec, Edmond LEE, EDWARD LEE, ELIZABETH Lee, Mary Lee, Mrs..... LEE, RICHARD Lee, Sir Robert Lee, Sarah LEE, STEPHEN Lecch, Christopher. LEECH, RUTH.... 148 Lemetayer, Anne 125 148, 253 Lemetayer, Charles 125 45 Lemetayer, George 124 329 Lemetayer, Nicholas 125 118 Lemetayer, Thomas 125 45 Lemitaire, see Lemetayer. 17 Lemon, Philip 247 68 Lemon, Rebecca 247 229 LE NEVE, AMY 220 433 Le Neve, Catherine 181, 205, 232 376 Le Neve, Frances 191 LEECH, SUSANNA 433 LE NEVE, JOHN... 232: n. 181, 191, 205, 220 Leedall, Susannah 10 Le Neve, Mary 191 Leeds, Anne 11 Le Neve, Peter 191 Leeds, Bridget (Duchess of) 307 LE NEVE, RICHARD 181 Leeds, Thomas (Duke of)... 199, 201, 224, 230, Lennard, John 142 307 Lennard, Rachel 142 Leeson, Jane 464 Lennox, Catherine (Duchess of) 115, 122, Lefroy, John-Henry-George 518 123, 148, 234 Lefroy, Sophia-Anna. 518 • LENNOX, CHARLES (EARL OF) 112 Legg, Barbara 265 LENNOX, CHARLES 308 LEGG, DAVID.. 265 Lennox, Elizabeth (Countess of) 112 Legge, Edward 182 ..... Lennox, Esme (Duke of) ... 123: n. 115, 122, Legge, Elizabeth 15 148, 234, 251 LEGGE, JOHN Legge, George LEGGE, MARY LEGGE, SARAH LEGGE, SUSAN Legge, William LEGH, ELIZABETH Legh, Lady Isabella Legh, John • Legier, Elizabeth Leicester, Thomas (Earl of) 26 Lennox, Lady Georgiana-Caroline 473 430 Lenthall, Catherine 308 26: n. 182 Lenthall, William 308 430 Leo, William 139 15 Leonard, John 465 15 Leonard, Margaret 465 341 Le Poer, Catherine.. 315 341 Le Poer, John (Lord) 315 341 LEPPINGTON, HENRY (LORD) 146 17 Leppington, Mary (Lady) 146 252, 482 Leslie, Charles-Powell 62 LEIGER, ELIZABETH Leigh, Anne Leigh, Edward Leigh, Eleanor LEIGH, EMMA Leigh, Joan Leigh, John Leigh, Magdalen Leigh, Lady Mary LEIGH, MARY Leigh, Richard ..... LEIGH, THEOPHILUS 17 Leslie, Crawford.... 459 253 Leslie, Prudence-Penelope 62 ... 253, 349, 381 Le Squire, Elizabeth 151 312 Le Squire, Scipio 151 42 LESTER, ANN 49 29 LESTER, BENJAMIN 49 381 Le Strange, Elinor 116 381 L'ESTRANGE, DAME ELIZABETH 224: n. 197 233 Le Strange, John 116 29: n. 42 L'Estrange, Sir Nicholas 224 381 Letchmore, see Lechmere. 29: n. 42 Le Vasseur-Cougnée, Gcorge 25 Leith, Ann Leigh, Thomas (Lord) ……. Leigh, William LEIGHTON, CAROLINE-ALICE-JANE LEIGHTON, FRANCIS-KNYVETT LEIGHTON, MARY LEIGHTON, RICHARD Leith, Lady Augusta Leith, Elizabeth Leith, Harriot 312 Le Vasseur-Cougnée, Louis-Jacques 25 29 Leventhorpe, Dorothy 28 63 Leventhorpe, Sir Thomas. 28 63 Leveson, Frances 242 27 Leveson, Sir John 242 27 Leveson-Gower, Lady Elizabeth-Mary 63 ... 351 493 Leveson-Gower, Jane Leveson-Gower, Sir William 313 313 351 LEVIE, ANNE 46 492 Levie, Christian 46 INDEX. 585 Levinge, Mary Levinge, Sir Richard.. Levinz, Anne Levinz, Sir Creswell Levinz, Mary LEVINZ, WILLIAM…… Lewes, William LEWIN, EDMUND Lewin, Harriet Lewin, John Lewin, Lucy LEWIN, MARGARET 333 LINACRE, THOMAS 24, 74, 253, 297: n. 208 333 Linaker, see Linacre. 406 Lincoln, Edward (Earl of) 221 406 Lincoln, Francis (Earl of) 192, 486, 526 406 .... Lincoln, Henry (Earl of). 123, 286 406 • 130 50 LINCOLN, JANE (COUNTESS OF) Lindsay, Sir Alexander.. Lindsay, Dame Amelia..... 221 444, 485 444 519 Lindsay, Right Rev. David 134 .... 50 Lindsay, Sir David 181 50 Lindsay, Elizabeth 444 50 LINDSAY, SIR JOHN 444, 462 Lewin, Thomas 519 Lindsay, John 414 Lewis, Alice.... 82 Lindsay, Margaret..... 485 LEWIS, ANNE……… 346 n. 197, 386, 398 LINDSAY, DAME MARY 462 LEWIS, CATHARINE. Lewis, Charles Lewis, David .... 52: n. 421 197 468, 473 Lindsay, Rachel.. 134 Lindsay. Sophia.. 181 LEWIS, EDWARD 74 • LINDSEY, Bridget (COUNTESS OF) …………. Lindsey, Charlotte (Countess of) 149 60 Lewis. Eleanor 15, 64 483.496 LEWIS, ERASMUS 385: n. 260, 346, 401 LEWIS, ELIZABETH 28, 74: n. 331, 385, 401. Lindsey, Montagu (Earl of) 125, 149, 224, 307 Lindsey, Robert (Marquis of) Lindsey. Elizabeth (Countess of)...... 16. 153 Lindsey, Martha (Countess of) 125 16 Lewis, Frances 212, 401 Lindsey. Robert (Earl of) 16, 153 Lewis, George.. ... 385, 401 Linley, Elizabeth-Anne.. 492 LEWIS, HANNAH-MARY-ANN 85 Linley. Thomas 492 Lewis, Henry. 28 Linwood, Right Rev. William.. 514 Lewis, Herbert 401 Lipscombe. Right Rev. Christopher 91 Lewis, Jane... 176 Lipscombe. Mary-Harriett 91 LEWIS, JENKIN 28 Lisburne, Elizabeth (Countess of) 333 LEWIS, JEREMIAH….. 398 Lisburne, Wilmot (Earl of) 333 LEWIS, JOHN... 52: n 82, 176, 421, 483, 496 Lister, Anna 221 Lewis, Margaret.... LEWIS, MARY. 164, 197 74: n. 386 Lister. Hannah 221 LISTER, JANE……. 221 : n. 282 Lewis, Rice... 187 LISTER, JOHN.. 282 Lewis, Richard Lewis, Sarah Lewis, Thomas Lewis, Sir William Lewis, William... 176 Lister, Martin. 221 28 Lister, Mary 54 197 Lister, Michael 221 15, 64 Lister, Thomas 54 82. 164 Listowel, Anne (Countess of) 508 Lewys, Sir John..... 202, 209 LISTOWEL, WILLIAM (EARL OF) 508 n. 480 Lewys, Mary 202, 209 Littleton, Adam 31 Lewys, Dame Sarahı 209 Littleton, Anne 146 Lexington, Robert (Lord) 222 LITTLETON, CATHARINE 74, 75, 76: n. 208 Ley, James 162, 176 Littleton, Sir Edward 146 Leycester, Catharine 58 LITTLETON, EDWARD 3 Leycester, Oswald 58 LITTLETON, ELIZABETH 3, 74, 211: n. 256 Lichfield, Edward-Henry (Earl of) LIDDELL. ALICE-PLEASANCE Liddell, Charlotte ... 427 LITTLETON, FRANCES 8 99 LITTLETON, GEORGE 75 98 LITTLETON, JOHN 74, 75, 76: n. 3, 19, 208, LIDDELL, HENRY-GEORGE LIDDELL, JAMES-ARTHUR-CHARLES LIDDELL, LORINA-CHARLOTTE LIDDELL, LORINA-HANNAH 98, 99 211, 256 98 ... 98 98, 99 Lifford (Earl of)…………… 355 LITTLETON, LETITIA Littleton, Margaret LITTLETON, MARY LITTLETON, PHILIP 26 25 32: n. 256 8. 74, 223: n. 3, 180 Lightboun, Ann 396 Littleton, Rebecca 31 Lightboun, William 396 Littleton, Thomas 31 Ligondes, Michael (de). 30 Liver, Edward 228 LILLY, JOHN 496 Liver, Sarah 228 Limbrey, Henry 339 Livingston, Sir Alexander 271 Limbrey, Jane 339 Livingston, James 182 Limerick, Charles (Lord)……………. 330 Livingston, Sir Thomas 271 Limerick, Edward-Henry (Earl of) 97 LIVINGSTONE, DAVID .... 520 LIMETER, GEORGE 124 Livingstone, Neill ... 520 Limeter, see Lemetayer. LLEWELIN, DAVID 18 Limiter, see Lemetayer. Llewelin, Dorothy.. 18, 19 LINACRE, CHARLES 74 LLEWELIN, SUSAN 18 LINACRE, ELIZABETH 24, 74, 207, 208, 253: ... LLOYD, ANNE 5, 47, 225, 305: n. 142, 232, LINACRE, JOHN n. 216 205 Lloyd, Bevis 281, 432 191 4 F 586 INDEX. 37 6 5 432 47 193 389 211, 281, 305 5 37 489 211 54 47: n. 434 108 47 : n. 434 10 18 18 Lodington, Dorothy Lloyd, David LLOYD, EDWARD LLOYD, ELIZABETH LLOYD, EVAN………... Lloyd, Hugh Lloyd, James Lloyd, Joan... LLOYD, JOHN Lloyd, Macdolf Lloyd, Margaret…….. LLOYD, MARY.. LLOYD, PIERSON LLOYD, PRISCILLA Lloyd, Sir Richard Lloyd, Richard Lloyd, Robert Lloyd, Roderick LLOYD, ROGER Lloyd, Sarah Lloyd, Thomas Lorrimore, Edward 142 ... 389: n. 206 423: n. 142, 360, 432 281: n. 225, 232, 281, 305 142. 337 142 LORGES, CATHARINE (DU) ………. LORGES, JEAN-LOUIS (DU) 32 32 211 Lort, Elizabeth ... 281 LORT, SIR GILBERT 243 : n. 281 Lort, Sir John………………. 243, 281 5 Lort, Lady Susanna 243, 281 142: n. 398 LLOYD, RIGHT REV. WILLIAM LLOYD, WILLIAM Locke, Charlotte Lockwood, John.. Lockyer, Jane.. LODGE. CATHARINE Lodge, Elizabeth LODGE, JOHN .... LODINGTON, ANNE LODINGTON, BLANCHE LODINGTON, DANIEL 281 210, 337 6 n. 424, 432 6: 431: n. 123 Lothian, Cecil-Chetwynd (Marchioness of) 104 Lothian, Jane (Marchioness of) .. LOTHIAN, Lothian, Robert (Marquis of) Louis XVIII. (King) Louis-Philippe (King) LOUISA-ANNE (PRINCESS) Lovaine, Algernon (Lord) Lovaine, George (Lord) LOVELACE, ANNE (LADY) LOVELACE, JOHN (LORD) 2: n. 109 352 : n. 347 347 n. 255, 352 : 305 - JOHN WILLIAM ROBERT - (MARQUIS OF) 104 305 LOTHIAN, WILLIAM (MARQUIS OF) 305: ... n. 417 Loton, Elizabeth 300 Loudoun (Earl of) 301 480 474 411 483 471, 478, 480 Love, Anne 23, 109 LOVE, ELIZABETH 2 LOVE, MARTHA 23 LOVE, NICHOLAS……… LOVEDAY, ANN LOVEDAY, FRANCES Loveday, Matthew 347. 352 Loveday, Susanna 347, 352 174 174 18 LOVELACE, MARGARET 174 LODINGTON, MARY LODINGTON, STEPHEN Lodington, Susanna Loe, Hurculus.... Loe, William London, Catherine.. 18 Lovell, Dorothy 266 10: n. 18 Lovering, Rebecca.. 11 10 Lovering, Thomas 11 190 Lowde, Anne 220 139 Lowde, Ralph . 220 285 LOWE, CHARLES 80, 81, 82, 299, 324 : n. 258, London, George 285 284, 338, 352 London, Henrietta.. 285 Lowe, Elizabeth. 338 London, John…. 285 LOWE, GEORGE 160 London, Susanna 324 LOWE, HERCULES 190 LONDONDERRY, AMELIA-ANNE (MAR- LOWE, MARGARET 82.324 CHIONESS OF) 503 Lowe, Martha 25 Londonderry, Charles-William (Marquis LOWE, MARY 80, 81, 82, 299, 338: n. 190, 324, of) 61 352 LONDONDERRY, ROBERT (MARQUIS OF) 498: LOWE, MILLICENT 284: n. 324 n. 503 LOWE, MORGAN 352: n. 80, 81, 338 Long, Andrew 473 LOWE, NICHOLAS... 81, 258: n. 284, 324, 338, Long, Dame Catherine.. 181 352 Long, Hannah 274 LOWE, THOMAS 299 Long, Sir James. 181 LOWE, WILLIAM 316 Long, Joane 187 Lowndes, Anne 214, 303 Long, Mary.. LONG, SIR ROBERT 473 LOWNDES, ELIZABETH. 200 181 LOWNDES, JANE 214: n. 267, 303 Long, Susanna 450 Lowndes. William 200, 214, 230, 303, 391 Long, Sir Walter 181 Lowric, Martha 526 Longueville, Dame Anne 303 LOWTHER, ANTHONY 369: n. 526 Longueville, Anne 257 Lowther, Elizabeth 11, 311 LONGUEVILLE, CHARLES.. 379 Lowther, Jane 369 LONGUEVILLE, ELIZABETH... 40, 285: n. 379 LOWTHER, SIR JOHN 11 Longueville, Henry (Viscount) .... 19 Lowther, John LONGUEVILLE, DAME KATHARINE 285 LOWTHER, DAME KATHERINE 311, 369 11 Longueville, Sir Thomas 285, 303 LOWTHER, MARY 311: n. 369 .... LONGUEVILLE, WILLIAM 303 : n. 40, 285, 379 Lowther, Robert.. Lonsdale, John (Viscount) ...... 11, 311, 369 Luane, Richard 311 45 • Lonsdale, Katherine (Viscountess) 11 LUCAS, ANN.... 320: n. 294 Loraine, Dame Anne... ... 266 Lucas, Dame Anne 237 Loraine, Sir William... 266 Lucas, Charles (Lord) 294 Lorge (Duke de) 355 Lucas, Hannah 378 INDEX. 587 Lucas, Hester 259 Lygon, Penelope.... 17 LUCAS, JAMES Lucas, John (Lord) Lucas, Margaret...... LUCAS, MARTHA .... 77, 296 Lygon, Sir William 17 182, 237 182 LYMINGTON, CATHARINE (VISCOUNTESS) 378 n. 348, 354 77 Lymington, John (Viscount) 348, 378 LUCAS, RICHARD 283: n. 259, 320, 321 Lymitter, see Lemetayer. Lucas, Robert (Lord) 237 Lynde, James-Gascoigne 512 .... Lucas, Robert... 283, 321 LYNDWOOD, RIGHT REV. WILLIAM 514 Lucas, Sir Thomas 237 LYNE, ELIONOR. 142 LUCAS, THOMAS... 77, 299 Lynes, Catherine 142 Lucas, William 283, 321 Lynes, William 142 Lucasz, Catherine 186 Lynne, Catharine 521 LUCEA, ANTHONY Lucera, Abraham-De Jacob. Lucera, Antonio.. Lucera, Esther 372 Lynne, Elizabeth 521 372 Lynne, William 521 372, 387, 401 Lyon, Charlotte 98 372, 387, 401 LYON, ELIZABETH. 5 Lucera, Ister 372 4. LYON, JOHN 5: n. 463 LUCERA, JANE 387 n. 372, 401 Lyon, Thomas.. 98 .... Lucera, Jeney. 372 Lyons, Mrs. 459 Lucera, Stella 372 Lytcot, Jane 10 Luckett, Alice... 375, 440 Lytcot, Sir John... 10 LUCKETT, ELIZABETH 319, 364: n. 440 Luckett, James 375 Lyttelton, George-William (Lord) LYTTELTON, LUCY-CAROLINE 56, 59 58 LUCKETT, JOHN... 358, 374: n. 349, 361, 410 Lyttelton, Mary (Lady) 56, 59 Luckyn, Dame Mary. .... 422 LYTTELTON, MERIEL-SARAH 56 Luckyn, Sarah 422 LYTTON, EDWARD GEORGE EARLE - - Luckyn, Sir William.. 422 LYTTON (LORD)……………………. 519 LUCY, ADRIA 203 Lytton, Edward-Robert (Lord) 519 Lucy, Catherine 280 Lytton, Elizabeth-Barbara 519 Lucy, James Lucy, Charles Lucy, Edward.. Lucy, Joseph Lucy, Sir Kingsmill LUCY, MARY LUCY, THEOPHILA.. Lucy, Thomas... 266 Lytton, Rebecca. 234 203, 266 Lytton, Richard-Warburton. 519 266 Lytton, Sir Rowland.. 231 266 .... 31 265: n. 193, 219, 224 31 Macaulay, John 280 Macaulay, Selina 516 516 LUDFORD, ANNE 375: n. 357, 421 MACAULAY, THOMAS-BABINGTON (LORD) 516 Ludford, Catharine Ludford, Edward-Taylor Ludford, Samuel.. LUDFORD, THOMAS 421 Macaulay, Zachary 375, 421 Mac Carthy, Charles.. 421 Mac Carthy, Lady Charlotte ... 421 n. 364, 375, 429 Mac Carthy, Cormac Ludlow, Nathaniel.. LUDLOW, PHILIP Luke, Mary.. 144 Mac Carthy, Donogh 144 Mac Carthy, Lady Margaret 6. 7 Mac Carthy, Dame Mary Luke, Sir Samuel LUMLEY, ELIZABETH (VISCOUNTESS) 6 MAC CARTY, LADY ARABELLA 150 ... Mac Carty, Justin 516 135, 162 314 134 24 162 134 242 242 Lumley, Richard (Viscount) 150 MACCLESFIELD, CHARLES (EARL OF) 233, ... Lundie, Mary 133 249: n. 157, 246 Lunenburgh, George (Duke of) 265 Macclesfield, Jane (Countess of) 246, 249 Lupton, Aune 56, 519 Mace, Mrs. 310 LUPTON, EMMA 57 Mac Gougan, Angus 187 LUPTON, JAMES 57, 519 n. 56 LUPTON, SARAH LUSHINGTON, AGNES Lushington, Charles-Manners Lushington, Henrietta Luttrell, Lady Anne Mac Gougan, Anne 56 MAC GOUGAN, ARCHIBALD 61 Mac Gougan, Donald .... 487 186: n. 192 487 61 Mac Gougan, John 486, 187, 492 61 MAC GOUGAN, MARY 486: n. 492 Lushington, Stephen-Rumbold Luttley, Elizabeth 61 MAC GOUGAN, MARY-ANNE 326 Mac Gougan, Nevin 492: n. 487 448 Mac Gregor, Sir John-Athol-Bannatyne- 487 • Luttrell, Dorothy 310 Murray 62 Luttrell, Francis... 310 Mac Gregor, Dame Mary-Charlotte 62 Luttrell, Narcissus.. 310 MAC GREGOR, MARY-ELIZABETH 61 Lutwidge, Henry 442 MACHART, SIR CHARLES 135 Lutwidge, Jane 442 Machel, Isabel . 46, 303 Luyères, Pierre (de) 352 Machel, John 46, 303 LYELL, SIR CHARLES 520 MACHEL, ROBERT 171 Lyell, Charles... 520 Macie, James 453 Lyell, Frances….. 520 Macie, James-Lewis 454 Lyell, Dame Mary-Elizabeth 520 Mac Intire, John 456 588 INDEX. MACKCARTY, ELIZABETH 24 MANLY, ANNE 16: n. 399 Mackelcan, Sarah Mackenzie, Anne Mackenzie, Euphemia Mackenzie, George Mackenzie, John 423 MANLY, JOHN 16 397 Mann, Ann 350 399, 482 Manners, Lady Catherinc... 126, 127, 142, 215, 397 218 398 Manners, Lady Elizabeth 35, 134 Mackenzie, Keuneth 398, 399 MANNERS, FRANCIS 116: n. 147 Mackreth, Francis 238 MANNERS, LOord George 305 Mackworth, Anne 148 MACKWORTH, HUMPHREY 148, 521 Manners, Lady Gertrude Manners, Henry 114 116 Mackworth, Mary 148 Manners, Joan 367 Mackworth, Richard 148 Manners, John 35 Mackworth, Thomas 148 Manners, Thomas 367 Macnamara, John 485 Manning, 126 Macnamara, Mary 485 Manning, Alice 187 MACPHERSON, JAMES 456 Manning, Martha 155 • Macpherson, Janet 456 Manning, Richard 187 Maddison, Edward 9 MANNINGHAM, ELIZABETH 339 MADDISON, ELIZABETH 9 MANNINGHAM, MARY ..... 381: n. 339 MADGETT, DOROTHY 214 Manningham, Right Rev. Thomas 381 Madgett, Matthew 214 .... Manningham, Thomas 339, 381 Magill, Dame Arabella-Susanna 265 Mansel, Christopher 270 Magill, Sir John 265 Mansel, Elizabeth 270 Maidman (Captain) 440 Mansel, Isabella 91 Maidman, Sarah 440 Mansel, Sophia-Matilda-Caroline 90 Maidstone, Elizabeth (Lady) 526 Mansel, Right Rev. William-Lort 90 Maidstone, William (Lord) 526 Mansell, Anne 216 MAIDWELL, Lewis 287 Mansell, Arthur 143 Mainwaring, Ambrosia 267 MANSELL, BARBARA 218: n. 216 Mainwaring, Anne 161 • Mansell, Bussey 212 MAINWARING, ARTHUR 123: n. 267, 330 Mansell, Charles 216, 218 MAINWARING, CATHERINE 311 Mansell, Sir Edward 26, 203, 231 Mainwaring, Elinor 123 MANSELL, EDWARD 203 Mainwaring, Sir George 161 Mansell, Elizabeth 212, 216, 257 MAINWARING, GRACE 232 Mansell, Frances 216 Mainwaring, Henry 123, 311 MANSELL, FRANCIS 216 MAINWARING, JOHN 267 MANSELL, HENRY 231 Mainwaring, Martha 267 Mansell, Margery 235 Mainwaring, Dame Mary 232, 311 MANSELL, MARTHA (LADY) 26, 292 Mainwaring, Miss 170 Mansell, Dame Martha 203, 231 Mainwaring, Sir Thomas 232, 311 Mansell, Mary 143, 212, 216 Mainwaring, Thomas 267 Mansell, Rachel 216 .... Mair, John 99 MANSELL, THOMAS (LORD)... 26, 292: n. 257 Mair, Sarah 99 MANSELL, THOMAS 212, 257 Maire (Counsellor) 401 Mansell, William 216 Majendie, Right Rev. Henry-William 94 Mansfield, Anna 480 Majendie, Katherine 94 Mansfield, DAVID (EARL OF) 457: n. 451 MAJOR, ELIZABETH 502 MANSFIELD, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS OF) 438 Major, Hester 258 Mansfield, Paul 249 Malauze, Louis (Marquis de) 355 Mansfield, Susanna 249 Malcolm, Charlotte 485 MANSFIELD, WILLIAM (EARL of) 451: Malcolm, Henry 485 n. 59, 438, 457 Mallett, Dorothy 145 Mansfield, William 480 Mallett, John 145 Mansir, John 468 Mallory, Henry 163 Manton, Blanche 311 Maltesi, Regina-Clementi 505 Manton, Elizabeth 300, 311 Man, Elizabeth 369 MANTON, JOHN 300, 311 Man, George 210 Manton, Thomas 300 Man, Joseph 410 MANTUA, ELIZABETH 311 MAN, THOMAS 190 MANWARING, ARTHUR 123 Managhan, Mrs. 266 Manwaring, Everard 123 Manaton, Elizabeth 432 MANWARING, GRACE 232 Manchester, Henry (Duke of) 179 Manwaring, Dame Hester 8 Manchester, Henry (Earl of) ... 176, 283, 359 Manwaring, Mary 123 .... Mandell, Clemence MANERING, THOMAS Manley, Anne Manley, Isaac Manley, John 270 Manwaring, Thomas 191 Mandell, Nicholas-Lewis 270 Manwaring, Sir William 8 191 Mapleson, Thomas 500 ..... 315 MAPLISDEN, DOROTHY 11 315 Maplisden, Peter 11 368 Marbury, Anne 141 INDEX. 589 Marbury, Eleanor Marbury, Elizabeth Marbury, George Marbury, James 522 • Marshall, Sir Charles.. 504 116 • MARSHALL, EDWARD 487 116 Marshall, Elinor.. 386 116 Marshall, Ellen 386 Marbury, Mary MARBURY, THOMAS Marbury, William 522 116: n. 522 MARSHALL, ELIZABETH MARSHALL, ISABELLA. 13: n. 44 41 .... 141 .... MARSHALL, JAMES-PLAXTON. 49 MARCH, ESME (EARL OF) 123 MARSHALL, JANE.. 49: n. 48± MARCH, FOSTER MARCIUS, WILLIAM Marcsall, Lucrece Marjoribanks, Edward .. ..... 396 Marshall, John 13 480 Marshall, Louisa... 504 156 Marshall, Rebecca 149 MARIE-JOSEPHINE-LOUISE (QUEEN) MARKHAM, ANNE-KATHERINE Markham, Daniel MARKHAM, David Markham, Elizabeth MARKHAM, ENOCH 480 Marshall, Richard 13 478 Marshall, Samuel 501 478 MARSHALL. STEPHEN 149, 523 413 ..... Marshall, Susan 149 87 MARSHALL, TABITHA 338 414, 465, 475 Marshall, Thomas 44 465 n. 466, 475 MARSHALL, WILLIAM 406, 187 MARKHAM, GEORGE 465: n. 414, 475 Marsham, Dame Elizabeth 261 MARKHAM, GEORGINA 452 Marsham. Sir Robert.. 261 Markham, John ... 481 Martel, Andrew 277 MARKHAM, MARIA 481 Martell. Elizabeth 298 MARKHAM, LADY MARY 487 Martell, Lawrence.. 298 Markham, Osborne 487 Martell, Peter 298 Markham, Robert 127 Marten, Annabella.. 243 MARKHAM, SARAH... 86, 87, 487: n. 452, 178 MARKHAM, MOST REV. WILLIAM Marten. Edward.. 243 475: n. 452, 465, 478. 481, 487 Marten, Mary 190 Marten, William. 190 MARKHAM, WILLIAM ... 86, 87, 413: n. 465, Martin, Ann 465 475 Martin. Edward 465 .... MARKLOVE, FANNY-CATHERINE 524 .... MARTIN, HANNAH. 33 MARKLOVE, HELEN 524 MARTIN, JOHN 293 MARKLOVE, MAURICE - WILLIAM - CAR- MARTIN, JONATHAN 348 RINGTON 524 MARTIN, LEONARD 33 Marlay, Mary 496 Martin, Mary 367 Marlay, Thomas 496 Martin, Mr. 49, 480 Marlborough, Frances Anne Emily - - Martin, Thomas 367 (Duchess of) 61 MARTON, AGNES 442 MARLBOROUGH, HENRIETTA (DUCHESS Marton. George-Richard 412 OF) 339 MARTON, JANE 461: n. 442 Marlborough, Henry (Earl of) MARLBOROUGH, JAMES (EARL of) 162 Marton, Oliver 442, 461 ་ ... 162: n. 176 MARY II. (QUEEN) 235: n. 153, 154, 167, 173, 250 MARLBOROUGH, JANE (COUNTESS OF)... MARLBOROUGH, JOHN (DUKE OF) 176 Mary. Queen of Scots 110, 124 306 : MARY, PRINCESS ROYAL 153 : n. 250 n. 36. 268, 328, 339 MARY, PRINCESS 108, 217, 226 Marlborough, John-Winston (Duke of)... Marlborough, Mary (Countess of) 61 162 Masham, Samuel (Lord) Mason, Anne 331 222 Marlborongh, Sarah (Duchess of) 339 MASON, EDMUND 131 Marlborough, William (Earl of). 162 Mason, Elizabeth 131 MARQUET, MARY MARLEY, ELIZABETH MARLEY, JOHN Marquet, James Marriott, Margaret…….. MARSH, ALPHONSO. MARSH, CHARLES Marsh, Cicilia .. MARSH, CILICIA. Marsh, Elizabeth 76 Mason, Julian..... 131 76 MASON, PETER 349 471 Mason, Thomas 131, 222 474 Mason, William 131 453 Massingberd, Elizabeth.. 29 • 230: n. 227 Massingberd, Johu.. 29 482: n. 504 MASSNETT, MR. 187 227 Master, Legh 362 227 Master. Legh-Hoskins 432 163 Master, Margaret 362 Marsh, Foster 396 Master, Mary 432 Marsh, Francis Marsh, Louisa... Marsh, Martha 154 MASTER, THOMAS…….. 362 517 MASTERS, CHRISTOPHER.. 136, 148 392 Masters, Isaac……….. 262 Marsh, Mary 227, 230, 483 MASTERS, JOANE 136 Marsh, Mary-Ann 504 Masters, Margaret 148 MARSH, ROBERT 517 Masters, Mary.. 244 Marshall, Aune (Countess of) 214 • MASTERS, MRS. 117 Marshall, Anne MARSHALL, BENJAMIN……. 13, 149 Masters, William ... 211 13 MATHER, ALICE.. 52 590 INDEX. MATHER, JACOB Mathew, Anne Mathew, Brian Mathew, Jane... 52 MAYNARD, SIR WILLIAM 53 124 • Mayo (Earl of) 87 339 Mayott, Alice 157 339 Mayott, Thomas. ► 157 Mathew. Morgan Matthews, Matthews, Charles 124 Mazarin (Duchess of) 253 MATHEWES, MORGAN 124 MCCONNELL, CHARLOTTE-BOWTON 103 239 MCCONNELL, FLORENCE-ADA 103 371 MCCONNELL. JAMES-EDWARD 103 Matthews, Frances Matthews, Janc .... Matthews, Sir John Matthews, Dame Sarah.. Mathyson, John Mauleverer, Dame Anue 470 Mead, Richard 386 209, 371 Meade, John 264 44 MEARN, ANNE 22 44 Meautys, Mary 228, 235 460 Meautys, Thorowgood 228, 235 Maudit, Sarah…….. Mauleverer, Dame Barbara 368 Meawtys, Arthur 228 187, 219, 223 Meawtys, Elizabeth 228 223, 276 Meawtys. Throwgood 228 Mauleverer, Dame Catharine MAULEVERER, DAME ELIZABETH Mauleverer, Grace.. 219 • Mecklenburg, Ulric (Duke of).. 115 146 140 Mecklenburgh - Strelitz, Charles - Louis- Frederick (Duke of) 434, 436 Mauleverer, Judith Mauleverer, Dame Mary Mauleverer, Mary 187 MEDE, JANE 140, 146 MEDFORD, DR. 187 Medford, Mrs. 39 169, 189 189 MAULEVERER, SIR RICHARD 186, 223, 276 : n. 219 MAULEVERER, SIR THOMAS 219 n. 140, 146, Mauleverer, Thomas Medley, Charles.. .... 478, 497 Medley, Charlotte 478, 497 MEDLEY, EDWARD…… 478: n. 436, 497 223 Medley, George 478, 497 219 Medley, Harriet 478, 497 Mauvillain, Hannah • MAUVILLAIN, SARAH 433, 170 Medley, Henry 478 470 Medley, John Mauvillain, Stephen 433, 470 Medley, Martha 478, 497 436 Maxwell, Lady Elizabeth. 141 MEDLEY, MARY 497: n. 436, 478 Maxwell, Mary 383 Medley, Samuel 478 MAY, ALICE. 69, 70, 71, 168, 181 Medley, Sarah 400 May, Charles MAY, EMMA May, Dame Barbara MAY, EDWARD-HENRY. MAY, ELIZABETH MAY, HENRY MAY, SIR HUMPHREY May, Jane MAY, JOHN MAY, JOHN-NEVISON May, Dame Judith May, Lucretia.. May, Mary .... May, Nicholas. MAY, RICHARD May, Robert 523 70 Medley, William Medwell, Samuel 478, 497 211 56 Mee, Benjamin-Thomas 517 .... 71: n. 112 Mce, Mary 517 57 Mecch, Gertrude.... 142 71 Meech, Grace 142 129, 137 Meech, Mary 142 388 MEEKE, ANTHONY 26, 327 : n. 238, 273 70, 112, 193 MEEKE, ELIZABETH 26, 238, 273: n. 327, 387 57 Mccres, Dame Anne 71 129 MEERES, ELIZABETH 71 56 MEERES, SIR THOMAS 129 Meggs, James... 71 10, 17 112 .... Meggs, Joane 270 137: 129 MEGGS, JOANNA 10 388 MEGGS, MARGARET 17 MAY, SARAH 56 Meggs, Mary 17 MAY, SUSAN 72 Mcggs, William D 17 May, Susanna. 72 Mekins, Joan 164 May, Sir Thomas 523 Melbourne, Elizabeth (Viscountess) 518 ...... MAY, THOMAS 71, 72, 177, 193, 523 Melbourne, Peniston (Viscount) 518 MAY, WILLIAM... 57, 69, 70, 71, 72, 168, 177, Meldrum, Andrew 137 181: n. 56 Meldrum, Jane 137 Mayer, John 193, 265, 381 MELDRUM, JOHN 137, 522 Mayer, Martha 193, 265 MELLISH, ANNE.. 29 Mayer, Mary 193, 265 Mellish, John 44 Maylor, Catherine 508 Mellish, Robert 29 Maylor, Samuel 508 Mellish, Sarah • 44 Mayn, Elizabeth. 321 Melsom, Margaret 310, 317 Maynard, Anue 30 Melville, Sophia-Anna (de) 298 Maynard, Dame Catharine Maynard, Charles (Viscount) MAYNARD, DAME CHARLOTTE Maynard, Elizabeth.. 53 MENDIP, ANNE (LADY) 469 53 MENDIP, WELBORE (LORD) 467: n. 469, 479 53 MENZIES, WILLIAM 9, 12 Meredith, Anne Maynard, Sir Henry 53 MEREDITH, ELIZABETH Maynard, Sir John 3, 9, 12, 30 MEREDITH, THOMAS Maynard, Dame Margaret 3 Meredith, Sir William 500 .. 193 328: n. 269 269 : n. 328 193 INDEX. 591 Mcrest, Mary Merest, Sarah ..... 78. 458 458, 498 Merest, Charlotte MEREST. FRANCES Merest, James. Merest, Jane.. 458, 484, 498 321: n. 313 78, 321, 458, 484, 498 Middleton, Dame Dorothy MIDDLETON, DAME ELIZABETH….. MIDDLETON, CHRISTABEL 21 Middleton, Elizabeth (Lady) 45 .... 21: n. 22 Middleton, Francis (Lord).. 45 498 Middleton, Francis 110 MERIVALE, CHARLES MERIVALE, JOIN-HERMAN. MERIVALE, JUDITH-MARY-SOPHIA Merivale, Louisa-Heath MERLE, ELIZABETH. MERLE, JAMES Merle, John-Anthony Merrell, see Merrill. Merrett, Ellen.. Merrett, Rebecca 99 ... Middleton, Hester 145 99 MIDDLETON, SIR HUGH ... 21: n. 7, 22, 145 99 Middleton, Margaret... 22 99 Middleton, Mary (Lady) 45 32 Middleton, Mary 6. 21 32 Middleton, Simon 6, 21 32 Middleton, Thomas (Lord) 45, 53 MIDDLETON. THOMAS 110 386 Midleton. Alan (Viscount) 79 386 Milbanke, Cornelia..... 457 Merrick, Louisa-Maria-Elizabeth 458 Milbanke, Elizabeth 518 Merrick, Rev. Mr. 458 ... Milbanke, John 457 MERRILL, JOHN Merrill, George Merrill, Joseph Merrill, Randall Merrill, Richard.. MERRILL, THOMAS Methuen. Grace.. METHUEN, ISABEL 219 Milbanke, Sir Ralph 518 219: n. 163 Milbourne, Ann 336 ..... 219 MILBOURNE, ELIZABETH 43 163 MILBOURNE, JONATHAN 43 163 Milburn, Elizabeth 43 163 Milburn, Jonathan. 43 264 MILDMAY, DOROTHY. 247 272 Mildmay, Humphrey. 247 ... METHUEN, JOHN 264 n. 272, 390 Mildmay, Sarah. 247 Methuen, Mary 390 METHUEN, SIR PAUL 390: n. 272 Miles. Catharine.. Miles, Frances.... 325 304 Methuen, Paul 264 MILES. HARRIOT 459 Methwin, see Methuen. Miles, Henry 325 Mews, John 11 Miles, John 325 MEWS, DAME LYDIA 44 Miles, Richard.. 304 Mews, Right Rev. Peter 44 Miles, Thomas.. 325 MEWS, SIR PETER. 44 MILES. WILLIAM • 325, 461: n. 459 Mews, Sarah 44 Mill, John 23 Mewtis, Elizabeth 228 Mill, Thomas 23 Mewtis, Mary 228 Miller. Ann.... 525 Mewtis, Thorowgood 228 MILLER. JOHN 148: n. 51 MEXBOROUGH, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS Miller, Mary 51 OF) 497 Miller. Richard 248 Mexborough, John (Earl of) 497 Meyrick, Anne 361 .... MILLER. SARAH Miller, Thomas 53: n. 525 ... 525 MEYRICK, EDMUND 361 n. 342, 388 MEYRICK, FRANCES... 342 : n. 350, 361, 388. 396 Meyrick, Owen 408 MILLES. ALATHEA Milles. Christopher.. Milles, Elizabeth.. MILLES, FRANCIS 39 489 39 39 Michaelsen, Johanna-Friderica 394 MILLES, JOHN 489: n. 39 MICHELL, MARY MICHELL, THOMAS Micho, Lewis Micho, Sarah ... 43 Milles, Mary.. 39, 436, 489 43 Milles. Richard 489 231 Milles, Thomas 136 231 Millet, Anne 418 Middleborough, Eleanor • 112 Millet, George.. 418 Middleborough. Thomas Middlemore. Elizabeth.. Middlemore, Henry MIDDLEMORE, MARY. 112 Millington, Elizabeth 28 110, 112 Millington, Francis 252, 268, 292 110, 114 114: n. 110 Millington, John... 28 MILLINGTON, MARTHA 26, 35: n. 252, 268, 292 • Middlemore, Robert 114 Middlemore, Thomas.. MIDDLESEX, ANNE (COUNTESS OF) n. 119, 144, 146. 185 185 MIDDLESEX, JAMES (EARL OF) 144, 146 : n. 185 Mills, Margaret Mills, Philippa • MILLS, PRISCILLA 112 171 : 197 210: n. 486 65 23: n. 494 Middlesex, Charles (Earl of) 197 65 ... 23 MIDDLESEX, LIONEL (EARL OF) 139, 141. 185: n. 119, 144, 171, 302 Middlesex, Rachel (Countess of).. Mills. Robert Mills, Selina 210 516 185 MILLS, WILLIAM 117 Middleton, Dame Ann 22 Millward, George 252 MIDDLETON, ANNE.. 48: n. 22 MILLWARD, JOHN 252 Middleton, Charlotte... 22 Millward, Susanna………….. 252 Mills, Alexander.. MILLS, ELIZABETH. Mills, Francis. MILLS. JOHN 592 INDEX. Millward, Thomas….. MILMAN, AUGUSTA-FRANCES.. MILMAN, CHARLES-LOUIS-HART...... Milman, Frances Milman, Sir Francis 252 Monins, Jane 209 509 Monins, Sir William 209 97, 513 MONK, CATHARINE 505: n. 446 97 Monk, Charles 514 97 Monk, Charles-James 515 MILMAN, HENRY-HART 97, 509, 510, 513 Monk, Christopher 224, 342 MILMAN, LOUISA-HARRIET 510 Monk. Dorothy 163 .... MILMAN, MARY-ANNE 97 Monk, Dame Elizabeth 155, 172 Milne, John... 23 Monk, Frances 191 Milne, Thomas 23 Monk, George 171, 172, 224 Milner, Dame Anne-Elizabeth. 99 Monk, Sir James 514 MILNER, CATHARINE 47: n. 434 MONK, RIGHT REV. JAMES-HENRY 514 Miluer, Dame Elizabeth 462 Monk, Janc-Emily 515 MILNER, ELIZABETH 434 n. 47, 312 Monk, Janc-Smart 515 Milner, Georgina-Selina-Septimia 99 Monk, Mary 155, 515 Milner, Dame Harriet-Elizabeth 99 Monk, Right Rev. Nicholas 155 Milner, Jane…………. 47, 312, 434 Monk, Penelope-Anna 515 MILNER, JOHN 434: n. 47, 312 MONK, PRISCILLA Milner, Mary 462 MONK, RICHARD 26, 37 26 MILNER, SAMUEL 52 MONK, ROGER.. 504: n. 446, 505 MILNER, SARAH. 52 Monk, Susanna Milner, Sir William 462 Monk, Sir Thomas 155 155, 172 Milner, Sir William-Mordaunt-Sturt. 99 Monk, Thomas 163. 191 Milton, Andrew (Lord) 419 Milton, Joseph (Lord) 54 Milward, John 37 Milward, Mary Mimmich, Frances.. Minet, John.... Minifie, Margaret Minifie, Susanna 37 Monmouth, Henry (Earl of) MONMOUTH, JAMES (DUKE OF) Monmouth, Anne (Duchess of)... 226, 232, 255 146 183, 198, 183, 198, 214, 188 207: n. 214, 226, 232, 255, 428 490 Monmouth, Robert (Earl of) 147 464 MONSON, DAME ELIZABETH 12 464 MONSON, SIR HENRY 12 MINNITT, ANN 483 Monson, Sir John 12 MINNITT, JOHN 490 Monson, Dame Judith 12 MINNITT, SARAH 476 Montagu, Anthony (Viscount) 136 Minshaw, 201 Montagu, Sir Charles 179 Minto, Anna-Maria (Countess of) 488 Montagu, Charles 283, 354 MINTO, GILBERT (EARL OF) 487 Montagu, Edward (Lord) 153 .... MINUCH, FRANCES 188 Montagu, Edward MIREMONT, ARMAND (MARQUIS DE) 355 50, 176, 430 MONTAGU. ELIZABETH (DUCHESS OF)... 341 Mitchell, Elizabeth 386, 438 Montagu, Elizabeth 153, 179, 283 Mitchell, Susanna 353 Montagu, Emily 101 Mitchelson, Isabella 382 Montagu, George 101, 283 MITTON, EDWARD……. 13 Montagu, Lady Jemima 36 MITTON, ELIZABETH 13 Montagu, Lucy ..... 50, 430 M'Liver, Colin 517 Montagu, Dame Mary 179 M'Liver, John..... 517 Montagu, Mary 136 Modena, Alphonso (Duke of) 187, 192, 201, 206 Montagu, Dame Paulina 176 Modyford, Dame Elizabeth 194 ... Montagu, Ralph (Duke of) 342 Modyford, Grace 194 Montagu, Sir Sidney 176 Modyford, Sir James 194 Modyford, Sir Thomas 194 Montagu, Lady Susan MONTAGU 359 Moffat, Robert 520 Mohun, Charles (Lord) 246 DOUGLAS SCOTT, - MARIA MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, - ANNA - 102, 103, 105 Molesworth, Elizabeth ……. Molesworth, John Molesworth, William 176, 259 259 176 MOLLOY, ANN.. 350: n. 365, 382 Molloy, Peter-Joseph 350 Molyneux, Elizabeth 442 CECILY - SUSAN 59, 104, 105, 106 MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, CHARLES- HENRY 102 MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, EVELYN - MARY 103 MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, FRANCIS - Molyneux, Frances (Viscountess) 201 Molyneux, Richard (Viscount) Mompesson, Dame Barbara . 201 40 MOMPESSON, CHARLES Mompesson, Dame Elizabeth MOMPESSON, ELIZABETH 40 7 40: n. 379 MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, MONTAGU-DOUGLAS-SCOTT, HERBERT- ANDREW MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, JAMES JOHN WALTER 102 HENRY - 59, 104, 105, 106 106 Mompesson, Henry Mompesson, Sir Thomas Moncke, see Monk. Moncreif, Mary Monday, Frances 40 7, 40 FRANCIS 106 MONTAGU DOUGLAS - SCOTT, JOHN - CHARLES 103 51 215 - MONTAGU DOUGLAS - SCOTT, JOHN - WALTER-EDWARD 104 INDEX. 593 59 105 102 MONTAGU-DOUGLAS-SCOTT, KATHERINE- - MARY 107 MONTAGU DOUGLAS - SCOTT, LOUISA - JANE 102, 103, 106, 107 MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, RACHEL- CECILY 105 HENRY 104 MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, ROBERT- Montagu - Douglas - Scott, Victoria-Alex- andrina 104 MONTAGU-DOUGLAS - SCOTT, WALTER- CHARLES 102, 103, 105 MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, WALTER- FRANCIS MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, WALTER- GEORGE-LEON MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, Walter - HENRY MONTAGU - DOUGLAS - SCOTT, WILLIAM - HENRY-WALTER 102, 103, 106, 107 Montandre, Charles-Louis (Marquis of) 352 MONTANDRE, FRANCIS (MARQUIS OF)... 352: More, Mary. More, Whitlock Morewood, Gilbert.. Morey, Dorothy 470 470 Moreland, Sir Samuel 198 199, 336 199, 336 189 9 9 9 202 27: n. 108 401 311 213, 336, 388 388 242: n. 386 121 MORGAN, ARCHEBEL-ANN-ARTHER MORGAN, DAVID-WALTER... 454: n. 401, 403, Morewood, Grace MORFEE, ELIZABETH Morfee, John MORFEY, ELIZABETH Morgan, Alice... MORGAN, ANNE.. Morgan, Blanche Morgan, Catherine Morgan, Chardin MORGAN, CHARLES Morgan, David 408, 413, 436 Morgan, Deborah 311 Morgan, Edward 238 Morgan, Elizabeth.. 202, 311 n. 415 Morgan, George 386 MONTANDRE, MARY-ANN (MARCHIONESS Morgan, Hugh 124 OF) 415 Morgan. James 386, 388 Montgomerie, Dame Clemence 458 Morgan, Jane 202 Montgomerie, Clemence 459 Morgan, John………… 243 Montgomerie, Elizabeth-Mary-Louisa 458 ... Morgan, John-Drigue 454 Montgomerie, Sir Thomas 458 Morgan. Lewis 243 Montgomery, Philip (Earl of) 128 .... MORGAN-LOUISA-FRANCES 413 MONTGOMERY, SUSAN (COUNTESS OF)... 128 MORGAN, MARGARET 222: n. 174, 206 MONTPENSIER, - ANTOINE PHILIPPE MORGAN, MARY ... 293: n. 11, 202. 413, 455 (DUKE OF) 474 MORGAN, MARY-ANN 136 Montresor, James Moody, Elizabeth 380 MORGAN, PETER-FRANCIS-DAVID....... 403 311 Morgan, Stephen 311 Moody, Katherine Moody, Matthew Moon, Sarah • Moor, Elizabeth 311 MORGAN, THEODORA-HENRIETTA 408 317 Morgan, Sir Thomas 108 458 Morgan, Thomas 202, 207, 211, 243 338 MORGAN, WILLIAM ... 206, 208: n. 174, 386, Moor, John 350 Moor, Thomas Moor, Mary. MOORE, ANN Moore, Anna Maria 350 Morice, Alice 454 271, 439 338 MORICE, ANNE ... 232, 364: n. 186. 225, 266, 470: n. 340 281, 342, 372 437, 439 MORICE, CATHARINE 294 MOORE, ARTHUR Moore (Bishop) 34 ... MORICE, CHARLES 271 476 Morice, David.. 398 Moorecocke, Catharine Moore, Eleanor MOORE, ELIZABETH. Moore, Sir Francis MOORE, GABRIEL Moore, Garrett (Viscount) Moore, Goditha MOORE, JAMES Moore, Jane Moore, Margaret MOORE, MARY Moore, Peter Moore, Rebecca Moore, Richard Moore, Sarah ... MOORE, SUSANNA MOORE, THEOPHILA MOORE, THOMAS MOORE, WILLIAM Mora, Abraham 170 MORICE, FRANCIS 80, 288 300: n. 34 ..... 258 145: n. 143, 146 170 • Morice, Hellena MORICE, MARY………….. MORICE, THOMAS 266 145 80, 327: n. 288, 294, 439 186, 294: n. 225, 232, 266, 271, 281, 327, 342, 372, 439 MORICE. WILLIAM 80, 288, 294, 364: n. 327, .... 34 34, 247 MORLAND. DAME ANNE.. 258 143: n. 146 Morland, Benjamin 335 13, 198 100 • MORLAND, DAME CAROLA 6, 184: n. 175, 186 446 MORLAND, EDMOND, 186 89 Morland, Edward 186 145 Morland, Dame Mary 199 446 Morland. Mary 100 229: n. 34 .. MORLAND, SIR SAMUEL 6, 13, 184: n. 20, 175, 34 186, 198, 199 340: n. 267, 300 MORLAND, THYNNE 175 437: n. 34, 439 MORLEY, ANN 470 241 MORLEY, LADY CATHERINE 231 372 Morley, Chrisogon 129 Moray, Isabella 415 Morley, Cuthbert 231 MORAY, SIR ROBERT 181 Morley (Earl of) 248 Moray, Sophia 181 Morley, Herbert.. 129 MORE, ANN. 470 MORLEY, JOHN 479: n. 470 4 G 594 INDEX. Morley, Sir Samuel MORLY, SIR SAMUEL Mornington, William (Earl of) Morphy, Elinor MORRIS, ALICE-PHILLIPS MORRIS, ANNA-MARIA MORRIS, ANNE Morris, Caroline-Augusta Morris, Lady Catharine Morris, Catharine Morris, Catharine-Ann MORRIS, CHARLES Morris, Lady Charlotte Morris, Claver Morris, Edmund 198 Moyser, James 455 6 Moyser, John 456 60 • Moyser, Robert 456 242 MOYSER, SARAH 455 62 Mudd, Elizabeth 68 ..... 439: n. 437, 456 MUDIFORD, SIR THOMAS 194 232 456 Mulgrave, Edmund (Earl of) Mulgrave, Elizabeth (Countess of) 302, 372 302 463 Mullinax, Major 182 456 Mulso, Elizabeth 40, 41, 77 456 Mulso, Tanfield 40, 41, 77 271 Mulso, Thomas 292 47 Mumrey, Mary 288 420 Mumrey, William 288 333 Munch, 490 Morris, Edward 47 MUNDAY, ELIZABETH 28 MORRIS, ELIANOR • 266: n. 463 MUNDAY, FRANCES 215 Morris, Elizabeth 382, 420 Munday, see Mundy. Morris, Frances 2 Munden, Sir Richard 36 MORRIS, WILLIAM …… MORRIS, HENRY Morris, James MORRIS, JANE Morris, John Morris, Margaret Morris, Mary Morris, Mary-Judith Morris, Richard MORRIS, STAATS-LONG Morris, William-Cholmley MORRIS, WILLIAM-JAMES Morrissett, James Morse, Ann MORTEMAR, Walter Mortimer, George Mortimer, John 62 Munden, Dame Susanna 36 463 MUNDY, FRANCES.. 215 466: n. 463 MUNDY, FRANCIS 206 2, 454 MUNDY, KATHERINE 17 333 MUNDY, MR. 172 220 MUNDY, WILLIAM 193 456 Munter, Margaretta-Cecilia 318 220 Munter, William 318 463: n. 466 MURRAY, LADY ADELAIDE-EMILY 59 456: n. 439, 490 Murray, Alexander 445 456 Murray, Amelia 444 62 Murray, Anne 275, 468 470 Murray, Barbara 435, 453, 471 287 Murray, Catharine 445 210 Murray, Charles ... 468 292 MURRAY, CHARLES-ARCHIBALD 59 210 Murray, Charles-John 59 Mortimer, Richard 210 MURRAY, DAVID 457 Mortimer, Walter 210 MURRAY, DONALD 468 Mortimore, Walter 210 Murray, Elizabeth 203, 218, 246, 275, 290, 468 Morton, Francis 360 MURRAY, FRANCES 301 Moser, Elizabeth-Julia 470 Murray, Frances-Elizabeth 59 Moser, Joseph 470 Murray, Henry 203, 218, 275, 290 Mosley, Anne 315 .... Murray, Isabella 415 Mosley, Sir Oswald 315 Murray, Sir James 478 Mostyn, Catharine 127 Murray, James 445 Mostyn, Margaret 127 Murray, James-Wolfe 445 Mostyn, Pierce Mostyn, Sir Thomas Mostyn, Dame Ursula 127 Murray, Jean 445 127 Murray, John 468 • 127 Murray, Mary 468 MOTT, ANNE 32 MURRAY, RICHARD 445: n. 478 MOTT, BENJAMIN 32 MURRAY, SIR ROBERT 181 ... MOULIN, MAJOR 182 Murray, Sarah 468 Mountain, Ann 400 Murray, Sophia 181 MOUNTAIN, ELIZABETH ... 391: n. 387, 390 MURRAY, WILLIAM 451: n. 246, 438 Mountain, Jane 400 .... Mountain, Sarah 400 Murray-Kynynmound, Agnes Murray-Kynynmound, Hugh 487, 504 487, 504 MOUNTAIN, THOMAS 400: n. 390, 391 Murret, Frances 301 MOUNTRATH, ALGERNON (EARL OF) 366, 408 Murry, Dorothy 189 Mountrath, Arabella (Countess of) 366 Musgrave, Charles 418 Mountrath, Charles (Earl of) 212, 366 Musgrave, Sir Christopher 26, 293 MOUNTRATH, DIANA (COUNTESS OF) 408 MUSGRAVE, CHRISTOPHER 293 MOUNTRATH, JANE (COUNTESS OF)………….. 211: Musgrave, Elizabeth 418 n. 386 Musgrave, Dame Julia 388 Moxam, Ann 431 Musgrave, Dame Mary 293 Moxam, Edward 431 MUSGRAVE, MARY.. 26 Moxam, Hannah 431 Musgrave, Sir Philip. 388 MOXAM, MARY 431 MUSGRAVE, PHILIP 26: n. 293 Moxam, Thomas 431 MUSGROVE (VISCOUNT) 134 Moxham, see Moxam. MUSKERRY, CHARLES (VISCOUNT) 162 Moxon, William 511 Muskerry, Cormac (Viscount)......... 134, 135 INDEX. 595 Muskerry, Ellen (Viscountess) Muskerry, Margaret (Viscountess) Musters, Dame Anne... MUSTERS, CHARLES 162 30 NEEDHAM, MARGARET 28 Needham, Penelope Musters, Sir John 28, 30 Needham, Thomas. Myddelton, Sir Thomas MUSTERS, MARY….. Musters, Dame Sarah MUTAS, THOROGOOD………. MUTICE, MRS. Myddelton, Sarah Mytton, Anne MYTTON, EDWARD 28: n. 30 NEEDHAM, WILLIAM 134 NEEDHAM, JOHN 68, 69, 70, 71, 76, 232, 257: ... n. 21, 156, 188, 263 31, 70, 75 171, 172 30 31, 75: n. 257 28 Neile, Dorothy 117, 119 228 Neile, Frances 123 235 NEILE, JOHN 123 16 Neile, Joyce 123 16 NEILE, KATHERINE 117 35, 489 Neile, Paul 122, 123 13 Neile, Most Rev. Richard. 122, 125 MYTTON, ELIZABETH Mytton, Thomas... 13 Neile, Sibill 122, 123 35 NEILE, WILLIAM 122 n. 117, 123 NELHAM, CATHARINE 164 NELHAM, Edmund EDMUND 141 NELTHORPE, ELIZABETH 43 Napier, Archibald .... 468 Nelthorpe, James 43 Napier, Elizabeth 323 Nelthorpe, John 43 Napier, Francis (Lord) 460 NEPEAN, ALICE ……………….. 105 Napier, James... 323 NEPEAN, ANNE ……. 519: n. 57 . Napier, Mary (Lady) Napier, Mary-Anne Narborough, Dame Elizabeth Narborough, Sir John Nares, Elizabeth 460 NEPEAN, ARTHUR-FREDERICK 106 468 261 NEPEAN, AUGUSTA-HARRIET. NEPEAN, CATHERINE-MANSEL 60 105 261 NEPEAN, ELIZABETH-ANNE 59, 104, 105, 106 87 Nepean, Sir Evan.. 57, 519 Nares, Robert 87 • NEPEAN, EVAN 59, 60, 519 n. 57, 105 NASEBY, MR. Nash, Mary.. Nassau, Emillia (de) 170 NEPEAN, EVAN-ALCOCK 104 446 NEPEAN, EVAN-COLVILLE... 59, 104, 105, 106 NEPEAN, FRANCIS-MOLYNEUX-YORKE….. 105 222 Nassau, Anne (de) 218 NEPEAN, HERBERT-AUGUSTUS-TIERNEY 105 Nassau, Charlotte (de) 251 NEPEAN, DAME MARGARET 519 Nassau, Elizabeth (de). 222, 251 NEPEAN, MARGARET-EMMA 57 NASSAU, LADY EMELIA-MARY 290 NEPEAN, MOLYNEUX-EDWARD 105 NASSAU, FRANCES (COUNTESS DE) 298 Nevile, Anne-Elizabeth.. 99 Nassau, Frances (de).. 298 Nevile, Christopher 99 Nassau, Lady Henrietta (de) 290 Nevill, Alice 274 Nassau, Henry (Earl Van) 298 ... Nevill, Anne • 142, 322 Nassau, Henry (de)... 222, 251, 272, 282, 290, Nevill, Dorothy 111, 120, 134 298 Nevill, Edward 142 Nassau, Isabella (de) 272, 298 Nevill, Dame Elizabeth 156 Nassau, Louis (de)……….. 419 Nevill, Elizabeth 118 Nassau, Lucia-Anna (de) 298 Nevill, Henry 274 Nassau, Maurice (Count de) 282, 298 Nevill, Sir John 118 .... Nassau, William (de) 153 Nevill, Mary 142 Nassau, William-Adrian (Count de) 282 NEVILL, DAME SARAH 269: n. 322 Nassau, William-Henry (de) 248 Nevill, Sir Thomas 274: n. 156, 269, 322 Nassau, William-Mauritz (Count de) 282, 298 Nevill, Thomas 156 Nau, Cornelia ....... 203, 273 Neville, Frances. 11 Nau, Stephen 203, 273 Neville, Sir Henry 11 Naunton, Penelope 150, 151 Neville, Lucy 150 Naunton, Sir Robert 150, 151 NEWBEGIN, ELIZABETH 476 Navan, Edward (Lord)……….. 193 Newbegin, James 476 Naylor, 495 Newborough (Lord) 337 Naylor, Bridget 217 Newburgh, Catherine (Countess of) 182 Naylor, Elizabeth 217 Newburgh, James (Earl of) 182 NAYLOR, THOMAS 217 NEWCASTLE, HENRY (DUKE OF) 341: Neale, Anna-Sophia Neale, Thomas Necton, James 347 n. 190, 272, 389 317 35 Necton, Judith .... Nedham, see Needham. NEEDHAM, ANNE NEEDHAM, CATHERINE 35 39, 71 69, 203: n. 31 NEEDIIAM, ELIZABETH... 68, 69, 198: n. 156, 232, 325 Needham, Ellis 443 NEWCOM, JAMES NEWCOMB, ANNE Newcomb, Edward NEWCOMB, JOSEPH NEWCASTLE, JOHN (DUKE OF) 272: n. 4, 389 NEWCASTLE, MARGARET (DUCHESS OF) 182: n. 272 NEWCASTLE, WILLIAM (DUKE OF)...... 190: n. 12, 154, 182, 290 340 432: n. 429, 442 442 429, 442: n. 432 NEEDHAM, FRANCES 30 NEEDHAM, JANE 21, 75, 263: n. 257 Newcomb, Sarah Newcomb, William 442 442 596 INDEX. NEWCOMBE, ELIZABETH 509 : n. 500 NICOLAI, ROBERT-JAMES 75 Newcombe, John 500, 509 Nicoll, Alice 82 Newcombe, Joseph Newcombe, Mary NEWCOMBE, SARAH Newcombe, Thomas Newdigate, Anne Newdigate, Francis NEWELL, DOROTHY • 407 NICOLL, JOIN 82: n. 52 99 NICOLS, JANE. 323 500 NICOLS, THOMAS 323 99 Nightingale, Anne 384 116 116 Nightingale, Joseph 65: n. 125 .... NIGHTINGALE, LADY ELIZABETH.. NIGHTINGALE, JOSEPH-GASCOIGNE 333 333 ... 384 : NEWELL, ELIZABETH 66: n. 125 n. 333 NEWELL, JOHN 125 Nightingale, Sir Robert 384 NEWELL, ROBERT ……. 65, 66: n. 6, 123, 125 Nightingale, Robert 333, 384 Newell, Sibill 123 NIGHTINGALE, ROGER 155 Newhaven, Charles (Viscount) 12, 28 Nightingale, Sir Thomas 384 Newland, Sarah 27 Nightingale, Washington-Gascoigne... 333, 384 Newman, Alicia 6 NILSSON, CHRISTINE 62 Newman, Anne...... 7, 12, 13, 169, 181 NILSSON, JONAS. .... 62 NEWMAN, ANNE-CHRISTIAN 12 Nisbett, David 392 NEWMAN, ELIZABETH 7: n. 112 Nixon, Dr. 132 NEWMAN, FRANCES 12 Nixon, Francis 248 NEWMAN, MISS 181 NOBLE, DOROTHY 301: n. 285 NEWMAN, RICHARD 169: n. 7, 12, 112, 181, 185 Nodes, Eleanor 278 Newman, Thomas 169 Nodes, Rebecca 278 NEWNAM, JUDITH. 40 Noel, Sir Edward 8 Newnam, Mary NEWNAM, MICHAEL Newnam, Sara Newport, Lady Diana 41 Noel, Edward.. 379, 429 40 Noel, Lady Elizabeth 319, 400 41 Noel, Dame Frances 174 .... 231, 408 Noel, Frances ... 379 Newport, Frances 231 NOEL, DAME MARGARET. 174 • Newport, Francis (Lord) 231 Noel, Mary 8 NEWPORT, FRANCIS 231 Noel, Susan 429 NEWPORT, LORD HENRY 343 Noel, Sir Verney... 379 NEWPORT, JOHN.. 436 n. 343, 361 NOEL, SIR WILLIAM. 174 Newport (Viscount) 211 Norfolk (Duke of) 56 Newport, Sir William 231 Norman, Mr. 491 Newsham, Anne….. Newsham, John Newsham, Thomas.. NEWTON, ABIGAIL Newton, Anne Newton, Cary Newton, Cassandra Newton, Elizabeth NEWTON, GEORGE.. Newton, Hannah NEWTON, SIR ISAAC Newton, Isaac.... NEWTON, SIR JOHN .319: n. 348, 354 354 13: n. 252 302 Norman, Mrs... 491 302 NORMANBY, JOHN (DUKE OF) 302 219 Normanby, Marquis of 36 13 NORMANTON, CHARLES (EARL OF) 479: 220 n. 500 252 Normanton, Jane (Countess of) 500 231 Normanvill, Elizabeth 108 216 Normanvill, Hearsey 108 415 NORREYS, LADY ELIZABETH………... 140: n. 149 319, 354 Norreys, Francis……….. 140 Norreys, James (Lord) 149 Norris, Charles-Savage 386 NORRIS, LADY ELIZABETH….. 140 Newton, John…….. Newton, Margaret Newton, Dame Mary .... Newton, Sir Robert Newton, Dame Susanna Newton, Thomas NEY, JAMES NEYLER, DOROTHY Nicholas, Annc... 220 Norris, Ellen 386 17 Norris, John 386 13 Norris, John-Francis.. 491 216 NORRIS, MARY... ... 27, 225 13 NORRIS, RICHARD 27, 226 231 Norris, Robert. 386 138 NORRIS, SHORTER ... 222 119 North. Dudley (Lord) 14 27, 321 NORTH, ELIZABETH 14 NICHOLAS, SIR EDWARD ... 523: n. 7, 27, 204 North, Frederick (Lord) 34 Nicholas, Elizabeth Nicholas, George Nicholas, Dame Jane NICHOLAS, JANE Nicholas, John 7 North, Hugh 2 27, 48 North, John.... 14 .... Nicholas, Matthew.. NICHOLLS, CHARLES.. 523 27: n. 48 7, 523 7, 523 NORTH, MARY 2: n. 152 North, Sir Roger 152 NORTH, WILLIAM 14 • Northage, Henry 126 310 Northampton, William (Earl of) 130 Nicholls, Elizabeth 259 Northcote, Henrietta.... 61 Nicholls, John 259 Northcote, Henry-Stafford ... 61 Nicholls, Mary 310 Northcote, Sir Stafford-Henry. 61 NICOLAI, JOHN-JAMES 75 Northedge, Henry 126 NICOLAI, PRUDENCE 75 Northidge, Henry 126 INDEX. 597 184 42 331 ... NORTON, DAME FRANCES NORTHRIDGE, HENRY ..... NORTHUMBERLAND, ALGERNON (DUKE NORTHUMBERLAND, CATHERINE (DUCHESS OF) 280 126 OF) 517 n. 512 Oakeley, Laureola Oakeley, Margaret OAKELEY, MARY OAKELEY, RICHARD Oakley, George Oakley, Thomas Oakley, Vincent O'Brien, Catharine O'Brien, Donatus NORTHUMBERLAND, CHARLOTTE-FLO- RENTIA (DUCHESS OF) 517 Northumberland, Eleanor (Duchess of) 517 NORTHUMBERLAND, ELIZABETH (DUCHESS OF) 423: n. 368, 387, 493 NORTHUMBERLAND, FRANCES-JULIA (DUCHESS OF) 496: n. 432, 453, 512, 514, 517 NORTHUMBERLAND, GEORGE (DUKE OF) 286, 518: n. 280, 350, 471, 478, 480, 517 NORTHUMBERLAND, HUGH (DUKE OF) 441, 453, 493, 512: n. 398, 423, 432, 449, 454, 483, 496, 514, 517 Northumberland, Jocelyn (Earl of) 271, 304, 377 Northumberland, Louisa-Harcourt (Du- chess of) 471, 478. 480 NORTHUMBERLAND, MARY (DUCHESS Norton, Ambrose. Norton (Captain) Norton, Ellen..... Norton, Elizabeth OF) 350 25, 331 120 66, 263 66 66: n. 263 393 393 393 O'BRIEN, CATHARINE (LADY)... 251: n. 208 O'BRIEN, GEORGE.. O'Brien, Lady Margaret O'BRIEN, LADY MARY OCTAVIUS (PRINCE) OFFALY, HENRY (LORD). Offley, Anne Offley, John... Offley, Mary Offley, Sir Robert Ogden, Elizabeth Ogden, Richard Oglander. Dorothy Oglander, Sir William OGLE. ANNE Ogle, Catherine (Lady) 276, 307, 308 194 197 O'BRIEN, HENRY 194: n. 208, 251, 276, 307, 308 131 208: n. 260 436 209 209 209 19 19 21 21 21 21 10 124 Ogle, Catherine 190 Ogle. Christopher 285 331: n. 25 Ogle, Cuthbert (Lord) 124, 190 Norton, Sir George 25, 42, 331 Ogle, Elizabeth (Lady) 204, 271, 304 Norton, Grace. 331 Ogle, Dame Elizabeth 134, 158 Norton, Martha 25 Ogle. Elizabeth 285 Norton, Mary. 190 Ogle. Esther-Jane 192 NORTON, MRS. 190 Ogle, Lady Henrietta 276 NORTON, ROBERT .. 190, 192 NORWICH, ANNE (COUNTESS OF) 142 Ogle. Henry (Lord) ….. OGLE, HENRY 271, 304 377 Norwich, Charles (Earl of) 158 Ogle, Jane 124, 134 Norwich, Edward (Earl of)…………. 158 OGLE, SIR JOHN NORWICH, GEORGE (EARL OF) 158: n. 142 Ogle, Newton Norwich, Mary (Countess of) 142 Ogle, Thomas NOTT, ANNE 246: n. 31, 237 O'KEEFFE, ANSTIS Nott, Edward 31 Nott, Mary 237, 246 NOTT (MISSES) 171 NOTT, MR. 171 NOTT, ROBERT 215, 237: n. 246 O'KEEFFE, ARTHUR O'KEEFFE, ISABELLA. O'Keeffe, Mary-Anne OKEY, ELIZABETH OKEY, JOHN 134, 158 492 10, 134, 158 403 n. 401 389: n. 390, 401 401 : 390 NOTT, SUSANNA………… 31 360, 438 O'Kyffe, see O'Keeffe. Oldershaw, Rev. Mr. 401, 403 137 137 Nottingham, Anue (Countess of) Nottingham, Catherine (Countess of) Nottingham, Charles (Earl of) NOTTINGHAM, DANIEL (EARL OF) Nugent, Anne….. ... ... 127 127, 133 138 : n. 360 389, 421 459 OLDFIELD, ANNE 330 OLDFIELD, ELLEN 15 Oliver, Anne 238 Ommaney (Admiral).. 171 Ommancy, Francis-Molyneux 194 Nugent, Jane NUNN, ELIZABETH 318 O'Neal, Sir Neal…….. 364 201 Onslow, Anne 322 Nunn, Thomas Nurse, Hester Nurse, Richard 201 Onslow, Arthur 322 204 Onslow, Richard 322 331 ONSLOW, ROSE 322 Nurse, Susan 166 ORAM, MARGARET 259: n. 258 NURSE, THOMAS 165 ORAM, MARTHA. Nurse, Walter. 166 Oram, Mary 258 258,259 NUTLEY, CATHERINE 7 Orange, Henry-Frederick (Prince of) 153, 250 Nutley, Mary 7 Orange, Mary (Princess of). 201 NUTLEY, WILLIAM 7 Orange, William (Prince of) 204, 250 Nutt, Julian.... 168 Orange, William-Heury (Prince of) 235 Ord, Robert.. 383 Orford (Earl of) 307 Orkney, Elizabeth (Countess of) 233 OADE, MARGARET. 190 ORLEANS, ANTOINE-PHILIPPE (DE) 474 Oakeley, John……………. 120 Orleans, Louis-Philippe (de) 47 + 598 INDEX. 454 Orleans, Louis-Philippe-Joseph (Duke of) 474 Orlebar, John Ormond, Elizabeth (Duchess of) Ormond, Elizabeth (Countess of) Ormond, Elizabeth.. 292 199, 210. OSSORY, JAMES (EARL OF) OSSORY, THOMAS (EARL OF)... 199, 200, 222: n. 128, 210, 220, 280, 289, 290, 370 215, 269 OSWALD, ANNE .... 128 OSWALD, ELIZABETH .... 34 OSWALD, GEORGE OSWALD, JAMES ORMOND, JAMES (DUKE OF) 221, 249, 370: n. 162, 171, 199, 209, 210, 215, 220, 222, 269, 340, 378 ORMOND, MARY (DUCHESS OF)... 340 : n. 222, 249 Ormond, Thomas (Earl of) Ormond, Wyriot.... Oswald, James-Townsend Oswald, Janet Oswald, Right Rev. John Oswald, Sir John 128, 210 34 OTIS. ELEANOR-CHIPP ORMSBY, ARTHUR 454 n. 447, 468, 469, 480 ORMSBY, ELIZABETH... 468: n. 447, 454, 480 Ormsby, Francis Othershaw, Mary OTIS, JACOB-DAY OTIS, JAMES-DANIEL-BIRD Oudart, Amelia-Isabella 209 400, 439: n. 411 429 n. 58, 104 495 411: n. 400, 429 ……. 58, 104, 429, 495 495 439 495 291 106 106 ... 106 204 ORMSBY, JAMES 480 n. 454, 511 Oudart, Barbara 204 ORMSBY, JANE 511 Oudart, Dorothy 204 ORMSBY, MARY 447 n. 454 Oudart, Eva 204 Orrel, Jane-Elizabeth 60 OUDART, NICHOLAS 204 Orrel, Ralph 60 ..... ORRERY, CHARLES (EARL OF) Outram, Benjamin 516 333 Outram, Sir Francis-Boyd 517 Orrery, Elizabeth (Countess of) 334 OUTRAM, SIR JAMES 516 Orrery, John (Earl of)…………… ..... 334, 350, 352 Outram, Margaret 516 Orrery, Mary (Countess of) 333 Outram, Margaret-Clementina 517 Orrery, Roger (Earl of)………. 333 Owen, Dame Catharine 248 Orris, Catharine..... 393 Owen, Charles 44, 45 OSBALDESTON, JOHN 192: n. 165 OWEN, CHRISTOPHER 141 Osbaldeston, Lambert 151 OWEN, DAVID 141 Osbaldeston, Martha 151 Owen, Elizabeth 248, 337 Osbaldeston, Robert 151 Owen, Sir Hugh 248, 337 OSBALDESTON, SARAH 192: n. 165 Owen, Jonathan 396 Osbaldeston, William.. 151 Owen, Lucy 317 OSBASTON, JOHN 165 Owen, Margaret 371 OSBASTON, LAMBERT 151 Owen, Mary 44, 45 Osbaston, Sarah 165 Owen, Rebecca 340, 355, 356 Osboldston, John 165 Owen, Sir William 44, 45 Osboldston, Sarah 165 Owtram, Francis 197 Osbolston, Lambert 151 OWTRAM, JANE 304 Osbolston, Martha 151 OWTRAM, WILLIAM 197: n. 304 Osbolston, Robert 151 Oxenden, Dame Elizabeth 55 Osbolston, William 151 Oxenden, Sir George. 55 .... Osborne, Amy 283 OXENDEN, HENRY 55 Osborne, Andrew 283 OXENDEN, MARGARET 55 Osborne, Lady Anne 307 OXENHAM, FRANCES 12: n. 200 Osborne, Lady Bridget 201, 224 OXENHAM, JOHN 12, 200, 244: n. 169 Osborne, Lady Catherine 230 Oxenham, William 200 OSBORNE, CHARLES 34 OXFORD, ANNE (COUNTESS OF) 151: Osborne, Dorothy 235 Osborne, Edward 199 n. 125, 128, 150 OXFORD, AUBREY (EARL OF)... 251: n. 151, Osborne, Elizabeth 199, 209, 285 OSBORNE, FRANCES 34 OSBORNE, GRACE 199 OSBORNE, LUCY 8 Osborne, Martha Osborne, Mary Osborne, Sir Peter Osborne, Sir Thomas OSBORNE, THOMAS Osborne, William OSENDA, DOMINICO Osenda, Onoratt Osenda, Susannah 224 8 209, 235, 285 224, 306 190 295, 314, 317, 329, 338, 382 Oxford, Beatrix (Countess of) OXFORD, DIANA (COUNTESS OF) n. 124, 135, 218, 314, 329 Oxford, Edward (Earl of)... 358: n. 109, 124, 125, 128, 140, 152, 164, 315, 389, 440 Oxford, Elizabeth (Countess of)...... 124, 358 OXFORD, HENRIETTA - CAVENDISH (COUNTESS OF) 389: n. 315, 440 251 295: ...... 8 OXFORD, HENRY (EARL OF) 305 Oxford, John (Earl of) 124 109, 131 305 Oxford, Robert (Earl of) 251, 358, 381 305 OXLEY, EDWARD · 491: n. 501, 510 OSGOOD, ADAM .... 176, 177: n. 169 OXLEY, GEORGE OSGOOD, MARTHA 176 OXLEY, MARY 501 510: n. 491, 501 Osgood, Richard 177 Osgood, Sarah 169 OSSORY, ÆMILLIA (COUNTESS OF) ………….. 222 : n. 199, 289, 370 Ossory, Anne (Countess of) 209 Pace, Elizabeth Pace, Jane .... 371 371 INDEX. 599 Pace, John Pack, Richard 371 Palmer, Dame Dorothy 23, 145 320 Palmer, Edward Packer, Alexander 31 PALMER, ELIZABETH ..... 258, 313, 321 18, 258 n. 313 PACKER, FRANCES 65 Palmer, Sir Geoffrey. 258 PACKER, JOHN 65, 66: n. 67 PALMER, GILES. 35 PACKER, KATHERINE 66: n. 67 PALMER, HONOR 35 Packer, Margaret 31 PALMER, KATHARINE Packer, Philippa 65 Palmer, Dame Margaret PACKER, ROBERT Packer, Temperance Paddey, Lady Anne. Paddey, John Paddon, Benjamin 66 Palmer, Margaret 114, 188 258 313, 321 66 PALMER, MARY 369 Palmer, Peregrine 369 PALMER, PETER 473 Palmer, Priscilla Page, Alice 152 Palmer, Ralph PAGE, ANNE 93, 514 Palmer, Robert Page, Bridget 331 Palmer, Roger Page. Catherine 210 Palmer, Sir Thomas PAGE, CHARLES ..... 94. 493 PAGE, CYRIL-WILLIAM 92: n. 514 PAGE, ELIZABETH 93: n. 6 PAGE, EMMA-ROSE 93 Page, Henry 152 Page, Jane 91 PAGE, JANE-PERRYN 92 PAGE, JOHN 328, 417 PAGE, JOHN-EMMANUEL 93, 506 Page, Julia-Katherine 93 PAGE, MARY Palmer, Sir William PALMER, WILLIAM Palmerston, Anne (Viscountess) PALMERSTON, EMILY MARY - ... Palmerston, Henry (Viscount) 7, 382, 517 PALMERSTON, HENRY-JOHN (VISCOUNT) 517: Palmerston, Mary (Viscountess)……….. Palmerston (Viscount) • 340: n. 338 145 412 23 18 233, 506 330 145 23 145 7 (VIS- COUNTESS) 518 n. 518 517 21, 244, 307 91, 92, 93, 94: n. 493, 506, 514 Pannott, Mary 39 Page, Mary-Anne-Powell 94 .... Panton, Alathea.. 115 PAGE, MARY-HARRIETT 91 Panton, Anne……… 115 PAGE, RICHARD • Page, Thomas 331: n. 417 210 Panton, Constance. 120 PANTON, DOROTHY. 313 n. 215 PAGE, VERNON 94 PANTON, ELENOR 116 PAGE, WILLIAM 91, 92, 93. 94: n. 193. PAGE, WILLIAM-EMMANUEL ..... 506, 514 93: n. 91 Panton, Elizabeth Panton, Ellinor 214 115 PANTON, JOHN 115 Paget, Elizabeth (Lady) 359 Panton, John-Pattison 488 Paget, Margaret Paget, Lettice (Lady) PAGET, THOMAS-CATESBY (LORD) Paget, William (Lord)……. PAGITT, ABIGAIL 145 Panton, Laureola 120 145, 228 Panton, Margaret 120 359 Panton, Dame Mary 120 145, 228 PANTON, SIR THOMAS 120 2 PANTON, THOMAS 214: n. 313 Pagitt, Elizabeth 2 Pargiter, John 143 PAGITT, RICHARD Pagitt, Susan PAIN, JOHN. PAIN, MARY Paine, Christian.. Paine, Elizabeth.. 2 Pargiter, Katherine 1 2 Pargiter, Thomas 1 477: n. 466 Paris. Elizabeth .... 1 466 Paris, John 263 477 Paris, John-Ayrton 164 252 Paris, Magdalen. 263 Painter, Anne. .. 192 Parker, Alexander 363 PAINTER, MARY 22 Parker, Amy 248 Paisley, Catherine (Lady) 308 Parker, Anne 21, 292, 298. 337 Paisley, James (Lord) 308 Parker, Edmund 248 Pakington, Anne 282 PARKER, ELIZABETH 21 Pakington, Elizabeth 14 Parker, Sir Henry 292, 337 Pakington, Sir John 14, 282 Parker, Hugh.. 292, 298, 337 Paleologus, Mary 138 PARKER, JAMES. 21 Palfreyman, Christian PALEOLOGUS, THEODORus PALEY, AUGUSTA-HARRIET Paley, Catharine-Anne... Paley, George-Barber PALEY, JONE-CATHERINE-VICTORIA PALEY, WILLIAM-VICTOR. Palmer, Alice 138 Parker, John 21 60, 105 Parker, Mary 361 60 Parker, Parnell 344 .... 60 Parker, Prudence 363 105 Parker, Roger. 117 60, 105 Parker, Sarah 247 262 Parker, Thomas 247 18 PARKHURST, ALTHAMIA 36 Palmer, Andrew.. 188 Parkhurst, John. 36 Palmer, Barbara.. 233 Parkhurst, Katherine 36 Palmer, Caroline 506 PARKHURST, NATHANIEL 36 Palmer, Charles 330 Parkinson, Anna 221 Palmer, Charlotta 506 Parkinson, Hannah 221 600 INDEX. PARKINSON, JOHN.. Parkinson, Mary Parkinson, Thomas Parnell, Lady Caroline-Elizabeth PARNELL, FRANCES-LOUISA Parnell, Sir Henry Brooke Parr, Alexander PARR, ELIZABETH……. PARR, JAMES. Parr, Mary Parris, Elizabeth Parry, Anna-Maria-Isabella Parry, Dame Anne.. Parry, Dame Dorothy PARRY, ELIZABETH PARRY, SIR THOMAS. Parry, Thomas-Gambier PARSLEY, ANN Parsonage, Ann ... 159 PAULE, ALICE.. 131: n. 132 103 Paule, Joanc 132 103 Paule, Mary.... 132 483 Paule, Rachel 132 483 Paule, Right Rev. William 131, 132 483 Paule, William 132 288 Paulet, Elizabeth 141 276 Paulet, Sir George 175 .... 276, 288 Paulet, Rachel 175 288 Paulet, Sir William 141 1 Paulet, William 111 94 Paulett, see Powlett. 113 Pavey, Elizabeth 229 113 Pavey, Margaret 229 1 Pavey, Thomas 229 ... 113 Pawlet, Charles 146 94 Payan, Danicl.. 387 49 Payne, 130 332 Payne, Catharine 521 Parsons, Ann .... 397 Payne, Susanna 155 Parsons (Auditor) 294 Payne, Thomas 155, 521 Parsons, Dame Catherine 205 Paynot. Mary 39 Parsons, Dorothy 121 Payzant, James 298 Parsons, Dame Elizabeth. 44 PEABODY, GEORGE 518 Parsons, Dame Frances 350 Peabody, Judith. 518 ... PARSONS, FRANCIS 469 Peabody, Thomas 518 Parsons, Hannah 469 Peace, Peggy 491 PARSONS, HUMPHREY Parsons, Jane .... Parsons, Sir John PARSONS, JOHN PARSONS, MARY….. Parsons, Sir Richard. PARSONS, RICHARD PARSONS, SARAH Parsons, Thomazine Parsons, Sir William Parsons, William Partridge, Henry 44 Peace, William 491 121 Peachey, Henrietta 285 44 Peachey, John 281, 285 121 Peacock, Lancelot 110 391 Peacock, Robert.. 144 205 Peacock, Sarah 144 397: n. 391, 519 PEACOCK, SOUTHWELL 144 44 n. 519 Peacock, William 144 121 PEAD, DEUEL……….. 68 350 Pead, Sarah... 68 121, 423 PEAK, GRACE 42 238 Pearce, John 447 PARTRIDGE, JAMES 238: n. 260 Pearce, Mary 429, 443, 448, 453 Partridge, John 188 PEARCE, SARAH 393 Partridge, Katharine…... 188 Pearce, Thomas.. 429, 435, 448, 453 Paschall, Elizabeth 328 PEARCE, WILLIAM 435, 448: n. 393, 453 PASTON, CHARLES 211 Pearce, Right Rev. Zachary 393, 435 Paston, Jasper 211, 235 PEARETH, ALBERT 56 Paston, Margery 211, 235 Peareth, Katherine 57 Paston, Rebecca... 362 PEARETH, MARGARET-EMMA.. 56 Paston, Thomas 362 Peareth, William 57 Paston, William 210 Pearman, 126 Patey, Mary-Anne Patrick, Catharine.. Patrick, John .... 458 Pearse, James 334, 369 72 Pearson, Christopher. 382 260 Pearson, Isabella 382 Patrick, Mary .. 260 PEARSON, JOHN 401 PATRICK, PENELOPE 72, 74, 219 Pearson, Richard 382 PATRICK, RIGHT REV. SIMON 74, 194: n. 72, PEASE, ELIZABETH 43 219 PECK, ANNE 343 PATRICK, SIMON 72 Peck, Gertrude 42 PATRICK, WILLIAM 72, 194 PECK, GRACE 42 Patten, Elizabeth 190 Peck, Henry 343 Patten, John 190 Peck, Martha 343 Patten, see Wilson-Patten. Peck, Mary 263 Patten-Bold, Anna-Maria.. 57 Peck, William 42, 263 Patten-Bold, Peter 57 Peckwell, Henry. 519 Pattle, Elizabeth 368 Peckwell, Selina-Mary 519 Patton, David.. .... 339 Peele, Sarah 374 PATTON, ROBERT PAUL, ELIZABETH PAUL, JOHN PAUL, MARY Paul, Robert 339 Pegge, Catherine 201 5, 54 Pegge, Thomas 201 40 Pegus, Charlotte 60 40 Pegus, Maria-Antoinetta 60 54 Pegus, Peter-William 6Q INDEX. 601 Peignè, Esther Peignè, M. de Lardinière ……….. Peirce, Kinborough PEIRCE, THOMAS Peirs, Kinborough Peirs, Thomas PEIRSON, JOANE PEIRSON, THOMAS PEKE, ELIZABETH Pelham, Judith .... Pelham, Sir Thomas PELINE, CORNELIUS 388 PERCY, LORD HENRY 453 388 P'ERCY, HENRY-ALGERNON-PITT 478 137 PERCY, HUGH (EARL) 432 .... 137 • PERCY, HUGH 441, 493, 512 137 PERCY, LOUISA-MARGARET 457 137 PERCY, MARGARET 480 Peirsehouse, see Persehowse. PERCY, PHILADELPHIA 449 4 Pereira, Don Hyacinth-Borges 301 4 Perfect, Henry 371 23 Perfect, Louisa 371 12, 155, 191 Perin, Dorothy 39 12, 155, 191 Perin, Henry 39 285 Perkins, Dame Anne 119 Peliott, Charles.. 15, 240 PERKINS, SIR CHRISTOPHER 119 Peliott, Mary 240 PERKINS, JOHN 158 Pelling, Edward.. 218, 226 PERKINS, JOSHUA 475 Pelly, Henry-Hinde 51 PERKINS, SARAH 51, 67: n. 158 Pelly, Sir John-Henry 51 PERKINSON, JOHN 159 Pelsant, Susan 2 Perrencourt, Louise-Renée (de) 308 Pelsant, William 2 Perrinchief, Anne 181 Pelyne, Corineus 285 PERRINCHIEF, MRS. 171 Pelyne, Joseph 285 PERRINCHIEF, RICHARD 181 Pelyne, Nicholas.. 285 Perrott, Anne 44 Pelyne, Sophia 285 Perrott, Cassandra 41 Pembroke, Barbara (Countess of)...... 223. 276 Pembroke, Philip (Earl of) 128, 148, 150, 152, PERROTT, HENRY 44 Perrott, James 44 215, 286 PERROTT, MARTHA 44 Pembroke, Susan (Countess of) 152 PERRY, CHARLES 470 Pembroke, Thomas (Earl of) 223, 276 PERRY, ELIZABETH 410 Pembroke and Montgomery, George - Perry, Joan.. 29 .... Augustus (Earl of) 63 Perry, Margaret... 37 PEMBROKE AND MONTGOMERY, GEORGE- PERRY, SARAH 500 ROBERT-CHARLES (EARL OF) 62 Perry, Thomas 29 PEMBROKE AND MONTGOMERY, GER- PERSEHOWSE, CLARE 428: n. 399 TRUDE-FRANCES (COUNTESS OF) 62 Pendarves, Edward-William-Wynne 488 Persehowse, Elizabeth Pendleton, Frances 131 Persehowse, Ellen ..... Pendleton, Francis.... 131 Persehowse, Deborah... 274, 284, 295, 399, 428 PERSEHOWSE, HUMPHREY... 399: n. 274, 284, 298 298 Pengry, Deborah 392 295, 298, 428 Pengry, Thomas 392 PERSEHOWSE. MARY... 274, 284: n. 298, 399 PENIALL, ANNE…. Peniall. Matthew PENIELL, ANNE Penn, Sarah.... Penn, William 6 PERSEHOWSE, THOMAS 298: n. 399 165 PERSEHOWSE, WILLIAM ... 284, 295: n. 298 6 Pery, Annabella 97 41 Pery, Cecilia-Annabella 97 41 Pery, Henry-Hartstonge 97 Penniall, Anna 6 Pescod, 126 Pennill, Matthew 165 Pestle, Jane 325 Pennycooke, Alice 119 Peter, Mr. 500 Penrose, Honour... 297 Peter, Mrs. 471 .... PENROSE, JANE Penrose, Mary. Penyquick, Alice Pepys, John.... Pepys, Paulina 297 Peterborough, Elizabeth (Countess of) 133 ... 297 PETERS, MARY 221 119 • PETLEY, CHARLES 54 176 PETLEY, ELIZABETH 54 176 Petley, Jane 54 Percival, Cornelia 372 Petley, John 54 Percival, Richard 372 Petley, Ralph ... 54 Percival, William 372 Petre, Frances 243 Percy, Lady Agnes 514 Petre, John 243 PERCY, LORD ALGERNON. 428, 432 Pettingall, John 449-50 PERCY, ALGERNON…….. 517 n. 442, 483 Pettingall, Susanna 450 PERCY, ALGERNON-JAMES 471 Pettit, Susanna 434 Percy, Lady Anne 493 Pettit. Thomas 434 PERCY, LADY CHARLOTTE 432 Pettit, William-Joseph 431 PERCY, DOROTHY 453 PETTUS, CHARLOTTE 72 PERCY, LADY ELIZABETH... 496: n. 271, 301. Pettus, Dame Elizabeth 71 377 Pettus, Sir Horatio 71 PERCY, ELIZABETH 428 PETTUS, SIR JOHN 72 PERCY, LADY ELIZABETH-ANNE-FRANCES 398 PERCY, FRANCES-JULIA (COUNTESS) PERCY, GEORGE………………. Pettus, Dame Mary 72 432 ... Petty, Charles 9 518 Petty, Mary 9 4 H 602 INDEX. Petty, Sophia Petty. William PETTY-FITZMAURICE, HENRY-CHARLES- Peyton, Sir Algernon PEYTON, DAME ANNE Peyton, Lady Cecilia Peyton, Dame Cecilia 368 Pigott, Griffith 124 368 Pigott, Jane 75 Pigott, John 414 KEITH 61 Pigott, Mary 50 37 Pigott, William 75 37 Pile, Anne 3 116 Pile, Sir Francis 3 209 Pile, Rowe-Barbara 439 Peyton, Dame Elizabeth Peyton, Elizabeth Peyton, Dame Frances Peyton, Sir Henry Peyton, Dame Jane Peyton, Katharine Peyton, Lady Mary Peyton, Dame Mary Peyton, Sir Samuel PEYTON, SIR SEWSTER 209, 285 Pilkington, Ann...... 441 10 Pilkington, Benjamin 441 37 PILKINGTON, JOHN 440 116 Pilkington, Mary 441 209 Pilkington, Sarah 441 285 • Pim, John .... 522 116 Pinckney, Ann 477 209 Pinckney, Frances.. 34 209 Pinckney, Leonard. 34 37 Pinckney, Mrs. 237 PEYTON, SIR THOMAS... 209: n. 40, 116, 285 PINER, MRS. 462 PHALIOLOGUS, THEODORUS 138 PIPE, RICHARD 201 380 PIPES, DOROTHY 189 Phibbs, Anna Phibbs, Fleming Phibbs, Matthew Phibbs, Susanna Philipps, Catharine Philipps, Elizabeth Philipps, Frances 380 PIPES, EDMUND...... 13, 69, 167: n. 162, 189 380 PIPES, ELIZABETH 13, 69, 167 380 PIPES, JANE 196 379 PIPES, MRS. 162 • 379 Pipes, Richard 201 379 Pipes, Ryall 13 Philipps, Sir John 379 Pitches, Margaret 370 PHILIPPS, RICHARD 379 Pithou, Madeline-Anne…….. 352 PHILLIMORE, AGNES 61 PITMAN, GRACE......... 77 Phillimore, Dame Charlotte-Anne 61 PITMAN, JOHN 77 Phillimore, Sir Robert-Joseph 61 PITMAN, MILES 77 PHILLIMORE, WALTER-GEORGE-FRANK 61 Pitt, Harriet 426 PHILLIPS, AGNETA 229 Pitt, Lady Harriot.. 442 Phillips, Alice ... 109 PITT, HESTER .... 469 Phillips, Amy 338 Pitt, John 497, 507, 518 PHILLIPS (COLONEL) 191 Pitt, Lora 349 Phillips, Elizabeth 229, 446 Pitt, Margaret 522 PHILLIPS, FRANCES 191: n. 229 Pitt, Mary 518 Phillips, Henry 191 Pitt, Rachel. 183 PHILLIPS, OWEN 187 Pitt, Richard Phillips, Richard 338 Pitt, Robert... 183, 522 426 Phillips, Robert 229 PITT, WILLIAM 426, 442, 472: n. 469 Phillips, Thomas 191 Pittis, Elizabeth.. 279 • PHILLIPS, URSULA 380 Pittis, Thomas 279 Philpot, Anne 364 Planchut, Joseph 277 Philpot, John 364 Platamone, Francis 493 Pickering, Benjamin . 336 Platen, Frantz-Ernest (Count von) 313 Pickering, Dame Elizabeth 14 Platen, Sophia-Charlotta (Lady von) 313 Pickering, Elizabeth 14 PLAYFORD, ANNE 364: n. 346, 353, 357 Pickering, Dame Grace 14 Playford, Henry.. 353, 364 PICKERING, SIR HENRY 14 Playford, John 353, 364 Pickering, Henry 246 Playle, Robert.. 119 Pickering, Mary 246 Playsted, Margaret 11, 207 PICKERING, DAME PHILADELPHIA 14 .... Playsted, Thomas 11, 207 l'ierrepont, Anne Pierrepont, Elizabeth 112, 126 170, 321 Plevey, Anne 260 Plevey, Francis 260 Pierrepont, Frances 342 Plomer, Anne. 422 Pierrepont, Sir George 112, 126 Plomer, John 422 Pierrepont, Gertrude 264, 321 Plomer, Mary 422 Pierrepont, Grace 272 Plumer, Anne. 422 Pierrepont, Sir Henry 170 Plumer, John 422 Pierrepont, William 264, 272, 321, 342 Plumer, Mary. 422 Pigeon, Elizabeth 3 PLUMLY, MRS. 162 Pigeon, Thomas Pigot, Caroline l'igot, Hugh Pigott, Anne Pigott, Catherine Pigott, Elizabeth 3 PLUMLY, WILLIAM 162, 174 502 Plymouth, Bridget (Countess of) 201 502 PLYMOUTH, CHARLES (EARL OF)………… 201 124 Plymouth, Thomas (Earl of) 75 Plymouth, Ursula (Countess of) ...... 40 40, 255 414 Poley, Sir Edmund 13 INDEX. 603 POLEY, ELIZABETH 13 Portman, Sir William 263 Poley, Esther 13 Portman, William-Berkeley.. 421 Poley, Judith 129 Portmore, Catherine (Countess of) 213 Poley, Sir William.. 129 Portmore, David (Earl of) 213, 362 Pollard, Lady Bridget 164 Portsmouth, John (Earl of)…. 378 POLLARD, SIR HUGH 164 Portsmouth, Louise-Renée (Duchess of) 309 Pollard, Sir Lewis.... 164 Portugal, John (King of) 212 Pollard. Dame Margaret 164 POSTON, ANN 395: n. 320, 385 Pollexfen, Cecilia 443 Poston, Elizabeth 395 Pollock, David Pollock, Frances.. Pollexfen, Warwick POLLOCK, SIR GEORGE. 443 • Poston, Mary 395 519 Poston, William 395 519 POTHORNE, MARY.. 514 519 Potter, Elizabeth 1 Pollock, Henrietta.. 519 Potter, John 437 Pollock, Sarah 519 Potter, Susanna 437 POLMONT, JAMES (LORD) 141 Potter, William 1 ... POMEROY, HENRY 470: n. 499 .... Poulett, Elizabeth 14 POMEROY, MARY.. 260: n. 239 Poulett, John (Lord).. 14 Pomfret, see Pontefract. Pontefract, Henrietta-Louisa (Countess of) 368 PONTEFRACT, THOMAS (EARL OF) POULTER, AUGUSTINE 267 Poulter, Lucy 138 368 Poulter. William 138 Poole, Anne Poole, John Poole, Thomas POORE, EDWARD Pope, Alexander Pope, Catharine.. 153, 486 POULTNEY, SIR JOHN 64 153 POULTNEY, JOHN 64 486 Poultney, see Pulteney. 202 POULTON, LUCY 2 458, 469 POUNTNY, SIR JOHN. 64 235 POUNTNY, JOHN 64 POPE, ELIZABETH POPE, JOHN .... Pope, Maria-Ann 458 POWELL, ANNE.. 84: n. 345, 351 349 Powell, Caroline.. 103 469 .... POWELL, CATHARINE 348 • POPE, MARY-ANN Pope, Mr..... 469 Powell, David..... 103 386 POWELL, ELIZABETH 3, 84, 346: n. 345 Pope, Peregrine ….. POPE, PHILADELPHIA Pope, William Popham, Alexander Popham, Dame Anne Popham, Catharine 235 POWELL, GEORGE. 326 Powell, John 511 210, 351 235 114 POWELL, JOHN-THOMAS POWELL. JUDITH 480 366: n. 80 144 Powell, Mary .... 476 259 POWELL, RICHARD 84, 351: n. 345, 346, 348 POPHAM, EDWARD 144, 523 POWELL, ROBERT 3 Popham, Sir Francis.. 51, 144 Powell, Susanna 313 Popham, Sir John.... 144, 259 Powell, Walter 198 Popham, Letitia... .... 51, 144 Powell, William 366 Portarlington, John (Earl of) 483 Power, Charlotte 282 Porter, Ann... 281 Power, Clare 282 Porter, Elizabeth 438 Power, Edmond 202 Porter, Henry.. 438 Power, Henry... 282 Porter, Isabel. 195 Power, John (Lord) 282 PORTER, ISABELLA 195 Power, Robert 202 Portland, Anne (Countess of).. Portland, Elizabeth (Duchess of)... 319 Power, Sarah 421 254, 319, Powers, Catherine (Viscountess). 282 400 POWERS, LADY CATHARINE 282 PORTLAND, FRANCES (COUNTESS OF) 234 : n. 218, 319 Powis, Edward (Earl of) 517 Powis, Henrietta-Antonia (Countess of) 517 PORTLAND, HENRY (Duke oF) 319 n. 254, Powis, Henry-Arthur (Earl of) 517 400 Powis, William (Marquis of) 47 Portland, Jerome (Earl of). Portland, Margaret (Duchess of) PORTLAND, MARGARET - CAVENDISH 234 Powlett, Anne (Lady) 354 389 POWLETT, LADY ELIZABETH 225 Powlter, Austine 267 (DUCHESS OF) 440 Powys. Elizabeth 497 PORTLAND, WILLIAM (DUKE OF) Portman, Sir Henry Portman, Letitia-Berkeley 400: n. 440, 487 PORTLAND, WILLIAM (EARL OF) .. 267, 319 Portland, William Henry Cavendish S Portman, Lady Anne Portman, Henry-Seymour Powys, Richard 497 POYNER. ELIZABETH POYNER, THOMAS 121 113 - Poyntz, Elizabeth 221 (Duke of) 62 Poyntz. Sir John 221 149 Prannell, Lady Frances 133 149 Prannell, Henry... 133 263 PRESTON, ACHILLES 426 n. 427 421 Preston. Ann 427 PORTMAN, PENELOPE PORTMAN, SEYMOUR.. 263 Preston, Aune (Viscountess) 213 263 PRESTON, EDWARD .... 96 604 INDEX. Preston, Lady Elizabeth PRESTON, ELIZABETH……. PRESTON, EMMA 210, 215 46: n. 427 Prior, William 173 Pritchard, Griffith 122 96: n. 503, 510 Privat, Mary 497 PRESTON, GEORGE 96, 509 n. 311, 503 Proby, Anne 35 Preston, Isaac... 509 • Proby, Henry 35 Preston, Jane 510 Proctor, Anne 42 PRESTON, JANE-EMMA 503 Proctor, Francis. 42 PRESTON, JOHN 46 PROSHER, CATHERINE · 200 Preston, Lucia 474 PROUD, LEWIS 113: n. 525 Preston, Martha 427 Proud, Thomas 113 Preston, Mary 7, 311 Prouse, Elizabeth 18 PRESTON, RICHARD (VISCOUNT) 213 Prouse, Thomas 18 Preston, Sir Richard 128, 210 PROWDE, LEWIS 113: n. 525 Preston, Richard-Montague. 503 Prowde, Thomas 113 Preston, Robert 474 Prowett, Elizabeth 85 PRESTON, SARAH 371: n. 323 Prowett, John 85 Prewde, Mr. 207 Prowett, William 85 Priaulx, William 54 Prude, Henry 338 Price, Anna-Maria 402 Price, Anne.. 193, 233, 290, 385 Prujean, Isabella Price, Augusta. 402 PRUJEAN, SIR FRANCIS PRUJEAN, DAME MARGARET 3: n. 36 36 3 Price, Cecilia 447 Prujean, Thomas 3, 36 Price, Dorothy 402 Pryor, Matthew 247 PRICE, ELIZABETH 26: n. 238 Pryse, Dame Hester 145 Price, Frances 401, 402 Pryse, Sir John 145 PRICE, GERVASE... 219: n. 193, 224, 238, 290, Pryse, Dame Mary.. 145 385 PRYSE, SIR RICHARD 145 Price, Dame Goditha... 184, 193 Puckeridge, Mary ... 382 Price, Henrietta-Maria 184 PUECH, MARGARET 32 Price, Henry ... PRICE, SIR HERBERT 401, 402 193: n. 184 Puech, Paul... 32 Pugh, Anne Price, James 481 Pugh, John 47, 81, 94 94 Price, John.. 236, 481 Pugh, Richard .... 47, 81 PRICE, MARTHA.. 193: n. 238, 266, 343 Pugh, Robert 47, 81 Price, Mary.. 402, 481 PUISSAR, JAMES-LEWIS (DE) 25 Price, Nathaniel.. 481 PUISSAR, KATHERINE (DE) 25 Price, Nicholas 447 Pullen, Barbara 498 PRICE, SIR RICHARD 145 Puller, Alice 14 Price, Sarah 481 Puller, Elizabeth 14 Price, Susan 236 Puller, Isaac 14 .... PRICE, THEODORE 130 Puller, Timothy 14 Price, Thomas 193, 481 PULTENEY, ANNA-MARIA 402 Price, Sir Thomas-Arden 193 Pulteney, Anne 265, 309, 369 Price, William 481 PULTENEY, CATHARINE 33 PRICHARD, EDWARD 143 PULTENEY, DANIEL... 335: n. 402, 433, 471, Prichard, Ellen 117 478 PRICHARD, MARY 143 Pulteney, Dame Frances 478 Prickard, Ann.. .... Prickard, Barbara 455 PULTENEY, FRANCES .... 433: n. 410, 471 455 Pulteney, Dame Grace Prickard, John 455 PULTENEY, HARRY Prickard, Margaret 455 PULTENEY, HENRIETTA-LAURA Prickard, Nathan-Seddon 455 Pulteney, Jane 33, 369 410 n. 433 478: n. 471 142, 209 PRICKARD, THOMAS 455: n. 492 PULTENEY, SIR JOHN.... 64: n. 142, 209 Prickard, Thomas-Charles 455 PULTENEY, JOHN 64: n. 335 Prickard, Winifred 455 Pulteney, Lucy 335 PRIDEAUX, DAME ANN 358 Pulteney, Dame Margaret 471 PRIDEAUX, SIR EDMUND ....... 325: n. 358 Pulteney, Margaret 64 Prideaux, Mary Prior, James Prideaux, Sir John Prideaux, Dame Susanna Prime, Sir Samuel. Pringle, Dame Harriet-Hester PRINGLE, LUCY-CHARLOTTE Pringle, Walter Pringle, Sir William-Henry. PRIOR, ELIZABETH Prior, George PRIOR, MATTHEW 325 PULTENEY, MARGARET-DEERING 402 : 325 n. 433 325 Pulteney, Dame Margery 64, 142 .... 436 Pulteney, Mary 404, 410 442 • PULTENEY, WILLIAM (LORD) 402 455 PULTENEY, SIR WILLIAM... 471 n. 33, 265, 455 309, 335, 369, 404, 435, 478 442 PULTENEY, WILLIAM... 402: n. 404, 410, 433, 173 453 304 Purbeck, John (Viscount) 52 173 Purbeck, Robert (Viscount) 162 304: n. 348 Purbeck, Margaret (Viscountess) 162 Prior, Samuel ……………. .... 304 Purcel, Teresa... 51 INDEX. 605 Purcell, Catherine.... 67: n. 205 RAGGETT, ELLEN 225 PURCELL, EDWARD 74: n. 257 RAGGETT, MRS. 168 Purcell, Elizabeth 67, 161, 238 RAGGETT, THOMAS... 5, 169, 196, 216: n. 168 PURCELL, FRANCES 74, 76, 257: n. 206, 238, Rainsford, Aun 377 480 Rainsford, Charles.. 377 PURCELL, HENRY ... 67, 72, 74, 76, 161, 219, 238: n. 70, 205, 206 Ralli, Julia 515 Ram, Ellen 121 • Purcell, John PURCELL, JOHN-BAPTISTA PURCELL, MARIA-TERESA PURCELL, MARY-PETERS, PURCELL, THOMAS………….. PURCHELL, ELIZABETH PURDY, DOROTHY Purdy, Robert.. .... 480 72, 206 Ram, Francis 121 Rambouillet, Du Plessis 415 51 Rambouillet, Mary.. 415 76 Ramsay, Allan 485 205, 216: n. 184 Ramsay, Amelia. 485 407 Ramsay, Anne...... 109 157 RAMSAY, LADY BRIDGET.. 118 157 Ramsay, Charles... 117 Purkase, Anne 109 Ramsay, Charlotte.. 485 Purkase, Elizabeth 109 RAMSAY, JAMES... 114 n. 125 PURSLOW, JANE 489 RAMSAY. LORD JOHN 125 Pye, Anné 41 Ramsay, Sir John 117, 118, 125 Pye, Edmund 41 Ramsay, John... 114, 485 Pye, Frances 289 Ramsay. Margaret... 485 PYE, HENRY 41 Ramsay, Mary 109 PYE, JANE 41 RAMSEY, 291 Pye, Sir Walter 289 RAMSEY, REYNOLDS……….. 268 PYM, JOHN 522 RANDALL. ELIZABETH... 421 Randall, Margaret.. 289 Randill, Martha... 139 Randill, Vincent 139 Quatermain, Mary QUATERMAIN, MRS. 154 Randolph, Herbert.. 513 154 Randolph, Rosabelle-Stanhope. 513 Quatermain, Walter 154 • Ranelagh, Arthur (Viscount) 273 Quatermain, William 154 Ranelagh, Catharine (Viscountess) 273 Quayle, Elizabeth 440 RANELAGH, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS OF) 237: Quayle, John 440 n. 193, 273 Quayle, Thomas 410 Ranelagh, Margaret (Countess of) Quayle, William-Hollingworth 440 273 RANELAGH, RICHARD (EARL OF) 193, 273 : Queensberry (Duchess of) 337 n. 237, 356, 392, 433 Queensberry (Duke of)……. 337 Rankin, John 486 Raper, Elizabeth 150 Raper, Thomas 147, 150 RAPIER, THOMAS 128 Raby, Alexander 91 RASH, ANNE.. 285: n. 301 Raby, Katharine... 91 Ratcliffe, Lady Elizabeth... 114, 117, 118, 125 Radcliffe, Ann.. 287 RATCLIFFE, JAMES 509 RADCLIFFE, DAME ANNE 151 RAUKINS, JOHN.... 182 Radcliffe, Edith 30 RAUKINS, MARY 182 Radcliffe, Sir Edward 30 Ravenscroft, Frances 263 Radcliffe, Elizabeth 31 Ravenscroft, James 263 Radcliffe, Sir George. 151 Ravenscroft, John 263 Radcliffe, Hugh 31 Ravenscroft, Magdalen. 263 Radcliffe, Jane 31 Ravenscroft, Mary……….. 263 RADCLIFFE, JOHN. RADCLIFFE, DAME MARY 246, 287 RAVENSCROFT. THOMAS 263 30 Ravensworth, Thomas-Henry (Lord) 98 Radcliffe, Mary 287 .... Rawkins, John 173 RADCLIFFE, SIR RALPH 30 Rawkins, Mary 173 Radcliffe, William.. 287 Rawle, Caroline……….. 425, 447, 500 Radford, Anne... 27, 171 RAWLE, CATHARINE 425 Radford, Jane.... Radford, Robert.. RADFORD. SUSANNA Radford, Thomas 27 Rawle, Cecilia 447 27 Rawle, Horatio 447 27 Rawle, Valentine 447 171 RAWLE, WILLIAM 117 n. 500 RADFORD, VIRTUE 27 Rawlins, Anthony 428 Radford, William 27 RAWLINS, CATHARINE.. 75 RADLEY, BRIDGET 198 Rawlins, Deborah...... 274, 284, 295, 399, 428 Radley, Charles 198 RAWLINS, ELIZABETH. 75, 76 Radnor, Charles-Bodvile (Earl of) 341 RAWLINS, JAMES 75, 76 Radnor, Isabella (Countess of) 28 RAWLINS, JOHN 76: n. 275. 284, 295, 399, 428 Radnor, John (Earl of)... 22, 28, 283, 319, 341 Rawlinson, Christopher 155 Radnor, Letitia-Isabella (Countess of) 28 RAY, EDWARD ... 140 RAGGETT, ELIONOR 5: n. 225 Rayleigh, John-James (Lord)…………. 454 606 INDEX. Raylton, Susannah.. 146 Repton, Mary-Ellis 97 RAYMOND, ANN.... 81 Revely, Philadelphia.. 441 RAYMOND, DAME ELIZABETH 80, 81 Revely, William.... 441 RAYMOND, ELIZABETH 80 Reymer, Martha.. 447 RAYMOND, SIR JEMMETT 80, 81 Reymer, Walter 447 Raymond, John 237 Reymer, William 447 Raymond. Joyce.... 237 Reynardson, Elizabeth 429 Raymond, William.. Rayneberd, Mary Rayner, Harriot Rayner, John Rayner, Dame Mary Rayner, Sir William Rea, Elizabeth Rea, Sir John. READ, ANNE Read, Sir John READ, THOMAS Reade, Anne Reade, Catherine Reade, Sir James Reade, Sir John Reade, Dame Love Reade, Mary.... Reade, Richard Reade, Sir William Reading, Elizabeth Reading, Sir Robert 21 Reynardson, Mary.. ... 325 120 Reynardson, Samuel 325 441 Reynolds, Clemence 459 441 Reynolds, Dorothy. 19 130 Reynolds, James... 19 130 REYNOLDS, JOHN 123 9 Reynolds, Mr.. 394 9 Reynolds, Octavian 459 .... 248 n. 10 Reynolds, Dame Priscilla... 19 10 Reynolds, Sir Robert...... 19 248 RHYNWICK, HENDRICK-STEVE 384 113 RHYNWICK, JACOBA-JOHANNA 387 338 Rhynwick, Philip-Jacob (Lord of)……………… 384 310 Riccartoun, William (Lord) 351 26 Rice, Ann 410 310 Rice, George 481 26, 310 RICE, JOHN 410, 476 n. 381, 409 338 Rice, Maria 481 113 Rice, Nast 410 212, 365, 386 Rich, Barbara.. 523 • 212, 365, 386 Rich, Catherine 170 Reason, Hugh.. 52 Rich, Edward... 523 Reason, Judith 52 RICH, DAME ELIZABETH. 417 Redburn, Elizabeth 380 Rich, Lady Frances 231, 261 Redford, see Radford. Rich, John 394 Reed, Barbara 475 Rich, Richard…….. 170 REED, MARY 140 RICH, SIR ROBERT.. 417 n. 359 Reeve, Charles 90 Rich, Robert 359 .... REEVE, CHARLES-JOHN 94 .... RICHARD, LEWIS 333: n. 387 REEVE, DAME FRANCES-ANN... 94, 95: n. 90 Richards, Anne 321 REEVE, FRANCES-MARY 95 ... Richards, Arthur-James 99 Reeve, James 98 Richards, Edward-Tew 99 Reeve, Lorina..... 98 Richards, Elizabeth 302 Reeve, Lorina-Hannah... 98 Richards, Jacob 302 REEVE, SIR THOMAS-NEWBY... 94, 95: n. 90, Richards, Jane 100 525 RICHARDS, JONATHAN 321 Reeves. Charles 85 RICHARDS, MARGARET 54 Reeves, Frances 10 Richards, Margaret-Mair 99 • Reeves, John 10 Richards, Sir Richard 100 REEVES, ROBERT 384 RICHARDS, ROBERT 166 Reigh, Charles-MacCarty.... 299 RICHARDS, SOLOMON 229 Reigh, Ellena 299 Richards, Susanna 54 Remington, Daniel-William. 428 RICHARDS, WILLIAM 54 Remington, Frances 428 Richardson, Agnes 131 RENNELL, JAMES 503 RICHARDSON, ANNE 6: n. 367 Rennell, Jane 504 Richardson, Cecilia 444 Rennell, Thomas.. 503 RICHARDSON, ELIZABETH RENTON, LUCY 317: n. 309 RICHARDSON, FRANCIS 20 74, 75 Repton, Aubrey-Gough.. 97 REPTON, BOUVERIE-WILLIAM 100 RICHARDSON, JOHN Richardson, Martha D 70: n. 444 263 REPTON, CECIL-COPE 101 ..... RICHARDSON, MARY 74, 75: n. 367 REPTON, LADY CECILIA-ANNABELLA 97, 98, RICHARDSON, MELIOR 71: n. 70 100, 101, 102 Richardson, Pelham 70 REPTON, EDMUND-HENRY 97 Richardson, Robert 367 Repton, Edward.... 97 Richardson, Sarah 371 REPTON, ERNEST-AUGUSTUS 98 RICHARDSON, SIR THOMAS 131 Repton, Florence-Mulgrave 97 .... RICHARDSON, THOMAS 70, 71 Repton, Francis-Edward 97 Richardson, Dame Ursula 131 REPTON, GEORGE-EDWARD 98 RICHARDSON, WILLIAM... 6, 371: n. 70, 131 REPTON, GEORGE-HERBERT 97, 98, 100, 101, Richbell, Anne 304 102 Richbell, Edward 304 REPTON, GEORGE-MULGRAVE 102 Richbell, Frances REPTON, LUCY .... 97 RICHBELL, JOHN 279, 304 279 INDEX. 607 RICHBELL, MARY Richbell, Richard 304: n. 279 Roberts, Jane 441 279 • ROBERTS, RANDOLPH 120 Richbell, Robert 279 Roberts, Sarah 483, 484 Richer, Esther Roberts, Sarah-Ann 486 RICHMOND, FRANCES-TERESA (DUCHESS OF) Richer, James Richmond, Anne (Duchess of) Richmond, Anne RICHMOND, CHARLES (DUKE OF)... 156, 182, 308: n. 154, 164, 250, 473 RICHMOND, ELIZABETH (DUCHESS OF) 154 RICHMOND, ESME (DUKE OF) ... RICHMOND, FRANCES (DUCHESS OF) RICHMOND, JAMES (DUKE OF) RICHMOND, LUDOVIC (DUKE OF) RICHMOND, Margaret (DUCHESS RICHMOND, MARY (DUCHESS OF) Richmond, William 152: n. 182 133: n. 251 250: n. 25 148: n. 152, 215 122: ...... n: 133, 251 OF) 164 215: ROBERTSON, CRAWFORD ROBERTSON, JAMES Robertson, James-Thomas Robertson, Josepha-Mary Robertson, Maria ROBERTSON, MARY Robertson, Richard Robertson, Robert 5 ROBERTS, THOMAS 117: n. 506 309 Roberts, Sir Walter 441 31 ROBERTS, WILLIAM ... 272, 483: n. 398, 484 Robertson, Catharine-Anne Robertson, Charlotte 60 482 459 482: n. 473, 507 482, 507 92 482 ... 507: n. 449, 167, 473, ... 482 92 482 ROBERTSON, WILLIAM 467: n. 60, 459 Robertson, William-Daniel 482 ROBINS, ANNE 259 n. 152, 194 ROBINS, MR. 183 31 Robinson, Alice 481 RIDDELL, DAME SARAH RIDDELL, GEORGE-JAMES Riddell, Sir James Riddell, Dame Mary Riddell, Mary Riddell, Sir Peter RIDER. JANE Rider, William 436 Robinson, Anastasia 357 436, 493 ROBINSON, DAME ANNE 72, 227: n. 212, 219 436 ROBINSON. ANNE...... 43, 72. 357: n. 54, 353 258 ROBINSON, CATHERINE 313 258 Robinson, Dame Elizabeth 72 493 ROBINSON, ELIZABETH 308 343 Robinson, Grace • 80 343 Robinson, Ignatius 238 Ridge, Elizabeth Ridge, George Ridley, Elizabeth 481 481 Robinson, Dame Jane Robinson, Jane 210 475 420, 434 RIDLEY, MARTHA 44 ROBINSON. JOHN Robinson, John-Daniel. 13, 400 n. 357 400 Ries, Ferdinand 190 Rieutort, Catherine 405 ROBINSON, SIR LUMLEY Robinson. Margaret 72, 210: n. 227 238, 274, 437 RIGAUD, JANE-GILBERT 513 Robinson. Mary 400, 475 Rigaud, Lucy-Frances-Sarah 513 Robinson, R. 437 RIGAUD, MARY-JANE 513 Robinson, Susanna 437 Rigaud, Stephen-Jordan 513 Robinson, Sir Thomas 54, 210 RIGBY, SIR ALEXANDER 29 ROBINSON, THOMAS 72: n. 238 Rigby, Anne .... 29 Robinson, Turner 357 Rigby, Mary 396 Robinson, William 54, 80 RIGBY, DAME SUSANNA 29 Robson, Thomas 211 RIGHTSON, MARGERY 206 Roch, Mary... 266 Riglesdale, Elizabeth 470 Roche, Ellen 134 Ring, Matthias 19 RING, SUSAN 18 ROCHEFOUCAULD, FRANCIS (DE LA) 352, 415 ROCHESTER, HENRIETTA (COUNTESS OF) 217: Ringrose, Jane 208 Ringstead, Mary 261 ROCHESTER, HENRY (EARL OF) Rivaz, Francis RIVAZ, ADÈLE DE HAVILLAND Rivaz, Maria-Magdalene-Pasley 61 .... 61 61 Rivers, John (Earl) 205, 213 Rivers, Thomas (Earl) . 354 ROBARTES, LADY ANNE 283 ROBARTES, LADY ESSEX 28, 319 n. 329 385: n. 251, 254, 267, 269. 314, 356 ROCHESTER, JANE (COUNTESS OF)...... 313: n. 356, 385 ROCHESTER, LAWRENCE (EARL OF) 272: n. 209, 217. 220, 246, 255, 281, 294, 329, 348, 370 Rochford. Jane (Countess of) 248 ... Robartes, Francis 283 ROCHFORD, WILLIAM-HENRY (EARL OF) 248 Robartes, Lady Isabella 341 Rodd, Anna-Sophia 347 Robartes, John 28 Rodd, Jane 504 Robartes, Robert 319, 526 Rodd, John-Tremayne 504 ROBERTS, DAVID 111 Rodd, Robert 347 ROBERTS, ELIANOR 46 RODGERS, THOMAS 353 Roberts, Elizabeth. 347 ROE, ELIONOR 5 Roberts, Ellen ROBERTS, LADY ESSEX 117 Roe, Harriet 497 28 Roffey, Anne 230 ROBERTS, FRANCES Roberts, Francis ROBERTS, HENRY 22 Rogers, Andrew 116 22 Rogers, Anne. 154, 259 22: n. 347 ROGERS, BARBARA 49 608 INDEX. Rogers, Catharine 259 Rudston, Cicely.. 129 Rogers, Edward 259 Rudston, Thomas 129 Rogers, Elizabeth 154 Rugge, Elizabeth 334 Rogers, Henry 259 RUPERT, PRINCE 206; n. 156 Rogers, Lady Mary 116 Rusden, John 362 Rogers, Sir Richard 116 Rush (Captain) 443 Rogers, Richard 154 Rush, Elizabeth. 367, 419 ROGERS, WILLIAM 49 Rush, Elizabeth-Dorothea 87 Rokeby, Richard (Lord) 54 Rush, Helen... 443 ROLES, WILLIAM-JOHN 502 Rush, Henry 87 Rolle, Lady Bridget 164 RUSH, JOHN.. 419: n. 367 Rolle, John. 139 Rushin, John 209 Rolle, Margaret 139 Rushin, Margaret 209 Rollestone, Elizabeth 18 RUSSELL, ANN .... 345 ROLLESTONE, JOHN 18 RUSSELL, ARTHUR-JOHN-EDWARD 106 ROLPH, MARY 6 RUSSELL, CLAUD-FREDERICK-WILLIAM 106 ROLPH, STEPHEN 6 ... Russell, Lady Diana 231 Romney, Elizabeth (Lady) 261 Russell, Elizabeth 231, 285, 322 Romney, Robert (Lord) 261 RUSSELL, GRACE 12 Rooke, Sir George 335 Russell, Lord John. • 231 Rookwood, Margaret 324 Russell, John 312 ROOS, FRANCIS (LORD) 116 RUSSELL, LAURA 106 Roper, Ann 174, 245 Russell, Lady Louisa-Jane 61, 102 • ROPER, THOMAS Roscommon, Elizabeth (Countess of) Roscommon, Isabella (Countess of) Roscommon, James (Earl of) ROSCOMMON, WENTWORTH (EARL OF)... 212 ROSE, ELIZABETH 150 Russell, Mary……. 312 212 ... Russell, Nicholas 345 212 Russell, Philippa-Maria 339 212 Russell, Rachel 241 Russell, Richard 285, 322, 345 410: n. 418 Russell, Thomas.. 339 Rose, George 15 Russell, Lord William 241 Rose, Grace 74 RUSSELL, WILLIAM 414, 432 Rose, Katherine 15 Rust, Anne. 48, 49 ROSE, THOMAS 74 Rust, Dorothy. Ross, Alicia 253 Rust, Edward.. ROSSE, CATHERINE (VISCOUNTESS) 205 RUST, ELIZABETH. 244 48, 49 49 Rosse, Richard (Viscount) 205 Rust, Jane 244 Rossel, Elizabeth 25 RUST, MARY 48 Rossel, George 25 RUTHERFORD, ANNE. 471: n. 434 ROSSINGAM, DENNIS 114 Rutherford, Hannah 434 ROSSINGAM, THOMAS 231 Rutherford, Jane .... 434, 491 Roth, Christian-August 394 RUTHERFORD, JOHN... 434: n. 416, 472, 491 Rothwell, Elizabeth 45 Rutherford, Margaret 491 Rothwell, Sir Richard 45 Ruthven, Mary Rouci, Lady Charlotte (de) 355 Ruthven, Patrick 145 145, 525 Rounds, Martha 380 Ruthven, Lady Sophia 122 Rounds, William 380 RUTLAND, CECILY (COUNTESS OF) ... 147: Rouse, Sir Anthony 10 Rousc, Dorothy 10 Rutland, Edward (Earl of). n. 116 134 Rousseau, Jane Rouse-Boughton, Sir Charles-William Rousseau, Johanna 472 ... Rutland, Francis (Earl of) 116, 126, 127, 142, 111 147, 215, 218 111 Rutland, John (Duke of) 305 ROUZAUD, ARSÈNE 62 Rutland, John (Earl of) 36 ROUZAUD, AUGUSTE 62 Rutland, Lucy (Duchess of). 305 ROUZAUD, CHRISTINE Rowe, Anne 62 Rutland, Thomas (Earl of) 114 Rowe, Charlotte... ROWE, ELIZABETH. 294, 352, 374 294, 352 RUTT, CATHARINE 460 RUXSTON, WILLIAM 272 ROWE, FRANCIS ... Rowe, Henry Rowe, John.... ROWE, NICHOLAS Rowland, Hugh Roye (Countess de) Royse, Elizabeth……. Royston, Margaret. Royston, Richard Rudge, Edward Rudge, Elizabeth Rudhall, Anne Rudhall, John…….. 387 n. 293, 318 388: n. 387 293, 294 Ruytenburgh, Anne-Elizabeth... 419 Ruytenburgh, Heer van Baron 419 318 RYALL, ELIZABETH .. 13 Ryder, Lady Georgiana-Elizabeth 60 293: n. 352, 374 Ryecc, Robert. 117 472 Rylcy, Elizabeth 166 355 Ryley, Mary 318 416 RYLEY, WILLIAM 166 202 Ryman, William... 126 202 Rythe, George………….. 201 45 45 193 193 INDEX. 609 Så, Don Pantaleo (de) 216 SANDYS, MARY 72 Saar, see De Saar. SANDYS, MILES 72 SABATIER, ELIZABETH Sabatier, John 32 Sandys, Thomas (Lord) 150 32 Sandys, Sir Walter 150 Sabatier, Margaret.. SABENONE, SUSANNA 32 Sandys, Sir William 150 41 SANDYS, WILLIAM 72: n. 110, 418 Sackville, Bridget 149 SANKEY, FRANCES 24 Sackville, Charles 20, 162, 185 SANKEY, NICHOLAS 24 Sackville, Edward.. 149 SANSOM, ANN 289 Sackville, Lady Margaret 179 Santry (Lord) 423 Sackville, Lady Mary 333 Sargent, Emily 105 Sadler, John 277 Sargent, John 105 Sadler, Mr. 235 Sartre, Dorothy 277, 378 Sadler, Richard Sadler, Thomas 277 Sartre, Frances 277 277 SARTRE, JAMES 277: n. 32, 378 Saint, John-James. Saladine, see Salladin. Sale, Katherine Sale, William Salisbury, Frances (Countess of) 513 Saunders, Anne 420 SAUNDERS, SIR CHARLES 420 67 SAUNDERS, CLEMENT 237 67 Saunders, Elizabeth-Teresa 59 SALOMON, JOHN-PETER Salisbury, Catherine (Countess of).. Salisbury, James (Earl of) Salisbury (Marquis of) ... Salisbury, William (Earl of) SALLADIN, ELIZABETH Salladin, Herbert Salmon, Edward... Salmon, Mary.. Salt, James 225 Saunders, John 59 336 Saunders, Lady Lucy 218 273, 336 Saunders, Sir William 237 55 SAUNDERSON, DAME BRIDGET... 204: n. 189 225 Saunderson, Mary 274 19 Saunderson, Dame Mildred 189 19 Saunderson, Sir Nicholas 189 147 SAUNDERSON, SIR WILLIAM……………. 189: n. 204 147 Savage, Lady Anne 354 490 Savage, Anne 54 414 Savage, Charles. 362, 386 Salt, Mary 414 Savage, Elizabeth 386 Salt, Sampson.. 414 Savage, Ellen 386 Salter, Dame Anne. 203 Savage, Henry 51 SALTER, CELIA 103 Savage, Lady Jane 205 SALTER, EDWARD-GREAVES 103 Savage, Mary 32 Salter, Margaret.. 203 ... Savage, Rebecca 386 Salter, Martha 103 Savage, Samuel 386 SALTER, STEPHEN 103 Savage, Susanna 54 Salter, Sir William 203 Savage, Thomas 238 Salton, Gilbert 478, 479 Savage, Walter 32 SALTON, JANE-BROWN 478 : n. 445 Savile, Lady Anne 213, 275 Salton, Jane-Helen-Melville 478 Savile, Dame Anne 236 Salveyn, St. John 250 Savile, Catharine 25 Salveyn, Thomas 250 Savile, Lady Elizabeth .... 264 Salwey, Anne. 146 Savile, Sir George Salwey, Arthur SALWEY, HUMPHREY Salwey, Mary 146 Savile, Henry 236, 321 234 146, 522 Savile, John .... 25, 497 146 Savile, Sir William 236 Sambrooke, Francis 157 Savill, Elizabeth 217 Samoline, Susanna 296, 330 Savill, William • 217 SAMUDA, ALICE 440: n. 364, 375 SAVOY, EUGENE (CHEVALIER DE) 273 Samuda, David 410 Savoy, Lewis-Thomas (de) 273 Samuda, Joseph D'A. 440 SAVOY, MARIE-JOSEPHINE-LOUISE (DE) 180 Sanders, Frances 135 Sawcer. Henry 23 Sanders, William 135 SAWCER, REBECCA 23 Sands, Elizabeth 2 Sawcer, Robert .... 23 Sands (Lady) 218 .... SANDWICH, EDWARD (EARL OF)... 176: n. 36 Sandwich, Jemima (Countess of) Sandys, Anne 176 188, 418 Saxe-Eisenach, John-George (Duke of) Saxe-Gotha, Frederic II. (Duke of) Saxe-Gotha, Magdalen-Augusta (Duchess 349 415 of) 415 Sandys, Edward 19 SAY, CATHERINE-FINCHAM • 429: n. 432 Sandys, Most Rev. Edwin 188 Say, Elizabeth 429 Sandys, Dame Elizabeth 150 Say, Thomas 429 Sandys, Elizabeth-Mary 410, 418 Sandys, Hannibal SANDYS, HESTER 410 19 Say and Sele, James (Viscount) Say and Sele, Lawrence (Viscount) Sayer, Dorothy 9 9 19 SANDYS, JOHN 418: n. 410 Sayer, George 355 Sandys, John-Thomas 418 Sayer, John Sandys, Lady Lucy 218 Sayer, Mary 19, 481 481, 504 SANDYS, LADY LUCY-HAMILTON 218 Sayer, Nathaniel 481 4 I 610 INDEX. Sayer, Richard 238 Scott, George .... 488 SAYER, SARAH 504: n. 238, 481 Sayer, Thomas 481 SAYER, WILLIAM Sayes, Richard 481: n. 504 378 SCOTT, HANNAH. SCOTT, LORD HENRY SCOTT, JAMES 432: n. 429 59 294: n. 281 Scott, Joan .. 508 Sayon, Anne 16 Scott, Johu 119, 432, 508 Scarborough, Charles 46, 48 Scott, Margaret 508 Scarborough, Elizabeth 46 Scott, Margery 461 Scarborough, Henrietta-Maria 48 SCOTT, ROBERT. 48: n. 347 Scarsdale, Anne (Countess of) 201, 231 Scott, Sarah 488 L SCARSDALE, FRANCES (COUNTESS OF)... 231: Scott, Sir William 234 n. 261 Scoules, Jane 4 Scarsdale, Francis (Earl of) 201, 231 Scrase, Charles 54 SCARSDALE, MARY (COUNTESS OF)...... 209: Scrope, Emanuel (Lord) 146 n. 202 Scrope, Emanuel 225 Scarsdale, Nicholas (Earl of) 201, 231, 261 SCARSDALE, ROBERT (EARL OF)... 202, 261: Scrope, Lady Mary 146 Scrope, Mary 225 n. 201, 209, 376 Scurlock, Elizabeth 294 Schape, Gilbert Schape, Neeltice Schmidt, Bernard 41 Scurlock, Jonathan 294 41 Scurlock, Mary 294 383 Seaforth, Kenneth (Earl of) 399 SCHOMBERG, Carolina 268 SCHOMBERG, CAROLINE Seaforth, William (Earl of). 398 · ELIZABETH SEAGAR, CHARLES 83: n. 334 (DUCHESS OF) 239 n. 268, 278 SEAGAR, HELLEN 83 Schomberg, Charles (Duke of) Schomberg, Charles 297 Seagar, Henry.. 83 277 SEAGAR, JOHN-ENGLISH. 83 Schomberg, Frederic-Armand (Duke of) 296 Schomberg, Meinhardt (Duke of) 268, 277, 296: Schomberg, Susanne (Duchess of) Schrimger, Schulenberg, Alexander - Frederick -Wil- Schulenberg, Ernest-Augustus (de) SCHULENBERG, FREDERIC WILLIAM Schulenberg, George-Ernest (de) Schulenberg, Nympha-Ehrengarde (de) Schulenberg, Sophia-Anna (Baroness) Sciaccaluga, Joseph-Gaetan Seagrave, John 393 Seagrave, Margaret 393 n. 239, 337 Sear, Anne 340 297 Sear, Charles 340 132 Searancke, Thomas 237 Searle, Ambrose.. 232 liam (de) 298 Searle, Mary 146 298 ..... Searle, Thomas 146 SEDLEY, CHARLES. 470 (BARON OF) 298 Sedley, see Sidley. 298 SEGAR, CHARLES 334 298 Segar, see Seagar. 298 ... SELKIRK, CHARLES (EARL OF) 351 408 SELWYN, ALBINIA 20 SCIACCALUGA, TERISA 408 SELWYN, ELIZABETH 182 SCISSON, ANNE SCISSON, THOMAS SCOLES, ANNE SCOLES, JAMES Scoles, Jane SCOLES, MILLICENT SCOLES, WILLIAM Score, Anna-Maria.. Score, John. SCOT, GRACE 22 SELWYN, WILLIAM 20 22 Seward, Bridget.... 122 22 Seward, Elizabeth 275 22 Seward, Henry 122 4 Seward, Isaac.. 122 4 Seward, Joane 122 ... 4 SEWARD, JOHN 65, 122 358 Seward, Philippa 122 358 Sewster, Frances 37 140 Sewster, Sir Robert 37 Scot, Thomas ..... 140 SEYMORE, EDWARD .... 393 Scotchmer, Charlotte 52 SEYMORE, ESTHER 451: n. 90, 393, 397, 410, Scotchmer, John 52 466 Scott, Alice.. 119 SEYMORE, SUSANNA 397 SCOTT, LADY ANNE... 214, 226, 281: n. 183, SEYMORE, WILLIAM 410: n. 393, 397, 411, 451 198, 232, 255 SEYMOUR, ALGERNON 377, 387: n. 368 SCOTT, ANNE... 48: n. 453, 459 Seymour, Amy 248 Scott, Catherine.. 432 SEYMOUR, LADY ARBELLA ….. 112 Scott, Charles….. 246 Seymour, Charles (Lord). 8 SCOTT, LADY CHARLOTTE 207 • SEYMOUR, LORD CHARLES 271 Scott, Christian SCOTT, LADY CICELY-SUSAN Scott, David 234 Seymour, Conway 253 59 Seymour, Sir Edward... 51, 248, 259, 263, 322 451 · Seymour, Edward ... Scott, Edward Scott, Dorothy.. Scott, Frances…………. 347 Seymour, Elizabeth (Lady). 13 Seymour, Lady Elizabeth 13 Seymour, Elizabeth.. 133 8 423, 441, 493 51, 259 SCOTT, LORD FRANCIS SCOTT, FRANCIS ... 244: n. 245 198 Seymour, Eusebia Seymour, Lady Frances SCOTT, LORD GEORGE 232 SEYMOUR, Lord George 12 133, 201 368 INDEX. 611 Seymour, Henry.. Seymour, Lady Jane. Seymour, John • Seymour, Dame Letitia. Seymour, Dame Margaret.. SEYMOUR, LADY MARY SEYMOUR, MARY ... 263, 340 198 231 Sheppard, Mary Sheppard, Sarah.. Sheppard, Thomas. 479 .... 52 479 51 Sheppard, William. 52 322 Shepperd, Catharine 76 116 Shepperd, William... 76 51 SHERARD, ALICE 13 Seymour, Penelope 263 Sherard, Bennet (Viscount) 33 SEYMOUR, LORD PERCY 304: n. 271 SHERARD, BENNET (LORD) 33: n. 305 SEYMOUR, WILLIAM 51, 112, 322 Sherard, Elizabeth (Lady) 33 Seymour-Conway, Francis 498 Sherard, Lucy 305 Seymour-Conway, Lady Sarah-Frances... 498 Sherard, Margaret. 13 Seys, Elizabeth 300 SHERARD, MARY (LADY) 33 Seys, William... 300 Sherard, Richard 13 SHADWELL, ANNE.. 23 SHERIDAN, EDITH-MARCIA-CAROLINE……. 59 Shadwell, Thomas 23 Sheridan, Elizabeth-Anne 492 SHAMBROOK, SARAH. 381 Sheridan, Esther-Jane 492 SHANNON, ELIZABETH (VISCOUNTESS)... 200 : Sheridan, Frances 491 n. 210, 218 Sheridan, Marcia-Maria 59 Shannon, Francis (Viscount) 201 SHERIDAN, RICHARD-BRINSLEY... 491: n. 59 Sharole, Jane 218 Sheridan, Thomas 491 Sharole, John 25 Sherington, Mary 422 SHAROLE, JOHN-CHRISOSTOME 218 Sherington, William 422 Sharp, Anne... 315 Sherlock, William 404 Sharp, Henry .. 315 Sherman, Elizabeth Sharp, William 315 Sherman, Hannah 238, 257 257 Shave. Joan-Elizabeth 465 SHERMAN, JOHN.. 256: n. 238, 257 Shave, Thomas 465 Sherman, Mary SHAW, ELIZABETH 267, 277: n. 258 SHAW, JOHN 258, 267, 277 Sherman, Susanna Sherman, Thomas 315 257, 395 395 Sheafe, Rebecca. 145 ... SHERWIN, ANN 269: n. 253 Sheafe, Thomas 145 ... SHEAROLE, JOHN 218 SHERWIN, ISAAC Sherwin, John 253 269 Sheene, Christopher 162 Shield, Ann .... 502 SHEENE, JAMES.. 162 SHIELD, WILLIAM. 502 Sheffield, Sir Charles.. 392 SHIPMAN, MARY 24 Sheffield, Charles 379, 380 Shipman, William 24 Sheffield, Edmund (Lord) 125 Shirley. Lady Elizabeth 333 Sheffield, Edmund.. 302, 345, 372 Shirley, Jane ... 4 Sheffield, Eleanor 125 Shirley, Sir John 4 Sheffield, Elizabeth 128 SHIRLEY, JOHN 191 Sheffield, Henrietta-Maria 303 Shirley, Mary. .... 132, 198 Sheffield, John (Lord) .. 128 Shirley, Lady Selina. 363, 365 SHEFFIELD, JOHN 302, 362: n. 251, 303, 379 Shirley, Sir Thomas 132, 198 Sheffield, Robert 303 SHORT. AUGUSTA-MILLET 499 Sheffield, Sophia 302 Short, Charles. 499 Shelburne, Charles (Lord) 9 Short, Elizabeth 29 Shelburne, Mary (Lady) 9 Short, Grace 199 SHELDON, ALICE 17 Short, John 510 Sheldon, Catherine 175 Short, Peter………. 29 Sheldon, Dame Elizabeth 165 Short, Susanna 510 SHELDON, ELIZABETH 16 Shorten, Anne.. 261 Sheldon, Most Rev. Gilbert 175 Shorter, Ann 159, 193, 320 SHELDON, SIR JOSEPH 165: n. 16, 182 Shorter, Jane 193 Sheldon, Ralph SHELDON, RICHARD 175 17: n. 18 Shorter, John 507 SHORTER, MARY 27, 69 Shelley, Sir John 426 • SHORTER, SARAH 159 Shelley, Martha.. 426 SHORTER, SOLOMON 69, 159, 179, 193: n. 320 Shelley, Richard SHELTON, JOHN 353, 426 501: n. 502 Shorter, Susanna 507 ... SHORTER, THOMAS.. 179 n. 193 Shelton, Mary. .... 502 Shortland, Hannah 434 Shelvocke, George 398 Shortland, Jane ... 491 SHELVOCKE, MARY...... 398: n. 404, 407, 438 Shortland, John 491 Shepherd, Elizabeth 139 SHORTLAND, MARGARET. 491 Shepherd, Jane 168 Shortland, Peggy . 491 SHEPHERD, KATHERINE 76 Shortland, Thomas-George 491 Shepherd, Richard... 139 Shorton, Anne.. 261 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM 76 Shovell, Anne 261 SHEPPARD, CHARLES 52 • SHOVELL, SIR CLOUDESLY 261 SHEPPARD, ISABELLA 52 Shovell, Dame Elizabeth 261 612 INDEX. Shoyswell, Henry Shoyswell, Judith 305, 314 Sims, Robert 283 305, 314 Sims, Sarah 284, 301, 326 SHREWSBURY, EDWARD (EARL OF) Shrewsbury, George (Earl of)………………. Shrewsbury, Gertrude (Countess of) Shrewsbury, Henry-John (Earl of) SHREWSBURY, JANE (COUNTESS OF) Shrewsbury, Sarah-Elizabeth (Countess of) 114 Sinclair, Matilda 511 114 Singleton, Anne. 18 114 SINGLETON, ELIZABETII 18 62 SINGLETON, JOHN. 18 124 Singleton, Mary 18 62 Singleton, Rebecca 18 SHRIDER, ANN 275 SHRIDER, CHRISTOPHER 266, 270, 275: SHRIDER, ELIANOR Shrider, Elinor n. 309, 383 266, 270, 275 341 Siston, Edward SISSON, ANNE…….. SISSON, THOMAS. Siston, Anne 22 · 22 248 248 Siston, Elizabeth • 248 SHRIDER, ELIZABETH SHRIDER, HELEN SHRIDER, JOHN. SHRIDER, THOMAS……….. 266, 270 Siston, Jane.... 248 383: n. 74, 309, 341 Siston, John 248 309 .... Siston, Mary 248 291 Siston, Patience 248 Shute, Jane. 115 Siston, Rebecca 248 Shute, Mary Shute, Richard Shute, Robert 120 Siston, Sarah 248 120 Siston, Temperance 248 115 Siston, William 248 Shuttleworth, Elizabeth 338 Skelton, William 300 Shuttleworth, Fleetwood 338 Skene, Lorina-Charlotte 98 Shuttleworth, Nicholas.. 338 Skene, William-Baillie 98 Sibourg, Catherine.... 338 Skingley, Anne 346, 357, 364 SIBOURG, CHARLES 337 n. 338 Skingley, John 346, 357, 364 Sibourg, Mary…... 338 Skinner, Anthony 275 SIDGWICK, SARAH-ISABELLA.. 62 Skinner, Elizabeth 275 Sidley, Catherine SIDGWICK, WILLIAM Sidley, Sir Charles.... Sidney, Dame Frances 62 Skinner, Margaret 519 SIDGWICK, WILLIAM-CARR……….. 62 Skinner, Matthew 468 213, 362 Skinner, William 519 213, 362 Skipsey, William 439 141 Skipwith, Edward. 9 Sidney, Sir Philip ... Sigalas, Elizabeth Sigalas, Jane SILKE, MARY 141 SKIPWITH, DAME ELIZABETH 9 387 Skipwith, Sir George-Brydges 359 • 387 SKIPWITH, Dame MARGARET 359 32 Skipwith, Margery 168 SILVESTER, ELIAS SILKE, ROBERT SILL, ANNE……… SILL, EDWARD. Sill, Toby.... SILL, WILLIAM SILSTON, EDWARD SILVESTER, CATHARINE SILVESTER, EDWARD SILVESTER, GEORGE. · 32 SKIPWITH, SUSANNA 9 73, 74 SKIPWITH, SIR THOMAS 9: n. 359 74, 222 Skylling, Elizabeth 80 73 73, 74 Slade, Charles.... Skylling, Henry .. 80 180 248 SLADE, ELINOR 180 72 Slade, Elizabeth.. 180 72 Slade, Frances 180 72, 73, 74, 75 Slade, Henry 180 75 SLADE, JANE 49 SILVESTER, HENRY SILVESTER, MARY SILVESTER, SIMEON 73 Slade, John... 180 [ 72, 73, 74, 75 Slade, Mary... 180 SILVESTER, MARY-SOPHIA SILVESTER, THEODOSIA SILVESTER. WILLIAM SIMONS, HENRY 75 Slade, William 180 75 Slanning, Elizabeth 194 74 Slanning, Sir Nicholas 194 75 SLATER, MR. 239 196 Slater, Thomas 269 Simpkin, Sarah Simpson, Elizabeth 169 .... Slaughter, Amy 239 .... SIMS, BARBARA ... SIMPSON, BARBARA Simpson, James SIMPSON, REDMOND Simpson, William SIMS, ANNE. SIMS, DOROTHY 317, 326: n. 278, 283, 302, 318 454 Slaughter, Charles.. 52 170, 443 Slaughter, George 454 SLAUGHTER, JOANE 239, 260 4 442 Slaughter, Mary.. 239, 260 425 Slaughter, Sarah 52 290, 329: n. 313 10 .... SLEMAKER, ELIZABETH …….. 88: n. 495 SLEMAKER, GEORGE... 87, 88, 89, 467 : n. 422, SIMS, ELIZABETH 278 SLEMAKER, JOHN..... Sims, Henry 313, 329 SIMS, HENRY-SPOORE 313 Slemaker, Mary-Bredell SLEMAKER, SUSANNA SIMS, JAMES 290 SIMS, JOHN 300 SIMS, RALPH 283, 301 n. 278, 284, 290, 300, 317-18, 326, 329 SLEMAKER, THOMAS Slingsby, Barbara Slingsby, Sir Thomas .... 425, 495 88, 89, 425 87 87, 88, 89, 495 : n. 422, 425, 467 88, 422 223, 276 223, 276 INDEX. 613 SLOPER, CHARLES. 392 Smith, Jeremy Sloper, William 407 Smith, Joan 305 6, 116, 367 SMALBROKE, CATHERINE... 405: n. 459, 471 Sinith, Sir John 28 Smalbroke, Elizabeth 352 SMITH, JOHN Smalbroke, John 227 88, 90, 227, 255, 292, 417, 450 : n. 293. 298, 337, 373 Sinalbroke, Right Rev. Richard 227, 352, 405. Smith, John-Charles 3 459, 171 SMALBROKE, RICHARD 471: n. 227, 405, 459 Smalbroke, Samuel 352, 459 Sinith, Johu-Stafford.... Smith, Sir John-Wyldbore Smith, Jonathan 457 491 329, 366 Smalbroke, Thomas SMALBROKE, WILLIAM 471 Smith. Joshua..... 373 459 Smith, Julia-Stafford. 457 • SMALBROOK, John Small, Agnes SMALL, ALEXANDER…… Small, Martha.. Small, Mary Small, Sophia Small, Thomas Smalley, Frances Smalley, Francis.. SMALLMAN, JOYCE 227 Smith. Juliet 441 ... 384 Smith, Letitia-I-abella 28 383 : n. 359, 361, 384 Smith, Lucy 506 383 Smith, Margaret.. 147, 205 384 SMITH, MARY 40, 417, 453: n. 292. 373, 412 384 SMITH, NATHANIEL 388 384 Smith, Rev. Mr. n. 361, 396 400 396 SMITH, RICHARD 3: n. 266 396 SMITH, ROBERT.. 141 185 Smith, Sammy 373 SMALRIDGE, ANN 47 SMITH, SAMUEL... 86, 87. 88, 89, 90, 417, 447, Smalridge, George 47 449, 477: n. 450, 199 Smalridge, Mary 47 SMITH, SARAH ... 54: n. 245, 359 SMALRIDGE, PHILIP. 47 Smith, Sibilla 136 Smart, Elizabeth 229, 258 Smith, Sophia.... 411 Smart, Henry... 229, 238 Smith, Stephen 358 Smart, Margaret 210 SMITH. SUSANNA 90, 119: n. 36, 450 Smart, Thomas 210 Smith, Sir Thomas 118, 147, 156, 172 SMEDLEY, EDWARD-ARThur. 92 SMITH, THOMAS... 89, 160, 375, 499: n. 116. SMEDLEY, JAMES 91, 92 376, 520 Smedley, Jane 91 Smith, Wavell..... 339 SMEDLEY, KATHARINE 91, 92 Smith, Sir William. 203 Smedley, Thomas 91 ..... SMITH. WILLIAM... 330, 350. 367: n. 86, 257, SMEDLEY, THOMAS-HILL. 91 D 388 Smijth, Sir Thomas 36 Smith. William-Wavill... • 339 Smith, Agnes 384 SMITH. WILLIAM-WEAVEL. 339 Smith, Alice 274 Smithe. Frances 113 Smith, Altham 36 Smithe, William.. 113 SMITH, ALTHAMIA 36 Smith-on, Ann 304 ... Smith, Amelia.. 441 Smithson, Sir Hugh 123, 141 SMITH, ANNA...... 86, 87, 88, 89, 447: n. 417, Smithson, Hugh ++1 500 Smithson, Isabella 304 Smith, Anna-Maria Smith, Dame Anne 330 Smithson, James... 454 203 SMITHSON, JOSEPH 403 SMITH, ANNE Smith, Barnabas Smith, Bazill .... SMITH, CATHERINE ... 3, 376: n. 73, 202, 266, 292, Smithson, Langdale 441 298. 337, 368, 477 319, 354 Smithson, Mary 301 Smithson, Philadelphia.. 441 67 SMYTH, ANNE.. 361: n. 343, 383, 436 305 Smyth, Charles 361 Smith, Charles Smith, Christian.. 58. 86 Smyth, Sir Hugh 86 177 Smyth, Margaret 361 SMITH, DOROTHEA Smith. Dorothy 266 Smyth, Mary 361 301 Smyth, Ralph. 361 SMITH, EDWARD 441 Smyth, Thomas 361 Smith, Dame Elizabeth.. 156 Smythe, Dorothy 301 SMITH, ELIZABETH 54, 87, 329, 396: n. 155. Smythe, Lady Elizabeth 34 172, 324, 327, 350, 368, 388, 441. 487 Smythe, James 34 Smith, Emma... 58 Smythe, Maximilian 132 Smith, Dame Frances 118 SMYTHE, THEOPHILA 31 Smith, Frances………. SS, 342, 520 Smythe, William 34 SMITH, FRANCIS 89 SMYTHES, ANNE 208: n. 19 Smith, James Smith, Jane Smith, Sir George Smith, George. Smith, Hannah Smith, Harriot SMITH. HELEN SMITH, HENRY 88: n. 6, 86, 274, 368 Snelling, Isabella Sneyd, Anne SNIPE, SAMUEL SNOW, ANNE · 155 Smythes. Thomas 208 434 Snawsell, Elizabeth 278 319, 354 441 366: n. 78 Snawsell, Hugh 278 11 . 339 199 368 67, 226 Snow, George 53 251 614 INDEX. Snow, Mary.. 84 Southwell, John 131 SNOW, MOSES 251 Southwell, Mary 491 Snow, Paul-George 84 Snow, Sarah 251 Southwell, Sarah Southwell, Ursula 141 131 Snowe, Rev. Dr. J.. 345 Sowersby, Juliana 386 Soame, Elizabeth 15 Spaight, Mary 81 Soame, Jane 6 Spaight, William 81 Soame, John 21 SPANHEIM, ANNA-ELIZABETH (BARONESS Soame, Mary .... 21, 72 OF) 262: n. 415 Soame, Sir Stephen 6 Spanheim, Charlotte 270 Soame, Stephen 72 SPANHEIM, EZEKIEL (BARON of) 270: Soame, Thomas 15 n. 415 Soame, Sir William Soesdyk, Philip-Jacob (Baron de) Soissons, Lewis-Thomas (Count dc) SOMERSET, ALGERNON (DUKE OF) Somerset, Anne (Duchess of) SOMERSET, CHARLES (DUKE OF) Somerset, Charles SOMERSET, EDWARD (DUKE OF) Somerset, Elizabeth (Duchess of) ... SOMERSET, FRANCES (DUCHESS OF) Somerset, John (Duke of).. SOMERSET, LORD JOHN Somerset, Lady Mary ..... SOMERSET, SARAH (DUCHESS OF) 230: n. 348 Somerset, William (Duke of) 72 Spanheim, Frederick 270 384 Spanheim, Mary-Ann 415 273 SPARKES, ARTHUR 2 377, 387 : SPARKES, MARY 2 n. 368, 423 Spateman, Michael 343 116 SPECCOTT, LADY ESSEX 28 271: n. 304, Speccott, Honor. 28 377, 454 SPECCOTT, JOHN 28 255 Speed, John 197 116 Speke, Anne 7 271. 304 Speke, Dorothy 168 387 : Speke, Sir George 168 n. 198, 201, 368, 423 Speke, George 7 231 SPELMAN, DAME ELINOR 116 255 • Spelman, Frances 135 222, 249, 340, 378 SPELMAN, SIR HENRY 116, 135 Spencer, Anne 325, 438 198, 201 Spencer, Dame Catherine 114 SOMERTON, CHARLES (VISCOUNT)……………….... 479 SPENCER, LADY ELIZABETH 24: n. 344 SOMES, SUSANNA 224 SOMES, THOMAS……… 227 Sommelsdyck, Cornelius (Lord of).. 298 Sondes, Sir George... 355 Sondes, Mary 355 Sophia (Queen) 115 Sophia-Amalia (Queen) 265 Sophia-Charlotte (Queen) 434, 436 Sophia-Dorothea (Princess) 397 SOTHEBY, ELIZABETH 53 Sotheby, Thomas 53 Souch, see Zouch. South, Elizabeth……….. 286 SOUTH, ROBERT SOUTHAMPTON, ANNE (DUCHESS OF)... 369 : SOUTHAMPTON, CHARLES (DUKE OF)... 265, 330, 369 n. 200, 309 SOUTHAMPTON, FRANCES (COUNTESS OF) 201 SOUTHAMPTON, HENRIETTA (DUCHESS Spooner, Isaac Spoore, Dorothy SPOORE, HENRY SPOORE, SARAH SPOTSWORTH, JAMES Spottiswood, Beatrix 286 : n. 280 n. 265, 309 114, 115 114 115 30 469 30 115 414 60 478 148, 286 148, 286 506 506 326 253: n. 317, 326 317: n. 253, 326 139 134, 139 Spottiswood, Sir Henry 139 OF) 360 Spottiswood, Right Rev. James 139 Southampton, Henry (Earl of) 136 Spottiswood, Most Rev. John 134 SOUTHAMPTON, MARY (DUCHESS OF) 200 : ... Spottiswood, John 139, 478 n. 162 Spottiswood, Mary 139 Southampton, Mary (Countess of) 136 Spottiswood, Rachel 134 Southampton, Thomas (Earl of) 201 Spragge, Anne 182 Southampton, William (Duke of) 360 • Spragge, Dorothy 182 Southby, Thomas 282 SPRAGGE, SIR EDWARD 182 Southcote, Sir John 400 Spragge, John 182 Southcote, Mary 400, 522 Spragge, Lichfield 182 Southcote, Philip 369 Spragge, Mary ... 182 Southcote, Thomas 522 Spragge, William 182 SOUTHEY, ANN 406: n. 307, 383 SPRAT, FRANCES 43: n. 342 SOUTHEY, DEBORAH SOUTHEY, Dorcas SOUTHEY, ROBERT Southwell, Elizabeth Southwell, Henry 383 SPRAT, GEORGE 73, 207 258 SPRAT, HELEN 72, 73, 316: n. 299 ... 258, 307: n. 383, 406, 505, 507 Sprat, Henrietta 425 Sprat, John. 276 491 SPRAT, RIGHT REV. THOMAS 276: n. 207, 491 214, 299, 316 Spencer, Elizabeth • Spencer, Sir John Spencer, Margaret (Lady) SPENCER, DAME MARY Spencer, Mary-Ann Spencer, Sir Richard Spencer, Robert (Lord) SPENCER, THOMAS SPENCER-CHURCHILL, GEORGE-CHARLES Spice, Martha. Spiller, Jane Spiller, Sir Robert Spooner, Barbara INDEX. 615 441: n. 338 441 384: n. 441 217 493 493 493 435 435 253 253 ... 45 .... SPRAT, THOMAS... 43, 72, 73, 299: n. 217, 342 Spratt, Alexander-Hanna Sprentall, Mary SPRING, DORCAS. Spring, Elizabeth SPRING, JAMES Spring, Sarah Stageldoir, Martha 490 487 Stagg, Artemisia 371 197 Stagg, Edmund 371 387: n. 372, 391, 437 STAGG, ELIZABETH 379: n. 371 387, 390 STAGG, JOHN 370: n. 371, 379 372 Stagg. Samuel 387, 390, 437 Stagg. Susanna 371 371, 379 SPRING, WILLIAM 390: n. 372, 387, 391, 437 Spry, Wilhelmina 96 Stair, James (Viscount of) Staley, John 301 164 Spry, William 96 Stamford, Henry (Earl of) 276 Spurling, Susan 201 STAMPFORD, ANNE 35 SQUIBBE, STEPHEN 169 Standbrooke, Alice 238 · Squire, Elizabeth 151 Standbrooke, Henry 180 SQUIRE, SCIIPO SQUIRES, LUCY ST. ALBANS, CHARLES (DUKE OF)... 317. 382. 385: n. 338, 441 St. Albans, Diana (Duchess of)... 317, 338. 382 ST. ALBANS, GEORGE (DUKE OF) St. Albans, Jane (Duchess of).. ST. ALBANS, LUCY (DUCHESS OF) St. Amand, James St. Antonio, Francis (Count) ST. ANTONIO, GEORGE - WELLINGTON - - FRANCIS-BALTHASAR St. Antonio, Sophia (Countess) St. Aubyn, Elizabeth St. Aubyn, John St. Denis, Charles (de). ST. EVREMOND, CHARLES (LORD OF) St. John, Sir Andrew STANDBROOKE, JOHN Standbrooke, Sarah Standish, Susanna Stanhope, Alexander Stanhope, Charles • STANHOPE, LADY ELIZABETH….. • 151 221, 238 • 455 222, 238 244 184 4, 116, 119 499 116 264: n. 321 467 - GEORGIANA - Stanhope. Anne Stanhope, Sir Edward Stanhope, Elizabeth STANHOPE, EVELYN CATHERINE 56 Stanhope. George 363 STANHOPE. HENRIETTA-MARIA... 184: n. 193 Stanhope, Sir John 185 Stanhope. Philip 264 Stanhope, Sir Thomas 4, 119 Stanhope, Sir William 167 Stanhope, William 417 Stanihurst, James 149 Staniburst. Margaret 149 St. John, Anne 133 Stanlake, George 247 St. John, Barbara 65. 178, 214, 223 Stanley, Lady Anne 141. 149 ST. JOHN, CATHARINE (LADY) 111 Stanley, Anne St. John, Charles (Lord) 146 STANLEY, ARTHUR-LYULPH 10, 469 524 ST. JOHN, ELIZABETH (LADY) 45 STANLEY, VERY REV. ARTHUR - PEN- St. John, Dame Jane 45 RHYN 57 ST. JOHN, JOHN (LORD)...... 45, 111: n. 133 STANLEY, LADY AUGUSTA-ELIZABETH- St. John, Sir John ... 65, 178. 208, 214, 223 FREDERICA 57: n. 525 St. John, Lucy St. John, Mary (Lady) 208 STANLEY, CATHARINE 146 Stanley, Charles 109: n. 58 128 St. Quintin, Dame Charlotte 352 Stanley, Lady Charlotte 404, 422 St. Quintin, Sir William 352 STANLEY, CHARLOTTE 128 Stables, Keene 473 Stanley. Dorothy 215 Stacey, Henry 179 Stanley, Edward 58, 130 STACY, HENRY 179 Stafford, Anne (Countess of) 411 STANLEY, EDWARD-LYULPH STANLEY, LADY ELIZABETH 524 279: n. 109 ... Stafford, Anne 233 Stanley, Lady Frances 224 Stafford, Claude-Charlotta (Countess of) 295 Stanley, Hans 469 Stafford, Edward (Lord) 233 Stanley, Jane 197 Stafford, Edward 233, 295 Stanley, Lucy .. 489 STAFFORD, ELIZABETH-MARY-MICHAEL Stanley, Margery 130 (COUNTESS OF) 435 STANLEY, MARY 190: n. 31 Stafford, Henry (Earl of) 400 STANLEY, MARY-KATHERINE 524 Stafford, Henry (Lord) 233 Stanley, Sir l'eter 31 STAFFORD, HENRY-STAFFORD (EARL OF) 295 Stanley, William 10, 109, 125, 215 STAFFORD, JOHN-PAUL (EARL OF) +00: ... Stanley of Alderley (Lord) 58 n. 436 STANSBYE, MARGARET 10 STAFFORD, MARY (COUNTESS OF).. 233 Stapells, Charles 473 Stafford, Mary (Viscountess of) 295 STAPLE, EDWARD 476 Stafford, Dame Mary 218 STAPLE, FRANCES 477 Stafford, Mary 233 STAPLE, JOHN 496 STAFFORD, WILLIAM (EARL of) 411 Stapleton, Catharine 219 Stafford, William (Viscount of)………….. 233, 295 Stapleton, Joyce... 123 Stafford-Howard, John 400 Stapleton, Sir Miles 219 Stafford-Howard, John-Paul 400, 436 Stapleton, Sir Thomas $1 Stafford-Howard, Mary 400 Stapleton, Sir William 132 Stafford-Howard, William 411 Stapleton, William 123 616 INDEX. Stapylton, Elizabeth………….. 170 STEWARD, ROBERT 299 Stapylton, Richard 170 Steward, William 521 STAPYLTON, SIR ROBERT 170 Stewart, Alexander. .... 60, 518 STARNLEY, WILLIAM 197 Stewart, Anne..... 457 Statham, Catharine 379 Stewart, Catharine 445 Statham, Sir John 379 Stewart, Euphemia • 399, 482 Statham, John Staunton, Elizabeth ་ Staunton, George STAUNTON, SIR GEORGE-LEONARD Staunton, Jane 379 STEWART, JOIN 482: n. 457 352 Stewart, Margaret-Brodie 60, 518 465 Stewart, Lady Mary 399 465 ..... Stewart, Mary... 482 465 Stewart, Sir Robert 445 Staunton, John Staunton, Margaret Staveley, Frances 352 Stewart, Robert 498 .... 465 Stewart, Lady Sarah-Frances 498 455 Stewart, William 399.482 Staveley, John Staveley, Lucy-Charlotte Staveley, Susanna Stawell, John (Lord).. Stedder, Alice. Steele, Elizabeth 455 Stirling, Henry (Earl of) 19 • 455 Stirling, Priscilla (Countess of) 19 455 Stock, Frances 8 ..... 273 STOCKDALE, ELIZABETH………. 160 Stawell, Margaret (Lady) 273 STOCKDALE, GEORGE 68 174 STOCKDALE, GRACE 2 294 STOCKDALE, JOHN 2,68 Steele, Eugene STEELE, DAME MARY Steele, Sir Richard STEEN, ANNE 294 STOCKDALE, THOMAS 173 294 Stokes, Ann 502 294 Stokes, James 502 .... 45, 321 Stokes, Mary 502 STEEN, ELIANOR 46 STONE, ANDREW….. STEEN, SAMUEL Stephanus, Florence Stephanus. Henry Stephens, Catharine 45, 46, 318, 335 STEIGNER, CHRISTOPHER 416 Stone. Anne 132 Stone, Elizabeth .... 132 STONE, MOST REV. GEORGE 418 n. 49, 397, 405, 410, 49, 405, 410, 418 14, 41 405: n. 410 433 52 STONE, HANNAH. ... 433: n. 397, 470 Stephens, T. Stephens, Edward Stephens, Florence.. Stephens, Henry.. STEPHENS, RACHEL Stephens, Temperance STEPHENS, THOMAS Stephens, Sir William Stephenson, Elizabeth Stephenson, George Stephenson, Henry STEPHENSON, ROBERT Stephenson, Simon Stephenson, William Stepney. Bernard STEPNEY, DOROTHY STEPNEY, FRANCES STEPNEY, GEORGE….. Stepney. Dame Mary Stepney, Sir Thomas STERRELL, DREW Sterrell, Henry 66 STONE, JAMES 441 132 STONE, JOHN 114 132 Stone, Joseph. 111, 376 417 STONE, MARY 49 52 STONE, RICHARD 49 66 Stone, Sir Robert 41 • 379, 412 279 STONE, THOMAS.. STONE, ROBERT 110 397: n. 14 476, 497 Stonestreet, Henry 374 516 Stoney, Andrew-Robinson 464 497 Stonhouse, Elizabeth.. 25 515 Stonhouse, Sir George 25 476 Stopes, Katherine 117 476 Storer, Anne 452 260 Storer, Peter 452 ... 311: n. 260, 294, 385 294: n. 260, 311 259: n. 311, 385 Storer, Sidney 452 260 Stormont, David (Viscount) 260 STORKE, FRANCES.. Stormont, Anne (Viscountess)………... Stormont, Margery (Viscountess) 8 457 ... 444, 451, 457 451 .... 157 STORR, JOHN .... 434 157, 525 Storr, John-Norris.... 435 Sterrell, Margaret Sterrell, Mary Sterrell, Prudence · Steuart, Alexander.. Steuart, Charles Steuart, Elizabeth Steuart, Harriot 157, 525 Storr, Joseph 435 157 Stotevile, Cicely. 129 157 Stotevile, Jane 129, 149 492 Stotevile, Thomas 129, 149 318 Stow, Anne 270 318 Stow, Joanna 10 492 STRACY, ELIZABETH 46 Steuart, James Steuart, John STEUART, WILLIAM STEVENS, HENRY Stevens, Rachel STEVENS, THOMAS. Stevenson, Alice.. STEVENSON, ANN Steward, Catharine Steward, Elizabeth .... 318 Stradling, Dame Elizabeth 221 318 STRADLING, GEORGE.. 70, 203, 220 318: n. 315 Stradling, Sir John 220 452 STRADLING, MARGARET 70, 203 417 367 Strafford, Arabella (Countess of) Strafford (Lady) 242 355 18 Strafford, Thomas (Earl of)………… 212, 242 320 STRANGE, JAMES (LORD) 128 521 Strangways, Elinor 180 521 Strathmore, John (Earl of) 463 • INDEX. 617 STRATHMORE, MARY-ELEANOR (COUNTESS Stuart, Lodovic OF) 463 STUART, MARGARET Strathmore, Thomas (Earl of)………….. Streatfeild, Anne Streatfeild, Frances 98 Stuart, Lady Mary · 10 Stuart, Sir Robert 10 Stuart, Sir Simeon.. 122, 133 115 n. 471 215 353 458, 459 Streatfeild, Thomas Street, Ann Street, Edith Street, Thomas Street, William Strelley, Elizabeth Strelley, Nicholas 10 Stuart, Walter 466 466 466 466 25 25 Stretton, Anne 160 STRICKLAND, CHARLES-WILLIAM. Strickland, Sir George 39 99 99 Stuart de Rothesay, Charles (Lord) STUART-WORTLEY, CICELY-SUSAN 250, 277 516 59 Stuart-Wortley, James-Archibald... 471, 478, 480, 518 59 STUART-WORTLEY, JOHN (LORD). Stuart-Wortley, Louisa-Harcourt... 471, 478, 480, 518 Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, Caroline-Jane Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, James-Archi- ... 56 STRICKLAND, GEORGINA-SELINA-SEP- bald 56 TIMIA 99 Stubbs, Judith 32 Strickland, Dame Mary 99 Stubbs, Walter 32 Stringer, Richard STRODE, CHARLES……… Strode, Civillia STRICKLAND, WALTER-WILLIAM Stringer, Julian Strode, Anne Strode, Dame Catharine 99 Sturt, Anthony 159 131 Sturt, Mary. 159 131 Stych, Martha 451 301 STYDOLPH, DAME ELIZABETH 25 25 Stydolph, Sir Richard 25 317 Style, Mary... 298, 399 215 Style, William 298, 399 Strode, Grace Strode, Sir George. Strode, George STRODE, JOHN... Strode, Dame Mary Strode, Mary... Strode, Sir Nicholas STRODE, PRISCILLA STRODE, REBECCA. Strode, Samuel Strode, Sir William STRODE, WILLIAM 387 Styles, Robert.... 230 35 Suckling. Anne 369 387 SUCKLING, GEORGE 369: n. 367 215: n. 216 SUCKLING, HANNAH. 367 522 Suckling, William 369 35, 215 Sudbury, Anne 36 25 SUDBURY, DAME BRIDGET 36 35 ... Sudbury, Sir John.. 36 25 Suett, Mrs. 421 304 Suffolk, Barbara (Countess of) 65 522 420, 522 Suffolk, Catherine (Countess of)...... Suffolk, Elizabeth (Countess of).. 170, 250 192 Strong, Damaris.. 148 Suffolk, George (Earl of) 357 STRONG, WILLIAM 147, 523 Stroud, see Strode. Strowde, Mr. 115 Suffolk, Henry-Bowes (Earl of) Suffolk, James (Earl of) Suffolk, Theophilus (Earl of) ... 250 65 Strutt, Ann 454 STRUTT, CATHARINE 413 Strutt, Charlotte 139, 477, 489 STRUTT, CHARLOTTE-Row 477 Strutt, Sir Denner 266 Strutt, Elizabeth.. 454 Strutt, George-Henry 439 Suffolk, Thomas (Earl of) Sunderland, Anne (Countess of) Sunderland, Emanuel (Earl of) Sunderland, Robert (Earl of) Sussex, Robert (Earl of)... 25, 182, 192, 210, 251 141, 170, 225 Sutherland, George-Granville (Duke of)... 63 21 116, 225 24, 344 114, 117, 118, 125 Strutt, John. 454 Suttle, Ellen 109 Strutt, Joseph 454 Suttle, Frances 109 Strutt, Katharine-Ruth. 413 Suttle, Hugh 109 Strutt, Lydia 413 Suttle, Robert. 109 Strutt, Dame Mary……. 265-6 STRUTT, MARY 454 STRUTT, SAMUEL 439: n. 413, 477, 489 Strutt, Sarah STRUTTON, ELIZABETH 454 344 n. 407 Suttle, Thomas SUTTLE, WILLIAM Sutton, Dame Anne Sutton, Anne ... 109 109 237 420, 427 Sutton, Barbara 158 Stuart, Andrew 471 Sutton, Bridget .... 222 Stuart, Anna-Helena.. 416 SUTTON, SIR EDWARD... 237 Stuart, Lady Anne..... 493 Sutton, Ellic 132 STUART, LADY ARBELLA 112 SUTTON, GERVAS 215 Stuart, Catharine 251, 416 Sutton, Jarvis... 215 Stuart, Charles 154, 164, 182, 458 Sutton, Mary 215, 406 Stuart, Charlotte 516 Stuart, Clemence 458 Stuart, Esme 115, 123, 152, 234 Sutton, Robert Sutton, William Swaine, Arthur 222, 406 158 152 STUART, LADY FRANCES. 234 SWAINE, JOHN 223 STUART, FRANCES-TERESA Stuart, Dame Helen Stuart, James.... 250 Swaine, Mary 152 353 SWAN, ANNE 39 124, 148, 215 Swan, Dame Cecilia 209 4 K 618 INDEX. SWAN, ROBERT 39 TATE, ANNE 27 Swan, Sir William 209 TATE, PETER 27 Swanston, Jean 453 Taunton, Frances 88 Swaseldin, John 378 Taunton, Sir William-Elias 88 Swayne, Anne.... 131 TAYLEUR, CRESWELL 53 SWAYNE, JAMES 134 TAYLEUR, PHILLIS 53 Swayne, Mary. 277 TAYLOR, ALICE-MAUD. 57 Swayne, William 131 Taylor, Anne 273, 357, 375, 421 SWEATMAN, LARENCE 180 TAYLOR, ANNE-BARBARA 75 SWEET, JANE-FRANCES 463 Taylor, Bridges ... 57 Sweeting, Barbara…. 270 TAYLOR, DANIEL 137 Swetnam, Lawrence 180 Taylor, Edward.. 357, 375, 421 Swetnam, Mary 150 Taylor, Dame Elizabeth • 25 Swettenham, Lawrence. 180 TAYLOR, ELIZABETH 24: n. 131 Swettenham, Mary 180 Taylor, Emily-Alice 57 Swettenham, Thomas 180 Taylor, Eusebia 12 Swift, Catharinc.. 138 TAYLOR, FRANCES. 12 Swift, James Swift, Jane .... Swift, Sir Robert 300 Taylor (General) 497 209 Taylor James 131 138 Taylor, Jane D 15 Swinburne, John 493 Taylor, Joan 447 Swinburne, Sarah 493 TAYLOR, JOHN 411 Swymmer, Henry 431 TAYLOR, LITTLETON .... Sydney, Elizabeth (Viscountess).. 497 TAYLOR, MARY Sydney, Thomas (Viscount).. 497 Taylor, Owen 32, 75, 76, 242, 249 32, 75, 76, 256: n. 164 15 SYKES, DAME JESSICA-ANNE-CHRISTINA- TAYLOR, RACHEL 357 n. 346, 364, 375 CAVENDISH 62 Taylor, Richard 12 Sykes, Dame Mary-Anne 62 Taylor, Sarah 320 SYKES, SIR TATTON 62 Taylor, Sir Thomas 25 Sylvester, Grace.. 14 Taylor, Thomas 246 SYLVIUS, DAME ANNE 15 Taylor, Ursula 288 SYLVIUS, SIR GABRIEL 15 TAYLOR, WILLIAM 76: n. 273 SYMMONS, HENRY SYMMONS, MARY.. Symonds, Arabella.. Symonds, Elizabeth Symonds, Jane Symonds, Thomas SYMPTOR, JANE... 196: n. 334 Taylour, Anne.... 348 334: n. 196 Taylour, Charles.. 336 487 Taylour, John ... 336 22 Taylour, Thomas 525 425 TAYLOUR, WILLIAM. 336 425 TAYTE, MARGARET • 5 33 Telford, Janet. 507 Telford, John 507 TELFORD, THOMAS 507 Temple, Anne... 7 Talbot, Alice ..... 308 TEMPLE, DIANA 196 TALBOT, EDWARD. Talbot, George Talbot, Caroline-Jane Talbot, Lady Cecil-Chetwynd Talbot, Charles-Chetwynd (Earl)...... TALBOT, LADY GERTRUDE-FRANCES 56 TEMPLE, DAME DOROTHY 235 104 Temple, Dorothy 415 56, 104 TEMPLE, ELIZABETH............. 415 n. 382 114 ... Temple, Henry 7, 382 211, 233 TEMPLE, HENRY-JOHN 517 62 Temple, Hester 469 Talbot, John-Chetwynd 56 Temple, Dame Jane 382 TALBOT, JOHN-GILBERT 56 Temple, Sir John 244, 307, 382 TALBOT, MERIEL-SARAH. 56 TEMPLE, JOHN 382 n. 415 Talbot, Sarah 233 Temple, Martha.. ..... 307 TALBY, MR. 165 Temple, Dame Mary 244, 307 Tankerville (Countess of). 249 Temple, Mary.. 382, 415 TANNER, ANNE Tanner, Hannahı TANNER, ROBERT ... 74, 75, 320 91, 443 74, 75, 211: n. 240, 320 Temple, Richard (Earl) Temple, Sir Richard 469 469 TEMPLE, SIR WILLIAM ... 244: n. 196, 235, TANNER, SARAH 74 307, 415 TANNER, SHORTER Tanst, George Tappenden, James. Tappenden, John 75 TEMPLER, ARABELLA 202 394 TEMPLER, LEWIS 186 Tappenden, Emilia-Elizabeth 513 TEMPLER, SARAH 229 513 TENNANT, ELIZABETH.. 183 513 TERRICK, MARY 213 Tappenden, Margaret Tapping, Sibill Tarver, Elizabeth 513 Teshe, Lucy 525 123 Teshe, Margaret.. 525 370 Teshe, Robert 525 Tasburgh, John Tasburgh, Mary Tassie, William 9 Test, Mary 52 9 TEST, THOMAS 52 500 TEVIOT, THOMAS (VISCOUNT OF) .... 271 INDEX. 619 Teviot (Lord) Thacker, Gilbert.. THACKER, MARY Thackeray, Amelia 229 Thornburgh, Sir Thomas 10 Thornburgh, Thomas. 173 192 10 THORNDIKE, ALICE 440, 446 Thorndike, Francis 70: n. 169, 177 169, 177 Thackeray, Jane 504 THORNDIKE, HERBERT... 177: n. 67, 70, 169 Thackeray, Thomas 504 THORNDIKE, JOHN 169: n. 67 ... Thackeray, William-Makepeace. 440, 446 THORNDIKE, MARTHA 70 Thanet, Margaret (Countess of) ... 179 THORNDIKE, PAUL 67 Thanet, John (Earl of). 179 THORNE, CHARLOTTE-JANE 89: n. 455 · Thawyts, Mrs. 239, 260 THORNE, ELIZABETH.. 90, 459 Theobald, Anne 384 THORNE, JANE 89. 90: n. 455, 463 Theobald, Francis 384 ... THORNE, JOSEPH 89, 90, 455, 463: n. 459 THEOBALD, JOHN 514 THORNE, MARY... 90: n. 297 Thibou, Esther 438 Thornhill, Dame Jane 209 THIRLWALL, RIGHT REV. CONNOP 520 Thornhill, Sarah-Caroline 104 Thirlwall, Thomas 520 Thornhill, Thomas... 104 Thomas, Anne 55 Thornhill, Thomazine 40 THOMAS, BLANCHE 174 Thornhill, Sir Timothy 209 • THOMAS, DOROTHY 270 Thornton, Bonnell 462 Thomas, Edward Thomas, James Thomas, Jane. 168 THORNTON, MR.. 255 THOMAS, ELIZABETH 55 Thornton, Silvia.. 462 136 Thorold, Anne 112, 126. 341 136 Thorold, Anthony 37 THOMAS, JOHN 55 Thorold, Charles 341 • Thomas, Joyce 270 Thorold, Sir George 311 Thomas, Katherine 15 Thorold, Grisilla 37 Thomas, Mary 15, 19, 168, 429 THOROLD, SIR JOHN... 37 Thomas, Sarah 394 THOROLD, DAME MARGARET 37 THOMAS, VERE 195 Thorold, Mary .... 341 Thomas, William Thomond, Anne (Countess of).. Thomond, Donogh (Earl of) Thomond, Henry (Earl of) Thomond, Percy (Earl of) 15, 19, 174 Thorold, Sir Samuel 341 194 Thorold, Thomas 112, 126 134 Thorold, Sir William. 37 194 Thorp, F.... 56 334 Thorp, Mary 56 THOMPSON, ANNE 215 n. 221, 260 THORPE, PEGRUM 437: n. 423 Thompson, Arabella 304 THORPE, SARAH 423: n. 137 THOMPSON, ARTHUR. 196 · Thouars, Claude (Duke of) 128 THOMPSON, CATHERINE 263, 278: n. 247, Thouars, George (Marquis of) 25 279 Throop, Elinor 242 Thompson, Charles 205 THROOP, GEORGE. 212: n. 35 Thompson, Edward 260 Throop, Sarah……... 242 THOMPSON, ELIZABETH 409: n. 469 Thurles, Elizabeth (Viscountess) 221 THOMPSON, JAMES 246 Thurles, Thomas (Viscount)…………... 221 Thompson, Jane…. 319 Thurles, Walter (Viscount) 180 THOMPSON, JOHN... 196, 247: n. 95, 195, 196, Thurlow, Barnaby.. .... 4, 525 201, 263, 278 Thurlow, John 4 THOMPSON, JOHN-VINCENT. 62 THURLOW, MILLICENT 4, 525 Thompson, Judith 204 THURSTON, ANNE 407 Thompson, Judith-Elizabeth 95 Thurston, Elizabeth 261 Thompson, Margaret... 195 Thurston, John ... 261 Thompson, Marshall 513 THYNNE, ALGERNON-CARTERET 105 Thompson, Robert 356 Thynne, Lady Anne-Constantia 56, 57, 59, 61 THOMPSON, SARAH-ISABELLA Thompson, William 62 247, 345 THYNNE, ARTHUR-CHRISTOPHER 56 THYNNE, BEVIL-GRANVILLE-CARTERET 104 THOMSON, ALBAN 17 THYNNE, DAME CATHARINE 143 THOMSON, ANNE 221: n. 452 THYNNE, CATHARINE ... 11: n. 181 THOMSON, ARTHUR 196 Thynne, Lady Charlotte-Anne ... 59, 102, 104 THOMSON, CHARLES THOMSON, ELIZABETH 205 THYNNE, EDITH-MARCIA-CAROLINE 59, 103, 17 104, 105, 106 Thomson, Henry. 452 Thynne, Lady Elizabeth • 271, 304 THOMSON, JOHN 196, 201 Thynne, Elizabeth 201 THOMSON, MARGARET 195 THYNNE, EMILY-CONSTANTIA 57: n. 525 Thomson, Robert Thomson, Thomas 340 340, 452 Thynne, Lady Frances 365 Thynne, Frances .... 387 Thornborough, sce Thornburgh. THYNNE, FRANCIS-JOHN... 59, 103, 104, 105, Thornburgh, Edward 173 106 THORNBURGH, GILBERT 191: n. 329 THORNBURGH, JOHN. 173: n. 192 ..... THYNNE, GEOFFREY-CHARLES Thynne, Grace 107 387 THORNBURGH, MARGARET Thornburgh, Mary... 329: n. 325 173 THYNNE, GWENLLIAN ELIZABETH FANNY-ISABEL 56 620 INDEX. Thynne, Henry Thynne, Sir Henry-Frederick...... 387 10, 11, 144 TOOTH, JAMES Tooth, Jane 32 32 THYNNE, JOAN-EMILY-MARY 106 Tooth, Martha 32 Thynne, Lord John 56, 57, 59, 61, 525 Tooth, Richard 32 Thynne, Sir John 181 Tooth, Thomas 32 THYNNE, JOHN-CHARLES 61, 106, 107 TORRINGTON, ARTHUR (EARL of) .... 286 THIYNNE, LIONEL-CHARLES THYNNE, MARCIA-SELINA-HELENA THYNNE, MARGARET-CARTERET 107 Tortarolis, Eva 204 103 Tortarolis, John-Francois 201 106 Tothill, Amy ... 239 Thynne, Lady Mary 487 Tothill, Bartholomew 239 Thynne, Sir Thomas Thynne, Dame Mary THYNNE, MARY.. THYNNE, MARY-ELIZABETH Thynne, Dame Stuart THYNNE, THOMAS TIBAUT, DANIEL TIBAUT, HENRIETTA Tibstall, William 10, 11 Toulnesonn, Renold 117 ... 10 61, 106, 107 TOULSON, BARBARA 65 TOULSON, GEORGE 64 204 144, 204 TOULSON, ROBERT TOUNSON, BARBARA 64 ... 65 204: n. 271, 304 TOUNSON, GEORGE 64 27 Tounson, Margaret 64, 117 27 Tounson, Renold 117 310, 327 TOUNSON, RIGHT REV. ROBERT 64, 117 Tichborne, Benjamin 402 Tournay, Edward 473 Tichborne, Elizabeth Tichborne, Margaret-Deering Tichborne, Sir William TIDD, MARY 402 Tovey, Thomas 257 402 TOWERS, ANNA 52 402 Towers, Anne 153 37 Towers, Nicholas 153 TIDD, THOMAS 37 Townley, Blaney 399 Till, Emily 219 Townley, Margaret 65 Till, William 219 Townley, William 65 TILLIARD, JOHN 10 Townsend, Ann 429 TILLIARD, MARGARET 10 Townsend, Elizabeth 429 Tillotson (Archbishop) 12 Townsend, Jane ..... 193 TIMS, MAYO 364 Townsend, Joseph-Beacon 429 Tims, Thomas 364 Townsend, Mary 483 Tincher, John 74 Townsend, Sarah 238 Tincher, Katherine 74 • Townshend, Aurelian 295 Tincker, Philip 180 TINGLE, ANNE Tingle, Anthony Tingle, Elizabeth Tinker, Catherine Tinker, Edward 6 Townshend, Henrietta 208 Tinker, Elizabeth 3 3, 256 Townshend, Charles 6 Townshend, George (Marquis) 6 Townshend, Mary Townshend, Mary-Elizabeth Townshend, William .... 452 452, 526 354 295 497 354 Tracy, Anne 51 Tinker, John 3, 19, 208, 211, 256 Tracy, Dodwell 51 Tinker, Mary 256 Tracy, Ferdinando 51 Tollemache, Elizabeth Tinker, Philip. Tinswood, William Tipping, Elizabeth Tipping, Sir George Tipping, Joane Tipstall, William Tither, see Tyther. Tollemache, Sir Lionel Tollett, Elizabeth TOLLETT, GEORGE Tomlinson, Robert. Tompion, Elizabeth Tompion, James Tompion, Margaret TOMPION, THOMAS TOMPSON, ALBAN 3 Tracy, John (Viscount) 51 437, 438 Tracy, John 51 170 TRACY, MARY 51: n. 131 170 TRACY, THOMAS 51 285 Tracy, Sir William 131 310, 316, 327 Trappes, Anne 151 Trappes, Sir Francis 151 8, 364 Trappes, Francis 525 8, 364 Trappes, Dame Mary 151 282 Trappes, Ursula 525 282 Treadway, Armine 362 407 Treadway, John. 362 278, 382 Tredenham, Anne 259 278, 382 Tredenham, Dame Elizabeth 259 278 Tredenham, Elizabeth 259 278: n. 382 TREDENHAM, SIR JOSEPH 259: n. 197 17 Tredenham, Margaret 197 TOMPSON, ELIZABETH 17 Tredenham, Mary 259 TOMSON, SIR JAMES 217 Tredenham, Seymour 197, 259 Tomson, Margaret 195 Trefusis, Margaret 302 TONGE, ANN 29 Trefusis, Samuel 302 Tonge, John 29 Trelawny, William 297 Tonstall, Barnabas 14 Tremblay, Henrietta-Maria (du)... 168 • Tonstall, Catherine 14 Trémouille, Charlotte (de la) 128 Tonstall, Frederick 14 Trémouille, Claude (de la) 128 TOOTH, ALICE 32 Trench, Edmond 283 Tooth, Elizabeth 32 Trench, Edward……………….. 393 • INDEX. 621 Trench, Frances-Mary Trench, Francis 58 Tufnell, Catharine. 241 58 TUFNELL. CHARLES 256: n. 458 Trench, Sarah.. Trenchard, Ellen .... TRENCHARD, GRACE. TRENCH, MELESINA-MARY Trench, Most Rev. Richard-Chenevix Trenchard, Anne. 58 58 283, 393 ... 42 42 42 Tufnell, Dorothy... 260, 297, 301, 308, 340, 347, 355, 486 TUFNELL, EDWARD 35, 246, 253, 256, 277, 289. 297, 347: n. 241, 301, 458, 489 TUFNELL, ELIZABETH 246, 300, 489: n. 308, 342, 347, 355 TRENCHARD, JOHN Trenchard, William TRENHALE, REGINALD Trentham, Elizabeth Trentham, Thomas.. TREVERS, MARGARET TREVOR, ANN.. 42 Tufnell, Grace…….. 260 42 TUFNELL, JOHN... 241, 277, 291, 308: n. 260, 247 289, 297, 301, 340 124 Tufnell, Maria 489 124 .... Tufnell, Mary.. 458 190 Tufnell, Rebecca 355, 505 50 Tufnell, Samuel. 489, 505 TREVOR, FRANCES 24, 184 TUFNELL. SARAH 310 TREVOR, FRANCIS Trevor, John Trevor, Lucy.. Trevor, Marcus. 184 Tufnell, Thomas.. 355 430 TUFNELL, WILLIAM 340, 355: n. 300, 342, 486 TREVOR, JOHN-MORLEY 430: n. 50 TUFTON, ANNE 197 ..... 50, 430 Tufton, Lady Cecilie 179 24, 265 Tufton, Cecily.. 116, 147 Trevor, Mark TREVOR, MARY 24 Tufton, Chrisogon 129 430 Tufton. Dame Christian 129, 147 Trimnell, Charles.... TRIGGS, FANNY Trimnell, Anne Trimnell, Right Rev. Charles TRIMNELL, CLARE. 403 Tufton, Sir John 116, 129. 147 360 Tufton, Dame Margaret 197 360 Tufton, Sir Richard 197 42, 360 TUFTON, RICHARD.. 129 42 TULLOGH. JAMES (LORD) 71, 189: n. 218 TRIMNELL, David. 42 Turnall, Matthew .... Trimnell, Sarah Trioche, Ann TRIOCKE, ANNE.. TRIOCKE, JAMES Triplet, Katharine TRIPLET, THOMAS.. TRIVETT, FRANCES TRIVETT, WILLIAM TROHEAR, MARY Trollope, Elizabeth-Carr Trollope, Sir William Trotman, Mary Trotman, Samuel TROTMAN, SARAH Trowte, Elinor Trowte, John Trubshaw, Mrs. Try, Elizabeth TRY, HENRY ... 44 Turnall, Rose 378 376, 378 29 Turnell, Rose 378 29 TURNER, ANNA 52 29 TURNER, ANNE • 38. 43: n. 353, 357 172 Turner. Catharine 353 169, 172 Turner, Charles 353 88 Turner, Edward………... 353 88 TURNER, ELIZABETH.. 353: n. 357 419 ... Turner, Henry 38 228 • Turner, Jonathan-Harris 52 228 Turner, Margaret.. 52. 353 38 Turner, Mary 28 38 TURNER, NICHOLAS 52 38 Turner, Thomas 28, 353 157 TURNER. WILLIAM 353: n. 308, 357 157 Turner. William-Partheriche 353 320 TURNEY, MARY 10 67 TURNEY, WILLIAM 10 67 TURNIS, JOHN 366 TRY, JAMES.. 67 Tutteitt, Mary. ... 504 Try, Jane..... 67 TUTTY, JOHN 135 Try, Richard 67 Twisden, Elizabeth 188 Trygare, Anne.. 270 Twisden, Francis 247 Tryon, Alice 46 Twisden, Rebecca 247 Tryon, Hester…….. 137 Twisden, Sir Thomas. 217 TRYON, MARY. 46 TWISDEN, THOMAS………. 247 : n. 188 Tryon, Peter 137 Twisse, Frances 140 TRYON, THOMAS.. Tryon, William 46 TWISSE, WILLIAM 140, 523 46 Tye, James 231 Tubb, Bridget..... 277 Tye, Mary 231 TUCKER, ALICE 287 Tymewell, Arabella 51 TUCKER, ELIZABETH 159 n. 66, 196 Tymewell, Charles 51 TUCKER, HENRY............ 69, 287, 316: n. 66 TUCKER, MARY.. 67, 68, 157, 172 TUCKER, WILLIAM... 67, 68, 69, 157, 159, 172, TYNCHARE, Edward TYMEWELL, MARY TYNCHARE, CATHARINE EDWARD 50 19, 74, 75 3 196 TYNCHARE, ELIZABETH 3, 69, 74, 211: TUCKFIELD, ELIZABETH 67 n. 19, 256 TUCKFIELD, THOMAS 67 TUDER, ANNE….. TYNCHARE, FRANCES 45 TYNCHARE, GEORGE……. S 75 Tuder, Elizabeth. 48 TUFNELL, ANNE... 35, 342: n. 347, 458, 489 TYNCHARE, JOHN... 19, 24, 69, 74, 75: n. 211, 256 622 INDEX. TYNCHARE, MARY 32: n. 180, 256 TYNCHARE, PHILIP... 1, 8, 74, 180, 216, 223 : Vanc, Anne Vane, Henry 345 345 n. 19, 155, 211 Van Hasdonk, Johu 194 Tynte, Hugh 168 Van Hasdunck, Arnold 194 Tyrconnel, George (Earl of) 465 Van Hasdunck, Cornelius.. 194 Tyrconnel, John (Viscount).. 13 Van Hasdunck, John….. 194 TYRCONNEL, SARAH-HUSSEY (COUNTESS Van Hasdunck, Katherine 194 OF) 465: n. 437, 478 Van Hasdunck, Magdalen 194 TYREMAN, ELIZABETH. 289 VAN HASLEDONK, JOHN 194 Tyreman, Samuel 289 Van Hemmend, Beatrix 251 TYRINGHAM, ANNE 1 Van Millingen, Elizabeth. 427 Tyrrell, Bridget Tyrone, James (Earl of) Tyrrell, Sir Edward 282 Van Millingen, Michael 427 204 VAN MILLINGEN, MICHAEL-ROBERT 427 204 Van Sittert, Amelia-Isabella 204 TYRRELL, ELINOR. 8 Van Sittert, Bartholomew 204 .... Tyrrell, Dame Elizabeth 5, 149 TYRRELL, JAMES 5: n. 8 Van Sommelsdyck, Frances-Aersen VAN YZENDOORN, ANDREW……………. 298 481: n. 474 Tyrrell, Dame Margaret TYRRELL, MARY 204 5 Tyrrell, Theophilus 211 Tyrrell, Sir Timothy 5, 149 Van Yzendoorn, Andries VAN YZENDOORN, JOHN Van Yzendoorn, Margaret 481 Van Yzendoorn, Herman-Andreas 481 474 481 Tyte, Lewis..... 5 Van Yzendoorn, Peter 481 ... TYTE, MARGARET 5 Van Yzendoorn, Sarah-Mary 481 TYTHER, ANNE Tyther, Thomas 23 Vardon, Charlotte 497 23 VAREY, JAMES 23 VAREY, REBECCA 23 Varren, Mary 466 Vas, James 239 Upton, Elizabeth UPTON, JOANNA Udall, see Uvedale. Underhill, Alice... UNDERHILL, HENRY Underhill, Sir William Upton, Dorothy Upton, Jane UPTON, JOHN.. VASS, JAMES 239 ... 271, 439 Vasseur-Cougnée, Gcorge (le) . 25 166 Vasscur-Cougnée, Louis-Jacques (le)……………… 25 271, 439 VAUGHAN, ALICE 188 ... 10 Vaughan, Lady Anne 275 10 Vaughan, Dame Anne 113 10 Vaughan, Anne 47, 225, 232, 281 10 VAUGHAN, BRIDGET.. 14 10 Vaughan, Elizabeth 150 Urquhart, Jane 466 Vaughan, Frances 289 Usher, Arnold.... Usher, Elizabeth USHER, MOST REV. JAMES Usher, Margaret... 149 VAUGHAN, GEORGE 213 5, 149 Vaughan, Gwyn.. 381 149: n. 5 Vaughan, Henry 289 149 VAUGHAN, JAMES.. 199 Usher, Phoebe.. 149 Vaughan, Jane 366 Uvedale, Dame Anne 64 VAUGHAN, JOHN (LORD) 275 Uvedale, Elizabeth 214, 235, 248 Vaughan, John 213 Uvedale, Susanna 64 Vaughan, Margaret 366 UVEDALE, SIR WILLIAM 64: n. 214, 235, Vaughan, Margery. 130 248 Vaughan, Mary 275, 366 UVEDALE, WILLIAM. 64 Vaughan, Rees ap Tudor ap William 130 UXBRIDGE, HENRY (EARL OF)... 359: n. 360 Uxbridge, Mary (Countess of)... Vaughan, Richard (Lord) 275 359 Vaughan, Richard 224 Vaughan, Sir Robert-Howell 47 • Vaughan, Susan………. 366 Vaughan, Sir Thomas 113 Vachan, 132 VAUGHAN, THOMAS 510 Vallance, Andrew 514 Vaughan, Walter 14 VALLANCE, WILLIAM 514 Vanghan, Wilmot 333 Valle, Bartolomeo 408 Vazeille, Louise. 497 Valle, Maria-Teresa 408 Veale, Anna-Maria 358 Van Aersen, Isabella……... 298 VEALE, JOHN-NEWTE 358 Vanbracht, see Vanbright. Veale, Mary 358 Vanbright, Elizabeth 12 Veale, Samuel.. 358 VANBRIGHT, REBECCA. 12 Veigel, Eva-Maria 499 VANBRIGHT, WALTER 12 Veigel, John 499 Van Cortlandt, Augustus 463 Venables, Anne 30 • Van Cortlandt, Eleanor 463 Venables, Elinor 123 Vancouver (Captain) 482 Venables, Elizabeth 116 Van Dyke, Sir Anthony 145 Venables, Mary 148 Van Dyke, Dame Mary.. 145 Venables, Peter 30 .... Vane, Amelia 345 Venables, Sir Thomas 123 INDEX. 623 Venables, Thomas Venables, Sir William Vere, see De Vere. Verelst (Countess of) Verelst, Herman 148 Vincent, Cecilia-Eliza 116 VINCENT, CLIFTON-WILLIAM 94 470 Vincent, Dora 95 504 Vincent, Elizabeth 500, 509 338 VINCENT, EMILIA 96 Verney, Eleanor 312 VINCENT, EMILIA-ELIZABETH 94, 95, 96, Verney, Elizabeth (Lady) 32 • 513 VERNEY, ELIZABETH 18 VINCENT, FRANCES-ANN.. 93 Verney, George VERNEY, JOHN (LORD) 312 32: n. 18 VINCENT, FRANCES - ELIZABETH-GAY- FERE 92, 93 VERNEY, JOHN 18 VINCENT. FRANCIS-WILLIAM VERNEY, DAME MARY 32: n. 18 VINCENT, GEORGE Verney, Ralph (Earl) 18 VINCENT, GEORGE-GILES Verney, Sir Ralph Verney, Thomas Vernon, Grace Vernon, Henry Vernon, Matilde Vernon, William-Hughes VERREN, MARY Vertue, Anthony 18 312 Vincent, Giles 429, 486 94 92: n. 490 88. 92, 94, 95, 96, 473, 513, 515 VINCENT, HANNAH... 88, 89. 473: n. 447, 515 490 288 VINCENT, HANNAH-ELIZABETH 288 VINCENT, HANNAH-MARY 429 VINCENT, JOSEPHA-MARY 466 .... Vincent, Mary 89, 424 92 92 92, 473 389 VINCENT, MARY-MARGARET VERTUE, GEORGE Vertue. James 389: n. 421 389 VINCENT, ROBERT Vincent, Sarah VERTUE, MARGARET Vertue, Peter Vesci, Emma (Viscountess de).. Vesci, Thomas (Viscount de) VESEY, BEATRIX-CHARLOTTE-ELIZABETH .... 421: n. 389 VINCENT. SUSANNA 95 472, 475 490 17 389 VINCENT, THOMAS 17, 95 63 VINCENT, WILLIAM 63 88. 89, 124, 190 : n. 473, 500, 509, 515 62 VINCENT, WILLIAM-ST. ANDREW 88, 92. Vesey, Dorothy • Vesey, Sir Thomas Vesey, William Vialls, Amos 250 93, 470: n. 96 63 Viner, Elizabeth 14 250 Viner, Sir Thomas 14 483, 504 Violette. Eva-Maria 499 Vialls, Louisa 504 Vitus, Ignatius 177 Vialls, Mary 483 Von Krauth, Charlotte 504 Vialls, Mary-Ann VIALLS, THOMAS Victoria (Queen) 504 Vyner, Martha 252, 268, 292 504: n. 483 Vyner, Samuel 252, 268, 292 511, 517 Vyse, Georgiana 459 Vidgeon, Mary Vidgeon, Robert 17 Vyse, Mary 459 17 Vyse. Richard 459 Villiers, Anne VILLIERS, DAME BARBARA VILLIERS, BARBARA VILLIERS, CATHARINE ... 65: n. 264, 286, 330 52: n. 315 14, 319 Vyse, William 459, 471 178: n. 214, 223 Villiers, Charles .... 126, 233 Waad, Dame Anne 184 VILLIERS, CHRISTOPHER.. 65 Waad, Sir William 184 VILLIERS, EDWARD VILLIERS, ELEANOR Villiers, Elizabeth VILLIERS, LADY FRANCES... VILLIERS, SIR EDWARD... 23, 65, 223: n. 25, 178, 192, 214, 264, 272, 319 65: n. 315. 426 214 176. 233 Waddington, Joshua 514 WADE, AMELIA 60 WADE, GEORGE 374 Wade. John... 374 192: n. 25, 264. WADE, THOMAS-FRANCIS Wade, William 60 374 273 WAGER, SIR CHARLES 363, 375 Villiers, Sir George VILLIERS, GEORGE Villiers, Harriet …………. VILLIERS, KATHERINE Villiers, Lady Margaret VILLIERS, DAME MARTHA Villiers, Lady Mary Villiers, Frances VILLIERS, FRANCIS (LORD) VILLIERS, FRANCIS 255: n. 52, 65, 119, 126, 173, 215, 218, 233 426 25: n. 192 162 WAKE, HARRIET Wake, James Wakelin, Charlotta 319 Wager, Charles 363 142 Wager, Elizabeth 363 233 Wager, John 363 127, 130 WAGER, DAME MARTHA 375: n. 364 Wager, Prudence Waith, Mary ... 363 29 Wake, Anna 87 Wake, Charles 87, 451 451 Villiers, Dame Mary Villiers, Robert 23: n. 224 152, 215 127, 130 87 506 WALCOT, ANNE 33 162 WALCOT, CHARLES 33 Villiers, Susan Villiers, William Vimar, Hester 127, 133 Walcot, Elizabeth 33 25 Walcot, John ... 33 242 Waldegrave, James (Earl) 294 Vimart, Hester Vincent, Caroline 242 Waldegrave, MARY (LADY) 294 92 Waldo, Adria 42 624 INDEX. WALDO, DANIEL WALDO, EMMA WALDO, PETER 315: n. 42 42: n. 315 Walsingham, Sir Francis WALTER, JANE 141 .... 33 42: n. 315 WALTER, JOHN. .... 33: n. 100, 390 Waldron, Agues. 217 Walter, Newton 390 WALDRON, ELIZABETH 188 Walter, Peter 33 Waldron. Henry.. WALDRON, JANE Waldron, John Waldron, Martha WALDRON, MARY WALDRON, THOMAS 217 ..... Walter, Rose-Mary 100 216 Walter, Sarah………….. 100 436 Walters, Anne.... 54 436, 478 WALTERS, JOSEPH 449 217 Walters, Margaret.. 38 190 n. 188, 217 Walters, Robert 54 Waldron, Timothy 217 ... WALTON, ALICE. 450 Wale, Eleanor 449 WALWYN, JOHN... 17 Wale, John ..... 449 WALWYN, MARY 17 Wale, Margaret 322 Walwyn, Penelope. 17 Wale, Sir William 322 Walwyn, Richard 17 WALES. CHARLES-JAMES (PRINCE OF)... WALES, FREDERICK-LOUIS (PRINCE OF) 395, 496, 409, 411, 415, 447: n. 345 WALES, GEORGE (PRINCE OF) WALES, HENRY-FREDERICK (PRINCE OF) 110 128 Walwyn, Robert... 17 381, Walwyn, Thomas 17 WANCKLIN, JANE 273 291 Walker, Agnes 110 WANCKLIN, ROGER Wane, Susan .... Warburton, Eleanor 273 198 522 WALKER, ALEXANDER. 390 · Warburton, Elizabeth 116, 414 Walker, Anne. 418 Warburton, Jane 409 Walker, Elizabeth 325 Warburton, Sir John.. 116 Walker, George 390 Warburton, Mary 146 WALKER. JAMES Walker, John 110 Warburton, Peter 146, 414, 522 320 WARBURTON, RICHARD 414 ..... WALKER, LUCY 32 Warburton, Thomas 409 WALKER, MARTHA WALKER, MARY Walker, Newton.. WALKER, PHILLIS.. WALKER, RICHARD 232 Warcupp, Mary 38 Walker, Dame Mary. 316 Warcupp, Sir Samuel 38 359: n. 334, 390 WARD, ANN... 90, 140, 458 n. 347, 399, 477 390 WARD, CATHARINE 412 53 Ward, Elizabeth 435; n. 4, 428 138 Ward, Frances 174 Walker, Susanna 320 Ward, George 428: n. 435 Walker, Thomas.. 390 Ward, Humble (Lord) .. 174 Walker, Sir William 418 WARD, JOHN 32: n. 4 Walker, William 53, 390 Ward, Joseph 441 Waller, Anne 148 WARD, JOSHUA 399 Waller, Bridget 318 Ward, Knox 399 WALLER, DOROTHY Waller, Edmund... Waller, Elizabeth Waller, Sir Hardress 30 WARD, LUCY 32 268 Ward, Margaret 399 31 Ward, Mary 364, 441, 474 318 Ward, Ralph 399 Waller, Mary 268 Ward, Rebecca 399 Waller, Thomas 30, 148 Ward, Thomas 399 WALLIS, ALBANY 464: n. 421 WARD, THOMAS-WATSON 90, 477: n. 458, 474 WALLIS. ALBANY-CHARLES 421 Wardell, Lucretia 40 Wallis, Elizabeth 421 Wardell, Thomas 40 ..... Wallis, James.. 464 ... WARDOUR, ANNA-SOPHIA... 347: n. 370, 382 Wallop, John 378 WARDOUR, ELIZABETH.. 409: n. 383 Wallop, Sir Oliver 115 • Wardour, John 370 Wallop, Rose 115 WARDOUR, TOMKYNS... 382, 409: n. 370, 383 Walmesley, Mary 462 Wardour, Virtue... 370 Walmesley, William 462 Wardour, William 347, 370, 382 WALPOLE, LADY ANNE 307 Ware, Elizabeth 18 Walpole, Sir Edward…………. 307 Ware, James 18 Walpole, Horatio 307 `WARE, MARY 18 Walpole, Sir Robert 428 Warick, Alice..... 357, 392 Walsh, Anthony 399 Warick, Sarah……. .... 333 WALSH, GEORGE 399 Warick, Savery-Ann 368 WALSH, MAGDALEN 372 Warick, William 357, 368, 392 Walsh, Margaret 372 Warne, Katharine 172 Walsh, Mary 399 WARNER, ROBERT.. 159 Walsh, Ralph 399 WARR, ELIZABETH 52, 342 n. 369 : Walsh, Richard 399 Warr, Jonathan Walsh, Robert 372 Warre, Anne 343 7, 259 Walsh, Walter 372 Warre, Cicely 7 Walsingham, Frances 141 WARRE, ELIZABETH.........……………………… 7: n. 259 INDEX. 625 WARRE, JOHN 165 Watkins, Richard 319 WARRE, THOMAS 7: n. 259 Watkins, William 95, 446 Warren, Deborah 332 Watson, Charles....... 363 Warren, Dr.... 426 Watson, George 210 WARREN, ELIZABETH... 333: n. 341, 358, 463, Watson, John .. 363 491 Watson, Martha. 364 Warren, Frances.. 260 WATSON, MRS... ... 74, 481 WARREN, RIGHT REV. JOHN 463: n. 491 WATSON, ROWLAND 231 .... • ... WARREN, MARY.. 341 .... Watson, Thomas.. 242 ... Warren, Richard 463 Watters, Joseph 449 WARREN, THOMAS 245, 287: n. 333, 341, 358 WATTS, ANN 254 Warren, William 260 WATTS, DOROTHY.. 170 Warrington (Earl of) 116 WATTS, SAMUEL 253, 254 Warslyn, Elizabeth 470 Way, Louis 243 Warton, Michael 13 Wayet, John 511 Warton, Susanna 13 Weare, Anne 94 WARWICK, ALICE ... 392 WEARE, EDWIN-THOMAS-CLINTON 102 Warwick, Charlotte (Countess of) 296 WARWICK, ELIZABETH (COUNTESS OF) 463 Warwick, Frances (Countess of) 231 Warwick, Francis (Earl of) 463 WEARE, ESTHER-KATHARINE-CLINTON WEARE, HENRIETTA-ANNA-LOUISA...... 101 WEARE, LOUISA-EMMA-MARY 101, 102: n. 94 Weare, Thomas 101 94 Warwick, Robert (Earl of) 231 WEARE, THOMAS-WILLIAM... 101, 102: n. 94 WARWICK, SARAH 333 WEAVER, ELIZABETH 108 n. 141 WARWICK, WILLIAM 357 Weaver, Francis 379 Wase, Anne.... 146 Weaver, Martha.... 176 Wase, Christopher 8 WEAVER, MRS. 141 Wase, Hester 8 Weaver, Sarah 141 WASHBOURNE, MARY 6 Weaver, William 141 Washington, Dame Anne 14 Webb, Amelia • 440, 446 WASHINGTON, CATHERINE 14 Webb, Anne. 31, 439 Washington, Elizabeth………….. 14, 15 Webb, Augusta 416 Washington, Henry 14 Webb, Dame Barbara 294 Washington, Sir William. 14, 15 Webb, Charlotte 446 WASTFIELD, CLARE 42 WEBB, DAVID 17 Wastfield, Sarah.. 43 Webb, Dr. 128 Wastfield, William.. 43 Webb, Edmund 31 Waterer, Barbara 40 Webb, Elizabeth 312 Waterer, John……….. 40 Webb, Francis 312 WATERFIELD, WILLIAM Waterer, Margaret.. Waterfield, Elizabeth Waterfield, Thomas-Nelson Waterford, Henry (Marquis of) WATERS, BENJAMIN WATERS, ELIZABETH 38 Webb, Sir John 294 58 WEBB, MARY 17: n. 294 WATERFIELD, LOUISA-BENTALL .... 58 Webb, Rebecca 143 58 WEBB, RICHMOND 439 n. 446 58 WEBB, SARAH……. 446 n. 439 62 Webb, William. 31, 143 103 WEBBER, CAROLINE-FRANCES... 93, 95, 96 : 53 n. 506 WATERS, FRANCES-ELIZABETH-JANE 103 ... WEBBER, CHARLES-JAMES 96 WATERS, ISABELLA 424: n. 449 WEBBER, CYRIL-WILLIAM .... 95 Waters, Joseph 449 WEBBER, EDWARD-AUGUSTUS 506 Waters, Margaret 38 WEBBER, JAMES 93, 95, 96: n. 506 WATERS, MARY. 103 WATERS, THOMAS. 508 WEBBER, JEMIMA-ANNE-CAROLINE... WEBBER, WILLIAM-CHARLES-FYNES 96 93 Watkins, Anna-Margaret... 297 Webster, Jacob 186 WATKINS, ANNE... 475: n. 297, 350, 361, 365, WEBSTER, SIR JOHN 186 382, 413 WEBSTER, MARTHA 284: n. 242, 280 Watkins, Catharine 446 Webster, Mary .... 186 Watkins, Charles 319 WEBSTER, THOMAS 242 WATKINS, CHARLES-REIMERD... 413: n. 382, WEBSTER, WILLIAM 253 475 Weeden, Frances 12 Watkins, Christopher 297 Weeden, Thomas 12 Watkins, Dora 95 WEEDON, GRACE 12 WATKINS, ELIZABETH 21: n. 297, 319 WEEDON, THOMAS 12 Watkins, Fleetwood 319 WEELKS, RICHMOND 157 WATKINS, HENRY 319 Weelks, Stephen 157 WATKINS, MARY... 365: n. 297, 350, 361, 382 WEEMES, ANNE 243 Watkins, Mrs..... 304 Weemes, Jane.... 244 Watkins, Peter 297 Weems, Lodowick 243 WATKINS, PHILIPPA... 382: n. 297, 365, 413 WEIGALL, HENRY 60, 107 WATKINS, REIMERD... 297, 361: n. 350, 365, 382, 413 WEIGALL, LOUIS-ARTHUR-FREDERICK WEIGALL, LADY ROSE-SOPHIA-MARY 60, 107 107 4 L 626 INDEX. Weigall, Sclina 60 WESTERN, SARAH. WEKETT, ANN 29 Western. Thomas Wckett, Mary. 29 WEKETT, WILLIAM 29 Welby, Adlard 131 Welby, Jane 134 Welby, Penelope 96 Westminster, Elizabeth - Mary (Marchi- Westminster, Richard (Marquis of)... 63, 517 Westmoreland, Charles (Earl of) 282, 354 WESTMORELAND, DOROTHY (COUNTESS oness of) 42 42 63 1223 Welby, Dame Wilhelmina 96 or) 354: n. 282 Welby, Sir William-Earle 96 Welch, Richard 468 Westmoreland, Francis (Earl of) Westmoreland, John (Earl of) 185 60 Weld, Alexander 260 Westmoreland, Priscilla-Anne (Countess Weld, Anne 260 of) 60 Welder, Mrs. 367 Westmoreland, Thomas (Earl of)……….... 81, 352 Wellesley, Lady Priscilla-Anne 60 Weston, Frances... 354 Wells, Anne 248 Weston, Harcourt 451 Wells, John.. 222 Weston, Jerome. 234 Wells, Mrs. 189 WESTON, LOUISA 462 n. 451 Wells, Sarah 222 WESTON, ROBERT 451: n. 462 Welstead, Robert 39 WESTON, SARAH 42 Welstead, Dorothy. 39 WESTWOOD, JOHN. 31 .... Wemis, Ludowick 243 WESTWOOD, MARGARET 228 Wemyss, Anne Wemyss, Jane.... Wemyss, Lodowick 243 Westwood, Rebecca 31 243 WESTWOOD, SUSANNA.. 31: n. 228 243 Westwood, Theophilus 228 Wenham, John 383 ... Wetenhall, Anne 339 .... Wenman, Barbara 65 WETENHALL, RIGHT REV. Edward ... 278, Weuman, Philip (Viscount) 65 339: n. 289 Wenman, Thomas 65 .... WETENHALL, Edward 339 WENTWORTH, LADY ANNE.. 174 Wetenhall, Mary 339 Wentworth, Lady Arabella 242 Wetenhall, Philippa 289 Wentworth, Dame Barbara 65 Wetenhall, Philippa-Maria 339 Wentworth, Dorothy. 28 WETHERLEY, HAMMOND.... 290 Wentworth, Elizabeth 212 Weymes, Lodowick 244 Wentworth, John 28, 65 Weymouth, Thomas (Viscount)... 10, 365, 387 WENTWORTH. MARY 28 WHALE, GEORGE 2 Wentworth, Sir Richard 65 WHALE, LUCY 2 WENTWORTH, THOMAS (LORD) 174 Whaley, Catharine.. 320 Wentworth, Thomas 242 Whaley, William 237 Wentworth, Sir William 212 Whalley, Fenn 39 Werden, Charlotte.. 338 WHALLEY, JANE 39 Werden, Jane. 8 WHALLEY, JOHN 39 WERDEN, SIR JOHN 8: n. 338, 384, 455 Whalley, Maria-Bella 39 WERDEN, LUCY 8: n. 384 Whalley, Mirabella 39 Werden, Dame Mary. 8 Wharncliffe, Georgiana-Elizabeth (Lady) 60 Werden, Robert 8 Wharncliffe, James-Archibald (Lord) 56 ... Werden, Dame Susanna 455 • Wharncliffe, John (Lord)………. 60 Wesley, Charles 312 Wharton, Edmund.. 235 Wesley, John 312 Wharton, Elizabeth 16 WESLEY, NUTTY 312 WHARTON, HENRY 235 WESLEY, SAMUEL WESLEY, SUSANNA 332: n. 312, 315, 321 315 Wharton, Philip (Lord) 16 Whatmore, Mary 468 WESLEY, URSULA 321: n. 312, 315, 332 Whatmore, Rebecca 468 West, Alice. West, Charles.. 4 Whatmore, Sarah 468 270, 338 Wheatley, Anne... 280 West, Charles-Edward 510 Wheatley, Catherine 280 WEST, ELIZABETH West, Francis West, George.. .... West, Lady Henrietta-Cecilia. 234, 270 Wheatley, Elizabeth 280 4 Wheatley, Robert 280 390, 417, 437 WHEELER, ABRAHAM 145 West, Jane West, John. WEST, SARAH. 459 192, 510 344, 383 Wheeler, Anna-Rosina 518 Wheeler, Anne 407 WHEELER, BLANCHE 18 437: n: 387, 390, 417 WHEELER, EDMUND……….. 18 WEST, SUSANNA WEST, WILLIAM Westbrook, Elizabeth WESTBROOK, PHEBE Westbrook, William Westcott, Elizabeth Westcott, Thomas Western, Martha • 259 259, 279 Wheeler, Francis-Massey.. 519 Wheeler, Joan.. 234 40 Wheeler, Mary 262 40 Wheeler, Rebecca 145 40 WHEELER, WILLIAM 262: n. 234 243 Whetstone, Sir Bernard 260 243 Whetstone, Charlotte 42 Whetstone, Mary 294, 311 260 INDEX. 627 WHICHER, GEORGE 201 Whitworth, Anne 315 Whitaker, Ann 491 Whitworth, Charles (Earl) 426 Whitaker, Mary 323 WHITWORTH, CHARLES (LORD) 315 Whitaker, Stephen 323 Whitworth, Sir Charles 426 WIIITALL, ANN 445 Whitworth, Charles 260 Whitall, Elizabeth 415 Whitworth, Francis 315 Whitby, Alice. 119 Whitworth, Dame Martha 426 Whitby, Jane WHITBY, JOHN Whitby, Margaret Whitby, Thomas Whitby, Timothy Whitchurch, Alexander WHITCHURCH, JACOBUS WHITCHURCH, JAMES 119 Whitworth, Richard 315 119 WHITWORTH, ROBERT 426 119 1 Whytall. Ann 445 119 Whytall, Elizabeth 445 119 Whyte, James 456 427 Whyte, Robert 156 48 Whyte, William 456 48 Whytell, Ann 445 WHITCHURCH, MARY 48 Whytell, Elizabeth 445 White, Alice 18 WIAT, FRANCES 342: n. 43, 372 White, Alson 177 Wiat, Richard 342, 372 White, Amelia 353 WICKES. ELIZABETH 53 WHITE, ANN..... 66, 505: n. 475, 503, 509 WICKES, JAMES 53 White, Caroline-Anna 509 Wickins, Joan.... 5 White, Catharine 414 Widdrington, Sir Thomas 40 White, Charles-Barrett. 509 Widdrington, Ursula 40 White, Edward White, Elizabeth 218 Wiggin, Ann 267 77 Wight, John 403 WHITE, EMMELINE-ELIZA 509 Wigley, John 111 White, Fitz William 77 Wigley, Mary 441 .... White, Francis 18 WILBERFORCE, ANNA-MARIA 105 White, Frederick-William-Halhead 476 Wilberforce, Barbara 506 White, Henry 414 Wilberforce, Elizabeth 506 WHITE, HENRY-CHURCHILL 475 Wilberforce. Emily 105 White, Ignatius 177 WILBERFORCE, REGINALD-GARTON 105 White, James 177 WILBERFORCE, REGINALD-WILLIAM 105 ... White, Jane 414 Wilberforce, Robert 506 WHITE, JOHN 177: n. 418 Wilberforce. Right Rev. Samuel ... 105, 506 White, Margaret 177 WILBERFORCE. WILLIAM 506 White, Phillis 177 Wilbraham. Elizabeth 146 WHITE, ROBERT 66 Wilbraham, Mary. 140, 146, 343, 408 White, Sir Sampson 114 Wilbraham. Randle 468 White, Thomas 127 Wilbraham, Sir Thomas 140, 343, 408 White, William-Barrett-Neate White, William-Frederic White, William-Henry.... 476 Wilbraham, Thomas 146 509 WILCOCKS, ANN 81, 326: n. 388 $1,326: 475, 486, 489, 505 WILCOCKS, JANE 81, 312, 387: n. 47, 326, Whitechurch, Frances 24 Whitechurch, Sir Marmaduke. 24 WILCOCKS, JOHN Whitelocke, Sir Bulstrode 40 Whitelocke, Elizabeth …….. 40 Whitelocke, Sir James 525 D WILCOCKS, JOSEPH 388. 134, 119 WILCOCKS, RIGHT REV. JOSEPH 81. 312, 389: 47, 50. 326, 449, 482 81, 149: n. 116, 134, 182 81 WHITELOCKE, KATHERINE... £0 Wilcox, see Wilcocks. WHITELOCKE, SAMUEL 10 Wilde, Anne 16 Whitfield, Sir Ralph Whitley, Charlotte Whitley, John WHITLEY, MARY 135 Wilde, Sir John 16 16, 157 Wilde, Johu………. 2 373 WILDE, MILLICENT 2 16 Wilder. Eleanor 318 Whitley, Roger 16, 157 WILDER. HANNAH 280 Whitley, Sarah 373 Wilford, Anne.. 233 Whitmore, Anne 32 Wilford, James 233 Whitmore, Mary 179 Wilkes, John-Wood 507 Whitmore, Sir Thomas 32 WILKES, REUBEN 507: n. 487 Whitmore, William 179 WILKES, SARAH.. 487 Whitmore, William-Henry 11 WILKS, MARY 52 Whitney, Anne 108 Willan, Catherine 210 Whitney, John 108 Willan, John 210 Whittle, Anne.... 222 WILLAN, JUDITH 210 Whittle, Elizabeth 11, 168, 199, 222 Willes, Anne 418, 182 WHITTLE, MARGARET. 325 WHITTLE, MRS. WHITTLE, RICHARD WHITTLE, SACKVILLE Whittle, William 157 222: n. 232 201: n. 222, 325 11, 168, 201, 222 ... WILLES, RIGHT REV. EDWARD... 418: n. 360, 414, 484, 501 WILLES, EDWARD 82, 83, 84, 484 : n. 344, 389, 131 501 : n. 484, 186 WILLES, SIR FRANCIS 628 INDEX. WILLES, GEORGE WILLES, HENRY WILLES, JANE WILLES, JOHN 82, 344 82 WILLIAMS, DAME SUSANNA Williams, Susanna 9, 224 289 ... 82, 83, 84, 414: n. 344, 360. Williams, Thomas 431 484, 501 Williams, William... 104 WILLES, MARGARET WILLES, DAME MARY 83: n. 418, 431, 482 83, 360: n. 84 Williams, William-Pecre 46 Williamson, Anna….. 290 ... 486 Williamson, Frances 274 WILLES, MARY 84 Williamson, Jane 491 WILLES, RACHAEL 482 Williamson, John 274 WILLES, WILLIAM Willett, Charles 83: n. 84 465 WILLIAMSON, SIR JOSEPH 249, 251 Williamson, Joseph 249 WILLETT, CHARLOTTE 489: n. 439, 477 WILLIAMSON, JOSEPHA-ISABELLA 76 Willett, Francis 380, 465 Williamson, Mr.... 491 Willett, Hannah.. 465 Williamson, Thomas. 290 • • Willett, Lucinda. 465 Willington, Jane 163 Willett, Mary 380 WILLIS, ALICE 20 Willett, Ralph 489 Willis, Anne 347 Willett, Thomas 465 Willis, Ayres 347, 367 WILLETT, WARING 465 Willis, Browne.. WILLIAM III. (KING) ... 235, 250: n. 153 Willis, Catherine WILLIAM-AUGUSTUS (PRINCE) 406 .... WILLIS, EDWARD WILLIAMES, ANN 47 7, 20, 173, 187 173, 179, 427 430: n. 347, 367, 488 WILLIS, ELIZABETH...... 7, 198: n. 347, 367 Williames, Arthur 47 Willis, Grace 347 Williames, Lady Charlotte 47 Willis, Harriet 505 WILLIAMES, EDWARD 47 WILLIS, JANE 367 : n. 347, 430 Williames, Margaret 47 WILLIS, JOHN. 346: n. 367, 430, 488 William-Henry (Prince) 153 Willis, Jonathan.. 347 WILLIAMS, SIR ABRAHAM 136 n. 137 WILLIS, MARY 173: n. 20, 470 Williams, Amey 219 Willis, Prudence 198 WILLIAMS, ANNE 47, 79, 277: n. 29, 46, 299, Willis, Rachel 187 431 WILLIS, ROBERT 150 Williams, Arthur 47 WILLIS, THOMAS 7, 20, 187: n. 173, 347, 427 Williams, Sir Booth 46 Willis, William 347, 367 Williams, Celia 104 WILLOUGHBY, ELIZABETH ……. 53: n. 45, 193, WILLIAMS, CHARLES…….. 300: n. 396 237, 273, 356 WILLIAMS, SIR CHARLES-HANBURY.. 395 Willoughby, Francis (Lord) 193, 237, 273, 356 Williams, Lady Charlotte 47 Willoughby, Sir Francis 115 WILLIAMS, CHRISTIAN…….. 79 WILLOUGHBY, FRANCIS 45 WILLIAMS, DANIEL 77, 78, 79, 255, 277, 280, Willoughby, Margaret 115 299 WILLOUGHBY, MARY (LADY).. 16 WILLIAMS, DOROTHY 79 WILLOUGHBY, MARY... 45, 49 n. 155 Williams, Sir Edmund 9 Willoughby, Richard 155 WILLIAMS, EDWARD... 47, 55, 78, 255: n. 431 WILLOUGHBY, ROBERT (LORD)………… 16 Williams, Eliza 495 Willoughby, Sir Thomas 45 .... WILLIAMS, ELIZABETH ... 55, 78: n. 424, 431 Williams, Emily.... 219 WILLIAMS, DAME FRANCES 136 Willoughby, Thomas.... Willoughby de Broke, George (Lord) WILLS, SIR CHARLES 53 312 ... 359 WILLIAMS, GEORGE 277, 385, 424: n. 407 Wills, John 460 WILLIAMS, GEORGE-EBENEZER.. 495 Wills, Mary.. 359 WILLIAMS, GEORGE-HENRY 411 Wills, Mrs. 460 Williams, Henry-Hutton 424 Wills, Richard 359 WILLIAMS, HUTCHINS 46 Williams, Isabella 495 .... WILLIAMS, SIR JOHN. 9: n. 289 Willys, Sir Thomas WILLIAMS, JOHN 123, 319: n. 29, 50, 110, 150 Willys, Dame Anne WILLYS, KATHARINE WILLYS, WILLIAM 16 16 • 16 16 WILLIAMS, JUDITH 46 Wilson, Alexander.. 334 Williams, Lumley 47 WILSON, ANNE..... 6, 86: n. 183 Williams, Magdalen 165 Wilson, Belford-Hinton 513 WILLIAMS, MARGARET... 50: n. 47, 110, 123, Wilson, Benjamin. 513 424 Wilson, Bosville-John 513 Williams, Dame Mary 9 .... WILSON, CHRISTOPHER 86 Williams, Mary 431 .... Wilson, Dorothy.. 39 .... Williams, Mr. 211 Wilson, Dr.... 159 WILLIAMS, PAUL 181 Wilson, Edward-Lumley 513 WILLIAMS, PENELOPE 77 .... WILSON, ELIZABETH 482 n. 86, 108 Williams, Dame Rebecca.. 137 Wilson, Gcorge 361 Williams, Rice 111 Wilson, Jane 442, 461, 513 Williams, Richard 219 WILSON, DAME JEMIMA 499 Williams, Samuel 424 Wilson, Jemima-Mary-Gwyn 513 Williams, Sarah….. 150, 424, 431 WILSON, JOHN 6, 183: n. 151 INDEX. 629 WILSON, MARGARET. .... WILSON, MRS. Wilson, Philippa WILSON, RICHARD WILSON, SIR ROBERT-THOMAS... Wilson, Roger ► 244: n. 292 444 86: n. 39 513: n. 499 442, 461 57 Wilson, Rosabelle-Stanhope.. Wilson, William-Frederick-Platoo Wilson-Patten, Anna-Maria…….... WILSON-PATTEN, CONSTANCE-ELEANOR 103 WILSON-PATTEN, EMILY-CONSTANTIA 57, 103, 105: n. 525 WILSON-PATTEN, EUSTACE-JOHN 57, 103, 105 : n. 525 Wise, Mary.. WISE, ROBERT Wise, Thomas.. Wiseman, Mary Wiseman, Richard.. WITHAM, THOMAS. WITHER, DOROTHY Wither, Elizabeth Wither, George Wither, Henry WITHER, HUNT Wither, Robert • 86 Wirgman, Elizabeth ……….. Wirgman, Peter. 400 400 · .... 237, 246 159 237, 246 187, 328 513 513 187 155 39 39 39 39 39 39 WILSON-PATTEN, EVELYN-LOUISA 105 WITHERLEY, ELIZABETH 334: n. 290 Wilson-Patten, John 57 WITHERLEY, HAMMOND. 290: n. 526 WILSON-PATTEN, JOHN-ALFRED 105 Witherley, Rebecca 334 WILTON, ALATHEA 39 Withers, Elizabeth.. 326 Wimbledon, Edward (Viscount)………. 237 WITHERS, HENRY 326: n. 334 Winchcombe, Anne 170 WITHINS, DAME ELIZABETH 24 Winchcombe, John 170 Withins, Frances 24 Winchester, Charles (Marquis of) WINCHESTER, LUCY (MARCHIONESS OF) 111 Winchester, William (Marquis of)……………………. 111 Winchilsea, Anne (Countess of) 179, 360, 438 Winchilsea, Charles (Earl of )……………… 526 WINCHILSEA, DANIEL (EARL OF) 438: n. 179, 225 WITHINS, SIR FRANCIS 24 Withins, William 24 • Withnoll, Edward 278 Wodehouse. Blanche 30 Wodehouse, Sir Philip 30 Wolfe, Hannah 9 360 Wollaston, George-Hyde 519 Winchilsea, Elizabeth (Countess of)...... Winchilsea, Heneage (Earl of) WINCHILSEA, JOHN (EARL OF) ...... WINCKLES, BENJAMIN WINCKLES, ELIANOR 326 326, 526 326 336: n. 350 44, 81, 311 Wollaston, Henrietta 519 Wolseley, Helen.... 316 Wolseley (Lady) 316 WOOD, ALICE-PHILLIPS 62 WOOD, CHARLES 157 WINCKLES, ELIZABETH 84 WOOD, DAVID………. 230 WINCKLES, FRANCIS 44, 81, 83, 84, 350 : n. 311 Wood, Hannah 433 WINCKLES, MARTHA 84 WOOD, SIR HENRY.... 157, 161: n. 200 WINCKLES, MARY. 83, 84 WOOD, DAME MARY 161 .... • WINDE, GRACE 2 WOOD, MARY 200 WINDEBANK, ANNE 202 Wood, Mrs. 357 Windebank, Charles 255 Wood, Peter... 169 • Windebank, Charlotte 255 WOOD, WESTERN 62 Windebank, Frances... 255, 347, 352 Woodbourne, Sara 239 Windebank, Sir Francis .... 251, 353 Woodcock, Edward 396 WINDEBANK, JOHN 254: n. 204, 255, 347, 352 WOODFALL, ELIZABETH 516 Windebank, Margaret 353 Woodfall, George 498, 516 Windebank, Mary 255 WOODFALL, GEORGE-Douglas 198 Windebank, Richard.. WINDEBANK, SUSANNA Windham, Elizabeth Windham, Thomas... Windsor, Thomas (Lord) .... 255 Woodfall, Henry-Dick 516 ..... ... 204: n. 255, 347 Woodfall, Henry-Sampsou 516 526 Woodfall. Mary 198 526 Woodhouse, Dame Anne 207 10 Woodhouse, Sir Henry... 135, 192. 200, 207 WINDSOR, LADY URSULA 40 Woodhouse, Mary 135, 192, 200, 207 Windsor-Hickman, Thomas 40 Woodroffe, Judith 31 Winkles, see Winckles. Woodroffe, Robert 31 Winram (Colonel) 361 WOODROOFE, EDWARD 188: n. 163 Winram, Margery 361 Woodroofe, Lydia 188 Winstanley, James 325 WOODROOFE, MARGARET………...... 163: n. 188 Winstanley, Ralph……….. Winstanley, Robert 446 Woodroofe, Sarah 188 381 Woods, Peter 169 Winstanley, Sarah.. 381 WOODWARD, JOHN 322 WINSTANLEY, SILVIA 462: n. 412, 446 WOODWARD, MARY 361 Winstanley, Susanna... 325 WOOLF, SUSANNA 432 n. 444 WINSTANLEY, THOMAS...... 446 n. 412, 462 WOOLFE, ANNE.. 11 WINSTANLEY, THOMAS-RALPH 412 WOOLFE, BARTHOLOMEW 11 Wintell, Mary.. 359 WOOLFE, MARY 51: n. 432 Winterborne, Elizabeth 108 Woolfe, Susan 11 Winterborne, Isabel 109 WOOLLASTON, AUGUSTINE….. 43 WINTERBORNE, JOHN 108: n. 109 WOOLLASTON, ELIZABETH ………… 43 Winton, Frances Winton, John…........ 273 Woollaston, Richard………. 43 273 WOOLSE, ANNE 11 630 INDEX. Worden, see Werden. WOOLSE, BARTHOLOMEW Worcester, Charles (Marquis of) Worcester, Rebecca (Marchioness of) WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER……………. 11 Wright, Sally 255 Wright, Sarah 445 437, 440 255 ... Wright, Dame Susan. 27 WRIGHT, SUSANNA 27 97, 98, 99 WRIGHT, THOMAS... 85, 86, 401 : n. 288, 384, WORDSWORTH, DORA 99 Wordsworth, Dorothy 505 WORDSWORTH, MARY 97 386, 394, 482 WRIGHT, WILLIAM...... 85: n. 288, 292, 414 WRIGHTSON, ANNE .... Wordsworth, Priscilla-Lloyd 98 WRIGHTSON, ANTIIONY 213 18: n. 213 WORDSWORTH, SUSANNA-HATLEY 97, 98, 99 WRIGHTSON, ELIZABETH 217 Wordsworth, William 505 WRIGHTSON, MARGERY 18, 206 WORGAN, ELEANOR 423 Wrightson, Susanna 18 ... Worgan, John…………… 423 Wriothesley, Thomas.. 201 Worgan, Martha. 423 Wrixon, Anna.... 480 Worgan, Sarah 423 WRIXON, HENRIETTA 464 n. 480 Wormall, Christopher 66 Wrixon, Henry 480 Wormall, Margaret.. 66 Wrixon, Mary.. Worseley, Dame Frances 11 Wrixon, William 464, 480 464 Worseley, Sir Richard 11 Wroth, Sir Henry 248, 264 Worsley, 115 Wroth, Jane 218 Worsley, Cecilia-Eliza 94 WROTH, KNIGHTLEY 49 Worsley, Frances 365 Wroth, Mary 264 ..... Worsley, Francis 92, 94 Wroth, Robert... 49 Worsley, Mary 92 Wrottesley, Elizabeth 502 Worsley, Sir Richard……….. 404 Wrottesley, Sir Richard 502 Worsley, Sir Robert 365 Wroughton, Thomas..... 352 Worsley, Dame Seymour-Dorothy 404 Wyat, see Wiat. WORWICK, SAVERY-ANN 368 Wyatt, Benjamin-Deane 485 Wotton, Sir Henry... 201 WYATT, ELIZABETH.. 447 .... Wotton, Mr. 20 Wyatt, George 433, 447, 473 Wowen, Elizabeth.. 396 WYATT, HANNAH 433: n. 447, 473 WOWEN, JANE 393: n. 284, 396 WYATT, JAMES 485 WOWEN, JOHN.. 396: n. 393 Wyatt, Rachel 485 Wray, Aune.... Wray, Albinia... Wray, Bridget Wray, Catherine. Wray, Sir Christopher WRAY, EDWARD.. 20 Wyche, Jane 367 102 Wyche, Sir Peter 367 • 140, 149 Wyke, Aquila... 236 102 .... Wyke, Mary 236 20 Wyld, Elizabeth.. 486 140 n. 149 Wylde, Frances 143 Wray, Lady Elizabeth Wray, Grisilla.. 149 WYLDE, GEORGE 143 37 Wylde, John 143 .... Wray, Sir John Wray, John.. .... Wray, Sir William.. Wren, Charles.... Wren, Matthew Wren, Susan Wren, William 37 Wylde, Margaret 173 102 Wylde, Thomas 173, 334 140 Wyndham, Sir Hugh 168 196 Wyndham, John 25 27 Wyndham, Martha 168 27 Wyndham, Percy 334 196 WYNDHAM, REBECCA 25 Wrey, Lady Anne 141 Wyndham, Thomas 201 Wrey, Sir Chichester. Wright, Dame Anne WRIGHT, ANNE Wright, Catharine. WRIGHT, CHARLES………. WRIGHT, ELIZABETH WRIGHT, FRANCES.. Wright, Francis Wright, George Wright, Gobert-Mary-Anna. 144 41 85, 384 n. 150, 482 414 475: n. 455 27 468: n. 472 238 356 ..... WYNNE, EDWARD WYNDHAM, WILLIAM Wynn, Dame Frances Wynn, Mrs. Wynn, Sir Thomas WYNNE, ANNE Wynne, Catharine. WYNNE, DOROTHY 81, 82: n. 47, 121 215, 325 310: n. 215, 317, 325, 342, 344, 405 215, 439: n. 206 25 337 459 337 [ 288 Wynne, Ellen…………. 270 Wright, Sir Henry….. Wright, Henry WRIGHT, SIR JAMES.. Wright, John Wright, John-William 41 WYNNE, ELLIS……. 121: n. 130 288, 475 304, 168, 472, 475 WYNNE, ELIZABETH.. 342 440 WYNNE, FRANCIS 347 WYNNE, GRACE 429: n. 348, 439, 488 472 Wynne, Hugh.. 270 ... WRIGHT, MARY 85, 86, 386: n. 336, 340, 355 Wynne, Janc 121 Wright, Ralph Wright, Richard Wright, Sir Robert Wright, Robert 356, 384, 394, 475 150 336, 356 WYNNE, RIGHT REV. JOHN. 81, 82: n. 332 Wynne, Sir John 121 WYNNE, JOHN 82: n. 47, 215 27 WYNNE, LUTTRELL 440 Wynne, Margaret 488 215, 270 INDEX. 631 WYNNE, MARY WYNNE, MAURICE Wynne, Morris Wynne, Owen ... 16 206: n. 215 Yarner, Jane 382 YATEMAN, ELIZABETH 46 121 YATES, ANNE 427: n. 420 .... 215, 310, 325, 342, 344, 405 YATES, DAME ELIZABETH 55 Wynne, Sir Richard 16 Yates, Jennet 420 ... Wynne, Richard.. WYNNE, ROBERT 215 .... Yates, Sir Joseph 55 309: n. 206, 215, 270 Yates, Mary 381 Wynne, Dame Sarah. 16 Yates, Richard 434 WYNNE, SARAH. 344 Yates, Richard-Sutton 427 Wynne, Sidney 215 Yates, Thomas 381, 420, 427 WYNNE, WILLIAM………….. 405: n. 347, 348, 429, Yeamans, John 390 439, 488 Yeamans, Mary 390 Wynyard, Alice 2 Yelverton, Barbara 19 Wynyard, Amelia-Elizabeth 383 Wynyard, Ann 2, 383 Wynyard, Emily-Elizabeth 383 WYNYARD, JOHN 2, 383 Yelverton, Henry Yeomans, Joseph-Lane Yonge, Emily. Yonge, William .... 19 461 101 101 WYNYARD, MARGARET 2 YORK, ANNE (DUCHESS OF) 173: n. 154, 174, Wynyard, Mary Wynyard, William 383 383 WYRLEY, HUMPHREY 373: n. 49, 264, 268 Wyrley, Jane ... Wyrley, John………. Wyrley, Mary. Wyrley, Sibyll... Wytham, Martha Wytham, Mary WYTHAM, THOMAS 49 49 264 175, 186, 250 YORK, EDWARD-AUGUSTUS (DUKE OF) 409 YORK, JAMES (DUKE OF)... 154, 165, 166, 170, 175, 187, 201, 206: n. 173, 174, 192 York, Mary-Beatrix-Eleanora (Duchess of) 187, 192, 201, 206 49, 264, 268, 373 Young, Alexander 284 155 YOUNG, ELIZABETH 433 n. 458 155 Young, Frances 284 155 YOUNG, JOHN….. 244 Young, Mary 462 Young, Robert 324 Young, Susanna .... 324 Yardley, Gertrude YARD, MARY Yard, Robert ..... YARDLEY, ELIZABETH YARDLEY, WILLIAM Yarling, John. YARMOUTH, CHARLOTTE-JEMIMA-HEN- 46 YOUNG, WILLIAM 462: n. 424, 433 46 Younger, Elizabeth 470 22, 216 216 22: n. 216 227 RIETTA-MARIA (COUNTESS OF) 210 Yarmouth, Robert (Earl of) ... Yarmouth, William (Earl of) 211, 235, 362 210 ZOUCH, SIR EDWARD ZOUCH, DAME ELEANOR Zouch, Dame Elizabeth Zouch, Sir John. 110 110 110 316 ZULISTON, LADY Anne.. 248 Yarner, Sir Abraham 382 Zuylestein, William-Henry (Lord of) 248 On page 538 the first reference to the Right Rev. Samuel Bradford should be 332, instead of 331. THE END. UNIV. OF MICHE DEC 151913 London: Mitchell and Hughes, Printers. 24 Wardour Street, W. The Harleian Society, INSTITUTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF INEDITED MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO GENEALOGY, FAMILY HISTORY, AND HERALDRY. President. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF MANCHESTER. Vice-Presidents. THE MOST HON. THE MARQUIS OF BUTE. THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT MIDLETON. THE RIGHT HON. LORD MONSON. THE HON. HENRY ROPER-CURZON. SIR GEORGE F. DUCKETT, BART., F.S.A. SIR HENRY M. VAVASOUR, BART. RALPH ASSHETON, Esq., M.P. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, Esq., F.S.A. R. E. EGERTON-WARBURTON, Esq. Council. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, Esq., F.S.A. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Hon. Treasurer. COLONEL JOSEPH LEMUEL CHESTER. REV. F. T. COLBY, D.D., F.S.A. J. R. DANIEL-TYSSEN, Esq., F.S.A. JOHN FETHERSTON, Esq., F.S.A. DUDLEY G. CARY ELWES, Esq., F.S.A. SIR JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. FAIRLESS BARBER, ESQ., F.S.A. W. AMHURST TYSSEN AMHURST, Esq., F.S.A. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Hon. Secretary. Bankers. THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANK, 21 Lombard Street. Auditors. EDWARD BASIL JUPP, Esq., F.S.A. EVERARD GREEN, Esq., F.S.A. Hon. Local Secretary for U. S. A. W. H. WHITMORE, Esq. 2 Rules. 1. This Society shall be called the HARLEIAN SOCIETY. 2. It shall have for its chief object the publication of the Heraldic Visitations of Counties, and any manuscripts relating to Genealogy, Family History, and Heraldry, selected by the Council. 3. The Council shall consist of a President, nine Vice-Presidents, and twelve Members of Council, two of whom shall hold the posts of Secretary and Treasurer; and any four, including the Treasurer or Secretary, shall form a quorum. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman to have a casting vote. Any Candidate may be elected with the consent in writing of one Member of the Council, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. 4. Three Members of the Council shall retire in rotation annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. 5. The Annual Subscription shall be One Guinea, paid in advance, and due on the 1st day of January in each year; and Members elected after two hundred and fifty shall have joined, shall pay an Entrance Fee of 10s. 6d. in addition to their first Annual Subscription. 6. The funds raised by the Society shall be expended in publishing such works as are selected by the Council. 7. One volume at least shall be supplied to the Members every year. 8. An Annual Meeting shall be held in the month of June every year, at such time and place as the Council may direct; and due notice shall be sent to the Members of the Society at least a fortnight previ- ously. 9. No work shall be supplied to any Member unless his Subscription for the year be paid; and any Member not having paid his subscription for two years, having received notice thereof, shall cease to belong to the Society. 10. The Council may, at their discretion, pay the expense of tran- scribing from manuscripts whenever two hundred Members, at least, shall have joined the Society; but no payment in money shall be made to any person for editing any work for the Society. 11. No copies of the publications of the Society shall be supplied to persons not actually Members, and each Member shall be restricted to a single Subscription. 12. An account of the receipts and expenses of the Society to be made up to the 1st of June in each year, and published with a list of the Members and the Rules of the Society in the following Volume. 13. These Rules shall not be altered except at the Annual Meeting, and three clear weeks' notice must be given to the Secretary of any such intended alteration, 3 Report for the Year 1874-5. The Council have the pleasure of presenting the Annual Report. Since the last Annual Meeting twenty-two new members have joined the Society, thirteen have died or resigned, leaving the number at present on the roll three hundred and twenty-eight. The publication for the past year has been "The Original Visitation of Cornwall in 1620," edited by Col. VIVIAN and Dr. DRAKE. The "Registers of Westminster Abbey," to be edited by Col. CHESTER, is ready for press, and will be in the hands of the Members at the end of the year 1875. The Balance Sheet is appended to this Report, and the Council hope that it will meet with the approbation of the Members. Harleian Society. BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST MAY, 1875. Br. £ s. d. Subscriptions, etc. Balance to 31st May, 1874. Illustration Fund Donations £175 18 1 Cr. Payments Balance- £ erz s. d. Nil* 237 11 0 Subscriptions 481 1 7 413 9 1 Illustration Fund Donations. 252 14 0 Subscriptions, etc. 305 3 6 Donations to London Visitation Illustration Fund 15 3 0 £733 15 7 £733 15 7 Examined and found correct, EVERARD GREEN, EDWARD B. Jupp, Auditors. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Hon. Treasurer. * Owing to the late issue of the Visitation of Cornwall, the Society's Volume for 1874, the payments for Printing, etc., could not be made until June, 1875. 5 List of Members. G. BRINDLEY ACWORTH, F.S.A., Star Hill, Rochester. REGINALD AMES, 14 Conduit Street, Regent Street, W. W. AMHURST T. AMHURST, F.S.A., (Council), Didlington Hall, Brandon. JOHN AMPHLETT, Clent, Stourbridge. FRANK ANDREW, Apsley Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. ELY ANDREW, Mere Bank, Ashton-under-Lyne. J. E. ANDREWES, War Office, S.W. CHARLES FREDERICK ANGELL, F.S.A., 15 Grove Lane, Camberwell, S.E. The SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, Somerset House, W.C. WILLIAM SUMNER APPLETON, Boston, U.S.A. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, F.S.A. (Council), Clifton, Brighouse. GEORGE A. ARMYTAGE, Clifton, Brighouse. The EARL OF ARRAN, The Pavilion, Hans Place, S.W. RALPH ASSHETON, M.P. (Vice-President), Downham Hall, Clitheroe. JOHN ASTLEY, Broad Gate, Coventry. ATHENÆUM, Liverpool. (W. ROSCOE JONES, Librarian.) Captain W. J. ST. AUBYN, 68th Light Infantry, Brecon Barracks, Brecon, N. Wales. Lieut-Colonel BAGNALL, Shenstone Moss, near Lichfield. JOHN E. BAILEY, Chapel Lane, Stretford, Manchester. CHARLES BAKER, F.S.A., 11 Sackville Street, Piccadilly, W. FAIRLESS BARBER, F.S.A. (Council), Castle Hill, Rastrick, near Brighouse. JOSEPH GURNEY BARCLAY, 54 Lombard Street, E.C. THOMAS H. BATES, Mayfield, Wolsingham. CHARLES BATH, Ffynone House, Swansea. JOHN BATTEN, F.S.A., Aldon, Yeovil. FRANCIS BAYLEY, 66 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, W. GEORGE FREDERICK BEAUMONT, 19 Rue Demours, aux Ternes, Paris. C. H. BEDFORD, West View, Penistone, Sheffield. B. H. BEEDHAM, Ashfield House, Kimbolton. SAMUEL BIRCHAM, 46 Parliament Street, S.W. ROBERT S. BIRKBECK, Anley, Settle. The BIRMINGHAM LIBRARY, Union Street, Birmingham. (A. S. DUDLEY, Librarian.) W. H. BLISS, James Street, St. Clement's, Oxford. T. WELD-BLUNDELL, Ince Blundell Hall, Great Crosby, Liverpool. Rev. CHARLES W. BOASE, Exeter College, Oxford. REGINALD STEWART BODDINGTON, 15 Markham Square, S.W. WILLIAM EDWARD BOOLS, 7 Cornhill, E.C. Lieut.-Colonel HAWORTH-BOOTH, Derwent Bank, Malton, Yorkshire. Lieut.-Colonel JOHN BUTLER-BOWDEN, Pleasington Hall, Blackburn. BOSTON ATHENEUM, Boston, U.S.A. BOSTON, U.S., FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY (per Sampson Low and Co.). EDMUND M. BOYLE, 14 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, W. EDWARD BRABROOK, F.S.A., 28 Abingdon Street, Westminster. The Rev. WILLIAM BREE, The Rectory, Allesley, Coventry. The Hon. and Rev. JOHN R. O. BRIDGEMAN, Weston-under-Lyzard, Shifnal. THOMAS BROOKE, Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield. FRANCIS CAPPER BROOKE, Ufford Place, Woodbridge. The Rev. FREDERICK BROWN, F.S.A., Fern Bank, Beckenham, Kent. The Rev. HENRY Browne, B.A., B.C.L., Eastham Rectory, Tenbury. GEORGE BROWNE, 1 Elm Court, Temple. PERCY C. S. BRUERE, Middleham, Bedale, Yorkshire. C. G, PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, Prideaux Place, Padstow, Cornwall. 6 The Rev. JOSEPH BUCKLEY, M.A., Sopworth Rectory, Chippenham. Captain W. E. G. LYTTON-BULWER, Quebec House, East Dereham. CHARLES JOHN BURGESS, Naval and Military Club, London, W. SIR BERNARD BURKE, C.B., LL.D., Ulster King-of-Arms, Dublin. The MARQUIS OF BUTE (Vice-President), 83 Eccleston Square, S.W. J. BOND CABBELL, 39 Chapel Street, Marylebone Road, W. The CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Cambridge. (H. BRADSHAW, M.A., Librarian.) F. TEAGUE CANSICK, 28 Jeffreys Street, Kentish Town, N.W. R. BROWN CANSICK, 2 Cavendish Road, St. John's Wood, N.W. The DOWAGER COUNTESS OF CARNARVON, Pixton Park, Dulverton. GEORGE ALFRED CARTHEW, F.S.A., East Dereham, Norfolk. THOMAS CHAPMAN, F.R.S., F.S.A., 25 Bryanston Square, W. Colonel J. L. CHESTER (Council), Linden Villas, 124 Blue Anchor Road, Ber- mondsey, S.E. CHETHAM'S LIBRARY, Manchester. (THOMAS JONES, Librarian.) Sir ALEXANDER P. BRUCE CHICHESTER, Bart., Arlington Court, Barnstaple. Rev. T. CLIMENSON, Shiplake Vicarage, Henley-on-Thames. THOMAS CLOSE, F.S.A., Nottingham. The Rev. RICHARD CHUTE CODRINGTON, Haygrove, Bridgewater, Somerset. G. E. COKAYNE, F.S.A., Ashbourne House, Putney. B. COKAYNE, Ashbourne House, Putney. The Rev. FREDERIC T. COLBY, D.D., F.S.A. (Council), Litton Cheney Rectory, Dorchester, Dorset. JAMES EDWIN COLE, St. Stephen's Club, Westminster, S.W. JAMES COLEMAN, 22 High Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. J. KYRLE COLLINS, Wiltondale, Ross, Herefordshire. Col. COLLYER, 57 Kensington Gardens Square, W. JOB CONWORTH, East Retford. EDWARD COODE, Polapit Tamer, Launceston. JOHN COODE, Polcarm, St. Austell. WM. HENRY COOKE, Esq., Q.C., F.S.A., 42 Wimpole Street, London. W. H. COTTELL, 19 Barrington Road, Brixton, S.W. J. GREGORY COTTINGHAM, Edensor, Chesterfield. JAMES COUPER, Lombard Chambers, Brown Street, Manchester. W. PRIDEAUX COURTNEY, Ecclesiastical Commission, S.W. The Rev. H. O. COXE, Bodleian Library, Oxford. J. C. CRABB, 9 Queen's Terrace, Victoria Park, Manchester. Mrs. JOHN WOODHEAD CROSLAND, Thornton Lodge, Huddersfield. The Hon. HENRY ROPER-CURZON (Vice-President), 47 Argyle Road, Kensington. J. E. CUSSANS, 179 Junction Road, N. Lady ELIZABETH CUST, 13 Eccleston Square, S.W. Miss Cust, 37 Upper Berkeley Street, W. The Rev. JOHN NEALE DALTON, M.A., F.S.A., Marlborough House. R. S. LONGWORTH-DAMES, M.Á., 32 Upper Mount Street, Dublin. The Rev. G. H. DAVENPORT, Foxley, Hereford. C. W. DAVID, Cardiff, Glamorganshire. JOHN DAVIDSON, The Arts Club, W. Mrs. DAVIES, The Mount, York. E. MAY DAVIS, Green Hill, Moseley, Birmingham. ROBERT DAY, jun., F.S.A., M.R.I.A., Rockview, Montenotte, Cork. GORDON DAYMAN, St. Giles's, Oxford. The Rev. JOHN BATHURST DEANE, M.A., F.S.A., Sion Hill, Bath. Heneral JOHN DE HAVILLAND, K.J., F.S.A., Langford Court, Somerset. HEORGE DIGBY WINGFIELD DIGBY, Sherborne Castle, Sherborne, Dorsetshire. GAROLD A. DILLON, F.S.A., Swan Walk, Chelsea. 7 ROBERT DOWMAN, 29 Shakspeare Street, Ardwick, Manchester. WILLIAM DOWNING, Swiss Cottage, Acocks Green, Birmingham. Dr. HENRY HOLMAN DRAKE, Esplanade, Fowey, Cornwall. Sir WILLIAM DRAKE, F.S.A., 146 Parliament Street, S.W. Rev. JOIN INGLE DREDGE, Buckland Brewer, Bideford. Sir GEORGE F. DUCKETT, Bart., F.S.A. (Vice-President), Bramfield Hall, Saxmund- ham. GEORGE F. DUNCOMBE, 17 St. Stephen's Road, Bayswater, W. ROBERT DYMOND, F.S.A., Bampfylde House, Exeter. ALBERT EDWARDS, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Rt. Hon. The EARL OF EGMONT, Passenham Manor, Stony Stratford. The Rev. HENRY T. ELLACOMBE, M.A., F.S.A., Clyst St. George Rectory, Topsham, Devon. WILLIAM SMITH ELLIS, Hydecroft, Charlwood, Surrey. DUDLEY G. CARY ELWES, F S.A. (Council), 5 The Crescent, Bedford. V. CARY ELWES, F.S.A., Brigg, Lincolnshire. WILLIAM ROBERT EMERIS, M.A., F.S.A., Louth, Lincolnshire. C. J. EYSTON, Hendred House, Wantage. THOMAS FALCONER, one of the Judges of the County Courts, Usk, Monmouthshire. J. G. FANSHAWE, Board of Trade, Whitehall, S.W. HENRY MASTER FEILDEN, M.P., Witton Park, Blackburn. WILLIAM FENNELL, Wakefield. ROBERT FERGUSON, F.S.A., Morton Hall, Carlisle. JOHN FETHERSTON, jun., F.S.A., (Council), 17 Alexandra Terrace, Penge Road, Lower Norwood. Miss FFARINGTON, Worden, Preston. J. LEWIS FFYTCHE, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., Thorpe Hall, Louth, Lincolnshire. OSGOOD FIELD, 4 Grosvenor Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. WILLIAM FLOYD, London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. CECIL G. S. FOLJAMBE, Cockglode, Ollerton, Newark. JOSEPH FOSTER, 21 Boundary Road, St. John's Wood, N W. CHARLES H. Fox, M.D., The Beeches, Brislington, Bristol. J. F. FULLER, F.S.A., 179 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin. CLEMENT S. BEST-GARDNER, Eagle's Bush, Neath, Swansea. JOHN RIBTON GARSTIN, F.S.A., Greenhill, Killiney, co. Dublin. ARTHUR EDWARD GAYER, Q.C., LL.D., Abbotsleigh, Upper Norwood, S.E. HENRY H. GIBBS, St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, N.W. JAMES GIBSON, Salem, State of New York, U.S.A. JOSEPH GILLOW, jun., Rose Bank, Clifton Avenue, Fallowfield, Manchester. Rev. E. F. GLANVILLE, Park Villas, Oxford. ROBERT A. C. GODWIN-AUSTEN, Shalford House, Guildford. C. GOLDING, Eastern Villas, Romford. HENRY GOUGH, 20 Loru Road, Brixton, S.W. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, F.S.A. (Council), Titsey Park, Godstone. HENRY SYDNEY GRAZEBROOK, Stourbridge, Worcester. EDWARD GREAVES, M.P., Avonside, Warwick. EVERARD GREEN, F.S.A., 12 John Street, Adelphi, W.C. BENJAMIN WYATT GREENFIELD, F.S.A., Cranbury Terrace, Southampton. W. H. GREER, 29 High Street, Belfast. The Rev. WILLIAM GRICE, Sherborne House, Warwick. The Rev. HENRY THOMAS GRIFFITH, B.A., Felmingham Vicarage, Norwich. J. E. A. GWYNNE, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., 97 Harley Street, W. GORDON GYLL, Remenham House, Wraysbury, Staines. EDWARD HAILSTONE, F.S.A., Walton Hall, Wakefield. 8 Rev. H. F. HALL, M.A., Walton Vicarage, Warwick. Sir ROBERT N. C. HAMILTON, Bart., Avoncliffe, Stratford-on-Avon. PHILIP HAMOND, Mousehold House, Norwich. EDWARD HARDCASTLE, M.P., Headlands, Prestwich, Lancashire. Col. HARDING, Upcott House, Barnstaple. WILLIAM HARVEY, Harrold Hall, Bedford. The Rev. SAMUEL HAYMAN, M.A., Grange Erin, Douglas, Cork. WILLIAM C. HEANE, Cinderford, Ruardine, Gloucestershire. Lady HEATHCOTE, Hursley Park, Winchester. C. P. HEIGHAM, Wetherden, Stowmarket. THOMAS HELSBY, 6 Compton Street, Brunswick Square, W.C. A. HELYAR, Coker Court, Yeovil. SPENCER HEREPATH, 18 Upper Phillimore Gardens, W. Miss FRANCES MARGERY HEXT, Lostwithiel, Cornwall. THOMAS ROWLEY HILL, St. Catherine's, Worcester. JOHN HIRST, jun., Dobcross, Saddleworth. The Ven. Archdeacon HOLBECH, Farnborough, Banbury. DANIEL DEAN HOPKINS, F.S.A., Weycliffe, St. Catherine's, near Guildford. ROBERT HOVENDEN, Heathcote, Park Hill Road, Croydon. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, LL.D., F.S.A. (Hon. Treasurer), 3 Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, S.E. Rev. J. C. HUDSON, B.A., Thornton Vicarage, Horncastle. THOMAS HUGHES, F.S.A., 1 Grove Terrace, Chester. WILLIAM HUGHES, 89 Alexandra Road, South Hampstead, N.W. The Rev. E. B. HUNTINGTON, M.A., Stamford, Connecticut, U.S.A. The INNER TEMPLE LIBRARY, E.C. The ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin. WILLIAM JACKSON, Fleatham House, St. Bees, by Carnforth. T. E. JACOBSON, M.D., Sleaford, Lincolnshire. Rev. JOHN JANE, 12 Egerton Park, Exeter. The Rev. EDMUND JERMYN, M.A., care of R. F. Jermyn, Esq., 13 Neville Street, Onslow Square, S.W. The Rev. A. JESSOP, School House, Norwich. JOSEPH JONES, Abberley Hall, Stourport. MORRIS C. JONES, F.S.A., 20 Abercromby Square, Liverpool. H. F. T. JONES, 30 Edwardes Square, Kensington, W. EDWARD BASIL JUPP, F.S.A., Carpenters' Hall, London Wall, E.C. J. C. FITZGERALD KENNY, 2 Merrion Square South, Dublin. The Rev. EDWARD KING, B.A., F.S.A. Scot., Launceston. ARTHUR JOHN KNAPP, Llanforst House, Clifton, Bristol. T. C. SNEYD KYNNERSLEY, Moor Green, Moseley, Birmingham. Lieut.-Colonel J. H. BAGOT LANE, King's Bromley Manor, Lichfield. C. T. LANE, 3 Lombard Court, Lombard Street, E.C. PHILIP LANGMAN, 20 Spring Gardens, S.W. THOMAS LAYTON, F.S.A., Kew Bridge, Middlesex, W. Sir EDMUND A. LECHMERE, Bart., The Rhydd Court, Upton-on-Severn, Worcester. The Rev. F. G. LEE, D.C.L., F.S.A., All Saints' Vicarage, York Road, Lambeth, S.W. STANLEY LEIGHTON, Sweeney Hall, Oswestry. J. LINDOW, Eheu House, Cleator, viâ Carnforth. JOHN BURNS LINDOW, Park House, Cleator, via Carnforth. Mrs. LITTLEDALE, 19 Queen's Gate Gardens, South Kensington, W. The LIVERPOOL LIBRARY, Liverpool. The LIVERPOOL FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, William Brown Street, Liverpool. (GEO. HUDSON, Librarian.) 9 BEN. LOCKWOOD, Huddersfield. The Rev. W. J. LOFTIE, F.S.A., 57 Upper Berkeley Street, W. The LIBRARY COMMITTEE OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, Guildhall Library, E.C. WILLIAM H. DYER LONGSTAFFE, F.S.A., Gateshead. Sir JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. (Council), Bicknor Court, Coleford, Gloucestershire. The Rev. A. R. MADDISON, 2 Exchequer Gate, Lincoln. The MANCHESTER FREE LIBRARY. (A. CRESTADORO, Ph.D., Librarian.) G. BUCKLEY MATHEW, H.B.M. Minister Plenipotentiary, Rio de Janeiro. The DUKE OF MANCHESTER (President), 1 Great Stanhope Street, W. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, LL.D., F.S.A (Hon. Secretary), 60 Onslow Gardens, S.W. WALTER C. MELLER, B.A., St. John's College, Oxford. WALTER C. METCALFE, Epping, Essex. The Right Hon. VISCOUNT MIDLETON, Peper Harrow Park, Godalming. H. V. MILBANK, 35 Avenue Montaigne, Paris. The Rev. JOHN MIREHOUSE, Colsterworth Rectory, Grantham. Major R. MOLESWORTH, 25 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh. The Right Hon. LORD MONSON (Vice President), Gatton Park, Reigate. THOMAS H. MONTGOMERY, 400 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A. ALFRED W. MORANT, F.S.A., 33 Virginia Road, Leeds. Lieut.-Col. CHARLES THOMAS JOHN MOORE, F.S.A., Frampton Hall, near Boston. FREDERICK J. MORRELL, St Giles's, Oxford. GEORGE J. MURRAY, Hartford House, Werneth, Oldham. C. R. SCOTT-MURRAY, Danesfield, Great Marlow. W. MARTIAL MYDDELTON, 54 Mildmay Road, Highbury, N. NAVAL AND MILITARY CLUB, 94 Piccadilly, W. Miss NEWMAN, 6 Patshull Road, Kentish Town, N.W. Miss CHARLOTTE NEWMAN, 6 Patshull Road, Kentish Town, N.W. JAMES NEWMAN, 235 High Holborn, W.C. Major W. NEWSOME, R.E., Newcastle-on-Tyne. FREDERICK I. NICHOLL, F.S.A., 120 Harley Street, W. J. W. NICHOLL-CARNE, D.C.L., St. Donat's Castle, Bridgend, Glamorganshire. The Rev. C. B. NORCLIFFE, Petergate House, York. Colonel SIDNEY NORTH, M.P., Wroxton Abbey, Banbury. NOTTINGHAM SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY, Nottingham. (W. P. PHILLIMORE, Hon. Secretary.) The FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Nottingham. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Nottingham. (J. P. BRISCOE, Principal Librarian.) WILLIAM JOHN O'DONNAVAN, LL.D., M.R.I.A., Foxcroft House, Portarlington. The Rev. T. R. O'FFLAHERTIE, Capel Vicarage, Dorking. JOHN R. ORD, Haughton Hall, Darlington. EVAN ORTNER, 3 St. James's Street, S.W. FREDERIC OUVRY, F.S.A,, 12 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, W. The Rev. THOMAS DOUGLAS PAGE, Sibson Rectory, Atherstone. Sir CHARLES J. PALMER, Bart., Dorney Court, Windsor. The Rev. FIELDING PALMER, Eastcliffe, Chepstow. The Rev. GEORGE PALMER, F.S.A., 53 Lowndes Square, S.W. The Rev. JOHN PAPILLON, M.A., F.S.A., Lexden Rectory, Colchester. The Rev. J. T. PARKINSON, D.C.L., F.S.A., Ravendale, Grimsby. MANSFIELD PARKYNS, 59 Princes Square, W. Hon. LEVI PARSONS, 115 East 28th Street, New York. DANIEL PARSONS, St. Germain's, Woodstock Road, Oxford. D. WILLIAMS PATERSON. Newark Valley, New York, U.S.A. W. VICTOR PAULET, Sunningdale, Bournemouth. 10 EDWARD PEACOCK, F.S.A., Bottesford Manor, Brigg, Lincolnshire. HORACE PEARCE, The Limes, Stourbridge. The Rev. A. J. PEARMAN, Rainham Vicarage, Sittingbourne. IRA B. PECK, Woonsocket, Rhode Island, Ü.S.A. HENRY PECKETT, Carlton Husthwaite, Thirsk, Yorkshire. RICHARD LAWRENCE PEMBERTON, The Barnes, Sunderland. HUGH PENFOLD, Rustington, Littlehampton. W. DUNCOMBE PINK, 5 King Street, Leigh, Lancashire. GEORGE PLUCKNETT, F.S.A., Manor House, Finchley, N. The Rev. F. J. POYNTON, Kelston Rectory, Bath. Bernard QuarITCH, 15 Piccadilly. The Rev. CANON RAINE, York. J. R. RAINES, Burton Pidsea, Hull. EVELYN W. RASHLEIGH, Menabilly, Cornwall. JONATHAN RASHLEIGH, Menabilly, Cornwall. GENERAL MEREDITH READ, Consul-General of the United States, Athens. The Rev. O. J. REICHEL, Sparsholt Vicarage, Wantage, Berks. SAMUEL RIGBY, Bruch Hall, Warrington. Major ALEXANDER RIDGWAY, 2 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. The Rev. C. J. ROBINSON, M.A., Norton Canon Vicarage, Weobly. The Rev. T. OWEN ROCKE, Clungunford Rectory, Aston-on-Clun. R. R. COXWELL-ROGERS, F.S.A.. Dowdeswell Court, Andoversford, Gloucester. The Rev. EDWARD ROGERS, M.A., Odcombe Rectory, Ilminster, JOHN R. ROLLINS, M.A., Lawrence, Massachusetts, U.S.A. J. BROOKING ROWE, 16 Lockyer Street, Plymouth. The ROYAL LIBRARY, Windsor Castle. The Rev. DAVID ROYCE, The Vicarage, Lower Swell, Stow-on-the-Wold. JAMES RUSBY, 21 Ainger Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. EDWARD RUSSELL, Boston, U.S.A. J. PAUL RYLANDS, Highfield, Thelwall, Warrington. Lieut.-General Sir JOHN ST. GEORGE, K.C.B., 22 Cornwall Gardens, Queen's Gate, W. JOHN EDMUND SANDBACH, Shawe Holme, Withington, Manchester. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, F.S.A. (Vice-President), Lower Eatington Park, Strat- ford-on-Avon. ROBERT HARDISTY SKAIFE, 5 Blenheim Place, Holgate Road, York. The Rev. E. H. MAINWARING SLADEN, M.A., F.R.G.S., The Gore, Bournemouth. CONINGSBY C. SIBTHORP, Canwick Hall, Lincoln. JUSTIN SIMPSON, 13 Burghley Lane, Stamford. J. S. SMALLFIELD, 32 University Street, W.C. A. R. SMITH, 36 Soho Square, W.C. HUBERT SMITH, Belmont House, Bridgnorth. J. C. C. SMITH, H.M. Probate Court, Doctors' Commons, E.C. S. S. SMITH, Burcote, Bridgnorth. The Rev. WALTER SNEYD, Keele Hall, Newcastle, Staffordshire. SOMERSETSHIRE ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Museum, Taunton. THOMAS STEWARDSON, Germantown, Philadelphia, U.S.A. The Rev. HUGH A. STOWELL, Breadsall Rectory, Derby. JOHN SYKES, M.D., F.S.A., Doncaster. The Rev. JAMES TAYLOR, Whicham Rectory, Sylecroft, Cumberland. Miss CAROLINE C. THAYER, Boston, U.S.A. SAMUEL VOSPER THOMAS, Newborough, Wimborne, Dorset. Mr. G. BLUNDELL-THOMPSON, The Grove, Allerton, Liverpool. CHARLES THURMAN, Bookseller, Carlisle. ROBERT F. TOMES, Weston, Stratford-on-Avon. 11 T. G. TOMPKINS, Great Ouseburn, York. GEORGE D. TOMLINSON, Huddersfield. HENRY TREHERNE, Latymer House, Brook Green, W. Sir J. SALUSBURY TRELAWNY, Bart., M.P., Trelawne, Liskeard, Cornwall. Sir WALTER C. TREVELYAN, Bart., Wallington, Newcastle-on-Tyne. JOSEPH HERBERT TRITTON, 54 Lombard Street, E.C. STEPHEN TUCKER, College of Arms, E.C. WILLIAM HENRY TURNER, 8 Turl Street, Oxford. The Rev. SAMUEL BLOIS TURNER, F.S.A., South Elmham, IIalesworth, Suffolk. PHILIP TWELLS, M.P., Chase Side House, Enfield. J. R. DANIEL-TYSSEN, F.S.A. (Council), 9 Lower Rock Gardens, Brighton. Sir HENRY M. VAVASOUR, Bart. (Vice-President), 8 Upper Grosvenor Street, W. BENJ. LLEWELYN VAWDREY, Tushington Hall, Whitchurch, Salop. Colonel VIVIAN, Rose Hill, Camborne, Cornwall. Major P. D. VIGORS, Junior United Service Club, S.W. HENRY WAGNER, F.S.A., 16 King Street, St. James's, S.W. EDWARD WALTHAM, Walcombe House, Stockwell Green, London, S.W. R. E. EGERTON-WARBURTON (Vice-President), Arley Hall, Northwich. The EARL OF WARWICK, Warwick Castle, Warwick. EDMOND CHESter Waters, 153 Queen's Road, Bayswater, W. WATKINSON LIBRARY, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A. FRANK G. WATNEY, Landmone, Aghadomey, co. Derry. JOHN WATNEY, jun., F.S.A., F.R.G.S., 34 Clement's Lane, E.C. The Rev. JAMES WEBB, M.A., The Parsonage, Hartshead, Normanton. ARCHIBALD WEIR, M.D., St. Mungho's, Great Malvern. W. H. WELDON, College of Arms. Colonel GOULD WESTON, 22 Thurloe Square, S.W. HENRY WHITE, New Haven, Connecticut. WILLIAM H. WHITMORE, Boston (Hon. Local Sec. for U.S.A.). The Rev. THOMAS WHORWOOD, D.D., Vicar of Willoughby, near Rugby. The Rev. AUGUSTIN WILLIAMS, Icomb Rectory, Stow-on-the-Wold. MICHAEL WILLIAMS, Tregullow, Scorrier, Cownwall. FRANCIS WILLINGTON, Tamworth, Warwickshire. The Hon. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, Boston, United States. R. H. WOOD, F.S.A., Penrhos House, Rugby. CHARLES H. L. WOODD, F.G.S., Roslyn, Hampstead, N.W. ASHBEL WOODWARD, M.D., Franklin, Connecticut, U.S.A. RICHARD WOOF, F.S.A., F.R.S.L., Guildhall, Worcester. WILLIAM W. E. WYNNE, F.S.A., Peniarth, Towyn, Merioneth. PUBLICATIONS. VOL. I.-The Visitation of London, in 1568, by Cooke. Edited by J. J. HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., and G. J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. VOL. II.—The Visitation of Leicestershire, in 1619, by Lennard and Vincent. Edited by JOHN FETHERSTON, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. VOL. III.-The Visitation of Rutland, in 1618, by Camden. Edited by GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. VOL. IV. The Visitation of Nottingham in 1614. Edited by GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.D. VOL. V.--The Visitations of Oxford in 1574 and 1634. Edited by W. H. TURNER, Esq. VOL. VI.—The Visitation of Devonshire in 1620. Edited by the Rev. F. T. COLBY, D.D., F.S.A. VOL. VII.-The Visitation of Cumberland in 1615. Edited by J. FETHERSTON, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. VOL. VIII. Le Reve's Catalogue of Knights. Edited by GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. VOL. IX. The Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. Edited by Col. VIVIAN and Dr. H. H. DRAKE. VOL. X.-The Registers of Westminster Abbey. Edited by Colonel CHESTER. Vols. IV., V., VI., VII. are out of print. TO BE PUBLISHED. VOL. XI. The Visitation of Somersetshire in 1623. To be Edited by the Rev. F. T. COLBY, D.D., F.S.A. (In the Press.) The Visitation of London, 1633-4. To be Edited by J. J. HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., and Colonel CHESTER. The Visitation of Staffordshire. To be Edited by JOHN FETHERSTON, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. The Visitation of Bedfordshire. To be Edited by H. GOUGH, Esq. The Visitation of Berkshire. To be Edited by W. H. TURNER, Esq. The Visitation of Warwickshire. To be Edited by JOHN FETHERSTON, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. The Visitation of Devon in 1564. To be Edited by the Rev. F. T. COLBY, D.D., F.S.A. List of Knights with their Arms, from Hen. VIE. to James E. To be Edited by Sir JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. Printed by MITCHELL and HUGHES, 24 Wardour Street, W. { UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02591 8437